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synced 2025-03-27 17:18:14 -04:00
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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
| |
| December 31 |
| |
| 1953 - Two marines at the Quantico Marine Corps base in Virginia |
| observed the landing of a round UFO that throbbed and pulsated, |
| emitting red lights. (Sources: Harold Wilkins, Flying Saucers |
| Uncensored, p. 210; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, A Century of |
| Landings, case 122). |
| |
| 1954 - At ten minutes after midnight, four men in a forest in |
| Camaqua, Brazil in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, saw a 30-meter |
| wide disc stop and hover silently one meter above the ground. A human |
| looking occupant got out of the craft and walked around it with a |
| lamp of some kind. (Source: Felipe Machado Carrion, Phenomenes |
| Spatiaux, December 1971, p. 32). |
| |
| 1958 - Two men in their late 40s, Srs. Salas and Acosta, watched a |
| cylindrical object with a pointed end shoot straight up in the sky at |
| 11:55 p.m. in Umbrete, Sevilla province, Spain. A moment later, when |
| one of them opened the door of the truck in which they had been |
| driving, a second object-two meters long-shot up from the ground. |
| (Source: Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, FSR, July-August 1971, p. 11). |
| |
| 1971 - On this evening in 1971 in Tulancingo, Mexico in the State of |
| Hidalgo, Sra. Ochones saw a domed disc land 50 meters away, making a |
| “sizzling” sound. A door opened in the craft and several beings |
| emerged from a red illuminated interior. They wore white coveralls |
| with tight-fitting hoods, and spent a short period of time collecting |
| soil samples. The ground marks at the landing site included 3 leg |
| marks and 2 skids. (Source: Saga 1973 UFO Special, p. 32). |
| |
| 1972 - In Veteli, Finland in 1972 a dark form appeared at 7:30 p.m. and a |
| “force field” threw a girl a distance of three meters. Another girl |
| witnessed the event. Five hours later, at 11:30 p.m. on a highway in |
| Hinojos, Spain a fiery square-shaped flying object flew close to the |
| ground and lit up the surrounding terrain. The headlights in two |
| cars, carrying a total of four witnesses, died. The car with the |
| gasoline-powered engine also stalled, but the diesel-powered engine |
| of the other car kept running. (Sources: Lumieres dans la Nuit, April |
| 1975 and issue 133). |
| |
| 1973 - At 7:00 a.m. on highway 347 between Lens and La Bassee in |
| Pas-de-Calais, France Mr. Liefooghe had a close encounter with two |
| UFOs. He came upon a disc-shaped object on the road, and he watched a |
| cigar-shaped UFO land in a vertical position. He did not stay around |
| but came back later with investigators, who found ground marks and |
| small footprints. At five a.m. CST another cigar-shaped object with |
| two small wings approached a home in La Grange, Illinois rapidly from |
| the west. The object was self-luminous and appeared solid, and passed |
| low over the treetops. At 4:20 p.m. Pacific Standard Time a |
| photograph of a luminous UFO was taken in Spokane, Washington and the |
| event was witnessed by two families. At 10:30 p.m. Mountain Standard |
| Time, on a highway near a farm east of Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada |
| a man saw a bright light in his rearview mirror. It looked like the |
| revolving light on a train, except there were no railroad tracks in |
| the vicinity. He then noticed an eight-foot tall giant running in a |
| ditch alongside the truck at speeds up to 60 mph. The being touched |
| the hood and roof of the truck before being out-distanced. (Sources: |
| newspaper clipping dated January 1, 1974; La Grange (Illinois) |
| Suburban Life, January 5, 1974; Gert Herb case investigation files; |
| John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants and Critters, p. 20). |
| |
| 1976 - On this night in Bristol, Wales, UK Ken, an off-duty |
| policeman, was driving home after his work shift and was passing the |
| entrance gate of a research facility when he saw an 8 to 9 foot tall |
| "spaceman" being. The being was wearing a one-piece suit and a helmet |
| with a black visor over his eyes. Ken had no idea what he was looking |
| at, so he drove straight home, arriving there in a state of shock. |
| Although he told his wife, who did not believe him, he did not make |
| an official report because he feared professional repercussions. The |
| next day, he learned from reading the local newsapaper that two other |
| people reported seeing a "spaceman" looking into their car in |
| Chilcomb, near Winchester, England after their car engine failed. |
| (Source:http://www.colinandrews.net/UFO-PoliceSergeant-SilburyHill.html). |
| |
| 1978 - In the early morning hours of this day in 1978, at shortly after |
| midnight, a famous motion picture film was taken by a news crew while |
| flying off the eastern coast of South Island, New Zealand near the |
| town of Kaikoura. The luminous UFO was seen by everyone on board the |
| aircraft and was tracked by radar at the same time. It was somewhat |
| cone shaped, and was not a Japanese shrimp fishing boat, as claimed |
| by debunkers. (Sources: International UFO Reporter, July 1979, p. 6; |
| APRO Bulletin, May 1980, p. 2). |
| |
| 1978 - There were several other UFO reports from around the world on |
| this day, from Brazil, England, Scotland, Italy, Switzerland, and |
| Florida. In Mirrasol, Sao Paulo State, Brazil a man was walking home |
| around 11:00 p.m. when he heard a noise and noticed a light |
| approaching from behind while crossing the street. He stepped aside, |
| thinking that it was a car, but he then realized that it was a huge |
| yellowish light that was attached to the bottom of a large flying |
| object. He was suddenly struck by a beam of light and lost |
| consciousness. Later, he found himself inside the object, next to a |
| corridor. He next noticed three short humanoid creatures who spoke |
| among themselves in a strange incomprehensible language. The beings |
| wore helmets and coveralls and their faces were covered in a green |
| light. Their eyes resembled two simple holes, lacking eyelids or |
| eyebrows. He apparently then blacked out again, and arrived home at |
| 3:30 a.m. without any further recollection of the event. (Source: |
| Walter K. Buhler, Guilheme Pereira, and Ney Matiel Peres, UFO |
| Abduction at Mirassol). |
| |
| 1978 - In Posada, Italy at one o’clock in the morning, a 3-meter in |
| diameter glowing sphere appeared over a marsh. It had dark triangular |
| spots that moved back and forth on the surface of the object. In |
| Bayford, England Mr. and Mrs. Mason sighted a cigar-shaped object at |
| 7:00 p.m. moving silently through the sky from the west to the east. |
| The UFO had a long body with lots of tiny lights. Before losing sight |
| of it two strong lights came on, one in the middle and one at the |
| end. At the same time a silver triangle crossed the sky from west to |
| east in Carlisle, England in Cumbria. Two minutes later a triangle |
| with a grayish hue crossed the sky from west to east in Edinborough, |
| Scotland, and three minutes after that another huge triangle was seen |
| flying in the same direction over Hull, England. (Sources: Maurizio |
| Verga, ITACAT Italian UFO Catalogue; UFO Newsclipping Service, |
| February 1979, p. 13 citing the Hertfordshire Mercury, December 31, |
| 1978; D. N. Mansell, Awareness, April 1979, p. 12). |
| |
| 1978 - One hour after the multiple UFO flyovers in Great Britain, at |
| three p.m. EST three men saw a silver disc hovering only one block |
| away from one of their residences in Homestead, Florida. Mr. |
| Betancourt, age 37, described the UFO as being between 40-50 feet in |
| diameter and having no visible engine or wings, and making no noise. |
| It hovered over a neighbor’s backyard for about 30 seconds before |
| flying off. At 10:00 p.m. European time in Zermatt, Switzerland two |
| people witnessed a luminous round object over the alpine glacier, |
| brightly illuminating the ice. Later that night, at 2:30 a.m. the |
| next morning, a big electrical power outage occurred in the city. |
| (Sources: Dade News-Leader, January 3, 1979; Larry Hatch, U computer |
| database, case 13046). |
| |
| 1980 - Near Sacramento, California the main witness, John, was |
| driving on California Highway 5 heading toward Sacramento. Shortly |
| after 10:00 p.m. he spotted a large, dark object coming toward him |
| and moving slowly, left to right. The object passed him, but when he |
| looked behind him it was no longer in sight. "I have to see what this |
| is," he thought to himself and he intended to pull over at the same |
| time that he started to feel groggy and his truck's engine began |
| sputtering. He experienced a period of missing time, and the next |
| thing he remembered was that he felt he had just awakened from sleep, |
| although he was driving with both hands on the steering wheel. It |
| struck him as odd that all the holiday traffic was gone and no other |
| vehicles were on the roadway. Thinking only a few minutes had passed, |
| he called his girlfriend to tell her about his unusual experience, |
| and was surprised that she was angry with him because he had been out |
| of touch for nearly three hours. It was already 1:00 a.m. on New |
| Years Day. |
| |
| (Continued.) In 1992 John underwent hypnotic regression, and was able to remember |
| some of what had happened to him during his missing time episode. He |
| remembered being led somewhere by hand, and having no control. |
| Whoever was leading him seemed to have all the control. John became |
| very agitated as they wanted him to look at something and he didn't |
| want to. Becoming even more agitated and crying, he remembered that |
| the aliens were showing him tanks and he didn't want to be there. |
| John could not bear to look at what was being shown to him, and it |
| took two more hypnotic regression sessions to get through his block |
| and remember what he had been looking at. John described a small baby |
| floating in some type of hearvier-than-water fluid. Tearfully, he |
| described one of "them" saying this particular baby was his and that |
| he had to show it some love. John recalled, "They are saying, I am |
| here for a reason, there are a number of them telling me it's my |
| child, to love it, to feel love for that baby. I need to connect; |
| they tell me it will help the baby feel part of something. I can't |
| believe this is happening!" After showing John "his baby", the beings |
| escorted him to another romm he described as "clean, sterile and |
| bright, with a long table in the middle." John began crying again and |
| said, "I'm telling them I don't want to do this again." He recalled |
| the aliens telling him that they were just going to take a sample. He |
| became more agitated and repeated twice, "It's not right what they |
| are doing...it's not right!" (Source: Albert S. Rosales, 1980 |
| Humanoid Reports, citing Yvonne Smith, Yvonne@ysmith.com.) |
| |
| 1982 - In Kent Cliffs, New York in the lower Hudson River Valley a |
| police officer and his wife spotted a delta-shaped UFO making a |
| faint, low frequency hum at 11:54 p.m. The colored lights on the |
| object switched off and three bright white lights lit up the ground. |
| He was able to shoot some movie film of the UFO, but the images are |
| of low quality. (Source: J. Allen Hynek & Phil Imbrogno, Night Siege: |
| The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings, p. 6). |
| |
| 1984 - In Level Green, Pennsylvania in the UFO hotspot of |
| Westmoreland County, two residents of the community heard a tapping |
| sound on one of their house windows at 6:10 p.m. They saw what looked |
| like an eye-like orb peering in through the window. It turn and flew |
| away, but repeated the performance one more time. (Source: MUFON UFO |
| Journal, June 1985). |
| |
| 1989 - After 11:00 p.m. Victor Seminskiy was walking home from a |
| local farm to the hamlet where he lived in Artyemovka, Kharkov |
| region, Ukraine when he saw a UFO descending over him. He next felt |
| the air squeezing him, as if in a vacuum, and he saw an extremely |
| bright light envelope him and a lattice-like structure surround him. |
| He was next pulled up into the UFO, and the next thing he remembers |
| he was unexpectedly next to his house. He thought that only 15 |
| minutes had passed, but he had actually been missing for two hours. |
| Most of his memory of the abduction experience had apparently been |
| repressed or erased, but the witness refused any hypnotic regression |
| to aid him in recovering his memories of the experience. Victor's |
| wife reportedly confirmed the experience. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, |
| 1989 Humanoid Contact Sighting Reports, citing Vladimir S. Mantulin, |
| Kharkov Anomalous Phenomena Research Group). |
| |
| 1990 - In the middle of the afternoon in Taszar, Hungary an aircraft |
| mechanic was approached by a strange man and woman riding in a |
| totally black van with blacked out windows. The strangers seemed to |
| be human, but were also able to read the witness's mind. The |
| strangers left, but later that night the witness was approached by a |
| reddish-yellow light the size of a football, at a height of about 2.5 |
| m. Terrified, he first two shots at the object, which quickly |
| vanished from sight. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, 1990 Humanoid |
| Contact sighting reports, citing Kriston Endre, RYUFOR Foundation |
| Hungary). |
| |
| 1990 - In Karaganda, Kazakhstan local resident Maksim Abramtsev was |
| at home watching the New Years Eve celebrations on television when he |
| glanced out the window and saw the strange face of an unknown entity |
| staring in the window at him. Afraid, he jumped up and ran outside |
| into the street. There he saw several "men" or humanoids walking |
| toward a globe-shaped object. The object was hovering low over the |
| ground, and Maksim felt a strong fear after watching this scene, and |
| ran and hid behind the door on his porch. Moments later, the globe |
| ascended into the air, flying low over the ground, then stopped and |
| hovered in the air for a brief moment before shooting away at high |
| speed. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, 1990 Humanoid Contact sighting |
| reports, citing Industrialnaya Karaganda newspaper, May 18, 1991). |
| |
| 1992 - A woman walking outside her home in San Antonio, Texas saw a |
| huge, gray metallic disc drop straight down from the clouds. It made |
| a buzzing noise. It altered its shaped to that of a sphere with four |
| legs and landed. Under hypnosis it was revealed that she experienced |
| an abduction aboard the craft, in which she was given a medical exam |
| by pale, human-looking men. (Sources: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid |
| Contact Database 1992, case #1678, citing Karla Turner; Lumieres dans |
| la Nuit, issue 316). |
| |
| 1993 - An object that looked like a globe on a pedestal followed two |
| people in a car for several kilometers near the shoreline in Yanchep, |
| Western Australia at around one o’clock in the morning, before flying |
| off. The same or a similar object was seen in Brazil that day. At |
| 1:40 a.m. local time a huge, silent, light bulb shaped UFO with |
| bright lights and a flat bottom, flew over the city of Quixada, Ceara |
| State, Brazil. (Sources: UFO Newsclipping Service, March 1994; |
| Boletim CEPEX). |
| |
| 2000 - A bedroom visitation of possibly a holographic figure occurred |
| at four o’clock in the morning in Kingsville, Texas. The witness |
| reported that a humanoid figure and a blue light passed through a |
| skylight and materialized inside the bedroom. The figure and the blue |
| light disappeared at the same time. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, |
| Humanoid Contact Database 2000, case #3516, citing Filer’s Files). |
| |
| 2001 - In the evening of this day in Pasadena, Texas a man reported |
| seeing a huge rectangular object, an estimated 300 meters in length, |
| about ten miles away. The UFO hung vertically in the sky at only a |
| few hundred feet altitude, and had several white lights inside a red |
| rectangular outer rim. (Source: George A. Filer, MUFON UFO Journal, |
| February 2002, p. 14). |
| |
| 2002 - At 1:30 p.m. in Buena Park, California a silver disc was seen |
| hovering in an upright position. The disc then leveled out and moved |
| quickly off to the southeast. It made no sound.(Source: Peter |
| Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, December 2002; George A. |
| Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO |
| Sightings, p. 6). |
| |
| 2006 - In Nobsa, Dicho, Boyaca Province, Colombia three men named |
| Guio, Barragan, and Zarate witnessed a football-shaped object through |
| binoculars beginning at 3:30 p.m.. The object changed colors from |
| yellow to black to white. It spun on its axis and became |
| orange-colored, and then another object showed up. A photo was taken |
| at 4:30 p.m. (Source: Scott Corrales, www.ufoinfo.com, report dated |
| January 22, 2007). |
| |
| 2010 - In Boca Raton, Florida at 7:40 p.m. a close encounter occurred |
| with a flashing, egg-shaped object hovering on its side. One-fourth |
| of the object was lit up, resembling a cockpit flashing with white |
| light. It first glided straight for 300 feet, then hovered in one |
| spot. The encountered reportedly lasted 10 minutes. (Source: Peter |
| Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, December 2010, report |
| uploaded January 5, 2011). |
| |
| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 1 January 2014). |
| |
| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
| |
| Themes: abductions, buzzing or sizzling sounds, |
| cigar-shaped objects, disc-shaped UFOs, EM vehicle ignition interfer |
| ence effects: diesel engine unaffected, football and ovoid shaped obj |
| ects, giant 8-foot tall humanoids, landings and takeoffs, luminous UF |
| Os, missing time, multi-year reports from Texas, short humanoids asso |
| ciated with abductions, square and rectangular UFOs, triangular UFOs. |
| |
| © Donald A. Johnson |
| |
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