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synced 2025-03-30 02:28:10 -04:00
177 lines
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177 lines
13 KiB
| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
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| April 30 |
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| 1944 - On this night at 9:00 p.m. a reddish orange glowing light |
| followed an RAF Beaufighter from the 600th Squadron flying over |
| Anzio, Italy during World War II. The two members of the crew |
| reported that the light appeared to be doing evasive maneuvers. |
| (Source: Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, case 7, citing |
| Jan Aldrich, Project 1947). |
| |
| 1948 - At 10:15 a.m. at the Anacostia Naval Air Station on the |
| Potomac River in Washington, D. C. a yellow sphere was spotted moving |
| from the south to north at a constant altitude, 1000 feet below an |
| aircraft. It flew in the opposite direction of the wind, and crossed |
| over the no-fly zone over the nation's Capitol. (Source: Jan Aldrich |
| Jan, Project 1947 website, citing USAF Office of Defense Intelligence |
| 1948). |
| |
| 1950 - At around 8:00 p.m. police and five other independent |
| witnesses in Savannah, Georgia reported seeing an upside-down, |
| hat-shaped disc with small fins. It was an estimated 15 meters in |
| diameter. It hovered for a few seconds, then shot off toward the |
| southeast. (Source: newspaper clipping, May 1, 1950; Michael Hitt, |
| Georgia UFO Phenomenon 1947-1987, p. 11). |
| |
| 1952 - At 6:00 p.m. two whitish-silver disc-shaped objects rumbled |
| high in the sky over a valley in Korea at the front lines of the |
| Korean War, according to military witnesses Webb, Jones, and Smith. |
| Later two anomalous holes, 25 feet apart and two feet wide by 7.5 |
| feet wide, were found in the ground. (Source: Richard F. Haines, |
| Advanced Aerial Devices Reported During the Korean War, p. 63). |
| |
| 1955 - In Travis County, Texas USAF Intelligence Officer Major L. J. |
| Pagozalski sighted four black objects at 7:30 a.m. flying in a |
| cluster. They made a whooshing sound like a zephyr. The sighting was |
| very brief and lasted for only 2-3 seconds. (Sources: Project Blue |
| Book files counted in official statistics, case #3517; Don Berliner, |
| Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns). |
| |
| 1958 - A craft 10 meters in diameter came to rest on a hillside in El |
| Padul, Spain at dusk. It was sighted by two witnesses named Leyva and |
| Sanchez. A short time later the UFO flew away towards Baza, leaving a |
| yellow trail. (Source: Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, FSR, July 1971, |
| p. 10). |
| |
| 1962 - On this night Eugenio Siragusa, age 43, claimed to have met |
| two men of normal height on Mount Mangre on the island of Sicily in |
| Italy. They were clad in diver's suits, and had belts emitting an |
| intermittent yellowish-green and blue light. They delivered to him a |
| message of peace in Italian. The voice he heard had a metallic tone. |
| A dazzling, 15 meter in diameter saucer-shaped craft was seen on the |
| ground nearby. (Sources: Roberto Pinotti, Flying Saucers, |
| January-February 1966, p. 57; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: |
| Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0526; Jacques Vallee, Passport |
| to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 531, citing Flying Saucer |
| Review, January 1963). |
| |
| 1964 - Gloria Biggs, her husband, and her mother observed a brown, |
| dome-shaped object on a hilltop about 17 kilometers west of Baker, |
| California on U. S. Highway 91. They lost sight of it for a moment, |
| could not see it again, and found only a depression in the ground at |
| the supposed landing site. (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to |
| Magonia: A Century of Landings, Case 600). |
| |
| 1964 - An Air Force RB-57 bomber flying over the Stallion Missile |
| Test Site in New Mexico radioed that they saw a white ovoid object |
| land. Photo reconnaisance was ordered. (Source: Coral E. Lorenzen, |
| Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer |
| Space, p. 224). |
| |
| 1964 - At 10:30 p.m. several adults saw an elongated glowing object |
| in Canyon Ferry, Utah. Two children saw the lighted craft land, then |
| take off. Four rectangular indentations were found at the landing |
| site. (Source: Jim & Coral Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, p. 104). |
| |
| 1966 - At 3:15 a.m. Anita Miller saw a light moving around in the sky |
| for 2.5 hours over Sacramento, California. (Source: Don Berliner, |
| Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns). |
| |
| 1968 - In Ipswich, Massachusetts a round gray object reflecting a |
| flashing red light on its underside hovered low over some trees. It |
| dropped behind the trees, then shot straight up, hovered, and |
| streaked away at great speed. (Source: Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: |
| Interplanetary Visitors, p. 353; Raymond E. Fowler case files, report |
| dated May 1, 1968). |
| |
| Ipswich, Massachusetts - 1968 |
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| [] |
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| 1971 - At 7:45 p.m. Mr. Abrahamsson and his family saw a 10 meter |
| wide domed disc with a transparent dome fly slowly toward the |
| northwest at 60 kph in Asenhoga, Sweden. It had small portholes along |
| the side, and a green light. In Huskvarna, Sweden two married couples |
| also saw a large cigar-shaped object at the same time. (Sources: (1) |
| GICOFF Sweden, May 1971, p. 16; Sven-Olof Fredrickson, FSR, |
| September-October 1971, p. 9; (2) GICOFF Sweden, September 1971, p. |
| 7). |
| |
| 1973 - Four teenagers driving between Kinchela and Gladstone, New |
| South Wales, Australia saw a bright yellow domed disc or domed-ovoid |
| craft dive quickly toward the ground. They saw a glow from a field a |
| mile from road that they presumed was the landing site. However, when |
| they drove towards it, their vehicle's headlights blacked out. |
| (Source: Eileen Buckle, FSR, April 1976, p. 4; Mark Rodeghier, UFO |
| Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 56). |
| |
| 1974 - At shortly before 10:00 p.m. in Altamont, New York a young |
| girl looked out a window of the nursing home where her mother worked |
| and saw what looked like a car parked on a hillside. She told her |
| mother who also looked out. They thought it might have been a car |
| accident at first since they saw red lights. There appeared to be a |
| golden glow coming from the object. The two left the building to get |
| a closer look. Neighborhood dogs were barking and horses in a field |
| were also making noise. As they got closer they could see a huge |
| oval-shaped object resting on a road. It had a rounded window on top |
| that emanated a golden glow, and the red lights were coming from the |
| front and rear of the craft. They then noticed an indistinct |
| "egg-shaped" figure moving around inside the craft. Another employee |
| of the nursing home and the woman's husband also witnessed the object |
| when he came to pick them up. The UFO rose up into the sky and |
| disappeared quickly into the dark sky. There was a large burned area |
| 60 feet in diameter at the landing site. (Sources: Ted Bloecher, |
| NICAP UFO Investigator, November 1974, p. 1; Ted Bloecher, 1975 MUFON |
| UFO Symposium Proceedings, p. 56; Margaret Sachs, Celestial |
| Passengers). |
| |
| 1989 - On this night a family of nine was spending a night at an |
| abandoned cemetery near Moscow, Russia by the river's shore, when a |
| strong light suddenly woke them in the middle of the night. They |
| watched as a large sphere landed on the riverbank. Two figures then |
| appeared in front of the sphere. The lower part of their bodies were |
| black and the upper parts were yellow in color. The sphere and the |
| humanoids suddenly vanished in plain sight. (Source: Albert S. |
| Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, case # 717, citing Richard F |
| Haines, Joint USA-CIS |
| Aerial Anomaly Federation Report). |
| |
| 1993 - At 2:05 a.m. a 30-year-old man went outside in Millville, |
| Massachusetts and saw lights approach to a distance of 3,000 feet. |
| The object was shaped like a triangular and had several red lights on |
| it. He waved his arm and saw a white light at the rear move to the |
| center and beam directly into his eyes for a few seconds. The object |
| continued in flight until it moved out of sight, at an estimated |
| speed of 200 mph. It made no sound as it flew. (Sources: MUFON UFO |
| Journal, November 1993, p. 17, field investigator Morton Schafer; |
| Richard F. Haines, CE-5: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, p. 81). |
| |
| 2001 - At around 3:00 a.m. a night watchman in Caronno Pertusella, |
| Italy saw a domed disc-shaped UFO become a cigar shaped object, then |
| zigzag away. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case #17837, |
| citing CISU). |
| |
| 2002 - A silent boomerang-shaped object with no lights was sighted at |
| 9:45 p.m. in Kelowna, British Columbia. It looked like a hang glider |
| in the night sky, considerably after sunset. (Source: Geoff Dittman, |
| UFO Research Manitoba, 2002 Canadian UFO Survey, case 154, citing |
| Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle). |
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| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 20 November 2004) |
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| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
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| Theme |
| s: black UFOs, communication with UFOnauts in Italian, dome-shaped an |
| d domed disc-shaped UFOs, erratic maneuvering UFO, human looking UFOn |
| auts, landing traces, multi-year reports from Italy and Massachusetts |
| , ovoid UFOs, shape changing UFO, silent UFOs, triangular and boomera |
| ng shaped UFOs, vertical ascent, wartime encounters, whooshing sound. |
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