+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  July 17 | | | | 1948 - At 4:50 p.m. two Kirtland Air Force Base Sergeants on a | | fishing trip with their families to San Acacia Dam, New Mexico saw a | | group of seven aluminum circular, possibly spherical, objects | | approach from the south at 20,000 feet and pass overhead at 1,500 | | mph. They shifted from a V formation to an L formation, and then to a | | circular formation and finally to no regular formation, at which | | point a regular pulsating flashing light appeared amidst the group at | | 30° from zenith to the north. At this oblique angle the objects no | | longer appeared circular. They made no noise nor did they leave a | | trail. (Sources: Project Blue Book files counted in official | | statistics, case # 146; Donald E. Keyhoe, Flying Saucers: Top Secret, | | p. 90; Jacques Vallee, Anatomy of a Phenomenon, p. 53). | | | | 1952 - At ten minutes after midnight on State Route 33 in St. Paul, | | Minnesota four two-foot diameter discs flew through a lightning storm | | at only 200 feet altitude, making sharp turns. (Source: Loren Gross, | | UFOs: A History. 1952: June-July 20th, p. 59). | | | | 1952 - At 11:00 a.m. an elliptical object was sighted from Lockbourne | | AFB, Ohio with a pinpoint of flame at the rear that would | | occasionally flare. The object had a resonant beat as it moved | | through the sky at high speed. A Project Blue Book "unidentified" | | case. (Source: Project Blue Book files counted in official | | statistics, case 1476). | | | | 1952 - At the same time as the Lockbourne AFB sighting, a pilot for | | United Airlines flying over Lake Erie near Sandusky, Ohio saw a | | saucer-shaped object pacing his airliner. (Source: Dominique | | Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 17). | | | | 1952 - At 2 o'clock in the afternoon two red glowing spheres followed | | a plane across the sky in Balliettsville, Pennsylvania. (Source: | | Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 2360). | | | | 1952 - At 3:10 p.m. a woman saw two large flying discs over White | | Plains, New York flying on their edge and making a whirring sound. | | They were in sight for 5-6 seconds. A Project Blue Book | | "unidentified" case. (Source: Project Blue Book files counted in | | official statistics, case 1502). | | | | 1952 - In the evening a Master Sergeant near Rapid City, South Dakota | | saw 12-14 glowing orange objects in the sky. They flew straight and | | level, and seemed to be going faster than jet aircraft. A Project | | Blue Book "unidentified" case. (Source: Project Blue Book files | | counted in official statistics, case 1479). | | | | 1955 - Shortly before noon in Bexleyheath, England and while driving | | a country road with two passengers, Mr. Fry noticed a dark shadow | | hanging over the road. His car began to slow down, and stop and start | | intermittently. Above was an gray oval-shaped disc 100 to 150 feet in | | diameter. It was spinning and making a swishing or humming noise. The | | UFO flipped over and rose up into the sky. (Source: FSR, November | | 1976, p. 30). | | | | 1955 - At dusk a man in Meopham, Kent County, England had taken his | | dog out for a walk through some local fields when he suddenly felt | | that he was being watched. Also, his dog was acting peculiar and the | | hairs on his dog's back were standing straight up. He looked up and | | saw a very large, hovering cigar-shaped object with large rounded | | windows, almost directly overhead. The windows were brightly lit and | | inside he could see several humanoid figures who appeared to be | | observing him. The object followed him without making any noise, as | | he ran with his dog across the fields and to his home. The witness | | hid inside his house, and he last saw the object hovering over some | | nearby buildings. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, case # 838, citing Mrs | | M. Fry, Contact, FSR, Volume. 27, # 5). | | | | 1962 - On this day X-15 pilot and future astronaut White was flying | | at 58 miles above the Earth from his desert takeoff point in | | California when he saw and took movie film of a grayish-white UFO. It | | paced the X-15 for five seconds, and then darted above and behind the | | plane. (Source: NICAP UFO Investigator, September 1962, p. 8). | | | | 1965 - On this night in Samarai, Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea a red | | glowing cylinder moved about in the sky, from left to right. During | | its oscillating behavior it emitted a sound like a diesel engine. | | (Source: Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 155). | | | | 1965 - Colonia, Uruguay. A blindingly bright object, smaller than an | | airplane and having metallic legs, was seen on the bank of the Rio de | | la Plata River by two workers and four young men. White smoke emerged | | from the craft, which remained on the sand for two minutes, leaving | | X-shaped ground marks. It flew up to about 10 meters altitude, | | stopped, then went away. The craft showed a round central section | | with two oval ends and looked somewhat similar to an egg. (Sources: | | Belfast News, July 20, 1965; Brad Steiger, Strangers From the Skies, | |  p. 40; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, | | case # 655). | | | | 1966 - Rebouillon, France. Rene Pebre and two others were driving | | back from Draguignan at 3:45 a.m. when they saw a gray oval-shaped | | metallic object, about five meters long, hovering at a low altitude | | about 300 meters away from them. It emitted a beam of light. They | | also noticed that there were several window-like openings on the | | craft. All the dogs in the vicinity were barking. (Source: Jacques | | Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 781, | | citing GEPA, September 1966). | | | | 1967 - While driving home at 1:00 a.m. in Newville, Pennsylvania Mr. | | Stanley L. noticed a light that he first thought was the moon, but it | | moved towards him and dropped into a position directly in front of | | his car. It paced him, keeping a distance of 15 to 20 yards, while he | | drove along at 55 mph. It was a rounded object, 10-15 in diameter, | | and was glowing brightly with an orange light. Stanley thought he | | could see the shadowy silhouette of a man inside the object working | | controls. When he slowed down the UFO rose above the telephone wires | | but continued to pace him the rest of the way home. At home he called | | out his sister Joanne, and her boyfriend Carl, and all three of them | | saw the object hovering over a field. When he drove away it followed | | his car again, and returned with him to the house where they could | | now make out the form of the occupant inside the object. The object | | made no sound. While they went inside the house the UFO disappeared. | | This encounter occurred during a continuing wave of UFO sighting | | reports in south central Pennsylvania. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted | | Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-58 | | (A0830), citing Ivan Kerns, NICAP). | | | | 1967 - At 3:15 in the afternoon in Arc-sous-Cicon, Doubs department, | | France four children saw three dark humanoids with protruding | | stomachs who spoke an unintelligible language that sounded like | | musical tones. They were dressed in black suits. Broken vegetation, a | | circle of burnt grass four meters in diameter, and three small | | footprints were found at the site. Several hours later there were | | widespread reports of fireballs seen by hundreds of people throughout | | Europe. Some believed these sightings were the result of a satellite | | re-entry or possibly a spectacular meteor. According to investigator | | Eric Zurcher, "We now know that the beings in question were already | | in the area three days earlier, since they were seen on the 14th and | | 15th by an agricultural worker." (Sources: France Soir, July 20, | | 1967; Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue no. 95; Ted R. Phillips, Physical | | Traces Associated with UFO Sightings, case 285 citing Spacelink | | magazine; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid | | Reports, cases 1967-59 & 1967-61, citing Eric Zurcher and Joel | | Mesnard for GEPA; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of | | Landings, case # 855). | | | | 1967 - Mr. E. Browne of Belfast, Northern Ireland was walking in the | | woods near his home on this evening when he came upon a "dish-like" | | object hovering eight feet above the ground. It was a dull blue-gray | | color with a rough and pitted outer surface, and about the size of a | | car. An opening appeared in the center of the underside and two | | silver suited, human-like figures dropped slowly to the ground and | | then walked away into the woods. Several minutes later they came back | | and drifted back into the craft, which rose silently into the air and | | vanished from sight. (Sources: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: | | Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-60, citing Flying Saucer | | Review, November-December 1967; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: | | A Century of Landings, case # 856; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, | | Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, p. 473). | | | | 1967 - At 11:25 p.m. Mrs. Emma Funk was driving down Route 22 north | | of Millertown, New York when a shiny black object about the size of a | | baseball flew into the car's headlights. It came right up to her car, | | seemed to brush against the windscreen, then veered off to the left. | | When it made contact the car lit up "like a giant electric light | | bulb." The engine and headlights failed and she lost consciousness. | | When she recovered the car was pointing in the opposite direction and | | there was a cracked area the size of a man's fist in the windshield. | | In September she underwent hypnotic regression in which she spoke of | | the radio being filled with static and unspecified beings, which | | turned the car around and struck her across the chest with a rod. | | (Sources: Larry Fawcett, APRO; Peter Rogerson, Worldwide Catalogue of | | Type I Reports, citing William Donovan, A.I.R.). | | | | 1968 - Near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil at around eleven p.m. a civil | | servant named Pedro Dema Filho heard a loud humming noise and was | | blinded by a powerful beam of light accompanied by two green lamps. | | These vanished, and from a door in a UFO emerged four short greenish | | entities not much over 20 inches tall, wearing something like | | headphones. They quickly approached and paralyzed him, and he was | | unable to run away. They next seized him and dragged him into their | | craft, the interior of which “looked like a laboratory”. There they | | questioned him, apparently using telepathy, at length about human | | customs. They didn't seem to have mouths. After that, they undressed | | him and conducted a detailed physical examination. They put a | | luminous wire device into his mouth that made his body appear | | transparent. During this procedure his limbs felt cold, his head felt | | like it was spinning, and his tongue felt like it had “turned to | | stone.” They finally released him, and he watched the craft fly off | | leaving a luminous trail. He felt no subsequent ill effects. | | (Sources: Gordon Creighton, FSR, September-October 1969, p. 32, | | citing Gazeta Noticia, July 21, 1968; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, | | HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1968-46, citing FSR). | | | | 1969 - At 10:50 a.m. in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia a poor quality | | photograph of a gray domed disc was taken. The object was estimated | | to be 20 feet in diameter. It moved through the sky from the | | southwest to the northeast at moderate speed, flying at an estimated | | 2000 feet altitude. (Source: Joseph Erhardt, UFO Chronolog, June | | 1970, case # 422). | | | | 1969 - At 8:25 p.m. near the airport in West Beach, Adelaide, South | | Australia a pinkish object flying at high altitude first stopped in | | mid-air, then rocked to-and-fro, and next moved off a short distance | | to the northeast. It subsequently doubled back, and finally shot | | straight up and was gone. (Sources: Michael Hervey, UFOs Over the | | Southern Hemisphere, p. 185; Joseph Erhardt, UFO Chronolog, June | | 1970, case # 424). | | | | 1969 - At 10:30 p.m. a man and a woman suffered physiological effects | | from a close encounter with a triangular UFO at a farm in Hartford, | | Vermont. (Sources: APRO Bulletin, September-October 1969, p. 6; | | Geoffrey Falla, BUFORA Vehicle Interference Project Report, p. 53). | | | | 1971 - At 2:00 a.m. a saucer-shaped UFO was seen over a road | | northwest of Abidjan, Ivory Coast. A car stalled in the presence of | | the disc, and the witnesses felt a sensation of heat. (Source: | | Isabelle de Joux, Phenomenes Spatiaux, December 1972, p. 21). | | | | 1973 - In the Ramapo Mountains northwest of Oakland, New Jersey at | | 11:23 p.m. a UFO hovered, then zigzagged slowly about for ten minutes | | before disappearing into the clouds. There were six calls to the | | police reporting the object. A balloon-shaped object was sighted in | | Pompton Lakes, New Jersey at about the same time as sightings over | | the Ramapo Mountains area. (Source: Ridgewood Herald News, July 19, | | 1973). | | | | 1973 - At 10:00 p.m. on this night three witnesses in the northern | | Mojave Desert, California observed the descent of a torpedo-shaped | | UFO over an isolated area, close to a ranch owned by one of them. As | | the UFO hovered near the ground, three "animate objects" dropped from | | it to the ground and "ambled" off in different directions. One | | witness described two glowing reddish lights in what would be the | | approximate placement of eyes in their heads. The next day tracks | | similar to those attributed to Bigfoot were made in the area. | |  (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid | | Reports, case # 1973-18 (A1213), citing Peter Gutilla, Saga UFO | | Report, November 1976). | | | | 1974 - Mrs. Jackie Booth of Avon Lake, Ohio--mother of three--had had | | several UFO sightings earlier in this year in March and April, and at | | the end of June a strange and totally unexplained condition affected | | her eyes when light emanated from them for a two hour period. In | | early July ground marks that could have come from a landed UFO were | | found on her lawn. On this night she awoke and went to the front door | | where she found two strange figures standing. They were about five | | feet tall and had large heads that were flat on top, glowing eyes set | | wide apart, slit-like mouths, and grayish-colored skin. Their arms | | were long, but she could not recall any details below the waist. They | | entered the house and appeared interested in Mrs. Booth's electric | | organ. She tried to talk to them, but they communicated with her | | telepathically, and she could "feel my thoughts leave my head." They | | wanted her to play the organ, so she sat down and played scales, and | | when she looked up they had vanished. She went back to bed and tried | | to convince herself it had been a dream. Later, under hypnosis, she | | recalled additional details. None of her family had awakened during | | the incident. Other strange incidents subsequently occurred. (Source: | | David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, | | case # 1974-37 (A1343), citing Allen Benz for APRO). | | | | 1977 - At five o'clock in the morning a glowing sphere landed on the | | Nova Melia Ranch near Barra do Corda, Maranhao State, Brazil only 200 | | meters from the ranch owner. After the brightness abated, the ranch | | owner, Joao Batista Souza, could see that the object was a domed | | disc-shaped craft, resembling a straw hat. The man hid behind a mound | | and watched as a door in the craft opened, and a short being about | | one meter in height got out. The hairy humanoid was carrying some | | sort of torch emitting a red light in his left hand, and some other | | type of "tool" in his right hand. The being's face could not be seen | | because it was wearing a full helmet with "antennae," but the rest of | | its body was completely covered in hair. At this point the rancher | | apparently lost consciousness, because members of his family later | | found him lying where he had hid and carried him into the ranch | | house, where he remained in bed for several days, too weak to get up. | | (Sources: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1977, case | | # 2510, citing Daniel Rebisso Geise, FSR, Volume 39, Number 3; Larry | | Hatch, U computer database, case 12248; citing FSR). | | | | 1977 - On this day a police dog handler saw a white cigar-shaped UFO | | above the village of Arkesden, Essex, England. A woman also reported | | seeing the same object at the same time, from 20 miles away. (Source: | | Gary Heseltine, Catalogue of Police Reports of UFOs, case 63, citing | | The Daily Mail, July 18, 1977). | | | | 1978 - A one-meter diameter sphere was seen spinning 1.5 meters above | | the ground in Castanheira de Pera, Portugal at 5:30 in the morning. | | At the site witnesses found scorched earth and burnt rocks. Later | | that evening, at 7:15 p.m., several witnesses saw a circular UFO in | | the sky above Chacabuco, Argentina. It varied in color between red | | and yellow. (Source: Victor Lourenco, PORTUCAT: Portugal UFO computer | | database, case 221; Stendek, December 1978, p. 13). | | | | 1983 - On this night an abduction occurred in Sommerecourt, France. | | At ten o'clock in the evening a luminous globe paralyzed a | | 45-year-old man, Mr. S. Gasparovic, and then levitated him into the | | air. He lost consciousness at this point and experienced an episode | | of missing time. He regained consciousness in the hospital. He was | | told that he was found wandering "like a robot" and he recalled that | | he had spoken to small beings with pointed ears. (Source: Lumieres | | dans la Nuit, issue no. 317). | | | | 1986 - A UFO zigzagged over Westwood, Massachusetts at 12:26 a.m. | | (Source: Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, | | 1988-1994, case 757). | | | | 1989 - A mystery animal death and cattle mutilation occurred in Maple | | Valley, Washington. The tongue, sexual organs, rectum, and part of | | the jaw had been removed. The scene appeared to be unusually | | bloodless. (Source: Timothy Good, Alien Contact, p. 154). | | | | 1991 - A large crop formation was discovered in a wheatfield near | | Barbury Castle, England. It consisted of large concentric circles in | | the center surrounded by a triangle with circles at each of the three | | apexes. (Source: Lucy Pringle, Crop Circles: The Greatest Mystery of | | Modern Times, p. 52). | | | | 1992 - At 6:30 p.m. a bright UFO was sighted hovering just above the | | ocean off the coast near Iguape, Brazil. It sucked up a wide column | | of water. At the same time an engineer from Cascavel, Brazil reported | | that a bright ball of light followed his car for a few minutes. A | | saucer-shaped object followed behind the sphere. (Sources: Bob Pratt, | | UFO Danger Zone: Terror and Death in Brazil-Where Next?, p. 231; | | Causistica Brasileira de 1992, case 9). | | | | 1993 - A peculiar looking robot-like humanoid was seen flying low | | over the terrain near Rome, Italy. It was viewed by a family with | | binoculars. While the witnesses was calling the airport the "robot" | | disappeared from sight. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact | | Database 1993, case no. 1707, citing London UFO Studies, Skylink, | | issues # 6 & 7). | | | | 1996 - At 9:00 a.m. on I-64 southeast of Damiansville, Illinois a | | low-flying triangular UFO approached an interstate ramp and then | | hovered over some trees for 4-5 minutes. It appeared like "polished | | steel". It made not sound and vanished mysteriously. That evening a | | woman in Langruth, Manitoba saw a disc-shaped object moving slowly | | and quietly through her farmyard. The disc was about 3-4 meters in | | diameter, about half a meter tall, and had slit like lights along the | | edge. Three circular patches of green growth appeared in the area | | where the object was first seen. (Sources: Curt Sutherly, UFO | | Mysteries: A Reporter Seeks the Truth, p. 198; International UFO | | Reporter, July 1997, p. 32). | | | | 1999 - A couple visiting the Pyramids in Giza, Egypt saw multiple | | unexplained lights flying north toward Giza. The lights settled on | | the ground and then disappeared. At the site there were dark blue | | burnt areas, about the size of two football fields. In places the | | sand had been vitrified in 4-5 foot diameter circles. (Source: UFO | | Magazine (USA), November 1999, p. 29). | | | | 2002 - A bright pulsating ovoid object flew over the river in Perm, | | Russia at 12:30 a.m. and became obscured by low clouds. Two | | searchlight beams descended from the sky and scanned the river and | | nearby homes. After two minutes the beams vanished and the object | | zoomed away. (Source: UFO Magazine (USA), October 2002, p. 15). | | | | 2004 - At 3:00 a.m. a triangular craft was seen hovering over I-70 in | | Lewisburg, Ohio. At 10:45 p.m. a white circular object came out of | | nowhere in Portsmouth, Ohio and dropped above a tree. It hovered | | at 50 feet altitude emitting four light beams, that were directed | | onto the street below. It made no sound. There were two witnesses and | | the close encounter lasted an hour. (Sources: Peter Davenport, | | National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, July 2004 archived webpage; | | Australasian Ufologist, October 2004, p. 7). | | | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 29 October 2009) | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. | | | | Themes: abductions, animal reaction | | : dog's hair stood up straight, cigar-shaped and cylindrical UFOs, di | | sc-shaped UFOs, domed-discs, dark humanoids, EM vehicle ignition inte | | rference effects, formation flying, gray UFOs, hairy dwarves, Grey hu | | manoids, human-looking UFOnauts, humanoids with pointed ears, humming | | and swishing sounds, inside UFO occupants, landings, landing traces, | | levitations, medical exams, motion picture film of UFO, multi-year r | | eports from Ohio, nautical UFOs, orange UFOs, ovoid UFOs, red UFOs, r | | obot, sensation of heat, short humanoids, silent UFOs, spheres, telep | | athy, triangular UFOs, UFOs in space, vertical ascent, zigzag motion. | | | | © Donald A. Johnson | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+