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synced 2025-03-27 17:18:14 -04:00
193 lines
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193 lines
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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
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| December 14 |
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| 1943 - A pilot over Naples, Italy had a dogfight with a bright light |
| that climbed much faster than his aircraft, a RAF Beaufighter with |
| the 255th fighter squadron. (Source: Jan Aldrich, Project 1947 |
| website, citing A. Roberts). |
| |
| 1950 - A group of teardrop-shaped UFOs was picked up on multiple |
| radar units for ten minutes near the Oak Ridge Nuclear facility in |
| Tennessee at around 4 p.m. (Source: Bruce S. Maccabee, MUFON UFO |
| Journal, November 1978, p. 15). |
| |
| 1953 - In 1953 in England at 5 p.m. GMT many city residents saw a |
| dagger-shaped object with many bright colors pass over Exmouth, Devon |
| handle-end first. (Source: George Gibbons, The Coming of the Space |
| Ships, p. 139). |
| |
| 1954 - Three gray disc performed aerobatics over the city of Campinas, Sao |
| Paulo state, Brazil on this afternoon in 1954. One of the UFOs peeled |
| off, dove low over the roof of a local woman's house, and dropped a |
| liquid substance "like silver rain." Chemical analysis revealed that |
| the solidified material was 90% tin with other alloys. (Source: |
| Jacques Vallee, Confrontations: A Scientist's Search for Alien |
| Contact, p. 49). |
| |
| 1963 - Two men driving at 1:00 a.m. in France, Messrs. Muller and |
| Immelman, found the countryside suddenly illuminated all about them |
| and saw an object 15 meters in diameter flying toward their car. The |
| UFO had intensely bright orange and blue lights and emitted sparks as |
| it approached. They stopped the car and jumped out as it dove as them |
| five or six times, at one point hovering for two minutes just 15 |
| meters above them, making a humming sound. It then flew away. |
| (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, |
| p. 296; Flying Saucer Review, May 1964, p. 27). |
| |
| 1970 - Waking up in his house at 1:30 a.m., a man in Bucharest, |
| Romania saw a vivid red light in the sky and heard a pulsating, |
| humming sound. He ran to his window and saw a policeman running |
| toward his car, which suddenly started. A whitish-blue sphere of |
| pulsating light was hovering over the car, then it suddenly |
| disappeared. The whole event lasted less than one minute. (Sources: |
| Ion Hobana & Julien Weverbergh, UFOs from behind the Iron Curtain, p. |
| 271; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case |
| 303, citing Hobana and Weverbergh). |
| |
| 1971 - Yates and Schiller in Waikerie, South Australia saw a six-foot |
| tall humanoid with a "lumpy" body and surrounded by an aura of light |
| float through some trees, 20 meters away. The creature had large |
| pointed ears, a nose like a dog, and no eyes or mouth that were |
| visible. This happened at 11 o'clock at night. (Source: Keith |
| Basterfield, case investigation files #S037). |
| |
| 1973 - At 9:43 p.m. in Paso Robles, California a solid red beam of |
| light from a black cone-shaped UFO hit the ground, throwing up dirt. |
| The cone then moved into an amber sphere that began to emit a vapor |
| of some kind. The sphere then took off at a sixty-degree angle up |
| into the sky. Two six-foot tall "robots" with crinkly skin were seen |
| on the ground where the beam had hit. (Source: Ann Druffel, Skynet.) |
| |
| 1978 - At least nine separate close encounter events occurred on this |
| date around the world. The first three occurred in Italy. At four |
| o'clock in the morning a four-meter wide cone-shaped object was seen |
| hovering only three meters from the ground in Rome. It had a row of |
| illuminated portholes, and three beams of light came from its bottom. |
| At 4:30 in the afternoon in San Vito del Normanni, Italy a witness |
| reported seeing flying spheres in the sky for 15 minutes; one of the |
| objects descended to the ground. An hour and ten minutes later, a red |
| dome-shaped object was sighted on the ground in Mogoro, Italy. The |
| object was bright enough to illuminate the clouds and the surrounding |
| area, and it produced a smoke that didn't dissipate with the wind. |
| (Sources: Xenolog, March 1979, p. 22; Lumieres dans la Nuit, numbers |
| 214 and 240). |
| |
| 1978 - That same pre-dawn night in New England a Dublin, New Hampshire |
| resident driving in Hancock saw a green, cigar-shaped object |
| traveling at high speed at treetop level flying toward the east, from |
| the area of Highway 101 toward Hancock. (Source: UFO Newsclipping |
| Service, February 1979, p. 3). |
| |
| 1978 - In Brewer, Maine a local resident named John felt an |
| overwhelming compulsion to go out. He got dressed, got in his car, |
| and drove away leaving his young daughter alone at home at 1:30 a.m. |
| John drove in a daze along Route 9E, a very desolate stretch of road. |
| All of a sudden his car's motor went completely dead and he coasted |
| to a stop. His battery wasn't dead because his headlights remained |
| on. He tried unsuccessfully to re-start the car. He then heard a very |
| loud crackling noise. He turned to his right and slightly ahead of |
| his car was a huge, long dark rectangular object, about 50 feet from |
| the road. It was hovering 30 feet above the ground. As soon as John |
| saw it a rectangular portion on the front end lit up and shone a soft |
| green light through his front windshield. John felt a strange |
| tingling sensation, like "pins & needles." He also felt himself sink |
| into a trance. He remained fully aware but could not move a muscle. |
| Strangely, his initial fear upon sighting the huge object had |
| disappeared, and he now felt calm and unafraid. The soft green light |
| abruptly changed color to a reddish pink and began pulsating first |
| slowly, then faster and faster. He then heard a voice say: "Do not be |
| afraid. We will not harm you. We are from the 17th star." The lights |
| then slowed down and John heard the voice say, "We will return." He |
| felt a strong conviction that this statement was true. The lighted |
| rectangle suddenly blinked off, and John heard a strange clicking |
| sound again. The UFO then backed away and rose at an angle. On his |
| way home he felt very cold. The next morning he noticed his skin |
| peeling around his nose, forehead, and from the back of his ears. He |
| suffered severe headaches after the incident. (Sources: David F. Webb |
| & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A1998; |
| Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1978, citing Raymond E. |
| Fowler, UFO Testament). |
| |
| 1978 - In Illinois in the early evening hours two close encounters |
| occurred. At 5:30 p.m. two 12-year-old girls in Park Ridge who were |
| tobogganing in the city park saw a saucer-shaped object with a row of |
| flashing red lights on the top and bottom and flashing yellow lights |
| in between. It had 3 balls on the bottom. It hovered for 20 minutes, |
| and then made a semi-circle in the sky before leaving. On Highway 116 |
| in London Mills at 7:00 p.m. a tubular-shaped craft hovered and |
| circled a car being driven by two teenage girls. The craft circled |
| the car "close enough to have touched it." It had two parallel tubes |
| and one perpendicular tube but no windows. It took off fast toward |
| the east. The father of one of the girls, Ralph Brashear, reported |
| the incident to the police. (Sources: George Eberhart, A |
| Geo-Bibliography of Anomalies, pp. 543 & 549; Park Ridge (IL) Herald, |
| December 21, 1978; London Mills (IL) Times, December 21, 1978). |
| |
| 1978 - In Sarandi del Yi, Uruguay, a UFO with bright red lights |
| suddenly appeared and started to circle the car driven by Mr. La |
| Bandera and his two passengers. It circled at a distance of only 10 |
| meters (33 feet). It changed color to a deep green when it crossed |
| the highway and made a steep climb into the sky. (Source: UFO |
| Newsclipping Service, March 1979, p. 14). |
| |
| 1978 - Finally, in Pomeroy, Washington a large UFO paced a car with |
| three women inside. The object had two transparent blue lights and |
| followed them to one of their homes. It circled around their car |
| once, and then sped off to the west. (Source: George Eberhart, A |
| Geo-Bibliography of Anomalies; Pomeroy East Washingtonian, December |
| 21, 1978). |
| |
| 1997 - In Saguache County, Colorado in the San Luis Valley a witness |
| reported seeing a large triangular craft hovering over a field at |
| 3:00 a.m. It moved slowly over the house and then over some grain |
| silos. It then came back over the house and shone a beam of whitish |
| blue light out of its center. Something like a small figure was taken |
| up inside the beam. Lights around its edge flashed in rhythm when it |
| left. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1997, |
| case # 2874, citing Christopher O'Brien). |
| 1997 - Noel Chandler of Hart Canyon, New Mexico had seen a round |
| glowing UFO over his horse shed in the evening of December 13th. |
| Also, for several of the preceeding nights he would hear three loud |
| thumps on the house, but when he checked all around outside no cause |
| could be found. While in bed this night at 2:30 a.m. he became aware |
| of a bluish white light beam from an outside source. Next a figure |
| appeared but with no real distinguishing features, except it had very |
| large eyes--about the size of horse's--a small mouth, and small |
| nostril-like holes. He found he was unable to move or talk. He heard |
| a voice in his head that told him that "they" were here to collect a |
| sperm sample. Soon a tube with a ball on the end, about 1/2 inches in |
| diameter and six inches long, appeared and scanned his body. The tube |
| was placed over his pubic hair just above the penis on the left side. |
| A needle was then inserted and his left testicle was drawn up into |
| his groin. He felt no real discomfort or pain. The needle and tube |
| were removed and taken into a floating sphere. Moments later another |
| form came down from the light, like floating in a horizontal |
| position. It was a female with funny-looking hair on her head. The |
| needle and tube came out of the sphere and she inserted it into her |
| navel. Then, telepathically, she informed him that their society was |
| dying out because they could not reproduce. They were increasingly |
| becoming sterile, but by introducing new blood lines and clones they |
| were hoping to regenerate their society. Their gestation period is |
| reportedly only three to four months. Soon the bluish light started |
| to "close in" at the bottom and the beings were gone. However, a |
| strange smell lingered. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact |
| Database 1997, citing Aztec UFO: Oral History). |
| |
| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 15 November 2005). |
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| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
| |
| Themes: bedroom visitation, bluish white light beams, car pursui |
| ts involving the UFO circling the car, cigar-shaped or cylindrical UF |
| Os, color change, EM vehicle ignition interference effects, fall of l |
| iquid metallic substance, humanoids with large pointed ears, humming |
| sounds, robotic humanoids, sensation of cold, smoke, telepathy, tingl |
| ing sensation, triangular UFO, UFOs with red lights, vertical ascent. |
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