mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 18:16:48 -04:00
9033 lines
203 KiB
9033 lines
203 KiB
10 miles east of Silver City, New Mexico
10 miles east of St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin
10 miles from Maracaibo, Venezuela
10 miles northwest of Homer, New York
10 miles northwest of Mountain Home, Idaho
10 miles south of Ottumwa, Iowa
10 miles southeast of Anadarko, Oklahoma
10 miles southeast of Lowell, Indiana
10 nautical miles off Cape Race, Newfoundland
100 miles south of Alice Springs, Northern Territory
100 miles south of the Yalu River in Korea
11 miles south of Monte Vista, Colorado
110 miles east of Cape Cod, Massachusetts
1231 Widergren Drive, Rockford, Illinois
12321 22nd Street NE, Lake City, Seattle, Washington
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics in Pasadena, California
15 miles north of Arrecife
150 feet offshore Busan, South Korea
150 miles off the coast of California
1536 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C.
16 miles southeast of Dallas, Texas
18 miles from St. George, Queensland, Australia
18 miles south of the Ellsworth AFB runway
180 miles northwest of Churchill, Manitoba
184 S. Arlington Avenue, East Orange, New Jersey
19 miles southeast of Brussels, Belgium
2 miles east of Anderson, South Carolina
2 miles east of Helleland, Rogaland, Norway
2 miles east of Kutztown, Pennsylvania
2 miles north of Dexter, Iowa
2 miles north of Fayetteville, Arkansas
2 miles north of Marquette, Michigan
2.5 miles west of Farmersville, Texas
20 miles east-northeast of Las Cruces, New Mexico
20 miles north of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
20 miles northeast of Palm Springs, California
20 miles west of Lawson
200 miles off the coast of Brazil in the South Atlantic
20–30 miles off the coast of Western Sahara
21950 Cunningham Avenue, Warren, Michigan
220 miles northwest of Arequipa
2457 West Peterson Avenue, Chicago
25 Mile Road north of Mount Clemens, Michigan
25 miles north of Pendleton, Oregon
25 miles northwest of Florence, Italy
25 miles northwest of Helena, Montana
251 W. Waldorf Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee
2629 Lynch Street, Corpus Christi, Texas
29 miles west of Port Huron
2nd and Chestnut streets, Louisville, Kentucky
3 miles northwest of Howard City, Michigan
3 miles south of Deep River, Ontario
3 miles south of one observation post
3 miles southeast of Winnebago, Nebraska
3 miles southwest of Colusa, California
3 miles west of Bordertown, South Australia
3 miles west of Libau, Manitoba
30 miles north of Lake Mead, Nevada
30 miles south-southwest of Laredo, Texas
30 miles west of Tonopah, Nevada
300 miles southeast of Tokyo, Japan
300 miles west-southwest of San Francisco
3121 N. Sheridan Road, Chicago, Illinois
317 Ash Street, Tempe, Arizona
31st Avenue, Peoria, Arizona
344 Commercial Street, Weymouth, Massachusetts
3724 Dexter Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan
39 Highland Road, Southsea, Portsmouth, England
4 miles north of Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brazil
4 miles northwest of Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil
4 miles northwest of Loring AFB, Maine
4 miles south of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina
400 miles north-northwest of the Azores Islands
42 miles west of Varanasi, India
4328 South Emerald Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
4356 East Ravenswood Park in Rogers Park, Chicago, Illinois
4639 South Oakenwald, Chicago, Illinois
5 miles east of Hill City, Kansas
5 miles north of Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington
5 miles southeast of Lexington, Nebraska
5 miles west of Tulsa, Oklahoma
50 miles north of Freeport, Texas
590 miles northeast of Bermuda
6 miles north of Dallas, Texas
6 miles south of Santa Ana, California
6 miles southeast of Avalon, Santa Catalina Island, California
6 miles west of Arapongas, Paraná, Brazil
6420 Casgrain Avenue, Montreal, Quebec
7 miles west of Cisco, Texas
714 West Lakeside Street, Madison, Wisconsin
740th Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron
7466 East 18th Street, Tucson, Arizona
75 miles away from Vicenza, Italy
758 Manzanita Drive, Laguna Beach, California
8 miles north of Chagrin Falls, Ohio
8 miles west of Sonoma, California
82nd Street and Holmes Road in Kansas City, Missouri
85 miles northeast of Bismarck
860 miles from the coast of West Africa
87 Fentham Road in Aston, Birmingham, England
8–9 miles northwest of Calgary, Alberta
9 miles away from Golden, New Mexico
9 miles from Iturama, Minas Gerais, Brazil
9 miles north of Lewisburg, Indiana
9 miles outside of Brasília, Brazil
9 miles west of Rolla, Missouri
9,000 feet above the Hanford atomic site in Washington State
930 miles off the coast of California
A Coruña, Galicia, Spain
A Estrada, Galicia, Spain
A272 near Winchester, England
A338 road [now B3347] south of Sopley, Hampshire, England
A4 in Beez, Belgium
A5025 near Penysarn, Anglesey, Wales
A580 near Lowton, England
A629 near Halifax, West Yorkshire, England
A9 near Calvine, Perthshire, Scotland
AEC’s Sandia Base
AEC’s Savannah River Laboratory
AFOIN offices
AFOSI headquarters
AMC Dayton
AMC at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio
APRO headquarters
ATIC in Dayton
ATIC's office
Aarhus, Denmark
Abadan, Iran
Abbiate Guazzone, Varese, Italy
Abee, Alberta
Aberavon, Wales
Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland
Aberdeen, Ohio
Abilene, Texas
Abraham Zapruder
Abu Ghraib, Iraq
Acampo, California
Acapulco, Mexico
Acarigua, Venezuela
Acámbaro, Guanajuato, Mexico
Ad Dakhla on the coast of Western Sahara
Ada, Ohio
Adams, Wisconsin
Adamstown, Pennsylvania
Adana, Turkey
Addiction Center in Lexington, Kentucky
Adel, Georgia
Adelaide Advrtiser
Adelaide Hills, South Australia
Adelaide, South Australia
Adirondack Mountains
Adler Planetarium
Adm. Bernard A. Clarey
Admiral Benbow Inn
Admiral Vasile Urseanu Astronomical Observatory
Admiralty Bay, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
Adriatic Sea
Aegean Sea
Aerospace Corporation
Afghanistan Tarnak residence
African American neighborhood of Charlotte, North Carolina
Agadir, Morocco
Agaunico Mine
Agent Jack Boling
Agoura Hills, California
Agoura, California
Agricultural engineer
Agricultural engineer Pedro Bardi's farm in the Madre de Dios region of Peru
Aguada, Puerto Rico
Aguas Blancas, Bolivia
Ahtanum, Washington
Aiken, South Carolina
Ainab, Lebanon
Ainsworth, Nebraska
Air Administration
Air Base Karup
Air Control Center in Vienna
Air Force Archives at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama
Air Force Facility 42 in Palmdale, California
Air Force T/S Orville Lawson
Air Force base in the Southwest US
Air Research and Development Center in Baltimore
Air Technical Intelligence Center at Dayton, Ohio
Air Technical Intelligence Center at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio
Airdrie, Alberta
Aix-en-Provence, France
Akita Airport
Akita Airport, Japan
Akita Prefecture, Japan
Aklavik, Northwest Territories, Canada
Aksaray, Turkey
Al-Hud Mosque in Al Mukalla, Yemen
Alameda, California
Alamogordo AAF
Alamogordo Army Air Field
Alamogordo, New Mexico
Alamogordo–White Sands Guided Missile Range, New Mexico
Albany Airport
Albany, Georgia
Albany, New York
Albany, Ohio
Alberta Highway 46
Alberton, South Australia
Albion, Michigan
Albiosc, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France
Albufeira, Portugal
Albuquerque FAA Air Route Traffic Control Center
Albuquerque Journal composing room
Albuquerque Low Frequency Range Station
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Albury, New South Wales, Australia
Alcalde, New Mexico
Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England
Aldershot, Hampshire, England
Aldersyde, Alberta
Aldinga Beach
Alençon, Normandy, France
Alessandria, Italy
Alessandrio, Piedmont, Italy
Aleutian Islands
Alexander Litvinenko
Alexander, Arkansas
Alexandria, Egypt
Alexandria, Indiana
Alexandria, Virginia
Alexeni Air Force Base
Algeciras, Spain
Alger, Ohio
Algiers, Algeria
Alice Bradley Sheldon
Allagash, Maine
Allan Memorial Institute of McGill University in Montreal
Allegan County sheriff’s office
Allen Park, Michigan
Allentown, Pennsylvania
Alleyrat, Creuse, France
Alm school
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Almind, Denmark
Alnwick, Northumberland, England
Alpha Centauri
Alpha Centauri system
Alpha-01 missile launch facility
Alta, Troms og Finnmark, Norway
Altafjord, Troms og Finnmark, Norway
Altai Krai, Russia
Altai Mountains of Mongolia
Altamont, New York
Alto, Tennessee
Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England
Alton, Illinois
Alton, New Hampshire
Altona, Colorado
Altoona, Pennsylvania
Altos de Cabrejas, Cuenca, Spain
Altrincham, Cheshire, England
Altus AFB in Oklahoma
Altus AFB, Oklahoma
Aluche, Madrid, Spain
Aluche, Spain
Alverca do Ribatejo e Sobralinho, Portugal
Alykel Airport near Norilsk
Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
Amargosa Valley
Amarillo AFB
Amarillo, Texas
Amazon forest
American Airlines
American Viscose plant
American embassy in Stockholm
Americana, São Paulo, Brazil
Amfreville-la-Mi-Voie, Seine-Maritime, France
Amherst College
Amherst, Massachusetts
Amsterdam, New York
Amundsen Gulf
Amur River
Anadyr’ River
Anaheim (California) Memorial Hospital
Anaheim, California
Anchorage International Airport
Anchorage, Alaska
Ancona province, Italy
Anderson Laboratories in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Anderson Regional Airport in South Carolina
Anderson, Indiana
Anderson, South Carolina
Anderstorp, Sweden
Andes Mountains
Andes mountains
Andover, New Jersey
Andrea Padre
Andrews AAF
Andrews AFB
Andrews AFB [now Joint Base Andrews] in Prince George’s County, Maryland
Andrews AFB in Maryland
Andrews AFB, Maryland
Andrés Sabella Gálvez International Airport
Angatuba, São Paulo, Brazil
Angel Falls, Venezuela
Anima Nipissing Lake, Ontario
Ankara, Turkey
Ann Arbor (Mich.)
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Anna Kaseman Hospital in Albuquerque
Annadale, Staten Island, New York
Anolaima, Colombia
Ansted, West Virginia
Anstey Lane, Leicester, England
Antarctic waters
Antelope Lane
Anthony, New Mexico
Antioch, California
Antioch, Illinois
Antwerp, Belgium
Anvers, Belgium
Anza Borrego Desert, California
Anápolis Air Base ALA 2, Goiás, Brazil
Anápolis Air Force Base, Goiás
Apache County
Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest
Apalachicola River
Apartment Building
Apartment building
Apongo, Peru
Apostle Islands, Wisconsin
Apparel Town area
Apple Valley, California
Apple Valley, Minnesota
Appleton, Wisconsin
Apure River
Aquinas College
Aral Sea
Araranguá, Santa Catarina
Araçariguama, São Paulo, Brazil
Arbutus, Maryland
Arcadia, Tennessee
Archives II facility in College Park, Maryland
Archuleta County
Archuleta Peak northwest of Dulce, New Mexico
Arctic Ocean
Arcul de Triumf
Ardennes area
Ardgay, Sutherland, Scotland
Ardmore, Oklahoma
Area 13
Area 2
Area 2 in Nellis AFB in Nevada
Area 25
Area 25 of the Nevada Test Site
Area 3 of an Army Ordnance Depot
Area 51
Area 51 Mailbox Site
Area 51 Mailbox site in Nevada
Area 51 at Groom Lake
Area 51 in Nevada
Area 51, Nevada
Area 52
Area 52, Nevada
Area 6
Area 7 of the Nevada Test Site
Arena Street [modern Dózsa György út] in Budapest, Hungary
Arequipa, Peru
Argentine Air Force
Argentine Deception Station
Argentine Navy
Argentine Orcadas Base on Laurie Island in the South Orkney Islands, Antarctica
Argentine embassy in Mexico City
Argentinian Deception Station
Arguedas, Navarre, Spain
Argyll, Scotland
Arica, Chile
Aricanduva, São Paulo, Brazil
Ariel School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe
Arizona Department of Public Safety
Arizona National Guard
Arizona desert
Arjuna Oil Field
Arkansas International Airport
Arles to Marseille
Arlington Hall
Arlington Hall, Washington, D.C.
Arlington Heights, Illinois
Arlington, Virginia
Armament Development and Test Center at Eglin AFB
Armament Intelligence Branch
Armory Hall
Armstrong Circle Theater
Armstrong Flight Research Center
Armășești, Romania
Arnold, Missouri
Arras, Pas-de-Calais, France
Arrey, New Mexico
Arroyo Grande City Hall
Arroyo Grande, California
Artemisa Province
Artesia Airport
Artesia, New Mexico
Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport
Arunachal Pradash
Arvika, Sweden
Ashburton, Devon, England
Ashbury Street
Ashby, Minnesota
Asheville, North Carolina
Ashland, Nebraska
Ashland, Wisconsin
Ashstead, Surrey
Aspaskjolen mountain
Aspaskjolen, Norway
Aspen, Colorado
Assumption, Illinois
Astor Hotel
Astrakhan Oblast
Astrakhan, Russia
Astronomy magazine
Asunción Airport
Asunción, Paraguay
Atco, New Jersey
Athens, Ohio
Athus, Belgium
Atlanta Constitution office
Atlanta, Georgia
Atlanta, Missouri
Atlantic Ocean
Atlantic Ocean east of South Carolina
Atlantic Test Ranges
Atlantic coast
Atlantic northeast of Jacksonville, Florida
Atlantic southwest of Bermuda
Atlas missile silo designated Site 9
Atomic Energy Commission’s Pantex Plant
Atrisco Drive NW
Attorney General Herbert Brownell Jr.
Atwater, California
Atwood, Kansas
Auburn, California
Auburn, Massachusetts
Auckland, New Zealand
Auderghem, Belgium
Augusta, Georgia
Augustine Cove
Aurel Vlaicu International Airport
Aurora Cemetery
Aurora, Colorado
Aurora, Illinois
Aurora, Texas
Austin, Texas
Australia National Airways DC-3
Australian Annual Flying Saucer Review
Australian Atomic Energy Commission
Australian Directorate of Public Relations
Australian National University
Australian outback
Autostrada Soarelui
Auyán-tepui plateau
Avellino, Italy
Avenida Julio Mesqita
Avenida da Saudade in Lins, São Paulo, Brazil
Avenida de los Martires
Aviano Air Base, Italy
Avondale, Arizona
Ayaviri, Peru
Azambuja hospital in Brusque
Aznalcázar, Seville, Spain
Aznalcóllar, Seville, Spain
Azores Islands
Azores islands
Aztec, New Mexico
Azusa, California
Aïn El Turk, Algeria
BDM McLean Secure Facility in Virginia
Baborów, Poland
Bacup, Lancashire
Bad Kreuznach, Germany
Bad Traunstein
Bad Traunstein, Austria
Badaber (Peshawar Air Station)
Baden, Pennsylvania
Baependi, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Baffin Island, Nunavut
Bagansiapiapi, Sumatra, Indonesia
Bahia Blanca
Bahia Blanca, Argentina
Bahía Blanca Partido
Bahía Blanca, Argentina
Baikonur Cosmodrome
Baikonur Cosmodrome near Tyuratam, Kazakhstan
Baikonur cosmodrome, Kazakhstan
Baikonur, Kazakhstan
Bailey's Beach, Newport, Rhode Island
Baillolet, Seine-Maritime, France
Baja California, Mexico
Baker Dry Lake
Baker Lake
Baker nuclear test
Baker, California
Baker-Nunn cameras
Bakersfield, California
Bakersfield, Missouri
Bakersfield, Vermont
Baku, Azerbaijan
Balaklava District
Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant, Saratov Oblast, Russia
Balboa, Panama
Baldone Astrophysical Observatory in Latvia
Baldpate Sanitarium
Baldwin, Wisconsin
Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
Balneário Pinhal, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Balsam Lake, Wisconsin
Baltic Sea
Baltic Sea coast
Baltic states
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad tunnel
Baltimore, Catonsville, Frederick, Hagerstown, Cumberland, and Garrett County, Maryland
Baltimore, Maryland
Baltimore, Ohio
Balwyn, Victoria
Banat Mine
Banat region
Banbury, England
Bangor, Maine
Bangor, Northern Ireland
Bank of Credit and Commerce International
Banks Island, Northwest Territories, Canada
Banksville, New York
Bank’s Stables in Epping, Essex, England
Banner Elk, North Carolina
Bannock, Ohio
Baranówka neighborhood of Rzeszów, Poland
Barcelona, Spain
Barents Sea
Bargersville, Indiana
Bari, Italy
Barker Shopping Plaza
Barksdale AFB in Bossier City, Louisiana
Barksdale Air Force Base
Barnaul Airport in Altai Krai, Russia
Barquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela
Barr Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Barrio Garzas
Barron, Wisconsin
Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, England
Barry Goldwater Range in southwest Arizona
Barstow, California
Bartelso, Illinois
Bartlett, Illinois
Barto, Pennsylvania
Barton Hill Academy
Base Rifle Range
Basel, Switzerland
Basingstoke Canal
Baskatong Reservoir, Quebec
Bass River, New Brunswick
Bass Strait
Bass Strait, Australia
Basècles, Belgium
Bateau Bay, New South Wales
Bath, England
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Battelle Memorial Institute
Battle Creek
Battle Creek, Michigan
Battle of Badung Strait
Baudette, Minnesota
Bavarian Alps
Bay City, Michigan
Bay of Biscay
Bay of Islands, Newfoundland
Bay of Pigs
Bay of Pigs Invasion
Bay of Pigs, Cuba
Bayan Har Mountains, Tibet
Bayonne, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France
Bayramgulovo, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia
Baytown, Texas
Bayview Avenue and Willow Pass Road, West Pittsburg [now Bay Point], California
Bcckenham, London
Beach Haven, New Jersey
Beach House
Beaches near Montevideo, Uruguay
Beacon Hill
Beale AFB
Beale AFB near Marysville, California
Beallsville, Ohio
Beatty, Nevada
Beaucourt-sur-l’Ancre, Somme, France
Beaudoin's house
Beaufort, Missouri
Beaufort, South Carolina
Beaufort, Victoria, Australia
Beaumont, Puy-de-Dôme, France
Beaumont, Texas
Beausejour, Manitoba
Beauvechain Air Base
Beaver County Times
Beaver, Pennsylvania
Beavercreek, Ohio
Beaverdam, Virginia
Beaverton, Oregon
Beckemeyer (Illinois) Elementary School
Bedford, Indiana
Bedford, Massachusetts
Bedford, New York
Beecher, Illinois
Beihang University
Beijing, China
Beirut, Lebanon
Beitbridge, Zimbabwe
Bel-Air neighborhood of Albuquerque
Bela Vista Farm
Belfast, Northern Ireland
Belgian Congo
Belgrade Observatory
Belgrade, Serbia
Belgrade, Yugoslavia [now Serbia]
Bell Island, Newfoundland
Bell Labs
Bellamy Reservoir
Belle Glade, Florida
Belle Vue Park
Belleville, Illinois
Belleville, Kansas
Belleville, Wisconsin
Bellevue, Colorado
Bellevue, Nebraska
Bellingham, Washington
Bells, Texas
Belmont Lane, Stanmore, Greater London, England
Belmont, Massachusetts
Belmont, North Carolina
Belo Horizonte
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Beloit, Ohio
Belt, Montana
Belton, Missouri
Belvedere, New Jersey
Belém, Brazil
Ben Boyd National Park
Bend, Oregon
Bengough, Saskatchewan
Benito Juárez International Airport
Bennett, Iowa
Bensalem, Pennsylvania
Benton Air Force Station [now Ground Equipment Facility QRC] in Ricketts Glen State Park near Red Rock, Pennsylvania
Benton Evans' home
Benton Harbor, Michigan
Benton, Louisiana
Bentwaters Parks
Berchtesgaden, Germany
Bergen Park, Colorado
Bergen, Norway
Bergerac, Dordogne, France
Bergstrom Air Force Base [now Austin-Bergstrom International Airport]
Berkeley, California
Berlin Wall
Berlin, Germany
Bermuda Triangle
Bernal, New Mexico
Berwick, Mississippi
Bestwood Village, Nottinghamshire, England
Bethel, Alaska
Bethel, Connecticut
Bethesda, Maryland
Bethpage, Long Island, New York
Beverly High School
Beverly, Massachusetts
Biała, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Poland
Bielefeld, Germany
Biervliet, Netherlands
Big Bateau Bay in Spanish Fort, Alabama
Big Cypress National Preserve
Big Sable Point Lighthouse
Big Sandy, Tennessee
Big Springs, Nebraska
Big Springs, Texas
Big Sur coast at Anderson Creek, California
Big Sur, California
Bigelow Aerospace
Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS)
Bigfork, Montana
Biggs Air Force Base [now Biggs Army Airfield] in El Paso, Texas
Biggs Field
Bikini Atoll
Biloxi, Mississippi
Bircham Newton, Norfolk, England
Birchwood Shopping Mall
Birchwood Shopping Mall near Warrington, Cheshire, England
Birmingham University
Birmingham, Alabama
Birmingham, England
Birmingham, Iowa
Birthday Siding
Biscayne Bay
Bishop Lane
Bishop Monkton, North Yorkshire, England
Biskupice, Poland
Bismarck (North Dakota)
Bismarck, North Dakota
Bizerte Airport, Tunisia
Biên Hòa Hospital
Black Arch
Black Hawk, South Dakota
Black Oak Ridge
Black Sea
Black Street
Black Tickle, Labrador
Black Vault website
Blackbushe Airport
Blacklow Spinney Woods
Blacksburg, Virginia
Blacksmith André Chaillou
Blackstone, Virginia
Blackwater Lake, British Columbia
Bladensburg, Ohio
Blaine Air Force Station
Blairgowrie, Scotland
Blaye, Gironde
Blazing Star Burial Ground
Blenheim, New Zealand
Blind River, Ontario
Blonie area, Poland
Bloomfield, Indiana
Bloomingdale, Indiana
Bloomington, California
Bloomington, Illinois
Blossom, Texas
Blovice, Czechoslovakia [now Czech Republic]
Blue Lakes Ranch
Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania
Blue River, British Columbia
Bluefield, West Virginia
Bluff Hill
Blyth, Northumberland, England
Blythe, California
Blytheville Air Force Base
Blytheville, Arkansas
Board of Trade
Boardman, Ohio
Boaria Pisani, Padua, Italy
Bocaranga, Ubangi-Shari [now Central African Republic]
Boden, Norrbotten, Sweden
Boeing's Seattle plant
Bogota, Colombia
Bogotá, Colombia
Bogotá, Columbia
Bogullua Island
Bohai Bay
Bohai Sea
Boianai Mission, Papua New Guinea
Bois-de-Champ, Vosges, France
Boise (Idaho) Municipal Airport
Boise Idaho
Boise Stateman
Boise, Idaho
Bojnord, North Khorasan, Iran
Bolingbrook, Illinois
Bolling AFB
Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anaconda-Bolling] in Washington, D.C.
Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anacostia- Bolling], Washington, D.C.
Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling]
Bolling AFB in Washington, D.C.
Bolling AFB, D.C.
Bologna, Italy
Bologoye, Tver Oblast, Russia
Bolton, Greater Manchester, England
Bolton, Lancashire, England
Bondi, New South Wales, Australia
Bondowoso, East Java, Indonesia
Bonifraterska street
Bonner Springs, Kansas
Bonnie Springs Ranch
Boqueirâo, Paraiba, Brazil
Boraure, Venezuela
Bordj de la Remonte fort (southwest of Magra)
Borgerhout, Belgium
Borneo, Indonesia
Bornholm island, Denmark
Bornholm, Denmark
Boron AFS ADC radar site
Boron Air Force Station
Boron, California
Bossier Base, adjacent to Barksdale AFB
Bossier City, Louisiana
Boston area
Boston, Massachusetts
Boston’s Logan Airport in Massachusetts
Bothell, Washington
Bouffioulx, Belgium
Bougainville Reef
Boulder City, Nevada
Boulder Daily Camera
Boulder, Colorado
Bournbrook, West Midlands, England
Bovina, Texas
Bowbells, North Dakota
Bowie County, Texas
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, Kentucky
Bowman, California
Bowna, New South Wales
Box Canyon or Six Mile Canyon Mountain
Box Elder, South Dakota
Boyle, Alberta
Bracebridge, Ontario
Bradford, England
Bradford, Illinois
Bradford, West Yorks, England
Bradford, West Yorkshire, England
Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks
Bradys Lookout State Reserve
Braeside Farm
Braine l'Alleud, Belgium
Branch Hill area of Loveland, Ohio
Brands Flats
Brands Flats, Virginia
Brandvlei in Northern Cape Province, South Africa
Brandywine, Maryland
Brasilia airport
Brasília, Brazil
Braxton Democrat
Bray Head
Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland
Brayfield Station
Brazel's ranch
Brazilian Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia Aeroespacial in São José dos Campos, São Paulo
Brazilian National Archives
Brazilian coast between Maceió and Paripueira, Alagoas, Brazil
Brazoria County
Breda, Netherlands
Bremerton, Washington
Brent oil platform
Brentwood, California
Brera Observatory
Brescia, Italy
Bressuire, Deux-Sèvres, France
Brest, Brittany, France
Brettnach, Moselle, France
Brewster, New York
Brian Mountain Lodge
Briar Mountain Lodge
Briarcliff Road, Atlanta, Georgia
Briatexte, Tarn, France
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Bridgewater Township, New Jersey
Bridgewater, Nova Scotia
Bridlington, Yorkshire, England
Briele, Netherlands
Brier Island
Brigantine, New Jersey
Brighton Racecourse, Sussex, England
Brighton, England
Brighton, Illinois
Brimfield, Massachusetts
Brinkley, South Australia
Brinsley, Nottinghamshire
Brisbane car park
Brisbane, Australia
Brisbane, Queensland
Bristol Beaufighter
Bristol Channel
Bristol Township
Bristol, England
Britax PMG factory roof
British Aerospace
British Air Ministry
British Airways
British Antarctic Station B
British Columbia
British Columbia's rugged northern coast
British Embassy in Moscow, Russia
British Isles
British Parliament
Brixham, Devon, England
Broad Haven Primary School in Pembroke, Wales
Broadlands, Romsey, Hampshire, England
Broager, Denmark
Brockton, Massachusetts
Brockville, Ontario
Brockworth, Gloucester, England
Bromley, Kent, England
Brook Park, Ohio
Brookfield, Connecticut
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Brookley AFB
Brookley AFB [now Mobile Downtown Airport] in Mobile, Alabama
Brookley Air Force Base
Brooklyn Bridge
Brooklyn, New York
Brooks Air Force Base
Brooks Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas
Brookside Boulevard
Broughty Ferry, Dundee
Brown's Peak
Brownfield, Texas
Broxa Forest
Bruce Highway
Bruce Peninsula
Bruges, Belgium
Brunoy, France
Brush Creek area
Brush, Colorado
Brushy Creek
Brusque, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Brussels, Belgium
Bruzual, Apure, Venezuela
Bry-sur-Marne, Val-de-Marne, France
Buca forest
Bucegi Mountains, Romania
Buchanan, New York
Bucharest, Romania
Buchy, Seine-Maritime, France
Buckboard Mesa
Buckingham Palace
Buckinghamshire, England
Buckley AFB
Buckner Bay, Okinawa, Japan
Budacu de Jos, Romania
Budapest, Hungary
Bude, Cornwall
Budleigh Salterton
Buen Retiro
Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires harbor, Argentina
Buenos Aires province, Argentina
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buff Ledge Camp
Buffalo, New York
Buffalo, South Dakota
Building 1535 of the Geophysics Research Directorate at the Air Force Cambridge Research Center at Hanscom AFB in Bedford, Massachusetts
Building 263 at Wright-Patterson
Building Site of the Aksaray Engine Factory
Bujoreanca, Romania
Bulawayo Airport
Bulverde, Texas
Bungawalban, New South Wales
Bunker Hill
Burbank, California
Burgh by Sands, Cumbria, England
Burkes Flat, Victoria, Australia
Burkhala, Magadan Oblast, Russia
Burlington (Vermont) International Airport
Burlington Industries
Burlington, Iowa
Burlington, Vermont
Burmarsh, Kent, England
Burns Flat, Oklahoma
Burns, Oregon
Burro Club
Burton, Prince Edward Island
Busan, South Korea
Bush ranch
Bushey, Hertfordshire
Busse Woods (Ned Brown Forest Preserve)
Butano Creek Girl Scout Camp
Butler Valley Turnpike exit
Butler, Missouri
Butler, Pennsylvania
Butt Valley Reservoir
Butte Falls, Oregon
Buzau River, Romania
Buzău, Romania
Byron, Illinois
Bâlea Lake resort, Romania
Bóbr River
Bölebyn, Sweden
Băneasa Airfield
Będzienica, Poland
C. P. Gill stone cutting plant
CBS Armstrong Circle Theater
CESP electrical substation near Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil
CFB Bagotville in Saguenay, Quebec
CFB Bagotville, Quebec
CFB Edmonton
CFB Goose Bay
CFB Namao [now CFB Edmonton]
CFB Penhold [now Red Deer Regional Airport]
CFB Rivers
CFB St. Hubert
CFS Ramore
CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center
Cabañas, Artemisa, Cuba
Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico
Caborn, Indiana
Caconde, São Paulo, Brazil
Cadair Bronwen
Cadair Bronwen mountain, east of the village
Cadena del Pantiacolla
Cadwst, Denbighshire, Wales
Caerphilly Mountain
Caerphilly Mountain, South Wales
Cagliari Elmas Airport on Sardinia, Italy
Cairo Mill
Cairo, Illinois
Cal Tech
Calabozo, Venezuela
Calafell, Catalonia, Spain
Calalzo di Cadore, Belluno, Italy
Calama, Chile
Calcutta-Dum Dum [now Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport], India
Caldwell, Kansas
Caledonia, Ontario
Calgary Airport
Calgary, Alberta
California State University, Long Beach
California coast
Calle Bella Vista
Calle Neuquén
Callicoon, New York
Calumet Air Force Station
Camarillo, California
Camberley, Surrey, England
Cambridge Labs
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Cambridge, Ontario
Cambridgeshire, England
Cambá Punta Airport [now Doctor Fernando Piragine Niveyro International Airport]
Camden, New Jersey
Camp Big Silver
Camp Darby military complex
Camp David
Camp Delaware [now Greenwood Trails]
Camp Detrick [later Fort Detrick] in Frederick, Maryland
Camp Drum
Camp Hero, Montauk Point, New York
Camp Hood
Camp Hood, Killeen, Texas
Camp Hood, Texas
Camp Ibis
Camp McCain
Camp Okubo
Camp Ripley near Little Falls, Minnesota
Camp Smith
Campbell AFB
Campbell Hill at Bellefontaine, Ohio
Campbellsville, Kentucky
Campina do Amoral
Campinas, Brazil
Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
Campo Grande
Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Campo Redondo, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Campos dos Goytacazes
Campton, New Hampshire
Canada's north Atlantic coast
Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute
Canadian Forces Base Cornwallis
Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt
Canadian Forces Base North Bay in Ontario
Canadian Forces Station Falconbridge
Canadian Rockies
Canadian, Texas
Canal Zone
Canary Islands
Canberra Airport
Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex in Tidbinbilla, Australian Capital Territory
Canberra, A.C.T.
Canby, Oregon
Candlewood Lake north of Danbury
Canhotinho, Pernambuco, Brazil
Cannock Chase
Cannon AFB
Cannon Air Force Base near Clovis
Canoas Air Force Base
Canoas Air Force Base, Rio Grande do Sul
Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Canoga Park, Los Angeles, California
Canton, Mississippi
Canton, South Dakota
Canyon Ferry, Montana
Cape Blanco, Oregon
Cape Blomidon, Nova Scotia
Cape Broyle
Cape Canaveral
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida
Cape Canaveral Missile Annex, Florida
Cape Canaveral, Florida
Cape Charles, Virginia
Cape Cod Air Force Station in Massachusetts
Cape Cod Canal
Cape Cod, Massachusetts
Cape Fear River
Cape Finisterre, Spain
Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Cape Grey
Cape Hallett
Cape May, New Jersey
Cape Morris Jesup, Greenland
Cape Province, South Africa
Cape Race, Newfoundland
Cape York
Capel Green
Capital International Airport
Capitol Hill
Capitol building
Capitol building in Columbus, Ohio
Capitán de Corbeta Carlos A. Curbelo International Airport
Capitán de Corbeta Naval Air Base
Capo Carbonara, Sardinia, Italy
Capão Redondo neighborhood of São Paulo, Brazil
Caracas, Venezuela
Caracavelos, Portugal
Caraguatatuba, São Paulo, Brazil
Caransebeş, Romania
Caratinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Carazinho, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Carbondale, Pennsylvania
Carcassonne, Aude, France
Cardiff, South Wales
Cardiff, Wales
Caribbean Sea
Caribbean Sea south of Haiti
Caribbean nations
Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Carlsbad, New Mexico
Carman, Manitoba
Carmel, New York
Carnegie Coal Dock in Superior, Wisconsin
Carnegie Institution of Washington
Carnival Imagination
Caroda, New South Wales
Carolina Power and Light nuclear power plant
Caroline Islands
Carpathian Mountains
Carpentersville, Illinois
Carrasco International Airport
Carrickfergus, County Antrim
Carrington Road, New Plymouth, New Zealand
Carrizozo, New Mexico
Carrollton, Ohio
Carson Sink, Nevada
Carson's farmhouse
Carswell AFB [now Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base], Fort Worth, Texas
Carswell AFB [now Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth]
Carswell AFB [now Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth] in Texas
Carteret, New Jersey
Cartersville, Georgia
Carthage, Missouri
Cartmel Fell in Lake District National Park, Cumbria, England
Casablanca, Morocco
Cascade County
Cascade Mountains
Cascade, Maryland
Cascades Mountains
Caselle Airport, Turin, Italy
Casino, New South Wales, Australia
Casper, Wyoming
Caspian Sea
Casstown, Ohio
Cassville, Indiana
Castanheira, Portugal
Casteau, Belgium
Castel Idris
Castel Porziano Presidential Estate
Castelleale, Romagna, Italy
Castelo Branco, Portugal
Castelo de Bode dam
Castle AFB
Castle AFB [now Castle Airport Aviation and Development Center]
Castle Airport Aviation and Development Center
Castle Bravo
Castle Rock
Caswell Air Force Station
Catalina Huanca
Catalina Mountains
Catalina Station observatory on Mount Bigelow 18 miles northeast of Tucson, Arizona
Catalina and San Clemente islands, California
Catia La Mar, Vargas, Venezuela
Caulfield, Melbourne, Victoria
Cavan poles factory
Cave Hill
Cavendish on the A1092
Caversham, Berkshire, England
Caxton Hall in London
Caxton Hall, London, England
Cañada de Alzogaray
Ca’ Pisani, Rovigo, Italy
Ceará state, Brazil
Cedar City, Utah
Cedar Lake, Indiana
Cedar Rapids Municipal Airport
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Cedar Springs, Michigan
Cedarburg, Wisconsin
Ceduna, South Australia
Ceiba, Puerto Rico
Centennial Park, Langenburg, Saskatchewan
Center Moriches, New York
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Centerville, Virginia
Central Airport in Mexico City, Mexico
Central Oregon Highway
Central Point, Oregon
Central Sweden
Central Vietnam
Centralia, Washington
Centro de Identificatión Aerospaciale in Argentina
Century City area of Los Angeles, California
Cerrillos, New Mexico
Cerro Aspero
Cerro El Ávila
Cerro Moreno airport
Cerro Sampacho
Cerro Sombrero, Tierra del Fuego, Chile
Cerro Viejo, Sonora, Mexico
Cerțești, Romania
Chabeuil, Drôme, France
Chacalluta International Airport
Chalker Beach in Old Saybrook, Connecticut
Challis, Idaho
Chambery, France
Chancery, Ceredigion, Wales
Changjahwan Bay
Changping District
Channel Islands
Chantilly, Virginia
Chanute AFB [now closed]
Chapeau, Quebec
Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Chapin Mesa Archeological Museum in Mesa Verde, Colorado
Chapman Mountain
Charente valley
Charente-Maritime, France
Charleston, Oregon
Charleston, South Carolina
Charleston, West Virginia
Charlotte, North Carolina
Charlottesville, Virginia
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
Charlton, Wiltshire, England
Charvak Reservoir in Uzbekistan
Chase City, Virginia
Chateauneuf-sur-Charente, Charente, France
Chatham, England
Chatham, Maine
Chatham, New Brunswick
Chattanooga Railroad
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Chatuzange-le-Goubet, Drôme, France
Chaumont, Haute-Marne, France
Chaumont, Haute-Merne, France
Chavez County Sheriff's Office
Chazhma Bay naval facility
Chebucto Peninsula
Cheesefoot Head
Chehalis, Washington
Chelmsford, Massachusetts
Cheltenham, Adelaide, South Australia
Cheltenham, England
Chelyabinsk, Russia
Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Cheorwon, South Korea
Cherbourg, Manche, France
Chereng, Nord, France
Cherepovets, Vologda Oblast, Russia
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant at Pripyat, Ukraine
Chernobyl nuclear power plant Unit One
Cherokee (near Creston), Wyoming
Cherry Creek, New York
Cherryville, Pennsylvania
Chesapeake & Ohio
Chesapeake Bay in Maryland/Virginia
Chester, Illinois
Chester, Montana
Chesterton, Indiana
Cheyenne Mountain
Cheyenne Mountain Complex near Colorado Springs, Colorado
Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Chicago Filter Center
Chicago Spectrographic Service Laboratory
Chicago and North Western Railway
Chicago area
Chicago, Illinois
Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific Railroad depot
Chichester, England
Chickasaw, Alabama
Chico, California
Chicopee, Massachusetts
Childers, Queensland
Chilean Aguirre Cerda Research Station
Chilean Aguirre Cerda Station
Chilean Chamber of Deputies
Chilean Embassy
Chilili, New Mexico
Chimbay, Uzbekistan
China Lake Naval Ordnance Test Station
Chippewa County International Airport
Chiraleș, Romania
Chisago City, Minnesota
Chitose Air Base
Chitose Air Base, Hokkaido, Japan
Chitral, Pakistan
Choconta, Colombia
Cholla Bay, Sonora, Mexico
Chomedey, Laval, Quebec
Chongqing, China
Chortiatis, Greece
Choteau County
Chris Jensen farm 27 miles north of Edmonton, Alberta
Christchurch Airport
Christchurch, New Zealand
Christies Beach, Adelaide, South Australia
Chudów, Poland
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
Church Fenton railway station
Church Stowe, Northamptonshire, England
Church and College streets
Church of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice, Italy
Churchville, New York
Château des Mailles
Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Vaucluse, France
Ciampino Airport in Rome
Ciampino–G. B. Pastine International Airport
Cier-de-Rivière, Haute-Garonne, France
Cimarron Mountains
Cimarron, New Mexico
Cincinnati (Ohio)
Cincinnati Enquirer
Cincinnati Observatory, Ohio
Cincinnati Post
Cincinnati Southern Railway trestle bridge
Cincinnati area
Cincinnati, Ohio
Circle J Ranch
Circleville, Ohio
Cisco Grove
Ciucaş Mountains
Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela
Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, Mexico
Clamercy, Nièvre, France
Clan Lake, Northwest Territories
Clara City, Minnesota
Claremont, New Hampshire
Clarence River
Clarenville, Newfoundland
Clark County
Clark County, Nevada
Clark's Harbour
Clarksburg, California
Clarksburg, West Virginia
Clarkson, Ontario
Clarksville, Tennessee
Claxby by Normanby, Lincolnshire
Claxton, Georgia
Clay Center, Kansas
Clayton South, Victoria, Australia
Clayton, New Jersey
Clayton, New Mexico
Cle Elem, Washington
Clear Air Force Station, Alaska
Clearfield, Pennsylvania
Clearwater Bay on Shoal Lake, Ontario
Clearwater High School
Clermont, Florida
Clevedon, England
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland, Texas
Cliff, New Mexico
Clifton, New Jersey
Clinton County AFB [now Wilmington Air Park] near Wilmington, Ohio
Clinton County Airport
Clinton Engineer Works
Clinton Point, Northwest Territories
Clinton Township
Clinton-Sherman AFB [now the Clinton-Sherman Industrial Airpark]
Cloudcroft, New Mexico
Cloverdale, Western Australia
Clovis, New Mexico
Clubmoor neighborhood of Liverpool, England
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Coast Guard Air Station Salem [now Winter Island Marine Park], Massachusetts
Coast Guard base in Detroit
Coatesville, Pennsylvania
Cobalt, Ontario
Cobb County
Cobboseecontee Lake
Cobden, Ontario
Cochise, Arizona
Cochrane, Alberta
Cochrane, Wisconsin
Cocoa Beach, Florida
Coffee County
Coffeen, Illinois
Coffeyville, Kansas
Cogollos de Guadix, Granada, Spain
Colares, Pará, Brazil
Coldwater, Kansas
Colfax, Iowa
Colfax, Wisconsin
College Park, Maryland
College Street
College de Lunéville
College instructor
Colorado Information Analysis Center
Colorado River
Colorado River north of Parker Dam on the Arizona border
Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Colorado State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine
Colorado Superior Court
Colorado project
Columbia City, Indiana
Columbia County Courthouse
Columbia River
Columbia Street
Columbia University
Columbia, Missouri
Columbia, South Carolina
Columbia, Tennessee
Columbus Filter Center
Columbus area
Columbus, Georgia
Columbus, Mississippi
Columbus, Ohio
Colun, Romania
Colônia Goio-Bang
Comandante Espora Air Naval Base
Comandante Espora Air Naval Base in Bahía Blanca, Argentina
Comas, Peru
Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales
Comisión de Estudio de Fenómenos Aeroespaciales
Comité de pilotage
Commercial Hotel
Commercial Point
Commissioner Edgar Langston's ranch 15 miles south of Harlowton
Complexo Penitenciário da Papuda
CompuServe online network
Comstock, Minnesota
Con Thien combat base
Conashaugh, Pennsylvania
Concord, California
Concord, New Hampshire
Concord, North Carolina
Concordia, Kansas
Concordia-Vega refinery at Ploești, Romania
Condon's home
Condon's office
Congaree AFB [now McEntire Joint National Guard Base]
Congo basin
Congress Plaza Hotel
Congressional Research Service
Coningsby, England
Conklin, New York
Connecticut Turnpike
Cononley, North Yorkshire, England
Conowingo Dam, Maryland
Conrad, Montana
Consett, South Shields, Newcastle upon Tyne, England
Constantine, Algeria
Contay, Somme, France
Continental Air Command
Continental Air Defense Command
Continental US
Continental United States
Contra Costa County, California
Contrexéville, Vosges, France
Converse, Louisiana
Conway, Pennsylvania
Conyers, Georgia
Coolbaugh Township
Cooper Free Public Library
Copenhagen, Denmark
Coquille, Oregon
Coral Gables, Florida
Corbett Hospital
Corbigny, Nièvre, France
Cordoba, Argentina
Cornell University
Cornell astronomer
Corning, California
Corning, New York
Corno river
Cornville, Maine
Cornwallis Park
Coro, Falcón State, Venezuela
Corona in Lincoln County, New Mexico
Corona, New Mexico
Corozal, Puerto Rico
Corpus Christi, Texas
Corrientes, Argentina
Cortez Road between Bradenton and Cortez, Florida
Corumbiara, Rondônia, Brazil
Corvallis, Oregon
Cosenza, Calabria, Italy
Cosmo Isle Hakui
Cosmos Hotel
Cotile Lake Recreation Area, Louisiana
Coulee City
Coulommiers–Voisins Aerodrome, Seine-et-Marne, France
Council Bluffs, Iowa
County Kerry, Ireland
County Road 46 near Amery, Wisconsin
Coupar Angus, Perth, Scotland
Cournamont Hill
Cova da Iria
Cova da Iria, Portugal
Cow Bay, Nova Scotia
Cowichan District Hospital in Duncan, British Columbia
Cowley Beach, Queensland
Coxcomb Mountain
Coyote Canyon
Coyote Canyon Test Area
Coyote Canyon [now within the Sandia National Laboratory complex], New Mexico
Cradle Hill
Craik, Saskatchewan
Crane Beach, Ipswich, Massachusetts
Crawford, Texas
Crawfordville, Georgia
Crawley, West Sussex, England
Crayfish Bay, Cape Otway, Victoria
Creech AFB, Nevada
Creech Air Force Base in Nevada
Cresson, Texas
Cresswell radar station
Cressy, Tasmania
Crestview Elementary School
Crich and Belper, Derbyshire, England
Cridersville, Ohio
Criteuil-la-Madeleine, Charente, France
Crixás, Goiás, Brazil
Croix d’Épine, Oise, France
Crosby, North Dakota
Crossville, Geraldine, and Collinsville, Alabama
Croton Falls Reservoir
Crown Zellerbach Paper Mill
Cruzeiro do Sul
Crystal Lake, Illinois
Crystal Springs Reservoir
Cuajimalpa borough
Cuddington, Bucks, England
Cuddington, Cheshire, England
Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
Cuesta de los Terneros
Cuisy, Seine-et-Marne, France
Culbertson, Nebraska
Cullompton, Devon, England
Cultural Revolution
Culver City, California
Cumberland County, Kentucky
Cumberland Island National Seashore in Georgia
Cumberland, Maryland
Cumberland, Wisconsin
Cumbria, England
Cunningham, Kansas
Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
Curva del Obispo
Cussac, Cantal, France
Custer, Washington
Cygnet, Ohio
Cyprus College
Czech Air Force
Czech Republic
Czechoslovakian airfield
Czerniaków Hill
Czluchow, Poland
Częstochowa, Poland
Człuchów, Poland
Cáceres, Extremadura, Spain
Câmpia Turzii, Romania
Céara state
Córdoba, Argentina
Cồn Cỏ (Tiger Island)
D-1 road south of Cenon-sur-Vienne, France
Da Nang, Vietnam
Dachstein Mountains in the Austrian Alps
Dade County park, Florida
Daegu Air Force Base, South Korea
Dagang Oilfield, Tianjin, China
Daggett, California
Daigo Fukuryū Maru
Dairylea milk processing plant in Elmira
Dalabuszki village
Dale, Indiana
Dalian, Liaoning, China
Dallas Love Field, Texas
Dallas area
Dallas, Texas
Dalnegorsk crash site
Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai, Russia
Damon, Texas
Danané, Ivory Coast
Danbury, Connecticut
Dandenong, Victoria, Australia
Danderyds Hospital
Dane County
Daniec, Poland
Daniel de Solier street, Ingeniero White, near Bahía Blanca, Argentina
Danielsville, Georgia
Danish Institute for International Studies
Dante, Knoxville, Tennessee
Danube River
Danvers, Illinois
Danville, Illinois
Danville, Pennsylvania
Darco, Texas
Darling Downs
Darmstadt, Germany
Dartmoor, Devon, England
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia
Darłowo Airport, Poland
Data Warehouse
Daten Avenue, Risley
Datil, New Mexico
Dauphin County, Pennsylvania
Davao City, Philippines
Davies Valley
Davis, California
Davis- Monthan
Davis-Monthan AFB
Davis-Monthan AFB base hospital, Tucson, Arizona
Davis-Monthan AFB in Tucson, Arizona
Davis-Monthan AFB outside Tucson
Davyhulme, Greater Manchester, England
Dawson Forest
Dawson and Dog Town, Alabama
Dawsonville, Georgia
Dayton, Ohio
Dayton, Oregon
DeForest, Wisconsin
DePauw University
DeRidder, Louisiana
DeRuyter, New York
Dead Mountains Wilderness
Deadwood, South Dakota
Deadwood, Texas
Dearborn Heights, Michigan
Dearborn, Michigan
Dearing, Georgia
Death Valley, California
Debrecen, Hungary
Decatur, Illinois
Deception Island
Deception Island, Antarctica
Dechmont Woods
Decimomannu, Sardinia
Dee Estuary
Deelen Air Base
Deep River, Ontario
Deep Space
Deer Lake
Deer Trail Drive
Deerfield, Illinois
Defense Research Establishment Suffield [now DRDC Suffield]
Defense Supply Center near Columbus, Ohio
Defiance, Ohio
Del Lago Golf Club
Delamere Forest east of Chester, England
Delano, Tennessee
Delavan, Wisconsin
Delaware Bay
Delaware River
Delaware Water Gap
Delaware, Ohio
Delphos, Kansas
Demilitarized Zone in Vietnam
Demilitarized Zone, Quang Tri Province, Vietnam
Demirköy, Kirklareli, Turkey
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Demopolis, Alabama
Denbigh Moors
Denebola in the constellation Leo
Dennis, Massachusetts
Denton, Texas
Denver Post
Denver, Colorado
Denville, New Jersey
Depot Road area of Coventry, Connecticut
Derna, Libya
Derry, New Hampshire
Derryhubbert, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland
Des Moines River
Des Moines, New Mexico
Desert Center, California
Desert east of Los Angeles, California
Desolation Wilderness area west of Lake Tahoe, California
Despatch, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Detroit Metropolitan Airport
Detroit, Michigan
Devon Islands
Devon, England
Dexter Township, Michigan
Dexter, Iowa
Dexter, Michigan
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Diamond Head, Hawaii
Diamond Peak overlook
Diamond Shamrock plant at Lamar [now Botham Jean Boulevard] and Lenway Street in Dallas, Texas
Dias d’Ávila, Bahia, Brazil
Digeliotika, Greece
Diggers Rest
Dijon, Côte d’Or, France
Dilhorne, Staffordshire, England
Dingle peninsula
Dingzhou, Hebei, China
Dinkelsbühl, Bavaria, Germany
Dinwiddie, Virginia
District 21
District Court for the District of Columbia
District of Columbia
Dixboro United Methodist Church
Dixboro, Michigan
Djerba-Zarzis International Airport, Tunisia
Dnieper River
Dobbins Air Force Base, Marietta, Georgia
Dobbins Air Reserve Base in Marietta
Dobbins Air Reserve Base in Marietta, Georgia
Dobson, North Carolina
Docking, Norfolk, England
Dodge City, Kansas
Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Quebec
Dolon Air Base in Semey, Kazakhstan
Domestic Area
Dominican Republic
Dominion Observatory
Doncaster East, Melbourne, Victoria
Donnybrook, North Dakota
Doon South Drive
Dorchester, Massachusetts
Dorset, England
Dossenheim-sur-Zinsel, Bas-Rhin, France
Douglas Aircraft plant in Santa Monica, California
Douglas County
Douglas Point Nuclear Generating Station
Dover AFB in Delaware
Dover AFB, Delaware
Dover Air Force Base
Dover, England
Dover, New Jersey
Dow Chemical Company materials research laboratory in Midland
Dow Crag
Dowagiac, Michigan
Downham Market, Norfolk
Dr. Carlos Pereyra Neuropsychiatric Hospital at Ituzaingó 2837, Mendoza, Argentina
Dr. Cesário Lincoln Furtado
Dr. Ducker's house
Dresden, Germany
Dresser, Wisconsin
Driebergen-Rijsenburg, Netherlands
Dry Creek Basin
Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards AFB, California
Drăgășani, Romania
Du Bois
Duas Pontes
Dubai International Airport
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Dublin Airport
Dublin Airport, Ireland
Dublin Mountains
Dublin Mountains, Ireland
Dublin, Ireland
Dublin, Texas
Dudignac, Buenos Aires province, Argentina
Dudley, England
Dugway Proving Ground in western Utah
Dugway Proving Ground, Utah
Duhamel, Alberta
Duken, Norway
Dulce, New Mexico
Dulles International Airport
Duluth Air National Guard Base
Duluth, Minnesota
Dulwich, London, England
Dum Dum Airport [now Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport]
Dumas, Texas
Dunbar, West Virginia
Duncan, British Columbia
Duncan, Oklahoma
Duncanville, Texas
Dunkirk, Ohio
Dunmow, Essex, England
Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Durance River
Durango, Colorado
Durham regional
Durham, England
Durham, New York
Durhamville, New York
Durie Hill, Whanganui, New Zealand
Dusty, Washington
Dutch ocean liner
Dutton, Montana
Dyess AFB
Dyess AFB near Abilene, Texas
Działoszyn, Poland
E411 motorway near Spontin, Belgium
EG&G building at McCarran Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada
Eagar, Arizona
Eagle Ford Shale Field near Cotulla, Texas
Eagle Lake
Eagle Mountain Lake
Eagle Pass, Texas
Eagle River, Wisconsin
Eagle's Nest, New Mexico
Easley, South Carolina
East 52nd Street, New York City
East Ajo Way and South Palo Verde Road in Tucson, Arizona
East Anglia
East Antarctica
East Coast
East Croydon, England
East Falmouth, Massachusetts
East Fort Myers
East Frisia, Lower Saxony, Germany
East Germany
East Haven, Connecticut
East Jersey Street
East Kent [now Chatham-Kent], Ontario
East Lansing, Michigan
East Leroy, Michigan
East Linden neighborhood of Columbus, Ohio
East Los Angeles, California
East Malvern, Victoria, Australia
East Morton
East Mountain, Vermont
East Oregonian office in Pendleton, Oregon
East Palestine, Ohio
East Paterson [now Elmwood Park], New Jersey
East Peru, Maine
East Point, Georgia
East Providence, Rhode Island
East River
East Sussex
East Troy, Wisconsin
East coast of the United States
Easter Island
Eastern ADC
Eastern Europe
Eastern Gobi Desert
Eastern Greenland
Eastern Siberian taiga
Eastern Suburbs of Santiago, Chile
Eastern end of Hokkaido
Eastern front in western Slovakia
Eastern part of Jakarta, Indonesia
Eastlake, Ohio
Easton, Pennsylvania
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Ebensburg, Pennsylvania
Ede, Netherlands
Edessa, Greece
Edgewood Arsenal
Edgewood Arsenal facility at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland
Edgewood, New Mexico
Edina, Missouri
Edinburg, Missouri
Edinburgh, Indiana
Edmond, Oklahoma
Edmonton, Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, International Airport
Edwards AFB
Edwards AFB, California
Edwards Air Force Base
Edwardsville, Illinois
Eglin AFB
Eglin AFB near Valparaiso, Florida
Eielson AFB near Moose Creek, Alaska
Eielson AFB, Fairbanks, Alaska
Eighth Air Force
Eiswerder island
Ejea de los Caballeros, Zaragoza
Eklutna, Alaska
Ekuk, Alaska
El Cajon, California
El Campo, Texas
El Castillo de las Guardas, Seville, Spain
El Centro
El Cerro de la Bufa Meteorological Observatory in Zacatecas, Mexico
El Choro, Poopó, Bolivia
El Dorado Airport
El Dorado International Airport
El Indio, Texas
El Kelaa des Sraghna
El Llano, Coyame, Chihuahua, Mexico
El Mahalla El Kubra, Egypt
El Mirage Field
El Paraiso, Mar del Plata, Argentina
El Pas de la Casa, Andorra
El Paso
El Paso Airport
El Paso, Texas
El Pata Air Force Base
El Real de la Jara, Seville, Spain
El Salvador’s Ilopango Airport
El Taire mountain on the Rio Bermejo
El Tepual Airport in Puerto Montt, Chile
El Tigre, Venezuela
El Vigía, Mérida, Venezuela
El-Qantara el-Sharqîya
Elburn, Illinois
Eldridge, North Dakota
Elephant Rock
Elgin, Illinois
Eliot, Maine
Elisabethville [modern Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo]
Elizabeth, New Jersey
Elizabethtown, Kentucky
Elkhart, Wisconsin
Elkhorn, Wisconsin
Elkins Park, Pennsylvania
Elkton, South Dakota
Ellastone, West Midlands, England
Ellensburg, Washington
Ellington Air Force Base near Houston, Texas
Ellington Field [now Ellington Airport], Houston, Texas
Ellsinore, Missouri
Ellsworth (between Sherman and Denison), Texas
Ellsworth AFB
Ellsworth AFB Delta-3 missile site southwest of Cottonwood, South Dakota
Ellsworth AFB H-01 missile launch facility southwest of Union Center, South Dakota
Ellsworth AFB L-09 missile site
Ellsworth AFB Oscar Flight area
Ellsworth AFB in Rapid City
Ellsworth AFB in Rapid City, South Dakota
Ellsworth AFB near Rapid City
Ellsworth AFB, Rapid City, South Dakota
Ellsworth landing
Ellwood City, Pennsylvania
Ellwood, Illinois
Elm City, North Carolina
Elmendorf AFB [now Joint Base Elmendorf- Richardson], Anchorage, Alaska
Elmendorf AFB [now Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson]
Elmendorf AFB [now Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson], Anchorage, Alaska
Elmer “Lucky” Sutton farmhouse
Elmira College in Elmira, New York
Elmira, California
Elmira, New York
Elmo, Kansas
Elmwood Park, Illinois
Elmwood, Wisconsin
Elsberry, Missouri
Elugelab Atoll
Ely, Nevada
Emden, Germany
Emerado, North Dakota
Emerald Beach, New South Wales
Emerson, South Dakota
Emilcin, Poland
Emissario Canal
Emmett, Idaho
Emory University Hospital in Atlanta
Empire State Building
Emporia, Kansas
Empty Fields
Encampment, Wyoming
Enebacken, Sweden
Enewetak Atoll
Enfield, New Hampshire
Engels-2 airfield
England AFB [now Alexandria International Airport]
Engle, New Mexico
English Channel
Enid, Oklahoma
Eniwetak Atoll
Enkeldoorn [now Chivhu], Zimbabwe
Enola Gay
Enoshima Beach, Kanagawa, Japan
Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Training Center] in Colorado
Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Training Center] in Colorado Springs, Colorado
Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Training Center], Colorado Springs, Colorado
Ent Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado
Entre Ríos province, Argentina
Environmental Science Services Administration
Ephrata, Washington
Epsilon Boötis
Epsom, Queensland
Erchin Forest
Erie County
Erie, Pennsylvania
Ernest Harmon AFB
Ernest Harmon AFB [now Stephenville International Airport]
Ernest Harmon AFB, Newfoundland
Ernest Harmon Air Force Base
Erquières, Pas-de-Calais, France
Escambray Mountains
Escanaba, Michigan
Escola de Sargentos das Armas
Escola de Sargentos das Armas in Très Coracões, Brazil
Escola de Sargentos das Armas in Três Corações, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Escuela Agrotécnica de Santa Rosa
Eskisehir Highway
Espanola, New Mexico
Esperance, Western Australia
Esquina de Sálas hospital
Essen, Germany
Essex, England
Essex, Maryland
Essoyla station
Estación Hidalgo Ferrocarril Sarmiento
Estancia de Santa Maria
Estelle Parsons
Estepona, Spain
Estonian islands, possibly Dagö or Osel
Eta Tauri
Eta Ursae Majoris
Etang de l’Ursine in Chaville, Hauts-de-Seine, France
Etzikom, Alberta
Eucalyptus tree at the end of the court
Eugene, Oregon
Eumemmerring Creek
Eupen, Belgium
Eupora, Mississippi
Eurasian communist countries
Eurasian continent
Eureka, California
Eureka, Utah
Evanston, Illinois
Evansville, Indiana
Evansville, Wisconsin
Eveking, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Everest, Kansas
Everett, Washington
Everglades Experiment Station
Everglades Research and Education Center
Everglades south of West Palm Beach, Florida
Everglades, Florida
Everybody's Magazine
Evora, Portugal
Exeter Clinic, New Hampshire
Exeter police station
Exeter, Devon
Exeter, Devon, England
Exeter, New Hampshire
Exeter, Rhode Island
Exeter/West Greenwich town lines
Exmouth, Devon, England
Exmouth, Western Australia
Extremadura region, Spain
Eyres Monsell, Leicester, England
Ezeiza International Airport
Ezeiza Partido
Fabrizio Calvi
Fabrègues, Hérault, France
Fairbank, Iowa
Fairchild AFB
Fairchild AFB near Spokane, Washington
Fairfax County, Virginia
Fairfield, California
Fairfield, New South Wales
Fairfield, Vermont
Fairfield-Suisun AFB
Fairfield-Suisun Army Air Field
Fairview, Kansas
Fairview, Pennsylvania
Fairy Cottage
Fala Island
Falcon Lake
Falcon Lake, Manitoba
Falkville, Alabama
Fall River
Falls City, Nebraska
Falmouth Airport
Far East
Far East Air Forces
Far Eastern district
Fargo, North Dakota
Farm Road 1300 northwest of El Campo, Texas
Farmersville, Texas
Farmington, New Mexico
Farnborough Airfield, Hampshire, England
Farwell, Minnesota
Fayette County
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Fayetteville, North Carolina
Fayetteville, Tennessee
Faymonville, Belgium
Federal District of Brasilia, Brazil
Feira de Santana, Bahía, Brazil
Fejarito Mountain
Feldkirchen-Westerham, Bavaria, Germany
Felixstowe, Suffolk, England
Fence Houses, Durham, England
Fenwick Moor
Ferme-Neuve, Quebec
Fernandina Beach, Florida
Fernvale, New South Wales
Fiddler’s Ferry Power Station
Fielding Lake, Alaska
Fifth Washington Conference on Theoretical Physics
Filipstad, Värmland, Sweden
Financial-records building
Findlay, Ohio
Finland-Russia border
Fischbach bei Dahn, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Fishers Island, New York
Fishersville, Virginia
Flagstaff, Arizona
Flasby, North Yorkshire, England
Flat Rock, Michigan
Flatwoods, West Virginia
Fleet Area Control and Surveillance Facility, Virginia Capes
Fleet Area Control and Surveillance Facility, Virginia Capes (FASCFAC VACAPES)
Fleming, New York
Flemington, New Jersey
Fleurus, Belgium
Flight Safety Section
Flinders Island
Flint, Michigan
Flora, Mississippi
Florence Airport, South Carolina
Florence, Italy
Floreşti, Romania
Florham Park
Florida Keys
Florida’s Gulf Coast
Flushing, Michigan
Flying Saucer Hill
Flying Saucer Hill southwest of Rosetta, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Flying Saucer Research Society of South Australia
Flykälen, Jämtland, Sweden
Flynt Street
Folkestone Herald
Fonfrède, Loire, France
Forbach, Moselle, France
Forbes AFB
Forbes AFB [now Topeka Regional Airport], Topeka, Kansas
Forbes Field [now Topeka Regional Airport], Kansas
Forestville neighborhood of Bristol, Connecticut
Forli, Italy
Former East Germany
Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt
Former West Germany
Fornacette, Pisa, Italy
Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant in Forsmark, Sweden
Fort Allen Training Center in Juana Díaz, Puerto Rico
Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin
Fort Bayard, two miles to the northwest
Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Fort Belvoir, Fairfax County, Virginia
Fort Bend County, Texas
Fort Benning
Fort Benning, Georgia
Fort Bliss
Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas
Fort Bliss, Texas
Fort Bragg
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Fort Campbell
Fort Clayton
Fort Collins
Fort Collins, Colorado
Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland
Fort Detrick, Maryland
Fort Dix army base
Fort Drum
Fort George G. Meade
Fort George G. Meade in Maryland
Fort George G. Meade, Maryland
Fort George Island, Florida
Fort Hall Indian Reservation
Fort Hood, Texas
Fort Howard
Fort Knox, Kentucky
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Fort Lee, New Jersey
Fort Macleod, Alberta
Fort McClellan
Fort Meade, Maryland
Fort Monmouth, New Jersey
Fort Morgan
Fort Morgan, Colorado
Fort Myers, Florida
Fort Pickens
Fort Riley Military Reservation
Fort Ritchie
Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas
Fort Smith, Arkansas
Fort Stanton
Fort Stanton cemetery
Fort Stevens Historic Site
Fort Strong in Boston harbor, Massachusetts
Fort Victoria
Fort Washakie, Wyoming
Fort Washita, Oklahoma
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Fort Worth
Fort Worth Air Route Traffic Control Center
Fort Worth Army Air Field
Fort Worth Army Air Field, Texas
Fort Worth Meacham International Airport
Fort Worth, Texas
Fort Yukon, Alaska
Fort-de-France, Martinique
Fortaleza de Itaipu in Praia Grande, São Paulo, Brazil
Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil
Forêt de Molière
Fosston, Minnesota
Fostoria, Ohio
Fox Lake
Foyers, Inverness, Scotland
Framfield, East Sussex, England
Frances Crane Wildlife Management Area north of Hatchville, Massachusetts
Francis E. Warren AFB
Francis E. Warren AFB Golf launch control capsule missile site northwest of Sidney, Nebraska
Francis E. Warren AFB Tango-1 missile launch facility southeast of Wheatland, Wyoming
Francis E. Warren AFB near Cheyenne, Wyoming
Francis E. Warren AFB, Cheyenne, Wyoming
Francis E. Warren Air Force Base
Franciszka Hynka street, Warsaw, Poland
Franconia Notch
Frankfort, Indiana
Frankfort, New York
Frankfurt, Germany
Franklin County, Indiana
Franklin Mountains
Franklin, Kentucky
Frankston, Victoria, Australia
Frederic, Wisconsin
Frederica, Denmark
Fredericksburg warehouse
Fredericksburg, Virginia
Freeport, New York
Freeport, Texas
Freetown, Indiana
Freezeout Lake, Montana
Fremont, Indiana
French Alps
French Office National d’Études et de Recherches Aérospatiales
French-Hecht plant east of Walcott, Iowa
Frenchman Flat
Fresno Community Hospital
Fresno, California
Friedland Refugee Camp, Lower Saxony, Germany
Friedrichroda, Germany
Frimley, Surrey, England
Frodsham, Cheshire, England
Frontenac, Kansas
Frontier City
Frontier City amusement park northeast of Oklahoma City
Fuenteluega Estate
Fuerte Amador
Fukuoka, Japan
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Okuma, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan
Fulton Street
Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina
Furmanovka, Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia
Furnace Creek, California
Furnas County, Nebraska
Fyffe, Alabama
Fábrica Nacional de Motores
Fátima, Portugal
Fôret de Lusigny, Aube, France
Fürstenfeldbruck Air Base in Bavaria, Germany
G. Bailey Fisher farm
GSF Galveston Key
Gaberke, Slovenia
Gadsden Avenue and West Avenue K in Lancaster, California
Gadsden, Alabama
Gaffney, South Carolina
Gaillac, Tarn, France
Gainesville, Florida
Gainesville, Georgia
Gaithersburg, Maryland
Gakona, Alaska
Galaţi, Romania
Galena, Ohio
Galesburg, Illinois
Galesburg, Michigan
Galeão Airport in Rio de Janeiro
Galisteo, New Mexico
Gallio, Vicenza, Italy
Gallipolis, Ohio
Gallows Corner, Romford, East London, England
Galt, California
Galveston, Texas
Gananoque, Ontario
Gander Lake
Gander, Newfoundland
Gansu province
Gardena Pass, South Tyrol, Italy
Gardner, Massachusetts
Gargano promontory
Garland, Texas
Garopaba, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Garrett Estimate
Garston, Hertfordshire, England
Gas City, Indiana
Gaspésie National Park, Quebec
Gatchellville, Pennsylvania
Gatwick Airport
Gatwick Airport in West Sussex, England
Gatwick Airport, England
Gauteng, South Africa
Gautier, Mississippi
Gawler, South Australia
Gdansk, Poland
Gdynia Polytechnic University
Gdynia, Poland
Gearhart Mountain
Geiger Field [now Spokane International Airport]
Gelles, Puy-de-Dôme, France
General Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina
General Mills tracking station at the University of Minnesota
Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda Air Base
Genesee, Wisconsin
Geneva Observatory, Switzerland
Geneva Summit
Geneva, Switzerland
Genoa City
Genoa, Italy
George AFB [now Southern California Logistics Airport] near Victorville, California
George AFB [now Southern California Logistics Airport], Victorville, California
George Washington University Hospital
George Washington University in Washington, D.C.
George Washington University, D.C.
Georges Creek, New South Wales
Georgetown University
Georgetown, Alabama
Georgetown, Massachusetts
Georgetown, South Carolina
Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia countryside
Georgian Bay, Ontario
Geraldine, Alabama
German Heydebreck labor camp
Gerona, Spain
Gesten, Denmark
Getty Street in Uvalde
Gettysburg Battlefield, Pennsylvania
Ghazni, Afghanistan
Ghedi Air Force Base
Giannitsa, Larissa
Giant Rock
Giant Rock Interplanetary Spacecraft Convention near Landers, California
Giant Rock, California
Gibsons, British Columbia
Gilbert Plains, Manitoba
Gimpo International Airport
Ginghamsburg, Ohio
Girl Scout camp headquarters near Port Byron, Illinois
Gironde, France
Gjersjøen bridge
Gjoa Haven, Nunavut
Gladstone, Michigan
Glasgow Air Force Base
Glasgow Airport, Scotland
Glasgow, Montana
Glasgow, Scotland
Gleeson, Colorado
Glen Cove, Maine
Glenalta horse ranch near Stirling, South Australia
Glendale, California
Glendale-Hyperion Bridge
Glenorchy, Tasmania
Glenview, Illinois
Glienicke Bridge
Gloggnitz, Austria
Glossop, Derbyshire, England
Gloucester Street
Gloucester, Massachusetts
Gloucestershire, England
Goat Rocks Wilderness Area
Gobernador Edgardo Castello Airport
Goddard Space Flight Center
Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland
Godman Army Airfield
Godman Army Airfield at Fort Knox
Godman Army Airfield in Fort Knox, Kentucky
Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil
Golden Gate
Golden, New Mexico
Goleta Valley
Golf Course
Golina, Poland
Gometz-le-Châtel, Seine et Oise
Goodland, Kansas
Goolwa, South Australia
Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador
Goose Bay, Labrador
Gordon Gray
Gordon, Wisconsin
Gordonsville, Virginia
Gorky [now Nizhny Novgorod], Russia
Gosford, New South Wales
Goshen, Indiana
Goshen, New York
Gostyń, Poland
Gotha, Germany
Gothaer Waggonfabrik (Gotha)
Gothenburg, Sweden
Gotland, Sweden
Goulburn, New South Wales
Governor Ritchie Highway in Glen Burnie, Maryland
Gowen Field [now Boise Airport], Boise, Idaho
Grafton, New South Wales
Gran Canaria
Gran Canaria Airport
Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
Gran Sasso massif
Granada, Spain
Granby, Connecticut
Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon in Arizona
Grand Central Parkway in Queens, New York City
Grand Falls, New Brunswick
Grand Falls, Newfoundland
Grand Forks AFB
Grand Forks, North Dakota
Grand Isle, Louisiana
Grand Kremlin Palace
Grand Prairie Armed Forces Reserve Complex
Grand Rapids
Grand Valley Road northwest of Brandon, Manitoba
Granja de Torrehermosa, Badajoz, Spain
Grant County International Airport
Grant Park
Grantham, New Hampshire
Grantley Adams International Airport
Granville, Massachusetts
Grassy Island Range Lighthouse
Grassy Mountain
Grayling Army Airfield
Grayling, Michigan
Great Britain
Great Divide
Great Falls
Great Falls AFB [now Malmstrom AFB]
Great Falls, Montana
Great Meadows, New Jersey
Great Mills, Maryland
Great Pond near Rome, Maine
Great Pyramid
Great River, Long Island, New York
Great Sand Dunes
Great Sand Dunes National Monument
Great Slave Lake
Great Swamp Management Area
Great Yarmouth, England
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England
Greater Buenos Aires
Greater Cincinnati Airport
Greater Manchester
Greater Manchester area, England
Greater Manchester, England
Greater Miami (Florida)
Greater Pittsburgh International Airport
Green Bank, West Virginia
Green Bay
Green Bay, Wisconsin
Green Beret
Green County
Green Haven Correctional Facility
Green Lake, British Columbia
Green Mountain
Greencastle, Indiana
Greenfield, Massachusetts
Greenlee County
Greensboro, North Carolina
Greenville AFB [now Mid-Delta Regional Airport], Mississippi
Greenville, Texas
Greenwich, Ohio
Greifswald, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern state, Germany
Grenada, Mississippi
Grenada, Spain
Grenoble, France
Gretz-Armainvilliers, Seine-et-Marne, France
Greymouth, New Zealand
Gricignano d’Aversa, Caserta, Italy
Griffiss AFB
Griffiss AFB [now Griffiss Business and Technology Park] in Rome, New York
Griffiss Business and Technology Park, Rome, New York
Griffiss International Airport, Rome, New York
Grillby, Sweden
Grimsby, Lincolnshire, England
Grinnell, Iowa
Grissom AFB in Peru, Indiana
Grodno, Belarus
Groendal Nature Reserve
Groom Dry Lake
Groom Lake
Groom Lake Road, Nevada
Groom Lake area in Nevada
Groom Lake base in Nevada
Groom Lake in Nevada
Groom Lake “Ranch” in Nebada
Groom Lake, Nevada
Groote Eylandt
Grove Oak, Alabama
Grove Street
Grover City
Groveton, New Hampshire
Gryon, Vaud, Switzerland
Grâce-Berleur, Belgium
Grâce-Hollogne, Belgium
Guadalajara, Spain
Gualbertos’s backyard
Guanajuato, Mexico
Guangzhou, China
Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Guarujá, São Paulo, Brazil
Guará I, Brasilia, Brazil
Guatemala City
Guatemala City, Guatemala
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
Guerrero, Coahuila, Mexico
Gueugnon, Saône-et-Loire, France
Guildford, Surrey, England
Guiyang Airport [now Guiyang Longdongbao International Airport]
Guiyang Baiyun Duxi Forest Farm
Guiyang, Guizhou province, China
Guizhou province, China
Gujan-Mestras, Gironde, France
Gulf Breeze
Gulf Breeze, Florida
Gulf of Bothnia
Gulf of Carpentaria
Gulf of Finland
Gulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador
Gulf of Guinea
Gulf of Maine
Gulf of Mexico
Gulf of Mexico (southwest of Florida)
Gulf of Oman
Gulf of Tonkin
Gulf of Çandarli
Gum Creek, Kangaroo Island, South Australia
Gunnarskog, Värmlands, Sweden
Gurnee, Illinois
Gypsumville, Manitoba
Györ-Moson-Sopron county
Góra Ossona
Góra Świętej Anny, Poland
Göttingen, Germany
HMAS Albatross Naval Air Station near Nowra, New South Wales
HMCS Granby
Hadashville, Manitoba
Haderslev, Denmark
Hagerman, New Mexico
Hagerstown, Maryland
Hailey, Idaho
Haileybury, Ontario
Hainault Forest Country Park
Hainault, northeast London
Haines City, Florida
Hajdúböszörmény, Hungary
Hakui, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan
Haleakala Observatory, Hawaii
Halewood, Merseyside, England
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Hall Beach, Nunavut
Hallam, Victoria, Australia
Hallasan volcano on Jeju
Halle, Germany
Hallett Station
Hallett Station [now closed]
Halver, North Rhine–Westphalia, Germany
Hamburg, Germany
Hameenlinna, Finland
Hamilton AFB
Hamilton AFB Airdrome
Hamilton AFB [now closed], Novato, California
Hamilton Army Airfield
Hamilton Army Airfield [now closed] in Novato, California
Hamilton Army Airfield in Novato, California
Hamilton County, Ohio
Hamilton Mountain Police Station
Hamilton Road, Quakers Hill, New South Wales
Hamilton Spectator
Hamilton, Illinois
Hamilton, Ontario
Hamilton, Texas
Hammaguir, Algeria
Hammond, Indiana
Hammond, Ontario
Hampshire, England
Hampshire, Tasmania
Hampton Falls, New Hampshire
Hampton, Virginia
Hanbury, Staffordshire, England
Hancock Field Air National Guard Base, Syracuse, New York
Haneda AFB
Hanford Atomic Works
Hanford Engineer Works in Washington
Hanford Site plutonium production facility
Hanford Site, Washington State
Hanford atomic site in Washington State
Hanford facility
Hanford nuclear plant
Hanford site
Hanford site of the Manhattan Project
Hanford, Washington
Hangar 18
Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport
Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Hannover airport
Hanover Township
Hanscom Field, Bedford, Massachusetts
Hanyang Arsenal, Wuhan
Harare, Zimbabwe
Harbor Department in Corona del Mar, California
Harborside, Maine
Harlem Prison Farm
Harmon Field, Guam
Harry Reid
Hart Canyon Road east of Aztec, New Mexico
Hart Mountain, Oregon
Hartcliffe, Bristol, England
Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory
Hartford City, Indiana
Hartford, Connecticut
Hartland, Connecticut
Harts Range, Northern Territory, Australia
Harvard Medical School
Harvard Professor of Law
Harvard University
Harvey, North Dakota
Harwich area
Harwinton, Connecticut
Harwood Island, New South Wales
Haselbach, Thuringia, East Germany
Haselor, Warwickshire, England
Hastings, Minnesota
Hastings, Nebraska
Hauser Lake, Idaho
Havana, Cuba
Havana, Illinois
Havsa, Edirne
Hawarden, Iowa
Hawthorne (Calif.) Municipal Airport
Hawthorne Municipal Airport
Hawthorne, New Jersey
Hawthorne, New York
Hayden, Alabama
Hayes, South Dakota
Haynesville, Louisiana
Haytor rocks on Dartmoor
Hayward, California
Haywood, Manitoba
Hazel Dell, Saskatchewan
Hazen, Arkansas
Heathfield, East Sussex, England
Heathrow Airport
Heathrow Airport Air Traffic Control
Heathrow Airport in London, England
Heathrow Airport, London
Heathrow Airport, London, England
Hebei province, China
Heber, Arizona
Hecla Island
Hecla, South Dakota
Heemstede, Netherlands
Heerlen, Netherlands
Heidelberg, Germany
Height 611 (also known as Mount Izvestkovaya)
Heiligenbeil, East Prussia
Hel peninsula
Hel peninsula, Poland
Helena, Montana
Heligoland, Germany, North Sea
Helmer, Indiana
Helsingborg, Sweden
Helsinki, Finland
Hemphill County
Henderson, Nevada
Henderson, New Zealand
Henichesk, Ukraine
Henri Coandă International Airport
Henri Coandă International Airport at Otopeni, Romania
Henry Grady Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia
Henry Holt
Henry Holt & Co.
Herbert Elkin and Company
Herman, Minnesota
Hermanas, New Mexico
Hermanowa, Poland
Herndon, Kansas
Herrera de Alcántara, Cáceres, Spain
Hertford, England
Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics in Ottawa, Canada
Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics in Ottawa, Ontario
Herăstrău Park
Hessdalen valley, Norway
Hessdalen, Norway
Hethersgill, Cumbria, England
Hibbing, Minnesota
Hickam Field
Hickory, North Carolina
High Bridge, New Jersey
High Prairie, Alberta
High Wycombe
High Wycombe, England
Highbury East, London, England
Highcliffe, Dorset, England
Higher Chisworth
Highland, Dupo, Lebanon, Shiloh, Summerfield, Millstadt, O’Fallon, Illinois
Highway 174 south of Marcellus, New York
Highway 3 south of New Plymouth, New Zealand
Highway 36 south of Taber, Alberta
Highway 375, Tikaboo Valley
Highway 401 near Belleville, Ontario
Highway 446 at Boyle, Mississippi
Highway 60 near Fort Sumner, New Mexico
Highway City, California
Highway near Whitehorse, Yukon
Highwood Ranger Station
Hiiumaa island, Estonia
Hiko, Nevada
Hilger, Montana
Hill AFB near Ogden
Hill AFB, south of Ogden, Utah
Hillcrest Heights, Maryland
Hilliard, Ohio
Hillsboro, Kansas
Hillsboro, Texas
Hillsdale (Michigan) College
Himalaya Mountains of Nepal
Hinojos, Huelva, Spain
Hinsdale, Illinois
Hiroshima, Japan
Hirson, Aisne, France
Hitachi province, Japan
Ho Chi Minh City
Hobart Airport, Cambridge, Tasmania
Hobart, Tasmania
Hobbs, New Mexico
Hobe Beach, Florida
Hockley County (Texas)
Hog’s Back, Surrey, England
Hoia Baciu forest
Holbæk, Denmark
Holland, Massachusetts
Holland, Michigan
Hollesley, East Suffolk, England
Holliston, Massachusetts
Holloman AFB
Holloman AFB in New Mexico
Holloman AFB, Alamogordo
Holloman AFB, Alamogordo, New Mexico
Holloman AFB, New Mexico
Holloman Air Force Base
Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico
Holloman–White Sands complex
Hollywood Hotel in Los Angeles, California
Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles, California
Hollywood, California
Holt, Florida
Holton, Indiana
Holy Ghost Seminary
Homan, Arkansas
Homer City, Pennsylvania
Homer Watson Boulevard
Homer, Louisiana
Homer, New York
Homestead 1 building
Homestead AFB
Homestead AFB [now Homestead Air Reserve Base] in Miami-Dade County
Homestead AFB [now Homestead Air Reserve Base] in Miami–Dade County
Homestead AFB [now Homestead Air Reserve Base] in Miami–Dade County, Florida
Honey Creek, Iowa
Hong Kong harbor, China
Hong-Yee Chiu
Honolulu, Hawaii
Honshu, Japan
Hope Estate in Rikillagaskada, Sri Lanka
Hopkinsville, Kentucky
Horne Islands
Hornsea, Yorkshire, England
Horse Springs, New Mexico
Horseheads, New York
Horseshoe Lagoon, Tully, Queensland
Horsetooth Reservoir
Hospital Bom Pastor in Varginha, Brazil
Hospital Ferroviario
Hospital Humanitas Unimed
Hospital Humanitas Unimed in Varginha, Brazil
Hospital Regional do Sul de Minas
Hospital Regional do Sul de Minas, Brazil
Hospital da Baleia
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Hot Springs, South Dakota
Hotel Commodore
Hotel Da Balaia
Hotel Owyhee in Boise, Idaho
Hotel Pennsylvania
Hotel Statler
Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Netherlands
Houghton, Michigan
Houma, Shanxi, China
House, Mississippi
Houston County, Georgia
Houston, British Columbia
Houston, Missouri
Houston, Texas
Howard City, Michigan
Howard Hawks
Howden Moors, Yorkshire, England
Howe, Idaho
Hrubieszów, Poland
Huaihua, Hunan, China
Huangshi, Hubei, China
Huascarán mountains
Hubbard Field
Hubbard, Ohio
Hubbard, Oregon
Hubland campus
Hudson River
Hudson Strait
Hudson Valley
Hudson, New York
Hughes Aircraft
Hulman Municipal Airport [now Terre Haute Regional Airport]
Humboldt State College
Humbug Valley, California
Huntington Park, California
Huntington, West Virginia
Huntsville, Alabama
Hurley, Wisconsin
Huron (South Dakota)
Hurricana River
Husnesfjorden, Hordaland, Norway
Hustonville, Kentucky
Hwy 70 near Matador, Texas
Hwy 83 north of Sonoita, Arizona
Hwy 91 between Craig and Wolf Creek, Montana
Hyatt House in Lincolnwood, Illinois
Hyattsville, Maryland
Hyde Park
Hyderabad, India
Hârşeni, Romania
Hällefors, Sweden
Hässleholm, Skåne, Sweden
Hässleholm, Sweden
Hôtel de Cluny in Paris, France
I 2/Fo52 Värmland Regiment
I Road northwest of Escanaba, Michigan
I-80 southeast of Cozad, Nebraska
I-84 near Brewster, New York
I-94 northbound near Deerfield, Illinois
Iași, Romania
Iberville [now Saint-Jean-de-Richelieu], Quebec
Ibiza, Balearic Islands, Spain
Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil
Icarus Interstellar
Ichinoseki, Iwate Prefecture, Japan
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Idyllwild, California
Iguape, São Paulo, Brazil
Ika-Renault factory
Ilha Cagarras
Ilha da Sarangonha
Ilha da Trindade
Ilha da Trindade, Brazil
Ilha do Major
Ilkley Moor in West Yorkshire, England
Illinois Highway 70
Illinois side of the river
Imjärvi, Finland
Immokalee, Florida
Imperial County
Imperial, California
Impilahti, Karelia [now Russia]
Inavale, Nebraska
Incheon, South Korea
Incirlik Air Base
Indian Air Force
Indian Head (north of Lincoln)
Indian Head Resort
Indian Ocean
Indian Ocean southwest of India
Indian Point Nuclear Plant
Indian Point Nuclear Plant at Buchanan, New York
Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field
Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field [now Creech AFB]
Indian Springs Air Force Base [now Creech AFB]
Indiana State Prison in Michigan City, Indiana
Indianapolis, Indiana
Inner Harbor
Inside Passage
Institute for Aerospace Studies at the University of Toronto, Ontario
Institute of Chemistry at the University of Florence
Institute of the Pennsylvania Hospital
Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de las Fuerzas Armadas
International Hilton Bonaventure Hotel in downtown Montreal, Quebec
Interstate 10 near Katy, Texas
Interstate 35 east of Barnum, Minnesota
Interstate 64 in Lexington, Kentucky
Interstate 65 near Ardmore, Alabama
Interstate 70 west of Goodland, Kansas
Interstate 70 westbound
Interstate 80 in Joliet, Illinois
Interstate 84 in Dutchess County, New York
Interstate 84 in Hartford, Connecticut
Interstate 87 south of Albany, New York
Invercargill, New Zealand
Inverness (Florida) Golf and Country Club
Inverness, Scotland
Iowa State University
Iowa town
Ipanema, Brazil
Ipswich Bay
Ipswich, Massachusetts
Iranian airstrip at Zahedan
Iraqi border
Iraqi desert
Irish Sea
Irlam, Greater Manchester, England
Iron Range
Irondequoit, New York
Iruma Air Base
Irvine, Alberta
Isfield, Sussex, England
Isla La Orchila, Venezuela
Isla Puná
Isla Verde, Córdoba, Argentina
Isla de Lobos
Isle of Man
Isle of Pines
Isle of Sheppey in the Thames Estuary
Isle of Wight
Isle of Wight, England
Isles-sur-Suippe, Marne, France
Isola, Spezia, Italy
Istanbul, Turkey
Istrana Air Base
Italian Parliament
Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport]
Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport] in Fukuoka, Japan
Ithaca, New York
Ituporanga, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Iturama, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Iwo Jima
Iwo Jima, Japan
Izmir, Turkey
J. B. Foster ranch house southeast of Corona, New Mexico
Jaboãtoa dos Guararapes, Pernambuco, Brazil
Jabreilles-les-Bordes, Haute-Vienne, France
Jacinto Aráuz, La Pampa, Argentina
Jack Northrop Field
Jack Northrop Field in Hawthorne, California
Jackass Flats in Area 25
Jackson County Sheriff's Office
Jackson, Alabama
Jackson, Mississippi
Jackson, Ohio
Jackson, South Carolina
Jacksonville Air Route Traffic Control Center
Jacksonville, Florida
Jacksonville, Illinois
Jacques Vallée
Jakarta, Indonesia
James Connally AFB [now TSTC Waco Airport] near Waco, Texas
James E. McDonald
James Earl Jones
James River
James, Georgia
Jamestown, Rhode Island
Jamestown, South Dakota
Jardim Andere neighborhood
Jardim Bela Vista district of Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil
Jaslovské Bohunice, Czech Republic
Jasper, Alberta
Jasper, New York
Java Sea, Indonesia
Java, Indonesia
Jefferson City Memorial Airport
Jefferson City, Missouri
Jefferson County Air Unit
Jefferson Street
Jeffersontown, Kentucky
Jeju Island, South Korea
Jenkins, Missouri
Jennings, Missouri
Jensen Beach
Jerez Airport
Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, Spain
Jerome, Ohio
Jersey ATC
Jersey City Heights, New Jersey
Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania
Jessup, Pennsylvania
Jesup, Georgia
Jet Propulsion Lab
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Jewfish Creek
Jianshui County, Yunnan, China
Jinan University in Guangzhou
Jindabyne, New South Wales
Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center
Johannesburg, South Africa
John F. Kennedy International Airport
John Glenn Columbus International Airport
John Lennon Airport in Liverpool
John Street in Connersville, Indiana
Johnson Air Base
Johnson Atoll
Johnson Park
Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas
Johnston Atoll
Johnstown, Pennsylvania
Joint Base Lewis-McChord
Joint Base Lews-McChord
Joint Base Pearl Harbor–Hickam
Joint Base San Antonio– Lackland in Texas
Joint Intelligence Committee
Joint Research and Development Board
Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Joliet, Illinois
Joliette, Quebec
Joplin, Missouri
Jordan and Marble Creeks in Plumas National Forest, northern California
Jorge Chávez International Airport in Callao
Jorge Newbery
Joseph Stavano's farm
Joshua Tree, California
Josserand, Texas
José Aponte de la Torre Airport
Joutel, Quebec
Jouy-sue-Morin, Seine-et-Marne, France
Joy and Whitmire Lake Road
Joyceville, Ontario
Judith Basin
Judith Gap, Montana
Judy Woods
Juguani, Cuba
July 29, 1952
June 2012
Jupille-sur-Meuse, Belgium
Jura Mountains
Justice Department
Jutland, Denmark
Juyong portion of the Great Wall of China
Juárez, Mexico
Järna Station in Södertälje
Jüchen, Germany
K-7 area near Judith Gap, Montana
Kadena Air Base
Kadena Air Base on Okinawa, Japan
Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan
Kagnew Station [now closed], Asmara, Eritrea
Kailoa Station, Gisborne, New Zealand
Kaiser Wilhelm Institut für Chemie
Kaiserslautern, Germany
Kalahari Desert in Botswana
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Kalgoorlie Airport in Western Australia
Kaliningrad, Russia
Kalispell, Montana
Kalix, Norrbotten, Sweden
Kallavesi lake, Finland
Kalmthout, Belgium
Kalnicki apartment
Kalochori, Michaniona
Kamchatka Peninsula
Kamen-Rybolov, Primorsky Krai, Russia
Kamensko Forest
Kamloops, British Columbia
Kandahar International Airport
Kandahar, Afghanistan
Kanholmsfjärden in the Stockholm archipelago, Sweden
Kankakee, Illinois
Kansas City
Kansas City, Kansas
Kansas City, Missouri
Kansas State University Veterinarian Laboratory in Manhattan
Kapustin Yar
Kapustin Yar site, Astrakhan Oblast, Russia
Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan Oblast, Russia
Karawinna area
Kardashev scale
Karelia, Russia
Kargowa, Poland
Karlskrona, Sweden
Karoonda Highway
Katrineholm, Sweden
Kattakurgan tactical nuclear missile base in Uzbekistan
Kattenau, East Prussia
Kauai Sands Hotel
Kaunas Fortress, Lithuania
Kawerau, New Zealand
Kearney, Nebraska
Keats Island
Kecksburg, Pennsylvania
Keeneyville, Illinois
Keesler AFB in Biloxi
Keesler AFB, Biloxi, Mississippi
Keflavík Airfield, Iceland
Keflavík, Iceland
Keith, South Australia
Kellogg, Iowa
Kelly AFB
Kelly Air Force Base
Kelly Field
Kelly Field Annex
Kelowna, British Columbia
Kelsey Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Kelso, New Zealand
Kelso, Washington
Kelvedon Hatch Secret Nuclear Bunker [now closed] in Essex
Kenitra, Morocco
Kenly, North Carolina
Kenner, Louisiana
Kenneth Arnold
Kenora Airport
Kenora, Ontario
Kensington, New Hampshire
Kent Cliffs, New York
Kents Hill School, Maine
Kentucky State Police
Kentucky border
Kenyon, Rhode Island
Keokuk, Iowa
Kerkrade, Netherlands
Kerman, California
Kern County Airport [now closed] in Lost Hills
Kernville, California
Kerrville, Texas
Kessel, West Virginia
Kettering, Ohio
Kettering, Tasmania
Keuka Lake
Keweenaw County
Key West
Key West, Florida
Khabarovsk Krai, Russia
Khami Prison in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Khao Kala hill
Kharagpur, India
Kharkiv, Ukraine
Khatanga, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia
Khondab, Iran
Khosta near Sochi, Krasnodar Krai, Russia
Khuzestan Province
Kiel, Germany
Kilbourne Hole
Kilburn Estate
Kilkenny, Ireland
Killaly, Saskatchewan
Killeen Base
Killeen Base [now West Fort Hood], Texas
Killeen Base in Texas
Killeen Base, Fort Hood, Texas
Killeen Base, Texas
Killeen Base, adjacent to Gray AFB
Kimberley, British Columbia
Kimberley, South Africa
Kimpo Air Base
Kincardine, Ontario
Kincheloe AFB [now Chippewa County International Airport]
King Albert Park
King Alfred’s College in Winchester, Hampshire, England
King Island
King of Prussia, Pennsylvania
King's Junction
King's Lynn, Norfolk, England
Kingman, Arizona
Kingman, Kansas
Kingsburg, California
Kingsland, Georgia
Kingston, New Hampshire
Kingston, New York
Kingston, Ontario
King’s River Ranch near Orovada
Kinpurnie Castle
Kinross AFB
Kinross AFB [now Chippewa County International Airport] south of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
Kinston, North Carolina
Kirkby, West Lancashire, England
Kirkham’s Bridge
Kirkland, Washington
Kirklin, Indiana
Kirksville Air Force Station in Missouri
Kirksville area
Kirksville, Missouri
Kirkwall Airport
Kirtland AAF
Kirtland AFB
Kirtland AFB Office of Special Investigations
Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque
Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Kirtland AFB in New Mexico
Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Kirtland AFB, NM
Kirtland AFB, New Mexico
Kirtland AFB’s Office of Special Investigations
Kirtland Air Force Base
Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque
Kirtland Air Force Base near Albuquerque
Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Kirtland Field
Kiruna and Luleå airports
Kislovodsk Mountain Astronomical Station
Kislovodsk, North Caucasus, Russia
Kitchener, Ontario
Kitsap Mall in Silverdale, Washington
Kitsap Peninsula
Kitsap Peninsula, Washington
Kitt Peak National Observatory
Kittery, Maine
Klagenfurt, Austria
Klondike Highway
Kloster Garnstock
Klyuchi, Kamchatka Krai
Knob Noster, Missouri
Knoll Hill
Knott Street
Knox County, Indiana
Knoxville, Tennessee
Knud Drive
Knutby, Uppsala County, Sweden
Kobe, Japan
Koblenz-Karthause, Germany
Kodak Brownie
Kodiak, Alaska
Kok Tobe Mountain
Kokomo, Indiana
Kola Bay, northern Russia
Kola Peninsula
Kola Peninsula in northwest Russia
Kolkata, India
Kolmården ridge area in Östergötland, Sweden
Konantsevo, Vologda Oblast, Russia
Kopparberg [now Dalarna]
Korea Strait
Korean Theatre
Korsö, Finland
Koto Ward, Tokyo, Japan
Kountze, Texas
Kowale Oleckie, Poland
Kołobrzeg, Poland
Kraków County
Krasnovodsk [now Türkmenbaşy], Turkmenistan
Krasnoyarsk Krai
Kronotsky Lake, Kamchatka Krai, Russia
Krosno, Poland
Krugersdorp, Gauteng, South Africa
Krutikha River
Krzesiny AFB
Kunshan, Jiangsu, China
Kuril Islands
Kutizhma station
Kuujjuaq, Quebec
Kuwait City
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research
Kuwaiti Oil Company
Kuwaiti oilfield at Al-Sabriyah
Kvalsvik, Norway
KwaZulu-Natal midlands
Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands
Kyiv, Ukraine
Kyshtym, Russia
Kyushu Island, Japan
Köln, Germany
Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Poland
LC-5 at Cape Canaveral, Florida
LCC India, southwest of Sunol, Nebraska
La Brousse, Charente-Maritime, France
La Caiffe
La Carta
La Chassagne
La Chaumiere
La Coloma
La Ferté-sous-Jouarre, Seine-et-Marne, France
La Fère, Aisne, France
La Grande
La Grange
La Guaira
La Guardia, Catamarca, Argentina
La Habra, California
La Joya Air Base
La Linea de Concepción, Spain
La Louvière, Hainaut, Belgium
La Madera, New Mexico
La Orchila Island, Venezuela
La Pallice
La Palma and Tenerife, Canary Islands
La Pampa province
La Pampa, Argentina
La Pastora, Buenos Aires, Argentina
La Paz
La Pintada
La Plaine des Cafres
La Porte, Indiana
La Posta Astro-Geophysical Observatory in Campo, California
La Puente, California
La Rioja, Spain
La Roche-en-Brénil, Côte d’Or, France
La Rochelle
La Ronge, Saskatchewan
La Réole
La Salle, Manitoba
La Semaine de L’akf
La Serra d’Almos, Catalonia, Spain
La Soucoupe Volante
La Soukra, Tunisia
La Spezia, Italy
La Vaureille
La Victoria
LaSalle, Illinois
Labrador Sea
Labrador, Canada
Lac Chauvet
Lac La Biche, Alberta
Lac de la Gileppe dam
Lac-Beauport, Quebec
Lachlan, Tasmania
Lackland AFB
Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Texas
Lacul Bucura
Lacul Morii
Lacul Roşu, Romania
Lafayette (Louisiana) Airport
Lafayette Township
Lafayette, New York
Lagerlechfeld, Bavaria, Germany
Lago Samán
Lago Sul area
Lago de Cote, Costa Rica
Lago d’Idro, Brescia, Italy
Lagoa da Maraponga
Lagol, Ventura County, California
Laguna Beach
Laguna Beach, California
Laguna Peak
Laguna de Tequesquitengo in Jojutla, Morelos
Laingsburg, Michigan
Lajes Air Base
Lajoumard, Haute-Vienne, France
Lake Anten
Lake Anten, Västra Götaland, Sweden
Lake Backsjön
Lake Baikal
Lake Berryessa, California
Lake Bolmen
Lake Champlain
Lake Charles Air Force Station
Lake Charles, Louisiana
Lake City [now Rocky Top], Tennessee
Lake City, Minnesota
Lake Compounce
Lake County
Lake Crescent
Lake District, England
Lake Easton, Washington
Lake Elmo, Minnesota
Lake Elsinore, California
Lake Erie
Lake Erie in Erie, Pennsylvania
Lake Forest, Illinois
Lake Geneva, Switzerland
Lake George
Lake Glasfjorden
Lake Harriet in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Lake Havasu, Arizona
Lake Huron
Lake Imba-numa
Lake James
Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe
Lake Kattisträsket, Sweden
Lake Khanka
Lake Kickapoo, Texas
Lake Kölmjärv, Sweden
Lake Ladoga
Lake Länsjön
Lake Manitoba
Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela
Lake Marmen
Lake Mead Base, adjacent to Nellis AFB
Lake Mead, Nevada
Lake Michigan
Lake Minnehaha
Lake Minnetonka
Lake Mjøsa in southeastern Norway
Lake Onega
Lake Ontario
Lake Ontario beach in St. Catharines, Ontario
Lake Pangong Tso
Lake Pátzcuaro
Lake Radunka
Lake Red Rock
Lake Ronkonkoma
Lake Sacajawea
Lake Saratoga
Lake Sorell, Tasmania
Lake St. Clair
Lake Superior
Lake Tahoe, Nevada
Lake Timiskaming
Lake Titicaca, Peru
Lake Urmia, Iran
Lake Vassarajärvi
Lake Washington
Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba
Lake Zarobozero, Vologda Oblast, Russia
Lake near Oslo
Lakehurst, New Jersey
Laketi Mission
Lakewood, Massachusetts
Lakota, North Dakota
Lambert–St. Louis International Airport
Lambeth North
Lamesa, Texas
Lamoni, Iowa
Lamonriville, Malmédy, Belgium
Lampasas, Texas
Lancang Lahu Autonomous County
Lancaster, Missouri
Lance Cove
Landau, Germany
Landers, California
Landguard Bluff
Landing Aids Experiment Station in Arcata, California
Landrum, South Carolina
Landskrona, Skåne, Sweden
Landskrona, Sweden
Landévennec, Finistère, France
Langdon, North Dakota
Langenau [now Czernica, Poland]
Langenburg, Saskatchewan
Langenhoe Hall Lane
Langenhoe, Essex, UK
Langley AFB
Langley AFB in Hampton, Virginia
Langley AFB, Virginia
Langley Air Force Base
Langley, Virginia
Langruth, Manitoba
Lansing, Michigan
Lantana, Florida
Lanxi-Xin’angiang Highway
Lanzhou City, Gansu, China
Lanzhou, Gansu province, China
Laramie, Wyoming
Laredo AFB
Laredo AFB [now Laredo International Airport], Texas
Laredo International Airport
Larimer County
Larimer County Road 76H northwest of Larimer, Colorado
Larne, County Antrim
Larson AFB
Larson AFB [now Grant County International Airport]
Larson AFB [now Grant County International Airport], Moses Lake, Washington
Lartington, Teesdale, England
Las Bardenas Reales
Las Cruces, New Mexico
Las Gastanas farm
Las Palmas
Las Palmas in the Canary Islands
Las Pampas
Las Vegas
Las Vegas Air Force Station [now closed] at Angel Peak, Nevada
Las Vegas Bombing and Gunnery Range in Nevada
Las Vegas, Nevada
Las Vegas, New Mexico
Latin America
Latrobe, Pennsylvania
Laughlin AFB, Del Rio, Texas
Launceston, Tasmania
Launch Control Center
Launch Facility Oscar-7
Laurel, Mississippi
Laurie, Missouri
Lausanne, Switzerland
Laval, Quebec
Lavernock Battery, Vale of Glamorgan, Wales
Lavonia, Georgia
Lavoux, Vienne, France
Law Enforcement Assistance Administration
Lawitta, Tasmania
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Lawrence, Kansas
Lawson AFB
Lawson AFB [now Lawson Army Airfield] in Fort Benning, Columbus, Georgia
Lawson Army Airfield
Le Chambon-sur-Lignon, Haute-Loire, France
Le Mans, Sarthe, France
Le Puy, France
Le Roy, New York
Leary, Georgia
Leavenworth, Kansas
Leawood, Kansas
Lebanon County, Pennsylvania
Lebel-sur-Quévillon, Quebec
Lee, southeast London
Leeds Airport, England
Leefe Mine
Leek, Staffordshire, England
Left Hand Canyon
Legal Medical Institute at the Cemitério dos Amarais in Campinas
Lehi, Utah
Leicester University, England
Leicestershire, England
Leigh, England
Leipzig, Germany
Leirvik on Stord island
Leith Canyon, Nevada
Lemmon, South Dakota
Lemon Grove, California
Lenah Valley, Tasmania
Lencouacq, Landes, France
Lendele, Belgium
Lenin Square
Leningrad [now St. Petersburg]
Leningrad [now St. Petersburg], Russia
Leominster, Massachusetts
Leonstein, Austria
Les Brosses Tillots
Les Mureaux military base, Yvelines
Les Rousses, Jura, France
Les Écureuils
Les-Jonquerets-de-Livet [now Mesnil-en-Ouche], Eure, France
Lester Kaiser farm near Rising Sun, Indiana
Lestrem, Pas-de-Calais, France
Lethbridge, Alberta
Leurda plateau
Levan, Utah
Levelland (Texas)
Levelland, Texas
Lewes, East Sussex, England
Lewis S. Rickett
Lewiston, Michigan
Lexington, Kentucky
Lexington, Massachusetts
Lexington, Nebraska
Leyte Gulf
Leyte Gulf, Philippines
Liangshan Cotton Mill south of Longwangmiao, Shandong, China
Liberty County
Liberty, Kentucky
Libertyville, Illinois
Library of Congress
Licata, Sicily, Italy
Lick Observatory
Lick Skillet, Tennessee
Lickdale, Pennsylvania
Liepāja, Latvia
Lifjell plateau, Telemark, Norway
Light Street Pavilion
Lightfoot, Virginia
Lima, Ohio
Lima, Peru
Limelette, Belgium
Limestone, Maine
Lincoln AFB
Lincoln Airport, Nebraska
Lincoln County
Lincoln County, Wyoming
Lincoln LaPaz
Lincoln, Illinois
Lincoln, New Hampshire
Lincoln, New Mexico
Lincolnshire, Illinois
Lincolnton, North Carolina
Linden, Michigan
Lindheimer Astrophysical Research Center in Evanston, Illinois
Lindheimer Observatory at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois
Lindholmen, Vallentuna
Lindley, New York
Lineville, Iowa
Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, Philippines
Linha Bela Vista
Linn Grove, Iowa
Lintao Air Base, Gansu province, China
Linz, Austria
Lisbon, Portugal
Lisburn, Northern Ireland
Lisle, Illinois
Litlefjellet, Norway
Little Bedwyn, Wiltshire, England
Little Britain, Ontario
Little Fox Lakes, Yukon Territory
Little Haven, Pembroke, Wales
Little Heart’s Ease
Little Hulton
Little Kanawha River
Little Miami River
Little Rock, Arkansas
Little Sabine Island
Littlehampton, England
Livermore branch [now the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory] of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory
Livermore, California
Liverpool Creek bridge
Liverpool, England
Livingston, Scotland
Lizard Point
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Llandrillo, northern Wales
Llandrindod Wells, Powys, Wales
Llanerchymedd, Anglesey, Wales
Llangernyw, North Wales
Llangynidr, Powys, Wales
Llanidloes, Powys, Wales
Llannefydd, North Wales
Llano, Texas
Loa Alamos National Laboratory
Lobero Theater, Santa Barbara, California
Loch Leven Lakes
Loch Ness
Loch Ness, Scotland
Loch Raven Reservoir, Maryland
Lock, South Australia
Lockbourne AFB
Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base]
Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base] in Lockbourne, Ohio
Lockbourne AFB runway
Lockbourne, Ohio
Lockheed’s Georgia Nuclear Aircraft Laboratory
Lockheed’s offices in Burbank
Lockport Air Force Station
Lockport locks and dam
Lockport, Illinois
Loco, Texas
Loctudy, Finistère, France
Lodi, California
Lodi, Ohio
Logan Airport
Logan, Utah
Logradouro, Ceará, Brazil
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain
Logroño-Agoncillo Airport
Lompoc, California
Lomé, Togo
London (Gatwick Airport)
London Air Traffic Control Centre
London Airport (now Heathrow)
London's Science Museum
London, England
London, Germany
London, Ohio
London, Ontario
Long Beach
Long Beach, California
Long Clawson, England
Long Eaton, Derbyshire
Long Grove, Illinois
Long Island
Long Island, New York
Long Prairie, Minnesota
Longchaumois, Jura, France
Longdon, Somerset, England
Longest and Everett avenues
Longmont, Colorado
Longview Drive
Longview, Washington
Longwangmiao, Zhejiang, China
Longwy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France
Lop Nur Nuclear Test Base in Xinjiang
Lorain County, Ohio
Lorain, Ohio
Lord Cherwell
Lordsburg, New Mexico
Loring AFB
Loring AFB near Limestone, Maine
Loring AFB, Maine
Loring Commerce Centre
Loring International Airport
Los Alamos
Los Alamos Laboratory
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico
Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratories
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory in New Mexico
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New Mexico
Los Alamos Scientific Labs, New Mexico
Los Alamos in New Mexico
Los Alamos, New Mexico
Los Alamos, Sandia, and White Sands
Los Angeles
Los Angeles AFB in El Segundo, California
Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel
Los Angeles County
Los Angeles Examiner
Los Angeles International Airport in California
Los Angeles International Airport, California
Los Angeles River
Los Angeles, California
Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete
Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete, Castilla–La Mancha
Los Lunarejos farm
Los Palos Hills
Lost River Sinks
Loublande, Deux-Sèvres, France
Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge
Louisville (Ky.)
Louisville International Airport in Kentucky
Louisville, Kentucky
Lourenço Jorge Municipal Hospital in Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Louth, Lincolnshire, England
Lovelace Clinic in Albuquerque
Loveland, Colorado
Loveland, Ohio
Lovington, New Mexico
Low Bradfield, South Yorkshire, England
Lowell Observatory
Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona
Lowell, Indiana
Lowell, Massachusetts
Lowestoft, Suffolk, England
Lowry AFB
Lowry, South Dakota
Loxton, Northern Cape, South Africa
Lt. Col. Doyle Rees
Lt. Gen. James Doolittle
Luanda, Angola
Lubbock Lights
Lubbock Morning Avalanche
Lubbock, Texas
Lublin, Poland
Lucala, Angola
Luce Bay, Wigtownshire, Scotland
Lucens reactor
Lucky Point
Ludington, Michigan
Ludlow Museum
Luipaardsvlei mine near Krugersdorp, Gauteng, South Africa
Luke AFB near Glendale, Arizona
Luke AFB near Phoenix, Arizona
Luleå, Sweden
Lumberton, North Carolina
Luna Canyon
Luna Mountain
Lundar, Manitoba
Lunéville, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France
Lusiana, Vicenza, Italy
Luzern, Switzerland
Lvov, Ukraine
Lycoming, New York
Lyell Highway
Lynchford, Tasmania
Lynden, Washington
Lyndoch-Gawler Road near Sandy Creek, South Australia
Lynn, Massachusetts
Lyon, France
Lyons, Nebraska
Lövåsen, Vilhelmina, Sweden
Lübeck, Germany
Lüda (now Dalian), Liaoning, China
Lüdenscheid, North Rhine–Westphalia, Germany
L’Île-Perrot, Quebec
M62 and M66 motorways near Bury, Greater Manchester, England
MATES Camp Santiago military base
MEW Radar Station, Fukuoka
MIT Center for International Studies
MIT Lincoln Lab
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
MITRE Corporation
MIT’s Lincoln Labs
MJ-12 documents
MOD Corsham
MOD West Freugh
MSQ-102 Radar
Maastricht, Netherlands
Mabelvale, Arkansas
MacDill AFB in Tampa, Florida
MacGregor, Manitoba
MacNutt, Saskatchewan
Macapá, Amapá, Brazil
Macclesfield, Cheshire, England
Macdonald Airport in Manitoba
Machynlleth, Powys, Wales
Mackay, Queensland
Madagascar Interior Ministry
Madbury, New Hampshire
Madeleine Rodeffer's house in Silver Spring, Maryland
Madison Avenue and 26th Street in New York City
Madison Building
Madison Lake State Park
Madison, Connecticut
Madison, Ohio
Madison, Wisconsin
Madisonville, Kentucky
Madrid Air Force headquarters
Madrid, Spain
Magadan Airport, Russia
Magazine Hill
Magnet Strada
Magnuson Park
Magnusy, Poland
Mahakam River
Mahone Bay
Mahoning County
Mahopac Falls, New York
Mahopac, New York
Mahón, the port of the island of Menorca, Spain
Maida Vale, London, England
Maids Moreton, Buckingham, England
Mainland China
Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Maipú, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Maiquetia International Airport
Maj. Rolando Cubela Secades
Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain
Malacca Strait
Malahide, County Dublin
Malheur County
Malibu Beach, California
Malibu, California
Malletts Bay
Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain
Malmstrom AFB
Malmstrom AFB A-3 flight launch facility
Malmstrom AFB Alpha-01 missile alert facility southeast of Belt, Montana
Malmstrom AFB Echo-Flight missile launch facility
Malmstrom AFB K-01 Minuteman missile alert facility 1.7 miles east-northeast of Harlowton, Montana
Malmstrom AFB N-01 missile alert facility northwest of Grassrange, Montana
Malmstrom AFB Romeo Flight missile alert facility near Brady, Montana
Malmstrom AFB complex
Malmstrom AFB in Great Falls
Malmstrom AFB, Great Falls, Montana
Malmö, Sweden
Malone, Wisconsin
Malta, Montana
Mamaia-Set, Romania
Mamonovo, Russia
Mamora Forest
Manassas, Virginia
Manaus, Amazonas
Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
Manbhum district, West Bengal, India
Manchester Airport
Manchester Airport, England
Manchester Street
Manchester, England
Manchester, Kansas
Manchester, Maine
Manchester, New Hampshire
Manhattan Beach, California
Manhattan Engineering District
Manhattan Project
Manhattan, New York City
Manises Air Base [now Valencia Airport]
Manises airport in Valencia
Manitou Beach Highway
Manitou Springs, Colorado
Mankato, Minnesota
Manlius, New York
Mannford, Oklahoma
Mannheim, Germany
Mannsville, Kentucky
Mannum, South Australia
Manotick, Ontario
Manresa Beach
Mansfield Depot, Connecticut
Mansfield, Ohio
Manzano Base, New Mexico
Manzano Mountains
Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storage Area
Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storage Facility
Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storage facility
Manzano Weapons Storage Area
Manzano Weapons Storage Area at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque
Manzano, New Mexico
Manzuno, Italy
Manú National Park
Maple Trees
Maplewood (New Jersey)
Maplewood, New Jersey
Mapoon Mission
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Maralinga, South Australia
Maraponga neighborhood of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil
Marble Canyon, Arizona
March AFB
March Air Reserve Base, Riverside, California
Marcilly-sur-Vienne, Indre-et-Loire, France
Marco Eli Chareze's mother's house
Mare Crisium
Marfa, Texas
Margate, Kent
Mariannelund, Småland, Sweden
Mariano Melgar Airport
Marietta, Georgia
Marietta, Ohio
Marieville, Quebec
Marignane Airfield [now Marseille Provence Airport], Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Marignane, Bouches-du-Rhône, France
Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point in Havelock, North Carolina
Marine Corps Air Station El Toro [now closed], California
Marine Corps Air Station Miramar
Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia
Marinette, Wisconsin
Marion, Indiana
Marion, Ohio
Marion, Virginia
Market and 8th streets in San Francisco, California
Markim, Stockholm County, Sweden
Marlborough, Massachusetts
Marlett Sturgell farmhouse
Marly-le-Roi, Yvelines, France
Marmaris, Muğla, Turkey
Marquette, Michigan
Mars Hill, Maine
Marseille Observatory, France
Marseille, France
Marshall County, Minnesota
Marshall Islands
Marshall, Michigan
Marshfield, Wisconsin
Martin, North Dakota
Martins Pond
Martinsburg, Ohio
Mary, Turkmenistan
Maryland Route 146
Marysville, California
Maslin Beach, Adelaide, South Australia
Mason County Courthouse
Masonic Temple
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massif du Taillefer
Massillon, Ohio
Matabeleland South
Matachewan, Ontario
Mataura River north of Gore, New Zealand
Mather & Gregg’s building
Mather AFB
Mathieson chemical plant
Matipo Terrace
Matozinhos, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Maui, Hawaii
Maunie, Illinois
Maury Island
Maury Island, Washington
Mawdesley, Lancashire, England
Mawnan, Cornwall, England
Max Lockard
Maxwell AFB
Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama
Maxwell AFB, Alabama
Maxwell Field
Mayfair Hotel
Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota
Mazarrón, Murcia, Spain
McAlester, Oklahoma
McCandless, Pennsylvania
McCarthy's farm
McChord AFB
McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis- McChord]
McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis- McChord] in Tacoma
McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis-McChord]
McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis-McChord] near Tacoma, Washington
McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis-McChord] south of Tacoma, Washington
McChord AFB in Tacoma, Washington
McChord Field near Tacoma, Washington
McClellan Senate subcommittee
McClintic Wildlife Management Area
McCook, Nebraska
McDermott, Nevada
McGeorge Bundy
McGinnis and Bailey
McGuire AFB [now Joint Base McGuire–Dix–Lakehurst] in Burlington County, New Jersey
McGuire AFB [now part of Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst] in Burlington County, New Jersey
McGuire AFB runaway
McHenry, Illinois
McIntosh, New Mexico
McIntosh, South Dakota
McLain, Mississippi
McMahan, Texas
McMinnville, Oregon
McMurdo Station, Antarctica
Meacham Field
Meade, Kansas
Meanwood, Leeds, England
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
Mechelen, Belgium
Medellín, Badajoz, Spain
Medford Municipal Airport
Medford, Minnesota
Medford, Oregon
Media, Pennsylvania
Medicine Bow National Forest southeast of Rawlins, Wyoming
Medicine Hat, Alberta
Medina Base, adjacent to Lackland AFB
Medina del Campo, Valladolid, Spain
Mediterranean Sea
Mediterranean Sea 20 nautical miles east of Gibraltar
Mediterranean Sea north of Algeria
Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Spain
Medjugorje, Bosnia
Medvezhye gas field
Meekatharra, Western Australia
Mehdya, on the coast
Mehrabad Airport
Mehrabad Airport in Tehran, Iran
Meir, Stoke-in-Trent, England
Mejillones, Chile
Mekong River
Melbourne, Victoria
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Melito di Napoli, Italy
Melrose, New Mexico
Melton Regional Shopping Centre
Melton, Melbourne, Victoria
Melville Sound, Nunavut, Canada
Melville, Saskatchewan
Memphis, Tennessee
Menastash Ridge
Menaul Boulevard
Mendocino County, California
Mendota, California
Mendoza province
Mendoza, Argentina
Menlo Park, California
Mentone, Victoria, Australia
Merced, California
Mercer Island, Washington
Mercury, Nevada
Mercy Hospital
Merkel, Texas
Merom, Indiana
Merritt Island, Florida
Mertrud, Haute Marne, France
Merweville, South Africa
Mesquite, Nevada
Messoyakha Gas Field
Mestre, Veneto
Methuen, Massachusetts
Metropole Building on Northumberland Avenue in London, England
Meudon Observatory, Paris, France
Meuse River
Mexican border near Del Rio, Texas
Mexico City
Mexico City International Airport
Mexico City, Mexico
Mexico/US border
Miami Beach, Florida
Miami Herald
Miami International Airport
Miami Seaquarium
Miami, Florida
Michigan State College
Mid-Continent Airlines Flight 9
Middelburg police station
Middle East
Middle Fork of Wildcat Creek
Middle River
Middlestone Avenue and Front Street in East New Haven, Connecticut
Middleton Island, Alaska
Midland, Michigan
Midland, Pennsylvania
Midway Airport in Chicago
Midway Island
Midway, Texas
Mielec Airport
Mielec airfield, Poland
Mierzęcice Air Base [now Katowice Airport], Poland
Miguel Pereira
Mihai Kogălniceanu Air Force Base
Mihai Kogălniceanu International Airport
Mikha Tskhakaya Airfield south of Senaki, Georgia
Milan, Italy
Milan, Michigan
Milanere, Torino, Italy
Mildura, Victoria, Australia
Miles City, Montana
Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire, Wales
Milford, Connecticut
Milford, Pennsylvania
Miliscola Beach, Bacoli, Naples, Italy
Military Personnel Records Center in Overland, Missouri
Milky Way galaxy
Mill Spring
Miller County, Missouri
Millersport, Ohio
Millerton, New York
Milling Machine Company
Millsboro, Delaware
Millstone Hill, Westford
Millville, New Jersey
Milton, Indiana
Milton, North Dakota
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Minas Basin
Minas Gerais
Minderoo Station, Western Australia
Mindlandet, Nordland, Norway
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Minnetonka Mills, Minnesota
Minot AFB M-6 Minuteman launch site southeast of Norma, North Dakota
Minot AFB, North Dakota
Minot, North Dakota
Minsk, Belarus
Minuteman ICBM missile silos of the 91st Strategic Missile Wing
Mir space station
Miraflores Lake, Panama
Miraflores, Peru
Mirassol, São Paulo, Brazil
Miron's family's farm
Misawa Air Base
Misawa Air Base, Honshu, Japan
Misawa Air Base, Japan
Misawa, Japan
Misawa, northern Honshu, Japan
Misericordia Hospital in Winnipeg
Mississauga, Ontario
Mississippi Press Register
Mississippi River
Mississippi River bridge in Muscatine, Iowa
Mississippi River near Galena, Illinois
Mississisauga, Ontario
Missoula, Montana
Missouri J
Missouri River
Missouri River bluff
Mitchel AFB
Mitchel AFB [now closed]
Mitchel AFB [now closed] near Uniondale, New York
Mitchel Field
Mitchel Field near Uniondale, New York
Mitchel Field, New York
Mitchell, Manitoba
Mitchell, South Dakota
Mobile Aeroplex at Brookley
Mobile, Alabama
Moccasin, Montana
Mockfjärd, Sweden
Modesto, California
Modlin Fortress (in Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki), Sosnowiec, Dąbrowa Górnicza, and Dąbrowice, Poland
Moe, Victoria, Australia
Moffett Field, Santa Clara County
Mogford Road south of San Antonio, Texas
Mogi Mirim, São Paulo, Brazil
Moigne Downs
Moisant Airport [now Louis Armstring New Orleans International Airport]
Mojave Desert
Mojave Desert, California
Mol, Belgium
Mona Passage
Monarch, Montana
Monastery of the Seven Rays
Monastir, Tunisia
Monastiri Beach, Poros, Greece
Monchegorsk, Murmansk Oblast
Moncton Center, New Brunswick
Moncton, New Brunswick
Moneron Island
Mongo, Indiana
Monmouth County, New Jersey
Monroe City, Indiana
Monroe County, Ohio
Monroe Street
Monroe, Louisiana
Monroe, Michigan
Mont Néron
Mont Rougemont
Montalcino, Siena, Italy
Montauk, New York
Monte Maíz
Monte Mutria, Campobasso
Monte Ortobene, Sardinia, Italy
Monte Perdido, Huesca, Spain
Monte Sona
Monte Verrugoli
Monterey Bay, California
Monterey, California
Monterey, Indiana
Monterrey, Mexico
Montes de Zuera
Montevideo, Uruguay
Montezuma Castle cliff dwelling in Camp Verde, Arizona
Montezuma Museum
Montgomery, Alabama
Monticello, Wisconsin
Montpelier, Vermont
Montreal, Quebec
Montreal/Saint-Hubert Airport
Montrose Beach, Chicago, Illinois
Montrose, Colorado
Montuïri, Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain
Montvale (N.J.) Memorial Elementary School playing field
Montville, Ohio
Moody AFB in Valdosta, Georgia
Moora, Western Australia
Moorabbin, Victoria
Moore, Montana
Moorpark Freeway north of Thousand Oaks, California
Moose Jaw
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
Mora County, New Mexico
Moray Firth
Morenci, Arizona
Morgan County
Morgan Creek
Morganton, North Carolina
Moriches Bay, Long Island, New York
Morjärv, Sweden
Morpeth, New South Wales
Morris Plains
Morristown Airport
Morristown, New Jersey
Morristown, New York
Morro Bay
Morro do Policia
Morro do Vintém in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Morón Air Base, Seville province
Moscow Aviation Institute
Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia
Moscow Aviation and Cosmonautics Center
Moscow University in Russia
Moscow, Idaho
Moscow, Pennsylvania
Moscow, Russia
Moses Lake AFB
Moses Lake, Washington
Mosgiel, New Zealand
Mosinee, Wisconsin
Moskovskij Komsomolets
Moss Vale, New South Wales
Mossaka District
Mossy Head, Florida
Motel La Cuesta on National Highway 20 east of Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina
Motobu Peninsula, Okinawa, Japan
Motril, Grenada
Motunau River
Moula Idris, Saudi Arabia
Moulay Idriss Zerhoun, Morocco
Mount Adams
Mount Adams, Oregon
Mount Adams, Washington
Mount Airy, Maryland
Mount Airy, North Carolina
Mount Baldy, Arizona
Mount Baldy, California
Mount Balmaceda
Mount Burke, Alberta
Mount Chamlang
Mount Clemens
Mount Clemens, Michigan
Mount Dhajar
Mount Franklin
Mount Gillen, Northern Territory
Mount Hale shearing station
Mount Haleakala
Mount Hayes, Alaska
Mount Hebo Air Force Station
Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanganyika [now Tanzania]
Mount Lemmon Air Force Station
Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia
Mount Lyndhurst Station, South Australia
Mount Mitchell State Park, North Carolina
Mount Nyangani, Zimbabwe
Mount Palomar, California
Mount Penny
Mount Pleasant
Mount Pleasant Cemetery
Mount Pleasant, Iowa
Mount Pleasant, Ontario
Mount Prevost
Mount Rainier, Washington
Mount Shasta, California
Mount Stromlo Observatory near Canberra, Australia
Mount Vernon, Illinois
Mount Vernon, Indiana
Mount Vernon, Iowa
Mount Vernon, Virginia
Mount Whaleback, Western Australia
Mount Wilson Observatory
Mount Wilson Observatory in Pasadena, California
Mount Ziel in Australia’s Northern Territory
Mountain Home, Idaho
Mountain View, California
Mountain View, Missouri
Mourenx, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France
Mouth of the Harbor at Little Heart’s Ease
Movil Lake, Minnesota
Moyobamba, Peru
Mozambique Channel
Mt. Josephine, Skagit County, Washington
Mt. Landholm
Mt. Rainier, Washington
Mudeng, Philippines
Mullinix Field [now Bonriki International Airport] on Tarawa Atoll in the Pacific Ocean
Mumbai, India
Mundrabilla, Western Australia
Munich, Germany
Municipal Airport in Cheyenne, Wyoming
Municipal Airport in Farmington, Missouri
Munitions Building at Nineteenth Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C.
Munroe Falls, Ohio
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Murmansk Oblast, Russia
Murmansk area
Muroc AFB
Muroc AFB [now Edwards AFB]
Muroc AFB [now Edwards AFB], California
Muroc AFB, California
Muroc Army Air Base
Muroc Army Air Field
Muroc [now Edwards] AFB, California
Murphy Dome Air Force Station
Murray Bridge, South Australia
Murray River
Muscogee County Airport
Muskegon Lake
Muskegon National Weather Service radar station
Muskegon, Michigan
Muskrat Lake
Musselburgh, Scotland
Muszyna, Poland
Mutare, Zimbabwe
Mutual Broadcasting Network
Myerstown, Pennsylvania
Mykolaiv, Ukraine
Myrtle AFB [now Myrtle Beach International Airport]
Mys Schmidta airfield in Siberia
Myton, Utah
Málaga, Spain
Mâcon, Saône-et-Loire, France
Målilla, Kalmar County, Sweden
Mælifell volcano
Méral, Mayenne, France
Mérida, Venezuela
Mönchengladbach West
Mürted Air Base
N-7 (near Mohall)
N150 southwest of Saintes, Charente-Maritime, France
N7 north of Fontainebleau, France
NACA Ames Research Lab
NARA facilities
NAS Alameda [now closed], California
NAS Joint Reserve Base Willow Grove
NAS Millington
NAS Oceana
NAS Oceana in Virginia Beach, Virginia
NAS Quonset Point
NAS Willow Grove
NASA Flight Research Center
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
NASA Manned Spacecraft Center
NASA’s Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California
NASA’s Plum Brook Station
NATO headquarters
NATO’s Aviano Air Base
NORAD command center in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado
NORAD's Cheyenne Mountain facility in Colorado
NORAD’s underground Space Defense Center complex
Nabouwalu, Viti Levu, Fiji
Nadardyce, Poland
Nadym, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russia
Nagasaki, Japan
Naha Airport on Okinawa
Nahant (Massachusetts)
Nahuel Huapi Lake, Argentina
Nairobi, Kenya
Nakhon Sawan, Thailand
Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria
Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia
Namsenfjorden, Trøndelag, Norway
Nancy, France
Nancy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France
Nansemond County
Nantucket Channel, Massachusetts
Nantucket Island, Massachusetts
Napa, California
Napier Hospital outpatient clinic
Naples International Airport, Italy
Naples, Italy
Napoleon, Ohio
Narre Warren North
Naselle Air Force Station radar site
Nashua, New Hampshire
Nashville, Tennessee
Natchitoches, Louisiana
National Academy of Sciences
National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C.
National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Airport
National Airport in Washington, D.C.
National Archives
National Archives and Records Administration
National Archives in Brasilia
National Association of Evangelicals
National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena
National Bureau of Standards
National Bureau of Standards in Washington, D.C.
National Center for Atmospheric Research
National City, California
National Combat Operations Center
National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland
National Nuclear Security Administration
National Observatory in Córdoba, Argentina
National Press Club
National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
National Radio Astronomy Observatory
National Radio Astronomy Observatory at Green Bank, West Virginia
National Reactor Testing Station
National Reconnaissance Office
National Research Council
National Research Council of Canada
National Route 35 north of Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina
National Space Surveillance Control Center (NSSCC)
National Standards Laboratory
National Strategy Forum
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Naugatuck River
Navajo ranch
Naval Air Station Albany
Naval Air Station Barbers Point (now Kalaeloa Airport)
Naval Air Station Cecil Field, near Jacksonville, Florida
Naval Air Station Cecil [now Cecil Airport] in Jacksonville, Florida
Naval Air Station Dallas
Naval Air Station Hutchinson [now Hutchinson Air Force Station], Kansas
Naval Air Station Jacksonville
Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth
Naval Air Station Kodiak [now Coast Guard Base Kodiak], Alaska
Naval Air Station Lakehurst [now Joint Base McGuire–Dix–Lakehurst], Toms River, New Jersey
Naval Air Station Los Alamitos [now Joint Forces Training Base–Los Alamitos], California
Naval Air Station Miramar
Naval Air Station North Island
Naval Air Station North Island tower
Naval Air Station Oceana
Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, Virginia
Naval Air Station Pasco, Washington
Naval Air Station Patuxent River
Naval Air Station Patuxent River in Maryland
Naval Air Station Point Mugu
Naval Air Station Seattle at Sand Point
Naval Air Station South Weymouth
Naval Air Station Whidbey Island in Oak Harbor, Washington
Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington
Naval Air Station at Key West, Florida
Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake
Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, California
Naval Auxiliary Air Station [now Northeastern Regional Airport] in Edenton, North Carolina
Naval Base Kitsap
Naval Base Ventura County
Naval Communication Station Harold E. Holt
Naval Network and Space Operations Command
Naval Outlying Field San Nicolas Island, California
Naval Space Command
Naval Station Grønnedal [now Kangilinnguit]
Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia
Naval Submarine Base Bangor
Naval Submarine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap]
Naval Submarine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on the Kitsap Peninsula, Washington
Naval Support Activity Mid-South
Naval Weapons Station Earle
Navy Department at the Pentagon
Neamț Monastery
Near Grozny, Chechnya, Russia
Near Jacksonville, Florida
Near Tennant Creek, Northern Territory, Australia
Neath, South Wales
Neatishead, Norfolk, England
Neatishead, northeast of Norwich, England
Nebo, Queensland
Nebraska–Colorado state border
Nederland, Texas
Needles, California
Negru Vodă, Romania
Neil A. Armstrong Test Facility
Neil Road southwest of London, Ohio
Neillsville, Wisconsin
Nellis AFB
Nellis AFB complex
Nellis AFB in Nevada
Nellis Air Force Base
Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada
Nellis Air Force Range, Nevada
Nellis Range
Nelson, Lancashire, England
Nelson, New Zealand
Nemingha, New South Wales
Nemuro Channel south of Kunashir Island
Nemuro Radar Site on Hokkaido, Japan
Nemuro Strait
Nemuro, Hokkaido, Japan
Nephi, Utah
Netherlands coast
Neubiberg Air Base [now closed] near Munich, Germany
Neuquen province, Argentina
Nevada National Security Site
Nevada Test Site
Nevada Test Site Area 4
Nevada atomic test
Nevada desert
Nevada test facility
Nevada, Missouri
New Albany, Indiana
New Alresford
New Berlin, New York
New Brunswick
New Castle
New Castle AFB [now New Castle Air National Guard Base] in Delaware
New Castle AFB in Delaware
New Castle AFB, Delaware
New Castle, Pennsylvania
New Delhi, India
New England
New Fairfield, Connecticut
New Glarus
New Guinea
New Hampshire
New Hampshire coastline
New Haven, Connecticut
New Jersey
New Jersey Turnpike
New Jersey UFO Research Association
New Kensington, Pennsylvania
New Kingstown, Pennsylvania
New Lenox
New Lenox, Illinois
New Lisbon, Wisconsin
New London, Connecticut
New Matamoras, Ohio
New Mexico
New Mexico Desert
New Mexico School of Mines
New Mexico area
New Mexico border
New Mexico desert
New Orleans, Louisiana
New Paltz, New York
New Plymouth
New Richmond, Michigan
New Richmond, Wisconsin
New South Wales
New South Wales, Australia
New Westminster, British Columbia
New Winchester, Ohio
New York
New York City
New York City Subway system
New York City area
New York Herald
New York Herald Tribune
New York Post
New York Psychiatric Institute
New York State
New York State Power Authority
New York State Thruway
New York Times
New York University
New York Yacht Club
New York side
New Zealand
New Zealand National Airways DC-3 Flight 108
Newark (N.J.)
Newark Valley, New York
Newark, New Jersey
Newark, Ohio
Newberry, Michigan
Newcastle, California
Newcastle, New South Wales
Newfield, New York
Newfields, New Hampshire
Newfolden, Minnesota
Newport Beach
Newport News, Virginia
Newport, Minnesota
Newport, South Wales
Newton County, Missouri
Newton, New Jersey
Ngatea, New Zealand
Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls Air Force Base
Niagara Falls, New York
Niantic Bay
Niantic, Connecticut
Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France
Niceville, Florida
Nicolae Bălcescu, Romania
Nike missile base W-93 in Derwood, Maryland
Niles Center
Ninian Northern oil platform in the North Sea
Ninole, Hawaii
Nisland, South Dakota
Nisula, Michigan
Njurunda, Sweden
No. 1 Precinct
Noblesville, Indiana
Nocera Umbra
Nocero Umbra, Perugia, Italy
Nojack, Alberta
Nontron, Dordogne, France
Norcatur, Kansas
Norco, California
Norfolk coast
Norfolk, Virginia
Normal, Illinois
Norman, Oklahoma
Normandy, France
Norrbotten County
Norrbotten County, Sweden
Norrbotten, Sweden
Norris Road exit of Interstate 240
Norris, South Dakota
Norrtälje, Sweden
Norrvikssand, Sweden
North 82nd Street and 11th Avenue in Seattle
North American Rocketdyne plant in the Simi Hills
North Arkansas Community College
North Atlantic
North Atlantic Ocean
North Bay Nugget office
North Bay, Ontario
North Beach in Rush, County Dublin
North Bedeque, Prince Edward Island
North Carolina
North Caucasus region of Russia
North Concord Air Force Station
North Creek
North Dakota
North Dartmouth
North East, Pennsylvania
North Hollywood, California
North Hudson Park, New Jersey
North Island
North Key Largo, Florida
North Korea
North Lake Shore Drive
North Lethbridge, Alberta
North Loup, Nebraska
North Maple Drive
North Pacific
North Pacific Ocean
North Park Lake
North Pole
North Prairie, Wisconsin
North Railway Station in Bucharest, Romania
North Reddish
North Rhein–Westphalia
North Rhine-Westphalia
North Sea
North Sea off Denmark
North Star and Fieldstone roads
North Stevens Street between 12th and 16th streets in Tacoma, Washington
North Texas
North Vietnam
North Wales
North Warwickshire, England
North Weald Airfield, Essex, England
North West Cape
North West Province, South Africa
North York Moors, England
North Yorkshire, England
Northeast Anaheim, California
Northeast of Erquières
Northeastern Kansas
Northern California
Northern California coast
Northern Chile
Northern Germany
Northern Greece
Northern Ireland
Northern Japan
Northern Karelia
Northern Manitoba
Northern Marianas
Northern Minnesota
Northern Missouri
Northern Norway
Northern Ohio
Northern Pacific Ocean
Northern Region
Northern Sky
Northern Sweden
Northern Territory, Australia
Northern Tier
Northern Tier air force bases
Northern Tier military bases
Northern University
Northern city limits
Northern part of the island
Northern part of town
Northern suburb of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Northfield Township, Michigan
Northport, Alabama
Northumberland Avenue, London, England
Northwest Highway
Northwestern Romania
Northwestern University
Northwood, North Dakota
Norton AFB
Norton AFB [San Bernardino International Airport], California
Norton Air Force Base
Norton County, Kansas
Norwalk, Connecticut
Norwalk, Ohio
Norway, Maine
Norway, Michigan
Norway-Sweden border
Norwegian Navy
Norwegian Sea
Norwich Sheraton Motor Inn
Norwich, Connecticut
Norwich, England
Norwood, Massachusetts
Norwood, New York
Norwood, Ohio
Norwood, South Australia
Nottingham, England
Nouasseur Air Base
Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Light and Power substation in Caledonia, Nova Scotia
Novato, California
Novye Peski station
Nowa Karczma
Nuclear Bases
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Nuclear Test Site in Nevada
Nullabor Plain
Number 1 Pier, Kobe, Japan
Nunivak Island, Alaska
Nuraghe Trudumeddu
Nuremberg, Germany
Nurmijärvi, Finland
Nybygda, Ringerike, Norway
Nyonoksa, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia
Nysa, Poland
Núcleo Bandeirante region in Brasília, Federal District, Brazil
Núcleo de Pesquisas Ufológicas (NPU)
Năneşti, Romania
O'Hare Airport
O'Hare Airport in Chicago, Illinois
O'Neill, Nebraska
Oak Forest
Oak Grove, Louisiana
Oak Harbor, Ohio
Oak Park neighborhood of Sacramento
Oak Park, Illinois
Oak Ridge
Oak Ridge Laboratory in Tennessee
Oak Ridge National Laboratories
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Oak Ridger
Oakland, California
Oaxaca state, Mexico
Ob River
Oberlin Street
Oberá in Misiones
Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant
Obninsk, Kaluga Oblast, Russia
Obolon neighborhood
Ockelbo, Sweden
Oconee County
October 4
Odaia hill
Odessa, Ukraine
Odratzheim, Bas-Rhin, France
Oella, Maryland
Offutt AFB
Offutt AFB in Omaha, Nebraska
Offutt AFB near Bellevue, Nebraska
Offutt AFB, Omaha, Nebraska
Offutt Lake, Washington
Ogasawara (Bonin) Archipelago, Japan
Ogasawara Islands, Japan
Ogdensburg, New Jersey
Ogema, Wisconsin
Ohio Masonic Home in Springfield, Ohio
Ohio Northern University
Ohio River
Ohio River bridge
Ohio State University
Ohio State University campus
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Ohio Turnpike
Oiartzun, Spain
Oil Center, New Mexico
Oizumi High School
Okanagan Lake, British Columbia
Okanagan Valley, British Columbia
Okinawa, Japan
Oklahoma City
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Oklahoma Flat
Oklahoma State
Olathe, Kansas
Old Allen Road and Frayser-Raleigh Road in Memphis, Tennessee
Old Dominion college
Old Man of Coniston
Old Man of the Mountain
Old Mission High School
Old Musselshell Trail south of the Missouri River, Montana
Old Noarlunga, South Australia
Old Orchard Beach, Maine
Old Saybrook, Connecticut
Old Town
Old Town district of Rzeszów, Poland
Olds, Alberta
Olentangy River
Oliver Springs, Tennessee
Oloron-Sainte-Marie, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France
Olt River
Olympic Mountains
Omaha Beach
Omaha, Nebraska
Omarunui Road southwest of Taradale, New Zealand
Ombreiro, Lugo, Spain
Omega Site
Omsk, southwestern Siberia, Russia
Ona lighthouse, Husøya, Norway
Onawa, Iowa
Oncativo, Córdoba, Argentina
Oneida, New York
Onondaga County, New York
Onslow Mountain
Ontario Agricultural College
Ontario Highway 15
Ontario Highway 5 near Waterdown, Ontario
Ontario Police in Sudbury
Ontario, California
Ontario, Michigan
Oort cloud
Opa-locka, Florida
Opal, South Dakota
Opalocka, Florida
Operation Antler series of blasts
Operation Desert Shield
Optical Society of America
Oracle, Arizona
Oradea, Romania
Oradell Reservoir
Oradell, New Jersey
Oran, Algeria
Orange Freeway
Orange, California
Orangeburg, South Carolina
Oranienburg, Germany
Oraviţa, Romania
Orbe, Vaud, Switzerland
Orbetello, Grosseto, Italy
Oregon Canyon Ranch
Oregon City, Oregon
Orfordness Lighthouse
Organ Mountains
Orkney, Scotland
Orlando, Florida
Orly Airport
Orly Airport, Paris, France
Oro Bay, Papua New Guinea
Orogrande, New Mexico
Oroville, California
Orpington Hospital redevelopment site in London, England
Orrell, Greater Manchester, England
Ortviken, Sweden
Osage Hills, Oklahoma
Osaka Planetarium in Japan
Osakis, Minnesota
Osborn Prison Farm
Osborn, Ohio
Osbornville, New Jersey
Oscar Launch Control Facility
Osceola, Arkansas
Osceola, Wisconsin
Oshima, Japan
Oskar-Fredriksborg, Stockholm, Sweden
Oslo, Norway
Osorno, Chile
Ossining, New York
Ostroleka, Poland
Oswego, New York
Oswestry, Shropshire, England
Ota Air Base
Ota, Alenquer, Portugal
Ota, Portugal
Otis AFB
Otis Air National Guard Base near Mashpee
Otley, Iowa
Otopeni Airport
Ottawa River
Ottawa, Ontario
Ottertail, Minnesota
Otto, New Mexico
Oudenaarde, Belgium
Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Netherlands
Oued Hmimim (southeast of Constantine)
Ouled Djellal (125 miles southwest of Sétif)
Oulu, Finland
Ouray, Utah
Oval Office
Owatonna, Minnesota
Owensboro, Kentucky
Oxford, England
Oxford, Maine
Oxford, Ohio
Oxford/Bicester area in England
Oxnard AFB [now Camarillo Airport]
Oxnard Field, New Mexico
Oxnard, California
Ozaukee County, Wisconsin
Ozyorsk, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia
O’Hare AFB
O’Hare Airport
O’Hare Airport in Chicago
O’Hare International Airport in Chicago, Illinois
Pabianice, Poland
Pacific Coast
Pacific Coast Transport
Pacific Fleet
Pacific Ocean
Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and Guam
Pacific Palisades, California
Pacific Theater
Pacific Theatre
Pacific Western Airlines
Pacific coast
Paciência, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Pagosa Springs, Colorado
Paia, Maui, Hawaii
Pajas Blancas Airport
Pajas Blancas International Airport in Córdoba, Argentina
Pakistani border
Palatine, Illinois
Palembang, Sumatra, Indonesia
Palermo Observatory
Palgong Mountain in the Taebaek Range
Palm Beach (Florida) International Airport
Palm Beach, Florida
Palm Desert, California
Palm Springs
Palm Springs, California
Palma de Mallorca
Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain
Palmarejo, Puerto Rico
Palmas–Brigadeiro Lysias Rodrigues Airport
Palmdale, California
Palmer House Hotel
Palmer, Massachusetts
Palmerston North, New Zealand
Palmerton, Pennsylvania
Palmyra Atoll
Palo Duro Canyon
Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station
Palomar Gardens
Palomar Gardens Café
Palomar Gardens Café in California
Palomar Mountain
Palomar Mountain, California
Palomar Observatory
Palomares, Spain
Pamlico County, North Carolina
Pamlico Sound area off the coast of North Carolina
Pan Am Flight 269
Pan Am building
Pan American Highway
Pan-American Highway
Pan-American Highway 1N
Panama Canal Zone
Panmunjeom, Korea
Panorama City
Pantex, in Amarillo, Texas
Paphos, Cyprus
Papoose Dry Lake
Papoose Lake
Papoose Lake, Nevada
Paracuru, Ceará, Brazil
Paradise Valley, Arizona
Paradise, Nevada
Paragon Interchange
Paraguayan border
Paralela 45 Motel
Paraíbo do Sul, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Parco dell’Etna, Sicily, Italy
Parikkala in Finland
Paris Observatory
Paris Observatory in Meudon, France
Paris, Franca
Paris, France
Paris, Illinois
Paris, Texas
Paris–Le Bourget Airport, France
Park Hills, Kentucky
Park Sonsbeek
Park Zachodni
Parker, Arizona
Parkersburg, West Virginia
Parkes Observatory
Parkside School
Parkstone, Poole, Dorset, England
Parliament Hill
Parliament buildings and the Royal Palacec in Stockholm
Parque Zoobotânico Municipal Dr. Mário Frota in Varginha, Brazil
Parramatta, New South Wales
Parravicino, Como, Italy
Parshall, North Dakota
Pasadena, California
Pasadena, Texas
Pascagoula River
Pascagoula, Mississippi
Pasco, Washington
Paso de Los Toros
Paso de los Libres, Corrientes, Argentina
Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Patapsco River
Patapsco Valley State Park, Maryland
Patrick AFB
Pattan, Pakistan
Pattonville, Missouri
Paul Sabatier University
Paulding, Ohio
Paulilatino, Sardinia, Italy
Pawtucket, Rhode Island
Payerne, Vaud, Switzerland
Peabody, Massachusetts
Peacekeeper APC
Pearcy, Arkansas
Pearl Harbor
Pearson building in downtown New Castle, Pennsylvania
Pease AFB
Pease AFB [now Pease Air National Guard Base] in Portsmouth
Pease AFB in Portsmouth
Pease Air National Guard Base
Pecos, New Mexico
Pedroche, Córdoba, Spain
Peekskill, New York
Peeltree, West Virginia
Peenemünde (on Usedom)
Peenemünde, Germany
Peesane, Saskatchewan
Pehuelches station, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Pelly Crossing
Pelona Peak
Pelotas Airport
Pelotas, Rio Grande de Sul, Brazil
Pemex oil refinery in Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico
Pemigewasset River floodplain
Penalva, Maranhão, Brazil
Pendleton, Oregon
Penguin Street
Penlee Secondary School
Penn State
Pennsylvania Turnpike
Pensacola (Fla.)
Pensacola Bay Bridge in Florida
Pensacola Beach, Florida
Pensacola, Florida
Pense, Saskatchewan
Pentagon Office of Public Information
Pentagon office
Pentagon's C Ring
Peoria, Illinois
Pepinster, Belgium
Pereslavl-Zalessky, Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia
Perez's home
Perkins County
Permian Basin Pipeline plant
Perrin AFB [now North Texas Regional Airport] in Sherman, Texas
Perrin AFB [now North Texas Regional Airport] near Denison, Texas
Perry Nuclear Power Plant
Persian Gulf
Perth Airport
Perth UFO Research Group
Perth, Western Australia
Perthshire, Scotland
Peru, Indiana
Peru, Nebraska
Perugia, Italy
Pescadero, California
Peshawar, Pakistan
Petawawa, Ontario
Peterborough, England
Petershagen, Germany
Peterson Air Force Base
Petit-Rechain, Belgium
Petit-Ry neighborhood
Petite Île
Petrila, Romania
Petroglyphs of Pusharo
Petrolia, Pennsylvania
Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil
Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia
Petrozavodsk, Russia
Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Petsamo region (Pechengsky District) of Finland
Pettit, Texas
Phelps-Dodge Corporation’s copper smelting site
Philadelphia Navy Yard
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Philip Billard Municipal Airport
Philippine Sea
Phillippeville [modern Skikda], Algeria
Phillips, Wisconsin
Phillips, Yuma, Washington, Lincoln, and Morgan counties
Phoenix Gazette
Phoenix Lights
Phoenix lights
Phoenix, Arizona
Phoenix, Michigan
Phon Phisai District, Thailand
Phyllis Marie
Physics Department
Piallaway, New South Wales
Piastów, Poland
Pic du Midi Observatory, French Pyrenees
Picacho Peak
Pick-Congress Hotel
Pickering Nuclear Generating Station
Pickering, Ontario
Pico Blanco
Pico Desejado
Pie Town, New Mexico
Piedmont, Italy
Piedmont, Missouri
Piedmont, South Carolina
Pielisjärvi, Finland
Pierce Street hill
Pietracamela, Terama, Italy
Pikes Peak Broadcasting Company
Pike’s Peak Railway
Pilar de Goiás
Pinar del Rio
Pine Bluff
Pine Bush, New York
Pine Lodge Road northwest of Roswell
Pine Ridge, South Carolina
Pine Township, Porter County, Indiana
Pinecastle Electronic Warfare Range in Ocala National Forest, Florida
Pinecrest, California
Piney Woods of East Texas near Huffman
Pingwu county, Sichuan, China
Pioche, Nevada
Pioneer 10 space probe
Pioneer Airlines Flight 63
Pioneer Road exit off I-43 near Cedarburg, Wisconsin
Pioneer Trail
Pirassununga, São Paulo, Brazil
Pirogovskoye Reservoir north of Moscow, Russia
Pirogovskoye Reservoir, Mytishchinsky District, north of Moscow, Russia
Pisco, Peru
Piton du Calvaire
Pittsburg, Kansas
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Pixley, California
Placentia, California
Placer County, California
Placerville, California
Placitas, New Mexico
Plains of San Agustin
Plainsboro, New Jersey
Planets beyond the solar system
Plans and Operations
Plantation, Florida
Platte City, Missouri
Platteville, Wisconsin
Plattville, Illinois
Plauen, Germany
Playa Del Rey, California
Playa el Combate beach
Pleasant Point
Pleasant Street
Pleasant View, Pennsylvania
Pleiku, Vietnam
Plesetsk Cosmodrome
Ploieşti, Romania
Plum Tree Island Wildlife Refuge
Plumerville, Arkansas
Plymouth State College
Plymouth, Devon
Plymouth, Devon, England
Po della Donzella river channel, Veneto, Italy
Pocantico Conference Center in Tarrytown, New York
Podgortsy section of southern Kyiv, Ukraine
Podkamennaya Tunguska River in Yeniseysk Governorate [now Krasnoyarsk Krai], Russia
Podwisłocze district of Rzeszów, Poland
Poienarii Burchii, Romania
Point Loma
Point Loma, California
Point Pleasant, West Virginia
Poitiers, France
Pole Ojea, Puerto Rico
Police Scotland
Police Station
Police stations
Policeman’s Point, Yukon Territory
Poligon Nadarzyce airbase
Polish Naval Academy
Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka
Pomona, California
Pompano Beach
Poncey-sur-l’Ignon, Côte-d’Or, France
Pondera County
Pont du Martinet bridge
Ponta Porã
Ponta Porã, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Pontal, São Paulo, Brazil
Pontano Wash
Ponte a Mensola
Pontoise, France
Pontoise, Val d’Oise, France
Poole, Dorset, England
Pope AFB
Pope AFB [now Pope Field], Fayetteville, North Carolina
Pope Field
Poplar Grove, Illinois
Popocatépetl volcano
Popular Mechanics
Poquoson, Virginia
Pordenone, Italy
Pori Airport, Finland
Pork Chop Hill
Porlock, Somerset, England
Port Arthur, Tasmania
Port Augusta, South Australia
Port Columbus Airport
Port Columbus International Airport
Port Coquitlam, British Columbia
Port Crane, New York
Port Elliot
Port Hamilton [now the Korean islands of Geomundo]
Port Hope, Ontario
Port Huron, Michigan
Port Jack, Douglas, Isle of Man
Port Jervis, New York
Port Lihou
Port Monmouth, New Jersey
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Port Neill
Port Orchard, Washington
Port Washington, Wisconsin
Port of Entry
Port-Gentil, Gabon
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Portage County
Portage County (Ohio)
Portage County police headquarters in Ravenna, Ohio
Portage County, Ohio
Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
Portalegre, Portugal
Portales, New Mexico
Porteiro Ortiz, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Portglenone, County Antrim, Northern Ireland
Porthcothan Bay, Cornwall, England
Portland Oregonian
Portland, Oregon
Porto Airport
Porto Alegre
Porto Alegre, Brazil
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Porto Velho, Rondônia
Porto, Portugal
Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Portsmouth, Virginia
Potrillo Volcanic Field
Pottstown, Pennsylvania
Poulsbo, Washington
Pound Ridge, New York
Pournoy-la-Chétive, Moselle, France
Poznań, Poland
Prague, Czechoslovakia
Praia da Armação beach
Praia dos Navegantes beach, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Prairie Chapel Ranch
Prairieton, Indiana
Prata di Principato Ultra, Avellino, Italy
Pratica di Mare Air Base south of Rome
Prescott, Arizona
Presque Isle
Presque Isle and Limestone AFB [now Loring International Airport], Maine
Preston Capes
Preston County, Morgantown, Fairmont, Wheeling, Charleston, Parkersburg, Nitro, Ward, and Chelyan, West Virginia
Preston Street and Bickels Lane in Louisville, Kentucky
Pretore, Ascoli Piceno, Italy
Pretoria, South Africa
Pretoria-Bronkhorstspruit highway
Price County, Wisconsin
Primorsky Krai
Primorsky Krai, Russia
Prince Edward Island
Prince George, British Columbia
Prince George’s County, Maryland
Prince William County, Virginia
Prince of Wales Island
Princes Highway (M1)
Princeton University
Princeton, Missouri
Princeton, New Jersey
Prineville Highway
Prins Christianssund radio and weather station, Greenland
Pripyat, Ukraine
Promontorium Lavinium
Promontorium Olivium
Protvino, Moscow Oblast, Russia
Prouvy, Nord, France
Providence, Kentucky
Providence, Rhode Island
Provincetown, Massachusetts
Provo, Utah
Proxima Centauri
Przasnysz Airfield, Poland
Przemyśl Fortress, Poland
Prémanon, Jura, France
Public Archives of Canada [now Library and Archives of Canada]
Pudgate police station
Pueblo (Colorado) Memorial Airport
Pueblo Chieftain
Pueblo, Colorado
Puente Alto
Puerto Belgrano Naval Base
Puerto Blest
Puerto Maldonado
Puerto Natales, Tierra del Fuego, Chile
Puerto Rico
Puget Sound
Pulaski Street
Pulkov Highway
Punta Alta, Argentina
Punta Arenas airport, Chile
Punta Gorda, Florida
Punta del Este, Uruguay
Pupin Hall
Putnam County
Putnam County, Ohio
Putnam, Connecticut
Putre, Arica y Parinacota, Chile
Puy-de-Dome, France
Pyeongtaek military base, South Korea
Pymatuning Lake, Pennsylvania
Qaanaaq, Greenland
Qarun Lake, Egypt
Qing County
Qinghai Lake, Tibet
Qinglong County
Qinhuangdao, Hebei province
Qinling mountains of southern Shaanxi province, China
Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan
Quadra Island
Quantico, Virginia
Quarouble, Nord, France
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society
Quebec City, Quebec
Quebec LCF
Quebecair Flight 650
Quebra Coco, Goiás, Brazil
Quebradillas, Puerto Rico
Queen Alexandra Dock
Queens Park, Chester, England
Queens, New York
Queensland, Australia
Queenston, Ontario
Quilinos, Córdoba, Argentina
Quincy Center UFO group
Quincy Center, Massachusetts
Quincy Railroad
Quincy, Illinois
Quintanaortuño, Burgos, Spain
Quirindi, New South Wales
Quito, Ecuador
Quixadá, Ceará, Brazil
Quonset Point Air National Guard Station
RAAF Base Amberley near Ipswich, Queensland
RAAF Base East Sale, Victoria, Australia
RAAF Base Learmonth
RAAF Base Townsville
RAAF Woomera Range Complex
RAAF Woomera Range Complex in South Australia
RAAF Woomera Range Complex, South Australia
RAF Acklington
RAF Air Command
RAF Bawdsey [now Bawdsey Manor], Suffolk, England
RAF Bentwaters
RAF Bentwaters [now Bentwaters Parks], Woodbridge, Suffolk
RAF Bentwaters [now closed] near Woodbridge, Suffolk
RAF Boscombe Down
RAF Boscombe Down [now MoD Boscombe Down] in Wiltshire, England
RAF Boulmer in Alnwick, Northumberland, England
RAF Boulmer near Alnwick, Northumberland, England
RAF Brampton [now closed]
RAF Brawdy [now Cawdor Barracks], east of St. Davids
RAF Brize Norton, Oxford
RAF Cosford
RAF Evanton
RAF Faßberg
RAF Fylingdales in north Yorkshire, England
RAF Gaydon
RAF Kinloss
RAF Lakenheath
RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk, England
RAF Lancaster bombers
RAF Langtoft
RAF Little Rissington, Gloucester, England
RAF Manston [now closed], Kent, England
RAF Molesworth
RAF Neatishead
RAF Neatishead, England
RAF North Luffenham
RAF Odiham in Hampshire
RAF Oldenburg, Germany
RAF Patrington [now closed]
RAF Patrington in Yorkshire
RAF Rhendahlen
RAF Rudloe Manor
RAF Sek Kong
RAF Shawbury
RAF Sopley
RAF St. Mawgan
RAF Tangmere
RAF Tangmere, West Sussex
RAF Topcliffe
RAF Trimley Heath Radar Station
RAF Troödos on Cyprus
RAF Upper Heyford [now closed], Oxford, England
RAF Valley
RAF Valley in Anglesey, Wales
RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire, England
RAF Waddington near Lincoln
RAF Wartling
RAF Waterbeach
RAF Waterbeach [now Waterbeach Barracks], Cambridgeshire
RAF West Drayton [now closed], England
RAF West Freugh
RAF West Malling [now closed], Kent, England
RAF Winkleigh Airfield
RAF Woodbridge
RAF Woodbridge [now MOD Woodbridge]
RCAF Station Cold Lake, Alberta
RCAF Station Mont Apica
RCAF Station North Bay, Ontario
RCAF headquarters
RNZAF Base Ohakea near Bulls
RRH Staxton Wold
Rabat, Morocco
Rabbit Ears Pass, Colorado
Rachamps, Belgium
Rachel, Nevada
Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford University, England
Radio Moscow
Radomsko, Poland
Raeford, North Carolina
Rafael Hernández Airport runway in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
Rainsville (Ala.)
Raleigh, North Carolina
Ralph Sylvester Underwood
Ramona, California
Ramore, Ontario
Ramstein Air Base
Ramón Martín Middle School
Ranchland, Texas
Rancho Santa Fe, California
Rand Corporation
Randolph AFB
Randolph, Ohio
Random Island
Ranton, Stafford, England
Rantoul, Illinois
Rapid City
Rapid City AFB [now Ellsworth AFB], South Dakota
Rapid City Army Air Base
Rapid City, South Dakota
Rappahannock Valley
Ras El-Kanayis, Egypt
Raspberry Ridge Lookout Station
Raspberry Ridge station
Rawley Point
Rayburn Building
Raymore, Saskatchewan
Reactor Number One of the Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant in Armenia
Reading, Berkshire, England
Rear Adm. Carl F. Espe
Reasty Hill
Rebais, Seine-et-Marne, France
Recife, Brazil
Red Bank, New Jersey
Red Bluff
Red Bluff, California
Red Flag logging camp
Red River
Red River Army Depot
Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, Nevada
Red Sea
Red Wing, Minnesota
Redding, California
Redlands, California
Redmond, Oregon
Redondo Beach, California
Redwater, Alberta
Reedsburg, Wisconsin
Reese AFB
Reese Technology Center
Reese Technology Center, Lubbock
Reeves home
Regal, Minnesota
Regina, Saskatchewan
Regulation A+ equity crowdfunding campaign
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
Reka Kubena river
Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, England
Rennie, Manitoba
Reno, Nevada
Reno–Tahoe International Airport
Renton, Washington
Republic Factories
Republic of China
Republic of Karelia
Republic of Khakassia
Republic of Korea Air Force
Republic of the Congo
Reseda neighborhood of Los Angeles, California
Reseda, California
Reserve, New Mexico
Reservoir Baskatong
Resistencia and Barranqueras in Chaco, Argentina
Rest of the Country
Reston, Virginia
Retezat Mountains
Retford, Nottinghamshire, England
Reykjavik, Iceland
Reynolds Metals plant in Jones Mills, Arkansas
Rhine River
Rhine River, Germany
Rhine Valley [Germany]
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Rhode Island
Rhode Island coast
Rhodes, Greece
Rhosybol School
Rhyl, Clwyd, Wales
Riccione, Rimini
Rich Field
Richards-Gebaur Air Reserve Station
Richardson Highway
Richelieu River
Richfield, Minnesota
Richibucto, New Brunswick
Richland Township, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
Richland, Washington
Richmond District
Richmond, Indiana
Richmond, Virginia
Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport
Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base
Rideau Hall
Ridgecrest, California
Ridgefield, Washington
Ridgeway, Ontario
Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba
Riga, Latvia
Ring Road around Bucharest, Romania
Ringhals and Oskarshamn nuclear power plants
Ringstead Bay
Ringsted, Denmark
Ringsted, Zealand, Denmark
Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil
Rio Ceballos
Rio Del Mar, California
Rio Dell
Rio Grande Railroad
Rio Grande do Norte
Rio Grande do Sul
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Rio Guayas
Rio Pardo
Rio Peropava
Rio Piaçabuçu
Rio Seco
Rio Tapajós
Rio Vallecitos creek bed
Rio Vista, California
Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rio-Niterói Bridge
Ripley, Ohio
Ririe and Rigby, Idaho
Ririe, Idaho
Ristorante La Cisterna in the Trastevere area of Rome, Italy
River Dargle near Powerscourt, County Wicklow
River Drive near West 8th Street in Denver, Colorado
River Ericht
River Isla
River Olt
River Somme, France
River Weaver
Rivera, Uruguay
Riverhead, Long Island, New York
Rivers, Manitoba
Riverside County
Riverside, California
Rives, Isère, France
Rivne, Ukraine
Rixheim, Haut-Rhin, France
Roanoke and Pulaski, Virginia
Roaring River State Park, Missouri
Robert A. Frosch
Robert Bigelow’s National Institute for Discovery Science
Robert McNamara
Robert P. Patterson
Roberts Park in Greenacre, New South Wales
Robins AFB
Robins AFB, Georgia
Robinson [in Ogden, Utah?]
Rocha, Uruguay
Rochester, England
Rochester, Indiana
Rochester, New York
Rochester, Pennsylvania
Rochford, Essex
Rockbank Receiving Station
Rockford airport
Rockford, Illinois
Rockhampton, Queensland
Rockland, Texas
Rockwood Estate in Hewaheta
Rocky Mountains of British Columbia
Rocky, Oklahoma
Rodez, Aveyron, France
Rodovia Anchieta highway 30 miles northwest of Santos, São Paulo, Brazil
Roger K. Leir
Roger Smith Hotel
Rogers Dry Lake
Rogers, Arkansas
Rogue River, Oregon
Rogue Valley International–Medford Airport
Rolla, Missouri
Rolling Prairie, Indiana
Rolvenden, Kent, England
Romanian Air Force
Romanian National Television building
Rome Center, Michigan
Rome, Georgia
Rome, Italy
Rome, Ohio
Romeo-1 launch facility northwest of Meriden
Romeo-29 launch facility
Romford, Essex, England
Romney, Kent, England
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan National
Ronald Reagan Washington International Airport
Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport
Rondò-Torretta quarter
Ronsenac, Charente, France
Room 3E-869 of the Pentagon
Roosevelt Hotel
Roosevelt Roads Naval Station
Rosalia, Washington
Rosario, Argentina
Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
Rosarito, Baja California, Mexico
Rosedale, Alberta
Rosedale, Queens, New York City
Rosedale, Victoria, Australia
Rosemont, Illinois
Rosetta, KwaZulu Natal
Rosetta, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Roseville, Ohio
Rosh HaAyin
Rosmead, East Cape, South Africa
Ross Medical Center in Denver
Ross, Ohio
Roswell AAF
Roswell AAF, New Mexico
Roswell Army Air Field
Roswell Army Air Field [now closed], New Mexico
Roswell Army Air Field hospital
Roswell Army Air Field in New Mexico
Roswell Daily Record
Roswell Incident
Roswell debris field site
Roswell incident
Roswell, New Mexico
Rouen, France
Rougemont, Quebec
Round Mountain
Round Valley Reservoir
Route 114 four miles east of Levelland, Texas
Route 117 in Pleasantville, New York
Roy, Montana
Royal Aircraft Establishment in Farnborough
Royal Australian Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force
Royal Canadian Air Force headquarters
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Royal Canadian Naval Air Station Shearwater, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Royal Canadian Navy headquarters
Royal Hobart Hospital
Royal Netherlands Navy
Royal Observatory of Madrid
Royal Observatory, Greenwich, London
Royal Society committee room in Burlington House, London
Royal Swedish Air Force Materiel Administration
Roşu, Romania
Rua 15 de Novembro
Rua Alexandra de Motta
Rua Andaguara
Rua Cajati
Rua David Canaberra
Rua Dr. Benevenuto Bráz Viêrira
Rua Luis Augusto Ferreira
Rue Alexis Maneyrol
Rue Hector Denis
Rue Mathieu de Lexhy
Rue de Sart Ernage
Rugeley, Staffordshire, England
Ruhr Valley of Germany
Ruhr Valley, Germany
Rumsey, California
Rushville, Indiana
Russell Hill
Russia House
Rybinsk, Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia
Ryukyu Islands
Ryukyu Islands, Japan
Rzesnów, Poland
Rzeszów, Poland
Rzeszów-Jasionka Airport
S-1 Section
S-4 at Groom Lake, Nevada
SAC San Antonio, Texas
SAC USAF 341st Strategic Missile Wing
SAM test site near Saryshagan, Kazakhstan
Saanich Inlet
Saanich Inlet, British Columbia
Saanich, British Columbia
Saapunki, Kuusano, Finland
Sacramento Mather Airport
Sacramento Mountains
Sacramento Peak near Cloudcroft
Sacramento Valley
Sacramento, California
Safi, Morocco
Sagrada Familia, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Saguramachi Middle School
Saint George, Minnesota
Saint Hyacinthe, Quebec
Saint Maries, Idaho
Saint Paul
Saint Petersburg
Saint-Armand-Montrond, Cher, France
Saint-Arnaud [now El Eulma], Algeria
Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, Quebec
Saint-Cirgues, Haute-Loire, France
Saint-Germain-de-Livet, Calvados, France
Saint-Jean-du-Gard, Gard, France
Saint-Jovite, Quebec
Saint-Louis-de-Kent, New Brunswick
Saint-Prouant, Vendée, France
Saint-Symphorien-de-Lay, Loire, France
Saint-Émilion, Gironde, France
Sainte-Marie Cistercian Abbey in Boulaur, Gers, France
Saintes, France
Saitama Prefecture
Sakhalin Island
Sakhalin Oblast
Sala, Sweden
Salamanca, Guanajuato, Mexico
Sale, Greater Manchester, England
Salem, Indiana
Salem, Ohio
Salem, Oregon
Salgado Filho Airport near Gravataí
Salgado Filho International Airport
Salida, Colorado
Salinas, Puerto Rico
Salisbury Plain
Salisbury, North Carolina
Salt Flats
Salt Lake City
Salt Lake City Airport
Salt Lake City, Utah
Salta region
Salta, Argentina
Salter Point
Saltfleet, Lincolnshire, England
Salton Sea, California
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Salvador, Brazil
Salyut 6 space station
Salzburg, Austria
Samara, Russia
Sampacho, Argentina
Sampacho, Cordoba, Argentina
Samudra Tapu valley, Himachal Pradesh, India
San Acacia Diversion Dam, New Mexico
San Angelo
San Antonio
San Antonio, New Mexico
San Antonio, Texas
San Benedetto del Tronto, Marche, Italy
San Bernardino
San Bernardino International Airport, California
San Bernardino, California
San Bernardino, California, International Airport
San Carlos de Bariloche Airport, Rio Negro, Argentina
San Carlos, Uruguay
San Carlos, Venezuela
San Cataldo, Caltanissetta, Sicily, Italy
San Cataldo, Sicily, Italy
San Clemente Island
San Clemente Island, California
San Cristobal, Cuba
San Cristóbal, Pinar del Río Province
San Diego
San Diego County
San Diego County, California
San Diego, California
San Donato di Tagliacozzo, Abruzzo, Italy
San Fernando
San Fernando Valley, California
San Francisco
San Francisco Bay Area
San Francisco Bay Area, California
San Francisco, California
San Gabriel Mountains
San Giorgio di Nogaro, Udine, Italy
San Joaquin Valley
San Jose (Calif.)
San Jose, California
San José de Jáchal
San José de Métan, Salta, Argentina
San José de Valderas
San José de Valderas, Madrid
San José, Costa Rica
San Juan
San Juan de los Morros, Guárico, Venezuela
San Juan, Argentina
San Juan, Puerto Rico
San Leandro
San Luis Obispo
San Luis Reservoir, California
San Luis Valley, Colorado
San Luis province, Argentina
San Marcos, Texas
San Mateo, California
San Michele boarding house
San Michele boarding house in Sassello, Savona, Italy
San Miguel County
San Miguel Observatory
San Pedro, California
San Pedro, Los Angeles, California
San Pietro Vernotico, Italy
San Pietro a Vico, Lucca, Italy
San Rafael
San Rafael, California
San Vito Lo Capo, Sicily, Italy
Sancti Spiritus province
Sandia Army Base
Sandia Base
Sandia Base [now part of Kirtland AFB]
Sandia Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Sandia Base, New Mexico
Sandia Laboratories
Sandia Mountains
Sandia Mountains near Albuquerque, New Mexico
Sandia Mountains, New Mexico
Sandia National Laboratories
Sandia Peak
Sandia foothills
Sandling Park near Saltwood, Kent, England
Sandomierz, Poland
Sandusky, Ohio
Sandwell Valley, West Midlands, England
Sandwich, Massachusetts
Sandy Hook
Sandön, Finland
Sanford, Maine
Sankt Lorenzen ob Eibiswald, Styria, Austria
Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Cádiz
Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Spain
Sanqianglu district
Santa Ana, California
Santa Barbara Centre for Humanistic Studies
Santa Barbara, California
Santa Catalina Channel
Santa Catarina
Santa Clara County
Santa Cruz Air Force Base
Santa Cruz Air Force Base near São Paulo
Santa Fe
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Santa Isabel, Córdoba, Argentina
Santa Luisa
Santa Maria
Santa Maria Acuexcomac, Puebla, Mexico
Santa Maria Air Force Base
Santa Maria Airport
Santa Maria Island
Santa Maria Maggiore
Santa Maria Valley
Santa Maria del Tempio, Alessandrino, Italy
Santa Monica
Santa Monica Boulevard and Beverly Glen Street
Santa Monica, California
Santa Paula, California
Santa Rita Mountains
Santa Rosa Airport
Santana di Parnaíba
Santana dos Montes, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Santana neighborhood of Varginha, Brazil
Santander, Cantabria, Spain
Santarém, Brazil
Santiago de Compostela
Santiago, Chile
Santo Amaro
Santo Antônio de Jesus, Bahia, Brazil
Santos Dumont Airport
Santos, São Paulo, Brazil
Sarajevo International Airport in Bosnia
Sarajevo, Bosnia
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Saratov, Russia
Sargent, Texas
Sarnia, Ontario
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Satus Peak tower
Sauk Village, Illinois
Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
Savannah River Atomic Site
Savannah River plant in South Carolina
Savona, Italy
Savoy-Plaza Hotel in New York City
Sawbill Bay on Marmion Lake, western Ontario
Scandinavian countries
Scarborough, Ontario
Scargo Lake
Schaumburg, Illinois
Schenectady, New York
Schiller Street
Schoenfeld Clinical Laboratories in Albuquerque
School of Mines campus at Socorro
School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois
Schooley’s Mountain, New Jersey
Schröter crater
Schweinfurt, Germany
Scituate, Massachusetts
Scoriton (or Scorriton)
Scoriton Down
Scotia nickel mine
Scott AFB
Scottsdale, Arizona
Scottsdale, Tasmania
Scrub forest
Sea of Azov
Sea of Japan
Sea of Japan northwest of Nishinoshima, Japan
Seabury-Western Theological Seminary
Seagraves, Texas
Seal Chart near Sevenoaks, Kent
Seaman Bernard G. Klein Jr.
Sears Roebuck store
Seattle Air Route Control Center in Washington
Seattle Center
Seattle, Washington
Sebeş, Romania
Sechura Desert
Second Army Radio Station, Fort George G. Meade, Maryland
Sedan Crater
Sedona, Arizona
Seguin, Texas
Seine River
Selborne, Hampshire, England
Selby, North Yorkshire, England
Selden, New York
Selfridge AFB
Selfridge AFB [now Selfridge Air National Guard Base]
Selfridge AFB near Mount Clemens
Selfridge Air Force Base
Selfridge Air National Guard Base
Selfridge Field
Selma, Columbus, Zanesville, St. Clairsville, Ohio
Semenic Mountain
Semenic Mountain, Romania
Semi-Automatic Ground Environment
Seminary Nursing Home
Seminole, Texas
Semipalatinsk Test Site
Semipalatinsk Test Site in Kazakhstan
Senožeti, Slovenia
Seoul, Korea
Separation, Wyoming
Sept-Îles Airport, Quebec
Sept-Îles, Quebec
Sequoia National Forest, California
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks in California
Serafim Ferrreira sanitarium in Lins, São Paulo, Brazil
Serchio river
Serebristy Boulevard
Sergiyev Posad
Serme Hospital in São Luis
Serrea de Montejunto
Serviços Aéreos Cruzeiro do Sul
Sesto Fiorentino
Seven Seas Restaurant
Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia
Sevilla, Spain
Seville, Spain
Shabbona, Illinois
Shady Oaks restaurant
Shag Harbour
Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia
Shahrokhi Airbase [now Hamadan Airbase]
Shallowater, Texas
Shamokin, Pennsylvania
Shamsabad, Iran
Shanghai, China
Shangrao, Jiangxi
Shangxi province, China
Shannon Airport
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Shawnee High School
Shawnee Road southwest of Lima, Ohio
Shea Field Naval Aviation Historical Museum
Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin
Sheerness, Kent, England
Sheffield Lake, Ohio
Sheffield, England
Sheffield, Ohio
Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
Shek Kong Airfield
Shelburne Harbour
Shelby, North Carolina
Shelby, Ohio
Shenandoah National Park
Sheppard AFB (near Wichita Falls, Texas)
Shepparton, Victoria, Australia
Sheraton Hotel in Martinsburg, West Virginia
Sheridan, Oregon
Sherman, Texas
Shika Island off Fukuoka, Japan
Shimada, Japan
Shiraz, Iran
Shirley's Bay, Ontario
Shirley's Bay, off Lake Manitou, Ontario
Shreve, Ohio
Shreveport (Louisiana) Airport
Shreveport, Louisiana
Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California
Shropshire, England
Shtanivka, Ukraine
Shuttle Landing Facility
Shuttlewood, Derbyshire, England
Sibbald, Alberta
Sibculo, Netherlands
Sideling hill in northeastern Tasmania
Sidi Ahmed Air Base
Sidi Chami
Sierra Chica, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Sierra Highway
Sierra Madre Mountains
Sierra Madre mountains of Guatemala
Sierra Nevada de Mérida
Sierra foothills
Silpho, North Yorkshire, England
Silver Bridge
Silver City, Utah
Silver Glen Springs
Silver Hill Observatory in Hillcrest Heights, Maryland
Silver Lake
Silver Spring, Maryland
Silverdale, Washington
Silverton, Oregon
Simferopol, Crimea
Simi Valley, California
Simiutaq island, western Greenland
Simon Butte
Simonswood Moss
Simpson County, Mississippi
Simón Bolívar Airport
Simón Bolívar International Airport
Sinaia, Romania
Sinclair, Wyoming
Sint-Niklaas, Belgium
Sinuiju, North Korea
Sioux Army Depot
Sioux City
Sioux City, Iowa
Sistersville, West Virginia
Skaraborg [now Västra Götaland]
Skaryszew, Poland
Skeena River, British Columbia
Skegness, Lincolnshire, England
Skiatook, Oklahoma
Skinner's Butte
Skinwalker Ranch
Skinwalker Ranch in Utah
Skinwalker Ranch, Utah
Skirum, Alabama
Skjaervser lighthouse
Skrydstrup Airport
Skunk Works
Skunk Works Building 82
Skyline Drive
Skåne, Sweden
Skövde, Sweden
Slane, County Meath
Slayton Arboretum
Slip Bluff County Park
Sluice Box Canyon
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian's archives
Smithton, Illinois
Smithtown, New York
Smoke Tree Ranch
Smyer, Texas
Smyrna, Georgia
Snaefell, Isle of Man
Snake River Canyon
Snowflake, Arizona
Soap Lake, Washington
Sochi International Airport, Krasnodar Krai, Russia
Socorro, New Mexico
Soestdijk Palace in Baarn
Sofia, Bulgaria
Sofitel Chicago Hotel
Sognefjord, Vestland, Norway
Sokółka, Poland
Solar System
Solingen, Germany
Sollefteå, Västernorrland, Sweden
Solomon Islands
Solothurn, Switzerland
Somers, Connecticut
Somerset counties
Somerville, Massachusetts
Son, Netherlands
Sonora, California
Sonoran Desert National Monument
Soo Locks
Sorel, Quebec
Sorgues, Vaucluse, France
Sorsele, Västerbotten, Sweden
Sorsogon City, Luzon, Philippines
South Africa
South African
South African border
South America
South Ashburnham, Massachusetts
South Atlantic
South Atlantic Ocean
South Australia
South Brunswick, New Jersey
South Carolina
South Central Los Angeles
South Chicago
South China Sea
South Dakota
South Dragoon Street
South Dudley, Victoria, Australia
South Glens Falls area
South Hamilton
South Hill, Virginia
South Island
South Island of New Zealand
South Korea
South Korean antiaircraft shore battery
South New Brighton
South Omaha, Nebraska
South Orkney Islands, Antarctica
South Pacific
South Pacific Ocean
South Park
South Pole
South River, New Jersey
South Shetland Islands
South Spit
South Vietnamese
South Wales
South Windham, Connecticut
Southampton, England
Southbury, Connecticut
Southeast Missouri State University
Southend-on-Sea, Essex, England
Southern Airlines
Southern Alabama
Southern California
Southern Canada
Southern Coast
Southern Horizon
Southern Illinois
Southern Michigan
Southern New Mexico
Southern Oregon
Southern Poland
Southport, Merseyside, England
Southville, Nova Scotia
Southwest of Saint-Quentin, Aisne, France
Southwestern Illinois College
Southwestern Ohio
Soviet URDF-3 facility adjacent to the Semipalatinsk Test Site in Kazakhstan
Soviet Union
Soviet bloc
Soviet ship in the north Baltic Sea
Spain Flying Field
Spinetta Marengo, Italy
Split Rock Pond, south of Newfoundland, New Jersey
Spokane Army Air Base
Spokane, Washington
Spring Branch West area of Houston, Texas
Spring Mountain area
Springer Lake
Springer, New Mexico
Springfield (Ill.)
Springfield, Delaware County, Pennsylvania
Springfield, Illinois
Springfield, Massachusetts
Springfield, Missouri
Springfield, Ohio
Springhill, Nova Scotia
Square Nicolaï
Squeaking Point, Tasmania
St. Albans, West Virginia
St. Botolph’s Church in Boston
St. Clair River
St. Clair Triangle
St. Clair, Pennsylvania
St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin
St. George, Queensland, Australia
St. George, Utah
St. Helena Sound
St. Helens, Oregon
St. Helens, Tasmania
St. Hubert Air Defence Command Base [now CFB St. Hubert], Quebec
St. James Church
St. James’s Park
St. Joe River
St. Jones Within
St. Joseph’s Hospital in Baltimore
St. Joseph’s Minor Seminary in Peterborough, New Hampshire
St. Lawrence River
St. Leo’s Cemetery
St. Louis
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
St. Louis, Missouri
St. Mary's Church
St. Mary’s County
St. Mary’s Seminary
St. Mawnan and St. Stephen’s Church
St. Michael’s Church in Lambourne, Berkshire, England
St. Nicholas Church
St. Paul's Junction, Iowa
St. Paul, Alberta
St. Paul, Minnesota
St. Peter and Paul Church in Norwood, Ohio
St. Peter, Minnesota
St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg, Florida
St. Petersburg, Russia
St. Vincent Street
St.-Cyrille-de-Wendover, Quebec
St.-Laurent, Quebec
St.-Mathias-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
St.-Pierre-sur-Mer, Hérault, France
Stadium Morenão
Stafford, England
Stagg Field
Stallion Site
Stamford, Connecticut
Stan Romanek
Standard Oil of New Jersey
Standiford Field
Standiford Field [now Louisville International Airport]
Standiford Field [now Louisville International Airport], Louisville, Kentucky
Standlake Broad
Stanford Research Institute
Stanford Research Institute [now SRI International] in Menlo Park, California
Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, California
Stanford University
Stanley, Durham, England
Stara Cerkev, Slovenia
Starke County
State Central Navy Testing Range
State Highway 100 three miles south of Waterbury, Vermont
State Highway 113 south of Lodi
State Highway 18 south of Hobbs, New Mexico
State Highway 329 southeast of Prospect, Kentucky
State Hospital at Crownsville, Maryland
State Hospital for Mental Diseases in Howard, Rhode Island
State Route 487 south of Lopez, Pennsylvania
State of New Mexico
Staten Islanders
Staunton, Virginia
Stazic street
Ste. Anne, Manitoba
Stead AFB [now Reno Stead Airport]
Stendal, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
Stephenfield Lake, Manitoba
Stephenville Crossing, Newfoundland
Stephenville Empire-Tribune
Stephenville International Airport
Stephenville, Newfoundland
Stephenville, Texas
Sterling, Colorado
Sternberg State Astronomical Institute in Moscow
Stewart AFB [now Stewart Air National Guard Base] in Orange County, New York
Stigsjö, Sweden
Stirum, North Dakota
Stockay, Liège, Belgium
Stockholm University, Sweden
Stockholm latitude
Stockholm, Sweden
Stockton (California) Metropolitan Airport
Stockton, California
Stockton, Georgia
Stockton, Kansas
Stoke-on-Trent, England
Stone's Corner
Stonehenge apartment building
Stony Lane
Stora Mellösa, Sweden
Store near the witnesses
Stormville airport
Stormville, New York
Stourbridge, England
Strait of Georgia
Strait of Gibraltar
Strait of Hormuz
Strait of Sicily
Strait of Tartary
Stralsund, Germany
Stranraer, Scotland
Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France
Strategic Air Command
Stratford-on-Avon, England
Strathclair, Manitoba
Streamwood, Illinois
Stretford, Greater Manchester, England
Stringers Ridge
Strongsville, Ohio
Stroud, Gloucestershire, England
Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
Stryker, Ohio
Studham Common
Studham Lower School, Bedfordshire, England
Sturbridge, Massachusetts
Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin
Stuttgart, Germany
Sublette, Missouri
Suchowola, Poland
Sudbury, Massachusetts
Suez Canal
Suffield Experimental Station [now CFB Suffield], Alberta
Suffolk County, Republican Party
Suffolk County, Virginia
Suffolk, England
Sugar Camp, Wisconsin
Suisun Bay
Sukhoy Nos Cape of Severny Island, Novaya Zemla, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia
Sulejówek, Poland
Summer Palace
Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Summit Hill
Summit Lake, Alaska
Sunbury (Ohio)
Sunderland, England
Sundown, Manitoba
Sundsøya, Trøndelag, Norway
Sunnanå, Sweden
Sunset Boulevard and La Brea Avenue in Hollywood, California
Sunset Hills, Missouri
Sunset and La Brea
Sunset, New Mexico
Sunset, Utah
Suoyarvi, Karelia, Russia
Surrey, British Columbia
Surry, Maine
Susanville, California
Sussex County, Delaware
Sussex, England
Sutro Heights Park
Sutro Heights estate
Sutton Scotney
Sutton farm
Svalbard archipelago, Norway
Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia
Sverdlovsk [now Yekaterinburg]
Sverdlovsk, Russia
Swansea Bay
Sweaburg, Ontario
Swedish National Defence Research Institute
Swedish National Defense Research Institute
Swedish Parliament
Swedish Waters
Sweetwater, Nevada
Sweetwater, Texas
Swift Current, Saskatchewan
Swiss Alps
Swiss border
Swiss-Italian border
Sycamore, Illinois
Sydney, Nebraska
Sydney, New South Wales
Sydney, Nova Scotia
Symmes Township, Ohio
Syracuse, New York
Szczuczyn, Poland
Szklarska Poręba, Poland
Sztum, Poland
São Cristóvão, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
São Francisco de Sales, Minas Gerais, Brazil
São José do Norte
São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brazil
São José dos Campos
São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil
São João
São Paulo
São Paulo Highway in Brazil
São Paulo, Brazil
São Paulo–Congonhas Airport, Brazil
São Sebastião
São Vicente
Sézanne, Marne, France
Södertälje, Sweden
Södra Barken
Sörbo, Sweden
Sønderborg, Denmark
Słocina forest
Słocina neighborhood of Rzeszów, Poland
Tabasco, Mexico
Tachikawa Airfield, Tokyo, Japan
Tacoma, Washington
Taconic Highway
Taconic State Parkway
Tacuarembo, Uruguay
Tagus, California
Tahunanui Beach, Nelson, New Zealand
Taijiang District of Fujian province, China
Taizé, Saône-et-Loire, France
Takoma Park, Maryland
Talamone, Italy
Talara, Peru
Talavera la Real Air Base in Badajoz
Tallinn Highway, Estonia
Tamaroa, Illinois
Tampa, Florida
Tampere, Finland
Tananarive [now Antananarivo], Madagascar
Tangier, Oklahoma
Tangshan Bureau of Public Security
Taola Point
Taos, New Mexico
Taradale, New Zealand
Tarcienne, Belgium
Tarija, Bolivia
Tarrant County, Texas
Tasman Bay
Tasman Highway
Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania
Tasman Sea
Tatapouri Point, New Zealand
Tatebayasi, Gunma Prefecture, Japan
Taunton, Somerset, England
Tavernes, Var
Taverny air operations center
Taylorsville (now Philo)
Teas Ranch
Teddington, southwest London, England
Tehama County
Tehran airport
Tehran, Iran
Teleajen River
Telecom satellite tracking station
Teledyne-Ohio Steel plant in Lima, Ohio
Telega, Romania
Tempelhof Airport
Templeogue Tennis Club
Templestowe brickworks
Templeton, Massachusetts
Temuka, New Zealand
Tenby harbor, Pembrokeshire, Wales
Tennant Way
Tennessee Gas Transmission Company
Tennis court adjacent to the primary school
Tepeyac Cemetery
Terminal 2 in Kota Kinabalu International Airport, Sabah, Malaysia
Termoli, Campobasso, Italy
Ternopil, Ukraine
Terrace, British Columbia
Terre Haute, Indiana
Tetepango, Hidalgo, Mexico
Tewksbury, New Jersey
Texarkana, Arkansas
Texas Creek, Colorado
Texas State University–San Marcos
Texas Tech
Texas Tech college
Texas Technical College
Texas Tower 2
Texas state border
Tharston, Norfolk, England
The Bridestones, Cheshire, England
The Ellipse
The Glons (Belgium)
The Grange
The Guardian
The Hague
The Hague, Netherlands
The Hills
The Late Late Show with James Corden
The Loup (near Moneymore), County Derry, Northern Ireland
The Mumbles
The National Archive in Brasília, Brazil
The Naviero
The Netherlands
The Pentagon
The White House
Theodore Street
Therien, Alberta
Thierry Pfister
Thimister-Clermont, Belgium
Thompson Lake
Thompson River
Thor-Delta rocket
Thorembais-Gembloux, Belgium
Thornhill Air Base in Gweru, Zimbabwe
Three Hills, Alberta
Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station
Three Mile Lake Road north of Bracebridge, Ontario
Three miles west of Canadian, Texas
Thule Air Base
Thule Air Base in Greenland
Thule Air Base, Greenland
Thule Airbase in Greenland
Thule Site J in Greenland
Thursday Island
Tianjin Binhai International Airport, China
Tianjin, China
Ticonderoga, New York
Tietê River
Tihange Nuclear Power Station, Belgium
Tijeras Canyon
Tijeras Canyon, New Mexico
Tikaboo Peak
Tikaboo Peak, Nevada
Tillamook Head, Oregon
Tillamook, Oregon
Timor Sea
Tinker AFB
Tinker AFB near Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Tinker AFB, Oklahoma
Tinker AFB, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Tinley Park
Tiny’s Café
Tippecanoe River
Tiptree, Essex, England
Tismana, Romania
Titusville, Florida
Tjuvkil, Västra Götaland, Sweden
Tobin Lake, Saskatchewan
Tobyhanna Army Depot
Todmorden, West Yorkshire, England
Todmorden, Yorkshire, England
Tokai, Iberaki Prefeccture, Japan
Tokaimura uranium processing facility
Tokyo Bay
Tokyo International Airport
Tokyo, Japan
Toledo, Ohio
Toledo, Oregon
Tolicha Peak Electronic Combat Range
Tollesboro, Kentucky
Tombstone, Arizona
Tomelilla, Skåne, Sweden
Tomintoul, Scotland
Tonopah Test Range
Tonopah Test Range Airport
Tonopah Test Range in Nevada
Tonopah Test Range, Nevada
Tonopah, Arizona
Tonopah–Las Vegas Bombing and Gunnery Range
Tonopah–Las Vegas Bombing and Gunnery Range, Nevada
Tooele, Utah
Tooler Hill
Toolern Vale stables
Tooligie Hill, South Australia
Topeka, Kansas
Toppenish Ridge
Toppenish, Washington
Topsail Beach, North Carolina
Torokina Beach, Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea
Toronto, Ontario
Torpo, Viken County, Norway
Torrejón Air Base
Torrejón Air Base in Madrid
Torrejón Air Base in Madrid, Spain
Torrejón Air Base, Madrid
Torrente Chiarzò near Raveo, Udine, Italy
Torres Vedras
Torrington, Connecticut
Torrita di Siena, Italy
Toscolano-Moderno, Brescia, Italy
Toulon, France
Toulouse Observatory
Toulouse, France
Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France
Tower City, North Dakota
Towson, Maryland
Tracy, Quebec
Tradate, Italy
Trafford, Pennsylvania
Tramway Boulevard NE
Trancas, Tucumán, Argentina
Trans-Canada Highway
Trans-Canada Highway 10 miles north of Sussex, New Brunswick
Trans-en-Provence, Var, France
Transandean Highway
Trastevere–Monte Mario district above Vatican City
Travis AFB
Treherne, Manitoba
Trenton, Missouri
Trenton, New Jersey
Trenton, Tennessee
Treviso air bases
Trierer Strasse, Aachen, Germany
Trieste, Italy
Trigger Avenue near Naval Base Kitsap
Trindade Island
Trinidad, Colorado
Trinidad, Cuba
Trinity River bottom
Trinity Site
Trinity site
Tripp Pond
Trois Rivières, Quebec
Trondheim, Norway
Trooz, Belgium
Tropy Sztumskie
Trout Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada
Troy, Missouri
TruClear Global
Truax AFB [now Truax Field Air National Guard Base] northeast of Madison, Wisconsin
Truk Atoll
Truro, Nova Scotia
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico
Très Coracões
Très Coracões, Brazil
Tsinghua University
Tsugaru Strait
Tsushima Island, Japan
Tsutsusaki Lighthouse
Tucson International Airport
Tucson Speedway, Arizona
Tucson, Arizona
Tucumcari, New Mexico
Tucumán, Argentina
Tujunga Canyon north of Burbank, California
Tujunga, California
Tulare County
Tularosa, New Mexico
Tulgas, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia
Tulle, Corrèze, France
Tully, Australia
Tully, Queensland, Australia
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Tunbridge Wells
Tunguska event
Turin, Italy
Turkey Springs
Turku, Finland
Turner AFB
Turner AFB [now Naval Air Station Albany] in Albany, Georgia
Turnerville, Georgia
Turquestein-Blancrupt, Moselle, France
Turís, Valencia, Spain
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Tuscany, Italy
Tuscolana district in Rome, Italy
Tuscolana district of Rome, Italy
Tuttle Hill
Twentynine Palms, California
Twin Falls Park
Twin Falls, Idaho
Twin Mountain
Twin Peaks downtown
Two Harbors, Minnesota
Two Rivers
Two Rivers Coast Guard station
Two Rivers, Wisconsin
Two miles
Tyczyn, Poland
Tyler, Texas
Tyndall AFB in Panama City, Florida
Tyndall, Manitoba
Tyringham, New South Wales
Târgu Mureş, Romania
Târgu Neamț, Romania
Târgu-Jiu, Romania
UC Radiation Laboratory at Berkeley
UK House of Commons
UK House of Lords
UK Ministry of Defence
UK National Archives
UK S4 (Air) UFO desk in Whitehall, London
UN General Assembly
UN Special Political Committee
UNESP Hospital das Clinicas of the Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil
US Air Force 20th Space Control Squadron at Eglin AFB, Florida
US Air Force Academy
US Border
US Capitol Building
US Highway 1 in Westbrook, Connecticut
US Highway 20 near South Bend, Indiana
US Highway 50 near Parkersburg, West Virginia
US Highway 70 eight miles south of Temple, Oklahoma
US Highway 78 near Leland, Georgia
US Highway 83 north of Max, North Dakota
US Highway 99 near Proberta, California
US Highway 99 north of Bakersfield, California
US Hwy 45 near Bristol, Wisconsin
US Kadena Air Base
US National Archives
US National Reconnaissance Office
US National Security Council
US Naval Observatory
US Naval Reserve
US Naval Training Center at Port Deposit, Maryland
US Senate
US Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean
US Strategic Air Command
US Supreme Court
US Weather Bureau
US embassy in Moscow
US personnel in Cuba
US prisoners of war in Korea
USAF Aeromedical Laboratory
USAF Aerospace Defense Command
USAF Air Defense Center radar site at Klamath Falls, Oregon
USAF Air Technical Information Center
USAF Cambridge Research Laboratories
USAF Cambridge Research Laboratory at Hanscom AFB in Bedford, Massachusetts
USAF Cambridge Research Laboratory in Massachusetts
USAF Community Relations Division
USAF Director of Intelligence
USAF Directorate of Science and Technology
USAF Europe
USAF Headquarters
USAF Intelligence
USAF Intelligence Directorate
USAF Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
USAF Office of Air Intelligence
USAF Office of Scientific Research
USAF Office of Special Investigations
USAF Pentagon
USAF Project Office
USAF Public Information Officer
USAF Scientific Advisory Board
USAF Secretary Harold E. Talbott
USAF headquarters
USAF headquarters at the Pentagon
Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil
Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Uccle, Belgium
Ufological Research Center (CPU)
Uintah County, Utah
Uitenhage, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Uithuizermeeden, Netherlands
Ujazd, Poland
Ulithi Atoll
Ulltichschlag, Austria
Umm Al-Aish, Kuwait
Undersåker, Jamtland, Sweden
Union, Missouri
Union, Oregon
Union-Castle Mail SS Llandovery Castle
Uniontown, Pennsylvania
Uniopolis, Ohio
Unitarian Church in Portsmouth, New Hampshire
United Kingdom
United Nations
United Nations General Assembly
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
United Nations Security Council
United Nations building
United States
United States Air Force Plant 42
Universidad Nacional del Sur
Universidad de Huelva
Universities Research Reactor building
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
University of Alberta
University of Arizona
University of Arizona Department of Meteorology
University of Birmingham in England
University of Bridgeport, Connecticut
University of Calgary
University of California
University of California, Berkeley
University of Campinas in São Paulo, Brazil
University of Campinas, Brazil
University of Chicago
University of Cincinnati
University of Colorado
University of Colorado Graduate School
University of Colorado UFO Project
University of Connecticut
University of Florence's Mineralogical Institute
University of Hawaii
University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Iowa
University of Kansas
University of Kansas in Lawrence
University of Lethbridge Department of Geography
University of Lincoln
University of Lisbon
University of Manitoba
University of Massachusetts field station
University of Melbourne
University of Minnesota
University of Minnesota airport
University of Missouri
University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Montana
University of Nebraska
University of New Mexico
University of New Mexico Institute of Meteoritics
University of New Mexico in Albuquerque
University of North Carolina
University of North Dakota
University of Oregon
University of Pennsylvania
University of South Carolina
University of South Dakota
University of Texas at Austin
University of Toronto
University of Toronto Institute of Aerospace Studies
University of Turku
University of Wyoming campus
University of Würzburg, Germany
Upington, Northern Cape, South Africa
Upper Montclair, New Jersey
Upper Norrland, Sweden
Upton Primary Junior School
Upton, Indiana
Upton, Quebec
Urai, Paraná, Brazil
Urakami Valley
Uralmash plant
Urbandale, Iowa
Ursa Major
Ursa Major constellation
Ursa Minor
Uruoca, Ceará, Brazil
Usta, Örebro, Sweden
Utah Central Airport [now closed] in Granger, Utah
Utah State Agricultural College [now Utah State University]
Utica, Michigan
Utica, New York
Utuado High School
Uvalde, Texas
Uwharrie National Forest
Uyuni, Bolivia
Vaasa province, Finland
Vacant Lot
Vacheresse Forest
Vail, Arizona
Valdehijaderos, Salamanca, Spain
Valdese, North Carolina
Valdshult, Jönköping, Sweden
Vale Perkins, Quebec
Valea Berii
Valea Plopului, Romania
Valea Rea
Valence, Drôme, France
Valence, France
Valencia province, Spain
Valencia, Venezuela
Valensole, Alps-de-Haute-Provence, France
Valera, Venezuela
Valga County, Estonia
Valinhos, Portugal
Vallejo, California
Valley Center, California
Valley City, North Dakota
Valley East, Ontario
Valley Falls, Kansas
Valley in front of his house
Valley of Pariahuanca east of Lima, Peru
Valley, Ohio
Valparaiso, Chile
Valparaiso, Florida
Van Buren, Missouri
Van Horne, Iowa
Van Meter, Iowa
Van Nuys
Vancouver International Airport
Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia
Vandalia, Ohio
Vandenberg AFB
Vandenberg AFB [now Vandenberg Space Force Base], California
Vandenberg Space Force Base
Var department, southeastern France
Varanasi, India
Vare Avenue near 26th Street in South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Vargas, Venezuela
Vargem Grande, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Varginha, Brazil
Varginha, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Varna, Bulgaria
Varzi, Pavia, Italy
Vashon, Washington
Vatican Observatory in Castel Gandolfo, Italy
Vaucluse, New South Wales
Vaud, Switzerland
Vaughan, New Mexico
Vaxön, Sweden
Vedene, France
Vega oil refinery
Vega, Texas
Vejle, Jutland, Denmark
Venado Tuerto, Argentina
Veneto province
Venice Marco Polo Airport
Venice, Italy
Ventura, California
Venâncio Aires, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Verdun, Quebec
Vergiate, Varese
Verizon subscribers
Vermillion, South Dakota
Vermont Highway 36
Vernal, Utah
Vernon, Eure, France
Vero Beach, Florida
Verona, Wisconsin
Vevey, Switzerland
Via Flaminia near Pesaro, Italy
Via Pié agli Orti
Via Santa Valeria
Via della Tessaia in Polcanto, northeast of Florence, Italy
Viborg, Denmark
Vicenza, Italy
Vickers shipyard
Vicksburg, Michigan
Victoria, Australia
Victoria, British Columbia
Victoria, Entre Rios, Argentina
Victoria, Texas
Victorville, California
Victory Boulevard
Viedma, Rio Negro, Argentina
Vienna, Austria
Vienna, Virginia
Viet Cong
Vignelz, Canton Bern, Switzerland
Vila Baumer
Vila do Porto, Azores
Villa Dolores, Córdoba, Argentina
Villa General Belgrano, Córdoba, Argentina
Villa Park, Illinois
Village Green
Villares del Saz, Cuenca, Spain
Villeneuve, Alberta
Vilppula [now Mänttä-Vilppula], Finland
Vincennes, Indiana
Vineland, New Jersey
Vins-sur-Caramy, Var, France
Violetville neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland
Virginia Beach
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia
Viry, Haute-Savoie, France
Viskinge, Denmark
Vista Del Mar
Vistula Spit, Poland
Vittoria, Italy
Vizcacheras oil fields
Viña del Mar, Chile
Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia
Vladivostok, Russia
Volga River
Volta Redonda, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Volta Region of Ghana
Vongraven, Norway
Voronezh, Russia
Voussac, Allier, France
Vron, Somme, France
Vyborg Bay
Väddö Bay
Väddö island
Väddö, Sweden
Vänern lake
Västerbotten province, Sweden
Västerbotten, Sweden
Vålberg, Värmland, Sweden
Værnes Air Station, Trondheim
Vélizy-Villacoublay, Yvelines, France
Vălenii de Munte, Romania
Waco no. 4 firing range
Waco, Texas
Wadi Jawlan
Waiheke Island, New Zealand
Wailuku Mountains
Waimata Valley
Waimata Valley of New Zealand
Waimata Valley, New Zealand
Waipapa Bay
Waipawa, New Zealand
Waitara, New Zealand
Wakefield, New Hampshire
Wakkanai, Japan
Waldorf, Maryland
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City
Waldport, Oregon
Walesville, west of Utica
Walker AFB
Walker Pass
Walkerton, Ontario
Wallingford, Kentucky
Wallops Flight Facility
Wallops Island, Virginia
Walnut housing area
Walsh Park
Walter Reed Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland
Wanaque (New Jersey) Reservoir
Wanaque Reservoir
Wapakoneta, Ohio
Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, New York
Wardle, Lancashire, England
Waregem, Belgium
Warkworth, New Zealand
Warm Springs, Georgia
Warminster, Wiltshire, England
Warneton, Belgium
Warren, Minnesota
Warrenton, Virginia
Warrenville Heights, Ohio
Warrington, Cheshire, England
Warrington, England
Warsaw Ghetto
Warsaw Modlin Airport, Poland
Warsaw, Poland
Warwickshire, England
Washburn, Wisconsin
Washington (D.C.)
Washington D.C.
Washington National
Washington National Airport
Washington National Airport [now Ronald Reagan International Airport]
Washington National [now Ronald Reagan National] Airport’s Air Route Traffic Control (ARTC) in D.C.
Washington State
Washington, D.C.
Washington, Indiana
Washington, North Carolina
Washington, Pennsylvania
Washtenaw County
Waterbury, Connecticut
Waterford, Connecticut
Waterfront Playhouse in Key West, Florida
Watergate Building Complex
Waterhead, Lancashire, England
Waterloo Cafe
Waterloo exit of the Brussels Ring Road near Belle-Vue, Belgium
Waterloo, Iowa
Watertown, Massachusetts
Watertown, New York
Waterville, Nova Scotia
Waterworks Reservoir
Watrousville, Michigan
Watson Laboratories
Watson Laboratory complex
Watsonville, California
Wattsburg, Pennsylvania
Waukesha, Wisconsin
Wauseon, Ohio
Waverly and Chillicothe, Ohio
Waverly, Iowa
Waverly, Nebraska
Wavre gendarmerie
Waxahachie, Texas
Waycross, Georgia
Wayne City
Wayne, Michigan
Weapons Storage Area at Ellsworth FB near Rapid City, South Dakota
Webster City, Iowa
Weed, New Mexico
Weeki Wachee Springs, Florida
Weert, Netherlands
Weiser, Idaho
Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel
Welford, Berkshire
Weligama, Sri Lanka
Welland, Ontario
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Wellington Air Traffic Control
Wellington Channel
Wellington, Kansas
Wellington, New Zealand
Wells Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania
Wemeth Low
Wendover Field [now Airport], Utah
Wendover, Utah
Wentworth Station, Nova Scotia
Wernersville, Pennsylvania
Wernher von Braun's laboratory
Wesley, Iowa
West Berlin
West Berlin, Germany
West Central Highlands
West Coast military field
West Coast of Florida
West Columbia
West Decatur, Pennsylvania
West Germany
West Kempsey, New South Wales
West Kingston, Rhode Island
West Liberty
West Los Angeles police station
West Lumberton, North Carolina
West Manchester, England
West Melbourne, Florida
West Monroe
West Morehead Street
West Northwest Highway and Smith Street in Palatine, Illinois
West Norwood, south London, England
West Nottingham, New Hampshire
West Palm Beach, Florida
West Poland, Maine
West Seneca, New York
West Shore Expressway
West Side
West Sussex
West Sussex, England
West Tamar Highway
West Texas
West Virginia
West Virginia National Guardsman Eugene Lemon
West Willington, Connecticut
West of Clayton, New Mexico
Westall High School
Westall Secondary College
Westall State School
Westbury White Horse
Westchester County
Westchester, California
Westerham, Kent, England
Western Australia
Western Cape
Western Cuba
Western Europe
Western Hemisphere
Western Michigan University
Western Sahara
Westfall River
Westfield, Massachusetts
Westford, Massachusetts
Westlawn Cemetery
Westminster, Maryland
Westminster, South Carolina
Westmont, Illinois
Weston Mill, Plymouth, England
Weston, Massachusetts
Westover AFB
Westover AFB [now Westover Air Reserve Base] near Chicopee, Massachusetts
Westover AFB, Chicopee, Massachusetts
Westover Reserve Air Base
Weybridge, Surrey, England
Wharton Regional Airport
Wheatland County
Wheaton, Illinois
Wheeling, Illinois
Whistler, British Columbia
Whitby, North Yorkshire, England
White House
White House and Capitol
White Oaks
White Pond in Putnam County, New York
White Sands
White Sands Missile Range
White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico
White Sands Missile Test Range, New Mexico
White Sands Proving Ground
White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico
White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico
White Sands Proving Grounds
White Sands Proving Grounds, New Mexico
White Sands and Los Alamos, New Mexico
White Sands, New Mexico
White Sea
White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia
Whitehall, London, England
Whitehall, Michigan
Whitehorse, Yukon
Whitehorse, Yukon Territory
Whitehouse, Ohio
Whiteman AFB
Whitemouth, Manitoba
Whitharral, Texas
Whitley Strieber's Abduction Story
Whitsett Elementary School, North Carolina
Wichita Dwight D. Eisenhower National Airport
Wichita Municipal Airport
Wichita, Kansas
Wicie, Poland
Wiesbaden, Germany
Wilcox, Pennsylvania
Wild Horse Casino and Hotel in Dulce, New Mexico
Wilderness Golf Course near Sevenoaks, Kent, England
Willamette Falls Locks
Willamette Pass, Oregon
Willard Hammon's farmhouse
William English
William Greer
William Sidney
Williams AFB [now Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport], Arizona
Williams, California
Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Williamston, North Carolina
Willis St.-Jean
Williston, Florida
Williston, North Dakota
Willoughby, Ohio
Willow Grove, Pennsylvania
Willow Point, British Columbia
Willowdale, Ontario
Wilmington, Delaware
Wilmington, North Carolina
Wilmington, Ohio
Wiltshire, England
Winchester hospital
Winchester, England
Winchester, Hampshire, England
Winchester, Wiltshire, England
Wind River Indian Reservation
Windermere, Cumbria, England
Windscale Pile Number One
Windsor Castle, Berkshire, England
Windsor, Maine
Windsor, Ontario
Windsor, Vermont
Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum
Winnipeg Air Control Centre
Winnipeg International Airport
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Winooski River
Winslow, Arizona
Winsted, Connecticut
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Winter Haven, Florida
Winter Hill
Winthrop Hotel
Winthrop Hotel room in Tacoma, Washington
Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
Wisconsin River
Wisconsin State University
Wisconsin State University–Oshkosh
Wissembourg, Bas-Rhin, France
Wodonga, Victoria, Australia
Wokuma, South Australia
Wola Drzewiecka, Poland
Wolcott, Connecticut
Wolf Creek Township, Iowa
Wolf Star 359 in the Titanian system
Wolfe County, Kentucky
Wolicka street
Wolin Island, Poland
Wolverhampton, England
Wonsan, North Korea
Wonsan/Sunchon, Korea
Wood Canyon Road east of Soda Springs, Idaho
Wood River, Nebraska
Woodbridge, Suffolk, England
Woodbury, Minnesota
Woodland, California
Woodland, Washington
Woodlands, New Zealand
Woodnesborough, Kent, England
Woodstock, Connecticut
Woodstock, Illinois
Woodward, Oklahoma
Wooler, Ontario
Woolston, England
Woomera Test Range in South Australia
Woomera, South Australia
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Wooster, Ohio
Worcester (Mass.)
Worcester Park, southwest London, England
Worcester, Massachusetts
Woronora Dam, New South Wales
Wowoni Island, Sulawesi, Indonesia
Wrangell–Saint Elias National Park
Wright Air Development Center
Wright Field
Wright Field in Ohio
Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio
Wright Field, Ohio
Wright Patterson AFB
Wright- Patterson AFB
Wright-Patterson AFB
Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton
Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio
Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio
Wright-Patterson AFB near Dayton, Ohio
Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio
Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio
Wright-Patterson Air Material Intelligence
Wright-Patterson field
Wrocław, Poland
Wroxham, Norfolk, England
Wuchang, Heilongjiang, China
Wuhan University
Wuhan, China
Wurtsmith AFB [now Oscoda-Wurtsmith Airport] near Oscoda, Michigan
Wurtsmith AFB [now Oscoda-Wurtsmith Airport], Michigan
Wylfa Hill
Wynnewood, Oklahoma
Würselen, Germany
X-10 plant
Xincheng district of Taiyuan, Shaanxi, China
Xingu light airplane
Xinhuajie district
Xi’an University, Shanxi, China
Y-12 plant
YWCA in Washington, D.C.
Yaak Air Force Station in Montana
Yakama Indian Reservation
Yakama Indian Reservation in Washington State
Yakama, Washington, Indian Reservation
Yakima, Washington
Yale University
Yantan Park, Lanzhou, Gansu province, China
Yapeyú and Santo Tomé in Corrientes
Yarmouth Harbour, Nova Scotia
Yaroslavl Highway, Russia
Yaroslavskoye Shosse
Yarra River valley
Yateley, Hampshire, England
Yates Center, Kansas
Yauca District
Yellow Sea
Yorba Linda, California
York Road east of Leeds, England
Yorktown, New York
Yoron-Jima, Japan
Youngstown, Ohio
Youngstown, Pennsylvania
Youngsville, Pennsylvania
Yreka, California
Yscloskey, St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana
Yucca Flat
Yucca Flats, Nevada
Yukon Territory, Canada
Yukon, Oklahoma
Yuma AFB [now Marine Corps Air Station Yuma]
Yuma, Arizona
Yungay, Peru
Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych building
Zanesville, Ohio
Zanthus, Western Australia
Zaragoza, Spain
Zastava station
Zelienople, Pennsylvania
Zemun Polje Airport
Zhangpu County, Fujian, China
Zhenyuan Yi, Hani and Lahu Autonomous County, southern Yunnan, China
Zichang Satellite Launch Center
Zihuatenejo, Guerrero, Mexico
Zillah, Washington
Zuiderzee in Holland
Zurich, Switzerland
Zvarykino, Belgorod Oblast, Russia
Zvishavane, Zimbabwe
Zwischbergen, Valais, Switzerland
Zürich, Switzerland
air base in the southwest
air intelligence branch DDI (Tech)
airport in Macdonald, Manitoba
airstrip near Mount Whaleback, Western Australia
al-Hamriya Fish Market
alfalfa field
alfalfa field 10 miles north of Pasco, Washington
an area in Nevada between Fallon and Eureka
back yard of his home on the east side of Albuquerque, New Mexico
bottom of a gully in an isolated section of the woods near Midland, Pennsylvania
center of Oak Ridge
central Anatolia, Turkey
central Australia
central Chile
central Germany
central Ireland
central Israel
central Korea
central London, England
central Portugal
central Sweden
central Tennessee
central Texas
central Vancouver Island, British Columbia
church at the castle of Cennina, Arezzo, Italy
church in a village near Lake Zarobozero, Vologda Oblast, Russia
coast of Israel or Lebanon
coastal lake near Wicie, Poland
continental US
creek near Fairview, Pennsylvania
dirt road 3–4 miles north and a half-mile west of MacGregor, Manitoba
downtown Albuquerque
downtown Bremerton, Washington
downtown Green Bay, Wisconsin
downtown Hagerstown, Maryland
downtown Lancaster, California
downtown Phoenix, Arizona
downtown Toledo, Ohio
downtown Winnipeg, Manitoba
east Albuquerque, New Mexico
east Hancock County, Ohio
east Texas
east coast of Ireland
east coast of Korea
east coast of Russia
east coast of Scotland
east of Barron, Wisconsin
east of Springfield, Missouri
east side of Saint Paul, Minnesota
east side of Waterloo, Iowa
eastern Cambodia
eastern Europe
eastern Finland
eastern Mediterranean Sea
eastern Netherlands
eastern Pennsylvania
eastern Siberia
eastern South Australia
eastern US
eastern Washington
eastern Washington State
eastern Winnipeg, Manitoba
eastern coast
eastern hills
eastern outskirts of Halifax, Nova Scotia
eight miles east of Rivers
farm 2 miles southeast of Bloomfield, Indiana
farm 8 miles north of O'Neill, Nebraska
farm south of Westminster, Maryland
farmer C. Bruce Stevenson's farm
farmhouse belonging to Melvin Bannister
first-floor dental office of Walter Griehl on the Avenida Pedro Molina in Mendoza, Argentina
five miles east of Terre Haute, Indiana
five miles west of Hot Springs, Arkansas
foot of Coxcomb Mountain
forest near Golina, Poland
forested hills near Medford, Oregon
four miles south of Galt, Ontario
front porch 3 miles north of downtown Indianapolis, Indiana
high-tension wires east of Madison, Ohio
highway seven miles north of Tremonton, Utah, US
hill adjacent to Area 51 in Nevada
hill country near Columbus
hill on the grounds of the Zootecníca
home in a village near Dijon
impact site approximately 40 miles north of Roswell
impact site north of Roswell
interstate highway in Flagstaff, Arizona
isolated ranch northeast of Goldendale, Washington
just north of Conway, South Carolina
lake Fjosoken, Sorsele, Sweden
lake Längelmävesi, Finland
lake Mönninselkä
lake Ozero Blagodati, Primorsky Krai, Russia
lake near Evansville, Indiana
meadow three-quarters of a mile west of Birmingham, Iowa
moors near Stacksteads, Lancashire, England
mountains near Auberry, California
mountains near Caracas, Venezuela
near Las Vegas
north Gobi Desert, China
north Zealand, Denmark
north of Ploieşti, Romania
north of Santa Barbara, California
north of Turkey
north-central Kansas
northeast Australia
northeast Oklahoma
northeast portion of the city of Tehran, Iran
northeast section of Albuquerque, New Mexico
northeastern Poland
northeastern Spain
northeastern Tehran, Iran
northeastern United States
northern Alaska outpost
northern Canada
northern Chile
northern Georgia
northern Italy
northern Montana
northern New South Wales
northern Okinawa, Japan
northern perimeter of Japan
northwest Europe
northwest Ohio
northwest edge of Lima, Ohio
northwest edge of Sedalia, Missouri
northwest of Austin, Texas
northwest to southeast
northwest toward Woodstown, New Jersey
northwestern Puerto Rico
northwestern outskirts of Sudbury, Suffolk, England
off the coast of Florida
off the coast of Haiti
off the western tip of San Clemente Island, California
one mile east of House, Mississippi
one mile east of Rivers
one mile north of Colorado Springs, Colorado
one mile outside Hrubieszów, Poland
one mile west of Lake Elmo, Minnesota
outskirts of Abbiate Guazzone, Varese, Italy
outskirts of Lawrence, Kansas
outskirts of Lehi, Utah
outskirts of Norco, California
outskirts of Rochester, Pennsylvania
plaza of the Taiyuan Railway Station
quarter mile west of Youngsville, Pennsylvania
river Lågen
river basin
road near RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk, England
rural Ontario
rural Pennsylvania airstrip
rural area near Kingston, New Hampshire
rural area northeast of Des Moines, Iowa
rural road south of Osakis, Minnesota
rural section of Warkworth, New Zealand
same distance south of Tehran
seaport town in southern Sweden
shore of a lake in southern Sweden
shore of the Vistula River
ski-resort restaurant near Stormville, New York
small cove along the shore of Georgian Bay, Ontario
small forest near Varginha, Brazil
small town in Alberta
small town to the southeast of San José, Costa Rica
south of Copenhagen, Denmark
south of France
south of the original encounter
south side of Tehran, Iran
south-central Dundy County, Nebraska
south-central Indianapolis, Indiana
south-central Lake Michigan
southeast Essex
southeast Romania
southeast of Danbury, Connecticut
southern Belgium
southern California
southern England
southern Italy
southern Michigan
southern New Mexico
southern Ohio hills
southern Sweden
southern Taiwan
southern Yunnan, China
southern Zambia
southwest Baffin Island, Nunavut
southwest Ukraine
southwest corner of the lakebed
southwest of Lodi, Wisconsin
southwest of Roswell, New Mexico
southwest of Valparaiso, Florida
southwest part of Springfield, Illinois
southwest side of Minneapolis, Minnesota
southwestern France
southwestern New Mexico
southwestern Washington State
southwestern desert
southwestern part of the United States
state forestry lookout tower on Round Top Mountain north of Medford, Oregon
subdivision of Normal, Illinois
suburb of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
suburban Maryland
suburban Virginia
train station in Teremia Mare, Romania
two independent locations about 5 miles west of Corning, California
two miles north of Parrsboro, Nova Scotia
two miles south of Louisville, Kentucky
undeveloped region of Algeria south of Algiers
unnamed military base in Romania
village in the Qinling mountains of southern Shaanxi province, China
village near Nysa, Poland
west Finland
west central Romania
west coast of Baja California, Mexico
west coast of Ireland
west façade of the central building
west of Los Alamos, New Mexico
west of Santiago, Chile
west of Stockholm
western Colorado
western Mojave Desert, California
western New York
western Pennsylvania
western Russia
western Turkey
western Uintah County, southeast of Ballard, Utah
western Victoria
western outskirts of Vermillion, South Dakota
western suburb of Alessandrio, Piedmont, Italy
wooded area about 37 miles outside Lublin, Poland
wooded area near Belfast, Maine
woods outside her home near Winsted, Connecticut
Álvaro Obregón, Mexico City, Mexico
Área de Proteção Ambiental do Carste de Lagoa Santa
Ängelholm, Sweden
Åbo Akademi University in Turku
Ålen, Norway
Åsbygda, Ringerinke, Norway
Élisabethville [now Lubumbashi]
Întorsura Buzăului
Ürümqi, Xinjiang Autonomous Province, China
Łeba, Poland
Ţarcu Peak, Romania
Żuławka Sztumska
18th Road
3126 Fourth Avenue South
750 Third Avenue
Alderley Road
American Canyon Road
Antrim Coast Road
Armview Avenue
Arthur Kill Road
Beaverton and Poplar Grove Road
Beeler Road
Benns Road
Blacketts Lake Road
Breese Road
Brinkerhoff Avenue
Burnley Road
Canada Highway 100
Canada Highway 16
Candlewood Lake Road
Center Avenue
Central Avenue
Chancellors Run Road
Chesapeake Avenue (near LaSalle Avenue)
Cliffland Road
Colton Avenue
Copper Avenue
Country Club Road
County Highway 5
County Highway CV
County Highway I
County Road 126
County Road 533
County Road 7
County Road MM
County Road W
Cromwell Road
Cygnet Road
Darco Cutoff Road
Dayton–Xenia Road
Desert Center Rice Road 117
Durango–Mazatlán Highway
East Kemper Road
East Kingsfield Road
Eddie Road
Farin Road 2373
Five Mile Road
Gouger Road
Hance Bridge Road
Hartstown Road
Hawaii Belt Road
Highland Avenue
Highway 1
Highway 116
Highway 16
Highway 17
Highway 2
Highway 20
Highway 226
Highway 227
Highway 2A
Highway 3
Highway 332
Highway 36
Highway 375
Highway 3A
Highway 40
Highway 44
Highway 463
Highway 491
Highway 50
Highway 60
Highway 63
Highway 70
Highway 94
Highway Patrol
Highways 5 and 85
Hope Road
Hopewell Road intersection
Hunter Road
I Road
Ice Road
Interstate 270
Interstate 35
Interstate 494
Interstate 694
Interstate 70
Interstate 75
Interstate 76
Interstate 77
Interstate 80
Interstate 80S
Interstate 84
Interstate 89
Interstate 90
Interstate 93
Interstate 94
Interstate 95
Jackson Road
L5 point in the same orbit as the Moon
La Brea Avenue
Lacock Road
Lateral 1 Road
Lawrence Road
Lincoln Avenue
Lingan Road
Long Point Road
Loveland-Madeira Road
Low Earth Orbit
Lunn Road
Mars (or Jupiter)
Marshy area
Merriman Road
Michigan Avenue
Middle Country Road
Milton Road
Mission Road
Mogollon Rim Road
Mooraduc Road
Mount Flora to Dingo Beach Road
Murat Road
Newhailes Road
Old Saint Charles Road
Old Verde Road
Old Warren Road
Olsen Road interchange
Perry Road
Philadelphia Church Road
Pilot Knob Road
Pine Grove Road
Pioneer Road
Provincial Highway 2
Provincial Road 201
Quarry Road
Quigley Road
Quinpool Road
Redcoat Road
Redwood Road
Richmond Township Road A
Riggs Road
Ringwood Avenue
Route 112
Route 116 [now 114]
Route 150
Route 150 (Amesbury Road)
Route 34
Route 51
Route 66
Route N23 road
Runnymede Road
Scenic Avenue
Seriff Road
Soda Creek Road
Solano Avenue
South Ashland Avenue
Springfield Road
St. Agnes Avenue
State 12 and US Highway 180
State Highway 101
State Highway 113
State Highway 114
State Highway 12
State Highway 128
State Highway 135
State Highway 15
State Highway 17
State Highway 2
State Highway 208
State Highway 22
State Highway 220
State Highway 27
State Highway 281
State Highway 299
State Highway 3
State Highway 30
State Highway 31
State Highway 32
State Highway 34B
State Highway 38
State Highway 47
State Highway 4A
State Highway 5
State Highway 50
State Highway 55
State Highway 57
State Highway 58
State Highway 61
State Highway 68
State Highway 7
State Highway 70
State Highway 71
State Highway 72
State Highway 8
State Highway 82
State Highway 9
State Highway 99
State Route 117
State Route 18
State Route 614
State Route 63
Sunset Boulevard and Sycamore Avenue
Sunset Road
Telegraph Avenue
Telegraph Road
Turlington Road
US Highway 1
US Highway 136
US Highway 14
US Highway 160
US Highway 17
US Highway 19
US Highway 2
US Highway 20
US Highway 22
US Highway 224
US Highway 250
US Highway 26
US Highway 285
US Highway 29
US Highway 3
US Highway 30
US Highway 321
US Highway 380
US Highway 41
US Highway 44
US Highway 49
US Highway 50
US Highway 51
US Highway 53
US Highway 54
US Highway 56
US Highway 6
US Highway 60
US Highway 62
US Highway 70
US Highway 73 [now US 75]
US Highway 81
US Highway 82
US Highway 87
US Highway 87/89
US Highway 9
US Highway 90
US Hwy 54
US Hwy 60
US Hwy 70
US Hwy 84
Ware Road
West County Line Road
West Granville Avenue
West Ridge Road
Western Avenue
Wheatland Road
Wilmer-Georgetown Road
Windham Center Road
Yarmouth Road
Zaring Cutoff Road
base Provost Marshal
dark side of the Moon
geosynchronous orbit
geosynchronous orbits
intersection of I-77 and State Highway 47