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synced 2025-03-22 06:46:32 -04:00
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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
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| May 11 |
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| 1949 - At 10:30 a.m. four gray discs flew over Houston, Alaska |
| heading north. According to witness George Mertz, they had thicker |
| tops, and flew with a "decided list to the port side" at a speed in |
| excess of 1000 mph. Their diameter was estimated to be from 80-100 |
| feet. (Source: Edward Sullivan, letter from witness in 1952 to the |
| Civilian Saucer Intelligence office, Los Angeles). |
| |
| 1950 - Two famous UFO photographs were taken on this evening by Mr. |
| Paul Trent in McMinnville, Oregon. The UFO was also witnessed by his |
| wife. The images show a dark metallic, asymmetric hat-shaped disc. |
| The upper structure was described as like a "parachute canopy", with |
| slightly off-center triangular post or antenna. It hovered, rocking |
| slowly like a rowboat riding at anchor, and made no sound. The photos |
| were published in Life Magazine. (Sources: McMinnville (OR) Telephone |
| Register, June 8, 1950; Thomas M. Olsen, Reference for Outstanding |
| UFO Reports, case 6; Edward U. Condon, Scientific Study of |
| Unidentified Flying Objects, p. 396). |
| |
| 1954 - On this day in 1954 a lone witness in Lawton, Oklahoma watched a |
| disc-shaped object hovering ten feet above the ground. Below the |
| object stood a four-foot tall figure. The humanoid disappeared in a |
| flash of light after seeing the witness, then the object shot away at |
| high speed towards the west. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid |
| Contact Database 1954, case # 1412, citing Kevin D. Randle, The |
| October Scenario). |
| |
| 1966 - During a night test firing of the NASA Saturn-V-B second stage |
| rocket at the Stennis NASA Test Facility in Pearl River, Hancock |
| County, Mississippi, a 200 foot diameter disc-shaped UFO approached |
| at high speed, then hovered directly over the exhaust blast coming |
| from the rocket for 90 seconds. According to the principal reporting |
| witness, a retired Boeing engineer named Allen, there where 30 |
| witnesses, including a group of 19 who were on the roof of a nearby |
| building and a 35-mm motion picture film crew who filmed the entire |
| episode. The following day the NASA facility employees were debriefed |
| and informed that what they had witnessed was an unmanned Air Force |
| weather balloon. The film from the test firing has never been |
| released by the government. (Source: Donald A. Johnson and Don Olson |
| case investigation files, MUFON files). |
| |
| 1967 - At 2:05 a.m. four police officers in Wareham, Massachusetts in |
| Plymouth County sighted two inverted dish-shaped objects with |
| revolving red and white lights around the rim. One descended behind |
| some trees into a cranberry bog. It moved up-and-down like a yo-yo, |
| and sped away when the police tried to shine a spotlight on it. |
| (Sources: Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, pp. 333 & |
| 348; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year |
| Report, p. 339). |
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| Wareham, Massachusetts - 1967 |
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| [image] |
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| 1967 - At 2:00 a.m. Michael Campeadore, age 25, a hospital employee |
| in St. George, Utah in route to Salt Lake City when he heard a noise |
| similar to that of a truck. However, he saw nothing. Then a yellow |
| light became visible to his left, and thinking that it was a jet |
| plane about to crash, he stopped the truck and got out. He saw it |
| stop 30 meters away at an altitude of 30 meters. It was shaped like |
| an inverted bowl with a dome on top and looked metallic. He became |
| frightened and emptied his .25 calibre Beretta in the direction of |
| the craft. He heard the bullets hit metal and the object took off at |
| a great speed. When he told his story at a nearby service station, |
| the attendant replied that about 20 reports had been made of UFOs in |
| the Saint George area recently. (Sources: APRO Bulletin, May-June |
| 1967, p. 5; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of |
| Landings, case 842; National Enquirer, August 27, 1967). |
| |
| 1967 - In Holbaek, Denmark in Vestsjaellan province a domed disc was |
| sighted on this night hovering over a field at a farm. A silhouette |
| of a humanoid figure was seen moving behind a window in the craft. |
| Angel hair residue was found at the site. (Source: Larry Hatch, U |
| computer database, case 7763, citing Brad Steiger & Joan Whritenour, |
| The Allende Letters, p. 46). |
| |
| 1969 - Three witnesses sighted a red ball of light at 3:00 a.m. at |
| Santa Catalina de Somoza, Leon, Spain. The luminous red spherical UFO |
| had a horn-like extention on one side. (Source: Vicente-Juan |
| Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and |
| Portugal, case 111, citing D. Lopez). |
| |
| 1969 - At two o'clock in the morning a UFO was spotted near the |
| ground in the yard of a home in Demers Center, Quebec, Canada. A |
| barking dog woke the witnesses, Mr. & Mrs. Chaput, and a bright light |
| was shining from the craft into their bedroom. The UFO made a purring |
| sound. The incident lasted about five minutes. Ring ground marks were |
| found in the yard. (Sources: NICAP UFO Investigator, July 1969, p. 2; |
| UNICAT database, case 323; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience: A |
| Scientific Inquiry, p. 133). |
| |
| 1969 - At 1:45 a.m. Mike Luczkowich, age 20, a student at Manakin, |
| Virginia was returning home after a date with his girlfriend. He had |
| just driven past the Rockville General Store when he noticed |
| something about 50 yards ahead of his car. At first he thought it |
| might be a couple of deer, but he soon realized that he was looking |
| at two humanoid figures about three and a half to four feet tall. The |
| creatures were wearing spherical helmets that looked as large as |
| basketballs. Circling each helmet was a pale green band that |
| reflected the headlights of the vehicle. The beings stood motionless |
| at first, but they soon scurried off by running up an embankment to |
| the left. The first two had barely disappeared when a third small |
| being appeared from the right side of the road and quickly joined the |
| others by climbing over the embankment. Luczkowich reported that the |
| little men were dressed in light-brown coveralls that were somewhat |
| baggy in the legs but tight-fitting at the ankles. He did not see any |
| arms, and he could not detect features behind the oversized helmets. |
| |
| The student was shaken by his experience, and he did not tell anyone |
| of the encounter until Sunday. On Monday Luczkowich and three other |
| men returned to the site. They were able to locate a fresh trail |
| through the poison ivy and honeysuckle growing on the embankment the |
| three beings had scaled. Beyond the embankment they found a barley |
| field with a path through it, such as the three humanoids might have |
| made. After walking in a few feet they noticed two flattened areas, |
| where small entities might have thrown themselves down in the field. |
| According to Luczkowich, the crushed barley at one flattened area |
| showed the imprint of two small bodies, while the other impression |
| outlined one other small body. About a half mile west of the area and |
| two hours earlier 18-year-old Debbie Payne had reported seeing an |
| oval-shaped luminous object over her house when she arrived home from |
| a date. The UFO appeared rather bright, then dimmed and became bright |
| two times before she and her date reached the door to her house. |
| (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1969, citing |
| Ted Bloecher, "Occupant Case Detailed," Skylook, November 1974). |
| |
| 1974 - At around 8:45 p.m. Barry King and Ian Vinten in Chingford, |
| Essex, England observed a figure in the distance resembling a woman |
| with long white hair, a featureless face, who was wearing a long |
| black dress . They took out some binoculars and watched her stand |
| perfectly still for 10 minutes as a second black-gowned figure moved |
| among some nearby trees. The woman figure, then the second figure, |
| vanished from view. Next, the first figure re-appeared 50 yards away |
| from its original position and stood motionless again for 10 minutes |
| before vanishing once again from sight. |
| Upon returning to the site at 9:35 p.m., King and Vinten again saw |
| through binoculars two more figures, this time dressed in white. One |
| was motionless, the other was "darting about making very quick |
| movements," but showing no leg movements, as if gliding rather than |
| running. At this point a red lighted UFO was seen rising slowly over |
| the treetops in the same direction. After five minutes it moved off, |
| passing almost directly over the witnesses, making a "weird |
| throbbing, similar to a ship's sonar." It had a central white light |
| and two blinking lights near the edge, as well as a vertically |
| revolving bluish light around the center. It displayed a central red |
| light and two blinking white lights as it moved off. (Source: David |
| F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case |
| 1974-21, citing Barry King for BUFORA). |
| |
| 1976 - A silver suited figure stood next to silver sphere on the |
| ground in Leigh, Greater Manchester, England. It was sighted by a |
| Mrs. Kent at 6:15 a.m. as she passed by. Both were gone 20 minutes |
| later when she passed by the site again. (Source: J. Bernard Delair, |
| Northern Network News, June 1976, vol. 25, p. 8; Jenny Randles, FSR, |
| October 1976, p. 27). |
| |
| 1977 - A housewife reported sighting a green glowing ball with a dark |
| equator hovering near her home in Clearfield, Pennsylvania at three |
| o'clock in the morning. It shot straight up into the sky and was gone |
| in less than a second. (Source: Allan Hendry, International UFO |
| Reporter, June 1977, p. 8). |
| |
| 1977 - At 9:45 p.m. in Bonner Springs, Kansas a silent disc-shaped |
| object with white windows hovered for 75 seconds, then flew away |
| slowly. (Source: Allan Hendry, International UFO Reporter, June 1977, |
| p. 36). |
| |
| 1986 - Cessna 172 pilot Robert Henderson and his wife Nann had an |
| aerial encounter with a "modified half-sphere, with the flat side |
| down" while flying over Sedona, Arizona at 4:00 p.m. It approached |
| their plane head on and shot quickly to left, passing below the |
| airplane. Its speed was estimated at 1,200 mph. Their sighting lasted |
| less than a minute, and they detected no sound coming from the |
| object. (Sources: Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A |
| Thirty-Year Report, pp. 316; UNICAT database, case 660, citing |
| Willard D. Nelson, MUFON UFO Journal, October 1986, p. 8). |
| |
| 1986 - At 9:45 p.m. a three-foot diameter disc with lights buzzed a |
| car with three witnesses traveling on Highway 26 in Deridder, |
| Louisiana at only six feet altitude. There were no electromagnetic |
| effects noticed. The object next shot straight up into the sky and |
| disappeared. (Source: Robert Gribble, National UFO Reporting Center, |
| Seattle, case 1087). |
| |
| 1988 - On the shore of Pensacola Bay, a couple in their sixties |
| videotaped several UFOs over Gulf Breeze, Florida at 8:00 p.m. for 8 |
| minutes. Initially there was one yellowish-orange object, which was |
| joined by others. The lights brightened and pulsed, hovered, then |
| descended; and faded in and out of view. They made no sound. (Source: |
| Donald M. Ware, MUFON field investigations database, case 901113). |
| 1994 - In an undisclosed location in Switzerland, a man was in his |
| bed sleeping late at night when a strong, pulsating blue light |
| suddenly awakened him. He hid under his blanket, but had the |
| sensation that he was floating before he passed out. The next thing |
| he recalls he was lying on a table in a dark room. The wall, floor, |
| and ceiling were very smooth. Below his feet and to his right side |
| was something resembling a marble column. Suddenly a slim, small |
| pallid humanoid being jumped on top of him. The being was female with |
| large dark eyes and with no hair on her head. She somehow made the |
| witness fell sexually excited; the whole episode was repeated by a |
| second similar being. Then a third female with more human features |
| appeared and apparently the same thing happened one last time. |
| (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1994, case # |
| 2692, citing Dr. Johannes Feibag). |
| |
| 2003 - A California Highway Patrol officer saw a metallic disc in the |
| morning sky over the freeway in Goleta, California at 9:20 a.m. It |
| was circular in appearance and tumbling "end over end." At about the |
| same time a shiny, thin metallic disc was seen moving over the beach |
| at Laguna Niguel, California toward the southwest. It soared, drfited |
| slowly, then swooped down like a bird in a thermal air current. It |
| had "turbine blades" on the underside. It moved off to the northwest |
| in the general direction of Vandenberg AFB. (Source: Peter Davenport, |
| National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, May 2003 webpage archive). |
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| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 12 May 2006) |
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| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
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| Themes: abduction with sexual encoun |
| ter, disc-shaped UFOs, domed discs, fishbowl helmets, metallic UFOs, |
| red UFOs, short humanoids, up-and-down yo-yo motion, vertical ascent. |
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