- The Royal Observatory of Greenwich in August 1900. See images/1900-08_Greenwich_ObservatoireRoyal_Lacey.jpg. [\[Lacey\]]{.source} - **July 3:** In Lebanon (Connecticut), sighting of 2 luminous triangles for 3 minutes. [\[Fort\]]{.source} - **October:** The celestial body of January is found on the lower part of the Sun, where it interposes its mass. - In Chile, a bright object is seen splitting the sky, the size of a full Moon. - The celestial body casts its shadow over Wisconsin, causing a total darkness that moves from West to East. - **November 17:** Astronomer [Walter Maunder](MaunderEWalter.html) observes a large, greenish light disc moving from the Royal Observatory in Greenwich (England).