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Under the reign of Nero, Simon the Magician attempts a flight in the presence of the Emperor. He kills himself. Saint Peter witnesses the experience and prays for the magician to fail. ("The Conquest of the Air, Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck - Ed. Marabout University 1967, p. 14)
#70, May 21
PALESTINE, Jerusalem
Flavius Josephus described an incredible size demonic ghost.
Before dawn, chariots and armed soldiers appeared over the entire country. (Christiane PIENS: "Les Ovni du passé" - Marabout 1977 - p. 38)
SCOTLAND, Caledonia
When Emperor Agricola was in Caledonia, flames appeared above the forest, and on clear days it was possible to make out a vessel in the sky. (Christiane PIENS: "Les Ovni du passé" - Marabout 1977 - p. 38)
#Between 180 and 192
Under the reign of Emperor Commodus, "great prodigies happened at that time... one often saw stars suspended in the air during the day..." [IN REALITY: it was the Haley's comet...] (Yves Naud: "The E.T. and the UFO in History" Famot 1977, Volume 2 p. 113)
JAPAN, Notorita
There was in the village of Notorita a man called Hashiro-Kima-Washi. He was a large individual who had wings on his body so that he could fly and rise very high in the sky. He refused to obey imperial orders and robbed people. (Book 1 of Nihongi) (Yves NAUD: "Les Ovnis et les E.T. dans l'histoire, tome 1" - ed. Famot 1977, tome 2 p. 237)
A red meteor emitting pointed rays fell from the northwest to the southwest in the Liang camp. The meteor moved three times back and forth above the camp, each time with a greater magnitude when moving forward and when withdrawing. (Christiane PIENS: "Les Ovni du passé" - Marabout 1977 - p. 39)
#314, January
.. the sun fell to the ground and three other suns rose together above the horizon. And another day, the sun quickly lowered to the ground and three other suns flew side by side, after rising in the west, heading east. (SHI BO: "China and the Extraterrestrials" ed. Mercure de France, 1983, p. 47)
#317, January
Three suns shone at the same time in the sky tinted with multicolored colors. The suns were surrounded by an aureole and suspended at ten meters above the ground. The center of the suns had a greenish color. (SHI BO: "China and the Extraterrestrials" ed. Mercure de France, 1983, p.47)
TURKEY, Antioch
"...one night, there appeared something resembling a woman dressed and moving high in the sky. It had colossal dimensions and an aspect so horrible that the witnesses who contemplated it were terrified. It went back and forth in the sky, above the streets of the city. It constantly emitted a sound similar to the whistling of a whip and the air reverberated with it. This sound was like that usually made by a tamer when he excites wild beasts to enrage them before presenting them to the spectators of an amphitheater..."
(Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des Ovni" - Delarge 1977 - p. 54)
The author cites J. Obsequens: "Earthquakes follow one another at a frightening rate.... Suddenly, and in the midst of all the spectators, a child was taken up by an unknown force high enough in the sky that it was lost to sight; after which, having descended as he had ascended, he declared to the Patriarch Procus, to the Emperor himself and to the assembled multitude that he had just attended a great concert of angels praising God..." (Yves Naud: "ETs and UFOs in History" Famot 1977, Volume 2 pp. 110-111)
JAPAN, mont Katsuraki
4th spring, 2nd month. The emperor took part in a bow hunt on Mount Katsuraki. Suddenly a tall man appeared, who in face and appearance, resembled the emperor. "From what place do you come?" asked the emperor. "I am the god of visible men. First tell me your royal name and then I will inform you of mine." The emperor answered: "We are the Waka-taka-no-Mikoto." The tall man said: "Your servant is the god Hito-Koto-Mushi. The god who chases away with one word the good and with one word the bad. He joined the emperor until the setting of the sun, when the hunt ended. The god accompanied the emperor to the waters of Kume". (Nihongi) (Yves NAUD: "Les Ovni et les E.T. dans l'histoire, tome 1" - Famot 1977, tome 2 p. 237, 238)
During the Thai Tsing period, under Emperor Won-Ti of the Liang Dynasty, General Heou-King besieged the city of King Thai. The inhabitants of the city used kites to send out calls for help to the nearby villages. ("The Conquest of the Air, Chronology..." A. Van Hoorebeeck - Ed. Marabout Université 1967, p. 14)
When St. Columcille convened the synod of Drum Ceatt (or Drom Ecart), he asked Aedh Mac Ainmuire to release Scandlann Mor, which was refused. During the same night, a pillar of fire was seen above the city. It headed towards the prison where Scandlann Mor was held, stopped and emitted a beam of light that penetrated the cell. The chains that held the prisoner then detached and he heard a voice calling him. An angel came to free him. Following this, Aedh Mac Ainmuire, greatly impressed, recognized the divine mission of which St. Columcille was invested. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des Ovni" - Delarge 1977 - p. 55)
"In September, some saw signs, that is to say these rays or domes that one is accustomed to seeing and which seemed to run with speed in the sky". (Henry DURRANT: "The Black Book of UFOs" - Laffont 1970, p. 56)
"We saw for two nights in a row, in the middle of the sky, a kind of
very bright cloud that had the shape of a hood." (Henry DURRANT: "The Black Book of UFOs" - Laffont 1970, p. 56)
For the year 661, Japanese chronicles cite an intriguing event: "Autumn, first day of the eighth month. The imperial prince, after coming to bow over the mortal remains of the deceased empress, returned to the Ihase palace. That night, at the top of Mount Asakura, there was a spirit wearing a large hat, who observed the funeral proceedings. All the people present gave loud cries of astonishment." (Richard D. NOLANE: Autrefois les Extraterrestres - Mythes et réalités" Presses de la Cité Poche 1993 p.184)
.. while some nuns were praying in a cemetery near the convent of Berecingum (Barking), a large light descended from the sky, encircled them, then circled the monastery before disappearing high into the sky. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977 - p.58)
#679, October 1
JAPAN, Osaka
"... a material similar to cotton five to six feet long fell
on Ninawa [former name of Osaka]. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des
OVNI" - Delarge 1977 - p.58)
On the third day of the eighth month of the year 682 a great star crossed the sky from east to west above Tsukushi. The term great star seems to exclude a meteor or comet. Eight days later: "Something appeared that had the shape of a Buddhist baptismal flag, flame-colored. It hovered in the void, headed north and was seen in all provinces. Some said it plunged into the sea off Koshi." (Richard D. NOLANE: "Once Upon a Time Aliens - Myths and Realities" Presses de la Cité Poche 1993 p.184, 185) On the twelfth day there was a strong earthquake. The next day the vice-governor of Tsukushi reported that he had seen a three-legged bird. On the seventeenth day there was another earthquake. At dawn an arc of the sky was seen in the middle of the sky at the height of the sun. [note from vog: there is nothing supernatural or extraterrestrial about this. This rather rare phenomenon of a complete circular rainbow around the sun, I was able to contemplate in the 60s when I lived in Africa.] (Yves NAUD: "UFOs and ETs in History" - FAMOT 1977, VOLUME 2 p. 240, 241)
#692, Autumn
On the twenty-eighth month, under the reign of Tokama-no-ara-hito-hime, in the night, the planets Mars and Jupiter were seen to approach each other and then move away four times in succession, shining and then fading alternately. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977 - p.58)
".. the monk Wilfred saw two large comets circling around the Sun..." (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977 - p.58)
".. dragons were seen several times in the sky, as well as aerial vessels with men on board". (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977 - p.58)
Under the reign of Pepin the Short (715-768), very singular phenomena were publicly shown in France. The air was full of human figures, the sky reflected mirages of palaces, gardens, agitated waters, ships with sails in the wind and armies lined up for battle. The atmosphere was like a great dream. (...) Dreams and wakefulness were confused and several people thought they had been taken away by aerial beings; all that was heard was talk of trips to the land of the sylphs .... madness seized the best minds and finally the Church had to intervene". (Eliphas Levi in "History of Magic") (Yves Naud: "ETs and UFOs in History" Famot 1977, Volume 2 p. 122-123)
"... a red cross appeared after sunset above England. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977 - p.58)
GERMANY, Sigisburg
"...and on the same day, as they were preparing a new assault against the Christians living in the castle, the glory of God manifested itself above the church, inside the fortress. Those who were on guard outside in the square said they saw the resemblance of two large shields of reddish color, flaming and in motion above the church itself..." (Michel BOUGARD: "The Chronicle of UFOs" - Delarge 1977 p.58-59)
Above the former kingdom of Northumbria: .." very powerful and terrifying the inhabitants... they were lights like never seen before, like flashes, and red dragons were also seen flying in the air..." (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977 p. 61)
According to the "Flores Historiarum" of the Benedictine Roger de Wendover, small globes were seen spinning around the sun. (Michel BOUGARD, Inforespace n° 22, p. 36)
The Byzantines, relaying the Chinese and Arabs whose recipe was then transmitted to all of Europe, shot off rockets. They were called "Rocchetto" in Italy, a name which the French translated as "Fusee", the Germans as "Rakete", and the English as "Rocket". It became the absolute weapon in the Middle Ages and Charles VII made abundant use of it in the reconquest of the Kingdom. (L'Astronautique", Pierre Rousseau, ed. Hachette 1965, p. 8)
Charles himself was the victim of a significant accident during his last expedition in Saxony against the Danish king Godefrid. One day, when he had left the camp and set out before sunrise, he suddenly saw a dazzling torch miraculously descend from a serene sky and traverse the air from right to left. And as one wondered what this phenomenon portended, the horse he was riding suddenly lowered its head and fell, precipitating him to the ground with such violence that the fibula of his cloak broke and the belt of his sword was torn off. When his servants, witnesses of the accident, rushed to raise him up, they found him without weapons, without a cloak, and a javelin was picked up at least twenty feet away which had escaped from his hands at the moment of his fall." (Michel BOUGARD: "The Chronicle of UFOs" - Delarge 1977 p. 61)
A star like a half braid of straw rose from the ground and its light illuminated the ground. A number of small stars came out of it. (Christiane PIENS: "Les Ovni du passé" - Marabout 1977 - p.40)
Eginard further reports that during the expedition to Spain of Pépin
Ir, second son of Louis the Pious, strange things happened:
".. in truth this disaster was preceded by terrible apparitions of things
in the air. During the night they were sometimes pale lights, sometimes
bright and red fires like blood". (Michel BOUGARD: "La
chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977 p. 61)
(Before 840.) Agobard (779-840) had conducted an investigation and discovered that missing people claimed upon their return to have visited a country they called Magonia. Being a Christian and a rationalist, he refused to believe it and had even stoned three men and one woman in his presence who claimed to have gone to Magonia in an aerial ship. (Jacques BERGIER: "Les E.T. dans l'histoire" - J'AI LU 1970 - p 146) (note from vog: this seems, to say the least, a rocambolesque interpretation of what was really happening with Agobard...) One day, aerial saucers arrived in Lyon from which three men and one woman were seen descending. The whole city gathered around them, shouting that they were magicians sent by Grimaldus, Duke of Berreventum, the enemy of Charlemagne, to destroy the French crops. In vain, the four innocents defended themselves by saying that they were their own and had been carried away a short time before by extraordinary men who had shown them wonders never heard of before, and they had desired to make their own account of what they had seen. The raging populace paid no attention to their defense and was about to throw them into the fire, when the brave Agobard, Bishop of Lyon, alerted by the noise, arrived running and after having heard the accusations of the people and the defense of the accused, declared gravely that both were in error... the men and the woman were released. [note from vog: which also does not seem to be the correct interpretation: Agobard was neither wise nor balanced, he was a kind of fanatic towards unbelievers and heretics, and those "returning from an aerial vessel", what else were they?] (Yves Naud: "Les E.T. et les OVNI dans l'histoire" Famot 1977, volume 2 p. 126)
#848, December 1
Lances were seen in the sky. Thirty days later, terrifying lances were again seen in the north and east of the sky. (Christiane PIENS: "Les Ovni du passé" - Marabout 1977 - p.40)
#877 (before...)
Charles II, the Bald (823 - 877) was one day taken away by a being of dazzling whiteness, armed with a weapon throwing an extraordinary light, like that of a comet. During the journey, the stranger protected the king from certain wild animals by enveloping him in a brightness that so offended these dangerous beasts that they could not reach him. (Michel BOUGARD, Inforespace n° 21, p. 48)
#879, November
There was one day two suns that fought ardently. And another day of the same month, two suns rose together and fought in the sky, merging into one single star in the eyes of all spectators. (SHI BO: "China and the Extraterrestrials" ed. Mercure de France, 1983, p.47)
On the third moon and the day I-Cheou at midnight, a great ball of fire appeared at the zenith. It was the size of five bushels. It headed towards the northwest. At a distance of one hundred feet it stopped. Above it, a multitude of small stars were seen, like sparks of a yellowish red. Its tail was fifty feet long and resembled a snake. All the small stars were in motion. Soon after, the ball went out and was replaced by a greenish vapor, like tufts of bamboo, which extended to the zenith and whose color was fading. (Christiane PIENS: "Les Ovni du passé" - Marabout 1977 - p.41)
..."a flaming torch and brilliant spheres like stars moved here and there in the sky of Hungary. (Ion HOBANA/Julien WEVERBERGH: "UFOs in the USSR and in the East Countries" - trad. Laffont 1976 - p. 245)
FRANCE, Verdun.
In the "Annals" of Flodoard, a French chronicler, it can be read that in 927 in Verdun and throughout the east of France armies were seen marching in the sky. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977 p. 61-62)
#934, October 14
At the beginning of the night, a star was seen, as big as five bushels, heading towards the southwest. It had a long tail of about 10 degrees. Its color was red. It instantly changed shape, taking the form of a dragon before becoming two spades that were getting closer. A small star moving east was seen at the same time. (Christiane PIENS: "Les Ovni du passé" - Marabout 1977 - p.41)
Armies ravaged the sky. (Christiane PIENS: "Les Ovni du passé" - Marabout 1977 - p.41)
On a seen beams of light in the sky on a Sunday night. (Christiane PIENS: "Les Ovni du passé" - Marabout 1977 - p.41)
(Approx. date.) On a Sunday when people were at mass, a miracle happened in the town of Cloera. There is a church in the town dedicated to the memory of Saint Kinarus. A metal anchor with a rope attached to it fell from the sky and one of its pointed legs got stuck in the wooden arch that tops the church. People rushed outside and saw in the sky a ship with men on board floating at the other end of the anchor rope, then they saw a man jump overboard and descend the rope as if to go and unhook the anchor. It seemed as if he was swimming in the water. People rushed to grab him but the bishop forbade them to hold him for fear of killing him. The man, once released, quickly climbed back up the rope to rejoin the ship. The crew cut the rope and the ship, rising, disappeared. But the anchor remained in the church as a testimony to this singular event (in "Speculum Regali" manuscript "Konungs Skuggsa") (Frank Edwards: "Les S.V. affaire sérieuse" - trad. Laffont 1967 - p. 17- other authors place this event around 1215) ANOTHER VERSION: A ship sailed in the air, everyone saw it. One of the crew of the ship threw a javelin to catch a fish, which people also saw swimming in the air. The javelin missed its target and fell to the ground. The unfortunate fisherman plunged out of the ship and swam to retrieve his weapon. But among the terrestrial spectators, a man had already taken the javelin. The aerial fisherman failed to take it back from him and then said: "But let it go, for I shall drown". The man let go and the fisherman swam back up to the ship, where he climbed aboard. (© 1997 Jeroen Slurf and Jeroen Kümeling.)
#966, July 29
At sea a cylinder was observed in a vertical position (Michel BOUGARD, Inforespace n° 22 p. 36)
As for its applications (that of powder) as a propulsion agent, they are placed around 970, at the time of Tai-Sou, founder of the Song Dynasty. At the time, arrows were used with a bamboo tube filled with powder attached; the charge was set on fire just before releasing the bowstring, and the range of the arrow was thus considerably increased. ("Conquest of Space" - Thomas de Galiana, ed. Larousse Poche, 1967, p. 49)
#979, November 2
Throughout the night, beams were noticed in the middle of the sky.
(Christiane PIENS: "Les Ovni du passé" - Marabout 1977 - p.41)
#989, July 29 (August 3?)
...three round and shiny objects flew over Japan. (Michel BOUGARD: "La chronique des OVNI" - Delarge 1977 p. 62- Inforespace n° 22 p. 36)
#989, August 3
The three objects shone in an unusual way and came together at the same point in their trajectory. (Christiane PIENS: "Les Ovni du passé" - Marabout 1977 - p.41)