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Jan. 7, 1947 Portland, OR. _Los Angeles Examiner_. **SKY OBJECT A MYSTERY ROCKET?** A laboratory analysis of the cylindrical object which fell in Portland
yesterday from a clear sky established the presence of aluminum,
titanium, magnesium, calcium, chrome, and zircon. Dr. John E. Allen,
chief geologist of the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, said it gives a reasonable basis for the hypothesis that it
could have been used in rocket construction. The largest portion of the
object has been taken over by an Army investigator for examination.
The object was found when a mysterious ice shower occurred Saturday, confined
to a fifteen-foot square area of Hill Military Academy.
Jul. 8, 1947 Abadan, Iran. **IRAN REPORTS BORDER EXPLOSIONS.** Strong, starlike bodies were seen at this point and also at
Shosef and Saebishheh, near the Afghan frontier. After cavorting
about the sky, the objects exploded loudly, leaving only a cloud
of smoke.
Jul. 9, 1947 Boise, Idaho. **THEY MOVE INTO IDAHO.** Dave Johnson, aviation director of the _Idaho Stateman_, while flying at
14,000 feet, west of Boise, saw a circular object bank in front of
a cloud formation for 45 seconds. It rose sharply and jerkily
toward the top of a towering bank of clouds, then turned its edge
toward him, appearing as a straight black line, and shot straight
up. It moved fast, and was very large. Three Idaho National Guardsmen
had seen a similar object in the same area as Johnson.
Jul. 9, 1947 Phoenix, Arizona. _The Arizona Republic_. **ARIZONA PHOTOGRAPHS THEM.** The first clearly recorded photograph of what is believed to be a
flying disk was taken today by an amateur Phoenix photographer,
William Rhodes, as it circled north of the city. Rhodes shot the
picture as the slow-flying object was approaching him. As it
banked to make a right turn, he obtained this picture, showing clearly
the shape of the disk. Rhodes said the object then shot away at high speed.
Jul. 10, 1947 Morristown, New Jersey. **THEY TRY NEW JERSEY NEXT.** John H. Janssen, driving to Morristown Airport at 10 am, saw
10:00 four objects in the sky and got out of his car to photograph them.
They seemed to be about 10,000 feet in the air, flying rapidly in
formation toward New York City. Three of the saucers were silvery
white and the fourth was a dull, metallic color. As they disappeared,
they put on a burst of speed far in excess of any jet plane Janssen
had ever seen. Censorship the next day kept his photo out of most
of the nation's dailies.
Aug., 1947 Burbank, California. **COLLINS WON'T REPORT HIS TO PRESS.** Tom Collins, of Port Chester, N.Y., saw flying saucers over Burbank,
California, where he was visiting his wife in the hospital having
their third child. He told his wife about the sighting, but never
reported seeing them because the press was making such saucer-sighters
look ridiculous.
Aug. 6, 1947 Robert Lee, Texas. **TEXAS SEES ONE CHANGE IN SHAPE?** Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reid, Owen Fletcher, Dock Mennington and Bob
Patterson saw an object in the sky at about 10 p.m. in the shape
of an luminous disk. It was larger and faster than a plane. It
maneuvered in the sky for twenty minutes and then took off in the
direction of San Angelo. In fifteen minutes it returned, this
time in the shape of a long log. The sky was clear with no clouds.
The nearest searchlight was 100 miles away. It continued its capers
for more than half an hour. Finally, it took off on the shape of a long
cigar with a thin smokey trail and vanished in the distance.
Aug. 8, 1947 Upton, Wyoming. **WOMAN WATCHES ONE DISAPPEAR AND REAPPEAR.** Mrs. Jay Engel saw a flying disk at sundown. She saw a flash
darting across the sky, then another flash. It disappeared for
a few seconds, then reappeared further away. It was traveling at
a great rate of speed and was not particularly bright, appearing
to be an orange-colored glow.
Aug. 12, 1947 Boise, ID. **SHANGLES' PHOTO SHOWS LITTLE.** Charles Shangle - likely Charles W. Shangle Jr. - was watching the sky when he saw a luminous object
traveling slowly through the air at great height. He photographed
it. It is visible in the upper left-hand corner of the
photo as a faint gray dot surrounded by a slight halo effect.
The reproduction is poor, showing almost nothing but the truck in
the foreground.
Sep. 13, 1947 Bellingham, Washington. **SAUCER SHINES LIKE DISHPAN.** E. L. Lynn, 1040 Knox Ave., saw a large black object the size of
the moon. It turned from very black to light yellow, then a pale
pink. Finally, it began to shine like a very bright tin pan. It
was about 20 miles distant and two miles high, was in view for
five or six seconds and traveled about five times as fast as an
ordinary airplane.
Sep. 14, 1947 Toronto, CA. _Toronto Globe_. **CANADA TRIED PHOTOGRAPHING THEM.**
A photo of a supposed flying saucer is given front-page coverage
on the _Globe_, taken by Raymond Johnson of Toronto. Disk was yellow
with a tail, the time of passage was fifteen seconds. An extremely
poor reproduction shows a ship in the foreground with a saucer
resembling a faint comet in the background.
Oct. 25, 1947 Hymers, Canada. **50 WITNESSES SEE ONE IN CANADA.** More than 50 townspeople saw a strange object swoop into sight from
the south, remain stationary for fifteen minutes, then flash back
in the direction from which it had come. It was described as a
long streak of fire with heat waves emanating from it and something
that looked like an electric light waves.
Nov. 5, 1947 Persian Gulf. **FOUR SEE ONE ABOVE PERSIAN GULF.** Richard Carruthers, Jr., aboard the tanker _Chipola_, saw eight round
objects flying in a group, pass within half a mile of the ship, make
a climbing turn in echelon formation, and pass out of sight. Four
persons saw the light, but opinions varied as to whether they were
white or blue.
Feb. 20, 1948 Boise, Idaho. _The Emmet Messenger_. **THEODOLITE MEASURES ONE NEAR BOISE.** E.G. Hall of Boise made a theodolite observation of a flying saucer,
estimating its size as that of a small plane. Along its back edge
was no trail, but there was a fuzziness there. The craft was
silent, even when coming closer than 2000 feet to the ground. This
is the first known theodolite-measured and gauged reported viewing.
Feb. 21, 1948 West Beach, Florida. **ONE SEEN BY PALM BEACH EDITOR.** Charles Francis Coe, editor of the _Palm Beach Times_, saw a ray or
blob of lights sweeping in from the southwest over West Palm
Beach at 2 PM. It curved over the Atlantic and headed northeast,
in a wide arc, as though following the curve of the earth.
May. 17, 1948 Seattle, Washington. **AIRFIELD TECHNICIAN SPOTS ONE.** Fred Granger, aircraft communicator stationed at the Seattle-Tacoma
Airfield spotted what appeared to be four stars or lights with
red and green flashes, approximately 25 degrees above the horizon.
May. 26, 1948 VALLEY CITY, NORTH DAKOTA. **CLERGYMAN AND EDITOR BOTH REPORT DAKOTA SIGHTING.** Rev. L.S. Eberly and his wife noticed a bright light which turned
out to be a spheroid, dark in the center and radiating light rays
near the outer rings. It was observed for an hour. On the following
morning, a similar object appeared and Rev. Eberly called
Robert Downs of the _Times-Record_ who also observed the phenomenon.
Jul. 27, 1948 Mobile, Alabama. **TWELVE REPORT ONE IN ALABAMA AT 900 MPH.** At 9:15 p.m. at least twelve persons saw a oval ball of fire,
21:15 followed by about 400 feet of bluish-white flame. It seemed to be
about half as big as the moon and some observers saw it as a
cigar-shaped object with a red flame flaring into white at the
tail. A Brookley Air Force base pilot estimated its speed as
between 800 and 900 mph.
Summer, 1948 Newton, Connecticut. **BILLY ROSE REPORTS ONE FROM BROADWAY.** Billy Rose, newspaper columnist, visiting playwright Paul Osbourne
22:00 in Newton, Connecticut, with Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Logan and Mr. and Mrs.
John Hersey, noticed three searchlights poking into the air around
10:00 p.m. A few minutes later three objects appeared, about 200 ft.
in diameter and flying at an altitude of 3,000 to 5,000 feet. The
mysterious craft gave off a ghostly glow, dull bluish-white.
Sep. 23, 1948 Boise, Idaho. **IDAHO REPORTS ONE HIDING BETWEEN CLOUDS.** Mr. and Mrs A.F. Kaus, of Carolina Beach, NC saw a huge ball
of intense white light while traveling from Mountain Home to Boise,
Idaho. The object was between two layers of clouds at approximately
2,000 ft. It flared twice, held steady for a few seconds, then
disappeared. The light was round in shape with jagged edges.
Oct. 9, 1948 Osage, Wyoming. **WYOMING SEES ONE DIVIDE IN TWO.** Larry Griffin and Homer Grey of Osage, saw a huge shining object,
luminous and shaped like a disk. It remained in view for two seconds,
then divided into two parts and disappeared.
Feb. 1, 1949 Tucson, AZ. _Tucson Daily Citizen_. **B-29 FAILS TO CATCH FLYING SAUCER OVER TUCSON.** Cannonballing through the sky some 30,000 feet above the earth,
a fiery object shot westward so fast it was impossible to gain
any clear impression of its shape or size. It hovered over the city
for a few moments and then shot off again with tremendous velocity.
First Lt. Roy L. Jones gave chase in a B-29, but soon left
behind as the craft sped toward California. Dr. Edwin F. Carpenter,
head of the University of Arizona's department of astronomy, said he
was certain the object was not a meteor or other natural phenomenon.
Feb. 22, 1949 Boca Chica Naval Air Station, Key West, Fla. **RADAR PICKS UP SAUCER ABOVE KEY WEST.**
Two glowing objects were seen above the Naval Air Station, flying
at great height. One plane was sent up to investigate, but was
hopelessly outdistanced. Radarmen tracked the objects as they
hovered for a moment above Key West. After a few seconds, the
objects accelerated at high speed and streaked off.
Feb. 29, 1949 Chicago, Illinois. **ILLINOIS SEES ONE DISINTEGRATE.** Ben Cole, Jr. of Northbrook, Illinois saw a flaming object hurtle
06:11 out of the east at 6:11 a.m. and disintegrate in a fiery shower
south of Chicago. At the same time, 40 miles away, Ed Maher of
Chicago, saw a rocket half a block long speeding from east east to
south. The front was shaped like a rocket, the tail seemed to
fall to pieces as it dived into a large cloud. The craft made no noise.
Mar. 25, 1949 Bend, Oregon. **COMBAT PILOT COMPARES SIZE TO WASHTUBS.** Residents of Bend saw two flying saucers reflecting the rays of
the sun as they dipped through the clouds. Traffic was blocked
by observers. World War II flyer, Vernon Leverett, estimated their
height as over 10,000 feet and their size about that of a large
Apr. 14, 1949 Branch County, Mich. **MICHIGAN SEES ORANGE-COLORED SAUCER.** Clifford Cline, farmer in Branch County reported seeing a disk-shaped
object with an orange center and a lighter outer edge.
Apr. 11, 1949 White Sands Proving Grounds. **WHITE SANDS SEES ONE WHILE CHECKING WEATHER BALLOON.** Scientists, reported by Commander Robert B. McLaughlin, USN, were
tracking a balloon 57 miles northwest of the grounds, A
strange object crossed above the balloon and was tracked with a
theodolite. It was saucer-shaped, 105 feet in diameter and flying
50 miles above the earth at around 5 miles per second. Suddenly,
it swerved, shooting upward at an angle of five degrees, climbing
an additional 25 miles in almost 10 seconds. No exhaust trail, no lights, no sound.
Apr. 11, 1949 Portland, OR. **Project Saucer**/**Project Sign**: **PROSPECTOR SPOTS FIVE IN OREGON.** Fred M. Johnson, Portland prospector, told authorities he noticed a
strange reflection in the sky and saw five or six discs about 30 ft.
in diameter. He watched them through a telescope for about 30 seconds
as they banked in the sun. He described them as being round with
tails making no noise.
Aug. 1947 Bethell, Ala. From the Air Material Command, Wright Field's **Project Saucer**/**Project Sign** Report: Two pilots for a Bethel, Ala.
flying service told investigators they spotted a
huge black object, bigger than a C-54, silhouetted
against the brilliant evening sky. In order to
avoid collision, they said they pulled up to 1,200
feet and watched the object cross their path at
right angles. The two pilots told of swinging in
behind the object and following it to 170 mph
until it outdistanced them and disappeared four
minutes later. It was described as having no motors,
wings, or visible means of propulsion, being
smooth-surfaced and streamlined.
Aug. 1947 Fort Richardson, Alaska. From the Air Material Command, Wright Field's **Project Saucer**/**Project Sign** Report:
Two officers told of seeing a spherical object about 10
feet in diameter flying through the air at tremendous
speed, leaving no vapor trail.
Jan. 7, 1948 Oklahoma City, OK. From the Air Material Command, Wright Field's **Project Saucer**/**Project Sign** Report:
An Oklahoma City man reported
spotting a saucer "seeming to be the bulk of six
B-29's." The observer, who holds a private pilot's
license, spotted the objects from the ground. It was
perfectly round and flat with no protrusions. He
reported the speed of the soundless craft as "probably
three times that of a jet."
Jan. 7, 1948 Lockbourne Air Force Base, Columbus, Ohio. From the Air Material Command, Wright Field's **Project Saucer**/**Project Sign** Report:
Several observers reported a sky phenomenon
described as "round or oval, larger than a C-47, and
traveling in level flight faster than 500 mph."
Apr. 28, 1949 Gary, Indiana. **INDIANA SEES ONE DEFY PERSPECTIVE LAW.**
Leon Faber of Sandwich, Ill., sighted a bright shining object
moving east while he was flying up at an elevation of 6,000 feet over
the Gary-Michigan City area. It seemed to be about 10,000 feet
away and about the size of a basketball. It suddenly disappeared
without getting any smaller.
May. 7, 1949 Oakland, California. **CALIFORNIA SEES THEM AS 'SQUARES'.**
Benjamin F. Smith of Oakland saw two rows of square objects flying
in the regular airliner levels traveling from north to south,
moving soundlessly at tremendous speed.
May. 1949 White Sands Proving Grounds. **COMMANDER CONFIRMS SIGHTING.**
Commander Robert B. McLaughlin, USN, in a further report said that
an object, white in color, proceeding slowly westward was sighted.
It picked up speed, passed overhead and disappeared over the Organ
Mountains. When first sighted, the object had been going at about
one mile per second at a height of 25 miles, but when it accelerated
it did so at a rate far beyond the capabilities of any present-day
rocket. Passing within 5 degrees of the sun, it remained visible,
showing no discernible method of propulsion.
Jun. 1949 Union City, Michigan. **KLINE CATCHES A LITTLE ONE.**
Clifford M. Kline, Union City, was just leaving his barn on a clear
evening at 7:40 when approximately 200 feet away, and nearly 6 feet off
the ground, an oval object about 5ft by 4ft sped from northeast to
southwest in a perfectly straight line with no noise and disappeared
behind a fence row of shrubbery nearly a quarter of a mile away.
The object was reddish-brown and fringed with white. Kline's
observation was similar to a procession of hat-crown-shaped objects
observed soaring over Skening, Sweden, May 1818, which were
described as brown and caused the sun to turn brick-red.
Jun. 17, 1949 Battle Creek Michigan. **MICHIGAN PHOTOGRAPHS TRIANGLES.**
Lloyd Sanders, Rt 1, Took a photo of a strange triangular object
which was going at a tremendous rate of speed and glowed like the
sun. There was a high-pitched, whining sound.
Jun. 18, 1949 Kent, England. **ENGLANG SEES THEM AS 'BLOBS'.**
Two farmers reported they saw tailess blobs of light spinning
across the heavens.
Jul. 9, 1949 Alexandria, Virgina. **VIRGINIA SEES SAUCER DOING THE REFLECTING.**
C.S. Dupree saw a light reflected on the sidewalk, and on looking
up saw a fast-moving, saucer-shaped object. It was not bright, but
easily visible. Other sightings in the same vicinity were reported.
Jul. 10, 1949 Tacony, Pennsylvania. **NINE WHIZ OVER PENNSYLVANIA.**
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Wunsch of Tacony, Pennsylvania, and Mr. and Mrs.
Barry McGuigan of West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, saw nine strange disks
with a dull illumination visible beneath the evening's cloud cover.
They moved faster than an airliner but were clearly visible.
Jul. 24, 1949 Montgomery, AL. _Los Angeles Herald Express_. **HUGE MYSTERY PLANE OVER U.S.**
Two Eastern Airline pilots, Capt. Cas Childs and Co-pilot J.B.
Whitted, said they met a wingless two-deck plane early today southwest
of Montgomery, Alabama. They said the strange ship with a
blue glow underneath the fuselage and shooting red flames passed
the EAL ship at 5,000 feet and headed towards New Orleans.
Jul. 24, 1949 Boise, Idaho. **V-SHAPED OBJECTS OVER IDAHO.** A Boise aviator saw seven V-shaped objects flying within 1,500 or
2,000 feet of his plane. The objects, estimated to be about the
size of fighter planes, flew at a tremendous rate of speed in a
tight, but unfamiliar formation. They were in the shape of a 'V'
with a solid, circular body under the nose of the 'V'. There was
no evidence of any means of propulsion. They were observed for
about two minutes.
Jul. 26, 1949 Mitchell, Nebraska. **THEY FLY UPSIDE DOWN IN NEBRASKA.**
Dr. H.G. Lauback saw a saucer flying on a southwesterly course at
3:10 p.m., resembling an upside-down saucer whirling as it moved
through the sky, occasionally tipping sideways at an altitude of
between 5,000 and 7,000 feet. It was estimated to be about 25 feet
in diameter and traveled about 25 ground miles in three minutes.
Aug. 15, 1949 Deer Lodge, Montana. **MONTANA NOTES THEIR SILENCE.**
Edgar Thompson saw a bright silver disk-shaped object heading
towards Butte at a terrific speed. It traveled noiselessly in a
straight line.
Nov. 7, 1949 Osborne, Kansas. **KANSAS OBSERVES THEIR 'FLIP'.**
Delmar Remick and Erwin Legg of Osborne, saw a flying saucer in
the air, a mile up and moving northwest, rapidly takin six or
seven seconds to get out of sight. It moved with a little flip
every half second.
Jan. 12, 1950 Kvalleposten, Malmo, Sweden. **MAJORITY BELIEVE IN FLYING SAUCERS.**
More than 61 percent of Americans believe in flying saucers,
according to a poll of opinion taken by Galaxy, the science-fiction
magazine. Another 17 percent didn't believe they exist, while
32 percent were uncertain. The younger age group was more inclined
to believe in saucers than older people.
Jan. 21, 1950 New England. _The New York Times_. **BOSTON PITCHES FOR MORE INVESTIGATION.**
The Aero Club of New England, a 49-year-old organization dating back
to the ballooning days, has asked the Air Force to reopen its investigation
into "flying saucers" and other unknown aircraft. A letter
to Thomas K. Finletter, Air Force Secretary, made public today, termed
the discontinuance of the "saucer" investigation as "premature and regrettable."
Walsh, telephone company electrician and Navy veteran, reported
seeing a tear-shaped object, bright as a fluorescent light, for
twelve seconds before it headed out to sea in an arch-like flight at
incredible speed.
Feb. 1950 Korea. _Fate Magazine_. **NAVY DOES NOT SWALLOW OWN LINE.**
A few months before the Navy spokesman, Dr. Brener Liddell issued his
report that flying saucers were all balloons. _Naval Aviation News_,
an official Navy magazine, reported the sighting of two mysterious
smoke-trailing objects by an American airship off Korea. The
incident occurred in December of 1949, and personnel aboard the
seaplane tender _Gardiners Bay_ reported that the two objects struck
the water at tremendous speed off the ship's port bow while it was
steaming up the channel from Inchon. Under the title "Sighting
Flying Disks Again?", the Navy magazine reported: "Two huge
columns of smoke rose to about 100 feet in height at the point of contact.
No aircraft could be sighted by radar, or visually overhead, although
the ceiling was unlimited. Identification remains a great mystery."
Feb. 23, 1950 Santiago, Chile. **CHILE STILL HOARDS ITS PIX.**. Commander Augusto Vars Orrego, head of the Chilean Antarctic Base
of Arthur Prat, saw, on several occasions during the Antarctic night,
flying saucers, one above the other, turning at tremendous speeds.
Photographs were taken.
Feb. 1950 US. _Air Force Magazine_. **CALLING HERR GENERAL FREUD.**
"It is concluded," the most recent official Air Force report
states, "that there are sufficient psychological explanations
for the reports of unidentified flying objects to provide
plausible explanations not otherwise explainable. These errors
in identifying real stimuli result chiefly from the inability to
estimate speed, distance, and size."
Luis Enrique Erro, head of the Tonantzintla Observatory near Puebla,
reports an object flew through space and crossed the field of his
Schmidt telescope. Luis Munch, fellow astronomer, photographed
the object, which showed as a broad white streak diagonally across
a jet black field. The craft appeared to be about the diameter of
the moon and at least as bright.
Mar. 10, 1950 Edmonton, Alberta. **WEST CANADA CATCHES SIGHT OF THREE.**
F. Arnold Richards, civic employee, saw objects with a bluish-white
flame shooting out of the wide end. He reported three in all.
Mar. 11, 1950 Juarez, Mexico. **THREE MEXICAN OFFICIALS SEE ONE.**
Robert Antorena, Amilcar Lopez Sousa and Manuel Espejo, customs
and border officials, saw a top-like disk traveling high in the
sky and headed towards El Paso.
Luis Herrera, travel agency owner, saw a strange, disk-shaped
object over the city for fifteen minutes. At the same time, John
E. Baird of El Paso saw an object shaped like a globe, near
Deming, New Mexico.
Santiago Smith, chief weather observer for the Mexico City Airport
trained a telescope at an object shaped like a half-moon, one of
four flying bodies crossing the airport at 35,000 to 45,000 feet.
Mar. 13, 1950 Monterey, Mexico. **MONTEREY SEES ONE MAKE QUICK TURNS.**
Francisco Martinez Soto, government airport inspector, saw an
object moving in a straight line and changing its altitude by
one and a half degrees in three minutes.
Mar. 16, 1950 Delhi, Ontario. **ONTARIO REPORTS ONE PLAYING TAG.**
Paul Repai, Mr. and Mrs. Andre Hertal and Steve Fodor saw a
flying saucer at 4 am moving in jerks as if controlled, faster
than a jet. It seemed bigger and duller when moving, smaller
and brighter when still. It swished from side to side and hovered
up and down, then it suddenly rose sharply and disappeared.
Mar. 16, 1950 Miraflores, Peru. **SWISS IN PERU REPORTS ONE TAKE 5-MINUTE REST.**
Julian Guardiola, Swiss Engineer, saw a disk flying from the south
giving off a red and yellow glow. It stopped directly above them
at about 4500 feet and remained for about five minutes. It then
flew southward at tremendous velocity.
Mar. 16, 1950 San Jose Purua, Mexico. **LANSING M.D. FILMS ONE ONE IN MEXICO.**
Dr. W.C. Behen, of Lansing, Michigan, made both photographs and
movies of a double truncated cone, silver in color, and eight or
nine thousand feet in the air. The object disappeared from time
to time, but would reappear to hover over one area for several
Mar. 18, 1950 Altoona, Pennsylvania. **PENNSY M.D. SKETCHES HOW HIS OPERATED.**
UP -- Dr. Craig Hunter, 47 of Berkeley Springs, WV, made a rough
sketch of a flying saucer he saw at dusk Wednesday in the hope that
it might help clear up the mysterious phenomena. The object appeared
to be about 50 to 100 feet in diameter and was about 25 to 30
feet thick in the center. A streamer about 200 feet long and 10
inches wide trailed. The disk seemed to be constructed in three
concentric partitions. The outer edge, which was 10 feet wide,
appeared to be stationary and had slits covering about one-third of
the area visible to him. Immediately in from the leading edge
were two apertures about 4 and a half feet square. The second circle
seemed to be the only part of the thing moving and it rotated with
a great hissing whistle. Inner and largest part of the disk was
also stationary. It was a dirty metallic color and definitely
not an airplane.
Mar. 23, 1950 Laguna Beach, California. **8 FLYING SAUCERS SPOTTED OVER LAGUNA.**
UP -- Flying saucers have been spotted again, this time along
the California coast by Dudley Gourley, 26, an Army aircraft
observer for nearly three years. He said he saw the saucers
moving slowly out to sea as he drove past El Moro on the coast
Dr. Jean Picard, University of Minnesota scientist and pioneer in
balloon ascent work, suggested in an interview with United Press
that some "flying saucers" may be experimental balloons being
sent up into the stratosphere by General Mills in cooperation with
several universities and under contract with the Navy.
Mar. 27, 1950 Washington, D.C.} **FLYING SAUCER NEAR PENTAGON.**
UP -- A flying saucer has been reported almost in the backyard
of the Air Force, the service that says the mysterious disks don't
exist. Bertram A. Totten, a veteran private pilot, said he sighted
an aluminum-colored disk about 40 feet in diameter and 10 feet
thick while he was flying over Fairfax County, Virginia, on the
outskirts of Washington.
Mar. 27, 1950 Tulsa, Oklahoma. **TULSA CHECKS IN WITH 25.**
C.W. Hughes, 1338 N. Boston Place, Tulsa, sighted at 6:16 am,
25 flying saucers. The objects were silver-colored and flying at
an elevation of 1000 feet.
Mar. 31, 1950 Little Rock, Arkansas. **VETERAN PILOTS RATE THEM SUPERSONIC.**
Capt. Jack Adams, and co-pilot G.W. Anderson, Jr., veterans of
7000 and 6000 flying hours for the Chicago and Southern Air Lines,
en route in their DC-3 from Memphis to Little Rock were within
forty miles of Little Rock at 2,000 feet, they saw a lighted,
fast-moving object about 1,000 feet above the DC-3 half a mile away
and moving at a terrific speed: 700 to 1,000 m.p.h. They saw no
reflection, exhaust, or vapor trail. It traveled in an arc, flashing
a strong blue-white light.
Mar. 25, 1950 Rome, Italy. **HITLER STILL FLYING AROUND IN ONE?**
Professor Giuseppe Belluzzo, a 73-year-old Italian turbine engineer,
said today that designs for flying saucers were prepared for Hitler
and Mussolini in 1942. Belluzzo said: "It has crossed my mind that
some great power is experimenting with flying disks—without explosives
or atomic bombs. There is nothing supernatural or Martian about flying
disks. It's just the most rational use of recently-evolved techniques."
Belluzzo personally drafted plans for a "flying disk" 32 feet in
diameter, but claimed they disappeared with Benito Mussolini when he
fled to northern Italy in 1943.
Mar. 31, 1950 Jalapa, Mexico, El Universal. **MEXICO SEES THEM SET AT SUNDOWN.**
300 flying disks were reported flying above the city. They began
to disappear about sundown.
Apr. 7, 1950 Grenoble and Chambéry, France. **FRANCE SIGHTS SAUCERS, TOO.**
Flying saucers were reported to have been seen in two localities
of France. Residents of Grenoble reported a metallic object
which appeared to remain stationary high in the sky. Inhabitants
of Chambéry reported a saucer-like object which left a stream
of vapor.
Apr. 19, 1950 St. Paul, Minnesota} _St. Paul's Dispatch_. **AIRMAN SEES BANANAS WITH SAUCERS.**
Fort Worth AP: Ira Maxey, a veteran of 3,600 flying hours in the
United States Air Force, said he saw six flying "bananas" plus a
flying saucer. They were moving slowly and appeared to be six or
seven miles away. He described the air objects as without tails
or noses, not like a saucer but more like a banana. The pictures
Maxey took showed they left vapor trails.
Apr. 27, 1950 South Bend, Indiana. **TWA PILOTS SEE ONE GO BY ON EXPRESS LANE.**
Capt. Robert Adickes and First Officer Robert Manning, TWA pilots,
saw a round glowing mass in the air as they flew over South Bend.
The object was in sight for six or seven minutes as it overtook
their plane at 2,000 feet. It was round with no irregular features
and about one-tenth as thick as it was round. They gave chase
but were soon outdistanced.
Apr. 30, 1950 Mount Joy, Illinois. **IOWA REPORTS ONE EXPLODING.**
Louis and Wilfred Wedemyer of Mount Joy saw a round flat saucer-shaped
object spinning across the sky. Suddenly it exploded in
the air like a firework display. It seemed to disintegrate.
No noise for a few seconds, then a low rumble that lasted half a
minute. The same phenomenon was observed in Burlington and Muscatibe, Iowa.
Apr. 3, 1950 Mount Diabo, CA. _Bay Area Aviation News_, San Francisco.
A U.S. Air Force Reserve Colonel, Frank A. Flynn, talked in detail
today of his encounter with a flight of more than a dozen "flying
saucers". He said he is convinced that the objects he saw near
Mount Diablo while flying his own plane from San Francisco to
Sacramento in April of 1948, were controlled, experimental,
American aircraft.
May. 7, 1950 Colonna, Rome. _Los Angeles Examiner_. **WHEN IN ROME THEY FLY AS ROMANS.**
Hundreds of persons on their way to work stopped to watch two
flashing objects high over Rome's central piazza, Colonna. The
two objects seemed to be a mile or more high and moved slowly.
They appeared to be revolving on an axis and flashing at regular
intervals, like smaller air beacons.
May. 11, 1950 McMinnville, Oregon. **OREGONIAN GETS TWO ON FILM.**
Paul Trent, Route 3, McMinnville, captured two photos of flying
saucers in the backyard of his farm. The two pictures were taken
about 50 seconds apart.
Mrs. Clyde Seevers, one of sixteen Montrose ranchers who saw two
sky objects as broad as large airplane's wings, said the craft
was absolutely round and smooth without windows, motors, or tail
assembly. They flew soundlessly and seemed to float along, then
suddenly soared up swiftly and disappeared. Her report was corroborated
by fifteen other ranchers in the vicinity.
Jun. 7, 1950 London, England. **RAF PILOT REPORTS SIGHTING, RADAR A 'BLIP'.**
An RAF pilot radioed his base: "Strange object seen. Looks like
a flying saucer." Radar operators at the base picked up a strong
"blip" on their screens. The air ministry withheld all information.
Jun. 20, 1950 Oakland, California. _The Oakland Tribune_. **THIS ONE DUSTS AIR FORCE BASE.**
The UP said a "disk-shaped object" roaring at an estimated speed
of 1000 to 1500 mph. made five passes near Hamilton Air Force
Base today.
Jun. 25, 1950 Baker, New Mexico. **UNITED AIRLINES CREW SEES ONE 4 MILES UP.**
Captain E. L. Remlin, First Officer David Stewart, and Observer Sam
B. Wiper noticed a mysterious object while flying their UAL Main-liner
at 14,000 feet between Las Vegas and Silver Lake about
eight miles north of Baker, New Mexico. The craft had a bluish
center with a bright orange tint and was flying horizontally at
about 20,000 feet, faster than the plane, and about 20 miles away.
Jun. 29, 1950 Fort Collins, Colorado. **POSTMAN SPOTS ONE WITH SATERN RING.**
Hubert Hutt, a post office worker at Fort Collins, saw an object
in the sky at 9:40 a.m. which appeared simultaneously with an
airliner at about 3,000 feet elevation. It was at about 4,500 feet,
traveling northwest, and resembled a silver snowball, circled
by some kind of a ring. It was extremely maneuverable.
Jul. 29, 1950 Springfield, Illinois. **CHIEF PILOT COLLIDES WITH ONE, UNHURT.**
Jim Graham, chief pilot for Capital Aviation Co. of Springfield
reported his plane was struck by a mysterious object resembling
a blue streak with a tail of red flames. It was soundless and
did not damage his plane."
Aug. 8, 1950 North of Orange County, CA. _Los Angeles Daily News_. **FOUR COUNTIES POLLED ON THIS ONE.**
A strange, green light the center of which seemed to be just north
of Orange County in California, was seen over four counties: Los
Angeles, San Bernardino, San Diego, and Riverside. Its light
covered the greater part of Southern California south of the city
of Los Angeles and north as far as Santa Monica Bay. Observers
at San Diego reported that the whole sky was alight like a giant
flash bulb. There was no sound.
Another huge silent slow lit up the Pacific Coast from Salem,
Oregon to Seattle, Washington today.
Aug. 12, 1950 Denver, Colorado. **YUMA SIGHTING QUITS AT SIGHT OF DRUGSTORE.**
William Schocke, Yuma, saw, along with dozens of others, a dark,
disk-shaped object with a dim glow around its rim. When it reached
a point just above a drugstore, it abruptly ceased lateral flight
and slices straight upwards, disappearing behind low-hanging
Sep. 10, 1950 Mitchell Field, New York. **TW JET PILOTS LOSE in 30 MILE CHASE.**
Lt. Wilbert S. Rogers and Capt. Edward Ballard, Mitchell Field
Air Force jet pilots, chased a mysterious round flying object
for thirty miles and couldn't catch it. They estimated its speed
at 900 mph. They sighted the object over Sandy Hook, New Jersey,
while on a routine flight. It was silvery-white and about the size
of a fighter plane traveling at 20,000 feet.
Ivan Courtright, 14-year-old amateur astronomer set his camera at
a six-hour exposure to photograph sky trails and accidentally
obtained two photos. One of a saucer, when he clicked the shutter
too soon, and the other a saucer trail taken on a longer exposure.
The photo of the saucer coming right at the camera shows clearly
the illuminated cloud surrounding it.
Sep. 1950 Saw Bill Bay, Minnesota. **SAWBILLIES WATCH ONE LAND ON BAY.**
F. A. Halstead of Duluth, Minn., and Ben Eyton, Editor of the
_Steep Rocket Echo_, Ontario, reported the experience of a miner living
in Antikokan who saw a flying saucer and a live crew in a cove of
Sawbill Bay. They gave full details and told that they went back
later with a camera and after a few days caught another saucer
which spotted them and took off in a flash of green. There was
There was a terrific high-pitched whine almost a blast, they explained, and
then it was gone. One little figure that had been near the water's
edge was only about halfway back when it took off. "Our impression
was that something fell off when the saucer was about halfway
down the bay. For some reason, our motor took a fit of not wanting
to start. After we did get it going, it began to run hot,
which ruined our chances of pursuing the object."
Sep. 21, 1950 Hollywood, California. _Citizens-News_. **MYSTERY SHIPS OVER COLORADO.**
Hundreds of witnesses reported strange objects which hurtled
across Colorado last night just east of the Rocky Mountains.
Astronomy students and Air Force officials said they were not
meteorites. All reports said the objects moved horizontally,
unlike meteorites, and most trained observers placed their
altitude at 3,000 feet. The CAA control tower at Peublo estimated
their speed at about 1,000 mph. The speed of the objects was
so fast that reports along the 200 mile path were almost simultaneous.
Oct. 7, 1950 Denver, Col. **'SAUCER' OVER ATOM CENTER.**
UP - A Los Angeles construction worker has reported
that a strange "blinking object" soared over a highly
restricted area of the big atomic energy center last month. The
object, which appeared to be at an altitude of 20,000 feet,
flashed alternately bright and then black at intervals of two
seconds. It was visible for three minutes and forty seconds.
Oct. 23, 1950 North of Hancock Field. _Syracuse Post-Standard_. **TWO SIGHT SAUCER AT AIRPORT.**
Allen Snyder and a companion, a city operations employee,
who declined the use of his name, reported sighting a flying saucer
three or four miles north of Hancock Field at an altitude of
2,500 feet. Snyder, a veteran airplane observer and employee of
Northwest Airlines, said it seemed larger than a conventional
plane and was traveling at a good rate. It was colorless, but
the shape was not discernible. No flame or exhaust was
Nov. 1950 Miami, FL. _Syracuse Herald-Journal_. **LIFE INDICATED ON OTHER PLANETS.**
AP - Dr. Harold C. Urey, internationally known physicist
and Nobel Prize winner in chemistry who helped develop the
Atom bomb, told science students at the University of Miami
that his study of the universe "leaves little doubt that life
has occurred on other planets." He said he doubted that the
human race was the most intelligent form of life.
Nov. 5, 1950 Heathrow, England. **ENGLAND REPORTS ONE, SPEED 1000 MPH.**
Four Pan-American Airways employees saw a brilliantly lighted
object flying east to west in a straight line. Its speed was
estimated at 1,000 mph, and the object was described as a bright
white light, metallic colored, elongated, but as it went out of sight, spherical.
Nov. 12, 1950 Barrow-in-Furness, England. **CIGAR-SHAPED OBJECT LOAFS OVER ENGLISH TOWN.**
Edward Leslie Docker, wholesale fruit dealer in Hindpool-Road,
saw a huge disc-shaped object from the window of his office.
aluminum in color, flying at about 4,000 feet and around 80 mph.
It seemed to be at least 100 feet long.
Nov. 12, 1950 Didsbury, Manchester, England. **C.E. SPOTS ONE OVER MANCHESTER TOWN?**
P.D. Bell, a civil engineer saw a strange circular aircraft fly
overhead at great speed. It was noiseless with a bright light
on the underside.
Perry Torbergson and Jack Anderson, both on the editorial staff
of the _Columbia Basin News_, watched an object in the sky for
eight minutes. It was shining, cigar-shaped, and glistened
brightly. It stopped and hung in the air over the Hanford
atomic plant and then disappeared on a southwesterly course.
Dec. 2, 1950 Fairbanks, Alaska. **ALASKAN PILOT OBSERVES ONE BLOW UP.**
G.C. Kelly, Reeves Airway pilot, approaching an airfield eight
miles southwest of Anchorage, Alaska, saw an object overhead
traveling at 100 miles per hour, so bright it was impossible
to look at. Then there was an explosion and the object vanished.
Nov. 8, 1950 Jarrow in Burgess, Britain. _The New York Times_. **FLYING SAUCER OVER HUNGRY BRITAIN.**
A mysterious "flying sausage" was reported over Jarrow-in-Burgess
Tuesday. Two men, one a reputable businessman, described the object
as a "flying sausage with a dark outline and a transparent
center." The object was traveling north at a fair speed both declared,
and agreed there was no sound of motors.
Nov. 10, 1950 Pacific Ocean off Southern CA. _San Diego Union_. **NAVY DESTROYER CHASES MYSTERIOUS OBJECT.**
The United States destroyer, _Blue_, searched the Pacific Ocean off
Southern California trying to track down a mysterious "unidentified
object." A Navy report said the _Blue_ picked up the object on its
radar screen and was trying to close in on it to identify it. No
mention was made of what, when, how, or where the contact was made.
Dec. 7, 1950 Rangely, Colorado. **OIL WORKERS WATCH ONE OVER RANGELY.**
A shining aluminum-colored object hovered for more than a minute
over the Rangely Oil Basin, then moved rapidly eastward. It was
flat, disc-like in appearance, with a dome-like structure on top.
It seemed to rotate as it hovered, emitting a flash of light at
regular intervals. Its altitude was approximately 2,000 feet.
Dec. 23, 1950 Amory, Mississippi. **MISSISSIPPI WATCHES ONE TURN OTHER CHEEK.**
James Q. Tate of 2629 Avenue North, Birmingham, Ala., saw a red
ball in the bright clear sky over Armory, Miss. He described it
as being deeper red in the center than at the perimeter. On
second look he saw that the red ball had turned over and appeared
to be flat. The red color might have been because of the sun's
reflection. It was one to one and a half miles above the town,
approximately thirty feet in diameter, and moving at a terrific
speed before it disappeared towards the northwest. Tate was
about three miles away driving into town.
Jan. 1951 Belgian Congo, Africa. **TWO LOOK FOR URANIUM IN AFRICA.**
Two disks were sighted hanging over the Uranium mining pits and
were pursued by planes. The object flew in a peculiar zig-zag
course. A Spitfire came close enough to see a whirling rim on
one of the saucers, but was easily and quickly outdistanced.
Jan. 1951 Washington, DC. **OLSON GUESSES THEIR SPEED AT 10,000 MPH.**
Robert Olson, 3708 35th St., NW, Washington, D.C., took a picture
of seven or eight saucers flying over Washington in early January.
A shot was taken from someone's back porch, and a double exposure
resulted when the silvery saucers were sighted. Olson says: "I
assure you, noting on that porch, not even the lighting cord
that you can see hanging down is responsible for the images of the
bright circles. Calculate how fast the object would have to
be going to make such long streak in 1/50 of a second, assuming
the saucers are 36 feet in diameter. I'd say between 2,000 and
10,000 mph."
Betty McCarty and Judy Royles of Kansas City sighted a huge red
light with a green flickering light in the center. It appeared
and disappeared several times. Betty and Judy, and Betty's
husband, drove up onto the Cliff drive, and saw it hanging in the
air over North Kansas City. It soared slowly around, down over
Fairfax Airport, and searchlights were turned on it. It disappeared
again but came back ten minutes later, appearing to be a green
ball of light with a red trail. It was now very high in the sky
and the only shape recognizable was that of a green sphere. The
next day, the Air Force rigged up a plane with green lights and
flew it around the city. The Air Force plane had a recognizable
shape and a loud droning motor besides.
Capt. Larry M. Vinther and co-pilot James R. Bachmeier, flying
a Mid-Continent Airline plane, saw a straight-sided object, with
no exhaust glow, jet pods, or engines. It performed maneuvers and
turns at speeds impossible to known aircraft, according to
Capr. J.E. Cocker and Capt. E. W. Spradley of Wright-Patterson Air
Force Base, while tracking a large weather balloon, saw an
object hovering at 50 to 60 thousand feet. Flat milky color
made it resemble a dime. It gave three brilliant flashes and
then disappeared from sight.
Feb. 19, 1951 Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa. **THIS ONE POSES 17 MINUTES FOR PHOTOGRAPHS.**
Two pilots and nine passengers of a regular plane flight from
Nairobi to Mombasi, Africa, saw a huge cigar-shaped vessel, at
first quite stationary over the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro, then
as the plane drew near, rising rapidly at an estimated 100 mph
and disappearing at 44,000 feet. The vessel was judged to be 200
feet long, brilliantly polished except for four duller bars which
ran vertically down its body. It had a huge fin or paddle-rudder
at the stern, no exhaust. It remained in view for 17 minutes,
long enough for three passengers to obtain photographs of the
Feb. 19, 1951 San Diego Union. **MYSTERIOUS MISSILE ATTACKS NAVY SHIP.**
The Navy reported today that one of its ships was attacked recently
off the western shore of Korea by a powerful "mysterious" missile that
kicked up a 100-foot column of water. According to the report appearing
in the _Naval Aviation News_, the _USS Gardiner's Bay_ was steaming
through the channel off Inchon when two "mysterious missiles, trailing
long, white smoke plumes", plunged from the sky and landed off the
ship's port bow. "No aircraft could be sighted by radar or visually
overhead," the article added, "although the ceiling was unlimited."
Identification of the missile remains a great mystery.
Feb. 26, 1951 US. _Newsweek Magazine_. **"SAUCERS? NO! SKYHOOKS!" SAYS BALLOONATIC FRINGE.**
Ever since the summer of 1947, when an Idaho businessman spotted the
first flying saucer, excited people all over the country reported
seeing the flat shiny disks flashing across the sky. Three pilots
died pursuing the strange objects. So fantastic did the rumors and
the resulting legend become that "little men from Mars" were said to
have landed in the Mexican Desert in a spaceship, provoking the best
seller _Behind The Flying Saucers_ by Frank Scully. Air Force officials
were understandably annoyed last week to find the Navy making front-page
headlines with a story long since buried in their files. Dr.
Urner Liddel, chief of nuclear-physics at the Office of Naval Research
told _Look Magazine_ that the saucers were actually huge plastic balloons
carrying delicate instruments to study cosmic rays. Scully when asked
for comment consigned Dr. Liddel "to the balloonatic fringe."
Jan. 27, 1951 Carnoustle, Forfarshire. _London Weekly Overseas Mail_. **FIVE TRADESMEN TRADE EXPERIENCES.**
live tradesmen in Carnoustle, Forfarshire, claim to have seen a flying
saucer. It was glowing with a bright light "Just like a huge
electric-light bowl," said Edward Thompson. The five men were working
on a roof on Queen-Street when just after 2 p.m. they sighted the
saucer moving through a cloudy patch. All watched the object for
about 30 minutes. Occasionally a bright spark fell from it, as it
moved through the sky. It was estimated as being "enormous".
Feb. 26, 1951 Chicago, IL. _Chicago Daily News_. **SAUCERS MORE THAN JUST BALLOONS, SCIENTIST SAYS.**
Dr. Anthony O. Mirachi, a former Air Force Scientist, brushed
aside the idea that flying saucers are just balloons and urged
a full-scale investigation. He said that as an assistant chief
of a branch of the geophysical research organization, he conducted
an investigation and recommended a considerable appropriation to
press for the study of the strange phenomena. When asked to comment
an Air Force spokesman said "In over 500 investigations, we have
yet to find one concrete bit of evidence to back up these flying
Feb. 26, 1951 Maquoketa, Iowa. _Syracuse Post-Standard_ **COPS, BOTH ON AND OFF DUTY, SEE THIS ONE.**
A flying saucer was seen west-northwest of Maquoketa, Iowa, dropping
toward the horizon. Chief operator at the state police radio station,
off duty, and the man on duty, Jim Wheeler, both saw it plainly.
It hovered and seemed to be orange or dull red. Then a second one,
very bright white, came from the north, slightly lower, and on
nearing the first, came up to its altitude. Both disappeared soon
May. 20, 1951 International Falls, Minnesota. **STRANGE OBJECT SEEN IN MINNESOTA SKY.**
UP -- A strange object that looked like a crystal ball darted
about the sky over Rainy Lake "just like a hummingbird," residents
of the area reported today. Witnesses said the object streaked
across the eastern end of the lake with a tremendous burst of
speed, stopped suddenly, and hung apparently motionless in the
sky for several minutes.
Mar. 18, 1951 New Delhi, India. **INDIA PILOT SEES CIGAR-SHAPED SAUCER.**
AP -- O.B. Varma, a pilot in the Delhi Flying Club, told of seeing
a cigar-shaped saucer 100 feet long skimming overhead "at the terrible
speed of nearly 2,000 mph." "It was nearly 5,000 feet up," Varma
said, "and made no sound." Varma mentioned 20 fellow Indian pilots also
noticed the sudden appearance of a white streak approaching from the
north headed by a cigar-shaped projectile. The object went in a straight
line, he said, then began making loops and disappeared in a southwesterly
May. 19, 1951 Maquoketa, Iowa. **IOWA HAS A FIELD DAY.**
Rev. Milton Nothdurft, pastor of the First Methodist Church of Maquoketa,
Iowa, reported that two saucers were seen this day from 10:20 to
10:45 p.m. The next night, an operator of the state police radio reported
another saucer in approximately the same area. Station WMT at
Cedar Rapids reported that two saucers took off in a blinding flash on
May 22 in broad daylight near Coggin.
May. 20, 1951 Maquoketa, Iowa. **SWEETER, NEW TO SAUCERS, DUMMIES UP.**
Officer Sweeter, on duty at the state police radio station, saw
a moving light, west-northwest, but being a newcomer among saucer
enthusiasts, hesitated to say anything more.
May. 22, 1951 Maquoketa, Iowa. **STUDENTS SPOT ONE TAKE OFF.**
High school students reported seeing a saucer "take off" in
a blinding flash of speed near Coggan, Iowa, north of Cedar
Rapids, and west-northwest of Maquoketa.
May. 23, 1951 South of Dodge City, US. _Kansas City Times_, Missouri.
AP - An American Airlines pilot said today he saw what
appeared to be a bluish-white star moving back and forth at
high speed in the Southwest today. Captain W.R. Hunt said he
saw the object about 100 miles south of Dodge City. The object
traveled at speeds from 500 to 1000 m.p.h. and after playing tag with
the airplane, descended to four or three thousand feet.
A letter brought Bill Roberta of WMT, Cedar Rapids, new bureau,
on a 60-mile drive on the 23rd to investigate sightings at
Maquoketa. He had kept a record of the stories since 1947. He
mentioned that the mysterious phenomena had been seen by quite
a few people on a lake near International Falls, Minnesota, and that
a pilot in Kansas City had also reported a strange moving light.
May. 31, 1951 Galesburg, Illinois. **GALESBURG COPS LOSE TRAIL.**
City police south of Galesburg heard on short wave from Monmouth
Ill., police talking about a strange moving light traveling toward
the northwest. They were trying to get the others to see if it
was observed from there, but evidently it was not.
Jun. 6, 1951 Lynchburg, Virginia. **HIS HOBBY IS THOSE FLYING OOOOOOOOS.**
George Fawcett, a Mount Airy, NC senior at Lunchburg College
has been a collector of information on flying saucers since
1947. He was crossing the campus on the morning of June 5, when
he saw an orange-colored disk high in the sky. He reports the
disk zig-zagged, then settled down to a straight course and
moved off to the west.
Also see: https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article275097716.html
May. 31, 1951 Kentucky. _Lexington Herald_. **MAGNETIC SCIENTIST EXPOSES "BALLOONATIC FRINGE".**
US Navy Electronics Engineer Milan Rafayko - 1916-2000, formerly Milan Rafajko - took issue with the
Lexington Herald for playing up Dr. Urner Liddel's explanation that flying saucers were
balloons. "If all saucers were balloons at high altitudes," he wrote, "then what were those saucers
sighted at low altitudes?" He wanted to know how a balloon could outmaneuver an F-51 fighter plane. The
editor denied his paper was being "used" by the government to further any special theory. Rafayko
charged it was an obviously fabricated story.
Also see: https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-lexington-herald-milan-rafayko/131986026/
Jun. 1951 Adelaide, Australia. **AUSSIE CLOCKS ONE IN 7 SECONDS ACROSS SKY.**
Roger Shinkfield of 49 Magill ROad, St. Peters, Adelaide, sighting a
white circular object directly over heasd and traveling south. It
took seven seconds to reach the horizon. He estimated the height
to be between 20,000 and 30,000 feet. No sound could be heard.
Jun. 19, 1951 Portland, OR. _The Oregonian_. A glowing object moving across the heavens and late-strolling
23:00 Portlanders abuzz with curiosity. Several persons who saw the
thing about 11 pm described it as a long streak of light
traveling slowly from east to west. Some said it resembled
a meteor except that it was traveling too slowly. One man
said it was followed by a trail of white smoke.
A fireball was seen over Dayton, hovering in midair. It seemed
to have two powerful beams of lights streaming down from the
Jolin S. Sarick of Buffalo, on July 22, 1951, describes a sighting of his in 1947:
"I saw twin lights coming down and when I saw them they were
already quite close to the ground. They were steady and the
color was blue or green. The lights seemed about a mile
away and in the direction of our airport which is 7 miles away.
We have never before or since seen any lights from airplanes
coming down or going up from the airport."
Jun. 9, 1951 Richmond, VA. _The Kansas City Star_. **TOP SECRET: MAGNETIC STORM CAUSES MASS JET CRASH.**
Air Force officials were tight-lipped today as they investigated the
cause of the crash of eight F-84 jet fighters, the largest mass crash
in jet aviation history. Three pilots of the eight ill-fated jets
were killed, and two were injured as the planes tumbled out of the sky near
Richmond yesterday. No one could explain what occurred to cause eight
planes to crash from a formation of 34 at the same time. The Air Force quickly
dropped a curtain of secrecy over its investigation, and all personnel
were ordered "to give out absolutely no information regarding
the plane crashes."
Jun. 29, 1951 Los Angeles, CA. **ROWBOATS IN THE SKY.**
By Matt Weinstock in _LA Times_. A man we know, a skeptic by the way, observed a strange object while
sitting on the patio of his home near La Brea and Adams, Los Angeles,
Saturday night (June 29, 1951) at 7:20 p.m. Its estimated height was
5,000 feet. Several friends were present, one of whom observed it
through binoculars. It looked like the bottom of a rowboat, except it
was a perfect ellipse with a ring of red lights around the edges. In
about five minutes, the object shot up at a tremendous speed and disappeared.
Jul. 17, 1951 Los Angeles, CA. _Los Angeles Examiner_.
Police last night received dozens of telephone calls from persons
reporting a "ball of red fire" moving across the southwestern
skies. The object was said to be traveling low on the horizon
in an erratic fashion and was visible for about 10 minutes.
Griffith Park Observatory said it had no explanation other than
that the object may have been an airplane or the planet Venus.
Dr. W. L. Ducker, head of the Texas Technical College Petroleum
Engineering Department and Dr. A. G. Bert, professor of chemical
engineering, and Dr. W. I. Robinson, professor of geology, all
saw two strange formations hurtling through the sky over Lubbock,
Texas from horizon to horizon in three seconds. No shock waves
were felt, indicating the craft to be in the stratosphere, 50,000
feet or higher. Speed was 1,800 mph. if at one mile high,
18,000 if 50,000 feet high. Shape could not be determined, but
each object gave off a glow of light.
Sep. 11, 1951 Mitchell Field, New York. **AIR FORCE PILOTS CLOCKS THEM AS TOO FAST FOR F-86'S.**
Two Air Force jet pilots reported today that they chased a mysterious
round flying object at 900mph, for thirty minnutes. Lt. Wilbert
S. Rogers of Columbia, PA, pilot of the plane said: "We couldn't
have caught it in an F-86." (The US's fastest jet fighter.)
Aug. 30, 1951 Lubbock, Texas. **LUBBOCK LIGHTS ON FILM CONFIRMED.**
Carl Hart Jr. of Lubbock, Texas, took several photographs today of
18 saucers flying in formation. An Air Force Intelligence team, now admitted
to be continuing flying saucer investigations, said, "These photos are
legitimate." In one, a larger mother-ship could be seen off to one
side, apparently controlling the mass flight of the saucers which
were in an inverted V formation. Hart released the photographs to
Acme and the Air Force.
Sep. 18, 1951 12 miles east of Kansas City, MO. _Kansas City Star_.
Mrs. Betty McCarty reported seeing two groups of circular objects
one slightly above the other, about 12 miles east of Kansas
City. She estimated the lower group of contained at least 150 and
the upper group about 50. She said that they changed color and
position with no visible effort and she heard no motor noise.
Sep. 6, 1951 Matador, Texas. _The Matador Tribune_. **MATADOR GENERATIONS BACK UP LUBBOCK.**
Three generations of the Tilson family, Mrs. Tilson, her daughter,
and her granddaughter, all of Matador, saw at close range something
strange in the sky which might have been a flying saucer.
They were not mistaken, nor were they excited. The sighting
over Lubbock occurred the same day.
AP -- J. Gorden Vaeth, US Navy Aeronautical engineer and
Charles B. Moore, Jr., an aerologist engineer, saw a white object
which was not their balloon. Moore turned the telescope on it
and saw an ellipsoid about two and a half times as long as it
was wide. It was gleaming white, but didn't have any metallic
shine. It was travelling too fast to get a clear focus in the
Oct. 3, 1951 St. Regis and Hogansburg, New York} _New York Journal-American_. **FOUR REPORT FANTASIC FLYING BALL.**
Four northern New York residents claimed today to have seen a
fantastic flying ball, powered by a motor driven propeller, land
near St. Regis and Hogansburg, and then take off and vanish
over Massena. Alex LaFrance, Peter Philips and Francis Arquette
told police they saw it land in a field near the Canadian border.
They said the sphere took off with a humming noise at about 25
mph. Mrs. Angus Cook said the ball landed about 200 yards
from her home. Also see: https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-post-star-report-balloon-lands-soar/132051701/
Oct. 10, 1951 Kansas City, MO. **BETTY McCARTY REPORTING IN AGAIN.**
19:15 Mrs. Betty McCarty reported seeing a large bright object flashing
red, green, and white. It was visible from 7:15 until 11:20.
While under her observation, the object, unlike a star, moved
from south to east.
Oct. 10, 1951 Terre Haute, Indiana. **ZIPPING AGAIN IN THE SKY.**
Two CAA employees say they saw an oval object fly over Terre Haute
yesterday at a speed they estimated at 18,000 mph. The object
appeared at an altitude of about 3,000 feet and disappeared quickly
in the sunlight cloudless sky.
Oct. 19, 1951 Los Angeles, CA. **SAUCER SIGHTED OVER FREEWAY.**
Stanley Parker and Robert Cadaret, industrial art students, report
seeing a flying saucer over the Hollywood freeway at about 4pm.
Oct. 15, 1951 11 miles northeast of Grover, Colorado. _The Denver Post_.
The flying saucers, long grounded insofar as Colorado is concerned,
were aloft again in the lonely skies of Northern Weld County.
M. G. Foster, operator of a ranch 11 miles northeast of Grover, Colorado,
reported two members of his family observed a strange object flying low
in the sky near sunset on September 27. The cigar-shaped object traveled
in a perpendicular position northward until it disappeared in the
cloudless skies of Wyoming. The object was also seen by Foster's son,
who was several miles away, and by an unrelated man in Hereford, Colorado,
12 miles away.
Oct. 19, 1951 Duluth, Minnesota. **TWO SAY 'HELLO' TO MINNESOTA'S FALLS.**
Frank Aalstead of Duluth reported two saucers over International
Falls, Minnesota.
Nov. 4, 1951 Los Angeles, CA. _The Examiner_ **SAUCER IN SKY SNAPPED BY TOURISTS.**
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greenwood of Chicago, snapped pictures of
what seems to be a flying saucer while vacationing in Cody, WY.
They had noticed nothing unusual in the sky nor had they heard
the road of any airplane motors. They found the strange object
in the top top center of the picture only after they returned home
and had their firm processed.
Nov. 1951 Chicago, IL. _Chicago Herald-American_.
Reproduction of photograph taken by the Greenwoods. "It looks
very mucuh like a fake," said a rival photographer.
Nov. 7, 1951 Sugarloaf Mountain, Western Arizona. _Kansas City Star_.
AP -- Authorities were undecided tonight whether the flash
of light seen over Sugarloaf mountain in Western Arizona this
morning was a burning plane or a meteorite. Some persons said
they saw a flaming silver plane crash into the mountain. Others
reported seeing a flash of light, but said they didn't believe
it was a plane. A CAA spokesman said no plane had been known to
be flying in the area at the same of the reported crash.
Nov. 7, 1951 Oklahoma City, OK. _Kansas City Star_. **A FIRE STREAK IN THE SKY - EARLY.**
An AP dispatch from Oklahoma City reported a meteorite which sounded
like "someone running across the porch." It startled Oklahoma
residents this morning before it apparently disintegrated. Reports
from surrounding communities told of the ball of fire that flashed
through the heavens about 7:20 am. Enid residents reported a
ball of fire that flashed blue, purple, red, and silver. At Waco
where four people reported seeing the flash, Dr. Walter J. Williams,
astronomer at Baylow University, said the meteor was apparently
one of the Leonides which fall about November 19. Today's visitor
must have been an early one.
Nov. 9, 1951 Middletown, NY. _Kansas City Star_.
AP -- Scores of New Yorkers reported seeing
a strange light streaking across the sky late this afternoon.
Reports described it as a "ball of fire", a "reddish streak of
fire", and a "pink streak" high in the sky. It took a few minutes
to pass from horizon to horizon, moving westward. The phenomenon
was observed over a 20-mile area from Middletown to Port Jervis,
where police said an object with a bright head leaving a trail was
seen for about 3 minutes, vanishing in the direction of
Scranton, PA. Meteorological and aeronautical sources in New
York had no explanation.
Nov. 9, 1951 Albuquerque, NM. _Kansas City Star_. **BAFFLED BY SKY BLAZES.**
AP -- Twin fireballs blazed across the New
Mexico sky near the Mexican border yesterday. Ground observers
and fliers, some blinded momentarily, viewed the phenomena from
points 350 miles apart. One eyewitness report came from nearly
100 miles south of the border, in Chihuahua, Mexico. There were
widely conflicting estimates of where the objects crashed to
earth. A ranking authority on meteors said recent frequency
of the fireballs is "without parallel in the whole of recorded
Nov. 12, 1951 Syracuse, NY. _The Post-Standard_.
Ralph Richer of Cedarvale Road reported that at exactly 8:42
something that looked like a low-flying rocket flashed from east
to west across the sky. He said it had a blue head, a yellow
tail and was trailed by red sparks. An unidentified Westvale
woman said she was driving home and stopped at the corner of
Salisbury and Orchard roads to watch an unusual cloud formation
when three round white spheres suddenly appeared in the sky,
two of them traveling at terrific speed while the remaining
one seemed motionlessly suspended in the air.
Nov. 16, 1951 Reading, PA. _Philadelphia Inquirer_.
Flying Saucers over Montgomery and Berks near Reading were
reported tonight by a radio control operator, a housewife, and
a motorist. All agreed three streaks of light, spinning counter-clockwise,
passed rapidly through the sky toward Philadelphia.
Nov. 9, 1951 US. _San Antonio Express_.
At the closing session Friday of the USAF's symposium on physics and
medicine of the upper atmosphere, Dr. Hans Haber, of the Randolph
Aviation School of Medicine gave this report: "Our guided missiles
are going to become ocean-hopping passenger ships. They will be the
express ships of the air, and bring American and Europe within one
or two hours of flight."
Guy B. Marquand, Jr., a carpenter, photographed a saucer from a
mountain highway southeast of Riverside. He said the object
swept noiselessly by, "moving fast like a jet plane". He got
his camera, and snapped the picture when the object flew in
front of it a second time. Two friends were with him at the
17:15 Mrs. L. E. Hewitt and her husband reported seeing a saucer on
Nov. 24, along the coast road just above Santa Barbara, at
about 5:15 pm. The object was shaped like a ball and seemed
to be suspended in air when it suddenly moved rapidly to the North.
Dec. 7, 1951 Kansas City, MO. **COP SPOTS ONE ABOVE; 'NO BALLOON', HE'S TOLD.**
A Kansas City policeman sighted a flying saucer directly above
him. He called the airport and asked if there was a weather
balloon up. They said no, because the wind was too strong. He
told them of his sighting. "If this was a balloon it would
be going about 70 mph due northwest and most certainly
couldn't be going into such a strong wind", was the airport's
Dec. 8, 1951 San Francisco, CA. L.W. Clopton and J. Junkurth sighted a strange object, circular
to elliptical of a brilliance very similar to that of the moon
which was seen at the same time. The craft was either close at
hand and moving slowly or distant and fast. The latter seems
to be true due to color and relative brilliance. A northwest
wind about 15 or 20 mph was blowing. The saucer traveled in
an apparent level arc W SW of the Sun.
Dec. 23, 1951 Tucson, AZ. **GREEN FIREBALL OVER ARIZONA.**
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Fine, former Air Force Intelligence Major, of
Hollywood California, saw a brilliant flash with a green tail
traveling horizontally across the sky. The night was clear and
brilliantly starlit.
Jan. 1, 1952 North Bay, Ontario. W. J. Yeo, a master telecommunications superintendent, and Sgt. D.
V. Crandell, an instrument technician, reported sighting a saucer
over the air base. The object appeared to be at great height,
probably outside the earth's atmosphere and moved at supersonic
speed. It was visible for 8 min. 43 sec. and moved roughly
parallel to the earth although changing directions slightly at
times, zig-zagging, climbing and diving. The object was reddish-orange
in color and Yeo said it definitely was not a meteor,
balloon or ordinary aircraft.
Jan. 6, 1952 Watsonville, California. **LIT-UP CIGAR SCARES COPPERS.**
A cigar-shaped object with a tail resembling a string of lighted beads
raced across the sky here and looked for a time as if it was going
to crash in the city, police said today. Sheriff's deputies Al Bolman
and Jim Mattney, who spotted the thing early yesterday, said they
thought originally it was a flaming airplane. They stated it threw
sparks and flame out both ends and cruised along at about 1,000 feet.
It appeared under control.
Jan. 25, 1952 Skanska Dagbladet, Malmo Sweden. **FLYING SAUCER OVER NORTHERN SKANE.**
Capt. Claf Rudbeck of the War Pilot School in Ljungbuhed, spotted
a clearly lit and unfamilar object flying at great altitude over
Northern Skane, Thursday night. He chased the object until it
disappeared over the coast. A pursuit plane from the Skanske
Air Fleet joined the case but couldn't spot the saucer. No observation balloons
Jan. 26, 1951 Stockholm. _Expressen_.
The defense department in Stockholm is of the opinion that the
flying saucer Captain Rudbuck chased over Skane yesterday was
a meteorological balloon released from the Physical Institute
at Lund, though Captain Rudbuck insists the object was lit and
was observed at night, two factors not common to balloons.
Jan. 29, 1952 Wonsan and Sunchon, Korea. _Army Intelligence Report from Korea_.
Objects, globe or disk-shaped, bright orange in color and emitting
occasional flashes of blueish light, were seen by crew members of
two B-29's at widely separated points around midnight, Jan. 29.
One sighting was over Wonsan, the other over Sunchon. Two crew
members in each plane made the sighting and confirmed each other's
observations. The Sunchon disks flew parallel to the B-29 for
one minute -- The Wonson objects flew alongside for five minutes.
Both crews believes the objects to be globular.
Feb. 3, 1952 Amherst, Wisconsin. **PALMER JOINS THE SIGHT-SEERS.**
Ray Palmer, editor of _Fate Magazine_ and co-author of _The Coming
of the Saucers_ sighted an object at 10 seconds past 6:00 pm CST,
from his back window. He saw an orange globe emitting blue
flames traveling approximately 180 mph, 15 feet off the
ground and about the size of a basketball.
Feb. 14, 1952 Fort Knox, Kentucky. **SAUCER SIGHTED OVER NATION'S MONEY BELT.**
PFC Richard F. McCloskey and Cpl. Conrad E. Horcher report
seeing a strange red object moving across the sky on Feb. 11.
They say it zig-zagged across the sky, but continued on a
definite course.
Feb. 14, 1952 Aldergrove, BC. **OPTICAL ILLUSION, OR DO THEY CHANGE SHAPE.**
A resident, who wanted her identity kept secret, saw a white
streak in the southwest sky. It was about 6 or 7 feet long and
about a foot wide at the end closest to earth. It did not
move, then widened to about two feet wide and 12 or 14 feet
long. It looked like a mass of tiny stars and stayed in the
same position. Then it closed up to its original size and
was gone in about three or four minutes. This report can be
found at the weather office of Lulu Island.
Feb. 25, 1952 US. _Quick Magazine_. **'QUICK' OKAYS ARMY REPORTS.**
_Quick_ reviews the Korea sightings over Wonsan and Sunchon as
stated in the Army Intelligence report.
Mar. 14, 1952 Hammond, BC. _The Vancouver Sun_. **SHINES LIKE STAR.**
Four persons observed a star-like, silvery object shortly before
midnight. It moved toward the observers from the south about
45 degrees over the horizon, then turned eastward. It looked
like a huge silvery star except that it shimmered. Observers
were not able to tell its size, height, or speed, as they had
nothing to compare it with. It flashed out of sight, and about
a minute higher. Then it made a sharp right angle turn and
headed south. Before the object disappeared it seemed to make
3 sharp jumps up and down. It made no sound and was in sight for
a total of about four minutes.
Mar. 30, 1952 Boston, MA. _Boston Traveler_. **EARLY BIRD CATCHES ONE ON GO.**
Charles T. Earley heard wind in his back yard and saw an object
shining like chrome stop about 1,500 feet overhead and hover.
It was a big, whirling ring, about 30 feet across. It shot sky-ward
and vanished at unbelievable speed.
Apr. 4, 1952 Benson, AZ. _Los Angeles Times_. **AIR FORCE MEN SIGHT HUGE FLYING SAUCER.**
Two Air Force pilots said today that they
watched for an hour a huge, oval-shaped object, five or six times
the size of a B-29 bomber, which hovered about 55,000 feet
above them. The object had no wings. Chick Logan, veteran
flight commander from Marana Air Base, tried to investigate,
but could go no higher than 14,000 feet because of lack of
oxygen. The object was bright and shone like polished aluminum.
Flight instructor Paul Wilkerson said it was too large for a
weather balloon.
Apr. 4, 1952 Hammon, BC. _The Vancouver Sun_.
The same observers who sighted an object over
Hammond on March 14 reported a similar sighting. A star-like
object appeared in the southern sky (the same place where the
other had occurred) about 10:30 pm. The color was green and
turned orange-amber as it came closer. It seemed to be closer
than its predecessor. It made sharp turns, seemed to stop, then
turned bright red and became ovalish in shape. When it headed
toward the horizon, it turned back to amber, then faint green
and silvery white as it disappeared. No sound was heard.
Apr. 7, 1952 Los Angeles, CA. _Los Angeles Times_.
A full-page advertisement by Life magazine raised the question:
"Are these visitors from space?" featured today's _LA Times_ and other
metropolitan dailies throughout the country. Beneath a reproduction of Carl
Hart's "Lubbock Lights", was the simple, declarative statement in bold-faced
type: "There **is** a case for interplanetary saucers." The ad copy went on to
declare that the existence of flying saucers was no longer being pooh-poohed by
the Air Force, that the flying saucers and fireballs, such as those pictured in
the advertised feature, were no psychological phenomena, not products of U.S.
research, not Russian developments, and not mirages. A reproduction of Marilyn Monroe as
seen on the cover of _Life's_ April 7, 1952 issue, was inserted in the lower
right-hand corner of the ad.
Apr. 8, 1952 Los Angeles, California. **THEORY ON FLYING SAUCERS EXPLAINED.**
Spokesmen for the University of Social Research sought to convince
newsmen that they have solved the flying saucer mystery.
Substance of the discovery credited to Inventor Townsend
Brown is that saucers operate in a field of electro-gravity
that acts like a wave, with the negative pole at the top and
the positive pole at the bottom. The saucer travels like a
surfboard on the incline of a wave that is kept moving by
the saucer's electro-gravitational generator. All three men
are convinced that flying saucers are real, controlled by an
intelligence rather than a pilot and capable of speeds up to
186,000 mps. They say that space travel will be possible in
10 years. When asked if he had a degree, Bradford Shank replied:
"No, I'm free of those encumbrances. That's why I
find it so easy to talk in these new terms."
Apr. 8, 1952 Los Angeles, CA. _The Canyon Crier_.
Dr. Mason Rose said, "We've held our project a secret for some
years now, but since _Life_ and _Colliers_ have now given credence
openly in articles to the theory that saucers are from outer
space, we feel it is time for the public to know. Electricity
and magnetism have been coupled, which then creates a magnetic
field to propel an object with no machinery.
Apr. 12, 1952 Minnesota and Wisconsin. _Racine Journal-Times_.
Strange aerial objects of undetermined origin have been sighted
whizzing through the skies once again. Pilots and engineers at
the General Mills balloon experimentation project said the objects--
neither balloons, airplanes, or stars--were sighted in a spectacular
series of aerobatics. J. J. Kaliszewski, supervisor of balloon manufacture
for the Aeronautical Research Laboratories, said he first saw the
objects on October 10, 1951, while in an experimental balloon aloft.
This object, showing a "peculiar glow," came toward them in a shallow
dive, then leveled off and slowed down. It hovered momentarily, made
a sharp left turn, climbed with tremendous acceleration, and disappeared.
Also see https://www.nytimes.com/1952/04/12/archives/balloon-project-men-see-strange-aerial-objects.html
Apr. 11, 1952 Hammond BC. _The Vancouver Sun_. **HAMMOND REVISTED.**
A green fireball was seen over Hammond BC, the same area
which reported previous sightings this month. It moved in from
the south but clouds interfered and further observation was not
possible. The observer thought that the light operates on a
steady schedule.
Apr. 11, 1952 Temiskaming, Ontario, Canada. _North Bay Daily Nugget_.
Villi Lefebvre reported seeing six saucer-shaped objects diving
up and down over Temiskaming, Ontario. He said they made no
noise and were not conventional aircraft, although they left
vapor trails in their wake.
Apr. 12, 1952 North Bay, Ontario, Canada. _Ottawa Journal_.
E. H. Russell, a veteran airman with 13 years in the service
and Flight Sgt. Reg McRae said they spotted a bright amber disk
in the sky over the airfield at North Bay, Ontario around 8:30 pm.
The object came from the southwest, moved across the field, stopped,
an then took off in the reverse direction. It climbed at
an angle of 30 degrees at terrific speed and disappeared.
Apr. 16, 1952 Canada. _Ottawa Evening Journal_.
No longer scoffing, RCAF Intelligence and top Canadian scientists
today went on record as believing that "flying saucers" could
not be laughed off as optical illusions. Theirs was the complete
change of attitude from that of three years ago when flying
saucer, mysterious disks and fireballs speeding through North
American skies were regarded as something close to a joke. The
RCAF said its intelligence was investigating as a bona fide
phenomenon, the case of the flying saucers. Dr. O.M. Solandt,
Chairman of the Defence Research Board said: "We are as mystified
as anyone else.. are are keeping an open mind."
Apr. 16, 1952 Hamilton, Ontario. **SAUCER 'OUT OF THIS WORLD'.**
45 persons said they saw what appeared to be an unusual form of
blimp hanging motionless above Milton for about 15 minutes. A
woman reported the thing with 4 other persons, who were with her
during the time of the observation, and said that the main body
looked black, but there was a halo-like fringe of color around it.
The object looked like something out of this world, she said.
Apr. 17, 1952 Lake Ontario, Canada. _Toronto Daily Star_. **SAUCER MISHAP?**
Lifesavers and police searched Lake Ontario for an object reported
to have plunged in flames more than a mile off Scarborough Bluffs.
Nothing could be found and there were no aircraft missing. Several
residents reported seeing an object trailing black smoke
shoot downward from the sky and then a puff of slow rising smoke
that lingered in the sky for a considerable time afterward. A
woman saw a ball of fire with a black tail of smoke.
Apr. 17, 1952 North Bay, Ontario, Canada. North Bay _North Bay Daily Nugget_.
A resident of North Bay, Miss Bernice Byers reported a noiseless,
round object traveling "quite fast and high" over the district
at 11 a.m. The object passed from west to east leaving a vapor
Apr. 17, 1952 North Bay, Ontario, Canada. _North Bay Daily Nugget_.
A glowing fireball was observed by at least 15 people in two
sections of the town. A group of young people and crews in the
ONR YARDS made the sighting and the two reports were identical.
It was a multicolored object, swooping and climbing at high
speed. Both groups spotted the object at about 10:00 p.m.
It is interesting to note that the Canadian Atomic Research
Center at Chalk River is only about 130 miles northeast of North Bay,
where the highest activity of strange objects is reported.
Apr. 17, 1952 Ottawa, Canada. _Ottawa Evening Journal_. **FLYING SAUCER THEORY STUMPS DEFENSE RESEARCH BOARD.**
The Defense Research Board this afternoon opened its file on
investigations made into the mystery of the Flying Saucers. The
Board disclosed it had 30 different reports of strange objects
scudding through the upper atmosphere. In the great majority
of cases, the Board frankly admitted, it was baffled. It
cautioned that the reports could not simply be dismissed as
imaginative nonsense. Among the 30 cases the Board was able to
specifically find the cause or source of a "few" of the phenomena.
But the rest, the Board openly confessed, cannot be explained.
Apr. 18, 1952 Montreal. **MANY SEE ONE OVER MONTREAL.**
A Montreal trainman saw a flying saucer over the city shortly
after 7 a.m. The object was very shiny, like a mirror with the
sun on it and the reflection was constant. He could see the
object for a good 15 to 30 seconds.
Apr. 19, 1952 Hammond Bay BC. _The Vancouver Sun_. **BLUE SAUCER EXPLORES ALOUETTE RIVER.**
Hammond BC. -- A bluish object, spherical in shape, was observed
by Mrs. Walter Ritchie near Alouette River. It was shimmering and
stood still. Time of observation: 11:30 a.m. Sky, clear and
Apr. 20, 1952 Toronto, CA. _Toronto Telegram_. **50 VISIT TORONTO.**
A Wychwood resident reported seeing a collection of about 50
lights in V formation moving rapidly from southeast to northwest
around 10:30 p.m. He said the lights were dim orange in color
and appeared to be at a great height. He could hear no sound, but
was able to observe an arc of approximately 30 degrees in the sky
and the collection of lights appearing and disappearing over the
distance in approximately 6 seconds. The observer conceded he
was shaken by the experience.
Several radio stations broadcasted this report and said that
the objects were picked up on Canadian and American radar, but
this never appeared in the newspapers.
Apr. 21, 1952 Browerville, Minn. **SAUCERIANS JOIN BALL GAME?**
"It was on a farm 3 miles east of Long Prairie, Minn., about 2:30 in
the afternoon, April 21, 1952. I was playing 'catch' with my cousin
when a dirty grayish saucer began hovering above us," reported Ronny
Gmyrek of Browerville, Minn. "We ran to get my cousin's binoculars,
and both could see it had a definite hump in the middle with another
smaller one behind this. It made no sound, except when it left, and
then only a hum. I have seen many balloons but in the 3 minutes we
watched this one, I know it couldn't have been a balloon."
Apr. 21, 1952 London, Ontario, Canada. **MYSTERY CRAFT REPORTED FLYING AT 1,000 MPH.**
Widely separated reports of an unidentified craft high in the skies,
leaving a vapor trail and traveling at a speed of more than 1,000 mph,
were received last night from western Ontario points. Canadian Air
Force reserve fighters here were ordered to intercept the mysterious
craft. The pilots reported they could not come anywhere near the source
of the vapor trail, although they pushed their planes to more than
450 miles an hour. Air Force Officials said no high-speed, high-flying
jet aircraft were aloft at the time.
Apr. 20, 1952 London, ON. _Toronto Daily Star_. **SAUCER OUTDISTANCES MUSTANG.**
A "mystery plane" was reported over Toronto, London, and other
places in southern Ontario. The object could not be seen, but
it left a vapor trail in the sky. Over London, it was chased by
a Mustang fighter plane (450 mph), and the pilot of this plane
said it seemed as though he were standing still in comparison
with the speed of the object. He was positive that it was not
an ordinary aircraft. In London the speed of the mystery "plane"
was estimated at 2,000 mph or more. The RCAF explained it
as the new British Canberra jet bomber (speed about 600 or 700 mph).
Apr. 21, 1952 Moplson, Man. **MULTICOLORED DISK OVER MOSLON.**
Several persons reported a whirling object that gave off light.
The sparkling disk kept changing color as it streaked across
the sky.
Apr. 22, 1952 Winnipeg, Canada. _Winnipeg Free Press_. **MYSTERIOUS LIGHTS OVER CITY.**
Residents reported strange lights and objects over the city,
between 10 and 11 p.m. The lights changed color from orange
and red to green and black. Brilliant white lights were also
reported. The lights or objects make sharp turns and were
judged to be moving slower and higher than ordinary aircraft.
They came from the north, stopped, and then went back the same way.
Traffic control at Stevenson Field reported normal activity.
Apr. 24, 1952 Vancouver. _The Vancouver Sun_. **SCHOOLBOY SIGHTS SAUCERS.**
A 12-year-old Vancouver schoolboy, Jonathan Parker reported 8
objects flying in two V-formations at 7:30 p.m. Five orange-colored
objects with bluish glow at their rear, formed the first "V."
Three formed a smaller V inside the first. They came at
terrific speed from the south and at their northern end of the sweep
they shot sharply upward and disappeared.
Apr. 25, 1952 Toronto. _Toronoto Daily Star_. **SASKATCHEWAN SEES DINNER PLATES.**
Mrs. N. Gataint of Regina, Saskatchewan, said she awakened during the
night and saw a strange object moving in the sky in a southwesterly
direction. The object, she reported, stood still for a few
seconds, then shot out spurts of fire and moved on. It had a
dark tail like a kite and was shaped like a dinner plate.
Apr. 26, 1952 North Bay, Ontario. **'FLYING BASEBALL' OVER LAKE WILCOX.**
Three persons reported a saucer five miles west of Lake Wilcox
which was bright and hazy, about the size of a baseball. Visible
for six seconds it flashed across the observers' view from south
to north. The object hovered for a while and suddenly shot upward
with tremendous velocity. When it turned on its side, it
appeared to be flat.
Apr. 24, 1952 Austin, Texas. **GLOWING OBJECTS IN SKY REPORTED IN TEXAS.**
Strings of glowing pink objects, all of them moving northward, were
reported in the skies over Austin Wednesday night. Sightings were
reported from widely scattered parts of town shortly after 8 p.m.
However, both the U.S. Weather Bureau and the Airport Control Tower,
where a 24-hour watch of the skies is maintained, reported no unusual
phenomena. Reports of the strange glowing objects were also received
in Fort Worth.
May. 1, 1952 Ottawa, Ontario. **OTTAWA SPOTS GREEN ONE.**
A silvery green disk was reported by several persons at 9:22 p.m.
It was described as huge and traveling at a tremendous speed.
The object was in view for less than one minute, and the reports
from different places checked. One observer said, "There appeared
to be an eerie strange fluorescence of bluish-white tinge or delicate
green-like halo surrounding it and there was no sound."
May. 4, 1952. Montreal. _Ottawa Journal_.
Three persons saw a long cigar-shaped form, coming
down at a terrific rate of speed. The object was silvery in
color; it paused for a moment and then suddenly whirled over on
its side, returning in the same direction where it came from.
The observers said that it was not a jet plane or any other
man-constructed machine. They were on the top of Mount Royal
(in the middle of the city) during the observation.
May. 5, 1952 En route from Pearl Harbor to Guam. _Boston Traveler_.
Secretary of the Navy Dan Kimball, en route from Pearl Harbor to
Guam, said the pilot of his ship and his co-pilot came back to
the cabin and reported a flying saucer had appeared and had
flown abeam the Secretary's plane for some distance, then
vanished. A following plane was notified and reported that
a saucer had flown along his wing also, and then disappeared.
May. 4, 1952 Sydney, Australia. **SAUCER REPORTED SEEN UP THERE DOWN UNDER.**
A dozen people reported they saw a flying saucer over the Sydney area
and at Pearkes, a town 180 miles west of here. The witnesses described
the object as a cigar-shaped, well-lighted and silent in its
operations. They reported it flew at an altitude of about 4,000 feet
and at an estimated speed of 500 miles per hour.
May. 9, 1952 Rio De Janeiro. _Los Angeles Examiner_.
Photographers Ed Keffel and Joao Martins shot five pictures of
a saucer as it came in over the sea, losing altitude as it
approached. They said it passed several hundred feet over their
heads and appeared to be rocking like a slowly falling leaf. It
seemed larger than a commercial airplane and was round and wingless.
Also see: https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-daily-sentinel-tribune-rio-papers-sa/132109928/
May. 10, 1952 Rio De Janeiro. _Los Angeles Examiner_.
The military attache at the United States Embassy in Rio de
Janeiro examined today negatives of five photographs of a
flying saucer sighted over Rio Wednesday and called them the
best he had ever seen of the phenomenon. Col. Jack Werely
Hughes and several Brazilian Air Force officers visited the
office of the newspaper _O Cruzeiro_ to study the photographs
shot by the paper's cameramen, Ed Keffel and Joao Martains.
Following publication, the pictures will be made available to
the United States Embassy for study by the American Air Force.
Also see: https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-daily-sentinel-tribune-rio-papers-sa/132109928/
May. 12, 1952 Seattle, WA. _Los Angeles Herald & Express_. **SEATTLE SKY EXPLOSION, SAUCER OR METEOR?**
Responsible observers believed today that a blinding blast which
rocked the city of 500,000 persons may have been an exploding
meteor, but talk of flying saucers or guided missiles could be
heard on any street corner. An intelligence officer at McChord
Air Base near Tacoma said an official statement may be released
later today. Residents were awakened at 1:30am yesterday
by the blast, which "rumbled like a freight train". The eerie
blue-white light was seen at an estimated elevation of 2,000
feet and was visible 60 miles away. The explosion occurred over
North Seattle, and was witnessed by many, including Northwestern
Airlines pilot Bert Carlson. He sighted the object as he
prepared to land at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.
"It was at about 7,000 feet when it suddenly shattered into
eight pieces which looked like chain lightening. Fireballs
trailed to the earth", he said.
May. 26, 1952 Georgeville, P.Q. Canada} **FAR HORIZONS SEES ONE NEAR.**
Mr. Albert Ditman reports a flying saucer over Far Horizons in
the early morning with such a brilliant light that it lit up
the mountain range for miles.
Jun. 14, 1952 Los Angeles, CA. _The Mirror_. **L.A. GETS BATHED IN FIREBALLS.**
Fireballs in the sky and flashing elliptical bathtubs thought to
be meteorites, were visible over many parts of the city shortly
after midnight today. Police switchboards reported numerous
calls from persons who said the phenomena resembled a greenish-red
streak of light.
Jun. 7, 1952 US/Canada. _New York Times_.
Two Soviet authors and two popular science magazines were taken to
task for spreading pseudo-scientific theories that the famous Tunguska
meteorite, which fell in Siberia in 1908, was actually an atomic-powered
spaceship from Mars. In the Provinces, some teachers and lecturers,
having absorbed this material uncritically, began presenting it as the
latest word in science. Editorial offices of papers that reprinted the
sketches were showered with letters containing questions such as the
time when one could expect the next arrival of Martians.
Jun. 26, 1952 US. _The National Guardian_.
William A. Reuben ridiculed the contention of U.S. Attorney Myles Lane that the
Rosenbergs had given Soviet Russia some of our top secrets, "including a project
for a platform 3,000 miles in space." Reuben pointed out that K. Tsiolkovsky
sketched this in 1903 in "The Rocket In Cosmic Space." So did Hermann Oberth in
1922 in "The Rocket Into Interplanetary Space," and as late as 1948, Secretary
of Defense Forrestal referred in his annual report to an "earth satellite
vehicle program." A New York Times science editor scoffed at Forrestal's project
being secret, pointing out it was obviously derived from Oberth.
A single saucer swooped over the Capitol dome in Washington, D.C.
today. One motorist who noticed this accidentally ran his car off
the road and smashed into a tree. Ignoring his car, he proceeded to
the nearest telephone and called the C.A.A. to report the unidentified
object. They took his story in a light vein and said that it was most
probably a light reflection or one of the many low-flying aircraft in
that area. They thought the car and the tree might be real, though.
Jun. 18, 1952 Redondo Beach, CA. _Los Angeles Examiner_.
Dick Robinson, technical writer for the Northrop Aircraft Company
and former air force pilot, standing on the porch of his apartment,
at 758 Avenue B, Redondo Beach, shortly before 7 a.m., spotted
what he believed to be an airplane over the water. It was about
15 miles out and 5 to 8 degrees above the horizon. "It didn't
take me long to realize that it wasn't an airplane because it
would be too small to be visible at that distance."
Jun. 18, 1952 Pueblo, Colorado. _The Pueblo Chieftain_.
A slow-moving white light, described as a "definite object"
traveled in from the north, hung over midtown Pueblo and then
moved south over the steel mills. One observer said the craft
made a figure eight and moved north again. The object, which
sometimes took on a reddish hue, hovered over the city fifteen
to twenty minutes before slowly disappearing into the night.
Jun. 29, 1952 Thuringia, East Germany. _Sunday Graphic and Sunday News_. - London England.
A refugee from the Russian occupied zone said today that he saw
a flying saucer take off from a forest clearing in Thuringia,
East Germany. Herr Oskar Linke, reported that he came upon the
flying saucer three miles from the U.S. zone and saw crew members
of its crew. He said, "My 11-year-old daughter and I glimpsed
something white through the trees. We crept near and we saw
a huge oval disk about 25 feet across lying on the ground. It
looked like an enormous phosphorescent warming pan without a
handle. We saw two figures wearing metallic overalls. My
daughter screamed in fright and the two climbed hastily into the
disk which had circular portholes around the edges. The
upper works retracted and the saucer began to rise -- slowly at
first -- into the air. We felt the swish of air it made. It
hovered at 100 feet and then sped out of sight." Linz is
an ex-mayor of a East German town, who fled from Communist persecution.
In London last night, Kenneth Gatland, Fellow of the British
Interplanetary Society said, "Such a contraption must come
from outside this earth. Nothing like it is known here."
Jun. 19, 1952 US. _The Hollywood Citizen-News_. **AIR FORCE LEAVES ESCAPE HATCH OPEN.**
Armed with a special camera suggested by a Los Angeles scientist,
the Air Force has launched a study to determine if there really are
flying saucers and if so, what are they? Using these specially built
cameras, 200 of which are being distributed at atomic and military
installations, a picture of a flying saucer might be obtained. The AF feels the
final solution will be one of the following: 1) Misinterpretation of known objects. 2) Reflected light from the earth.
3) Man-made vehicles, most possibly Russian. 4) Spaceships or interplanetary missiles.
Jul. 5, 1952 Hanford Atomic Plant at Richland, WA. _Los Angeles Examiner_.
Capt. John Baldwin of Coral Gables, Capt. George Robertson
of Miami, D. Shenkel of Miami, and Stephen Summers of Hialeah
reported sighting a "pancaked flying saucer" flying 20,000
feet above the Hanford Atomic Plant at Richland. They described
it as being a "perfectly round disk, white in color, and almost
transparent with small vapor trails off it like the tentacles of an
Jul. 6, 1952 London, England. _Sunday Graphic and Sunday News_.
Mr. George Edwards, Chief Designer for Vickers Aircraft had
this to say concerning the East Zone Saucer last night: "Believe
in saucers? I don't know. There is little wrong with the
idea of a circular wing. Before and during the First World War,
Britain developed a circular wing aircraft, and it flew. We
called it the "flying doughnut". There is little to stop us
developing a flying saucer -- except the money and the need.
If Herr Linke's description is accurate it may be that the
machine is designed as a military hover plane. It would appear
from his comment on its 'glow' that it houses a jet plane
designed to provide vertical take-off. The cylinder would obviously
have to retract into the body to prevent resistance. Metallic
suits are possible, too -- they could be a form of protective
clothing for use in high altitudes. There is nothing impossible
about the story, although to believe in the saucers, I would
have to be shown one myself".
Jul. 10, 1952 New Mexico. _Hollywood Citizen-News_.
Dr. Clyde Tombaugh, who discovered the planet Pluto, has agreed
that he is the scientist at White Sands, NM who was quoted as
being certain he saw a saucer. But Tombaugh was not nearly so
positive about the identity of the object he saw scoot across
the sky above him as was the British authority on space travel
who quoted him, Arthur C. Clarke. He added cautiously that
he had not seen anything like a saucer. The American scholar
did admit, however, that he saw an object above Las Cruces,
NM in the summer of 1948. It whizzed silently overhead from
south to north, too fast for a plane and too slow for a meteor.
He was careful to point out to reporters that he was not
prepared to say for certain whether flying saucers were real.
Jul. 7, 1952 Britain. _Los Angeles Times_.
Scientist Arthur C. Clarke, one of England's leading authorities on
space travel, believes flying saucers are more than mirages or myths.
Clarke said he based his belief on new data on saucers supplied him by
scientists at the U.S. Rocket Testing Base at White Sands, NM. He
was not ready to guarantee the disks are real, but said, "a noted
American scientist told me at White Sands that he is certain he has seen one."
Jul. 9, 1952 Miami, Oklahoma. **TEN WATCH HUGE FLYING SAUCER.**
Ten workmen watched a huge silver object which emitted a haze of smoke from its
edges as it hovered high over the B.F. Goodrich rubber plant at Miami for 15
minutes Wednesday before it skimmed away to the south at "terrific speed." The
object, matching previous flying saucer descriptions, was spotted by R. D.
McCarthy, an electrician working atop the plant. He summoned other nearby
workmen who said they observed the strange craft for a quarter-hour.
Jul. 14, 1952 Pasadena, California. **WAS REED A SPACE MAN?**
Authorities followed a cold trail Monday in the disappearance of an
aircraft scientist engaged in government work and his wife expressed
fears he had met with foul play at the hands of foreign agents. Albert
Clark Reed, engaged in secret aeronautical research (Project "Vortex") at
the California Institute of Technology here, disappeared from his home
last Monday evening. His wife, Florence, told officers he was to meet
that day with military authorities in connection with his work, "that was
so secret he wouldn't even discuss it with me."
Jul. 17, 1952 Washington, DC. **SOUTHERNERS REPORT GIANT SAUCERS.**
AP -- Two Air Force pilots, W.B. Nash, and W.H. Fortenberry,
reported in Miami eight objects 100 feet in diameter glowing
like red hot coals and traveling 1000 mph passed directly
beneath their plane. The Air Force said it has made a preliminary report to Dayton, Ohio.
AP -- Several Yrekans reported seeing seeing a lighted, cigar-shaped
object colored purple, pink, and green and leaving a vapor trail.
Residents of Medford, Oregon also reported seeing the object.
In Chicago, Capt. Paul L. Carpenter, American Airlines pilot,
sighted strange flying objects in an early morning flight over
Colorado. The craft had a yellow tinge and were traveling
about 3000 mph at an altitude of 23,000 to 30,000 feet.
The Air Force Office in Dayton, Ohio assigned to the investigation
said he had received about 1000 reports of Flying Saucers and
15% could not be explained.
Jul. 22, 1952 Washington DC. _New York Times_.
Aerial objects over the vicinity of the nation's Capital were
picked up and recorded by radar. No attempts were made by Air
Force pilots to intercept the objects. The Air Force said it
had received only a preliminary report and therefore did not know
why no attempt at interception had been made.
Jul. 18, 1952 Dayton, Ohio. **SOMETHING TO FLYING SAUCERS, SAYS AF.**
The Air Force admitted that people actually see something when they
report flying saucers and said some of the unexplainable objects
traveling at speeds up to 2,000 mph have been tracked by radar.
This statement of Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt, head of Operation Blue Book, the
AF group studying reports of unidentified objects. Ruppelt said jet
fighters with the very latest radar have been sent aloft to make
contact, but all efforts to catch the objects failed. Of 1,000 investigated
reports, Ruppelt said, 38% were meteors or other heavenly bodies,
13% were balloons, 22% birds or aircraft, 2% hoaxes, and 25%
were unexplained.
Jul. 18, 1952 Yuma, Arizona. **MYSTERY CLOUDS FATE OF DESERT COUPLE.**
Rains of the past year have wiped out two sets of footprints which
were left by a young couple who landed their small plane and walked
away never to be seen again. Klaus Martens, 28, a scientist who had
worked on phases of the hydrogen bomb project, and Marajune Walker, 23,
took off from Pasadena, Calif., and landed a few hours later, on the
desert 35 miles southeast of here on June 15, 1951. The plane was
found 15 days later in perfect condition with a note left in the cockpit
saying they were heading west. Their tracks veered occasionally, but
went towards the Black Head mountain range then turned southward toward
the Mexican border and disappeared. Officials are puzzled over their
disappearance because they certainly weren't lost! They crossed two
highways on the journey before disappearing completely.
Jul. 18, 1952 Denver, CO. _The New York Times_. **THAT MEANS 150 WERE SAUCERS.**.
Four flying objects moving at terrific speed over Denver, Colo.,
were sighted by Captain Paul L. Carpenter of American Airlines and his
crew. The objects had a yellow tinge. They were traveling at about 3,000
miles an hour at an altitude of 23,000 to 30,000 feet. An Air Force
officer at Dayton, Ohio, assigned to the investigation said he had
received about 1,000 reports of flying saucers, and 15% could not be explained.
Jul. 19, 1952 Washington DC. _The Ottawa Journal_.
02:00 **DISKS FOLLOW ORDERS**. At 2:00 a.m., radio engineer Elmer Chambers looked up at the sky.
Here's what he says he saw: "Six or seven bright orange disks were
streaking through the sky, in single file. The saucers sped along
for about five seconds and then each, in turn, veered sharply upward
and disappeared." Chambers, 41, is chief engineer at the WRC Radio
Station transmitter in the Washington suburbs.
Jul. 22, 1952 Washington DC and Martinsburg, WV. _New York Times_.
Seven objects between Washington and Martinsburg, WV were
reported by Capital Airlines, Flight 807 at 2:15 a.m. Capital
Airlines, Flight 610 reported a light following it from Herndon
Ga. to within four miles of National Airport. Citizens of
Burlington, VT, South Portland, ME, and Staten Island, N.Y.
reported flying saucers overhead. The Air Force said it was
receiving flying saucer reports this summer at a rate higher than
at any time since the initial flood of sightings in 1947, the
current average being 100 sightings a month.
Jul. 23, 1952 Tujunga, CA. _Hollywood-Citizen News_.
A carpenter, Frank Bartko, of 9644 Aperson Ave., Tujunga told
police he saw four saucers last night around 7 o'clock. He was
standing in front of his house when he looked up and saw
aircraft hovering at a high altitude. He watched them disappear
in the direction of Lockheed Air Terminal.
Jul. 24, 1952 San Francisco, California. **DISKS SPIRAL OVER BAY AREA.**
11:30 Mrs. J. Jungkurth of San Francisco sighted a brilliant metallic
saucer at approximately 11:30 a.m. The circular-shaped craft
alternated in flight between several tight circles and straight
level courses. Circles were accomplished several to the second in
a tortuous west-to-east level flight.
Jul. 26, 1952 Mitchell AFB, NY. _The New York Times_.
Air Force officers at Mitchell AFB, N.Y., said yesterday that weather
balloons released there four times daily might provide the answer to
local reports of flying saucers over parts of Long Island. Balloons
are sent up at 5 & 11 p.m. and also 5 & 11 a.m. by the weather detachment.
Each balloon also carries a small battery-powered light underneath
its surface that illuminates the balloon in flight so that it may
be tracked from the ground. At about 100 feet off the ground at night
the balloon might easily be mistaken for a flying saucer.
Jul. 27, 1952 Los Angeles, CA. _Los Angeles Times_.
Space travel is here, assert Drs. Konrad J.K. Buettner and Heinz
Haber, UCLA experts on upper air research. They point out that men in
"space suits" and "space craft" already have risen to altitudes where
96% of the earth's atmosphere lies below them. Furthermore, an unmanned
two-stage rocket has climbed to 255 miles where, for all practical purposes,
you are in a vacuum. These physicists point out that in these
regions only three terrestrial factors make such an environment different
from that of interplanetary space: 1. The bulk of the earth which keeps
50% of meteors and cosmic ray particles at a distance. 2. The magnetic
field of the earth that deflects certain cosmic ray particles. 3. The heat
radiation reflected and emitted by this earth and its atmosphere.
Jul. 27, 1952 San Pedro, CA. _Los Angeles Times_.
Three San Pedro policemen last night insisted they saw an
object glowing with a greenish light which seemingly gave
birth to three little saucerettes, all of which vanished in the
evening sky, leaving vapor trails behind them.
Jul. 28, 1952 US. _Los Angeles Times_.
Rockets fired from balloons to altitudes of 30 miles may blast
the wraps from the 30-year-old cosmic ray mystery. Balloon
authorities mentioned the fact that these "skyhook" balloons
might easily be mistaken for a flying saucer by laymen.
Jul. 28, 1952 Montreal. _The Montreal Star_.
Editorial: Please don't quote us, but we marvel at the conceit
of some of the these alleged experts who remark that the saucers
can't possibly be vehicles of inter-planetary travel because
"the engineering problem is too difficult". Man is certainly a
stuck-up, self-centered creature. Because he can't figure out
inter-planetary travel, nobody else could. Because he could
not breath the air, let us say, of Mars, nobody else could.
Because he has made a few faltering steps in knowledge, he
takes it for granted that no one anywhere in space can
possibly be as smart as he.
Jul. 28, 1952 Chicago, Illinois.
Several scientists, still stumped for an explanation of flying saucers,
were convinced Monday that the mysterious objects really exist. "I
definitely believe the objects sighted over Washington were not a figment
of someone's imagination," said R.L. Farnsworth, president of
the U.S. Rocket Society. Dr. J. Allen Hynek, an astronomer at Ohio
State University, said he was convinced these persons saw something,
"some type of object or phenomena." But Hynek said it is "highly improbable"
that the saucers come from another planet. One scientist
who asked that his name be withheld, speculated that the saucers might
be experimental aircraft developed by the U.S. "If this be the case,"
he said, "it's time the government quit playing jokes on the people."
Jul. 28, 1952 Indianapolis, Ind. _St. Louis Post Dispatch_.
Three flying saucers were reported seen by hundreds of Hoosiers,
including police and military personnel, over south central Indiana
early today. The objects appeared to have a "dogfight" over Franklin
and disappeared as dawn approached. Troopers from three state police
posts—Indianapolis, Seymour, and Connersville—kept a running check
on the saucers for more than four hours.
Jul. 28, 1952 Washington DC. _Los Angeles Times_. **JETS CHASE WASHINGTON SKY OBJECTS.**
20:30 AP -- The Air Force said today jet fighter planes had made an
effort to intercept unknown objects in the sky over Washington
last night after CAA radar specialists had spotted between
four and twelve objects on their radarscopes. At 8:30 P.M.
the Air Route Traffic Control Center called in jet fighter planes
from Newcastle, Del., approximately 90 miles away and guided
them to the mystery objects. The pilots reported nothing
except an occasional light, once a "steady, white light"
which disappeared after about one minute.
The Air Force revealed today jet pilots
have been placed on 24-hour nationwide alert against flying
saucers with orders to shoot them down if they refuse to land.
It was learned pilots have gone aloft on several occasions in
an effort to shoot the mysterious objects to the ground, but
never came close enough to use their guns. The Air Force
expressed the belief that the unidentified flying objects are
not a threat to the US and stated also that they are not a
secret U.S. military development.
Jul. 29, 1952 Washington DC. _New York Times_.
The Air Force said tonight that the current series of flying saucer
reports had brought no change in its 24-hour-a-day program to
challenge unidentified and potentially hostile objects in the
skies over the US. The 2-hour delay in sending up jet interceptors
after radar watchers reported recent saucer sightings was
explained by the Air Force. The report was sent by mistake to
a flight center in Middletown, PA, instead of through the
Air Force base ar Newcastle, Del.
Jul. 29, 1952 Tarrytown, Greenburgh, NY. _New York Times_.
Streaks of light, reportedly similar to those spotted over
Washington were observed in the sky above the Hudson River.
The sightings were reported to the Defense Force Filter Center
at White Plains by Post Supervisor Joseph Pulsoni and two
ground force observers.
Jul. 29, 1952 Washington DC. _San Bernadino Sun_.
The Air Force has been investigating reports
that several flying saucers have been spotted virtually in
its own back yard by radar device. Officials could not
immediately agree whether or not this was the first time that
radar had picked up such objects.
Jul. 29, 1952 Key West, FL. **NAVY CHECKS FIERY STREAK.**
Navy officials said Tuesday, "we're investigating thoroughly" reports
of a fiery object that streaked across the sky at 8:45 p.m. Saturday.
The _U.S.S. Greenwood_, a destroyer escort, was sent to sea, but officers
would not elaborate. Hundreds of sailors reported seeing the object
Saturday night while watching an outdoor movie. One witness described
it as a 40-foot solid white light zooming across the sky from north to
south, making no sound. A week ago, a Navy man said four persons reported
seeing a fiery ball in the sky over Key West that stopped and
started several times before it disappeared.
Capt. J. Murray, Constellation pilot, today reported sighting a
strange, bright green object flashing horizontally, east to west across
the night sky south of Darwin. Saying it changed in color to red and
then to gold as it disappeared, he added: "The object I saw Saturday was
not a shooting star or comet because of its horizontal flight,
brilliance, and color."
Jul. 29, 1952 Cambridge, Massachusetts. **ALL OUT OF STEP, BUT ME, SAYS SHAPLEY.**
Dr. Harlow Shapley, director of the Harvard Observatory, said
flying saucers are a lot of complete nonsense and dismissed the
more than 1000 reports made in the last five years as traceable
to 1. hallucinations, 2. fireballs or meteorites, 3. high-altitude balloons, and 4. high-flying planes.
His opponents assigned Dr. Shapley to the balloonatic fringe.
Jul. 29, 1952 Washington DC. _International News Service_. **FLYING SAUCER TRAP SET BY US.**
The Air Force today advanced the theory that flying saucers are
apparently natural phenomena, but at the same time announced
it was establishing a battery of more than 200 cameras to trap
the objects on film, according to Darrel Garwood, INS Washington
correspondent. Maj. Gen. John A. Samford, Chief of Air Intelligence,
headed a big force of top scientific brains to work on the fantastic
puzzle. The Air Force is continuing its 24 hour alert for
all jet pilots to chase and shoot down any such objects which
ignore orders to land.
Jul. 30, 1952 Enid, OK. **SAUCER BUZZES KANSAN.**
Sid Eubanks, a photographic supply salesman, told police he was
almost swept off the highway last night by a low flying saucer
which swooped low at terrific speed. Eubanks said the mystery
object, appearing as a "yellow-green, then yellow-brown streak
about 400 feet long, completely reversed its direction over US
highway 81 and disappeared into the west". He said the tremendous
pressure nearly threw his car off the road.
Jul. 30, 1952 Princeton, New Jersey. _Los Angeles Examiner_.
Asked for his candid opinion on whether or not flying saucers
are real, Albert Einstein wrote Rev. Louis A. Gardner of Los
Angeles: "Those people have seen something. What it is I do
not know and I am not curious to know."
Maj. Gen. John A. Samford said that the objects being caught on
radar screens for as long as five hours yesterday appeared to
be layers of cold air. He discounted any theory that the Washington
area is being menaced by unknown aerial vehicles from
abroad or from other worlds. Tuesday was the third time in
10 days that radar had picked up "whatzits" flying through pre-dawn
black skies. CAA radar operators said as many as 12 objects
were picked up at one time Tuesday. (Saucer partisans said
Gen. Samford apparently doesn't know hot air from cold air. The
story was supported by a three column picture of the general
hamming it up for the photographers. -FS)
Jul. 31, 1952 St. Petersburg, FL and Albuquerque, NM} _San Benadino Sun_. **RESTAURATEUR WELCOMES SAUCERIAN PATRONS.**
An enterprising St. Petersburg Fla. restaurant proprietor, stirred
by reports of saucers in the south Florida skies, painted this
sign on the roof of his establishment - "COFFEEE FREE -- WELCOME SAUCERS!"
Meanwhile the latest flying saucer report came from
Albuquerque, NM where Doyle Kline, a newspaperman said he saw
10 flying saucers "going like a bat out of hell" Tuesday night.
He said they "made a believer" out of him. The Air Force asked
him for a report.
Jul. 30, 1952 Nacogdoches, Texas. **TEXAS GAL TELLS ONE.**
Mrs. Lem Arnold, 1125 Hackberry St., Nachodoches, Texas, witnessed
a flying saucer Tuesday night and described it in detail. "It looked
to be the shape and size of a dinner plate and was traveling south
at a terrific speed. The center of it seemed to blink continuously,"
she said. Mrs. Arnold was in bed when she first saw the flying object
and believes she watched it for perhaps a minute before it sped out
of sight.
Jul. 30, 1952 Chicago, IL. _Chicago Daily News_. **EXPERTS DOUBT RADAR IS FOOLED.**
The flying saucer saga is ablaze again. The spark that set it off
is radar. Even the skeptics are taking another look. They had been
able to scoff at the aberrations of the human eye, but the uncanny
see-all and tell-all eye of radar is less easily fooled. Chicago
experts who know radar best say it will only bounce off solid objects.
Washington wasn't recording clouds, or solidified air, in the opinion
of Dr. Robert Tobey, Armour Research Foundation. Dr. Harvey Ross,
microwave researcher at Motorola, supported this statement: "The
speed and maneuverability of the blips cannot be accounted for by
slow-moving clouds or other atmospheric conditions."
Aug. 1, 1952 Los Angeles, CA. _Los Angeles Herald Express_.
Several persons reported seeing a round luminous object streaking
eastward at a terrific rate of speed. All agreed that the objects
resembled pictures they had seen of comets, but without tails.
They said it was brilliant white and green colored.
Aug. 1, 1952 Dayton, OH. _New York Times_.
An Air Force spokesman said today that the queries on the flying
saucers had affected their regular work. So far this year they
have received 432 written reports on sightings. They said one
man works full time on the queries and has had to turn over
many of the questions to the Directorate of Military Intelligence
for reply. That office has turned to the Air Technical Center at
Dayton, Ohio, for help.
Air Force experts said today it was nothing to be excited about
that radar has picked up the so-called flying saucers. They said
it was nothing unusual for radar, "a tricky gadget", to pick
up rain squalls, birds, water spouts, and even surf spray.
Jul. 31, 1952 Kutztown, Pennsylvania. **PHOTOGRAPH OF WASHINGTON AIR INVASION.**
A flying saucer described as looking like "a flying smoke ring"
is shown with landscape beneath in today's _Middletown Journal_.
The photograph was taken by a farmer near Kutztown, Pennsylvania.
No identification or data concerning the picture is given.
Jul. 31, 1952 Cincinnati, OH. _San Bernardino Sun_.
The Air Force received a wire Wednesday from Cincinnati, Ohio,
urging reconsideration of the order to shoot down flying saucers.
The sender, whose name was withheld, said that advanced aerodynamics
indicated the saucers were probably intercelestial in origin.
Aug. 1, 1952 Salem, MA. _The Richfield Reporter_.
The _Washington News_ thus headlined the photograph of four saucers
caught in a "V" formation by Coast Guard photographer Shell R. Alpert
at Salem, Mass., on July 16 and not released by the Pentagon until
August 1. See https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-akron-beacon-journal-coast-guard-get/132167616/.
Aug. 1, 1952 US. _New York Herald-Tribune_.
Sidelight appearing in Hy Gardner's "Early Bird Coast to Coast"
column. Deep-Thinker Dept: Wonder if those flying saucers are
Taft and Kefauver buttons?
Jul. 31, 1952 Washington DC. _Racine (Wis.) Journal Times_.
NEA - For the first time, numerous and simultaneous
sightings have been confirmed by official radar observers. This
happened twice under almost identical circumstances on two successive
Saturday nights. This new chapter in the weird flying saucer story
was written in the skies over Washington for six hours before dawn
Sunday, July 20, and again one week later. Airlines Pilot S.C. Pierman
saw six objects at the same time the C.A.A. radar did.
Aug. 1, 1952 US. _L.A. Ledger_.
Dick Williams, amusement editor, reported that Carey Wilson,
a Nostradamus authority, believes the seer was prophesying the
coming of the flying saucers in his 1672 folio edition.
"Heavenly objects almost without number," he wrote, "will become
known to the human race. This amazing revelation
will neither make anyone rich nor do anyone harm."
Aug. 1, 1952 Salem, MA. _L.A. Mirror_.
Under the AP dateline from Washington the Coast Guard released
a photo taken at 9:35 a.m. on July 16, by Shell R. Alpert, 21,
an station photographer attached to the Coast Guard at
Salem, Mass. The photo shows clearly four round objects. Each
saucer appears to have two identical shafts of light extending
across its center and protruding at the forward and rear ends.
Aug. 2, 1952 Muscoy, CA and south San Bernardino, CA. _San Bernadino Sun._
At least three people reported seeing round or silvery objects
in the sky over Muscoy and the South part of San Bernardino. One
report said a large silver object swooped down on him and
several other witnesses, then shot upward, hovering over them
for several seconds before disappearing.
Aug. 1, 1952 Pasadena, California. **SNIPERS TAKE AFTER FLYING SAUCERS.**
Flying saucers are bad enough, but combine them with a phantom sniper's
bullet, and you've got something. Jordan M. Reifel and his wife
were entertaining neighbors last night in their backyard when
suddenly they heard what sounded like "a .22 caliber rifle shot and
the whine of a bullet". A few minutes later, the worried Reifels
said, everybody in the patio observed a formation of white things
zooming overhead in the sky. All of this would have been discounted
by Pasadena police, but there were several other reports which mentioned
saucers and sniper bullets as well.
Aug. 2, 1952 Palmdale, CA. _Los Angeles Times._ **FLYING DISKS AGAIN IN LOS ANGELES AREA.**
Two flying saucers flew over Southern California yesterday and reports
from witnesses flooded various media with accounts. The Lancaster
Sheriff's substation said it received six calls describing the objects
which hovered at about 1,000 ft. In Palmdale, C.A.A. operations
specialists, Don Benson and Ray Hollings, observed two saucers for
about 30 minutes and reported them to George AFB but no jet interceptors
were sent aloft. Another report came from Jack Roff, game
warden, who spotted similar objects over Lake Hughes. And in Burbank,
a silver, oblong object was observed just meandering over the city
at about 8:30 a.m. by Mrs. Dick Turpin.
Aug. 2, 1952 US. _San Bernadino Sun_. **TOM SWIFT MAY BE MAKING SAUCERS IN BID.**
Hal Boyle, in his _Notebook_ column relieves the flying saucer
tension with a bit of levity. The question he asks of the
Air Force seems to cover a lot of ground: "With all the men in
the sky in the last world war, no flying saucers were reported
before 1947. Were optical illusions and weather changes
invented in 1947?"
Aug. 3, 1952 Pasadena, CA. _Pasadena Sun_. **AIR FORCE SARGE BEGS TO DIFFER.**
Dan Lundberg on KTTV interviewed interviewed a 21-year-old ex-Air Force
sergeant who shot a picture of a flying saucer a year ago, which
was just recently released. He was, too. He's an old hand
at balloons and says that regardless what his superior say
this was not a balloon.
Aug. 3, 1952 Pasadena, California. _San Bernadino Sun_. **BALLOON TURNS OUT TO BE SAUCER.**
AP - T.L. Fox, a Carlsbad contractor, saw an
object gliding from the north at about 6:30 in the morning. He
thought it was a balloon and started for his car to go after it.
Before he could get to the car the thing had grown to many times
its size and had leveling off. It then maneuvered and shot
toward Carlsbad Airport "with a burst of speed which has never
been equalled by any jet I know of and no plane with wings
attached could have made that sharp a turn".
Aug. 2, 1952 Indio, CA. _Los Angeles Times_. **SAUCERS WAVE BOMBER ADIEU.**
Two flying saucers were observed by a woman supervisor at the Indio
Ground Observation Post, Col. O.S. Dresher reported yesterday. He
released a copy of a report made by Mrs. Pauline Watts, who made
the same report to the USAF. She said she saw the saucers at 2:40
p.m. on July 14, near two B-36 bombers. "These two round disks were
stationary in the sky, very metallic and shiny, much brighter than
any plane I have seen. They looked to be about one-third the size
of the bombers if seen at the same height. Finally they took off in
a straight up direction as one bomber approached closer towards them
and in seconds they were gone."
See https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-los-angeles-times-woman-sights-two-o/132214693/.
The flying saucers "just ain't there" said Dr. Jessie Sprowls,
abnormal professor of abnormal psychology at the University of
Maryland. Apologizing for his emphasis-aimed lapse in grammar,
the professor attributed the nationwide deluge of reports on
strange objects in the upper atmosphere to "primarily to hallucinations."
In stating: "The American people are victims of mob psychology
and not one in a thousand is capanle of independent thought",
Dr. Sprowls slavishly repeats the official Pentagonian party line.
Aug. 4, 1952 Huntington Park, CA. _Los Angeles Examiner_. **L.A. SAUCERS CAVORT IN SKY.**
Grant C. Hinton of Huntington Park told deputies at the Sheriff's
station that he and his family and neighbors saw two distinct
objects in the sky Saturday. He said the disks seemed to change
color, and remained on the horizon for 15 minutes.
Merl Clausen of Downey reported he saw an "arrow-like object"
remain stationary over his home for half an hour and then head
due east.\nA student from the University of Southern California reported
from Burbank that he had seen two flying saucers over Universal
Studios in North Hollywood. He said they were large and blue
colored, with lights that blinked off and on.
Aug. 4, 1952 New Orleans, LA. **EGG-SHAPED DISC OVER NEW ORLEANS.**
19:30 A preacher's son, along with the administrative assistant of an
evangelist, reported seeing an egg-shaped flying saucer streak
across the New Orleans sky about 7:30 pm Monday. In a telephone
report the two young men described the object as a white light
which materialized and then vanished as it hurtled in a southeasterly
direction, all in the space of about 40 seconds. At first they
thought it was a falling star but they added, "it couldn't have been
because it followed a horizontal line of flight."
Aug. 4, 1952 Ent AFB, CO, Japan and Korea. _Racine Journal_. **SAUCERS OBSERVING 'POLICE ACTION'.**
Imaginary or real, those flying saucers have popped up in Korea
and in Japan, and are keeping pilots of the Air Defense Command in
constant alert across the US. Headquarters of the ADC at Ent AFB,
Colo., said "there has been a flurry of reports on saucers for the
past two weeks, keeping their pilots busy." In Korea, Commanders of
the Far East Naval forces and the 5th Air Force disclosed that a
Canadian destroyer recently recorded two such objects on its radar.
A Navy report said officers and men aboard the _Crusader_ saw the
saucer on the night of July 10. Radar placed the objects two miles
high and seven miles away. A report issued a day or two later dismissed
the radar find as the planet Jupiter.
Aug. 4, 1952 Pasadena, Huntington Park, Universal City, North Hollywood, and Santa Ana, CA. _Los Angeles Times_.
Reports continued to roll into Air Force filter-centers at Pasadena
and Santa Ana yesterday. Descriptions of the objects sighted were
varying but the Air Force announced it will continue to study them.
Two sky watchers at Laguna Beach reported seeing an airborne object
moving past their post at about 11:20 a.m. Tuesday, but the Air Force
stamped it as secret until yesterday. The disk-shaped thing sparked
brilliantly in the southwest sky, reversed its direction of travel and
then disappeared, according to the sky watcher. Other reports came
in from Pasadena, Huntington Park, Universal City, North Hollywood
and Los Angeles.
Aug. 4, 1952 Tokyo, Japan and Taiwan. _The Times-Picaqune_.
The newspaper _Yomiuri_ said Monday it had received more than 150
letters from persons reporting they saw flying saucers over Japan
on Friday night. Japanese astronomers, however, unanimously agreed the
objects were meteors. In Taipeh, Formosa, newspapers quoted a
Chinese man and wife as saying they saw two shiny circular objects Saturday
morning streak eastward across the city at 10-minute intervals.
The couple described them as going faster than a jet but slower than
a meteor.
Aug. 5, 1952 Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Texas. **SAUCER PEEKS AT LACKLAND AFB.**
Seven NCO's from the 3731st and 3732nd Basic Military Training Squadrons,
Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Texas, sighted an object they all believed
to be a flying saucer and reported the sighting to S. Sgt. Jerrold E.
Baker. A/2C Peter D'Angelo, first noticed the silver, saucer-shaped
object high in the sky and called its attention to other NCOs present.
Descriptions from all those who witnessing the phenomenon confirmed
"it was something I never saw before." Subsequently, phone calls were made to the
weather bureau at Kelly and Randolph AFB and neither had released any
balloons previous to the sighting. This was the only object all
agreed it could possibly have been before the calls were made.
Aug. 4, 1952 Washington DC. _Los Angeles Examiner_. **AIR FORCE DENIES SAUCERS OURS.**
Major General Roger H. Ramey said today that saucers could not
be Soviet built because the Russians have no ability to produce
an object that uses such a tremendous source of power that
it can't be traced by radar. He further stated that the saucers
definitely were not our own, the Air Force experts have dismissed
80 percent of the 1,500 saucer reports as "natural and considers
the interplanetary origin explanation for the saucers as only a
See https://www.newspapers.com/article/arizona-republic-top-us-air-force-genera/132215927/.
Frank Carey, an AP Science reporter, in a syndicated column says that
roundtrip travel to the earth from Mars and Venus would involve
nearly three years for the Martians, just over two years for
the Venusians. Carey backs up this statement with computations
dealing with spaceships which travel at a snail-like 25,000 mph.
However, Carey does concede that Saucerians must have licked the
interplanetary fuel consumption problem if they can afford to do
all the nocturnal cruising around the Earth that has been credited
to them.
Aug. 6, 1952 Norton Air Base. _San Bernardino Sun_. **AIR FORCE STILL LOOKING FOR LOST PIECE OF THAT CAPTURED SAUCER.**
Next spotters of strange aerial craft will be asked to fill out
an Air Force form which will eventually be processed by the
27th Air Division intelligence officer at Norton Air Base. The
Air Force, however, refused to comment on what they will do with
the forms. The form has 25 questions concerning a description of
the object, its surroundings and the time it was spotted. There
is one loaded question, "Did you get any fragments?"
Aug. 6, 1952 Springer, NM. _Albuquerque Journal_. **SPRINGER EDITOR NOW A BELIEVER IN SAUCERS.**
Springer newspaperman Ed Guthman and his wife spotted a flying
saucer while driving to Los Vegas NM. He got such a good look at
it that he's converted from a skeptic to a believer in the
things. Guthman said it looked like it was about a mile away
and if it was, it had to be around 100 feet in diameter. Just
ahead of a seeming vane there was a dark spot in the body which
could have been an observation port.
Aug. 6, 1952 Fort Bragg, Hamilton Field. **FORT BRAGG BRIEFS HAMILTON FIELD ON LANDED SAUCER.**
First Lt. William Clopton of the Air Force reported that in the
summer of 1950 an article from a Fort Bragg newspaper was posted
on the Hamilton Field bulletin board, revealing that the minister
of a church had been permitted by Air Force Intelligence to view
a saucer, that had crashed with two small men on it, both dead.
They were described as fair, with blue eyes, beardless with
beautiful undecayed teeth and wore skin-tight blue uniforms made
of heavy metallic thread with a broad waste belt. Their provisions
consisted of very heavy water, large wafers which when analyzed
contained vitamins and minerals similar to ours. Half of the pilots
viewed this report scepticism, the other half believed it
might possibly have occurred. (rg - Is this MO41?)
Aug. 6, 1952 Gainesville, Texas. **EVEN MAYORS CAN SEE 'EM.**
A former Grainesville mayor who is a member of the Board of Education has joined
the ranks of the "I-saw-a-flying-saucer-society." H.A. Latham accompanied by his
brother and son spotted the thing in the sky Tuesday night while fishing in a
lake about 10 miles south of here. "I'd been skeptical up to then of all these
flying saucers," the former mayor said, "all three of us saw the same object
at the same time." He described the object as cylindrical in shape, moving in an
arc, first slowly and then rapidly to the west. Latham said he was sure it was
not an airplane nor a shooting star or a reflection.
Aug. 6, 1952 Hollywood, California. **RANCH MARKET OFFERS NEW COME-ON.**
Patrons of Hollywood's famous Ranch Market were surprised today
with a new attraction. A silvery object that looked like a B-29
without wings hovered over the Vine Street store. The bluish-gray
cigar-shaped object, sporting four triangular-shaped
appendages on one side, played hide and seek among the Hollywood
Aug. 6, 1952 Hollywood, California. **L.A. TIMES HUSH-HUSHES CALIFORNIA SIGHTING.**
Jean Logan and her daughter, watching a Navy Blimp fly over
their home, noticed a glittering something in the sky a long way
up. It was bright red and as it turned and caught the sun, it
changed to silver and then back to red. They called the police
who gave them a Sycamore number in Pasadena. This number said
many calls had come in, and that no weather balloon or any
other kind known were in the neighborhood except the Navy Blimp
and they were considering it a flying saucer. The _L.A. Times_
insisted the next day it was something the Air Force was
experimenting with.
Aug. 7, 1952 US. _San Bernardino Sun-Telegram_. **BUCK ROGER'S 25TH CENTURY OUTDATED.**
The _Sun-Telegram_ runs a daily comic strip called _Twin Earths_.
It deals with a planet equal in size and composition to Earth and
equal distance away from the sun. It revolves in the Earth's
orbit, but on the other side of the sun, this never visible until
someone perfects a space ship capable of flying around the sun.
Authors Oskar Lebeck and A. McWilliams keep up with the times
by having flying disks the main method of transportation on
the other earth, outdating Buck Rogers' rocketships.
Aug. 8, 1952 Youngstown, New York. **ONE GOES OVER THE FALLS -- WAY OVER.**
AP -- An unidentified object was seen last night
racing through the sky near the mouth of the Niagara River and
then hovering for some time over the Holland Canal which connects
Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. The object was described as being
a brilliant mass of colored lights flashing on and off in various
Aug. 8, 1952 Washington DC. _The Tidings_.
Very Rev. Francis J. Connell, Dean of Sacred Theology at Catholic
University wrote: "Neither revelation, the common teaching of
the Fathers, tradition, nor the solumn pronouncements of the
Popes rule out the possibility of life, perhaps similar to ours
on another planet." He added that if they possessed the
immortality once enjoyed by Adam and Eve "it would be foolish
for our superjet or rocket pilots to attempt to shoot them.
They would be unkillable."
Also see https://angelusnews.com/local/california/the-tidings-118-years-old-and-cpunting/.
Aug. 10, 1952 Manhattan, NY. _The New York Times_.
Robert B. Coles of Hayden Planetarium predicted here that flying
saucers would be reported in great numbers this week if the
weather was good. They will just be reports, Mr. Coles hastened
to add and will be based on sightings of the annual celestial
display of Perseid meteors which begins tonight. The meteors
will be visible in the night skies until the next Wednesday night
as a fiery shower of radiant particles which seem to originate
in the constellation Perseus. They will reach their peak
between midnight Tuesday and dawn Wednesday. Mr. Coles suggested
no explanation for saucer sightings occuring the other 11 months
of the year.
Aug. 11, 1952 California. Also Aug. 12, 1952. _Los Angeles Herald Express_.
In a two-day front-page spread, bylined by Lyle Abbot, rocket
engineers Roland Gillespie and Winthrop K. Coxe explained
flying saucers as the result of an electromagnetic vortex in the
Hal Boyle, substituting for Bob Considine, devoted a column to
Charles Fort and his impressive roundup of saucer sightings
dating back 100 years ago, before the age of airplanes or Skyhook
balloons. "Were observers subject then, as now to the
same hallucinations?" asks Byle. (Odds were laid that Considine
will not invite Boyle back as his guest columnist near year.)
Aug. 12, 1952 West Texas. _San Antonio Express_.
Everybody thinks turtles don't fly -- so what was the thing Mrs.
Flora Rogers saw paddlying through the air over her West Texas
ranch? "It was shaped like a turtle," she said. But Mrs. Rogers
figured the object was really some sort of radar machine taking
pictures of the land beneath. The turtle emitted a blue flame,
made no sound, lacked windows and doors, and flew about 20 feet
high across the road in front of her. The turtle didn't frighten
her until it zoomed straight up and disappeared in seconds. "I was
so scared," she said, "that I had to lift my feet into the car. I
drove the 18 miles to the Sheriff's office and didn't stop for a
light or anything."
Aug. 12, 1952 Raleigh, North Carolina. **I WISH I WERE IN DIXIE.**
Civil Aeronautics officials in Raleigh, North Carolina, reported that
orange-red objects have been sighted streaking across the skies for the past
two nights. Included among the list of those who fancy illusions
was a professor at North Carolina State College (requested his name
be withheld) claiming to see seven or eight objects traveling at a
high altitude and a tremendous speed.
Aug. 13, 1952 Pleasant Ridge, Ohio. _The Cincinnati Reporter_.
Mrs. Lee Allendorf of 6229 Montgomery Rd., Pleasant Ridge, Ohio,
rebuffed by metropolitan dailies, reported to _The Reporter_ that she
and her family were awakened last Thursday, August 7, 1952, at dawn
by a steady, rumbling, whirring noise. They glanced out their second-story
window to see a large metal object, oval in shape, and looking
"like the lower half of a dirigible hovering 80-90 feet over the
Monte Vista Theatre." The noise from the craft was penetrating and
"seemed to shake the whole house," she said. The three viewers resented
the fact that the daily papers had treated their report in a
light vein and hoped something might be done in the way of a thorough
investigation. All were agreed they saw something which did not come
under the conventional rocket or aircraft classification. When last
seen, the saucer was headed in the direction of Norwood. _The Reporter_
gave the story a full front-page streamer headline.
Capt. Max M. Jacoby, who has been flying for 16 years, disclosed
Thursday that he chased a big, orange light, apparently not of earthly
origin, Wednesday night in a transport plane. The light was of the
type generally put in the flying saucer category, but Jacoby declined
to call it more than a "light" for fear he would be ridiculed or
laughed at. He never did catch the light.
Aug. 14, 1952 Lake Michigan. _The Racine (Wisconsin) Journal-Times._
Two bright lights sighted in the overcast above Lake Michigan last
Sunday night have been officially reported to U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters
in Chicago, it was learned today. The fireballs first sighted
by Edward Langenfeld Jr. on his father's farm were called to the attention
of the family and friends. All watched the lights for 30 minutes, one
above the other. One would disappear for minutes and reappear, then
the other would repeat the process. This alternating began at 9 p.m.
and continued until 11:30 p.m. C.W.O. John Needham, from Racine Coast
Guard station, investigated and said he was satisfied it was not due
to weather phenomenon or a mirage. He said the information in his
official report was restricted.
Aug. 14, 1952 University of Southern California. _The Journal of Philosophy._
B.A.G. Fuller of the University of Southern California read a paper
on Flying Saucers, advancing the premise that man's belief that he was
the center of the universe may be a mistaken idea and "that elsewhere
intelligent life may have occurred equal in some respects and in some,
perhaps all, superior to his particular brand." The philosopher cited
Jones, Wells, Hoyle, Scully, Haldane, Heard, Von Fritsch, and Plato to
support his brief.
The Air Force announced details of the conversation between Captain
Thomas Mantell and the control tower which took place on January
7, 1948. At about 2:45 p.m., Mantell reported sighting an unidentified
object "directly ahead and above me and moving half my speed. It
appears metallic and of tremendous size." A few moments later, Mantell
reported the object was moving about the same speed--(360 mph) and "it
was bright and climbing away from me." Captain Mantell then said he
was going up to 20,000 feet, and if he failed to catch it, he would
abandon the chase. That was his last message. No identification of
the object has been announced.
Aug. 20, 1952 East Germany, Soviet Union. _The Oregonian_. **SAUCER SCARE HITS RUSSIANS.**
The Russians, too, according to reliable information here, are becoming
concerned about flying saucers. A German scientist's daughter,
who lived in the Russian zone and was conscripted for work in a
Moscow laboratory, escaped to the western zone recently. This girl,
24, told the high commissioners of officials that the Russians had come
to the conclusion that flying saucers are not figments of imagination
but something real. In the beginning, she said, the Russians dismissed
the heavenly objects as propaganda released by the Western
world as a scare in the hope of convincing timid persons of the great
scientific might of the West. This did not bother them. They thought
the entire program laughable. According to the scientist's daughter,
the Russians do not believe the mysterious objects are space ships
from another planet.
Aug. 18, 1952 US. _Hollywood Citizen-News_. **CMDR LOTT RAPS AF AND FBI.**
One minute after he retired to inactive duty last midnight Navy
Commander Dave Lott, former deputy commanding officer of the
Armed Forces Radio Services, sent telegrams listing his complaints
against the service to government big wheels and released a
statement to the press. "The Air Force's handling of the flying saucer
investigation," Lott said, "was one of the most inept,
disgraceful, and downright ludicrous displays of inefficiency
ever displayed in a governmental operation." He flagged a "gag
rule" which he said prohibits members of the services from
engaging in political discussions or criticizing the Armed Forces.
Aug. 21, 1952 Rattlesnake Canyon, CA. _San Bernardino Sun_.
"Flying Disks" is the name of the placer claim staked out by
J.S. Burbridge at the head of Rattlesnake Canyon in the Morongo
Mining District. Burbridge, who lives at 1124 W. Third St.,
had his claim recorded Wednesday.
A whatwasit took a quick cruise about San Diego skies last night. Witnessed by
at least three residents, the mysterious object hurled earthward like a meteor,
leveled off, circled the city slowly and noiselessly and then disappeared to the
west. "I think I witnessed the arrival of a space-ship said Donald Carr, of 2408
East 18th St., National City, a design engineer at Convar. All those witnessing
the object felt its flight and appearance were proof that flying saucers exist
and are not from the earth.
May. 22, 1952 Flagstaff, Arizona. **ONE FOR MYOPIC MENZEL.**
Seymour L. Hess, astronomer at Lowell Observatory here, said today
he had seen "a bright object in the sky, a disk visible to the naked
eye." Hess had been studying atmospheric and weather conditions on
Mars at Lowell Observatory. "It was definitely not an airplane,"
Hess said. "The object disappeared a few seconds after passing before
a cloud. The estimated size of the disk through the binoculars for
a distance of 6,000 to 12,000 feet is equivalent to an object 3 to
6 feet in diameter.