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synced 2025-03-12 01:56:36 -04:00
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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
| |
| February 18 |
| |
| 1948 - At 4:56 p.m. a farmer in Stockton, Kansas saw a 4-foot wide |
| disc that approached to within six feet and appeared to aim some type |
| of tube or pipe at him. The UFO then wobbled and emitted some flames. |
| It shot away flying toward the northwest. At 5:05 p.m. a Mr. Wray |
| took a photograph of an irregular-shaped UFO north of Norton, Kansas. |
| (Sources: Harold Wilkins, Flying Saucers on the Attack, p. 91, |
| Kenneth Arnold and Ray Palmer, Coming of the Saucers, p. 179). |
| |
| 1954 - At 3:30 p.m. while walking along the coast near Lossiemouth, |
| Scotland UFO contactee Cedric Allingham heard a swishing sound and |
| looked up. He saw a flying saucer that through binoculars looked only |
| slightly different from the one reported by UFO contactee George |
| Adamski. Three hours later he heard and saw it again as it came in |
| for a landing only 50 yards away. "The whole metallic body seemed to |
| glow faintly," but was not translucent. The disc was 50 feet wide and |
| 20 feet high and looked like polished aluminum. A six-foot-tall man |
| with a deep tan and a high forehead got out. His garment covered him |
| from the neck down and he wore no shoes. In each nostril was a tiny |
| tube. When Allingham drew a sketch of planetary orbits, he nodded |
| when Mars was pointed out, and repeated "Mars." In further exchanges |
| he verified Allingham's suggestions that the Martian canals consisted |
| of a central string of water surrounded by vegetation. Allingham |
| touched and photographed the saucer and also photographed the pilot, |
| from a side rear angle. These photos are reproduced in his book. A |
| slight humming sound marked the take off of the saucer. The interview |
| had lasted ½ hour. Allingham's contact claims are regarded with |
| extreme skepticism by most UFO investigators. (Source: David F. Webb |
| & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1954-03, |
| citing Cedric Allingham, Flying Saucers From Mars). |
| |
| 1954 - On the same day as Cedric Allingham alleged UFO contact UFO |
| sightings were reported in southern California. In Los Angeles an |
| astronomer reported sighting a huge ellipsoidal object that was first |
| seen flying toward the west, but made an instant turn to the north at |
| an estimated speed of 1200 mph. At the same time a retired U.S. Air |
| Force pilot sighted a flying disc in Van Nuys that made incredible |
| maneuvers but no sound. It flew off toward the west as a second disc |
| circled. (Sources: Loren Gross, UFOs: A History, 1954: January-May, |
| p. 39; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 3288). |
| |
| 1956 - At 8:30 p.m. a golden colored disc-shaped UFO with haze around |
| it circled slowly over the treetops in Atlantic City, New Jersey. It |
| then darted into the air and out of sight. (Source: newspaper |
| clipping). |
| |
| 1963 - On this morning in Maiden, North Carolina flat metallic |
| disc-shaped objects hovered, then engaged in maneuvers for a lengthy |
| display. (Source: Project Blue Book files counted in official |
| statistics). |
| |
| 1967 - At 4:30 p.m. a cigar-shaped object was seen accompanied by two |
| smaller satellite objects in Chatsworth, Georgia. At 5:45 p.m. west |
| of Syracuse, New York Jerome and Cohen sighted a UFO that left a |
| vapor trail. The object fell downwards, curved until it straightened |
| up its descent, and then vanished. Jerome took two color slides that |
| show a dark smoke or vapor trail. At 9:00 p.m. a coin shaped object |
| surmounted by an orange glow that flickered floated in the sky above |
| West Sacramento, California at a 45 degree angle. It then appeared to |
| approach the ground. (Sources: NICAP investigation files, Syracuse |
| report dated February 24, 1967). |
| |
| 1971 - An object maneuvered over the town of Umbrete, Sevilla, Spain |
| at 8:35 p.m. The witness, a 15-year-old named Rubio, found rake marks |
| at a flattened, 3-meter wide circular landing spot. (Source: |
| Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in |
| Spain and Portugal, case 139, citing investigator Manuel Osuna |
| Llorente). |
| |
| 1971 - At 9:50 a.m. Dr. J. Mueller, D. C. Martin Thoele and Theodore |
| Thoele of St. Charles, Missouri observed a cone-shaped, "cage like" |
| object, 10 feet wide by 10 feet high, tipped at an angle, |
| approximately 400 feet above the street. The object was noiseless, |
| and a string of lights extended down on what would correspond to |
| three wires of the "cage" to a point mid-way between the tip of the |
| cone and its base. The object was occupied by a single figure. |
| (Sources: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of |
| Humanoid Reports, case 1971-09, citing Skylook #45; George D. |
| Fawcett, Flying Saucers, March 1972, p. 12). |
| |
| 1973 - In Lexington, Alabama a UFO landed in a pasture at 12:20 a.m., |
| about 300 meters from a farmhouse. According to the witness, named |
| Nix, the light emitted by the object was reportedly so bright that it |
| "almost hurt your eyes to look at it." It was larger than a car but |
| smaller than a bus, and it vanished as if someone had thrown a |
| switch. (Source: APRO Bulletin, January-February 1973, p. 12). |
| |
| 1975 - Photographs of UFOs were taken on this day in Argentina and |
| Oklahoma. An object that was described at silvery and shiny by the |
| witness, but which appears as flat black against the bright blue |
| clear sky, was taken in Puerto Madryn, Argentina at the ocean shore |
| at 3:20 p.m. A night time photograph of a luminous UFO was taken in |
| Norman, Oklahoma at around 8:00 p.m. (Sources: Wendelle C. Stevens, |
| Saga UFO Report, March 1977, p. 39; Robert Schmidt, FSR, November |
| 1976, p. 24). |
| |
| 1976 - At around eight o'clock in the evening EST two women driving |
| in a rural area reported that lights high in the sky paced their car |
| for 13-14 miles from Chatchee to Lincoln, Alabama. Near Okatchee, |
| Alabama they saw a large orange object in the woods near the ground |
| to their left. Their CB radio stopped working, making no static, no |
| sound at all. Two objects then followed them until they reached |
| Lincoln, Alabama, where the UFOs approached to within 300-400 feet. |
| The women saw five objects at this point. After passing through |
| Lincoln, the objects stopped pacing the car and the CB radio suddenly |
| started working. The two objects that had paced the car were |
| egg-shaped and glowing with a fluorescent light. (Sources: CUFOS |
| investigation file, report dated May 17, 1976; Mark Rodeghier, UFO |
| Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 392, citing CUFOS). |
| |
| 1976 - At 6:45 p.m. PST 8-10 discs were sighted flying in a V |
| formation over Rancho Cordova, California. The objects were 3 to 6 |
| meters in diameter, gray in color, and made no sound. Afterwards the |
| witness saw ten aircraft circling that portion of the sky. (Source: |
| CUFOS investigation file, report dated March 1, 1976). |
| |
| 1979 - At 2:30 a.m. an incident involving missing time and vehicle |
| electrical system interference occurred in Lardit, Aveyron district, |
| France. Dark objects flew over a reservoir, followed by a 1.5 meter |
| in diameter metallic disc. The witness experienced semi-paralysis and |
| the car's electrical system failed. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer |
| database, case 13644, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, March 1979). |
| |
| 1981 - Jose Fermin Albornoz, an illiterate shephard, awoke at 4:00 |
| a.m. to the sounds of his animals causing a commotion. Looking out |
| from his hut he saw a "beautiful" blue light hovering over a field |
| about 20 meters away. He woke up another shepherd, but his companion |
| became extremely afraid, screamed out and hid under his blanket. He |
| then heard a loud buzzing sound that appeared to originate from |
| overhead. This was followed by something like the sound of a diesel |
| truck, although the remote mountainous area of Manzano Amargo, |
| Neuquen Province, Argentina that they were in was only accessible by |
| horseback. Suddenly two short humanoid entities appeared out of |
| nowhere, standing side by side. The beings spoke to him in an |
| unknown, unintelligible language. Terrified, Jose now became confused |
| and his next memory was of seeing a bright light quickly flying away. |
| He described the humanoids as about one meter in height with |
| extremely wide shoulders. They seemed to have normal hands and feet, |
| but he could not make out any facial features. They wore helmets and |
| tight fitting, dark blue outfits. During the incident some nearby |
| horses stampeded away from the area, apparently terrified. Albornoz |
| said the spherical light was bluish in color, and it did not |
| illuminate the surroundings. (Source: Carlos Ferguson, UNICAT |
| database, case 463). |
| |
| 1990 - A woman was out walking her dog in the Waldeck hills, near |
| Korbach, Germany in the early evening when her dog lay down on his |
| back and started whining. The dog wouldn't get up, so she eventually |
| had to start carrying him. Next she heard a low humming sound, which |
| ceased after about 30 seconds. Then a large round object, with a |
| diameter estimated to be 10-20 meters, was seen floating above a |
| clearing and it began to glow with an incredibly bright light for 20 |
| to 30 seconds. After that, its light dimmed and it took on a metallic |
| appearance. The bottom of the oval craft glowed dark red like red-hot |
| charcoal while the object lowered itself silently to the ground. In |
| the meanwhile her dog had run away. The witness, who was now |
| completely blinded, wanted to run, too but was struck by a blue ray |
| of light which paralyzed her. She had trouble breathing, and tried in |
| vain to call out for help but could not scream. She became completely |
| covered in perspiration in under a minute. Then "there was a voice" |
| that sounded female and somehow metallic. It said: "Don't be afraid, |
| nothing bad will happen to you." Actually, though, this caused her to |
| become even more panicked and nearly hysterical. The ray of light |
| changed to green and her breathing improved. All of the sudden, two |
| short entities appeared standing in front of her, both of them |
| between 1.40 and 1.60 meters in height, with baldheads and gray skin. |
| They had normal human-like eyes and noses. They wore dark green |
| overalls. On their chests they wore a strange symbol, which resembled |
| "^`C L". She did not understand their language. They soon returned to |
| their craft, which stood nearby on four legs and was about 1.50 |
| meters high. The green beam vanished and the witness sank to the |
| ground in a faint. It was 9:30 p.m. when she woke up again, three |
| hours after the start of the incident. She took a few steps and |
| vomited, which she did a second time after reaching home, where her |
| dog was already waiting for her. (Sources: Ulrich Magin & Illobrand |
| Von Ludwiger, UFOs - Zeugen and Zeichen, p. 96; Larry Hatch, U |
| computer database, case 15564; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact |
| Database 1990, case # 241, citing Ulrich Magin & Illobrand Von |
| Ludwiger). (See a similar incident occurring in 1979 on February 21 |
| in Wales). |
| |
| 1996 - Near Pine Mountain, Georgia driving east on Highway 18 in a |
| roofing truck five miles past Interstate 85, two men saw a silver, |
| cigar-shaped object they first thought was a jet falling through the |
| sky at 5:30 p.m. It stopped in mid-air about 100 feet from the |
| ground, then moved in an S pattern "in a flash" and upward at a steep |
| 45 degree angle. The UFO was without wings, made no sound, and was |
| estimated to be about the size of a commercial jet aircraft. The |
| duration of the sighting was between 10-15 seconds. (Source: MUFON |
| field investigation database, case 960908SE, field investigator John |
| C. Thompson). |
| |
| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 18 February 2007). |
| |
| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
| |
| Themes: animal reaction: |
| dog lays down and whimpers; blue beam or light, cone-shaped UFO, dis |
| c-shaped UFOs, human-looking UFOnaut, inside occupant, landings, land |
| ing traces including footprints, missing time, photographs, short hum |
| anoids, UFOs with smaller satellite objects, unintelligible language. |
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