+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  August 10 | | | | 1944 - At a few minutes after midnight a bright reddish-orange, | | pulsing, maneuvering ball of light paced a U.S. Army Air Force B-29 | | bomber over the ocean between Palembang, Indonesia and Ceylon (Sri | | Lanka) at a location about 100 miles northwest of Palembang off the | | island of Sumatra. There were three witnesses on board the aircraft. | | The sighting lasted less than eight minutes. (Sources: Richard Hall, | | The UFO Evidence (Volume 1), p. 23; Donald E. Keyhoe, Flying Saucers: | | Top Secret, p. 83; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. | | 7; Richard M. Dolan, UFO's and the National Security State: | | Chronology of a Cover-up 1941-1973, p. 396). | | | | 1947 - An eight meter diameter domed metallic disc followed a car | | near Forrest Station, Manitoba, Canada on this day. It hovered over | | some power lines, then blinked out. (Sources: Jan Aldrich, Project | | 1947: A Preliminary Report on the 1947 UFO Sighting Wave, p. 113; | | Loren E. Gross, UFOs: A History. 1947 (volume 6), p. 7). | | | | 1954 - At 9:30 p.m. 13-year-old Gabriel Coupal and his younger | | siblings said they saw a brightly lighted object follow them to their | | farm in Hemmingford, Quebec, Canada. It landed and a figure wearing a | | black diver suit and with round eyes exited, and appeared to engage | | in some repair activity. Mr. Coupal and his oldest son went to the | | field where the children had been playing and saw an orange object | | rise from the ground and speed off to the west. The grass was | | flattened down over a 15-meter area, with two tracks about five | | meters long. (Sources: Harold Wilkins, Flying Saucers Uncensored, p. | | 237; Huntingdon Gleaner, August 18, 1954; Fate, March 1955, p. 19; | | Albany (NY) Times-Union, November 27, 1955; Jacques Vallee, Passport | | to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 135). | | | | 1959 - Two multi-colored spheres (of many dazzling colors) and a | | bronze disc flew over the shore of Baniara, Milne Bay, Papua New | | Guinea at 3:50 a.m. local time. About twelve hours later that same | | night, at 1:28 a.m. Atlantic Daylight Time, a 30-year-old RCAF pilot | | saw a bright light fly from horizon to overhead at Goose Bay Air | | Force Base in Labrador, Canada. It crossed 53 degrees of sky in 25 | | minutes, then mysteriously vanished. Project Blue Book lists this | | case as an "unknown." At 7:30 p.m. a disc flew over Wayne, | | Pennsylvania. (Sources: (1) Norman E. G. Cruttwell, UFOs in Two | | Worlds, FSR Special Issue No. 4, p. 35; (2) Project Blue Book files | | counted in official statistics, case # 6462; Lloyd Mallan, Official | | Guide to UFOs, p. 34; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence (Volume I), pp. | | 79, 156; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns; (3) Walter N. | | Webb, case investigation files, case no. 19). | | | | 1964 - On Wake Island in the Pacific Ocean west of Hawaii, an | | aircraft commander and his navigator (Lt. Cavender and Capt. Jones) | | were sitting in a parked C-124 transport plane at 5:15 a.m. when they | | sighted a red, blinking light approach the airfield runway. The light | | stopped and made several reverses over the next two minutes. Project | | Blue Book lists this case as an "unknown." (Sources: Project Blue | | Book files counted in official statistics, case # 9031; Don Berliner, | | Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 52; Richard Hall, The UFO | | Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 2; Don Berliner, | | Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns). | | | | 1965 - (1) At 3:40 a.m. an orange to crimson colored ball of light | | maneuvered, and then sped head-on toward a truck windscreen in | | Warminster, Wiltshire, England. The driver swerved in order to avoid | | a collision. Later than day a private pilot attorney saw two discs | | flying below the clouds near Nashville, Tennessee on this day. They | | accelerated and sped away. At 8 p.m. an aerospace engineer in | | Seattle, Washington watched as two silver discs hovered, then shot up | | out of sight. (Sources: (1) Arthur Shuttlewood, The Warminister | | Mystery: Astounding UFO sightings, p. 59; Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland: | | The secret history of Scotland's UFO phenomenon, p. 14; (2) Richard | | H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 117; | | (3) Richard H. Hall, ibid., p. 151). | | | | 1966 - At 12:30 a.m. in Moultonborough, New Hampshire a three foot | | in diameter red-orange globe with a central black design skirted | | about the walls and ceiling inside a cabin. (Source: Raymond E. | | Folwer, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 341). | | | | Moultonborough, New Hampshire - 1966 | | | | [MoultonboroughNH red-orange sphere 1966] | | | | 1970 - On this evening Titus Lamson saw a rainbow colored UFO moving | | over the village of Hotaville, New Mexico. It had "a dome, a round | | thing, and an aerial" on top. It was lit up and became translucent, | | so that he could see a man inside the dome wearing a gray uniform. | | The UFO then disappeared over a ridge. (Source: David F. Webb and Ted | | Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1970-13, citing | | George Fawcett). | | | | 1973 - On this afternoon four grade-school students and a police | | officer in Ibague, Colombia saw four small, human-like beings, | | dressed in white uniforms, beneath a bridge. The beings were only 20 | | centimeters tall and disappeared when the witnesses approached. | | Traces were left in the mud and later photographed. (Sources: David | | F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case | | 1973-20 (A1216), David F. Webb, 1973: The Year of the Humanoids, case | | 73-09A, citing CUFOS). | | | | 1975 - In Gilroy, Santa Clara County, California four witnesses, | | including a 19-year-old woman, saw a 40 foot long, hazy blue metallic | | ovoid with tripod landing gear hovering in the clear night sky | | shortly after 11:00 p.m. It made a humming sound.  The sighting | | lasted 10 minutes. (Sources: Paul Cerny, Skylook, September 1975, | | p. 6; FSR, April 1976, p. 24; Paris Flammonde, UFO Exist! p. 373; | | Jacques Vallee, Confrontations: A Scientist's Search for Alien | | Contact, p. 88). | | | | 1976 - Sr. Francisco Tejero, age 44, his wife Teresa Lacave, and | | their friends Jose Valles and wife Pilar Osborne Domecq were on | | holiday at the Hotel Da Balaia in Albufeira, Algarve, Portugal and | | had gone into the hotel bar for something to eat at around 5:00 p.m. | | They saw two men and a woman there who were engaged in a discussion, | | but at the same time seemed to be watching the witness’s party most | | intently. The two men were short in stature, “with European features | | but very dark.” They seemed to be between 40 and 50 years old, yet | | their hair was far too white in color for being middle aged. Suddenly | | two strange flashes of light came from the direction of this | | mysterious trio, like the flashbulbs of a camera, and although they | | observed no camera, the two Spanish couples had the strong impression | | that someone had just photographed them, perhaps with the aid of a | | minature, concealed camera. What's more, the two couples began to | | feel an indescribable malaise, so they quickly finished their drinks | | and left the bar to go have dinner. Later that night Teresa awoke | | with a start, and to her great astonishment she observed that on the | | curtains of the hotel window (which was open on this hot night) there | | was a very vivid luminous rectangle, “like a TV screen.” She | | immediately thought of the strange “spies” in the bar, and her next | | thought was that maybe they had entered the bedroom and were going to | | rob them or do them some kind of mischief. She turned and shook her | | husband vigorously. Her husband jumped out of bed and went to the | | window. In his account he said: “It was as though I was in some sort | | of trance, as if I had been hypnotized by someone. Outside, all was | | utterly, infinitely peaceful.” He was moving around like an | | automaton. He looked out the window and saw a rectangular thing, with | | six reddish lights on it, resting on another wing of the hotel which | | made an angle with the main face on which their window lay. All was | | dark underneath the “thing”, and nothing else was to be seen. He | | remained there motionless for awhile, gazing at the structure or | | “attic” with a sense of irritation because one of the lights was | | directed right into their bedroom. He then turned around and went | | back to sleep. In the morning they were astonished to find out that | | there was no other wing of the hotel running out at an angle. There | | was no building, or structure of any kind whatsoever. There was | | simply no “attic.” Their rooms were on the top floor of the hotel. | | (Source: Ignacio Darnaude Rojas-Marcos, FSR, October 1977, p. 20). | | | | 1977 - A man named Bogea was chased by a delta-shaped flying object | | through the forest in Pinheiro, Maranhao State, Brazil in the early | | morning hours. He reported being abducted and shown a strange city | | for hours. When he was returned in was located far from his original | | location. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 12283, | | citing Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone: Terror and Death in Brazil--Where | | Next? p. 100). | | | | 1978 - A mushroom-shaped object was sighted at close range over a | | military base in General Belgrano, Santa Fe Province, Argentina on | | this night. The object was several meters in diameter, and had an | | array of flashing lights around its rim. It flew at a low altitude, | | and hovered for 10 minutes. (Source: Jane Thomas, UFO Newsclipping | | Service, October 1978, p. 14, citing Cronica, August 13, 1978). | | | | 1980 - A New Mexico State policeman saw a UFO land in the Manzano | | Mountains near Albuquerque, New Mexico, near the Sandia Nuclear | | Weapons Facility. (Source: Lawrence Fawcett & Barry J. Greenwood, | | Clear Intent: The Government Cover-up of the UFO Experience, p. 225). | | | | 1981 - Russell Matson and another man were driving down a road in | | Apple Valley, Minnesota at 3:30 a.m. when they sighted a hexagonal | | object nearly overhead, at perhaps a distance of 500 feet. It had two | | green, two red, and white lights on its corners. It was estimated to | | be between 60 and 90 feet across. The object pivoted, making a 90 | | degree turn while stationary, then descended and approached the | | witnesses. It made a soft "whoosh" sound as the object passed, like | | gas escaping from a propane tank. (Sources: Northfield News, August | | 20, 1981; J. Allen Hynek, International UFO Reporter, January 1982, | | p. 13; John F. Schuessler, MUFON UFO Journal, Novemer 1982, p. 3; | | UNICAT database, case 35, citing J. Allen Hynek). | | | | 1982 - At 10:30 p.m. a married couple and their son were driving home | | to Kent, Washington and were near Lake Sawyer when they noticed an | | illuminated object above the tree line, projecting a beam of light | | into the sky which moved back and forth like a searchlight. The | | object had four red body lights. When they stopped at a stop sign, | | they saw that the searchlight beam had disappeared and a new light | | beam had begun rotating in a downward direction. Moreoever, the UFO | | appeared to be moving in their direction. As they turned a corner, a | | bright beam of light shone down into their car "bathing the driver in | | red light." The light and object then disappeared. (Source: Donald A. | | Johnson, Puget Sound Aerial Phenomena Research Newsletter, Autumn | | 1982; MUFON UFO Journal, December 1982, p. 3). | | | | 1983 - Two witnessed a domed disc-shaped object at low altitude | | around their mobile home and garage west of Flint, Michigan at 1:10 | | a.m. The object had two "headlights." (Source: MUFON UFO Journal, | | September 1983). | | | | 1986 - At 9:45 p.m. in Manteca, Contra Costa County, California a | | large disc-shaped object flew fast and silently from the southeast to | | the northwest. A second disc was seen at 11:15 p.m., which  made | | a 90-degree turn straight up into the sky. (Source: Robert Gribble, | | National UFO Reporting Center, case # 1139). | | | | 1989 - On this afternoon in the Kirov region of Russia a large hairy | | humanoid with long arms and small feet “scared the daylights” out of | | the local veterinarian, P. Saitov, as he was out walking with his | | children and a friend. “It was making huge jumps--not at all like a | | human being”, he said. Saitov and his companions rushed back to their | | car and followed the creature for about a kilometer until it | | disappeared into some undergrowth. He described it as about two | | meters tall, with its body covered with dark brown hair, and it had | | shoulder length hair. Being a veterinary surgeon, he was able to | | determine that the creature was neither human nor an anthropoid ape. | | A local hunter discovered footprints and deduced the animal had a two | | meter pace (Source: Mike Dash, Fortean Times, issue #53, citing | | Sotsialistichskaya Industria). | | | | 1989 - A terrified Milwaukee, Wisconsin couple doing some night | | fishing on Lake Michigan saw a silver, disc-shaped object fall from | | the sky and hover nearby at 3:30 a.m. (Source: MUFON UFO Journal, May | | 1990). | | 1989 - Mrs. Rayna was alone at home in Sedona, Arizona and taking an | | afternoon nap when she heard a loud cracking sound that woke her. She | | felt paralyzed and a strong tingling sensation came over her entire | | body. She then noticed a small being standing at the head of her bed. | | The being was 3.5 feet tall, whitish-gray in color, and wore a | | form-fitting jumpsuit. It had a large head, and large dark eyes. The | | being communicated with a second, unseen entity, using an | | unintelligible language with a digital, musical quality. The being | | suddenly vanished and she was able to move again. Her muscles were | | sore and she felt nauseous afterwards. (Source: Richard J. Boylan, | | Close Extraterrestrial Encounters, p. 120). | | | | 1989 - A Dutch psychologist vacationing in Spain videotaped an object | | that changed shaped and divided into two parts. Dr. William Heijster, | | a Dutch military psychologist, was vacationing in Spain with his | | family. At about 9:00 p.m. while driving southwest along the eastern | | coastal highway near Estepona, Spain, the family noticed an object | | northwest of them in the late evening sky. They stopped to watch, and | | Dr. Heijster filmed it on and off for a period of about one hour, | | using a handheld camcorder. | | | | The object appeared to be rotating at high speed. The rotation was | | not visible on the film, however; instead, the object appeared to | | undergo a slow shape change, from looking like a "coolie hat" to | | circular. The upper surface was bright, while the lower surface was | | shadowed. The object hovered in one place. After about an hour the | | object split into two parts, which then separated and faded from | | view. Only part of the disappearance was recorded on the videotape. | | Palm fronds are visible in the foreground. There were reported to be | | several other witnesses. | | | | Dr. Heijster contacted the Fund for UFO Research and made a copy of | | the film available for analysis. The UFO image measures about 3.3 cm | | on the film, and it appears for 3 minutes and 53 seconds. | | Calculations of the object's size at various distances are: at 300 | | meters the diameter would be 4 meters, at one mile it would be 21 | | meters, and at 9,000 meters it would have been 120 meters in | | diameter. Although one hypothesis is that the image is that of a | | research balloon, the size seems excessive for a high-altitude | | balloon. (Source: Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A | | Thirty-Year Report, pp. 298-299). | | | | 1989 - A man was walking near a housing project in Hartshead Moor, | | West Yorkshire, England at 9:15 p.m. when he suddenly had the | | impression that someone was watching him. In the dark he noticed a | | huge, eight-foot-tall figure with bright slanted eyes. The being | | appeared to be wearing a large pointed helmet and flared trousers | | with “something” pointing down between the legs. The creature’s eyes | | suddenly became red, frightening the witness. A second, green-colored | | entity now appeared and was asked by the tall entity “Shall we get | | him”? The second entity replied in the negative. The green colored | | entity had black slanting eyes, a peanut shaped, helmeted head, and | | wore brown colored clothing. The man ran from the area. (Source: | | Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, case # 1498, | | citing Steve Gerrard, Northern UFO News, issue # 182). | | 1989 - A 20-year-old woman in Gulf Breeze, Florida saw two rows of | | six to eight round white lights in the sky at 10:40 p.m., as bright | | as stadium lights, that formed a rectangle twice the size of a Boeing | | 747. The object moved very slowly from the west to the east, and | | descended to about an estimated 30 feet altitude before it | | disappeared. It made no sound, and the encounter lasted about half a | | minute. (Source: Carol & Rex Salisberry, MUFON Field Investigation | | Database, case 891007b). | | | | 1992 - At 8:26 p.m. in Lansing, Michigan six observers, including the | | main witness who was a 25-year-old woman, sighted a black 30 foot in | | diameter disc-shaped object, with two orbs on top, looking something | | like a Mickey Mouse cap, over a parking lot. There was also CB | | radio interference experienced. The sighting lasted 18 minutes. | | (Sources: Rex Schrader, MUFON Field Investigation case files, case | | 930823C; Jerold R. Johnson, MUFON UFO Journal, November 1993, p. 16 | | and March 1994, p. 14). | | | | 1993 - In Norman, Oklahoma at 2:11 a.m. an animal reaction case | | occurred. Dogs barked as a huge, fat, battleship gray UFO passed near | | the four witness's car. The object had two square patches of | | blue-gray fluorescent light in formation off it's diagonal corners. A | | red dot of light with radial rays appeared between the square | | patches. (Sources: Seifried Richard D. Seifried,MUFON Field | | Investigation case files, case 930108C; Donald M. Ware, MUFON UFO | | Journal, April 1993, p. 18). | | | | 1993 - On this evening Leah Haley was in the back room of an old | | house in Pensacola, Florida, talking with a male friend when suddenly | | a force lifted her up towards the ceiling. Her friend tried to grab | | her but could not reach her in time. The higher she went the dizzier | | she became. Through some sort of white mist she saw her friend moving | | about, as if in a trance. Moments later she was onboard a craft | | looking out a porthole. Her next memory found herself standing in a | | field, where a short stocky woman was apparently performing magic | | tricks in front of several other people. The witness was standing in | | the middle of the field, in front of a table that contained clothing. | | A female "alien" with short brown hair, wearing a red-gold black | | trimmed blouse, was standing next to her. Another similar female | | stood on her right side. She asked one of the females where they was | | from, and her reply was "The Pleiades." She was told that they had | | bases on earth. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database | | 1993, case # 2072, citing Leah A. Haley). | | | | 1993 - At 9:00 p.m. a multicolored disc-shaped object was seen | | hovering across the street in Frankfort, Herkimer County, New York. | | The sighting lasted 30 seconds. (Source: Peter Davenport, National | | UFO Reporting Center, report dated September 29, 2004). | | | | 1994 - (1) At 12:30 a.m. a witness observed for a few seconds a | | small luminous sphere that moved very quickly in the sky over | | Castanet Tolosan, Haute-Garonne Department, France. It made no noise, | | and no trail accompanied it. (2) At 4:30 a.m. at Antibes, | | Alpes-Maritime Department, France three luminous balls stopped over | | the ocean, then vanished. Their apparent size was 1 cm at arms | | length. (3) There was also the co-occurrence of anomalous radar | | echoes in the Central European surveillance area, headquartered in | | Switzerland. (Sources: (1) GEIPAN, case # 1994-180; (2) Lumieres dans | | la Nuit, issue 327; (3) Illobrand von Ludwiger, Best UFO | | Cases--Europe, p. 109). | | | | 1994 - (1) At three o'clock in the afternoon a black triangle spun | | out of a billowing line of smoke in the sky over Gull Lake, Alberta, | | Canada and stopped dead; it then took off at an incredible speed. At | | 10:45 p.m. over York, England at box-shaped object hovered over a | | satellite dish in a residential neighborhood, making a humming sound | | and causing interference on local TVs. It glided off down a road | | after three minutes. (Sources: (1) Peter Davenport, National UFO | | Reporting Center, Seattle, August 1994 archived webpage, report dated | | May 9, 2003; (2) UFO Newsclipping Service, November 1994).  | | | | 1996 - A bright red disc was sighted moving low over a farm in | | Avellino, Campania, Italy. A circle of dried yellow grass was found | | in the vicinity. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # | | 17388, citing Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup, volume 1, number 28). | | | | 1997 - A wave of domed discs flew over a river in the Solomon | | Islands, Pacific Ocean One of them, estimated to be four meters in | | diameter, dove under a waterfall and never emerged. (Source: Larry | | Hatch, U computer database, case #  17964, citing Joseph Trainor, UFO | | Roundup, volume 1, number 27). | | | | 1998 - "Cobwebs" fell from the clear blue sky while silver spheres | | performed aerobactic maneuvers and made right angle turns over | | Quirindi, New South Wales, Australia on this afternoon. The "angel | | hair" appeaerd to be produced during the objects' accelerations. The | | substance was white in color, with the strength of cotton, and | | eventually dissolved. (Source: Brian Boldman, International UFO | | Reporter, October 2001, p. 10). | | 1998 - A triangular UFO with many lights was seen over at least 30 | | different towns in the Ardennes region of France. Over the town of | | Sedan a videotape shot at 11:30 p.m. showed the object seemingly | | attempting to dodge the camera. The video footage appeared on French | | TV. (Source: Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup, volume 3, number 33). | | | | 2000 - At 12:10 a.m. Scott Jarvie was walking home in Falkirk, | | Scotland after visiting his girlfriend when he suddenly became drowsy | | and very sleepy. His next conscious memory was suddenly | | finding himself inside a very bright place, but someone "dark" at the | | same time; it was hard to describe. Inside the enclosure he briefly | | met a short humanoid, with sunken green eyes, sandy colored skin, and | | no mouth. It had short stubby fingers on one hand. A most | | unusual feature of the creature was that it had a hole where the neck | | area joined the spine. Jarvie has no other memories. (Source: Albert | | S. Rosales, 2000 Humanoid Sighting Reports, case 3799, citing UFO | | Abduction Raw Data Page, UFO Watch). | | | | 2001 - At 11:30 a.m. two silver spheres passed under a C-130 Aircraft | | while flying over Salida, Colorado. The sighting was very brief. | | (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, | | report uploaded February 8, 2005). | | | | 2003 - At 2:22 p.m. a 10-meter long, silver sausage-shaped object, | | flew low over the roadside in Canyon Creek, near Whitehorse, Yukon | | Territory, Canada. It then went under some guywires and flew off into | | the trees. (Sources: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 18193; | | Geoff Dittman, 2003 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 391, citing UFOBC). | | | | 2004 - A lighted object, circular in shape, was sighted at 2:26 a.m. | | in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. It shot straight up into the sky, and | | made the TV "go haywire." The sighting lasted about 10 seconds. | | (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, | | 2004 archived webpage). | | | | 2007 - At noon an elongated cigar-shaped object, translucent or | | transparent, flew over Hancock, Maine in a controlled | | flight. (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, | | Seattle, report uploaded October 8, 2007). | | | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 27 July 2012). | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. | | | | Themes: abductions, | | abrupt maneuvers, angel hair, animal reaction: dogs barking, buzzings | | by UFOs, disc-shaped UFOs, domed discs, ground marks, hairy humanoid | | , high strangeness cases, landings, levitation, multi-year close enco | | unter reports from England and Florida, orange UFOs, polygon shaped U | | FO, radio and TV interference, red-orange balls, silver spheres, tran | | ce states, triangle UFOs, very short humanoids, very large humanoids. | | | | © Donald A. Johnson | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+