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synced 2025-03-12 01:56:36 -04:00
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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
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| July 27 |
| |
| 1909 - At around ten o'clock in the morning a flying object shaped |
| like a boat flew overhead toward the mountains in Lambourne, New |
| Zealand. It dipped, swerved in the sky, and turned back. (Sources: |
| Xenolog, November 1975, p. 12; Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 180). |
| |
| 1948 - At 8:35 a.m. a University of New Mexico scientist in |
| Albuquerque, New Mexico saw a flat metallic disc-shaped object that |
| hung motionless in the sky for ten minutes. (Source: Jacques Vallee, |
| Anatomy of a Phenomenon, p. 54). |
| |
| 1949 - A cropduster in Puyallup, Washington named Sagmiller saw a |
| disc pass overhead at 9:40 a.m. It reflected the sunlight |
| brilliantly. (Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer, July 28, 1949). |
| |
| 1952 - At 12:15 a.m. seven "good, solid targets" appeared on radar at |
| National Airport near Washington, D.C. F-94 interceptors were sent |
| from Deleware, but they made no visual contact as the UFOs were gone |
| by the time they arrived. It was noted that there were only minor |
| temperature inversions at the time, and these were not the likely |
| cause of the radar blips. Five minutes later an F-94 pilot made vsual |
| contact with a round UFO. Both the UFO and the F-94 jet were seen on |
| radar flying at the same speed. But when the jet tried to overtake |
| the UFO it disappeared visually and on radar. "Incredible speed of |
| the object," said the pilot. (Source: Richard Hall, Radar-Visual UFO |
| Cases in 1952: The UFO Sightings that Shook the Government, p. 11 |
| cases 6 & 7; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 17). |
| |
| 1952 - In Nevada at four o'clock in the morning highway worker Truman |
| Bethurum had finished working the night shift and decided to visit a |
| nearby hilltop called Mormon Mesa because he heard it was a good |
| place to look for seashell fossils. After he parked his truck he used |
| a flashlight to hunt for seashells, but he had no luck finding any, |
| and after searching for an hour or so he returned to the truck and |
| napped awhile. A “mumbling around the truck” awakened him. The |
| mumbling came from eight to ten olive-skinned beings speaking an |
| unintelligible language. All were about 4 feet 8 inches to 5 feet |
| tall. They were not dwarfs but fully developed men. The strange men |
| made no effort to disturb him, although Bethurum said he was afraid |
| to attempt a getaway. |
| |
| He was still in the truck cab when one man spoke to him in a foreign |
| tongue. Bethurum shook his head, indicating he could not understand. |
| Then the small man said: “You name it.” It was perfect English, |
| recalled Bethurum, who answered: “My God, you can speak English, |
| too?” “We have no trouble with any language,” replied the man. |
| Bethurum then climbed out of the truck and stopped, awestruck. He saw |
| a flying saucer parked about 75 yards away from his truck. It looked |
| like burnished stainless steel. Bethurum shook hands with all the |
| “friendly” men and asked if their captain was around. The spokesman |
| for the group volunteered to escort Bethurum to the captain, and led |
| him toward the parked craft. Meanwhile, Bethurum looked around and |
| saw that the short men were “Latin types,” with complexions |
| “something like Italians.” All were neatly dressed in uniforms |
| similar to those “worn by Greyhound bus drivers.” All had coal black |
| hair and dark eyes. Their skin complexion was perfect and had no |
| wrinkles or blemishes. The spokesman for the group took hold of |
| Bethurum’s right elbow. While holding the arm the man seemed to “have |
| me in his power completely. He gave the impression of great |
| strength.” Soon the group arrived at the ship. Bethurum described it |
| as being metallic. He learned that it measured 300 feet in diameter |
| and was “six yards deep in the center.” A three-foot metal rim with |
| beveled edges surrounded the saucer-shaped craft, and the rim was |
| about two feet thick. The ship had no rudder or stacks. They entered |
| the ship through a large door that Bethurum estimated was 4 ½ feet |
| wide and about 10 to 12 feet long. It was located atop the ship close |
| to the metal rim around the edge. Inside he met the woman captain, |
| Aura Rhanes. He described her as having a “slender” Latin-type face. |
| She wore a “radiant red skirt, black velvet short sleeved blouse and |
| a black beret with red trim.” He went into her lounge and they |
| talked. The woman captain said she was from the planet Clarion, which |
| could not be seen from earth. (Sources: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, |
| HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1952-07, citing Truman |
| Bethurum, Aboard a Flying Saucer; John Keel, Operation Trojan Horse, |
| p. 237). |
| |
| 1952 - At 10:05 a.m. a procession of white saucer-shaped objects was |
| sighted at Selfridge AFB, Michigan. They flew very fast and made no |
| sound. Each passage of UFOs took 30 seconds. First two objects flew |
| over, then one, then another, and then a last one. A Project Blue |
| Book unidentified case. (Sources: Project Blue Book files counted in |
| official statistics, case 1680; Kevin D. Randle, Invasion Washington: |
| UFOs over the Capitol, p. 274). |
| |
| 1952 - A cigar-shaped object split into seven or eight smaller |
| objects over Manhattan Beach, California at 6:25 p.m. (Source: |
| Richard F. Haines, Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO, p. 68; |
| Thomas M. Olsen, The Reference for Outstanding UFO Sighting Reports, |
| p. 3-012). |
| |
| 1952 - At 7:30 p.m. a dark disc-shaped object moved slowly toward the |
| northeast with an "oscillating rolling motion" seen from Andrews AFB, |
| Maryland. Clouds at the time were moving toward the southeast, and |
| the UFO entered the base of the clouds. (Sources: Richard Hall, The |
| UFO Evidence (Volume I), p. 161; Richard Hall, Radar-Visual UFO Cases |
| in 1952: The UFO Sightings that Shook the Government, p. 11 case 8). |
| |
| 1952 - At 8:30 p.m. in Wichita Falls, Texas two people witnessed two |
| phosphorescent disc-shaped objects flying at 1,000 mph. They were |
| seen for 15 seconds. A Project Blue Book "unknown." (Sources: Project |
| Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case #1684; Kevin D. |
| Randle, Invasion Washington: UFOs over the Capitol, p. 274). |
| |
| 1952 - At 11:30 p.m. at a drive-in movie theater in Spokane, |
| Washington twelve UFOs were seen in the skies for 30 minutes. |
| (Source: Loren E. Gross, UFOs: A History. 1952: July 21st-July 31st, |
| p. 34). |
| |
| 1962 - One hundred eighty school students and their teachers in Villa |
| Tunuyuan, Mendoza province, Argentina saw three discs pass over their |
| school at 7:45 a.m. heading from the north to the south. The UFOs |
| gave off a bluish light. The teachers said they also emitted blinding |
| silvery flashes. (Source: Gordon Creighton, Flying Saucer Review, |
| July-August 1964, p. 11, citing Antonio Ribera). |
| |
| 1964 - At 8:50 p.m. an engineer named Daubert saw an aluminum colored |
| sphere with a luminous glowing ring that hovered for 4-5 minutes at |
| 15 meters altitude over a farm in Sherburne, New York. A Project Blue |
| Book unexplained case. (Sources: Project Blue Book files counted in |
| official statistics, case #8969; Thomas M. Olsen, The Reference for |
| Outstanding UFO Sighting Reports, case 158; Richard Hall, The UFO |
| Evidence, Volume 2: A Thirty Year Report, pp. 2 & 150). |
| |
| 1964 - At 8:20 p.m. a witness named Borsa in Denver, Colorado sighted |
| a white fireball, estimated to be the size of a car, that climbed |
| slowly in the sky then sped up. The sighting lasted 2-3 minutes. |
| (Source: Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case |
| #8973; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 51). |
| |
| 1967 - An elongated oval-shaped UFO, carrying bright white lights |
| fore and aft and a central red light, with a string of smaller white |
| lights flashing in sequence along the side, was sighted by three |
| amateur astronomers at 1:00 a.m. over Newton, New Hampshire. The UFO |
| flashed in exact response to flashlight signals, and evaded a jet |
| that flew over the area. (Source: Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: |
| Interplanetary Visitors, p. 349). |
| |
| 1967 - At around 1:00 a.m. a distress call came from a private pilot |
| flying between Alexandria and Leesville, Louisiana that a UFO had |
| approached the side and then the tail of his airplane, forcing the |
| plane to crash. The pilot, badly injured, kept transmitting until he |
| faded out. A Civil Aviation Board report was logged of a crash at Oak |
| Grove, Louisiana earlier (2000 hrs). (Source: NICAP files, citing |
| newspaper report in the Shreveport Times, July 28, 1967). |
| |
| 1971 - The witness was at home in Valcourt, Quebec watching |
| television at 8:30 p.m. when his attention was drawn to the sound of |
| his cows bellowing in a nearby field. The witness and his wife went |
| outside and saw the cows running from the field. They also saw a dark |
| spherical object hovering above the field, with a reddish light |
| shining out of what appeared to be an open door in the object. Three |
| small men who glowed a pale green color were moving around the |
| object. They seem to glide just above the ground in rapid, darting |
| movements. At times the beings seemed to pick something up from the |
| ground. The little men went back inside the object, closing the door |
| behind them. The UFO then rose slowly and disappeared over some |
| nearby trees. The next day a circular spiral was found on the ground, |
| plus a silvery lump of unknown material that was later tested at |
| Laval University. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact |
| Database 1971, case # 1011, citing Francois Bourbeau, Spectra, |
| Quebec). |
| |
| 1973 - In Lago D'Idro Brescia, Italy a 16-year-old boy found and |
| photographed some strange traces he found in the area. He seemed to |
| have experienced a period of missing time. Under hypnosis he recalled |
| being approached and touched by a human looking figure. He then |
| became confused and felt he had been sucked up inside a hovering |
| object from below. He found himself in a round room where four beings |
| stood. A woman entered the room and the beings began talking and |
| touching the witness. He could not move the entire time. He was then |
| sat in a chair next to a window, and watched as the object descended |
| and landed. He was then released. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, |
| Humanoid Contact Database 1973, case # 138, citing Paolo Fiorino, UFO |
| Universe, October-November 1991). |
| |
| 1978 - Three people driving in Sheffield Village, Ohio observed a |
| silver, banana-shaped object with red and blue flashing lights at |
| 10:45 p.m. The engine and headlights of their car went out as the |
| object came close to the ground about 600 feet away. It made a |
| wavering, humming sound and moved up and down near the ground for |
| about 15 minutes, then flew away. The car could not be restarted for |
| an hour and a half after the sighting. (Sources: Mark Rodeghier, UFO |
| Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 421; International UFO |
| Reporter, September 1978) |
| |
| 1984 - At 3:45 a.m. a spark-tailed fireball splashed down 1000 yards |
| south of Lummi Island in Washington State. The impact sent a plume of |
| water 100 feet into the air before the object sank and the water as |
| the surface of the sea rolled and bubbled. (Source: Doris Graziano, |
| APRO Bulletin, February 1985, p. 8). |
| |
| 1993 - At 9:00 p.m. a dozen witnesses at Calabona Beach, Sardinia, |
| Italy sighted a strange object resembling a "balloon" flying over the |
| beach. At first it resembled a round black object that hovered, then |
| it changed to an oblong, irregular shape. The witnesses ran closer |
| and saw the object enlarging as it flew away from the area. It now |
| looked like a helicopter with a red pulsating light. (Source: Italian |
| UFO Reporter, October 10, 1996). |
| |
| 1994 - A young boy ran into his mother's bedroom at 4:00 a.m. in |
| Surrey, British Columbia, Canada and reported seeing a large object |
| with blue lights hovering under the electrical wires outside his |
| bedroom window. He also saw "little people on the poles." He was told |
| by his mother to go back to bed and sleep. (Source: Albert S. |
| Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1994, case # 2754, citing Graham |
| Conway). |
| |
| 2001 - On this night several witnesses at different locations in |
| Acquappesa, Italy reported seeing a dog rise up into the air from |
| near the ocean and enter a hovering, lighted spherical object. The |
| object had a large lighted window and a tall man-like figure could be |
| seen looking out. It then flew away. The dog was apparently taken. |
| (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2001, citing |
| Leonard Da Vinci Research Group). |
| |
| 2004 - A truck driver driving south on Interstate 25 in New Mexico |
| reported the night sky was pitch black with no moon nor even cloud |
| cover visible. At 1:30 a.m., driving at 63 mph, he noticed a bright |
| blue light about a half-mile ahead on the exit ramp for south-bound |
| Exit 138. It appeared to be like a blue laser, similar to the light |
| some people use on the hoods of their cars. When he got closer to the |
| ramp he saw two figures approximately 3-4 feet tall. Each was either |
| holding a blue light, or was wearing a blue head lamp. He couldn't |
| tell for sure. The figures appeared to be looking to the north and |
| south, and they looked at his truck as he drove by. They appeared to |
| be wearing loose-fitting bright silver outfits, similar to HAZMAT |
| suits. He couldn't tell if they were wearing helmets. The terrain was |
| very flat and he did not see any vehicles in the area. He was sure |
| that he would have seen any vehicle that they could have come from. |
| He slowed to turn around but the nearest exit was another 30 miles |
| down the highway so he decided not to go back. (Source: Peter |
| Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle). |
| 2004 - While driving home from a dinner party at two o'clock in the |
| morning a married couple in Asland, Massachusetts observed a round |
| silver disc-shaped object about 30 feet in diameter that had landed |
| in an open field off of Chestnut Street. They both got out of their |
| car and approached the disc and when they got close enough they both |
| touched the craft. It was very cold to the touch and it was glowing |
| red to blue. They were able to see inside the craft through a small |
| window and saw three small beings. All appeared to be sleeping or |
| meditating, they did not respond to the witnesses voices. As the |
| couple began to walk around the craft it began to rise up into the |
| air and eventually flew off without making any sound at all. (Source: |
| Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle). |
| |
| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 24 May 2006). |
| |
| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
| |
| Themes: abduction and animal di |
| sappearance; aircraft UFO encounters; animal reaction: cows panicked; |
| blue lights or blue UFOs; cigar-shaped UFO splitting into smaller ob |
| jects; disc-shaped UFOs; ground marks and residue; human appearing UF |
| O occupants; inside occupants; landing; levitation; missing time; mul |
| ti-year reports from Italy and Washington State; mystery helicopter; |
| paralysis; radar-visual UFO confirmation; shape changing UFOs; short |
| humanoids; silvery metallic UFOs, spherical UFOs, vehicle EM effects. |
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