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synced 2025-03-27 00:58:12 -04:00
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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
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| April 13 |
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| 1897 - A telegraph operator between Girard, Illinois and Carlinville |
| got a message from Carlinville, Illinois that an airship was headed |
| his way. He went out and saw a 100 foot long object that landed near |
| the railroad track. It had what looked like a large "M" on its side, |
| and several occupants in the cupola. The craft rose vertically, and |
| then flew off quickly toward the north. (Source: Philip L. Rife, It |
| Didn't Start with Roswell, p. 13, citing Official UFO, July 1976, p. |
| 37). |
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| 1897 - At 11:15 p.m. two men, Chamberlain and Jones, saw a very large |
| figure walking around in a clearing looking for something near Lake |
| Elmo, Minnesota. Nearby was a grayish white cylindrical object with |
| two rows of lights, red and green. It took off with a rushing sound. |
| Fourteen giant footprints, two feet long by six inches wide, were |
| found at the site. (Sources: Philip L. Rife, It Didn't Start with |
| Roswell, p. 42, Dennis Stacy, Field Guide to UFOs, p. 84; David F. |
| Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case |
| A0017; St. Paul Pioneer-Press, April 15, 1897). |
| |
| 1952 - In Torpo, Norway at 10:35 p.m. a fireball came down in some |
| nearby woods. It lit up the area, hovered, maneuvered, then shot away |
| to the south at great speed. (Source: newspaper clipping, June 7, |
| 1952; Loren E. Gross, UFOs: A History. 1952: January-May, p. 38). |
| |
| 1952 - At 4:45 p.m. a disc-shaped object with an erratic flight path |
| moved very fast through the sky east of Moriarty, New Mexico. It |
| tilted and vanished, then reappeared. There were four military |
| witnesses. (Sources: NICAP Projects Grudge and Blue Book Report, p. |
| 109; Loren E. Gross, UFOs: A History. 1952: January-May, p. 41). |
| |
| 1967 - Two young boys saw a dark gray object overhead at sunset in |
| Sjaellands, Denmark. One ran home while the other hid in a ditch. The |
| UFO descended and put out three legs as if to land, but then retraced |
| them and moved out over the Kattegat. As it passed over the shore it |
| threw out some "boxes." Hovering low over the water, the object |
| lowered a box on an arm-thick cable, and eight small humanoid figures |
| emerged from the large object and descended on the cable. They were |
| the same size as the boy and all but one wore striped suits and had |
| scuba like packs on their backs. The eighth UFOnaut wore a blue |
| uniform and had no pack. They all had on striped caps and lights on |
| their shoulders, and carried objects that looked like binoculars or |
| cameras. They waved to the boy before the object disappeared. A lump |
| of strange material was later found on the shore. When it was |
| analyzed it was found to be an unprecedented mixture of substances. |
| (Sources: Flying Saucer Review, September-October 1967; David F. Webb |
| & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-35). |
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| 1998 - Minot, North Dakota. Thirty-nine-year old Antonio McCoy found |
| himself inside a round, whitish-blue room, lying down on some kind of |
| table. A figure wearing a bluish shiny suit approached him. The being |
| was carrying something resembling a "tine tuning fork" and was |
| attempting to place it over the witness torso. The witness attempted |
| to resist but some invisible force or paralysis kept him still. He |
| experienced severe headaches after the incident and reported seeing |
| strange black helicopters flying around his neighborhood. (Source: |
| Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1998, case #3831, citing |
| UFO Abduction Raw Data Page, UFO Watch). |
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| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 27 November 2004). |
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| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
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| Them |
| es: abduction, cylindrical UFOs, disc-shaped UFOs, giant humanoid, gr |
| ay UFOs, mystery black helicopters, physiological effects: headaches. |
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