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synced 2025-03-03 12:19:28 -05:00
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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
| |
| February 26 |
| |
| 1951 - Ladd AFB, Alaska. At 7:10 a.m. USAF Sgt. J. B. Sells watched a |
| dull gray metallic object, estimated to be 120 feet long and 10-12 |
| feet thick. The UFO hovered, puffed smoke, and sped away after about |
| 90 seconds. (Source: Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns). |
| |
| 1954 - Architect R.M. Pierce, Marine Engineer George Avery and one |
| other witness sighted a silver flying disc at 2:30 p.m. in |
| Newburyport, Massachusetts. It had a white trail and made a loud |
| roaring noise for 30-60 seconds. (Source: Don Berliner, Project |
| Bluebook UFO Unknowns). |
| |
| 1966 - Hanna City, Illinois - An oval object about 15-20 feet in |
| diameter came within three meters of a car around 8:00 p.m. There was |
| interference on the car radio as it passed nearby. The object was |
| glowing red with a dome on top and it made a strange "signal-like" |
| noise. It eventually moved off to the north. (Sources: Jacques |
| Vallee, Passport to Magonia; A Century of Landings; Mark Rodeghier, |
| UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 165, citing Vallee). |
| |
| 1967 - At 6:00 p.m. local time a low flying, bullet-shaped object |
| flew over Dublin Airport, Ireland. It gave off blue and yellow |
| flashes. (Sources: NICAP files, press clipping dated February 27, |
| 1967; Dermot Butler, Conspiracy of Silence: UFOs in Ireland, p. 20). |
| |
| 1967 - One hour later, a sound like a car without a muffler woke up a |
| school teacher and her husband in Marlboro, Massachusetts at two |
| o'clock in the morning EST. They looked outside and saw a white |
| glowing egg-shaped object with a red light on each side in the |
| sky, swinging back-and-forth in a pendulum motion making a purring |
| sound. At 6:30 p.m. five people in Oxford, Massachusetts, including a |
| newspaper reporter, saw a bright amber oval-shaped object which at |
| times turned red. The UFO alternately hovered and moved at high |
| speed. The reporter took a photograph of the object. (Sources: (1) |
| Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 345; Raymond E. |
| Fowler, Casebook of a UFO Investigator, p. 164; (2) Worcester |
| (MA) Evening Gazette, February 27, 1967; NICAP files). |
| |
| Marlboro, Massachusetts UFO with Pendulum Motion - 1967 |
| |
| [Sketch of Marlboro, Massachusetts UFO - 1967] |
| |
| 1967 - At 3:45 p.m. EST a married couple named Young in Abbotsford, |
| Pennsylvania saw a small gray object approach just above the treetops |
| and hover for about two minutes, glowing like white-hot metal and |
| wobbling while stationary. The object moved slowly across the |
| highway, stopped, then finally moved away to the west-southwest and |
| disappeared after five minutes. (Source: NICAP report form dated |
| March 28, 1967). |
| 1967 - At 7:30 p.m. nine witnesses including four policemen |
| in Wiarton, southeastern Ontario, Canada saw a bright shining |
| object with body lights changing color from white to green. The |
| UFO appeared to have streamers of light around it. It flitted |
| about, hovered, and then disappeared. (Sources: London (ON) Free |
| Press, February 27, 1967; NICAP files; Gene Duplantier, Saucers, |
| Space & Science, Summer 1967, p. 7). |
| 1967 - At 7:45 p.m. two policemen, Edie and Border, in Coshocton, |
| Ohio saw two light-colored saucers of different sizes with associated |
| red flames. The larger object was stationary and the smaller |
| satellite object moved about it. The two objects moved in and out of |
| sight together. Other residents reportedly also had |
| sightings. (Sources: Dover (OH) Daily Reporter, February 28, |
| 1967; NICAP files). |
| |
| 1968 - An unidentified man in Phoenix, Arizona was awakened at one |
| a.m. by a sharp knock on his door. "I saw a man standing in my room |
| at some distance...wearing dark clothing...I couldn't see his |
| face...he was slender and not tall, perhaps five feet nine. He |
| changed position a few times...and then he was gone." (Sources: David |
| F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, |
| citing John A. Keel, Strange Creatures from Time and Space; Albert S. |
| Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, case 39). |
| 1968 - A huge, hairy creature was seen drinking from a pond in |
| Curbarsi, Barcelona province, Spain during the daytime. Upon |
| discovery by the owners of the property the creature fled. It matched |
| the description by a passing motorist of a large hairy biped seen |
| crossing the road several days earlier in Hostalrich. (Sources: David |
| F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, |
| citing FSR, July-August 1968; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact |
| Database 1968, case 40). |
| |
| 1971 - At 10:30 p.m. Mr. Robert Milcher, age 18, and a 10-year-old |
| boy in Brooksville, Florida saw a hovering UFO at least 50 feet in |
| diameter. It had red lights and a searchlight like beam, which |
| responded to their flashlight signals. Inside a lighted dome were |
| 6-10 occupants dressed in green coveralls standing around a control |
| panel. They waved at the witnesses. The two boys felt a numbness and |
| stinging sensation in their arms and wrists. When the UFO departed, |
| it emitted a sound like a swarm of bees. (Source: David F. Webb and |
| Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1971-11, |
| citing William H. Lefevre, Florida UFO Study Group). |
| |
| 1973 - Helene, age 14, was riding the family snowmobile near |
| McWaters, Quebec with her two brothers and seven other teenaged |
| friends, all on snowmobiles, when at around 9 p.m. a giant |
| "headlight" rose from behind them and flew over, illuminating the |
| entire landscape. After it had gone, all the boys went off on a race, |
| leaving Helene behind. The brilliant light source then reappeared and |
| flew back over her. She estimated it was 60 feet in diameter. |
| Suddenly its light went out, and Helene thought it must have been a |
| plane that had crashed somewhere behind her. She turned her |
| snowmobile around and drove back about 150 meters, then got off and |
| walked toward a very large dark bulk that she could make out among |
| some trees. When she was about 50 feet from it a small, cold hand |
| came from over her shoulder and seized her by the chin, attempting to |
| drag her backwards. Thinking it must be her younger brother playing a |
| joke, she broke free and pushed her attacker back so that he fell |
| down into the snow. Turning to face him, she saw a childlike figure |
| smaller than her 13-year-old brother sitting in the snow. She ran |
| back to her snowmobile and grabbed a flashlight, and turned it on the |
| person who was now walking slowly toward her. She saw it was a being |
| less than four feet tall, clad in a dark, close fitting uniform with |
| a "plated" surface, and wearing a helmet covering the head down to |
| the chin. A visor on the helmet reflected the light from the |
| flashlight, and the being's enormous eyes shone brightly in the |
| light, like those of a cat. Terrified, Helene dropped the flashlight, |
| ran to the snowmobile, and fled on it. She was joined by the other |
| snowmobilers, who were returning for her. Her left arm was paralyzed, |
| so she was taken to a doctor at Rouyn, who gave her a sedative. The |
| next day several people went out to the landing site, where they |
| found a large patch of snow melted down to the ground. It was 50 feet |
| in diameter and shaped like a donut. Next to it were the footprints |
| of two small bipeds, a few yards away from each other. The tracks |
| were short and wide with a large protruding great toe. (Source: David |
| F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case |
| 1973-84, citing Jean Ferguson, Les Humanoides). |
| |
| 1975 - At about 8:45 p.m. a professional man and his companion were |
| on a fishing holiday at a lakeside camp on Lake Sorrell, Tasmania. |
| The main witness was also a former Royal Australian Air Force aircrew |
| member. He saw three glowing objects in the northeast sky, one |
| smaller than the other two, and watched them for some time since they |
| appeared unusual. Then he noticed they were not moving in the same |
| direction as the clouds. Two of the objects moved closer to him and |
| hovered, then receded, intermittently obscurred by clouds. Each had a |
| pulsating red light on the underside. The closer object also had a |
| row of red lights around the rim that were either changing from red |
| to white or rotating. After several minutes the clouds, which had |
| temporarily obscurred the UFOs, started to glow and he saw one object |
| emerge and travel in an easterly direction, stopping over the north |
| shore of the lake. The second object was visible further to the |
| north, stationary over Mount Penny. The main object was now very |
| clearly defined with the red pulsating light very strong. It remained |
| in the area for 8 to 10 minutes. After a bank of clouds went through |
| with a passing storm, the object reappeared, glowed brightly, and |
| suddenly zoomed toward the witnesses "at phenomenal speed." It |
| stopped abruptly 900 meters away and 150 meters up. A brilliant, |
| cone-shaped light beam was projected down toward the lake and swept |
| across the terrain, illuminating the side of the mountain. Then it |
| swept back across the lake beneath the object and faded out. The |
| surface of the lake glowed a flourescent blue. The object then shot |
| away to the northeast "at a colossal speed." The second object sped |
| off in the same direction at the same time. Radio interference was |
| reported at the time. (Sources: APRO Bulletin, July 1975, p. 1; FSR, |
| April 1977, p. 30; Geoffrey Falla, BUFORA Vehicle Interference |
| Project Report, case 73; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume |
| II: A Thirty Year Report, pp. 220-221). |
| |
| Lake Sorell, Tasmania, Australia Close Encounter - 1975 |
| |
| [Sketch of Lake Sorell, Tasmania UFO - 1975] |
| |
| 1979 - Ernaldo Camusoni, age 49, was clearing an overgrown field at |
| the entrance to a farm in Serodino, Santa Fe province, Argentina late |
| in the evening after 8 p.m. when everything became illuminated behind |
| him, turning the darkness into day. When he turned around he saw an |
| approaching object land 40 meters away from him. He tried to make out |
| what the object looked like, but the light emanating from it was too |
| intense to capture much detail. The shape was like a truncated cone. |
| As he approached the object, he saw a strange luminous figure emerge |
| from the rear of the craft. The figure appeared to be robot-like in |
| nature, lacking any arms, and it did not move its body when it |
| walked. Its head appeared to be of normal size, but it had what |
| appeared to be a trunk-like object coming from the area of the face. |
| It wore a very shiny outfit. The robot entity walked towards the |
| witness, approached to within three meters, and stood silently, |
| seemingly observing the witness. Camusoni didn't feel afraid, but did |
| feel curiosity towards the strange entity. Apparently the creature |
| did not want to communicate since it suddenly wheeled around, |
| returning to the object and disappeared behind it. The craft then |
| rose up and disappeared at high speed towards the south, making a |
| rushing sound. The whole encounter lasted five minutes. Ground traces |
| were found the next day. (Source: UNICAT database, case #601, citing |
| Oscar Alemanno, Quarta Dimension). |
| |
| 1983 - A mother and daughter named O'Driscoll, driving near the |
| frozen White Pond in Kent Cliffs, Putnam County, New York at around 8 |
| p.m. saw a silent, multi-colored 200-300 foot wide boomerang-shaped |
| object with many lights, at a minimum distance of 100 meters, which |
| seemed to respond to their thoughts. It had a criss-cross lattice |
| structure and tubes on its underneath side. Their car radio |
| experience RF interference. Another independent witness that night |
| saw probably the same object, a V-shaped array of 50 lights with the |
| colors amber, red, and blue. (Sources: J. Allen Hynek and Philip |
| Imbrogno, Night Seige, p. 8; UNICAT database, case 209, citing J. |
| Allen Hynek; Richard F. Haines, CE-5: Close Encounters of the Fifth |
| Kind, p. 156). |
| |
| 1984 - Project Hessdalen ends its instrumented study in the Hessdalen |
| Valley of Norway, near Roros. Nocturnal lights were seen all over the |
| sky, and appeared to "climb" up the mountains, then flash. Observers |
| were hit by a spotlight at 3:10 a.m. on this date. (Source: Richard |
| H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 246). |
| |
| 1994 - A witness in a residential area of Rosyth, Fife, Scotland took |
| two photographs of a saucer-shaped object before he was temporarily |
| paralyzed and frozen in place. The object hovered close by for 15 |
| minutes. (Sources: UFO Newspaper Clipping Service, June 1994; Larry |
| Hatch, U computer database, case 16318). |
| |
| 1997 - A man was driving to work near Lee, New Hampshire when he saw |
| four balls of white light zigzag in unison over some nearby power |
| lines. They then hovered about 50 feet from the ground looking a |
| little blurry. The witness continued driving east on the road and ten |
| minutes later saw the same lights again over a bog. At this point he |
| began to hear voices inside his head. Now having stomach pains, he |
| heard the voices warn him against studying UFOs. He then asked |
| several questions, which the voices answered. When he came upon some |
| large pine trees there was a blinding flash of orange light, and he |
| felt his vehicle being lifted up. He then apparently lost |
| consciousness. He woke up an hour later inside his vehicle. (Source: |
| Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1997, case # 2800, |
| citing ISUR). |
| |
| 2000 - Three disc-shaped objects, estimated to be three times the |
| size of 747s, were sighted flying in a V-shaped formation over |
| Waterford, Ontario. They made a 90 degree turn together. The sighting |
| lasted two minutes. (Source: Geoff Dittman, 2000 Canadian UFO Survey, |
| case 34). |
| |
| 2006 - In the late afternoon in Toronto, Ontario a witness was asked |
| by his mother to come outside and check out a strange sight. Together |
| they witnessed a disc-shaped object with a light underneath. It was |
| moving slowly through the sky, and appeared to be accompanied by many |
| conventional aircraft. (Source: Geoff Dittman, 2006 Canadian UFO |
| Survey, case # 69, citing NUFORC). |
| |
| 2007 - A motorist driving down the highway in Sacramento, California |
| at 11:00 a.m. saw a cigar-shaped craft with a red light in the |
| middle. The sighting lasted 15 seconds. Another cigar-shaped object |
| was sighted in San Pedro, Los Angeles County, California at 3:48 p.m. |
| The bottom of the object was red and the rest was white. The second |
| sighting lasted 30 seconds. (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO |
| Reporting Center, Seattle, Feb. 2007 website, reports uploaded Mar. |
| 8, 2007). |
| |
| 2008 - At 1:00 a.m. an upside down, white colored V-shaped craft flew |
| over Long Beach, California. A large cigar-shaped object that spawned |
| 8 to 10 or more bright saucer-shaped bright luminous objects, flew |
| over San Fernando, California at 3:30 p.m. At 9:00 p.m. witnesses in |
| Green Valley, Pima County, Arizona saw a triangular craft over the |
| hills to the east, far off in the distance. The craft appeared to |
| remain very stationary, but at times would move. (Source: Peter |
| Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Feb. 2008 website, |
| report uploaded Mar. 4, 2008). |
| |
| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 25 February 2010). |
| |
| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
| |
| Themes: boomerang UFO; buzzing sound; cigar-shaped UFO; |
| daylight discs; domed discs; humanoids without UFO; hairy humanoid; |
| roaring noise; metallic gray or silver UFOs; missing time; ovoid UFOs |
| ; physiological effects: numbness, paralysis, and stinging sensations |
| ; robot-like humanoid; short humanoids; smoke; RF interference; telep |
| athy; triangular UFO; UFO responds to light signal, zigzag maneuvers. |
| |
| © Donald A. Johnson |
| |
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