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synced 2025-03-27 17:18:14 -04:00
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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
| |
| December 10 |
| |
| 1896 - At 6:00 p.m. in 1896, in both Battle Mountain and Elko, Nevada a |
| strange light was seen flying to the west. Moving too slowly to be a |
| meteor, it suddenly shot straight up through the atmosphere. (Source: |
| Larry Hatch, U computer database). |
| |
| 1952 - On this day in 1952 the Civilian Aeronautics Administration issued |
| its report explaining the radar blips recorded over Washington, D.C. |
| in July and August as temperature inversions. Ironically, on that |
| same day unidentified bogeys appeared on radar screens over at least |
| three US air bases. At 9:20 a.m. a UFO appeared on the radarscope at |
| Pope Air Force Base, North Carolina. It stayed in position eight |
| miles south of the base for eight hours. At Ladd AFB near Fairbanks, |
| Alaska Project Blue Book explained a brief sighting by two airmen as |
| a meteor. But at 7:15 p.m. an F-94 fighter jet with a two-man crew |
| flying near Odessa, Washington had a UFO encounter that was not so |
| easily explained. They sighted a large round, white UFO and obtained |
| a radar lock on the target. The UFO reversed direction almost |
| instantly, did a chandelle in front of the jet, rushed head-on toward |
| them, then stopped, and pulled up. Even though they were flying at |
| 600 mph they were unable to close with the object. (Sources: Doubt |
| Magazine, 1953, p. 206; Project Blue Book case files; UNICAT case |
| 687, citing James E. McDonald, Proceedings of the 1968 U.S. |
| Congressional House Armed Services Committee, p. 67). |
| |
| 1953 - In 1953, two rings of white smoke appeared over Seymour, Indiana. |
| These unusual smoke rings had lights around the perimeter. They |
| seemed to stand in place, then made abrupt turns. (Source: Loren |
| Gross, UFOs: A History. 1953, p. 57). |
| |
| 1954 - In Lisbon, Portugal at around 2:45 p.m. local time a witness |
| reported seeing a flying silver ball expelling a blue flame for 10 |
| minutes. (Source: Victor Lourenco, PORTUGAT UFO computer catalog, |
| case #25, citing Noticias). |
| |
| 1954 - Several daylight disc sightings and two humanoid encounters, one at |
| night, occurred in Venezuela on this date in 1954. A photograph of |
| five objects was taken in El Tigre. At 6:30 p.m. a doctor driving |
| with his father in Floresta, Venezuela stopped his car to watch two |
| little men run into some bushes. Shortly afterward they saw a |
| luminous, disc-shaped object take off from behind the bushes at a |
| high speed and dart off into the sky with a sharp "sizzling" sound. |
| Later that same night in Chico-Cerro de las Tres Torres, Venezuela |
| two hunters, Lorenzo Flores and Jesus Gomez, saw a luminous object |
| "like two washbowls put together." It was three meters wide and |
| hovering just two feet off the ground. Flames emanated from the base |
| of the object. Four hairy dwarfs, three feet tall, emerged and |
| grabbed Gomez and tried to drag him toward their craft. Flores struck |
| one with his gun butt, but it had no effect and felt like striking |
| rock. The wooden rifle butt cracked from the impact. Gomez fainted |
| from fright, and both young men were scratched and bruised. When they |
| told their story to the police it was obvious that their shirts had |
| been shredded into ribbons. (Sources: Coral Lorenzen, Flying Saucers: |
| The Startling Evidence of the Invasion From Outer Space, p. 49; David |
| F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case |
| 1954-141, citing APRO Bulletin, January 1955). |
| |
| 1956 - Three teenagers sighted a round, silver football that hovered |
| silently over a Railroad Station in Tsurumi, Japan for a couple of |
| minutes, then shot straight up. (Source: Y. Matsumura, APRO Bulletin, |
| January 1957). |
| |
| 1957 - At 6:00 p.m. a glowing white cigar-shaped object with a red |
| trail, estimated to be 100 meters long, was sighted from the Boso |
| Peninsula in Japan. It shot off to the south at 1,100 km/h. (Source: |
| APRO Bulletin, January 1958). |
| |
| 1957 - In 1957, a pilot reported seeing three luminous objects cross the sky |
| at 20,000 feet altitude in Bogotá, Colombia. At 1:00 p.m. in |
| Jabuticabal, Brazil a four-meter long "watermelon" landed in a field, |
| only 20 meters from a farmer. The grass was crushed at the landing |
| site. In Barra do Pirai, Brazil at 10 p.m., a 10-meter wide luminous |
| disc descended low over a roadway. When a truck turned on its |
| headlights it shot away extremely fast. At 8:45 p.m. three |
| crewmembers of a Mexicana Airline flight reported witnessing a round |
| UFO emitting rays of light near Lagos, Mexico in the state of |
| Queretaro. It departed by shooting straight up into the sky. |
| (Sources: Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 30; Loren |
| Gross, UFOs A History. 1957 (Volume 10), pp. 34-36). |
| |
| 1963 - At 11:30 p.m. two airmen on the ground at RAF Cosford, England |
| watched a dome-shaped object land behind a hangar, then search the |
| ground and area with a green light beam. (Source: Timothy Good, Above |
| Top Secret, p. 25, citing Flying Saucer Review, volume 10, number 2). |
| |
| 1967 - Many independent witnesses at 7:30 a.m. in the city of |
| Bucharest, Romania observed a sphere with many antennae hovering over |
| a factory for 15 minutes. (Sources: Ion Hobana & Julien Weverbergh, |
| UFOs from Behind the Iron Curtain, p. 180; Lumieres dans la Nuit, |
| issue 115; NICAP UFO Investigator, volume 4, number 12; Larry Hatch, |
| U computer database, case 8028). |
| |
| 1968 - On this day in Olleros de Pisuerga,Spain a deltoid object was |
| observed along the roadside, emitting a strong yellow and green |
| light. (Source: Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, A Catalogue of 200 |
| Type-I Events from Spain and Portugal, p. 22, case 96; Larry Hatch, U |
| computer database, case 8554). |
| |
| 1968 - This event took place about one-quarter mile from the |
| hydroelectric dam on Lake Secession, near Abbeville, South |
| Carolina at 12:30 a.m. A man was alone in his lake front cottage when |
| he heard a whirring, dynamo sound coming from outside. He also saw an |
| amber-colored flashing light reflecting off the trees outside, so he |
| walked outdoors and saw a disc-shaped UFO directly overhead, not more |
| than ten feet up. The craft was silvery metallic looking, saucer |
| shaped with a smaller dome on top, 35 feet in diameter, about 10 feet |
| high, and it had four sets of lights which bathed the surrounding |
| area in amber light. The witness was terrified and unable to move. |
| After hovering overhead, the craft backed away some 20 feet and |
| descended to where it was almost at eye level with the witness, who |
| was standing on a deck on stilts above the lake, 8 feet off the |
| ground. The dome had a round porthole, but he could not see if there |
| was anyone or anything inside. Nevertheless, he "knew" that someone |
| was there and was looking at him. The craft next rose up, coming |
| directly forward and hovering overhead again. The experience lasted |
| an estimated five minutes, although there were gaps in his memory as |
| to what exactly happened next. The craft finally sped off |
| effortlessly about 200 yards, and hovered momentarily over the lake. |
| It then sped off at a 45 degree angle into the sky towards the |
| southwest at a tremendous speed, quickly vanishing from sight. |
| (Source: Albert S. Rosales, 1968 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, |
| citing NUFORC). |
| |
| 1972 - A witness in Skelton, West Virginia reported observing a 10 |
| foot wide or large glowing sphere descend slowly to the ground at |
| 9:30 p.m. A shallow 8 foot crater was found at the landing site the |
| next day. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 9670; |
| MUFON UFO Journal, issue 236). |
| |
| 1973 - B. R. Arroyo was driving in his car around 2:00 a.m. when he |
| was paced by an ovoid UFO at low altitude near Sabana Grande, Puerto |
| Rico for two minutes. (Source: D. N. Mansell, The UFO Register, |
| volume 5 (1974)). |
| |
| 1973 - Also on this day in 1973, two 11-year-old boys in Chula Vista, San |
| Diego County, California spotted a flying saucer from their school |
| classroom. The bottom of the object was "real shiny like it was |
| glowing." In Watsonville, Santa Cruz County, California early that |
| morning at 5:50 a.m. a UFO with red lights on top and silver lights |
| on the bottom moved gradually north after remaining stationary for 10 |
| minutes. The UFO was viewed through binoculars, and reportedly had a |
| wide red band that rotated around the middle of the craft's body |
| (Source: Ted Phillips, newspaper clippings, Chula Vista Star & |
| Watsonville Register, dated December 13, 1973). |
| |
| 1973 - About four hours later (6:20 p.m. local time) in |
| Ouzoues-sur-Loire, France a 50-year-old couple, several other |
| witnesses, and gendarmes watched a silent, 5 meter tall cone-shaped |
| UFO only 20 meters from the ground fly away toward the southwest. Two |
| hours after that, at about 8:30 p.m. in Hochries, Germany near the |
| Austrian-Bavarian border, Friedrich Lennartz, age 33, and Peter |
| Zettel, age 29, had a close encounter of the second kind when a |
| multi-colored, ovoid UFO responded to a red signal rocket they had |
| fired to get the UFO's attention. The UFO had been hovering near a |
| mountain ski resort with the pointed end up. Its size was estimated |
| as nine meters in diameter and 12-14 meters tall. The top portion |
| looked like a yellow dome. Four rows of colored lights (red, green, |
| blue, and white) rotated counterclockwise around the lower portion. |
| They experienced loud static on their short wave radio as the UFO |
| changed color to a dazzling red, made a 90-degree turn, and sped |
| toward the witnesses, traveling 5-6 kilometers in 10 seconds. It |
| hovered close to their mountain for two more hours as their dogs |
| whimpered to be let into the cabin. The UFO then shot upward at a |
| steep angle at "breakneck speed." (Source: Richard Hall, The UFO |
| Evidence, Volume 2: A Thirty Year Report, p. 47). |
| |
| Hochries, Germany Close Encounter 1973 |
| |
| [Sketch for Hochries, Germany Close Encounter 1973] |
| |
| 1975 - A mutilated dead calf was found on a ranch near Seguin, Texas |
| while silent helicopters were reported the night before. (Source: |
| Lawrence Fawcett & Barry Greenwood, The UFO Coverup, p. 103). |
| |
| 1976 - In 1976 two humanoid encounters occurred in Europe. At 1:30 a.m. in |
| Ponte de Lima, Portugal, a 2-meter tall dark figure, wearing a |
| one-piece robe that fell to the ground in a straight, featureless |
| line, and having no signs of arms or legs, glided over the street in |
| front of two school teachers, a married couple in their fifties. |
| Their dog hid behind them, then retreated. The figure was in view for |
| five minutes, the entire time it took them to walk to the man's |
| sister's house. (Source: David Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT case |
| 1810, citing Joaquim Fernandes, Insolito magazine, May 1978, pp. |
| 14-16). |
| |
| 1976 - A complex abduction scenario occurred that evening in central France. |
| Antonia (last name withheld), 68, was driving to her home near |
| Limoges. She had entered a small woods that was strangely illuminated |
| by a white light. When she turned a corner in the road that light |
| became a lenticular mass of brilliant light about 30 feet wide and 10 |
| feet high, resting on the road ahead. When 20 meters from it she |
| stopped and tried to back up. Instead the car was pulled forward onto |
| the right shoulder of the road. In the midst of the light she felt |
| her head forcibly turned to the right. She perceived an arm appear |
| that described an arc through the air from front to back. All at once |
| the lights went out, and her car motor and headlights died. She heard |
| a slight click, and a sound like a sliding door opening. Two white |
| luminous rectangular shapes about a meter in height seemed to appear |
| in front of the hood of her car. She then felt two electric shocks |
| running from head to toe, and lost consciousness. |
| |
| She awoke to the sound of a pistol-shot and something striking |
| against her car. She thought she heard a voice say in French, "Oh, we |
| have killed her!" Her outside mirror on the driver side had been |
| broken off. She tried to get out of the car but had no sensation in |
| her legs. The sensation in them began to return, but her feet were |
| slewed over toward the right side of the car, where they had not been |
| before. Looking around, she realized the car was now about 100 meters |
| beyond the place she had lost consciousness. She turned on her |
| headlights, and saw a metallic gray flying saucer hovering motionless |
| 3 meters above the road, 3-4 meters ahead of her. It had two lights |
| sunk into the lower portion, and also two darker 8" squares, and was |
| at least 30 feet wide. Her car engine suddenly started up |
| spontaneously. Immediately the UFO's lights went out and it silently |
| took off. She felt the car buffeted with a shock wave as it left. |
| Antonia drove home, arriving 55 minutes later that she should have. |
| Her dogs shunned her, and she could not sleep that night. |
| |
| (Continued.) In the morning she discovered a tear in her skin between her vagina |
| and anus. On washing out her genital area she found that her vagina |
| was stuffed with an earth-like substance. A vaginal infection |
| subsequently resulted from this. Her memory of the event, including |
| the missing time, gradually returned. For two weeks she suffered from |
| insomnia, and vivid images repeatedly came into her mind. |
| |
| She recalled being in a circular room, dark except at the center. |
| There was no visible source for the light. In front of her, suspended |
| from the two ends by metal pipes from the ceiling, was a green table |
| in the shape of a half-cylinder, convex side up, about five feet |
| long. She was forcibly placed and twisted about into various extreme |
| and painful positions upon this "vaulting horse" ("cheval d'arcon"). |
| Two figures stood looking at her. Not very tall, they wore |
| close-fitting coveralls. One had a narrow, black mustache, wore a |
| black skullcap, and his uniform had an "officer's collar." They had |
| elongated, slanted eyes. The one with the cap smiled "tenderly" at |
| her; the other looked evil and malevolent. She could also hear others |
| "murmuring" that she could not see. She remembered seeing a hand |
| holding an instrument like a toy windmill, a spiral vane on a stick |
| that had sparkling points of light. In the dark wall were visible two |
| dimly lit, small portholes, less than 8 inches in diameter. Later, |
| she felt herself standing, being moved about as if someone was |
| dressing her, then being thrown down onto something hard. |
| |
| When Antonia had her car's mirror replaced, the mechanic was |
| surprised to observe that her car was strongly magnetized. The |
| investigator, who spent a great deal of time working with the |
| abductee, rejects fabrication or psychopathology as explanations for |
| her experience. (Source: David Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: |
| Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A1869, citing Revue des Soucoupes |
| Volantes #5, February 1978, pp. 5-11). |
| |
| 1977 - At 12:30 a.m. in Pontecchio Marconi, Italy a dome-shaped UFO |
| flew slowly at ground level 80 meters away. It had odd looking lights |
| on its top. At 8:00 a.m. in Legnano, Italy a single witness in a car |
| reported that a bright red ovoid object hovered in a upright |
| orientation just half a meter above the ground, only 20 meters away. |
| It then paced the car for two minutes. (Source: Maurizio Verga, |
| ITACAT). |
| |
| 1977 - A complex abduction case with one hour of missing time |
| happened near Limoges, France at 6:30 p.m. The percipient was driving |
| in a car when it experienced EM ignition interference effects. This |
| was followed by an episode of lost time; what was recalled was |
| an abduction with a physical exam by several humanoids. The witness |
| recovered consciousness in the car, and the car restarted |
| itself. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 317). |
| |
| 1977 - A 22-year-old man was out walking his dog in Shotton, Clwyd, |
| Wales at around midnight when his dog drew his attention to a tall |
| white figure standing behind a fence. The figure was about eight feet |
| tall and wearing a padded "space suit" that was self-luminous; it |
| also wore a visor. The being walked stiffly with one arm raised. The |
| man ran home as quickly as he could, followed by his dog. (Source: |
| Albert S. Rosales, 1977 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, case # |
| 395, citing Janet & Colin Bord, Modern Mysteries of Britain). |
| |
| 1978 - In 1978 at 6:00 a.m., a round, luminous UFO approached a car with a |
| married couple and their little son in Baena, Spain. It hovered over |
| their car and paced it for several miles. The witnesses went to the |
| police, who saw the object hovering over a hilltop. The object |
| remained visible until broad daylight. At the same time, in Peage, |
| France, a luminous UFO, about five meters in diameter and with an |
| antenna, followed a man out walking at only 15 meters above the |
| ground. Several others also saw it. At 7:20 a.m., a silver, |
| triangular shaped object with yellow lights swooped down over a car |
| in Comner, England, causing the two occupants to panic and the driver |
| to swerve off the road. They described the craft as bigger than a |
| "Hercules" C-5A military transport plane. It was totally silent, and |
| flew off to the east. Later that evening two reporters in Fontanales |
| on the Grand Canary Islands saw three UFOs at a high altitude. They |
| gave off white, yellow, blue and red flashes of light, and were seen |
| for several hours. (Sources: (1) Cronica, December 12, 1978; Jane |
| Thomas, UFO Newsclipping Service, March 1979, p. 13; (2) Lumieres |
| dans la Nuit, January 1979; (3) UFO Newsclipping Service, March 1979, |
| p. 13; (4) D. N. Mansell, Awareness, April 1979, p. 12). |
| |
| 1979 - On this evening in 1979 a fireball or missile flew in over the Grays |
| Harbor, Washington area from the sea, executed a 180-degree turn, and |
| headed west. It crashed in a clear-cut forest near Elk River, on the |
| south side of the bay. Many witnesses told of a military roadblock in |
| the area over the next two days, including what looked like National |
| Guard or Army trucks. One former Navy SEAL reported encountering |
| active Navy SEALs at a lunch counter in town during this same time |
| period. (Sources: APRO Bulletin, March 1980, p. 7; Donald A. Johnson, |
| 1988 on-site investigation). |
| |
| 1979 - In Caravac de la Cruz, Spain, at 10:00 p.m., a UFO with blue |
| lights and a light green hue approached a family in their car at a |
| low height. The driver stopped and signaled with his headlights. The |
| UFO responded by flashing its lights. (Source: Richard Heiden, UFO |
| Newsclipping Service, April 1980, p. 13, citing Ya, December 12, |
| 1979). |
| |
| 1979 - Elaine Kaiser was abducted from her bedroom in Rhode Island on |
| this night. She saw a white light and lost consciousness. Under |
| hypnosis she remembered flowing up a beam of light into a |
| semi-circular room, aboard a craft. A being gave her a smock and she |
| put it on without resistance, and then lay down on a table, while an |
| unknown man laid on another table nearby. Instruments connected her |
| to the man, and something like a blood transfusion occurred. A giant |
| being in a black metallic suit relieved her pain by passing a had in |
| front of her face. He told her telepathically that he came from 2.4 |
| million light years away. Several months later she thought she |
| recognized this same man in a crowd. (Source: Thomas E. Bullard, UFO |
| Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery (Volume 2), pp. C-58-59, citing |
| Pontiac (MI) Oakland Press, August 22, 1982). |
| |
| 1980 - At 1:30 a.m. two witnesses from Hollywood in a boat watched |
| a cloud-cigar maneuver erratically for five minutes over the San |
| Pedro Channel offshore of Los Angeles, California, giving off a pink |
| glow. (Source: MUFON UFO Journal, issue 162). |
| |
| 1982 - At 9:00 p.m. two observers in Bacup, Lancashire, England |
| sighted a UFO that looked like two semicircles of white light |
| connected by two bars of red light. (Source: Jenny |
| Randles, Science and the UFOs, p. 13). |
| |
| 1982 - A rocket cigar-shaped object with windows, looking very much |
| like the one seen by Chiles and Whitted in 1948, was witnessed by UFO |
| investigator Paul Cerny on SR36 west of Mineral, Tehama County, |
| California, as it sailed by heading to the southwest at 8:15 p.m. |
| (Source: Paul Cerny, MUFON UFO Journal, issue 179). |
| |
| 1984 - In Nice, Alpes-Maritime, France a 10-year-old girl reported |
| seeing two rose-pink ovoid UFOs at 3:30 p.m. in clear skies. The |
| objects were flying from south to north in a straight line. (Source: |
| Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 305). |
| |
| 1987 - In 1987, in Oriole Beach, Santa Rosa county, Florida some kids saw |
| what looked like an "extra streetlight" glide behind some trees and |
| houses. (Source: Ed Walters, Gulf Breeze Sightings, p. 339). |
| |
| 1988 - At 6:00 p.m. many people in Nottingham, England witnessed a |
| 300-foot long object hovering at low altitude, making a faint humming |
| noise. The authorities had no explanation for it. (Source: FSR, |
| volume 33, issue 1). |
| |
| 1989 - In 1989, at 11:24 p.m. while driving in Concord, New Hampshire a |
| couple saw a 70 foot long silver, cylindrical object hovering low |
| overhead as they crossed a bridge on the Merrimack River. It had |
| white lights on the ends and a blue light on top, and 3 portholes. |
| The object moved to one side, and then rose out of sight fast. |
| (Source: Cheryl Powell, MUFON UFO Journal, November 1990, MUFON case |
| file # 900722). |
| |
| 1991 - In Raleigh, North Carolina two witnesses in a residential |
| neighborhood observed a glowing "blimp" at 4:15 a.m. with a flat |
| bottom and ends. Both had seen flying saucers before in 1963 and |
| 1984. At 11:45 a.m. a silver triangle-shaped object was seen hovering |
| at 2500 feet over Iron Station, Lincoln County, North Carolina, |
| making a humming sound. (Source: (1) MUFON UFO Journal, issue 297; |
| (2) UFO Newsclipping Service; Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of |
| UFO Reports, 1988-94, case # 1218). |
| |
| 1992 - In 1992, in Elizabethtown, South Australia at 2:00 a.m., a 5-year-old |
| child awoke to see a short being with thin legs, no arms, and a large |
| head that had glowing colored light emanating from it, standing at |
| the foot of the bed. The being apparently vanished. (Source: Albert |
| Rosales, Humanoid Contact database, Case #2611). |
| |
| 1997 - Ricardo Alfonso was driving to work at Taos Elementary School in |
| Taos, New Mexico at 6:30 in the morning on this day in 1997 when he |
| saw a silvery, metallic object hovering over a nearby field. He |
| stopped his truck to investigate, and hid behind a bush for a few |
| minutes until the craft disappeared. As he pondered what had happened |
| a bright beam of light hit him, and several "little men" appeared |
| around him. He lost consciousness. When he awoke he was face down in |
| the field, completely naked with bruises on his body. (Source: Albert |
| Rosales, Humanoid Contact database, Case #2481, citing UFO Sightings |
| in New Mexico and the World). |
| |
| 1998 - At 7:50 p.m. a triangular object with a bright light in each |
| corner and a flashing red beacon in the middle was sighted in |
| Hesston, Kansas at 7:50 p.m. (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO |
| Reporting Center, Seattle, December 1998 webpage). |
| |
| 2001 - A multi-colored triangular flying object that had lights on |
| the sides and at the apexes was sighted from Blairgowrie, Orkney |
| Islands, UK at 11:00 p.m. (Source: British Ministry of Defense, case |
| # 2001-187). |
| |
| 2001 - At 5:30 p.m. EST a husband and wife had gone for a walk before |
| dinner in a new development in a wooded area near their home in |
| Hooksett, New Hampshire. They suddenly saw a terrifying large glowing |
| white object hovering above the trees and making no noise at all. |
| They could hear nothing as it glided through the tree tops slowly. |
| They were both very startled, and the wife wanted to run, but the |
| husband said, "run where?" When they got home they called the police |
| to report it, as well as talked to their neighbors to see if they had |
| seen it as well. |
| |
| 2001 - An orange, saucer-shaped, misty looking object was seen in |
| Placentia, Orange County, California at 5:45 p.m. It was actually |
| more oval shaped, but with saucer like edges, and seen at a 45 degree |
| angle elevation from the ground. It looked almost transparent with |
| two red and white lights on the top and bottom. It moved slowly to |
| the west and decended as it moved. The witnesses followed it in their |
| car for about five minutes until they could no longer see it; it went |
| lower than the trees and the neighboring houses. (Source: Peter |
| Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, December 2001 |
| webpage, report made December 10, 2001 and uploaded March 11, 2003). |
| |
| 2003 - A black, cigar-shaped object was spotted in the early morning |
| over Sanders, Arizona. The witness was driving to work in the early |
| morning in the twilight just before dawn. He first saw a light in the |
| sky as he was driving east. It got as bright as Venus, and then |
| dimmed altogether; what was left, hanging motionless in the sky, was |
| a greyish black cigar-shaped vehicle with a bump on the top. The |
| witness continued to watch it as he pulled into the parking lot at |
| his place of employment, and kept watching it for a few more minutes |
| while it never moved. The color was odd for an airplane as well, |
| because it black/grey and did not reflect light. It also made no |
| noise whatsoever. (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting |
| Center, Seattle, December 2003 webpage, report made at 10:45 a.m. |
| December 10, 2003 and uploaded December 19, 2003). |
| |
| 2007 - An orange, oval-shaped object zig-zagged as it "swam" through |
| the air over Maple Ridge, British Columbia at 3:00 p.m. PST, flashing |
| a light. About an hour later, at 7:00 p.m. EST a cigar-shaped object |
| with a bright light was seen zigzagging above Winder, Georgia. |
| (Sources: Chris Rutkowski, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 758, |
| citing UFOBC; Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, |
| December 2007 webpage, report uploaded January 21, 2008). |
| |
| 2007 - In San Jacinto, Riverside County, California a black, pointed, |
| shadowy object turned out the lights and turned off the |
| electronics in a truck at 8:45 p.m. (Source: Peter Davenport, |
| National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, December 2007 webpage, report |
| uploaded March 4, 2008). |
| |
| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 10 December 2012). |
| |
| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
| |
| Themes: abductions; animal reactions; car pu |
| rsuits; cigar-shaped UFOs; domed discs or dome-shaped UFOs; little me |
| n or dwarfs; missing time; multi-colored UFOs, multi-year reports fro |
| m California, England, France, Japan, Portugal and Spain; ovoid or ov |
| al-shaped UFOs; silvery metallic objects; triangular UFOs; UFOs respo |
| nding dramatically to light signals, flares, or radar lock ons; vehic |
| le electrical system interference; vertical ascent; zigzag maneuvers. |
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| © Donald A. Johnson |
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