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synced 2025-03-12 01:56:36 -04:00
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Organization: Alexa Crawls
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Collection: 52_crawl
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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
| |
| September 12 |
| |
| 1952 - A group of young people in Flatwoods, West Virginia saw a |
| "meteor" land on top of a hill and went to the site. They were |
| accompanied by Kathleen Hill and three men. They observed a globe as |
| large as a house making a throbbing or hissing sound. A huge black |
| figure with glowing orange eyes blocked the path. About 12 feet high |
| (4 meters), the figure had a reddish face and "floated" toward the |
| witnesses, who fled in terror. A lingering smell and skid marks were |
| found at the site. (Source: Charles Bowen, The Humanoids, p. 52). |
| |
| 1952 - That same evening in Allen, Maryland at 9:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. |
| David Kolb, of the Ground Observer Corps, viewed a white light with |
| red trim through binoculars. It had streamers of light coming off it |
| as it flew toward northeast for 35 minutes. (Source: Don Berliner, |
| Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns). |
| |
| 1953 - Brovst, Denmark was the scene of an attempted abduction of a |
| girl by two humanoids emitting a golden light. Their hands were |
| rugged and cold like a fish. (Sources: Jimmy Guieu, Les SV Viennent d'un Autre |
| Monde; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. |
| 204). |
| |
| 1971 - On this night Juan De La Palmareno, an 81-year-old peasant, |
| was guarding a melon field in Aznacollar, Spain from poachers when he |
| saw a vessel "as big as a bus" land near an old well. Many, perhaps |
| over 50, blue uniformed men without headgear disembarked. Most of |
| them went down into a depression in the field, but 5 or 6 stayed |
| behind, and one of these shone a light into the witness eyes. He went |
| into the village to report this, followed for much of the way by two |
| men with a light. Ground marks were said by the witness to have been |
| left at the landing site. (Source: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, |
| HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1971-22, citing Manuel |
| Osuna, Felipe Laffitte, and Ignacio Darnaude). |
| |
| 1973 - Kent, Litchfield County, Connecticut - At 10:30 p.m. two |
| 17-year-old boys were driving north on Route 7 from Westchester |
| County, New York to Connecticut and saw a large oval object with |
| flashing colored lights when they were several miles south of town. |
| The object hovered just over the ridge on the west side of the |
| Housatonic River, and they stopped and got out for a better look. |
| They were joined by another couple, a boy and girl also driving back |
| from Westchester to Connecticut. Meanwhile on Spooner Hill, in Kent, |
| Connecticut to the east, a witness on his way to visit his friends, a |
| young married couple, saw the same object and when he arrived at his |
| friend's house, he called them outside. By this time the object had |
| dropped behind a ridge, although they could still see its lights |
| shining over the crest of the hill. They got into the witness car and |
| drove down the hill to Route 7, where they met the four younger |
| people. |
| |
| All seven then drove north into town to bring back two additional |
| witnesses. The large object was no longer visible, but they now saw a |
| dozen or so smaller whitish lights maneuvering in a circular pattern |
| just this side of the ridge. These lights then separated into a |
| single line and proceeded north toward Mt. Algo, just southwest of |
| the main section of Kent. The witnesses got into their cars and |
| followed the lights toward Kent. The two additional witnesses were |
| dropped off in town while the other seven turned west on Rte. 341 and |
| crossed the bridge over the river, heading toward Mt. Algo. There |
| they turned south on Schaghticoke Road, which runs along the base of |
| the mountain, to Bonu's Field, an open spot about a mile south. The |
| group assembled there briefly but was unable to see anything. |
| Meanwhile, at about the same time, a separate group of three teenage |
| girls, camping out in a backyard along the Housatonic, observed a |
| line of lights descending Mt. Algo on its steep, north side. The |
| witnesses at Bonu's field had gotten back in their cars and drove |
| north again to the junction of Rte 341, where they discovered a small |
| parked white car that had not been there a few minutes earlier. They |
| parked their cars and the two younger boys got out and asked the |
| occupants of the white car (two unidentified girls) if they had seen |
| anything unusual. They said that they were waiting for a group of |
| hikers who had told them an hour earlier that they were "hiking over |
| the mountain" and that the girls should meet them there. |
| |
| Just then a group of 15 to 20 "hikers" came jogging down Schaghticoke |
| Road from the same direction the young people had just driven (they |
| had not seen anyone on the road). Each "hiker" had a lighted hat like |
| a miner's hat on his head and they all carried poles or "rods." They |
| were mumbling or "chanting" and approached in a double column. They |
| did not answer the boy's questions as they passed on either side of |
| them, when asked where they'd come from. According to the young |
| people, the "hikers" apparently turned right at Route 341 and headed |
| towards Kent. However, when they all got back in their cars and drove |
| after them, the "hikers" were nowhere to be seen--as though they had |
| disappeared into thin air. According to the two young men and the |
| younger couple, there were at least two hours they could not account |
| for. The three older people could not recall what they did or where |
| they went after the "hikers" passed them. Hypnotic regression was |
| attempted, but the results are not described. (Source: David F. Webb |
| & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1973-122, |
| citing Budd Hopkins, Ted Bloecher Dr. Aphrodite Clamar, and Dr. |
| Robert Naiman). |
| |
| 1981 - After having a late dinner with some friends, Mauricio Cavallo |
| decided to drive around Monferrato hill in Trino Vercellese, |
| Piemonte, Italy. He parked his vehicle and proceeded to explore on |
| foot. He soon saw a bright football-shaped light that appeared to |
| descend into the thick woods. After checking where he thought the |
| light had landed, and failing to find anything, he decided to drive |
| home. At home he felt uneasy and could not sleep. Inexplicably, |
| around three a.m. he decided to drive back to the site where the |
| light had come down. When he arrived he was overcome by a strange |
| malaise, and soon saw a reddish orange yellow light floating about |
| 100 meters away. Terrified, Cavallo felt himself being levitated up |
| towards the light. His next recollection was of being inside a sphere |
| where he was able to perceive numerous lights and movement around |
| him. He then heard a metallic voice in his head tell him not to be |
| afraid. Soon a tall woman, about 1.90 meters in height, appeared in |
| front of Cavallo. She had black hair in a bun, Oriental shaped eyes, |
| and she lacked any fingernails. She wore a long sleeveless habit with |
| white boots. Among other things, the woman told Cavallo that she |
| hailed from the planet Clarion and that her name was Ciama. (Source: |
| Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1981, citing Moreno |
| Tambellini, Alieni in Italia). |
| |
| 1997 - In West Palm Beach, Florida a woman named June, who had been |
| involved in previous humanoid close encounters, had gone to bed early |
| because she was falling asleep while lying down watching television. |
| At ten o'clock in the evening she awoke to find a Grey humanoid |
| standing over her in her bedroom. She tried to fight him off by |
| hitting him, but her hand seemed to swat thin air. She could see her |
| hand go right through the alien's body. She screamed out loud, |
| telling him to go away. All the time she kept trying to hit the |
| creature, nothing seemed to work. The alien stayed right beside her. |
| Then suddenly another voice came from nowhere and it said, "Go away!" |
| This voice sounded in slow motion. It was a very deep and masculine |
| voice. Surprinsingly, the being vanished. She remained paralyzed from |
| her waist down, and she was so sluggish her brain seemed as if it had |
| been drugged. She wanted to go back to sleep, but somehow she knew if |
| she did something bad would happen. After struggling for awhile she |
| was able to move and sat up in bed. It took several more minutes |
| before she could get to her feet and stagger into her living room. |
| She stayed up until 3:30 a.m. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid |
| Contact Database 1997, citing Miami Skyscan, March 2000). |
| |
| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 14 September 2004). |
| |
| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
| |
| Themes: abductions, bedroom visitation, blue uniforms |
| , failed abduction attempt, giant Ufonaut, glowing orange eyes, Grey |
| humanoid, hissing sound, human-looking UFOnaut with Oriental features |
| , landing traces, levitation, missing time, odor, spheres, telepathy. |
| |
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