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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
| |
| January 6 |
| |
| 1948 - Mrs Bernice Zaikowski of Chehalis, Washington heard a |
| “sizzling and whizzing” sound at three o'clock in the afternoon, and |
| looked up to see a “birdman” hovering 200 feet above her barn. She |
| watched “a man equipped with long silver wings fastened over the |
| shoulders with a strap” ascend rapidly, hover, bank, then fly away. |
| “He flew in an upright position and appeared to be manipulating |
| controls strapped to his chest.” The wings did not flap, instead they |
| retracted close to his body during ascent, and were extended to hover |
| or proceed in horizontal flight. Mrs Zaikowski said five other adult |
| witnesses and a number of children also saw the birdman. (Source: |
| David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, |
| case 1948-05, citing The Portland (Oregon) Journal, April 30, 1950; |
| Hans Holzer, The UFOnauts, p. 117; John A. Keel, Operation Trojan |
| Horse, p. 206). |
| |
| 1950 - Three military witnesses, including one named Zimmerman, were |
| flying in a U.S. Air Force C-47 transport plane near Howard, Kansas |
| on this day when they sighted a silverly metallic, football-shaped |
| object flying on a straight level flight path. They estimated the |
| object was between 30 and 60 feet long, was flying at 2,000 feet |
| altitude at a speed of 400 mph. (Sources: Project Blue Book files |
| counted in official statistics, January 1950; Loren E. Gross, UFOs: A |
| History. 1950: January-March, p. 2; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO |
| Encounters, p. 11). |
| |
| 1961 - At 3:00 a.m. Luis G. Ferre Casas, age 33, and two other |
| witnesses watched as a domed disc-shaped object, six meters in |
| diameter, landed quietly on a mountain in Torroia del Priorato, |
| Tarragona, Spain. It was the color of moonlight. A dog who was with |
| them refused to approach the landing site. The incident lasted 20 |
| minutes. (Sources: Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, FSR Case Histories, |
| February 1974, p. 10; Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, OVNIs: El |
| Fenomeno Aterrizaje, p. 49; Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in |
| Spain and Portugal, case 31; UNICAT database, case 488, citing |
| Ballester Olmos). |
| |
| 1966 - Three gray discs and two multi-colored cigar-shaped UFOs, with |
| the colors pink, blue, and white, were seen hovering over Sapporo, |
| Japan at 1:49 p.m. by Miss S. Fujii. At 1:55 p.m. 16 more UFOs |
| appeared to the left of these, gradually vanishing after 30 seconds. |
| Many more appeared in a display at 2:09 p.m. (Source: Y. J. |
| Matsumura, Flying Saucers, October 1966, p. 39). |
| |
| 1967 - Six luminous spheres were seen flying over Aveyron, France at |
| eleven o'clock at night. A luminous shaft of light descended towards |
| the ground near the witness. A humanoid figure was seen standing |
| inside the luminous shaft. The being communicated via telepathy with |
| the witness and told him that someday "He will write a book." |
| (Sources: Jacques Vallee, The Invisible College, p. 31, citing |
| Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 109; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid |
| Contact Database 1967, case # 2427, citing Jacques Vallee). |
| |
| 1968 - A night security officer was conducting his rounds in Milano, |
| Italy when he came upon a flat, pancake-shaped object resting in a |
| courtyard. He approached and could see that it had a transparent dome |
| on top and a circular railing around it. Next to the UFO were two |
| human-like figures wearing blue coveralls and black helmets and |
| gloves. Inside the dome a third figure was moving about. The two |
| outside seemed to be performing some repairs on the object. The |
| witness walked up to offer his help and shone a flashlight at the |
| object. The two figures suddenly scrambled into the object, which |
| emitted a bright flash and took off. (Sources: Maurizio Verga, |
| ITACAT: Italian UFO Catalogue; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact |
| Database 1968, case 25). |
| |
| 1969 - Maren Merino was working in the kitchen of her family's small |
| café in Pontejos, Santander, Spain at 9:15 p.m. when she looked out |
| the kitchen window and saw an intensely bright light. Her daughter, |
| 25-year old Felicidad Fernandez Merino then entered the kitchen and |
| also observed the light. Felicidad asks her mother about it, but she |
| continued to ignore the light. Thinking this was abnormal, Felicidad |
| yelled to two other women, including a woman called Paquita. All |
| three women then opened the window and saw an incredible scene: on a |
| field only 30 meters away, and hovering about three meters from the |
| ground, was a luminous square 4-5 meters wide. It was an intense |
| orange-white color. Inside the luminous square they saw the |
| silhouette of a man walking about. From the right another figure |
| appeared and both walked toward the left side of the illuminated |
| square. Next, from the opposite end of the square three more figures |
| appear, making a total of five figures. By now the witnesses are |
| totally fascinated and shout out to the beings. At this time they are |
| joined by another witness, 35-year-old Antonio. When Antonio looked |
| out the window the craft vanished from sight. |
| |
| According to the witnesses the movements of the humanoids was |
| mechanical in nature, with arms straight down their sides with no |
| apparent joint movement. The beings were tall and well built, with |
| normal features, chestnut-color hair, and light skin. They wore |
| something similar to black, tight-fitting coveralls with sleeves and |
| turtlenecks. The incident lasted for five minutes. As the witnesses |
| continued to look for the UFO a small shiny sphere descended from the |
| middle of the sky, falling to the ground in a curved trajectory. The |
| body of the UFO again became visible, clearly displaying the shiny |
| square section and the portion of the object hat had been invisible |
| to the witnesses thus far. It was a dull silver color, lightly |
| fluorescent, and shaped like a domed cupola. The object then rose |
| slowly and disappeared quickly, leaving behind a brilliant greenish |
| track that persisted for about 15 minutes after the object left. |
| (Sources: Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO |
| Events in Spain and Portugal, case 100; Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, |
| OVNIs: El Fenomeno Aterrizaje, p. 86; UNICAT database, case 435; |
| David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid |
| Reports, case 1969-03 (A1017), citing Manuel Pedrajo and Vicente-Juan |
| Ballester Olmos). |
| |
| 1973 - Mr. Lew was driving in his truck between Tiddington and |
| Wheatley in Oxfordshire, England at 6 a.m. when a circular-shaped UFO |
| crossed the road in front of him at a low altitude, as if intending |
| to land in a nearby field. (Source: J. Bernard Delair, UFO Register, |
| volume 5 (1974), case # 6). |
| |
| 1974 - Martin W. Barry, a Marine Corps sergeant, was making his usual |
| early morning five mile run in the park in Santa Ana, California. He |
| was out running in a driving rainstorm, when he came upon a |
| seven-foot-tall, bulky figure standing in a slumped forward posture, |
| with long arms dangling nearly to the ground. Behind it was hovering |
| an orange pulsating flying saucer, only a few feet off the ground. |
| The creature's head accounted for more than half of its height. It |
| had very large eyes, and its legs were "squashed" and "stubby." It |
| waddled up to Barry and struck him on the chest, knocking him into a |
| pool of water. It then waddled away and climbed aboard the UFO, which |
| rose into the sky. Others reportedly saw UFOs over Santa Ana that |
| day. (Source: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of |
| Human Reports, case 1974-63, citing Andrew Gallagher, Ideal's UFO |
| Magazine, # 1, March 1978). |
| |
| 1974 - At 6 p.m. two women watched a strange looking bullet-shaped |
| metallic object move across the sky above Bend, Oregon travelling |
| from the southeast to the northwest. (Source: Bend Bulletin, January |
| 7, 1974). |
| |
| 1975 - near Lordsburg, New Mexico - Three peopIe listening to a CB |
| radio in their parked car at around 11 p.m. saw lights approaching |
| them from behind. As the driver tried to move the car, the CB radio |
| broke into static and the engine wouldn't start. A bluish light beam |
| then shone on the car for a few seconds and the group heard a sound |
| like the hum from high tension wires. The light then disappeared and |
| they could start the car. As they drove away, they saw a blue glow |
| behind a nearby hill. The battery on the car went dead a few days |
| later. (Sources: APRO BuIIetin, June 1975; Mark Rodeghier, UFO |
| Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 376, citing APRO). |
| |
| 1976 - Returning from getting milk in Domene, Isere, France at 6 |
| p.m., Jean Claude Silvente, age 10, again saw a two-meter tall Nordic |
| looking being wearing silver coveralls, the same as he had seen the |
| day before. The man was standing on the sidewalk only 30 yards from |
| his house, in the same posture as before, but only 12 feet away from |
| him this time. He spilled the milk and ran. His sister’s boyfriend, |
| who had been following him, saw nothing. But when they returned to |
| the same spot Jean Claude, his mother, his 17-year-old sister, and |
| ther boyfriend all saw a red “headlight” dive down from the sky at |
| them “as if it would land on them.” They ran away in panic to a |
| nearby police station. At 8:20 p.m. a cigar-shaped UFO with lights on |
| the bottom flew slowly over the town of Laissaud, Savoie, France. It |
| periodically emitted beams of light downwards for 5 minutes, then |
| zoomed away to the north. (Sources: (1) Charles Bowen, Saga UFO |
| Report, November 1976, p. 62; Bil Gil Helair, Skylook, May 1976, p. |
| 5; Alain Gamard, UFO Register, volume 7, p. 44; Jean-Claude Bourret, |
| OVNI l' Armee Parle, p. 146; David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: |
| Catalogue of Human Reports, case 1976-03, citing Michel Levy, |
| Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 159; (2) Michel Figuet & Jean-Loius |
| Ruchon, OVNI: Le Premier Dossier Complet des Rencontres Rapprochees |
| en France, p. 594). |
| |
| 1977 - At 1:15 a.m. Mrs. Florida Malboeuf, about 50 years of age, was |
| sitting at her window on the Rue Casgrain in the city of Montreal, |
| Quebec when she saw an oyster shaped, flat bottomed metallic object |
| with a row of white lights around its base. It came flying in from |
| the north and landed on the rooftop of a three-storey apartment |
| building across the street from her, only 60 feet away. Immediately |
| two figures appeared on the roof, they were over six feet tall and |
| thin, with long arms and they wore white one-piece uniforms with |
| their heads covered with tight "bath helmets." They stood looking at |
| the street, then at the sky, then they apparently returned to the |
| object. A moment later they disappeared, and the UFO rose from the |
| roof about 20 feet, and then flew off to the east. Her son Andre went |
| over to the rooftop in question and found there a large elliptical |
| shaped crust of ice, 0.8 inches thick, and about 18 feet in diameter |
| that was on top of the snow, evidently formed by the local melting of |
| the snow. In relief on this plaque and going toward the façade of the |
| building, were four small, narrow footprints only 6.5 incheslong. |
| (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid |
| Reports, case 1977-01, citing Marc Leduc & Wido Hoville, UFO Quebec). |
| |
| 1978 - Two men leaving a beachfront cafe in Santo Antonio de |
| Caparica, Estremadura, Portugal at 10:30 p.m. saw a bright bluish |
| light flying low over the ocean descend at a steep angle at high |
| speed. The light then stopped, and descended more slowly into a |
| wooded area next to a nearby campground. Both men ran into the woods, |
| which were now illuminated by a bluish glow. Upon entering a |
| clearing, they saw a 2.1 meter tall human-like figure, standing eight |
| meters away from them. It wore a loose fitting silvery outfit that |
| was shiny in appearance. The being also wore a large white helmet |
| with a narrow black visor across the eyes. The figure seemed |
| surprised by their presence, turned around and with a heavy, slow |
| motion walked back towards a metallic blue, saucer-shaped craft with |
| a dome on top, that was hovering very close to the ground. Both men |
| became frightened and fled in panic from the clearing. During the |
| encounter one of the men felt a buzzing sound inside his head, and |
| later suffered from insomnia. The next day an eight meter in diameter |
| circle was found in the ground in the clearing. (Sources: UNICAT |
| database, case 609, citing Galaxia 2000; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid |
| Contact Database 1978, case # 108, citing Vicente-Juan Ballester |
| Olmos & Fernandez Peri, Enciclopedia de los Encuentros Cercanos con |
| Ovnis). |
| |
| 1990 - The witness, a repeat abductee, was awakened at around |
| midnight in Townshend, Vermont by a strange-cloaked humanoid that |
| stood by the side of his bed and communicated with him, telling him |
| not to tell anybody about the visit. (Sources: Albert S. Rosales, |
| Humanoid Contact Database 1990, case # 2437, citing Raymond E. |
| Fowler, The Allagash Abductions; Larry Hatch, U computer database, |
| case 15533, citing Raymond Fowler). |
| |
| 1995 - A British Airways Boeing-737 flight with 60 passengers aboard |
| was buzzed by a bright wedge-shaped object as it flew over the |
| Pennine Alps in Derbyshire, England on its descent to Manchester |
| Airport at 6:40 p.m. The object appeared to be only meters in front |
| of the airliner as it flew at 13,000 feet, and it was so close that |
| the co-pilot instinctively reacted by ducking down inside the |
| cockpit. It had small lights, made no attempt to change course, and |
| made no discernable sound or turbulance. The object did not appear on |
| radar. However, there was at least one witness on the ground to the |
| close encounter. (Sources: Curt Sutherly, UFO Mysteries: A Reporter |
| Seeks the Truth, p. 194; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO |
| Encounters, p. 47; Lynn Picknett, Mammoth Book of UFOs, p. 156; |
| Michael Hesemann, UFOs: The Secret History; FSR, March 1995). |
| |
| 2003 - The witness's car headlights and engine died when an ovoid UFO |
| approached the car in Moundville, Alabama at 4:00 a.m. Two egg-shaped |
| objects were later seen moving in a Z pattern in the sky. (Source: |
| Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, January 2003 |
| archived webpage). |
| |
| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 6 March 2007). |
| |
| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
| |
| Themes: aircraft encounters, beam of light transport |
| ing humanoid, blue beams and glows, disc-shaped UFOs, domed discs, fl |
| ying humanoid, human-looking UFOnauts, helmets, humming, multi-year r |
| eports for France and Spain, repair activity, silver coveralls, spher |
| es, tall humanoids, tall Nordic humanoid, telepathy, very large human |
| oid with huge head and long arms, vehicle EM effects, white uniforms. |
| |
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