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synced 2025-03-22 06:46:32 -04:00
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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
| |
| May 2 |
| |
| 1949 - At 10:20 a.m. north of Elko, Nevada three metallic discs with |
| an estimated diameter of 10 meters flew over the desert to the |
| southwest at 400 kph and an altitude of 4200 meters. They were |
| silent, and all three veered to the south with the same precise tilt. |
| (Sources: U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book files counted in official |
| statistics; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 1394; citing Loren |
| E. Gross, UFOs: A History. 1949 (Volume 3), p. 64). |
| |
| 1958 - Eight people working in a forest near Santa Fe de Bogota, |
| Colombia saw a green creature with scaly skin and very long arms. The |
| pointed nails of its long fingers nearly touched the ground. (Source: |
| Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 467, |
| citing L. Bulgarini; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue |
| of Humanoid Reports, case A0460). |
| |
| 1967 - A scientist and his wife sighted a white cigar-shaped object |
| flying east of Tranmere, South Australia. It had a globe-shaped light |
| at the front and it left a luminescent trail. They watched it for |
| five minutes as it went over the horizon. There were two more |
| sightings that evening over Mount Whaleback in Western Australia, one |
| at 8:30 p.m. and another at 11:50 p.m. (Sources: Michael Hervey, UFOs |
| Over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 179; L. J. Locke, Flying Saucers, |
| October 1969, p. 11, citing Australian Flying Saucer Review). |
| |
| 1967 - A misty gray oval with four blinking red lights and a steady |
| white light on top was seen in Montezuma, Iowa by a nineteen-year-old |
| named Latcham at 8:25 p.m. It hovered, rose straight up, and then |
| angled off to the west, climbing rapidly. (Sources: APRO Bulletin, |
| May-June 1967, p. 8; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A |
| Thirty-Year Report, p. 338). |
| |
| 1968 - On this morning the witness was out collecting bark for |
| firewood in a spot near her lake on Keats Island, British Columbia |
| when the same two strange men she had met on January 29 approached |
| her. Both wore dark "neat" coveralls, as if they were brand new. One |
| of the men was about 20 years old, and he seemed to hide behind the |
| other man as the witness approached them. The younger man stared |
| intently at the woman during the conversation she had with the older |
| man, and only spoke once. She continued to be mystified about how |
| they were coming and going from her remote island location. (Source: |
| Peter Guttilla, Saga UFO Report, Summer 1974, citing John Magor, Our |
| UFO Visitors). |
| |
| 1971 - Bobby Ford was outside his home in Jonesville, Arkansas on |
| this night when he was grabbed by a huge hairy creature with claws, |
| and pulled to the ground. After a brief struggle he escaped from his |
| assailant. He was treated at a Texarkana hospital for scratches and |
| shock. Footprints were discovered on Ford's property. (Source: Albert |
| S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1971, case #2960, citing Ron |
| Schaffner). |
| |
| 1972 - William G. Lestin and his wife were driving to a motel near |
| Salisbury, Maryland at around 11 p.m. when they saw a luminous disc |
| settle to the ground 100 yards away. Mr. Lestin got out of the car |
| and walked to within 50 feet of the object. He described seeing a |
| round object sitting on tripod landing gear. Moving about underneath |
| it were two four-foot humanoids, resembling human beings but with |
| long arms that dangled to the ground. They were "apparently covered |
| with a glazed coat of grayish material" and wore helmets. As he |
| watched, a door opened and a ramp descended; the two humanoids |
| re-boarded and the object rose up into the air with a blinding red |
| light. The entire incident had lasted more than five minutes. Mr. |
| Lestin was terrified by his experience and had to be sedated when he |
| arrived at his destination. (Source: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, |
| HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1972-10, citing Richard |
| LaPorte, Argosy UFO Annual 1975). |
| |
| 1978 - A witness noticed two white uniformed Grey humanoid figures |
| standing on the grounds of an abductee's property in South Middleton, |
| Massachusetts. They stood motionless and held their arms close to |
| their bodies. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database |
| 1978, case # 844, citing David F. Webb, FSR, Vol. 27 # 2). |
| |
| 1978 - On the same day in Escazu, Costa Rica Eduardo Enrique Lacayo, |
| age 10, was out playing in the front yard of his uncle's house at |
| 6:30 p.m. when he saw a cat. He decided to chase it as it ran towards |
| a large empty lot across the street. As he ran towards the field he |
| suddenly noticed a hovering silvery disc-shaped object that emitted a |
| strong yellow light. The UFO resembled two soup plates placed |
| together and was about 15 meters in diameter, and it was hovering at |
| about 200 meters above the ground with a slight wobbling motion. A |
| gray cloud-like mist emerged from the object and descended towards |
| the ground. Stunned, Enrique watched as the mist-like vapor assumed |
| the shape of a human-like figure that remained suspended above the |
| ground. The figure wore a kind of "cape" or long tunic that did not |
| reach its feet, since the witness was able to observe gold-colored |
| laceless shoes on the figure's feet. The figure was about 170 meters |
| tall. The cat also apparently observed the spectacle, since the |
| animal's fur stood on end and it quickly scurried from the scene. |
| Eduardo did not notice any facial features on the figure except what |
| appeared to be thin lips. The figure extended its arms at him, as if |
| beckoning him to approach, and it appeared to open its mouth. At this |
| point the boy became afraid, and ran away quickly away. Looking back |
| he did not see the figure again, and the UFO rose up into the sky at |
| very high speed. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact |
| Database 1978, citing Carlos Vilchez). |
| |
| 2001 - In Rosario, Argentina a woman, "M" found herself being lifted |
| into a whirlwind at two o'clock in the morning, presumably from her |
| bedroom, but she doesn't know how she got outdoors. She was oriented |
| vertically as she floated upwards, and was able to move her arms and |
| look around as she did so. |
| |
| She approached a powerful light that seemed to emanate from a hole in |
| the sky. She then noticed three humanoids floating next to her, who |
| accompany her through the orifice. Looking down, she could see the |
| roof of her house, then watched as the house became smaller, and then |
| the city of Rosario itself faded into the distance. As she continued |
| to ascend into the sky she fell asleep, but an intense cold wave woke |
| her up and she heard what sounded like a metallic hatch closing. |
| |
| She noticed she had a dark room through a hexagonal opening. As her |
| eyesight adjusted noticed that she was in an immense room with about |
| 20 floating cots, each with a human figure on them. To her right she |
| noticed her 45-year-old sister asleep on one of the cots. She also |
| recalled seeing a black skinned man lying about 4 cots away. In the |
| background she could hear a low steady snoring sound. She began to |
| hear what appeared to be low "voices" that spoke very quickly among |
| themselves. Almost at the same time three humanoids approached her. |
| They were about 1.60 meters tall, very thin, with elongated hairless |
| heads, two small holes for noses, and cat-like eyes that glowed a |
| bluish-gray color. Their hands had three large fingers connected by a |
| membrane and a separate finger or thumb. Their bodies were of a |
| beige-pale color and appeared very flexible, almost gelatinous. They |
| possessed small mouths and what appeared to be a small protuberance |
| on top of their heads. |
| |
| She sensed there were both females and males present but could not |
| see any sexual features. At this point she sensed desperation from |
| the beings as if their time was short because their species was |
| unable to reproduce. One of the beings seemed to measure her cranium |
| with a thin tube about 30 cm in length that emitted a beam of light |
| from the tip. As the tube or bar was passed over her head she felt a |
| slight sensation of warmth. She also sensed that the aliens had |
| chosen Earth for a reproduction staging area, acquiring the necessary |
| materials, which were human genetic materials from both genders. |
| |
| She could hear other thoughts or speech in her mind and felt that the |
| beings talked about her and about her knowledge. At this point |
| another one of the beings seemed to measure her face from ear to ear |
| at the same time telling her via telepathy that everything was going |
| to be fine. The witness felt that the aliens needed human bodies as |
| some kind of breeding "container" for their own survival purposes. |
| |
| She became terrified as the three humanoids approached her to touch |
| her. She asked them if they are spiritual beings and they answer yes, |
| but she felt it was only an attempt to manipulate her mind. One of |
| the humanoids attempted to touch her breasts but she pushed his arm |
| aside and noticed that it had a gummy texture with no apparent bone |
| structure. On her descent back to her home she remembered seeing |
| images of famous persons flash around her, including John F. Kennedy, |
| Adolph Hitler, and Judy Garland. She woke up in her bed with her |
| concerned husband attempting to calm her down. (Source: Albert S. |
| Rosales, 2001 Humanoid Contact Database, citing Horacio Roberto, |
| Nuevos Tiempos, Argentina). |
| |
| 2003 - Three young women returning from a bonfire in the Illinois |
| countryside and had just finished putting away equipment and chairs |
| into a shed. As they got back into their van, at around 3:30 a.m., |
| one of them saw a figure standing a short distance off the driveway |
| by a house. She pointed it out to the other two. Somewhat spooked, |
| they drove back toward town. They described the figure as man-like, |
| wearing light colored or white clothing. They headed over to the site |
| of the bonfire, the embers of which were still glowing. Suddenly, in |
| the glare of their van's headlights they all saw two separate rows of |
| creatures, with perhaps 15 standing in each row. They were about |
| three or four feet tall and were standing only 15 feet away from |
| them, directly in front of the van. One of the women wrote that they |
| had "Christmas light heads" that were connected to their body, but |
| she couldn't see how. Their arms were up in the air, but she couldn't |
| see any hands. They appeared to be stick-like, and dark gray or brown |
| in color. They did not move but stood perfectly still. The two girls |
| riding as passengers began to scream for the driver to leave the area |
| immediately. Terrified, they drove away and continued to drive around |
| for the next two hours before they had enough courage to return to |
| their homes. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database |
| 2003, citing Peter Davenport, NUFORC). |
| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 10 April 2005). |
| |
| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
| |
| Themes: a |
| bduction or vivid dream with aliens, disc-shaped UFOs, faceless human |
| oids, Grey humanoids, hairy humanoid, helmets, human-looking visitors |
| who unaccountably appear and vanish, maneuvering UFOs, mist or fog, |
| short humanoids with long arms, tripod landing gear, vertical ascent. |
| |
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