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synced 2025-03-16 03:56:09 -04:00
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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
| |
| May 21 |
| |
| 1949 - On this afternoon a silvery disc was spotted hovering over the |
| Hanford Atomic Energy Commission radar station outside of Moses Lake, |
| Washington by a US Air Force F-82 pilot flying over the area. |
| (Source: J. Allen Hynek, The Hynek UFO Report, p. 141). |
| |
| 1950 - A huge round object hung in the sky over Montrose, Colorado. |
| It was joined by a second large object. Both started heading to the |
| north, but turned and flew off to the east. (Source: Loren E. Gross, |
| UFOs: A History. 1950: April-July, p. 48, citing UPI release, May 22, |
| 1950). |
| |
| 1953 - According to a letter by Fritz A. Werner to J. Allen Hynek |
| dated May 15, 1973, 16 AEC engineers were taken by the U.S. Air Force |
| on this day into the desert outside Kingman, Arizona aboard a bus |
| with its windows blackened out to view a crashed disc. The object was |
| oval shaped, 30 feet in diameter, and with a surface that looked like |
| a highly polished brushed metal. In a nearby tent was a dead body, 4 |
| feet tall. The body was clothed in a silvery metallic suit with a |
| skull cap. The dead pilots body had brown skin, with the other |
| unusual feature being a small mouth. (Sources: Center for UFO Studies |
| files; Raymond E. Fowler, Official UFO, April 24, 1976; Richard H. |
| Hall, MUFON UFO Journal, May 1978, p. 10; Leonard H. Stringfield, |
| Situation Red: The UFO Siege, p. 209). |
| |
| 1957 - At 4:40 p.m. a metallic ovoid flew overhead to the northwest |
| near Knoxville, Tennessee making a noise. It then hovered in silence, |
| and may have made a possible landing behind some trees. (Sources: |
| Civilian Saucer Intelligence--New York case files; Loren E. Gross, |
| The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs: A History. 1957: March |
| 23-May 25, p. 88). |
| |
| 1959 - On this afternoon around 1:00 p.m. a huge yellow glowing cigar |
| flew toward the northwest and circled the town of Brindisi, Italy |
| before continuing on toward the northeast and out to sea. (Source: |
| Loren E. Gross, The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs: A |
| History. 1959: April-June, p. 32). |
| |
| 1966 - At 3:15 p.m. an experienced pilot flying in a light plane on a |
| clear day encountered a domed disc that made sharp turns and passed |
| beneath the wing of his aircraft while flying near Willow Grove Naval |
| Air Station, Pennsylvania. (Source: NICAP UFO Investigator, April |
| 1967, p. 7). |
| |
| 1968 - At 8:50 a.m. at Union High School in Roosevelt, Utah a silver |
| oval or disc-shaped object, quite large, changed speed, hovered, |
| maneuvered, and dropped nearly to the ground. Twenty-two students and |
| teachers watched the display for 6-7 minutes. (Source: Frank B. |
| Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, pp. 95 and Appendix case 67). |
| |
| 1969 - Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil - At midnight Jose Antonio |
| Da Silva had a sudden impulse to get out of bed and go into his |
| garden. He stepped out his door and saw three of the same short |
| entities he had a frightening encounter with earlier that month at |
| Bebedouro, Minas Gerais, Brazil dressed in the same flightsuits. They |
| stood motionless, looking at him. He quickly stepped back inside and |
| bolted the door, without saying a word or hearing a sound from them. |
| He then explained to investigators that they wanted him to "work |
| against my own people" and expressed his great fear that our world |
| was in great danger, without knowing from where the danger would |
| come. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of |
| Humanoid Reports, case 1969-38, citing Hulvio Brant Aleixo, FSR, |
| November-December 1973, & Dr. Walter Buhler). |
| |
| 1971 - A man was driving home near West Leisenring, Pennsylvania at |
| 1:10 a.m. and he had just rounded a bend in the rural road when he |
| noticed an unusual object hovering 20 feet above the ground. The |
| craft was disc shaped with a dome on top and an antenna like |
| protrusion. It had a door like opening to the left of its center; the |
| opening emitted an reddish orange glow from inside. It also emitted a |
| faint humming sound. He stopped his car to watch, and after two |
| minutes he saw a figure walk back and forth within the doorway of the |
| object. The humanoid being was dressed in a grayish white metallic |
| suit with a hood and stood about six feet tall. The craft itself was |
| dull gray in color and appeared to have burnt areas along the bottom. |
| The witness, sitting behind the wheel of his vehicle, turned his head |
| to his left and saw a similarly garbed figure only three feet way |
| from the driver's door. He then heard a click and two seconds later a |
| blast threw him against the vehicle's console. A loud explosion moved |
| the car forward and the witness drove away as fast as he could. He |
| then drove to the emergency room of a local hospital where he was |
| treated with what looked like pellet wounds. (Source: Albert S. |
| Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1971, case # 247, citing Stan |
| Gordon, MUFON UFO Journal, issue #189). |
| |
| 1973 - In a wooded area near the town of Kristianstad, Sweden a group |
| of men reported seeing an incredibly huge, black bird-like creature |
| that passed within one hundred feet of them. One witness had a camera |
| with a telephoto lens and attempted to take a picture, but his film |
| jammed. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of |
| Humanoid Reports, citing John A. Keel, The Mothman Prophecies). |
| |
| 1976 - A luminous UFO shaped like coolie hat paced a car in the |
| desert near Alamogordo, New Mexico containing three occupants. One of |
| the passengers, a 28-year-old woman named Bryant, experienced five |
| hours of missing time and later related an abduction experience. She |
| reported being taken aboard the UFO where she was given intensive |
| medical examinations and had several body samples taken. Among other |
| procedures they scraped her skin, and drew fluid from one of her |
| eyes. The occupants were short, about four feet tall, and had large |
| hairless heads with large dark almond-shaped eyes. They also wore |
| uniforms that resembled police uniforms. (Sources: Thomas E. Bullard, |
| UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery, case 093, citing the San |
| Antonio (Texas) Light, March 20, 1983; John F. Schuessler, |
| Physiological Effects from UFOs, p. 70). |
| |
| 1977 - At 12:24 a.m. a taxi driver and his passenger saw a white |
| football-shaped object in the sky in Leicester, England. At one point |
| it looked like five balls joined together in a circle. It or they |
| hovered silently, then moved off and disappeared from sight. (Source: |
| D. N. Mansell, Awareness, October 1977, p. 19). |
| |
| 1977 - Two close encounters involving UFOs with coherent light beams |
| occurred on this night in Dorset county, England. At 10:55 p.m. Mr. |
| Morse, age 26, witnessed a large silver disc-shaped object that |
| hovered over a field in Canford Heath, Poole, England. A green cone |
| of light extended from the object as a coherent beam of light. It |
| flew off to the west. Fifteen minutes later a car with two |
| 30-year-old women was followed by another disc between Longham and |
| Wimborne in the Dorset countryside. It had a solid beam that cut |
| through the terrain. The energy beam had a definite, abrupt end to |
| it. The disc dropped to the ground, but the women did not stay around |
| to investigate. There were six other sightings reported that night in |
| the area. (Source: Leslie Harris, FSR, January 1978, p. 5). |
| |
| 1988 - Townshend, Vermont - Jack and May Weiner recalled an abduction |
| experience while at their mountain home. This was Jack's second |
| abduction experience, the first occurring while on a camping trip |
| with three other men in the Allagash Wilderness area of Maine. Jack's |
| dog wanted to go out and when he let the dog outside, late on this |
| evening, he noticed a blue light shining through the kitchen window. |
| He went outside and saw a glowing object hovering over a nearby |
| field. He recalled walking back inside the house. Under hypnosis he |
| recalled that several short beings with large heads and eyes entered |
| his bedroom. The beings lifted Jack and his wife and floated them |
| towards a bright light. They were taken in front of the large |
| hovering object that glowed a bright blue from its bottom. It hovered |
| silently and there was a strong smell of ozone in the air. They were |
| both taken inside the object and given medical exams by the beings. A |
| lump was allegedly discovered and the cyst removed. Later they were |
| both floated across the lawn, into their house and back inside |
| through the unopened front door. (Source: Raymond E. Fowler, MUFON |
| UFO Journal, April 1993). |
| |
| 1990 - On this evening a disc flying from the southwest to the |
| northeast was involved with a near collision with a KC-135 tanker |
| aircraft over Lancaster, California. The passage of the UFO appeared |
| on radar and rocked the wings of the plane as it shot past. (Source: |
| MUFON UFO Journal, November 1990). |
| |
| 1990 - At 9:00 p.m. four witnesses in Trenton, New York saw a large |
| delta-shaped object fly overhead, making a faint humming sound. It |
| flew in a slow glide and then made sudden jumps. It had lights on its |
| three corners. (Source: Keith Conroy, field investigator, MUFON |
| investigation files database, case 930506E). |
| |
| 1996 - Four youths camping in Charleston, Illinois saw a large white |
| light in the sky at 11:58 p.m., then a huge triangular UFO with two |
| red lights on one side. It lit their campsite with a "spotlight" beam |
| but made no sound. (Sources: James Easton, internet list of |
| triangular UFO reports, citing the National UFO Reporting Center; Jay |
| Rath, The I-Files: True Reports of Unexplained Phenomena in Illinois, |
| citing NUFORC). |
| |
| 1999 - A witness reported to the National UFO Reporting Center that a |
| UFO positioned itself directly over his car in Harrison, Ohio. It |
| hovered silently in the air and shone two white beams of light down |
| on him. (Source: Peter Davenport, UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, May |
| 2004 webpage). |
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| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 4 July 2005). |
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| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
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| Themes: abductions wi |
| th medical exams, coherent light beams, compulsive behavior by abduct |
| ee, cone-shaped UFO, disc-shaped UFOs, Grey alien abductors, huge UFO |
| s, humming sound, Mothman, oval UFOs, retrieval of crashed disc with |
| alien body, short humanoids, silvery UFOs, UFO over nuclear facility. |
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