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Pyrotechnician Karl Muller developed paragrêle rockets. They rose to altitudes of 1000 to 1500 meters and exploded there. In the 1950s, in Switzerland, such rockets were still fired into the clouds when hail threatened. The resulting atmospheric currents caused the hail to transform into snow. Under the effect of a second or third rocket, the snowflakes changed into raindrops. Muller's rockets had a length of 25 to 50 cm, a diameter of 3 to 4 cm and were propelled by ordinary black powder. (...) Each rocket had an effective area of about 1 km². ("The Rockets, Vehicles of the Future" - Hans K. Kaiser, ed. Amiot-Dumont 1954, pp. 19 and 20)
#July 2, 1900
Switzerland, Lake Constance
Launch of the Airship "L.Z. 1", the first airship of a long series.
Built by Count Zeppelin or under his name by the "Zeppelin Company". This "L.Z. 1" flew over the Lake of Constance. Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin, a former general, will build other airships which, between 1910 and 1914, will provide regular flights in Central Europe. During the 1914-18 war, more than 100 Zeppelins will be built by the Navy, numbered L.Z = Luftschiff Zeppelin.
The balloons are contained in an aluminum structure covered with canvas, they have a Maybach water-cooled inline engine, between January 1915 and August 1919 the Zeppelins will carry out 51 bombing raids on England killing 557 people and injuring 1358 others. ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 52) (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, Elsevier Séquoia Brussels 1979)
#1900, September 23
The balloon "The Giant of Berlin", 8000 cubic meters, rises from the German capital, carrying Berson, Suring, Alexander and Zekeli. ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 52)
#September 30, 1900
From France to Russia
For the first time a French balloon, the "Centaure", landed in Russia (at Bresc-Konyaski) after a 21 hour 34 minute ascent (1237 km). The pilot was H. de la Vaulx, alone on board. ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 53)
#1900, October 9
H. de La Vaulx and Castillon de St Victor established an official record for spherical balloons: 35 hours 45 minutes, during which they traveled 1925 km from Paris to Korostychev with the balloon "Centaure". ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout Université 1967, p. 53)
Italy, Ruvo (Bari)
The two sons of Mauro Pansini, an architect, experienced several astounding experiences.
One day when they were in Ruvo around 9 o'clock in the morning, they were found at 9:30 in the morning at the Capuchin convent of Malfatti, 50 km away. Another time they were transported from Ruvo to Trani in the house of a relative, where they were found in a deep hypnotic state. Another day they realized they were falling into a boat moored in the port, where the owner was already present. (Jean SIDER: "Ovni, the unmasked invaders" - ed. Ramuel 1999, p 161)
#1902, September 19
The cylindrical balloon of the Swedes Unge and Wikander, baptized "Svenske", crossed the Baltic Sea. ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 55)
#1902, October 28
AFRICA, at sea, Gulf of Guinea.
In the middle of the night, at 03:05, while the ship "Fort Salisbury" was in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean (05°31' south latitude, 04°42' west longitude), the second officer Raymer observed, together with another officer and two other people, an immense object sinking into the ocean. This clearly solid body was estimated to be nearly 180 m long and 30 m wide. Shortly after, the witnesses saw this object moving underwater, with a machinery noise. Two orange lights were lit at the front and two other blue-green lights shone at the other end. After the ship passed over this underwater phenomenon, nothing else was observed.
(Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p.197)
URSS, Kalouga
The Russian physicist Tsiolkovsky exposed and scientifically demonstrated his "research on the exploration of the universe with reaction devices". It was the first serious work on interplanetary rocketry. On paper, the cosmic ship was born. ("Astronautics" Pierre Rousseau, Hachette 1965, p. 9)
#March 17, 1903
USA, Helmer (Indiana)
Madge Brosius Allyn and her parents observed a large, cucumber-shaped object hovering above their farm at sunset. The object seemed to be self-luminous, with eight windows on each side in two rows of four. The father estimated the length of the object to be 100 feet and the width to be 30 feet. The phenomenon departed in a strange zigzag motion. ("UFO's – A Century of Sightings by Michael David Hall, Galde Press Inc. 1999, p. 6)
#September 13, 1903
USA, Stratford (Indiana)
E.A. Perkings, President of the Indiana Labor Federation, was observing with his wife and binoculars a strange object gliding through the air over Stratford. There were no signs or numbers on the phenomenon, which also did not seem to have an engine. There was a dome and inside one could see silhouettes. ("Ufo's – A century of Sightings by Michael David Hall, Galde Press Inc. 1999, p. 6)
USA, Iola, Kansas
An extraterrestrial 2m10 tall, stout, with long hair, horns and huge bulging eyes, appeared and was chased away by the workers of Iola. (A CENTURY OF UFO's - UFO Roundup Dec. 1999, ed. Joseph Trainor)
FRANCE, in the Deux-Sèvres
In a meadow a child saw a glowing ball on the ground. He kicked it. It exploded killing 11 cows, but leaving the child unharmed. (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 330) (note from vog: this seems to me to be a really a case of ball lightning)
ROMANIA, Transylvania
For a long time after midnight a farmer was still in his fields with his wagon and it is confirmed that he was not asleep. Suddenly he saw a wheel of fire in front of the Apusendi Mountains descending towards the ground. The wheel approached quickly, spinning around the farmer who remained standing in place without any help. When it was very close to him, it transformed, taking a human form: a creature that examined the peasant for a long time without saying a word. (Ion HOBANA/Julien WEVERBERGH: "Les OVNI en URSS et dans les pays de l'Est - trad. Laffont 1976 - p. 289)
#February 24, 1904
The report was published by the American "Weather Review". In the March 1904 issue, page 115, there is an account of a curious observation made at sea. On February 24, 1904, a mysterious light was seen above the Atlantic by sailors on the American ship "Supply". It moved quickly and evidently at a high altitude. The report was signed by Lieutenant Frank H. Schofiels of the United States Navy. (Donald KEYHOE: "Les Soucoupes volantes existent" ed. Corrêa Paris 1951, p. 82) Report drawn from the observations of three members of its crew by Lieutenant Frank M. Schofield, of the American ship "Supply" (Weather Review, March 1904- 115): Three luminous objects, of different sizes, the largest having a diameter of 6 suns, appeared at low altitude below the clouds of an estimated height of 2 km. They fled or turned around, rising in one movement from the clouds from which they had come. But this unity of movement does not change their difference in size and their different susceptibilities to the forces of the earth and air. (Charles Fort: "The Book of the Damned" - ed. Eric Losfeld 1967, p. 236) At 6:10 local time, on board the USS "Supply", Frank Schofield, future admiral commanding the American Pacific Fleet (in 1930) observes meteors flying in formation. The largest, egg-shaped, passes under the clouds. At this moment its apparent diameter is equal to that of 6 suns. (Jean-Gabriel GRESLE: OVNI, a pilot speaks "ed. Guy Trédaniel, 1993, p.27)
#1904, August 3
USA, OAKLAND (California)
T.S. Baldwin undertook a flight aboard a motorized airship, the "Curtiss". ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, Marabout Université 1967, p. 60)
#September 1904
First public demonstration of flight with the Wright Brothers at the Bois de Boulogne. (Sciences et Avenir, September 1998, page 80)
#September 10, 1904
GREAT BRITAIN, Everton (Liverpool)
(cf: autumn 1877) Last sighting of Spring Heel Jack, who held thousands of spectators in suspense, leaping from roof to roof, jumping a distance of 10 meters in a single bound. After the exhibition which lasted a good quarter of an hour, he jumped beyond a row of terraced houses, and has never been reported anywhere since. (Roger BOAR and Nigel BLUNDEL: "The World's Greatest Ufo Mysteries" ed. Hamlyn 1995, p. 86)
USA, Dixboro (Michigan)
After sunset, two men, Wirt Covert and Arthur Eldert, observed a large dark flying object moving from east to west at low altitude. Each described it as a boat with a flat top and with a mast or something else standing on top. A bright light emanated from windows on the sides of the craft. The object passed between the tower of a church and a row of small hills, rising just enough to avoid collision, before flying away. ("UFO's – A Century of Sightings by Michael David Hall, Galde Press Inc. 1999, p. 6)
#1904 to 1914
Engineer A. Maul developed at great expense a photographic rocket.
It rose vertically up to 500 meters and carried a photographic apparatus which then descended to the ground using a parachute.
The version that had the most success was built in Austria:
The entire apparatus weighed 40 kilograms, the camera weighed 1 kilogram.
The altitude reached was 1000 meters. A 6 m long rod was used for flight stabilization. ("Rockets, Vehicles of the Future" - Hans K. Kaiser, ed. Amiot-Dumont 1954, p. 21)
#February 5, 1905
USA, OAKLAND (California)
T.S. Baldwin, aboard an airship of his own construction, raced against a "Pope" automobile over a distance of 16 km. The automobile was beaten by 3 minutes. ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 61)
#1905, April 11
The "Figaro" of April 15 reported that on this date of April 11, the guardians of the La Blanche lighthouse observed a white, illuminated balloon in the sky. They made signals to it and it disappeared. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p.198)
#August 2, 1905
USA, Silsbee (California)
Very early (1:30 am) J. A. Jackson, a well-known citizen of Silsbee, saw a bright light in the sky just above him. As the light drew closer, it revealed itself to be an aerial vessel about 20 m long, with a searchlight at the front and several other lights on board. The mysterious machine seemed to be driven by wings that beat like those of a giant bird. Apparently there was no balloon as is usually the case with dirigibles. Jackson, who was near Wilsie's house, went to wake him up and he was still able to see the lights just before they disappeared. The same night, H. E. Abott, postmaster of Imperial, was abruptly awakened from his sleep by the appearance of a bright light. It looked like a fire in the sky. It was then 1:30 am and one can think that this blinding light was probably the beam of the aerial vessel's searchlight. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p.200)
#1905, Unknown Date
Germany, Dresden
An unknown craft passed through the sky of Dresden at the speed of a modern jet from the 1990s. The object made no noise and flew in a straight line at an altitude of barely 40 feet. Witnesses noted that the object was self-luminous in green and red around the edge and had an erect tail. ("UFO's - A Century of Sightings by Michael David Hall, Galde Press Inc. 1999, p. 7)
#From 1906 to 1909
The tests attempted before the Great War, with a view to using the rocket again for military purposes, did not give any satisfactory results: this was the case with the work carried out from 1906 to 1909 at Krupp in Meppen. [see 1906 to 1914 Sweden] ("Rockets, Vehicles of the Future" - Hans K. Kaiser, ed. Amiot-Dumont 1954, p. 22)
#From 1906 to 1914
No more satisfaction in experiences made by Swedish Colonel Unge or experiences by German Navy with Marine Torpedo-rockets. ("The Rockets, Vehicles of the Future" - Hans K. Kaiser, ed. Amiot-Dumont 1954, p. 22)
#1906, May
USA, Cambridge (Massachusetts)
Walter Landry was three years old and had just lost his mother. He was told she had gone away and would come back one day. On the day of the funeral, a nurse was looking after the child when she heard him screaming from downstairs. She rushed down and pointing, he said: "There's Mommy!" Later he explained that she had tried to take him in her arms. Question: why was this child so scared when he saw his mother, when no one had ever talked to him about ghosts or spirits? (Jane and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World", Guild Publishing London, 1989, p. 79)
FRANCE, La Celle-sous-Gouzon
The witness, Jules B., was 18 years old at the time. He was interviewed by Ian d'Aigure, an investigator for the Lumières dans la Nuit (LDLN #129, Nov. 1973, p.24 ref.182) and passed away in January 1977. "I was 18 years old at the time, it was late in the season and I was an apprentice carpenter in Gouzon. I had just put a window in a property in La Celle and I was returning. I was hurrying because I had stayed a long time talking with the farm girl.. You know what that's like. It was pitch black but the weather was clear. (...)" So it could have been 10 pm and he was hurrying with a light heart. Suddenly, as he reached the junction of the path leading to the Manaly estate, what was his surprise, his stupor even, to discover a curious assembly of characters. There were 10 or 12 of them, sitting in a circle on the path. The witness passed 10 m away from them. They all looked at him pass in silence, and those who had their backs to him turned around when he passed. They were there, sitting, without saying a word, without talking to each other, otherwise the witness would have heard them in the silence of the night. It was this silence that "frightened" Jules B., who hastened to continue on his way without looking back. "You understand, he said, if they had been normal people, they would have said good evening, nodded or waved to me... But there, nothing. Ah! I can assure you I didn't feel proud." The observation was therefore brief, about ten seconds. The witness could not detail the individuals, but he is certain of the following points: they were all men. They were neither too young nor too old. They all seemed to be dressed the same way, in a kind of gray uniform, neither too light nor too dark. Near them there was no source of light, no fire, no object (bag, package) and no vehicle. However, the witness had the impression that the characters were sitting in a circle, on or around some kind of large cloth (or tablecloth) laid on the ground. Apart from this curious impression felt by the witness in front of these curious noctambules, nothing seemed to prove their "extraterrestrial" origin. This was pointed out to him. Jules B. interrupted us by saying:<br/><br/>
- "Yes, but then I saw the other one flying!"
Not at all calm, the witness was therefore walking away at a pace close to running. He had barely gone a hundred meters when suddenly he saw a "Martian flying" emerge at the level of the trees. The being was flying fast and it almost passed right over his head. He had his body stretched horizontally and his head raised forward ("Straight ahead as if to see where he was going"). His legs were stretched and joined. His arms were not visible but the being had like two immobile wings like spread arms (in terms of their size). The being passed quickly and silently, it was just that the witness heard a slight rustling of air.
- "And the funniest thing," concluded Jules B., "is that this 'Martian flying' flew straight to the place where I had seen the others. That's what makes me say they must have all had some kind of rendezvous. But hey! I didn't try to find out more.. I didn't hang around..."
(...) He often took the same path (later) but he never saw anything there again... (next: 1930, Toulx Ste Croix) (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 200 to 202)
#1906, October 10
CHINA, Lingzhou (Yongnin)
A large star like a bushel appeared in the east, rose in height and headed west to finally fall into the Helan mountain range. It produced a rumble like a thunderclap. Fires and lights rose very high in the sky and extinguished long after. (SHI BO: "China and the Extraterrestrials" ed. Mercure de France, 1983, p. 41)
#1906, November 12
France, Paris
Santos-Dumont struggled penibly in his airship to cover the distance between Saint-Cloud and the Eiffel Tower (Jean-Gabriel Gresle: OVNI, a Pilot Speaks, ed. Guy Trédaniel, 1993, p. 27) (vog: false information, it was a biplane, bad note for the pilot...) First official flight in the presence of commissioners of the Aero Club of France, by Alberto Santos Dumont. On board the 14 Bis equipped with a 50 HP Antoinette engine. It was a canard type biplane with wings at the rear and horizontal tail at the front.
(Jérôme Palmade, Sciences et Avenir, Sept. 98, p. 80) 1901, October 19 France, ST CLOUD The inventor and pilot SANTOS-DUMONT, flew with his first hydrogen-filled machine from ST CLOUD to the EIFFEL TOWER and back in 29 MINUTES. He received a prize of 100,000 francs of the time for this feat. [except that this author is wrong about the year, month, etc...] ("Ufo's – A century of Sightings by Michael David Hall, Galde Press Inc. 1999, p. 6, 7)
#1907, March 14
S.C. Patterson, second mate of the steamer "Delta" reported that he saw for half an hour "rays that seemed to revolve around a center, like the spokes of a wheel: they seemed to measure 300 m in length. (Royal Meteorological Society Journal 32-294) (Charles FORD: "The Book of the Damned" - ed. Eric Losfeld 1967, p. 215)
#April 5, 1907
L. Blériot successfully completes his first flight in a monoplane of his own design. ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, Marabout Université 1967, p. 65)
#June 2, 1907
At ROME, celebrating the Italian Constitution Anniversary: Ulivelli rises from the Ponte-Milvio Square. A very visible flash for the spectators touches the balloon at 900 m altitude. The balloon explodes above the Mediterranean Sea. ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 65)
#June, early 1907
ITALY, Bosa (Sardinia)
Just before 10 PM, an oval object about thirty meters long and eight meters in diameter, hovered for a few seconds at low altitude above Bosa. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 202) (note from vog: maybe the balloon from the previous item?)
#July 2, 1907
USA, Burlington (Vermont)
(around 2 pm) ... a strange explosion occurred in the sky near Burlington. Some witnesses spoke of a torpedo-shaped craft, which was spinning at altitude. Shortly after this observation, a round and luminous object fell from the sky and exploded (Weather Review 1907, page 310). (Donald KEYHOE: "Les Soucoupes volantes existent" ed. Corrêa Paris 1951, p. 82) Bishop John S. Michaud saw a strange luminous torpedo-shaped craft. "I was standing at the corner of Church and College streets, facing the Howard Bank and looking eastward, engaged in conversation with ex-Governor Woodbury and Mr. A.A. Bluell, when, without the slightest warning, we were startled by what seemed to be a terrific and unusual explosion, evidently very near. Looking up along College Street, I noticed a torpedo-shaped body, a hundred yards away, which seemed to be hovering in the air, fifteen feet above the highest buildings. It was about two meters long and thirty centimeters in diameter, its outer part seemed to be of a dark color, and from it tongues of fire, like red-hot irons, were shooting out. Soon after, the object began to move, rather slowly, and disappeared southward, over the Dolan stores. As it moved, the wall seemed to open in places, letting out intense flames. (Charles Fort: "Le livre des damnés" - ed. Eric Losfeld 1967, p. 230, 231)
#1907, July 27
NORWAY, Drobak
An opaque object flew above a ship and was photographed. (Photograph not seen, possibly first photo incident.) (QUFO, v 1/n 13.; Winkler: CATALOG OF UFO-LIKE DATA BEFORE 1947 - PART I., 1984, 35, cfr listing of Ole Jonny Braenne)
Dr. Igo Etrich flies his first airplane; like Bleriot he is a strong advocate of the tractor propeller and the monoplane. In 1910 he negotiates a license agreement with the Rumpel Company. (See August 1910, Austria) (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, Sequoia Elsevier Brussels 1979 edition)
Between 1:00 PM and 1:30 PM there was one day a gathering on Marie-Louise Square because a very luminous spherical object, the size of a rugby ball, was moving slowly in the air at a high altitude. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 202)
#January 13, 1908
Englishman H. FARMAN on a "Voisin" aircraft completed the first kilometer. He crossed a distance of 500 meters marked on the ground, made a turn in flight, and returned to his starting point. He officially flew 1000 meters, but in reality, around 1500 meters. For the first time, officially, an aviator made a turn in flight. ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 68) (note from vog: no doubt that to succeed in this exploit, he made many attempts outside the competition...)
#1908, January
GREAT BRITAIN, Mousehead (Norfolk)
Employees of the Norwich Transportation Company saw a dark globular object moving quickly against the wind. Its movements seemed controlled. It was twice as big as a bird of prey. (according to the Eastern Daily Press of 28 January 1908) (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 202)
#1908, March 12
First Flight of the "Red Wing" First Aircraft Built for "Aerial Experiment Association". The aircraft is designed by Selfridge and piloted by F.W. Baldwin. ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 69)
#1908, April 1
NORWAY, Notodden;
An ovoid object made of an unknown metal, occupied by two pilots from Mars, makes a forced landing and is unable to take off again. [IN REALITY: probably the first Norwegian hoax and "April Fool's"] (FRI PRESS, Apr 1908, SYN OG SEGN, 1947, 127-8.,BA, 30 Mar 1983.UFO-OBSERVATOREN, 5/1983, 8; cfr listing of Ole Jonny Braenne)
#1908, April 30
Moore Brabazon makes the first flight in an airplane in England by an English pilot on a "Delagrange-Farman". ("Conquest of the Air. Chronology.. A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 69)
#1908, May 1
FRANCE, Vittel
Between 8:00 PM and 9:00 PM an object surrounded by a halo, of the apparent diameter of the Moon, was observed. At 9:00 PM a dark "arm" appeared above the object and moved obliquely through it before disappearing. (Cosmos vol. 58 p. 535) (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 202)
#1908, May 14
Wilbur Wright piloting his aircraft, carried his first passenger, XH. Furnas, an employee of his company. The flight lasted 7 minutes 29 seconds, the distance covered was 8050 m. ("Conquest of the Air. Chronology.. A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 70)
#May 16, 1908
S.F. Cody performs the first flight achieved with an airplane built in England. ("Conquest of the Air. Chronology.. A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 70)
#May 19th, 1908
On the "White Wing", the second aircraft of A.G. Bell for the Aerial Experiment Association, T.E. Selfridge was the first military man to pilot a heavier-than-air craft. ("Conquest of the Air. Chronology.. A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout Université 1967, p. 70)
#May 22, 1908
G. Curtiss made his first flight aboard the White Wing and crossed 615 feet, landed, took off without stopping and crossed, in total, 1017 feet in 19 seconds. ("Conquest of the Air. Chronology.. A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 70)
#May 23, 1908
First flight of a "Voisin" airplane in Italy by Delagrange. ("Conquest of the Air. Chronology.. A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 70)
#1908, May 29
Italy, Centocello
Delagrange on "Voisin" Brings Italy Its First Records:
Closed Circuit Distance 12,750 km; Duration: 15 Minutes 25 Seconds,
Altitude Reached from 3 to 5 Meters (from three to five meters, no more...)
("Conquest of the Air. Chronology.. A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 69)
#1908, June 30
USSR, Siberia, Tunguska
Explosion of a power greater than the atomic bombs on Hiroshima
or Nagasaki. Meteor? Black hole (Peter Hawkins hypothesis in the
1970s)? Something else? The discussion is not closed.
#1908, July 6
Englishman H. Farman on a "Voisin" biplane wins the "Quarter-Hour Prize": a duration record, he stays in the air for 20 minutes 19 seconds and 3/5; L. Bleriot on a "Bleriot VIII" completes a flight of 8 minutes.
("Conquest of the Air. Chronology.. A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 71)
#1908, July 25
USA, Bristol, Connecticut
Witnesses said they observed high in the sky "an elongated gas bag". Under the sausage-shaped phenomenon was suspended a grating with a "motor". ("UFO's – A century of Sightings by Michael David Hall, Galde Press Inc. 1999, p.9)
# 1908, late summer
CANADA, Duncan (British Columbia)
Two young girls of about twelve years old were able to observe one evening a very bright light in the sky. Soon a dark mass appeared in front of the stars: one could distinguish a row of red, blue and green lights. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 203)
I am unable to resist writing about a little incident that happened to me in Duncan, BC away back in 1908 when I was 12 years old. (note de vog: so, this person is writing her story in 1997, when she would be 101 years old? Or did she write it before? All this is not very clear) It is one thing in my life I shall never forget. As we had never heard of UFOs or flying saucers in those days, I have never claimed to have seen one until I heard just recently that an old neighbor of ours, Mrs. Campbell, claimed to have seen a UFO away back in the early days and I think it would have been about the same year that I saw mine. She described it almost exactly the same as mine but like me she didn't tell anyone (..) As I was about to shut the door the whole opening was filled with a flash of very bright light. I jumped back stunned, my eyes on the light. It rose on an angle to about 30 feet, judging by trees in the background, and then it changed to a dark mass with a cluster of red, blue and green lights on it, not bright enough to cast a glow. And then in a changed direction it moved quite slowly for maybe 200 or 300 feet and just disappeared. There was no sound or heat that I remember. I was absolutely in a panic. I ran into the dark house and lay down on the floor under a window so the thing couldn't see me, I suppose - but that's panic! (...) (collected on the Internet in May 1997)
#August 4, 1908
Germany, from Mainz to Lake Constance
Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin made an 11-hour flight aboard the LZ-4.
In reality, Zeppelin wanted to make a much longer flight of 24 hours, but engine troubles forced him to land in Mainz for repairs. He made the return journey over a hundred miles and again the engine failed, forcing the airship to land near Echterdingen; however, caught in a storm, the airship was finally damaged. ("UFOs - A Century of Sightings by Michael David Hall, Galde Press Inc. 1999, p. 9)
#September 6, 1908
Delagrange held air for 29 minutes 53 seconds 3/5 on "Bleriot".
("Conquest of the Air. Chronology.. A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout
University 1967, p. 72)
#September 9, 1908
USA, Fort Myer
O. Wright made three consecutive flights. On the first one he stayed in the air for 57 minutes and 31 seconds, which was 57 laps of the circuit. On the second one he exceeded an hour. On the third one he took a passenger, Lieutenant F.P. Lahn. ("Conquest of the Air. Chronology.. A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 72)
#1908, September 14
GREAT BRITAIN, Northfield (Worcestershire).
David Packer managed to photograph this light: the object was large and resembled a Moon. The document was published in "English Mechanic" vol. 88 p. 21 but we have not been able to find it (according to Contry Queries and Notes, 1-138, 417). David Packer testified: "At 8:40 pm in the sky lit by the Moon I observed a bright horizontal cloud in the anterior part of the Great Bear and which was just above a dark cloud masking certain stars. The bright cloud constantly varied in brightness, quickly lit up and then became duller, a bit like the stars that twinkle. Its color was pale white and it remained stationary during the entire observation. At 8:45 pm, a meteor from the Perseids penetrated the cloud, at the eastern end of it and there it burned very brightly releasing a string of small luminous nuclei". (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 203)
#1908, October
GREAT BRITAIN, at sea 60 km from Lowestoft (Suffolk)
The captain of the fishing vessel "Superb" saw, on a clear night, a large star approach the boat. Immediately the ship shone a red light in the direction of the phenomenon and to his great astonishment, it immediately lit a fire of the same color. When a white lamp was lit, the object which had the shape of a "sausage", this time responded with a blue colored fire. The observation lasted between twenty and thirty minutes. [IN REALITY: also see ZEPPELINS from 1900, July 2] (East Anglian Times of 20.5.1909) (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 203)
#1908, October 30
France from Mourmelon to Reims
H. Farman on "Voisin" Makes the First City to City Flight in History:
He Flies from Mourmelon to Reims Non-Stop, 27 km in 20 Minutes at 75 km/h
and at 40 Metres Altitude. ("Conquest of the Air. Chronology.. A. Van
Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 72)
#October 31, 1908
USA, Bridgewater, Massachusetts
Another cigar-shaped craft was reported at low altitude above Bridgewater. (...) It had searchlights that explored the ground. After a few moments it rose almost vertically and the searchlights went out. (Donald KEYHOE: "Les Soucoupes volantes existent" ed. Corrêa Paris 1951, p 82) Before dawn, at three in the morning, John E. Flynn and Philip S. Prophett, workers, were driving a cart pulled by a horse on Main Street (west of Bridgewater) towards the center. Flynn recounts: "We saw the light, not a searchlight, but a kind of large lantern about 60 to 80 cm in diameter, quite unusual, above the Stanley factory. We stopped to look at it for about ten minutes and saw the light descending more and more towards the ground. Finally, we were able to make out the shape of a balloon. We shouted, but no response came, nor any noise. The balloon descended and the light moved, as if someone was carrying a lantern. Then, slowly, the light rose and went off to the east, a bit towards the southeast. We followed it with our eyes for a long time. Even when I was already back home, I could still see it through the window, for another three quarters of an hour to an hour. I was waiting to see it descend, because at 25 miles it would reach the sea. But it did not descend and continued on a straight trajectory. I noticed this because I was looking at the light between two branches of a large tree: the trajectory was straight. I'm sure it wasn't an ordinary balloon! (note from vog: and why not???) It was turning in a perfect circle above the Stanley factory at about 30 meters altitude and then, this straight horizontal trajectory..." (The Brockton, Mass. Times for October 31, 1908, "Mysterious Balloon Over Bridgewater," page 1; the weekly Bridgewater, Mass. Independent for November 6, 1908, "A Mysterious Air Ship," page 1; and the New York Times for November 1, 1908, "Can't Find Strange Balloon," page 1. See also THE COMPLETE BOOKS OF CHARLES FORT, Dover Press, N.Y. 1974, page 507.) (UFO ROUNDUP, Volume 2, Number 41,October 26, 1997, Joseph Trainor)
#January 12, 1909
Germany, Magdeburg
First Flight of a German Pilot, Grade. ("Conquest of the Air.
Chronology.. A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 75)
#February 23, 1909
CANADA, Nova Scotia
J.A.D. McCurdy took off from the frozen surface of Lake Mas d'Or on the "Curtiss Silver Dart" and landed at Baddeck Bay. ("Conquest of the Air. Chronology. A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout Université 1967, p. 76)
#February 25, 1909
BELGIUM, Bascoup Road - Anderlues (Hainaut)
Mr. Bailly, a teacher, noticed a yellowish globe of 20 to 30 meters in diameter going towards him, against the wind, at an altitude of 700 m. Before disappearing, the object turned left, disappearing above a path leading to a disused railway. (J.G. DOHMEN: "To Identify and the Adamski Case" - ed. Guy Dohmen, Biarritz 1972, p. 152)
#1909, March 23
GREAT BRITAIN, Peterborough (Northampton)
A police officer, Mr. Kettle, saw an elongated dark object masking the stars. He heard a motor sound and saw a light on the mass which, quite quickly, moved towards the northwest. The same night, Miss Gill, who was returning from the theatre with two friends, also saw a bright light on a dark object moving slowly. [IN REALITY: also see ZEPPELIN from 1900, July 2] (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 204)
#1909, March 25
ENGLAND, March (Northampton)
A 10 km east of Peterborough, a machinist A.J. Banyard followed a light heading west. (Michel BOUGARD: "La Chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 204) On March 25, 1909, at 5:10 am, two policemen (in two different points of Peterborough) saw an object resembling a large, brightly lit cigar flying over the city making a motor noise. [IN REALITY: also see ZEPPELIN from 1900, July 2] (Jimmy GUIEU: "Les S.V. viennent d'un autre Monde" Fleuve Noir 1954 - Réédition Omnium Littéraire 1972 p. 223)
#1909, May 2
GREAT BRITAIN, Lowestoft (Suffolk)
The whole family observed an egg-shaped object, the large end pointed towards the sky, quickly passing between the clouds in the direction of the west. [IN REALITY: also see ZEPPELINS from 1900, July 2] (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 204)
#1909, May 7
GREAT BRITAIN, Clacton-on-Sea (Essex)
At around 10:30 pm, Egerton S. Free saw a long, sausage-shaped dirigible without lights heading northeast. The next day, the witness's wife discovered a metal piece at the spot where it had been flown the night before. It was a wheel rimmed with rubber, weighing 16 kg and with a diameter of around one meter. On the side of the object was written "Muller Fabrik Bremen". It was the perfect calling card and E. S. Free immediately thought of a German spy dirigible. Yet, several weeks later, the wheel was identified as a piece of a target used in British naval artillery fire. The full account of this case was published on May 15 by the "Evening News" and the day after the newspapers came out, two men "speaking a foreign language" came to inspect the area around the spot where the famous wheel had fallen for at least five hours. [IN REALITY: see also ZEPPELIN from 1900, July 2] (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 205)
#1909, May 9
GREAT BRITAIN, Northampton
At around 9:00 PM, Mr. and Mrs. Kelf observed the passage of an object in the shape of a torpedo, equipped with lights, above the city. [IN REALITY: also see ZEPPELIN from 1900, July 2] (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 205)
#1909, May 9
At around 11:00 PM, W. Cole saw a projector turn off and on a dozen times in different directions. He then saw a dark, oval-shaped object that stayed visible for 10 minutes before disappearing towards Peterborough. [IN REALITY: also see ZEPPELINS from 1900, July 2] (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 205)
#1909, May 9
GREAT BRITAIN, Southend-on-Sea (Essex)
At 11:20 PM Miss H. Boville observed to the northeast a very large dark torpedo-shaped object moving slowly towards Shoeburyness. After remaining motionless for a few minutes it rose and quickly departed to the west, in the direction of London. At that moment two powerful searchlights lit up at the ends of the silent object. [IN REALITY: also see the ZEPPELINS from 1900, July 2] (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 205)
#1909, May 12
GREAT BRITAIN, Terrington March (Norfolk)
A farm worker, Fred Harrison, suddenly saw a light illuminating the road for nearly 200 meters in front of him. Looking up, he saw an oval, cigar-shaped object moving sideways against the wind, accompanied by a clicking noise. An hour later, not far away, another witness heard a whistling sound coming from the sky but was unable to determine its origin. [IN REALITY: also see ZEPPELINS from 1900, July 2] (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 205)
#1909, May 13
Three witnesses saw an oblong shape flying quickly towards the northeast in the direction of Peterborough. The craft, equipped with lights at the front and back, emitted a motor sound. The witnesses were even able to make out a kind of platform at the bottom of the object, on which passengers seemed to be standing. That same evening, an aerial ship was also seen above Sandringtham (Norfolk) and Peakirk (Northants). [IN REALITY: also see ZEPPELINS from 1900, July 2] (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 205-206)
#1909, May 14
in the NORTH SEA
The crew of the Norwegian ship "St. Olaf" which was off the coast of Blyth (Norhumberland) observed the passage of an immense dirigible equipped with five searchlights. It stayed for a few moments above the ship, violently illuminating the deck, then, according to Captain Egenes, it headed towards another boat, illuminated it in turn and then flew off at full speed towards the south. [IN REALITY: also see ZEPPELINS from 1900, July 2] (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 205-206)
#1909, May 15
GREAT BRITAIN, Newport (Monmouth).
At around 01:00 in the night two witnesses saw a dark object in the shape of a cigar hovering above Newport Bridge. Spotlights illuminated each end of the bridge. After about ten minutes one of the lights went out and the craft flew off towards Stow Hill. [IN REALITY: also see ZEPPELINS from 1900, July 2] (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 205-206)
#1909, May 15
At around 7:45 PM, Captain Hervey saw a balloon like a cigar heading against the northeast wind towards Lowestoft. [IN REALITY: also see ZEPPELINS from 1900, July 2] (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 205-206)
#1909, May 15
Near Monmouth Oliver Jones saw an aerial craft coming from Usk and Raglan and seeming to head towards Chepstow. The object then turned to its right and slowly departed in the direction of Raglan. This craft, also in the shape of a cigar, was equipped with four headlights at the front and one at the rear. Four other witnesses confirmed this observation which lasted more than an hour and a half. [IN REALITY: also see ZEPPELIN from 1900, July 2] (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 205-206)
#1909, May 15
GREAT BRITAIN, Lowestoft (Suffolk)
In the night, around 11:30 PM Mrs. Wigg was woken up by a noise of an engine. Through the window she then saw a dark, elongated bottle-shaped object quickly passing at low altitude in the direction of the southwest. Several other inhabitants observed flashes of light and heard engine noises that night. [IN REALITY: also see ZEPPELINS from 1900, July 2] (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 205-206)
#1909, May 18
GREAT BRITAIN, Caerphilly (Wales)
This new event seemed to confirm the hypothesis that it was a foreign dirigible come to spy on British territory. Around 11:00 C. Lethbridge was returning home when, on the outskirts of a deserted hill called Cerphilly Mountain, he was confronted with an unusual sight. At the top of the slope, to the right of the road, a large cylindrical object was resting on the ground and near it were two young men dressed as officers and wearing fur. When these characters saw the witness, they argued violently in a foreign language, picked something up off the ground and got into some kind of gondola that was under the machine. It then rose in a zigzag, two spotlights came on and with a terrible noise of machinery the object headed towards Cardiff, more towards the south. As soon as C. Lethbridge had told his story, investigators came to the scene and found a whole series of footprints attesting to the presence of characters in the place indicated by the witness. In addition to these traces, a red label was found attached to a small metal rod. It was a piece of French tire valve that was not yet on the British market at that time. On the label there were instructions written in French. A piece of letterhead from a London stockbroker was also found, where the following text could be read with difficulty: "... provincial centers ... be assured that we will not ... the fullest confidence ... this letter is fully justified .." Of course, the agency in question claimed to know nothing of this document. Around the area, a whole series of scraps of paper and newspaper clippings on the mysterious aerial ships that had been seen in the region for some time were also found. A large quantity of stamps of a pasty material resembling papier mâché and two dozen small pieces of blue paper covered with drawings and inscriptions were also discovered. To close this inventory that a surrealist would not deny, one must also add a kind of polished tin lid. During the investigation, a resident of Cardiff revealed that on May 16 he had seen five strangers inspecting the Caerphilly Mountain area. They went from one corner to another in two carts and took pictures with cameras mounted on the seats of their vehicles. [IN REALITY: also see ZEPPELIN from 1900, July 2] (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 207)
#1909, May 19
GREAT BRITAIN, Maindee (Cardiff)
In the morning, around 8:00, a little girl saw what she called a "big chicken that sometimes flapped its wings". This strange bird came from the coast and remained motionless for half an hour. Two other witnesses also saw an object in the sky and one of them, examining it through a telescope, noticed the presence of three men on board. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 209)
#1909, May 30
The airship "L.Z. 5" travels 1194 km in 38 h 40 minutes. An accident deprives it of the front part. On a single engine, after a makeshift repair, it returns to its base. ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 77)
#June 10, 1909
Malacca Strait, at sea
Captain Gabe of the Danish steamer "Bintang" saw, at around 3:00, a luminous wheel spinning close to the ocean's surface. As the center was close to the horizon, only half of it could be seen, and it remained visible for 15 minutes. The movements of the wheel were not in sync with those of the ship. ("Scientific American", 106-51) (Charles FORT: "The Book of the Damned" - ed. Eric Losfeld 1967, p. 216) ("UFOs - A Century of Sightings by Michael David Hall, Galde Press Inc. 1999, p. 10 which places the observation on June 3, 1909, and which insists by saying that 13 days later, on June 16, there was an observation in Vietnam)
#June 16, 1909
The first remarkable observation was made in Dong Hoi, Annam, by Mr. Delingette, chief inspector of the local meteorological station. At Dong Hoi, at 04:10, a bolide of elongated shape with truncated ends flew over the city in a west-east direction emitting a bright light. The witnesses, Hoang Nic (from Dong Hoi), Tran Nonh (from Sa Dong Danh), Quyen (from Dong Duong Hoi) and Dan Lui (from the same village) were fishing at sea when, at the same time, they saw an object that remained visible for 8 to 10 minutes before sinking into the depths about 6 km from the coast. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 211) (note from vog: a white light that illuminated the tops of the trees, before falling into the sea).
#July 23, 1909
Students and their teachers saw an aerial ship in the shape of a cigar flying over their school for a few minutes. A thorough investigation was conducted with the young children. When questioned separately, they all described the object in the same way. (vog: shape of a torpedo or airplane fuselage with triangular wings attached, below a rectangular structure and some kind of rotor) (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 211-212) (note from vog: in reality there was probably great confusion in Oceania, see the date of November 18, 1909, when in small steps a "Wright" biplane was brought from England to Sydney - Australia)
#July 24, 1909
After nearly a thousand kilometers north of Kelso, in Riwaka a witness observed the following phenomenon: "The object was first seen in the direction of Urville Island. It then crossed the bay and approached Motueka. It then changed direction and went towards Farewell Split where I lost sight of it. The object zigzagged, rising or descending at regular intervals. The observation lasted twenty minutes. At the same time, near Kaka Point, dozens of children playing on the beach saw a large illuminated object in the sky. The craft flew very low and was "as big as a house". (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 212)
#July 24th and 25th, 1909
In the evening of Saturday the 24th, children playing on the beach saw a large illuminated object in the sky, near Mr. Bates' house. It seemed to be trying to land and its lights were reflected mostly on the roof of the Fitzgerald farmhouse. The object was as big as a house, continued on its trajectory around the rocks. It disappeared shortly after. The following evening the mysterious object was again seen around 8:30 pm by George Smith and his neighbor Poulter. They observed it through binoculars. It glided through the air and flew towards Kaitangata, and began to sway from right to left before disappearing. But around 10:30 pm, the object was again visible, above the sea. Its superstructure was smooth and dark, it had a powerful headlight at the front and two smaller lights on either side. (Ufo Roundup, vol. 2 no. 29 of July 20th, 1997, Joseph Trainor)
#1909, July 25
Louis Bleriot, on the airplane "Bleriot", achieves the first crossing by airplane of the English Channel, from Calais to Dover. He wins the "Daily Mail" prize. ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 78)
#July 25, 1909
NEW ZEALAND, Port-Molyneux
At Port Molyneux, the object is said to have even landed and some occupants of Asian type reportedly conversed with the witness. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 212)
#July 27, 1909
NEW ZEALAND, Pukepeto and Lyttleton
Around 10:00 in the morning, this Tuesday, Allan Mitchell and his son from Lambourne, accompanied by Alex Riach, were busy working near the mouth of the Pomahaka River when they saw, above the village of Pukepeto, a large body in the shape of a boat floating in the air. It was heading in the direction of the Blue Mountains. It rose and fell in the sky very easily at about 4 km from them. As it approached, the witnesses saw a long stick at its upper part. It continued to zigzag in the sky, then changed direction, turning left, to cross the river. It finally disappeared above Whitelea. That same evening a bright star was seen coming from the south and flying over the town of Broken River near Lyttleton, for almost an hour. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 213)
#July 28, 1909
At around 2:00 am the witness was awoken by a noise like an earthquake. (...) It sounded like a ship dragging its anchor on the ground or like gears turning without being greased. Then I saw an enormous thing in the sky, all black, with a searchlight. On the same day, other sightings occurred at Kauroo Hill and Maheno. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 213)
#1909, July 29
Sweden, Stockholm
First Flight of an Airplane in Sweden by the Frenchman Lagagneux on "Voisin".
("Conquest of the Air. Chronology.. A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout
University 1967, p. 78)
#July 29, 1909
NEW ZEALAND, Greymouth
That same evening, on the west coast, the passengers of the Hokitika train observed a similar phenomenon as they approached Greymouth. It was a light that moved in a wavy motion in the sky. When the train arrived at Nelson Creek station, the passengers who had gotten off the platform to better observe the phenomenon's movements, saw that it came very close to the cliffs on the coast's edge, then continued on its way, still rising and falling regularly, in the direction of Port Elizabeth, moving against a strong wind. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 213-214)
#July 30, 1909
At around 5:00 in the Waikaka Valley, a few kilometers north of the town of Gore: "Two lights crossed the fog and then an object was seen, narrow in shape like a ship, with two figures on board. The craft approached very close to a dredge on the river, circling around for several minutes. Sometimes it flew very fast, sometimes very slowly, and it seemed to be having fun flying like a fly, diving up into the sky at will. The object disappeared into the fog leaving a yellowish halo, reappeared for a moment towards Otakarama, and then vanished." (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 214)
#July 31, 1909
NEW ZEALAND, Greendale
In the morning of this Saturday, July 31, while he was feeding his horses, a farmer heard a sound like that of a wheel spinning violently. The animals became scared and it was then that the witness saw above him an aerial vessel about 45 m long with lights at the front and back. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 214)
#July 31, 1909
At around 10:30 PM, a couple observed the maneuvers of an aerial craft, illuminated by various lights and equipped with wings. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 214)
#July 31, 1909
USA, Middletown, Goshen (Delaware)
The "Morning News" of Wilmington, in its August 1, 1909 edition, reported the observation of a high-altitude airship that caught the eye due to the intense light it carried. Those who saw the craft say it had the shape of a balloon, with wings on either side, and carried a cigar-shaped gondola. The sound of an engine could be heard distinctly. ("UFO's – A Century of Sightings by Michael David Hall, Galde Press Inc. 1999, p. 11)
#August 3, 1909
A man saw a grey UFO shaped like a torpedo. The craft was occupied by three occupants. (note from vog: see November 18, 1909 Sydney) One of them addressed the witness in an unknown language. (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 345)
#1909, August 5
I very distinctly saw, around 11:30 PM, a large craft flying above the river. It came from Aramoho and disappeared towards Castlecliff. It was moving at an altitude of 60 m and two large wings were easily discernible, emitting a whistling sound. Its speed was at least 150 km/h. There was a powerful light at the front and two others on the sides. Already at 6:45 PM, children had seen a similar object heading towards Mosstown." (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 215)
#August 22-29, 1909
France, Reims
Great Champagne Week or Reims Aerial Meeting (Airplanes!). There were 36 registered aircraft, 36 pilots. ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout Université 1967, p. 79)
#September 1, 1909
NEW ZEALAND, everywhere.
It was seen again in Dargaville, Invercargill, across the whole island.
"An object resembling an aerial vessel was observed above Gore around 4:30 PM. It was moving in a wavelike motion towards the Tapanui Hills and gradually disappeared behind the horizon above Kelso. The witnesses were two well-known people from Gore and their account is authentic. They described the object as a cigar with some kind of vehicle attached to it, but they were unable to see any occupants. It remained visible for a few minutes before disappearing at a high speed. Other inhabitants of the town also observed the curious craft. Between 5:45 PM and 6:00 PM it was also seen above the eastern hills of Otaraia." (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 216)
#1909, September 24
SWEDEN, Grason, Osthammar, Gothenburg
A large, elliptical-shaped flying machine with wings flew over Gothenburg at an altitude of 100 m. It was 18:00, but earlier in the day a similar object had passed over Grason and Osthammar, coming from the northeast and disappearing to the west. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 216) IN REALITY: THE ZEPPELIN Z. II AIRSHIP COVERED 230 KM IN 4 H 10 MINUTES ("Conquête de l'air. Chronologie.. A. Van Hoorebeeck, éd. Marabout Université 1967, p. 79)
#November 18, 1909
Australia, Sydney
A Wright biplane was brought to Sydney. The team consists of Tait
Impresario, Defries Pilot, Marc Pourpe Mechanic. ("Conquest of
the Air. Chronology.. A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p.
#December 22, 1909
USA, Providence and Pawtucket (Rhode Island)
At 1:15 a.m. a very large UFO flew over the two cities. Among the witnesses were Mr. and Mrs. William S. Forsythe of 85 Evergreen Street, Providence, R.I. "The Forsythes were decorating their Christmas tree when Mrs. Forsythe's attention was drawn outside and she looked out the window. There were two strange red lights. She called her husband and both of them watched. The two lights had a variable trajectory, sometimes closer to the ground, sometimes rising to gain altitude, but constantly heading south. Despite the great speed of the phenomenon, the couple had a glimpse of a shape bearing the lights. Whatever it was, they were convinced it could only be an airship. They watched until the lights were no longer visible due to their distance on the horizon. The next morning, they told their observation to anyone who wanted to hear it. (See the Providence, R.I. Journal for December 22, 1909. Ufo Roundup vol. 2 n° 49 21.12.1997, Joseph Trainor)
#December 23, 1909
USA, Boston (Massachusetts)
When the conductor of the "Evening Limited" train took out his pocket watch and shouted "All Aboard!" at Boston's North Station that evening, he had no idea that the train was about to go on an adventure with a UFO. The heavy steam locomotive Belching was spewing black smoke. Near the town of Ayer, 48 km northwest, a cigar-shaped UFO descended from the sky to the west to meet the train. The powerful beam of the craft illuminated all the train cars and this lasted until they arrived in Fitchburg. During the stop in the station, the object was lost from sight, but as soon as they left, the journey resumed together. (The Fitchburg, Mass. Sentinel for December 24, 1909.)
Police Inspector Frank Metcalf (Springfield, Mass.) was among the passengers. All he could see of the airship was the powerful beam. All the passengers were very interested in the thing and regretted not having a closer view of the airship. (The Springfield, Mass. Union-News for December 25, 1909.; Ufo Roundup vol. 2 n° 48, 14.12.1997, Joseph Trainor.)
#1910, January 1
The pilot's license is established. During the year 1909 16 licenses were awarded: 9 French, 3 American, 1 Brazilian, 3 English. ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, pp. 81-82)
#January 12, 1910
USA, Chattanooga (Tennessee), Huntsville (Alabama)
The inhabitants saw at 9:00 a huge whitish object in the shape of a cigar moving slowly at 50 km/h above their city. The witnesses distinctly heard the sound of the engines and spotted a series of small blue flames at the lower part of the object and along its entire length. Before leaving in the direction of the nearby mountains, it circled around the city for some time. At 9:15, 120 km from Chattanooga, the people of Huntsville saw a similar object, very fast in the sky. (Frank EDWARDS: "Les S.V. affaire sérieuse - trad. Laffont 1964 - p. 24, 25)
#1910, January 13
USA, Chattanooga (Tennessee)
The mysterious craft returned to Chattanooga around 11:00. Even a man was seen on board the craft, taking about twelve minutes to fly over the city in a northerly direction, disappearing into the mist of the Tennessee River. (Frank EDWARDS: "Les S.V. affaire sérieuse - trad. Laffont 1964 - p. 25)
#1910, January 15
USA, Paragould (Arkansas)
A large, very white flying machine was observed. Even three or four occupants were seen on board the object, equipped with a powerful searchlight. It passed from north to south at an altitude of 300 m. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 218)
#January end 1910
NEW ZEALAND, Invercargill
At around 11pm, the priest, the mayor, a policeman and other people saw an object shaped like a cigar hovering around thirty meters above Invercargill. A figure then appeared at a side door and they heard him shout some words in an unknown language. The opening quickly closed, the object accelerated and it was lost from sight. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 218)
#1910, March 21
Australia, Melbourne
Houdini, the Great Music Hall Star, nicknamed the "King of Handcuffs" for his spectacular escapes on stage, bought a "Voisin" airplane and made a 7 km flight in 7 min. 45 sec. in Melbourne. This is the first officially recorded flight in Australia. ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 83)
#June 27, 1910
Doctor Harris saw an intensely black object 400 km long and 50 km wide, standing out against the lunar disc "it looked like a crow perched on the moon, as close as possible". Clouds interrupted the observation. "I can't help but think," wrote Doctor Harris, "that a strange phenomenon had just occurred". (Charles FORT: "The Book of the Damned" - ed. Eric Losfeld 1967, p. 162) (note from vog: in their books, authors Michel BOUGARD and Antonio RIBERA repeat this data in 1912, June 27. Ribera reduces the measurements to 400 m x 50 m and Bougard cites 400 km and 80 km... : in science fiction, Nelson Bond exploited this information in 1960, by publishing "And Lo! The bird!")
#July 1910
FRANCE, at sea
Sailing from the coast of Normandy to the English Channel, the witnesses on a fishing boat saw, in broad daylight, a huge object falling from the sky into the sea, resembling a black bird. (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 165)
The "Weekly Dispatch" of July 10th reported the observation of the crew of the French fishing boat "Jeune Frédéric" off the coast of Normandy. These sailors saw a large black object shaped like a bird that plunged into the ocean, immediately emerged again before falling again and disappearing without a trace. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 219)
#1910, July
At sea, off the coast of Florida
Three fishing boats sailing off the coast of Florida reported that they had observed a large black pear-shaped object illuminated by the Moon and swaying above the coast. (Jean PRACHAN: "Le triangle des Bermudes base secrète des Ovni" - Belfond 1972 - p. 102)
#August 1910
Austria, Various Licenses
First flight of the military two-seater aircraft Etrich Taube, 115 km/h, ceiling 3000m. End of production in 1915. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, Elsevier Séquoia Brussels 1979 edition)
#1910, August 12
South China Sea
Captain Breyer of the Dutch vessel "Valentijn" saw at midnight, in the south of the South China Sea, a rotation of flashes. "It was like a horizontal wheel, turning quickly above the water" and producing in the crew "a deep feeling of unease". (Danish Meteorological Institute) (Charles FORT: "The Book of the Damned" - ed. Eric Losfeld 1967 - p. 216)
#1910, August 17
Day laborers were sawing trees when they saw in the sky a device they took for a balloon. Suddenly the balloon ignited and what seemed to be a gondola detached and fell into the forest. It was to be searched for in vain in the days following the incident. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 219)
#August 30th and 31st, 1910
USA, New York, Manhattan Island
At 8:45 PM a long dark object flew over Manhattan Island. Hundreds of people saw it approach Madison Square, make a turn, and then disappear. It should be remembered that at this time aviation was still in its infancy. In 1910 there were 36 licensed pilots and the few aircrafts were well known. The following night it was seen again around 9:00 PM, still above Madison Square. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 219)
There were already more than 200 licensed pilots and many others had to prove themselves by making numerous flights before obtaining a license. Also, on August 20th, 1910, at Sheepshead Bay (New York) Lieutenant J.E. Fickel fired at a ground target from an airplane in flight, using a '30 caliber rifle (Conquête de l'air. Chronologie..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout Université 1967, p. 85)
#1910, October
Atlantic Ocean
In 1907, the wealthy American adventurer Walter Wellman ordered a dirigible balloon from Paris. He named it "AMERICA". He set off from Atlantic City towards Europe in October 1910. The propulsion of the balloon was underestimated. Wellman traveled around a thousand miles without being able to control the balloon to direct it against the winds above the Atlantic. After a three-day flight, it finally fell into the ocean near a British warship. ("Ufo's – A century of Sightings by Michael David Hall, Galde Press Inc. 1999, p. 8)
#1910, November 14
For the first time an aircraft takes off from a ship: Ely on "Curtiss"
from SS "Birmingham". ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van
Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 87)
#November 1910
Graham White, invited to visit President Taft of the USA, traveled there by airplane and landed in the street in front of the Federal Government palace. ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 87)
#1911, January 15
Attempted air bombing by Myron S. Crissy and P. O. Parmalec on "Wright" Airplane. ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 88)
#January 18, 1911
USA, SAN FRANCISCO, Selfridge Base
E. Ely on biplane "CURTISS" taking off from San Francisco, landed at 11:01 AM in the bay on the platform set up at the back of the battleship "PENNSYLVANIA". At 11:58 he took off again and returned to his departure aerodrome. ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 88, 89)
#February 14, 1912
First ascent of the airship "L.Z.11" "Victoria Louise". This Zeppelin
would make a total of 384 flights (838 hours) until October 31, 1913, carrying 8135 passengers. It was dismantled on October 1, 1915. ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 95)
#February 1912
First flight of the two-seater Reconnaissance Bomber BE-2 (Blériot Experimental), maximum speed 113km/h, ceiling about 3048m, delivery to the armies February 1913. Built by at least 22 firms whose total production far exceeds the 3535 copies that have been traced. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, Elsevier Séquoia Brussels 1979)
#1912, March 10
Italian Airships "P.2" and "P.3" (Engineer Forlanini)
flew over Turkish positions and dropped some bombs. On april 13 they each accomplished a 13-hour mission above Turkish positions. ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 95)
#April 8, 1912
GREAT BRITAIN, Chisbury (Wiltshire)
Charles Tilden Smith saw in the sky "something different from anything I have ever seen before, although I have for many years studied the sky in all its aspects." He saw two stationary spots on clouds that were moving rapidly. They were in the shape of a triangular fan and of various sizes, but kept the same position while cloud after cloud passed beneath them, and this for a half hour. (Charles FORT: "The Book of the Damned" - ed. Eric Losfeld 1967, p. 206, 207)
#June 7, 1912
First test shooting of an aircraft with a Lewis machine gun by Ch. de Forrest Chandler on a "Wright B" piloted by T. D. Milling at College Park. ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 96)
#July 2, 1912
USA, Atlantic City
The "Akron" Airship of the Goodyear Tire Company was flying for the first time in 1912 and every flight was well documented and supported by adequate advertising. Unfortunately, the airship exploded a few minutes after taking off again on July 2 in Atlantic
City. ("Ufo's – A century of Sightings by Michael David Hall, Galde Press Inc. 1999, p. 9)
#October 7, 1912
Commissioning of the Zeppelin Type L airship, 158 m long, 14.78 m in diameter, with a volume of 22500 m3. Maximum speed 84 km/h, ceiling 3500 m, range approximately 1290 km for this early type, armed with 2 or 3 Parabellum machine guns of 7.92 mm and about 1000 kg of bombs. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, Elsevier Sequoia Brussels 1979 edition)
#1912, October 12
AUSTRALIA, between Bombala and Bemboka (New South Wales)
A man driving on the track saw a strange humanoid creature drinking water from a creek. Was it a "Yahoo" or a "Yowie" as the Aborigines call it? (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing 1989, p. 307)
#1912, December 3
In the night, an aerial vessel with four occupants came to hover over Portsmouth. After staying stationary for fifteen minutes above the city, it departed back to the north from where it had come. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 221)
USA, Worcester (Massachusetts)
The theoretical and practical research undertaken by Robert Hutchins Goddard on rockets dates back to 1912. His first publication "A Method of Reaching Extreme Altitudes" published in 1919, summarizes the results of his previous research in achieving a high altitude rocket. ("Rockets, Vehicles of the Future" - Hans K. Kaiser, ed. Amiot-Dumont 1954, p. 43)
First flight of the two-seater reconnaissance aircraft with the possibility of shooting and dropping bombs Morane-Saulnier L. 115km/h, ceiling 4000m, range 450 km. In April 1914 the Morane-Saulnier N will come, 165 km/h, range 225 km, small fighter line very simple. From the A version, very modern parasol fighter, 1121 units will be built. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, Elsevier Sequoia Brussels 1979 edition)
#1913, February
First flight of the Farman Longhorn, training, utility and bombing and reconnaissance, max. speed 95 km/h, ceiling 4000 m. In October 1931 the FARMAN F 220 will also make its first flight, heavy bomber with a crew of 5 men. It will remain in service until 1945. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, Elsevier Séquoia Brussels 1979)
#April 8, 1913
USA, Fort Worth (Texas)
A strange shadow was observed on clouds in Fort Worth. (...) It seemed to be caused by some vast object hovering without moving above the clouds. Although the clouds moved, the shadow stayed in the same place. Then it narrowed and faded, as if the object had risen vertically. The Weather Review of this year No. 4-599 gave an account of it. (Donald KEYHOE: "Les Soucoupes volantes existent" ed. Corrêa Paris 1951, p 83) The shadow in the sky of an invisible object, supposed to be a cloud, moves with the setting sun. Two observers saw a triangular object crossing the sky with a considerable parallax for 6 nights in a row. It was very close to the ground. (Charles FORT: "The Book of the Damned" - ed. Eric Losfeld 1967, p. 207, 208)
#1913, May 17
PORTUGAL, Cova da Iria-Fatima
The 3 children were tending to their sheep. It was noon. They saw a flash of light in the sky and a luminous figure appeared near a tree. ("Intervencao Extraterrestre em Fatima" by Joaquim Fernandes and Fina D'Armada)
#1913, May 18
PORTUGAL, Cova da Iria-Fatima
Several people, including the 3 children, observed the fall of "angel hair". (Joaquim Fernandes and Fina D'Armada)
#1913, May 23
PORTUGAL, Cova da Iria-Fatima
Again a fall of angel hair was observed. (Joaquim Fernandes and Fina D'Armada)
#May 1913
USSR, Kiev
First flight of the Sikorsky Ilya Mourometz, heavy bomber and transport aircraft, biplane, 4 to 7 crew members; 137 km/h, Ceiling from 2000 to 3200 m, Autonomy 349 km. FIRST FOUR-ENGINE AIRCRAFT IN THE WORLD, Wingspan 29.80 m, Length 16.80 m. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, Author Bill Gunston, Edition Elsevier Sequoia Brussels 1979)
#1913, May 24
PORTUGAL, Cova da Iria-Fatima
New fall of angel hair. (Joaquim Fernandes and Fina D'Armada)
#June 17, 1913
PORTUGAL, Cova da Iria-Fatima
The three children had another contact with the entity they call "Saint Virgin". Before she appeared there was a thunderclap, and when she left there was a sound of a rocket.
("Intervencao Extraterrestre em Fatima" by Joaquim Fernandes and Fina D'Armada)
#1913, Summer
In the summer of 1913, I was a schoolboy. One afternoon, the sky was dotted with a few clouds after a light rain. Suddenly, in the southeast sky, three rings were noticed, each three or four times the size of a full moon. They constantly emitted red and blue lights. Arranged in a perfect triangle, they remained motionless for a few minutes. Later, the three rings lined up and flew slowly in single file. The schoolboys shouted and our teacher came out to see what was happening. Then we went to class and we did not know how the three rings disappeared.
Two days later, at night, villagers were returning from the fair passing through the mountain pass 2 km from the village: they all saw a shiny thing on the ground. It looked like a grain mill, had a diameter of 3 or 4 m. They were all scared, stepped back and took another path to go home. (continued in 1919 in Beijing) (SHI BO: "China and the Extraterrestrials" ed. Mercure de France, 1983, p.74)
#1913, July 17
PORTUGAL, Cova da Iria-Fatima
Third contact of the 3 children with the entity, who announces that it will perform a miracle in October to convince everyone. ("Intervencao Extraterrestre em Fatima" by Joaquim Fernandes and Fina D'Armada)
#July 1913
First flight of the single or two-seater Avro 504 at 504N, maximum speed
132 km/h, ceiling 3950 m, production ended around mid 1933. (Encyclopedia
of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, edition Elsevier Séquoia
Brussels 1979)
#August 1913
First flight of the Royal Aircraft Factory FE2 two-seater combat aircraft: 130 km/h, ceiling 2743 m, last delivery end of 1916. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, edition Elsevier Séquoia Brussels 1979)
#1913, Summer
USA, Lafayette (Indiana)
In the middle of the afternoon, three strange "electric" lights were observed above the Wabash River valley. These lights sometimes flew very slowly (6mph) and sometimes at very high speed. They seemed to be controlled in a "rotary" movement and among the maneuvers observed, there were right-angle turns, and following the terrain, "jumping" merrily over trees and other obstructions on their route. ("Ufo's – A century of Sightings by Michael David Hall, Galde Press Inc. 1999, p. 13)
#1913, late summer
François Zatloukal was travelling from Brno to Zidenice when between 9:00 PM and 10:00 PM he observed in the clear sky six large red stars that were turning without noise, mixing with each other, following the direction of the clock hands, along an ellipse whose apparent diameter was about one meter with arm outstretched. The witness observed this phenomenon for eight minutes, then left before it ceased. (Ion HOBANA/Julien WEVERBERGH: "Les OVNI en URSS et dans les pays de l'Est" - translation Laffont 1976 - p. 264)
#1913, Autumn
First flight of the Sopwith Tabloid reconnaissance biplane, 7.70m wingspan, 6.20m long, 148 km/h, ceiling 4600m, range 510 km.
In December 1915 the STRUTTER, a multi-purpose combat aircraft, was released, in February 1916 the other single-seater PUP, in May of the same year the TRIPLANE, single-seater scout etc... Tommy Sopwith with the pilot Harry Hawker then became the famous Hawker Aircraf and then the Hawker Siddeley group. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, Elsevier Séquoia Brussels 1979 edition)
#1913, Autumn
NORWAY, Auggedal;
A luminous ball emitting a whistling sound, came from the south, straight towards the witnesses and passed between them and the large one at 10 meters. The object had the size of a football and was at 5 or 6 meters from the ground. It then rose up to disappear behind a hill. The witnesses were P.O. Moller, Tor Flatum and Gunn Berget. It was around 8 pm and the whole observation took about 40 seconds, during which the ball traveled a distance of about 10 km. (UFO REPORT FORM, 31 Mar 1965, cfr listing of Ole Jonny Braenne)
#September 17, 1913
PORTUGAL, Cova da Iria-Fatima
On August 17, 1913 the 3 children were contacted, in the same way as the previous month. On September 17, thousands of people saw the "sphere of light" used by the entity to reach the meeting place. According to the general vicar of Leira, the entity arrived in an "airplane of light", an immense globe, flying east at a moderate speed immensely luminous. A few other witnesses saw an entity come out of the globe which, after a few minutes, left in the direction of the sun. ("Intervencao Extraterrestre em Fatima" by Joaquim Fernandes and Fina D'Armada)
First flight of the armed two-seat Scout Vickers EFB-1 biplane, 113 km/h,
ceiling 2743m, range about 386 km or 4 hours of flight. On November 30, 1917 came the VIMY type, heavy three-seat bomber and then several others until 1957. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft,
author Bill Gunston, edition Elsevier Sequoia Brussels 1979)
USA, Winfield (Kansas)
W.L. Shelley was returning from church with his parents, uncle, aunt and two cousins. They saw in the perfectly clear sky a strange object flying in the air from north to south. The UFO was not moving very fast and the witnesses were able to observe it for a good minute. It was black, about thirty meters long and seemed to have a particular structure at its base. The altitude was estimated at 1000 m. Shelley's uncle then thought, although no movement of wings could be seen, that it must be some kind of large tropical bird! (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 224)
First flight of the single-seat reconnaissance fighter Fokker E. The young Dutchman Anthony Fokker built his first plane in 1912, a single-seat with a large dihedral and no lateral control. The English disdain it and Fokker offers it to the Germans, where it is built in large numbers and undergoes considerable evolution. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, Elsevier Sequoia Brussels 1979 edition)
First flight of the heavy bomber Quadriplace Aproni CA-1, maximum speed of 151 km/h, ceiling 4100 m. From transformation and improvement it will become the CA-133 type used as a bomber and colonial transport in 1932, the CA 135, medium bomber with 5 seats in 1935 with 3 turrets for machine gunners. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, Elsevier Sequoia Brussels 1979)
#1914, January 1
Inauguration of a Regular Service, by means of "Benoist" Hydroplanes between St. Petersburg and Tampa in the USA. Pilot: Tony Jannus. Jannus will receive his Transport Pilot's License on August 10, 1914. ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 103, 108)
#1914, beginning
First flight of the Voisin I biplane, two-seater, with a propeller propulsion of 120 km/h,
ceiling of 2980m, range of 330 km. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft,
author Bill Gunston, edition Elsevier Sequoia Brussels 1979)
#1914, February 23
First flight of the single-seat reconnaissance aircraft Bristol Scout Type 1,
maximum speed of 161 to 177 km/h depending on the engine, ceiling 4267m
(Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, edition
Elsevier Sequoia Brussels 1979)
First flight of the two-seater reconnaissance and bombing Caudron G,
with a machine gun on a mobile mount at the front of the observer,
speed 131 km/h, ceiling 4260 m. End of production in 1918
(Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, edition
Elsevier Sequoia Brussels 1979)
#1914, June 23
On "rumpler" the pilot Basser held the air for 18h 12 min. ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 104)
#June 26, 1914
W. Landmann on "Albatros" establishes new flight duration record: 21 hours, 48 min. 45 sec. ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 104)
#June 1914
GERMANY, Hamburg
One fine morning in June, around 4:00 a.m., Gustav Herwagen opened the door of his home in Hamburg. He then saw in a nearby field a shiny object in the shape of a cigar with illuminated windows. Next to this craft there were four or five dwarves, no taller than 1.20 m and wearing light-colored clothing. As soon as the witness approached them, these characters entered the object, a door closed and the craft took off silently, vertically. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 224)
#August 14, 1914
CANADA, Georgia Bay
After a boat ride several people rested on the shore of Georgia Bay on Lake Ontario. A little girl saw a deer on the shore and the animal was facing the lake. The child looked in the same direction and remained silent in surprise. After a moment she called her parents. A spherical object with a platform at the base rested on the lake about 16 feet from the shore. Two small men were busy around a colored pipe, green. Their clothes seemed luminous, their size did not exceed 3'3 '' feet. They wore a kind of box-shaped helmet. Then three other small beings with tubular objects were engaged in an enigmatic task before disappearing?
Shortly after, the first two put their pipe into an opening on the side of the device. At a height of 20 feet above the lake, the device tilted and took off at a lightning speed. (Jean FERGUSON: "All about Flying Saucers" ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1972, p.187) William J. Kiehl and seven other people observed an extremely unusual phenomenon at Georgia Bay on Lake Huron. At 150 m from the shore, an object shaped like a flattened globe at the top and carrying a kind of square structure at the base was resting on the water. Two human creatures, 1.20 m tall and dressed in tight-fitting purple-green clothes, were standing on a kind of bridge encircling the device. These beings manipulated a green pipe that plunged into the water. After a while three other small characters appeared at the upper part of the globe. They were dressed this time in khaki and wore, like the first two, a kind of square mask to the shoulders. Meanwhile, the other two had recovered their pipe, pushing it through a kind of hatch. As one of these beings had not yet had time to enter the interior of the object, it suddenly rose from the surface of the lake, forcing the unfortunate to cling energetically to a chromed ramp and it quickly disappeared from the sight of the witnesses. (Michel BOUGARD: "The Chronicle of UFOs" - Delarge 1977, p. 224)
#August 14 to October 27, 1914
Hundreds of witnesses saw for days a mysterious unidentified flying object, carrying a powerful projector.
This incredible aircraft was visible in Williston and Fraserburg on August 14, in Vryburg on the 18th, in Vredenburg and Hopefield on the 19th, in Cape Town on the 20th, again in Vryburg on the 29th (with flashes of light) and above Graaff-Reinet (all night). On September 2 it was seen again in Vryburg, on the 3rd it was the turn of Taungs and Pokwani to be visited. It was reported in the Transvaal at Warmbaths on September 6, it flew over the village of Utrecht on the 11th and Vryburg on the 13th. It was spotted one last time above Port Shepstone on October 27, 1914. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 225)
#September 17, 1914
It is reported from the town of Alta that in the evening of Thursday, between 9 and 10 o'clock, a very strange luminous phenomenon was observed by several people and in various districts of the town. The sky was completely covered by low clouds. It was pitch dark when a light point, shining like a big star, appeared in the east of Elvebakken. The phenomenon passed over Bosekop, disappeared behind Skoddevarre, reappeared at Kvaenvik where, after various maneuvers, it disappeared in the direction of Talvik. The white light partially changed from red to blue. On board the SS "Sina" the phenomenon was observed with binoculars. Most of the observers obviously thought of an airplane. But only one person seems to have heard the sound of an airplane, without however observing the light. The phenomenon moved at various altitudes and generally at a slow speed, except at the moment of its disappearance. (MORGENBLADET, 24 Sep 1914, 2.; Bullard: THE AIRSHIP FILE - SUPPLEMENT I., 1983, 37, cfr listing of Ole Jonny Braenne) (note from vog: for me this is probably an airplane, this is not strictly speaking the observation of a UFO, or is it?)
#October 22, 1914
"From Knaplund, (near) Saltstrømmen, it is reported that last night, around 9 pm, an "airship" was seen, flying east. There were about ten witnesses, who heard at the same time a quite considerable noise. The object had the shape of a cigar and was clearly visible in the night sky. Our correspondent has collected the names of several adults who observed this phenomenon." (MORGENBLADET, October 23, 1914, 4.; Bullard: THE AIRSHIP FILE - SUPPLEMENT I., 1983, 38, cfr listing of Ole Jonny Braenne)(vog: do you get the impression that it is a UFO? not me.)
#November 21, 1914
NORWAY, Tjolta;
A Mindlandet (Tjolta) it was seen Saturday night, a kind of glider
flying above the Skjaervaer lighthouse, which it illuminated with its
projector. The glider, which was then about 700 m
high, descended to 400 meters, height from which it sent a
beam of its projector towards a passing ship at sea. Then it
descended even further. More than 20 people were watching it"
I., 1983, 38, cfr listing of Ole Jonny Braenne)(the text says it well:
a kind of glider ...)
BRESIL, Cordilheira dos Parecis
Explorer Lt. Colonel P.H. Fawcet, in the region near Bolivia, reported: "I whistled and a huge creature, covered in fur like a dog, ran to its 'barn', took a big stick and came towards us, dancing on one foot then the other, until it was less than 3 meters away. It made growling noises like "Eugh! Eugh!" and stayed there, dancing. Suddenly the whole forest around us was filled with these hideous human-simian creatures, all growling "Eugh! Eugh!", dancing like the first one and holding sticks in their fists. (note from vog: 70 years before Disney's long animated feature...). The situation seemed delicate for us. I tried to talk to them kindly in Maxubi, but they paid no attention to what I said. Human language seemed not accessible to them." Fawcet ended the situation by shooting first on the ground, then in the air. The creatures then threw their sticks at them and the intruders (the explorers) had to retreat. The local population was aware of the existence of these creatures and called them "Maricoxis". (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 197)
#November 1914
First flight of the two-seater reconnaissance aircraft, Aviatik Type I. Maximum speed 105 km/h, ceiling approx. 2500 m. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, Elsevier Séquoia Brussels 1979)
#1914, end of year
First flight of the Nieuport XI (the XVII in 1916, the 298 in June 1917)
single-seater biplane reconnaissance fighter, 156 km/h, ceiling 4600m,
range approximately 230 km. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author
Bill Gunston, Elsevier Séquoia Brussels 1979 edition)
#Autumn 1914 or 1915
ROMANIA, Bujoreanca.
D. S. Ionescu was then 14 years old. One evening, while the family was seated in the garden, they all saw an object of the apparent size of a football, glowing red, moving from east to west at about thirty meters. At the back there was something like an exhaust pipe, whose breath violently shook the tops of the nearby trees. From this kind of tube also came a trail of sparks about ten meters long. A week later the same phenomenon was seen again, this time emitting a characteristic whistle. It flew over various houses, disappearing suddenly. After lingering above one of these dwellings, a lady was found there covered in burns. (Ion HOBANA/Julien WEVERBERGH: "Les OVNI en URSS et dans les pays de l'Est" - trad. Laffont 1976, p. 291)
#June 1915
First flight of the three-seater reconnaissance and escort fighter Caudron R-11. It already had a relatively aerodynamic line, speed 183 km/h, absolute ceiling 5950 m, used by the French aviation, more than 500 copies were built. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, Elsevier Sequoia Brussels 1979)
#1915, Summer
NORWAY, Sulitjelma;
A dark object, bell-shaped, descended from the sky to the west and landed. Two humanoids appeared from the back of the object, during the landing phase. They walked towards a road, then turned around and headed towards the witness. One of the humanoids stopped and smiled at the witness, Bjarne Westvand. The boy, aged 6 at the time, said that the humanoid was the same size as him, about 1 m tall. He had long dark hair, flowing in the wind. His skin was gray and he had a big head compared to his stature. The two creatures wore tight dark brown clothing. They then went behind the hill and shortly after the bell-shaped object rose and quickly disappeared into the sky (RAPPORTNYTT, 4/1981, 3, cfr, listing of Ole Jonny Braenne).
#1915, July
First flight of the single-seater reconnaissance aircraft Airco DH-2, speed
150 km/h, ceiling 4420 m. 100 of them were built in 1915-1916,
total production 450 units of which 300 served in France and the
others in the Middle East. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill
Gunston, Elsevier Séquoia Brussels 1979 edition)
#July 13, 1915
NORWAY, Ostre Slidre
Tuesday, at 12:30, four ladies left the Fredheim hotel for a walk on the road going north. At the Valsted farm, they suddenly heard a loud engine noise, so they thought a car was coming. They moved to the side of the road to let the vehicle pass, but to their surprise, no car ever arrived. However, the two ladies who were a bit ahead of the others then saw, for a short moment, an airplane above their heads towards the northwest. One of the ladies, the wife of an officer, who saw the machine, is sure that it was an airplane. But here begins the most singular part of the observation. The two women only had the opportunity to see the plane for a short moment, where the engine seemed to have stopped while the craft descended in a dead leaf, slowly, towards Volbufjorden. That is what they both saw, and in their opinion the plane was crashing. The commander of Ostre Slide was immediately alerted, and with four men he went to investigate, organizing a search from Skogene just outside Rognagardene, to the fjord, without finding any debris. The next day the men were posted on either side of the fjord while the entire Volbufjorden region was combed. At the end of the day the commander gave an interview to the reporters, noting that they still had not found anything of the mysterious plane. (VALDRES, Jul 1915.; MORGENBLADET, 16 Jul 1915, 4; Bullard: THE AIRSHIP FILE - SUPPLEMENT I., 1983, 40, cfr listing d'Ole Jonny Braenne)
#1915, Summer
During the summer of 1915 a flying man was reported above Cabeco.
(Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 226)
#1915, August
FIRST FLIGHT OF THE TWO-SEATER BOMBER HAVILAND (AIRCO) DH-4, 219 km/h, ceiling 6096 m. End of US Army service in 1932. The DH 9, DH 10, Mosquito, Hornet/Sea Hornet, Vampire, Venom, Canada Caribou, Canada Buffalo complete the HAVILAND range, with the last deliveries then dating back to 1972. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, Elsevier Séquoia Brussels 1979 edition)
#August 20, 1915
NORWAY, Christianiafjord;
Friday night, around 10:10 PM, a terrible storm was raging above the Ostlandet fjord. The witness was in his house, looking out the window towards the fjord. Suddenly he saw a dark object appear on the horizon, somewhere near Rauer. And this "cloudy" mass (what he thought it was) was crossing the sky at an incredible speed, which made him think it was not a cloud at all. He took his binoculars and went out into the garden. He observed through the binoculars, the most beautiful Zeppelin he had ever seen. It was hovering above Christianiafjord. He saw that a bright light was in the center of the huge body. After a minute of observation, this lamp went out, and immediately the craft turned and "floated" southward, where it disappeared into the dark night. (GJENGANGEREN, Aug 1915.; MORGENBLADET, 25 Aug 1915, 4.; Bullard: THE AIRSHIP FILE - SUPPLEMENT I., 1983, 42, cfr listing of Ole Jonny Braenne) (artifact, assuredly)
#August 21, 1915
TURKEY, Gallipoli
During the Dardanelles campaign, the Allied forces were facing the Turkish army in the Gallipoli peninsula. On August 21, a British battalion, the 5th Norfolk Regiment, came to reinforce the Anzac troops (Australian and New Zealand army corps). The attack took place at Coast 60, an elevation of terrain in the south of Suvla Bay. According to the campaign book, the fifth regiment was suddenly enveloped in an unexpected fog, on which the rays of the sun were reflected. The glare was so bright that the artillery observers were dazzled. From that moment, the 250 men were never seen again. "This cloud gave the impression of being solid. A group of 22 men could observe it from their trenches dug about 2,500 m away. After changing position, this singular cloud completely covered a dry torrent bed and we could perfectly distinguish its sides and ends. Its color was light gray, like that of the other clouds. The troop, 400 men, then marched towards Coast 60 and, when they reached the level of the cloud, they plunged into it, never to come out again. After an hour, when it had absorbed the regiment in its entirety, the cloud rose and joined the others perfectly motionless, despite a south wind blowing at a speed of 6 to 7 km/h. The entire formation flew towards the north, towards Bulgaria. The indicated regiment was declared missing or destroyed and when Turkey surrendered in 1918, the first thing England demanded from Turkey was the return of this regiment. Turkey replied that it had never taken this regiment prisoner or even been in contact with it and that it did not know of its existence" (extract from Fred Reichart's journal) (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 226-227)
#1915, December 18
First flight of the heavy night bomber Biplan with a normal crew of three men Handley Page HP-11, 30.48m wingspan, length 19.16m, speed 156 km/h, ceiling 2590m, was supplied to Wing No. 3 RNAS in September 1916. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, edition Elsevier Sequoia Brussels 1979)
#1916, January
AEG KI, GIV, and GV Plane: first flight. Twin-engine, max speed 145 km/h,
ceiling 4000m. In production until end of 1918. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, Elsevier Séquoia Brussels 1979 edition)
#January 13, 1916
NORWAY, Dyfjord
A man saw six lights in the sky: one green, one red and four white and he thought he saw a body carrying these lights. After a moment, the four white lights went out and a beam, like that of a projector, was directed downwards. The phenomenon appeared in the south-southwest, flew first towards the east, and finally disappeared towards the southeast. Several people observed it, including the entire rescue team based in Dyfjord, and not one doubted having seen a gigantic "airship". (FINNMARKSPOSTEN, Jan 1916.; MORGENBLADET, 15 Jan 1916, 2.;Bullard: THE AIRSHIP FILE - SUPPLEMENT I., 1983, 41; listing by Ole Jonny Braenne) (here again, no feeling of strangeness... .)
#1916, January 19
NORWAY, Rolvaer;
Captain Bergfjord of the SS "Ofoten" ship claims that upon his approach to the port of Ofotenfjord, he saw a Zeppelin above Rolvaer flying at an altitude of approximately 500 m. (MORGENBLADET, January 19, 1916, 2.; Bullard: THE AIRSHIP FILE - SUPPLEMENT I., 1983, 41; listing of Ole Jonny Braenne)
#1916, January 31
ENGLAND, near Rochford
Local time: 8:45 PM, pilot: Sub Lieutenant J. E. Morgan. Flying at 5000 feet he saw a row of lights resembling windows covered by light shutters, like those of a railway carriage. Believing it to be a German Zeppelin, he fired his Webley Scott at the object, which quickly rose and disappeared. (Source: THE GERMAN AIR RAIDS ON ENGLAND, 1914-1918, by Capt. Joseph Morris - London 1925, page 81, cfr Thomas E. Bullard)
#1916, March 15,
NORWAY, Vesteralen;
A plane was clearly seen flying above Vesteralen. It arrived at a dizzying speed from the sea, first made a complete circle, then was above the Boroy area and finally directly above Stokmarknes. Both on its arrival and on its return flight, the lights it carried continuously changed color, red, blue, white and it seemed like some kind of code. It was 11 pm when this phenomenon appeared and many people observed the unknown visitor, as it was also well lit by the moonlight. (NY TID, Mar 1916.; MORGENBLADET, 24 Mar 1916, 4.; Bullard: THE AIRSHIP FILE - SUPPLEMENT I., 1983, 41, listing of Ole Jonny Braenne)
#1916, April
Deperdussin works under the name of Spad Firm and in April 1916
the armed monoplane Spad VII makes its first flight. 192km/h,
ceiling 5334m, autonomy 360 km. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft,
author Bill Gunston, edition Elsevier Sequoia Brussels 1979)
#April 16, 1916
NORWAY, Stavanger;
The students of Stavanger Folkeskole, aged 9 to 11, saw a black cloud appear in the sky, followed by a red light at the back. The appearance seemed so divine to them that they all believed they saw an angel and a cross. A little later a message appeared written in the sky. (STAVANGER AFTENBLAD, Apr 1916, Mar 1917, Mar 1918, 19 Dec 1942, Apr 1943. iorth: LEBESBYMANNEN., 193-?, 45-8. OMVEND DERE FOR JESUS KOMMER SNART., 198-?.UFO, 1/1989, 22-3. Listing d'Ole Jonny Braenne)
#April 20, 1916
NORWAY, Stafjorden;
The SS "Faljir" of The Nordre Bergenhus Company was overflown and passed at 2 o'clock in the morning at Stafjorden, west zone of Svanoen, by a Zeppelin. It was illuminated and the sound of its engines was heard clearly. The craft disappeared in the direction of the north. (MORGENBLADET, April 23, 1916, 4. Bullard: THE AIRSHIP FILE - SUPPLEMENT I., 1983, 41. Listing of Ole Jonny Braenne)
#May 1916
First flight of the two-seat reconnaissance aircraft Halberstadt, not very remarkable but fitting in with the times: 170 km/h, ceiling 5000 m. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, edition Elsevier Sequoia Brussels 1979)
#1916, May
First flight of the two-seater Armstrong Whitworh FK4 reconnaissance bomber; maximum speed 153 km/h, ceiling 3960m. First flight May 1916, delivery to the armies end 1916, end of production 1918. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, edition Elsevier Sequoia Brussels 1979)
#June 24, 1916
NORWAY, Bergen
"At around 11pm, an airplane was seen above Ulrikken. It was a biplane, observed by several people. It flew at such a high altitude that it could only be clearly seen through binoculars. It seemed to be heading towards the sea." (BERGENS AFTENBLAD, Jun 1916. MORGENBLADET, 27 Jun 1916, 2. Bullard: THE AIRSHIP FILE - SUPPLEMENT I., 1983, 42. Listing by Ole Jonny Braenne)
#1916, July
First flight of the four-seater maritime patrol Curtiss H Series (Large America), first in England, then in the USA at the end of the year. It reached 137 km/h, ceiling 3292 m; last delivery in October 1918. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, edition Elsevier Sequoia Brussels 1979)
First flight of the Felixstowe flying boat, 29.15m wingspan, 14.10m length, max. speed 154 km/h, ceiling 2926m, endurance: 6 hours.
(Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, edition Elsevier Sequoia Brussels 1979)
#1916, Summer
First flight of the two-seat reconnaissance Hansa Brandenburg airplane,
170 km/h, ceiling around 5000 m. Improved versions were built until 1926 in Finland and Norway under the designation
A-22 (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, edition
Elsevier Séquoia Brussels 1979)
#1916, Summer
USA, Rensselaer (Indiana)
One day in the summer, Roy Gish, between 10 and 11 o'clock in the morning, observed an elongated oval craft at a distance of one mile. The object stopped dead in the air, hovering for a few seconds, before continuing its route passing over the witness's house. "It seemed as solid as a machine part" he said, with a dark gray surface, an estimated length of 40 feet and 8 to 12 feet wide. In a few seconds then the craft left like an arrow and disappeared in about ten seconds, in a cloudless sky. ("Ufo's – A century of Sightings by Michael David Hall, Galde Press Inc. 1999, p. 13, 14)
#1916, September 9
First flight of the two-seater Bristol fighter types 14-17, max. speed 201 km/h, ceiling 6096 m, out of operational inventory in 1938.
(Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, edition Elsevier Séquoia Brussels 1979)
#November 21, 1916
First flight of the two-seater day bomber Breguet 14, maximum speed 180
km/h, operational ceiling 6000m; production stopped around 1926.
(Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, edition
Elsevier Séquoia Brussels 1979)
#November 22, 1916
First flight of the experimental S. E. 5A Scout from the Royal Aircraft factory,
single-seater reconnaissance, 193 km/h, ceiling 5181m, range 483 km.
It is undoubtedly the best warplane ever presented by the firm, easy to fly, dives and climbs quickly, enormous maneuverability, only one flaw: very fragile French engine (Hispano-Suiza). (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, Elsevier Séquoia Brussels 1979 edition)
In 1917, Elizabeth Klarer was 7 years old. With her older sister, she observed a comet coming towards the Earth at great speed and a round metallic disc spinning around the comet and forcing it to deviate from its objective. (continued 1937) (Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse", Berlin, January 1998)
#February 16, 1917
Great Britain
First Flight of the Naval Reconnaissance Bi or Triplane Fairey Campania,
for which the Cunard Line's Campania ship was bought by
the British Navy, was converted into an aircraft carrier. It
had a large wingspan (18.75m) and very light floats, takeoffs were made on the ship's deck
through a droppable cart (...) Later there would be Fairey Fox,
Hendon, Battle, Swordfish, Barracuda, Firefly, Gannet etc...
(Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, edition
Elsevier Sequoia Brussels 1979)
#April 14, 1917
USA, Pascataqua (Massachusetts)
An unidentified object was flying at 2:30am above the Pascataqua River, alerting the vigilance of three guards of Company L of the Sixth Massachusetts National Guard. They were posted near a point connecting Kittery (Maine) to Portsmouth (New Hampshire) in order to prevent German sabotage. When the craft descended near the bridge, the three men shot at it and the craft quickly disappeared from the area. The incident was notorious, as it occurred in the area of the Portsmouth Naval Ship Yard, the most important base on the East Coast. ("UFO's - A Century of Sightings by Michael David Hall, Galde Press Inc. 1999, p. 14)
#1917, May
First flight of the Albatros D.V. Reconnaissance Monoplane. Max. speed 187 km/h, ceiling approx. 6250 m, test flight spring 1917, delivery to the armies from May 1917, full production until 1918.
(Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, edition Elsevier Sequoia Brussels 1979)
#1917, June
First flight of the single-seater fighter Pfalz D-III, 165 km/h, ceiling 5200 m.
(Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, edition
Elsevier Sequoia Brussels 1979)
#1917, June
First flight of the single-seater reconnaissance fighter Siemens-Schuckert,
180 km/h, ceiling 8100m, range 322 km. Delivery completed in 1919.
(Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, edition
Elsevier Séquoia Brussels 1979)
#1917, Summer
First flight of the two-seater fighter hannover, 165 km/h, ceiling 7500 m.
(Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, edition
Elsevier Sequoia Brussels 1979)
First flight of the first junkers j-10, single-seater fighter. it flew at approx.
155 km/h with a ceiling of 4000m. In the Junkers series other types
were built until 1942. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft,
author Bill Gunston, Elsevier Séquoia Brussels 1979 edition)
Belgium, in flight
(UFOWEB: The Red Baron is said to have shot down a UFO in 1917.) Bonn, Germany:
The flamboyant fighter pilot known as the Red Baron not only shot down 80 enemy aircraft during World War I but he was also the first human to shoot down an extraterrestrial craft. This is what former German Air Force pilot Peter Waitzrik claims, who says he saw, to his surprise, the fighter pilot shoot at a UFO, which had orange undulating lights, above Belgium in 1917. Then, two of the occupants of the downed UFO, came out of their spacecraft and ran into the woods, apparently never to be seen again. "The Baron and I made a full report on the incident back to Headquarters and they told us never to mention this".<br/><br/>
The 105 year old former pilot recently spoke to a reporter. "And except to my wife and my grown children, I never said a word. But that was 80 years ago, so what difference would it make now?". He recounts that he and Baron Manfred von Richtofen, nicknamed the Red Baron, were flying on a morning mission above western Belgium during the summer of 1917 when a UFO suddenly appeared in the blue sky, directly above their Fokker triplane. "We were terrified because we had never seen anything like this before, the United States had just entered the war, so we assumed it was something they had sent. The Baron immediately opened fire and the thing fell like a rock, shearing the treetops as it crashed into the woods. Then two little bald-headed guys came out and ran away"
Waitzrik says he assumed the silver, glinting craft was some kind of enemy invention until the "flying saucer" panic began in the 1940s and convinced him his colleague had shot down a UFO. "This thing must have been about 40 meters in diameter and looked exactly like those flying saucer shaped spacecrafts everyone has seen during the last 50 years." he says, "so there is no doubt in my mind that it was some kind of spacecraft from another planet, and those little guys running into the woods were not Americans but some kind of extraterrestrials" "You know, sometimes I wonder what happened to those guys" (Source: Sighting/ Jim Hickman
Translation: Thierry Mallet (Mush) – THEM)
#1917, October 13
At noon. Miracle or flying saucers? Everyone will have already read the account and the various hypotheses put forward on various occasions. ("UFO's – A Century of Sightings by Michael David Hall, Galde Press Inc. 1999, p. 14)
#1917, October
First flight of the single-seater reconnaissance aircraft Albatros D.III,
maximum speed 175 km/h, ceiling 5500 m.; delivery to the armies from December 1916, end of production beginning 1918. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, edition Elsevier Sequoia Brussels 1979)
#1917, October 13
USA, Youngstown (Pennsylvania)
John Boback, 17 years old, observed a flying saucer. The young man was walking along the railway when he saw in a field 30 m away from him, an object in the shape of a disc with a platform and rows of lights. After nearly two minutes the craft rose with a shrill sound, slowly, while silhouettes were visible behind what seemed like illuminated windows. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 228)
#1917, November
USA/Great Britain
First flight of the Martin & Handasayde single-seater fighter under the name Martinsyde F-4 Buzzard, 209 km/h, ceiling 7320m, range approximately 650 km. At the armistice, 52 aircraft were delivered. (Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft, author Bill Gunston, edition Elsevier Séquoia Brussels 1979)
#January 1918
USA, Waco (Texas)
A red, cigar-shaped object, without engine or wings, silently passed from southwest to northeast. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 228) It measured between 100 and 150 feet long. The witnesses were military personnel from the base. One of them, Edwin Bauhan, estimated that the object had descended 500 feet and that everyone could see that there was neither engine nor windows, and that it did not resemble the dirigibles they knew well. The object emitted absolutely no sound. It left the area gaining altitude and disappeared in a burst of flames. ("Ufo's – A century of Sightings by Michael David Hall, Galde Press Inc. 1999, p. 15)
#May 13, 1918
During a pilgrimage, there was a new fall of a substance,
described this time as "white balls". (Inforespace n° 55,
1981, p.4)
#July 16th, 1918, before
USA, Kelso (Washington)
As reported in the "Seattle Times" on July 16th, 1918, "mountain demons" attacked a dam that a prospector had built on a stream near Mount Laurence near Kelso, in the state of Washington. The "demons" were half-human, half-monster. Their size was between 2 and 2.5 meters. They had the power of hypnotism and ventriloquism. In addition, they could disappear at will or become invisible (sic) (Jean FERGUSON: "The Humanoids..." ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1977, p. 113).
#1918, October 2
USA, Dayton
The unmanned aircraft, "The Bug" true guided missile, successfully completed several flights in Dayton. ("The Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p.131)
#November 11, 1918
Chinese pilots showing unparalleled skill and daringness fly above Beijing. They fly between the chimneys of the Grand Hotel, then at 5 meters above the crowd on the road. (Conquest of the Air. Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck, ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 132)
#January 22, 1919
GREAT BRITAIN, Shuttlewood (Derbyshire)
At around 10:10 pm that night, Thomas Hills Harrison had just gone to rekindle the fire in his greenhouse when, heading towards the house, he saw through the living room window his father pointing out a light near the chicken coop, about fifty meters away from the witnesses. Harrison adds: "All the apple trees in the orchard were lit up and cast long shadows in all directions. The night was very dark, particularly quiet and even the chickens were silent when I opened the gate. As soon as I crossed it I could clearly see the luminous globe that remained stationary about 1.40 meters above the ground. At first I thought it was my neighbor Robinson, but not receiving any response to my call, I headed towards this fluorescent light, the size of a tennis ball, perfectly spherical and beautiful to look at, like a pearl out of proportion. I circled it several times, getting closer to less than 2 meters. For about ten minutes I kept staring at it. Finally I decided to pick up a stick that was lying on the ground to touch it and see what would happen. At that moment, as if he had understood what I was going to do, the globe started moving very slowly. I got even closer. The limits of the sphere were not clear, it was like a cottony aura. When it met the fence, the globe fell to the ground as if it were exploding. It quickly regained its normal size and began to climb the trellis in a truly impressive silence. The glow sank about ten meters into Robinson's garden and then returned in my direction at a fast speed this time, suddenly turning to the right. I ran in its direction, I saw it climb the fence again, but I quickly realized that my pursuit was hopeless. When it reached a hawthorn bush, the globe leapt about ten meters high into a gap in the branches. The light stayed there for about three minutes, then disappeared from my view. Thinking that everything was over I went back to the house when I realized that the farmer Shepperd's land was violently lit up. That's when I saw the same glow making the return trip in my direction and at a fairly fast speed. When it was a few meters away from me I felt my hair stand on end for a short moment. The sphere went to the left and stopped in Robinson's garden. I went to knock on Robinson's door and the two of us saw the light globe go north-east, completely crossing the field over a distance of two hundred meters towards Bolsover Road. Then it made several circles around the tops of the roofs of a row of houses in Club Row, finally rising into the sky and disappearing eastward. It was then 10:50 pm. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977, p. 232-233)
#1919, late Summer
USA, Rice Lake, Wisconsin
One evening, young Harry Anderson (13 years old), his family and friends,
went for a ride in his father's new Ford Model T. Around 10 pm, returning towards Eau Claire, the engine made some dissonances. Father Anderson stopped on the south emergency lane of Highway 25. "There's no more oil," he said to his son, handing him a can in his hands, "go see if we can borrow some from a farm". Swinging the can in one hand, Harry went off on the dark road. A road sign told him he was just outside of Barron, 5 miles west of Rice Lake. He saw the roof of a farm in the horizon and took a shortcut to get there. The farmer filled the can and Harry returned to the car. Suddenly he saw about twenty little men, coming towards him, walking in single file. They had bald heads and white skin, wearing short leather pants, held up by suspenders on their shoulders. Stunned, Harry hid behind a tree and from there observed the scene. He heard snippets of their conversations, sounding like childish rhymes:<br/><br/>
"We won't stop fighting
Till the end of the war
In Nineteen-Hundred
and Ninety-Four.
Sound off--one, two
Sound off--three, four
Detail, one, two, three, four
The little column kept walking and disappeared into the woods. Harry remained petrified and his heart still pounding for several minutes.
(Fate Magazine for November 1978, "Encounters with Little Men," page 85)
#1919, November 12
The departure of the two-engine biplane CEAOU from Farnborough, which several weeks and 16 landings later, will link Australia. They pass through France, Italy, Greece, Crete, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Pakistan, India, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Sumatra, Timor Island and finally Australia. 75 years later, on board an identical biplane entirely rebuilt, 3 people repeat the same feat with the CEAOW (Source and reportage: National Geographic 1994).