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synced 2025-03-22 06:46:32 -04:00
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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
| |
| July 20 |
| |
| 1945 - At 10:50 a.m. a fast moving, silent cigar-shaped object flew |
| over Houdain, France. Its surface was glowing, it had flames shooting |
| from its front, and it left no contrail. (Source: Lumieres dans la |
| Nuit, p. 156). |
| |
| 1947 - At 2:30 a.m. in Idaho Falls, Idaho Mr. Denton saw a UFO swing |
| back and forth in a pendulum motion. (Source: Idaho Daily Statesman, |
| July 21, 1947; Ted Bloecher, Report on the UFO Wave of 1947, case |
| 842). |
| |
| 1948 - A cigar-shaped object with two rows of windows was seen four |
| times in Arnhem, Holland around 1:30 in the afternoon. It moved |
| through the sky very fast. (Source: Project Blue Book files counted |
| in official statistics, July 1948; Paris Flammonde, UFO Exist! p. |
| 249). |
| |
| 1950 - In Porto Novo, Brazil Mr. Campello and several others driving |
| together in a car saw two large, silvery objects by the side of the |
| road, one on a hill, the other on flat ground. They were about 50 |
| meters away from each other. They drove to within 600 meters of the |
| objects, which flew away at "an incredible speed," causing a rush of |
| air that rocked the car. (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to |
| Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 196 (case 81)). |
| |
| 1952 - At 12:30 a.m. in Dai-el-Aouagri, Morocco Mr. R. Petijean |
| observed a 20-meter wide luminous object on the ground. It gave off |
| bluish flashes as it took off, and left behind the smell of burning |
| sulphur. (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of |
| Landings, p. 199). |
| |
| 1952 - Seton Hall University chemistry professor Dr. A. B. Spooner of |
| Lavalette, New Jersey reported to the Air Force that he sighted two |
| large orange-yellow lights with some dull red coloring in trail at |
| 12:20 a.m. The lights turned and circled for 5-6 minutes. (Source: |
| Don Berliner, Project Bluebook Unknowns). |
| |
| 1952 - At 1:05 a.m. at Andrews AFB in Maryland five witnesses |
| visually observed three red-orange objects moving erratically around |
| the sky. During the evening USAF radar operators at the weather tower |
| tracked ten UFOs for 15-20 minutes at Andrews AFB, Maryland. The |
| objects approached the runway, scattered, and then made sharp turns |
| and reversals in direction. (Source: NICAP case investigation files, |
| report dated September 14, 1960). |
| |
| 1952 - At 4:30 a.m. additional unidentified radar targets were picked |
| up and tracked on ARTC radar at National Airport in Arlington, |
| Virginia. (Source: Richard Hall, Radar-Visual UFO cases in 1952: The |
| UFO sightings that shook the government, p. 10). |
| |
| 1952 - An Army officer saw a red, cigar-shaped object hover for four |
| minutes over Alexandria, Virginia at 9:30 p.m. (Source: NICAP case |
| investigation files, report dated May 28, 1963). |
| |
| 1954 - Two men were chased by a UFO near Oslo, Norway when they had |
| stopped their car to look at it. After the sighting a watch stopped |
| working and the paint on their car changed color. (Source: Jacques |
| Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 207). |
| |
| 1955 - In the afternoon a farmhand in Edison, Georgia saw a four-foot |
| tall, hairy little gray man without clothes emerge from some nearby |
| woods and walk along a fence. The dwarf was visible for 25 minutes |
| before he returned to woods. (Sources: Atlanta (GA) Constitution, |
| July 26, 1955; Ted Bloecher). |
| |
| 1956 - At three o'clock in the morning a brilliant light was seen in |
| the sky over Long Beach, California. It appeared to be a |
| saucer-shaped craft with wires around the edges. The wires seemed to |
| be rotating while the disc flew eastward. At 4:30 a.m a photo was |
| taken of a light seen east of Wichita, Kansas. There were several |
| reports from this area, but most of them appear to be |
| misidentifications of either Mars or Venus. Three witnesses in |
| Panorama City, California independently claimed to have observed a |
| huge, ball-shaped object from which three beings emerged. They were |
| nearly two meters (6.6 feet) tall, had long, blond hair, and wore |
| tight, green suits. (Sources: Loren Gross, The fifth horseman of the |
| Apocalypse: UFOs: A History. 1956: May-July, p. 82; Civilian Saucer |
| Intelligence-New York Newsletter, September 1956, p. 5; Project Blue |
| Book files; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, p. 253). |
| |
| 1958 - A pilot flying over Crystal Lake in Chicago, Illinois at 5:07 |
| p.m. sighted a white disc-shaped object. The disc appeared to be the |
| size of a basketball, and flew in a straight line. (Source: Dominique |
| Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 30). |
| |
| 1959 - A UFO was seen flying over a mountain in Papua New Guinea at |
| around 6 p.m. At 10:15 p.m. a bright white cigar-shaped object flew |
| south over the Woomera missile test range in South Australia. Many at |
| the military base as well as in the town saw it, and the newspapers |
| carried the report widely. (Source: APRO Bulletin, September-October |
| 1959). |
| |
| 1961 - While flying in a DC-3 over Houston, Texas at eight o'clock in |
| the morning Trans-Texas Airlines Capt. A.V. Beather sighted two very |
| bright white lights or objects. They flew in trail formation for 30 |
| minutes. There is a vague report from ground radar that the UFOs were |
| picked up on radar. (Source: Don Berliner, Project Bluebook |
| Unknowns). |
| |
| 1963 - A huge top-shaped object hovered, shimmered and rotated in the |
| sky west of Burnley, England for two minutes. It shot off toward the |
| south, but stopped again. (Source: Paul Devereax, Earth Lights |
| Revelation, p. 100). |
| |
| 1964 - Mr. J.J. Winkle in Littleton, Illinois reported to the Air |
| Force that at 4:45 a.m. he observed a 60-foot diameter flying object |
| with a round top and flat bottom. It had a long acetylene-colored |
| flame shooting downward from underneath the object. It flew straight |
| and level, made a half loop, then rose up in the sky. The duration of |
| the sighting was about one minute. (Sources: Project Blue Book files |
| counted in official statistics, case 8942; Don Berliner, Project |
| Bluebook Unknowns). |
| |
| 1965 - In Sydney, New South Wales, Australia a six meter in diameter |
| blue glowing disc landed by a creek, making a swishing sound. It gave |
| off an orange glow on takeoff. (Sources: NICAP UFO Investigator, |
| March 1968, p. 5; Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, |
| p. 88). |
| |
| 1965 - At 3:00 a.m. Carlos Videla Zamudio, a hotel guest in Chanaral, |
| Atacama province, Chile was awakened by a loud noise, looked out the |
| window, and saw an intense red object about 10-12 meters in diameter |
| land on the isolated beach. It was shaped like a mushroom or a top, |
| was lighted from inside, rested on the ground silently, flew up to 30 |
| meters, and disappeared at fantastic speed. After four or five |
| minutes it took off with a "violent noise" and disappeared. (Sources: |
| APRO Bulletin, January-February 1966; Jacques Vallee, Passport to |
| Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 658; Richard H. Hall, The UFO |
| Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 317). |
| |
| 1965 - At around eight o'clock in the morning R. Pereyra was driving |
| near Monte de los Curas, Quilmes, Buenos Aires province, Argentina |
| when he saw a parachute-like object land. Going near it, he observed |
| a chromium-looking, egg-shaped craft standing on metal legs, with a |
| transparent upper part. A blond pilot, wearing plastic coveralls and |
| small boots, seemed to be studying a piece of paper. Inside the craft |
| was another man seated before an instrument panel. Shortly thereafter |
| the object took off. (Sources: Gordon Creighton, The Humanoids: FSR |
| Special Edition #1, p. 40; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A |
| Century of Landings, case 659). |
| |
| 1965 - At 9:48 p.m. two high school students, James Murphy and Kevin |
| Fitzgerald, in East Hartford, Connecticut sighted a round, bluish |
| white object that flew silently to the north. At 10:30 p.m. twenty |
| residents of Wayland, Massachusetts observed a round silver-white |
| object that traveled to the north, stopped and hovered for 20 minutes |
| while wobbling, and then headed north again. (Source: APRO Bulletin, |
| September-October 1965, January-February 1966). |
| |
| 1965 - After 11:00 p.m. a motorist in Chesterville, Ontario, Canada |
| encountered a domed UFO with antennae from the sides, hovering just |
| above road. He treid to speed past it, but the object accelerated to |
| keep up with the car for about a minute at speeds approaching 100 |
| mph; it then climbed away out of sight. (Source: Chesterville Record, |
| July 22, 1965; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A |
| Thirty-Year Report, p. 452). |
| |
| 1966 - An elongated object carrying parallel points of horizontal |
| lights passed over the Mount Monadnock Bible Conference Grounds in |
| Jaffrey, New Hampshire at 10:30 p.m. EDT. The lights on the object |
| changed from white to red to orange to yellow to green and back to |
| white. It made no sound as it flew. (Source: Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: |
| Interplanetary Visitors, p. 341). |
| |
| Jaffrey, New Hampshire - 1966 |
| |
| [] |
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| 1967 - At midnight a sparkling cloud seen over Pyle, England revealed |
| itself to be a metallic saucer-shaped object on closer approach. It |
| was spinning and made a noise like a jet plane. It vanished while |
| still in sight. (Source: APRO Bulletin, November-December 1967, p. |
| 6). |
| |
| 1967 - Pedro Petrelli of Guernica, Argentina heard a loud noise like |
| a burst of wind from a hurricane and saw a bright object pass over |
| his house at night. It seemed to be about seven-meter in diameter, |
| circular or disc shaped, and was observed to be spinning. Some twenty |
| people in the vicinity saw it. It stopped and hovered over some |
| nearby trees and threw off some metallic fragments. The next morning |
| two trees showed cuts at a height of five meters, and a third tree at |
| three meters. On the ground were found fragments of what seemed to be |
| burnt wood, but the inside looked like fused glass. Chemical analysis |
| of the fragments established the presence of sulphur, copper and |
| silicon that had been subjected to a heat of more than 1600º Celsius. |
| (Source: Oscar A. Uriondo, FSR Case Histories, June 1973, p. 11, |
| citing letter from Rev. P. Reyna of Buenos Aires dated May 5, 1969 to |
| Phenomenes Spatiaux, issue no. 20, June 1969). |
| |
| 1967 - At 9:15 p.m. EDT Mrs. Elizabeth Douglas had tripped and fallen |
| on her lawn in Titusville, Florida and was just getting up when she |
| saw a UFO about 200 feet away about 60-70 feet above the ground. It |
| was a sixty foot in diameter, gray bell-shaped object, with an |
| intense light coming from five square windows. In the fourth window |
| was a thin humanoid figure with an egg-shaped head and a featureless |
| face. It had long arms that were raised. She viewed the entity for |
| about two minutes. Mrs. Douglas's daughter Ingrid joined her, and |
| also saw the UFO as it moved away, but did not see the occupant. |
| Ninety minutes later at 10:45 p.m. EDT a round green light was seen |
| hovering over the radio transmission tower of WHP Radio in |
| Summerdale, Pennsylvania. The object turned red, descended to around |
| 200 feet above the ground, and an intense white light came on. It |
| flew away behind the treeline toward the northwest. (Sources: NICAP |
| case investigation files, reports dated July 30, 1967 and August 9, |
| 1967; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid |
| Reports, case 1967-63, citing Clark McClelland for NICAP). |
| |
| 1968 - At 12:30 a.m. three 14-year-old girls at a summer camp on Lake |
| Kaarna, Estonia were sitting outside eating when they saw a |
| bright light descend overhead and join up with a cigar-shaped craft |
| that had just appeared. The objects soon disappeared. Moments later, |
| after the witnesses had gone inside their cabin, they saw a bright |
| orange bus-shaped object on the ground about 50 meters away. It was |
| surrounded by dazzling beams of orange yellow light, which suddenly |
| dimmed and the object began emitting a green blue light. It had a |
| blue green stripe around it and seemed to shrink in size, and after a |
| few minutes the witnesses heard a buzzing sound and the object |
| disappeared behind some bushes. One of the witnesses ran to where the |
| object had been and saw a small human-like figure that had feminine |
| features; the figure was standing where the object had been, and she |
| seemed to be wearing a shiny silvery ribbon across her chest. The |
| being suddenly rose up into the air and vanished. The next day |
| strange ground markings were found at the site. (Sources: Juri Lina, |
| FSR, June 1978, p. 3; Larry Hatch, U computer database, citing FSR). |
| 1968 - A man on a hiking trip near Cluj-Napoca, Romania was scanning |
| the field with his binoculars at eleven o'clock in the morning when |
| he noticed four bizarre looking humanoids standing on a field. The |
| humanoids were standing around apparently inspecting the area except |
| for one that appeared to be lying prone on the ground. These human |
| like figures appeared to be naked or topless as if sunning themselves |
| in a beach. As he watched, five minutes later a large gray balloon |
| shaped object appeared above some trees. It was flying in a west-east |
| direction and appeared to be about 25 meters in diameter. At one |
| point the object ejected a small sphere that descended in a vertical |
| parabolic trajectory disappearing behind the trees. Soon 4 |
| bell-parachute shaped objects appeared and descend over each of the |
| humanoids covering them completely, each of the humanoids raised |
| their arms as if waiting to be covered by the objects. The parachute |
| like objects then disappeared along with the humanoids. The witness |
| described the humanoids as about 1.40 meters in height, of a robust |
| build with short muscular legs and over-developed calves. Their skin |
| was dark reddish in color and their hair was dark and swarthy. Their |
| heads and faces were peculiar since they had dog or canine-like |
| characteristics. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact |
| Database 1968, citing Calin Turcu, Romania). |
| |
| 1969 - On this night John Fairfax, a trans-Atlantic sailor sailing |
| alone, saw two star-like objects, ten times brighter than Venus. Both |
| rose in the sky, then separated, one flying off at a low altitude, |
| the other climbing higher in the sky; both vanished suddenly. On the |
| same night a discovery was made of five unmanned ships west of the |
| Azores. Two of the ships had capsized but the other three were |
| totally undamaged despite the disappearance of all passengers and |
| crew. (Sources: APRO Bulletin, July-August 1969, p. 7; Ivan T. |
| Sanderson, Invisible Residents, p. 126, citing Reuters). |
| |
| 1972 - An ovoid shaped object with a dome on top was seen over the |
| coast at Tongaat, South Africa at 4:30 a.m. (Source: J. Bernard |
| Delair, UFO Register, Volume 9 (1978)). |
| |
| 1972 - In Pietermaritzburg, South Africa a pink cone-shaped UFO |
| appeared directly in front of a car at eleven o'clock in the morning, |
| then descended into a cemetery. (Source: Charles Bowen, FSR, |
| November-December 1972, p. 16). |
| |
| 1974 - The fire lookout at Satus Peak in Yakima County, Washington |
| recorded seeing an unexplained ball of light for twenty minutes |
| beginning at 11:15 p.m. Records show that similar sightings occurred |
| here on the same date in 1973 and again in 1981. (Source: Greg Long, |
| Examining the Earthlight Theory: The Yakima UFO Microcosm, pp. 127, |
| 128, 134) |
| |
| 1975 - An orange-red metallic disc flew past a plane flying near |
| Williams Air Force Base in Arizona. The plane was being flown by a |
| man named Royce. It disappeared at great speed. (Source: Dominique |
| Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 39; Saga UFO Report, July |
| 1977, p. 37). |
| |
| 1975 - On a cloudy evening at around 10:00 p.m. an enormous |
| disc-shaped object shot huge beams of energy at four witnesses in Bay |
| Village, Ohio. It was estimated to be at an altitude of one thousand |
| feet and made no sound. It also reportedly had legs or landing gear. |
| (Sources: Center for UFO Studies case files, report dated August 5, |
| 1975; FSR, April 1976, p. 24). |
| |
| 1982 - In the middle of the afternoon a local cattleman in Vejer de |
| la Frontera, Cadiz, Spain was on his motorcycle using a seldom |
| traveled road when his motorcycle came to a stop and would not start. |
| He then walked to what he thought was a tanker truck a hundred meters |
| away, but when he got to about 30 meters away from it he saw two huge |
| human-like figures standing in the middle of the road. They wore |
| shiny metallic armored suits and fishbowl-like clear helmets. One |
| stood near a wire fence and was looking at the cattle in the nearby |
| field. The beings then walked back to the object as if in slow |
| motion. They entered the object through an open hatch, which took off |
| silently towards the north. Ground traces were reportedly found at |
| the site. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1982, |
| case # 98, citing investigator Fernandez-Peri and Vicente-Juan |
| Ballester Olmos, Enciclopedia de Los Encuentros con OVNIs). |
| |
| 1990 - At 7:30 p.m. a retired Navy pilot and his wife saw a huge |
| bluish-white glowing orb in the sky over Pensacola, Florida. It arced |
| down and dove toward Pensacola Bay. (Source: C. Joseph Barron, MUFON |
| UFO Journal, December 1990). |
| |
| 1990 - At 11:00 p.m. a red ball of light, half a meter in diameter, |
| chased two witnesses in Soledade, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil for 20 |
| minutes. They felt heat from the object. (Source: Bob Pratt, UFO |
| Danger Zone: Terror and Death in Brazil--Where Next? p. 85). |
| |
| 1995 - A zigzagging object with flashing lights was seen over Puget |
| Sound from Ballard, Washington at 1:00 a.m. It was seen again by a |
| witness east of Port Orchard, Washington at 2:15 a.m. (Source: Peter |
| Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle). |
| |
| 1999 - At three o'clock in the morning an object was seen flying |
| toward the witness in Minneapolis, Minnesota. As it got closer the |
| witness could see that it was not a helicopter. Two human occupants |
| were seen inside the craft. (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO |
| Reporting Center, July 1999 web page). |
| |
| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 29 October 2009). |
| |
| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
| |
| Themes: air displac |
| ement; car pursuits; cigar-shaped UFOs; disc-shaped UFOs; erratic man |
| euvers; fishbowl helmets; flame from UFO; human looking UFO occupants |
| ; landings and landing traces; multi-year reports from Yakima, Washin |
| gton; orange UFOs; rush of air from passing UFOs; silvery UFOs; tall |
| Nordic humanoids; thin faceless UFO occupant; two UFOs flying in tand |
| em; UFOs flying in formation; vehicle EM ignition interference effect |
| ; very large humanoids; wristwatch stopped working; zigzag maneuvers. |
| |
| © Donald A. Johnson |
| |
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