+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [On This Day] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |  Encounters with Aliens on this Day | | | |  April 4 | | | | 1949 - William Parrott, former Air Force pilot and Major, sighted a | | round object with a curved bottom and dull coloring at 10:20 p.m. in | | Merced, California. The object gave off a clicking sound until | | overhead. Parrott's dog reacted by barking and running around while | | the UFO was in sight, about 35 seconds. (Source: Don Berliner, | | Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns). | | | | 1952 - At 7:30 p.m. two radar operators of the 147th AC&W Squadron in | | Duncanville, Texas tracked a UFO for one minute by radar moving at an | | estimated speed of 2,160 mph. (Source: Don Berliner, Project Bluebook | | UFO Unknowns). | | | | 1956 - At 3:15 p.m. retired US Army Captain Roy Hall, Charles | | Anderson and others in McKinney, Texas observed through telescopes a | | stationary oblong object. One telescope was a 6" diameter model and | | the other was a 55-200x telescope. The fat, oblong object had two | | lines around its middle. It remained stationary for six hours. | | (Source: Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns). | | | | 1965 - Keesler AFB, Mississippi. At 4:05 a.m. USAF Airman Corum, a | | weather observer, sighted a 40 foot long back, oval-shaped object | | with four lights along the bottom (see sketch below). It flew in and | | out of a cloud bank for 15 seconds. It had four protruding lights | | evenly spaced on the bottom, and looked dark against the clouds. A | | college student named R. Pittman also sighted the object. (Sources: | | US Air Force Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, | | case # 9345; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns). | | | | Keesler AFB, Mississippi - 1965 | | | | [] | | | | 1965 - On the same day at 10:15 a.m. in Valley Falls, New York a | | white egg-shaped or rectangular object (see sketch below) was | | observed directly in front of two jet fighters. The UFO ascended | | rapidly to avoid collision and moved rapidly away in the opposite | | direction. (Source: Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, | | p. 332). | | | | Valley Falls, New York - 1965 | | | | [] | | | | 1966 - A famous UFO close encounter case involving the bending of a | | car's headlights occurred on this night in Bourke's Flat, Victoria, | | Australia on the road between Bendigo and Saint Arnaud. Mr. R. | | Sullivan, age 38, was driving home when he encountered a heavy mist | | and a shining white, oval-shaped UFO that appeared above him with a | | cone of light descending from beneath it. Rainbow colored rays of | | light ran down the sides of the cone. His car's headlight beams were | | bent toward the object "as if they were pieces of pipe." Mr. Sullivan | | overcompensated in his driving and nearly crashed, but was able to | | stop the car. He then saw brilliant lights flashing in a field, | | followed by the abrupt departure of the UFO. The car headlights were | | OK after the incident. (Sources: Victorian UFO Research Society, | | Flying Saucer Review, May-June 1966, p. 3; Phenomenes Spatiaux, June | | 1966; Coral E. Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, p. 160; Jenny | | Randles, Time Storms: Amazing evidence for time warps, space rifts, | | and time travel, p. 29; Bill Chalker, The OZ Files, p. 114; Mark | | Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 29). | | | | 1966 - Two UFOs were seen over the Trenton, Ontario airport on this | | night, and one landed on runway 113. It was about 20 feet in | | diameter. Two small men were seen near it. When the service police | | approached, the beings got back in the craft and it took off. | | (Source: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of | | Humanoid Reports, case A0706, citing NICAP; Albert S. Rosales, | | Humanoid Contact Database 1966). | | | | 1977 - Tucson, Arizona - A 52-year-old woman was watching jackrabbits | | by moonlight on the Veterans Administration Hospital grounds at 1:30 | | a.m. when she heard a whirring noise and looked up to see a luminous | | white UFO coming down for a landing. It was ellipsoidal in shape with | | fuzzy contours, and landed approximately 30 to 40 feet away. The top | | of the object was a soft luminous pink, and something like a | | horizontal periscope or boom protruded form the right side. The | | object was about 40 to 50 feet in diameter and about 20 feet high. | | The whirring ceased when it landed, but she saw no landing gear. Then | | a human like figure, well over six-foot tall with very broad | | shoulders, walked toward her from the UFO. She had not seen him | | emerge through a door in the craft. He wore a silvery one-piece | | uniform that was tight-fitting, like a frogman's wetsuit, and he had | | on mitten-like gloves. He spoke to her, saying "I am Onleel, I want | | to talk with you, come with me." She saw only his eyes and no other | | facial features. The eyes were large and dark. The voice was probably | | telepathic and it seemed to come from his eyes. She felt compelled to | | obey. The next thing she remembers she is inside the ship, with no | | recollection of how she got onboard. | | | | She followed Onleel through a main central room and through a doorway | | to a smaller room. In the room are three or four other beings, in | | general similar to Onleel but smaller in size, between four to five | | feet tall. They wore brown one-piece suits with boots. Two were | | seated at a control panel, while the third stood before a screen. | | They paid no attention to her. She had the impression that might have | | been female, but there was nothing about their shape to suggest this | | except their smaller size. The fittings and furniture were all of | | "spun aluminum" and there was a bright light that illuminated the | | interior that came from no visible source. | | | | Continued: In the smaller adjacent room Onleel sat the witness down and offered | | her an aluminum cup with liquid resembling milk. She declined the | | drink. Then Onleel asked her a number of questions, some of which | | were of a highly personal nature, indicating that he must already | | know a great deal about her. He asked her what she would do in | | various hypothetical situations, and he discussed with her aspects of | | reincarnation. When asked how she would react to the prospect of | | facing death, she responded by saying she would accept it. He told | | her that she was "one of the developing ones---there are many of you | | scattered all over the planet," and he said they "would be coming | | back for her." The witness asked when and why, and he answered, "it | | is not for you to know." | | | | His voice came out in a metallic monotone, like it was computer | | generated. After the quiz, which lasted perhaps 20 to 30 minutes, she | | found herself outside the object with no recollection of how she got | | there, dazed and upset. She was on the street outside the VA Hospital | | grounds near her own apartment. She got home at about 2:30 a.m. There | | were many things about her experience she is unable to remember. She | | had been wearing a new pair of shoes, and that morning she noticed | | that they were covered with what looked like desert dust and burrs. | | In a way this confirmed for her the reality of her experience, that | | it had not been a dream. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, | | HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1977-16, citing | | investigator Fred Dennis). | | | | 1977 - Gorham, Coos County, New Hampshire - Mrs. Susanne Fortier was | | walking on the lawn behind her house with her collie dog at 8:15 p.m. | | Whe heard a sound like a "wind or whistle" and she then observed a | | small object land in the vicinity of the children's playhouse. It was | | about five feet in diameter, with eight "pods or legs", windows or | | doors all around it, and an antenna on top. The interior was a bright | | red, and it contained six three-foot-tall occupants who had long | | slit-like eyes, ape like noses, and no hair. The skin of their faces | | seemed very wrinkled. They wore gloves. Mrs Fortier could hear "a | | garble of voices" talking, like a bunch of CB voices, and felt a | | great deal of heat come from the craft. She watched it for about 15 | | minutes, after which it rose straight up and flew off to the south. | | When she got back in the house she found her face and legs red from | | the heat. Her dog, which reacted noticeably to the object, would | | still not let her go near the area a month later. No traces were | | found at the landing site, which had been muddy. (Source: David F. | | Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case | | 1977-15, citing investigator Mrs. Lorraine Duchesne, MUFON). | | | | 2003 - At 11:38 p.m. in Coral Springs, Florida a man saw a dark | | figure outside his window, and at first thought it was a man. It | | slightly resembled a naked man standing in the middle of the road, | | but after about 30 seconds the figure walked away. As it went behind | | some trees the witness thought he would go out to see who it was, but | | then a triangular UFO appeared, encased in an eerie glow with three | | lights, one in each corner. The craft then zoomed up into the sky, | | leaving a trail of white fog behind. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, | | Humanoid Contact Database 2003, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO | | Reporting Center, Seattle). | | | | Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 23 October 2009) | | | | Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. | | | | Themes: abduction, absence of physical tr | | aces, animal reactions, clicking sound, EM or gravity effect on light | | beams, fog or mist left behind by UFO, landings, multi-year reports | | from Texas, radar tracking of UFO, ovoid UFO, sensation of heat, shor | | t humanoids, stationary UFOs, triangular UFO, UFO landing on airport | | runway, unintelligible language, vertical ascent, wrinkled humanoids. | | | | © Donald A. Johnson | | | |  < Calendar | Home | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+