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synced 2025-03-12 01:56:36 -04:00
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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
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| July 11 |
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| 1948 - Burlington, Vermont -- A fresh wave of UFO reports started |
| Sunday, July 11, 1948 when Robert H. Streeten of West Bolton, Vermont |
| notified authorities that he had sighted a "flying saucer" at 4:40 |
| p.m. Three hours later Mrs. Ralph Holmes, wife of a University of |
| Vermont physics professor, said she observed a fiery object whizzing |
| through the sky. Miss Alice Giroux, a University of Vermont coed, and |
| Miss Irene Audette of Hartford, Connecticut, a visiting skier, both |
| reported seeing a flying saucer. One Vermonter, Dr. C. H. Vaughn of |
| Burlington, said he saw a bluish-white flying saucer land in |
| Massachusetts between Concord and Lexington. He was driving his car |
| when he saw the object. Altogether, 20 people reported sighting |
| flying saucers--round ones, square ones, and a few with handsome flue |
| tails--in Chittenden and Franklin Counties. (Source: Richmond (VA) |
| Times-Dispatch, July 14, 1948.) |
| |
| 1961 - In Springfield, Ohio at 7:45 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Scott and their |
| neighbors sighted a round, bright light like shiny aluminum pass |
| overhead. Their sighting lasted 20 minutes. (Source: Don Berliner, |
| Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns). |
| |
| 1966 - At 7:45 p.m. Carl Wood and Charles Hawthorne of Union, |
| Pennsylvania observed a large, 100-foot wide bright red object with |
| small windows and yellow lights. The UFO emitted a humming sound, |
| seemingly from the outside, and a grinding noise that seemed to come |
| from inside the craft. They watched it for an hour. (Source: Don |
| Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns). |
| |
| 1967 - On this evening in Santa Clara del Mar, Argentina two persons |
| saw a cigar-shaped object on the ground, 400 meters away from the |
| road. It took off, rising rapidly. It had window-like openings |
| emitting a bright light. (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to |
| Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 854). |
| |
| 1970 - Three women were driving near the airport in Trois Rivieres, |
| Quebec, Canada at around 9 p.m. when they sighted a white smokey |
| cloud above the roadway. Inside of it a thin, human-like figure could |
| be seen. As the car drove through the cloud it vanished. (Source: |
| Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1970, citing John Brent |
| Musgrave, UFO Occupants and Critters). |
| |
| 1978 - Two young boys were playing in a tree in an empty field near |
| the Can Fita farm in Can Cifre, Ibiza, Spain when they heard a loud |
| noise coming from the nearby woods. Thinking it could be some kind of |
| animal, they climbed down the tree and were confronted by a strange |
| robot-like being. The humanoid had a bright metallic body that |
| reflected the sunlight, two antenna-like projections from the top of |
| its head, and large slit like eyes and mouth. To their horror it |
| began moving towards them using incredibly long jumps. Both boys ran |
| towards a nearby barbwire fence, but were astonished to see another |
| bizarre figure standing just in front of some nearby trees. They |
| describe the second figure as a man over two meters tall, bearded and |
| with long black hair and wearing a long white cape that was flowing |
| in the wind. Their fear increased when they realized both figures had |
| apparently come from a huge landed UFO that was partially hidden |
| behind some nearby electrical pylons. As they ran to town they were |
| chased by a bright blue light most of the way. Strange tracks were |
| later found at the site of the encounter. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, |
| Humanoid Contact Database 1978, citing Iker Jimenez, Encuentros: La |
| Historia de Los OVNI en España). |
| |
| 1978 - A 44-year-old woman was watching television in Alto Da Mooca, |
| Sao Paolo, Brazil as her 3 sons slept in their room. At around eleven |
| o'clock her small dog began acting strangely by running around in |
| circles, then running from the kitchen and to the door that led |
| outside, apparently trying to get out. She walked towards the door |
| and heard a loud "mechanical" sound. When she opened the door she was |
| confronted by two short humanoids who hovered just above the ground. |
| Both humanoids stood side by side. Behind the humanoids was an |
| oval-shaped craft that had landed on three metallic leg. One being |
| approached the now paralyzed witness, making gestures as if to calm |
| her down, while the other humanoid floated around outside as if |
| searching for something. The only movement she was able to make was |
| to raise her arms to her chest. She could not utter a word. |
| |
| The humanoid closest to her caressed her head while the other floated |
| towards the UFO, situated in the middle of her yard. The being |
| standing next to her then floated to a door in the UFO and removed |
| from his belt an aluminum container. The container illuminated the |
| yard in a bizarre yellow "coherent" light that appeared solid. The |
| beam of light would enlarge, then decrease in size intermittently. |
| The beam of light was directed towards the kitchen area, the yard and |
| into the landed UFO. The humanoid aiming the beam of light then |
| preceded to take a small cylinder from his belt which emitted a cloud |
| of smoke, enveloping both humanoids. A few seconds later both beings |
| boarded the object, but before entering they beckoned for her to come |
| with them. When they got no response they waved at her and entered |
| the object. Soon a plume of smoke emerged from the bottom and the |
| object began to ascend. Two bright yellow lights became visible and |
| the craft flew off into the distance. Before it left she thought she |
| saw another figure through a porthole in the object. |
| |
| Moments later the witness was again able to move. She ran to notify |
| her family who said she appeared cold and very pale. She described |
| the humanoids as 1.25 meters in height, wearing round silver metallic |
| helmets on their heads. In the front of the helmet was a blue dimly |
| lit area. Their faces inside the helmets appeared yellowish, and |
| their eyes were round and dark, and lacked irises or eyelids. They |
| had small flat noses and seemed to lack ears or mouths. Where the |
| mouth should have been was a round metallic plate. Their one-piece |
| suits were light gray in color and both had belts with numerous |
| gadgets. Their bodies were very thin, and their heads were |
| disproportionately large. One of the humanoids was somewhat heavier |
| and appeared to be a female; this one had a metallic disc-shaped |
| emblem or plate on the chest, about 15 cm in diameter with a small |
| white light in the middle. The other humanoid's uniform lacked one. |
| The object was metallic and oval in shape with several oval-shaped |
| portholes. It had antennae and a multicolored sphere of light on the |
| top. During the encounter there was a total lack of sound. There was |
| also a strong smell resembling ammonia and she felt extremely cold. |
| (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1978, citing |
| Revista Brasileira OVNI, UFO News Brazil). |
| |
| 1998 - Sometime after midnight a woman in an unspecified location in |
| Puerto Rico heard a masculine voice that woke her up. She then began |
| to float towards the ceiling. A tall human looking figure with black |
| hair (previously encountered) accompanied her, holding her by the |
| hand. Somehow they went up through the ceiling and she saw something |
| resembling a "cloud" floating overhead. They entered this "cloud" and |
| she found herself in a large room with windows and bench-like seats |
| all around it. The room was dull silver in color and there wasn't |
| anyone else present. The man then escorted her into a semi-dark room |
| and told her to wait there. The room suddenly became hot and then |
| cold in a matter of seconds. He then returned and they left the room |
| together. She was able to look out a window and saw a view of snow |
| covered mountains. She also saw an ocean that had something like a |
| waterspout in the middle of it. She was then taken to a wall and a |
| previously undetectable door appeared, she west through the door and |
| found herself in another metallic room with a metallic "table" |
| floating in mid-air. In the room where three short grey beings |
| wearing white coveralls with a red star insignia on their chests. |
| Another tall human was present; he wore a tight-fitting light blue |
| metallic coverall with a silver belt. The belt had a buckle with what |
| appeared to be a glistening quartz crystal. The human wore gloves, |
| but his shoes were part of his one-piece metallic uniform. Only his |
| face was visible. She remembered encountering the man before. He told |
| her that they were going to remove a cyst from her body, and promised |
| not to leave any scars. She then apparently fell asleep and woke up |
| later on her bed. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact |
| Database 1998, citing Lucy Guzman). |
| |
| 2000 - Two taxi drivers, Walter Ortega and Luis Rodolfo Aguero were |
| working the late shift at their station in Banda de Varela, |
| Argentina. Around 3:30 a.m. Luis was sleeping when Walter went |
| outside when he heard some noises. Armed with a metal bar, he |
| searched around in the darkness. Suddenly, an unseen forced picked |
| him up and threw him backwards about two meters, and he landed on the |
| ground. At the same time he noticed a figure dressed in what looked |
| like a long dark coat sitting on a nearby fence. He described the |
| figure as short in stature, wearing a large black hat, with its face |
| hidden in shadow. Terrified, he ran to wake up his partner and called |
| the police, who searched the area but found nothing. (Source: Albert |
| S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2000, citing Pablo Villarrubia, |
| Ano Cero). |
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| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 27 September 2004). |
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| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
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| Themes: abduction; blue-white |
| UFOs; cigar-shaped UFO; coherent light beam; disc-shaped UFOs; exam t |
| able; fog, mist or smoke; Grey humanoids, human-looking UFOnauts; hum |
| ming sound; insignias; levitations; oval-shaped UFO, paralysis; red U |
| FOs; robot; short humanoids; tripod landing gear, very tall humanoid. |
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