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#1980, January
Brazil, Tres Coroas
At the beginning of 1980, the 30,000 residents of the city of Tres Coroas, south of Rio de Janeiro, experienced the strangest concentration of UFOs ever seen elsewhere. For 20 days, balls of fire followed cars, flames erupted unexpectedly anywhere without causing fires, and squadrons of strange-shaped flying objects flew over the city at varying speeds. A flaming object followed Joao Jose de Nascimento's car when he was returning home late at night. "I had the feeling that it was trying to capture me," he said. "I was very scared." When he got home, his son Vicente told him they had seen "a flying onion" in the sky, with green, orange, and blue lights. (...) Antonio das Gacas Santos, from the military police, hurried to see what was happening at the neighbor's house, whose garden was violently lit. "I clearly saw a creature, resembling a human being, with its arms outstretched. I could not see any physical details, but I heard a faint cry, like that of a puppy. My neighbor touched the creature and fell back, shocked. I was scared, but it was an unnatural fear, I still get goosebumps when I think about it." (Roger BOAR and Nigel BLUNDELLL: "The World's Greatest UFO Mysteries" ed. Hamlyn 1995, p. 135)
#1980, January 21
PORTUGAL, Matosinhos
The witness, an employee at the hospital in this city, observed a white light projected by a UFO towards the top of a tree. The crown of leaves seemed to be drawn towards this light. The UFO had the shape of the planet Saturn. (collaboration of Larry Fenwick, CUFORN, Joaquim Fernandes, CNIFO, Willy Smith, UNICAT Project; listing by Victor Lourenço)
#1980, February 6
PORTUGAL, Montargil
At 11 o'clock, the 55-year-old farmer Paveo, like every day, was with the sheep in the pasture when he heard a strange noise and his sheepdog was in a panic. Mr. Pavao then understood that something unusual was happening behind him. Turning back as quickly as possible, he was surprised to find two motionless entities, standing 2.4 meters tall, looking at him fixedly. They were completely dressed in gray, but their faces were uncovered and seemed close to human. Except for the eyes and skin color, which were different. They had huge hairy hands. The strange entities approached the witness, seeming friendly and touched his right shoulder and other parts of his body. They spoke a kind of language made of modulations resembling the human voice. At this moment the witness saw that they had teeth and that they moved their lips to speak. One of the entities pointed to the sheep and Mr. Pavao, thinking that he wanted to know the name of the animals, told them. The entities laughed and talked. (...) This event was the cause of nightmares for this witness. (collaboration of Larry Fenwick, CUFORN, Joaquim Fernandes, CNIFO, Willy Smith, UNICAT Project; listing of Victor Lourenço)
#1980, March 8th or 15th
BRAZIL, Casimiro de Abreu
Edilcio Barbosa, an ufology enthusiast, received a message informing him of the landing of extraterrestrials in Casimiro de Abreu. These visitors had promised to bring back four Terrans abducted years earlier: a Brazilian, an Argentine, a Canadian and a Dutchman. (...) The Brazilian would have been one of the crew members of a military helicopter that disappeared without a trace in August 1976. (...) The rendezvous of March 15th attracted more than ten thousand people... to whom the ETs stood up. (Jimmy GUIEU: "Our Masters the Extraterrestrials" - Presses de la Cité 1992, pp. 54 to 56) (Guy TARADE: "I Found the Trail of the Extraterrestrials". Ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1980, p.180, which dates this to March 8th.)
#1980, April
The series resumed in April 1980 with Cosmos 1176. No doubt the Soviet specialists completely revised the propulsion system of their nuclear-powered maritime surveillance satellites so that the transfer to a high orbit was assured. ("La Guerre des Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, Famot 1982, p. 115)
#1980, April
A third phase of satellite interception experiments began in April 1980 and appears to still be ongoing. In total, no less than 47 satellites have been used in this program, including radar calibration satellites launched in parallel. The Cosmos 1171 and 1241 targets, launched in April 1980 and January 1981, were thus approached at high altitude a few days later by the Cosmos 1174 and 1243 fighters. ("The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, pp. 149 and 154)
#1980, April 4
USA, near Redding
(cf. April 1st, 1978) Jane and Clint were examining the road that had been built through their property. They were turning around to head back west. "There was a small being on the road and its egg (oval-shaped UFO). It was less than 8 meters away from us. It took 4 steps in our direction, I put my hand on my gun, it turned around and went back the other way. It was wearing a grey outfit. It left no trace, nor did the egg. Clint couldn't move either. The being vanished and the egg rose into the air and turned west. We observed its back, it opened like the door of a horse trailer. It was about 1 meter 20 tall and it was frail (...) (note: Clint died of a heart attack on June 10th, 1980) (Jacques VALLEE: "Confrontations" - Laffont 1991, p. 246, 247)
#1980, April 9
FRANCE, Kembs (Haut Rhin)
Around midnight, Patricia Dzimba was followed by a luminous object as she was driving home. Panicked, the young woman rushed to the nearest dwelling where Mr. and Mrs. Ludwizak, who welcomed her, saw the object approach even closer. "It was a diamond, silent and motionless, as big as an airplane, with two white blinking lights". After a long time, the object deigned to move away and disappear towards the south. (Jean-Marie DOUCHET - Nostra - 21.1.1982) (note from vog, read the story in full in: (Robert ROUSSEL: "Ovni, the hidden truths of the official inquiry", ed. Albin Michel 1994, p 107 to 112)
#1980, April 9
A woman named Ye saw this object. She saw it appear at 3:25 in the morning (...) to the southeast of the Dapu district. (...) She was sleeping alone with her daughter (...) and had left some of the windows of her apartment open. In the middle of the night, the wind picked up and she wanted to close the windows. At that moment she saw the object, as big as a large bowl, suspended in the sky. The object looked like two plates overturned on top of each other. It was spinning while staying in place. "There were a lot of clouds, but one could still clearly distinguish the spinning of the object. It was emitting a very intense yellow light. On the edge of the object there was a black zone and a white one (...) Twenty minutes later, the yellow object crossed the clouds and disappeared into the distance, but through the clouds one could still make out its yellow light. (SHI BO: "China and the Extraterrestrials", ed. Mercure de France 1983, p 143, 144)
#1980, April 18
Above the USSR, the satellite Cosmos 1174 passed 8 km from Cosmos 1171, launched two weeks earlier. This near collision at a thousand km altitude was not the result of a mistake, but a deliberate act. Cosmos 1174 was a hunter and Cosmos 1171 was its target. However, a small error did not allow for full success, as the encounter was supposed to take place not 8 km away, but a few hundred meters. In any case, this was the seventeenth experiment of its kind credited to the Soviet Union since 1968. ("La Guerre des Satellites" - tome 3 - Pierre Kohler, éd. Famot 1982, p. 141)
#1980, May 5 or 7
USA, Redding (Northern California)
The observation had taken place from 9:05 PM, the time of the karate class ending, to 10:10 PM, the time they arrived at their friends' place. A woman driving in a street of Redding, accompanied by her two daughters (15 and 14 years old) and another girl of 13 years old, had been frightened by a sudden puff of smoke or fog that enveloped her van. All the noises seemed to have stopped around the 4 women while they "floated" inside this cloud. Worried, they went to their friends' place as soon as they left the cloud. They discovered they had "lost" 30 minutes, time during which they could not account for their activities. During the following hours they suffered from various physiological reactions and the next day marks, resembling strange bites, appeared on the skin of two of the girls. They had dreamt of men pointing various kinds of weapons towards their heads. The witnesses reported the case to the police who advised them to address a private organization for UFO research. (note from vog: the author links the observation and the troubles to causes such as an exacerbated religiosity and a form of hysteria, though..) (Jacques VALLEE: "Confrontations" - Laffont 1991, p. 102 to 113)
#1980, May 13
Belgium, Eben-Emael
Near the intersection of the borders with the Netherlands and Germany, close to the Albert Canal, the mushroom farm was located almost in a strategic military place and the galleries established in the caves of the rocks. Around 10 o'clock the owner of the place was coming out in the courtyard of the farm (about 20 m x 15 m), face to face with a circular object of a diameter of about 5.20m, hovering 50 cm from the ground. From the dome of the craft an staircase unfolded to the ground and a man came out from above, descended the staircase and remained motionless at the foot of the craft. Two other men did the same and the trio headed towards the witness. They had an absolutely human appearance, pale face, slightly slanted eyes and a stature of about 1.60m. They wore green suits. One of the characters said (or exclaimed) "What are we doing here?". The brave witness explained as if it was a question asked, that he cultivated mushrooms and asked if they wanted some. They wanted some. Flanked by the three visitors, the witness went to the cellar and took a crate of mushrooms that he wanted to offer them. But the leader of the trio only wanted one mushroom from the pile. As soon as the mushroom was placed in his hand he turned around and the three individuals rejoined their machine, climbed the staircase, and the machine took off very quickly in the direction of the Netherlands. Finally the gendarmerie of Bassenge was notified and the witness interrogated. In the afternoon he received a visit from two military men in navy blue uniforms, who made him understand "it's better that he had seen nothing". These military men spoke French with a Liège accent. (investigation and counter-investigation by J.L. Vertongen, Frank Boitte and others) (note from vog: The secret NATO base Cannerberg, the 2nd ATAF Joint Operation Center, is located in the municipality of Maastricht, on the Belgian border. It is an underground base, buried under a mountain that counts 85 km of galleries and which hosted between 1960 and 1992 more than 4000 military personnel from several countries. What is done in this base? It's top secret, but as it was said in the Dutch press in 1995 "the military worked there in the field of communications" - excerpt from the article "Contaminated Soldiers, Cannerberg. There was asbestos in this secret NATO base installed two steps away from Eben Emael..." by Jean Michel Crespin)
#1980, May 16
CHINA, Beijing
…very late at night (…) I went out into the courtyard to breathe the fresh air. Suddenly I noticed that the landscape became very clear all of a sudden. (…) I immediately saw an orange-red object floating above the roof of the house across from me. I felt scared by this unexpected foreign object. At first glance, this object seemed oval, resembling a heated electric iron. This red iron suspended in the sky of Beijing began to zigzag from southwest to northwest. It flew slowly, its big nose slightly raised and there was no trail behind it. We did not know at what altitude it was, it made no noise. (…) it was composed of several luminous bands of hemispherical shapes. Initially oval in appearance, it gradually revealed itself as a cone whose sharp outline was enveloped by a layer of yellowish mist. (…) it was as big as two full moons, but much less luminous. (…) between the dome and the main body, there was a belt of white light. In the blink of an eye it passed the agglomeration and the roof of the houses in front of me prevented me from continuing the observation. I saw it for three minutes, the clock marked 1:14 am on May 16. (SHI BO: "China and the Extraterrestrials", ed. Mercure de France 1983, p 144, 145)
#1980, June 14
USSR, Moscow
From 23:50 to 00:30 (or 00:30 on June 15) a half-moon of red-orange color followed by a luminous trail appeared above Kalinin to the north of Moscow, flew over Klin, Moscow where it stayed for 5 minutes, Ryazan 180 km to the south, then Gorki to the east where it also stopped for 5 minutes before finally disappearing in the direction of Kazan. During its passage, cows mooed, dogs barked and the population was panicked. Migs took off to try, in vain, to contact it. Thousands of Russians watched for 40 minutes this huge vessel which was visible on a trajectory of 800 km traveled at a speed estimated at 1500 km/h. According to the calculations of astronomer Felix Zigel, the diameter of the central part of the craft was 120 meters and its average altitude 90 km. It often changed speed and altitude and from time to time expelled smaller objects which spread in the sky. Two of these small objects were seen in Moscow. Lieutenant Colonel Karyakin noticed a saucer of about 4 m in diameter which stayed suspended for 2 minutes buzzing at 30 m above his house, then directed 3 jets of blue-green light towards the ground and flew away in a few seconds. Another witness saw in the craft a small figure in a space suit. In Certanovo, a southern suburb of Moscow, a television director named Koeshov distinguished a dark and buzzing mass placed in the street, with a small man walking around it. A few moments later a blinding light passed in front of his window and his wife felt a burning sensation on her arms on which red patches appeared and then disappeared. (Jean-Francis CROLARD: "The Enigma of the ETs" - ed. Guy TREDANIEL 1995, p. 67, 68) (note from vog: the underlined part of the text is not found in any other author....)
#June 1980
Carpenter Juan Gomez claimed to have traveled aboard a UFO after receiving a visit 12 days earlier from 4 extraterrestrials dressed in yellow and equipped with diving suits. These four creatures announced by a blinding light were about 50 cm tall and emitted unintelligible sounds. Juan Gomez explained that an intense light had "absorbed" him while he was walking in the outskirts of Rosario. He regained consciousness 15 hours later in a distant locality of that city. A black spot was printed on the index of his right hand, as if he had undergone a blood test. During this period several inhabitants of Rosario said they had observed several UFOs. (Jean-Marie DOUCHET - Nostra - 28.1.1982)
#1980, July
SOUTH AFRICA, Johannesburg
Around 3am James Forber woke up with an intense thirst. To his dismay he was unable to get out of bed. He noticed a kind of blue mist forming in the room, then a center of blue light imploding without sound. Out of this light came a being, about 2.30m tall with blue and silver eyes - it was the face of the man seen at the window of the saucer 6 months ago. He was wearing a one-piece white garment with a golden insignia: a triangle with a 7-branched star.
The apparition said: "Kodois, Kodois, Adonai Tsabyote." and introduced himself as Karné. He came from the planet Aenstria (note from Vog: cf. Professor Hernandez in Mexico) James Forber then learned - what he had forgotten - that as a child he had taken a ride in a saucer with this entity. Today Karné had come to remind him that he had a mission to accomplish. Forber informed his friend Henry de Greef and two nights later, the entity appeared as before around 2:30am, but in the presence of the two young men, who were in their pajamas. It was in this attire that they accompanied Karné to the saucer where they were introduced to the female commander, Meyae. (...) The origin, the archetype of all men is Adam Kadmon. They are told about Andromeda, etc.... They are told about the good and the bad and the Van Allen belt. In 1981 the two young men will create the NUFORIC group and get close to another contactee, Elisabeth Klarer. (Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse", Berlin, January 1998)
#July 28, 1980
USSR, Polushino (Mozaisk-Moscow)
The most incredible case of contact with extraterrestrials is alleged by V.P.D. He says that the visitors put some kind of ring around his head, connected to a board with wires. The entities spoke to him and told him he would forget everything about the encounter. This was indeed the case. However, memories returned to him in bits and pieces during a period of great stress. He remembered a map, seen beyond the control board in the spaceship, which he drew and on which he saw 9 stars arranged in a horseshoe shape. This led investigators to assume that it was the constellation of Vela. (Priroda I Chevolek - SPUTNIK, Oct. 1989)
#1980, August 16
Australia, near Melbourne
(Source: personal testimony of Frank Scott, dated 07 Jul 92 23:44:00)
"Twelve years ago I was in the military in Australia, I was a signal officer. That's where I "believe" I had a close encounter as well as other officers with two small creatures. (...) It had happened like this: on August 16 at 2 pm, there was a round-looking "vessel" in diathermic interference on SHF frequencies. Suddenly there was a great commotion and we (six of us) had to go in a jeep towards the area of the visual appearance. The thing was 170 meters long, 50 to 60 meters wide and cylindrical in shape. An intense light beam was coming down from the cylinder to the ground and it emitted a buzzing sound that seemed to vibrate the air. As we got closer we noticed there was a small humanoid in the light beam. There didn't seem to be any craft that had brought the humanoid to the ground: it was there, alone. We looked at each other in the jeep, we were all armed and considering we were in a defensive position, the order was to arm and be ready to shoot. However, we couldn't do it: the pieces of our weapons seemed welded together. Then suddenly there was a terrible noise, "like a white noise" and... I woke up in the infirmary. This whole affair is quite disturbing to me, because I can't figure out what happened. I would like to meet people who have experienced similar situations during their service in Melbourne. Frank Scott.
#1980, August 21
USA, East Texas
The young woman is visiting her parents with her 18-month-old daughter. The baby is suffering from an ear infection and a skin rash. As her condition worsens, the mother decides at midnight to go home and drives the 100 km on deserted roads. Halfway there the car radio malfunctions and the headlights dim. The driver then has the impression of taking off. She sees the tops of the pines agitated as if by a strong wind at the level of her gaze, and just above her a disk surrounded by a double row of lights. The car is sucked into the flying object and ends up in a brightly lit room. She hears a voice ordering her to get out of the vehicle. Small humanoids with big heads then operate various samples on her body. She will have the impression of having stayed on board for several days. She regains consciousness in her car parked near her home, where she immediately returns carrying the little girl in her arms. She staggers, suffers from nausea and a violent headache. At 5 o'clock in the morning she remembers the essentials of her experience. The next day the baby is completely healed. The mother will lose 7 kilos in the following days, discovers a long scar on her leg and on her back a mark in the shape of a H. (Bertrand MEHEUST: "In Flying Saucers - Imago 1992, p. 36, 37) (Jan Aldrich 10/97; Richard Hall, MUFON Journal 192, p14, originally 167-3) As for Meagan Elliott, captured on August 21, 1980 with her eighteen-month-old daughter (and the car they were in!) in East Texas, not only did she notice that the atmosphere of the craft was cold, but that a kind of smoke or fog was rolling at the level of the floor. Her abductors claimed to come from the same planet as her. (Jean SIDER: "Ovni, the unmasked invaders" - ed. Ramuel 1999, p. 147)
#1980, August 22
USA, Washington
(cf: 1980, no date) Press Conference at the Pentagon in Washington DC.
Harold Brown (Secretary of Defense), William Perry (Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering) and Lt. Gen. Kelly Burke (Air Force's Deputy Chief of Staff for Research and Development) reported to the press members about a military program designed to produce a high-tech, pilot or non-pilot aircraft. The exchange of questions and answers was mainly focused on the funding of such a project. No details about the construction of the XST=F-117A were given. (see 18.6.81) (Gesag, Bulletin No. 96 September 97, p. 3)
#1980, August
USA, unspecified location
(cf: 1961 September 19, 1978 January: Betty Hill) Betty Hill saw a UFO land beside the road. Three silhouettes emerged from it. "I turned around to look at it more closely, my arm hit the horn, she said. At the sound of the horn, the entities disappeared." (Roger BOAR and Nigel BLUNDELL: "The World's Greatest UFO Mysteries" ed. Hamlyn 1995, p61)
#1980, September 6
CHINA, Jiangsu Province.
It was in the night, around 11 pm, on September 6, 1980, while we were doing night military exercises in the countryside near our barracks. Suddenly, a fighter on the ground noticed that a shining flying object was hovering in our direction. At his cries, we all looked up and saw a round object like a crepe, glowing, slowly flying in the air. Big as a plate, it shone, all red, and was followed by a bright tail of one meter.
A red and round thing with a luminous trail on the blue background of the sky, what a magnificent sight! This trail changed color continuously (...) the object was at 200 meters altitude and its speed was approximately the same as that of an airliner. Two minutes later, the object suddenly accelerated its speed, shone much brighter than at the beginning and its trail became dazzling. It disappeared in a blink of an eye, mysteriously. (SHI BO: "China and the Extraterrestrials" ed. Mercure de France, 1983, p. 62)
#1980, September 30
Australia, near Rosedale (Victoria)
A farm boy, on night watch with the herd, saw a saucer-shaped UFO flying above the paddock. It had no wings or tail, but was adorned with orange and blue lights. It measured about 5 m in diameter. The object hovered above the water tank before landing in the paddock. The worker went there on a moped and as he got closer he heard a whistling sound while the air became icy, forcing him to stop. He remained about 15 m away from the object, which flew off with a shrill noise, sending him a gust of hot air. In the morning the landing area was clearly marked and the water tank was depleted of about 10,000 gallons (45,000 liters). (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 311) (Source: Australian Post: August 5, 1989, Melbourne; Denise Dalgliesh) George Blackwell, 48 at the time, (...) I looked out the window to see what it was and I thought an airplane in distress was going to crash in the paddock. I jumped into my clothes and went out. It was a moonlit night and I clearly saw the craft. That's when I realized it had no wings. It was topped with a dome and was about 3.5 m high and 8.5 m long and had blue and orange lights. It was barely flying 2 meters above the ground over the paddock and descended even lower to the water tank, hovering there for a while before landing. I wondered what was going on and if it was a new way of stealing cattle. I took the moped and went to see it, right close. As I opened the paddock gate I got a terrible electric shock. I couldn't move, just stand there and look at the thing. It was bell-shaped with a small dome on top. I didn't see any door, any rivets, any screws, just lit portholes. (...) For months the cattle refused to enter that paddock. (Source: Australian Post: August 5, 1989, Melbourne; Denise Dalgliesh)
#1980, October 23
USA, Clifton (Arizona)
An object as big as a football field, perceived as a triangle-shaped cord of light, stopped, moved, stopped again above a sports field where the young people were rehearsing in the evening. 110 members of the orchestra and 30 to 40 parents were witnesses. The thing disappeared when the rehearsal ended. Shortly before that, five workers from a copper foundry 1.6 km west of the school had seen it: with twelve red lights and a large headlight at the front. The object hovered at one point above a 180 m high exhaust chimney and seemed to direct its headlight inside. It moved away, shot south, stopped abruptly, turned around and came back hovering above the foundry and above a large open-pit mine. (Bob PRATT - USA)
#1980, October
Mexico, Toluca region
Anton Rinheiro, accompanied by his wife and another person, was driving in a desert region about thirty kilometers from Toluca. Suddenly the engine of the vehicle stopped for no apparent reason. A streak of bluish light flashed through the air about 50 meters from the car. The three occupants saw an object of conical shape resting on the ground on four feet. "Things" of conical shape too, provided with some kind of shiny tentacles, came out of it. They were busy for about twenty minutes in front of the amazed eyes of the witnesses who saw them gather stones and vegetation. After that, these "things" re-entered the device which left as it had come. (Jean-Marie DOUCHET - Nostra - 28.1.1982)
#1980, November 11
Spain - in flight
Harassment of seven commercial airplanes by a bright green UFO.
The story took place over a large area stretching from a point in the Ebro Delta to another point in the sea near Gerona. The Iberia flight 350 from Barcelona to Athens spotted a UFO about 100 km east of Barcelona. The taxi plane registered as FBXAK had contact with it 200 km east-northeast of Barcelona. The Transeuropa plane from Palma de Mallorca to Bordeaux saw it about 100 km south of Reus from Barcelona. In all three cases, the UFO (or UFOs) were over the sea. The Iberia flight 810 from Barcelona to Asturias was 170 km west of Barcelona when it had contact, and an English plane from OM was 140 km west of Barcelona. At the same time, a UFO was seen from the Barcelona control tower near one of the runways, doing low passes, then rising and disappearing at a dizzying speed. These incidents, which forced the pilot of the Barcelona-Asturias line to make a 400-foot dive to avoid a collision, took place from 7 pm. (...) They were greenish balls moving at a very high speed. In some cases, the green balls transformed into five smaller objects, passing from the tail to the nose of the plane, where they seemed to "explode". (Inforespace No. 78 p. 26 and No. 89 p. 26, 27)
#1980, November 12
FRANCE, Marseille
A kind of ball, with an intense luminosity tending towards emerald green and leaving a colored trail, flew over the agglomeration from north to south before disappearing on the horizon at a very high speed. At the regional air traffic control center, it was indicated that this light had also been reported by airline pilots above Marseille, Nice, Carcassonne and Bordeaux. (Jean-Marie DOUCHET - Nostra - 21.1.1982)
#1980, November 18
USA, Trenton (Missouri)
Throughout the evening, hundreds of people saw a large triangular object moving slowly, coming and going multiple times over an area of 16 km wide for a period of 4 or 5 hours. It was observed visually and by radar. (Bob PRATT - USA) Among the hundreds of people, there were three police officers observing a bubble-shaped object crossing through the clouds for four hours. The object reversed in the sky. The object was huge, as some witnesses compared it to a football field, while another said that the B52 bomber would have been a Piper Cub compared to the object. This witness, Don Leslie, thought the object looked more like a large cigar, traveling high in the sky from east to west. When it passed overhead, a faint humming was perceptible. Just before disappearing, it ejected six other objects in the shape of fins, which each went their own way. Randy Hayes also saw the fall of the "satellites". "They were round and shone with a blue light. The big object was so big that part of the stars was no longer visible". Rick Hull took a photo and got a triangle made of lights on the shot, together forming a kind of boomerang. Buddy Hannaford and his wife observed it with binoculars and Karla (the wife) said that the object was delta or triangular shaped, with two white lights and a red bulb at the base. It passed over their house. The Federal Aviation radar in Kirksville detected the object passing through the area 4 or 5 times, at a speed of about 45 mph. (Roger BOAR and Nigel BLUNDELLL: "The World's Greatest Ufo Mysteries" ed. Hamlyn 1995, p. 125)
#1980, Late Autumn
CHINA, Tangxian (Hebei)
"Pékin Soir" According to an unknown source, soldiers from a unit (...) of Tangxian, saw a luminous object like the moon. The flying object spewed out fog in all directions. It stayed suspended in the air for a few seconds, then, while emitting a dense vapor, it rose up again to remain motionless in the air for a certain time before rising again while ejecting vapor and so on until its definitive disappearance. Believing it to be something hostile, the commander ordered his men to pursue the strange object. The motorcyclists traveled about ten kilometers, and as the mountain paths were very difficult, they had to abandon their pursuit... (SHI BO: "China and the Extraterrestrials" ed. Mercure de France, 1983, p.60)
#1980, December
(cf: 1976, Huntsville) In December 1980, tests began using a new chemical laser (hydrogen-fluoride) developing a power of 1 MW and small enough to be installed on board a modified Boeing KC-135 refueler plane. Initially, it seems that air-air missiles were able to be shot down in flight at a few hundred meters distance. ("La Guerre des Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 206)
#1980, December 14
CHINA, Beijing
At 5:35 in the afternoon, Fu Lingsong, Yu Lian, Qiu Jianhua and I were walking... (...) We suddenly saw a white flying object rise above the crest of the hill. The object looked like a cone, the lower part was larger than the upper part. As it rose, its dome became clearer and clearer. It was round, surrounded by a bluish halo, but the cone was still silver. It stayed in our field of vision for 30 seconds and then disappeared. Then the cone reappeared thirty seconds later. It was bigger than a fist, it went up and down, up and down zigzagging in the sky, this lasted three or four minutes, and then it suddenly disappeared forever. (Jing Xingxing) (Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 154)
#1980, December 14
CHINA, Beijing
In the afternoon we were taking pictures in the garden of Yuanmingyuan. Suddenly we saw in the sky a red-yellow cloud with a shining nucleus which was barely bigger than a fist. This cloud was slowly heading north. After a while, the shining nucleus shot up a beam of red light, while advancing and descending (from time to time the shining nucleus shot up and down two beams of red lights). Then this shining point flew towards the northwest until it disappeared. We looked at our watches which marked respectively 5:33, 5:34 and 5:36. (Li Jianrong, Zhang Jianguo, Sun Lin) (Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 155)
#1980, December 14
CHINA, Beijing
(Dong Hongbiao) Wang Yancheng and I saw a UFO on December 14, 1980 at 5:32 pm. (...) ...Around 5:35 pm, my brother and I were fishing at the edge of a reservoir of the Shijingshan steel mill. It was relatively clear then, there were no stars yet. My brother suddenly saw an object the size of a fist heading towards us. (...) I looked up and saw to the north an object shining above the mountain. As bright as a locomotive's headlight, this white-violet object was in the shape of a sphere. (...) Shortly after, this UFO took a vertical position and started to emit white steam from its base, but we didn't hear any noise. In two or three seconds it rose to more than 3000 meters, becoming as small as a nut. It stayed there motionless for three minutes. Then it started to move towards the north, horizontally, 5 km away, it descended vertically and disappeared behind the mountain to the west. (Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, p.156)
#1980, December 27
GREAT BRITAIN, Woodbridge (Suffolk)
At around 3:00am, two USAF security police on patrol saw an unusual light at the back exit of RAF Woodbridge. They were given permission to go and investigate, as they believed it to be a plane crash. Three men were sent on foot. They reported seeing a luminous object, of metallic appearance and triangular shape, 2/3 of a mile from the base, and 2m in altitude. The object was illuminating the entire forest with a white light. The object itself had a pulsing red light at its top and one or more blue bands of light on the underside. The object hovered in a stationary position, or stood on legs. As the patrol approached, the object maneuvered between the trees and disappeared. Meanwhile, the animals at the nearby farm were in a "frenzy". The object was briefly seen again an hour later, again near the back exit of the camp. The next day, three depressions 1 1/2" deep and 7" in diameter were found at the spot where the object was seen. The next day (December 29, 1980) the area was scanned for radiation. Beta/Gamma readings of around 0.1 milliroentgens were recorded, with a maximum in the three depressions and at the center of them. A nearby tree showed a moderate reading (.05-.07) on the side facing the depressions. (FOIA document)
#1980, December 27-28
GREAT BRITAIN, Rendlesham (Suffolk)
(Source: Did the Americans drop a satellite on Suffolk? Rendlesham Forest, 27/28 December 1980) During the night of 27th to 28th December, more than 50 people, both civilians and military, make their comments after the observation of a UFO. This ranges from an extraterrestrial vessel, to the dropping of hard drugs, to secret military experiments. But I propose the facts: Big Bird 16, a USAF low altitude spy satellite, is launched from Vandenberg base in California on June 18th, 1980 and is placed in a very wide polar orbit. This satellite carries six capsules, to be recovered. The 67th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron (ARRS), based in Woodbridge, is one of the units designated to collect the capsules when they enter the atmosphere. The satellite flies over the Arctic at 27,000 km/h, and north of Norway, in the night of 27/28 December 1980 and drops one of its capsules. While the mother satellite continues to orbit, the capsule enters the atmosphere above the North Sea, heading SSW. Some Lockheed HC-130 Hercules planes and a group of HH-53C helicopters from the 67th ARRS wait above the Dogger Bank, the planes at altitude, the helicopters near the water. But the parachutes of the capsule do not open. The capsule continues to descend without being braked, on its initial trajectory, flying too high and too fast for the planes that await it. This trajectory of the capsule leads it directly to the RAF base at Woodbridge. As soon as the alert was given about the failing parachutes, the capsule is seen on fire above Lowestoft, and the crash takes place in the woods of Rendlesham. The whole base participates in the search. (...) (Richard Kidd and Michael Akeroyd, August 1996)
#1980, November 28
ENGLAND, Todmorden (Yorkshire)
Police officer Alan Godfrey, driving on Ferney Lee Road, was blocked by an ovoid object 10 m in size, floating a few meters above the road. This witness experienced a jump in time (jumping time) of a few minutes, so that when he was able to gather his thoughts, the object had disappeared. Colleagues from the same police service who arrived at the observation site shortly after the incident noticed that at the place where Godfrey claimed to have seen the object, the road which had been soaked by heavy rain was perfectly dry. Submitted to a hypnosis session a few weeks later, the witness reported an incredible story. (...) was blocked by an ovoid object floating a few centimeters above the road. (...) Godfrey was submitted a few weeks later to a hypnotic regression, during which he remembered being on board the object, undergoing various examinations. His testimony also includes the description of small gray entities, busy examining him, under the control of large Nordic-type humanoids, very similar to humans. (Jean Thomas: "Synthèse Ovni", Ed. Louise Couteau, Canada 1999, p. 27 and 221, 222)
#1980, December 29
USA, Huffman, between Caney and Dayton (Texas)
Case: "Cash-Landrum". Two middle-aged women and one of their grandson were driving back to Dayton on a deserted secondary road at 7 pm. In front of them they saw a bright red object that suddenly started to descend and hovered in front of them: an enormous diamond-shaped object standing on its point and so bright they could barely look at it. They stopped and looked. Periodically the object would spit out flames that came towards the road; it would then lift up and travel a short distance. All three of them got out of the car but the grandson was so scared that the grandmother took him and locked themselves in the vehicle. The driver stayed outside for a short while and eventually got back in the car. After a quarter of an hour, the object which had been quite loud, also emitting a continuous "beep-beep", rose above the pine trees, turned on its side and slowly glided south. As it moved away it was surrounded by more than 20 military helicopters identified by the women as CH-47 Chinook. On their way back, all three of them had nausea, severe headaches, diarrhea, skin rashes, stomach ache and intense thirst. The driver had to be hospitalized, her face was swollen and covered in blisters and she stayed in the clinic for a month. Since then all three of them have become highly sensitive to heat, the women lost a lot of their hair, which grew back in 6 months. However, military authorities deny the presence of helicopters in the area that night. (Bob PRATT - USA) Bette Cash, Vicky Landrum and her grandson notice a bright light in the distance while in the car, then see in front of them a vertical diamond, extremely bright, hovering over the road. Helicopters apparently escort the object. A beep-beep is heard, and the temperature rises sharply. The witnesses subsequently suffer from various symptoms, possibly due to exposure to ultraviolet or ionizing rays. Secret craft? (Science et Vie, special edition 1997: 50 years of UFO, Atlas of Unsolved Cases, p. 60 to 63) • HUFFMAN, TEXAS (USA) on 12/29/80 Betty CASH (52 years old), Vicky LANDRUM and her son Colby LANDRUM (7 years old): swollen neck, ears and eyelids; blisters on the face; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; significant hair loss; 15 days of hospitalization (source UG, page 312).
#1980, December 29
USA, Woodbridge
On December 27, 1980, a similar event occurred. This time there were more witnesses, including Lieutenant Colonel Charles Halt of the USAF. As they entered the woods, their equipment malfunctioned. A kind of pulsating light was heading towards them. It seemed to be dripping large drops like molten metal. This light suddenly exploded into several pieces. Three fragments remained suspended in the air for two to three hours. The local population also saw them. (© 1997 Jeroen Slurf and Jeroen Kümeling. Ufo Nieuwsbrief jaargang 1 nr 1)
#1980-1981, Winter
Great Britain, Hull
In the early morning hours, Mrs. A. woke up: flashing lights illuminated the window. She thought it was a helicopter, but the lights did not move. So she thought the helicopter was on fire, got up and went to the window. She was shocked by what she saw and went to wake up her 15-year-old son Billy. About 50 meters away there was an orange-red, triangular-shaped object "on its side" above the grassy area of the park behind their house, about 25 to 30 meters from the ground. The entire object was glowing and incandescent like coal in a stove. The object pulsed, becoming smaller and more orange, then larger and redder, with black spots appearing on the red glow. When they opened the window they saw it better, a series of portholes ran along the length of the object, and a strong yellow light was coming out of it. They could see inside the object, it was yellow and apparently empty. At first stationary, it began to move away slowly at about 20 km/h. On the back there were two panels that were so bright it looked like a furnace; The object went towards the buildings on the other side of the park, it was at 2/3 of their height and there it stopped, slowly turning on its axis and moving to the right to go around the buildings. Behind these buildings was a 125 meter high factory chimney. The object was heading towards the chimney, changing course without jerks. The object was observed until it was out of sight, for 10 to 15 minutes. (Ufo Reality, issue 4, p. 52 - 1996)
USA, Louisiana, at sea
In 1980, a red glowing ball, the size of a house, descended from the sky to the level of the water in the coastal bay, then slowly circled above a dredger and brushed past fishing boats before suddenly shooting off into the distance. During the UFO's passage, the onboard radios were dead, and upon the UFO's sudden departure, there was a sudden explosion of noise. Full report established by the coast guard. (Mufon, Mufonet BBS 11.3.1993, taken from the Internet)
#1981, January 8
FRANCE, Trans en Provence
At around 5 pm, Renato Nicolaï, who was working in his garden, saw
an object that was round, about 2.50m in diameter and 1.70m in height, slightly curved and lead-colored. At its base there were 4 portholes.
The craft was hovering 50 cm above the ground, motionless. After a minute, the witness approached and the object flew away vertically, very quickly, without making any noise or raising any dust. On the ground there was a circular trace 2.40m in diameter and 4 cm deep. On June 17, 1983, GEPAN, which works under the aegis of the National Center for Space Studies, published Report No. 16, bringing together the examinations of 5 laboratories and concluding "that a major event occurred in this place." A line of fracture in the ground may have been due to the combined action of strong mechanical pressure linked to a heating estimated at 600 degrees, dried vegetation without any trace of carbonization, inexplicable chlorophyll mutations of wild clover plants taken from the site, with very significant alterations of their different pigments... which could have been caused by an electromagnetic phenomenon.<br/><br/>
(Jean-Francis CROLARD: "L'énigme des E.T." - éd. Guy Trédaniel 1995, p. 70, 71) Attracted by a whistling sound, Renato Nicolaï saw a disc-shaped object 2.50m in diameter land a few tens of meters away from him. He noted few details, and already the UFO was taking off and moving away at great speed. A circular, striated trace marked the landing site. Samples were taken. Wild clover had undergone biochemical disturbances, perhaps due to the action of microwaves. (Science et Vie, special edition 1997: 50 years of UFO, Atlas of Unsolved Cases, p. 60 to 63) and see also: (Robert ROUSSEL: "Ovni, les vérités cachées de l'enquête officielle", éd. Albin Michel 1994, p 154 and following) The story is told by calling the witness Renato Colini, in: ("NIGHT SIEGE, The Hudson Valley Sightings" by J.Allen Hynek, Philip J. Imbrogno, Bob Pratt, 2nd ed. 1995, ed. Llewellyn, St Paul USA, p. 66 to 68)
#1981, January 23
CHINA, Fengcheng (Haiyang)
7:08 PM. It had snowed that day. After dinner I went outside to shovel the snow in front of my house. As soon as I stepped outside I saw a huge round object, emitting red lights, above the roof of the house across from mine. This object had a diameter of 5 to 6 m, its upper part was conical and its lower part flat. It did not move and stayed 80 cm away from the roof. Its center emitted dark red lights. It had a yellow halo. (...) the luminous object slowly faded from the outside to the inside until its complete disappearance. My observation lasted a total of two minutes. (SHI BO: "China and the Extraterrestrials" ed. Mercure de France, 1983, p. 63)
#1981, January 26
FRANCE, Toulouse region
A motorist was flown over very closely by a cylindrical object of a few meters long, which disappeared after making a turn. The vehicle broke down and a mechanic had to intervene. Case not solved by Gepan, which makes the connection with a cruise missile. (Science et Vie, Special Edition 1997: 50 Years of UFO, Atlas of Unexplained Cases, pp. 60-63)
#1981, January
USA, Morenci (Arizona)
The workers of the copper foundry repair team in Morenci say that a massive UFO appeared above the two 220-meter-high chimneys and seemed to want to examine the inside of one of them by projecting a powerful beam of light. The 4 men of the team, busy repairing the other chimney, say that the UFO had the shape of a boomerang and was as big as four football fields. On its visible surface there were 12 small red lights and a huge white searchlight in the center. "It seemed to stop halfway up, above the chimney, and projected its light inside," said worker Randell Rogers, 20. His colleague, Larry Mortenson, added: "I've never seen an airplane hover like that. I had the feeling that it was not aggressive. Finally, it did nothing to scare us, although it did nothing friendly either." A third man on the team, Kent Davin, said that when the projector was examining the inside of the chimney, one of the small red lights detached itself from the boomerang at an incredible speed, but returned after a few moments. Without warning, the UFO then turned and shot off into the sky like a rocket. This UFO was also seen by a hundred members of a musical support club with animation, who were doing a practical exercise outdoors on the local football field, a mile from the foundry. "I saw all these lights in the shape of a V in the sky," said director Bruce Smith, and there was not the slightest sound. It hovered for a few minutes, then disappeared high into the sky. (Roger BOAR and Nigel BLUNDEL: "The World's Greatest UFO Mysteries" ed. Hamlyn 1995, p. 16)
#1981, January
Brazil, Camaracu Island
Farmer Domingos Monteiro Brito reported that he encountered two strange beings when a gray saucer landed on his land at dawn. The beings looked like humans and asked him a lot of questions in his own language: how many people lived in the village, were there any uninhabited areas in the region, but he was too scared and does not remember if he answered. The craft left, but the beings told him they would come back. (Note from vog: this looks a lot like a helicopter prospecting by the Moon sect, which eventually settled in the country in different regions, from the 1980s...) (Roger BOAR and Nigel BLUNDELLL: "The World's Greatest Ufo Mysteries" ed. Hamlyn 1995, p. 135)
#1981, February 6
USA, Rock State Park (Maryland)
A large, massive creature 7 to 8 feet tall was seen behind a restaurant. It was rummaging through the garbage, which included very smelly catfish waste. The creature was observed at 2:30 in the morning by Michael Green on his way to work, who stopped and stayed in observation for about ten minutes. Eventually the creature left slowly. He did not see it eating or taking away any of the garbage. (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 32)
#1981, February 28
USA, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California
A Titan III B rocket launches a secret reconnaissance satellite from Vandenberg Air Force Base. (...) Photo interpretation of the images obtained by satellites is carried out by the NPIC (National Photo Interpretation Center), an organization attached to the Pentagon, which does not officially exist and whose budget is included in that of the USAF. (...) It is located in a large 5-story building known as Building 213. (...) Almost all the windows are bricked up!
("La Guerre des Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, pp. 39, 49 and 50)
#1981, late February
USA, near Veedersburg (Indiana)
A young couple, in a stopped car, occupied with kissing, suddenly saw in the light of the headlights, at the distance of two telephone poles, a very large (8 to 9 feet) bipedal creature crossing the road from left to right, in 3 or 4 jumps. The width of its shoulders especially impressed the witnesses (about 75 cm wide), the fur was like that of a dirty collie dog and they estimated its weight at about 150 kilograms "of muscles". (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 33)
#1981, March 16
USA, Cape Canaveral
The large KH-11 satellite is the fifth generation of spy satellites and is launched this day in the early afternoon. The launch was not officially announced, only the Associated Press announced it, specifying that it was a new, ultra secret, heaviest satellite ever launched. The carrier rocket was a Titan III B. ("The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 38)
#March 1981
Uruguay, Tacuarembo
The chief of police in Melo, Miguel Costa, was in a car with his wife and friends Armando and Maria Pena, on a gravel road near Tacuarembo, when a huge shape, with yellow and orange glows, emerged from the morning night in front of them. Costa stopped the car and, on an impulse, flashed the headlights. "Suddenly the UFO seemed to hesitate, then zigzagged up and down, as if responding to our calls," he said. "As soon as I started, it followed us. Again I stopped the car and flashed the headlights. The UFO replied in the same way as the first time. We continued our journey and the UFO followed us for about half a mile. I stopped again. Finally the UFO accompanied us for about thirty miles. That's when the strangest thing happened. We were all glued to the windows looking at the UFO, when suddenly it suddenly dropped as if it was going to crash to the ground. It stopped its descent at 75 or 150 m altitude. We then clearly saw its dome shape flat on the bottom. Around the dome there was like steam. The upper part was reddish, but the base was dazzling white. "Feeling somewhat threatened by the UFO's new trajectory, Costa turned around and returned to Tacuarembo, the nearest town. The bright light of the UFO was constantly in view in the rearview mirror. At one point Costa stopped again and parked under the trees. They all got out and went to an open place. "A second UFO was traveling a short distance behind the first. They did not touch each other but seemed to be traveling together. They went up and down and finally went up above the clouds that they lit up. Then they gradually decreased in intensity, became smaller and smaller, and it was over. We looked at each other without saying a word. It had lasted 90 minutes and we still couldn't believe our eyes. "(Roger BOAR and Nigel BLUNDEL: "The World's Greatest Ufo Mysteries" ed. Hamlyn 1995, p 121, 122)
#1981, April 12
CHINA, Huajia (Yun'nan)
An army liberation fighter named Wang Tingye saw a large UFO (...) at 6:40 am. That morning, Wang had gotten up early; looking into the distance he saw above the crest of the Longwaizhai mountain a long cylinder 5 to 6 m long spitting out from its tail some yellow golden light beams. The body of the flying object was golden, shining. The thing was heading from west to east, without any noise. Wang watched it disappear behind the mountain. His observation lasted 30 seconds. (SHI BO: "China and the Extraterrestrials", ed. Mercure de France 1983, p140)
#April 13, 1981
CHINA, Qingdao
(Yan Li) At around 6:50 in the evening of April 13, 1950, the sky was all blue and serene, dotted with a few rare clouds. Visibility 5 km, gentle wind, normal temperature. (...) I suddenly observed a luminous thing that shot out from the distance like a tracer bullet. Pointed at its head, the luminous object flew very quickly while spitting out flames behind it. Looking closely, it was seen to be very similar to a rocket on fire. (...) On the Shandong peninsula, everyone had seen this phenomenon. (...) My observation lasted twelve seconds. (Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 159)
#April 13, 1981
CHINA, Lingqi
(Wang Xin) At around 6:50, five employees and teachers, standing in the school courtyard, saw an unknown flying object passing over the district town in the sky. It was heading from southwest to northeast. That night there were no clouds. The object flew without making any noise. It was spherical in shape and emitted white lights, with a flaming tail 5 meters long. The tail was yellow in color and its end was red. The object's speed was similar to that of a jet plane; it followed a straight line. Sometimes it floated like a dead leaf. It was between 1000 and 4000 meters in altitude. (Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, pp. 159, 160)
#April 13, 1981
CHINA, Tianjing
(Ge Zhongmin) At 7:19 pm, the weather was very nice and there were no clouds in the sky. The television had just started to give the news (...) I noticed by chance, through the window, a bright, golden yellow thing flying at great speed without any noise. To the naked eye, I saw that its apparent diameter was 30 cm, its shape was that of a funnel. The front was brighter than the back. It was about 500 m in altitude. My observation lasted more than 30 seconds. My wife and I saw it through the window. My two children who were playing in the yard also saw it. (Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 160)
#1981, April 13
CHINA, Tangshan (Hebei)
(Li Pinchun) I live in a mining hut (...) At 7:20 pm on the evening of April 13, 1981, my wife and I were preparing dinner in our kitchen. My two children were playing in the courtyard. Suddenly they ran into the house shouting, "Mom, quickly, go quickly and see outside!" We followed them into the courtyard and saw in the sky a luminous object, wider at the head than the tail, with an apparent diameter of 40 cm. It had a disk shape with a long tail of 3 m. This tail was actually a tongue of fire more than 10 cm wide. It flew from southwest to northeast, throwing behind it small bright stars. The luminous object moved at a constant speed, horizontally. It flew over our huts and disappeared in the direction of the city of Guye. (Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 161)
#1981, April 13
CHINA, Tang-shan
(Zhang Fengguo) At around 7:20 in the evening (...) while I was having dinner, I noticed in the sky to the south a bright object. I immediately left my bowl on the table and hurried outside and climbed onto the roof of the house to get a better view. The object kept getting bigger and longer, it was heading from southwest to northeast. (...) This object had a length of 3.20m and a width of 0.15m. It seemed to me that a triangular thing was towing it. The whole thing was like a band of fire colored red, yellow, white and blue. Along this luminous band I also saw some small stars similar to the bulbs of flashlights. I didn't hear any noise. The unknown craft followed a parabolic line and flew faster than a satellite. I saw it cross a cloud and then disappear into some black clouds. ... (Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 161)
#April 13, 1981
CHINA, Fushuen (Liaoning)
(Yang Jing) At 7:23 in the evening, I saw with my own eyes a group of flying saucers flying in formation. These five or eight flying objects left a luminous trail. The one in the lead shone brighter than the others. A large flying saucer was spitting out small saucers the size of a candy. The smallest luminous object looked like a lit cigarette. In my opinion, these objects were at 150 or 200 meters altitude, at an angular height of 40° above the horizon, and they were heading from southwest to northeast. They almost passed over me at an angular height of 75°. Suddenly they disappeared to my right (north). The lights had a transparent red color. (Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 165)
#1981, April 13
CHINA, Fushuen (Liaoning)
(Kong Fanli) ... I went for a walk with my friend Tan Bing. On our way back, when we arrived at the village of Xiaopingshan (...) we suddenly discovered a flat fire sphere, as big as a football, flying, coming from the southwest. It was dragging a tail of flames behind it. Shortly after, many fire spheres were observed, ten in total, flying two by two, from southwest to northeast, at great speed. Each sphere left a dazzling luminous trail behind it. At one point, the first flat sphere became yellow-white and very bright in its center, surrounded by yellow. These objects were at an altitude of 4000 m (...) During the observation no sound was heard. (Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 165, 166)
#1981, April 13
CHINA, Heishan (Liaoning)
(Zhang Jiguo) At 7:28 (...) my classmates and I were studying in our room when we heard cries coming from outside (...) and we saw, in the direction of the north, a group of red luminous flying objects moving in the sky, in perfect rows, from west to east. Their speed was much greater than that of an airliner (...) It looked like a plane on fire, but it was bigger. This group of objects emitted very bright lights, without any hazy halo or noise. It was noticed that each object (in the shape of a hat) left behind a reddish light trail. The objects were arranged in a triangular formation (...) The whole thing measured more than 20 m long. They flew in a straight line and made no movement of ascent or descent. The observation lasted two to three minutes. (Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 164)
#1981, April 13
CHINA, Qingyuan
(Lu Chuenhe) The object had the appearance of a silver rectangle. It had several bright points. Below it, at 2 m, there was something like a large tube from which balls of fire as bright as 200 watt bulbs were emitted. Once released, these balls lined up with the speed of the object that had emitted them. This beautiful spectacle lasted six minutes. The objects disappeared behind a mountain. (Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - ed. Mercure de France 1983, p.166)
#1981, April 13
CHINA, Chutoulang (Inner Mongolia)
(Li Guiling) (...) I went out of my house and saw in the sky, in the south, a group of flying objects. At first sight there were seven or eight; they were bright balls flying in a single straight row, in the direction of the northeast. Among these balls, three larger and redder ones were moving relative to each other at fixed intervals; the smaller and whiter ones seemed to remain in formation. They all had a long red, white and yellow tail (it was actually a jet of flames) (...) Before disappearing, these flying objects reduced the length of the jet they were emitting, then the small balls began to go out and after a few minutes, everything disappeared and the sky returned to normal. I looked at my watch, it was 7:42. (Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 168)
#1981, April 16
USA, Spraytown (Indiana)
In the night, around 11pm, the witness went out to the outdoor toilet. There, he saw a creature 8 feet tall, standing on two legs, in the snow, less than 8 meters from the house. It was emitting a nauseating smell. So as not to be the only witness, the person rushed back inside to call the others. When they came out, the creature had gone. (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 33)
#1981, between April 15th and 20th
ITALY, Catania
At 00:20, two policemen in a car saw a strong reddish light coming down from the sky. The engine and electrical circuit of their vehicle stopped while the saucer, about 3 m in diameter and 1 m in height, landed on the street 50 meters in front of them. From a small door that opened in the saucer, they saw two human forms gesticulating and jumping to the ground. At the place of the eyes they had like balls of light, around the head and hands, like sparks. The head, compared to the rest of the body, was big. This took a few seconds or minutes, during which the beings seemed to converse with each other. Then the entities turned around, jumped into their craft, the door closed. A few seconds later the saucer made four rotations on itself, accelerating, while a very sharp noise was heard, the object catapulted and disappeared. Shocked by this experience, the agents restarted the engine, which ran, and they arrived at their destination, 100 km further, at 3:15 only! (CISU, Notizie Ufo n° 48)
#1981, April
USA, Rocky Boy Reservation (Montana)
Around Jimmy Eagleman's house, thirty footprints were found. The prints had four toes, measured 14 inches long and 8 inches wide, and were two inches deep in the hard ground. Captain Larry Bernard of the police, weighing 100 kilograms, was unable to leave any footprints in the ground, even when he tried to jump and reproduce them. (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 33)
#1981, May 14, 15, 16 and 17
(Note from Vog: I'm just transcribing, I'm not making up this story!) Salyut 6 is launched on March 12 with cosmonauts Vladimir Kovalyonok and Viktor Savinikh on board, for a mission in space that will last 75 days. Everything goes normally until May 14. Through the Salyut's porthole, Kovalyonok notices a round-oval object. It is a spaceship that follows the Salyut at the same speed. Its diameter is about 8 meters, it has three rows of 8 portholes each, three of these portholes, at the bottom of the craft, are very large. Kovalyonok films this UFO. On May 15, the cosmonauts notice that the UFO is now only 100 meters away from the Salyut. They can see humanoid silhouettes behind the portholes. They wear some kind of transparent visor caps, they have well-marked eyebrows, have a large straight nose like the Greeks. What is striking is the size of their eyes which are twice the normal size of human eyes. The cosmonauts look through binoculars and transmit what they see to the ground control at Baikonour. They are asked to keep the situation under control.
The next day, May 16, the object is only 30 meters away. Kovalyonok asks if they should go out to make contact. The answer from the ground is "Nyet", a visual contact is enough. Kovalyonok then stands in front of the porthole and deploys a map of the solar system to the extraterrestrials. To his surprise, one of the extraterrestrials holds a map of the same kind in front of the UFO's porthole. In Morse code and with his thumbs, Kovayonok greets them "the Russian cosmonauts greet the visitors". He does it in Russian and English, without any result. So he repeats it with binary code 101101. There is a reaction. Soon after, the extraterrestrials come out of their craft and move in space. They are tall, measuring nearly 2 meters. They wear the same costume as they had inside the UFO. The cosmonauts film the demonstration. On May 17, the object leaves the Russians and moves away at a dizzying speed. (Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse" Berlin, January 1998)
#1981, May 16
CANADA, Kamloops (British Columbia)
A man was fishing in the Thompson River. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon. A small boat had just passed when the witness heard a loud noise, like water boiling and overflowing from a pan. At 100 yards the water of the river began to boil, indeed. Slowly a disc-shaped object emerged from the river, rose up and flew away. A rain of "flakes" fell on the witness, probably produced by the UFO. He collected them to have them analyzed. Unfortunately we have no knowledge of the results. (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 176)
#1981, June 6
CHINA, Kelamayi (Xinjiang)
(Wang Xinhua) I am an oil worker. On the night of June 6, 1981, I worked very late. At midnight I saw an unusual phenomenon. (...) I directed my gaze to the north and then observed in the sky an object that was all white, milky, and seemed to be suspended. Its nucleus seemed particularly white to me. It had the shape of a cigar. A moment later the object began to move towards the east. I called the workers of our night shift (eight people in total, including myself) (...) The object flew over the Gobi Desert, and ten minutes later it landed on the sand, very far from us. We wanted to go by car to the landing site to examine it, but work prevented us. We stayed outside for a quarter of an hour until the complete disappearance of the object, which finally faded away on the horizon. (Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 175)
#1981, June 7
CHINA, Daju Island (Zhoushan)
23:17 - The night was pitch black and one could not see more than three feet. After returning from his tour inspecting telephone wires, fighter Zhang Ming suddenly noticed a luminous object moving from north to south. The object had a spherical shape and an apparent diameter of 50 cm '...) It emitted very powerful and dazzling blue lights like lightning snakes in the black sky. Its outline was well defined and the ball dragged behind it a beam of light measuring more than 50 cm long. This tail of light had several colors: yellow, green, white, red. It was as if flames were spewed from the rocket. During these maneuvers, the ball kept spinning on itself, but without any noise. At 1000 or 2000 m altitude, the flying object headed from northwest to south passing over our barracks, before finally disappearing into a black cloud. The observation lasted a total of three minutes. Before, during and after this phenomenon, the radio went silent, and although the voltage did not vary, the fluorescent lamps flickered without really lighting up and the incandescent lamps became all pale. Five minutes after the UFO disappeared, everything returned to normal. (SHI BO: "China and the Extraterrestrials" ed. Mercure de France, 1983, p.67)
#1981, June 11
CHINA, Xian (Shaansi)
(Yao Zhian) On June 11, 1981, at around 1:10am, I left the factory on my bicycle to go home. My family lives in the suburbs and I had to take a deserted road at that time. Right after passing the stadium, an orange-red object appeared above me. I looked up to see it. It was as big as a truck wheel, topped with a shiny dome, and the bottom was flat. At first I thought it was motionless in the sky. I pedaled quickly and soon arrived at the level of the Xiaozhai primary school, far from the city. When I made a 20° turn and entered a path, I noticed that this orange-red object was already in front of me, above two trees. It was higher than before and its outline had become clearer. I didn't hear any noise. I was scared and accelerated my speed. When I looked up to see it again, it had mysteriously disappeared. Yet, when I arrived at the entrance of my village, to my great surprise, it was in front of me, on a roof. I then knew it was waiting for me there! I was terrified and could no longer stay on my bicycle. I got off and, pushing the bike, I timidly entered the village. At that moment the unknown object turned into an orange-red crepe, of a rather oval shape. It suddenly took off vertically and very quickly flew towards the north. Then it stopped moving again (...) and after two seconds it suddenly went out. (Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 180)
#1981, June 12
USA, Alice, TX
A luminous, disc-shaped object with black rings was seen hovering above a water tanker truck. During the observation, the engine emitted static electricity into the onboard radio. Afterwards, the tank was found to be empty, all the water having evaporated! (Jan Aldrich 10/97; Richard Hall, MUFON Journal 192, p14, originally 167-8)
#1981, June 17
CHINA, Jiangji (Anhui)
(Su Lai, and other witnesses: Su Jingsheng, Xiao Lu, Su Qinqzhang,) At around 8:30 pm, Xiao Liu and two other children who were catching insects in the fields suddenly saw a bright flying object in the northwest sky. The object looked like a plate. It flew at an incredible speed towards the south. Emitting a dazzling white light, the plate-shaped object left a long luminous trail behind it. The two children were scared and started to cry. (...) Su Qinqzhang was working in the fields (...) he saw a luminous object that looked like a very long dragon with a bright head and a tail that undulated irregularly. It flew at a very high speed. (...) (Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 185, 186)
#1981, June 17
CHINA, Lianyungang (Jiangsu)
(Li Binli, Ren Jianmin, Yao Chunsheng, Jian Yong, Zhang Wei) We are soldiers from a unit of the People's Liberation Army. (...) At around 8:05 PM we were doing sports on the field. Ren Jianmin suddenly discovered a flying object emitting a white light in the northwest sky. This object was gaining more and more altitude and looked like two plates turned upside down on each other. It was surrounded by a red light. We observed it for two minutes. It finally disappeared into the clouds. (...)(...) (Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 187)
#1981, June 18
USA, Nellis AFB (Nevada)
#1981, June 27
CHINA, Zibo (Shandong)
(Shi Wenglu)… A group of round-shaped UFOs was seen.… At 3:30 in the afternoon, I turned on my television, but there was a strong interference. I went out to the courtyard to check the antenna and that's when I noticed three bright round objects arranged in a triangle, flying from northeast to southwest. A moment later I saw two other bright balls heading from north to south and finally heading west. I also noticed some other round objects that remained stationary in the sky. In total there were thirteen to fifteen UFOs, all as big as a bowl. They all disappeared suddenly at once. (...)(...)(Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 188)
#1981, July 1
CHINA, Urumqi (Xinjiang)
(Cui Fengmin) I am a young soldier of the city guard of Urumqi.
In the night of July 1st of this year, I witnessed a UFO phenomenon. (...) At 11:55 PM (Beijing time), lying on my bed, I was reading a magazine; two comrades sharing my room were getting ready to go to bed, when we heard outside, sentinels shouting (...) We rushed out and immediately saw a flying object in the shape of a crown. This object was spinning and throwing a bluish light, like that of an electric arc. It was actually an object in the shape of a hat, with the dome on top. The hat was flying from south to north, it was as big as a bowl. (...) From time to time the luminous hat stayed still and then advanced in jerks. What surprised us the most, is that this hat started to spew from underneath a stream of sparkling matter. This phenomenon lasted about a minute. Finally, this hat which was not far from us, suddenly disappeared. It was then 12:03 AM. (...)(...)(Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 190)
#1981, July 4
USA, in flight, above Lake Michigan
Mr. Gray, the pilot of the Lockheed L-1011 Tristar passenger plane, was flying on autopilot at 37,000 feet. The flight was from San Francisco to New York's Kennedy Airport, and was approaching the east shore of Lake Michigan. The lake was invisible due to low clouds, but the sky above the plane was clear. Suddenly, from the left front, a silver disc appeared in its full dimension. Its initial shape resembled a sombrero seen from above. The UFO approached the plane in an arc, then abruptly moved away. It then appeared 10 times wider than tall, with six dark openings around its perimeter. At the top left, a light shone like the sun. When the object disappeared in a vertical elevation apparently without difficulty, Gray noted that it was surrounded by dark vapors. The first officer confirmed the observation, but the flight engineer saw nothing. (Report from CSISOP)
#1981, July 7
CHINA, Chongqing
(Zheng Yurong) ... around 10 o'clock I was going to the free market to buy vegetables. I was walking north. Suddenly I heard an airplane buzzing. I searched the sky with my eyes and I saw an airplane flying from west to east. But at the same time I noticed in the sky to the west, a silver colored object that was moving in a straight line. Its shape was very strange: a big metal eggplant. It was flying from north to south. As the plane was making a lot of noise, I don't know if this object was making any noise too. (...) The eggplant-shaped object was made of metal because it strongly reflected the sunlight. It was flying at about 2000 m from me. It had the size of a man's shoe sole. Throughout the seven minutes of my observation, it did not change color or direction. (...)(...)(Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 192)
#1981, July 26
CHINA, Tianzu (Heilongjiang)
At 10:45 in the night of July 26, 1981, the fighters of our troop discovered a luminous object in the sky. It had the shape of two inverted triangles. In the middle of the object, there were small holes from which bluish sparkling lights were shooting out. It was at 3500 m altitude and its speed was 1500 m/s. It was flying from east to west. (SHI BO: "China and the Extraterrestrials" ed. Mercure de France, 1983, p.72)
#1981, August 8
Poland, Chalupy
A man saw two entities wearing green suits. The beings were partially surrounded by fog. The witness also saw a silver-colored UFO, enveloped in mist, shaped like a disk, hovering nearby. (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 347)
#1981, August
USA, Plainfield (Wisconsin)
Kim, 15 years old, was with two other young people in a cabin near Plainfield when they felt observed by a mysterious creature 7 feet tall, covered in thick white fur. "Its eyes were deeply set in black orbits," he said, and neither nose nor mouth were visible. It was outside the cabin, looking through the windows, scratching and tapping on the walls of the cabin. No one dared to go out and the siege lasted all weekend. On Monday morning the creature was gone. When they returned home, the young people were not initially believed by their parents, but seeing the fear in their eyes they returned to the cabin to find in the mud almost human-sized footprints, 35 cm long. (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 35)
#1981, September 10
Great Britain, Weston Mill Hill (Plymouth)
Denise Bishop, 23 years old, was turning the corner of the bungalow to go home at 11:15 pm when she saw a gigantic object that looked like a dark gray metallic crab, hovering above other houses at the top of a hill. At the bottom there were 6 or 7 lamps that sent out wide beams of pink, purple and white light. She was terrified and rushed to the door. As she put her hand on the latch, a beam of lemon-green light hit the back of her hand. Although it was a magnificent sight, she was terrified. The green ray stayed lit for about 30 seconds without giving any clarity, then went out. All around her there was a special silence, which only stopped when the object took off. Rubbing her hand, she ran to tell her sister, but the UFO had disappeared. The dog started sniffing her hand, then she felt tingling and there were like little drops of blood: it was a burn. Her brother-in-law came back around 2:30 am after his work as a disc jockey and advised to call the police. (F.S.R. 28 n° 3 - 1983, pp. 15-19)
#1981, September 25
USA, Decker Chapel (Indiana)
At 9am Barbara Crabtree saw a creature 7 to 8 feet tall in the wheat field behind her house. It was covered in dirty white fur and had very large eyes, which she couldn't make out the details of due to the distance, and scared, quickly went back into her house. She assumes the creature took a dead chicken she had thrown in the trash that morning, as in the afternoon the chicken was no longer there. In the evening, coming back in the car with her husband, they saw the same creature come out of the woods on the side of the road. A few days later they heard growling outside and the dog started barking furiously. (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 35)
#1981, November 13
USA, Michigan's Upper Peninsula
At the Barone farm, Roxanne, 12 years old, heard noises in the barn in the evening and, not daring to go and see alone, was accompanied by Tina, her 13 year old sister. Tina went in first and, feeling around, searched for the light switch. Instead of a switch, her hand encountered something furry. She thought it might be a goat or some other animal. But it was something else entirely. It was growling softly, standing up and very tall - 6 to 7 feet - and covered in black fur. Its eyes were red. So as not to provoke the creature, Tina slowly backed out of the barn. Little cousin David, who had come out of the house with a revolver, fired a shot in the air. Then the creature ran off, fleeing into the distance on two legs. Tina said the creature was something between a monkey and a bear, with very long arms. At the beginning of December, Tina's mother saw the creature again, sitting or crouching in front of the barn and looking at it. She supposes that the sacks of grain and apples that were ripped open were the work of this creature. (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 36)
#1981, November
USA, Malibu, California
Nina Hagen, a rock star, was on vacation in a house near the Malibu beach. She was sleeping on the upper floor, and her mother and two friends were sleeping on the floor below. She woke up in the night, went to the window, and suddenly saw a "svelte" round saucer of light. She wanted to call her friends, but she couldn't move. All she felt was a kind of great happiness, as she watched the colorful light displays produced by the apparition. The object was about ten meters above her, and it was quite transparent; she remembers seeing a desk with people inside. Suddenly it was all over. In the morning she had proof that she hadn't been dreaming: the curtains were still open. (Note from Vog: Huge proof, indeed!) She talked about it in her book "Ich bin ein Berliner" (Goldmann-Verlag). (Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse", Berlin, January 1998)
#1981, December 20 (and for 5 years until 1985)
Norway, Hessdalen
Hundreds of observations of curious phenomena, mainly yellow balls, powerful white-blue lights and groups of multicolored lights, and even non-luminous objects visible only during the day. The trajectories can be varied; the phenomena are recorded on various devices, sometimes on radar. Natural origin appears probable. (Science et Vie, special edition 1997: 50 years of UFO, Atlas of Unsolved Cases, pp. 60-63) On December 20, 1981, Nils Kare Nesvold and Per Holden, passing through Vongraven, saw a large star emerge from the sky and fly in a straight line over the mountain peaks. It was followed by a cluster of 19 other lights. It was all flickering, descending, accelerating, slowing down together. This was the first of a series of observations that would last for 5 years with hundreds of eyewitnesses. Most often the lights were observed in the evening, between 7:30 pm and 10:30 pm. (La cura de CUN - Italy, Milan section)
USA, Wallops
Officially, NASA is created. One of its missions concerns sounding rockets (for sounding) since this date, about thirty are launched each year. 14 different types are used. They vary in size from the Super Arcas of 3 meters high, to the 4-stage Black Brant XII, which measures 20 meters. These rockets can reach altitudes of 48 km to more than 1287 km. In most cases, they are recoverable and are reused. Launch sites are located: Wallops Island, White Sands Missile Range, Poker Flat Research Range Alaska, sites in Canada, Norway, Sweden. There are also launches from temporary locations and between 1982 and 1997 launches were made from bases in Peru, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Greenland, Australia, and aircraft carriers in the Pacific Ocean (NASA Website on the Internet in 1997).
There exists an "electron cannon" in the USA, called "Aurora". It is installed at the Harry Diamond Laboratory and can emit a beam of 12 MeV under 1.6 amperes. ("La Guerre des Satellites" - tome 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p 209)
#1982, January 31
Spain, Los Garabatos (Gerena)
Around 8:30 PM, farmer Morato was having trouble with his tractor, which had stopped running due to the frequent rains of the season. He went to seek help from a neighbor, who came right away with his own tractor. Suddenly the two men saw a dazzling light descending: it descended very close to the ground. Stunned, they saw on the Los Garabatos property, a hundred meters away from them, a well-defined cylindrical shape, about thirty meters long. They observed it for 5 minutes, which seemed like an eternity before fleeing, one tractor towing the other, towards another farm. These people had seen nothing, but there was static on the television for several minutes and the image was very disturbed. Instead of a landing, visited the next day, the ground was colored and seemed orange, which contrasted strongly with the surrounding land. (Excerpt from the newspaper "El correo de Andalucia" from Seville, of February 12, 1982, with map, photos, text, of which I received a copy from Ignacio Darnaude Rojas-Marcos, precisely the owner of the Los Garabatos estate, which he has his employees work on.)
#1982, March 12
USSR, between Alma-Ata and Tashkent - in flight and from Tomsk to Novosibirsk
A regular airline plane was attacked by a UFO. It was an ovoid object, close to the traditional flying saucer, which started by circling the plane for a long time, at a speed that no human aircraft could reach in the atmosphere. Suddenly, it seemed to try to crash into it, trying to reach the cockpit. The pilot maneuvered to prevent the collision. The UFO then disappeared at very high speed towards the northwest. (L.D. - NOSTRA - 20.1.1983) A metallic object, like a missile, attacked a freight train (probably carrying nuclear material) that was rolling from Tomsk to Novosibirsk (Siberia) while at the same time an airline plane was caught in the circular flight of a UFO between Alma Ata and Taschkent. (Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse", Berlin, January 1998)
#1982, from March 31st to May 15th
USSR, Baikonour
#April 1982
The United States themselves, of course, were not left out in this affair. They launched, for their part, two large photographic spy satellites on orbits that also allowed for good surveillance of the conflict zone. ("The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 13)
#1982, April
India, Mudumalai Reserve
E.B., a young woman, and her friend A.J. leaving their bungalow at nightfall in the Mudumalai Reserve between Mysore and Otacamund in southern India, noticed a bright white light blinking from the other side of the river. After crossing the bridge, they followed the other bank and, as they got closer, the light became brighter with diffuse vibrations. They then saw, at a distance of 50 m, a kind of cigar 10 m long that moved to the left and rose into the sky with jets of fire, while three beings wearing white suits, about 1.7 m tall, were bent over the ground, seemingly picking something up with very slow movements. An intense and diffuse white light ball, 3 m in diameter, was hovering above them. The whole scene lasted about 4 minutes without any noise. Then the ball and the beings disappeared and for an hour a part of the sky resembling a large cloud was crossed in all directions by long white luminous rays, while the rest of the sky remained intact. (Jean-Francis CROLARD: "The Enigma of the ETs" - ed. Guy Trédaniel 1995, pp. 88-89)
#1982, May 1
On May 1, 1982, after almost 25 years of space exploration, nearly 2300 rocket launches had put a total of almost unbelievable 13,168 different objects into orbit. Each launch is accompanied, in fact, by the satellization of several different bodies: the satellite itself (sometimes in a cluster of eight...), the last stage of the carrier rocket, the protective cone which sometimes splits into several parts, and different ancillary bodies: straps, bolts, etc... At the same date, there were still 4631 objects in orbit. (Note from Vog: which means, apart from the successful and publicly recognized recoveries, that about 8500 terrestrial objects have descended to Earth between 1957 and 1980, that is, about one per day!) ("The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, pp. 123, 124)
#1982, May 2
AUSTRALIA, Ripley - Queensland
Hunters were following an electrified fence two meters high for kilometers. Between 6 and 9 pm, they suddenly saw a large disc topped with a dome. The edge seemed to be made of plexiglass, the base was rotating, and on the edge were groups of seven large entities wearing gray tights. They had blond hair cut in a "pageboy" style and tanned skin. (UFO Research Sunshine Coast.)
#1982, May 29
Spain, Vitoria (Alava)
At around 6:15 pm school was over. Among the multitude of boys from the Marianist college, Geraclio Arana and Sebastian Izquierdo, both around ten years old, were returning home together as they lived in the same building. On this splendid day, they observed a very bright point in the sky descending towards the nearby Olàrizu fields. Near this hill where a large stone cross is erected, there was an object in the sky that clearly had the shape of a white egg and seemed to sway like a dead leaf. Excited, the two young schoolboys left their usual route to get closer to the place by a small path. Having walked about a hundred meters on the path, a glance at the UFO showed that it had descended even lower, circling around the hill. On what seemed to be the fuselage, the two boys then saw a red symbol: it had the shape of a cross with each end having a half circle. The sight of this strange "letter" scared the boys and almost running they went back up the path to go home. (ENIGMAS, Madrid, November 1998: Chapter 24: 19/82 Pleiad on Andalusia, Iker Jimenez and Lorenzo Fernandez).
#1982, June 3
USSR, Kapustin Yar (Volgograd)
The Americans did not fail to highlight a space experience, which the Soviets apparently did not wish to make public. This was Cosmos 1374 launched at 21:30 UTC. After completing one and a quarter orbits, the satellite detached to return to Earth. Its mission was already complete. In fact, it was not a landing but a splashdown, which is surprising given that until then the USSR had always landed its recoverable satellites, for simple geographical reasons. Only two "Zond" automatic spacecraft returning from the Moon had splashed down in the Indian Ocean. Precisely, Cosmos 1374 landed in the Indian Ocean, 550 km south of the Cocos Islands, about 2000 km from the Australian coast. The satellite remained exactly 109 minutes in space, at an average altitude of 225 km, at an inclination of 50.7°. The Russians had just tested a small inhabited spacecraft. The recovery operations involving seven Russian ships were followed and photographed by an Australian Air Force Lockheed P-3 Orion. The story does not say if it was flying over this area by chance. ("La Guerre des Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 179, 180)
#June 10, 1982
USA, Umatilla National Forest
Paul Freman, 39 years old, a patrolman for the Walla Walla area of the Blue Mountains, was alone in the forest that morning around 11:30. "Suddenly I saw something 10 feet tall rise up from a bench by the side of the road and come in my direction. We saw each other at the same time. It looked like the pictures I had seen of prehistoric man. It was really hairy, reddish hair. It covered its legs, arms and shoulders. But the face and chest were less hairy and showed a skin that looked like brown leather. I was 65 yards away from it and we just stood there, looking at each other. I could hear it breathing hard, as if it had been running and I could see the muscles of its stomach moving. Out of caution I stepped back a few paces. It had the hair on its neck and shoulders standing up, like a dog when it's angry. When it saw that I wasn't coming any closer, it turned around and went away." The creature seemed very strong. Having a lot of experience with wild animals, Freeman says he had never seen anything like it. He then called his colleagues on the phone and they took photos and made imprints of the footprints left by the creature. They found 22 of them. Each one was 14 inches long, 7 inches wide and spaced 6 to 8 feet apart from the next one. Two days later, another witness, Robert France, saw an identical creature in the Chesnut area, beyond the Hillside village of Derry Township. (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 37, 38)
#1982, July 1
In total, China had launched eleven satellites in nine launches by July 1, 1982, the last of which was a triple launch. The first of these satellites, "China 1", surprised experts with its weight: 173 kilograms. ("The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 14)
#1982, July 20
Spain, Vejer de la Frontera (Cadiz)
At 3pm, in broad daylight, a young farmer A.M. was riding his motorcycle on the road between the villages of Medina Sidonia and Vejer de la Frotera. The road, all uphill, curves and very winding, allowed him to see below two sinister-looking beings. Both of them were wearing astronaut suits. The smaller one had a kind of backpack, his bald head was surrounded by a bubble-shaped helmet, in his gloved hands he held a large stone. He was wearing sandals leaving his toes uncovered. The larger one had only one frontal eye, but he had hair. His head was also in a transparent bubble. He was wearing long gloves covering the forearms, and boots reaching up to his knees. In his left hand he held a kind of rod about 50 cm long. (ENIGMAS, Madrid, November 1998: Chapter 24: 19/82 Pleiad over Andalusia, Iker Jimenez and Lorenzo Fernandez).
#1982, Summer
England, Cley Hill (Warminster)
J. W. and a relative were on vacation in Warminster and stopped at Cley Hill to enjoy the view. It was there that they had a strange experience. They felt as if they were under an invisible dome and all the familiar sounds of the countryside disappeared. When they got back into their car, both of them noticed that their wristwatch was 20 minutes behind the watch in the car. This time corresponded to their time spent looking around. (BUFORA, England, 26.10.1996)
#1982, August 26
USSR, Ventspils Submarine Base (Lithuania, Baltic Sea)
The base was overflown at 3000 m altitude by an object in the shape of a cigar. Six Mig's were sent to intercept it. If the unknown did not comply, they had orders to shoot. Finally, they shot, but the rockets remained blocked inside the planes and exploded there. Five aircraft were completely lost along with their crew, the sixth aircraft, piloted by Lt. Michail Anisimow, collided with the UFO but was able to land despite the significant damage. (vog: and to think that only Germans can tell us this story!)
(Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse" Berlin, January 1998)
#1982, September 9
USSR, Vysotsk
Three peasants and a couple on a picnic reportedly saw around 3 PM a luminous ball hovering above the Pripet marshes. It was the size of a small plane. No apparent openings. The sphere was rotating slowly. It disappeared into the marsh. (Olga Kilichine - Nostra - 11.11.1982)
#1982, September 24
Norway, Hessdalen
A lumberjack observed an object while driving, which disappeared above the tree line. The witness found it again when he himself was at the top of the ridge. The object was hovering above the roof of a cabin. He described it as a kind of upside-down Christmas tree radiating strongly with a very bright white light and dancing up and down like a yo-yo. (Bob PRATT - USA)
#1982, October 18
USA, Lake Norman, McGuire
At around 7:30 in the morning, Gary Fortenberry and Jimmy Bumgarner, employees at the McGuire nuclear base near Lake Norman, were driving along Highway 73 along the Catawba River when they observed, above a bank of fog, an enormous silver object with "4 feet" which they took to be a water tower. However, later in the day, when they took the same route again, they noticed that there was no construction in that area. Only high-tension lines crossed the area. (...) (Mufon, Ufonet)
#1982, October 20
USSR, region of Pietropavlovsk
Due to bad weather conditions at the Magadan airport, the IL-62 flight, registration number 86457 (flight 206) from Moscow, had to land in Pietropavlovsk. During the approach maneuver, around 7:29 PM, they saw a luminous object parallel to their plane, which was moving at different altitudes and speeds. The radio conversation about this was recorded. The observation lasted half an hour. Once on the ground, Captain Vasilievikh made a report regarding the functioning of the instruments and the airport service. On the ground, a civilian and a military, both working at the control tower, had also observed the luminous object. (The CUN Sezione di Milano, which received copies of all the official statements of the witnesses)
#1982, November 19
Getting out of the car at around 5 pm to see what the light was on a field, the witness saw an object as big as his living room, 8 to 10 m wide, at 100 m altitude, making no sound. It shone with pulsations as if hundreds of small candles were lit at the same time. The color was metallic silver: in front it was oval and it became a triangle at the back. It seemed to have a rotary movement. The witnesses watched for about 15 minutes, then a beam came out of the right side and pointed towards the couple, then a second: they were scared and ran towards the car. The UFO followed the car for a short time before moving away. They saw something long at the back and the lower part was black in color. (Bob PRATT - USA)
#1982, October 21
FRANCE, Nancy (Meurthe et Moselle)
In the suburbs of Nancy, a biologist researcher saw an oval object 1.5 m in diameter approach, station in his garden at 1 m from the ground, at very short distance, for twenty minutes, then leave very quickly. The blades of grass under the craft stood vertically during take-off, the amaranth plants were withered. Case not elucidated by Gepan. (Science et Vie, special edition 1997: 50 years of UFO, Atlas of Unexplained Cases, pp. 60 to 63)
#1982, November 27
Great Britain, Derbyshire
A motorist stopped at around 10 pm to observe at 700 m and at an altitude of 150 to 200 m a shape more square than triangular, pointed forward, stationary, gray in color, with two bright headlights. This craft had no wings. The object passed over his head at a speed not exceeding 40 km/h and was visible for about 3 minutes. (Bob PRATT - USA)
AUSTRALIA, Queensland
A woman in her early forties remembered being in a spaceship during her sleep. The entities present, male and female, looked like humans. Other abducted people were present. She did not want the entities to examine her, as she was pregnant. The entities were confused, apparently not wanting to have pregnant women on board. She was still shown what her baby would look like once born, and then was given the honor of visiting the ship. She does not know how it ended, as she woke up somewhere in the countryside. (UFORA90047. Bill Chalker) (note from vog: what annoys me most in all these cases, is like here: madam takes a tour of the ship and tells nothing, absolutely nothing of how it was...)
South Africa, Johannesburg
(cf. 1980, around July) James Forber and Henry De Greef accompany Karné to the planet Aenstria. They are accompanied by female extraterrestrial pilots Nua and Ulo. They arrive on the planet in a city called Amuris and it is under a dome. In 1985 James Forber gets married, he has two children which he will call "Kassiopea" and "Pleiades" (note from vog: poor kids!) (etc. etc. until the 90s) (Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse", Berlin, January 1998)
#1982, December 31
USA, Kent, New York
A few minutes before midnight, Vallor opened a bottle of champagne, then, as he had just moved into their new house, he took a second one to christen the house, as one christens a ship, by throwing it against the outer wall. His wife was not pleased with the initiative, saying that the bottle debris could hurt the children when they were playing outside, so Vallor went out to clean up. As he got up he saw a package of very bright lights in the sky to the south. Some lights were red, others green, others white. He thought they were the lights of a jet in trouble, but the object was moving much too slowly to be an airplane. He called his wife to give him the camcorder, and at the moment his wife came out, the lights were directly above the house. "They seemed to be connected to some kind of structure," he said, "in the shape of a V or a boomerang. I could hear a faint and deep humming, like the sound of a factory in the distance" If the sound was barely audible, Vallor felt a strong vibration in his chest. He started filming, the object was perhaps 500 feet in altitude, right above the house. Instantly all the colored lights disappeared and in their place appeared a triangular formation of 3 white lights, so intense that everything was lit up like in broad daylight. Five seconds later these white lights disappeared and the package of colored lights replaced them.... The film showed faint lights barely visible, five seconds of very bright lights, and again very faint points of light. No structure appeared, the screen was all black for the rest of the image. (J. Allen Hynek, Philip J. Imbrogno, Bob Pratt: "NIGHT SIEGE, The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings", ed. Llewellyn, St Paul, USA, 2nd edition of 1995, p. 6 and 7)
#1982, December 31
USA, Hudson Valley, Kent Cliffs
Just before midnight Edwin Hansen, a department store clerk, saw the phenomenon as he was driving home. "I thought it was a helicopter that had turned on its headlights to land," he said. Then he saw several cars pull over to the side of the road and people looking at the phenomenon. As it got closer, the lights began to circle slowly in the air. "It was projecting a beam of white light down to the ground. It wasn't a helicopter, because even though the craft was right above me, I couldn't hear any noise." As he was about to stop for a better view, the object descended and was right in front of his car. All lights off, it must have been about 100 yards above the road. "It was shaped like a boomerang, with little lights running along its wings. There was a part that looked like a rudder, or a tail behind the boomerang part. It was so huge that it filled up the whole sky." The object then approached the car, and Edwin Hansen started honking frantically, at the same time he held a hand in front of his eyes, just in time to avoid being blinded by the beam of white light that he received full in the face. Hansen felt some kind of communication between him and the object and some kind of voice told him not to be afraid. Suddenly the object veered and disappeared. (J. Allen Hynek, Philip J. Imbrogno, Bob Pratt: "NIGHT SIEGE, The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings", ed. Llewellyn, St Paul, USA, 2nd edition of 1995, pp. 7-9)