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synced 2025-03-12 01:56:36 -04:00
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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
| |
| October 6 |
| |
| 1952 - A cigar-shaped object was seen in Oran, Algeria at 6:30 p.m. |
| At 7:28 p.m. two witnesses onboard an Air France DC-4 flying |
| over Draguignan, Var, France sighted a white luminous object that |
| looked like an elongated egg with a bluish-white tail. (Sources: (1) |
| Robert Gribble, MUFON UFO Journal, October 1987, p. 18; (2) Aime |
| Michel, The World of Flying Saucers, p. 145; Dominique Weinstein, |
| Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 19). |
| |
| 1954 - In the predawn hours a 30-year-old mechanic, Joseph Roy, was |
| returning home by motorcycle on National Highway 51 from Reims |
| to Rethel, France. Near the Isles-sur-Suippe he noticed a |
| sharp reddish gleam on the road ahead of him. It suddenly |
| disappeared, and when he arrived at the point where he had seen the |
| light he noticed an odd looking object in a field. It was about three |
| meters in length and had the form of a large artillery shell with |
| several portholes on the front. He was also able to distinguish a |
| vague dark silhouette of a small humanoid figure. However, seized |
| with fright he did not stay longer to investigate and sped away as |
| quickly as he could. Three other workmen reported seeing the same |
| gleaming light in the area. (Sources: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, |
| HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1954-23 (A0280), |
| citing Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne; Michel Figuet & Jean-Louis |
| Ruchon, OVNI: Le Premier Dossier Complet des Rencontres Rapprochees |
| en France, p. 126; Alain Gamard, UFO Register, volume 7 (1978), p. |
| 43). |
| |
| 1954 - At 7:15 a.m. a 1.2 meter tall hairy dwarf was seen next to a |
| sphere that was 10 meter in diameter. The object made a jet powered |
| takeoff, leaving behind ground traces. (Source: Larry Hatch, U |
| computer database, case , citing Dominique Weinstein). |
| |
| 1954 - At 7:15 p.m. an astronomer named Potter and one other witness |
| in Norwich, England viewed a domed disc hovering for three minutes |
| through a telescope. It had lit windows in the dome, and at one point |
| made a 180 degree turn. (Sources: Leonard L. Cramp, Piece for a |
| Jig-Saw, p. 374; Gavin Gibbons, The Coming of the Space Ships, p. |
| 140). |
| |
| 1954 - On this evening Mr. and Mrs. Laroche from Paris saw a fiery |
| sphere land near Chantonnay, Monchamps, France. At 9:30 p.m. near the |
| military barracks in La Fere, Aisne, France two soldiers saw a |
| strange luminous torpedo-shaped object on the ground 300 meters away. |
| As one of them approached the four meter long craft, which stood |
| about 80 cm high, he found himself paralyzed. Finally, at 10:30 p.m. |
| two women, Mrs. Salabrino and her adult daughter, saw a whitish light |
| in the western sky in Villers-le-Lac, France. It seemed to slowly |
| approach the ground, and was later seen between the railway station |
| and the bridge 100 meters away from their house. When it moved, a |
| very bright light was visible under its dark mass. It gave off a flow |
| of sparks and rose, hovered for a moment, and then flew away rapidly. |
| (Sources: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, |
| cases 200-201; (2) The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, p. |
| 12; Michel Figuet & Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le Premier Dossier |
| Complet des Rencontres Rapprochees en France, p. 127; (3) Aime |
| Michel, Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery, p. 138). |
| |
| 1959 - At 8:15 p.m. U.S. Army Lt. Colonel L. Liggett and two members |
| of his family sighted a round yellowish-white nocturnal light |
| southeast of Lincoln, Nebraska that made several abrupt turns in the |
| sky at very fast speeds for two minutes. A Project Blue Book |
| "unidentified" case. (Sources: Project Blue Book files counted in |
| official statistics, case # 6543; Don Berliner, Project Blue Book |
| Unknowns, p. 28). |
| |
| 1959 - On this night an Air National Guard T-33 aircraft with a pilot |
| and co-pilot aboard chased a glowing UFO over Forrest City, Arkansas. |
| It flew too fast to get any photos. (Source: Donald E. Keyhoe, Flying |
| Saucers: Top Secret, p. 256) |
| |
| 1964 - At 12:30 a.m. a thirty-foot in diameter silver domed disc |
| hovered 30 feet over nearby trees in a cemetery in Haverhill, |
| Massachusetts only 150 feet from the two male witnesses. It had a |
| glowing bottom. (Source: Raymond E. Fowler case files, report dated |
| October 8, 1964; Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, |
| pp. 23 & 330). |
| |
| Haverhill, Massachusetts CE-I UFO - 1964 |
| |
| [Sketch of Haverhill, Massachusetts UFO - 1964] |
| |
| 1967 - At seven o'clock in the evening numerous strong radar targets |
| were detected at the same time that elliptical, fuzzy objects with |
| red and green lights were seen overhead at Vandenburg AFB, |
| California. At least two objects were picked up on five |
| separate radars. Scrambled jet fighters did not find them. They moved |
| at speeds of 80 knots, and changed altitude. Most targets were over |
| the ocean. The various Air Force explanations of mirages, birds, and |
| anomalous propagation have been judged to be lacking in credibility. |
| (Sources: NICAP UFO Investigator, August 1968, p. 6; Gordon D. |
| Thayer, in Edward U. Condon (ed.) Scientific Study of Unidentified |
| Flying Objects, p. 171; UNICAT, case # 679). |
| |
| 1967 - An abduction and sexual encounter occurred in Belfast, |
| Northern Ireland at 10:45 p.m. Eugene Browne was walking home from a |
| jazz club when he saw a craft in the sky. A yellow light came from |
| it, which danced around him and made him feel dizzy and soon lose |
| consciousness. He awoke on an exam table in a windowless, oblong room |
| that was lit by a blue light from the floor. He was strapped by metal |
| bands attached to an apparatus on the side of the table. Four men and |
| a woman surrounded him; although they were human in appearance they |
| had a bluish aura. The tallest was dressed in a dark one-piece |
| uniform and said, "at last, someone who will do," and released him. |
| The woman had long blond hair, high cheekbones and was very fair with |
| a freckled complexion. He had sex with her and she told him they were |
| "from another galaxy" and were experimenting to obtain human seed. |
| Afterwards he was tied up and told it would not be long before he was |
| returned. He blacked out again and recovered in a field about a mile |
| from his original location. He had been abducted for about 40 |
| minutes. He saw the object leave, which took off with a whistling |
| sound as it retracted its tripod landing gear and flew off. He |
| reportedly suffered somephysiological effects after the encounter. |
| (Source: Charles Bowen, FSR, January-February 1970, p. 25). |
| |
| 1970 - At 4:30 a.m. two married couples, the Morrises and the |
| Willies, traveling together on US Highway 63 twelve miles north |
| of Rolla, Missouri had a close encounter with a luminous |
| crescent-shaped object that descended very rapidly. The UFO appeared |
| to have a saw-toothed bottom edge, and seemed to be dripping a |
| liquid. It approached to within 50 feet of the ground, and then took |
| off at a 70 degree angle at high speed, leaving behind a glowing |
| trail. (Source: Kansas City Times, October 6, 1973; Mrs. K. Smith, |
| BUFORA Journal, August 1971, p. 18). |
| |
| 1973 - Shortly after midnight a married couple in |
| St.-Mathias-de-Chambly, Quebec saw bright lights on their property. |
| Later that morning they observed a dome like a "tent" about a third |
| of a mile away. A second, smaller object emerged from it and moved |
| across the ground to a distance of about 200 feet from them. Five |
| figures of small stature, wearing bright yellow garments and helmets, |
| moved quickly back and forth between the two objects for a time. When |
| the witnesses next looked, both the objects and the humanoids had |
| vanished. Ground traces were found at the sight the next day |
| consisting of three rectangular imprints arranged in a triangle with |
| 34 foot sides. There was a 50 foot in diameter circle of burnt grass, |
| and a second circle 12 feet in diameter next to a spring. The |
| daughter, who investigated, subsequently suffered from nausea |
| and headaches. (Sources: Canadian UFO Report, Spring 1974, p. 22; |
| APRO Bulletin, September-October 1974, p. 1; David F. Webb and Ted |
| Bloecher: HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1973-29; David |
| F. Webb, 1973: The Year of The Humanoids; UNICAT, case # 512). |
| |
| 1975 - On this night in Santa Clara, California three witnesses had a |
| close encounter with a saucer-shaped disc with a bluish white glow |
| underneath. (Source: CUFOS News Bulletin, February 1976, p. 8). |
| |
| 1976 - At 7:20 p.m. six witnesses saw a domed disc-shaped object over |
| a factory in Rive-de-Gier, Loire, France. A figure was seen moving |
| about inside the dome. The object turned extremely bright and shot |
| away rapidly to the east. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, March |
| 1979). |
| |
| 1977 - A housewife in Fiesole, Italy had gone to visit the pediatric |
| ward of the local hospital, and was looking out the window at 10 p.m. |
| when she noticed a pulsating red light on the ground beside a nearby |
| hill. It was the apparent size of a full moon. Moments later two |
| similar pulsating lights descended at a 45 degree angle and came down |
| near the witness. The woman opened the window and was able to see one |
| of the lights dim, then stop and hover, as if preparing to land. At |
| this point she was joined by other witnesses. The light turned |
| silvery white in color and landed. It then began changing colors, |
| first to red and then to silvery white. When the color was silvery |
| white two human like figures could be seen moving slowly inside the |
| length of the illuminated object. The other witnesses became tired of |
| watching after awhile, and left to got to bed. Later, the original |
| witness saw another light appear again in the same location. (Source: |
| Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database, case # 1532, citing |
| Maurizio Verga, ITACAT). |
| |
| 1979 - The witness had been watching television late at night by |
| himself in Toms River, New Jersey when around midnight a sense of |
| apprehension overcame him and an intense blue light appeared inside |
| the room. It brightened and then faded. The witness armed himself |
| with a handgun and went outside to investigate. He saw a bright light |
| among the nearby trees. Something then touched his neck and he |
| dropped his gun and fell to the ground, unable to move. Several |
| shadowy, short humanoids came up to him. They had bright eyes, long |
| fingers, and skinny arms. The beings seemed weak and fearful of him. |
| They also felt cold to the touch. A light surrounded the witness and |
| he floated towards a black cloud with a light inside. He next |
| remembered being in a room where the beings touched him with lights |
| and "drained him of energy." The beings never spoke to or otherwise |
| communicated with the witness. (Sources: Thomas E. Bullard, UFO |
| Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery ; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid |
| Contact Database 1979, case # 495, citing Bullard). |
| |
| 1979 - A 28-year-old stone mason and his companion driving between |
| Capulin and Des Moines, New Mexico at three o'clock in the morning |
| had a close encounter with an octagonal UFO that came in low in front |
| of the car. It was several times larger than the Moon, with light |
| that was shining through sections of the object. It appeared to be |
| metallic, with bolts "like a tank," and passed slowly and silently |
| over the car headed eastbound. (Source: Allan Hendry, International |
| UFO Reporter, July 1979, p. 14). |
| |
| 1990 - At 6:00 p.m. two police officers, Jacques Belanger and Stephan |
| Filiatrault, driving on Route 317 in Thurso, Papineau County, Quebec, |
| Canada encountered a bizarre looking creature about 1.50 meters to |
| 1.80 meters in height and about 50 meters away from their vehicle. |
| The figure had two long legs and two huge round phosphorescent red |
| eyes. When the two officers stopped and attempted to approach the |
| creature it quickly disappeared into some nearby woods. Its feet did |
| not appear to touch the ground as it moved. (Source: Albert S. |
| Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database, case # 2353, citing the 1990 |
| Canadian UFO Survey, Marc LeDuc, CASUFO). |
| |
| 1990 - A close up photograph was taken of a circular object with a |
| dome on top and colored lights around the rim in Eveleth, Minnesota. |
| The object made a low rumbling sound. (Source: Paul Ferrughelli, |
| Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-94, case 929). |
| |
| 1990 - At 9:45 p.m. a 32-year-old salesman in Malden, Massachusetts |
| had a close encounter with a gray metallic disc-shaped object that |
| hovered over a church 350 feet away. It had six lights on its |
| perimeter. First it was seen hovering, then it moved about 400 feet |
| in less than a second to hide behind some trees, and finally it |
| vanished after being in sight for 15 seconds. The man reported that |
| he felt a vibration in his head during the encounter. (Source: Donald |
| M. Ware, MUFON UFO Journal, March 1992, p. 17). |
| |
| 1993 - At 9:10 p.m. two witnesses driving on the A52 highway in |
| Ashbourne, Derbyshire, England had a close encounter with an H-shaped |
| UFO that changed shape to a disc, then changed back again to an |
| H-shape. It followed their car for five minutes and had flashing |
| lights. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 16198). |
| |
| 1993 - At 8:30 p.m. in the suburbs of Montgomery, Alabama a woman |
| driving home on a clear night saw a UFO low over a nearby vacant lot. |
| It was round and had a flattened top and bottom, and she described it |
| as shaped like a woman's compact. It had red and green lights around |
| its perimeter, as well as four roving spotlights. She continued |
| driving home and went back to look for it again ten minutes later, |
| but by this time the object had gone. (Source: Jerold R. Johnson, |
| MUFON UFO Journal, March 1994, p. 14). |
| |
| 2005 - At 1:15 a.m. an object trailed by a military aircraft flew |
| over Coon Rapids, Minnesota at a high rate of speed, knocking out |
| electrical power in homes. (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO |
| Reporting Center, October 2005 webpage, report uploaded October 11, |
| 2005). |
| |
| 2005 - A cigar-shaped object was seen leaning to the left as it moved |
| through storm clouds over Huachuca City, Arizona at 5:30. It moved to |
| lean to the right, and then became a dot and moved toward another |
| large storm cloud. (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting |
| Center, October 2005 webpage, report uploaded Feb. 14, 2006). |
| |
| 2006 - At 5:30 p.m. four people standing in their front yard in Grand |
| Rapids, Michigan watched a silver cigar-shaped craft that moved |
| slowly across the sky, and then suddenly picked up speed and quickly |
| vanished. (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, |
| October 2006 webpage, report uploaded Oct. 30, 2006). |
| |
| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 5 October 2009). |
| |
| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
| |
| Themes: abductions, aircr |
| aft UFO encounters, car pursuits, cigar-shaped UFOs, disc-shaped UFOs |
| , dome-shaped UFOs and domed discs, ground traces, levitation, ovoid |
| UFO, physiological effects:headaches, nausea and paralysis, radar vis |
| ual confirmation, sexual encounter, short humanoids, yellow uniforms. |
| |
| © Donald A. Johnson |
| |
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