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synced 2025-03-03 12:19:28 -05:00
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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
| |
| June 7 |
| |
| 1952 - On this day in 1952, at 4:00 a.m., security guards watched a light |
| hover at 1,000 feet over the 5th Air Force Base near Seoul, South |
| Korea. The light bobbed in the sky, then rose rapidly to the east, |
| changing colors as it went. Several hours later, at 11:18 a.m. in |
| Albuquerque, New Mexico, a rectangular-shaped, aluminum colored |
| object followed a B-25 bomber during its flight. Both of these |
| reports were listed by Project Blue Book as "unidentified" cases. |
| (Sources: Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, |
| cases #1259 and #1260; (2) Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO |
| Encounters, p. 16). |
| |
| 1954 - On this day in 1954, while driving between Indio and Brawley, |
| California on US highway 99, a witness spotted a 12-meter diameter |
| metallic disc hovering one mile above Mount Superstition for more |
| than 15 minutes. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue no. 339). |
| |
| 1958 - A red glow appeared over the mountains in Mount Egmont, New |
| Zealand at 9:30 p.m. A white ovoid object shot up, stopped, then shot |
| off horizontally to the northwest passing over the heads of the |
| witnesses. (Source: Loren Gross, The fifth horseman of the |
| apocalypse: UFOs: A history. 1958: May-July, p. 39). |
| |
| 1965 - In Scoriton, England on this day in 1965 three glowing beings |
| allegedly appeared to a witness named Bryant one day after the flying |
| saucer contactee George Adamski died. One of the beings calls himself |
| "Yamski." The witness was left with headaches, messages, and a |
| metallic object. (Source: BUFORA Journal, June 1965, p. 10; Eileen |
| Buckle, The Scoriton Mystery). |
| |
| 1967 - At 1:30 a.m. a disc-shaped object with a rectangular |
| protuberance on its underside flew close to an ambulance being driven |
| by Geraldo Baqueiro in Itajuba, Minas Gerais state, Brazil and caused |
| the complete failure of its electrical system. Through a brightly |
| illuminated transparent surface of the object the faces of strange |
| beings, resembling bipedal cat-like creatures with cat-like eyes, |
| stared intently at the stunned witness. (Source: David F. Webb and |
| Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-47, |
| citing H. B. Aleixo, FSR, Vol. 14 # 6; Jacques Vallee, Passport to |
| Magonia, A Century of Landings, case 848). |
| |
| 1970 - Shortly after 12:30 a.m., three kilometers northwest of |
| Curico, Chile a Mr. Valenzuela observed an oval-shaped object land |
| and was shocked by the appearance of the two entities who were |
| inside. (Source: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of |
| Humanoid Reports, case 1970-09, citing Mark Rodeghier & Bernard |
| Delair). |
| |
| 1970 - Driving around a sharp curve on the road next to the Towarie |
| Reservoir south of Ouray, Utah, E. Manning saw a triangular UFO with |
| rounded corners coming across the lake that nearly collided with the |
| car. It veered sharply away. It had many colors, mostly green. It |
| moved with the apex of the triangle in front, with two exhaust jets |
| in back. (Source: Frank Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, Appendix |
| case 74). |
| |
| 1973 - At ten o'clock in the evening three people in a car near |
| Sousas, Brazil saw a "fireball" which came toward them and stopped 50 |
| meters away. It was 15 feet in diameter and gave off a yellow light. |
| The engine of the car failed when it was nearby and the witnesses |
| felt "prickly." They also had intense headaches later. The object |
| eventually left and the car could be restarted. (Source: Mark |
| Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 341, |
| citing FSR Case Histories, SuppIement No. 17) |
| |
| 1974 - A red luminous sphere was seen over Lake George in Goulbourn, |
| New South Wales, Australia at 11:00 p.m. At 3:00 a.m. the next |
| morning dogs began barking and a witness saw a landed UFO and |
| approached to within 300 meters of it. He saw 3-4 very tall (8 feet) |
| beings, who wore glowing silver suits and floated to the ground. They |
| had no facial features. (Source: Keith Basterfield, case |
| investigation files at J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies, dated |
| January 1975). |
| |
| 1976 - At 10:40 p.m. in Cincinnati, Ohio two men witnessed a circular |
| object with revolving white lights while dogs howled in reaction to |
| its presence. The men took 17 photographs. The object disappeared |
| once, then after it reappeared it circled to the west, next to the |
| east, and left the area after ten minutes. (Source: CUFOS News |
| Bulletin, September 1976, p. 5). |
| |
| 1978 - At 8:00 p.m. two flashing yellow lights flew above Amapa, |
| Brazil at an altitude above 35,000 feet. The lights flew parallel to |
| one another, about 100 meters apart, and flew from the south to the |
| northwest at a medium speed. (Source: Bob Pratt, Operacao Prato, |
| www.theblackvault.com). |
| |
| 1990 - At 11:45 p.m. in the farm community of Haymart, Pennsylvania |
| a woman saw a bright light in the sky while driving home. When she |
| reached her home and watched from outside, the ovoid UFO with |
| multicolored lights approached to a close range and directed two |
| white beams at her from the bottom of the object. Meanwhile, her dog |
| barked continuously during the encounter. Her neighbor chased the |
| object away in her truck. (Source: Stan Gordon, MUFON case file |
| investigation, case # 900705; Joan Woodward, www.nicap.org NSID |
| Animal Effects Catalogue, page 9, case 8). |
| |
| 1993 - A silent, nearly transparent, rectangular UFO glided over |
| homes in Sheldon, Vermont at 9:15 p.m. It had two bright lights on |
| one side. (Source: UFO Newsclipping Service, February 1994). |
| |
| 1994 An RCMP report stated that at 3:30 a.m. in farm country |
| northwest of Gimli, Manitoba, Canada a 300 foot wide, donut or torus |
| shaped object flew over the area to the east at 1500 feet altitude. |
| It had nine to twelve flashing lights around its circumference. |
| (Source: Frank Ducks, 1994 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 58, citing |
| NRC). |
| |
| 1996 - An object described as a silver, on-end goose egg, hovered |
| over the river in Franklin, Georgia on an overcast evening around |
| 7:45 p.m. It was about 50 above the water, and the water below the |
| object did not appear to be disturbed. It was estimated to be about |
| the size of VW Beetle. It moved away slowly as a speed of around |
| 10-15 mph. (Source: John C. Thompson, MUFON file investigation |
| database, case # 970501E). |
| |
| 1997 - On this night there was a near collision over Hertfordshire, |
| England between an Aer Lingus BAe-146 airliner and a unidentified |
| flying object with red, blue and white lights. The object passed |
| close by the aircraft. (Source: Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO |
| Encounters, p. 48). |
| |
| 2000 - North of Pine Gap, near Alice Springs, Northern Territory, |
| Australia at 8:30 p.m. a married couple's dogs barked madly as a |
| disc-shaped object with orange around the edge hovered close by. It |
| lit up the area and was described as looking like "trees were on |
| fire." It hovered, then moved out of sight. (Source: Keith Douglas, |
| Victorian UFO Research Society website). |
| |
| 2000 - On the same day a daylight disc sighting occurred in Marlette, |
| Michigan when an oval object was sighted for about 15 seconds at |
| around 1:00 p.m. The craft was described as a very shiny silver color |
| with vertical and horizontal dividers, making square compartments all |
| around. (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, |
| Seattle, June 2000 archived webpage, this report posted March 6, |
| 2001). |
| |
| 2002 - Another daylight disc sighting occurred at 11:45 a.m. in |
| Chatsworth, Los Angeles County, California. It was a large, round |
| domed disc that was seen briefly. It was also described as very shiny |
| with little black jets, and had a small dome on top. The object was |
| rotating at the time, and made no sound at all.(Source: Peter |
| Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, June 2002 archived |
| webpage). |
| |
| 2008 - On this night in Antioch Community, South Carolina a married |
| couple with many years of aviation experience were returning from |
| some friends' house where they had been watching movies. They were |
| discussing one of the movies when the wife said, "Look at that, what |
| in the world is that?" They saw a black triangular craft in the air |
| with lights and several windows. There was a purple beacon in the |
| center of the bottom, but no position lights or anti-collision lights |
| anywhere on the object. They thought for a moment that it might be a |
| B-2 bomber, but it made no noise at all and after "zooming" up to |
| them it stopped right over their vehicle. About this time they turned |
| onto their private road and made it up to their house. This was |
| around 11:20 p.m. The next thing that either of them remembers was |
| being in the car at 2:24 a.m. in the morning. The car was running but |
| the wife was in the driver’s seat and the husband in the passenger's. |
| Since he is 6’5” and she is 5’7” this meant that his knees |
| were forced into the dashboard.Neither remembers anything whatsoever |
| after parking the car. They do not remember what happened during the |
| lost time, why they were in different positions in the car, or why |
| they were still sitting outside their house with all of the car |
| windows still down and the moon roof open. The husband woke up with a |
| headache the next morning, and his wife felt ill enough to stay in |
| bed for most of the next day. There were other good reports of flying |
| triangles that same night in Brooklyn, Michigan and Mountain View, |
| California. (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, |
| Seattle, webpage report posted July 5, 2008). |
| |
| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 8 June 2009). |
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| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
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| Themes: air |
| craft UFO encounters, animal reactions: dogs barking and howling, dis |
| c-shaped UFOs, UFOs changing colors, green UFOs, human-looking occupa |
| nts, humanoids with large ears and cat-like eyes, metallic UFOs, miss |
| ing time, multi-year encounters in Brazil, ovoid UFOs, physiological |
| effects: headaches and prickly sensations, rectangular UFOs, triangul |
| ar UFOs, vehicle EM effects, up-and-down motion, very tall humanoids. |
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