+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  March 16 | | | | 1966 - A revolving domed disc with lights around its rim circled | | Great Lake in Portland, Connecticut three times before flying off to | | the east toward Cobalt. A radio report of another UFO sighting in | | West Hartford, Connecticut was heard by the five witnesses, two | | teenage girls and their family members, immediately after their | | sighting. (Source: Donald A. Johnson case files, report dated April | | 3, 1967). | | | | Portland, Connecticut - 1967 | | | | [] | | | | 1972 - Luis Bracamonte, a truck driver, saw a sparkling mist appear | | over the fields in Granadero, Argentina around dawn. He stopped his | | truck and saw the mist replaced by a blindingly vivid light. When he | | opened his eyes again he saw "a large oblong machine with a rim on | | the upper part and wide projections in the under part" about 100 | | yards away. Three men with very broad shoulders emerged, walking with | | difficulty. They "looked like Chinese, but with sharper features." | | They came up to the witness and one of them touched him, gripping his | | elbow. They spoke to him in a strange language, but he understood | | that he should not be afraid of them. Then one of them took out "a | | plaque with two shining symbols on it," and showed it to him. | | (Source: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of | | Humanoid Reports, case 1972-06, citing Jane Thomas, FSR, July-August | | 1972). | | | | 1993 - Two investigators parked out in the remote desert of Tikaboo | | Valley, Arizona and started watching mysterious lights maneuver over | | the area at 8:31 p.m. One of the lights began to approach. It was a | | large object with bright square-shaped light panels that glowed amber | | and blue. It transformed into two or three bright orbs of light, and | | as it passed over their vehicle one of the men attempted to snap a | | photograph. At this point a state of confusion seemed to have | | overcome both witnesses, as both then became aware of a strange | | vehicle driving quickly away from them. A period of missing time was | | noted. | | | | Later, under hypnotic regression, the first investigator was able to | | recall that the UFO stopped and hovered over their vehicle. He was | | then floated up through the bottom of the object and inside was met | | by a being that seemed to emerge through the brightly lit interior | | wall of the craft. The humanoid being was gray in color and about six | | feet tall. Its eyes were slanted and it had what appeared to be black | | plastic shields over them. Its head was egg-shaped. He wore a | | two-tone gray suit, with a lighter V in the front and a black belt | | with a black tube on his right side. He also sported a triangular | | emblem enclosing a helical coil on the suit's left breast. The being | | had long arms that ended in four long fingers. He communicated with | | the witness, then took him gently by the arm and escorted him inside | | a brightly illuminated dome-shaped room. The witness remembers seeing | | the second investigator lying on the floor, as if frozen, and | | apparently being guarded by a short Grey humanoid. He was then placed | | on a metal table that tilted 30 degrees to face a curved wall filled | | with a row of video screens. The being said that this process was a | | mind-sharing procedure that would allow the witness to learn new | | things. After what seemed like five minutes he was returned to an | | exit and floated down to the ground, about 20 feet below. (Source: | | Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database, case # 1343, citing | | William F. Hamilton, MUFON UFO Journal, issue # 304). | | | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 10 September 2005). | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. | | | | Themes: abduction, Asian-looking UFOnauts, broad-shouldered humanoids | | , domed discs, Grey humanoids, missing time, unintelligible language. | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+