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synced 2025-03-22 14:56:26 -04:00
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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
| |
| July 4 |
| |
| 1947 - There are 73 UFO reports from across the United States and one |
| report from Canada recorded for this day in UFOCAT. The majority of |
| the reports fall in a swath from the Pacific Northwest down through |
| the Mississippi River Valley. Most of these sightings were of |
| flyovers by daylight discs, although there was one humanoid report |
| from Fort Worth, Texas. |
| |
| 1947 - The retrieval of UFO wreckage and bodies allegedly occurred on |
| this day from a crash site near Corona, New Mexico. The bodies were |
| taken later to Roswell AFB, New Mexico and then flown to Carswell AFB |
| in Texas. According to the relatives of witnesses who shared details |
| about the alien humanoid bodies, they had baldheads, small sunken |
| eyes, small noses, no ears, long forearms, and only four long slender |
| fingers on each hand. (Source: Patrick Huyghe, Field Guide to |
| Extraterrestrials: A complete overview of alien life forms based on |
| actual accounts and sightings, p. 22). |
| |
| 1947 - At noon while flying between Tonopah and Austin, Nevada and |
| cruising at an estimated 10,000 feet altitude, Mr. Harris and his |
| passenger sighted five circular objects flying below his airplane. |
| They were shiny and reflected sunlight. He tried to catch up to them |
| but could not. (Source: Nevada Daily Free Press, July 7, 1947). |
| |
| 1947 - A young woman driving in the afternoon on the outskirts of |
| Fort Worth, Texas saw a 25-foot diameter flying disc. She got out of |
| her car and waved. The object tipped and the human-appearing |
| occupants waved back to her, and then the disc flew away in silence. |
| (Source: Brinsley Le Poer Trench, Mysterious Visitors, p. 91). |
| |
| 1947 - At 1:05 p.m. a police officer at police headquarters in |
| Portland, Oregon saw five flying discs, two going south, three flying |
| to the east at high speed. They were oscillating around a central |
| vertical axis. Minutes later two police, both pilots, saw three more |
| discs trailing one another. Then four patrolmen reported seeing 3-6 |
| "chrome hubcaps" flying over the city. At about the same time a |
| highway patrolman in Milwaukee, Oregon watched two or three shiny |
| white saucers fly quickly toward the northwest. (Sources: Thomas |
| Olsen, The Reference for Outstanding UFO Sighting Reports, p. 2; |
| Oregon Journal, July 5, 1947). |
| |
| 1947 - Also that day four silent discs passed the summit of Mount |
| Jefferson in Oregon flying at a high rate of speed. In Troutdale, |
| Oregon a V-shaped object flew toward the northeast over the Columbia |
| River. It made dipping motions during its flight, and was observed |
| through binoculars by three men. In Vancouver, Washington 20-30 round |
| objects flew toward the west and south in straight-line formations. A |
| low humming sound was heard. North of Craig, Montana a string of |
| twelve plate-shaped objects flew over a couple while they were out |
| fishing on a bridge at 3:00 p.m. (Sources: Project Blue Book files |
| counted in official statistics; The Oregonian, July 5 & 6, 1947; |
| International UFO Reporter, Winter 1998; Wyoming State Tribune, July |
| 6, 1947). |
| |
| 1947 - At 5:30 p.m. at the residential area of Greenwood Lake in |
| north Seattle, Washington Mr. Larson sighted a round white object |
| descend vertically, then make a ninety-degree turn and proceed |
| horizontally flying toward the south. Two more people at the nearby |
| University of Washington campus also saw the UFO, as did 21 more in |
| the Lake City area of the city. One of the witnesses in the Lake City |
| area took a photograph. (Source: Jan Aldrich, Project 1947: A |
| preliminary report on the 1947 UFO sighting wave, p. 82; Ted |
| Bloecher, Report on the UFO Wave of 1947, p. 257; Seattle |
| Post-Intelligencer, July 8, 1947). |
| |
| 1947 - At 11:00 p.m. an orange ball of light, "as big around as a |
| barrel," which resolved itself into a disc, frightened Ms. M. Voigt |
| of Edgerton, Wisconsin. The UFO flew fast across the sky but was back |
| again for ten minutes, when it then suddenly vanished. (Source: |
| Madison Capital-Times, July 7, 1947). |
| |
| 1957 - A disc with brightly illuminated windows followed a REAL |
| airliner flying between Campos and Victoria, Brazil. (Source: NICAP |
| UFO Investigator, September 1957, p. 11) |
| |
| 1959 - The crew of a USAF RB-66 aircraft sighted a group of 16 cream |
| colored oval-shaped objects flying at 36,000 feet altitude over the |
| China Sea. (Source: Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. |
| 31). |
| |
| 1969 - Ossipee, New Hampshire - The principal witness was fishing in a |
| boat at about 7:00 in the morning when he heard a big splash behind |
| him. He swung around and looked up to see a silver oval shaped object |
| about 30 feet in diameter, 300 feet above him. The UFO made a humming |
| sound as it rose to about 3000 feet and hovered. There was a second |
| witness to the UFO. (Source: Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs Interplanetary Visitors, |
| pg. 356). |
| |
| 1969 - At eight o'clock in the evening Mauricio Gnecco saw a |
| yellowish red light moving in the sky over Anolaima, Colombia. When |
| he signaled to it with a flashlight it approached to within 150 feet |
| of his house. It was a Saturn-shaped UFO, yellow-orange in color, and |
| had two bent, blue and green legs. It appeared to land on a nearby |
| hill. Arcesio Bermudez, an adult, went to the landing site and |
| approached to within 20 feet of the craft. He saw a being inside the |
| object whose upper body looked normal, but whose lower half--from the |
| waist down--resembled a luminous letter "A". The object then "blinked |
| on," rose and disappeared. Two days later Sr. Bermudez became very |
| ill, and within a few days he died of gastroenteritis. (Source: David |
| F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case |
| 1969-41, citing John Simhon for APRO). |
| |
| 1969 - The witness and her father had gone to a local racetrack in |
| Eau Claire, Wisconsin and at around 10:30 p.m. she was sitting by |
| herself on the top bleachers when she had a feeling she was being |
| watched. She looked to her right and saw a UFO hovering about 1,000 |
| feet away. She described it as an oval-shaped craft, with a |
| transparent rectangular section in the center. She saw inside this |
| transparent part the silhouettes of several men staring at her. At |
| one point she briefly looked away, and when she looked back the |
| object had disappeared. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact |
| Database 1969, case # 3174, citing Minnesota MUFON). |
| |
| 1970 - Sequoyah Trueblood was sitting by his pool at his townhouse in |
| Laurel, Maryland, watching his children swimming with his wife |
| sitting next to him. Without knowing why, he felt compelled to leave. |
| He got up, went into the house, changed his clothes, packed a small |
| bag, drove to the airport and took a plane to Oklahoma City. A friend |
| then drove him to Norman, Oklahoma. He felt strange and wanted to lie |
| down, so went to lie down in his friend's bedroom. He was lying down |
| relaxing when he saw a vortex of swirling lights "like a rainbow" |
| into which he was sucked. Mr. Trueblood then found himself standing |
| in a beautiful garden surrounded by hedges. He felt wide awake. In |
| front of him he saw a silvery saucer-shaped craft and a shimmering |
| small silver being standing on steps that came down from the bottom |
| of the craft. The being had a grayish complexion and had a large |
| baldhead with large eyes. The witness sensed that the being was |
| "androgynous," neither male nor female. The being communicated |
| telepathically and told him that he had been sent to take him because |
| "they" wanted to talk to him. He agreed to go and walked up the |
| steps. Once inside the craft he heard no sound, but through a small |
| window he could see the moon, the sun, and "millions of stars" go by |
| in an instant. Soon the craft was hovering over a beautiful white |
| city in what he believed was another planet or universe. He next |
| found himself down on the ground. The people in the city appeared to |
| be both male and female, wore white robes, and were fair skinned with |
| "hair that was glowing like the color of sunlight." The small being |
| then took him down a street lined with beautiful white buildings |
| three stories tall to a clearing in the woods that seemed like a |
| park. There were a number of people there, and a male said to him |
| that if he would "pay attention." The people told him that they did |
| not need food, for the air they breathed was converted into what was |
| needed to sustain life. A leader figure told him that he had been |
| brought here to show him the potential of the human race. Soon he |
| asked to be returned, and was taken back into the craft, through the |
| vortex, and found himself back in bed. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, |
| Humanoid Contact Database 1970, citing John E Mack, M.D, Passport to |
| the Cosmos). |
| |
| 1975 - At five minutes after midnight a 70-foot diameter domed disc |
| was seen near Mountain Lakes, New Jersey sweeping the ground with a |
| bright beam of light near highway 46. It then flew off toward the |
| northeast. There was radio interference noted at the time. (Source: |
| Skylook, September 1975, p. 3). |
| |
| 1975 - Nine teenagers were at a campground in Kentucky on this night. |
| Debbie and Nan Kitley, ages 16 and 17, had gone back out to their |
| pickup truck to talk on the CB radio. The lights on the truck and the |
| CB radio went dead when four bright lights descended over them. They |
| both had a memory lapse about what happened next. (Source: Thomas E. |
| Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery. Volume 2: |
| Catalogue of Cases, case 195, citing 1984 MUFON UFO Proceedings, p. |
| 168). |
| |
| 1976 - On this morning in Mawman, England a young girl and her sister |
| saw a man perched in a tree nearby who had legs "bent backwards like |
| a bird." It had red glowing eyes and a gray body. It saw them and |
| rose straight up through the trees. (Source: David F. Webb and Ted |
| Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of humanoid reports, case A1642). |
| |
| 1976 - At 12:45 p.m. a huge disc-shaped object hovered for a long |
| time over Bilbao, Spain. It flew back over the city and surrounding |
| area several times, then made a ninety-degree turn and flew off |
| toward the south. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case |
| 11764). |
| |
| 1978 - At 3:15 p.m. in Santa Paula, California a small domed |
| disc-shaped object, about 3-4 feet in diameter with rotating parts on |
| top, made a head-on pass at two witnesses in an airplane. (Source: |
| International UFO Reporter, August 1978, p. 4). |
| |
| 1978 - At 11:30 p.m. at Mount Etna, Italy three red objects, one a |
| domed disc ten meters in diameter, landed behind a mountain. Five or |
| six "Nordic" looking beings with long blond hair emerged from the |
| craft, wearing uniforms that looked like diving suits. The four |
| witnesses were paralyzed and could not move during the event. |
| (Source: International UFO Reporter, August 1978, p. 2). |
| |
| 1981 - At 9:20 p.m. a star-like object flew in a sine-wave pattern |
| across in sky in Shazhou County, China. Fire lookouts at the Sopelia |
| Tower station on the Yakima Indian Reservation in Washington State |
| reported seeing mysterious balls of light at 10:15 p.m. (Sources: |
| Wendelle Stevens & Paul Dong, UFOs over Modern China, p. 223; Greg |
| Long, Examining the Earthlight Theory: The Yakima UFO Microcosm, p. |
| 134). |
| |
| 1987 - On this Fourth of July holiday two adult women in Pensacola, |
| Florida were outside in the evening setting off sparklers when they |
| spotted a light in the sky. It first appeared to be flying south but |
| it then turned in their direction and approached, coming to within 30 |
| feet of them. Both ran into their house screaming. (Source: Rex |
| Salisberry, MUFON case investigation files, case 890704). |
| |
| 1989 - An abduction attempt took place on this evening in a park near |
| Kiev, Ukraine on the banks of the Dnieper River. Two women, Vera |
| Prokofiyevna, a retired factory employee, and her friend Alexandra |
| Stepanovna, an engineer, together with Alexandra's six-year-old |
| daughter, were out strolling in the park. At twilight they approached |
| the river and suddenly saw what they took to be a boat with three |
| beings on board. The beings looked very pale and had identical faces, |
| like identical twins. The had long blond hair, big eyes, and were |
| wearing collarless silver shirts that looked like nightgowns. They |
| bluntly told the women they were from another planet, so far away |
| that your minds "cannot fathom it." They went on to say that everyday |
| they take a person from Earth to their world. "We will take you. Our |
| ship is nearby; we will show it to you." They spoke Russian with a |
| strange accent that Prokofiyevna described as "ancient" rather than |
| foreign. They then surrounded the three, preventing them from |
| leaving. The women started begging them not to take them because they |
| had children and families. |
| |
| Behind some trees they saw the craft. It was silvery colored like |
| their clothing and looked like a huge barrel with a circular antenna |
| on top of it. The little girl began crying and the women reacted to |
| this with deep anguish. They were then told, "well, we won't take |
| you, we will find others." They went inside the craft by using a |
| ladder with three steps. The ladder withdrew inside, the door |
| automatically closed once the beings were aboard, and the craft took |
| off without making any noise or causing any disturbance of the air or |
| the sand beneath it. Soon it was high in the sky and looked like a |
| small star. (Source: Jacques Vallee, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet |
| Union: A Cosmic Samizdat, pp. 37-39, citing investigation by Dr. |
| Alexander F. Pugach). |
| |
| 1994 - At midnight at homes in Caille, France television sets and |
| electric lights flickered and went out when a metallic, |
| parasol-shaped UFO flew twisting maneuvers through the night sky. |
| (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue no. 327). |
| |
| 1998 - At 10:23 a.m. an object in the sky over Waikiki, Hawaii made |
| erratic maneuvers in the sky, moving in circles with up-and-down |
| motions. (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, |
| July 1998 web page). |
| |
| 2000 - Several reports were received between 10:00 p.m. and 11:30 |
| p.m. from various locales in King and Pierce Counties, Washington |
| State reporting the sighting of at least one red UFO hovering above |
| the clouds, for an average of ten to fifteen minutes at a time. |
| (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, July 2000 |
| web page). |
| |
| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 28 July 2004). |
| |
| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
| |
| Themes: abductions an |
| d abduction attempts; communication; death of human being apparently |
| caused by close encounter with a UFO; disc-shaped UFOs; domed discs; |
| EM radio frequency interference; flying humanoid; human-looking UFO o |
| ccupants, especially blond "Nordic" UFO occupants; humming sounds; in |
| side UFO occupants; missing time; oscillating or dipping motions whil |
| e in flight; orange UFOs; otherworldly journey; Saturn-shaped UFOs; U |
| FOs in vicinity of water; UFO responding to light signal; V-shaped or |
| boomerang-shaped UFOs; sine-wave, up-and-down, and zigzag maneuvers. |
| |
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