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synced 2025-03-02 03:40:08 -05:00
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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
| |
| July 15 |
| |
| 1947 - At 12:15 p.m. Colonel Frank A. Flynn, who was flying over over |
| Concord, California, reported that at least a dozen oval-shaped UFOs |
| in three groups that hung in the sky, swinging back and forth in a |
| pendulum motion. They were white on top, grey and black for the rest, |
| and about 15 feet wide. (Sources: San Francisco News, July 18, 1947; |
| Ted Bloecher, Report on the UFO Wave of 1947, case # 841). |
| |
| 1948 - An Army Major and a second witness reported seeing a large, |
| silent, glowing metallic cigar-shaped object that flew from west to |
| east over Alajarvi, Finland. The craft had no wings. (Source: Larry |
| Hatch, U computer database, case # 1322, citing Awareness, 1976). |
| |
| 1952 - At 1:20 a.m. a misty, glowing red UFO zig-zagged over the city |
| of Pasco, Washington. There was a mist surrounding the UFO as it went |
| quickly toward the southeast and away. (Source: Larry Hatch, U |
| computer database, case # 2342, citing Loren E. Gross). |
| |
| 1952 - At 10:10 a.m. a gray object, slightly yellow, and looking like |
| "a flattened out donut without the hole", approached West Palm Beach, |
| Florida very rapidly. It then hovered in place for 90 seconds. |
| Finally, it picked up speed and disappeared out of sight. (Sources: |
| Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 1451; |
| Kevin Randle, Invasion Washington: UFOs over the Capitol, p. 269; |
| UFOs: A History. 1952: June-July 20th, p. 58). |
| |
| 1954 - A woman recalled in 1986, that as an eleven year old girl |
| collecting mushrooms in Poland she had a close encounter and missing |
| time experience with UFOnauts. While walking alone near a cliff in |
| Wegierska Gorka, Cracow, Poland she saw a glowing, oval-shaped UFO. |
| She felt drawn to it, and was met by five entities, who had the |
| height, skin and hands of humans. They wore tight fitting clothes, |
| and had small mouthes and no noses. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer |
| database). |
| |
| 1959 - On this evening seven children in Mount Laurel, New |
| Jersey witnessed a low level, glowing ovoid UFO fly south over the |
| New Jersey Turnpike. It was silent in flight, the apparent size of |
| the Moon, and gave off "pulses." (Source: Loren E. Gross, The Fifth |
| Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs: A History. 1959: July-September, p. |
| 17). |
| |
| 1965 - At 10:50 a.m. eight witnesses including air traffic |
| controllers at Canberra Airport, Australian Capital Territory watched |
| a white sphere hovering for 40 minutes. In Melbourne, Victoria, |
| Australia at 6:20 p.m. a disc-shaped object descended slowly at |
| anangle, then hovered while wobbling over a school. After two minutes |
| it shot off to the northeast. (Sources: Larry Hatch, U computer |
| database; Michael Hervey, UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 88). |
| |
| 1965 - At eight o'clock in the evening in the Loretani Valley, |
| Cordoba province, Argentina, Mr. and Mrs. Bosquets and their family |
| observed a luminous object, its color changing from blue to orange. |
| It was about twelve meters in diameter, and showed several |
| portholes. It left behind ground traces at the landing site. (Source: |
| Oscar A. Uriondo, FSR Case Histories, June 1973, p. 11; Gordon |
| Creighton, FSR, November 1970, p. 27; Jacques Vallee, Passport to |
| Magonia: A Century of Langings, case # 654, citing CODOVNI 1965). |
| |
| 1967 - At 7:00 p.m. near Sedalia, Missouri a domed disc-shaped object |
| was seen emerging from an isolated cloud. It re-entered the cloud, |
| and then re-emerged again. (Source: Norma Short, Skylook, December |
| 1970, p. 8). |
| |
| 1968 - At three o'clock in the morning a domed disc-shaped object was |
| seen low to the ground in Columbus, Indiana. It directed a |
| searchlight toward the ground, and it also emitted a narrower red |
| beam or ray. (Source: Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., UFOs: A New Look, p. |
| 44). |
| |
| 1968 - At 7:30 p.m. Juan Gilabert and his wife Anastasia were at |
| their home in Mar del Plata, Argentina when Anastasia suddenly heard |
| a loud whistling sound and felt extreme heat. Juan was in another |
| room. At the same time a bright light seemed to descend from the |
| ceiling. The light began to dim and she felt partially paralyzed. In |
| a corner of the room she saw a short humanoid figure wearing a |
| silvery suit. Frightened, she managed to grab hold of her young |
| daughter and ran outside screaming. Several neighbors, among them |
| Rogelio Gianomini, came to her aid and found a strange white |
| substance on the floor and a strong sulphur-like odor in the area. |
| Small footprints were also found. Mrs. Gilabert suffered from nervous |
| shock after the incident. (Sources: Oscar A. Uriondo, p. 31, citing a |
| newspaper source; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, |
| citing Carlos Daniel Ferguson, Gaceta OVNI). |
| |
| 1976 - At around 5:30 a.m. Margarita Caginas, age 28, and Miguel Ruiz |
| Sampeiro were on their way to work in Escalante, Santander, Spain |
| when they saw from behind a flying or levitating humanoid being “over |
| 3 meters tall.” It was dressed in a brightly shining, dark brown |
| outfit, and wore a silver disc on its head. It also floated along |
| without its feet touching the ground. It paid no attention to the |
| witnesses until it disappeared around a bend. There were other |
| independent witnesses, including the local mayor who saw it from his |
| window. He described it as a tall entity wearing a dark outfit that |
| emitted luminous flashes from the chest area. (Sources: David F. Webb |
| & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case |
| # 1976-57, citing ABC Madrid, July 18, 1976; FSR, Volume 22, Number |
| 4). |
| |
| 1977 - Mrs. Fern Frey had a close encounter with a disc-shaped UFO in |
| Bellevue, Kentucky at 10:45 p.m. She watched as a green beam |
| retracted into the 30-foot wide craft like "liquid being sucked up |
| through a straw". The UFO then lifted off and disappeared into a |
| wooded area. (Source: Leonard H. Stringfield, MUFON UFO Journal, |
| January 1978, p. 9). |
| |
| 1977 - At 11:45 p.m. PDT five people in a boat on a lake in Blythe, |
| Riverside County, California watched an ovoid object, three to four |
| times the size of the Moon, as it darted about in all directions for |
| the next two hours. Its illuminated surface reflected on the surface |
| of the water. (Source: Allan Hendry, International UFO Reporter, |
| September 1977, p. 3). |
| |
| 1979 - At 4:00 a.m. a man was sleeping at his home in Nimes, France |
| when his car alarm went off and woke him up. He then went outside to |
| investigate, and saw a glowing object hovering just two meters above |
| the ground. It had multicolored lights and was shooting flashes of |
| light up into the sky. An opening became visible at one end of |
| the object, and a short squat figure with thick arms and legs and a |
| round body appeared. It began moving slowly towards the witness, who |
| ran back inside his house. There were three other witnesses who saw |
| the lights from the craft. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted |
| Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A2211; Albert |
| S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1979, case # 1725, citing Denys |
| Breysse, Project Becassine). |
| |
| 1979 - On the same night a couple in San Antonio, Texas sighted three |
| large glowing balls of light hovering outside their home. They |
| watched as five strange humanoid creatures floated down from the |
| balls of light. The beings were described as thin, with grayish skin, |
| large heads, and large dark oval-shaped eyes. The man ran to get his |
| gun, but suddenly both he and his wife were overcome with a profound |
| drowsiness and lost consciousness. Their next memory they had was |
| waking up in the morning to find the man's shotgun totally dismantled |
| and placed on the kitchen table. Later a frightening abduction was |
| recalled under hypnosis. (Source: Preston Dennett, MUFON UFO Journal, |
| March 1993). |
| |
| 1981 - A missing time incident occurred in Uppington, England on this |
| night, and an abduction experience was subsequently revealed through |
| hypnosis. Three women, Ms. Walters, Ms. Hawkins, and Ms. Hayward, |
| were driving home from a nightclub at 2:10 a.m. on the A5 expressway |
| when they all suddenly experienced a strange mood change. They all |
| sat quietly, going into some form of limbo. Then across an open field |
| four white and two red lights appeared that seemed to be attached to |
| a dark object. The object was round and began pacing their vehicle. |
| At this point the vehicle seem to lose power and would not |
| accelerate. All the women panicked and became more confused when the |
| UFO and lights suddenly vanished. There was a time lapse, of perhaps |
| 25 minutes, noted when they reached their destination. |
| |
| Later under hypnosis, one of the women recalled the car being floated |
| up into the sky and entering the bottom of the object through two |
| large double doors. She was held down on a reclining chair and |
| medically examined by several four-foot tall figures, who were |
| hairless and had deep set dark eyes, very thin arms, and strange |
| noses. They wore green cloaks. The second woman recalled being in a |
| large room when several four-foot tall robot like entities with round |
| heads, no facial features and wheel-like feet rolled in; she was not |
| examined. The third woman remembers being hit by a beam of light. She |
| felt pain and was floated into a room, there she encountered two |
| six-foot tall humanoids, one male and the other female, both wearing |
| green cloaks. They both had dark, shoulder-length hair, vivid blue |
| eyes and extremely white skin. They seemed very friendly and appeared |
| intrigued with her clothing. The third woman was also given a medical |
| exam. (Sources: Norman Oliver, BUFORA Journal, April 2003, p. 3; John |
| Wallace Spencer, UFO Encyclopedia, p. 119, citing the Shropshire |
| Star, July 17, 1981; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database |
| 1981, case # 526, citing Jenny Randles, Abduction). |
| |
| Uppington, England Abductions - 15 July 1981 |
| |
| [] |
| |
| 1981 - Several people were fishing on a lake in Newberry, South |
| Carolina at 10:30 p.m. when at least one witnessed a thirty-foot |
| long cigar-shaped object that maneuvered over the lake, then floats |
| in place for 3 minutes. He also saw steam or mist rising from the |
| water. (Source: MUFON UFO Journal, December 1982). |
| |
| 1984 - A low flying cigar-shaped UFO was seen at Greens Beach, |
| Tasmania, Australia at 11:45 a.m. It created a smoke cloud which kept |
| enveloping it as it moved. The object maneuvered back and forth at |
| low altitude, then flew off to the south. Duration: 10 minutes. |
| (Source: Doris Graziano, APRO Bulletin, February 1985, p. 8). |
| |
| 1984 - northwest of Detroit, Maine - Carol Cloukey and Robert White |
| were driving on their way to Pittsfield, Maine for dinner. At 9:05 |
| p.m., after traveling about a mile they rounded a bend and Carol, who |
| was driving, was the first to see a bright yellowish-orange light. |
| Suddenly the light made a perfect vertical drop in mid-air. They sped |
| up to get ahead of the object, but the light dropped lower again, and |
| was now dead center above the car windshield. Carol stopped and |
| slammed the car into reverse. After backing up about 50 feet they saw |
| that the object was alongside of them on the left side of the car and |
| about 150 off the ground. The glow had subsided, and in the evening |
| twilight it appeared grayish in color, triangular shaped, and larger |
| than a 747 aircraft. It had 4 red lights and 1 or 2 brighter white |
| lights. It made no sound. Robert opened his door to see if it was |
| possible to make a 180-degree turn, and he told her to back into the |
| driveway of a farmhouse. The object was now almost directly above |
| them at an approximate altitude of 100 feet. He observed that when |
| they stopped the UFO stopped, and when they moved the UFO moved! It |
| became apparent that "it" did not want to let them go. Robert got out |
| of the car and started to run toward the farmhouse. Carol called to |
| him that another car was coming down the road. The UFO now began to |
| move away slightly, traveling in a northeasterly direction for a |
| distance of a few hundred feet when it suddenly vanished right before |
| their eyes. Robert later expressed wonderment that such a large |
| object could suddenly disappear in such an inexplicable manner. They |
| estimated that the total incident took about two minutes to |
| transpire. (Source: Leland Bechtel, MUFON UFO Journal, October 1984, |
| pp. 14-15). |
| |
| 1985 - A 25-year-old CAD draftsman was in his bedroom in Cobbtown, |
| Georgia at around two a.m. when he had a close encounter with |
| two 70-foot diameter discs which had lights around their rims. They |
| made a high pitched sound and he fell into a trance, but when he |
| spoke the word "Jesus" they seemed to disappear. All electrical |
| appliances in the house were damaged from electromagnetic effects, |
| and three dogs who lived with him never returned. (Source: Donald M. |
| Ware, MUFON UFO Journal, March 1992, p. 18). |
| |
| 1995 - On this day in Calder Valley, West Yorkshire, England two |
| married couples were enjoying a garden picnic when some very strange |
| events began to unfold. It involved a strange mist or fog, |
| time dislocation, and the "Oz" effect, where time seems to stop and |
| all normal environmental noises cease. They felt heavy pressure, like |
| a static charge in the air. Plates and glasses started to move about |
| on the picnic table. A dark gray mass and fog then enveloped the |
| garden. This was followed by many hours of missing time. The |
| witnesses recovered feeling sick, with naseau and tingling |
| sensations. (Source: Jenny Randles, Time Storms: Amazing Evidence for |
| Time Warps, Space Rifts, and Time Travel, p. 73, citing BUFORA). |
| |
| 1995 - A couple returning from a fishing trip at 2:45 p.m. sighted a |
| huge, metallic, domed disc-shaped object with a dark band of windows |
| In West Harwinton, Connecticut. They were able to get out of their |
| minivan and watch the craft for an additional 10-15 seconds. Detailed |
| analysis revealed that the estimated size of the craft was 553 feet |
| in diameter, and it was at a distance of 2,400 feet. It travelled at |
| a relatively slow 70-75 mph at a low altitude. (Source: Mark Cashman, |
| International UFO Reporter, Summer 2000, p. 14). |
| |
| Harwinton, Connecticut Daylight Domed Disc - 1995 |
| |
| [Sketch of Harwinton, Connecticut Daylight Dome Disc 1995] |
| |
| 1999 - First the car radio cut out, reported the male witness driving |
| in Nangwarry, South Australia at 2:15 a.m. Then he saw three lights |
| in a triangular formation with a black shape inside to the left of |
| the highway, shining onto the top of some pine trees. The UFO then |
| rose and entered a cloud that lit up. Finally, his car radio came |
| back on. (Source: Keith Basterfield, AUFORN). |
| |
| 2000 - Gimli, Manitoba, Canada. Three witnesses reported seeing a |
| shiny round pink object at around 7:00 p.m., about a block away, with |
| smoke billowing out of a straight horizontal pipe coming from the top |
| of the object. (Source: Geoff Dittman, 2000 Canadian UFO Survey, case |
| # 107). |
| |
| 2001 - Independent witnesses reported a large flying triangle in |
| Carteret and Sayerville, New Jersey. A first witness at 12:15 a.m. |
| reported V-shaped formations of lights hovering, and then fading out |
| one by one. Another witness saw a large flying triangle heading for |
| Carteret. Other witnesses, further south along the New Jersey |
| Turnpike, saw airline flights heading to Newark Airport apparently |
| being diverted because of the presence of UFOs in the early morning |
| hours between 12:25 and 12:55 a.m. Unconfirmed reports indicate that |
| radars in the New York area picked up a series of anomalous targets |
| at same time. These targets roughly matched the ground witnesses' |
| testimony of seeing lights over the New Jersey Turnpike. Dozens of |
| cars came to a stop on the NJ Turnpike to watch the lights as they |
| passed overhead. The Carteret case is significant because it occurred |
| the day after a successful US antimissile test in the Pacific. |
| Carteret is only ten miles from New York City, and numerous police |
| and firefighters took video of the event which was shown on many |
| television broadcasts. New York radar operators indicated that dozens |
| of anomalous targets were racing around the area. According to MUFON |
| field investigator and pilot Bob Durant, "In the short time the |
| lights were displayed on screen, it was obvious that they were moving |
| right to left at a slow but deliberate angular velocity. There was no |
| relative movement among the lights. The top of a house or building, |
| and possibly a chimney on a house, is visible in the video scene. |
| There were a total of 10 lights arranged in three groups. Beginning |
| from the left on the screen, this corresponds with the foremost |
| lights. We see five lights, then a space, then four lights, a much |
| longer space and a single light, which brings up the rear of the |
| moving set. There is no obvious symmetry to either the group of five |
| or group of four lights, or to the entire group of lights. The lights |
| depicted in the video are large, steady, and white, though there is |
| some slight but perceivable variation in diameter among them. One of |
| the lights, momentarily, nearly 'goes out', diminishing to a tiny |
| point and then resuming its original size." (Sources: George A. Filer |
| & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worlwide Reports of UFO |
| Sightings, pp. 78-79; Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, |
| report uploaded August 5, 2001). |
| |
| 2005 - In Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada eight witnesses reported |
| seeing a shiny, metallic triangular object "with black waves" on the |
| surface of the object and a white glow around it at 10:15 p.m. It was |
| flying east at a low altitude, close enough to see it clearly. |
| Triangle-shaped objects were also sighted later that night in |
| Virginia and Pennsylvania. (Sources: Geoff Dittman, 2005 Canadian UFO |
| Survey, case 59; Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, |
| report uploaded September 2, 2005). |
| |
| 2010 - At around 3 a.m. two campers at a campsite on Berry Creek, |
| Butte County, California viewed one cigar-shaped craft fly over, then |
| hold position as a second craft emerged from the first and perform |
| impossible manuevers for 15 minutes. (Source:Peter Davenport, |
| National UFO Reporting Center, report uploaded July 19, 2010). |
| |
| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 20 July 2012). |
| |
| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
| |
| Themes: abductions, car pursuits, cigar-shaped UFOs, domed discs |
| , Grey humanoids, missing time, multi-year missing time events in Eng |
| land, ovoid UFOs, "Oz" effect, robots, physiological effects:naseau a |
| nd tingling sensations, sensation of heat, short humanoids, triangula |
| r UFOs, whistling sound, UFOs seen over lakes, vehicle electrical sys |
| tem interference: car radios, video images of UFOs, zigzag maneuvers. |
| |
| © Donald A. Johnson |
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