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synced 2025-03-22 14:56:26 -04:00
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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
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| June 10 |
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| 1931 - About the middle of the afternoon Sir F. Chichester spotted a |
| dull grayish-white airship while flying over the Tasman Sea, off the |
| coast of Australia. The object reflected light off its front surface. |
| It appeared to draw closer, but then dimished in size, seemed to |
| become transparent, and disappeared. (Source: James E. McDonald |
| investigation files, case 004). |
| |
| 1946 - Mystery "ghost rockets" were seen over Tampere and Helsinki, |
| Finland. (Source: H. Edward Hill). |
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| 1947 - At 11:00 p.m. in Agua Prieta, Mexico a glowing sphere was seen |
| as it rose from the ground and flew up into the night sky. At the |
| same time in Douglas, Arizona Coral Lorenzen, the co-founder of the |
| Aerial Phenomena Research Organization in 1952 and future author of |
| seven books on the UFO phenomenon, witnessed an unidentified light |
| land remotely, take on a definite spherical shape, then shoot up |
| rapidly from the ground and vanish in less than ten seconds among the |
| stars. According to the Air Force files there were more than fifty |
| reports of UFOs seen during the daytime over Budapest, Hungary. |
| (Sources: Larry Hatch, U computer database; Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying |
| Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space, p. |
| 16; Jacques Vallee, Anatomy of the Phenomenon, p. 50; Jacques Vallee, |
| Passport to Magonia, p. 191). |
| |
| 1949 - A team of Navy engineers and technicians under the command of |
| Robert B. McLaughlin watched two white discs pace a V-2 rocket during |
| its test launch from the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. One |
| of the discs passed through the rocket's exhaust and then shot |
| straight up. The event was witnessed by at least five U.S. Navy |
| rocket scientists and engineers. (Sources: Harold Wilkins, Flying |
| Saucers on the Attack, p. 112; Donald E. Keyhoe, True Magazine, March |
| 1950, p. 25; Richard Hall, Uninvited Guests, p. 238). |
| |
| 1955 - In Petare, Venezuela five ovoid objects descended on a |
| hillside. They emitted smoke or fog and beams of light. Figures could |
| be seen moving around inside the haze. The objects took off flying to |
| the east. (Source: APRO Bulletin, August 1955). |
| |
| 1960 - Half a dozen "men" could be seen standing around a landed |
| disc-shaped UFO in Algoz, Portugal at 3:30 a.m. The boarded the craft |
| and the UFO took off vertically. When the witness started to run the |
| object lit up the ground with an intense beam of light. His dog ran |
| away in fear. Later that same night the headlights of a car driving |
| fifteen miles east of Globe, Arizona illuminated a small figure |
| standing 300 feet away. The being turned and ran. It was described as |
| having broad shoulders, long arms, a dark body, no ears or nose, and |
| a large pumpkin-shaped head with two orange glowing eyes. (Sources: |
| Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of Type-I UFO Events in Spain |
| and Portugal, p. 7 (case 30); Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucer |
| Occupants, pp. 128-129). |
| |
| 1967 - A daytime photograph of a disc-shaped object was taken in East |
| Woonsocket, Rhode Island by UFO contactee Harold Trudel. The |
| photograph shows a slightly asymmetric hubcap shaped object with a |
| small dome and aerial extending from the bottom. To even the |
| untrained eye it looks like a fake, more than likely produced by |
| suspending a model from a string. Trudel believed he was in mental |
| contact with space people, who sent him telepathic messages as to |
| where and when they would appear. Oddly enough, two more cases of |
| photographs being taken of UFOs occurred on this day in Austria. Two |
| people, one named Tutter, took a photograph of a UFO in Vienna |
| (Wien), Austria at 9:55 p.m., and two more people, one named |
| Brettschneider, took a photo in Ganserndorf, Austria at 11:35 p.m. |
| (Sources: Timothy Green Beckley, Flying Saucers, December 1970, pg. |
| 26; UFO Nachtrichten, August 1967). |
| |
| 1968 - In Los Cigarrales, Argentina Jorge Yaru, a member of the |
| Argentine Navy, was on his way to bed at 3:15 a.m. when he heard a |
| very loud engine noise and stepped out of his home to investigate. He |
| saw nothing and returned inside. He heard the noise again and went |
| back outside. Looking towards a nearby empty field he saw a hovering |
| disc-shaped UFO, with a dome on top and bottom. Around the bottom |
| part of the object were yellow, red, and orange lights. He estimated |
| the craft to be about 1.5 meters in thickness and six meters in |
| diameter, and the craft was rotating in a counter-clockwise |
| direction. He watched the object for 40 minutes while it remained |
| motionless, then the craft shot away at a ninety-degree angle towards |
| some nearby wooded hills. It remained stationary there for 40 minutes |
| and then made an abrupt jump, hovered again, and shot off at a high |
| rate of speed. Sr. Yaru then felt a strange urge to bathe in a nearby |
| brook, which he did despite the very low outdoor temperatures at the |
| time. He felt a strange need to "cleanse" himself. At the same time a |
| neighbor, Adela Garcia, heard the same noise and noticed in the same |
| empty field a strange triangular shaped cloud. A giant man-like |
| figure, over two meters tall, with long blond hair, descended to the |
| ground from the cloud. The strange being, which Garcia likened to |
| Jesus Christ, approached her and she knelt before him. Averting her |
| eyes from the being briefly, she looked up and both the being and the |
| cloud were gone. A large are of scorched grass was found in the |
| field. (Sources: Oscar A. Uriondo, Preliminary Catalogue of Type I |
| cases in Argentina, FSR Case Histories, August 1973, p. 10; Albert S. |
| Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, citing Revista Enigmas, |
| Argentina). |
| |
| 1969 - Two people were sleeping outside in their backyard on this |
| summer night in Portland, Oregon when they saw an object approaching |
| them at 1:00 a.m. When first spotted the UFO was at about 500 feet |
| altitude and a ¼ mile away. Soon they could see that it was a single |
| file formation of disc-shaped objects, which dropped down to about 30 |
| feet and turned north. The UFOs were about 30 feet in diameter. As |
| they flew over a nearby field the witnesses could see a bluish green |
| light under each object. They could also see small-lighted windows in |
| the objects and in each window a figure was seen looking out. The |
| last object shot up at a 30-degree angle and vanished within seconds, |
| leaving a luminous short trail of light behind. (Source: Albert S. |
| Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1969, citing National UFO |
| Reporting Center, Seattle). |
| |
| 1970 - A single witness saw a domed disc-shaped craft land in San |
| Vicente de Toqua, Chile at 11:00 o'clock at night. Two humanoids were |
| reported to have been seen inside the craft. (Sources: Chilean UFO |
| Bulletin, Vol. 8, 1970; David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: |
| Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1970-10, citing Mark Rodeghier |
| and Bernard Delair). |
| |
| 1978 - A dark, silent wedge-shaped object with a square formation of |
| white lights in the back and a triangular formation of red and white |
| lights in the front paced the car of two students, ages 21 and 19, as |
| they drove eastbound on Route 299 in New Paltz, New York. The UFO |
| turned south toward them and passed over their car. The male student |
| got out of the car and ran underneath it, and said it was as large as |
| his outstretched hand at arm's length. It shot off toward the |
| southwest horizon in a few seconds time. (Source: International UFO |
| Reporter, August 1978, p. 4.) |
| |
| 1992 - Coatesville, Pennsylvania. Several workers at the Lukens Steel |
| Company plant saw a disc-shaped UFO land on the factory grounds |
| around quitting time (4:30 p.m.). The security guard said that the |
| object touched down briefly and then took off in the direction of the |
| old Coatesville Hospital. The company, a defense contractor, refused |
| to let UFO investigators talk with any of the witnesses or answer |
| further questions about what they saw. Attempts to set up interviews |
| outside of the plant were also unsuccessful. (Source: Thomas Carey, MUFON; |
| West Chester Daily Local News, June 12, 1992.) |
| |
| 1998 - At 10:15 p.m. a woman awoke to a noise outside her bedroom in |
| Deception Bay, Queensland, Australia. She thought she heard the TV |
| set on and could also see some kind of soft, flashing light in the |
| corridor that she went to investigate. At the end of the corridor she |
| was surprised to see a very tall man standing in the hallway. He wore |
| a long beige jacket and had long arms. His face could not be seen |
| because he was backlit by the light coming from behind him. She |
| attempted to scream but could not. The next thing she remembered was |
| finding herself standing in a different place in the room. She heard |
| a voice say "come on, time to go to bed now," which she did. (Source: |
| Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database, case #3155, citing |
| Robert Frola & Diane Harrison, UFO Information Centre Queensland). |
| |
| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 4 June 2006). |
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| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
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| Theme |
| s: car pursuits; disc-shaped UFOs; domed discs; humanoids; humanoid b |
| eings with long arms; inside occupants; landings; missing time, ovoid |
| UFOs; photographs; revolving UFOs, silent UFOs; unusual cloud, smoke |
| or fog associated with UFOs; very tall humanoids, wedge-shaped UFOs. |
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