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synced 2025-03-03 12:19:28 -05:00
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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
| |
| November 28 |
| |
| 1942 - On this night a cigar-shaped object flew over Turin, Italy. It |
| was 200-300 feet in length and flew at an estimated 500 mph. It had |
| four red lights spaced at equal distances along its body. (Source: |
| Keith Chester, Strange Company: Military Encounters with UFOs in |
| World War II, p. 34). |
| |
| 1950 - On this night a huge green luminous ball dove three kilometers |
| toward a Stratocruiser airliner flying over British Guinea, and was |
| sighted by the entire airliner crew. (Sources: Lumieres dans la Nuit, |
| issue 211; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 13). |
| |
| 1952 - At 4:00 p.m. a motion picture film crew filmed a disc-shaped |
| object at MGM Studio L2 in Culver City, California. (Source: APRO |
| Bulletin, January-February 1968, p. 5). |
| |
| 1952 - At 7:40 p.m. an odd fireball moved too slowly to be a meteor, |
| then zigzagged for 20 minutes. It's estimated altitude was 50,000 |
| feet; "not a star" according to the witness, who was flying over |
| Delta, Utah in a U.S. Air Force T-33 trainer. (Source: Loren E. |
| Gross, UFOs: A History. 1952: November-December, p. 44). |
| |
| 1953 - On this day two men, Pedro Serrate and Francisco Teixeira, |
| were duck hunting on the Baia dos Patos, near the city of Pedras |
| Negras in Maranhao State, Brazil when a disc-shaped UFO hovered over |
| and then alighted on the bay, only 15 feet away from one of them. The |
| dark blue hull was like two “basins” put together; 16 feet long, 8 |
| feet high, and 6 feet wide. Around the perimeter was a three foot rim |
| of transparent glass. It had two curved pipes or tubes that were |
| pouring out water, and behind the hull was a sort of rudder three |
| feet long. Sr. Serrate could see four young human looking men and two |
| young women sitting in a row inside the craft. They all had red hair |
| with pinkish faces, and the women had long hair. All of them wore |
| dark blue uniforms. When then noticed that they were watched, the |
| craft took off at a fantastic speed, and disappeared from sight |
| within seconds. (Sources: O Cruzeiro newspaper, November 13, 1954; |
| Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucer Occupants, p. 196; David F. Webb & |
| Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1953-13 |
| (A0223), citing J. Escobar Faria and Richard Hall). |
| |
| 1954 - At 2:00 a.m. in the city of Petare, Venezuela two men had a |
| violent encounter with three hairy dwarfs. They first saw a luminous |
| sphere on the ground with a hatch door open. Out of it came three |
| hairy dwarfs wearing loincloths. They were about three feet tall with |
| clawed fingers. The dwarves fought with the men, who reported that |
| they appeared to have phenomenal strength. At one point one of the |
| man attempted to stab one of the creatures with a knife, but the |
| blade glanced off as if the creature’s body was made of steel. There |
| was a blinding light and the creatures and the craft were gone. |
| (Sources: newspaper clipping dated November 30, 1954; Coral & Jim |
| Lorenzen, Flying Saucer Occupants, p. 52 & 103; APRO Bulletin, |
| November 1954; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of |
| Landings, case # 344; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue |
| of Humanoid Reports, case # 1954-135). |
| |
| On that same night in 1954 in Palmarito, Venezuela a group of |
| peasants saw a sphere land and discharge three very short dwarfish |
| men. When they re-boarded and the object flew away, they reported the |
| craft left behind a slightly visible trail in the sky. (Sources: |
| Coral E. Lorenzen and Jim Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, p. 63; |
| Donald E. Keyhoe, Flying Saucer Conspiracy, p. 239; David F. Webb & |
| Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # |
| 1954-134). |
| |
| 1954 - Also in 1954 at 12:45 p.m. five miles east of the city of Manila in |
| the Philippines, two 39-year-old men, one of them a doctor with a |
| degree in physics, watched an orange domed disc maneuver through the |
| sky. The craft was about 70 feet in diameter, and had five evenly |
| spaced yellow portholes. The body of the object itself was flecked |
| with red streaks, and it made no sound as it moved. The UFO reversed |
| direction and was gone in three seconds. Listed as a Project Blue |
| Book “unknown” case. (Sources: Project Blue Book files counted in |
| official statistics, case number 3341; Thomas M. Olsen, The Reference |
| for Outstanding UFO Reports, case # 61; Richard Hall, The UFO |
| Evidence, p. 59). |
| |
| 1956 - A strange customer in John Whitworth's shop in Biggelswade, |
| England, someone with a very high forehead, told him that he could |
| see a flying saucer if he would go to a certain spot on this night. |
| Whitworth went there and did see a hovering object like a humming |
| top, with lighted portholes. Just one year later the visitor returned |
| and told him he would again have a contact this time, at another |
| spot. Whitworth went with a crowd of others, including a BBC |
| recording van, and was disappointed. Later he received a telephone |
| call, “in an unearthly voice,” which reproached him for bringing the |
| others. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of |
| Humanoid Reports, case # 1956-12, citing Flying Saucer Review, Volume |
| 4, issue # 3, July 1958, p. 24). |
| |
| 1963 - Two men witnessed a UFO landing in Alta Gracia, Cordoba |
| Province, Argentina at 10:00 p.m. (Source: Gordon Creighton, Flying |
| Saucer Review, January-February 1966, p. 25). |
| |
| 1966 - At 5:15 a.m. a man named Nipper driving between Lennox and |
| Valdosta, Georgia near the town of Sparks saw a luminous object land |
| on the road; his car engine stalls, and his radio goes dead. |
| (Sources: Mona Darden, Fate magazine, June 1967, p. 66; Michael A. |
| Persinger, Space-Time Transients and Unusual Events, p. 59). |
| |
| 1966 - On this night two 17-year-old teenagers, a man and a woman, |
| were driving on Highway 1300 in El Campo, Wharton County, Texas when |
| they were pursued by a UFO. They first observed a dark, red object |
| land by the side of the road, and later it took off and started |
| following their car. (Sources: Houston Tribune, January 19, 1967; |
| APRO Bulletin, January-February 1967, p. 3; Jim & Coral Lorenzen, |
| UFOs over the Americas, p. 24; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, A |
| Century of Landings, case # 807; Flying Saucers, February 1968, |
| p. 23). |
| |
| 1967 - At 2:18 a.m. farmer Wilson Gusmao, who had been involved in |
| previous humanoid encounters, was awakened in Alexania, Goias State, |
| Brazil by a telepathic voice that called his name. He got out of bed |
| and upon raising the curtain he noticed a huge bright light resting |
| on the ground about 100 meters from his house. He attempted to wake |
| up his wife but to no avail. He also attempted to get his brother in |
| law to wake up, but with the same negative results. Walking to the |
| living room he could now clearly see a landed object encased in a |
| bright blue glow that was about five meters in diameter. He left a |
| written note to his wife, telling her that he was going to check a |
| landed "spacecraft," grabbed a flashlight, and walked outside. It was |
| raining very heavily at the time that Wilson approached the UFO, |
| getting to within three meters. A bright beam of light then struck |
| Wilson around the waist, causing him to levitate closer to the object |
| and completely paralyzing him. A door now opened and Wilson could see |
| the inside of the craft clearly. He saw four humanoids, all dressed |
| in tight-fitting coveralls. They wore a belts with large buckles that |
| had what looke like "piano keys" on them. The beings stared at Wilson |
| intently. Wilson somehow felt inferior when the humanoids watched |
| him. He described them as human looking with long blond hair. Their |
| skin appeared porcelain-white, as if they had never been exposed to |
| any sunlight. The leader of the group conversed with Wilson and gave |
| him several messages dealing with nuclear armaments on Earth. Wilson |
| was to have later contacts along with members of the Brazilian |
| defense establishment including General Uchoa. (Sources: David F. |
| Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # |
| 895, citing Methodios Kalkaslief; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact |
| Database 1967, citing Revista Brasileira de OVNIS). |
| 1967 - At 2:30 a.m. a Brazilian highway patrolman saw an immense |
| object near Americana, Sau Paulo State, Brazil "as high as a 15-story |
| building, apparently made of aluminum and with enormous rivets on |
| it." It descended and hovered 50 yards from the ground. It carried |
| searchlights too bright to look at, and made a loud humming sound |
| that made the patrolman's head ache. His police car would not start |
| and its lights went out, as well as the lights in the police booth, |
| but they came back on as soon as the object departed. (Sources: APRO |
| Bulletin, September-October 1968, p. 5; Richard F. Haines, CE-5: |
| Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, |
| HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-118, citing |
| Methodios Kalkaslief & Dr. Max Berezavsky). |
| |
| 1967 - At 7:15 p.m. three witnesses in Rockport, Maine had a close |
| encounter with a row of 8-10 blinking white lights, and a parallel |
| upper row of yellow lights, that seemed to be attached to a curved |
| surface of a flying object. (Source: Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: |
| Interplanetary Visitors, p. ). |
| |
| Rockport, Maine - 28 November 1967 |
| |
| [image] |
| |
| 1967 - At 10:20 p.m. near High River, Alberta, Canada a car radio |
| began fading in and out and the headlights and dashboard lights |
| dimmed. The witness then saw a bluish-green, elongated object to his |
| left. It was quite fuzzy and no details could be made out. He stopped |
| the car and heard a noise like a "jet motor," only very loud. The |
| object continued traveling on a straight line towards the east and |
| disappeared, whereupon the lights and radio then started operating |
| properly. (Sources: APRO Bulletin, January-February 1968, p. 5; Mark |
| Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 226, |
| citing CUFOS). |
| |
| 1968 - At 9:56 a.m. local time Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base |
| (RTAFB) in Nakhon Phanom, Thailand Ground Control Approach (GCA) |
| reported two low flying and slow moving objects approximately 13 |
| nautical miles (NM) south of the base. Contact with the UFOs was lost |
| when the objects were 9 NM west of the base. Sightings were confirmed |
| by radar. The Nakhon Phanom Command Post was informed that the |
| sightings "definitely were not ghosts." (Source: www.nicap.org, |
| citing Dan Wilson). |
| |
| 1968 - On this night students from the local Recoleta de Montevideo |
| School in Lima, Peru reported encountering a strange short humanoid |
| with an egg-shaped head and a blinking light on its chest area, and |
| what appeared to be a long antenna like protrusion on its back. It |
| appeared to have duck-like feet, and it was shorter than a 7-year-old |
| boy. A priest and a teacher also reported seeing the creature. |
| (Source: Albert S. Rosales, 1968 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, |
| citing Fabio Picasso). |
| |
| 1971 - On this day in Canoga Park, California a nocturnal light was |
| seen skimming the ground. Later investigation revealed three 38" |
| diameter imprints in an 18 foot triangle, and a burnt bush at the |
| site. (Source: Ted Phillips, Physical Traces Associated with UFO |
| Sightings, p. 79, case # 497). |
| |
| 1971 - At 8:00 p.m. a 52-year-old man had a close encounter with a |
| red light in Sedalia, Missouri, which was seen through falling snow. |
| (Source: Ted Phillips, Skylook, January 1972). |
| |
| 1972 - At 12.30 a.m. Alfonso Rey, age 62, was watching television in |
| his home in Tres Arroyos, Buenos Aires province, Argentina when the |
| TV picture went out. When he got up to check the TV he noticed a tall |
| being seated in an armchair at the opposite end of the room, wearing |
| a blue-green metallic coverall uniform, with helmet, boots, and a |
| black belt with a box attached. The being stood up, and was at least |
| 6.5 feet tall. Sr. Rey asked the being what he wanted, but got no |
| reply. Rey touched the being's hand, which felt cold and abnormally |
| soft, "like foam rubber". He could not describe the facial features |
| except for the eyes, which "seemed to emit a silvery light." Sr. Rey |
| went into the kitchen, followed by the strange visitor, and he |
| noticed that his refrigerator was not running normally. Sr. Rey also |
| noticed that his visitor seemed to be walking on air. Next the being |
| pressed some buttons on his belt apparatus, which caused an amber |
| light to come on. Then he walked to the backdoor, and looking up at |
| the sky pressed other buttons on his belt. The being went outside |
| into the yard, then vanished into thin air. That afternoon, at 4:20 |
| p.m. several patrons of a bar reported witnessing a similar looking |
| stranger in the bar at the corner of Calle Alsina and Calle Pringles, |
| in Tres Arroyos. Their descriptions matched those provided by Sr. |
| Rey. They said the stranger walked into the bar's bathroom and did |
| not emerge. (Source: Jane Thomas, FSR Case Histories, issue #14, |
| April 1973, p. 11; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of |
| Humanoid Reports, case 1972-35 ( A1180)). |
| |
| 1972 - In La Sarre, Abitibi, Quebec at 10:30 a.m. a nine-year-old |
| boy, Mario Mercier, was alone on an ice skating rink on a sunny day |
| when he observed a white, spherical cloud-like UFO land in a snowy |
| field 700 feet away. Three four-foot tall, square-shouldered beings |
| emerged, wearing black suits and black square-shaped helmets. One of |
| them carried a small black "kettle" that he proceeded to fill with |
| snow. He then walked to the Mercier family chicken house, and was |
| about to enter when the boy cried out. He then turned toward Mario, |
| who attempted to hide inside the rink's hockey net. The UFOnaut |
| walked back, and with one of the others, was seen to "climb" or |
| levitate into the "cloud." The UFO rose vertically swiftly. A 10 foot |
| circle of blackened grass was left behind, with rectangular tracks in |
| snow. It was two years before grass would grow again at the site. |
| (Sources: Jean Ferguson, UFO-Quebec, January 1976, p. 9; David F. |
| Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case |
| 1972-40 ( A1181); John Brent Musgrave. UFO Occupants and Critters, p. |
| 51). |
| |
| 1974 - A pilot, Hugo W. Feugen, flying over Shabonna, Illinois at |
| 12:10 a.m. had a close encounter with a 120 foot wide disc-shaped |
| object, with a dull silver color, that was flying parallel to his |
| Aeronca Champ airplane. His magnetic compass began rotating |
| counter-clockwise at 4-5 rpm. The circular object paced his aircraft |
| for 10 seconds, then suddenly tipped and shot away. It was out of |
| sight in less than one second. (Sources: Skylook, April 1975, p. 5; |
| Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters, p. 58; Richard H. Hall, The |
| UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, p. 121; Richard F. |
| Haines, A Preliminary Report of 64 Pilot Sightings Involving EM |
| Effects on Aircraft, p. 38). |
| |
| 1975 - At 3:30 a.m. an orange-red luminous disc-shaped object was |
| encountered in Mosciano Sant' Angelo, Abruzzi, Italy under some |
| electric power lines, moving slowly. (Source: Maurizio Verga, ITACAT, |
| case 75). |
| |
| 1975 - At 11:00 p.m. a UFO in Arendal, Norway caused lasting |
| physiological effects for two 75-year-old witnesses. (Source: CUFOS |
| files, report dated December 2, 1975). |
| |
| 1977 - Miguel da Silva Moreira, age 31, in Vila Mosqueiro, Para |
| state, Brazil witnessed red-yellow lights in the sky emitting blue |
| rays in all directions at 7:30 p.m. From a bigger object came two |
| small lights moving in opposite directions. Three minutes later |
| five more came, and flew off to the northeast. There were several |
| other independent reports of the same phenomenon that night from |
| Belem and Colares. (Source: Bob Pratt, Operacao Prato, pp. 37-39). |
| |
| 1978 - A woman sleeping in a caravan trailer in Channel, Tasmania, |
| Australia was disturbed by noises outside at two o'clock in the |
| morning. She went out to investigate and saw two short, squat |
| humanoid figures nearby. The upper half of the creatures was white, |
| and they were wearing some type of head cover. They seemed to be |
| moving their arms. The witness became frightened and went back |
| inside. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Sighting Reports |
| database, case # 47, citing Keith Roberts, TUFOIC Tasmania). |
| |
| 1978 - At 4:00 a.m. a witness driving in Holmes Chapel Junction, |
| Cheshire, England experienced bad radio static, then had a close |
| encounter with a large metallic object with a large light in front, |
| which approached the car and emitted two beams, one angled 45 degrees |
| up, the other angled 45 degrees down. The UFO had a bevelled bottom |
| and a fin-like tail. There was no trouble with the car engine. |
| (Source: Mark Cashman, Project 1947 EM Effects Catalog website). |
| |
| 1978 - On this morning Mr. & Mrs. K. in Keddie, Plumas County, |
| California had a close encounter with a UFO that involved a lapse of |
| time of 30 minutes experienced by the witnesses. (Sources: APRO |
| Bulletin, March 1979, p. 3; Cynthia Hind, MUFON UFO Journal, March |
| 1979, p. 3). |
| |
| 1978 - At 3:15 p.m. in Tome-Acu, Para State, Brazil 26-year-old Luiz |
| Gomes Freitas de Vale had a close encounter with a bright gray, |
| metallic oval-shaped UFO, which after buzzing him rose vertically at |
| great speed, and then maintained a horizontal position. (Source: Bob |
| Pratt, Operacion Prato, p. 56). |
| |
| 1978 - At 6:00 p.m. in Walsden, West Yorkshire, England a witness |
| reported having a close encounter with a neon-blue disc-shaped object |
| that was low and close for two minutes. (Source: Jenny Randles, Alien |
| Contacts and Abductions, p. 88). |
| |
| 1978 - At 8:30 p.m. a Mr. Helin had a close encounter with a UFO in |
| Vase, Sweden that lasted 10 minutes. (Source: UFO Information Sweden, |
| March 1979, p. 18). |
| |
| 1978 - At 10:30 p.m. a very bright, multi-colored, pencil-shaped |
| object flew directly over the highway in Lathrop, Michigan, |
| positioning itself above vehicles. It had orange, green, and blue |
| colored lights. Tire-like things appeared to be wrapped around it, |
| and it made no noise. Suddenly, it lit up the ground for five seconds |
| and shot away. (Source: Mike Nelson, Menominee Herald, December 15, |
| 1978). |
| |
| 1980 - Police constable Alan Godfrey, age 31, was on routine patrol |
| in Todmorden, West Yorkshire, England when at 5:05 a.m. he |
| encountered a metallic disc with a dome on top and a row of five |
| windows, blocking the road ahead. He fetl attracted to it, and |
| alternately frightened and secure while he sat in his patrol car. |
| When he attempted to alert headquarters to its presence he found that |
| his radio would not work. He then sketched the craft. The domed |
| metallic disc had the rowof windows, was luminous, and had additional |
| lights on top and bottom. The central section was spinning; bushes |
| beneath it were agitated. Abruptly, he found himself one hundred |
| yards farther down the road than he had been, and the UFO was gone. |
| He had a vague recollection of getting out of his car and looking for |
| the object, and hearing a voice, and he had 15 minutes of missing |
| time. When he returned to the car it would not start. |
| |
| Later, under hypnosis, Godfrey recalled that he lost consciousness |
| after a beam of light from the object struck him. Then he felt |
| himself floating into the craft and meeting a human-like being named |
| Joseph. The UFO occupant was six feet tall, and friendly in demeanor; |
| Joseph had a thin nose, a beard, and mustache. He wore a skullcap and |
| was clad in a robe, making him look something like a Biblical |
| prophet. A large black dog accompanied him. The room also contained |
| eight metallic robots, each about three and a half feet tall, with |
| headgear like lampshades, which were making a sort of murmuring |
| chatter. Whenever they touched Godfrey, beeping sounds emanated from |
| them. Joseph directed Godfrey to a bed. He thought about resisting, |
| but instead lay down on the bed, where a beam of light from the |
| ceiling shone down on him. Communicating by telepathy, Joseph touched |
| his head, and Godfrey lapsed into unconsciousness for a while. The |
| robots removed Godfrey's shoes and studied his toes. Meanwhile, |
| instruments were placed on his arms and legs , which caused him |
| discomfort to the point of sickness. There was a sickly odor that |
| permeated his nostrils, and he closed his eyes from time to time. |
| Joseph asked him questions, but Godfrey would refuse to tell |
| investigators what they were. The alien told Godfrey that they had |
| met before, apparently when Godfrey was a child. After the incident, |
| he had a split in the sole of his boot, and a bruise on his foot. EM |
| effects were the failure of two different radio systems (UHF and |
| VHF). Three other cops saw a bright light moving toward Todmorden at |
| the time of Godfrey's abduction experience. (Sources: Jenny Randles, |
| FSR, August 1981, p. 4; UNICAT, case # 786; Richard H. Hall, The UFO |
| Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, pp. 561-562; John Wallace |
| Spencer, World Atlas of UFOs, p. 115; Thomas E. Bullard, UFO |
| Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery. Volume 2: Catalogue of Cases, |
| case # 102; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Sighting Reports database, |
| case # 386, citing Janet & Colin Bord, Modern Mysteries of Britain, |
| and Jenny Randles, The Pennine UFO Mystery). |
| |
| 1981 - On this evening Deputy Sheriff Hendsbee, his wife, and four |
| others in other cars had a close encounter with a blinding light on |
| State Route 43 in Madison, southwest of Starks, Maine. It paced the |
| sheriff's car and prevented their passage, forcing a detour onto SR |
| 148. The incident lasted more than 20 minutes. (Sources: Maine |
| Telegram, December 1, 1981; Michael Kimball, Yankee magazine, April |
| 1982, p. 76; Robert Gribble, MUFON UFO Journal, 19911121; Richard F. |
| Haines, CE-5: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, p. 199; UNICAT, |
| case # 482). |
| |
| 1989 - In Evansville, Indiana a security guard at 1:30 a.m. saw a |
| slow moving orange ball that later had a steady red light. (Source: |
| Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-94, citing |
| MUFON Indiana). |
| |
| 1990 - A woman driving in Norwood, Massachusetts on a clear day at |
| 11:35 a.m. saw an object descend over an airport runway, hover, then |
| move over a nearby hill, and finally fly out of view. The object was |
| described as a gray oval-shaped object, perhaps 20 feet in diameter, |
| which made no sound. She concluded that psychic interaction between |
| her and the object caused the UFO's maneuvers. The encounter lasted 3 |
| minutes. (Source: Morton Schafer, MUFON field investigation case |
| files, case # 901203). |
| |
| 1995 - A military security camera and several witnesses saw discs and |
| other smaller objects maneuver over the military arsenal in Lugo, |
| Leon, Spain beginning at 8:30 p.m. for 28 minutes. Photos and video |
| documented the event. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case |
| # 17157). |
| |
| 1995 - On this night near Vega Baja, Arecebo, Puerto Rico Jesus |
| Medina Montes reported that he found half of his herd of steers with |
| several bizarre wounds on their backs. Some of the cows also had a |
| viscous slime around their necks. Later that night, Irene Mercado and |
| her nine-year-old niece reported seeing a large creature shaped like |
| a bird that fluttered away while making a loud noise with its mouth. |
| (Source: Albert S. Rosales, 1995 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, |
| case # 3288, citing Scott Corrales, Chupacabras and Other Mysteries). |
| |
| 1996 - Southwest of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil a luminous |
| flying object paced an Orion aircraft for several minutes, then |
| zipped away rapidly to the north. (Source: Joseph Trainor, UFO |
| Roundup, Volume 1, issue 43; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # |
| 17494; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 48). |
| |
| 2000 - Several witnesses in Oakville, Ontario, Canada first saw six |
| chevron or V-shaped craft fly and land behind a hill at around nine |
| o'clock in the morning. They went closer to see better and saw eight |
| of the objects, three of them already on the ground. All of the craft |
| appeared to be damaged. Four beings, with light brown skin and large |
| oval-shaped eyes, came out of one of the objects and seemed to |
| inspect their craft. When they turned around and saw the witnesses |
| there next was a loud, piercing noise, causing the witnesses to lose |
| consciousness. When they recovered consciousness, all of the craft |
| had gone, and they discovered several puncture wounds in their skin. |
| After the experience their watches were all four hours behind the |
| correct time. One of the witnesses subsequently suffered from |
| nightmares, when she dreamed she saw similar looking beings inserting |
| needles into her body. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact |
| Database 2000, case # 3621, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO |
| Reporting Center, Nov. 2000 webpage, report uploaded December 20, |
| 2000). |
| |
| 2000 - A domed disc-shaped object flew over North Miami Beach, |
| Florida at 6:42 p.m., heading to the west. Three or more nocturnal |
| lights followed the disc, which had both steady and blinking lights |
| on its top. The sighting lasted approximately 40 seconds. (Source: |
| George Filer, Filer's Files, 2000, issue 48; Larry Hatch, U computer |
| database, case # 18150). |
| |
| 2002 - At 10:30 a.m. a large, black, flying wing was seen low over a |
| field near a highway south of St. Cloud, Minnesota during the |
| daytime. (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, |
| November 2002 webpage). |
| |
| 2002 - In Niles, Illinois Walter Lawrence witnessed a formation of |
| four cylindrical or cigar-shaped UFOs at 3:30 p.m. which were seen |
| north-northeast of O'Hare International Airport for 45 seconds. They |
| hung in the sky, made no sound, then three of them shot off rapidly |
| to the east. The fourth went south and was lost from view in the |
| haze. (Source: George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: |
| Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 126, citing NUFORC). |
| |
| 2006 - At 6:42 p.m. three metallic disc-shaped objects were seen |
| flying at low altitude over Montreal, Quebec, travelling at slow |
| speed. (Source: Geoff Dittman, 2006 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 695, |
| citing HBCCUFO). |
| |
| 2008 - A glowing, silvery-colored cylinder was seen in the sky during |
| the daylight hours in Skokie, Illinois at 3:40 p.m. The sighting |
| lasted eight minutes. (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO |
| Reporting Center, November 2008 webpage, report uploaded January 10, |
| 2009). |
| |
| 2009 - At 10:52 p.m. a black, triangular UFO with orange lights flew |
| over Petersburg, a small central Illinois town in Menard County. It |
| had three brownish-orange circles with a dark center which appeared |
| in a triangular formation for 10 seconds. (Source:Peter Davenport, |
| National UFO Reporting Center, November 2009 webpage, report uploaded |
| December 12, 2009). |
| |
| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 30 November 2012). |
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| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
| |
| Themes: abductions; blue u |
| niforms; boomerang or V-shaped UFOs; car pursuits; cylindrical UFOs; |
| compass deflection; dwarf humanoids; disc-shaped UFOs; domed discs; g |
| round traces; hairy dwarves; human looking UFOnauts; humming sounds; |
| levitation; spheres; multi-year reports from Argentina, Brazil, Engla |
| nd, Illinois, Maine and Massachusetts; Nordic looking UFOnauts; physi |
| ological effects: bruise on foot during abduction with missing time; |
| power failure of household appliances; silent UFOs; telepathy; triang |
| ular UFOs; vehicle EM ignition interference effects; vertical ascent. |
| |
| © Donald A. Johnson |
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