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synced 2025-03-27 00:58:12 -04:00
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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
| |
| April 22 |
| |
| 1897 - John M. Barclay of Rockland, Texas was intrigued when his dog |
| started barking furiously at 11:30 p.m. and he heard a high-pitched |
| noise. He went outside and saw a flying object circling five meters |
| above the ground. It was elongated with protrusions and blinding |
| lights. It went dark when it landed. A man who told him his purpose |
| was peaceful met Barclay and requested some common hardware items to |
| repair the craft. He paid with a ten-dollar bill. The craft took off |
| "like a bullet out of a gun." (Source: Houston Post, April 22, 1897). |
| |
| 1897 - On or about this same night Frank Nichols, who lived two miles |
| east of Josserand, Texas and was one of its most respected citizens, |
| was awakened around midnight by the noise from a machine. Looking |
| outside, he saw a heavy, illuminated object land in his wheat field. |
| He walked toward it but was stopped by two men who asked permission |
| to draw water from his well. He then had a discussion with a |
| half-dozen men who were the crew of the strange craft. He said they |
| told how it worked but he could not follow the explanation. (Sources: |
| Houston Post, April 26, 1897; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A |
| Century of Landings, pp. 184-185). |
| |
| 1950 - On this morning in Princeton, Missouri several farmers, |
| including one named Kincaid, saw a flying disc speed by, leaving a |
| trail of white smoke. (Source: Loren E. Gross, UFOs, A History: 1950: |
| April-July, p. 31). |
| |
| 1952 - Six military witnesses saw a white elliptical object, three |
| feet in diameter and blinking regularly fly over Naha Air Force Base |
| in Okinawa, Japan at 9:00 p.m. Two more similar looking discs then |
| followed the first, then two more in a procession passed over flying |
| east to west. (Sources: Project Blue Book files counted in official |
| statistics, case 1144; Loren E. Gross, UFOs: A History. 1952: |
| January-May, p. 54; Richard F. Haines, Project Delta: A Study of |
| Multiple UFO, p. 181; UNICAT, case # 814). |
| |
| 1952 - At 12:30 p.m. MDT, three hours after an atomic bomb test |
| explosion, Mrs. M. Kennedy saw a propeller shaped object moving at |
| high speed and high altitude across the sky from Temple Bar on the |
| Colorado River, Nevada. It took only a few seconds to come into view |
| and then go completely across the sky, heading toward the southeast. |
| (Source: Edward Sullivan, Civilian Saucer Intelligence--Los Angeles |
| files, letter dated June 5, 1952). |
| |
| 1952 - At 12:15 p.m. PDT three disc-shaped objects were sighted |
| flying toward the east in a V formation north of Condon, Oregon. They |
| were bottom on the bottom and had silver tops. The larger disc turned |
| and led the formation. (Sources: Project Blue Book files counted in |
| official statistics; Loren E. Gross, UFOs: A History. 1952: |
| January-May, p. 52). |
| |
| 1954 - American military personnel saw a cigar-shaped object of a |
| gray color come down to the ground on San Nicholas Island on the |
| California coast. Smoke was seen to rise from where it landed, but a |
| search yielded no results. At 11:00 p.m. in Hot Springs, Arkansas a |
| ten-foot diameter sphere chased men on foot and in their car. It |
| dodged a beam of light that was directed at it. (Sources: Project |
| Blue Book files counted in official statistics; Jacques Vallee, |
| Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 206; APRO Bulletin, |
| September-October 1954). |
| |
| 1955 - At 7:45 a.m. a ten-meter diameter Saturn-shaped sphere flew |
| slowly over a road in Tintinara, South Australia, then made a |
| ninety-degree turn. It then sped away to the northeast. (Sources: |
| Australian Centre for UFO Studies, case SA55001; Richard Hall, The |
| UFO Evidence (Volume 1), p. 135). |
| |
| 1957 - A 10:00 p.m. four silent, odd-colored ovoid objects giving off |
| smoke zigzagged across the sky for four minutes in Daegu, Korea. |
| (Source: Flying Saucer Review, volume 3, number 4; Larry Hatch, U |
| computer database, case # 4865). |
| |
| 1957 - A flaming cone or disc-shaped object, five-meters in diameter, |
| hovered over a vineyard in Palada, France. It was witnessed by Mr. & |
| Mrs. Firmin Bason. The vines thrashed about as the object spun |
| wildly, and the object then rose rapidly with a loud roar and shot |
| away toward the northeast. The low level whirlwind produced by the |
| object created magnetic effects. The encounter lasted five minutes, |
| and was followed by a police investigation. (Sources: Jacques Vallee, |
| computerized catalogue, case #2320; UNICAT database, case 806, citing |
| Jimmy Guieu, Ouranos; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century |
| of Landings, case 391; Loren E. Gross, The Fifth Horseman of the |
| Apocalypse: UFOs: A History. 1957: March 23-May 25, p. 46). |
| |
| 1960 - A cigar-shaped UFO flew by a train station at 9:00 p.m. in |
| Estremoz, Portugal. (Source: Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos case |
| investigation files). |
| |
| 1964 - Marie Morrow and two other people were driving west on a |
| highway at 9:00 o'clock in the evening. When they were 20 kilometers |
| east of Lordsburg, New Mexico the entire area became illuminated as |
| bright as day by a bluish light. Then a disc-shaped object buzzed |
| their car, coming to within three meters of their roof. It made a |
| whining sound, then flew north. (Sources: APRO Bulletin, May 1964, p. |
| 10; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. |
| 297). |
| |
| 1966 - Edward Vojtko, a music teacher, and his wife saw a red light |
| in the sky at 12:15 a.m. while driving home from a late night |
| teachers meeting in Alliance, Ohio. They were near the golf course |
| traveling north, about five miles west of the town, when the object |
| silently moved towards them, revealing itself to be a large disc with |
| a dome on top. It was dark with a white light on top, 45 feet in |
| diameter, and with a row of rotating red lights. It came closer and |
| hovered only 40 feet away. Frightened, they drove off at high speed |
| and it pursued them. After two minutes it broke off and went behind |
| some trees. (Sources: Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., UFOs: A New Look, p. 8; |
| Francis Ridge, Regional Encounters, pp. 22-23). |
| |
| Alliance, Ohio Close Encounter UFO Report - 1966 |
| |
| [Alliance, Ohio Close Encounter - 1966] |
| |
| 1966 - At 2:00 a.m. Dr. Eula Page, a psychologist, was driving home |
| from Texas with her two children and a friend when she noticed a |
| luminous object as big as the moon darting back-and-forth across the |
| highway. She had just crossed the Red River bridge into Oklahoma near |
| Thackerville when she noticed she had driven directly underneath it |
| so she stopped the car. It descended and hovered close to the car. |
| The UFO was luminous and lens-shaped, more than twice the length of |
| her station wagon. It was surrounded by a spherical framework that |
| was revolving around it. On one side of the disc was a long window |
| through which four human-looking occupants could clearly be seen. |
| They had slanted, "Oriental" shaped eyes and were wearing tight |
| fitting, silverly gray uniforms. Her daughter said that one was a |
| woman. Standing outside the car, Dr. Page watched the UFO for about |
| 20 minutes. A "force field" around the craft made it difficult for |
| her to breathe, and a hot wind blew from the sphere that smelt |
| "electrical." Finally another car approached, and the UFO quickly |
| moved away toward the river.They felt a hot wind from the UFO as |
| well. (Sources: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of |
| Humanoid Reports, case A0708, citing Dr. R. Cedric Leonard and Walt |
| Andrus for MUFON, Hayden Hewes; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact |
| Database 1966). |
| |
| Thirty minutes later near Randlett, Oklahoma two teenagers saw a |
| large disc-shaped craft swinging back and forth over I-35. Four |
| human-looking occupants are clearly observed inside through a |
| transparent opening. The area around the witnesses was brightly |
| illuminated and there was a smell of ozone in the air. (Sources: |
| Larry Hatch, U computer database; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact |
| Database 1966). |
| |
| 1966 - At 9:30 p.m. two witnesses reported a 10-meter long, |
| cigar-shaped object hovering vertically over Chauvigny, Vienne, |
| France. They saw two solid, coherent light beams retract inside the |
| object. Finally, it shot away fast. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, |
| issue 241; NICAP files). |
| |
| 1966 - An orange sphere was seen flying over the coast at Figueira da |
| Foz, Portugal at nine p.m. local time. At 3:30 p.m. CDT--within an |
| hour of the sighting in Portugal--a flying saucer flew down the main |
| street of Bagley, Minnesota at a low altitude, jumped over a school |
| bus and landed on the outskirts of town. Four beings of small stature |
| got out of the UFO, seemed to do some work on it, got back in and |
| then took off. (Sources: Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos case |
| investigation files; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue |
| of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-18; Ray Palmer, Flying Saucers, March |
| 1967, p. 24; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1966; |
| Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case |
| 762). |
| |
| 1966 - At 9:00 p.m. EDT a plate-shaped UFO flashing multi-colored |
| lights was observed low over a school in Beverly, Massachusetts for |
| 30 minutes by ten youths. The UFO made a humming sound and created |
| television interference. It hovered just thirty feet over the Beverly |
| High School building. There were intense, flashing blue, green, and |
| red lights racing around the perimeter of the object, as well as a |
| soft white light. Estimated to be about the size of a car, it tilted |
| and flew away. (Sources: Raymond E. Fowler, case investigation files, |
| report dated April 24, 1966; Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary |
| Visitors, p. 340; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, p. 93; UNICAT |
| database, case 377, citing Raymond Fowler). |
| |
| Beverly, Massachusetts - 1966 |
| |
| [Beverly, Massachusetts - 1966 sketch] |
| |
| 1966 - Thirty minutes later, at 9:30 p.m. Gordon College students and |
| a maintenance man in Wenham, Massachusetts saw an orange, circular |
| object approach to within 600 feet at an altitude of only 100. It |
| made a 90 degree turn, and went behind some trees. (Sources: Raymond |
| E. Fowler, case investigation files, report dated June 29, 1966; |
| Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, pp. 136 & 340). |
| |
| Wenham, Massachusetts - 1966 |
| |
| [Wenham, Massachusetts - 1966 sketch] |
| |
| 1967 - An elongated UFO with a red light on one end and a green light |
| on the other; with a large pulsating red light in the middle, hovered |
| 20-30 feet above a pasture in Elizabeth, Illinois before dawn. Cattle |
| in the area were extremely agitated. (Sources: NICAP case |
| investigation files, file dated April 26, 1967; Richard H. Hall, The |
| UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 280, 336). |
| |
| 1967 - A fifty-foot diameter red ellipse-shaped object was seen on |
| the ground in the evening in Lapoint, Utah. Dogs were barking at the |
| time. When the driver turned off his car's headlights the UFO rose |
| and flew away quickly. (Source: Frank Salisbury, The Utah UFO |
| Display, Appendix case 47). |
| |
| 1969 - A man, his wife, and their teenage son in Hammond, Ontario |
| observed a 30-foot wide saucer standing in a field while driving at |
| 10:30 p.m. The object had two spotlights, portholes, and made a |
| humming sound. Their dog was frightened. (Source: NICAP UFO |
| Investigator, May 1969, p. 4). |
| |
| 1972 - A close encounter occurred in Thuro By, Fyn, Denmark at 8:30 |
| p.m. (Source: Will Wegner, UFO-Landinger I Danmark, p. 118). |
| |
| 1972 - At 8:15 p.m. several reports were made of fireballs and a disc |
| seen for 15 minutes in the skies over East Greensburg, Lloydsville, |
| Youngstown and Kiska Valley, Pennsylvania. It dropped debris, and |
| metallic fragments were found. (Sources: Latrobe (PA) News Edition, |
| May 10, 1972; Stan Gordon, Skylook, July 1972, p. 12; George D. |
| Fawcett, Flying Saucers, December 1972, p. 6) |
| |
| 1973 - In Cazalla de Sierra, Spain at 10 o'clock in the evening, |
| several nocturnal lights crossed a road in unison as if attached |
| together. The witness's car stalled. Two yellow burn marks were found |
| on the pavement. Three hours later in Grafton, West Virginia at 7 |
| p.m. EDT rotating red and green lights put on a display over a dam |
| for two hours. A female witness miscarried her pregnancy the next |
| day, and she has had psychic, paranormal experiences ever since the |
| event. Later, at 8 p.m. near Papeete, French Polynesia a disc hovered |
| over the ship Philippine Bear, then shot straight up into space. |
| (Sources: (1) Phenomenes Spatiaux, September 1973, p. 22; (2) Bob |
| Teets, West Virginia UFOs: Close Encounters in the Mountain State, p. |
| 98; (3) Lumieres dans la Nuit, November 1973). |
| |
| 1975 - On this day Professor Hernandez met a woman named "Lya" who |
| claimed to be an extraterrestrial near Querataro, Mexico. They drove |
| together in a car to an isolated area where he had had previous close |
| encounters. They parked and walked about 100 meters on foot to a |
| saucer-shaped craft about three meters in diameter. Lya took out a |
| small, handheld device, and an opening on the craft became visible. |
| They got inside and embarked on a journey. Hernandez soon realized |
| that he is orbiting the Earth, and he was able to see several |
| satellites in outer space. There conversation was mostly about |
| ecological concerns and the coming climatic changes. They talked |
| about changes to the ozone layer, deserts, forests, etc. Lya told him |
| that the aliens insisted that all nuclear tests must come to a |
| complete halt. Hernandez was later brought back to his vehicle. He |
| was then told that their group of aliens was leaving Earth, and was |
| going to be replaced with a more aggressive extraterrestrial race, |
| who would be mostly responsible to forced human abductions and animal |
| mutilations. Professor Hernandez mysteriously disappeared on February |
| 2, 1984 and has never been heard from again. (Source: Albert S. |
| Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1975, citing Montiel and Stevens, |
| UFO Contact from Andromeda). |
| |
| 1976 - At 11:10 p.m. in Elmwood, Wisconsin police officer George |
| Wheeler encountered a huge, 250-foot wide, silvery |
| lens-shaped UFO hovering only 100 feet above the ground and just 500 |
| feet away from his car. It had an orange-white light on top and six |
| blue windows, landing gear. He could see movement of figures moving |
| around inside the craft. When the UFO flashed a blue color his car's |
| headlights, motor, and two-way radio failed. He was stunned by the |
| flash and experienced a lapse of consciousness. He didn't remember |
| anything else until someone stopped and asked him if he need help. He |
| was hospitalized from April 23 to April 27. Another independent |
| witness, Frederickson, saw a UFO land that night in Elmwood. There |
| was also TV interference reported in the area. (Sources: Eau Claire |
| (WI) Leader-Telegram, May 14, 1976; Jack M. Bostrack, MUFON UFO |
| Journal, June 1976, p. 4; APRO Bulletin, April 1976, p. 1; John F. |
| Schuessler, UFO-Related Human Physiological Effects, p. 69; Richard |
| H. Hall, The UFO Evidence Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 256, |
| 269). |
| |
| 1977 - At 12:30 a.m. John Baxter, age 15, was walking home from his |
| girlfriend's house along a road off Farm Street, 1.2 miles from the |
| previous night's humanoid sighting, when he saw a short, ape-like |
| creature with a very large "figure-8" shaped head on Miller Road in |
| Dover, Massachusetts. Its eyes looked like two lighter circles in the |
| center of its head. A sketch of the creature matched the one made the |
| night before by a 17-year-old man who saw the creature on top of a |
| stone fence next to Farm Street. There was a third sighting of the |
| creature the following night by two teenage girls driving down a road |
| in Dover. (Sources: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue |
| of Humanoid Reports, cases A1722-A1724, citing Loren Coleman; Jerome |
| Clark, Fate, March 1978, p. 50). |
| |
| 1977 - Four hours after the humanoid encounter in Massachusetts, at |
| 3:10 a.m. CDT in Washburn, Wisconsin three witnesses chased a fuzzy |
| appearing disc in their car at speeds of up to 90 mph around curves. |
| The object maintained a distance 30 feet overhead of them, in front |
| of theiur car. After a few minutes it climbed, and shot off to the |
| southwest. The sighting lasted a total of 5 minutes. (Source: Allan |
| Hendry, International UFO Reporter, June 1977, p. 3; UNICAT, case # |
| 210). |
| |
| 1977 - Five hours later, in Yatala Vale, a suburb of Adelaide, South |
| Australia a solid-looking UFO with light beams caused a 19-year-old |
| woman's motor vehicle's engine to stall at 11:45 p.m. (Source: Keith |
| Basterfield case investigation files, case S050). |
| |
| 1984 - Four witnesses near the shore at Saltfleet, Lincolnshire, |
| England reported seeing a domed disc with a transparent dome that |
| made several wide loops over the coast. It shone spotlights on a |
| trailer park, buzzed the witnesses, and then rose vertically. |
| It hovered at a 45 degree angle for two minutes. Their dogs were |
| afraid. (Source: Jenny Randles, International UFO Reporter, March |
| 1986, p. 7). |
| |
| 1986 - A 60 foot x 40 foot x 20 foot rectangular object was sighted |
| over Salt Lake City, Utah at 12:30 a.m. It flew slowly. (Source: |
| Robert Gribble, UFO Reporting Center, case # 1072). |
| |
| 1986 - In Farmington, Missouri at 9:45 p.m. a single witness reported |
| seeing ring of bright lights rotating while it passed him by. It was |
| also seen in the surrounding area by others.(Source: Robert Gribble, |
| UFO Reporting Center, case # 1075). |
| |
| 1989 - At 9:22 p.m. two witnesses on a balcony in St. Louis, Missouri |
| witnessed an orange BOL (ball of light) in the east. Then, the object |
| appeared in front of the witnesses, between buildings, only 150 feet |
| away. It was described in the report as disc-shaped, without tapered |
| edges, with an orange dome on top, an orange stripe around the |
| mid-section, and a black bottom with many blue lights underneath (see |
| sketch below, credit Francis L. Ridge). The witnesses ran into the |
| street and watched the object fade away westward. The total |
| observation was from 20-30 seconds. It made a "whoosh" sound. |
| (Sources: Francis Ridge, Regional Encounters, p. 121, field |
| investigator B. Becker; http://www.nicap.org/images/4L.jpg; Larry |
| Hatch, U computer database, case # 14867). |
| |
| St. Louis, Missouri Domed Disc Close Encounter - 1989 |
| |
| [St. Louis, Missouri Domed Disc Close Encounter - 1989] |
| |
| 1990 - At 10:00 p.m in Cuincy, Nord, France two observers witnessed |
| three colored lights in the shape of a triangle. Three more lights |
| joined the first three to form a hexagon; a metallic structure was |
| suggested. The object flew from the southwest to the northeast |
| (toward Belgium). (Sources: Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 302; Larry |
| Hatch, U computer database, case # 15154). |
| |
| 1990 - On April 22, 1990 seven reports of flying triangles were |
| submitted to SOBEPS, along with a more unusual report by two factory |
| workers in Basecles, southwest of Brussels, Hainaut, Belgium. They |
| were in their factory courtyard shortly before midnight, when |
| suddenly they saw two enormous spotlights illuminate them and their |
| surroundings. A huge trapezoid platform moved very slowly and |
| silently above the chimney, and covered the courtyard (100m x 60m). |
| It was grayish in color and had a total of six lights, and structures |
| on bottom that looked like "an aircraft carrier turned upside down." |
| (Source: Leslie Kean, UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials |
| Go on the Record, p. 31, citing SOBEPS archives). |
| |
| Basecles, Belgium Close Encounter - 1990 |
| |
| [Basecles, Belgium Close Encounter - 1990] |
| |
| 1991 - In Ahwahnee, Madera County, California a 53-year-old man |
| spotted nocturnal lights in a precise formation suggesting a domed |
| disc with portholes and rim at 8:30 p.m. The object ascended from |
| behind a mountain, then hovered over the top of the mountain |
| before descending across the face of mountain. It was gone when the |
| witness returned after fetching his camera. It probably descended |
| into a canyon. (Sources: T. David Spencer, MUFON UFO Journal, April |
| 1996, p. 19; Randall Littlejohn, MUFON field investigation 912204W; |
| Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 15431, citing MUFON UFO |
| Journal, issue no. 336). |
| |
| 1994 - On the outskirts of Edmonton, Alberta a large shining ball of |
| light descended in the afternoon and landed nearby. It transformed |
| itself into a tall entity that ran off into the woods. (Sources: |
| Albert Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1994, case 3217; Frank |
| Ducks, Canadian UFO Survey 1994, case # 33, citing Alberta UFO Study |
| Group). |
| |
| 1995 - A manta ray-shaped UFO paced a car for several miles near |
| Kairi, Queensland, Australia at 5:10 a.m. It had a cockpit and |
| window, and illuminated the ground as it flew off toward the east. |
| (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 16832). |
| |
| 1995 - Similar to the reports from 1990, at 11:10 p.m. several |
| witnesses took a video of a very large, silent triangle that |
| flew slowly over a factory in Grande-Synth, Nord, France toward the |
| northeast. There were many independent witnesses and the sighting |
| lasted for four minutes. (Sources: Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 336; |
| Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 17218). |
| |
| 1996 - On this night at 10:30 p.m. a nocturnal light hovered between |
| two mountains over the highway D89 southwest of Boreon, |
| Alpes-Maritime, France, aiming beam of light apparently randomly at |
| the slopes. (Sources: Lumieres dans la Nuit, June 1997; Larry Hatch, |
| U computer database, case # 17336). |
| |
| 1997 - At around 8:45 p.m. in Wallsend, New South Wales, Australia a |
| large black triangular object flew overhead at 90 km/hour, at an |
| estimated altitude of 800 meters. It was followed by three smaller |
| nocturnal lights. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # |
| 17915, citing Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup). |
| |
| 1999 - On this night an anonymous caller to the National UFO |
| Reporting Center from Amersfoort, The Netherlands said that he had |
| had contact with aliens at 2:15 a.m. They took him into their ship, |
| and when he returned allegedly no time had passed. (Source: Peter |
| Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, April 1999 webpage). |
| |
| 2000 - A witness reported seeing a cigar-shaped object while driving |
| eastbound on I-44 near Sullivan, Missouri at 5:15 p.m. It was seen |
| moving slowly against higher broken clouds. The sighting of the |
| object lasted an estimated two minutes, and then it disappeared. |
| (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, April 2000 |
| webpage). |
| |
| 2003 - At 4 p.m. Fire Chief Ezequiel Alvarez reported seeing a tall |
| hairy humanoid, about 1.80 meters in height, in Rosario De La |
| Frontera, Argentina. It moved very quickly and emitted loud inhuman |
| screams. The creature apparently killed three dogs using its clawed |
| hands. A local teacher reported finding a strange hairy cadaver on |
| the side of the road, somewhat resembling the hairy humanoid but much |
| smaller, and he noticed that it had testicles resembling those of a |
| human being. He did not stop to pick up the body but drove on. |
| Sightings of the tall hairy creature have repeatedly been made around |
| the local dump. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database |
| 2003, citing Radio 10, Buenos Aires in Planeta Listas). |
| |
| 2007 - At 12:14 a.m. a red, cigar-shaped object with glowing ends, |
| banded, traveled at high speed over Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. That |
| night at 10:00 p.m. a triangular formation of red lights was sighted |
| moving fast across the sky in Orangeville, Ontario. Both cases are |
| listed as high quality unknowns. (Source: Chris Rutkowski, 2007 |
| Canadian UFO Survey, cases 224 & 227). |
| |
| 2007 - A disc-shaped object with rotating lights was seen in |
| Kirkland, Washington at 7:15 p.m. About the same time (10:20 p.m. |
| EDT) in Westville, Florida a triangular object was seen briefly. The |
| craft had four greenish-blue, dim lights on the bottom: one light in |
| the middle towards the rear and one in each corner. (Source: Peter |
| Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, reports uploaded |
| April 27, 2007). |
| |
| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 22 April 2014). |
| |
| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
| |
| Themes: animal reaction |
| s, Asian-looking humanoids, bluish light, cigar-shaped UFOs, disc-sha |
| ped UFOs, domed discs, EM vehicle interference effects, gray UFOs, ha |
| iry humanoids, huge UFOs, human-looking UFO occupants, inside occupan |
| ts, landings, lost pregnancy, manta ray-shaped UFOs, missing time, mu |
| lti-colored lights, multi-year reports from France and Missouri, ovoi |
| d objects, pendulum motion, rectangular or trapezoid UFOs, sensation |
| of heat, short humanoids, tall humanoid, silver uniforms, spinning UF |
| Os, time distortion, triangular UFOs, vertical ascent, whining sound. |
| |
| © Donald A. Johnson |
| |
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