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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
| |
| November 14 |
| |
| 1953 - In 1953, two disc-shaped objects bank and fly over New Orleans, |
| Louisiana at 6:10 p.m.On the same date, a photographer using infrared |
| film with a red filter obtained a photo of a disembodied globe of |
| light (Source: Loren Gross, UFOs: A History: 1953, p. 47.) Source: |
| Leonard Stringfield, CRIFO Newsletter, May 1954). |
| |
| 1954 - On this date in 1954, a well-known UFO vehicle ignition interference |
| case occurred in Forli, Italy. Two tractors, one diesel powered and |
| the other powered by a gasoline-combustion engine, were driving down |
| a farm road in the evening when a red beam of light from a dark |
| flying object overhead swept the field, hitting both vehicles. The |
| tractor with the gas-powered engine stalled but the diesel tractor |
| did not. The beam of light was seen for over an hour by a large |
| number of witnesses throughout the countryside. (Source: Aime Michel, |
| Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, p. 211.) |
| |
| 1954 - On the same day in La Spezia, Italy at 7:45 p.m. a bright |
| cigar-shaped object landed in a farmer's field. Three dwarf humanoids |
| wearing metallic "diving suits" emerged from the craft, speaking |
| among themselves in an unintelligible language. When the farmer |
| became convinced that the humanoids were intent on stealing some of |
| his rabbits, he attempted to shoot at them with his shotgun, but the |
| gun suddenly felt heavy, failed to fire, and he was unable to move or |
| speak, and suddenly felt so weak that he dropped the gun. The dwarfs |
| took the rabbits, and the paralysis wore off when the UFO took off. |
| At about the same time but in the Eastern US time zone, around 2:00 |
| p.m., in Frederick, Maryland, another electro-magnetic interference |
| effect case occurred. (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, A |
| Century of Landings, case 339; Project Blue Book). |
| |
| 1955 - In 1955, Dr. Leslie Ward of Redlands, California, was flying with a |
| passenger over Desert Hot Springs from Phoenix, Arizona. He saw what |
| he first thought was an airliner and blinked his lights twice as a |
| recognition signal. The fiery globe flipped its lights out twice in |
| answer. (Source: Morris Jessup, The UFO Annual, p. 349). |
| |
| 1957 - Two years later, at Tamaroa, in southern Illinois, there was |
| another occurrence of an electro-magnetic interference case. Mrs. |
| John Riead, wife of Tamaroa's justice of the peace, said she heard "a |
| sputtering noise" and observed a bright, moon-shaped object appear |
| over the trees bordering US Highway 1, which had "a sort of a tail or |
| ray extending down from it as it moved along." The UFO was |
| accompanied by five or six loud booms and three brilliant flashes. |
| Then the lights in her home went out. Electric power in a four-mile |
| wide area was interrupted for about ten minutes. Service was restored |
| when workmen closed an open circuit breaker, although investigation |
| could find no apparent cause. In Oporto, Portugal at 7:30 p.m., |
| several witnesses watched a big UFO send down a beam of light. |
| (Sources: Alex Mebane, in Aime Michel's Flying Saucers and the |
| Straight Line Mystery, p. 269; Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, |
| investigation files). |
| |
| 1964 - In 1964, at the Adhara Observatory in San Miguel, Buenos Aires |
| Province, Argentina, astronomers watched a nocturnal light move to |
| the east, then back to the west to follow the Echo-II satellite. |
| (Source: Flying Saucer Review, September 1966, p. 31). |
| |
| 1964 - Menominee Falls, Wisconsin - At 9:40 p.m. Dr. G.R. Wagner, M.D. |
| and two girls sighted three dim, reddish lights that flew through a |
| 160 degree arc in the sky in 5-6 seconds. (Source: Don Berliner, |
| Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns). |
| |
| 1966 - At 10:30 p.m. Mr. Newell Partridge was sitting at home in |
| Salem, West Virginia when suddenly the TV blacked out. A fine |
| herringbone pattern appeared on the tube, and simultaneously the TV |
| began making a loud whining noise, winding up to a high pitch as if |
| on a musical scale. He said it sounded like a generator winding up. |
| Outside on his front porch his dog Bandit began wailing. Partridge |
| picked up a flashlight and went outside to investigate. The dog was |
| sitting on the end of the porch, howling down toward the hay barn in |
| the bottom. Partridge shined his light in that direction and it |
| picked up two red circles, or eyes, which looked like bicycle |
| reflectors. There was something about the eyes that was difficult to |
| explain. The eyes were huge and plainly visible at a distance of 150 |
| yards. As soon as the flashlight picked out the "eyes" Bandit snarled |
| and ran toward them. A "cold chill" swept over the man and he felt a |
| wave of fear, which kept him from following the dog. That night he |
| slept with a loaded gun beside his bed. The next day he went looking |
| for his dog with some neighbors. They found tracks. At the |
| approximate position of the "eyes" he found a large number of dog |
| tracks. The tracks were going in a circle, as if the dog had been |
| chasing his tail. Then the tracks vanished, the dog was never seen |
| again. (Source: John A. Keel, The Mothman Prophecies). |
| |
| 1967 - In 1967, at 6:00 a.m., a luminous dome hovered low above the ground, |
| then shot away quickly in the city of Liepaya, Latvia. The light from |
| the UFO was so brilliant that it was painful to look at. (Source: |
| Felix Zigel, unpublished manuscript, p. 110). |
| |
| 1967 - Orlando Gonzales and two other people in Barinas, Venezuela |
| saw an oval-shaped object, 1.5 meters high, resting in the middle of |
| a highway, 80 meters away from them. It took off by shooting straight |
| up. (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, A Century of |
| Landings, case 897). |
| |
| 1968 - Three miles outside Zafra, Spain a man driving his car on the |
| highway at 11:45 p.m. saw a motionless human-shaped being, over 6 |
| feet tall, only 30 meters away. Its arms were longer than normal, it |
| wore a glowing green suit, and its face was hidden by a helmet with a |
| black visor. The car engine died and the driver's watch stopped. (Source: Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-1 UFO |
| Events in Spain and Portugal, p. 92) |
| |
| 1968 - Around 4:30 in the afternoon at Pelican Lake, |
| Utah two hunters saw a silver sphere hovering in the sky with a |
| hanging tube about 3-4 feet in diameter. The sphere had a |
| yellowish-white light on top and bottom, and the tube seemed to be |
| spinning. The UFO sucked up the tube rapidly, then disappeared. |
| (Source:Frank Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, Appendix case 71). |
| |
| 1971 - Another close encounter with a farm tractor occurred in La |
| Chapelle, France at 1:30 in the early morning. A flying disc made a |
| sharp 90 degree turn to follow the tractor. It shot down beams of |
| light, then made a 180 degree turn and flew off to the NE. A brighly |
| lit object stopped in mid-flight in Biloxi, Mississippi near a |
| military base at 5:30 p.m. local time. The UFO hovered about 200 feet |
| above the ocean and about 700 yards away from the two military |
| witnesses. The base Ops received more than 50 phone calls about the |
| UFO. (Sources: Gordon Creighton, FSR, May 1972, p. 4; Ed Walters, |
| UFOs are Real: Here's the Proof, p. 115). |
| |
| 1973 - In 1973 in a rural part of Greensboro, North Carolina, 9 people |
| watched a blue ovoid UFO that made the trees rustle at 6:30 p.m.. |
| They watched it for several minutes and noted that their dogs were |
| upset by its presence. Later that evening, at 8:30 p.m., they saw it |
| again and it was spitting out turquoise, amber, and white colors from |
| a band around its middle. The case is listed as having EM |
| interference effects. A UFO abduction is reported to have occurred in |
| Kirkwood, Missouri to Robert Baez, although no details are available. |
| (Sources: Arlan Andrews, Skylook, February 1974, p. 7; George |
| Eberhart, A Geo-Bibliography of Anomalies, citing Steve Erdmann, |
| Beyond Reality, January 1976, p. 25.) |
| |
| 1976 - In 1976, Ms. Joyce Bowles, 42, and Mr. Edwin Pratt, 58, were driving |
| near Winchester, England to pick up the woman's son and girlfriend |
| from a farm at 8:50 p.m. when they notice an orange glow in the sky. |
| They turned down a narrow lane and immediately their car began to |
| "shudder and shake as though it were coming to pieces." The car was |
| pulled diagonally off the road. When the car came to rest they saw a |
| glowing, orange, 15-foot-long cigar-shaped object about 5 yards in |
| front of their car, hovering 12-18 inches from the ground. They were |
| both badly frightened and the driver turned off the engine. |
| |
| The UFO appeared to have jets beneath it from which a vapor was |
| issuing. In the top left portion of the craft was a window, through |
| which they could see the heads of three men. A 6 foot tall man with a |
| slim build, wearing a silvery suit, emerged by passing through the |
| side of the object. He had long blonde hair, a dark beard, and his |
| skin was pale. Just as he approached the woman noticed a "whistling |
| noise." Reaching the car, the man bent over, placed one hand on the |
| roof, and looked inside. His eyes were pink "like an albino rabbit," |
| and were so penetrating that when the woman looked away she could |
| still see spots of light as an after-effect. She also felt that the |
| man transmitted some kind of influence that caused them to remain |
| calm. The being stood at the side of the car for 2 minutes, then |
| moved away to the rear of the vehicle. He did not reappear, and when |
| they again looked forward the UFO had disappeared. (Source: Leslie |
| Harris, FSR, February 1977 (Vol. 22, No. 5), p. 3.) |
| |
| 1978 - In 1978 a 51-year-old farmer in San Donato di Tagliacozzo, Italy saw |
| a dark, beige, three meter wide disc on the ground. Humanoids were |
| seen inside the craft. (Sources: Maurizio Verga, ITACAT database; |
| Lumieres dans la Nuit, January 1981, p. 34.) |
| |
| 1980 - At 6:30 p.m. two students saw a flat cylindrical UFO hovering |
| over an athletic field in Heidelberg, Germany. The object had |
| powerful headlights with a pinkish glow, and smaller red and yellow |
| lights. It approached the witnesses and stayed over them for 10 |
| minutes. (Source: Illobrand von Ludiger, Best UFO Cases--Europe, p. |
| 42.) |
| |
| 1990 - In 1990 there were two reports of cylinder-shaped UFOs from this day. |
| A police report was filed that at 5:20 p.m. a brilliant, one meter |
| long cylinder flew east to west over a microwave transmission center |
| in Behshahr, Iran. It flew silently and slowly, at a low altitude. |
| About three hours later that evening, at 6:30 p.m. local time, a |
| reddish orange blimp was sighted in Montpellier, France flying at an |
| estimated one kilometer altitude. The object turned to a yellow color |
| when it accelerated, leaving to the east. (Sources: FSR, July |
| 1991;Lumieres dans la Nuit, volume 307). |
| |
| 1995 - A swarm of at least 24 randomly blinking lights flew over |
| Highway 17 in Saguache County, Colorado at 6:30 p.m. They flew to the |
| southwest in the western sky, at an altitude estimated to be less |
| than 1000 feet. (Source: Christopher O'Brien, Enter the Valley, p. |
| 311). |
| |
| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 25 June 2005). |
| |
| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
| |
| Themes: balls of light (BOLs), cylindrical |
| UFOs, dark creature with glowing red eyes, EM interference effects, f |
| arm tractors, humanoid reports without abduction attempts, humanoids |
| with long arms, landings, ovoid UFOs, vertical ascent, whining sound. |
| |
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