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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
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| November 2 |
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| 1885 - Scutari, Albania (then called Uskudar, a part of Ottoman |
| Turkey). At dawn a luminous object circled the harbor at an altitude |
| of 56 meters for 90 seconds. It illuminated the entire town with a |
| bluish-green glow. It made several circles above the ferryboat pier |
| then plunged into the sea. (Sources: Ivan Sanderson, Invisible |
| Residents, p. 34; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of |
| Landings, p. 181). |
| |
| 1951 - At 7:15 a.m. an American Airlines DC-4 passenger plane was |
| followed by a bright green glowing cigar shaped object east of |
| Abilene, Texas. The object paced the airliner for about one minute. |
| It then burst into pieces that looked like red fireballs, which |
| scattered in all directions. (Source: Donald E. Keyhoe, Aliens from |
| Space…The Real Story of Unidentified Flying Objects, p. 204). |
| |
| 1951 - Later that same night, two forest observers were driving in a |
| canyon 50 kilometers north of the Mojave Desert in California when |
| they saw around 11 p.m. a disc-shaped flying object in the southwest |
| sky. They estimated the diameter to be about 30 feet. It was |
| blue-green in color, with well-defined edges, but surrounded by a |
| glow of same color. Stopping their jeep, they signaled to the object, |
| which approached to within a few meters, then flew away, seeming to |
| play with them. Eventually it vanished "like a magician's trick." |
| (Sources: Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics; |
| Donald E. Keyhoe, Aliens from Space…The Real Story of Unidentified |
| Flying Objects, p. 204; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A |
| Century of Landings, p. 196). |
| |
| 1954 - A green disc landed on a farm near Viomenil-Bataille, France |
| at 6:15 a.m. It left no physical traces, but there were independent |
| witnesses to the event, who reported seeing a second disc fly over |
| heading quickly to the west. (Source: Jean Sider, Dossier 1954 et |
| l'Imposture Rationaliste, p. 125). |
| |
| 1954 - At 10:30 a.m. Maurilio Braga Godoi left the Santo Amaro, |
| Brazil streetcar terminal and started to walk home. The area was |
| deserted at that hour, and when he arrived at a street corner he was |
| surprised to see a large circular object sitting in an empty lot |
| between two houses. The UFO was 90 to 120 feet in diameter and |
| surrounded by a strange bluish-red or violet glow. Curious, he |
| decided to investigate and approached. He soon realized it was much |
| larger than he originally thought and became somewhat apprehensive. |
| It was like nothing he had ever seen before and he thought about |
| going to the police to report it. He felt like running but felt |
| rooted to the ground. He tried to call for help but no sound would |
| come from his mouth. This strange sensation persisted for awhile but |
| finally left him. Godoi noticed that there was an open sliding door |
| in the object, and he went in. He saw a large circular room |
| illuminated by a soft light. He saw no lamps. There was no one in |
| sight and the craft seemed to be deserted. At the center was an oddly |
| shaped table and on it were charts and maps. One of these was a map |
| of the South American continent and it had a glowing or |
| phosphorescent quality. Upon closer examination he noticed little |
| mushroom-shaped symbols scattered about the map. |
| |
| He had just finished scrutinizing the map when he looked up and |
| confronted three men. They seemed normal in appearance except that |
| they were less than five feet tall. They had dark brown skin, short |
| black hair, and were dressed in one-piece garments like an overall, |
| which were light gray in color. Each wore a belt around his waist |
| which appeared to support an object that Godoi worried might be a |
| weapon. They made no move toward Godoi, but stood staring at him, |
| occasionally conversing among themselves in an unknown language. He |
| noticed that the "K" sound was repeated quite often at the beginning |
| of words more than other sounds.Bynowhisfear had returned and he |
| tried to converse with them to convince them that he meant no harm, |
| but they were expressionless and continued to stare at him intently. |
| He suddenly became aware that, without intention, he was backing out |
| of the craft, literally dragging his feet backwards one step after |
| another. They made no attempt to stop him. When he reached the door |
| he jumped to the ground and started to run away. When about 30 feet |
| away he turned to look back and saw that the craft was now hovering |
| about 30 feet above the ground, having at the bottom center a |
| spinning "screw without end." The UFO climbed silently at high speed |
| with a violet glow around its edges. The witness was examined by |
| several psychiatrists in Sao Paulo who concluded that he showed no |
| signs of mental illness. The case is listed as an "unknown" by the |
| Brazilian Air Force. (Source: Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucer |
| Occupants, pp. 198-199). |
| |
| 1957 - Five kilometers west of Canadian, Texas military and civilian |
| witnesses reported seeing a submarine-shaped object at 3:30 a.m. It |
| was red and white, two or three times as long as a car, and at ground |
| level. It was about three meters in height. A figure was seen |
| standing near this object, and there was something else that |
| witnessed to a white signal flag. When a car stopped in the vicinity, |
| a flash of light from the object coincided with the sudden failure of |
| the car's headlights. (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A |
| Century of Landings, case 418). |
| |
| 1957 - Beginning at 10:50 p.m. in Levellend, Texas "...a number of |
| motorists and police officers in different localities encountered at |
| close range a luminous egg-shaped object estimated at about 200 feet |
| in length. Several reports confirmed that when the object passed at |
| close range car engines and lights failed. One report described how |
| two men driving a truck watched as the object came near. The lights |
| and engine failed, then the object passed directly over the vehicle |
| with a sound like thunder and a rush of wind. The truck rocked from |
| the blast and a lot of heat was felt. Later there were reports of |
| apparently the same luminous object on the ground and taking off in |
| other areas near Levelland. Reports of vehicle interference followed |
| a similar pattern, with engines and lights returning to normal on the |
| departure of the object." (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to |
| Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 419). |
| |
| 1966 - In Parkersburg, West Virginia Mr. Woodrow Derenberger, a |
| travelling salesman, saw a dark object ahead of him on the road. It |
| was flat on the bottom and rounded on top. As he stopped the object |
| came to within 20 cm of the road surface, and a man of dark |
| complexion, dressed in a shirt and ordinary trousers that were both |
| shiny blue in color, came out. He smiled at the witness who then |
| thought that he received a telepathic message. The message described |
| a hypothetical "other world" and suggested that the observation be |
| reported to authorities. The man also promised to return. Several |
| people who drove by the witness reported seeing a man speaking to |
| him, as well as a strange vehicle nearby. (Source: Jacques Vallee, |
| Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 804). |
| |
| 1966 - During the evening Mrs. Mark deFriend, age 32, saw an object |
| at ground level in front of her car in El Campo, Texas on this rainy |
| night. It would leave the road and fly over the fields from time to |
| time. The greenish-blue object flew back in front of her car, and |
| then was lost to sight behind some trees. (Source: Jacques Vallee, |
| Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 803). |
| |
| 1967 - A woman working in her kitchen late on this night in Point |
| Pleasant, West Virginia heard a loud squeaking sound coming from |
| outside. She looked out and saw a huge shadow spread across the |
| grass, and then a figure described as tall, man-shaped, and gray in |
| color appeared. It glided quickly across a field and disappeared into |
| the woods. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database |
| 1967, case # 1405, citing John A. Keel, The Mothman Prophecies). |
| |
| 1967 - At 9:30 p.m. two 23-year-old Navajo Indians, Guy Tossie and |
| Willy Begay, were driving south of Ririe, Idaho when they were |
| blinded by a flash of white light. Their car engine stalled and came |
| to a stop and immediately ahead of them, hovering just five feet off |
| the ground, they saw a domed disc-shaped UFO 6-8 feet in diameter and |
| perhaps three feet thick. On top was a transparent bubble dome, |
| occupied by two small entities. The dome flipped open and one of the |
| occupants floated out and to the ground, then approached the car. |
| Through the UFO's flashing lights the men were able to see that the |
| being was no more than three feet tall, and bald with ears set up |
| high on his head. His facial skin looked scarred and wrinkled, "like |
| a cantaloupe." His eyes were round and showed no pupils, and his |
| mouth had lips so thin as to be barely visible. They saw no nose. He |
| was wearing tight fitting coveralls and carried a pack on his back. |
| |
| To their horror, the being opened the car door and seated himself |
| behind the wheel. Both of the men slid over to the right as far as |
| they could as the car was towed, or driven, off the highway and out |
| into a field of wheat stubble. As soon as the car's motion stopped a |
| terrified Tossie jumped out of the right side of the car, and began |
| running to the farmhouse of William Hammon a quarter of a mile away. |
| As he ran, he found his shadow preceding him, as though a bright |
| light were shining on him from behind. In the car, Begay cowered in |
| the right side of the front seat as the little being attempted to |
| communicate with him, twice saying something incomprehensible in a |
| high, chirruping voice. Getting no response, the being got out of the |
| car and joined the second being, and then the two floated into the |
| UFO which took off and zig-zagged into the sky as it departed. |
| |
| Ririe, Idaho Close Encounter - 1967 |
| |
| [] |
| |
| At the Hammon farmhouse Tossie banged on the door screaming for help. |
| The farmer and Bob his son admitted him, and it took a period of time |
| to calm him sufficiently to get his story. By the time they |
| accompanied him back to the field the object had departed and Begay |
| was found in a state of near shock in the front seat. The farmer had |
| to escort the youths by car their fear was so great. There were |
| attendant sightings in the area, and cattle had been reportedly |
| "spooked" on several farms that night. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted |
| Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-112, |
| citing Cpl. Thomas Harper & C. Reed Ricks, NICAP). |
| |
| 1968 - During a thunderstorm, a medical doctor in southern France was |
| awakened at 3:55 a.m. by his crying 14-month-old son. He saw two |
| luminous objects outside his house, and observed them coming close |
| together and merging into one, about 180 meters away from his window. |
| A vertical beam of light was aimed at him for a second as the object |
| tilted, and then the display vanished with a flash, leaving a slowly |
| dissolving cloud. Persistent nightmares and various physiological |
| phenomena, including identical triangular shaped red marks appearing |
| on both the father's and son's lower abdomens, were later recorded. |
| (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, A Century of Landings, |
| citing Aime Michel). |
| |
| 1971 – A famous UFO close encounter leaving physical evidence |
| occurred on this day at a farm one mile northeast of Delphos, Kansas. |
| Sixteen-year-old Ron Johnson was tending the family sheep with his |
| dog at around seven p.m. when he saw a mushroom-shaped UFO appear in |
| the night sky. The object was covered with multicolored lights on its |
| metallic surface. It hovered only a few feet above the ground only 75 |
| feet away from him in a sheep paddock. Ron estimated the craft's |
| diameter at 6-8 feet. |
| The teenager tried to get a closer look but under the brilliant |
| luminance he was not able to make out any additional details. He |
| described the craft as making a loud sound, "like an old washing |
| machine which vibrates." The glow from the bottom of the UFO |
| increased as it began to shoot up into the sky. Ron was temporarily |
| blinded by the brightness of the craft as it ascended. After he |
| regained his sight and composure, he ran back to the family house to |
| alert the others. The bright glow was now high in the sky, as it |
| began to vanish from sight altogether. |
| |
| Three family members came running around the side of the house to get |
| a glimpse of the unusual object. They were shocked to see a glowing |
| ring on the ground, right under where the craft had hovered. Ron’s |
| mother touched the surface of the ground around the glow, and said it |
| "felt strange, like a slick crust, as if the soil was crystallized." |
| Her fingers went numb, like she had been given a local anesthetic. |
| Seeing nothing else of the craft, the family finally went to bed for |
| the night. |
| |
| (Continued.) At dawn the family returned to the sight of the glowing ring and to |
| their surprise, it was still there. The inside and outside of the |
| ring were damp from a rain shower, but the ring itself was completely |
| dry. The ring had a crusty appearance, as though the rain had simply |
| run off. Slightly over a month later, after a snow fall, the white |
| ice had melted both inside and outside of the ring, but the ring |
| itself maintained the snow drift. Investigators experimented with the |
| ring by removing snow from a section of it and pouring water on the |
| exposed part. The soil would not allow water to pass through. |
| |
| Further experimentation showed the ground under the ring to be dry to |
| a depth of one foot. The ring itself was composed of a whitish |
| substance, which was sent for laboratory analysis. The lab findings |
| found that there were fibers in the soil of an organism called |
| Actinomycetales actiniomycete nocardia, which is an intermediate |
| organism between bacteria and fungus, and is “often found together |
| with a fungus of the order Basidomycetes, which may fluoresce under |
| certain conditions...” One possible interpretation is that |
| high-energy stimulation triggered the spectacular growth of the |
| Nocardia and of an existing fungus, and caused the latter to |
| fluoresce. |
| Phosphorous may also have been baked out of the soil and may have |
| been the substance that numbed Mrs. Johnson’s fingers when she |
| touched the ground. The experience of Ron Johnson is still considered |
| one of the best documented "ground trace" UFO cases on record. |
| (Sources: Ted R. Phillips, FSR Case Histories, February 1972, p. 4; |
| Ted R. Phillips, Physical Traces Associated with UFO Sightings, case |
| 494; Clancy D. Tull, APRO Bulletin, March-April 1972, p. 8; Richard |
| H. Hall, The UFO Evidence (Volume II): A Thirty Year Report, p. 264). |
| |
| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 15 September 2004). |
| |
| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
| |
| Themes: car pacings, cigar-shaped UFOs; communication; disc-sha |
| ped UFOs; glowing objects; human looking UFOnauts; maneuvering UFOs; |
| Mothman, multi-year reports from Texas; ovoid UFOs, physiological aft |
| ereffects: anomalous body marks; short human-appearing UFO occupants; |
| small humanoids with wrinkled skin, telepathy; two UFOs merging into |
| one; unintelligible language, vehicle EM ignition interference effec |
| ts: engines and headlights; violet, blue-green or green colored UFOs. |
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