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synced 2025-03-12 01:56:36 -04:00
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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
| |
| September 22 |
| |
| 1910 - On this evening a UFO landed remotely at the Dunkirk |
| Waterworks in Chautauqua County, New York. It was witnessed by a Mr. |
| D. Ready. (Source: Peter Rogerson, World-Wide Catalog of Type 1 |
| Reports, citing FSR, May-June 1970, p. 11). |
| |
| 1953 - At 9:00 a.m. an object shaped like an airplane "wing tank" |
| fell from the sky over Ontario, California. It stopped in midair, |
| turned into a circular shape, then shot off toward the north at an |
| extreme speed. There were four military witnesses. Another UFO was |
| seen later that day by a man named Bray in Hayward, California in |
| Alameda county at 11:45 a.m. (Source: Loren E. Gross, UFOs: A |
| History. 1953: August-December, p. 23; Project Blue Book files |
| counted in official statistics, September 1953, case 14). |
| |
| 1954 - At 8:00 p.m. red luminous cloud-cigar was seen by three people |
| emitting disc-shaped UFOs in Fontainebleu, France. The object was |
| surrounded by a luminous vapor. The cigar-shaped UFO flew in a manner |
| to avoid a passing airplane. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer |
| database, citing Jacques Vallee, Challenge to Science: The UFO |
| Enigma, p. 66). |
| |
| 1954 - In Marshfield, Missouri at eleven o'clock in the morning |
| private pilot J. N. Williams and his friend E. J. Ash observed a |
| thin, translucent tan asymmetrical boomerang-shaped object as it came |
| down behind some trees. The object appeared to be revolving, and it |
| then tumbled down behind the trees. Marks were found in the dirt at |
| the supposed landing site. The ground was "pulverized" with dirt torn |
| up and small rocks disturbed. Their sighting lasted 15 minutes. |
| (Sources: Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, |
| case 3226; J. Allen Hynek, The Hynek UFO Report, p. 178; Don |
| Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns). |
| |
| 1955 - At Hickham Field in Honolulu, Hawaii at 7:30 p.m. a huge |
| sausage-shaped craft, traveling at a speed of 1,700 mph and an |
| altitude 32,000 feet, was tracked on several radar sets and seen |
| visually by many. (Sources: Civilian Saucer Intelligence (New York) |
| Newsletter, February 1956, p. 29, citing M. Myerson; Loren E. Gross, |
| UFOs: A History. 1955: September 15-December, p. 2). |
| |
| 1956 - At 7:50 p.m. Mr. Borrud, an amateur astronomer, sighted a dull |
| metallic elliptical object over Williston, North Dakota. It was the |
| size of a small airplane, and it oscillated in a side-to-side motion |
| as it moved above the Missouri River. The estimated speed of the |
| craft was 150 miles per hour, and the sighting lasted five minutes. |
| (Sources: Leonard H. Stringfield, CRIFO Orbit, November 1956, p. 3; |
| Thomas M. Olsen, The Reference for Outstanding UFO Reports, case 79; |
| Richard F. Haines, International UFO Reporter, April 2000, p. 25). |
| |
| 1967 - In Caracas, Venezuela a horse trainer was awakened on this |
| night by the presence of an intruder who first tugged at the |
| trainer's pillow, then grasped his arm tightly. As the man tried to |
| sit up, the attacker encircled his neck with its arm trying to choke |
| him. A horse in the nearby stables began neighing and the attacker |
| let go and fled. The man screamed for help and was found to have |
| several cuts and abrasions where he had been scratched by claws or |
| sharp fingernails. A short while later another stable worker heard a |
| horse acting up again, and as he approached the stall a small figure |
| about the size of a boy, 3.5 feet tall, "zoomed" out of the stall and |
| was gone in seconds. The figure was described as a hairy dwarf, and |
| looking like a chimpanzee or monkey. The horse was skitish for |
| several days following the incident. (Sources: Jim & Coral Lorenzen, |
| UFOs Over the Americas, p. 83; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: |
| Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-98, citing Jim & Coral |
| Lorenzen). |
| |
| 1967 - At 8:30 p.m. a priest named O'Sullivan saw a luminous ball of |
| light in the sky while driving three miles outside of Gravois Mills, |
| Missouri with two other men. The UFO swung around to the northwest, |
| then to the north, and flew off toward the northeast. It was flat |
| with a dome shape on top. The sighting lasted 15 minutes. (Source: |
| Ted Phillips, Skylook, January 1968, p. 3). |
| |
| 1969 - On this evening a woman was walking with her son along a |
| footpath in a wooded area in Montreal, Quebec when they noticed a |
| bright circular object on the ground at the edge of the woods. There |
| were three men standing outside of the object and two men inside. The |
| men were described as very tall, over seven-foot tall, thin, and |
| wearing tight-fitting one-piece garments. The witness left to get |
| other witnesses but upon returning the object and the humanoids were |
| already gone. A circular flattened area of grass was found at the |
| site. That same evening in Saratoga, New York at 7 p.m. a large |
| circle of white light was seen by three witnesses. It was flashing |
| red, green and orange lights. It made no sound as it moved very |
| slowly off at a low altitude. (Sources: (1) Jean Claude Bourret, The |
| Crack of The Universe, p. 111, citing field investigator Cazeau; (2) |
| Richard Bonenfant, Proceedings of the CUFOS Conference: 1976 , p. 49, |
| citing The Albany Knickerbocker, September 23, 1969). |
| |
| 1971 - An 18-year-old apprentice was riding his motorcycle near the |
| beach in Semaphore Park Beach, South Australia at 8:40 p.m. when he |
| saw a dull form in the sky with lighted sections. It descended to |
| fifty feet over the sea, as close as 150 feet away. When he shone his |
| motorcycle's high beam headlight on the object the light dimmed. When |
| he did it a second time it did not respond again. (Source: Keith |
| Basterfield, Australian Flying Saucer Review, February 1972, p. 21). |
| |
| 1971 - At 11:45 p.m. a silent ovoid-shaped UFO flew at 500 to 1000 |
| meters altitude over the city of Marseille, France illuminating the |
| area below it yellow in color. It made a sudden 70 degree turn and |
| shot off toward the north. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # |
| 127). |
| |
| 1971 - Sr. Paulo Caetano Silveira, age 27, a typewriter technician, |
| found his car being followed by a red luminous disc while driving to |
| his home in Itaperuna, Brazil. At Tombos he reported the matter to |
| the local police, but they did not take him seriously. After he |
| calmed down he started off again. This time, at about 7 p.m. and at a |
| small village named Serraria, he encountered a black object on the |
| road that turned a luminous red and then blinding white in color, and |
| his car engine died. The object, slightly larger than a Volkswagen, |
| had small windows and an open door. Next to it were standing three |
| short, chubby beings approximately 20 inchestall, with fair |
| complexions and slanted eyes. They wore one-piece, sky-blue coveralls |
| with high collars, and "Roman helmets" with spikes. They carried |
| vivid red and blue lights and moved in a stiff, mechanical way. |
| |
| Two bright beams of light were focused on the witness's car and its |
| doors popped open. These beams pulled the witness from the car and |
| into the machine, whose interior was brilliantly illuminated by white |
| light. There was little in the way of furnishings inside, but inside |
| were five more similar dwarfs. "An infernal din" commenced and |
| believes the object flew some distance with him, but he shortly lost |
| consciousness. The next thing he was remembered was being carried out |
| and laid on the road beside his car. The UFO then rose vertically, |
| hovered a moment, then shot off laterally at a staggering speed. The |
| witness was left in a state of shock and nearly blind. For five days |
| he still could not see well and was extremely nervous. His watch had |
| lost 15 minutes. (Source: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: |
| Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, citing Dr. Munir Russade and Dr. |
| Walter Buhler). |
| |
| 1971 - That same night in Twin Falls, Idaho two young boys reported |
| that their farm animals were frantic when an orange UFO flashed and |
| circled overhead. (Source: NICAP UFO Investigator, September 1971, p. |
| 3). |
| |
| 1972 - At 9:00 a.m. Virgilio Gomez was driving along a lonely road |
| near the University's experimental farm in Palenque, San Cristobal, |
| Dominican Republic when a man wearing a light green coverall that |
| covered even his feet waved him down. The man wore no gloves, and had |
| a sort of watch on his wrist. The man identified himself as Freddy |
| Miller, a well-known Dominican baseball player who had disappeared |
| mysteriously more than 13 years ago on May 5, 1959. He said that a |
| UFO had rescued him from drowning in a boating accident, when two of |
| his companions drowned, "because of my knowledge of radio technology |
| and my intelligence." Nearby were two slender men seven feet tall. |
| They were dressed like Miller. They had complexions like Orientals |
| and short, chestnut colored hair. Miller pointed out to Gomez the |
| craft in which they had arrived: it was football shaped, the size of |
| an automobile, with a bright "nickel plated" surface. The |
| conversation continued for about five minutes, during which Miller |
| told Gomez that the humanoids were "supposedly from Venus." Then |
| Gomez was told to leave, because theywere departing, and not to worry |
| if his car wouldn't function, because it would return to normal |
| spontaneously. As he drove away Gomez saw the three men approach and |
| get into the UFO. (Sources: Leonte N. Objio, APRO Bulletin, January |
| 1982, p. 5; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of |
| Humanoid Reports, case 1972-27 (A1170), citing Danilo Rodriguez |
| Dominguez, Stendek, March 1973). |
| |
| 1973 - At around 6:00 a.m. Isobel Nielson saw an object that at first |
| seemed oval shaped, then assumed a domed disc perspective, as she was |
| travelling on the train near London, England from Glasgow, Scotland. |
| She could not recall the exact location. (Source: J. Bernard Delair, |
| The UFO Register, Volume 5, 1974, p. 51, case 600). |
| |
| near London, England - September 22, 1973 |
| |
| [] |
| |
| 1974 - In Tayene, Tasmania, Australia a married woman was driving her |
| car along a mountain road with the radio on when the whole area lit |
| up and a high-pitched whistle came over the radio. A glowing |
| orange-silver disc dropped toward the road and approached to within |
| 20 meters. It hovered 25 meters in front of the car just three meters |
| above the road as the woman backed up the car to escape. It then shot |
| straight up. The witness felt sick after incident. (Sources: W. K. |
| Roberts, FSR, February 1976, p. 23; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports |
| Involving Vehicle Interference, page 63). |
| |
| 1976 - A TAP Boeing 707 reported a near collision with a luminous UFO |
| being escorted by four smaller satellite objects near Lisbon airport, |
| Portugal. (Source: Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. |
| 40). |
| |
| 1976 - In Regal, Minnesota a ten-year-old boy saw a 3 to 3.5 foot |
| tall green humanoid tapping on his bedroom window at 10:30 p.m. It |
| had big red eyes, no nose, a slit for a mouth, and long arms. It |
| walked to the edge of the roof and floated down to the ground. |
| Outside was a gray rectangular UFO that made no sound. It rose up |
| into the sky vertically. (Sources: John Barry, CUFOS case |
| investigations file, citing Kandiyodi County Sheriff's Office; |
| International UFO Reporter, November 1976, p. 5). |
| |
| 1977 - An elongated object with brightly lit windows passed |
| Continental Airlines flight 954 near El Paso, Texas on a cloudy |
| morning at 5:25 a.m. There were three witnesses onboard the DC-10. |
| (Sources: APRO Bulletin, October 1977, p. 1; Dominique Weinstein, |
| Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 40; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, |
| Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, pp. 21 & 123). |
| 1980 - At 3:43 a.m. another air collision nearly occured over the |
| Caribbean Sea south of Haiti between Pan Am flight 440 and an |
| unidentified bluish-green cigar-shaped object. The UFO had a |
| horizontal row of 5-6 steady lights, which the flight crew presumed |
| were windows. The distance between the Pan Am flight and the UFO at |
| its closest approach was less than a mile. The estimated length of |
| the UFO was 50 feet. It changed course when the plane flashed its |
| landing lights. The event was witnessed independently by the crew of |
| two other airliners in the area. (Source: Allan Hendry, International |
| UFO Reporter, November 1980, p. 12). |
| |
| 1988 - On a highway in Walcha, New South Wales, Australia at 7:30 |
| p.m. a car engine died and the driver reported it got cold inside the |
| car when a red light hovered over his car for five minutes. (Source: |
| Keith Basterfield, Keith Basterfield investigation files, citing |
| investigator Bryan Dickeson; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case |
| 14733, citing John Schuessler, Physiological Effects from UFOs). |
| |
| 1992 - On this day a group of children flying kites in Sentul, West |
| Persekutuan, Malaysia saw a tiny being, which they described as |
| human-like in appearance but measuring only 15 cm tall. The body was |
| reported to be greenish in color and shiny. They said that the hands |
| had only three fingers. On seeing the witnesses, the tiny creature |
| scurried away into the housing project that was still under |
| construction. On the same day a 13-year-old student, Law Wai Chow, |
| claimed to have encountered a strange tiny entity in the same area. |
| He described it as having eyes like those of humans but red in color |
| and with no eyebrows. The creature had pointed ears. That afternoon |
| another boy, Mohd Najib Rasli, age 12, went to the site where the |
| creatures were reported earlier in the day. He spent nearly an hour |
| searching for the creatures. Finally at 3 p.m. he spotted the tiny |
| being near a hole in the ground. He tried to catch it but it |
| immediately ran away and was lost from view. (Source: Albert S. |
| Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1992, citing Ahmad Jamaludin, |
| Centre for Malaysian UFO Studies). |
| |
| 1992 - About 15 members of an international UFO group had gone to the |
| scene of previous encounters in Huaika Tabio, Colombia and were |
| waiting for any unusual phenomena. At 8:05 p.m. they saw a large |
| orange-colored sphere descend from the mountain and land about 300 |
| meters away from them. Five from the group approached and watched a |
| beam of white light strike the ground ahead of them. From the ground |
| it became a crescent shaped light, blue in color. Smoke then rose |
| around the object and a tall blond-haired, Nordic-looking individual |
| emerged from the smoke. He walked around briefly, then entered the |
| crescent-shaped light. Everything then just disappeared. (Source: |
| Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1992, citing Grupo |
| Contacto OVNI, Colombia). |
| |
| 1994 - At four o'clock at night a 40-meter long triangular UFO flew |
| over a farmhouse in Sornay, Saone-Loire department, France. The |
| farm's dog barked furiously, and the UFO shot away at an incredible |
| speed. The sighting lasted 3 minutes. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, |
| issue # 329). |
| |
| 1995 - On hearing a humming sound at 8:45 p.m., four people in Navaho |
| Estates, Colorado went outside to see a 100 meter long rectangular |
| object move slowly to the west at 60-80 feet altitude. It was yellow |
| and had white lights oscillating on a rounded front, and red lights |
| in the rear. After it went over a ridge eight or more blinking |
| nocturnal lights crisscrossed in the same direction. Livestock in the |
| area panicked. The entire sighting lasted about two minutes. |
| (Sources: UFO Newsclipping Service, January 1996, citing Pueblo |
| Chieftain; Christopher O'Brien, Enter the Valley, p. 315). |
| |
| 1995 - In Redmond, Washington at 9:30 p.m. dogs were barking as one, |
| and then four round objects with lights hovered overhead for about a |
| minute. (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, |
| Seattle). |
| |
| 1997 - A 67-year-old married couple named Becker heard a loud noise |
| outside their rural home in Frazee, Minnesota at 11:30 p.m. Then they |
| saw five brilliant lights on a lenticular-shaped object the size of a |
| house. No structure could be discerned, but the UFO radiated bluish |
| beams of light. Three more lights, round in shape, formed a triangle |
| in the sky. (Source: Craig R. Lang, MUFON Minnesota). |
| |
| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 13 August 2005). |
| |
| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
| |
| Theme |
| s: abduction, aircraft encounters, animal reactions: dogs and farm an |
| imals frantic, blue uniforms, boomerang or V-shaped UFO, cigar-shaped |
| UFOs, disc-shaped UFOs, domed discs, elliptical shaped UFOs, hairy d |
| warf, landing traces, luminous UFOs, missing time, multicolored UFOs, |
| multi-year reports from France and Missouri, Nordic-looking UFOnaut, |
| orange UFOs, physiological effects: eyesight affected for five days, |
| radar-visual confirmation, red UFOs, satellite objects accompanying |
| larger UFOs, sensation of cold, short humanoids, stiff walking humano |
| ids, tall thin UFOnauts, triangular UFO, vehicle EM ignition interfer |
| ence effects, vertical ascent, whistling sound, wristwatch lost time. |
| |
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