# UFO Event Timeline, KWIC Index Page: l [Back to Main timeline](timeline.html) ## Letters Directory: [a](kwic_a.html) [b](kwic_b.html) [c](kwic_c.html) [d](kwic_d.html) [e](kwic_e.html) [f](kwic_f.html) [g](kwic_g.html) [h](kwic_h.html) [i](kwic_i.html) [j](kwic_j.html) [k](kwic_k.html) [l](kwic_l.html) [m](kwic_m.html) [n](kwic_n.html) [o](kwic_o.html) [p](kwic_p.html) [q](kwic_q.html) [r](kwic_r.html) [s](kwic_s.html) [t](kwic_t.html) [u](kwic_u.html) [v](kwic_v.html) [w](kwic_w.html) [x](kwic_x.html) [y](kwic_y.html) [z](kwic_z.html) [numbers](kwic_numbers.html) [misc](kwic_misc.html) ## Words Directory: "l&g" "l'" "l'abbe" "l'adour" "l'alleud" "l'alt" "l'ancresse" "l'aquila" "l'arbret" "l'astronomie" "l'epine" "l'espoir" "l'eveque" "l'herault" "l'hopital" "l'ile" "l'ile-behuard" "l'isle" "l'oeste-11" "l'orignal" "l's" "l'yonne" "l-09" "l-1011" "l-19" "l-29" "l-9" "l-band" "l-box" "l-formation" "l-shape" "l-shaped" "l-shapes" "l-tube" "l0" "l0'" "l1" "l2" "l29" "l5" "l5minutes" "l6+m1" "l8th" "la" "la-11" "la-9" "la-crescenta" "la-gde-croix" "la-roche-en-brenil" "la-ur-21-27461" "lab" "labacchante" "laban" "labaroche" "labassiere" "labatut" "labba" "label" "labeled" "labelle" "labelled" "labels" "laberge" "labis" "labonde" "labonne" "labor" "laboratories" "laboratory" "labored" "laborer" "laborers" "laborie" "laboulaye" "labquark" "labr" "labrador" "labre--saw" "labs" "labussière" "labussières" "labuttendorf" "labvin" "lac" "lac-beauport" "lacambre" "lacamp" "lacanau-ocean" "lacanche" "lacar" "lacatski" "lacave" "lacayo" "laced" "laceless" "lacey" "lachapelle" "lachassagne" "lachezar" "lachlan" "lack" "lackadaisical" "lackawanna" "lacked" "lacking" "lackland" "lacks" "laclotre" "laco" "lacock" "lacombe" "laconia" "laconic" "lacoste" "lacotte" "lacq" "lacross" "lacrosse" "lacuesta" "lacul" "lacy" "ladakh" "ladaleto" "ladapeyre" "ladd" "ladder" "ladder-shape" "ladderlike" "ladders" "ladeleto" "laden" "ladesic" "ladies" "ladislau" "ladoga" "lads" "ladue" "lady" "lady-in-white" "lae" "laerte" "lafayette" "lafferty" "lafreniere" "lag" "lagaccio" "lagardelle-sur-leze" "lagerlechfeld" "lages" "lagged" "lagny" "lago" "lagoa" "lagol" "lagoon" "lagoons" "lagos" "lagrange" "lagrasse" "lagrone" "lags" "laguepie" "laguna" "lagune" "lagyna" "lahaina" "laharmande" "lahu" "lai" "laibow" "laid" "laidler" "laihia" "laika" "laila" "laina" "laindon" "laingsburg" "laios" "laissaud" "laithwaite" "laitkroh" "laitre-ss-amance" "laiunch" "laize-la-ville" "lajas" "lajes" "lajoumard" "lake" "lake--lac-aux-bleuets" "lake-and" "lakebed" "lakefront" "lakehurst" "lakeland" "lakenheath" "lakenheath-bentwaters" "lakes" "lakeshore" "lakeside" "laketi" "lakeview" "lakeville" "lakewood" "lakota" "lal" "lalevée" "lalizolle" "lalle" "lalor" "lam" "lamar" "lamas" "lamastre" "lamazon" "lamb" "lamballe" "lambermont" "lambert" "lamberton" "lambeth" "lambley" "lambourne" "lameness" "lamere" "lamesa" "laminated" "lammer" "lammi" "lamong" "lamoni" "lamonriville" "lamontagne" "lamoriciere" "lamp" "lampasas" "lampblack" "lampe" "lampert" "lampertheim" "lampman" "lampposts" "lamprey" "lamps" "lampshade" "lampshade-shaped" "lampshades" "lampshire" "lamson" "lamy" "lan" "lanajevo" "lanaria" "lanark" "lancang" "lancashire" "lancashireshire" "lancaster" "lance" "lance's" "lancer" "lancs" "land" "land-air" "landau" "landed" "landed-first" "landeforet" "lander" "landeros" "landers" "landes" "landevennec" "landguard" "landholm" "landiat-postcardat-postcardng" "landing" "landing-gear" "landing-leg" "landing-light" "landings" "landis" "landivisiau" "landlady" "landmark" "landmine" "landoffen" "landon" "landover" "landowner" "landrum" "landrum's" "landry" "landryr" "lands" "landsburg" "landscape" "landscapes" "landsearch" "landskrona" "landulph" "landévennec" "lane" "lanejevo" "lanejois" "lanes" "lanesborough" "lanett" "laneuvelot" "laneuville" "lang" "lang=en" "langdale" "langdon" "lange" "langeadois" "langelaan" "langeland" "langelmayesi" "langenargen" "langenau" "langenburg" "langeness" "langenhoe" "langer" "langernargen" "langeron" "langford" "langford-holt" "langhalsen" "langiano" "langley" "langmo" "langmuir" "langold" "langon" "langruth" "langsett" "langsjoen" "langstaff" "langston" "langston's" "langtoft" "language" "languages" "languid" "lanham" "lanib" "lanka" "lankford" "lanl" "lanl-repo" "lann-bihoue" "lannion" "lanphear" "lanpher" "lansdale" "lansing" "lansky" "lanssellin" "lanta" "lantana" "lantern" "lantern-like" "lantern-shaped" "lanterns" "lanthanum" "lantz" "lanulos" "lanus" "lanxi" "lanxi-xin" "lanzarote" "lanzhou" "lanzillo" "laocoon" "laodice" "laos" "laotian" "lap" "lapalm" "lapastora" "lapaz" "lapenne" "lapeza" "lapham" "lapinlahti" "laplace" "lapland" "laplante" "lapoint" "laponia" "laporte" "lappet" "lappi" "lapse" "lapsed" "lapses" "laptop" "lapwai" "laqueuille" "lara" "laramie" "laramore" "laranjeira" "laraquete-curanilahue" "larch" "larche" "lardit" "laredo" "lareport" "large" "large-area" "large-eyed" "large-headed" "large-radius" "large-scale" "large-sized" "large-wavelength" "large^" "largely" "largentiere" "larger" "largest" "largo" "lari" "larimer" "larimore" "larisa" "larissa" "larkhall" "larkspur" "larnaca" "larne" "larned" "laroche" "laroque" "larose" "larrude" "larry" "lars" "lars-erik" "larsen" "larson" "larsson" "lartillot" "lartington" "las" "lasalle" "lasby" "lasca" "laser" "laser-like" "laserlike" "lasers" "lasgraisses" "lasham" "lashed" "lashes" "lashing" "laskowice" "laso" "laspeyre" "lasse" "lassen" "lasseter" "lassitude" "last" "last-chance" "lasted" "lasting" "lasts" "lat" "lata" "latamarx" "latcc" "latch" "latcham" "late" "late-night" "late-stage" "later" "lateral" "laterally" "latest" "latex" "latham" "lathrop" "latimer" "latimes" "latin" "latin-type" "latir" "latitude" "latium" "latrine" "latrobe" "lats" "latter" "lattice" "lattice-enclosed" "lattice-like" "lattice-work" "latvia" "laubach" "laube" "lauderdale" "laudermilk" "laudie" "laugere" "laugh" "laughable" "laughead" "laugheads" "laughed" "laughing" "laughlin" "laughs" "laughter" "laulne" "launac" "launay" "launceston" "launceton" "launch" "launch-and-recovery" "launched" "launcher" "launchers" "launches" "launching" "launchpads" "laundering" "laundry" "launor" "laura" "laurance" "laurel" "laurence" "laurent" "laurent-medoc" "laurentian" "lauretz" "laurie" "laurier" "laurinburg" "lauris" "lauro" "lausanne" "lav" "lava" "lava-traces" "lavaderos" "laval" "lavalette" "lavalike" "lavalle" "lavallette" "lavarande" "lavenay" "lavender" "lavender-colored" "laveno" "lavern" "laverne" "lavernock" "laverstock" "laverton" "laveta" "laviana" "lavik" "lavinium" "laviolette" "lavished" "lavister" "lavochkin" "lavonia" "lavoux" "lavras" "lavrentiy" "law" "law-" "law-enforcement" "lawitta" "lawlessness" "lawmakers" "lawmen" "lawn" "lawnmower" "lawnmower-like" "lawrence" "lawrenceburg" "lawrencetown" "lawrenceville" "lawrenceville-" "lawrenny" "lawrey" "laws" "lawson" "lawsuit" "lawsuits" "lawton" "lawyer" "lawyer's" "lawyers" "lax" "laxey" "laxson" "lay" "lay-by" "layer" "layered" "layers" "laying" "laymen" "layne" "layover" "layovers" "laypeople" "lays" "laytonsville" "lazar" "lazar's" "lazeanu" "lazily" "lazlo" "lazurin" "lazurite" "lazy" "lb" "lbj" "lbr" "lbs" "lc" "lc-5" "lc3" "lcc" "lcf" "lcfs" "ldes" "ldln" "ldln#101p4" "ldln#102" "ldln#102+" "ldln#102+flying" "ldln#102p2+" "ldln#103" "ldln#103+" "ldln#103+117" "ldln#103p2+" "ldln#104" "ldln#105" "ldln#106" "ldln#107" "ldln#108+" "ldln#110" "ldln#112" "ldln#113" "ldln#115" "ldln#115+" "ldln#115+118" "ldln#117" "ldln#118" "ldln#119" "ldln#119+" "ldln#120" "ldln#121+#330" "ldln#122" "ldln#122+" "ldln#123" "ldln#123+" "ldln#124" "ldln#125" "ldln#125+" "ldln#127" "ldln#127+" "ldln#128" "ldln#129" "ldln#130" "ldln#130+" "ldln#131" "ldln#131+" "ldln#132" "ldln#132p26" "ldln#133" "ldln#133+" "ldln#135" "ldln#136" "ldln#136+137" "ldln#136p25" "ldln#137" "ldln#138" "ldln#139" "ldln#139+" "ldln#144" "ldln#144+" "ldln#145+" "ldln#146" "ldln#147" "ldln#149" "ldln#151+" "ldln#152" "ldln#153" "ldln#154+" "ldln#155" "ldln#157" "ldln#158" "ldln#159" "ldln#161" "ldln#161+" "ldln#162" "ldln#163" "ldln#165" "ldln#166" "ldln#167" "ldln#167+202" "ldln#169" "ldln#171" "ldln#172" "ldln#175" "ldln#176+" "ldln#177+" "ldln#177+#180" "ldln#180" "ldln#182" "ldln#183" "ldln#186" "ldln#187" "ldln#187+" "ldln#188" "ldln#189" "ldln#192" "ldln#193" "ldln#194" "ldln#195" "ldln#196" "ldln#198" "ldln#199" "ldln#201" "ldln#201+#216" "ldln#204" "ldln#204+" "ldln#207" "ldln#207+" "ldln#210" "ldln#211" "ldln#212" "ldln#216" "ldln#218" "ldln#239" "ldln#247" "ldln#249" "ldln#255+r150" "ldln#260" "ldln#267" "ldln#269+" "ldln#283" "ldln#296" "ldln#300" "ldln#301" "ldln#302" "ldln#303+330" "ldln#304" "ldln#305" "ldln#306" "ldln#308+309+331" "ldln#309" "ldln#311" "ldln#312" "ldln#314+" "ldln#318" "ldln#319" "ldln#319+local" "ldln#319p26" "ldln#320" "ldln#321" "ldln#323" "ldln#324" "ldln#324+" "ldln#325" "ldln#325+" "ldln#326" "ldln#326pg43+" "ldln#330" "ldln#330+" "ldln#330+evening" "ldln#330p13" "ldln#331" "ldln#331+" "ldln#332" "ldln#334" "ldln#334p3" "ldln#334p34+" "ldln#334p35+" "ldln#335p38" "ldln#337" "ldln#337+" "ldln#338" "ldln#338p32" "ldln#339" "ldln#339+" "ldln#339p29" "ldln#339p7" "ldln#340" "ldln#341" "ldln#342" "ldln#343" "ldln#343+" "ldln#345" "ldln#345p32" "ldln#66" "ldln#70" "ldln#71" "ldln#76" "ldln#78" "ldln#78+" "ldln#78+nice" "ldln#80" "ldln#84" "ldln#84+" "ldln#86+" "ldln#91" "ldln#93" "ldln#93+" "ldln#94" "ldln#94+" "ldln#95" "ldln#95+r8#911" "ldln#95p21" "ldln#96" "ldln#97" "le" "le-bois-randenay" "lea" "leachman" "lead" "lead-" "lead-colored" "lead-gray" "lead-lined" "leaden" "leader" "leaders" "leadership" "leading" "leads" "leadville" "leaf" "leaf-like" "leaflets" "leafs" "league" "leagues" "leah" "leahy" "leak" "leaked" "leaking" "leaks" "leam" "leamington" "lean" "leandro" "leaned" "leaning" "leans" "leap" "leaped" "leaping" "leaps" "leapt" "lear" "lear's" "learjet" "learmonth" "learn" "learned" "learning" "learns" "leary" "leash" "least" "leather" "leather-like" "leatherbarrow" "leatherland" "leathery" "leave" "leavenworth" "leaves" "leavey" "leaving" "leavitt" "leawood" "leb" "lebailly" "lebanese" "lebanon" "lebat" "lebeau" "lebec" "lebel-sur-quévillon" "leblanc" "leblon" "leblond" "lebn" "leboeuf" "lebotski" "lebron" "lebsko" "leca" "lecce" "leckhampton" "leclair" "leclair--had" "leclere" "lecompte" "lecteurs" "lecture" "lectured" "lecturer" "lecturers" "lectures" "lecturing" "led" "led-like" "ledford" "ledge" "ledger" "ledoux" "leduc" "lee" "lee's" "lee-steere" "leeds" "leedskelstein" "leedy" "leefe" "leek" "leektow" "leeming" "leesburg" "leesport" "leesville" "leet" "leeward" "lefevre" "lefkohori" "left" "left-" "left-and-right" "left-hand" "left-right" "left-rt" "left-to-right" "left-wing" "lefthand" "leftward" "leg" "leg-like" "legacy" "legal" "legal-sized" "legality" "legally" "leganes" "legare" "legation" "legend" "legendary" "legends" "leger" "leger-de-fougeret" "legged" "leggera" "leghorn" "legion" "legionaire" "legionaires" "legionnaire" "legislation" "legislative" "legislator" "legislators" "legislature" "legitimate" "legitimizes" "legler" "legnano" "legrand" "legros" "legs" "leguevin" "legune" "leh" "lehel" "leherisse" "lehi" "lehighton" "lehman" "lehmkuhl" "lehto" "leibnitz" "leica" "leicester" "leicestershire" "leick" "leics" "leidy" "leif" "leifer" "leigh" "leigh-on-sea" "leighton" "leignes" "leipzig" "leipzig-berlin" "leir" "leirfoss" "leiria" "leirvik" "leisenring" "leiss" "leiston" "leisurely" "leisy" "leita" "leitchville" "leite" "leiters" "leith" "lekarev" "lekness" "lelah" "leland" "lelay" "lelu" "leman" "lemargue" "lemarquandsa" "lemaster" "lemay" "lembeek" "leme" "leming" "lemke" "lemkuni" "lemmon" "lemon" "lemon-colored" "lemon-shaped" "lemons" "lemoore" "lemos" "lemoyne" "lempdes" "lemps" "lemuel" "lemuria" "lemurians" "len" "lenah" "lencouacq" "lend" "lenda" "lendele" "lending" "lends" "length" "length'" "lengthen" "lengthened" "lengthens" "lengths" "lengthwise" "lengthy" "lenin" "leningrad" "lennart" "lennartz" "lennon" "lennox" "lenny" "lenoir-rhyne" "lenora" "lenore" "lenos" "lenox" "lens" "lens-" "lens-cloud-saucer" "lens-cone" "lens-disk" "lens-flare" "lens-like" "lens-object" "lens-saucer" "lens-saucers" "lens-shaped" "lens-shapes" "lens-ufo" "lenses" "lent" "lentheric" "lenticular" "lenticular-shaped" "lentier" "lentil" "lentil-shaped" "lenura" "lenven" "lenway" "lenz" "lenzi" "leo" "leominster" "leon" "leonard" "leonard-de-noblat" "leonardh" "leoncio" "leone" "leonhardt" "leonid" "leonor" "leonstein" "leonte" "leopoldo" "leopoldshoefe" "leota" "lepanges-sur-vologne" "leping" "lepot" "leppke" "lept" "leptospermum" "lerdahl" "lerdo" "lergravsiken" "lerida" "lerman" "leroy" "lertis" "les" "les-jonquerets-de-livet" "lesbos" "leshies" "leshkovtsev" "lesions" "lesions'" "leslie" "lesnick" "lesozavodsk" "lesparre-medoc" "lesquin" "less" "lessard-le-national" "lessart" "lessay" "lessened" "lesser" "lession" "lesslie" "lessman" "lesson" "lessons" "lester" "lestin" "lestrem" "leszczyński" "let" "letart" "letelier" "lethal" "lethargic" "lethbridge" "leto" "letourneau" "lets" "lett" "letter" "letter-writing" "letterhead" "lettering" "letterman" "letters" "letting" "lettre" "letty" "letzion" "leuchars" "leuhman" "leukemia" "leurda" "leutnant" "lev" "levallois" "levan" "levchenko" "levee" "level" "level-flight" "leveland" "leveled" "leveling" "levelland" "levelled" "levellend" "levels" "leven" "lever" "leverage" "leverett" "levers" "leveziel" "levi" "levier" "levin" "levine" "levinson" "levis" "levitate" "levitated" "levitates" "levitating" "levitation" "levitations" "levitt" "levittown" "levroux" "levu" "levuka" "levy" "lew" "lewandowski" "lewarde" "lewes" "lewis" "lewis-" "lewis-mcchord" "lewisberry" "lewisboro" "lewisburg" "lewiston" "lewistown" "lewisville" "lewring" "lews-mcchord" "lewtown" "lex" "lexhy" "lexicographer" "lexington" "lexisburg" "lexow" "lexy" "ley" "leyden" "leyland" "leyr" "leysin" "leyte" "leyva" "lezay" "lezignan" "león" "lf" "lfs" "lgm" "lh" "lh0rddhy-bu" "lherminier" "li" "li-2" "li-baker" "lia" "liabeuf" "liac" "liaison" "liaisons" "liang" "liangshan" "lianza" "liaoning" "liar" "libau" "libby" "libel" "liberal" "liberally" "liberated" "liberation" "liberationtimes" "liberator" "libercourt" "liberian" "libert" "liberta" "libertad" "liberty" "libertyville" "librarian" "libraries" "library" "libre" "libres" "libreville" "libya" "licata" "license" "licensed" "licenses" "lichenologist" "lichfield" "lick" "lickdale" "licking" "licodia" "licorne" "licy-clignon" "lid" "lid'" "liddel" "liddell" "liddy" "lidingö" "lidless" "lido" "lids" "lidstrom" "lie" "lieberman" "liechtenstein" "lied" "liefooghe" "liege" "lieksa" "lien" "liepaya" "liepāja" "lier" "lierneaux" "liernu" "lies" "liestal" "lietha" "lieu" "lieut" "lieutenant" "lieutenant-major" "lieutenants" "lievin" "liewragwong" "life" "life-mars" "life-raft" "life-saving" "lifeboat" "lifeguard" "lifeguards" "lifelong" "lifesaver" "lifespan" "lifestyle" "lifetime" "lifjell" "lift" "lift-off" "lifted" "lifters" "lifting" "lifts" "lig3hts" "ligda" "ligescourt" "liggett" "light" "light's" "light--larger" "light-arcs" "light-ball" "light-beam" "light-beams" "light-bearing" "light-blue" "light-brown" "light-bulb" "light-bulb-shaped" "light-but" "light-city-technologies-inc" "light-colored" "light-coloured" "light-cylinder" "light-disk" "light-emitting" "light-fireball" "light-gray" "light-green" "light-grey" "light-haired" "light-headed" "light-pink" "light-pole" "light-projecting" "light-reflecting" "light-reflective" "light-saucer" "light-saucers" "light-show" "light-skinned" "light-sphere" "light-strobe" "light-years" "lightbar" "lightblue" "lightbulb" "lightbulb-" "lightbulb-shaped" "lightbulbs" "lightdirected" "lighted" "lighted-up" "lighten" "lightening" "lighter" "lighter-colored" "lightfoot" "lightheaded" "lighthouse" "lighting" "lightless" "lightly" "lightner" "lightness" "lightning" "lightning-like" "lightnings" "lightplane" "lights" "lights'" "lights--a" "lights--at" "lights--one" "lights--two" "lights--white" "lights-red" "lights-red-green-blue" "lights-saucer" "lightweight" "lignan-de-bazas" "ligny-le-ribault" "ligon" "ligonier" "ligt" "liguge" "ligure" "liguria" "ligurian" "lihou" "lihue" "liight" "like" "like-minded" "likeliest" "likelihood" "likely" "likened" "likens" "likes" "liketi" "likewise" "likuala" "lilac" "lilac-colored" "lilburn" "lilian" "liliane" "lilies" "liljegren" "lille" "lilli" "lillian" "lillingstone" "lilly" "lim" "lima" "lima-bean" "limb" "limbo" "limbs" "lime" "lime-green" "limeira" "limelette" "limelight" "limerick" "limestone" "liminality" "limit" "limitation" "limitations" "limited" "limiting" "limits" "limmerick" "limoges" "limont-fontaine" "limousine" "limousine-like" "limp" "limping" "limply" "lin" "lina" "linch" "lincoln" "lincolns" "lincolnshire" "lincolnton" "lincolntown" "lincolnville" "lincolnwood" "lincs" "lind" "linda" "lindale" "lindberg" "lindbergh" "lindberghfoundation" "lindblad" "lindbäck" "lindemann" "linden" "lindesberg" "lindheimer" "lindholmen" "lindley" "lindman" "lindsay" "lindsborg" "lindsey" "lindsley" "lindstrom" "line" "line-of-duty" "line-of-fire" "linea" "lineage" "linear" "linearly" "lined" "lineman" "linemen" "linen" "liner" "liners" "lines" "linesman" "lineville" "linfield" "lingan" "lingayen" "lingen" "linger" "lingered" "lingering" "lingers" "linglestown" "lingus" "linha" "linhard" "linhares" "link" "linkage" "linkages" "linke" "linked" "linking" "linkoping" "linkou" "links" "linköping" "linn" "linne" "linnell" "linnevold" "linnfield" "linos" "lins" "linstead" "lint" "lintao" "linthicum" "lintiao" "linton" "linus" "linz" "linzeux" "lion" "lionel" "lionel-max" "lions" "lip" "lipless" "lipp" "lipped" "lips" "liptauer" "liquefy" "liquid" "liquid-filled" "liquid-fueled" "liquidation" "liquiere" "liquor" "lira" "liria" "lisa" "lisboa" "lisboa's" "lisbon" "lisburn" "lisbõa" "lise" "lisieux" "liskeard" "lisle" "lismore" "lispole" "lissauer" "lissy" "list" "liste" "listed" "listen" "listened" "listener" "listeners" "listening" "listens" "lister" "listing" "listings" "lists" "listvenno" "lisunov" "lit" "lit-no" "lit-up" "litchfield" "literalist" "literally" "literature" "literaturnaya" "liters" "lites" "lith" "lithgow" "lithia" "lithium" "lithium-7" "lithuania" "lithuanian" "litigation" "litlefjellet" "litten" "litter" "little" "littleborough" "littleboy" "littlefield" "littlehampton" "littlejohn" "littleover" "littleton" "littleyork" "litton" "litton_industries" "littrell" "litus" "litvinenko" "litwin" "liu" "liufon" "live" "lived" "liver" "liverato" "liveright" "livermore" "liverpool" "liverton" "lives" "livestock" "livigno" "living" "livingston" "livingstone" "livio" "livorno" "lizard" "lizard-like" "lizard-types" "lizards" "lizelia" "liège" "ljubljana" "ljugarn" "ljungdahl" "ljunggren" "ljungsbro" "lk" "ll" "llagonne" "llagosta" "llah" "llamas" "llanca" "llandovery" "llandrillo" "llandrindod" "llandudno" "llanelli" "llanerchymedd" "llanfair" "llangernyw" "llangollen" "llangothlin" "llangurig" "llangynidr" "llanidloes" "llannefydd" "llano" "llanos" "llanquihue" "llantrisant" "llasa" "llc" "llewellyn" "llewelyn" "llobregat" "lloyd" "lloydsville" "llp" "lluchmayor" "lluminated" "lluscuma" "llíria" "lm" "lnar" "lng" "lns" "lnverlock" "lo" "lo-power" "loa" "load" "loaded" "loading" "loadmaster" "loads" "loaf" "loaiza" "loan" "loaned" "loano" "loans" "loar" "lobby" "lobbying" "lobe" "lober" "lobero" "lobes" "lobet" "lobole" "lobos" "lobster" "loc" "local" "local-nevada" "local-news" "locale" "locales" "localities" "locality" "localized" "locally" "locals" "locate" "located" "locatelli" "locater" "locates" "locating" "location" "locations" "locey" "loch" "lock" "lock-on" "lockard" "lockbourne" "locke" "locked" "lockem" "lockheed" "lockheed-martin" "lockheed-vega" "locking" "lockland" "locklear" "lockleys" "lockney" "lockon" "lockport" "locks" "locksmiths" "lockspeiser" "locktopar" "locmine" "loco" "locomotive" "locomotives" "locos" "loctudy" "locuson" "locust" "locusts" "lodelinsart" "lodestar" "lodeve" "lodge" "lodgement" "lodges" "lodi" "lodz" "loeb" "loedding" "loellen" "loftin" "loftus" "lofty" "log" "log-like" "log-pile" "logan" "logan-cache" "loganlea" "logansport" "logansville" "loge" "logged" "loggers" "logging" "logic" "logical" "loginov" "logis" "logistic" "logistical" "logistics" "logny-bogny" "logo" "logradouro" "logro" "logrono" "logroño" "logroño-agoncillo" "logs" "lohvinenko" "loi" "loiaza" "loincloths" "loire" "loire-atlantic" "loire-atlantique" "loiret" "lois" "loisin" "loiter" "loitering" "loiza" "loku" "lolland" "lolo" "loma" "lomas" "lomb" "lombard" "lombardia" "lombardy" "lombero" "lombez" "lome" "lomma" "lommori" "lomo" "lomond" "lomonosov" "lomont" "lompoc" "lomé" "lon" "loncin" "londe" "londinières" "london" "london's" "london-based" "londonderry" "londonfischer" "londres" "londrina" "lone" "loneliness" "lonely" "lonesome" "long" "long's" "long-" "long-anticipated" "long-armed" "long-dead" "long-delayed" "long-distance" "long-fuse-big-bang" "long-haired" "long-lasting" "long-range" "long-rooted" "long-running" "long-shot" "long-standing" "long-suspected" "long-term" "long-time" "long-wave" "longages" "longbottom" "longchamps" "longchaumois" "longdon" "longdongbao" "longer" "longest" "longevity" "longey" "longham" "longhand" "longhorn" "longitude" "longlac" "longmeadow" "longmont" "longpoint" "longreach" "longstanding" "longuemare" "longueville" "longview" "longwangmiao" "longwy" "longwy-bas" "lonjarret" "lonnie" "lonquimay" "lons-le-saunier" "lontzen" "loo" "looe" "loogootee" "look" "looka" "lookabaugh" "looke" "looked" "lookede" "looking" "lookout" "lookouts" "looks" "loom" "loomed" "looming" "loomis" "looms" "loop" "loop-loop-loop" "looped" "looping" "loops" "loos" "loose" "loose-fitting" "looseleaf" "loosely" "loosened" "loosing" "loosley" "lop" "lopes" "lopez" "loping" "lopsided" "loqueffret" "lorain" "loraine" "loral" "loran" "lorczak" "lord" "lords" "lordsburg" "lordsbury" "lore" "loren" "lorene" "loreno" "lorent" "lorentz" "lorenzen" "lorenzens" "lorenzini" "lorenzo" "loretami" "loretani" "loreto" "loretta" "lori" "lorien" "lorient" "lorimer" "loring" "loris" "lormaison" "lorraine" "lorris" "lorry" "lorthioir" "los" "losa" "lose" "loses" "losing" "loss" "loss-of-control" "loss-of-coolant" "losse" "losses" "lossiemouth" "lossing" "lost" "lostorf" "lot" "lot-et-garonne" "lot-garonne" "lotawana" "lothar" "lothian" "lots" "lott" "lotti" "lottman" "lotts" "lotus" "lou" "louange" "loubet" "loublande" "loubressac" "loud" "loudeac" "louder" "loudly" "loudness" "loudon" "loudspeaker" "loughborough" "loughead" "louhans" "louie" "louis" "louisa" "louise" "louisiades" "louisiana" "louisville" "lounge" "lounging" "loup" "loup-des-chaumes" "loupiac-de-la-reole" "lourdes" "lourenco" "lourenço" "louroux-hodement" "lousman" "lousy" "louth" "louvain" "louvers" "louviere" "louviers" "louvigne-du-desert" "louvière" "louvroil" "lovage" "lovasen" "lovato" "lovazzano" "love" "lovecraft" "loved" "lovekin" "lovelace" "loveland" "loveland-madeira" "loveless" "lovell" "lovelock" "lovely" "lovena" "loverval" "lovett" "lovick" "loving" "lovington" "lovsta" "low" "low-" "low-altitude" "low-angle" "low-arc" "low-aspect" "low-band" "low-contrast" "low-density" "low-earth" "low-flying" "low-frequency" "low-gain" "low-grade" "low-hanging" "low-high" "low-hovering" "low-intensity" "low-interest" "low-level" "low-pitch" "low-pitched" "low-powered" "low-q" "low-resolution" "low-short" "low-temperature" "low-toned" "lowball" "lowe" "lowell" "lower" "lower-end" "lowered" "lowering" "lowers" "lowery" "lowest" "lowestoft" "lowflying" "lowrey" "lowry" "lowton" "loxley" "loxton" "loyal" "loyalhanna" "loyalty" "lozaya" "lozenge" "lozenge-shaped" "lozere" "lozio" "lozovaya" "lpx" "lrd" "lrnco" "lrr" "lsd" "lspxbriwb8c" "lst" "lsu" "lt" "ltaipu" "ltc" "ltd" "ltddir" "ltjg" "ltl" "lts" "lttimmcmillan" "ltv" "luanda" "lubbock" "lubeck" "lubertowicz" "lublin" "lubliniec" "lubmin" "lubricating" "lubumbashi" "luc" "luc-en-diois" "luc-en-provence" "luca" "lucala" "lucan" "lucano" "lucar" "lucarelli" "lucas" "lucca" "lucci" "luce" "lucens" "lucern" "lucerne" "lucette" "luchtverschijnselen" "lucia" "luciano" "lucid" "lucie" "lucien" "luciene" "lucile" "lucille" "lucio" "lucius" "lucjan" "luck" "luckey" "luckless" "lucksky" "lucky" "lucon" "lucy" "luczkowich" "luda" "ludicrous" "ludington" "ludlam" "ludlow" "ludmilla" "ludwig" "ludwiger" "lue" "lue-dolan-transcript" "luebben" "lueelizondo" "luehman" "luffenham" "lufkin" "luforo" "luforu" "luftansa" "lufthansa" "luftolde" "luggage" "lugo" "lugrin" "luigi" "luino" "luipaardsvlei" "luis" "luis's" "luisa" "luisi" "luiz" "luiziana" "lujan" "lujua" "lukachukai" "lukasek" "luke" "lukens" "lukin" "lulea" "luleå" "luling" "lull" "lulled" "lulls" "lulu" "lumbar" "lumber" "lumbering" "lumberjack" "lumberman" "lumbermen" "lumberton" "lumberyard" "lumbin" "lumieres" "luminance" "luminescence" "luminescent" "luminesence" "luminosities" "luminosity" "luminous" "luminous-ufo" "luminous-yellow" "lumières" "lummi" "lump" "lumping" "lumps" "lumpur" "lumpy" "lumsden" "lumumba" "lumut" "luna" "lunan" "lunar" "lunarejos" "lunascan" "lunch" "luncheon" "lunches" "lund" "lundahl" "lundar" "lundstrom" "lundy" "lunel" "lunenburg" "lunense" "luneville" "lung" "lunged" "lunging" "lungs" "lunigiana" "lunn" "lunyanov" "lunéville" "luoshan" "luot" "lupancic" "lupton" "lurate" "lurched" "lurches" "lurching" "lure" "lures" "lurgan" "lurking" "lusaka" "lusar" "luscomb" "luscombe" "lusens" "lush" "lusiana" "lusignan" "lusigny" "lusk" "lussac" "lussault-sur-loire" "luster" "lusterless" "lustosa" "lustrous" "lutbunn" "lute" "lutesville" "luther" "luton" "luttrell" "lutz" "luu" "luu2" "luverne" "lux" "luxemborg" "luxembourg" "luxeuil-les-bains" "luz" "luzern" "luzerne" "luzia" "luzon" "luzy" "luís" "lv" "lvov" "lvtp5" "lwoff" "lx" "ly" "lya" "lyall" "lyautey" "lyauttey" "lycett" "lycomede" "lycoming" "lycopodium" "lycos" "lycurgue" "lydia" "lyell" "lying" "lyle" "lyman" "lyme" "lympe" "lymphatic" "lymphoma" "lympne" "lympstone" "lyn" "lyncee" "lynch" "lynchberg" "lynchburg" "lynches" "lynchford" "lynching" "lynde" "lynden" "lyndhurst" "lyndia" "lyndoch-gawler" "lyndon" "lyne" "lynn" "lynnwood" "lynsey" "lynview" "lyon" "lyons" "lyra" "lyrid" "lysias" "lytchett" "lytham" "lythan-st" "lythrodhonda" "lytkiny" "lytle" "lyuhec4rakm" "lyustiberg" "lz" "längelmävesi" "länsjön" "lågen" "léon" "léopold" "líneas" "lópez" "löfven" "löugren" "lövendal-papae" "lövåsen" "lúcia" "lúcio" "lübeck" "lüda" "lüdenscheid" ## Word: "l&g" (Back to Top)
BOURNEL, L&G, FR Surveyors. Silent saucer maneuve 10/7/1954 #10768## Word: "l'" (Back to Top)
Annandale, Virginia Witness: L.L' Brettner. One round, glowing object f 11/24/1952 #8331 , p. 44; Jean-Claude Bourret, OVNI l' Armee Parle, p. 146; David F. Webb an 1/5/1976 #30760## Word: "l'abbe" (Back to Top)
Pont l'Abbe d'Arnoult, France Mr. Meunier, a 10/18/1954 #11208## Word: "l'adour" (Back to Top)
0:00 p.m. a witness in Grenade sur L'Adour, Landes, France saw a ball of fi 11/1/2002 #44432## Word: "l'alleud" (Back to Top)
Braine l'Alleud, Belgium 1:30 a.m. A nurse in B 5/17/1991 #40066## Word: "l'alt" (Back to Top)
ral kids. Shiny disk maneuvers / 1 L'alt going quickly north. Spirals going 7/8/1947 #2983## Word: "l'ancresse" (Back to Top)
L'ANCRESSE, GUERNSEY 2 observer(s). Yell 11/26/1972 #27143 yellow delta-shaped UFO flew over L'Ancresse in the English Channel Isles 11/26/1972 #27146## Word: "l'aquila" (Back to Top)
L'Aquila, Italy A luminous object surrou 12/28/1978 #34218 surrounded by a red halo flew over L'Aquila, Italy on this night. It stoppe 12/28/1978 #34221## Word: "l'arbret" (Back to Top)
L'ARBRET, PDC, FR N25. 2 cops. Fireball 8/3/1952 #7432## Word: "l'astronomie" (Back to Top)
irius. Stops and goes according to L'astronomie. 2/23/1883 #253 t maneuvers in and out / clouds. / L'Astronomie and more / r2p20. 8/22/1885 #265 iangle". / Charles Fort and more / l'Astronomie. 11/23/1887 #284 y [to] WNW toward(s) Fontanbleu. / L'astronomie. 10/28/1952 #8207## Word: "l'epine" (Back to Top)
L'EPINE, VENDEE, FR Night lights join du 11/5/1990 #39831## Word: "l'espoir" (Back to Top)
cket' north going quickly south. / L'Espoir and Journal du Centre. 9/10/1946 #2173 uickly north over mountain peak. / L'Espoir 18 Sep. '46. 9/16/1946 (approximate) #2183 h. Faster / plane. Low altitude. / L'Espoir 24 SEPT46. 9/23/1946 (approximate) #2188## Word: "l'eveque" (Back to Top)
NEUILLY L'EVEQUE, FR Small humanoid (or Grey) / 10/16/1954 #11127## Word: "l'herault" (Back to Top)
CLERMONT L'HERAULT, FR 3 observer(s). Big white s 8/30/1994 (approximate) #41701## Word: "l'hopital" (Back to Top)
L'HOPITAL, FR 1 observer. Large bluish s 8/8/1993 #41114## Word: "l'ile" (Back to Top)
L'ILE D'ALBE, FR Blazing 5M peanut shape 12/11/1974 #29636## Word: "l'ile-behuard" (Back to Top)
L'ILE-BEHUARD, FR 2 white balls to and f 12/6/1973 #28526## Word: "l'isle" (Back to Top)
L'ISLE ADAM, FR Dark delta/triangle/box- 11/5/1990 #39849## Word: "l'oeste-11" (Back to Top)
. No further details. / r8 #216. / l'Oeste-11 Oct. '54. 10/7/1954 #10778## Word: "l'orignal" (Back to Top)
LAC L'ORIGNAL, QB Campers. Colored glowing-b 6/10/1970 #25695## Word: "l's" (Back to Top)
inside. The edges of the luminous "L's" seemed to be covered in a diffused 2/11/1980 #35170## Word: "l'yonne" (Back to Top)
de his house in Sauvigny-les-Bois, L'Yonne, France when he saw an intensely 2/5/1967 #21463## Word: "l-09" (Back to Top)
Ellsworth AFB L-09 missile site Nisland, South Dakota 11/16/1977 #32677 alarm sounds at the Ellsworth AFB L-09 missile site 7 miles southwest of N 11/16/1977 #32677## Word: "l-1011" (Back to Top)
traffic control radios a Lockheed L-1011 TriStar that is flying near them 7/30/1976 #31203 Lake Huron, MI L-1011 Encounters Disc (NICAP: 11 - Avia 7/4/1981 #35985 Over Lake Michigan Major airline L-1011 jumbo jet en route from San Franc 7/4/1981 #35986 flying TWA Flight 842, a Lockheed L-1011 TriStar commercial airliner, east 7/4/1981 #35987## Word: "l-19" (Back to Top)
3 miles NE of Moisant Airport), LA L-19 Encounters Silver Delta (NICAP: 11 4/21/1955 #12097## Word: "l-29" (Back to Top)
while he is flying a two-seat Aero L-29 Delfin. He estimates its altitude a 12/24/1989 #39338## Word: "l-9" (Back to Top)
MSITE L-9, SD Foia. 2 figure(s) melt rifle. Bo 11/16/1977 #32675## Word: "l-band" (Back to Top)
Peak, Nevada, are using the FPS-3A L-band search radar and track an inbound 7/16/1957 #13801 Tucson, Arizona, using both MPS-7 L-band search and MPS-14 S-band height-f 7/18/1957 #13811## Word: "l-box" (Back to Top)
HENNIKER, NH L-box probe / ground / 4 legs. Maneuvers 3/29/1966 #20123## Word: "l-formation" (Back to Top)
type, shifting from V -ormation to L-formation to circular formation to no 7/17/1948 #3714## Word: "l-shape" (Back to Top)
. Ovoid changes going quickly [to] L-shape. Splits / 3 parts. 6/1/1969 #25188## Word: "l-shaped" (Back to Top)
cers change square to/from/between L-shaped formations repeatedly. Going qu 8/14/1956 #13082 At 4:20 p.m. a L-shaped box was seen sitting on the gro 3/29/1966 #20143 t straight up making an impossible L-shaped maneuver. (Houston Tribune, 2/2 2/21/1967 #21610 manoid report by three witnesses, "L-shaped" object held. UFO not seen and 1/12/1983 #36744 wetsuit” uniform holding a glowing L-shaped object in a swampy area near th 1/12/1983 #36745 s directly over the car. It has an L-shaped light pattern on its underside 1/22/1984 #37146 riangle-shaped UFO with an unusual L-shaped tailpiece. They stop to observe 8/20/1984 #37436 a triangular-shaped object with an L-shaped tail hung in the sky over a pon 8/20/1984 #37437 re it landed both witnesses saw an L-shaped ramp that had come out from the 5/6/1996 #42898## Word: "l-shapes" (Back to Top)
peared at high speed. It had green L-shapes with red light at each end. It 9/2/1971 #26310## Word: "l-tube" (Back to Top)
L 3 observer(s). Ovoid / woodyard. L-tube bent going down. Machines stop. G 1/21/1977 #31731## Word: "l0" (Back to Top)
l0 mi. NW of Gulcana, Alaska Witnesses: 12/11/1950 #5339 , hovered, made fast 1/2 loops for l0 minutes. 7/29/1962 #17299 er or disappeared. Sighting lasted l0 minutes. 9/14/1963 #17937 ont then hovered. Sighting lasted l0 minutes. 3/26/1966 #20091## Word: "l0'" (Back to Top)
-80' high, 25' diameter on top and l0' bottom diameter; metallic grey with 1/23/1965 #18757## Word: "l1" (Back to Top)
ON, MT Strategic Air Command (SAC) L1 L6+M1 sites. Orange yellow disk. Goin 11/9/1975 #30586## Word: "l2" (Back to Top)
a disc-shaped object at MGM Studio L2 in Culver City, California. 11/28/1952 #8353## Word: "l29" (Back to Top)
At 11:00 p.m. a Russian L29 Trainer flying between Chelyabinsk a 12/24/1989 #39340## Word: "l5" (Back to Top)
L5 point in the same orbit as the Moon E 4/1973 #27396 essage comes from an object at the L5 point in the same orbit as the Moon, 4/1973 #27396## Word: "l5minutes" (Back to Top)
tically up and down for 1 hour and l5minutes. 8/28/1952 #7771## Word: "l6+m1" (Back to Top)
MT Strategic Air Command (SAC) L1 L6+M1 sites. Orange yellow disk. Going n 11/9/1975 #30586## Word: "l8th" (Back to Top)
4359" Witness: USAF pilot of the l8th Fighter-Bomber Group. One black coi 6/23/1952 #6606## Word: "la" (Back to Top)
o further details. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) #326p34. 6/6/1744 #67 of England, were cruising aboard "La Bacchante" when an object resembling 6/11/1881 #244 of England, were cruising aboard "La Bacchante" when a flying object resem 6/11/1881 #245 El Cerro de la Bufa Meteorological Observatory in Za 8/12/1883 #255 nilla, director of the El Cerro de la Bufa Meteorological Observatory in Za 8/12/1883 #255 ith the publication of Des Indes à la Planete Mars (From India to the Plane 1900 #639 LA CELLE-SOUS-GOUZON, FR 10+'martians' s 1/1906? #685 s. 2 men dressed / white inside. / La Nazione. 4/24/1909 #727 LA PORTE, IN Bowl saucer beams going dow 10/1909 #814 La Porte, Indiana 10:30 p.m. Rev. Ruth S 10/1909 #815 h members are riding in a wagon in La Porte, Indiana, when the horses rear 10/1909 #815 LA MANCHA, TOLEDO, SP 120cm small humano 1/1925? #1046 CANNES TO/FROM/BETWEEN LA BOCCA, FR 2M blessed virgin appears. 3/30/1931 (approximate) #1124 GARGANTA LA OLLA, SP Small humanoid (or Grey) tel 10/1/1934 #1218 Los Angeles, CA Battle of LA 2/24/1942 #1387 France La Pallice La Rochelle Charente-Maritime 8/11/1944 #1641 France La Pallice La Rochelle Charente-Maritime Night. RAF 8/11/1944 #1641 er returning from a bombing run on La Pallice, La Rochelle, Charente-Mariti 8/11/1944 #1641 from a bombing run on La Pallice, La Rochelle, Charente-Maritime, France, 8/11/1944 #1641 La Spezia, Italy Possible jet: dropped w 2/16/1945 #1786 La Spezia, Italy Multiple sightings:(1) 2/17/1945 #1789 New Jersey 3:00 a.m. Pianist Doris La Fountain is driving home along Market 8/10/1945 #1922 La Grange Titusville, Florida Day. Navy 5/1946 #1988 anges at his wife’s family home at La Grange, north of Titusville, Florida, 5/1946 #1988 LA ROCHE-SUR-YONNE, FR Silent metallic S 4/1947 #2254 LA GRANDE, OR 1+2 nuns. 9 shiny saucers 6/26/1947 (approximate) #2414 ne shiny discs with fins flew over La Grande, Oregon, weaving in-and-out of 6/26/1947 #2420 NEW ORLEANS, LA Saleslady. Silver-chrome disk going q 7/4/1947 #2611 SHREVEPORT, LA Trucker. 2 spinning disks / successio 7/5/1947 #2693 NEW ORLEANS, LA Soldier. 4 pink-silver saucers / unev 7/6/1947 #2736 ALEXANDRIA, LA 4 observer(s). Saucer going quickly n 7/6/1947 #2745 LAKE PONCHARTRAIN, LA 5 / boat. 3 shiny saucers / delta/tri 7/6/1947 #2763 with a flying disc at 32k ft near LA, gets caught in prop wash and appears 7/7/1947 #2833 11KM NORTH / SHREVEPORT, LA Army Air Force (AAF) Sgt. / plane. Br 7/7/1947 #2853 Shreveport (7 miles N of ), LA Military aircraft pilot Harston saw a 7/7/1947 #2921 La. FBI agent E. G. Fitch forwards Schul 7/10/1947 #3102 scs recovered. For instance in the La. Case the Army grabbed it and would n 7/10/1947 #3102 4:47 p.m. astronomers Dr. Lincoln La Paz, Director of the Institute of Met 7/10/1947 #3117 ding toward the north. In 1948 Dr. La Paz served as a voluntary consultant 7/10/1947 #3117 Tacoma, Washington Union, Oregon La Grande Winthrop Hotel 6:55 a.m. Kenne 7/29/1947 #3254 nion, Oregon, preparing to land at La Grande to refuel, he sees a cluster o 7/29/1947 #3254 s aircraft before veering away. At La Grande, he phones aviation editor Dav 7/29/1947 #3254 SORRENTO, LA 78 silent glowing 'torpedos' going [t 8/18/1947 #3345 PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, MB Railroad/railway man. Big 10/1947? #3434 RAYNE, LA Teacher and 1. Wingless box with wind 7/24/1948 #3728 Shreveport, LA Bright white aluminum half-spherical 9/18/1948 #3804 ASCENSION PR, LA Project Bluebook Case #174. 1 observe 10/1/1948 #3823 then ascended. It was seen by Dr. La Paz, a meteor expert who later prepar 12/12/1948 #3927 NEW ORLEANS, LA 18, 19+23 May. 20' saucer going quick 5/18/1949 #4191 0 p.m. The French Navy patrol boat La Rusé (formerly the USS PC-472) encoun Summer 1949 #4247 SOUTH / RACELAND, LA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 4 obs 11/18/1949 #4418 Hammond (bet Covington and), LA C-47 Crew Encounters 600 MPH+ Silver 12/4/1949 #4433 X USAF man photos disk. Astronomer LA Paz has no explanation. / FBI. 2/24/1950 #4550 LA CRESCENTA, CA Numerous observer(s). D 3/10/1950 #4601 r for Mexicana de Aviación), J. de la Vega of the airport commander’s offic 3/13/1950 #4627 BATON ROUGE, LA 1 observer. 5 ovoids going quickly so 3/15/1950 #4642 temala, hears from other pilots at La Aurora Airport in Guatemala City that 3/15/1950 #4643 COCHABAMBA AND LA PAZ, BLV 2+glowing-disks going northe 3/16/1950 (approximate) #4648 es going quickly east very fast. / LA Times. 3/23/1950 #4707 liant undimming ovoid near home. / LA Times report. No further details. 3/25/1950 #4718 LA PALMA DEL CONDADO, SP Several observe 3/29/1950 #4755 going quickly south into cloud. / LA Times. 4/29/1950 #4915 LA PAMPA, ARG Engineer. 10M saucer and 3 5/15/1950 #4943 ción Hidalgo Ferrocarril Sarmiento La Pampa, Argentina Afternoon. Architect 5/15/1950 #4944 ón Hidalgo Ferrocarril Sarmiento), La Pampa, Argentina, when he sees a meta 5/15/1950 #4944 SOUTHWEST / JONESVILLE, LA Blue Book. 7 observer(s). Extremely b 11/5/1950 #5262 es and splits / 2. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) #330p18. 12/11/1950 #5337 OAK GROVE, LA 12 / farm. 12M saucer spins countercl 1/1/1951 #5381 LA ROCHE-SUR-YON, FR Red sphere hovers. 6/15/1951 #5542 itude. Jets chase. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) #330+/ r11p203. 9/23/1951 #5681 GMX SOUTH / LAKE CHARLES, LA Steamship Esso Bermuda. "Plane" falls 4/1/1952 #6012 TO/FROM BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, LA USAF C54 buzzed / 35' saucer. Jets ch 4/9/1952 #6047 rksdale AFB (Bet. Shreveport and), LA Crew Of C-46 Encounters Cream-Colored 4/9/1952 #6049 La Crosse, WI CIRVIS Report / V-Formatio 4/14/1952 #6076 NEAR SHREVEPORT, LA Strategic Air Command (SAC) Commander 4/16/1952 #6090 Shreveport, LA Course reversing light. (Willy Smith 4/16/1952 #6092 LA ROCHE-SUR-YON, FR 12 observer(s). Sil 5/10/1952 #6288 Seen 15 second(s). / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) #330. 6/17/1952 #6519 NORTH / MONROE, LA Red blot / light follows small plane 7/22/1952 #6998 instein to Mr. Louis A. Gardner in LA, he said in regards to UFO's “Those p 7/23/1952 #7035 LAKE CHARLES, LA 2 USAF men. Red ball with blue flame 8/2/1952 #7415 Lake Charles, LA Red ball with blue flame tail fly str 8/2/1952 #7420 going quickly southwest toward(s) La Cresta. Trail. 8/5/1952 #7456 CHENNAULT AIR FORCE BASE, LA Project Bluebook Case #1870. 30cm dis 8/9/1952 #7519 Lake Charles AFB, LA Disc-shaped object fly S at 5,000 ft 8/9/1952 #7523 LA MACHINE, FR 10 workmen. White disk we 8/12/1952 #7548 LAKE CHARLES, LA Several observer(s). Yellow ball / li 8/14/1952 #7590 BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, LA 3 separate observer(s). Night light e 8/24/1952 #7704 BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, LA Guard. Night light stops overhead / s 8/28/1952 #7760 LAKE CHARLES, LA 2 observer(s). Saucer hovers / 3 seco 8/29/1952 #7777 MOSS BLUFF, LA Silent ovoid descends. Strong white l 8/29/1952 #7779 Lake Charles AFB, LA Bright star-like light move about the 9/6/1952 #7865 CHENNAULT AIR FORCE BASE, LA 3 airmen. White night light north goi 10/6/1952 #8095 LA TOUR-DE-PEILZ, SWITZ 3 observer(s). 2 10/23/1952 #8176 LA FORCE, FR Luminous red disk quickly g 11/20/1952 #8302 elle-Ile, France At a place alled "La Butte" a luminous sphere, which seeme 11/21/1952 #8315 At a place called "La Butte" on Belle-Ile, France a luminou 11/21/1952 #8318 GMX SOUTH / COAST, LA B29 crew. 20 fireballs going quickly 12/6/1952 #8381 LA ROCHELLE, FR 29-31 December. UFO dart 12/30/1952 (approximate) #8463 s he was in the Army at Fort Polk, LA in 1953 when they saw an egg shaped U 1953 #8484 SHREVEPORT, LA Project Bluebook Case #2543. 1 observ 2/26/1953 #8707 Shreveport, LA 5 yellow discs make circular turns, f 2/27/1953 #8712 LA GRANDE, OR Ground and Navy jet crew o 7/1/1953 #8981 WESTWEGO, LA White sphere/orb/globe leads 2 red / 11/3/1953 #9277 NEW ORLEANS, LA 2 observer(s). Sphere/orb/globe and d 11/14/1953 #9297 LA GUARDIA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, NY Several 1/14/1954 #9483 over the town. Several officers at La Remonte Military base nearby even hea 1/18/1954 #9492 d [now El Eulma], Algeria Bordj de la Remonte fort (southwest of Magra) Oue 1/18/1954 #9494 town. Several officers at Bordj de la Remonte fort (southwest of Magra) hea 1/18/1954 #9494 LA PUENTE, CA 1 / (seen thru) binoculars 2/1/1954 #9523 La Puente, California Mount Wilson Obser 2/1/1954 #9526 ory 10:00 a.m. Mrs. W. J. Daily of La Puente, California, sees a silvery, b 2/1/1954 #9526 La Porte, IN Car lights and radio went o 5/1954 #9738 LA PORTE, IN Car radio and lights die as 5/22/1954 #9823 La Porte, IN A bright light make a shall 5/22/1954 #9824 Republic of the Congo Brazzaville La Semaine de L’akf Laketi Mission Mossa 6/18/1954 #9910 ports in the Brazzaville newspaper La Semaine de L’akf that he and others h 6/18/1954 #9910 NEW ORLEANS, LA 3+2 kids. 25' saucer 1K' over city pa 7/18/1954 #10023 goes over village. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) List page 20. 7/25/1954 #10048 WEST / LA BASSE-GORCE, FR Lens-saucer / tripod. 8/1954 (approximate) #10075 LA CHASSAGNE, FR 3 / farmers. Saucer bru 9/20/1954 #10366 La Chassagne Ussac Corrèze France 9:00 p 9/20/1954 #10370 ne, a farm worker in the hamlet of La Chassagne, Ussac, Corrèze, France, is 9/20/1954 #10370 Three farmers saw a saucer land in La Chassagne, Correze department, France 9/20/1954 #10372 LA VARENNE EAST / PARIS, FR Several sepa 9/27/1954 #10462 Saint Nicolas de Redon, France At "La Butte Rouge" two railroad engineers, 9/28/1954 #10486 antes to Auray. When they reached "La Butte Rouge" they saw a dark object t 9/28/1954 #10491 LA RICHE / TOURS, FR 3 / truck. Extremel 9/29/1954 #10495 In La Riche, near Tours, France three witne 9/29/1954 #10500 LA FLOTTE-EN-RE, FR 1+2 observer(s). 12M 9/30/1954 #10509 ance As he was returning home near La Flotte-en-Re, Celeste Simonutti saw a 9/30/1954 #10514 returning home at 10:00 p.m. near La Flotte-en-Re, on the Ile de Re, Franc 9/30/1954 #10525 LA FEUILLADE, FR ~50 40cm spheres / tigh 10/1954 #10531 La Roulerie, France Near Saint Jan d'Ang 10/1/1954 #10560 Near La Rochelle, France at 11:00 p.m. Mr. an 10/2/1954 #10621 LA TESTE, FR 7 observer(s). Huge red bal 10/3/1954 #10624 N720 NEAR LA CHAPELLE HUGON, FR Several / car. Sau 10/3/1954 #10640 Benet, France Near La Rochelle. Mr. and Mrs. Guillemoteau s 10/3/1954 #10662 Near La Rochelle, France at 11:00 p.m. Mr. an 10/3/1954 #10672 r / plane. 1 sees 'flying wing'. / La Montagne. 10/5/1954 #10719 ands behind trees. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) #319. 10/5/1954 #10720 r the road between Voillecomte and La Neuville. In a report to police, he s 10/5/1954 #10728 r the road between Voillecomte and La Neuville at 7:15 a.m. In a report to 10/5/1954 #10740 CASERNE LA FERE, 02, FR UFO lands 300M / soldier 10/6/1954 #10750 LA ROCHELLE, FR 5 Mx3M saucer hovers 1M 10/6/1954 #10751 La Fere, France Near the military barrac 10/6/1954 #10754 La Fère, Aisne, France 9:30 p.m. Two sol 10/6/1954 #10757 ldiers at the military barracks in La Fère, Aisne, France, watch a luminous 10/6/1954 #10757 p.m. near the military barracks in La Fere, Aisne, France two soldiers saw 10/6/1954 #10761 and gasps for air. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris.) 10/7/1954 #10774 LA GRANGE-AUX-BOIS, FR Dark 3M mass with 10/8/1954 #10807 riatexte, France On Route N631 at "La Caiffe," a technician, J. P. Mitto, w 10/9/1954 #10850 Toulouse Briatexte, Tarn, France La Caiffe 8:30 p.m. Jean-Pierre Mitto an 10/9/1954 #10855 France, at a crossroads known as “La Caiffe” when they see two small figur 10/9/1954 #10855 ce. At 8:30 p.m. on Route N631 at "La Caiffe," a technician named J. P. Mit 10/9/1954 #10868 LA ROCHE-SUR-YON, FR Mme Drouillard. Lum 10/11/1954 #10921 Sassier, near La Carie, France Messrs. Gallois and Vig 10/11/1954 #10930 ghted object fly over the woods at La Carie. 10/11/1954 #10930 At 4:30 a.m. in Sassier, near La Carie, Nievre, France two men, Messrs 10/11/1954 #10946 ghted object fly over the woods at La Carie, France. 10/11/1954 #10946 r made fast, silent maneuvers over La Roche-sur-Yon, Vendee, France. A Mrs. 10/11/1954 #10954 LA CROIX-DAURADE, FR Rocket quickly goin 10/12/1954 #10957 LA TOUR-D'AIGUES, FR Several observer(s) 10/14/1954 #11038 La Rochelle (near), France Motorist and 10/21/1954 #11295 LA CUMBRE AIRPORT, ARG Air Traffic Contr 10/23/1954 #11326 La Madiere, France Aime Boussard, 47, a 10/26/1954 #11414 Alleyrat, Creuse, France La Vaureille 10:45 p.m. Aimé Bousard is 10/26/1954 #11418 reuse, France, to his residence at La Vaureille when he sees a figure crouc 10/26/1954 #11418 On this evening in La Madiere, Creuse, France Aime Boussard 10/26/1954 #11422 er goes up and down. Blinks out. / La Montagne 5 November. 10/28/1954 #11458 LA SPEZIA AND GLORENZA AND VERONA AND CO 10/30/1954 #11487 LA FLAMENGRIE, FR Bike lamp flashes. 4M 11/1954 #11501 Ramos' cab broke down in Ordenes, La Coruna, Spain. He saw a strange white 11/1/1954 #11523 o further details. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) p22. 11/3/1954 #11545 lands / field. Dome glows pink. / La Montagne. 11/3/1954 #11546 La Coruna, Spain Gonzalo Rubinos Ramos, 11/5/1954 #11577 La Roche-en-Brenil, France Raymond R. sa 11/5/1954 #11578 La Roche-en-Brénil, Côte d’Or, France 10 11/5/1954 #11579 Or, France 10:09 a.m. A witness in La Roche-en-Brénil, Côte d’Or, France, s 11/5/1954 #11579 La Coruna, Spain. Gonzalo Rubinos Ramos, 11/5/1954 #11580 In La Roche-en-Brenil, France at 10:10 a.m. 11/5/1954 #11581 LA TESSOUALLE, FR Saucer malfunctions du 11/8/1954 #11595 La Tessoualle, France Andre Chaillou fel 11/8/1954 #11598 At dusk in La Tessoualle, France Andre Chaillou fel 11/8/1954 #11604 On the same day in La Spezia, Italy at 7:45 p.m. a bright c 11/14/1954 #11655 s disk seen. No further details. / La Montagne 26 Nov. '53. 11/15/1954 #11657 New Orleans (130 miles ESE of), LA DC-6 Crew Encounters Blue Object (NIC 11/19/1954 #11671 red from view to the left of Mount La Cesa. Both boys ran home to relate wh 11/23/1954 #11697 LA FLORESTA, VNZ 2 small humanoids (or G 12/8/1954 #11778 MONTORNES TO/FROM LA ROCA, SP 2 small humanoids (or Greys) 3/1955 (approximate) #12019 s (3 miles NE of Moisant Airport), LA L-19 Encounters Silver Delta (NICAP: 4/21/1955 #12097 CATIA LA MARCH, VNZL Many observer(s). Huge fi 6/2/1955 #12175 ten meters over the beach at Catia La Mar, Venezuela and then flew along th 6/2/1955 #12176 CHALMETTE, LA Saturn-object glows and hovers and ro 8/21/1955 #12381 Chalmette, LA Glowing-white Saturn-shaped object ho 8/21/1955 #12384 MT. LA SALLE, CA Engineer. 2 large aluminum 10/1955 (approximate) #12473 LA VETA, CO Blue Book. Senator. Blimp / 11/25/1955 #12590 La Veta, Colorado Witness: State Senato 11/25/1955 #12592 eeing a dirigible-shaped object in La Veta, Colorado with a fat front, tape 11/25/1955 #12593 Caddo Lake, LA B-47 Tracks Oblong Object (NICAP: 09 12/13/1955 #12610 GMX, LA TO FL PAA flight engineer. Large long 1/22/1956 #12676 BASTROP, LA 5 observer(s). 5 saucers emit "smoke- 2/11/1956 #12707 NEAR LA GUAIRA, VNZL Several / car. 3M metall 3/4/1956 #12747 h 3 or more windows was sighted in La Guaira, Venezuela at about 10 o'clock 3/4/1956 #12748 LA PUNA REGN, ARG Several cigars / amazi 3/15/1956 #12756 50 MI NORTHWEST / MONROE, LA 2 / USAF. Stub-winged Lima-bean buzze 5/22/1956 #12863 Monroe (58 miles NW of ), LA Elliptical Object Comes Straight At T 5/22/1956 #12864 LA PORTE, IN 1 / new car. Radio and ligh 5/28/1956 (approximate) #12872 N7 NEAR LA TURBIE, FR Football ovoid hovers low 6/1956 #12876 LA GRANJA, SEGOVIA, SP Farmer and 2. Sau 7/1956? #12936 s. Gone on return. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) APR69+Flying Sa 7/1956 #12938 LA JOLLA, CA Blue Book. Large silver sau 8/6/1956 #13054 NEW ORLEANS, LA Orange night light flashes green. Sud 8/23/1956 #13123 Isla La Orchila, Venezuela Capt. Karl Hars De 12/13/1956 #13400 ight for 2–3 minutes north of Isla La Orchila, Venezuela. It explodes on hi 12/13/1956 #13400 Marrero, LA Martin (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) N 2/13/1957 #13499 BISTINEAU, LA Fisherman. Blood red 60M hemisphere g 4/25/1957 #13616 Ringgold, LA Military witness Robertson. Case miss 4/25/1957 #13617 Houma, LA (McDonald list) AN/MPS-7 Tracks Objec 5/29/1957 #13685 NEAR SHREVEPORT, LA 2 separate RADAR's and visual. Night 6/3/1957 #13696 Shreveport (near), LA Shortly after takeoff from Shreveport 6/3/1957 #13697 LA AURORA, GUAT 6 observer(s). Silent br 6/13/1957 #13724 PROVENCAL, LA Car stopped / beam / Army green UFO. 11/1957 #14180 LOGANSPORT, LA 2 Air Force airmen / car and separate 11/2/1957 #14198 MONROE, LA 4 observer(s). Gaseous car-sized body 11/4/1957 #14269 LAKE CHARLES, LA 5M silver saucer hovers 60m overhead. 11/7/1957 #14445 Lake Charles, LA Silvery disc hovered, car motor faile 11/7/1957 #14456 SOUTHEAST / LAFAYETTE, LA Captain Gile and airline(s)/airliner 11/9/1957 #14497 LA GRANGE, CA Huge 'cucumber' tumbles en 11/15/1957 #14553 Houma, LA (McDonald list) Huge Target Picked Up 11/21/1957 #14587 NEW ORLEANS, LA 3 USCG men. Round object changes colo 11/30/1957 #14641 New Orleans, LA Round object turn white, then gold, t 11/30/1957 #14643 CHESTNUT, LA UFO like rising sun. Disabled car see 12/11/1957 #14706 ches the UFO journal Lumières dans la Nuit in Le Chambon-sur-Lignon, Haute- 2/1958 #14860 ALEXANDRIA, LA Near England Air Force Base. Patrolma 6/23/1958 #15114 England AFB (near), LA State policeman photographed two roun 6/23/1958 #15115 LA VERDE, ARG Private pilot. Engine REVs 8/31/1958 #15233 La Verde, Arg Light aircraft (Piper) eng 8/31/1958 #15234 Over La Verde, Buenos Aires province, Argenti 8/31/1958 #15235 PINEVILLE, LA Yellow-white ovoid over treetops / 5 11/20/1958 #15453 LA HERRERIA, SP 2 / truck. 2 2 Mx30cm ro 12/31/1958 #15504 lvery metallic disc in Tres Lomas, La Pampa, Argentina. Grass at the landin 5/20/1959 #15742 Ristorante La Cisterna in the Trastevere area of Ro 6/13/1959 #15768 ego and Mario Maioli at Ristorante La Cisterna in the Trastevere area of Ro 6/13/1959 #15768 ST. ROSE, LA 60cm ball going southwest / 30kph. 70 7/21/1959 #15866 A 60-year-old farmer in Brion, La Coruna province, Spain saw an egg-sha 8/12/1959 #15907 La Orchila Island, Venezuela Caribbean K 12/13/1959 #16117 tanker Dorthe Mærsk just north of La Orchila Island, Venezuela. He sees a 12/13/1959 #16117 ares descended into the ocean near La Orchila Island in the Dependencias Fe 12/13/1959 #16119 Sunset Boulevard and La Brea Avenue in Hollywood, California 2/5/1960 #16168 tersection of Sunset Boulevard and La Brea Avenue in Hollywood, California. 2/5/1960 #16168 nset Boulevard and Sycamore Avenue La Brea Avenue Sunset and La Brea 11:15 2/6/1960 #16169 e Avenue La Brea Avenue Sunset and La Brea 11:15 p.m. The red object reappe 2/6/1960 #16169 lighting up the ground all around La Brea Avenue. A mushroom-shaped cloud 2/6/1960 #16169 about 1,000 feet above Sunset and La Brea for about 8 minutes. It then beg 2/6/1960 #16169 LACAMP, LA Project Bluebook Case #6711. Saucer g 4/12/1960 #16222 La Camp, LA A fiery-red disc from the S 4/12/1960 #16223 La Camp, LA A fiery-red disc from the S touch the 4/12/1960 #16223 rectangle / ground. See Cazalla de la Sierra, Sp. 8/1960 #16356 LA VAURE, FR Luminous rectangular / 4M a 10/20/1960 (approximate) #16485 LA LONDE, FR 6M domed saucer / railroad/ 11/13/1960 #16500 La Londe, France Remi Carbonnier, 45, wa 11/13/1960 #16501 In the year 1960 in La Londe, France a domed disc-shaped UFO 11/13/1960 #16502 La Victoria El Vigía, Mérida, Venezuela 1/1961 #16555 g a jeep along the highway between La Victoria and El Vigía, Mérida, Venezu 1/1961 #16555 LA VICTORIA, VNZ Saucer going [to] overh 1/1/1961 #16556 La Victoria, Venezuela A government topo 1/1/1961 #16558 ruck on the Andean Highway between La Victoria and El Vigia, Venezuela on a 1/1/1961 #16559 La. Minn. U.S. Rep. Overton Brooks (D-La 5/1961 #16672 SOUTH / LA PORTE, IN Large red sphere rises / ro 9/30/1961 #16878 La Porte, Indiana Eight km south of La P 9/30/1961 #16880 a Porte, Indiana Eight km south of La Porte, 16-year-old Dennis Bealor saw 9/30/1961 #16880 ng his bicycle four miles south of La Porte, Indiana. It rose up into the s 9/30/1961 #16882 neuvered above the road leading to La Bajada. As the police were driving to 1/8/1962 #17016 Bahia Blanca Jacinto Aráuz, La Pampa, Argentina Puerto Belgrano Nava 5/12/1962 #17165 rom Bahia Blanca to Jacinto Aráuz, La Pampa, Argentina, when they see a lan 5/12/1962 #17165 g on Route 35 at Kilometer 72 near La Pampa, La Pampa province, Argentina s 5/12/1962 #17166 35 at Kilometer 72 near La Pampa, La Pampa province, Argentina saw a recta 5/12/1962 #17166 LA ARANA, ARG Several / meeting. Strong 5/13/1962 #17167 vinces in Argentina: Buenos Aires, La Rioja, Neuquen, La Pampa, Cordoba, an 5/13/1962 #17172 : Buenos Aires, La Rioja, Neuquen, La Pampa, Cordoba, and Mendoza. In Merce 5/13/1962 #17172 arksville (and Leesville, Colfax), LA (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 5/18/1962 #17177 ntina Miguel Thomé, a reporter for La Nueva Provincia, takes several photos 5/21/1962 #17186 ke being was sighted on a ranch in La Pampa, Argentina on this day by a ran 5/24/1962 #17198 Many residents of La Plata, Argentina phoned the police an 6/21/1962 #17241 NEW IBERIA, LA Saucer going northeast 450M over NAS 7/10/1962 #17269 New Iberia, LA Disc-shaped UFO with rotating dome on 7/10/1962 #17270 La Coloma Banes Afternoon. A U-2 spy pla 8/29/1962 #17372 missile site under construction at La Coloma, eight Komar-class guided miss 8/29/1962 #17372 NORTH / LA MADERA, NM Silent 8M vertical ovoid / 4/26/1964 #18206 La Madera, New Mexico Orlando Gallegos o 4/26/1964 #18208 70 m away, on the ground, north of La Madera. Blue flames appeared to circl 4/26/1964 #18208 La Madera, New Mexico Rio Vallecitos cre 4/26/1964 #18209 teps outside his father’s ranch at La Madera, New Mexico, to chase away som 4/26/1964 #18209 ters away, on the ground, north of La Madera, New Mexico. Blue flames appea 4/26/1964 #18211 NEAR LA RIOJA, ARG 3 / van. Lights and engine 5/10/1964 #18257 La Rioja, Arg Light beam, landed craft, 5/10/1964 #18258 La Rioja, Argentina Domed disc rose from 5/10/1964 #18259 HOUMA, LA Cops and more/others. Noisy object go 9/15/1964 #18553 Roads Naval Station José Aponte de la Torre Airport Ceiba, Puerto Rico 9:00 11/19/1964 #18629 Naval Station [now José Aponte de la Torre Airport] in Ceiba, Puerto Rico, 11/19/1964 #18629 Point au Fer Reef, LA Ball Of Light Hovers Over Water (NICA 3/3/1965 #18834 Puerto La Cruz, Portugal The commander and crew 7/6/1965 #19076 flying out of the sea from Puerto La Cruz, Portugal. First Officer Toronin 7/6/1965 #19079 was seen on the bank of the Rio de la Plata River by two workers and four y 7/17/1965 #19116 was seen on the bank of the Rio de la Plata River by two workers and four y 7/17/1965 #19118 dent walking on the beach known as La Arenilla, and accompanied by a doctor 8/2/1965 #19270 dwarf on the beach in the city of La Punta, Peru located not far from Lima 8/2/1965 #19270 see the coastline and a peninsula, La Punta, west of the city. He was paral 8/9/1965 #19350 LA BLANQUILLA ISLAND, VNZ Top-saucer spi 8/30/1965 #19473 La Blanquilla, Venezuela A spinning, top 8/30/1965 #19476 In La Blanquilla, Nueva Esparta, Venezuela 8/30/1965 #19479 cer going quickly [to] overhead. / La Cronica. 8/31/1965 #19482 . "Flying saucer" lands in lake. / LA Times. 9/15/1965 #19563 in a half wing formation pass over La Jolla, California. 10/17/1965 #19662 DERIDDER, LA Glowing object / treetops. Follows ca 12/4/1965 #19751 , case #7772, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue #204) (NICAP: 01 - Distan 1966 #19793 ker was driving two miles north of La Harpe, Illinois on Rte. 94 at 8:15 a. 1/5/1966 #19806 Two witnesses named Barnes and La Porte reported that at 11:55 p.m. a g 2/11/1966 #19898 ours of 1966, police and others in La Porte, Indiana saw a 40-foot-long lum 3/19/1966 #19995 La Porte, IN La Porte, IN: Patrolman Mic 3/20/1966 #19998 La Porte, IN La Porte, IN: Patrolman Michael Spevak w 3/20/1966 #19998 llowing them from Michigan City to La Porte. According to the young men, th 3/20/1966 #19998 LA PORTE, IN UFO with X-antenna / unders 3/20/1966 #19999 NEAR NEW ORLEANS, LA Retired Air Force Colonel and several 3/24/1966 #20058 New Orleans, LA 7:10 p.m. CST. A retired Air Force co 3/24/1966 #20067 in, 1999, p. 34, from Lumieres Dan La Nuit, No. 125) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 4/29/1966 #20426 New Orleans, LA Day. A Boeing engineer was among the 5/17/1966 #20495 La Plata, MD 11:45 p.m. EDT. A drug stor 10/26/1966 #21036 NORTH / HAYNESVILLE, LA Physics Professor. Vibrant bright sau 12/30/1966 #21225 Haynesville, LA Bright, pulsating glow, changing from 12/30/1966 #21226 SOUTHEAST / INNIS, LA Fisherman photographs double-domed sa 1/12/1967 #21289 US70 NEAR LA LUZ, NM 2 observer(s). Silver disks w 3/2/1967 #21721 HOUMA, LA Blue Book. 8 observer(s). CE2+RADAR c 4/10/1967 #22100 Houma, LA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Radar Vi 4/10/1967 #22103 Valenzuela returned to his home in La Paz, Baja California, Mexico at aroun 5/15/1967 #22348 Shreveport, LA 8:55 p.m. CDT (9:55 p.m. EDT). Two pe 5/25/1967 #22397 Extremadura region, Spain Talavera la Real Air Base in Badajoz Torrejón Air 6/9/1967 #22482 The two pilots notify the Talavera la Real Air Base in Badajoz and Torrejón 6/9/1967 #22482 n estimated 15,000 feet altitude. (La Voz Del Interior 6/26/67, NICAP files 6/24/1967 #22544 Alexandria-Leesville, LA 2:00 a.m. EDT. Throughout several sta 7/27/1967 #22740 aircraft down. (Shreveport Times, LA., 7/28/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NIC 7/27/1967 #22740 azil Japeri Miguel Pereira Arcádia La Chaumiere 8:00 p.m. Amauri Barbosa da 8/3/1967 #22787 on a mud road between Arcádia and La Chaumiere, they see two bright beams 8/3/1967 #22787 La Guaira, Federal District, Venezuela M 8/4/1967 #22796 La Guaira, Federal District, Venezuela S 8/4/1967 #22801 15 miles north of Arrecife La Guaira Vargas, Venezuela Early mornin 8/4/1967 #22804 out 15 miles north of Arrecife [or La Guaira], Vargas, Venezuela, when he f 8/4/1967 #22804 y north. / r24v4#2+/ Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) #94+. 8/5/1967 #22811 Catia La Mar, Vargas, Venezuela Evangelical pa 8/8/1967 #22847 Contreras is on the shore at Catia La Mar, Vargas, Venezuela, when he sees 8/8/1967 #22847 NORTH / CATIA LA MARCH, VNZ Sea boils. 3 huge saucers 8/25/1967 #22920 Catia La Mar, Venezuela 5:00 p.m. LT. A man on 8/25/1967 #22922 Catia la Mar, Venezuela Three disks of large d 8/25/1967 #22924 Catia La Mar, Vargas, Venezuela 5:00 p.m. Rube 8/25/1967 #22925 the water” from the beach at Catia La Mar, Vargas, Venezuela, from which ar 8/25/1967 #22925 In Catia la Mar, Venezuela three large-sized disc 8/25/1967 #22927 LA BALEIA, BRZ Domed saucer / field. Doo 9/14/1967 #23051 La Baleia, Brazil Fabio J. Diniz, 16, wa 9/14/1967 #23059 16, was walking near a hospital in La Baleia, Minas Gerais State, Brazil wh 9/14/1967 #23061 LA ROCA-DEL-VALLES, SP Luminous saucer / 9/21/1967 #23103 ween the towns of Santa Coloma and La Roca in Barcelona province he saw a v 9/21/1967 #23106 MILLEDGEVILLE AND LA GRANGE, GA Cops chase 8M football / 1 10/13/1967 #23230 LAKE CHARLES, LA Blue Book. 1 observer. Fireball flash 10/18/1967 #23260 Lake Charles, LA Bright, fiery ball flash 4 times whil 10/18/1967 #23262 SOUTHEAST / LAC LA HACHE, BC 1 / car. 100' domed saucer 10/27/1967 (approximate) #23341 LA HOYADA, SALTA, ARG 3 / taxi. Blinding 11/2/1967 #23384 LA CODEROSA WITH ALBQ, SP Night light la 3/22/1968 #23856 Sr. T. Banescu of La Florida, Argentina was walking home e 5/22/1968 #23980 LA UNION, CHILE 1 observer. Odd cloud cu 6/10/1968 #24017 Late on this same night in La Armonia, Argentina a man was in his b 6/14/1968 #24035 Motel La Cuesta on National Highway 20 east of 6/15/1968 #24039 daughter of the owner of the Motel La Cuesta on National Highway 20 east of 6/15/1968 #24039 LA GUARDIA, ARG Private pilot. 30M domed 6/18/1968 #24043 Villa Dolores, Córdoba, Argentina La Guardia, Catamarca, Argentina Jorge R 6/18/1968 #24044 la Dolores, Córdoba, Argentina, to La Guardia, Catamarca, Argentina. They s 6/18/1968 #24044 oucoupes Volantes: Le processus de la matière et de l’energie, la science e 6/26/1968 #24084 sus de la matière et de l’energie, la science et le socialisme, Posadas ple 6/26/1968 #24084 LA HABRA, CA Dog wakens 2 observer(s). 2 7/6/1968 #24148 At 1:17 a.m. a married couple in La Habra, California noticed a hovering 7/6/1968 #24149 orld" who tried to talk to them in La Plata, Argentina. He was six feet tal 7/9/1968 #24163 its orange sparks. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) page 6. 7/23/1968 #24211 ickly west to sea. Type unknown. / La Prensa. 7/24/1968 #24217 LA PASTORA, ARG 3 / car / malfunctions d 7/25/1968 #24220 Highway 226 La Pastora, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2:00 7/25/1968 #24225 are driving along Highway 226 near La Pastora, Buenos Aires, Argentina. It 7/25/1968 #24225 and Alvear.. Bullets do nothing. / La Razon. 7/27/1968 (approximate) #24236 La Atalaya, Spain Object like upside-dow 7/29/1968 #24251 Four people driving in La Atalaya, Argentina at 3:15 at night s 7/29/1968 #24255 Plaine-des-Cafres, La Reunion Island, Indian Ocean 9:00 a.m 7/31/1968 #24269 Plaine-des-Cafres, La Reunion Island Luce Fontaine, 31, a f 7/31/1968 #24270 La Plaine des Cafres Réunion Indian Ocea 7/31/1968 #24271 es Réunion Indian Ocean Madagascar La Soucoupe Volante 9:00 a.m. Farmer Luc 7/31/1968 #24271 ollecting grass for his rabbits at La Plaine des Cafres on the island of Ré 7/31/1968 #24271 the ground. A country club called “La Soucoupe Volante” (Flying Saucer) is 7/31/1968 #24271 LA GUERINIERE, FR N148 / D95. 2 / car. S 8/6/1968 (approximate) #24299 sighted in the suburbs of Cerro de la Gloria, Mendoza province, Argentina. 8/9/1968 #24313 LA CRIOLLA, ARG 1 observer. Bang noise / 8/10/1968 #24314 La Serra d’Almos, Catalonia, Spain 6:00 8/16/1968 #24342 A farmer doing barnyard chores at La Serra d’Almos, Catalonia, Spain, glim 8/16/1968 #24342 LA CARRODILLA, ARG 40+observer(s). Huge 8/29/1968 #24394 ops. Finally going quickly west. / La Razon. 9/12/1968 #24453 LA LLAGOSTA, SP Trucker. Bright ovoid up 9/21/1968 #24491 OFF LA ESCALA, SP Fisherman. 2 small humanoi 9/21/1968 #24492 the Barcelona-Puigcerda road near La Llagosta, Barcelona, Spain saw a land 9/21/1968 #24495 At three a.m. in La Escala, Gerona, Spain Sr. Ballesta, a 9/21/1968 #24496 m. a 56-year-old woman in Cedeira, La Coruna, Spain saw a bright light comi 9/24/1968 #24509 BOLLULLOS DE LA MIT., SP 6 observer(s). "Full moon" o 10/1968 #24532 LA LINEA, SPAIN Several military observe 10/13/1968 #24560 LA SERENA, CHILE Numerous observer(s). H 10/19/1968 #24574 CHICLANA DE LA FRONTERA, SP 4 observer(s). Area oddl 11/5/1968 (approximate) #24633 LA CHAUX-DE-FONDS, SWZ 3 observer(s). La 12/6/1968 #24747 ROMILLA LA NUEVA GOING [TO] CHAUCHINA, SP Powerf 12/11/1968 #24759 Going [to] away toward(s) Garganta LA Olla. 12/31/1968 #24797 LA BARBEE, FR 30cm globe with 5 spikes h 1/14/1969 #24841 was seen hovering in the woods in La Barbee, Sarthe department, France for 1/14/1969 #24843 LA CROIX-JARTEL TO/FROM ST. JULIEN, FR M 3/11/1969 #24992 road in the Loudeac Forest between La Croix-Jartel and St. Julien, France a 3/11/1969 #24997 LA SOUTERRAINE, FR Several observer(s). 9/3/1969 #25348 MORON DE LA FRONTERA, SP Saucer glows on ground i 9/11/1969 #25360 LA REDUCCION, ARG 2 farmers. Cylinder/ci 12/18/1969 #25502 MORON DE LA FRONTERA, SP Traces = 2 1M circles wi 5/11/1970 #25658 At 10:45 p.m. a UFO in Cazalla de la Sierra, Seville, Spain caused the fur 8/5/1970 #25770 fins, was seen for 30 minutes. In La Louviere, Belgium at 7:50 p.m. a dark 3/2/1971 #26040 LA TUQUE, QBC UFO lands. Type unknown. F 5/30/1971 #26143 sh physician Guillermo Arguello de la Motta is a guest of his friend Antoni 7/7/1971 #26211 Los Morros, Venezuela Dr. G. A. De La Motta and Dr. A. Arocha watched as tw 7/7/1971 #26212 LA PUENTE, CA 3 observer(s). Odd object 9/4/1971 #26312 On this night Juan De La Palmareno, an 81-year-old peasant, wa 9/11/1971 #26328 goes by the nickname of Juan el de la Palmareña, is in his hut on the Los L 9/12/1971? #26330 On this night Juan De La Palmareno, an 81-year-old peasant, wa 9/12/1971 #26331 BATON ROUGE, LA LSU scientist/science students and mo 10/10/1971 #26416 er with a farm tractor occurred in La Chapelle, France at 1:30 in the early 11/14/1971 #26472 LA CHOMETTE, FR 1 observer. Silent 12M d 12/25/1971 #26517 FAUSSE POINT, LA 5+observer(s). Silver umbrella-saucer 1/17/1972 #26547 LA CIOTAT, FR Cylinder/cigar-shape high 3/18/1972 #26613 TALAVERA LA REAL, SP Orange night light. 1.5M whi 4/8/1972 #26640 In Talavera la Real, Badajoz, Spain at 12:30 a.m. fo 4/8/1972 #26641 In Trujillo, La Libertad, Peru a man had his eyesight 4/16/1972 #26648 luminous ovoid object hovered over La Deschaux, Jura department, France at 6/2/1972 #26698 Logroño, La Rioja, Spain Spain Brazil France US 2 6/22/1972 #26726 the Colegio Escolapios in Logroño, La Rioja, Spain, when he notices a brigh 6/22/1972 #26726 LA COTINIERE, FR Night lights over light 8/31/1972 #26970 OFF LA ROMANA, DOM.REP Aero mechanic / boat 11/9/1972 #27111 LA SARRE, QB Kids. Cloud-object LANDs. S 11/28/1972 #27147 In La Sarre, Abitibi, Quebec at 10:30 a.m. 11/28/1972 #27151 LA SILLA OBSERVER(S), MAIPO, CHL 3 astro 12/12/1972 #27171 LA MINILLA RSVR., SP Saucer rises. Going 2/1973 #27254 LA GUAIRA, VNZL 3000 observer(s). 2 sauc 3/22/1973 #27358 NAIGUATA AND TODOSANA AND LA SABANA AND CARUAO, VNZ Wave / saucers 3/23/1973 #27364 Armando Silva and his wife, of La Salina, were at their country home at 3/29/1973 #27390 LA GUAIRA, VNZ Hundreds / observer(s). R 3/30/1973 #27391 LA SEYNE, VAR Satellite going going east 9/27/1973 #27875 AVERY ESTATES, LA 1 observer. CB and malfunctions due t 10/10/1973 #27972 PINE, LA Cops chase 5 red-sphere/orb/globe obj 10/15/1973 #28041 Pine, LA Sheriffs saw and chased pulsating ora 10/15/1973 #28057 Pine, LA Sheriffs saw and chased pulsating ora 10/15/1973 #28058 SOUTH / SLIDELL, LA 1 observer. Red object emerges / Lake 10/16/1973 #28062 60 MI SOUTH / CROWLEY, LA 2 observer(s). Luminous/glowing ovoid 10/17/1973 #28095 POWHATAN, LA AND MORE 10 separate report(s). Lumin 10/17/1973 #28096 Crowley, LA Offshore oil platform crew saw oblong 10/17/1973 #28122 Powhatan, LA At least 10 reports from central Loui 10/17/1973 #28123 WATSON AND ZACHARY, LA Cylinder/cigar-shape spins angel hair 10/18/1973 #28148 ST. LANDRY AND WATSON AND ZACHARY, LA Cops and several. UFO blows circles / 10/19/1973 #28176 BATON ROUGE, LA AND SHREVEPORT AND RUSTON AND SPRINGH 10/19/1973 #28177 BATON ROUGE, LA 67000 observer(s)! Domed disk going [ 10/21/1973 #28223 La Habra, California FBI Director Claren 10/25/1973 #28283 lains in a letter to a resident of La Habra, California, that the investiga 10/25/1973 #28283 NEAR LA SPEZIA, ITL 2 observer(s). Saucer ver 10/26/1973 #28293 rachute". Also UFO's / Perugia and La Spezia and Assisi. 10/29/1973 #28318 SOUTHWEST / SIKES, LA Foggy Eve. 1 / car. 3' silvery figure 11/7/1973 #28380 Winnfield, LA Woman driving from Winnfield to Sikes 11/7/1973 #28383 La Paz, Bolivia Top-shaped object with w 11/8/1973 #28389 La Paz, Bolivia Top-shaped object with w 11/8/1973 #28392 NEAR LA PAZ, BOLIVIA Airliner and Air Force p 11/11/1973 #28402 La Paz, Bolivia Airlines crew & intercep 11/11/1973 #28409 Lemon Grove, California La Posta Astro-Geophysical Observatory i 11/16/1973 #28434 ockwise pattern. A magnetometer at La Posta Astro-Geophysical Observatory i 11/16/1973 #28434 LA RAMBLA, PR 6-7 glowing objects exit o 12/4/1973 #28516 LA SEYNE, VAR Silent vibrant bright ovoi 12/6/1973 #28529 rglar alarm went off in a house in La Selva Beach in Santa Cruz, California 12/6/1973 #28536 m. on highway 347 between Lens and La Bassee in Pas-de-Calais, France Mr. L 12/31/1973 #28623 o small wings approached a home in La Grange, Illinois rapidly from the wes 12/31/1973 #28623 LA POSSONNIERE, FR Fireball going down / 2/9/1974 #28752 LA LOUVIERE, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Dark 3/2/1974 #28847 LA CAVALERIE, FR Several cops. Weird box 3/5/1974 #28862 LA MOTTE-FANJAS, FR Big dome going down. 3/14/1974 #28882 ELFORT MOUNTAINS, FR Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) team. Red dome- 3/23/1974 #28930 LA ESTRADA, SP Kids. 10M silent saucer 1 4/4/1974 #28993 LA PARRA AIR FORCE BASE, SP Sweeping lig 4/7/1974 #28996 LA ROCHE-EN-ARDENNE, BELGIUM Luminous "R 5/14/1974 #29103 first issue of OVNIs: Un Desafio a la Ciencia, edited by Oscar A. Galíndez. 6/1974 #29153 LA ROCHELLE, FR 2 observer(s). Saucer qu 6/15/1974 (approximate) #29197 La Brousse, Charente-Maritime, France 11 8/12/1974 #29337 isc maneuvering near a hedgerow at La Brousse, Charente-Maritime, France. I 8/12/1974 #29337 LA CROIX-MADAME, FR 2 observer(s). Lumin 8/26/1974 #29389 ge humanoids at the local "Parc de la Gaudiniere", in Nantes, Loire-Atlanti 9/29/1974 #29492 NEAR LA PLATA, ARG 3+3 observer(s). 110 dB ro 11/26/1974 #29608 oid near the ground in a garden in La Plata, Buenos Aires province, Argenti 11/26/1974 #29611 SOUTH / LA FLAMENGRIE, 02, FR Milkmen. 2M fireba 4/1/1975 #29933 l was sighted near a farm south of La Flamengrie, France at 9:10 p.m. Recta 4/1/1975 #29935 citing Liberta, June 22, 1975 and La Stampa, June 21, 1975). (NICAP: 01 - 6/20/1975 #30110 ght as day. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, March 1976). (NICAP: 02 - Close 6/27/1975 #30125 o antennae. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, March 1976). (NICAP: 02 - Close 6/27/1975 #30126 El Pas de la Casa, Andorra Calafell, Catalonia, Sp 7/1/1975 #30144 tains just after leaving El Pas de la Casa, Andorra. They have the roll dev 7/1/1975 #30144 LA VILLEDIEU-DU-TEMPLE, FR Vines burnt. 8/1975 (approximate) #30221 D30 / LA BROSSE, FR 4 / car. Luminous/glowing 8/11/1975 #30249 ast to Egreville on Highway D30 in La Brosse, Seine-Marne, France. The frig 8/11/1975 #30251 Jerez Airport Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, Spain Sanlúcar de Ba 9/1975? #30333 base [now Jerez Airport], Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, Spain, piloting a Gr 9/1975? #30333 LA HULPE, BELGIUM 5 observer(s). Bright 9/20/1975 #30372 ht star-like object zigzagged over La Hulpe, Belgium then flew off straight 9/20/1975 #30374 server(s). 2 triangles / 800M over LA Martinerie. White light / rear. Night 10/9/1975 #30423 p. 33 and Saga UFO Report, citing La Razon, October 27, 1975). (NICAP: 05 10/25/1975 #30469 re, France. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, February 1977). (NICAP: 02 - Cl 11/4/1975 #30552 encounter. (Sources: Lumieres dans la Nuit, September 1976; Mark Rodeghier, 11/15/1975 #30625 La Neuvelot, France 11:00 p.m. On a farm 12/15/1975 #30717 On a farm near La Neuvelot, France at 11:00 p.m. a five 12/15/1975 #30719 southeast. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, May 1976). (NICAP: 01 - Distant 12/18/1975 #30723 approached. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, May 1976). (NICAP: 02 - Close E 12/24/1975 #30736 e sky fast. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, January 1979). (NICAP: 01 - Dis 1/1/1976 #30753 citing Michel Levy, Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 159). (NICAP: 07 - Enti 1/5/1976 #30760 N86 LA VOULTE TO/FROM LE POUZIN, FR Dark rou 1/15/1976 #30788 LA FARGETTE AND GLUIRAS, FR Saucer / ora 2/10/1976 #30859 1976, p. 12, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 163). (NICAP: 02 - Close 3/2/1976 #30916 southwest. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, October 1976). (NICAP: 03 - EME 3/27/1976 #30959 LA CHAUX-DE-FONDS, SWZ 4 kids. Saucer la 4/16/1976 #30997 : FSR, October 1976, p. 31, citing La Razon, May 22, 1976; Geoffrey Falla, 5/14/1976 #31051 manoid Reports, case A1472, citing La Razon). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 5/14/1976 #31051 LA SELLE-EN-HERMOY, FR 2 observer(s). 9 6/6/1976 #31089 LA GUICHE, FR Big noise and light. 12M s 6/25/1976 #31137 LA PALMA ISLAND, CANARIES 2 red objects 6/25/1976 #31139 alace / 10 minute(s). / LDLN#159 / La Depeche. 7/14/1976 #31163 La Soukra, Tunisia 12:20 a.m. Police at 8/6/1976 #31239 ukra, Tunisia 12:20 a.m. Police at La Soukra, Tunisia, see four lighted obj 8/6/1976 #31239 LA LINEA, SP 2 teens. Night light / high 8/11/1976 #31255 La Linea de Concepción, Spain Strait of 8/11/1976 #31256 nd 14 are standing on the beach in La Linea de Concepción, Spain, facing th 8/11/1976 #31256 At 11:30 p.m. two teenagers in La Linea Beach, Cadiz, Spain saw a noctu 8/11/1976 #31257 REAL DE LA JARA, SP 20 cars stop. Bright night l 8/15/1976 #31266 El Real de la Jara, Seville, Spain Highway 3:00 a.m 8/15/1976 #31270 ght light appears above El Real de la Jara, Seville, Spain, as 20 automobil 8/15/1976 #31270 Enrique Mercado Orue of Cerro De La Estrella, Mexico City, Mexico was tak 8/26/1976 #31306 dwarf at a former Army building in La Spezia near Mount Parodi, Italy on th 9/5/1976 #31345 and confronted him. (Lumieres dans La Nuit No. 169, November 1977.) (NICAP: 10/24/1976 #31492 TALAVERA LA REAL, SP Night lights. Soldiers fire 11/12/1976 #31539 an were on sentry duty at Talavera La Real Air Force Base in Badajoz, Spain 11/12/1976 #31540 KENNER, LA 2 / bartenders. Large dome flashes re 11/23/1976 #31565 headaches. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 317). (NICAP: 05 - Medica 1/18/1977 #31727 YSCLOSKEY, LA Separate observers. Silent saucer all 1/21/1977 #31732 St. Bernard Parish, LA Boat brightly illuminated by round gl 1/21/1977 #31737 St. Bernard Parish, LA 8:45 PM. Two hunters spotted an extre 1/21/1977 #31738 St. Bernard Parish, LA Boat brightly illuminated by round gl 1/21/1977 #31739 CHALMETTE, LA 6 / car. Domed saucer with legs / low 1/22/1977 #31745 VIOLET, LA 2 / car and more/others. Domed saucer 2/8/1977 #31798 La Palma and Tenerife, Canary Islands Ad 3/24/1977 #31929 rnie Castle 8:50 p.m. Witnesses on La Palma and Tenerife, Canary Islands, s 3/24/1977 #31929 LA LOUVIERE, BELGIUM 1 observer. Dark so 4/17/1977 #31984 La Louvière, Hainaut, Belgium 4:00 p.m. 4/17/1977 #31986 naut, Belgium 4:00 p.m. A woman in La Louvière, Hainaut, Belgium, watches a 4/17/1977 #31986 d 4:00 p.m. a 67-year-old woman in La Louviere, Belgium sighted a solid, da 4/17/1977 #31989 f the beam. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, January 1978). (NICAP: 02 - Clo 5/23/1977 #32125 COTILE LAKE, LA Low humming. 75' bubble-dome saucer. 6/17/1977 #32169 OFF LA CALETA, DOM.REP Night light drops tub 6/24/1977 #32187 La Caleta, Dominican Republic 1:00 AM. A 6/24/1977 #32189 r the sea from the coastal town of La Caleta. Sr. Cruz watched as the objec 6/24/1977 #32189 r the sea from the coastal town of La Caleta, in the Dominican Republic. Sr 6/24/1977 #32191 the ground. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, May 1978). (NICAP: 02 - Close E 7/18/1977 #32291 the house. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, November 1979). (NICAP: 02 - Cl 7/22/1977 #32301 nd helmets. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, November 1980, issue # 195). (N 7/24/1977 #32308 ALMONASTER LA REAL, SP Girl / 20. Flash. 2 pseudo-h 8/3/1977 #32348 Monte Verrugoli La Spezia, Italy Italian researchers Gio 8/3/1977 #32353 kywatch on Monte Verrugoli west of La Spezia, Italy. The mountain is known 8/3/1977 #32353 walk to her grandmother's house in La Corte, about three kilometers distant 8/3/1977 #32356 LA SILA, ITL Several saucer landings / d 9/1977 #32449 ld bus driver named Antonio Bogado La Rúbia leaves his home in Paciência, R 9/15/1977 #32484 mitted. They seem like robots, but La Rúbia can hear them breathing. A typi 9/15/1977 #32484 tate, Brazil. At 2:20 a.m. Antonio La Rubia, age 33, a bus driver, was en r 9/15/1977 #32485 se. The three creatures surrounded La Rubia, and he was captured inside an 9/15/1977 #32485 Rio thoroughfare. One scene showed La Rubia vomiting and defecating into hi 9/15/1977 #32485 LA FLOTTE EN RE, FR 2 observer(s). Big b 11/1977 (approximate) #32645 orters and police sighted a UFO in La Aurora, Uruguay at 11:00 p.m. The UFO 11/22/1977 #32693 tension power lines in the town of La Aurora, Uruguay. It changed colors a 11/24/1977 #32698 OXNARD TO/FROM LA AIRPORT, CA 2 bright circular lights 12/8/1977 #32745 La Aurora, Uruguay There was a great fla 12/16/1977 #32780 away to the west. At 11:25 p.m. in La Aurora, Uruguay there was a great fla 12/16/1977 #32781 WEST / LA VAUDREAUIL, FR Yellow-white ball-sauc 4/5/1978 #33125 t same day UFO investigator Pat De La Franier was in his office in Stratfor 4/25/1978 #33171 erally wrapped around his temples. La Franier had never seen eyes like that 4/25/1978 #33171 r just stood there staring at him. La Franier was fixated by his eyes and h 4/25/1978 #33171 uggle to get through the sentence. La Franier said no, he did not need any 4/25/1978 #33171 The man was completely gone. Later La Franier discovered that many of his p 4/25/1978 #33171 ivia Wright-Patterson AFB Pentagon La Paz 4:15 p.m. An object crashes into 5/6/1978 #33190 order. The US military attaché in La Paz sends a message to Wright-Patters 5/6/1978 #33190 Teachers commuting to schools in La Bajada, Catamarca province, Argentina 6/1/1978 #33248 -Mestras, Gironde, France Bordeaux La Réole 1:30 a.m. Franck Pavia and Jean 6/19/1978 #33291 ball, very bright, hovering above La Réole at about 1,000 feet before disa 6/19/1978 #33291 Logroño-Agoncillo Airport La Rioja, Spain 1:20 a.m. A soldier on d 7/20/1978 #33404 f the Logroño-Agoncillo Airport in La Rioja, Spain, sees a strange object i 7/20/1978 #33404 LA TREUILLE, FR Repeater and 2 kids. Sma 8/4/1978 #33470 NEAR LA PAZ, BOLIVIA Buzz wakens man. Plain s 8/15/1978 #33516 In La Paz, Bolivia a buzzing sound woke the 8/15/1978 #33517 this night on the highway between La Serena and Coquimbo, Chile a UFO was 8/23/1978 #33555 ight a luminous craft descended in La Serena, Chile. It was reportedly very 8/24/1978 #33568 g house in Sassello, Savona, Italy La Carta Fiat 8:40 p.m. Many people in t 9/7/1978 #33645 rge luminous object hovering above La Carta to the east. The boarding house 9/7/1978 #33645 s. Stops / seconds. Shoots away. / La Gacata. 10/14/1978 #33832 ed to circle the car driven by Mr. La Bandera and his two passengers. (NICA 12/14/1978 #34121 ed to circle the car driven by Mr. La Bandera and his two passengers. It ci 12/14/1978 #34129 disk lands and takes off again. / La Sicilia / r39. 12/17/1978 #34162 La Rioja, Argentina At 2:45 a.m. a very 12/21/1978 #34189 estimated 1000 meters altitude in La Rioja, Argentina. They reportedly lit 12/21/1978 #34194 very fast. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, February 1979). (NICAP: 02 - Cl 1/5/1979 #34299 it second. (Sources: Lumieres dans la Nuit, February 1979) (NICAP: 02 - Clo 1/8/1979 #34318 LA CLOTTE, FR 2 / car. 33M banana-cresce 3/22/1979 #34484 s Mendoza province Andes mountains La Pintada Cuesta de los Terneros San Ra 5/1/1979 #34537 the UFOs over the uranium mines of La Pintada and Cuesta de los Terneros in 5/1/1979 #34537 Bolivia Enconada Buen Retiro Chile La Paz Cape Canaveral, Florida Two large 8/10/1979 #34724 fense Attaché of the US Embassy in La Paz promptly informs the US Defense I 8/10/1979 #34724 pants, one of whom is named Alpha La Zoo Loo. He seems to take a trip in s 8/29/1979 #34803 ay very fast. No further details / La Depeche. 9/1979 #34811 Barrio La Gloria, Mendoza province, Arg A man w 9/19/1979 #34899 of the night in his home in Barrio La Gloria, Mendoza province, Argentina u 9/19/1979 #34901 nos Air Base in Albacete, Castilla–La Mancha 4:20 p.m. The underground Pega 11/17/1979 #35005 nos Air Base in Albacete, Castilla–La Mancha. By the time the jet arrives i 11/17/1979 #35005 iago was weeding a palm grove near La Palma, Oaxaca state, Mexico at around 11/30/1979 #35033 Caravac de la Cruz, Spain A UFO with blue lights an 12/10/1979 #35065 In Caravac de la Cruz, Spain, at 10:00 p.m., a UFO wit 12/10/1979 #35067 LA CHAPELLE-BASSE-MER, FR 5M saucer hove 1/20/1980 #35138 LA RACINE, FR 1M orange-glow Lima-bean g 1/28/1980 #35146 day in 1980. The first occurred in La Racine at 4:20 a.m. An orange, glowin 1/28/1980 #35149 iangular UFO was seen in Chamical, La Rioja province, Argentina. The triang 2/11/1980 #35172 La Joya Air Base Mariano Melgar Airport 4/11/1980 #35269 a, Peru 7:15 a.m. Personnel at the La Joya Air Base [part of the Mariano Me 4/11/1980 #35269 tskirts of the city of Santa Rosa, La Pampa province, Argentina when he not 4/23/1980 #35286 MARIANO MALGAR AIR FORCE BASE / LA JOYA, PERU PAF SU22 jets fire / sauce 5/9/1980 #35318 near the Mariano Melgar AFB, near La Joya, Arequipa Province, Peru. It fir 5/9/1980 #35320 At 7:05 two reporters for the La Capital newspaper in Rosario, Argenti 6/14/1980 #35371 way. Shoots going quickly south. / La Montagne. 8/20/1980 (approximate) #35467 into trees as observer(s) nears. / La Montagne. 9/10/1980 #35509 onal Route 35 north of Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina Escuela Agrotécnica 4/3/1981 #35884 onal Route 35 north of Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina, watch an object hov 4/3/1981 #35884 La Rochelle Mutare, Zimbabwe 6:00 p.m. T 8/15/1981 #36075 the Forestry Commission Station of La Rochelle, 5.5 miles northeast of Muta 8/15/1981 #36075 grounds of the forestry station in La Rochelle, nine kilometers from Mutare 8/15/1981 #36076 out; later physiological effects. La Razon, Feb. 23, 1982 (E,L) car (NICAP 2/19/1982 #36352 Vejer de la Frontera, Cadiz, Spain A a local catt 7/20/1982 #36537 noon a local cattleman in Vejer de la Frontera, Cadiz, Spain was on his mot 7/20/1982 #36538 COUSHATTA, LA Several observer(s). Whirr and hiss. 12/30/1982 #36728 uadernos (and beginning in 1997 by La Fundación Anomalía). It continues thr 1/1983 #36741 50 minutes. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 317). (NICAP: 02 - Close 3/26/1983 #36814 ed Platner saw a UFO in Winifreda, La Pampa province, Argentina at 7:30 p.m 8/9/1983 #36940 LA VERNIA, TX 1+2 separate observer(s). 2/15/1984 #37187 D979 / LA SERRE, FR Triangle with point down dr 10/1984 #37471 LA MEDIANA, SP Several kids. Orange sphe 4/20/1985 #37581 NEAR LA CORUNA, SPN Many observer(s). Wave / 9/1985 #37653 SOUTH / LA CORUNA, SPAIN 1 / car. Green rectangu 11/1985 #37697 BREAUX BRIDGE, LA 2 observer(s). Large hexagon goes ove 4/9/1986 #37820 LA FOLLETTE, TN 3 observer(s). Large sil 4/27/1986 #37845 at treetop level by a motorist in La Follette, Tennessee at 11:10 p.m. It 4/27/1986 #37848 DERIDDER, LA 3 observer(s) / SR26. 1m saucer with 5/11/1986 #37863 BENTON, LA 2 observer(s). 3M grey saucer going d 1/19/1988 #38413 Baton Rouge, LA Dogs are unaffected by fly over of th 4/8/1989 #38897 La Venta del Astillero, Zapopan, Mexico 5/10/1989 #38942 LA PARGUERA / LAJAS, PR Fisherman. Group 7/1989 #38999 MANSURA, LA 2 observer(s). 1m disk low 10m away. 8/13/1989 #39059 Mansura, LA Dog reacted as oval bobbed near groun 8/13/1989 #39060 La Salle, Manitoba 12:00 midnight. A wom Late 8/1989 #39072 night. A woman is driving north of La Salle, Manitoba, when she sees a “clo Late 8/1989 #39072 20 MI NORTH / LA RONGE, SSK UC#2110. Pilot in flight. 11/1/1989 #39205 La Ronge, Saskatchewan 6:50 p.m. A pilot 11/1/1989 #39207 a small airplane 20 miles north of La Ronge, Saskatchewan, sees a pair of b 11/1/1989 #39207 LA CALAMINE, BELGIUM Several observer(s) 11/29/1989 #39266 Eupen, Belgium Lac de la Gileppe dam 5:24 p.m. About 250 witne 11/29/1989 #39273 t, where it hovers near the Lac de la Gileppe dam for 45 minutes. Policemen 11/29/1989 #39273 LA LOUVIERE, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Dull 12/11/1989 #39309 French UFO magazine Lumieres dans la Nuit, at 12:10 a.m. all US servicemen 7/19/1990 #39652 LA VOULTE-SUR-RHONE, FR 3 observer(s). O 8/19/1990 #39692 o further details. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) p27. 8/19/1990 #39692 . Goes over house. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) pg10. 10/21/1990 #39802 LA VALBONNE, FR Lt. Col. Silent dark tri 11/5/1990 #39836 Marcel Laroche, a journalist from La Presse, takes some photos. The object 11/7/1990 #39881 ving at 50 mph down a highway near La Tigra, Argentina, and remained seated 7/21/1991 #40128 NORTH / LA PARGUERA, PR Small humanoid (or Grey) 8/28/1991 (approximate) #40167 SOUTHWEST / MONROE, LA 20+cops and more/others. Silent delta 12/24/1992 #40766 n-Jacques Velasco coauthors OVNIs: La science avance, with journalist Jean- 1993 #40777 LA QUINTA, CA 3 saucers hover 15 minute( 1/1/1993 #40783 LA TRIMOUILLE, FR 1 observer. Blue recta 1/18/1993 #40800 LA LOGE, FR AND SEPARATE OBSERVER(S) / N 1/25/1993 #40813 LA CROSSE, WI Oblong saucer shines brigh 3/15/1993 #40883 SALEM, WI Saucer seen. Similar to La cross, Wi object / 15 Mar. '93. No fu 3/18/1993 #40889 eadily going east. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) pg25. 7/14/1993 #41067 OFF LA CORUNA, SP Technician. Huge cylinder/ 8/22/1993 #41150 La Louvière, Hainaut, Belgium 5:30–9:30 10/25/1993 #41252 th multicolored light occur around La Louvière, Hainaut, Belgium. 10/25/1993 #41252 LA ROCHETTE, FR Several observer(s). Dia 11/19/1993 #41285 La Ferté-sous-Jouarre, Seine-et-Marne, F 6/24/1994 #41581 rance 2:40 a.m. Three gendarmes at La Ferté-sous-Jouarre, Seine-et-Marne, F 6/24/1994 #41581 PARC DE LA MOULIERE, FR "Plane" lands / jagged p 6/27/1994 (approximate) #41586 landed on a jagged peak in Parc de la Mouliere, Alpes-Maritime, France in t 6/27/1994 #41589 LA CHAPELLE-LA-REINE, FR 1 observer. Fai 7/16/1994 #41624 SOUTH / LA VAUDOUE, FR 2 observer(s) / car. Odd 7/16/1994 #41625 flew over a police radio tower in La Chapelle-la-Reine, France at 11:40 p. 7/16/1994 #41627 sses driving on Route D16 south of La Vaudoue, France. A domed disc-shaped 7/16/1994 #41627 LA GLACERIE, FR 2 observer(s). 300' sauc 7/25/1994 #41639 LA MOULIERE, FR 2 observer(s). Javelin-s 8/6/1994 #41658 LA FARLEDE, VAR, FR 3 teens. Saucer drop 10/15/1994 #41805 a military communication center in La Farlede, Var department, France. It v 10/15/1994 #41806 OFF LA BLECHERETTE, LAUSANNE, SWZ 2 / car. A 10/30/1994 #41821 on the shore of Lake Geneva, near La Blecherette, Lausanne, Switzerland ob 10/30/1994 #41823 LA VETA, CO Family. Huge silent triangle 11/22/1994 #41859 At 9:09 p.m. a La Veta Pass, Colorado family called UFO 11/22/1994 #41860 een in a deep sleep at her home in La Playa Guayanilla, Puerto Rico when sh 12/15/1994 #41895 NEAR LA CROSSE, WA 1+kids. 3 black 20' triang 12/29/1994 #41909 La Canada, Avila, Spain - A 28-year-old 2/9/1995 #42031 LA CROIX-EN-CHAMPAGNE, FR 2 observer(s). 3/7/1995 #42078 playing at an elementary school in La Vega, Orocovis, Puerto Rico noticed a 4/3/1995 #42138 LA BROQUERIE, MBA Screech. "Plane" flash 7/21/1995 #42314 US16O EAST / LA VETA PASS, CO 10+observer(s). Big hum 9/22/1995 #42498 LAKE CHARLES, LA 2 observer(s). Row / 3 neon-red objec 9/22/1995 #42500 LA CHAPELLE / MONT-DE-FRANCE 2 red fireb 9/25/1995 #42511 LA SPEZIA, IT 3 / road. Big rectangular 12/15/1995 #42645 ee lights were seen on the road in La Spezia, Italy. The big UFO flew away 12/15/1995 #42646 The Institut des Hautes Études de la Défense Nationale, a French strategic 1996 #42656 Santander, Cantabria, Spain La Fundación Anomalía is created by a gr 1996 #42658 NEAR LA SPEZIA, ITL 4 / roadside. Ovoid with 1/5/1996 #42667 LA LIQUIERE, FR 1 observer. Moon-size or 3/6/1996 #42805 LA SERRE, FR East / car. 6M saucer paces 3/16/1996 #42826 nt Lake, near the McGhee Bridge in La Grange, Georgia, a 35-year-old woman 5/7/1996 #42899 NEAR LA PASTORIL, ARG 3 hunters. Brilliant ob 8/29/1996 #42998 LA MADELEINE-NONANCOURT, FR Sonic booms. 10/22/1996 #43089 ying farewell to her son-in-law in La Grange, Georgia when she noticed a di 2/17/1997 #43195 NORTHWEST / LA GRANGE, GA 30m row / 15 large square 2/18/1997 #43197 In 1997 at 4:05 a.m. police in La Escala, Spain saw a yellow light near 3/19/1997 #43235 LA TOUR-DE-PIN, FR 2 comet watchers. 3 g 3/30/1997 #43243 formation by two comet watchers in La Tour-de-Pin, France. 3/30/1997 #43246 ng on their porch at 12:45 a.m. in La Grange, California the witnesses firs 4/18/1997 #43265 ing in her car with a companion in La Houssaye-en-Brie, France when both sa 6/5/1997 #43311 NNE / LA GRANGE, GA Meteor going quickly west. 9/21/1997 #43411 Lac La Biche, Alberta Night. Two witnesses a 11/13/1997 #43440 itnesses are driving home near Lac La Biche, Alberta, when they see a diamo 11/13/1997 #43440 NORTH / HOMER, LA Shiny "balloon" hovers. Maneuvers. Va 4/5/1998 #43544 At 1:30 p.m. at La Veta Pass, Colorado on US Highway 160 5/17/1998 #43569 :00 a.m. a soldier at the Moron de la Frontera Air Force Base in Sevilla, S 11/25/1998 #43685 LA VERNE, CA House shakes. Large bright 3/29/1999 #43751 ance A 90-page report, Les OVNI et la Defense: A Quoi doit-on se Préparer? 7/16/1999 #43805 LAKE CHARLES, LA Woman age 87. Large delta/triangle/bo 8/22/1999 #43829 ego Zúñiga launch the UFO magazine La Nave de los Locos in Santiago, Chile, 4/2000 #43975 ome along the Plazoleta Alfonso de la Vega in Frias, Argentina noticed a sh 4/17/2000 #43982 NEAR LA PAZ, BOLV Military pilot. Brilliant m 3/26/2001 #44150 at a distance while in flight over La Paz, Bolivia. 3/26/2001 #44151 Portage la Prairie, Manitoba 11:30 p.m. A man an 7/9/2001 #44207 rmation toward the west at Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. 7/9/2001 #44207 In La Joya, Guanica, Puerto Rico at 3:00 a. 8/2/2001 #44218 the local "Hospital del Torax" in La Paz, Bolivia nurse Wilma Huanapaco wa 8/4/2001 #44225 antic flaring light descended over La Florida, Bio Bio, Chile and was visib 12/6/2001 #44283 At 8:00 p.m. Robert La Marco and his family saw a very brigh 1/22/2002 #44310 d road around 3 p.m. in Cazalla de la Sierra, Spain when he noticed an obje 3/26/2002 #44326 In Alvear, La Pampa Province, Argentina several you 5/3/2002 #44336 egments. The Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale in Turin disput 10/18/2002 #44419 On this day in Lonquimay, La Araucania Province, Chile a circular 11/15/2002 #44443 At 6:00 a.m. a woman in La Grange, Georgia saw a stationary blin 12/2/2002 #44458 80 meters in height, in Rosario De La Frontera, Argentina. It moved very qu 4/22/2003 #44518 Santa Rosa Airport La Pampa province Argentina 7:30 p.m. Ju Late 7/2005 #44857 pproach to the Santa Rosa Airport, La Pampa province, Argentina, the airpor Late 7/2005 #44857 spatiaux non identifies: Un défi à la science, written in collaboration wit 4/2007 #45015 f a metallic disc-shaped object in La Crosse, Wisconsin. The UFO moved away 8/15/2008 #45157 Jacinto Aráuz, Hucal, La Pampa Province, Argentina In 2021, a 11/16/2021 #45722## Word: "la-11" (Back to Top)
st from a Soviet Lavochkin La-9 or La-11 fighter aircraft, or spotlights ca 3/5/1952 #5946## Word: "la-9" (Back to Top)
ft exhaust from a Soviet Lavochkin La-9 or La-11 fighter aircraft, or spotl 3/5/1952 #5946## Word: "la-crescenta" (Back to Top)
www.corporationwiki.com/California/La-Crescenta/light-city-technologies-inc 4/2001 #44155## Word: "la-gde-croix" (Back to Top)
LA-GDE-CROIX, FR Several observer(s). Si 7/11/1970 #25731## Word: "la-roche-en-brenil" (Back to Top)
SOUTH / LA-ROCHE-EN-BRENIL, FR 9M saucer / groun 11/5/1954 #11572## Word: "la-ur-21-27461" (Back to Top)
ct/tr?what=info:lanl-repo/lareport/LA-UR-21-27461 Note: Nothing in the 3/22/2017 #45465## Word: "lab" (Back to Top)
ion. Engineers Roland Rynniger and lab technician Torsten Wilner from the D 7/19/1946 #2071 ng for a Washington naval research lab) and 3 others see UFO's 20 miles fro 6/29/1947 #2452 Las Cruces, NM Naval Research Lab Rocket Scientists See Silver Disc (N 6/29/1947 #2466 sand. By the end of September, the lab has analyzed ashlike powder found at 7/9/1947 #3068 s sent to Ray Palmer and sent to a lab for analysis. Metals confiscated by 7/29/1947 #3243 loon observers from the Geophysics Lab, NJ spot UFO moving quickly undergoi 4/5/1948 #3608 , New Mexico Witnesses: Geophysics Lab balloon observers Alsen, Johnson, Ch 4/5/1948 #3611 NACA Ames Research Lab Rogue River, Oregon Elephant Rock 5: 5/24/1949 #4207 Five witnesses (NACA Ames Research Lab employees Don Heaphy, Gilbert Rivera 5/24/1949 #4207 at Norris Bradbury, the Los Alamos lab director, has urged that a classifie 7/13/1949 #4269 h reflector. The Naval Electronics Lab later attributes the photo to “elect 10/14/1949 #4395 Oak Ridge, TN Lab Employee Sees Flash/Radiation Detect 10/23/1950 #5250 to use the Department of Transport lab and field facilities during off-hour 12/2/1950 #5311 es it to a Marine Corps metallurgy lab in Hagerstown, Maryland, for analysi 12/6/1950 #5330 st W. Spradley Jr. of Aerial Photo Lab and Capt. James E. Cocker of All-Wea 1/22/1951 #5413 hio), a General Mills Aeronautical lab project engineer named McAleese, and 1/22/1951 #5413 ams of AFOIN, to brief the Lincoln Lab scientists on UFOs on March 26 and i 1/29/1952 #5884 P at the AEC’s Los Alamos National Lab, Sandia Base, White Sands Proving Gr 2/19/1952 #5911 otographed through window of photo lab. 7/16/1952 #6842 from his position inside the photo lab at Coast Guard Air Station Salem [no 7/16/1952 #6843 us, Ohio. She walks into the photo lab, where colleague Joe Sheehy is devel Late Summer 1952 #7612 l Studies. Stratton indicates that Lab Director Albert G. Hill should organ 12/2/1952 #8363 MIT Lincoln Lab Princeton Cal Tech MIT Center for In 12/3/1952 #8366 d be suspicious of any MIT Lincoln Lab involvement, and that Princeton or C 12/3/1952 #8366 y three General Mills Aeronautical Lab research engineers (James A. Winker, 10/15/1953 #9230 lies of the entities taken to Blue Lab WP-61; Living entities taken to OPNA 1954 #9424 non-living entities taken to Blue Lab WP-61; media, recordings, maps, char 1954 #9424 ST. LOUIS, MO McDonnell propulsion lab. 10 observer(s). 50cm rectangular ob 7/14/1954 #10015 at the University of Florence. The lab finds the samples have a “fibrous st 10/27/1954 #11449 clock in the morning a 27-year-old lab technician named Bassett "felt the p 3/23/1956 #12765 m for cherry-picking the Brazilian lab results. Peter A. Sturrock acquires Early 9/1957 #13971 for further tests at an accredited lab, finding variations well outside the Early 9/1957 #13971 tronomy Observatory Jet Propulsion Lab Afternoon. Geof Gray-Cobb, a Canadia 10/22/1965 #19672 The team alerts the Jet Propulsion Lab. The signal strength is now so high 10/22/1965 #19672 l-scale tests on- site, as well as lab tests at Boeing’s Seattle plant. No 3/24/1967 #21973 raphs that he drops off at a photo lab on June 2. He then calls newspaper p 6/1/1967 #22448 several specialists from the local lab of the Environmental Science Service Late 5/1968 #23983 to set up a field instrumentation lab at Con Thien combat base near the De 8/1968 #24284 substance in a petroleum-industry lab but finds out little other than it i 11/6/1968 #24637 sent for laboratory analysis. The lab findings found that there were fiber 11/2/1971 #26450 nd soil samples and send them to a lab in Paris for analysis. The wilted, b 5/20/1974 #29119 l chosen by Jones. Back in the SRI lab, Targ monitors Price, who describes 7/9/1974 #29253 ichael Reese Hospital Microbiology Lab shows it to be contaminated with a l 10/12/1976 #31461 sts from the USAF Phillips Weapons Lab—at Kirtland AFB in New Mexico to pre 11/10/1980 #35625 hands tied behind his back and his lab in shambles. The man placed his plan 9/29/1982 #36619 o the observers than the airplane. Lab experiments show that this is probab 3/31/1990 #39503 es she was assigned to the Medical Lab at Los Alamos during WWII and someti 3/16/1991 #40015 in Southaven Park near Brookhaven Lab on this date. John Ford, an investig 11/24/1992 #40726 Proving Ground and Naval Research Lab told him flying discs led to USG per 1994 #41349 n Metz begin performing autopsies. Lab workers are prevented from entering 1/23/1996 #42709 tes he gave the Navy a tour of his lab and they were impressed but as of 20 7/2003 #44560 image was from Los Alamos National Lab. He says he was given the data “thro 8/19/2003 #44576 s well as its new Data Utilization Lab. 1/2018 #45499 into office, I asked … is there a lab somewhere where we’re keeping the al 5/18/2021 #45689 UAP contact experience to a “DARPA lab.” https://youtu.be/K4Bgrv6KEDA?t=81 9/5/2022 #45769## Word: "labacchante" (Back to Top)
of England, were cruising aboard "LaBacchante" when an object resembling a 6/11/1881 #243## Word: "laban" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Laban” YieldMax: 20KT 8/3/1983 #36932## Word: "labaroche" (Back to Top)
LABAROCHE, FR Pith-helmet saucer circles 8/7/1967 #22837## Word: "labassiere" (Back to Top)
Royan, France Mr. and Mrs. Labassiere and other witnesses saw two d 10/18/1954 #11210 ente-Maritime, France Mr. and Mrs. Labassiere and other witnesses saw two d 10/18/1954 #11222## Word: "labatut" (Back to Top)
LABATUT, FR Dog scared. Blazing 20M burg 10/16/1980 #35571## Word: "labba" (Back to Top)
Nils Toms Labba, age 51, a reindeer keeper in Ovre 2/27/1977 #31853## Word: "label" (Back to Top)
ick up a small red French military label, letterhead from a London stockbro 5/18/1909 #758 AFR 200-2 without the “restricted” label. 7/23/1954 #10043 ty as chief of Blue Book, we would label this as reckless and incompetent. 7/17/1957 #13808 larly hostile to UFOs and tends to label every report as “possible” this or 10/1963 #17967## Word: "labeled" (Back to Top)
ghts seen in the area by Weiss are labeled “vehicular traffic.” 1/18/1954 #9493 rtage County, Ohio, case should be labeled unidentified and has told the Ai 7/29/1966 #20695 “closed status.” The file title is labeled “Espionage.” 7/22/1993 #41076 is in “closed status.” The file is labeled “Espionage.” https://www.amazon 7/22/1993 #41077 Chase Brandon states he saw a box labeled “Roswell” in the Agency’s Histor 7/8/2012 #45349 cks up a 982.992 MHz radio signal, labeled BLC1, emitted from Proxima Centa 4/2019 #45570 . The latter contains a subheading labeled “Advanced Aerial Threats,” which 12/27/2020 #45670## Word: "labelle" (Back to Top)
LABELLE, QBC Several observer(s). Silver 11/6/1958 #15430 16; Anita Haifley, 22; and Gerald Labelle, 29. Square or hexagonal object 7/31/1966 #20702 16, Anita Haifley, 22, and Gerald Labelle, 29 were enjoying the evening at 7/31/1966 #20703## Word: "labelled" (Back to Top)
hospitalized for what the doctors labelled a prolapsed uterus. She had had 5/27/1973 #27535## Word: "labels" (Back to Top)
are “seeing heat waves.” Kalberer labels the sightings as “Buck Rogers stu 6/30/1947 #2487 creating its own “special access” labels to further insulate classified in 11/5/1953 #9285 meteor. Blue Book, no doubt Hynek, labels it as a meteor. 1/25/1954 #9500 y over several days. The Air Force labels it a hoax, perhaps confusing it w 8/13/1965 #19382## Word: "laberge" (Back to Top)
going quickly southeast over Lake Laberge. Flapping sounds (made by UFO's. 6/18/1997 #43326 witness awoke at 3:55 a.m. in Lake LaBerge, Yukon, Canada to find her bedro 12/13/2000 #44103## Word: "labis" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Labis” Yield: 25KT 2/5/1970 #25573## Word: "labonde" (Back to Top)
Lacanche, France Mr. Labonde was driving at the intersection 10/11/1954 #10929 in Lacanche, Côte-d'or, France Mr. Labonde was driving at the intersection 10/11/1954 #10945## Word: "labonne" (Back to Top)
fantastic speed. A neighbor, Jean Labonne, 61, saw the disk, 3 m in diamet 10/1/1954 #10562 antastic speed. His neighbor, Jean Labonne, age 61, also saw the disc resti 10/1/1954 #10579 bject was seen in the garden by J. Labonne, who described it as "constructe 10/2/1954 #10620 rnard Gregory, age 19, and Patrick Labonne, age 22, were camping in a clear 8/18/1975 #30288## Word: "labor" (Back to Top)
Sea A French prisoner in a German labor camp near Gdynia, Poland, is walki 7/18/1943 #1518 of the group shared in the manual labor that went into this effort, and si 1944 #1560 on, using 70,000 prisoners from 12 labor camps. Later turned into the “Chel 1945 #1742 German Heydebreck labor camp Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Poland Brit 1/22/1945 #1761 rched out of the German Heydebreck labor camp (near modern Kędzierzyn-Koźle 1/22/1945 #1761 It has already infiltrated many US labor, business, church, university, stu 1/1952 #5854 ed to fine, imprisonment with hard labor and general discharge if he told a 4/12/1954 #9685 etwork, the American Federation of Labor. He had offered to resign on Augus 8/11/1954 #10125## Word: "laboratories" (Back to Top)
g Langmuir at the General Electric Laboratories in Schenectady, New York. 1919 #980 successfully demonstrated at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, NJ. Bell La 12/23/1947 #3510 AFB Alamogordo, New Mexico Watson Laboratories New Mexico Red Bank, New Je 4/5/1948 #3612 project for the Air Force’s Watson Laboratories. They see two objects. One 4/5/1948 #3612 Tennessee Oak Ridge National Laboratories Russia FBI special agent Ch 1/10/1949 #3969 raft project at Oak Ridge National Laboratories in Tennessee that the flyin 1/10/1949 #3969 Source “LH” at Bell Laboratories states a source of his, a f 1950 #4464 sachusetts USAF Cambridge Research Laboratories LaPaz writes to Peter H. Wy 2/20/1950 #4541 off of the USAF Cambridge Research Laboratories in Massachusetts that a “fi 2/20/1950 #4541 e as it hovered over Oak Ridge AEC Laboratories, Tennessee. It faded to a s 12/18/1950 #5357 e Laboratory in Tennessee Anderson Laboratories in Milwaukee, Wisconsin Chi 8/19/1953 #9084 on the sign performed by Anderson Laboratories in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, an 8/19/1953 #9084 Los Alamos Sandia Laboratories Bikini Enewetak Marshall Is 4/7/1954 #9673 entists from Los Alamos and Sandia Laboratories in New Mexico, are aboard t 4/7/1954 #9673 of gravity” at top U.S. scientific laboratories and research centers. Anti- 11/20/1955 #12580 : Bryce S. Dewitt of the Radiation Laboratories at University of California 11/20/1955 #12580 un out of TRW’s Space Technologies Laboratories in 1960 and took West Wing 1956 #12639 atory of the Aeronautical Research Laboratories (ARL) at Wright-Patterson A 9/1956 #13166 atory of the Aeronautical Research Laboratories/Aerospace Research Laborato Late 1956 #13281 ch Laboratories/Aerospace Research Laboratories (ARL) at Wright-Patterson A Late 1956 #13281 ysis. Other tests are later run in laboratories in Sweden, Denmark, and Ger 11/11/1956 #13322 scientific brains available in the laboratories of all government agencies, 5/25/1962 #17201 ntific investigators in commercial laboratories, wherever needed. He adds t 5/25/1962 #17201 Sandia National Laboratories Tonopah Test Range Nevada S 5/15/1963 #17742 Test Range Nevada Sandia National Laboratories conducts the first of four 5/15/1963 #17742 group of men who have run torture laboratories and medical experiments in 7/1963 #17819 achim P. Kuettner of ESSA Research Laboratories is the chairman; other memb 12/1968 #24740 ion, Murray Dryer of ESSA Research Laboratories, Howard D. Edwards of Georg 12/1968 #24740 h the Air Force Aerospace Research Laboratories, is editor of a technical r 6/1972 #26694 ute sound recording is analyzed by laboratories in Spain, Brazil, France, a 6/22/1972 #26726 sia Carlsbad Los Alamos Scientific Laboratories 6:00–10:30 p.m. “Scores” of 1/23/1976 #30815 oyees of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratories, arrive in Clovis at 11:30 1/23/1976 #30815 r are sent to two separate private laboratories. Los Alamos detects the pre 3/24/1978 #33077 ce, New Mexico Schoenfeld Clinical Laboratories in Albuquerque Many cattle 7/5/1978 #33339 oenfeld at the Schoenfeld Clinical Laboratories in Albuquerque. Schoenfeld 7/5/1978 #33339 AP shipped to different government laboratories in a conversation in 1989. 2/16/1979 #34431 Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque Sandia Laboratories Manzano Nuclear Weapons Sto 7/1980 #35397 , a man in a dark suit from Sandia Laboratories, and crashed UFOs stored at 7/1980 #35397 tment of Energy contractor, Sandia Laboratories, who told Weitzel the UAP w 7/1980 #35398 e UAP was from Los Alamos National Laboratories and Weitzel shouldn’t have 7/1980 #35398 nuclear storage building at Sandia Laboratories, Kirtland Air Force Base, N 8/9/1980 #35453 Sandia Laboratories back yard of his home on th 6/10/1981 #35961 exico 5:19 p.m. A worker at Sandia Laboratories is in the back yard of his 6/10/1981 #35961 h,” and were likely analyzed by US laboratories very carefully. Sarbacher a 11/29/1983 #37058 the Australian Mineral Development Laboratories to test the vehicle for rad 1/20/1988 #38422 scort going to Brookhaven National Laboratories that morning. An anonymous 9/28/1989 #39132 , and taken to Brookhaven National Laboratories via William Floyd Parkway; 9/28/1989 #39132 em around the country to different laboratories. Shapiro states the crafts 10/1989 #39139 given to the AEC and its national laboratories by classified Presidential 1994 #41349 but not limited to Sandia National Laboratories, Los Alamos, Nevada Nationa 1994 #41349 ory, Kirtland AFB, Sandia National Laboratories, Manzano Mountain Weapons S 8/30/1996 #43001 AP related technologies at private laboratories. Phillips also said he sta 4/2001 #44155 em. NNSA’s three national security laboratories, Sandia, Los Alamos and Law 3/22/2017 #45465 nt of Energy (DOE)/Sandia National Laboratories project used to simulate va 5/2/2018 #45525 e crash retrievals and USG/private laboratories were not advanced enough to 10/28/2018 #45542 oldridge spun off Space Technology Laboratories (STL) into The Aerospace Co 9/15/2021 #45710 and transferred between different laboratories in trucks. https://youtu.b 3/16/2022 #45740 ed ARPA, ONI and private/corporate laboratories. https://twitter.com/tinyk 10/13/2022 #45774## Word: "laboratory" (Back to Top)
on [now within the Sandia National Laboratory complex], New Mexico 8:00 p.m 9/2/1891 #296 on [now within the Sandia National Laboratory complex], New Mexico, to bene 9/2/1891 #296 tor Nikola Tesla is working in his laboratory near Colorado Springs, Colora 1899 #628 he Mediterranean Sea on his mobile laboratory and yacht, the Electra. The s 9/1/1921 #1015 rnica, Poland] Wernher von Braun's laboratory An object allegedly falls fro Summer 1937 #1272 ly winds up in Wernher von Braun’s laboratory, but the story is probably my Summer 1937 #1272 1942, he creates the Metallurgical Laboratory, centralizing the work at the 12/18/1941 #1379 l become the Oak Ridge, Tennessee, laboratory and production site. 9/29/1942 #1449 he Manhattan Project at the Site Y laboratory in Los Alamos, New Mexico. 10/19/1942 #1457 ield Dayton, Ohio A Technical Data Laboratory is established at Wright Fiel 12/1942 #1469 Los Alamos, NM Los Alamos Laboratory begins operations in New Mexi 4/1/1943 #1488 Los Alamos Laboratory New Mexico Los Alamos Laborat 4/1/1943 #1489 s Laboratory New Mexico Los Alamos Laboratory is established in New Mexico 4/1/1943 #1489 n) becomes the top priority of the laboratory, and design of the uranium gu 7/4/1944 #1618 do not confiscate his workshop and laboratory materials, although they proh 5/1945 #1858 ttan Project Omega Site Los Alamos Laboratory New Mexico Manhattan Project 8/21/1945 #1925 emote Omega Site of the Los Alamos Laboratory in New Mexico when his hand s 8/21/1945 #1925 s is taken to Dr. B. Backlund at a laboratory in Kubikenborg, who finds it 7/10/1946 #2046 R SKY OBJECT A MYSTERY ROCKET? - A laboratory analysis of the cylindrical o 1/7/1947 #2223 Los Alamos Laboratory Sandia Base, New Mexico Secre 1/29/1947 #2236 d by the Army and Navy. Los Alamos Laboratory’s ordnance engineering Z Divi 1/29/1947 #2236 ile expert with the Naval Research Laboratory, is 20 miles east-northeast o 6/29/1947 #2467 hemical Company materials research laboratory in Midland Shortly after 5:00 7/9/1947 #3068 hemical Company materials research laboratory in Midland. Spencer goes to t 7/9/1947 #3068 . Spencer has the Dow spectroscopy laboratory analyze the fragments and rep 7/9/1947 #3068 pment), Col. C. K. Moore (aircraft laboratory chief), Col. Russell Minty (p Mid 9/1947 #3396 ), Col. Russell Minty (power-plant laboratory chief), and Brig. Gen. Edgar Mid 9/1947 #3396 USAF Aeromedical Laboratory By now, ATIC has received 156 12/1947 #3496 performance. The USAF Aeromedical Laboratory says that even if such a craf 12/1947 #3496 Mexico Red Bank, New Jersey Watson Laboratory complex Afternoon. At Holloma 4/5/1948 #3612 ter interviewed at the USAF Watson Laboratory complex in Red Bank, New Jers 4/5/1948 #3612 Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico 9:40 a.m. At Los 9/23/1948 #3811 o 9:40 a.m. At Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, a group of peopl 9/23/1948 #3811 e September 23 Los Alamos National Laboratory sighting in New Mexico. Two p 9/30/1948? #3817 al, New Mexico Los Alamos National Laboratory 9:02 p.m. Lincoln LaPaz and t 12/12/1948 #3926 directly over Los Alamos National Laboratory, and it maintains its horizon 12/12/1948 #3926 assistant chief of the Power Plant Laboratory (at Wright-Patterson?) and pr 2/1/1949 #3995 Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory in New Mexico A Conference on 2/16/1949 #4010 a is held at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory in New Mexico with military r 2/16/1949 #4010 Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico Kaplan, LaPaz, 4/28/1949 #4127 ty officers at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico to discuss gree 4/28/1949 #4127 USAF Cambridge Research Laboratory at Hanscom AFB in Bedford, Ma 9/1/1949 #4343 ver to the USAF Cambridge Research Laboratory at Hanscom AFB in Bedford, Ma 9/1/1949 #4343 law to have the Cambridge Research Laboratory in Massachusetts evaluate the 9/14/1949 #4356 length. Oder’s Cambridge Research Laboratory at Hanscom AFB in Bedford, Ma 10/14/1949 #4394 rshall checks the Navy Electronics Laboratory Geiger counter on site and se 10/14/1949 #4395 and two from the Naval Electronics Laboratory in Point Loma, California (Jo 10/14/1949 #4395 the Oak Ridge, Tennessee, National Laboratory’s restricted area. The intent 12/5/1950 #5319 eneral Mills Aeronautical Research Laboratory, the manager of the Artesia A 1/16/1951 #5402 eneral Mills Aeronautical Research Laboratory balloon project, observe a ro 1/16/1951 #5403 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee X-10 plant 4:20 p. 1/21/1951 #5410 tricted area at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, is sighted on the 1/21/1951 #5410 USAF Cambridge Research Laboratory in Massachusetts New Mexico L 2/25/1951 #5458 chi at the USAF Cambridge Research Laboratory in Massachusetts tells the As 2/25/1951 #5458 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee The radiation-coun 7/1951 #5556 twork set up at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, in December 1950 7/1951 #5556 ector of the Aeronautical Research Laboratory at General Mills Corporation, 10/20/1951 #5735 Livermore, California UC Radiation Laboratory at Berkeley Los Alamos, New M 1952 #5836 co The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is established in Livermore, 1952 #5836 as an offshoot of the UC Radiation Laboratory at Berkeley. It is intended t 1952 #5836 ition to the nuclear weapon design laboratory at Los Alamos, New Mexico. Ed 1952 #5836 awrence, director of the Radiation Laboratory at Berkeley, are regarded as 1952 #5836 address to the secret MIT Lincoln Laboratory (Ruppelt calls it the Beacon 1/29/1952 #5884 ppelt again meets with MIT Lincoln Laboratory scientists (the Beacon Hill g 4/1952 #6010 AEC’s Savannah River Laboratory Jackson, South Carolina 10:45 5/10/1952 #6298 ration at the AEC’s Savannah River Laboratory near Jackson, South Carolina, 5/10/1952 #6298 temperature-inversion UFOs in his laboratory. 6/17/1952 #6527 to the USAF Photo- Reconnaissance Laboratory and the Navy’s Photo Interpre 7/2/1952 #6694 nd the Navy’s Photo Interpretation Laboratory. Both analyses eliminate the 7/2/1952 #6694 Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New Mexico Ruppelt holds a b 10/23/1952 #8178 g on UFOs at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New Mexico. Afterward Assist 10/23/1952 #8178 . Bower with seven people from the laboratory. Several of them have evidenc 10/23/1952 #8178 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee Wright Air Develop 11/4/1952 #8245 ings of UFOs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, in which he and a 11/4/1952 #8245 MIT Lincoln Laboratory MIT Center for International 12/2/1952 #8363 that scientists at the MIT Lincoln Laboratory would like to be a part of an 12/2/1952 #8363 o of the Navy Photo Interpretation Laboratory report on their analyses of b 1/14/1953 #8539 niversity in Baton Rouge Oak Ridge Laboratory in Tennessee Anderson Laborat 8/19/1953 #9084 sin Chicago Spectrographic Service Laboratory A small, fast-moving, ricoche 8/19/1953 #9084 who contacts friends at Oak Ridge Laboratory in Tennessee to have it analy 8/19/1953 #9084 the Chicago Spectrographic Service Laboratory. They determine that the frag 8/19/1953 #9084 ds over the General Mills Research Laboratory in Minneapolis, Minnesota, an 10/15/1953 #9231 Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New Mexico Project Rover, a 1955 #11892 iated at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New Mexico, and runs until J 1955 #11892 a chemist at a local Westinghouse laboratory, finds it is 30% carbon, with 2/21/1955 #12011 ch episode opens with Bradley on a laboratory set, sometimes quoting from a 4/5/1955 #12081 , Dayton, Ohio The General Physics Laboratory of the Aeronautical Research 9/1956 #13166 The General Physics Laboratory of the Aeronautical Research Late 1956 #13281 to the Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory (see June 1972). Late 1956 #13281 e sample to the Mineral Production Laboratory of the Ministry of Agricultur Early 9/1957 #13971 ixeira and the Brazilian Army. The Laboratory of Crystallography conducts s Early 9/1957 #13971 n and Dow Chemical’s Metallurgical Laboratory. Both determine that the leve Early 9/1957 #13971 ille, Tennessee Oak Ridge National Laboratory 6:30 a.m. Everett Orain Clark 11/6/1957 #14422 wo men from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (engineer Wallace Russell Gam 11/6/1957 #14422 ow the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory] of the Lawrence Radiation La 8/27/1958 #15229 oratory] of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory In Operation Argus, three nuc 8/27/1958 #15229 ow the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory] of the Lawrence Radiation La 8/27/1958 #15229 oratory] of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory in Berkeley, California, as a 8/27/1958 #15229 e major labs: Langley Aeronautical Laboratory [now Langley Research Center] 10/1/1958 #15296 mpton, Virginia; Ames Aeronautical Laboratory [now Ames Research Center] in 10/1/1958 #15296 ornia; and Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory [now Glenn Research Center] i 10/1/1958 #15296 e Agency and the US Naval Research Laboratory. 10/1/1958 #15296 Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, California The Jet 12/1958 #15464 ena, California The Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, is t 12/1958 #15464 ockheed’s Georgia Nuclear Aircraft Laboratory Dawson Forest Dawsonville, Ge 6/1959 #15754 ockheed’s Georgia Nuclear Aircraft Laboratory [now closed] in the Dawson Fo 6/1959 #15754 ent to the Chemicals and Materials Laboratory at Robins AFB, Georgia. No un 10/12/1959 #16030 mmand. Harold O. Curtis of Lincoln Laboratory is the director of the NSSCC. 12/1959 #16106 xistence of UFOs. He establishes a Laboratory for Instrumented Research on 1964 #18102 all but literally knocking on the laboratory door. . . . Something definit 8/21/1965 #19448 ng saucer is outside, an associate laboratory director at Massachusetts Ins 1/14/1966 #19834 Kellogg, associate director of the Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics, is no Late 7/1966 #20683 y propulsion. The project includes laboratory evaluation of hypotheses, fie 1967 #21238 y propulsion. The project includes laboratory evaluation of hypotheses, fie 1967 #21240 do Rand Corporation Jet Propulsion Laboratory Low writes a position paper t Early 3/1967 #21730 e Rand Corporation, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and Boeing. Despite his atte Early 3/1967 #21730 er Air Force radar operator, and a laboratory technician and former Navy ra 7/27/1967 #22739 g he recalls was being back in the laboratory, where it took him an hour to 6/30/1968 #24097 e interior of which “looked like a laboratory”. There they questioned him, 7/17/1968 #24186 , Vietnam The US Air Force Weapons Laboratory begins to set up a field inst 8/1968 #24284 ergy Commission National Standards Laboratory Australian physicist O. H. “H 11/8/1969 #25453 l Duggin of the National Standards Laboratory. The plan is soon dropped by 11/8/1969 #25453 g, Sweden, takes soil samples to a laboratory for gamma-ray testing and fin 4/29/1970 #25645 experiments at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Note: Brookhaven is linked 1/1971 #25962 tish substance, which was sent for laboratory analysis. The lab findings fo 11/2/1971 #26450 nsas State University Veterinarian Laboratory in Manhattan Kansas is quietl 12/1973 #28494 nsas State University Veterinarian Laboratory in Manhattan, the animals hav 12/1973 #28494 sts at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; these individuals saw orbs i 1974 #28634 e’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory is located. They are instruct 1/23/1974 #28694 d samples analyzed at a scientific laboratory and find that the trees are o 2/10/1975 #29800 ew Jersey. The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory recorded reports from Asbury 12/2/1977 #32731 two months at Los Alamos National Laboratory. https://documents.theblackv 12/13/1977 #32771 , New Mexico Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory In one case documented by New 3/24/1978 #33077 sent to the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory for microscopic and bacteriol 3/24/1978 #33077 Cape Broyle Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New Mexico Morning. A loud e 4/2/1978 #33119 Freyman from Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New Mexico, as a possible a 4/2/1978 #33119 the Royal Australian Navy Research Laboratory about the likelihood that the 10/21/1978 #33856 of Energy and Los Alamos National Laboratory are attempting to “cover up” 2/16/1979 #34431 s at Honeywell’s materials testing laboratory indicates that flying particl 8/27/1979 #34787 orking in “Los Alamos, NM National Laboratory” 8/21/1982 #36578 cientists from Los Alamos National Laboratory and representatives from the 1983 #36738 itation of objects around the test laboratory. Hutchison states Boeing and 1983 #36738 Tahoe, Nevada Los Alamos National Laboratory Nuclear Test Site in Nevada A 6/22/1983 #36889 e, Nevada, the Los Alamos National Laboratory puts forward a proposal for a 6/22/1983 #36889 by Lew Allen at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who is apparently unable to 7/24/1984 #37413 r. Lew Allen of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 7/24/1984 #37415 f advanced concepts at the US Army Laboratory, forms a UFO working group ti 5/20/1985 #37590 ants were from Los Alamos National Laboratory, CIA, NSA, INSCOM, McDonnell 5/20/1985 #37591 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Ballistic Missile Defense Org 11/1986 #38057 ood at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Livermore Director John Nuck 11/1986 #38057 re was an altercation at the Dulce laboratory; by the 1980s, MJ-12 was conc 12/29/1987 #38379 d and Ray Brooke, who take it to a laboratory. The analysis reveals ordinar 1/20/1988 #38422 ct with the Air Force Astronautics Laboratory at Edwards AFB. Franklin Mead 4/1988 #38526 nt director of Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Center for Explosive Techno 4/1988 #38527 land, New York Brookhaven National Laboratory Suffolk County, Republican Pa 9/28/1989 #39130 ced the nearby Brookhaven National Laboratory is part of a UFO coverup and 9/28/1989 #39130 TRESTLE while at Air Force Weapons Laboratory (AFWL). TRESTLE was a large E 1990 #39357 akawa states the US Naval Research Laboratory has a “Parapsychology Researc 2/21/1990 #39426 ation) is, or was, a USAF Research Laboratory project to develop a coaxial 8/1/1993 #41100 UDER is conducted, a USAF Research Laboratory project to develop a plasma r 8/1/1993 #41101 ission (AEC)’s Los Alamos National Laboratory and its Z Division at Sandia 1994 #41349 the JRDB, MIT, Brookhaven National Laboratory, RAND Corporation, NACA and t 1994 #41349 ystems Command, the Naval Research Laboratory, and the Research and Develop 1994 #41349 Navy. AFSP and Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Z Division established oper 1994 #41349 and store it in NNSA or DOE owned laboratory facilities including but not 1994 #41349 USAF Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory The USAF Lawrence Berkeley La 9/21/1995 #42495 oratory The USAF Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory issues a Report on Project Mo 9/21/1995 #42495 Williams Cook, Oak Ridge National Laboratory engineer Theodore Rockwell, a 1/28/1996 #42725 9, Groom Lake, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Kirtland AFB, Sandia Nationa 8/30/1996 #43001 t scientists at Haystack Air Force Laboratory deep under Haystack Butte at 8/30/1996 #43001 was working at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) at Edwards Air Force Ba 1998 #43481 ently linked to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). It is unconfirmed if D 1998 #43481 UE” in achieving spontaneous brief laboratory manifestation of materials ve 3/11/1998 #43532 kletnov’s work show a gravity beam laboratory in Russia can already repel o 7/29/2002 #44370 nstitute, United Aircraft Research Laboratory, Chrysler Corporation, Lockhe 8/2004 #44724 oration, Army’s Ballistic Research Laboratory and several universities, cla 8/2004 #44724 Tennessee Oak Ridge National Laboratory Roswell British author Nick R 6/2005 #44846 have worked at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, in the late 194 6/2005 #44846 st Phyllis Budinger reports on her laboratory tests on stains from the dres 7/22/2005 #44856 ona Peak Datil Loa Alamos National Laboratory Roswell Army Air Field Wright 11/1/2005 #44898 transferred to Loa Alamos National Laboratory. Roswell Army Air Field took 11/1/2005 #44898 transferred to Los Alamos National Laboratory, while the craft was sent to 11/1/2005 #44899 planes for the Air Force Research Laboratory. Quantum vacuum propulsion te 2/1/2006 #44921 Attendees from Los Alamos National Laboratory, CIA, NSA, INSCOM, McDonnell 4/28/2006 #44936 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory physicist “Henry Deacon” (pse 10/2006 #44970 nied access by Los Alamos National Laboratory and DOD when asking about a c 6/28/2008 #45148 founder of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Aerojet Engineering C 3/31/2011 #45322 The US Navy’s In-House Laboratory Independent Research Program 3/2014 #45403 nd, who led the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson AFB, told 1/24/2016 #45443 pplications. The framework states laboratory experiments confirm the findi 4/2017 #45467 Tennessee Oak Ridge National Laboratory New Mexico Roswell Nick Redfe 6/2017 #45472 o had worked at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee from the mid-194 6/2017 #45472 nd operator of Los Alamos National Laboratory. * https://www.lanl.gov/dis 6/25/2021 #45695 al Projects at Los Alamos National Laboratory Oke Shannon states others at 9/24/2022 #45770 al Projects at Los Alamos National Laboratory Oke Shannon publishes notes o 9/26/2022 #45772## Word: "labored" (Back to Top)
and their breathing was heavy and labored. Every time their leader spoke t 3/5/1992 #40359## Word: "laborer" (Back to Top)
tal, São Paulo, Brazil Rio Pardo A laborer named Jose Alves of Pontal, São 11/4/1954 #11564 about 5:00 a.m. a 46-year-old farm laborer was driving near Caceres, Spain 6/16/1974 #29203 n Hamlet, North Carolina a retired laborer saw a UFO with a revolving pink 3/27/1975 #29920 hospital in Brusque 7:00 p.m. Farm laborer João Romeu Klein, 19, returns ho 9/3/1976 #31335 At 1:30 a.m. laborer Sebastiano Pannitteri suddenly w 12/30/1979 #35104 Plinio Bragatto, a 74-year old laborer, was on his way home after work 12/9/1996 #43133## Word: "laborers" (Back to Top)
ck in the morning some native farm laborers came running to farmer Bennie S 6/26/1972 #26736 gent control because when the farm laborers shouted from the bush the objec 6/26/1972 #26736 Twenty farm laborers returning from work at 6:00 p.m 8/15/1981 #36076 At 5:43 a.m. several Mozambican laborers working in Zimbabwe reported se 1/29/1987 #38106## Word: "laborie" (Back to Top)
SOUTH / LABORIE, FR Observer(s) stops car and mo 11/20/1979 #35008 Laborie, France A witness stopped his ca 11/20/1979 #35009 South of Laborie, France a witness stopped his ca 11/20/1979 #35010## Word: "laboulaye" (Back to Top)
ight in a small shack on a farm in Laboulaye, Argentina when a bright light 12/1/1991 #40251## Word: "labquark" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Labquark” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT 9/30/1986 #38036## Word: "labr" (Back to Top)
GOOSE AFB.LABR, NFLD Project Bluebook Case #2601. 6/22/1953 #8954## Word: "labrador" (Back to Top)
t inside a glass dome. Their Black Labrador dog reacted in terror. 8/28/1945 #1932 Goose Bay, Labrador, CAN UFO tracked on radar at 9, Summer 1948 #3678 Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador Lake Erie in Erie, Pennsylvania Summer 1948 #3679 Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador. It is calculated at going 9,00 Summer 1948 #3679 Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Slow moving unidentified t 10/29/1948 #3854 Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN (53.33° N, 60.41° W). (McD 10/31/1948 #3857 Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN (53.33° N, 60.41° W). (Rup 11/1/1948 #3862 Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador Radar operator M/Sgt Francis H. 11/1/1948 #3863 Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador, tracks an object too large for 11/1/1948 #3863 U.S. Army radar at Goose Bay Base, Labrador, Canada on this day. It was mov 11/1/1948 #3864 Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN High-Speed Egg-Shaped Obje 9/9/1949 #4353 sport flying 90 miles from Gander, Labrador, Canada. The UFO maneuvered nea 2/10/1951 #5440 Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Two GCA operators observed 9/13/1951 #5664 Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 9:30 p.m. T/Sgt Warner B. Maupi 9/13/1951 #5665 Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador, on a collision course. One of 9/13/1951 #5665 Goose Bay, Labrador, Canada Witnesses: T/Sgt W.B. 9/14/1951 #5667 he evening at the Goose Bay AFB in Labrador, Canada Sgt W. B. Maupin and Co 9/14/1951 #5668 a southwest Baffin Island, Nunavut Labrador 10:20 p.m. USAF B-36 radar oper 9/18/1951 #5678 Larimore on two B-36 flights over Labrador on September 19 detect carrier 9/18/1951 #5678 a training flight near Goose Bay, Labrador, Canada spotted a saucer-shaped 9/18/1951 #5679 Goose Bay, Labrador A fiery, spherical object made Early 1952 #5848 Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN One red light turned white 6/19/1952 #6547 Goose Bay, Labrador, Canada Witness: 2nd Lt. A'Gost 6/19/1952 #6549 Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 2:37 a.m. At Goose Bay AFB [now 6/19/1952 #6551 Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador, radar men pick up a UFO track. 6/19/1952 #6551 Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Object Similar to Aircraft 9/28/1952 #8047 Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN F-94 chased maneuverable d 11/26/1952 #8343 Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 5:56 p.m. An F-94B from the USA 11/26/1952 #8344 Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador, for 15 minutes chases a maneuv 11/26/1952 #8344 Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN F-94 pilot chased disc - c 12/15/1952 #8419 Goose Bay, Labrador 7:15 p.m. Two Air Force pilots 12/15/1952 #8422 a strange object above Goose Bay, Labrador. A T-33 and an F-94B (piloted b 12/15/1952 #8422 Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Blips Cause Scramble of F- Winter 1952 #8437 Goose Bay AFB, Labrador (between Sondrestrom AFB, Green 4/8/1953 #8811 Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Unidentified Evades Interc 5/1/1953 #8854 Goose AFB, Labrador, Canada Witnesses: pilot and ra 5/1/1953 #8855 Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 11:35 p.m. USAF pilot Capt. R. 5/1/1953 #8856 Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador. Both men and a control tower o 5/1/1953 #8856 Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Football-shaped light meta 5/4/1953 #8860 Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 1:50 a.m. A witness sees a foot 5/4/1953 #8861 Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador. It is traveling south at high 5/4/1953 #8861 Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Light above at 7,000 to 8, 5/5/1953 #8864 Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 3:20 a.m. USAF F-94 pilot Lt. D 5/12/1953 #8877 Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador. Rogers attempts to intercept b 5/12/1953 #8877 Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Radar tracks 25 separate u 6/10/1953 #8932 Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Red Light Eludes F-94 (NIC 6/22/1953 #8955 Goose AFB, Labrador, Canada Witnesses: pilot and r 6/22/1953 #8956 interceptor flying from Goose AFB, Labrador, Canada sighted a red light fly 6/22/1953 #8957 Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador Colorado project Everybody's Ma 6/29/1954 #9962 Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador, orders an F-94 to vector towar 6/29/1954 #9962 Goose Bay, Labrador, CAN Green & Red Object Circles 2/12/1956 #12712 Goose Bay, Labrador, Canada Witnesses: F-89 pilot 2/12/1956 #12713 Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador 10:55 p.m. Two F-89D fighters f 2/12/1956 #12714 Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador. It rapidly circles thir jet, a 2/12/1956 #12714 Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CA Object Trailing Sparks Obse 3/23/1956 #12764 rom Goose Bay [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador. The crew is flying a KC-97 at 7/1958 #15130 Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Pilot saw large star-like 8/10/1959 #15901 Goose AFB, Labrador, Canada Witness: Royal Canadian 8/10/1959 #15902 ead at Goose Bay Air Force Base in Labrador, Canada. It crossed 53 degrees 8/10/1959 #15903 LOCATION UNKNOWN OFF NORTH LABRADOR SHIPs crew. Cylinder/cylindrica 9/23/1960 #16457 Labrador A Canadian ship reported that a 9/23/1960 #16458 an, and sank off the northcoast of Labrador. 9/23/1960 #16458 n, and sank off the north coast of Labrador. 9/23/1960 #16459 Goose Bay, Labrador, CAN (McDonald list) Ground & A 4/2/1962 #17094 Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Pilot and ground radar ope 1/7/1967 #21271 Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador Two US Air Force pilots flying 9/4/1968 #24428 Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador, spot a spherical metallic obje 9/4/1968 #24428 OFF NORTH / LABRADOR UFO buzzes Romanian ship. Chang 12/24/1972 #27186 Labrador Sea Labrador, Canada 3:00 a.m. 12/24/1972 #27187 Labrador Sea Labrador, Canada 3:00 a.m. The Romanian 12/24/1972 #27187 Romanian ship Moldoveanu is in the Labrador Sea off Labrador, Canada, when 12/24/1972 #27187 doveanu is in the Labrador Sea off Labrador, Canada, when the crew notices 12/24/1972 #27187 e Atlantic Ocean off Cape Chidley, Labrador, Canada sighted a UFO at 3:00 a 12/24/1972 #27189 Black Tickle, Labrador Martins Pond 4:00 p.m. Elizabet 11/13/1978 #33952 Inuit settlement of Black Tickle, Labrador, sees a red-orange light to the 11/13/1978 #33952## Word: "labre--saw" (Back to Top)
last names Lebeau, Cousineau, and Labre--saw an intense beam of white ligh 7/23/1982 #36547## Word: "labs" (Back to Top)
oratories in Murray Hill, NJ. Bell Labs was the research arm of American Te 12/23/1947 #3510 Intelligence Directorate Cambridge Labs Project Sign releases a final sanit 2/11/1949 #4003 igence Directorate, ONR, Cambridge Labs, Air Weather Services, Hynek at Ohi 2/11/1949 #4003 Los Alamos Scientific Labs, New Mexico Kirtland AFB in Albuque 7/29/1952 #7322 employees of Los Alamos Scientific Labs, New Mexico (including Robert B. Le 7/29/1952 #7322 bserver(s). Metal disk zigzag over labs. Jets can't see. 360° turns. 8/2/1952 #7414 Cal Tech MIT’s Lincoln Labs H. Marshall Chadwell writes to Walt 12/10/1952 #8408 here along the line, MIT’s Lincoln Labs and CIS have been eliminated. 12/10/1952 #8408 lectronics, General Electric, Bell Labs, Convair, Lear Inc., Sperry-Rand, C 2/25/1956 #12739 perations. It includes three major labs: Langley Aeronautical Laboratory [n 10/1/1958 #15296 . They submit the metal to several labs over the next few years, apparently 11/9/1958 #15435 to various companies such as Bell Labs to reverse engineer and further dev 1961 #16543 MANZANO LABS, NM Silent 50M ovoid 30M over nucle 11/6/1973 #28373 e European Atomic Energy Community labs at Ispra, which finds that the road 9/17/1978 #33701 cer beams lights going down / AT&T labs. Shoots going quickly northeast. Me 4/13/1985? #37577 Society and sent to two different labs, again with commonplace results. Ho 1/20/1988 #38422 st removed going quickly [to] USAF labs / WDC. / r155p149. 5/21/1988 #38572 s reported on this night at Sandia Labs, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexic 9/8/1990 #39721 e creature is taken to underground labs located at the university. Another 1/23/1996 #42709 d-Martin Helendale Plant, Phillips Labs, Area 51/S4, Pahute Mesa, Area 19, 8/30/1996 #43001 , Village Supercomputing, Phillips Labs, McDonnell Douglas, TRW, Rockwell I 8/30/1996 #43001 ussia Germany Hughes Aircraft Bell Labs Moon US Army Col. Philip J. Corso w 6/1997 #43304 cluding IBM, Hughes Aircraft, Bell Labs) reverse engineer that technology. 6/1997 #43304 mpanies like Hughes Aircraft, Bell Labs and IBM. Corso also states INSCOM p 6/1997 #43308 hose same scientists owned private labs in Utah where this work was being d 4/2001 #44155 er 1985), Jean-Louis Naudin of JLN Labs, James Woodward of Cal State Univer 5/2002 #44335 ess told him while working at Bell Labs, he saw 28 or 29 “free energy devic 4/28/2006 #44936 ad been distributed to “industrial labs.” The Corso testimony was squashed 10/17/2006 #44976 o Plant, Helendale Plant, Phillips Labs are all underground, a newer facili 4/18/2016 #45451 E doesn’t own anything, says their labs did some UAP materials analysis but 10/2/2021 #45714## Word: "labussière" (Back to Top)
time, France 9:00 p.m. M. and Mme. Labussière are driving on the N150 south 10/18/1954 #11214## Word: "labussières" (Back to Top)
light emitted by the objects, the Labussières see a small creature emerge 10/18/1954 #11214## Word: "labuttendorf" (Back to Top)
newsman, was driving his car near Labuttendorf, Austria at 1:30 a.m. when 3/2/1960 #16192## Word: "labvin" (Back to Top)
as 2004 by Russian ufologist Yuri Labvin), a nuclear explosion, and an ina 6/30/1908 #711## Word: "lac" (Back to Top)
LAC DESCHENES, ON 3 observer(s). Fast si 6/29/1947 #2456 LAC CHAUVET, FR Engineer / (seen thru) b 7/18/1952 #6883 Lac Chauvet, France Fregnale Photos (NIC 7/18/1952 #6891 Lac Chauvet Puy-de-Dôme France 6:10 p.m. 7/18/1952 #6897 p.m. André Frégnale is hiking near Lac Chauvet, Puy-de-Dôme, France, when h 7/18/1952 #6897 FOND DU LAC, WI 2 observer(s). 2 silver-grey sau 8/16/1952 #7615 LAC FRONTIERE, QBC 2 observer(s). 2 flat 10/14/1952 #8130 Stefanson hears a loud noise, and LAC J. Hebert and Judy Ross, driving one 8/28/1967 #22943 windows on the base. At 1:10 a.m., LAC K. Taylor, 8 miles east of Rivers, s 8/28/1967 #22943 SOUTHEAST / LAC LA HACHE, BC 1 / car. 100' domed sau 10/27/1967 (approximate) #23341 LAC L'ORIGNAL, QB Campers. Colored glowi 6/10/1970 #25695 LAC HUSSEY, QBC 3 hunters. Motor noise. 9/23/1972 #27027 t RCAF Station Mont Apica [now the Lac Castor Canadian weather radar statio 7/14/1974 #29259 NEAR LAC SIMON, QBC 2 / light plane. Instrume 8/18/1979 #34753 LAC ST. JEAN, QB PR169. 1 observer. 1 UF 2/24/1989 #38847 Eupen, Belgium Lac de la Gileppe dam 5:24 p.m. About 25 11/29/1989 #39273 outhwest, where it hovers near the Lac de la Gileppe dam for 45 minutes. Po 11/29/1989 #39273 Lac La Biche, Alberta Night. Two witness 11/13/1997 #43440 wo witnesses are driving home near Lac La Biche, Alberta, when they see a d 11/13/1997 #43440## Word: "lac-beauport" (Back to Top)
Lac-Beauport, Quebec Marc Leduc begins p 9/1989 #39083 ettre d’Information Ufologique, in Lac-Beauport, Quebec. It runs until June 9/1989 #39083## Word: "lacambre" (Back to Top)
At 8:10 a.m. Mr. Lacambre, a forester, saw a little man o 10/4/1954 #10703## Word: "lacamp" (Back to Top)
LACAMP, LA Project Bluebook Case #6711. 4/12/1960 #16222 LaCamp, Louisiana Witness: Monroe Arnol 4/12/1960 #16224 LaCamp, Louisiana. At 9:00 p.m. Monroe A 4/12/1960 #16225 Lacamp, Louisiana Mr. Arnold saw a round 4/18/1960 #16233 ch at high speed from the south in Lacamp, Louisiana. It touched the ground 4/18/1960 #16234## Word: "lacanau-ocean" (Back to Top)
LACANAU-OCEAN, FR Ex-Air Force pilot. Mo 8/10/1991 #40146## Word: "lacanche" (Back to Top)
turns. Quickly going up [to] near Lacanche. / r138#9. 10/11/1954 #10909 LACANCHE, FR D14 / D104. Same 2M red glo 10/11/1954 #10910 Lacanche, France Mr. Labonde was driving 10/11/1954 #10929 At 4:20 a.m. in Lacanche, Côte-d'or, France Mr. Labonde 10/11/1954 #10945## Word: "lacar" (Back to Top)
LAGO LACAR, ARG Campers signal erratic night 2/19/1982 #36350## Word: "lacatski" (Back to Top)
nce officer and scientist James T. Lacatski contacts Robert Bigelow for per 6/19/2007 #45036 accompanies DIA official James T. Lacatski on a visit to Skinwalker Ranch 7/26/2007 #45040 in Utah. During his 2-hour visit, Lacatski witnesses a bizarre tubular obj 7/26/2007 #45040 personnel Luis Elizondo and James Lacatski that AAWSAP was UAP-related. Is 6/2008 #45144 DIA intelligence officer James T. Lacatski becomes the program manager, an 9/22/2008 #45170 Studies (BAASS) directors James T. Lacatski, Colm Kelleher, and Larry Gross 12/11/2009 #45262 ber 2010, BAASS directors James T. Lacatski, Colm Kelleher and Larry Grossm 2010 #45263 Studies (BAASS) director James T. Lacatski, a contractor for the Defense I 2/2011 #45312 e funding for future fiscal years. Lacatski allegedly met DHS’s Jim Bell an 2/2011 #45312 Skinwalker Ranch in Utah James T. Lacatski provides an in-depth briefing t 2/7/2011 #45313 search into advanced technologies. Lacatski works with Sen. Harry Reid (D-N 2/7/2011 #45313 James T. Lacatski retires from the Defense Intell 5/13/2016 #45453## Word: "lacave" (Back to Top)
co Tejero, age 44, his wife Teresa Lacave, and their friends Jose Valles an 8/10/1976 #31252## Word: "lacayo" (Back to Top)
Escazu, Costa Rica Eduardo Enrique Lacayo, age 10, was out playing in the f 5/2/1978 #33185## Word: "laced" (Back to Top)
over with a thick coat of cobwebs, laced with dew. The dogs are blinded by 9/21/1741 #63## Word: "laceless" (Back to Top)
s was able to observe gold-colored laceless shoes on the figure's feet. The 5/2/1978 #33185## Word: "lacey" (Back to Top)
olfe County, Kentucky Reece Andrew Lacey, 9, sees a large fish-like object Summer 1927 #1072 red over a car between Olympia and Lacey, Washington for several minutes on 4/7/1974 #28997## Word: "lachapelle" (Back to Top)
LACHAPELLE, FR Saucer turns 90° and foll 11/14/1971 #26471## Word: "lachassagne" (Back to Top)
Farm Lachassagne, near Ussel, France Mr. Cist 9/24/1954 #10435 Mr. Cisterne lived on the Farm Lachassagne, near Ussel, France. He was 9/24/1954 #10442## Word: "lachezar" (Back to Top)
(Turkey), Gabor Tarçali (Hungary), Lachezar Filipov (Bulgaria), and Anthony 10/15/2018 #45540## Word: "lachlan" (Back to Top)
LACHLAN, TASM Many observer(s). Domed ov 12/7/1971 #26491 Lachlan, Tasmania 7:30 p.m. A woman in L 6/24/1997 #43337 lan, Tasmania 7:30 p.m. A woman in Lachlan, Tasmania, is home alone in her 6/24/1997 #43337## Word: "lack" (Back to Top)
y Defense staff by implication and lack of frankness possibly interest defe 8/24/1946 #2154 g is really flying around.” Also, “Lack of topside inquiries . . . give mor 7/30/1947 #3262 conclusions challenged on basis of lack of proof; "explain-away" approach a 1950 #4461 o reassure the public of the total lack of evidence of inimical forces behi 1/17/1953 #8544 conducted a treaty with them. The lack of any dental record from Purcell’s 2/20/1954 #9560 nidentified and that is because of lack of data. 5/1955 #12110 e on intelligence, notes the CIA’s lack of accountability and recommends es 6/29/1955 #12219 le amended their conclusion that a lack of physical evidence meant UAP were 1/24/1956 #12681 yrd (D-Va.) that there is a “total lack of evidence that [UFOs] are interpl 5/1/1956 #12822 military funding of research that lack a specific military function. Some Late 1956 #13281 of explained cases, and again the lack of evidence of "a threat to the sec 11/1957 #14179 centage of explained cases and the lack of a threat to national security. 11/5/1957 #14344 impossible. PJ was puzzled by the lack of security and wasn’t in a test fa 1962 #17012 etween "unknowns", and cases which lack detail or apparently have natural e 1963 #17619 . Ronnie Hill also noticed a total lack of sound during the encounter. A co 7/21/1967 #22721 nd coyotes are responsible for the lack of blood and organs. He finds an in 9/9/1967 #23026 t is on the verge of collapse for “lack of something to investigate.” The s Late 1967 #23240 sychological assessment tests, the lack of any evidence, and interviews wit 12/3/1967 #23545 gs (only 46 out of 362) are due to lack of sufficient information. 1/22/1968 #23685 ct any investigations himself, the lack of communication between Low and Co 1/31/1968 #23714 oject, citing an “almost unanimous lack of confidence” among senior staffer 2/24/1968 #23782 ecution, (2) inadequate staff, (3) lack of open consultation with scientist 10/7/1968 #24548 age quality, and clear images that lack sufficient data. Great Falls and Mc 10/31/1968 #24608 ightings worldwide “because of the lack of suitable data collection means.” 11/27/1968 #24725 hite belts. Despite their apparent lack of hands they were collecting sampl 4/12/1969 #25059 ies and a cold penis, but does not lack "warmth" and sweetness despite his 6/22/1969 #25231 with very pale skin that seemed to lack any pores. It had a large hairless 8/16/1971 #26290 rely silver in color and seemed to lack hair and ears. A narrow mouth with 5/12/1973 #27481 ar began to heat up. Patero felt a lack of air so he opened the door and st 5/22/1973 #27519 round the object, and the heat and lack of air diminished. He could now see 5/22/1973 #27519 rent butchering of sex organs. The lack of blood and footprints is also puz 12/1973 #28494 apparent contradiction between the lack of evidence for extraterrestrial ci 6/1974 #29154 and the American people stating a lack of physical evidence was a key reas 1977 #31659 ll as new sightings. It mentions a lack of tangible evidence to analyze and 10/31/1977 #32643 tangible evidence to analyze and a lack of protocols for investigating UFOs 10/31/1977 #32643 eneral loss of motor control and a lack of sensitivity to pain. He does not 3/24/1978 #33078 had small flat noses and seemed to lack ears or mouths. Where the mouth sho 7/11/1978 #33368 ng the encounter there was a total lack of sound. There was also a strong s 7/11/1978 #33368 eyes, and human-like mouths. They lack eyebrows or eyelashes and speak in 6/28/1979 #34639 Secrecy is losing momentum due to lack of money and public support. Search 9/1979 #34815 him. The next day he suffered from lack of appetite, weakness, lumbar back 2/11/1980 #35170 Mach 2, he has to break off due to lack of fuel, never having acquired a vi Spring 1984 #37231 is door. These creatures seemed to lack mouths, noses, and ears; but they h 5/29/1986 #37898 PINEVILLE, NC Odd lack / traffic. Boomerang hovers over gi 6/8/1992 #40488 ts and witnesses. Schiff calls the lack of response “astounding” and indica 1/12/1994 #41370 ph. Water funnel up to saucer. Odd lack of boats. 4/26/1994 #41504 ed that they first noticed a total lack of animal noises while camping outs 7/22/1996 #42963 m” that was terminated in 1989 for lack of progress. 4/30/2019 #45574 ted, there is frustration with the lack of answers to specific questions ab 9/6/2019 #45606 ed, “there is frustration with the lack of answers to specific questions ab 9/6/2019 #45607 ittee, apparently disturbed by the lack of a coordinated investigatory proc 6/23/2020 #45649 out what the UAPs were, based on a lack of evidence, though in a limited nu 6/25/2021 #45694 ort also states that “UAP probably lack a single explanation,” and proposes 6/25/2021 #45694 e (confirmed as a weather balloon) lack sufficient information to attribute 6/25/2021 #45694## Word: "lackadaisical" (Back to Top)
at arm's length flying in a "lazy, lackadaisical manner" for 40 seconds in 2/27/1967 #21678## Word: "lackawanna" (Back to Top)
inutes above the city of Abington, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania. There w 5/6/1950 #4928## Word: "lacked" (Back to Top)
merged from the light source. They lacked both arms and legs, and essential 10/25/1954 #11404 cal street lamps. The strange trio lacked necks of any sort and had short, 5/10/1968 #23956 ppeared, all alike except that one lacked a large stomach. They wore black 6/4/1970 #25690 -like, about 6.2 feet tall, but he lacked a chin and his hair stood straigh 10/25/1974 #29557 nd orange whites of the eyes. They lacked balance and coordination, and fel 10/27/1975 #30489 heir eyes were round and dark, and lacked irises or eyelids. They had small 7/11/1978 #33368 ddle. The other humanoid's uniform lacked one. The object was metallic and 7/11/1978 #33368 allic almost robotic in nature; it lacked a head, arms or feet. A scorched 2/13/1981 #35826 bun, Oriental shaped eyes, and she lacked any fingernails. She wore a long 9/11/1981 #36110 bun, Oriental shaped eyes, and she lacked any fingernails. She wore a long 9/12/1981 #36112 n inconsistent, and this issue has lacked attention from senior leaders,” t 6/23/2020 #45649## Word: "lacking" (Back to Top)
uit plane. However, information is lacking on this case and any follow- up. 7/1951 #5556 AT database for this day. Most are lacking any detail and so fall into the 7/29/1952 #7332 oubtful. In addition, if a case is lacking in adequate data, it is placed i 10/25/1955 #12519 propagation have been judged to be lacking in credibility. 10/6/1967 #23186 ts investigatory procedures “sadly lacking,” with no standard report form o 10/10/1967 #23204 ar shaped heads and appeared to be lacking hands. They wore black outfits w 4/12/1969 #25059 ies; similarly, its thin arms were lacking hands and fingers. There were no 10/15/1976 #31465 r eyes resembled two simple holes, lacking eyelids or eyebrows. He apparent 12/31/1978 #34250 peared to be robot-like in nature, lacking any arms, and it did not move it 2/26/1979 #34450 irst portion of the tape, so it is lacking the first 10,000 records. Fortun 1990 #39349 s short with gray skin, black eyes lacking any pupils or eyelashes, large h 3/5/1992 #40359 The figure was described as large, lacking ears, and covered with extremely 7/13/2000 #44016## Word: "lackland" (Back to Top)
ellis AFB Medina Base, adjacent to Lackland AFB The now-completed Site Able 2/22/1952 #5920 vada; and Medina Base, adjacent to Lackland AFB [now Joint Base San Antonio 2/22/1952 #5920 Pecos (6 miles W of near Lackland AFB), TX Bethune. (Hynek UFO Rp 4/9/1952 #6050 LACKLAND AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Blue 5/29/1952 #6381 sted at Randolph Air Force Base or Lackland Air Force Base. He states he re 10/1952 #8077 Lackland AFB, TX Pilot saw blue light ma 12/5/1952 #8379 Lackland AFB, TX AN/FPS-3 Tracks Five Or 5/23/1953 #8905 Lackland AFB San Antonio, Texas Lackland 1/1958 #14792 Lackland AFB San Antonio, Texas Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas, asks 1/1958 #14792 Lackland AFB San Antonio, Texas Lackland 5/15/1958 #15036 Lackland AFB San Antonio, Texas Lackland AFB’s chief of education planni 5/15/1958 #15036 Lackland AFB San Antonio, Texas Lackland 6/1958 #15070 Lackland AFB San Antonio, Texas Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas, has 6/1958 #15070 .” Keyhoe approves the script, but Lackland withdraws it from consideration 6/1958 #15070 Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Texas The Air 9/29/2014 #45415 activities. It is headquartered at Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Texas. 9/29/2014 #45415 Joint Base San Antonio– Lackland in Texas The Twenty-Fifth Air F 10/11/2019 #45611 s still at Joint Base San Antonio– Lackland in Texas. 10/11/2019 #45611## Word: "lacks" (Back to Top)
e in Camp Hood, Texas. Although it lacks cameras, it has four six-man obser 5/4/1949 #4144 the junior staff, nearly everyone lacks basic equipment, questionnaires, c 2/1967 #21429 ublishes a book claiming that NASA lacks the technical expertise to land as 1976 #30743 foot diameter, oval-shaped UFO. It lacks any seams or windows and has the b 12/18/1976 #31612## Word: "laclotre" (Back to Top)
ierre, France Messrs. Deschamp and Laclotre saw a craft, about 20 m diamete 10/16/1954 #11145 Messrs. Deschamp and Laclotre saw a craft, about 20 meters in 10/16/1954 #11151## Word: "laco" (Back to Top)
Rocha, Uruguay Santiago Laco Ozano, 32, is milking cows in Rocha 4/19/1977 #32000## Word: "lacock" (Back to Top)
Lacock Road Corsham Wiltshire England 1: 8/12/1997 #43381 police officers are on patrol near Lacock Road in Corsham, Wiltshire, Engla 8/12/1997 #43381## Word: "lacombe" (Back to Top)
on a motocycle two miles north of Lacombe, Alberta, Canada was chased by a 8/23/1967 #22909## Word: "laconia" (Back to Top)
Laconia, NH 5:45 p.m. EST. A man saw a b 2/20/1967 #21602 ILTON, NH Also Alder and Payne and Laconia and more/others. Cops and many. 8/11/1974 #29320 LACONIA, NH AND MORE/OTHERS 50+report(s) 8/14/1974 #29341 a boat on Lake Winnepausaukee near Laconia, New Hampshire took a photograph 8/14/1974 #29345## Word: "laconic" (Back to Top)
son’s response to that was equally laconic; he just nodded and said somethi 5/10/1967 #22310## Word: "lacoste" (Back to Top)
soreau, France A photographer, Mr. Lacoste, and his wife, saw a red, lighte 7/28/1966 #20691 A photographer, Mr. Lacoste, and his wife, saw a red lighted 7/28/1966 #20693## Word: "lacotte" (Back to Top)
du Cerisier, two women (Janiki and Lacotte) independently reported to polic 10/2/1954 #10604 ance two single women (Janicki and Lacotte) independently reported to polic 10/2/1954 #10613## Word: "lacq" (Back to Top)
N117 LACQ TO/FROM ARTIX, FR 2 / (seen thru) b 10/1/1971 #26396## Word: "lacross" (Back to Top)
LaCross, WI 9:30 p.m. CST. Police and ci 3/13/1966 #19957## Word: "lacrosse" (Back to Top)
LACROSSE, WI Project Bluebook Case #1113 4/14/1952 #6073 LaCrosse, Wisconsin Witness: unidentifie 4/14/1952 #6077 ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Lacrosse” Yield: 40KT 5/4/1956 #12831 dirt road through a wheat field in Lacrosse, Washington at 9:45 p.m. She h 12/29/1994 #41912## Word: "lacuesta" (Back to Top)
ad Ninole, Hawaii 8:30 p.m. Regino Lacuesta is driving on the Hawaii Belt R 11/28/1957 #14635 he point where the light had been. Lacuesta feels numb and cannot move. Soo 11/28/1957 #14635## Word: "lacul" (Back to Top)
Lacul Roşu, Romania Dusk. Florin Gorănes 7/1961 #16740 Gorănescu is staying at a villa in Lacul Roşu, Romania. He and two colleagu 7/1961 #16740 Roşu, Romania Lacul Morii 5:00 a.m. Cristian Tuţă is d 1/5/1988 #38405 at Roşu, Romania, on the shore of Lacul Morii. While on guard duty, he not 1/5/1988 #38405 Lacul Bucura Retezat Mountains west cent 8/4/1991 #40142 Valea Rea Night. Seven hikers near Lacul Bucura in the Retezat Mountains in 8/4/1991 #40142## Word: "lacy" (Back to Top)
(s). Night light / 20 minute(s). = Lacy metal dome on side / (seen thru) bi 6/4/1994 #41549## Word: "ladakh" (Back to Top)
Ladakh Arunachal Pradash Kargil Leh Thak 8/1/2012 #45350 oyed along the Chinese border from Ladakh to Arunachal Pradash report as ma 8/1/2012 #45350## Word: "ladaleto" (Back to Top)
San Salvador An engineer, Julio M. Ladaleto, stopped when his car hit a can 11/23/1958 #15456 At 11:35 p.m. Julio M. Ladaleto, an engineer, stopped when his 11/23/1958 #15457## Word: "ladapeyre" (Back to Top)
LADAPEYRE, FR 5 observer(s). Elongated r 2/1/1958 #14862 an 30 minutes over farm country in Ladapeyre, France beginning at 11:30 p.m 2/1/1958 #14863 LADAPEYRE, FR 2 observer(s). Huge lumino 7/26/1959 #15880 LADAPEYRE, FR Numerous observer(s). Huge 8/23/1961 #16801## Word: "ladd" (Back to Top)
igence Division D. Milton “Mickey” Ladd at FBI headquarters in a memo title 7/10/1947 #3102 s in a memo titled “Flying Disks.” Ladd adds a note saying that the “Bureau 7/10/1947 #3102 Memo to Mr. Ladd with a handwritten note from J. Edg 7/15/1947 #3182 memo from E. G. Fitch to D. Milton Ladd identifies either Brown or Davidson 8/6/1947 #3300 igence Division D. Milton “Mickey” Ladd at FBI headquarters assures FBI Dep 8/15/1947 #3336 FBI memo to D. M. Ladd from E. G. Fitch on “Flying Discs” 8/19/1947 #3351 North Pole An FBI memo from D. M. Ladd to Hoover documents speculation on 1/24/1949 #3977 r to his aide D. Milton (“Mickey”) Ladd on “just what are the facts re ‘fly 3/28/1950 #4749 from Alan H. Belmont to D. Milton Ladd on green fireballs. 8/23/1950 #5136 LADD AIR FORCE BASE, AK Project Bluebook 2/26/1951 #5459 Ladd AFB, AK Oblong Object Hovers Over R 2/26/1951 #5460 Ladd AFB, Alaska Witness: USAF Sgt. J.B 2/26/1951 #5461 Ladd AFB, Alaska. At 7:10 a.m. USAF Sgt. 2/26/1951 #5462 LADD AIR FORCE BASE, AK Objects / 3 grou 1/22/1952 #5873 LADD AIR FORCE BASE, AK Project Bluebook 12/8/1952 #8393 Ladd AFB, AK White, oval light which cha 12/8/1952 #8395 Ladd AFB, Alaska Witnesses: pilot lst L 12/8/1952 #8396 th of the base for eight hours. At Ladd AFB near Fairbanks, Alaska Project 12/10/1952 #8410 LADD AIR FORCE BASE, AK 3 military obser 12/16/1952 #8424 LADD AND PERU, IL Pilot. 4 50x30cm glowi 6/17/1969 #25218## Word: "ladder" (Back to Top)
humanoids (or Greys) going down / ladder and steal calze steso! 8/1930 #1116 eys) going up [to] going down [to] ladder / 30m. Photographs / physical tra 8/1933 (approximate) #1171 an oblong “fan,” two legs, a small ladder, and openings. A man dressed in a 5/18/1946 #1994 g white metallic disc with legs, a ladder, a tube, and a transparent dome l 4/25/1952 #6187 the river on three legs and has a ladder reaching down next to the tube. R 7/25/1952 #7137 R Man and son. 'Little man' climbs ladder into classic saucer / field. 10/1954 #10527 ts.They re-entered the craft via a ladder; the object then tilted to one si 10/10/1954 #10898 humanoids (or Greys) going down / ladder. / newspaper. 10/14/1954 #11032 obot(s)/android(s) going down [to] ladder. Gibberish. Reboard. 10/19/1954 #11235 tall, descended from it on a long ladder. Their eyes were "sharp" and dark 10/19/1954 #11240 tall, descended from it on a long ladder. Their eyes were dark red and "sh 10/19/1954 #11254 wheels and tubes and antennas and ladder and portholes.. 10/23/1954 #11328 in diameter. He saw that it had a ladder and an open doorway, so he climbe 9/1/1962 #17382 an open doorway, so he climbed the ladder and went inside. The interior had 9/1/1962 #17382 hanic’s hat climbing up steps or a ladder on the object. Soon after it lift 3/23/1966 #20050 2 cops. 7M saucer lands. Door and ladder. Small humanoid (or Grey) exits. 11/17/1966 #21111 meter: 7 m. An opening and a short ladder became visible, and a small man, 11/17/1966 #21116 nderside of the sphere and a short ladder dropped down. A small man dressed 11/17/1966 #21119 ior. The small being descended the ladder and walked slowly and deliberatel 11/17/1966 #21119 turned, walked slowly back to the ladder and climbed into the object. The 11/17/1966 #21119 dd cloud. Hovers over empty house. Ladder going down [to].. 7/17/1967 (approximate) #22673 , SP, BRZ 3 boys. 8M UFO / tripod. Ladder / ground. All retract and away. / 7/1/1968 #24111 large tripod under carriage and a ladder reaching down to the ground. Thes 7/1/1968 #24113 large tripod under carriage and a ladder reaching down to the ground. Thes 7/1/1968 #24115 a large tripod undercarriage and a ladder reaching down to the ground. The 7/1/1968 #24118 as the UFO retracts its tripod and ladder and rise into the air and speed o 7/1/1968 #24118 a large tripod undercarriage and a ladder reaching down to the ground. Thes 7/1/1968 #24120 5.45m apart, and marks left by the ladder. There was also a residual "gunpo 7/1/1968 #24120 a door opened on the craft, then a ladder descended to the ground. Soon a v 8/8/1968 #24310 an open door from which a silvery ladder extended to the ground. Both bein 8/25/1968 #24377 M bell going down / 60cm altitude. Ladder going down. 2 pseudo-human/entity 7/7/1971 #26210 . 3 pseudo-human/entity going up / ladder and fly. / r191p160. 10/19/1973 #28183 ject's illumination he could see a ladder and two beings standing beside it 10/19/1973 #28198 rather peculiar shape. A metallic ladder emerged, leaving a narrow, illumi 11/18/1973 #28443 lo to walk up the six steps of the ladder. When Castillo extended his hand 11/18/1973 #28443 domed saucer / ground. 4 legs and ladder. Hums. Going up [to] and going qu 12/6/1973 #28531 humming sound. A door opens and a ladder unfolds, causing the witnesses to 12/6/1973 #28533 -inch square are found, along with ladder marks. The area appears “swept” a 12/6/1973 #28533 . A door in the craft opened and a ladder unrolled. The witnesses fled and 12/6/1973 #28535 UFO. After 5 minutes, they climb a ladder into the craft. The object rises 6/15/1974 #29198 Goode described as "like a gliding ladder." (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, F 1/2/1975 #29697 g about 5 feet above the ground. A ladder with three steps appears on the u 2/14/1975 #29812 sh of light. The beings run up the ladder and withdraw it, then the UFO tak 2/14/1975 #29812 e words embossed on its surface. A ladder extended out of the craft down to 2/23/1975 #29839 beings emerge from the craft via a ladder. (Source: David F. Webb and Ted B 4/2/1976 #30978 beings emerge from the craft via a ladder. They took him aboard and brought 4/2/1976 #30980 nded on the ground there and had a ladder extending toward him. Next he fou 2/2/1977 #31781 rcular passage, he came to a small ladder. The ladder looked like the steps 2/5/1978 #32957 ge, he came to a small ladder. The ladder looked like the steps of a swimmi 2/5/1978 #32957 iling felt cold. At the top of the ladder was another individual who assure 2/5/1978 #32957 wo round black dots on its side. A ladder descended from the craft, and two 8/24/1978 #33565 e craft, so he ties his horse to a ladder protruding from the bottom of the 9/6/1978 #33638 then tied his horse to the craft's ladder and climbed in. Inside, he was ab 9/6/1978 #33640 en the security guard bangs on the ladder and tells them to come up. Going Early 1/1979 #34280 urn to the missile and descend the ladder to continue the alignment. Then t Early 1/1979 #34280 nother helmeted figure stands by a ladder extending from the craft, looking 5/16/1979 #34563 Another helmeted figure stood by a ladder extending from the craft, looking 5/16/1979 #34564 oid figures were seen descending a ladder. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) ( 8/2/1979 #34701 oid figures were seen descending a ladder. The witnesses did not stay to se 8/2/1979 #34704 The men turn around and climb up a ladder into the object. Flashing white l 10/1979 #34937 gs relent and board the craft by a ladder that then retracts. The door clos 7/4/1989 #39007 y went inside the craft by using a ladder with three steps. The ladder with 7/4/1989 #39009 ing a ladder with three steps. The ladder withdrew inside, the door automat 7/4/1989 #39009 four legs and the hatch opened. A ladder descended and a square, robot-lik 9/23/1989 #39118 s and landed. A hatch opened and a ladder came down. Soon two beings and a 10/28/1989 #39191 small humanoids (or Greys) exit / ladder. Gather oil / dirt. 5/29/1990 #39595 t humanoids exited the craft via a ladder, and gathered samples of oil and 5/29/1990 #39597 cylinder/cigar-shape with beam and ladder going down [to] close. Figure cli 7/23/1990 #39657 ing down [to] close. Figure climbs ladder. 7/23/1990 #39657 the ground, and a red light and a ladder were now visible. On the ladder s 7/23/1990 #39658 a ladder were now visible. On the ladder stood a humanoid figure, but no d 7/23/1990 #39658 he described as cigar shaped. The ladder was drawn up and the red light we 7/23/1990 #39658 ojecting part of their roof near a ladder. A K-9 sentry dog that appeared r 5/14/1991 #40061 ct had landed a door opened, and a ladder or escalator of some sort was low 12/9/1996 #43133## Word: "ladder-shape" (Back to Top)
BELGIUM Red sphere/orb/globe then ladder-shape with yellow lights inside " 12/24/1973 #28601## Word: "ladderlike" (Back to Top)
way shines a bright orange glow; a ladderlike stairway extends downward wit Summer 1933 #1162## Word: "ladders" (Back to Top)
x four-foot tall humanoids climbed ladders, then gestured. The craft took o 3/14/1950 #4634 down / legs. 6 4' men going down / ladders and gesture! Going quickly north 8/14/1951 #5603 r-foot tall humanoids climbed down ladders, then gestured to each other. Th 8/14/1951 #5605## Word: "ladeleto" (Back to Top)
d revaled anything about the case, Ladeleto was contacted by strange "newsm 11/23/1958 #15456 revealed anything about the case, Ladeleto was contacted by strange "newsm 11/23/1958 #15457## Word: "laden" (Back to Top)
or drone on a replica of Osama bin Laden’s Afghanistan Tarnak residence in Early 6/2001 #44190## Word: "ladesic" (Back to Top)
FB, New York Witnesses: Stahl and Ladesic. One white cylinder of light cam 9/6/1966 #20854 ield, New York Witnesses Stahl and Ladesic sighted a white cylinder of ligh 9/6/1966 #20855## Word: "ladies" (Back to Top)
is a loud explosion “opposite the ladies’ car” and a telegraph pole is spl Early 7/1880 #235 oke up and found himself wearing a ladies’ flannel nightgown, which makes h 2000 #43913## Word: "ladislau" (Back to Top)
Petrila, Romania 12:30 p.m. Ladislau Schmidt is sitting in his kitch 11/22/1967 #23497## Word: "ladoga" (Back to Top)
pilahti, Karelia [now Russia] Lake Ladoga Evening. Jaakku Kivistö is servin Late 7/1944 #1623 hti, Karelia [now Russia], by Lake Ladoga. He notices a large object next t Late 7/1944 #1623## Word: "lads" (Back to Top)
CONISTON, LANCS 2 lads photograph fuzzy domed-saucer. Goin 2/15/1954 #9544## Word: "ladue" (Back to Top)
LADUE, MO 15 observer(s) / (seen thru) b 7/6/1947 #2783## Word: "lady" (Back to Top)
lliam Banner, master of the barque Lady of the Lake, is sailing in the Nort 3/22/1870 #184 e Verde, the crew of the steamship Lady of the Lake sighted a gray object i 3/22/1870 #185 at Fátima, Portugal, again see the lady, who reveals that Francisco and Jac 6/13/1917 #959 longer to spread the message. The lady also purportedly reveals to the chi 6/13/1917 #959 another monthly apparition of the "Lady in Blue", thought to be the Virgin 8/13/1917 #961 see Lúcia talking to the invisible lady. 9/13/1917 #965 ent, including those of Jesus, Our Lady of Sorrows, Our Lady of Mount Carme 10/13/1917 #970 of Jesus, Our Lady of Sorrows, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and Saint Joseph b 10/13/1917 #970 Marto-- had first met a mysterious lady in blue there in May. Not many of t 10/13/1917 #971 e to witness the apparition of the Lady on this day, but it is reported tha 10/13/1917 #971 LOS ALTOS, CA Lady and 2 boys. 8 disks / 3 formations 7/8/1947 #2981 quickly east fast / 30M altitude. Lady report(s) dishpan missing! 7/24/1947 #3222 Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt 4:00 p.m. Former 3/26/1950 #4730 r Roosevelt 4:00 p.m. Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt interviews airlin 3/26/1950 #4730 Chicago, IL Lady Observes Saucer / Small Entity Gets 4/8/1954 #9675 oggio d'Ambra, Italy A 40-year-old lady going to a cemetery suddenly observ 11/1/1954 #11516 CAIRO, IL Lady. Vibrant bright triangle going quic 8/11/1955 #12350 ike rising sun. Disabled car seen. Lady and child with burns. / r141#10. 12/11/1957 #14706 moking car. The driver, an elderly lady, came out with a child who seemed t 12/11/1957 #14711 Depew, New York A lady who was driving on the New York Sta 1/1958 #14790 ere outdoors on the grounds of the Lady of Grace Monastery in Colebrook, Ne 3/19/1959 #15654 MASSENA, NY Lady and 2 cops. Large glowing orange ba 2/16/1967 #21559 I NORTHEAST / ALAMOSA, CO Snippy / lady = horse mutilated. Saucers seen sam 9/9/1967 #23024 sa A 3-year-old saddle horse named Lady [not Snippy] belonging to Nellie Le 9/9/1967 #23026 County Sheriff Ben Phillips blames Lady’s death on lightning. A few days la 9/9/1967 #23026 k at the dead horse. He finds that Lady’s lungs, heart, and thyroid are com 9/9/1967 #23026 unusually high radioactivity near Lady’s carcass, although others think it 9/9/1967 #23026 Veterinary Medicine, investigates Lady for the Colorado project and conclu 9/9/1967 #23026 ds evidence of two bullet holes in Lady’s rump. 9/9/1967 #23026 The carcass of a horse named "Lady", but misnamed in press reports as 9/15/1967 #23070 examine the carcass of the horse "Lady" thought to have been killed and mu 10/8/1967 #23196 .m. Single witness (confidential). Lady and her son were driving and talkin 9/8/1968 #24439 he NASA Space Flight Center, and a lady member of the UFO investigators gro 5/8/1971 #26103 tadt, IL, were driving on 59th St. Lady noticed strange configuration of li 6/11/1972 #26714 00' saucer / 30' altitude. Follows lady / 8mi. Hums. / r213p72+/ FSRv18#6. 7/3/1972 #26755 Patoka, IL 6:45 p.m. A lady was on her way to Patoka from her h 11/24/1972 #27138 Blyton, TN 6:00 p.m. A lady and her son observed a large domed 10/1/1973 #27911 Ziegler, IL 3:00 a.m. 15 mins. Lady saw object emitting high intensity 10/5/1973 #27947 NORTH CEARA, BRZ Lady bathing / lake zapped / blue-beam. 10/1974 #29496 Kampsville, IL 6:00 p.m. Lady and her son saw sharply-outlined ho 11/1974 #29572 LONGAGES, HGR Lady. 2 intense lights near ground. Form 8/29/1975 #30323 sound, 2.5 mins., five witnesses. Lady, out shaking rug on porch and sees 8/18/1976 #31279 med saucer / cylinder/cigar-shape. Lady sees portholes. Several drawings ag 2/1977 #31767 ning. Blue lights were ahead which lady thought was a snow plough. One blin 3/23/1977 #31927 ning. Blue lights were ahead which lady thought was a snow plough. One blin 3/23/1977 #31928 o a strong beam of light which the lady ran behind. The lady spoke to the c 5/10/1977 #32083 ght which the lady ran behind. The lady spoke to the child but she "did not 5/10/1977 #32083 HAPPY CAMP, CA Lady. Sphere / light hovers near bed! Al 7/17/1977 #32285 (or Greys) in dome / saucer watch lady in garden. Blue light burns her han 9/1977 #32448 ISFIELD, ENGL Lady cop. Large saucer. 20 minute(s) / m 10/1977 (approximate) #32535 saucer. 4 pseudo-human/entity and lady.. similar to Villas-Boas case.. 1/31/1978 #32924 Newcastle, KY Lady said barking dogs drew her attentio 3/9/1980 #35209 OSSINING, NY Lady. Diamond-shape going [to] over hous 8/7/1984 #37428 p.m. a huge bright light came at a lady in a pickup truck in her driveway i 7/31/1986 #37962 WEST / ARCADIA, FL Lady sees saucer / bridge. Beings seen t 10/19/1987 #38307 DESTIN, FL Lady reports apparent abduction / 5-Yr-o 11/25/1987 #38335 SOUTH BEND, IN Lady photographs silver saucer. See refe 11/6/1989 #39215 EN BAY, WI House shakes violently. Lady photographs silver saucer emitting 12/5/1989 #39297 C SR150 north / town is busy spot. Lady videos domed saucer / 11 second(s) 5/6/1993 #40968 ights in the rear of the object. A lady saw the object hovering over a farm 3/1/1995 #42070 At 2:30 a.m. a lady driving near Beaverton, Oregon repo 5/7/1995 #42188 that she had been cared for by "a lady in white", who had offered her wate 9/15/1996 #43020 cuated from the White House. First lady Laura Bush and former first lady Na 5/11/2005 #44840 t lady Laura Bush and former first lady Nancy Reagan, who is visiting, are 5/11/2005 #44840## Word: "lady-in-white" (Back to Top)
SZEGED, HUNGARY Spherical lights. Lady-in-white appears and vanishes. Loca 7/1836? #131## Word: "lae" (Back to Top)
OFF LAE, PAPUA-NG 6 / boat. White 14M umbrel 1/31/1960 #16160 boat on the ocean on the coast of Lae, Papua New Guinea saw a 14 meter dia 1/31/1960 #16161## Word: "laerte" (Back to Top)
confirmed. Country: France Name: “Laerte” Yield: 5KT 11/25/1980 #35668## Word: "lafayette" (Back to Top)
Lafayette Township Newton, New Jersey Og 8/1942 #1428 object hovering near them between Lafayette Township and Newton, New Jerse 8/1942 #1428 Country Club Road Lafayette, New York Around 12:00 noon. R 4/1946 #1980 ible on the Country Club Road near Lafayette, New York. Suddenly they see a 4/1946 #1980 LAFAYETTE, IN Engineer and Air Force jet 7/19/1952 #6913 SOUTHEAST / LAFAYETTE, LA Captain Gile and airline(s 11/9/1957 #14497 Lafayette (Louisiana) Airport 9:15 a.m. 11/9/1957 #14506 Jr. is preparing to take off from Lafayette (Louisiana) Airport when he se 11/9/1957 #14506 en turn going quickly southeast. / Lafayette newspaper. 8/24/1958 #15222 LAFAYETTE, IND Chemist with telescope. 3 10/26/1958 #15377 Lafayette, IN Research chemist saw 2-3 b 10/26/1958 #15380 LAFAYETTE GOING QUICKLY [TO] KENTLAND, I 12/21/1961 #17000 Lafayette, Indiana Jerry Hislope, 20, wa 12/21/1961 #17001 . That night at 9:45 local time in Lafayette, Indiana a 2.5 meter diameter 12/21/1961 #17002 DANVILLE AND LAFAYETTE AND MARTINEZ, CA Several separ 8/5/1972 #26875 LAFAYETTE, IN 2 / Purdue campus. Shallow 8/27/1972 #26960 Lafayette, IN 9:45 p.m. A 39-year-old wo 8/27/1972 #26961 LAFAYETTE, IN 2 / highway 52 drive under 8/3/1985 #37636## Word: "lafferty" (Back to Top)
:30 p.m. a former Navy pilot named Lafferty and another man, both regarded 7/28/1964 #18457## Word: "lafreniere" (Back to Top)
00 p.m. two youngsters, Marc & Luc Lafreniere, were in their home in Ville 8/14/1965 #19391## Word: "lag" (Back to Top)
ashlight signals with 20 second(s) lag. Back 26 Oct. '67. 9/8/1967 #23018## Word: "lagaccio" (Back to Top)
r-old girl was walking home in Via Lagaccio, Genova, Italy at 9:00 p.m. whe 10/26/1977 #32619## Word: "lagardelle-sur-leze" (Back to Top)
D12 SOUTHEAST / LAGARDELLE-SUR-LEZE, FR Grey 8M saucer q 2/12/1972 #26574 d on four legs outside the town of LaGardelle-sur-Leze, Haute-Garronne, Fra 2/12/1972 #26576## Word: "lagerlechfeld" (Back to Top)
Lagerlechfeld, Bavaria, Germany German t 7/6/1944 #1620 t-powered Messerschmidt Me 163B at Lagerlechfeld, Bavaria, Germany. 7/6/1944 #1620## Word: "lages" (Back to Top)
LAGES, BRAZIL Farmer. Glowing-disk going 10/31/1954 #11497## Word: "lagged" (Back to Top)
ip of an airliner. The outer discs lagged briefly during a turn by the airl 5/17/1966 #20495 ip of an airliner. The outer discs lagged briefly during a turn by the airl 5/17/1966 #20499## Word: "lagny" (Back to Top)
LAGNY, S&M, FR 4 luminous spheres west g 12/10/1953 #9353 BRAY-SUR-SEINE AND LAGNY AND MORET AND THOMERY, FR 20M yell 10/21/1954 #11289## Word: "lago" (Back to Top)
LAGO ARGENTINO, ARG 2 saucers, 1 lands. 3/18/1950 #4672 Lago Argentino, Argentina A rancher, Wil 3/18/1950 #4674 At a ranch in Lago Argentino, Argentina, Mr. Wilfredo 3/18/1950 #4680 trees. 2 catch fire. East / shore Lago Maggiore. 10/15/1954 #11079 / boat. 2 classic saucers 20M over Lago Maggiore. Going up [to] and fly off 12/19/1962 #17594 objects fly over the lake known as Lago Maggiore at only 20 meters altitude 12/19/1962 #17596 ed UFO emerging from a lake called Lago de Cote. 4/9/1971 #26067 LAGO DE COTE, C.RICA Mapping plane. Auto 9/4/1971 #26313 Lake Lago de Cote, Costa Rica Lake Lago de Co 9/4/1971 #26315 Lake Lago de Cote, Costa Rica Lake Lago de Cote, Costa Rica (NICAP: 08 - Ph 9/4/1971 #26315 Lago de Cote, Costa Rica Aerial survey p 9/4/1971 #26316 Lago de Cote, Costa Rica 8:25 a.m. Pilot 9/4/1971 #26317 0 at a height of 10,000 feet above Lago de Cote, Costa Rica, taking aerial 9/4/1971 #26317 lying at 10,000 feet altitude over Lago de Cote, three miles north of the t 9/4/1971 #26319 Lago d’Idro, Brescia, Italy A 16-year-ol 7/27/1973 #27656 e strange marks on the ground near Lago d’Idro, Brescia, Italy. In 1977 he 7/27/1973 #27656 In Lago D'Idro Brescia, Italy a 16-year-old 7/27/1973 #27657 shaped object hovered over a lake, Lago Ramos Mejia in Nequen Province, Arg 10/27/1973 #28302 MONTE DEL LAGO, ITL Moon-size round object stops. 8/19/1978 #33529 At 6:00 a.m. in Torre del Lago, near Firenze, Italy a cigar-shaped 9/14/1978 #33678 , ITL Saucer and plasma-beams over Lago Maggiore. Photographs and wide publ 3/3/1979 #34461 LAGO LACAR, ARG Campers signal erratic n 2/19/1982 #36350 LAGO DE COTE, COSTA RC Submerged object 10/25/1986 #38054 Lake Trasimeno off Castiglione del Lago, Italy. water. The three objects fl 11/3/1986 #38059 Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico Lago Samán 7:45 p.m. Many people in Cabo 12/28/1988 #38763 to Marcado. The object moves over Lago Samán, then divides itself into two 12/28/1988 #38763 deral District of Brasilia, Brazil Lago Sul area Brasilia airport 7:00–9:00 4/11/1991 #40034 seen by dozens of residents of the Lago Sul area and by more than 20 police 4/11/1991 #40034 has been tracked over much of the Lago Sul area and close to the Brasilia 4/11/1991 #40034 Two teenage brothers in Lago de Rapel, Chile were followed home 2/16/1997 #43194 LAGO COLBUN, CHILE Huge saucer hovers / 5/16/1998 #43567 giant hydroelectric dam and lake, Lago de Colbun in southern Chile, causin 5/16/1998 #43568 object." It flew off to the east. Lago de Colbun is Chile's biggest hydroe 5/16/1998 #43568 LAGO VERDE, ARG Metallic disk going [to] 2/3/2000 (approximate) #43939 Del Lago Golf Club Vail, Arizona Two witness 11/4/2000 #44071 Arizona Two witnesses near the Del Lago Golf Club north of Vail, Arizona, s 11/4/2000 #44071 he north end of the man-made lake, Lago de Guri. The dam is on the Rio Caro 5/15/2004 #44702 ing the object flying over a lake, Lago Menendez in the Los Alerces Nationa 1/23/2008 #45113## Word: "lagoa" (Back to Top)
LAGOA VERMELHA, BRAZIL 2 separate observ 8/2/1965 #19254 LAGOA RODRIGO, BRZ Several / boat club. 10/7/1968 #24545 ect flew rapidly to the south over Lagoa Rodrigo, Brazil at 9:20 a.m. A jet 10/7/1968 #24549 de Proteção Ambiental do Carste de Lagoa Santa Matozinhos, Minas Gerais, Br 5/4/1969 #25114 de Proteção Ambiental do Carste de Lagoa Santa) near Matozinhos, Minas Gera 5/4/1969 #25114 orhood of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil Lagoa da Maraponga Cavan poles factory U 8/12/1983 #36949 ed object about 325 feet above the Lagoa da Maraponga, its shape reflected 8/12/1983 #36949 r / hilltop. Going quickly north / Lagoa Santa. 9/15/1996 #43019## Word: "lagol" (Back to Top)
Lagol, Ventura County, California 9:20 p 7/5/2009 #45230 on the porch of his ranch home in Lagol, Ventura County, California. They 7/5/2009 #45230## Word: "lagoon" (Back to Top)
moves swiftly to the surface of a lagoon, covering it with a “brilliant ha 1/1892? #297 Horseshoe Lagoon, near Tully, Australia George Ped 1/19/1966 #19857 diameter, 3 m high, rise from the lagoon 25 m away. It was spinning like a 1/19/1966 #19857 in swamp grass, in a water-filled lagoon, at the point where he first saw 1/19/1966 #19858 er swoops going down / Jacarepagua Lagoon. Maneuvers all over/all about. Go 3/29/1966 #20129 Horseshoe Lagoon, Tully, Queensland Cairns Iron Ra 3/2/1968 #23806 aucer Research Bureau at Horseshoe Lagoon, Tully, Queensland, is triggered 3/2/1968 #23806 quiet all day. Night light rises / lagoon and going quickly south. 11/5/1968 (approximate) #24633 SOUTHPORT LAGOON, TASM 6 observer(s). Metallic sau 3/1969 #24955 f at Bebedouro (apparently a small lagoon in the Área de Proteção Ambiental 5/4/1969 #25114 ht he reached the banks of a small lagoon and set up his tent and fished fo 5/4/1969 #25115 to the east. At 8 p.m. at Porter's Lagoon, 15 miles east of Clare, South Au 6/4/1969 #25199 ted is it hung stationary over the lagoon. At about the same time a red lig 6/4/1969 #25199 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Lagoon” YieldMax: 20KT 10/14/1971 #26423 to a certain isolated area near a lagoon, 150 kilometers south of Santa Fe 11/3/1973 #28362 he surname of Dira had bathed in a lagoon in Sao Gondolo do Amarante on the 10/25/1975 #30468 he surname of Dira had bathed in a lagoon in Sao Gondolo do Amarante on the 10/25/1975 #30472 bserver(s). Hubcap saucer hovers / lagoon / 15 minute(s). Portholes. 6 beam 11/24/1975 #30657 nder mysterious circumstances in a lagoon in Uruoca, Ceará, Brazil. 8/12/1983 #36949 , including one at the Ixtamalapan Lagoon. Chagala was warned of a differen 3/20/1993 #40895 huge object land near the Mondubim lagoon on this evening. Three humanoids 8/12/1998 #43629 ound three hours later next to the lagoon, shirtless, sweating, and with pa 8/12/1998 #43629## Word: "lagoons" (Back to Top)
are wandering among the salt water lagoons on the west coast of Baja Califo 1/1892? #297## Word: "lagos" (Back to Top)
NEAR LAGOS, MX Pilot and 2 / airline(s)/airli 12/10/1957 #14702 nd UFO emitting rays of light near Lagos, Mexico in the state of Queretaro. 12/10/1957 #14705 observer(s). Cone-object 100M over lagos street. / O Seculo. 7/30/1965 #19207 girl, 12-year-old Monica Patricia Lagos also saw the bizarre incident, whi 11/9/1968 #24649 . on a highway in the state of Los Lagos, Chile a married couple had their 1/1/1973 #27210 an elderly man and a young boy in Lagos, Nigeria reported seeing a circula 8/25/2004 #44742## Word: "lagrange" (Back to Top)
LaGrange, FL A Navy gunnery and radar of 5/1946 #1987## Word: "lagrasse" (Back to Top)
LAGRASSE, FR Truckers / D3. Luminous UFO 10/4/1954 #10673 arzais were driving a truck betwem Lagrasse and Villemagne when they saw a 10/4/1954 #10692 rzais were driving a truck between Lagrasse and Villemagne and were near th 10/4/1954 #10701## Word: "lagrone" (Back to Top)
Texas Beaumont 8:00 p.m. Hiram C. LaGrone hears a disturbance among his ho 4/28/1897? #582 ws, hovers, then lands in a field. LaGrone walks up and discovers five men, 4/28/1897? #582## Word: "lags" (Back to Top)
ghts going south to Port Ormond. 1 lags behind.. 1/15/1954 #9489 from north to south. Suddenly one lags behind and dives toward the sea but 9/28/1967 #23144## Word: "laguepie" (Back to Top)
LAGUEPIE, FR Amateur astronomer. Odd too 8/23/1985 #37650## Word: "laguna" (Back to Top)
758 Manzanita Drive, Laguna Beach, California George Adamski, 1/1934 #1190 r of Tibet at 758 Manzanita Drive, Laguna Beach, California. The monastery 1/1934 #1190 Laguna Beach, California Long Beach Los 1/1936 #1242 or those attending his meetings in Laguna Beach, California. Besides Adamsk 1/1936 #1242 Laguna Beach, California George Adamski’ 9/10/1937 #1277 r of Tibet organizes a festival in Laguna Beach, California, dramatizing th 9/10/1937 #1277 Laguna Beach Valley Center, California P 3/1940 #1324 ervatory George Adamski moves from Laguna Beach to a property along the Sta 3/1940 #1324 Laguna Beach, California Air Craft warni Spring 1943 #1487 ht repeatedly flashing light SW of Laguna, P-38 dispatched, flashing stoppe Spring 1943 #1487 LAGUNA BEACH, CA 2 / roof. Hemisphere go 7/29/1952 #7299 Laguna, CA (McDonald list) Radar Ops Tra 12/17/1955 #12614 LAGUNA BEACH, CA Chemist. White ovoid go 2/16/1960 #16177 Laguna Beach, CA Retired chemical manufa 2/16/1960 #16178 LAGUNA PAIVA, ARG 2 women. Saucer north 6/24/1968 #24074 orres was awakened at 1:10 a.m. in Laguna Raiva, Santa Fe, Argentina by an 6/24/1968 #24076 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Laguna” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT 6/23/1971 #26186 nejo, Guerrero, Mexico Mexico City Laguna de Tequesquitengo in Jojutla, Mor 5/3/1975 #30026 ut 15,000 feet. While passing over Laguna de Tequesquitengo in Jojutla, Mor 5/3/1975 #30026 rollers. 4 unidentified blips near Laguna peak. Move 5mi / 1 RADAR sweep. / 12/8/1977 #32744 Oxnard, California Laguna Peak 8:00 p.m. Air traffic contro 12/8/1977 #32750 ck 4 UFOs about 3–5 miles north of Laguna Peak. They watch the targets for 12/8/1977 #32750 LAGUNA CARTAGENA, PR Huge platform over 6/1986 (approximate) #37902 LAGUNA CARTAGENA, PR Red fireball sinks 5/30/1987 #38179 LAGUNA CARTAGENA, PR Huge cylinder/cylin 6/1/1987 #38184 d, heading in the direction of the Laguna Cartagena. One of the witnesses, 8/31/1990 #39708 ports of discs flying out over the Laguna Cartagena. Small footprints were 8/31/1990 #39708 LAGUNA PROVINCE PHILIPPINES Several town 4/3/1994 #41474 LAGUNA BEACH, CA 1 observer. Daytime dis 3/29/1995 #42121 was seen moving over the beach at Laguna Niguel, California toward the sou 5/11/2003 #44533 nture. Their destination was Mount Laguna, in the unincorporated area of Sa 9/16/2007 #45059## Word: "lagune" (Back to Top)
driving between Florianopolis and Lagune, Santa Catalina State, Brazil whe 5/17/1968 #23970## Word: "lagyna" (Back to Top)
iona Giannitsa, Larissa Ptolemaida Lagyna 6:00 p.m. Air traffic controllers 11/12/1981 #36220 iannitsa, Larissa, Ptolemaida, and Lagyna. 11/12/1981 #36220## Word: "lahaina" (Back to Top)
OFF LAHAINA, HI Blue Book unidentified. Subm 7/16/1952 #6833## Word: "laharmande" (Back to Top)
LAHARMANDE, FR D109. Car bathed / light. 11/22/1974 #29602## Word: "lahu" (Back to Top)
Lancang Lahu Autonomous County southern Yunnan, 1986 #37743 rough dangerous terrain in Lancang Lahu Autonomous County in southern Yunna 1986 #37743 signatures common to the isolated Lahu people of China and Thailand, but D 7/23/1992 #40530 Zhenyuan Yi, Hani and Lahu Autonomous County, southern Yunnan, 11/2006 #44979 a village in Zhenyuan Yi, Hani and Lahu Autonomous County, southern Yunnan, 11/2006 #44979## Word: "lai" (Back to Top)
e that sounded like Chinese, ‘liu, lai, loi.” Their mouths showed strong, r 11/1/1954 #11520 NORTH / CHU LAI, VIETN Silent silver object buzzes A 3/15/1967 (approximate) #21888## Word: "laibow" (Back to Top)
rg, Virginia, organized by Rima E. Laibow and Daniel Schneck. 2/1/1990 #39406## Word: "laid" (Back to Top)
tific review of the problem may be laid on.” However, he recommends that th 12/3/1952 #8366 most all Avro Canada employees are laid off, including those with the Speci 2/20/1959 #15596 taneously. Nine weapons are to be “laid down” on four targets in Leningrad 12/14/1960 #16533 , he asks how many bombs the SIOP “laid down” on that city. The reply: one 12/14/1960 #16533 ered around a small pile of stones laid in a circular heap, after 17 witnes 10/22/1967 #23291 ." To the side of the witness were laid 4 human cadavers, one a Negro's. A 5/4/1969 #25115 membered was being carried out and laid on the road beside his car. The UFO 9/22/1971 #26365 A man would had just been laid off work was attending a meeting of 6/12/1977 #32161 surprised when the animal suddenly laid down on the ground and began whinin 2/21/1979 #34441 . He was taken to another room and laid on a couch, a naked woman the enter 6/18/1979 #34618 n on a table, while an unknown man laid on another table nearby. Instrument 12/10/1979 #35068 t at around 6 a.m. He became sick, laid down, and died shortly thereafter. 8/26/1982 #36583 out touching them. Inside they are laid down and given a medical examinatio 8/15/1986 #37992 l. His only recollection was being laid face down on something hard, and ha 5/4/2009 #45217## Word: "laidler" (Back to Top)
lleville, Ontario 8:00 p.m. Sylvia Laidler and her daughter Darlene are dri 3/19/1977 #31917## Word: "laihia" (Back to Top)
LAIHIA, FINLAND Night light from north. 3/6/1977 #31863## Word: "laika" (Back to Top)
e USSR launches Sputnik 2 carrying Laika the dog. 11/3/1957 #14252 USSR Sputnik 2 launched. Laika = first dog in space. Alien dognap 11/4/1957 #14256## Word: "laila" (Back to Top)
, is walking his dog with his wife Laila in suburban Maryland when they see 9/2009 #45241 s and shoots between them, grazing Laila’s shoulder as it passes. Within se 9/2009 #45241 house. The dog does not notice it. Laila becomes lethargic the next day and 9/2009 #45241## Word: "laina" (Back to Top)
GIANITSA AND LAINA AND MORE/OTHERS, GRC Many observer 11/12/1981 #36217 lages of Kalokorio, Mihaniona, and Laina, as well as the cities of Gianitsa 11/12/1981 #36221## Word: "laindon" (Back to Top)
LAINDON, ESSEX 2+1 observer(s). Glowing 11/18/1976 #31556## Word: "laingsburg" (Back to Top)
Laingsburg, Michigan 9:00 a.m. The FBI c 7/19/2017 #45476 ted Nuclear Scientific business in Laingsburg, Michigan, in connection with 7/19/2017 #45476## Word: "laios" (Back to Top)
confirmed. Country: France Name: “laios” Yield: 150KT 7/25/1982 #36550## Word: "laissaud" (Back to Top)
LAISSAUD, SAVOIE Cylinder/cigar-shape / 1/6/1976 #30766 ottom flew slowly over the town of Laissaud, Savoie, France. It periodicall 1/6/1976 #30771## Word: "laithwaite" (Back to Top)
peed rotation based on the work of Laithwaite, Wallace, Kidd, McCabe, Strat 1/1998 #43483## Word: "laitkroh" (Back to Top)
LAITKROH AND DYMPEP, INDIA 25' saucer go 10/13/1967 #23231## Word: "laitre-ss-amance" (Back to Top)
LAITRE-SS-AMANCE TO/FROM LANEUVELOT, FR 12/15/1975 #30716## Word: "laiunch" (Back to Top)
sult of a Soviet ballistic missile laiunch from the Murmansk area. 10/1985 #37670## Word: "laize-la-ville" (Back to Top)
LAIZE-LA-VILLE, FR Boy / 15. Huge top-sa 11/20/1954 #11678## Word: "lajas" (Back to Top)
LA PARGUERA / LAJAS, PR Fisherman. Group / small human 7/1989 #38999 NEAR LAJAS, PR Guards. Small humanoids (or Gr 4/1990 #39505 LAJAS, PR Classic saucer teases F14 jet. 4/28/1992 #40434 ursuing a domed disc-shaped UFO in Lajas, Puerto Rico. The UFO would make m 4/28/1992 #40437## Word: "lajes" (Back to Top)
Lajes Air Base Terceira Azores Portugal 1/31/1968 #23715 rceira Azores Portugal Morning. At Lajes Air Base on Terceira in the Azores 1/31/1968 #23715 NEAR LAJES, BRZ Odd shadow / ground. 4 hours 8/24/1979 #34770 4 MILES SOUTH / LAJES, BRZ Woman nearly levitated / fire 8/1990 #39673 NEAR LAJES, BRZ Ovoid 5M overhead follows man 5/1991 #40052 SOUTH / LAJES, BRZ 1 observer. Night light nears 3/1992 #40341 SOUTH / LAJES, BRZ Farmer. Red ball / light on e 9/1992 #40600## Word: "lajoumard" (Back to Top)
Lajoumard, Haute-Vienne, France Twilight 3/1914 #897 armer is returning to his house at Lajoumard, Haute-Vienne, France, when he 3/1914 #897## Word: "lake" (Back to Top)
church in a village near Lake Zarobozero, Vologda Oblast, Russia 8/15/1663 #44 Zarobozero, Vologda Oblast, Russia Lake Zarobozero, Vologda Oblast, Russia 8/15/1663 #44 ered in a church in a village near Lake Zarobozero, Vologda Oblast, Russia, 8/15/1663 #44 and then head south following the lake, low over its surface. The fireball 8/15/1663 #44 r fireball reappears over the same lake. Moving from south to west, the obj 8/15/1663 #44 er than before, and stays over the lake for an hour and a half. Peasants in 8/15/1663 #44 t is too intense. The water of the lake is illuminated to a depth of 30 fee 8/15/1663 #44 ters in diameter, descended toward Lake Robozero, Bieloziero, Russia. Two b 8/15/1663 #45 ed onto fisherman in a boat on the lake. The water in the lake was illumina 8/15/1663 #45 boat on the lake. The water in the lake was illuminated to a depth of 30 fe 8/15/1663 #45 , master of the barque Lady of the Lake, is sailing in the North Atlantic 4 3/22/1870 #184 crew of the steamship Lady of the Lake sighted a gray object in the sky di 3/22/1870 #185 pider web occurs near the coast of Lake Michigan at Milwaukee, Green Bay, F Late 10/1881 #246 e webs seem to come from “over the lake” and fall from a great height. The Late 10/1881 #246 Lake Glasfjorden Arvika, Sweden 6:45 p.m 2/5/1883 #251 ika, Sweden 6:45 p.m. A witness at Lake Glasfjorden, near Arvika, Sweden, s 2/5/1883 #251 that its light is reflected in the lake. By this time, it has a distinct ta 2/5/1883 #251 A huge fireball flew over Lake Glasfjorden near Arvika, Sweden tow 2/5/1883 #252 esses see a huge flame at Highland Lake, near Winsted, Connecticut. The wat Early 9/1888 #285 light moves toward the head of the lake with great velocity. When it is wit Early 9/1888 #285 ball disappears. The waters of the lake remain disturbed for hours. Early 9/1888 #285 Blackwater Lake, British Columbia Skeena River, Bri 7/3/1896 #327 on traveling north near Blackwater Lake, British Columbia. The same day, a 7/3/1896 #327 Wilmington, Delaware Salt Lake City Cuba Early morning. Dairy farm 12/26/1896 #380 p Icarus that is sailing from Salt Lake City to Cuba. 12/26/1896 #380 avy motion going quickly west from lake. Red and green rotating lights. / r 4/10/1897 #422 venue South Minneapolis, Minnesota Lake Minnetonka 8:00 p.m. R. G. Adams an 4/11/1897 #432 next four hours, maneuvering above Lake Minnetonka and eventually receding 4/11/1897 #432 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Lake Michigan 9:00 p.m. An airship appro 4/11/1897 #433 Wisconsin, from the northeast over Lake Michigan and heads toward the south 4/11/1897 #433 LAKE ELMO, MN Figure with lantern search 4/13/1897 #451 Lake Elmo, Minnesota one mile west of La 4/13/1897 #454 e Elmo, Minnesota one mile west of Lake Elmo, Minnesota 11:15 p.m. Frederic 4/13/1897 #454 Jones are riding one mile west of Lake Elmo, Minnesota, when they notice a 4/13/1897 #454 learing looking for something near Lake Elmo, Minnesota. Nearby was a grayi 4/13/1897 #456 , of Detroit, when they saw on the lake what they thought was a ship, about 4/14/1897 #459 , of Detroit, when they saw on the lake what they thought was a ship, about 4/14/1897 #461 of the "Sea Wing", was fishing on Lake Erie near Cleveland, Ohio with S. H 4/14/1897 #474 rison Farm Fort Bend County, Texas Lake Charles, Louisiana Fort Worth, Texa 4/19/1897 #536 xas, is riding in the country near Lake Charles, Louisiana, when he sees an 4/19/1897 #536 Erie, Pennsylvania Lake Erie 11:00 p.m. Confectioner John S 4/21/1897 #552 flies silently and disappears over Lake Erie. 4/21/1897 #552 en-Rybolov, Primorsky Krai, Russia Lake Khanka Late evening. Observers in K 6/1/1899 #635 amboat Kazak Ussuriyskiy moored on Lake Khanka. It is seen for 20 minutes, 6/1/1899 #635 While playing along the shore of a lake near Vilppula [now Mänttä-Vilppula] Summer 1907 #695 ate [now Krasnoyarsk Krai], Russia Lake Baikal Eastern Siberian taiga 7:14 6/30/1908 #711 settlers in the hills northwest of Lake Baikal observe a column of bluish l 6/30/1908 #711 ighborhood of Bristol, Connecticut Lake Compounce Massachusetts About 6:00 7/25/1908 #715 a while, it stops and circles over Lake Compounce then changes course towar 7/25/1908 #715 ange machine on the surface of the lake. Two little men wearing square mask 8/1914 #907 Okanagan Lake, British Columbia Dusk. A hunter in Fall 1924 #1044 A hunter in a rowboat on Okanagan Lake, British Columbia, sees a faint blu Fall 1924 #1044 Salt Lake City (near), UT 11:00 PM. An air ma 9/1926 #1062 Salt Lake City, Utah 11:00 p.m. An Air Mail p Late 9/1926 #1064 off in his DH-4 biplane from Salt Lake City, Utah. The object is a 90-foot Late 9/1926 #1064 Qinghai Lake, Tibet Explorer Nicholas Roerich an 8/5/1927 #1077 caravan observe a UFO near Qinghai Lake, Tibet. “We all saw, in the directi 8/5/1927 #1077 Cobden, Ontario Muskrat Lake 1:00 a.m. J. Stewart Childerhose an 1/1/1931 #1120 g treetops on the shore of Muskrat Lake. Green and white lights twinkle on 1/1/1931 #1120 Tobin Lake, Saskatchewan Napawin For weeks, st Summer 1933 #1162 the sky are reported around Tobin Lake, Saskatchewan. Curious about the re Summer 1933 #1162 young men and a woman drive to the lake from Napawin. On their way they see Summer 1933 #1162 lake Fjosoken, Sorsele, Sweden After sun Late 11/1933 #1176 be an aircraft land on ice-covered lake Fjosoken, Sorsele, Sweden. It takes Late 11/1933 #1176 eden. It takes off and circles the lake for one hour, during which time it Late 11/1933 #1176 ects a powerful searchlight on the lake’s surface. However, local police in Late 11/1933 #1176 Keuka Lake western New York Around 5:00 a.m. M 8/9/1934 #1217 on M. Thompson is boating on Keuka Lake in western New York when he notices 8/9/1934 #1217 odd cloud on the west side of the lake. It is in the form of an elongated 8/9/1934 #1217 ts a fireball that arcs across the lake to the east and leaves a fiery trai 8/9/1934 #1217 Canal Zone Miraflores Lake, Panama Late evening. Mrs. E. P. Hi 1936 #1240 rom north to south near Miraflores Lake, Panama. Suddenly it halts and trav 1936 #1240 AYLMER LAKE, NWT Pilot / ground. Light aluminum 7/1936? #1246 Baker Dry Lake Mojave Desert, California The North 7/3/1941 #1368 gspan, is first flown at Baker Dry Lake in the Mojave Desert, California, b 7/3/1941 #1368 Impilahti, Karelia [now Russia] Lake Ladoga Evening. Jaakku Kivistö is s Late 7/1944 #1623 mpilahti, Karelia [now Russia], by Lake Ladoga. He notices a large object n Late 7/1944 #1623 ff quickly in the direction of the lake and vanishes. Late 7/1944 #1623 Bruce Peninsula Lake Huron Georgian Bay, Ontario 3:00 p. 11/29/1944 #1709 are on the Bruce Peninsula between Lake Huron and Georgian Bay, Ontario, wh 11/29/1944 #1709 n, they are lost to sight over the lake. 11/29/1944 #1709 Morganton, North Carolina Lake James 7:30 p.m. A shiny, tubular ob 6/1/1945 #1873 it vanishes in the mountains near Lake James, witnesses hear an explosion. 6/1/1945 #1873 lake Längelmävesi, Finland 5:00 a.m. Ilo 8/1945 #1911 Paasonen, staying in a sauna along lake Längelmävesi, Finland, wakes up and 8/1945 #1911 n in terror, its gaze fixed on the lake and a dark log-like object, 6 feet 8/1945 #1911 YESI, FINL 10M fireball going [to] lake toward(s) pier. Observer(s) hides. 8/28/1945 (approximate) #1928 Anima Nipissing Lake, Ontario While ice fishing at Anima 4/25/1946 #1984 ile ice fishing at Anima Nipissing Lake, Ontario, Don Cameron and his famil 4/25/1946 #1984 reenish-white daylight meteor by a lake at Guldsmedshyttan, northwest of Li 7/9/1946 #2035 s a long tail. It tumbles into the lake about 320 feet away. 7/9/1946 #2039 LAKE MJOSA, NORW 2+2 observer(s). 2 fast 7/18/1946 #2060 s). 2 fast low 8' cylinders dive / lake. Short wings flap! / r189p179. 7/18/1946 #2060 Lake Mjøsa in southeastern Norway Minnes 7/18/1946 #2062 Skaug and his son, who live along Lake Mjøsa in southeastern Norway, and h 7/18/1946 #2062 They fall simultaneously into the lake, throwing the water several feet in 7/18/1946 #2062 trees to sway. They fall into the lake about 1.2 miles from the western sh 7/18/1946 #2062 ight-foot long cylinders dove into Lake Mjosa, Norway. They had short wing 7/18/1946 #2064 r / no wind. Unseen object dives / lake. Big splash! 7/19/1946 #2067 KOLMJARV LAKE, SWD 2+2 observer(s). Humming. 2M c 7/19/1946 #2068 erver(s). Humming. 2M cone dives / lake backwards. 0 found. / r10p57. 7/19/1946 #2068 Lake Kattisträsket, Sweden Boden 11:30 a 7/19/1946 #2070 11, is fishing at the north end of Lake Kattisträsket, Sweden, when he hear 7/19/1946 #2070 e column of water rises out of the lake as if a mine has detonated. Militar 7/19/1946 #2070 rs from Boden investigate, but the lake is too muddy to send in a diver. Th 7/19/1946 #2070 Lake Kölmjärv, Sweden 11:45 a.m. Many wi 7/19/1946 #2071 e a gray, winged rocket crash into Lake Kölmjärv, Sweden, with a loud bang 7/19/1946 #2071 Lake Vassarajärvi Norrbotten County, Swe 7/19/1946 #2072 ing on the porch of their cabin on Lake Vassarajärvi in Norrbotten County, 7/19/1946 #2072 Lake Marmen Sunnanå, Sweden 3:40 p.m. In 7/19/1946 #2073 ating jetty at the northern end of Lake Marmen, near Sunnanå, Sweden. She h 7/19/1946 #2073 e-shaped object fell into Kolmjarv Lake, Sweden. An underwater search was a 7/19/1946 #2075 rg, Värmland, Sweden Norway Vänern lake 1:20 p.m. Engineer Tennlund sees a 7/24/1946 #2078 lund thinks it crashes into Vänern lake. 7/24/1946 #2078 US Highway 41 Lake Michigan Chicago, Illinois Day. Cha 8/1946 #2092 is driving on US Highway 41 along Lake Michigan north of Chicago, Illinois 8/1946 #2092 Europe Oslo, Norway Norway Sweden Lake near Oslo Admiral Henry Kent Hewitt 8/24/1946 #2155 Two “missiles” have fallen into a lake near Oslo, and the US Navy is “very 8/24/1946 #2155 shore of a lake in southern Sweden Two persons on t 10/21/1946 #2204 eden Two persons on the shore of a lake in southern Sweden hear a whistling 10/21/1946 #2204 all-shaped tip.” It falls into the lake and possibly explodes on impact. 10/21/1946 #2204 SALT LAKE CITY, UT Odd B-shaped object. 2 com 4/5/1947 #2259 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 2 / 10 th Ave. 2 metallic 6/25/1947 #2408 30 MI NORTHWEST / LAKE MEAD, NV F51 pilot Armstrong. 6 3' 6/28/1947 #2438 30 miles north of Lake Mead, Nevada 1:15 p.m. Lieut. Eric 6/28/1947 #2447 51 at 6,000 feet 30 miles north of Lake Mead, Nevada, sees a formation of 5 6/28/1947 #2447 s flying thirty miles northwest of Lake Mead, Nevada. This case was also in 6/28/1947 #2450 LAKE JACKSON, TX Mrs. Jacobs. Disk going 7/4/1947 #2617 LAKE CITY, WA 20+observer(s) / (seen thr 7/4/1947 #2620 HAUSER LAKE, ID Many / fireworks. Metal 30' dis 7/4/1947 #2624 12321 22nd Street NE, Lake City, Seattle, Washington 5:45 p.m. 7/4/1947 #2662 his home at 12321 22nd Street NE, Lake City, Seattle, Washington. The obje 7/4/1947 #2662 Hauser Lake, Idaho 7:00 p.m. George Aster and o 7/4/1947 #2664 George Aster and others at Hauser Lake, Idaho, watch a flying disc for 30 7/4/1947 #2664 the residential area of Greenwood Lake in north Seattle, Washington Mr. La 7/4/1947 #2677 saw the UFO, as did 21 more in the Lake City area of the city. One of the w 7/4/1947 #2677 city. One of the witnesses in the Lake City area took a photograph. 7/4/1947 #2677 LAKE LOTAWANA, MO Physician sailing. 7 s 7/6/1947 #2744 LAKE PONCHARTRAIN, LA 5 / boat. 3 shiny 7/6/1947 #2763 WEST / SALT LAKE CITY, UT 2 observer(s). 3 saucer no 7/6/1947 #2774 LAKE GENEVA TO/FROM BURLINGTON, WI 2 obs 7/6/1947 #2794 s going quickly east straight over lake. / r151+The New York Times (NYT.) 7/6/1947 #2800 h and fast toward the north across Lake Ponchartrain, Louisiana at 5:10 p.m 7/6/1947 #2822 / sky. All going quickly south. / Lake Co. Examiner 12 Jul. '47. 7/7/1947 #2854 LAKE BUCKEYE, FL 2+2 observer(s). 2 gold 7/7/1947 #2895 WEST / SALT LAKE CITY, UT Numerous observer(s). Huge 7/7/1947 #2904 ). Cluster / luminous saucers over Lake Cobbosseecontee. 7/7/1947 #2911 e Manchester, Maine Cobboseecontee Lake 9:30 p.m. Charles Crockett, 15, is 7/7/1947 #2941 on the north end of Cobboseecontee Lake. They are still visible when he arr 7/7/1947 #2941 ROGERS DRY LAKE, CA Project Bluebook Case #1. F51 p 7/8/1947 #2972 served by a captain in Rodgers Dry Lake. 7/8/1947 #3008 c AFB [now Edwards AFB] Rogers Dry Lake 9:30 a.m.–9:20 p.m. Five separate U 7/8/1947 #3014 an observation truck at Rogers Dry Lake and see a round, white aluminum-lik 7/8/1947 #3014 eously by a captain in Rodgers Dry Lake Bed. At the same time a student pil 7/8/1947 #3028 SOUTHEAST / LAKE KOSHKONING, WI Farmer. Chickens hid 7/9/1947 #3036 NORTHEAST / SALT LAKE CITY, UT 1 observer. Disk hovers 2 7/10/1947 #3081 er mountains. "Odd motion". / Salt Lake Tribune. 7/10/1947 #3081 SILVER LAKE, WA Lumberman. Silver ball purrs. R 7/12/1947 #3143 OVER UTAH LAKE, UT Private pilot. 6 silver disks f 7/12/1947 #3149 EKOLN LAKE, UPPLAND, SWEDEN Air Force man. Met 7/20/1947 #3204 CROW LAKE, ONT Saucers circle small lake in t 8/17/1947 #3340 ROW LAKE, ONT Saucers circle small lake in town. Photographs. Car malfuncti 8/17/1947 #3340 LAKE OSWEGO, OR Project Bluebook Case #5 9/3/1947 #3380 Lake Oswego, OR Housewife saw 12-15 roun 9/3/1947 #3381 Desolation Wilderness area west of Lake Tahoe, California Dale Edwards and 9/3/1947 #3384 Desolation Wilderness area west of Lake Tahoe, California, when one of them 9/3/1947 #3384 cylinder/cigar-shape 60M away over lake. 2nd cylinder/cigar-shape / W. sky. 10/1947 (approximate) #3433 fighter XP-86 flies from Muroc Dry Lake (now Edwards AFB), CA — led to the 10/1/1947 #3442 LAKE BASKUNCHAK, RS Pilot Apraksin chase 6/16/1948 (approximate) #3670 AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador Lake Erie in Erie, Pennsylvania USAF Maj Summer 1948 #3679 ughly parallel to the shoreline of Lake Erie in Erie, Pennsylvania. It sudd Summer 1948 #3679 Fielding Lake, WA Caramia. (McDonald list; FUFOR 7/9/1948 #3701 Fielding Lake, Alaska West-Northwest East-Southea 7/9/1948 #3704 nce Group, are fishing at Fielding Lake, Alaska, when they hear a loud roar 7/9/1948 #3704 INDIAN LAKE, OH 1 observer. Large silver sphere 8/29/1948 #3787 jects was observed crashing into a lake by Swedish Gen. Helge Jung and his 11/4/1948 #3868 l" cross the sky disappearing over lake Michigan (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 4/20/1949 #4095 SPRINGER LAKE, NM 2 observer(s). Many silver orbs 4/25/1949 #4106 Springer Lake, NM AFOSI Case 56; 00:50 - silvery 4/25/1949 #4107 - silvery spherical objects over a lake at high speed (NICAP: 01 - Distant 4/25/1949 #4107 Springer Lake Springer, New Mexico 6:30 a.m. A ma 4/25/1949 #4108 d a friend are fishing at Springer Lake, northwest of Springer, New Mexico, 4/25/1949 #4108 Moses Lake AFB Grant County International Airp 5/21/1949 #4200 . An F-82 is dispatched from Moses Lake AFB [now Grant County International 5/21/1949 #4200 ion radar station outside of Moses Lake, Washington by a US Air Force F-82 5/21/1949 #4201 terling State Park on the shore of Lake Erie in Michigan, Mr. D. Swarz was 7/3/1949 #4262 went south over the western end of Lake Erie and was gone in 11 seconds. 7/3/1949 #4262 SHOSHONE LAKE, WY 2 fishing. 8 metal saucers 300m 7/8/1949 #4264 . 8 metal saucers 300m over boat / lake. Absolute(ly) silent. 7/8/1949 #4264 s flew 300 meters over a boat in a lake at Yellowstone National Park in Wyo 7/8/1949 #4265 shed discs. AFB agents dragged the lake and didn’t find anything. https:// 8/17/1949 #4321 Marrowhode Lake, TN 6-12 dark objects shaped like 3 3/29/1950 #4761 Marrowbore Lake, Tennessee Witnesses: real estate s 3/29/1950 #4762 Glows. 25° elevation. 6mi out over Lake Michigan. Turns going quickly east. 5/13/1950 #4942 Steep Rock Lake, Canada In a story strangely simila 7/2/1950 #5038 come to rest on the surface of the lake. Ten figures, 1.20 m tall, dressed 7/2/1950 #5038 hief." They immersed a hose in the lake, then took off. Fishermen later rep 7/2/1950 #5038 ported a green moss forming on the lake. 7/2/1950 #5038 Sawbill Bay on Marmion Lake, western Ontario Scarborough, Ontar 7/2/1950 #5039 he shore of Sawbill Bay on Marmion Lake, western Ontario, an anonymous empl 7/2/1950 #5039 othing. They seem to be drawing in lake water with a hose. The object soon 7/2/1950 #5039 Steep Rock Lake, Ontario, Canada. A man and his wif 7/2/1950 #5040 come to rest on the surface of the lake. Ten figures, four feet tall, dress 7/2/1950 #5040 eader. They immersed a hose in the lake, apparently extracted water, and th 7/2/1950 #5040 eported a green moss formed on the lake. 7/2/1950 #5040 LAKE STOREY, IL 7+observer(s) / (seen th 8/6/1950 #5110 OVER LAKE CHAMPLAIN, VT "Rocket" comes south 12/13/1950 #5344 MI Extra moon speeds going down / Lake Michigan. Glows / surface then sink 12/16/1950 #5353 ed object landed on the surface of Lake Michigan near Grand Haven, Michigan 12/16/1950 #5354 BIG BEAR LAKE, CA Blue Book. Hillman and 3 / smal 1/14/1951 #5396 Big Bear Lake, CA Pilot Sees 150' Circular Object 1/14/1951 #5398 lying in an airplane over Big Bear Lake, California saw three circular or d 1/14/1951 #5399 , for testing in the US onto a dry lake bed known as Frenchman Flat, inside 1/27/1951 #5419 RAINY LAKE, MN 50 observer(s). Crystal ball ma 5/22/1951 #5514 uge grey saucer covers end / Moira Lake. Shoots off faster / jet. 7/1951 #5554 SILVER LAKE, MI Astronomer Webb and many. Night 8/3/1951 #5593 Camp Big Silver Silver Lake southern Michigan Pinckney 11:00 p. 8/3/1951 #5595 Big Silver on the shore of Silver Lake in southern Michigan, 3 miles south 8/3/1951 #5595 ounty International Airport] Moses Lake, Washington 8:28 p.m. A radar stati 8/26/1951 #5631 International Airport], near Moses Lake, Washington, tracks a UFO at 13,000 8/26/1951 #5631 OVER LAKE SUPERIOR, MI Captain and crew / shi 11/7/1951 #5769 Lake Superior, MI Steamship Captain and 11/7/1951 #5770 Ontario Lake Superior Evening. A steamship capta 11/7/1951 #5771 rtholes” speed toward Ontario over Lake Superior. 11/7/1951 #5771 er Base, adjacent to Barksdale AFB Lake Mead Base, adjacent to Nellis AFB M 2/22/1952 #5920 AFB near Bossier City, Louisiana; Lake Mead Base, adjacent to Nellis AFB, 2/22/1952 #5920 GMX SOUTH / LAKE CHARLES, LA Steamship Esso Bermuda. 4/1/1952 #6012 Lake Mead, NV A man observed a UFO. It w 4/2/1952 #6015 Lake Mead, Nevada 9:00 a.m. While on a f 4/2/1952 #6017 00 a.m. While on a fishing trip to Lake Mead, Nevada, with his wife and M/S 4/2/1952 #6017 LAKE TANWAX, WA Loud humming. 20 dark sa 4/28/1952 #6205 MOSES LAKE, WA 2 Atomic Energy Commission (AEC 5/1/1952 #6230 Moses Lake, WA Civilian AEC employees observed 5/1/1952 #6236 Moses Lake, Washington Witnesses: Two Atomic 5/1/1952 #6239 a silver, wingless object at Moses Lake, Washington for 90 seconds. 5/1/1952 #6246 WALNUT LAKE, MI Project Bluebook Case #1227. Ho 5/25/1952 #6354 Walnut Lake, MI Large white circular object hav 5/25/1952 #6358 Walnut Lake, Michigan Witnesses: seven persons, 5/25/1952 #6360 Soap Lake, WA 3 glimmering objects fly straig 6/1/1952 #6412 Soap Lake, Washington Witness: Ray Lottman. 6/1/1952 #6415 Soap Lake, Washington. Sometime after three o 6/1/1952 #6421 WALNUT LAKE, MI Project Bluebook Case #1305. So 6/18/1952 #6535 Walnut Lake, MI Orange light zigzag then hover 6/18/1952 #6537 Walnut Lake, Michigan Witnesses: Marron Hoffman 6/18/1952 #6540 LAKE KOSHKONONG, WI Project Bluebook Cas 6/28/1952 #6651 Lake Kishkonoug, WI Silver-white sphere 6/28/1952 #6654 Lake Kishkanoug, Wisconsin Witness: G. 6/28/1952 #6657 te sphere was observed flying over Lake Koshkonong, Wisconsin. It made a 18 6/28/1952 #6661 ally in the air by some woods near Lake Caluso in the Piemonte region of It 6/28/1952 #6662 LAKE ERIE EAST / SANDUSKY, OH Private pi 7/17/1952 #6851 ot for United Airlines flying over Lake Erie near Sandusky, Ohio saw a sauc 7/17/1952 #6872 STEWART LAKE, YKN Waco pilot. 2 metallic disks o 7/19/1952 #6915 c disks oscillate/oscillation over lake. Altitude = 900M / Msl. Going quick 7/19/1952 #6915 BELUGA LAKE WITH ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK B 7/21/1952 #6967 Beluga Lake, AK Aircraft Has Radar Contact But 7/21/1952 #6976 SALT LAKE CITY, UT Numerous separate observer 7/26/1952 #7151 SALT LAKE CITY, UT Newmen and many. "Saucer" 7/29/1952 #7291 LIBERTY LAKE, WA UFO hovers / 30K' altitude / 60 7/30/1952 #7345 LAKE CHARLES, LA 2 USAF men. Red ball wi 8/2/1952 #7415 Lake Charles, LA Red ball with blue flam 8/2/1952 #7420 Lake Charles, Louisiana Witnesses: USAF 8/2/1952 #7423 Lake Charles, Louisiana Prescott, Arizon 8/2/1952 #7424 flame fly straight and level over Lake Charles, Louisiana. (Sparks, p. 165 8/2/1952 #7424 ght and level for 3-4 seconds over Lake Charles, Louisiana. 8/2/1952 #7425 VALLEY VIEW, TX 3 fishing / lake. Wingless going / arc. Speeds great 8/5/1952 #7459 Lake Charles AFB, LA Disc-shaped object 8/9/1952 #7523 Lake Charles, Louisiana Witness: USAF A/ 8/9/1952 #7524 Lake Charles Air Force Station Lake Char 8/9/1952 #7525 Lake Charles Air Force Station Lake Charles, Louisiana 1:45 a.m. A/3C J 8/9/1952 #7525 eph F. Raley is walking to work at Lake Charles Air Force Station [now clos 8/9/1952 #7525 Air Force Station [now closed] in Lake Charles, Louisiana, when he observe 8/9/1952 #7525 LAKE CHARLES, LA Several observer(s). Ye 8/14/1952 #7590 Lake Charles, Louisiana Mathieson chemic 8/14/1952 #7595 er the Mathieson chemical plant in Lake Charles, Louisiana. It is also seen 8/14/1952 #7595 DIAMOND LAKE, MI 20+observer(s). Saucer with odd 8/15/1952 #7605 le(s) southeast / Air Force Base = Lake Clarendon. 8/20/1952 #7655 (s). 2 1M disks / light circle mud lake. Away and back. Circle some more.. 8/21/1952 #7667 ). Flying saucer dives into Seneca Lake. 10' splash. / r106p250. 8/26/1952 #7737 York a "flying saucer" dove into a lake, splashing water eight to ten feet 8/26/1952 #7745 LAKE CHARLES, LA 2 observer(s). Saucer h 8/29/1952 #7777 Lake Charles AFB, LA Bright star-like li 9/6/1952 #7865 Lake Charles AFB, Louisiana Witnesses: 9/6/1952 #7866 Wilson and two enlisted men at the Lake Charles AFB in Louisiana sighted a 9/6/1952 #7869 WHITE LAKE, SDAK Project Bluebook Case #2089. 9/14/1952 #7922 White Lake, SD Red, cigar-shaped object, with 9/14/1952 #7929 White Lake, South Dakota Witness: Ground Obser 9/14/1952 #7935 White Lake, South Dakota. At 7:00 p.m. L.W. Ba 9/14/1952 #7945 Gander Lake, CAN Bright white light, which refl 9/23/1952 #8012 hite light, which reflected on the lake (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 9/23/1952 #8012 Gander Lake, Newfoundland, Canada Witnesses: P 9/23/1952 #8013 hite light, which reflected on the lake, flew straight and level at 100 m.p 9/23/1952 #8013 Gander Lake, Newfoundland, Canada. No time give 9/23/1952 #8015 hite light, which reflected on the lake. It flew straight and level at 100 9/23/1952 #8015 Edwards AFB Rogers Dry Lake Southern California 10:30 a.m. A No 9/30/1952 #8070 some tests. They are at Rogers Dry Lake when a B-29 passes overhead. Camera 9/30/1952 #8070 Moses Lake AFB Grant County International Airp 12/10/1952 #8409 r of an F-94 patrolling from Moses Lake AFB [now the Grant County Internati 12/10/1952 #8409 Moses Lake (Larson AFB), WA Hat-shaped glowing 12/22/1952 #8441 County International Airport Moses Lake, Washington 7:30 p.m. An instrument 12/22/1952 #8443 International Airport] near Moses Lake, Washington, stops his car to watch 12/22/1952 #8443 Moses Lake (Larson AFB), WA Green disc shaped 1/8/1953 #8513 unty International Airport], Moses Lake, Washington Ephrata, Washington 7:1 1/8/1953 #8515 unty International Airport], Moses Lake, Washington, all on the ground, see 1/8/1953 #8515 50' glowing-saucer 1.25mi out over Lake Erie going quickly west. Bright and 2/22/1953 #8693 NEAR SKILAK LAKE, AK 4+observer(s). Huge saucer over 3/14/1953 #8748 at least four observers at Skilak Lake, Anchorage, Alaska over the Kenai M 3/14/1953 #8755 Nevada Test Site Area 4 Papoose Lake, Nevada The Upshot-Knothole Nancy n 3/24/1953 #8782 including those grazing at Papoose Lake, Nevada. Sixteen horses and numerou 3/24/1953 #8782 Calumet, MI 7:19 PM (CST): Lake Superior area (McDonald list) (NICA 4/19/1953 #8837 Shirley's Bay, off Lake Manitou, Ontario Wilbert B. Smith c 8/1953 #9034 rs” in a hut at Shirley’s Bay, off Lake Manitou, Ontario. Equipment include 8/1953 #9034 LAKE SALEM, VT 3 fishing. 3 silver globe 8/15/1953 (approximate) #9070 UNION LAKE, MICH 2 observer(s). Blue-green haz 10/31/1953 #9265 om behind a hill, oscillate over a lake, follow their car, and stop ahead o 11/1953 #9269 behind a hill, swing out over the lake, and move back to the road, circlin 11/1953 #9271 PT, MI RADAR's. F89 joins UFO over lake. Both gone / no trace. / r173p13. 11/23/1953 #9316 Lake Superior Kinross AFB Chippewa Count 11/23/1953 #9318 nown object moving at 500 mph over Lake Superior. An F-89C Scorpion interce 11/23/1953 #9318 at 6:41 p.m. to pursue a UFO over Lake Michigan and the Upper Pennisula of 11/23/1953 #9319 eting was to be held at “Muroc Dry Lake” (Edwards AFB), but it was held som 12/1953 #9326 ). Brown pie-plate going east over Lake Erie shore. Formal report / Ground 12/8/1953 (approximate) #9348 GIPPSLAND LAKE, VCT 3 / boat. Wingless DC3-size he 1/7/1954 #9458 LAKE TIMISKAMING, ONT 3 observer(s). Sin 1/8/1954 #9465 ntry” will be meeting at Muroc Dry Lake concerning the custody of several b 1/24/1954 #9496 Old Man of Coniston Lake District, England Dow Crag US Morni 2/15/1954 #9549 Old Man of Coniston, a fell in the Lake District, England, armed with a Kod 2/15/1954 #9549 Hecla Island Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba 4:25 p.m. Two co 3/18/1954 #9629 icers stationed on Hecla Island in Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba, are driving the 3/18/1954 #9629 their snowmobile across the frozen lake when they see a slim silver object 3/18/1954 #9629 WEST / DRUMMOND LAKE, VA F6F pilot. 2 saucers / 3500' al 4/7/1954 #9668 #2962. 3 observer(s). Saucer skims lake. Hovers. Small humanoid (or Grey) d 4/8/1954 #9674 . Sheridan Road, Chicago, Illinois Lake Michigan 4:30–5:00 p.m. Lelah H. St 4/8/1954 #9677 m back and forth over the water of Lake Michigan. Stoker calls the Coast Gu 4/8/1954 #9677 e object which moves back over the lake then takes off at high speed to the 4/8/1954 #9677 humanoid suspended beneath it over Lake Michigan at 4:30 p.m. It skimmed ab 4/8/1954 #9678 t skimmed above the surface of the lake in all directions. She called in an 4/8/1954 #9678 l was 25-30 miles northwest over a lake where they saw a metallic saucer cr 4/12/1954 #9685 INDIAN LAKE, OH Project Bluebook Case #3072. Pr 6/25/1954 #9943 Indian Lake, OH Navion Encounters Flat-Bottomed 6/25/1954 #9945 Indian Lake, Ohio Witnesses: experienced privat 6/25/1954 #9946 ted by a private pilot over Indian Lake, Ohio at 4:05 p.m. Jets were seen p 6/25/1954 #9948 SALT LAKE CITY, UT Hundreds watch 2 orange-re 6/30/1954 #9963 OH Black cylinder scoots just over Lake Erie. Length = 12X diameter. 7/25/1954 #10047 on U.S.-Canadian border in western Lake Erie Witness: attorney L.B. Tussin 7/25/1954 #10051 oved fast along the surface of the lake. 7/25/1954 #10051 on U.S.-Canadian border in western Lake Erie. At 7:12 p.m. L.B. Tussing, an 7/25/1954 #10053 ing fast across the surface of the lake. 7/25/1954 #10053 LAKE MCILWAINE, RHOD 2 / plane. Flat-gre 7/26/1954 #10054 BUCK LAKE, MN 2 / boat. 20M flat disk exits w 8/1954 (approximate) #10080 bserver(s). Saucer going [to] over lake. Going quickly [to] RCAF base. 6 co 8/30/1954 #10206 ant, circular object flying across Lake Nipissing toward the Royal Canadian 8/30/1954 #10209 lliant, circular object fly across Lake Nipissing toward the Royal Canadian 8/30/1954 #10210 KIRKLAND LAKE, ONT Cop sees shiny ovoid go slowly 8/31/1954 #10211 12:25 a.m. in the town of Kirkland Lake, Ontario Police Constable Grabovski 8/31/1954 #10221 g car-size rectangular box crosses lake going quickly [to] trees. 9/18/1954 #10339 Montreal, Quebec Lake Champlain 9:20 a.m. An RCAF test pi 10/1/1954 #10565 ontrail high over the north end of Lake Champlain. He climbs to 51,000 feet 10/1/1954 #10565 oss D437. Ovoid going up [to] over lake. / r217p210. 10/18/1954 #11204 Saint-Point Lake, France Miss Bourriot saw a bright 10/18/1954 #11211 he craft took off, flying over the lake at high speed. 10/18/1954 #11211 7 near an old factory in St.-Point Lake, Le Vezenay, Doubs, France. She was 10/18/1954 #11223 he craft took off, flying over the lake at a high speed. Small footprints w 10/18/1954 #11223 le row / portholes hovers low over Lake Erie. Going quickly west. / r138#10 12/5/1954 #11762 as UFO observed hovering low over Lake Erie (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 12/5/1954 #11763 low. Going quickly north toward(s) lake. / r107p259. 12/26/1954 #11861 Willis St.-Jean Agaunico Mine Lake Timiskaming Cobalt, Ontario North B 12/26/1954 #11863 the Agaunico Mine on the shore of Lake Timiskaming northeast of Cobalt, On 12/26/1954 #11863 and at one point it flies over the lake, illuminating the surface. It disap 12/26/1954 #11863 Groom Lake, NV The site for Area 51 was select 1955 #11889 Groom Lake, Nevada Yucca Flat A secure test si Early 1955 #11901 ect Johnson’s proposed Site I (Mud Lake?) because it is too close to popula Early 1955 #11901 just off the eastern side of Groom Lake, Nevada, just outside the AEC nucle Early 1955 #11901 aped formation of lights flew over Lake Harris, Florida at 8:50 p.m. They w 3/14/1955 #12048 Groom Lake area in Nevada Washington, D.C. U-2 4/1955 #12077 esidential action adding the Groom Lake area in Nevada to the AEC proving g 4/1955 #12077 Groom Lake, Nevada southwest corner of the lak 5/4/1955 #12117 bed A survey team arrives at Groom Lake, Nevada, and lays out a 5,000-foot 5/4/1955 #12117 Groom Lake News release from AEC announcing “p 5/18/1955 #12140 to a small installation near Groom Lake (now known as Area 51). 5/18/1955 #12140 Groom Lake base in Nevada Area 51 Construction 7/1955 #12225 Area 51 Construction of the Groom Lake base in Nevada is completed and the 7/1955 #12225 China Lake, CA (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Di 7/1/1955 #12228 CHINA LAKE NAS, CA 3 military observer(s) and 7/11/1955 #12250 China Lake, CA Round reddish-orange light chan 7/11/1955 #12251 0' saucer going quickly south over Lake Erie. Suddenly shoots going up [to] 7/13/1955 #12257 OTTER TAIL LAKE, MN 2 / boat and several. Ovoid / w 7/14/1955 #12260 Groom Lake “Ranch” in Nebada Burbank, Californ 7/24/1955 #12283 eed’s offices in Burbank The Groom Lake “Ranch” in Nebada receives it first 7/24/1955 #12283 Lake Ontario beach in St. Catharines, On Late 7/1955 #12285 d two children are picnicking on a Lake Ontario beach in St. Catharines, On Late 7/1955 #12285 rigid. The object shoots over the lake, ascends rapidly, and disappears. Late 7/1955 #12285 Lake Ronkonkoma Long Island, New York 8: 7/29/1955 #12302 star” in the vicinity of Saturn at Lake Ronkonkoma on Long Island, New York 7/29/1955 #12302 R NIAGARA FALLS, NY Saucer rises / Lake Erie. Buzzes 2 families. Cars inope 7/30/1955 #12306 Groom Lake, Nevada The first test flight of th 8/1/1955 #12316 Lockheed U-2 takes place at Groom Lake, Nevada. During a high-speed-taxi t 8/1/1955 #12316 NEAR MOON LAKE, NE 3 farm families. Bright moon-si 8/9/1955 #12343 red low near the horizon near Moon Lake, Nebraska for two hours. Nocturnal 8/9/1955 #12344 playfully flit about / sky north / Lake Gertrude. To and fro going up and d 8/12/1955 #12356 d 40 feet above the surface of the lake. It is completely silent and looks 8/20/1955 #12379 At 10:45 p.m. two men on a lake in Kenora, Ontario, Canada saw a sa 8/20/1955 #12380 Groom Lake, Nevada Pacific Ocean Test pilot Ra 9/8/1955 #12438 00 feet in a Lockheed U-2 at Groom Lake, Nevada, a feat not revealed until 9/8/1955 #12438 US RESERVOIR, NY 5M saucer rises / lake 2'. Dives. Trails boat. Away very f 9/17/1955 #12458 LAKE CITY, TN Project Bluebook Case #386 11/20/1955 #12576 Lake City, TN 2 oblong, bright orange, s 11/20/1955 #12577 Lake City, Tennessee Witnesses: Operatio 11/20/1955 #12578 Lake City [now Rocky Top], Tennessee 5:2 11/20/1955 #12579 ard and away from each other, over Lake City [now Rocky Top], Tennessee. 11/20/1955 #12579 SPIRIT LAKE, IA Ground Observer Corps (GOC). Br 11/23/1955 #12587 s (GOC). Brilliant object hovers / lake. Maneuvers. Going quickly southwest 11/23/1955 #12587 Spirit Lake, IA Ground Observer Corps spotters 11/23/1955 #12588 Caddo Lake, LA B-47 Tracks Oblong Object (NICA 12/13/1955 #12610 lake Ozero Blagodati, Primorsky Krai, Ru 1956 #12637 , Russia Sea of Japan Fishermen at lake Ozero Blagodati, Primorsky Krai, Ru 1956 #12637 Mountain from the eastern shore of Lake George. It was silent. 5/17/1956 #12856 ange glowing-sphere/orb/globe over Lake Champlain. Back 01 SEPT66. / r140#2 8/15/1956 #13086 town. Then disappears into Harvey Lake! 10/29/1956 #13296 RNEO Saucer with fiery rim lands / lake. Smoke and noise and foul odor / ta 12/1956 #13375 FOREST LAKE, MN 4+observer(s). Glowing-ovoid ma 12/2/1956 #13383 somewhat higher altitude in Forest Lake, Minnesota. The witness, Mr. Moffet 12/2/1956 #13385 Lake Titicaca, Peru Arizona Metaphysical 1957 #13430 built an underground city beneath Lake Titicaca, Peru. Migrants from the “ 1957 #13430 Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela Agriculturist 3/23/1957 #13557 tches a glowing object plunge into Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela. No planes are 3/23/1957 #13557 es are missing. Officials drag the lake but find nothing. 3/23/1957 #13557 LAKE ISABELLA, CA 1 observer / lonely ro 5/10/1957 #13650 while driving along the highway in Lake Isabella, California at dusk. The w 5/10/1957 #13654 CHINA LAKE, CA 16 white hemispheres maneuver. 5/14/1957? #13660 EAGLE LAKE, TX 2 / Cessna 172. Strange object 7/17/1957 #13804 Groom Lake, Nevada A Douglas Aircraft Company 7/28/1957 #13848 n the former U-2 airstrip at Groom Lake, Nevada. He claims he has been on a 7/28/1957 #13848 M saucer glows and hovers 15M over lake. Maneuvers. 8/13/1957 #13886 SPRING LAKE, NJ Wingless DC3 fuselage follows c 8/30/1957 #13946 meda [now closed], California Salt Lake City Airport 4:00 a.m. A huge fireb 10/10/1957 #14094 orris reports the incident to Salt Lake City Airport. 10/10/1957 #14094 SCHROON LAKE AND PLATTSBURGH, NY Many separate o 11/6/1957 #14374 LAKE BASKATONG, QB Radio hams. Sphere be 11/6/1957 #14385 Lake County, OH Unbearably bright round 11/6/1957 #14398 Lake County, Ohio A civilian source repo 11/6/1957 #14412 Baskatong Lake, Canada 180 km north of Ottawa Jacq 11/6/1957 #14416 A man in Lake County, Ohio reported to the U.S. A 11/6/1957 #14435 At 9:00 p.m. near Baskatong Lake, Quebec 180 km north of Ottawa Jacq 11/6/1957 #14440 LAKE CHARLES, LA 5M silver saucer hovers 11/7/1957 #14445 Ovoid over road. Dives and circles lake / slow / low altitude. Follows coas 11/7/1957 #14453 Lake Charles, LA Silvery disc hovered, c 11/7/1957 #14456 igar-shape with portholes lands by lake. Figure(s) move outside. / r141#2p4 11/8/1957 #14472 LAKE CITY, MO Ammunition dump. Car malfu 11/9/1957 #14495 Lake City, MO Man saw object 50 ft long. 11/9/1957 #14502 Lake City, Missouri A civilian driving h 11/9/1957 #14504 driving his car home from work in Lake City, Missouri observed a hovering 11/9/1957 #14508 Tokyo, Japan Lake Imba-numa 5:55 p.m. Wilfred S. Hard 11/10/1957 #14524 bject with lighted portholes above Lake Imba-numa 10 miles away. He estimat 11/10/1957 #14524 g. The object lights up the entire lake, then disappears to the south 10 se 11/10/1957 #14524 SILVER LAKE, OH Brilliant cone / lawn. Many sma 12/1/1957 #14656 SR17 NORTH / SOAP LAKE, WA 2 cars stall. Lights fail. Dome 12/8/1957 #14688 Coulee City Soap Lake, Washington Highway 17 9:00 p.m. Ei 12/8/1957 #14692 ay 17 between Coulee City and Soap Lake, Washington, see a huge, fiery obje 12/8/1957 #14692 eling between Coulee City and Soap Lake, Washington died when a huge, fiery 12/8/1957 #14697 Lake City AFS, TN (McDonald list) FPS-10 12/11/1957 #14710 ABROSIA LAKE, NM Guards / uranium mine. Blinding 4/22/1958 #14998 RCAF Station Cold Lake, Alberta Victoria, British Columbia 5/13/1958 #15031 C-3 is flying to RCAF Station Cold Lake, Alberta, from Victoria, British Co 5/13/1958 #15031 Their VHF communications with Cold Lake and Calgary suddenly cease working. 5/13/1958 #15031 I An object hit water of a private lake making a circle 10 ft across w/foam 6/20/1958 #15102 Crystal Lake, IL Pilot saw a white disc the size 6/20/1958 #15103 GREENWOOD LAKE, NY 3 observer(s). Domed saucer til 7/14/1958 #15141 A pilot flying over Crystal Lake in Chicago, Illinois at 5:07 p.m. s 7/20/1958 #15151 tilts and follows terrain. Stops / lake / 5 minute(s). Extremely fast. 7/30/1958 (approximate) #15160 LAKE PLACID, NY 3 observer(s). Metallic 8/1958 #15164 CHAUTAUQUA LAKE, NY Engineering Professor. Circle / 8/11/1958 #15188 Chautauqua Lake, NY Engineering professor observed 8/11/1958 #15190 ing objects passed over Chautauqua Lake, New York beginning at around nine 8/11/1958 #15194 LAKE LEMAN, SWZ Silent 10M saucer going 8/16/1958 #15201 lent 10M saucer going down / 15M / lake. Windows / dome. Spins and jumps. / 8/16/1958 #15201 Leman Lake, Switzerland A dozen people out on 8/16/1958 #15202 tzerland A dozen people out on the lake in perfect weather saw a bright lig 8/16/1958 #15202 Lake Geneva, Switzerland Around 5:00 p.m 8/16/1958 #15203 round 5:00 p.m. Several persons on Lake Geneva, Switzerland, watch a bright 8/16/1958 #15203 A dozen people were out on Leman Lake in Switzerland in perfect weather a 8/16/1958 #15204 right light coming down toward the lake. They stopped their boat as it came 8/16/1958 #15204 SHEFFIELD LAKE, OH Separate observer(s). 6M saucer 9/21/1958 #15272 Sheffield Lake, OH Woman inside her house saw a ci 9/21/1958 #15273 Sheffield Lake, Ohio A circular, flat object, 7 m 9/21/1958 #15274 Sheffield Lake, Ohio 3:00 a.m. Mrs. William H. Fit 9/21/1958 #15276 William H. Fitzgerald of Sheffield Lake, Ohio, sees through her east-facing 9/21/1958 #15276 ters above the ground in Sheffield Lake, Ohio. It made a sound like a jet a 9/21/1958 #15277 EAGLE LAKE, CA Hunters / camper. Psi effects? 9/27/1958 #15283 Y, MA Repeater. Flat disk hovers / Lake Attitash. Hums. / Haverhill Gazette 10/7/1958 #15323 hovers / 90 minutes. Going down / Lake Ontario. / r44p226+/ r24 v1#6. 10/13/1958 #15341 back and forth for 90 minutes new Lake Elsinore, California. The observers 12/1/1958 #15467 Pymatuning Lake, PA Truck motor, lights and radio f 1/13/1959 #15548 Hartstown Road Pymatuning Lake, Pennsylvania 7:00 a.m. Robert Coll 1/13/1959 #15549 n Hartstown Road across Pymatuning Lake, Pennsylvania, when he sees a brigh 1/13/1959 #15549 Stigsjö, Sweden Lake Länsjön Eight people see a UFO over 1/18/1959? #15555 roaches slowly from the south over Lake Länsjön at a height of 900 feet. It 1/18/1959? #15555 glowing-ring going northeast over Lake Langsjoen. / r26p138. 1/20/1959 #15556 d in a swampy area of Charles Mill Lake, Ohio. It appeared to be armless an 3/28/1959 #15677 riving between Windom and Mountain Lake at 9:15 p.m. 6/2/1959 #15755 , CA Electronics mechanic at China Lake U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station s 7/12/1959 #15836 Two women at a lake near Ogden Dunes, Indiana saw a glo 8/13/1959 #15915 and maneuvered 15 meters over the lake for two minutes. 8/13/1959 #15915 ere sleeping in a station wagon at Lake Bonita, New Mexico. At around three 8/20/1959 #15932 BALLSTON LAKE, NY Several observer(s). Large glow 9/3/1959 #15953 heir reports of the object to Salt Lake City were intercepted by the McCarr 1/3/1960 #16149 REY Grey ovoid hovers / Broadwater Lake / tree height. Going west. / r8#507 5/25/1960 #16300 ing at tree height over Broadwater Lake for 18 min. Then it left toward the 5/25/1960 #16301 ing at tree height over Broadwater Lake in Chinthurst Hill, England for 18 5/25/1960 #16302 Clan Lake, Northwest Territories 6:20 p.m. Jo 6/22/1960 #16315 Person is setting up camp at Clan Lake, Northwest Territories, on a prospe 6/22/1960 #16315 ounces and hits the surface of the lake about 1,700 feet behind him. Person 6/22/1960 #16315 eces. They use a pole to probe the lake bottom and find a channel that is o 6/22/1960 #16315 r, RCMP Cpl. Matheson flies to the lake in a seaplane on July 19 and August 6/22/1960 #16315 strange flying object struck Clan Lake, which is located some 30 miles nor 6/22/1960 #16316 nt over to the shallow spot in the lake where the object hit the water. The 6/22/1960 #16316 eir paddles where the floor of the lake was very much disturbed and muddy, 6/22/1960 #16316 e feet deeper than the surrounding lake proper. The object looked to be abo 6/22/1960 #16316 Groom Lake in Nevada Groom Lake in Nevada rece 9/1960 #16427 Groom Lake in Nevada Groom Lake in Nevada receives the name “Area 5 9/1960 #16427 rchimedean spiral on Area 51’s dry lake approximately two miles across so t 10/1960 #16472 feet deep on the bank of a frozen lake in Karelia, Russia. It had not been 2/1961 #16593 g black pellets on the edge of the lake. Divers discover a 330- foot strip 2/1961 #16593 n displaced along the floor of the lake, as if something slid along the gro 2/1961 #16593 father and son were camping near a lake at Bowna Hume Weir, New South Wales 3/3/1961 #16620 LAKE ONEGA, RUSSIA UFO breaks dirt and i 4/27/1961 #16663 A UFO breaks dirt and ice / frozen lake. Furrows / lakebed. Crud and odd fr 4/27/1961 #16663 the size of a jetliner, landed on Lake Onega in Karelia, Russia and broke 4/27/1961 #16664 feet long and 10 feet deep in the lake bed. There was a great deal of dist 4/27/1961 #16664 Korb Lake, Leningrad, Russia Traces of a cras 4/28/1961 #16665 k. Noisy 4' saucer going [to] over lake. Fades from view and quiets! 5/1961 #16670 Salt Lake City, UT Disc-shaped UFO maneuvered 10/2/1961 #16887 r the Utah Central Airport in Salt Lake City, Utah at noon. It was seen aga 10/2/1961 #16890 TA, VNZ Large UFO going south over lake. Fishermen dive. 1 drowns. / r47p71 10/6/1961 #16897 0M and object going down [to] into Lake Superior. Floats. Going up [to] and 10/14/1961 #16908 Two Harbors, Minnesota Lake Superior Lake County 5:00 p.m. Mrs. 10/14/1961 #16910 o Harbors, Minnesota Lake Superior Lake County 5:00 p.m. Mrs. Erwin Riley, 10/14/1961 #16910 rge object slide into the water of Lake Superior about one mile from shore 10/14/1961 #16910 make out what it is. At dusk, the Lake County Sheriff responds to their ca 10/14/1961 #16910 an’t see much due to swells on the lake surface. He calls the Air Force and 10/14/1961 #16910 0 meter long object descended onto Lake Superior near Two Harbors, Minnesot 10/14/1961 #16912 Groom Lake, Nevada The Federal Aviation Admini 1/1962 #17014 airspace in the vicinity of Groom Lake, Nevada, and the lakebed becomes th 1/1962 #17014 Groom Lake, Nevada Burbank, California The fir 2/28/1962 #17063 aircraft covertly arrives at Groom Lake, Nevada, from Burbank, California. 2/28/1962 #17063 lver saucer going [to] over boat / lake. Changes / cross shape! Shoots away 3/29/1962 #17090 Between Mud Lake, Nevada and Edwards AFB in Californ 4/29/1962 #17135 MUD LAKE.NV TO EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA 2 4/30/1962 #17136 Groom Lake, Nevada Comandante Espora Air Naval 5/4/1962 #17150 40,000 feet during a test at Groom Lake, Nevada. May 11 — 7:40 p.m. Argenti 5/4/1962 #17150 a loud roaring noise plunged into Lake Meridian in Kent, Washington at 10: 5/25/1962 #17202 LAKE MOVIL, MN 5M domed saucer / dock. 3 8/1962 #17308 Movil Lake, Minnesota Night. Marilyn Chenaride 8/1962 #17310 re vacationing in a cabin on Movil Lake, Minnesota. The two women see a glo 8/1962 #17310 Leeming, an engineer, stopped by a lake for a picnic while on a business tr 9/1/1962 #17382 ounty International Airport] Moses Lake, Washington Night. Airmen on securi 10/2/1962 #17452 International Airport] near Moses Lake, Washington, see a white light hove 10/2/1962 #17452 before it "arched" its way into a lake. It was seen by residents of twelve 12/2/1962 #17569 Groom Lake, Nevada A full-scale mockup of the 12/7/1962 #17574 f the Q-12 drone is ready at Groom Lake, Nevada, and has already undergone 12/7/1962 #17574 g 1 km away at 20 m altitude above Lake Major. Diameter: about 15 m. After 12/19/1962 #17595 haped discoid objects fly over the lake known as Lago Maggiore at only 20 m 12/19/1962 #17596 Groom Lake, Nevada The A-12 fleet at Groom Lak 1/1963 #17623 ke, Nevada The A-12 fleet at Groom Lake, Nevada, is now operating with J58 1/1963 #17623 CRYSTAL LAKE, MT Domed saucer lands / frozen lak 2/22/1963 #17679 KE, MT Domed saucer lands / frozen lake. Door opens / 10 min and shuts. / M 2/22/1963 #17679 d on the frozen surface of Crystal Lake in Fergus County, Montana at 2 a.m. 2/22/1963 #17681 Crystal Lake, Montana Amos Biggs observed a silv 3/9/1963 #17695 l dome, which landed on the frozen lake for 10 min. A "door" was opened and 3/9/1963 #17695 th an oval dome landed on a frozen lake in Crystal Lake, Montana for 10 min 3/9/1963 #17696 landed on a frozen lake in Crystal Lake, Montana for 10 minutes. A door in 3/9/1963 #17696 Maine A man driving on Millinocket Lake Road saw a fiery, spherical object 5/24/1964 #18296 Green Lake, British Columbia Vancouver 6:30 p. 6/1964 #18314 along the northern shore of Green Lake, British Columbia, when they see a 6/1964 #18314 light above a mountain across the lake to the south. Soon they notice it i 6/1964 #18314 Houghton Lake (15 miles south of), MI Maneuvering 7/16/1964 #18414 15 miles south of Houghton Lake, Michigan Witness: Northern Air Se 7/16/1964 #18417 Houghton Lake, MI Pilot observed formation of fou 7/16/1964 #18419 flying 15 miles south of Houghton Lake, Michigan. They slowed rapidly, the 7/16/1964 #18423 LAKE CHELAN, WA Green lights / ground an 7/28/1964 #18454 Lake Chelan, WA Round Object Descends To 7/28/1964 #18455 Lake Chelan, Washington A former Navy pi 7/28/1964 #18456 rthy, were at work in a field near Lake Chelan, Washington when they saw an 7/28/1964 #18457 Kallavesi lake, Finland Åbo Akademi University in 8/1964 #18466 their summer cottage at Kallavesi lake, Finland, when he suddenly notices 8/1964 #18466 MOSES LAKE, WA Ringing noise. Dogs and horses 8/21/1964 #18501 LAKE KALLAVESI, FINL Bent saucer drops h 8/22/1964 #18502 25' blue glow bounces over Mystic Lake. Red lights rotate / edge. 9/6/1964 #18541 HARVEYS LAKE, PA 2 meteors. 1 stops! Goes up and 11/1964 #18601 ized craft crashed near Whitewater Lake, Indiana, as a result of an electri 1965 #18679 Groom Lake, Nevada Area 51 A-12 pilot Ken Coll 1965? #18680 s continues to test A-12s at Groom Lake, Nevada. One night (in 1964 or 1965 1965? #18680 OVER LAKE ELSINORE, CA Night lights. Bright / 1/14/1965 #18722 ghts hovering and maneuvering over Lake Elsinore, California. They moved er 1/14/1965 #18733 hile sunbathing on the roof of her lake cottage on Lake Mason, Wisconsin at 5/30/1965 #18977 on the roof of her lake cottage on Lake Mason, Wisconsin at around 2 p.m., 5/30/1965 #18977 h in a straight line from over the lake. She described it as metallic, abou 5/30/1965 #18977 elicopter. 50' saucer drops tube / lake. Humming. Retracts and away. / r184 7/1965 (approximate) #19034 LAKE FOREST, IL Noise. Transparent glowi 7/1965 #19036 Lake Forest, Illinois 11:30 p.m.–midnigh 7/1965 #19039 one in her second-floor bedroom in Lake Forest, Illinois, Pat Harvey sees a 7/1965 #19039 LAKE HEFNER, OK Classic domed saucer ris 7/31/1965 #19216 R, OK Classic domed saucer rises / lake. Fisherman hospitalized / shock. 7/31/1965 #19216 fireball lands near Wagle Mountain lake. No traces found / USAF Tech. Intel 8/2/1965 #19248 Lewisville Dam. Possible landing / lake nearby. Type unknown. No further de 8/2/1965 #19256 re on a patrol near Wagle Mountain Lake. Extensive investigation by the pol 8/2/1965 #19261 Eagle Mountain Lake Tarrant County, Texas As they patro 8/2/1965 #19268 As they patrol near Eagle Mountain Lake, two Tarrant County, Texas, deputy 8/2/1965 #19268 re on a patrol near Wagle Mountain Lake. Extensive investigation by the pol 8/2/1965 #19271 In Lake Park, Minnesota an orange UFO, emit 8/2/1965 #19274 Lake Hefner, OK Young man saw an object 8/3/1965 #19285 ng man saw an object rise from the lake area (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 8/3/1965 #19285 Lake Hefner, Oklahoma A young man saw an 8/3/1965 #19286 ng man saw an object rise from the lake area. 8/3/1965 #19286 ng man saw an object rise from the lake at Lake Hefner, Oklahoma. Also on t 8/3/1965 #19293 aw an object rise from the lake at Lake Hefner, Oklahoma. Also on this day 8/3/1965 #19293 from sight as it flew out over the lake. 8/3/1965 #19294 acked formations of 7-10 UFOs over Lake Superior and Duluth, MN, moving at 8/4/1965 #19318 Keweenaw County Phoenix, Michigan Lake Superior Duluth, Minnesota Night. R 8/4/1965 #19320 -northeast at about 9,000 mph over Lake Superior. The same night, radar tar 8/4/1965 #19320 th mast over dome. Hovers 30m over lake 90m away / 2 observer(s). Hums. 8/15/1965 #19397 med disc hovered 100 feet over the lake in Salem, New Hampshire. The dome h 8/15/1965 #19403 CASS LAKE, MN Family and others. Strange obje 9/4/1965 #19519 In what remains of Lake Texcoco, in Mexico City, Mexico a s 9/6/1965 #19528 ed pools in the otherwise dried-up lake bed. Many people witnessed the even 9/6/1965 #19528 LAKE TEXCOCO, MEXICO Many observer(s). " 9/15/1965 #19563 erver(s). "Flying saucer" lands in lake. / LA Times. 9/15/1965 #19563 eath. Also Blue Book photos / Swan Lake. 9/27/1965 #19609 LAKE NORMAN, NC 2 / light plane photogra 10/1965 #19627 Lake Norman, NC Three UFOs over McGuire 10/1965 #19629 CHINA LAKE NAS, CA 2 observer(s). "Arrowhead" 1/18/1966 #19845 China Lake Naval Ordnance Test Station Naval A 1/18/1966 #19850 on Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake western Mojave Desert, California 4 1/18/1966 #19850 eyors are taking readings at China Lake Naval Ordnance Test Station [now Na 1/18/1966 #19850 ow Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake] in the western Mojave Desert, Cali 1/18/1966 #19850 veyors were working near the China Lake Naval Ordnance Depot in Kern County 1/18/1966 #19852 eyors are taking readings at China Lake Naval Ordnance Test Station (now Na 1/18/1966 #19853 ow Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake) see a UAP flying straight at them 1/18/1966 #19853 jump into hedgerow. Saucer rises / lake and away. 1/21/1966 #19863 At around midnight near Shearwater Lake in Crockerton, Wiltshire, England a 1/21/1966 #19865 hed a woman's parked car next to a lake in South Kingston, New Hampshire. I 2/22/1966 #19914 KELOWNA, BC UFO hovers over Lake Okangan. 2nd object surfaces! Both 2/26/1966 #19919 e AFB confirmed tracking UFOs over Lake Erie 3/14/1966 #19965 Washtenaw County Dexter, Michigan Lake Erie Selfridge AFB Mount Clemens 3: 3/14/1966 #19966 s over three counties and out over Lake Erie. Police from five jurisdiction 3/14/1966 #19966 eports tracking UFOs on radar over Lake Erie. 3/14/1966 #19966 Os were also tracked on radar over Lake Erie from Selfridge AFB in Michigan 3/14/1966 #19968 ights around its rim circled Great Lake in Portland, Connecticut three time 3/16/1966 #19975 LAKE CARMEL, NY 7 and more/others observ 3/31/1966 #20172 [to] going down. Goes to 50' over lake. 4/17/1966 #20310 as it descended to low level above Lake Quannapowitt. (Fowler 1974, p. 338. 4/17/1966 #20314 It descended to just 50 feet above Lake Quanapowitt. 4/17/1966 #20320 / CARPIO, ND Saucer? hovers low / lake / 15 mn. 3 curved lit windows visib 6/1966 (approximate) #20513 Lake Ontario, CAN 10:30 p.m. LT. A forme 6/1/1966 #20518 and a friend were cruising on the lake when they saw lights on the water a 6/1/1966 #20518 it cast an oval reflection on the lake surface. Around the dome was a row 6/1/1966 #20518 Lake Ontario Clarkson, Ontario 10:30 p.m 6/1/1966 #20519 io Clarkson, Ontario 10:30 p.m. On Lake Ontario, off Clarkson, Ontario, for 6/1/1966 #20519 and Jack Grant are cruising on the lake when they see lights on the water a 6/1/1966 #20519 casting an oval reflection on the lake surface. Around the dome is a row o 6/1/1966 #20519 vering close to the dark waters of Lake Ontario. The object, which had rows 6/1/1966 #20520 casting an oval reflection on the lake surface. A row of bright yellow lig 6/1/1966 #20520 LAKE NIPISSING, ONT 1 observer. Red and 6/3/1966 #20525 . Tops sparkle. Rotate and disturb lake. 6/6/1966 #20532 ws in their tops, revolved above a lake, apparently causing strange behavio 6/6/1966 #20534 ly causing strange behavior of the lake water during the 25 second sighting 6/6/1966 #20534 heir tops hovered revolved above a lake, causing a strange turbulence on th 6/6/1966 #20537 e turbulence on the surface of the lake. The sighting lasted 25 seconds. 6/6/1966 #20537 s). Splash. UFO rises / angle from lake surface and away. No description. 6/23/1966 #20591 ard a splash at noon from a nearby lake. No object was visible on the lake 6/23/1966 #20598 lake. No object was visible on the lake surface, but a UFO was seen climbin 6/23/1966 #20598 t a UFO was seen climbing from the lake diagonally, then "disappeared in se 6/23/1966 #20598 LAKE BALA, WALES 30 Army reserves seek p 7/1/1966? #20628 Lake Canandaigua, NY 9:30 p.m. EDT. An e 7/31/1966 #20700 e evening at the swimming beach on Lake Erie when they saw a square or hexa 7/31/1966 #20703 INDIAN LAKE, MICH 14 observer(s). UFO seen / 60 10/7/1966 #20968 Lake Sarah, MN 2:00 a.m. CST. A farmer s 12/2/1966 #21177 LAKE TIORATI, NY Fisherman. 2 good photo 12/18/1966 #21207 E Lake Tiorati (Bear Mtn. State Park), NY 12/18/1966 #21208 ar-old man at the eastern shore of Lake Tiorati in Bear Mountain State Park 12/18/1966 #21210 Lake Karachay, Russia In 1967 a drought 1967 #21233 a drought reduced water levels in Lake Karachay where nuclear waste was be 1967 #21233 residents to nuclear fallout. The lake would eventually accumulate over 12 1967 #21233 Leith Canyon, Nevada Groom Dry Lake An A-12 flown by pilot Walter Ray i 1/5/1967 #21260 ut of fuel 70 miles from Groom Dry Lake. Ray glides to a lower altitude to 1/5/1967 #21260 Lake St. Clair, MI 2:30 p.m. Photos by G 1/9/1967 #21275 Mount Clemens, Michigan Lake St. Clair Selfridge AFB [now Selfri 1/9/1967 #21277 a domed object moving slowly above Lake St. Clair. After they release the i 1/9/1967 #21277 Over Lake Ontario, in air space 10:15 p.m. ES 1/20/1967 #21358 s pickup truck stalled near Howard Lake. He got out to check under the hood 1/25/1967 #21387 saucer crosses SR185 near Coffeen Lake. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC. 1/26/1967 #21391 ss could see its reflection in the lake. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - 2/14/1967 #21545 ool gym. Light going down. Crosses lake. Going quickly west to sea. 2/16/1967 #21560 NEAR BUFFALO LAKE, MT Flash! 150M cylinder/cylindrica 3/7/1967 (approximate) #21785 red UFO was reported hovering over Lake Michigan. It was observed through b 3/7/1967 #21788 hite lights was sighted at Chemong Lake, Ontario. It made a humming noise. 4/11/1967 #22110 There were also sightings in Rice Lake, and Scarborough, Ontario and a clo 4/12/1967 #22122 wo dimmer white lights flew over a lake in Georgetown, Massachusetts. They 4/20/1967 #22173 GREEN LAKE, WI 4 / (seen thru) binoculars. Con 4/27/1967 #22226 Green Lake, WI Cone-shaped object w/blue under 4/27/1967 #22231 Green Lake, Wisconsin Four boys with binocular 4/27/1967 #22232 four boys with binoculars in Green Lake, Wisconsin observed an object come 4/27/1967 #22237 overing 20-30 feet overhead. (Salt Lake City Tribune, 5/7/67, copy in NiCAP 5/6/1967 #22281 ital employee, was driving to Salt Lake City when he heard a noise similar 5/11/1967 #22317 St. George, Utah in route to Salt Lake City when he heard a noise similar 5/11/1967 #22319 Falcon Lake, Manitoba, CAN Falcon Lake/Michalak 5/20/1967 #22377 Falcon Lake, Manitoba, CAN Falcon Lake/Michalak Encounter (NICAP: 05 - Med 5/20/1967 #22377 Falcon Lake, Canada Polish-born Steve Michalac, 5/20/1967 #22379 Falcon Lake, Manitoba, Canada Witness approache 5/20/1967 #22380 Falcon Lake, Manitoba Misericordia Hospital in 5/20/1967 #22382 is quartz prospecting near Falcon Lake, Manitoba, when he sees two red, gl 5/20/1967 #22382 speed while prospecting at Falcon Lake, Manitoba, Canada. One of them land 5/20/1967 #22384 meter, traveled across Trout Brook Lake in New Brunswick, Canada. It moved 5/29/1967 #22422 Shortly after 10 p.m., on Lake Nipissing, Ontario a buoy tender na 6/3/1967 #22459 oved slowly at tree-top level from lake to shore, hovered, then moved behin 6/11/1967 #22492 reported seeing strange lights on Lake Huron told the Sheriff Department t 6/15/1967 #22510 FALCON LAKE, ONT 6 observer(s). 35' saucer chas 6/18/1967 #22514 Falcon Lake, CAN Evening. A family crossing the 6/18/1967 #22516 CAN Evening. A family crossing the lake by boat saw a shiny, metallic-appea 6/18/1967 #22516 Falcon Lake, CAN Evening. A family crossing the 6/18/1967 #22517 CAN Evening. A family crossing the lake by boat saw a shiny, metallic-appea 6/18/1967 #22517 Falcon Lake, CAN Evening. A family crossing the 6/18/1967 #22518 CAN Evening. A family crossing the lake by boat saw a shiny, metallic-appea 6/18/1967 #22518 Clearwater Bay on Shoal Lake, Ontario Late evening. A family is 6/18/1967 #22520 boat near Clearwater Bay on Shoal Lake, Ontario, when they notice a bright 6/18/1967 #22520 night lights humming / 400hz over lake. Saucer joins. Going quickly / diff 7/11/1967 #22648 ia Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake Walker Pass Edwards AFB Boron AFS A 7/30/1967 #22754 om Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake in the Mojave Desert locates an obj 7/30/1967 #22754 onfirms the visual report at China Lake but tries to dismiss the 115 mph ta 7/30/1967 #22754 maulipas Tlaxcala Hidalgo Veracruz Lake Pátzcuaro Michoacán Mexico City Int 8/6/1967 #22830 , Tlaxcala, Hidalgo, Veracruz, and Lake Pátzcuaro in Michoacán. Most are ge 8/6/1967 #22830 vacation resting by the shore of a lake, when they saw a fast-moving oval o 8/9/1967 #22851 MCLEESE LAKE, BC Several observer(s). 1' red sph 8/15/1967? #22881 size of the moon, that moved over Lake Ontario in a V-formation. The objec 8/24/1967 #22913 Eagle Lake, Allagash Waterway, ME Campers saw 8/26/1967 #22931 Eagle Lake, Allagash Waterway, ME Campers saw 8/26/1967 #22934 d the light but it eluded him over Lake Erie. (Phone call to NICAP from Wal 8/29/1967 #22951 quickly east stops. Drops object / lake. Back searching. / r109p31. 9/11/1967 #23035 vered about 1.5 miles out over the lake and dropped something into the wate 9/11/1967 #23039 rating Station Kincardine, Ontario Lake Huron 3:30 p.m. About a dozen emplo 9/11/1967 #23044 tion. At one point it hovers above Lake Huron about a mile and a half offsh 9/11/1967 #23044 rkers see similar objects over the lake or above the plant on five succeedi 9/11/1967 #23044 irport] Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan Lake Superior Duluth, Minnesota Colorado 9/11/1967 #23046 r and disappear over the middle of Lake Superior over an 80-minute period, 9/11/1967 #23046 ELLIOT LAKE, ONT Glowing UFO maneuvers / 300' a 10/1/1967 #23157 GREEN LAKE, BC 2+1 observer(s). Huge UFO buzze 10/15/1967? #23239 LAKE CHARLES, LA Blue Book. 1 observer. 10/18/1967 #23260 Lake Charles, LA Bright, fiery ball flas 10/18/1967 #23262 Lake Charles, Louisiana Witness: John H 10/18/1967 #23263 At nine o’clock in the evening in Lake Charles, Louisiana John Herbert wit 10/18/1967 #23266 LAST MOUNTAIN LAKE, SSK AND PENSE AREA Several separat 10/24/1967 #23297 BC 1 / car. 100' domed saucer over lake. Crosses PR97. Drops into trees. 10/27/1967 (approximate) #23341 Lake Elsinore, California 3:30–4:00 a.m. 11/8/1967 #23425 business executive is driving near Lake Elsinore, California, when his ligh 11/8/1967 #23425 Falcon Lake Shag Harbour University of Toronto 11/14/1967 #23450 the ministry, including the Falcon Lake and Shag Harbour cases, as well as 11/14/1967 #23450 PR37 / GULL LAKE GOING [TO] SHAUNAVON, SSK 1 / car. 11/19/1967 #23479 r a field, and then landed at Gull Lake, near Swift Current, Saskatchewan, 11/19/1967 #23483 server(s). 2-legged stool-UFO over Lake Krupat. / APRO Jan'68. 11/23/1967 #23500 Lake Norman, NC Late Summer, 1968; Lake 1968 #23621 Lake Norman, NC Late Summer, 1968; Lake Norman, NC. Domed UFO near AEC plan 1968 #23621 ver some nearby hills and a nearby lake. On this afternoon two men dressed 1/29/1968 #23708 Area 51 Nevada Middle East Groom Lake EG&G technician Thornton D. Barnes 3/1968 #23797 le East are installed around Groom Lake (to aid stealth testing of the SR-7 3/1968 #23797 rk for firewood in a spot near her lake on Keats Island, British Columbia w 5/2/1968 #23940 ITTLETON, NH Glowing mound / Moore lake. All goes quiet. Nears wharf. All g 5/20/1968 #23974 Blacketts Lake Road Sydney, Nova Scotia A man is d 7/1968 #24108 otia A man is driving on Blacketts Lake Road southwest of Sydney, Nova Scot 7/1968 #24108 nding below the tree line near the lake. He parks his car and runs along a 7/1968 #24108 year-old girls at a summer camp on Lake Kaarna, Estonia were sitting outsid 7/20/1968 #24194 agonia #917, LDLN 96) 68LateSummer Lake Norman 2 NC Domed UFO near nuclear 7/31/1968 #24269 Buff Ledge Camp Lake Champlain Burlington, Vermont Adiro 8/7/1968 #24307 mp [now closed] along the shore of Lake Champlain north of Burlington, Verm 8/7/1968 #24307 ion case occurred on the shores of Lake Champlain near Milton, Vermont. In 8/7/1968 #24308 r-shaped object swoop low over the lake in the distance. Three small round 8/7/1968 #24308 , a camper who had run down to the lake ahead of all the others, saw the li 8/7/1968 #24308 flips. Several beams going down / lake. Flips back. / r98#60 / r41p380. 8/16/1968 #24338 own which reflected off Greenbriar Lake. (See drawing. UFO's: A New Look, g 8/16/1968 #24339 area and reflected over Greenbriar Lake. The object reversed course, and fi 8/16/1968 #24344 PELICAN LAKE, UT SR88 11M south / US40. Bus-size 10/15/1968 #24562 PELICAN LAKE, UT Dirt-sucking tube-tornado hangs 11/14/1968 #24653 d 4:30 in the afternoon at Pelican Lake, Utah two hunters saw a silver sphe 11/14/1968 #24657 CYPRESS LAKE, FL 4 saucers pace 2 Cessnas. 1 gro 11/26/1968 #24710 Lake Cyprus, FL Two pilots report four o 11/26/1968 #24715 Lake Cyprus, FL Four bright, oval object 11/26/1968 #24717 peared just at dusk over Watts Bar Lake south of Kingston, Tennessee, and t 12/5/1968 #24745 mile from the hydroelectric dam on Lake Secession, near Abbeville, South Ca 12/10/1968 #24757 12:30 a.m. A man was alone in his lake front cottage when he heard a whirr 12/10/1968 #24757 ding on a deck on stilts above the lake, 8 feet off the ground. The dome ha 12/10/1968 #24757 , and hovered momentarily over the lake. It then sped off at a 45 degree an 12/10/1968 #24757 Patagonia Nahuel Huapi Lake, Argentina Puerto Blest 11:30 a.m. Late 12/1968 #24790 torboat field trip on Nahuel Huapi Lake, Argentina. Tarda is taking photos Late 12/1968 #24790 ina. Tarda is taking photos of the lake shore near Puerto Blest, but does n Late 12/1968 #24790 Whitewater Lake, Indiana A retired Colonel from Wri 1969? #24799 man saucer crashed near Whitewater Lake, Indiana as a result of an electric 1969? #24799 the normally placid waters of the lake. Shortly after that he encountered 1/15/1969 #24849 dge. Sways to and fro over country lake. 1/22/1969 #24864 iramar San Diego, California Groom Lake, Nevada The US Navy establishes its 3/3/1969 #24960 ers, now that MiG testing at Groom Lake, Nevada, has been successful. 3/3/1969 #24960 Lake Havasu, AZ Cessna 150 encountered 1 3/17/1969 #25018 Phoenix Lake Havasu, Arizona Two pilots are flyi 3/17/1969 #25019 g a Cessna 150 between Phoenix and Lake Havasu, Arizona, when the pilot in 3/17/1969 #25019 diameter was seen widely over the Lake Zurich suburbs in Illinois. It was 5/12/1969 #25133 WY 2 abduction / car. Waken / salt lake. Odd figures. See references and Fl 6/15/1969 (approximate) #25216 ver / hours. 1 object going down / lake and flies back out! 6/20/1969 #25228 igan City, Indiana area, bordering Lake Michigan, saw a series of multi-col 6/20/1969 #25229 e bright object that "hovered over Lake Michigan for approximately 90 secon 6/20/1969 #25230 LAKE SOUTH / TORONTO, ONT 2 separate pil 12/5/1969 #25486 Toronto Island Airport south over Lake Ontario a light was seen by two wit 12/5/1969 #25489 Groom Lake, Nevada Soviet Union China Area 51 1970 #25520 ft in the shape of a bird at Groom Lake, Nevada. Called Project Aquiline, t 1970 #25520 ving on U.S. Highway 44 in Cassia, Lake County, Florida. The object made a 1/29/1970 #25560 Lake Anten, Västra Götaland, Sweden Eneb 4/29/1970 #25645 groups of witnesses to the west of Lake Anten, Västra Götaland, Sweden, wat 4/29/1970 #25645 red, glowing sphere fly around the lake and neighboring areas. It occasiona 4/29/1970 #25645 LAKE ANTON, SWD Night lights. Burnt land 4/30/1970 #25646 OURAY, UT Delta craft comes across lake. Near collision / car. Many colors. 6/7/1970 #25692 rounded corners coming across the lake that nearly collided with the car. 6/7/1970 #25694 LAKE BUCURA, ROMANIA 3 campers. Night li 7/27/1970 #25753 Kronotsky Lake, Kamchatka Krai, Russia Day. A grou 8/1970 #25765 search on a motorboat on Kronotsky Lake, Kamchatka Krai, Russia. Suddenly, 8/1970 #25765 sion to go out and drive to nearby Lake Michigan in order to watch the sky. 8/15/1970 #25787 hich he could see the south end of Lake Michigan and lights from the nearby 8/15/1970 #25787 WEST / LAKE ANTON, SWD 16 separate observer(s). 8/29/1970 #25807 Enebacken, Sweden Lake Anten 11:15 p.m. Several witnesses 8/29/1970 #25808 ichard Johansson’s small farm near Lake Anten. Soil samples are taken and a 8/29/1970 #25808 la during a close encounter near a lake in Enebacken, Sweden. The UFO chang 8/29/1970 #25809 ireball hovers and going [to] over lake. Going down / snow. Metallic physic 1/3/1971 #25970 illiant light approaching from the lake outside their home at Saapunki, Kuu 1/3/1971 #25972 er/cylindrical object going down / lake ice. Tilts going down. Steaming hol 1/7/1971 #25980 now be resting at the bottom of a lake. The object was observed independen 1/7/1971 #25981 Dennis, Massachusetts Scargo Lake Two boys independently observe a me 1/7/1971 #25982 if it is about to fall into Scargo Lake. One boy sees a hole in the ice on 1/7/1971 #25982 boy sees a hole in the ice on the lake; steam is rising from it, and the w 1/7/1971 #25982 stigator Walter N. Webb visits the lake on January 10 and reports that the 1/7/1971 #25982 was seen descending over a frozen lake at 7:10 a.m. The leading edge of th 1/7/1971 #25983 l, disc-shaped UFO emerging from a lake called Lago de Cote. 4/9/1971 #26067 ARROYO DL MIEL, SP Big splash / lake. 1M saucer rises / water and flies 9/1971 #26309 Lake Lago de Cote, Costa Rica Lake Lago 9/4/1971 #26315 Lake Lago de Cote, Costa Rica Lake Lago de Cote, Costa Rica (NICAP: 08 9/4/1971 #26315 against the dark background of the lake. The object does not appear in the 9/4/1971 #26317 disc-shaped object emerging from a lake was recorded by an official mapping 9/4/1971 #26319 Y, NH 2 saucers descend on Rainbow Lake. 6 separate observer(s) / other sig 10/3/1971 (approximate) #26402 objects descended low over Rainbow Lake in Derry, New Hampshire. There were 10/3/1971 #26405 Lake Norman, NC July or August, 1972; La 1972 #26527 e Norman, NC July or August, 1972; Lake Norman, NC. Saucer near nuclear fac 1972 #26527 server. Large circular object over Lake Leman jumps going north low and slo 3/29/1972 #26628 HUAYPO LAKE, PERU 4 cars electro-magnetic effec 4/1972 #26631 ver-blue saucer glides and dives / lake. 4/1972 #26631 ize and speed all over. Going [to] Lake Green, Wi. 5/16/1972 #26684 ELLIOT LAKE, ON 3 / car. Saucer goes going nort 7/17/1972 #26808 car. Saucer goes going north over lake then going down. Humming and series 7/17/1972 #26808 Night light / crazy maneuvers over lake. Instant turns. / r166p39. 7/19/1972 #26811 anti- collision beacon (red) over Lake Michigan. Estimated at 1/2 mile and 7/19/1972 #26812 make crazy, erratic maneuvers over Lake Michigan from Chicago, Illinois. It 7/19/1972 #26816 D, ALTA Night light crosses beaver lake. Octopus grabs car from top. Gone l 8/6/1972 #26879 a heavily wooded area near Beaver Lake, Alberta, Canada a man felt compell 8/6/1972 #26882 they saw a light travel across the lake and descend behind some nearby tree 8/6/1972 #26882 d small humanoid (or Grey) found / Lake Ryzl. 2 ruts through rock and muck 10/19/1972 #27080 WHEELER LAKE, AL Several observer(s). Ball / lig 2/4/1973 #27268 LAKE HIAWATHA, NJ Numerous observer(s). 2/19/1973 #27297 on top hovered over a reservoir in Lake Hiawatha, New Jersey, making a humm 2/19/1973 #27299 SAYLORS LAKE, PA Cops and many. 40 white objects 3/1/1973 #27320 ects with red and blue lights over lake. / r181p6+/ r28p5. 3/1/1973 #27320 Saylors Lake, PA There were 42 objects with flas 3/1/1973 #27323 d and blue lights fly over Saylors Lake in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania beginn 3/1/1973 #27324 dd tailed object lands and rises / Lake Victoria. 3/3/1973 #27327 ple who saw a UFO splash down into Lake Victoria (NICAP: 02 - Close Encount 3/3/1973 #27328 in Kampala, Uganda on the shore of Lake Victoria President Idi Amin and his 3/3/1973 #27329 Sphere/orb/globe / tripod rises / lake. Hover / field. Photographs. Power 3/14/1973 #27345 anding gear was seen rising from a lake; it next hovered over a nearby fiel 3/14/1973 #27347 CLEARWATER LAKE, MO 10 observer(s). Saucer / low al 3/19/1973 #27350 CLEARWATER LAKE, MO 2 observer(s). Saucer emerges / 3/21/1973 #27354 MO 2 observer(s). Saucer emerges / lake near dam. Flies away. / St. Louis g 3/21/1973 #27354 NEAR CLEARWATER LAKE, MO Physicist and 3 / plane. 1+1+7+ 5/11/1973 #27476 ject ejects 3 fireballs over Ozark Lake. / SKYLOOK#68p6. 5/27/1973 #27531 in a car were driving near Weston Lake when a bright floodlight-type light Summer 1973 #27577 ver. Buzz. Blob / jelly glows over lake. Possible figure inside. 3+hours / 7/1/1973 #27609 a row boat" approach from over the lake. It stopped and hovered offshore. T 7/1/1973 #27610 . Domed saucer going [to] low over Lake Stanley Draper. Steam rises. Photog 7/11/1973 #27628 nd electro-magnetic effect (EME) / Lake Langhalsen / August. 7/17/1973 #27635 LAKE ISABELLA, CA Car and motorcycle sto 7/27/1973 #27654 Lake Isabella, CA Dome-shaped object 15 7/27/1973 #27655 5M cylinder going south / Boardman Lake. 10 colored lights flash / bottom/u 8/14/1973 #27698 Traverse City, MI A 19-year-old Lake Ann, Michigan, resident and his com 8/14/1973 #27701 LAKE CITY GOING QUICKLY [TO] ROCKWELL CI 8/20/1973 #27715 Big Bear Lake, CA 11:00 p.m. Residents reported a 9/2/1973 #27746 Residents of Big Bear Lake, California reported a series of si 9/2/1973 #27749 hiny football hits trees. Hovers / Lake Mayer. Seen 4X / 2 hours. 9/11/1973 #27799 und object going quickly [to] over Lake Jackson. / Tlhs.Democrat 17.9.73. 9/13/1973 #27812 JORDAN LAKE, AL 3+observer(s). 4 washtub saucer 9/14/1973 #27820 .m. At 8:00 p.m. a UFO landed on a lake and lifted off from the water's sur 10/3/1973 #27927 e sphere maneuvering over a nearby lake. Odd clouds seem to be accompanying 10/10/1973 #27981 friend Jim were camping at Phantom Lake, Wisconsin with another couple and 10/14/1973 #28031 A 1 observer. Red object emerges / Lake Ponchartrain and going up. / Clevel 10/16/1973 #28062 IR, NJ UFO going quickly [to] over lake. Passing car malfunctions due to EM 10/20/1973 #28202 disc-shaped object hovered over a lake, Lago Ramos Mejia in Nequen Provinc 10/27/1973 #28302 apori was loading gravel at French Lake in Annandale, Louisiana at eight o' 12/1/1973 #28497 ere going quickly [to] over Austin Lake. / Kalamazoo Gazette 3.12.73. 12/3/1973 #28511 :00 p.m. a UFO hovered over Legler Lake, Minnesota. At eight p.m. in rural 1/4/1974 #28644 Minnesota. At eight p.m. in rural Lake county Minnesota police officers Ha 1/4/1974 #28644 LAKE JALKA, SWDN Odd mist over lake part 3/1974 #28827 LAKE JALKA, SWDN Odd mist over lake partly hides 10M Tuna-can saucer on 3/1974 #28827 / 30° elevation. Changes color(s) Lake Kaleidoscope. 3/18/1974 #28900 BOSHKUNK LAKE, ON 50+observer(s). Ovoid lands / i 3/20/1974 #28913 r(s). Tumbling fireball stops over Lake Cowichan. = 3 lights / triangular f 5/1/1974 #29076 WOODCLIFF LAKE, NJ ABC newsman. Garish silent ferr 6/4/1974 #29161 red luminous sphere was seen over Lake George in Goulbourn, New South Wale 6/7/1974 #29171 At Lake George near Goulbourne, New South W 6/8/1974 #29173 businessman was on his boat on the lake when he spotted a cone-shaped UFO h 6/29/1974 #29232 UFO hovering over one spot in the lake for ten minutes. It stayed there un 6/29/1974 #29232 Mrs. Jackie Booth of Avon Lake, Ohio--mother of three--had had sev 7/17/1974 #29266 erver(s). 15m flashing saucer near Lake Norman pier. Impossible speed. / r9 8/1974 (approximate) #29290 Noel with another man in a boat on Lake Winnepausaukee near Laconia, New Ha 8/14/1974 #29345 at only 60 feet altitude above the lake. 8/14/1974 #29345 een cigar-shaped UFO hovering over Lake Winnipesaukee from Wolfeboro, Carro 8/15/1974 #29356 SARATOGA LAKE, NY Flurry / UFO calls. Cops and mo 8/20/1974 #29371 a ride in their craft, flying over Lake Ontario, and was then transported t 9/21/1974 #29468 ucers drone going north. Stop over lake. 1 tilts all over/all about and cir 9/24/1974 #29473 Two men at Rock Lake, south of Wheatland, Wyoming saw 35 9/24/1974 #29476 jects stopped and hovered over the lake. One object tilted, circled, and th 9/24/1974 #29476 NORTH CEARA, BRZ Lady bathing / lake zapped / blue-beam. Fireball zigzag 10/1974 #29496 Grand Falls, Newfoundland Deer Lake Gander Gander Lake 10:10 p.m. John 10/10/1974 #29512 wfoundland Deer Lake Gander Gander Lake 10:10 p.m. John Breen, a Canadian a 10/10/1974 #29512 his Cessna 172, en route from Deer Lake to Gander. A passenger first notice 10/10/1974 #29512 rly visible in the water of Gander Lake. Breen says: “I started a right tur 10/10/1974 #29512 .m. two women driving near Liberty Lake Bridge in Carroll County, Maryland 10/27/1974 #29562 BAKERS LAKE / BARRINGTON, ILL Dozens / observer 11/1/1974 (approximate) #29576 ject above the eastern bank of the lake. He snaps a photo of it as it hover 11/17/1974 #29598 HUAYPO LAKE, PERU 2 observer(s). 6M ovoid going 11/27/1974? #29612 lds. Makes 90° turn. Splashes into lake. 11/27/1974? #29612 Pickering, Ontario Lake Ontario Night. Dave Percy and two o 12/31/1974 #29667 cluster of bright red spheres over Lake Ontario to the south. One of them m 12/31/1974 #29667 Symms, and Dencie were driving by Lake Erie in St. Thomas, Ontario when a 1/10/1975 #29738 Symms, and Dencie were driving by Lake Erie in St. Thomas, Ontario when a 1/10/1975 #29739 Pickering, Ontario Lake Ontario Night. Mike McKenna, securi 1/31/1975 #29774 r nearly 2 hours. Two move in from Lake Ontario and hover above the plant’s 1/31/1975 #29774 appear and suck up the water of a lake. Axelrod discloses that the silent, 2/1975 #29781 anch. Going up [to] and lands near lake. Going quickly SSW fast. Possible t 2/25/1975 (approximate) #29844 LAKE SORELL, TASM 2+observer(s). 3 200' 2/26/1975 #29848 equency Interference (RFI). Search lake / extremely bright ray. / MJ#262. / 2/26/1975 #29848 Lake Sorell, Tasmania Intensely bright d 2/26/1975 #29849 emitted conical light beam down on lake, illuminated terrain, sped away at 2/26/1975 #29849 Lake Sorell, Tasmania Intensely bright d 2/26/1975 #29851 emitted conical light beam down on lake, illuminated terrain, sped away at 2/26/1975 #29851 Lake Sorell, Tasmania Mount Penny 8:45 p 2/26/1975 #29852 companion are on a fishing trip to Lake Sorell, Tasmania, when they see thr 2/26/1975 #29852 cone-shaped light beam toward the lake and sweeps it toward the terrain, i 2/26/1975 #29852 in. Then it sweeps back across the lake beneath the object and fades out. T 2/26/1975 #29852 eath the object and fades out. The lake’s surface glows a fluorescent blue- 2/26/1975 #29852 hing holiday at a lakeside camp on Lake Sorrell, Tasmania. The main witness 2/26/1975 #29853 opping over the north shore of the lake. The second object was visible furt 2/26/1975 #29853 beam was projected down toward the lake and swept across the terrain, illum 2/26/1975 #29853 ain. Then it swept back across the lake beneath the object and faded out. T 2/26/1975 #29853 and faded out. The surface of the lake glowed a flourescent blue. The obje 2/26/1975 #29853 ALAMO LAKE, AZ 300' domed ovoid hovers / lake. 3/9/1975 #29882 LAKE, AZ 300' domed ovoid hovers / lake. Light humming. Big glow and shoots 3/9/1975 #29882 O was spotted on a cloudy night in Lake Sorrell, Tasmania, Australia. The 5 3/14/1975 #29898 saucer lights interior / car near Lake Murray hydro dam. 3/15/1975 (approximate) #29901 SOUTHWEST / WHITE LAKE, NC Delta/triangle/box-like craft b 4/4/1975 #29962 MAN, MBA Saucer beams going down / lake. Lands / field. Radiation/radioacti 5/1975 #30012 Tequesquitengo Lake, Mexico UFOs 'Escort' Mexican Aircr 5/3/1975 #30022 Tequesquitengo Lake, Mexico Three domed discs paced sma 5/3/1975 #30023 While flying over Lake Tequesquitengo at 1:34 p.m. near Me 5/3/1975 #30029 Haywood, Manitoba Lake Manitoba Before midnight. Paul Dedi 5/4/1975 #30032 etal and crashes in the vicinty of Lake Manitoba to the north. 5/4/1975 #30032 ds. Bright red sphere going down / lake. Moves underwater. Emerges. 5/13/1975 #30055 bright red sphere descended into a lake in Mosciano Sant' Angelo, Abruzzi, 5/13/1975 #30057 Stephenfield Lake, Manitoba Three men wander away fro 5/16/1975 #30061 party on the shore of Stephenfield Lake, Manitoba, when they see a “moon- s 5/16/1975 #30061 m the object to the surface of the lake. A glowing object appears underneat 5/16/1975 #30061 SOUTH / TRINITY LAKE, NY Boy fishing. Orange-glowing sph 8/1/1975 #30227 maneuvers. Slowly descends / small lake. 8/1/1975 #30227 HUAYPO LAKE, PERU Engineers and more/others. Ca 8/3/1975 #30230 Albany, New York Lake Saratoga Albany Airport South Glens 8/20/1975 #30291 any Airport South Glens Falls area Lake George Cambridge, Massachusetts Eve 8/20/1975 #30291 d object hovering at 500 feet over Lake Saratoga. As the reddish, glowing U 8/20/1975 #30291 ens Falls area and as far north as Lake George. The case is investigated by 8/20/1975 #30291 Three Mile Lake Road north of Bracebridge, Ontario 10/7/1975 #30421 glow” near his barn on Three Mile Lake Road north of Bracebridge, Ontario, 10/7/1975 #30421 Robert Suffern of Three Mile Lake reported that a UFO landed about 13 10/7/1975 #30422 s parked on a road that led to the lake. A few seconds after he saw it, the 10/7/1975 #30422 near his home before crossing the lake. He was badly shaken by the inciden 10/7/1975 #30422 Norway, Maine Thompson Lake Oxford, Maine West Poland, Maine Tr 10/27/1975 #30486 go for a drive to nearby Thompson Lake. A short distance down the road, th 10/27/1975 #30486 down the eastern side of Thompson Lake. A mile south of Oxford, they see a 10/27/1975 #30486 o Tripp Pond (also called Thompson Lake). The UFO was there, waiting for th 10/27/1975 #30489 scoda-Wurtsmith Airport], Michigan Lake Huron 10:10–11:00 p.m. A series of 10/30/1975 #30522 eet has visual and skin paint over Lake Huron for about 20 miles heading so 10/30/1975 #30522 / 14 mile(s). Night light hovers / lake. Shoots green beam going down. Zigz 11/10/1975 #30587 Freeze Out Lake, MT A Montana Fish and Game Departm 11/11/1975 #30606 Montana Freezeout Lake, Montana Choteau County A Montana F 11/11/1975 #30610 e Department employee at Freezeout Lake, Montana, sees a light flying direc 11/11/1975 #30610 e report, November 26, 1975. Shoal Lake Detachment RCMP File References: 75 11/18/1975 #30640 / N554 = D944. Blazing ovoid over lake. Tilts 45°. Spins. Shoots going qui 12/9/1975 #30699 Freeze Out Lake, MT 5:00 p.m. UFO flying near B-52. 12/9/1975 #30700 Renton, Washington Lake Washington 9:30 p.m. A man who live 1976 #30750 3 minutes, the object moves toward Lake Washington and disappears in 4 seco 1976 #30750 FL 11:00 p.m. A woman living near Lake City called the sheriff's office to 2/10/1976 #30861 t Benton, MT 7:20 p.m. Black Horse Lake. UFO, 500' high, landed near lake. 2/14/1976 #30869 Lake. UFO, 500' high, landed near lake. (UFO 59 NIDS) (NICAP: 02 - Close E 2/14/1976 #30869 Lake Hiawatha, NJ 9:15 p.m. Numerous wit 2/19/1976 #30885 hiking in the mountains near Echo Lake, Clear Creek County, Colorado saw t 6/9/1976 #31095 CRYSTAL LAKE, CT 14 / camp. 20' saucer whines 40 7/28/1976 #31186 camp. 20' saucer whines 400' over lake. Possible disinfo try. / r225p82. 7/28/1976 #31186 Sweden Lake Bolmen 10:17 a.m. A Swedish J-5 jet 8/1976 #31215 they accelerate out of sight over Lake Bolmen, Sweden. 8/1976 #31215 Cartmel Fell in Lake District National Park, Cumbria, En 8/14/1976 #31263 ng along a road on Cartmel Fell in Lake District National Park, Cumbria, En 8/14/1976 #31263 Allagash, Maine Eagle Lake Brothers Jim and Jack Weiner, with 8/20/1976 #31282 still in agreement with the Eagle Lake event as we (three) remember it. We 8/20/1976 #31282 anoe during a camping trip on East Lake in the Allagash Waterway, Maine whe 8/26/1976 #31307 Lake Red Rock Otley, Iowa 2:30 a.m. A co 9/24/1976 #31422 wife watch a dark object fly over Lake Red Rock near Otley, Iowa. It moves 9/24/1976 #31422 s). Cone / light with windows over lake. Vanishes and reappears several X. 10/19/1976 #31479 Lake Harriet in Minneapolis, Minnesota 9 10/19/1976 #31482 of people at the southwest end of Lake Harriet in Minneapolis, Minnesota, 10/19/1976 #31482 NEAR LAKE TEXARKANA, TX 1 / car. Bright night 10/26/1976 (approximate) #31497 ng horizontally over some woods in Lake View, near Dillon, Florence County, 10/28/1976 #31503 Langenargen, Lake Constance, Germany Humanoid encount 2/24/1977 #31844 Langenargen, Lake Constance, Germany Humanoid encount 2/24/1977 #31845 in the woods. At 10:00 a.m. near a lake beachfront he observed four strange 2/27/1977 #31853 Qarun Lake, Egypt 12:34 a.m. Captain Assapa, F 3/9/1977 #31885 light ET-701 are flying near Qarun Lake, Egypt, when they see a formation o 3/9/1977 #31885 strange object is above the small lake in Hainault Forest Country Park. Tw 5/3/1977 #32050 ewhat reluctantly to go across the lake and investigate. Then one of them l 5/3/1977 #32050 was over the forest near the small lake. Two policemen were directed to the 5/3/1977 #32053 Arriving, they proceeded along the lake road and noticed a "large bright re 5/3/1977 #32053 luctantly decided to go across the lake and investigate the spot. As they w 5/3/1977 #32053 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL 3 4' small humanoids (or Greys 6/12/1977 #32158 Crystal Lake, IL Time not given nor any details 6/12/1977 #32159 eting of his colleagues in Crystal Lake, Illinois to discuss the matter. Du 6/12/1977 #32161 COTILE LAKE, LA Low humming. 75' bubble-dome sa 6/17/1977 #32169 c, flew along the shoreline of the lake, passing in front of the witness at 6/17/1977 #32170 ing in front of the witness at his lake front home, and flew from view into 6/17/1977 #32170 Cotile Lake Recreation Area, Louisiana Dusk. Fi 6/17/1977 #32172 eparing to go home from the Cotile Lake Recreation Area, Louisiana. Just be 6/17/1977 #32172 c, flew along the shoreline of the lake, passing in front of the witness at 6/17/1977 #32173 ing in front of the witness at his lake front home, and flew from view into 6/17/1977 #32173 .m. PDT five people in a boat on a lake in Blythe, Riverside County, Califo 7/15/1977 #32278 the Windermere area of the Cumbria Lake District, England at 12:10 a.m. A d 8/28/1977 #32435 er and their truck are near Newell Lake, miles from the site. They are foun 11/1977 #32648 out. Hover and spin low over Estes Lake. / r60#104. 1/19/1978 #32897 Great Slave Lake Baker Lake The Soviet reconnaissanc 1/24/1978 #32912 Great Slave Lake Baker Lake The Soviet reconnaissance satellite 1/24/1978 #32912 g a 370-mile path from Great Slave Lake to Baker Lake. The effort to recove 1/24/1978 #32912 ath from Great Slave Lake to Baker Lake. The effort to recover radioactive 1/24/1978 #32912 Tennant Way Lake Sacajawea Longview, Washington 11:0 2/12/1978 #32967 driving on Tennant Way approaching Lake Sacajawea in Longview, Washington, 2/12/1978 #32967 in it silently hovering above the lake near Washington Way. They watch it 2/12/1978 #32967 LAKE ST. CLAIRE, MI Several separate obs 3/6/1978 #33017 LAKE BASKATONG, QB 2 / camp. Shallow glo 3/11/1978 #33028 -cone going down. Hovers just over lake. Photographs. / r60#104. 3/11/1978 #33028 ummeting toward the surface of the lake. It disappears behind trees, and th 3/11/1978 #33032 grab their cameras, and run to the lake. The object is hovering silently ab 3/11/1978 #33032 re moving to the other side of the lake. One of them starts snapping photos 3/11/1978 #33032 s. Yellow globe all over/all about lake. Retractable beam searches lake. La 3/15/1978? #33040 ut lake. Retractable beam searches lake. Large figure. 3/15/1978? #33040 OAKDALE AND BEAVER LAKE, MN Several separate observer(s). B 3/22/1978 #33068 LAKE TULLOCH, CA 3 fishermen. UFO / 50K' 3/29/1978 #33091 LAKE PYROGOVSKOYE, RUSSIA 2 small humano 5/1978 #33180 Lake Michigan, At Sea Several Coast Guar 7/23/1978 #33411 Lake Michigan Several Coast Guard statio 7/23/1978 #33412 Ludington, Michigan Lake Michigan Big Sable Point Lighthouse 7/28/1978 #33435 nd have seen a strange object over Lake Michigan. Coast Guardsman Don Clark 7/28/1978 #33435 Two Rivers, Wisconsin Lake Michigan Rawley Point 11:57 p.m. Si 7/28/1978 #33436 range, and blue lights coming from Lake Michigan and moving toward Rawley P 7/28/1978 #33436 the next early morning hours over Lake Superior and Lake Michigan. 7/28/1978 #33438 rning hours over Lake Superior and Lake Michigan. 7/28/1978 #33438 Lake Superior Apostle Islands, Wisconsin 7/29/1978 #33448 2:40 a.m. A Coast Guard vessel in Lake Superior among the Apostle Islands, 7/29/1978 #33448 near Apostle Island, Wisconsin on Lake Superior saw a large, yellow-white 7/29/1978 #33450 LAKE CRESCENT, TASMANIA 3+/ boats. 3OM b 8/5/1978 #33472 LAKE SORRELL, TASM 5 observer(s). Area l 8/5/1978 #33474 Lake Sorell, Tasmania Lake Crescent 9:50 8/5/1978 #33475 Lake Sorell, Tasmania Lake Crescent 9:50 p.m. A family on the 8/5/1978 #33475 9:50 p.m. A family on the shore of Lake Sorell, Tasmania, watch a glow behi 8/5/1978 #33475 , cigar- shaped object over nearby Lake Crescent. 8/5/1978 #33475 a group of witnesses on a boat on Lake Crescent, Tasmania encountered a 30 8/5/1978 #33477 away quickly. (2) That evening on Lake Sorell, Tasmania the area was illum 8/5/1978 #33477 e round object stops. Going down / lake. Darkens. Reappears elsewhere. 8/19/1978 #33529 r. J. Marchisio was driving near a lake in Maria Teresa, Santa Fe province, 9/20/1978 #33719 Bâlea Lake resort, Romania Around 12:00 midnig 9/23/1978 #33736 cable car technicians at the Bâlea Lake resort, Romania, are awakened by a 9/23/1978 #33736 lently above the ground near Biela Lake, Carpathia, Romania. It suddenly di 9/23/1978 #33737 At the army barracks near Biela Lake, Carpathia, Romania the witness of 9/24/1978 #33744 Lake Urmia, Iran 10:30 a.m. Teenager Fra 10/8/1978 #33813 nusual object behind his home near Lake Urmia, Iran. It appears just above 10/8/1978 #33813 ated with a UFO sighting in Indian Lake, Hamilton County, New York starting 11/1/1978 #33910 Two huge UFOs came screaming over Lake Arrowhead (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 12/25/1978 #34204 Two huge UFOs came screaming over Lake Arrowhead in San Bernardino county, 12/25/1978 #34208 LAKE EYRE, SOUTH AUSTR Private pilot pho 1/2/1979 #34278 musicians. 150cm disk hovers near lake / 10 minute(s). Away / split second 1/8/1979 #34313 .5 meters in size, hovering near a lake for 10 minutes. It then shot away a 1/8/1979 #34318 .5 meters in size, hovering near a lake for 10 minutes. It then shot away a 1/8/1979 #34319 e of a Zeppelin. It hovered over a lake near the airport, and then over the 2/5/1979 #34407 SOUTHEAST / CLEAR LAKE, CA Private pilot. 6' sparkly torus 6/9/1979 #34603 CRYSTAL LAKE, IL 2 / car. Silent metallic ovoid 7/1/1979 #34644 Crystal Lake, Illinois 3:40 p.m. A factory super 7/1/1979 #34645 nd his wife are driving in Crystal Lake, Illinois, when they see an aluminu 7/1/1979 #34645 GREAT BEAR LAKE, NWT 2 / boat. Metallic saucer hove 7/16/1979 #34657 Great Bear Lake, NWT, Can A flat metallic disc with 7/16/1979 #34658 n by two men fishing on Great Bear Lake. They were able to take 12 photogra 7/16/1979 #34658 n by two men fishing on Great Bear Lake, Northwest Territory, Canada at aro 7/16/1979 #34659 w, Poland, is rowing his boat on a lake when he sees a “dark oblong object” 8/1979 #34692 rectangular object going [to] over lake. 1.5M figure(s) / spacesuits walk g 8/10/1979 #34723 wo witnesses are on the shore of a lake near Czluchow, Poland, when they se 8/10/1979 #34725 US23 NEAR WHITMORE LAKE, MI 2 scientists. Night lights hove 8/11/1979 #34727 ownship, Michigan Joy and Whitmire Lake Road 9:41 p.m. A graduate student a 8/11/1979 #34731 e intersection of Joy and Whitmire Lake Road, one set of lights flies direc 8/11/1979 #34731 d maneuvered over Highway 23 and a lake in Ann Arbor, Michigan at 9:41 p.m. 8/11/1979 #34734 BALSAM LAKE, WI 3 / boat. Silent shiny Mltc sau 8/25/1979 #34771 Balsam Lake, Wisconsin 3:30 p.m. Three witnesse 8/25/1979 #34775 hree witnesses in a boat at Balsam Lake, Wisconsin, watch an object with a 8/25/1979 #34775 nd two of his companions on Balsam Lake in Polk County, Wisconsin watch a s 8/25/1979 #34777 BALSAM LAKE, WI 4 / car. Red disk hovers. Car l 9/3/1979 #34825 Balsam Lake, Wisconsin 9:30 p.m. Two couples in 9/3/1979 #34829 in 9:30 p.m. Two couples in Balsam Lake, Wisconsin, see a red disc hovering 9/3/1979 #34829 ped object while driving in Balsam Lake, Wisconsin. 9/3/1979 #34832 3M over field. Going southeast to lake and quickly going up. / APRO Dec'79 9/5/1979 #34837 was seen by five witnesses near a lake two miles east of Dresser, Wisconsi 9/5/1979 #34840 eters of their car, moved over the lake, and was seen again later over a gr 9/5/1979 #34840 Lake City, Minnesota Night. Curtis Olson 9/16/1979 #34890 son is mowing hay on his farm near Lake City, Minnesota, when he finds a ci 9/16/1979 #34890 SOUTHWEST / ROCHESTER, MN 2 / Lake George. Silent chrome flattened sph 9/25/1979 #34921 At 5 p.m. two witnesses at Lake George in Rochester, New York saw a 9/25/1979 #34924 , were at their mountain home near Lake Isabella, 35 miles from Bakersfield 12/11/1979 #35073 five more minutes as it flew over Lake Titicaca. 1/29/1980 #35150 Lake Norman Reservoir, NC Two roofers wo 4/20/1980 #35276 sc-shaped UFO rise vertically from Lake Norman Reservoir, not far from a nu 4/20/1980 #35276 NEAR LAKE NORMAN, NC 2 roofers. Bright saucer 4/24/1980 #35287 C 2 roofers. Bright saucer rises / lake. Makes loop and away. / FSRv35#2. 4/24/1980 #35287 sc-shaped UFO rise vertically from Lake Norman Reservoir, not far from a nu 4/24/1980 #35288 phere/orb/globe drops to surface / Lake Navsjon. Changes color(s). 7/5/1980 #35402 Lake Navsjon, Sweden A large silent sphe 7/5/1980 #35403 t sphere dropped to the surface of Lake Navsjon north of Naveksvarn, Sweden 7/5/1980 #35403 colors while on the surface of the lake (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/5/1980 #35403 t sphere dropped to the surface of Lake Navsjon north of Naveksvarn, Sweden 7/5/1980 #35404 colors while on the surface of the lake. 7/5/1980 #35404 Lake Navsjon, Sweden A large silent sphe 7/6/1980 #35406 t sphere dropped to the surface of Lake Navsjon north of Naveksvarn, Sweden 7/6/1980 #35406 colors while on the surface of the lake (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/6/1980 #35406 NEAR LAKE FORK RESERVOIR, TX 2 / car. Radio a 8/22/1980 #35474 ing hours, on a desolate road near Lake Fork Reservoir, Wood County, Texas 8/22/1980 #35475 Yelm Tenino Offutt Lake, Washington 11:30 p.m. Witnesses ne 10/7/1980 #35559 sses near Yelm, Tenino, and Offutt Lake, Washington, report a large object 10/7/1980 #35559 LAKE BERRYESSA, CA 45' Saturn-torpedo pa 11/5/1980 #35619 Lake Berryessa, California 8:45 p.m. A p 11/5/1980 #35620 rbo Saratoga SP at 8,000 feet near Lake Berryessa, California. He spots an 11/5/1980 #35620 nesses in Minocqua, Wisconsin over Lake Tomah. The UFO flickered with red, 11/25/1980 #35671 d, but did cast reflections in the lake waters. 11/25/1980 #35671 London, Ohio Madison Lake State Park 7:00 p.m. Larry Tilman a 3/21/1981 #35870 east of London, Ohio, near Madison Lake State Park. One appears to be the s 3/21/1981 #35870 Groom Lake, Nevada The first YF-117A stealth f 6/18/1981 #35975 r makes its maiden flight at Groom Lake, Nevada. The aircraft remains a tig 6/18/1981 #35975 Lake Huron, MI L-1011 Encounters Disc (N 7/4/1981 #35985 Over Lake Michigan Major airline L-1011 jumbo 7/4/1981 #35986 south-central Lake Michigan Muskegon, Michigan 4:45 p. 7/4/1981 #35987 at 37,000 feet over south-central Lake Michigan not far from Muskegon, Mic 7/4/1981 #35987 ylinder/cigar-shape maneuvers over lake. Floats / 3 minute(s). Steam rises. 7/15/1981 #36005 Several people were fishing on a lake in Newberry, South Carolina at 10:3 7/15/1981 #36009 d object that maneuvered over the lake, then floats in place for 3 minutes 7/15/1981 #36009 Evansville, Indiana lake near Evansville, Indiana 8:45 p.m. 7/23/1981 #36025 m. Louise Betulius is fishing in a lake near Evansville, Indiana, when she 7/23/1981 #36025 the east, moving slowly toward the lake. It comes down about 3 feet off the 7/23/1981 #36025 lake Mönninselkä Pielisjärvi, Finland 8: 7/31/1981 #36048 :50 p.m. Two men in a motorboat on lake Mönninselkä near Pielisjärvi, Finla 7/31/1981 #36048 flew over the stern of a boat on a lake near Cape Vaaraniemi, Lieksa, Finla 7/31/1981 #36050 ad camped on the south side of the lake. While he slept that night a very l 9/1981 #36097 going quickly east. 2 vanish over lake. 9/16/1981 #36117 At Charleston Lake, Ontario three members of a family 9/16/1981 #36119 The first object came in over the lake at tree level, banked left over the 9/16/1981 #36119 boys were racing dirt bikes near a lake when one of them fell and hit his h 10/8/1981 #36165 descending over the surface of the lake. Inside the light appeared to be a 10/8/1981 #36165 boys were racing dirt bikes near a lake when one of them fell and hit his h 11/8/1981 #36211 descending over the surface of the lake. Inside the light appeared to be a 11/8/1981 #36211 noid proceeded to walk towards the lake, and then to walk on the surface of 11/8/1981 #36211 eed, disturbing the surface of the lake. 11/8/1981 #36211 ith an open cab or hatch fell into Lake Zaysan. Four humanoid wearing the s 11/9/1981 #36213 the Darco Cutoff Road near a small lake and some power lines. It has four c 11/24/1981 #36232 9:30 p.m. It was seen near a small lake and some power lines, and had four 11/24/1981 #36233 t. Big glowing-disk nears. Dives / lake! 2/19/1982 #36350 Lake Onega Petrozavodsk Republic of Kare 2/19/1982 #36356 oticed in the sky above the frozen Lake Onega, from Petrozavodsk in the Rep 2/19/1982 #36356 Lake Sawyer, WA A couple and their son w 8/2/1982 #36559 NEAR LAKE SAWYER, WA 2 / car. 100' ovoid beam 8/10/1982 #36566 to Kent, Washington and were near Lake Sawyer when they noticed an illumin 8/10/1982 #36568 LAKE NORMAN, NC Saucer with 4 legs poses 10/18/1982 #36650 Lake Norman, NC Silver oval with "four l 10/18/1982 #36651 Lake Norman, NC Silver oval UFO with "fo 10/18/1982 #36652 Richardson Highway Summit Lake, Alaska Early evening. Bonnie McCro 10/27/1982 #36666 the Richardson Highway near Summit Lake, Alaska, when their pickup stops wi 10/27/1982 #36666 ocks like a golf ball, near Summit Lake, Alaska. It changed color to orange 10/27/1982 #36667 LAKE CARMEL, NY 2 observer(s). Silent 15 2/26/1983 #36769 LAKE MAHOPAC, NY 6 observer(s). Delta/tr 3/17/1983 #36786 ic highway. Hums. Going north over lake. 3/24/1983 #36798 ang shines beam ahead. Hovers over lake. Lights / rods. 3/26/1983 #36812 Lake Tahoe, Nevada Los Alamos National L 6/22/1983 #36889 osium on Multiparticle Dynamics at Lake Tahoe, Nevada, the Los Alamos Natio 6/22/1983 #36889 of Danbury, Connecticut Candlewood Lake north of Danbury 9:30 p.m. A police 7/12/1983 #36909 Lucksky are boating on Candlewood Lake north of Danbury. They notice a cir 7/12/1983 #36909 und and see the UFO landing on the lake shore. The disc has large round win 8/12/1983 #36949 CEDAR LAKE, IN 2 observer(s). Silent night lig 8/26/1983 #36957 Cedar Lake, IN (IUR-9,1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 8/26/1983 #36959 Cedar Lake, Indiana 4:00 a.m. A Mrs. Zurwaski 8/26/1983 #36960 to the east of her house in Cedar Lake, Indiana. She gets up, thinking a t 8/26/1983 #36960 coastal lake near Wicie, Poland Day. Wiesław Mac 9/3/1983 #36969 a friend are fishing in a coastal lake near Wicie, Poland. They notice an 9/3/1983 #36969 repeatedly probe the surface of a lake with a red beam of light. Every tim 10/28/1983 #37028 ht. Every time a car passed by the lake the lights on the object went out. 10/28/1983 #37028 3 small objects / swamp. Goes over lake. Vanishes! 11/28/1983 #37051 the object hovering above a small lake less than 200 feet away. But within 11/28/1983 #37052 s of public land adjacent to Groom Lake 1984 #37088 WI 2+1 observer(s). Ovoid 15' over Lake Michigan. 3 portholes. Turns 1 / mi 1/3/1984 #37103 Lake Michigan, MI 4:14 AM. An ovoid UFO 1/3/1984 #37104 :14 AM. An ovoid UFO flew low over Lake Michigan and was sighted by three w 1/3/1984 #37104 Port Washington, Wisconsin Lake Michigan 4:14 a.m. A woman wakes up 1/3/1984 #37105 on about 50 feet from the shore of Lake Michigan. The center light, as brig 1/3/1984 #37105 14 a.m. an ovoid UFO flew low over Lake Michigan and was sighted by three w 1/3/1984 #37106 th of Pearsonville, near the China Lake Weapons Center in Kern County on a 1/9/1984 #37120 th of Pearsonville, near the China Lake Weapons Center in Kern County on a 1/9/1984 #37127 OYUNGEN LAKE, NORW Night light stops / Hersjoen. 2/13/1984 #37186 WHITMORE LAKE, MI 1 observer. Huge saucer goes lo 2/23/1984 #37200 y. Beams cone / light going down / lake. / NURC. 4/13/1984 #37259 rida 10:00 p.m. While boating on a lake near Gainesville, Florida, two witn 4/13/1984 #37260 Groom Lake, Nevada Jackass Flats in Area 25 To 4/26/1984 #37301 h Test Squadron, Red Hats at Groom Lake, Nevada, USAF Lt. Gen. Robert M. Bo 4/26/1984 #37301 At a lake near Danbury, Connecticut a witness 8/26/1984 #37442 ppeared over the northern sky over Lake Michigan, without disclosing his lo 3/23/1985 #37573 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 2 observer(s). 60' x40'x20 4/22/1986 #37830 gular object was sighted over Salt Lake City, Utah at 12:30 a.m. It flew sl 4/22/1986 #37835 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 1 observer / bicycle. Smal 5/2/1986 #37851 A CARTAGENA, PR Huge platform over lake. Small luminous objects exit and go 6/1986 (approximate) #37902 lar formation. When they over flew Lake Trasimeno they descended vertically 6/12/1986 #37909 they descended vertically into the lake. 6/12/1986 #37909 OVER LAKE OFF ST. JOSEPH, MI 3 observer(s). S 6/13/1986 #37910 light going up and down [to] over lake. Larger object hovers over night li 7/29/1986 #37956 turnal light was reported over the lake at Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. A large 7/29/1986 #37957 ls going quickly [to] over N. Fork Lake 50' away. 5+helicopters chase. 8/1986 (approximate) #37963 BANKSONS LAKE, MI Silent 75m manta-UFO. Eye irrit 8/1/1986 #37967 re fishing from a boat on Banksons Lake, Michigan when they had a close enc 8/1/1986 #37968 t that was only 200 feet above the lake. The object had a brilliant steady 8/1/1986 #37968 was seen by two witnesses entering Lake Trasimeno off Castiglione del Lago, 11/3/1986 #38059 meters in size. Having reached the lake, the objects dived perpendicularly 11/3/1986 #38059 ance System, the Space Fence, over Lake Kickapoo, TX. The facility tracks t 12/1986 #38079 ex near Colorado Springs, Colorado Lake Kickapoo, Texas Navy Commander “She Mid 12/1986 #38083 the US. The intrusion occurs above Lake Kickapoo, Texas. Mondran’s team tra Mid 12/1986 #38083 ALDER LAKE, WA 2 observer(s). Silent manta-del 3/7/1987 #38131 7 observer(s). Classic saucer over lake. Glow / bottom/underside. Darkness 4/17/1987 #38158 disc-shaped object hovering over a lake in Soderbarke, Kopparberg, Sweden. 4/17/1987 #38160 CARTAGENA, PR Red fireball sinks / lake. Huge saucer emerges and circles ar 5/30/1987 #38179 l object with orbs / ends hovers / lake. Going quickly south. Back / 2 nigh 6/1/1987 #38184 GOLDEN LAKE, ON Several campers. Slow night lig 7/1987 #38202 O, DK Red sphere/orb/globe circles lake. Hovers / school. Several separate 8/12/1987 #38244 Candlewood Lake Road Brookfield, Connecticut 6:00 p Mid 10/1987 #38305 .m. A man is driving up Candlewood Lake Road, near Brookfield, Connecticut, Mid 10/1987 #38305 dish-orange light lit up the whole lake in Coon Rapids, Minnesota at 10:00 12/25/1987 #38373 shorline. It then went down to the lake level and turned off all illuminate 12/25/1987 #38373 were discovered in the ice on the lake the next day. The holes were betwee 12/25/1987 #38373 lce, New Mexico Holloman AFB Groom Lake, Nevada Lear Jet heir John Lear, ba 12/29/1987 #38378 cret underground facility at Groom Lake, Nevada, was built “for and with th 12/29/1987 #38378 with coronas make south-turns over Lake Siljan and away. 1/2/1988 #38386 e bridge to the only island on the lake. He estimates it is 45 feet high an 1/5/1988 #38405 illuminated ellipse hovering over Lake Erie, landing on ice. Smaller trian 3/4/1988 #38486 Eastlake, Ohio Lake Erie Perry Nuclear Power Plant Detr 3/4/1988 #38487 a notices something hovering above Lake Erie, so they drive down to the bea 3/4/1988 #38487 1,300 feet. Somehow it causes the lake ice to rumble and crack. The Bakers 3/4/1988 #38487 for over an hour off the shore of Lake Erie near Eastlake, Ohio. At 8:35 p 3/4/1988 #38488 ed over, then landed on the ice on Lake Erie, not far from a nuclear power 3/4/1988 #38488 Huge cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / lake. Going west and stops / new "VOA" r 4/1/1988 #38528 LAKE OJESJON, DALARNA, SWD 4 / boat. 3 B 7/24/1988 #38606 At 2:40 a.m. on Lake Ojesjon in Kopparberg, Sweden three 7/24/1988 #38607 LAKE DUKHOVO-DALNEGORSK Several observer 9/25/1988 #38647 ect turn and follow car. Stop over Lake Fryken. No further details. 11/7/1988 #38706 Las Vegas, Nevada Groom Lake, Nevada Physicist Edward Teller all 11/28/1988 #38724 ch company with contracts at Groom Lake, Nevada. 11/28/1988 #38724 Las Vegas, Nevada Area 51 at Groom Lake Papoose Dry Lake S-4 Lazar reports 12/6/1988 #38748 Area 51 at Groom Lake Papoose Dry Lake S-4 Lazar reports to work at the EG 12/6/1988 #38748 im on a flight to Area 51 at Groom Lake, where Lazar signs a secrecy agreem 12/6/1988 #38748 arrive at a base near Papoose Dry Lake known as S-4. Lazar’s ID is prepare 12/6/1988 #38748 Papoose Dry Lake Lazar takes group near Groom Lake t 3/1989 (approximate) #38853 Lake Lazar takes group near Groom Lake to view UFO’s 3/1989 (approximate) #38853 S-4 at Groom Lake, Nevada Nevada test facility Robert 3/1989 #38855 on his third visit to S-4 at Groom Lake, Nevada. It is a classic-looking fl 3/1989 #38855 se. Hexagon beams going down / icy lake. Dangles chain. Zigzags. 3/6/1989 #38865 Papoose Dry Lake Bob Lazar takes groups of friends o Spring 1989 #38876 into the desert around Papoose Dry Lake, 15 miles south of Groom Lake. They Spring 1989 #38876 Dry Lake, 15 miles south of Groom Lake. They appeared to be large glowing, Spring 1989 #38876 ohn Lear with Bob Lazar near Groom Lake 3/22/1989 #38877 Papoose Dry Lake Lazar records the mean outdoor temp 3/29/1989 #38883 Papoose Dry Lake Lazar’s 3rd trip with group to view 4/2/1989 #38886 ith group to view UFO’s near Groom Lake 4/2/1989 #38886 Groom Lake Road, Nevada Lincoln County Robert 4/5/1989 #38894 to view a flight test along Groom Lake Road, Nevada. They are discovered b 4/5/1989 #38894 Groom Lake Indian Springs Air Force Base [now 4/6/1989 #38895 vented from going to work at Groom Lake and is taken to Indian Springs Air 4/6/1989 #38895 y EG&G, and if he comes near Groom Lake again he will be arrested for espio 4/6/1989 #38895 Papoose Dry Lake Area-51/S-4 whistleblower Bob Lazar 4/7/1989 #38896 Silent dark 12' and saucer rises / lake. Bubbles boil. Rises straight/strai 4/12/1989 #38901 cigar-shaped object rise out of a lake. It was brownish-black and 15' long 4/12/1989 #38903 Las Vegas, Nevada Area 51 Papoose Lake Groom Lake Robert Lazar is first in 5/15/1989 #38952 Nevada Area 51 Papoose Lake Groom Lake Robert Lazar is first interviewed b 5/15/1989 #38952 -4 facility is adjacent to Papoose Lake, which is located south of the main 5/15/1989 #38952 the main Area 51 facility at Groom Lake. He claims the site consists of con 5/15/1989 #38952 oyed at S-4, a facility near Groom Lake/Area 51 adjacent to Papoose Lake. L 5/15/1989 #38953 m Lake/Area 51 adjacent to Papoose Lake. Lazar claims the site has conceale 5/15/1989 #38953 us trips to the outskirts of Groom Lake for UFO viewing parties. 5/24/1989 #38961 m. Big silent flashy fireball over lake. Back days later. 6/1989 #38969 Lake Radunka Kyiv, Ukraine 9:30 p.m. G. 6/30/1989 #38998 ch a fiery object with a tail over Lake Radunka in Kyiv, Ukraine, flying at 6/30/1989 #38998 LAKE NORMAN RESERVOIR, NC Red delta/tria 8/8/1989 #39043 couple doing some night fishing on Lake Michigan saw a silver, disc-shaped 8/10/1989 #39052 PICKEREL LAKE, MI 2 observer(s). 75m cylinder/cig 9/11/1989 #39095 LE, NY 20 / bus. Night lights near lake. 2 circles / dead grass. Lampposts 9/30/1989 #39134 COLD LAKE, ALTA 2 air traffic controllers. UF 12/18/1989 #39319 black programs flying out of Groom Lake including a silent triangle. “Uncon 1990 #39356 urce he knew for 12 years at Groom Lake told him “positively” that UAP exis 1990 #39356 s Vegas, Nevada Tikaboo Peak Groom Lake Arranged by Norio Hayakawa, Robert 2/1990 #39403 ange light maneuvering above Groom Lake. 2/1990 #39403 Highway 375, Tikaboo Valley Groom Lake, Nevada Sundown. Norio Hayakawa, a 2/21/1990 #39424 est flight of an object from Groom Lake, Nevada. The group sees an orange-y 2/21/1990 #39424 aircraft project existed at Groom Lake that was not Aurora but something e 2/21/1990 #39426 WEST / WILLIAMS LAKE, BC Orange saucer. Portholes beneat 6/23/1990 #39622 the course of a creek in Williams Lake, British Columbia at a low altitude 6/23/1990 #39623 toes and 3 fingers. Jump bridge to lake. 8/11/1990 #39683 ; they jumped from a bridge into a lake. 8/11/1990 #39686 walked in front of parked cars in Lake Cartagena, Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, 8/31/1990 #39708 WILLIAMS LAKE, BC 75' red cone / light in fog ove 9/1/1990 #39713 ards AFB, George AFB and the China Lake Naval Weapons Center. In one instan 10/1/1990 #39757 LLANQUIHUE LAKE, CHL 2 / boat. Huge object hovers o 10/20/1990 #39798 LAKE APODI, BRAZIL 3 / canoe. 50cm red b 4/1991 #40026 esa MOC, Sally Corridor MOC, Groom Lake MOC, Dreamland MOC, Ground Star MOC 7/28/1991 #40136 h, Paput Mesa, Sally Carter, Groom Lake, Dreamland are also mentioned. CSE 7/28/1991 #40136 NEAR LAKE BUCURA, ROMANIA 7 hikers. Night lig 8/4/1991 #40141 / plant / balcony! Mumble. Walk to lake. / r121p24. 8/14/1991 #40153 ounds, and then walked to a nearby lake. 8/14/1991 #40154 appeared from radar in the area of Lake Issyk-Kul near the border of Kazakh 8/28/1991 #40168 ta/triangle/box-like crafts circle lake. 6 more delta/triangle/box-like cra 11/13/1991 #40227 and the two UFOs circled a nearby lake. The UFOs moved erratically, someti 11/13/1991 #40228 p.m. two women walking home near a lake in Hamar, Norway heard a low freque 3/9/1992 #40367 bridge. 2 beams going quickly [to] lake nearby. Much Mica found. 9/30/1992 #40644 d two beams of light into a nearby lake. 9/30/1992 #40650 LAKE KARIBA, ZIMB Colored night lights / 10/17/1992 #40681 WEST / LAKE SAN MARCOS, CA "200-watt" night lig 10/23/1992 #40688 all of light at 12:45 a.m. west of Lake San Marcos in San Diego County, Cal 10/23/1992 #40690 UFO fly from the northeast over a lake in East Holden, Maine. It flew sout 12/20/1992 #40755 side of the object was seen over a lake in Springfield, Missouri by a boy a 12/25/1992 #40769 WILLIAMS LAKE, BC Silent vibrant bright light bea 1/29/1993 #40818 higan Whitehall, Michigan Muskegon Lake 11:20 p.m. A witness in Muskegon, M 4/26/1993 #40951 ged like a triangle above Muskegon Lake. The lights separate, and the white 4/26/1993 #40951 no wings and no windows flew over Lake Erie making no sound and at an incr 5/5/1993 #40966 irl / 8. Metallic pod going down / Lake Peblinge. Away extremely fast going 6/17/1993 #41019 MIQUELON LAKE / PARK, ALTA Silent UFO's fly / lin 6/28/1993 #41040 teenagers driving south on Sparta Lake Road saw several red lights moving 7/13/1993 #41066 BC Big saucer hovers over Kamloops Lake / 5 minute(s). Same seen 3 hours la 7/25/1993 #41087 WOOD LAKE, BC Glowing UFO hovers over lake. D 8/18/1993 #41142 D LAKE, BC Glowing UFO hovers over lake. Drops sparks. Moves. Stops. Contin 8/18/1993 #41142 A glowing UFO hovered over Wood Lake, British Columbia at 9:00 p.m. It d 8/18/1993 #41145 at a cabin in the woods at Dorothy Lake, Manitoba, Canada awoke around 3:30 9/1/1993 #41174 CLEAR LAKE OAKS, CA Several HIQ observer(s) an 9/2/1993 #41175 LAKE WYLIE, NC 3 observer(s). 15m saucer 10/8/1993 #41224 isc-shaped object hovered over the Lake Wylie reservoir in North Carolina a 10/8/1993 #41227 it moved extremely slowly over the lake on a clear night. 11/3/1993 #41261 COLD LAKE, ALTA 2 observer(s). CE1 encounter 12/19/1993 #41332 Groom Lake “Groom Lake Toxic Burning Alleged” 3/20/1994 #41461 Groom Lake “Groom Lake Toxic Burning Alleged” A former wor 3/20/1994 #41461 HAPPY ISLE LAKE, ON 2 / camp. Brilliant silent nigh 5/27/1994 #41538 ght ORBs going down [to] by Damhus Lake. Going [to] behind trees. Rise agai 6/27/1994 #41587 nslucent ovoid follows planes over lake. All lose 1 day / missing time. 7/21/1994 #41632 was observed hovering over Taharti Lake, British Columbia, Canada for three 7/21/1994 #41634 line of smoke in the sky over Gull Lake, Alberta, Canada and stopped dead; 8/10/1994 #41668 US36 / RACCOON LAKE, IN 5 observer(s). Huge delta/trian 9/9/1994 #41728 Racoon Lake, IN Green- and red-lighted object w 9/9/1994 #41730 lite objects was sighted in Racoon Lake, Indiana by five witnesses driving 9/9/1994 #41733 y object rises over hills. Crosses Lake Kariba. 9/14/1994 #41747 uthern Zambia Zvishavane, Zimbabwe Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe 8:50–9:05 p.m. A b 9/14/1994 #41749 from north to south. Witnesses at Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe, variously see thr 9/14/1994 #41749 ray / 23 night lights rotates over Lake Geneva. 10/30/1994 #41821 o driving in a car on the shore of Lake Geneva, near La Blecherette, Lausan 10/30/1994 #41823 nocturnal lights that rotated over Lake Geneva. 10/30/1994 #41823 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 1 observer / ground. Dis 12/2/1994 #41877 DEASE LAKE, BC 2 RCMP and 2 others. Night ligh 1/11/1995 #41969 ashes color(s) and oscillates over lake. Back 12 Jan. 1/11/1995 #41969 NEAR SALT LAKE AIRPORT/APARTMENT, UT 1 / Delta Fli 2/20/1995 #42051 LAKE HAVASU, AZ 5 observer(s). Cylinder/ 3/23/1995 #42114 LAKE MENDOTA, WI University students. Od 5/12/1995 #42196 Odd boot-shaped object hovers over lake. No further details. 5/12/1995 #42196 LAKE OSWEGO, OR Woman. Bizarre disk outs 5/17/1995 #42212 BIG LAKE STREAM, ME Boy / boat. 3 "ducks" = 7/4/1995 #42290 c object turns going south / green lake. Separate observer(s) sees object g 7/15/1995 #42301 MOOSEHEAD LAKE, ME Retired airman and 2. Huge cyli 8/6/1995 #42361 le hovers still / 2 minute(s) over lake. Gone / split Sec. 8/7/1995 #42365 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 1 / (seen thru) binocula 9/9/1995 #42448 WEST / SALT LAKE CITY, UT Air Traffic Controller and 9/11/1995 #42453 LAKE ERIE NORTH / CLEVELAND, OH Huge dar 9/19/1995 #42483 LAKE CHARLES, LA 2 observer(s). Row / 3 9/22/1995 #42500 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 1 observer. Night light 9/23/1995 #42503 with lights going north toward(s) Lake Butte des Morts. Several calls / co 11/2/1995 #42578 appear to enter a nearby man-made lake behind an apartment complex in Hial 12/9/1995 #42639 LAKE GEORGE, NSW 2 cars. Brilliant cylin 1/14/1996 #42684 RU 6 observer(s). 6 objects rise / lake. Cylinder/cigar-shape lands. 2 smal 1/31/1996 #42728 cts apparently emerged from nearby Lake Cococha. The objects formed what se 1/31/1996 #42729 LAKE STEVENS, WA 5 observer(s). Red-oran 2/11/1996 #42757 nfused along the shore of Ilopango Lake. Under interrogation he related a b 2/29/1996 #42789 e was later taken to the shores of Lake Ilopango where the beings told him 2/29/1996 #42789 e sensation of falling towards the lake. This part was very confusing and c 2/29/1996 #42789 Trout Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada Two 3/12/1996 #42821 unters are snowmobiling near Trout Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada, whe 3/12/1996 #42821 s, the lights go out. Later, Trout Lake officials find large rectangular im 3/12/1996 #42821 h break at 1:30 p.m. at West Point Lake, near the McGhee Bridge in La Grang 5/7/1996 #42899 disc-shaped object just above the lake. After some five to ten minutes, th 5/7/1996 #42899 Edwards AFB, Haystack Butte, China Lake, George AFB, Norton AFB, Table Top 8/30/1996 #43001 51/S4, Pahute Mesa, Area 19, Groom Lake, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Ki 8/30/1996 #43001 erground complex southwest of Salt Lake City UT. CSETI also listed private 8/30/1996 #43001 are windows aims beam going down / lake. / LDLN#342. 10/25/1996 #43094 directs a beam of light down at a lake it is hovering above. Two nights la 10/25/1996 #43095 it returns, moving high above the lake. They drive to the home of a neighb 10/25/1996 #43095 er two shine beams of light on the lake again and disappear by moving into 10/25/1996 #43095 rected a beam of light down at the lake. 10/25/1996 #43096 LAKE CITY, WA 1 observer. Double domed-d 11/19/1996 #43113 FOX LAKE, YKN 6 separate observer(s). Huge s 12/11/1996 #43136 e observer(s). Huge saucer crosses lake and highway. Beams down. Slow and s 12/11/1996 #43136 Yukon Territory, Canada Fox Lake Carmacks Pelly Crossing Mayo 7:00–8 12/11/1996 #43137 ocations in the central Yukon: Fox Lake, Carmacks, Pelly Crossing, and Mayo 12/11/1996 #43137 St. Clair River Sarnia, Ontario Lake Huron 1:40 p.m. A woman is sitting 4/20/1997 #43268 travels a short distance north to Lake Huron and vanishes. The original ob 4/20/1997 #43268 Turns going quickly southeast over Lake Laberge. Flapping sounds (made by U 6/18/1997 #43326 LAKE PLEASANT, AZ 2 observer(s). Huge tr 7/11/1997 #43348 LAKE JUNALUSKA, NC 1+3 observer(s). 2 sh 11/24/1997 #43447 claims is a facility beneath Groom Lake with at least 10 underground storie 1998 #43481 saucer hovers / huge hydro-dam and lake. Covers valley! Going quickly east. 5/16/1998 #43567 over a giant hydroelectric dam and lake, Lago de Colbun in southern Chile, 5/16/1998 #43568 minutes, before flying across the lake and into the Andes Mountains. Witne 5/16/1998 #43568 "UFOs have been seen coming out of Lake Colbun near the high tension wires, 5/16/1998 #43568 eens. Red fireball going [to] over lake. Going up [to] then speeds extremel 6/1/1998 #43578 A red ball of light shot over the lake in Gmunden, Austria at 9:30 p.m. It 6/1/1998 #43579 on UAP derived technology at China Lake, Edwards Air Force Base and the Nev 6/17/1998 #43589 TWIN LAKE, MI Boy / camp. Metal-grey flashlig 7/3/1998 #43599 r/cigar-shape going west toward(s) lake into cloud. 7/3/1998 #43599 . 30+separate observer(s). Lands / lake! 9/7/1998 #43642 at a “secret” air base near Groom Lake, Nev., dubbed “Area 51.” 11/16/1998 #43683 Adair states he was taken to Groom Lake, Nevada to see the landing of a tes 1999 #43709 p.m. four police constables near a lake in Sheffield, England saw an orange 2/9/1999 #43724 Lake Backsjön Gunnarskog, Värmlands, Swe 7/27/1999 #43814 al people living near the shore of Lake Backsjön, near Gunnarskog, Värmland 7/27/1999 #43814 begins an intensive search of the lake under the code name Operation Sea F 7/27/1999 #43814 day search and examines 75% of the lake, but the search is discontinued on 7/27/1999 #43814 LAKE CHARLES, LA Woman age 87. Large del 8/22/1999 #43829 haped object buzz over her home in Lake Charles, Louisiana. A blue beam cam 8/22/1999 #43830 Metallic disk going [to] slow over lake. Silent. Reflects sun. Photograph p 2/3/2000 (approximate) #43939 small boy, driving near Little Fox Lake in the Yukon Territory, Canada spot 3/30/2000 #43973 one another in the night sky over Lake Nacimiento for three minutes. 6/30/2000 #44007 In Gull Lake, Ontario, Canada a sphere 40-70 fee 8/30/2000 #44034 The witness awoke at 3:55 a.m. in Lake LaBerge, Yukon, Canada to find her 12/13/2000 #44103 uminous object hovered over Canyon Lake in Comal County, Texas. Spotlights 1/24/2001 #44130 Clermont, Florida Lake Minnehaha 2:53 a.m. A witness is dr 2/2/2002 #44315 e sees a silent, bright light over Lake Minnehaha. The object passes over h 2/2/2002 #44315 craft was sighted flying over Salt Lake City, Utah at 3:00 a.m. The sightin 2/15/2002 #44316 enery taken at 11:45 a.m. on Cabin Lake Road, northeast of Fort Nelson, Bri 7/7/2002 #44357 ld copper mine on an island in the lake. It rose up, stopped, moved sideway 10/22/2002 #44421 moved. It cast a reflection on the lake, and finally flew off toward the no 10/22/2002 #44421 when he reached a place by a small lake in Prospect, Connecticut at 10:03 p 1/22/2003 #44477 craft to the northwest of Dog Bone Lake and tunnel entrances to the northwe 5/7/2003 #44528 Ontario at the southeastern end of Lake Superior and as he came to the cent 3/12/2004 #44676 s at the north end of the man-made lake, Lago de Guri. The dam is on the Ri 5/15/2004 #44702 At Lake in the Hills, Illinois at 10:25 p.m 8/20/2004 #44736 with two large old oak trees and a lake between them. The almost deserted v 8/25/2004 #44741 Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, California Day. The crew of a mili 10/27/2004 #44770 ar Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, California, observes a dark gray, 10/27/2004 #44770 hen resumed its flight over Watson Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada. 10/30/2004 #44775 gular object appeared over a small lake in Louisville, Kentucky with beams 5/5/2005 #44831 woods in a small clearing next to Lake Nice Francisco in Cagayan de Oro, M 6/14/2005 #44847 disc-shaped object skimming over a lake in Christiana Lake, Ontario, Canada 4/18/2006 #44932 skimming over a lake in Christiana Lake, Ontario, Canada at 10:45 p.m. The 4/18/2006 #44932 Some men at the Greenwater Lake Provincial Park in Saskatchewan, Ca 5/18/2006 #44944 sc-shaped object hovering over the lake at around 1:00 a.m. Later they obse 5/18/2006 #44944 rger disc-shaped object over Round Lake, Illinois. Then both vanished in a 1/30/2007 #45002 ing and floating over houses along Lake Ontario in Grimsby, Ontario, Canada 2/9/2007 #45005 North Park Lake McCandless, Pennsylvania Night. Bri 4/6/2007 #45016 an Vike is driving near North Park Lake, McCandless, Pennsylvania, with fri 4/6/2007 #45016 ange light shining directly on the lake from high above it. They get out an 4/6/2007 #45016 They get out and walk towards the lake. Vike is able to see fish swimming 4/6/2007 #45016 wimming beneath the surface of the lake under the beam. The object projecti 4/6/2007 #45016 Lake Easton, Washington 10:40 p.m. A man 10/10/2007 #45072 about 70 feet wide hovering above Lake Easton, Washington, for 3–5 minutes 10/10/2007 #45072 extended from it, illuminating the lake. He sees small objects floating up 10/10/2007 #45072 microbiologist working at Papoose Lake Facility/S4 and claims to have been 2008 #45109 n showing the object flying over a lake, Lago Menendez in the Los Alerces N 1/23/2008 #45113 hts hovered above the surface of a lake in Niantic, Connecticut at eleven o 2/19/2008 #45121 rd Missile 3 launched from the USS Lake Erie. The US claims it created no s 2/21/2008 #45122 . in his tent while camping in the Lake District, England. At 1:30 a.m. he 5/4/2009 #45217 ng lights moving slowly over Falls Lake. 11/24/2009 #45255 unachal Pradash Kargil Leh Thakung Lake Pangong Tso Himalayas Indian Army t 8/1/2012 #45350 unit in the Thakung district near lake Pangong Tso in the Himalayas. The r 8/1/2012 #45350 ly termed "Area 51") include Groom Lake Air Force Base. Film taken from jus 2013 #45356 loted vehicles) developed at Groom Lake, which (due to being teleoperated o 2013 #45356 erground complex southwest of Salt Lake City, Utah under Dugway Proving Gro 4/18/2016 #45451 North Lake Shore Drive Schiller Street 9:20 p. 8/9/2017 #45478 uple are walking south along North Lake Shore Drive just north of Schiller 8/9/2017 #45478 r the trees in front of 1400 North Lake Shore Drive, then stops in mid-air 8/9/2017 #45478## Word: "lake--lac-aux-bleuets" (Back to Top)
n called J. R. were camping near a lake--Lac-aux-Bleuets, Quebec, Canada--w 9/30/1973 #27892## Word: "lake-and" (Back to Top)
n off-limits area near Papoose Dry Lake-and no government agency seems will 10/1992 #40653## Word: "lakebed" (Back to Top)
ke, Nevada southwest corner of the lakebed A survey team arrives at Groom L 5/4/1955 #12117 way on the southwest corner of the lakebed and designates a site for a base 5/4/1955 #12117 runways 9/27 and 03/21) on the dry lakebed. 10/1960 #16472 t and ice / frozen lake. Furrows / lakebed. Crud and odd fragments. 4/27/1961 #16663 ity of Groom Lake, Nevada, and the lakebed becomes the center of a 600-squa 1/1962 #17014 photographs 30M circle / indents / lakebed. See reference photograph / pg21 1/2/1979 #34278## Word: "lakefront" (Back to Top)
he head. He walked up and down the lakefront until the Coast Guard search b 4/8/1954 #9678 s-Dispatch, saw an object over the lakefront at 11:30 p.m. It looked like a 6/20/1969 #25230 r craft was sighted over the Burke Lakefront Airport in Cleveland, Ohio. It 2/17/2007 #45006## Word: "lakehurst" (Back to Top)
EAST / LAKEHURST, NJ Military jet in dogfight / 11/7/1950 #5268 Lakehurst (E of), NJ Light Makes 5-6 Hea 11/7/1950 #5269 Lakehurst, New Jersey A military pilot f 11/7/1950 #5270 ing a Douglas AD-4Q Skyraider near Lakehurst, New Jersey, engages in a dogf 11/7/1950 #5270 Lakehurst, NJ (40.01° N, 74.31° W). Fole 12/27/1950 #5367 Naval Air Station Lakehurst [now Joint Base McGuire–Dix–La 1/1/1954 #9437 ehurst [now Joint Base McGuire–Dix–Lakehurst], Toms River, New Jersey Beach 1/1/1954 #9437 rge G. Morgan of Naval Air Station Lakehurst [now Joint Base McGuire–Dix–La 1/1/1954 #9437 ehurst [now Joint Base McGuire–Dix–Lakehurst], Toms River, New Jersey, poli 1/1/1954 #9437 re AFB [now Joint Base McGuire–Dix–Lakehurst] in Burlington County, New Jer 1/18/1978 #32894 re AFB [now Joint Base McGuire–Dix–Lakehurst] in Burlington County, New Jer 1/18/1978 #32894## Word: "lakeland" (Back to Top)
Lakeland, FL Five "Turtle-Backed" Object 7/7/1947 #2922 LAKELAND, GA USAF man. Night light darts 7/24/1952 #7094 Lakeland, FL A black smoke trail/circle- 1/26/1955 #11942 Lakeland, Florida Witness: J.M. Holland 1/26/1955 #11943 black smoke trail make a circle in Lakeland, Florida. There was an explosio 1/26/1955 #11944 LAKELAND, FL 5 observer(s). Disk hovers 10/1968 #24529 object hovering over the house in Lakeland, Florida. Several human-like fi 11/9/1968 #24647 LAKELAND, NY National Enq. 30 locals. Do 10/24/1974 #29552 A couple in Lakeland, Florida reported a large verti 1/8/1987 #38094 15 MI SOUTHEAST / LAKELAND, FL FAA report. Plane crew sees 10/18/1995 #42557 A female security guard in Lakeland, Florida spotted a strange "ali 7/12/1998 #43602## Word: "lakenheath" (Back to Top)
LAKENHEATH AB, ENGL 4 RADAR's and pilots 8/13/1956 #13077 Lakenheath AFB, Bentwaters, UK August 13 8/13/1956 #13078 Lakenheath AFB, Bentwaters, UK Aug 13, 1 8/13/1956 #13079 AFB, Bentwaters, UK Aug 13, 1956; Lakenheath AFB, Bentwaters, England RV ( 8/13/1956 #13079 twaters Parks Suffolk, England RAF Lakenheath RAF Neatishead Norfolk RAF Wa 8/13/1956 #13080 observers. Bentwaters notifies RAF Lakenheath, also in Suffolk, about what 8/13/1956 #13080 ffolk, about what is going on, and Lakenheath personnel see a luminous obje 8/13/1956 #13080 hich are tracked on two screens at Lakenheath. According to T/Sgt. Forrest 8/13/1956 #13080 t Perkins, watch supervisor at the Lakenheath radar center, at midnight Lak 8/13/1956 #13080 kenheath radar center, at midnight Lakenheath notifies RAF Neatishead, Norf 8/13/1956 #13080 all, UK (McDonald list) Targets on Lakenheath Radar (BBU) (NICAP: 09 - RADA 10/19/1957 #14135 fieds such as 1951 Goose Bay, 1956 Lakenheath and 1957 Shreveport. Hynek a 4/5/1966 #20253 Cyprus Akrotiri Dhekelia RAF Lakenheath A huge object approaches the 8/16/1981 #36078 UK Air Force personnel meet at RAF Lakenheath in England to discuss the cas 8/16/1981 #36078 A12 / LAKENHEATH, UK Huge rectangle and night 4/18/1984 #37265 Lakenheath Air Base, UK A rectangular UF 4/18/1984 #37266 ve the side of a road near the RAF Lakenheath Air Base in England. It had r 4/18/1984 #37266 RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk, England road near 4/18/1984 #37267 in Suffolk, England road near RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk, England 9:30 p.m. 4/18/1984 #37267 uple is driving on a road near RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk, England, when the 4/18/1984 #37267 ve the side of a road near the RAF Lakenheath Air Base in England. It had r 4/18/1984 #37268 RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk, England Afternoon 1/12/2007 #44999 training mission just north of RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk, England. One figh 1/12/2007 #44999## Word: "lakenheath-bentwaters" (Back to Top)
n for Atmospheric Research Cornell Lakenheath-Bentwaters The American Acade 12/26/1969 #25509 depth examination of the RB-47 and Lakenheath-Bentwaters cases. Donald Menz 12/26/1969 #25509## Word: "lakes" (Back to Top)
he land with canals and artificial lakes. 1899 #629 etc. beam lights up and down over lakes and towns and more/others. 1/1/1934 (approximate) #1192 orts from California and the Great Lakes. The majority of these reports wer 7/5/1947 #2726 Snake River Canyon Blue Lakes Ranch Twin Falls, Idaho 1:00 p.m. 8/13/1947 #3320 iver Canyon six miles west of Blue Lakes Ranch near Twin Falls, Idaho. The 8/13/1947 #3320 HAY LAKES, ALTA 2 observer(s). Silent silver 8/5/1952 #7457 acer County, California Loch Leven Lakes Cisco Grove 10:00 p.m. Donald Schr 9/5/1964 #18539 y, California, near the Loch Leven Lakes in the vicinity of Cisco Grove. Sc 9/5/1964 #18539 the shore of one of the Narrabeen Lakes in New South Wales, Australia. The 4/3/1968 #23886 Great Lakes Naval Base instructor RK states a 6/1973 #27543 ken in secret by rail to the Great Lakes Naval Base under heavy guard. RK s 6/1973 #27543 POMPTON LAKES, NJ Several observer(s). Balloon f 7/17/1973 #27636 aped object was sighted in Pompton Lakes, New Jersey at about the same time 7/17/1973 #27637 Hawaii At Great Lakes Naval Base, Instructor R. K., Gunn 9/1973 #27735 SR66 NORTH / SIX LAKES, MI Saucer / possible landing. Nig 9/29/1973 #27885 SOUTHEAST / MOUNTAIN LAKES, NJ 2 / car and more. 70' domed sa 7/4/1975 #30151 domed disc was seen near Mountain Lakes, New Jersey sweeping the ground wi 7/4/1975 #30158 o a strange land with no trees, no lakes, and no birds, and a darkness abov 3/24/1978 #33079 / hilltop. Goes and stops / small lakes.. 1/1/1979 #34272 HOYT LAKES, MN Cops and pilot and more/others 10/10/1990 #39769 g Range, not over Groom or Papoose Lakes. It was unclear if the orbs were m 10/20/1992 #40683 Klondike Highway Little Fox Lakes, Yukon Territory 5:00 a.m. Leah Is 3/30/2000 #43971 hway at the west end of Little Fox Lakes, Yukon Territory, when they spot a 3/30/2000 #43971## Word: "lakeshore" (Back to Top)
White ovoid / black rods zips over Lakeshore. Comes back. 8/9/1967 #22850 5 observer(s). 10M saucer 2M over Lakeshore. 2 long-haired pseudo-human/en 1/3/1968 (approximate) #23646## Word: "lakeside" (Back to Top)
714 West Lakeside Street, Madison, Wisconsin 7:50 3/11/1955 #12041 light from their home at 714 West Lakeside Street in Madison, Wisconsin, t 3/11/1955 #12041 rge saucer of light" rise from the lakeside. The saucer hovered briefly bef 1/21/1966 #19865 d throws light and sparks over 2 / lakeside and going [to] away. 10/20/1968 #24577 LAKESIDE, OH Amber-white night lights pl 2/1969 #24884 Jarmo Nykanen was staying at his lakeside summer cottage in Sounenjoki, F 7/1/1973 #27610 ion were on a fishing holiday at a lakeside camp on Lake Sorrell, Tasmania. 2/26/1975 #29853 bing it. It disappears behind some lakeside vegetation. Another witness on 8/1979 #34692 A 4 observer(s). Brilliant light / lakeside. 4 dark 75-300' boomerangs slow 12/2/1988 #38734 A brilliant light was first seen lakeside in Shelton, Mason County, Washi 12/2/1988 #38735## Word: "laketi" (Back to Top)
an unidentified flying object over Laketi in the Likuala Mossaka region of 6/18/1954 #9909 go Brazzaville La Semaine de L’akf Laketi Mission Mossaka District 7:35 p.m 6/18/1954 #9910 he and others had seen a UFO over Laketi Mission in the Mossaka District. 6/18/1954 #9910 s from the north and heads towards Laketi. It suddenly stops, rises and fal 6/18/1954 #9910## Word: "lakeview" (Back to Top)
LAKEVIEW, OR 3 / home. 2 then 4 disks we 7/7/1947 #2854## Word: "lakeville" (Back to Top)
LAKEVILLE, MA Blue Book. Roar. Bright-ye 2/28/1961 #16612 Lakeville, MA House lights dimmed three 2/28/1961 #16614## Word: "lakewood" (Back to Top)
LAKEWOOD, OH 2+observer(s) / (seen thru) 7/3/1954 #9987 LAKEWOOD, CA Nurse. Silent brilliant sau 5/12/1956 #12846 At 3:30 a.m. in Lakewood, Los Angeles County, California 5/12/1956 #12847 Lakewood, Massachusetts 3:20 a.m. Claren 2/28/1961 #16615 sound in the sky at their home in Lakewood, Massachusetts. They look out t 2/28/1961 #16615 ad a close encounter with a UFO in Lakewood, New Jersey on this day. 12/5/1966 #21187 LAKEWOOD, CO Engineer and 1 / (seen thru 9/28/1967 #23141 Lakewood, CO 9:45 p.m. MST. A couple and 9/30/1967 #23149 m. Norman Cory was driving home in Lakewood, Colorado when he was flagged d 10/10/1967 #23205 LAKEWOOD, CO Ex Air Force pilot. Silver 4/7/1996 #42853 hovering and changing colors over Lakewood, Colorado. 12/21/1999 #43901## Word: "lakota" (Back to Top)
US2 9 MILE(S) WEST / LAKOTA, ND Flash. Car lights dim. Cresce 1/18/1960 #16152 Lakota (near), ND Car lights dimmed as U 1/18/1960 #16153 US Highway 2 Lakota, North Dakota 10:45 p.m. Leo Hale 1/18/1960 #16155 US Highway 2, some 9 miles west of Lakota, North Dakota, when the headlight 1/18/1960 #16155 Haley and Baker, at 10:55 p.m. in Lakota, North Dakota had their car's hea 1/18/1960 #16156## Word: "lal" (Back to Top)
CALIFORNIA LAL, SOUTH AUSTR Weird 2M trapezoid stan 5/2/1977 #32047## Word: "lalevée" (Back to Top)
ics André Bartoli and Jean-Jacques Lalevée see the sky light up with a yell 10/9/1954 #10856## Word: "lalizolle" (Back to Top)
LALIZOLLE, FR 3M saucer going down [to] 10/24/1954 #11351 ed object landed in the woods near Lalizolle, Allier, France. Dogs refused 10/24/1954 #11367## Word: "lalle" (Back to Top)
Puy-de-Dome, France 9:15 p.m. Jean Lalle (or Jean Lasse) is riding a motorc 10/20/1954 #11276## Word: "lalor" (Back to Top)
LALOR PARK, NSW 3 teens. Large silver do 9/28/1978 #33765## Word: "lam" (Back to Top)
ot, Simplicio Pinto, and crew of a LAM Boeing 737 airliner witnessed a hove 2/11/1988 #38458## Word: "lamar" (Back to Top)
At 9:30 p.m. in Lamar, nine miles east of Holdenville, O 1/30/1956 #12686 LAMAR, MO AND VERNON CO Many observer(s) 1/2/1974 #28639 Diamond Shamrock plant at Lamar [now Botham Jean Boulevard] and Le 10/15/1982 #36643 s at the Diamond Shamrock plant at Lamar [now Botham Jean Boulevard] and Le 10/15/1982 #36643## Word: "lamas" (Back to Top)
ng expedition, Mongols, and Buriat lamas. The lamas believed it was the "Si 8/5/1927 #1078 on, Mongols, and Buriat lamas. The lamas believed it was the "Sign of Shamb 8/5/1927 #1078## Word: "lamastre" (Back to Top)
NEAR LAMASTRE, FR Robed pseudo-human/entity g 7/14/1975 #30178## Word: "lamazon" (Back to Top)
On this night two young men, LaMazon and Martinez, were driving on Na 2/13/1978 #32970## Word: "lamb" (Back to Top)
Hubbell, NE 5:00 a.m. William C. Lamb was following strange tracks when h 2/22/1922 #1019 It left tracks in the snow, which Lamb followed without results. (NICAP: 0 2/22/1922 #1019 Hubbell, Nebraska William C. Lamb was following strange tracks when h 2/22/1922 #1020 It left tracks in the snow, which Lamb followed without results. 2/22/1922 #1020 William C. Lamb was following strange tracks near H 2/22/1922 #1021 It left tracks in the snow, which Lamb followed without results. 2/22/1922 #1021 an air operation, Lieut. Calvin P. Lamb (pilot), Lieut. James G. Holmes (ra 3/26/1945 #1829 buzzing noise. KVET engineer Britt Lamb says the radio interference is the 1/9/1953 #8523 tta, Georgia 9:40 p.m. Maj. Hal W. Lamb, USAF senior pilot at Moody AFB in 1/28/1953 #8604 ry C. Nelson, Bob Caplan, and Gene Lamb—relay their experiences to Florida Winter 1963 #18090 scream similar to those made by a lamb being slaughtered, coming from outs 11/9/1995 #42589## Word: "lamballe" (Back to Top)
WEST / LAMBALLE, FR Many / train. Luminous ball 12/1967 #23527## Word: "lambermont" (Back to Top)
LAMBERMONT, BELGIUM Glowing-lens / 2km a 7/4/1972 #26760## Word: "lambert" (Back to Top)
flutter going quickly northwest / Lambert Field. Pace plane / 13 July. 7/12/1950 #5057 LAMBERT FIELD, MO Navy Lt. 3M diameter b 8/27/1954 #10185 MOON Astronomer Lambert. 2 "lightning flashes" / side / 9/8/1955 #12437 Lambert–St. Louis International Airport 3/24/1960 #16206 o policemen are in the vicinity of Lambert–St. Louis International Airport 3/24/1960 #16206 At 4:30 p.m. Mrs. Lambert and Mrs. Rigel watched a gun-met 2/19/1967 #21598 Gary Lambert, a college student from Omaha, N 12/25/1967 #23609 . Red ball jumps going east to Mt. Lambert. Nobody hears radio alert. 9/12/1973 #27806 LAMBERT AND MARKS, MS Separate observer( 10/15/1973 #28042 Lambert and Marks, MS Woman saw an orang 10/15/1973 #28051 WOLUWE ST. LAMBERT, BELGIUM Blue circular cloud wit 12/28/1973 #28606 l Park Virginia 3:00 p.m. Margaret Lambert and her family are parked at a s 9/3/1980 #35493## Word: "lamberton" (Back to Top)
Lamberton, North Carolina A saucer-shape 8/27/1952 #7754## Word: "lambeth" (Back to Top)
Great Yarmouth, England Lambeth North The subject of mystery air 5/17/1909 #753 construction. Horatio Myer, MP for Lambeth North, follows up by asking Hald 5/17/1909 #753 ton Industries Afternoon. Hosea D. Lambeth, principal of Whitsett Elementar 10/27/1955 #12524## Word: "lambley" (Back to Top)
LAMBLEY, NOTTS 2 observer(s). Saucer / t 12/6/1993 #41326## Word: "lambourne" (Back to Top)
LAMBOURNE, BERKSHIRE Large torpedo-dirig 3/4/1909 #722 St. Michael’s Church in Lambourne, Berkshire, England 8:25 p.m. 3/4/1909 #723 rganist at St. Michael’s Church in Lambourne, Berkshire, England, is return 3/4/1909 #723 w overhead toward the mountains in Lambourne, New Zealand. It dipped, swerv 7/27/1909 #786## Word: "lameness" (Back to Top)
of his ordeal— wounds on his neck, lameness in one leg—for days afterward. 5/4/1969 #25114## Word: "lamere" (Back to Top)
2 MILES NORTH / DE LAMERE, ND Farmer Miller. Bright shiny c 7/8/1947 #2961## Word: "lamesa" (Back to Top)
El Paso (Near Amarillo and Lamesa), TX AFOSI Case 18; 20: 17:54 - g 1/30/1949 #3983 irtland AFB in New Mexico Amarillo Lamesa, Texas Kirtland AFB in New Mexico 1/31/1949 #3988 l’s 143-mile path from Amarillo to Lamesa, Texas. He estimates its speed at 1/31/1949 #3988 gments. They end up in the area of Lamesa but give up after a few days of f 1/31/1949 #3988## Word: "laminated" (Back to Top)
of the disc is made from layers of laminated metal that has been painted wi 11/21/1957 #14590 ead, and the copper foil is triple laminated an unusually free from impurit 11/21/1957 #14590## Word: "lammer" (Back to Top)
Austrian astrobiologist Helmut Lammer and his wife Marion publish MILAB 1999 #43707## Word: "lammi" (Back to Top)
nd Gulf of Bothnia Afternoon. Eero Lammi is on his way home from school in Early 12/1976 #31579## Word: "lamong" (Back to Top)
driving home between Sheridan and Lamong, Indiana at 1:05 p.m. when he saw 12/11/1965 #19765## Word: "lamoni" (Back to Top)
LAMONI, IA Camper. Dog barks. Formation 8/30/1979 #34808 Slip Bluff County Park Lamoni, Iowa 2:30 a.m. A student camping 8/30/1979 #34809 out at Slip Bluff County Park near Lamoni, Iowa, is awakened by her dog bar 8/30/1979 #34809## Word: "lamonriville" (Back to Top)
quickly west. More night lights / Lamonriville / 2210h. / r221p62. 7/4/1972 #26759 Lamonriville, Malmédy, Belgium Liège Fla 7/4/1972 #26764 o are sitting around a campfire at Lamonriville, Malmédy, Belgium, to a tri 7/4/1972 #26764## Word: "lamontagne" (Back to Top)
the passengers (Rose Messina, Mary LaMontagne, and Nicky LeClair) see a low 9/30/1982 #36622 women in their thirties--Messina, LaMontagne, Poland, and LeClair--had a c 9/30/1982 #36623## Word: "lamoriciere" (Back to Top)
LAMORICIERE, ALG Meteor and 2 night ligh 7/11/1952 #6760 LAMORICIERE, ALGERIA Motorists. Phosphor 7/29/1952 #7281 NEAR LAMORICIERE, ALG Fr. soldiers. Huge UFO 2/23/1956 (approximate) #12737 ening several French soldiers near Lamoriciere, Algeria watched a huge UFO 2/23/1956 #12738## Word: "lamp" (Back to Top)
liantly as if by a strong electric lamp.” It curves and appears to descend 2/7/1889 #286 a light resembling an electric arc lamp appears in the night sky above Sacr 11/17/1896 #340 e a large object supporting an arc lamp. Cigar store vendor Jacob Zemansky 11/22/1896 #348 s light looks like an incandescent lamp. 4/16/1897 #509 brilliant light as if from an arc lamp shines on him for less than a minut 4/16/1897 #510 ight. It resembles an electric arc lamp and moves slowly from north to sout 10/1899 #638 circular machine “like a great big lamp.” She writes that “The Planet mars Summer 1931 #1130 er aircraft purchasing agent Harry Lamp and four boys, using lO-power binoc 12/6/1950 #5328 er aircraft purchasing agent Harry Lamp and four boys spot a 75-foot silver 12/6/1950 #5331 s, Florida. Through 10x binoculars Lamp sees it is 3–4 feet thick at the ed 12/6/1950 #5331 LA FLAMENGRIE, FR Bike lamp flashes. 4M fireball nears. Shrinks 11/1954 #11501 y exits and walks. Lights ground / lamp. 12/31/1954 #11883 craft and walked around it with a lamp of some kind. 12/31/1954 #11885 he portholes (like a mercury-vapor lamp). A force knocked me over. The Flyi 2/23/1955 #12013 ' altitude. Nears ship. Responds / lamp signals. 11/8/1955 #12555 re/orb/globe going down. Away when lamp out. Back when lit. Follows beam / 10/31/1957 #14171 itness of the light from a mercury lamp. As a crash seemed imminent, the ca 12/8/1957 #14690 ut 35 m away. It was shaped like a lamp shade with an upper transparent sph 11/23/1958 #15456 meters away. It was shaped like a lamp shade with an upper transparent sph 11/23/1958 #15457 NG Cleric and more/others. "Tilley lamp" going west from sea over Cape Frer 3/27/1959 #15673 OHINGAITI HILL, NZ Large street lamp follows 2 / car / 100km. Scouts val 10/31/1959 #16070 ct that looked like a large street lamp. The UFO maneuvered around their ca 10/31/1959 #16072 ay man / siding. Radio and carbide lamp out. Small humanoid (or Grey) takes 12/16/1963 #18084 me time that his radio and carbide lamp died. A luminous entity entered the 12/17/1963 #18087 looked like a bright red infrared lamp. It shined a beam of light down on 4/3/1965 #18889 do, was surprised when his carbide lamp and his radio stopped working. He s 12/16/1965 #19773 as a profile similar to a kerosene lamp chimney flattened on the bottom sid Early 11/1966 #21070 two glass chimneys from a kerosene lamp welded together at their widest or 11/4/1966 #21075 s watched an object the shape of a lamp shade (truncated cone) with a brigh 3/1/1967 #21707 was illuminated by a nearby street lamp. A white light shone from the windo 3/12/1967 #21876 the color of a blue mercury-vapor lamp. After the second UFO had gone the 3/30/1967 #22017 ROMANIA Saucer casts light like a lamp. Drops 50° to horizon. 10/4/1968 #24543 clearly because there was a street lamp directly across the street from his 9/25/1970 #25852 e ice." When they got near a table lamp, they "lit up in many lights." One 11/24/1970 #25917 f light to that of an oxyacetylene lamp. Every time it hit her it nearly bl 8/11/1971 #26280 INSART, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Bed lamp dims greatly as screaming night lig 4/20/1974 #29050 URIAGE-LES-BAINS, FR "Japanese lamp" lights clouds and ground like broa 9/16/1975 #30366 object lights overcast sky. Sodium lamp? 9/10/1976 #31368 resembles a yellowish sodium vapor lamp and is too intense to view directly 9/10/1976 #31372 t was the color of an incandescent lamp. No additional structure could be s 9/20/1976 #31416 ct like a silver, luminous mercury lamp is seen over Paso de Los Toros, Dur 10/19/1976 #31481 bed wire fence and walked toward a lamp post only 20 feet away. The little 7/12/1977 #32266 sphere going down. Ignores farmers lamp. Changes color and flies away. Sepa 12/13/1978 #34107 at a 60° angle. The large “bubble” lamp just inches in front of the antenna 8/27/1979 #34787 damage to the headlight glass and lamp plastic. 8/27/1979 #34787 low object = saucer / bottom."desk lamp shape" / top. Southeast going quick 9/23/1980 #35530 lly bright rosy color, like a neon lamp. The top of the middle disc was cro 6/15/1984 #37365 s a white light like a fluorescent lamp. 9/25/1988 #38649 e to the center, is a rotating red lamp. Amond stops where the road dead en 12/11/1989 #39313 SANTA CRUZ, RGN, BRZ 6 with lamp tending cow. Night light nears. Big 9/1991 #40177 s) / several hours. Silent orange "lamp" flies silently. 1/27/1994 #41382 . 1 passes window. Observer(s) and lamp oil pulled upward. 8/31/1995 #42433 light, or was wearing a blue head lamp. He couldn't tell for sure. The fig 7/27/2004 #44718 t appears to be a brilliant yellow lamp or light. He thinks that it might b 4/23/2007 #45022 it was “translucent” like a “lava lamp,” “almost like viscous, but in the 5/9/2022 #45747## Word: "lampasas" (Back to Top)
Lampasas, Texas During war games taking 4/7/1952 #6043 es taking place in the vicinity of Lampasas, Texas, nicknamed Operation Lon 4/7/1952 #6043## Word: "lampblack" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Lampblack” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT 1/18/1966 #19849## Word: "lampe" (Back to Top)
ada Early morning. Sarah Elizabeth Lampe watches an odd, disc-like electric 1/1949 #3951## Word: "lampert" (Back to Top)
and Justice of the Peace Jacob M. Lampert see an object with a brilliant h 6/24/1947 #2399## Word: "lampertheim" (Back to Top)
evening 26-year-old Horst Raps of Lampertheim, Germany had gone out for a 3/29/1959 #15678 o the previously appointed site in Lampertheim, Germany where he had encoun 4/1/1959 #15689## Word: "lampman" (Back to Top)
rd; another, a bomb.” Mrs. Russell Lampman says that the object is “6 feet, 8/15/1946 #2138## Word: "lampposts" (Back to Top)
near lake. 2 circles / dead grass. Lampposts magnetized! 9/30/1989 #39134## Word: "lamprey" (Back to Top)
smania two witnesses, Thornton and Lamprey, sighted an orange colored UFO w 2/27/1974 #28811## Word: "lamps" (Back to Top)
nd and clouds and buildings / huge lamps. Zigzags. Going up / extremely fas 4/1/1897 #403 p.m. Two lights “thought to be the lamps of an airship” maneuver in the sky 1/6/1913 #868 minated by a soft light. He saw no lamps. There was no one in sight and the 11/2/1954 #11539 d grey cloud going quickly. Sodium lamps glow. 11/6/1961 (approximate) #16956 th four vertical lights resembling lamps. The witness drove away and did no 1/16/1966 #19840 row of windows like mercury vapor lamps. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - 4/22/1966 #20367 lected light from the local street lamps. The strange trio lacked necks of 5/10/1968 #23956 of light accompanied by two green lamps. These vanished, and from a door i 7/17/1968 #24186 all humanoids (or Greys) exit with lamps in claw-hands. / r30p304. 9/30/1968 (approximate) #24523 wore shiny spacesuits, and carried lamps. One touched one of the witnesses, 9/6/1976 #31350 wore silvery suits and had miner’s lamps on their heads, and these glowed p 1/27/1978 #32917 ear silvery suits and have miners’ lamps on their heads, and these glow pur 1/27/1978 #32919 wore silvery suits and had miners lamps on their heads, and these glowed p 1/27/1978 #32921 he craft emitted indigo beams from lamps on the bottom, which formed concen 9/29/1995 #42520## Word: "lampshade" (Back to Top)
MILES NORTH / BRINSON, GA Farmer. "Lampshade" saucer over woods. Odd noise. 11/8/1952 #8255 DUNN, NC Minister. Lampshade saucer hovers / potato-patch. 11/6/1957 #14369 EAST FONTANA, CA 2 cops. Lampshade saucer lights area. Beams goin 12/1/1959 #16108 veral separate observer(s). Silver lampshade saucer. Photographs faulty or 9/22/1965 #19588 E-BOURG, SWZ 2 observer(s). Orange lampshade saucer flashes beams. Going do 9/27/1969 #25382 rs and more/others. 3' rectangular lampshade saucer stops nearby. Shoots aw 3/13/1974 #28877 BEDEQUE, PEI 2 / car. Lampshade glowing-saucer going [to] over 9/30/1977 #32533 WARRINGTON, CHESHIRE Lampshade saucer dims in sections. Porth 11/17/1977 #32678 SALERNO, ITL Boy / 16. Lampshade saucer stops / 2M altitude 25M 3/17/1978 (approximate) #33045 HIALEAH, FL 2 observer(s). "Lampshade" object hovers. Vibrant bright 5/27/1995 #42230 At 4:45 a.m. a mushroom/lampshade shaped object, about six-eight 9/16/2001 #44261## Word: "lampshade-shaped" (Back to Top)
A lampshade-shaped object hovered over Hia 5/27/1995 #42231## Word: "lampshades" (Back to Top)
half feet tall, with headgear like lampshades, which were making a sort of 11/28/1980 #35680## Word: "lampshire" (Back to Top)
CIA operative Wallace R. Lampshire sends a memo to CIA operative 6/11/1957 #13718 eophysics or former weapons units. Lampshire has talked with Gen. Philip J. 6/11/1957 #13718## Word: "lamson" (Back to Top)
On this evening Titus Lamson saw a rainbow colored UFO moving 8/10/1970 #25777## Word: "lamy" (Back to Top)
LAMY, NM 4 observer(s). Fish-blimp with 3/26/1880 #227 Lamy, NM Evening. Four men walking near 3/26/1880 #228 Lamy, New Mexico Four men walking near G 3/26/1880 #229 Lamy, New Mexico - Four men walking near 3/26/1880 #231## Word: "lan" (Back to Top)
NEAR ARICA, CHILE LAN flight 904. Saucer follows / 14 minu 9/6/1965 #19526 piloting a DC-6b at 8,500 feet for LAN Chile Flight 904 in northern Chile w 9/6/1965 #19527 een near a factory located between Lan Xi and the Xim An River in Zhejiang 12/13/1979 #35080 Santiago, Chile An LAN Chile airline pilot reported that a 6/14/1980 #35366 NEAR PUERTO MONTT, CHL LAN 737 banks sharply / avoid fast fireb 6/1/1988 #38578## Word: "lanajevo" (Back to Top)
74KM SOUTHWEST / LANAJEVO, YUGO 2 airliners and ground RA 9/20/1971 #26350## Word: "lanaria" (Back to Top)
LANARIA, ALTA Y-shaped landing marks dug 6/21/1975 #30113## Word: "lanark" (Back to Top)
LANARK, ON 1 observer. Silent saucer wit 8/1989 (approximate) #39038## Word: "lancang" (Back to Top)
Lancang Lahu Autonomous County southern 1986 #37743 s way through dangerous terrain in Lancang Lahu Autonomous County in southe 1986 #37743## Word: "lancashire" (Back to Top)
BOLTON, LANCASHIRE Several kids. 3 helmeted 'men 11/1926 #1066 Bolton, Lancashire, England Early evening. Playi 11/1926 #1067 e-and-seek with friends in Bolton, Lancashire, England, Henry Thomas slips 11/1926 #1067 land England North Sea Pvt. Albert Lancashire, 27, is standing guard at Cre Late Summer 1942 #1440 PRESTON, LANCASHIRE Flying saucer flies over foot 3/17/1954 #9625 Lancashire, UK British astronomer saw a 7/8/1954 #10002 Wardle, Lancashire, England Rochdale 10:00 p.m. 2/15/1957 #13509 y independent witnesses in Wardle, Lancashire, England. Shortly afterward, 2/15/1957 #13509 LANCASHIRE CO, ENGL Observer(s) / (seen 6/15/1957 #13728 Lancashire, UK Saturn-like UFO with "por 6/15/1957 #13729 Mawdesley, Lancashire, England 5:06 p.m. George Mar 6/15/1957 #13731 through a telescope at Mawdesley, Lancashire, England. 6/15/1957 #13731 Lancashire, UK 4:00 a.m. LT (12:00 midni 10/22/1967 #23289 ng sound was heard over the Bacup, Lancashire, England police station's sho 10/27/1967 #23355 In a rural area of Burscough, Lancashire, England a motocycle's engine 8/28/1969 #25334 Cairo Mill Waterhead, Lancashire, England 12:00 midnight. Secu 10/8/1972 #27058 Mill, an old factory at Waterhead, Lancashire, England, that has been conve 10/8/1972 #27058 had gotten off the bus in Bolton, Lancashire, England and was returning ho 1/23/1976 #30817 Nelson, Lancashire, UK Ellipse with red-orange l 3/9/1977 #31883 Nelson, North Lancashire, UK Brightly lighted ellipse 3/9/1977 #31884 Nelson, Lancashire, England 3:10 a.m. Brian Grim 3/9/1977 #31886 ng to a textile factory in Nelson, Lancashire, England, when they see a cig 3/9/1977 #31886 t appeared in the sky over Nelson, Lancashire, England at 3:10 a.m., so the 3/9/1977 #31889 nswood Moss Rainsford Kirkby, West Lancashire, England 11:00 p.m. Four youn 1/2/1978 #32846 between Rainsford and Kirkby, West Lancashire, England, when they realize t 1/2/1978 #32846 moors near Stacksteads, Lancashire, England 2:27 a.m. Tailor Mik 5/19/1979 #34568 are on the moors near Stacksteads, Lancashire, England, looking for the UFO 5/19/1979 #34568 9:00 p.m. two observers in Bacup, Lancashire, England sighted a UFO that l 12/10/1982 #36713 Bacup, Lancashire Todmorden, Yorkshire, England 2/4/1988 #38439 A woman is driving between Bacup, Lancashire, and Todmorden, Yorkshire, En 2/4/1988 #38439 ectangular object. In Morecambe in Lancashire, an ovoid UFO hovered over th 2/27/1995 #42065 across the fields of Barnoldswick, Lancashire, England and were almost back 7/16/2003 #44565## Word: "lancashireshire" (Back to Top)
seen at close range in Blackburn, Lancashireshire, England. It moved slowl 8/15/1975 #30276## Word: "lancaster" (Back to Top)
lot in Adamstown, Pennsylvania in Lancaster county. It shot up a shiny col 8/7/1869 #181 NNW / LANCASTER, OH Airship going down / field 4/20/1897 (approximate) #541 Lancaster Baltimore, Ohio 8:00 p.m. A ma 4/21/1897? #551 A man is riding his horse between Lancaster and Baltimore, Ohio, when some 4/21/1897? #551 the No. 61 Squadron crew of an RAF Lancaster are returning from a bombing r 11/28/1942 #1464 course. Five minutes later, as the Lancaster approaches the Alps at 14,000 11/28/1942 #1464 Gordon W. Cammell is flying an RAF Lancaster bomber back over the English C 5/1943 #1498 . He takes evasive action with his Lancaster, but the objects follow all hi 4/26/1944 #1593 ver France aboard a No. 7 Squadron Lancaster bomber returning from a bombin 8/11/1944 #1641 RAF Lancaster bombers Solingen, Germany Nigh 11/4/1944 #1692 mbers Solingen, Germany Night. RAF Lancaster bombers over Solingen, Germany 11/4/1944 #1692 AF 617 Bomber Squadron is flying a Lancaster with 25 other aircraft to bomb 4/25/1945 #1854 LANCASTER, CA Observer(s) unknown. Disk 7/7/1947 #2840 Base Commander Lt. Col. Charles E. Lancaster Jr. is driving near McIntosh, 11/27/1949 #4428 LANCASTER, PA Saucer-like object seen / 4/11/1952 #6055 LANCASTER, CA Project Bluebook Case #177 8/1/1952 #7388 Lancaster, CA 2 brilliant red lights hov 8/1/1952 #7403 Lancaster, California Witnesses: sheriff 8/1/1952 #7407 d maneuvered for five minutes over Lancaster, California. Witnesses include 8/1/1952 #7412 Lancaster, Ohio Industrial engineer Jack 10/2/1953 #9199 . Three miles south of the city of Lancaster, New Hampshire: Barney noticed 9/19/1961 #16848 LANCASTER, OH Near collision. Car and bl 4/18/1966 #20321 Lancaster, OH 11:55 p.m. A motorist almo 4/18/1966 #20329 nse red lights landed on a road in Lancaster, Ohio and then flew off throug 4/18/1966 #20333 LANCASTER, MO Dog hides. Blue-beam going 3/6/1969 #24971 Lancaster, MO Dog disturbed as domed dis 3/6/1969 #24974 Lancaster, MO Light beam shone on road a 3/6/1969 #24975 Glenwood Lancaster, Missouri 10:30 a.m. A woman i 3/6/1969 #24976 . Bernard dog between Glenwood and Lancaster, Missouri. The dog becomes agi 3/6/1969 #24976 LANCASTER, MO Domed saucer beams going d 3/10/1969 #24987 d woman drove between Glenwood and Lancaster, Missouri at 10:30 a.m. Her ca 3/10/1969 #24990 Mr. Herbert Lancaster told police that a saucer-shap 3/17/1969 #25021 LANCASTER, NY Several observer(s). Many 10/10/1973 #27976 adsden Avenue and West Avenue K in Lancaster, California Sierra Highway 11: 8/3/1988 #38613 adsden Avenue and West Avenue K in Lancaster, California, when she sees a s 8/3/1988 #38613 LANCASTER, CA 800' black boomerang goes 11/18/1989 #39236 downtown Lancaster, California Early evening. A l 11/18/1989 #39237 shaped object glides over downtown Lancaster, California. Low-intensity lig 11/18/1989 #39237 LANCASTER, CA 1 observer. Saucer southwe 5/21/1990 #39580 with a KC-135 tanker aircraft over Lancaster, California. The passage of th 5/21/1990 #39583 LANCASTER, CA 1 observer. 3 delta/triang 10/3/1990 #39758 NORTH / LANCASTER, CA 1 observer. Delta/triangle 10/25/1990 #39811 LANCASTER, CA Delta maneuvers / northern 11/25/1990 #39909 Lancaster, California - At 11:00 o'clock 5/14/1991 #40061 WEST / LANCASTER, CA 4 observer(s). Boomerang s 5/28/1991 #40076 later, at 8:20 a.m. local time in Lancaster, New Hampshire a diamond-shape 1/28/1994 #41391 LANCASTER CO, PA Fake new mobile home go 7/23/1999 #43811 ook off vertically from a field in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania at 11:30 7/23/1999 #43812 along with locations in Enzo, CA, Lancaster, CA, Edwards AFB, March AFB an 11/1/2013 #45393 er facility called “The Cube” past Lancaster in Edwards airspace, which is 4/18/2016 #45451## Word: "lance" (Back to Top)
p, Belgium 9:00 p.m. Canadian Army Lance Cpl. Carson Yorke is just outside 9/1944 #1663 Possible jet; single light; 5 free lance visuals on jets, no A.I. or G.C.I. 11/5/1944 #1694 n of about two hours," Police Sgt. Lance M. Hilberg stated in his report to 6/20/1969 #25230 At 5:30 p.m. 14-year-old Lance Edwards was walking home at dusk i 11/21/1974 #29601 Bell Island, Newfoundland Lance Cove Cape Broyle Los Alamos Scient 4/2/1978 #33119 nding area. A number of TV sets in Lance Cove and other communities explode 4/2/1978 #33119 my Dir. of Counterintelligence LTC Lance R. Cornine writes in a FOIA respon 5/16/1984 #37330 USMC Lance Corporal Jonathan Weygandt states 3/1997 #43216 wer at 1:30 a.m. two men, Mike and Lance, both 23, sighted three triangles 8/16/2004 #44734## Word: "lance's" (Back to Top)
figure was small, reaching only to Lance's chest, but was stocky. It had no 11/21/1974 #29601## Word: "lancer" (Back to Top)
t Marin Mitrică is flying a MiG-21 LanceR fighter on a training flight from 10/30/2007 #45086## Word: "lancs" (Back to Top)
CONISTON, LANCS 2 lads photograph fuzzy domed-sauc 2/15/1954 #9544 WEST / BURNLEY, LANCS 1 observer. Huge top-saucer hovers 7/20/1963 #17840 PARR, LANCS 3 observer(s). Saucer / 3 legs and 7/22/1963 #17846 BACUP, LANCS Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) 10/27/1967 #23337 CARNFORTH, LANCS Several separate observer(s). Extr 6/7/1969 #25206 BURSCOUGH, LANCS Motorcycle malfunctions due to EME 8/27/1969 #25330 tte-shaped object. Same / Heywood, LANCs / 0530. 2/24/1973 #27314 HASKAYNE VILLAGE, LANCS 3 observer(s). Odd silver object g 7/29/1973 #27660 HASLINGDEN, LANCS Several separate observers. 2-3 ci 11/24/1974 #29605 BLACKBURN AND DARWEN, LANCS Separate observer(s). Domed saucer 8/15/1975 #30272 PRESTON, LANCS Cloud-cylinder/cigar-shape going s 10/17/1975 #30432 BOLTON, LANCS 25' object hovers. Girl frozen. Ra 1/23/1976 #30812 LYTHAN-ST. ANNES, LANCS Girl / 9. Delta/triangle/box-like 3/4/1977 #31856 BLACKPOOL, LANCS Cylinder/cigar-shape with delta/tr 3/4/1977 #31857 NELSON, LANCS 30M cylinder/cigar-shape with beam 3/9/1977 #31880 WIGAN, LANCS Droning 85' saucer rises / trees. 8/1977 #32330 RAWTENSTALL, LANCS Separate observer(s). Yellow ovoid 6/15/1981 #35971 BACUP, LANCS, ENG 2 observer(s). 2 semicircles 12/10/1982 #36710 NEAR SKELMERSDALE, LANCS Several separate observer(s). Delt 1/3/1991 #39945 WIGAN, LANCS Man testing radio drives into dens 10/22/1991 #40214 BACUP, LANCS Several calls / police. Metallic p 10/4/1994 (approximate) #41782 NELSON, LANCS Boy and 2. Ovoid hovers and rotate 1/18/1995 #41982 MORECAMBE, LANCS 2 observer(s). Ovoid hovers over Y 2/27/1995 #42063 WIGAN, LANCS, ENGL 2 observer(s). Dull white de 5/7/1995 #42184## Word: "land" (Back to Top)
witnesses watch a luminous object land in a vacant lot about 200 yards nor 8/7/1869 #179 wd of miners saw an unknown object land 3 km north of Green Ridge and 4 km 4/12/1897 #443 wd of miners saw an unknown object land 3 km north of Green Ridge and 4 km 4/12/1897 #445 ge, Illinois saw an unknown object land three kilometers north of Green Rid 4/12/1897 #450 n 4:30 a.m. Farmers see an airship land about 3 miles northwest of Howard C 4/14/1897 #463 vintner Adolf Wenke see an airship land on Jefferson Street three miles wes 4/14/1897 #468 ward the north. It seemed ready to land and five men drove toward it. About 4/15/1897 #478 ward the north. It seemed ready to land and five men (F. G. Ellis, James Ev 4/15/1897 #483 ward the north. It seemed ready to land and five men--F. G. Ellis, James Ev 4/15/1897 #496 Haney Savidge saw an aerial craft land near him. Six people emerged from i 4/16/1897 #502 Haney Savidge saw an aerial craft land near him. Six people emerged from i 4/16/1897 #504 Haney Savidge saw an aerial craft land near him. Six people emerged from i 4/16/1897 #514 The aeronaut says that they often land in remote areas and come to nearby 4/21/1897? #551 de, he saw a heavy, lighted object land in his wheat field. He walked towar 4/22/1897 #554 de, he saw a heavy, lighted object land in his wheat field. He walked towar 4/22/1897 #556 he saw a heavy, illuminated object land in his wheat field. He walked towar 4/22/1897 #562 Arkansas, was surveying a tract of land when he saw a peculiar object ancho 4/23/1897 #563 Arkansas, was surveying a tract of land when he saw a peculiar object ancho 4/23/1897 #564 Arkansas was surveying a tract of land when he saw a peculiar object ancho 4/23/1897 #566 ng machines, and they irrigate the land with canals and artificial lakes. 1899 #629 rs with occupants of a balloon who land briefly in various places (usually 4/20/1907 #694 uide the craft in case it needs to land. The incident comes up in a debate 10/14/1912 #864 gnals are given for the aviator to land. Two warning shots are fired, but t 1/29/1913 #875 ns is the suggestion that floating land masses in the sky harbor civilizati 12/1/1919 #994 bject forces DH-4 airmail-plane to land. / r171+150. 9/25/1926 (approximate) #1063 ters and misfires. He is forced to land in a sheep pasture, whereupon the o Late 9/1926 #1064 ees what appears to be an aircraft land on ice-covered lake Fjosoken, Sorse Late 11/1933 #1176 , Tennessee Clinton Engineer Works Land at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, is acquire 10/7/1942 #1453 se / ground. Chase plane. Drop and land again! 12/1942 #1467 d, Washington Oak Ridge, Tennessee Land for a plutonium production complex 2/9/1943 #1483 ccident when the pilot attempts to land without first retracting an instrum 3/1/1944 #1585 -bearing fire balloons intended to land in North America to instill fear an 11/3/1944 #1691 ca. It is likely that more of them land in unpopulated areas. On November 4 11/3/1944 #1691 orlds in Spanish in which Martians land in Puente Alto, causing a panic and 11/12/1944 #1696 come down rapidly, oscillate, and land. The site could not be found in the 1945 #1743 come down rapidly, oscillate, and land. The site could not be found in the 1945 #1746 o, Texas As their C-47 prepares to land at Biggs Field, Fort Bliss, El Paso Mid 2/1945 #1785 r(s) hides. Strange boat and 2 men land. 8/28/1945 (approximate) #1928 eading over open sea and away from land. The report is later amended by the 12/5/1945 #1950 FAYETTEVILLE, NC Fireballs land / roof. House burns down. 2 escape. 12/25/1945 #1952 peration. It was called The Secret Land and won an Academy Award for best d 1946 #1955 n of where the rockets are seen to land or explode. 8/21/1946 #2146 n, witnessed an unidentified light land remotely, take on a definite spheri 6/10/1947 #2320 isk-shaped object, which seemed to land near Tintown. 6/17/1947 #2336 isc-shaped object, which seemed to land near Tintown, Arizona. The disc had 6/27/1947 #2434 saucers maneuver / crazy speed and land. / r187#115. 6/30/1947 #2473 t 3 m in diameter, and appeared to land 40 km south of the Grand Canyon. 6/30/1947 #2485 eters in diameter, and appeared to land 40 kilometers south of the Grand Ca 6/30/1947 #2489 f the second craft. The idea is to land the first aircraft in a visible loc 7/1/1947 #2523 large washtub saucers going north land / mountainside. / r106p65+/ r187#20 7/3/1947 #2567 de disc with a bulge in the middle land on a city street. It rose up, made 7/6/1947 #2816 TACOMA, WA 2+observer(s). Saucers land / roof. Small humanoids (or Greys) 7/7/1947 #2848 going quickly northwest. Seems to land in Indiana. 7/7/1947 #2905 ainst the clouds as he prepares to land at Gowen Field [now Boise Airport], 7/9/1947 #3063 eral officers. Grey object follows land contours closely / several min. 7/12/1947 #3151 ard a hissing noise and saw a disk land 50 m away. Jose C. Higgins saw two 7/23/1947 #3216 noise and saw a disc-shaped object land only 50 meters away from them. Jose 7/23/1947 #3219 s over Union, Oregon, preparing to land at La Grande to refuel, he sees a c 7/29/1947 #3254 ed a nearby road and bulldozed the land to cover up the crash site. https: 10/1947 #3440 Mr. Galbraith twice saw an object land. The first time, it was a disk-shap 1948 #3520 radar and given it instructions to land, but it does not respond. Apraksin 6/16/1948 #3671 it and open fire if it refuses to land. When he closes to within 6 miles, 6/16/1948 #3671 e saw a bluish-white flying saucer land in Massachusetts between Concord an 7/11/1948 #3707 Berard saw a large, bright object land near his farm with a green lightnin 2/17/1949 #4014 Berard saw a large, bright object land near his farm in France with a flas 2/17/1949 #4016 oss of air pressure. He manages to land on the banks of the Volga River 30 5/6/1949 #4158 inded by the light, but managed to land the crippled aircraft despite his i 5/6/1949 #4161 have observed a disk-shaped object land. Two dwarfs emerged but were lost i 8/19/1949 #4327 edly observed a disc-shaped object land. Two dwarfs emerged but were lost i 8/19/1949 #4330 ro, Brazil, when he notices a disc land about 32–50 feet from the road. He 12/4/1949 #4434 en he saw a 15-meter diameter disc land near the highway. Two beings came o 12/4/1949 #4435 him outside. He then watched a UFO land in a meadow. When he approached to 3/19/1950 #4683 his syndicated radio program Your Land and Mine, announces the “wonderful 3/27/1950 #4741 M. Konrad takes movies. 8 saucers land and take off. No further details. / 4/1950 #4779 d Charles, 9, Lightfoot saw a disk land behind a hill and touched it. It wa 4/8/1950 #4828 and his brother Charles saw a disc land behind a hill. They were able to wa 4/8/1950 #4832 USTRL DESERT Aborigines. 2 saucers land. Small humanoid (or Grey) exits one 2/1951 #5424 whistling sound and saw an object land in a meadow. Approaching within 50 6/19/1951 #5545 rborg, Denmark, and sees an object land in a nearby meadow. Approaching to 6/19/1951 #5546 whistling sound and saw an object land in a meadow. Approaching within 50 6/19/1951 #5547 se to the train, appeared ready to land in the desert, then took off and di 8/26/1951 #5632 s observed a shiny circular object land near a similar craft, about 12 m in 9/1951 #5646 t they run low on fuel and have to land. Two more F-86s are scrambled, with 9/23/1951 #5685 se to the train, appeared ready to land in the desert, then took off and di 10/26/1951 #5746 o the train, and appeared ready to land in the desert, then it took off and 10/26/1951 #5747 shoot them down if they refuse to land. The Air Force refuses to confirm t 7/28/1952 #7263 the saucer intelligences intend to land, inviting them to help. 8/24/1952 #7714 g white light going down. Seems to land in woods. 8/29/1952 #7779 unknown Herbert Long saw an object land 15 m away from the road. He made a 8/31/1952 #7799 Virginia saw a bright red "meteor" land on top of a hill at around 7:15 p.m 9/11/1952 #7896 oup of young people saw a "meteor" land on top of a hill and went to the si 9/12/1952 #7902 t cross the sky, coming to rest on land belonging to local farmer G. Bailey 9/12/1952 #7905 e story of having seen a UFO crash land. From there, Mrs. May, accompanied 9/12/1952 #7905 oods, West Virginia saw a "meteor" land on top of a hill and went to the si 9/12/1952 #7906 luminous white disc-shaped object land at around 9:00 p.m. Two men wearing 9/14/1952 #7947 ight Lt. Marian Cybulski) about to land. It has been following about 5 mile 9/19/1952 #7980 . After watching a metallic object land, Solem sees a man with long blond h Fall 1952 #8014 ard observed a cigar-shaped object land briefly on the airfield 100 m away, 10/27/1952 #8197 ard observes a cigar-shaped object land briefly on a runway of the airport 10/27/1952 #8198 ame path and therefore attempts to land on water. Neither his plane nor his 11/1/1952 #8228 n they saw an egg shaped UAP crash land into soft sandy soil. A special det 1953 #8484 ilvery object, 8 feet in diameter, land on a nearby sand bar. On June 20 th 5/20/1953 #8889 ted that they saw a silvery object land on a sand bar 50 m away from them. 5/20/1953 #8890 cer and small humanoids (or Greys) land again! More water samples taken. 6/20/1953 #8942 d object about 16 feet in diameter land in a field near a railroad track on 7/31/1953 #9028 n saw a five-meter wide domed disc land in Menton, France. Two human-lookin 4/1/1954 #9660 , NM House-size lens-shaped object land near railroad tracks (NICAP: 01 - D 5/18/1954 #9808 Sparkling green light" appeared to land in orchard, television reception in 7/28/1954 #10057 a luminous, nine foot wide sphere land 150 feet away from them in Hemmingf 8/7/1954 #10113 ys in Quebec, Canada see spaceship land. Two or three men get out. 8/28/1954 #10193 uebec, Canada Two boys saw a craft land and two or three men come out. No d 8/28/1954 #10197 n Quebec saw an unidentified craft land and two or three men were seen exit 8/28/1954 #10199 et about 160 feet off the road and land. He can see a kind of gallery aroun 9/12/1954 #10290 an, Louis Moll, saw a bright light land on the heights in Oberdoff, Moselle 9/19/1954 #10363 3.5 m in diameter and 1.5 m thick, land on the airfield. The witness, Vitor 9/20/1954 #10369 Three farmers saw a saucer land in La Chassagne, Correze department 9/20/1954 #10372 allic pecan shaped object 5’ x 10’ land on 4 legs, with a hum or whine. In 9/20/1954 #10373 raft, which resembled a full moon, land behind a grove near Monte-Brandsen, 9/20/1954 #10374 e down rapidly, without noise, and land in a field near the church. It took 9/23/1954 #10417 rge, bright object oscillate, then land. It changed color and was lost to s 9/28/1954 #10484 rge, bright object oscillate, then land. It changed color and was lost to s 9/28/1954 #10489 d in February 1954 he saw a saucer land and talked to its occupant, a human 10/1954 #10536 w an object the size of a carriage land in his field. Two men of normal hei 10/4/1954 #10693 s orange object about 10 feet wide land in a meadow on her farm. She runs t 10/4/1954 #10698 w an object the size of a carriage land in his field. Two men of normal hei 10/4/1954 #10702 oche from Paris saw a fiery sphere land near Chantonnay, Monchamps, France. 10/6/1954 #10761 , France Mr. Sebelli saw an object land in the village. He called his neigh 10/7/1954 #10787 Mr. Sebelli saw an object land in the village of Bompas, France sh 10/7/1954 #10801 mailman saw a cigar-shaped object land. Twn silhouettes "approximately hum 10/9/1954 #10841 e saw a luminous, spherical object land in a pasture. 10/9/1954 #10844 object give off a white light and land. It took off vertically, with a spi 10/9/1954 #10851 ebanon, sees a white flying object land. It takes off vertically, spinning, 10/9/1954 #10857 Belgium saw a cigar-shaped object land. Two silhouettes "approximately hum 10/9/1954 #10859 e saw a luminous, spherical object land in a pasture. 10/9/1954 #10862 Favell, saw an white flying object land. It took off vertically, spinning, 10/9/1954 #10869 ed a luminous hemispherical object land. It emitted multi-colored beams of 10/10/1954 #10895 ous/glowing orbs / large and small land / distance. Car malfunctions due to 10/11/1954 #10919 whistling sound saw a flat object land near the woods. It soon rose very f 10/11/1954 #10926 stling sound and saw a flat object land near the woods. It soon rose up ver 10/11/1954 #10942 ut 6.5 m diameter and 2.5 m thick, land. He tried to approach it, but the c 10/12/1954 #10972 France when he saw a luminous disc land. It was about 6.5 meters in diamete 10/12/1954 #10982 t light and noticed an oval object land 300 meters away in Vielmur, France. 10/12/1954 #10985 enings or portholes, and seemed to land far from them. 10/13/1954 #10997 holes, and seemed to come down and land far away from them. 10/13/1954 #11003 an orange colored ball arrive and land on the ground not far from him. He 10/14/1954 #11041 A farmer observed an orange sphere land and went near it. He found it was s 10/14/1954 #11047 , France observed an orange sphere land and he walked out to approach it. W 10/14/1954 #11069 t yellow craft descend rapidly and land on the railroad tracks. It was shap 10/15/1954 #11100 y Farmers saw a disk-shaped object land, then take off vertically. At the s 10/15/1954 #11102 ey ran away when she saw an object land on the road near Chalkwell Park. It 10/15/1954 #11104 lworker observed a luminous sphere land in the countryside; it then emitted 10/15/1954 #11105 o, Italy, see a disc-shaped object land then take off vertically. At the si 10/15/1954 #11110 t yellow craft descend rapidly and land on some railroad tracks. It was mus 10/15/1954 #11116 y farmers saw a disc-shaped object land, then take off vertically. At the s 10/15/1954 #11118 ey ran away when she saw an object land on the road near Chalkwell Park, So 10/15/1954 #11120 France observed a luminous sphere land in the countryside on this night. A 10/15/1954 #11121 stelle, saw a disk 5 m in diameter land on the property of Curzio Malaparte 10/17/1954 #11175 saw a disc five meters in diameter land on the property of Curzio Malaparte 10/17/1954 #11184 ward them with a reddish trail and land near the road. Upon reaching the to 10/18/1954 #11209 ward them with a reddish trail and land near the road. Upon reaching the to 10/18/1954 #11220 two shining objects emitting smoke land in a field. Out of them came small, 10/19/1954 #11238 eenager saw a saucer-shaped object land by some woods near a pasture. A man 10/19/1954 #11246 two shining objects emitting smoke land in a field in Livorno, Tuscany, Ita 10/19/1954 #11247 nge disc-shaped object descend and land in a field next to some woods. A ma 10/19/1954 #11248 France Lucien Fisch saw an object land near Route N83. It was luminous. 10/20/1954 #11269 Lucien Fisch saw an object land near Route N83 in Issenheim, Haut-R 10/20/1954 #11277 ling noise and saw a strange craft land nearby. Getting closer to investiga 10/21/1954 #11297 ling noise and saw a strange craft land nearby. Getting closer to investiga 10/21/1954 #11306 poli, Verona, Italy, watches a UFO land 150 feet away with a sound like a c 10/23/1954 #11341 ying object come from the west and land 1 km away. 10/26/1954 #11416 ying object come from the west and land a kilometer away. 10/26/1954 #11424 nesses in Tradate watched a saucer land on tripod landing gear, and saw thr 10/28/1954 #11470 d object about 50 feet in diameter land near the road at Monte Ortobene, Sa 11/4/1954 #11565 rmer and gave off an orange light, land in a pasture. Three men in dark cov 11/5/1954 #11578 ct making a noise like a generator land in a nearby pasture. He notices thr 11/5/1954 #11579 rmer and gave off an orange light, land in a pasture. Three men in dark cov 11/5/1954 #11581 rcyclist saw a disk-shaped machine land near the road. He tried to turn too 11/7/1954 #11588 rcyclist saw a disc-shaped machine land near the road. He tried to turn too 11/7/1954 #11590 reported seeing a luminous sphere land at the edge of the forest and becom 11/8/1954 #11597 sse Forest watch a luminous sphere land and then dim, fading to black. Inve 11/8/1954 #11599 reported seeing a luminous sphere land at the edge of the forest and then 11/8/1954 #11603 , saw a bright, cigar-shaped craft land near him and took cover. Out of it 11/14/1954 #11648 Lorenzini sees a cigar-shaped UFO land and a trio of small creatures weari 11/14/1954 #11653 UFO looking like "a glowing boat" land in a nearby field. Three hairy dwar 11/18/1954 #11667 da, Venezuela, see a strange craft land. Three small-statured beings emerge 11/28/1954 #11723 e, [that] is expected to take off, land vertically, and be able to hover. I 12/1954 #11736 uare machine, with a side of 10 m, land and take off at great speed, flying 12/4/1954 #11757 izqueta, Irun, Spain saw an object land nearby. It came from the sea on a n 12/7/1954 #11774 ezuela Having seen a bright object land near the Trans-Andean Highway, two 12/10/1954 #11794 jockey, watches a disc-shaped UFO land in Valencia, Venezuela. Six 3-foot- 12/19/1954 #11838 enezuela watched a disc-shaped UFO land and six three foot tall humanoids d 12/19/1954 #11841 object about 7–10 feet in diameter land near Oiartzun, Spain. Galarraga rus 1/3/1955 #11917 ct 3 m in diameter was observed to land and take off again. 1/5/1955 #11921 meters in diameter was observed to land and take off again in San Sebastian 1/5/1955 #11922 o the ground, but did not actually land. It left toward the northwest. A wo 7/18/1955 #12269 o the ground, but did not actually land. It left toward the northwest. A wo 7/18/1955 #12270 including one name Estes saw a UFO land in the Atlantic Ocean. It was seen 7/22/1955 #12279 e U-2 to 70 knots. He is unable to land the U-2 on his first attempt, and i 8/1/1955 #12316 to] and going up [to] very fast. 2 land / German cemetery. 3 going quickly 8/5/1955 #12328 others, then two disks appeared to land 300 m away near the German cemetery 8/5/1955 #12330 the others. Two discs appeared to land 300 meters away near the German cem 8/5/1955 #12332 others, then two discs appeared to land 300 meters away near the German cem 8/5/1955 #12334 cky. The Sutton family saw a light land near their farmhouse. Shortly after 8/21/1955 #12387 6 ft silvery, balloon-shaped craft land in a field 300 ft away from them (N 4/6/1956 #12794 shaped craft about 2 m in diameter land in a field 100 m away from them, ab 4/6/1956 #12795 craft about two meters in diameter land in a field 100 meters away from the 4/6/1956 #12796 ing like an airliner heading in to land at Albany. The white light moves ab 4/8/1956 #12803 een São Sebastião and Ilhabela and land only a few yards away from him. A d 7/16/1956 #12974 lash through the sky and seemingly land in an orchard. Television reception 7/28/1956 #13023 ghts. Among the group are Edwin H. Land, Edward Mills Purcell, and Kelly Jo 8/16/1956 #13094 aw an object come from the sea and land. Two men, 1.80 m tall, wearing meta 9/1956 #13165 ase personnel and watch the object land before shortly taking off. Personne 9/1956 #13168 object drop out of low clouds and land in the middle of a bog at The Loup 9/7/1956 #13202 foot diameter saucer-shaped object land near a steer. When it sped off the 9/7/1956 #13206 OFF HOKITIKA, NZ Land mass going up / sea. Sinks back. Ra 10/10/1956 #13270 rliest known multicellular life on land], were 12 feet tall, and built an u 1957 #13430 olithic Revolution] when Venusians land and interact with the Lemurians. Re 1957 #13430 mania, pass over them silently and land. Some of them approach to get a bet 1957 #13436 arly touched the grass but did not land. They rushed towards it to capture 1/15/1957 #13457 ina witnessed a metallic ovoid UFO land on the slopes of the mountain Cerro 1/18/1957 #13465 Ovoids stop. Turn. Search / beams. Land / roof? Vertical exit. 2/14/1957 #13505 NORTHWEST / DE LAND, FL Small round cloud follows car / 4/1957 (approximate) #13571 ,000 feet away and sees the object land a second time in the adjoining road 4/14/1957 #13602 nd a 10-by-16-square-mile block of land to capture plutonium samples. Some 4/24/1957 #13615 Indian tribe saw a luminous object land and several little men emerge from 6/5/1957 #13707 us craft approach from the sea and land near him. From it came a metallic s 7/25/1957 #13835 us craft approach from the sea and land near him. From it came a metallic s 7/25/1957 #13840 -shaped object bigger than a house land. Grass flattened (NICAP: 01 - Dista 9/19/1957 #14011 er was said to have seen two craft land in a nearby field at the same hour. 10/10/1957 #14091 as reported to have seen two craft land in a nearby field at the same hour. 10/10/1957 #14096 pavement. Ronald Martin saw an UFO land in front of his truck and turn from 11/2/1957 #14194 as, when he sees a glowing red UFO land ahead of his truck, then turn to bl 11/3/1957 #14245 uld not sustain it. It appeared to land on a ridge, then took off again. It 11/6/1957 #14412 ook directly at it. It appeared to land on a nearby ridge, and then took of 11/6/1957 #14435 VENO, ITL Hunter. Whistle! 2 disks land. 2 pseudo-human/entity exit and mak 11/8/1957 #14469 er persons saw an elongated object land in Holly, West Virginia. It was 12 11/8/1957 #14493 ing noise and saw a strange object land near his house. "Its windows were l 12/1957 #14648 rnia, and watches a strange object land near his house. Its windows are lig 12/1957 #14653 ter reported that he saw an object land, and a very tall man with a tanned 1/4/1958 #14805 ter in Stavanger, Norway saw a UFO land in a forest at 2:30 in the afternoo 1/4/1958 #14807 himada, Japan, see a bright object land and claim that beings fell from the 1/26/1958 #14844 “large medicine ball” descend and land in their back yard in Miami, Florid 2/28/1958 #14898 rver(s). Civil sees balloon-object land / airfield. Rises. Hovers / 250M. V 3/2/1958 #14908 on-shaped object with bright light land on the airfield (NICAP: 01 - Distan 3/2/1958 #14909 e observed a balloon-shaped object land on the airfield then take off slowl 3/2/1958 #14910 n observed a balloon-shaped object land on the airfield in Tampa, Florida a 3/2/1958 #14912 in diameter come from the west and land 15 m away. It took off toward the e 3/14/1958 #14929 in diameter come from the west and land in their backyard, only 15 meters a 3/14/1958 #14934 ght made the start of a pattern to land at the south edge of an airfield, b 5/30/1958 #15062 object come down from the east and land 100 m away. While a blue haze forme 1/1959 #15522 n-Avon, England, from the east and land 300 feet away. A blue haze forms an 1/1959 #15523 ia, see a huge, glowing red object land on top of a hill at Port Lihou. The 7/8/1959 #15827 minumlike suits. The craft did not land, but took off at great speed with a 7/13/1959 #15840 object come down at high speed and land in a pasture near a river. Then it 8/12/1959 #15906 object come down at high speed and land in a pasture near a river. It then 8/12/1959 #15907 his flight plan and orders him to land at Kirtland AFB, where he is interr 8/13/1959 #15913 s go out. The two lights appear to land, the main object follows them, cont 8/13/1959 #15914 see a bright fireball descend and land on the side of the nearby mountain. 8/20/1959 #15932 then watched a silver, domed disc land in a field. A door in the craft ope 12/17/1959 #16122 epted a B-47 and are descending to land at James Connally AFB [now TSTC Wac Early 1960 #16146 ect, with a rotating light on top, land on the shore. The sound gradually s Spring 1960 #16201 Raimondo dos Santos saw two craft land on a hill near a farm called Capin 5/13/1960 #16273 Raimondo dos Santos saw two craft land on hill near a farm called Capin Ac 5/14/1960 #16275 Raimondo dos Santos saw two craft land on hill near a farm called Capin Ac 5/14/1960 #16277 arachutes / 15-50K' altitude. None land. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v7#1. 9/25/1960 #16460 saw an object that seemed about to land, then took off again toward the nor 11/11/1960 #16498 saw an object that seemed about to land, but then took off again. It flew o 11/11/1960 #16499 51”, a 50-mile-square quadrant of land east of Nellis AFB. This Project “i 1961 #16544 s, TX A/c Sees Object Maneuver and Land (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases, Code: T, 1/10/1961 #16572 xhaust pipes around the periphery, land near his house. A door was opened a 4/18/1961 #16652 xhaust pipes around the periphery, land nearby. A door opens and a man appe 4/18/1961 #16653 Wisconsin saw a disc-shaped carft land vertically on his farm. A hatch ope 4/18/1961 #16654 cumare del Tuy, Venezuela and then land at 10:30 a.m. A total of three obje 5/22/1961 #16694 G Many observer(s). 15 5-10M UFO's land / Dike and float / reservoir 200M a 1/23/1962 (approximate) #17023 peculiar craft fly above them and land on the road. It was intensely lumin 4/11/1962 #17108 and people. The object appeared to land and then take off again from Eureka 4/18/1962 #17115 she and her husband see an object land near Winifreda, Las Pampas, Argenti 5/22/1962 #17192 unannounced aircraft was about to land, as they saw a luminous object circ 8/2/1962 #17316 unannounced aircraft was about to land around midnight when they saw a lum 8/2/1962 #17318 see and hear a bright, oval object land in the reservoir with a loud splash 9/15/1962 #17403 tonio Candau saw a circular object land in Cadivilla, 9 m away from him. It 12/9/1962 #17576 ircular object 18 feet in diameter land 30 feet away from him. Two men emer 12/9/1962 #17577 Fifteen min later he saw an object land in a small square in the village, w 1/11/1963 #17633 es a domed disc some 132 feet long land in the village square. Dark figures 1/11/1963 #17634 he saw a domed disc-shaped object land in a small square in the village, w 1/11/1963 #17635 Ascension, Paraguay An object land on the school grounds (NICAP: 02 - 2/5/1963 #17651 t, Anastasio Lenven, saw an object land on the school grounds. In a differe 2/5/1963 #17654 t, Anastasio Lenven, saw an object land on the school grounds in Asuncion, 2/5/1963 #17655 WINDWARD, OAHU, HI Hundreds / land and air. Vibrant bright crescent go 3/11/1963 #17697 n object come in his direction and land 15 m away, scattering sand. It was 3/13/1963 #17705 n object come in his direction and land 15 meters away, scattering sand. It 3/13/1963 #17706 , then north. It appeared ready to land in a wooded area. Its luminosity wa 8/7/1963 #17876 him, then departed and appeared to land behind a hill. Two witnesses indepe 10/31/1963 #18015 f him, then flew off and seemed to land behind a hill. Two other witnesses 10/31/1963 #18018 ange object that appeared about to land, but it "vanished." 11/15/1963 #18040 ange object that appeared about to land in Bloomingdale, New Jersey, but it 11/15/1963 #18042 gland watched a dome-shaped object land behind a hangar, then search the gr 12/10/1963 #18073 w a glowing disc with landing gear land in a nearby paddock in Plympton, So 2/29/1964 #18141 w an whitish metallic ovoid object land in the desert behind a rise. He dro 4/24/1964 #18202 d two children saw a lighted craft land and take off. Four rectangular inde 4/29/1964 #18222 haped object size of an automobile land about 150 [125?] ft away (NICAP: 01 4/30/1964 #18226 . Two children saw a lighted craft land and take off, leaving four rectangu 4/30/1964 #18229 d object the size of an automobile land about 150 feet away, then take off. 4/30/1964 #18232 that they saw a white ovoid object land. Photo reconnaisance was ordered. 4/30/1964 #18234 Two children saw the lighted craft land, then take off. Four rectangular in 4/30/1964 #18235 d object arrive from the south and land in a field 150 m away. Estimated di 5/9/1964 #18253 d object arrive from the south and land in a field next to a reservoir, 150 5/9/1964 #18255 the northwest, seemingly ready to land. Abnormal radioactivity allegedly w 5/17/1964 #18277 the northwest, appearing ready to land. Abnormal radioactivity was alleged 5/17/1964 #18278 e object, about 30 nn in diameter, land about 18 m away in the field. He fe 6/14/1964 #18355 e object, about 30-cm in diameter, land about 18 meters away in a field. He 6/14/1964 #18357 Donoso, observed a strange machine land. From it emerged two fairskinned me 6/15/1964 #18361 Arica, Chile saw a strange machine land. It was 10 feet long and 3.5 feet w 6/15/1964 #18363 orchard where they saw a red light land in the woods, and then take off. A 9/4/1964 #18534 blinking light on top descend and land. Two short humanoid beings, wearing 9/4/1964 #18535 approaching lights that seemed to land. From a vantage point in a tree, he 9/5/1964 #18538 old woman sees two lighted objects land on a hilltop near New Berlin, New Y 11/25/1964 #18637 cut saw an extremely bright object land in the nearby woods at 11 p.m. Burn 11/30/1964 #18649 ses thought the thing was about to land, and they fled. 12/28/1964 #18677 zigzag course and then appears to land on the ocean shore. It remains stil 1/27/1965 #18776 province of Corrientes saw a craft land and five tall, "Cyclops" beings (i. 1/31/1965 #18789 esidents saw a large flying object land. Two of them approached to within 6 2/14/1965 #18814 see a small, saucer-shaped object land nearby. As they approach it, a beam 3/2/1965 #18832 ing quickly west. Hovers. Seems to land. Windows / rim. 4/10/1965 #18903 ville, WV Woman saw a 25 ft object land near her house shaped like a disc ( 4/23/1965 #18913 irginia A woman observed an object land near her house while she was workin 4/23/1965 #18914 h flashing lights that appeared to land silently on a hillside situated on 6/2/1965 #18984 h flashing lights that appeared to land silently on a hillside situated on 6/2/1965 #18985 ht seen / 20 minute(s). Appears to land in distance. 6/21/1965 #19021 arting at 9:30 p.m. It appeared to land remotely. 6/21/1965 #19023 a small object leave a larger one, land, and burn a spot on the ground befo 7/19/1965 #19130 la Zamudio saw a "strange machine" land on an isolated beach. It was shaped 7/19/1965 #19132 ll object leave a larger one, then land and burn a spot on the ground befor 7/19/1965 #19137 when he saw a parachutelike object land. Going near, he observed a chromium 7/20/1965 #19149 ect about 10-12 meters in diameter land on the isolated beach. It was shape 7/20/1965 #19152 hen he saw a parachute-like object land. Going near it, he observed a chrom 7/20/1965 #19153 ma, Peru An object was observed to land on ranch 45 km north of this town b 7/23/1965 #19163 CARAZINHO, BRAZIL 2 3M saucers land. Groups / small humanoids (or Greys 7/26/1965 #19176 SIDNEY, NEBR 5 objects going east. Land 10M east / Strategic Air Command (S 8/1/1965 #19232 ed a saucer-shaped UFO descend and land nearby. A 3.5 foot tall being emerg 8/1/1965 #19247 ect as bright as burning magnesium land. An extensive investigation by poli 8/2/1965 #19268 Santos saw a disk 50 m in diameter land with a distinct sound, although no 8/4/1965 #19314 s saw a disc 50 meters in diameter land near the Trapua River, Brazil with 8/4/1965 #19323 haped object, 50 feet in diameter, land in San Pedro de los Altos, Venezuel 8/7/1965 #19339 uay heard a loud hum and saw a UFO land directly in front of their car, cau 8/14/1965 #19392 eard a loud hum and then saw a UFO land directly in front of their car, sta 8/15/1965 #19402 w a glowing, oval, flashing object land 200 m away. Figures moved around it 8/20/1965 #19440 in Voter, observed a strange craft land near the Inca ruins that they were 8/20/1965 #19443 al-shaped object pass overhead and land 200 meters away. The object, which 8/20/1965 #19444 laming openings in front, about to land near them. They went into hiding, a 9/8/1965 #19536 an was said to have seen an object land in the vicinity of Puno, and to hav 9/8/1965 #19537 an was said to have seen an object land in the vicinity of Puno, Peru and t 9/8/1965 #19541 Antonio Pau Ferro saw two objects land. Two dwarfish beings emerged, 70 cm 9/11/1965 #19554 lectric shock. The object seems to land in an area with farmhouses. Green n 9/14/1965 #19560 a, Peru A farm woman saw an object land, and six dwarfs, 80 cm tall, emerge 9/20/1965 #19583 . a young farm woman saw an object land in Pichaca, Peru and six dwarves, 8 9/20/1965 #19584 mbling a huge wheel coming down to land near them. They described it as int 10/8/1965 #19652 s said to have seen another object land in the vicinity of Puno, and to hav 10/8/1965 #19653 ic, oval object with bluish lights land in a park at the edge of town. It h 10/13/1965 #19655 rcling. Later two witnesses saw it land in an isolated spot between Cuarang 10/18/1965 #19666 and a bank director saw an object land 100 m away, flashing a beam of ligh 11/13/1965 #19718 and a bank director saw an object land 100 meters away, flashing a beam of 11/13/1965 #19720 A36 NEAR BECKINGTON, ENGL Phony land rover without wheels passes car. Wh 12/8/1965 #19757 phantom automobile, shaped like a Land Rover but without wheels, passed th 12/8/1965 #19759 n the woods. A boy sees the object land; his mother Frances Kalp sees a wis 12/9/1965 #19762 COTSWOLD HILLS, AVON Phony land rover without lights passes car. Va 12/15/1965 (approximate) #19769 midnight. A vehicle shaped like a Land Rover, but without wheels, passed a 12/15/1965 #19771 ed an object come over his car and land on the other side of the road. It w 1/16/1966 #19840 B-52G carries, three are found on land near the small fishing village of P 1/17/1966 #19844 when they saw a disc-shaped object land 200 yards away from them. Upon clos 1/23/1966 #19869 nt silver domed disks maneuver and land. Shoot away. / r211p112. 3/23/1966 #20038 a horizontal axis. It appeared to land in the distance. Next day a large m 3/24/1966 #20066 C. Cozens saw two white oval UFOs land in a field behind the police statio 3/26/1966 #20094 HAMILTON, ONT 2 8' x4'OVOIDS land. Observer(s) shocked / touches aeri 3/29/1966 #20127 out 8 feet in diameter descend and land, making a buzzing sound. The object 3/29/1966 #20134 out 8 feet in diameter descend and land, making a buzzing sound. The object 3/29/1966 #20140 ens saw two white oval-shaped UFOs land in a field. When the witness walked 3/29/1966 #20144 saw a round object with two lights land near the Ohio State University camp 3/30/1966 #20161 io saw a round UFO with two lights land nearby. A door in the craft opened 3/30/1966 #20167 1.2 m high, with flashing lights, land near Hamilton. When he tried to tou 3/31/1966 #20176 es Kozens, age 13, saw two objects land near Hamilton, Ontario, Canada at 9 3/31/1966 #20183 er mother saw two starlike objects land in a field. One of them rose rapidl 4/1/1966 #20199 Missouri saw two luminous objects land on a hill nearby their house. They 4/1/1966 #20203 watched a metallic disc-shaped UFO land in a nearby field, then take off ag 4/6/1966 #20259 ound the bottom, which appeared to land on the roof of the Oliver Wendelle 4/12/1966 #20290 in motion. The object appeared to land in a field. Later two witnesses app 4/19/1966 #20340 h pendulum motion, and appeared to land on Route 114. At midnight, two men 4/19/1966 #20345 n in motion. The object appears to land in a field off State Highway 114. A 4/19/1966 #20346 p-and-down motion, and appeared to land. When the witnesses approached they 4/19/1966 #20347 an object fly at low altitude and land outside Bagley. Four dwarfs seemed 4/22/1966 #20370 away from the house. It seemed to land in a field near the school. Three a 4/22/1966 #20371 object, 18 feet wide, descend and land a few yards from her in a field. It 4/23/1966 #20392 a when he saw a disk-shaped object land 100 m away. Small beings resembling 5/16/1966 #20488 n when he saw a disc-shaped object land 100 meters away. Small beings resem 5/16/1966 #20489 n when he saw a disc-shaped object land 100 m away. Small beings resembling 5/16/1966 #20491 ze of a car and shaped like a bowl land on the road and make a whining nois 5/22/1966 #20507 ect with three flashing red lights land on the ground 200 m away. It remain 6/18/1966 #20580 ect with three flashing red lights land on the ground 200 meters away. It r 6/18/1966 #20583 At 7:30 p.m. a man saw a UFO land in the desert near his home in Van 7/21/1966 #20663 base. 1 So low it seemed about to land / military observer(s). No further 7/23/1966 #20670 n altitude that it seemed about to land. 7/23/1966 #20672 N, FR 1 observer. 2 80cm red balls land. Join. Quickly going up [to] and go 7/24/1966 #20674 ft. The two crew members eject and land at sea. The pilot, Bill Park, survi 7/30/1966 #20696 ne and saw a 50-foot diameter disc land in a field. A tall man dressed in a 8/11/1966 #20739 ed for one min and seemed about to land less than 80 m away, but tilted bac 8/19/1966 #20769 ered over a reservoir, appeared to land in a small field, then rose up into 8/19/1966 #20770 over a reservoir, then appears to land in a field 250 feet away. It tilts 8/19/1966 #20772 e disc. It next appeared to almost land in a small field less than 80 meter 8/19/1966 #20773 from a cloud bank, slow down, and land with a soft whirring sound. It show 9/9/1966 #20867 from a cloud bank, slow down, and land with a soft whirring sound. It had 9/9/1966 #20869 11 years saw a disk-shaped object land near a farm. It had a tripod landin 9/13/1966 #20877 bout one mile away, approach, then land within 900 feet, making a low-pitch 9/13/1966 #20879 he sees a disc that seems about to land in a clearing. It puts on a red-and 10/26/1966 #21038 spherical machine with a flat rim land near them. Estimated diameter: 7 m. 11/17/1966 #21116 spherical machine with a flat rim land in front of their patrol car at fou 11/17/1966 #21119 nesses observed a dark, red object land by the side of the road, later foll 11/28/1966 #21155 wn of Sparks saw a luminous object land on the road; his car engine stalls, 11/28/1966 #21159 first observed a dark, red object land by the side of the road, and later 11/28/1966 #21160 is right, coming closer. He saw it land on the road, and locked himself ins 1/5/1967 #21258 is right, coming closer. He saw it land on the road and locked himself insi 1/5/1967 #21261 eemed to follow the contour of the land and made several sharp-angle turns 1/19/1967 #21355 long by 30 feet wide, approach and land on three legs on the highway. It ma 1/25/1967 #21387 saw a craft emitting light signals land a few meters away. 2/1/1967 #21432 saw a craft emitting light signals land a few meters away. 2/1/1967 #21434 dog, and saw an egg-shaped object land. From an elevatorlike shaft came hu 2/5/1967 #21459 T BARROW, AK 3+saucers going west. Land / ice offshore. Go over buildings / 2/12/1967 #21516 nd green lights glide, circle, and land in a field. He saw it again spinnin 2/22/1967 #21622 een lights glide, circle, and then land in a field. He saw it again spinnin 2/22/1967 #21625 ered, accelerated, and appeared to land in a clump of trees. It emitted a c 2/23/1967 #21630 , Chile, sees a disc-shaped object land near him. Seconds after touching do 2/24/1967 #21643 object hovered over trees as if to land for about 5 minutes, then disappear 3/10/1967 #21851 ped object emitting a bright light land in a ravine near Belt, Montana. As 3/24/1967 #21974 ed and put out three legs as if to land, but then retraced them and moved o 4/13/1967 #22128 sh white lighted object descend to land in a wooded area. When he got home 4/21/1967 #22200 f motion, apparently attempting to land. 4/21/1967 #22201 the sky, extend six legs, and then land on his farm. The 1.5 meter tall obj 4/26/1967 #22224 ct that resembled a plane about to land. It appeared to have lights inside 5/1967 #22252 . A white glowing object seemed to land and grew increasingly bright causin 5/10/1967 #22308 nd Jose Arribas observed an object land in a pine forest north of Nieva-Seg 5/16/1967 #22353 nd Jose Arribas observed an object land in a pine forest north of Nieva-Seg 5/16/1967 #22356 laring that soon a spacecraft will land in Madrid, Spain, and fly earthboun 5/20/1967 #22383 minated the ground and appeared to land, whereupon she became frightened an 5/31/1967 #22430 lit up the ground and appeared to land. She became frightened and ran insi 5/31/1967 #22433 and as a safe place for aliens to land. Minister of National Defence Paul 6/3/1967 #22457 ts saw a large cigar-shaped object land on a farm near Loco, Texas. A short 6/11/1967 #22496 sk-shaped object, about 10 m long, land in the area. 7/5/1967 #22614 ect, about ten meters meters long, land in the area. 7/5/1967 #22617 mbilla and another man watch a UFO land on some grass in a deserted part of 7/7/1967 #22630 s her car and seems to be about to land on top of it. As a car approaches i 7/20/1967 #22710 away from the road and appears to land on a sand dune. 7/20/1967 #22710 ged" object rise above a swamp and land on a hill (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 7/21/1967 #22716 ged" object rise above a swamp and land on a hill. Air Force investigators 7/21/1967 #22717 diameter descend from the sky and land in a nearby field. Thinking that no 7/21/1967 #22721 object with green lights under it land on the parking lot pavement. He sto 7/21/1967 #22722 long, with green lights under it, land on the pavement. He stopped his tru 7/31/1967 #22760 bject fly 150 meters above him and land. It was white in color and blinked 8/7/1967 #22842 rns brilliant white and appears to land on the other side of a brook. They 8/23/1967 #22905 ght, which he thought was a heron, land near a bridge. He then saw that it 8/26/1967 #22933 e from behind a hill and appear to land on a golf course. A burned ring (ph 9/5/1967 #23003 a phosphorescent tube-like object land nearly 30 meters away. It had a rec 9/7/1967 #23016 ed to approach an airport as if to land. (Southbridge Evening News, 9/14/67 9/13/1967 #23048 ouse and the other seemed about to land, then both rose and flew off. (Hain 9/25/1967 #23129 bserver(s). Luminous disk seems to land / Avila Mountain. Takes off 2 hours 9/28/1967 #23140 n oscillating motion and appear to land on Cerro El Ávila. A Similar object 9/28/1967 #23145 s that appeared to be preparing to land in the yard where the children were 10/12/1967 #23227 re going east smoothly from sea to land. 10/18/1967 #23259 on, England. The object appears to land behind some trees, but takes off be 10/24/1967 #23304 a luminous, blue, circular object land nearby, as they were examining some 11/3/1967 #23397 a luminous, blue, circular object land nearby as they were examining some 11/3/1967 #23398 they saw a large UFO approach and land on the highway in front of them. (M 11/9/1967 #23432 they saw a large UFO approach and land on the highway in front of them. Th 11/9/1967 #23433 gh, with round and square windows, land in a field with a whining noise. It 11/16/1967 #23470 gh, with round and square windows, land in a field in Yerecoin, Western Aus 11/16/1967 #23472 y UFO the size of a house about to land. A beam of light shoots from it, pu 11/17/1967 #23477 aerials, arrive from the east and land in a woods for 15 min. It made a cl 11/29/1967 #23523 aerials, arrive from the east and land in the woods near Yarmouth, Nova Sc 11/29/1967 #23524 ry cops. Night lights maneuver and land / months. Change color(s) / shots f 12/28/1967 #23616 uard patrol allegedly sees the UFO land on the south coast and fires at it Early 1968 #23635 ds across road, then one seemed to land while other moved over house. Three 1/24/1968 #23694 ann, Derryvore, Ireland saw a disc land in a field. Several entities emerge 1/26/1968 #23704 France observed a UFO descend and land near a power transformer. An openin 3/29/1968 #23873 o Velasco, 25, saw a bright object land. From it emerged a strange "tall, s 6/19/1968 #24048 o Velasco, 25, saw a bright object land. From it emerged a strange "tall, s 6/19/1968 #24049 azquez, age 25, a miner, saw a UFO land in Poopo, Oruro, Bolivia. From the 6/19/1968 #24051 saw a round, saucer-shaped object land on a dirt road not to far away from 6/23/1968 #24072 ntario, Canada saw a bright object land on some nearby brush at 10:00 p.m.. 7/2/1968 #24137 aw a luminous object pass over and land near Villavicencio, about three kil 7/8/1968 #24159 a droning sound, appeared about to land. It settled to the ground and three 7/25/1968 #24226 da. One of the objects was seen to land about 1,000 feet away. When they we 7/28/1968 #24245 2 observer(s). White ovoid seems / land / closed airport. Buzzing sound hea 7/29/1968 #24247 ow-white glowing object apparently land near a deserted grass airport in Ba 7/29/1968 #24256 aremont, New Hampshire 2:00 a.m. A land surveyor and his wife in Claremont, 7/30/1968 #24263 , another patient has seen the UFO land some 260 feet from the fence of the 8/25/1968 #24376 it “looked as if it were trying to land behind the boulder.” The children w 8/29/1968 #24401 S40. Bus-size saucer comes down to land near ranch. 5 min. 10/15/1968 #24562 ines saw a red light come down and land 100 yards away from him, making a h 11/1/1968 #24616 er walking to Baras felt something land behind him. He apparently witnessed 11/1/1968 #24617 object surrounded with a blue glow land briefly in a field. It suddenly too 11/22/1968 #24690 tside to investigate. He saw a UFO land about 60 feet away. The object was 2/20/1969 #24936 he UFO followed the contour of the land it was flying over. After 7–8 min. 3/4/1969 #24963 tro-magnetic effects) when objects land.. 3/6/1969 #24972 saucer-shaped object with antennas land on stadium grounds twice in Lins, S 3/14/1969 #25014 that he was expected to help them land on Earth, a proposition that the so 5/4/1969 #25115 lue and green legs. It appeared to land on a nearby hill. Arcesio Bermudez, 7/4/1969 #25253 / rim. Hits houses / beam. Follows land contours going northeast. 8/11/1969 (approximate) #25314 s. It followed the contours of the land as it flew to the northeast. The cl 8/11/1969 #25316 oung boy saw a small silver object land close to him outside the town of Be 9/14/1969 #25369 , ten feet wide and 6-7 feet high, land not 60 feet away from him. His atte 10/16/1969 #25417 sees a metallic, pan-shaped object land behind a hill. It radiates a brilli Early 1970 #25524 owever, he did see a bright object land on the grass outside, and also saw 4/15/1970 #25633 ela observed an oval-shaped object land and was shocked by the appearance o 6/7/1970 #25693 ness saw a domed disc-shaped craft land in San Vicente de Toqua, Chile at 1 6/10/1970 #25696 sh metallic object 12-18 feet wide land on the ocean 700-1000 yards away, t 6/27/1970 #25716 disc-shaped object, blue in color, land in some bushes near their school. F 8/19/1970 #25796 bubble come down from the sky and land near her house. Two figures appeare 8/24/1970 #25803 t bright 2M white fireball follows land contours. Blinks out. / r30p352. 9/13/1970 #25836 and one of the objects was seen to land in a cemetery. It left burns on the 11/29/1970 #25923 c saucer-shaped object descend and land on four thin legs in a clearing 50 2/5/1971 #26015 observer(s). Night lights play and land. Saucer-nest found / same spot. / T 5/22/1971 #26122 he saw a vessel "as big as a bus" land near an old well. Many, perhaps ove 9/11/1971 #26328 he saw a vessel "as big as a bus" land near an old well. Many, perhaps ove 9/12/1971 #26331 saw a large, yellowish-white light land in the distance, and a smaller ligh 11/13/1971 #26470 lgo, Sra. Ochones saw a domed disc land 50 meters away, making a “sizzling” 12/31/1971 #26525 ng gear descend from the sky, then land 200 meters away. It had a red ball 3/10/1972 #26599 r people saw a glowing blue sphere land. It rose giving off blue sparks and 3/19/1972 #26618 they saw a fire in the thick bush land. Thinking it might be poachers on h 6/26/1972 #26736 inking it might be poachers on his land, Mr. Smith went to the spot with hi 6/26/1972 #26736 sky. It then hovers and appears to land in an orchard on the Odaia hill abo Early 9/1972 #26975 s. Bright shiny ovoid down on open land between towns. 10/7/1972 #27053 named Martinez saw an ovoid object land. Some beings exited from the craft 10/14/1972 #27076 ilding. He then watched the object land just south of the compound. Startle 10/14/1972 #27077 a white, spherical cloud-like UFO land in a snowy field 700 feet away. Th 11/28/1972 #27151 a low altitude, as if intending to land in a nearby field. 1/6/1973 #27223 i Amin and his entourage saw a UFO land and then take off again like a "gen 3/3/1973 #27329 erved a UFO with "flashing lights" land on Burnside Mountain. (NICAP: 02 - 4/29/1973 #27453 rning a 12-year-old girl saw a UFO land in her backyard in Chevy Chase, Mar 6/6/1973 #27554 ad / car. Follows winding road and land contours. 9/2/1973 #27745 ground and appeared to be about to land. They resumed their trip and after 9/13/1973 #27815 ct (EME). Luminous/glowing objects land / field. Observer(s) temporarily pa 9/19/1973 (approximate) #27835 e earth to light up 1-1/2 acres of land (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 9/29/1973 #27887 2 / private plane. 3 night lights land and flash / field. Sudden maneuvers 10/2/1973 #27916 ight saucer-shaped object about to land, descending in a zigzag motion. Onc 10/14/1973 #28031 ver craft hover over a field, then land. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 10/17/1973 #28119 which looked like it was going to land. No sound was heard. (NICAP: 01 - D 10/22/1973 #28236 ect that looks like it is going to land. He and his daughter walk toward th 10/22/1973 #28240 ped UFO about 100 feet in diameter land in a field near Uniontown, Pennsylv 10/25/1973 #28285 EXICO 4 / car. 3 good photographs "land mine" ovoid. Lands / 7 legs. / LDLN 11/3/1973 #28356 runcated cone) descending as if to land less than 200 feet away. (Marlin Da 11/8/1973 #28388 2 girls) saw object come down and land twice, Had round thing on it like a 11/16/1973 #28433 Pilot Riccardo Marano is about to land at Caselle Airport, Turin, Italy, i 11/30/1973 #28490 balls to and fro over Leek Field. Land / observer(s) feet! Going quickly n 12/6/1973 #28526 FR Fireballs fly and maneuver and land / 14 dates to 24 Feb. '74. 90° turn 12/19/1973 #28582 and he watched a cigar-shaped UFO land in a vertical position. He did not 12/31/1973 #28623 ar. 2 luminous/glowing blue masses land / field. Shape unknown. 1/1/1974 #28638 sky. They said that it appeared to land some place near the Pacheco School 1/8/1974 #28668 ed objects glide toward ground and land in the nearby desert. When on the g 2/8/1974 #28749 ding white lights, and appeared to land. At the suspected landing site larg 4/23/1974 #29058 nearby and sees a UFO descend and land on the roof of Building no. 1 about 5/5/1974 #29085 w a disc-shaped object descend and land on the roof of Building #1. Four si 5/7/1974 #29093 ct. Hovers / trailer park. Seem to land on farm. 5/12/1974 #29101 neuvers. Then 1M fireball seems to land. 3 identical imprints. 5/28/1974 #29140 he watches, the object appears to land on a nearby hill where it remains f 5/28/1974 #29142 that night this sphere appeared to land behind some trees several miles awa 6/8/1974 #29173 object come in from the north and land on sea. It floated for five minutes 6/13/1974 #29186 e a huge ball of light was seen to land. Ground traces were reportedly foun 6/14/1974 #29194 f sperm. Elderly farmer saw object land in soybean field around 12:00 a.m. 6/18/1974 #29210 , multi-colored disc-shaped object land. It approached very suddenly from t 8/16/1974 #29364 undulating motion as it came in to land. It landed with a blast of hot air, 8/16/1974 #29364 e Texas coast, avoiding entry over land, and seems headed toward Brownsvill 8/25/1974 #29386 0 feet by the time it crosses over land into northern Mexico, about 40 mile 8/25/1974 #29386 id object with multicolored lights land close beside them. It was shaped li 8/31/1974 #29405 saw a luminous, disc-shaped object land this night. It touched down nearby 10/7/1974 #29504 sky for several minutes, and then land. Many types of animals (a horse, a 10/15/1974 #29533 , SP Several 20M saucers hover and land / gunnery range. / r120p151+FSRv35# 1/2/1975 #29693 wood, Wisconsin a UFO attempted to land in front of a car with the Forster 3/2/1975 #29870 d, WS 8:00 p.m. A UFO attempted to land in front of a car with the Forster 3/8/1975 #29879 lowing silent night light seems to land in woods. No trace. 4/4/1975 #29958 ower his landing gear manually and land safely. Aviation personnel who know 5/3/1975 #30026 when they saw a disc-shaped craft land nearby. A gray figure with a large 7/12/1975 #30174 shaped craft rise from the sea and land on the beach in Sanary, Var departm 8/12/1975 #30256 NEAR SIMMS, MT Night lights land by dead calf 2 nights / row. 2nd ti 12/8/1975 #30690 A lacks the technical expertise to land astronauts on the moon and that num 1976 #30743 om the sky at them “as if it would land on them.” They ran away in panic to 1/6/1976 #30771 ool children saw a UFO descend and land in a nearby field. The UFO was 8-10 2/25/1976 #30902 ool children saw a UFO descend and land in a nearby field. The UFO was 8-10 2/25/1976 #30907 w a small metallic cube zigzag and land on her lawn on the return trip. 4/18/1976 #31000 t witness, Frederickson, saw a UFO land that night in Elmwood. There was al 4/22/1976 #31011 reddish spheres slowly descend and land on a nearby field. The craft was to 4/23/1976 #31016 reddish spheres slowly descend and land on a nearby field. All of Fidel's f 4/23/1976 #31019 r objects descend from the sky and land by a creek at about 10 p.m. He watc 6/9/1976 #31095 lights fly past their new silo and land in a distant hayfield. Mark drives 8/7/1976 #31243 ith revolving multicolored lights, land in a hayfield. The son drove to the 8/7/1976 #31245 t he had seen a disc-shaped object land, and had a confrontation with sever 9/15/1976 #31385 o they ran to the field and saw it land behind some bushes on three legs. A 10/29/1976 #31505 rom across the Gulf of Bothnia and land in a nearby field. When he approach Early 12/1976 #31579 the area. The witness saw a craft land in the same area a week later. Land 2/20/1977 #31833 t carrying four very bright lights land about 150 feet away in Langernargen 2/24/1977 #31846 d she then observed a small object land in the vicinity of the children's p 4/4/1977 #31942 d she then observed a small object land in the vicinity of the children's p 4/4/1977 #31944 bject “like the moon falling down” land behind her home. Two tall humanoids 4/19/1977 #32001 O RIVER, QLD Prospector. 3 50M UFO land / 5 legs each. Blue pseudo-human/en 6/22/1977 #32184 circle around them three times and land. A second object comes out of the h 8/11/1977 #32384 stop and hover, as if preparing to land. At this point she was joined by ot 10/6/1977 #32555 paced / night light. Night lights land. Figure(s) move outside. / MJ#126+/ 10/17/1977 #32583 isc-shaped object came in over the land from the direction of the sea and f 12/6/1977 #32738 red, disc-shaped object came over land from the direction of the sea. It f 12/7/1977 #32740 red, disc-shaped object came over land from the direction of the sea at 7: 12/7/1977 #32742 d the UFO descended as if going to land, but then suddenly rose up into the 12/16/1977 #32780 d the UFO descended as if going to land, but then suddenly rose up into the 12/16/1977 #32781 bject passes overhead and seems to land in a wood on a distant hillside. 1/1978 #32837 along the course of the river and land on the bank. It emitted a strong pu 1/27/1978 #32917 see a silver balloon-shaped object land in a meadow near Frodsham, Cheshire 1/27/1978 #32919 along the course of the river and land on the bank. It emitted a strong pu 1/27/1978 #32921 c-shaped object shoot overhead and land behind some nearby trees. Two figur 2/1/1978 #32939 c-shaped object shoot overhead and land behind some nearby trees in Gainsbo 2/1/1978 #32941 umanoids (or Greys). Shown strange land / no sky. 3/24/1978 #33076 en taken on a journey to a strange land with no trees, no lakes, and no bir 3/24/1978 #33079 rved a dome-shaped metallic object land in a field. A short humanoid with g 7/16/1978 #33389 rved a dome-shaped metallic object land in a field in Iracauba, Brazil. A s 7/16/1978 #33393 silvery object slowly descend and land in an open field. The object had tw 8/24/1978 #33565 MICINO, ITL Numerous observer(s) / land and sea. Dark object flashes and ma 9/15/1978 #33682 old her that she had seen the disc land and saw figures come out of it. The 9/15/1978 #33689 Atienza saw an intense white light land 200 meters away from his car while 12/2/1978 #34051 . At the landing site on some farm land there were later found some burnt a 12/6/1978 #34067 witnesses watched a luminous disc land and take off again. 12/17/1978 #34165 whistling sound and saw an object land close by. The craft seemed metallic 12/30/1978 #34232 large fiery red sphere descend and land in a nearby pasture. The sphere cha 1/13/1979 #34337 They then saw two metallic objects land nearby and three men wearing tight- 1/23/1979 #34368 w two metallic disc-shaped objects land on tripod landing gear nearby, and 1/24/1979 #34375 w two metallic disc-shaped objects land on tripod landing gear nearby, and 1/24/1979 #34377 round he saw an approaching object land 40 meters away from him. As he appr 2/26/1979 #34449 round he saw an approaching object land 40 meters away from him. He tried t 2/26/1979 #34450 CHERNYAKOVSK, RUSSIA 2 saucers land. 1 flies. 4 small humanoids (or Gre 3/4/1979 #34463 ffect (EME). Farmer sees 8M saucer land. Circular traces / soybeans. 4/7/1979 #34500 rmer, saw an eight meter wide disc land, and circular ground traces were fo 4/7/1979 #34501 rmer, saw an eight meter wide disc land, and circular ground traces were fo 4/7/1979 #34502 itness on shore sees it apparently land, so he calls his two dogs and heads 8/1979 #34692 rain, following the contour of the land and flying in and out of the canyon 8/9/1979 #34722 idsbury, England besides some open land when they noticed a flash of light 8/19/1979 #34760 g slowly in a horizontal position, land bullet-shaped, looking black on its 8/29/1979 #34799 nd emergency lights are lit by the land crew in case the object happens to 11/11/1979 #34997 , Saskatchewan, sees a white light land in a field about a quarter mile to 11/14/1979 #34998 when they see two glowing objects land on it with tripod legs. Two little 11/15/1979 #35000 t approach at an oblique angle and land in a field in Porcie-Amblagnieu, Is 11/27/1979 #35022 “hard beam”. The pilot managed to land successfully, but the wing, touched Summer 1980 #35383 riangle/box-like crafts cavort and land / field close by. Follow car. Want 7/18/1980 #35417 w Mexico State policeman saw a UFO land in the Manzano Mountains near Albuq 8/10/1980 #35455 he other, about 8 feet in diameter land about 150 feet away at a lower elev 1/8/1981 #35779 ed object making a whistling sound land hard in a garden. It was estimated 1/8/1981 #35780 e, cigar-shaped object hover, then land in the Gobi Desert. 6/6/1981 #35957 outheast and going south. Seems to land. No physical traces. 7/22/1981 #36022 ed object with three bright lights land in a field. Another man reported se 8/5/1981 #36060 d. The pilot saw a huge section of land separating like giant sliding doors 1982 #36292 a luminous triangular shaped craft land on an open field. Three humanoids e 2/14/1982 #36344 wo lights descend from the sky and land. He approached with his car but the 3/22/1982 #36408 ight blue domed disc-shaped object land next to some power lines. (NICAP: 0 4/3/1982 #36432 ht blue, domed, disc-shaped object land next to some power lines. It lifts 4/3/1982 #36433 ight blue domed disc-shaped object land next to some power lines. It lifted 4/3/1982 #36434 nyon. Object lands / Indian family land. 8/10/1982 #36564 . The three objects glided down to land in a clearing behind some trees. Tw 12/17/1982 #36718 to conduct animal mutilations and land at a certain base, in exchange for 1/10/1983 #36742 bright, oval object that seems to land. The property owner at the location 4/10/1983 #36836 s off following the contour of the land. 5/23/1983 #36864 ondônia, Brazil. As he is about to land on his farm near Porto Velho, Rondô 5/23/1983 #36865 w off following the contour of the land. 5/23/1983 #36866 tches power line repairs. Seems to land / woods. No physical trace(s). 7/22/1983 #36917 USAF seizes 89,000 acres of public land adjacent to Groom Lake 1984 #37088 ey watched, the object appeared to land on a nearby ridge and after a few s 1/21/1984 #37135 gh the cloud layer and appeared to land on a ridge behind the tree line. (N 1/28/1984 #37161 ough the cloud layer and appear to land on a ridge behind the tree line. At 1/28/1984 #37162 1984, an orange sphere was seen to land on a ridge in Flemington, New Jerse 1/28/1984 #37163 witnesses saw the UFO descend and land at 6:30 p.m., while many others saw 1/28/1984 #37163 erges a white disc that appears to land out of sight behind a ridge. A larg 4/15/1984 #37263 mufflers on the engines, and they land one by one on a nearby runway. Ruhl 6/21/1984 #37370 nd blue flashing lights apparently land on a nearby hill. He got out of his 8/14/1984 #37433 ty and contaminates large areas of land and water. The disaster is kept sec 8/10/1985 #37641 l-shaped flying object descend and land in a vacant field between two build 1/15/1986 #37765 G Many observer(s). 4 huge saucers land. Hover / hours. Photographs. Live r 3/12/1986 #37798 with brilliant lights descend and land slowly near him in Santa Ana, Corri 3/21/1986 #37804 bras Oil Company were preparing to land, the control tower informed him of 5/19/1986 #37874 inutes, they give up the chase and land. The Xingu makes three other attemp 5/19/1986 #37880 ingu makes three other attempts to land, but each time is diverted toward l 5/19/1986 #37880 ove, where they watched the object land about 200 meters away. Two short fi 6/3/1986 #37904 ssachusetts, is watching airliners land at Logan Airport when he sees a str 7/15/1986 #37943 color and luminescent. They see it land, then their awareness ceases until 8/15/1986 #37992 minous blue, domed disc-shaped UFO land, then he blacked out and had a two 8/15/1986 #37993 leaving tire marks on the road. A Land Cruiser approaches the scene and it 12/14/1987 #38364 hey saw 6-8 objects over their own land and some nearby property for the ne 1/18/1989 #38786 F BREEZE, FL Dogs bark. 3' saucers land. Vanish as observer(s) nears to 30' 2/8/1989 #38823 escend making a sizzling sound and land in a vacant lot only 80 feet away f 2/8/1989 #38826 nd son. They saw three small discs land. When the man shone a flashlight at 2/8/1989 #38826 llers to divert several flights to land in other airports. The UFO was sigh 4/2/1989 #38888 t in the sky as he is preparing to land. Another plane flying nearby cannot 5/2/1989 #38935 the light. Christovào continues to land, but the light positions itself in 5/2/1989 #38935 HUBEI PROV, CHINA Land lit red. Huge saucer silent overhea 5/12/1989 #38945 CHAROVSK, VOLOGDA, RUSSIA Orbs land / meadow. Moves going [to] river. H 6/6/1989 #38980 le. Three more spheres are said to land later in the same meadow. 6/6/1989 #38981 atched a bright sphere descend and land. It rolled a short distance and the 6/6/1989 #38982 r with oval windows / dome follows land contours going east / low and slow. 8/1989 (approximate) #39038 e sphere, five meters in diameter, land in a park at 8:30 p.m. Two tall hum 9/21/1989 #39115 40 minutes after the interceptors land. Two other fighters are assigned to 1/22/1990 #39387 angle/box-like craft then a saucer land / trees beneath! 2/14/1990 #39418 y, Kent, England, and preparing to land at Heathrow Airport, London, when t 4/21/1991 #40046 neuvers wobbles turns and seems to land. 4/23/1991 #40049 ontact with it, and to force it to land at the nearest Air station. If the 8/28/1991 #40168 ses watched a large silvery sphere land in a field very close to them in Lo 12/27/1991 #40268 ed craft descended and appeared to land behind the hill. Two women got into 3/13/1992 #40377 ing on Native American reservation land, and he also claimed a joint ventur 5/13/1992 #40463 un) on Native American reservation land, but nothing he produced ties this 5/13/1992 #40463 ompany plant saw a disc-shaped UFO land on the factory grounds around quitt 6/10/1992 #40491 ne when they saw a luminous sphere land. A 1.6 meter (5.5 feet) tall man em 7/25/1992 #40536 lver saucer / 40' altitude follows land contours. Goes behind trees. 9/7/1992 #40612 here descend from the mountain and land about 300 meters away from them. Fi 9/22/1992 #40636 ject, about 15 meters in diameter, land on a nearby field. The craft was to 3/20/1993 #40895 witnessed a silver metallic craft land: first the front end touched down, 3/30/1993 #40907 , broad-shouldered winged creature land about 30 feet away from him. The be 4/19/1993 #40944 t 10:35 p.m. to see a bright light land on a nearby hill. Soon three humano 6/18/1993 #41022 use of Native American reservation land to test rail gun technology. Casola 8/1/1993 #41101 t the advanced weapon on sovereign land to circumvent U.S. law. https://in 8/1/1993 #41101 bly illegal use of Native American land for other USG weapons projects and 8/1/1993 #41101 lots of two airliners preparing to land at Benito Juárez International Airp 9/16/1993 #41199 ject whirl around in the sky, then land about 200 feet from his car. A door 11/26/1993 #41304 ht come from some nearby hills and land a few meters away. A short humanoid 5/10/1994 #41521 . Bright night light follows rough land contours closely. No further detail 6/28/1994 #41591 eral kids / school. Silver saucers land. Reappear 3X. Small humanoid (or Gr 9/16/1994 #41752 seen a luminous dome-shaped craft land in the field that same night. 9/16/1994 #41756 watched a luminous greenish sphere land nearby them at 11:00 p.m.. Two huma 12/11/1994 #41890 ed object as they are preparing to land at Manchester Airport, England. The 1/6/1995 #41956 tted what looked like a helicopter land at the nearby "Gaspar Cracia Lavian 2/23/1995 #42060 icle. They think this time it will land, but it ascends and zooms away agai 5/5/1995 #42179 the captain. As Polanco begins to land, the runway and airport lights go o 7/31/1995 #42347 lope from his 9,000-foot elevation land. He claimed the carcasses had been 8/15/1995 #42389 were walking past a plot of vacant land when they spotted another bizarre l 1/20/1996 #42697 atched a silent, silvery gray disc land about 50 feet away from them. It wa 2/28/1996 #42788 erved a large diamond-shaped craft land previously in the same area back in 4/16/1996 #42871 ara State, Brazil, witnessed a UFO land in the churchyard of the mission. H 4/17/1996 #42872 azil saw a triangular shaped craft land. A hatch opened and three occupants 9/8/1996 #43009 a large metallic oval-shaped craft land in a field close to him. It landed 12/9/1996 #43133 Airport, requesting permission to land. The plane lands safely 10 minutes 12/19/1996 #43148 s a turquoise object that seems to land in a field near a highway he is dri 6/8/1997 #43318 over the fields then fall down and land. It seemed to have a round head wit 7/23/1997 #43359 by road, apparently coming down to land. The witness heard a moderate hummi 6/21/1998 #43591 azil reported seeing a huge object land near the Mondubim lagoon on this ev 8/12/1998 #43629 started coming down and seemed to land somewhere inside the forest on Ardi 9/14/1998 #43646 an, Sabah, Malaysia that seemed to land two kilometers away. She watched it 10/2/1998 #43658 were like slits. The UFOs did not land, but hovered just above the ground. 10/17/1999 #43862 bright lights descend overhead and land in her garden. Two figures came out 7/14/2000 #44017 bjects approach from the ocean and land on the beach. A red beam of light e 10/11/2000 #44054 chevron or V-shaped craft fly and land behind a hill at around nine o'cloc 11/28/2000 #44085 ular, crater-like formation on his land. On May 1, Pano Karkanis of the Uni 4/1/2001 #44156 erved a ball of light approach and land about 200 meters away. When the lig 7/1/2001 #44201 object about 10 meters in diameter land on the beach at around two o'clock 8/1/2001 #44217 st 45 students said they saw a UFO land in the field behind Fatma Primary S 6/5/2002 #44347 w, so they thought he was going to land in the meadow beyond. But when he w 7/16/2003 #44565 ER BALLOONS WOULD MAKE ****509 HAS LAND SURVEYOR CREWS; TEMPLE. 2nd Annual 2004 #44639 , triangular in shape, appeared to land. It was brightly lit with what loo 3/21/2004 #44678 ged beings in the water and on the land nearby. The sighting lasted five ho 5/18/2006 #44944 the NNE and go past to the left to land approximately 8-9 miles away, but t 4/17/2007 #45018 e, North Carolina, they prepare to land in Richmond. Above Chase City, Virg 2/18/2012 #45339 y-restricted (and heavily-secured) land in Southern Nevada, USA, used to de 2013 #45356 o states at a camp near Marie Byrd Land, 10-15 scientists “disappeared for 1/30/2015 #45429 the fraudulent tagging of private land as hosts to endangered species so i 4/5/2016 #45449 r Brandon Fugal (who purchased the land from Robert Bigelow in April 2016) 6/15/2019 #45585 another pilot who is preparing to land, and the Federal Aviation Administr 10/14/2020 #45662## Word: "land-air" (Back to Top)
ct Twinkle, with the assistance of Land-Air, Inc., has set up its first ope 2/21/1950 #4542 half-year contract is signed with Land-Air, Inc. which operates the photot 3/16/1950 #4655 olites at White Sands, New Mexico. Land-Air is to set up a 24-hour watch at 3/16/1950 #4655 theodolite camera crew supplied by Land-Air Inc., sees, tracks, and manages 4/27/1950 #4909 mathematician-analyst employed by Land-Air, Inc.; she conjectured the obje 7/1950 #5035 at Holloman AFB, and an analyst at Land-Air Inc. states the object was osci 7/1950 #5037 om USAF Lt. Col. Doyle Rees states Land-Air Inc. was contracted by Air Mate 2/19/1952 #5911## Word: "landau" (Back to Top)
SOUTHWEST / LANDAU, GERM 415th Sqd. 30-cm amber ball 1/30/1944 #1566 415th Squadron flying southwest of Landau, Germany. They were chased away. 1/30/1944 #1567 Wissembourg and Landau bt., Germany Two amber colored li 1/29/1945 #1763 Wissembourg, Bas-Rhin, France Landau, Germany 12:10 a.m. A 415th Night 1/30/1945 #1764 Wissembourg, Bas-Rhin, France, and Landau, Germany. They seem to be about a 1/30/1945 #1764## Word: "landed" (Back to Top)
h of Pacific Grove, California and landed on the Pacific Ocean. Three human 12/2/1896 #374 nville, Yuba County,California and landed nearby at 9:00 p.m. Five men went 12/7/1896 #376 River, and it turns out to be on a landed airship 200 feet long, whose crew 4/6/1897 #416 of Carlinville, an unknown object landed. Before the three witnesses could 4/12/1897 #442 of Carlinville, an unknown object landed. Before the three witnesses could 4/12/1897 #444 of Carlinville, an unknown object landed. Before Edward Teeples, William S 4/12/1897 #449 nd saw a 100 foot long object that landed near the railroad track. It had w 4/13/1897 #455 Gas City, IN 3:00 p.m. An object landed 2 km south of Gas City on the pro 4/14/1897 #458 Gas City, Indiana An object landed 2 km south of Gas City on the pro 4/14/1897 #460 oon in Gas City, Indiana an object landed two kilometers south of Gas City 4/14/1897 #473 a, he goes to investigate. It is a landed cigar-shaped airship about 200 fe 4/15/1897 #487 4 miles north of town where it has landed. But when the pursuers get within 4/16/1897 #507 traveling insurance agent, spots a landed airship in a clearing. Next to it 4/16/1897 #508 s in Greenville, Texas came upon a landed airship. He described it as an "i 4/16/1897 #516 r in the sky for an hour before it landed. A strange man near 3 m tall, alm 4/17/1897 #520 r in the sky for an hour before it landed. A strange man near 3 m tall, alm 4/17/1897 #521 morning sky for an hour before it landed. A strange man nearly 3 meters (1 4/17/1897 #526 laims to have met aeronauts from a landed airship near the city around the 4/19/1897 #539 oices behind his house. He finds a landed airship and its crew of three men 4/20/1897 #546 nding lights, it went dark when it landed. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) ( 4/22/1897 #553 nding lights, it went dark when it landed. Barclay was met by a man who tol 4/22/1897 #555 nding lights. It went dark when it landed. A man who told him his purpose w 4/22/1897 #561 eported that they had discovered a landed airship near the town of Kountze, 4/23/1897 #567 the country (and the same one that landed in Beaumont on April 19). 4/28/1897? #582 lle, Indiana, when he encounters a landed airship 40 feet long. The object 5/2/1897 #586 t to the southwest at 7:30 p.m. It landed, and a human looking occupant got 5/4/1897 #589 Szuhabaranka, Hungary. The object landed and shadowy figures returned to i 12/24/1903 #664 CAERPHILLY, WALES 2 men by landed cylinder/cigar-shape. Gibberish. 5/18/1909 #755 On this evening a UFO landed remotely at the Dunkirk Waterwork 9/22/1910 #847 ok off from St. Petersburg, FL and landed at its destination in Tampa, FL, 1/1/1914 #895 ylinder, shaped like a "milk-can," landed only 15 feet away from the witnes 6/3/1920 #1000 It became brilliantly lighted and landed in a hollow. Soon afterword, a cr 2/22/1922 #1019 the direction where the object had landed. It left tracks in the snow, whic 2/22/1922 #1019 It became brilliantly lighted and landed in a hollow. Soon afterword, a cr 2/22/1922 #1020 the direction where the object had landed. It left tracks in the snow, whic 2/22/1922 #1020 It became brilliantly lighted and landed in a hollow. Soon afterward, a cr 2/22/1922 #1021 the direction where the object had landed. It left tracks in the snow, whic 2/22/1922 #1021 a dark object with a yellow light landed on the ground. His horse became v 6/12/1929 #1099 ery colors, 25 km from Robsart. It landed slowly, vanished gradually after 7/1929 #1101 ery colors, 25 km from Robsart. It landed slowly, vanished gradually after 7/1929 #1102 struction Battalion, came across a landed saucer near a wooded ridge, near 1944 #1557 came from a spherical UFO that had landed on the beach in Oahu near Kaneohe 6/18/1944 #1606 d the father accompanies them to a landed craft nearby. He remembers nothin 10/1944 #1673 panese Fu-Go balloon bomb that has landed in the forest of Gearhart Mountai 5/5/1945 #1864 r, domed object with a square base landed on the sea off the coast of Irela 12/25/1945 #1953 ose off the surface of the sea and landed in a field on a nearby island, cr 12/25/1945 #1953 foreign missiles have overflown or landed in Sweden, according to the evide 4/15/1947 #2263 object surrounded by a bright halo landed in a storm. It stayed on the grou 6/13/1947 #2327 ts fell with a deadleaf motion and landed before ten witnesses on the shore 6/21/1947 #2354 ell with a falling leaf motion and landed before ten witnesses on the shore 6/21/1947 #2359 t some time in a large city or had landed sufficiently recently to be photo 6/22/1947 #2366 an altitude of 9,500 feet. When he landed in Pendleton, Oregon he was inter 6/24/1947 #2402 treaked by Capitan, New Mexico and landed on a nearby hill. At 10:30 a.m. J 6/27/1947 #2434 hville, TN Area of a sighting of a landed disc and two occupants. (Bloecher 7/1947 #2498 the place where it apparently has landed, and they see the disc ascend at 7/6/1947 #2811 AMFREVILLE-LA-MI-VOIE, FR Saucer landed / banks / Seine. 2 small humanoid 7/7/1947 (approximate) #2878 nt, France a small disc-shaped UFO landed on the banks of the Seine River. 7/7/1947 #2944 reported that a disc-shaped object landed on their neighbor's roof. Several 7/7/1947 #2946 ed to be spinning, and it possibly landed remotely. 7/9/1947 #3075 ar, 270km (Broke up upon re-entry. Landed within 180m of target.) 11/13/1947 #3486 5 hours after previous rocket and landed within 700 m of target) 11/13/1947 #3487 ok confusingly indicated the craft landed inside the secure area of White S 1948 #3519 ose to the ground that it may have landed. It then ascended and shot away t 1/7/1948 #3548 ct 70 cm in diameter, 30 cm thick, landed near them like a balloon with a m 8/11/1948 #3778 ay, round object 70 cm in diameter landed near them with a metallic noise. 8/11/1948 #3779 n a mission to Australia, where he landed at a vast airport. A gigantic spa Early 1950's #4457 slope on South Table Mountain. It landed slowly in a small ravine. Then it 1/29/1950 #4518 the top of a round craft that had landed in a nearby field. The UFO had a 2/15/1950 #4538 ceship with a propeller, allegedly landed in Penon de Los Banos, Mexico on 3/13/1950 #4629 alo, saw two objects, one of which landed. He walked within 150 m of the al 3/18/1950 #4674 her, saw two objects, one of which landed at 6:30 p.m. He walked within 150 3/18/1950 #4680 she saw a little man jump out of a landed disc-shaped UFO, and then run dow 3/31/1950 #4778 es to investigate and encounters a landed disc with an open door and steps 4/24/1950 #4888 ported that a saucer-shaped object landed at the Amarillo, Texas airport fo 5/17/1950 #4950 An unidentified object landed on the surface of Lake Michigan n 12/16/1950 #5354 iameter, metallic saucer with legs landed on a farm in Voghenza, Italy. Six 8/14/1951 #5605 er, a tube, and a transparent dome landed in the Serchio River in Liguria, 4/25/1952 #6187 ng about 4 feet high come out of a landed 40ft diameter saucer 7/16/1952 #6832 of which he says is a UFO that had landed in the “hill country” somewhere n Late Summer 1952 #7612 old daughter, Gabriella, spotted a landed Flying Saucer near the town of Ha 8/23/1952 #7684 a A saucer-shaped craft, 3 by 2 m, landed on the witness's property after h 8/27/1952 #7754 a 30-foot wide saucer-shaped craft landed after hitting a chimney. A little 8/27/1952 #7756 a strange disk, 25 cm in diameter, landed near Dublin. 11/1952 #8226 a small domed disc-shaped UFO that landed in a field at 1:00 p.m. Two human 1/12/1953 #8536 thick, with a tripod landing gear, landed on a sand bar 50 m away from the 5/20/1953 #8888 nd he descended from a 8-foot wide landed lens-shaped silver craft with tri 6/20/1953 #8944 olish and two German workers as it landed in a field close to a railway. It 7/31/1953 #9026 olish and two German workers as it landed in a field close to a railway in 7/31/1953 #9029 rnia The book “Flying Saucers Have Landed” by Desmond Leslie and George Ada 9/1953 #9126 d published as Flying Saucers Have Landed. Leslie asserts that the first sp 9/1953 #9130 tation titled "Flying Saucers Have Landed" to the Federation of Women's Clu 10/2/1953 #9199 his car and stopped as the object landed in some bushes. He walked toward 10/25/1953 #9253 He stopped his car when the object landed in some bushes. He walked toward 10/25/1953 #9255 us machine, coming from the South, landed at the Marignane airfield in Bouc 1/4/1954 #9443 A red circular object landed and took off at night in San Seba 1/5/1954 #9451 the success of Flying Saucers Have Landed, George Adamski gives a talk to t 3/28/1954 #9647 eneath it, skimmed over the water, landed, and an occupant in a green suit 4/8/1954 #9676 of newspaper, as it descended and landed. The human figure, now on the gro 4/8/1954 #9678 gfield at the CR, a second chopper landed with four men wearing white pants 4/12/1954 #9685 d. Smoke was seen to rise where it landed, but a search yielded no results. 4/22/1954 #9703 oke was seen to rise from where it landed, but a search yielded no results. 4/22/1954 #9706 d the road in front of the car and landed in a field. The car stalled and t 6/21/1954 #9923 Garson, Canada A miner saw a landed object and a giant man with stran 7/7/1954 #9999 A miner in Garson, Canada saw a landed object and a giant man with stran 7/7/1954 #10000 FO rose, passed close by them, and landed again near the horse barn. It "ha 8/7/1954 #10113 ing" from it. In the moonlight the landed UFO looked "like a soap bubble," 8/7/1954 #10113 in Hemmingford, Quebec, Canada. It landed and a figure wearing a black dive 8/10/1954 #10119 and her followers hope to board a landed flying saucer before doom falls. 8/20/1954 #10156 company him and he takes them to a landed disc in a clearing. It is gray-bl 8/20/1954 #10157 of the Caswell Construction Co. It landed about 2 km way from the witness, 8/27/1954 #10188 . Grass was flattened where it had landed. 8/27/1954 #10188 of the Caswell Construction Co. It landed about two kilometers away from hi 8/27/1954 #10192 saucer-shaped object descended and landed very close to the car. A small be 9/15/1954 #10315 . Humming or whining, it hovered, landed vertically, 50' away. A blond ma 9/21/1954 #10382 ry rapidly. It made no noise as it landed in a nearby field, next to a chur 9/23/1954 #10424 ed in shiny clothes, emerge from a landed craft and gather flowers, shrubs, 9/24/1954 #10434 shining metal suits emerge from a landed UFO and pick up flowers, shrubs, 9/24/1954 #10436 ters (8.3 feet) tall emerge from a landed craft in Almaseda, near Castelibr 9/24/1954 #10438 sk a fast, silent, luminous object landed for a few seconds in a field by a 9/24/1954 #10440 A disc-shaped object descended and landed along the banks of the River Marn 9/25/1954 #10444 inous/glowing cylinder/cigar-shape landed / field. Observers keep driving.. 9/30/1954 (approximate) #10508 maroon colored cigar-shaped object landed on the ground. They started to ap 9/30/1954 #10520 nous disk leaving a long trail. It landed in a field, then took off again. 10/1/1954 #10555 eaving a long trail in the sky. It landed in a field, and then took off aga 10/1/1954 #10571 ntly illuminated egg-shaped object landed on the left side of the road 15 m 10/1/1954 #10576 d object, brilliantly illuminated, landed on the left side of the road 15 m 10/2/1954 #10607 A disk emitting a weak green glow landed in a field. Witnesses: Messrs. Do 10/2/1954 #10608 ntly illuminated egg-shaped object landed on the left side of the road 15 m 10/2/1954 #10619 France An object was said to have landed in the yard of Mr. Montagne, a ra 10/4/1954 #10691 m in diameter swung in mid-air and landed near her farm. When Messrs. Girar 10/4/1954 #10697 An object was said to have landed in the yard of Mr. Montagne, a ra 10/4/1954 #10700 diameter that swung in midair and landed near her farm in Poncey-sur-Ligno 10/4/1954 #10710 in the shape of an artillery shell landed on the ground less than a quarter 10/6/1954 #10757 Margaillan saw an object that had landed in a field. It was hemispherical, 10/7/1954 #10785 ped objects, six feet in diameter, landed this morning in Mendionde, France 10/7/1954 #10796 hen saw a metallic object that had landed in a field. It was hemispherical, 10/7/1954 #10798 re a luminous ovoid shaped UFO had landed. Strip of burnt, crushed grass fo 10/8/1954 #10822 isk, 6 m diameter, about 1 m high, landed again on the tracks. Seven little 10/10/1954 #10887 diameter and about one meter tall, landed again on the railroad tracks. Sev 10/10/1954 #10903 izontally for a short distance and landed behind a woods. Two witnesses wen 10/11/1954 #10934 te light with a red aura, and both landed. Witnesses did not wait. 10/11/1954 #10935 rance A round craft, 4 m diameter, landed in a pasture. It gave off a power 10/11/1954 #10936 izontally for a short distance and landed behind a woods. Two witnesses wen 10/11/1954 #10951 te light with a red aura, and both landed. Witnesses did not wait around to 10/11/1954 #10952 nd craft, four meters in diameter, landed in a pasture. It gave off a power 10/11/1954 #10953 t and noticed an oval object which landed 300 m away. It looked like a fier 10/12/1954 #10975 gs when a reddish, luminous sphere landed 30 m away and an individual in a 10/15/1954 #11098 is dogs when a red luminous sphere landed 30 meters away. A humanoid being 10/15/1954 #11114 At 9:00 p.m. a cigar-shaped object landed in Saint Privat, Vallongue, Lozer 10/15/1954 #11123 France Approximate date. An object landed about 30 m away from a woman, who 10/16/1954 #11141 Siena, Italy Several people saw a landed object in a meadow. It appeared p 10/16/1954 #11146 On or about this date a UFO landed in Thin le Moutiers, France only 10/16/1954 #11147 At midnight several people saw a landed object in a meadow in Siena, Ital 10/16/1954 #11153 PRECHAC, FR 4M tadpole-object landed / forest. Not a helicopter accord 10/17/1954 #11159 Manuel Madeira saw a landed object while out hunting in O Alv 10/17/1954 #11178 minous "bridge" between them. They landed, and one dwarf came out of each c 10/18/1954 #11210 department, France. The craft then landed close to the witnesses and severa 10/18/1954 #11221 minous "bridge" between them. They landed, and one dwarf came out of each c 10/18/1954 #11222 It descended in a jerky motion and landed on the road, revealing a saucer-s 10/18/1954 #11224 At 7:00 p.m. a disc-shaped object landed in a field in St. Avold, Meurthe- 10/19/1954 #11249 One of them was very brilliant and landed in a pasture. Two others were see 10/20/1954 #11272 One of them was very brilliant and landed in a pasture. Two others were see 10/20/1954 #11281 about 5.5 m diameter, hovered and landed near the road. Two dwarfs, about 10/21/1954 #11296 hears a rustling sound and sees a landed UFO outside Melito di Napoli, Ita 10/21/1954 #11301 .5 meters in diameter, hovered and landed near the road in Pons, France. Tw 10/21/1954 #11305 a brilliant crescent-shaped object landed in Ernemont, France. Three shadow 10/23/1954 #11345 ter in diameter disc-shaped object landed in the woods near Lalizolle, Alli 10/24/1954 #11367 blinded by a luminous disk, which landed in a pasture. 10/25/1954 #11387 by a brilliant, luminous disc that landed in a pasture in Plemet, Cotes-du- 10/25/1954 #11394 ed a luminous streak from its rear landed near a witness in Benabbio, Ligur 10/25/1954 #11402 MOUSSEY, FR D49. Dark 5M saucer landed / field. Takes off / red glowing. 10/27/1954 #11435 te, Italy Milan Hoaxed report of a landed UFO and occupants at Tradate, Ita 10/28/1954 #11464 agged through the sky and may have landed, but the witness fled the scene. 10/28/1954 #11471 a mushroom-shaped object that had landed on the river bank. The object was 11/1/1954 #11522 to find a glowing, circular object landed in an empty lot. It is about 90–1 11/2/1954 #11537 A green disc landed on a farm near Viomenil-Bataille, 11/2/1954 #11538 it came down into a field where it landed on edge, very gently. Almost imme 11/3/1954 #11547 it came down into a field where it landed on edge, very gently. Almost imme 11/3/1954 #11548 thered to observe a luminous craft landed in a stadium. The object rested o 11/8/1954 #11596 loser to a luminous craft that had landed in the stadium in Monza, Italy. T 11/8/1954 #11602 ls hear screams from 2M flying egg landed / pasture. 11/9/1954 #11608 and his family in their car saw a landed disk from which two men, normal i 11/10/1954 #11619 onomist and his family encounter a landed UFO along a road in Porto Alegre, 11/10/1954 #11620 NEAR AIRPORT / BERCK, FR Landed 'round hut' craft takes off silen 11/13/1954 #11632 p.m. a bright cigar-shaped object landed in a farmer's field. Three dwarf 11/14/1954 #11655 ess saw a luminous object that had landed in a wheatfield in St. Martin-d'L 11/29/1954 #11730 rs and oscillations in mid-air, it landed for a couple of minutes less than 12/1/1954 #11742 ees a luminous, transparent object landed about 165 feet away. It has sever 12/5/1954 #11764 a Province, Spain a circular craft landed 50 meters away from two witnesses 12/19/1954 #11840 EPCION, CHILE Family / car. Saucer landed / pasture. Silently rises when ap 2/15/1955 #12001 ck Briggs describing a Saucer that landed on Lord Mountbattens property. It 2/23/1955 #12013 es. The dogs ran out barking as it landed within 100 m of the witnesses bef 5/29/1955 #12166 nished and reappeared. One of them landed, and a creature the size of a 4-y 8/22/1955 #12389 nished and reappeared. One of them landed, and a creature the size of a fou 8/22/1955 #12390 s belt. Other similar objects also landed, one on a housetop. One boy start 8/29/1955 #12416 FT FEYZIN, FRANCE Landed domed saucer. Small humanoid (or 6/1956 #12875 laimed he was taken aboard a large landed UFO, where he spent seven hours b 6/11/1956 #12895 ed over the sea, while another one landed on the surface of the ocean. 9/3/1956 #13180 a three-foot long cigar-shaped UFO landed in a nearby bog. The witness, a M 9/7/1956 #13204 search for the UFO, which may have landed, was complicated by a period of u 10/28/1956 #13295 e road in front of the vehicle and landed nearby. There were two witnesses 11/11/1956 #13323 ground. It made a sudden jump and landed again: There were a number of ant 4/14/1957 #13601 rio, CAN Dog snarled and barked at landed domed disc (NICAP: 04 - Animal Re 7/30/1957 #13859 ing a whirring sound came down and landed with a throw of flames. It took o 7/30/1957 #13861 of Carora, Lara province, and one landed. The rest engaged in zig-zag mane 8/20/1957 #13914 than a house was reported to have landed. Grass flattened. 9/19/1957 #14012 than a house was reported to have landed in Point Pleasant, New Jersey at 9/19/1957 #14015 11:00 p.m. a white luminous sphere landed in a field 700 yards away from th 9/25/1957 #14033 of circles painted on its surface, landed for 20 min. An occupant emerged, 9/26/1957 #14035 eners who think that Russians have landed in North America. 10/9/1957 #14084 than that of the headlights as it landed 15 m away. The top part was spinn 10/16/1957 #14127 at of the tractor headlights as it landed 15 meters away. The top part of t 10/16/1957 #14131 , long-haired beings emerge from a landed UFO, come inside the house, exami 10/25/1957 #14155 Richard Kehoe & others see landed saucer, stalled cars, talk to spa 11/6/1957 #14355 OH Unbearably bright round object, landed on a ridge, then took off (NICAP: 11/6/1957 #14398 ed to be moving around outside the landed UFO, but the witnesses were drive 11/8/1957 #14493 ding object, red and yellow, twice landed first near the Jockey Club, then 11/16/1957 #14568 of), NV Car engine stalled, saw 4 landed 50-foot saucer-shaped UFO's (NICA 11/23/1957 #14600 50-foot, domed, saucer-shaped UFOs landed on the right side of the road abo 11/23/1957 #14603 zil a four-meter long "watermelon" landed in a field, only 20 meters from a 12/10/1957 #14705 n Howe that a UAP was purposefully landed in the southwest corner of Hill A 1958 #14784 a City, Japan A very bright object landed before numerous chemical workers; 1/26/1958 #14843 A very bright object landed before numerous chemical workers 1/26/1958 #14845 uma, saw an egg-shaped object that landed silently. 2/2/1958 #14866 uma, saw an egg-shaped object that landed silently in Hokkaido, Japan. 2/2/1958 #14868 s day a fuselage-shaped object had landed on the sea ice on McMurdo Sound n 12/11/1958 #15474 witnesses recalled that the craft landed nearby on three legs and all norm 3/19/1959 #15654 A blue, barrel-shaped UFO landed remotely a half mile away in a wo 3/27/1959 #15675 a.m. an orange disc-shaped object landed on the highway and covered both l 5/18/1959 #15738 ed Sanchez and Fogliani observed a landed silvery metallic disc in Tres Lom 5/20/1959 #15742 minutes later a red glowing object landed on a hill on Prince of Wales Isla 7/18/1959 #15859 r a car, whose engine stalled, and landed in a wooded area. Six witnesses i 8/13/1959 #15912 ine and headlights to die. The UFO landed in a wooded area. Dense underbrus 8/13/1959 #15917 ina at 7:45 p.m. One of the object landed, while the second object darkened 9/25/1959 #15990 rising in altitude. It eventually landed in a field. 9/25/1959 #15991 Beira, Mozambique An orange disk landed with a hissing sound, then explod 4/5/1960 #16215 An orange disk landed in Beira, Mozambique with a hissi 4/5/1960 #16216 dos Santos sees two metallic discs landed on a sandy hill by the beach at P 5/14/1960 #16276 ree UFOs, in-line formation, which landed in a heavily wooded area on a hil 5/24/1960 #16299 n" could be seen standing around a landed disc-shaped UFO in Algoz, Portuga 6/10/1960 #16311 ed object, six meters in diameter, landed quietly on a mountain in Torroia 1/6/1961 #16564 ground by others); maneuvered and landed on large overgrown field. [NICAP 1/10/1961 #16573 nair airplane, zigzagged, and then landed. The pilot was interviewed by the 1/10/1961 #16576 ion Pluto) that involves 1,000 men landed in a ship-borne invasion at Trini 1/28/1961 #16590 al object, the size of a jetliner, landed on Lake Onega in Karelia, Russia 4/27/1961 #16664 d the mountains, where it may have landed. In the course of an exceptionall 7/17/1961 #16764 the mountains, where it might have landed, but an investigation by the mili 7/17/1961 #16765 r wide metallic disc came down and landed in a meadow in Rivoli, Italy. Two 4/9/1962 #17104 eka experienced a blackout when it landed. 4/18/1962 #17115 out to be a lowflying object that landed. It was round with a blinking lig 5/1962 #17145 ooded section near Uncativo, and a landed object resembling a small house w 5/13/1962 #17170 servation of a strange object that landed, and of the "ugly" giant beings w 5/22/1962 #17190 descended in a gentle S-curve. It landed remotely on a nearby mountain. Sh 5/26/1962 #17207 ut 40 m long, 15 m high, which had landed on the road. Two men (one at eith 7/30/1962 #17304 en when an illuminated oval object landed near the road. She watched it for 10/28/1962 #17508 ndows surrounded by a luminous rim landed near the road on three legs. A si 10/28/1962 #17514 o a height of some 50 meters, then landed again beside the road. Throughout 11/26/1962 #17563 a luminous oval-shaped object that landed in the field. 1/1963 #17624 omed disc with tripod landing gear landed in a park in Rome, Italy. It was 1/4/1963 #17629 ina An object was reported to have landed. The Lopez brothers found traces 1/31/1963 #17646 An object was reported to have landed in Ganada de Algosaray, Argentina 1/31/1963 #17647 A domed disc-shaped object landed on the frozen surface of Crystal 2/22/1963 #17681 ed craft, with an oval dome, which landed on the frozen lake for 10 min. A 3/9/1963 #17695 isc-shaped craft with an oval dome landed on a frozen lake in Crystal Lake, 3/9/1963 #17696 light truck, was reported to have landed in the vicinity of Lyle. Police s 6/4/1963 #17776 light truck, was reported to have landed in the vicinity of Lyle, Minnesot 6/4/1963 #17777 observed a dome-shaped object that landed behind a hangar. It gave out a br 12/10/1963 #18071 ies later; and the Jupiterians who landed near Crete. 1964 #18103 Three humanoids exited a landed UFO at one o'clock in the afterno 4/7/1964 #18161 white spacesuits stood next to the landed UFO. They turned in his direction 4/24/1964 #18202 of the city at 5:30 p.m. before it landed, and seven other witnesses saw it 4/24/1964 #18202 ST SITE, NM B57 radios white ovoid landed. Photo reconnaissance called. / r 4/30/1964 #18223 Site, NM B-57 radios white object landed, phto recon (NICAP: 01 - Distant 4/30/1964 #18227 nyon Ferry, MT Glowing oval object landed, indentations and scorch marks fo 4/30/1964 #18230 Comstock, MN Object landed in field, physical traces (UFOE S 5/5/1964 #18241 Comstock, MN Object landed in field, physical traces 5/5/1964 #18243 La Rioja, Arg Light beam, landed craft, humming noise, physical tr 5/10/1964 #18258 oman saw two objects, one of which landed in a field. It was round and lumi 5/13/1964 #18261 ts glowing in the sky. One of them landed in a field. It was round and lumi 5/13/1964 #18263 d, OR Cow fearful as square object landed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 5/19/1964 #18286 lored, basketball-sized object has landed in his back yard. As he goes out 6/14/1964 #18356 rose ten feet off the ground, then landed again. Took off and flew in a hor 6/25/1964 #18376 ptical object followed a car, then landed in a field. The driver got out to 7/30/1964 #18459 New Berlin, NY Two objects landed on hilltop, large group of humano 11/25/1964 #18636 ht. A luminous, disc-shaped object landed on a hill at a distance of 3,800 11/25/1964 #18638 ties at first, until a second disc landed, presumably to lend assistance. T 11/25/1964 #18638 A Cone-shaped object crossed road, landed, sound heard. Radioactivity detec 12/21/1964 #18665 highway, car engine failed, object landed. Radioactive area found at landin 12/21/1964 #18668 glowing object with a dome on top landed on a nearby farm, melting snow in 1/12/1965 #18715 oot wide object with a dome on top landed on a nearby farm in Custer, Washi 1/12/1965 #18721 vering in the sky. The smaller one landed, a door opened, and three pilots 1/19/1965 #18746 s, VA Humanoid beings emerged from landed object at archery range, approach 1/19/1965 #18747 cts in flight. A transparent craft landed, and five creatures, about 2 m hi 2/4/1965 #18799 ight at night. A transparent craft landed, and five creatures about two met 2/4/1965 #18802 from small wing-like projections, landed in a pasture, and three tall bein 2/21/1965 #18825 Nr. Brooksville, FL Landed Object And Entity Case / Hoax (NI 3/2/1965 #18830 airway, two 2-foot windows on top, landed on the ground on four 4-foot legs 3/2/1965 #18832 sh 3 times, then walks back to the landed vehicle and climbs in. The object 3/2/1965 #18832 d concludes it is a hoax. (NICAP, “Landed Object and Entity Case / Hoax”; “ 3/2/1965 #18832 allic looking saucer-shaped object landed near them. A beam of light came o 3/5/1965 #18844 . The red globe-shaped object then landed in front of the car, and two huma 4/3/1965 #18889 erty less than 200 feet away, then landed on tripod landing gear that emerg 5/30/1965 #18977 r roof she was looking down on the landed object. In one of the windows she 5/30/1965 #18977 landing pads and a dome, which had landed on the road. It made a whirring n 7/12/1965 #19095 ing pads and a dome, and which had landed on the road. It made a whirring n 7/12/1965 #19099 eter in diameter blue glowing disc landed by a creek, making a swishing sou 7/20/1965 #19151 cylinders connected by cross-bars landed in Trois Rivieres, Quebec, Canada 7/25/1965 #19172 rate spots observed an object that landed for five min. It emitted a blindi 7/30/1965 #19210 an unidentified flying object that landed for five minutes. It emitted a bl 7/30/1965 #19213 ect on the road. It took off, then landed again in Belluco where it was see 7/31/1965 #19218 ect on the road. It took off, then landed again in Belluco where it was see 7/31/1965 #19221 cylinders connected by cross-bars landed at 4:30 p.m. A five foot tall hum 7/31/1965 #19223 bright as burning magnesium, which landed as they were on a patrol near Wag 8/2/1965 #19261 bright as burning magnesium, which landed as they were on a patrol near Wag 8/2/1965 #19271 TX Domed disc swooped over truck, landed on road, blocked highway. (L) See 8/4/1965 #19309 na, Chile A bright, silvery object landed on a hill for 45 min. There were 8/4/1965 #19311 dove towards his grain truck, then landed on the road 30 meters ahead causi 8/4/1965 #19321 A bright, silvery object landed on a hill in Chena, Chile for 45 8/4/1965 #19322 At 2:00 a.m. a UFO landed in the San Bernardino area of Car 8/6/1965 #19334 the ground, flew low over the car, landed 20m away on the other side, vanis 8/14/1965 #19389 bject with changing colored lights landed and blocked the road while the ca 8/15/1965 #19400 t this point a football-shaped UFO landed on the road ahead of her car. Two 8/16/1965 #19410 effects in barn, elliptical object landed nearby, animals reacted, beeping 8/19/1965 #19425 only five feet in diameter, and it landed on a terrace of the Sacsahuaman I 8/20/1965 #19443 groups of three, and encountered a landed metallic disc 150 feet wide. The 8/21/1965 #19450 bject above him that circled, then landed near the tracks. It was round, 5 8/23/1965 #19455 bject above him that circled, then landed near the tracks. It was round, fi 8/23/1965 #19456 a school building as it allegedly landed on the roof. Faculty and students 8/25/1965 #19463 a school building as it allegedly landed on the roof in Callao, Peru. Facu 8/25/1965 #19465 An oval-shaped object landed on an estate near the Huanaco, Pe 9/1/1965 #19493 de, luminous, oval object that had landed on the roof of his house. Its col 9/3/1965 #19513 a man named Salsbury encountered a landed white, disc-shaped craft from whi 9/4/1965 #19520 o City, Mexico a saucer-shaped UFO landed in one of the several pond-sized 9/6/1965 #19528 nished as the object descended and landed in a swampy area near some houses 9/14/1965 #19561 ecticut An object was said to have landed near Southington. No details. 10/4/1965 #19641 ilo Filho saw two creatures near a landed object. 10/22/1965 #19671 ilo Filho saw two creatures near a landed object in Canhotinho, Pernambuco 10/22/1965 #19674 area of the base where they see a landed UFO with an Army helicopter flyin 11/1965 #19695 nada at 3:30 a.m. at least one UFO landed, leaving behind left ground trace 11/30/1965 #19744 he first thought was a helicopter landed on the road about 5 km southwest 1/7/1966 #19812 orners. It passed over his car and landed in a field on the other side of t 1/16/1966 #19841 with three legs, which came down, landed, and took off again at high speed 2/6/1966 #19884 came down making a humming sound, landed in a pasture on the "El Relajal" 2/6/1966 #19891 A luminous object was said to have landed in the woods. It showed flashing 2/16/1966 #19906 A luminous object was said to have landed in the woods near Brunswick Naval 2/16/1966 #19908 on, New Hampshire. It backed away, landed, then rose in a rocking, reverse- 2/22/1966 #19914 6 feet tall. The object rose, then landed in a new location. The girls ran 2/25/1966 #19917 ountry road, then swooped down and landed on the road ahead of the car. It 3/14/1966 #19969 itted a pulsating white light, and landed in a field. It had a revolving se 3/17/1966 #19985 “C” (initial) on patrol sighted a landed saucer in a swamp. Description: L 3/21/1966 #20014 th police. From the dormitory, the landed lights appear yellowish-white, di 3/21/1966 #20021 Bangor, ME Landed ellipse with body lights, within 3/23/1966 #20043 e light at the other. The UFO then landed. As it moved closer through the u 3/23/1966 #20057 or humming. It angled downward and landed in the distance. When they got to 3/24/1966 #20072 they got to the place where it had landed it had already left, but it left 3/24/1966 #20072 Hampton (area), NH Box like object landed in woods (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases 3/29/1966 #20135 ral area, NH Dog does not react to landed box (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions 3/29/1966 #20136 s at top and bottom (body lights), landed near a highway, then took off abo 3/30/1966 #20156 and 9 m high was reported to have landed near a highway for 5 min. 3/30/1966 #20159 A 90-foot long oblong object landed near a highway in Pecos, Texas. I 3/30/1966 #20166 the train had passed, both objects landed again and two manlike shadows wer 4/1/1966 #20199 rio airport on this night, and one landed on runway 113. It was about 20 fe 4/4/1966 #20226 erver(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Landed saucer takes off. No further deta 4/5/1966 #20231 Kittery, ME 4 people saw a landed object through binoculars (NICAP: 4/5/1966 #20236 Kittery, Maine A landed object was observed through binoc 4/5/1966 #20242 humanoid figure pass in front of a landed light in a nearby field. Four dom 4/8/1966 #20277 blindingly bright object which had landed on the highway. It had brilliant 4/18/1966 #20329 ght object with intense red lights landed on a road in Lancaster, Ohio and 4/18/1966 #20333 r flew over the area after the UFO landed remotely, and two aircraft seemed 4/19/1966 #20347 tude, jumped over a school bus and landed on the outskirts of town. Four be 4/22/1966 #20379 in the field where the object had landed, apparently caused by the underca 4/23/1966 #20385 ight beam, making a roaring noise, landed on the Johnson farm in Clarinda, 4/23/1966 #20391 ing in the field where the UFO had landed. Her friends had been searching f 8/11/1966 #20739 diameter and 300 feet tall, which landed close by. An opening appeared in 8/20/1966 #20781 At 11:25 a UFO the size of a house landed 1.5 miles away from the witness n 9/7/1966 #20862 assey watched as a disc-shaped UFO landed remotely 1.5 miles away, northwes 9/7/1966 #20863 bluish-white light in the dome. It landed on the ground and was pulsating r 9/7/1966 #20863 p, hovered about a mile away, then landed within 300 yards and took off ver 9/13/1966 #20878 it hovered about a mile away, then landed with a falling leaf motion near a 9/13/1966 #20880 d. A red misty light descended and landed behind their car. It was 15 feet 9/24/1966 #20924 At 3:30 a.m. a disc-shaped object landed at the local military airport in 11/10/1966 #21088 Winsted, MN 75 ft object landed on road, man dressed in blue over 1/5/1967 #21257 that was described as an ellipse, landed, humanoid beings emerged and plac 2/5/1967 #21457 et over some railroad tracks, then landed near a school. It made a steady h 2/5/1967 #21462 and turned red-orange, and finally landed in Monin's garden, 110 feet away 2/5/1967 #21463 e object maneuvered and reportedly landed on ice for up to 20 minutes. It a 2/12/1967 #21519 He goes to investigate and sees a landed object about 360 feet away. He se 2/14/1967 #21551 a 180 foot long, cigar-shaped UFO landed in a field beside Interstate 70 n 2/16/1967 #21574 A male witness reported that a UFO landed east of Weston, Missouri in Platt 2/16/1967 #21576 orange body lights on the ground (landed), which then rose, hovered, and d 3/1967 #21693 hted saucer-shaped object that had landed on the ground. A sliding door ope 3/1/1967 #21715 ed by an orange flash. The objects landed in the middle of a road, then ros 3/3/1967 #21742 car near Elgin, Illinois and then landed in some woods at 12:30 a.m. Somet 3/7/1967 #21788 vears old reportedly encountered a landed craft and one or more humanoid be 3/12/1967 #21867 d object, emitting a bright light, landed in a ravine. As the witness appr 3/24/1967 #21969 emitting an intense light that had landed in a ravine. As he approached, it 3/24/1967 #21975 r lights that looked like they had landed on an isolated section of farmlan 3/26/1967 #21998 Melville, NY Circular object landed, small figure seen in doorway; ra 4/14/1967 #22130 a smaller circular metallic object landed besides the road. His car radio, 4/14/1967 #22131 ing, glowing ovoid UFO stopped and landed in Boraure, Venezuela on this day 4/16/1967 #22141 object shaped like a storage tank landed in South Hill, Virginia at 9:00 p 4/21/1967 #22199 , with flashing lights. The object landed, deploying six legs when it was a 4/26/1967 #22220 ground, six legs came out, and it landed on a lawn near the National Groce 4/26/1967 #22223 , with flashing lights. The object landed, deploying six legs when it was a 4/26/1967 #22224 co. They spot a disc-shaped object landed on the ground off the highway. Th 5/6/1967 #22284 nce a 1.5 meter pyramid shaped UFO landed on a road by the railroad tracks, 5/10/1967 #22311 One of them blew vegetation as it landed, surrounded by a glow, and it was 5/20/1967 #22379 anitoba, Canada Witness approached landed object, violet light, rushing air 5/20/1967 #22380 arge, flat rock 160 feet away. The landed object is more than 35 feet wide 5/20/1967 #22382 ake, Manitoba, Canada. One of them landed nearby, and blew up vegetation as 5/20/1967 #22384 arby, and blew up vegetation as it landed. It was surrounded by a glow, and 5/20/1967 #22384 tivity Mr. Michalac approached the landed craft, but he then heard voices, 5/20/1967 #22384 zed, losing over 10 kilograms. The landed craft was estimated to be 11 mete 5/20/1967 #22384 ST.-ANDRE-TREIZE-VOIES, FR Saucer landed / field takes off with noise / va 5/27/1967 #22407 one o'clock in the morning a disc landed in a field in St.-Andre-Treize-Vo 5/27/1967 #22409 d about 125 yards away. The object landed and left physical traces, includi 5/31/1967 #22429 ea where the object had apparently landed and found a semi circular area 90 5/31/1967 #22430 o investigate where the object had landed. They found a 30 by 50 yard semi- 5/31/1967 #22433 d three less (tripod landing gear) landed , leaving three holes and burned 6/1/1967 #22442 tom. The Volkswagen-sized J object landed in a clearing in the woods. (U.F. 6/1/1967 #22444 , with green and red lights, which landed in a clearing and took off "like 6/1/1967 #22447 h three legs and windows allegedly landed in Santa Monica near Madrid, Spai 6/1/1967 #22449 , with green and red lights, which landed in a clearing at 11:30 p.m. and t 6/1/1967 #22450 full moon. It hovered, sped away, landed, and took off. (Tehran Yomiori, 7 6/28/1967 #22567 trees, exhibited jerky movements, landed again, the white light growing br 6/30/1967 #22577 ade some jerky movements, and then landed again. It took off once again and 6/30/1967 #22579 he desert” on 3 July 1967. When he landed there were tents and a pre-fab ha 7/3/1967 #22604 em green (body lights). The object landed in a pasture about 500 feet from 7/12/1967 #22653 inside. First seen on the ground (landed), the object then ascended vertic 7/16/1967 #22668 hn A. Keel. Hill tells him the UFO landed in his backyard. Keel gathers aff 7/21/1967 #22718 O then veered off to the right and landed on a sand dune to the east of the 7/21/1967 #22720 long, with green lights under it, landed on the pavement. He stopped his t 7/31/1967 #22762 ed over a wheat field and , slowly landed. (North Dakota NICAP Subcommittee 8/3/1967 #22784 believed to have been caused by a landed UFO. The smallest measured 31.75 8/5/1967 #22817 ve off a red glow as it descended, landed, then shot back up and away to th 8/6/1967 #22826 d from above some power lines, and landed giving off a red glow. It shot ba 8/6/1967 #22834 olor and blinked three times as it landed. The witness panicked and fled, b 8/7/1967 #22842 the end of the landing strip was a landed UFO having the shape of an invert 8/13/1967 #22874 side he saw what appeared to be a landed disc-shaped craft with four metal 8/15/1967 #22883 arge bird flying overhead. When it landed near a bridge he took it to be a 8/26/1967 #22936 e heads and pointed chins around a landed sphere 15 feet in diameter. As th 8/29/1967 #22954 atching for UFOs on this night. It landed 100 meters from a copse of trees 8/29/1967 #22956 t flew low overhead and apparently landed in a field about 400 yards away. 9/2/1967 #22980 tierrez, a salesman, encountered a landed UFO on the Plains Highway, near t 9/2/1967 #22985 orted that a saucer with portholes landed on a soccer field. Physical trace 9/17/1967 #23074 orted that a saucer with portholes landed on a soccer field. (Beings seen i 9/17/1967 #23075 ound its circumference. The object landed in a field, ascended, then moved 9/18/1967 #23082 e object like a “haystack on fire” landed in the desert near Ouray, Utah. T 10/14/1967 #23238 a at 9:10 p.m. It hovered and then landed remotely. 10/24/1967 #23308 ir early 20's, said that an object landed on top of their car, forcing them 11/2/1967 #23388 een Ririe and Rigby, Idaho, sees a landed UFO with a small occupant who sto 11/2/1967 #23390 ok for the moon. It approached and landed 50 feet in front of them, coverin 11/9/1967 #23434 distance beside their car, then it landed again in a field. The two women a 11/9/1967 #23434 ect hovered over a field, and then landed at Gull Lake, near Swift Current, 11/19/1967 #23483 nt metallic disc-shaped object. It landed on a hill opposite the apartment 11/24/1967 #23508 ng room he could now clearly see a landed object encased in a bright blue g 11/28/1967 #23517 g her that he was going to check a landed "spacecraft," grabbed a flashligh 11/28/1967 #23517 ts (body lights). It descended and landed in a clearing in woods for about 11/29/1967 #23522 yellowish orange, disc-shaped UFO landed at a remote distance from two men 1/5/1968 #23652 At 12:45 a.m. a luminous object landed in Copahue, Neuquen province, Arg 1/23/1968 #23688 ounty, Indiana. One of the objects landed, while the other passed over a ho 1/24/1968 #23698 a noise like an electric motor. It landed in an isolated section of Valpara 3/4/1968 #23828 ming down rapidly from the sky. It landed about 300 meters away. Shortly af 5/22/1968 #23980 n-blue glow, below treetop height, landed. CUFOS report; see Rodeghier, 198 5/27/1968 #23986 8 rounds from his machine gun at a landed UFO. Shortly after midnight sever 6/14/1968 #24033 indicating that a heavy device had landed. At the landing site three indent 6/14/1968 #24033 CABANAS, PDR, CUBA Landed UFO zaps man. Traces = 3-leg tren 6/15/1968 #24036 object with a vivid blue light. It landed, left a strange, powerful odor, a 6/16/1968 #24041 object with a vivid blue light. It landed, left a strange, powerful odor, a 6/16/1968 #24042 in Poopo, Oruro, Bolivia. From the landed craft emerged a tall thin being, 6/19/1968 #24051 wide circular-shaped flying object landed on a hilltop, 300 meters away fro 6/23/1968 #24071 dirt road to the craft, which had landed on three leg-like protrusions. So 6/23/1968 #24072 ings. The UFO was reported to have landed and on at least three occasions t 6/26/1968 #24085 was, she observed a saucer-shaped landed object only 20 meters away. It wa 7/22/1968 #24202 is, she observes a mushroom-shaped landed object only 65 feet away. It is l 7/22/1968 #24204 was, she observed a saucer-shaped landed object only 20 meters away. It wa 7/22/1968 #24205 ing underside, flew low over road, landed. Flying Saucer Review Case Histor 7/29/1968 #24251 ' car failed. After the object had landed about 250 meters from the car, th 7/29/1968 #24255 antennae on their heads exited the landed craft. When a police office named 8/9/1968 #24313 pain at 12:30 a.m. when they saw a landed UFO by the side of the road. They 8/15/1968 #24332 ected from its central part, which landed on the ground. After about a minu 8/28/1968 #24392 versized heads, who emerged from a landed craft and traced undecipherable s 8/31/1968 #24407 versized heads, who emerged from a landed craft and traced undecipherable s 8/31/1968 #24408 hts that "arrived from the sky and landed between two trees." It came down 8/31/1968 #24409 d beings standing near an enormous landed UFO. They receive telepathic mess 9/1/1968 #24421 a Llagosta, Barcelona, Spain saw a landed egg-shaped object standing vertic 9/21/1968 #24495 iles ahead of them. It rose up and landed two or three times, and when the 10/26/1968 #24590 lights circled some scrub bush and landed remotely. Two more lights were se 10/28/1968 #24598 Spain Orange disc approached car, landed; after UFO took off, car and watc 11/1/1968 #24615 agoza, Spain at 4:30 a.m. and then landed nearby. The car engine and radio 11/1/1968 #24619 bbits fleeing. They then noticed a landed domed disc with white, amber, and 11/20/1968 #24673 a jet and emitting flashes, which landed in a field briefly. It suddenly t 11/22/1968 #24684 a jet and emitting flashes, which landed in a field briefly. It suddenly t 11/22/1968 #24685 ameter domed disc over a house. It landed in a nearby field, and was shot a 11/24/1968 #24699 urico, Chile a two-meter wide disc landed on four legs. Three dwarf humanoi 11/25/1968 #24707 PALENCIA, SP Industrialist. Landed UFO / roadside. Observer(s) wants 11/30/1968 #24734 t driving in Palencia, Spain saw a landed UFO on the roadside; the observer 11/30/1968 #24736 ed UFO with a horizontal axis that landed very close (within 11 m), making 1/29/1969 #24877 outing about a silvery-blue object landed on a hill on the grounds of the Z 2/7/1969 #24901 rious bluish-white object that had landed on a hillside awakened Tiago Mach 2/7/1969 #24902 minous pseudo-human/entity seen by landed object later. No further details. 2/28/1969 #24949 gine failed when the three objects landed on the mountain. 3/6/1969 #24978 hey were driving. The ovoid object landed in a vertical position. The encou 3/9/1969 #24985 SWD Tech frozen. 10 boxes float / landed 150M saucer going [to] TV transmi 3/12/1969 #25001 ld police that a saucer-shaped UFO landed in front of his car at a crossroa 3/17/1969 #25021 ous, football-shaped flying object landed 3 meters from a stranded truck th 3/18/1969 #25026 ALCORCON, SP Vibrant bright landed green night light at 1500M distan 5/1969 #25103 on its side for awhile. When they landed he was blindfolded and dragged in 5/4/1969 #25115 Ontario, CAN Dog raised alarm to a landed object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reacti 5/11/1969 #25124 or call out. An "enormous object" landed beside him, and he was "pulled th 5/20/1969 #25151 ealand who conducted her onboard a landed disc-shaped UFO. He or it then ha 6/22/1969 #25231 hes to within 20 feet and sees the landed object, which then ascends, hover 6/26/1969 #25236 flying object was reported to have landed next to the local primary school 7/2/1969 #25245 an angle as it flew, and possibly landed nearby. 7/24/1969 #25296 ect has come down from the sky and landed on three long stilts. At first, O 9/4/1969 #25351 dilana saw a ten meter in diameter landed noisy disc in a field in Viana de 9/11/1969 #25363 dge did a loop in the sky and then landed in a pasture in Beauvais, Oise, F 10/11/1969 #25408 ok a snap shot. The UFO apparently landed at the time, leaving traces. On t 10/16/1969 #25417 ing, California. It was seen as it landed in a steep, wooded canyon. The mi 10/30/1969 #25440 AN, CH Hundreds / militia surround landed saucer. Big light and rises silen 2/1970 #25568 A boy saw a UFO that landed on four legs in Terrace, British 2/27/1970 #25594 r window (about 12 feet high), and landed on the ground some 40 feet from t 6/4/1970 #25690 .m. in Sharon, Massachusetts a UFO landed remotely. A brilliant yellow aura 6/26/1970 #25710 BORDES, FR Boy / 16. Saucer landed / 4 legs. 45cm and 1.5M antennas. 7/25/1970 #25749 5:30 p.m. A witness comes across a landed domed disc, about 20 feet in diam 7/25/1970 #25750 France at 5:30 p.m. in 1970 a disc landed on four legs. It had two antennas 7/25/1970 #25751 nights the site where the UFO had landed glowed at night. 8/16/1970 #25791 m. a hemispherical metallic object landed near a car in Puits-d'Edme, Yonne 8/16/1970 #25792 Malaysia reported seeing about 25 landed small objects among the bushes ju 8/19/1970 #25796 mall object the size of a car tire landed in front of the school in Rawang 8/24/1970 #25801 een waiting there. When the object landed they entered it. It then rose and 8/24/1970 #25803 e grass were the object apparently landed. The depressions were 40 cm in di 8/29/1970 #25809 meter diameter disc-shaped object landed on rectangular legs in a pasture 9/9/1970 #25833 acks with aerials were seen near a landed object on the road. 9/20/1970 #25844 rees in Beverly, Massachusetts and landed remotely near a golf course. It a 9/20/1970 #25845 long beetle-shaped object that had landed on tripod landing gear by an old 9/28/1970 #25859 ut bright orange objects that then landed on the side of the Sacramento Mou 1/1/1971 #25965 saucer with two antennae. The UFO landed 30 meters away from them in a fie 1/8/1971 #25987 entina a metallic ovoid-shaped UFO landed on the slopes of Cerro Negro. It 1/18/1971 #25991 in a clearing 50 feet away. As it landed, a little entity just under 3-foo 2/5/1971 #26013 a clearing 50 feet away. After it landed a short entity just under 3 feet 2/5/1971 #26015 ff flames and exhaust. It may have landed remotely. 4/23/1971 #26079 two fly away. A door opens on the landed vehicle and three human-sized bei 5/1971 #26091 g in the same area and watches the landed object for 4–5 minutes. As she is 5/1971 #26092 eight-meter long egg-shaped object landed on three legs for five minutes. I 5/3/1971 #26099 n in some tall grass as the object landed with a bounce, about 100 feet awa 5/15/1971 #26111 lver lenticular disc-shaped object landed beside the highway in Cuesta de l 6/11/1971 #26168 c, 10-15 meters in diameter, first landed and then began glowing. Two "wing 8/2/1971 #26264 wings" came out of the sides as it landed. 8/2/1971 #26264 Loch Ness Jan-Ove Sundberg sees a landed UFO in a cleared area above Foyer 8/16/1971 #26288 s on the floating table. The craft landed in the destroyed complex where he 8/16/1971 #26291 a strange little vehicle that had landed on her lawn, which resembled a Vo 11/3/1971 #26452 ." In her front yard a vehicle had landed on the lawn, looking like a VW Be 11/4/1971 #26457 escended from the clouds, and then landed on four legs outside the town of 2/12/1972 #26576 ndy, France Ellipse with red light landed about 200 meters away. APRO Bulle 3/10/1972 #26596 d disc-shaped object descended and landed on four legs, then a one-meter ta 4/21/1972 #26656 motion, passed over witnesses, and landed remotely. It had a light beam and 5/13/1972 #26682 ith 30 orange lights that had just landed in his field. Cows in the pasture 6/16/1972 #26717 At 1:30 a.m. a landed UFO started a grass fire when it 7/5/1972 #26775 gine stalled, whereupon a UFO next landed in a nearby field and his passeng 8/8/1972 #26885 SAINT-JEAN-DU-GARD, FR 2 campers. Landed ovoid and square "robot" with rou 8/9/1972 #26886 A disc-shaped object landed on top of a Quonset hut in Gem, K 8/12/1972 #26913 night. One witness said the object landed and took off twice in a nearby fi 9/13/1972 #26990 e of the witnesses said the object landed and took off twice in a nearby fi 9/13/1972 #26991 . a sphere with a triangular tail landed in the city of Rosetto Abbruzzi, 9/19/1972 #27012 t came back again at 4:40 a.m. and landed. Later that evening in Verdugo, C 10/5/1972 #27051 ding. Briggs watched as the object landed just south of the TACAN compound. 10/14/1972 #27074 diameter saucer-shaped object that landed on the highway several times. 10/28/1972 #27096 e watched a mushroom-shaped object landed next to a barn in Fort Erie, Niag 1/11/1973 #27231 vered at a low altitude, the other landed. The second UFO had an antenna, a 2/11/1973 #27284 In Lexington, Alabama a UFO landed in a pasture at 12:20 a.m., about 2/18/1973 #27296 ed color to a dull copper after in landed. It was about 3-4 meters (16 feet 3/13/1973 #27343 les and landing gear came down and landed in the woods four miles west of E 4/6/1973 #27407 les and landing gear came down and landed in the woods four miles west of E 4/6/1973 #27409 atched as the object descended and landed. He was then released. 7/27/1973 #27657 in the Exeter area when they saw a landed UFO alongside the highway. A huma 8/9/1973 #27687 ire during the day when they saw a landed UFO along the side of the highway 8/9/1973 #27688 leston resident who said a UFO had landed "about 200 feet from my car (NICA 8/19/1973 #27713 dio "went berserk," silver ellipse landed on road ahead of car, humanoid en 9/3/1973 #27752 , black hairy dogs" emerged from a landed UFO in Laurel Grove Cemetery and 9/9/1973 #27793 several youths reported that a UFO landed in Laurel Grove Cemetery, and ten 9/9/1973 #27796 black hairy dogs" emerged from the landed UFO and ran through the cemetery. 9/9/1973 #27796 ri at 7:30 p.m. At 8:00 p.m. a UFO landed on a lake and lifted off from the 10/3/1973 #27927 e a buzzing sound. When the object landed an unseen door opened to reveal a 10/11/1973 #28005 oblong object with blinking lights landed in a field in Highland County (NI 10/14/1973 #28028 missing from a pasture after a UFO landed there. 10/14/1973 #28032 S Motorist driving to work, object landed on top of his car, all four doors 10/16/1973 #28077 Burbank, CA Landed UFO with humanoid figures inside 10/16/1973 #28080 nted with a. blue, oblong UFO that landed in front of his car on Interstate 10/16/1973 #28081 fronted by a blue, oblong UFO that landed in front of his cab on Interstate 10/16/1973 #28092 ), GA A silver, oval-shaped object landed on C.S, Rt 29, 300 feet ahead of 10/17/1973 #28124 Europa, MS Bluish object landed on road, creature encounter. See 10/17/1973 #28129 silver colored, oval-shaped object landed on US Route 29 near Danielsville, 10/17/1973 #28139 ld near Wayne, New Jersey. The UFO landed, so they stopped and got out of t 10/17/1973 #28141 an to bark. Further ahead he saw a landed, round UFO, 40-45 feet in diamete 10/19/1973 #28198 she crested the hill she noticed a landed disc-shaped object in a nearby co 10/19/1973 #28199 UFO, 12 feet wide by 8 feet high, landed near his car. A humanoid with eye 10/23/1973 #28253 bson, NC Oval, 12 ft. in diameter, landed, humanoid encounter, engine resta 10/24/1973 #28266 ighway 601 when an oval-shaped UFO landed near his car on this night at 9:0 10/24/1973 #28272 to the site. Where the object had landed there was a glowing area that was 10/25/1973 #28286 itness saw a domed object that had landed in a paddock in Waipukurau, New Z 10/28/1973 #28313 Fabrègues, Hérault, France, see a landed domed disc on legs with a brightl 12/6/1973 #28533 ooshing sound, took off fast, then landed again behind some trees. It left 12/11/1973 #28557 Warneton, Belgium UFO landed, humanoid encounter 1/7/1974 #28659 near Warneton, Belgium. He sees a landed domed disc with a flat bottom lik 1/7/1974 #28660 ne, and radio of his car. He saw a landed object 150 meters away in a field 1/7/1974 #28661 a ridge at 8:20 p.m., and may have landed remotely. 1/9/1974 #28672 woods. They run going quickly [to] landed saucer. 2/1974 #28719 ere they estimate the objects have landed. At dawn, they dismount to say pr 2/8/1974 #28748 flying object was reported to have landed on Fifth and Jackson Streets. The 2/17/1974 #28777 wo beings appeared in front of the landed object, and they gestured with th 3/21/1974 #28920 d back and saw that one object had landed again on the road. 3/21/1974 #28920 aw that the third object had again landed and he stopped and returned on fo 3/21/1974 #28921 TS GOULETS, FR 1M sphere/orb/globe landed / 2 legs between road tunnels ove 5/7/1974 #29088 legs. No helmets. Occupants beside landed object seemed to examine disc's l 5/7/1974 #29090 l of light, one meter in diameter, landed on two legs between two highway t 5/7/1974 #29092 the object just before the object landed, and a ramp came down out of the 5/7/1974 #29093 object approach from the ocean. It landed on the beach about 80 yards away. 5/20/1974 #29120 A 50-75 foot diameter UFO landed on a nearby hill on this night in 5/28/1974 #29143 began barking and a witness saw a landed UFO and approached to within 300 6/7/1974 #29171 oached to withing 300 yards of the landed object, and observed it through b 6/8/1974 #29173 ght feet tall came from behind the landed craft and "floated" to the ground 6/8/1974 #29173 nge-lit rim with oval white lights landed in St-Cyrille-de-Wendover, Quebec 6/25/1974 #29225 marks that could have come from a landed UFO were found on her lawn. On th 7/17/1974 #29266 allic discs with transparent domes landed in a pasture in Englefontaine, No 8/2/1974 #29303 d and unable to move as the object landed. Two humanoid beings, who were mo 8/5/1974 #29311 g motion as it came in to land. It landed with a blast of hot air, and gave 8/16/1974 #29364 elta, British Columbia, Canada and landed 150 feet away in a clearing. It m 8/28/1974 #29398 Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, and then landed in a field. The witness was a Ms. 9/9/1974 #29440 nologist, claimed he encountered a landed disc-shaped object and came in co 9/21/1974 #29468 als reacted to a round object that landed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 10/15/1974 #29530 hickens, and a cat) reacted to the landed object. Compass deflection was re 10/15/1974 #29533 by multiple witnesses. The objects landed and took off. They were also spot 1/1975 #29683 while making a "ticking" sound. It landed on three ball-shaped legs in a ne 2/23/1975 #29839 At 9:30 p.m. a landed UFO was spotted on a cloudy night 3/14/1975 #29898 n estimated speed of 100 mph. They landed not far away, with smoke rising f 4/6/1975 #29977 10:00 p.m. A diamond shaped object landed on a gravel road in a mountainous 6/12/1975 #30098 A diamond shaped object landed on a gravel road in a mountainous 6/12/1975 #30099 at a low altitude over the sea and landed on the beach. It landed on tripod 6/28/1975 #30130 he sea and landed on the beach. It landed on tripod landing gear and some h 6/28/1975 #30130 he sees a domed metallic cylinder landed in a tobacco field. Thinking it i 7/6/1975 #30167 . At the top he sees an apparently landed object. About 40 feet wide, it is 7/22/1975 #30200 witnesses at 9:10 p.m. It may have landed, leaving behind possible landing 8/6/1975 #30241 hree Mile Lake reported that a UFO landed about 13 miles northwest of Brace 10/7/1975 #30422 the screen. Either the object has landed or it has dropped below the radar 10/27/1975 #30488 wn helicopter with an orange light landed in a munitions storage area at Lo 10/29/1975 #30511 uilding, where they suspect it has landed. At the location, they find a bar 11/2/1975 #30540 im, France 10:00 p.m. A domed disc landed on three legs. The dome on the cr 11/6/1975 #30566 A domed disc landed on three legs in Merxheim, France 11/6/1975 #30568 a mile at 200 feet altitude, then landed. The driver turned the car aroun 11/27/1975 #30671 Simms (area), MT 6:00 a.m. UFO landed on ground, like bean. (NIDS UFO 3 12/8/1975 #30693 ered that something had apparently landed on and crushed some of their stra 12/8/1975 #30694 nocturnal lights were seen to have landed near the carcass of a dead calf t 12/8/1975 #30697 arm, a five-meter in diameter disc landed in a field. It rose up fast and s 12/15/1975 #30717 p.m. a five-meter in diameter disc landed in a field. It rose up fast and s 12/15/1975 #30719 and saw that a bell-shaped UFO had landed next to some bushes. It was about 1/5/1976 #30760 and saw that a bell-shaped UFO had landed next to some bushes. It was about 1/5/1976 #30761 ous object appeared in the sky and landed 100 yards away in a farm field be 1/9/1976 #30781 ring in the sky; it approached and landed 18 feet away. It was dark green, 1/29/1976 #30832 it stood on three legs. From this landed object emerged two men 6’6” or mo 1/29/1976 #30832 Fort Shaw, MT 9:48 p.m. UFO landed near ranch house, 300' long. (UFO 2/5/1976 #30847 Black Horse Lake. UFO, 500' high, landed near lake. (UFO 59 NIDS) (NICAP: 2/14/1976 #30869 1:00 a.m. A glowing, domed object landed on the beach at 1:00 a.m., making 2/25/1976 #30901 Tasmania. A glowing, domed object landed on the beach at 1:00 a.m., making 2/25/1976 #30906 anches where the UFO had evidently landed near the house. A few days later 3/5/1976 #30928 ucted for four hours by a UFO that landed in a pasture in Quixada, Ceara St 4/23/1976 #31018 ng a 60-foot wide UFO with windows landed only 100 feet from a truck in Acc 9/6/1976 #31350 e other smaller UFO seemed to have landed on the ground so the pilot flew d 9/19/1976 #31396 t flew down to investigate it. The landed UFO appeared to be 12feet in diam 9/19/1976 #31396 pilot descended the light from the landed UFO went out and he lost sight of 9/19/1976 #31396 rd object descended vertically and landed in a desert area. The entire inci 9/19/1976 #31411 they spotted what appeared to be a landed, domed, disc-shaped object. It wa 11/8/1976 #31532 FRENCH GULCH, CA Landed saucer rises. Zaps Chapins. Going 12/29/1976 #31638 jected) from the parent craft. One landed on the Air Base grounds. Sent to 1977 #31658 ir Base grounds. Sent to greet the landed craft was a Colonel with security 1977 #31658 came flying in from the north and landed on the rooftop of a three-storey 1/6/1977 #31707 t, circled the small community and landed on the banks of the Turbio River, 1/23/1977 #31748 ng a circular craft. The craft had landed on the ground there and had a lad 2/2/1977 #31781 ---and they had pointed ears." The landed UFO was still there at 2 p.m. The 2/4/1977 #31792 ject about 8–11 feet wide that has landed only about 50 feet away behind a 2/11/1977 #31810 ng the area after it came out of a landed craft. There were other independe 2/20/1977 #31833 ry's security gate. The UFO either landed or hovered close to the ground fo 3/6/1977 #31864 Sylmar, California. The UFO either landed or hovered close to the ground fo 3/6/1977 #31866 between U.S. military forces and a landed (or disabled) alien craft. (Case Spring 1977 #31919 in shape with fuzzy contours, and landed approximately 30 to 40 feet away. 4/4/1977 #31943 high. The whirring ceased when it landed, but she saw no landing gear. The 4/4/1977 #31943 d sizzle of boiling water. It then landed behind a slight rise. It then emi 4/6/1977 #31953 t like a seesaw." It descended and landed in a field 100 yards behind the h 4/19/1977 #31997 t like a seesaw." It descended and landed in a field 100 yards behind the h 4/19/1977 #31998 t like a seesaw." It descended and landed in a field 100 yards behind the h 4/19/1977 #31999 t like a seesaw." It descended and landed in a field 100 yards behind the h 4/19/1977 #32002 a.m. in Rocha, Uruguay a small UFO landed on a dairy farm. The witness to t 4/19/1977 #32003 isc-shaped object with a red light landed. A a ramp-like stairway came out 5/15/1977 #32096 haped UFO, resembling a straw hat, landed on a ranch near Barra do Corda, B 7/17/1977 #32286 ck in the morning a glowing sphere landed on the Nova Melia Ranch near Barr 7/17/1977 #32288 A 2.2 meter ovoid object landed in a field in Houetteville, Eure 8/13/1977 #32400 something as heavy as 40 tons has landed there. Some of the witnesses are 8/31/1977 #32445 turned silvery white in color and landed. It then began changing colors, f 10/6/1977 #32555 everal humanoids carrying her to a landed oval-shaped craft standing on leg 10/30/1977 #32636 everal humanoids carrying her to a landed oval-shaped craft standing on leg 10/30/1977 #32637 everal humanoids carrying her to a landed oval-shaped craft standing on leg 10/30/1977 #32640 two intruders and saw them enter a landed disc-shaped craft. The object the 11/13/1977 #32672 e goes to the back door and sees a landed saucer-shaped craft in a paddock 12/2/1977 #32726 ere next seen standing next to the landed UFO. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 2/1/1978 #32939 ere next seen standing next to the landed UFO. Both were human looking wear 2/1/1978 #32941 ring in the woods where a ship had landed. 3/1978 #33003 Ayacucho, Argentina A UFO landed for several minutes on the patio 6/26/1978 #33312 A UFO landed for several minutes on the patio 6/26/1978 #33314 domed disc ten meters in diameter, landed behind a mountain. Five or six "N 7/4/1978 #33337 nds had ceased. Finally their car "landed" back on the highway near Lujan d 7/6/1978 #33346 ew over toward the southeast, then landed in a vineyard at 11:45 p.m. Groun 7/8/1978 #33354 ekistan toward the southeast, then landed in a vineyard at 11:45 p.m. Groun 7/8/1978 #33356 es had apparently come from a huge landed UFO that was partially hidden beh 7/11/1978 #33367 was an oval-shaped craft that had landed on three metallic leg. One being 7/11/1978 #33368 itchen area, the yard and into the landed UFO. The humanoid aiming the beam 7/11/1978 #33368 extremely bright circular object, landed at 1:00 a.m. and scorched the ear 7/30/1978 #33453 ected from the craft, one of which landed on base grounds; a Colonel with a 8/1978 #33460 lina, Poland. He notices a strange landed object standing on four legs abou 9/27/1978 #33762 A disc-shaped object landed in the Groendal Nature Reserve, E 9/29/1978 #33779 ogged down. The ball of light then landed near the Salado River, 30 kilomet 10/15/1978 #33839 domed UFO with flashing red lights landed at Oil Field Centre No. 24 in the 11/9/1978 #33940 house. Outside the object had now landed some 100 meters from the house. T 12/6/1978 #34068 just appeared standing next to the landed object; they had not emerged from 12/6/1978 #34068 out 12 meters in diameter that had landed in a field. (NICAP: 02 - Close En 12/11/1978 #34091 out 12 meters in diameter that had landed in a field. 12/11/1978 #34094 ights and the object descended and landed on the road ahead of him. The car 12/15/1978 #34137 rom a saucer-shaped craft that had landed on a road in Licodia Eubea, Italy 12/15/1978 #34140 d like a cylindrical space capsule landed and then lifted off again. It had 12/19/1978 #34173 like a cylindrical “space capsule” landed and then lifted off again. It had 12/19/1978 #34175 aped craft with four legs that had landed, and then experienced a 20-minute 1/3/1979 #34291 car engine died when an ovoid UFO landed nearby. A door in the craft opene 1/18/1979 #34357 car engine died when an ovoid UFO landed nearby. A door in the craft opene 1/18/1979 #34361 chester, England a rotating object landed in a quarry at two o'clock in the 2/21/1979 #34441 ds an eight-foot long ovoid object landed for three minutes. It left behind 2/22/1979 #34443 .m. a eight-foot long ovoid object landed for three minutes. It left behind 2/22/1979 #34445 eservoir in Isere, France and then landed on the ground, leaving ground mar 3/27/1979 #34491 eservoir in Isere, France and then landed on the ground, leaving ground mar 3/27/1979 #34492 of a car, descended fast and then landed. Flashes white and red lights. It 4/16/1979 #34511 ewed out smaller UFOs,all of which landed in a valley. Military authorities 4/19/1979 #34513 tholes, blinding red-orange light, landed within 50 meters. Cronica, May 7, 5/5/1979 #34543 his night an object with portholes landed in a field in Pampulhas, Minas Ge 5/5/1979 #34545 ly seen a UFO. A disc-shaped craft landed, and he was given a metal bar as 5/16/1979 #34562 heir backs. He is taken toward the landed UFO. As he gets near, he can feel 5/16/1979 #34563 ir backs. He was taken towards the landed object. As he got near it he coul 5/16/1979 #34564 ly seen a UFO. A disc-shaped craft landed, and he was given a metal bar as 5/16/1979 #34565 chool children reported sighting a landed object and four tiny humanoid fig 5/19/1979 #34567 chool children reported sighting a landed object and four tiny humanoid fig 5/19/1979 #34569 MO A nocturnal light came down and landed behind a store in the town of Cha 5/25/1979 #34577 m. a nocturnal light came down and landed behind a store in the town of Cha 5/25/1979 #34580 when a metallic oval-shaped craft landed on three legs near his home. Thre 6/18/1979 #34616 when a metallic oval-shaped craft landed on three legs near his home. Thre 6/18/1979 #34618 ky, dubbed the "Mississauga Blob", landed on a picnic table in the backyard 6/26/1979 #34636 eatures unique shapes for both the landed craft and its occupants. The one 7/25/1979 #34679 as out picking mushrooms and saw a landed UFO which effected the ground (NI 9/2/1979 #34819 two meters into the air, and then landed again. Its color changed from red 9/19/1979 #34902 from red to white to blue. The UFO landed with a shrill sound, giving off r 9/19/1979 #34902 when a Mr. G. Gratz encountered a landed UFO that gave off a sulphurous od 9/20/1979 #34908 from a height of about 30 cm, and landed back in the garden. Goralski ran 9/20/1979 #34909 land Two men working in garden saw landed UFO and entities (NICAP: 02 - Clo 9/21/1979 #34912 t plowing the fields encountered a landed disc-shaped craft. A tall humanoi 9/25/1979 #34922 t plowing the fields encountered a landed disc-shaped craft. A tall humanoi 9/25/1979 #34923 They began to drag him towards the landed craft. This was accompanied by a 11/9/1979 #34991 ly taken onboard a craft which had landed in a wooded area near Marzano. Wh 12/2/1979 #35040 g-shaped UFO—one meter in diameter—landed in an upright orientation in a ya 12/19/1979 #35086 r saw the same five beings enter a landed disc-shaped craft on a roadway ne 3/3/1980 #35194 got closer to the object after it landed in a nearby clearing and took som 7/16/1980 #35414 got closer to the object after it landed in a nearby clearing and took som 7/16/1980 #35415 delta-shaped objects cavorted and landed at 10:15 p.m. in Pine Bush. Ellen 7/18/1980 #35418 delta-shaped objects cavorted and landed at 10:15 p.m. in Pine Bush, New Y 7/18/1980 #35419 ing to a base spokesman. It either landed or hovered just above a grassy ar 8/3/1980 #35440 object turned its lights off as it landed. She decided not to approach. How 8/8/1980 #35448 an alarmed building and observed a landed UFO next to an alarmed building. 8/9/1980 #35449 reported that a disc-shaped object landed behind the "HQ CR 44" nuclear sto 8/9/1980 #35453 with body lights, whistling sound, landed near water tank, vibrations felt, 9/30/1980 #35545 he spot and stops 45 feet from the landed object. It is making a loud whist 9/30/1980 #35546 ts and a black tube appendage that landed on the ground at the cattle stati 9/30/1980 #35548 ts radar. An F-5 squadron has just landed, with the exception of one plane, 10/31/1980 #35599 nnel surrounded the object when it landed; the next morning the area was cl 12/14/1980 #35716 rce security police encounter with landed craft in Rendlesham Forest, physi 12/27/1980 #35743 rce security police encounter with landed craft in Rendlesham Forest, physi 12/27/1980 #35745 nuclear weapons storage area, them landed or hovered quite close to the gro 12/27/1980 #35748 as surrounded by a yellow mist. It landed in a field, illuminating the grou 12/27/1980 #35748 ese suddenly rose up, circled, and landed again, this time closer to his ho 2/13/1981 #35826 hey suddenly rose up, circled, and landed again, this time closer to his ho 2/13/1981 #35827 Gerais state, Brazil A bright disc landed on the ground in Belo Horizonte, 5/4/1981 #35927 At 10:40 p.m. a bright disc landed on the ground in Belo Horizonte, 5/4/1981 #35929 und was found where the object had landed. 8/5/1981 #36060 ing where he thought the light had landed, and failing to find anything, he 9/11/1981 #36110 ing where he thought the light had landed, and failing to find anything, he 9/12/1981 #36112 .m. a 15 meter long metallic ovoid landed 15 meters away from six teenagers 11/8/1981 #36211 Silo-shaped object with three legs landed on road ahead of car. See Section 12/19/1981 #36265 very near the ground and may have landed temporarily, then rose up and fle 2/25/1982 #36368 very near the ground and may have landed temporarily, then rose up and fle 2/25/1982 #36369 ower lines. It lifted off and then landed a second time. The UFO had blue l 4/3/1982 #36434 d the objects change color as they landed. 12/17/1982 #36718 calized and bristled when objected landed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 4/10/1983 #36833 Ross, OH Luminous object landed, E-M effects, animal reaction. UF 4/10/1983 #36835 ject about 50 feet in diameter has landed, producing a 3-foot burn mark in 4/10/1983 #36836 membered that an egg-shaped object landed in the yard and burned the grass. 6/30/1983 #36896 lights descended from the sky and landed in an open field across the stree 12/27/1983 #37084 New York. A close encounter with a landed, delta-shaped UFO scared them awa 6/6/1984 #37353 New York. A close encounter with a landed, delta-shaped UFO scared them awa 6/6/1984 #37354 se, blinding light from underside, landed ahead of car, car dragged toward 12/14/1984 #37524 in California through the ceiling. Landed outside in the yard was a wedge-s 3/1/1985 #37564 e that the forest where the sphere landed is on fire. They find the grass a 4/22/1986 #37833 A cigar-shaped object landed in Encounter Bay, Victor Harbour, 5/24/1986 #37893 Calalzo di Cadore, Italy UFO landed, witness had two-hour memory loss 8/15/1986 #37990 lzo di Cadore (Bellino), Italy UFO landed, witness had two-hour memory loss 8/15/1986 #37991 eter in diameter, bowl-shaped disc landed on the road on 5 thin legs in Fre 9/19/1986 #38031 es a “trailer with lit-up windows” landed in a field about 900 feet away. A Late 12/1986 #38087 and saw a bright ball of light. It landed between some trees and took off a 3/7/1987 #38134 ceston, Tasmania Elliptical object landed ahead of car, blocked road; headl 12/14/1987 #38362 orthern Tasmania Elliptical object landed ahead of car, blocked road. Headl 12/14/1987 #38363 tellite objects hovered over, then landed on the ice on Lake Erie, not far 3/4/1988 #38488 camping when a disc-shaped object landed nearby and emitted a white light. 8/22/1988 #38618 A large luminous UFO landed in a park in Sevan, Armenia, and 10/24/1988 #38688 observer(s) minds go blank. Ovoid landed / sand. Abduction later. 12/1988 #38730 n photos of aliens that supposedly landed at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, in 1 12/18/1988 #38755 barked constantly as 2 small discs landed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 2/8/1989 #38824 ht. They watched as a large sphere landed on the riverbank. Two figures the 4/30/1989 #38927 was oblong and wide, and may have landed. 5/6/1989 #38937 a dying planet orbiting Betelgeuse landed at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, in 1 5/23/1989 #38960 silver-suited beings emerge from a landed UFO. 7/4/1989 #39008 ed the DME came back on. When they landed they discovered that there had be 7/22/1989 #39030 g close to the ground. It suddenly landed on four legs and the hatch opened 9/23/1989 #39118 en closed the hatch and the object landed gently on four legs. The hatch op 9/27/1989 #39126 he sphere pushed out four legs and landed. A hatch opened and a ladder came 10/28/1989 #39191 be objects by house. Figure inside landed UFO? 10/31/1989 #39196 baza, Uzbekistan. After the object landed, a tall, robot-like being wearing 10/31/1989 #39200 tates a flying saucer and its crew landed at Edwards AFB and its occupants 1990 #39358 11:00 p.m. A saucer came down and landed in a fuel-dump; the same thing ha 5/9/1990 #39569 A disc-shaped object landed by a garage in Frunze in the Asia 5/29/1990 #39597 by schoolyard where he saw several landed gray domed discs. A short gray-sk 5/30/1990 #39600 n he hears an odd sound and sees a landed object like an overturned bowl. H 7/9/1990 #39640 At 11:00 p.m. a glowing ovoid landed in Ferrere, Piedmonte, Italy radi 7/30/1990 #39671 A dark box-shaped UFO landed in a swamp in Victoria, Entre Rio 8/20/1990 #39694 A green cone-shaped object landed on a farm in Ebenezer, Prince Edw 8/22/1990 #39698 in the sky on this night, and then landed in a field. Three humanoids weari 8/31/1990 #39709 . The object later became dark and landed outside a perimeter fence of the 9/13/1990 #39732 A round UFO landed in a field during the day in Pela 9/28/1990 #39751 two of the objects were seen: one landed in a field, and the other buzzed 11/6/1990 #39879 i, Puerto Rico encountered a small landed silver circular craft on the grou 5/14/1991 #40060 ying humanoids, a man and a woman, landed on the hood of a truck moving at 7/21/1991 #40128 uman-like figures emerged from the landed object and appeared to float abov 8/13/1991 #40152 haken up when a disc-shaped object landed in a field nearby. The grass was 6/27/1992 #40509 everal observer(s). Glowing-object landed near thicket. Going quickly east 12/22/1992 #40761 nas Gerais, Brazil a glowing craft landed near a thicket on the outskirts o 12/23/1992 #40764 hat of a sphere with four legs and landed. Under hypnosis it was revealed t 12/31/1992 #40775 had seen apparently came down and landed near the highway west of Belt. An 1/1993 #40782 iangle only 30 cm in diameter that landed on top of a nearby pigeon house. 1/9/1993 #40790 . The craft had taken off and soon landed in an strange beautiful city, fil 3/20/1993 #40895 circumference. She approached the landed craft to investigate and when she 3/30/1993 #40907 start remembering that the UFO has landed in an adjacent field and that the 8/8/1993 #41117 France a domed disc-shaped object landed or came very close to landing in 1/4/1994 #41361 ght descended in the afternoon and landed nearby. It transformed itself int 4/22/1994 #41500 A large disc-shaped craft landed in a field 25 miles from Great Fa 4/25/1994 #41503 iet when two glowing domed objects landed on the ground only 100 feet away 6/6/1994 #41555 An "airplane" landed on a jagged peak in Parc de la Mo 6/27/1994 #41589 ehind it as it passed overhead and landed remotely in the nearby hills. 8/14/1994 #41675 ar three times. One of the objects landed and a small man emerged. He was o 9/16/1994 #41755 area spotted an unknown craft that landed in the valley below, with black h 9/16/1994 #41755 26 September 1994, an object crash landed on the runway at Boscombe Down, U 9/26/1994 #41776 diameter domed disc-shaped object landed in a meadow in St. Germain-en-Mon 10/29/1994 #41820 us and fearful as star-like lights landed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 1/2/1995 #41938 she felt. That same evening a UFO landed on a lawn in Mobile, Alabama. The 3/19/1995 #42112 aw the humanoids walking towards a landed luminous round object. 8/26/1995 #42417 A UFO landed in a paddock in Large George, New 1/14/1996 #42685 ep purple light. The "mother ship" landed upriver from the village. Soon tw 1/31/1996 #42729 g around. The object descended and landed briefly, becoming dark, and then 5/6/1996 #42898 , and then bright again. Before it landed both witnesses saw an L-shaped ra 5/6/1996 #42898 A triangular-shaped UFO landed in a field in Chillan, Chile. It 7/9/1996 #42953 t land in a field close to him. It landed on several leg-like protrusions. 12/9/1996 #43133 e protrusions. Once the object had landed a door opened, and a ladder or es 12/9/1996 #43133 ow and noticed that the object had landed on the ground. Next to it stood a 2/16/1997 #43194 long vertical cylinder was spotted landed in a field in San Martino d'Spino 3/5/1997 #43220 ich is flattened where the man has landed. 5/18/1997 #43297 helmet with wide dark goggles. He landed in a vertical position among the 5/18/1997 #43298 n 1997 a hat-shaped UFO reportedly landed in Hayward, California at 9:30 p. 6/5/1997 #43312 sighted an object that was either landed on or hovering above her nextdoor 9/9/1997 #43403 rting at around 10:00 p.m. It then landed on the summit. The intensity of i 9/26/1997 #43417 d ten meters from the witness then landed. The UFO was five meters long and 10/3/1997 #43424 The craft descended vertically and landed. Several figures came out of the 2/14/1998 #43521 a UFO the size of a football field landed in the city. Jet interceptor airc 6/12/1999 #43785 g-shaped object with small windows landed in his garden. Several small Grey 8/18/1999 #43826 attempt to escort him onboard the landed craft, but the witness refused to 8/18/1999 #43826 backwards about two meters, and he landed on the ground. At the same time h 7/11/2000 #44014 hem. Outside he was taken aboard a landed disc-shaped object, where he was 7/12/2000 #44015 ty, New York. A diamond-shaped UFO landed on the beach. It directed an inte 10/1/2000 #44049 A silver cigar shaped object landed on a rural road in Ionia, Michiga 5/24/2001 #44188 ehind and after a minute or two it landed. The main witness and seven other 9/11/2001 #44258 w an "alien being" emerge from the landed craft, emitting red rays from its 6/5/2002 #44347 making a thundering sound. When it landed two two-foot tall humanoids came 6/9/2002 #44350 This third object appeared to have landed on the ground. The object was vie 7/28/2002 #44367 itting there above them. They then landed, then took off into the air, and 5/13/2003 #44535 ls Eric the Holloman AFB film of a landed UAP was “the real thing.” Bush Sr 3/26/2004 #44681 metallic tail, as it descended and landed in an open field encircled by tre 5/8/2004 #44696 l plants at the site where the UFO landed were somewhat burned. 5/8/2004 #44696 about 30 feet in diameter that had landed in an open field off of Chestnut 7/27/2004 #44719 go back outside after the aircraft landed, but they saw no signs of anythin 2005 #44804 ser to investigate and came upon a landed cone-cylindrical shaped craft, wi 6/14/2005 #44847 where the aliens (nicknamed Ebens) landed and retrieved their comrades’ bod 11/1/2005 #44898 r four Grey aliens standing near a landed bell-shaped object for 60 minutes 2/28/2006 #44927 object descended at odd angle and landed in a wooded area in Biglerville, 5/3/2007 #45024 nd that the object or objects then landed. "A person was seen and then more 8/18/2007 #45049 en a disc-shaped object reportedly landed in Headingley, Manitoba, Canada a 9/10/2007 #45055 w Zealand when they encountered a landed UFO. The weather had cleared that 8/3/2008 #45154 it they spotted what looked like a landed disc-shaped UFO in a paddock. The 8/3/2008 #45154 nce, France. The object apparently landed, not far from the military base a 9/4/2008 #45165 rmer NASA employee claims a saucer landed near Kennedy Space Center and cla 12/3/2008 #45196 ossession of recovered crashed and landed UFO technology hardware. https:/ 4/30/2019 #45576## Word: "landed-first" (Back to Top)
ding object, red and yellow, twice landed-first near the Jockey Club, then 11/16/1957 #14566## Word: "landeforet" (Back to Top)
re/orb/globe / treetop level. Near Landeforet Reservoir. 10/9/1954 #10830 Beauvain, France Near the Landeforet pool, Christain Carette saw f 10/9/1954 #10846 Near the Landeforet pool in Beauvain, France Chri 10/9/1954 #10864## Word: "lander" (Back to Top)
LANDER, WY Separate observer(s). Several 8/6/1947 #3298 SOUTHEAST / LANDER, WY Farmer. Plain white 12M cylin 1/21/1959 #15557 LANDER, WY Ex Air Force man. Long thin c 1/30/1967 #21413 At 7:05 a.m. in Lander, Wyoming Mr. J. Kenney, an ex-Air 1/30/1967 #21420## Word: "landeros" (Back to Top)
s including the main witness named Landeros sighted two UFOs maneuvering in 10/16/1975 #30430 s including the main witness named Landeros sighted two UFOs maneuvering in 10/16/1975 #30431## Word: "landers" (Back to Top)
Giant Rock Mojave Desert Landers, California Contactee George Van 1/6/1952 #5861 ant Rock in the Mojave Desert near Landers, California, receives the first 1/6/1952 #5861 anetary Spacecraft Convention near Landers, California Flying Saucers Inter 8/16/1953 #9074 vention launches the same day near Landers, California, for three days with 8/16/1953 #9074 Giant Rock Mojave Desert Landers, California Contactee George Van 4/4/1954 #9665 boulder in the Mojave Desert near Landers, California. Speakers include Or 4/4/1954 #9665 Mojave Desert Landers, California George Van Tassel’s 3/12/1955 #12046 nvention in the Mojave Desert near Landers, California, attracts a smaller 3/12/1955 #12046 Landers, California San Luis Obispo Los 4/28/1956 #12817 anetary Spacecraft Convention near Landers, California, contactee Dick Mill 4/28/1956 #12817 Mojave Desert Landers, California While attending the 5/11/1957 #13656 nvention in the Mojave Desert near Landers, California, Wayne Sulo Aho goes 5/11/1957 #13656 Giant Rock Landers, California The fifth Interplane 5/31/1958 #15064 on takes place at Giant Rock, near Landers, California. Dana Howard, Truman 5/31/1958 #15064## Word: "landes" (Back to Top)
Lencouacq, Landes, France 9:00 p.m. Irene Vrignolle 9/23/1954 #10420 dow behind a rectory in Lencouacq, Landes, France. 9/23/1954 #10420 a field by a church in Lencouacq, Landes, France and was seen by a Miss Vi 9/24/1954 #10440 In Moliets-et-Maa, Landes, France a 30 meter long, silent g 8/25/1993 #41159 a witness in Grenade sur L'Adour, Landes, France saw a ball of fire having 11/1/2002 #44432## Word: "landevennec" (Back to Top)
SOUTHWEST / LANDEVENNEC, FR 4 / car. String / lumino 5/20/1974 #29115## Word: "landguard" (Back to Top)
Whanganui, New Zealand South Spit Landguard Bluff After 5:00 p.m. Two wome 8/12/1918 #975 rd the south. It disappears behind Landguard Bluff. Other witnesses come fo 8/12/1918 #975## Word: "landholm" (Back to Top)
Mockfjärd, Sweden Mt. Landholm 3:30 p.m. A young man in Mockfj 7/9/1946 #2040 ght. He thinks it crashes into Mt. Landholm. A powerful burning smell linge 7/9/1946 #2040## Word: "landiat-postcardat-postcardng" (Back to Top)
n they told us: ‘Abandon that next landiat-postcardat-postcardng temporaril 4/16/1956 #12809## Word: "landing" (Back to Top)
witnesses and visits the supposed landing site but finds no burn marks or 4/1/1826 #122 rojectile with the goal of a lunar landing. 1865 #163 llic noise. Although not an actual landing, this is the first instance of c 7/1868 #174 illiant white lights on either end landing in a nearby field. He tethers hi 4/21/1897? #551 . Morgan is forced to make a crash landing. 1/31/1916 #941 heavens but dissolves just before landing. Behind the cloud, the crowd can 9/13/1917 #965 ot was forced to make an emergency landing in a pasture. (NICAP: 03 - EME C 9/1926 #1062 terious airplane made an emergency landing on Fager Mountain in Malsev, Tro 2/5/1934 #1204 toward the ground. At the apparent landing site a circular burned area and 10/1942 #1451 powered glider with fixed tricycle landing gear, is tested in Germany, but 3/1/1944 #1585 nstant position, same size as B-29 landing light. (Page 166 Ref.1) (NICAP: 5/14/1945 #1867 diving at inconceivable speed and landing 25 miles south of the canyon. 6/30/1947 #2486 St. Maries (near), ID Landing, seen by a family of ten in Nort 7/3/1947 #2577 southeast. Possible spin. Possible landing. / Austin American. 7/9/1947 #3046 Dark object going north. Possible landing / mountain peak. "No bird or pla 7/12/1947 #3154 It is paralleling the course of a landing C-47. 7/12/1947 #3159 in Home, Idaho, in preparation for landing in Boise. Harvey sees an object 7/28/1947 #3240 / 150M altitude. 12' x5'. Silent. Landing? 7/29/1947 #3248 Force Officers. 2 saucers pace P80 landing. Others maneuver and going quick 7/29/1947 #3249 ontrol, construction, arrangement, landing gear, and power plant. It consid 10/28/1947 #3469 going quickly southwest. Possible landing. 1/7/1948 #3538 McGee sees the object on runway 23 landing approach when he is at about 1,8 1/7/1948 #3546 Landing Aids Experiment Station in Arcat Spring 1948 #3593 lifornia Kenneth Arnold visits the Landing Aids Experiment Station in Arcat Spring 1948 #3593 Aztec, NM Aztec area NM landing and retrieval incident near Hart 3/25/1948 #3596 onet” Magazine article on a saucer landing and retrieval with dead occupant 6/1948 (approximate) #3665 ion. He glides the plane to a safe landing after the UFO disappears. Apraks 6/16/1948 #3671 e was able to glide the plane to a landing. 6/16/1948 #3672 are waiting for an airplane at the landing strip when one of them notices s 9/23/1948 #3811 5 - Large white size like airplane landing lights obj (NICAP: 01 - Distant 5/3/1949 #4140 apacitation in an abrupt emergency landing. He then lost consciousness and 5/6/1949 #4161 ough during the sighting, and upon landing was found to have all its spark 7/24/1949 #4282 ering about 15 m above a slope and landing slowly in a small ravine. Then i 1/29/1950 #4517 made a movie of eight disks he saw landing and taking off 60 km north of Ju 4/1950 #4783 nd, freshly made, was found at the landing site, with ground indentations. 6/17/1950 #4992 ots off. 60' saucer tails jet into landing. 8/1951 #5588 re low on fuel at about 8:20 a.m., landing at 8:45. A third flight of two F 9/23/1951 #5687 rings, Texas. Two Air Force pilots landing at Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, Ne 11/20/1951 #5782 ound. Night lights follow planes / landing approach / 4 minute(s). 4/20/1952 #6137 be following an aircraft during a landing approach. The formation of objec 4/20/1952 #6143 , 10 times the size of an airplane landing light, approach them over the At 5/8/1952 #6275 e an object resembling an aircraft landing light. The object becomes bright 7/10/1952 #6751 ot and copilot of a B-29 bomber on landing approach are vectored by MacDill 7/22/1952 #7027 looked like it was coming in for a landing, but then it stopped and hovered 7/24/1952 #7117 f an Athens news article of an UFO landing in Communist Berlin, Germany: Fo 8/23/1952 #7684 call papers. 10m saucer up close. Landing traces? News. 8/28/1952 #7758 ge saying, “I hope we might have a landing soon,” and later, “We must make 9/11/1952 #7894 ng soon,” and later, “We must make landing contact soon… If you believe us, 9/11/1952 #7894 owned vegetation were found at the landing site. 9/11/1952 #7896 towards West Virginia, apparently landing in Flatwoods. A third object tra 9/12/1952 #7905 ke and Pulaski, Virginia, possibly landing near Arcadia, Tennessee. Feschin 9/12/1952 #7905 eet the saucer intelligences for a landing somewhere in the Arizona desert, 9/28/1952 #8048 llers. Unidentified night light in landing pattern. No planes / balloons up 10/7/1952 #8098 e to the runway and achieve a hard landing, Robinson is too far out to foll 11/1/1952 #8228 diameter, 2 m thick, with a tripod landing gear, landed on a sand bar 50 m 5/20/1953 #8888 ing on a rock, and has tripod-like landing gear. The pilot fills a rubber-l 5/20/1953 #8889 2.5 meters in diameter with tripod landing gear. An occupant described as a 5/20/1953 #8890 pact; he states the vehicle had no landing gear but also had no dents or ev 5/21/1953 #8899 ittle man." Van Allen saw only the landing marks, about 30 cm wide and re s 6/20/1953 #8943 one of two miners who witnessed a landing and humanoid at Brush Creek on M 6/20/1953 #8944 ns-shaped silver craft with tripod landing gear. The "midget" scooped up a 6/20/1953 #8944 John Van Allen only saw the tripod landing gear marks, which were about 30 6/20/1953 #8944 nded vertically at high speed. The landing traces included crushed bushes a 8/17/1953 #9078 d on three spheres that acted like landing gear. He was invited inside, but 8/18/1953 #9081 oken bushes was left behind at the landing spot. It's possible the presence 8/18/1953 #9081 rtical position, resting on tripod landing gear, and took off at the same t 9/4/1953 #9145 losing rapidly. Kidd blinks on his landing lights and the UFO beams back a 10/19/1953 #9243 shed bushes were discovered at the landing site. 12/15/1953 #9367 cceleration characteristics. After landing, the sighting was corroborated b 12/18/1953 #9384 ase, Virginia Marines observed the landing of an unknown round object which 12/31/1953 #9411 orps base in Virginia observed the landing of a round UFO that throbbed and 12/31/1953 #9412 esearch Board sets up a restricted landing field near the Suffield Experime 1954 #9423 death in 1993, she predicts a mass landing of flying saucers in 2001 on a p 2/1954 #9522 d saw it again as it came in for a landing only 50 yards away. "The whole m 2/18/1954 #9555 while flying a KC-97 to a practice landing at 1,500 feet about 5-8 miles so 3/5/1954 #9598 [at 8:20 p.m.? 9:20 p.m.?], after landing and takeoff, they see the same o 3/5/1954 #9598 te or amber light like an aircraft landing light at about the same altitude 3/5/1954 #9598 ter completing its turn onto final landing approach. No radar or other visu 3/5/1954 #9598 w Mexico Two persons witnessed the landing of a lens-shaped object the size 5/18/1954 #9810 Two people witnessed the landing of a lens-shaped object, the siz 5/18/1954 #9812 ped one which then shot away. Upon landing, Howard and Boyd were debriefed 6/29/1954 #9958 enry F. Coudon [or Condon], eject, landing without injury. At 11:27 a.m., t 7/2/1954 #9984 s out of Edwards AFB about 5 UFO's landing there earlier that year, but all 8/1/1954 #10086 them in Hemmingford, Quebec. After landing the sphere turned black. A door 8/7/1954 #10113 . Glowing-rings = saucer. Possible landing. No trace. / r217p85. 9/14/1954 #10292 found in the dirt at the supposed landing site. The ground was "pulverized 9/22/1954 #10398 e The Patient family witnessed the landing of a bright object giving off a 9/23/1954 #10416 e the Patient family witnessed the landing of a bright object that gave off 9/23/1954 #10423 A ten-foot circle was found at the landing site. 9/26/1954 #10454 color and quite bright. There were landing traces: a circle 1.5 meters in d 9/30/1954 #10521 circle 1.5 meters in diameter and landing pad imprints 16 cm long. 9/30/1954 #10521 ade-saucer' glows. Maneuvers as if landing. / r217p89. 10/1954 #10528 ge ovoid / 300M altitude. Possible landing going SW. 10/3/1954 #10635 hen illuminated by car headlights. Landing traces found nearby. 10/4/1954 #10707 he, from Paris, saw a fiery sphere landing near Chantonnay. 10/6/1954 #10753 Lanssellin children witnessed the landing of a luminous, red object shaped 10/7/1954 #10780 llin, ages 10 and 9, witnessed the landing of a luminous, red object. It wa 10/7/1954 #10794 an airplane had made an emergency landing. The object was cigar-shaped, an 10/9/1954 #10845 an airplane had made an emergency landing. However, the cigar-shaped objec 10/9/1954 #10863 Brown oily spots were found at the landing site. 10/9/1954 #10868 te date. Many farmers observed the landing of a "marvelous luminous object, 10/10/1954 #10885 Quarouble, France Second landing here, seen by Marius Dewilde (cf 10/10/1954 #10887 rd, France. At 11:30 p.m. a second landing with occupants was witnessed her 10/10/1954 #10903 rugby ball resting on crutch-like landing gear. It was lit by a greenish l 10/14/1954 #11061 feet. One floats down like a leaf, landing about 350 feet in front of his c 10/15/1954 #11111 e countryside on this night. After landing it then emitted lights of variou 10/15/1954 #11121 ground with a falling leaf motion, landing only 100 meters away. The witnes 10/16/1954 #11150 nd the ground was plowed up at the landing site. Figures may have been seen 10/19/1954 #11249 LUNEVILLE, FR Oval landing traces / carrot patch. Flat grou 10/22/1954 #11313 order prohibiting “The overflight, landing, and take-off of aircraft, so-ca 10/25/1954 #11391 p / night lights zigzags. Possible landing. Observer(s) flees. / LDLN#319. 10/28/1954 #11459 te watched a saucer land on tripod landing gear, and saw three humanoids em 10/28/1954 #11470 sappeared in the glare of airplane landing lights. Sighting lasted 4-5 min 10/29/1954 #11479 d into the glare of the airplane's landing lights. The sighting lasted 4-5 10/29/1954 #11484 pproach with a wobbling motion and landing near him. Shaped like two washbo 11/4/1954 #11563 . Physical traces are found at the landing site: a white substance and a ci 11/5/1954 #11579 indrical object with neck to side. Landing traces. / LDLN#325. 11/8/1954 #11593 Belgium Two villagers reported the landing of a 2-m-high "flying egg" in a 11/9/1954 #11610 s de Villers, Belgium reported the landing of a two-meter-high "flying egg" 11/9/1954 #11613 he ground and performed a vertical landing. Three people wearing “western” 11/27/1954 #11714 il, when he sees an unusual object landing a few hundred feet away. His dog 12/15/1954 #11815 the ground. The larger object had landing gear shaped like three round bal 12/15/1954 #11817 ellers / top and 3 below! Possible landing. 12/30/1954 #11878 .” The pilot guides the plane to a landing. No trace of a crashed object ca 1/14/1955 #11933 was able to make a safe emergency landing. 1/14/1955 #11934 Knights Landing, CA Winged Unidentified Executes 2/7/1955 #11979 ucky The Sutton family saw a light landing near their farmhouse, then sever 8/21/1955 #12385 earby roof and then walked off it, landing on his head, stunned but with no 8/29/1955 #12416 CA Globe / light responds / plane landing lights. 180° turn. / MJ#271. 11/14/1955 #12565 hite light approach plane, blinked landing lights; object blinked in seemin 11/14/1955 #12567 atterson AFB monitored a reported “landing” of a flying saucer in the Katag 1/24/1956 #12681 object was briefly made by a pilot landing at the airfield. 2/17/1956 #12724 30' saucer. Possible gun-footage / landing lights. Glows. 3/26/1956 #12767 o the west, skipping its scheduled landing at Syracuse after nearly 30 minu 4/8/1956 #12803 ss AFB “asked us our next point of landing and to identify the aircraft. I 4/16/1956 #12809 There was a reported landing of a UFO near Hicksville, New Yo 6/4/1956 #12883 unconfirmed report said there were landing traces, but the report couldn't 6/4/1956 #12883 1 hits saucer! Tail crushed. Crash landing. Big news. / r74p39. 7/22/1956 #13005 rrific blow. He makes an emergency landing at Kern County Airport [now clos 7/22/1956 #13007 ). 100' domed saucer / 3 circular "landing gear". 8/1956 (approximate) #13038 at 18,000 mph) and vanishes. After landing at RAF Odiham in Hampshire, the 8/30/1956 #13156 ports of a domed disc-shaped craft landing at White Sands Proving Ground, N 9/1956 #13168 ment to an intelligence unit after landing. Fall 1956 #13239 k on. Seeing that the grass at the landing site is flattened, they investig 11/11/1956 #13322 ize of a matchbox was found at the landing site. Metalurgical analysis reve 11/11/1956 #13323 Duboise passed / torpedo. Possible landing / ground observer(s). Project Bl 11/23/1956 #13345 dows soars up 30M and shoots away. Landing? 12/2/1956 #13382 ith vibrating sharp spines that is landing near a road sign. The sign start 4/14/1957 #13602 stronaut Gordon Cooper spots a UFO landing at Edwards AFB. 5/3/1957 #13644 cular ground mark was found at the landing site. 5/10/1957 #13655 erhead. Hovers / silence. Possible landing / trees. 5/21/1957 #13669 ence, and may have made a possible landing behind some trees. 5/21/1957 #13670 a half-mile away. Kern flashes his landing lights, and the object responds 6/3/1957 #13698 Venezuela Undocumented report of a landing and of "bellicose dwarfs." 6/5/1957 #13704 s and are taken to the hospital on landing. No known aircraft are in the vi 7/17/1957 #13809 Schemel has to make an unscheduled landing at Amarillo to hospitalize one p 7/22/1957 #13817 K. Current Jr. makes an emergency landing on the former U-2 airstrip at Gr 7/28/1957 #13848 les, as it rested on 2 ball shaped landing gears in a field outside town. A 7/30/1957 #13860 ncredible. Topsoil dug up from the landing area glowed in the dark. Also, w 7/30/1957 #13860 containing soil from the Galt UFO landing site, had grown to about 10 time 7/30/1957 #13860 acted by barking furiously. At the landing site the ground and vegetation w 7/30/1957 #13863 s saw small portholes and a tripod landing gear. The craft took off after 2 9/1957 #13964 and see a disc about 50 feet wide landing in the field and supported by th 9/1957 #13966 nesium. Penteado later goes to the landing site and takes plaster casts of 9/1957 #13966 he grass had been flattened at the landing site. 9/19/1957 #14015 Maryland Undocumented report of a landing observed by missile men. 9/29/1957 #14043 5:00 a.m. Undocumented report of a landing observed by missile men. 9/29/1957 #14045 g to ground level after 3 min, and landing several km away at the northern 11/3/1957 #14242 ground level after three minutes, landing several kilometers away at the n 11/3/1957 #14254 mes down in a steep 30° dive as if landing on Runway 26 to the north of the 11/4/1957 #14289 lternates bright and dim. Possible landing. / r111p99+. 11/5/1957 #14319 dt brings local police to view the landing site, where they find deep impri 11/5/1957 #14343 her witnesses and goes back to the landing site, but the object takes off, 11/5/1957 #14345 ound making a soft whirring sound, landing 150 meters away. After watching 11/6/1957 #14441 ts 50 feet above the ground before landing on Farin Road 2373. Guards attem 11/7/1957 #14465 g brightly and equipped with three landing gears. Long estimates they are a 11/23/1957 #14603 take off abruptly, retracting the landing gears. The rise about 50 feet in 11/23/1957 #14603 ape of a triangle are found at the landing site. 11/23/1957 #14603 rmer. The grass was crushed at the landing site. In Barra do Pirai, Brazil 12/10/1957 #14705 r the runway awaiting an emergency landing by an American jet fighter low o 1958 #14783 me, the jet that is low on fuel is landing. A second jet is asked to check 1958 #14783 5 second(s). (Rumors / ball-shaped landing gear.) 6/21/1958 #15109 tarmac. As the object retracts its landing gear, he manages to alert anothe Summer 1958 #15112 anged. The Martians are supposedly landing in Caracavelos, Portugal. A cert 6/25/1958 #15116 ct 300 feet up and coming in for a landing at 30 mph. It moves over trees, 9/29/1958 #15286 so seen the object. They go to the landing site and find broken branches an 9/29/1958 #15286 w minutes later they return to the landing site and find flattened grass an 11/9/1958 #15435 ude, hovering at tree height, then landing. It was observed for two min. 11/17/1958 #15448 ut five meters wide, set on tripod landing gear. Next they were suddenly at 12/20/1958 #15491 t were a plane making an emergency landing. The lights eventually coalesced 1/13/1959 #15551 irliner on fire attempting a crash landing, so he went to investigate. Usin 2/28/1959 #15624 ht 6-year-old Kim Marks of Purnong Landing, South Australia was preparing f 3/12/1959 #15637 Driving over a hill in Purnong Landing, South Australia at 2:10 a.m., 1 3/13/1959 #15642 La Pampa, Argentina. Grass at the landing site was flattened. 5/20/1959 #15742 nd, Australia Hunters reported the landing of a red object on the island. O 7/14/1959 #15851 of Aboriginal hunters reported the landing of a red glowing object on a hil 7/14/1959 #15853 e underbrush prevented approaching landing site. 8/13/1959 #15917 ically. It was round, had a tripod landing gear, two rows of bright opening 8/25/1959 #15937 e object is circular, has a tripod landing gear and two rows of bright open 8/25/1959 #15938 ribed the UFO as round with tripod landing gear and two rows of bright open 8/25/1959 #15939 r, three portholes, three legs for landing gear, and a central column. It a 4/27/1960 #16244 d-shaped scorched marking found at landing site. [NICAP UFOE, VIII] (NICAP: 5/24/1960 #16299 nd turns / 200M altitude. Possible landing / hills. Balloon? 6/29/1960 #16319 ct. It rose vertically, folded its landing gear, and shot off straight up. 11/13/1960 #16502 with them refused to approach the landing site. The incident lasted 20 min 1/6/1961 #16564 at least 25 witnesses to the crash landing. 4/27/1961 #16664 . Flattened grass was found at the landing site. 5/22/1961 #16694 orities, however, no evidence of a landing was discovered. 7/17/1961 #16764 ash, they rush to the scene of its landing, where they find at 150 yards di Late 11/1961 #16978 They return to the spot where the landing takes place, and they see the fi Late 11/1961 #16978 y, the silo-like object reappears, landing gently 150 yards away with two o Late 11/1961 #16978 ight parallel to each other. After landing, the crew is told not to talk ab 1962 #17006 ce from a power plant close to the landing site. It is described as a “glow 4/18/1962 #17120 rgentine Navy pilots, two reported landing cases. (NICAP UFO Evidence, See 5/1962 #17144 , interviews the witnesses. At the landing site, grass is burned over an ar 5/12/1962 #17165 urnt in a 60m radius circle at the landing site, insects were carbonized, a 5/12/1962 #17166 n a nearby mountain. Shortly after landing it reappeared in the sky, and st 5/26/1962 #17207 ing at high speed. Harvey orders a landing strip freed up but the light, ap 8/2/1962 #17317 Colorado Undocumented claim that a landing took place. No traces. 10/24/1962 #17490 ion. They are on final approach to landing when a huge, metallic-gray, ciga Late 10/1962 #17496 o be doing something to one of the landing legs. He seems to have some trou 10/28/1962 #17513 ted he seemed to be working on the landing gear. He then put some plants in 10/28/1962 #17514 f the UFO and forcefully returned, landing on structures behind the teens. 11/30/1962 #17565 ck, roundish ring, set on a tripod landing gear supporting the base of the 1/4/1963 #17628 A domed disc with tripod landing gear landed in a park in Rome, I 1/4/1963 #17629 iameter. The man who witnessed the landing said he felt a gust of wind as t 1/4/1963 #17629 a whitish powder was found at the landing site. 1/31/1963 #17647 server(s). UFO flies. Student sees landing / schoolyard. / USAF Tech. Intel 2/5/1963 (approximate) #17650 e, burning two of them. There were landing imprints and footprints at the s 7/18/1963 #17839 Aeronautics Administration. After landing, the crew is debriefed by air tr 10/1963 #17968 Two men witnessed a UFO landing in Alta Gracia, Cordoba Province 11/28/1963 #18059 nknown A Japanese man reported the landing of an object, from which emerged 12/1963 #18060 e, Gabon A fisherman witnessed the landing of a craft, from which a terrify 12/25/1963 #18094 in Libreville, Gabon witnessed the landing of a unusual craft on this night 12/25/1963 #18095 ere found suggesting imprints from landing gear. 12/27/1963 #18099 Northern Territory, Australia The landing craft Loellen M. is in the Gulf 1/23/1964 #18117 NG Low-altitude UFO's mimic planes landing. 1+/ week for months! 2/1964 #18122 and Jensen saw a glowing disc with landing gear land in a nearby paddock in 2/29/1964 #18141 liceman Lonnie Zamora observed the landing of a white craft, resting on fou 4/24/1964 #18194 Burning and charred brush found at landing sight. 4/24/1964 #18195 some metal traces on a rock in the landing area; they take the sample to NA 4/24/1964 #18200 lar indentations were found at the landing site. 4/29/1964 #18222 sion in the ground at the supposed landing site. 4/30/1964 #18233 lar indentations were found at the landing site. 4/30/1964 #18235 ctivity was allegedly found at the landing site. 5/17/1964 #18278 ol cafeteria employees watched the landing and take-off of a round UFO from 5/22/1964 #18291 he grass had been flattened at the landing site. (2) On that same day a UFO 5/22/1964 #18291 MBERVILLE, OH Red object darkens / landing in wheatfield. Goes slow. / r3p4 6/13/1964 #18349 ree ground marks were found at the landing site. 7/16/1964 #18422 repair work on a round object with landing struts for four hours. Some of t 11/25/1964 #18637 ject lands / woods. Burnt area and landing marks. / r180p32. 11/30/1964 #18645 earby woods at 11 p.m. Burnt area, landing marks, and radioactivity found a 11/30/1964 #18649 landed. Radioactive area found at landing site 12/21/1964 #18668 gh her window what seems to be the landing lights of an airplane apparently 1/12/1965 #18720 e file, are found leading from the landing site to the evergreens, where th 1/12/1965 #18720 d dune grass was discovered at the landing site. 2/3/1965 #18797 iece suits. There were later found landing imprints and footprints at the l 2/14/1965 #18814 ing imprints and footprints at the landing site. 2/14/1965 #18814 rvations in preparation for a moon landing. 2/16/1965 #18819 rts rotating counterclockwise, the landing gear retract, then it takes off 3/2/1965 #18832 Entity Case / Hoax”; “The Florida ‘Landing’ Incident,” APRO Bulletin, March 3/2/1965 #18832 idistant 6 inch holes, left by the landing gear. There were also two folded 3/2/1965 #18833 r damaged foliage was found at the landing site. 3/14/1965 #18854 . His eye damage is permanent. The landing marks and burned trees are verif 3/15/1965 #18859 d that he was paralyzed during the landing of a silent, large, egg-shaped o 4/1965 #18885 sound. It had headlights, a tripod landing gear, and supported another disk 5/23/1965 #18953 disclosed damaged trees and other landing traces. 5/23/1965 #18953 ight on top, flying in circles and landing on a hilltop. The Lujan police s 5/24/1965 #18960 flattened grass, was found at the landing site the next morning. 5/24/1965 #18963 ight on top, flying in circles and landing on a hilltop. The Lujan police s 5/24/1965 #18965 0 feet away, then landed on tripod landing gear that emerged from the under 5/30/1965 #18977 regain control. Tracks left by the landing gear are found later by Masse an 7/1/1965 #19047 One of the most famous landing and humanoid reports occurred on 7/1/1965 #19049 6 m in diameter, with two V-shaped landing pads and a dome, which had lande 7/12/1965 #19095 n diameter, which had two V-shaped landing pads and a dome, and which had l 7/12/1965 #19099 t left behind ground traces at the landing site. 7/15/1965 #19108 antastic speed. This was the third landing on a beach reported in Jul.. 7/19/1965 #19132 ns and sees an oval- shaped object landing in the vacant lot and hovering a 7/26/1965 #19181 uminous object resting on a tripod landing gear, and observed it for one ho 7/30/1965 #19211 sc-shaped object resting on tripod landing gear, and observed it for one ho 7/30/1965 #19212 and observed it for one hour. The landing occurred in Goonumbla, New South 7/30/1965 #19212 y. 300M ovoid going quickly south. Landing? / r111p239+/ r41p242. 8/2/1965 #19253 in 100' / Lewisville Dam. Possible landing / lake nearby. Type unknown. No 8/2/1965 #19256 r” and heard a rush of air. At the landing site, in an old quarry, he found 8/13/1965 #19384 in Voter, observed a strange craft landing near the Inca ruins that they we 8/20/1965 #19438 in its passage overhead and, after landing, the Yacobis could see luminous 8/20/1965 #19444 uanuco, Peru A worker observed the landing of an oval object on an airfield 9/1/1965 #19491 verton, S. Africa Multiple police, landing, traces. (#214) (NICAP: 06 - Tra 9/16/1965 #19571 eatures visible / domed saucer. No landing seen. / FSR'66#3. 10/4/1965 #19640 inutes examining it and can see no landing gear (although it seems to be su Mid 10/1965 #19659 and, Australia on this day. It had landing gear displayed underneath. At 7: 10/17/1965 #19661 hes were flattened during the near landing. 11/29/1965 #19740 litary personnel cordoning off the landing area. The object was transported 12/9/1965 #19760 er. There were no doors, ports, or landing gear visible, but a lateral line 1/5/1966 #19806 lowing orange disc with three legs landing and taking off again. Rectangula 2/6/1966 #19883 ightly lighted disc with legs seen landing and taking off again. Imprints a 2/6/1966 #19886 f the airport, where an aircraft’s landing lights light up the UFO. Then it 2/6/1966 #19887 oaxing his sighting, including the landing marks and physical traces, in or 2/6/1966 #19888 rcular area of burned grass at the landing site. 2/6/1966 #19891 found depressed (imprints) at the landing spot. (Phillips, 1975. p. 40; fr 2/25/1966 #19917 Dexter and Hillsdale, MI Landing, structured object, multiple wit 3/14/1966 #19962 Dexter and Hillsdale, MI Landing, structured object, multiple wit 3/14/1966 #19963 Radiation is later detected at the landing area of about 330–600 microroent 3/21/1966 #20021 ast at about 700 mph. There are no landing traces. Laxson finds another wit 3/23/1966 #20050 t 35 feet by 100 feet and apparent landing gear or skid marks (physical tra 3/24/1966 #20066 ces) were found in the snow at the landing site. (NICAP report.) (NICAP: 06 3/24/1966 #20066 of air from the object, which left landing imprints in the soil. 3/29/1966 #20142 d through trees and then ascended. Landing traces were also found at this s 3/29/1966 #20143 ing at low altitude and apparently landing. Four small occupants (described 4/22/1966 #20368 aped object with multiple legs for landing gear and a light beam, making a 4/23/1966 #20391 an AFB, MO Multi witness, daylight landing, (#234) occupants (NICAP: 06 - T 5/1966 #20436 acas, Venezuela A man observed the landing of an oval object and two beings 5/10/1966 #20471 acas, Venezuela a man observed the landing of an oval-shaped object and two 5/10/1966 #20475 object leaves three impressions of landing pads about 4 feet square. 5/22/1966 #20507 d an object flying erratically and landing 300 m away. It had the shape of 7/31/1966 #20701 as about 30 minutes in all. At the landing site the grass was matted down, 8/1/1966 #20720 A landing with ground marks occurred short 8/22/1966 #20788 land near a farm. It had a tripod landing gear, two red lights, two white 9/13/1966 #20877 .” An Air Force investigator finds landing indentations 7 inches deep and [ 9/13/1966 #20879 ive-minute sighting. It had tripod landing gear, two red lights, two white 9/13/1966 #20880 en / bottom/underside. Vanishes on landing! 9/30/1966 #20936 . Flattened grass was found at the landing site. 12/25/1966 #21221 bin. The craft settled on a tripod landing gear; it measured 25 m in diamet 1/5/1967 #21258 uck. The craft settled on a tripod landing gear; it measured 25 meters in d 1/5/1967 #21261 vation lasted five minutes, and no landing traces were found in the garden. 2/5/1967 #21463 hovered in view of many witnesses, landing in a nearby field. Marks were fo 2/14/1967 #21543 the snow (physical traces) at the landing spot next day. (Letter dated 2/2 2/14/1967 #21543 eing it, but there was another UFO landing that evening near Weston, Missou 2/16/1967 #21574 diameter ice area was found at the landing site, which caused a compass to 2/21/1967 #21616 off out of sight. No footprints or landing imprints were found in the snow 3/1/1967 #21715 ds. Aliens exit. Telepathy = "keep landing secret. 3/10/1967 (approximate) #21845 ield before disappearing, possibly landing. (Munday report, Urbana, 9/6/67, 3/18/1967 #21916 Tuscumbia, MO Daylight landing, (#1014), occupants, close appro 3/20/1967 #21920 two lights that they thought were landing lights on aircraft, but they cam 3/20/1967 #21922 two lights that they thought were landing lights on an aircraft, but they 3/20/1967 #21927 New Baden, IL Multiple witnesses, landing, (#268). (NICAP: 06 - Trace Case 3/21/1967 #21933 from this area, including one of a landing observation. At dawn, police and 3/24/1967 #21968 including one of an unknown object landing. A truck driver named Williams s 3/24/1967 #21975 DK 2 boys. UFO with tripod / near landing. Dumps rocks. 8 pseudo-human/ent 4/1/1967? #22032 ow their airplane during its final landing approach. 4/17/1967 #22153 Airlines airliner coming in for a landing had a dramatic encounter with a 4/17/1967 #22157 e in on the object and flashed his landing lights, but there was no respons 4/18/1967 #22158 se with the object and flashed his landing lights to get its attention, but 4/18/1967 #22161 he ground. A whirring sound during landing stopped once the object was at r 4/26/1967 #22220 physical traces) were found at the landing site. (NICAP report form and uni 4/26/1967 #22220 meter tall object left behind six landing imprints in the ground after it 4/26/1967 #22224 he ground. A whirring sound during landing stopped once the object was at r 4/26/1967 #22224 physical traces) were found at the landing site. 4/26/1967 #22224 reign Legion watch a bright object landing in a “falling leaf” motion. When 5/1967 #22255 n by a tree, with a portion of its landing gear visible. The second object 5/6/1967 #22284 the UFO took off. Two parts of the landing gear are shown in first photo, w 5/6/1967 #22287 to the object. Following this some landing legs appeared. The event lasted 5/6/1967 #22288 Braniff flight was coming in for a landing on runway 35. The track of the o 5/13/1967 #22335 Braniff flight is coming in for a landing on runway 35. The track of the o 5/13/1967 #22337 Braniff flight was coming in for a landing, and the track of the object beh 5/13/1967 #22339 atient treatment. He relocates the landing site on June 30, 1967, and the R 5/20/1967 #22382 o State, Brazil. It had 4 legs for landing gear. A short humanoid was seen 5/30/1967 #22427 ausejour, Manitoba, Canada Another landing took place near a farm outside B 5/31/1967 #22430 ith windows and three less (tripod landing gear) landed , leaving three hol 6/1/1967 #22442 ned grass (physical traces) at the landing site. (BallesterOlmos, 1976, p. 6/1/1967 #22442 the ground and burnt grass at the landing site. The holes were rectangular 6/1/1967 #22449 lberta, officially dedicates a UFO landing pad as a public park and as a sa 6/3/1967 #22457 mph without making a sound. At the landing site branches were broken and th 6/13/1967 #22504 PRAT DE LLOBREGAT, SP Plane landing aborted. Night lights on runway! 6/15/1967? #22507 15 feet in diameter sitting on the landing strip of the ranch. They initial 8/13/1967 #22873 ree figures "playing about" on the landing strip of the owner of the Fazend 8/13/1967 #22874 le yellow color. At the end of the landing strip was a landed UFO having th 8/13/1967 #22874 egs, but instead of resting on the landing gear it was actually hovering ju 8/15/1967 #22883 Hamilton County, IN Landing report. Source and details unkno 8/23/1967 #22898 r odor and the dried grass” at the landing spot. The case is reopened and s 8/29/1967 #22954 Arthur Shuttlewood went toward the landing sight, and at 300 meters distanc 8/29/1967 #22956 says he is in severe shock. At the landing site, police find some foul-smel 9/14/1967 #23060 ved out of sight. No traces of the landing were found in the field. (Evenin 9/18/1967 #23082 silver object going quickly north. Landing? Burnt trees and grass. Very hot 9/28/1967 #23139 Gold triangle going east. Possible landing or fall. No trace found. 10/4/1967 #23173 g sound as it retracted its tripod landing gear and flew off. He reportedly 10/6/1967 #23187 MONTADROIT, JURA Very strange landing traces only. 30cm. 12cm deep. No 10/8/1967? #23193 et look around for evidence at the landing site, but all they find is a sma 10/21/1967 #23282 14, and a third boy, reported the landing of a dome-shaped object with a s 10/25/1967 #23318 ported that they had witnessed the landing of a dome-shaped object with a s 10/25/1967 #23323 disappeared behind some trees. No landing traces were found. 11/12/1967 #23439 cular burned area was found at the landing site. At the same time John Keel 11/19/1967 #23483 fied and got bibles and prayed. No landing indications in frozen ground. (B 1/24/1968 #23694 -orange disc with a flashing light landing in the sand. It is about 9 feet Mid 4/1968 #23906 urrounding it. A few minutes after landing, it takes off at high speed, dis 5/27/1968 #23987 und the edges. A few minutes after landing, the object reappeared, then mov 5/27/1968 #23989 gers, for 5 minutes during a night landing at Punta Arenas airport, Chile. 6/6/1968 #24013 a heavy device had landed. At the landing site three indentations were fou 6/14/1968 #24033 tions were found suggesting tripod landing gear, inscribing a circle about 6/14/1968 #24033 d by a cerebral hemorrhage. At the landing site there was a wide area of bu 6/19/1968 #24051 ication between us and them). 3 2M landing traces. 7/1968 #24099 d take off. Rizzi claims there are landing marks, effects on the grass, and 7/1968 #24109 named Antônio Alegre examines the landing site shortly afterward and finds 7/1/1968 #24118 reaching down to the ground. These landing devices were retracted inside th 7/1/1968 #24120 nd marks left behind by the tripod landing gear: imprints 7m x 6.8m x 5.45m 7/1/1968 #24120 terrified. The family goes to the landing site and finds three holes, each 7/2/1968 #24131 Sierra Chica Social Club visit the landing site and declare the holes to be 7/2/1968 #24131 t smells of sulfur is found at the landing site. It persists for two days. 7/22/1968 #24204 re visible from the waist up only. Landing gear imprints were found at the 7/22/1968 #24205 ng gear imprints were found at the landing site and several small potted tr 7/22/1968 #24205 of crushed grain was found at the landing site. 7/28/1968 #24245 afterward, as well as six apparent landing marks in the ground. A country c 7/31/1968 #24271 and it had two wheels in front for landing gear. The object rose up and was 8/2/1968 #24291 burned area was found later at the landing point. 8/26/1968 #24380 about his appearance. Later at the landing site was found a circle of press 8/31/1968 #24409 sses over the beach before briefly landing. One witness, Professor Sohail S 9/9/1968 #24448 eters in diameter" at the supposed landing site. 9/24/1968 #24509 3M saucer / slow descent. Possible landing behind oil refinery. 9/25/1968 #24510 ust over 2 feet in diameter at the landing site. Inside this is a smaller c 9/26/1968 #24516 4M saucers beam lights. Go dark on landing. Observers are "absolute(ly) rel 10/1968 #24531 imes, and when the car reached the landing site on the road, car lights wen 10/26/1968 #24590 s car. Going north ahead. Possible landing. 11/5/1968 #24632 FORBES LANDING, BC Globe / light lands / road. 11/13/1968 #24651 /underside lights ground. Possible landing. 12/8/1968 #24749 te, crushed grass was found at the landing site. 1/13/1969 #24838 a friend they found three apparent landing marks at the site, six feet apar 1/15/1969 #24850 investigation found three apparent landing imprints, arranged in a triangle 1/16/1969 #24853 overs. Going up and down. Possible landing. Quickly going up [to] fast. 1/17/1969 #24855 described as "very pretty." After landing it made an abrupt turn to pass u 1/29/1969 #24877 It performed some maneuvers before landing 100 meters away. Senor Gusmao le 1/31/1969 #24882 im. On the ground were found three landing gear leg marks. 2/6/1969 #24897 feet high, and it rested on tripod landing gear. Three crew members emerged 2/20/1969 #24936 RT/APARTMENT, FR 4 / 2 helicopters landing. Green luminous object west goin 2/25/1969 #24943 children to go immediately to the landing site to assist any possible surv 3/31/1969 #25041 rs. Shepherd sees saucer. Possible landing and small humanoids (or Greys). 4/1969 #25042 tness vaguely recalling the object landing and shining a beam of light towa 4/5/1969 #25051 re follows another flight, another landing. Da Silva awakens in the dawn of 5/4/1969 #25114 e UFO appeared. Ground traces of a landing were found in a nearby field, an 5/28/1969 #25167 azilian Air Force investigates the landing, and UFO investigator Hans Bemel 6/26/1969 #25236 fter a series of UFO sightings and landing traces are reported in the area 7/1969 #25241 io Bermudez, an adult, went to the landing site and approached to within 20 7/4/1969 #25253 ops. Maneuvers and tilts. Possible landing. Local wave. 7/24/1969 #25295 le of burnt brush was found at the landing site, with deep tripod indentati 9/4/1969 #25352 ky. Ground marks were found at the landing site: there was an 10 foot oval- 10/30/1969 #25440 volving animal reactions and burnt landing traces from New Zealand on this 11/5/1969 #25452 SP Chemical Engineer. 8M saucer / landing gear. Glows. Burnt traces. / r50 11/25/1969 #25471 turn going down. Splits. Possible landing. 1/17/1970 #25547 AKE ANTON, SWD Night lights. Burnt landing marks by house mildly radioactiv 4/30/1970 #25646 ker accompanies the witness to the landing site, where they discover six ci 6/1970 #25684 low and 4 lights / underside. Near landing. 8/20/1970 #25798 of yellow-white light. Three round landing marks in a triangular formation 8/29/1970 #25808 n the test samples from one of the landing marks. 8/29/1970 #25808 h. Ground traces were found at the landing site. 9/9/1970 #25833 d object that had landed on tripod landing gear by an old Roman road. Groun 9/28/1970 #25859 gs in the snow. At the end of each landing foot there had ben a round plate 2/5/1971 #26014 er and had difficulty moving. Four landing leg marks and small footprints w 2/5/1971 #26015 r town. Rake-marks at flattened 3M landing spot. / r50p32. 2/18/1971 #26024 a flattened, 3-meter wide circular landing spot. 2/18/1971 #26025 ilvery ovoid UFO with four legs or landing gear fly overhead. The legs had 4/23/1971 #26079 ead. The legs had what looked like landing pads at the ends of them, and th 4/23/1971 #26079 sed him to lose consciousness. The landing site had burnt grass. 5/27/1971 #26139 a flash the color of a skyrocket. Landing traces were found at the sight, 6/5/1971 #26158 r the object left the grass at the landing site was charred black over an a 6/9/1971 #26165 e witness to have been left at the landing site. 9/11/1971 #26328 n, when he sees a bus-sized object landing near an abandoned well 1,000 fee 9/12/1971? #26330 e witness to have been left at the landing site. 9/12/1971 #26331 cond kind with a UFO that involved landing traces and physiological effects 9/19/1971 #26348 s, KS Sheep become agitated during landing event (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reacti 11/2/1971 #26446 ground, sheep reacted, light beam, landing traces, physiological effects 11/2/1971 #26448 l samples. The ground marks at the landing site included 3 leg marks and 2 12/31/1971 #26525 or oval-shaped object with tripod landing gear descend from the sky, then 3/10/1972 #26599 e / sky. Pendulum motion. Possible landing traces / r30p374. 3/12/1972 #26600 s, Kansas, for submitting the 1971 landing trace evidence. The panel awards 3/12/1972 #26601 e house. 4 depressions / soil like landing gear. 3/24/1972 #26621 st. Traces were later found at the landing site. 3/25/1972 #26623 er the impression of an "astronaut landing on the moon." 4/24/1972 #26661 g a round object sitting on tripod landing gear. Moving about underneath it 5/2/1972 #26669 x-sided object with four legs with landing pads, descended from 150 feet al 5/13/1972 #26682 in Dayton, Iowa an ovoid object w landing gear was seen to touch down and 6/6/1972 #26704 circular imprints of its supposed landing gear found in damp clay soil. On 6/26/1972 #26735 ulti witness, long duration (#533) landing (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) 8/17/1972 #26925 rectangular object with a dome and landing gear while driving 40 miles nort 8/28/1972 #26965 endulum movements in the sky, then landing on Mount Rouge. The object was 1 9/21/1972 #27021 and took concrete blocks from the landing site. 10/14/1972 #27076 und in the soil at the site of the landing. 11/30/1972 #27155 und in the woods, at the suspected landing site. 12/7/1972 #27164 low 8 foot crater was found at the landing site the next day. 12/10/1972 #27168 crosses road / low altitude as if landing / field. 1/6/1973 #27222 day several people went out to the landing site, where they found a large p 2/26/1973 #27318 oberto Herrera humanoid encounter, landing with physical traces (NICAP: 06 3/13/1973 #27342 was aluminum colored while it was landing, but turned color to a dull copp 3/13/1973 #27343 und he was already standing at the landing marks, having moved 50 feet with 3/13/1973 #27343 nd 11:00 p.m. a sphere with tripod landing gear was seen rising from a lake 3/14/1973 #27347 y low altitude near road. Possible landing. / saga. 3/23/1973 #27367 c-shaped object with portholes and landing gear came down and landed in the 4/6/1973 #27407 c-shaped object with portholes and landing gear came down and landed in the 4/6/1973 #27409 est of Ellsinore, Missouri. At the landing site were found three holes in t 4/6/1973 #27409 om road that they presumed was the landing site. However, when they drove t 4/30/1973 #27457 of using 3,200 feet of a 1971 UFO landing footage at Holloman AFB, New Mex 5/1973 #27460 ncouraged to describe the Holloman landing as something that might happen i 5/1973 #27460 ess to classified footage of a UAP landing in 1971 at Holloman AFB, NM. Col 5/1973 #27461 -production, permission to use the landing film is withdrawn. https://web. 5/1973 #27461 round marks were found nearby at a landing site. There were three similar r 5/14/1973 #27486 across was found as a possible UFO landing site in Old Junee, New South Wal 6/3/1973 #27548 ht light maneuvers oddly. Possible landing / canyon. 6/19/1973 #27571 Columbia, MO Mobile home park UFO landing, sound, E-M, animal reactions, l 6/28/1973 #27595 Glaring ovoid follows airliner in landing pattern. 9/3/1973 #27750 Many people witnessed the landing of a four meter long vertical cy 9/3/1973 #27753 he UFO turned out its lights after landing. 9/9/1973 #27796 pidly and in total silence. At the landing site, a bush and some grass had 9/27/1973 #27879 / SIX LAKES, MI Saucer / possible landing. Night lights all over/all about 9/29/1973 #27885 :30 p.m. Franklin County man found landing site of object he saw hovering n 9/30/1973 #27890 ranklin County, Ohio man found the landing site of an object he had seen ho 9/30/1973 #27893 d was next seen crossing the road. Landing gear imprints were found at the 10/11/1973 #28007 SC Football object seen. Possible landing / Lower Richland. / news. 10/12/1973 #28013 n the dirt road later, as well as "landing marks" two feet long by 12 feet 10/15/1973 #28061 after investigating a reported UFO landing. (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 10/17/1973 #28125 received many reports, including a landing report with traces in Uniontown, 10/17/1973 #28134 after investigating a reported UFO landing. The Chief stopped his car in th 10/17/1973 #28142 ing-ovoid chases small truck. Near landing / separate observer(s). Observer 10/19/1973 #28181 arrives at 9:45 p.m. and finds the landing spot still glowing slightly. The 10/25/1973 #28285 speed away. Marks are found at the landing site. Mid 11/1973 #28424 nishing series of maneuvers before landing on three supports about 60 meter 11/18/1973 #28443 turn going quickly northwest. Many landing traces / wheatfield. 11/28/1973 (approximate) #28471 nderwood, Iowa. A search showed no landing traces in the snow. 12/5/1973 #28524 A AND LIVORNO, ITL Airliner delays landing 3X. Night lights and RADAR blips 12/6/1973 #28528 a.m., an airliner was delayed from landing three times because of nocturnal 12/6/1973 #28534 ts were found in the ground at the landing site. They were arranged in a 1. 12/6/1973 #28535 nd some trees. It left behind some landing traces on the ground. 12/11/1973 #28557 ts over road. Small footprints and landing traces. 12/30/1973 #28615 0 meters wide, and stood on tripod landing gear. It had patches of orange l 1/7/1974 #28661 top. The three beings boarded, the landing gear withdrew, and the object ro 1/7/1974 #28661 er over fields and woods. Probable landing. Rises. Going quickly northwest. 2/2/1974 #28725 nd for several hours. Later at the landing site investigators found three i 2/8/1974 #28749 surveys industrial zone. Possible landing. / r30p461. 2/28/1974 #28812 Physical traces were found at the landing site. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encount 2/28/1974 #28820 nd Richard N. Clifton drove to the landing site by truck and observed the s 3/1/1974 #28843 h. Night lights maneuver. Possible landing. / r30p469. 3/5/1974 #28859 ass. Gold beams protrude. Possible landing. Colored flashing. / r30. 3/5/1974 #28861 Fifteen minutes after the UFO landing in France, all passengers aboard 4/15/1974 #29033 appeared to land. At the suspected landing site large scorched areas and ma 4/23/1974 #29058 ed area 60 feet in diameter at the landing site. 4/30/1974 #29072 by when the incident occurred. The landing spot was on a geologic faultline 5/7/1974 #29092 New Mexico, and a recreation of a landing at a hypothetical military base. 5/9/1974 #29097 their cars. The UFO made a remote landing but no traces were found on the 5/12/1974 #29102 a nearby forest. No evidence of a landing was found. Three hours later and 5/19/1974 #29114 uthwest an occupant report and UFO landing was made at Hampton Beach, New H 5/19/1974 #29114 EE, FR 42M luminous ovoid / wobbly landing. Big blast. Going up [to] and go 5/20/1974 #29116 e and below with central rim. Four landing legs. Hatch folded down, ramp ca 5/20/1974 #29118 f out to sea. The man searched the landing site and found a "deep, rose col 5/20/1974 #29120 nd thick liquid" in the four, deep landing marks. He also found a spot of r 5/20/1974 #29120 stigator could gather samples. The landing site is not far from an outflow 5/20/1974 #29120 -CHARNAY, FR Rays beam into house. Landing traces / oval pattern. / r50p488 5/25/1974 #29132 from an object that changed color. Landing traces were later found in an ov 5/25/1974 #29134 A grayish residue was found at the landing site. 5/28/1974 #29143 2 houses / 50M altitude. Possible landing / woods. 6/5/1974 #29164 investigate, and walked toward the landing site. He heard a number of other 6/8/1974 #29173 st. Crop circles were found at the landing sites. At 10:30 p.m. a domed ovo 8/2/1974 #29303 o traces were found at this second landing site. 8/2/1974 #29303 es were found on the ground at the landing site. The entire close encounter 8/16/1974 #29364 er and disappear. Fuhr goes to the landing area and finds five rings of dep 9/1/1974 #29417 ights descended and extended three landing legs from the bottom. The craft 9/3/1974 #29418 FO left behind ground marks at the landing site: a 35 foot wide burnt patch 9/9/1974 #29440 35 foot wide burnt patch, and four landing pad indentations. 9/9/1974 #29440 , and "lava rock" was found at the landing site. 9/16/1974 #29461 dent date coincides with emergency landing of two jet interceptors with one 10/24/1974 #29553 the side of the road near the UFO landing site. The being had slanted eyes 11/8/1974 #29589 stairs. Two beings appeared on the landing. Their body texture was "somethi 12/2/1974 #29630 6:50 p.m. A domed disc with three landing gear legs, 15 meters long with p 1/5/1975 #29719 ng with portholes, took off from a landing on a farm. It left behind ground 1/5/1975 #29719 ng with portholes, took off from a landing on a farm. It had three legs as 1/5/1975 #29726 g on a farm. It had three legs as landing gear. The principal witness was 1/5/1975 #29726 ground marks included three large landing pod imprints, irregularly spaced 1/5/1975 #29726 ng quickly south. Night lights and landing traces. / r231'75p14. 1/12/1975 #29742 osts were found pushed over at the landing site. 2/23/1975 #29839 l around it, and sticklike legs or landing gear. In their panic they repeat 3/2/1975 #29870 l around it, and sticklike legs or landing gear. (Source: Jay Rath, The W-F 3/8/1975 #29879 oke rising from the ground. At the landing site there were six burnt trees. 4/6/1975 #29977 sible that the object made a brief landing. 5/1/1975 #30017 object has impacted. He pulls the landing gear lever, but it fails to oper 5/3/1975 #30026 eave, Montiel is able to lower his landing gear manually and land safely. A 5/3/1975 #30026 leads investigators to a potential landing site. Using a radiation survey m 5/13/1975 #30056 disk zigzags across road. Possible landing. Animals upset. 6/3/1975 #30076 a. It is possible there had been a landing because the object had been so c 6/3/1975 #30079 craft going down / gravel road. 4 landing gear imprints. / r157v1#3. 6/12/1975 #30097 ers of the Crichfield family. Four landing gear imprints were found at the 6/12/1975 #30098 ers of the Crichfield family. Four landing gear imprints were found at the 6/12/1975 #30099 LANARIA, ALTA Y-shaped landing marks dug / farm field. No track 6/21/1975 #30113 on the beach. It landed on tripod landing gear and some humanoids exited t 6/28/1975 #30130 nd. It also reportedly had legs or landing gear. (Sources: Center for UFO S 7/20/1975 #30192 nd. It also reportedly had legs or landing gear. 7/20/1975 #30194 ve landed, leaving behind possible landing traces on the ground. It flew of 8/6/1975 #30241 unger witness they went off to the landing site, located among some old min 8/8/1975 #30244 zy blue metallic ovoid with tripod landing gear hovering in the clear night 8/10/1975 #30248 t 3,500 feet and is already on the landing approach to Jerez, when he recei 9/1975? #30333 the object, which had "four large landing gear like arms coming out of it. 9/15/1975 #30363 TON, VA Thin white oval disk paces landing jet closely. Sudden 90° turn awa 11/1975 #30527 hem. Soil samples from the alleged landing site are submitted to geologist 11/2/1975 #30540 observer(s). Helicopters / pontoon landing gear. 4 mutilated cows found / 1 11/3/1975 (approximate) #30541 that the lights come from aircraft landing at the Cedar Rapids Municipal Ai 11/17/1975 #30636 ok launches a host of similar moon landing conspiracy theories. 1976 #30743 g. (UFO 57 NIDS) A report of a UFO landing came in from the Simms area Febr 2/5/1976 #30847 he craft, and took off. There were landing traces at the site. 2/25/1976 #30907 e tracked on radar flying over the landing strips at Simón Bolívar Airport 3/15/1976 #30943 light on top and six blue windows, landing gear. He could see movement of f 4/22/1976 #31011 ise. 2M sphere going NNE. Possible landing. / LDLN#158. 6/23/1976 #31132 R, TUNS UFO follows jet airliner / landing approach. "Complete mystery". 8/4/1976 #31229 pears as a scallop-shaped craft on landing legs, stretching across the road 8/6/1976 #31240 n a hayfield. The son drove to the landing site and saw in his car headligh 8/7/1976 #31245 he pilot is interrogated after his landing by “military men.” 8/13/1976 #31261 o be healed of his arthritis pain. Landing traces were found at the site. 9/6/1976 #31350 ke an upturned funnel with windows landing for 3–4 minutes near Tacuarembo, 9/13/1976 #31382 t 45 feet in diameter. Police find landing marks and a burned area. 9/13/1976 #31382 nal draws IAF / same spot UFO seen landing earlier. 9/19/1976 #31404 rst sighted the UFO three circular landing marks were found; each consisted 10/24/1976 #31493 nnection. The object appears to be landing silently in a field to the east 12/15/1976 #31604 shape splits and rejoins. Possible landing field. No physical trace(s). 12/28/1976 #31635 ll on hill. Then 2nd UFO. Possible landing. 12/31/1976 #31644 owed him a TS document about a UAP landing at Nellis AFB in 1968 reading “L 1977 #31658 oadway, with five legs extended as landing gear. Both of the observers were 1/5/1977 #31699 olumbia Airliner, R/V, reaction to landing lites (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Case 1/21/1977 #31736 r. Responded to pilot flashing his landing lights. 1/21/1977 #31740 in response to his turning on his landing lights and head south after 3 mi 1/21/1977 #31744 . Pseudo-human/entity move inside. Landing traces. 1/23/1977 #31747 t behind a 12 foot wide burn mark, landing gear imprints, and a "greasy gra 1/23/1977 #31748 notices a “glimmering dust” at the landing site and the marks of five landi 2/11/1977 #31810 landing site and the marks of five landing gear. An analysis is performed b 2/11/1977 #31810 d what appeared to be three-legged landing gear dangling down. The craft ha 2/20/1977 #31833 and in the same area a week later. Landing traces were found at the site. 2/20/1977 #31833 xtend some legs in preparation for landing. One of the daughters gets sick 2/22/1977 #31839 is eyes irritated. He drove to the landing site on his scooter but found no 2/27/1977 #31853 or five minutes, but no noticeable landing traces were found at the site. ( 3/6/1977 #31864 or five minutes, but no noticeable landing traces were found at the site. 3/6/1977 #31866 burnt in the ground at a possible landing site. (Sources: Allan Hendry, Th 3/7/1977 #31871 d fireball maneuvers against wind. Landing holes. Burnt. 3/8/1977 #31875 burnt in the ground at a possible landing site. 3/8/1977 #31879 minous white UFO coming down for a landing. Then a human like figure, well 4/4/1977 #31941 minous white UFO coming down for a landing. It was ellipsoidal in shape wit 4/4/1977 #31943 sed when it landed, but she saw no landing gear. Then a human like figure, 4/4/1977 #31943 later. No traces were found at the landing site, which had been muddy. 4/4/1977 #31944 reception during this time. At the landing site different tracks and what a 4/6/1977 #31953 nd him and talk him down to a safe landing at El Dorado International Airpo 4/29/1977 #32035 egs that could be discerned. A UFO landing had been reported in the area a 5/8/1977 #32074 nts were found in the grass at the landing site. 5/15/1977 #32096 the object. They could not see any landing gear. To the right of the object 5/18/1977 #32111 west. The lights resemble aircraft landing lights, but they soon blink out 5/26/1977 #32133 Going down [to] 30M away. Possible landing / power station/depot/facility. 7/25/1977 (approximate) #32312 the air close by and extended its landing gear. A second disc approached a 8/11/1977 #32388 in evidence, and what looked like landing gear imprints were found in the 8/31/1977 #32446 e film culminates in a spectacular landing and contact hidden from the publ 11/17/1977 #32680 onymous phone call reporting a UFO landing. He drove to the location at 10: 11/29/1977 #32708 Danville, KY CE-2, landing, two women reluctant to talk. (M 12/1977 #32717 diamond-shape going east. Possible landing / beach. Vanishes. 4/15/1978 #33148 ported that they had witnessed the landing of a saucer-shaped craft nearby. 5/4/1978 #33187 saw a TS document that indicated a landing occurred at Nellis AFB in 1968; 8/1978 #33460 “A.K.” claims he witnessed a UAP landing at Ft. Riley in November 1964. * 8/1978 #33460 lights twice the size of aircraft landing lights. A humming sound can be h 8/24/1978 #33564 ulate the position of the supposed landing site and find a circular patch o 9/1/1978 #33622 dehydrated plants was found at the landing site. It was 6.5 meters by 3 met 9/2/1978 #33627 /underside. Hovers / site previous landing. Quickly going up. 9/16/1978 #33693 ct begins to rise, withdrawing its landing gear. The underside looks like i 9/18/1978 #33708 s to be illuminated by four bright landing lights. He is unable to confirm 10/21/1978 #33856 ields, Kuwait Technicians observed landing of disc-shaped object in oil fie 11/9/1978 #33934 ields, Kuwait Technicians observed landing of disc-shaped object in oil fie 11/9/1978 #33935 Kuwait Technicians observed landing of discshaped object in oil fiel 11/9/1978 #33937 stop working. It had four legs or landing gear appendages. 11/12/1978 #33949 30 p.m. local time, a UFO was seen landing remotely in Los Rios, a suburb o 11/20/1978 #33968 ting moving beams of light. It had landing gear and antennae. At 5:30 a.m. 11/21/1978 #33975 n a clearing 100 feet away on four landing pods. The entities climb aboard, 11/24/1978 #33995 und. EM effects were noted. At the landing site on some farm land there wer 12/6/1978 #34067 gators found unusual tracks at the landing site. 12/6/1978 #34068 n the same night as the Sicily UFO landing, on the shoreline of Saint Ewe i 12/17/1978 #34166 rollers and RADAR and pilots. Fake landing lights. Pace plane. / MJ#146+/ r 12/20/1978 #34180 get a glimpse of the object. After landing at Christchurch, Startup invites 12/31/1978 #34246 ad-colored, egg-shaped object with landing gear. Five or six dark- skinned 1/4/1979 #34294 disc-shaped objects land on tripod landing gear nearby, and three men weari 1/24/1979 #34375 disc-shaped objects land on tripod landing gear nearby, and three men weari 1/24/1979 #34377 for three minutes. It left behind landing traces. (Source: Timmothy Good, 2/22/1979 #34443 humming and approaches the girls, landing again on the slope about 80 feet 2/22/1979 #34444 for three minutes. It left behind landing traces. 2/22/1979 #34445 t left behind ground traces at the landing site. There were at least two wi 4/16/1979 #34511 Vizcacheras, Argentina Oil held landing, reaction to light, landing trac 5/1/1979 #34535 l held landing, reaction to light, landing traces (sections VII, X). (NICAP 5/1/1979 #34535 Vizcacheras, Argentina Oil field landing, reaction to light, landing trac 5/1/1979 #34536 field landing, reaction to light, landing traces 5/1/1979 #34536 l. The engineers go to inspect the landing spot and find a large circle in 5/1/1979 #34537 f. There was a circle found at the landing site of hardened ground. 5/1/1979 #34538 shaped and hovers for a bit before landing. It also has a large propeller a 5/16/1979 #34563 a choking motor and puts out four landing pods. He approaches and tries to 5/16/1979 #34563 t balanced above the ground before landing. It too had a large propeller at 5/16/1979 #34564 e ground it put out four, leg like landing pods. Arlindo approached and tri 5/16/1979 #34564 alaysia A disc with three legs for landing gear hovered just a half a meter 5/26/1979 #34585 A disc with three legs for landing gear hovered just a half a meter 5/26/1979 #34591 in 1982, with the craft supposedly landing close enough for him to see the 6/28/1979 #34639 O speeds away, leaving no findable landing traces. The witness claims his d 8/1979 #34692 ds the ground in an apparent crash landing. They ran up the embankment to g 8/19/1979 #34760 ses, but when they returned to the landing site the object and its occupant 8/29/1979 #34804 ys of blue and white light. At the landing site were found five holes, thre 9/19/1979 #34902 which was associated with the UFO landing. 9/19/1979 #34902 e notices a yellowish stain at the landing site. 10/1979 #34937 void or spherical object on tripod landing gear in a woodland clearing. Thi 11/9/1979 #34991 e. Ground traces were found at the landing site. He suffered lasting physio 11/9/1979 #34991 sh jetliner that made an emergency landing after being pursued by 2 UFOs at 11/11/1979 #34996 o off-course and make an emergency landing at the Manises airport in Valenc 11/11/1979 #34997 e”) in France is terrorized by the landing of a UFO and the sight of one of 11/27/1979 #35019 f its crew. GEPAN investigates the landing traces. Grass is flattened for s 11/27/1979 #35019 he grass had been flattened at the landing site, swirled in a spiral patter 11/27/1979 #35022 first mistaking it for an aircraft landing light. The object then stopped a 4/9/1980 #35261 veral minutes after it follows the landing pattern of aircraft into the air 6/14/1980 #35368 oving southwest over the water and landing in the ocean without a splash. A 6/15/1980 #35375 scending through 15,000 feet for a landing, a senior Kuwait Airways pilot a 6/20/1980 #35381 scending through 15,000 feet for a landing, a senior Kuwait Airways pilot a 6/20/1980 #35382 el had seen and photographed a UFO landing near Pecos, New Mexico. Weitzel 7/1980 #35397 raig R. Weitzel photographed a UAP landing near Pecos, NM. The letter claim 7/1980 #35398 Albuquerque, NM UFO landing near Kirtland, AFB (NICAP: 03 - 8/9/1980 #35452 well as an alleged report of a UFO landing on August 10 by a New Mexico sta 9/8/1980 #35505 course when the plane flashes its landing lights. The event is witnessed i 9/22/1980 #35528 course when the plane flashed its landing lights. The event was witnessed 9/22/1980 #35529 a black ring on the ground at the landing site. In addition, 10,000 gallon 9/30/1980 #35548 mates its speed at 45 mph. A pilot landing at the Olathe, Kansas, Air Route 11/18/1980 #35654 Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge UFO landing between the Bentwaters and Woodb 12/1980 #35684 s and a nearby concrete helicopter landing pad, with no airstrip or runway, 12/14/1980 #35716 publishes a photo of the supposed landing site taken on the morning after 12/26/1980 #35737 England - A famous close encounter landing with radar confirmation, and a p 12/27/1980 #35748 alt visits the alleged December 26 landing site with 20–30 servicemen (incl 12/28/1980 #35749 hey record 70–100 microR/hr at the landing site, in other regions they dete 12/28/1980 #35749 st” over half a mile away from the landing site. Halt records the events on 12/28/1980 #35749 ource of UFO reports. The supposed landing marks are identified by police a 12/28/1980 #35750 Trans-en-Provence, France Landing, physical trace case investigate 1/8/1981 #35778 analysis of wild alfalfa near the landing site shows chlorophyll levels 30 1/8/1981 #35779 eoff. Burnt grass was found at the landing site later, with the roots burnt 1/23/1981 #35796 below the surface. Three circular landing gear marks were located around t 1/23/1981 #35796 ed maneuvering over some woods and landing behind some trees in Colle Madda 1/28/1981 #35805 ed tree branches were found at the landing site. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encount 1/28/1981 #35805 ed maneuvering over some woods and landing behind some trees in Colle Madda 1/28/1981 #35806 ed tree branches were found at the landing site. 1/28/1981 #35806 ude. It had extended thin legs for landing gear, portholes, and a blindingl 8/28/1981 #36088 a powder residue were found at the landing site. 9/5/1981 #36102 On this day possible UFO landing traces were also found in Blanch 9/5/1981 #36103 that descended on telescopic like landing gear near the witnesses. A door 11/8/1981 #36211 1960s a pilot had to make a forced landing over a restricted air corridor a 1982 #36292 clear view as the aircraft begins landing at Galeão Airport in Rio de Jane 2/8/1982 #36327 ees a light similar to an aircraft landing light over the Lockport locks an 2/12/1982 #36340 ghts are much brighter than normal landing lights, and there are no airport 3/21/1982 #36404 nfirmed. Country: USA Name: “Huron Landing” YieldMax: 20KT 9/23/1982 #36612 nd Grooms steps out onto the tower landing with M- 16 in hand and looks str 11/25/1982 #36690 ds behind the tree line, seemingly landing in Busse Woods (Ned Brown Forest 11/27/1982 #36697 irtland AFB Holloman AFB Ellsworth landing Roswell Linda Moulton Howe flies 4/9/1983 #36830 bout the alleged 1971 Holloman AFB landing. Doty says Robert Emenegger got 4/9/1983 #36830 5, 1964, shortly after the Socorro landing. Transferring to his office at K 4/9/1983 #36830 t to talk about the 1977 Ellsworth landing. He shows her a bogus, undated d 4/9/1983 #36830 s, bodies, EBE-1, and the Holloman landing for her documentary. He says tha 4/9/1983 #36830 TV problems. Investigation of the landing site indicates that a heavy circ 4/10/1983 #36836 . They look around and see the UFO landing on the lake shore. The disc has 8/12/1983 #36949 t and travel southeast, apparently landing in a swampy area near a manufact 11/28/1983 #37052 n. When he is asked about possible landing cases, such as the 1980 Rendlesh 3/4/1984 #37216 t seems to be an airplane with its landing lights on and flying toward them Mid 6/1984 #37364 the strange instrument, as well as landing marks apparently caused by the o 10/8/1984 #37480 s the captain to make an emergency landing. Flight CA 933 is over Lanzhou, 6/11/1985 #37598 d the captain to make an emergency landing. Flight CA 933 was over Lanzhou, 6/11/1985 #37599 claims he had a dream of a saucer landing before funding Jupiter. Jupiter Summer 1985 #37607 A, TASMANIA Blue night lights exit landing 20M bullet shape. 12V battery bo 7/1985 #37612 2 men / glass dome. Extends legs. Landing physical traces. 8/8/1985 #37639 overed. The radiation level of the landing ground is normal. Photos of the 1/29/1986 #37775 ks, and burned wood taken from the landing ground shows that the chemical c 1/29/1986 #37775 object, with two apparent legs for landing, hovering and moving up, down, a 2/28/1986 #37793 for Petrobras, is preparing for a landing at São José dos Campos. His copi 5/19/1986 #37880 ike stars or planes.” Aborting the landing, they attempt to pursue one of t 5/19/1986 #37880 h 2,000 feet (600 meters) on their landing approach to Sao Jose de Campos, 5/19/1986 #37882 Air Force Capt. Faria de Sousa is landing his aircraft at Anápolis Air Bas 6/19/1987 #38194 al object follows light plane in / landing. Hovers / 4 minute(s). Going qui 12/5/1987 #38349 angerously close to an aircraft on landing approach, then followed the airc 12/5/1987 #38350 oke through clouds at 4600 feet on landing approach. The vertical cylinder 12/5/1987 #38350 ving-star circles airport. Ignores landing instructions.. 2/9/1988 #38447 alls / light arrive with 737. Buzz landing strip. 2/11/1988 #38455 d ellipse hovering over Lake Erie, landing on ice. Smaller triangular objec 3/4/1988 #38486 o the large one, which seems to be landing on the ice. They reenter it, the 3/4/1988 #38487 ce and burnt soil was found at the landing site. 10/24/1988 #38688 [to] and going [to] rear. Possible landing. 10/25/1988 #38691 form an uncrewed flight, including landing in fully automatic mode. 11/15/1988 #38715 UFO plays with its pursuer. After landing, the pilot is told that another 12/1/1988 #38733 , 18 meters in diameter with three landing gear. There were three aliens on 5/7/1989 #38939 e objects repeated the descent and landing. The children experience an epis 6/6/1989 #38982 n its chest also accompanied them. Landing traces were reportedly found, in 9/21/1989 #39115 hat on the craft’s hull and on the landing prop of another craft is the let 9/27/1989 #39124 rts the marks left by the supposed landing were simply scorch marks from a 9/27/1989 #39124 on of the craft's hull and on the landing prop of another craft was the le 9/27/1989 #39126 ith's Point Beach, Shirley, NY UFO landing and Government attempt at interc 9/28/1989 #39127 inside a glowing ovoid UFO wth two landing gear in Voronezh, Russia. A hori 10/11/1989 #39163 de. Stops / 15 minute(s). Possible landing. Shoots going up [to] extremely 6/12/1990 #39614 rtholes curves going ESE. Possible landing. / r238p104+157. 11/5/1990 #39844 age going [to] over town. Possible landing and burnt traces / Batovice. 1/18/1991 #39959 hted over the city. A possible UFO landing site with burnt traces was found 1/18/1991 #39961 east going quickly west. Possible landing? 2/27/1991 #39985 ght plane / 8 min! 1Kmph and more. Landing traces. 3/15/1991 #40013 ays Boeing 737 is descending for a landing at 8,000 feet near Heathrow Airp 6/1/1991 #40080 F Sgt. states he saw a report of a landing of a saucer type craft over the 7/1991 #40107 shaped disc with a flat bottom, no landing gear or windows but an access op 7/1991 #40107 (s). Saucer hours before scheduled landing / Suyuz Tm-13. 10/9/1991 #40208 CARRASCO AIRPORT/APARTMENT, URUG Landing lights near. No plane / RADAR. N 10/19/1991 #40213 lights near. No plane / RADAR. No landing. Lights vanish. 10/19/1991 #40213 ular ground trace was found at the landing site. A dog reacted during the i 12/1/1991 #40251 ver(s). Saucer maneuvers. Possible landing. Flashing lights. Flies going up 11/28/1992 #40733 mall flying craft with ball-shaped landing gear. Mr. Chagala was eventually 3/20/1993 #40895 hen he noticed a light outside his landing window. He peered out and saw a 4/17/1993 #40940 was 60 feet in length and had four landing legs, two of them appeared to be 4/19/1993 #40943 wn to the Cahills, confirm the UFO landing site, and their drawings of the 8/8/1993 #41117 left. No traces were found at the landing site. 12/9/1993 #41327 bject landed or came very close to landing in a field, illuminating the ent 1/4/1994 #41361 Going [to] under power lines. Near landing. Going north. 5/8/1994 #41517 imbabwe, see three or four objects landing in the “rough bush area” about 3 9/16/1994 #41754 dome; no traces were found at the landing site. The landing lasted three m 10/29/1994 #41820 ere found at the landing site. The landing lasted three minutes. 10/29/1994 #41820 , China A Boeing 737 is starting a landing approach at 7,900 feet at Guiyan 2/1995 #42006 et ahead is a huge object on three landing pads. It has the form of two inv 3/30/1995 #42127 white light. As they approach the landing, the light speeds up and crosses 7/1/1995 #42289 l directions. Videotaped. Possible landing. 7/8/1995 #42293 crew and 102 passengers, is in the landing pattern for San Carlos de Barilo 7/31/1995 #42347 flew along beside it as it made a landing approach to San Carlos de Barilo 7/31/1995 #42348 e featureless round object follows landing C130 plane. Vanishes! 8/27/1995 #42420 t approaches swiftly and silently, landing on a nearby islet. Their boat en 10/1/1995 #42529 n diameter. Four marks of apparent landing gear are also found, each measur 10/1/1995 #42529 r to report a bright ball of light landing in a nearby field. Two hours lat 10/31/1995 #42573 AIR FORCE BASE, CA CNN at shuttle landing. 3600 frames of top-saucer over 2/25/1996 #42779 raft. Footprints were found at the landing site. 3/6/1996 #42812 ary observed a similar large craft landing nearby them. It was white, diamo 4/16/1996 #42871 cle was found on the ground at the landing site. 4/17/1996 #42872 ne requested and made an emergency landing at Ben Gurion airport in Israel. 6/9/1996 #42929 peni, Romania, are supervising the landing of an airliner when they notice 7/14/1997 #43350 lights are switched on for another landing, the light blinks out and reappe 7/14/1997 #43350 ned throughout the duration of its landing. With the aid of binoculars and 9/26/1997 #43417 sunset light gleamed on it. After landing the figure went up the hill by m 9/14/1998 #43646 and moved in a mechanical manner. Landing traces found at the site consist 12/19/1998 #43700 n to Groom Lake, Nevada to see the landing of a test rocket. Adair states w 1999 #43709 ortedly found ground traces at the landing site. 12/17/1999 #43899 ht was seen hovering over and then landing in a marsh in Kampung Gobek, Mal 3/3/2000 #43964 ep ground traces were found at the landing site. 8/1/2001 #44217 ien-derived technologies, crashes, landing and associated events.” https:/ 4/25/2002 #44333 allée he believes the Holloman UAP landing was a false cover story for a ma 5/11/2002 #44342 on had two reports listed of a UFO landing with short humanoids near Polanu 6/9/2002 #44350 dlight on the nose, not the normal landing lights. Within a minute he saw a 10/29/2002 #44424 st-southeast lower than the normal landing pattern. She saw it for three se 11/25/2002 #44450 traces of metal abrasions from the landing gear of a UFO was analyzed at NA 5/3/2003 #44524 rport. It is being followed in for landing on Runway 10 by a British Midlan 1/4/2004 #44643 ansmissions. Just 2 minutes before landing, the UFO shoots away to the sout 1/4/2004 #44644 top of what appeared to be tripod landing gear. No sound came from the cra 6/14/2005 #44847 impressive radar-visual cases and landing traces. 9/29/2005 #44881 he way. A commercial airline pilot landing in New Zealand sees a meteor bre 5/16/2006 #44943 A brief entry of a landing and report of humanoids is conta 8/18/2007 #45049 oid hypoxia and hypothermia. After landing, an examination of the flight re 10/30/2007 #45086 ut five meters tall, with legs for landing gear and pulsing yellow white li 8/3/2008 #45154 and was based on a recovered disc landing from Kingman, AZ from 1952-53. U 11/1/2013 #45392 ering position over the helicopter landing pad. By this point, the encounte 7/14/2019 #45592 Merritt Island, Florida Shuttle Landing Facility The fifth X-37B mission 10/27/2019 #45615 st Vehicle-5, lands at the Shuttle Landing Facility on Merritt Island, Flor 10/27/2019 #45615 00 and 2,300 feet side by side and landing at John Lennon Airport in Liverp 11/9/2019 #45616 d gives them no time to act. After landing, the crew informs Air Traffic Co 9/1/2020 #45660## Word: "landing-gear" (Back to Top)
ound. The next day, three apparent landing-gear marks in an equilateral tri 10/1984 #37473## Word: "landing-leg" (Back to Top)
im. On the ground were found three landing-leg marks. 2/7/1969 #24902## Word: "landing-light" (Back to Top)
a clear view because it is in the landing-light beam for a split second. 2/1/2018 #45505## Word: "landings" (Back to Top)
GIRARD AND NILWOOD, IL 2 separate landings. Cylinder/cigar-shape with dome 4/12/1897 #439 Lt. Bruce H. Thomas make emergency landings when both their planes’ engines 7/5/1933 #1167 and were forced to make emergency landings. One pilot suffered burns to hi 7/5/1933 #1168 in preparation for the Guadalcanal landings. A radio blackout is in effect. 8/5/1942 #1430 onsin, is practicing take-offs and landings with a student near Koshkonong. 7/7/1947 #2932 ; Yurko Bondarchuk, UFO Sightings, Landings, and Abductions, Methuen, 1979, Summer 1948 #3679 not involved with, and flying disc landings on military bases in California 1949 #3947 ractice ground-controlled approach landings. At 7:15 p.m., KC-97 pilots Cap 3/5/1954 #9598 Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 230, case # 267). Starting 10/15/1954 #11120 saucer spins going quickly south. Landings. Beams. Animals scared. / LDLN# 11/4/1954 #11553 toward the south, making multiple landings and emitting beams of light. Th 11/4/1954 #11566 Loveland, TX Multiple landings on roadways, E-M (electro-magne 11/2/1957 #14194 y 30 minutes, had made a couple of landings. On the last of these landings, 12/21/1957 #14753 of landings. On the last of these landings, before leaving the area, the o 12/21/1957 #14753 call it “The Hook.” For crosswind landings, they mark two unpaved airstrip 10/1960 #16472 n the area practicing takeoffs and landings. 4/7/1967 #22090 ver/all about / 1 year! 2 possible landings.. 1970 #25516 ly south. Separate observer(s) see landings. 1 sees small humanoids (or Gre 11/4/1971 (approximate) #26453 AND ALTON PARK AND ST. ELMO Saucer landings all over/all about area to morn 10/17/1973 #28101 Quebec, CAN Numerous reported landings, humanoids, and E-M effects on 11/1973 #28327 Quebec, Canada Numerous reported landings, humanoids, and E-M effects on 11/1973 #28328 e Apollo photos show that the moon landings are faked in a studio or at Are 1976 #30743 UAY Month and more / sightings and landings. Cones. Saucers. Beams. Traces 9/13/1976 #31381 LA SILA, ITL Several saucer landings / days. Each going down / clear 9/1977 #32449 es control and makes touch- and-go landings; an A-4 Skyhawk crashes into th 3/27/1978 #33088 e become linked with claims of UFO landings. The events occur just outside 12/26/1980 #35737 f commercial flights coming in for landings. 10/31/1981 #36197 Defence provide statistics on UFO landings, unexplained cases, and radar s 3/9/1984 #37222 an. Abductions. Fireballs nightly. Landings. 9/2/1986 #38011 many. UFO over airport/apartment. Landings diverted far away. 4/2/1989 #38887 ng concentration in vicinity. Four landings and three different kinds of en 9/14/1989 #39100 ng concentration in vicinity. Four landings and three different kinds of en 9/14/1989 #39100 ng concentration in vicinity. Four landings and three different kinds of en 9/21/1989 #39114 that several aircraft takeoffs and landings at the airport correspond to so 10/9/1989 #39156 NIKOLAYEV, UKRAINE 30 UFO landings catalogued / this region since 11/1989 #39204 BASE, NM Security police. Several landings reported. / largest atomic arse 9/8/1990 #39720 Security Police had several landings reported on this night at Sandi 9/8/1990 #39721 wever, no evidence is found of UFO landings, crashes, close encounters, or 2000 #43911 out three verified cases of “alien landings” in 1947, 1953 and 1984. Kit be 5/8/2000 #43992## Word: "landis" (Back to Top)
Landis, NC Two Orange Discs Fly In Strai 9/22/1965 #19590## Word: "landivisiau" (Back to Top)
LANDIVISIAU, FR 1+2 observer(s). 6M cyli 1/18/1974 #28683 lashed at it by three witnesses in Landivisiau, France. It changed shape to 1/18/1974 #28685## Word: "landlady" (Back to Top)
r a total of 15 minutes, and their landlady sees it as well. Late 4/1978 #33167## Word: "landmark" (Back to Top)
solidates his ideas on UFOs in the landmark book Phénomènes aérospatiaux no 4/2007 #45015## Word: "landmine" (Back to Top)
decade earlier he had stepped on a landmine in Algeria, leaving his right s 11/1/1968 #24620## Word: "landoffen" (Back to Top)
LANDOFFEN, FR 2 observer(s) / (seen thru 12/31/1979 #35106## Word: "landon" (Back to Top)
lien. Incident report sent to Col. Landon and Brig. Gen. Brown (AFOSI). The 1/18/1978 #32890 states it was distributed to Col. Landon and Brig. Gen. Brown at AFOSI. It 1/18/1978 #32895## Word: "landover" (Back to Top)
ng time experience was reported in Landover, Maryland to the National UFO R 6/20/2002 #44351## Word: "landowner" (Back to Top)
and the engines nearly stall. The landowner reports flickering houselights 4/10/1983 #36836## Word: "landrum" (Back to Top)
NEAR LANDRUM, SC Hundreds and Air Traffic Con 11/16/1952 #8283 Landrum (near), SC Hundreds of people sa 11/16/1952 #8288 Florence Airport, South Carolina Landrum, South Carolina Around 5:00 p.m. 11/16/1952 #8289 of round, glowing objects north of Landrum, South Carolina. David S. Bunch 11/16/1952 #8289 that the UFO involved in the CASH/LANDRUM CASE was built by the Americans 1972 #26526 X Burns and radiation damage. Cash/Landrum inc (NICAP: 05 - Medical Inciden 12/12/1980 #35711 Huffman, TX Cash/Landrum Case (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounte 12/29/1980 #35755 g. Betty Cash and Vickie and Colby Landrum suffer apparent radiation illnes 12/29/1980 #35757 helicopters. Eventually, Cash and Landrum contact their US Senators, Lloyd 12/29/1980 #35757 al Airport]. In August 1981, Cash, Landrum, and Colby are interviewed at le 12/29/1980 #35757 courts for several years. Cash and Landrum sue the federal government for $ 12/29/1980 #35757 rted before the incident, and that Landrum’s only documented illness is dev 12/29/1980 #35757 ne eye. He suspects that “Cash and Landrum wrongly, but honestly, placed th 12/29/1980 #35757 yton, Texas with her friend Vickie Landrum, age 57, and Landrum's grandson, 12/29/1980 #35758 ve weeks in the hospital. Cash and Landrum contacted the state police and n 12/29/1980 #35758 tinued to plague Betty Cash, Vicky Landrum and Colby. Cash moved to Birming 12/29/1980 #35758 e could not have made it up. Vicky Landrum has subsequently died. 12/29/1980 #35758 l interviews Betty Cash and Vickie Landrum, and finally “Falcon” (or someon 10/14/1988 #38674## Word: "landrum's" (Back to Top)
friend Vickie Landrum, age 57, and Landrum's grandson, six-year-old Colby. 12/29/1980 #35758## Word: "landry" (Back to Top)
asks his USAF aide, Col. Robert B. Landry, to give him quarterly updates on 1948 #3526 esident Truman asks Col. Robert B. Landry, his USAF aide, to provide him wi Spring 1948? #3594 Dennison and Brig. Gen. Robert B. Landry, and that they claim the US has n 4/4/1950 #4792 s his air force liaison, Robert B. Landry, to find out what is going on wit 7/29/1952 #7321 nd out what is going on with UFOs. Landry calls ATIC and eventually reaches 7/29/1952 #7321 re is some evidence that Truman or Landry soon contact the National Securit 7/29/1952 #7321 he RAND Corporation; and Robert B. Landry and four others from the National 9/3/1952 #7839 ST. LANDRY AND WATSON AND ZACHARY, LA Cops a 10/19/1973 #28176 a low altitude over Opelousas, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana. It flew very f 9/17/2000 #44041## Word: "landryr" (Back to Top)
library.gov/library/oral-histories/landryr 1948 #3526## Word: "lands" (Back to Top)
stern Railway An airship allegedly lands near Elburn, Illinois, where some Early 4/1897 #413 LLE, IL Domed cylinder/cigar-shape lands / field. Flies as observers approa 4/10/1897 #421 SOUTH / GAS CITY, IN Object lands / farm. 6 men exit and make repair 4/14/1897 #457 by broad canvas wings.” The object lands briefly one mile from town, terrif 4/14/1897 #464 ong and 20 feet high in the center lands in a meadow three-quarters of a mi 4/14/1897 #466 5+many. Large object going north. Lands. 2 figure(s) hide. Object spreads 4/15/1897 #476 with red, green, and white lights lands on a farm near Eau Claire, Wiscons 4/15/1897 #488 WATERLOO, IA 13M airship lands. Aviator does not request money. A 4/17/1897 #518 . Object maneuvers / 50 minute(s). Lands. 9' man exits. Bellows. Injures fa 4/17/1897 #519 in Lexington, Kentucky. An airship lands and settles in a vacant lot about 4/17/1897 #525 rmer and son. Cylinder/cigar-shape lands / field. 4 riders out repairing it 4/19/1897 #531 uggy. As the horses flee, the ship lands, a rope comes down, and two men ru 4/19/1897 #536 UVALDE, TX Airship lands. Crew / 3 ask sheriff / water. Inq 4/20/1897 #542 NNEY SPRS / 23 APRIL Great airship lands 3X / 4 days. 4/21/1897 #548 r-shape with vibrant bright lights lands. Pseudo-human/entity asks / gets t 4/21/1897 #549 round. It circles a few times then lands in a nearby pasture. Barclay goes 4/22/1897 #559 eir airship suffers a gas leak and lands. 4/23/1897 #565 rnia An airship in need of repairs lands near Stringers Ridge on the other 4/24/1897 #568 southwest. It slows, hovers, then lands in a field. LaGrone walks up and d 4/28/1897? #582 Airship northeast going southwest. Lands! Pseudo-human/entity speak English 5/4/1897 #587 HOT SPRINGS, ARK 2 cops. Airship lands. Riders gather water. Woman rider 5/6/1897 #590 / fishing. Metallic blue milk-can lands 15' away. Sits 15 minute(s). Going 6/3/1920 #998 rees. It flies across the pond and lands 15 feet away. Linch gets up and wa 6/3/1920 #999 Boni & Liveright publishes New Lands by Charles Fort, who writes about 10/1923 #1035 n, nearly hitting a trash can, and lands for a few seconds before resuming 1929 #1093 FERME-NUEVE, QB 15M saucer lands. 4-5 small humanoids (or Greys) sc 6/15/1929 #1100 server(s). 12M orange-glowing cone lands very close. Shoots rays. Flies. Tr 4/15/1930 #1112 . A top-shaped object 40 feet wide lands in a garden in Greensboro, North C 5/1930 #1114 MONTEBENICHI, ITL Top saucer lands. Door drops. 2 small humanoids (or 8/1930 #1116 by houses in Mechelen, Belgium. It lands and he sees two small occupants co Spring 1935 #1224 ral times / heavy snowstorm. Never lands. 2/14/1936 #1243 t becomes a dull coppery color and lands about 140 feet away. Two of the ch Early 8/1939 #1312 MONTECRESTESE, IT 2 girls. Saucer lands. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) / he 3/15/1943 #1486 ircraft guns/teams gunners. US B17 lands. No crew! All 10 parachutes aboard 11/23/1944 #1701 cer flies slow / tilt. Hits trees. Lands. Hums on takeoff. Silvery threads. 3/1945 #1797 HOLM, SWD AND AREA Many objects. 1 lands / farm? 1 scouts harbor and going 8/11/1946 #2115 north going quickly south. Drops & lands / small island / news. / FSRv15#3. 8/12/1946 #2121 d, New Mexico, goes off course and lands 6 miles east of Alamogordo five an 5/15/1947 #2284 travels south instead of north and lands in the Tepeyac Cemetery, 3 miles s 5/29/1947 #2301 nder/cigar-shape with bright halo. Lands / 5 minute(s) in storm. Going up [ 6/13/1947 #2326 erver(s). Shiny object streaks by. Lands on hill. / Albuquerque Journal 2 J 6/27/1947 #2421 BISBEE, AZ 3 observer(s). Saucer lands / Tintown. 9 saucers / single file 6/27/1947 #2423 FAYETTEVILLE, AR Disk lands / farm. Yellow glow. Going up / sp 7/5/1947 #2714 re-size saucer going quickly east. Lands / surface(s). Rests. Submerges. 7/7/1947 #2881 HOUSTON, TX Saucer lands. 2' man / large head shakes hands 7/8/1947 #2973 there is nothing in them. When it lands in Fort Worth, the enlisted soldie 7/8/1947 #3019 w. 3 disks spin over flour mill. 1 lands / riverbed. No traces. 7/9/1947 #3045 t 100 feet in diameter, which soon lands and rests on curved metal feet. Hi 7/23/1947 #3218 banana. Hit / cones / light. Crash lands. / r23. 6/16/1948 (approximate) #3670 SWASTIKA, ONT Saucer lands. Entity takes vegetation samples. 7/1948? #3688 AT SR59, IL 2 truckers. 12M ovoid lands. 1M windows. Glow and sparkle. Goi 8/1948 (approximate) #3764 HAMEL, MN 2 boys. 2' saucer lands. Going up [to] and maneuvers. Goin 8/11/1948 #3776 Dakota, on October 1. It probably lands in Garrett’s Collections office an 9/30/1948? #3817 n the United States and in foreign lands may have been experimental spacesh 10/12/1948 #3832 , which lasts 10 minutes. After he lands, he finds all his spark plugs burn 7/24/1949 #4283 lson Air Force Base, AL USAF WB-29 lands at Eielson Air Force Base AL with 9/3/1949 #4344 Variety article “One Flying Saucer Lands In New Mexico” 10/12/1949 #4387 / classic domed saucer. F81 crash lands. Saucer departs. 12/24/1949 #4442 / tens. Changes course and color. Lands? 1/7/1950 #4476 en 20M ovoid hovers / 15M / slope. Lands / ravine. Quickly going up [to] ex 1/29/1950 #4516 LAGO ARGENTINO, ARG 2 saucers, 1 lands. Pseudo-human/entity / cabin. Smel 3/18/1950 #4672 Several observer(s). Bright object lands / reservoir / hydro power station/ 4/14/1950 #4848 TX 1 military observer(s). Saucer lands / airport / 5 minute(s). Sets gras 5/17/1950 (approximate) #4946 nia Evening. An 8- or 10-foot-disc lands in a field behind Mrs. Mason Vaugh Summer 1950 #4997 AN, ID 3 / car. 2M sphere with fin lands. Fantastic close maneuvers / 30M a 12/14/1950 #5346 plot revolves around an alien who lands in a UFO in Washington, D.C., and 9/18/1951 #5677 lit and examined. Object / nearly lands. Speeds off. 10/26/1951 #5745 l going quickly east from Portales lands here. Gashes water tank. Big flood 12/13/1951 #5818 Blue Book. Saucer hits chimney and lands. 70cm small humanoid (or Grey) exi 8/6/1952 #7475 ). Silver disk spins and descends. Lands south / golf course. Not found. 8/6/1952 #7477 PALM BEACH, FL 3+tots. Coin saucer lands / woods. Portholes or lights / edg 8/29/1952 #7778 CHARLESTON, WVA "White saucer lands. 2 men exit and climb tree! Severa 9/14/1952 #7924 YAAK, MT Rumor / radar-men. UFO lands. Breaks trees. Hops about and flie 9/22/1952 #8002 GNANE AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Saucer lands / tarmac. Windows / side. Instant 10/27/1952 #8188 hild burned when strange 25cm disk lands. No further details in available s 11/1952 #8225 ay by himself; eventually a saucer lands and he is invited inside to meet i 11/1952 #8227 d RADAR. Night light circles base. Lands. Disappears. 3/25/1953 #8784 Camp Polk, Louisiana Saucer crash lands near Camp Polk, Louisiana. US Army Summer 1953 #8945 er / portholes / edge. Round dome. Lands near railroad/railway tracks. Goin 7/31/1953 #9024 e calls alarm the pilot so much he lands immediately. Jet fighters are scra 8/6/1953 #9052 t flashes red and green and white. Lands / old gravel pit. Hums. Quickly go 9/22/1953 #9171 654. Marines. Unknown round object lands. Emits red light. Back 01 Jan. '54 12/21/1953 #9387 us machine, coming from the south, lands at the Marignane Airfield [now Mar 1/4/1954 #9445 er(s) unknown. Red circular object lands and takes off. No further details. 1/5/1954 #9447 , FR Clank-sounds. 5M domed saucer lands. 2 pseudo-human/entity exit. Obser 4/1/1954? #9659 a helicopter suddenly appears and lands in front of their car. An RAAF off 4/18/1954 #9696 ver(s). 120cm cylinder/cigar-shape lands. Smoke rises. No traces. / r67p30. 4/22/1954 #9700 AGNE, FR 2 observer(s). 200M blimp lands. Observer(s) feels and hits it. Te 4/24/1954 #9715 ON AIR FORCE BASE, NM "Lens-saucer lands on base according to J. A. Hynek". 5/18/1954 #9807 RRE DE'PICENARDI, ITL 10M teardrop lands / tripod. 2 2M pseudo-human/entity 6/1954 #9854 to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Lands / woods. Large brown colored circl 6/21/1954 #9912 sses the road in front of them and lands in a field. The car stalls, and th 6/21/1954 #9920 les in size and disappears. Howard lands at Goose Bay and is questioned by 6/29/1954 #9962 hey take the flight logs); when he lands in London, the Air Ministry does t 6/29/1954 #9962 BOSTON CREEK, ONT Saucer lands 1.5mi away. Observer(s) walks with 8/27/1954 #10186 ORN, FR Cop and 1. Bus-size object lands. Silhouette / front. Going southea 9/19/1954 #10356 ct Bluebook Case #3224. 10' saucer lands. Aerials. Pseudo-human/entity unin 9/21/1954 #10378 hums or whines as it hovers, then lands vertically 50 feet away. A blond m 9/21/1954 #10383 JOU, FR 5 observer(s). Bright UFO lands. Beams. Follows car going NNW / Fo 9/23/1954 #10409 gnolles sees a “flying cigar” that lands slowly in a meadow behind a rector 9/23/1954 #10420 erver. Fast silent luminous object lands / seconds / field by church. / r8# 9/24/1954 #10431 r(s). Glowing-tomato with antennas lands / hours. / r8#157. 9/27/1954 #10455 ups / observer(s) in shock. Saucer lands. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) exit 9/27/1954 #10460 ). Large bright UFO oscillates and lands. Changes color. Going [to] behind 9/28/1954 #10481 CHERENG, FR 3M sphere lands / field near woods. 16cm webbed fo 9/30/1954 #10504 THENAY, FR 2 / truck. Glowing-disk lands / road. Vanishes as truck nears. / 10/1954 #10529 VILLENEUVE-SUR-LOT, FR Saucer lands silently. Small humanoid (or Grey) 10/1954 #10532 BRI, INDIA Woman. "Luminous plate" lands in field. Flies off again. No furt 10/1/1954 #10538 er when a bright egg-shaped object lands on the left side of the road 45 fe 10/1/1954 #10568 . Saucer with portholes. Blinding. Lands / distance. / LDLN#345p32. 10/2/1954 #10592 2+? observer(s). Green-glow saucer lands / field. Away and returns later. / 10/2/1954 #10603 ay and maneuver / one hour. Saucer lands. Colored lights seen. / r217p30. 10/3/1954 #10637 SE, FR Truckers / D3. Luminous UFO lands. Burst / light / takeoff. Type unk 10/4/1954 #10673 LIMOGES, FR Strange object lands in railroad-man's yard. No further 10/4/1954 #10674 LEUL, FR Child. 3M tentlike object lands. Odd man outside. / r217p185. 10/4/1954 #10680 AT, FR Cylinder/cylindrical object lands / hilltop. Gone later. 1M ruts 50c 10/4/1954 #10683 PONCEY-SUR-L'IGNON, FR 3M saucer lands / farm. 1M3 / soil sucked up and c 10/4/1954 #10684 , FR Many observer(s). Night light lands. Darkens as car nears. Shoots spar 10/4/1954 #10687 ll over/all about / 300M altitude. Lands behind trees. / Lumieres dans la N 10/5/1954 #10720 1 observer. 9M silent blue saucer lands / road. Beams rays going down. Ris 10/6/1954 #10748 CASERNE LA FERE, 02, FR UFO lands 300M / soldiers. 2 frozen. 2nd UFO 10/6/1954 #10750 BERUGES, FR Intense heat. Saucer lands. Sweeps area / light beam. Antenna 10/7/1954 #10767 MONTEUX, FR 9' hemisphere lands / field. Farmer temp paralyzed and 10/7/1954 #10774 server(s). Luminous/glowing sphere lands in pasture. No further details. / 10/7/1954 #10778 NEAR HUY, BELGIUM Postman. Ovoid lands. 2 appproximate human silhouettes 10/9/1954 #10827 CLOYES-SUR-LE-LOIR, FR 2M fireball lands / road. Black silhouette. Observer 10/9/1954 #10831 ANNONAY, FR Transparent saucer and lands. Large and small figure(s) inside. 10/12/1954 #10958 LEGUEVIN, FR 6-7M X 2.5M saucer lands. Vertical takeoff / fantastic spee 10/12/1954 #10966 R-SUR-AGOUT, FR Fiery orange ovoid lands vineyard / 3 hours. Turns vertical 10/12/1954 #10968 an, Iran Morning. A UFO supposedly lands in a populous district on the sout 10/12/1954 #10976 minous globe going / low altitude. Lands / field a few seconds. Going up [t 10/13/1954 #10995 BRIENNE, FR 4 Mx2M domed saucer lands / 60cm tripod. Observer(s) frozen 10/14/1954 #11033 SOUTHEND, ESSEX 10' domed saucer lands / curbside. Flexible tube loops / 10/14/1954 #11040 IERRE HALTE, FR Baker. 4M mushroom lands / railroad/railway tracks. / LDLN# 10/15/1954 #11076 PO-DI-GNOCCA, ITL Saucer lands and quickly going up. 6M / dirt go 10/15/1954 #11081 , FR 30M x 6M cylinder/cigar-shape lands. 2 helmeted figure(s) in lit porth 10/15/1954 #11083 erous separate observer(s). Saucer lands / FLDs. Turns color(s). Beams. / r 10/15/1954 #11084 FIELD, FR 30M cylinder/cigar-shape lands. Helmeted figure(s) behind porthol 10/15/1954 #11087 VALLONGUE, FR Cylinder/cigar-shape lands. Quickly going up [to] vertical wi 10/15/1954 (approximate) #11090 R 1 observer. Cylinder/cigar-shape lands / field. Shoots going up [to] whis 10/15/1954 (approximate) #11094 THIN-LE-MOUTIER, FR UFO lands 30M away. Woman faints. Gets skin 10/16/1954 (approximate) #11128 Y Several observer(s). Glowing UFO lands / meadow. Takes off suddenly. No f 10/16/1954 #11138 N, FR 6 observer(s). 80cm fireball lands. Floats going [to] woods. Bright b 10/17/1954 #11162 FR Cop and several. Saucer nearly lands. Rises when approached. / r70p3-37 10/17/1954 #11166 FR 4M fireball stops over village. Lands. Going quickly northeast toward Be 10/17/1954 #11170 NDRANS, FR 3M cylinder/cigar-shape lands / field. 1M diameter. Small humano 10/18/1954 (approximate) #11188 TH / ST. MARTIN-DU-BOIS, FR Saucer lands / road. Hairy small humanoid (or G 10/18/1954 #11189 ET, FR 2 observer(s). Domed saucer lands / field. Quickly going up [to] and 10/18/1954 #11190 NORTH / ISSENHEIM, FR Luminous UFO lands near N83. 0530hrs 5 see it take of 10/18/1954 #11191 FR 6 separate observer(s). Saucer lands. Helmeted small humanoid (or Grey) 10/18/1954 #11199 observer(s). Luminous orange disk lands / farm / 20 minute(s). Silent take 10/18/1954 #11205 LIVORNO, ITALY UFO lands / field. Type unknown. 2 small red 10/19/1954 #11226 NEAR ST. AVOLD, FR Saucer lands / field. Trees scorched and ground 10/19/1954 #11232 , ITL 10M domed saucer / portholes lands. Quickly going up. Drags deflated 10/19/1954 #11233 OMME, FR 2 groups / UFO's. 1 group lands / pasture. Both signal other / lig 10/20/1954 #11256 MELITO, ITL UFO lands. Figure / diving suit lights area. 10/21/1954 #11284 altitude. Going quickly [to] WNW. Lands. Flash. Observer(s) feel numb. / L 10/27/1954 #11434 ylindrical object / hits trees and lands. Bounces. Bluish trail / air. 10/30/1954 #11488 l separate observer(s). Green disk lands. No traces. Separate saucer going 11/2/1954 #11529 to] over river. Flips over. Gently lands on edge / field. Quickly going up. 11/3/1954 #11543 arate observer(s). 4M saucer-cloud lands / field. Dome glows pink. / La Mon 11/3/1954 #11546 esterly direction and wobbling. It lands near him and three little men emer 11/4/1954 #11564 VOUSSAC, FR Luminous sphere lands by Vacheresse woods. Darkens. Dirt 11/8/1954 #11594 Car slows. Luminous/glowing object lands and takes off. Observer(s) paralyz 11/13/1954 #11634 S TO/FROM AUDEMETS, BELGIUM Saucer lands near road. Mans clothes burnt / ap 11/14/1954 #11646 HAM, INDIA 100 observer(s). Saucer lands / roadside. 3 pseudo-human/entity 11/27/1954 #11712 PALMARITO, VNZL Farmers. Globe lands. Several small humanoids (or Greys 11/28/1954 #11716 tryside. Maneuvers and oscillates. Lands / 2 minute(s). Going quickly east. 12/1/1954 #11740 cer comes north going south / sea. Lands. Headlight and 4 fins. 12cm footpr 12/7/1954 #11766 / boat. 10M luminous/glowing ovoid lands / river. Water boiled. 200+dead fi 12/7/1954 #11768 IN 1 observer. 70' luminous saucer lands. Antenna and props. Pseudo-human/e 12/8/1954 #11776 Separate observer(s). Silver disk lands and takes off. Small humanoids (or 12/8/1954 #11777 AN RAFAEL, ARG 7 / car. 50' saucer lands / field. 2 pseudo-human/entity out 12/28/1954 #11867 LANDS END GOING QUICKLY [TO] GLASGOW Tho 3/24/1955 #12057 ly north. Windows! 6 August saucer lands going quickly [to] atomic plant! 8/5/1955 #12329 , MANCHE, FR Intense light. Saucer lands / field / total silence. Dog scare 8/18/1955 #12370 KELLY, KY Saucer lands. Suttons 4 hr shoot-out / floating 8/21/1955 #12382 SIDE, CA 12 kids. Saucers hover. 1 lands. Small humanoids (or Greys) exit a 8/22/1955 #12388 ENNES, FR 2 cops. 12M domed saucer lands. 4 pseudo-human/entity exit. Spher 1/1956 (approximate) #12640 Case #4050. 2 observer(s). 2M UFO lands / field 100M away. Fantastic speed 4/4/1956 #12784 urns to normal. When the Freighter lands at RNZAF Base Ohakea near Bulls, t 6/1956 #12879 the pilot of a Douglas C-47 Dakota lands and asks them whether they had see 6/1956 #12879 , SEGOVIA, SP Farmer and 2. Saucer lands. "Spectacular Case". Government in 7/1956? #12936 MONTDIDIER, FR Domed saucer lands / field. Observer(s) flees. Gone o 7/1956 #12938 domed, disc-shaped craft allegedly lands within White Sands Proving Ground, 9/1956 #13167 LANCAS, ARG Farmers. 21M black egg lands! Spirals up fast as observers near 9/25/1956 #13243 ASIN, BORNEO Saucer with fiery rim lands / lake. Smoke and noise and foul o 12/1956 #13375 od red 60M hemisphere going north. Lands / woods. Noise / separate observer 4/25/1957 #13616 epathic message to it, and the UFO lands 2 miles away. He begins receiving 5/11/1957 #13656 its take twigs and berries. Saucer lands. Missing time. 7/1957 #13764 t circles, stops, and hovers, then lands in a gulley surrounded by woods. H 7/30/1957 #13862 rbit huge saucer / Monay Plains. 1 lands / zigzag. 8/20/1957 #13908 e in Kazakhstan. The dummy warhead lands in the Pacific Ocean. 8/27/1957 #13936 MPINAS, SP, BRZ Man faints. Saucer lands. Pseudo-human/entity check out sau 9/1957 #13961 MARIAVILLE, NY Saucer lands 2X / 2 days. 2 small humanoids (or 10/10/1957 #14086 ebra Coco, Goiás, Brazil, as a UFO lands nearby. They see an intense light 10/10/1957 #14095 the air and its light goes out. It lands, a door opens, and seven apparentl 10/10/1957 #14095 tractor motor and lights fail. It lands nearby and something grabs him as 10/16/1957 #14128 etic effects). Silent domed saucer lands. Observer(s) paralyzed. Car self-s 10/25/1957? #14152 NADIAN, TX 8M cylinder/cigar-shape lands. Small humanoid (or Grey) near. Fl 11/2/1957 #14195 TRINITY SITE, NM 80M ovoid lands / 1st A-test site. Back / 2000h. / 11/3/1957 #14228 FT. HOOD, TX 20M luminous object lands. Army tanks electro-magnetic effec 11/4/1957 (approximate) #14255 UNDOWN, TX Orange fireball hovers. Lands / road. Truck lights and engine fa 11/4/1957 #14258 m all the way to Ringwood and then lands in some trees behind a school buil 11/5/1957 #14345 parate farmers. Silver-glow object lands / cane fields. Going up [to] and a 11/6/1957 #14380 LLE, IN 30m brown cloud nears car. Lands / field. Orange light / center. Ro 11/6/1957 #14388 s about 200 feet above a field and lands with a soft whirring sound, perhap 11/6/1957 #14430 ts all over Major nuclear plant. 1 lands? 11/7/1957 #14449 und. One of the objects apparently lands on Farin Road 2373, three miles no 11/7/1957 #14462 ylinder/cigar-shape with portholes lands by lake. Figure(s) move outside. / 11/8/1957 #14472 ver(s). Red-yellow blinding object lands / park. Going up [to] and maneuver 11/16/1957 #14565 park. Going up [to] and maneuvers. Lands again. / r8#441. 11/16/1957 #14565 AL, BRAZIL Farmer. 4M 'watermelon' lands / field 20M away. Grass crushed. 12/10/1957 #14699 STAVANGER, NORWAY UFO lands. Very tall man emerges. Cops and m 1/4/1958 #14803 SHIMADA, JPN Vibrant bright object lands / beach. Figure(s) float down. Tal 1/26/1958 #14842 est. Returns. Maneuvers. Tilts and lands. See drawings. 2/27/1958 (approximate) #14893 se #5716. 2 observer(s). 1M saucer lands / backyard. More UFO's / separate 3/14/1958 #14927 PODMOSKOVNAYA, RS Large saucer lands. Spirals up and away into forest. 3/19/1958 (approximate) #14938 gle/box-like crafts going south. 1 lands / field. Quickly going up [to] fas 4/16/1958 #14992 EL PADUL, SP Shepherd. 10M saucer lands. Flies going quickly [to] east-nor 4/30/1958 #15004 erver(s). 2.3M saucer / slow spin. Lands / field. Faces / portholes! Quickl 6/1958 #15067 over trees, breaking branches, and lands about 1.5 miles away. Exhaust flam 9/29/1958 #15286 LUNEL, FR Saucer lands. Sweeps 3 observer(s) and area / w 10/1958 #15291 NEAR CLARKSVILLE, TN Coed. Saucer lands near Fort Campbell. Orange cloud o 10/21/1958 (approximate) #15362 NEAR PIONEER, OHIO "Strange craft" lands. "Midgets" seen nearby / gerry hun 11/5/1958 #15426 dö Bay to the left of the road. It lands in the middle of the road about 30 11/9/1958 #15435 stalls. Headlights out. 50' saucer lands / roadside. Grass physical trace(s 11/16/1958 #15444 ussia a luminous object hovers and lands. It is seen for 2 minutes. 11/17/1958 #15449 ORD-ON-AVON, WARWICKS Fiery saucer lands. 3 men exit and sit clumsily. Obse 1/1959 #15520 2 observer(s). Sausage with lights lands behind warehouse. Nothing found. / 1/27/1959 #15568 GIRARD, KS Trucker. Orange disk lands / road! Covers both lanes. Going u 5/18/1959 #15735 Natives and many. Red-glow object lands / hill. / APRO 9'59+/ r198p25. 7/8/1959 #15825 BRION, SP Ovoid lands. Goes going up [to] and going nort 8/12/1959 #15904 WERDOHL-EVEKING, GER 30M saucer lands / tripod. 2 rows / bright openings 8/25/1959 #15936 V 2+observer(s). 20' silver saucer lands / Ogilbay Park. Photographs lost. 9/1959 #15948 nt spheres hover / 3km altitude. 1 lands and quickly going up. 2nd darkens. 9/25/1959 #15988 wise / hover and clockwise rising. Lands / field. Quickly going up. / r143. 9/25/1959 #15989 SYRACUSE, NY Fisherman. Saucer lands. Small humanoids (or Greys) draw w 4/1960 (approximate) #16211 A, MZBQ Orange saucer whistles and lands. 4 small humanoids (or Greys) run 4/5/1960 (approximate) #16214 pts by a MiG-19 and a Su-9. Powers lands at an Iranian airstrip at Zahedan. 4/9/1960 #16219 30M metallic ovoid maneuvers low. Lands. Physical traces. / r111p185. 5/22/1960 #16296 ES, NM 2+2 separate cops. Fireball lands and flies. Bright green disk makes 9/26/1960 #16462 phere/orb/globe going down. Nearly lands. Going quickly north. Type unknown 11/11/1960 #16497 TORROJA DP, SP 6M saucer lands 1500m away / 20 minute(s). Dog avo 1/6/1961 #16563 igzags going quickly southwest and lands. Darkens and going up [to] as Poss 1/10/1961 #16567 t going quickly [to] against wind. Lands / 2 hours. Burnt grass. / FSR'61#5 2/10/1961 #16598 DRAGUIGNAN, VAR Hemisphere lands / pasture. Rises and vanishes inst 4/1961 #16640 oviet hardware when it temporarily lands in American hands. 4/25/1961 #16662 visible through binoculars when it lands on the ground some distance from t 6/5/1961 #16721 / car and 2+cops. UFO takes off. 1 lands / Loma Brava / CODOVNI'62. 2/8/1962 #17038 EUREKA, UT UFO lands. Power plant out / 42 min. Goes go 4/18/1962 #17116 expectedly takes flight and Schalk lands it 2 miles past the runway. 4/25/1962 #17129 Y, ARG 4 / car O / O / gas. Saucer lands. Stays one hour. Takes off / high 5/1962 #17143 altitude. Fog fills woods. "House" lands in field. / r156#12. 5/13/1962 #17168 WINIFREDA, ARG Saucer lands. 2 giant robot(s)/android(s) exit. 5/22/1962 #17189 le openings. After the second B-52 lands, the UFO silently zooms away towar Late 10/1962 #17496 , SOUTH AUSTR 4 observer(s). Ovoid lands. Small humanoid (or Grey) puts pla 10/28/1962 #17507 -ball going quickly [to] overhead. Lands / hills. / r215p14. 11/5/1962? #17538 BOLOGNA, ITL 5M saucer lands by observer(s). 2 pseudo-human/ent 12/9/1962 #17575 te observer(s). 800mph night light lands by quarry. Traces / soil. 12/28/1962 #17618 PIETRO VERNOTICO, ITL 4.5M saucer lands. Observer(s) frozen. 2 figure(s) m 1/11/1963 #17632 AIDE, SOUTH AUSTR 1+3 kids. Saucer lands near road. Small humanoid (or Grey 2/2/1963 (approximate) #17648 CRYSTAL LAKE, MT Domed saucer lands / frozen lake. Door opens / 10 min 2/22/1963 #17679 / ADELAIDE, SA 1 observer. Saucer lands. 7' figure exits. "Photographs" pl 5/1963? #17733 GANSU, CH 1 observer. Red fireball lands / yard. Spins and shoots going up. 7/1963 #17816 isk exits cylinder/cigar-shape and lands. Small humanoid (or Grey) with bre 7/18/1963 #17837 SOUTH AUSTR 2 boys and 20. Saucer lands / field. 7' figure / diving suit e 10/1/1963? #17970 OSFORD, ENGL Airmen / ground. Dome lands behind hangar. Searches / green be 12/10/1963 #18069 . A large, bright, dome-shaped UFO lands at RAF Cosford in Shropshire, Engl 12/10/1963 #18072 LIBREVILLE, GABON UFO lands. Terrifying small humanoid (or Gre 12/25/1963 #18093 EPPING, ESSEX 8' saucer lands / field. Circular depression with 12/27/1963 #18096 minous objects hover / one hour. 1 lands / field. 1 shoots going quickly no 2/25/1964 #18136 POCINHOS, PARAIBA, BRAZIL UFO lands. 3 small humanoids (or Greys) with 4/7/1964 #18160 oval object descends and seemingly lands on the other side of Round Mountai 4/25/1964 #18203 Several observer(s). Glowing ovoid lands. Traces / dirt. / r111p223+/ APRO 4/29/1964 #18220 ). Brown colored saucer hovers and lands. Large dent / sand. / FSR'64#5+/ r 4/30/1964 #18224 ct. He continues to watch it as it lands at the base. Coral and Jim Lorenze 4/30/1964 #18231 OH 3 kids. 3M silver domed saucer lands / field near reservoir. / R. Palme 5/9/1964 #18249 RIO VISTA, CA 2 saucers glow. 1 lands / field. Also several report(s) / 5/13/1964 #18260 HUBBARD, OR 4' square box / 4 legs lands / field. Beeps. Traces / soil. / M 5/18/1964 #18279 NEAR ARICA, CHL Saucer lands. Pseudo-human/entity ask for water 6/15/1964 #18359 VALLEY, NV Top-object / roadside. Lands / 2' pedestal. Spins and hops and 6/25/1964 #18373 INGTON, NJ White ovoid buzzes car. Lands / field. Nears observer(s) who run 7/27/1964 (approximate) #18442 and air trade signals. 10M saucer lands / 40 minute(s). Flies. / USAF Tech 7/28/1964 #18454 bs going quickly [to] mountains. 1 lands close. Vanishes! 8/6/1964 #18469 GLASSBORO, NJ Red night light lands / woods and goes. Burnt crater fou 9/4/1964 #18527 COFICO, ARG Saucer lands. Rests on pillar. 3 silhouettes ou 9/5/1964 #18536 T 1 / car. Extremely bright object lands / woods. Burnt area and landing ma 11/30/1964 #18645 eparate observer(s). Metallic cone lands and car malfunctions due to EME (e 12/21/1964 #18664 , VA Car Engine Fails After Object Lands (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E, R 12/21/1964 #18666 eld. The UFO comes down gently and lands in a field to Burns’s right. Meanw 12/21/1964 #18670 BASE, WA 10M saucer buzzes car and lands. Goes when observer(s) radios. / r 1/12/1965 #18712 TER, WA 4 observer(s). Huge saucer lands / several min. Melted snow. Burnt 1/12/1965 #18713 ove out of sight. Where the object lands in 16 inches of snow, they find a 1/12/1965 #18720 agnetic effect (EME). 2 saucers. 1 lands. 3 1M small humanoids (or Greys) g 1/19/1965 #18744 descends quickly and silently and lands 45–55 feet away from Blackburn. A 1/19/1965 #18750 nd more/others. Object zigzags and lands. Rapid vertical ascent. / r74p54. 1/27/1965 #18771 Tree Island, VA Zig-Zagging Object Lands / Takes Off (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 1/27/1965 #18774 5, pp. 1, 3; Joan Whritenour, “UFO Lands?” Interplanetary Intelligence Repo 3/2/1965 #18832 nous saucer becomes opaque when it lands / hilltop. / r8#648. 5/24/1965 #18957 kes photos of the UFO, but when he lands in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, 5/28/1965 #18973 RUG 6 observer(s). Brilliant ovoid lands / 4 metal legs. Traces. / r180p37+ 7/17/1965 #19115 CHANARAL, CHILE Silent saucer lands / lonely beach. Away extremely fas 7/19/1965 #19128 NSW Businessman. 6M blue-glow disk lands by creek. Orange-glow on takeoff. 7/20/1965 #19139 QUILMES, ARG Saucer lands. 2 pseudo-human/entity / transpare 7/20/1965 #19141 mical Engineer and several. Object lands / ranch / 45 minute(s) and away. T 7/23/1965 #19161 = 2 5' cylinders with cross-bars. Lands. 5' figure outside. No further det 7/25/1965 (approximate) #19165 er(s) / hotel window. Luminous egg lands / 5 minute(s). Going up [to] 25M a 7/26/1965 #19178 S AIRES, ARG 2 observer(s). 1M top lands / intersection. Emits blue light. 8/1/1965 #19237 TIN, TX Deputies. Blazing fireball lands near Wagle Mountain lake. No trace 8/2/1965 #19248 observer(s). Bright silver object lands / hill / 45 minute(s). Investigati 8/4/1965 #19299 RAPUA, BRZ 50M saucer lights area. Lands with distinct sound. No trace. / L 8/4/1965 #19302 CARACAS, VNZ Object lands. 3 figure(s) exit. Fly when observ 8/6/1965 #19329 ISBERG MOUNTAIN, SWZ 60cm milk can lands / road. Shrinks and vanishes. No t 8/7/1965 #19337 erver(s). Silver saucer whines and lands. Small humanoid (or Grey) / field. 8/10/1965 (approximate) #19355 like two saucers put together. It lands on a tree-lined hill out of view a 8/11/1965? #19367 Giant saucer going [to] over dock. Lands. Vanishes! / r78p46+/ Flying Sauce 8/14/1965 #19386 observer(s). Noisy metallic saucer lands / farm. Going quickly north / flam 8/15/1965? #19394 URG 5 observer(s). 8 Mx3.5M saucer lands / road. 3 figure(s) move inside. U 8/15/1965 #19398 Glowing-ovoid hovers / reservoir. Lands / lawn. Car malfunctions due to EM 8/17/1965 #19413 A, ARG Several observer(s). Saucer lands right in town. Small humanoids (or 8/20/1965 #19434 APOSTOLES, ARG 5M saucer lands / railroad/railway tracks. Door op 8/23/1965 #19454 SEATTLE, WA 25cm object lands / tripod. Tiny figure(s) exit / ra 8/25/1965 (approximate) #19459 SAN JUSTO, ARG Humming. 2M saucer lands tin roof. Shoots going up. Marks. 9/3/1965 #19497 ctro-magnetic effect (EME). Saucer lands / swamp. Electric shocks felt. / B 9/14/1965 #19557 Many observer(s). "Flying saucer" lands in lake. / LA Times. 9/15/1965 #19563 TA, CA Cops and 400. Glowing-cigar lands by water tower. .22 shots ricochet 9/22/1965 #19586 NOT, ND 2 girls. Large metal ovoid lands / park. Crushed grass found. / FSR 10/13/1965 #19654 PRING GROVE, PA 50cm chrome saucer lands near schoolhouse. Many kids. Stori 10/16/1965 #19660 observer(s). Saucer circles beach. Lands near Santos Air Force Base. / LDLN 10/18/1965 #19663 s observer(s). 22' metallic saucer lands and sinks / river. Water current r 10/30/1965 #19687 Middletown, OH Object Lands on River Bank (NICAP: 01 - Distant 11/4/1965 #19700 U, BRZ Several observer(s). Saucer lands. Shoots beam going up. 3 small hum 11/13/1965 #19717 UCUMAN, ARG 12 observer(s). Saucer lands / field. Paper found-"CHNY Ynoss" 12/4/1965 #19752 out the time the object reportedly lands. Others from Kecksburg, including 12/9/1965 #19762 up / roadside going [to] over car. Lands. Portholes. / r251p70+/ APRO 5'66+ 1/16/1966 #19836 ook Case #unknown. Luminous object lands / woods. Flashes. 2nd UFO joins. N 2/16/1966 #19904 ashing red, blue, and green lights lands in the woods (NICAP: 02 - Close En 2/16/1966 #19905 HARROW, ONTARIO UFO lands / field. 12 meters diameter X 7M h 3/17/1966 #19976 tro-magnetic effects). Huge saucer lands. Moves / brush. 4 shots ricochet. 3/23/1966 #20039 iant silent metallic saucer nearly lands / house. Observer(s) speechless. 3/24/1966 #20060 MN Trapper. Large UFO / portholes lands / snow. Matching traces found. / r 3/24/1966 #20061 PECOS, TX 30M x 9M object lands near highway / 5 minute(s). Type u 3/30/1966 #20146 erver(s) = J. Erdmann. Night light lands 8' / house-window. Moves to lawn. 3/30/1966 #20148 MANSFIELD, OH Saucer lands near state college. Door opens. Sm 3/30/1966 #20153 MICH 2 / car follow domed saucer. Lands. Chases car. Radio electro-magneti 4/1/1966 #20190 30M disk hovers over power lines. Lands / woods. White beam. 4/5/1966 #20230 age. Many observer(s) domed saucer lands / school roof. / FSR'66#4. 4/12/1966 #20286 server(s). Night light circles and lands / SR114. At 2355 2 see saucer / fi 4/19/1966 #20337 s). Saucer going down [to] low and lands. 4 small humanoids (or Greys) "mak 4/22/1966 #20357 IA Roar! 60' cylinder/cigar-shape lands / 20 legs. Area lit / red. Ozone. 4/23/1966 #20382 CORDOBA, SP Saucer lands. Small humanoids (or Greys) look l 5/16/1966 #20483 JOS TO/FROM CIRTISOARA, ROM Saucer lands. Flies when observer(s) nears. Tra 6/1966 #20514 663. Bell-saucer hovers / 5 hours. Lands. 6 others. Traces. / CUFOS / r180. 6/18/1966 #20576 CISTELLA, SP Saucer lands. Then 2 cylinders! All take off / 6/27/1966 #20612 #10739. 2 observer(s). 100' saucer lands / field / 60 minute(s). Portholes. 7/11/1966 #20636 Case #10798. Top-hat maneuvers and lands. Sweeps area / beam. Pseudo-human/ 7/31/1966 #20697 ELD, MO 3 girls. 6' ovoid rattles. Lands / 3 minute(s). Figure seen. Grass 8/1/1966 #20712 ORCE BASE, TX All / family. Saucer lands. Square door opens. Small humanoid 8/6/1966 #20726 size saucer with blue-lighted dome lands. Pulsating red and yellow. 9/7/1966 #20859 fied. UFO descends / cloudback and lands. Bands / light. 9/9/1966 #20865 oject Bluebook Case #10944. Saucer lands / farm. No radiation/radioactivity 9/13/1966 #20875 engine and lights fail. 15' cloud lands. Vanishes. 9/24/1966 #20921 omed saucer. 2 portholes and legs. Lands by garage. Rumbles. Goes. 10/3/1966 (approximate) #20953 GAFFNEY, SC 2 cops. 7M saucer lands. Door and ladder. Small humanoid ( 11/17/1966 #21111 BROOKSVILLE, FL Saucer lands again. Photographs / circular trac 12/4/1966 #21181 500' over Mississippi R. Flashes. Lands? 1/19/1967 #21348 ctro-magnetic effects). 25M saucer lands / tripod. Man / fishbowl helmet ex 1/25/1967 #21378 aircraft until 5 minutes before it lands at Jorge Chávez International Airp 2/2/1967 #21442 HILLIARD, OH Saucer lands / tripod. Small humanoids (or Grey 2/5/1967 #21452 altitude over a road shoulder. It lands on three legs in a field. The obje 2/5/1967 #21460 de. Dirt swirls under. Dog chases. Lands / 15 February. 2/9/1967 #21486 car off road. Returns and hovers. Lands / snow. / NICAP. 2/14/1967 #21541 ng in step formation, one of which lands or nearly lands. The remaining lig 2/16/1967 #21572 tion, one of which lands or nearly lands. The remaining light merges with t 2/16/1967 #21572 observer(s). UFO glides. Circles. Lands / field. Spins going northeast. / 2/22/1967 #21619 . Instant motions. Glows and hums. Lands. 3/1967 #21684 ctro-magnetic effects). 15m saucer lands. Aliens exit. Telepathy = "keep la 3/10/1967 (approximate) #21845 separate observer(s). Domed saucer lands. Air Force helicopter search = 0. 3/24/1967 #21960 Belt, MT Dome-Shaped Object Lands In Ravine (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 3/24/1967 #21965 ckly going up [to] extremely fast. Lands again. 3/25/1967 #21978 M silent ovoid. Get buzzed. Object lands / 13 April. / LDLN#94. 4/7/1967 #22087 . Radio = odd voices. Small saucer lands. Small humanoid (or Grey) / hatch. 4/14/1967 #22129 r(s). Fast glowing ovoid stops and lands. Flies away when neared. 4/16/1967 #22136 t stops abruptly then descends and lands. Roldan rushes toward the spot, bu 4/16/1967 #22140 Tips and sways / descent. Possible lands. 4/21/1967 #22179 ect going down. Extends 6 legs and lands. 6 marks / ground. Night lights / 4/26/1967 #22218 in the direction it came from and lands in the same spot. Their compasses 4/29/1967 #22247 / French Foreign legion. 8M ovoid lands / end. 2.75h / missing time. Physi 5/1967 #22250 / COMBES-LA-VILLE, FR 1.5M pyramid lands / road by railroad/railway tracks. 5/10/1967 #22307 er then move away, while the other lands on a large, flat rock 160 feet awa 5/20/1967 #22382 lluminating the ground. The object lands and leaves a burning area 90 feet 5/31/1967 #22432 AUSTRALIA Orange-glowing beer-key lands and flies. 2 observer(s) follow in 6/17/1967 #22512 QUICKLY [TO] HAUTERIVE, 03, FR UFO lands behind row of houses. Huge glow li 7/1967 #22581 , FR 4 observer(s). Glowing-object lands. Ratchet sound. Photograph taken. 7/1967 #22582 100 observer(s). Silver 10M saucer lands. No further details. / Flying Sauc 7/5/1967 #22611 going east. Appears over cemetery. Lands. Going quickly north. / r24v4#2+/ 8/5/1967 #22811 GRIES, SP "Twice-moon-size" saucer lands. Blinks 3X. Goes. Observer(s) pani 8/7/1967 #22838 MATURIN, VNZ "Heron" lands / bridge. Actually = 1M small huma 8/26/1967 #22929 s). Luminous/glowing metallic disk lands / botanical garden briefly. Going 8/29/1967 #22947 story, 6 UFOs follow an X-15 as it lands. When project members call Edwards 9/1/1967? #22977 VILLA CONSTITUCION, ARG 4M saucer lands / field / 4 hours / big storm. Tra 9/11/1967 #23036 WICHITA, KS Boys and mom. Saucer lands / field. Light rotates / edge-wind 9/14/1967 #23052 ERN, H&W, ENG 3 boys. Domed saucer lands 200M away. Traces. / r180p53. 10/25/1967 #23314 2 observers. Blue luminous saucer lands / pasture. Quickly going up [to] w 11/3/1967 #23393 Silent blue-glow ovoid going west. Lands. Going west again. Ground flattene 11/5/1967 #23403 e hovers / 30 minute(s). Other UFO lands / Veksoe to the north. 11/7/1967 #23417 INAS, VNZ 3 / car. Ovoid 1.5M high lands / highway. Quickly going up [to] w 11/14/1967 #23445 YARMOUTH, NS 3M UFO lands / woods / 15 minute(s). Crazy nois 11/29/1967 #23521 QUINAN, NS Car-sized object lands hill. Rounded rear and pointed fro 12/6/1967 #23552 ilitary alert. Ovoid maneuvers and lands. All radios and RADAR's out. Nothi 1/1968 (approximate) #23637 Many observer(s). Luminous object lands / 4h. Rises going up. Large burnt 1/23/1968 #23686 s). 2 Saturn-saucers over woods. 1 lands. 1 going [to] over house. "Motor s 1/24/1968 #23692 EAST / FOS-SUR-MER, FR Saucer lands. Door opens. Pseudo-human/entity e 1/29/1968 #23707 with portholes extends tripod and lands. Beam kills 1 observer(s). 2/2/1968 #23726 CODEROSA WITH ALBQ, SP Night light lands. Foresters throw stones and run le 3/22/1968 #23856 ovoid hovers and maneuvers. Nearly lands. 8-min. Many see. 5/21/1968 #23975 Car engine and lights fail. Saucer lands. Going up [to] and going quickly n 5/27/1968 #23985 BLV 2 cops and more/others. Saucer lands. Odor. Burnt grass and shrubs. Bac 5/29/1968 #23993 near El Choro, Poopó, Bolivia. It lands, leaves a strange, powerful odor, 6/15/1968 #24040 ATACAMA DESERT, CHL Saucer lands / several salt marshes. 3 beings g 6/24/1968 (approximate) #24073 OOLER, ON Several observer(s). UFO lands / brush. Shadows raid house and gr 7/2/1968 #24125 TANDIL, ARG "UFO lands at Tandil Air Force Base" / news. 7/13/1968 (approximate) #24172 MENDOZA, ARG Mushroom-saucer lands. Lights clinic. Flashes. 80cm spot 7/22/1968 #24199 OLAVARRIA, ARG Saucer lands near military / runway. Cops firin 7/26/1968 #24230 ITL 3 workmen. Blue luminous disk lands by Addo River. No further details 7/26/1968 #24232 CO 75+observer(s). Metallic saucer lands / road / 4 legs. Hums and rises / 7/28/1968 #24240 UPTON, QB Glowing-cloud rotates. Lands / field. 1M bottle-head figure(s) 7/28/1968 #24243 effects). Lights back on as saucer lands! Stays 45 minute(s). / r79p42+/ r4 7/29/1968 #24248 PLAINE / CAFRES, REUNION 5M saucer lands. 2 90cm small humanoids (or Greys) 7/31/1968 #24264 10M bowl-shape UFO(narrow end Dn). Lands behind woods. 2 observer(s). 8/16/1968 #24336 LE, CA 1+4 observer(s). Red object lands / hillside. Lights / ends. 75' pat 9/2/1968 #24423 object. Hums like / refrigerator. Lands! 9/7/1968 #24435 passes several X. Hums and spins. Lands. Figure(s) inside. 9/9/1968 #24445 RONCENAY, FR 2 observer(s). Saucer lands / legs. 3 small humanoids (or Grey 9/30/1968 (approximate) #24523 M altitude 50M away. Moves off and lands / hills. 10/12/1968 #24557 Several mountain climbers. Saucer lands. 2 small small humanoids (or Greys 10/19/1968 #24572 it at close range. After the B-52 lands, both outer and inner-zone intrusi 10/24/1968 #24587 magnetic effect (EME). 100M saucer lands. AOK after. / r50p20+/ r41. 11/2/1968 #24622 FORBES LANDING, BC Globe / light lands / road. Radio Frequency Interferen 11/13/1968 #24651 FINL Night light drops hovers and lands / trees. Hums. Rises and away. Tra 11/14/1968 #24654 150+'saucer going [to] over house. Lands / field. Dodges bullets! Saucers d 11/24/1968 #24696 URICO, CHILE 1 observer. 2M saucer lands / legs. 3 small humanoids (or Grey 11/25/1968 #24701 ulticolor lights goes dark when it lands nearby. 12/1/1968 #24743 east going west. Hovers. Descends. Lands? 12/11/1968 #24759 server(s). 10M saucer follows car. Lands. Figure(s) work. Cat screams. Goin 12/12/1968 #24761 2 separate observer(s). 1M saucer lands(?) / woods. Back / 28 Mar. '69. 12/22/1968 #24787 ARG 2 observer(s). 3M metallic pea lands behind spa 10M away. Up fast and g 1/1/1969 #24812 er over Bois-Francs. Light snow. 1 lands. 1/15/1969 #24844 vers and maneuvers / 45 minute(s). Lands / farm? / APRO Mar'69. 1/21/1969 #24862 TESVILLE, MO Dogs bark. Huge ovoid lands / field. Rises going up. Tripod in 2/1969 #24885 E, CHL 2 observer(s). Domed saucer lands / beach. 2M figure(s) gather rocks 2/1969 #24886 PIRASSUNUNGA, BRZ Saucer lands. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) exit 2/7/1969 #24899 NEAR PIRASSUNUNGA, BRZ 5M saucer lands / tripod. 3 figure(s) / catwalk wo 2/20/1969 (approximate) #24933 nt UFO spirals going down [to] and lands / hill. Vanishes / plain view! Pla 2/28/1969 #24948 , PORTUGAL 2+/ car. Strange object lands / distance. National Guard searche 2/28/1969 #24950 ALEXANIA, BRAZIL Rancher. Saucer lands. Crew seen! Photographs taken / Sb 3/3/1969 (approximate) #24958 nd sphere fly parallel / road. Egg lands vertically.. 3/9/1969 #24984 l separate observer(s). Red saucer lands stadium grounds 2X. Seen 3 days. A 3/14/1969 #25007 LERS, FR Night light. Cloud-saucer lands. 12M / stunted plants found. Earth 3/17/1969 #25016 rver(s). Luminous/glowing football lands 3M from truck stuck / mud. Flies. 3/18/1969 (approximate) #25022 ws / low altitude. Domed 5M saucer lands. 2 figure(s) seen. 3/19/1969 #25028 , SPAIN White cylinder/cigar-shape lands on housetop. Takes off. Seen again 3/25/1969 #25039 off, and after a long interval it lands. Da Silva is carried by his armpit 5/4/1969 #25114 ilver disk going [to] fast. Spins. Lands? Patch / barren ground. 5/20/1969 #25150 OVERTON, NS Machine lands / swamp. Man walks around rim. Lig 6/1969 #25181 ndrical object going down / cloud. Lands near building. 2 figure(s) inside. 7/1/1969 #25243 APOLLO 11 LANDS Man walks on moon. Worldwide TV co 7/21/1969 #25286 moon The Apollo 11 Lunar Module lands the first astronauts on the moon, 7/21/1969 #25288 na flashes. Small object exits and lands. 9/3/1969 #25349 BEAUHARNOIS, QB Boy. Saucer lands. Small green robotic figure(s) gat 9/14/1969 #25368 ark 12M ovoid with lit edge loops. Lands. Cows ignore! Going quickly northw 10/11/1969 #25406 ILE, AL 2 college kids. 13M saucer lands / field. Cops find crushed weeds o 10/28/1969 #25428 -size saucer takes-off / hillside. Lands near observer(s). Very brite. 1/1970 #25527 OUHANS, FR 1 / car. Large triangle lands / field. Darkens. No further detai 4/3/1970 #25621 SP 10M saucer-ring flys about then lands. Seen / train / 8km. 4/4/1970 #25624 LE PUITS-D'EDME, FR Metal dome lands near car. Motor and radio electro- 8/17/1970 #25793 NEUF, QB 1 observer. "Fuse" saucer lands. Angel hair analysis complicated. 8/28/1970 #25806 16 separate observer(s). Red ovoid lands / woods. 3 indents. Mild 600 KeV r 8/29/1970 #25807 RUELLE-SUR-TOUVRE, FR 12M saucer lands / rectangular legs. Going up [to] 9/9/1970 #25831 om about a half-mile away. When it lands 150 feet from them, they notice it 10/24/1970 #25885 n saucer with 2 antennas 30m away. Lands / maize. Tree dies. 1/8/1971 #25985 binoculars. Metallic ovoid slowly lands / slopes / Cerro Negro. 1/18/1971 #25990 to a clearing 50 feet away. As it lands, a small entity just under 3 feet 2/5/1971 #26014 STUART, FL UFO lands / street / anonymous observer(s). 2/17/1971 #26023 R 4 kids. Ovoid extends 4 legs and lands near railroad/railway tracks. / r1 4/23/1971 #26078 e disc-shaped craft,” one of which lands and the other two fly away. A door 5/1971 #26091 KA, SLOVENIA 2 observer(s). 8M egg lands / 3 legs / 5 minute(s). Spirals go 5/3/1971 #26098 LAPPI, FINLAND Blazing ovoid lands. 3 pod marks-1 has black crud. Ana 5/4/1971 #26100 LA TUQUE, QBC UFO lands. Type unknown. Flash knocks observ 5/30/1971 #26143 RG Cop and 2. Silver 5M lens shape lands by highway. 6/11/1971 #26167 io quits. Metallic ball with wings lands. Retracts wings. Glows. 8/2/1971 #26263 NEAR AZNALCOLLAR, SP Bus-size UFO lands / field. 50 pseudo-human/entity Ma 9/12/1971 #26329 , SWD Engineer abduction with car. Lands way ahead. UFO going south. No exa 9/20/1971 #26352 GUIGNAN Sphere/orb/globe spins and lands / trees. Quickly going up / 1h. Ba 1/25/1972 #26553 ar. 2-3M glowing-ball follows car. Lands and follows again. Going quickly n 2/2/1972 #26560 aucer quickly going down / clouds. Lands / 4 legs. Going quickly SSW. / r30 2/12/1972 #26574 SALISBURY, MD 2 observer(s). Disk lands. Ramp lowers. 2 4' figure(s) nearb 5/2/1972 #26667 / car. White cylinder/cigar-shape lands and darkens. Path / flattened brus 7/5/1972 #26766 Silent plane nears airport. Never lands. 2nd time in 1 week. No lights. 7/27/1972 #26841 TH / BUIRE-SUR-ANCRE, FR 6M saucer lands. 4 / car draw near. 4 watches disa 8/1972 #26860 ops and many. Night lights. Saucer lands on top / Quonset hut! Lights field 8/12/1972 #26902 ome out of the sky in the west. It lands on the ground on a ridge facing th 8/12/1972 #26911 er(s). Ovoid with portholes / dome lands. 3' indent / burns. / r180p85+/ AP 8/16/1972 #26919 ). Football-UFO over Norton sound. Lands. Dome and porthole. / r166p61. 8/17/1972 #26924 E, BRAZIL Several observer(s). UFO lands. 3 figure(s) outside. Broken trees 8/24/1972 #26950 cer responds / lights. Circles and lands. Vanishes. / MJ#109+LDLN#127. 8/27/1972 #26958 ral / car. Large saucer paces car. Lands. / Essex Weekly 23.11.72. 8/27/1972 #26959 to] and quickly going down. Beams. Lands. Extremely quickly going up. / MJ# 9/13/1972 #26988 er(s). Sphere with triangular tail lands. Quickly going up [to] fast. 2nd s 9/19/1972 #27009 MT. ROUGEMONT, QB 30M and saucer lands / mountain. Dives at car when obse 9/20/1972 #27013 VALEA-PLOPULUI, ROM Saucer lands / cornfield. Digs 140mm hole 2160m 9/28/1972 #27037 COLWOOD, BC Orange ovoid lands behind house. Rises fast. Moss scr 10/5/1972 #27048 ng up [to] and going SSW. Back and lands / 0440h. 10/5/1972 #27049 server(s). 1-3 night lights. Ovoid lands later. / FSRv25#3. 10/6/1972 #27052 LE, BAYAMON, PR A. Martinez. Ovoid lands. Figure(s) exit and steal concrete 10/14/1972 #27073 bserver(s). Sombrero-shaped object lands / mountains nearby. No further det 10/19/1972 #27079 BRZ Teachers and many. 1.5 saucer lands / road several X / different dates 10/28/1972 #27092 LA SARRE, QB Kids. Cloud-object LANDs. Squarish figure(s) / diving-suits 11/28/1972 #27147 MURRAY BRIDGE, SAU Diamond-object lands. Car malfunctions due to EME (elec 11/30/1972 #27152 ore/others. "Ion cloud" / 1000kph? Lands / local news. 12/12/1972 #27171 box-like crafts. 1 hovers / low. 1 lands. UFO with antenna. Delta/triangle/ 2/11/1973 #27281 6 / car. Night lights / trees. UFO lands by road. Lights / side. / r31p6. 2/21/1973 #27303 min and several. Odd tailed object lands and rises / Lake Victoria. 3/3/1973 #27327 ARG Engineering student. 5M saucer lands / road. Pseudo-human/entity / odd 3/13/1973 #27340 A 4 observer(s). Multicolor saucer lands. Stick figure(s) move around insid 3/28/1973 #27382 D, WALES Several observer(s). Dome lands near government training centre. V 4/4/1973 #27402 Y, AUSTR 4 / car. Saucer dives and lands. Headlights die. Circles radio tow 4/30/1973 #27455 tary. Lights and radio out. Saucer lands. Emits fog. Buzz. / r79p57. 6/1973 (approximate) #27542 emely fast. Silent. Plane follows. Lands / mountains? 6/2/1973 (approximate) #27545 E, ARG 2 observer(s). Large saucer lands near. Car malfunctions due to EME 6/10/1973 #27559 2 observer(s). Orange domed saucer lands on lawn! Blows smoke. / SKYLOOK#26 6/23/1973 #27581 ected to sit on a chair as the UFO lands in the spot where he had been befo 7/27/1973 #27656 NC 2 observer(s). Circular object lands / cow pasture. / Winston-Salem Jou 8/14/1973 #27699 (s). Phony rocket going southeast. Lands? / r231'73 / r28p373+/ r210p50. 8/18/1973 #27711 rtical cylinder/cylindrical object lands. Air ionized / scientists. Going s 9/3/1973 #27751 A Several observer(s). "Spaceship" lands / cemetery. 10 "black dogs" exit! 9/9/1973 #27786 OAK PARK, GA Odd object lands / farm. Glowing orbs etc. / Carrol 9/9/1973 #27790 GA 1 / SR41. Round glowing object lands / farm field. No further details / 9/12/1973 #27804 OKS, GA 2 observer(s). Gold object lands. Vanishes. Grass burnt. Ovoid seen 9/14/1973 #27818 phere/orb/globe unfolds 3 legs and lands. Ramp drops. Away / observer(s) he 9/30/1973 #27889 Boat crew. Faintly glowing saucer lands smoothly / sea surface. 10/3/1973 #27923 ere over restricted Avco facility. Lands 30 min. / r88p8. 10/11/1973 #27986 GREENFIELD, OH Call to police. UFO lands / farm. Cow missing. Police can't 10/14/1973 #28021 , AL 2 teens. 12' sphere/orb/globe lands / 4 legs. Antenna / top. Door open 10/16/1973 #28063 MS Luminous 12cm sphere/orb/globe lands / car. All 4 doors fly open. Gravi 10/16/1973 #28066 and headlights fail as the object lands. Another object hovers about 60 fe 10/16/1973 #28086 s. 3 cigars over house 90' away. 1 lands / schoolyard. Follows plane. 10/17/1973 #28100 (electro-magnetic effects). Saucer lands. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) / si 10/17/1973 #28112 Guard and 2 cops. 4M round object lands. Up and away. Rotating red and whi 10/18/1973 #28156 ject, 12 feet wide by 8 feet high, lands close by near Dobson, North Caroli 10/24/1973 #28267 WAIPUKURAU, NZ Domed saucer lands / barnyard. Going quickly / extrem 10/28/1973 #28304 ahía Blanca, Argentina, when a UFO lands and three humanlike beings, two me 10/28/1973 #28309 ood photographs "land mine" ovoid. Lands / 7 legs. / LDLN#192. 11/3/1973 #28356 ES, FR 6M domed saucer going down. Lands / 3 legs. Square door / base. Sile 11/7/1973 #28379 ver(s). Top saucer with portholes. Lands / mountain. Air Force plane chases 11/8/1973 #28384 clouds. Going down / 5M altitude. Lands. Changes color(s) red going [to] y 11/10/1973 #28401 OR 1 observer. Red flashing object lands / valley. Burnt grass and odd fung 11/11/1973 #28407 / cruiser. Prisoners / rear panic. Lands. 11/14/1973 #28419 . 2 night lights / red and blue. 1 lands. 1 chases car. / Okla.City Times 1 11/16/1973 #28427 lobe scouts around / 10' altitude. Lands several times. Lens / side? 11/16/1973 #28431 Large orange object with platform lands. Odd noise. Dogs upset. / Grove Su 11/17/1973 #28435 NA FRANCA, ITALY 2 teens. Fireball lands / railroad/railway station/depot/f 11/20/1973 (approximate) #28450 ARLE, NC Hunter. Classic 6m saucer lands 50m away. 2 figure(s) take samples 11/27/1973 (approximate) #28469 er and antennas. Whoosh / takeoff. Lands? Traces. 12/11/1973 #28554 E, CROATIA 1 observer. Gold saucer lands. Mechanical arm scoops snow. Going 12/20/1973 #28590 MONTMORT, FR 10M rocket lands. Man fires shot. Going up [to] 15M 12/22/1973 #28596 aucer / road. Cylinder/cigar-shape lands / end! Traces and footprints. / Fl 12/31/1973 #28618 rcycle / deserted road. Goes back. Lands? / r30p438. 1/9/1974 #28671 SPN Night lights. Silent 3M saucer lands / vineyard. 20cm fireball rises / 1/12/1974 #28674 nd goes in jumps. 0800 1M fireball lands / ground / r251p77. 2/4/1974 #28735 Silver object going up / pasture. Lands 2X more. Cows and dog frantic. 2/17/1974 (approximate) #28774 NDEN, ONT 1 observer. Mass / light lands. Form unknown. V-shaped formation 2/26/1974 #28804 EAUGAY, FR Saucer-sphere/orb/globe lands. 2 rows / portholes. Upper porthol 2/28/1974 #28817 shoots jets / light. Domed saucer lands. / r30p460. 2/28/1974 #28818 FR 4 observer(s). Grey Rugby-ball lands 50M / deserted farm. / r30p473. 3/15/1974 (approximate) #28890 UNK LAKE, ON 50+observer(s). Ovoid lands / ice. Observer(s) fires shots. Cl 3/20/1974 #28913 ALCANTARA, SP 15x20M domed diamond lands. Odd "clock" noise. / LDLN#144. 4/13/1974 #29010 all over sky. Passes car. Blinks. Lands in woods. 5/27/1974 #29138 RQUE, NM 2 observer(s). 60' saucer lands / hill. Rises spins and away. Grey 5/28/1974 #29139 PTON, NH 4 observer(s). Large dome lands and darkens / plane passes. Spin a 6/6/1974 #29167 . Saucer north going quickly south lands / sea. Floats / 5 minute(s). Subme 6/13/1974 #29182 all over/all about. Huge fireball lands. Traces. / r30. 6/14/1974 #29188 r(s). Bright flashes and masses. 1 lands behind woods. Whole valley lit. 7/25/1974 #29277 ARNEY, VOSGES Vibrant bright ovoid lands / railroad/railway tracks. 3 obser 7/28/1974 (approximate) #29282 COQUITLAM, BC 3 kids. Saucer lands. Sucks up sand and rocks. Cat goes 8/16/1974 #29359 learing where the sandpit lies and lands there, about 150 feet away. The wh 8/16/1974 #29362 med saucer near ground. Domed bell lands / 4 long legs near railroad/railwa 8/26/1974 #29387 Disk with square dome and lights. Lands / field. Blast / hot air on takeof 8/28/1974 #29392 NAVEGANTES, BRZ Saucer lands / beach. 2 observer(s) paralyzed / 8/31/1974 #29404 owing object hovers / radio tower. Lands / field. 35' burnt patch and 4 ind 9/9/1974 #29438 L Several observer(s). Mini-saucer lands on building / mid-city. Going up [ 9/18/1974 #29462 UFO passes the road ahead and then lands on the left side about 250 feet fr 9/21/1974 #29467 4 observer(s). 10M saucer 5M tall lands / park. Kerosene odor. 3 7cm holes 9/29/1974 #29491 NA, CA 5 observer(s). Round object lands. All sorts animals go crazy. TV ma 10/15/1974 #29529 rs over the Santa Maria Valley. It lands on a hillside and turns ruby red b 10/15/1974 #29531 hum and a foghorn. (NICAP, “Object Lands / Animal Reactions / Compass Devia 10/15/1974 #29531 DAKAR, SENEGAL 2 observer(s). UFO lands / type unknown. Small humanoid (or 10/21/1974 #29550 er. 2.2M sphere/orb/globe 35M away lands. Tube extends / bottom. Photograph 11/19/1974 #29599 100m x15m yellow / orange saucer. Lands for 5 minutes. No further details. 1/1/1975 #29685 aces cars / low altitude. Windows. Lands? 1/9/1975 #29736 J Separate observer(s). 30' saucer lands / park. 10 small humanoids (or Gre 1/12/1975 #29741 ESBURG, CO 3 / truck. Domed saucer lands by I76. Silent. Going up [to] 30' 1/20/1975 #29755 everal photographs of it. The ship lands in a nearby meadow, and a beautifu 1/28/1975 #29772 FEIGNIES, FR Sphere/orb/globe lands under tree / field. Nears boy who 2/5/1975 #29785 OFU, JAPAN 2 boys. 5M domed saucer lands / 3 legs burnt circle. 1.3M small 2/23/1975 #29836 OK 2 observer(s). Brilliant object lands / ranch. Going up [to] and lands n 2/25/1975 (approximate) #29844 t lands / ranch. Going up [to] and lands near lake. Going quickly SSW fast. 2/25/1975 (approximate) #29844 MBRAI, FR 4.5M box becomes sphere. Lands / yard. Traces. / r30p548. 3/31/1975 #29926 lights / close formation. 100MPH. Lands. Smoke rises. 6 burnt trees. 4/6/1975 #29971 BA Saucer beams going down / lake. Lands / field. Radiation/radioactivity 4 5/1975 #30012 ude. Plays cat and mouse. Possible lands / r30. 5/1/1975 #30016 -color saucer flies and hovers and lands / several min. Depressions / dirt. 6/6/1975 #30084 inous yellow 60cm sphere/orb/globe lands / field / 6 minute(s). Rises / 1M 6/9/1975 #30093 low altitude going [to] in / sea. Lands / beach / 3 legs. Small humanoids 6/28/1975 (approximate) #30129 luminous heart flies. 70cm "wedge" lands. Dogs bark. / r30. 7/4/1975 (approximate) #30154 CITY, KS UFO / 4 cylinders hanging lands / pasture. Triangle of 3 rings / g 7/19/1975 #30187 White sphere/orb/globe going down. Lands? Portholes. Possible traces / grou 8/6/1975 #30239 ICA 2 observer(s). Buzz. 3M sphere lands by military station. Going quickly 8/14/1975 #30266 d fireball going quickly southeast lands and takes off. Soon 2 more going q 8/18/1975 #30287 r Force RADAR coordinates / radio. Lands. = missile silo! 8/21/1975 #30292 hind mopod/motorscooter/motorbike. Lands. 2 pseudo-human/entity outside. Al 8/22/1975 #30296 GENISSIEUX, 26, FR 3M saucer lands / field. Antenna / Rh side. Boxy o 9/9/1975 #30349 r Force man. 1.5M sphere/orb/globe lands / field. TV Radio Frequency Interf 9/12/1975 #30354 LUMBIN, ISERE Cone lands / yard. 2M high x 1.5M wide. Dogs 9/24/1975 #30383 wing-sphere/orb/globe scares cows. Lands by transformer. Then by silos. 9/30/1975 #30396 TRINCHERA PEAK, CO "Helicopter" lands / mountain top. Mutilated cow foun 10/6/1975 #30418 LLA CO, CO Night. Cops. Helicopter lands / 3 minute(s). 2 new mutilated cat 10/9/1975 #30425 DFORD, MN Glowing-sphere/orb/globe lands / football field. Flies. High-radi 11/2/1975 #30538 server(s). Night lights. 5M saucer lands / field. Rises fast and going quic 12/15/1975 #30716 DOMENE, FR 4.5M bullet lands / 5 thin legs. 2M pseudo-human/ent 1/5/1976 #30759 JERSEY CITY, NJ 2 observer(s). UFO lands in same park as 12 Jan. '75 event. 1/15/1976 #30787 r(s). Brill fireball maneuvers and lands. Blast and fire. No traces. / r162 1/18/1976 #30797 D GLUIRAS, FR Saucer / orange dome lands. All car lights electro-magnetic e 2/10/1976 #30859 KETTERING, TASM Glowing-dome lands / beach. Hums. Figure(s) / windows 2/25/1976 (approximate) #30900 cer hugs hillside. Square windows. Lands. Bounces. 3/28/1976 #30963 10 kids. Colored orbs all over. 1 lands. Traces and radiation/radioactivit 3/29/1976 #30966 CHAUX-DE-FONDS, SWZ 4 kids. Saucer lands / college. 4 square M / burnt trac 4/16/1976 #30997 ILS, FR Physicist and 3. 4M saucer lands / 3 2M legs. Going up [to] silentl 5/15/1976 #31053 r(s). Odd moon going down [to] and lands / wheatfield. Blue light rotates / 5/19/1976 #31062 irliner pilots and RADAR's. Saucer lands by airport. Rises and turns going 8/7/1976 #31242 days. White object over City Hall. Lands / woods? 8/23/1976 #31292 FES, VLNC, SPAIN 2M glowing-sphere lands. 1.9M fat figure with helmet outsi 9/1/1976 #31321 chea and Ayaviri, Peru, when a UFO lands 90 feet in front of them. Two stra 9/8/1976 #31356 EAR TABRIZ, IRAN Glittering object lands 100M from car. "Mummys" exit and a 9/18/1976 #31393 disappears from view after Jafari lands. Base Commander Gen. Abdulah Azerb 9/18/1976 #31395 SANTA FE, ARG 2 observer(s). Ovoid lands. 4 x6M trace grows 4 kg mushrooms. 11/3/1976 #31519 MONTREAL, QB Saucer lands / roof / building. Tall helmeted m 1/6/1977 #31704 se. It flies in from the north and lands on the rooftop of a three-story ap 1/6/1977 #31706 ROSA, VNZL Noisy ovoid circles and lands / riverbank. Pseudo-human/entity m 1/23/1977 #31747 ylinder/cylindrical object capsule lands / school and yards. Small figure / 2/10/1977 #31805 erver(s). Silent 3M glowing-saucer lands / farm / 5 legs. No further detail 2/11/1977 #31809 Tuna-can saucer with conical dome lands. No traces. / MJ#124. 3/6/1977 #31862 aneuvers and going down [to] slow. Lands / vineyard. Seen / 4-5 minute(s). 3/30/1977 #31934 saucer grazes pond. Water sizzles. Lands. Small humanoids (or Greys) outsid 4/6/1977 #31951 Moon-size object passes buildings. Lands / trees. 2nd object joins. 4/8/1977 #31958 aneuver and vanish and reappear. 1 lands / water. Nothing / radar. 4/10/1977 #31968 LITTLE HAVEN, WALES Saucer lands. Figure(s) / white plastic suits e 4/19/1977 #31995 oid going [to] over / 3M altitude. Lands. 3 small humanoids (or Greys) exit 5/1977 #32040 ching the tree tops” and the plane lands in one piece with a badly shaken p 6/17/1977 #32171 wildly, and by the time the plane lands it has deviated by 180° relative t 6/17/1977 #32171 , BRAZIL Rancher. Straw-hat saucer lands. Hairy small humanoid (or Grey) ex 7/17/1977 #32284 OUTH AUS 50M silent phony airliner lands by power lines. Going up / 600kph. 7/30/1977 #32321 gnal going up / sky. Globe / light lands 30M away. Quickly going up [to] wh 8/24/1977 #32420 nous sphere going quickly [to] by. Lands / field. Nobody goes closer. 10/2/1977 #32544 NYON, VAUD, SWZ Classic saucer lands by autoroute! CE-3. No further det 10/11/1977 #32566 INSTER, WILTS 1 / car. Blue saucer lands / field-ditch. Search beam / top. 10/28/1977 #32624 FOSS, NORW 2+1 observer(s). Saucer lands / field. Small humanoid (or Grey) 11/1/1977 #32649 ke, Norway. The light-green object lands about 300 feet away in a newly plo 11/1/1977 #32651 lent orange glowing-saucer hovers. Lands? / LDLN#188. 12/4/1977 #32733 ms and circles overhead. 4 / legs. Lands / woods then quickly going up. 12/12/1977 #32760 ARKWORTH, NZ Silver glowing-saucer lands. 7' figure waves from door. / MJ#1 1/1978 #32833 with rotating lights / underside. Lands / woods. / r120p116. 1/15/1978? #32882 server(s). Silver sphere/orb/globe lands. Cows paralyzed. 2 pseudo-human/en 1/27/1978 #32916 bserver(s). Brilliant round object lands / woods. Covered / lights. Shape v 3/6/1978 #33015 ltitude. Going [to] away and back. Lands / woods. Quickly going up. 3/11/1978 #33029 eral observer(s). 3 red saucers. 1 lands. Vanishes. Reappears / different c 3/22/1978 #33061 nd high tension power lines lines. Lands? / Il Resto. 6/23/1978 #33299 AND?, NORWAY 40cm circular? object lands. Extreme bright. Burnt dirt and gr 7/30/1978 #33452 IA TEBALDA, ITL 10M circle / light lands / hills. Beams going up. 2nd ident 10/26/1978 #33878 erver(s). 43m cylinder/cigar-shape lands / soybeans. Long obvious imprint / 11/8/1978 #33926 ion to automatically shut down. It lands and remains on the ground for seve 11/9/1978 #33939 ATRI, ITL Saucer lands. Farmer raises pitchfork and faint 11/24/1978 #33993 1 / car. Intense white night light lands nearby. Odd voice / radio. Red orb 12/2/1978 #34047 TORREBRUNA, ITL Saucer lands / road. Door opens. Observer(s) en 12/15/1978 #34131 eparate observer(s). Luminous disk lands and takes off again. / La Sicilia 12/17/1978 #34162 TONA, ITL Postman. 'Space capsule' lands. Lights rotate. Quickly going up [ 12/19/1978 #34172 wer lines lines. Beams going down. Lands / field / 60 minute(s). Traces. 12/22/1978 #34195 GGIO, ITL Hobo. Whistle! "Missile" lands. Metallic being exits. Emits heat. 12/30/1978 #34224 Changes shape. Going [to] away and lands / field. 1/1/1979 #34271 COLOMBIA Trucker. Metallic saucer lands / tripod. 3 men exit / hatch. Torn 1/24/1979 (approximate) #34370 EL DEAN, ARG Rectangle lands. 2 pseudo-human/entity and 5 robot 1/25/1979 #34379 OROUGH, MANCHESTER Rotating object lands / quarry. Cops and 2 find nothing. 2/21/1979 #34439 OD NEAR LEEDS, WEST YORKS 8' ovoid lands 3 minute(s). Government agent advi 2/22/1979 #34442 hat is descending nearby. After it lands, the noise changes to a hum, which 2/22/1979 #34444 FR Girls / 13. Saucer going south. Lands. Man outside. Oval traces / ground 3/27/1979 #34489 IA 20 observer(s). Brilliant ovoid lands / rice-field. Shrinks and splits! 4/1979 #34497 here quickly going down [to] fast. Lands. Flashes white and red. Traces. 4/16/1979 #34510 MALAYS 5cm saucer extends 3 legs. Lands near cows. Observer(s) nears-hit / 5/1979 #34530 d by blinking a light, then slowly lands nearby. More light signals are exc 5/1/1979 #34537 ME (electro-magnetic effects). UFO lands / 90 second(s). Figure(s) look thr 5/5/1979 #34541 N, MO 5+1 observer(s). Night light lands behind shop. Neon sign malfunction 5/25/1979 #34576 de stops dead. Flashes going down. Lands / bean field? 7/28/1979 #34685 e pursuit just before the aircraft lands. However, three new UFO targets ar 11/11/1979 #34997 pears to be 3 feet in diameter and lands at a nearby mound. The children ru 11/15/1979 #35000 ZMAJLOVO PARK EAST / MOSCOW Saucer lands. 4-fingered small humanoid (or Gre 11/16/1979 #35002 observer(s). Brilliant clam-saucer lands / field. 3 small humanoids (or Gre 3/9/1980 #35207 miles away from the base. After he lands 22 minutes later, the object reapp 4/11/1980 #35269 PECOS, NM USAF man. Saucer lands. Small humanoid (or Grey) exits an 7/16/1980 #35413 SANDIA SITE, NM Saucer lands behind 'headquarters CR 44' storag 8/9/1980 #35450 RTHEAST / BELEN, NM State cop. UFO lands / Manzano Mountains near Sandia. T 8/10/1980 #35454 sphere/orb/globe circles 2 / boat. Lands / island. Windows. Tank tracks jus 9/5/1980 #35497 ia, AU Object with whistling noise lands on farm (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) 9/30/1980 #35544 e. Saucer maneuvers over woods and lands. Burnt trees and grass / circle. 1/28/1981 #35804 3 m in diameter and 1 m in height lands on the street about 50 meters away 4/15/1981 #35898 White cylinder/cigar-shape hovers. Lands / Gobi desert sands. 6/6/1981 #35954 reversed cone gliding downward. It lands behind a tree and continues whirli 6/12/1981 #35966 A, ITL 6 teens. 15M metallic ovoid lands 15M away. Pseudo-human/entity exit 11/8/1981 #36210 N Odd police / Army report. Saucer lands. 2 women see small humanoids (or G 1/7/1982 #36297 erver(s). Night lights. 30' saucer lands twice. Portholes. Absolute(ly) sil 2/10/1982 #36330 observer(s). Noises. Domed saucer lands 2X by power lines. Street light ma 4/3/1982 #36431 power lines. It lifts off and then lands a second time. The UFO has blue li 4/3/1982 #36433 Night lights light canyon. Object lands / Indian family land. 8/10/1982 #36564 (RFI). Brief power outage. Saucer lands / field. Traces / soil. 4/10/1983 #36831 Ross, OH Object lands in field near a house (NICAP: 06 - 4/10/1983 #36834 e, England, when a disc-shaped UFO lands nearby. Two humanoid beings approa 8/12/1983 #36948 IS, IN 1+1 observer(s). Small disk lands / empty Lot. Similar object lands 12/27/1983 #37083 lands / empty Lot. Similar object lands / cornfield. 12/27/1983 #37083 ped object with eight green lights lands in an open field across the street 12/27/1983 #37085 t seems to be pacing their car. It lands on a nearby ridge and after a few 1/20/1984 #37132 ER, NY 3 / car paced / gold ovoid. Lands / ridge. Going up. Repeats several 1/21/1984 #37134 here/orb/globe going down [to] and lands / ridge. Bigger object rises / sam 1/28/1984 #37160 3 Air Traffic Controllers. Sphere lands / tarmac. Shoots going up / plane 4/19/1984 #37269 / tarmac. Shoots going up / plane lands. / r81p136. 4/19/1984 #37269 80M ovoid going quickly southeast lands / vineyard. Vines affected. Traces 7/8/1984 #37389 ling and the House Subcommittee on Lands and National Parks that the Air Fo 8/7/1984 #37429 GAVEAO, BRAZIL Chupa lands / riverbank. 2 observer(s). 1 burn 9/1984 #37450 Z Night lights buzz fishermen. UFO lands. Door slams! Voices. Footprints. 9/23/1984 #37463 s) paralyzed. Red sphere/orb/globe lands. Physical traces. / MJ#204. 10/9/1984 #37482 erver. Red airship lights sky red. Lands behind Kirkstall Museum! 12/24/1984 #37530 diameter flies out of it and then lands on a lengthy spit on the Caspian S 1985 #37541 Several / road. Intense red object lands / hill. 20M circle / burnt plants. 8/19/1985 #37648 CA 3 observer(s). 3' clear bubble lands by church. Rises when neared. Goin 12/1985 #37729 down [to] between mountain peaks. Lands and lights area. 1/4/1986 #37750 V, ARG Several observer(s). Saucer lands. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) exit 3/21/1986 #37803 to] ground. Flames. Nothing found. Lands US119 / 2 September. 8/31/1986 #38004 NSBORG, DK 1 / car. 7M bowl-saucer lands / road / 5 thin legs. Tube / light 9/19/1986 #38030 ORD, NC Trees crunch! Domed saucer lands / yard. Area bathed / orange light 3/23/1987 #38151 TINGSRYD, SWD UFO lands / road. Onion-head small humanoids 6/1987 (approximate) #38182 r on his radar. After 3 minutes he lands because he is running out of fuel. 6/19/1987 #38194 tallic cylinder/cylindrical object lands. Speeds going quickly northeast ov 7/13/1987 #38207 30 p.m. A gray, oval-shaped object lands on the road ahead of a Mercedes ca 12/14/1987 #38364 e red diamond-shape rises / hills. Lands again? 2/14/1988 #38463 MESA, AZ Private pilot lands. Gulf Breeze type saucer seen brie 3/6/1988 #38492 ATHENS, ME 2 / tent. Saucer lands. Red ball exits scouts around. Mis 8/22/1988 #38615 E, WA Writer Lorene Gilliland. UFO lands in her field. Type unknown. 10/10/1988 #38666 SEVAN, ARMENIA Large luminous UFO lands / park. Takes off. Black Pumice an 10/24/1988 #38684 y separate observer(s). Mothership lands / field. Groups / UFO's seen / 3 d 2/20/1989 #38844 n going down / yard. Moves closer. Lands again. Going up [to] and away. 4/24/1989 #38922 rger, turns into a shining sphere, lands in a meadow, and moves to the Reka 6/6/1989 #38981 VORONEZH, RUSSIA UFO lands. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) and 9/21/1989 #39113 VORONEZH, RUSSIA Boys. 5M sphere lands. Headless robot / small knobs. Umm 9/23/1989 #39117 en closes the hatch and the object lands gently on four legs. The hatch ope 9/27/1989 #39124 CA 66M "banana" over SR79. Either lands or vanishes. No further details. 1/18/1990 #39379 ndreds / observer(s). Saucer back. Lands / same substation. Photographs. Ag 3/27/1990 #39486 SHKIR, RS Several observer(s). UFO lands. Motorcycles electro-magnetic effe 5/8/1990 #39566 FRUNZE, KIRGHIZ Saucer lands by garage. 3M giant and 6 small hu 5/29/1990 #39595 ARG Several observer(s). Dark box lands / swamp. Night light blinks above. 8/20/1990 #39693 EI Several observer(s). Green cone lands. Glows / 2 hours. Vanishes when ne 8/22/1990 #39697 erhead at no more then 30 feet. It lands nearby and gives off more bursts o 9/13/1990 #39729 0M saucer / 150M over old airport. Lands. Circular / burnt grass. Military 9/21/1990 #39742 /box-like crafts hover and play. 1 lands / field. 1 buzzes car. Absolute(ly 11/6/1990 #39878 , IN Delta/triangle/box-like craft lands / yard. Observer(s) beamed aboard 6/8/1991 #40088 luminous object. After the Cessna lands, the airport lights are turned off 6/8/1991 #40092 P Night watchman and 1? 2M? saucer lands / car! Grey small humanoid (or Gre 8/30/1991 #40172 á state, Brazil, when a domed disc lands nearby. Five 4.5-foot tall humanoi 3/5/1992 #40358 everal observer(s). Silver "melon" lands / steelyard. Spokesperson vague. / 6/10/1992 #40490 ) / mobile home rattled. 5m saucer lands / field nearby. Crushed grass. 6/27/1992 #40508 ight lights divides / 2. "Octopus" lands. 10/10/1992 #40672 IDGE, SCOTLAND 12 observer(s). UFO lands / moors. Door opens. Big flash. Lo 11/7/1992 #40705 Adamski-saucer" hovers over house. Lands. 12/4/1992 #40741 A, ISRL Brilliant 4M metallic tank lands. Pure silicon found. 2.5M figure(s 3/20/1993 #40892 h square windows. Going west slow. Lands? No trace. 3/31/1993 #40911 IZZINI, SICILY 2 foresters. Object lands. Flashes 5 times. Column / light. 7/7/1993 #41052 when delta/triangle/box-like craft lands / hilltop. Durations to 4 hours. 7/26/1993 #41089 and white. Hovers / 15 minute(s). Lands. Slow and silent. No trace. 5/19/1994 #41532 LONGJIANG PROV, CHINA White object lands / tree farm. Man hit / beam 2 days 6/7/1994 #41556 PARC DE LA MOULIERE, FR "Plane" lands / jagged peak! 2 ovoid join. Camco 6/27/1994 (approximate) #41586 R, SOMERSET UFO with square panels lands / field. 40 sightings near here / 7/7/1994 #41611 een lens-object trails red stream. Lands / hills? Also seen 13 August. 8/14/1994 #41673 g. Disk shines beam on train. Then lands / field. No further details / MUFO 9/1/1994 #41710 server(s). Saucer going [to] over. Lands? Tripod traces 9' / side. Depressi 11/18/1994 #41853 . Sphere/orb/globe going down [to] lands. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) appe 12/11/1994 #41889 and from yellow to red. The pilot lands safely, even though the object rem 2/1995 #42006 Police report. Silver glowing-ball lands / field. All lit up. Silent. No tr 3/15/1995 #42103 . Dark object going [to] overhead. Lands on lawn. Type unknown. Lights flas 3/19/1995 #42111 s). 7-10 disks near city center. 1 lands / road. 1 hovers / farm. 3/29/1995 #42119 E, RSA Several observer(s). Saucer lands / tripod / road. Truck stalls. Tra 3/29/1995 #42120 , RSA Meteor going SSE for 15 min. Lands / Citrusdal. Big investigation fin 5/30/1995 #42233 . Small humanoid (or Grey)-monster lands / backyard. Observer(s) shoots. Fl 9/16/1995 #42475 R Small humanoid (or Grey)-monster lands near woman. Changes color(s) / sur 10/7/1995 #42538 TORRIENTE, CUBA Farmer. Saucer lands / weeds. 2 small humanoids (or Gre 10/15/1995 #42552 , WA Extremely bright ball / light lands / field. 2 nd.obs sees night light 10/31/1995 #42571 r(s). Glowing-disk / low altitude. Lands / creek 750' away. Black delta/tri 11/18/1995 #42607 , CUBA Several observer(s). Saucer lands. 3 men exit and take plants / both 12/14/1995 #42644 iant cylinder/cigar-shape? Sparks. Lands / paddock. Windows / side. Going u 1/14/1996 #42684 rise / lake. Cylinder/cigar-shape lands. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) coll 1/31/1996 #42728 7 observer(s). White ball / light lands / TV tower / 8 minute(s). Going up 2/6/1996 #42741 STRALIA 2 / house. Car-size saucer lands / back yard. Going up [to] and wes 6/1996 #42919 DORF, AUSTRIA 1 observer. Triangle lands / field. 3 circular 10cm indents 1 7/11/1996 #42955 object hovers. Going down [to] and lands? Covered / lights. / NUFORC. 10/3/1996 #43050 NHOS, BRZ Farmer. Odd silver plane lands vertically! "Small ugly men" exit. 10/18/1996 #43078 ting permission to land. The plane lands safely 10 minutes later. 12/19/1996 #43148 Italy. It descends vertically and lands in a field not too far away. He ap 5/18/1997 #43297 louds. Lit portholes. Away / plane lands. Thin beam going down. 1/8/1998 #43495 ngle maneuvers near airport. Never lands. Wobbles / 15M altitude. 7/18/1998 #43608 leading. 30+separate observer(s). Lands / lake! 9/7/1998 #43642 spital. Bright orange round object lands 2km away. Dark spots. 10/2/1998 #43657 CHINCHERO, PERU Glowing-object lands / field. Large circular indent fou 3/8/1999 #43744 JONES BEACH, NY Diamond lands / beach. Strong colored beams lift 10/1/2000 #44048 also sees an object at Barnaul and lands at another airport. Sergei Kurenno 1/22/2001 #44127 heast at great speed. When the 737 lands, the crew cannot raise the speed b 1/4/2004 #44643 tified the spacecraft in orbit. It lands on December 3 after more than 224 4/22/2010 #45276 B mission, Orbital Test Vehicle-5, lands at the Shuttle Landing Facility on 10/27/2019 #45615## Word: "landsburg" (Back to Top)
, U computer database, citing Alan Landsburg, In Search of Extraterrestrial 6/12/1975 #30098## Word: "landscape" (Back to Top)
course of the Patapsco River. The landscape beneath the object was lit up 2/14/1889 #287 sts multicolored lights across the landscape, the people, and the surroundi 10/13/1917 #970 and 11:00 p.m., that brightens the landscape. 11/28/1928 #1092 object illuminates the surrounding landscape with such a tremendous amount 11/11/1956 #13322 ving top cruise quietly across the landscape. 7/1958 #15129 ar, its neon glow illuminating the landscape. They estimate it is 53 feet l 11/9/1958 #15435 ity of Kankakee, Illinois, see the landscape light up with a bright blue li 7/2/1960 #16327 ew York in order to photograph the landscape. Walking on foot near a wooded 1/12/1969 #24836 flew over, illuminating the entire landscape. After it had gone, all the bo 2/26/1973 #27318 th the UFO which lit up the entire landscape. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 6/2/1973 #27546 ently following undulations in the landscape. He changes course again to in 10/12/1973 #28017 ts, radio, heater, and engine. The landscape is lit up by a bright area of 9/16/1974 #29459 eriden, hugging the contour of the landscape. It stops about 3 miles away a 1975 #29680 tion snap a photo of the panoramic landscape of the Pyrenees mountains just 7/1/1975 #30144 om the craft they were in a desert landscape with white sand, lit by a cele 12/2/1975 #30681 , which extends to the surrounding landscape. There is no noise, and the li 1/21/1977 #31743 el at a very slow speed across the landscape. Source BUFORA Vol 6 No 6 Marc 10/30/1977 #32637 na. It illuminated the surrounding landscape a red color, and hung silently 5/12/1989 #38946 ption. Compared to elements in the landscape, the object appears to be abou 8/4/1990 #39679 ed footage guaranteed to alter the landscape of the debate.” “Unfortunately 12/4/2018 #45550## Word: "landscapes" (Back to Top)
stressing episode with alternative landscapes on a road that he knows does 11/1/1968 #24620## Word: "landsearch" (Back to Top)
OMAIN. “ McKinnon used the program Landsearch to search files and folders o 11/2002 #44428## Word: "landskrona" (Back to Top)
LANDSKRONA, SWD 3+observer(s). Fireball 5/24/1946 #1996 Landskrona, Sweden 2:20 a.m. Witnesses i 5/24/1946 #1997 ona, Sweden 2:20 a.m. Witnesses in Landskrona, Sweden, see a wingless, ciga 5/24/1946 #1997 Landskrona, Skåne, Sweden 6:26 p.m. A lu 8/5/1946 #2105 object is seen by a motorist near Landskrona, Skåne, Sweden. 8/5/1946 #2105## Word: "landulph" (Back to Top)
LANDULPH, CORNWALL 1+1 observer(s). 10' 11/9/1994 #41845## Word: "landévennec" (Back to Top)
Landévennec, Finistère, France Telgruc-s 5/20/1974 #29119 s traveling on a small road toward Landévennec, Finistère, France, when the 5/20/1974 #29119## Word: "lane" (Back to Top)
Anstey Lane, Leicester, England A 6-year-old gi Summer 1928 #1087 angling arms in a field off Anstey Lane, Leicester, England. She thinks it Summer 1928 #1087 9:30 p.m. Two men walking along a lane at Tomintoul, Scotland, see a white 1930 #1108 oydon to Westerham, turning onto a lane when they reach a pub called The Wh 1946 #1962 Preston Street and Bickels Lane in Louisville, Kentucky 10:15 p.m. 7/7/1947 #2942 h is at Preston Street and Bickels Lane in Louisville, Kentucky, when he no 7/7/1947 #2942 00 p.m. Electrician Raymond Edward Lane and his wife are picking huckleberr 7/9/1947 #3068 sand and some metallic fragments. Lane collects fragments of the material 7/9/1947 #3068 and. Spencer goes to the site with Lane and Dow’s internal security chief E 7/9/1947 #3068 YUMA, AZ USAF pilot lane. Round white object flew straight a 6/19/1952 #6544 Arizona Witness: USAF pilot John Lane. One round, white object flew strai 6/19/1952 #6550 GREEN LANE, PA 3+observer(s). Dark oval = roun 7/29/1952 #7290 ogers and radar operator Lt. J. A. Lane track a radar target about 39 miles 5/12/1953 #8877 lf-flight of stairs connecting the lane to the villa, he observed a strange 10/18/1954 #11225 ound and flew away along the villa lane, maintaining a flight path below th 10/18/1954 #11225 e material was found on the gravel lane of the villa the following day. It 10/18/1954 #11225 LEAM LANE, GATESHEAD, T&W 80cm small humanoid 6/2/1964 #18317 Leam Lane, England David Wilson, 14, was goin 6/2/1964 #18320 ne children saw six dwarfs on Leam Lane. They were about 31 inches tall, we 6/2/1964 #18322 Core Lane, Louisiana James Warren was awakene 9/15/1964 #18555 angenhoe, Essex, UK Langenhoe Hall Lane 1:00 a.m. Engineer Paul Green is ri 9/14/1965 #19560 oe, Essex, UK, near Langenhoe Hall Lane when he hears a high-pitched hummin 9/14/1965 #19560 LANE CITY, TX Domed disk crosses road. L 2/19/1967 #21593 lf coast in Wharton, Bay City, and Lane City. Witnesses included businessme 2/19/1967 #21596 bottom. It crossed the highway in Lane City, Texas just 54 meters ahead of 2/19/1967 #21599 new Triumph Spitfire up a country lane near Glossop, Derbyshire, England, 3/4/1968 #23824 Stony Lane Exeter, Rhode Island 7:00 p.m. Two 3/28/1973 #27385 bout 200 feet above trees on Stony Lane in Exeter, Rhode Island. It glows w 3/28/1973 #27385 going quickly [to] over Riverview Lane. / Lorain Journal 9.12.73. 12/8/1973 #28540 805 received phoncon from AFOC: MG Lane, CG, Armament and Development Test 1/31/1976 #30835 the sky. They turned down a narrow lane and immediately their car began to 11/14/1976 #31549 through a closed gate on a country lane. 4/12/1977 #31976 facing their car, in the lefthand lane of the road. It looked like a hairl 4/23/1977 #32019 have seen a cow wandering down the lane, the car’s headlights reflecting in 1/2/1978 #32846 ded sideways across the northbound lane and now faces eastward. The front t 8/27/1979 #34787 Madison, Connecticut Bishop Lane 10:10 p.m. A couple sees a milky-wh 12/7/1979 #35058 necticut. They pull over on Bishop Lane and watch it make abrupt changes of 12/7/1979 #35058 ts underside after he turns on I.5 Lane. The object keeps moving closer and 3/23/1982 #36412 ows remote viewing programs Center Lane, Grill Flame, Gondola Wish, Sun Str 1983 #36739 Belmont Lane, Stanmore, Greater London, England 4/26/1984 #37302 n the sky from her home on Belmont Lane, Stanmore, Greater London, England. 4/26/1984 #37302 gle/box-like craft just over Nabbs Lane rooftops / 30 second(s). Goes dark. 11/14/1993 #41274 n, Hartleigh Trent and Wat, Center Lane (Army INSCOM) with McMoneagle, Atwa 6/30/1995 #42284 tter look they drove down a narrow lane and parked their vehicle. They then 9/23/1996 #43039 which the car drove along the left lane. The creature followed the vehicle' 7/13/2000 #44016 the corner of Poway Road and Gate Lane in Poway, California. The object wa 10/30/2004 #44776 Antelope Lane Roy, Montana 9:45 p.m. Jennifer Sty 9/19/2012 #45352 Styer is driving north on Antelope Lane near Roy, Montana, when she sees tw 9/19/2012 #45352## Word: "lanejevo" (Back to Top)
liner flying 40 miles southwest of Lanejevo, Yugoslavia. The sighting laste 9/20/1971 #26355## Word: "lanejois" (Back to Top)
LANEJOIS, FR 3 observer(s). Red-glowing 9/25/1817 #109## Word: "lanes" (Back to Top)
nge disk lands / road! Covers both lanes. Going up [to] and away. Unknown s 5/18/1959 #15735 ed on the highway and covered both lanes. It rose up vertically after a sho 5/18/1959 #15738 on the berm of the southbound I-77 lanes with a man wearing a knee-length c Early 11/1966 #21070 n the grassy strip between the two lanes. It is well over 6 feet tall and d 10/8/1978 #33817 oad, and he swerves and blocks two lanes. About 150 feet in the air is a 75 12/4/1988 #38743 CROSS LANES, WV Ex-USAF man / ground. Silver d 11/30/1998 #43691 etired U.S. Air Force man in Cross Lanes, West Virginia sighted a silver di 11/30/1998 #43693 It stretched across the three left lanes of the highway. The craft did not 1/30/2012 #45338 tended over the east and westbound lanes, and was estimated to be about 55 6/1/2013 #45369## Word: "lanesborough" (Back to Top)
LANESBOROUGH, MA 2+1 observer(s). Diamon 9/13/1985 #37659## Word: "lanett" (Back to Top)
LANETT, AL AND MORE/OTHERS 2+observer(s) 9/8/1973 #27778 foot wide lighted UFO passed over Lanett, Alabama at low altitude. News co 9/8/1973 #27784 The UFOs were also witnessed by a Lanett, Alabama police officer. 9/9/1973 #27795## Word: "laneuvelot" (Back to Top)
LAITRE-SS-AMANCE TO/FROM LANEUVELOT, FR 2 observer(s). Night ligh 12/15/1975 #30716## Word: "laneuville" (Back to Top)
NEAR LANEUVILLE, FR Hairy 120cm figure by 10M 10/6/1954 #10747## Word: "lang" (Back to Top)
d was seen by guards Patterson and Lang from two guard stations: 103 and 10 3/8/1949 #4042 homa City, Oklahoma. T/Sgt John R. Lang, 34, is the watch supervisor. All t 8/1/1965 #19244## Word: "lang=en" (Back to Top)
history/status/1141460771618078730?lang=en https://www.nytimes.com/2019/0 6/25/2021 #45695## Word: "langdale" (Back to Top)
rizontal lights in the vicinity of Langdale Pike that moved towards him and 8/28/1977 #32431## Word: "langdon" (Back to Top)
Langdon, North Dakota University of Nort 12/14/1957 #14729 all into a haystack on his farm at Langdon, North Dakota. He picks out a st 12/14/1957 #14729## Word: "lange" (Back to Top)
iam T. Bowley and Capt. Herbert T. Lange, both of Perrin AFB [now North Tex 12/29/1952 #8462## Word: "langeadois" (Back to Top)
e Gilbert Peyret founds Groupement Langeadois de Recherches Ufologiques in 1975 #29675## Word: "langelaan" (Back to Top)
yrénées-Atlantiques, France George Langelaan, ex-secret service officer and 2/1965 #18790## Word: "langeland" (Back to Top)
LANGELAND BRIDGE AND AREA, DK White ovoi 3/11/1968 #23836## Word: "langelmayesi" (Back to Top)
LANGELMAYESI, FINL 10M fireball going [t 8/28/1945 (approximate) #1928 'clock in the morning two women in Langelmayesi, Finland noticed a dark cyl 8/28/1945 #1932## Word: "langenargen" (Back to Top)
LANGENARGEN, GERM 2 observer(s). 2 blue- 2/24/1977 #31842 Langenargen, Lake Constance, Germany Hum 2/24/1977 #31844 Langenargen, Lake Constance, Germany Hum 2/24/1977 #31845## Word: "langenau" (Back to Top)
Langenau [now Czernica, Poland] Wernher Summer 1937 #1272 ct allegedly falls from the sky in Langenau [now Czernica, Poland] into a f Summer 1937 #1272## Word: "langenburg" (Back to Top)
PEEBLES AND LANGENBURG AND LK LENORE, SSK 30 day ras 9/1974 (approximate) #29410 NORTHEAST / LANGENBURG, SSK 5 3M metallic saucers / 9/1/1974 #29413 Langenburg, Saskatchewan, CAN Cattle fou 9/1/1974 #29414 Langenburg, Saskatchewan, CAN Close appr 9/1/1974 #29415 Langenburg, Saskatchewan, Canada Five do 9/1/1974 #29416 Langenburg, Saskatchewan 11:00 a.m. Whil 9/1/1974 #29417 to harvest his rapeseed crop near Langenburg, Saskatchewan, farmer Edwin F 9/1/1974 #29417 Centennial Park, Langenburg, Saskatchewan Parkside School 10/11/1989 #39162 the town pool in Centennial Park, Langenburg, Saskatchewan, when they see 10/11/1989 #39162 LANGENBURG, SSK 1 observer. Silent silve 10/13/1989 #39167 Langenburg, Saskatchewan 10:20 a.m. Rose 10/13/1989 #39169 n her kitchen 7 miles southwest of Langenburg, Saskatchewan, when she sees 10/13/1989 #39169 during this day. At 10:20 a.m. in Langenburg, Saskatchewan, Canada a silve 10/13/1989 #39170 Langenburg, Saskatchewan 7:45 p.m. A man 10/16/1989 #39174 g, Saskatchewan 7:45 p.m. A man in Langenburg, Saskatchewan, is driving wit 10/16/1989 #39174## Word: "langeness" (Back to Top)
OFF LANGENESS, ICEL Conf. military source. 3 12/20/1992 #40754 OFF LANGENESS, ICEL NATO ships and subs sear 12/24/1992 #40765 e area, several local residents of Langeness Fjord, Iceland reported seeing 1/12/1993 #40793## Word: "langenhoe" (Back to Top)
Langenhoe, Essex, UK Glowing blue domed 9/14/1965 #19558 Langenhoe, Essex, UK Domed disc descende 9/14/1965 #19559 Langenhoe, Essex, UK Langenhoe Hall Lane 9/14/1965 #19560 Langenhoe, Essex, UK Langenhoe Hall Lane 1:00 a.m. Engineer P 9/14/1965 #19560 en is riding a motorcycle south of Langenhoe, Essex, UK, near Langenhoe Hal 9/14/1965 #19560 outh of Langenhoe, Essex, UK, near Langenhoe Hall Lane when he hears a high 9/14/1965 #19560 a.m. an engineer on a motorbikein Langenhoe, Essex, England heard a high-p 9/14/1965 #19561## Word: "langer" (Back to Top)
A man by the name of Langer gave a dramatic account of his en 6/18/1944 #1606 rd University historian William L. Langer, special assistant for intelligen 12/26/1950 #5364## Word: "langernargen" (Back to Top)
lights land about 150 feet away in Langernargen Bodense, Germany. The objec 2/24/1977 #31846## Word: "langeron" (Back to Top)
LANGERON, NIEVRE, FR N151. Silent orange 9/29/1954 #10498## Word: "langford" (Back to Top)
e motorway and had just passed the Langford Budville, England exit. The hig 10/16/1973 #28089 itish science fiction author David Langford publishes an allegedly nonficti 1979 #34254 ire, England; in its framing story Langford claims to have found the manusc 1979 #34254 Loosley, is a genuine ancestor of Langford’s wife). But no ufologists take 1979 #34254## Word: "langford-holt" (Back to Top)
UK MP John Langford-Holt asks UK Prime Minister Har 7/19/1966 #20657 n files comes in 1970 from MP John Langford-Holt. 11/8/1967 #23427 UK Board of Trade MP John Langford-Holt asks UK Prime Minister Har 6/11/1968 #24022## Word: "langhalsen" (Back to Top)
ectro-magnetic effect (EME) / Lake Langhalsen / August. 7/17/1973 #27635## Word: "langiano" (Back to Top)
ombardy, Italy bus driver Guiseppe Langiano and railway stationmaster Sr. B 4/3/1948 #3607 holes in place of eyes.” When Sr. Langiano approached, it re-entered the U 4/3/1948 #3607## Word: "langley" (Back to Top)
d. Two other people, tradesman Mr. Langley and Police Constable Pierce, hea 1/4/1913 #866 Langley, VA The temporary successor to t 10/1945 #1941 Langley, Virginia CIA officially begins, 9/18/1947 #3402 LANGLEY FIELD, VA Project Bluebook Case 12/28/1949 #4448 Langley, Virginia SECRET SECURITY INFORM 1952? #5828 ucted at Los Alamos, Oak Ridge and Langley, with the engine kept at Holloma 1952 #5845 nty, Virginia Blackstone, Virginia Langley AFB in Hampton, Virginia 4:20 p. 6/15/1952 #6510 stone, Virginia. Fighter jets from Langley AFB in Hampton, Virginia, are sc 6/15/1952 #6510 Langley AFB, VA OSI doc confirms Nash/Fo 7/14/1952 #6812 pton (and between Newport News and Langley AFB), VA Navy Ground Radar / & A 7/26/1952 #7160 Langley AFB, CA At 1450 hours an unident 7/26/1952 #7164 aryland New Castle AFB in Delaware Langley AFB Newport News, Virginia 8:15 7/26/1952 #7174 how up again. Reports are reaching Langley AFB about rotating objects that 7/26/1952 #7174 ckly southeast / 2600mph toward(s) Langley Air Force Base. Below 5K' altitu 7/29/1952 #7287 Langley AFB, VA 2,600 MPH Target Approac 7/29/1952 #7302 Langley AFB, Virginia Witness: USAF Cap 7/29/1952 #7314 Langley AFB, Virginia Witnesses: Mr. Mo 7/29/1952 #7315 Langley AFB, Virginia. At 2:30 p.m. USAF 7/29/1952 #7336 Langley, Virginia CIA Memo from acting C 8/1/1952 #7386 Langley, Virginia CIA analysis report of 8/16/1952 #7613 Langley, Virginia Memorandom for Directo 8/20/1952 #7654 Langley, Virginia CIA analysis report of 8/23/1952 #7684 Langley, VA SECRET MEMO to Director CIA 10/2/1952 #8084 Newport News, Virginia Langley Air Force Base A Ground Observer 10/11/1952 #8118 When two interceptors arrive from Langley Air Force Base, the object tilts 10/11/1952 #8118 Langley, VA (cont’d briefing from 8/20/1 11/25/1952 #8335 Langley, VA Statement by H. Marshall Cha 12/2/1952 #8362 Langley, VA CIA Evaluation of the UFO si 12/8/1953 #9347 Langley AFB, Virginia Capt. G. H. Oldenb 1/23/1958 #14840 rgh, public information officer at Langley AFB, Virginia, writes to a NICAP 1/23/1958 #14840 ons. It includes three major labs: Langley Aeronautical Laboratory [now Lan 10/1/1958 #15296 ngley Aeronautical Laboratory [now Langley Research Center] in Hampton, Vir 10/1/1958 #15296 Langley AFB (N of), VA (McDonald list) ( 10/19/1959 #16039 Langley, Virginia President Kennedy pres 11/28/1961 #16982 ion of the new CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. 11/28/1961 #16982 Langley AFB, VA (McDonald list) Brillian 7/24/1964 #18435 all humanoid in a wooded area near Langley, British Columbia, Canada. It wa 9/17/1967 #23077 Langley, VA CONFIDENTIAL CIA Message: So 4/9/1976 #30991 Stringfield Wright-Patterson AFB, Langley AFB and MacDill AFB held “alien 8/1978 #33460 med UAP projects were conducted at Langley Avon Bombing Range and Seymour-J 8/1978 #33460 Langley, VA CIA letter to former assista 12/21/1987 #38369 transported them to Muroc AFB and Langley; they were lifting bodies that l 7/1991 #40108 LANGLEY MILL, NOTTS, ENGL Several observ 12/4/1992 #40740 LANGLEY, VA Many calls. Army helicopters 6/11/1995 #42249 WEST / LANGLEY, WA 5 observer(s). Slender tube 2/9/1996 #42749 EAST / LANGLEY, WA 2 observer(s). Vibrant brigh 4/26/1996 #42884 y high rate of speed. He contacted Langley Air Force Base who confirmed the 9/15/2002 #44399## Word: "langmo" (Back to Top)
HATTEFJALLSDALEN AND LANGMO, NORWAY Series mystery fliers. Hi 12/28/1933 #1184## Word: "langmuir" (Back to Top)
riment conducted by chemist Irving Langmuir at the General Electric Laborat 1919 #980 isted. A comment by chemist Irving Langmuir is appended, noting his doubts 4/23/1948 #3628 r an assessment, as well as Irving Langmuir and Project Rand. 11/12/1948 #3874 although it is), a quote by Irving Langmuir criticizing Project Sign, and a 3/2/1949 #4032## Word: "langold" (Back to Top)
LANGOLD, NOTTS Saucer with lights part o 10/8/1993 #41225 s surface lit part of the sky over Langold, Nottingham, England at 7:15 p.m 10/8/1993 #41226## Word: "langon" (Back to Top)
LANGON, FR Several observer(s). 5 night 11/24/1990 #39903## Word: "langruth" (Back to Top)
Langruth, Manitoba 7:45 a.m. A woman is 10/16/1989 #39173 7:45 a.m. A woman is driving near Langruth, Manitoba, when she sees a “sta 10/16/1989 #39173 Langruth, Manitoba Dusk. A woman near La 7/17/1996 #42961 gruth, Manitoba Dusk. A woman near Langruth, Manitoba, is startled to see a 7/17/1996 #42961 teriously. That evening a woman in Langruth, Manitoba saw a disc-shaped obj 7/17/1996 #42962## Word: "langsett" (Back to Top)
A628 NORTHWEST / LANGSETT, ENGL 4 / car. Large triangle s 3/3/1988 #38481## Word: "langsjoen" (Back to Top)
ing-ring going northeast over Lake Langsjoen. / r26p138. 1/20/1959 #15556## Word: "langstaff" (Back to Top)
ba, CAN At 6:30 a.m. Reginald Jack Langstaff while traveling in a vehicle o 11/18/1975 #30640## Word: "langston" (Back to Top)
ot an aircraft. Commissioner Edgar Langston, also a pilot, sees the object 2/17/1975 #29820## Word: "langston's" (Back to Top)
lowton, Montana Commissioner Edgar Langston's ranch 15 miles south of Harlo 2/17/1975 #29820## Word: "langtoft" (Back to Top)
on North Warwickshire, England RAF Langtoft 9:18 p.m. Flying Officer D. W. 10/21/1957 #14139 The UFO is tracked on radar at RAF Langtoft [now closed] in South Kesteven. 10/21/1957 #14139## Word: "language" (Back to Top)
eight to ten figures aboard. Their language was not understood. The object 3/26/1880 #229 eight to ten figures aboard. Their language was not understood. The object 3/26/1880 #231 of paper with writing in a strange language. 6/13/1891 #293 fferent zones named in the Martian language; she gives several communicatio 8/1895 #319 rom; they reply in an odd warbling language. He notes that they are hairles 11/25/1896 #361 feet tall and speaks in a musical language that, however, sounds like bell 4/14/1897 #463 th the man, who is speaking an odd language, but loans him a hammer, some n 4/15/1897 #488 flowers, she speaks in an unknown language with a musical voice and fans h 4/16/1897 #508 scribed as "hideous." They spoke a language no witness could understand. A 4/19/1897 #533 d by three men who spoke a foreign language, but judging from their looks o 4/23/1897 #563 d by three men who spoke a foreign language, but judging from their looks o 4/23/1897 #564 d by three men who spoke a foreign language, but judging from their looks o 4/23/1897 #566 y, play music, and speak a foreign language. 4/20/1907 #694 ng furs and talking excitedly in a language the witness could not understan 5/18/1909 #756 ng furs and talking excitedly in a language the witness could not understan 5/18/1909 #757 ping up and jabbering in a foreign language. They quickly pick up something 5/18/1909 #758 ng furs and talking excitedly in a language the witness could not understan 5/18/1909 #759 f whom shouts to him in an unknown language. The object rises to a great he 8/3/1909 #799 shouting some words in an unknown language. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 1/1910 #827 shouting some words in an unknown language. The opening closed, and the ob 1/1910 #828 ng this formula to any word in any language, one can decode the secret mean 9/1943 #1526 publishes an article, “An Ancient Language?” on the language of Mantong in 11/1943 #1541 cle, “An Ancient Language?” on the language of Mantong in the January 1944 11/1943 #1541 e speaking in an unknown, sonorous language. He walks toward the door and c 7/23/1947 #3218 s pick up strange voices / unknown language. 1/28/1950 #4515 the craft conversed in the Spanish language with the witness. His message w 3/13/1950 #4629 beings speaking an unintelligible language. All were about 4 feet 8 inches 7/27/1952 #7216 too?” “We have no trouble with any language,” replied the man. Bethurum the 7/27/1952 #7216 h forehead. Through gestures, sign language, a few words, and telepathy, Ad 11/20/1952 #8309 each other using an unintelligible language, but they used telepathy with t 3/22/1953 #8776 , 3.5 to 4.0 feet tall, used Alien language. Summer 1953 #8945 oriental features. They speak in a language he cannot understand. They are 7/1/1953 #8982 oriental features. They spoke in a language he could not understand. They w 7/1/1953 #8983 oriental features. They spoke in a language he could not understand. They w 7/2/1953 #8986 They spoke to Hellwig in a strange language, and yet he said he understood 3/1954 #9577 a "sing song type manner” and in a language they could not comprehend, even 8/20/1954 #10158 the witness & spoke in an unknown language; he understood neither Portugue 9/20/1954 #10373 tall appeared, spoke in a strange language, patted the guard on the should 9/21/1954 #10382 tall, appears, speaks in a strange language, pats the guard on the shoulder 9/21/1954 #10383 ng the witnesses aboard, but their language was not understood. 9/24/1954 #10434 ng the witnesses aboard, but their language was not understood. 9/24/1954 #10438 ed-clad being who spoke an unknown language. No details. 10/5/1954 #10725 der and spoke to him in an unknown language. The dwarf went away, and the o 10/5/1954 #10726 er and speaks to him in an unknown language. He calls for his boss, and the 10/5/1954 #10732 ed clad being who spoke an unknown language approached a fisherman. It quic 10/5/1954 #10736 der and spoke to him in an unknown language. The dwarf then went away and t 10/5/1954 #10737 ood beside it, speaking an unknown language and gesticulating to the witnes 10/7/1954 #10796 m. It says something in an unknown language. The children run away but look 10/8/1954 #10817 ts that were written in an unknown language. 10/8/1954 #10820 , and said something in an unknown language. The children ran away, but loo 10/9/1954 #10848 m. It said something in an unknown language. The children ran away, but loo 10/9/1954 #10866 en emerged and spoke in an unknown language. The craft then vanished withou 10/10/1954 #10887 the craft and spoke in an unknown language. The craft then vanished withou 10/10/1954 #10903 suddenly heard a peculiar sounding language which she could not understand. 10/18/1954 #11215 sian, the man answered in the same language, asked whether he was in Spain 10/20/1954 #11270 sian, the man answered in the same language. He asked whether he was in Spa 10/20/1954 #11278 craft. One spoke an unintelligible language which sounded like "Chinese" to 10/22/1954 #11322 ke in a gutteral, uncomprehensible language. 10/28/1954 #11470 s. They speak in an unintelligible language and snatch flowers from her han 11/1/1954 #11518 were speaking in an unintelligible language that sounded like Chinese, ‘liu 11/1/1954 #11520 ear to be conversing in an unknown language. He tries talking to them, but 11/2/1954 #11537 ing among themselves in an unknown language. He noticed that the "K" sound 11/2/1954 #11539 ing among themselves in an unknown language. Thinking they were going to st 11/14/1954 #11648 the animals, talking in a strange language. He runs inside to grab his gun 11/14/1954 #11653 ng themselves in an unintelligible language. When the farmer became convinc 11/14/1954 #11655 air and speaking an unintelligible language enter the UFO through a door on 12/5/1954 #11764 it at the level of the eyes. Their language was shrill, and he could establ 10/16/1957 #14127 it at the level of the eyes. Their language was shrill, and he could establ 10/16/1957 #14131 two men and two women who spoke a language he thought was similar to Germa 11/6/1957 #14413 ay. They are speaking in a foreign language that sounds like German to him. 11/6/1957 #14422 o men and two women who spoke in a language he thought sounded similar to G 11/6/1957 #14436 strange suits and spoke an unknown language. 1/26/1958 #14843 strange suits and speak an unknown language. 1/26/1958 #14844 strange suits and spoke an unknown language. 1/26/1958 #14845 ng in the area. He speaks no known language, wears an odd uniform, and appa 1/21/1959 #15558 AF Col. Tacker used the strongest language to date in denouncing critics o 3/1961 #16616 object, speaking an unintelligible language, and gestured to him. They wore 12/9/1962 #17577 t speaks a few sounds in a strange language. The creature then turns around 8/28/1963 #17922 hes. It spoke in an unintelligible language, and made a threatening gesture 8/28/1963 #17924 rged a being who spoke to him in a language he could not understand, climbe 12/1963 #18060 inned men who asked for water in a language which appeared to be a mixture 6/15/1964 #18361 d. They speak in an unintelligible language, then return to the UFO. The do 1/19/1965 #18750 ing among theselves, in unfamiliar language. One of the beings had a bright 7/26/1965 #19179 among themselves in an unfamiliar language. One of the beings had a bright 7/26/1965 #19183 the experience, and he did so in a language unknown to the witness. The oth 9/3/1965 #19518 ece-outfits. They spoke an unknown language, smiled at the witness, and pic 9/10/1965 #19551 ter, and flew off. They spoke in a language which was not understood. 9/11/1965 #19554 on, and noted that they spoke in a language she could not understand. After 9/20/1965 #19583 on, and noted that they spoke in a language she could not understand. After 9/20/1965 #19584 seen. Voices shouting in a foreign language and what sounded like a pig bei 4/1/1966 #20199 oudly in a foreign, unintelligible language. After this they heard the soun 4/1/1966 #20203 f, began broadcasting in a strange language. A tiny metallic robot-like fig 4/14/1967 #22131 omachs who spoke an unintelligible language that sounded like musical tones 7/17/1967 #22684 tall with slanted eyes. They used language and telepathy to communicate wi 12/3/1967 #23547 him in an unintelligible guttural language. Looking upward, the witness sa 6/4/1968 #24006 uestioning Parravicini in an alien language, which he was able to understan 6/4/1968 #24006 spoke to her in an unintelligible language for some minutes before leaving 6/14/1968 #24032 6 feet tall, answers in an unknown language. The visitor is wearing a blue 8/25/1968 #24376 male pseudo-human/entity / unknown language. Asks and gets water / bottle. 8/27/1968 #24384 her face. She spoke in an unknown language, and handed Marie a mug and a g 8/27/1968 #24388 her face. She spoke in an unknown language, and handed Marie a mug and a g 8/27/1968 #24390 tem...mathematics is the universal language." Meanwhile, another one of the 9/1/1968 #24422 ds between themselves in a strange language. They then told Luis in perfect 2/12/1969 #24915 themselves in an incomprehensible language with many "R" sounds. At one po 5/4/1969 #25115 ressed him in his incomprehensible language, simultaneously making sketches 5/4/1969 #25115 st themselves in an unintelligible language. Finally, they shook their head 5/5/1969 #25117 . They spoke among themselves in a language of short shrilly sounds, "like 5/20/1969 #25151 bbered at him in an unintelligible language. 2/27/1970 #25594 g each other in a strange singsong language. He was told that, among other 8/15/1970 #25787 ow. They spoke to him in a strange language, but he understood that he shou 3/16/1972 #26606 were "talking" to each other in a language she could not understand. She a 6/23/1973 #27584 ke among themselves in a "squeaky" language, resembling the sound of buzzin 10/28/1973 #28311 They spoke in an incomprehensible language. She declined an invitation for 5/5/1974 #29086 hort. They spoke an unintelligible language among themselves in high, squea 5/7/1974 #29093 clothes." Conversing in a strange language, they quickly "examined" the an 8/31/1974 #29405 by a silver bar." They spoke in a language he couldn't understand. 3/27/1975 #29920 pot. He heard the men talking in a language he could not understand; then h 1/29/1976 #30832 iring was effected. Unintelligible language was heard as well. 5/31/1976 #31076 . They talked in an unintelligible language. 6/9/1976 #31095 voice talking in an unintelligible language. 8/1/1976 #31218 g with each other in an unfamiliar language. Klein draws his knife and toss 9/3/1976 #31335 e same time speaking in an unknown language. The witness threw a knife at t 9/3/1976 #31341 kland and then spoke in an unknown language. He gave something to Mrs. Bowl 3/7/1977 #31874 eard peculiar voices speaking in a language they did not recognize. The voi 11/29/1977 #32710 the others conversed with him. The language sounded harsh to Julio, he desc 2/5/1978 #32957 spoke in a loud, incomprehensible language. The boy was then taken on a jo 3/24/1978 #33079 m, and start to speak in a strange language. At first, he mistakes them for 5/10/1978 #33196 but the voices spoke in an unknown language. The terrified witnesses began 10/30/1978 #33894 but the voices spoke in an unknown language. The terrified witnesses began 10/30/1978 #33898 spoke to him in an unintelligible language. He panicked and tried to fire 12/6/1978 #34070 spoke some kind of unintelligible language that sounded like gibberish. 12/15/1978 #34140 lves in a strange incomprehensible language. The beings wore helmets and co 12/31/1978 #34250 a loud "sing-song" unintelligible language; two kneeled down and appeared 1/5/1979 #34303 and begin conversing in an unknown language. Suddenly, a heavyset woman eme 5/16/1979 #34563 ing among themselves in an unknown language. Suddenly from another room a h 5/16/1979 #34564 le. The beings spoke in an unknown language among themselves but by telepat 6/18/1979 #34618 ebrows or eyelashes and speak in a language that superficially resembles Ja 6/28/1979 #34639 were talking among themselves in a language that sounded more like the twit 9/2/1979 #34820 them talking in an unintelligible language, and she believed that they wer 12/4/1979 #35052 same time they spoke in an unknown language with a modulation similar to hu 2/6/1980 #35160 utside their window in a “foreign” language. They do not investigate, but i 1981 #35763 him in an unknown, unintelligible language. Terrified, Jose now became con 2/18/1981 #35832 The beings were communicating in a language that resembled the ringing of b 4/20/1982 #36448 to each other in an unintelligible language as they led him to a wall beari 11/29/1982 #36702 not French, is the writers’ first language. Other analyses indicate a Brit 1983 #36736 m, then spoke to him in an unknown language. The beings left when the witne 3/21/1986 #37804 oices, but couldn't understand the language. As the object glided away it h 5/15/1986 #37870 h alive. “They learned the English language within a few hours and it was o 8/30/1987 #38264 eard speaking in an unintelligible language. They flew away on flying sleds 12/12/1987 #38357 ities that eat liquid chlorophyll, language similar to Sanskrit. https://w 1/1989 #38773 en entity, using an unintelligible language with a digital, musical quality 8/10/1989 #39053 C L". She did not understand their language. They soon returned to their cr 2/18/1990 #39422 o the child in a "chatter" type of language, but ran off quickly into the b 5/15/1991 #40064 feet) tall, and spoke in a strange language. Nevertheless, their leader cou 3/5/1992 #40359 ng between themselves in a strange language. The tall beings communicated w 3/11/1992 #40372 nic journey through which symbolic language and images are expressed. 5/1/1992 #40442 started speaking in an unfamiliar language or tongue. The figure appeared 1/22/1993 #40810 sed among themselves in an unknown language, then boarded the object, which 6/21/1996 #42936 oached Bragatto and, in a peculiar language that sounded like Spanish, invi 12/9/1996 #43133 it. Still speaking in the peculiar language that the witness was somehow ab 12/9/1996 #43133 med something in an unintelligible language, and then flew up into the sky 10/10/1997 #43426 grunts that sounded like a foreign language. Her conscious memory suddenly 10/18/1997 #43432 ement on science and UFOs, but the language continues to be hashed out and 11/28/1997 #43451 oice speaking at him in an unknown language. Some of it sounded like: "arc- 11/25/1998 #43684 g voice speak to him in an unknown language; some of it sounded like "arc-h 11/29/1998 #43689 tened to kill them in the Bhojpuri language. 5/1/2001 #44173 voices communicating in an unknown language. Around 6:30 p.m. the girls wer 7/28/2002 #44367 aft. They could not understand the language, but the quality of the voice w 6/14/2005 #44847 The man spoke to him in a foreign language which he was certain was German 11/25/2005 #44905 ntioned in a budget document. The language in the AASC program description 6/2008 #45144 they hit ‘reply’ so that new terms/language/etc. aren’t introduced that com 7/10/2020 #45651 Much of the article is in a custom language only decipherable by custom sof 8/23/2022 #45763 . Mellon states new Congressional language allows individuals in those pro 9/2022 #45765## Word: "languages" (Back to Top)
that is the source of all earthly languages. In Mantong, each sound has a 9/1943 #1526 says the same thing in five other languages. There is no response, so he p 5/20/1967 #22382 ound the sun, studying customs and languages of the inhabitants of the syst 9/1/1968 #24422 hat the little humanoid spoke four languages and was interested in meeting 11/15/1973 #28426 % of the site is encoded in custom languages only decodable by custom softw 2008 #45108## Word: "languid" (Back to Top)
eings with almond- shaped eyes and languid limbs.” In a later interview by 8/20/1976 #31282## Word: "lanham" (Back to Top)
Lanham, MD Freidman. (Mary Castner/CUFOS 10/7/1963 #17982 tizens and police in College Park, Lanham, Bowie, Seat Pleasant, and elsewh 8/1/1966 #20715 tizens and police in College Park, Lanham, Bowie, Seat Pleasant, and elsewh 8/1/1966 #20719## Word: "lanib" (Back to Top)
ting Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Lanib, July 1986). (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 7/28/1975 #30211## Word: "lanka" (Back to Top)
lembang, Indonesia and Ceylon (Sri Lanka) at a location about 100 miles nor 8/10/1944 #1639 NUWARA ELIYA, SRI LANKA 3+observer(s) / (seen thru) binocu 1/18/1960 #16151 HEWAHETA, SRI LANKA 4 / car. Silent 8M cylinder/cigar- 7/17/1971 #26233 Hope Estate in Rikillagaskada, Sri Lanka Rockwood Estate in Hewaheta 10:45 7/17/1971 #26234 Hope Estate in Rikillagaskada, Sri Lanka, and the Rockwood Estate in Hewahe 7/17/1971 #26234 Weligama, Sri Lanka The English-language Sri Lanka UFO 1979 #34259 Sri Lanka The English-language Sri Lanka UFO Register begins publication in 1979 #34259 egins publication in Weligama, Sri Lanka, edited by Ananda L. Sirisena. It 1979 #34259 ort humanoids near Polanuruwa, Sri Lanka on this evening. Two witnesses wen 6/9/2002 #44350 Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka Strands of cobweb-like “angel hair 10/20/2014 #45418 l from the sky in Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka. 10/20/2014 #45418## Word: "lankford" (Back to Top)
5-40 feet lower elevation. Glennie Lankford and 6 other adults (Elmer Sutto 8/21/1955 #12386 ildren (Charlton, Lonnie, and Mary Lankford), see several gremlin-like crea 8/21/1955 #12386 return at about 2:30 a.m. Glennie Lankford is trying to get to sleep when 8/21/1955 #12386 ors showed up the next day at Mrs. Lankford’s house has been published a nu 8/21/1955 #12386## Word: "lanl" (Back to Top)
Yellow Book, adding that he heard LANL was analyzing green fireballs (this 1949 #3947 chmitt may have been misled by DOE/LANL as well. http://files.afu.se/Downl 2/16/1979 #34431 ary mentioned bodies were flown to LANL periodically from late 1945 to 1957 3/16/1991 #40015 from a series of analyses done at LANL on “live aliens” from 1950-51. Gree 8/19/2003 #44576 ound facilities run by the DOE, at LANL or at TA-33, as were claimed by som 2/15/2011 #45317 ations of craft that resemble UAP; LANL has underground connector to Dulce 4/18/2016 #45451 biblio/1811856 https://permalink.lanl.gov/object/tr?what=info:lanl-repo/l 3/22/2017 #45465 tional Laboratory. * https://www.lanl.gov/discover/news-release-archive/2 6/25/2021 #45695 org/web/20201016180525/https://www.lanl.gov/discover/news-release-archive/2 6/25/2021 #45695 atory Oke Shannon states others at LANL studied UAP “at night,” i.e. it was 9/24/2022 #45770## Word: "lanl-repo" (Back to Top)
alink.lanl.gov/object/tr?what=info:lanl-repo/lareport/LA-UR-21-27461 No 3/22/2017 #45465## Word: "lann-bihoue" (Back to Top)
LANN-BIHOUE, FR Military observer(s) / ( 8/19/1965 #19420## Word: "lannion" (Back to Top)
LANNION, 22, FR 2 observer(s) and bad ph 2/3/1974 #28731## Word: "lanphear" (Back to Top)
Sisson, Ernest T. Newton, Prentice Lanphear, and Edward M. Knapp) at the Co 8/18/1909 #805## Word: "lanpher" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Lanpher” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT 10/18/1967 #23264## Word: "lansdale" (Back to Top)
LANSDALE, PA 3 observer(s). Misty ovoid 8/11/1952 #7543 LANSDALE, PA 5M saucer hovers / 10M alti 10/1958 #15292 eration is led by USAF Gen. Edward Lansdale and goes into effect after the 11/30/1961 #16984 e in Cuba by October 1962.” One of Lansdale’s ideas is to project a huge im 11/30/1961 #16984 at the end of WWII, the G2 Edward Lansdale, discovered the Japanese buried 10/2021 #45713## Word: "lansing" (Back to Top)
ayne, Indiana Early evening. J. W. Lansing sees a cigar-shaped airship twic Mid 4/1897 #493 Lansing, Michigan Sunset. An aerial obje 6/29/1913 #889 nset. An aerial object passes over Lansing, Michigan, from southeast to nor 6/29/1913 #889 LANSING, MI 2 observer(s). Fireballs sho 6/15/1947 (approximate) #2330 Michigan State College East Lansing, Michigan Charles Laughead is fo 11/22/1954 #11689 Michigan State University] in East Lansing, Michigan, because of his flying 11/22/1954 #11689 USS LANSING / PACIFIC 169° 00W-30° 50N Navy 5/29/1963 #17769 SR34 NEAR LANSING, NY 60' saucer controls car / wh 12/12/1966 (approximate) #21194 und 10:00 p.m. Contactee Stella V. Lansing takes motion picture footage on 2/17/1967 #21586 like beings apparently conversing. Lansing is later studied by New Jersey p 2/17/1967 #21586 LANSING, NY Red night light paces car. B 12/12/1967 #23570 driving down a rural road in North Lansing, New York with her infant daught 12/12/1967 #23576 ries of incidents involving Stella Lansing, she produced the following acco 11/9/1969 #25455 LANSING, MI 2+4 kids. Black 30' saucer w 8/10/1992 #40563 At 8:26 p.m. in Lansing, Michigan six observers, includi 8/10/1992 #40564## Word: "lansky" (Back to Top)
, Santo Trafficante Jr., and Meyer Lansky become involved in the first plot 9/1960 #16428## Word: "lanssellin" (Back to Top)
Hennezis, France The two Lanssellin children witnessed the landin 10/7/1954 #10780 At 6:30 p.m. Claude and Francoise Lanssellin, ages 10 and 9, witnessed the 10/7/1954 #10794## Word: "lanta" (Back to Top)
LANTA, FR D1 11 mile(s) east / Toulouse. 9/27/1954 #10463 disc-shaped object was observed in Lanta, Haute-Garonne, France at 8 o'cloc 9/27/1954 #10477## Word: "lantana" (Back to Top)
WEST / LANTANA, FL 2 / truck. 2 white fireballs 9/6/1952 #7856 Lantana, Florida Ellsworth AFB A carbon 2/9/1978 #32963 office of the National Enquirer in Lantana, Florida. Accompanying the docum 2/9/1978 #32963## Word: "lantern" (Back to Top)
ssed in a suit of black carrying a lantern emerges from the object. He walk Late 3/1873 #200 LAKE ELMO, MN Figure with lantern searching around. Runs going [to 4/13/1897 #451 inctly seen inside, one carrying a lantern that he waves as the airship asc 4/14/1897 #466 e looking around. Possible Chinese lantern or airplane. 2/29/1916 #943 NJ Newsman. Silent orange Japanese lantern going southeast. Absolute(ly) si 7/19/1952 #6918 NEY, NSW Watchman. Orange glowing "lantern" going [to] over railroad/railwa 7/22/1952 #6988 amining the railroad tracks with a lantern. When they saw him, they entered 11/13/1954 #11642 -124 Encounters 1,000 MPH Jack 'o' Lantern (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Cod 2/11/1955 #11996 ase #6914. Unidentified. "Japanese lantern" with portholes follows Echo sat 8/23/1960 #16407 was standing on the road, waving a lantern. She stopped, believing there ha 9/3/1965 #19518 glowing object shaped like a camp lantern or cone. Pictures were taken but 3/8/1967 #21806 Wales, when they spot a “Japanese lantern” above some trees. One minute la 4/25/1969 #25090 CANELINHA, BRAZIL Dog frantic. Lantern goes out. Beam levitates observe 1/30/1971 (approximate) #26006 rantically, and then the witness's lantern went out. Next, a beam of light 1/30/1971 #26008 , by Ivan A. W. Bunn. It publishes Lantern, a newsletter that continues for 2/1971 #26009 feet above the ground. They wave a lantern and the UFO seems to respond by 5/1/1979 #34537 d a tree. He was carrying a bright lantern so he pointed the light at the n 8/3/1997 #43366 out, except for the light from her lantern and the lights from the building 8/30/2009 #45240 lack vampire cape" with a "glowing lantern" flew over Ste. Anne, Manitoba a 5/8/2011 #45324## Word: "lantern-like" (Back to Top)
ng fiercely. The stranger points a lantern-like device at them and sends th 4/15/1897 #488 Pampa, Argentina, when they see a lantern-like light resting in a nearby f 5/12/1962 #17165## Word: "lantern-shaped" (Back to Top)
encounter with an orange glowing, lantern-shaped UFO over some railroad tr 7/22/1952 #7029 , GERM 2 observer(s). Rectangular "lantern-shaped" object / sky. Lost behin 5/31/1979 #34595## Word: "lanterns" (Back to Top)
e round lights resembling “Chinese lanterns festooned between the masts of 2/24/1893 #308 McDermott, Nevada. They look like lanterns or car headlights in the distan 1922 #1018 tus grove. They all carried bright lanterns and continued looking for game. 11/24/1978 #33996 ght, pulsating lights like Chinese lanterns above the sea off Kaikoura. The 12/31/1978 #34246 3 small humanoids (or Greys) with lanterns outside. 3/9/1980 #35207 assume that the lights are Chinese lanterns, since they are all at or above 1/12/2013 #45360 olice helicopter had earlier seen “lanterns” in the area, but neither crew 9/1/2020 #45660## Word: "lanthanum" (Back to Top)
ns of sodium, potassium, zinc, and lanthanum. Other tests indicate the samp 10/23/1973 #28250 ome rare elements such as zinc and lanthanum, so it could have resulted fro 10/23/1973 #28252 to be composed of scandium, gold, lanthanum, sodium, and samarium. An anal 1/29/1986 #37775## Word: "lantz" (Back to Top)
talk to Tacoma Times reporter Paul Lantz in the hotel lobby, who writes the 8/1/1947 #3281## Word: "lanulos" (Back to Top)
“Indrid Cold” from a planet called Lanulos in the “Ganymede galaxy.” He tel Early 11/1966 #21070## Word: "lanus" (Back to Top)
LANUS, ARG 7 observer(s). Brilliant fire 11/16/1967 #23468 LANUS, ARG Several observer(s). Saucer o 10/13/1968 #24559## Word: "lanxi" (Back to Top)
NEAR LANXI, CH 2 observer(s). 2 1.5M men with 12/13/1979 #35077## Word: "lanxi-xin" (Back to Top)
Lanxi-Xin’angiang Highway Longwangmiao, 12/13/1979 #35079 e driving separate vehicles on the Lanxi-Xin’angiang Highway near Longwangm 12/13/1979 #35079## Word: "lanzarote" (Back to Top)
LANZAROTE ISLAND, CANARIES Luminous disk 9/26/1972 (approximate) #27031## Word: "lanzhou" (Back to Top)
Lanzhou City, Gansu, China Gansu provinc 7/19/1947 #3201 ernment Air Force spots a UFO over Lanzhou City, Gansu, China. It is 50 fee 7/19/1947 #3201 LANZHOU, GANSU, CH 1 observer. Red fireb 7/1963 #17816 WEST / LANZHOU, GANSU, CH 1 observer. Silent ro 9/1970 #25819 LANZHOU, GANSU, CH Many observer(s). Sil 8/1975 #30225 NEAR LANZHOU, CHINA 2 observer(s). Blue delta 12/27/1980 #35741 Yantan Park, Lanzhou, Gansu province, China 9:30 p.m. 12/27/1980 #35747 on workers skating in Yantan Park, Lanzhou, Gansu province, China, notice a 12/27/1980 #35747 NEAR LANZHOU, CHINA CAAC flight 933. UFO 6 mi 6/11/1985 #37597 Beijing Paris Lanzhou, Gansu province, China 10:40 p.m 6/11/1985 #37598 ncy landing. Flight CA 933 is over Lanzhou, Gansu province, China, when Cap 6/11/1985 #37598 Lanzhou, Gansu Province, China -- A Chin 6/11/1985 #37599 cy landing. Flight CA 933 was over Lanzhou, the capital of Gansu Province, 6/11/1985 #37599## Word: "lanzillo" (Back to Top)
to, Italy Near Grosseto, Ermellina Lanzillo, who was looking for her cat, s 10/27/1954 #11448 nally, at 11:30 p.m. Ms. Ermellina Lanzillo was in her house near Grosseto, 10/27/1954 #11455## Word: "laocoon" (Back to Top)
confirmed. Country: France Name: “Laocoon” Yield: 5KT 12/17/1977 #32789## Word: "laodice" (Back to Top)
confirmed. Country: France Name: “Laodice” Yield: 5KT 6/27/1982 #36520## Word: "laos" (Back to Top)
Laos New York Elements of the Ninth Mari 1/22/1969 #24866 Division go more than a mile into Laos to protect the flanks of a major co 1/22/1969 #24866 ugh American combat involvement in Laos is not officially acknowledged unti 1/22/1969 #24866 astern Cambodia Indochina Cambodia Laos Vietnam The US begins a covert SAC 3/18/1969 #25025 bombing of Cambodia, as well as of Laos and Vietnam. The Menu bombings are 3/18/1969 #25025## Word: "laotian" (Back to Top)
and equipped a clandestine army of Laotian irregulars since the early 1950s 1/22/1969 #24866## Word: "lap" (Back to Top)
s that he has been carrying on his lap. According to Flight Engineer M/Sgt. 7/8/1947 #3019 er and holds the microphone in his lap. The object ascends to about 6 feet 6/22/1972 #26726 , PARAGUAY Intense fireball buzzes Lap liner and 3 / Cessna / 25 minute(s). 6/8/1991 #40087## Word: "lapalm" (Back to Top)
ark River, Michigan Witness: Mrs. LaPalm. One fiery-red, round object, pre 2/27/1961 #16609## Word: "lapastora" (Back to Top)
LaPastora, Arg Silvery, spinning top hov 7/25/1968 #24224## Word: "lapaz" (Back to Top)
FORT SUMNER, NM Astronomer LaPaz and 3 / car. Luminous/glowing 300' 7/10/1947 #3091 y of New Mexico astronomer Lincoln LaPaz, his wife Leota, and two daughters 7/10/1947 #3109 ell, New Mexico Astronomer Lincoln LaPaz arrives in Roswell, New Mexico, an 9/1947 #3378 en UFO-related. Astronomer Lincoln LaPaz directs the recovery of the massiv 2/18/1948 #3579 from the area. Kaplan and Lincoln LaPaz meet with security personnel at Lo 4/27/1948 #3630 Mexico Capt. Neef informs Lincoln LaPaz, director of meteoritics at the Un 12/9/1948 #3921 BERNAL, NM L. LaPaz and 2 / car. Green fireball east g 12/12/1948 #3924 k (near Bernal), NM AFOSI Case 13; LaPaz, Captain, CAP Intel Officer Observ 12/12/1948 #3925 ional Laboratory 9:02 p.m. Lincoln LaPaz and two USAF officers (Sandia Base 12/12/1948 #3926 tude (for a meteor) of 8–10 miles. LaPaz arranges with the Atomic Energy Se 12/12/1948 #3926 ntial memo to Lt. Col. Doyle Rees, LaPaz argues that the green fireball he 12/20/1948 #3935 Speed Graphic cameras provided by LaPaz to try to photograph the green fir 12/20/1948 #3936 ndent observation at another site, LaPaz is able to triangulate its flight 12/20/1948 #3936 bed by implications of phenomena.” LaPaz speaks to dozens of witnesses of t 1/31/1949 #3988 final altitude around 40,000 feet. LaPaz accompanies search teams to bring 1/31/1949 #3988 physicist Joseph Kaplan meets with LaPaz at the University of New Mexico in 2/8/1949 #3998 ew Mexico in Albuquerque. He finds LaPaz’s understanding of the green fireb 2/8/1949 #3998 needs to be addressed, perhaps by LaPaz. 2/11/1949 #4002 h military representatives Lincoln LaPaz, Norris E. Bradbury, Marshall Holl 2/16/1949 #4010 ject Grudge are noticeably absent. LaPaz tells the attendees that while mos 2/16/1949 #4010 o discuss the green fireballs with LaPaz and Neef and to mollify them for n 2/23/1949 #4021 an unpleasant exchange with Neef, LaPaz, Agent Jack Boling, and Army Maj. 2/24/1949 #4023 Groseclose and Smith then turn on LaPaz, criticizing him for only sending 2/24/1949 #4023 aw data and not finished analyses. LaPaz says he is on leave as a volunteer 2/24/1949 #4023 School of Mines Rees, Kaplan, and LaPaz brief Armed Forces Special Weapons 4/27/1949 #4115 sonnel at Sandia Base, New Mexico. LaPaz outlines plans for a network of vi 4/27/1949 #4115 of the United States,” recommends LaPaz to handle the project. 4/27/1949 #4115 l Laboratory in New Mexico Kaplan, LaPaz, Rees, and Neef meet with security 4/28/1949 #4127 New Mexico Lincoln LaPaz submits the fifth of a series of r 8/17/1949 #4319 Socorro, New Mexico LaPaz and USAF scientists meet with Will 8/18/1949 #4322 ountry contain the same particles. LaPaz notes that copper is extremely rar 8/18/1949 #4322 more observational data is needed. LaPaz and Neef speak at length. Oder’s C 10/14/1949 #4394 elected for a field project, under LaPaz’s supervision. 10/14/1949 #4394 al Guard Base near Mashpee Lincoln LaPaz, citing the press of academic duti 2/2/1950 #4526 AF Cambridge Research Laboratories LaPaz writes to Peter H. Wyckoff of the 2/20/1950 #4541 n in azimuth calculated by Lincoln LaPaz. The object moves in a smooth stra 2/24/1950 #4554 New Mexico Lincoln LaPaz A CIA memo sent to FBI headquarter 8/1950 #5093 ations. It reiterates that Lincoln LaPaz does not think they are meteors. 8/1950 #5093 Project Twinkle personnel talk to LaPaz about the green fireballs and he i 8/28/1951 #5637 in the American Southwest. Lincoln LaPaz, director of the University of New 11/9/1951 #5773 Project Twinkle astronomer Lincoln LaPaz argued a green fireball he saw was 2/19/1952 #5911 , and turned its light on and off. LaPaz and Lt. Col. Rees started the info 2/19/1952 #5911 points and five aircraft. Lincoln LaPaz pinpoints the fall near Santa Fe. 5/28/1952 #6377 Albuquerque, New Mexico Lincoln LaPaz tells newspapermen in Albuquerque, 7/19/1952 #6930 He reports the incident to Lincoln LaPaz, University of New Mexico meteorit 8/1/1952 #7411 of light at ground level. Lincoln LaPaz investigates, along with J. Stewar 5/1/1954 #9744 llege [now Utah State University]. LaPaz says it is either a falling object 5/1/1954 #9744 found, but no debris, even though LaPaz digs down 25 feet for five days. N 5/1/1954 #9744 minutes. Meteorite expert Lincoln LaPaz says it is not a meteor. It appare 8/6/1954 #10105 bing TV and radio signals. Lincoln LaPaz remarks that it does not seem to b 9/18/1954 #10349 he can find no fragments. Lincoln LaPaz reports that heavy shortwave and T 4/5/1955 #12080 ed at Kirtland AFB and Dr. Lincoln LaPaz told him the surface area near a c 11/2/1993 #41259## Word: "lapenne" (Back to Top)
LAPENNE, FR 2 strong 1M light-beams 12M 3/1/1974 #28837 alga, Ariege, France. At a farm in Lapenne, Ariege, France at 7:45 p.m. two 3/1/1974 #28841## Word: "lapeza" (Back to Top)
Durham, New York Terry F. Lapeza sees an aluminum-like disc with y 4/1932 #1141## Word: "lapham" (Back to Top)
g out ahead of it was seen by Mrs. Lapham and her daughter for ten minutes 2/27/1961 #16610## Word: "lapinlahti" (Back to Top)
LAPINLAHTI, FINLAND 1 observer. Saucer h 1/6/1977 #31705## Word: "laplace" (Back to Top)
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Laplace” Yield: 1KT 9/8/1957 #13986## Word: "lapland" (Back to Top)
JOKKMOKK, LAPLAND 1 observer calls military. Silve 6/27/1988 #38592## Word: "laplante" (Back to Top)
GREEN BAY, WI Eugene LaPlante and son. Disk or sphere going q 7/2/1947 #2541## Word: "lapoint" (Back to Top)
LAPOINT, UT Indian. Silver disk = classi 9/15/1966 #20885 LAPOINT, UT 2 silvery saucers seen / sec 10/17/1966 #21010 LAPOINT, UT Brilliant orange object dark 11/1/1966 #21057 d by a Mr. Clerico at 6:45 a.m. in LaPoint, Utah in Unitah County. 11/1/1966 #21062 LAPOINT, UT SR121. 2 silvery saucers. 1s 11/10/1966 #21085 NORTHWEST / LAPOINT, UT Silver "fish-shape" goes goi 11/21/1966 #21130 LAPOINT, UT 35' saucer flies over town / 11/25/1966 #21147 LAPOINT, UT TO/FROM FORT DUCHESNE Orange 3/13/1967 #21879 LAPOINT, UT Man / car turns off lights. 4/22/1967 #22204 LaPoint, UT Evening. A witness drove int 4/22/1967 #22205 en on the ground in the evening in Lapoint, Utah. Dogs were barking at the 4/22/1967 #22210 NEAR LAPOINT, UT Several separate events. Dom 10/11/1967 #23211 LAPOINT, UT Observer(s) = Bill Taylor. 6 3/4/1968 #23821 In Lapoint, Utah a 20-foot in diameter roun 3/4/1968 #23827 LAPOINT, UT 20' saucer on ground / 30 mi 4/4/1968 #23891## Word: "laponia" (Back to Top)
Vilhelmina, Swedish Laponia The Sodestrom family obsered two 3/4/1967 #21752## Word: "laporte" (Back to Top)
LaPorte, Indiana Witnesses: highway eng 5/22/1954 #9825 Fl Orville Hartle, Chairman of the LaPorte, Indiana NICAP Subcommittee, on 8/6/1963 #17871 LaPorte, In Dawn, EST. Police and others 3/19/1966 #19992## Word: "lappet" (Back to Top)
le man wearing dark clothing and a lappet helmet, who was standing on the w 11/18/1973 #28444## Word: "lappi" (Back to Top)
LAPPI, FINLAND Blazing ovoid lands. 3 po 5/4/1971 #26100## Word: "lapse" (Back to Top)
A Girl / 17. Saucer appears / time lapse photograph / moon. No visual. Poss 1/16/1957 #13458 discoveries. Carr feigns a memory lapse, then later is unable to recite ev 6/28/1958 #15122 the setting sun. There was a time lapse of at least four hours in her memo 5/30/1965 #18977 :25 a.m. unable to account for the lapse of time. Under hypnotic regression 8/16/1965 #19410 ck on March 17 is obviously a time lapse of the Moon and Venus. He intervie 3/23/1966 #20053 g them, but they perceived no time lapse nor did they ever check the time. 11/9/1967 #23433 red him immobile. There was a time lapse in his memory of several hours bet 1/24/1968 #23697 at point the witness experienced a lapse of memory, for the next thing he r 6/30/1968 #24097 s he may have experienced a memory lapse at this point. Cloven footprints w 10/15/1968 #24563 shining from its center. A memory lapse occurred, with one witness vaguely 4/5/1969 #25051 bed. Keith next experienced a time lapse of several hours. Under hypnosis h 3/12/1974 #28874 B, Ohio. The witness experienced a lapse of time. 5/6/1975 #30043 over them. They both had a memory lapse about what happened next. 7/4/1975 #30159 -shaped UFO. He then experienced a lapse of time or memory loss of an hour 8/13/1975 #30262 ldn't start. He then experienced a lapse of time or memory loss of an hour 8/13/1975 #30265 w spin. Observer(s) has odd memory lapse. 9/15/1975 #30361 ned by the flash and experienced a lapse of consciousness. He didn't rememb 4/22/1976 #31011 e crying. They had a twenty minute lapse of missing time they couldn't acco 2/23/1978 #32998 counter with a UFO that involved a lapse of time of 30 minutes experienced 11/28/1978 #34017 , and then experienced a 20-minute lapse of time, but they did recall witne 1/3/1979 #34291 experienced a six-hour long memory lapse. His next recollection was being b 1/24/1979 #34374 experienced a six-hour long memory lapse. His next recollection was sitting 1/24/1979 #34378 ties and she underwent a 32 minute lapse of time. 2/11/1980 #35175 uddenly vanished. There was a time lapse, of perhaps 25 minutes, noted when 7/15/1981 #36008 lerate. There was an apparent time lapse noted when they reached their dest 7/16/1981 #36010 cked out and had a two hour memory lapse. When he regained consciousness th 8/15/1986 #37993 ver the area. A twenty-minute time lapse was reported. Hynoptic regression 6/16/1989 #38989 itnesses all had a two 2 hour time lapse. 8/8/1993 #41118 rs to have been about an hour time lapse, and in the morning the witness fo 9/16/1996 #43025## Word: "lapsed" (Back to Top)
seph touched his head, and Godfrey lapsed into unconsciousness for a while. 11/28/1980 #35680## Word: "lapses" (Back to Top)
but the sounds grows louder and he lapses into unconsciousness. He wakes up 6/1966 #20516 rger has another encounter when he lapses into a trance while driving a tru 11/4/1966 #21075 r, but they only report that Puddy lapses into unconsciousness. On a later 7/25/1972 #26833 ces involving disc-shaped UFOs and lapses of time where they couldn't remem 6/2/1975 #30075 r turns gray and he suffers memory lapses. After his symptoms worsen and ot 4/3/1976 #30983## Word: "laptop" (Back to Top)
goggles, a pistol from Iraq, a DOD laptop and an entire truck; Fuller state 7/2003 #44560 allegedly classified files on the laptop in front of him marked TOP SECRET 7/2003 #44560## Word: "lapwai" (Back to Top)
NORTHEAST / LAPWAI, ID 2 / car. Bright silver disk g 7/24/1952 #7096## Word: "laqueuille" (Back to Top)
LAQUEUILLE, FR 2 / truck. Disk-sphere/or 10/19/1954 #11237 n at ground level in some woods in Laqueuille, Puy-de-Dome, France. It was 10/19/1954 #11255## Word: "lara" (Back to Top)
one huge disc southwest of Carora, Lara province, and one landed. The rest 8/20/1957 #13914 Carora Lara Venezuela 10:00 p.m. Farmers in the 9/15/1968 #24467 Farmers in the area around Carora, Lara, Venezuela, have a difficult time c 9/15/1968 #24467 Barquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela A car-racing contest at 9/16/1968 #24470 ar-racing contest at Barquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela, is disrupted when a low 9/16/1968 #24470 awoke the villagers of Santa Rosa, Lara State, Venezuela. A circular UFO wi 1/23/1977 #31748 11-year-old boys with the surnames Lara and Moron, had a close encounter wi 9/19/1979 #34902## Word: "laramie" (Back to Top)
he AHC in Frank Scully’s papers in Laramie WY. Was going to be given by a s 3/8/1950 #4588 LARAMIE, WY 4 university/universe(al) st 4/24/1950 (approximate) #4883 Center (University of Wyoming) in Laramie, WY. 6/23/1964 #18368 Laramie University of Wyoming campus The 5/23/1980 #35340 ng contactees together, is held in Laramie on the University of Wyoming cam 5/23/1980 #35340 LARAMIE, WY Separate observer(s). Ovoid 9/17/1989 #39110 LARAMIE, WY Large yellow circle going so 8/27/1990 #39705 Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois Laramie, Wyoming Ordinary Conversations 6/3/1993 #41002 h Rocky Mountain UFO Conference in Laramie, Wyoming, in 1991. 6/3/1993 #41002 LARAMIE, WY 1 observer. Hundreds / night 11/10/1995 #42590## Word: "laramore" (Back to Top)
a.m. National Guard Lt. Col. Oren Laramore Depp [Johnny Depp’s grandfather 6/23/1952 #6609## Word: "laranjeira" (Back to Top)
Canon Super 8 movie camera in Rio Laranjeira, Para, Brazil using Extachrom 1/23/1978 #32908## Word: "laraquete-curanilahue" (Back to Top)
LARAQUETE-CURANILAHUE, CHILE 7 / bus and 7/25/1968 #24223## Word: "larch" (Back to Top)
EAST / LARCH MOUNTAIN, WA Prospector. 9 silver 7/12/1947 (approximate) #3144 ds had been camping in the area of Larch Mountain Honor Camp near Vancouver 2/10/1995 #42033## Word: "larche" (Back to Top)
NEAR LARCHE, FR 2 Sergeants. Dark silent sauc 12/8/1976 #31590## Word: "lardit" (Back to Top)
LARDIT, FR 1 / car / malfunctions due to 2/18/1979 #34432 Lardit, Aveyron district, France An inci 2/18/1979 #34434 al system interference occurred in Lardit, Aveyron district, France. Dark o 2/18/1979 #34435## Word: "laredo" (Back to Top)
UAP crash occurred this year near Laredo, TX. he states when he arrived it 1948 #3525 30 miles south-southwest of Laredo, Texas San Antonio, Texas A silve 7/7/1948 #3699 s some 30 miles south-southwest of Laredo, Texas. US servicemen are reporte 7/7/1948 #3699 LAREDO AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebo 11/3/1952 #8231 Laredo AFB, TX A long, elliptical, white 11/3/1952 #8234 Laredo AFB, Texas Witnesses: two contro 11/3/1952 #8235 LAREDO AIR FORCE BASE, TX Night light ci 12/4/1952 #8371 Laredo (8 miles SW of), TX Blue white ob 12/4/1952 #8375 Laredo AFB Laredo International Airport 12/4/1952 #8377 Laredo AFB Laredo International Airport Texas 8:46 12/4/1952 #8377 rnold, 3640th Pilot Training Wing, Laredo AFB [now Laredo International Air 12/4/1952 #8377 lot Training Wing, Laredo AFB [now Laredo International Airport], Texas, is 12/4/1952 #8377 loon is launched at 8:53 p.m. from Laredo AFB but it is not observed near a 12/4/1952 #8377 obert O. Arnold, flying out of the Laredo, Texas Air Force Base chased a gl 12/4/1952 #8378 Laredo, TX Wilford Case (M) (NICAP: 11 - 4/1953 #8804 LAREDO, TX T33 pilot. Brown cylinder/cig 4/28/1953 (approximate) #8847 wn, cigar-shaped UFO flew near the Laredo Air Force Base in Texas at an est 4/28/1953 #8848 LAREDO, TX 20+observer(s). Disk going ea 3/8/1954 #9602 Laredo AFB [now Laredo International Air 3/8/1954 #9603 Laredo AFB [now Laredo International Airport], Texas San 3/8/1954 #9603 . A red disc-shaped UFO flies over Laredo AFB [now Laredo International Air 3/8/1954 #9603 ped UFO flies over Laredo AFB [now Laredo International Airport], Texas. It 3/8/1954 #9603 red disc-shaped UFO flew over the Laredo Air Force Base in Laredo, Texas o 3/8/1954 #9604 over the Laredo Air Force Base in Laredo, Texas on this day. It tilted to 3/8/1954 #9604 Laredo AFB, TX (McDonald list) GCA Picks 11/6/1957 #14399 Laredo, TX (McDonald list) Unidentified 10/11/1958 #15337 LAREDO, SPAIN 200 / campsite. 15M saucer 9/11/1976 #31374 ucer crashes in Roswell, Aztec and Laredo, TX; one saucer that crashed in t 12/29/1987 #38379 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Laredo” YieldMax: 150KT 5/21/1988 #38573## Word: "lareport" (Back to Top)
.gov/object/tr?what=info:lanl-repo/lareport/LA-UR-21-27461 Note: Nothin 3/22/2017 #45465## Word: "large" (Back to Top)
RTFS Date exact. Many observer(s). Large elegant ship. Paris also. / IFS#23 1/1/1254 #11 NEAR TUBINGEN, GERM Many large colored 'hats' exit odd clouds. Sm 12/5/1557 #30 n the morning, from which emerged "large, tall and wide" hat-shaped objects 12/5/1557 #31 BASEL, SWZ Large tilted cylinder/cylindrical object 8/7/1566 #34 ear a loud noise outside and see a large ball of fire descend from the nort 8/15/1663 #44 At noon on this day a large ball of fire, 45 meters in diamete 8/15/1663 #45 ralsund, Germany, including ships, large flocks of birds, fire, and smoke, 4/8/1665 #46 ATH, BELGIUM Large glowing clouds collide. Fireballs 10/19/1726 #57 allachia Banat region Afternoon. A large, blood-red object is seen in the w 12/6/1737 #62 crew of the HMS Montagu watches a large blue fireball, apparently low on t 11/4/1749 #70 ne, Switzerland, when he notices a large, spindle-shaped body moving across 8/9/1762 #81 astronomer Charles Messier views a large number of round, dark-brown globul 6/17/1777 #85 n Alençon, Normandy, France, see a large globe surrounded by flames and mak 6/12/1790 #91 LONDON, ENG T. Forster. Large meteor moves in sudden jumps. Ente 11/7/1811 #104 BARBADOS ISLAND 2 large colored clouds hover / 12 hours. O 5/1/1812 #106 Lebanon, two objects five times as large as the moon, joined by “streamers 6/18/1845 #141 Carbondale, Pennsylvania Sunset. A large cloud moves in over Carbondale, Pe 6/19/1857 #150 highly luminous. It moves toward a large barn and passes through its center 6/19/1857 #150 rederic Edwin Church depicting two large meteors streaming across the sky a 7/20/1860 #155 front of the sun they appear like large cannon shot. Several groups pass o 11/4/1867 #169 In the middle of the afternoon a large number of black discs in groups an 11/4/1867 #170 ed it as a giant bird covered with large scales producing a metallic noise. 7/1868 #173 ed it as a giant bird covered with large scales producing a metallic noise. 7/1868 #174 n Mars and Venus are the lights of large cities on those planets. He spends 1869 #178 30 Martians occupying some of the large flying conveyances. 1873 #198 MATTA, NSW 3 brown colored clouds. Large object extends screws going down. 3/9/1873 #199 ssippi Gulf of Mexico 11:00 p.m. A large, “luminous electric cloud” flies o 8/13/1874 #206 The object is “about the size of a large saucer” and looks like a large bal 1/22/1878 #212 f a large saucer” and looks like a large balloon. It speeds away rapidly. 1/22/1878 #212 a, Persian Gulf 9:40 p.m. Two very large "wheels" were seen spinning in the 5/15/1879 #219 Persian Gulf Two very large "wheels" were seen spinning in the 5/15/1879 #220 " in the Persian Gulf saw two very large "wheels" spinning in the air at 9: 5/15/1879 #221 d Oblast, Russia About 6:00 a.m. A large number of brilliantly luminous bod 3/22/1880 #226 fish and seemed to be guided by a large fanlike device. There were eight t 3/26/1880 #228 fish and seemed to be guided by a large fanlike device. There were eight t 3/26/1880 #229 voices and laughter coming from a “large balloon” shaped like a fish approa 3/26/1880 #230 fish and seemed to be guided by a large fanlike device. There were eight t 3/26/1880 #231 nderstorm when the engineer sees a large ball of fire rushing down the rail Early 7/1880 #235 ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA Large and 2 small glowing orbs follow ra 7/30/1880 #238 ion when he and an assistant see a large number of small bodies crossing th 8/12/1883 #255 It has a “nucleus like a globe, as large as the moon, surrounded by a brigh 7/3/1884 #261 sky turning fiery red. Suddenly a large fireball appears above the ship an 2/25/1885 #264 OFF SAIGON, VTNM Men / ship. Large red night light maneuvers in and o 8/22/1885 #265 TOPONAS, CO / old diary. Large round glowing object maneuvers abo 8/14/1891 #295 Newark, New Jersey Night. A large balloon carrying a searchlight and 6/1/1892 #303 Gainesville, Florida Large quantities of a white, thread-like 9/20/1892 #306 N LEANDRO, CA Several observer(s). Large dark cylinder/cigar-shape beams lo 11/22/1896 #346 gh binoculars and is able to see a large object supporting an arc lamp. Cig 11/22/1896 #348 al secretary. It is three times as large as Venus, also visible. The light 11/25/1896 #360 no apparent clothing. The eyes are large and lustrous, and they each seem t 11/25/1896 #361 on and Elmira, California, see two large, bright lights moving parallel wit 12/4/1896 #375 A large airship flew over the small town o 12/7/1896 #376 ped airship with extended wings, a large tail, and a bright searchlight. Am 12/26/1896 #380 Hastings, Nebraska 9:30 p.m. A “large, glaring light,” apparently from a 1/31/1897 #384 A large glaring light circled for a few mi 2/1/1897 #386 long with two sets of wings and a large rudder. Voices can be heard plainl 2/4/1897 #387 he outlines of an airship behind a large light that passes over the town. Mid 2/1897 #388 ty, Nebraska, see an object with a large searchlight in the northern sky. A 2/26/1897 #389 ith Leedy and says the object is a large, oblong shape. 3/27/1897 #398 . Ridicule abates when all see its large shape. Going north. 4/5/1897 #415 e positioned on the tail end and a large searchlight is in the front. After 4/11/1897 #428 (near Green Ridge), IL 6:00 p.m. A large crowd of miners saw an unknown obj 4/12/1897 #443 achinery. Traces were found over a large area. The object itself was elonga 4/12/1897 #443 rard, near Green Ridge, Illinois A large crowd of miners saw an unknown obj 4/12/1897 #445 achinery. Traces were found over a large area. The object itself was elonga 4/12/1897 #445 At 6 p.m. a large crowd of miners in Girard, near Gr 4/12/1897 #450 achinery. Traces were found over a large area. The object was elongated lik 4/12/1897 #450 d track. It had what looked like a large "M" on its side, and several occup 4/13/1897 #455 Chamberlain and Jones, saw a very large figure walking around in a clearin 4/13/1897 #456 a Wing" came close to the craft, a large, colored balloon rose from the obj 4/14/1897 #461 a mile west of Birmingham, Iowa. A large crowd of men and boys sets out to 4/14/1897 #466 hears a human voice, and something large and white is thrown overboard. 4/14/1897 #467 ossing the Moon. It is caused by a large cigar-shaped object with wings mov 4/14/1897 #470 a Wing" came close to the craft, a large, colored "balloon" rose from the o 4/14/1897 #474 LINN GROVE, IA 5+many. Large object going north. Lands. 2 figur 4/15/1897 #476 Linn Grove, IA Morning. A large object was seen to fly slowly towa 4/15/1897 #478 Linn Grove, Iowa A large object was seen to fly slowly towa 4/15/1897 #483 k, Ohio, watch a winged object “as large as a wagon bed” pass over the town 4/15/1897 #489 in the object and something like a large Newfoundland dog. He can hear them 4/15/1897 #490 hat looks like a car attached to a large, kite-shaped structure with wings. Mid 4/1897 #494 A large object was seen in Linn Grove, Iow 4/15/1897 #496 ng in Bay City, Michigan, notice a large conical object approaching from th 4/16/1897 #506 Linn Grove, Iowa Morning. A large object passes slowly over Linn Gro 4/16/1897 #507 mes across a brilliant light and a large, cigar-shaped object resting on th 4/16/1897 #511 12:30 a.m. in Bay City, Michigan a large object was sighted high in the sky 4/16/1897 #512 "immense cigar-shaped vessel" with large wings, and having a "sidewheel lik 4/16/1897 #516 Trenton, Tennessee 8:30 p.m. A large white light attached to a cigar-sh 4/17/1897 #524 is south of Bancroft it makes 2–3 large circles and then moves to the sout 4/18/1897 #528 rd the ground. It appeared to have large fins or wings, and flashing red, w 4/18/1897 #529 noculars a cone-shaped object with large fins on either side can be discern 4/19/1897 #537 discover four men moving around a large dark object, who ask for water. Th 4/19/1897 #539 nd 20 feet wide, propelled by four large wings and powered by electricity. 4/19/1897 #539 roaches the object, which seems as large as a house. Inside he can see two 4/21/1897? #551 ively high rate of speed. It has a large propeller on its tail end, but it 4/21/1897 #552 - shaped object being dragged by a large rope that is attached to an airshi 4/25/1897 #573 e younger of the men was filling a large container with water. The elder ma 5/6/1897 #592 and the younger man was filling a large container with water. The elder ma 5/6/1897 #594 et. Farmer Andrew Henderson sees a large, unlighted, oblong object with a s 7/29/1897 #600 lroad in northern Minnesota see a “large, white long light which seemed sur 12/5/1897 #613 ike a railway car suspended from a large balloon-like arrangement” pass ove 1/26/1899 #631 adwst, Denbighshire, Wales, when a large disc- shaped object about 14 feet Summer 1900 #640 horse begins acting up. He sees a large, dark, dirigible-shaped object pas Mid Summer 1900 #641 mily’s garden when he comes upon a large box-shaped device with a small, ce Summer 1901 #645 ENGL Girl and several observer(s). Large grey silent cylinder/cigar-shape w 9/2/1902 #652 alf-human, half-animal entity with large bat-like wings. The townsfolk chas 9/29/1903 #662 Dixboro, Michigan, when they see a large object in the air moving west behi 1904 #667 San Francisco at 6:10 a.m., three large dull red bodies flew in from the n 2/28/1904 #671 CARDIFF, WALES Large red luminous cylinder/cylindrical 3/29/1905 #676 A large luminous cylindrical object hung i 3/29/1905 #677 (s). 21M airship with searchlight. Large wings! / r203p108. 8/4/1905 #680 a little bigger, appearing like a large star. Suddenly it begins to spin l 5/1908 #704 Eastern Siberian taiga 7:14 a.m. A large explosion takes place near the Pod 6/30/1908 #711 e Massachusetts About 6:00 p.m. A “large airship sailing very high” is seen 7/25/1908 #715 , Suffolk, England, when he sees a large “star” rise out of the water and a 10/1908 #717 LAMBOURNE, BERKSHIRE Large torpedo-dirigible going quickly we 3/4/1909 #722 STAMFORD, LINCS 1 observer. Large ovoid / city park flashes searchli 5/9/1909 #731 outhend-on-Sea, Essex, England, a “large dark object looming out of the sky 5/9/1909 #733 At 11:00 p.m. a Mr. Cole sighted a large ovoid object over the city park in 5/9/1909 #734 untains when he saw on the grass a large tubelike machine. Aboard were two 5/18/1909 #756 untains when he saw on the grass a large tubelike machine. Aboard were two 5/18/1909 #757 , Wales when he saw on the grass a large tube-shaped machine. Aboard the cr 5/18/1909 #759 CA, MLYS Danish steamship Bintang. Large bright wheel surfaces and spins in 6/3/1909 #773 mpter's Hill, Otago, New Zealand a large boat-shaped flying object with thr 8/2/1909 #796 s horse becomes nervous. He sees a large, gray, torpedo-shaped object passi 8/3/1909 #799 oss Vale, New South Wales, watch a large lighted object like an airship flo 8/9/1909 #803 ch a mystery airplane that emits a large puff of smoke. It descends and fli 8/22/1909 #806 light splashes across the road. A large structure resembling two inverted 10/1909 #815 see a “brilliant ray” emitted by a large black object 1,000 feet high in th 12/22/1909 #821 ill in Knoxville, Tennessee, see a large airship moving south. Its outlines 1/14/1910 #833 table of Glamorganshire, watches a large, fast-moving object above Cardiff, 1/17/1913 #870 . Subsequent observers also note a large, white, tailless body bringing up 2/9/1913 #881 ding bodies are described as “like large arc lights in appearance, slightly 2/9/1913 #881 nts of Sweaburg, Ontario, see “two large aeroplanes” pass from east to west 8/13/1914 #911 l stone cutting plant Afternoon. A large ball of fire sweeps over the south 8/14/1914 #912 BIGFORK, MT 1 observer. Large dark airship / low altitude. Buzze 2/9/1915 #923 A large dark airship flew at a low altitud 2/9/1915 #924 BALLINASLOE, IRELAND Large luminous body going northwest. Sto 7/31/1915 #930 in, hear an engine noise and see a large flying object “50 feet wide and 10 2/29/1916 #943 ong rope trailing behind it with a large object attached to it. Three “men” 2/29/1916 #943 workers observed the passage of a large flying machine in which three men 2/29/1916 #944 ENEVA, SWZ Orange "extra moon" too large! Quickly going down [to] over 2 sc 8/1919 (approximate) #991 movie in Detroit, Michigan, see a large disc-shaped object hovering above Summer 1922 #1022 OSAGE HILLS, OK 2 observer(s). Large ovoid aims beams going down / snow 1/1924 #1037 ills, Oklahoma. It emanates from a large oval-shaped object with white dots 1/1924 #1039 WESTMONT, IL Large disk going west. 5 small disks fol 8/1926 #1059 the Martians as 7–8 feet tall with large ears, a wealth of black hair, and 10/27/1926 #1065 circular areas of scorched grass, large and unfamiliar birds, bizarre nois 1927 #1068 ucky Reece Andrew Lacey, 9, sees a large fish-like object with “big fins ex Summer 1927 #1072 aceless, 5-foot-high figure with a large head and dangling arms in a field Summer 1928 #1087 s it is a scarecrow but notices a “large globe on legs” near the figure. Sh Summer 1928 #1087 edition to Antarctica. He set up a large base on the Ross Ice Shelf, called 10/1928 #1088 DISCOVERY WELL, WEST AUS Large shiny egg going down. Greys exit. 1/1933? #1152 nto the woods where they can see a large, oval-shaped craft sitting on legs Summer 1933 #1162 org Finland Sweden Norway Night. A large unidentified airplane is seen over 2/2/1934 #1201 Oslo, Norway A very large aeroplane with eight propellers (P 4/1/1934 #1207 / RINGWOOD, ENGL Student / France. Large saucer hovers and glows. Windy sou 7/14/1934 #1213 AZNALCAZAR, SP Large brilliant saucer going down / just 4/5/1935 (approximate) #1226 n Dusk. A farmer named Mora sees a large, round, brilliant object descend a 4/5/1935 #1227 In Aznalcazar, Spain a large brilliant, round object descended 4/5/1935 #1228 KVALSVIK, NORW Fishermen. Large plane going down / sea. Lights out 2/11/1937 #1263 Kvalsik, Norway Large aeroplane with red and green glowi 2/11/1937 #1264 lsvik, Norway, when they notice a “large aeroplane” with red and green glow 2/11/1937 #1265 Norway watched what looked like a large plane descend toward the sea aroun 2/11/1937 #1266 ller Foundation begin contributing large amounts of money to the Council on 1938 #1279 front of the body. The mouth was a large, straight slit, the eyes were like Fall 1938 #1294 front of the body. The mouth was a large, straight slit, the eyes were like Fall 1938 #1295 t up a nuclear chain reaction in a large mass of uranium, by which vast amo 8/2/1939 #1311 by which vast amounts of power and large quantities of new radium-like elem 8/2/1939 #1311 th long arms, oversized heads, and large eyes. He says a prayer for them, a Early Spring 1941 #1355 ace with three small entities with large round heads and short beards. They 1942 #1385 heads and short beards. They have large, luminous yellow eyes and wear tig 1942 #1385 Navy men / (seen thru) binoculars. Large aluminum disk circles cruiser / 3 2/26/1942 #1393 (off Bali in Indonesia), reports a large, aluminum disc speeding above it i 2/26/1942 #1395 Timor Sea, At Sea Large disc; departed location at 3,500 m 2/27/1942 #1396 At ten a.m. a large formation of as many as 150 aerial 8/12/1942 #1435 Manche, France, several crews see “large numbers of projectiles resembling 1/15/1943 #1480 ly Roman candlelights; bright very large red light that looked like a huge 3/13/1943 #1485 English Channel, UK Large, stationary orange balloon on or n 5/1943 #1497 Dortmund, Germany Large number of so-called rockets (Page 5/23/1943 #1501 NEAR ONCATIVO, ARG Large saucer / road. Whistles and quickl 9/1943 #1521 between Rosario and Cordoba, saw a large, saucer-shaped object on the groun 9/1943 #1523 between Rosario and Cordoba, saw a large, saucer-shaped object on the groun 9/1943 #1524 e at an altitude of 3 miles when a large, elliptical object approaches them 1944 #1559 ectiles resembling glider bombs; a large orange glow & smoke trail. (Page 6 4/11/1944 #1590 ngs; football-sized¬; looking like large oranges. (Page 64-65 Ref.1) (NICAP 4/26/1944 #1592 the brightest star or planet, and large enough that he made out its roundn 6/1944 #1597 lic, bulbous mass hanging out of a large cumulus cloud.” It moves silently, 6/1944 #1601 nada, Mississippi, when she sees a large, fat, cigar-shaped object that cha Summer 1944 #1611 t after emerging from a cloud. The large object disappears first, followed Summer 1944 #1611 ent, 29th Infantry Division, saw a large rectangular object with no apparen 7/1944 #1615 sia], by Lake Ladoga. He notices a large object next to the corn-drying bui Late 7/1944 #1623 , France Cherry-red light; size of large star; sat motionless in sky before 8/1944 #1632 ent, 29th Infantry Division, see a large rectangular object “like a railroa Late 8/1944 #1646 n metallic suits. Their heads seem large, with only a slit for a mouth. The 10/1944 #1673 beam from the woods, then he saw a large shining sphere rise rapidly from t 10/10/1944 #1676 y Two lights that appeared to be a large orange glow coming from ground - f 12/22/1944 #1727 Ardennes, Belgium Large white light; no radar contact; wen 12/28/1944 #1739 Ingweiller, Germany A large orange glow in sky approx. 5 ft. i 1/14/1945 #1756 Vancouver Island, CAN Large silvery cylinder or balloon that a 1/18/1945 #1758 Piacenza, Italy Two large red balls of fire; hovering. (Page 2/21/1945 #1792 ermany, Germany Two sightings: (1) large orange ball hanging in air; (2) si 3/5/1945 #1808 illiams witnesses an object like a large woolly blanket that takes up his e 4/25/1945 #1854 OKINAWA Plane crew. 3 disks orbit large cylinder/cylindrical object. Enter 6/1945 (approximate) #1871 Aleutian Islands, At Sea Crew saw large round object emerging from sea; 15 Summer 1945 #1880 ng several diameters away from the large object. Summer 1945 #1881 he US Army Transport Delarof see a large, dark sphere rise out of the ocean Summer 1945 #1883 he observers are convinced it is a large object. Crawford estimates the UFO Summer 1945 #1883 emy aircraft apparently trailed by large orange light traveling with it at 7/12/1945 #1893 CA Ann Druffel. Night lights exit large object / high altitude. Finally go 7/20/1945? #1902 red smoke going quickly northeast. Large bullet shoots going down / Kumla. 7/10/1946 #2044 west. The boys say it looks like a large, metallic milk canister. It travel 7/19/1946 #2069 is “6 feet, 3 inches tall, like a large man, and rather rectangular in sha 8/15/1946 #2138 n she sees, about 300 feet away, a large, metallic, lens-shaped structure a Late 8/1946 #2160 SAN DIEGO, CA Several observer(s). Large batlike object hovers and maneuver 10/9/1946 #2198 OKLAHOMA CITY, OK Pilot B. Savage. Large silent silver pie-pan saucer going 5/17/1947 #2285 less they had spent some time in a large city or had landed sufficiently re 6/22/1947 #2366 A large shiny silver ball hovered for seve 6/23/1947 #2377 rise, he sees in a nearby field a large disc-shaped object hovering 5–6 fe 6/24/1947 #2396 al at an air show and his story. A large crowd awaits him, and a discussion 6/24/1947 #2398 a.m. Mrs. J. M. Harrison watches a large fireball pass toward the northwest 6/26/1947 #2417 MOSCOW, ID 5+2 kids. Large shiny flat disk oscillates going q 6/29/1947 #2458 ENIX, AZ 2+2 separate observer(s). Large object going quickly east. Stops / 7/1/1947 #2511 es as tall. After a few seconds, a large flame erupts from the rear of the 7/1/1947? #2522 erged back together again into one large response. 7/1/1947 #2525 ROSWELL, NM Wilmots. Large glowing-tub-saucer going quickly n 7/2/1947 #2546 REDDING, CA 2 observer(s). Large bright fast silent triangle going 7/3/1947 #2552 R ST. MARIES, ID 15 observer(s). 8 large washtub saucers going north land / 7/3/1947 #2567 orside, ME Astronomer Observes Ten Large Objects (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 7/3/1947 #2576 and more/others. Pigeons scared. 5 large disks wobble. 2 going quickly east 7/4/1947 #2606 PRS, CO Air Force pilot. Extremely large disk rises into clouds at 20K' alt 7/4/1947 #2615 arious Many over a wide area saw 5 large discs moving at high speed (NICAP: 7/4/1947 #2645 ugh her bedroom window. She sees a large, roiund object hovering in the sou 7/4/1947 #2653 patrol Sgt. Claude Cross—view five large discs moving at high speed to the 7/4/1947 #2658 pital when he hears a loud roar. A large transport plane passes overhead, b 7/4/1947 #2666 AUBURN, CA 50+observer(s). Several large silver saucers / V-formation. Extr 7/5/1947 #2694 TH OAKLAND, CA Several / Birch St. Large round very shiny object high and f 7/5/1947 #2707 the inspection, Brazel discovers a large debris field. Scattered on the slo 7/5/1947 #2723 r that evening, Brazel removes the large, circular piece of the debris from 7/5/1947 #2725 ACH, CA Veteran pilot and teacher. Large silver plate going north veers goi 7/6/1947 #2751 t ovoid going north sideways. Very large and high. / r242p55. 7/6/1947 #2754 EAST / GREENWOOD, MO 3 / farm. Large silver plate going north. Turns on 7/6/1947 #2761 VALLEY STREAM, NY Boy / 14. 3 large "aluminum plates" / V-formation go 7/6/1947 (approximate) #2777 TON, WI 2 observer(s). Saucer with large propeller outruns light plane. Fla 7/6/1947 #2794 IL Dozens / separate observer(s). Large flashy disks going quickly east st 7/6/1947 #2800 cel runs a Geiger counter over the large piece of wreckage Brazel has store 7/6/1947 #2814 the same time in New Hampshire two large discs flew over the town of London 7/6/1947 #2827 exit! 2 cops. Small saucers orbit large. Going quickly west / r187. 7/7/1947 #2848 CICERO, IL 1 observer. Very large silver saucer. 4 small disks trail 7/7/1947 #2872 PHOENIX, AZ 80+observer(s)? 2 large silver orbs going quickly east. 1 7/7/1947 #2883 ase #1. F51 pilot and ground crew. Large silent silver saucer going quickly 7/8/1947 #2972 HOUSTON, TX Saucer lands. 2' man / large head shakes hands / mariner and ta 7/8/1947 #2973 ARAIBO, SURINAM 3+observer(s). 2+1 large bright disks going quickly east to 7/11/1947 #3126 GARDNER, MA 2 observer(s). Large coin-disk going quickly west over 7/13/1947 #3165 er, Massachusetts, when they see a large, silvery, disc-shaped object in th 7/13/1947 #3171 70kph. 2 rows / portholes. Face / large window. 1M antenna. 7/15/1947? #3185 in transparent overalls. They have large, round eyes with eyebrows and pron 7/23/1947 #3218 CHILLIWACK, BC 4 observer(s). Large shiny oval disk going quickly sout 7/24/1947 #3226 PORT ORCHARD, WA Coroner. Large silver ovoid going down [to] going 7/29/1947 #3248 , more slag-like rock stuffed in a large cereal box, which is loaded into B 7/31/1947 #3264 JALHAY, BELGIUM 2 / farm. Large object quickly going down. Type un 8/1947 #3267 ebook Case #58. Local pilots. Very large dark fuselage hovers. Away / 500mp 8/4/1947 #3288 against the sky, it looks to be as large as a C-54. Intrigued, Peck dives o 8/4/1947 #3291 ircraft guns/teams-gunner and 2. 3 large disks going quickly northeast abre 8/5/1947 (approximate) #3294 WEST / BASALT, NV 4 observer(s). Large disk going south. Flutter motion. 8/21/1947 #3357 hape of a disc and appear to be as large as man-made aircraft. They have op 9/23/1947 #3415 urne Air Traffic Controllers. Very large saucer going up and down. Shoots g 1/7/1948 #3538 A very large saucer-shaped object descended ove 1/7/1948 #3548 BAGNEUX, FR M. Compard. Large luminous/glowing-orange round obje 2/1948 #3569 gs on fire, but instead there is a large, domed flying saucer gliding silen 2/1948 #3570 Circleville, OH Large 60 ft domed disc, with bright oran 2/1/1948 #3572 r of meteoritic stones fall over a large area of Norton County, Kansas, and 2/18/1948 #3579 probably be three or four times as large as human beings.” Soon afterward, 3/25/1948 #3598 objects aren’t balloons. They are large, whitish, roundish, very high, fas 4/5/1948 #3612 ok Case #112. Several observer(s). Large vertical cylinder/cylindrical obje 4/12/1948 #3621 own as the “Tomato Man” due to its large, roundish head. Many UFO researche 7/7/1948 #3699 R ALAJARVI, FINL Army Major and 1. Large silent glowing metallic cylinder/c 7/15/1948? #3709 a second witness reported seeing a large, silent, glowing metallic cigar-sh 7/15/1948 #3710 MAPLEWOOD, OH Large silvery sphere rises / woods. Hove 8/29/1948 #3786 INDIAN LAKE, OH 1 observer. Large silver sphere/orb/globe rises / wo 8/29/1948 #3787 plewood, OH Farmer Niswenger saw a large silvery sphere rise from a wooded 8/29/1948 #3788 armer observed a silvery sphere of large dimension rise from a wooded area 8/29/1948 #3789 Ohio observed a silvery sphere of large dimension rise from a wooded area 8/29/1948 #3790 At 12:20 a.m. a large unknown object was sighted flying 8/31/1948 #3791 y], Labrador, tracks an object too large for a bird, too small for a plane, 11/1/1948 #3863 lark AFB, Manila, Philippines Very large 300 ft long 140 ft wingspan snow-w 11/12/1948 #3873 OUTH / NEVADA, MO 1 / farm. Whirr! Large disk hovers. 2 small objects drop 11/15/1948 (approximate) #3875 en speed off to the southwest. The large object moves off to the northeast. Mid 11/1948 #3876 irring sound at 4 p.m., then saw a large disc-shaped object hovering. Two s 11/15/1948 #3877 waii Captain Paul Storey sighted a large, round, flat disc-shaped object th 1/4/1949 #3960 e mummies, had joined legs and one large foot. They "slid" along the ground 2/1949 #3992 ocation unknown Alain Berard saw a large, bright object land near his farm 2/17/1949 #4014 Alain Berard saw a large, bright object land near his farm 2/17/1949 #4016 me. The requirements admit that a “large number of targets appearing on rad 2/18/1949 #4018 SANDBURG PASS, CA Large jet-blimp glows. Going south. Circ 2/28/1949 #4026 NORTH / NEWMAN, NM 2 soldiers. Large domed saucer stops over US54 / 15 3/1949 #4029 watched, for an hour, while eight large, green, red and white flare-like o 3/17/1949 #4048 Texas Camp Hood Seven sightings of large, green, red, and white flares take 3/17/1949 #4049 J. Edgar Hoover sends a memo to a large number of FBI offices indicating t 3/25/1949 #4053 AFOSI Case 57; app 17:45 - a very large bright, sausage-shaped object (NIC 4/28/1949 #4122 Huber?], and Tex Keahey see a very large, bright, sausage- shaped object tr 4/28/1949 #4129 AFOSI Case 60; 21:26;21:43;22:05 - Large white size like airplane landing l 5/3/1949 #4140 tain copper particles of unusually large size. 7/24/1949 #4285 ELSMERE, DE Boy and mom. Large CLSC metallic saucer / treetops / 7/25/1949 (approximate) #4287 I Case 88; 20:00-20:05 - white obj large as auto at arm's length disappeare 8/6/1949 #4308 turns on the light and picks up a large object in the beam. At about 10:00 10/23/1949 #4401 takes 10 still photographs of the large disc-shaped object that flies in a 10/23/1949 #4401 on picture film was made showing a large disc-shaped craft hovering in a se 10/23/1949 #4402 nd makes detailed photographs of a large disc-like object. 11/1949 #4407 n, although this is a particularly large test. Evidence suggests that filte 12/2/1949 #4431 saucer dives / sky. Very high and large. Private pilots can't catch up. 12/28/1949 #4449 tes. At short ranges the object is large and well-defined on the radar scop 1/12/1950 #4484 e south-east, moved clockwise in a large circle in the direction of, and ar 1/22/1950 #4499 30 seconds and describes it as a “large ball of orange fire.” At 4:40 a.m. 1/22/1950 #4503 bove them about 5–10 miles away. A large black smoky region is below it, po 1/24/1950 #4509 ora Airport in Guatemala City that large, fast, and highly maneuverable obj 3/15/1950 #4643 tense smell of burning benzine." A large, flat section on top was revolving 3/18/1950 #4674 A large number of saucers, performing aero 3/18/1950 #4679 tense smell of burning benzene." A large, flat section on top was revolving 3/18/1950 #4680 a break. On foot, he comes upon a large, globe-shaped craft hovering above 3/28/1950 #4750 road/railway men. Saucer is size / large plane. 3K' over train. No means / 4/7/1950 #4806 n of the Cold War.” It advocates a large expansion in the military budget, 4/7/1950 #4818 saw a flying saucer the size of a large airplane 3,000 feet over their tra 4/7/1950 #4819 SAVOYEUX-HAUTE, FR Several girls. Large cylinder/cylindrical object south 5/3/1950 #4918 ute-Saone department, France saw a large cylindrical object fly rapidly fro 5/3/1950 #4920 olorado. It was joined by a second large object. Both started heading to th 5/21/1950 #4960 LOVELAND, CO 3 observer(s). 2 large flat glowing-disks make 10 circula 5/23/1950 #4961 oks over a small fence, and sees a large object about 40 feet in diameter t 6/17/1950 #4991 KY Newsman shoots 50' / 8mm film. Large bright saucer near passing plane. 6/27/1950 #5012 up and sees the plane as well as a large disc with a slight corona around i 6/27/1950 #5018 nd several others in a car saw two large, silvery objects by the side of th 7/20/1950 #5074 driving together in a car saw two large, silvery objects by the side of th 7/20/1950 #5075 AUBURN, ME 2 pilots / ground. Large dark silent cylinder/cigar-shape. 8/1/1950 #5096 t Wykoff / (seen thru) binoculars. Large saucer maneuvers. No further detai 8/10/1950 #5115 lanes on mission approached by two large discs, radar jammed, radio transmi 9/1950 #5158 I 2 / farm. 10m silent saucer with large round portholes floats over barn g 9/5/1950 #5168 N, CO 3 small glowing-balls exit 2 large ones. Hover. Up / 3000kph. / r28p4 9/20/1950 #5184 only as a "reliable source". Two large, round, glowing objects and three 9/20/1950 #5187 able source" reported sighting two large, round glowing objects and three s 9/20/1950 #5188 r, internally lit objects. The two large objects hovered for one minute and 9/20/1950 #5188 ORCE BASE, IL 30 / 10 theodolites. Large ovoid by balloon / 30 seconds. Sho 10/1950 (approximate) #5202 SOUTH / ALTOONA, PA 2 observer(s). Large silent silver ovoid in 6 10M turns 10/19/1950 #5242 WEST / BAKERSFIELD, CA DC3. Large star / sharp turns and maneuvers. 11/27/1950 #5291 alien, covered in brown fur, with large glowing eyes. He also encountered 1951 #5372 y as a mother figure. Crescent had large eyes, pale skin, long hair that se 1951 #5372 of Gander, Newfoundland, observe a large orange-rimmed UFO with a dark cent 2/9/1951 #5436 GORDO, NM 2 Air Force pilots watch large balloon. Saucer / high altitude ho 2/14/1951 #5442 Air Force pilots, while watching a large balloon, saw a flat, round white o 2/14/1951 #5443 Chinnampo, Korea Large red-yellow glow burst and become b 3/10/1951 #5475 uding scanners and tail gunner. A large red-yellow glow burst and became b 3/10/1951 #5476 estimated 1,000 m.p.h. and made a large loop. Seven minutes. 3/15/1951 #5488 1 p.m. there was a procession of a large number of glowing objects--at leas 5/29/1951 #5523 near Dayton, Ohio, when he sees a large, bluish-white light moving paralle 6/1/1951 #5535 aller objects are ejected from the large one and float above it. Other figu 6/19/1951 #5546 ul, Korea, simultaneously report a large green ball, very bright and traili 7/1/1951 #5558 hing a B-29 with binoculars sees a large UFO near the bomber. Another obser 7/14/1951 #5575 buquerque, New Mexico, and watch a large object like a flying wing, but 1.5 8/25/1951 #5626 ke a flying wing, but 1.5 times as large as a B-36, flying at 80 feet at ab 8/25/1951 #5626 pilots and Air Traffic Controller. Large orange night light buzzes plane. G 8/27/1951 #5634 Vandalia, IL Large blinding orange light to the SW (N 8/27/1951 #5635 , OKINAWA 2 RADAR operators and 1. Large sausage shaped blip tracked at 480 10/3/1951 #5699 Kadena AFB, Okinawa Large, sausage-shaped blip on radar (NIC 10/3/1951 #5700 nzales and one other Sergeant. One large, sausage-shaped blip tracked at an 10/3/1951 #5701 27 p.m. military radar picked up a large sausage-shaped radar blip. It was 10/3/1951 #5702 Coopersville, MI A large round object flying at 500-1,000 f 11/24/1951 #5787 idge AFB near Mount Clemens) see a large round object flying west at 500–1, 11/24/1951 #5790 Selfridge AFB, Michigan sighted a large oblong and brilliantly lighted obj 12/24/1951 #5824 id the smaller objects entered the large object through a “transparent tail 1952 #5841 ay, Ontario. It appears to be very large and travels at supersonic speed. 1/1/1952 #5856 ne, Washington, when they notice a large, bluish-white, spherical object ap 1/20/1952 #5868 Pusan (60 miles E of), South Korea Large Target Tracked By GCI CPS-5 (NICAP 2/16/1952 #5904 is a 250-foot black disc with two large red lights at each side, an illumi 3/1952 #5940 list; BB Rpt 7) Flattened Oval As Large As B-29 (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 3/15/1952 #5959 louds of zinc cadmium sulfide over large areas of all three states. The tes 3/26/1952 #5980 UFO. It was silver in color, very large and at a tremendous altitude (NICA 4/2/1952 #6015 tt, M/Sgt Sheldon Smith observes a large silver UFO at a high altitude. It 4/2/1952 #6017 PHOENIX, AZ 4 observer(s). 1 large dull-grey saucer then 2 more. All 4/5/1952 #6026 Phoenix (Glendale?), AZ Large, dull grey circular object, follow 4/5/1952 #6029 Ryan, R.L. Stokes, D. Schook. One large, dull grey circular object, follow 4/5/1952 #6031 hook of Phoenix, Arizona watched a large, dull gray disc-shaped object fly 4/5/1952 #6033 Nellis AFB, NV Large group of circular UFOs. [UFOE, III 4/17/1952 #6101 flame-colored discs, appearing as large as fighter planes. Seven sighting 4/27/1952 #6199 , Arizona. They were said to be as large as fighter planes. They had seven 4/27/1952 #6202 arachute was apparently circling a large airplane for about three minutes. 4/28/1952 #6206 coming directly toward them over a large group of trees. The second shows t 5/7/1952 #6270 AST / JACKSONVILLE, FL PAA crew. 3 large night lights going quickly north h 5/8/1952 #6273 3 amateur astronomers and more. 4 large ovoids going NNW / box-formation / 5/13/1952 #6311 eports of five "flying saucers" as large as B-36's with a light underneath. 5/13/1952 #6319 CHANGSONG-NI, NORTH KOREA 2 F86's. Large silver ovoid / 1500mph. Rolls goin 5/15/1952 #6326 ASHLAND, KY "Large oysters" circle town and double ba 5/25/1952 #6353 Walnut Lake, MI Large white circular object having dark 5/25/1952 #6358 ffman, his family and friends. One large white circular object having dark 5/25/1952 #6360 6:45 p.m., two small and one very large disc were sighted flying at 15,000 6/4/1952 #6439 Command (SAC) security man and 2. Large red night light hovers 1000' / mai 6/5/1952 #6441 ight yellow circular objects, like large stars, were seen during 45 minutes 6/5/1952 #6445 braska three security guards saw a large red nocturnal light hover 1000 fee 6/5/1952 #6449 SVILLE, KY Former Navy RADAR-Tech. Large silent cylinder/cigar-shape maneuv 6/15/1952 #6505 Louisville, KY Large, cigar-shaped object with a blunt 6/15/1952 #6506 ance Men at work in the forest saw large, circular objects similar to parac 6/15/1952 #6507 x-U.S. Navy radar technician. One large, cigar-shaped object with a blunt 6/15/1952 #6508 t on reserve army maneuvers sees a large silver disc in the sky southeast o 6/15/1952 #6509 ord AFB, WA Many witnesses saw 1-5 large silver yellow objects flying errat 6/17/1952 #6521 many and varied. From one to five large silver-yellow objects flew erratic 6/17/1952 #6524 h light. As she got out, she saw a large number of hovering disk-shaped mac Summer 1952 #6575 T. CHARLES, MO 2 observer(s). Very large silver disk flies / low altitude. 6/23/1952 #6593 McChord AFB, WA A very large light fly straight and level (NICA 6/23/1952 #6596 ss: 2nd Lt. K. Thompson. One very large light flew straight and level for 6/23/1952 #6602 .m. 2d Lt. K. Thompson sees a very large light flying straight and level fo 6/23/1952 #6611 .m. Lt. K. Thompson watched a very large light that flew straight and level 6/23/1952 #6616 red tail light visible. It made a large continuous circle in the night sky 6/25/1952 #6630 / home. Round orange disk hovers. Large sharp drop. Stops. Then going nort 6/27/1952 #6644 MIAMI, OK 10 observer(s). Large silver saucer hovers / tire plant. 7/9/1952 #6731 A large silver disc hovered over a tire fa 7/9/1952 #6743 T / DELPHI, IN Airman and several. Large blue-white night light going north 7/12/1952 #6765 GO, IL Air Force Officer and many. Large red night light. White lights / si 7/12/1952 #6769 y president William Washburn saw 4 large, elliptical- shaped objects fly ve 7/12/1952 #6772 many others at Montrose Beach saw large red object with small white lights 7/12/1952 #6776 y president William Washburn. Four large, elliptical-shaped objects were se 7/12/1952 #6782 Fordland, MO Very Large Object Tracked, No Visual (NICAP: 7/13/1952 #6794 Officer William Fortenberry. Eight large, round, glowing red objects maneuv 7/14/1952 #6815 RRAKESH, MOROCCO Many observer(s). Large then small saucers maneuver. Then 7/16/1952 #6838 At 3:10 p.m. a woman saw two large flying discs over White Plains, Ne 7/17/1952 #6874 AND MANHATTAN, NY 3+observer(s). 5 large saucers / V formation / red rims. 7/18/1952 #6881 / LEWISTON, ID 2+2 observer(s). 4 large silent disks circle over Waha Grad 7/20/1952 #6946 Lavalette, NJ 2 large orange-yellow lights with some dul 7/20/1952 #6948 ry professor Dr. A.B. Spooner. Two large orange-yellow lights with some dul 7/20/1952 #6952 the Air Force that he sighted two large orange-yellow lights with some dul 7/20/1952 #6954 BALTIMORE, MD 2 observer(s). Large cone-shaped object with brilliant 7/21/1952 #6962 raffic Controller and more/others. Large very fast objects / sudden turns a 7/22/1952 #6989 cles. Moves side-to-side. Flashes. Large night lights. 7/22/1952 #6992 Uvalde, TX Large, round, silver object fly at 1,000 7/22/1952 #7010 Los Alamos, NM Saw 8 large, round, bright aluminum objects fl 7/22/1952 #7012 New Smryna (near), FL Very Large Disc Sighted By Private Pilot (NIC 7/22/1952 #7016 s, and two pilots for Carco. Eight large, round, bright aluminum objects fl 7/22/1952 #7019 manager and weather observer. One large, round, silver object flew at more 7/22/1952 #7020 ed objects. They were described as large and very fast moving UFOs. They ma 7/22/1952 #7030 bserver Corps (GOC) observer(s). 3 large night lights circle / sky. 2 zoom 7/23/1952 #7045 ee USAF F-94 jet interceptors. One large silver object, shaped like a long 7/23/1952 #7075 e USAF F-94 jet interceptors see a large silver object, shaped like a long 7/23/1952 #7080 warning letter to the President, a large swath the US military, US governme 7/24/1952 #7091 GADSDEN, AL 2 teens. Large Saturn saucer hovers over steel pl 7/25/1952 #7130 WILKES-BARRE, PA Large black saucer slowly tilts vertical 7/25/1952 #7133 ck saucer slowly tilts vertical. 4 large lights / rim. Fades away. 7/25/1952 #7133 e women in Oran, Algeria, notice a large, orange-red, luminous patch in the 7/26/1952 #7176 LEWISTOWN, PA Large round object hovers. Shadows move 7/27/1952 (approximate) #7194 WASHINGTON, DC USAF man and 2. Large round object hovers / capitol BLDH 7/27/1952 #7196 Belleville, IL Four Large Objects Tracked On Ground Radar (N 7/27/1952 #7201 ional Airport employees observed a large round object reflecting sunlight a 7/27/1952 #7207 Manhattan Beach, CA Large Object Separates Into 7 Discs (NIC 7/27/1952 #7209 f eight pilots and engineers see a large, silvery object moving rapidly at 7/27/1952 #7214 s. They entered the ship through a large door that Bethurum estimated was 4 7/27/1952 #7216 LODI, ORAN, ALG Very large "inverted cone" seen / several sec 7/28/1952 #7243 se control tower. Radar tracked a large cluster of very distinct blips. V 7/28/1952 #7258 NM Several separate observer(s). 2 large shiny pie-plate saucers outmaneuve 7/29/1952 #7280 / small lights going quickly west. Large and distant. Much faster / plane. 7/29/1952 #7297 WI Clusters of Small Targets & One Large Target (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, C 7/29/1952 #7300 to 10 small radar targets and one large target. Small targets moved from s 7/29/1952 #7313 .p.h.), following each other. The large one moved at 600 kts. (700 m.p.h.) 7/29/1952 #7313 to 10 small radar targets and one large target. The small targets moved fr 7/29/1952 #7333 70 mph), following each other. The large object moved at 600 knots (700 mph 7/29/1952 #7333 CINCINNATI, OH 4 observer(s). Large silent ovoid east going quickly we 8/1/1952 #7398 he next two hours. At 10:10 a.m. a large group of UFOs described as looking 8/1/1952 #7413 O, CA Ground Observer Corps (GOC). Large flares. 1350h. Chico, CA. Saucer b 8/3/1952 #7426 VENICE, CA 2 observer(s). Very large bright round object in from sea? H 8/4/1952 #7440 ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Vip? 2 large saucers. #1 going straight and lev 8/6/1952 #7478 Austin, Michigan picked up several large flying objects that flew at speeds 8/6/1952 #7492 ing ovoid vanishes and reappears / large circular trajectory. 8/7/1952 #7504 change by the third object, and a large circular maneuver by the fourth ob 8/7/1952 #7508 UERQUE, NM 3+separate observer(s). Large grey saucer hovers / 6 minute(s). 8/9/1952 #7520 LLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX 7 military. Large saucer. Many fast-smooth maneuvers 8/14/1952 #7581 NEAR ROCKHAMPTON, AUST Test Pilot. Large circular / light. Small night ligh 8/14/1952 #7584 ampire fighter pilot encountered a large circular light, from which 6-10 sm 8/14/1952 #7596 g east toward the coast, he sees a large, circular light at a lower elevati 8/15/1952 #7611 ch, Florida Ronny Desvergers saw a large, round, dark object above him in a 8/19/1952 #7646 his evening Ronny Desvergers saw a large, round, dark object above him in a 8/19/1952 #7653 east-northeast straight and level. Large coin / arms length. 8/22/1952 #7677 ar. Saucer hovers 3M / field. Very large window. Away fast when hit / spotl 8/24/1952 #7705 Tucson, AZ A large round, metallic, white light with 8/24/1952 #7707 s: Mr. and Mrs. George White. One large round, metallic, white light with 8/24/1952 #7711 .m. Mr. and Mrs. George White. One large round, metallic, white light with 8/24/1952 #7717 COLEMAN, TX 4 observer(s). 3 very large turtle-saucers hover / 5 minutes. 8/25/1952 #7725 ded vertically with a sound like a large covey of quail starting to fly at 8/25/1952 #7729 from US Highway 160 when he sees a large, disc-shaped object hovering 10 fe 8/25/1952 #7732 ded vertically with a sound like a large covey of quail starting to fly at 8/25/1952 #7736 THROP WELLS, NV Air Force Captain. Large vibrant bright saucer. Cone / cent 8/26/1952 #7738 tness: USAF Capt. D.A. Woods. One large, round, very bright object with a 8/26/1952 #7743 USAF Captain D.A. Woods sighted a large, round, very bright object with a 8/26/1952 #7744 KENNEWICK, WA 2 boys. Large silver saucer / treetops. Railing 8/28/1952 #7762 DENHAM, BUCKS, ENG Large cylinder/cigar-shape offloads smal 8/28/1952 #7764 RA, CA 3 / ground and pilot / air. Large silver sphere jumps up and down ov 8/28/1952 #7765 DAMARISCOTTA LK, ME Doctor. Large frying pan going northeast. Handle 8/30/1952 #7795 northeast. Handle rotates. Silent. Large and sharp. 8/30/1952 #7795 Marietta, GA 2 large white disc-shaped objects with gre 9/1/1952 #7810 Witness: ex-AAF B-25 gunner. Two large white disc-shaped objects with gre 9/1/1952 #7812 fied person using binoculars. Two large objects shaped like spinning tops 9/1/1952 #7813 witness using binoculars sees two large objects shaped like spinning tops 9/1/1952 #7818 rmy Air Force B-25 gunner sees two large white disc-shaped objects with gre 9/1/1952 #7818 itness using binoculars viewed two large objects shaped like spinning tops 9/1/1952 #7821 ater an ex-AAF B-25 gunner saw two large white disc-shaped objects with gre 9/1/1952 #7821 IR FORCE BASE, AZ 2 observer(s). 7 large saucers / changing formations / di 9/2/1952 #7824 s-Monthan AFB in Arizona saw seven large saucer-shaped objects, identical i 9/2/1952 #7831 , CA 6 / U.S. Marine Corps (USMC). Large bright-colored ovoid hovers. Then 9/4/1952 #7845 NORTH / WALSENBURG, CO 2 / US85. Large disk. Rings / lights blink. 2nd da 9/5/1952 #7850 t of Transport associates launch a large weather balloon with a magnesium f 9/8/1952 #7881 hilltop, they observed a globe as large as a house, making a throbbing or 9/11/1952 #7896 hree men. They observed a globe as large as a house making a throbbing or h 9/12/1952 #7902 p of a hill, they reportedly see a large pulsating “ball of fire” about 50 9/12/1952 #7905 hree men. They observed a globe as large as a house making a throbbing or h 9/12/1952 #7906 Tucson, AZ 2 groups of 3 large, flat, shiny objects (NICAP: 01 - 9/17/1952 #7969 Hollingsworth. Two groups of three large, flat, shiny objects flew in tight 9/17/1952 #7970 rizona sighted two groups of three large, flat, shiny objects at 11:40 a.m. 9/17/1952 #7971 D 8 / railroad/railway roundhouse. Large shiny saucer hovers high / 8 minut 9/22/1952 #8001 EON BAY, WI Teacher and several. 2 large metal saucers going quickly southw 9/26/1952 #8031 Unidentified. Several / telescope. Large saucer changes color(s). Level the 9/27/1952 #8040 couples using a 5x telescope saw a large, round object (NICAP: 01 - Distant 9/27/1952 #8042 ouples, using a 5x telescope. One large, round object, which went through 9/27/1952 #8043 x telescope at 10 p.m., observed a large, round object, which went through 9/27/1952 #8045 ARK, DK Many separate observer(s). Large cylinder/cigar-shape and several s 9/29/1952 #8054 ed. 4 civil. Sphere/orb/globe very large or very close / 7 minute(s). Blast 10/1/1952 #8079 OVER ZUNI, NM USAF Col. Cox / B25. Large blimp glows and makes impossible g 10/14/1952 #8132 yrénées-Atlantiques, France, see a large cigar-shaped structure in the blue 10/17/1952 #8148 GAILLAC, FR 4+12 saucers / pairs. Large cylinder/cylindrical object / mids 10/27/1952 #8192 EYRANS, FR Large round white object east going west 10/27/1952 #8194 At 10:30 p.m. a large round white object flew from east 10/27/1952 #8206 HEMPSTEAD AIR FORCE BASE, NY Large white-glow outmaneuvers F94s / 8 m 10/29/1952 #8208 ru) binoculars and 2 doctors. Very large saucer. Strong white beams. / Blue 11/8/1952 #8256 ews and CAA. CAA observer(s) also. Large silver saucer tilts upward. 11/16/1952 #8286 ded with a reddish light and saw a large plate 10 m above him, between gold 11/18/1952 #8294 ddish light on this morning when a large plate-shaped object flew ten meter 11/18/1952 #8298 UTH / FLORIDA KEYS 2 / SS. Warren. Large orange-glowing hemisphere seen cle 11/22/1952 #8321 rican Republic] when they notice a large disc speeding overhead. Later, the 11/22/1952 #8323 A F94S and ground and air RADAR's. Large white object. Pink portholes. Fast 12/10/1952 #8402 ford AEC Plant, WA Object appeared large, round and white with reddish ligh 12/10/1952 #8406 y close in on the object, which is large, white, and round and features a d 12/10/1952 #8409 o easily explained. They sighted a large round, white UFO and obtained a ra 12/10/1952 #8410 Honshu, Japan (McDonald list) Large Blip on AN/TPS Radar At 1320 MPH ( 12/15/1952 #8420 OFF CANNES, FR Large bright silver saucer hovers. Glide 12/20/1952 #8435 and five other witnesses observe a large, cigar-shaped object over Winslow, 12/21/1952 #8438 About 35 miles W of), TX Extremely large and intense bright round bluish-wh 12/29/1952 #8458 titude and 300 mph when they see a large, intense, bluish-white light near 12/29/1952 #8462 irless, narrow, disproportionately large for their bodies. Skin had brown t 1953? #8470 n tables inside a tent, small with large heads that looked “mongoloid” with 1953 #8483 knees and were 3 1/2-4 feet tall, large heads covered by a helmet and a me 1953 #8484 NAPIER, NEW ZEALAND Large bright circular object fades to re 1/6/1953 #8504 sc-shaped object about the size of large weather balloon flying to the sout 1/8/1953 #8515 B, New York, visually observed one large luminous rectangular shaped uniden 1/26/1953 #8573 [now closed], California, spots a large, luminous, red object and asks Maj 1/28/1953 #8603 Hackettstown, NJ Large light, blinking at 10-15 times per 3/10/1953 #8744 fe of a Pan Am flight engineer. A large light, blinking at 10-15 times per 3/11/1953 #8745 ts because of the distance and the large turn radius. 4/12/1953 #8819 of the distance and the objects'' large radius of turn. 4/12/1953 #8821 SHEFFIELD, SOUTH YORKS 3 teens. Large classic domed saucer / distance. G 4/20/1953 #8840 tnesses in Galveston, Texas, see a large, cigar-shaped object silently flyi 6/17/1953 #8936 Washington D.C. Alien description: Large helmeted heads, tight fitting suit Summer 1953 #8945 with satiny fur, and resemble very large geese, but with no beaks or wings. Summer 1953 #8953 Hampton Bays, Long Island, NY "a large aircraft" of exotic design with a 6/24/1953 #8963 vilian woman saw something like "a large aircraft" flying very slowly and l 6/24/1953 #8966 ay, New York saw something like "a large aircraft" about 30 meters wide fly 6/24/1953 #8971 over / treetop altitude / 2 hours. Large saucer joins in / 0300hrs. 7/2/1953 #8984 CLARK FORK, ID Ground observers. 2 large "upturned mirrors" follow jet plan 7/12/1953 #8994 MT. VERNON, OH Large silver object circles over town. G 7/24/1953 #9011 Mt. Vernon, OH Large silver object circled over town. [ 7/24/1953 #9012 ons are good and the instrument is large enough, the feature is seen as two 7/30/1953 #9021 yon National Parks in California A large UFO is seen for three nights over 7/30/1953 #9022 SEQUOIA PARK, CA Large disk 3 nights / row. Jets circle a 8/1/1953 #9035 NEAR WINCHELL, TX 3 large orange night lights hover. 1 going 8/7/1953 #9054 VT 3 fishing. 3 silver globes buzz large passing plane! Sharp maneuvers and 8/15/1953 (approximate) #9070 LE PUY-EN-VELAY, FR 2 police. Large red saucer leaves (something behin 8/19/1953 #9082 BURLINGTON, VT Large round black object stops over radi 8/20/1953 #9087 At 9:30 p.m. a large round black object stopped in the 8/20/1953 #9092 CLEVELAND, OH Very large luminous UFO flits. Hovers. Throws 9/3/1953 #9138 On this day a very large, luminous UFO hovered close to gro 9/3/1953 #9141 A large yellow nocturnal light zigzagged o 9/11/1953 #9161 MEADE, MD 2 military observer(s). Large yellow night light zigzags. Gone. 9/12/1953 #9164 tar Fomalhaut when he notices four large lights moving slowly in the sky. H Late 9/1953 #9179 saucer makes deafening roar! Very large and very high. No further details. 10/9/1953 #9211 BRIGANTINE, NJ Large saucer going [to] WNW inland. 5-6 10/16/1953 #9232 Emerson “Slim” F. Morris watches a large, cigar-shaped object as it approac 10/16/1953 #9236 and rapidly speed away. Before the large object disappears, it emits a blin 10/16/1953 #9236 NORFOLK, VA USAF pilot. Large white saucer hovers. Vanishes and 10/20/1953 #9245 OFF MILFORD, CT 2 / yacht. Large round silver object over 1000mph p 10/24/1953 #9249 A very large, 300-foot diameter disc-shaped obj 11/3/1953 #9281 At 11:45 p.m. a large red, cigar-shaped or cylindrical o 11/9/1953 #9287 -SUR-MARNE, FR Separate observers. Large glowing green saucer going east. S 11/14/1953 #9298 PANAMA CITY, FL Very large saucer circles Navy Anti-Mine base 11/19/1953 #9308 BURY, SHROPS Gavin Gibbons. Bright large silent disk hovers. Vanishes in pl 12/27/1953 #9399 ed by a hinged plate locked with a large padlock. 1954 #9420 s, and even shorter humanoids with large heads, large eyes that wrap around 1954 #9424 horter humanoids with large heads, large eyes that wrap around the side of 1954 #9424 ops and, many. Small ovoids circle large sphere. Trade places. Going quickl 1/1/1954 #9433 from Arles to Marseille and sees a large, round, reddish fireball, but plac 1/4/1954 #9445 bject circles. Going [to] horizon. Large cylinder/cigar-shape rises / same 1/7/1954 #9461 T. KILDA BEACH, VCT Ex-RAAF man. 3 large circular night lights going south 1/15/1954 #9489 AWLED DJELLAL, ALGERIA Large luminous rectangle-object goes str 1/18/1954 #9491 altitude. Finally, at 4:45 p.m., a large, luminous, rectangular- shaped obj 1/18/1954 #9494 with an odd-looking vapor trail. A large amount of cobwebby substance falls 2/1/1954 #9526 MIRAFLORES, PERU Many observer(s). Large disk hovers. Vanishes. Plane appea 2/11/1954 #9539 36 going east. Both objects lost / large cloud. 3/18/1954 #9626 ETON, PA Several ground and air. 4 large silent domed saucers going down [t 3/22/1954 #9631 reach his shotgun, so he grabbed a large rock and repeatedly smashed his at 4/10/1954 #9681 Height was between 4.0 to 4.5 ft. Large proportioned heads, no helmets. Ti 4/12/1954 #9683 ppeared dead; 4-4.5 feet tall with large heads, in tight fitting dark blue 4/12/1954 #9685 Hartland, ME Very large silver, oblong object with a dome 4/24/1954 #9717 , Maine Witness: D. Robinson. One large, silver, oblong object with a dome 4/24/1954 #9718 18 feet away toward the base of a large rock. He feels paralyzed for a few Late 4/1954 #9720 CANBY, CA Railroad/railway crew. 2 large saucers. 2 rows / orange portholes 5/1954 #9736 tah State University] 11:55 p.m. A large explosion is heard, felt, and seen 5/1/1954 #9744 bject he could see two beings with large heads and large eyes that were wid 5/5/1954 #9755 ee two beings with large heads and large eyes that were wide apart; both ap 5/5/1954 #9755 ASTRONOMERS F.MANNING ET AL Large dark straight/strait(s)-line found 5/6/1954 #9758 PT. MELBOURNE, VCT 20 / docks. Large red clam-saucer going south. Hover 5/9/1954 #9765 an entrance on the underside of a large round object that was hovering ove 5/13/1954 #9791 10 MI NORTH / BOSTON, MA TWA crew. Large white saucer flies into wind. Hide 6/1/1954 #9855 pot near Boston, Massachusetts, “a large, white- colored disc-like object” 6/1/1954 #9860 she hears a loud drumming noise. A large, dark cylinder, about 30 feet long 6/5/1954 #9866 riend heard a loud noise and saw a large, dark object that "burst into ligh 6/9/1954 #9881 loud noise at 6:20 p.m. and saw a large, dark object that "burst into ligh 6/9/1954 #9883 Hyattsville, Maryland, observes a large bluish-green oval or round object 6/12/1954 #9897 -magnetic effects). Lands / woods. Large brown colored circle / ground. / r 6/21/1954 #9912 ject left the ground. They found a large, brown, circular spot in the pastu 6/21/1954 #9917 move around the area. They find a large, brown, circular spot in the pastu 6/21/1954 #9920 d around in the area. They found a large, brown, circular spot in the pastu 6/21/1954 #9923 at 19,000 ft. when the crew saw a large CIGAR shaped UFO with six smaller 6/29/1954 #9958 E of Seven Isles, Quebec, CAN Large opaque or black object with 6 smal 6/29/1954 #9961 , and navigator H. McDonnell see a large cigar-shaped object and six smalle 6/29/1954 #9962 but always at the same level. The large object slowly and continually chan 6/29/1954 #9962 ear. McDonnell says they enter the large object. As the F- 94 approaches, t 6/29/1954 #9962 ject. As the F- 94 approaches, the large object dwindles in size and disapp 6/29/1954 #9962 F ORAN, ALGERIA Several cars stop. Large red-orange ball rises / sea. Shrin 7/1954 #9975 #3088. B56 RADAR. 6 saucers around large saucer / center. Low altitude. Sco 7/3/1954 #9986 NKLIN, ISLE OF WIGHT 1 observer. 1 large and 6 small balloon-like objects. 7/23/1954 #10038 MIAMI, FL 1 observer. Large saucer rises / ground. Rhythmic so 7/29/1954 #10060 BURRUMBEET, VCT 2+/ tram. Large Saturn night light hover over town 8/1/1954 #10087 HSEA, HAMPS Ex RAF woman sees very large UFO / 20 miles altitude! Leaves (s 8/26/1954 #10179 Dorchester, MA 7 large, white, teardrop-shaped objects tu 8/27/1954 #10187 etts Witness: E.A. Srazdes. Seven large, white, teardrop-shaped objects tu 8/27/1954 #10189 Seven large white teardrop-shaped objects flew 8/27/1954 #10190 tness in Mérida, Venezuela, sees a large, intensely yellow, glowing object 8/29/1954 #10203 11:00 p.m. Thomas Farquhar sees a “large oval-shaped disc,” crackling and h 9/8/1954 #10273 , short legs, and helmets covering large heads. No faces or arms are visibl 9/10/1954 #10286 FEYZIN, FR Light beams / large dark object 50M away / 30' altitud 9/15/1954 #10308 , who observed that it came from a large, dark object 10 m above ground. It 9/15/1954 #10310 m. He observed that it came from a large, dark object shaped like an ellips 9/15/1954 #10316 City not noted, NM Large green fireball observed; radio and 9/18/1954 #10343 PONTHIERRY, FR Large luminous cloud offloads smaller UF 9/22/1954 #10391 At 9:30 p.m. a large 40-50 meter in diameter domed disc 9/24/1954 #10441 elmet and diving suit. She can see large eyes looking at her through the he 9/26/1954 #10451 , 3.5 feet high. A little man with large eyes was inside, resembling "a chi 9/26/1954 #10452 dog barked furiously. They found a large object on the ground and a small b 9/27/1954 #10472 was barking furiously. They saw a large object on the ground and a small b 9/27/1954 #10478 gers / PAA DC6. Huge saucer lights large area. / news. 9/28/1954 #10480 FRONCLES, FR 3 observer(s). Large bright UFO oscillates and lands. C 9/28/1954 #10481 ot and Georgette Mongot observed a large, bright object oscillate, then lan 9/28/1954 #10484 lot in Froncles, France observed a large, bright object oscillate, then lan 9/28/1954 #10489 LYON, FR Doctor and 15. Fleet / large dinner-plate saucers. Silver with 9/29/1954 (approximate) #10493 C, 21, FR Night lights play / sky. Large UFO passes over observer(s) / N470 9/29/1954 #10497 an Andrieux, ferry operator, saw a large white sphere, with a smaller green 9/30/1954 #10513 France and another witness, saw a large white sphere at 10:00 p.m. A small 9/30/1954 #10524 home on his bicycle when he sees a large shooting star. Later, he sees an i 10/1/1954 #10569 t had a flat section and a sort of large "mushroom" on top (domed disc). As 10/1/1954 #10578 ANDUZE, FR Large silent circular mass hovers. Alter 10/2/1954 (approximate) #10590 ANDUZE, FR 3 observer(s). Large red-blue saucer spins over Pointe- 10/3/1954 #10651 ace covered with hair and eyes "as large as raven eggs" who touched him on 10/5/1954 #10726 an oval head covered with hair and large eyes. The creature touches Lucas’s 10/5/1954 #10732 overed with hair, and big eyes "as large as raven eggs." The short being to 10/5/1954 #10737 ot where it disappeared, he sees a large object like an artillery shell 9 f 10/6/1954 #10756 rs in length and had the form of a large artillery shell with several porth 10/6/1954 #10758 MONTLEVICQ, FR Large vertical cylinder/cigar-shape and 10/7/1954 #10764 igar-shape with 2 saucers on rear. Large separate saucer and cylinder/cylin 10/7/1954 #10773 k, with a face covered in hair and large eyes, emerges and shines a blindin 10/8/1954 #10817 were about 1.2 m tall and had very large chests and oversized heads; their 10/9/1954 #10845 aving a face covered with hair and large eyes, came out and shone a blindin 10/9/1954 #10848 g immediately, the witnesess saw a large convex disk take off vertically. I 10/9/1954 #10850 heels and has brilliant eyes and a large moustache. Hoax. 10/9/1954 #10854 about 1.2 meters tall and had very large chests and oversized heads; their 10/9/1954 #10863 aving a face covered with hair and large eyes, came out and shone a blindin 10/9/1954 #10866 g immediately, the witnesses saw a large convex disc take off vertically. I 10/9/1954 #10868 METZ, MSL, FR Blue Book. Large crowd and spotlight beams. Odd clo 10/10/1954 #10884 On or about this day a large group of farmers in Mahallat, Iran 10/10/1954 #10895 They had thin legs, broad chests, large heads, and they wore rubber suits. 10/10/1954 #10898 RIOM, FR 2 cops. Large cylinder/cigar-shape going north s 10/11/1954 #10905 BEAUQUAY, 14, FR 3 observer(s). Large red cylinder/cigar-shape very fast 10/11/1954 #10913 3 / car. 2 luminous/glowing orbs / large and small land / distance. Car mal 10/11/1954 #10919 Bauquay, France A large red object was seen flying very fa 10/11/1954 #10932 Lavarande, Algeria A large disk flying very low over a road s 10/11/1954 #10933 In Bauquay, Calvados, France a large red object was seen flying very fa 10/11/1954 #10948 In Lavarande, Algeria a large disc flew very low over a road and 10/11/1954 #10949 , FR Transparent saucer and lands. Large and small figure(s) inside. Shoot 10/12/1954 #10958 S, BRAZIL Firemen and more/others. Large silent luminous/glowing disk going 10/12/1954 #10964 aring a diving suit: "His head was large with respect to the rest of the bo 10/13/1954 #10998 earing a diver’s suit. Its head is large, and it has enormous eyes. One wit 10/13/1954 #11000 aring a diving suit. "His head was large with respect to the rest of the bo 10/13/1954 #11004 / workers. Brilliant sphere with 2 large tubes on the side. No further deta 10/14/1954 #11007 NORTHEAST / SOUTHEND, ENG 3 large silver saucers. 1 buzzes Salandin 10/14/1954 #11015 small height and bulky figure with large slanted eyes. Its body was covered 10/14/1954 #11044 near Lewarde, Nord, France. It has large, slanted, protruding eyes and a sq 10/14/1954 #11057 small height and bulky figure with large slanted eyes. Its body was covered 10/14/1954 #11065 NAIROBI, KENYA Astronomer and 4. Large night light / 2K' altitude. Bright 10/15/1954? #11085 ron county Early in the morning. A large, luminous, red object streaks acro 10/15/1954 #11108 It appeared phosphorescent and of large size. It took off very suddenly. 10/16/1954 #11146 appeared phosphorescent and to be large in size. It took off very suddenly 10/16/1954 #11153 with hair, that stared at him with large eyes. Abruptly the object lifted o 10/18/1954 #11224 the lower part was contained by a large “pipe” 50 cm high and 20 centimete 10/18/1954 #11225 this pipe was a luminous disc “as large as a bicycle wheel.” Its upper par 10/18/1954 #11225 klayer, Mr. Fillonnau, stoped as a large ball of fire flew near it. A viole 10/21/1954 #11299 yer, Mr. Fillonnau, stopped when a large fiery ball flew near it. A violent 10/21/1954 #11308 rome, Ohio, Special School watch a large, silvery, cigar-shaped object hang 10/22/1954 #11320 d, so she looks outside and sees a large reddish-orange disc with a halo ar 10/23/1954 #11340 ir and a hairy face. His eyes were large, like those of the cows." 10/24/1954 #11361 a downed airplane. It resembled a large "plate" resting on the ground; it 10/24/1954 #11366 oticed a brown craft shaped like a large shell between them, so he did not 10/24/1954 #11368 ir and a hairy face. His eyes were large, "like those of the cows." 10/24/1954 #11369 ed over twenty UFOs. There was one large cigar shaped object and some high 10/25/1954 #11396 flattened heads standing next to a large keg like object. They wore shiny b 10/25/1954 #11401 ncent Casamajou and his wife saw a large cauldron-shaped craft, the size of 10/26/1954 #11413 ncent Casamajou and his wife saw a large cauldron-shaped craft, the size of 10/26/1954 #11419 uring a game at Florence, Italy. A large amount of “white filaments” falls 10/27/1954 #11449 ano Notte dated October 29, 1954 a large number of witnesses in Tradate wat 10/28/1954 #11470 by a saucer. A disk three times as large as the sun, red and purple, spinni 10/29/1954 #11478 BOLZANO, ITL Several observer(s). Large cigar-object followed by 3 smaller 10/30/1954 #11485 NEAR AKRON, OH Very large round glowing-object drops / 30M a 11/1954 #11508 gon 6:00 a.m. Jack Holloway sees a large, round object that leaves a vapor 11/1/1954 #11517 s and the lights go out. He sees a large glowing red object near the road. 11/1/1954 #11519 t corner he was surprised to see a large circular object sitting in an empt 11/2/1954 #11539 e object, and he went in. He saw a large circular room illuminated by a sof 11/2/1954 #11539 , LINCOLNS 2 observer(s). Humming! Large saucer with 2 orange lights. 2 sma 11/4/1954 #11561 , whose car had broken down, saw a large, shining disk rise 150 m away with 11/5/1954 #11577 a craft, which made a noise like a large transformer and gave off an orange 11/5/1954 #11578 , whose car had broken down, saw a large, shining disc rise 150 meters away 11/5/1954 #11580 w a craft that made a noise like a large transformer and gave off an orange 11/5/1954 #11581 markings, and was only as big as a large plate. As it flew low over him, he 11/9/1954 #11611 r/cigar-shape going west / 300kph. Large well-lit windows! Close and silent 11/13/1954 #11635 adio Frequency Interference (RFI). Large silver saucer rotates going overhe 11/14/1954 #11645 m was seen for about one hour by a large number of persons. 11/14/1954 #11650 ght was seen for over an hour by a large number of witnesses throughout the 11/14/1954 #11654 he sees a bright orange object as large as the full moon flying in a strai 11/17/1954 #11663 and had rather disproportionately large, flat-topped heads. They appeared 11/23/1954 #11697 ltitude of 20 meters it expelled a large fireball. This exploded just befor 11/23/1954 #11697 small, about 35 cm tall, had very large heads and lead-gray skin. The craf 11/25/1954 #11703 ree 1.2-foot-tall beings with very large heads and gray skin enter a small 11/25/1954 #11704 ad at 40-meters altitude. It had a large porthole on its side. It abruptly 12/3/1954 #11755 MONTREAL, QBC Flash. Large saucer stops. Makes 90° turns. Abs 12/12/1954 #11803 CAMPO GRANDE, BRZ Large and small orbs. 3 small humanoids 12/15/1954 #11810 IGALPA, HONDURAS Many observer(s). Large glowing body goes over city. / rad 12/15/1954 #11813 es small beings come down from the large object, moving rapidly. One is hol 12/15/1954 #11815 ORADAS, URUG Several / highway 90. Large metallic disk blazes going quickly 12/20/1954 #11842 it. The light is emanating from a large, rotating, slightly wedge-shaped d 12/26/1954 #11863 eings dressed in black and wearing large helmets. The beings looked human w 12/30/1954 #11882 IDYLLWILD, CA Large fireball drops / sky. Hits bomber 1/14/1955 #11931 ABETH, RSA Purple sausage leads 10 large ovoids in formation going quickly 1/21/1955 #11939 NORTH / HAKATERE, NZ 3 / car. Large metallic parachute saucer descends 1/25/1955 #11941 ground level. No saucer visible. 2 large men stand / ditch.. 2/4/1955 #11972 ckstone, VA Pilot saw an extremely large light-blue object at 35,000 ft (NI 2/17/1955 #12007 ten, Prince Philip’s uncle, sees a large disc-shaped UFO over a nearby mead 2/23/1955 #12015 a secret space program and also a large cave in the Wasatch Mountains, Uta 3/1/1955 #12028 the Wasatch Mountains, Utah, where large advanced aerospace craft are const 3/1/1955 #12028 LINCOLN AIR FORCE BASE, NEBR Large "teardrop-fuselage". No wings. Blu 3/12/1955 #12043 d, France Mr. M. Droguet sighted a large domed disc hovering five feet abov 5/14/1955 #12132 AIR FORCE BASE, FL Saucer seen as large square glow / 30K' altitude. 90-tu 5/17/1955 #12135 a disc appeared at 7:00 p.m. as a large, square glowing object. It was at 5/17/1955 #12139 RPOOL, ENG 2 observer(s). 3+1 very large silver saucers from sea going quic 6/1/1955 #12174 were small beings with thin arms, large eyes, and pointed chins. Two were 7/3/1955 #12231 gs with thin arms, wide shoulders, large eyes, and pointed chins. Two were 7/3/1955 #12233 ht up. He looked up and saw a very large, hovering cigar-shaped object with 7/17/1955 #12267 hovering cigar-shaped object with large rounded windows, almost directly o 7/17/1955 #12267 ALTAR, MEXICO Many observer(s). Large luminous body hovers / 1 hour! Clo 8/11/1955 #12349 g grabbed by a hairy creature with large claws. It pulled her under the wat 8/14/1955 #12358 t they saw nothing. An object, “as large as 3 houses,” came down to hover t 8/29/1955 #12416 PONTELAND, ENGL 4 boys. Large saucer / windows / edge. Low altit 8/31/1955 #12419 A large disc-shaped object with windows ar 8/31/1955 #12420 FIELD, OAHU, HI Many observer(s). Large sausage shape overhead / 1700mph. 9/22/1955 #12466 H 2 separate observer(s). 2 ovoids large and small orbit each other / count 9/22/1955 #12468 MT. LA SALLE, CA Engineer. 2 large aluminum buttons with rims going s 10/1955 (approximate) #12473 oid makes 90-turns / 1000mph. Very large. 10/21/1955 #12517 SANTA ANA, CA 2 observer(s). Long large "pipe" with ball underneath. Going 10/29/1955 #12530 AUCKLAND, NZ 2 / cab. Swish sound. Large silent object with very large wind 11/4/1955 #12546 und. Large silent object with very large windows going south. Lost / cloud 11/4/1955 #12546 PAKISTAN Airport/apartment crews. Large round blue object going south / 7 11/4/1955 #12548 flight instructor and doctor. Very large white globe instantly reverses cou 11/25/1955 #12589 backtraced / time and place. Very large and artificial. Origin unknown. 12/18/1955 #12615 el to his course. It looks like a “large pearl-colored lens with wavy, puls 1956 #12636 SEA / JPN NEAR PUSAN, KOREA Large glowing washtub falls to sea. Floa 1/15/1956 #12660 et offshore Busan, South Korea, by large numbers of townspeople. The glow c 1/15/1956 #12661 GMX, LA TO FL PAA flight engineer. Large long object / yellow exhaust going 1/22/1956 #12676 rleans), At Sea PanAm engineer saw large elongated object, emitting yellow 1/22/1956 #12677 KEANSBURG, NJ 6 observer(s). Large saucer hovers. Offloads 2 small sa 2/15/1956 #12716 loads 2 small saucers which follow large object away. 2/15/1956 #12716 While a large luminous disc hovered over Keansbu 2/15/1956 #12719 ORLY AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Large RADAR blip / 4 hours. 2250mph. Vag 2/17/1956 #12721 ley Viper turbojet engines, a very large center rotor/impeller with Lundstr 3/1956 #12742 H / HENDERSON, NC FBI and NSA men. Large 20' top saucer going [to] over car 4/6/1956 #12792 Henderson, NC Top-shaped object as large as the road pass over their car, n 4/16/1956 #12807 employees saw for a few seconds a large, top-shaped object passing over th 4/16/1956 #12808 passing over their car. It was as large as the road and made no sound. 4/16/1956 #12808 employees saw for a few seconds a large, top-shaped object passing over th 4/16/1956 #12810 passing over their car. It was as large as the road and made no sound. 4/16/1956 #12810 ker, along with many others, see a large bright object flying low over the 5/1/1956 #12824 On this evening a large "mothership" hovered for three hou 5/8/1956 #12839 ll saucer going [to] in and out of large saucer. Silent / low altitude. Pos 5/9/1956 #12840 at it. The light is attached to a large rectangular object resembling a ra 6/1956 #12880 rtin claimed he was taken aboard a large landed UFO, where he spent seven h 6/11/1956 #12895 OH 9:37 AM. One spherical object, large, white in color, appeared to be re 7/6/1956 #12955 E BASE, MASS Observer(s) = Nelson. Large RADAR target. 180-turn / 5 second( 7/17/1956 #12975 he estimated the size as that of a large bomber at high altitude. 7/23/1956 #13013 LA JOLLA, CA Blue Book. Large silver saucer crosses jets' contra 8/6/1956 #13054 Book. Civil observer(s) = Nicoson. Large red saucer. Intense beam going dow 8/12/1956 #13070 ear to converge into one extremely large target (several times the size of 8/13/1956 #13080 adar returns at 9:20 p.m. showed a large unidentified craft moving in exces 8/13/1956 #13081 FULLERTON, CA 3 kids. Large saucer hovers / minutes. Going qui 8/23/1956 #13119 jet aircraft. While approaching a large thunderhead (cumulonimbus) at a gr 8/27/1956 #13140 hite light. Looking up, they see a large disc hovering silently. Several sm 8/28/1956 #13146 al smaller objects emerge from the large disc, leaving behind a wake of pho 8/28/1956 #13146 the west in a V formation with the large object in the lead. 8/28/1956 #13146 Corps (GOC). 2 silver disks again large and small. 1 going southwest. Othe 8/30/1956 #13153 lue Book reports. Civil observers. Large white ovoid overhead / 10 second(s 9/3/1956 #13176 Dallas, TX Family saw a large star, changing to red color, remai 9/4/1956 #13183 /Sgt. R.D. Rogers and family. One large star, changing to red color, remai 9/4/1956 #13185 / ELSINORE, CA Ex Air Force pilot. Large silver ovoid sucks and blows smoke 9/12/1956 #13216 RTHEAST / FRENCH LICK, IN 2 / car. Large metallic yo-yo saucer hovers low. 9/15/1956 #13223 from the gap. The object looks as large as the town’s courthouse. It begin 9/15/1956 #13224 NEAR MELTON, ENGL 4 / car. Large orange flying biscuit with lights 9/18/1956 (approximate) #13226 BIRCHLEIGH, RSA Large saucer makes wide circles / sky. C 9/21/1956 #13229 AUS, BRAZIL 2 trusted observer(s). Large saucer lights ground / 30 meters a 10/5/1956 #13263 SHABANI, RHODESIA Railroad men. Large circular object going quickly nort 10/16/1956 #13282 erver(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Large metal sphere. Glows blue and red a 10/24/1956 #13289 e state area. Due to the unusually large number of reports, it was possible 11/8/1956 #13314 sighting reports suggested that a large number of different objects were a 11/8/1956 #13314 returns the target appeared fairly large, being four to five times larger t 11/8/1956 #13315 lips maneuver / 50-2000kts. Rejoin large blip. 11/11/1956 #13320 ST / ABERDEEN, SD 4 separate cops. Large orange glowing-orange going west / 11/22/1956 #13342 red lights. Yellow glow / center. Large and high. Going north. 11/22/1956 #13343 WOODSTOCK, MN Very large tan 'half pancake' follows car? Go 12/9/1956 #13392 raight wing, having engine rods or large wing pods [or] intakes” flying at 12/10/1956 #13396 lored dwarf, with a high forehead, large floppy ears, and short arms and le 12/15/1956 #13405 g an F- 86D interceptor picks up a large blip on airborne radar. The pilot 12/17/1956 #13408 ARLINGTON, VA Several / Army. Large shiny metal ball hovers and vanish 1/21/1957 #13467 and SP3 Gerald L. Fennell) watch a large, shiny, metal sphere hovering at a 1/21/1957 #13468 ny. 4 brilliant night lights trail large pulsing ovoid. / r242. 1/24/1957 #13470 lliant nocturnal lights trailing a large pulsating ovoid object. 1/24/1957 #13474 ire, England Rochdale 10:00 p.m. A large, circular object is seen by indepe 2/15/1957 #13509 illo, California. First they see a large, soundless, and pulsing light, wit 3/22/1957 #13553 / theodolite. 5 small balls orbit large sphere / 45° plane / 0.5 RPM. 4/1957 #13573 s when his engine stops. He sees a large UFO hovering nearby, from which a 4/1957 #13575 , Kent and ordered to shoot down a large “aircraft carrier” sized UFO flyin 5/1957 #13626 observer / (seen thru) binoculars. Large cylinder/cigar-shape hovers. Sever 5/3/1957 #13645 h a beige-gray body, an abnormally large black head, and a waddling gait. T 5/10/1957 #13652 ree short men (4-5 feet tall) with large heads and a torrering gait. The li 5/10/1957 #13655 before firing. Torres locates the large target on his aircraft radar, but 5/20/1957? #13667 NORTHPORT, LI, NY Linemen. Large plain cylinder/cigar-shape going s 5/24/1957 #13675 LUTON, BEDFORDS Many / schoolyard. Large saucer with tailfin and antenna zi 6/1957 (approximate) #13693 ke 10,000 sightings” on file and a large map of the British Isles with thou 6/15/1957 #13730 RYE, NY 2 cops. Large object with 2 white and 1 red ligh 6/22/1957 #13747 trolmen at Rye, New York watched a large object with two white lights and o 6/22/1957 #13748 MN Civil defense man and several. Large shiny cylinder/cigar-shape / low a 7/11/1957 #13789 SOUTHINGTON, CT Large blue ball drops in jerks. Brighter 7/15/1957 #13797 SQUIRES CORNER, NJ 1 / car. Large grey ovoid rises / trees. Going so 7/23/1957 #13818 ruces, New Mexico, when they see a large, fast object at high altitude movi 7/24/1957 #13827 y, First Officer F.J. Downing. One large, round, yellow-white object dimmed 7/29/1957 #13853 st Officer F. J. Downing sighted a large, round, yellow-white object that d 7/29/1957 #13855 0 feet x 6.5 feet x 11.5 feet. Two large three-toed prints are also found, 7/30/1957 #13862 egetation were burned and charred. Large claw-like impressions were also fo 7/30/1957 #13863 ky. She stops, and they point to a large black object hovering above some n 8/1957 #13868 Toronto, Ontario, CAN Large glowing object hovered 20 minutes, 8/1/1957 #13869 ountains. Green beams going down. "Large and low". 8/26/1957 #13931 SAN RAFAEL, HONDURAS Large cylinder/cigar-shape going down / 8/30/1957 #13947 At noon in San Rafael, Honduras a large cigar-shaped object was seen over 8/30/1957 #13953 ndings. They gathered samples in a large box. The witnesses saw small porth 9/1957 #13964 OFF PORTHCAWL, WALES 3 cops. Large red saucer rises / Bristol channel 9/1/1957 #13969 F jets buzzed / objects which exit large saucer. / r141#4+/ r120p147. 9/4/1957 #13975 ba and Coruche, Portugal sighted a large disc-shaped object. It was changin 9/4/1957 #13979 ORTH / ST. PETERSBURG, FL Newsmen? Large metallic ovoid hovers / airport. A 9/19/1957 #14008 T / MOREZ, JURA, FR 2 observer(s). Large phony train / railroad/railway tra 10/30/1957 #14165 MCCOLL, SC 2 / pond. Large black sphere/orb/globe going down. 10/31/1957 #14171 e A businessman and his wife saw a large, lighted object with openings, whi 10/31/1957 #14173 Longchaumois, Jura, France, see a large lighted object with openings. It h 10/31/1957 #14175 e a businessman and his wife saw a large, lighted object with openings, whi 10/31/1957 #14177 ome on a rainy night when he saw a large, lighted object on the road ahead, 11/1957 #14181 Levelland, Texas A large number of reports from the Levella 11/2/1957 #14213 A large number of reports around Levelland 11/3/1957 #14253 them. Its diameter is at least as large as the wingspan of a DC-3 and scar 11/4/1957 #14284 r second and third-degree burns on large areas of their body, chiefly in ar 11/4/1957 #14284 e Captain and 5 cops and reporter. Large night light maneuvers. Type unknow 11/5/1957 #14295 r Hebrides islands / 17 minute(s). Large flames. 11/5/1957 #14314 arney, Nebraska, when he notices a large, cigar-shaped object resting in a 11/5/1957 #14343 spaceships, the Saturnian ship has large propellers at both ends. Eventuall 11/5/1957 #14343 ess in Woodstock, Illinois, sees a large, red, triangular object with a gre 11/5/1957 #14346 Gile and airline(s)/airliner crew. Large silver disk hovers / airport. Air 11/9/1957 #14497 the vicinity of White Oaks when a large, rapidly moving light approaches t 11/9/1957 #14507 io Mrs. Leita Kuhn observed a very large, lighted object 20 m above ground. 11/10/1957 #14520 m. Mrs. Leita Kuhn observed a very large, lighted object 20 meters above th 11/10/1957 #14527 a passenger and describes it as a large, elliptical, metallic object with 11/11/1957 #14534 ENGL AND WIDE AREA / NORTH SURREY Large red-orange sphere hovers / 700' al 11/14/1957 #14547 n a metallic saucer shaped like a “large flattish spinning top,” 18 inches 11/21/1957 #14590 ng sound and saw to his right four large, metallic Saturn-shaped craft rest 11/23/1957 #14605 , WALES Trucker and separate cops. Large red fireball and more / or blue de 11/29/1957 #14636 d four creatures emerged. They had large heads, dome-like foreheads, and bu 12/1957 #14648 d four creatures emerge. They have large heads, dome-like foreheads, and bu 12/1957 #14653 EXETER, DEVON Many observer(s). Large silver cylinder/cigar-shape going 12/3/1957 #14662 own [to] then going up [to] again. Large and distant. Going quickly south. 12/8/1957 #14686 dlights flickered and went out, as large fiery object passed overhead (NICA 12/8/1957 #14689 cended, then made a second ascent. Large and distant, the object shot off t 12/8/1957 #14693 onald list) FPS-10 Picks Up Target Large As Three B-47's (NICAP: 09 - RADAR 12/11/1957 #14710 off the aircraft lights and sees a large luminous object darting from left 12/11/1957 #14713 direction and soon disappear. The large object lies on its side and quiver 12/15/1957 #14730 the Paraguayan border. They see a large ball of light about the size of th 12/21/1957 #14755 Thruway during a snow storm saw a large shape with a tall, luminous pole o 1/1958 #14790 VILLA VELHA, BRZ Doctor and 3. Large silent metallic Saturn-saucer hove 1/16/1958 #14828 Santo and three others witnessed a large silent metallic Saturn-shaped UFO 1/16/1958 #14832 not be started again. Then a very large, blue silvery object appeared and 2/24/1958 #14888 rm. It was then that they notice a large luminous Saturn-shaped object sile 2/24/1958 #14889 while later, at 3:05 a.m., a very large blue silvery disc-shaped object ap 2/24/1958 #14890 wife Dorothy see something like a “large medicine ball” descend and land in 2/28/1958 #14898 PODMOSKOVNAYA, RS Large saucer lands. Spirals up and away 3/19/1958 (approximate) #14938 Moscow, USSR Near Moscow, a large, disk-shaped object was seen on th 3/19/1958 #14940 A large, disc-shaped object was seen on th 3/19/1958 #14941 LYNCHBURG, VA C47 pilot. Large dark-grey rectangular object rotat 4/14/1958 #14981 e, NM Air Force Staff Sergeant saw large formation of unidentified lights. 4/14/1958 #14983 itness in Broager, Denmark, sees a large, black, low-flying, triangular obj 4/15/1958 #14988 LINCOLN, NE 1 large and 9 small objects / rigid format 4/16/1958 #14991 ERSOLL, ON Several / farm. Several large silver delta/triangle/box-like cra 4/16/1958 #14992 s southwest of Calgary, Alberta, a large, thick, black cloud suddenly appea 5/13/1958 #15031 ic Ground Environment, a system of large computers that coordinates data fr 6/26/1958 #15117 Grimsby, Lincolnshire, England. A large black dumbbell appears below them, 6/29/1958 #15126 CANISTEAR RESERVOIR, NJ 2 / boat. Large red-glow "bar" going north. Tilts 7/8/1958 #15136 IR FORCE BASE, MT Air Force guard. Large featureless silver delta/triangle/ 8/4/1958 #15178 ut 5 minutes, but does not cause a large communication interruption; howeve 8/11/1958 #15191 observer(s). 3 small objects join large saucer. Car malfunctions due to EM 10/1958 (approximate) #15293 stant Secretary of Defense, sees a large, stationary, sharply outlined Satu 10/7/1958 #15329 TTLE SHEEP MOUNTAIN, WY 3 doctors. Large bright night light jerks and tumbl 10/9/1958 #15331 VILLE, MD Ex-military observer(s). Large round glowing-object hovers / 20M 10/10/1958 (approximate) #15332 BRANDT, OH Several teens. Large white disk going northeast. Instan 10/13/1958 #15342 en Reservoir, Maryland. They see a large (100 feet long) egg-shaped object 10/26/1958 #15385 UNION DALE, PA Large cylinder/cigar-shape with tail Ass 10/27/1958 #15387 Union Dale, PA Large gray cigar-like object with an ass 10/27/1958 #15389 ennsylvania An object resembling a large gray cigar with an assembly tail f 10/27/1958 #15390 s: Phillip Small, Alvin Cohen. One large, flat egg-shaped object affected a 10/27/1958 #15391 An object resembling a large gray cigar with an assembly tail f 10/27/1958 #15393 OBLONG, IL Large round silver object ringed by 6 sm 10/30/1958 #15399 heard a "swishing" noise and saw a large disk flying at ground level, which 11/1958 #15414 Silver specks fly singly / pairs / large groups. Jets chase / too fast. 11/6/1958 #15430 points of light flew in pairs and large groups. Jet aircraft pursued them 11/6/1958 #15431 DOVER, OH 2+6 kids / car. Large silent cylinder/cigar-shape hovers 1/3/1959 #15530 Ohio at 40 meters altitude. It was large, silent, and had red, green and wh 1/3/1959 #15532 It appeared to be armless and had large, bright greenish eyes. It left tra 3/28/1959 #15677 OCOEE, FL Ex-treasury officer. Large green night light going up and dow 4/3/1959 #15690 grass flattened in the shape of a large oval. 5/20/1959 #15741 YOUNGSTOWN, OH Large saucer hovers over 2 small disks. 6/16/1959 #15770 Salta, Argentina 8:00 p.m. A large, luminous UFO passes over Salta, A 6/22/1959 #15784 through the clouds. The main UFO, “large, clear, stationary,” gives off a r 6/26/1959 #15790 of Honolulu, Hawaii, encounters a large bright light with 3–4 satellite li 7/11/1959 #15834 TX Ray Stanford and more/others. 4 large cigars and disk / 16 mm film. / r2 7/28/1959 #15882 ose to the ground. It appared as a large, vertical, egg-shaped object which 8/9/1959 #15897 to the ground. It appeared to be a large, vertical, ovoid object that made 8/9/1959 #15899 e Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Pilot saw large star-like light cross 53° of sky ( 8/10/1959 #15901 lt. Lt. M.S. Mowat, on ground. One large star-like light crossed 53 degree 8/10/1959 #15902 EURAMO, AUSTR Farmer. Large Brill 10M cone over sugar cane. Li 9/1959 #15946 STON LAKE, NY Several observer(s). Large glowing-saucer maneuver away and b 9/3/1959 #15953 K, WI Project Bluebook Case #6506. Large fuzzy saucer going down / farm. Lo 9/13/1959 #15965 at Klamath Falls, Oregon, tracks a large target abruptly changing course an 9/24/1959 #15987 d from the air the crash site of a large disc-shaped craft not far from Mos 9/26/1959 #15994 ring and it was shattered with one large piece broken off. The largest sect 9/26/1959 #15994 ted an UFO. “It was colored like a large red fire and looked like an atomic 9/29/1959 #15997 at 6,500 feet over Texas, sees a “large red fire” that looks like a mushro 9/29/1959 #15998 . In the front of the object was a large window surrounded by rivets. Insid 9/29/1959 #16000 a pilot named Leszczyński sees two large circles of light with another pair 9/30/1959 #16001 KM NORTH / AZORES Navy crew. Very large fireball paces USS chambers / 10 k 10/3/1959 #16012 Quezon, Philippines Large round or oval object, changing fro 10/4/1959 #16015 . C.H. Pogson, CPO K.J. Moore. One large round or oval object, changing fro 10/4/1959 #16016 FAIRLIE, NZ Several observer(s). Large white dome shaped mass going quick 10/7/1959 #16025 ime (8:00 p.m. New Zealand time) a large white, domed shaped mass flew quic 10/7/1959 #16027 Johansson can see the object has a large window, through which two entities Late 10/1959 #16060 OHINGAITI HILL, NZ Large street lamp follows 2 / car / 100k 10/31/1959 #16070 luminous object that looked like a large street lamp. The UFO maneuvered ar 10/31/1959 #16072 Kandahar, Afghanistan A large, luminous object is seen moving at 11/8/1959 #16084 six four-foot tall humanoids with large human like eyes to a room that had 11/15/1959 #16088 uth Australia a flat object with a large bubble on top was seen just before 11/20/1959 #16097 erver(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Large cylinder/cigar-shape going east / 1/18/1960 #16151 OOGOOTEE, IN Navy civil eng. Tech. Large yellow-red ovoid crosses road goin 4/6/1960 #16217 dark body, no ears or nose, and a large pumpkin-shaped head with two orang 6/10/1960 #16311 hat we have is a portion of a very large device which came into this solar 6/12/1960 #16312 the Ottawa club and examines their large artifact, but fails to report back 6/12/1960 #16312 object, which is hovering around a large tree. The object is circular and a Summer 1960 #16313 heard a noise that sounded like a large plane in the distance. The noise g 6/22/1960 #16316 cer hovers. Rudderlike protrusion. Large oily circles found. / r180p24. 7/22/1960 #16343 a 13-year-old girl. After it left large oily circles were found on the gro 7/22/1960 #16344 NANJING, CH Large and small orbs during tornado. Nig 8/1960 (approximate) #16360 ws Echo satellite trajectory. Very large. 8/23/1960 #16407 night Mr. & Mrs. Palmes noticed a large dark gray object, covered with til 9/2/1960 #16432 object, covered with tiles and as large as a three-storey building, in a n 9/2/1960 #16432 domes sprinkle their surface. The large object disappears too quickly for 9/10/1960 #16442 l object makes wide circles / sky. Large and high. Hovers. Rises away. 10/1/1960 #16473 Night lights = running lights / 2 large UFO's. Type unknown. Possible port 11/7/1960 #16495 THERS Airport weathermen and more. Large silver object with antenna on side 11/11/1960 #16496 others); maneuvered and landed on large overgrown field. [NICAP UFOE, V] ( 1/10/1961 #16573 perations, it is farther away from large groups of civilians than the Trini 4/4/1961 #16643 /FROM TOOMPANG, AUS 7 observer(s). Large sphere/orb/globe hovers. 4 small d 5/31/1961 #16704 ales, Australia five men watched a large object hover in the sky while four 5/31/1961 #16705 . They finally rejoined it and the large craft flew away. 5/31/1961 #16705 mous bubble a kilometer away, with large waves widening into a circle. A fe 6/3/1961 #16717 hen streaked across the sky to the large UFO and all vanished behind trees. 6/4/1961 #16719 ames W. Annis, a librarian, sees a large, narrow, elliptical object hoverin 6/4/1961 #16720 EXETER, ENGL Large bright shiny object hovers 50k' ov 6/19/1961 #16730 Residents of Warsaw, Poland, see a large, luminous, roughly spherical, slow 6/30/1961 #16739 SH, MI BBK7491. 2+2+2 observer(s). Large sphere/orb/globe splits into 4 sma 7/7/1961 #16749 Copemiah, MI A large ball fly slow, split into 4 after 7/7/1961 #16750 ss: waitress Nannette Hilley. One large ball flew slow, split into four af 7/7/1961 #16751 .m. waitress Nannette Hilley saw a large flying ball of light slow down and 7/7/1961 #16752 wo Drake University students saw a large object shaped like an oval with "r 8/12/1961 #16789 urkenhoff and Tom Phipps. One very large oval object with a fin extending f 8/12/1961 #16790 B. Furkenhoff and Tom Phipps see a large oval object with a fin extending f 8/12/1961 #16791 d six five-foot-tall entities with large eyes and heads. One acted as their 9/19/1961 #16858 MONITOR VALLEY, NV Geologist. 2 large night lights. 1 shines 100' wide b 9/24/1961 #16870 SOUTH / LA PORTE, IN Large red sphere rises / road. Observers 9/30/1961 #16878 e, 16-year-old Dennis Bealor saw a large sphere of orange light rise ahead 9/30/1961 #16880 ng 16-year-old Dennis Bealor saw a large sphere of orange light on the road 9/30/1961 #16882 SANTA RITA, VNZ Large UFO going south over lake. Fisherm 10/6/1961 #16897 in Two Harbors, Minnesota, sees a large object slide into the water of Lak 10/14/1961 #16910 ned together. Next, they sighted a large cigar-shaped object hovering at a 11/22/1961 #16973 ity Agency. It includes Tractor, a large automated tape cartridge library. 1/1962 #17015 ny unidentified young people. One large red ball flew or fell down, then w 3/26/1962 #17087 nty, Pennsylvania, when they see a large domed object emitting flashes of g 4/24/1962 #17127 ifreda, Las Pampas, Argentina. Two large “robot-like creatures” emerge. Arg 5/22/1962 #17192 Westfield, MA Large red ball fly or fall down, then ri 5/26/1962 #17205 find a strange box-shaped object, large enough to have carried a person an Summer 1962 #17239 ios, Argentina when they noticed a large metallic, cone-shaped object on th 7/18/1962 #17283 a second figure looking out from a large porthole. The men were described a 7/18/1962 #17283 he west. It approaches, growing as large as the full moon when it is 300 fe 8/1962 #17309 see a glowing red, domed disc with large windows hovering above the boat do 8/1962 #17310 A large metallic oval-shaped object surfac 8/1/1962 #17313 Denver (near), CO Large UFO hovering over a high line towe 8/15/1962 #17334 him from seeing them in detail. A large, spinning object, 25 m wide, top-s 9/5/1962 #17386 rking in a rubber plantation saw a large, disk-shaped object hover above th 9/18/1962 #17415 elos, Amazonas State, Brazil saw a large, disk-shaped object hover above th 9/18/1962 #17417 at ten p.m. the male witness saw a large, lighted domed-oval craft, the sam 9/23/1962 #17436 MASON RESERVOIR, CO Large black parachute weaves back and fo 10/26/1962 #17497 of Fort Collins, Colorado, spots a large, black parachute-shaped object wea 10/26/1962 #17501 Buenos Aires Airport, Argentina A large, fiery disk was observed on the ru 12/21/1962 #17600 he end of the runway. Alora sees a large, round, glowing object that has ev 12/22/1962 #17606 At three a.m. a large fiery disc was observed on the run 12/22/1962 #17607 On this day in Trail, Oregon a large, bright UFO emitted a cone-shaped 1/9/1963 #17631 LEXINGTON, KY Postal inspector. Large saucer east going west. Plane nort 1/24/1963 #17637 ineer in Lexington, Kentucky saw a large round UFO traveling east to west, 1/24/1963 #17639 outside of Padua, Italy saw a very large, round luminous UFO. Nearby stood 2/6/1963 #17657 Tuscon, AZ Large blimp like object reported. [In th 7/2/1963 #17823 ONTARIO, CA 1 / car. Large (20M?) plain silent metallic disk 7/16/1963 #17832 At 7:45 a.m. a large featureless metallic disc flew to 7/16/1963 #17834 Mount Vernon, Illinois, watched a large, bright red oval-shaped light maki 8/9/1963 #17881 . The underside of the object is a large panel of blue light. They watch it 8/10/1963 #17882 ing-orbs in and out / caves. Enter large ovoid. 8/11/1963 #17883 balls of light then flew up into a large ovoid UFO. 8/11/1963 #17886 fiery beams. In the dome, several large windows are visible in which a fig 10/1963 #17969 MERCURY 8 Wally Shirra. Large luminous masses over Indian ocean. 10/3/1963 #17974 had to stop when he encountered a large, blinding object, 35 m high, from 10/12/1963 #17986 ltraviolet exposure. Footprints of large dimension were found at the site. 10/12/1963 #17986 es away. The next day, police find large footprints near the abandoned truc 10/12/1963 #17987 had to stop when he encountered a large, blinding object, 35 meters high, 10/12/1963 #17988 strong ultraviolet exposure. Very large footprints were found at the site. 10/12/1963 #17988 IPSWITCH, SUFFOLK 2-part UFO = large and small. Comes from northeast. H 10/22/1963 #17999 PORT HURON, MI Cops chase large low object. Big segmented window. 11/12/1963 #18031 ransport A.R.A. "Punta Medanos." A large airship (never identified) was sig 11/12/1963 #18033 ansport, ARA Punta Médanos, sees a large UFO off its stern [in the Atlantic 11/12/1963 #18035 d Shropshire, England 11:30 p.m. A large, bright, dome-shaped UFO lands at 12/10/1963 #18072 NORTHWEST / PARYS, RSA Large area lit. 15M saucer dives / car. 12/14/1963 #18079 a circular area. Marks “like three large fingerprints pushed together into 12/27/1963 #18098 residents of Shanghai, China saw a large cigar-shaped object flying over th 1/1/1964 #18107 the Northern Territory, Australia. Large lights in the water made a compass 1/23/1964 #18118 PLYMPTON, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 2 boys. Large saucer going down [to] and going u 2/29/1964 #18139 e lights, apparently attached to a large object that came to ground level, 4/3/1964 #18156 d lights, apparently attached to a large object that came to very near grou 4/3/1964 #18159 DORION, ONT 5 / woods. Large white beam searches very close. Sa 4/24/1964 (approximate) #18190 n colored saucer hovers and lands. Large dent / sand. / FSR'64#5+/ r8#600. 4/30/1964 #18224 vious to this humanoid encounter a large luminous object had been spotted a 5/8/1964 #18248 er McKarley and her children see a large round object that appears in their 5/13/1964 #18262 ly Venus). As they drive away, the large object seems to pace their car for 5/13/1964 #18262 , southeast of Ranchland, Texas, a large bright light is seen directly over 5/21/1964 #18289 silo cap. Its apparent size is as large as a basketball held at arm’s leng 5/21/1964 #18289 ral observer(s). Small disk orbits large domed object. Both merge and going 5/26/1964 #18299 Palmerton, Pennsylvania. One is a large, stationary, dome-like object emit 5/26/1964 #18307 er one. It finally merges with the large object, which moves away to the ea 5/26/1964 #18307 which moves away to the east. The large object is seen twice more in the e 5/26/1964 #18307 ania a small disc orbited around a large domed object at ten o'clock in the 5/26/1964 #18310 CHOROMORO, ARG 3 / van. Large rectangular object going [to] over 6/6/1964 #18334 not obvious; had pointed chin and large ears. Just vanished from short dis Summer 1964 #18366 s in Palm Springs, CA. In 1988 his large archive of 1950’s-early 60's mater 6/23/1964 #18368 r stops and watches / 1 minute(s). Large cone going NNW. Absolute(ly) silen 7/20/1964 #18427 IME, FR Many / beach. Clouds part. Large grey cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / 8/1964 #18461 I10 NEAR MESQUITE, NM Large saucer going quickly south in fron 8/29/1964 #18520 ar dawn, more beings approach and “large volumes of smoke” drift up and he 9/5/1964 #18539 be over 200 feet long. Inside 12 "large people" could be seen moving about 9/7/1964 #18544 SOUTHEAST / FALL RIVER MILLS, CA Large saucer hovers / Coble mountain. 2 10/18/1964 #18587 RIDGWATER, SOMERSET 4 observer(s). Large red glowing saucer / low altitude 10/30/1964 #18598 , South Carolina, when he sees two large, silvery, oval-shaped UFOs, each a 11/22/1964 #18632 rs going down. 10+men work on 1st. Large boxes and cables. Subassembly. / r 11/25/1964 #18634 NY Two objects landed on hilltop, large group of humanoid beings engaged i 11/25/1964 #18636 rhead Huey was focused ahead on a “large round object” resting on the groun 12/10/1964 #18655 nd military RADAR's and visible. 2 large objects / 6000 kts. 160° turn. / r 12/19/1964 #18661 xent River NAS, MD Radar tracked 2 large target 10 miles apart heading dire 12/19/1964 #18662 uxent River in Maryland tracks two large targets on radar moving at 6,900 m 12/19/1964 #18663 with a translucent dome over its’ large head; wasn’t human; large eyes und 1965 #18679 ver its’ large head; wasn’t human; large eyes under a heavy brow; no notice 1965 #18679 r central Australia. A door on the large object opens—two vertical panels a 1965 #18690 Norfolk, VA Large Light Leading 7-8 Smaller Lights ( 1/1/1965 #18691 Deadly radioactive fuel chunks as large as 148 pounds shoot up into the sk 1/12/1965 #18718 in 16 inches of snow, they find a large circular imprint about 10–12 feet 1/12/1965 #18720 m. when he heard a sound and saw a large dark disc-shaped object that appro 1/30/1965 #18785 45 p.m. several people witnessed a large, seven-meter diameter disc-shaped 2/3/1965 #18797 On this day three very large red oval objects were visible out 2/11/1965 #18811 Brazil five local residents saw a large flying object land. Two of them ap 2/14/1965 #18814 ORTH / BETHEL, VT 7 observer(s). 3 large bright orbs / 200' altitude. Going 2/16/1965 #18816 MONTE GRANDE, ARG Large silent ovoid. 3 lines connect / he 4/1965 #18883 ed during the landing of a silent, large, egg-shaped object, from which eme 4/1965 #18885 NEAR LUJAN, ARG 3+cops. Large luminous saucer becomes opaque whe 5/24/1965 #18957 mm. Osvaldo Pagella, which found a large, metallic object resting on the hi 5/24/1965 #18960 mm. Osvaldo Pagella, which found a large, metallic object resting on the hi 5/24/1965 #18965 ECONOMY, PA 2 large orbs with 3 small orbs between. Wh 5/27/1965 #18967 NEAR BOUGANVILLE REEF DC6 buzzed / large saucer. Photos and Air Traffic Con 5/28/1965 #18970 short--under four feet tall--with large, baldheads, slits for mouths and s 5/30/1965 #18977 , North Yorkshire, England, when a large disc-shaped object passes over, ma 6/1965 #18979 On this night a large luminous object encased in a brigh 6/3/1965 #18989 itary base in Antarctica sighted a large, lens-shaped UFO at 4:00 p.m. A ph 6/18/1965 #19013 pumpkin-like heads. Their eyes are large and slanted, their mouths have no 7/1/1965 #19047 t Officer Toronin Lien first saw a large, blue, intense flame behind the sh 7/6/1965 #19076 Officer Toronin Lien first saw the large, blue, intense flame behind the sh 7/6/1965 #19079 BAHIA BLANCA, ARG Large fireball drops small object. Retur 7/19/1965 #19125 TSHORN, OK 5 separate observer(s). Large silver saucer low / trees. Round i 7/26/1965 #19175 NEAR MONSEMPRON-LIBOS, FR Large saucer / field. Going quickly sout 7/29/1965 #19199 s, France Alain Bressol observed a large, disk-shaped object in a field nea 7/29/1965 #19200 sol of Grouzies, France observed a large, disc-shaped object in a field nea 7/29/1965 #19204 GUYMON, OK Large object 16 mile(s) east / Forgan. S 8/1/1965 #19236 e hours. The reports begin with a “large circular object emitting several c 8/1/1965 #19242 ARRE, PA Pilot and 2+ground RADAR. Large bright night light drifts. Shoots 8/12/1965 #19369 ressionless faces, white craniums, large pores, and a protrusion at the bac 8/13/1965 #19380 "like stone", had no hair, and had large bulging eyes. The first “person” w 8/13/1965 #19383 the rest of his cranium there were large pores and this part of his head wa 8/13/1965 #19383 t, orange-red object shaped like a large soup plate appeared 50 m away, ros 8/14/1965 #19389 d Joao do Rio as a UFOnaut. He had large luminous eyes, and spoke perfect P 8/14/1965 #19390 window. Looking outside they saw a large oval-shaped craft floating just ab 8/14/1965 #19391 At 5:00 p.m. two large orange spheres zig-zagged over a p 8/15/1965 #19401 mbs out of the ditch. Something (a large bird?) flies up in the air a few f 8/16/1965 #19408 In a nearby ditch she noticed two large “birds,” one of which flew at her 8/16/1965 #19410 th of Noblesville, Indiana, when a large red lighted object swoops down on 8/18/1965 #19418 . The UFO looks like a top, with a large, gray cone and a flat or slightly 8/18/1965 #19418 , son Harold, 17, and children. A large elliptical object, with a reddish 8/19/1965 #19424 , age 17, and other children saw a large elliptical object, with reddish va 8/19/1965 #19428 d Hunt, and Norman Muscarello. One large, dark, elliptical object with a ro 9/3/1965 #19507 n J. Muscarello is terrorized by a large object with four or five bright re 9/3/1965 #19511 a craft, which she described as a large round mass sitting on legs, about 9/3/1965 #19518 CA, PERU Hundreds / observer(s). 1 large and 3 small saucers. 2 80cm small 9/12/1965 (approximate) #19555 ter the UFO left, leaving behind a large hole in the bitumen. 9/15/1965 #19567 hen the fireman and engineer see a large cigar-shaped object in the sky a c Fall 1965 #19592 ster. Three more objects leave the large one, each taking 10–12 minutes. Th Fall 1965 #19592 es, a white cloud forms around the large object, which remains in the sky w Fall 1965 #19592 Fort-de-France, Martinique, when a large luminous object the color of a flu Late 9/1965 #19604 oard the Junon see the object as a large ball of light or a disc on edge ar Late 9/1965 #19604 r 12-yearold son Robbie observed a large, plate-shaped machine with a dome 10/4/1965 #19642 MINOT, ND 2 girls. Large metal ovoid lands / park. Crushed 10/13/1965 #19654 g Gudajtes and Judy Norlock, saw a large, metallic, oval object with bluish 10/13/1965 #19655 WARMINSTER, WILTS 2 / car. Large silent circle / amber light glides 10/18/1965 #19664 yes or facial features, stood in a large, lighted circle under it, facing t 10/23/1965 #19677 e one meter tall, with white hair, large heads, slanted eyes, and a brown w 10/26/1965 #19682 riven out to a remote area where a large oval object was resting. An army c 11/1965 #19690 n Hill, Zambia Eric Williams saw a large object, 30 m in diameter, 15 m hig 11/1965 #19694 SALEM, MASS 4 observer(s). Large red and small white night lights o 11/16/1965 #19724 n Atoll Vandenberg AFB 4:47 p.m. A large, brilliant fireball is seen by tho 12/9/1965 #19762 the shape of an acorn and about as large as a Volkswagen Beetle. Writing re 12/9/1965 #19762 ighted a tadpole-shaped UFO with a large green dome on top and a red flamin 12/16/1965 #19776 of Georgetown, Alabama. He sees a large silver ball about 15–20 feet in di 1/7/1966 #19814 oad. On top of it is a cone with a large green light, and it is making a wh 1/7/1966 #19814 ome from school when he observed a large silver ball about 15-20 feet in di 1/7/1966 #19815 Pacific Ocean, At Sea Large, cigar shaped object passes within 1/11/1966 #19825 ns, but with big shoulders, rather large heads, and thin legs. He turned ar 1/21/1966 #19865 d around and came back, and saw a "large saucer of light" rise from the lak 1/21/1966 #19865 QUIPAPA, BRZ 3 observer(s). Large disk / ground. 3 small humanoids ( 2/25/1966 #19916 n the road, then saw that it was a large disc with two bright lights (body 2/25/1966 #19917 lights. Three little men, who wore large headgear and one-piece coverall su 2/25/1966 #19918 object took off. The object was so large that it overlapped the road. (NICA 3/14/1966 #19961 Burnham, ME 7:45 p.m. Two large, moon-sized orange discs flying sl 3/16/1966 #19973 nset, EST. Three young girls saw a large oval with glowing red light, evenl 3/17/1966 #19979 ed saucer in a swamp. Description: Large craft, like a pot; no windows; had 3/21/1966 #20014 T. At least 10 witnesses watched a large oval object with four blinking bod 3/22/1966 #20027 George Hunt Williamson sees three large UFOs with brilliant, flashing, blu 3/22/1966 #20031 klahoma Witness: W.E. Laxson. One large object, like a wingless C-124 tran 3/23/1966 #20048 NEAR COOK, MN Trapper. Large UFO / portholes lands / snow. Matc 3/24/1966 #20061 o land in the distance. Next day a large melted oval area about 35 feet by 3/24/1966 #20066 it had already left, but it left a large melted oval in the snow. 3/24/1966 #20072 TOLEDO, OH Policemen. Large glowing sphere/orb/globe / treetop 3/25/1966 #20076 Fayetteville, TN Large lighted object 3 ft above the road 3/28/1966 #20112 ut 100 km/h suddenly encountered a large lighted object 1 m above the road 3/28/1966 #20113 etteville, Tennessee, encounters a large, lighted object only 3 feet above 3/28/1966 #20118 bout 60 mph suddenly encountered a large lighted object only one meter abov 3/28/1966 #20120 HAVERHILL, MASS 3+1 observer(s). Large bright night light hovers over hou 3/29/1966 #20126 WINDSOR, ONT 1 observer. Large saucer west gassy halo swoops over 3/29/1966 #20128 hile driving, a nurse's aide saw a large, bright red elliptical object with 3/29/1966 #20132 SAN FRANCISCO, CA Large object / windows and antenna rests 3/31/1966 #20170 o, California Two women observed a large object with a pulsating bluish lig 3/31/1966 #20175 o, California two women observed a large object with a pulsating bluish lig 3/31/1966 #20182 seen thru) binoculars. Dog whines. Large red-glow saucer going quickly sout 4/1966 (approximate) #20186 egg-shaped and about the size of a large car. They then saw the shadows of 4/1/1966 #20203 TESBURY, WILTS 6 orange orbs trail large cylinder/cigar-shape. Cylinder/cig 4/4/1966 #20218 marking, originally described as a large patch of yellow, flattened grass w 4/6/1966 #20257 ringfield, KY Time not reported. A large object described as an "overgrown 4/7/1966 #20263 nstellation of lights, including a large white "beacon" with 4-5 bright red 4/7/1966 #20266 QUINCY, MASS 1+3 observer(s). 1 large and 2 small disks. Flash hover and 4/19/1966 #20338 45 p.m. EST. Several persons saw a large disc-shaped object accompanied by 4/19/1966 #20343 circling the area. At 11:45 p.m. a large disc flew over Quincy, Massachuset 4/19/1966 #20347 NEAR RANDLETT, OK 2+kids. Large saucer to and fro over I35. 4 men 4/22/1966 #20356 latter shaped object the size of a large car with 3 red-green-white lights 4/22/1966 #20363 latter-shaped object the size of a large automobile with 3 red-green-white 4/22/1966 #20375 rds them, revealing itself to be a large disc with a dome on top. It was da 4/22/1966 #20376 eking. They looked out and saw two large spherical objects moving away. (Fl 4/28/1966 #20424 being approached from behind by a "large white light" that came within abou 5/6/1966 #20453 being approached from behind by a "large white light" that came within abou 5/6/1966 #20455 MENTOR, OH Aero engineer. Large UFO "collects" up 4+6 very dim obj 5/17/1966 #20493 GS, OR 7 small night lights circle large UFO. 4 enter. 3 leave and return a 5/17/1966 #20494 n small nocturnal lights circled a large UFO; 4 entered, 3 left, returned a 5/17/1966 #20498 n Massillon, Ohio, when they see a large lighted object coming from the sou 6/2/1966 #20523 speed in different directions. The large object goes straight up at terrifi 6/2/1966 #20523 H Time not reported. A woman saw a large glowing obiect hovering near telep 6/16/1966 #20567 BAR-SUR-LOUP, FR Mayor sees large round UFO / yellow and green light 6/18/1966 #20573 Bar-sur-Loup, Leon Barbier, saw a large, round object with yellow and gree 6/18/1966 #20578 ayor of Bar-sur-Loup, France saw a large, round object with yellow and gree 6/18/1966 #20582 A farm woman and farm hands saw a large disc-shaped object with bright gre 6/27/1966 #20615 / SNOPOUSOV, CZK 3 observer(s). 2 large domed saucers descend. Emit smoke. 7/1/1966 #20627 Union-Kirkwood, PA Large (100 ft wide, 20 ft high) bright r 7/11/1966 #20637 rl Wood and Charles Hawthorne. One large (100' wide, 20' high) bright red o 7/11/1966 #20639 of Union, Pennsylvania observed a large, 100-foot wide bright red object w 7/11/1966 #20640 GEMINI 10 Young and Collins. Large cylinder/cylindrical object and sm 7/18/1966 #20650 eir cars and looking to the sky. A large glowing object is hanging at 45° a Late 7/1966 #20684 hat fly away. After 30 minutes the large object dims, becomes smaller, and Late 7/1966 #20684 occupants emerged, who either had "large heads" or wore helmets. They walke 8/1/1966 #20720 to have been inside the UFO, and a large indentation was found in the earth 8/11/1966 #20739 rted. A policeman and others saw a large object accompanied by about 10 sma 8/13/1966 #20741 the smaller objects rushed to the large object, (aircraft avoidance). The 8/13/1966 #20741 ircular holes in the ground, and a large depression with flattened grass we 8/15/1966 #20744 Three persons in a car saw a very large, spinning greenish-blue object tha 8/16/1966 #20752 S, VNZ Hunters. Woods lit up. Very large ovoid / 2M altitude. Lit portholes 8/18/1966 #20760 n the forest and discovered a very large, egg-shaped object, stationary 2 m 8/18/1966 #20762 tationary 2 m above ground. It had large, circular openings emitting a mult 8/18/1966 #20762 s, Venezuela and discovered a very large, egg-shaped object, hovering stati 8/18/1966 #20763 ry two meters above ground. It had large, circular openings emitting a mult 8/18/1966 #20763 hing" noise and looked up to see a large rocket-shaped object about 60 feet 8/20/1966 #20781 TURK UTC. Astronomers photograph 2 large objects. Pass suns face / 17 minut 8/23/1966 #20790 NEAR STURGIS, SD 2 cops and more. Large object darts. Blue beams. 2 night 9/22/1966 #20912 from several vantage points saw a large white hovering object, changing co 9/22/1966 #20913 approached and hovered nearby. The large object bobbed around and emitted l 9/22/1966 #20913 s in Deadwood, South Dakota, see a large white hovering object, changing co 9/22/1966 #20915 tly approach and hover nearby. The large object bobs around and emits blue 9/22/1966 #20915 hoto specialist and others saw two large objects (shape not specified in no 9/23/1966 #20917 can now see two gray figures with large slanted eyes and wearing clothing Autumn 1966 #20919 PEORIA, ILL Large blue object flies over car. Takes 9/24/1966 #20920 Peoria, Illinois, when they see a large, luminous, blue sphere hovering lo 9/24/1966 #20923 een work suit. He has a bald head, large eyes, and a huge grinning mouth fu 10/11/1966 #20992 ACENZA, ITL 4 jet pilots and many. Large metallic domed delta/triangle/box- 10/17/1966 #21011 ralyzed with fear as he observed a large round "craft" with flashing red an 10/26/1966 #21036 d-green light show as it hovers. A large central beam of light shines onto 10/26/1966 #21038 irginia a national guardsman saw a large brownish man-shaped figure on the 11/1/1966 #21063 y Interference (RFI) and blackout. Large round luminous/glowing object goin 11/4/1966 #21073 e kind. Above the light was a very large object surrounded by a halo of whi 11/4/1966 #21074 position of the "eyes" he found a large number of dog tracks. The tracks w 11/14/1966 #21101 gement Area] when they encounter a large gray creature whose eyes glow red 11/15/1966 #21107 feet tall. They describe it as a “large flying man with 10-foot wings” tha 11/15/1966 #21107 position of the "eyes" he found a large number of dog tracks. The tracks w 11/15/1966 #21109 ee 3 or 4 figures moving about the large object on the ground, which was pu 11/17/1966 #21118 / (seen thru) binoculars / Minot. Large domed saucer. Tilts and maneuvers 11/26/1966 #21150 oach, the two lights turn into one large golden light as tall as the trees. 11/28/1966 #21158 y a huge hairy biped creature with large green eyes and encased in an eerie 11/30/1966 #21168 surface, apparently oval, with two large bright red pulsating lights, dived 12/1/1966 #21175 car on Highway 25. It carried two large bright red pulsating lights. It st 12/1/1966 #21176 Monroe, OR 3 round objects, as large as cars, give off vapor (NICAP: 01 12/25/1966 #21219 persons. Three round objects, as large as cars, gave off vapor, then beca 12/25/1966 #21220 1967 and was considered to be too large to have been caused by an animal, 1/9/1967 #21276 an unusually shaped head that was large and round, while his face seemed a 1/9/1967 #21278 latively normal, but his eyes were large, protruding, like "thyroid eyes," 1/9/1967 #21278 nto his leg and was covered with a large brown spot. The Christiansen's not 1/9/1967 #21278 cially peculiar coming from such a large man. He also spoke in a strange, h 1/9/1967 #21278 a glass of water, and swallowed a large yellow capsule which he gulped dow 1/9/1967 #21278 ving near Charleston when he saw a large, metal sphere, about 6 m in diamet 1/19/1967 #21352 glowing white object the size of a large apartment building, with a ring of 1/20/1967 #21358 NY 1:00 a.m. EST. A witness saw a large solid object with two bright red v 1/24/1967 #21372 houses across the street. It seems large and cylindrical, dull metallic, an 1/24/1967 #21375 arly identical in appearance, with large baldheads, gray skin, large wrap-a 1/25/1967 #21389 , with large baldheads, gray skin, large wrap-around eyes with hazy, light 1/25/1967 #21389 rning, about a week after seeing a large metallic sphere hovering above a h 1/26/1967 #21402 ion of Highways 5 and 85 and see a large white light moving rapidly from we 1/30/1967 #21418 d 85, where they reported seeing a large white light moving rapidly from we 1/30/1967 #21422 plus control tower personnel saw a large round red object that moved slowly 2/1967 #21428 ft of every possible shape, small, large, flattened, spherical. They are ab 2/1967 #21431 IN 7:00 p.m. CST. A woman saw two large, square amber lights with a green 2/4/1967 #21448 es: Donald and Marie Guseman. One large, Saturn-shaped object--5O' in diam 2/6/1967 #21469 n and Mrs. Marie Guseman spotted a large, Saturn-shaped object at 8:45 p.m. 2/6/1967 #21471 hill is a circular “craft” with a large core of dazzling, pulsating yellow 2/8/1967 #21483 in Haliburton, Ontario witnessed a large yellow, glowing object fly over at 2/10/1967 #21507 Michael McKee fled when they saw a large shiny object off the road. Returni 2/11/1967 #21511 Michael McKee fled when they saw a large shiny object off to the side of th 2/11/1967 #21512 bor, IA Early Evening. A man saw a large round red object with a searchligh 2/13/1967 #21533 MASSENA, NY Lady and 2 cops. Large glowing orange ball drifts across 2/16/1967 #21559 complaint. Small red object leaves large white object. 2/16/1967 #21561 a, NY 7:00 p.m. EST. A woman saw a large round white light with a ring of s 2/16/1967 #21564 he remaining light merges with the large object. 2/16/1967 #21572 CITY, TX Domed disk crosses road. Large window / top. Colored lights / bot 2/19/1967 #21593 police officers saw and pursued a large orange glowing object that moved w 2/19/1967 #21594 de domed disc-shaped object with a large window on top and a band of colore 2/19/1967 #21599 . A registered nurse encountered a large pulsating orange-yellow ball of li 2/21/1967 #21612 GRAND HAVEN, MI Cop and several. Large night light. Instant 90° turn. Dar 2/27/1967 #21669 0-8:30 p.m. PST. Four people saw a large bright oval with a tail, white on 2/27/1967 #21673 Grand Haven, MI Large white light, with smaller red and 2/27/1967 #21675 Sheriff Grysen, wife and others. Large white light, with smaller red and 2/27/1967 #21677 k, Harrison, and Siemens watched a large, bright, oval-shaped UFO that was 2/27/1967 #21678 of Minatare, Nebraska, a man saw a large craft on the ground and small huma 3/1967 #21695 IL 10:20 p.m. CST. A couple saw a large oblong object with 4-6 large squar 3/3/1967 #21743 saw a large oblong object with 4-6 large square luminous windows in a row a 3/3/1967 #21743 described as "tower" shaped, with large "wings" and red, green, and white 3/8/1967 #21808 ket, RI 9:00 p.m. EST. A man saw a large dark oval object that appeared sol 3/10/1967 #21849 of average human height, but with large heads that were flat in the back, 3/10/1967 #21854 TETON CANYON, MT Large saucer half hidden behind snowbank 3/11/1967 #21855 he source of the light, they saw a large object an estimated 150 feet above 3/12/1967 #21869 Clyde L. Dwyer observed a large disc-shaped object from a window i 3/12/1967 #21876 yards southeast of his home. Three large square windows were spaced around 3/12/1967 #21876 told no. The guard tells him of a large, round object over the site. Withi 3/16/1967 #21904 UTH / FT. YATES, ND 2+observer(s). Large dull metallic flat-bottom/undersid 3/17/1967 #21907 n in another area of Omaha saw two large (moon-size) lights making turns (m 3/23/1967 #21953 iver named Williams spotted a very large dome-shaped object emitting an int 3/24/1967 #21975 er four-feet tall, stocky and with large heads emerged. They wore helmets a 3/28/1967 #22007 SCARBOROUGH, ON 2 teens. Large domed saucer zigzags east going qu 4/1967 #22027 indefinite lower part at least as large as the upper part. (NICAP report f 4/1/1967 #22038 -shaped face, very light skin, and large black almond shaped eyes. The bein 4/2/1967 #22048 ty of Wisconsin students saw three large orange oval objects in formation t 4/5/1967 #22061 LIER, BELGIUM 3 observer(s). Large ovoid hovers. 2 bell-shapes exit a 4/10/1967 #22101 orange-yellow ball that swung in a large arc was observed by two witnesses 4/10/1967 #22102 ight of two telephone poles and as large as a car. (Ricks letter, NICAP fil 4/11/1967 #22109 humanoid figures emerged from the large object and descended on the cable. 4/13/1967 #22128 ing sound. It appeared to join the large glowing craft overhead. 4/14/1967 #22131 an and her daughter, age 16, saw a large amber- colored light approaching t 4/17/1967 #22149 Airliner Flight 319 crew sees two large round objects moving in various di 4/17/1967 #22153 ith a dome, a little larger than a large car, hovered over Tully, Massachus 4/19/1967 #22165 ter, MI 8:15 p.m. EST. A man saw a large cigar-shaped object with many body 4/20/1967 #22168 ite lights flashing in sequence. A large white light viewed through binocul 4/21/1967 #22183 t 9:00 p.m. Charles D. Scott saw a large round, bluish white lighted object 4/21/1967 #22200 a green light on the other; with a large pulsating red light in the middle, 4/22/1967 #22209 llipse with a superstructure and a large orange light. (Ricks-Carter report 4/28/1967 #22243 w. Across the street she notices a large object beaming with three colored 5/1967 #22256 to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Large metallic saucer / low altitude. Li 5/6/1967 #22280 by a halo of smoke. At 9:00 p.m. a large lens-shaped object, 15-20 meters i 5/6/1967 #22288 t, nine foot tall man. The man had large blue eyes, red hair, and very larg 5/15/1967 #22348 arge blue eyes, red hair, and very large ears. He wore a tight fitting red 5/15/1967 #22348 antenna. The collosus pulled up a large piece of wood and sat down on it. 5/15/1967 #22348 / WEST SKY Levels / 1m altitude. = large dark body. 5/17/1967 #22363 Kanshov saw a bright body twice as large as the moon moving across the sky 5/17/1967 #22364 e located on the surface of a very large cigar-shaped object; the impressio 5/17/1967 #22370 e away, while the other lands on a large, flat rock 160 feet away. The land 5/20/1967 #22382 er than a Boeing 707 jetliner. Two large transparent domes were visible on 5/28/1967 #22413 ity, MI Night. Two teenagers saw a large, shiny circular object with whirli 5/29/1967 #22420 le after the turn, but there was a large light like a locomotive headlight 5/31/1967 #22428 ge-on view of what appears to be a large, squat disc with a rim through its 6/1/1967 #22448 SR 2 / PT. PLEASANT, WV Large brilliant UFO extends tentacles. T 6/5/1967 (approximate) #22461 :30 p.m. PDT. Five neighbors saw a large saucer-shaped, orange-yellow objec 6/5/1967 #22466 ! saw a fast-flying object with a large white light on top (body lights). 6/9/1967 #22481 ORMOND BEACH, FL Girl / 8. Large orange object drops net. Nets some 6/10/1967 #22485 the afternoon Carroll Watts saw a large cigar-shaped object land on a farm 6/11/1967 #22496 tory's scrap heap and dump area: a large cigar-shaped object on the ground, 6/13/1967 #22504 ngle a rod 15 feet long, bearing a large red light at the end. Beneath this 6/13/1967 #22504 e, VA 3:00 a.m. EDT. A woman saw a large lighted object with a rounded bott 6/21/1967 #22526 ople saw three small objects and a large object that was white, blue, green 6/24/1967 #22543 Hamnonassett Beach when he saw two large, cigar-shaped objects in the sky. 6/25/1967 #22557 is head and feet. The entities had large baldheads, no noses and "tapered" 6/25/1967 #22557 WINNIPEG, MBA 2 observer(s). Large silent soup-bowl saucer hovers / 1 6/27/1967 #22561 lowing yellow object shaped like a large soup bowl (dome shaped). The objec 6/27/1967 #22562 ch Plains, New Jersey. It was very large, perhaps 200 feet wide, and 25-30 6/29/1967 #22575 00 a.m. MDT. Three patrolmen saw a large object with red, green, and white 6/30/1967 #22577 loose pieces of paper flying in a large circle around her house. Outside, 6/30/1967 #22580 top, no windows. He also observed: Large walk-in refrigerator, empty body b 7/3/1967 #22593 I 12:05 a.m. EDT. Two people saw a large bright object that emitted four sm 7/3/1967 #22596 land 7:15 p.m. Joe Ferriere sees a large, cigar-shaped object about 75–100 7/3/1967 #22601 bles with technical instruments. A large walk-in refrigerator unit on skids 7/3/1967 #22604 the fog with stars visible and a “large dark shadow” at a height of 20 fee 7/5/1967 #22616 aking to each other. They had very large heads, possibly due to the presenc 7/7/1967 #22631 ground. Going quickly [to] trees. Large areas / flat.barley. / Flying Sauc 7/10/1967 #22638 tro-magnetic effects). Radio dies. Large saucer tilts quickly going up [to] 7/10/1967 #22639 MI Nr. midnight. A family saw two large orange; spheres that hovered over 7/12/1967 #22654 thers saw a circular object with a large white light in the middle, two red 7/19/1967 #22699 da, near Jewfish Creek. She sees a large light in her rear-view mirror appa 7/20/1967 #22710 r Force investigators found a very large scorched area at the spot. 7/21/1967 #22717 r Force investigators found a very large scorched area at the spot. 7/21/1967 #22720 kin, age 50, was driving through a large parking lot in Churchville, New Yo 7/21/1967 #22722 Zipkin, 50, was driving through a large parking lot when he observed a cig 7/31/1967 #22760 kin, age 50, was driving through a large parking lot in Churchville, New Yo 7/31/1967 #22762 uth, tracing out the elements of a large cross. It does this several times 8/1967 #22771 small object, which returns to the large disc and enters it. The disc speed 8/3/1967 #22788 an object the size and shape of a large can (cylinder). Following a "squea 8/4/1967 #22799 e awakened by a small being with a large head (humanoid) wearing a "rubber 8/6/1967 #22825 id being with a disproportionately large head, wearing a "rubber suit." He 8/6/1967 #22832 him a small being with an unusally large head wearing a "rubber suit." Sr. 8/7/1967 #22840 by the barking of their dog, saw a large hemispherical object with a fluore 8/12/1967 #22867 They look out the window and see a large, fluorescent, half-moon-shaped obj 8/12/1967 #22868 dog at 2:30 a.m., soon observed a large hemispherical object with a fluore 8/12/1967 #22869 YALYA, UKRAINE Pilot. Very large ovoid seen. No further details [in 8/13/1967 #22872 ice steam rising from one of three large transformers, then Fulton spots tw Mid 8/1967 #22882 e cigar, taking 12–15 seconds. The large object disappears. Mid 8/1967 #22882 l being with an oversized head and large eyes, abnormal teeth and mouth, an 8/16/1967 #22885 ield. His headlights illuminated a large, metallic-appearing disc on or nea 8/23/1967 #22896 ield. His headlights illuminated a large, metallic-appearing disc on or nea 8/23/1967 #22897 en Grove Rd. when he encountered a large, diskshaped craft and two creature 8/23/1967 #22901 own in the woods. Later they saw a large source of light in mid-air and hea 8/23/1967 #22902 ll being with a disproportionately large head and wearing dark clothing. It 8/23/1967 #22905 tube protruded. Its head was very large, covered by hair or a helmet. It h 8/23/1967 #22908 overed by hair or a helmet. It had large dark eyes, and a nose and mouth th 8/23/1967 #22908 ant Early Warning radar site saw a large, translucent spherical object movi 8/24/1967 #22912 a la Mar, Venezuela Three disks of large dimension were seen to emerge from 8/25/1967 #22924 ry hair. The little man had a very large head, bulging eyes, and made a dee 8/26/1967 #22935 charechi saw what appeared to be a large bird flying overhead. When it land 8/26/1967 #22936 ng and a camper-trailer. He sees a large object in a field some 900–1,200 f 8/27/1967 #22940 ut an unidentified light. He saw a large, bright orange light at 6,000 feet 8/29/1967 #22951 k beings about 47 inches tall with large heads and pointed chins around a l 8/29/1967 #22954 wo young women reported watching a large, silvery-white object shaped like 8/31/1967 #22961 sound and saw a small man, with a large head and prominent eyes, who said: 9/3/1967 #22989 stling sound. A small being with a large head and prominent eyes (a Grey hu 9/3/1967 #22990 storm, an entire family watched a large, glowing object in a field 300 m a 9/11/1967 #23042 , and silica. An impression like a large footprint is also found. Aleixo su 9/14/1967 #23060 esses in Winsted reported seeing a large glowing, pulsating object hovering 9/15/1967 #23064 arby and several small beings with large heads (humanoids) moving around it 9/15/1967 #23064 ticut Two teenage girls observed a large, glowing object, and three small f 9/15/1967 #23066 ses in Winsted, Connecticut, see a large glowing, pulsating object hovering 9/15/1967 #23069 arby and several small beings with large heads moving around it. The object 9/15/1967 #23069 p.m. two teenage girls observed a large, glowing object, and three small f 9/15/1967 #23071 ht moon, seven witnesses watched a large, bright silvery oval move slowly o 9/20/1967 #23097 in Stoke-on-Trent, England, see a large, bright, silver-colored, oval-shap 9/20/1967 #23100 away in different directions. The large UFO moves off to the northeast and 9/20/1967 #23100 a.m. Small beings (humanoids) with large heads and white garb were seen mov 9/21/1967 #23104 it were several small beings with large heads, who were approaching the UF 9/21/1967 #23106 ROSARIO, ARG 2 / farm. Large bright object hovers / 4 hours. 4 9/22/1967 #23110 ed objects flying northeastward. A large triangle-shaped object, also pulsa 9/29/1967 #23147 Spain which he first took to be a large Jeep. However, It was hovering jus 10/1/1967 #23160 Passage and reports he has seen a large airplane or small airliner crash i 10/4/1967 #23176 d by a sizeable explosion near the large object that turned into a big whit 10/4/1967 #23177 Lompoc, California, detects a very large stationary object some miles over 10/6/1967 #23185 th to north. It was described as a large, flat-bottomed dome (hemisphere) w 10/11/1967 #23214 ROOSEVELT, UT Large orange ball hovers over corral. Jo 10/17/1967 #23241 UT 10:00 p.m. MDT. A couple saw a large orange, ball of light that hovered 10/17/1967 #23244 At 10:00 p.m. a large orange ball hovered over a corral 10/17/1967 #23249 JCT SR121+WHITEROCKS RD, UT Large silvery ovoid crosses path of truc 10/18/1967 #23250 es looked human, but they had very large ears. The next day a small footpri 10/21/1967 #23279 Their faces appear human, but with large ears. The next morning, Ritter and 10/21/1967 #23282 Crosier, age 10, reported seeing a large light that came closer and hovered 10/24/1967 #23309 re nowhere in sight. The being had large black oval-shaped eyes, grayish sk 10/24/1967 #23310 DT). A waitress driving home saw a large, round, revolving object with alte 10/27/1967 #23343 in Parshall, North Dakota, sees a large, round, revolving object with alte 10/27/1967 #23351 e saw that it was an object with a large rectangular lighted panel that hov 10/30/1967 #23373 16 feet long. It appeared to be a large window in the object whose shape w 10/30/1967 #23373 msgate Harbor, UK 5:05 p.m. GMT. A large unidentified object was seen on ra 11/8/1967 #23422 ennessee. While stopped they saw a large UFO approach and land on the highw 11/9/1967 #23432 ennessee. While stopped they saw a large UFO approach and land on the highw 11/9/1967 #23433 EPAYA, LATVIA Several observer(s). Large hemisphere. Extremely bright. Hove 11/14/1967 #23446 Liepaya, Russia A large, luminous object shaped like a hem 11/14/1967 #23448 ept-Îles Airport, Quebec. It is as large as a star and stationary. 11/15/1967 #23464 erver(s) red-glow object / ground. Large figure approaches. Vanishes. / FSR 11/16/1967 #23466 tallic-appearing saucer that had a large canopy (dome) on top and a smaller 11/17/1967 #23476 t Current, Saskatchewan, Canada. A large circular burned area was found at 11/19/1967 #23483 SOFIA, BULG Large object / 30km altitude changes sha 11/21/1967 #23489 r the city. First it looked like a large ball, then it stopped directly ove 11/21/1967 #23490 HILLEROD, DK Slow large glowing object drops sparks. Chang 11/23/1967 #23499 altic Sea Liepāja, Latvia Night. A large, illuminated hemispherical object Late 11/1967 #23511 coveralls. They wore a belts with large buckles that had what looke like " 11/28/1967 #23517 CST. An 11- and a 4-year old saw a large red object that emitted a small fi 12/7/1967 #23557 12:30 a.m. EST. A woman reported a large bowl-shaped orange object that lev 12/8/1967 #23560 sees it is a disc-shaped object as large as a boxcar moving at about 90 fee 12/12/1967 #23575 vals. Small night lights fall from large. 12/24/1967 #23601 YOKOHAMA, JAPAN Large mother-ship offloads 9 UFO's. Type 1/1/1968 #23640 ON, NJ TV image fades. Lights dim. Large bowl-saucer maneuvers going down [ 1/8/1968 #23657 umerous separate observer(s). Very large brilliant red-orange ball going up 1/12/1968 #23660 , Ms. Lehman and Ms. Little, saw a large round white object, at times reddi 1/12/1968 #23661 . in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania a large round white object, at times reddi 1/13/1968 #23663 es off. They run outside and see a large orange light hovering near the hou 1/15/1968 #23667 ELLINGTON, NZ Several observer(s). Large yellow disk going [to] over bay. D 1/20/1968 #23677 s car for the trip home. He sees a large object and calls to his father to 1/20/1968 #23683 object lands / 4h. Rises going up. Large burnt area. / r180p54+/ r156#13. 1/23/1968 #23686 rose vertically, and left behind a large burnt area. 1/23/1968 #23688 t(s). Huge saucer / 300M altitude. Large luminous/glowing ball / 45° elevat 2/1968 #23716 8, a commercial artist, observed a large cigar-shaped object at low level i 2/5/1968 #23738 1M NORTHWEST / WHITEROCKS, UT Large round green night light turns red. 2/12/1968 #23750 On this night a large round object was seen close to the 2/12/1968 #23751 a metallic disc-shaped object with large windows around the domed top. It c 2/19/1968 #23768 ription by a passing motorist of a large hairy biped seen crossing the road 2/26/1968 #23785 3MI WNW / ROOSEVELT, UT Large round object pulsates left going [ 3/1/1968 #23800 bia, Tennessee, when they notice a large rectangular object approaching the 3/3/1968 #23815 WOOD, WV Several workmen. Series / large luminous globes circle and sway ov 3/4/1968 #23819 ustralia. At 2:00 a.m. a series of large luminous globes circled and swayed 3/4/1968 #23825 hovering just over some trees. The large red object was so bright that it i 3/19/1968 #23850 faded away." During the sighting a large street light on a nearby pole went 3/19/1968 #23850 OFF DURBAN, RSA French naval crew. Large luminous "ship" hovers still over 4/3/1968 #23884 p.m. Henry Ford II sighted a very large UFO while flying onboard the Ford 4/16/1968 #23909 AND YAKIMA, WA Several report(s). Large object and probes. Small humanoids 4/28/1968 #23927 oval or disc-shaped object, quite large, changed speed, hovered, maneuvere 5/21/1968 #23978 in complete silence. Its size was large and estimated to be 10 meters in d 5/27/1968 #23988 e being and the cloud were gone. A large are of scorched grass was found in 6/10/1968 #24018 n riding his bicycle encountered a large object, 50 cm above the ground. Th 6/21/1968 #24064 n riding his bicycle encountered a large object, 50 cm above the ground. Th 6/21/1968 #24065 n Miramar, Argentina encountered a large object moving only 50 centimeters 6/21/1968 #24067 out 8 m wide, 350 m away. It had a large tripod under carriage and a ladder 7/1/1968 #24113 out 8 m wide, 350 m away. It had a large tripod under carriage and a ladder 7/1/1968 #24115 Paulo, Brazil. Suddenly they see a large object “as big as a house” sitting 7/1/1968 #24118 feet to the west of them. It has a large tripod undercarriage and a ladder 7/1/1968 #24118 wide and 350 meters away. It had a large tripod undercarriage and a ladder 7/1/1968 #24120 ribed as about four-foot tall with large eyes and fang-like teeth. Its arms 7/1/1968 #24121 e of adults and disproportionately large heads. The appearance of a large m 7/2/1968 #24136 y large heads. The appearance of a large meteor at the time was also noted. 7/2/1968 #24136 r / extreme altitude and size. Odd large maneuvers. 7/6/1968 #24147 ountered a light. Shortly after, a large crimson red object hovered over tr 7/16/1968 #24181 separate observer(s) over 150min. Large domed saucer with windows? 7/19/1968 #24191 s he watched, five minutes later a large gray balloon shaped object appeare 7/20/1968 #24195 wing rings maneuver all over area. Large. Low altitude. 7/21/1968 #24196 tside a control center building. A large UFO 50 feet tall is resting nearby 7/23/1968 #24213 in the shoulders" without a neck, large round eyes, a flat nose, and a dar 7/28/1968 #24245 , it lifted a hand, which was very large, black, and rough, "like the skin 7/28/1968 #24245 rove past the area, a sound like a large swarm of locusts was heard emanati 7/29/1968 #24256 "foot." It was dark blue but had a large central window, through which coul 7/31/1968 #24272 of a hedge nearby. The figure had large shoulders and long arms that hung 8/6/1968 #24301 young man can see two figures with large heads, oversized oval eyes, and sm 8/7/1968 #24307 dock on their day off. They saw a large, glowing cigar-shaped object swoop 8/7/1968 #24308 Three small round objects left the large "mothership," which then departed. 8/7/1968 #24308 be seen inside the dome. They had large elongated heads, huge eyes, two na 8/7/1968 #24308 Hamilton, OH 11:00 p.m. Large group of people saw a UFO approach 8/16/1968 #24339 usting" appearance. The UFO left a large area of burnt grass, and "watches 8/16/1968 #24343 AMEY AIR FORCE BASE, PR 16 guards. Large brilliant ovoid rises / sea. Light 8/18/1968 #24347 NEAR VOUSSAC, FR 2 observer(s). Large ovoid going south low over woods. 8/19/1968 #24355 ZANTHUS, AUS 6 large saucers exit huge object. Pace 2 / 8/22/1968 #24366 le-engine airplane when they see a large cigar-shaped object surrounded by 8/22/1968 #24369 le they are flying at 224 mph. The large object then opens up its center an 8/22/1968 #24369 on, stabilized, and displayed four large windows on top with four smaller o 8/28/1968 #24392 o have no hair or ears, and with a large mouth and teeth. The being wore a 8/31/1968 #24410 PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Large light violet ovoid seen. No furthe 9/1/1968 #24418 ve-foot tall beings with unusually large bald heads, wearing coveralls. Beh 9/1/1968 #24422 REST, ROM Physics student / train. Large UFO births small one. Beams / ligh 9/19/1968 #24483 of light near Gagra, Georgia. The large UFO became elongated and then vani 9/19/1968 #24487 arm's length, and its lights were large, three-quarters the height of the 9/21/1968 #24498 amilies go to the field and find a large oval place where the grass, weeds, Late 9/1968 #24511 st going quickly southeast. Leaves large glowing trail. Also 15 December. 9/26/1968 #24515 ritish Columbia. One photo shows a large object surrounded by four smaller 9/29/1968 #24521 NAGUA, BRZ Hundreds / observer(s). Large ovoid hovers / beach. Blinding lig 10/3/1968 #24539 / car and 1 separate observer(s). Large red luminous saucer maneuvers / lo 10/4/1968 #24542 bout 500 feet away. Suddenly three large gray-white lights shaped like tele 10/5/1968 #24544 lue light is at one end. The three large lights begin to blink slowly, then 10/5/1968 #24544 ht goes out, the arm retracts, the large lights blink more slowly until the 10/5/1968 #24544 see two four-foot-tall beings with large heads and abnormally long arms, an 10/15/1968 #24563 t AFB, North Dakota, report a very large, brightly illuminated aerial objec 10/24/1968 #24587 ffic pattern, the pilots observe a large, illuminated UFO ahead of the airc 10/24/1968 #24587 ove the hotel roof. The shape is a large flattened disc with black square w 11/1968 #24612 A large orange, domed disc-shaped object a 11/1/1968 #24619 OFF QUEQUEN, ARG 2 / boat and 4. Large luminous saucer lights 40M of sea 11/7/1968 #24639 A homemaker saw a large disc-shaped object hovering over t 11/9/1968 #24647 ing to the couple, it resembled “a large bipedal lion of around 600 pounds. 11/9/1968 #24648 ront of their home when they saw a large ball of fire approaching from the 11/9/1968 #24649 s sphere. The strange entity had a large mouth, which seemed to be moving c 11/9/1968 #24649 g the girls; it also had a pair of large pointed ears. Moments later, the s 11/9/1968 #24649 ees. Hums. Rises and away. Traces. Large fuse Blown. 11/14/1968 #24654 Harding and Peddie, sighted three large red lights at each corner of a tri 11/29/1968 #24732 CHAUX-DE-FONDS, SWZ 3 observer(s). Large silver ovoid going quickly northea 12/6/1968 #24747 8M circular object takes off from large construction site. Crushed grass. 1/13/1969 #24837 They were huge, "about 3 times as large as humans," and had "blocky arms a 1/14/1969 #24842 oad instrument belt on which was a large device. Ra was inexpressively sad. 1/15/1969 #24849 old farmer and his assistant saw a large stationary disc that hovered low o 2/9/1969 #24907 ng four short, Grey aliens who had large eyes and ears, no hair, small slit 2/10/1969 #24909 They got out of the car and saw a large oval-shaped craft with lights arou 4/5/1969 #25051 ive-foot tall with pale gray skin, large round heads, and large black eyes. 4/5/1969 #25051 gray skin, large round heads, and large black eyes. These beings were well 4/5/1969 #25051 New South Wales, sees and hears a large patch of 2-year- old cane rustling 4/20/1969 #25073 the witnesses see a round UFO “as large as two rooms” that is a bluish-whi 4/23/1969 #25086 ed of a very dark humanoid form. A large numbers of cars had assembled at B 4/24/1969 #25088 " and the bottom portion had three large transparent holes. The object was 4/25/1969 #25091 a is carried by his armpits into a large quadrangular room, where he finds 5/4/1969 #25114 was blindfolded and dragged into a large room, where a little man without a 5/4/1969 #25115 s skin was pallid in color. He had large round, green eyes and a big nose, 5/4/1969 #25115 gets up in the morning, he finds a large circular indentation in the ground 5/11/1969 #25125 g spherical helmets that looked as large as basketballs. Circling each helm 5/11/1969 #25128 MOONAH CREEK, AUSTR Large white saucer very close. Windows / 5/22/1969 #25156 ia 11:00 p.m. Graham Longey sees a large, brilliant, circular white object 5/22/1969 #25157 BRASOV, ROMANIA 5 fast large saucers going quickly northeast. 2 5/23/1969 #25159 dar. The Kalamunda operator sees a large echo some 9 miles away, which reap 5/23/1969 #25160 1M altitude. Going quickly south. Large mushrooms grow. / r180p65. / r215p 5/26/1969 #25163 SAO PAOLO, BRZ Large night light maneuvers. Smaller nig 5/31/1969 #25171 On this night a large sphere flew erratically in the sky 5/31/1969 #25175 through his windshield, he saw the large bright object that "hovered over L 6/20/1969 #25230 :30 p.m. Sylvia Annola, 10, sees a large gray object with blinding lights d 7/16/1969 #25274 a red glare. Looking up, he saw a large, glowing red object hovering low o 7/21/1969 #25290 d undisturbed. It looks as if some large object has come down from the sky 9/4/1969 #25351 y 12 smaller spheres. The disc was large, while the spheres were 12" in dia 9/11/1969 #25364 in Saratoga, New York at 7 p.m. a large circle of white light was seen by 9/22/1969 #25375 NANTES, FRANCE 2 / telescope. Large fake Saturn going quickly north an 10/8/1969 #25397 St. Louis, Missouri A large area of St. Louis, Missouri, is bl 10/8/1969 #25400 A large Saturn-shaped object was viewed th 10/8/1969 #25401 gait. He wore a disproportionately large yellow-brown helmet, which he took 10/16/1969 #25417 ad a pale green complexion. He had large eyes set close together, a slit li 10/16/1969 #25417 HIGHCLIFFE, DORSET Large invisible object with lights fore 10/23/1969 #25419 objects approaching the ship. The large UFO looks like a big box with semi 10/24/1969 #25422 ellipses between the ship and the large object. At 900 feet away, the offi 10/24/1969 #25422 wer and instruments go dead as the large object passes overhead. Bright red 10/24/1969 #25422 ound the ship and join up with the large object on the other side. All 6 ob 10/24/1969 #25422 STE.CAMILLE, QB 1 observer. 2 large white disks light treetops. Shoot 11/3/1969 #25450 e. Stop. Small night lights drop / large ones. Photos. 11/26/1969 #25473 CALUIRE, FR 1 observer / spyglass. Large bright glowing-disk going [to] eas 11/30/1969 #25479 EVILLERS, FR 3 / car. Fast bright large ovoid going quickly northeast. 90° 1/17/1970 #25547 VILLEBON-SUR-YVETTE, FR Large domed saucer over field. Grows hal 4/1970 (approximate) #25616 ILLERS TO/FROM OUHANS, FR 1 / car. Large triangle lands / field. Darkens. N 4/3/1970 #25621 BOURNEMOUTH, ENGL 4 observer(s). Large glowing disk hovers. Small saucer 4/11/1970 #25628 At 12:15 a.m. a large glowing disc hovered over West How 4/11/1970 #25629 elmet. The creature had very dark, large eyes, with a human look. Tiihonen 4/15/1970 #25633 Many of the pilots reported seeing large unidentified craft hanging high in 4/24/1970 #25643 CIBINULUI MOUNTAINS, ROM Large sphere/orb/globe drops from sky. S 5/2/1970 #25653 R 4 small humanoids (or Greys) 4 / large sacks / belts. Odd dog jumps 12M. 6/4/1970 #25689 ops with black straps, and carried large sacks on their belts. They also sa 6/4/1970 #25690 all alike except that one lacked a large stomach. They wore black hats with 6/4/1970 #25690 OING [TO] EAST-NORTHEAST TO HAWAII Large silver sphere passes going [to] WS 6/7/1970 (approximate) #25691 discs form a line and move into a large, peculiar cloud. After 3–4 minutes 7/1970 #25723 had a grayish complexion and had a large baldhead with large eyes. The witn 7/4/1970 #25727 xion and had a large baldhead with large eyes. The witness sensed that the 7/4/1970 #25727 OLD FORGE, NY Several / car. Large metallic saucer follows car. Heavy 7/29/1970 #25755 ced an ovoid, metallic, and fairly large object which began following their 7/29/1970 #25757 light coming from the bottom of a large, silent, gray object. After a few 8/13/1970 #25782 indigo lights. He could now see a large disc-shaped outline that glided lo 8/15/1970 #25787 ition. He saw a very brightly lit, large cartouche-shaped window. Inside he 8/15/1970 #25787 figures were humanoid in form with large heads. They seemed to be occupied 8/15/1970 #25787 s rushed back into the object as a large crowd gathered to watch. 8/24/1970 #25801 cribed the figure as short, with a large hairless head and dark eyes. Soon 9/7/1970 #25828 f windows. The underside had three large spheres, with a central flat disk. 9/25/1970 #25852 t his kitchen window and sighted a large black limousine. He could see it q 9/25/1970 #25852 A very large, shiny ovoid object like a giant m 10/17/1970 #25881 he time suggested a video showed a large fire of an unknown object, large p 1/1971 #25962 a large fire of an unknown object, large parts being driven away on flatbed 1/1971 #25962 SENANTES, FR 2 / car stop. Large cogwheel spins in place. Reverses 1/25/1971 #26001 DOUGLAS, GA 2 / Piper PA-28 plane. Large red ball stays off right wing.. No 2/1/1971 #26010 toward the north. One hour later a large bluish-green top-shaped UFO, surro 3/2/1971 #26039 he woods beside the ground marks a large tree branch was freshly broken off 3/5/1971 #26044 feet in diameter and shaped like a large bowl inverted over a smaller one. 4/14/1971 #26073 WEST / TAUPO, NZ 2 foresters. Large green cone-saucer. Follows car. Li 4/15/1971 #26074 und 9 p.m. when they encountered a large cone-shaped object with rotating l 4/15/1971 #26075 BRASOV, ROM Large indistinct UFO has bright crescent 4/18/1971 #26076 "like gun metal" color with three large transparent portholes. The object 4/24/1971 #26081 den two married couples also saw a large cigar-shaped object at the same ti 4/30/1971 #26087 . when she sighted a dark UFO in a large chalk quarry about half a mile awa 5/30/1971 #26145 nd. Beside it a small being with a large head was moving about, and it look 5/30/1971 #26145 pf and others go outside and see a large, pulsating orange sphere sitting s 6/1971 #26154 nd on the Bay of Plenty. She saw a large bright white ball of light above h 6/26/1971 #26197 Spain a man and a woman watched a large luminous reddish-yellow light hove 6/26/1971 #26199 FAYETTEVILLE, ARK 1 observer. Large tapering object / high altitude / 7/15/1971 #26229 ACHERN, GERMANY Cop and 2 adamant. Large bright red saucer going quickly [t 7/16/1971 #26231 road in Grossweier, Germany when a large, bright red disc flew overhead and 7/16/1971 #26232 hought was the moon. She watched a large, elliptical metallic object come o 8/11/1971 #26280 seemed to lack any pores. It had a large hairless head with a high forehead 8/16/1971 #26290 less head with a high forehead and large gray colored eyes. It wore a pair 8/16/1971 #26290 ling that of a wasp. The eyes were large, like wasp eyes, and had slits ins 8/16/1971 #26291 he recalled the craft attacking a large mountainous area resembling a beeh 8/16/1971 #26291 eads were triangular in shape with large eyes. The tall humanoid shot and k 8/16/1971 #26291 a "dream" or vision of being in a large room with the brain. There were co 8/17/1971 #26293 MBODIA US and Thai special forces. Large silver sphere and small humanoids 9/1971 #26307 SI, ROMANIA Many observer(s). Very large disk hovers still / 90 minute(s) / 9/1971 #26308 FT DUCHESNE, UT 2 boys. Large domed saucer with colored lights a 9/20/1971 #26351 A large domed disc-shaped object with mult 9/20/1971 #26357 fter a few seconds it spurts out a large jet of smoke and rises in the air. Late 9/1971 #26378 LA, ISTRIA, CROATIA Saucer carries large cylinder/cylindrical object. Clear 9/29/1971 #26385 and spots a triangular UFO with a large white light at the bottom and many 10/2/1971 #26399 driver's effort to slow it down. A large glowing sombrero-shaped object app 10/3/1971 #26405 /science students and more/others. Large sphere/orb/globe with small orbs z 10/10/1971 #26416 f the river. They then saw several large, dark humanoid figures moving abou 10/14/1971 #26424 atharines, Ontario when they saw a large disc-shaped object with brightly l 10/16/1971 #26427 s point. They then saw a face with large black eyes staring at them through 10/16/1971 #26427 ur humanoids stood there. They had large hairless heads and large black eye 10/16/1971 #26427 They had large hairless heads and large black eyes. The beings communicate 10/16/1971 #26427 ting trip. At 5:15 p.m. they saw a large, yellowish-white light land in the 11/13/1971 #26470 , 20 meters away. The creature had large pointed ears, a nose like a dog, a 12/14/1971 #26502 NEAR NARVIK, NORWAY 1 large and 3 small ovoids near Lekness Ai 1/21/1972 #26551 five feet tall, with pointed ears, large eyes, and a sharp chin. Next a bri 1/26/1972 #26556 Muskegon, MI A large number of witnesses, including pol 3/8/1972 #26591 he opened his eyes again he saw "a large oblong machine with a rim on the u 3/16/1972 #26606 SOESTERBERG, NETH Humming and fog. Large metallic glow saucer. 5' figure(s) 3/25/1972 #26622 NORTHWEST / THONON, FR 1 observer. Large circular object over Lake Leman ju 3/29/1972 #26628 At 6:30 p.m. three women watched a large dark shiny disc-shaped object with 4/15/1972 #26647 BRASSCHAAT, BELGIUM Large silver ovoid with halo vanishes. B 4/27/1972 #26662 A large silver ovoid with a halo vanished 4/27/1972 #26663 window to her right and noticed a large bright shiny object. It was saucer 6/1/1972 #26696 CAUDRY, FR Large orange glowing-ball quickly going 6/21/1972 #26721 ended from the ground and joined a large, delta-shaped object overhead in M 6/25/1972 #26732 TOWN, RSA Math teacher and 1. Very large bright night light hovers 15° / ho 7/10/1972 #26787 den color. As it rose up it made a large circle in the sky and then shot of 7/21/1972 #26823 s, MO 8:30 p.m. Sixteen witnesses. Large UFO observed over highway intersec 7/22/1972 #26824 A large cylindrical UFO with three smaller 7/23/1972 #26828 eet altitude while driving. It had large square windows in the bottom of th 7/31/1972 #26852 CA Several separate observer(s). 2 large spheres pass. / M. Hervey / UK. 8/5/1972 #26875 reature resembling an octopus with large tentacles appeared, apparently try 8/6/1972 #26882 GALLATIN, MO 2 observer(s). 2 very large round objects flash. Beam lights / 8/12/1972 #26901 rd. Finally, toward 5:00 a.m., the large object rises up and moves off to t 8/12/1972 #26911 ight two women watched as two very large round UFOs flashed beams of light 8/12/1972 #26913 noses, hands with four digits, and large webbed feet like those of ducks. T 8/18/1972 #26928 to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Large circular object / 8M altitude. Bee 8/21/1972 #26941 PIMBA, SOUTH AUSTR Several / car. Large saucer paces car. Lands. / Essex W 8/27/1972 #26959 ok to be an overturned bus, with a large blue light in the middle and small 8/28/1972 #26966 ation before moving southeast. The large object then climbs at a high rate 9/10/1972 #26986 PIC ST. LOUP, FR Tourist. Large metallic disk going west / 800M al 9/16/1972 #27004 had eyes like yellow light bulbs, large pointed ears, a square chin, and a 9/27/1972 #27035 . He had on a wide silver belt and large, square silver boots. A number of 9/28/1972 #27038 ported observing a 10 foot wide or large glowing sphere descend slowly to t 12/10/1972 #27168 NEAR NOWRA, NSW 5 / car. Large saucer makes 18O° turn and follows 1/2/1973 (approximate) #27214 t least eight witnesses observed a large oval-shaped object that appeared t 1/2/1973 #27215 k in the evening five people saw a large disc make a 180-degree turn in the 1/2/1973 #27216 er, and the room was shaped like a large mushroom with a stem at the bottom 2/22/1973 #27310 PORTLAND, OR 4 observer(s). Large saucer 90M overhead. Arcs slowly / 2/23/1973 #27313 n got off and walked toward a very large dark bulk that she could make out 2/26/1973 #27318 e landing site, where they found a large patch of snow melted down to the g 2/26/1973 #27318 tracks were short and wide with a large protruding great toe. 2/26/1973 #27318 nda President Idi Amin was among a large number of people who saw a UFO spl 3/3/1973 #27328 OH Woman / (seen thru) binoculars. Large circular object flashes many color 3/27/1973 #27379 capsule (cone-shaped) made several large loops in the sky over Mount Bouque 3/28/1973 #27386 the physical sciences, including a large array of equipment at 158 differen 4/1973 #27397 MARIAKERKE, BELGIUM Large cylinder/cigar-shape object with 3 4/3/1973 #27401 ELLSINORE, MO Large silent domed metal saucer going up 4/6/1973 #27404 STON, VC, AUSTRALIA 2 observer(s). Large bright disk paces car / 8mi. Jet s 4/8/1973 #27415 t at 10:55 p.m. when he observed a large glowing object over the nearby rai 4/15/1973 #27431 PITTEM, BELGIUM Many observer(s). Large red globe and tornado like winds. 5/3/1973 #27463 West Flanders, Belgium witnessed a large red globe at 4:30 p.m. accompanied 5/3/1973 #27464 ONE, QLD, AUSTRALIA 6 observer(s). Large slow night light offloads small fa 5/6/1973 #27468 e then wrote in a "notebook", in a large hand, "Hello and I am all colors, 5/15/1973 #27492 boots and a wide belt with a very large blue buckle. His face and his hand 5/16/1973 #27496 Pekin, IL 10:00 p.m. A large "unidentified flying object with a 5/18/1973 #27505 s can be seen. They are small with large round heads, big eyes, protruding 5/27/1973 #27533 JOHANNESBURG, RSA 2 observer(s). Large cylinder/cigar-shape goes over Hyd 5/28/1973 #27536 t down in the Pacific; it was in a large quonset hut. While on guard, he wa 6/1973 #27543 es of bright running lights then a large orange- red light was turned on be 6/2/1973 #27546 ORIENTE, ARG 2 observer(s). Large saucer lands near. Car malfunction 6/10/1973 #27559 .m. One resident reported seeing a large hovering aerial object described a 6/20/1973 #27576 red lights on top and bottom and a large white light atop. (NICAP: 01 - Dis 6/20/1973 #27576 ELLINGBOROUGH, ENGL 2 observer(s). Large sphere and dark cylinder/cigar-sha 6/22/1973 #27579 e much closer and appeared to be a large, illuminated spherical object, hov 6/23/1973 #27584 could see that he was tall, with a large head and with hands that appeared 6/23/1973 #27584 t to the oval object. The dogs are large security animals that are not easi 6/28/1973 #27598 There was a thrashing sound and a large limb snapped off a nearby tree. Du 6/28/1973 #27599 d, Nunavut, when the pilot sees a “large balloon in close proximity” and ra 7/25/1973 #27650 ectangular "and had the shape of a large boxcar," Sedgwick said. He describ 8/4/1973 #27678 all, and they were hooked up to a large piece of machinery that was simila 8/4/1973 #27683 is night a woman reported seeing a large boomerang shaped craft hovering ov 8/27/1973 #27725 ut to investigate he encountered a large hairy, biped creature with a wolf- 8/27/1973 #27725 rg, Pennsylvania reported seeing a large boomerang shaped craft hovering ov 8/27/1973 #27726 ut to investigate he encountered a large hairy, biped creature with a wolf- 8/27/1973 #27726 NEAR BELLE FOURCHE, SD 2 / car. Large globe. 2 hours missing time. Stran 9/1973 #27737 ARRVILLE, AL Early AM. W. Clayton. Large round object over cemetery. / Mont 9/7/1973 #27775 A A Savannah police officer saw “a large circular craft something like a fl 9/8/1973 #27782 ts of a UFO in the area. He saw a "large circular craft" with a spotlight a 9/8/1973 #27785 New York to Connecticut and saw a large oval object with flashing colored 9/11/1973 #27803 back two additional witnesses. The large object was no longer visible, but 9/11/1973 #27803 New York to Connecticut and saw a large oval object with flashing colored 9/12/1973 #27809 back two additional witnesses. The large object was no longer visible, but 9/12/1973 #27809 NEAR CARRVILLE, AL 2 observer(s). Large lit object / low altitude. Traces 9/13/1973 #27810 SONORA, CA Woman sees large saucer / bedroom window. Very low 9/14/1973 #27816 own. They were described as having large oblong shaped heads that seemed to 9/15/1973 #27825 hey saw at least one humanoid with large red glowing eyes, a gray face, lon 9/20/1973 #27850 -loop-loop” thumping sound. Then a large, bright, square light descends and 9/23/1973 #27859 surrounding the site. They find a large, bright UFO hovering above the sit Autumn 1973 #27860 s of the craft. She was taken to a large circular room of a transparent blu 9/26/1973 #27872 beautiful in appearance. Through a large window she saw a woman sitting at 9/26/1973 #27872 ather (mushrooms?) / woods. Run to large ovoid and going quickly [to] east- 9/27/1973 #27874 earby. The humanoid was carrying a large luminous sphere in its hands. The 9/27/1973 #27880 with its hands upraised. It had a large round head. An egg-shaped UFO was 10/1973 #27900 alert goes off at the base after a large ball of light is reported hovering 10/1973 #27902 from the armory and patrol after a large spherical UAP was seen over the we 10/1973 #27903 p.m. A lady and her son observed a large domed disc came out of the north, 10/1/1973 #27911 y with its hand upraised. It had a large round head. An egg-shaped UFO was 10/1/1973 #27913 from side to side. Both beings had large baldheads, slanted eyes, lipless m 10/3/1973 #27926 oulder. The creature was wearing a large helmet and had slit eyes. 10/5/1973 #27952 Centro, California. At 8:00 p.m. a large, disc-shaped object surrounded by 10/5/1973 #27953 to check the location. She finds a large, circular patch of burned and crus 10/6/1973 #27960 tier, Mississippi, when they see a large, swiftly moving object that descen 10/11/1973 #27998 craft and remembered seeing three large windows. In one window stood a ver 10/15/1973 #28060 and forty feet across, and it had large, oblong windows in the middle from 10/16/1973 #28089 he table by what she described as "large rubber bands." Her spread eagle le 10/16/1973 #28089 s used to prod and probe her and a large black rubber suction device was us 10/16/1973 #28089 at opened "like a clasp." They had large oval eyes that wrapped around the 10/16/1973 #28093 SVILLE, VA 5 observer(s) and cops. Large glowing object. Abruptly vanishes. 10/17/1973 #28106 to New York City from work, saw a large, round, silver craft hover over a 10/17/1973 #28119 ork City from work when they saw a large, round, silver craft hovering over 10/17/1973 #28141 . The thing had a shimmering body, large head with no eyes and ran sideways 10/18/1973 #28161 . The thing had a shimmering body, large head with no eyes, and ran sideway 10/18/1973 #28174 R Fireball and glowing / mountain. Large small humanoids (or Greys) all ove 10/19/1973 #28182 ded plastic masks. Their eyes were large and set close to the sides of the 10/20/1973 #28220 neously, one of his students lit a large, powerful flashlight flooding the 10/20/1973 #28222 forming an arc. Each light was as large as an open hand. There were six of 10/21/1973 #28229 obe dropping web-like substance in large amounts over Sudbury, Massachusett 10/22/1973 #28239 k, California two people watched a large round object at very low altitude. 10/24/1973 #28273 Western Australia, when he sees a large, black object in the sky 5 miles t 10/25/1973 #28284 y employee fire captain, notices a large, stationary, black object in the c 10/25/1973 #28284 -like sound. Suddenly they see two large apelike creatures with glowing gre 10/25/1973 #28285 ine p.m. 15 people observed a very large red spherical object hovering low 10/25/1973 #28286 econds. The main witness, a rather large man, suddenly began growling, and 10/25/1973 #28286 L 2 observer(s). Saucer very low / large power station/depot/facility. Powe 10/26/1973 #28293 CAHORS, FR 2 / car. 2 large green-glowing blimps hover. Turn b 10/27/1973 #28299 RENO, NV Observer(s) / window. 3 large saucers hover low and near. 12 rob 10/28/1973 #28305 n Reno, Nevada and saw three "very large," saucer-shaped objects hovering a 10/28/1973 #28312 / porch. Pseudo-human/entity with large hat and tape on face. Gestures. / 11/1/1973 #28335 ownturned slit of a mouth, and two large eyes with dark pupils. She feels t 11/2/1973 #28352 a of Midland, Pennsylvania, spot a large, disc-shaped object in the sky ove 11/2/1973 #28353 the local police the sighting of a large, dark, hairy creature with glowing 11/3/1973 #28364 / SACKVILLE, NB Cops and several. Large brilliant object hugs terrain over 11/6/1973 #28371 ar Albuquerque, New Mexico, sees a large, glowing object hovering 100 feet 11/6/1973 #28376 ee-foot-tall humanoid being with a large oval head and two bright red eyes 11/7/1973 #28383 featureless except for goggles or large eyes. He wore gloves and gold boot 11/11/1973 #28410 LIHUE, HI Numerous / observer(s). Large semi-transparent square going [to] 11/16/1973 #28428 S 4 observer(s). 3 dark spheres. 2 large and 1 small near Middleton road. N 11/16/1973 #28432 pears as a domed disc. The dome is large and tall (about equal to half or m 11/16/1973 #28434 FAIRLAND, OK 2 observer(s). Large orange object with platform lands. 11/17/1973 #28435 eal. At one point they encounter a large volume of traffic that seems to be 11/18/1973 #28442 eet) tall, well proportioned, with large normal eyes and normal ears, a lar 11/18/1973 #28443 rge normal eyes and normal ears, a large "Greek" nose, and prominent jaws. 11/18/1973 #28443 Two raccoon hunters spotted a large reddish orange sphere across the f 11/26/1973 #28468 ted a silver, cone-shaped UFO. The large end of the cone was revolving, and 12/1/1973 #28497 reature about four feet tall, with large round glowing eyes 18 inches wide, 12/2/1973 #28508 use of the witness. It possessed a large round head, long arms, and a brigh 12/2/1973 #28508 VANCOUVER, BC Several observer(s). Large circular object passes over. / Por 12/4/1973 #28518 FR Several separate observer(s). 2 large square objects hover and maneuver 12/19/1973 #28583 At 11:00 p.m. later that night two large square objects hovered, maneuvered 12/19/1973 #28588 an half of its height. It had very large eyes, and its legs were "squashed" 1/6/1974 #28654 ed like inverted pears, long arms, large eyes, and no noses. One is about 4 1/7/1974 #28660 he torso and a round helmet with a large, circular face plate showing a pea 1/7/1974 #28661 d short light hair, light skin and large almond-shaped eyes. The witness wa 1/8/1974 #28669 d numerous separate observer(s). 2 large orbs search Seine R. / beam. Vanis 1/13/1974 (approximate) #28677 her. It seems to be intact and is large, circular, and glowing orange. The 1/23/1974 #28694 t seemed to be intact and was very large, circular and glowed orange. She a 1/23/1974 #28695 server(s) / (seen thru) telescope. Large orange saucer hovers / 800M altitu 2/3/1974 (approximate) #28733 AL MUKALLA, YEMEN 3 observer(s). 3 large white saucers going down / Wadi. T 2/8/1974 #28745 ukalla, Yemen, when they see three large white discs gliding slowly downwar 2/8/1974 #28748 -Makalla, three Arab men saw three large white disc-shaped objects glide to 2/8/1974 #28749 ent, France at night. Meanwhile, a large cloud-cigar was seen over some tru 2/11/1974 #28757 NEAR BOURGET, ON 2 / car. Large UFO with white beam going down [to 2/13/1974 #28763 them, just over a hill, they see a large, round object with a domed top and 2/14/1974 #28772 ST. AYBERT, FR 1 observer. Flash. Large flat object going NNW rising along 2/25/1974 #28797 NEAR ST.-MARTIAL, FR Large luminous sphere shoots jets / ligh 2/28/1974 #28818 ight side of the road he had saw a large, dark circular mass about six feet 2/28/1974 #28822 om him, then the door opened and a large dark, oval-shaped "apparatus" emer 2/28/1974 #28825 peared through one of the walls. A large TV like screen then appeared. The 2/28/1974 #28825 rity alert team arrives and sees a large, brilliantly self-illuminated obje 3/1974 #28830 A large self-illuminated object hovers abo 3/1974 #28831 were found at the site covering a large area. Other people in the vicinity 3/1/1974 #28843 ers were confronted by a massively large dark humanoid figure or silhouette 3/4/1974 #28854 led that three small entities with large eyes, long arms, and pointed ears 3/12/1974 #28874 RSEILLE, FR Professor and several. Large disk hovers / 30° elevation. Chang 3/18/1974 #28900 as, Seville, Spain, when he sees a large metallic UFO, 450–600 feet long, w 3/20/1974 #28914 de with a T-shaped implement and a large horseshoe shaped tool. He could st 3/21/1974 #28921 like a plate placed above another large, round object hovering above the h 3/26/1974 #28956 like a plate placed above another large, round object hovering motionless 3/26/1974 #28957 Málaga, Spain Night. A large, brightly shining, spindle-shaped 3/27/1974 #28962 ALENSOLE, FR "Small bus" / ground. Large windows. Neon glowing and figure(s 3/31/1974 #28976 seen in Valensole, France. It had large wide windows and a blue-green neon 3/31/1974 #28979 ST. MALO, FR 2 / taxi. Large luminous cylinder/cigar-shape goin 4/9/1974 #29000 people driving in a taxi watched a large luminous cigar as it flew southeas 4/9/1974 #29001 are three human- like beings with large, round, opaque, grayish helmets. A 4/16/1974 #29040 on the roadway. It appears to have large windows in the top half, from whic 4/19/1974 #29047 and. At the suspected landing site large scorched areas and marks were foun 4/23/1974 #29058 kly into the dark sky. There was a large burned area 60 feet in diameter at 4/30/1974 #29072 Three gray humanoids. <5 ft. tall. Large elongated heads. Short legs. No he 5/7/1974 #29090 than five feet tall and had long, large bald heads and arms with clawed ha 5/7/1974 #29093 n, Indiana when they all spotted a large object hovering close to the groun 5/9/1974 #29098 he beings wore khaki uniforms with large belts and a kind of mask over thei 5/26/1974 #29136 M A resident was awakened to see a large glowing object moving across the w 5/28/1974 #29141 of Albuquerque, New Mexico, sees a large glowing object moving across the w 5/28/1974 #29142 Around 9:00 p.m., a family sees a large, glowing, football-shaped disc mov 5/28/1974 #29142 RE Rectangular UFO / 10M altitude. Large spotlight / front. Goes quick. 6/1974 (approximate) #29151 R150 NORTH / AMESBURY, MA 4 / car. Large dome over field. Rectangular openi 6/6/1974 #29166 SOUTH HAMPTON, NH 4 observer(s). Large dome lands and darkens / plane pas 6/6/1974 #29167 NTHAM, NC 4 observer(s). 4 objects large and small bob going up and down. 1 6/12/1974 #29177 over Nashua. It was described as a large metallic object, dark on the lower 6/14/1974 #29192 n they look straight up they see a large, triangular object right above the Summer 1974 #29218 WEST / ROMANS, FR Large domed saucer sits / field / 20 min 6/24/1974 #29220 WASHINGTON, NC Large cone hovers / Bogue Inlet / 10 min 6/29/1974 #29230 s). 6 small silver balls / series. Large sphere/orb/globe joins and maneuve 7/2/1974 #29236 were about five feet tall and had large heads that were flat on top, glowi 7/17/1974 #29266 / JINGHE, XINJIAN, CH Geologists. Large perfect oval / burnt grass. Not li 8/1974 #29289 an in appearance, a male figure of large build, about 6' 6" tall, holding i 8/1/1974 #29298 rce officer and his family saw two large saucer-shaped objects displaying a 8/13/1974 #29340 wscaster and separate observer(s). Large blue-green cylinder/cigar-shape ho 8/15/1974 #29347 ewscaster and several others saw a large, bluish-green cigar-shaped UFO hov 8/15/1974 #29356 for 15-20 minutes. At 11:00 p.m. a large cigar-shaped UFO was also sighted 8/15/1974 #29356 / TRIMDON, ENG 3 observer(s). Very large silent red ovoid parallels A19 goi 8/24/1974 #29380 , winching it up onto the bed of a large military truck. They also retrieve 8/25/1974 #29386 ray metallic material, and wearing large helmets, were then seen moving in 8/26/1974 #29391 PEYRINS, 26, FR Large "star" passes east going quickly w 8/28/1974 #29393 E, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Saucer / large dome and portholes. 3X moon-size. 8/28/1974 #29394 ienced E-M effects on her car as a large, disc-shaped object with multi-col 9/3/1974 #29418 and others in the area later saw a large, luminous orange-red disc-shaped o 9/8/1974 #29436 de about 250 feet from the road. A large area is lit up by the blinding, gr 9/21/1974 #29467 ear Emerado, North Dakota, see two large, solid black, oval shapes hovering 10/14/1974 #29527 BOLDESTI SCAENI, ROMANIA 6 kids. Large silent luminous globe going [to] o 10/16/1974 #29535 heir moms reported something quite large with lights all around it. Describ 10/31/1974 #29571 ottsdale, Tasmania, when he sees a large, silent UFO. His car engine and ra 11/4/1974 #29583 green, red, and white markings and large square boots. He wore a helmet wit 11/15/1974 #29597 er in Minneapolis, Minnesota saw a large orange luminous ball crossing the 11/26/1974 #29610 with heavy brow ridges, jowls, and large pointed ears removing the photogra 11/26/1974 #29610 ke they were on the perimeter of a large, dark flying object. The object ho 12/1/1974 #29627 , and a hairy torso. The eyes were large and protruding. Frightened, Mr. Bo 12/2/1974 #29631 t, Saskatchewan, when he notices a large, bright glow to the west that last 12/17/1974 #29645 e larger one near the front end. A large, shiny sphere (like polished alumi Winter 1974 #29653 William Caldwell) reported that a "large, orange ball" with the apparent si 1/1/1975 #29688 green, and white lights, with one large orange light in the center. Clayto 1/1/1975 #29690 were nevertheless able to pull out large clumps of Diaz's, but this caused 1/5/1975 #29723 s in separate cars observed a very large (88 meters in diameter) disc-shape 1/5/1975 #29725 r. The ground marks included three large landing pod imprints, irregularly 1/5/1975 #29726 s on fire. It wasn't a fire, but a large red blinking ball of light, larger 1/20/1975 #29756 rough July, some Puerto Ricans see large, unidentified birds, as well as UF 2/1975 #29780 ONCHES-EN-OUCHE, FR 2 observer(s). Large luminous/glowing sphere/orb/globe 2/12/1975 #29805 Orbak, Den Large circular object descended over car 2/19/1975 #29826 7:19 p.m.--the same moment that a large circular object descended behind h 2/19/1975 #29828 FINNERODJA, SWEDEN 4 observer(s). Large grey silent bus crosses road / low 2/22/1975 #29835 o Night. Glenn E. Bradley sees two large cylindrical objects like grain sil 2/23/1975 #29838 His skin was dark brown and he had large pointed ears, but his large head h 2/23/1975 #29839 he had large pointed ears, but his large head had no facial features: no ey 2/23/1975 #29839 A couple and their daughter see a large, yellowish, egg-shaped light movin 3/2/1975 #29868 ball-shaped objects drop from the large UFO and move northward at the appr 3/2/1975 #29868 disappearing over the horizon. The large object again moves erratically tow 3/2/1975 #29868 object similiar to the shape of a large water tower moving overhead. The o 3/8/1975 #29880 equilateral triangle surrounding a large smoke blot. Nearby plants are burn 4/20/1975 #29998 SOUTH / COPENHAGEN, DK Large flaming barrel caught / advertisin 5/3/1975 #30018 . As he drives to the interview, a large black Cadillac limousine pulls in 5/3/1975 #30026 feet in diameter. There were also large three-toed footprints, fourteen in 5/4/1975 #30033 / WRIGHT-PAT AIR FORCE BASE, OH 2 large silver saucers bracket Air Force j 5/6/1975 #30039 Two large silver disc-shaped objects bracket 5/6/1975 #30043 ince, Spain when she encountered a large object with red, green, and white 6/1/1975 #30074 s in a different part of town sawa large domed disc with green and red ligh 6/1/1975 #30074 inous globe, described also like a large incandescent ball, was seen to fal 6/20/1975 #30110 inous globe, described also like a large incandescent ball, was seen to fal 6/20/1975 #30112 SCOTCH PLAINS, NJ 12 observer(s). Large silent cone 150' away. Point up. L 6/21/1975 #30114 Fairfield, NJ Cessna 150 pilot & large oval object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 7/4/1975 #30157 land nearby. A gray figure with a large lemon-shaped head then appeared. W 7/12/1975 #30174 KEMPSEY, AUS 2 observer(s). Large Brill night light going quickly we 7/21/1975 #30196 plastic–like, hemispherical dome. Large round lights about 5 feet in diame 7/22/1975 #30200 ted to be 40 feet in diameter with large round lights five feet in diameter 7/22/1975 #30201 to within 15 feet of it. Through a large window he can see 4 people, one st 7/31/1975 #30218 or and 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Large disk spins and rises. Tilts 45°. " 8/1975 #30220 ST.-JULIEN, FR 4 observer(s). Large night light maneuvers. Huge white 8/1/1975? #30229 noids. They had whitish gray skin, large heads, large eyes, small slit-like 8/13/1975 #30258 ad whitish gray skin, large heads, large eyes, small slit-like mouths and m 8/13/1975 #30258 s about 4 feet 8 inches tall, with large eyes and heads, slit mouths, and w 8/13/1975 #30265 same time as the Albany sightings, large discs and bright lights are seen a 8/20/1975 #30291 EAST / COMBS-LA-VILLE, FR 3 / car. Large moonlike 15M dome / 18M altitude. 8/29/1975 #30320 so saw the object, which had "four large landing gear like arms coming out 9/15/1975 #30363 lls were silvery, smooth, and with large round instruments. She was then bl 9/15/1975 #30363 setts when they briefly glimpsed a large humanoid creature. They noticed th 9/17/1975 #30367 LOS ANGELES, CA 20 observer(s). Large ovoid hovers low over buildings. J 9/26/1975 #30385 Asservent, France 9:30 p.m. A very large disc-shaped object was watched by 9/26/1975 #30388 vent, near Maubeuge, France a very large disc-shaped object was watched by 9/26/1975 #30389 Quincy, MA On this night a large mass of white light, with smaller 10/3/1975 #30413 On this night a large mass of white light, with smaller 10/3/1975 #30414 k to his sister’s house he finds a large disc-shaped object resting in his 10/7/1975 #30421 Helena, MT Large object with green flashing lights 10/17/1975 #30436 riving his truck when he noticed a large object, fifty feet in diameter and 10/18/1975 #30441 Helena, Montana, when he notices a large object, 50 feet in diameter and 25 10/18/1975 #30444 LLANGOTHLIN, AUS 2 / car. Large silver cylinder/cigar-shape with s 10/19/1975 #30448 PRIEST BUTTE, MT 2 / east slope. Large ovoid / ground. Arms extend and wa 10/20/1975 #30451 d it as being egg-shaped, with the large end of the craft on the ground. (R 10/20/1975 #30452 f Bensalem, Pennsylvania, sees two large condensation trails making a giant Late 10/1975 #30470 the previous night they had seen a large reddish orange light take off. Thi 10/25/1975 #30473 direction of the noise and saw two large eyes five feet above the ground an 10/25/1975 #30473 that they were coming from a very large, gray cylindrical object, "as big 10/27/1975 #30489 ter, Alberta, when he comes upon a large, black, revolving object in the ro 11/5/1975 #30561 c Air Command (SAC) missile sites. Large red / orange / yellow objects hove 11/7/1975 #30570 ber twisting / sky. Magnetometer / large disturbances. 11/10/1975 #30592 [TO] GREAT FALLS, MT Sheriff. Very large orange light descends. Horizon goi 11/11/1975 #30599 from Missoula, Montana. Suddenly a large orange light descends out of the n 11/11/1975 #30612 haped UFO rose from the sea near a large radio antenna in Marseille, France 11/15/1975 #30626 haped UFO rose from the sea near a large radio antenna in Marseille, France 11/15/1975 #30627 CAN 24 NORAD Region UFO at 132345z Large orange ball with 2 red lights stat 11/17/1975 #30635 rapidly, "like a drill." It was so large and so close that it filled most o 11/27/1975 #30669 Evening. A flying object with two large clear lights in front, and a red l 12/5/1975 #30687 ring of lights connected the three large lights and would change colors fro 12/5/1975 #30687 ght another flying object with two large clear lights in front, and a red l 12/5/1975 #30688 ring of lights connected the three large lights and would change colors fro 12/5/1975 #30688 Hamden, Connecticut when he saw a large glowing figure floating, near some 1/11/1976 #30785 GAS, NV Many separate observer(s). Large "cylinder/cigar-shape" seen all ov 1/29/1976 #30830 HORB AM NECKER, GERM FR soldier. Large silent saucer hovers / 5-15 minute 2/1976 #30838 SALISBURY, MA 3+observer(s). Large saucer going down. Tilts. Going do 2/12/1976 #30864 A large disc-shaped object descended, tilt 2/12/1976 #30867 NEAR MORRISTOWN, NJ 3 / car. Large trapezoid below cloud cover. Fades 2/15/1976 #30871 Near Okatchee, Alabama they saw a large orange object in the woods near th 2/18/1976 #30881 olice Department. The object was a large rectangularly shaped object seen h 2/19/1976 #30885 I15 SOUTH / HELENA, MT Large being walks upright / field. Obser 2/22/1976 #30893 eings described as very tall "with large feet and no necks." (MUFON 100-7, 2/25/1976 #30903 P.M. Mrs. Audrey Manny observed a large dome shaped object hovering to the 2/26/1976 #30909 physical education session, see a large disc-shaped object that glides sil 4/3/1976 #30983 n Mawnan, Cornwall, England, see a large winged creature hovering above the 4/17/1976 #30998 re so frightened by the sight of a large “feathered bird-man” that their fa 4/17/1976 #30998 ith wings, big pointed ears, and a large triangle in place of the nose and 4/17/1976 #30999 two witnesses reported sighting a large white metallic domed disc. It was 4/21/1976 #31005 w only 50-60 feet away. Suddenly a large blip appears on the radar scope. T 4/23/1976 #31017 eir faces were human-like but with large almond-shaped eyes. In single file 4/23/1976 #31019 lew off to the north, describing a large circle in the sky as it did so. (S 5/9/1976 #31041 lew off to the north, describing a large circle in the sky as it did so. 5/9/1976 #31042 o works great / 2M band only while large white saucer hovers! 5/16/1976 #31056 m. A man and his family observed a large, house-sized object hovering close 5/18/1976 #31060 ected over the area. The UFO had a large round opening from which a red lig 5/18/1976 #31060 m. a man and his family observed a large, house-sized object hovering close 5/18/1976 #31061 ected over the area. The UFO had a large round opening from which a red lig 5/18/1976 #31061 ort, about four feet tall, and had large hairless heads with large dark alm 5/21/1976 #31070 and had large hairless heads with large dark almond-shaped eyes. They also 5/21/1976 #31070 eeting two waist-high dwarves with large eyes, dressed in black overalls. T 6/11/1976 #31102 d the UFO by two short beings with large eyes, wearing black coveralls. She 6/11/1976 #31103 SUNLAND, CA Large red star hovers still. Silent. The 6/14/1976 (approximate) #31106 beings over 6' tall, flesh color, large bright eyes. Pointed wing-like app 6/22/1976 #31127 their heads are disproportionately large, and their legs are short. The tax 6/22/1976 #31128 tted a bluish gas. It then grew as large as a 20-story building, though the 6/22/1976 #31130 ort being emerges with a big head, large eyes, pointed ears, small mouth, a 6/23/1976 #31134 bald-headed being with a big head, large eyes, and pointed ears, no eyebrow 6/23/1976 #31135 domed object emerge from behind a large tree 50 yards away. The object was 7/5/1976 #31154 was "about the size and shape of a large haystack." It hovered with a hummi 7/5/1976 #31154 O/FROM CALCUTTA, INDIA DC10 pilot. Large object with bright windows / 35k' 7/22/1976 #31176 g shortly after 9:00 p.m. two very large, brown cigar or "sausage" shaped U 7/30/1976 #31204 ic effects). Huge saucer. Beings / large eyes. 8/6/1976 #31237 out a scream when she confronted a large face in the window with big round 8/6/1976 #31241 TONGAAT, RSA 2 / beach. Large UFO thumps offloading groups / sma 8/21/1976 #31284 sconsin at 4:15 a.m. when he saw a large orange craft drop down into a culv 8/23/1976 #31294 t dark gray-colored humanoids with large oval-shaped heads and huge, black, 8/26/1976 #31307 examined with several handheld and large scanning machine like instruments. 8/26/1976 #31307 Colorado. She looks up and sees a large (100 feet long), silver-colored, s 9/1/1976 #31324 white hair parted down the middle, large eyes, and claw-like hands. They ar 9/3/1976 #31336 hands. They are both the size of a large doll, perhaps 1–1.5 feet tall. Fri 9/3/1976 #31336 ers, on a mound of earth. It had a large glass like compartment in the cent 9/3/1976 #31340 white hair parted down the middle, large eyes, and claw-like fingers. Appar 9/3/1976 #31340 g in a clockwise direction, with a large dome that remains stationary on to 9/10/1976 #31371 ness in Eureka, California, sees a large orange light at treetop level that 9/16/1976 #31388 AUGUSTA, GA 1 / car. Large saucer going up and down. Lights / 9/18/1976 #31394 ller round object comes out of the large object and heads straight toward t 9/18/1976 #31395 nce, then stops. It returns to the large object, which emits another smalle 9/18/1976 #31395 effect (EME). 2 night lights exit large object. / IURv3#1+/ r226#23. 9/19/1976 #31399 es a 3.5-foot-tall creature with a large bald head, large red eyes, and gre 9/22/1976 #31418 l creature with a large bald head, large red eyes, and green skin floating 9/22/1976 #31418 73 [now US 75] when they notice a large patch of cornfield with no corn gr 10/1976 #31441 r over nuclear plant construction. Large spot lights 100 / ground. 10/5/1976 (approximate) #31448 noise like “six jets.” They see a large red oblong UFO hovering with a wob 10/12/1976 #31461 minum colored, about the size of a large automobile, and had a set of small 10/28/1976 #31503 ar windows above, which formed one large triangular window. In this window 10/28/1976 #31503 o other facial features except two large dark eyes. It had no neck, and its 10/28/1976 #31503 la which showed the "busts" of two large heads. They stopped the car to obs 11/8/1976 #31532 tion 8:00 p.m. Three women watch a large yellow-orange light slowly and sil 11/19/1976 #31560 CHATSWORTH MOUNTAINS, CA 3 teens. Large glowing-dome and clouds. Photograp 11/20/1976 #31562 KENNER, LA 2 / bartenders. Large dome flashes red green and white l 11/23/1976 #31565 ge owner and a bartender watched a large domed object as it hovered over tr 11/23/1976 #31569 APARTMENT, SOUTH AUSTR Weatherman. Large glowing-ovoid stops. Back going we 12/16/1976 #31607 DEELEN, NETH Large silent night lights hover / Air Fo 12/25/1976 #31630 -bellied, with long, thin arms and large, black eyes. When he comes out aga 1977 #31656 ing at Nellis AFB in 1968 reading “Large UFO hovered over Nellis AFB for th 1977 #31658 CHIPPERFIELD, ENGL Large silent sphere/orb/globe hovers / 5 1/1/1977 #31668 he rooftop in question and finds a large, elliptical-shaped crust of ice, a 1/6/1977 #31706 ftop in question and found there a large elliptical shaped crust of ice, 0. 1/6/1977 #31707 MINSTER, ENGL Several observer(s). Large ovoid with large lights. Red light 1/9/1977 #31712 eral observer(s). Large ovoid with large lights. Red light flashes / white 1/9/1977 #31712 eaves, it presents a round face as large as the full moon. 1/10/1977 #31716 y two short, gray-skinned men with large skulls, no hair, and eyes with bla 2/2/1977 #31781 ENGL Several separate observer(s). Large ovoid going quickly [to] over. Rad 2/9/1977 #31800 t over him, illuminating him and a large area around him. He races his trac Mid 2/1977 #31817 YORKS 4 / royal observer(s) corps. Large grey disk hovers / ancient stone c 2/23/1977 #31841 forth. Their eyes were slanted and large like those of a cow, and they star 2/24/1977 #31846 llville, Pennsylvania. It leaves a large patch of burning grass (100 feet l 3/8/1977 #31878 ARJUNA OILFIELD, INDONESIA Large UFO with beams / light circles oil 3/10/1977 #31890 e saw that they were obscured by a large dome-shaped object, dark in appear 3/13/1977 #31906 man" with high cheekbones, and had large round eyes resembling those of a f 3/13/1977 #31906 –20 smaller objects fly out of the large one directly toward the pilot, who Mid 3/1977 #31908 hem suddenly brightens. They see a large mass of light rise from behind a d Mid 3/1977 #31909 s, most likely from a single, very large craft, were seen heading toward Pr 3/18/1977 #31915 , the gray-brown object features a large panel of fluorescent green light o 3/29/1977 #31933 her facial features. The eyes were large and dark. The voice was probably t 4/4/1977 #31943 in a silver diver suit, wearing a large helmet and with a square, featurel 4/12/1977 #31976 silver suit, like a diver, with a large helmet and a square, featureless f 4/20/1977 #32004 silver suit, like a diver, with a large helmet and a square, featureless f 4/20/1977 #32005 a small, slender body with a very large melon-shaped head, showing no feat 4/21/1977 #32009 ad, showing no features except two large round orange glowing eyes. Its ski 4/21/1977 #32009 the color of a shark," and it had large hands and feet with digits that ap 4/21/1977 #32009 ort, ape-like creature with a very large "figure-8" shaped head on Miller R 4/22/1977 #32013 colored small ape, but with a very large, oblong-shaped head. It had two la 4/23/1977 #32019 ge, oblong-shaped head. It had two large round eyes in the center of its he 4/23/1977 #32019 / aqualung. Burnt bush. TV fried. Large dog crazed-dies. / r98#28p38. 4/24/1977 #32020 to put out their campfire. The two large lights were about 800 meters away, 4/25/1977 #32024 to put out their campfire. The two large lights are about a half-mile away 4/25/1977 #32026 to put out their campfire. The two large lights were about 800 meters away, 4/25/1977 #32027 MILFORD HAVEN, WALES 1+kids. Large silver figure peers / window. Sphe 4/26/1977 #32028 eet tall, weighing 40 pounds, with large heads. They have slender torsos an 5/1977 #32042 en are dispatched, and they see a “large bright red light” on the eastern s 5/3/1977 #32050 looks up and briefly sees a thin, large, white crescent hanging in the sky 5/3/1977 #32050 cers that night. The next day, one large bush is found damaged: flattened i 5/3/1977 #32050 an in Wilcox, Pennsylvania, sees a large silver sphere with many blue light 5/3/1977 #32052 along the lake road and noticed a "large bright red light" across on the ea 5/3/1977 #32053 looked up and briefly saw a thin, large, white crescent shape hanging in t 5/3/1977 #32053 that very night. In daylight, one large bush was found to have damage: it 5/3/1977 #32053 Elk County, Pennsylvania sighted a large silver sphere near a power plant t 5/3/1977 #32054 ENCINITAS, CA 15 kids and teacher. Large domed saucer going down / canyon. 5/6/1977 #32063 Encinitas, CA A large domed disc-shaped object descended 5/6/1977 #32064 In Encinitas, California a large domed disc-shaped object descended 5/6/1977 #32066 n Undersaker on this night. A very large second object, also triangle shape 5/7/1977 #32067 lso triangle shaped and with three large windows rose in the beam of light. 5/7/1977 #32067 ees. An enormous object with three large windows rises up in the light; bot 5/7/1977 #32068 land, Sweden on this night. A very large second object, also triangle shape 5/7/1977 #32069 lso triangle shaped and with three large windows rose in the beam of light. 5/7/1977 #32069 and Nell, age fourteen, observed a large glowing object in the sky. ( Refer 5/9/1977 #32077 ivingston Shopping Mall observed a large glowing sphere high up in the sout 5/9/1977 #32078 ivingston Shopping Mall observed a large glowing sphere high up in the sout 5/9/1977 #32079 gain that day, flying seaward, and large footprints were found in the grass 5/15/1977 #32096 VIENNA, VA Large circular object hovers / 35M altit 5/20/1977 #32113 lve stories above the ground was a large circular shaped object. (Reference 5/20/1977 #32115 NEAR POOLE, DORSET Large silver saucer hovers / field. Gree 5/21/1977 #32118 .m. Mr. Morse, age 26, witnessed a large silver disc-shaped object that hov 5/21/1977 #32123 but they soon blink out leaving a large orange glow with a bright-green fl 5/26/1977 #32133 ST. ROCH, FR Whoosh! Large dark box shoots up / ground near p 5/28/1977 #32138 At 3:10 a.m. a large dark box-shaped object shot up fro 5/28/1977 #32139 agnetic effect (EME). Pulled 25' / large grey saucer. Observer(s) gets rash 6/6/1977 #32148 ll, with small, slender bodies and large baldheads. They were wearing glass 6/12/1977 #32161 ld see through the helmet were two large, round, luminous eyes. They lifted 6/12/1977 #32161 HORN, CA SR88 northeast / pioneer. Large Oblong silver object hangs silentl 6/20/1977 #32174 ANDERSON, IN Repeated. Large tilted disk going [to] over motel 7/1977 #32216 n soldier named James Blake sees a large bright light hovering at a low alt 7/1/1977 #32227 inflated with air. He also wore a large metallic helmet with a glass face 7/12/1977 #32266 uple in Dinwiddie, Virginia, see a large silvery star stationary in the sky 7/13/1977 #32269 TRAFARIA, PORTUGAL 4 observer(s). Large sphere offloads 1-2-3 smaller ones 7/30/1977 #32320 witness because the woman had very large eyes, and only two holes where her 8/3/1977 #32356 CASCO TOWNSHIP, MI 3 cops. Large silent silver saucer / 25mph overh 8/11/1977 #32379 sco Township, Michigan witnessed a large silent silver saucer fly overhead 8/11/1977 #32386 nd traces werefound later during a large scale investigation. 8/13/1977 #32400 are taking photos when they see a large, dark, block- shaped object moving Mid 8/1977 #32401 HAYWARD, CA 2 / car. Large silent rounded delta/triangle/box- 8/28/1977 #32429 dermere, Cumbria, England, watch a large lighted object in the shape of a “ 8/28/1977 #32432 ancis Lloyd, age 24, was driving a large truck from Haverfordwest, Wales; w 8/28/1977 #32437 t by the eight headlights of their large rig. No craft was seen by either m 8/28/1977 #32437 A large, silent delta-shaped object with r 8/28/1977 #32438 bserver(s). 2M man / spacesuit and large saucer-cylinder/cylindrical object 8/31/1977 #32443 e craft stopped to hover. It had a large white light on the bottom and a gr 8/31/1977 #32444 e craft stopped to hover. It had a large white light on the bottom and a gr 8/31/1977 #32447 like protrusions from their heads, large pointy ears, and were bald headed. 8/31/1977 #32447 ussex, England, when she notices a large, silent object at about 300 feet a Early Autumn 1977 #32456 came on, and he found himself in a large circular hall. There were a dozen 9/15/1977 #32485 Primorsky Krai, Russia 4:00 a.m. A large “star” sending out beams of light 9/20/1977 #32499 ollers in Omaha, Nebraska, track a large formation of unidentified objects. 9/22/1977 #32511 silent object, estimated to be as large as a four-inch plate held at arm's Fall 1977 #32514 north of Ploieşti, Romania, sees a large object 3–4 times as large as the M Late 9/1977 #32517 , sees a large object 3–4 times as large as the Moon, which is visible in a Late 9/1977 #32517 ISFIELD, ENGL Lady cop. Large saucer. 20 minute(s) / missing tim 10/1977 (approximate) #32535 pseudo-human/entity jumps road / 2 large leaps. Knees don't flex. Nuclear f 10/15/1977 #32576 gation instruments and producing a large amount of static on the radio. The 10/26/1977 #32620 ir heads or helmets were extremely large and rectangular in shape, rounded 10/30/1977 #32639 AVONMOUTH, AVON 2 / M5. Large silver fuselage going west. Hovers 11/1977 #32646 CHARLESTON, SC 1 observer. Large silver disk peels away from Cessna 11/12/1977 #32665 ellington Friday, UN ambassador at large for Grenada, addresses the United 11/28/1977 #32702 Valley, New Zealand. He noticed a large domed UFO that suddenly approached 11/29/1977 #32708 liens they describe are small with large heads and eyes, no hair, and commu 12/1977 #32720 f Elm City, North Carolina, when a large object drifts into view from the n 12/1/1977 #32722 West commuter aircraft reports two large bright lights maneuvering around i 12/8/1977 #32750 AMID HILL, VC, AUS 12 observer(s). Large UFO offloads 3 objects. Night ligh 12/13/1977 #32763 LEITCHVILLE, VCT, AUS Large and 2 small UFO's signal back and 12/13/1977 #32764 NEAR VANCOUVER, BC Large slow ovoid pulses / r60#293. Big R 12/17/1977 #32782 g silently at 40 mph. It has three large spheres below it, portholes around 1/1978 #32837 appearance. The being also wore a large white helmet with a narrow black v 1/6/1978 #32856 r pilot. Spherical OVJ in center / large glow. Paced airliner. No further d 1/7/1978 #32858 p.m. when they saw an approaching large yellow ball of light angling towar 1/9/1978 #32862 s on top and bottom of saucer”) as large as a full moon moving forward with 1/10/1978 #32869 , and then it moved. It was a very large elongated object with "portholes", 1/10/1978 #32870 ome and on his way there spotted a large egg-shaped object on a slope in a 1/10/1978 #32872 near her bed. He had a flat head, large eyes, and a big nose. He appeared 1/14/1978 #32881 2 observer(s). Odd noise / 2 days. Large red saucer follows car with beam g 1/21/1978 #32902 are ultimately able to recover 12 large pieces of the satellite, 10 of whi 1/24/1978 #32912 arrives, shaped like a square with large yellow lights in each corner, with 1/31/1978 #32928 ribed as shaped like a square with large yellow lights in each corner, with 1/31/1978 #32930 Lincolnshire, UK The witness saw a large silvery disc-shaped object shoot o 2/1/1978 #32939 Jersey. They see a series of four large lights low in the sky approaching 2/1/1978 #32940 At 10:20 p.m. the witness saw a large silvery disc-shaped object shoot o 2/1/1978 #32941 MATH FALLS, OR 6 / light plane. 10 large night lights / V formation climb g 2/5/1978 #32954 exceptionally long arms and hands, large crania and very large eyes. Julio 2/5/1978 #32957 s and hands, large crania and very large eyes. Julio felt a sense of peace 2/5/1978 #32957 lose to the surrounding wall was a large square lead gray panel and a metal 2/5/1978 #32957 5 minutes earlier they had seen a large UFO traveling east to west at tree 2/10/1978 #32965 COURBEVOIE, FR 2 observer(s). 2 large cigars hover vertical. 1 tilts and 2/12/1978 #32966 At 6:00 a.m. two large cigar-shaped object hovered in a v 2/12/1978 #32968 ers. Odd stars = striped saucer in large telescope! 2/17/1978 #32973 arate systems in Minnesota track a large, solid object, which starts ascend 2/19/1978 #32981 TLANTIC OCEAN. Pilot near airport. Large cylinder/cigar-shape crosses sky. 3/10/1978 #33022 the interior of his car. He sees a large oval object floating alongside abo 3/12/1978 #33036 t 50 feet away. He thinks it is as large as a five-story building and has t 3/12/1978 #33036 YDNEY HARBOR, AUSTR 3 observer(s). Large quarter-circular object north goin 3/13/1978 #33037 e. Retractable beam searches lake. Large figure. 3/15/1978? #33040 ST. CROIX FALLS, WI 3 observer(s). Large object hovers / 15 minute(s) and m 3/22/1978 #33060 DIA, MN Many separate observer(s). Large grey object follows car. Circles h 3/22/1978 #33067 out 150–200 feet on each side with large windows, three white lights at eac 3/22/1978 #33072 an hour. She estimates they are as large as her garage’s double door. At 1: 3/28/1978 #33090 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 2 large trucks / enveloped / blue light! C 3/29/1978 #33094 ossible a “superbolt”—an unusually large bolt of lightning. A 2004 document 4/2/1978 #33119 ground and sea with extreme force. Large cracks almost two feet across were 4/2/1978 #33119 about 10 seconds. Smith notices a large number of “lightning rods” that mo 4/2/1978 #33120 l times before disappearing. It is large and bathed in bright red lights. A 4/11/1978 #33141 and a narrow mouth, the eyes were large slanted and gold in color. A trans 4/19/1978 #33154 INO, ITL 7 teens. Intense whistle. Large ovoid spins over ground. Away extr 4/20/1978 #33155 COIMBRA, PORTUGAL Large UFO hovers / 15 minute(s). Back 18 4/21/1978 #33156 e what the matter is and notices a large round object, perfectly silent, ab Late 4/1978 #33167 Di Sapri, Italy when she noticed a large luminous sphere; clear in color de 4/25/1978 #33169 ly thin, with a somewhat unusually large head. His hair looked like it had 4/25/1978 #33171 ed to chase it as it ran towards a large empty lot across the street. As he 5/2/1978 #33185 feet wide at the top. Some of the large rocks appear burned, and the grass 5/6/1978 #33190 ings aboard, to a clearing where a large white object is hovering about 16 5/10/1978 #33196 Going down [to] and fades away. 2 large and 2 small figure(s) by. / MJ#241 5/14/1978 #33206 t treetop level. It seems to be as large as a jetliner. 10–15 minutes later 5/14/1978 #33210 and faded away. Four figures, two large and two small, were seen nearby wh 5/14/1978 #33212 2 / tugboat. 12m domed saucer with large square windows on riverside. RADAR 5/15/1978 #33214 TUCUMAN, ARG Cop and 1. Large sphere going west / low altitude o 5/16/1978 #33221 eparate groups / observer(s). Very large silent delta/triangle/box-like cra 6/10/1978 #33264 uns underneath it, noting it is as large as his outstretched hand at arm’s 6/10/1978 #33266 underneath it, and said it was as large as his outstretched hand at arm's 6/10/1978 #33267 rt humanoids. The dwarf beings had large egg-like heads and very long finge 6/16/1978 #33282 FT CLAYTON, PANAMA Large Saturn saucer in photograph / pres 6/17/1978 #33284 ing toward Bordeaux when he sees a large orange ball, very bright, hovering 6/19/1978 #33291 ome center, they look up and see a large silver ball on the tree line to th 7/1978 #33319 a huge seven foot tall figure with large red glowing eyes. One of the witne 7/9/1978 #33362 ribed as having a huge round head, large red eyes and was making an unusual 7/9/1978 #33362 ions from the top of its head, and large slit like eyes and mouth. To their 7/11/1978 #33367 heir heads were disproportionately large. One of the humanoids was somewhat 7/11/1978 #33368 rt humanoid with greenish skin and large oval-shaped eyes emerged briefly f 7/16/1978 #33389 rt humanoid with greenish skin and large oval-shaped eyes emerged briefly f 7/16/1978 #33393 d a bright light in front, several large orange lights in the rear, and fle 7/24/1978 #33414 A large metallic cylindrical object hovere 7/25/1978 #33415 Apostle Islands, Wisconsin, sees a large, yellow- white, oblong object that 7/29/1978 #33448 , Wisconsin on Lake Superior saw a large, yellow-white oblong object. There 7/29/1978 #33450 s AFB in 1968; it allegedly said a large UAP hovered over Nellis for three 8/1978 #33460 ng a nap when she woke up to see a large craft hovering outside the upstair 8/1/1978 #33462 :00 p.m. when she woke up to see a large craft hovering outside the upstair 8/1/1978 #33464 ding in the room. Their heads were large and rounded. The witness conducted 8/1/1978 #33464 At one p.m. a large, dark cigar-shaped object with a w 8/5/1978 #33478 MACAO 10+observer(s). Large orange object splits / 2. 1 part e 8/9/1978 #33492 yet the beam does not light up the large shape. She drives closer, but the 8/11/1978 #33506 A large glowing disc-shaped UFO was seen i 8/18/1978 #33527 l in downtown Toledo looking at a "large plane" approaching from the north 8/20/1978 #33531 wntown Toledo, Ohio, looking at a “large plane” approaching from the north. 8/20/1978 #33533 a full moon would look, perhaps as large as a car. The Frisbee has a sharp 8/21/1978 #33538 n the group saw what looked like a large hairy bipedal creature step in fro 8/21/1978 #33540 edal creature step in front of the large cats as if to protect them. This h 8/21/1978 #33540 airliner pilot. Small objects exit large UFO. Radio Radio Frequency Interfe 8/22/1978 #33541 Perth, AU Large object w/satellite objects near a/ 8/22/1978 #33544 ir Services airliner encountered a large cigar-shaped object that flew ahea 8/22/1978 #33549 off at tremendous speed. When the large object emitted the smaller satelli 8/22/1978 #33549 sidents of Lisbon, Portugal, see a large round object with bright red and w 8/30/1978 #33603 GEPAN organizes a large gathering of about 100 people from 9/1978 #33616 Other independent witnesses saw a large silvery sphere above a field, and 9/1/1978 #33621 Other independent witnesses see a large silvery sphere above a field and w 9/1/1978 #33622 Other independent witnesses saw a large silvery sphere above a field, and 9/1/1978 #33623 back. When he returns, he finds a large domed object with windows on the g 9/6/1978 #33638 Back in the field he encountered a large round object on the ground; it had 9/6/1978 #33640 was apparently busy disecting the large bones of some animals resembling e 9/6/1978 #33640 in Sassello, Savona, Italy, see a large luminous object hovering above La 9/7/1978 #33645 IT 10 observer(s). Power outages. Large cylinder/cigar-shape exits small s 9/14/1978 #33675 The owner of a large firm and prominent business execut 9/14/1978 #33680 bronze with almond-shaped eyes and large pupils. The entity stares at the s 9/18/1978 #33708 CURRIE, COUNCILLOR ISLAND, TASM Large yellow night light follows car / 6 9/20/1978 #33712 n of Currie, Tasmania, Australia a large yellow light followed a car with t 9/20/1978 #33716 ad an orange glow coming from some large windows. The object glided silentl 9/20/1978 #33718 DNESBURY, UK Separate observer(s). Large delta/triangle/box-like craft and 9/22/1978 #33726 LALOR PARK, NSW 3 teens. Large silver dome hovers / main road and 9/28/1978 #33765 bed as having a disproportionately large, wide head with definite Asian fea 9/28/1978 #33770 , a small chin, and snub nose with large visible nostrils. The eyes were of 9/28/1978 #33770 cks up the object and confirms its large size. The pilots continue to fly s 10/1978? #33787 isit the encounter site and find a large area of depressed grass with 8 sym 10/2/1978 #33790 etal ovoid going up / field. Joins large cylinder/cigar-shape. Going northw 10/8/1978 #33808 me area other witnesses had seen a large lighted object with a silvery dome 10/8/1978 #33822 at that level. Valentich can see a large, unknown aircraft that appears to 10/21/1978 #33856 Chinese Air Force pilots sighted a large, bright rectangular object at an e 10/23/1978 #33861 rce pilot Zhou Qingtong says it is large and close to the ground. They watc 10/23/1978 #33863 Chinese Air Force pilots sighted a large, bright rectangular object at an e 10/23/1978 #33864 ame to an open field and spotted a large light brown object shaped like a s 10/25/1978 #33872 comes to an open field and spots a large light-brown object shaped like a s 10/25/1978 #33873 ame to an open field and spotted a large light brown object shaped like a s 10/25/1978 #33875 more/others. Ovoid / 1km altitude. Large triangular fin / top. 20-day wave. 10/26/1978 #33877 oing [to] over sea / low altitude. Large waves. / r39p120. 10/27/1978 #33884 HEATHCOTE-MENAI, NSW Large saucer / portholes near Atomic Ene 10/29/1978 #33888 es attempted to dislodge it a very large object emitting an intense rotatin 10/30/1978 #33898 adio Frequency Interference (RFI). Large dark object floats near boat. / r2 11/7/1978 #33922 O “bigger than a jumbo jet” with a large dome and flashing lights appears o 11/9/1978 #33939 around the object. The beings had large bright eyes, large noses, no necks 11/11/1978 #33945 The beings had large bright eyes, large noses, no necks and wore light gra 11/11/1978 #33945 and end in points. Their eyes are large and white, without eyelids. Their 11/24/1978 #33995 and white, without eyelids. Their large noses extend down to the lower lip 11/24/1978 #33995 strong electric shock. He grabs a large branch and takes a swipe at them a 11/24/1978 #33995 partially hidden by some trees, a large bowl-shaped or jug-shaped craft wi 11/24/1978 #33996 gure, who appeared to be wearing a large round black helmet with a glass vi 11/24/1978 #33996 s clothing was silvery and he wore large boots. The being walked slowly bac 11/24/1978 #33996 came frightened and left the area. Large footprints were found at the site. 11/24/1978 #33996 ibed as a meter tall and thin with large pointed ears. One was shorter than 11/24/1978 #33997 he other. They had yellowish skin, large smooth and bald elongated heads, l 11/24/1978 #33997 ated heads, long pointed noses and large mouths with two long pointed fangs 11/24/1978 #33997 seeing the object, described as a large ball of light that spawned a domed 11/27/1978 #34006 . Coyne, and Grenada Ambassador at Large Wellington Friday speak before the 11/27/1978 #34010 MADISON CO, KY 2 / car chased / large UFO. Car malfunctions due to EME ( 11/28/1978 #34014 then had a close encounter with a large metallic object with a large light 11/28/1978 #34016 ith a large metallic object with a large light in front, which approached t 11/28/1978 #34016 ld be seen moving inside through a large opening. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 12/3/1978 #34055 ld be seen moving inside through a large opening. 12/3/1978 #34056 seeing three to four figures with large pumpkin shaped heads standing in f 12/8/1978 #34078 CASALBORDINO, ITL Large hemisphere paces car / 10M altitud 12/13/1978 #34103 SOUTH / POMEROY, WA 3 / car. Large object with 2 transparent blue dom 12/14/1978 #34116 Pomeroy, WA A large UFO paced a car with three women i 12/14/1978 #34120 Finally, in Pomeroy, Washington a large UFO paced a car with three women i 12/14/1978 #34130 rd on the island of Sicily, near a large TV antenna. The sky darkened and t 12/15/1978 #34136 tenna. The sky darkened and then a large disc-shaped craft approached and t 12/15/1978 #34136 g was described as "ugly" with two large eyes and two antenna-like protrusi 12/15/1978 #34136 ly on the island of Sicily, near a large TV antenna. The sky darkened and t 12/15/1978 #34138 tenna. The sky darkened and then a large disc-shaped craft approached and t 12/15/1978 #34138 g was described as "ugly" with two large eyes and two antenna-like protrusi 12/15/1978 #34138 to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Large white light / rear. Going quickly 12/16/1978 #34147 partment. They were very thin with large squarish heads and large feet. Bot 12/16/1978 #34148 thin with large squarish heads and large feet. Both were wearing dark gray 12/16/1978 #34148 o three red lights were seen and a large white light was on the rear. (NICA 12/16/1978 #34149 sta to intercept it and they see a large triangular object some 50 times th 12/16/1978 #34154 partment. They were very thin with large squarish heads and large feet. Bot 12/16/1978 #34155 thin with large squarish heads and large feet. Both were wearing dark gray 12/16/1978 #34155 oja, Argentina At 2:45 a.m. a very large glowing disc-shaped UFO headed a f 12/21/1978 #34189 hout the city. At 2:45 a.m. a very large glowing disc-shaped UFO headed a f 12/21/1978 #34194 brated again. Shortly afterward, a large luminous UFO is seen hovering abov 12/24/1978 #34201 HULL ENGL AND EDINGURGH, SCOTLAND Large silver triangles going east and ea 12/30/1978 #34227 N, CHESHIRE Boy / bicycle buzzed / large night light overhead. "Tried to li 12/31/1978 #34236 gs are barking outside. She sees a large, bright object hovering above the 12/31/1978 #34247 at was attached to the bottom of a large flying object. He was suddenly str 12/31/1978 #34250 e accidentally entered a door of a large hangar that was unguarded at Naval 1979 #34263 in Sunnyvale, CA in 1950 and saw a large, round saucer with a row of window 1979 #34263 es were normal; very handsome with large eyes. They also wore white tight-f 1/2/1979 #34281 car to check under the hood when a large luminous object emitting a humming 1/3/1979 #34287 car to check under the hood when a large luminous object emitting a humming 1/3/1979 #34292 overalls. In another room he saw a large gathering of people in what he tho 1/3/1979 #34292 n into another room where he saw a large rocket-style ship in which he was 1/3/1979 #34292 D DALE, SOUTH YORKS 2 observer(s). Large domed disk 300' away. Brilliant bl 1/12/1979 #34332 hree newspaper reporters watched a large luminous disc-shaped object descen 1/12/1979 #34333 Viterbo, Italy A farmer spotted a large fiery red sphere descend and land 1/13/1979 #34337 ancini in Viterbo, Italy spotted a large blindingly bright fiery red sphere 1/13/1979 #34338 tight-fitting silvery outfits and large helmets came out. There was a sudd 1/23/1979 #34368 tight fitting silvery outfits and large helmets exited from a hatch in one 1/24/1979 #34375 tight fitting, silvery outfits and large helmets who exited from a hatch in 1/24/1979 #34377 SHELBY, OH 2 / home. Large ovoid over dog house. Pain and par 2/1979 #34395 d green lights that resolve into a large number of lights of both colors on 2/1979 #34398 etliner, with bolts on its base as large as volleyballs. Her dog begins whi 2/1979 #34398 portholes he can see entities with large heads that are wearing transparent 3/2/1979 #34458 ounter with short humanoids having large heads and eyes. Spring 1979 #34482 n the primary system, which allows large amounts of nuclear reactor coolant 3/28/1979 #34493 ADENCI, SLOVENIA, YUGO Car paced / large glowing-sphere. Anticipates turns. 3/30/1979 #34494 M Unidentified ship sails / water. Large fireball exits going [to] inland. 3/30/1979 #34495 the road, resolving itself into 4 large lights attached to a solid object 4/21/1979 #34519 nspect the landing spot and find a large circle in which the sand has been 5/1/1979 #34537 bit before landing. It also has a large propeller at one end and is covere 5/16/1979 #34563 are sitting on seats. The men have large slanted eyes, thin noses, and larg 5/16/1979 #34563 arge slanted eyes, thin noses, and large mouths, and they are operating som 5/16/1979 #34563 d the object rises. It resembled a large piece of marble. The woman takes o 5/16/1979 #34563 round before landing. It too had a large propeller at one end, and was cove 5/16/1979 #34564 tight-fitting outfits. The men had large slanted eyes, thin noses, and larg 5/16/1979 #34564 arge slanted eyes, thin noses, and large mouths and they seemed to operatin 5/16/1979 #34564 ct rose up. The object resembled a large piece of marble. The woman then to 5/16/1979 #34564 short, light skinned beings, with large heads and oval-shaped eyes. They w 5/17/1979 #34566 m. A scientist, Ron Kruppa, sees a large UFO emitting smaller objects in Da 5/20/1979 #34571 rackof time. He found himself in a large room while a being surrounded by l 6/6/1979 #34601 ips, thin noses, pointed ears, and large eyes. The others were similar in a 6/18/1979 #34618 almond-shaped eyes, brown skin, a large head, red kinky hair, and very fou 6/18/1979 #34618 were two very small creatures with large eyes and frog-like skin. When she 6/19/1979 #34621 way. There he is put in front of a large TV screen and presented with a var 6/28/1979 #34639 n San Antonio, Texas sighted three large glowing balls of light hovering ou 7/15/1979 #34656 cribed as thin, with grayish skin, large heads, and large dark oval-shaped 7/15/1979 #34656 ith grayish skin, large heads, and large dark oval-shaped eyes. The man ran 7/15/1979 #34656 CANOGA PARK, CA 4 teens. Large white night light makes several pa 7/25/1979 #34671 Canoga Park, CA A large white light made several passed at 7/25/1979 #34677 a.m. in Canoga Park, California a large white light made several passed at 7/25/1979 #34680 r descended close to the ground. A large rectangular shaped opening became 8/2/1979 #34701 r descended close to the ground. A large rectangular shaped opening became 8/2/1979 #34704 Canoga Park, CA Large, glowing disc with bubble-like dom 8/4/1979 #34711 Canoga Park, CA Large, glowing disc with bubblelike dome 8/4/1979 #34712 of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, sees five large red lights suddenly appear in fron 8/5/1979 #34716 La Paz Cape Canaveral, Florida Two large metallic spheres are found in Boli 8/10/1979 #34724 nia. Ahead of him on the left is a large, luminous object that looks like a 8/16/1979 #34747 ing pulled upward. They then see a large red ball of energy nearly 300 feet 8/17/1979 #34752 t is bent over at a 60° angle. The large “bubble” lamp just inches in front 8/27/1979 #34787 bout 10 seconds. They can see five large, square windows with rounded corne 8/29/1979 #34800 ly on his left shoulder. He sees a large object looming over his cab and he 8/29/1979 #34803 tushka, Russia when he came upon a large, shiny, metallic looking mushroom- 9/2/1979 #34820 were about three feet tal and had large heads and eyes and feminine featur 9/3/1979 #34831 ugh Tropy Sztumskie, they notice a large orange-red ball on their left that 9/5/1979 #34838 At 10:45 a.m. a large, football-shaped object with a bri 9/5/1979 #34840 MILWAUKEE, WI 2 observer(s). Large dome bobs going up and down / tree 9/7/1979 #34843 rangers / (seen thru) binoculars. Large orange glowing-ball maneuvers slow 9/12/1979 #34865 hington, Indian Reservation sees a large orange ball of light between the G 9/12/1979 #34867 rior of the craft consisted of one large room with three other alien beings 9/14/1979 #34884 ng in Portsmouth, Virginia, sees a large star approaching her until it is o 9/17/1979 #34896 a block away. She says it seems as large as a three-story house and looks l 9/17/1979 #34896 be working on something. They have large eyes, bald heads, and yellowish sk 10/1979 #34937 two red, luminous globes, each as large as the full moon, hovering above t 10/6/1979 #34945 nfronted by a tall humanoid with a large human-like face. The being had whi 10/7/1979 #34951 face. The being had white hair and large, red, almond-shaped protruding eye 10/7/1979 #34951 BURBANK, CA Rattle-noise. Large bowl over busy freeway. 1 of 3 in 10/12/1979 #34952 snoyarsk Krai, Russia, encounter a large UFO about 850 feet long and only a 10/27/1979 #34971 IWAN Several separate observer(s). Large saucer with spots / side stops / 2 10/29/1979 #34974 NORTH / LIVINGSTON, SCT Large ovoid fades away! 2' small humanoi 11/9/1979 #34988 aw, Scotland when he came across a large ovoid or spherical object on tripo 11/9/1979 #34991 ed small humanoid (or Grey) exits. Large circle / melted snow. 11/16/1979 #35002 5:15 p.m. a 13-year-old girl saw a large cigar-shaped object with several w 11/27/1979 #35022 and boots, a very wide belt, and a large helmet with a dark visor that comp 11/30/1979 #35034 did not know. He was also shown a large glass cylinder filled with a blue 12/2/1979 #35040 In yet a third container he saw a large toad-like creature. While onboard 12/2/1979 #35040 WEST / GAINESVILLE, FL 1 observer. Large bright saucer chases car. Hovers o 12/19/1979 #35083 Gainesville, FL A large bright disc chased a car down a ro 12/19/1979 #35085 outhwest of Gainesville, Florida a large bright disc chased a car down a ro 12/19/1979 #35086 ver one meter in height and having large heads. They used a small object th 2/2/1980 #35154 under its weight. The trunk shows large gouges. Browne calls the police, b 2/7/1980 #35161 looks through a window and sees a large white oval of light low in the wes 2/21/1980 #35180 ome in Bulverde, Texas, and sees a large orange glow 45° up in the northern Early 3/1980 #35190 RIO PIEDRAS, PR Large and small webfoot figure(s) glide. 3/3/1980 #35192 outfits, and had grayish skin with large ears, large eyes, and large flat n 3/3/1980 #35194 had grayish skin with large ears, large eyes, and large flat noses with la 3/3/1980 #35194 n with large ears, large eyes, and large flat noses with large thick lips. 3/3/1980 #35194 ge eyes, and large flat noses with large thick lips. Their fingers were lar 3/3/1980 #35194 rge thick lips. Their fingers were large and were connected by a thin membr 3/3/1980 #35194 lar in appearance, except they had large bright medallions hanging from the 3/3/1980 #35194 light is a spotlight attached to a large cigar-shaped object with red and b 3/15/1980 #35218 ers distance, behind some trees, a large bright silvery light appeared on t 4/20/1980 #35281 oids as 60 cm in height, with very large heads, triangular faces, large poi 4/20/1980 #35281 ery large heads, triangular faces, large pointed ears, and rounded eyes. Th 4/20/1980 #35281 d ball hovered just 30 feet over a large oil installation. It emitted beam 6/5/1980 #35355 shes. Shortly afterward, he sees a large, reddish UFO above some treetops. 6/14/1980 #35367 1:30 a.m. Janet McLeod notices two large, orange, domed discs circling low 6/21/1980 #35385 H / NAVEKSVARN, SWD 2 observer(s). Large silent sphere/orb/globe drops to s 7/5/1980 #35402 Lake Navsjon, Sweden A large silent sphere dropped to the surfa 7/5/1980 #35403 A large silent sphere dropped to the surfa 7/5/1980 #35404 Lake Navsjon, Sweden A large silent sphere dropped to the surfa 7/6/1980 #35406 jin, China, and the Bohai Sea. One large object keeps appearing and vanishi Early 8/1980 #35439 des, doors or engines. There was a large transparent dome at the front of t 8/4/1980 #35441 Bush by herself when she noticed a large lighted object descend among some 8/8/1980 #35446 our-foot tall thin humanoid with a large head and huge yellow cat-like eyes 8/8/1980 #35446 York by herself when she noticed a large lighted object descend among some 8/8/1980 #35448 our-foot tall thin humanoid with a large head and huge yellow cat-like eyes 8/8/1980 #35448 A large double cube-shaped object was seen 8/18/1980 #35464 utty colored humanoid being with a large bard heald, his feet encased in mi 8/22/1980 #35475 described as thin in build and had large heads and eyes; they stood between 9/7/1980 #35502 of bees. Looking north, he sees a large metallic UFO with black, square wi 9/11/1980 #35515 n egg-shaped chamber attached to a large white circular room with tables an 9/25/1980 #35535 rated the machinery. The being had large, slanted, lilac colored eyes, a lo 9/25/1980 #35535 lilac colored eyes, a long nose, a large lipless mouth, long arms and hands 9/25/1980 #35535 ky they notice a dark triangle, as large as the full moon and possibly surr 10/1/1980? #35552 Offutt Lake, Washington, report a large object shaped like a triangle or d 10/7/1980 #35559 AR ODENSE, DK 2 / car. Car stalls. Large shiny ovoid over barn. Shoots colo 10/10/1980 #35563 indow on one side of the triangle. Large slanted unblinking eyes, white ski 10/15/1980 #35568 olice patrol car when he noticed a large, black, triangular-shaped craft ho 11/1/1980 #35608 about 200 feet away. The craft had large rectangular windows on its side, a 11/1/1980 #35608 ys", having gray-colored skin with large heads, slim necks and slim bodies. 11/1/1980 #35608 ing a dozen police officers, saw a large, triangular object over a period o 11/18/1980 #35652 us entryway, and a humanoid with a large head, gray skin, thin fingers, and 11/19/1980 #35659 l platform in the North Sea. It is large enough to be seen by workers at th 11/25/1980 #35670 mething like a Biblical prophet. A large black dog accompanied him. The roo 11/28/1980 #35680 Y, DORSET 1 / bus stop. Telepathy? Large domed saucer / low altitude. Beam 12/6/1980 #35702 d patrolled; Larry claims it had a large metal building and warehouse, 1-2 12/14/1980 #35716 , officially marked USAF vehicles; large flat-bed trucks entered the wareho 12/14/1980 #35716 ever left; he stated he believed a large underground workshop was set up be 12/14/1980 #35716 e bringing lighting equipment to a large clearing called Capel Green. At 12 12/28/1980 #35750 disturbance.” They soon come to a large field where about 40 military pers 12/28/1980 #35750 t 25 away, Warren claims he sees a large, pyramid-shaped object topped by a 12/28/1980 #35750 A low flying UFO was escorted by a large number of helicopters (23) includi 12/29/1980 #35752 that US armed forces do not have a large, diamond-shaped aircraft in their 12/29/1980 #35757 the south. They then saw up to 23 large, Chinook style helicopters show up 12/29/1980 #35758 rtly after 10:00 p.m. he spotted a large, dark object coming toward him and 12/31/1980 #35759 h light bulb shaped heads and with large unblinking eyes, small noses and e 2/10/1981 #35823 hese were described as having very large heads, oriental like eyes, gill li 2/14/1981 #35828 NEAR PASSA TEMPO, BRZ Large dark ovoid 2M away. Observer(s) an 2/24/1981 #35841 ess entered the field he spotted a large metallic dome shaped craft on the 3/1981 #35855 iformed police officers observed a large glowing oval shaped UFO as it move 3/10/1981 #35862 for lights on the circumference. A large circular opening is visible in the 3/30/1981 #35881 CLARK CO, WA 1 observer. Large white glowing saucer 150' from hom 5/1/1981 #35921 WA A 26-year-old woman reported a large white glowing disc-shaped object j 5/1/1981 #35922 A 26-year-old woman reported a large white glowing disc-shaped object j 5/1/1981 #35923 erver(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Large domed saucer offloads small saucer 5/4/1981 #35925 CLATSKANIE, OR 2 observer(s). Large delta/triangle/box-like craft foll 5/12/1981 #35932 driving near Clatskanie, Oregon. A large delta-shaped UFO surrounded by a t 5/12/1981 #35933 und five o'clock in the morning. A large delta-shaped UFO surrounded by a t 5/12/1981 #35934 s illuminated. Overhead they see a large “badge-shaped” object about 35 fee 6/10/1981 #35960 d flashing lights. There are three large pale-yellow lights, one on each si 6/10/1981 #35960 r exited. At about the same time a large orange glow filled the windshield 6/22/1981 #35979 rvation in Washington State, see a large, bright-white object make two pass 7/15/1981 #36006 e bottom of the object through two large double doors. She was held down on 7/15/1981 #36008 e second woman recalled being in a large room when several four-foot tall r 7/15/1981 #36008 he bottom of an object through two large double doors. (NICAP: 02 - Close E 7/16/1981 #36010 r Camp, Wisconsin, when they see a large, reddish-orange, elliptical object 7/19/1981 #36020 when she sees the reflection of a large object in the water. It is a large 7/23/1981 #36025 large object in the water. It is a large sphere about 10–12 feet in diamete 7/23/1981 #36025 er outage. The witnesses watched a large disc-shaped object with three brig 8/5/1981 #36060 THIA, FL 2 observer(s). 2 lights = large silver UFO. Lifts over car. Severa 9/15/1981? #36116 Delta/triangle/box-like craft too large and slow for plane. Diesel engine 9/18/1981 #36124 uminous outfit. The being had very large dark eyes. Initially frightened, t 9/20/1981 #36134 KATHMANDU, NPL Mountain climbers. Large transparent saucer-sphere/orb/glob 9/26/1981 (approximate) #36138 rve a huge cigar-shaped object “as large as a truck” that appears suddenly 10/15/1981 #36172 PATCHING, ENGL 1 / car. Large white and red disk hovers over tre 10/30/1981 #36193 n Worthing, West Sussex, England a large colored disc-shaped object, half r 10/30/1981 #36194 engul, Karasu Region, Kazakhstan A large boat shaped, green colored UFO wit 11/9/1981 #36213 en, Norway, the apparent size of a large star. It is steady and intense wit 12/20/1981 #36271 ittering ovoid object illuminate a large engine factory complex with a brig 12/21/1981 #36274 by several 5-foot-tall beings with large heads, cat-like eyes, and small mo 1/22/1982 #36306 actor and his wife observed a very large grayish cone-shaped object with ro 1/31/1982 #36317 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 3:11 AM. A large, multicolored flying object paced 2/8/1982 #36325 Starting at 3:11 a.m. a large, multicolored flying object paced 2/8/1982 #36328 above her. She estimates it is as large as a football field. The object mo Mid 2/1982 #36347 WI Cop. Silent night light lights large area. Puts out photocell central s 2/24/1982 #36361 Saltsburg, PA A large disc with a dome on top flew over 2/25/1982 #36368 A large disc with a dome on top flew over 2/25/1982 #36369 SCOTTDALE, PA 1 / car. Very large silent delta/triangle/box-like cra 3/22/1982 #36407 sville, Virginia, when she spots a large, brilliant light in the sky hoveri 3/30/1982 #36419 or an early morning walk spotted a large shiny silver oval shaped craft on 4/1982 #36423 A Amateur astronomers / telescope. Large disk with 3 lights crosses sky. No 4/14/1982 #36444 A25 / WESCOTT, ENG 2 / car. Large object 100' away with 2 blazing li 4/17/1982 #36445 everal short man-like figures with large heads running towards a dark hover 5/1982 #36460 trical fence when they came upon a large disc shaped craft on the ground. G 5/2/1982 #36461 t tall beings stood or walked on a large glass rim. (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 5/2/1982 #36461 Turis, Spain A large, disc-shaped UFO was seen by the r 5/12/1982 #36470 A large, disc-shaped UFO was seen by the r 5/12/1982 #36471 our rounded corners. The object is large, silent, and grayish in color. Sec 5/22/1982 #36482 When she got up from bed she saw a large glowing object outside her window. 6/3/1982 #36490 When she got up from bed she saw a large glowing object outside her window. 6/3/1982 #36492 on board a British aircraft sees a large translucent object 500 feet long f 6/12/1982 #36499 province, China. At 10:06 p.m., a large yellowish-green object appears in 6/18/1982 #36510 noiseless object that looks like a large army helicopter about the size of 7/6/1982 #36531 five to six foot tall being with a large brown head and orange eyes. They a 7/23/1982 #36546 five to six foot tall being with a large brown head and orange eyes. They a 7/23/1982 #36547 WOODBURY, GA 3+/ car. 2 large well-lit saucers / 300M altitude. 8/7/1982 #36563 server(s). Cones maneuver and join large cigar with row of lights. Electro- 8/13/1982 #36575 p.m. cones maneuvered and joined a large cigar with a row of lights along t 8/13/1982 #36576 plantation. 24 August. Same boys. Large UFO going quickly. 8/22/1982 #36579 On this day children encountered a large UFO on the ground in a fruit plant 8/24/1982 #36581 sia. Several midget humanoids with large heads were seen moving near the ob 8/24/1982 #36581 ] crazy. Boat caught / wake / very large diving object. 9/24/1982 #36615 t was caught in the wake of a very large object that dove into the ocean fr 9/24/1982 #36616 EAST / EXETER, NH 4 / car. Large silent metallic ovoid / treetop le 9/30/1982 #36620 lair--had a close encounter with a large metallic ovoid object with red lig 9/30/1982 #36623 WESTPORT, IN Large dull grey triangle southeast going 10/22/1982 #36658 Westort, IN 8:00 PM A large dull grey triangular shaped object 10/22/1982 #36659 a father and daughter witnessed a large silvery sphere, 100 feet in diamet 10/27/1982 #36667 gers on each hand. The being had a large bulbous head with slightly bulging 11/1/1982 #36669 nter of the object she could see a large bubble like window illuminated by 11/19/1982 #36688 phorous flare. Looking up he saw a large white UFO with tinges of red at an 11/27/1982 #36691 m of light to the ground. It is so large that it fills the sky in front of 12/31/1982 #36733 ng home in Cardiff when they see a large triangular object in the sky and p 1/19/1983 #36750 chigan 7:00 p.m. Peggy Iery sees a large central white light with two flank 1/27/1983 #36754 28-year-old woman observed a very large metallic, cylindrical flying objec 2/3/1983 #36760 28-year-old woman observed a very large metallic, cylindrical flying objec 2/3/1983 #36761 Wauseon, Ohio Richard Mull finds a large star-shaped hole in his bean field 3/11/1983 #36781 MT. KISCO, NY 10 observer(s). Large V-line / night lights 300' over I- 3/24/1983 #36797 is flooded with calls reporting a large, boomerang-shaped UFO with red, bl 3/24/1983 #36807 s as well, describing an object as large as a football field. William Hele, 3/24/1983 #36807 MAHOPAC, NY 20 ind. observer(s). Large boomerang shines beam ahead. Hover 3/26/1983 #36812 KETTLEWELL, ENGL Farmer. Large red saucer over stream. Water boil 4/1983 #36827 Two drivers near Ross, Ohio, see a large, bright, oval object that seems to 4/10/1983 #36836 er daughter separately witnessed a large light appear over their pool house 6/30/1983 #36896 ary, boomerang shaped UFO with two large orange lights and many smaller lig 7/22/1983 #36920 ary, boomerang shaped UFO with two large orange lights and many smaller lig 7/22/1983 #36922 CAP ROUGE, QBC Ex-Air Force pilot. Large shiny dirigible going east / 8k' a 8/1/1983 #36927 a vertical U. After 2 minutes, two large steady red lights appear to rise u 8/1/1983 #36929 SOUTHEAST / SHELBYVILLE, IN Large black fast flying wing stops / 300 8/2/1983 #36931 humanoids wearing diver suits with large round eyes, one of them a female, 8/9/1983 #36940 ng on the lake shore. The disc has large round windows and a brightly lit i 8/12/1983 #36949 takes three photos that shows the large object looking like a hat standing 9/3/1983 #36969 lunt end and one round end and two large spotlights hovered low over a road 10/11/1983 #37001 ona, Pennsylvania, when she sees a large, silvery disc pass about 30 feet a 10/13/1983 #37004 on top, and was the size of a very large room. The minimum distance to the 10/26/1983 #37024 A59 / BLUBBERHOUSES MOOR 2 cops. Large structure with 2 rows / lights man 10/29/1983 #37029 0 a.m. two police constables saw a large structured object with two rows of 10/29/1983 #37030 WINSTON-SALEM, NC 4 observer(s). Large fireball drops 3 small objects / s 11/28/1983 #37051 Jasper, New York, when they see a large, gold, oval object that seems to b 1/20/1984 #37132 HUNTINGTON, WV 1 observer. Large silent fireball hovers over home. 1/22/1984 #37138 ded area, a young couple spotted a large object approaching their car at tr 1/22/1984 #37141 art his car the witness observed a large brilliant ball of orange light in 1/22/1984 #37143 ing near Waycross, Georgia, spot a large object approaching their car at tr 1/22/1984 #37146 ASPASKJOLEN, NORW Large object south going quickly north. 1/25/1984 #37151 KING OF PRUSSIA, PA 2 boys. Large silent saucer with lights / edges 1/27/1984 #37155 0 AM. Four witnesses observed five large, brilliant, stationary white light 1/27/1984 #37156 hite lights maneuvering around the large lights. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 1/27/1984 #37156 ct passes / 2 minute(s). 90° turn. Large acceleration. / NUFORC and more / 2/9/1984 #37182 Norris (west of), ND 10:00 PM. A large boomerang or U-shaped UFO was seen 3/6/1984 #37218 Tom Jensen and Gary Myers, watch a large boomerang or U-shaped UFO west of 3/6/1984 #37219 A large boomerang or U-shaped UFO was seen 3/6/1984 #37220 T A mother and daughter observed a large cylindrical-shaped UFO hovering ou 3/11/1984 #37224 t. A mother and her daughter see a large cylindrical object just a few feet 3/11/1984 #37225 A mother and daughter observed a large cylindrical-shaped UFO hovering ou 3/11/1984 #37226 wn to get his paper. He observed a large flying triangle passing overheard. 4/1984 #37250 EST / TOPPENISH, WA 3 observer(s). Large silent white sphere exits and re-e 4/4/1984 #37253 ional Airport in Barbados tracks a large group of unknown targets moving at 4/12/1984 #37258 and out of sight behind a ridge. A large army helicopter and two military t 4/15/1984 #37263 COLUMBUS, OH 1 observer / Tuesday. Large red sphere/orb/globe. Amber lights 4/17/1984? #37264 a car in Beaverton, Oregon, see a large, pulsating, yellow light high in t 4/20/1984 #37278 e and climbs into the sky toward a large silvery object shaped like a house 4/25/1984 #37293 to green to pink. Soon it emits a large ball of light that shoots toward t 4/26/1984 #37302 ks out the window in time to see a large metallic object passing above his 5/5/1984 #37316 AY, ISLE / MAN 2 observer(s) only. Large dark saucer going west. 2 strong b 5/29/1984 #37340 HYDE PARK, NY 2 observer(s). Large slow V-shape passes radio tower / 6/21/1984 #37368 A large, slow V-shaped craft passed low ov 6/21/1984 #37372 r expressed wonderment that such a large object could suddenly disappear in 7/15/1984 #37401 low-flying, slow-moving object “as large as a football field.” It directs i 7/19/1984 #37404 INDIAN PT. REACTOR, NY Very large delta/triangle/box-like craft hove 7/24/1984 #37409 Nuclear Plant, NY 9:00 PM. A very large boomerang-shaped UFO hovered only 7/24/1984 #37410 b Pozzuoli shoots a videotape of a large object with a ring of 6 lights in 7/24/1984 #37413 At 9:00 p.m. a very large boomerang-shaped UFO hovered only 7/24/1984 #37414 ETON, NORTH YORKS 2 observer(s). 3 large night lights hover / trees. Silent 8/11/1984 #37430 on, North Yorkshire, England three large NLs hovered over some trees at aro 8/11/1984 #37432 (s)/airliner crew huge beam lights large area / ground. RADAR effects. / r2 9/7/1984 #37457 Resistensia, Argentina 8:00 PM. A large disc-shaped UFO followed a Piper a 9/23/1984 #37465 At 8:00 p.m. a large disc-shaped UFO followed a Piper a 9/23/1984 #37468 ey see, near Ossining, New York, a large half-circle of 6 bluish-yellow lig 10/5/1984 #37477 hite. One humanoid four feet tall, large head, large eyes, slender arms. Oc 10/24/1984 #37492 manoid four feet tall, large head, large eyes, slender arms. Occupant outsi 10/24/1984 #37492 AR CHARLESTON, WV 2 / light plane. Large white circle paces plane. Makes 36 2/20/1985 #37558 reports of tremors, lights in sky: Large article on Las Vegans frequently f 2/24/1985 #37559 ike a football and the size of two large buses lifted off from the hollow i 5/9/1985 #37589 5 minute(s). Corners clipped. Very large. 8/3/1985 #37636 of radioactivity and contaminates large areas of land and water. The disas 8/10/1985 #37641 . Cylinder/cylindrical object with large delta/triangle/box-like craft fins 8/18/1985 #37646 und a bend in the road, they see a large, black, triangular object stationa Autumn 1985 #37665 RHINELANDER, WI 1 observer. Large orange sphere/orb/globe / 8m altit 10/25/1985 #37691 PETERSBURG, VA 2 observer(s). Large cylinder/cigar-shape crosses sky / 10/26/1985 #37693 In Petersburg, Virginia a large cigar-shaped object crossed the sk 10/26/1985 #37695 EL CENTRO, CA 4 observer(s). 3 large coppery disks go north going quick 11/15/1985 #37704 black, the object is the size of a large car with a light on each side. Swe 11/19/1985 #37712 PITTSBURGH, PA 1+observer(s). Large metal saucer over bridge. Domes / 1/7/1986 #37753 LICKVILLE, PA Several observer(s). Large delta/triangle/box-like craft with 1/23/1986 #37769 ERS BEACH, FL Several observer(s). Large bright golden delta/triangle/box-l 1/28/1986 #37772 NEAR RANDERS, DK 2 / car. Large brilliant cylinder/cigar-shape hov 2/1986 (approximate) #37777 ck 50-60' rectangular object seen. Large saucer nearby. / Rsid files. No fu 2/8/1986 #37782 over the Ottawa River, they see a large, dark object about 50–60 feet long 2/8/1986 #37783 SE, WA Many cars / I5 pull over. 9 large saucers drop night lights. Unident 3/1/1986 #37794 at around 8:30 p.m. to watch nine large disc-shaped UFOs drop NLs. The dis 3/1/1986 #37796 ENGL Several separate observer(s). Large saucer over town. Colored lights / 3/24/1986 #37807 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 6 observer(s). Large saucer splits going quickly [to] 2 4/6/1986 #37818 On this night at 8:45 p.m. a large disc-shaped ojbect was seen over S 4/6/1986 #37819 BREAUX BRIDGE, LA 2 observer(s). Large hexagon goes overhead / 3500' alti 4/9/1986 #37820 LA FOLLETTE, TN 3 observer(s). Large silent metal object / treetops. Sp 4/27/1986 #37845 A large, silent metallic object was seen a 4/27/1986 #37848 RIO DE JANEIRO, BRZ 1 observer. Large UFO with small objects pass over b 5/18/1986 #37873 ffic Controllers = 12+observer(s). Large orange X-shape hovers and darts ar 5/22/1986 #37887 n under some trees and came upon a large transparent, brightly illuminated 6/20/1986 #37918 object partly resting on top of a large boulder. The disc was about 9 mete 6/20/1986 #37918 r he was surprised to see that the large boulder was gone. 6/20/1986 #37918 KY 5 and more/others observer(s). Large saucer with windows and lights low 7/8/1986 #37932 P, AZ 4+separate Patrolman / US93. Large bright orange object on hill. Rise 7/10/1986 #37935 erver(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Large fiery white object from hills leve 7/12/1986 #37940 . Shiny object turns bright white. Large and silent. Below clouds. Shape un 7/19/1986 #37948 MANTECA, CA 2 observer(s). Large saucer fast and silent southeast g 8/10/1986 #37975 Contra Costa County, California a large disc-shaped object flew fast and s 8/10/1986 #37976 factory worker and his wife saw a large, roating, diamond-shaped object in 8/11/1986 #37980 SEATTLE, WA 1 observer. Large delta/triangle/box-like craft hove 8/12/1986 #37982 SACRAMENTO, CA 2+2 observer(s). Large delta/triangle/box-like craft over 8/27/1986 #38001 over town / 400' altitude. Silent. Large white light and small orange light 9/13/1986 #38026 s object descend and hover above a large tree in Ciudad Valles, San Luis Po 9/13/1986 #38027 ne point they showed interest in a large ceramic jar near the witness's hou 9/13/1986 #38027 RHYL, WALES Several observer(s). Large slow silent rectangular glowing ob 10/2/1986 #38038 drive cautiously forward and see a large, triangular object hovering 30 fee 10/14/1986 #38048 arrier.” At its closest point, the large object casts such a bright light t 11/17/1986 #38072 The crew becomes frightened by the large object and requests permission to 11/17/1986 #38072 s had tracked both the 747 and the large object, and that USAF radar has al 11/17/1986 #38072 le in Lakeland, Florida reported a large vertical cylinder in the sky over 1/8/1987 #38094 king in Zimbabwe reported seeing a large, brightly lit balloon-shaped objec 1/29/1987 #38106 In air space, AK Large Discs / Flight 53 Tracks At A Mile 1/31/1987 #38107 over illustration of an alien with large black eyes jars many people to rec 2/1987 #38108 FORT MYERS, FL W. B. Nash and son. Large silent curved boomerang cloud obsc 2/1/1987 #38109 GLEASON, WI 3 observer(s). Large yellow-white saucer with red flash 2/3/1987 #38110 PA Motorists encountered hovering large oval object, lights around perimet 2/7/1987 #38115 PA Motorists encountered hovering large oval object, lights around perimet 2/7/1987 #38116 Seven Mountains area encountered a large 300 foot long hovering oval object 2/7/1987 #38117 GAMBELL, AK Several observer(s). Large object with black round nose and a 3/17/1987 #38146 ] National Guard. 1 observer. Very large UFO blows smoke front to rear. 30K 3/17/1987 #38147 cream-cone flips over. Big light / large end. Very low altitude. 5/26/1987 #38178 NEW ALBANY, IN 1 observer. Large layer cake object. Human-size figu 6/19/1987 #38193 looking, about 4–6 feet long with large fins. It appears to be descending 6/25/1987 #38200 everal minutes. Soon they notice a large red triangular light moving up and Late 7/1987 #38218 . Soon one of the daughters sees a large object like a vertical white TV sc Late 7/1987 #38218 re visible against the screen, one large and one smaller. The man restarts Late 7/1987 #38218 nd the Volta Region of Ghana see a large and apparently silent object over 7/27/1987 #38219 It appears to be at least twice as large as a Boeing 747. It stops descendi 7/27/1987 #38219 DENVER, CO Security guard. Large circle / lights over field. 2 cows 8/1987 #38222 PLYMOUTH AND LARGE AREA / DEVON Many separate observe 8/4/1987 #38227 A security guard sighted a large circle of light over a pasture nea 8/8/1987 #38235 ts. It was described as being very large, and estimated to be about 400 met 8/18/1987 #38247 ucharest, Romania, when they see a large, reddish-orange star hovering abov 9/11/1987 #38281 back and forth. Suddenly it makes large zigzag movements toward the Romani 9/11/1987 #38281 n Hebron, Indiana witnessed a very large, black, boomerang-shaped object, t 9/14/1987 #38288 r City, Louisiana, when they see a large, conical or triangular object pass 9/22/1987 #38291 m that their vehicles stopped as a large, bright aircraft flew over and pas Mid 10/1987 #38305 en sighted in the area. They saw a large V-shaped object make a 90-degree t 10/23/1987 #38311 foot tall Grey humanoid being with large almond-shaped eyes looking at him. 12/2/1987 #38348 era and his gun. He photographed a large, bowl-shaped craft with darkened p 12/2/1987 #38348 r that crashed in the 1950s was so large that logistical problems prevented 12/29/1987 #38379 of Pasadena, California, notices a large, perfectly circular brown spot, 13 1/1988 #38385 , ENGL 2 thin triangular objects / large fins. Possible A10 Thunderbolts. 1/2/1988 #38387 CHELLASTON, DERBYSHIRE Large saucer looks "made of glass sewn t 1/4/1988 #38395 YORKS Several observer(s). 2 very large white glowing spheres in formation 1/4/1988 #38400 of shield like coverings. They had large black oval-shaped eyes and carried 1/12/1988 #38411 eparate groups / observer(s). Very large black delta/triangle/box-like craf 2/10/1988 #38450 MALTBY, SOUTH YORKS 1+dog. Large triangle east going west overhead 2/13/1988 #38461 H SOUTH YORKS Group / observer(s). Large red diamond-shape rises / hills. L 2/14/1988 #38463 Two police officers saw a very large spinning oval-shaped UFO with flas 2/16/1988 #38470 ORTHWEST / LANGSETT, ENGL 4 / car. Large triangle south going north / 900M 3/3/1988 #38481 s are on a spherical object with a large red light on the top and several w 3/3/1988 #38482 astlake, OH Coast Guard witnesses, large illuminated ellipse hovering over 3/4/1988 #38486 the smaller objects return to the large one, which seems to be landing on 3/4/1988 #38487 astlake, Ohio. At 8:35 p.m. a very large illuminated ellipse or cigar-shape 3/4/1988 #38488 EFFIELD, SOUTH YORKS 2 UFO's INVs. Large orange ovoid. 400' altitude. Pulsa 3/10/1988 #38494 north of Sheffield, England saw a large pulsating orange ovoid UFO fly by 3/10/1988 #38496 GORELOE, DALNIY-V Large sphere stops over village. Small p 3/14/1988 #38503 ok in the Russian Far East, a very large sphere stopped over the village. N 3/14/1988 #38505 HAMI, XINJIANG 10+TV workers. Large saucer in halo / light. Northwest 3/18/1988 #38512 HENLY, TX 1 observer. 2 very large and 5 small vertical triangles / 9 4/1988 (approximate) #38523 NEAR WANTAGE, OXFORDS Large night light paces car / complex pa 4/10/1988 #38540 led that several short beings with large heads and eyes entered his bedroom 5/21/1988 #38574 t. They were taken in front of the large hovering object that glowed a brig 5/21/1988 #38574 ontt, Chile, suddenly encounters a large white light surrounded by green an 6/1/1988 #38579 r in shape and about the size of a large car. It has four leg-like structur 7/17/1988 #38603 CENTER / DALNEGORSK Large sphere hovers / party building / s 8/27/1988 #38626 oman in Gulf Breeze, Florida saw a large UFO that appeared to be towing a s 9/11/1988 #38636 SEVAN, ARMENIA Large luminous UFO lands / park. Takes o 10/24/1988 #38684 ed was one meter in height, with a large head and big eyes, and appeared to 10/24/1988 #38687 A large luminous UFO landed in a park in S 10/24/1988 #38688 CAPELLO DI VIGLIO, SWZ Large cone-saucer hovers over house. Cat 12/21/1988 #38758 ter jets tried to intercept a very large triangular metallic looking UFO wi 12/28/1988 #38764 that states on 28 December 1988, a large triangle UAP the size of a basebal 1/1989 #38774 TEXARKANA, TX 1 observer. Large silver cylinder/cylindrical object 1/22/1989 #38789 0 over Texarkana, Texas observed a large silver, cylinder-shaped object fly 1/22/1989 #38792 fts etc. Night lights dance around large UFO's. 1/24/1989 #38799 Two large triangular shaped objects that wer 1/24/1989 #38800 klahoma for more than an hour. The large objects had red, white, and blue l 1/24/1989 #38800 like suits, and had black hair and large staring eyes. They moved rapidly a 2/7/1989 #38820 with several short humanoids with large black eyes. He also claimed seeing 2/11/1989 #38835 bardino-Balkaria 9:00–10:00 p.m. A large, low-flying, cylindrical UFO is re 2/13/1989 #38839 NEWPORT, NH 2 observer(s). Very large white light nears car. Observer(s) 2/23/1989 #38846 BENAYEO, VCT, AUSTRALIA Large Oblong UFO. Dome / rear end. Vanis 2/25/1989 #38851 ctoria, Australia near Edenhope, a large oblong UFO with a dome at the rear 2/25/1989 #38852 box-like craft. 12 March-extremely large objects seen / 2 separate observer 3/9/1989 #38867 y Coker of Skirum, Alabama, sees a large UFO with red and green flashing li 3/12/1989 #38871 of Groom Lake. They appeared to be large glowing, disc-shaped objects. At l Spring 1989 #38876 photograph of what appears to be a large and long cylindrical object very c 3/25/1989 #38881 es, whom she called angels, near a large glowing UFO. An adult witness saw 4/19/1989 #38911 le of the night. They watched as a large sphere landed on the riverbank. Tw 4/30/1989 #38927 She then saw a strange being with large eyes peering at her through the wi 5/1/1989 #38932 he was then taken to a room with a large screen. She could see outside the 5/1/1989 #38933 munity being Yowah. They sighted a large disc-shaped craft accompanied by s 6/16/1989 #38989 them through binoculars and sees a large triangular object. Summer 1989 #38992 girl told her that she had seen a large white cloud in the garden, and the 6/29/1989 #38996 ght emitting a loud banging sound. Large footprints were found later at the 6/29/1989 #38996 hrough the roof. They pointed at a large dark boomerang-shaped object overh 6/29/1989 #38997 s—extremely pale, long blond hair, large eyes, and collarless silver shirts 7/4/1989 #39007 BOSWORTH, ENGL 2 separate couples. Large white ferris-wheel ovoid. Structur 7/15/1989 #39019 on in the Kirov region of Russia a large hairy humanoid with long arms and 8/10/1989 #39051 a form-fitting jumpsuit. It had a large head, and large dark eyes. The bei 8/10/1989 #39053 jumpsuit. It had a large head, and large dark eyes. The being communicated 8/10/1989 #39053 The being appeared to be wearing a large pointed helmet and flared trousers 8/10/1989 #39055 Jacques Vallée writes there is a “large disinformation campaign” surroundi 9/17/1989 #39112 n, Levchenko, and Borise watched a large sphere, five meters in diameter, l 9/21/1989 #39115 anoids wearing silvery outfits and large black boots briefly emerged. A sma 9/21/1989 #39115 hool in Voronezh, Russia noticed a large round red object with a black, doo 9/23/1989 #39118 merged from it. The entity had two large eyes on its head and a red light o 9/26/1989 #39121 protruded out. The being also wore large silvery boots. 9/26/1989 #39121 ced at a window next to the door a large hairy, Sasquatch type creature app 9/27/1989 #39125 he saw helicopters transporting a large object and three other witnesses c 9/28/1989 #39132 Nick” at Brookhaven told LIUFON a large object was recovered and transport 9/28/1989 #39132 Winnipeg, Manitoba, when he sees a large boomerang-shaped object flying nor 10/9/1989 #39156 me time other locals had spotted a large luminous sphere hovering above app 10/11/1989 #39164 f Gilbert Plains, Manitoba, sees a large object with red flashing lights. I 10/25/1989 #39185 o see what was going on, and saw a large black, triangle-shaped craft with 10/27/1989 #39188 lack, triangle-shaped craft with a large red light in the center and severa 10/27/1989 #39188 s, among then Vova Startsev, saw a large pink sphere that flew over a local 10/28/1989 #39191 ust under six feet tall, and had a large head with three eyes in a row. Ano 10/28/1989 #39191 to sleep on the couch. Suddenly, a large luminous yellow circle slowly ente 10/31/1989 #39199 ed to sleep she heard and “felt” a large figure enter her room and stand ov 10/31/1989 #39199 l bookkeeper, X. Saidov, spotted a large dazzling object descending towards 10/31/1989 #39200 children are sitting in front of a large living room window in Hall Beach, 11/4/1989 #39214 tall slender "Grey" humanoids with large hairless heads and tiny pointed ch 11/6/1989 #39216 aster, California Early evening. A large, black, boomerang-shaped object gl 11/18/1989 #39237 BELORUS 2 Soviet Air Force crews. Large disk with 5 beams / light. Physica 11/22/1989 #39243 SANDEFJORD, NORW Large square box hovers / 100M altitude 11/22/1989 #39244 Soviet Air Force pilots reported a large disc-shaped object with five beams 11/22/1989 #39247 GIUM Several separate observer(s). Large triangle / low altitude going nort 11/29/1989 #39263 e craft passes low over roadway. 2 large lights / front. Absolute(ly) silen 11/30/1989 #39279 directly through the window, to a large hovering UFO. Three independent wi 11/30/1989 #39283 of Plombieres, Belgium. It had two large lights in front, and was silent. 11/30/1989 #39284 Two very large triangular objects, 100 feet above 11/30/1989 #39287 s, Liège, Belgium, when they see a large, slow-moving craft approaching at 12/1/1989 #39292 feet, five inches tall, thin, with large heads and huge cat-like eyes. The 12/8/1989 #39305 JUPILLE, BELGIUM Throbbing sound. Large ovoid / oval logo on side. Beams g 12/12/1989 #39314 erver(s). Orange "star" grows very large. Pulsates / size. Shrinks into sta 12/16/1989 #39316 s Laboratory (AFWL). TRESTLE was a large EMP simulator that could create an 1990 #39357 cone / round top paces car. Avoids large trees. Car malfunctions due to EME 1/20/1990 #39381 In 1990 a super large craft with bright blue lights arou 1/28/1990 #39393 VES, CZK Saucer wavers going down. Large figure / window! Extends antenna / 2/7/1990 #39413 home in the evening when he saw a large orange, spherical object that desc 2/7/1990 #39414 the surroundings quite clearly. A large figure with an oval-shaped head wa 2/7/1990 #39414 human facial features, but it had large yellow eyes and what appeared to b 2/7/1990 #39414 low eyes and what appeared to be a large mouth. As the craft left it appea 2/7/1990 #39414 nroe, Michigan at 11:30 p.m. saw a large white ellipsoidal object circling 2/11/1990 #39416 bject in the distance plus another large red object. 2/11/1990 #39416 sed after about 30 seconds. Then a large round object, with a diameter esti 2/18/1990 #39422 most directly overhead. She sees a large triangular object, stationary and 2/21/1990 #39425 s observed several objects and one large craft ascend vertically into the s 3/4/1990 #39447 skoye Shosse Moscow, Russia Night. Large, shining discs appear in the sky a 3/12/1990 #39456 above the ground. The being had a large oval-shaped head with large black 3/13/1990 #39458 had a large oval-shaped head with large black almond shaped eyes, smooth g 3/13/1990 #39458 BRUSSELS, BELGIUM 3 large green lights in formation. Videos 3/30/1990 #39491 green lights in formation. Videos large night lights over house / 0215hrs 3/30/1990 #39491 in Russia, many of which look like large “triangular milk cartons.” The obj Early 4/1990 #39506 Y AND FLAWINNE, BELGIUM Cop and 1. Large dark silent triangle with windows. 4/12/1990 #39520 TRENTON, NJ 4 observer(s). Large delta/triangle/box-like craft over 5/21/1990 #39579 tnesses in Trenton, New York saw a large delta-shaped object fly overhead, 5/21/1990 #39584 NORTH HUNTINGDON, PA 1 observer. Large boomerang near power lines. Vibrat 5/24/1990 #39586 PA Dark, delta-shaped object with large white lights around edge hovered. 5/24/1990 #39588 PENSACOLA, FL 5+observer(s). Large silver saucer exits strange cloud. 6/21/1990 #39618 MAUBEUGE, FR 4 observer(s). Large black triangle with lights / corne 6/30/1990 #39631 aubeuge, Nord department, France a large black triangular object with light 6/30/1990 #39633 e afraid.” She takes Yerygina to a large oval craft in a nearby field, A ma 7/6/1990 #39637 side. A belt of white light like a large neon tube runs along two sides. Th 7/26/1990 #39663 an--whose roommate had witnessed a large light maneuvering over the area on 7/29/1990 #39667 BOSCOMBE DOWNS, DORSET "Large ugly flying machine" very noisy. C 7/30/1990 #39669 TL Glowing-ovoid radiates 4 beams. Large circular trace / grass. Separate o 7/30/1990 #39670 g four beams of energy, and left a large circular ring on the grass. The in 7/30/1990 #39671 r were connected to something very large. The lights gradually changed to a 8/5/1990 #39681 LARAMIE, WY Large yellow circle going southeast / 80 8/27/1990 #39705 small gray-colored humanoids, with large heads and huge bright eyes, walked 8/31/1990 #39708 co, and then down a road. They had large pointed ears, with three toes on e 8/31/1990 #39708 in height, with pear-shaped heads, large slanted eyes, long pointed ears, l 8/31/1990 #39708 of Murmansk Oblast, Russia, see a large illuminated ball above the Arctic 9/2/1990 #39716 Air Defense thinks it resembles a large airship. Finally, the order is giv 9/2/1990 #39716 three dark human-like figures with large round heads could be seen. One fig 9/13/1990 #39732 o witnesses at 9:30 a.m. watched a large red light that flew toward the wes 9/19/1990 #39737 and he sees to his right rear two large, cigar-shaped objects. The length 10/8/1990 #39766 aine department, France observed a large triangular object like a plane, bu 10/26/1990 #39813 GLOUCESTERSHIRE, ENG Large glowing-ball over high tension pow 10/29/1990 #39814 DGE, LONDON Several observer(s). 2 large fireballs hover and maneuver / tre 10/29/1990 #39815 had long hair and wore brand new, large jeans and a checkered shirt. Quest 10/31/1990 #39822 HAMBACH, FR 1+boy. Large dark sphere/orb/globe hovers. Lit 11/5/1990 #39852 m Rome to Gatwick Airport notice a large, silver-shaped object over the Nor 11/5/1990 #39866 s over the North Sea encounter two large round objects, each with five blue 11/5/1990 #39867 nd Opole Night. Witnesses report a large, cigar-shaped object, some accompa 11/5/1990 #39870 m. and 7:30 p.m. Ordinarily such a large number of reports would suggest a 11/5/1990 #39871 ntry, numerous witnesses watched a large delta-shaped object flying at a lo 11/5/1990 #39872 h six lights on the perimeter of a large circle with a ray of light emitted 11/7/1990 #39881 CUINCY, FR Large metallic triangle with large light 12/3/1990 #39922 Y, FR Large metallic triangle with large lights low overhead. Motorscooter 12/3/1990 #39922 area in the center. At 9:10 p.m. a large metallic triangular raft with larg 12/3/1990 #39924 arge metallic triangular raft with large lights flew low over the city of C 12/3/1990 #39924 someone who claims he transported large disc-like and bell-shaped objects 1991 #39935 s and observed a domed disc with a large square window emitting white light 1/19/1991 #39963 -de-Seine, France, when they see a large and brilliant star in the west. At 2/6/1991? #39974 tone. He looks outside and sees a large rectangular object at a low altitu 3/15/1991 #40014 liners and Air Traffic Controller. Large saucer births small saucer and del 3/18/1991 #40019 A large cylinder with many lights flew slo 4/2/1991 #40029 4.5 foot tall Grey humanoids, with large black slanted eyes, who began lift 5/14/1991 #40061 ard next to the generator shack. A large craft with revolving red lights ho 5/14/1991 #40061 in color. He had an oval head with large almond-shaped eyes and huge pointe 5/15/1991 #40064 and looks out her window to see a large triangular object moving slowly ov 5/17/1991 #40066 tart. He begins to run away when a large, glowing ball heads from the spark 6/16/1991 #40099 COLCHESTER, ESSEX 2 / car / B1022. Large square object 200' altitude. Silen 6/27/1991 #40104 hillside, slightly tilted, with a large round dome shaped disc with a flat 7/1991 #40107 described the beings as small with large heads for their size; their suits 7/9/1991 #40116 small, pale, with slanted eyes and large heads, and there were three of the 7/9/1991 #40116 A large crop formation was discovered in a 7/17/1991 #40124 y Castle, England. It consisted of large concentric circles in the center s 7/17/1991 #40124 a corner of the backyard, where a large tree stood. One of the girls then 7/21/1991 #40129 at was completely bald. It had two large black almond-shaped eyes, and it w 7/21/1991 #40129 ded, and then merged back into the large object. 7/25/1991 #40133 y entities in her garden. They had large skinny heads and narrow chins. The 8/13/1991 #40151 cal system. The object resembled a large truck tire encircled with several 8/29/1991 #40170 within the glass canopy. It had a large head and glowing, slanted eyes. Wh 8/29/1991 #40170 ILLE, PA 2 women westbound / US22. Large delta/triangle/box-like craft low 8/30/1991 #40173 REEVES MOUNTAIN, ARK Very large delta/triangle/box-like craft hove 10/8/1991 #40207 PRINGFIELD, MO 2 observer(s). Very large white fireball hovers. Shoots goin 11/25/1991 #40240 t saucers SSE going quickly NNW. 1 large and 2 small follow. Low altitude. 11/28/1991 #40246 At 9:45 p.m. a large oval UFO was observed by the Yates 12/6/1991 #40256 IOU, FR Police commissioner and 6. Large orange saucer hovers to ESE. Obser 12/24/1991 #40265 gs were human-like except they had large heads and eyes. They had long arms 12/26/1991 #40267 ing five young witnesses watched a large silvery sphere land in a field ver 12/27/1991 #40268 PRAGUE, OK 2 large night lights and fireball at micro 1/7/1992 #40281 and inside she found herself in a large gray room where numerous naked chi 1/24/1992 #40302 e up back in her bed. The next day large red sunburn-like spots appeared on 1/24/1992 #40302 D, SUFFOLK Several cars stop. Very large saucer. Beams going down. Small wh 1/28/1992 #40307 box-like craft peeks / clouds over large military convoy. Rumble. / Belgian 2/11/1992 #40327 highway, and it disappeared into a large cloud. 2/15/1992 #40332 PERTH, WEST AUSTRALIA Large delta/triangle/box-like craft with 3/5/1992 #40355 s lacking any pupils or eyelashes, large heads, wide shoulders, and they wo 3/5/1992 #40359 e two figures. They had long hair, large slanted eyes, and penetrating star 3/9/1992 #40367 panied by two short humanoids with large egg-shaped heads and yellowish ski 3/11/1992 #40372 ish skin, wide lipless mouths, and large dark slit-shaped eyes. These creat 3/11/1992 #40372 ng was thin with long thin arms, a large head and large dark almond-shaped 3/13/1992 #40377 h long thin arms, a large head and large dark almond-shaped eyes; his skin 3/13/1992 #40377 to hide from the light source in a large tree. The object left a few minute 4/9/1992 #40411 -DURESSES, FR Several observer(s). Large black balloon east going quickly w 4/11/1992 #40412 , DC G. Wingfield and more/others. Large bright saucer and 7 small objects 4/13/1992 #40415 RAINHAM, KENT Large wheel-UFO over Herbert road. Has s 4/28/1992 #40435 white skin, frail looking bodies, large triangular-shaped heads, and huge 6/9/1992 #40489 tiple small colored lights and two large white lights. White beams shine do Summer 1992 #40502 TABER, ALTA Girl / 15. Large black disk near window. Observer(s 7/6/1992 #40513 r-old girl in Taber, Alberta saw a large black disc outside her bedroom win 7/6/1992 #40514 characteristics: narrow heads and large eyes. Khoury says that what happen 7/23/1992 #40530 erver(s). 200x600' UFO splits / 2. Large part births saucer. Saucer going q 7/29/1992 #40538 MILESTONE, SSK Large depression / wheat field. Soil roc 8/1992 #40542 UFO / lights / edges. Too low and large and colorful for aircraft. 8/4/1992 #40550 A large bright sphere hovered over a const 8/11/1992 #40566 gated head and what appeared to be large "eyelids" drawn over the eyes. Her 8/13/1992 #40569 Several separate motorists / US22. Large delta/triangle/box-like craft / 15 8/14/1992 #40570 flashing neaby in the sky. Next, a large silent silvery triangular object f 8/14/1992 #40573 SALEM, OR 1 observer. Large black silent delta/triangle/box-li 8/15/1992 #40574 In Salem, Oregon a large black, silent triangular shaped ob 8/15/1992 #40577 s. It moves away and illuminates a large area of trees behind the house. 8/19/1992 #40583 front lights and three distinctly large lights, with small red lights at t 8/20/1992 #40586 GOIZE, FR 3 / car. Very large fast grey box with blinking light 8/28/1992 (approximate) #40592 At 1:00 a.m. a very large, fast gray box with a blinking lig 8/28/1992 #40593 es in Sullivan, Missouri sighted a large metallic craft with several large 9/20/1992 #40634 large metallic craft with several large lighted windows hovering low over 9/20/1992 #40634 phenomena. At 8:05 p.m. they saw a large orange-colored sphere descend from 9/22/1992 #40636 t, with sandals and walking with a large cane. He had a long dark beard, ne 9/24/1992 #40639 uth Carolina three witnesses saw a large cylinder with an orange glow and a 9/30/1992 #40651 oke up over southeastern New York; large meteorite fell in Peekskill, NY. ( 10/9/1992 #40669 oke up over southeastern New York. Large meteorite fell in Peekskill, NY. 10/9/1992 #40670 STER TO/FROM MIDHURST, WEST SUSSEX Large green upright cylinder/cylindrical 10/17/1992 #40680 At 4:00 p.m. a large green, vertical, cylindrical objec 10/17/1992 #40682 ssume the lights are attached to a large, dark aircraft. It hovers briefly 10/27/1992 #40694 short gray-skinned humanoid with a large head and huge black eyes only 15 f 10/31/1992 #40697 ntical accounts of the sighting. A large disc-shaped object was also observ 11/6/1992 #40704 man-like occupants moving behind a large, wide illuminated window. She desc 11/9/1992 #40707 BARVAUX / OURTH, BELGIUM Boy / 9. Large silent triangle stops. Lights tree 11/18/1992 #40717 deer hunter was waiting next to a large tree for a deer to approach. He sa 11/20/1992 #40721 en were abducted from their car by large mantis-shaped, insectoid beings. O 11/20/1992 #40722 hem, and was described as having a large head, which was covered by a black 11/23/1992 #40724 the helmet, and they could see two large almond-shaped eyes. Around his nec 11/23/1992 #40724 ing with thin legs, no arms, and a large head that had glowing colored ligh 12/10/1992 #40747 ny Night. Werner Noeske observes a large, brightly illuminated disc with a 12/16/1992 #40749 , brightly illuminated disc with a large triangular window in the base over 12/16/1992 #40749 IAEGER, WV Several / dairy Queen. Large diamond-delta/triangle/box-like cr 12/18/1992 #40751 een in Iaeger, West Virginia saw a large diamond-shaped UFO with a squared 12/18/1992 #40752 ICEL NATO ships and subs search / large undersea craft. Russian submarine/ 12/24/1992 #40765 JAPAN Astronomers photo very large object casting shadow / moon. 200k 1/1993 (approximate) #40779 r" emits fireballs / 30 minute(s). Large fireball divides / 4 twice. 1/21/1993 #40806 rove under and past a slow-moving, large, lighted, silent domed disc-shaped 1/23/1993 #40812 EAST / COLUMBUS, WI Large domed saucer lights farm. Beams fa 1/31/1993 #40823 onsin had a close encounter with a large flat disc-shaped object with a dom 1/31/1993 #40824 CEDARBURG, WI Large black delta beams light / water ta 2/1/1993 #40828 darburg, Wisconsin, when he sees a large, black, triangular UFO hovering ab 2/1/1993 #40830 ON 2+several separate observer(s). Large silent saucer / 200' altitude. Awa 2/8/1993 #40843 ded in rounded tips. It also had a large round brilliant light on the leadi 2/19/1993 #40853 Y 2 cops / helicopter and 1 / car. Large fireball buzzes helicopter. Releas 3/4/1993 #40877 lights began to approach. It was a large object with bright square-shaped l 3/16/1993 #40886 hed she noticed what looked like a large fruit silo in a nearby field. As s 3/20/1993 #40894 n. A hatch opened and several very large figures exited. They were about 2. 3/20/1993 #40895 y had long arms, pale complexions, large blue slanted eyes, and long golden 3/20/1993 #40895 filled with humans of all ages. A large golden sun illuminated the city. H 3/20/1993 #40895 NELSON, NZ 2 cops and 2. Large saucer 200M over port. Whirring so 4/5/1993 #40926 saw two short Grey humanoids with large black, oval-shaped eyes come in th 4/5/1993 #40927 ard. According to the witnesses, a large US Air Force helicopter flew into 4/19/1993 #40943 eet away from him. The being had a large mouth with sharp teeth, yellow eye 4/19/1993 #40944 guard. They soon went back inside. Large circular ground traces and what ap 5/12/1993 #40975 ove to the nearby forest and saw a large egg-shaped object on the ground. H 5/13/1993 #40976 server(s) / (seen thru) telescope. Large domed saucer hovers / 45 minute(s) 6/22/1993 #41029 mped / calls. 10 night lights join large orange object. Vanish on contact. 6/23/1993 #41030 MBOROUGH, ONT Physics Major and 1. Large diamond with many steady lights. 2 6/23/1993 #41031 artcliffe, Bristol, England, see a large cigar-shaped object (a possible bl 6/26/1993 #41038 ly and silently over the rooftops. large white light (the planet Venus) in 6/26/1993 #41038 objects zigzag and orbit around a large craft at 4 o'clock in the morning 7/19/1993 #41071 de, and loaded her into a waiting, large "military type" truck. The witness 7/24/1993 #41082 d chamber located in the side of a large hill, through a door that opened u 7/24/1993 #41082 CLACTON-ON-SEA, ESSEX Large circular white object / 300' altit 7/28/1993 #41092 two strange looking humanoids with large cucumber-like heads in a field at 8/5/1993 #41107 L'HOPITAL, FR 1 observer. Large bluish sphere crosses entire sky i 8/8/1993 #41114 cle and gotten out to approach the large UFO. To their surprise, they notic 8/8/1993 #41118 At 5:00 p.m. a very large, fat cigar-shaped object, "battles 8/9/1993 #41120 HAYES, FR 1 / car and 4 / home. Large orange ovoid going northeast / 20 8/11/1993 #41126 ayes, Moselle department, France a large orange ovoid object flew slowly to 8/11/1993 #41129 flash and maneuver over quay. Some large. Wave all month. 8/12/1993 #41132 ce sighted a red point of light of large size, which appeared ovoid through 8/14/1993 #41139 dense, Denmark when she observed a large hovering object with four large wi 8/18/1993 #41144 a large hovering object with four large windows on one level and another w 8/18/1993 #41144 NYBRIDGE, SCOTLAND 14+observer(s). Large "satellite" quickly going down. Ni 8/28/1993 (approximate) #41166 lien, with an egg-shaped head with large almond-shaped eyes. She also saw a 9/1/1993 #41174 GULF BREEZE, FL Large orange ovoid followed / helicopter 9/8/1993 #41188 SURREY, BC Large silver saucer hovers / 300M altitu 9/10/1993 #41191 At 8:30 p.m. a large silver, disc-shaped object hovered 9/10/1993 #41192 CANTERBURY, KENT Large bright cylinder/cigar-shape. Shine 9/20/1993 #41204 In Canterbury, Kent, England a large bright cigar-shaped object engaged 9/20/1993 #41205 T / NUTTER FORT, WV 2 observer(s). Large white sphere/orb/globe north going 10/1/1993 #41216 A large white ball of light flew from nort 10/1/1993 #41217 CROUSE, NC 2 observer(s). Large moonlike UFO with many orange ligh 10/31/1993 #41257 several short Grey humanoids with large black almond-shaped eyes. The bein 11/8/1993 #41266 TOMS RIVER, NJ 5+observer(s). Large green saucer rises / sea / Ortley 11/11/1993 #41270 VANVILLE, FR 2+1 / RN19. Large flattened cylinder/cylindrical obj 11/22/1993 #41289 VILLIERS-EN-BIERE, FR 1 observer. Large plain sphere going quickly SSW cur 11/22/1993 #41293 ports on this date from France. A large flattened cylinder hovered over a 11/22/1993 #41296 in Versailles, Yvelines, France. A large plain sphere flew to the south-sou 11/22/1993 #41296 estigated by Raymond Fowler) saw a large triangular object with lights whil 11/22/1993 #41299 The figure was very thin and had a large head with huge slanted eyes. The b 11/29/1993 #41309 -probably helicopters--escorting a large unblinking flying sphere. Mr. O'Br 12/1/1993 #41316 ared to jump across the field with large leaps. They approached the witness 12/9/1993 #41327 , all of whom consciously recall a large portion of their abduction experie 1994 #41345 ish-brown in color and possibly of large size. Radar at CODA, the Taverny a 1/28/1994 #41390 nute(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape with large bank / lights. / r226#22. 3/23/1994 #41463 RICHMOND, BC Large silent delta/triangle/box-like cra 4/1994 #41468 a at 9:30 p.m. when they spotted a large white object apparently on the gro 4/7/1994 #41480 e outskirts of Edmonton, Alberta a large shining ball of light descended in 4/22/1994 #41500 A large disc-shaped craft landed in a fiel 4/25/1994 #41503 orazon, Cosolapa, Mexico watched a large white light come from some nearby 5/10/1994 #41521 of him. The being was female with large dark eyes and with no hair on her 5/11/1994 #41523 , WALES Nurses and security guard. Large UFO hovers over quarry near indust 5/12/1994 #41524 SOUTHEAST / CREEDE, CO Large silver sphere going quickly southe 5/24/1994 #41537 r that evening - was awakened by a large helicopter hovering directly over 5/31/1994 #41543 nce. They told her they had seen a large disc-shaped craft flying low over 6/15/1994 #41568 AR PETERLEE, DURHAM 2 / car / A19. Large fireball going down [to] behind hi 6/21/1994 #41576 e saw out her kitchen window, by a large fruit tree, a tall, dark winged ma 6/23/1994 #41579 A large dark triangular shaped craft with 6/27/1994 #41590 A round craft so large that it obscurred an entire water 6/29/1994 #41593 ES Black-grey teardrop hovers over large tree / 90 second(s). "Definite mac 7/2/1994 #41600 REINE, FR 1 observer. Faint beeps. Large black saucer over police radio tow 7/16/1994 #41624 A large black disc, making a beeping sound 7/16/1994 #41627 h 4 12' beams going down / ground. Large tubes criss-cross underside. 7/19/1994 #41630 mbia, Canada and reported seeing a large object with blue lights hovering u 7/27/1994 #41644 an / night-(seen thru) binoculars. Large "ships" hover. Type unknown. Seen 8/1/1994 #41651 thin gray-skinned humanoid with a large head and huge black eyes walk stan 8/2/1994 #41653 that that same short creature with large eyes had sat on his chest and had 8/2/1994 #41653 MT. AUDIBERGUE, FR 9+observer(s). Large vertical ovoid glows / 9+hours ove 8/5/1994 #41654 NORTH EXETER, DEVON 2 observer(s). Large spinning object over town / 20 min 8/5/1994 #41655 PLATEAU DE CAUSSOLS, FR 2 / car. 1 large and 2 small white orbs. 1 scouts t 8/6/1994 #41657 th 4 beams, 2 / each forward side. Large slow and silent. 8/27/1994 (approximate) #41690 en thru) binoculars and cops. Very large ovoid hovers / hours. Lights rotat 8/29/1994 #41700 , with dark complexions, thin with large heads. http://www.roswellproof.co 9/1/1994 #41712 hunter was at his campsite when a large group of "aliens dressed in camo a 9/2/1994 #41713 dmonton, Alberta, Canada. It had a large light with four others on either s 9/6/1994 #41719 gle/box-like craft of night lights large and small glides 25' over treetops 9/7/1994? #41721 p.m. One and a half hours later a large luminous UFO, described to be as b 9/7/1994 #41724 hey were about four feet tall, had large heads, huge black eyes, soft wrink 9/11/1994 #41734 They floated him out and up into a large triangular-shaped craft. Inside th 9/11/1994 #41734 und himself in another room with a large window. From this vanntage point h 9/11/1994 #41734 cribed as four feet tall with very large heads. They darted into the woods 9/11/1994 #41737 the same time, in the same area, a large orange sphere was sighted hovering 9/11/1994 #41737 WATTRELOS, FR 1 observer. Large circle / lights moves / sawtooth-t 9/12/1994 #41738 ce where its rectum should be is a large, cylindrical hole. Ten feet beyond 9/13/1994 #41743 sonic boom. Some people see three large lights in front, with from 8–20 sm 9/14/1994 #41749 HAXTUN, CO Several observer(s). Large star maneuvers and emits bursts / 9/18/1994 #41760 is bed. He next found himself in a large round, cold, seamless metallic gra 9/20/1994 #41765 s. He saw two types of beings. The large ones appeared to be in charge. He 9/20/1994 #41765 near the foot of her bed. It had a large head and a brown skinned face. The 9/20/1994 #41766 ESTACADA, OR 1 observer. Large blue-green sphere/orb/globe 3OM ov 10/6/1994 #41788 skupice, Poland, see two identical large discs with rotating rings consisti 10/7/1994 #41793 GIEN, 45, FR 2 observer(s). Large and small dark disks seen / severa 10/14/1994 #41803 HAMILTON CO, OH Large saucer appears in fog. Beams going 10/19/1994 #41807 LINDSAY, CO Observer(s) / Blanca. Large silver ovoid hovers over mountain 10/26/1994 #41813 sident June M. saw and reported "a large disc-shaped craft" at around 10:00 10/28/1994 #41817 TO/FROM POISSY, FR 3 observer(s). Large luminous white sphere/orb/globe wi 10/31/1994 #41826 LARKHALL, SCOTLAND Nurse. Large neon-diamond object hovers / cloud 11/14/1994 #41847 COONABARABRAN, NSW 6 observer(s). Large silent diamond hovers over house. 11/15/1994 #41848 At 8:45 p.m. a large, silent, diamond-shaped object hov 11/15/1994 #41849 PLANCHER-LES-MINES, FR 6 kids. Large classic saucer with head / porthol 11/23/1994 #41861 ike a locomotive engine. There was large scale tree damage, over an area of 11/30/1994 #41872 At 11:00 p.m. a large circular object, making no engine 12/5/1994 #41885 pale skin and four-fingered hands, large staring eyes, and two small holes 12/11/1994 #41890 ess heads, small pointed ears, and large, dark, slanted eyes. They had what 12/15/1994 #41895 olice officer and others sighted a large glowing ovoid hovering over Buckha 12/30/1994 #41916 CLACTON, ESSEX 2 observer(s). Large saucer / sphere/orb/globe lights h 1/1/1995 #41932 L Woman / car slows. "Goblin" with large oval eyes 6' away. Moves oddly. 1/2/1995 #41935 a short, goblin-like creature with large, bright oval-shaped eyes. It cross 1/2/1995 #41939 shington a young man saw a similar large triangular craft with blue and whi 1/3/1995 #41948 GLENDO, WY 2 observer(s). Large craft maneuvers. Going down [to] i 1/6/1995 #41953 ed by a tall, heavyset being, with large eyes, a baldhead, long arms, weari 2/11/1995 #42036 VUS, AK Boatload / fishermen. Very large orange object returns light signal 2/12/1995 #42038 A very large orange UFO approached near a boatl 2/12/1995 #42040 ELECTRIC CITY, WA 1 observer. Large silver sphere hovers near grand co 2/28/1995 #42066 LINCOLNTON, NC Large top-saucer hums. No further detail 3/13/1995 #42089 including a main control room with large windows and an examination room wi 3/14/1995 #42094 At 7:10 p.m a large triangular object, radar tracked a 3/14/1995 #42095 the direction of Zelenogorsk. The large UFO then blinked out. At about the 3/14/1995 #42095 eatures with yellowish-brown skin, large pointed ears, and large round eyes 3/19/1995 #42112 rown skin, large pointed ears, and large round eyes. They stood about 3.5 f 3/19/1995 #42112 / MURPHY, NC 2 observer(s). Bright large ovoid seen. Similar seen 28 Mar. ' 3/30/1995 #42126 had a round head, long thin arms, large black eyes, and grayish skin. It w 3/30/1995 #42128 e creature was gray colored with a large oval head and huge dark eyes. It s 4/3/1995 #42138 n color, about 4 feet tall, with a large oval shaped head and large black e 4/3/1995 #42138 with a large oval shaped head and large black eyes. Momentarily stunned, h 4/3/1995 #42138 The object is about the size of a large truck. 4/10/1995 #42145 9. Night lights form triangles and large disk. Repeats 3X. Near remote wood 4/14/1995 #42149 cto Peninsula, Nova Scotia, sees a large, brilliant, white light hovering i 4/18/1995 #42157 l witnesses took a video of a very large, silent triangle that flew slowly 4/22/1995 #42172 AR ASHEBOURNE, DERBYSHIRE 2 / car. Large dome 30' over ground. Vanishes. Re 5/7/1995 #42182 gland had a close encounter with a large dome-shaped craft that was only 30 5/7/1995 #42187 aft were seen over the same field. Large white, box-shaped objects and "peo 5/7/1995 #42188 OINT BEACH, NY 8 observer(s). Very large object / western sky. 1/2 moon-siz 5/14/1995 #42202 COUTAH, IL Storm and power outage. Large Brill object over field. Crushed w 5/15/1995 #42206 nd. Moments later Sr. Torres saw a large dark "form" that floated or flew d 5/15/1995 #42211 I17 NEAR RIMROCK, AZ Large disk / ground. Structure on top. F 5/21/1995 #42217 ). Small objects dart in and out / large bowl-saucer. All merge. Going down 5/21/1995 #42218 p and 3. 2 objects / type unknown. Large white object has 8 windows. Small 5/23/1995 #42221 BRENTWOOD, TN Mom and 2 teens. Large white moon-size object going [to] 5/24/1995 #42222 O Airline crew and airborne RADAR. Large extremely bright object zigzags / 5/25/1995 #42223 lo, Colorado that same night saw a large, extremely bright object zigzaggin 5/25/1995 #42228 POLIGNY, JURA Large white ovoid hovers. 6 small object 6/5/1995 #42238 after the encounter.At 4:00 a.m. a large white ovoid object hovered over Po 6/5/1995 #42240 Group / lights spins and vanishes. Large triangle / lights appears. 6/7/1995 #42241 NEW PROVIDENCE, NJ Dentist. Large craft whooshes by. 15-20 windows o 6/28/1995 #42278 g north, and they look up to see a large metallic disc about 500 feet in di 7/15/1995 #42303 Y, CA Observer(s) watching planes. Large triangle with pastel lights / edge 7/29/1995 #42341 CANNES, FR 2 observer(s). Large dark silent golf-bag with clubs ou 7/31/1995 #42345 like an inverted flying saucer as large as the airliner, has two green lig 7/31/1995 #42347 SEDGEFIELD, RSA 2+cop. Large triangle hovers still / 2 minute(s 8/7/1995 #42365 turn back going quickly east. 3rd large night light stops and goes going q 8/13/1995 #42380 Vietnam vet claimed to have seen a large boomerang-shaped object appear fro 8/15/1995 #42389 saw a humanoid figure with a very large head and standing about four feet 8/15/1995 #42390 s. Red night light over cornfield. Large grey domed saucer hovers nearby. 8/21/1995 #42405 GRAND JUNCTION, CO 2 joggers. Large cylinder/cylindrical object going 8/27/1995 #42418 NEATH, WALES 3 cabbies. Large green glowing-ball hovers. Speeds 8/31/1995 #42430 A large green luminous sphere hovered over 8/31/1995 #42434 kin, a round head and pointy chin, large red eyes, no ears and what appeare 9/7/1995 #42447 At 10:21 a.m. a large, bright, dome-shaped object lookin 9/11/1995 #42456 NORTH HAVEN, CT 1 observer. Large bright speckled "bicycle helmet" h 9/12/1995 #42460 GULF BREEZE, FL 3 observer(s). Large dark silent perfect triangle seen 9/14/1995 #42469 A large dark, silent triangle was seen aga 9/14/1995 #42470 MT. VERNON, IN Large silent round flat disk hovers / 3- 9/22/1995 #42497 2 observer(s). Dogs bark. 1 then 4 large round objects with lights hover. N 9/22/1995 #42499 a woman called to report seeing a large black triangular mass with no ligh 9/24/1995 #42509 NORTH LAS VEGAS, NV Group / teens. Large cylinder/cigar-shape-ship with bri 10/5/1995 #42534 chasing it. Later that evening, a large cigar-shaped craft with bright lig 10/5/1995 #42536 I43 SOUTHWEST / MILWAUKEE, WI Large bright blue night light going quic 10/10/1995 #42544 A large bright blue light buzzed a car on 10/10/1995 #42545 HUNTINGTON, WV 2 observer(s). Large orange ovoid / horizon. Fast. Hove 10/11/1995 #42546 A large orange ovoid object moved fast in 10/11/1995 #42547 observer wakened / Jetlike whine. Large delta/triangle/box-like craft outs 10/19/1995 #42558 SOLVANG, CA 2 young women / car. Large cylinder/cylindrical object with m 11/11/1995 #42592 d it as about four feet tall, with large bat-like wings, huge oval-shaped e 11/11/1995 #42593 ings, huge oval-shaped eyes, and a large mouth with huge protruding fangs. 11/11/1995 #42593 lliot Feliciano fired his gun at a large creature that jumped the fence sur 11/11/1995 #42594 een 3 to 4 feet tall, endowed with large eyes, and having what appeared to 11/11/1995 #42594 und object flying over the area. A large goat was also found dead and mutil 11/11/1995 #42594 BIDDEFORD, ME 1 observer. Large disk with colored rings. Crosses r 11/19/1995 #42611 VA 1 observer. High-pitched whine. Large disk with circular lights / sides. 11/19/1995 #42612 w altitude. No figure(s) visible / large clear windows. 11/23/1995 #42620 .m. No figures were visible in its large, clear windows. 11/23/1995 #42621 e-year-old niece reported seeing a large creature shaped like a bird that f 11/28/1995 #42628 MULHOUSE, FR 1 observer. Large ovoid hovers. Observer(s) gets cam 11/30/1995 #42632 gs swimming in the water. They had large heads and bright luminous eyes tha 12/9/1995 #42639 authorities that it has tracked a large number of UFOs over the western he 1/13/1996 #42681 A UFO landed in a paddock in Large George, New South Wales, Australia 1/14/1996 #42685 de. Wide beam / light going down / large creek. 1/19/1996 #42688 scribed as about a meter tall with large oversized heads, long spindly arms 1/31/1996 #42729 . Soon the UFOnauts re-entered the large object and all the objects shot aw 1/31/1996 #42729 mer Louis Boisvert, 19, saw a very large metallic triangular craft with a s 2/6/1996 #42743 he same night that witnesses saw a large triangular vessel hovering over th 2/6/1996 #42743 ITHACA, NY Pilot and wife. Large glowing-object = "upside-down blim 2/16/1996 #42767 PRINEVILLE, OR 1+2 observer(s). Large rectangle going [to] overhead. Odd 2/23/1996 #42775 hing and went home. The next day a large section of the ground was scorched 2/23/1996 #42776 es, more animal mutilations, and a large orange sphere that followed some o 2/23/1996 #42776 quickly southwest through clouds. Large and silent. 2/24/1996 #42777 ed as thin, gray in color and with large heads, emerged from the craft. The 2/28/1996 #42788 our feet) in height. They had very large heads, huge eyes and in the forehe 2/29/1996 #42789 l, gray in color, with small ears, large black eyes, two dots for a nose, a 3/6/1996 #42809 h an antenna. A small being with a large head was also seen making a strang 3/6/1996 #42810 tall creature, tan in color with a large head, walking swiftly around the y 3/6/1996 #42811 England, watch a triangular UFO as large as a soccer field with a white lig 3/9/1996 #42817 RRY CO, SC Citizen and 2 deputies. Large object rises from ground level. Ri 3/11/1996 #42819 . Later, Trout Lake officials find large rectangular impressions in the sno 3/12/1996 #42821 and zigzags. = saucer surrounded / large glow. 3/30/1996 #42845 TANA, CA Family and police report. Large orange fireball rotates. Hovers. M 4/3/1996 #42851 T. CLOUD, MN Separate observer(s). Large trapezoid / amber extremely bright 4/14/1996 #42866 aped eyes staring down at him from large, pear-shaped heads. The police off 4/15/1996 #42870 zona, a couple that had observed a large diamond-shaped craft land previous 4/16/1996 #42871 ack in February observed a similar large craft landing nearby them. It was 4/16/1996 #42871 ulging red eyes, brown skin, and a large head with three oval protrusions, 4/21/1996 #42877 D422 NORTH / MOLSHEIM, FR 2 cars. Large silent triangle going northeast / 4/27/1996 #42887 f Molsheim, Bas-Rhin, France saw a large triangle that flew to the northeas 4/27/1996 #42888 encounter, they offer the family a large sum of money to record a video den 4/29/1996 #42890 ing next to her bed. It had a very large head and large black oval-shaped e 5/5/1996 #42896 bed. It had a very large head and large black oval-shaped eyes standing ne 5/5/1996 #42896 o out to investigate, and he saw a large white cloud descend slowly into th 5/6/1996 #42898 everal witnesses reported seeing a large blue, spherical object hovering lo 5/16/1996 #42903 ping in Charleston, Illinois saw a large white light in the sky at 11:58 p. 5/21/1996 #42906 Pensacola, Florida, when he sees a large, black triangular object. He pulls 6/17/1996 #42931 stigate. As he approached he saw a large object on the ground next to some 6/21/1996 #42936 object were two short beings with large heads and long arms. They wore hel 6/21/1996 #42936 BELLENDEN KER, QLD, AUST 9 / large car. Large triangle hovers. Going 6/28/1996 #42941 NDEN KER, QLD, AUST 9 / large car. Large triangle hovers. Going southeast. 6/28/1996 #42941 ed the creatures as ugly; they had large heads, very elongated behind and c 7/8/1996 #42950 ered with bumps, with no hair, and large ears. Their faces were white and t 7/8/1996 #42950 overed their bodies. They also had large, limp protruding bellies. They als 7/8/1996 #42950 e skin, and slanted eyes. They had large hands with five long, well defined 7/16/1996 #42959 the boy saw what appeared to be a large form, like a white-silvery blanket 7/22/1996 #42963 ice alert. Hundreds / observer(s). Large fireball and 2 small night lights 8/4/1996 #42970 GISBORNE, NI, NZ 2 observer(s). Large silent green diamond going quickly 8/10/1996 #42976 Corporation (SAIC) in San Diego, a large defense contractor. While employed 8/30/1996 #43000 coverall garments, and having very large heads far out of proportion to the 9/8/1996 #43009 the ground staring at him. It had large black eyes and an almond-shaped he 9/16/1996 #43025 s seen to bank slowly, revealing a large dome on top. On the underside they 9/23/1996 #43039 ked their vehicle. They then saw a large star-like object just above the bl 9/23/1996 #43039 among trees in the field, while a large black object sat on the ground. Th 9/23/1996 #43039 s. They seemed to be supervising a large group of the smaller beings. Using 9/23/1996 #43039 the binoculars they now spotted a large transparent illuminated capsule-sh 9/23/1996 #43039 airline(s)/airliner and tanker. 2 large night lights hover / 7 hours. Rota 10/5/1996 #43053 SOROCABA, BRAZIL Many observer(s). Large cylinder/cigar-shape / 800M altitu 10/5/1996 #43055 WYNYARD, TASMANIA 1 / car. Large night light = domed saucer. Going 10/22/1996 #43090 ee to four short Grey beings, with large oval-shaped heads, scampered with 11/9/1996 #43110 POLIS, IN Observer(s) drives under large metallic top-shape / 300' altitude 11/23/1996 #43117 round 1:40 a.m. when he observed a large green ball of light with a white r 11/23/1996 #43118 ndianapolis, Indiana drove under a large metallic top-shaped UFO at 300 fee 11/23/1996 #43119 he first airship sighting there--a large rotating sphere was seen by witnes 11/23/1996 #43119 im. When he turned around he saw a large metallic oval-shaped craft land in 12/9/1996 #43133 of their heads back, and they had large ears and mouths that made them som 12/9/1996 #43133 U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) / KC130R. Large domed washtub saucer hovers. Going 1/1997? #43159 one of them screamed when he saw a large disc-shaped craft hovering over th 1/7/1997 #43167 f the bedroom light and then saw a large object, like sunlight reflecting o 1/28/1997 #43179 TAKAPUNA, NZ Several observer(s). Large grey disk going [to] over. Rim spi 2/15/1997 #43192 ing four feet 8 inches tall with a large bald head who wore a bluish colore 2/16/1997 #43194 HWEST / LA GRANGE, GA 30m row / 15 large square 2m windows going east low a 2/18/1997 #43197 s answered. When he came upon some large pine trees there was a blinding fl 2/26/1997 #43210 sh, Kent, England, when she sees a large triangular object descend and hove 3/8/1997 #43222 A triangle-shaped UFO with a large dome at one end hovered low over a 3/8/1997 #43223 o have only one eye and each had a large antenna that radiated an odd blue 3/10/1997 #43225 WALLSEND AND NEWCASTLE, AUSTRALIA Large black triangle going [to] overhead 4/22/1997 #43270 send, New South Wales, Australia a large black triangular object flew overh 4/22/1997 #43271 POITIERS, FR 1+dog. "Large rectangular block" crosses sky / 1 5/2/1997 #43286 ndows some silhoetted figures with large heads could be seen. 5/18/1997 #43299 uettes of several individuals with large heads. He attempted to communicate 5/19/1997 #43300 ry to Stockholm, Sweden, watches a large ball of light, 30 feet across, fol 6/1997 #43307 han humans and oval in shape, with large black slit-like eyes. Another very 6/5/1997 #43311 ey were 50-60 pound humanoids with large heads, grayish white skin, and dar 6/5/1997 #43313 off. That same night at 9:45 PDT a large orange object flew across the sky 6/6/1997 #43316 ls playing about on the hill and a large orange sphere. They try to communi 6/18/1997 #43328 linds. Looking outside, she sees a large circle of light seemingly at groun 6/24/1997 #43337 t three or four feet tall, and had large dark eyes. It made gurgling sounds 6/26/1997 #43341 NICE, FR 2 observer(s). Large silver disk southeast going northw 7/19/1997 #43353 lifornia a woman reported seeing a large metallic hat-shaped object with se 7/23/1997 #43358 At 9:30 p.m. a large orange object with a tail fanning 7/23/1997 #43360 he road nearby, and it had several large headless dark humanoid figures mil 8/5/1997 #43369 SAO CAETANO, BRZ 2 large opaque objects and 30 small disks 8/8/1997 #43373 ROSEBURG, OR Cop and 7. Large silver disk going [to] overhead / 8/23/1997 #43388 he afternoon in Roseburg, Oregon a large silver disc-shaped object flew ove 8/23/1997 #43389 mobile home roof. She could see a large curved window with a thin strip do 9/9/1997 #43403 OLNEYVILLE, RI 6 cars / SR10. Large triangle going east slow. Rotates. 9/26/1997 #43415 described as a greenish color with large oval-shaped heads, black eyes, poi 9/26/1997 #43417 r. Directly behind him there was a large door where the two oval walls met. 10/15/1997 #43429 m. Afraid, he began banging on the large door demanding to be let out. He c 10/15/1997 #43429 her bed. They were humanoids with large craniums, small mouths, and two sl 10/18/1997 #43432 et her go by dropping her off in a large field, not far away from her rural 10/18/1997 #43432 t tall, with pale grayish skin and large black eyes. The humanoids seemed t 10/19/1997 #43433 CLAIR ISL., NS Night light hovers. Large dark silent ovoid blocks stars. Gl 10/20/1997 #43434 A large unidentified object with two small 11/6/1997 #43438 above Surrey, British Columbia, a large, disc-shaped, pewter- colored craf 12/8/1997 #43454 Valley a witness reported seeing a large triangular craft hovering over a f 12/14/1997 #43461 shing features, except it had very large eyes--about the size of horse's--a 12/14/1997 #43462 attle, Washington to report that a large object passed overhead at 11:45 a. 12/17/1997 #43465 Oxnard, California at 10:50 p.m. a large cigar-shaped object followed the p 12/18/1997 #43467 in Palmdale, Cook allegedly sees a large chart illustrating the lineage of Late 1990's #43480 ibed as tall, with a huge head and large staring eyes. 1/1/1998 #43484 veral observer(s). Yellow moon too large and wrong part / sky. Low altitude 1/4/1998 #43492 ing through the trees he noticed a large creature covered in a sort of ging 1/25/1998 #43505 r Polski Fiat 125p fails just as a large object flies over them. The lights 2/1998 #43509 DUNKIRK, NY 4 observer(s). Large bright glowing tube going [to] ove 2/2/1998? #43511 Several / (seen thru) binoculars. Large orange glowing-sphere/orb/globe go 4/29/1998 #43560 d her 8-year-old brother spotted a large UFO hovering above their house in 5/7/1998 #43562 A very large, dark disc-shaped UFO hovered over 5/16/1998 #43568 ile, causing EM effects. It was so large it covered the valley. The UFO was 5/16/1998 #43568 ssed two UFOs at 11:49 p.m. EDT, a large, bright object accompanied by a sm 6/5/1998 #43581 uman like figure, with black hair, large eyes, fine chiseled facial feature 6/8/1998 #43584 figure, without a neck and with a large head that was large on top and sma 6/9/1998 #43585 eck and with a large head that was large on top and small at the bottom. It 6/9/1998 #43585 jects moving across the sky into a large cloud, pausing before entering it 6/25/1998 #43593 "cloud" and she found herself in a large room with windows and bench-like s 7/11/1998 #43601 body hair, his head was unusually large, while his ears were very small. H 7/12/1998 #43602 er craft are seen circling it. The large object seems to dissolve and disap 7/21/1998 #43612 erver(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Large dark triangle going east overhead 8/8/1998 #43619 described the humanoid as having a large head and a small body "like a pupp 8/8/1998 #43620 At 10:45 p.m. a large dark triangle that was viewed thro 8/8/1998 #43621 eyes. It had thin but strong legs, large pointy ears, and sharp fang-like t 9/21/1998 #43650 at them. The beings had unusually large heads. Terrified, one of the group 11/7/1998 #43678 re was a sudden flash of light and large balloon-shaped object with three i 11/25/1998 #43684 was a sudden flash of light, and a large balloon-shaped object with three i 11/29/1998 #43689 unty, Delaware. One man reports a “large blue light that was moving all ove 11/30/1998 #43692 me she sees they are attached to a large equilateral triangle that passes o 12/3/1998 #43696 MERLENGO, ITL Large cylinder/cigar-shape going [to] ov 12/26/1998 #43704 GREYMOUTH, NZ Many / beach. Large opaque shiny disk cavorts offshore 1/16/1999 #43715 OFF PISCO, PERU Fishermen. Large light rises / sea! Banks sharply a 2/9/1999 #43723 te, Brazil Gley Freitas observed a large oval-shaped object on the ground. 2/17/1999 #43730 and saw a short figure with a very large head looking inside his car throug 2/21/1999 #43733 ased by three hairy humanoids with large round eyes in Votoporanga, Sao Pao 2/28/1999 #43739 PERU Glowing-object lands / field. Large circular indent found next day. No 3/8/1999 #43744 LA VERNE, CA House shakes. Large bright red glowing-ball going west 3/29/1999 #43751 ghted a bright light the size of a large strawberry at arm's length, moving 5/6/1999 #43764 TRURO TO/FROM FEOCK, ENGL 2 / car. Large red sphere/orb/globe offloads 2 sm 6/12/1999 #43784 pear from nowhere. It was long and large, and moved level for 15 seconds to 6/12/1999 #43785 LDEN, CA 5+2 separate observer(s). Large metallic cylinder/cylindrical obje 6/16/1999 #43786 gating more closely, he saw a very large circular object hovering about two 8/14/1999 #43822 in stature, about 80 cm tall, with large heads. According to the witness, t 8/14/1999 #43822 short black, curly hair. They had large round black eyes about 5 cm in dia 8/14/1999 #43822 y close together. Their noses were large and "potato" like. Their mouths we 8/14/1999 #43822 d "potato" like. Their mouths were large and wide, resembling those of a mo 8/14/1999 #43822 resembling those of a monkey, with large meaty lips. On each side of their 8/14/1999 #43822 each side of their heads were two large pointy ears, like those of a wolf. 8/14/1999 #43822 NINEVEH, PA 2 / car. 2 large 30M triangles hover / 30M altitude 8/18/1999 #43825 vania two witnesses watched as two large 30-meter long triangular objects h 8/18/1999 #43827 LAKE CHARLES, LA Woman age 87. Large delta/triangle/box-like craft buzz 8/22/1999 #43829 30 a.m. an 87-year-old woman saw a large, delta-shaped object buzz over her 8/22/1999 #43830 A very large, shiny, metallic-looking cigar-sha 9/3/1999 #43841 igure appeared grayish white, with large black eyes, and was about 4 to 5 f 9/3/1999 #43842 ilhouettes of humanoid beings with large heads were seen in each of the cra 10/17/1999 #43862 0 feet). The lights were part of a large triangular-shaped craft, described 10/26/1999 #43865 PILAPILA, PNG 5 boys. Large silent cylinder/cigar-shape lights 11/4/1999 #43871 RABAUL ISLAND, PNG Very large slow cylinder/cigar-shape only met 11/4/1999 #43872 COFFS HARBOUR, NSW Fishermen video large orange dome. 40M altitude. Maneuve 11/7/1999 #43876 Madison, WI Dog does not react as large fireball flies over (IFO) (NICAP: 11/16/1999 #43883 about 1.20 meters in height, with large black eyes. It was wearing metalli 11/25/1999 #43886 ppear behind a nearby stonewall. A large ball of fire appeared a few second 11/25/1999 #43886 entities look like humans but have large hands and are very pale. Zhang Jin 12/1999 #43890 A large shining cylindrical object with a 12/2/1999 #43891 . Vinsant walked outside and saw a large oval-shaped object with lights rot 12/5/1999 #43893 oots. His head was bald and he had large black eyes. The humanoid attempted 12/5/1999 #43894 G RESERVOIR, CT 4 observer(s). Odd large bullet shape and sphere pass close 12/13/1999 #43897 his night in Copenhagen, Denmark a large, red, luminous bowl-shaped UFO wit 12/19/1999 #43900 t faded. Out in her backyard was a large triangular object with a red arrow 1/12/2000 #43924 ct flying in the northern sky. Two large, bright cylindrical UFOs were sigh 1/28/2000 #43935 In Bristol, Vermont at 6:15 p.m. a large luminous triangular cloud flew to 2/9/2000 #43943 At around 9:15 to 9:30 p.m. five large orange glowing lights flew in from 2/16/2000 #43951 s at a sleepover reported seeing a large luminous triangular-shaped object 2/19/2000 #43954 At three o'clock in the morning a large object emitting bright rays of lig 3/3/2000 #43964 re the classic Grey humanoids with large black almond-shaped eyes. He later 3/11/2000 #43965 s of the San Miguel Corporation, a large beer and beverage maker in Manila, 3/12/2000 #43966 ed a strange glow emanating from a large tree on their left. It was a pale 3/12/2000 #43966 ral 6-foot tall humanoids, who had large oval-shaped heads and skin that wa 5/3/2000 #43988 dogs started barking and noticed a large dark object with lights that flew 5/15/2000 #43995 strange craft had two very bright large white lights underneath it at the 5/17/2000 #43996 hite glow was reportedly seen in a large plume of clouds. This white glow c 7/7/2000 #44012 ure as short in stature, wearing a large black hat, with its face hidden in 7/11/2000 #44014 ally humanoid, gray in color, with large black oval-shaped eyes. One was ta 7/12/2000 #44015 umper. The figure was described as large, lacking ears, and covered with ex 7/13/2000 #44016 al-shaped heads, bulging eyes, and large "cauliflower-like" ears that stuck 7/14/2000 #44017 ld witness reported encountering a large glowing sphere in a field in Colum 7/16/2000 #44020 in and had an egg-shaped head with large elongated white eyes with black ce 7/31/2000 #44024 s in Halifax, Nova Scotia, watch a large, triangular-shaped object hovering 8/2000 #44025 amorphous transparent figure, with large bright yellowish almond-shaped eye 8/2/2000 #44026 er, cobweb-like substance falls in large wads or strands. Once touched with 8/5/2000 #44028 stershire, England, when he sees a large and unusual aircraft looming up ov 9/3/2000 #44036 At 8:55 p.m. a very large, wing-shaped object flew at a low 9/17/2000 #44041 topped. Several short figures with large heads and huge eyes next surrounde 9/23/2000 #44045 Bradford, England at 10:40 p.m. a large UFO was viewed through binoculars 10/5/2000 #44053 Jones Beach, New York to watch two large diamond-shaped objects approach fr 10/11/2000 #44054 light. The beings were short with large heads, large black eyes and long d 10/15/2000 #44058 eings were short with large heads, large black eyes and long dangling arms. 10/15/2000 #44058 short dark human-like figures with large heads would approach her and ask h 10/19/2000 #44060 of the capsule the abductee saw a large rotating silver cube that seemed t 10/28/2000 #44063 te 75, which is busy with cars and large trucks. It hovers for a few second 10/31/2000 #44068 beings, with light brown skin and large oval-shaped eyes, came out of one 11/28/2000 #44085 ed seeing a very low flying, quite large object at 3:46 a.m. with five big 11/29/2000 #44088 tness in Selden, New York viewed a large, dark, silent triangular object wi 12/2/2000 #44096 adio Frequency Interference (RFI). Large saucer going southeast to sea / Pr 1/11/2001 #44122 State, Brazil at 3:30 a.m. when a large disc-shaped object flew over, head 1/11/2001 #44123 skinny arms, a skinny body, and a large head appeared in view. The door qu 1/29/2001 #44134 At 9:35 p.m. EDT a very large, multicolored triangular object wi 3/26/2001 #44152 rham, North Carolina. An extremely large cigar-shaped craft with two flashi 3/26/2001 #44152 -gray color. Their hands had three large fingers connected by a membrane an 5/2/2001 #44174 uction with small energies and say large mass fluctuation of PZT could be a 6/2001 #44189 ser to the ground where it gets as large as 600 feet in diameter. After a s 6/30/2001 #44199 ort bluish-skinned humanoid with a large head and big eyes. The humanoid ca 7/1/2001 #44202 tuma, Amazonas State, Brazil saw a large disc-shaped object with several wi 7/2/2001 #44203 Independent witnesses reported a large flying triangle in Carteret and Sa 7/15/2001 #44209 one by one. Another witness saw a large flying triangle heading for Carter 7/15/2001 #44209 e lights depicted in the video are large, steady, and white, though there i 7/15/2001 #44209 spherical object. The object had a large lighted window and a tall man-like 7/27/2001 #44212 is Carlos Prima, reported seeing a large disc-shaped object about 10 meters 8/1/2001 #44217 At 12:40 a.m. a large, circular object was seen in the s 8/4/2001 #44224 ksmanworth, Hertford, England. The large object was white and had a glow of 8/4/2001 #44224 ame time in Port Talbot, Wales two large shining white golf ball like objec 8/4/2001 #44224 At 9:15 p.m. a large hazy golden glowing ball, with 4 o 9/8/2001 #44252 The object was reported to be "as large as a stadium." 12/6/2001 #44283 re. They suddenly saw a terrifying large glowing white object hovering abov 12/10/2001 #44285 and a retired military pilot saw a large, bright object in the western sky. 12/12/2001 #44288 two-story tall rectangle with very large windows on the side of the object. 1/5/2002 #44304 Jewel Valley, CA Large flying disc, smaller discs & trian 1/31/2002 #44313 At 9:30 p.m. a large, soundless, glowing orange dumbbel 5/12/2002 #44344 geles County, California. It was a large, round domed disc that was seen br 6/7/2002 #44348 m an adjacent field, coming from a large, 200 meter long, triangular object 7/21/2002 #44362 em. The girls first noticed that a large orange light appeared approximatel 7/28/2002 #44367 he figure, he had seen lights in a large oval shaped pattern in the sky. 7/28/2002 #44368 0 p.m. a triangular shaped object, large and with exterior lights, was sigh 8/5/2002 #44375 ow in Cow Bay, Nova Scotia, sees a large meteor with a long tail appear out 8/13/2002 #44383 Dick Haines’ house that they saw a large collection of UFO and USO files at 9/1/2002 #44389 ess reported sighting a dark, very large craft at 11:13 p.m. that he though 9/5/2002 #44390 It was astonishingly close and so large! Total event time was 8 seconds. T 9/5/2002 #44390 ’s Senior Review Group (SRG) and a large defense contractor he would not di 10/16/2002 #44418 urin A fall of angel hair covers a large area of Alessandria, Italy, includ 10/18/2002 #44419 m. in Granisle, British Columbia a large glowing orange disc hovered over a 10/22/2002 #44421 In Woodbridge, Suffolk, England a large silver triangle-shaped object was 10/23/2002 #44423 ike a triangle and was at least as large as the B-2." 10/29/2002 #44424 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, see a large light maneuvering in the sky and e 11/28/2002 #44453 At 10:30 a.m. a large, black, flying wing was seen low o 11/28/2002 #44454 At 2:40 a.m. PST three large, white circular UFOs hovered in th 1/4/2003 #44467 a witness in Portchester sighted a large dark object in the night sky with 1/16/2003 #44476 ture as around six feet tall, with large, foot-long pointy ears. The eyes w 1/22/2003 #44477 who was very tall, thin, and with large yellow eyes. It was between gray a 1/27/2003 #44481 es in Villeneuve, Alberta, watch a large white object described as “two sau 1/31/2003 #44482 At 10:30 p.m. a large white object like two saucers rim 1/31/2003 #44483 7:00 p.m. in Liverpool, England a large, stationary pinkish red light was 3/27/2003 #44507 entire Russian Baltic Fleet and a large number of local residents watched 4/18/2003 #44516 d stepped out onto a dock behind a large stack of pallets to have a smoke. 4/21/2003 #44517 see a co-worker. Instead he saw a large purple light emanating from a tear 4/21/2003 #44517 ad four small yellow lights with a large red light in the middle. It direct 5/8/2003 #44529 fornia; one of the crafts was very large and transparent. Camping up on Yos 5/16/2003 #44538 campsite. Next, they saw one very large triangular craft appear after the 5/16/2003 #44538 that flickered sometimes. It had a large red light at each end, and was sou 5/27/2003 #44547 5 a.m. Hundreds of witnesses see a large, white, moon-shaped object flying 7/28/2003 #44568 Whitehorse, Yukon 2:22 p.m. A large fuselage-shaped object flies low a 8/10/2003 #44572 bout 45 minutes. That night a very large, slow moving, wing-shaped craft fl 8/30/2003 #44588 a white flying ball of light, too large to be a plane or satellite, flew i 8/31/2003 #44589 ling loudly during a sighting of a large stationary triangle (NICAP: 04 - A 9/13/2003 #44597 ling loudly during a sighting of a large stationary triangular craft. The c 9/13/2003 #44600 A large, white ring-shaped object with twi 9/15/2003 #44603 Marstons Mills, MA Dogs fearful as large dark object observed (NICAP: 04 - 9/25/2003 #44607 dogs showed fear as a mysterious, large dark object was observed for five 9/25/2003 #44608 A very large, silent, dark boomerang shaped air 9/26/2003 #44609 A very large, hovering disc-shaped object that 1/4/2004 #44648 a telescope, they can see it is a large gray object with something like a 1/25/2004 #44656 At 8:30 p.m. a large, silent, fast moving oval-shaped o 2/16/2004 #44666 g Center. One report was of a very large disc-shaped object with six lights 4/8/2004 #44685 in Fitts writes in a paper that a “large proportion of the nation’s wealth 6/2004 #44706 ry in Częstochowa, Poland, watch a large, oblong-shaped object with two bri Summer 2004 #44713 ense. They were described as quite large and going in an upward direction. 7/31/2004 #44721 At 11:38 p.m. a large disc-shaped object emitting a brig 7/31/2004 #44722 d a “crashed UFO program” during a large audit of classified programs. Bows 8/7/2004 #44728 xed forest, in a clearing with two large old oak trees and a lake between t 8/25/2004 #44741 ifornia. She describes it as “very large, almost gossamer, sprinkled with l 9/12/2004 #44755 er window. She runs out and sees a large object “shaped like a large submar 9/17/2004 #44758 sees a large object “shaped like a large submarine” with lights. It has bea 9/17/2004 #44758 ted 90 minutes. Earlier that day a large silver, cigar-shaped object was se 9/19/2004 #44761 A large triangular object, close to the gr 10/2/2004 #44765 the UFO Reporting Center of a very large, white, V-shaped object that moved 10/27/2004 #44772 lights were seen, most likely on a large, slow moving cigar-shaped craft, n 10/29/2004 #44774 10 p.m. Bill Bean witnessed a very large white disc-shaped object from his 11/29/2004 #44793 ting sensitive operations out of a large hangar at the northern end of the 2005 #44804 olumbia City, Indiana, encounter a large triangle above the east end of the 1/31/2005 #44810 River, Nebraska 12:00 midnight. A large oval mass is seen floating above a 1/31/2005 #44811 to suck up an object, apparently a large cow, from the field below. 1/31/2005 #44811 h Columbia two witnesses sighted a large white oval object with legs hangin 2/15/2005 #44814 olumbia a single witness sighted a large V-shaped object with lighted panel 2/15/2005 #44814 At 3:30 a.m. a large, slow moving triangular shaped obj 3/1/2005 #44818 the size of a house, shaped like a large gray bullet, in the sky above Sque 5/4/2005 #44830 A large black triangular UFO flew over Gra 5/14/2005 #44841 8:40 p.m. a man and his son saw a large triangular UFO with three lights f 8/11/2005 #44861 . It was the approximate size of a large helicopter, had green lights on ei 9/4/2005 #44868 a at 2:00 a.m. a witness spotted a large, bright, diamond-shaped object, in 9/7/2005 #44870 onary, that moved quickly across a large area of the sky, dropping "balls o 9/7/2005 #44870 tood 70 centimeters tall and had a large head, large glowing eyes, and big 9/9/2005 #44871 imeters tall and had a large head, large glowing eyes, and big ears. Over 1 9/9/2005 #44871 A large black triangular craft was seen in 9/11/2005 #44874 ame a dot and moved toward another large storm cloud. 10/6/2005 #44887 rizon. In a flash they grew into a large, nearly blinding light source. He 11/25/2005 #44905 and was between 4-5 feet tall with large black eyes. As soon as he saw the 11/25/2005 #44906 isc. McGarity also states he saw a large triangular UAP on 23 October 1987 12/5/2005 #44907 At 9:45 a.m. a large triangle of white lights with one 12/15/2005 #44910 Several large glowing orange balls of light came 12/29/2005 #44915 A large rectangular object with red blinki 4/27/2006 #44934 er Valley, British Columbia a very large, silent, dark pyramid-shaped objec 5/3/2006 #44939 blue skys at 5:05 p.m. There was a large round, white object in the middle 6/3/2006 #44947 At eight o'clock in the morning a large black triangle-shaped craft was se 6/6/2006 #44949 tree toward what appeared to be a large “concrete mixer” with lights on it 8/5/2006 #44952 y long legs and very long arms and large torsos. He did not see the eyes, f 8/6/2006 #44953 ltiple independent people observed large lights in the sky. They hovered an 8/20/2006 #44956 a boomerang V-shaped object, very large, was seen at height in Las Vegas, 9/17/2006 #44963 A large triangular craft flew low over two 9/23/2006 #44965 white lights in each corner plus a large red light in the center was sighte 11/29/2006 #44988 A large triangle craft with more lights th 5/16/2007 #45030 At 11:45 a large triangular shaped object was seen 5/29/2007 #45033 rking at, and was shocked to see a large, well lit disc-shaped UFO hovering 7/31/2007 #45041 e rest were really very short with large bald heads. The tall figures appea 9/16/2007 #45059 erected yet, and it went through a large field. They were in the middle of 10/27/2007 #45080 its location, they see that it is large, triangular and made out of reflec 12/29/2007 #45104 Stephenville, TX Large Object Seen / Tracked By Radar / N 1/8/2008 #45111 lew over Long Beach, California. A large cigar-shaped object that spawned 8 2/26/2008 #45123 The following evening he did see a large white light sweep across the sky w 4/12/2008 #45127 ight. One of them managed to see a large pair of dark wings disappear into 4/12/2008 #45128 A close encounter with a large Moon-sized, spherical object near 4/16/2008 #45129 At about 2:00 a.m. a quite large, red rectangular object was sighte 4/27/2008 #45131 lucent" and greenish in color with large black eyes. No legs were visible, 9/4/2008 #45165 made only a little sound. Another large triangle-shaped UFO was observed o 9/7/2008 #45167 p.m. a witness reported that three large round objects lined up along Highw 10/27/2008 #45179 e specific case studies presented. Large organizations are mentioned in 30 2/13/2009 #45212 A large, metallic, cylindrical object was 4/16/2009 #45215 in a tent with a friend. He sees a large triangular object about 300 feet l 5/8/2009 #45220 . The witness “Derek Jones” sees a large triangular UAP and four smaller sp 5/8/2009 #45221 behind her home when she notices a large white light moving toward her. It 6/16/2009 #45226 look. The object consists of three large spheres connected together with a 6/16/2009 #45226 spheres connected together with a large arm or protrusion extending from b 6/16/2009 #45226 the transparent sky-roof window a large shiny circular flying object, whic 8/28/2009 #45239 oid, with a huge hairless head and large almond-shaped eyes, peering in the 8/28/2009 #45239 le, glossy look, and they had very large heads and lumps covering the tops 8/30/2009 #45240 At 8:15 p.m a very large, silent, rectangular craft with fo 10/29/2009 #45250 rn Norway Northern Sweden Night. A large beam of light is seen and photogra 12/9/2009 #45261 A witness reported he saw a large, black, silent, southbound, flying 8/16/2010 #45293 tilted angle, ascending. It had a large clear window with small human-like 9/11/2010 #45297 aiyuan Railway Station, they see a large, milky-white, luminous spot circli 10/11/2010 #45301 Warren AFB near Cheyenne, WY see a large cigar-shaped UAP above its missile 10/23/2010 #45304 Although he makes it clear that a large percentage of UFO sightings are ex 1/2011 #45311 rural Kentucky told him in 2007, a large group of them saw a low flying lar 2/2011 #45312 rge group of them saw a low flying large UAP that hovered before moving off 2/2011 #45312 ” velocity. Within 24 hours, three large black SUVs pulled into the area, w 2/2011 #45312 s the generators for Reactors 1–5. Large amounts of water contaminated with 3/11/2011 #45318 craft NW of Roswell, 4 July 1947 Large debris field requiring recovery 40 3/26/2011 #45320 ious directions to a point where a large object shaped like a “screw-thread 5/10/2012 #45342 maia-Set, Romania, when they see a large V-formation consisting of clusters Late 5/2012 #45344 eport seeing hybrids, usually in a large facility along with humans being e 8/3/2012 #45351 n the Nellis Test Range Complex, a large area of highly-restricted (and hea 2013 #45356 flash of light that illuminates a large area. The officers drive away, but 1/8/2013 #45359 hrusting and goes outside to see a large, black isosceles triangle about 80 3/19/2013 #45362 netic shield around the US using a large boomerang shaped craft that could 6/2013 #45368 . As she drove along she noticed a large object hovering over the highway. 6/1/2013 #45369 object appears about the size of a large SUV, and at its closest approach i 7/15/2013 #45377 12:05 a.m. A Mr. Mateusz notices a large boomerang-shaped object with yello 10/13/2013 #45390 hem. There was a small, medium and large sized ARV that were “hovering” abo 12/2014 #45425 logist Linda Moulton Howe he saw a large hole to an underground facility 5- 1/30/2015 #45429 gn staff and a U.S. citizen with a large pop culture following, occurred te 1/24/2016 #45443 A breakaway group exists with a large amount of money and no national al 4/5/2016 #45449 ndsor, Maine, when they observe a “large triangle-shaped object” in two pie 12/10/2016 #45461 Chicago when they notice something large and dark flying toward them from t 8/9/2017 #45478 of the building. It hovers with a large pair of wings for about 5 seconds, 8/9/2017 #45478 window in Linden, Michigan, sees a large object emitting red-orange light a 1/5/2018 #45500 be of white and turquoise light as large as the full moon. The light is so 2/24/2018 #45512 m, looks out the window and sees a large, bright globe without a tail shoot 2/25/2018 #45514 t Officer and Captain see a fairly large, irregular-shaped, dark-lack objec 5/5/2018 #45526 ssible to identify, although it is large enough to cause concern. 3/30/2019 #45568 sed box trailer with antennas or a large van”) that might be controlling th 1/6/2020 #45624 . It has a triangular head and two large black eyes that stare at him. He t 7/16/2020 #45652 rime nuclear test which produced a large EMP: “There may be some significan 6/10/2021 #45693 s on a podcast he was told about a large pyramid beneath Alaska that “might 9/28/2021 #45711 worked on electrical studies of a large underground pyramid in Alaska betw 9/28/2021 #45711 s a high wind. Similar drones with large wings are reported over the Ringha 1/17/2022 #45734 n the USG/USG contractor space: “A large number of the scientists are worki 5/2022 #45746 e USS Ronald Reagan say they see a large, fiery orange UAP hovering 100 fee 5/9/2022 #45747 ph of the alleged “Calvine UFO,” a large diamond UAP referenced in a Britis 8/12/2022 #45762 ile retrieval crew states the same large black object above a trench near P 9/2022 #45768 mind while standing in front of a large screen; ret. USAF F-16 pilot “Col. 10/20/2022 #45779 att who dreamt of going on board a large disc where he was given a briefing 10/20/2022 #45779## Word: "large-area" (Back to Top)
in hundreds of miles of travel and large-area coverage when disseminated fr 3/26/1952 #5980## Word: "large-eyed" (Back to Top)
(the others in 1969 and 1975) with large-eyed aliens in UFOs in Colombia. A 1950 #4463## Word: "large-headed" (Back to Top)
re there was a ball-shaped object. Large-headed humanoids were seen moving 3/28/1967 #22003 ad ahead, Morris sees four or five large-headed humanoids moving rapidly ba 3/28/1967 #22004 of light. Warren claims he can see large-headed beings inside. He sees Col. 12/28/1980 #35750 his shoulder to see a tall, dark, large-headed being wearing a dark robe w 6/15/1991 #40098 hosts described them as the short, large-headed humanoids with huge black e 3/20/1993 #40895## Word: "large-radius" (Back to Top)
ately 5,000 feet and make a gentle large-radius turn of about 110° to the r 8/15/1947? #3337## Word: "large-scale" (Back to Top)
en to his advice and cannot handle large-scale construction projects. 10/9/1941 #1373 orfolk, Virginia The first US Army large-scale aerosol vulnerability test o 9/1950 #5160 in the North Sea. It is the first large-scale naval exercise undertaken by 9/14/1952 #7939 iqueta, Venezuela on this night. A large-scale search of the area found not 1/18/1956 #12669 ch as random cordons and searches, large-scale and lengthy detentions of in 5/1967 #22253 f some scientists and laymen for a large-scale effort to determine the natu 1/8/1969 #24827## Word: "large-sized" (Back to Top)
In Catia la Mar, Venezuela three large-sized disc-shaped objects were see 8/25/1967 #22927## Word: "large-wavelength" (Back to Top)
arconi claims that he has detected large-wavelength radio signals from Mars 1919 #980## Word: "large^" (Back to Top)
L 12:15 a.m. CST. A man saw a very large^ elongated object (estimated 50 fe 4/23/1967 #22211## Word: "largely" (Back to Top)
substance. A couple days later, it largely dissipates. Geologist Edward Hit 8/13/1819 #110 reports that the shiny pellets are largely silver mixed with a bit of silic 7/9/1947 #3068 n that project. However, it is now largely considered a forgery by Frank Ka 7/25/1947 #3230 of some kind.” However, it is now largely considered a forgery by Frank Ka 7/30/1947 #3261 xico, recovery. However, it is now largely considered a forgery by Frank Ka 9/25/1947 #3427 to mention the contacts have been largely psychic. Adamski discourages him 11/24/1952 #8333 s for use against the Soviet bloc, largely in response to alleged Soviet, C 4/13/1953 #8823 llite observations. The program is largely the brainchild of Harvard Univer 9/11/1956 #13214 ial hypothesis, which sees UFOs as largely the product of unusual mental st 1969 #24802 related phenomena. The service is largely run by Lucius Farish as co-edito 5/1969 #25104 to the steps below. Frightened but largely unhurt, he runs away and his wif 4/2/1971 #26064 n Project Blue Book records. It is largely ghostwritten by Elaine M. Hendry 1977 #31649 w of the 1947 Roswell crash, based largely on Stanton Friedman’s research. 9/1980 #35488 Intelligence, addressing UFOs in a largely negative and uninformed chapter. 1987 #38091 df (p82) Note: Quasicrystals were largely ignored by mainstream science un 1998 #43481 he first time. It hears testimony, largely reports from pilots and air traf 8/26/2003 #44584 n a decade-old story that had been largely unknown and unreported, aside fr 11/14/2004 #44784 s a summary 6-page report on UAPs, largely centering on evidence gathered i 6/25/2021 #45694## Word: "largentiere" (Back to Top)
LARGENTIERE, FR Several observer(s). 12M 4/15/1930 #1112 A farmer in Largentiere, France saw a bright orange 4/15/1930 #1113## Word: "larger" (Back to Top)
ime a short while later, this time larger than before, and stays over the l 8/15/1663 #44 s in vertical direction, the lines larger in the middle, straight on inside 7/3/1884 #261 s are placed at intervals around a larger dark body. After 10 minutes it re 2/4/1897 #387 t six suns. It was egg-shaped, the larger end forward. The second was about 2/28/1904 #670 Colorado. For a time it grows even larger, then diminishes in size until it 7/22/1911 #855 “bright white light, considerably larger in appearance than a planet” asce 9/4/1915 #936 dips up some water into a can. The larger figure seems to be hurrying the s 7/1919 #990 g in a straight line behind a much larger one, moving west beneath cirrus c 8/1926 #1060 he drives through the gully as the larger man walks alongside. The next thi 1930 #1106 shape except the first, which was larger, brighter and seemed to have a pr 12/1942 #1466 side. They now appear brighter and larger. When they reach his altitude, th 12/1942 #1470 a silvery-gold cylindrical object, larger than their aircraft, on the port 5/26/1943 #1502 ight & appeared to be 4 or 5 times larger than a star going 200 mph. (Page 12/14/1944 #1720 silver in color, very shiny & much larger than the brightest star; unaffect Mid 3/1945 #1813 , Japan Several balls of fire much larger than supercharger glow, but of so 7/2/1945 #1890 disc the witnesses see two figures larger than normal height (7 feet), fair Summer 1946 #2013 aller silver balls come out of the larger objects, which are variously desc 8/11/1946 #2117 disappear above the cloud, while a larger object emerges from the cloud and Late 4/1947 #2266 going quickly north / flight path. Larger / any plane. 7/4/1947 #2597 l, AK Smooth surfaced black object larger than a DC-3 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 8/4/1947 #3289 object about the size of a C-47 or larger [60+ feet] dropping out of the ov 1/7/1948 #3546 ase 6; app 22;00 - white round obj larger than basketball (McDonald list, F 11/3/1948 #3865 sees a bright white, round light “larger than a basketball” descend slowly 11/23/1948 #3888 they see a brilliant green light, larger and more brilliant than a meteor 12/8/1948 #3918 breathing intelligent animals with larger craniums than humans. He claims t 1949 #3947 l diamond lights; 21:40 - slightly larger than firebox lights (NICAP: 01 - 5/3/1949 #4141 amped / calls. Saucers all over. 1 larger / rest. Big show.. 3/17/1950 #4663 came from behind or within the two larger objects, and all sped upward and 9/20/1950 #5187 from behind or from within the two larger objects, and all shot upward and 9/20/1950 #5188 d object was spotted. It appeared larger than the balloon, but made no mov 1/16/1951 #5402 nd to the balloon’s level and grow larger in apparent size until about one- 1/22/1951 #5413 M Sandia guard&family. Flying wing larger / B36 going quickly SSE. / r28p31 8/25/1951 #5620 ts, as intense as bright stars but larger. Blue-green and silent, they move 8/25/1951 #5625 maller objects merging with a much larger, diamond-shaped object. The big o 1952 #5841 that ejected from the collision of larger UAP discs and possibly an experim 1952 #5845 nless dull white, round object 5/3 larger than the balloon (NICAP: 01 - Dis 1/16/1952 #5865 / V formation going quickly east. Larger saucer turns and leads. All brown 4/22/1952 #6150 he bottom and had silver tops. The larger disc turned and led the formation 4/22/1952 #6158 s reported to be huge, three times larger than an airliner. 5/3/1952 #6252 (11 AM) silvery oval shaped object larger than a MiG jet airplane (NICAP: 1 5/15/1952 #6328 (6 PM) silvery oval shaped object larger than a MiG jet airplane (NICAP: 1 5/15/1952 #6329 Korea when they see a silvery disc larger than a MiG aircraft 20 miles away 5/15/1952 #6333 rs two eliptically shaped objects, larger than a fighter aircraft, were obs 5/29/1952 #6385 the device has banked, exposing a larger surface to the radar beam. The wa 6/19/1952 #6551 lue, with its diameter seven times larger than its thickness. It changed co 6/25/1952 #6630 . There were six small ovals and a larger dark object, which was continuall 6/29/1952 #6668 ears. Of the 54 objects, 36 appear larger that the others and move faster. 8/10/1952 #7539 lights emerged and surrounded the larger object. The sighting lasted five 8/14/1952 #7596 8 maneuver. There are 4–6 objects larger than a star or planet varying fro 8/28/1952 #7773 size of blips from light planes or larger (the best target quality is in th 9/2/1952 #7829 jects are reported moving around a larger object. A cigar-shaped UFO moving 9/27/1952 #8044 oing [to] WSW / series. 3rd object larger. Wide arc and return going [to] s 11/18/1952 #8293 ath, with heads disproportionately larger than their bodies, with brown ski 1953 #8482 Port Austin, MI Object larger and brighter than a star change c 2/17/1953 #8683 radar. Visual object appeared to larger and brighter than a star and chan 2/17/1953 #8684 RA, INSPECT 3+1 observer(s). Ovoid larger / moon going northwest / 5 minute 4/7/1953 #8808 isible means of propulsion. It was larger than a B-36, had no tail, left no 2/6/1954 #9538 luorescent blue. From the north, a larger object approaches and stations it 3/24/1954 #9639 100 feet overhead that is slightly larger and longer than their own fuselag 9/3/1954 #10239 en / theodolite. Delta-object much larger / balloon maneuvers. 9/21/1954 #10377 olite watch a delta-shaped object, larger than balloon, maneuver thru sky o 9/21/1954 #10385 child in a plastic bag, with eyes larger than human eyes." This creature e 9/26/1954 #10450 child in a plastic bag, with eyes larger than human eyes." She could see n 9/26/1954 #10452 R Several observer(s). Silver disk larger / plane. 1 sees 'flying wing'. / 10/5/1954 #10719 hed without noise or smoke. Traces larger than the first, and symmetrical, 10/10/1954 #10887 hed without noise or smoke. Traces larger than the first, and symmetrical, 10/10/1954 #10903 pped and maneuvered in midair, the larger one took on a deep red color, tur 10/11/1954 #10935 lls and the headlights go out. The larger one becomes brilliant white with 10/11/1954 #10941 pped and maneuvered in midair, the larger one took on a deep red color, tur 10/11/1954 #10952 ched. He soon realized it was much larger than he originally thought and be 11/2/1954 #11539 jet aircraft, powered by a turbine larger than any now in use, [that] is ex 12/1954 #11736 e smaller one revolving around the larger one, which is about 6 feet above 12/15/1954 #11815 a small sphere revolving around a larger sphere, about two meters above th 12/15/1954 #11817 t two meters above the ground. The larger object had landing gear shaped li 12/15/1954 #11817 two dead humanoids, 4-5 feet tall, larger heads and slanted eyes. [Retriev 1955 #11900 f two parts, with the leading part larger than the other. A loud explosion 2/6/1955 #11977 y over in backwards V-formation! 1 larger than others. Dusk. 8/19/1955 #12371 A small disc flew in and out of a larger disc at a low altitude in Jackson 5/9/1956 #12842 id the UFO was "four to five times larger than any aircraft observed in the 11/8/1956 #13315 ly large, being four to five times larger than any normal aircraft. It had 11/8/1956 #13315 in-line formation; trailing object larger, egg-shaped and pulsating. [NICAP 1/24/1957 #13472 , see an oval object emerge from a larger cigar-shaped UFO about 75– 100 fe 5/1957? #13632 veral small blue lights exited the larger object and flew off in every dire 6/5/1957 #13707 the saucer had touched down, were larger and stronger looking than their c 7/30/1957 #13860 l circles of light detached from a larger light. 9/4/1957 #13979 er object detaches itself from the larger one and flies north. The larger o 10/10/1957 #14095 he larger one and flies north. The larger object follows in a southeasterly 10/10/1957 #14095 lobe. Hovers / west / 5 minute(s). Larger / moon. / r111p99+. 11/4/1957 #14266 k off again. It was round and much larger than a plane, had an "odd color," 11/6/1957 #14412 ch went straight up. The other got larger while its color changed from brig 11/6/1957 #14417 minutes. A small object joins the larger one and the light grows more inte 11/6/1957 #14425 ads straight up. The other becomes larger while its color changes from brig 11/6/1957 #14430 n silently . It was round and much larger than a plane, had an "odd color," 11/6/1957 #14435 ch went straight up. The other got larger while its color changed from brig 11/6/1957 #14441 elds. The Kugelblitz was allegedly larger and built in an underground weapo 1958 #14787 reddish light appears and becomes larger, as if approaching them. The grou 2/19/1958 #14881 A nocturnal light exited from the larger craft, and flew off quickly to th 1/3/1959 #15532 y flew, and were taken onboard the larger craft where they saw other human 3/19/1959 #15654 / WASH, DC Unidentified RADAR blip larger / 747. 3000-8000mph. 7 UFO's in a 8/19/1959 #15925 light, with 8 blue lights in it, 5 larger red lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 9/13/1959 #15967 ue lights within it, and then five larger red lights, flew very fast vertic 9/13/1959 #15969 ue lights within it, and then five larger brilliant red lights. The object 9/13/1959 #15972 0' diameter domed discs joined the larger object, and all flew away rapidly 10/4/1960 #16478 jects streak across the sky to the larger one. All then move out of sight b 6/4/1961 #16720 ng upward and erratically, growing larger. Later, Barney stops the car at a 9/19/1961 #16857 watch two triangular objects, one larger than the other, hovering 40–50 fe 3/25/1962 #17080 orbs flew out, lined up behind the larger ball, then flew away in formation 5/13/1962 #17173 n the sky. A third whitish object, larger and disc-shaped, appears above Po 6/25/1962 #17245 d by a colleague as the light gets larger. Both men go inside and contact D 8/7/1962 #17328 ating outside. They merge into one larger ball that moves toward Rivalino, 8/17/1962 #17336 e mountains to the west that grows larger and moves about 300 feet above th Late 8/1962 #17361 n she saw a luminous, gray object, larger than a car with a dome on top. It 9/13/1962 #17394 e spotted a luminous, gray object, larger than a car, with a dome on top. I 9/13/1962 #17395 smaller holes form an X around the larger depression. The earth seems burne 5/5/1964 #18244 tly visible maneuvering around the larger one. It finally merges with the l 5/26/1964 #18307 e. To their amazement they saw the larger object scoop up this light and va 6/14/1964 #18358 s, the smaller objects go into the larger objects and disappear. Lissauer g 11/22/1964 #18632 Thaxton, VA Cigar Larger Than B-52 (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 1/14/1965 #18726 at 2,000–4,000 feet altitude. The larger one seems to be about 80 feet acr 1/19/1965 #18750 inder, which then slid up into the larger white disk. The outside rim start 4/23/1965 #18914 e. One object to starboard appears larger on radar. The objects depart to t 5/6/1965 #18929 others saw a small object leave a larger one, land, and burn a spot on the 7/19/1965 #19130 others saw a small object leave a larger one, then land and burn a spot on 7/19/1965 #19137 of three greenish lights around a larger, central sphere. After 20 minutes 7/26/1965 #19180 about 5 feet tall emerge from the larger object and walk around it. They a 7/26/1965 #19181 imates the UFO is at least 4 times larger than the jet. 9/17/1965 #19580 r, cigarette-shaped UFO enters the larger object through the dear. The bigg 11/30/1965 #19742 observe one eye, which he said was larger than normal sized and set more to 12/11/1965 #19765 k at it. Suddenly, a group of much larger lights come on all around the sma 3/1966 #19930 t flashed as if signaling, and the larger object flew away to the west leav 3/11/1966 #19951 ee the UFO as a “bright ball” much larger than a jet. They also see three j 4/17/1966 #20318 ering nearby on either side of the larger object, changing formations, and 6/19/1966 #20586 ering nearby on either side of the larger object, changing formation. The g 6/19/1966 #20588 he moon, silver, and about 4 times larger than the full moon. It has a fuzz 8/1/1966 #20718 Franklin Springs, NY Object larger than an army tank, w/3 horizontal 9/9/1966 #20866 tness: Jacobson. One solid object, larger than an army tank, with lights al 9/9/1966 #20868 ings, New York saw a solid object, larger than an Army tank, descend from a 9/9/1966 #20869 aller glowing objects approach the larger object, moving around erratically 9/17/1966 #20892 otion. The two rendezvous with the larger object, then a third smaller obje 9/17/1966 #20892 ler objects periodically leave the larger object and flies around the area. 9/17/1966 #20892 hat flew off to the southwest. The larger object sped off to the east. 10/8/1966 #20975 dishes approached and entered the larger object. The parent object had wha 11/10/1966 #21087 . Smaller objects emerged from the larger and flew away rapidly toward the 2/1967 #21428 above it (satellite objects). The larger object swung like a pendulum (osc 2/20/1967 #21602 es with associated red flames. The larger object was stationary and the sma 2/26/1967 #21659 es with associated red flames. The larger object was stationary and the sma 2/26/1967 #21666 ring 10 m above ground. It was not larger than a car, took a 45 (degree) or 3/12/1967 #21871 eters above the ground. It was not larger than a car, tilted to a 45 degree 3/12/1967 #21873 zigzagging high above him. Soon, a larger and closer light appears and beha 3/24/1967 #21973 colored UFO with a dome, a little larger than a large car, hovered over Tu 4/19/1967 #22165 dhead, slit-like ears and somewhat larger eyes than humans. Watts attempted 6/11/1967 #22496 ndows around its periphery. In the larger object were four square windows e 6/13/1967 #22504 ee smaller objects merged with the larger one and disappeared after about a 6/24/1967 #22543 round, glowing object three times larger than the full moon. It hovered, s 6/28/1967 #22567 examines them, and looks up at the larger object, apparently communicating 8/3/1967 #22788 ding it was "very distant and much larger than the Earth, and with many adv 9/4/1967 #22996 dding it is “very distant and much larger than the Earth, and with many adv 9/4/1967 #22997 ding it was "very distant and much larger than the Earth, and with many adv 9/4/1967 #23000 garage. "Come / US. our world much larger. Many advantages / humming. 9/9/1967 #23023 er silvery objects emerge from the larger one and move rapidly away in diff 9/20/1967 #23100 rge and form a triangle around the larger light. The satellite objects then 10/4/1967 #23176 field, apparently body lights on a larger craft. A car stopped with six peo 10/22/1967 #23286 evel, with a dark figure, slightly larger than a normal human, approaching 11/16/1967 #23469 that maneuvered independently. The larger UFO was 40 to 50 feet in diameter 1/13/1968 #23663 orange ball of light that was much larger than the biggest star. It moved r 2/1/1968 #23725 w a white egg-shaped UFO, a little larger than a station wagon, hovering cl 2/21/1968 #23774 ams, Massachusetts - A green light larger than a star was seen moving slowl 7/5/1968 #24146 wo lights rose and merged into the larger object, which then took off. The 7/6/1968 #24149 lew around and then re-entered the larger craft. Both a camera and a tape r 8/1/1968 #24287 ne in the middle of the line seems larger and has a white glow around it. W 8/21/1968 #24364 maller objects fly to and from the larger object. Ground air control report 8/22/1968 #24369 ANIA Teacher sees Brill red ovoid. Larger / moon. Goes very fast going nort 11/5/1968 #24634 “fluorescent star” next to it. The larger object merges into the star and d 11/25/1968 #24704 that the beings descended from the larger craft in a small object similar i 1/14/1969 #24842 er red dots were released from the larger object and flew off in various di 2/8/1969 #24903 UJ, ROM Ovoid glitters / sky. Much larger / star. Goes going up and down [t 3/11/1969 #24995 35 tanker saw a cylindrical object larger than the plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviat 3/14/1969 #25010 B-52 bombing is expanded to a much larger area of Cambodia and continued un 3/18/1969 #25025 .m. a silent, cone-shaped UFO grew larger in the sky, as if approaching. It 6/2/1969 #25191 d could brighten up to a size much larger than when originally seen. They m 6/20/1969 #25229 en rose and were joined by a third larger UFO. This new object was turtle s 10/11/1969 #25409 smaller objects move away from the larger one, three to portside and two to 10/24/1969 #25422 ects that approached the ship, one larger than the destroyer. The objects w 10/24/1969 #25424 shorter than normal. One was much larger than the others. All three were “ 12/27/1969 #25510 er in the center. At one point the larger figure chased after something to 12/27/1969 #25510 lew in and joined it, touching the larger object. The UFOs then shot off to 4/11/1970 #25629 The eyes of the humanoid were much larger than a human's and spread farther 8/15/1970 #25787 sion that the craft was impossibly larger inside than what it looked like f 8/15/1970 #25787 heta when they see a bright object larger than the full moon above the hill 7/17/1971 #26234 out from behind the cloud that was larger than a Boeing jet plane. It hover 8/11/1971 #26280 llating in their flight around the larger one. The larger UFO was silvery m 8/11/1971 #26280 flight around the larger one. The larger UFO was silvery metallic in color 8/11/1971 #26280 our shapes moving behind them. The larger UFO emitted a broad, bluish beam 8/11/1971 #26280 r husband who came over to see the larger metallic object fly away. It flew 8/11/1971 #26280 s the torso, but its head was much larger than normal and it had long arms. 8/16/1971 #26291 e. The creature on the table had a larger than normal head and a face resem 8/16/1971 #26291 ter, John Hodges recalled that the larger brain had spoken to them telepath 8/17/1971 #26293 engine died. The object, slightly larger than a Volkswagen, had small wind 9/22/1971 #26365 he sees a bluish light, which gets larger as if it is approaching the groun 3/19/1972 #26617 could be seen orbiting around the larger craft. There were two witnesses, 6/30/1972 #26746 s disturbed by interference. It is larger than a star and persists for seve 9/14/1972 #26999 pears to be a bullet-shaped object larger than a Boeing 727 and adorned wit 10/23/1972 #27087 t your eyes to look at it." It was larger than a car but smaller than a bus 2/18/1973 #27296 coming from the sun, which is the larger of the two. Our sixth planet has 4/1973 #27396 and Manor, Pennsylvania, near the larger town of Jeanette. Among these was 4/15/1973 #27431 e small and pointed, and his head "larger than ours." This man, speaking in 5/16/1973 #27496 und. Fishlike object suddenly grew larger and in the blink of an eye appear 10/15/1973 #28056 their footprints, which were much larger than a human's and appeared to ha 10/20/1973 #28222 tness fires three bullets into the larger creature’s chest. It whines and r 10/25/1973 #28285 then regular bullets was used. The larger of the two creatures turned towar 10/25/1973 #28286 hat before they left the field the larger of the two creatures was seen in 10/25/1973 #28286 on his right and drifts up to the larger object and merges with it. The la 11/6/1973 #28375 ger object and merges with it. The larger object dims in sections (about 16 11/6/1973 #28375 as it flies, becoming alternately larger and smaller, dimming and growing 11/18/1973 #28442 cent-dome going quickly southeast. Larger / moon. Pointed ends down. 12/1973 #28492 it, the light became brighter and larger. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, Fe 1/22/1974 #28690 dache! 40M saucer going southeast. Larger one follows. Back 19 October. 10/11/1974 #29515 up the bush to the north. It looka larger than a house. The headlights, rad 11/1974 #29575 y, like galvanized sheet iron. The larger one is in front, with a slightly Winter 1974 #29653 e car, a sliding door opens on the larger one near the front end. A large, Winter 1974 #29653 large red blinking ball of light, larger than a "washtub", moving slowly f 1/20/1975 #29756 hover. Then going quickly west. 1 larger. / r30p543+/ r152p110. 2/14/1975 #29808 appear to be entering and exit the larger silos. 2/23/1975 #29838 ng red light on its base. The main larger object is an elongated disc with 2/26/1975 #29852 g south to east. One is distinctly larger than the others. The lights desce 8/26/1975 #30310 s, so they could then see only the larger object, which showed a long windo 10/27/1975 #30489 nse red glow in the east. It grows larger, then descends rapidly to the rig 1/6/1976 #30770 a narrow waist, the upper portion larger than the lower one, and was about 1/9/1976 #30781 , and the green light becomes much larger, making a comparable turn to port 4/23/1976 #31017 vid yellow. It approaches another, larger object and enters it. While they 8/11/1976 #31256 ghthouse goes out temporarily. The larger object remains in place. 8/11/1976 #31256 ps. 3 bright flashing objects join larger object. 8/30/1976 #31314 on September 10, although it seems larger. It shrinks in size toward 12:00 9/9/1976 #31363 r UFO returned and united with the larger UFO. The other smaller UFO seemed 9/19/1976 #31396 07. A small object was shot by the larger disc toward the plane. First, the 9/19/1976 #31411 l tower, says “It was disc-shaped, larger than a car, but smaller than an a 10/17/1976 #31474 s, the outer ones about three feet larger in radius than the inner ones, an 10/24/1976 #31493 and returns to its original shape, larger than the moon. 11/25/1976 #31574 FB for deep freeze; the heads were larger than the bodies but facial featur 1977 #31658 e descend at an 80° angle, growing larger. When it reaches treetop level, i 1/10/1977 #31716 atures become more distinct. It is larger than a double-decker bus and shap 1/21/1977 #31742 atch an orange “fuzzy oval” object larger than a full moon descend from a l 1/28/1977 #31763 ld him that their craft was from a larger ship located outside the Earth's 2/2/1977 #31781 ormation of eight lights, with two larger ones in the lead, flying southeas 3/9/1977 #31885 coming from a cigar-shaped object larger than a Boeing 747 jumbo jet that 4/18/1977 #31992 d follows airliner / 30 second(s). Larger than plane. Going quickly east. 5/26/1977 #32128 ncer, reported that the object was larger than the airliner and flew away t 5/26/1977 #32131 ncer, reported that the object was larger than the airliner and flew away t 5/26/1977 #32136 eath, and they see that it is much larger than the full moon. Then it turns 8/28/1977 #32433 appeared to detach itself from the larger craft, and then descended close t 8/30/1977 #32442 re is a slight variance around the larger, lower end of the object, which s 11/10/1977 #32662 eters the couple again saw it, now larger and blinking, at the crossroads o 11/13/1977 #32671 t of the aircraft, apparently much larger. A crash appears imminent, but th 1/1978 #32836 ights and the Moon and is slightly larger than a distant aircraft. It has d 1/23/1978 #32907 looks different, because he has a larger head that seems “creased” down th 1/31/1978 #32928 looked different, because he had a larger head which seemed "creased" down 1/31/1978 #32930 the car to watch two objects, the larger of which is as big as the full Mo 2/5/1978 #32955 ler one abruptly disappears as the larger object is flying loops, dropping 2/5/1978 #32955 and came to a position beside the larger object. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 3/30/1978 #33100 and came to a position beside the larger object. There was an eerie, abnor 3/30/1978 #33101 lent, grayish-silver disc slightly larger than the full moon. It moves stra 4/2/1978 #33120 small green object shoot out of a larger green object. The display moves s 4/27/1978 #33175 , then return one at a time to the larger object, which stands motionless a 7/1978 #33319 that the light is still there and larger in size. She goes back outside an 7/21/1978 #33406 ine, see a flying disc three times larger than the moon. It has protrusions 8/8/1978 #33489 el above some trailers. It appears larger than a full moon. The deputy shin 8/11/1978 #33506 hey saw the saucer in the SE, much larger than a full moon would look (at n 8/21/1978 #33536 the saucer in the southeast, much larger than a full moon would look, perh 8/21/1978 #33538 two small lights emerged from the larger object and reached at point in th 8/31/1978 #33612 an octagonal object several times larger than the moon with light shining 10/6/1978 #33800 hwest. The witnesses then notice a larger, more distant object, wingless, h 10/8/1978 #33812 ttom left to top right and getting larger during its flight. This created a 10/31/1978 #33902 es a bright light in the sky, much larger than a star. Suddenly it moves di 11/7/1978 #33924 ttom surface, the middle one being larger. It possessed a bright orange spo 12/12/1978 #34100 e away they observed a similar but larger light on the ground in front of a 1/3/1979 #34290 8:00 p.m., Bill Osborne watches a larger object (80 feet long and 25 feet 3/6/1979 #34469 ts in the distance. The lights get larger and rise above the road. Thinking 4/19/1979 #34515 shaped like a toy top and a little larger than the previous object, descend 5/16/1979 #34563 haped like a toy top, and a little larger than the previous object. It had 5/16/1979 #34564 on a journey and allowed to view a larger vessel in flight and people on th 5/17/1979 #34566 nosis he remembered traveling to a larger craft where he found himself in a 6/18/1979 #34618 a small ship that ferries him to a larger craft further away. There he is p 6/28/1979 #34639 than a mile away. Suddenly another larger, pulsating light appears abut 1,5 8/23/1979 #34768 t of the car. It was several times larger than the Moon, with light that wa 10/6/1979 #34948 bserved on airport radar joining a larger, brighter object, then separating 3/22/1980 #35228 ree small objects that join with a larger, brighter object then separate ag 3/22/1980 #35230 smaller clouds then merge with the larger one and form an orange ball brigh 4/20/1980 #35280 nd triangular in shape, it appears larger than the full moon. The object ho 4/26/1980 #35293 rea near Mars Hill, Maine. Each is larger than the full moon and has numero 5/14/1980 #35331 ornithologist Kenneth Sager: “The larger the animal, the more difficult it 6/1980 #35349 t stars, while the upper ones seem larger. The smaller lights are zig-zaggi 7/12/1980 #35412 ging and coming together under the larger light for 20 minutes until all th 7/12/1980 #35412 1,200 feet to the north, slightly larger than the moon, which drifts westw 8/17/1980 #35462 irst 5–6 seconds, the object grows larger in angular size. Then it stops ge 9/4/1980 #35494 ngular size. Then it stops getting larger, as if it has adopted the Cessna’ 9/4/1980 #35494 looks like a metallic football no larger than 3 feet in size. It is silent 9/4/1980 #35494 O Adair cylinder/cigar-shape 'much larger / B52'. Offloads 6 smaller saucer 11/18/1980 #35650 proached the top of a hill another larger light appeared. The witness pulle 4/1/1981 #35883 was ejected from the front of the larger object, then another and another. 11/8/1981 #36212 es “like a hand grenade.” It grows larger than the apparent size of the ful 6/18/1982 #36510 t object, which grows brighter and larger in size. Both objects disappear, 9/17/1982 #36607 tivity is buzzed by a huge object (larger than the RC-135) over the eastern 10/19/1982 #36654 e got near the thing began to grow larger until it became a huge, dark man- 11/10/1982 #36678 lights and the vague outline of a larger object to which they are attached 3/24/1983 #36806 ecutive who sees a lighted object “larger than a 747” hovering over pine tr 3/24/1983 #36809 es on it for 30 minutes or so. The larger light emits a smaller one that st 9/3/1983 #36969 light, the shape of a triangle and larger than a normal aircraft, hovered o 1/14/1984 #37130 hite lights maneuvering around the larger ones. They seem to increase to as 1/27/1984 #37158 saw a delta-shaped UFO that looked larger than a Boeing 747. It paced his t 3/21/1984 #37234 about 100 feet altitude that looks larger than a Boeing 747. It has red, wh 3/21/1984 #37236 k in rapid sequence. One object is larger (at least 40 feet wide) than the 3/21/1984 #37237 saw a delta-shaped UFO that looked larger than a Boeing 747. It paced his t 3/21/1984 #37238 e, New York. It was reported to be larger than a football field, and it fol 5/31/1984 #37345 e, New York. It was reported to be larger than a football field, and it fol 5/31/1984 #37349 h in color, triangular shaped, and larger than a 747 aircraft. It had 4 red 7/15/1984 #37401 ds at a huge speed and reaches the larger disc, which rises up and disappea 1985 #37541 object in the north looking a bit larger than a star, rapidly moving towar 11/3/1985 #37699 going up and down [to] over lake. Larger object hovers over night light. C 7/29/1986 #37956 lake at Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. A larger object was seen hovering over the 7/29/1986 #37957 light, one above the other. As the larger UFOs moved away from the 747 Airl 11/17/1986 #38068 BASE, CA V-bright white box-shape. Larger / 747. Altitude = 30K'. Instant 9 3/12/1988 #38500 ter with a red ball of light (BOL) larger than 3 car lengths. Initially she 5/9/1988 #38559 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape larger / 747 descends silent / 1 minute( 2/2/1989 #38815 a luminous dot in the sky. It gets larger, turns into a shining sphere, lan 6/6/1989 #38981 SHEVCHENKO, KHAZAKSTAN UFO much larger / 747 rises going up [to] clouds. 8/15/1989? #39063 roaring sound, and was definitely larger than a house. Its estimated altit 10/8/1989 #39151 o superimposed cylinders, 10 times larger than a plane, with red lights, an 11/22/1989 #39246 e an electric motor. The object is larger than a Boeing 707. It has flashin 11/29/1989 #39275 of the corners. In the center is a larger, primarily gray-blue light, altho 2/21/1990 #39425 ed craft. The disc ascended into a larger hovering object that appeared sud 3/1/1990 #39438 a square buckle on the front of a larger belt-buckle. Shiny neon like ligh 7/29/1990 #39667 5°, coming from an opening that is larger than the diameter of the flickeri 5/17/1991 #40066 ver(s). Plain cylinder/cigar-shape larger / airliner. Gone / flash. 5 helic 7/1/1991 #40110 an-like, their heads were slightly larger than normal. Suddenly the light i 8/13/1991 #40152 At 1:00 a.m. a huge, 500 meter or larger disc-shaped object with bright li 5/7/1992 #40458 eyes that were two or three times larger than normal. Khoury especially no 7/23/1992 #40531 ated to be at 1,200 feet altitude, larger than a Boeing-747, and moving slo 8/20/1992 #40586 ical officer saw a triangular UFO, larger than a Boeing-747, zigzag in the 3/30/1993 #40906 object's inside dimensions seemed larger, by far, that they could be judgi 5/13/1993 #40976 anished. The being had a head much larger than normal, long thin arms and a 10/23/1993 #41249 e light. The object was five times larger than a car. Its distance from the 4/8/1994 #41482 As the smaller object closed in on larger one, the larger one turned from w 5/17/1994 #41528 bject closed in on larger one, the larger one turned from white to red, and 5/17/1994 #41528 trail, and an object several times larger than a Boeing 747. Possibly debri 9/14/1994 #41749 ed back with a headband around its larger than normal head, stands about 3 9/16/1994 #41754 re were three smaller lights below larger object. All four of the objects f 5/12/1995 #42198 men. 7-8 disks / high altitude. 1 larger / others. Several 911 calls and M 5/19/1995 #42213 rance. Six smaller orbs exited the larger object, flew around, then returne 6/5/1995 #42240 llow-orange disk streaks overhead. Larger / full moon. 9/12/1995 #42462 te / yellow disk going south slow. Larger / full moon. Halo surrounds it. 9/13/1995 #42465 ee, Florida. Its apparent size was larger than the full moon, and it had a 9/13/1995 #42468 H / LOOS, NORD, FR Luminous sphere larger / full moon hovers near prison. S 1/8/1996 #42674 looks like tinfoil. He picks up a larger piece that is thin and light. Whe 1/13/1996 #42681 like a protective circle around a larger cigar-shaped, mother-ship style o 1/31/1996 #42729 while appearing to grow repeatedly larger and smaller. Suddenly they notice 9/23/1996 #43039 rown skin and narrow eyes. Another larger craft was also seen on the ground 9/23/1996 #43039 t, shaped like a “topper” and much larger than an airplane, aims an intense 10/15/1996 #43070 and hovers. After it disappears, a larger, orange-yellow-red sphere appears 2/27/1997 #43212 strong shoulders. Their heads were larger than humans and oval in shape, wi 6/5/1997 #43311 ed the object to be "several times larger than an airplane." It hovered, th 8/29/1998 #43639 object as a small star that grows larger and larger as it descends. It has 10/19/1998 #43665 a small star that grows larger and larger as it descends. It has a mushroom 10/19/1998 #43665 wo small oval clouds emerge from a larger cloud. All of the objects slowly 11/6/1998 #43677 lexander, Arkansas: “The first was larger, more white, more stationary and 11/11/1998 #43680 ith smaller lights coming from the larger one. Local researcher Jane Segal 11/30/1998 #43692 e events as symbolic agents of the larger purpose to save Earth from humans 1999 #43708 that during one crash recovery, a larger UAP “ship” appeared above the cra 7/31/1999 #43815 on, British Columbia saw an object larger than a van hovering outside his h 1/2/2000 #43915 itnessed five objects, three times larger than the visible stars, traveling 2/11/2000 #43946 The object they are attached to is larger than a commercial airliner that h 11/4/2000 #44072 urple and shades of blue. One more larger object appears on the horizon and 1/1/2001 #44114 ale yellow light. The ring becomes larger in diameter, coming closer to the 6/30/2001 #44199 At three a.m. an object larger than 10 meters in diameter was se 7/29/2001 #44213 seen moving toward and away from a larger white object. 8/4/2001 #44224 small lights was seen between two larger red lights over the M62 highway i 11/6/2001 #44273 eir window. It was estimated to be larger than apassenger jet, moving west 8/31/2002 #44388 e corners, unlike any aircraft and larger than a Boeing 747. Her husband sa 9/15/2002 #44398 ght had an apparent size 2-3 times larger than the full moon. The light hun 2/13/2004 #44664 n the sky. The BOLs were ten times larger than a star, and were coming toge 5/3/2004 #44694 altitude of about 3,300 feet. The larger craft performs erratic maneuvers 8/28/2004 #44744 lew up to it, and then entered the larger object. The incident lasted 90 mi 9/19/2004 #44761 n noticed the objects getting much larger as they slowly descended to earth 1/30/2006 #44920 maller object slowly merged with a larger disc-shaped object over Round Lak 1/30/2007 #45002 each corner of the triangle and a larger red light in the middle of it. It 5/16/2007 #45030 light in the middle of it. It was larger than a plane.It flew overhead slo 5/16/2007 #45030 ject with two lights at both ends, larger than a normal aircraft, and it ma 9/21/2007 #45065 California. It was reported to be larger than a stealth bomber. 11/13/2007 #45094 smaller spherical object near the larger craft; and there were no lights o 11/1/2008 #45186 jects, one small one and the other larger, over the Xincheng district of Ta 10/11/2010 #45301 ircraft. The object has a wingspan larger than a C-5A cargo plane and flies 11/19/2013 #45397 ators and that they are “part of a larger issue of an increased number of t 2/2015? #45430 erm UFO into UAP—hoping to reach a larger scientific audience—served little 1/1/2017 #45463 objects that are baseball size or larger. The Space Surveillance Network h 6/23/2019 #45587 f these. All the drones seem to be larger and have greater endurance than c 1/17/2022 #45734## Word: "largest" (Back to Top)
directly away from the earth. The largest had an apparent area of about si 2/28/1904 #670 r the U.S.S. Navy ship Supply. The largest one was egg or pear shaped, and 2/28/1904 #671 and 10–15 feet in diameter at its largest point. Suddenly the sky lights u 8/9/1934 #1217 wer being cut. Coincidentally, the largest consumer of energy on this power 3/10/1945 #1810 Sea), and 25 aircraft. It was the largest Antarctic expedition ever attemp 1946 #1955 been used in rocket construction. Largest portion of the object has been t 1/7/1947 #2223 ouched down and skipped along. The largest piece of debris is recovered at 7/7/1947 #2928 o photos when the object is at its largest apparent size, then two others w 7/18/1952 #6897 4:00 p.m. The Air Force holds its largest and longest press conference sin 7/29/1952 #7328 ings appear around the object, the largest about six times its diameter whe 5/5/1953 #8866 isc-shaped tracks in the sand. The largest are about 2 feet in diameter, pe 1/18/1954 #9493 rce’s reluctance to distribute its largest study to date fits with that str 7/5/1956 #12953 the lights dim and spread out, the largest light ascending on an apparent c Fall 1956 #13237 , Hood is thermonuclear and is the largest atmospheric test in the continen 7/5/1957 #13779 time then switches back on. At its largest, it seems 30 feet in diameter. I 11/5/1957 #14345 th one large piece broken off. The largest section of the craft was transpo 9/26/1959 #15994 red 31.75 feet in diameter and the largest 36.25 feet. 8/5/1967 #22817 ened in four distinct patches, the largest 60 by 15 feet. All the stalks li 4/17/1969 #25067 ircles impressed in the grass, the largest 15–20 feet in diameter. Then the 7/4/1970 #25726 here are 5 holes in the court, the largest 10 feet in diameter. Two spike h 11/12/1972 #27120 West Virginia, in the midst of the largest wave of UFO sightings since 1967 10/13/1973 #28020 y are spread over 20 acres and the largest is 14 feet in diameter. The oats 12/8/1973 #28541 reball meteors the same night, the largest and brightest appearing at 3:00 12/25/1980 #35732 away from the target and sees the largest “bloom” he has ever encountered. Spring 1984 #37231 lice. Several landings reported. / largest atomic arsenal. 9/8/1990 #39720 orce Base, New Mexico, the world's largest atomic arsenal. 9/8/1990 #39721 tity of some kind emerges from the largest object and stands on top. It has 9/16/1994 #41754 lying Saucer Research (CBPDV), the largest UFO group in the country. The ev 12/7/1997 #43453 t hydroelectric dam and one of the largest in South America. It is located 5/16/1998 #43568 d southwest. This last one was the largest and almost transperent; we could 5/16/2003 #44538 rmation. This is described as “the largest release of documents younger tha 9/2006 #44957 ian Foundation, one of the world’s largest charitable foundations. https:/ 2/1/2007 #45004 be stricken in Swedish waters, the largest Swedish mobilization since the C 10/16/2014 #45417 ration requests $81.1 billion, the largest amount ever, in funding for the 2/27/2018 #45516## Word: "largo" (Back to Top)
Key Largo, FL Huge, bright pale blue or whit 7/29/1954 #10062 he Coastal Keys Highway off of Key Largo, Florida. The lights pulsated brig 4/12/1967 #22124 North Key Largo, Florida Jewfish Creek Pompano Bea 7/20/1967 #22710 cett is driving alone on North Key Largo, Florida, near Jewfish Creek. She 7/20/1967 #22710 BOCA RATON TO/FROM KEY LARGO, FL Cops and many. 2-5 night light 11/10/1975 #30588 KEY LARGO, FL 1 observer. Fireball going dow 1/29/1986 #37774 KEY LARGO, FL 1 observer. Silent 20M x 12M f 8/11/1986 #37977 In Key Largo, Florida a silent wing-shaped obje 8/11/1986 #37979 uthwest direction was sighted over Largo, Pinellas County, Florida. 10/27/2004 #44772## Word: "lari" (Back to Top)
and two OTC Enterprises employees (Lari Kendrick and Charles O. Rhoades) ar 5/28/1959 #15749## Word: "larimer" (Back to Top)
Larimer County Road 76H northwest of Lar 9/1/1976 #31324 rimer County Road 76H northwest of Larimer, Colorado 10:35 a.m. A witness i 9/1/1976 #31324 alking with her dog in a field off Larimer County Road 76H northwest of Lar 9/1/1976 #31324 rimer County Road 76H northwest of Larimer, Colorado. She looks up and sees 9/1/1976 #31324 Parker Douglas County Fort Collins Larimer County Centennial Fort Morgan Co 1/8/2020 #45625 nty, Colorado, and Fort Collins in Larimer County. Kerry Garrison, a vice p 1/8/2020 #45625## Word: "larimore" (Back to Top)
nald E. Jenkins and S/Sgt. Doty T. Larimore on two B-36 flights over Labrad 9/18/1951 #5678## Word: "larisa" (Back to Top)
LARISA AND PATRAS AND ALL / GREECE Sauce 11/3/1969 #25451## Word: "larissa" (Back to Top)
e Kalochori, Michaniona Giannitsa, Larissa Ptolemaida Lagyna 6:00 p.m. Air 11/12/1981 #36220 Kalochori, Michaniona, Giannitsa, Larissa, Ptolemaida, and Lagyna. 11/12/1981 #36220## Word: "larkhall" (Back to Top)
LARKHALL, SCOTLAND Nurse. Large neon-dia 11/14/1994 #41847## Word: "larkspur" (Back to Top)
LARKSPUR, CA 1 observer. Rough circle / 11/29/1991 #40248 In Larkspur, California at 11:00 p.m. a 35- 11/29/1991 #40249## Word: "larnaca" (Back to Top)
as observed hovering over Pygra in Larnaca District of southern Cyprus. It 10/28/2005 #44896## Word: "larne" (Back to Top)
Black Arch Antrim Coast Road Larne, County Antrim Northern Ireland Hu 8/1955 #12310 rch, on the Antrim Coast Road near Larne, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, 8/1955 #12310 s again about 6 minutes later. The Larne police suspect that the lights are 8/1955 #12310## Word: "larned" (Back to Top)
NEAR LARNED, KS Flashing double-cone hovers. 6/13/1971 #26172 LARNED, KS Big white light buzzes car th 2/26/1972 #26582## Word: "laroche" (Back to Top)
Monchamps, France Mr. and Mrs. Laroche, from Paris, saw a fiery sphere 10/6/1954 #10753 On this evening Mr. and Mrs. Laroche from Paris saw a fiery sphere la 10/6/1954 #10761 the UFO. Around 9:00 p.m., Marcel Laroche, a journalist from La Presse, ta 11/7/1990 #39881## Word: "laroque" (Back to Top)
LAROQUE TIMBAUT, FR 3M tall pink ovoid 1 4/7/1976 #30988 nd its perimeter. At 11:40 p.m. in Laroque Timbaut, France a three meter ta 4/7/1976 #30990 LAROQUE TIMBAUT, FR Cylinder/cigar-shape 5/24/1976 #31072## Word: "larose" (Back to Top)
Teenagers Holly Travis and Debbie LaRose wake up at the Travis house in Sa Mid 9/1979 #34887## Word: "larrude" (Back to Top)
nos Aires, Argentina - Mrs. Emilia Larrude de Salazar was alone with her ch 8/31/1968 #24410## Word: "larry" (Back to Top)
GHTED YEAR WALL STREET COLLAPSES - Larry Reynolds of San Francisco, Califor Spring 1929 #1094 archaeologists, a local man named Larry Campbell (later called Jack Armstr 7/5/1947 #2721 Bayview, Washington Witness: Larry McWade. One purple object seen for 6/2/1952 #6426 t close with the UFO. At 5:02 p.m. Larry McWade observed a purple object fo 6/2/1952 #6429 Moscow, Idaho 9:34 p.m. Supervisor Larry E. Towner and other Ground Observe 8/9/1953 #9058 tioch, Illinois Ringwood 6:30 p.m. Larry and Marilynn Beaman are driving ne 11/5/1957 #14345 ifornia Sierra foothills 5:45 a.m. Larry Jensen is driving to work on US Hi 12/1959 #16107 USAF Airman 3rd Class Larry W. Rogers, 3926th Air Police Squad 1960 #16145 llegedly because CIA station chief Larry Devlin refuses permission. 9/1960 #16429 ic of the Congo. CIA Station Chief Larry Devlin has helped direct the searc 1/17/1961 #16578 y east of Elista, Kalmuk. (Source: Larry Hatch, *U* Database, case #7772, c 1966 #19793 time, George Larsen (Larson?) and Larry Pateof (Pace?) are driving by car 1/30/1967 #21418 McIntosh, South Dakota 7:15 p.m. Larry Burke sees an object with red, gre 3/12/1967 #21872 Larry Sorenson was driving from Ely to D 8/29/1968 #24402 his driveway. The second witness, Larry Peterson, next reported a similar 11/24/1970 #25918 of Gleason called “The Great One.” Larry Bryant, editor of Just Cause, the 2/19/1973 #27298 ckie Gleason tells the story to is Larry Warren, who is a member of the Air 2/19/1973 #27298 Pascagoula, Mississippi 9:00 p.m. Larry Booth of Pascagoula, Mississippi, 10/11/1973 #27999 lew off toward the south. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 1 1/24/1975 #29764 of Harlowton, Montana. When Deputy Larry Clifford drives to a point about o 2/17/1975 #29820 iles, letter dated August 3, 1975; Larry Hatch, U computer database, citing 6/12/1975 #30098 oward the east- southeast (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 11/6/1975 #30566 Register, Volume 7 (1976), p. 31; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 1 4/7/1976 #30989 lew off toward the south. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 1 7/4/1976 #31149 UFO researcher Larry W. Bryant writes a letter to Presi 2/6/1977 #31793 Hendry, The UFO Handbook, p. 120; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 1 3/7/1977 #31871 een again one hour later. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 1 5/6/1977 #32064 object, carrying "tools." (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 1 7/17/1977 #32286 essee 12:10 a.m. Former Navy pilot Larry Crawford sees a star-like light mo 3/7/1980 #35201 Easley, South Carolina 8:05 a.m. Larry Garrett is working on his car in E 9/11/1980 #35515 ounty 8:55 p.m. Randall Rogers and Larry Mortensen, employed at the Phelps- 10/23/1980 #35584 “Larry W.” writes Leonard Stringfield and 12/14/1980 #35716 icted, well guarded and patrolled; Larry claims it had a large metal buildi 12/14/1980 #35716 minating the ground, then shot up. Larry Warren, one of the military enlist 12/27/1980 #35748 se Around 12:00 midnight. USAF A1C Larry Warren claims he is on patrol at R 12/28/1980 #35750 The Larry King Show carries a three-hour pro 2/7/1981 #35817 rliner. The first hour consists of Larry King interviewing the panelists; t 2/7/1981 #35817 ondon, Ohio London, Ohio 9:30 p.m. Larry Tilman is on Neil Road southwest o 3/20/1981 #35868 Madison Lake State Park 7:00 p.m. Larry Tilman again takes time-exposure p 3/21/1981 #35870 fairs hearing, April 2, 1982. Rep. Larry Winn, Jr. ER-Kans.] presiding). 3/1/1982 #36374 , Ukraine for 18 minutes. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 6/21/1983 #36886 Washington DC Larry W. Bryant, Director of CAUS, filed 6/24/1983 #36891 aboard are killed, including Rep. Larry McDonald (D-Ga.) and president of 9/1/1983 #36968 Richard Doty writes to ufologist Larry W. Bryant that he had never promis 3/5/1988 #38491 someone who convinces Coral’s son, Larry Lorenzen, that this is a bad move 4/12/1988 #38541 er Sen. Barry Goldwater appears on Larry King’s syndicated radio show and r 10/13/1988 #38671 wcett, Jim and Coral Lorenzen, and Larry W. Bryant. Moore leaves the stage 7/1/1989 #39002 affirms in a letter to researcher Larry W. Bryant that it keeps a classifi 8/2/1989 #39041 Court for the District of Columbia Larry W. Bryant files suit in District C 8/28/1989 #39076 Stanton T. Friedman as a result of Larry Bryant’s lawsuit. 11/13/1989 #39228 After a second request, USAF Col. Larry G. Shockley refers him to the Nati 3/1993 #40871 ra County, New Mexico 5:30 p.m. As Larry Gardea is hunting for bear near Lu 9/13/1994 #41743 Larry Gardea, while out bear hunting nea 9/13/1994 #41744 51 Wright-Patterson field TV host Larry King broadcasts “Larry King Live a 10/1/1994 #41779 eld TV host Larry King broadcasts “Larry King Live at Area 51,” which inclu 10/1/1994 #41779 burn and “De Angelo” from SAIC and Larry Lemke, a NASA Ames engineer. http 1/7/1996 #42670 ” In a July 4, 2008, appearance on Larry King Live, Mitchell tells the audi 4/10/1997 #43260 ula, Washington 9:23 p.m. Civilian Larry Swanson sees a disc-shaped UFO fly 4/22/1998 #43557 Larry Rowlette states his father Sgt. Ho 3/1999 #43741 NASA engineer Larry Lemke tells Lockheed scientist Ber 6/11/2003 #44556 es T. Lacatski, Colm Kelleher, and Larry Grossman meet at Bolling AFB [now 12/11/2009 #45262 (BAASS) Director of Investigation Larry Grossman, a contractor for the Def 2010 #45263 mes T. Lacatski, Colm Kelleher and Larry Grossman met the director of opera 2010 #45263 (BAASS) Director of Investigation Larry Grossman meets in Washington, D.C. Late 1/2010 #45268 Los Angeles, CA Radio and TV host Larry King dies at age 87 in Los Angeles 1/23/2021 #45674## Word: "lars" (Back to Top)
a Island, Venezuela Caribbean Karl Lars Dersson is walking on the deck of t 12/13/1959 #16117 gal Norway Britain 2:59 a.m. Capt. Lars Berglund and the crew of a Boeing 7 1/26/1974 #28709## Word: "lars-erik" (Back to Top)
In January 1959, a medical doctor, Lars-Erik Essén, hypnotizes the men in w 12/20/1958 #15489## Word: "larsen" (Back to Top)
Dayton, Ohio US Navy Cmdr. Julius Larsen, an ONI liaison officer to the CI 7/5/1959 #15817 nowles and interview Frances Swan. Larsen tries his hand at automatic writi 7/5/1959 #15817 ffa. Back in Washington on July 6, Larsen goes to director of the Photograp 7/5/1959 #15817 t Lt. Robert S. Neasham. They urge Larsen to try to contact the extraterres 7/5/1959 #15817 to contact the extraterrestrials. Larsen goes into a trance, asks Affa que 7/5/1959 #15817 son or let them see his spaceship, Larsen stops writing and tells Neasham t 7/5/1959 #15817 easham’s version of the story, and Larsen even channels some messages. Frie 7/5/1959 #15817 diana Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. E.I. Larsen. A series of balls, arranged like 3/23/1960 #16204 At 3:35 a.m. Mr. & Mrs. Larsen sighted an object over their resi 3/23/1960 #16205 n. At around the same time, George Larsen (Larson?) and Larry Pateof (Pace? 1/30/1967 #21418 Mr. and Mrs. Larsen recalled being abducted on this n 6/21/1967 #22531 nois J. Allen Hynek and Sherman J. Larsen establish what will become the Ce 10/1973 #27901 tudies in Evanston, Illinois, with Larsen’s existing Public Education Group 10/1973 #27901 enview, Illinois, where Sherman J. Larsen operates it. 8/1984 #37426## Word: "larson" (Back to Top)
e in north Seattle, Washington Mr. Larson sighted a round white object desc 7/4/1947 #2677 Larson AFB, WA Two Radars Track 900 MPH 8/26/1951 #5630 Larson AFB [now Grant County Internation 8/26/1951 #5631 ngton 8:28 p.m. A radar station at Larson AFB [now Grant County Internation 8/26/1951 #5631 Moses Lake (Larson AFB), WA Hat-shaped glowing objec 12/22/1952 #8441 Larson AFB Grant County International Ai 12/22/1952 #8443 strument technician driving toward Larson AFB [now Grant County Internation 12/22/1952 #8443 LARSON AIR FORCE BASE, WA Project Bluebo 1/8/1953 #8511 Moses Lake (Larson AFB), WA Green disc shaped or rou 1/8/1953 #8513 Larson AFB, Washington Witnesses: men f 1/8/1953 #8514 Larson AFB [now Grant County Internation 1/8/1953 #8515 Interceptor Squadron personnel at Larson AFB [now Grant County Internation 1/8/1953 #8515 Larson AFB [now Grant County Internation 10/2/1962 #17452 ight. Airmen on security patrol at Larson AFB [now Grant County Internation 10/2/1962 #17452 ound the same time, George Larsen (Larson?) and Larry Pateof (Pace?) are dr 1/30/1967 #21418 brakes to avoid hitting it . (June Larson report, 8/1/67, in NICAP files.) 4/21/1967 #22181 and Forks AFB ICMB Complex. Sandra Larson, age 32, and her daughter Jackie, 8/26/1975 #30309 rry O’Leary, his girlfriend Jackie Larson, and Jackie’s mother Sandy Larson 8/26/1975 #30310 Larson, and Jackie’s mother Sandy Larson leave Fargo, North Dakota for Bis 8/26/1975 #30310 tic sessions with Sandy and Jackie Larson on December 4–6. Sandy remembers 8/26/1975 #30310 UFO. Clark writes: “What makes the Larson story interesting, in retrospect, 8/26/1975 #30310 ear Buffalo, North Dakota - Sandra Larson, age 32, and her daughter Jackie, 8/26/1975 #30312 Sandra Larson awoke at four o'clock in the morn 12/2/1975 #30681 On this night in 1976 Ms. Larson was abducted out of her bedroom i 4/18/1976 #31000 ty, Minnesota 10:30 a.m. Arthur A. Larson is sitting in a truck at a gravel 9/2003 #44591## Word: "larsson" (Back to Top)
sket, Sweden Boden 11:30 a.m. Kurt Larsson, 11, is fishing at the north end 7/19/1946 #2070## Word: "lartillot" (Back to Top)
oncles, France Mr. and Mrs. Alexis Lartillot and Georgette Mongot observed 9/28/1954 #10484 tte Mongot and Mr. and Mrs. Alexis Lartillot in Froncles, France observed a 9/28/1954 #10489## Word: "lartington" (Back to Top)
Lartington, Teesdale, England 11:30 p.m. 6/6/1977 #32151 ll is riding his motorbike home at Lartington, Teesdale, England, in the po 6/6/1977 #32151## Word: "las" (Back to Top)
Las Cruces, NM Naval Research Lab Rocket 6/29/1947 #2466 20 miles east-northeast of Las Cruces, New Mexico 1:15 p.m. Carl J. 6/29/1947 #2467 ory, is 20 miles east-northeast of Las Cruces, New Mexico, to observe a V-2 6/29/1947 #2467 LAS VEGAS, NV Project Bluebook Case #71. 10/8/1947 #3449 Las Vegas, NV AAF reserve Capt. Moore sa 10/8/1947 #3450 Las Vegas, NV Moving reddish UFO emitted 12/8/1947 #3498 Las Vegas, Nevada Pilots observe a reddi 12/8/1947 #3499 ight moving at moderate speed over Las Vegas, Nevada. It emits a flash of g 12/8/1947 #3499 between Fallon and Eureka Tonopah–Las Vegas Bombing and Gunnery Range Paml Late 1948 #3842 een Fallon and Eureka; the Tonopah–Las Vegas Bombing and Gunnery Range (the Late 1948 #3842 LAS VEGAS, NM Air Force C47+airliner cre 12/5/1948 #3906 Las Vegas (W of), NM AFOSI Case 8; AF C- 12/5/1948 #3907 Denver Phoenix Las Vegas, New Mexico Sandia Peak Albuqu 12/5/1948 #3909 om Denver to Phoenix. Just west of Las Vegas, New Mexico, he and his copilo 12/5/1948 #3909 Flying east of Las Vegas, New Mexico a C-47 pilot and t 12/5/1948 #3910 ESE / LAS VEGAS, NM 2 OSI agents / T7 plane. V 12/8/1948 #3915 Las Vegas (20 miles E of), NM AFOSI Case 12/8/1948 #3916 Las Cruses, NM AFOSI Case 85; 20:00 - ro 8/6/1949 #4305 Las Cruses, NM AFOSI Case 86; 20:00 - re 8/6/1949 #4306 LAS CRUCES, NM Astronomer Tombaugh. Row 8/20/1949 #4331 Las Cruses, NM A rigid formation of fain 8/20/1949 #4332 Las Cruces, New Mexico 10:45 p.m. Astron 8/20/1949 #4333 ectangular bluish- green lights at Las Cruces, New Mexico, for about 3 seco 8/20/1949 #4333 At 10:15 p.m. in Las Cruces, New Mexico Astronomer Clyde 8/20/1949 #4334 Las Vegas AFB, NV A man and his father s 1/10/1950 #4480 LAS VEGAS, NV Wingless fuselage going qu 6/26/1950 #5010 continental US Las Vegas Bombing and Gunnery Range in N 7/1950 #5034 des that a site on the Air Force’s Las Vegas Bombing and Gunnery Range in N 7/1950 #5034 Tonopah–Las Vegas Bombing and Gunnery Range, Nev 12/12/1950 #5343 meg officially selects the Tonopah–Las Vegas Bombing and Gunnery Range, Nev 12/12/1950 #5343 Lawson Nellis Air Force Base near Las Vegas Nevada Test Site 12:05 p.m. Ai 4/17/1952 #6107 son at Nellis Air Force Base, near Las Vegas, see 18 circular objects flyin 4/17/1952 #6107 LAS VEGAS, NV 2 80M round objects drift 8/14/1952 #7583 Las Cruces, New Mexico Kilbourne Hole Po 1/18/1954 #9493 s Proving Grounds Cosette Weiss of Las Cruces, New Mexico, is visiting the 1/18/1954 #9493 Las Cruces, New Mexico Astronomer Clyde 2/13/1954 #9541 alk to the Astronomical Society of Las Cruces, New Mexico. He predicts an i 2/13/1954 #9541 NEAR LAS VEGAS, NV C47 crew. Wingless fuselag 5/30/1954 #9843 Las Gastanas farm Granja de Torrehermosa 12/3/1954 #11754 geda, and Francisco Huertos are at Las Gastanas farm about 3 miles from Gra 12/3/1954 #11754 that same night in Chico-Cerro de las Tres Torres, Venezuela two hunters, 12/10/1954 #11798 satellite installation” within the Las Vegas Bombing and Gunnery Range. Con 5/18/1955 #12140 US95 NORTHWEST / LAS VEGAS, NV Teacher. Pear-shaped objec 8/17/1955 #12367 Las Cruces, New Mexico 9:30 p.m. Frank C 9/8/1956 #13208 Mars with a 12.5-inch reflector in Las Cruces, New Mexico, when he sees a f 9/8/1956 #13208 Las Vegas, NV Art Johnson and his wife, 1/17/1957 #13463 tion on 1/3/1957. (Reported in the Las Vegas Sun, Cr. W.B. Nash) 1/17/1957 #13463 Las Cruces, NM (McDonald list; FUFOR Ind 2/7/1957 #13485 Las Vegas, NV Radar tracked an inbound t 6/16/1957 #13732 Las Vegas, NV Radar tracked an inbound t 7/16/1957 #13800 Las Vegas Air Force Station [now closed] 7/16/1957 #13801 technician A1C Armand Therrien at Las Vegas Air Force Station [now closed] 7/16/1957 #13801 White Sands Las Cruces, New Mexico Organ Mountains W 7/24/1957 #13827 riving with his wife Alma south of Las Cruces, New Mexico, when they see a 7/24/1957 #13827 NEAR LAS CRUCES, NM 2 / car. 3 small ovoids g 10/3/1957 #14055 Springs, New Mexico Witnesses: one Las Cruces policeman, one Dona Ana Count 11/6/1957 #14418 12 MI NORTHWEST / LAS VEGAS, NV Diffuse glowing-ball goes 8/12/1958 #15195 Las Vegas (12 miles NW of), NV (McDonald 8/12/1958 #15197 not on radar, were reported in the Las Vegas area during a 3 week period. A 5/27/1959 (approximate) #15748 he Black Mountains, 40 miles SE of Las Vegas area. The Air Force said none 5/27/1959 (approximate) #15748 Las Vegas, NV AP Newswire: Mystery Objec 6/3/1959 (approximate) #15756 not on radar, were reported in the Las Vegas area during a 3 week period. O 6/3/1959 (approximate) #15756 e object was reported sighted over Las Vegas, over the eastern horizon near 6/3/1959 (approximate) #15756 Las Vegas, NV AP Newswire: Mystery Objec 6/17/1959 #15772 not on radar, was reported in the Las Vegas area. It was the 3rd mysteriou 6/17/1959 #15772 wn towards the desert northwest of Las Vegas at 10:55pm. Airman at the Air 6/17/1959 #15772 on at Angel's Peak, 30 miles NW of Las Vegas, saw the object. Radar was not 6/17/1959 #15772 McCarran Field, Las Vegas NV A blue light, which raced s 1/3/1960 #16149 t, which raced silently across the Las Vegas, Nevada sky, puzzled McCarran 1/3/1960 #16149 WEST AND NORTH / LAS CRUCES, NM 2+2 separate cops. Fireba 9/26/1960 #16462 US91 NORTHEAST / LAS VEGAS, NV Saucer circles car. Rush / 7/17/1961 #16762 Las Vegas (Bonnie Springs? near), NV 2 i 7/17/1961 #16763 Las Vegas, Nevada One mile north of Bonn 7/17/1961 #16764 Las Vegas, NV (McDonald list) Object Tra 9/30/1961 #16879 ame out from the first object. The Las Vegas AFS tracked a UFO on radar 45 9/30/1961 #16881 Oneida, New York Kansas Colorado Las Vegas, Nevada Luke AFB near Phoenix, 4/18/1962 #17120 , Utah?] Eureka, Utah Reno, Nevada Las Vegas Nellis AFB Mesquite, Nevada Sp 4/18/1962 #17120 l bases, including Nellis AFB near Las Vegas, Nevada. Fighters are scramble 4/18/1962 #17120 of Reno, Nevada, and then turns to Las Vegas. It blares brightly like a “tr 4/18/1962 #17120 g almost horizontally northeast of Las Vegas until a final explosion occurs 4/18/1962 #17120 (despite hundreds of observers in Las Vegas), and a bolide over Utah that 4/18/1962 #17120 Winifreda Las Pampas Argentina A woman is hospital 5/22/1962 #17192 see an object land near Winifreda, Las Pampas, Argentina. Two large “robot- 5/22/1962 #17192 On a highway between Las Armas and General Pirana, Argentina 8/5/1962 #17322 SOUTH / LAS ARMAS, ARG Truck malfunctions due to 8/6/1962 #17323 Las Vegas, NV (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 4/26/1964 #18207 on Interstate highway 10 south of Las Cruces, New Mexico a luminous UFO fl 4/28/1964 #18219 LAS ROZAS NORTHWEST MADRID, SP 6M conic 7/1964 #18389 rplane evaded the object. Sighting las ted 2 minutes. 8/18/1964 #18495 Paso de las Carretas, Argentina Hunters saw thro 5/24/1965 #18960 At 6:40 p.m. hunters in Paso de las Carretas, Argentina saw through bino 5/24/1965 #18965 23 en route from Houston, Texas to Las Vegas, Nevada flying at 41,000 feet 1/13/1967 #21301 ord was driving between Deming and Las Cruces, New Mexico at about noon whe 2/6/1967 #21472 w / bottom. Separate observer(s) / Las Cruces and more/others. 3/2/1967 #21721 sighted by a separate observer in Las Cruces, New Mexico at 11:30 a.m. 3/2/1967 #21732 Las Cruces, NM 9:30 p.m. MST (10:30 p.m. 3/9/1967 #21836 e Sands Test Facility northeast of Las Cruces saw a fuzzy, fluorescent oran 3/9/1967 #21836 WEST / LAS CRUCES, NM 1 observer. Photograph / 3/12/1967 #21862 nd Sr. Aguade, in the Torrellas de las Foix mountains, Barcelona, Spain at 1/5/1968 #23652 The witness was driving from Las Vegas, Nevada at around 8 p.m. when 6/23/1968 #24072 ird boy were bicycling in Cerro de las Rosas, Cordoba, Argentina at 5:30 p. 6/27/1968 #24087 LAS CEJAS, ARG 2 / car. 20M cone-saucer 7/5/1968 #24144 LAS VEGAS, NV Group / colored night ligh 10/28/1968 #24594 overing over the desert outside of Las Vegas, Nevada just 10 to 15 feet abo 10/28/1968 #24599 rom Extremadura stopped his car in Las Pajanosas, Sevilla province, Spain a 1/15/1969 #24850 LAS PAJANOSAS, SP Luminous/glowing recta 1/16/1969 #24852 While driving down a highway in Las Pajanosas, Spain in Sevilla province 1/16/1969 #24853 CUESTA DE LAS VACAS, SJN, ARG Cop and 2. Silver 5M 6/11/1971 #26167 ed beside the highway in Cuesta de las Vacas, San Juan, Argentina. It was s 6/11/1971 #26168 Blue Diamond area, near Las Vegas, Nevada Four residents of the 6/26/1971 #26195 lue Diamond" area a few miles from Las Vegas, Nevada have reported that a b 6/26/1971 #26195 NORTHWEST / LAS VEGAS, NV 3 USAF men. Blimp searches 2/1974 (approximate) #28722 El Castillo de las Guardas, Seville, Spain 11:00 p.m. A 3/20/1974 #28914 an, is driving near El Castillo de las Guardas, Seville, Spain, when he see 3/20/1974 #28914 LAS VERTIENTES, SP 1M white night lights 4/10/1974 #29002 while flying between Tenerife and Las Palmas in the Canary Islands. The UF 11/24/1974 #29606 Las Bardenas Reales Arguedas, Navarre, S 1/2/1975 #29702 ldiers on a military patrol at the Las Bardenas Reales firing range near Ar 1/2/1975 #29702 LAS GRUTAS, ARG 3 observer(s). Classic s 1/3/1975 #29706 Las Bardenas Reales, Spain Confidential 1/8/1975 #29730 O spotted by military personnel at Las Bardenas Reales, near Zaragoza Air B 1/8/1975 #29730 LAS VEGAS, NV Many separate observer(s). 1/29/1976 #30830 near Pahrump, Nevada southwest of Las Vegas, Country & Western singer John 1/29/1976 #30833 ored cigar shaped objects over the Las Vegas Valley that night. 1/29/1976 #30833 he town of Galdar on the island of Las Palmas also in the Canary Islands, a 6/22/1976 #31131 Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas Sun: UFO, Or Wha 7/9/1978 #33357 Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas Sun: UFO, Or Whatever. LV Sees 7/9/1978 #33357 ould have been a UFO hovering over Las Vegas, he thought for a minute and r 7/9/1978 #33357 ing at home watching television in Las Salinas, San Miguel de Tucuman, Tucu 9/10/1978 #33657 Blue Diamond Road, Las Vegas, NV Battle Mountain, NV Red Ro 11/27/1978 #34006 sidents report seeing a UFO to the Las Vegas Sun. One resident reported tha 11/27/1978 #34006 McCarran International Airport, NV Las Vegas Sun: A couple on the ground, o 12/16/1978 #34144 Las Vegas, NV At McCarran Airport a marr 12/16/1978 #34152 t 5:30 a.m. at McCarran Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada a married couple and a 12/16/1978 #34158 At around 4:00 a.m. some goats in Las Vizcacheras, Mendoza, Argentina fled 5/1/1979 #34538 Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain Las Palmas in the Canary Islands Torrejó 11/11/1979 #34997 pain, before setting course toward Las Palmas in the Canary Islands. Pilot 11/11/1979 #34997 2 miles west of Lone Mountain, Las Vegas, NV A Las Vegas pilot for Omni 12/18/1980 #35724 of Lone Mountain, Las Vegas, NV A Las Vegas pilot for Omni Airlines and hi 12/18/1980 #35724 crippled Cessna 172 back to North Las Vegas Airport. The object striked wi 12/18/1980 #35724 Nellis AFB Las Vegas, Nevada USAF Airman Simone Men 10/1981 #36150 alist, is working at Nellis AFB in Las Vegas, Nevada, with a top-secret cle 10/1981 #36150 é’s car was forced off the road in Las Vegas and his apartment was burglari 1982 #36291 NEAR LAS ANIMAS, CO 2 / US50. 60' flying coff 2/18/1982 #36349 Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas Review Journal: 2/24/1985 #37559 Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas Review Journal: Experts ponder 2/24/1985 #37559 s, lights in sky: Large article on Las Vegans frequently feeling unexplaine 2/24/1985 #37559 ausing booms that would be felt in Las Vegas are "rare," said Col. John Kum 2/24/1985 #37559 Las Vegas, Nevada Mojave Desert, Califor 9/9/1985 #37656 US pilot David Patterson, south of Las Vegas, Nevada, with the Mojave Deser 9/9/1985 #37656 Las Palmas Arrecife Canary Islands 3:10 12/23/1985 #37735 iterránea Company, is sailing from Las Palmas to Arrecife in the Canary Isl 12/23/1985 #37735 Las Vegas, NV Statement released by ex-C 12/29/1987 #38377 Las Vegas, NV Ex-CIA Pilot Claimed To Re 1/28/1988 #38434 Las Vegas, Nevada Groom Lake, Nevada Phy 11/28/1988 #38724 gives him the name of a contact in Las Vegas, Nevada. Lazar makes contact, 11/28/1988 #38724 Las Vegas, NV Dr. Edward Teller calls Ar 11/29/1988 #38725 &G building at McCarran Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada Area 51 at Groom Lake 12/6/1988 #38748 &G building at McCarran Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada. There he meets with a 12/6/1988 #38748 Las Vegas, NV Year of Area-51/S-4 whistl 1989 #38768 Las Vegas, NV Journalist George Knapp is 5/1989 #38928 Las Vegas, NV Bob Lazar, at ex-CIA contr 5/14/1989 #38949 Las Vegas, Nevada Area 51 Papoose Lake G 5/15/1989 #38952 ewed by George Knapp on KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, Nevada, in silhouette, using 5/15/1989 #38952 azar speaks publicly on KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, NV for the first time. Lazar 5/15/1989 #38953 Las Vegas, NV Bob Lazar interviews on KL 5/24/1989 #38961 Las Vegas Bill Moore makes a stunning pr 7/1/1989 #39002 tion at the MUFON UFO Symposium in Las Vegas, speaking candidly for the fir 7/1/1989 #39002 Las Vegas, NV “UFO’s: The Best Evidence” 11/1989 #39202 Las Vegas, Nevada Area 51 KLAS-TV in Las 11/10/1989 #39224 s Vegas, Nevada Area 51 KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, Nevada, identifies and interv 11/10/1989 #39224 Las Vegas, Nevada Tikaboo Peak Groom Lak 2/1990 #39403 wa, Robert Lazar is interviewed in Las Vegas, Nevada, by Nippon TV for 3–4 2/1990 #39403 Las Vegas, Nevada Robert Lazar is arrest 6/5/1990 #39606 Nevada Robert Lazar is arrested in Las Vegas, Nevada, for aiding and abetti 6/5/1990 #39606 gaciones Científicas y Técnicas de las Fuerzas Armadas The Argentine Minist 1991 #39936 gaciones Científicas y Técnicas de las Fuerzas Armadas, a federal agency in 1991 #39936 NEAR LAS PALMAS, PR 3 observer(s). Saucer wit 8/17/1991 #40158 to a radar blimp for 30 minutes in Las Palmas, Bayamon, Puerto Rico. It mad 8/17/1991 #40159 Las Vegas (near), NV Nellis Video (NICAP 9/30/1991 #40199 D106 WITH LE LAS, FR 2 / car. Night light paces. Make 5/29/1993 #40996 Las Vegas (near), NV Nellis AFB Video (N 1994 #41340 Proceedings, November 12-14, 2004 Las Vegas, Nevada Note: On 29 Januar 1994 #41349 substances were routinely ignited. Las Vegas Review-Journal, Mar. 20, 1994, 3/20/1994 #41461 LAS VEGAS, NM Odd humming. Cows panic. 3 9/13/1994 #41741 LAS VEGAS, NV 3 observer(s). Tiny white 9/10/1995 #42450 LAS VEGAS, NV 1 observer. Neon-green and 9/28/1995 #42513 lored lights zigzagged overhead in Las Vegas, Nevada. The witness's dog was 9/28/1995 #42514 NORTH LAS VEGAS, NV Group / teens. Large cylin 10/5/1995 #42534 s hovered over the desert north of Las Vegas, Nevada at 7:00 p.m. 10/5/1995 #42536 Residents of the Las Margaritas and Santa Rosa developmen 10/27/1995 #42566 ome on his bicycle in San Pablo de las Nazas, Jalisco, Mexico at 11:50 p.m. 11/1/1995 #42575 Las Vegas, Nevada Real-estate developer 12/1995 #42635 Institute for Discovery Science in Las Vegas, Nevada, to research and advan 12/1995 #42635 The following people met in Las Vegas to discuss assembling a collec 1/28/1996 #42725 Las Vegas, NV Area-51 workers and their 3/1996 #42790 against the federal government in Las Vegas. “..the Air Force could invoke 3/1996 #42790 Las Vegas, Nevada Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev 8/1996 #42968 ience scientific advisory board in Las Vegas, Nevada. Jacques Vallée delive 8/1996 #42968 NORTHWEST / LAS VEGAS, NV Many observer(s). Giant we 6/23/1997 #43335 NEAR LAS HIGUERAS, ARG Half-sphere zigzags an 11/25/1997 #43448 ct shining through a green haze in Las Vegas, Nevada at 9:30 p.m., and at 1 7/7/2000 #44013 e NIDS offices on South Polaris in Las Vegas where the effort was thought t 5/6/2002 #44341 utside of EG&G Special Projects in Las Vegas. Davis transcribes the interac 10/16/2002 #44418 urg, Virginia at 9:45 p.m. EST, to Las Vegas, Nevada over the Bellagio Hote 11/1/2002 #44434 very large, was seen at height in Las Vegas, Nevada. Although not flying a 9/17/2006 #44963 Pentagon's C Ring Las Vegas Alaska Hawaii The Defense Inte Fall 2007? #45070 rging of government contractor and Las Vegas billionaire Robert Bigelow, qu Fall 2007? #45070 Las Vegas Robert Bigelow hires biochemis 11/2008 #45184 Advanced Space Studies project in Las Vegas, its first full-time employee. 11/2008 #45184 Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas Review-Journal A 3/1/2015 #45432 Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas Review-Journal Article: “Area 3/1/2015 #45432 Las Vegas, NV Bigelow Aerospace laws off 3/23/2020 #45641 Las Vegas, NV Ufologist and pilot John L 3/29/2022 #45744## Word: "lasalle" (Back to Top)
Chesapeake Avenue (near LaSalle Avenue) Hampton, Virginia Virgin 7/16/1952 #6844 Hoback, on Chesapeake Avenue (near LaSalle Avenue) in Hampton, Virginia, wh 7/16/1952 #6844 LaSalle, Illinois Evening. Mrs. Robert G 3/25/1966 #20083 is Evening. Mrs. Robert Gorisek of LaSalle, Illinois, sees a triangular obj 3/25/1966 #20083## Word: "lasby" (Back to Top)
GALTEN AND LASBY AND MOSSO, DK Domed disk hums. Goi 9/29/1992 #40642 in the towns of Galten, Mosso, and Lasby, Denmark a domed disc-shaped UFO w 9/29/1992 #40643## Word: "lasca" (Back to Top)
n the depths. Chief Officer Carlos Lasca describes the object as a “submerg 7/30/1967 #22753## Word: "laser" (Back to Top)
NORTH / MALDIVES Fr. ship crew. Laser like beams radiate going up [to] f 3/1931 #1123 bject streamed down a light like a laser beam. He next saw a young man with 5/4/1932 #1143 pment eventually includes radar, a laser system, magnetometers, a gravimete 1964 #18102 sensor trackings via radar-visual, laser range-finder, video camera, infrar 8/1968 #24284 l / 60M altitude scans mountains / laser. Strange Radio Frequency Interfere 9/14/1974 #29454 ars electro-magnetic effect (EME). Laser beam. 15M saucer maneuvers. Series 8/3/1975 #30230 onds zigzag near cement plant. Red laser beams going down. Going quickly we 8/23/1976 #31293 g reportedly descended carrying a "laser" type gun and shot at a rock causi 12/15/1978 #34136 g reportedly descended carrying a "laser" type gun and shot at a rock causi 12/15/1978 #34138 n Meyers on excising tissue with a laser; and Lou Girodo, chief investigato 5/28/1980 #35343 Bennewitz, who had observed an NSA laser project at Kirtland AFB from his o 11/17/1980 #35646 /globe follows car. Lights inside. Laser prank? 12/21/1982 #36720 r counter, radar, infrared viewer, laser, magnetograph, and spectrum analyz 6/3/1983 #36874 occasions the researchers direct a laser beam on passing lights. Out of a t 1/21/1984 #37136 regular flash. Observer(s) shines laser. Night light responds / new flash 2/12/1984 #37185 t cows found mutilated. Impossible laser like cuts. No UFO seen. 3/10/1989 #38870 down with an experimental “thor 2 laser cannon.” However, UFO researcher C 5/7/1989 #38938 ire a narrow beam of light (like a laser) at the ground and watches the lig 3/31/1993 #40914 ds / sky rotates slowly over D909. Laser? 9/26/1993 #41211 and down [to] over farm. Publicity laser? 10/10/1993 #41229 s left and right. Exits going ESE. Laser? 11/10/1993 #41269 ortheast. Maneuvers and continues. Laser? 12/5/1993 #41323 wildly. Shoots quickly going up. (Laser?) 9/7/1994 #41720 hat the phenomena were caused by a laser searchlight operated by the local 10/8/1994 #41795 ). Photographs. Cone saucer called laser lights. Spiral / lights / center. 10/24/1994 #41811 ). Glowing-saucers hover and dart. Laser beams? " / LDLN#330+evening post. 11/28/1994 #41870 3 odd objects like green sheets / laser light. Shoot beams going down. 4/3/1995 #42135 2 small silent triangles with blue laser beams. Going quickly [to] overhead 11/27/1995 #42623 MPHIS, TN Mechanics. Odd vertical "laser" snoops around shop. Nobody else n 4/11/1996 #42861 rability of military satellites to laser attacks, the US military tests a d 10/17/1997 #43431 on, Mid-Infrared Advanced Chemical Laser (MIRACL) developed by the US Navy 10/17/1997 #43431 o blasts of its deuterium fluoride laser against MSTI-3 at a distance of 23 10/17/1997 #43431 Bright lights / bottom/underside. Laser scans ground.. 7/23/1999 #43810 138. It appeared to be like a blue laser, similar to the light some people 7/27/2004 #44718 The soldiers then turned on their laser rangefinder to infrared mode. The 8/25/2004 #44741 eyond the clouds. According to the laser rangefinder the UFO's departing sp 8/25/2004 #44741## Word: "laser-like" (Back to Top)
NEAR HATUMA, NZ 30cm wide laser-like beam going [to] window / 45° 11/27/1956 #13357 British Columbia. They emitted red laser-like beams of light, and flew off 8/23/1976 #31295 ng his heart, and they then used a laser-like light to allegedly clear Carl 8/15/1990 #39689 body without a drop on the ground, laser-like "zipper" incisions in the cor 3/1993 #40867 n extremely bright light beam. The laser-like beam struck the witness in th 8/11/1995 #42376 o triangle-shaped objects emitting laser-like blue rays splashed with red o 11/27/1995 #42625## Word: "laserlike" (Back to Top)
e object sways to and fro. Several laserlike beams going down. 9/14/1983 #36971## Word: "lasers" (Back to Top)
adiation, integrated circuits, and lasers. 1961 #16543 t lights uranium strip-mine / many lasers. See reference.. 8/1971 (approximate) #26257 tops. Going up. Repeats several X. Lasers? 9/18/1993 #41202 se with rotating circles of light. Lasers? 10/9/1993 #41228 Project Shiva Nova uses arrays of lasers and creates rips in the fabric of 10/2006 #44970 y (pulsed microwaves, high-powered lasers). 6/24/2009 #45227 previously worked with low-powered lasers, identifies the green color as ex 10/6/2013 #45389 ne, Project Might using high speed lasers, Project Auburn Blue examination 6/13/2022 #45757## Word: "lasgraisses" (Back to Top)
LASGRAISSES, FR Sonar-Ping sound! then s 4/29/1993 #40955 iangle UFO was seen hovering above Lasgraisses, Tarn, France. It had white 4/29/1993 #40957## Word: "lasham" (Back to Top)
LASHAM, ENGL Boomerang hovers over glide 7/26/1955 #12286 Lasham, Hants, UK Members of British Gli 7/26/1955 #12288## Word: "lashed" (Back to Top)
n photographs airship. 3 cylinders lashed together with 1 suspended beneath 3/7/1901 #643 shaped objects, which seemed to be lashed together, the one hanging below t 3/7/1901 #644## Word: "lashes" (Back to Top)
hey start to approach his wife, he lashes out with one arm that hasn’t gone 2/1976 #30842 ments. The Earl of Cork and Orrery lashes out at Trefgarne’s skepticism. Lo 1/18/1979 #34358## Word: "lashing" (Back to Top)
success owing to the strong winds lashing the coast. 6/18/1974 #29212## Word: "laskowice" (Back to Top)
Dziki Ernestowo Poland Laskowice 7:30 p.m. A married couple is 8/29/1979 #34800 jzy Pawlik sees the same object in Laskowice at about the same time. 8/29/1979 #34800## Word: "laso" (Back to Top)
ánchez, Ricardo Iglesias, and José Laso) are driving near Quintanaortuño, B 1/1/1975 #29689## Word: "laspeyre" (Back to Top)
LASPEYRE, FR Silent 5M walnut-saucer fol 2/13/1977? #31812 tudent on a motorbike to a farm in Laspeyre, Lot-et-Garonne, France. It was 2/13/1977 #31814## Word: "lasse" (Back to Top)
ance 9:15 p.m. Jean Lalle (or Jean Lasse) is riding a motorcycle between Bi 10/20/1954 #11276## Word: "lassen" (Back to Top)
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Lassen” Yield: .0005KT 6/5/1957 #13705## Word: "lasseter" (Back to Top)
Pedernales River, Texas Tom M. Lasseter, architect, was camping near th 4/24/1966 #20402 At 3:30 a.m. Mr. Tom M. Lasseter, an architect, was camping near 4/24/1966 #20405## Word: "lassitude" (Back to Top)
tnesses were overcome by a strange lassitude and were incapable of using th 7/25/1968 #24226## Word: "last" (Back to Top)
r houses are about to ignite. When last seen over the Gulf of Mexico, it re 8/13/1874 #206 ight. By 9:30 p.m., the airship is last seen over South Chicago. Northweste 4/9/1897 #420 one red, the other white, and the last one blue. The red and blue lights d 10/4/1898 #625 assenger in the car, also with the last name of Jones. 3/23/1905 #675 r hour until sunset, when they are last seen as blue blotches. 7/7/1907 #699 ary has promised a miracle for the last of her apparitions, a huge crowd, p 10/13/1917 #970 involve the assassination of "the last Pope." 10/13/1917 #971 grandfather was called out to give last rights to some crash victims, who w Spring 1941 #1358 rbed into the digestive tract. The last experiment is conducted on July 18, 4/10/1945 #1844 tein assistant Shirley J. Wright’s last day of high school 6/11/1947 (estimated) #2321 out two and a half minutes and are last seen heading south over the last hi 6/24/1947 #2398 e last seen heading south over the last high peak of Mount Adams. Arnold te 6/24/1947 #2398 chase an UFO up to 30,000 ft. His last message to the tower was, “it appea 1/7/1948 #3537 and he states that Capt. Mantell's last words were, "My God, I see people i 1/7/1948 #3537 , at about 3:10 p.m. In one of his last radio reports, Mantell says the UFO 1/7/1948 #3544 riefly by three witnesses with the last names of Johnson and Pittman. 4/7/1948 #3614 as analyzing green fireballs (this last claim has been confirmed as Project 1949 #3947 oes elsewhere. Truettner makes one last serious attempt at interviewing abo 1/1949 #3950 y predicts that World War III will last no longer than 30 days. 3/1949 #4030 d glass. The ‘flying saucer,’ when last sighted, was in level flight and wa 6/22/1949 #4249 tallic saucers going south / file. Last 2 turn sharply going quickly east. 7/1949 #4257 cts on nine further occasions, the last being on March 10, 1950. 8/19/1949 #4329 ller group. These two pictures are last seen by Time-Life correspondent Har 10/23/1949 #4401 stead given by Silas Newton at the last minute. 3/8/1950 #4588 Willis. These begin this month and last until October 1951 when Cabell is r 7/1950 #5032 been several incidents, during the last six months, which cannot be explain 1/29/1951 #5421 33, 213.4km (Army training test — last 5 launches by “Broomstick Scientist 8/22/1951 #5615 were in the edgewise position, the last five slid over and past the leader 7/14/1952 #6817 ews. Radar trackings continue, the last at 5:30 a.m. Civilian radio enginee 7/19/1952 #6935 then one, then another, and then a last one. A Project Blue Book unidentifi 7/27/1952 #7217 the area. They appear just as the last of the discs, which seem surrounded 8/10/1952 #7539 on collision. Both make 90° turn / last second(s). 8/22/1952 #7673 rs it destroyed. Parrish shows the last copy of the report to Ruppelt durin 9/1952 #7801 hen they changed direction for the last time all of them vanished. 9/2/1952 #7831 ille, St. Clairsville, Ohio; it is last seen moving south around Bluefield, 9/12/1952 #7905 hat began three hours earlier; the last known contact with the fighter is a 9/12/1952 #7905 roject Second Storey meets for the last known time, chaired by astrophysici 2/25/1953 #8704 course with their aircraft. At the last minute the UFO levelled out. It sub 9/2/1953 #9137 warns that December 20 will be the last available date for evacuation, as a 8/20/1954 #10156 for 10 min was unable to move. At last, it rose and attempted to walk, but 10/16/1954 #11142 10 minutes was unable to move. At last, it got up and attempted to walk, b 10/16/1954 #11148 tness hid inside his house, and he last saw the object hovering over some n 7/17/1955 #12267 shoots at them without effect. The last one is seen at about 5:15 a.m. Clar 8/21/1955 #12386 ifles without apparent effect. The last of the creatures was seen about hal 8/22/1955 #12391 Franklin County. A child with the last name Perry, in Camp Washington, Ohi 8/26/1955 #12412 there for a week, he also took his last flight over the South Pole on Janua 11/1955 #12534 circular object follows 30M behind last jet. 6/1956 (approximate) #12877 00 miles per hour.) The object was last observed at about 100 miles from Mi 11/8/1956 #13315 lout in the amount received in the last five years from the testing of atom 3/28/1957 #13566 t was unable to catch it. Sighting last 8 minutes. 7/29/1957 #13853 unable to catch it. Their sighting last eight minutes. 7/29/1957 #13855 made a couple of landings. On the last of these landings, before leaving t 12/21/1957 #14753 en revealed to the public. For the last six months our committee has been w 1/22/1958 #14838 warfare agent. The drug’s effects last for three days, perhaps as long as 1959 #15510 , another heads southeast, and the last remains stationary. 1/1/1959 #15527 se Lewis-McChord] in Tacoma. Their last radio message indicates that they h 4/1/1959 #15688 ntities descended in sequence. The last one of these men asked Da Silva for 4/25/1959 #15713 ties descended, one at a time. The last of these beings asked Da Silva for 4/26/1959 #15714 . The royal audience, scheduled to last 45 minutes, goes on for two hours, 5/18/1959 #15737 erious sighting in the area in the last three weeks. A sherriff's sergeant, 6/17/1959 #15772 adar is seen at 10° elevation. The last object seen on radar was at 20° ele 10/2/1959 #16011 is at 10° degrees elevation. When last observed, the visual object is 20° 10/2/1959 #16011 Two brothers with the last name of Hawkins were followed for 9 10/31/1959 #16072 ee new UFO debunking chapters, the last of which is completely different in 12/1959 #16104 e a retaliatory strike. But at the last moment checks reveal that the objec 10/5/1960 #16481 US The Air Force issued the last "fact sheet" (No. 179-62) of the ol 2/6/1962 #17035 USAF issues the last of its UFO fact sheets (no. 179-62) 2/6/1962 #17036 e figures ignored them, except the last three, who turned to look at the fi 8/1/1962 #17313 to look at the fishermen. The very last one waved. Then the craft rose out 8/1/1962 #17313 ht becoming more intensely red. At last, it moved silently in a graceful ar 8/1/1962 #17313 ing two ten year old boys with the last names Lee and Duffy were buzzed by 7/24/1963 #17851 er, which avoided collision at the last moment. He got out of the car and o 1/12/1965 #18715 oids collision with his car at the last moment. He gets out and sees it hov 1/12/1965 #18717 8 pounds shoot up into the sky and last as far away as a quarter mile. A ra 1/12/1965 #18718 3:00 p.m. George Adamski takes his last film of a spaceship at Madeleine Ro 2/26/1965 #18827 strikes both of them. That is the last thing they remember, and they fail 3/2/1965 #18832 both technicians, and that was the last they could remember of the incident 3/5/1965 #18844 , avoided hitting the house at the last moment, and was lost to sight in th 3/8/1965 #18849 avoided hitting their house at the last moment. It was lost from sight in t 3/8/1965 #18852 to the barn after 3 minutes. It is last seen over a small silo. 6/19/1965 #19017 over six feet tall and blond. This last crew member wore metallic plates on 7/21/1965 #19156 SS 3 Girlscouts. 9 "bubbles" pass. Last 3 flash lights back and forth! 8/3/1965 #19280 sound. Light beams to/from/between last 3. 8/28/1965 #19468 in different directions. After the last one leaves, a white cloud forms aro Fall 1965 #19592 ternately hovered and sped up, the last time departing vertically upward. ( 4/7/1966 #20267 y chased it for 90 minutes. It was last seen shooting straight up into the 4/17/1966 #20319 a plausible narrative of the men’s last days. On August 17, Cruz and Viana 8/20/1966 #20779 tly checked his watch. That is the last time they are known to have been se 8/20/1966 #20779 grass, and flower samples and the last one "just stood there." When finish 8/20/1966 #20781 A witness with the last name of Clarke reported to the U.S. 9/28/1966 #20933 A 14-year-old youth with the last name of Kirsch took a photograph of 1/24/1967 #21376 bed, Betty the abductee being the last. The incident included automatic wr 1/25/1967 #21389 behind the first (rendezvous). The last one was black. (NICAP report form.) 2/13/1967 #21532 ht down around a paperboy with the last name Prim, who found himself unable 5/12/1967 #22328 A Director Richard Helms makes one last pitch for the A-12 Oxcart program t 5/16/1967 #22354 nge UFO information and it was the last call made. The visitor’s ID alleged 7/3/1967 #22604 rk one-piece uniform and said, "at last, someone who will do," and released 10/6/1967 #23187 as they speed over them. They are last seen traveling northwest. On his wa 10/22/1967 #23290 LAST MOUNTAIN LAKE, SSK AND PENSE AREA S 10/24/1967 #23297 e heard a sound like a cowbell. At last, the UFO flew away on an oblique co 10/29/1967 #23364 owing-ball going [to] over water / last 5 years. Scouts terrain. / r156#4. 5/4/1968 (approximate) #23943 ed a loud whistling sound, Puentes last recollection before losing consciou 6/14/1968 #24033 ome from the study of UFOs” in the last two decades and further study “cann 11/15/1968 #24662 him, and jump up to the door. The last one in pauses and pulls out a kind 2/7/1969 #24901 ions on 5 further occasions and is last seen at 7:42 p.m. 5/23/1969 #25160 a figure was seen looking out. The last object shot up at a 30-degree angle 6/10/1969 #25209 academy’s Physics 370 course. The last chapter is on “Unidentified Flying 10/1969 #25389 is forehead was still visible when last examined by investigators in 1978. 11/15/1969 #25461 Ivan T. Sanderson publishes his last UFO book, Invisible Residents, whic 1970 #25518 e as its office is staffed for the last time. The files have been packed in 1/30/1970 #25564 ated the observer and that was his last conscious memory. He woke up the ne 1/30/1971 #26008 es three 13-year-old boys with the last names of Fuller and Donnelly saw a 4/23/1971 #26079 Sundberg took a photograph as the last of the occupants was boarding. 8/16/1971 #26289 d to be the object's trajectory. A last unusual detail is that D'Annunzio a 9/20/1971 #26354 io apparently managed to drive the last eight kilometers in only two minute 9/20/1971 #26354 mpossible to confirm. (Swords 401) Last week of December — After sunset. No 12/20/1971 #26509 with a portion of the reward, the last going to Deputy Sheriff Val Johnson 3/12/1972 #26601 he sky west of the village. On the last night, one of the lights disappears 9/1972 #26973 Vietnam The last United States combat troops left Vi 3/29/1973 #27387 ucers going east. Back going west. Last seen going quickly north to sea. Co 3/30/1973 #27391 isitors know nothing about. At the last minute, permission to use the film 5/1973 #27460 s swollen with bloodshot eyes that last for 3 days. At about 5:00 a.m., Mrs 5/27/1973 #27533 p.m. a 20-year-old woman with the last name of Plume and her father were d 9/14/1973 #27823 in the field where the beings had last been seen. 10/22/1973 #28244 point, no trail or exhaust. It is last seen at 45°–50° elevation. At about 10/25/1973 #28284 d motioned him to stop between the last step and the door. A very bright bl 11/18/1973 #28443 level, straight course, but in the last 2–3 seconds it turns upward, accele 10/11/1974 #29520 ls him to take one, saying it will last for four days. Higdon looks up the 10/15/1974 #29531 lass of fruit juice and sat at the last free chair available at a 12-person 7/12/1975 #30175 ch hikers are about to take on the last kilometers of a two-day mountain tr 7/26/1975 #30208 D EASTHAM, MASS Wave / sightings / last 6 weeks on / near US6. Ovoids etc. 8/12/1975 #30254 ird events start taking place that last for a two-year period: whirring noi Fall 1975 #30379 slowly descended for the third and last time. One of the witnesses was unab 1/11/1976 #30785 iameter, avoids a collision at the last minute and passes over his right wi 3/3/1976 #30921 this confrontation which seemed to last for minutes, the three male witness 8/6/1976 #31241 He was told that what he ate would last for four days. Among many things th 8/26/1976 #31306 tered a field of a horse farm. His last memory of the incident was of looki 12/6/1976 #31587 vening in central France. Antonia (last name withheld), 68, was driving to 12/10/1976 #31594 acquaintance of a Maj. Gen. whose last name begins with the letter “T” ass 1977 #31658 diana - A 13-year-old boy with the last name of Brandenburg took three phot 3/10/1977 #31893 y searching the area where she had last been seen, without finding a trace. 5/10/1977 #32083 ars have shifted by the time it is last seen at 1:15 a.m. 7/16/1977 #32282 of burning eyes and headaches that last for two days. The witnesses find th 7/23/1977 #32305 2. No details other than 1-witness last name Elmer. (EGBA,688) (NICAP: 07 - 8/1977 #32340 ned grass are found. On one of the last nights of the project, Giovanni Man 8/3/1977 #32353 trozavodsk, Karelia, Russia. It is last seen as a semicircular glow, bright 9/20/1977 #32499 ut it slows down and stops for the last 10–15 seconds before vanishing. 10/13/1977 #32571 outh Carolina at 9:30 a.m. and the last report may have been at 3:45 p.m. i 12/2/1977 #32731 d in places on his arms, and these last a week. Allegedly, doctors at the h 5/13/1978 #33202 quickly as it had steamed up. She last sees the light against a background 8/24/1978 #33563 O groups, but cooperation does not last. Criticism comes from both skeptics 9/1978 #33616 ich it threw over the witness. Her last memory was of seeing her father sta 9/15/1978 #33689 xit and given something to eat. He last saw the object disappear into the d 1/3/1979 #34292 distance of 30 miles away from his last known location. He also had a stran 1/30/1979 #34393 nd trouble speaking and breathing, last 10 minutes. 8/12/1979 #34740 ectronic flight systems jammed. At last, and after a third intercept attemp 11/11/1979 #34997 ble and for 20 minutes after it is last viewed. 2/21/1980 #35180 At 9:05 p.m. a woman with the last name of Riley was driving her car i 5/7/1980 #35317 inois NICAP is disbanded after the last issue of the UFO Investigator is pu 6/1980 #35347 r the bank of a river, and then at last dove at the motorcyclist before lea 7/31/1980 #35431 lay for about one hour. During the last 15 minutes, their ears begin to hur 12/5/1980 #35701 craft hovering nearby. That is the last she remembered for one hour and 15 2/15/1982 #36346 o a.m. four 16 year olds--with the last names Lebeau, Cousineau, and Labre- 7/23/1982 #36547 anbury, Connecticut 10:00 p.m. The last sighting of many this night is by a 3/24/1983 #36809 30 p.m., an Orion aircraft has the last sonar contact. The aircraft drops m 4/27/1983 #36846 the National Meteorology Office. A last meeting of the council takes places 9/1/1983 #36967 cure Facility in Virginia, and the last time at the Pentagon. This first me 5/20/1985 #37590 titude. "Like rocking parachutes". Last seen southwest going quickly northe 1/26/1986 #37770 as a short protrusion. This is the last image taken by the probe. On March 3/25/1989 #38881 a-51/S-4 whistleblower Bob Lazar’s last day at work 4/7/1989 #38896 ptly and disappears. The maneuvers last approximately 10 minutes. 5/2/1989 #38935 , and they recalled that when they last observed the object it was headed i 7/22/1989 #39030 w altitudes of 980–1,300 feet. The last one to appear, a cigar-shaped objec 7/28/1989 #39035 a ride, which they insist will not last long. She hesitantly accepts. Insid 9/13/1989 #39098 ft objects. 300+good observer(s) / last year. / wall St. Journal. 1990 #39347 that had been established over the last 6 months to make a decision on “how 1990 #39358 t appeared to change shape. It was last seen descending below the Escambia 4/18/1990 #39536 her on a brief excursion that will last no longer than three hours, touchin 7/6/1990 #39637 isease. The witness felt that this last part of the experience had a dream- 10/31/1990 #39822 had a dream-like quality to it. He last saw the short man walk off into the 10/31/1990 #39822 the right of where the object was last seen. 11/22/1990 #39898 are looking to the sky to see the last total solar eclipse of the 20th cen 7/11/1991 #40119 Nevada Test Site The last US underground nuclear test, Divide 9/23/1992 #40638 San Luis Valley, at 10:30 p.m. The last memory that the 40-year-old female 11/25/1992 #40730 e was a bright light on front when last seen. It was in view for about a mi 4/17/1993 #40941 s in and out. The visual sightings last until 11:00 p.m., but the weather r 3/8/1994 #41449 rently the same thing happened one last time. 5/11/1994 #41523 ate observer(s) report 65 UFO's in last 7 days / Inyo and Mono counties. 9/30/1994 #41777 returns and leaves twice more, the last time descending to 65 feet above th 5/5/1995 #42179 glanced out the window to take one last look at the fields. Immediately he 3/7/1996 #42815 Canberra, A.C.T., Australia. When last seen, the lights were headed to the 11/25/1996 #43123 ed her dogs back. The creature was last seen moving along a barbwire fence. 6/26/1997 #43341 nds went into the woods where they last saw the creature. About 50 meters a 9/5/1997 #43395 The last flight of a temporarily reactivated 10/9/1999 #43858 was again directed at the boat. He last saw the triangle gain altitude and 1/30/2000 #43937 ards the south. The helicopter was last seen heading towards the Golden Gat 1/30/2000 #43937 e by the urge to stop the car. His last feeling before blacking out was of 3/23/2000 #43967 mpic Mountains. When the second to last light is gone, the witness sees a f 7/17/2000 #44021 explain where she had been for the last three days. Her abductors had taken 9/6/2000 #44037 also states he knows the name and last location of a senior officer who ha 4/25/2002 #44333 d unexpected clearances during the last three decades when they would have 5/2002 #44335 ickly dies down. The light effects last for 5 seconds. The security control 4/2003 #44508 ness ran to the place where it had last been seen, and had the feeling he w 4/18/2003 #44515 rth craft appeared southwest. This last one was the largest and almost tran 5/16/2003 #44538 own about 50 yards away behind the last house in the row, so they thought h 7/16/2003 #44565 er 6 p.m. three witnesses with the last names of Duffy and Myers, driving n 8/25/2003 #44582 w on fuel and spots the object one last time at low altitude. The pilot ret 10/28/2004 #44773 returned, all have since died, the last in 2002. A few months after the doc 11/1/2005 #44898 being slapped against a hand. The last sound he heard was a loud clapping 11/25/2005 #44906 Tonopah Test Range in Nevada The last F-117 stealth fighter-bomber is ret 4/22/2008 #45130 swiftly, others have symptoms that last for months. The study concludes tha 3/2018 #45520 y deployed in 1995 and in 2011 the last of 268 Predators were delivered to 3/9/2018 #45522 nd active camouflage. As of TTSA’s last prospectus (May 2022), USACCDC is s 7/2018 #45532 on his life over the course of the last 30 years, including rare and never 12/4/2018 #45550 les that had been missed since the last release in 2013. 4/2019 #45569 the programs and at least one was last funded in 1989, according to him. 4/30/2019 #45575 s in July 2019 that TTSA spent the last year and a half briefing the Senate 7/12/2019 #45591 re again seen behind the ship. The last event noted in the slide takes plac 7/17/2019 #45595 Nebraska (Perkins County) for the last 2 weeks in December, and as early a 12/2019 #45620 fects, but ran out of money at the last stage. Podklenov states the “Depart 2/4/2020 #45630 tering on evidence gathered in the last 20 years from US Navy reports. It c 6/25/2021 #45694 us Knowledge — UFO Science and the Last Humans” at the SCU AAPC conference, 6/4/2022 #45756 states the “silo approach” of the last 80 years has not worked, “having on 8/3/2022 #45761 s and 35mm slides are also on this last file. There was a Press ‘D’ Notice 8/12/2022 #45762 6) are published and there are two last minute changes of note. 1. A provis 12/6/2022 #45785 sightings to its catalog over the last year, either because of new sightin 1/12/2023 #45792## Word: "last-chance" (Back to Top)
elligence function). As an interim last-chance measure to prove whether ane 1/29/1952 #5884## Word: "lasted" (Back to Top)
ted speed of 80 kmph. The sighting lasted 35 minutes. 5/15/1879 #221 toward the southeast. The sighting lasted five minutes. 11/12/1885 #272 conds over Paris, France. Its tail lasted 90 seconds. 2/9/1902 #650 than balloons, and the procession lasted for a period of two and a half ho 1/8/1943 #1479 n board the aircraft. The sighting lasted less than eight minutes. 8/10/1944 #1639 f toward the south. Their sighting lasted at least five minutes, and was in 6/28/1947 #2451 t down in a wooded area. Sighting lasted a few seconds. 7/29/1948 #3752 own in a wooded area. The sighting lasted a few seconds. 7/29/1948 #3754 y the fighter plane. The encounter lasted 27 minutes. 10/1/1948 #3828 rejoined the other. The sighting lasted 5 minutes. 5/6/1949 #4157 up with a gray trail. The sighting lasted five minutes. 5/6/1949 #4163 and then disappeared. The sighting lasted 15 minutes and the report was mad 9/26/1949 #4373 e entire event began at 7:15 p.m., lasted over 210 minutes, and was witness 10/23/1949 #4402 tnesses in total, and the sighting lasted several minutes. One witness repo 2/7/1950 #4532 n off-Earth journey. The encounter lasted about an hour. 2/15/1950 #4538 vations by the various individuals lasted from three seconds up to two minu 2/25/1950 #4559 ientists at 1:30 p.m. The sighting lasted for 20 minutes and the UFO was vi 4/17/1950 #4860 o condensation trail. The sighting lasted one minute. 4/25/1950 #4897 ndependent observer, and the event lasted 10 minutes. 5/4/1950 #4922 ght on its front end. The sighting lasted approximately one minute, and the 5/29/1950 #4974 named Cove and Clark. The sighting lasted two minutes. 10/30/1950 #5259 ee witnesses, and the entire event lasted nine minutes. 11/23/1950 #5286 d as teardrop shaped. The sighting lasted 10 minutes. 12/15/1950 #5352 northeast. The second observation lasted about 40 seconds. Note: there is 1/16/1951 #5402 oint Pleasant. The aerial sighting lasted two minutes and was rated a high 9/10/1951 #5661 oined the first two. This incident lasted longer than 15 minutes. 9/14/1951 #5668 e minutes, and the second sighting lasted a few seconds. 10/11/1951 #5726 hen accelerated away. The sighting lasted two minutes. 2/12/1952 #5900 id the flack as well. The sighting lasted an estimated 45 seconds. 2/23/1952 #5924 chusetts at 8:30 p.m. The sighting lasted for 400 minutes. 4/17/1952 #6110 th and then returned. His sighting lasted 90 seconds. 4/18/1952 #6126 very erratic manner. The sighting lasted approximately 10 seconds. 4/18/1952 #6128 t flew by at high speed. Sightings lasted 45 minutes. 4/27/1952 #6198 by at high speed. These sightings lasted for 45 minutes. 4/27/1952 #6200 turn, then disappear. The sighting lasted half a minute. 5/1/1952 #6247 d turned red. The entire sighting lasted 14 minutes. 5/29/1952 #6384 in opposite directions. Sightings lasted about 10-15 minutes. 7/21/1952 #6977 s staircase maneuver. The sighting lasted two minutes. 7/23/1952 #7086 d to the main object. The sighting lasted several minutes. 7/23/1952 #7090 echelon formation. Entire episode lasted 55 minutes. 7/28/1952 #7258 he others circled it. The sighting lasted 30 minutes. 7/29/1952 #7335 Aircraft Co. plant. Their sighting lasted five minute sighting. 7/29/1952 #7338 jets were scrambled. The sighting lasted 75 minutes. 8/3/1952 #7438 ed the larger object. The sighting lasted five minutes. 8/14/1952 #7596 rey shape during a turn. Sighting lasted about 10 minutes. 8/24/1952 #7710 grey shape during a turn. Sighting lasted about 10 minutes. 8/24/1952 #7716 DC-6 airliner. The radar sightings lasted a total of eight hours. 9/2/1952 #7830 opposite direction. Their sighting lasted 1.5 minutes. 9/6/1952 #7871 This encounter was very brief, and lasted only two 2 seconds. 9/13/1952 #7917 at this was unlikely. The sighting lasted 20 minutes. 9/16/1952 #7963 second group faster. The sighting lasted for 2 minutes. 9/17/1952 #7971 estimated 3,000 mph. The sighting lasted for 20 seconds. 10/17/1952 #8152 eed in 30-40 seconds. The sighting lasted one minute. 10/31/1952 #8222 and then faded away. The sighting lasted five minutes. 11/4/1952 #8248 retrieval of the UFO. The incident lasted seven minutes. 12/4/1952 #8378 at 9,000 mph. The entire incident lasted ten minutes. 12/6/1952 #8390 an erratic flight path. Sighting lasted 10 minutes. 12/8/1952 #8396 raight up with one stop. Sighting lasted 22 seconds. 1/17/1953 #8547 end objects turned red. Sighting lasted 12 minutes. 1/28/1953 #8598 Project. at 3:45 p.m. The sighting lasted for two hours and seven minutes, 3/5/1953 #8734 where they had a conversation that lasted all night. They spoke Spanish wit 8/18/1953 #9081 ngland at 10:00 a.m. The encounter lasted 30 seconds. Radar returns were pi 11/3/1953 #9281 parted and rejoined. The sighting lasted 10 minutes. 2/4/1954 #9536 f of the saucer. The interview had lasted ½ hour. Allingham's contact claim 2/18/1954 #9555 took off very, very fast. Sighting lasted 30 minutes. 4/8/1954 #9676 y fast with no sound. The sighting lasted 30 minutes. 4/8/1954 #9678 male witnesses, and the encounter lasted 20 minutes. 4/23/1954 #9712 made an intense roaring sound that lasted five seconds. It left a bright wh 4/26/1954 #9727 meter, and the sighting reportedly lasted five minutes. 5/5/1954 #9754 r the airplane of Higgin. Sighting lasted a few seconds. 5/10/1954 #9771 ree turns and fade. Each sighting lasted about 45 seconds. 5/11/1954 #9775 tencio and Garcia and the sighting lasted for about a minute. 5/24/1954 #9834 became extremely bright. Sighting lasted 7 minutes. 6/22/1954 #9927 become extremely bright. Sighting lasted 7 minutes. 6/22/1954 #9928 climb into an overcast. Sighting lasted 3-5 minutes. 6/25/1954 #9946 r Normandy, Missouri. The sighting lasted about 30 minutes. 7/18/1954 #10027 ossed in front of it. The incident lasted five minutes. 8/15/1954 #10145 s into darkness. The spectacle has lasted 45 minutes. Two police officers a 8/23/1954 #10170 door was noticed. The observation lasted over 3 min. The object released s 9/7/1954 #10266 ad a kind of door. The observation lasted over three minutes, at which poin 9/7/1954 #10270 hen it turned. The entire sighting lasted seven minutes. 9/7/1954 #10271 and climbed vertically. Sighting lasted 2-3 minutes. 9/21/1954 #10382 t and then hovered. Their sighting lasted a total of 20 minutes. 9/21/1954 #10386 were found in the dirt. Sighting lasted 15 minutes. 9/22/1954 #10394 ll rocks disturbed. Their sighting lasted 15 minutes. 9/22/1954 #10398 ere 15 witnesses, and the sighting lasted at least 4 minutes. A photograph 9/26/1954 #10453 und near Route N454. The encounter lasted four minutes. 10/10/1954 #10896 colors for ten minutes. Each color lasted several minutes. It finally shot 10/17/1954 #11181 round a curve. The entire sighting lasted but a few minutes. His wife was a 10/18/1954 #11225 left a trail behind, and the event lasted five minutes. 10/25/1954 #11397 airplane landing lights. Sighting lasted 4-5 minutes. 10/29/1954 #11479 ane's landing lights. The sighting lasted 4-5 minutes. 10/29/1954 #11484 ere frightened by it. The incident lasted 30 minutes. 11/4/1954 #11566 as named Gallant, and the sighting lasted three minutes. This is a Project 11/15/1954 #11660 east, then turned north. Sighting lasted 7 minutes. 12/7/1954 #11771 t, then turned north. The sighting lasted seven minutes. A Project Blue Boo 12/7/1954 #11775 to a funnel shape. Total sighting lasted 1.5-2 minutes. 2/10/1955 #11991 hing sound like a zephyr. Sighting lasted 2-3 seconds. 4/30/1955 #12105 r. The sighting was very brief and lasted for only 2-3 seconds. 4/30/1955 #12107 om hover to 1,000 m.p.h. Sighting lasted 3-4 minutes. 8/11/1955 #12352 overing to 1,000 mph. His sighting lasted 3-4 minutes. 8/11/1955 #12354 and left no contrail. The sighting lasted for 20 seconds. 8/11/1955 #12355 hen they felt a slight tremor that lasted a few minutes. Moments later they 10/20/1955 #12513 ted man named Taylor. The sighting lasted eight minutes. 2/15/1956 #12718 klahoma at 10:22 p.m. The sighting lasted less than three minutes. 5/17/1956 #12857 were clearly defined. The sighting lasted several minutes. 8/12/1956 #13073 an area 40 feet wide. The sighting lasted more than 30 minutes, but the UFO 9/2/1956 #13173 200 kts. (230 m.p.h.). Sighting lasted 23 minutes. 9/4/1956 #13185 e swoooping up and down. Sighting lasted 1.5 hours. 9/14/1956 #13221 swooping up and down. The sighting lasted 1.5 hours. 9/14/1956 #13222 altitude in the sky. The sighting lasted 20 minutes. 9/20/1956 #13228 0 miles per hour, and the sighting lasted five minutes. 9/22/1956 #13236 everal witnesses, and the sighting lasted 30 minutes. 10/10/1956 #13273 ed magnetic effects. The encounter lasted five minutes, and was followed by 4/22/1957 #13613 ing able to react." This sensation lasted two min. 9/16/1957 #13999 ability] to react." This sensation lasted two minutes. 9/16/1957 #14002 se and their garage. The encounter lasted 18 minutes. 9/25/1957 #14033 vanished on the spot. The sighting lasted from ten to twenty minutes. 10/14/1957 #14112 lly from a mountain top. Sighting lasted 10 minutes. 11/6/1957 #14418 ee parts and turned red. Sighting lasted 20 minutes. 11/30/1957 #14644 parts and turned red. The sighting lasted 20 minutes. 11/30/1957 #14645 an inverted-V formation. Sighting lasted 20 minutes. 12/13/1957 #14724 which then took off. The encounter lasted two minutes. 12/30/1957 #14772 ed into a single blip.The sighting lasted five minutes. 1/11/1958 #14820 to the west-south-west. Sighting lasted 6-10 minutes. 8/17/1958 #15209 o the west-southwest. The sighting lasted 6-10 minutes. 8/17/1958 #15210 at varying speeds. First sighting lasted 2 minutes, second lasted 1.5 minu 9/1/1958 #15246 sighting lasted 2 minutes, second lasted 1.5 minutes. 9/1/1958 #15246 varying speeds. His first sighting lasted two minutes and the second lasted 9/1/1958 #15247 lasted two minutes and the second lasted 1.5 minutes. 9/1/1958 #15247 on one of its occupants. Sighting lasted 1 minute. 10/27/1958 #15391 the first at high speed. Sighting lasted 1 minute. 11/3/1958 #15421 d had a bald head. The observation lasted 10 min, after which the object to 11/23/1958 #15456 d had a bald head. The observation lasted 10 minutes, after which the objec 11/23/1958 #15457 ssed by two children. The sighting lasted about two minutes. 3/2/1959 #15630 g a pulsating jet noise. Sighting lasted 10 minutes. 9/13/1959 #15969 ears of the witness. The encounter lasted ten minutes. 9/13/1959 #15972 it and the light dimmed. Sighting lasted 30 seconds. 10/19/1959 #16042 e light then dimmed. The encounter lasted 30 seconds. 10/19/1959 #16043 en speeded up immensely. Sighting lasted 5-6 minutes. 11/18/1959 #16093 d up incredibly fast. His sighting lasted from 5-6 minutes. 11/18/1959 #16094 sion proved inconclusive. Sighting lasted 2-3 seconds. 4/12/1960 #16224 red, and then backed up. Sighting lasted 20 minutes. Note: Ochs reported s 7/19/1960 #16340 , and then backed up. The sighting lasted 20 minutes. Note: Ochs reported s 7/19/1960 #16341 New York at 8:45 p.m. The sighting lasted more than four minutes. 7/24/1960 #16347 es. It made no sound. The sighting lasted between 20 and 30 minutes. A Proj 11/27/1960 #16516 ach the landing site. The incident lasted 20 minutes. 1/6/1961 #16564 d, while her dog howled. Sighting lasted 10 minutes. 2/27/1961 #16609 and a nearby fire. Their encounter lasted 45 minutes. 3/3/1961 #16620 ing a swishing sound. The sighting lasted about two minutes. 5/14/1961 #16682 away to the west. Total sighting lasted 1 hour. 7/7/1961 #16751 away toward the west. The sighting lasted a total of one hour. 7/7/1961 #16752 inum pass overhead. Their sighting lasted 20 minutes. 7/11/1961 #16761 ly and made no sound. The sighting lasted three minutes. A Project Blue Boo 12/13/1961 #16993 adlights remained on. The incident lasted five minutes. 2/9/1962 #17044 s later by a blue light. Sighting lasted 5 minutes. 2/25/1962 #17061 a blue light. The entire sighting lasted five minutes. 2/25/1962 #17062 e were spotted. The total sighting lasted three minutes. 6/21/1962 #17240 anging some luminous signals. This lasted 10 min and the craft took off at 7/30/1962 #17304 r part of their trip. The sighting lasted 10 minutes. 5/15/1963 #17743 t a tremendous speed. The sighting lasted three minutes. 7/14/1963 #17828 of green-white light. The sighting lasted several minutes. 8/6/1963 #17873 England at 8:30 p.m. The sighting lasted ten minutes and included numerous 8/12/1963 #17890 d" and would return. The encounter lasted ten minutes, with ground traces f 8/28/1963 #17924 he latter or disappeared. Sighting lasted l0 minutes. 9/14/1963 #17937 latter or disappear. The sighting lasted ten minutes. 9/14/1963 #17939 d from west to north. The sighting lasted 10 minutes. 9/15/1963 #17942 s west of Monticello. The sighting lasted from three to four minutes. 4/3/1964 #18159 se altitude. The entire encounter lasted about 45 minutes. 4/20/1964 #18181 Moon around to the left. Sighting lasted 17 minutes. 5/18/1964 #18284 alyzed during the encounter, which lasted over a minute. 6/15/1964 #18364 half loop, then rose up. Sighting lasted l minute. 7/20/1964 #18430 slowly, then speeded up. Sighting lasted 2-3 minutes. 7/27/1964 #18448 the sky then sped up. The sighting lasted 2-3 minutes. 7/27/1964 #18451 the 3-4 seconds that the sighting lasted. 8/15/1964 #18492 ne evaded the object. The sighting lasted two minutes. 8/18/1964 #18498 h as they flew along. The sighting lasted three minutes. Jet interceptors w 1/11/1965 #18710 rted by itself. The whole sighting lasted only 15-20 seconds. 1/14/1965 #18734 t an altitude of 4'. The sighting lasted 25 seconds. 1/23/1965 #18757 litary witnesses, and the sighting lasted for eight minutes. 5/5/1965 #18926 may have been tumbling. Sighting lasted 1 minute. 5/7/1965 #18933 p and bottom. The aerial encounter lasted 10-15 minutes, resulting in sever 5/28/1965 #18974 three witnesses, and the encounter lasted five minutes. 7/25/1965 #19172 2” and an inch deep. The encounter lasted about a minute and occurred durin 8/13/1965 #19384 everal witnesses, and the sighting lasted for an hour. 8/15/1965 #19401 ed in the sky. The close encounter lasted 75 minutes. 8/16/1965 #19409 over the car. The close encounter lasted for four minutes. 8/18/1965 #19419 , bounced and flew away. Sighting lasted 3-4 seconds. 8/30/1965 #19477 ounced and flew away. The sighting lasted 3-4 seconds. (Sources: Project Bl 8/30/1965 #19481 animals were very noisy. Sighting lasted about 1 hour. 9/3/1965 #19507 on his left arm. Initial sighting lasted 5-10 minutes. Second sighting.oc 9/3/1965 #19508 re very brightly lit. The incident lasted 30 minutes. 11/13/1965 #19720 hen zipped out of sight. Sighting lasted 1 hour. 2/2/1966 #19875 zipped out of sight. The sighting lasted for an hour. 2/2/1966 #19876 red the witnesses' ears. Sighting lasted 5-10 minutes. 2/6/1966 #19885 ars of both witnesses.The sighting lasted from 5-10 minutes. 2/6/1966 #19889 the front then hovered. Sighting lasted l0 minutes. 3/26/1966 #20091 throughout the observation, which lasted four min. 4/4/1966 #20223 e ground below. The entire episode lasted about a minute. 4/5/1966 #20251 high-frequency noise. The sighting lasted 2.5 hours. 4/5/1966 #20252 f five witnesses, and the sighting lasted 12 minutes. 4/24/1966 #20406 surface of the lake. The sighting lasted 25 seconds. 6/6/1966 #20537 buzzed the witness' car. Sighting lasted 1 minute. 6/8/1966 #20542 the northeast. The close encounter lasted one minute. His report to the Air 6/8/1966 #20546 Lovato of Bernalillo. The sighting lasted a total of 51 minutes. 6/23/1966 #20600 five seconds. The entire incident lasted an hour. 7/25/1966 #20685 en it was on the ground. Sighting lasted 5 minutes. 7/31/1966 #20702 ll, was briefly seen. The sighting lasted five minutes. Ground marks were f 7/31/1966 #20703 (aircraft avoidance). The sighting lasted 4 hours. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 0 8/13/1966 #20741 ironmental illumination). The glow lasted for about 7 seconds, and then the 8/18/1966 #20761 nto clouds very rapidly. Sighting lasted 5 minutes. 8/19/1966 #20770 ed away toward the west. Sighting lasted 15 minutes. 8/23/1966 #20796 away toward the west. The sighting lasted 15 minutes. 8/23/1966 #20797 cted and tracked. The observations lasted nearly 4 hours and were confirmed 8/24/1966 #20801 cted and tracked. The observations lasted nearly four hours and were confir 8/24/1966 #20803 se was heard. The entire sighting lasted 30 minutes. 9/1/1966 #20832 ise was heard. The entire sighting lasted 30 minutes. 9/1/1966 #20833 and slowly disappeared. Sighting lasted 8 minutes. 9/6/1966 #20854 d slowly disappeared. The sighting lasted a total of eight minutes. 9/6/1966 #20855 ared into some woods. The sighting lasted 30 minutes. 9/9/1966 #20869 away at high speed. The encounter lasted 17 minutes. 9/20/1966 #20903 and rose vertically. The sighting lasted 90 seconds. 9/28/1966 #20933 e sighting by Police Sgt. Thompson lasted for three minutes. The witnesses 10/11/1966 #20993 nable to use binoculars. Sighting lasted 3 seconds. 10/26/1966 #21037 le to use his binoculars. Sighting lasted 3 seconds. 10/26/1966 #21039 d being descended. The observation lasted several minutes. Footprints later 11/17/1966 #21115 hen sped away. The entire sighting lasted ten minutes, according to the wit 1/7/1967 #21272 toward the southeast. The sighting lasted two minutes. 1/10/1967 #21284 O and it took off. The total event lasted between 3-4 minutes. 1/25/1967 #21387 o move independently. The sighting lasted more than two hours. 1/26/1967 #21401 FOs sped away. The close encounter lasted for more than six minutes, and wa 2/2/1967 #21443 on lost from view. The observation lasted five minutes, and no landing trac 2/5/1967 #21463 disappeared. Their close encounter lasted two minutes. 2/9/1967 #21493 rmed other maneuvers. The sighting lasted 10 minutes. 2/12/1967 #21526 presence of the UFO. The encounter lasted several minutes. 2/22/1967 #21624 ving too fast to follow. Sighting lasted 1 hour, 11 minutes. 2/27/1967 #21677 7:05 p.m. local time. The sighting lasted three minutes, and he noted that 2/27/1967 #21678 d from its underside. The sighting lasted more than 35 minutes. (NICAP repo 3/4/1967 #21751 seconds and disappeared. Sighting lasted more than 40 minutes. Objects ma 3/6/1967 #21776 s a lighted interior. The sighting lasted ten minutes. 3/6/1967 #21780 with a brilliant white light that lasted 10 seconds and almost blinded the 3/9/1967 #21838 hidden from the highway. Sighting lasted several minutes. 3/24/1967 #21969 craft. The encounter with journey lasted no more than 20 minutes. 3/31/1967 #22025 orts of the close encounter, which lasted several minutes. 4/17/1967 #22156 at moderate speed. Their sighting lasted 10 minutes. At 8:30 p.m. the wife 4/18/1967 #22160 wo smaller lights. The observation lasted 3 hours. (Port Clinton Daily News 4/19/1967 #22164 e landing legs appeared. The event lasted three hours, and the UFOs were tr 5/6/1967 #22288 involving four UFOs happened that lasted three hours. 5/7/1967 #22296 moving away for good. The sighting lasted 15 minutes. 5/8/1967 #22300 shot away very fast. The sighting lasted an estimated 90 seconds. 5/12/1967 #22326 se encounter, and the entire event lasted 12 minutes. The same or a similar 5/30/1967 #22426 isappeared behind clouds. Sighting lasted 9 minutes. 6/24/1967 #22547 t intensified. The entire incident lasted two and a half hours. 6/30/1967 #22579 ject grew dim. The entire incident lasted for more than 25 minutes. 8/2/1967 #22778 nd Mr. & Mrs. Turner. The incident lasted about one minute. 8/4/1967 #22806 en half a mile below. The sighting lasted more than two minutes. 9/10/1967 #23033 Haddam, Connecticut. The sighting lasted 15 minutes. 9/13/1967 #23050 a dome shape on top. The sighting lasted 15 minutes. 9/22/1967 #23116 ust above the tree tops. Sighting lasted 1 minute. 10/18/1967 #23263 t above the treetops. The sighting lasted one minute. 10/18/1967 #23266 round radar, although the sighting lasted ten minutes in total duration. 10/31/1967 #23379 gh speed above the head. Sighting lasted 1-5 minutes. 2/9/1968 #23744 neni, Bacau, Romania. The sighting lasted two minutes. 6/8/1968 #24015 ped away to the east. The sighting lasted ten minutes and there were four w 7/8/1968 #24160 upward out of sight. The sighting lasted two minutes. 8/18/1968 #24353 ed in seconds. The entire incident lasted about seven minutes. Others indep 8/28/1968 #24392 get was following them. Sightings lasted 15 minutes. 9/15/1968 #24466 following them. The two sightings lasted a total of 15 minutes. 9/15/1968 #24469 engine restarted itself. Sighting lasted 3-4 minutes. 11/23/1968 #24694 the northeast. The entire incident lasted more than five minutes. Their wer 11/26/1968 #24719 ing overhead again. The experience lasted an estimated five minutes, althou 12/10/1968 #24757 eves and turtlenecks. The incident lasted for five minutes. As the witnesse 1/6/1969 #24822 a vertical position. The encounter lasted ten minutes. 3/9/1969 #24985 at time, and their close encounter lasted less than a minute. 4/21/1969 #25079 . During the flight, which he felt lasted for hours, they talked among them 5/4/1969 #25115 made a purring sound. The incident lasted about five minutes. Ring ground m 5/11/1969 #25127 nine witnesses, and the encounter lasted six minutes. 5/18/1969 #25144 He had an inflammation of the eyes lasted a month, and a year after the eve 5/20/1969 #25151 y to the northeast. Their sighting lasted 15 minutes. 6/23/1969 #25233 oman named Scott, and the incident lasted much long, about an hour. 8/5/1969 #25311 the northeast. The close encounter lasted for about an hour. 8/11/1969 #25316 at a moderate speed. The sighting lasted two minutes. 11/29/1969 #25477 the area at the time. The sighting lasted 25 minutes. 3/2/1970 #25597 made a humming noise. The sighting lasted for two hours. Three round depres 8/29/1970 #25809 named Gavey and Page. The sighting lasted several seconds. 10/17/1970 #25881 denly disappeared. The whole event lasted less than one minute. 12/14/1970 #25939 red powerless. The entire incident lasted 20 minutes. A tree died at the si 5/16/1971 #26115 ead California power blackout that lasted one hour. 6/18/1971 #26179 Lanejevo, Yugoslavia. The sighting lasted eight minutes, and the main witne 9/20/1971 #26355 feet altitude. The close encounter lasted 15 minutes. 2/12/1972 #26577 scene by driving away. This effect lasted for the first 200 meters. 3/10/1972 #26599 nt behind some woods. The sighting lasted for over six minutes, and they we 4/15/1972 #26647 paralysis during the event, which lasted 45 minutes. 4/21/1972 #26656 red light. The entire incident had lasted more than five minutes. Mr. Lesti 5/2/1972 #26669 h 90 degree rotation. The sighting lasted an hour, and there were four witn 6/2/1972 #26698 f an electric mixer. The encounter lasted 90 seconds. 6/16/1972 #26717 re two witnesses, and the sighting lasted two minutes. 6/30/1972 #26746 olice cruiser. The entire incident lasted 15 minutes. In Malmesbury, Wester 7/16/1972 #26807 re were 10 witnesses and the event lasted 15 minutes. 7/16/1972 #26807 nd 500 feet away, and the sighting lasted five minutes. 8/5/1972 #26876 ng time for the two witnesses that lasted perhaps 10 minutes. The object de 8/11/1972 #26899 and lights died, and these effects lasted until it was 25-30 meters distant 9/28/1972 #27038 ear-old Daryl Brown. The encounter lasted three minutes. 10/23/1972 #27089 he incident occurred at 6:10 p.m., lasted ten minutes, scared animals, and 11/13/1972 #27123 when he rejoined her. The incident lasted about 15 minutes. 3/29/1973 #27390 s it went over them. The encounter lasted three to four minutes. 4/15/1973 #27431 y tree. During the incident, which lasted 55 minutes, their dogs were stran 6/28/1973 #27599 en over a farmhouse. The encounter lasted 10 minutes. 8/4/1973 #27682 ." Sullivan said the UFO sightings lasted from a fleeting moment to twelve 10/10/1973 #27984 0 minute period that the encounter lasted. It was bathed in a green light f 10/20/1973 #28219 by a domed disc. The entire event lasted 82 minutes, until 3:37 a.m. when 12/20/1973 #28592 800 feet altitude. Their sighting lasted 30 seconds. 1/4/1974 #28644 pidly approaching. Their encounter lasted three minutes. 2/27/1974 #28811 it made no noise, and the sighting lasted four minutes. There were independ 5/15/1974 #29107 scattered on takeoff. The sighting lasted 15-20 seconds. 5/24/1974 #29131 Medellin Castle, Spain 5:30 a.m. Lasted 1-1/2 hours and was seen to the E 6/14/1974 #29190 then vanished. The entire incident lasted five minutes. 8/5/1974 #29310 nty, New Hampshire. Their sighting lasted for 15-20 minutes. At 11:00 p.m. 8/15/1974 #29356 out 300 feet long and the sighting lasted 40 minutes. 8/15/1974 #29356 g site. The entire close encounter lasted ten minutes. 8/16/1974 #29364 and drove off. The entire incident lasted one hour, although the mummy figu 8/20/1974 #29373 1:30 a.m. The abduction experience lasted two hours, and involved missing t 8/22/1974 #29376 om three families and the incident lasted 15 minutes. 9/7/1974 #29429 nd then ascended. The entire event lasted 35 minutes. 9/24/1974 #29476 arking during the encounter, which lasted about five minutes. 9/26/1974 #29484 wed by the light. The incident has lasted 15 minutes. Mid 11/1974 #29596 ard the light. The visual sighting lasted for three minutes, while radar re 11/24/1974 #29606 as the UFO took off. The sighting lasted four minutes, and ground traces w 1/2/1975 #29703 to the disappearance of the craft lasted 20 minutes. 1/5/1975 #29726 ng this remarkable experience that lasted over an hour, beginning at 9:30 p 4/25/1975 #30004 rapidly to the east. The incident lasted approximately eight minutes. 4/26/1975 #30007 his hands went numb. The encounter lasted for two minutes. (Source: John Sc 5/5/1975 #30037 his hands went numb. The encounter lasted for two minutes. 5/5/1975 #30038 were 5 witnesses, and the sighting lasted two minutes. 6/3/1975 #30079 ade a humming sound. The sighting lasted 10 minutes. 8/10/1975 #30248 away at a high speed. The sighting lasted five minutes. 8/14/1975 #30271 Plant during this encounter, that lasted for 4-5 minutes. Jacksonville ATC 11/22/1975 #30653 ere 13 witnesses and the encounter lasted for over 70 minutes. 2/12/1976 #30867 NW, MD 9:20 p.m. The sighting lasted until 1:30 a.m. on March 16. The 3/15/1976 #30942 y from head to foot. His abduction lasted two days. 4/2/1976 #30980 ter the event. The close encounter lasted two minutes. 9/17/1976 #31390 a desert area. The entire incident lasted two hours. 9/19/1976 #31411 to the north. The close encounter lasted 45 seconds. 9/19/1976 #31413 iameter area, and the sighting has lasted no more than five minutes. 11/8/1976 #31532 ection of the eucalyptus trees. It lasted for 10-15 seconds and then ceased 11/12/1976 #31540 rby billboard. The entire incident lasted about 15 minutes. 11/12/1976 #31541 south, then vanished. The incident lasted five minutes. 1/26/1977 #31753 d the east-southeast. The sighting lasted 10 minutes. (Sources: Northern Ne 2/7/1977 #31796 d the east-southeast. The sighting lasted 10 minutes. 2/7/1977 #31797 ne died during the sighting, which lasted only a few seconds, but their car 3/13/1977 #31905 r generated. After the quiz, which lasted perhaps 20 to 30 minutes, she fou 4/4/1977 #31943 off to the southwest. The sighting lasted a total of 5 minutes. 4/22/1977 #32014 lew off to the east. The sightings lasted at least 20 minutes. 5/17/1977 #32106 e its shape. Their close encounter lasted 20 minutes in total. 6/3/1977 #32145 of burning eyes and headaches that lasted for two days. Footprints were fou 7/23/1977 #32306 d walnut" UFO. The inital sighting lasted just a short time, but then the U 8/28/1977 #32436 side of the rocks. The display had lasted for 15 minutes. 10/30/1977 #32639 aces were discovered. The sighting lasted 30 minutes. 12/13/1977 #32769 of sparks". This initial sighting lasted for about 20 minutes. The man the 1/10/1978 #32867 of sparks". This initial sighting lasted for about 20 minutes. The man the 1/10/1978 #32870 e a noise on takeoff. The incident lasted several hours. 2/19/1978 #32983 s in diameter. The close encounter lasted three minutes. 4/23/1978 #33160 ore, Maryland. The close encounter lasted several minutes. 4/25/1978 #33168 r 75 witnesses to the event, which lasted over two hours. 5/19/1978 #33228 ering in the sky west of town that lasted several hours. A local radio stat 7/9/1978 #33357 howled during the incident, which lasted about 15 minutes, and it later lo 7/12/1978 #33376 n Highway 5. Their close encounter lasted three minutes. 8/5/1978 #33479 as tracked on radar. The encounter lasted 45 minutes. A cattle mutilation h 8/8/1978 #33491 e path as the first. The sightings lasted 30 minutes. 8/11/1978 #33507 rtedly had portholes. The sighting lasted for more than two hours. 8/15/1978 #33517 opposite directions. The sighting lasted two minutes. 9/11/1978 #33664 e times during the sighting, which lasted five minutes. 9/14/1978 #33678 n Strongsville, Ohio. The sighting lasted over two minutes, during which th 9/26/1978 #33752 er with a UFO in Vase, Sweden that lasted 10 minutes. 11/28/1978 #34020 of the craft. The whole encounter lasted five minutes. Ground traces were 2/26/1979 #34449 rushing sound. The whole encounter lasted five minutes. Ground traces were 2/26/1979 #34450 ircle a radio tower. The encounter lasted for a few minutes; helmeted figur 3/2/1979 #34457 nter occurred at around 7 a.m. and lasted for a few minutes; helmeted figur 3/2/1979 #34459 st two witnesses, and the incident lasted five minutes. 4/16/1979 #34511 its presence. The close encounter lasted seven minutes. 5/25/1979 #34579 7-year-old scientist. The sighting lasted 30 minutes. 8/11/1979 #34734 to the south. The entire sighting lasted eight minutes. (NICAP: 01 - Dista 3/6/1980 #35197 to the south. The entire sighting lasted eight minutes. 3/6/1980 #35199 es and vomiting, and diarrhea that lasted for a week. 9/30/1980 #35548 nally shot away fast. The sighting lasted 25 minutes. 4/25/1981 #35916 south toward Oregon. The incident lasted slightly less than a minute. (NIC 5/1/1981 #35922 south toward Oregon. The incident lasted slightly less than a minute. 5/1/1981 #35923 e searchlight. The close encounter lasted five minutes. 8/28/1981 #36088 a detour onto SR 148. The incident lasted more than 20 minutes. 11/28/1981 #36236 hrough the windows. Their sighting lasted seven minutes. 2/10/1982 #36337 out of sight. The entire sighting lasted about five minutes. 2/25/1982 #36369 ed the object. The close encounter lasted 20 minutes. 3/13/1982 #36389 o malfunction. The close encounter lasted four minutes. 7/7/1982 #36533 est near power lines. The sighting lasted two and a half minutes. 8/11/1982 #36571 any witnesses to this event, which lasted for 20 minutes. 8/13/1982 #36576 empted to get closer. The sighting lasted four minutes. 9/30/1982 #36623 tilted at an angle. Their sighting lasted two minutes. 10/2/1982 #36630 made no sound. The close encounter lasted about an hour. 10/27/1982 #36667 the tree line. The entire episode lasted about three minutes. 11/27/1982 #36698 experience. The entire experience lasted 50 minutes. (Source: Lumieres dan 3/26/1983 #36814 experience. The entire experience lasted 50 minutes. 3/26/1983 #36816 ast slowly at 35 mph. The sighting lasted three minutes. 5/4/1983 #36855 rbine noise. Their close encounter lasted six minutes. 5/9/1983 #36857 ct went out. The dramatic sighting lasted 15 minutes. 10/28/1983 #37028 p turn to the south. The encounter lasted 10 minutes. 1/9/1984 #37125 hat permeated the encounter, which lasted only a couple of minutes. A disc- 4/26/1984 #37303 e two witnesses, and the encounter lasted two minutes. 5/5/1984 #37319 hts on the perimeter. The sighting lasted for two minutes. 6/11/1985 #37599 was made by a 37-year-old man, and lasted 30 seconds. 10/10/1985 #37678 and made no sound. Their sighting lasted five minutes. 2/8/1986 #37784 -shaped UFOs drop NLs. The display lasted for nearly an hour before the obj 3/1/1986 #37796 m. It made no sound. The encounter lasted more than four minutes. 3/25/1986 #37810 mated at 1,200 mph. Their sighting lasted less than a minute, and they dete 5/11/1986 #37866 ph (8,600 km/hr). The radar target lasted about four minutes. Weather was h 5/16/1987 #38175 mages came out blank. The incident lasted three minutes. 8/24/1987 #38255 bottom domes. The close encounter lasted 15 seconds. 9/24/1987 #38294 scended out of sight. The sighting lasted five minutes. 11/24/1987 #38334 t not while hovering. Her sighting lasted 10 minutes. 3/1/1988 #38479 eing watched. The entire encounter lasted over two hours. The mother is als 4/3/1988 #38533 ation. The missing time experience lasted 75 minutes. 5/1/1988 #38551 s a whooshing sound. The encounter lasted about half a minute. 5/9/1988 #38559 ved off to the south. The sighting lasted several minutes. 8/23/1988 #38621 the encounter. The entire incident lasted ten minutes. 11/9/1988 #38709 itnesses on board and the incident lasted several minutes. 1/30/1989 #38809 d toward them. The close encounter lasted 10 minutes. 3/1/1989 #38861 -year-old woman, and the encounter lasted two minutes. 7/16/1989 #39023 t made no sound, and the encounter lasted about half a minute. 8/10/1989 #39056 5-10 mph). The sighting reportedly lasted 10 minutes. 8/15/1989 #39064 the object had gone. The sighting lasted 30 seconds. 8/25/1989 #39074 ated out of view. The entire event lasted two minutes. 5/16/1990 #39573 saw the display. The entire event lasted about 30 minutes. 6/8/1990 #39610 ar ring on the grass. The incident lasted 15 minutes, and there was an inde 7/30/1990 #39671 with the targets, and the incident lasted 20 minutes. 10/8/1990 #39767 the UFO's maneuvers. The encounter lasted 3 minutes. 11/28/1990 #39913 zed their car. The close encounter lasted five minutes. 3/14/1991 #40012 o move during her encounter, which lasted about two minutes. 8/13/1991 #40151 rference experienced. The sighting lasted 18 minutes. 8/10/1992 #40564 . The entire close encounter event lasted more than 15 minutes. The craft m 8/14/1992 #40573 ford, Monroe County, New York that lasted for an hour and a half, beginning 8/20/1992 #40586 heir dog became sick. The incident lasted 30 minutes. 8/29/1992 #40596 the exam took place. The abduction lasted for a total of 145 minutes. 11/20/1992 #40722 75 feet of the child. The indicent lasted about five minutes. 12/4/1992 #40742 mer County, New York. The sighting lasted 30 seconds. 8/10/1993 #41124 ing from the object. The encounter lasted 30 seconds. 10/24/1993 #41251 y close range; The close encounter lasted for five minutes. 10/29/1993 #41254 France at 12:15 a.m. The sighting lasted two minutes. The grass where the 3/6/1994 #41444 zagged over a house. The sightings lasted for over two and a half hours. 9/9/1994 #41733 of 62 witnesses, and the incident lasted eight minutes. In another account 9/16/1994 #41755 an incredible speed. The sighting lasted 3 minutes. 9/22/1994 #41772 d at the landing site. The landing lasted three minutes. 10/29/1994 #41820 pendent witnesses and the sighting lasted for four minutes. 4/22/1995 #42172 , and felt paralyzed. The incident lasted 75 minutes. 4/25/1995 #42175 his skin. The incident reportedly lasted five minutes, but it is not known 8/6/1995 #42363 d disappeared. The entire incident lasted about a minute. 8/11/1995 #42376 area panicked. The entire sighting lasted about two minutes. 9/22/1995 #42501 nished. The sighting was brief and lasted no more than 6 seconds. There was 11/30/1995 #42634 hing for something. Their sighting lasted for 15 minutes. Note: There is a 4/16/1996 #42871 e rim of the object. The encounter lasted over two and a half hours. 8/25/1996 #42995 way from them. The close encounter lasted for two minutes. 9/11/1996 #43016 in the morning. The aerial display lasted two hours. 9/17/1996 #43028 s making a descent. Their sighting lasted a couple of minutes. 2/7/1997 #43187 nd went out of sight. The sighting lasted seven minutes. 2/17/1997 #43196 counterclockwise. The observation lasted almost two hours, during which th 6/5/1997 #43311 speed was slow, and the encounter lasted 10 minutes. A deafening buzz coul 7/21/1997 #43354 r, more white, more stationary and lasted longer. The second was a white ci 11/11/1998 #43680 ultaneously in the area. The event lasted 15 minutes. 10/16/1999 #43861 at very high speed. The encounter lasted for about three minutes. 11/25/1999 #43886 titude of 150 meters. The sighting lasted 30-40 seconds. 2/5/2000 #43941 degree turn together. The sighting lasted two minutes. 2/26/2000 #43958 clouds. The sighting of the object lasted an estimated two minutes, and the 4/22/2000 #43983 lled with a greenish-blue fog that lasted for ten minutes. A helicopter fle 7/7/2000 #44013 e witness got closer. The sighting lasted 7 minutes. 11/22/2000 #44077 ng lights on its top. The sighting lasted approximately 40 seconds. 11/28/2000 #44086 c in their movements. The sighting lasted a total of 5 minutes. 11/30/2000 #44093 to a higher altitude. The sighting lasted five minutes. 1/5/2001 #44120 a low humming sound. The sighting lasted five minutes. 2/27/2001 #44143 o east at high speed. The sighting lasted five seconds. 4/25/2001 #44167 ewhat like a missile. The sighting lasted from 2-3 minutes. 5/19/2001 #44186 sky. It was quiet and its passage lasted a few minutes. The son of the wit 8/20/2001 #44239 stimated at 600 km/h. The sighting lasted three minutes. 9/9/2001 #44254 d, were heard. The entire sighting lasted five minutes. 9/19/2001 #44262 r lights were dimmer. The sighting lasted 15 seconds. 9/25/2001 #44264 during the entire incident, which lasted five minutes. The two objects van 10/2/2001 #44265 ty, Utah at 3:00 a.m. The sighting lasted from 3 to 4 minutes. 2/15/2002 #44316 The sighting was reported to have lasted five minutes. 6/1/2002 #44345 ppear into the hills. The sighting lasted for two minutes. 9/20/2002 #44402 ate and then descend. The incident lasted three minutes. 9/25/2002 #44407 was heard during the event, which lasted for about an hour. At about the s 9/26/2002 #44409 ened at 11:50 p.m. local time, and lasted for 90 seconds. 11/1/2002 #44430 y multiple witnesses. The sighting lasted 30 seconds. 11/1/2002 #44433 de no fast movements. The sighting lasted 54 minutes. 1/5/2003 #44469 ere two witnesses and the sighting lasted almost two minutes. 1/31/2003 #44483 lowly into the trees. The sighting lasted seven minutes. 2/9/2003 #44485 ere two witnesses and the incident lasted three minutes. 2/12/2003 #44489 olland, Pennsylvania. The sighting lasted from two to three minutes. 5/4/2003 #44525 e three witnesses and the incident lasted from five to six minutes. 8/6/2003 #44571 alifornia. The sighting reportedly lasted five minutes. 8/25/2003 #44583 e, climb, and zigzag. The sighting lasted about 45 minutes. That night a ve 8/30/2003 #44588 an incredible speed. The sighting lasted ten minutes and was witnessed by 9/14/2003 #44601 the object vanished. The sighting lasted 45 seconds. 12/30/2003 #44633 aggresively. The second encounter lasted several minutes. Both encounters 1/4/2004 #44645 diamond 200 feet up. The sightings lasted five minutes. 1/4/2004 #44646 ts. The close encounter reportedly lasted ten minutes. 2/29/2004 #44670 feeling of well being felt like it lasted only a brief 30 seconds, but when 3/12/2004 #44676 stopped at one point. The sighting lasted 15 minutes. At 7:50 p.m. two rapi 3/26/2004 #44680 witnesses and the close encounter lasted an hour. 7/17/2004 #44716 sh, British Columbia. The sighting lasted 30 seconds. 8/9/2004 #44729 the TV "go haywire." The sighting lasted about 10 seconds. 8/10/2004 #44730 ed the larger object. The incident lasted 90 minutes. Earlier that day a la 9/19/2004 #44761 of a lunar eclipse. The sightings lasted several seconds. At 10:18 p.m. 1 10/27/2004 #44772 king no noise at all. The sighting lasted 30 minutes. 11/27/2004 #44792 s with a purple hued. The sighting lasted 5 minutes. 11/30/2004 #44794 esses, and the sighting reportedly lasted ten minutes. 12/23/2004 #44801 l Paso, Texas. The close encounter lasted two minutes. 1/11/2005 #44807 on other side. The close encounter lasted three minutes. 4/21/2005 #44825 on his head and hair. The incident lasted three minutes. 5/9/2005 #44838 , Alabama. The sighting reportedly lasted 30 minutes. 8/15/2005 #44863 e up into the clouds. The sighting lasted 15-20 seconds. 10/17/2005 #44890 The witness estimated the sighting lasted five minutes. 10/26/2005 #44893 ifornia at 10:05 p.m. The sighting lasted nineteen minutes. 10/26/2005 #44895 zzing by the object was brief, and lasted only 2-3 seconds. 4/25/2006 #44933 . It was slow moving. The sighting lasted two minutes. 5/3/2006 #44939 d on the land nearby. The sighting lasted five hours. 5/18/2006 #44944 ile, then moved away. The sighting lasted five minutes. At 8:00 p.m. in Sau 8/20/2006 #44956 illuminated windows. The sighting lasted about 30 seconds. 1/13/2007 #45000 light in the middle. The sighting lasted 15 seconds. Another cigar-shaped 2/26/2007 #45008 est was white. The second sighting lasted 30 seconds. 2/26/2007 #45008 ere two witnesses and the sighting lasted 10 minutes. 5/8/2007 #45029 appeared out of view. The sighting lasted five minutes. 5/16/2007 #45030 from north to south. The sighting lasted ten minutes. At 10:30 p.m. a fla 9/4/2007 #45052 peared into thin air. The sighting lasted 45 seconds. 9/21/2007 #45067 o, Texas as 8:30 p.m. The sighting lasted under 30 seconds. 11/9/2007 #45092 a and then flew away. The sighting lasted 15 seconds. 2/7/2008 #45116 e three witnesses and the sighting lasted for four minutes. 8/18/2008 #45160 County, Ohio. The close encounter lasted four minutes. 10/26/2008 #45177 ersonville, Indiana; this sighting lasted for about an hour. A triangular o 10/31/2008 #45183 Illinois at 3:40 p.m. The sighting lasted eight minutes. 11/28/2008 #45192 a scare. The procession of lights lasted for 14 minutes. 2/11/2009 #45211 y over Interstate 80. The sighting lasted three minutes. 9/6/2009 #45243 r visible, and the entire sighting lasted only about five seconds. The witn 9/14/2009 #45247 Center. It occurred overnight and lasted for two hours. 11/8/2009 #45254 Florida at 7:40 p.m. The sighting lasted for 6 minutes. 1/24/2010 #45267 me," the witness wrote. The event lasted four minutes. 5/3/2010 #45277 of a circle of light. The sighting lasted 15 seconds. 7/31/2010 #45288 Georgia at 11:00 p.m. The sighting lasted 15 seconds. 8/16/2010 #45293 nd then vanished! The entire event lasted 15 seconds. 8/31/2010 #45296 f necessary and that the breakdown lasted only 59 minutes. But according to 10/23/2010 #45303 e spot. The encountered reportedly lasted 10 minutes. 12/31/2010 #45309 t the state troopers. The sighting lasted 30 seconds. Half an hour later, d 1/30/2012 #45338 . By this point, the encounter has lasted over 90 minutes—significantly lon 7/14/2019 #45592## Word: "lasting" (Back to Top)
om the coast after a steady flight lasting about nine minutes. 6/16/1909 #777 ton, and their sighting was brief, lasting less than 10 seconds. A Project 7/24/1952 #7118 veral witnesses and reportedly had lasting physiological effects. 5/12/1962 #17166 n 1964, a famous UFO humanoid case lasting several hours was thoroughly doc 11/25/1964 #18638 h a disc-shaped object that caused lasting physiological effects and left g 8/15/1966 #20750 police officer had a UFO encounter lasting over an hour that involved an an 4/12/1967 #22127 r the devil.” The symposium has no lasting impact, as Congress does nothing 7/29/1968 #24254 nd a rectangular UFO, resulting in lasting physiological effects. The guard 8/30/1970 #25816 as a steel blue color. He had some lasting eye injury as the result of his 10/29/1970 #25894 his arms, starting at midnight and lasting until early in the morning. He a 9/20/1971 #26354 ht daylight fireball meteor filmed lasting up to 45 seconds or more. 8/10/1972 #26891 nying noise like that of a turbine lasting for several seconds. Driving his 9/27/1972 #27035 ir loss, and severe headaches, all lasting about two weeks. He also had som 12/30/1972 #27193 r with a UFO that caused them some lasting physiological effects. 9/21/1974 #29468 m. a UFO in Arendal, Norway caused lasting physiological effects for two 75 11/28/1975 #30674 . Mr. Mann, 26-years-old, suffered lasting physiological effects from a UFO 12/19/1976 #31623 the CUFORN Bulletin in late 1979, lasting until the summer of 1999. 1977 #31651 ects a strong, intermittent signal lasting for 72 seconds that stands out d 8/15/1977 #32402 perienced a period of missing time lasting at least several minutes, but fr 8/22/1978 #33550 epeated UFO encounters experienced lasting physiological effects due to the 1/28/1979 #34387 epeated UFO encounters experienced lasting physiological effects due to the 1/28/1979 #34388 pact as the vehicle is shaking. No lasting effects can be found in the pave 8/30/1979 #34810 d at the landing site. He suffered lasting physiological effects including 11/9/1979 #34991 chases and zaps man repeatedly. No lasting effects. 5/1984 #37307 e from the sky. Strange vibrations lasting five minutes followed, and then 11/13/1998 #43682 11:00 p.m. The sighting was brief, lasting less than 15 seconds. 3/13/2003 #44501 s it flew. The sighting was brief, lasting about six seconds. 8/13/2003 #44575 She had a missing time experience, lasting at least 35 minutes. She has req 5/15/2004 #44701 eginning at around two o'clock and lasting for about 30 minutes. They made 1/26/2006 #44919 individuals reportedly experience lasting health effects, including one un 8/2017 #45477 arently brief counter UAS exercise lasting about eight minutes. Though offi 7/24/2019 #45598 other unidentified drone incident, lasting 32 minutes, is reported by the U 7/25/2019 #45599## Word: "lasts" (Back to Top)
ht against each other.” The battle lasts about one hour, then the burning b 4/4/1561 #32 companied by unseasonable heat and lasts until 10:30 p.m. Short hears that 12/5/1737 #60 or. All are silent. The phenomenon lasts about one hour, during which time 8/18/1893 #309 ps and curves / 12 second(s). Tail lasts 90 second(s). 2/9/1902 #649 RY, SOUTH AUS Astronomer. Fireball lasts / 4 minute(s)! / Charles Fort / IU 11/20/1902 #657 ng back to a pinpoint. The display lasts for about 5 minutes. 4/1944 #1588 stant rumble. A luminous afterglow lasts 10 minutes. 6/9/1946 #2005 en new groups appear. The sighting lasts one hour. Possibly these are part 10/10/1946 #2202 e south at high speed. The display lasts several minutes. 7/7/1947 #2939 to just disappear. The observation lasts about 30 seconds. The case is deem 4/5/1948 #3612 s rough during the sighting, which lasts 10 minutes. After he lands, he fin 7/24/1949 #4283 uin’s death with a new series that lasts until 1980. 1951 #5378 joins the other two. The incident lasts more than 15 minutes. 9/13/1951 #5665 ace and civil rights activists. It lasts until 1973, photographing 2 millio 1/1952 #5854 ice of Naval Research. The project lasts through 1952, but probably not muc 4/1952 #6009 n take off separately. The episode lasts 15 minutes. The biochemist calls M 4/25/1952 #6185 g almost due east. The observation lasts 30 seconds. 6/28/1952 #6659 ceful 45° arc. The entire sighting lasts only 15 seconds. Possible corrobor 7/14/1952 #6817 rising vertically. The observation lasts 9 minutes. 8/3/1952 #7437 and 1,000 aircraft. The operation lasts through September 25. 9/14/1952 #7939 and begins an informal study that lasts until 1955. 9/19/1952 #7980 nuclear weapons. The conversation lasts about 45 minutes. Orthon declines 11/20/1952 #8309 efore and after. The radar contact lasts approximately 2 minutes. 1/9/1953 #8524 the south-southwest. The sighting lasts 5 minutes. 2/4/1953 #8637 by going straight up. The sighting lasts 7 minutes. 4/29/1954 #9734 as a kind of door. The observation lasts more than 3 minutes, at which poin 9/7/1954 #10268 way to the northwest. The incident lasts 4–5 minutes. 10/2/1954 #10611 sedly from Venus. His alleged trip lasts an hour. When he returns, his watc 7/16/1956 #12974 t faded away.” The entire incident lasts several minutes. 8/30/1957 #13952 sh fluorescent trail. The sighting lasts 2–3 minutes. 11/9/1957 #14505 hort time later. The blackout only lasts 5 minutes, but the power station h 11/25/1957 #14614 the first at high speed. Sighting lasts 1 minute. 11/1958 #15415 vering” the U-2.) The project only lasts through July. 4/8/1960 #16218 ” to take her to Jupiter. Her fast lasts from September 23 to November 28. 9/1962 #17379 starts by itself. The whole thing lasts about 15–20 seconds. 1/15/1965 #18740 ject takes off. The entire episode lasts only 5 minutes. Blackburn sees no 1/19/1965 #18750 anetary Intelligence Report, which lasts through September/October 1966. 5/1965 #18923 ear separately. The entire episode lasts about 4 hours and is confirmed by 8/24/1966 #20802 id being descends. The observation lasts several minutes. Footprints are fo 11/17/1966 #21117 nces a “skullbuster” headache that lasts until midnight. The next day, he v 10/22/1967 #23290 ving physical evidence. The effort lasts until a wave of UFO reports takes 1968 #23629 t very disturbed, a condition that lasts for several days. 6/15/1968 #24039 hysical trace cases. The operation lasts until the end of 1972. 10/1968 #24535 ion Menu, in eastern Cambodia that lasts until May 26, 1970. An official US 3/18/1969 #25025 l part of the ground. The sighting lasts 45 minutes, with the object statio 6/17/1969 #25220 itting silently above the ship. It lasts for about 20 minutes. Two days lat 6/1971 #26154 ation of three rows. The spectacle lasts for 30 minutes. The display is see 9/1972 #26973 intense feeling of isolation that lasts about 20 minutes. Since the truck 2/14/1974 #28772 trailer next door. The observation lasts 3 hours as the couple peek out of 6/25/1974 #29224 ent creates a media sensation that lasts for months in print and broadcast 10/11/1974 #29521 arge, bright glow to the west that lasts for 25 minutes. The next morning, 12/17/1974 #29645 n Nancy, France. The sighting only lasts 10–15 seconds. The photo shows a s 5/26/1975 #30066 northeast of the base. This action lasts for 40 minutes when, suddenly, it 10/27/1975 #30488 lishes its first newsletter, which lasts through September 1982. 7/1976 #31144 ng the crew to panic. The sighting lasts about 5 minutes. Mid 9/1976 #31384 rs behind Mont Néron. The sighting lasts 20–25 seconds. 11/5/1976 #31528 ve behind a huge, bright halo that lasts 10 minutes. Several minutes later, 3/24/1977 #31929 he develops an acute headache that lasts into the following day. Her eyes b Early Autumn 1977 #32456 are visible. The total observation lasts a few minutes, the object soon acc 4/19/1978 #33153 g around its middle. The encounter lasts 45 minutes. A cattle mutilation ha 8/8/1978 #33490 ls out to a stop. The interference lasts only a few seconds, and the car re 8/24/1978 #33563 in the house returns. The episode lasts 45 minutes. 11/20/1978 #33967 onal de Actividades Espaciales. It lasts until 1987. 1979 #34257 d soon turns dark. The observation lasts 20 minutes. Although there are som 9/5/1979 #34838 y say in Spanish. The interference lasts 30 seconds. 11/17/1979 #35005 uddenly he hears an explosion that lasts only a split second and sees a dom 2/25/1980 #35182 est of the reservoir. The sighting lasts about 5 seconds, during which the 4/20/1980 #35278 through the windows. The sighting lasts seven minutes. 2/10/1982 #36334 rest Preserve). The entire episode lasts about 12 minutes. 11/27/1982 #36697 ver a fence at them. The encounter lasts about 5 minutes, and no UFO is see 1/12/1983 #36745 slowly at 30–40 mph. The sighting lasts three minutes. 5/4/1983 #36854 en rises up again. The observation lasts about 5 minutes and the object is 10/26/1983 #37021 hes in the clouds. The observation lasts 20 minutes. 4/20/1984 #37278 er the Indian Ocean. The encounter lasts 9 minutes. An alert is triggered a 5/5/1984 #37317 ht halo surrounds it. The sighting lasts 13 minutes, during which time the 5/23/1985 #37592 hts on the perimeter. The sighting lasts for 2 minutes. Passengers do not s 6/11/1985 #37598 ed by some as a forest fire, which lasts for approximately one hour. A scie 1/29/1986 #37775 fro along its middle. The sighting lasts for 15 minutes for a distance of n 4/22/1986 #37833 90° from each other. The sighting lasts 35 minutes. 11/23/1987 #38332 ltitude at 4.6 miles. The sighting lasts more than 8 minutes with the objec 12/24/1989 #39338 e exposed portion of his face that lasts for more than 11 days. 12/24/1989 #39338 pex pointing forward. The sighting lasts for about 30 seconds. 10/23/1990 #39807 tific research and development. It lasts until 1997. 1991 #39936 planet Venus, but the full eclipse lasts just under 7 minutes, and the obje 7/11/1991 #40119 ument is declassified. The process lasts until 1999, when 84 files (coverin 9/1992 #40601 wards her. The white beam of light lasts for about 10 seconds. On the trian 2/21/1995 #42055 hes the TAM aircraft. The sighting lasts about 10 minutes. 8/8/1995 #42368 ce is detected. The near collision lasts about only one second. The object 8/9/1997 #43376 t remains eerily silent. The event lasts about 10 seconds and the lights ar 12/1998 #43694 d flat at the bottom. The sighting lasts about 10 minutes. 8/3/2001 #44223 its front section. The observation lasts for several minutes as the light a 9/9/2002 #44392 of the nearest mountain. The beam lasts about one minute and Cabrera notic Late 9/2002 #44405 appears as a bright red light that lasts only 2–3 seconds. 11/21/2002 #44446 has Airport, Brazil. The encounter lasts 14 minutes. 2004 #44635 tions problem, while intermittent, lasts several hours. These confidential 10/23/2010 #45303 segments of the UFO, one of which lasts 4:47. The video documents that the 3/19/2020 #45639 rkey. The visual part of the event lasts several seconds before the object 7/30/2021 #45701 moving very quickly. The sighting lasts 45 minutes and she takes several p 12/3/2021 #45727## Word: "lat" (Back to Top)
with abductions. Data points like lat/long, potentiality for recall, resid Mid 1995 #42258## Word: "lata" (Back to Top)
l, Locktopar, Molca, Clatu, Hulda, Lata, Singba, and others. One of his con 1/6/1952 #5861## Word: "latamarx" (Back to Top)
come from Elcar, Clota, Totalmon, Latamarx, Noma, Leektow, Luu, Oblow, Ker 1/6/1952 #5861## Word: "latcc" (Back to Top)
FOs immediately to AIS (Military), LATCC. A completed report MUST be sent t 1984 #37087## Word: "latch" (Back to Top)
going [to] cabin. Noises outside. Latch moves! 1/13/1979 #34336## Word: "latcham" (Back to Top)
Iowa by a nineteen-year-old named Latcham at 8:25 p.m. It hovered, rose st 5/2/1967 #22267## Word: "late" (Back to Top)
fungus” common to the area in the late summer. 8/13/1819 #110 7 miles west of Cisco, Texas Cuba Late evening. Telegraph repairman Patric 4/15/1897 #487 isintegrates after he confesses in late May to making the whole story up, p 4/20/1897 #546 McMahan, Texas Late night. People returning from a danc Mid 1/1899 #630 Primorsky Krai, Russia Lake Khanka Late evening. Observers in Kamen-Rybolov 6/1/1899 #635 an Dixboro United Methodist Church Late afternoon. Wirt M. Covert, 17, and 1904 #667 Indianapolis, Indiana Irvington Late afternoon. Hundreds of people in In 9/16/1906 #688 Great River, Long Island, New York Late evening. Helen C. Peterson sees a s 5/1908 #704 Montana around five o'clock in the late afternoon. It headed off toward the 2/9/1915 #924 Canal Zone Miraflores Lake, Panama Late evening. Mrs. E. P. Higgins and ano 1936 #1240 In the late afternoon in Chauny, France many pe 1/8/1943 #1479 Essen, Germany Late night. Capt. Ray Smith and copilot 5/26/1943 #1502 Eastern front in western Slovakia Late afternoon. Near the Eastern front i 4/1944 #1588 tskirts of Rochester, Pennsylvania Late night. Members of a family who live 10/1944 #1673 Köln, Germany Late night. RAF Flight Engineer Maurice 10/30/1944 #1688 ing out of its tail. (Jan Aldrich) Late December through February 1945 — Ra 12/23/1944 #1731 Johannesburg, South Africa Late evening. Two women on a walk in Joh Summer 1946 #2013 Northern Greece Late night and early morning. Rocket-sha 9/1/1946 #2167 rs over Bremerton, Washington from late in the afternoon until evening. The 6/17/1947 #2337 scription and performance, and the late 1990s explanation that Arnold obser 6/24/1947 #2398 cer goes over horizon. Also saucer late May / Vancouver Sun 28 Jun. '47. 6/27/1947 #2427 Late in the evening at around 11:00 p.m. 7/1/1947 #2533 Ramey and Col. Thomas J. DuBose in late afternoon. Johnson takes six photos 7/8/1947 #3025 Roswell Army Air Field New Mexico Late afternoon. 1Lt Chester P. Barton, s 7/9/1947 #3066 way in a B-25. They arrive in the late afternoon. The five men talk until 7/31/1947 #3264 as did her brother Charles in the late 1960s, who called Crisman a “smooth 8/7/1947 #3306 Late in the day two private pilots flyin 8/26/1947 #3373 had been no Skyhook launches since late December. However, Barry J. Greenwo 1/7/1948 #3544 ten. He himself has seen a disc in late August 1947 and flat, round aerofor 4/5/1948 #3612 Nevada, Missouri Late afternoon. Clifford DeWitt Fife hea Mid 11/1948 #3876 . Going quickly southeast. F82 too late. 5/21/1949 #4198 win support for their views--until late in 1951 when the situation was revi 1950 #4460 / 3 minute(s). RADAR warms up too late. 7/5/1950 #5043 d. When Bender closes down IFSB in late September 1953, the branch becomes Summer 1952 #6580 Washington, D.C. Roger Smith Hotel Late afternoon. Ruppelt and Maj. Ed Greg 7/28/1952 #7262 It schedules this tentatively for late December or early January. 11/21/1952 #8316 tact Division describing a recent [late January?] public meeting of the Civ 2/9/1953 #8654 local perfume company confessed in late December to releasing 300 hydrogen- 12/15/1953 #9366 Arbutus, Maryland Late night. A young girl in Arbutus, Mar Summer 1954 #9919 Quarouble, Nord, France Late afternoon. A witness is driving a v 9/12/1954 #10290 Late on this night two men, Srs. Atencio 9/20/1954 #10374 m his vineyard. He decided to stay late and catch the "robbers." He was ama 9/28/1954 #10485 is vineyard and decides to stay up late and catch the thief. He sees a lumi 9/28/1954 #10488 m his vineyard. He decided to stay late and catch the "robbers." Around 10: 9/28/1954 #10490 zing cylinder/cigar-shape / ground late separate / 54. / r30p125. 10/5/1954 #10713 During a rainstorm on this late afternoon in the Lusigny Forest in 10/20/1954 #11280 Late in the day at Les Metairies, situat 10/26/1954 #11423 nia, where Tesla was living in the late 1920s. Tesla befriended Carr and re 1955 #11894 the location where Orthon said the late Mary Adamski had been reincarnated. 1955 #11896 traight and level single file. Too late / scramble. 7/7/1955 #12239 rtela de Pau, Orense, Spain in the late afternoon when they felt a slight t 10/20/1955 #12513 Castle AFB, CA Late 1956; Castle AFB, CA, luminous elli 1956 #12628 Modesto (near), CA Late 1956; Castle AFB, CA. Luminous elli 1956 #12629 uth Dakota Airspace, Various 1956, Late; Bet. N. & S. Dakata. Filmed by AF 1956 #12630 abruptly terminated by the Army in late 1975 amid an atmosphere of scandal 1/1956 #12641 into saying it was a hoax. In the late 1970s, Robert A. Goerman identifies 4/1956 #12777 Newark, Ohio Late night. Two young men are camping ne 8/1956 #13045 rambles two jets, but they are too late. After they turn the film in, three 5/2/1957 #13643 Operation Antler series of blasts Late one afternoon, a British RAF team i Late 10/1957 #14156 Oakland, California Tulare County Late afternoon. Grain buyer Reinhold O. 11/5/1957 #14343 k, operating in this role from the late 1950s into the 1980s. Its enormous 6/26/1958 #15117 e two manage to fool Essén. In the late 1980s, Gustafsson’s brother Artur r 12/20/1958 #15489 Two men in their late 40s, Srs. Salas and Acosta, watched 12/31/1958 #15505 t David Middleton, sometime in the late 1950s a few hours prior to a nuclea 1959? #15508 o hours, making Adamski 20 minutes late for his lecture in The Hague. The r 5/18/1959 #15737 itics of its UFO program publicly. Late in 1960, Col. Tacker's book "Flying 1960 #16138 r half of all UFO reports from the late 1950s through the 1960s were accoun 4/9/1960 #16219 Millville, New Jersey Late evening. A couple parking in Millvi Spring 1961 #16637 6 to climb at once, but it was too late. The two blips merged as one and th 5/1961 #16669 al road south of Osakis, Minnesota Late evening. Richard Vogt, driving on a 5/10/1961 #16681 home in Portsmouth, New Hampshire late on this evening. When they reached 9/19/1961 #16858 en by two student cadets returning late from leave. It bathes the area in i 12/10/1963 #18072 s are not actually available until late June. Copies are sent to the media 5/1964 #18237 Point Isabel, OH Late evening. A couple saw a creature ov Summer 1964 #18366 the Georgia-South Carolina border late in the evening, Beauford Parham exp 6/29/1964 #18383 In the late evening in Mogi-Guacu, Sao Paulo St 11/13/1965 #19720 UFOCAT. All occurred in either the late afternoon or evening, between 4 p.m 3/29/1966 #20141 eno Udvardy is driving home from a late work shift near Vicksburg, Michigan 3/31/1966 #20179 :15 a.m. while driving home from a late night teachers meeting in Alliance, 4/22/1966 #20376 Late in the afternoon of this day two me 8/17/1966 #20759 UT Local concentration peaking in late 1966 and 1967 9/1966 #20824 approach their car at low altitude late on a cloudy night. The ground was i 2/16/1967 #21569 issile Wing Boeing's Seattle plant Late evening. An airman with the Malmstr 3/24/1967 #21973 slams on his brakes, but it is too late. He feels a thump against the right 3/28/1967 #22004 Late on this night in Medina, New York M 4/2/1967 #22048 arwater Bay on Shoal Lake, Ontario Late evening. A family is returning home 6/18/1967 #22520 A woman working in her kitchen late on this night in Point Pleasant, We 11/2/1967 #23391 A man driving with his girlfriend late at night in Winterfold, Surrey, Eng 12/16/1967 #23594 Lake Norman, NC Late Summer, 1968; Lake Norman, NC. Dome 1968 #23621 Late that same night in Itabara, Brazil 4/3/1968 #23888 Late on this same night in La Armonia, A 6/14/1968 #24035 São Paulo Highway in Brazil Late evening. A civil servant is alleged 7/17/1968 #24185 plain near Milton, Vermont. In the late afternoon at a private camp called 8/7/1968 #24308 ng trip to Europe and the USSR. In late 1967, McDonald had secured a modest 9/30/1968 #24526 A man and woman in their late twenties were driving together in a 12/18/1968 #24779 was returning home from a funeral late this night near Segovia, Spain when 6/11/1969 #25211 xplicably reaches Windsor one hour late. 12/28/1969 #25512 at continues for 40 issues through late 1982. 2/1971 #26009 and Peter Rodriguez, both in their late twenties, had just gotten into John 8/17/1971 #26293 er 1974, then goes on hiatus until late 1988 when it is again edited by the Autumn 1971 #26368 cClintock, was walking home from a late evening piano lesson when he saw th 12/13/1971 #26496 m. Norman Chastain was out fishing late at night in the St. Johns River nea 1/26/1972 #26556 an suffering from insomnia, was up late in her apartment in Manchester, Eng 4/24/1972 #26661 ate of affairs.” Puthoff stated by late 1973 he identified the leader of a 10/7/1972 #27055 e of two bases in England where in late December 1980, three days of bizarr 2/19/1973 #27298 At one point she looks through her late husband’s World War I trench perisc 3/20/1973 #27352 Bt. Manor & Penn, PA During the late afternoon on the road between Manor 4/15/1973 #27430 During the late afternoon on the road between Manor 4/15/1973 #27431 were several reports from England late on this evening. At 11:00 p.m. seve 5/15/1973 #27494 al active duty for training in the late 1950s but who received final discha 7/12/1973 #27631 ut who received final discharge as late as 1964. None of the records have d 7/12/1973 #27631 ndia, southwest of Sunol, Nebraska Late night. 1st Lt. Walter F. Billings i Autumn 1973 #27860 Greenfield, IN Three men in their late teens observed a very bright round 10/14/1973 #28029 Late on this night a female witness and 10/15/1973 #28060 kened by the barking of their dogs late on this night, a farm family living 10/15/1973 #28061 Late on this night Clarence Patterson sa 10/17/1973 #28143 Late at night nine campers, a group of s 10/20/1973 #28222 at an announcement was expected in late 1974, possibly by President Gerald 1974 #28633 tte County Uniontown, Pennsylvania Late evening. A woman watching TV in rur 2/6/1974 #28742 SONNIERE, FR Fireball going down / late Jan. 5 Mx5M triangular traces found 2/9/1974 #28752 and six others were returning home late at night on Highway 57 near Mount V 5/9/1974 #29098 ate Highway 113 south of Lodi Lodi Late evening. A witness living southwest Summer 1974 #29218 , Quebec 1:15 a.m. A witness is up late in his trailer home at St.-Cyrille- 6/25/1974 #29224 Late in August, while driving on her ear 9/3/1974 #29418 Forest in southern Wyoming in the late afternoon, and when he fired his ri 10/25/1974 #29557 walking home from the bus after a late night at 3:30 a.m. in Puerto Ingeni 1/5/1975 #29723 drove out to the outskirts of town late one night to watch for meteors. As 8/13/1975 #30258 d aspects of the experience by the late 1980s. 8/26/1975 #30310 nd Forks AFB Emerado, North Dakota Late night. Unknown individuals penetrat 11/3/1975 #30546 Dick Jackson, age 56, awoke late at night around two o'clock in the 11/3/1975 #30547 h them, but because it was getting late in the afternoon he decided to come 11/8/1975 #30584 0 a.m., about two and a half hours late, and the missing time could not be 11/27/1975 #30669 ndian Reservation Washington State Late evening. A man is driving his truck 12/14/1975 #30715 publishing the CUFORN Bulletin in late 1979, lasting until the summer of 1 1977 #31651 Late on this night in New Canaan, Connec 1/1/1977 #31683 ares Nogueira de Hollanda Lima. In late 1977, several photos of the lights 7/1977 #32220 directly ahead of him. It was too late to stop the car, and he knocked the 8/25/1977 #32423 Late in the evening a woman was driving 11/29/1977 #32709 haped object with portholes in the late 70’s over Arctic region of Norilsk, Late 1970's #32823 m in Gomez Palacio, Mexico reading late at night when he suddenly looked up 1/2/1978 #32848 idge, in Hampshire, England in the late afternoon when they spotted a turre 1/3/1978 #32851 Late at night, a 15-year-old teenage gir 2/15/1978 #32971 the town of Cocula, Mexico from a late dinner, when around 2:00 a.m. they 2/17/1978 #32974 Jamshid Saiadipour, is staying up late studying for exams in Shiraz, Iran. 5/13/1978 #33203 Lisbon, Portugal Late night. Residents of Lisbon, Portuga 8/30/1978 #33603 arding house Sassello Savona Italy Late evening. Two witnesses at the San M 9/6/1978 #33639 n Edmunston, New Brunswick, Canada late this night. The witness could only 9/15/1978 #33689 Two men in their late twenties, Harmon and D'Ambrosio, re 11/1/1978 #33910 Bragg Creek, Alberta, Can Late in the evening four witnesses trave 11/11/1978 #33944 Late in the evening four witnesses trave 11/11/1978 #33946 December. 500 sightings / Italy / late 1978. 12/11/1978 #34087 ree students were traveling by car late at night on the barren plain of Toq 1/23/1979 #34368 the entrance to a farm in Serodino late in the evening when everything beca 2/26/1979 #34449 dino, Santa Fe province, Argentina late in the evening after 8 p.m. when ev 2/26/1979 #34450 Blonie area, Poland Late night. A helicopter pilot and a mec 4/21/1979 #34519 rte, Brazil were walking back home late at night when they saw a huge brigh 8/26/1979 #34783 ohnson came on duty, is 14 minutes late. So is Johnson’s wind-up wristwatch 8/27/1979 #34787 g in their garden in Sztum, Poland late in the evening and at 9 p.m. were c 9/20/1979 #34909 tness had been watching television late at night by himself in Toms River, 10/6/1979 #34947 oir, NC Two roofers working in the late evening sighted a bright yellow dis 4/20/1980 #35276 Two roofers working in the late evening at 9:00 p.m. sighted a brig 4/24/1980 #35288 nd Technology Park, Rome, New York Late afternoon. Two witnesses are drivin 5/1980 #35298 & Mrs. Gautreau, awoke three hours late, the wife with a sore mouth. Throug 9/7/1980 #35502 c hovered for three minutes in the late afternoon over Poole Harbour, Dorse 11/13/1980 #35636 Rendlesham Forest, UK Late Dec. 1980; Rendlesham Forest, Engla 12/27/1980 #35744 t most of these cases occur in the late evening or early morning hours, and 1981 #35762 Birstall West Yorkshire, UK Late night, Jane Murphy had gone to bed 3/1981 #35854 night, Jane Murphy had gone to bed late when she suddenly woke up standing 3/1981 #35854 After having a late dinner with some friends, Mauricio 9/11/1981 #36110 After having a late dinner with some friends, Mauricio 9/12/1981 #36112 ile stationed at Fort Hood, in the late 1960s a pilot had to make a forced 1982 #36292 Corby, UK Late night. Ros Reynolds and her boyfrie 9/1982 #36588 a Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands Late at night Andreas Schneider sighted 11/18/1982 #36683 Late at night Andreas Schneider sighted 11/18/1982 #36684 e she arrives uncharacteristically late at 11:05. Spring 1983 #36790 nman about crash-retrievals in the late 1940s. He confirms he was “invited 11/29/1983 #37057 with Peacekeeper missile tests in late 1984 or 1985. Contractors told Mill 1984 #37098 the IPU was disestablished in the late 1950s and all records were transfer 5/16/1984 #37328 f the summer. A second printing in late August also sells out immediately. 7/1984 #37385 Cooper Nuclear Station, NE in the late 1980s, and created an incident file 7/24/1984 #37416 nia Night. A married couple are up late watching TV in Trafford, Pennsylvan 12/1984 #37514 O Reporting Center. In Seattle. By late 1986, Goudie has more than 1,700 me 1/1/1986 #37745 . The informant (“John”) is in his late 20s and a former member of the Roya 10/28/1986 #38056 Late in the evening, on the road between 8/6/1987 #38233 He had been sleeping on the couch late that night, when he told his mother 11/25/1987 #38336 , Truman established MJ-12; in the late 40s there was more saucer crashes i 12/29/1987 #38379 t and when he let the dog outside, late on this evening, he noticed a blue 5/21/1988 #38574 an object northwest of them in the late evening sky. They stopped to watch, 8/10/1989 #39054 a boy named Torshin returning home late in the evening from school in Voron 9/23/1989 #39118 , New York found themselves awake, late at night, walking around their hous 10/27/1989 #39188 cial project at Edwards AFB in the late 1960s/early 1970s on Project Blue H 1990 #39358 ng a double-exposure technique. In late June, Tom Smith Jr., 22, a former G 6/10/1990 #39612 re flown to LANL periodically from late 1945 to 1957, adding it was rumored 3/16/1991 #40015 g girls (ages 10-12) had stayed up late to watch a TV program and had gone 7/21/1991 #40129 tly received harassing phone calls late at night; that some of them were th 8/10/1991 #40147 btained by Vadim K. Ilyin from the late Vyacheslav Shtyepa of the Ufologica 10/1991 #40202 oung farm hands were playing cards late at night in a small shack on a farm 12/1/1991 #40251 hills 2km away. Inside lit. Back / late FEB'92. 1/5/1992 (approximate) #40279 sks and ovoids and night lights to late July. 2 robed figure(s) glide over 5/25/1992 (approximate) #40472 Late on this evening a woman reportedly 10/8/1992 #40667 Valley, Colorado had been watching late night television around one o'clock 8/20/1993 #41148 her bedroom in Merced, California late on this night in a beam of light to 11/8/1993 #41266 at seemed like a dream-like state, late on this night a woman whose home is 11/15/1993 #41278 adar sites set up in New Mexico in late 1947; he states the 4062nd AISS gro 1994 #41349 and, a man was in his bed sleeping late at night when a strong, pulsating b 5/11/1994 #41523 d undescribed "aliens" in his room late at night in Saginaw, Michigan. They 9/9/1994 #41731 man named Brzinski was working the late night shift at a coat-hanger factor 8/11/1995 #42376 he same footage that he saw in the late 1970s at a private viewing in the L 8/28/1995 #42425 ife in Manchester, England woke up late in the night to the sound of their 12/4/1995 #42638 itation by "aliens" in her bedroom late at night. They reportedly gave her 1/28/1996 #42724 ome of the UFO field investigators late one night. 2/23/1996 #42776 re conducting their nightly rounds late at night driving on the outskirts o 4/15/1996 #42870 Late at night on Sunday May 5, 1996 Elai 5/5/1996 #42896 Late at night two coon hunters and their 12/1/1996 #43130 strange flashing lights in the sky late on this night. Feeling apprehensive 1/7/1997 #43167 her home in Bridgeton, New Jersey late at night. She next remembered seein 4/15/1997 #43261 school in Tulkarem, Israel on this late afternoon when he came upon a stran 10/10/1997 #43426 In the late afternoon two boys in Siracusa, Sic 11/15/1997 #43444 tal city of Santiago, Chile in the late evening. Another UFO was filmed the 5/19/1999 #43771 Late on this night in Jacksonville, Flor 1/13/2000 #43928 ding to reprimand it for being out late, he received a menacing look from t 4/17/2000 #43982 is Rodolfo Aguero were working the late shift at their station in Banda de 7/11/2000 #44014 A 14-year-old boy had gone to bed late on this night at his summer cottage 7/12/2000 #44015 Ms. Rosa Lopez was on her way home late one night at 3:25 a.m. near Sevilla 9/23/2000 #44045 Snaefell, Isle of Man UK Late afternoon. Witnesses on both sides 1/14/2001 #44124 awoke to a noise outside his door late at night and saw a blue glow enter 4/23/2001 #44161 e occasions. Gary Dillman, working late shift at a sand-and-gravel operatio 7/26/2002 #44366 an Internet café, and I closed up late that night. It had been raining, bu 9/25/2002 #44406 ting originated from the estate of late astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who worke 10/16/2002 #44418 tional Airport Arlington, Virginia Late morning. Air traffic radar detects 4/27/2005 #44827 al Laboratory in Tennessee, in the late 1940s and early 1950s, at which tim 6/2005 #44846 Kandahar International Airport in late 2007. This sighting, and the Sentin 9/1/2005 #44867 Defence Intelligence Agency in the late 1970s. The major revelations are: T 11/1/2005 #44898 A man was having a late dinner with his family in Wichita, 11/25/2005 #44905 In the late afternoon in Toronto, Ontario a wit 2/26/2006 #44925 on Li-Baker HFGW detectors in the late 2000s, but this had no overt linkag 2008 #45108 colored UFO many times in the area late at night took out his binoculars an 8/18/2009 #45236 fruition. Duke also claims in the late 1960s, the work of Sidney Gottleib 3/31/2011 #45322 came fearful of moving forward. By late 2011, DHS Deputy Secretary Jane Hol 6/2011 #45327 eft of government property, but in late July he is granted temporary asylum 6/14/2013 #45372 y. The tiny, unmanned craft appear late in the evening, at night, or early 10/5/2014 #45416 FOs up to the point it becomes too late for them to react to an airstrike b 3/27/2017 #45466 ned health problems dating back to late 2016. The health problems typically 8/2017 #45477 rts symptoms of Havana syndrome in late December 2018. 1/30/2019 #45559 se Secretary Mark Esper in Guam in late August for a regularly scheduled ta 9/15/2020 #45661 The Late Late Show with James Corden Former 5/18/2021 #45689 The Late Late Show with James Corden Former Presi 5/18/2021 #45689 esident Barack Obama admits on The Late Late Show with James Corden that “W 5/18/2021 #45689 nt Barack Obama admits on The Late Late Show with James Corden that “When I 5/18/2021 #45689 red materials, as suggested by the late Sen. Harry Reid (see 1 May 2021)? D 10/21/2021 #45717 have financial difficulties in the late 1960s and was less than a year from 10/21/2021 #45717 co-founding Motion Sciences in the late 2000s. Fugal says within a year th 10/27/2022 #45784 na Task Force from 2019-2021. From late 2021 to July 2022, he was the NGA’s 6/5/2023 #45798## Word: "late-night" (Back to Top)
amski appears on Long John Nebel’s late-night TV show on WOR. 4/30/1960 #16245## Word: "late-stage" (Back to Top)
rids into progressively more human late-stage hybrids, who are all but indi 1/1998 #43482## Word: "later" (Back to Top)
s circle towns in sky. Loud noises later. 5/21/70 #1 its front part. Less than an hour later, a similar fireball reappears over 8/15/1663 #44 appears a third time a short while later, this time larger than before, and 8/15/1663 #44 sses include several fishermen who later complain of tremors in their hands 4/8/1665 #46 nd light circles. Same / Vilvoorde later. 10/19/1726 #57 KNOWN 3 moonlike objects / 4 days. Later they line up. Days later 2 more sh 1/2/1749 (approximate) #69 / 4 days. Later they line up. Days later 2 more show. 1/2/1749 (approximate) #69 a starchy substance. A couple days later, it largely dissipates. Geologist 8/13/1819 #110 eror to the throne of the planet.” Later, he speculates that the illuminati 1824 #117 even aware of the story until much later. The announcement causes enormous 8/25/1835 #130 Meteors (1859-60),” published in a later edition of Leaves of Grass, descri 7/20/1860 #155 O-like craft on March 9, 1873, and later attempts to build a mechanical rep 7/25/1868 #176 m his home. The time was two weeks later. 5/8/1880 #233 riangles / lower limb 30 minute(s) later. / Charles Fort and more/others. 7/3/1882 #247 e area withered and died nine days later. 10/24/1886 #277 t halo of light.” It rises moments later, changing its shape frequently, an 1/1892? #297 bastopol, and several other cities later in the evening and is reportedly v 11/20/1896 #343 Ashbury Street. Airships are seen later at Oakland, Alameda, San Leandro, 11/22/1896 #349 Again going quickly north one hour later. Back 26 November / 'good observer 11/23/1896 #351 stop, hover, and move on. Minutes later, 6th Street in Oakland is overflow 11/24/1896 #356 rved for 20 minutes then reappears later in the evening. A Professor Dodge 11/25/1896 #360 erver(s)". 12M great airship. Days later seen 40 mile(s) south = Invale, no 1/30/1897 #382 perhaps 800 feet in the air. Days later it was seen 40 miles south of Inva 1/30/1897 #383 cannot achieve a panoramic view. A later report claims that McCann has phot 4/11/1897 #429 lowed by a rushing noise. A moment later they notice a gray-white object th 4/13/1897 #454 r to use it as a water source, but later develops an extremely severe case 4/17/1897 #523 e airship floats away. A few weeks later, Hamilton admits he made the story 4/19/1897 #538 tness was on his way back one hour later he saw the object rising. It reach 4/26/1897 #578 ness was on his way back, one hour later, he saw the object ascending. It r 4/26/1897 #579 back through the same spot 40 min later and found nothing. 5/6/1897 #592 They return to the spot 40 minutes later and the airship is gone. 5/6/1897 #593 t back to the same spot 40 minutes later but found nothing there. 5/6/1897 #594 October 4) descend. A few minutes later, distracted by the meteor, she is 10/4/1898 #626 en for 20 minutes, then it returns later in the evening flying north to sou 6/1/1899 #635 ter speed, disappearing 11 minutes later. 6/1/1899 #635 Unfortunately, the photograph was later lost. 3/7/1901 #644 disappearance was closed ten years later but still unsolved. 12/24/1903 #664 ng. Searchers who come to the site later find traces and footprints. Summer 1907 #695 g across the sky. About 10 minutes later, there is a flash and a sound simi 6/30/1908 #711 . An East Bristol man named Wilson later claims it was a pig-shaped balloon 7/25/1908 #715 a, Lower Saxony, Germany. A minute later the light suddenly streaks in his 1909 #719 at 60 feet altitude. Three seconds later it is gone. 1909 #719 hip flew over Dunedin, New Zealand later that morning. A brilliant light sh 7/31/1909 #795 intense blue-green light in front. Later that same evening a man was thrown 8/3/1909 #800 outh to Taylorsville a few minutes later, and it is so low to the ground th 9/30/1909 #813 , moved away. Seen again two hours later; hovered, moved away to south and 12/22/1909 #820 eet. It has a yellowish light that later turns light red. When it is over E 1/27/1913 #874 bservations are analyzed in detail later in 1913 by the astronomer Clarence 2/9/1913 #881 on the same course around 5 hours later, although the Earth’s rotation mea 2/9/1913 #881 d to a cone-shaped craft. A little later, the object appears over Hull, see 2/25/1913 #884 ered trustworthy, they are accused later of hoaxing the report. Later, airm 3/13/1913 #886 cused later of hoaxing the report. Later, airman Lt. Zwickau claims that he 3/13/1913 #886 nd plays it on his harmonica years later. 1914 #893 in about 3 seconds. A few seconds later, another appears going in the same 9/9/1914 #916 entire city follows suit 5 minutes later. The airplanes do not reappear, bu 2/14/1915 #925 ut Ottawa is placed on high alert. Later, Brockville police find two paper 2/14/1915 #925 plane” hovering above their homes. Later, a man in Guelph sees “three movin 2/15/1915 #926 rior and a smooth surface. Moments later the object ascends smoothly in a g Late Summer 1917 #962 m God, and the religious event was later sanctioned as a miracle by the Rom 10/13/1917 #971 right white light. Several minutes later, the sphere returns to the garden, 1/22/1919 #983 to several times its size. Seconds later, the window that the witness is wa 6/2/1919 #986 couple, William O’Brien and Irma (later married surname is Hinz), walking Summer 1922 #1022 ecide to return home. Several days later they return and find the earth “sc 1925 #1045 3 as Seven Minutes in Eternity. In later writings, he describes the experie 5/1928 #1085 tual transformation of America. He later claims that the experience gives h 5/1928 #1085 tfit and helmet. Some 5–10 minutes later the object ascends quietly and is 5/1930 #1114 nts. Feels sick. Gets blisters. OK later. 4/1932 (approximate) #1139 hey are breathing. A minute or two later they disappear behind mountain mis 6/1/1933 #1158 r truck and get closer. Two nights later they return and find imprints and Summer 1933 #1162 the Atlantic for about 30 minutes. Later it returns, moving in the opposite 1935 #1220 ouri Van Buren, Missouri A man who later becomes an administrator in a Miss 1/1937 #1256 ions throughout the country, which later become governed by the American Co 1938 #1279 Hinsdale, IL William T. Powers (later associated with the Center for UFO Spring 1940 #1327 Thinking they are ghosts, he runs. Later he comes back and confirms there i Summer 1940 #1340 d D. Fronabarger), but he loans it later to someone who never returns it. H Early Spring 1941 #1355 ing Officer Chester Edward Carroll later hears that the aircraft is neither 8/5/1942 #1430 , Mississippi, then speed away. He later contacts government officials and 8/29/1942 #1444 ng on a level course. Five minutes later, as the Lancaster approaches the A 11/28/1942 #1464 Tactical Service Command. Two days later, the go-ahead is given to Lockheed 7/1943 #1515 icer Michael Bentine debriefs them later and asks, “But what did it do to y Autumn 1943 #1530 ws sphere circle and follow rocket later. 2/12/1944 #1572 s of a coconut grove. Several days later, a 200-foot cut in the reeds is di 2/20/1944 #1576 by another object about 20 seconds later. As many as 6 others appear, and f 4/1944 #1588 t shoots away in a flash of light. Later he draws a watercolor painting to 8/11/1944 #1641 ntire story was made up many years later. (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) End of 8/1944 #1648 in Europe and interview pilots. He later moves his investigation to the Pac 10/28/1944 #1685 It goes away quickly, but seconds later he sees a “round amber light” sitt 11/24/1944 #1705 000 prisoners from 12 labor camps. Later turned into the “Chelyabinsk-40” a 1945 #1742 d dies from his injuries two weeks later. The prototype aircraft is complet 2/18/1945 #1790 and away from land. The report is later amended by the Navy to read “cause 12/5/1945 #1950 him to the ground. A little while later his flesh looked like it had been 3/5/1946 #1974 g apparently working on the craft. Later he saw the craft take off emitting 5/1946 #1986 Sweden 10:45 p.m. Gösta Carlsson, later to become founder and owner of Cer 5/18/1946 #1994 ns by a different route 30 minutes later, just in time to see the UFO depar 5/18/1946 #1994 is a “circle-winged airplane.” In later issues, Hefferlin and his wife Gla 7/1946 #2021 al object was sighted five minutes later in the sky over southern Norrland 8/11/1946 #2118 ed, then taken home. Several hours later, all 400 are woken up by the Russi 9/1946 #2164 eet a military officer a few weeks later who assures him that the object wa 10/9/1946 #2199 ed lights. The medium Mark Probert later tells the press that he has establ 10/9/1946 #2199 Russia Soviet “Chelyabinsk-40 and later 65” atomic bomb project plant open 1947 #2216 —Charlie—and when the Air Ministry later begins a concerted effort to solve 1/17/1947 #2231 ) going quickly west. Back 3 weeks later. / local news. 3/1947 #2245 P-80R Shooting Star at Muroc AFB [later Edwards AFB], California. 6/19/1947 #2342 secretly investigated by the FBI. Later that same day, at 1 o'clock in the 6/22/1947 #2367 field, California. About two hours later, 7 of the objects are seen flying 6/23/1947 #2375 r. 7 blue disks over farm. 2 hours later same seen / S. Wisconsin. 6/28/1947 #2441 About 45 minutes later nine white saucers flying in V-for 6/29/1947 #2469 object, 9 meters (30 ft.) across. Later a military truck arrived to superv 7/2/1947 #2536 torists. 4 disks shoot across sky. Later in Decatur, IL. 7/3/1947 #2569 had no explanation. However, years later the Air Materiel Command publicly 7/3/1947 #2587 men remain at RAAF throughout the later retrieval. 7/4/1947 #2668 New Mexico. The bodies were taken later to Roswell AFB, New Mexico and the 7/4/1947 #2672 d a central vertical axis. Minutes later two police, both pilots, saw three 7/4/1947 #2675 witness a crashed UFO with 4 ET’s, later passes a polygraph test, interview 7/5/1947 #2679 a local man named Larry Campbell (later called Jack Armstrong or Cactus Ja 7/5/1947 #2721 has interviewed Alfred O’Donnell, later an engineer at EG&G, who tells her 7/5/1947 #2721 ivor, who reportedly dies one week later and is buried in the Fort Stanton 7/5/1947 #2722 Later that evening, Brazel removes the l 7/5/1947 #2725 ot going quickly west. 2 minute(s) later 2 silver saucers fly going quickly 7/6/1947 #2790 ucers / high altitude going south. Later 3 disks going northeast / 1830hrs. 7/7/1947 #2875 the Arizona Republic. A few weeks later, an Army Air Corps Intelligence of 7/7/1947 #2940 , Kenneth Arnold obtains them on a later visit to Hamilton, and they wind u 7/7/1947 #2940 ree feet tall, got out and shortly later reboarded the craft. The UFO lifte 7/7/1947 #2944 AF) news release. F.S. recovered! (Later) "only a weather balloon". 7/8/1947 #2988 ular pattern, and then one of them later flew a tighter circle. 7/8/1947 #3009 rmy were moving in to investigate. Later the program was interrupted again 7/8/1947? #3018 d a cloud, but reappears 5 seconds later further to the right. He estimates 7/10/1947 #3109 of the exhaust trail. The sighting later impresses Project Sign personnel t 7/10/1947 #3110 saw two figures through, a window. Later three beings in shiny clothes and 7/23/1947 #3216 through a window inside the craft. Later three beings in shiny clothes and 7/23/1947 #3219 way. Hynek, for Project Blue Book, later identifies it as an “atmospheric e 8/13/1947 #3320 n being received.” These four will later form the core of the ETH-friendly Late 8/1947 #3369 amed Prof. George, who describes a later Horten craft as able to fly at 1,2 11/1947 #3474 s the heat of high speeds. Ruppelt later writes, “Why couldn’t these people 12/1947 #3496 rough binoculars. About 20 minutes later 4 National Guard aircraft flew int 1/7/1948 #3536 Army veteran Clifford Stone finds later that there had been no Skyhook lau 1/7/1948 #3544 uthwest about 4–5 miles away, then later on the ground to the west about 6– 1/7/1948 #3546 yhooks are launched a couple years later, watch a quickly maneuvering objec 1/7/1948 #3547 ern to national security.” Ruppelt later says that to be considered an “unk 1/22/1948 #3563 ittee for Aeronautics (NACA, which later became NASA). Bush was mentioned i 1/31/1948 #3568 W. Ehlers, a radar technician (and later physicist) working on airport oper Spring 1948 #3593 ey split into two objects, merging later. Ehlers notes that the targets hav Spring 1948 #3593 d to insects, but he is skeptical. Later, he suspects they might be plasmas Spring 1948 #3593 Bauer and especially Newton are in later years involved in various swindles 3/25/1948 #3598 gone when Sign arrives. (They are later interviewed at the USAF Watson Lab 4/5/1948 #3612 returns from their equipment, but later the Watson personnel say that thes 4/5/1948 #3612 gged and must be towed out 10 days later. 4/15/1948 #3623 of time. He awoke again four days later in Luxemborg, legs fully healed. 5/25/1948 #3655 g saucer" at 4:40 p.m. Three hours later Mrs. Ralph Holmes, wife of a Unive 7/11/1948 #3707 a matter of seconds, and both men later said they saw the object fly past 7/24/1948 #3724 ct has disappeared behind trees. A later search finds no traces. 7/29/1948 #3753 a 90-degree turn into the clouds. Later that day at Clark Field in the Phi 8/1/1948 #3767 ree of the objects were seen again later. 8/15/1948 #3783 kicked back for additional proof; later declassified and burned). 9/1948 #3792 val. Ruppelt adds that some months later the Estimate is completely declass 9/30/1948? #3817 y made a right turn and one second later disappeared by suddenly switching 10/24/1948 #3852 tally destroyed. USAF Intelligence later requests a replacement copy from T 11/30/1948 #3895 right green flash. Some 22 minutes later, an identical flash rises from the 12/5/1948 #3909 by Dr. La Paz, a meteor expert who later prepared a report on these anomalo 12/12/1948 #3927 sightings and space travelers, it later appears as an appendix in the Proj 12/13/1948 #3929 umber 102-122-79, to Cabell. It is later called “The Ghost of the Estimate” 12/20/1948 #3934 a few days of fruitless search. He later tells AFOSI agent Paul Ryan that t 1/31/1949 #3988 ired at them three times. A moment later the object took off vertically. 2/17/1949 #4014 gun at them three times. A moment later the object took off vertically. 2/17/1949 #4016 mimic actual flare tests one hour later? / r185p2. 3/17/1949 #4046 urther details. Same again decades later here. 4/15/1949 #4092 d, along with some appendices that later find their way into the Project Gr 5/19/1949 #4195 d refuses a sedative. Five minutes later, the Navy corpsman guarding him fi 5/22/1949 #4203 enus. In private correspondence he later explains “how one may venture from 8/1949 #4300 e had a second sighting 30 minutes later. 8/20/1949 #4334 flector. The Naval Electronics Lab later attributes the photo to “electric 10/14/1949 #4395 performance is repeated 30 minutes later. About 50 persons, including newsp 10/23/1949 #4401 raft zooms away at terrific speed. Later, the airline head reports that int 1/1950 #4469 al case files is turned down weeks later. 1/1950 #4470 by announcing the closure. Months later Cabell discovers that AMC Intellig 1/12/1950 #4483 ed and disappear. About 90 seconds later the object reappears about 30°–45° 1/24/1950 #4509 eball drops from one. Five minutes later they both climb at high speed and 2/2/1950 #4526 passed over the area eight minutes later. 2/13/1950 #4537 as disinformation. The two agents later wind up involved in the Psychologi 3/1950 #4566 ers slow down and maneuver. 2 more later. 3/15/1950 #4640 e sky at Naval Air Station Dallas [later Grand Prairie Armed Forces Reserve 3/16/1950 #4656 n NM (corroborating Frank Scully’s later book on 8/1950). Description: Circ 3/22/1950 #4696 re USAF/Navy secret weapons. It is later claimed the entire story was disin 3/27/1950 #4742 onfuse the American public. Taylor later admitted to the Senate Foreign Rel 3/27/1950 #4742 ical warfare head Joseph Bryan III later became President and Board Chairma 3/27/1950 #4742 en flew away. Thirty-eight minutes later Mr. Townsend, a radio engineer, an 3/30/1950 #4770 st. The faces and arms of the boys later became red. 4/8/1950 #4828 Later that day shortly before noon near 4/8/1950 #4832 st. The faces and arms of the boys later became red with welts. 4/8/1950 #4832 flew from a slot under it. Minutes later the witness feIt a burning sensati 4/20/1950 #4876 flew from a slot under it. Minutes later the witness felt a burning sensati 4/20/1950 #4877 Later, at 10 p.m. in Abbiate Guazzone, I 4/24/1950 #4890 off in the direction of Stockheim. Later he finds a circular depression in 6/17/1950 #4991 cross into West Germany two years later. 6/17/1950 #4992 lopment and analysis. A week or so later they are called in and questioned 7/1950 #5035 tails. (Puzzled about the film, he later talks to a mathematician-analyst e 7/1950 #5035 the lake, then took off. Fishermen later reported a green moss forming on t 7/2/1950 #5038 ater, and then took off. Fishermen later reported a green moss formed on th 7/2/1950 #5040 Research and Development Board. He later refers to a real group called MJ-1 8/1950 #5092 , then returns less than 2 minutes later and slowly circles above the ocean 8/1950 #5094 lus possible blue streak 3 minutes later. B-29 followed unidentified target 8/25/1950 #5138 was seen in the sky three minutes later. Total time of tracking: 20 minute 8/25/1950 #5139 X-776 Shrike missile test (for the later Rascal air-to-ground strategic mis 8/30/1950 #5150 d by Dr. Vannevar Bush.” Sarbacher later verifies the information, saying t 11/21/1950 #5282 Colorado Springs, Colorado, a week later. 1/1/1951 #5383 he balloon, but made no movement. Later, the balloon crew and the others s 1/16/1951 #5402 ight of 112,000 feet. A short time later, Dugan, Stiles, and four civilian 1/16/1951 #5403 o was to have other UFO encounters later in life, was playing in her garden 2/4/1951 #5432 oward the object. About 30 minutes later, the UFO suddenly takes off toward 3/1951 #5470 ounds. 1 observer has missing time later. Object quickly going up [to] and 4/1951 (approximate) #5496 d’s first director is Gordon Gray, later National Security Advisor during t 4/4/1951 #5498 then gestured to each other. They later got back aboard and took off, flyi 8/14/1951 #5605 , TX 2 glowing ovoids. 5 minute(s) later 5 objects. All going quickly south 8/25/1951 #5619 bigger than a star.” A few minutes later a second group flies over, and the 8/25/1951 #5624 although Ruppelt changes his mind later. 8/25/1951 #5625 were seen again less than one hour later. 8/25/1951 #5627 revitalized AF UFO project (which later became Project Blue Book). 9/1951 #5643 bout 12 m in diameter. Several min later, a dwarf dressed in a shiny suit a 9/1951 #5646 incredible speed. About 15 minutes later it returns, hovering in the same s 9/1951 #5647 lying at 700 mph. About 25 minutes later, a T-33 jet trainer piloted by Lt. 9/10/1951 #5660 e latter coming back a few minutes later when the object disappears. ECM op 9/18/1951 #5678 h a wire recorder. Edward Ruppelt, later head of Project Blue Book, hears t 10/1/1951 #5694 imilar incident happened 3 minutes later near Paris, Illinois (15 miles NW) 10/9/1951 #5714 ar incident happened three minutes later near Paris, Illinois (15 miles NW) 10/9/1951 #5716 They watch another object 2 hours later. 10/11/1951 #5725 US New AF UFO project (which later became Project Blue Book) official 10/27/1951 #5748 Later that same night, two forest observ 11/2/1951 #5765 #2 and a Special Report three days later. 12/28/1951 #5827 lue Book’s Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt later cannot find anything about foo- fi 1952 #5838 SNCASO merged with Sud-Est a year later and canceled Brown’s contract. In 1952 #5843 metal was broken from the ship and later studied. He said the piece was imp 1952 #5847 ed through the use of technology. (Later Garland sends Ruppelt, Col. Sanfor 1/29/1952 #5884 southwest. Tyler changes his story later, denying he was involved. Possible 3/29/1952 #5995 d southwest into the US. Three are later identified as off-course civilian 4/17/1952 #6106 Thirty minutes later two men in Westmont, Illinois, Mr. 4/17/1952 #6111 g quickly northwest. Back 18 hours later. 4/18/1952 #6113 ail for one minute. Eighteen hours later at 10:10 p.m. a newspaper reporter 4/18/1952 #6126 Manitoba at 8:26 p.m. Four minutes later several discs and cylindrical UFOs 4/21/1952 #6149 d or means of propulsion observed. Later they observed a higher flying silv 4/25/1952 #6180 witnesses Webb, Jones, and Smith. Later two anomalous holes, 25 feet apart 4/30/1952 #6225 was observed for several minutes. Later that evening at 7:20 p.m. two oran 5/13/1952 #6318 flying at 25,000 feet. Three hours later the final sighting takes place nea 5/28/1952 #6378 retraces its course. A few seconds later it returns, stops gain, and appear 6/1952 #6405 g colors as it went. Several hours later, at 11:18 a.m. in Albuquerque, New 6/7/1952 #6462 light was observed for 15 seconds. Later that evening at McChord AFB outsid 6/17/1952 #6530 y a radar target was picked up and later sighted as a featureless nocturnal 6/21/1952 #6583 ects going southeast. 15 minute(s) later 2 more. Yet another. All going qui 6/26/1952 #6634 Later that day in Pottstown, Pennsylvani 6/26/1952 #6640 d flashing lights. Fifteen minutes later two more passed over in the same c 6/26/1952 #6640 northeast. Seen / Stockholm hours later. 7/12/1952 #6771 toring his channel, though this is later officially denied by the 62nd. 7/12/1952 #6785 g quickly southwest. Other saucers later. 7/16/1952 #6838 like bombers, only softer. Note: Later, the witness stated she heard many 7/17/1952 #6866 zzing sound. It shows up 4 minutes later at Puerto Maldonado, 75 miles away 7/19/1952 #6932 s, a little man 3 feet tall who is later kept alive in a secret site in Cal 7/22/1952 #7024 , Massachusetts, and a few minutes later it is picked up by GCI radar. When 7/22/1952 #7026 It emitted two small discs, which later returned to the main object. The s 7/23/1952 #7090 fly away toward the east. Six days later a stranger with a foreign accent c 7/24/1952 #7113 fly away toward the east. Six days later a stranger with a foreign accent c 7/25/1952 #7139 d.” A USAF air intelligence report later states that the radar crew is emph 7/26/1952 #7174 fast. 3 more play tag 35 minute(s) later. 7/27/1952 #7198 e of the radar blips. Five minutes later an F-94 pilot made vsual contact w 7/27/1952 #7215 on the other side of the moon. He later tells this story and his later adv 7/28/1952 #7260 He later tells this story and his later adventures in his 1954 book Aboard 7/28/1952 #7260 shington National sightings. Smith later directs, through Deputy Director f 7/28/1952 #7265 targets, but there is no proof. He later learns that Truman is listening in 7/29/1952 #7321 FB in Albuquerque arrive 5 minutes later. The object disappears but reappea 7/29/1952 #7322 ht for two minutes. Twenty minutes later Captain Moore and electronics tech 7/29/1952 #7336 hanges that evaluation a few weeks later after ATIC Technical Analysis Divi 8/1/1952 #7408 rd Mount Vernon, Virginia. Minutes later the fluorescent screens at Andrews 8/5/1952 #7470 ighting takes place at Haneda AFB [later Tokyo International Airport], Japa 8/5/1952 #7472 ong mass hovers over town. Minutes later same 300mi away. 8/15/1952? #7597 d, with minimal damage. A few days later, an alert is sounded, allegedly be Late Summer 1952 #7612 overed then descended; 1.5 minutes later, one of them descended more. 8/21/1952 #7669 scend at 11:54 p.m. Ninety seconds later one of the lights descended furthe 8/21/1952 #7671 another like it, returned an hour later. 8/24/1952 #7712 disappear, then reappear 7 minutes later, by which time the F-84 is over El 8/24/1952 #7713 another like it, returned an hour later. 8/24/1952 #7718 Newton and a mysterious “Dr. Gee,” later identified as Leo GeBauer, a con m 9/1952 #7804 rks for 15 minutes. Twenty minutes later an ex-AAF B-25 gunner saw two larg 9/1/1952 #7821 descriptions. Maitland and Dunhill later tell the media: “We didn’t hit any 9/2/1952 #7829 we might have a landing soon,” and later, “We must make landing contact soo 9/11/1952 #7894 ng. Reporters who went to the site later that evening saw no object, but co 9/11/1952 #7896 ces of a thick black liquid. It is later revealed that the tracks are likel 9/12/1952 #7905 erviews the witnesses several days later and concludes that a flight of “in 9/12/1952 #7905 trun by the UFO. Capt. Ruppelt was later told by RAF Intelligence that the 9/21/1952 #7990 st going quickly east. 4 minute(s) later 1 object going quickly west leaves 10/25/1952 #8183 houses in the area. Thirty minutes later a UFO was seen hovering over Brive 10/27/1952 #8205 ine the technology. Several months later, he is visited at his home in São 11/1952 #8227 size of an airplane hangar. Unlike later thermonuclear weapons, Mike uses d 11/1/1952 #8228 l in finding the signal four hours later, they are dangerously low on fuel, 11/1/1952 #8228 ecember 10, ready for IBM analysis later. 11/10/1952 #8259 bing out of sight. About 6 minutes later, people see a group of round, glow 11/16/1952 #8289 ce a large disc speeding overhead. Later, they see four others, motionless. 11/22/1952 #8323 ve a falling out. Alfred C. Bailey later says he has seen neither spaceship 11/24/1952 #8333 rest. USAF Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt later writes that Project Lincoln’s Beac 12/2/1952 #8364 rees to postpone the panel, but is later overruled by CIA Director Gen. Wal 12/12/1952 #8413 e panel meeting till March 1953 or later. Smith orders the Robertson Panel 12/22/1952 #8442 t Reports* Object Seen Six Minutes Later From Ground (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 12/27/1952 #8449 b in Adelaide, South Australia. It later becomes the Australian Flying Sauc 1953 #8480 ts contents to anyone.” Two weeks later Mr. T was approached by an intelli 1953 #8483 a radar specialist told him years later that he too saw the same film unde 1953 #8483 00 miles per hour. Fifteen minutes later a bright object hovered in the sky 1/1/1953 #8495 penly hostile to UFO reports. Page later says that “H. P. Robertson told us 1/14/1953 #8539 ped like the Goodyear blimp. It is later described as being about twice the 1/17/1953 #8549 Essipoff (Ben Hecht’s first wife), later writes to Keyhoe saying that she h 1/28/1953 #8602 om the southeast to the northwest. Later that same evening, over the Naval 1/28/1953 #8605 eed. Project Blue Book listed this later case as an official "unknown". 1/28/1953 #8605 he alert whistle goes off. Minutes later he is in his F9F Panther jet headi 2/11/1953 #8664 they return to the cabin two days later, they feel a sense of dread. Shaw 3/22/1953 #8775 affic in the area. About 2 minutes later, the object reappears, makes a com 5/10/1953 #8873 sighting. Diameter: 30 m. Two days later a yellowish moss was observed at t 6/24/1953 #8966 ree minute long sighting. Two days later a yellowish moss was observed at t 6/24/1953 #8971 lsson leaves Project Blue Book. He later tells Ruppelt his 5-month tenure “ 7/31/1953 #9027 stills of poor quality remaining. Later researchers suspect a daytime mete 8/23/1953 #9105 l pit. Hums. Quickly going up [to] later. 9/22/1953 #9171 ry witnesses. Another UFO was seen later that day by a man named Bray in Ha 9/22/1953 #9174 k City Hotel Statler Camp Detrick [later Fort Detrick] in Frederick, Maryla 11/28/1953 #9324 erations Division at Camp Detrick [later Fort Detrick] in Frederick, Maryla 11/28/1953 #9324 gram code-named Project ARTICHOKE. Later forensic evidence conflicts with t 11/28/1953 #9324 ws go away from the house. A while later a big, round object took off 100 m 12/1953 #9327 a film. His stories are bogus, and later he runs phony investment scams and 12/1953 #9329 symmetrical, and circular object.” Later reports claim it is a radiosonde b 12/17/1953 #9380 down out of sight. Fifteen minutes later it is seen again, rising up and fl 12/30/1953 #9409 result of “anomalous propagation.” Later computers filter out smaller echoe 1954 #9422 rs / V-formation over golf course. Later over Armidale. 1/1954 #9427 tactee George Adamski. Three hours later he heard and saw it again as it ca 2/18/1954 #9555 d at Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. Later stories claim he actually visited 2/20/1954 #9560 are not evacuated until three days later and suffer radiation sickness. Twe 3/1/1954 #9584 e. The KC-97 takes evasive action. Later [at 8:20 p.m.? 9:20 p.m.?], after 3/5/1954 #9598 t. It then reappears 10–15 seconds later, hovers, descends to the ground, t 3/5/1954 #9598 ard the northwest and a short time later the third followed. 3/6/1954 #9601 roached their vehicle, and moments later the white globe of light passed in 3/28/1954 #9648 er-18, Top Security. Hanger-18 was later expanded to 9 stories high and 11 4/12/1954 #9683 ignia or rank identity. KA states later he was told by a stranger in a nei 4/12/1954 #9685 eet for five days. Nearly 50 years later, Theron Blazzard admits to the Log 5/1/1954 #9744 at the witness. Ground traces were later found at the site. 5/5/1954 #9755 planetary Parliament. Several days later, while he is in a meditative tranc 5/8/1954 #9763 nance, academic, and media leaders later to become known as the Bilderberg 5/29/1954 #9840 attitudes creep into Williamson’s later writings. Summer 1954 #9918 nd for London, England. 30 minutes later, Capt. James R. Howard receives di 6/29/1954 #9962 e at 7:00 a.m. on June 30). Howard later hears that there are UFO sightings 6/29/1954 #9962 ) Yonkers. Disk going quickly west later / crowd / Patterson, NJ. 7/2/1954 #9982 use an apparent balloon is sighted later, from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m., in a 25- 7/2/1954 #9984 io at an appointed time a few days later, but the message does not come thr 7/28/1954 #10059 s the command’s formation publicly later in the month to integrate “the air 8/2/1954 #10094 rce Base in Alabama nearly an hour later, at 2:29 a.m. CDT, four military m 8/12/1954 #10139 hind a hill. It reappears a minute later and flies over the higher part of 8/16/1954 #10148 their state of excitement. Moments later he put both items back into his tu 8/20/1954 #10158 light whistling sound, and moments later the object began to rise up into a 8/20/1954 #10158 . 3rd cylinder/cigar-shape follows later. 8/31/1954 #10214 a.m. It came back again 90 minutes later, and was also seen in Bavaria, Ger 9/5/1954 #10257 off toward Limoges. A few minutes later witnesses in Limoges reported a di 9/10/1954 #10283 ff to the northwest. A few minutes later, witnesses in Limoges report a dis 9/10/1954 #10285 off toward Limoges. A few minutes later witnesses in Limoges reported a di 9/10/1954 #10287 that they had driven into a ditch. Later, they saw a luminous craft, which 9/20/1954 #10374 light. It took off again a moment later and followed their car until they 9/23/1954 #10416 t took off very fast a few seconds later. 9/23/1954 #10417 light. It took off again a moment later and followed their car until they 9/23/1954 #10423 t took off very fast a few seconds later. 9/23/1954 #10424 s saw a reddish light coming down. Later Mr. and Mrs. Roche noticed an obje 9/27/1954 #10469 force.” Raymond confesses 6 weeks later that he made up the whole story, i 9/27/1954 #10473 me down from the sky at 2:30 a.m.. Later Mr. and Mrs. Louis Roche noticed a 9/27/1954 #10474 ft in a field. Flattened grass was later found at the site. 10/1/1954 #10558 nd thought it was a shooting star. Later he was alarmed when his yard seeme 10/1/1954 #10562 hen he sees a large shooting star. Later, he sees an intense light in his y 10/1/1954 #10569 took it to be a shooting star, but later he was alarmed when his yard looke 10/1/1954 #10579 er lands / field. Away and returns later. / r8#181. 10/2/1954 #10603 seen on the ground, and two hours later a luminous red object was observed 10/2/1954 #10605 flees. His dog also retreats a bit later, walking awkwardly as if partly pa Early 10/1954 #10609 ound in Jonches, France. Two hours later a luminous red object was observed 10/2/1954 #10614 f very fast. Less than three hours later, the same or a similar orange obje 10/3/1954 #10669 rical object lands / hilltop. Gone later. 1M ruts 50cm deep. / LDLN#125. 10/4/1954 #10683 to come toward the ground, and was later seen between the railroad station 10/6/1954 #10755 lowly approach the ground, and was later seen between the railway station a 10/6/1954 #10761 ques followed the same road 10 min later. Both saw, at a railroad crossing, 10/7/1954 #10786 followed the same road 10 minutes later. Both saw three objects on the gro 10/7/1954 #10800 forcing the apparatus to take off. Later sources add some dubious details. 10/12/1954 #10976 Three hours later in Crocq, France, at Donjon de Mon 10/13/1954 #11003 ect, then all went dark. Some time later the headlights resumed operation b 10/16/1954 #11144 ect, then all went dark. Some time later the headlights came back on by the 10/16/1954 #11150 t about 5 feet high. A few minutes later he reaches the village of Coheix, 10/18/1954 #11212 ts telling people about the event. Later ufologists suspect there may be so 10/18/1954 #11212 all four vanished. Fiteen minutes later Mrs. Paquet's dog began to bark fu 10/18/1954 #11215 high speed. Small footprints were later found at the site. Jean-Luc Rivera 10/18/1954 #11223 y and greaseless. A couple of days later this trace area had greatly expand 10/18/1954 #11225 order to get additional witnesses. Later, the harassed owner of the field c 10/23/1954 #11346 hering around the object. A minute later, the lights went out, and the witn 10/27/1954 #11445 interest and went home. Two hours later, an 18-year-old man named Cheradam 10/27/1954 #11445 hering around the object. A minute later, the lights on the object went out 10/27/1954 #11453 interest and went home. Two hours later, an 18-year-old man named Cheradam 10/27/1954 #11453 hen vanish in opposite directions. Later, two other objects appear and move 10/30/1954 #11492 air. A deep hole in the ground was later found at the site. 11/1/1954 #11520 at there are about 50 of them, but later realizes there are 100. Sometimes 11/6/1954 #11585 out 100 objects appears 10 minutes later and Perego notices shining filamen 11/6/1954 #11585 ay. The next day, or perhaps a day later, he felt almost paralyzed all day, 11/9/1954 #11611 Army Airfield at Fort Knox. It is later sighted at Bedford, Indiana. Kentu 11/12/1954 #11629 s from his clothing. A few minutes later he begins to feel dizzy and has tr 11/17/1954 #11663 , but promise to come back for him later. Aquilante is terrified of being a 12/9/1954 #11786 nd ducking into shrubbery. Moments later a UFO rises up from the same spot 12/10/1954 #11796 sky with a sharp "sizzling" sound. Later that same night in Chico-Cerro de 12/10/1954 #11798 which then takes off. The witness later finds square-shaped holes in the r 12/15/1954 #11815 but did not report it. Three hours later, another employee saw the craft. I 12/20/1954 #11848 ntil another employee, three hours later, saw the same craft. It took off s 12/20/1954 #11850 f Rosetta, KwaZulu Natal, that she later calls Flying Saucer Hill. There sh 12/27/1954 #11864 d a contactee experience 18 months later. 12/27/1954 #11865 Group, is an initially secret, but later public, subcommittee of the US Nat 12/28/1954 #11868 g government covert operations. It later becomes the 303 Committee in 1964 12/28/1954 #11870 did not see anything, but moments later he heard the noise again. This tim 12/30/1954 #11882 ds a would- be competitor, Mystic (later Search) and several short-lived SF 1955 #11895 he Avro Company of Canada. This is later confirmed to have been Project Sil 1955 #11897 st and involuntary commitment. She later founds the Association of Sananda Early 1/1955 #11912 l clicking sounds. Several minutes later it accelerates quickly in their di 1/31/1955 #11956 answer, but the receiver is dead. Later the radio operators state that jus 2/2/1955 #11968 sky over Tucson, Arizona. One hour later, at about 5:00 p.m. CST, a car dri 3/2/1955 #12032 One year later, at 1:38 p.m. at the Keflavik Air 5/4/1955 #12119 cer Review editor Gordon Creighton later researches this story in detail an 5/22/1955 #12148 then flashes again about 6 minutes later. The Larne police suspect that the 8/1955 #12310 Ohio for less than 10 seconds. He later suffered from red, irritated eyes. 8/6/1955 #12337 sky across the river a few minutes later. 8/14/1955 #12358 een published a number of times by later authors, but I could find no corro 8/21/1955 #12386 re during the search that occurred later that same day. 8/22/1955 #12391 lly analyzed until several decades later. The best guess is that the photo 8/30/1955 #12418 nother fireball is apparently seen later. The same scenario occurs on Septe 9/2/1955 #12425 ater, and sink into the reservoir. Later, they saw the object again, about 9/17/1955 #12459 then sink back into the reservoir. Later, they saw the object again. It was 9/17/1955 #12460 all directions. Crushed corn found later. 9/22/1955 #12467 the same actions about one minute later. The take-off area was about 1–2 m 10/4/1955 #12488 that lasted a few minutes. Moments later they saw an undetermined figure in 10/20/1955 #12513 ad a definite human shape. Seconds later they spotted a second flying figur 10/20/1955 #12513 eases with the revised test. Hynek later calls the Battelle report a “shame 10/25/1955 #12519 outhwest very fast. Twenty minutes later a 25-foot wide golden disc streake 12/12/1955 #12609 and personnel from Ramo-Wooldridge later joined TRW and after that Aerospac 1956 #12639 see it visually. About 15 minutes later, operators at Goose Bay paint a st 2/12/1956 #12714 tel, Seine et Oise, and 30 seconds later it is 19 miles away, having moved 2/17/1956 #12723 hoax, but he surfaces a few years later saying that the CIA coerced him in 4/1956 #12777 fields back to T. Townsend Brown, later the founder of NICAP. 4/1956 #12777 experiencing side effects. Allende later tells APRO the “Philadelphia Exper 4/1956 #12779 saying it was a hoax. Allende was later identified as Carl Allen, who also 4/1956 #12779 copy (see April 1956). Ufologists later link the alleged experiment back t 4/1956 #12779 d publications about UFOs. Coleman later tells NICAP that AFM 190-4 require 5/1/1956 #12825 without even consulting Hynek, who later says that meteors do not fly in fo 5/4/1956 #12832 izontally and disappearing. 15 min later the lights were seen again, stoppi 5/9/1956 #12841 and disappearing. Fifteen minutes later the lights were seen again, stoppi 5/9/1956 #12842 ns, but he retracts the confession later. Summer 1956? #12914 :54 p.m. several orange discs were later seen for several minutes over Nels 6/30/1956 #12933 scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek later said (see 1979) the USAF and CIA w 7/5/1956 #12953 ract. The CIA’s Richard M. Bissell later reveals that the CIA Office of Sci 8/3/1956 #13050 int takes 25 minutes. Five minutes later, another solid target appears, fly 8/13/1956 #13080 taken a gun-camera film, which was later shown at a briefing in Whitehall. 8/13/1956 #13080 e explanation of this sighting.” A later investigation is conducted by Davi 8/13/1956 #13080 several minutes around 9:30 p.m. A later report at 11:30 p.m. was made in E 8/21/1956 #13110 at 800 mph. Approximately 2 hours later, four objects appear and orbit ove 8/22/1956 #13117 ver the location. About 90 minutes later, the tracks fade. 8/22/1956 #13117 An hour later, at 10:55 p.m. a domed disc with a 8/27/1956 #13142 radar return at 19 miles distance (later calculations indicate it has a dia 8/30/1956 #13156 s home and call for aid. Six weeks later, a New Jersey workmen’s compensati 10/2/1956 #13258 t catch the object. It was learned later that the same object was seen earl 11/8/1956 #13315 thorough analysis. Other tests are later run in laboratories in Sweden, Den 11/11/1956 #13322 h lighted portholes. Just one year later the visitor returned and told him 11/28/1956 #13362 cording van, and was disappointed. Later he received a telephone call, “in 11/28/1956 #13362 ew members, including Williamson’s later coauthor John McCoy. Williamson de 12/2/1956 #13384 ck to tell her husband. 15 minutes later, they are gone. 12/17/1956 #13409 to only be one-fourth that of the later Chernobyl disaster. By 1959 every 1957 #13424 suddenly disappears but reappears later for a few minutes, then disappears 1/21/1957 #13468 ew minutes, then disappears again. Later in the day, Woodruff and Capt. Jes 1/21/1957 #13468 playing unusually powerful lights. Later, at a point along the flight path, 2/15/1957 #13509 e of this report to Oxnard and the later Air Force investigation by the 460 3/22/1957 #13553 stall. Vegetation at the site was later found to be dead. 4/12/1957 #13598 on jar. But when he uncaps the jar later in his office, no trace of the mat Summer 1957 #13744 ave reaches Los Angeles 25 minutes later. Afterwards, security guard Richar 7/5/1957 #13779 ion reported by the RB-47 crew but later tries to deny it in an unclassifie 7/17/1957 #13808 nsequently reports at the time and later recollections have had to be caref 7/17/1957 #13808 declares the case unexplained, and later describes the official USAF explan 7/17/1957 #13808 f flames. It took off again 30 min later,leaving the ground blackened and b 7/30/1957 #13861 k of cumulus clouds. A few minutes later, 15 people on the beach report a s 8/20/1957 #13912 hallium), exactly as Litvinenko is later. Litvinenko’s poisoning is also in 9/1957 #13965 tal is high in magnesium. Penteado later goes to the landing site and takes 9/1957 #13966 of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, and later from Truax AFB [now Truax Field Ai 9/20/1957 #14020 s briefed multiple times. One year later, NORAD still cannot identify any m 9/20/1957 #14020 t go down behind the hill. Two min later it flew up again, very bright. The 10/10/1957 #14091 go down behind a hill. Two minutes later it flew up again and was very brig 10/10/1957 #14096 of the witnesses is Derek Murray, later a Home Office photographer. Late 10/1957 #14156 he object disappears a few seconds later. 10/31/1957 #14176 and his engine dies. A few seconds later, the lights rise into the air and 11/2/1957 #14215 blast and a lot of heat was felt. Later there were reports of apparently t 11/2/1957 #14221 the light goes out. A few minutes later the light goes on again and it dro 11/3/1957 #14249 om the object at closest approach. Later that evening he is sunburned, but 11/4/1957 #14286 0 miles and reappearing 20 minutes later to follow 1/2 mile behind a USAF C 11/4/1957 #14289 southwest. Reappears 15 minute(s) later. Hums and turns. P244. 11/5/1957 #14309 tellite-launching plans of the US. Later Schmidt brings local police to vie 11/5/1957 #14343 f the ship’s interior in Schmidt’s later booklet depicts a Volkswagen Beetl 11/5/1957 #14343 ly into the southeast. One witness later discovers that his wristwatch has 11/6/1957 #14419 et away from his house. 20 minutes later, he calls to bring the dog back an 11/6/1957 #14422 “sunburn” in many places. Two days later he is admitted to a hospital for t 11/6/1957 #14425 footprints and radioactivity were later found at the site by Civil Defense 11/6/1957 #14441 t as suddenly. The three witnesses later see a metallic-appearing UFO high 11/7/1957 #14460 o consult a physician several days later because of serious eye and skin ir 11/10/1957 #14520 disappears to the south 10 seconds later. 11/10/1957 #14524 o consult a physician several days later because of serious eye and skin ir 11/10/1957 #14527 Two years later, at Tamaroa, in southern Illinois, 11/14/1957 #14552 An hour and a half later Mrs. Cynthia Appleton, age 27 and 11/18/1957 #14578 n is from an alien named Ulo, with later text added by an apparently female 11/21/1957 #14590 similar lights follow a short time later. The blackout only lasts 5 minutes 11/25/1957 #14614 he morning sky in Yokohama, Japan. Later that same day a US Air Force plane 12/1/1957 #14661 Later that day in Svea, Minnesota at fou 12/8/1957 #14694 on its side and quivers some more. Later it ascends and a fan-shaped tail o 12/15/1957 #14730 spreads after it. The UFO is seen later along the coast and photographed. 12/15/1957 #14730 Later that same night at around 8:45 p.m 12/16/1957 #14737 ke device was noted. A few minutes later it flew off. 12/18/1957 #14746 ns saw a light in the south, which later appeared as two spherical objects 12/21/1957 #14754 a light in the southern sky, which later appeared as two spherical objects 12/21/1957 #14757 rajectory. However, Jacques Vallée later concludes that the alignments can 1958 #14781 er and turns it off a minute or so later. By this time, the jet that is low 1958 #14783 en abruptly shot off into the sky. Later that same evening in Beachwood, Oh 1/5/1958 #14810 se to the object. About 15 minutes later, when the ship is out of sight, th 1/10/1958 #14817 of light downward into the ocean. Later than same day a famous set of phot 1/16/1958 #14832 hiding anything about UFOs. Keyhoe later claims this is not censorship by t 1/22/1958 #14838 hwest of Arequipa. Several seconds later the headlights and engine of their 1/30/1958 #14851 ding towards Lima. Several seconds later the headlights and engine of their 1/30/1958 #14852 s Air Force censorship. A few days later, Healey tells Keyhoe that the Air 2/1958 #14859 to sleep in the car. A short while later, at 3:05 a.m., a very large blue s 2/24/1958 #14890 that was just released. A few days later, Keyhoe receives two letters from 3/8/1958 #14920 ed Leyva and Sanchez. A short time later the UFO flew away towards Baza, le 4/30/1958 #15005 d be in trouble, he says. Two days later, NICAP receives a request from the 6/1958 #15068 . When others arrived half an hour later all they found were a number of de 6/1/1958 #15075 . Carr feigns a memory lapse, then later is unable to recite even one of Ne 6/28/1958 #15122 and Keyhoe to offer their opinions later. NICAP as a whole should be exclud 8/8/1958 #15184 ive diet regimen. James W. Moseley later circulates an outrageously false a 8/11/1958 #15192 object like a “fried egg in pan.” Later it flips over, and another more el 8/18/1958 #15215 mn. Contrail. Exact same / 3 weeks later. 9/1958 #15237 with a 35mm camera on a tripod but later claims nothing came out. 9/8/1958 #15261 were transferred. Grusinksi stated later that other USS Roosevelt veterans 10/1958 #15295 lt heat coming from the object and later discovered that they had sunburns 10/26/1958 #15386 tarts up right away. A few minutes later they return to the landing site an 11/9/1958 #15435 One year later, a wingless fuselage circled slowl 12/1/1958 #15467 afternoon in France, or nine hours later, a disc-shaped UFO was seen near t 12/20/1958 #15492 Sevilla province, Spain. A moment later, when one of them opened the door 12/31/1958 #15505 rate, which under Yuri Andropov is later renamed Department A (for “active 1959 #15513 e harbor at Gdynia, Poland. Rumors later claim that a rust-free fragment is 1/21/1959 #15558 Polish Naval Academy]. A few days later, an injured occupant of the craft 1/21/1959 #15558 t publicly disclosed. Several days later, a strange male figure wearing "a 1/21/1959 #15560 ing to additional details revealed later, a second alien body was recovered 1/21/1959 #15560 road ahead of the truck. Two hours later, just across the border in Covingt 1/30/1959 #15571 eems to be a crashing plane. He is later found unconscious in the snow and 2/20/1959 #15595 rojects Group. However, three days later, many of the Special Projects empl 2/20/1959 #15596 ought was a crashing plane. He was later found unconscious. Sequels of the 2/28/1959 #15622 nforcement officers." A short time later a fish and game inspector did stop 2/28/1959 #15624 iled to report for duty. One month later, he was listed as A.W.O.L. and was 2/28/1959 #15624 ntelligent as we are.” Asked years later why he said this, he explains that 3/11/1959 #15634 orizon to horizon. Several minutes later another appears, following the sam 3/12/1959 #15636 m's dog did not react. A few hours later, a multi-colored luminous UFO was 3/12/1959 #15637 Fifteen minutes later, at 9:00 p.m., two seminary roomma 3/19/1959 #15654 uffered a period of amnesia. Years later under hypnosis one of the witnesse 3/19/1959 #15654 on the otherworldly topic. Decades later starting in the 1990's, Kewper cla Spring 1959 #15656 tly on or near to the ground, then later in the sky over Adelaide, South Au 3/23/1959 #15666 eturn to the same place three days later. 3/29/1959 #15678 Later that same evening the Adelaide Wea 3/31/1959 #15684 es reported the incident one month later. 4/29/1959 #15717 get a better look. One of the two later died, and the other suffered some 5/17/1959 #15734 flashlight signals. Thirty minutes later an oval-shaped craft with porthole 6/26/1959 #15791 fy clouds. He also insists that he later contacted Washington National Airp 7/5/1959 #15817 phere lights countryside like day. Later goes east to/from/between west. No 7/14/1959 #15845 ensland, Australia. Twenty minutes later a red glowing object landed on a h 7/18/1959 #15859 fourth UFO appears about 5 minutes later. At one point a jet aircraft appea 7/28/1959 #15884 .m. local time. About twelve hours later that same night, at 1:28 a.m. Atla 8/10/1959 #15903 ilot reported the incident and was later interrogated by the U.S. Air Force 8/13/1959 #15916 ve experiences under Murray to his later criminal career. His participation 9/1959 #15952 zooms away horizontally. Six days later, a 12-foot depressed ring of scorc 9/7/1959 #15960 ane. Radar Operator, E.H. Tindale, later told investigators that he had plo 9/29/1959 #15997 calls a flying saucer. A few days later, Teixeira meets with another witne 10/1959 #16004 an Navy for analysis. A few months later, the Navy returns different photos 10/1959 #16004 a school director, Dr. Amaral, and later by armed forces technicians and sc 11/2/1959 #16076 and sprayed the highway with fog. Later, it was realized that the driver h 11/8/1959 #16085 nstead of walking. The witness was later deposited back in his vehicle unha 11/15/1959 #16088 is completely silent. Some minutes later they are able to start the car aga 11/16/1959 #16089 field wires have melted together. Later, he finds it odd that he has not e 12/1959 #16107 long shoots upwards. A few seconds later, the red light appears about 1,000 2/6/1960 #16169 e and pumped water from the river. Later they appeared to play like childre Spring 1960 #16201 947–90,” claims that “According to later estimates from CIA officials who w 4/9/1960 #16219 away. Marks in the sand are found later. 5/14/1960 #16276 ing southeast. Night light follows later. 5/17/1960 #16280 quickly out of sight. Ten minutes later a luminous green ball of light was 5/17/1960 #16281 llowed along after it a short time later. 5/17/1960 #16281 One year later a cigar-shaped object w portholes 5/18/1960 #16284 (electro-magnetic effects) 60 days later. 5/21/1960 #16294 f light. His dog ran away in fear. Later that same night the headlights of 6/10/1960 #16311 Smith’s Ottawa Flying Saucer Club [later the Ottawa New Sciences Club] tell 6/12/1960 #16312 it looks like foundry slag anyway. Later, the Montreal UFO Society’s Ronald 6/12/1960 #16312 on three following nights. An hour later, another witness named Sokol repor 7/19/1960 #16341 , Johnny Roselli and Sam Giancana. Later, other crime bosses such as Carlos 9/1960 #16428 ob to another unnamed participant. Later, a second attempt is mounted throu 9/1960 #16428 s, without noise. Less than 20 sec later, it had cleared the hill and was l 11/13/1960 #16501 ot circle of yellowed grass, which later dies. 12/9/1960 #16530 ctivities for Human Affairs. It is later published as a 272-page Committee 12/14/1960 #16532 icked in an agitated reaction, and later died. 12/24/1960 #16536 st Center for Advanced Studies and later hires I. Robinson, W. Rindler, J. 1961 #16552 a truck passes him. A few minutes later, a brilliant metallic disc like po 1/1961 #16555 continues to follow the object and later returns to again to track the Pola 1/10/1961 #16574 ening into a circle. A few seconds later an object emerged and hovered at 1 6/3/1961 #16717 d and erratically, growing larger. Later, Barney stops the car at a scenic 9/19/1961 #16857 they arrive home, about two hours later than expected. Barney feels compel 9/19/1961 #16857 ar into sea clutter. Three minutes later, two objects appear heading 70° th 9/27/1961 #16876 g with a slight rocking motion. He later estimates the diameter at 35–50 fe 10/2/1961 #16889 exico. It then veers into the sky. Later, as they approach a canyon they se 10/21/1961 #16922 should have to return. A few hours later, around 12:00 noon, the principal Late 11/1961 #16978 they never ask about the shooting. Later, they show up at his house and ask Late 11/1961 #16978 uary 1968, US Border Patrol agent [later BATF agent] Donald E. Flickinger m Late 11/1961 #16978 ul lights lost sight of thern, but later saw a craft on the ground 150 m to 1/8/1962 #17016 Alec and his father show the photo later to the Air Ministry, which pronoun 2/1962 #17033 bue, AK Red light, trailed 30 secs later by a blue light (NICAP: 01 - Dista 2/25/1962 #17060 One red light, trailed 30 seconds later by a blue light. Sighting lasted 2/25/1962 #17061 20 p.m. It was followed 30 seconds later by a blue light. The entire sighti 2/25/1962 #17062 sound.” It takes off a few minutes later, continuing to the west. The objec 4/18/1962 #17120 t and one fillet on the right. (On later aircraft, those pieces are paired 4/26/1962 #17131 r. . .cylindrical" objects. Slides later shown in Seattle conference. NICAP 4/30/1962 #17138 Two years later it was Argentina's turn to be inun 5/13/1962 #17172 s UFO in orbit. Observer(s) denies later.. 5/24/1962 #17196 his day by a rancher and his wife. Later an 18 foot in diameter burnt circl 5/24/1962 #17198 like lights: one seen; 10 seconds later, two more were seen. Total sighti 6/21/1962 #17236 e of his “really hot cases.” It is later revealed that he was also founder Summer 1962 #17238 hoe. Although Bryan, the father of later UFO author C. D. B. Bryan, makes s Summer 1962 #17238 s strong pro-UFO statements, he is later suspected of helping to discredit Summer 1962 #17238 rst was seen, and then ten seconds later two more were spotted. The total s 6/21/1962 #17240 to the second object a few minutes later. The second object shoots out a ro 6/25/1962 #17245 at high speed. Eight other persons later came forward stating that they had 7/18/1962 #17283 great rate of speed. Five minutes later, they drive up to the stopped truc 8/1962 #17309 as he came near them, and moments later an object took off from behind the 8/17/1962 #17335 ran into the bushes. A few moments later a hat-shaped UFO surrounded by a r 8/17/1962 #17337 This one looks like Rivalino," and later that they would kill him. The fami 8/19/1962 #17346 nous object took off a few minutes later. Official investigation described 9/15/1962 #17400 rvoir with a loud splash. A moment later, it lifts off and climbs silently 9/15/1962 #17403 nous object took off a few minutes later. The official investigation descri 9/15/1962 #17404 ion is caused by a civilization is later rejected when it is identified as 1963 #17620 went out to calm them. Fifteen min later he saw an object land in a small s 1/11/1963 #17633 paralyzed" when 10 m away. Two min later the craft, 4.5 m long, 1.5 m high, 1/11/1963 #17633 out to calm them. Fifteen minutes later he sees a domed disc some 132 feet 1/11/1963 #17634 out to calm them. Fifteen minutes later he saw a domed disc-shaped object 1/11/1963 #17635 s moving about inside. Two minutes later the craft, 4.5 meters long and 1.5 1/11/1963 #17635 0 minutes, then shut. Half an hour later a fiery ball flew over Belgrade, M 2/22/1963 #17681 s the craft took off about six min later, and radio interference was noted. 3/13/1963 #17705 e craft took off about six minutes later, and radio interference was noted. 3/13/1963 #17706 lder's torch. The witness's father later testified that his son came home w 5/20/1963 #17754 mon, of Betty and Barney Hill fame later). After a lengthy investigation it 5/24/1963 #17765 seriously ill and dies three days later. Adamski claims that he has receiv 5/31/1963 #17774 ed direction and headed back west. Later, it headed southeast rising higher 6/18/1963 #17792 , and then a bigger glow, a minute later, and finally exploded. Note: sam 8/13/1963 #17898 t, and then a bigger glow a minute later, and finally explode. The same wit 8/13/1963 #17899 he only learned about this decades later from technician Bob Caplan. Nelson Late 1963 #17989 gh some claim he was tortured, Yeh later says he was treated humanely. Afte 11/1/1963 #18023 gle of 60°, then vanishes. Moments later, they see a bright, golden light i 11/16/1963 #18045 behind a hangar. Scorch marks are later found where the object had been. 12/10/1963 #18072 ears ago; the Saturnians centuries later; and the Jupiterians who landed ne 1964 #18103 he was treating them for what will later be called PTSD. 1/4/1964 #18109 into her bed and fell asleep. She later became a UFO contactee. 2/3/1964 #18126 returned during some 30-45 minutes later. 4/11/1964 #18170 ved near vertical oval on ground. Later watched object take off with a roa 4/24/1964 #18195 ass who visited Socorro four years later, regards the testimony of Mr. Zamo 4/24/1964 #18202 y guard at Holloman. A couple days later, he returns to the store and denie 4/30/1964 #18231 oman denies the sighting. Two days later, the airman returns to the clothin 4/30/1964 #18236 enior air force officer visits him later and shows him a bulky portfolio of 6/1964 #18314 ching for something. Another child later reported that she had seen a silve 6/2/1964 #18320 med to be searching for something. Later, another child reported seeing a s 6/2/1964 #18322 d and turned to dark red. Five min later it went away slowly. 6/13/1964 #18351 d turned to dark red. Five minutes later it flew away slowly. At 9:15 pm. B 6/13/1964 #18353 ne of the witnesses returns 3 days later and finds most of the mass gone, w 8/9/1964 #18472 An hour later in Lynn, Massachusetts another wit 8/25/1964 #18511 to sleep in a tree for the night. Later he sees a white light zigzagging a 9/5/1964 #18539 belt, and the creatures are gone. Later, when reunited with his companions 9/5/1964 #18539 e other rises straight up a minute later and follows the other one. 11/25/1964 #18637 raft; he went back to his barracks later that night and was not aware of an 12/10/1964 #18655 ed it didn’t bend its’ knees. R.M. later found out from a retired Air Force 1965 #18679 rlands Onderzoek Bureau voor UFOs (later UFO-Workgroep Nederland) in Uithui 1965 #18686 s, where they disappear. One month later, the circular area still shows tra 1/12/1965 #18720 eaver, but find nothing. Some time later, Houffer and Weaver see a “glowing 1/26/1965 #18769 itting one-piece suits. There were later found landing imprints and footpri 2/14/1965 #18814 search of the area. About 16 hours later, a state trooper locates the two m 3/2/1965 #18832 ilian police ensued. Sixteen hours later a state trooper found the two men 3/5/1965 #18844 spital and found to be dehydrated. Later, trace amounts of alpha radiation 3/5/1965 #18844 of Henry Osceola (or Henry Billy) later in the day and arrives at his own 3/15/1965 #18859 ould hear nothing. Fifteen minutes later they could see again, but the obje 4/3/1965 #18889 t hovered, shot away, then moments later came back on the same path, hovere 5/14/1965 #18943 l duration is 40 minutes. Two days later, a circular depression is found ne 5/24/1965 #18962 O were taken by the pilot but were later confiscated at Canberra as was the 5/28/1965 #18969 Air Force Intelligence in Canberra later denies that any such incident took 5/28/1965 #18973 another UFO encounter three months later. 5/30/1965 #18977 agnetic effect (EME). Battery dead later. / r211p27. 6/2/1965 #18983 A year later in Lynn, Massachusetts there were 6/5/1965 #18994 or 5 seconds. Six and a half hours later, at 2:20 a.m., he again sees a sta 6/7/1965 #18996 rm near Carrollton, Ohio. Two days later, Joseph Stavano is cutting hay whe 6/25/1965 #19028 left by the landing gear are found later by Masse and confirmed by gendarme 7/1/1965 #19047 rd the northeast against the wind. Later in the evening at 9:10 p.m. EDT, s 7/9/1965 #19091 ight spectrum several times. Also, later that evening five people witnessed 7/19/1965 #19136 hrough the central tier of states, later in eastern U.S. (See separate chro 7/30/1965 #19209 hrough the central tier of states, later in eastern U.S. (See separate chro 7/31/1965 #19219 s a UFO to the northeast. A little later, simultaneous radar fixes are obta 7/31/1965 #19220 when it disappears. A few minutes later, it is tracked to a point 29 miles 7/31/1965 #19220 ved in order to avoid a collision. Later than day a private pilot attorney 8/10/1965 #19363 lled the Air Force. Twenty minutes later his vision became hazy and his eye 8/13/1965 #19379 ls the Air Force. About 20 minutes later his vision becomes hazy, his eyes 8/13/1965 #19382 e figure leave, but a minute or so later he saw a “blur” and heard a rush o 8/13/1965 #19384 An hour later, at 11:00 p.m. EDT, a domed disc h 8/15/1965 #19403 t up into the clouds a few seconds later. Radio drowned out by static, a t 8/19/1965 #19424 t up into the clouds a few seconds later. Their radio was drowned out by st 8/19/1965 #19428 minated with green light. Five min later it came down again over a woods, r 8/20/1965 #19439 ted along its body.” A few seconds later, they saw a flying saucer pass ove 8/30/1965 #19480 saucer / operations all regressed later. Scary. 9/1965 #19485 . Small humanoids (or Greys) visit later? / IFS#35. 9/1965 #19488 e window, felt heat on his arm and later reported that a cut that was on hi 9/3/1965 #19495 . Wound heals fast. 2 Men in Black later. / r41p41. 9/3/1965 #19501 , and the wound cured unnaturally. Later that evening, two men found him at 9/3/1965 #19506 minutes. Second sighting.occurred later that night. 9/3/1965 #19508 nger is suddenly relieved of pain, later healing rapidly but unnaturally. T 9/3/1965 #19512 They drive away in fear but return later that night to find the object stil 9/3/1965 #19512 n of heat, and drove away in fear. Later they returned to investigate and h 9/3/1965 #19517 e wound cured unnaturally quickly. Later that evening, two men found him at 9/3/1965 #19517 ored, resting on the road. Ten sec later it took off in a pool of flames, a 9/15/1965 #19566 er and copper-colored. Ten seconds later it took off in a pool of flames at 9/15/1965 #19567 ing long after it is out of sight. Later investigation shows that part of t 9/16/1965 #19574 farm field. No jets / props. Gone later. 10/15/1965 (approximate) #19658 hat flew over the beach, circling. Later two witnesses saw it land in an is 10/18/1965 #19666 an be seen visually. Eight minutes later, everything goes silent. JPL later 10/22/1965 #19672 later, everything goes silent. JPL later asks them to point their dish in t 10/22/1965 #19672 e, but it falls silent. Two months later, Gray-Cobb discovers that the page 10/22/1965 #19672 ude near airport. Same again 10 mn later. 11/9/1965 #19706 resting on the beach. Five minutes later a sliding door on the object’s sid 11/30/1965 #19742 ort of UFO. Astronaut Frank Borman later confirms that what he saw was not 12/5/1965 #19753 His former wife Bonnie Millslagle later reports that all but one roll of t 12/9/1965 #19762 nnot get the truck out. A reporter later confirms seeing the truck in the d 12/19/1965 #19777 size as it flew. Fourteen minutes later a disc shaped object with a flat b 12/24/1965 #19788 ay rapidly. An independent witness later corroborated the sighting. (Flying 1/7/1966 #19811 rst a brilliant light source, then later a bright egg-shaped object that ho 1/11/1966 #19826 rst a brilliant light source, then later a bright egg-shaped object that ho 1/11/1966 #19829 green lights. A second object was later seen to join the first one. 2/16/1966 #19906 green lights. A second object was later seen coming to join the first one. 2/16/1966 #19908 Two years later two silver metallic objects chased 3/2/1966 #19933 (color change-motion correlation). Later (11:30 p.m.), an unidentified aeri 3/14/1966 #19961 One year later (1966), at 4:00 p.m., a shiny meta 3/18/1966 #19989 ck and their film was confiscated. Later his report and other reports disap 3/21/1966 #20014 disappear from sight. Radiation is later detected at the landing area of ab 3/21/1966 #20021 they drove away. They saw it again later, flying low on a southnorth trajec 3/24/1966 #20070 they drove away. They saw it again later, flying low on a south-north traje 3/24/1966 #20073 Five hours later, at 9:15 p.m. in Hamilton, Ontario 3/29/1966 #20144 way, then took off about 5 minutes later. (NICAP notes; United Press Intern 3/30/1966 #20156 and hears a humming sound. Moments later, the UFO speeds off at a steep ang 3/31/1966 #20179 dent analysis. This assurance was later revealed to be untrue, as the USAF 4/3/1966 #20214 swamp. Animals react. USAF PHOTOs later. 4/5/1966 #20233 scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek later corroborated this, providing sever 4/5/1966 #20253 eption in a book written six years later. http://www.cisu.org/wp-content/u 4/5/1966 #20253 e counterclockwise. Nearly 2 hours later, the object takes off in a burst o 4/8/1966 #20276 ime got a lockon to a UFO that was later confirmed to be hovering over a mi 4/15/1966 #20298 :30-7:45 p.m. EST. Fifteen minutes later 5 miles south of Danvers, a series 4/17/1966 #20313 bject appeared to land in a field. Later two witnesses approached the field 4/19/1966 #20340 gham, Ct 10:00 p.m. EST. Two hours later about 80 miles east-northeast of H 4/19/1966 #20342 io, UFO is an Echo satellite, with later observations (in Pennsylvania) of 4/22/1966 #20373 Thirty minutes later, at 9:30 p.m. Gordon College stude 4/22/1966 #20381 . An odor of ozone was in the air. Later they found imprints in the field w 4/23/1966 #20385 ficially timed at 4:57 a.m. It was later attributed to a breakdown in the i 4/24/1966 #20400 very near the apartment building. Later that evening investigators detecte 4/24/1966 #20400 s in satisfactory condition 5 days later. There is no damage to the car or 4/24/1966 #20404 Thirty minutes later, at 5:00 a.m. Eastern time, Mrs. K 4/24/1966 #20406 s to send an investigator. Stanton later writes to Defense Secretary Robert Late 4/1966 #20416 Later that evening at 10 p.m. a white di 5/4/1966 #20449 One year later, at 5:45 p.m. four UFOs were sight 5/5/1966 #20451 l bank of clouds. About 10 minutes later the same or a similar object appea 6/17/1966 #20572 e playing cat & mouse with me,” he later said. After 10–15 min. the UFO acc 6/24/1966 #20602 same general area about 40 minutes later. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. III, N 6/24/1966 #20605 out 500 meters away. A few minutes later two cylindrical objects also with 6/27/1966 #20615 ed UFO, which flashed away seconds later. 7/21/1966 #20663 fast-moving lighted object, and he later learned that Andrews did have a UF 8/1/1966 #20715 fast-moving lighted object, and he later learned that Andrews did indeed ha 8/1/1966 #20719 r quickly going up. Dog found dead later. 8/9/1966 #20732 US Robert J. Low, later coordinator of the Colorado UFO pr 8/9/1966 #20733 tation was found in the earth. She later was examined again by a medical do 8/11/1966 #20739 uated by the Israeli Air Force and later loaned to the US for testing and i 8/16/1966 #20755 Later that day outside of Bozeman, Monta 8/20/1966 #20781 dio contact. Five to eight minutes later, the glow diminishes and the UFO t 8/24/1966 #20802 ward. It returned, several minutes later, at which time a loud noise was he 9/1/1966 #20832 nward. It returned several minutes later, at which time a loud noise was he 9/1/1966 #20833 s son's bedroom. About ten minutes later he saw something like "a bar of li 9/5/1966 #20852 l persisted in the house. Sometime later that night the room was filled wit 10/2/1966 #20950 les and don’t look back. Some days later, investigators find three holes, 8 10/4/1966 #20957 esumes his fishing, but 10 minutes later a dark object emerges from the clo 10/8/1966 #20974 ers see a UFO in the area 2 nights later. 10/10/1966 #20982 uickly to the north. A short while later two round objects appeared. Each h 10/11/1966 #20990 essages about “ships.” Derenberger later says that Cold was sending him a t 11/4/1966 #21075 acular” photos of a daylight disc. Later, Raytheon deals with the photograp 11/13/1966 #21098 lasted several minutes. Footprints later were found at the site. (Phillips 11/17/1966 #21115 appeared. It was found dead a week later in the center of an isolated field 11/20/1966 #21129 nages a second photo a few seconds later. It is an aluminum-colored disc, a 11/22/1966 #21141 Later that same night in St. Albans, Wes 11/27/1966 #21153 roadside. Follows same car 2 weeks later. / r8#807. 11/28/1966 #21154 ject land by the side of the road, later following their car. 11/28/1966 #21155 land by the side of the road, and later it took off and started following 11/28/1966 #21160 Nationale d’Études Spatiales, and later a European initiative. But the pro 1967 #21237 d went AWOL and fled to Mexico. AF later states Pete was approached by an “ 1967 #21239 the Ford Motor Company, two months later shows no faults unexplainable by o 1/3/1967 #21250 art the car normally. Several days later the witness experienced trouble sl 1/11/1967 #21288 or about three and one-half hours later, a red oval-shaped UFO that looked 1/15/1967 #21313 object was initially confirmed but later discounted by later analysis of th 1/16/1967 #21323 confirmed but later discounted by later analysis of the weather conditions 1/16/1967 #21323 ed their car for three minutes and later swooped low over a home. 1/16/1967 #21323 acktop road, north of Freetown, he later reported to State Police, when a b 1/17/1967 #21329 wn, Massachusetts. Fifteen minutes later a lighted reddish orange domed dis 1/18/1967 #21344 nnae" on the top. About 45 minutes later, a pastor reported following an ob 1/19/1967 #21351 small propeller underneath Two min later it flew away. 1/19/1967 #21352 in the car worked normally again. Later that evening another group of thre 1/20/1967 #21361 bserved the same object 15 minutes later. 1/20/1967 #21361 abduction literature, a motif that later becomes much more common. 1/25/1967 #21386 suspended animation. Her daughter later recalled being "baby sat" by the o 1/25/1967 #21389 e ran from it to his other hand. A later check with the local gas company p 1/26/1967 #21402 sappeared in a puff of smoke; they later saw him again, and heard "foreign- 1/28/1967 #21408 two photos available to the press. Later found to be a hoax. (NICAP: 08 - P 2/1967 #21426 ty by 50%, but reappears 5 minutes later with another object. Both UFOs tra 2/2/1967 #21442 and then sped away. Ninety minutes later two UFOs were seen circling low ov 2/10/1967 #21508 ord, Ohio. Returning a short while later to the scene with a policeman they 2/11/1967 #21512 nough to cover the highway. It was later seen at tree-top level, where it h 2/12/1967 #21518 w over car just above phone lines. Later at treetop level, stopped, banked, 2/12/1967 #21523 ered at about 40-50 feet altitude. Later it maneuvered around a U.S. Air Fo 2/14/1967 #21547 ights disappear, but a few minutes later the UFO reappears from behind a hi 2/16/1967 #21572 apparently conversing. Lansing is later studied by New Jersey psychiatrist 2/17/1967 #21586 a similar object about 10 minutes later. 2/21/1967 #21614 h an undertone of humming occurred later for 30 seconds. A 15 foot in diame 2/21/1967 #21616 out with two other witnesses 5 min later. 2/22/1967 #21622 appears behind trees a few minutes later. 2/22/1967 #21623 h two other witnesses five minutes later. 2/22/1967 #21625 One hour later, a sound like a car without a muff 2/26/1967 #21663 , white on top, blue on bottom and later bright red. The object at times tr 2/27/1967 #21673 at the time. Less than 15 minutes later, at 8:19 EST, a multicolored oval 2/27/1967 #21678 telescope for several minutes. It later changed color to a bright red as i 2/27/1967 #21678 anations he considers untrue.” Low later visits NICAP in Washington and Key 3/1967 #21696 locked and missiles ready. Seconds later, a wingman screams into the radio 3/1967 #21700 to the saucer, got in and seconds later zipped off out of sight. No footpr 3/1/1967 #21715 ere barking at the time. Two hours later in Piggot, Arkansas, which is five 3/2/1967 #21733 f the UFO. Approximately two hours later in Vicco, Kentucky another UFO sha 3/4/1967 #21754 followed the car home. Ten minutes later in St. Joseph, Michigan a multi-co 3/7/1967 #21788 like "a hot-rod" initially, which later changed to a swishing-crunching so 3/7/1967 #21788 Later that evening UFO investigator Raym 3/7/1967 #21789 return to the cemetery 10 minutes later, but the fog is gone. 3/8/1967 #21815 an unidentifiable shape were found later at the site. 3/12/1967 #21874 asked to leave and clean the room later. Later on, he hears that the targe Mid 3/1967 #21891 to leave and clean the room later. Later on, he hears that the targets asce Mid 3/1967 #21891 pear, and the voices stop. Moments later, 10 feet from the car, they see fi 3/20/1967 #21923 ing in from the southwest. Minutes later these pilots see apparently the sa 3/21/1967 #21936 they get any closer. A few minutes later the NCO calls him again and shouts 3/24/1967 #21973 at bottoms (domed discs) that were later joined by a fourth. White light wa 3/25/1967 #21981 , then down. The car stops 10 feet later; Morris thinks about providing ass 3/28/1967 #22004 peared into the sky. A few minutes later another disc shot up from another 3/30/1967 #22017 hree of them are shot in color. He later admits the observation is a hoax. 3/31/1967 #22023 r shaped burn mark on her abdomen. Later under hypnosis, she remembered bei 4/2/1967 #22048 like table and was unable to move. Later she saw a being with an oval-shape 4/2/1967 #22048 xaminer 4/14/67.) About 45 minutes later in Welland, Ontario, about 165 mil 4/5/1967 #22062 Ninety minutes later, at 7:45 p.m. EDT between Jonestow 4/5/1967 #22068 a hood on top of the big hill, and later saw a lighted object hovering at t 4/6/1967 #22082 the horizon for a long time, that later ascended. 4/6/1967 #22082 he same state in Redvale, Colorado later that evening, a single witness saw 4/6/1967 #22083 light on the bottom. Five minutes later, at 6:50 p.m. a mass of very brigh 4/11/1967 #22110 ed. A lump of strange material was later found on the shore. When it was an 4/13/1967 #22128 all scattered clouds. Five minutes later jet aircraft at high altitude flew 4/17/1967 #22147 the sky. The sound was heard again later and the object was seen moving sid 4/17/1967 #22148 any jet aircraft. About 5 minutes later, he sees several jets flying on th 4/17/1967 #22152 s the speed of a jet. Five minutes later, several jets at high altitude wer 4/17/1967 #22154 across the sky and behind a hill. Later, the sound was heard again and the 4/17/1967 #22155 void on road. Near collision. Gone later. 5/1967 #22251 d close to car, intense heat felt; later headaches and vision problems. Rep 5/1/1967 #22260 xplosive sounds. Black streaks are later found on the charred road surface. 5/7/1967 #22294 Later that evening a nocturnal light fol 5/7/1967 #22298 hin 150 m of its location. Minutes later, they saw a luminous spherical obj 5/24/1967 #22392 50 meters of its location. Minutes later, they saw a luminous spherical obj 5/24/1967 #22393 cended near a grove of trees, then later rose straight up, hovered, and fle 5/29/1967 #22420 by two more witnesses a short time later. 5/30/1967 #22426 , luminous object from his window. Later he notices a glowing red light on 6/1967 #22439 n June would be found. Jordán Peña later confesses to hoaxing the plastic s 6/1/1967 #22448 g to the Federal Power Commission. Later that evening at 8 p.m. on State Ro 6/5/1967 #22468 ees with wilted leaves on top were later noted (physical effects). (Bondarc 6/18/1967 #22517 ees with wilted leaves on top were later noted (physical effects). (Bondarc 6/18/1967 #22518 o is not aware of the UFO, reports later that the static on his radio was s 6/18/1967 #22520 rence (RFI). Traces / ground found later. / r180p49+/ r79. 6/25/1967 #22552 object was in view. Several weeks later, some members of the group found a 6/25/1967 #22556 by indirect blue white light. In a later session, he remembered being on a 6/25/1967 #22557 rth going south. Same thing 3 days later. 7/10/1967 #22642 About ten minutes later, at 8:00 p.m. local time, two peop 7/10/1967 #22647 e found at the site. Several hours later there were widespread reports of f 7/17/1967 #22684 ay into the woods. Several minutes later they came back and drifted back in 7/17/1967 #22685 t see the occupant. Ninety minutes later at 10:45 p.m. EDT a round green li 7/20/1967 #22713 gures soon disappeared from sight. Later, two V-shaped depressions were fou 7/21/1967 #22719 ng a humming noise. Eighteen hours later, at 11:15 p.m. in Rowley, Massachu 7/26/1967 #22736 st of Kernville, California. It is later joined by a second similar object 7/30/1967 #22754 ped light appeared several minutes later and rushed from west to east. It t 8/2/1967 #22778 inguish themselves, one at a time. Later, they see similar lights positione 8/3/1967 #22787 ed to sleep after their encounter. Later that evening another close encount 8/9/1967 #22853 e that of a generator, and seconds later the object was gone. 8/12/1967 #22867 e that of a generator, and seconds later the object was gone. 8/12/1967 #22869 which he died less than two months later. 8/13/1967 #22874 depression 12 feet in diameter was later found on the ground at the site. 8/15/1967 #22883 red glow coming down in the woods. Later they saw a large source of light i 8/23/1967 #22902 a side road to get closer. Minutes later, he turns on his lights again and 8/23/1967 #22904 stationary for 30–50 seconds. They later find some odd dust on their car an 8/28/1967 #22943 y’s death on lightning. A few days later, rangers at Great Sand Dunes arres 9/9/1967 #23026 Alamosa veterinarian Wallace Leary later finds evidence of two bullet holes 9/9/1967 #23026 t off toward the east. Ten minutes later, a luminous crescent-shaped object 9/19/1967 #23096 y watch it for a while. Three days later her husband and a forest ranger tr 9/20/1967 #23101 . Circular ground marks were found later at the site. 9/21/1967 #23107 ntically in the stable. Thirty min later, a horse was attacked, and an empl 9/22/1967 #23112 r sharp fingernails. A short while later another stable worker heard a hors 9/22/1967 #23115 away into the bushes, and moments later the humming sound got louder then 9/26/1967 #23133 Avila Mountain. Takes off 2 hours later. 9/28/1967 #23140 f from the same spot about 2 hours later. 9/28/1967 #23145 s). Partial paralysis and insomnia later. / r30. 10/1/1967 (approximate) #23158 utter, which arrives about an hour later from nearby Clark’s Harbour. By th 10/4/1967 #23176 violet, and then blue. Two minutes later there was another explosion that t 10/4/1967 #23177 off the Northern California coast. Later, radar detects numerous small but 10/6/1967 #23185 ilar object was seen several hours later over a nearby town. (Stars 6t Stri 10/12/1967 #23227 out the project’s shortcomings. He later learns that Condon has contacted C 10/13/1967 #23233 beneath the light. Thirty seconds later it moves upward to the west, incre 10/14/1967 #23237 the interior of their patrol car. Later police sightings that morning very 10/20/1967 #23272 UMSDEN, SSK 4 teens / car and cops later. 40' lens-saucer hovers. Quickly g 10/24/1967 #23295 120 feet of the object. The UFO is later observed to rendezvous in the sky 10/24/1967 #23304 5 minutes of observation. One week later, the hair on the back of Putnam’s 10/25/1967 #23322 es are sore and swollen. Two weeks later, his chest and throat get sore. He 10/25/1967 #23322 ject, 3 m long, 15 m away. Moments later, a white Jaguar coming in the oppo 11/5/1967 #23407 at Fordingbridge, England. Moments later, a white Jaguar sports car came fr 11/5/1967 #23408 pital suffering from shock. A week later, Farlow notices that a 200-foot st 11/6/1967 #23414 the event vanishes until 5 months later, when it returns in a dream. In 19 11/17/1967 #23477 e coveralls walked around. The boy later suffered severe headaches. Traces. 11/24/1967 #23506 ult to look at with the naked eye. Later it begins to move and quickly vani Late 11/1967 #23511 ments on Earth. Wilson was to have later contacts along with members of the 11/28/1967 #23517 ects. She had a time confusion and later reported visits by small beings an 12/8/1967 #23560 object fall to earth. Two minutes later, they spot a blob of red light. Th 12/24/1967 #23606 oined by a second light one minute later, and a third about 30 seconds afte 12/24/1967 #23607 Elmira, New York. About 20 minutes later, the parents of one witness experi 12/27/1967 #23615 more robust antigravitic programs later, almost assuredly done in the blac 1968 #23633 colleague finds him a few minutes later, the object has vanished. 1/31/1968 #23715 her sentry found him a few minutes later. 2/1/1968 #23724 ond sentry found him a few minutes later. 2/2/1968 #23727 uck engine cuts out. A few seconds later, the noise stops and Perry sees th 2/27/1968 #23787 c” recovered in Nepal. Four months later, a State Dept. cable subject line 3/1968 #23799 ars are still visible three months later. 3/19/1968 #23849 at from the object. Twenty minutes later a second vehicle interference case 4/3/1968 #23887 ure then disappeared. Several days later two of the girls accosted by the s 4/3/1968 #23888 d did not return again for a year. Later under hypnosis she remembered that 5/3/1968 #23942 while walking home. A short while later his 19-year-old daughter Maria, wh 6/14/1968 #24032 A few hours later in Cabanas, Cuba a soldier fired 4 6/14/1968 #24033 t. Germonde took the call. Minutes later other witnesses reported seeing "s 6/14/1968 #24034 and arms on a divan. A few minutes later, her father, Pedro Jacobo Pretzel, 6/15/1968 #24039 e. Cylinder/cigar-shape seen weeks later. 7/1968 #24098 n some nearby brush at 10:00 p.m.. Later several shadowy beings were seen e 7/2/1968 #24137 and rotates. 2 photographs stolen later. 7/4/1968 #24141 izontal line due west. Ten minutes later it moved back to the first spot it 7/9/1968 #24164 objects soon disappeared. Moments later, after the witnesses had gone insi 7/20/1968 #24194 beach. As he watched, five minutes later a large gray balloon shaped object 7/20/1968 #24195 lway to the northeast. A few hours later, Johnson is awakened and told to r 7/22/1968 #24203 ithout being able to move. Moments later there emerged a "spaceship," which 7/25/1968 #24227 aking a mooing sound "like a cow." Later they saw the object take off verti 7/28/1968 #24245 ty pole transformer. A few minutes later the object moves 25 feet to the ea 7/30/1968 #24263 ucoupe Volante” (Flying Saucer) is later built on the site. 7/31/1968 #24271 ith a blast of wind. A few seconds later nothing was to be seen. There was 7/31/1968 #24272 as it hovers for several minutes. Later it circles above the house 300 fee 8/4/1968 #24295 Independent recall of event years later (Section XIII, Vol. II, The UFO Ev 8/7/1968 #24304 Independent recall of event years later 8/7/1968 #24305 original path and vanishes seconds later. The three smaller objects perform 8/7/1968 #24307 seconds, only to reappear moments later as it descends along the same traj 8/7/1968 #24307 ore howl and shriek. A few minutes later the UFO surfaces and moves toward 8/7/1968 #24307 witnesses by Walter N. Webb years later. Webb’s background checks, buttres 8/7/1968 #24307 ey went their separate ways. Years later the man contacted UFO investigator 8/7/1968 #24308 minous ray immobilized him. He was later hospitalized. 8/9/1968 #24313 l they are lost to view 13 minutes later. 8/21/1968 #24364 he heard when the visitor arrived. Later, she and the sanitorium manager an 8/25/1968 #24376 re still hot to the touch two days later. 8/26/1968 #24379 . A scraped, burned area was found later at the landing point. 8/26/1968 #24380 hing unusual about his appearance. Later at the landing site was found a ci 8/31/1968 #24409 back to the UFO. However, the two later admit to making up the story. 9/1/1968 #24421 e to report their experience. They later retracted their story, but there a 9/1/1968 #24422 rove its scientific methods. Hynek later declares that Sleeper’s letter is 9/4/1968 #24427 dazed and shocked. Nearly 24 hours later the witnesses are treated for “bru 9/10/1968 #24449 a 90 degree turn and disappeared. Later, ground radar told them a target w 9/15/1968 #24466 a 90-degree turn and disappeared. Later, ground radar told them a target h 9/15/1968 #24469 Big orange ball. 2 tiny balls join later. Gone / flash! 9/19/1968 #24484 ated and then vanished. One minute later there was a flash of light and all 9/19/1968 #24487 Later that same evening at ten p.m. Mr. 9/23/1968 #24505 ight coming from Ponteiro, and she later observed two tall men walking on t 9/24/1968 #24509 nothing. However, an investigator later found “a burned area, irregular bu 9/24/1968 #24509 oad where a friend takes him home. Later he is given a medical examination 10/2/1968 #24537 ficials of the Brazilian Air Force later subjected him to an intense interr 10/2/1968 #24538 otos of the object and, six months later, issue a report on their investiga 10/18/1968 #24571 o more lights were seen 50 minutes later. 10/28/1968 #24598 going down / ground. 15 minute(s) later shoots back going up [to] and lost 10/30/1968 #24602 the Philippines occurred two hours later when another farmer walking to Bar 11/1/1968 #24617 rious physiological phenomena were later recorded. (Magonia #921, 1) (NICAP 11/2/1968 #24623 rious physiological phenomena were later recorded. 11/2/1968 #24624 r's and son's lower abdomens, were later recorded. 11/2/1968 #24626 air of large pointed ears. Moments later, the small woman exited the sphere 11/9/1968 #24649 cratches on her waist area. It was later determined that a third girl, 12-y 11/9/1968 #24649 e National Academy of Sciences and later to the American public. It conclud 11/15/1968 #24662 scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek later wrote the Committee ignored key ev 11/15/1968 #24662 it had hit a solid object, but the later bullets had no reported effect. 11/24/1968 #24699 asn’t there when they checked back later. 12/12/1968 #24766 cases to the air force. A few days later, Second Air Force Chief of Staff G 12/26/1968 #24792 engines due to EM effects. Dryden later joined NACA and then NASA; Dryden 1969 #24806 scene. When he returned a few days later with a friend they found three app 1/15/1969 #24850 minutes the UFO was on the ground. Later investigation found three apparent 1/16/1969 #24853 Da Silva was weeding a rice field later that same morning at a place calle 2/6/1969 #24898 nd find a red swelling on his leg. Later, investigators find three imprints 2/7/1969 #24901 Later that same night in Dartmouth, Mass 2/10/1969 #24910 er the encounter, and died a month later, its body found bloated up. The do 2/12/1969 #24915 d down the mountain. They returned later that day with two guards, but ther 2/23/1969 #24940 human/entity seen by landed object later. No further details. 2/28/1969 #24949 Bocaiuva, Brazil. One of the UFOs later followed the bus, and returned lig 3/7/1969 #24982 e. Type unknown. Shoots away miles later. No further details. 3/13/1969 #25004 r his car engine had quit. Moments later he saw a light rising above a near 3/17/1969 #25020 d appeared to be spinning. At home later one of the girls went to the windo 3/22/1969 #25037 d on, but walking through the area later the streetlights were on again and 3/22/1969 #25037 ning a beam of light towards them. Later one of the witnesses remembered be 4/5/1969 #25051 ndeterminate radar images are also later reported 125 miles away in Vaasa. 4/12/1969 #25057 ver(s) paralyzed. Back 2 minute(s) later. 4/15/1969 #25063 ew away, but came back two minutes later. 4/15/1969 #25064 ith his 17-year-old niece. A month later Roque again was reported missing, 4/20/1969 #25075 nimals quiet down. Guinn discovers later that morning that the horses in th 4/23/1969 #25086 tern” above some trees. One minute later, as the taxi turns a corner, they 4/25/1969 #25090 suffered various physical ailments later. Jose Antonio has repeatedly refus 5/4/1969 #25115 pursued. The program is shut down later in 1969, with an effect of the sig 5/12/1969 #25131 Two hours later, at 7:30 p.m. CDT in Rising Sun, I 5/19/1969 #25148 as completely silent. A short time later one of the witnesses noticed a lum 5/30/1969 #25169 niversity The Midwest UFO Network (later Mutual UFO Network) is founded in 5/31/1969 #25174 0 p.m. In Eden Valley five minutes later a UFO with two rows of red lights, 6/4/1969 #25199 lue UFO hovered over the range and later went behind a mountain. 6/4/1969 #25199 ar. The engine and car radio died. Later that day the Canadian Parliament B 6/5/1969 #25203 ry all the time. It then vanishes. Later examination of the ground undernea 6/17/1969 #25220 n," rose and disappeared. Two days later Sr. Bermudez became very ill, and 7/4/1969 #25253 , France. It returned a short time later flying to the northwest. 7/25/1969 #25299 n color. The second officer saw it later than the first. It was confirmed n 8/5/1969 #25310 ter the UFO left, about 30 seconds later. (3) Two and a half hours later, a 8/5/1969 #25311 ds later. (3) Two and a half hours later, at 10:45 p.m. Mountain Time, five 8/5/1969 #25311 will feel nothing.” Twenty minutes later he observed a nearly spherical clo 8/11/1969 #25317 reported feeling no pain, then or later. He underwent several lengthy oper 8/11/1969 #25317 terial dissipates into nothing. He later learns that other people, includin 8/30/1969 #25339 in Portiragnes, France. The vines later died. 10/28/1969 #25430 d is also discovered, and two days later they find a metallic glob about th 10/30/1969 #25439 haroa, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. Later three circles of burnt grass were 11/5/1969 #25452 ere reported to be agitated, while later a burnt circle was found on a smal 11/5/1969 #25452 o look out the window a short time later he saw the UFO fly slowly from beh 11/15/1969 #25461 village lit oddly. Red saucer seen later / low altitude. See Rouillac. 1/5/1970 #25535 ffects. Heinonen claims, two years later, a series of contacts with a femal 1/7/1970 #25540 other close encounters, two years later, in a series of contacts with a fa 1/7/1970 #25541 ortholes / front. Observer(s) sick later. 1/13/1970 #25545 at 6:45 a.m. The witness felt sick later. 1/13/1970 #25546 TSON, NE Saucer-shaped craft seen. Later tracked / RADAR. No further detail 2/28/1970 #25595 or. The hoax is revealed six years later. 3/28/1970 #25613 or some time, but could not recall later what they spoke about, other than 4/15/1970 #25633 behind the building. A short time later Noel, Simon, and Barthelemy all sa 6/4/1970 #25690 s" paw prints were found. Six days later, the building mysteriously caught 6/4/1970 #25690 ried and yellowed vegetation found later. 6/13/1970 #25699 leaves. Her son and brother-in-law later find three imprints 30–40 feet apa 7/4/1970 #25726 f the tracks in the mud.” One week later, the light returns and crosses the 7/4/1970 #25726 ea. Other object flies. Gone hours later. / r50p29. 7/26/1970 #25752 time, and when he woke up 12 hours later, he was 140 miles away from his ho 8/5/1970 #25771 entral core of the object. Moments later he came upon an improbably placed 8/15/1970 #25787 Thirty minutes later, a 22-year-old woman in Puente De 8/16/1970 #25791 bject and the creatures were gone. Later that same day the same young witne 8/20/1970 #25799 witness blacked out and was found later lying in the bushes. He regained c 8/20/1970 #25799 bushes. He regained consciousness later, and a small red dot appeared on h 8/20/1970 #25799 Scassellati says that a few nights later he notices a limousine parked outs 9/1970 #25822 ng the loud humming sound. Moments later she found herself inside a room il 9/7/1970 #25828 inserted between her eyes. Moments later a small cut was made on one of her 9/7/1970 #25828 Two hours later in Warminster, Wiltshire, England 9/28/1970 #25859 de, fainted, came to 10-15 minutes later with her eyes burning, her head fe 10/5/1970 #25870 lerated the vehicle and sped away. Later one of them returned and saw the o 10/24/1970 #25886 mbness in his tongue a few minutes later. He also has an abrasion on his ha 10/29/1970 #25893 ith and Ralph Keeping a year or so later. Both Ledger and Styles interviewe 11/25/1970 #25919 om northeast to southwest. Seconds later, a solitary object appears to the 11/29/1970 #25922 the woods before the UFO departed. Later that week a mysterious dark "prowl 12/7/1970 #25934 y after they began communicating. Later, Bielek began to claim he and Came 1/1971 #25963 d the south. Less than three hours later, at 4:15 GMT, two independent witn 1/2/1971 #25968 burns are clearly visible 2 months later. The humanoid gets back inside, an 2/5/1971 #26014 en he re-opened them a few seconds later the little figure had disappeared. 2/16/1971 #26021 ame spot in intense cold, one hour later. 2/22/1971 #26028 ing off toward the north. One hour later a large bluish-green top-shaped UF 3/2/1971 #26039 toward the southwest. Five minutes later in Nivelles, Belgium a long cigar- 3/2/1971 #26040 eached the outskirts of Condamine. Later, when he took off his clothes he f 3/5/1971 #26044 ed after a few minutes. Three days later similar chocolate brown rectangula 3/5/1971 #26044 ily leaving the campsite two hours later. During a hypnosis session five ye 3/14/1971 #26047 ring a hypnosis session five years later Scott described how the object app 3/14/1971 #26047 y shot away at high speed. Moments later one of the soldiers screamed in pa 3/25/1971 #26054 began moving away quickly. Seconds later the men heard another noise and fe 3/25/1971 #26054 ame and found Michael a short time later still in the grass, moaning and ve 5/15/1971 #26111 foot deep into the soil. Two days later, Michael and several other family 5/15/1971 #26111 then heard a click and two seconds later a blast threw him against the vehi 5/21/1971 #26121 d 6 regularly placed indentations. Later, another set of similar indentatio 5/25/1971 #26136 strated by the event, but two days later Koch reminds the crew that certain 6/1971 #26153 sts for about 20 minutes. Two days later, commanding officer Capt. Ferdinan 6/1971 #26154 to the head, an apparent suicide. Later that evening a disc with a circula 6/13/1971 #26175 lump of unknown material that was later tested at Laval University. 7/27/1971 #26247 hour period of missing time. Years later, under hypnosis, Renz remembered b 8/16/1971 #26291 tric motor and the craft took off. Later he recalled the craft attacking a 8/16/1971 #26291 or home. Under hypnosis five years later, John Hodges recalled that the lar 8/17/1971 #26293 which he ate, he became drowsy and later woke up in his apartment, sufferin 8/25/1971 #26305 y able to recall the incident on a later date. 8/25/1971 #26305 im, he ducks behind the hut. A bit later he looks out again and they shine 9/12/1971? #26330 who do not take him seriously. He later insists that the object and the “s 9/12/1971? #26330 o suffered facial and scalp burns. Later he had further memories of the inc 9/20/1971 #26354 sult of the passage of the object. Later, local UFO investigators discovere 9/20/1971 #26354 (s). 12x12x10'BOX / oilfield. Gone later. Footprints going up / steep ledge 9/23/1971 #26367 p.m. It was not there a short time later. When they investigated, they foun 9/23/1971 #26369 .m., but no details are available. Later that same day Miss Linda Milne saw 9/25/1971 #26380 way, but the creature did as well. Later, they observed a disc-shaped objec 9/25/1971 #26380 It "glided" away over a fence, but later returned with a second entity, sur 9/30/1971 #26388 llic carrot with halo hovers. Gone later. 10/1/1971 #26396 with only the outline being solid. Later that same night, Neil Pike also wa 10/28/1971 #26438 t recovers his sight a few minutes later and sees the object still there. H 11/2/1971 #26449 ply run off. Slightly over a month later, after a snow fall, the white ice 11/2/1971 #26450 airborne, and the "moon" was gone. Later she learned that several pigs had 11/3/1971 #26452 ight was seen skimming the ground. Later investigation revealed three 38" d 11/28/1971 #26477 ). Hides as others pass. 7M saucer later. / r50p36. 12/22/1971 #26513 rew away his clothes. Three nights later he smelt the same odor again, and 1/26/1972 #26556 e, England, and a dog ran and hid. Later, a 6 foot in diameter blue fall of 2/12/1972 #26577 th no UFO present. Fifteen minutes later a 12-year-old boy named Yakob conf 2/15/1972 #26580 for Esquire which, according to a later CIA account, includes “names of ag 3/1972 #26584 that CIA originally requested and later withdrew. It is the first book the 3/1972 #26584 stone was found on the ground that later vanished. According to APRO field 3/10/1972 #26598 oise to the wouthwest. Traces were later found at the landing site. 3/25/1972 #26623 periment with SRI and three months later the CIA awards SRI a $50,000 contr 6/1972 #26695 s, then shot straight up and away. Later that same day shortly after 6:00 p 6/4/1972 #26701 es up his findings and a few weeks later he is visited by two CIA intellige 6/6/1972 #26703 ad in Melville, Western Australia. Later that day a group of meteorology pr 6/25/1972 #26732 cular hole in the ground was found later. 6/25/1972 #26732 ayed to see it leave a short while later. It turned on end and climbed rapi 6/26/1972 #26736 e / 1 minute(s). Night lights pass later. 7/11/1972 #26792 . We mean no harm.” Several months later, she is “mentally” abducted into a 7/25/1972 #26833 lapses into unconsciousness. On a later occasion, the entity appears as sh 7/25/1972 #26833 was still light out. A short while later they both looked back towards a ba 7/26/1972 #26836 Less than an hour later, at 9:40 p.m. CDT four people in B 7/31/1972 #26852 overs / hallway. "Observing". Gone later. 8/1972 #26855 chen. Saucers and abduction dreams later.. 8/1972 (approximate) #26858 . Octopus grabs car from top. Gone later. 8/6/1972 #26879 behind some nearby trees. Shortly later they heard heavy footsteps of some 8/6/1972 #26882 d, "emitting flames and smoke." He later had headaches and pains in his leg 8/16/1972 #26922 l about 1 mile away. A couple days later, Cărăbuş and other locals visit th Early 9/1972 #26975 n and off by themselves. Sr. Merlo later suffered eye irritation, repeated 9/21/1972 #27022 io stops working. A couple minutes later, a very bright blue-white light ap 9/25/1972 #27030 ack again at 4:40 a.m. and landed. Later that evening in Verdugo, Californi 10/5/1972 #27051 (s). 1-3 night lights. Ovoid lands later. / FSRv25#3. 10/6/1972 #27052 ote cabin. Abduction to moon hours later! / dream? 11/4/1972 #27107 On Helms’s dismissal William Colby later comments that “Dick Helms paid the 11/20/1972 #27130 vertical takeoff. Three holes were later found in the soil at the site of t 11/30/1972 #27155 rl witnessed the event. Five hours later, at 11:30 p.m. on a highway in Hin 12/31/1972 #27197 on has long been a fan of UFOs. He later becomes a subscriber to the newsle 2/19/1973 #27298 down out of the sky.” A few miles later, near Brushy Creek, student Randal 2/21/1973 #27305 er trance-like state. About a week later she was driving with her son, and 2/22/1973 #27310 up in the print when the film was later developed. 3/7/1973 #27337 king, then vanished. A few seconds later the UFO retracted its legs, return 3/13/1973 #27343 irst saw it 300 meters away and it later approached to within 50 meters. 3/24/1973 #27373 was first seen 300 meters away and later approached to within 50 meters. 3/25/1973 #27376 found on the pavement. Three hours later in Grafton, West Virginia at 7 p.m 4/22/1973 #27440 experiences ever since the event. Later, at 8 p.m. near Papeete, French Po 4/22/1973 #27440 that was first round in shape, but later assumed a cigar-like configuration 5/15/1973 #27494 f the body. Pátero faints. An hour later, two young men drive by and see hi 5/22/1973 #27518 es of his skin turn purplish blue. Later, these spots turn yellow and event 5/22/1973 #27518 sparent. He fainted. About an hour later two young men found Sr. Patero lay 5/22/1973 #27519 ken to a hospital in Catanduva and later released. Over the next several da 5/22/1973 #27519 of an unknown cause. Eleven months later Patero became the principal experi 5/22/1973 #27519 alled the Chaneques. Investigators later learned that two more trucks were 5/22/1973 #27520 rs away, prickling sensation felt, later intense headaches. Flying Saucer R 6/7/1973 #27556 ." They also had intense headaches later. The object eventually left and th 6/7/1973 #27557 n fell asleep and when she came to later, found herself lying in a differen 6/23/1973 #27584 he patio, it was some 4 or 5 hours later. 6/23/1973 #27584 before police arrive at 1:45 a.m. Later searches uncover broken tree limbs 6/28/1973 #27598 nal Airline also observed the UFO. Later that evening, at 7:15 p.m. Sr. Nah 7/9/1973 #27625 nds over garage. Back 1M over road later. 8/1973 #27669 um at about the same time two days later, and the same object appears, movi 8/1973 #27672 seemed to be uneventful. However, later under hypnotic regression she was 8/4/1973 #27683 d. Traces were left in the mud and later photographed. 8/10/1973 #27692 omes. Indent / ground 250° F hours later. / r180p92. 9/9/1973 #27792 ruck but apparently passes out. He later notices he has some marks on his h 9/23/1973 #27859 overing above the site. One minute later, the UFO moves off slowly for seve Autumn 1973 #27860 e brush behind them. A few seconds later, the witness saw a dull bluish-gra 9/27/1973 #27879 a thunderstorm, and imprints were later found at the site. 10/1/1973 #27913 etails could be discerned. Moments later one of the beings opened his mouth 10/3/1973 #27926 with them using telepathy. Moments later she unexpectedly found herself ins 10/5/1973 #27954 h-colored liquid to drink. She was later shown a huge viewing screen on whi 10/5/1973 #27954 tor emanating from a nearby field. Later, at 11:30 a.m., the woman is hangi 10/6/1973 #27960 eturn to their work and 20 minutes later someone notices that the objects a 10/6/1973 #27960 with headache and nausea. A month later, UFO investigators arrive and find 10/6/1973 #27960 w bright lights on their property. Later that morning they observed a dome 10/6/1973 #27961 he size of a small person emerged; later reentered, and object took off. (U 10/10/1973 #27979 rson emerged, perhaps a robot, and later re-entered, and the object took of 10/10/1973 #27983 efore they are released 20 minutes later. They first contact Keesler AFB in 10/11/1973 #27997 took off, but was seen 30 minutes later to the northeast. 10/11/1973 #28003 overs / 20M altitude by tree. Gone later. 10/15/1973 (approximate) #28038 tracks were found in the dirt road later, as well as "landing marks" two fe 10/15/1973 #28061 s. Cop sees huge object 15 minutes later. Type unknown. 10/16/1973 #28064 d about 25–30 feet off the ground. Later, as she is making supper, she sees 10/16/1973 #28085 police at 12:10 a.m. A few minutes later, officers arrive, talk to Roach, f 10/16/1973 #28088 ored rubber matting. A few moments later, three men that came into view pro 10/16/1973 #28089 Seventeen and one-half hours later, at 11:30 a.m. in Burbank, Califor 10/16/1973 #28090 ter and 25-30 feet off the ground. Later, she saw a "little blue green thin 10/16/1973 #28091 Later this night a cab driver reported t 10/16/1973 #28092 ts for eyes. The driver reportedly later confessed to a hoax, but this has 10/16/1973 #28092 figure standing up. Eighteen hours later, at 9 p.m. in Warner Robins, Georg 10/17/1973 #28136 Later this same night Police Chief Jeff 10/17/1973 #28142 ts upper surface. About 15 minutes later, “cotton-like” material is found t 10/18/1973 #28171 tell the others. A couple minutes later, Yanacsek sees a bright red light 10/18/1973 #28172 Later this same night a tiny silver bein 10/18/1973 #28175 lhouetted by a diffuse white glow. Later two of the witnesses saw three ent 10/19/1973 #28197 egs" cross the road. A short while later their car was swung sideways acros 10/19/1973 #28197 the object take off at high speed. Later under hypnosis the witness remembe 10/19/1973 #28199 nose and slit like mouths. Moments later she found herself inside the objec 10/19/1973 #28199 the road. She turned up four days later at a police station, and reported 10/20/1973 #28220 nterrogated her at length. She was later given water and some food, which s 10/20/1973 #28220 st appeared on the developed film. Later that night the campers found thems 10/20/1973 #28222 one felt brave enough to touch it. Later that night they saw it in the claw 10/20/1973 #28222 d. Ground traces from the UFO were later found. 10/21/1973 #28229 aphs one of them. About 20 minutes later, she notices monarch butterflies a 10/23/1973 #28250 stores it in a box. Some 20 years later, the sample is analyzed by two eng 10/23/1973 #28250 the fence that stood between them. Later that night an investigation team a 10/25/1973 #28286 n saucer. Vanishes. 40 odd objects later / Auckland News 27.10.7. 10/26/1973 #28291 un by someone named “David M.” Hal later said the unit was being disbanded 10/27/1973 #28303 cause of “current events.” Puthoff later told him a “biologist” was in char 10/27/1973 #28303 the beings take a blood sample and later remembers going on board the craft 10/28/1973 #28309 mankind would lead to catastrophe. Later, they said, they would come back a 10/28/1973 #28311 UFO and its entities had gone. On later investigation many triangular foot 10/29/1973 #28319 o the planet Mars, at least in the later stage of the sighting, to rule tha 11/2/1973 #28352 r dogs were upset by its presence. Later that evening, at 8:30 p.m., they s 11/14/1973 #28421 ferent places apparently on earth. Later back aboard the mother ship Castil 11/18/1973 #28443 its new battery failed three days later and could not be recharged. (Sourc 11/19/1973 #28449 ly impossible maneuvers. Jets were later seen chasing the object. 11/24/1973 #28464 to an orange glow and chases them. Later, four imprints in a 51-inch square 12/6/1973 #28533 About four hours later (6:20 p.m. local time) in Ouzoues- 12/10/1973 #28553 n pyrite were found near the site. Later that night in Cabana Colony, Flori 12/13/1973 #28570 At 11:00 p.m. later that night two large square object 12/19/1973 #28588 16x telescope. Forty-five minutes later a huge cigar-shaped UFO with four 12/20/1973 #28592 did not stay around but came back later with investigators, who found grou 12/31/1973 #28623 nclude many witness names that are later redacted for public release. 1/1974 #28636 publishes her results in Pursuit. Later observations reveal some interpret 1/1974 #28637 ad off over the moors, but moments later they run over a cattle grid, inexp 1/3/1974 #28641 ves in Ilam 12 miles away. Seconds later there is another bump and they rea 1/3/1974 #28641 n prior weeks. Jenny Randles hears later from a former UK government offici 1/23/1974 #28694 IN 6:30 p.m. WTVW's David Goodnow (later CNN anchorman) saw three glitterin 1/25/1974 #28704 at and electricity felt. Headaches later. 1/31/1974 #28715 ses felt heat and electricity, and later had headaches. 1/31/1974 #28716 d on the ground for several hours. Later at the landing site investigators 2/8/1974 #28749 llowed the same course ten minutes later. 2/13/1974 #28766 where traces of crushed grass were later found. 2/28/1974 #28822 almstrom AFB radar tracks the UFO. Later he learns that the ground electron 3/1974 #28830 ing dead next to a pond. Two weeks later her husband also died. The doctor 3/1/1974 #28842 hillside disappeared a few minutes later. Next day, patches of charred vege 3/1/1974 #28843 ory was of getting out of the van. Later he had vague memories of sitting i 3/15/1974 #28892 ters of the road and then, seconds later, he saw the silhouette of a human 3/17/1974 #28898 had blond, short cropped hair and later identified themselves as "Alton" a 3/20/1974 #28916 fter 3 minutes he left. A few days later UFO investigators found radioactiv 3/21/1974 #28921 cide to take it home. Several days later, while Terry is playing the guitar 3/27/1974 #28961 music and makes a throbbing noise. Later, the sphere rolls and stops on its 3/27/1974 #28961 d hospital, and is not seen again. Later, she hears a discussion in her sup 4/1974 #28982 footprints of feet wearing boots. Later on she noticed a light and heard m 4/11/1974 #29004 named Vanderclausen. Four minutes later a loud wailing sound was heard in 4/21/1974 #29055 ical exam. Found 500mi away 7 days later. / r82p70. 4/26/1974 #29063 upon on this day. Five or six days later he was found rain soaked and cover 4/26/1974 #29064 s fail to turn on. Some 30 seconds later, the object takes off so swiftly t 5/1974 #29075 eudo-human/entity. White figure(s) later. Night light maneuvers and beeps. 5/11/1974 #29099 that is cordoned off. A few hours later, a circular, metallic object about 5/17/1974 #29109 f a landing was found. Three hours later and 38 miles to the southwest an o 5/19/1974 #29114 ar from an outflow vent that would later be built for the Seabrook nuclear 5/20/1974 #29120 ating movement. Ground traces were later found were the UFO came down. At 1 5/20/1974 #29121 changed color. Landing traces were later found in an oval pattern. 5/25/1974 #29134 scious details. He awoke two hours later than usual that morning with blood 5/26/1974 #29135 evening with other family members. Later under hypnosis the witness recalle 5/26/1974 #29135 At 9:30 EDT, less than seven hours later in Southampton, Massachusetts four 6/6/1974 #29170 appeared as a red luminous sphere. Later that night this sphere appeared to 6/8/1974 #29173 no facial features on the beings. Later, a chute emerged from the object, 6/8/1974 #29173 proximately an hour and 45 minutes later a domed disc with blinking lights 6/13/1974 #29186 d down, so he runs into the house. Later Pulido goes outside to check, and 6/14/1974 #29191 at to see what was happening. Days later Celso Lemkuni, a diver, tried to m 6/18/1974 #29212 beam or light source. A few hours later, a couple driving on State Highway Summer 1974 #29218 vince herself it had been a dream. Later, under hypnosis, she recalled addi 7/17/1974 #29266 e event. Ufologist Barry Greenwood later stated he filed FOIA inquiries for 7/17/1974 #29267 ct rotates, but the dome does not. Later, three sharply defined circles of 8/12/1974 #29337 g towards the ground. A short time later the witnesses reported seeing stra 8/16/1974 #29363 t going west. 3 saucer cigars join later. 8/18/1974 #29368 onal circles are found in the area later that month. Fuhr later learns that 9/1/1974 #29417 in the area later that month. Fuhr later learns that cattle in a nearby fie 9/1/1974 #29417 Mr. Fuhr seemed genuinely scared.” Later Morier tells an investigator, “The 9/1/1974 #29417 he arrived home an hour and a half later than usual. The figures were 4-5 f 9/3/1974 #29418 d. This man and others in the area later saw a large, luminous orange-red d 9/8/1974 #29436 and the illuminated ground. Still later, nocturnal lights danced about in 9/8/1974 #29436 e like a sonic boom. A few minutes later he saw a bright purple light flash 9/8/1974 #29437 inging their arms. Fifteen minutes later, at 12:45 a.m., a 46-year-old woma 9/29/1974 #29492 ide. The object is gone 30 minutes later. 11/1974 #29574 trail leading across the picture. Later that night Mike was awakened by th 11/26/1974 #29610 gone. He was therefore interviewed later under hypnosis. In a hypnotic tran 11/30/1974 #29622 has on human consciousness. Clark later comes to believe his own conclusio 1975 #29671 lights. Investigator Malo Martínez later finds two parallel scorched areas 1/1/1975 #29689 Two hours and fifteen minutes later, at 2:45 p.m. on the eastern shore 1/2/1975 #29704 ry on the car went dead a few days later. (Sources: APRO BuIIetin, June 197 1/6/1975 #29728 ry on the car went dead a few days later. 1/6/1975 #29729 vestigate and file reports. Months later, O’Barski relays the story to an a 1/12/1975 #29744 r only foes on Earth are psychics. Later, Swann and Mr. Axelrod take a flig 2/1975 #29781 Later that evening at 6:00 p.m. a man in 2/10/1975 #29802 ome bodies were taken to WPAFB but later, bodies were taken elsewhere depen 3/14/1975 #29900 eaches dirt. Matching trench found later. 3/27/1975 #29919 Nine hours later, at 9:00 p.m. local time, a mercha 3/31/1975 #29928 to a complete halt. Hernandez was later brought back to his vehicle. He wa 4/22/1975 #30000 briety and trustworthiness. A week later, de los Santos is invited to discu 5/3/1975 #30026 s appointment, and does so a month later after another visit by the men in 5/3/1975 #30026 in the grass at the site, two days later. 5/12/1975 #30054 own / woods. Huge footprints found later. Traces. 5/18/1975 #30062 footprints were found in the area later, along with some other ground mark 5/18/1975 #30063 n onboard occupant. Thirty minutes later two witnesses, one on Putnam Avenu 6/2/1975 #30075 larm rings 6km / west 20 minute(s) later. 6/6/1975 #30086 dio stopped working. One half hour later a white luminous ovoid-shaped obje 6/6/1975 #30089 dge area sees the light 10 minutes later, apparently 220–300 feet above the 6/20/1975 #30111 ly found on the ground in the area later. 7/12/1975 #30174 adache, were gone. About six weeks later they spotted him again. He stood a 7/12/1975 #30175 object takes off at a sharp angle. Later investigation reveals 4 marks on t 7/31/1975 #30218 Nothing grows in the affected area later. 7/31/1975 #30218 the object had hovered. Two months later, when the investigators examined t 8/8/1975 #30244 car. The developed film which was later turned over to the Danish AF showe 8/13/1975 #30257 ound over his spine and a few days later he developed a body rash. As month 8/13/1975 #30258 ey escorted him about the ship and later dropped him off at his car. 8/13/1975 #30258 ory loss of an hour and a half. He later was able to recall an abduction by 8/13/1975 #30262 ory loss of an hour and a half. He later was able to recall an abduction by 8/13/1975 #30265 ered and performed aerobatics, and later became dark red when the object cl 8/14/1975 #30271 they went back with investigators later. 8/22/1975 #30298 tes the time is 5:23 a.m., an hour later than it should have been. Through 8/26/1975 #30310 hour of time was unaccounted for. Later, under hypnosis, Sandra recalled h 8/26/1975 #30312 plants, the plants died three days later. 8/28/1975 #30315 a neighbor's house. Twenty minutes later the same being was seen again by a 9/10/1975 #30351 Missing time. Abduction regressed later. Time and gas don't tally. 9/14/1975 #30358 ther over Etterbeek, Belgium. They later regrouped. 9/20/1975 #30374 r stays to watch it. A few minutes later, the camp commandant and about a d Fall 1975 #30380 they do not find him. A few hours later, four soldiers taking over sentry Fall 1975 #30380 and the pair returned to the scene later, where the same mass displacement 10/1/1975 #30409 ng it easy to jump over the fence. Later that night he sees an “orange fluo 10/7/1975 #30421 e pasture of his property. Moments later, he receives two phone calls telli 10/7/1975 #30421 call him back. He calls the number later and talks to a military officer cl 10/7/1975 #30421 ing to be Lt. Col. Waters. A month later, he and his wife are given a thoro 10/7/1975 #30421 ntrol of the steering. Two minutes later, they pass through Oxford, a trip 10/27/1975 #30486 s from side to side. A few seconds later, they see two white lights on thei 10/27/1975 #30486 as they notice it. Some 45 minutes later, two disc-shaped objects with colo 10/27/1975 #30486 ntly. Gray has some hallucinations later in the day while watching TV. Main 10/27/1975 #30486 es the unknown target. Six minutes later, Eggleston notes that the target a 10/27/1975 #30488 oubled them for the next few days. Later under hypnosis, Stephens recalled 10/27/1975 #30489 e silence gives way to what Walton later describes as the thunderous swell 11/5/1975 #30562 afternoon he decided to come back later. He returned with a friend on this 11/8/1975 #30584 d their performance. A few seconds later a white station wagon with dark pa 11/8/1975 #30584 fects) and hits ditch. Only starts later. / r79p66. 11/16/1975 #30630 ed. The witness's car stalled, and later required major tune-up repair work 11/25/1975 #30662 ed. The witness's car stalled, and later required major tune-up repair work 11/25/1975 #30663 cond night, the calf’s carcass was later found mutilated. 12/8/1975 #30697 if fleeing from something. Moments later he sees three figures in the ditch 12/14/1975 #30715 g around the figure. A few moments later, a bright, elongated UFO appears b 12/14/1975 #30715 across his field of view. Moments later they are gone, the sparking stops, 1/4/1976 #30758 ean Claude ran home. A short while later he was sent out by his mother to g 1/5/1976 #30761 as if it is being pulled. Moments later, they find themselves 8 miles away 1/6/1976 #30770 unable to. She ran home terrified. Later under hypnosis it was revealed tha 1/23/1976 #30817 the second occurred several hours later at 11:30 p.m. local time. 1/28/1976 #30829 ed in a circular patch. This grass later dies. On October 24, 1977, the Tas Late 2/1976 #30905 ff, and flew away toward the east. Later that night numerous witnesses in M 2/25/1976 #30906 snetz Auβergewöhnlicher Phänomene [later Himmelsphänomene] in Mannheim, Ger 3/1976 #30912 landed near the house. A few days later the couple vaguely remembered bein 3/5/1976 #30928 ide of his body is red. A few days later, his hair turns gray and he suffer 4/3/1976 #30983 rom which he is released four days later. Some people in the area have diff 4/22/1976 #31010 him telepathically. A few seconds later the beings suddenly vanished in pl 4/23/1976 #31019 vestigations into UAP. Four years later, D/NFAC wrote to DCI stating DCI w 4/26/1976 #31027 ois. The proceedings are published later in the year, featuring papers on s 4/30/1976 #31029 t turned in flight. Ninety minutes later the main witness heard a second ex 5/4/1976 #31035 d two rotating red lights. An hour later his son saw the same lights; they 5/4/1976 #31038 here/orb/globe / ground. Both gone later. / FSRv22#3. 5/11/1976 #31043 ssed by. Both were gone 20 minutes later when she passed by the site again. 5/11/1976 #31044 ssed by. Both were gone 20 minutes later when she passed by the site again. 5/11/1976 #31045 -dome Saturn saucer shows on print later. 5/20/1976 #31064 ced five hours of missing time and later related an abduction experience. S 5/21/1976 #31069 ced five hours of missing time and later related an abduction experience. S 5/21/1976 #31070 arley field. 18M crop circle found later. / r30p622. 6/11/1976 #31098 An hour and a half later two 5 meter wide discs were seen h 6/21/1976 #31124 he has been there some time. He is later revived at a nearby hospital. The 6/23/1976 #31134 r who carries him to the ambulance later feels a strong irritation in his a 6/23/1976 #31134 s that the craft hovered over were later found defoliated. 7/5/1976 #31154 nd left the bar to go have dinner. Later that night Teresa awoke with a sta 8/10/1976 #31252 tigate. Little more than 4 minutes later, two USAF F-4 Phantom jets arrive 8/13/1976 #31261 ject (repeat appearance three days later with artifact.), vacuum cleaner so 8/15/1976 #31269 Agun. Dark saucer appears in print later. 8/17/1976 #31276 aped eyes and languid limbs.” In a later interview by the St. John Valley T 8/20/1976 #31282 s of Treena and Sunar in the dirt. Later, upon opening the envelope, the wi 8/23/1976 #31294 ck in his house, and ran upstairs. Later that same night, at about five a.m 8/25/1976 #31302 was allowed to sleep comfortably. Later, he was given four crackers to eat 8/26/1976 #31306 ious memory of what happened next. Later, under hypnosis all four remembere 8/26/1976 #31307 uids were taken from all four men. Later, after several hours, they were fl 8/26/1976 #31307 . He faints on being struck and is later found by his neighbors. His leg is 9/3/1976 #31335 road both seemed to stop, and they later discovered that their watches had 9/3/1976 #31340 parently blacked out and was found later on the ground by his neighbors. Th 9/3/1976 #31341 fered from temporary paralysis. He later claimed to be healed of his arthri 9/6/1976 #31350 the man are gone. About 90 minutes later, Mrs. Hopkins and two of their son 9/11/1976 #31376 car approaches, it darts off. Days later, Paul and Don Hood find a 30-foot- 9/11/1976 #31377 was sent to the local hospital. He later claimed that he had seen a disc-sh 9/15/1976 #31385 s bedroom window. A couple minutes later, the creature floats down to a cub 9/22/1976 #31418 that seems unusual. A few seconds later, one of them reports seeing a puls Autumn 1976 #31421 ground by hotel. Still there hours later. 10/1976 (approximate) #31436 ll quite short, killing off growth later in the summer. A light “like light 10/1976 #31441 circle and soil samples, which are later taken to the University of Nebrask 10/1976 #31441 examines the marshy area two days later and finds an oblong area, 40 feet 10/22/1976 #31486 int the beam turned white. Moments later both figures walked back to their 10/29/1976 #31505 nothing abnormal. About two weeks later he again lost his vision for about 11/12/1976 #31540 ia drove home, arriving 55 minutes later that she should have. Her dogs shu 12/10/1976 #31594 s, less than 8 inches in diameter. Later, she felt herself standing, being 12/10/1976 #31594 Twenty-two hours later at 10:30 p.m. six witnesses, twent 12/18/1976 #31617 ty in Malaga, Spain. A few minutes later yellow, red, and bluish green ball 12/20/1976 #31627 Malaga at high speed. Ten minutes later a triangular or cone-shaped UFO, p 12/20/1976 #31627 wson’s methodology and results are later critiqued severely. 1977 #31655 ed by 35' ovoid. Back 40 minute(s) later. Eyes hurt. Watch stops. 1/1/1977 #31671 trees. Broken branches were found later in the area. (NICAP: 02 - Close En 1/1/1977 #31680 They retrace their route one hour later after telling police. They see the 1/1/1977 #31681 UFO made a reappearance 40 minutes later. At nine p.m. in Leca de Palmeira, 1/1/1977 #31682 rtment. Broken branches were found later in the area. 1/1/1977 #31682 tly return to the object. A moment later they disappear, and the UFO rises 1/6/1977 #31706 y returned to the object. A moment later they disappeared, and the UFO rose 1/6/1977 #31707 drink from the pond; he reappears later in the day to express concern abou 1/10/1977 #31715 goes back to work about 15 minutes later. Soon the light returns and it is Mid 1/1977 #31723 home in his pickup truck. One week later, around 11:00 p.m., the same thing Mid 1/1977 #31723 ject coming down to near his jeep. Later under hypnosis, however, he relate 1/27/1977 #31757 nutes to complete a 7-minute trip. Later under hypnosis, he relates being t 1/27/1977 #31759 in the vicinity only a short time. Later under hypnosis, however, he relate 1/27/1977 #31760 ience. Arriving at Madison an hour later than he expected, he was unable to 1/27/1977 #31761 es again and takes off. Three days later Gorsek notices a “glimmering dust” 2/11/1977 #31810 rd, farm animals reacted, watchdog later died. Witness felt electric shock, 2/18/1977 #31827 craft land in the same area a week later. Landing traces were found at the 2/20/1977 #31833 de of 500 feet. Forty-five minutes later a cigar-shaped UFO w triangular fi 3/4/1977 #31859 in the area and they reply, “no.” Later, ATC tells Daniels, “So whatever i 3/12/1977 #31901 hically and showed her a book. She later recalled that the craft was flat, 3/20/1977 #31921 lasts 10 minutes. Several minutes later, a Scandinavian DC-8 passing over 3/24/1977 #31929 colossal dimensions. Seven minutes later, it has completely dispersed, afte 3/24/1977 #31929 t let her go near the area a month later. No traces were found at the landi 4/4/1977 #31944 n distance then directly above him later on. Described as a silver mushroom 4/5/1977 #31947 e distance then directly above him later on. It is a silver mushroom three 4/5/1977 #31949 her bathroom and hid. Two minutes later the noise and the light ceased. Sh 4/6/1977 #31953 earby trees. Ring ground marks are later found. 4/8/1977 #31963 l no visual contact. A few minutes later, a third silent lightning-like fla 4/14/1977 #31980 ased on information from the CIA.” Later, the White House claims the story 4/18/1977 #31993 mville suddenly went dead. Moments later she heard a loud humming noise out 4/19/1977 #31997 mville suddenly went dead. Moments later she heard a loud humming noise out 4/19/1977 #31998 mville suddenly went dead. Moments later she heard a loud humming noise out 4/19/1977 #31999 and on recovering about 5 minutes later, notices his hair is slightly burn 4/19/1977 #32000 mville suddenly went dead. Moments later she heard a loud humming noise out 4/19/1977 #32002 sky 50 yards away." A few moments later a figure appeared and drifted thro 4/20/1977 #32004 sky 50 yards away." A few moments later a figure appeared and drifted thro 4/20/1977 #32005 n it. An artist, he made a drawing later for investigators, now widely repr 4/21/1977 #32009 Five hours later, in Yatala Vale, a suburb of Adela 4/22/1977 #32015 in the eastern US. Stringfield is later able to visit Doctor X and a colle 5/1977 #32042 eth. Doctor X avoids Stringfield’s later questions. 5/1977 #32042 craft. It was seen again one hour later. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer 5/6/1977 #32064 craft. It was seen again one hour later. 5/6/1977 #32066 perfect triangle standing on edge. Later, Jeter watches it through his rifl 5/16/1977 #32098 bout 150–300 feet away. One minute later, they see three figures advancing 5/20/1977 #32116 w off to the west. Fifteen minutes later a car with two 30-year-old women w 5/21/1977 #32123 Later than same night near Barnard Castl 6/6/1977 #32153 ve Briefing: Project Aquarius” and later leaked to UFO researcher William M 6/14/1977 #32162 the van's engine and lights died. Later the engine restarted spontaneously 6/16/1977 #32166 J. Allen Hynek by a friend, and he later visits the witnesses and speaks to 6/17/1977 #32172 A year later another abduction occurred, this t 6/20/1977 #32177 th a greenish hue. About 5 seconds later the light goes out. Dunn talks to Summer 1977 #32181 seems a bit stunned. A few minutes later, two F-106 interceptors shoot abov Summer 1977 #32181 E (electro-magnetic effects) again later. 7/2/1977 #32229 . He finally woke up several hours later, and felt terrible pains throughou 7/10/1977 #32257 ess, because members of his family later found him lying where he had hid a 7/17/1977 #32288 ve tombstone? Back days and months later. / International UFO Reporter (CUF 7/23/1977 #32303 rs all approach him and, 5 minutes later, deploy back into adjacent fields. 7/23/1977 #32305 l approached him and, five minutes later, deployed back into adjacent field 7/23/1977 #32306 does the same maneuver one second later, all “too fast for airplanes.” 8/6/1977 #32367 Students who investigate the site later find a stone that is intensely hot 8/11/1977 #32384 . 2.2M ovoid / field. Traces found later. Big investigation. See r. 8/13/1977 #32394 e morning. Ground traces werefound later during a large scale investigation 8/13/1977 #32400 nd stop a few meters away. Moments later two figures with gold-colored face 8/26/1977 #32426 s seen by either man. Three months later, there was a fatal car accident at 8/28/1977 #32437 shut off its lights and vanished. Later that night a woman had gone out in 8/31/1977 #32444 o the village. They returned again later that morning, and everything was g 8/31/1977 #32446 shut off its lights and vanished. Later that night a woman had gone out in 8/31/1977 #32447 s a sense of timelessness, and she later cannot account for about 20 minute Early Autumn 1977 #32456 turn toward the west. Five minutes later it returns, moving east. Ten minut 9/7/1977 #32469 returns, moving east. Ten minutes later it reappears, slower and lower, mo 9/7/1977 #32469 k. Running out of road a few miles later, they stop and watch it move out o 10/1/1977 #32542 arent size of a full moon. Moments later two similar pulsating lights desce 10/6/1977 #32555 er awhile, and left to got to bed. Later, the original witness saw another 10/6/1977 #32555 also watch the light. A half-hour later, the daughter of the original fami 10/17/1977 #32584 n disappear to the south. One hour later, the family watches another bright 10/17/1977 #32584 ars. It reappears about 10 minutes later and disappears again. 10/20/1977 #32595 ed behind some bushes. Tracks were later found in the newly plowed field. ( 10/25/1977 #32608 ind one of the windows. Tracks are later found in the newly plowed field. E 10/25/1977 #32609 nd one of the windows. Tracks were later found in the newly plowed field. E 10/25/1977 #32610 Three hours later a bright red sphere hovered in fro 10/26/1977 #32620 t beam. Both husband and wife were later taken to a local hospital, were th 10/29/1977 #32633 ommunicate and it responded. Hours later, Woods and his team partner respon 11/1977 #32648 were seen to fall, but 15 seconds later both stood up and fired several fl 11/13/1977 #32672 ght, and disappeared into the sky. Later investigation revealed that severa 11/13/1977 #32672 opposite directions. Three minutes later five more came, and flew off to th 11/28/1977 #32703 as comatose for a few minutes, but later recovered. Friends visiting the fa 12/2/1977 #32727 vered. Friends visiting the farmer later found him in a state of shock, fea 12/2/1977 #32727 the next general assembly one year later. 12/13/1977 #32767 ack again the same site 20 minutes later. That same night a blindingly brig 12/15/1977 #32776 ack again the same site 20 minutes later. That same night a blindingly brig 12/15/1977 #32777 and firemen who arrive 15 minutes later all see the fallen mass, estimated 12/17/1977 #32792 ants of the craft. He was released later, and discovered that he had a smal 12/18/1977 #32797 irms two unknown targets on radar. Later on, the object circles the helicop 12/27/1977 #32814 at approaches rapidly and sometime later appears in front of the aircraft, 1/1978 #32836 rm where they notify the police. A later investigation suggests that they h 1/2/1978 #32846 buzzing sound inside his head, and later suffered from insomnia. The next d 1/6/1978 #32856 ed in the home at about this time. Later one of the children in an upstairs 1/9/1978 #32862 d that tried to touch him. Moments later the father heard a noise coming fr 1/9/1978 #32862 d and seemed to be wearing a mask. Later while investigating a noise at the 1/9/1978 #32862 rt of his journey. Some 30 minutes later he observed a very bright object t 1/10/1978 #32867 head. At destination a few seconds later she noted a silver disc-shaped obj 1/10/1978 #32868 . At her destination a few seconds later, she notes a silver disc-shaped ob 1/10/1978 #32869 rt of his journey. Some 30 minutes later he observed a very bright object t 1/10/1978 #32870 ed USAF Maj. George Filer III, who later serves as MUFON New Jersey directo 1/18/1978 #32894 ch had several personnel who would later support the DIA’s AAWSAP/AATIP pro 1/18/1978 #32895 ely destroyed during re-entry, but later searches show debris from the sate 1/24/1978 #32912 ses slowly over the field; moments later, another object arrives, shaped li 1/31/1978 #32928 sed slowly over the field. Moments later a second object arrived, which was 1/31/1978 #32930 wl saucer nears. Burnt grass found later. 2/1978 #32932 the bar and drove on, half an hour later passing Medicaneli. Suddenly he "k 2/5/1978 #32957 is conscious recollection stopped. Later under hypnotic regression Julio re 2/5/1978 #32957 hought they were using speech, but later realized that their lips did not m 2/5/1978 #32957 dible speed without a sound. Years later, David had started having flashbac 3/1978 #33003 osmos satellite re-entry but hours later. 3/17/1978 #33046 disappearing into the darkness. He later drives to the Pudgate police stati 3/17/1978 #33048 discount his story. However, years later investigator Glen Vaudrey discover 3/17/1978 #33048 sciousness and wakes up three days later in a scrub forest. A nearby fisher 3/24/1978 #33078 rs his ability to speak a few days later. He repeats his story without vari 3/24/1978 #33078 ed to locate him. Eighty-one hours later a fisherman heard a shout for help 3/24/1978 #33079 to be paralyzed. After three days later in the hospital he was able to tal 3/24/1978 #33079 Later that same day UFO investigator Pat 4/25/1978 #33171 ared. The man was completely gone. Later La Franier discovered that many of 4/25/1978 #33171 large as a jetliner. 10–15 minutes later it vanishes from both sight and ra 5/14/1978 #33210 ming from the ground. A short time later her son Adas came inside to tell h 5/17/1978 #33223 ating, but he declines. The farmer later returns to the site with some vill 5/17/1978 #33224 ming from the ground. A short time later her son Adas came inside to tell h 5/17/1978 #33225 metal car roof. Photographs taken later. 5/24/1978 #33234 Four years later a UFO again appeared over New York 6/4/1978 #33256 33 feet long approach the vessel. Later, straight ahead of the ship, a whi 6/15/1978 #33280 quickly at high speed. He learned later that he had lost track of 45 minut 6/16/1978 #33282 ppears at the same spot one minute later. 6/19/1978 #33291 es a dark spot on one print. Years later, he sends it to the Center for UFO Summer 1978 #33295 other object is seen a few minutes later in moving north in the eastern sky 7/3/1978 #33325 rd at 11:45 p.m. Ground marks were later found on the ground, and the veget 7/8/1978 #33354 rd at 11:45 p.m. Ground marks were later found on the ground, and the veget 7/8/1978 #33356 htened witnesses fled the area and later notified the police. 7/10/1978 #33363 st of the way. Strange tracks were later found at the site of the encounter 7/11/1978 #33365 st of the way. Strange tracks were later found at the site of the encounter 7/11/1978 #33367 ping both humanoids. A few seconds later both beings boarded the object, bu 7/11/1978 #33368 a porthole in the object. Moments later the witness was again able to move 7/11/1978 #33368 ch lasted about 15 minutes, and it later lost its hair. Three horses were a 7/12/1978 #33376 nd scorched earth and burnt rocks. Later that evening, at 7:15 p.m., severa 7/17/1978 #33396 suddenly goes out, and 30 seconds later they hear a roar that moves off to 7/19/1978 #33403 station spots an object 3 minutes later, but it is moving north. 7/29/1978 #33445 es began backing away. But moments later a long needle was painfully insert 8/1/1978 #33464 ly. She then passed out, and awoke later to see the taller creature talking 8/1/1978 #33464 ly across their view. Five minutes later, they arrive at church and, walkin 8/7/1978 #33485 the eastern end of Hokkaido and is later picked up by radars at Cape Erimo. 8/17/1978 #33523 Chitose Air Base about 10 minutes later and are guided to the targets, now 8/17/1978 #33523 red to give pursuit to the object. Later that night, at around 5:00 a.m., t 8/22/1978 #33551 egin to panic and sweat profusely. Later, UFO investigators triangulate the 9/1/1978 #33622 t liquid. A scar remains six years later when Perez has a medical check-up 9/6/1978 #33638 oscillated smoothly in the air. He later had a sunburn as a result of his e 9/8/1978 #33648 oor and some other damage. Moments later, they became aware of presence of 9/10/1978 #33657 When the police arrive 15 minutes later, both the visitor and the UFO are 9/15/1978 #33687 bers the police were called. Years later her mother told her that she had s 9/15/1978 #33689 physical [UAP] evidence.” One year later, a letter to Hinners from a collea 9/19/1978 #33710 nger see his surroundings. Shortly later, he saw an oval-shaped object rest 9/21/1978 #33725 d when he finally woke up sometime later everything had vanished. Coinciden 9/21/1978 #33725 road and set down again one minute later 75 miles north. The gasoline tank 9/23/1978 #33734 te anyone. He saw the being again, later, standing against a window. 9/23/1978 #33737 kes off and disappears. Many years later Marciniak denies the story, possib 9/27/1978 #33762 The silver object disappears too. Later, three forest workers find 7-inch 10/2/1978 #33790 ly west in clear sky. Night lights later. 10/22/1978 #33857 Later that night in a factory in Godoy C 10/25/1978 #33876 t, "dancing" behind him. Will said later that it was as if a terrifically l 10/31/1978 #33902 es to where they had been sitting. Later, while sitting in Rachel's bedroom 10/31/1978 #33902 ly one who saw this. A few seconds later a black shape started whizzing aro 10/31/1978 #33902 witnessed this strange phenomenon. Later on the girls slept in a room toget 10/31/1978 #33902 ly past from west to east. An hour later, Randles goes outside and talks to 11/1/1978 #33909 lling from the sky. About one hour later, the radar of another fishing boat 11/8/1978 #33928 ed to a period of unconsciousness. Later than night he recalled in flashbac 11/15/1978 #33959 ain for an additional ten seconds. Later that night, at 9:30 p.m. local tim 11/20/1978 #33968 about 15 minutes of missing time. Later, at 7:10 p.m., she feels a tighten 11/22/1978 #33980 omen saw the same object two hours later. 11/22/1978 #33983 iulianova, Italy. About four hours later, in Milan, Italy the entire electr 12/1/1978 #34042 iulianova, Italy. About four hours later, in Milan, Italy the entire electr 12/1/1978 #34045 site on some farm land there were later found some burnt areas and deep gr 12/6/1978 #34067 he would bathe and then go to bed. Later, feeling nervous, she got up from 12/6/1978 #34068 house. He called for help and was later found unconscious at the site by t 12/6/1978 #34069 s at the site by the other guards. Later, under hypnosis, he recalled being 12/6/1978 #34069 , but he disappears. A few minutes later the light takes off into the sky. 12/8/1978 #34077 when they hit it with a spotlight. Later that evening at 11:30 p.m. two you 12/8/1978 #34078 silent, and flew off to the east. Later that evening two reporters in Font 12/10/1978 #34086 and the entire time, was bent. She later told investigators she felt "someb 12/12/1978 #34100 he ground. An hour and ten minutes later, a red dome-shaped object was sigh 12/14/1978 #34125 ing only five meters away. Seconds later the witness saw a dome-shaped craf 12/15/1978 #34135 pill a black liquid on it. Moments later a beam of light transported the be 12/15/1978 #34138 nds, then turned and left. Seconds later the witness saw a dome-shaped craf 12/15/1978 #34141 ppearing down an alleyway. Moments later the bright white light, now very n 12/16/1978 #34155 nd vanished. Less than three hours later at 7:20 GMT a silver triangle-shap 12/20/1978 #34184 d working at the time. Ten minutes later a giant light was observed in the 12/21/1978 #34194 SA’s Chief of Policy Roy R. Banner later declines their release on the basi 12/22/1978 #34197 y strange light in the sky. He was later found lying incoherent next to his 12/28/1978 #34219 ange light hovering nearby. He was later found incoherent next to his car. 12/28/1978 #34220 gave off an intense heat. Moments later the creature re-entered the UFO, w 12/30/1978 #34232 er, brightly illuminating the ice. Later that night, at 2:30 a.m. the next 12/31/1978 #34245 m of light and lost consciousness. Later, he found himself inside the objec 12/31/1978 #34250 e, England in Cumbria. Two minutes later a triangle with a grayish hue cros 12/31/1978 #34251 er, brightly illuminating the ice. Later that night, at 2:30 a.m. the next 12/31/1978 #34252 chologiques in Ruffey-lès-Echirey (later in Quetigny), Côte-d’Or, France. I 1979 #34256 e the dark object. Some 10 minutes later the lights come back on and they n Early 1/1979 #34280 in front of the light, and moments later a second figure walked from the op 1/3/1979 #34290 ight. He was found dazed two hours later and 16 miles away from the origina 1/3/1979 #34292 inal location by a police officer. Later he recalled being taken up and bla 1/3/1979 #34292 ers circle Unterburg and Gaisburg. Later called Venus.. 1/9/1979 #34323 thing became very dark and moments later the disc ascended and disappeared 1/12/1979 #34333 d the witness out. When he woke up later the object and beings were gone, b 1/13/1979 #34339 At 11:30 later that same night in Lusiana, Italy 1/18/1979 #34361 when his car radio stops. Seconds later, an intense white light envelops t 2/5/1979 #34405 to investigate, but found nothing. Later that evening in Oakenholt, Clywd, 2/21/1979 #34441 course toward Spain. Three minutes later a scramble is ordered, and a Dassa 3/13/1979 #34474 1 miles in that time. Four minutes later, the target reappears in another p 3/13/1979 #34474 to more than 15 miles. Six minutes later, it changes course to the northeas 3/13/1979 #34474 circular ground traces were found later in a soybean field. (NICAP: 02 - C 4/7/1979 #34501 circular ground traces were found later in a soybean field. 4/7/1979 #34502 eported seeing a mother ship which later spewed out smaller UFOs,all of whi 4/19/1979 #34513 y evidence that might be used at a later trial. 4/20/1979 #34517 is pressing on his head; two weeks later, sores containing dried blood brea 5/22/1979 #34574 ed and a clock in the vicinity was later found to be 18 minutes slow. (NICA 5/25/1979 #34577 ed and a clock in the vicinity was later found to be 18 minutes slow. 5/25/1979 #34580 / nuclear power plant. 2nd object later. Both going quickly northwest. 6/12/1979 #34607 st in the cloud cover. Ten minutes later, he and his family watch a similar 6/17/1979 #34613 . He experiences a third encounter later in 1982 in which he is taken into 6/28/1979 #34639 trees. Going up [to] 30 minute(s) later and over house. 6/29/1979 #34640 d and placed on the kitchen table. Later a frightening abduction was recall 7/15/1979 #34656 several passed at a car. One hour later a diffuse white ball of light mane 7/25/1979 #34677 several passed at a car. One hour later a diffuse white ball of light mane 7/25/1979 #34680 ont legs become paralyzed 6 months later and he has to put them to sleep. 8/1979 #34692 disappears to the west. 12 minutes later, it comes flying back, hovers, sho 8/1/1979 #34696 tion. Pseudo-human/entity vanishes later.. / r25p305. 8/4/1979 #34708 utside of Ashland, Oregon. Moments later several translucent humanoids ente 8/11/1979 #34736 er a field to the left. 15 seconds later the lights come toward them and ho Mid 8/1979 #34743 southwest going quickly northwest later. 8/29/1979 #34793 ut 4–5 feet tall. About 10 minutes later she sees that the object is now in 8/29/1979 #34799 t 40 feet and stops. Half a minute later, sparks shoot from the rear and th 8/29/1979 #34800 urs and cost $294,157. Three years later it refuses to waive the fees. htt 9/1979 #34816 aralyzed during the encounter. She later reported a subsequent incident wit 9/3/1979 #34831 over the lake, and was seen again later over a gravel pit; it ascended at 9/5/1979 #34840 and vanishes soundlessly a minute later, leaving two masses of hemispheric 9/12/1979 #34866 from view. An hour and 15 minutes later, two more orange balls appear in t 9/12/1979 #34867 makes another appearance 5 minutes later and is visible for 45 seconds. 9/12/1979 #34867 y. Going quickly [to] away seconds later. [Pegasus re-entry? ]. 9/14/1979 #34877 t object like an "armchair," which later vanished, and he experienced a kal 9/20/1979 #34909 placing its hand on his shoulder. Later the farmer was treated at a local 9/25/1979 #34923 ter then malfunctioned but moments later it started again. He then drove aw 10/4/1979 #34941 wn. 45' triangle / burnt hay found later. 10/20/1979 #34961 t the lights disappear. Three days later, the family finds a 30 foot-by-45 10/20/1979 #34962 aft is beginning to leave. Seconds later the UFO disappears. Taylor is unab 11/9/1979 #34989 escended on his car and he woke up later in a cabbage field. GEPAN investig 11/26/1979 #35015 utheast. A balloon cover story was later released to explain their sighting 11/30/1979 #35032 atching television. A few minutes later an intense white light flooded the 11/30/1979 #35034 tional Research Council. One month later they are returned with a note sayi 12/3/1979 #35045 n light years away. Several months later she thought she recognized this sa 12/10/1979 #35068 SA” investigated Bennewitz. It was later admitted the NSA investigated Benn 1980's? #35109 Erforschung unbekannter Phänomene (later Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des U 1/1980 #35119 ral square windows ringed the UFO. Later, at Aurillac around 9:10 p.m. a lu 1/28/1980 #35149 ff from some nearby woods. Minutes later the object divided into three sepa 2/11/1980 #35165 In Botafuegos, Spain later that same night five witnesses, in 2/11/1980 #35169 ff from some nearby woods. Minutes later the object divided into three sepa 2/11/1980 #35169 umanoid figures at night, one year later. 2/11/1980 #35169 tely deserted. A couple of minutes later he saw a car approaching from the 2/11/1980 #35170 is still visible about 30 minutes later. The family’s German shepherd dog 2/21/1980 #35180 r necks and belts. A fifth witness later saw the same five beings enter a l 3/3/1980 #35194 Later that same night a witness reported 3/6/1980 #35200 ng southwest. Cone going southwest later. 3 odd men / road to Rainhill. 3/17/1980 #35219 two-hour period of time loss. She later recalled interacting with Grey ali 4/2/1980 #35249 tries to start his car 30 minutes later at home, it acts completely dead b 4/6/1980 #35257 mming sound. A red sphere was seen later south of town at treetop level. Th 4/10/1980 #35267 he base. After he lands 22 minutes later, the object reappears at the base 4/11/1980 #35269 ding. The SR-71 does not take off. Later in the day, an official “flash” me 5/1980 #35296 rophysics student. The association later is incorporated into the China UFO 5/1980 #35297 The headlights and console lights later functioned normally. 5/14/1980 #35332 om factory chimneys below. Seconds later it moves in front of the glider, a 5/16/1980 #35336 t moving at 685 mph. A few minutes later, an aero-taxi pilot reports a brig 5/22/1980 #35339 rcraft parked at the base. Moments later, the orb suddenly splits into thre 6/15/1980 #35374 le abduction / observer(s) 12 days later. 6/16/1980 #35376 in front of their car. Two minutes later, three more lights (two blinking, 6/17/1980 #35379 . When she steps outside 5 minutes later, she notices it is dead quiet, the 6/21/1980 #35385 to investigator William Moore and, later, Benton Jamison in 1985 that he ha 7/1980 #35397 he southeast, not New Mexico. Much later on, Doty admits to Moore that he h 7/1980 #35397 and that Sandia examined it. Doty later stated the letter was disinformati 7/1980 #35398 d Doty at Kirtland AFB three years later. Sunn Classic Pictures was establ 7/1980 #35399 k a few feet away from it. Moments later the figure returned to the object 7/16/1980 #35415 wards the northwest. The cadet was later approached by a mysterious man who 7/16/1980 #35415 lost consciousness. He awoke much later in his base infirmary, not knowing 8/16/1980 #35459 ” (described as elderly and gaunt) later at a restaurant, beginning a long- 9/8/1980 #35504 , and is soon gone. Thirty minutes later, the group hears a loud explosion, 9/13/1980 #35520 ran from the truck. A short while later Elias, feeling drowsy, talked one 9/25/1980 #35535 lowed by a period of missing time. Later under hypnosis, Elias recalled flo 9/25/1980 #35535 iddleman for an Air Force colonel (later called “Falcon” by Moore) who Moor 9/30/1980 #35547 n. Other anomalous targets show up later that night, but none are seen visu 10/16/1980 #35573 interior of the stack. 10 seconds later it goes out and the object moves s 10/23/1980 #35584 o the southwest. A very short time later, it returns and hovers above the s 10/23/1980 #35584 evel. It was seen again 15 minutes later, making a slight humming sound. It 10/28/1980 #35594 evel. It was seen again 15 minutes later, when it shined four light beams d 10/29/1980 #35595 ht-angle turn upward. Five minutes later, it reappears behind him and perfo 11/5/1980 #35620 day, Doty forges a communication (later called the “Aquarius document”) fr 11/17/1980 #35645 FOIA request with 95% redactions, later released in 1997 with only 25% red 11/18/1980 #35653 ified affidavit. This affidavit is later declassified with 25% redactions i 11/18/1980 #35655 ey are not investigating. But Doty later admits what he tells Schmitt is no 11/26/1980 #35673 ned to the car it would not start. Later, under hypnosis, Godfrey recalled 11/28/1980 #35680 One year later, at 10:30 p.m. on Highway 57 in Mc 12/3/1980 #35691 e one of the runways. Five minutes later, the radar returns another target. 12/4/1980 #35698 ical effects. Two to three months later after this breach, all Army person 12/14/1980 #35716 arm went into a frenzy.” Penniston later claims he and Burroughs encountere 12/26/1980 #35737 he east in the same line of sight. Later, three star-like lights are seen i 12/28/1980 #35749 UFO that separates into 5 UFOs and later sees 3 other UFOs. 12/29/1980 #35751 y said they suffered headaches and later nausea, and over the next several 12/29/1980 #35758 rass was found at the landing site later, with the roots burnt 3 cm below t 1/23/1981 #35796 ed with a falling leaf motion. She later recalled abduction experiences. (N 2/10/1981 #35822 time his dogs were going berserk. Later he heard footsteps and his dog att 2/13/1981 #35826 e frightened and went back to bed. Later, he heard footsteps and one of his 2/13/1981 #35827 he first some six to eight minutes later. 2/25/1981 #35845 ked like puffs of smoke." A minute later one reappears "directly over the s 3/1981 #35856 look like puffs of smoke. A minute later, one reappears directly over the s 3/1981 #35859 across the trees a good 5 minutes later with the same results. 3/30/1981 #35881 quickly away from the car, moments later a flash of light shot up into the 4/1/1981 #35883 recovered consciousness five days later. When he awoke he was in a remote 4/20/1981 #35910 hite sphere follows their vehicle. Later under hypnosis Sandra remembered s 5/1981 #35920 golden light.” One or two seconds later, a second explosion follows, and t 5/5/1981 #35930 uts film the event and the film is later shown to party leaders by cosmonau 5/14/1981 #35937 into one, splitting into two again later. It vanishes 20 minutes later. 6/5/1981 #35952 gain later. It vanishes 20 minutes later. 6/5/1981 #35952 ppening to his dispatcher. Shortly later the UFO disappeared into the cloud 6/12/1981 #35967 feet into the air. Twenty minutes later he saw another one. After Nolette 6/28/1981 #35980 en they reached their destination. Later under hypnosis, one of the women r 7/15/1981 #36008 en they reached their destination. Later under hypnosis one of the women re 7/16/1981 #36010 and go out. It reappears 2 minutes later, moving and blinking more frequent 7/19/1981 #36019 et away on their right. One minute later, their car’s speed unaccountably r 7/19/1981 #36020 after another 2 miles. A mechanic later finds that the two fuses controlli 7/19/1981 #36020 the battery is leaking. A few days later, they discover that the thermostat 7/19/1981 #36020 t made no sound. About ten minutes later in Qinghai, China a huge lens-shap 7/24/1981 #36032 es over the house again 30 minutes later, moving west, without the trailing 7/30/1981 #36041 to the side of the road (noticing later that it is odd that they can see t 7/31/1981 #36049 the bushes on his right. A moment later they reappear, standing on the pat 8/8/1981 #36064 et above the ground. Investigators later find seven odd oval marks where th 8/8/1981 #36064 ction experience with missing time later that morning. As for the photo, th 8/12/1981 #36070 e was a bright flash, then moments later two small Grey humanoid beings app 8/30/1981 #36093 elf back in his vehicle 15 minutes later and saw the dark disc rising rapid 8/30/1981 #36093 sky and moves away. An hour of so later, she notices a burn mark on her ha 9/10/1981 #36108 ad a burn on her hand three months later that looked like a "pale birth mar 9/10/1981 #36109 30 minute(s). 2 Men in Black visit later. / r207p74. 10/2/1981 #36153 merging from the sea. Five minutes later they noticed emerging from the sur 10/24/1981 #36185 urface of the water. A few moments later he walked back into the object, wh 11/8/1981 #36211 her. Several explosions were heard later. 11/8/1981 #36212 ng and then reappearing 45 minutes later. UFOs were also seen and reported 11/12/1981 #36221 of data collection activities and later is employed by the National Securi 12/4/1981 #36247 rent. Meneses then blacked out. He later awoke sitting confused in his truc 12/15/1981 #36259 gue memory of a humanoid encounter.Later under hypnotic regression he remem 12/15/1981 #36259 , to talk to Bennewitz. Bill Moore later stated in a public confession that 1982 #36283 hospitalized for “exhaustion”. He later died on June 23, 2003. 1982 #36283 d to be lit by it. Several seconds later a hatch opened on the hull of the 1982 #36284 o Pensacola, FL and his fiancé was later killed in a car crash near Singing 1982 #36291 vealed he passed away in 1997, and later evidence shows this was likely Bri 1982 #36293 reetlights came back on 20 minutes later. 1/29/1982 #36315 e car, sound, witness blacked out; later physiological effects. La Razon, F 2/19/1982 #36352 ith one red and two yellow lights. Later in the week, two officers from Vær 3/26/1982 #36414 turn and flies right over her car, later pacing her as she drives the remai 3/30/1982 #36419 ust above the trees. A few minutes later they see it has risen much higher. 4/1/1982 #36427 ent, and grayish in color. Seconds later he hears a high-pitched whine as i 5/22/1982 #36482 lly disappeared above Winter Hill. Later a dog that was with them began bar 7/22/1982 #36545 othee, near Laval, Quebec. Shortly later they heard beeping, and when they 7/23/1982 #36547 material. It made guttural sounds. Later that day several independent witne 7/25/1982 #36551 ntly after 30 seconds. Three hours later ten people in a bus in Brighton, M 10/2/1982 #36630 O outdistanced them. A few minutes later another UFO was noted by the comma 11/27/1982 #36691 on when pursued. The white disc is later seen to the east, with a light bea 11/27/1982 #36697 pursued. The white domed disc was later seen to the east, with a light bea 11/27/1982 #36698 pital where he recovered two hours later. Although Joao did not remember be 11/29/1982 #36702 e the abduction, but it ceased. He later had several other adbuction experi 11/29/1982 #36702 pital where he recovered two hours later. Although Joao did not remember be 11/30/1982 #36703 ar in their place. About 5 seconds later, the colored ones return, and the 12/31/1982 #36733 g down Interstate 84, just moments later. Hansen, among others, stops on th 12/31/1982 #36733 In what later becomes known as his “Star Wars” s 3/23/1983 #36792 The lights reappear 30–40 seconds later, and a few seconds after that, the 3/24/1983 #36807 itude of 14.3 miles. The object is later identified as a balloon launched f 4/26/1983 #36845 ket and drops a mine. Five minutes later it launches four more rockets, but 4/27/1983 #36846 cks with six rockets. Five minutes later it launches four more rockets, and 4/27/1983 #36846 but more moderately. A few seconds later, the light disappears over the hor 5/23/1983 #36865 s toward the ground. A few minutes later, the array disappears from the obj 5/24/1983 #36868 n Indianapolis, Indiana. Some days later they notice a section of their bac Early 7/1983 #36900 rking and the transformer buzzing. Later at home, João has a strong urge to 8/12/1983 #36949 nd unconscious. He revives 2 hours later and finds himself in a soccer fiel 8/12/1983 #36949 tude. Gone. 13' burnt circle found later. 8/26/1983 #36957 light moving southeast. Five days later, they discover in their yard a rin 8/26/1983 #36960 us launches, not a single missile. Later, the system reports four more ICBM 9/26/1983 #36986 ds it vanishes. All four witnesses later experience eye irritation, and the 11/28/1983 #37052 Seventy-five minutes later, at 3:15 a.m. CST, on Interstate 8 1/8/1984 #37115 sappeared. It returned two minutes later. 1/14/1984 #37130 ng that a Norwegian defense expert later says that if that is not a solid o 1/21/1984 #37136 rise from the same spot 20 minutes later. 1/28/1984 #37163 ght lights low / road! Gone 3 days later. Missing time. / r81p136. 4/18/1984 #37265 US The book “Clear Intent”, later renamed to “The UFO Cover-up: What 5/1/1984 #37309 e a fireball. The truck stops, and later it is found that the fuses have bu 5/5/1984 #37318 f any IPU records, but three years later admitted records were transferred 5/16/1984 #37330 triangular UFOs were also sighted later that night in Fishkill and south P 5/31/1984 #37349 er their ship. A minute and a half later the object changed its flight's tr 6/15/1984 #37365 part of the month of July. Witness later reported this incident while in pr 7/1984 #37384 ed right before their eyes. Robert later expressed wonderment that such a l 7/15/1984 #37401 was seen there an hour and a half later that was rectangular shaped. In Ki 8/20/1984 #37437 and the unidentified object. Years later, reports surface of a second fligh 9/7/1984 #37458 bject is stationary, and some time later a small disc about 16 feet in diam 1985 #37541 ion, and missile defense. Eastlund later claims that HAARP is built using h 1/10/1985 #37546 how a blur of distant light. A day later, the witness develops a rash on hi 3/7/1985 #37566 fortlessly across the sky. The FAA later tells them that the sighting invol 3/21/1985 #37572 silvery glow in the field. Moments later the humming sound increased and th 5/9/1985 #37589 and remains motionless. Two hours later, a similar object is seen at high 5/23/1985 #37592 ves a friendly reply, and a moment later it is suddenly morning and he is w Summer 1985 #37606 back to the cabin for some sleep. Later, he returns to the area near the f Summer 1985 #37606 the wing nearly destabilizes him. Later, he looks for fragments embedded i 7/1985 #37613 ses. Observer(s) fearless. Visions later. Abduction? 10/3/1985 (approximate) #37671 and reaching the zenith 2 minutes later. The object’s outline does not res 12/23/1985 #37735 nted and angry but can’t tell why. Later, the full story of missing time, t 12/26/1985 #37738 ms toward ground. About 20 minutes later in Pittsburgh, silver-gray disc wi 1/7/1986 #37754 ams toward ground. About n minutes later in Pittsburgh, silver-gray disc wi 1/7/1986 #37755 ylvania. In Pittsburgh, 20 minutes later, a silver-gray disc is seen hoveri 1/7/1986 #37756 wards the ground. About 20 minutes later in Pittsburgh a silver-grayish dis 1/7/1986 #37757 eld between two buildings. Moments later a hatch slid open from the top of 1/15/1986 #37765 is point he lost consciousness. He later awoke standing at the door outside 1/15/1986 #37765 ssly parallel to the ground. It is later determined that its speed is appro 1/29/1986 #37775 drops of silvery metal, which are later determined to be lead. The type of 1/29/1986 #37775 r another 10 minutes. A short time later, covering the same route, the tech 4/22/1986 #37833 n one side and 7 on the other, and later following his plane at a distance 5/19/1986 #37881 , but he saw nothing at that time. Later, he did see a very intense reddish 5/19/1986 #37882 plane speed. Turn going northwest. Later 2 more going east. 6/17/1986 #37915 eturned to the site several months later he was surprised to see that the l 6/20/1986 #37918 Two years later another series of sightings occurr 6/21/1986 #37920 give food to 7' alien. Steals rest later. Leaves wrappers. 7/1986? #37926 teor shower, and the other 7 hours later while driving to work. The first o 8/12/1986 #37984 north to south at a low altitude. Later, it flew above an airliner, seemin 8/13/1986 #37989 urred near this location six weeks later on September 30, 1986. 8/13/1986 #37989 ng physical traces at site. Memory later returned of two humanoid beings, v 8/15/1986 #37990 ng physical traces at site. Memory later returned of two humanoid beings, v 8/15/1986 #37991 r awareness ceases until two hours later. By this time the object has disap 8/15/1986 #37992 iod of troubling dreams his memory later returned of two tall, pallid human 8/15/1986 #37993 on its lower surface. Two minutes later the UFO drifts slowly toward the s 10/14/1986 #38048 meet at a local pub a couple hours later. She brings along a colleague, Pet 10/28/1986 #38056 that USAF radar has also done so. Later official statements back away from 11/17/1986 #38072 s and buzzed a car, then vanished. Later that night in Culver City, Califor 11/21/1986 #38074 and was told that it was her ovum. Later the entities informed her that it 1/25/1987 #38104 ve them. They pass out and wake up later to find themselves strapped to ste 3/7/1987 #38132 e that was passed over it. Moments later the room became dark and everythin 3/7/1987 #38133 e trees and took off a few seconds later. He continued walking until he saw 3/7/1987 #38134 nd the next day, although two days later she discovers that a metal post on 3/23/1987 #38152 were found the next day. Two days later her grandson visited and was told 3/23/1987 #38153 rd a UFO, then return a few months later to remove the fetus. During a subs 4/1987 #38155 subsequent abduction several years later, the beings introduce her to a fra 4/1987 #38155 indings were discovered. Pandolfi later told Maccabee that a CIA archivist 7/7/1987 #38206 After arriving home a few minutes later, the area outside their house beco Late 7/1987 #38218 n a triangular formation. One week later, senior officers show up and attem Early 8/1987 #38225 bout Project Aquarius. Three weeks later, Walker replies, saying, “Some thi 8/30/1987 #38264 gure it suddenly vanished. Moments later both men saw what appeared to be a 9/8/1987 #38280 im. Triangle / lights overhead. OK later. 10/1987 (approximate) #38296 akes silent U-turn overhead. Ovoid later. Skeptic amazed. 10/9/1987 #38301 erly occupied by Walters. One week later, Tom Smith Jr., 22, comes forward 11/11/1987 #38322 e finds that it is about two hours later than he expects it to be. Addition 12/1/1987 #38345 a speaking Spanish. Thirty minutes later his dog started barking, so he wen 12/2/1987 #38348 e. They flew away on flying sleds. Later that night United Airlines flight 12/12/1987 #38357 s with gray aliens. Several nights later, Karla awakens to sounds of clicks 1988 #38383 mbodied voices in her bedroom. She later remembers a nightmare from her chi 1988 #38383 aft hovering above them. Two weeks later, she again hears voices in the nig 1988 #38383 ted snow and small footprints were later found in the field. During that sa 1/4/1988 #38404 l low glowing rotating cloud. Dies later. 2/9/1988 #38446 e stillness envelops them. Moments later, the glow disappears as if it is m 2/9/1988 #38448 d the woman drives off with it. He later finds out that the dog recovered a 2/9/1988 #38448 an hour or so but died a few weeks later. 2/9/1988 #38448 lling a sulphur smell. The dog was later found unconscious, wet and hot; it 2/9/1988 #38449 lose to death. It died a few weeks later. 2/9/1988 #38449 lightning. It just disappeared." Later that same evening, a football-shap 3/1/1988 #38479 ses to declassify the information. Later, Huffer declines to send him any U 3/7/1988 #38493 ertain words in Steinman’s letter. Later in the month, T. Scott Crain calls 4/1988 #38525 came involved in AATIP eight years later. * https://devoidlives.com/15854 4/1988 #38527 rmer APRO board member Robert Dean later realizes Choate and Myers are scam 4/12/1988 #38541 y discovered and the cyst removed. Later they were both floated across the 5/21/1988 #38574 ation in Homer City, Pennsylvania. Later one object drops from the sky and 7/17/1988 #38603 es before moving off to the north. Later, the man finds a depressed area in 9/2/1988 #38629 lights paces bus. Report ridiculed later. 10/1988 #38659 a bright boomerang shaped UAP, and later two bright lights on a canyon wall 10/23/1988 #38683 iousness back in his bed two hours later; his arm was paralyzed. 10/24/1988 #38687 , Nevada. Lazar makes contact, and later receives a call from EG&G, a high- 11/28/1988 #38724 nk. Ovoid landed / sand. Abduction later. 12/1988 #38730 ere seen combing the nearby fields later that night. 12/12/1988 #38753 nd black innards; Mike’s companion later disappeared. https://www.earthfil 1/1989 #38772 ething he wouldn’t discuss. Years later, Caviness came across an incident 1/1989 #38774 ber that her own dog attacked her. Later, under hypnosis, she recalled conf 2/6/1989 #38818 towards the entrance of a bridge. Later, one man recalled being in a room 2/11/1989 #38835 fuel for the craft is Element 115 [later synthesized in 2003 and named mosc 3/1989 #38855 just fifty feet above the ground. Later he could not account for about 20 3/2/1989 #38864 ced a long period of missing time. Later she was able to recall that she ha 5/1/1989 #38933 rned to his bed, but a few seconds later a pencil-thin beam of white light 5/10/1989 #38942 ponsible for his pain, and moments later he received a third powerful elect 5/10/1989 #38942 Later that evening, at around 7:45 p.m., 5/10/1989 #38943 as about 164 feet. About 8 minutes later, they lose visual contact. 5/30/1989 #38967 ashy fireball over lake. Back days later. 6/1989 #38969 hree more spheres are said to land later in the same meadow. 6/6/1989 #38981 reported. Hynoptic regression at a later date revealed an abduction scenari 6/16/1989 #38989 sound. Large footprints were found later at the site of the encounter. 6/29/1989 #38996 ve o'clock in the morning. She was later able to recall that several 3 to 4 6/29/1989 #38997 ry that contained all the elements later circulated by Lear and Cooper. Moo 7/1/1989 #39002 imilar to the alien-contact mythos later spun by Lear and Cooper. All of it 7/1/1989 #39002 r the Bangor HydroElectric Company later reported that three limbs falling 7/22/1989 #39030 S. Air Force jets arrived one hour later. 8/31/1989 #39081 e into her mouth and swallows. She later describes the taste as a lightly s 9/13/1989 #39098 obyl' Unit 4, Ukraine. A few hours later a doctor, Dr. I. Gospina, sighted 9/16/1989 #39107 ng several luminous triangles that later fade away. At one point the craft 9/27/1989 #39124 which makes him disappear. The boy later reappears after the beings and the 9/27/1989 #39124 ng several luminous triangles that later faded away. At one point the craft 9/27/1989 #39126 which made him disappear. The boy later reappeared after the beings and th 9/27/1989 #39126 el hair! Saucers and cigars 3 days later. 10/4/1989 #39142 ay from the area. The youngest son later informed his parents that that sam 10/27/1989 #39188 cate with extraterrestrial beings. Later that night as she attempted to sle 10/31/1989 #39199 next lost consciousness. Waking up later, he found himself in a desert-like 10/31/1989 #39200 He soon lost consciousness again. Later, he found himself standing next to 10/31/1989 #39200 na, and decided to videotape them. Later, while playing back the results, t 10/31/1989 #39201 track of two hours of their time. Later, under hypnosis by clinical hypnot 11/6/1989 #39216 ed at the Malta Summit three weeks later and the German reunification took 11/9/1989 #39221 saw a slow moving orange ball that later had a steady red light. 11/28/1989 #39254 dge, and a VIP political dignitary later identified as UN Secretary General 11/30/1989 #39283 hree beams of lights. Some moments later, it emits an intense and well-defi 12/12/1989 #39315 oving and rotating slowly. An hour later, at 6:50 p.m., a woman made anothe 12/24/1989 #39339 celibate, she was Impregnated, and later had a miscarriage. 1/30/1990 #39398 hills. They get a second sighting later that evening when an object moves 2/21/1990 #39424 h were swaying. He dog howled, and later became sick. The disc flew away by 2/22/1990 #39429 The satellite is seen and tracked later in 1990 and in the mid-1990s by am 3/1/1990 #39437 rside. One hour and twenty minutes later fishermen off the shore of Provinc 3/4/1990 #39447 s a slight vibration and 2 seconds later the object is gone. The next morni 3/7/1990 #39452 urniture that had been overturned. Later she heard loud knocking sounds com 3/13/1990 #39458 usband, and an abduction event was later confirmed under hypnosis. 3/13/1990 #39458 ol car to investigate. Ten minutes later, a second formation moves toward t 3/30/1990 #39499 k for a few seconds, but these are later shown to be radar-locks on each ot 3/30/1990 #39499 ordinary airplane several minutes later in the same spot, using all the sa 3/31/1990 #39503 hen ascended out of sight. Minutes later a retired FAA air traffic controll 3/31/1990 #39504 h study this problem.” However, he later tells a group of workers that the 4/26/1990 #39543 er sprayed on the grass. Some days later, the traces vanish after a rainsto 5/4/1990 #39556 tense blue-green color. Four hours later, at 10:20 p.m. in St. Georges, Bel 5/4/1990 #39557 en during meteor shower. Abduction later. Visitors on hold! 5/7/1990 (approximate) #39563 bia, Canada. An abduction occurred later that night. 5/7/1990 #39565 ated the air during the encounter. Later, during a local power outage, seve 5/18/1990 #39576 ch tall being with shiny red eyes. Later that night at 11 p.m. local time a 6/26/1990 #39626 hat happened next. Rudenko woke up later crawling through the vegetable gar 7/2/1990 #39634 s consciousness, waking up an hour later. 7/9/1990 #39640 d some trees in a second. Two days later a hired worker asked her about som 7/18/1990 #39649 h the jets in pursuit. The officer later tells UFO investigators that Fort 7/19/1990 #39651 at 9:20 p.m. The driver of the car later developed a case of conjunctivitis 7/28/1990 #39665 nd went back to sleep. Ten minutes later she saw the being again standing a 7/29/1990 #39667 xperienced a missing time episode. Later, under hypnotic regression, he rec 8/15/1990 #39689 d like a control panel. The object later became dark and landed outside a p 9/13/1990 #39732 ted, area of the sky. A few nights later, he and his men see several bright Late 1990 #39786 e two white ones. About 10 minutes later, the lights rise together and move 10/23/1990 #39806 hts up as they pass. A few moments later, the object passes silently over h 10/23/1990 #39806 off into the forest and disappear. Later the witness saw a bright light zig 10/31/1990 #39822 ickly NNE. Jets chase 10 minute(s) later. 11/5/1990 #39857 , Bavaria, Germany. Ninety minutes later a Russian space station re-entry o 11/5/1990 #39871 Later this night Rudolph Bauer, a local 11/5/1990 #39873 a low altitude. About three hours later that evening, at 6:30 p.m. local t 11/14/1990 #39890 ss's mind. The strangers left, but later that night the witness was approac 12/31/1990 #39931 ind the door on his porch. Moments later, the globe ascended into the air, 12/31/1990 #39932 d mild radiation poisoning. Morton later shoots more video showing glowing 1991 #39935 humanoid aliens from the Pleiades. Later Morton leads tours around Area 51 1991 #39935 balcony of an apartment building. Later that night in Krakow, Poland at 10 1/18/1991 #39961 e hospital, and as a result he was later fired from his job as a border gua 1/26/1991 #39966 lights hovers overhead. Back hours later. 2/4/1991 #39972 ike object fly over, heading west. Later that morning two people saw a silv 3/6/1991 #40000 which disappears about 20 minutes later. Damasceno informs Sgt. Petronius, 4/11/1991 #40034 and close to the Brasilia airport. Later, it identifies the object as a met 4/11/1991 #40034 during their panic and fled. They later returned to find both the object a 5/14/1991 #40060 up in her bed at 3:50 a.m. She was later hypnotically regressed, and recall 5/14/1991 #40061 en some other children approached. Later that afternoon, two boys were play 5/15/1991 #40064 The same object is seen 15 minutes later by another man in the area. He est 5/22/1991 #40073 the UFO speeds past. A few minutes later, Escobar sees a bright, blue-white 6/8/1991 #40092 , shows the Arragin footage a week later. He asks his viewers to share any 7/11/1991 #40119 sumed watching television. Moments later their cat began acting strangely a 7/21/1991 #40129 Admiral Thomas Wilson, then J2 and later Director of the DIA, whom Greer cl 7/28/1991 #40136 and only saw their arms and legs. Later that same evening a man reported t 8/13/1991 #40152 the border of Kazakhstan. A month later reports began to trickle back to B 8/28/1991 #40168 ights that flashed intermittently. Later a "long black thing" streaked acro 8/30/1991 #40174 , Brazil. The shirt he was wearing later disintegrated. 9/9/1991 #40183 at he had experienced a time loss. Later, under hypnosis, he recalled that 11/9/1991 #40224 out. When he recovered 45 minutes later he was sitting inside in his work 12/4/1991 #40254 tated. He went to bed, but moments later the black rings and the red sphere 12/4/1991 #40254 rings and the red sphere returned. Later that night he went back out into t 12/4/1991 #40254 of seeing pyramids from above. He later found himself in his courtyard suf 12/26/1991 #40267 t all around it, but a few seconds later it disappears. 1992 #40272 nessing this encounter. Three days later, at 6:30 p.m., the woman heard a l 1/24/1992 #40302 . She then lost consciousness, and later woke up back in her bed. The next 1/24/1992 #40302 rt it, and drive on, but 2 minutes later the same thing happens, then again 2/1992 #40311 unnel-shaped center. A short while later in the mid-morning in East Fork, K 2/25/1992 #40339 Thirty minutes later in the same county, the same or a 3/3/1992 #40350 what had just happened. Five hours later Luis appeared in town and told Ped 3/5/1992 #40359 e / dark soil found / farm 3 hours later. 1' hole / dirt gone. 3/20/1992 #40391 at is about to crash. Just seconds later, the interior of his patrol car is 3/20/1992 #40394 ts curve going northwest and north later. 3/29/1992 #40403 e then was unable to move. Moments later she saw three short humanoid creat 4/3/1992 #40408 hide / tree. Object leaves minutes later. 4/9/1992 #40410 ree. The object left a few minutes later. 4/9/1992 #40411 settling dream about the baby, and later by another frightening incident. A 5/5/1992 #40454 frightening incident. A few months later other family members again saw a s 5/5/1992 #40454 " x 6" bruise on her leg. During a later hypnosis session she recalled bein 6/18/1992 #40497 rs / 30 minute(s). Exact same days later. 8/6/1992 #40556 ct to the intruder. Twenty minutes later when she sat down again at the din 8/13/1992 #40569 the alien hand vanished. Two days later the witness noticed a round red ma 8/13/1992 #40569 so white triangle and night lights later. 8/20/1992 #40585 he north-norheast. Fifteen minutes later a second object followed same path 9/10/1992 #40616 ble to move from the spot. Moments later a luminous figure appeared, hoveri 9/24/1992 #40639 o have another encounter two weeks later. Around the same time and in the s 9/24/1992 #40639 ng from the two ends. Five minutes later (9:15 p.m.) in Stanley, North Caro 9/30/1992 #40651 ed nocturnal lights. Three minutes later (9:18 p.m.) in Moonville, South Ca 9/30/1992 #40651 other report(s). Crop circle found later. 10/15/1992 #40675 r nine minutes, and made no sound. Later that same night, on US highway 101 11/20/1992 #40722 eat in her pickup truck. Two hours later she awoke to an orange beam of lig 11/25/1992 #40730 ackle then fades entirely. Moments later her car engine and lights fail, an 1/1/1993 #40785 fore midnight, resting in a field. Later they saw a flying triangle only 30 1/9/1993 #40790 anoid exited the object. Two weeks later the witness saw a similar humanoid 1/9/1993 #40790 hing that looked like a "trumpet". Later Harold had a bizarre dream where h 1/12/1993 #40794 disappeared, to re-appear seconds later passing through a closed screen do 1/19/1993 #40802 oor closing. She woke up two hours later and went to take a shower; there s 1/27/1993 #40816 It stayed there until 10:30 a.m. Later that evening at 8:30 p.m. in nearb 2/19/1993 #40854 period of missing time was noted. Later, under hypnotic regression, the fi 3/16/1993 #40886 mpelled to go back to her kitchen. Later during a search of the field numer 3/20/1993 #40894 her from seeing the being's face. Later the following day Carmel ventured 3/30/1993 #40907 into orbit the previous day. Pope later comes around to that viewpoint aft 3/31/1993 #40914 estart his truck and drive away. A later search of the area failed to locat 4/19/1993 #40944 manoids. She reported that she was later transported back to her house via 5/19/1993 #40986 . At the same time or five minutes later in Cromwell, Indiana three people 7/13/1993 #41066 ness resisted and blacked out. She later she found herself back on her bed. 7/24/1993 #41082 e / 5 minute(s). Same seen 3 hours later. 7/25/1993 #41087 eld. ? overhead. Crop circle found later. / r147. 7/30/1993 #41093 m. Complex crop circles were found later. 7/30/1993 #41094 e engineering. Wackenhut Corp. was later linked to allegations of secret UA 8/1/1993 #41101 e physical dimension.” A few weeks later, both of them start remembering th 8/8/1993 #41117 suddenly shoot away at high speed. Later, as they approached their home, th 8/8/1993 #41118 standing on the side of the road. Later they were able to recall how they 8/8/1993 #41118 cupants of the other vehicle would later come forward and tell almost exact 8/8/1993 #41118 about, as if in a trance. Moments later she was onboard a craft looking ou 8/10/1993 #41123 k to look for it again ten minutes later, but by this time the object had g 10/6/1993 #41222 indbergh’s visit. Zimmerman states later he was stationed at Kirtland AFB a 11/2/1993 #41259 of which John Petersen was decades later the Chairman. * https://www.avia 11/2/1993 #41259 s, and scared the witness. An hour later in the same county, at 10:30 p.m. 11/21/1993 #41288 g a humming sound. Fifteen minutes later, 4 miles east of Greensburg, Penns 11/21/1993 #41288 ht down below the horizon. Moments later the same object approached their c 11/29/1993 #41309 t away out of sight. A short while later they started hearing static on the 11/29/1993 #41309 e helicopters, was sighted an hour later near Gunnison, Colorado. 12/1/1993 #41316 Later AATIP scientist Hal Puthoff states 1994 #41347 speed of 100 knots. About one hour later, at 8:20 a.m. local time in Lancas 1/28/1994 #41391 gures standing in a group. Seconds later a thick white fog enveloped the ar 4/7/1994 #41480 other encounters with the humanoid later in the same area. 4/15/1994 #41493 mbed back into the object. Minutes later a boy threw a rock at the object, 5/10/1994 #41521 k of time for the next 90 minutes; later he found cuts on his chest. 5/27/1994 #41540 ous. He wakes up at home some time later, with no recollection of how he go Early 6/1994 #41548 of how he got there. A few nights later, he wakes up in his bed to find th Early 6/1994 #41548 / tree farm. Man hit / beam 2 days later. Abduction. 6/7/1994 #41556 rated straight up and disappeared. Later that day a flattened circular area 6/27/1994 #41588 "Dimensional" abduction regressed later. 7/3/1994 #41602 ideos giant sphere. Seen / Roswell later same day. 7/14/1994 #41619 away toward the west. Ten minutes later a bright illumination was seen ahe 7/16/1994 #41627 ghts in the sky. A crop circle was later found in the vicinity. 8/14/1994 #41676 d wolf", then turned into a cloud. Later, law enforcement personnel searche 9/2/1994 #41713 Also amber football over Pavillion later. 9/6/1994 #41716 at 8:25 p.m. One and a half hours later a large luminous UFO, described to 9/7/1994 #41724 , and came within 500 feet of him. Later, military jets came over the area. 9/9/1994 #41732 t darted around independently, and later took on these objects. Green balls 9/9/1994 #41733 over the abductee's eyes. Moments later he entered another room that smell 9/11/1994 #41734 seeing several different species. Later, he found himself in another room 9/11/1994 #41734 logist John E. Mack several months later. 9/16/1994 #41754 overing over the area. A few hours later she noticed a strange luminous bei 9/16/1994 #41756 cone / light. Meteor 23 minute(s) later. 9/25/1994 #41774 visited the facility and two days later flew to Air Force Plant 42 at Palm 9/26/1994 #41776 tlight at the ground. A short time later, military helicopters were seen "b 10/28/1994 #41817 with obtaining “the best data.” A later entry claims futurist John Peterse 12/10/1994 #41888 resumably sent to NSA. A few days later, the second NHI at this location b Early 1995 #41927 . Going quickly west. Power outage later. 1/27/1995 #42000 o the guard shack. Fifteen seconds later the dog began barking again. When 2/9/1995 #42031 d at around 9 p.m. A dead calf was later found missing its brain and spinal 3/2/1995 #42072 system dropped the track. A minute later the Luzern radar records hits on y 3/8/1995 #42081 onsciousness and came to two hours later. Later under hypnosis, Little reme 3/14/1995 #42094 sness and came to two hours later. Later under hypnosis, Little remembered 3/14/1995 #42094 odules behind his ears. Four years later his fiancée died of esophageal can 3/14/1995 #42094 . Wedge = shaped object near truck later. 3/29/1995 #42122 orm the Clinton Administration and later the possible actions of Hillary Cl 3/31/1995 #42130 One year later, at 11:00 p.m. in 1995, a metallic 4/2/1995 #42134 ties disappeared and three minutes later he had an out-of-body experience i 4/3/1995 #42137 t the area, and when they returned later the creature had gone. Later that 4/3/1995 #42138 urned later the creature had gone. Later that same night a young man drivin 4/3/1995 #42138 craft connected all three lights. Later on, many more trangular craft were 5/7/1995 #42188 oad, where a truck almost hit him. Later under hypnosis he recalled being a 5/7/1995 #42189 hear a loud buzzing sound. Moments later Sr. Torres saw a large dark "form" 5/15/1995 #42211 r target in the vicinity. But this later proves to be a small aircraft whos 5/25/1995 #42227 the commercial plane, then minutes later, the USAF craft. According to FAA 5/25/1995 #42229 appeared to buzz a military plane. Later that night in Sapello, New Mexico 7/25/1995 #42327 150-200 m altitude, and 10 minutes later was seen again. 8/5/1995 #42359 ng about 3-4 feet from the ground. Later that night he was still very shake 8/15/1995 #42390 n their return drive-by 10 minutes later. 8/23/1995 #42410 verhead against wind. More seconds later. 8/25/1995 #42412 s running the entire length of it. Later, before being returned, he saw fou 9/6/1995 #42445 orthwest. Silver disk 15 minute(s) later. 9/10/1995 #42450 wheel had apparently been melted. Later, he vaguely remembered being insid 9/24/1995 #42508 aircraft seemed to be chasing it. Later that evening, a large cigar-shaped 10/5/1995 #42536 nding in a nearby field. Two hours later a second witness saw a nocturnal l 10/31/1995 #42573 ormation. Ufologist Grant Cameron later says Bill and Hillary Clinton trav 11/1/1995 #42576 cle showed an out-of-focus object. Later, John S., age 45, of West Lothian, 11/8/1995 #42588 viscous slime around their necks. Later that night, Irene Mercado and her 11/28/1995 #42628 s between four and five feet tall. Later that morning several calls came in 1/20/1996 #42697 a smoke or fog. Military witnesses later admitted that this was the object 1/20/1996 #42697 that this was the object that had later crashed. Cont: In the afternoon at 1/20/1996 #42697 . It was rumored that the military later took the creature to the nearby ci 1/20/1996 #42697 hwest direction. About a half-hour later in Union, Missouri five nocturnal 1/28/1996 #42723 . Going quickly west. Rejoin.. 5mn later going south. 2/3/1996 #42735 ngular object by the humanoids and later released. 2/6/1996 #42743 ble going up and down. 4 minute(s) later north going south. 2/9/1996 #42750 gnia over the right breast. He was later taken to the shores of Lake Ilopan 2/29/1996 #42789 itted a low humming sound. Moments later a shaft of "coherent" light appear 3/7/1996 #42815 nd the objects, the lights go out. Later, Trout Lake officials find large r 3/12/1996 #42821 all humanoids (or Greys) regressed later.. 3/16/1996 #42825 of missing time. Under hypnosis he later recalled being abducted by eight b 4/17/1996 #42872 70 minute(s) / missing time. Seen later. 5/22/1996 #42907 and. It made no sound. Three hours later another triangular UFO was sighted 6/1/1996 #42920 hill and cross their path. Minutes later the special services soldiers saw 7/13/1996 #42956 going quickly south. 10 minute(s) later big flash. 2 fireballs zigzag. Pow 9/13/1996 #43018 witness found marks on his arm and later on his back. He remembers that whi 9/16/1996 #43025 eturning home in a state of shock. Later, while checking the scene of the i 9/23/1996 #43039 rs waking up in his bed three days later, with no memory of what happened d 9/26/1996 #43043 0 p.m. His dog howled and ran off. Later, unmarked copters were seen follow 9/26/1996 #43044 in a state of shock several hours later. 10/3/1996 #43051 e it is hovering above. Two nights later it returns, moving high above the 10/25/1996 #43095 ying FAA lighting. Several minutes later, two more craft came from the east 10/26/1996 #43097 ed in some woods at a nearby farm. Later, after driving another group of pa 11/23/1996 #43118 ing west to east. About 10 minutes later, he looks up again and sees it mov 12/1996 #43127 The plane lands safely 10 minutes later. 12/19/1996 #43148 cing troupe The Golddiggers. It is later confirmed that the women in the ph 1997 #43155 resembling that of a lion. Moments later she heard what sounded like "heavy 1/2/1997 #43164 Scotland. It was seen again 7 days later. 2/7/1997 #43188 objects were in view. Ten minutes later three female witnesses in Franklin 2/17/1997 #43195 g east on the road and ten minutes later saw the same lights again over a b 2/26/1997 #43210 consciousness. He woke up an hour later inside his vehicle. 2/26/1997 #43210 Operation Snowbird; news coverage later shows a video taken around 10:00 p 3/13/1997 #43229 ay well be the explanation for the later sightings. However, the sightings 3/13/1997 #43230 iscovered at the site. Seven hours later, at 5:05 EST, a driver in Nottingh 3/19/1997 #43235 n action that some UFO researchers later find suspicious—particularly when 3/24/1997 #43239 Office takes a 911 call from a man later identified as Richard Ford, report 3/26/1997 #43240 round at 6:45 p.m. Footprints were later found at the site, about size 9 in 4/16/1997 #43263 mong the high grass. A few minutes later he rose back up into the sky verti 5/18/1997 #43298 object, but it is no longer there. Later, she hears about chevron-shaped ob 5/30/1997 #43302 sighting they both went to sleep. Later, under hypnotic regression, Nathal 6/5/1997 #43311 Ob River and flies north. An hour later, they arrive at the vilage of Krut 6/6/1997 #43315 eflect on any of the nearby trees. Later, the light disappears. 6/24/1997 #43337 ng along a barbwire fence. Shortly later she heard a screeching sound comin 6/26/1997 #43341 An hour later a woman awoke to a nosebleed in Pu 6/26/1997 #43342 ights” in the sky. Fifteen minutes later, a silent boomerang-shaped object 7/1997 #43344 ic message from it. Several nights later she remembered being in a round ro 7/23/1997 #43358 red at a time when Salvatore Pais, later inventor of the Navy’s triangle cr 8/1997 #43363 ll issue a statement to be drafted later that encourages UFO study by scien 9/29/1997 #43420 en into a floating sphere. Moments later another form came down from the li 12/14/1997 #43462 th an intense orange glow. Seconds later it disappears, but another light a 12/31/1997 #43477 en they looked again a few moments later the figure had vanished. The craft 1/1/1998 #43484 It seemed to disappear. Two weeks later a beam of light came out of the sk 2/1/1998 #43510 hinking somebody was in the house. Later they remembered seeing lights. In 2/6/1998 #43514 r information is made public. Torr later founded PST Associates, LLC in Nor 3/1/1998 #43527 Fund for UFO Research discover and later secure copies of the unsanitized, Early 3/1998 #43528 "V" or peace sign. Marisa reported later finding several anomalous scars on 6/27/1998 #43596 apparently fell asleep and woke up later on her bed. 7/11/1998 #43601 uickly going up. Same again 1 week later. 7/25/1998? #43614 raction for propulsion purposes. A later paper discloses the program is fun 8/1998 #43618 ever they failed to find anything. Later one of the witnesses, Joao Lira, d 8/12/1998 #43629 ssed out. He was found three hours later next to the lagoon, shirtless, swe 8/12/1998 #43629 was triangle shaped at first, but later changed to an oval shape. The obje 8/14/1998 #43631 e a neighbor's home. A few moments later a bright white, oval-shaped hole a 9/21/1998 #43650 was daytime again.” The group was later told to fill out an incident form, 10/1998 #43656 d figures running around her yard. Later she also reported seeing something 10/30/1998 #43671 ckly across the road. Five minutes later he sees a green beam of light shin 11/6/1998 #43676 the Earth. However, the object is later identified as a thermal blanket th 12/11/1998 #43698 elating to the Phoenix Lights and (later) the St. Clair Triangle in Illinoi 1/22/1999 #43717 meters of the object. Two minutes later the craft rose slowly up and disap 2/4/1999 #43722 completely silent. Fifteen minutes later a motorist driving down a highway 3/10/1999 #43746 star and ignored it. Forty minutes later, when he reached home, a bright gl 3/15/1999 #43748 he sky at high speed. Several days later Rodrigo began experiencing nightma 3/15/1999 #43748 on this night. He was found 8 days later by bloodhounds in an isolated cany 5/4/1999 #43762 he continued driving. Five minutes later he saw a bright spherical object r 5/10/1999 #43767 eared over the rooftops. Five days later, at around 2:30 in the afternoon, 7/14/1999 #43802 iend but was unable to. Two nights later he saw a small white, grayish figu 7/18/1999 #43807 ed. Other strange occurrences were later reported. 7/18/1999 #43807 he higher doses die several months later. 9/30/1999 #43856 on was of waking up around an hour later, again feeling a vibration in her 10/26/1999 #43866 nd fly back into it. A few seconds later, it shoots out again and circles a 10/29/1999 #43867 d it for 15 minutes. About an hour later, they see jets flying around, appa 10/29/1999 #43867 ed around the object. Five minutes later the humanoid being re-entered the 11/13/1999 #43880 all of fire appeared a few seconds later from behind the stone wall, and sh 11/25/1999 #43886 ct of life outside of Earth. Fitts later said the Undersecretary of the Nav 12/3/1999 #43892 climbed into the sky. Two minutes later they heard a loud explosion. Mr. V 12/5/1999 #43893 top. Observers awaken / home hours later / 26km away. 12/25/1999 #43902 four witnesses woke up 20 minutes later at home, 26 kilometers away. They 12/25/1999 #43903 led Die Glocke (“The Bell”). It is later popularized by military journalist 2000 #43910 s it flew. Finally, twenty minutes later in Fontana in San Bernardino Count 1/23/2000 #43932 ld in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Later on three short humanoid figures we 2/19/2000 #43954 over a marsh for several minutes. Later a Y-shaped depression was found, 5 3/2/2000 #43961 in Kampung Gobek, Malaysia. Found later was a Y-shaped depression with dim 3/3/2000 #43964 45-degree turn and then faded out. Later he remembered being in a round roo 3/11/2000 #43965 large black almond-shaped eyes. He later found a triangle-shaped scar on hi 3/11/2000 #43965 r being lifted. He awoke six hours later and his next memory was of driving 3/23/2000 #43967 rgical operation on a man. She was later returned to her home safely. All o 3/24/2000 #43968 iable yet. (Note: That attorney is later suggested to be former Hughes Airc 5/8/2000 #43991 a jet engine was heard one minute later. 6/13/2000 #44003 s. A helicopter flew over the area later that same night. There was also an 7/7/2000 #44013 where he was scanned and examined. Later he was brought back to his room. 7/12/2000 #44015 ike an explosion. About 15 minutes later, another orange light appears, mov 7/17/2000 #44021 is clothes remained. Three minutes later he reappeared, completely naked, i 7/25/2000 #44022 creature was gone. Two days after later the witness noticed a green light 7/31/2000 #44024 emory ends about this time. He was later found unconscious by a police offi 8/11/2000 #44030 blue, red, yellow, and orange; it later disappeared with a bright flash of 8/25/2000 #44033 hief, knocking her out. Three days later, Siboa woke up still in the van th 9/6/2000 #44037 lso had terrible migraine headache later that night. 9/13/2000 #44040 it seemed only minutes had passed. Later, under hypnotic regression, she re 9/23/2000 #44045 . It also emitted pulses of light. Later in Bradford, England at 10:40 p.m. 10/5/2000 #44053 nd discomfort in her nose; she was later to suffer from insomnia. They may 10/19/2000 #44060 ts and was making a humming noise. Later that night, at 9:45 p.m. MDT in Gi 10/24/2000 #44061 uth. As they leave several minutes later, they realize they haven’t seen an 1/1/2001 #44114 sky, then another one 5-6 minutes later, then a third one came from the no 4/26/2001 #44168 w South Wales, Australia. A minute later, single lights began arcing in one 4/26/2001 #44169 spies. Westwood tells him a month later that “Puthoff really wants to find 5/5/2001 #44178 in and out of the clouds. An hour later another strange formation of light 8/4/2001 #44224 ect was then witnessed in the sky. Later that evening, at 8:00 p.m., a circ 12/18/2001 #44295 which the dog reacted to. Seconds later, a dozen more discs are witnessed 1/31/2002 #44314 owly and climbing up into the sky. Later that afternoon at 2:30 p.m. witnes 2/25/2002 #44320 cess to biological materials. Days later, Eric Davis says a Lt. Col. Dr. Ro 3/5/2002 #44323 ied, the men ran from the area and later returned with other witnesses, but 5/3/2002 #44336 off the highway to pursue it. They later sighted two more craft with indist 6/8/2002 #44349 ee left hand turn without banking. Later that same evening, a disc-shaped U 9/10/2002 #44395 lights were there." Thirty seconds later the flying triangle of lights chan 9/15/2002 #44397 d the driver felt ill. Two minutes later there was another flash of light, 9/24/2002 #44403 orb just disappears. A few seconds later, the molten effect on the mountain Late 9/2002 #44405 or of several AATIP products years later, allegedly meets with VADM Thomas 10/16/2002 #44418 n route to Montgomery. Six minutes later, he collides with an unknown objec 10/23/2002 #44422 tars behind it as it flew by. They later saw the same object flying to the 11/9/2002 #44437 headlights fail. About 30 minutes later, the object moves away, the car st 11/28/2002 #44453 slowly toward the west. Two hours later a huge cigar-shaped flying object 1/2/2003 #44465 0 a.m. Two egg-shaped objects were later seen moving in a Z pattern in the 1/6/2003 #44471 ing below the UFO. Fifteen minutes later a spherical UFO came from the sout 4/6/2003 #44512 to the east. It was joined seconds later by the other two, and together the 5/7/2003 #44527 ipes extending out to the corners. Later that night at 11:35 p.m. MDT in Ha 5/23/2003 #44544 ) and 4JPL825 (Xterra SE). Fuller later meets Richard Schowengerdt, founde 7/2003 #44560 t out of information regarding UAP later in his term. http://www.roswellpr 7/21/2003 #44567 5 p.m. It was chased a few minutes later by three military F-15's. It repor 8/30/2003 #44588 of John Petersen. That general is later revealed in a 18 September 2003 en 9/10/2003 #44595 eet altitude. Twenty-seven minutes later a KLM 747-400 flying 38 nautical m 10/23/2003 #44612 ot see any light. However, seconds later, one policeman spots a towering, s 2004 #44637 r the alleged Roswell crash; it is later digitized and increased in size in 2004 #44639 yacht, was 30 feet. A few moments later the craft darted away. 1/3/2004 #44642 lathe, Kansas at 6:45 p.m. An hour later a similar triangle was spotted ove 1/22/2004 #44655 5:45 p.m. CST or about 20 minutes later, a small reddish spherical object, 2/8/2004 #44659 incoln City, Oregon at 7 p.m. They later came to within what the witnesses 2/9/2004 #44660 inated by a beam of light. Seconds later everything is back to normal and t 2/20/2004 #44668 t Asprey (founders of Cyber Corp., later Avocent), and additional investmen 3/2004 #44671 nt of the street. About 10 seconds later he heard a weird kind of gunshot s 3/12/2004 #44676 s watch it was at least 40 minutes later. 3/12/2004 #44676 traight line toward the northwest. Later a helicopter was seen flying at a 4/26/2004 #44693 sky, and the man began to cry. He later described the UFOs as charcoal gra 5/12/2004 #44699 as dark as the first. Ten minutes later she was in the kitchen when she wa 5/17/2004 #44703 washed up on the beach in Ruby Bay later that day. 6/9/2004 #44709 It was viewed through binoculars. Later, at 10:45 p.m. in Shepton Mallet, 7/31/2004 #44721 attention to her. Several seconds later Andrey turned around again and the 8/2/2004 #44725 y as if robotic in nature. Seconds later the UFO quickly gained altitude, z 8/25/2004 #44741 f the rigorous training exercises. Later, intelligence personnel interviewe 8/25/2004 #44741 was purported to have crashed was later searched by divers, and they claim 8/25/2004 #44742 ste in his mouth and a nose bleed. Later he found that his face and back we 10/2/2004 #44766 e also felt lethargic. He realized later that he had experienced 15 minutes 10/2/2004 #44766 into Bend seems like 3 hours. Days later, he develops a red rash on the lef 5/1/2005 #44828 and reach the aircraft 25 minutes later, but there is little they can do e 6/28/2005 #44849 e-shaped objects were also sighted later that night in Virginia and Pennsyl 7/15/2005 #44854 e Corona site was discovered a day later by an archaeological team, who rep 11/1/2005 #44898 rock; it and some dead bodies were later transferred to Loa Alamos National 11/1/2005 #44898 he Nevada Test Site. A few months later, an anonymous UK Ministry of Defen 11/1/2005 #44899 his blanket over his face. Moments later, while hiding under the blanket, h 11/25/2005 #44906 s an Abduction Monitoring Project (later changed to Ambient Monitoring Proj 2006 #44916 over the lake at around 1:00 a.m. Later they observed some camoflauged bei 5/18/2006 #44944 concrete mixer” with lights on it. Later on, after waiting awhile and drink 8/5/2006 #44952 found nothing out of the ordinary. Later that next evening one of the men w 8/5/2006 #44952 t anything. He claims the dog died later that week without any apparent rea 8/5/2006 #44952 light in the sky. Several minutes later he observed a slow-moving disc-sha 8/18/2006 #44955 he woke his girlfriend 10 minutes later. He waited because he didn’t want 9/16/2007 #45059 T, flashing a light. About an hour later, at 7:00 p.m. EST a cigar-shaped o 12/10/2007 #45099 Orions left Earth for the Moon and later Mars. Burisch claims the P45s are 2008 #45109 his. It wasn't until some 20 hours later that he remembered what he had see 4/12/2008 #45127 but they failed to find anything. Later, when the group was again together 4/12/2008 #45128 Y17PE0603286E.pdf Note: It was later disclosed by AAWSAP personnel Luis 6/2008 #45144 .” Clark expands on the concept in later books and articles. 6/26/2008 #45147 not possible and wrong. Two years later, HFGW was the subject of a Defense 10/2008 #45173 Ronald Pandolfi, of CIA. Ten years later (see 26 February 2019), Pandolfi w 10/2008 #45173 7, and February 17. The events are later revealed as a hoax perpetrated by 1/5/2009 #45206 e witness's cellphone to turn off. Later, at 11:00 p.m. PST a "little army 2/11/2009 #45211 same men in the black sedan a week later, he reports the license plate to B 5/8/2009 #45220 for 3 seconds, causing burning and later, hair loss and lumps on his legs, 5/8/2009 #45221 et airliner at 5:30 p.m. Two hours later a line of orange lights was observ 8/5/2009 #45232 ar track disappears. A few minutes later, the target reappears on radar beh 3/3/2010 #45271 . Normal operations resume an hour later. Nearby residents take photos of t 7/7/2010 #45286 onville, Florida. About 45 minutes later they see it through some trees fro 8/16/2010 #45292 haped UAP above its missile field. Later that day, the missile site loses c 10/23/2010 #45304 ed them on the program. Some time later that month or next, a second meeti 2/2011 #45312 n a threatening tone. Three months later, the rural Kentucky community was 2/2011 #45312 ell no” when asked. Bell and Mover later told BAASS that they believed adva 6/2011 #45327 ng lasted 30 seconds. Half an hour later, driving on the opposite side of t 1/30/2012 #45338 suddenly turns off. A few seconds later, the plane regains all systems as 2/18/2012 #45339 ve the caliche pad of an oil well. Later, in October, workers at the site r 7/5/2012 #45347 ientific Coalition for UAP Studies later obtain the video and subject it to 4/25/2013 #45365 tch, but more files are discovered later. 6/21/2013 #45374 ack is seen wading to shore and is later photographed wading off the nearby 10/16/2014 #45417 rby island of Sandön, Finland. (It later turns out that the man is a Stockh 10/16/2014 #45417 ut fishing.) At a press conference later in the month, the Swedish navy sho 10/16/2014 #45417 tified foreign vessel (although it later turns out to be a Swedish ship). A 10/16/2014 #45417 seemingly published by mistake and later removed from the internet by To Th 12/2015 #45441 y interesting data in it.” Semivan later says he realized there was no leak 4/5/2016 #45449 ers report the incident 20 minutes later to the RCAF in Ontario as a “vital 9/19/2016 #45459 Scientific Coalition for Ufology [later changed to the Scientific Coalitio 10/27/2017 #45489 ed to detect missile launches, and later aircraft, this highly sophisticate 1/2018 #45499 tion at about 40,000 feet. Minutes later, Blenus Green, pilot of an America 2/24/2018 #45513 on Canada’s north Atlantic coast. Later that day, CADS receives a UFO repo 11/21/2018 #45548 and was recovered by USG. One year later, she named Alvarez as the source. 4/25/2019 #45572 urvivability. Less than 10 minutes later, the USS Kidd advises the USS Rafa 7/14/2019 #45592 iple UAVs around ship.” 17 minutes later, the Kidd issues orders for the cr 7/15/2019 #45593 t one mile distant. Twenty minutes later, the timeline indicates two UASs a 7/17/2019 #45595 rhead at 2,000 feet. Just a minute later, all of the objects appear to chan 7/17/2019 #45595 at 69 mph. However, eight minutes later, UASs are again seen behind the sh 7/17/2019 #45595 ut 400 feet. A little over an hour later, flares are spotted, though the lo 7/23/2019 #45597 on Airport in Liverpool 25 minutes later. No radar target matches the UFO i 11/9/2019 #45616 tion by Colorado Homeland Security later say the incident is unrelated to t 1/8/2020 #45625 ey senators learn of its existence later in the fall and press then-Secreta 8/2020 #45657 rt in California. About 10 minutes later, a Jet Blue Airways pilot spots th 8/29/2020 #45659 an near the Mariana Trench and was later briefed and told by his CO they sa 11/30/2020 #45666 iles, then left on a road 24 hours later where she was found and taken to a 11/16/2021 #45722 e the “size of an island.” A month later, a test missile retrieval crew sta 9/2022 #45768 ls in the 1980s, something Hineman later denied to Oeschler). However, in t 9/26/2022 #45771 is given the ability to perform a later “audit.” https://douglasjohnson.g 12/6/2022 #45785 ment allegedly created five months later on 5 November 1961 is an “operatio 12/17/2022 #45787## Word: "lateral" (Back to Top)
like a cylinder with pointed ends, lateral wheels, and horizontal blade ove 4/20/1897 #543 like a cylinder with pointed ends, lateral wheels, and horizontal blade ove 4/20/1897 #544 like a cylinder with pointed ends, lateral wheels, and had a horizontal bla 4/20/1897 #547 30 m altitude. A man appeared at a lateral door and was heard shouting some 1/1910 #827 30 m altitude. A man appeared at a lateral door and was heard shouting some 1/1910 #828 son, dipping, and presenting their lateral surfaces, which reflect the brig 6/24/1947 #2398 for 30 minutes as it hovers with a lateral oscillation about 30° above the 7/4/1947 #2664 flat object that oscillates on its lateral axis of travel three quarters of 7/6/1947 #2809 Riggs Road Lateral 1 Road Yakima, Washington Sylvia 1948? #3524 me on the corner of Riggs Road and Lateral 1 Road south of Yakima, Washingt 1948? #3524 s top and bottom/underside. Sudden lateral leaps. 5/1954 #9736 und white craft moving slowly with lateral oscillation as it advanced. It b 9/17/1954 #10335 ts, or landing gear visible, but a lateral line like a seam encircled the U 1/5/1966 #19806 like a white rocket flying with a lateral motion. It first moves upward fo 11/22/1967 #23498 seen no plane do, making fantastic lateral deviations, and sudden vast jump 11/30/1973 #28490 mid-air, and suddenly break off in lateral directions from the line of flig Early 4/1990 #39506 aft with approximately 200 feet of lateral separation” while flying at an a 6/27/2013 #45376## Word: "laterally" (Back to Top)
mile from their position. It moves laterally about 50 feet and they see it 2/20/1944 #1576 in the sky,” hovering, and moving laterally and up and down for about 3 mi 12/13/1950 #5345 nd the object moves back and forth laterally. Gill goes in for dinner and a 6/26/1959 #15790 descended suddenly, hovered moved laterally, then descended until lost beh 7/29/1967 #22749 over a mountain. The object moved laterally when an aircraft approached it 10/12/1967 #23226 y, hovered a moment, then shot off laterally at a staggering speed. The wit 9/22/1971 #26365 eld. It stops making noise, swings laterally, and shoots up into the air. H 9/2/1978 #33626 ddenly several thousand feet, move laterally very fast, and then turn witho 11/27/1982 #36694 ddenly several thousand feet, move laterally very fast, then turn without b 11/27/1982 #36699 e of the UFO. Next, the disc moved laterally, and finally ascended out of s 11/24/1987 #38334 original object immediately shoots laterally southward, halting 1–2 miles a 4/5/1990 #39511 red light. The object glided along laterally until she lost sight of it beh 7/13/1990 #39644 "stick" rotates 90° / sky. Expands laterally. 4/5/1995 #42141 is. They maneuvered vertically and laterally. Two left the formation and di 2/16/2000 #43951 ouston, Texas. It seemed to wobble laterally as it flew. 2/8/2004 #44659## Word: "latest" (Back to Top)
embellish the original story. The latest to champion the Aztec crash is a 3/25/1948 #3598 er yarns, contactee tales, and the latest rumors about Albert K. Bender. It 9/1953 #9133 ed by the Air Force attributes the latest wave of sightings to Keyhoe’s 195 3/1/1954 #9586 t the Air Force released it as the latest hot dope in October, 1955.” The A 10/25/1955 #12519 all the major departments, on the latest plan (code-named Operation Pluto) 1/28/1961 #16590 t bright light. Altitude = 50K Ft. Latest in diplomatic query. 3/6/1975 #29874 ey suggest that abductions are the latest logical step in an alien informat 12/1977 #32720 ed his account.” Ballester Olmos’s latest thought is, “Did the witness inve 7/25/1979 #34679 English. It updates readers on the latest sightings of nocturnal lights aro 10/1983 #36988 in Long Clawson, England, are the latest witnesses of a triangular-shaped 9/27/1985 #37667 ence Agency for details on all its latest UFO reports. The Service accordin 6/2003 #44551 nied to Oeschler). However, in the latest email, Hineman indirectly suggest 9/26/2022 #45771 eds more UFO sightings included in latest report”. “On Thursday, the Office 1/12/2023 #45792## Word: "latex" (Back to Top)
Alto Purus, Brazil After work, latex collectors saw an object resemblin 9/8/1965 #19536 On this evening after work, rubber latex gatherers in Alto Purus, Brazil wi 9/8/1965 #19540 ning after work, rubber plantation latex collectors in Alto Purus, Brazil s 10/8/1965 #19652## Word: "latham" (Back to Top)
ersville, Texas Morning. Silbie J. Latham, 12, is working with his brothers 5/1913 #888## Word: "lathrop" (Back to Top)
this evening from Antioch, Chico, Lathrop, Oakland, San Francisco, and San 11/23/1896 #353 und Observer Corps observer Albert Lathrop. Two objects, shaped like fat bu 8/19/1952 #7647 und Observer Corps observer Albert Lathrop sees two objects shaped like fat 8/19/1952 #7649 und Observer Corps observer Albert Lathrop sighted two objects shaped like 8/19/1952 #7652 LATHROP WELLS, NV Air Force Captain. Lar 8/26/1952 #7738 Lathrop Wells, NV V-shaped contrail, a d 8/26/1952 #7740 Lathrop Wells, Nevada Witness: USAF Cap 8/26/1952 #7743 object with a V-shaped contrail in Lathrop Wells, Nevada. It had a dark con 8/26/1952 #7744 flew directly over the highway in Lathrop, Michigan, positioning itself ab 11/28/1978 #34021## Word: "latimer" (Back to Top)
ille, Tennessee Amateur astronomer Latimer J. Wilson of Nashville, Tennesse 5/30/1937 #1270 ttee on Aeronautics officials Hugh Latimer Dryden and Jimmy Doolittle are a 2/19/1957 #13511## Word: "latimes" (Back to Top)
ent alien hypothesis. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1998-nov-05- 7/1980 #35399## Word: "latin" (Back to Top)
Latin America Lieut. Gen. Hoyt Vandenber 6/10/1946 #2007 e right to collect intelligence in Latin America. 6/10/1946 #2007 d and saw that the short men were “Latin types,” with complexions “somethin 7/27/1952 #7216 by 8 small men who “seem to be of Latin extraction.” They take him to a ne 7/28/1952 #7260 neatly attired, and also having a Latin appearance: coal black hair and ol 7/28/1952 #7260 US Latin America Fort Benning, Georgia Guan 7/1963 #17819 hey can be used in interrogations. Latin American paramilitary groups worki 7/1963 #17819 eled millions in drug profits to a Latin American guerrilla army run by the 8/18/1996 #42985## Word: "latin-type" (Back to Top)
escribed her as having a “slender” Latin-type face. She wore a “radiant red 7/27/1952 #7216## Word: "latir" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Latir” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT 2/27/1974 #28810## Word: "latitude" (Back to Top)
cer / wonderful speed. Longitude & latitude coords. approximate. / r204p134 1/24/1878 #213 HAWAII TO/FROM GUAM Longitude & latitude coords. and date approximate. N 3/15/1952 (approximate) #5958 09 / WEST CENTER KOREA LONGITUDE & LATITUDE COORDS. = APPROXIMATE Project B 6/20/1952 #6556 ENGLISH CHANNEL Longitude & latitude coords. approximate. 3 photos / 9/19/1952 #7975 going up / red flame. Longitude & latitude coords. unknown. 9/30/1954 #10507 ionospheric physics, longitude and latitude determinations (precision mappi 7/1/1957 #13768 PACIFIC LONGITUDE & LATITUDE COORDS. = BIG GUESS Several bra 2/15/1960 #16176 Norrtälje, Sweden Stockholm latitude 5:15–5:27 a.m. Photographer Ess 3/6/1960 #16198 was expected to pass the Stockholm latitude in a southerly direction about 3/6/1960 #16198 ALTO PURUS R., BRZ Longitude & latitude coords. = approximate. Huge sau 9/8/1965 #19533 th 220 miles long that spans 1° of latitude, running west to east from Clev 9/4/1967 #22998 t going south. GC#022. Longitude & latitude coords. approximate. 10/18/1967 #23258 utheast / single file. Longitude & latitude coords. = Ostradnoye, Russian. 10/25/1967 #23313 AJORCA TO/FROM SPAIN / LONGITUDE & LATITUDE COORDS. UNKNOWN 3 / Iberia airl 2/25/1969 #24942 YUNNAN PROVINCE, CHINA Longitude & latitude coords. = approximate. Silent s 10/1/1969 #25390 TRONSTADSLETTA, NORWAY Longitude & latitude coords. approximate. Headlights 5/1970 (approximate) #25649 WACHTSTEIN, AUSTRIA Longitude & latitude coords. approximate. 1 observer 1/9/1975 #29737 COAST / ITALY Longitude & latitude coords. = wild guess. Saucer ri 5/1/1975 #30015 north coast of Brazil. Longitude & latitude coords. April. 6/15/1977 (approximate) #32164 (EASTERN), WA Longitude & latitude coords. = unknown. 3 observer(s 11/15/1978 #33955 NEAR RICHMOND, KY Longitude & latitude coords. approximate. 3 chased / 11/29/1979 #35027 BATERIAS, ARG Longitude & latitude coords. approximate. Many obser 3/24/1980 #35234 BALTIC ISLAND, ESTONIA Longitude & latitude coords. approximate. Double cub 8/18/1980? #35463 BUTLER CO, PA Longitude & latitude coords. approximate. 1 observer 9/12/1982 #36601 BOYD CO, KY Longitude & latitude coords. approximate. Dark 12m c 10/16/1982 #36644 SANKOVA NEAR KIEV, UKR Longitude & latitude coords. unknown. Glowing mushro 12/27/1982 (approximate) #36727 RANIER, TARENTAISE, FR Longitude & latitude coords. approximate. Glowing ov 12/21/1992 #40758## Word: "latium" (Back to Top)
ing on a highway in Castel D'Asso, Latium, Italy saw a 10 meter in diameter 1/9/1979 #34325## Word: "latrine" (Back to Top)
een even when he needed to use the latrine. MacKenzie stayed at his post fo 7/1/1947 #2501## Word: "latrobe" (Back to Top)
EAST / LATROBE, TASM 2 cars paced / 2 days / tr 2/25/1974 #28800 On a highway one mile east of LaTrobe, Tasmania two witnesses, Thornto 2/27/1974 #28811 YOUNGSTOWN RIDGE / LATROBE, PA 1 observer. 15' domed saucer 5/5/1982 #36462 Latrobe, PA Several independent witnesse 7/25/1982 #36549 and the sewage treatment plant in Latrobe, Pennsylvania heading west. 7/25/1982 #36551 LATROBE, PA Several separate observer(s) 7/25/1983 #36923 Latrobe, Pennsylvania 5:15 a.m. Tom Jack 7/25/1983 #36925 ckson is getting ready for work in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, when he sees a br 7/25/1983 #36925 NEAR LATROBE, PA Ex-airman / ex-skeptic and 1 2/9/1984 #37184 LATROBE, PA 4 observer(s). Solid black c 3/20/1987 #38149 a woman driving on Highway 982 in Latrobe, Pennsylvania at 6:27 p.m. It sh 10/30/2000 #44066## Word: "lats" (Back to Top)
haystacks catch fire. The sighting lats 2 minutes. 10/14/1954 #11056## Word: "latter" (Back to Top)
ite, the other yellowish red). The latter one covers 60° of sky, appearing 3/8/1949 #4041 of 20 adults and 25 children, the latter from about 5–15 years of age. Tho 3/28/1950 #4750 APQ-24 radar set malfunction, the latter coming back a few minutes later w 9/18/1951 #5678 the west at 10°–20° elevation. The latter is confirmed by radar as a statio 8/28/1952 #7773 st ancient astronaut books. In the latter book, Williamson claims that the 1957 #13430 odward and Seiling, 12 km from the latter, an unknown flying object alleged 12/8/1957 #14690 and either attached itself to the latter or disappeared. Sighting lasted l 9/14/1963 #17937 and either attached itself to the latter or disappear. The sighting lasted 9/14/1963 #17939 ds away in an open field. Near the latter were 5 moving black "objects" abo 3/12/1967 #21874 her son and a young friend of the latter, were driving near Canota, Mendoz 7/8/1968 #24159 an existing fungus, and caused the latter to fluoresce. Phosphorous may als 11/2/1971 #26450 mpanied the main object during the latter half of the sighting. 2/17/1976 #30877 ed via the former has left via the latter. State police escort all but the 1/10/1977 #31715 stic killings by cult members. The latter incidents occur mostly in Idaho. 1984 #37091 me hour. A photograph confirms the latter interpretation. 12/16/1992 #40749 ining 10% are unexplained. For the latter cases, they could be rare or stil 2000 #43911 d Special Operations Squadron (the latter is the 1st MQ- 1 Predator squadro 10/2005 #44882 ginia Capes (FASCFAC VACAPES), the latter of which is also identified here 11/18/2013 #45395 to “not refer to UAPs as UFOs. The latter term is intrinsically linked to t 7/24/2020 #45655 ce Authorization Act for 2021. The latter contains a subheading labeled “Ad 12/27/2020 #45670 tin, TX and East Setauket, NY, the latter of which is where Renaissance is 2/22/2023 #45794## Word: "lattice" (Back to Top)
heir thoughts. It has a crisscross lattice structure and tubes on its under 2/26/1983 #36771 eir thoughts. It had a criss-cross lattice structure and tubes on its under 2/26/1983 #36772 rical, cylindrical, torus, pill or lattice shape. This is a similar descri 5/17/1999 #43770 rical, cylindrical, torus, pill or lattice shaped. Triad’s website states i 6/25/2021 #45695## Word: "lattice-enclosed" (Back to Top)
ed out of her mobile home onto her lattice-enclosed patio in Marshalltown, 9/9/1997 #43403## Word: "lattice-like" (Back to Top)
ly bright light envelope him and a lattice-like structure surround him. He 12/31/1989 #39345## Word: "lattice-work" (Back to Top)
. Huge hexagonal object over road. Lattice-work and tank-like structures. 3/5/1979 #34464## Word: "latvia" (Back to Top)
Baltic Sea Hiiumaa island, Estonia Latvia Peenemünde, Germany Parikkala in 8/13/1946 #2128 amberlin: Hiiumaa island, Estonia; Latvia; or Peenemünde, Germany. Gen. Jos 8/13/1946 #2128 OGRE OBSERVER(S), LATVIA 2 astronomers. 3 small saucers or 7/26/1965 #19177 ldone Astrophysical Observatory in Latvia 9:35 p.m. Astronomers Robert Vito 7/26/1965 #19180 ldone Astrophysical Observatory in Latvia are observing noctilucent clouds 7/26/1965 #19180 nt clouds at the Ogra Observatory, Latvia sighted a bright light in the wes 7/26/1965 #19182 and Texas. There are reports from Latvia, Austria, Argentina, Peru, Mexico 8/2/1965 #19269 LIEPAYA, LATVIA Several pilots. Brill white ovoid 8/12/1965 #19371 LIEPAYA, LATVIA Several observer(s). Large hemisp 11/14/1967 #23446 ay quickly in the city of Liepaya, Latvia. The light from the UFO was so br 11/14/1967 #23451 Baltic Sea Liepāja, Latvia Night. A large, illuminated hemis Late 11/1967 #23511 re of the Baltic Sea near Liepāja, Latvia. Its light is difficult to look a Late 11/1967 #23511 RIGA, LATVIA Photograph taken. Delta/triangle/ 8/4/1968 #24293 80KM / RIGA, LATVIA Image / observer(s) as baby and h 9/1980 #35486 VENTSPILS, LATVIA 4 Russian jets fire rockets / UFO 8/26/1983 #36956 Baltic Sea Lübeck, Germany Riga, Latvia Murmansk area The Russian motorsh 10/1985 #37670 und from Lübeck, Germany, to Riga, Latvia, when the crew observes a bright 10/1985 #37670 NEAR RIGA, LATVIA 8 meter wide-4 meter high cylinde 11/23/1991 #40235 On this day a hunter in Riga, Latvia shot at a UFO at close range, whi 11/23/1991 #40236## Word: "laubach" (Back to Top)
At 3:10 p.m. a doctor named Laubach sighted a seven meter diameter d 7/26/1949 #4293## Word: "laube" (Back to Top)
rilliant metal was sighted by John Laube and Fred Platte in Waverly, Iowa. 6/2/1947 #2311## Word: "lauderdale" (Back to Top)
EAST / FT LAUDERDALE, FL 6 Army Air Force (AAF) pl 12/5/1945 #1949 Fort Lauderdale, Florida Atlantic Ocean Flori 12/5/1945 #1950 ed to take them due east from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for 141 miles, nort 12/5/1945 #1950 e planes, which took off from Fort Lauderdale Naval Air Station, Florida di 12/5/1945 #1951 d while flying northeast from Fort Lauderdale, and made increasingly franti 12/5/1945 #1951 EAST / FT. LAUDERDALE, FL U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) 3/25/1954 #9641 Ft Lauderdale, FL Ball With Golden Ring Sto 3/25/1954 #9642 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 3:20 p.m. USMC Capt. 3/25/1954 #9643 ing on an easterly heading at Fort Lauderdale, Florida, at about 26,000 fee 3/25/1954 #9643 NORTHWEST / FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 2 / boat. Orange fireball 5/17/1958 #15040 Ft. Lauderdale, FL UFO sped away when light 5/17/1958 #15041 :45 p.m. two men in a boat in Fort Lauderdale, Florida watched as an orange 5/17/1958 #15042 oast of Florida, southeast of Fort Lauderdale. 12/20/1976 #31627 FT LAUDERDALE, FL 10 observer(s). 50 silver 7/19/1986 #37947 ington State. At 4:30 a.m. in Fort Lauderdale, Florida 50 silvery discs man 7/19/1986 #37949 FT LAUDERDALE, FL 1 observer only. Silent w 11/14/1991? #40229 OFF FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 3 observer(s). 2 tiny whi 2/26/1996 #42781 r the Florida Everglades from Fort Lauderdale, Florida at 3:37 p.m. 2/15/2003 #44492 In North Lauderdale, Florida at approximately 10: 5/7/2004 #44695## Word: "laudermilk" (Back to Top)
omona, California Geochemist J. D. Laudermilk watches a disc moving with a 10/3/1950 #5209## Word: "laudie" (Back to Top)
in Dickinson, South Dakota. Farmer Laudie Dvorak was driving into his farmy 11/8/1956 #13314## Word: "laugere" (Back to Top)
, France A railroad employee, Mr. Laugere, saw a torpedo-shaped, metallic 10/12/1954 #10971 A railroad employee, Mr. Laugere, saw a torpedo-shaped, metallic 10/12/1954 #10981## Word: "laugh" (Back to Top)
y / white suits / transparent dome laugh! / r30p239. 10/30/1959 (approximate) #16067 a thought she could hear a muffled laugh coming from the figure. 8/31/1968 #24410 his face and he emitted a sinister laugh, asking several times where his mo 4/25/1977 #32024 s face and he gives out a sinister laugh, asking several times where his mo 4/25/1977 #32026 his face and he emitted a sinister laugh, asking several times where his mo 4/25/1977 #32027## Word: "laughable" (Back to Top)
entists outside the Air Force, (4) laughable statistical methods, (5) too m 10/7/1968 #24548 obert J. Friend says the story is “laughable” and denies ever having to con 8/3/1997 #43365 ert J. Friend states the story is “laughable,” implying that Haines’ report 8/3/1997 #43367## Word: "laughead" (Back to Top)
, Illinois, and Charles and Lilian Laughead of Detroit, Michigan, send out 8/20/1954 #10156 ege East Lansing, Michigan Charles Laughead is forced to resign his positio 11/22/1954 #11689 Detroit, Michigan Charles Laughead and his wife Lillian meet Georg 12/1954 #11738 in attendance, along with Charles Laughead, Dorothy Martin, George Hunt Wi 3/12/1955 #12046 r Hurkos accidentally meet Charles Laughead and his wife Lillian in Acámbar 7/1956 #12940## Word: "laugheads" (Back to Top)
facility in Glen Cove, Maine. The Laugheads are convinced that Puharich an 7/1956 #12940 f from Prescott, Arizona, with the Laugheads, ufologist brothers Ray and Re 12/2/1956 #13384 ction of their spirit masters. The Laugheads (who apparently were in Mexico 12/2/1956 #13384## Word: "laughed" (Back to Top)
ys it, apparently in fear of being laughed at by the press, scientific coll 7/11/1961 #16760 n asked where he was from, he just laughed. The meeting was brief, perhaps 11/17/1966 #21119 being easily jumped over the car, laughed, then jumped to a hill where a s 7/3/1968 #24140 4 meters of the witness. When they laughed at the witness, who was smoking 2/6/1969 #24897 hin 3-4 meters of Tiago. When they laughed at him while he puffed a cigaret 2/7/1969 #24902 called out to them, whereupon they laughed aloud, then turned and fled into 9/27/1973 #27879 e, and he told his friends but was laughed at. 6/12/1977 #32161 Accetta told his superior but was laughed at and asked if he had been drin 11/15/2011 #45334## Word: "laughing" (Back to Top)
p but take off shortly afterward, “laughing and waving their hands.” 4/16/1897 #508 ding on a circular piece of metal, laughing at the witness's terrified expr 10/14/1954 #11043 g around him. The man seems to be “laughing” at the witness. The UFO shoots 10/14/1954 #11053 ding on a circular piece of metal, laughing at the witness's terrified expr 10/14/1954 #11064 riendly expressions, the older one laughing. They wore a sort of gray, tigh 11/1/1954 #11520 ansparent dome, and appeared to be laughing at them. 10/30/1959 #16069 nt into Los Llanos, some childish, laughing voices break into the UHF-1 cha 11/17/1979 #35005 le the two beings kept talking and laughing. The witness then gave an order 2/6/1980 #35160## Word: "laughlin" (Back to Top)
Laughlin AFB, Del Rio, Texas San Cristób 10/14/1962 #17471 SAF Major Richard S. Heyser out of Laughlin AFB, Del Rio, Texas, takes 928 10/14/1962 #17471 m the ground near US Highway 95 in Laughlin, Nevada at 10:00 p.m. It direct 8/31/1985 #37652 eligman and astrophysicist Gregory Laughlin argue that the interstellar obj 5/28/2020 #45646## Word: "laughs" (Back to Top)
/ ground. Small humanoid (or Grey) laughs at frightened observer. Flies / v 10/14/1954 #11010 him this explanation, and Dustman laughs out loud. 4/22/1966 #20373## Word: "laughter" (Back to Top)
co, when they hear loud voices and laughter coming from a “large balloon” s 3/26/1880 #230 ey can hear machinery, voices, and laughter. Two red lights are positioned 4/11/1897 #428 ast?” The question is greeted with laughter and Haldane does not reply. 5/17/1909 #753 hat the girls thought sounded like laughter. The other being was approximat 8/13/1965 #19383## Word: "laulne" (Back to Top)
LAULNE, FR 3 separate observer(s). Domed 1/5/1975 #29717 Laulne, Manche Department, France 6:50 p 1/5/1975 #29719 At 6:55 p.m. in Laulne pres de Lessay, Manche department 1/5/1975 #29726## Word: "launac" (Back to Top)
LAUNAC, FR Round lights / rigid X-form d 10/5/1973 #27937 m. an X-shaped UFO buzzed a car in Launac, France. It ascended and flew off 10/5/1973 #27952## Word: "launay" (Back to Top)
SS PT. LAUNAY Faint globe appears / all sides / 6/1971 #26150## Word: "launceston" (Back to Top)
ase East Sale, Victoria, Australia Launceston, Tasmania 10:40 a.m. A USAF B 11/15/1960 #16505 encounters a UFO 15 miles north of Launceston, Tasmania. Capt. Douglas G. L 11/15/1960 #16505 NORTHWEST / LAUNCESTON, TASM Mechanical Engineer / p 6/27/1982 #36518 Launceston, Tasmania (NW of), AU A mecha 6/27/1982 #36519 on an airliner flying northwest of Launceston, Tasmania watched a metallic 6/27/1982 #36519 on an airliner flying northwest of Launceston, Tasmania watched a metallic 6/27/1982 #36522 Launceston, Northern Tasmania, AU Gray e 12/14/1984 #37524 LAUNCESTON, TASM Elliptical object on ro 12/14/1987 #38361 Launceston, Tasmania Elliptical object l 12/14/1987 #38362 Launceston, Northern Tasmania Elliptical 12/14/1987 #38363 Launceston, Tasmania 9:30 p.m. A gray, o 12/14/1987 #38364 road ahead of a Mercedes car near Launceston, Tasmania. The engine and lig 12/14/1987 #38364 Launceston, AR Glowing red object follow 1/19/1988 #38414 Launceston, Tasmania About 1:00 p.m. A v 5/29/1996 #42914 n against the clear blue sky above Launceston, Tasmania. It forms into a ve 5/29/1996 #42914## Word: "launceton" (Back to Top)
LAUNCETON AND KINGSTON AND CAIRNS BAY, T 8/9/1994 #41664## Word: "launch" (Back to Top)
n enormous Columbiad space gun and launch three people—the Gun Club’s presi 1865 #163 ERSDORF AIR FORCE BASE, GER Rocket launch. Film shows sphere circle and fol 2/12/1944 #1572 The test launch of a Nazi rocket from Kummerdorf 2/12/1944 #1573 ration Backfire near Cuxhaven: V-2 launch test 10/2/1945 #1943 ration Backfire near Cuxhaven: V-2 launch test 10/15/1945 #1945 Launch Complex 33, White Sands Proving G 1946 #1958 e White Sands V-2 Launching Sight, Launch Complex 33 1946 #1958 .5km altitude (radio cut off after launch, fin 4 failed prior to cutoff) 4/16/1946 #1982 m thinks that Łeba, Poland, is the launch site. 8/13/1946 #2128 ltitude (Radio cut-off 16.5s after launch) 8/15/1946 #2136 t radar indicates the ghost rocket launch site is at Peenemünde, Germany. T 8/19/1946 #2144 conclusion that Peenemünde is the launch site. CIG speculates that the mis 8/22/1946 #2150 e vicinity of the rocket after the launch that might have been responsible 5/15/1947 #2282 ordo five and a half minutes after launch. Commanding Officer Lt. Col. Haro 5/15/1947 #2284 e vicinity of the rocket after the launch that might have been responsible 5/15/1947 #2284 ew Mexico, to observe a V-2 rocket launch scheduled for July 3. Between 1:0 6/29/1947 #2467 Wright Field, Ohio 4:25 p.m. A V-2 launch is aborted at White Sands Proving 7/10/1947 #3108 (Operation Sandy. Aircraft carrier launch successful. Exploded at 1524m) 9/6/1947 #3387 that day), 260km (Lost fins after launch) 11/2/1947 #3476 loon, although he cannot confirm a launch that day. Army veteran Clifford S 1/7/1948 #3544 33, 144km altitude (Three previous launch attempts failed in year prior. Ex 4/2/1948 #3605 ver, there is no known record of a launch on this date of a V-2 or R-1 miss 8/21/1948 #3785 notifies the Pentagon that it will launch an immediate investigation of the 1/31/1949 #3988 C.B. Moore and others on a balloon launch crew. One white, round ellipsoid 4/24/1949 #4103 oore and four Navy Skyhook balloon launch crewmen (Navy Chief Fire Controlm 4/24/1949 #4104 a white object overhead during the launch of a WAC Corporal B rocket at Whi 5/9/1949 #4176 pace a V-2 rocket during its test launch from the White Sands Missile Rang 6/10/1949 #4233 r following the B-50 Superfortress launch aircraft from above on both the d 8/30/1950 #5150 AFB), NM Objects Filmed After V-2 Launch (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, 8/31/1950 #5153 0 a.m.–1:00 p.m. After V-2 missile launch no. 51 at Holloman AFB, New Mexic 8/31/1950 #5154 o Morning. During a guided missile launch, two radar operators at White San 7/14/1951 #5575 hrough a telescope during a rocket launch, and then tracked on airborne rad 7/14/1951 #5576 11 a.m. SAC is notified to prepare launch of nuclear missiles. The alert is 4/17/1952 #6106 Calgary, Alberta During a launch of a pibal balloon at Calgary, Al 6/8/1952 #6470 Department of Transport associates launch a large weather balloon with a ma 9/8/1952 #7881 king of a Project Grab Bag balloon launch, a 40-foot object leaving a brief 10/15/1953 #9230 At the test launch of a V-2 rocket at Point Mugu, Ca 12/16/1953 #9375 civilian in nature. Following the launch of the Soviet satellite Sputnik 1 1954 #9413 s on October 27 that it intends to launch an official investigation. 10/15/1954 #11112 Moya, age 39, was hunting from his launch, when he saw a luminous sphere ho 11/4/1954 #11569 Eisenhower announces a program to launch a scientific satellite during the 7/29/1955 #12301 Eisenhower has decided to back the launch of a US scientific satellite duri 8/2/1955 #12324 ence and announces that Russia can launch an artificial satellite within th 8/2/1955 #12324 that it is not a meteor. After the launch of Sputnik in November 1957, Prot 10/25/1955 #12520 l satellite that the US intends to launch during the International Geophysi 9/11/1956 #13214 obinson says he has no idea how to launch a balloon, but there is some evid 2/15/1957 #13509 e US conducts its first successful launch of an SM-65A Atlas missile at Cap 12/17/1957 #14742 space-based battleship that could launch nuclear missiles from space. But 1958 #14780 just before the object appeared a launch was being hauled up from the wate 1/16/1958 #14831 Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 26 First US Satellite Exp 2/1/1958 #14861 um earth orbit from Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 26 2/1/1958 #14861 Cosmodrome Kazakhstan The Soviets launch Sputnik 3 from Baikonur Cosmodrom 5/15/1958 #15035 veral, Florida 5:44 a.m. The first launch of a Juno II, carrying Pioneer 3, 12/6/1958 #15472 cryptic statement about the failed launch of Pioneer 3 by a Juno II rocket 1/1/1959 #15526 e February, pretend to attempt the launch of their OTC-X1 spacecraft in a g 4/19/1959 #15708 develops a “mercury leak” and the launch is delayed then canceled. Those w 4/19/1959 #15708 ose who have come for the April 19 launch hear contactee Dana Howard talk a 4/19/1959 #15708 Cape Canaveral, FL UFO alters launch of U.S. Navy Polaris missile, G ( 1/10/1961 #16569 nald list) Object Tracked Prior to Launch of Polaris Missile (NICAP: 09 - R 4/11/1961 #16646 s the first manned Project Mercury launch. 5/5/1961 #16676 wn / tracking scope during missile launch. Military observer(s). 9/7/1961 #16819 ct Moves Vertically During Missile Launch (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 9/7/1961 #16820 t the not-yet-operational Titan II launch complex of the 570th Strategic Mi 8/7/1962 #17328 ar Moore, Montana [likely the M-01 launch site that is part of Malmstrom AF 10/2/1962 #17451 etter to Khrushchev, urging him to launch a nuclear first strike against th 10/26/1962 #17499 egic Missile Wing consisting of 18 Launch Facilities around the Tucson area 7/2/1963 #17823 Launch Officer Jerome C. Nelson states w Late 1963 #17989 crew films an SM-65F Atlas missile launch where a UFO allegedly causes the 9/15/1964 #18556 uadron’s underground Atlas missile launch facilities at Walker AFB [now clo Late 1964 #18583 Squadron’s underground Atlas ICBM launch control capsules. Moore was at 57 Late 1964 #18584 sonnel. Additional testimony from launch officer John F. Earnshaw states s 7/31/1965 #19225 s near the base’s ICBM Minuteman I launch control facilities (LCFs) and lau 8/1/1965 #19242 unch control facilities (LCFs) and launch facilities (LFs, missile silos). 8/1/1965 #19242 ace Tech. 3 saucers scout Gemini 5 launch contrail. Photographs. / MJ#268. 8/21/1965 #19446 Ellsworth AFB H-01 missile launch facility southwest of Union Cente 6/25/1966 #20610 ver the Ellsworth AFB H-01 missile launch facility southwest of Union Cente 6/25/1966 #20610 of California The fourth and final launch of a D-21 drone from an M-21 ends 7/30/1966 #20696 ilot, Bill Park, survives, but the launch control officer, Ray Torrick, dro 7/30/1966 #20696 hnson decides to refit the D-21 to launch from a B-52 bomber in order to no 7/30/1966 #20696 Minot AFB M-6 Minuteman launch site southeast of Norma, North Da 8/24/1966 #20802 above the Minot AFB M-6 Minuteman launch site southeast of Norma, North Da 8/24/1966 #20802 is confirmed by two other missile launch sites, M- 4 and N-7 (near Mohall) 8/24/1966 #20802 ary members topside at the missile launch control facility observed the mys 9/1966 #20820 night. Schindele, a Minuteman ICBM launch control officer and deputy missil 9/1966 #20820 le combat crew commander, was at a launch control center near Mohall, where 9/1966 #20820 t one of the Malmstrom AFB missile launch facilities near Conrad, Montana, 9/1966 #20826 tude. Circles and maneuvers. Soyuz launch around this date. 11/1966 (approximate) #21054 orin is driving three members of a launch team to the tower at Interarmy Sp 1/1967 #21243 e object circles directly over the launch control facility. F-106 fighters 3/5/1967 #21765 Malmstrom AFB Echo-Flight missile launch facility Winfred Hilger, Montana 3/16/1967 #21904 Malmstrom AFB Echo-Flight missile launch facility between Winfred and Hilg 3/16/1967 #21904 ke teams are dispatched to the two Launch Control Centers, where maintenanc 3/16/1967 #21904 Malmstrom AFB Roy, Montana Launch Control Center SAC USAF 341st Str 3/24/1967 #21973 ith the Malmstrom AFB Oscar-Flight Launch Control Center for the SAC USAF 3 3/24/1967 #21973 r space 7:20-7:40 p.m. EST. A NASA launch that created a sodium vapor cloud 3/30/1967 #22015 white object circles one Minuteman launch site near Malmstrom AFB, Great Fa 4/10/1967 #22105 ential for finding the SAM missile launch sites responsible for shooting do 5/16/1967 #22354 Hellyer flies in by helicopter to launch the pad. It consists of a raised 6/3/1967 #22457 land John Harney and Alan W. Sharp launch a new publication, Merseyside UFO 1/1968 #23639 Earth to overcome misery. We must launch a call on them to use their resou 6/26/1968 #24084 orth Dakota Bowbells, North Dakota Launch Facility Oscar-7 2:15–5:18 a.m. S 10/24/1968 #24587 re activated at the remote missile Launch Facility Oscar-7. The duration of 10/24/1968 #24587 ted to a U.S. Navy Polaris missile launch. Heyerdahl and his crew were atte 6/11/1970 #25697 exas Denver, Colorado Prior to the launch of a Black Arrow rocket, an unide 12/20/1971 #26509 Francis E. Warren AFB Golf launch control capsule missile site nort Autumn 1973 #27860 at the Francis E. Warren AFB Golf launch control capsule missile site nort Autumn 1973 #27860 gate an alarm at one of India’s 10 launch sites. The guards find that the i Autumn 1973 #27860 Dim and brighten. Possible rocket launch. 10/4/1973 #27932 ility near Brady, Montana Romeo-29 launch facility About 9:00 p.m. A missil 3/1974 #28830 facility About 9:00 p.m. A missile launch officer with the 564th Strategic 3/1974 #28830 object hovering above the Romeo-29 launch facility. Suddenly, the missile s 3/1974 #28830 restarts and the missile goes into launch mode again, followed by an inhibi 3/1974 #28830 order that does not work. But the launch code is false and the missile rem 3/1974 #28830 d object hovers above the Romeo-29 launch facility at the Malmstrom AFB Rom 3/1974 #28831 facility near Brady, MT. A missile launch officer with the 564th Strategic 3/1974 #28831 ly and the missile again goes into launch mode; the officer’s next “inhibit 3/1974 #28831 der doesn’t work. Fortunately, the launch code is false and the missile rem 3/1974 #28831 /74 predicting the government will launch a carefully-engineered acclimatio 12/1974 #29623 ncis E. Warren AFB Tango-1 missile launch facility southeast of Wheatland, 1975 #29680 east of Wheatland, Wyoming Romeo-1 launch facility northwest of Meriden Den 1975 #29680 ncis E. Warren AFB Tango-1 missile launch facility southeast of Wheatland, 1975 #29680 ver the mountains from the Romeo-1 launch facility northwest of Meriden, hu 1975 #29680 the K-1 missile base [Kilo Flight Launch Control Facility] north of Harlow 2/18/1975 #29823 e meeting, the Oregon State Police launch an investigation. Other audience 9/14/1975 #30360 s attempt to cover up a murder and launch an extensive search for Walton’s 11/5/1975 #30562 lating security at several missile launch sites. Underground, in the launch 11/7/1975 #30576 launch sites. Underground, in the launch control facility, two officers no 11/7/1975 #30576 mendous in size. They radio to the launch control facility that, from their 11/7/1975 #30576 er specialists, are brought to the launch site to examine the missile and t 11/7/1975 #30576 the light is from a naval missile launch. However, two Poseidon missiles a 6/22/1976 #31129 ert duty at one of the underground launch capsules at Francis E. Warren AFB Autumn 1976 #31421 when the officer-in- charge at the launch facility asks two security guards Autumn 1976 #31421 of their position and close to the launch control facility itself. The UFO Autumn 1976 #31421 Trump, of a failed Iranian rocket launch. 12/19/1976 #31620 . The sighting correlates with the launch of two Poseidon missiles from the 3/24/1977 #31929 EA, RUSSIA Many misidentify rocket launch. UFO's also seen widely. Night li 9/16/1977 #32486 niversally) been attributed to the launch of the Soviet satellite Kosmos-95 9/20/1977 #32499 storage areas, missile sites, and launch control facilities, and the inabi 12/20/1978 #34183 storage areas, missile sites, and launch control facilities, and the inabi 12/20/1978 #34186 , low-frequency hum permeating the launch facility. The guard leads them ou Early 1/1979 #34280 ne. Targeting teams from two other launch sites report similar experiences. Early 1/1979 #34280 minute(s). 1/2 shinks away. / asat launch? 4/12/1980 #35270 rent. Going southeast. Cosmos 1188 launch? / r117p428. 6/14/1980 #35364 barium cloud produced by a rocket launch. 6/14/1980 #35368 econds, one of them directly above launch pad number 1. On June 2, bolts an 6/1/1982 #36489 rs hover overhead. 1 directly over launch pad#1. Electro-magnetic effect (E 7/1982 (approximate) #36523 spontaneously go into an automated launch sequence by themselves, proceedin 10/4/1982 #36634 the incident, British authorities launch a secret investigation, the resul 10/19/1982 #36654 n, Swedish, and Finnish ufologists launch Project Hessdalen under the direc 6/3/1983 #36874 intercontinental ballistic missile launch from the US. Lt. Col. Stanislav P 9/26/1983 #36986 t M-base. UFO's / 4 hours. Missile launch codes enabled! Phony orders! 10/4/1983 #36997 wrence Fawcett and Barry Greenwood launch a new series of Just Cause newsle 9/1984 #37451 ur observers of the Soviet missile launch watching in Finland. 9/7/1984 #37458 ornia Vicki Ecker and Sherie Stark launch a newsstand magazine, California 9/1986 #38008 at the same time instantly. Other launch control facilities in the same se Fall 1986 #38035 ed to a security alert at the N-06 launch site and had not been heard from Winter 1987 #38370 , even the flashlights. The entire launch facility, up to 20 feet outside t Winter 1987 #38370 ect telemetry information from the launch, Hopkins observes a “translucent, 10/1988 #38661 here in the world 30 minutes after launch. Behind a big black curtain are t 11/12/1988 #38713 d on May 22, 1999, and by 2004 the launch of a third satellite is planned f 3/1/1990 #39437 the payload of the Delta IV Heavy launch designated NROL-15, which is laun 3/1/1990 #39437 ich is launched in June 2012. That launch deposits a payload into geosynchr 3/1/1990 #39437 ight area Opal, South Dakota Oscar Launch Control Facility 10:45 p.m. Secur 9/1991 #40178 when he is dispatched to a missile launch site with multiple alarms. They a 9/1991 #40178 eset. On the way back to the Oscar Launch Control Facility, he gets another 9/1991 #40178 rs by discarded 1st stage / rocket launch. Follows it. 10/2/1991 #40204 ver ex pilots house. After shuttle launch. / r121p240. 11/24/1991 #40237 Malmstrom AFB A-3 flight launch facility Sluice Box Canyon Monarc 3/1992 #40343 am at the Malmstrom AFB A-3 flight launch facility outside Sluice Box Canyo 3/1992 #40343 ana Belt, Montana Alpha-01 missile launch facility Night. T/Sgt John W. Mil 1/1993 #40782 to proceed to the Alpha-01 missile launch facility not far away. They are r 1/1993 #40782 light going south during Soyuz-17 launch. Quick media blackout. 7/1/1993 #41044 od is the only elected official to launch a public investigation, but she r 3/13/1997 #43229 le Sergio Sánchez and Diego Zúñiga launch the UFO magazine La Nave de los L 4/2000 #43975 this technology could impact space launch systems, artificial gravity on sp 7/29/2002 #44370 China Zichang Satellite Launch Center China conducts an anti-sat 1/11/2007 #44998 uel missile from Zichang Satellite Launch Center or nearby. It is the first 1/11/2007 #44998 nuclear bases and interfered with launch controls were secret USG/USG cont 2010 #45263 Falcon 9 Technology Demonstration launch 6/4/2010 #45284 Zhejiang, China Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Eastern Gobi Desert 8:40 p 7/7/2010 #45286 that the most likely cause is the launch of a DF-21 missile somewhere near 7/7/2010 #45286 e somewhere near Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center and aimed at a point somew 7/7/2010 #45286 scar-01 Missile Alert Facility and Launch Control Center. Dispatch called M 9/19/2012 #45353 raft leads the UK Airprox Board to launch a Small Unmanned Air System (SUAS 2017 #45462 nt and NORAD publicly confirms the launch of the F-15s. 10/25/2017 #45487 rmer USG/USG contractor officials, launch the A.D.A.M. Research Project to 7/2018 #45532 Russia, to serve as a platform to launch a worldwide UFO organization. The 10/15/2018 #45540 ease in March and April due to the launch of SpaceX satellite trains. The m 1/2021 #45671 icks off a secretive experiment to launch a missile at a surface target usi 4/19/2021 #45683## Word: "launch-and-recovery" (Back to Top)
l military activities were balloon launch-and-recovery operations. Although 6/24/1997 #43338 ly test dummies as part of balloon launch-and-recovery operations. The repo 6/24/1997 #43339## Word: "launched" (Back to Top)
irst V-2 rocket attacks begin. Two launched at Paris. V-2’s speed and traje 9/7/1944 #1666 form to a V-1 shape and seem to be launched from the USSR. The report notes 8/1/1946 #2099 I test missile (a modified V-2) is launched from White Sands Proving Ground 5/29/1947 #2301 Mogul flight number 4 is allegedly launched from Alamogordo Army Air Field. 6/4/1947 #2312 a cluster of plastic balloons, is launched from Holloman AFB, New Mexico. 7/3/1947 #2580 a cluster of plastic balloons, is launched from Holloman AFB, New Mexico. 7/3/1947 #2585 a cluster of plastic balloons, is launched from Holloman AFB, New Mexico. 7/5/1947 #2720 caused by a rocket-propelled plane launched straight up from the ground, in 8/20/1947 #3355 ssile test at Kapustin Yar, 270km (Launched 5 hours after previous rocket a 11/13/1947 #3487 tively identify the balloon as one launched from Camp Ripley near Little Fa 1/7/1948 #3544 lmington, Ohio, where Skyhooks are launched a couple years later, watch a q 1/7/1948 #3547 t of reconnaissance: “If they were launched by a foreign power, then they c 2/25/1951 #5458 n 85-foot-diameter Skyhook balloon launched from an icebreaker, US Coast Gu 8/29/1952 #7788 ving rapidly.” No balloon has been launched. 9/20/1952 #7987 ight. A lighted weather balloon is launched at 8:53 p.m. from Laredo AFB bu 12/4/1952 #8377 k explains it as a weather balloon launched from Geiger Field [now Spokane 2/6/1953 #8643 ar in Korea The MKUltra project is launched on the order of CIA Director Al 4/13/1953 #8823 this object was a Skyhook balloon launched from Holloman AFB in New Mexico 11/3/1953 #9279 n, England Flying Saucer Review is launched in London, England, as a small- Spring 1955 #12053 was seen earlier pursuing a rocket launched from Cape Canaveral. About two 11/8/1956 #13315 Both the Soviet Union and the U.S. launched artificial satellites for this 7/1/1957 #13768 ent; the Soviet Union’s Sputnik 1, launched on October 4, 1957, was the fir 7/1/1957 #13768 Sputnik 1 launched, transmits for 3 weeks, deorbit 10/4/1957 #14056 USSR Sputnik 2 launched. Laika = first dog in space. Al 11/4/1957 #14256 m to be interested in the recently launched Russian sputniks and the satell 11/5/1957 #14343 the final stage of the rocket that launched Sputnik I. 12/1/1957 #14660 x 26 First US Satellite Explorer 1 launched into a geocentric medium earth 2/1/1958 #14861 , part of Operation Hardtack I, is launched from Johnston Atoll in the Nort 8/1/1958 #15174 i The Orange thermonuclear test is launched by Redstone missile from Johnst 8/11/1958 #15191 ject is probably a Skyhook balloon launched from the University of Minnesot 8/18/1958 #15215 Argus, three nuclear warheads are launched from X-17 rockets from the deck 8/27/1958 #15229 first Atlas-D ICBM is successfully launched at Vandenberg AFB [now Vandenbe 9/9/1959 #15962 Pioneer 5 space probe, which isn’t launched until March 11], “which was exp 3/6/1960 #16198 1 photoreconnaissance satellite is launched from Vandenberg AFB [now Vanden 8/10/1960 #16367 NASA’s Echo 1 balloon satellite is launched by a Thor-Delta rocket and beco 8/12/1960 #16372 er 14 Corona KH-1 spy satellite is launched. It is the first completely suc 8/18/1960 #16406 not regain contact, so a search is launched with helicopters and troops. Th 1961 #16550 a A US Navy A-1 Polaris missile is launched from a ground pad at Cape Canav 1/10/1961 #16574 At 12:14 p.m. a Polaris missile launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida wa 1/10/1961 #16575 munist government of Fidel Castro. Launched from bases in Guatemala and Nic 4/17/1961 #16649 nds) when his Freedom 7 capsule is launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, a 5/5/1961 #16676 econnaissance Office is officially launched with headquarters in Chantilly, 9/6/1961 #16818 a secret spy balloon, one of many launched in 1955–1956 by the US Air Forc Summer 1962 #17239 azine (Belgian UFO Information) is launched by a George Adamski group in An 6/1964 #18315 al Electric Mark 2 Reentry Vehicle launched from Johnson Atoll in the Pacif 12/9/1965 #19762 Corona spy satellite, KH-4A 1027, launched from Vandenberg AFB [now Vanden 12/9/1965 #19762 California The D-21 is first launched from an M-21 off the coast of C 3/5/1966 #19941 o learn that a weather balloon was launched in the area during the UFO chas 4/18/1966 #20331 hat there were no weather balloons launched that morning, and also that the 4/18/1966 #20331 M. Sodium vapor clouds from rocket launched at Eglin AFB, FL, blue-green co 1/16/1967 #21321 official Soviet UFO Study Group is launched in a preliminary meeting at the 5/17/1967 #22369 protest activity. The operation is launched under DCI Richard Helms and cou 8/1967 #22770 the Pioneer 7 rocket body that had launched from Cape Canaveral on August 1 8/6/1967 #22830 ut to be a barium cloud experiment launched by NASA at 7:18 EDT from Wallop 10/3/1967 #23172 a showing the Cosmos 208 satellite launched in March 1968 was a success. h 3/1968 #23799 a barium cloud produced by rockets launched from Eglin AFB near Valparaiso, 1/6/1969 #24821 reconnaissance mission over China, launched from a B-52. It flies over the 11/9/1969 #25454 that logs air defense unknowns is launched and maintained for assessment o 1971 #25959 vicinity nor had any balloons been launched, but they also observed the obj 9/24/1973 #27864 st 1973, he stated, Vandenberg AFB launched a Minuteman ICBM to Kwajalein m 7/17/1974 #29267 hts are probably Poseidon missiles launched by the submarine USS Mariano G. 11/22/1974 #29603 Loring AFB, Me. The alert helo was launched to identify the object but was 10/31/1975 #30524 o make contact. The alert helo was launched again at 0146 hours EST, Novemb 10/31/1975 #30524 FB, Maine. The alert helicopter is launched to identify the object but is u 10/31/1975 #30525 t is unable to make contact and is launched again at 1:46 a.m., in response 10/31/1975 #30525 r. Two F- 106 jet interceptors are launched from Great Falls and head towar 11/7/1975 #30576 ion of Claims of the Paranormal is launched at a specially convened confere 4/30/1976 #31028 However, two Poseidon missiles are launched in the area around the same tim 6/22/1976 #31129 and communication control. The UFO launched two smaller UFOs, one of which 9/19/1976 #31396 satellite (codenamed Key Hole) is launched by the US National Reconnaissan 12/19/1976 #31620 he assistance of Nikita A. Schnee. Launched under the auspices of the A. S. 11/1978 #33907 e reentry of a booster rocket that launched a Russian satellite, Kosmos 106 12/31/1978 #34248 le hypothesis, but the US Navy has launched four Poseidon missiles from the 3/5/1979 #34465 rocket second stage 1979-072B that launched Westar 3 from Cape Canaveral, F 8/10/1979 #34724 an Research Public Organization is launched informally by Russian science-f 1980 #35114 t is later identified as a balloon launched from eastern Europe. 4/26/1983 #36845 otice the UFO, a Soviet missile is launched from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome. L 9/7/1984 #37458 en, Norway Project Hessdalen II is launched to study the recurring lights o 1/13/1985 #37548 6 miles by an ASM-135 ASAT missile launched from a USAF F-15 Eagle fighter 9/13/1985 #37660 bulletin board service ParaNet is launched, managed by James J. Speiser in 1/1/1986 #37745 n he is notified that the USSR has launched an RSD-10 Pioneer IRBM toward t 10/1988 #38661 ransmediterranean research balloon launched from Sicily in a joint operatio 8/10/1989 #39050 observers. The second satellite is launched on May 22, 1999, and by 2004 th 3/1/1990 #39437 aunch designated NROL-15, which is launched in June 2012. That launch depos 3/1/1990 #39437 onal UFO research organization, is launched in Victoria, Entre Rios, Argent 1991 #39937 plus cameras on rockets that were launched from White Sands and the Cape t 7/1991 #40108 ng that the object might have been launched from Kapustin Yar, Mangishlak m 8/28/1991 #40168 yklon rocket booster 22586U, which launched the Kosmos 2238 radio satellite 3/31/1993 #40914 ssibly debris from the rocket that launched the Russian satellite Kosmos 22 9/14/1994 #41749 port claims Mogul flight number 4, launched on June 4, 1947, was responsibl 7/1995 #42286 rom several different counties are launched, both on foot and in the air. T 3/24/1997 #43239 al of UFO and Abduction Studies is launched in Southampton, England, by Tot 9/1999 #43838 A Hellfire missile is successfully launched from an MQ-1A Predator drone on Early 6/2001 #44190 ence in Area 51, Nevada. A missile launched from a Predator explodes inside Early 6/2001 #44190 7,490 feet in SpaceShipOne, an air launched rocket plane. 10/4/2004 #44767 it has disappeared. Another plane launched from the USS Nimitz has its rad 11/14/2004 #44784 s in the opposite direction. It is launched with a multistage solid-fuel mi 1/11/2007 #44998 using a RIM-161 Standard Missile 3 launched from the USS Lake Erie. The US 2/21/2008 #45122 ng that a backup system could have launched the missiles if necessary and t 10/23/2010 #45303 nadian CF-18 fighter jets are soon launched from CFB Bagotville in Quebec t 11/21/2018 #45548 objects including 8,558 satellites launched into orbit since 1957. 17,480 o 6/23/2019 #45587 usable, robotic spaceplane that is launched by an Atlas V rocket and uses s 10/27/2019 #45615 y sightings of Starlink satellites launched by SpaceX; although they are at 1/8/2020 #45625## Word: "launcher" (Back to Top)
, dancing light adjacent to rocket Launcher Apron 1, Range B, approximately 10/21/1954 #11304 positions and prepare the grenade launcher. After confirming that all his 8/25/2004 #44741## Word: "launchers" (Back to Top)
las missiles based in above-ground launchers. 9/9/1959 #15962## Word: "launches" (Back to Top)
Wyoming Montana The Japanese Army launches the first of some 9,300 Fu-Go b 11/3/1944 #1691 a) Nearly a week after the US Army launches Operation Lumberjack to cross t 3/12/1945 #1811 research and operations including launches from submarines. 9/11/1946 #2175 ter that there had been no Skyhook launches since late December. However, B 1/7/1948 #3544 ight Field Project Sign officially launches at Wright Field. The primary in 1/22/1948 #3563 est site, in addition to all other launches 1950's #4456 3.4km (Army training test — last 5 launches by “Broomstick Scientists”) 8/22/1951 #5615 n is biased against the ETH, which launches an emotional debate. Ruppelt is Mid 6/1952 #6512 CA Aircraft workers. Silver ovoid launches 2 small scout disks. Rejoin and 7/23/1952 #7037 terplanetary Spacecraft Convention launches the same day near Landers, Cali 8/16/1953 #9074 veral, Florida The US successfully launches a Redstone surface-to-surface m 1/27/1954 #9503 The French Air Ministry allegedly launches a UFO investigation after 267 c 10/2/1954 #10610 FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover launches COINTELPRO (counter-intelligenc 8/1956 #13042 rson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio, launches an intense program to coordinat 9/1956 #13166 trophysical Observatory officially launches Operation Moonwatch, an effort 9/11/1956 #13214 goes on high alert and apparently launches nuclear bombers toward Russia, 9/20/1957 #14020 sk, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia. It launches a kilometer-tall pillar of dust 9/29/1957 #14044 USSR The USSR launches the first artificial earth sate 10/4/1957 #14057 illowdale, Ontario Gene Duplantier launches the quarterly magazine Saucers, 11/1957 #14183 The USSR launches Sputnik 2 carrying Laika the do 11/3/1957 #14252 er, Capen talks more about missile launches and lunar photography than UFO 11/6/1957 #14423 e Janeiro, Brazil Walter K. Buhler launches the Sociedade Brasiliera de Est 12/1957 #14652 e Annex, Florida 10:48 p.m. The US launches its first satellite, Explorer 1 1/31/1958 #14856 France Ufologist Raymond Veillith launches the UFO journal Lumières dans l 2/1958 #14860 ian Department of National Defence launches a series of Communications Inst 2/1/1959 #15575 US The US Air Force launches Discoverer 1, the first of a se 2/28/1959 #15623 lly, Virginia. It designs, builds, launches, and operates the reconnaissanc 9/6/1961 #16818 d members. The following year GEPA launches a magazine, Phénomènes Spatiaux 1962 #17009 sh UFO Research Association, which launches an investigation. The various i 4/24/1965 #18916 ifornia. Unlike the three previous launches, this one is performed straight 7/30/1966 #20696 of Colorado UFO project officially launches. Michael D. Swords writes: “It 11/1/1966 #21060 stigator for the Colorado project, launches UFOCAT, a computerized database Spring 1967 #21924 een ufologists internationally. It launches a newsletter first called Inter 4/1967 #22031 Vietnam South Vietnamese The CIA launches the Phoenix Program in Vietnam 5/1967 #22253 ng for Russian and Chinese missile launches. 1968 #23623 ect intelligence on Soviet missile launches since it was built in 1960–1962 3/1/1968 #23802 Plumerville, Arkansas Rod B. Dyke launches the monthly UFO Newsclipping Se 5/1969 #25104 g was not connected with any space launches, but may have been related to a 6/11/1970 #25697 craft shore battery. The commander launches an MIM-23 Hawk guided missile w Autumn 1974 #29471 investigating animal mutilations, launches an investigation into a suppose 1975 #29679 n a studio or at Area 51. The book launches a host of similar moon landing 1976 #30743 , France Historian Nicolas Greslou launches the Comité Savoyard d’Études et 1976 #30747 Ufologist James W. Moseley launches an eight-page newsletter of UFO 2/1976 #30840 relates with four Poseidon missile launches by the submarine USS Alexander 11/19/1976 #31559 on of high-quality UFO reports. It launches a newsletter, Just Cause. The g 4/1978 #33110 wel Movement led by Maurice Bishop launches an armed revolution and overthr 3/13/1979 #34475 conclude that the objects were the launches of two communications satellite 6/14/1980 #35367 rops a mine. Five minutes later it launches four more rockets, but then the 4/27/1983 #36846 six rockets. Five minutes later it launches four more rockets, and the sona 4/27/1983 #36846 y warning radars do not detect any launches. Part of his reasoning is that 9/26/1983 #36986 involve thousands of simultaneous launches, not a single missile. Later, t 9/26/1983 #36986 the system reports four more ICBM launches headed to the Soviet Union, but 9/26/1983 #36986 the beaches. At 3:30 a.m., the BDF launches a patrol boat and scrambles a C 4/12/1984 #37258 made by other witnesses at rocket launches, including amateur observers of 9/7/1984 #37458 he Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici launches another newsletter, Rassegna Ca 7/1988 #38597 The Center for UFO Studies launches a new series of its Journal of 3/1989 #38854 CHE, BELGIUM Triangular mothership launches small objects. Circular object 12/18/1989 #39321 s orbit The Space Shuttle Atlantis launches the first stealth satellite in 3/1/1990 #39437 nable as natural phenomena, rocket launches, or satellites. He admits that 11/9/1990 #39882 Soviet Union The Soviet Union launches the Thread III Project, a wide- 1991 #39938 ort in Israel. No Israeli military launches where in the area at the time o 6/9/1996 #42929 Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos launches UFO FOTOCAT, a project to creat 2000 #43908 cially rockets and weather balloon launches), while the remaining 10% are u 2000 #43911 ’s Brazilian Ufologists Commission launches a campaign called “Freedom of I 4/15/2004 #44687 FOS, MUFON, Fund for UFO Research) launches an Abduction Monitoring Project 2006 #44916 ringfield, Missouri John Carpenter launches the Journal of Abduction–Encoun 2007 #44995 wed, reusable, robotic spaceplane, launches on its first mission, Orbital T 4/22/2010 #45276 ginally designed to detect missile launches, and later aircraft, this highl 1/2018 #45499 he Federal Aviation Administration launches an investigation into multiple 12/2019 #45620 Robert Bigelow launches a new effort, the Bigelow Insti 6/2020 #45647 The Center for UFO Studies launches its first Facebook page. 5/27/2022 #45752## Word: "launching" (Back to Top)
2 rockets from the White Sands V-2 Launching Sight, Launch Complex 33 1946 #1958 Pentagon In response to the launching of Sputnik, President Eisenhow 2/7/1958 #14874 goes, as it is canceled due to the launching of the Bay of Pigs Invasion. 9/1960 #16428 t on UFOs. He begins the debate by launching into a history of UFOs and str 1/18/1979 #34358 unmanned aerial vehicle capable of launching nuclear missiles, he claimed. 11/12/1988 #38714 through Echo, are responsible for launching those ICBMs in time of war and 10/23/2010 #45303## Word: "launchpads" (Back to Top)
SVERDLOVSK, RUSSIA UFO's over launchpads. Evade jets. Zigzag / RADAR. 4/1959 (approximate) #15685## Word: "laundering" (Back to Top)
lect UAP researchers through money laundering and cut-outs, and Kit Green i 12/15/1978 #34143 or being involved in massive money laundering and other financial crimes an 7/5/1991 #40112 lso accused of opening accounts or laundering money for figures such as Sad 7/5/1991 #40112 ictional “Maynard Corporation” was laundering money through an entity calle 4/5/2016 #45449## Word: "laundry" (Back to Top)
(s) interrogated / USAF. Bodies in laundry bag. / MJ#129. 10/1953 (approximate) #9196 to work, Lawrence Cardenas, 41, a laundry employee, saw 15 strange men wea 9/30/1954 #10510 higan Lawrence Cardenas, age 41, a laundry employee, saw 15 strange men wea 9/30/1954 #10519 bulb released by Neil Robinson, a laundry mechanic from Rochdale. But on A 2/15/1957 #13509 e. Still shaken, María goes to the laundry room and drops on the floor, hea 6/15/1968 #24039 er basement and gave them a cup of laundry detergent. 12/2/1975 #30681 nied her grandmother while she did laundry in Serra Branca, Paraiba state, 5/10/1977 #32083## Word: "launor" (Back to Top)
tific Advisory Board (psychologist Launor F. Carter, industrial psychologis 2/3/1966 #19879## Word: "laura" (Back to Top)
d calls her two teenage daughters (Laura and Patsy) and Laura Oliver to see 7/30/1952 #7364 ge daughters (Laura and Patsy) and Laura Oliver to see it. While looking at 7/30/1952 #7364 , Portugal Porto Airport 4:30 a.m. Laura de Freitas Machado Fernandes gets 7/12/1965 #19096 en G. Ryerson, 16, and her sister, Laura, were going to work in a bean fiel 8/13/1965 #19380 , Ellen Grace Ryerson, age 16, and Laura Jean Ryerson, 13, in Renton, Washi 8/13/1965 #19383 San Francisco California Evening. Laura Simmons sees a “silent, abstract b 9/12/2004 #44755 d from the White House. First lady Laura Bush and former first lady Nancy R 5/11/2005 #44840 ek is played by Aidan Gillen, with Laura Mennell as Mimi Hynek. The series 1/8/2019 #45557 the weekend. Air Force spokeswoman Laura McAndrews says government official 9/20/2019 #45609## Word: "laurance" (Back to Top)
e two UAP projects being funded by Laurance Rockefeller: one is ran by Stev 12/10/1994 #41888 ientific Exploration and funded by Laurance Rockefeller, who has a long-tim 9/29/1997 #43420 uary 2009) was partially funded by Laurance Rockefeller. https://drsteveng 8/2004 #44724## Word: "laurel" (Back to Top)
EAST / LAUREL, OR 3 metallic disks play tag and 7/2/1947 #2545 MT. LAUREL, NJ Kids. Silent moon-size glowin 7/15/1959 (approximate) #15855 is evening seven children in Mount Laurel, New Jersey witnessed a low level 7/15/1959 #15856 rew of a Greek ship, the "Hellenic Laurel", watched a bright white fireball 3/18/1963 #17712 ng by his pool at his townhouse in Laurel, Maryland, watching his children 7/4/1970 #25727 dogs" emerged from a landed UFO in Laurel Grove Cemetery and ran through th 9/9/1973 #27793 uths reported that a UFO landed in Laurel Grove Cemetery, and ten creatures 9/9/1973 #27796 LAUREL, IN 3 observer(s) / (seen thru) b 10/5/1973 #27940 Laurel, IN 6:16 p.m. No sound/3 mins. Ho 10/5/1973 #27948 izona on this day. At 6:20 p.m. in Laurel, Indiana a disc the size of a hou 10/5/1973 #27953 Laurel, Mississippi Evening. A police of 10/8/1973 #27966 ppi Evening. A police officer near Laurel, Mississippi, chases a yellow obj 10/8/1973 #27966 LAUREL, IN 5 observer(s). Domed saucer b 10/11/1973 #27988 Laurel, IN 7:30 p.m. 3-Mins. Sounded lik 10/11/1973 #27994 d maneuvered between some trees in Laurel, Indiana for three minutes. It ma 10/11/1973 #28004 LAUREL, MS USAF officer and wife / car c 8/12/1974 #29326 Laurel, MS Just after midnight Aug. 12/1 8/13/1974 #29340 2/13 two motorists driving between Laurel and Meridian independently report 8/13/1974 #29340 cardo Giaconni, Gerard K. O’Neill, Laurel L. Wilkening, Edward Teller, Dona 6/11/1985 #37600 above the ground over some nearby laurel bushes. It appeared to be an amor 8/2/2000 #44026## Word: "laurence" (Back to Top)
USAF Research and Development Gen. Laurence Cardee Craigie for a reply. Gen 12/22/1947 #3509 Europe Gen. Laurence C. Craigie, director of USAF R& 12/30/1947 #3516 A restricted classification. (Gen. Laurence C. Craigie, “Flying Discs,” Mem 12/30/1947 #3516 for Science and Technology, states Laurence Rockefeller “has been discussin 11/1/1995 #42576 ll and Hillary Clinton traveled to Laurence Rockefeller’s “ranch” in northw 11/1/1995 #42576 lored UFO hovering for 15 minutes. Laurence Fleming reported that at around 4/12/2003 #44513## Word: "laurent" (Back to Top)
y sent to Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent. 8/10/1953 #9060 ST. LAURENT, QB 3+several. 50' bowl saucer h 8/25/1974 (approximate) #29385## Word: "laurent-medoc" (Back to Top)
ST. LAURENT-MEDOC, GIRONDE, FR Luminous cyli 9/23/1954 #10402## Word: "laurentian" (Back to Top)
college yearbook photo editor from Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontari 1/23/1968 #23689 aqutte, married student, residence Laurentian Univ., Sudbury, Ontario. Repo 11/15/1975 #30624## Word: "lauretz" (Back to Top)
blinked out after 40 seconds. Mr. Lauretz reported that his car engine spu 3/10/1972 #26599## Word: "laurie" (Back to Top)
LAURIE ISLAND, ANTARC Arg. scientists. B 7/3/1965 #19058 Argentine Orcadas Base on Laurie Island in the South Orkney Island 7/3/1965 #19062 s at the Argentine Orcadas Base on Laurie Island in the South Orkney Island 7/3/1965 #19062 0 p.m., just west of Shag Harbour, Laurie Wickens and four other teenagers 10/4/1967 #23176 p.m. Ruth Currie and her daughter Laurie see a bright light that seems to 4/19/1974 #29047 State Highway 5 Laurie, Missouri 11:15 p.m. A TV directo 8/5/1978 #33476 ghway 5 about 2 miles southeast of Laurie, Missouri. He and his son watch t 8/5/1978 #33476 ile driving two miles southeast of Laurie, Missouri on Highway 5. Their clo 8/5/1978 #33479 gstoke 2:30 p.m. Flying instructor Laurie Adlington has just left Blackbush 8/27/1979 #34788## Word: "laurier" (Back to Top)
MONT LAURIER, QBC 2 kids. Silent glowing disk 10/28/1971 #26435 down near a power station in Mont Laurier, Quebec. 10/28/1971 #26437## Word: "laurinburg" (Back to Top)
LAURINBURG AIR FORCE BASE, NC 1+2 observ 10/22/1952 #8174## Word: "lauris" (Back to Top)
Chief Air Forces, Pacific, to Gen. Lauris Norstad, War Department Operation 8/7/1946 #2109 ff Dwight D. Eisenhower. Maj. Gen. Lauris Norstad, director of the Plans an 7/9/1947 #3060## Word: "lauro" (Back to Top)
n. Douglas MacArthur tells Achille Lauro, the mayor of Naples, that he does 10/7/1955 #12491## Word: "lausanne" (Back to Top)
Lausanne, Switzerland Solothurn, Switzer 8/9/1762 #81 de Rostan is observing the Sun at Lausanne, Switzerland, when he notices a 8/9/1762 #81 OFF LA BLECHERETTE, LAUSANNE, SWZ 2 / car. Array / 23 night 10/30/1994 #41821 Lake Geneva, near La Blecherette, Lausanne, Switzerland observed an array 10/30/1994 #41823## Word: "lav" (Back to Top)
RTO PIRITU, VNZL Crew and riders / Lav airliner. 3 turtle-saucers shoot vib 12/17/1954 #11826 flat glowing object passed near a LAV DC-3 airliner flying between Puerto 6/9/1957 #13715## Word: "lava" (Back to Top)
wn. Flies going quickly north over lava desert / no towns. 6/15/1947 (approximate) #2331 ments. Arnold thinks it looks like lava. 7/29/1947 #3254 etallic fragments, described as a “lava oxide metal” 1/1948 #3528 ite until it is lost in front of a lava flow about 2 miles away. Both obser 1/18/1966 #19850 work outside. Going quickly west. Lava rock found. 9/16/1974? #29457 took off rapidly to the west, and "lava rock" was found at the landing site 9/16/1974 #29461 ating it was “translucent” like a “lava lamp,” “almost like viscous, but in 5/9/2022 #45747## Word: "lava-traces" (Back to Top)
. 4 small humanoids (or Greys) by. Lava-traces. / APRO May'57+/ r141. 5/10/1957 #13651## Word: "lavaderos" (Back to Top)
ight at his grandmother's house in Lavaderos, Hormigueros, Puerto Rico when 11/8/2004 #44780## Word: "laval" (Back to Top)
LAVAL, FR 3 / clinic. Brilliant cylinder 11/4/1952 #8238 in the morning, over a hospital in Laval, Mayenne department, France a bril 11/4/1952 #8248 NORTHEAST / LAVAL, FR 20M double-cone saucer. 20 win 9/1/1958 #15243 Laval, France About 11 km before Laval, 9/1/1958 #15245 Laval, France About 11 km before Laval, a businessman coming from Paris s 9/1/1958 #15245 p.m., about 11 km before reaching Laval, France a businessman driving from 9/1/1958 #15248 material that was later tested at Laval University. 7/27/1971 #26247 Chomedey, Laval, Quebec 2:00 a.m. Two young witnes 4/26/1975 #30006 iefly behind a school in Chomedey, Laval, Quebec, for a few seconds. They f 4/26/1975 #30006 Laval, Quebec Howard Gontovnick begins m 7/1977 #32221 nthly publication of UFO Canada in Laval, Quebec. It continues until April 7/1977 #32221 O in a field in Ste-Dorothee, near Laval, Quebec. Shortly later they heard 7/23/1982 #36547## Word: "lavalette" (Back to Top)
Lavalette, NJ 2 large orange-yellow ligh 7/20/1952 #6948 Lavalette, New Jersey Witness: Seton Hal 7/20/1952 #6952 try professor Dr. A. B. Spooner of Lavalette, New Jersey reported to the Ai 7/20/1952 #6954 e between Montmoreau and Villebois Lavalette, France. It seemed to be glidi 10/3/1954 #10671## Word: "lavalike" (Back to Top)
ittle men nearby. The police found lavalike fragments at the site. Six othe 5/10/1957 #13652## Word: "lavalle" (Back to Top)
LAVALLE, ARG 4 / car. 20M orange ovoid / 7/8/1968 #24155 he ground while driving to work in Lavalle, Argentina. It was about 20 mete 7/18/1968 #24190## Word: "lavallette" (Back to Top)
LAVALLETTE, NJ Project Bluebook Case #15 7/20/1952 #6943 LAVALLETTE, NJ 3 observer(s) and many. L 7/25/1952 #7131## Word: "lavarande" (Back to Top)
LAVARANDE, ALGERIA Gasoline truck driver 10/11/1954 #10912 Lavarande, Algeria A large disk flying v 10/11/1954 #10933 In Lavarande, Algeria a large disc flew ver 10/11/1954 #10949## Word: "lavenay" (Back to Top)
LAVENAY, SARTHE, FR Luminous ovoid passe 10/7/1954 #10772## Word: "lavender" (Back to Top)
ap bubbles", reflecting yellow and lavender colors, flew in trail for 5 sec 6/23/1952 #6605 soap bubbles reflecting yellow and lavender colors flying in line over Owen 6/23/1952 #6609 ap bubbles", reflecting yellow and lavender colors. They flew one behind th 6/23/1952 #6614 (or Greys) freeze observer(s). Get lavender plants. / r112p101+/ r8#650. 7/1/1965 #19043 n egg-shaped object 30 m away in a lavender field. The craft was set on a c 7/1/1965 #19045 some 200 feet away from him in his lavender field. Squatting on the ground 7/1/1965 #19047 -old boys, apparently looking at a lavender plant. Masse approaches them to 7/1/1965 #19047 bject 30 meters away in a field of lavender. The craft was set on a central 7/1/1965 #19049 lights across its surface and is “lavender and steel gray” on one side, wh 11/17/1997 #43446## Word: "lavender-colored" (Back to Top)
ar for 3 minutes. It has a glowing lavender-colored area around its outer e 5/20/1981 #35943## Word: "laveno" (Back to Top)
LAVENO TO/FROM INTRA, ITL 3 / boat. 2 cl 12/19/1962 #17594## Word: "lavern" (Back to Top)
Fairbank, Iowa 9:00 a.m. Lavern P. Zewiske and his father Paul ar Mid 5/1940 #1332## Word: "laverne" (Back to Top)
Station. Flight Service Specialist Laverne Wertz, Dickerson, and others vie 9/24/1959 #15987## Word: "lavernock" (Back to Top)
Lavernock Battery, Vale of Glamorgan, Wa 1/6/1913 #868 airship” maneuver in the sky over Lavernock Battery, Vale of Glamorgan, Wa 1/6/1913 #868## Word: "laverstock" (Back to Top)
LAVERSTOCK, WILTS, ENGL Several separate 8/24/1994 #41688## Word: "laverton" (Back to Top)
LAVERTON RAAF, VIC Air Force men. Disk s 9/8/1961 #16821 en spinning over the radar hill at Laverton Royal Australian AFB, Victoria, 9/8/1961 #16822 LAVERTON AIR FORCE BASE, WEST AUSTRALIA 12/27/1978 #34214## Word: "laveta" (Back to Top)
LaVeta, CO Dirigible-shaped object, fat 11/25/1955 #12591## Word: "laviana" (Back to Top)
land at the nearby "Gaspar Cracia Laviana Town Sports Center." They all ro 2/23/1995 #42060## Word: "lavik" (Back to Top)
Sognefjord Lavik Vadheim Vestland Norway Paul Pauls 6/2/1989 #38973 wo “U-boats” in Sognefjord between Lavik and Vadheim, Vestland, Norway. He 6/2/1989 #38973## Word: "lavinium" (Back to Top)
Mare Crisium Promontorium Lavinium Promontorium Olivium Science jo 7/30/1953 #9021 the tips of the capes Promontorium Lavinium and Promontorium Olivium. If vi 7/30/1953 #9021## Word: "laviolette" (Back to Top)
ks/presentations by physicist Paul Laviolette] * https://www.amazon.com/E 1968 #23633## Word: "lavished" (Back to Top)
ed a debate “with an intensity not lavished on any home movie since the Zap 8/28/1995 #42425## Word: "lavister" (Back to Top)
a.m. a close encounter occurred in Lavister, near Wrexham, Wales. A 15-mete 5/13/1967 #22338## Word: "lavochkin" (Back to Top)
ns: aircraft exhaust from a Soviet Lavochkin La-9 or La-11 fighter aircraft 3/5/1952 #5946## Word: "lavonia" (Back to Top)
NEAR LAVONIA, GA Car buzzed / saucer. Hiss! R 6/29/1964 #18378 Lavonia (near), GA Vehicle encounter, to 6/29/1964 #18379 Lavonia (near), GA Vehicle encounter, to 6/29/1964 #18380 Lavonia (near), GA Vehicle encounter, to 6/29/1964 #18381 Lavonia, GA Brilliantly lit top-shaped o 6/29/1964 #18382 Lavonia, Georgia - Driving near the Geor 6/29/1964 #18383 Lavonia, Georgia Anderson Regional Airpo 6/30/1964 #18386 Beauford E. Parham is driving near Lavonia, Georgia, on his way back from a 6/30/1964 #18386 ports his sighting to the mayor of Lavonia, then personnel at the Anderson 6/30/1964 #18386## Word: "lavoux" (Back to Top)
Lavoux, France Mr. Barrault was riding h 10/9/1954 #10849 Lavoux, Vienne, France Around 7:00 p.m. 10/9/1954 #10854 0 p.m. Roger Barrault, a worker in Lavoux, Vienne, France, is riding a bicy 10/9/1954 #10854 Barrault was riding his bicycle in Lavoux, France at seven o'clock in the e 10/9/1954 #10867## Word: "lavras" (Back to Top)
On this evening in Lavras de Mangabeira, Brazil a UFO shape 6/11/1968 #24023 LAVRAS, MG, BRZ Red-orange 50M object / 6/4/1969? #25198 the ground and 150 meters away in Lavras, Brazil. Earlier that morning at 6/4/1969 #25200## Word: "lavrentiy" (Back to Top)
Moscow, Russia Stalin appoints Lavrentiy Beria to direct Soviet atomic 8/22/1945 #1926## Word: "law" (Back to Top)
Coulomb’s law of electrostatics 1780's #86 Ampère published his "Ampère’s law." 1825 #120 tein Majestic Document on US Space Law, “Relationships with Inhabitants of 6/1947 #2304 t on “The Immediate Need for World Law” next Thursday (so either July 17th, 7/12/1947 #3140 t on “The Immediate Need for World Law” 7/24/1947 #3221 bers of the engineering, pharmacy, law, and liberal arts colleges will exam 7/1952 #6680 andys (Winston Churchill‘s son-in- law), who asks Hughes how many beers he 7/30/1952 #7362 out the incident, and reading KA a law that referred to fine, imprisonment 4/12/1954 #9685 tião Ilhabela 7:00 p.m. Lawyer (or law professor) João de Freitas Guimarães 7/16/1956 #12974 er output using the inverse-square law would be about 40 kilowatts. The man 7/17/1957 #13808 ofessor at the Catholic Faculty of Law in Santos, was sitting near the shor 7/25/1957 #13835 ofessor at the Catholic Faculty of Law in Santos, was sitting near the shor 7/25/1957 #13840 possible plane crash. Please call law enforcement officers." A short time 2/28/1959 #15624 lence. Mr. Darnaude has degrees in law, economics, and business management, 6/11/1961 #16725 Dexter, MI Law enforcement officer F.B. (initials) 3/21/1966 #20014 ely sent out MP’s, well armed. All law officers were ordered back and their 3/21/1966 #20014 the US government, is signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson. 7/4/1966 #20630 creature flew off. Her brother in law and her parents saw the creature fly 9/8/1967 #23021 . Gumersindo Neiro, her brother in law, got the best view from his own room 9/8/1967 #23021 graphy student, and his mother-in- law were able to observe two spherical o 10/25/1967 #23317 so attempted to get his brother in law to wake up, but with the same negati 11/28/1967 #23517 ellerose, his wife, his brother in law, and his sister in law saw a rectang 10/8/1968 #24551 brother in law, and his sister in law saw a rectangular green shape in the 10/8/1968 #24551 PIEDADE, BRAZIL 3 law students. 1M ring / yellow-green lig 5/14/1969 #25136 Three law students were on the campus of their 5/14/1969 #25137 udents were on the campus of their Law School in Piedade, Rio de Janeiro st 5/14/1969 #25137 teacher, was driving his sister in law and her two children from Ararauma t 8/19/1969 #25324 would stand up both in a court of law and in the rigors of science. Cornel 12/26/1969 #25509 HIGHWAY NEAR NAZARE, BRZ Busload / law students etc. Saucer causes 15 minut 4/2/1972 (approximate) #26634 ld son Patrice, and his brother in law, Mr. Cosme, were driving in a car on 3/25/1973 #27376 reports. Woman "hysterically" told law officers an oblong object with blink 10/14/1973 #28028 gress The Privacy Act, signed into law by President Gerald R. Ford, establi 12/31/1974 #29666 fe, plus his brother and sister in law observed one bright white object tha 11/15/1975 #30622 an "aircraft going down" prompted law enforcement officials to look for a 7/24/1977 #32309 , and “handed down” the “unwritten law of the Air Force…don’t rock the boat 1979 #34260 reporter Jim Marrs. Thompson warns law enforcement officers not to reveal a 4/20/1979 #34517 Law Enforcement Assistance Administratio 4/25/1979 #34523 tions. Financed by grants from the Law Enforcement Assistance Administratio 4/25/1979 #34523 off at high speed toward Dechmont Law. At 5:50 p.m. five women in Livingst 11/8/1979 #34987 r, was walking his dog in Dechmont Law, Scotland when he came across a larg 11/9/1979 #34991 at 300–400 mph. It is soon seen by law enforcement officers to the south in 2/10/1989 #38832 he same day a 13-year-old student, Law Wai Chow, claimed to have encountere 9/22/1992 #40635 sovereign land to circumvent U.S. law. https://inis.iaea.org/search/searc 8/1/1993 #41101 edical School Harvard Professor of Law The Dean of Harvard Medical School, 5/1994 #41510 ty (including Harvard Professor of Law Alan Dershowitz) regarding the valid 5/1994 #41510 , then turned into a cloud. Later, law enforcement personnel searched the a 9/2/1994 #41713 Air Force could invoke the common law state secrets privilege to protect m 3/1996 #42790 ck Hitz, an investigation into the law enforcement allegations by Justice D 8/18/1996 #42985 ng above it was seen from Norman's Law, Scotland. RAF Leuchars said there w 6/18/1997 #43329 uses a breakdown of Newton’s third law based on the alleged work of Bearden 1/1998 #43483 d “full disclosure” is required by law; Project Artichoke and Project MK-UL 1/23/1999 #43720 erry, Missouri 7:00 p.m. A retired law enforcement officer and several frie 11/2000 #44069 ject was reported by civilians and law enforcement officers in Waynesville, 4/25/2001 #44164 ction 181 of intellectual property law for national security reasons, (3) s 2/13/2009 #45212 made public, as established by the law on access to information. More than 4/18/2013 #45364 the advisors showed him an “exact law,” with an exact paragraph and number 4/2016 #45448 rd Jr. and Jonathan Dover), Navajo law officers; abductee Travis Walton; an 7/1/2017 #45474 employs about 2,000 scientists and law enforcement officers who interview 3 10/24/2017 #45486 of scientists, former military and law enforcement officials, and other pro 10/27/2017 #45489 vada, according to state and local law enforcement, and up to 10,000 people 9/20/2019 #45609 to enter military property. Nevada law enforcement also warns potential par 9/20/2019 #45609 e drones are not breaking Colorado law, but industry experts note that the 12/2019 #45620 ity. Of those, 14 are confirmed by law enforcement to be hobbyist drones. B 1/13/2020 #45626 lly, four reports are confirmed by law enforcement, but the aircraft are un 1/13/2020 #45626 iation Administration alerts local law enforcement and the FBI. However, it 10/14/2020 #45662 elicopters began to pursue it. The law enforcement helicopters follow the d 2/9/2021 #45676 President Joe Biden signs into law the National Defense Authorization A 12/27/2021 #45730 al Defense Authorization Act) into law, containing UFO whistleblower protec 12/23/2022 #45791## Word: "law-" (Back to Top)
IA shall have no police, subpoena, law- enforcement powers, or internal-sec 9/20/1955 #12463## Word: "law-enforcement" (Back to Top)
wrists a dozen times. A number of law-enforcement officials also argue tha 8/10/1991 #40147 overhead were reported to various law-enforcement agencies in California. 10/3/1996 #43052## Word: "lawitta" (Back to Top)
LAWITTA, TASM, AUS Car malfunctions due 2/5/1979 #34402 Lawitta, Tasmania, AU Car engulfed in in 2/5/1979 #34403 Lawitta, Tasmania Brilliant illumination 2/5/1979 #34404 Lyell Highway Lawitta, Tasmania Hobart Royal Hobart Ho 2/5/1979 #34405 driving on the Lyell Highway near Lawitta, Tasmania, when his car radio st 2/5/1979 #34405 A young man driving in Lawitta, Tasmania, Australia experienced 2/5/1979 #34406## Word: "lawlessness" (Back to Top)
f secrecy, elitism, amorality, and lawlessness within and surrounding the C 6/12/1974 #29180## Word: "lawmakers" (Back to Top)
re of scandal and recrimination as lawmakers accuse researchers of question 1/1956 #12641 on into UAP. It dies in committee. Lawmakers did not have access to the US 2/1979 #34399 kin ERAB lied to Congress and told lawmakers cold fusion had no basis in fu 5/17/1999 #43770## Word: "lawmen" (Back to Top)
men were seen carrying lights. The lawmen took their rifles, called the str 5/6/1897 #592 men were seen carrying lights. The lawmen took their rifles, called the str 5/6/1897 #594## Word: "lawn" (Back to Top)
er Yoshio Taketa is resting on the lawn of the Kuhio School in Honolulu, Ha 12/8/1941 #1378 In Oak Lawn, Illinois a V-shaped formation of f 9/11/1946 #2178 egon Daytime. While working on her lawn in Canby, Oregon, Ellen Jonerson gl 4/1950 #4784 Louise McDougall is sitting on the lawn outside her trailer park in Bloomin 9/1951 #5647 A Top CIA man and military brass / lawn party. Vibrant bright night light g 5/1952 #6226 A senior CIA official is having a lawn party at his home near Alexandria, Early 5/1952 #6248 ngeles River and turns onto Forest Lawn Drive, he gets to within 30 feet of 5/23/1952 #6350 d Street a strange "shadow" on the lawn which resembled a "flying man," and 6/18/1953 #8939 noticed a strange "shadow" on the lawn that resembled a "flying man." They 6/18/1953 #8940 l, standing motionless in her back lawn. Both wear helmets and snug-fitting 12/17/1956 #13409 SILVER LAKE, OH Brilliant cone / lawn. Many small lights blink. Radio Fre 12/1/1957 #14656 thick. It sweeps in over the front lawn heading north and descending in a f 9/21/1958 #15276 south and hovers 5 feet above the lawn about 25 feet away, making a jetlik 9/21/1958 #15276 KY 2 observer(s). 8' torpedo over lawn. Burnt grass and car malfunctions d 5/21/1960 #16294 saw a blue globe take off from the lawn with a swishing sound. 8/8/1961 #16786 s in the backyard have been moved (lawn mower, chicken feeder). He smells s 6/14/1964 #18356 e. Transparent glowing-bubble over lawn. Normal men inside move oddly. 7/1965 #19036 t the window toward her neighbor’s lawn and sees a transparent bubble of li 7/1965 #19039 -ovoid hovers / reservoir. Lands / lawn. Car malfunctions due to EME (elect 8/17/1965 #19413 de and a pulsating red glow on the lawn. The house lights went out, and hi 2/6/1966 #19885 casts a pulsating red glow on the lawn. Her house and street lights go out 2/6/1966 #19887 ng red glow that illuminated their lawn. Their house lights went out, and a 2/6/1966 #19889 lands 8' / house-window. Moves to lawn. 3/30/1966 #20148 bearing red and blue lights on the lawn. It was about six feet long, ovoid 8/1/1966 #20720 aw "Mothman" standing on her front lawn. She described the creature as abou 11/26/1966 #21151 legs came out, and it landed on a lawn near the National Grocers Company. 4/26/1967 #22223 glas had tripped and fallen on her lawn in Titusville, Florida and was just 7/20/1967 #22713 e “fine woven cotton” is seen on a lawn and draped over wires and a fence i 5/11/1968 #23958 waxed floor near the door. On the lawn they discover a spot of scorched gr 8/25/1968 #24376 vering 3 feet above the hospital’s lawn. Another person also saw the craft. 8/26/1968 #24381 weeping furiously” with tools like lawn rakes over a spot about nine feet i 12/27/1969 #25510 -like figure kneeling on the front lawn near a nearby empty fishpond. Curio 2/27/1971 #26034 tle vehicle that had landed on her lawn, which resembled a Volkswagen witho 11/3/1971 #26452 t yard a vehicle had landed on the lawn, looking like a VW Beetle without f 11/4/1971 #26457 unknown. Bright sphere/orb/globe / lawn. Glowing bands. Going up [to] silen 12/19/1972 #27180 ndelier! 10' circle / brown dust / lawn. / r231'74#1p16. 2/9/1973 #27274 low. 4 23cm patches / dead grass / lawn. / r180p89. 4/30/1973 #27454 r(s). Orange domed saucer lands on lawn! Blows smoke. / SKYLOOK#26 / r231'7 6/23/1973 #27581 rom a landed UFO were found on her lawn. On this night she awoke and went t 7/17/1974 #29266 tallic cube zigzag and land on her lawn on the return trip. 4/18/1976 #31000 consin. Anderson, who was riding a lawn mower, saw by its powerful headligh 8/16/1976 #31273 ind the road. Anderson stopped his lawn mower. Two figures emerged from a d 8/23/1976 #31294 Susanne Fortier was walking on the lawn behind her house with her collie do 4/4/1977 #31942 Susanne Fortier was walking on the lawn behind her house with her collie do 4/4/1977 #31944 ., they find him lying in a nearby lawn in a confused state of mind. On Dec 12/6/1978 #34065 Ohio Morning. A teen who mows the lawn finds a strange design on the lawn 8/2/1979 #34702 lawn finds a strange design on the lawn of an 8-acre estate about 8 miles n 8/2/1979 #34702 old witness was at home in her Oak Lawn residence, southwest of Chicago, Il 8/29/1979 #34807 family members are on their front lawn in Hyderabad, India, and see a bell 4/20/1980 #35280 e Jordan) abduction. Round burn in lawn. / r237p71. 6/30/1983 #36894 g. Room lit. White 10' saucer over lawn. Figure outside vanishes! 2/7/1984 #37178 zigzag at a high rate of speed. A lawn ornament figure was reported missin 2/7/1984 #37181 they were both floated across the lawn, into their house and back inside t 5/21/1988 #38574 ear-old son watch from their front lawn in Novato, California, a slowly des 4/15/1989 #38907 and left some ground traces on the lawn. 8/13/1989 #39061 ' over road. Beam lights trees and lawn like daylight. 1/11/1990 #39373 is wife Pearl. He leaps out of his lawn chair when he spots the first objec 2/28/1990 #39432 titude over backyard. Oily trace / lawn. 7/18/1990 #39647 descending over the corner of the lawn. The object maneuvered a few second 7/18/1990 #39649 he sighting. After eliminating the lawn car company as responsible for an o 7/18/1990 #39649 ilver "flying trashcan" flies over lawn. 4 burn marks left. 8/6/1993 #41109 ject going [to] overhead. Lands on lawn. Type unknown. Lights flash / house 3/19/1995 #42111 hat same evening a UFO landed on a lawn in Mobile, Alabama. The object was 3/19/1995 #42112 w flakes in it was discovered on a lawn over a one-meter wide area. The sub 2/27/1997 #43213 a thin, plastic like cover on the lawn. 2/27/1997 #43213## Word: "lawnmower" (Back to Top)
creature. The UFO vanishes and the lawnmower sound ceases. The area where t 10/25/1973 #28285## Word: "lawnmower-like" (Back to Top)
somewhere nearby. The UFO makes a lawnmower-like sound. Suddenly they see 10/25/1973 #28285## Word: "lawrence" (Back to Top)
ville (now Philo) Bristol Township Lawrence Road New York Herald Evening. T Late 3/1873 #200 ort distance in the road [probably Lawrence Road] ahead of them, flickers a Late 3/1873 #200 McKinney Bayou, AR Judge Lawrence A. Byrne of Texarkana, Arkansas 4/23/1897 #563 McKinney Bayou, Arkansas Judge Lawrence A. Byrne of Texarkana, Arkansas 4/23/1897 #564 Judge Lawrence A. Byrne of Texarkana, Arkansas 4/23/1897 #566 od of Baltimore, Maryland Morning. Lawrence J. Crone is playing on a baseba Summer 1910 #839 t Sussex, England 9:25 p.m. Robert Lawrence Thornton sees an airship pass o 2/2/1913 #879 unknown aircraft crossing the St. Lawrence River heading for Ottawa. They 2/14/1915 #925 Ireland: Irish Republic Army man, Lawrence Bradley, wrote to the editor of 1922 #1017 meeting, American physicist Ernest Lawrence asks for $400,000 for electroma 12/18/1941 #1379 riggs, Karl Taylor Compton, Ernest Lawrence, and American chemists Eger V. 6/19/1942 #1417 Pentagon Paris Col. Clayton Lawrence Bissell, in the Pentagon’s Offi 1/2/1945 #1753 ), Alfred Loedding (T-3 engineer), Lawrence Truettner (T-2 engineer), and C 1/22/1948 #3563 l Report F-TR-2274-1A, authored by Lawrence Truettner and Albert B. Deyarmo 2/11/1949 #4003 nt Board around the same time that Lawrence R. Hafstad succeeds Lloyd Berkn 11/3/1949 #4410 es an odd light in the west. Capt. Lawrence W. Vinther and copilot James F. 1/20/1951 #5407 erkeley Los Alamos, New Mexico The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory i 1952 #5836 w Mexico. Edward Teller and Ernest Lawrence, director of the Radiation Labo 1952 #5836 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Daniel Norbury and Lawrence Matheis see a bright yellow-whi 6/25/1952 #6629 nt supervisor Fred Lee and foreman Lawrence A. Aguilar watch a round silver 8/25/1952 #7731 er, and three other USAF officers; Lawrence J. Henderson Jr. and Walter W. 9/3/1952 #7839 d a hole in the side of a house in Lawrence, Massachusetts. That evening, a 8/11/1954 #10130 n, Michigan While driving to work, Lawrence Cardenas, 41, a laundry employe 9/30/1954 #10510 ving to work in Dearborn, Michigan Lawrence Cardenas, age 41, a laundry emp 9/30/1954 #10519 reet, Madison, Wisconsin 7:50 p.m. Lawrence Grab and his son see a brillian 3/11/1955 #12041 admits to a NICAP member that Maj. Lawrence J. Tacker’s book Flying Saucers 5/1/1956 #12823 didn’t exist. He admits that Maj. Lawrence J. Tacker’s book was reviewed u 5/1/1956 #12825 ST. LAWRENCE ISLAND, AK Several / USAF. Brig 8/1956 #13035 e, Maj. Joseph E. Boland, and Maj. Lawrence J. Tacker who meet with the sub 1/31/1958 #14855 SAF Maj. Joseph E. Boland and Maj. Lawrence J. Tacker brief Rep. John E. He 6/20/1958 #15105 lifornia Livermore branch [now the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory] 8/27/1958 #15229 ermore National Laboratory] of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory In Operati 8/27/1958 #15229 r of the Livermore branch [now the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory] 8/27/1958 #15229 ermore National Laboratory] of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory in Berkele 8/27/1958 #15229 Byrne, Maj. Joseph E. Boland, Maj. Lawrence J. Tacker, and Burgoyne Lee Gri 2/17/1959 #15591 Killian USAF spokesman Maj. Lawrence J. Tacker retracts the dubious 3/19/1959 #15652 y. USAF Public Information Officer Lawrence J. Tacker has sent the organiza Spring 1959 #15660 pokesman in the Pentagon, Lt. Col. Lawrence J. Tacker, the Air Force began 1960 #16138 Saucers and the U.S. Air Force" by Lawrence J. Tacker (Van Nostrand) was pu 1960 #16138 Quebec St. Lawrence River Les Écureuils Quebec City 6/12/1960 #16312 two pieces that fall into the St. Lawrence River near Les Écureuils, about 6/12/1960 #16312 . The USAF reps are Robert Friend, Lawrence J. Tacker, Hynek, and Maj. Gen. 7/15/1960 #16337 Lt. Col. Lawrence J. Tacker writes to Stringfield 7/26/1960 #16348 on Pentagon UFO spokesman Lt. Col. Lawrence J. Tacker publishes Flying Sauc 12/5/1960 #16525 Keyhoe debates Lt. Col. Lawrence J. Tacker on the Today show, ho 12/5/1960 #16526 In an article in Argosy, Maj. Lawrence Tacker says that critics of the 3/1961 #16617 confirmed. Country: USA Name: “St. Lawrence” Yield: 20KT 11/9/1962 #17540 LAWRENCE, KS Astronomer. Silent 25' sauc 11/11/1963 #18030 Lawrence (near), OH Close encounter II, 5/17/1964 #18275 and Smithville at 2110. then from Lawrence and Burbank between 2125 and 21 5/17/1964 #18277 ille, Ohio at 9:10 p.m., then from Lawrence and Burbank at 9:25 and 9:30 p. 5/17/1964 #18278 LAWRENCE, MA Pilot and more/others. Vibr 5/18/1964 #18281 At 10:15 p.m. an Army pilot at the Lawrence, Massachusetts airport sighted 5/18/1964 #18285 nutes with retired Navy Capt. John Lawrence Counihan who is on the staff of 1/19/1965 #18749 Dr. Antonin Kukla and Mrs. Audrey Lawrence saw an object dive toward them. 8/3/1965 #19287 Dr. Antonin Kukla and Mrs. Audrey Lawrence saw an oval object dive toward 8/3/1965 #19292 agan, Donald Menzel, Harold Brown, Lawrence Tacker, Donald Keyhoe, and J. A 5/10/1966 #20474 LAWRENCE, MASS 1+1+3 observer(s). Cylind 10/28/1966 #21043 Lawrence, MD 1:00 a.m. EDT. A newspaper 10/28/1966 #21044 ree tilt over some water towers in Lawrence, Massachusetts at 1:00 a.m. for 10/28/1966 #21046 Lawrence, MA 7:45 p.m. An electrical eng 2/17/1967 #21584 efore moving away. At 6:55 p.m. in Lawrence, Massachusetts a dazzlingly bri 2/17/1967 #21587 on, Flying Saucer Observer, citing Lawrence Fawcett, APRO field investigato 2/21/1968 #23770 ble Ralph Keeping was contacted by Lawrence Smith of Lower Shag Harbour. (T 11/25/1970 #25919 Mounted Police. Styles interviewed Lawrence Smith while Ledger interviewed 11/25/1970 #25919 Mansfield, OH Capt. Lawrence Coyne, while flying an Army hel 10/18/1973 #28144 kron 11:00 p.m. Army Reserve Capt. Lawrence J. Coyne (with his crew 1st Lt. 10/18/1973 #28172 Tracy, Quebec Contrecoeur St. Lawrence River Montreal About 6:00 p.m. 11/18/1973 #28442 tarts moving westward over the St. Lawrence River. The object seems to chan 11/18/1973 #28442 i Geller and nuclear scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; 1974 #28634 ed yards ahead of him. (Reference: Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood, 10/18/1975 #30441 e craft on the ground. (Reference: Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood, 10/20/1975 #30452 Minnesota University of Kansas in Lawrence Night. Witnesses in Medford, Mi 11/2/1975 #30540 ler at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, who subjects them to an examin 11/2/1975 #30540 Beltsville, MD Lawrence Albert sighted a solid, spheric 11/11/1975 #30605 ar equipment went out. (Reference: Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood, 11/11/1975 #30606 Willowdale, Ontario Lawrence J. Fenwick, Joseph Muskat, and 1977 #31651 Jacques Vallee, Stanton Friedman, Lawrence J. Coyne. 11/27/1978 #34009 cques Vallée, Stanton T. Friedman, Lawrence J. Coyne, and Grenada Ambassado 11/27/1978 #34010 MM Dresser, Wisconsin 10 :45 a.m. Lawrence Hogan is driving on County Road 9/5/1979 #34839 with Peter Gersten as director and Lawrence Fawcett as assistant editor. 6/1980 #35348 ad written up. However, after Noah Lawrence at AFOSI Headquarters tells Mac 8/8/1980 #35447 LAWRENCE, KS Cop. Silent orange fireball 5/4/1983 #36851 Lawrence, KS 3:50 AM. A silent yellowish 5/4/1983 #36852 350 feet over a power line pole in Lawrence, Kansas. It flew away toward th 5/4/1983 #36852 Lawrence, Kansas outskirts of Lawrence, 5/4/1983 #36854 Lawrence, Kansas outskirts of Lawrence, Kansas 3:50 a.m. Police office 5/4/1983 #36854 all of light over the outskirts of Lawrence, Kansas, hovering 350 feet over 5/4/1983 #36854 350 feet over a power line pole in Lawrence, Kansas. It flew away toward th 5/4/1983 #36855 ent Won’t Say” in 1990, written by Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood 5/1/1984 #37309 ice-Hall publishes Clear Intent by Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood, 7/1984 #37385 Lawrence Fawcett and Barry Greenwood lau 9/1984 #37451 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory B 11/1986 #38057 ceived by physicist Lowell Wood at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. 11/1986 #38057 ield, Pete Mazzola, Peter Gersten, Lawrence Fawcett, Jim and Coral Lorenzen 7/1/1989 #39002 USAF Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory The USAF La 9/21/1995 #42495 rence Berkeley Laboratory The USAF Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory issues a Re 9/21/1995 #42495 In Niles, Illinois Walter Lawrence witnessed a formation of four c 11/28/2002 #44455 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory p 10/2006 #44970 boratories, Sandia, Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore, assist. NNSA’s Offic 3/22/2017 #45465## Word: "lawrenceburg" (Back to Top)
LAWRENCEBURG, TN 3M sphere/orb/globe unf 9/30/1973 #27889## Word: "lawrencetown" (Back to Top)
Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia, CAN Dog's bar 1/6/1974 #28653## Word: "lawrenceville" (Back to Top)
WEST / LAWRENCEVILLE, IL 15' silent domed sauce 6/8/1964 #18337 Lawrenceville, Illinois Helen Reed obser 6/8/1964 #18338 In 1964 Mrs. Helen Reed of Lawrenceville, Illinois observed a 15-fo 6/8/1964 #18339 EAST / LAWRENCEVILLE, IL Silver wingless DC3 fu 3/23/1967 #21950 Lawrenceville, IL 11:30 a.m. Man request 3/23/1967 #21955## Word: "lawrenceville-" (Back to Top)
quested anonymity, reported to the Lawrenceville- Vincennes Airport that he 2/2/1967 #21440## Word: "lawrenny" (Back to Top)
LAWRENNY, NSW, AUS Ambulance malfunction 6/16/1987 #38190## Word: "lawrey" (Back to Top)
ippi, Robert and Janice Lowrey [or Lawrey?] see a luminous, blue-white ball 12/3/1980 #35690## Word: "laws" (Back to Top)
0 years.. can't say much / special laws..". 8/13/1491 #24 recite even one of Newton’s three laws of motion. 6/28/1958 #15122 ble because they do not follow the laws of physics. 9/15/1967 #23068 known aircraft; others violate the laws of physics. The most startling disc 4/1973 #27397 nvestigates UFOs. (see NASA arrest laws re. private citizens) 2/1/1978 #32938 spersed with reprints of executive laws, official papers, reports, and othe 1991 #39933 addition to violations of lending laws, BCCI is also accused of opening ac 7/5/1991 #40112 e white world understanding of the laws of physics. Puthoff states the most 2002 #44302 private corporation where “certain laws” protect their own breakthroughs an 4/2016 #45448 Las Vegas, NV Bigelow Aerospace laws off entire workforce 3/23/2020 #45641## Word: "lawson" (Back to Top)
Lawson AFB Lawson Army Airfield Dearing, 7/9/1951 #5569 Lawson AFB Lawson Army Airfield Dearing, Georgia Da 7/9/1951 #5569 George H. Kinmon II, stationed at Lawson AFB [now Lawson Army Airfield] wi 7/9/1951 #5569 n II, stationed at Lawson AFB [now Lawson Army Airfield] with the 117th Tac 7/9/1951 #5569 Air Force T/S Orville Lawson Nellis Air Force Base near Las Ve 4/17/1952 #6107 e 12:05 p.m. Air Force T/S Orville Lawson, Rudy Toncer (sheet metal shop fo 4/17/1952 #6107 Lawson AFB [now Lawson Army Airfield] in 8/11/1954 #10126 Lawson AFB [now Lawson Army Airfield] in Fort Benning, C 8/11/1954 #10126 Columbus, Georgia 20 miles west of Lawson 8:54 p.m. A1C Chase E. Lewis, tow 8/11/1954 #10126 Chase E. Lewis, tower operator at Lawson AFB [now Lawson Army Airfield] in 8/11/1954 #10126 tower operator at Lawson AFB [now Lawson Army Airfield] in Fort Benning, C 8/11/1954 #10126 ocates the object 20 miles west of Lawson at 2,000 feet. Wade abandons the 8/11/1954 #10126 Beach, English professor Alvin H. Lawson, along with technical writer John 1977 #31655 carried out by student volunteers, Lawson declares that the imaginary accou 1977 #31655 ries play a central role. However, Lawson’s methodology and results are lat 1977 #31655 Leo Sprinkle, James Harder, Alvin Lawson, W. C. McCall, and Michael Persin 8/28/1978 #33585 , a Los Angeles businesswoman Alma Lawson stated a “sober and conservative” 4/25/2019 #45572## Word: "lawsuit" (Back to Top)
ures prominently in the subsequent lawsuit by Ground Saucer Watch against t 7/29/1952 #7330 viser who advises them to drop the lawsuit. Eickhoff’s efforts eventually b 6/1955 #12173 er, Just Cause. The group brings a lawsuit against the CIA using the Freedo 4/1978 #33110 all CIA- related UFO records. The lawsuit opens in U.S. District Court in 7/7/1978 #33350 e declassification through the GSW lawsuit. 11/9/1978 #33938 result of the Ground Saucer Watch lawsuit, the CIA releases some 340 of it 12/14/1978 #34124 ’s attorney Peter Gersten brings a lawsuit against the National Security Ag 5/1980 #35295 ummary judgment in Peter Gersten’s lawsuit for UFO documents. The court gra 5/30/1980 #35344 ary judgment in the CAUS-initiated lawsuit, asserting that the 135 document 9/1/1980 #35490 affidavit used in the CAUS v. NSA lawsuit. An unredacted section reveals t 5/18/1982 #36473 dman as a result of Larry Bryant’s lawsuit. 11/13/1989 #39228 h an affidavit in support of their lawsuit against the DOJ, claimed he was 5/13/1992 #40463 ly November to hear an appeal of a lawsuit by workers at a “secret” air bas 11/16/1998 #43683 Against UFO Secrecy, files a FOIA lawsuit in federal district court in Pho 1/22/1999 #43717 (CAUS) Peter Gersten files a FOIA lawsuit in a federal district court in P 1/22/1999 #43719 phen M. McNamee dismisses the CAUS lawsuit seeking documents on the Phoenix 3/30/2000 #43972 s served with a $28 million dollar lawsuit by five diplomats, on the allege 2/6/2019 #45560## Word: "lawsuits" (Back to Top)
al government reports and civilian lawsuits follow in the wake of the contr 1/1956 #12641 gh the Freedom of Information Act, lawsuits against government agencies, an 4/1978 #33110 rea 51 worker toxic disposal fires lawsuits: “A Secret Air Base Hazardous W 2/8/1996 #42747## Word: "lawton" (Back to Top)
LAWTON, OK 1 / back yard. Bright aluminu 7/7/1947 #2860 y, Adm. William Fechteler, Gen. J. Lawton Collins, Gen. Lemuel C. Shepherd 11/18/1952 #8296 LAWTON, OKLA Saucer hovers / 3m altitude 5/11/1954 #9773 this day in 1954 a lone witness in Lawton, Oklahoma watched a disc-shaped o 5/11/1954 #9776 Matt Dickson of Lawton, Oklahoma heard something out the 2/27/1971 #26034 orth on 82nd Street in the city of Lawton, Oklahoma when he saw four UFOs t 8/15/2001 #44235## Word: "lawyer" (Back to Top)
-Hillsboro, TX Approximate date. A lawyer was surprised to see a lighted ob 4/26/1897 #577 llsboro, Texas Approximate date. A lawyer was surprised to see a lighted ob 4/26/1897 #578 A lawyer was surprise to see a lighted obj 4/26/1897 #579 incorporated. Founded by corporate lawyer Elihu Root, the organization brin 7/29/1921 #1013 for Strategic Services, headed by lawyer William J. Donovan. It is tasked 7/11/1941 #1369 2:00 a.m. In Palm Beach, Florida, lawyer and writer Charles Francis Coe an 2/20/1948 #3582 He stopped another car in which a lawyer and two policemen were traveling. 12/1954 #11734 GUANARE, VNZ College direction and lawyer and cops. Luminous saucer hovers. 12/3/1954? #11746 ystem to sell his book. Eickhoff’s lawyer brings in a government adviser wh 6/1955 #12173 ts eventually bring a reply from a lawyer for CIA Director Allen Dulles, wh 6/1955 #12173 ncerning the subject of UFOs.” The lawyer says he would be subject to a cou 6/1955 #12173 l São Sebastião Ilhabela 7:00 p.m. Lawyer (or law professor) João de Freita 7/16/1956 #12974 At 11:45 p.m. a lawyer, his wife, and their nephew felt 1/30/1958 #14852 nt citizens of Salta, Argentina--a lawyer, an engineer, and a businessman-- 6/14/1964 #18358 PINANG, MALAYSIA Lawyer and 1 with (seen thru) binoculars 1/15/1967 #21302 Conrado, Brazil J. Vieira, a lawyer, and his driver, Amauri, at km 15 8/3/1967 #22785 At 8:00 p.m. J. Vieira, a lawyer, and his driver Amauri, were at k 8/3/1967 #22790 ral District, Venezuela Morning. A lawyer who was fishing from a boat saw a 8/4/1967 #22796 BRASILIA, BRZ Lawyer and 1. Silent dish shape maneuver 6/4/1969 #25197 (a pseudonym for David Copeland, a lawyer in Waco, TX) claims several intel 1970 #25523 mal-human-consciousness/ Note: Lawyer Andrew Basiago claims he was expe 1/1971 #25963 HEAST / HUESCA, SPAIN Engineer and lawyer. Intense glowing pear-shape hover 4/2/1976 #30976 m and told that they should hire a lawyer and seek financial compensation f 12/29/1980 #35757 Lawyer Andrew Basiago claims he served i 1981 #35765 Warsaw Journalist and lawyer Marek Rymuszkoz establishes the m 1990 #39353 NEWMARKET, ONTARIO Lawyer from aurora sees orange saucer fl 7/2/1993 #41046 A letter between environmental lawyer and Clinton Administration friend 11/1/1995 #42576 in the estate of Sedona, Arizona, lawyer Hilda Blair Ray, whose husband Be 5/5/2015 #45437 Sheehan represents Elizondo as his lawyer. https://www.politico.com/news/2 5/19/2021 #45690 nt witness, and Kit Green with his lawyer Pat Frascogna. Penniston states G 10/20/2022 #45780## Word: "lawyer's" (Back to Top)
A lawyer's home in Castelar, Argentina was 3/3/1968 #23816## Word: "lawyers" (Back to Top)
cials, and academics together with lawyers, bankers, and industrialists to 7/29/1921 #1013 8:00 p.m. CST. A group of doctors, lawyers, and pilots saw a constellation 4/7/1966 #20266 files a complaint, spearheaded by lawyers Peter Gersten and Henry Rothblat 9/21/1977 #32502## Word: "lax" (Back to Top)
papers. Saucers 4 nights running / LAX tower. P276. 7/15/1952 (approximate) #6820 LAX AIRPORT/APARTMENT, CA 3 Air Traffic 7/23/1952 #7050 g object with pairs of lights near LAX airport. 4/3/1966 #20210 ns that the Department of Energy’s lax administration has resulted in the l 2000 #43909## Word: "laxey" (Back to Top)
LAXEY BAY, ISLE / MAN 2 observer(s) only 5/29/1984 #37340 Fairy Cottage Laxey Isle of Man A huge disc with a fla 5/29/1984 #37342 silently over Fairy Cottage, near Laxey, Isle of Man. 5/29/1984 #37342## Word: "laxson" (Back to Top)
, OK Project Bluebook Case #10270. Laxson. Domed cylinder/cigar-shape / roa 3/23/1966 #20037 Temple, Oklahoma Witness: W.E. Laxson. One large object, like a wingles 3/23/1966 #20048 lian instructor William E. “Eddie” Laxson is driving west on US Highway 70 3/23/1966 #20050 and bright lights forward and aft. Laxson stops his car about 300 feet away 3/23/1966 #20050 mph. There are no landing traces. Laxson finds another witness, truck driv 3/23/1966 #20050 rson, parked a mile down the road. Laxson thinks it is some kind of militar 3/23/1966 #20050## Word: "lay" (Back to Top)
staken identity raid, or a raid to lay a political foundation to take away 2/24/1942 #1388 y NSC Executive Secretary James S. Lay Jr. or his associate, J. Patrick Coy 7/14/1954 #10018 question the ETH and the first to lay the groundwork for the psychosocial 1969 #24802 n with white, shoulder length hair lay across the ditch. She wore a long wh 2/22/1969 #24939 icle unseen. The car's door handle lay in the road, detached. 8/8/1972 #26885 nocked him to the ground, where he lay unconscious until he came to, on his 3/23/1974 #28939 op going down. Robot(s)/android(s) lay siege. Missing time. / r16p212. 11/8/1975 #30578 he main face on which their window lay. All was dark underneath the “thing” 8/10/1976 #31252 it on without resistance, and then lay down on a table, while an unknown ma 12/10/1979 #35068 ought about resisting, but instead lay down on the bed, where a beam of lig 11/28/1980 #35680 lashing light seen from the forest lay in the same direction as the Orfordn 12/28/1980 #35750 icate that the light he saw, which lay in the same direction as the light s 12/28/1980 #35750 FO he had seen years before. As he lay there he next felt a jolt of electri 5/10/1989 #38942 in the early evening when her dog lay down on his back and started whining 2/18/1990 #39422 (Peak of Victory). The actual site lay in a gorge known as "Shaitan Mazar" 8/28/1991 #40168 ess than three feet from where she lay. She sat up in amazement, staring at 8/20/1993 #41148 elf sitting outside his body as it lay on the bed. Suddenly he perceived a 4/3/1995 #42137 male voice, in his head, to either lay down on the table or someone he love 10/15/1997 #43429 he was told. He was then asked to lay down in such a manner that his left 10/15/1997 #43429 arks will be left behind. She then lay back on the table and saw two "tubes 6/8/1998 #43584 ectly over the Baltic Fleet, which lay at anchor in Kaliningrad Harbor. Acc 4/18/2003 #44516 leeping. Unable to sleep Carl just lay there staring at the starry sky. Sud 9/16/2007 #45059 er. He immediately ducked down and lay low in his tent, very scared. He the 9/16/2007 #45059 ter listening to the investigators lay out their evidence that suggests the 12/3/2019 #45621## Word: "lay-by" (Back to Top)
th flames underneath hovering at a lay-by off the roadside. He slows his tr 1/14/1980 #35135## Word: "layer" (Back to Top)
sky against the altostratus cloud layer. The dark patch remains stationary 4/8/1912 #860 plasmas occurring at the inversion layer, but that does not explain their b Spring 1948 #3593 ltitude of 6.5 miles above a solid layer of clouds south of the Kapustin Ya 6/16/1948 #3671 heast at the altitude of the cloud layer, and was seen by guards Patterson 3/8/1949 #4042 ish objects above the cirrus cloud layer at 25,000–30,000 feet. They are mo 1/26/1950 #4513 at his clothes were covered with a layer of white, somewhat sticky residue, 10/14/1954 #11041 , changing colors, above the cloud layer while flying over Philipsburg and 2/24/1959 #15606 object was beneath a cloud or fog layer. (Walter N. Webb report.) (NICAP: 8/15/1966 #20745 When the pilot flies into a cloud layer, the object rises straight up and 11/30/1966 #21165 that moved slowly under the cloud layer. Smaller objects emerged from the 2/1967 #21428 r the close encounter, and the top layer of his skin peeled off the next fe 4/5/1967 #22068 disc descending through the cloud layer. It stops and hovers at an altitud 9/1967 #22972 talked about changes to the ozone layer, deserts, forests, etc. Lya told h 4/22/1975 #30000 ff with jerky motion. Broken cloud layer with no estimated base. No radar c 11/12/1975 #30614 It lights up the top of the cloud layer below. The pilot asks the Soviet a 9/10/1976 #31372 ile away. Below and around it is a layer of gray haze. It begins slowly ris 2/4/1978 #32951 and down, in and out of the cloud layer three times for about 30 seconds. 4/2/1978 #33120 until we descended below the haze layer and started to approach the runway 6/20/1980 #35382 e is discreetly covered with a new layer of asphalt. 9/9/1982 #36599 Noise shakes house. Silver 2-deck layer cake with windows goes going up an 7/25/1983 #36924 ball descending through the cloud layer and appeared to land on a ridge be 1/28/1984 #37161 ball descending through the cloud layer and appear to land on a ridge behi 1/28/1984 #37162 NEW ALBANY, IN 1 observer. Large layer cake object. Human-size figure(s) 6/19/1987 #38193 out 3 feet in diameter with a thin layer of yellowish powder sprayed on the 5/4/1990 #39556 ortheast / 500kts under 600M cloud layer. Some wink. 11/5/1990 #39848 and well below the scattered cloud layer. It does not appear on radar. The 7/14/1997 #43350 ing a clear blue hole in the cloud layer. The hole reportedly seems to clos 11/7/2006 #44981 ty for miles around, though a haze layer is present at 2,000 feet, and a co 4/23/2007 #45022 2,000 feet, and a continuous cloud layer at 10,000 feet. They rise to an al 4/23/2007 #45022 rail-like object cutting through a layer of clouds. Some investigators conc 3/2019 #45565## Word: "layered" (Back to Top)
-RAF man. Lights flash around 400' layered saucer. Glows orange. 1/4/1988 #38402 lights around a 400-foot diameter, layered disc that glowed orange in Leeds 1/4/1988 #38404## Word: "layers" (Back to Top)
nute(s) intervals. Fly under cloud layers. 7/10/1949 #4267 . The top of the disc is made from layers of laminated metal that has been 11/21/1957 #14590 ick in some spots, composed of 2–5 layers, and riddled with bubbles filled 2/18/1968 #23763 ameter.” It looks like two rounded layers divided by a thin blue line. Ther 2/18/1969 #24928 ic faceted wedding cake with three layers. She hears a muffled sound of a m 9/17/1979 #34896 e and Eric W. Davis in 2003, using layers designated as physical, anti-phys 9/30/2010 #45300 l field. Podkletnov uses thin gold layers and spins them at high revolution 2/4/2020 #45630## Word: "laying" (Back to Top)
assenger door handle was detached, laying on the floor of the car. 8/28/1972 #26966 ter two young men found Sr. Patero laying in the mud and rain. He recovered 5/22/1973 #27519## Word: "laymen" (Back to Top)
ss “demands of some scientists and laymen for a large-scale effort to deter 1/8/1969 #24827## Word: "layne" (Back to Top)
ssociation (BSRA) Founded by Meade Layne. Works with expert medium Mark A. 2/1945 #1766 San Diego, California Meade Layne founds the Borderland Sciences Res 2/1945 #1768 ed knowledge of spirit and cosmos, Layne and BSRA seek to explore the myste 2/1945 #1768 N. Meade Layne publishes The Ether-Ship Mystery a 1950 #4462 te letter from BSRA Director Meade Layne to Frank Scully. Mentions increase 11/10/1950 #5271 Meade Layne, BSRA director, founds the “Border 1951 #5370## Word: "layover" (Back to Top)
lot Emil J. Smith is in Boise on a layover, and all three go to the airport 7/12/1947 #3157## Word: "layovers" (Back to Top)
s he had recurring dreams while on layovers where he was controlling a craf 10/20/2022 #45779## Word: "laypeople" (Back to Top)
o explain the scientific method to laypeople and encourage them to learn cr 1995 #41923## Word: "lays" (Back to Top)
m for General John A. Samford that lays down the investigative shortcomings 1/3/1952 #5859 arrives at Groom Lake, Nevada, and lays out a 5,000-foot north to south run 5/4/1955 #12117 publishes Secret Life, in which he lays out a detailed study of abduction p 3/1992 #40342 efing document from the 1980s that lays out the group’s theories. Duke cla 3/31/2011 #45322## Word: "laytonsville" (Back to Top)
LAYTONSVILLE, MD Ex-military observer(s) 10/10/1958 (approximate) #15332## Word: "lazar" (Back to Top)
, FL Area-51/S-4 whistleblower Bob Lazar is born in Coral Gables, FL. 1/26/1959 #15565 Los Alamos, NM Bob Lazar appears on the front Sunday page o 6/27/1982 #36517 Alamos, NM Area-51/S-4 worker Bob Lazar meets Dr. Edward Teller at a prese 7/28/1982 #36553 Phoenix, AZ Bob Lazar appears in the “Arizona Republic” 8/21/1982 #36578 NV Area-51/S-4 worker Bob Lazar meets ufologist John Lear 1988 #38381 that was supposedly written by Bob Lazar while working at Los Alamos. 10/8/1988 #38665 and electronics technician Robert Lazar and gives him the name of a contac 11/28/1988 #38724 of a contact in Las Vegas, Nevada. Lazar makes contact, and later receives 11/28/1988 #38724 eller calls Area-51/S-4 worker Bob Lazar 11/29/1988 #38725 Crash Retrieval Program worker Bob Lazar starts working at Area-51/S-4 (Unc 12/1988 #38729 s working at Area-51/S-4 (Unclear: Lazar’s book says 1/89 in Preface) 12/1988 #38729 Robert Lazar allegedly interviews at EG&G, but 12/1/1988 #38732 Robert Lazar interviews at EG&G again for what 12/5/1988 #38746 at Groom Lake Papoose Dry Lake S-4 Lazar reports to work at the EG&G buildi 12/6/1988 #38748 ht to Area 51 at Groom Lake, where Lazar signs a secrecy agreement that req 12/6/1988 #38748 ear Papoose Dry Lake known as S-4. Lazar’s ID is prepared, he is given a ph 12/6/1988 #38748 ances, then he begins work at S-4. Lazar claims he only visits S-4 on six o 12/6/1988 #38748 r of Area-51/S-4 whistleblower Bob Lazar’s W-2 statement 1989 #38768 Papoose Dry Lake Lazar takes group near Groom Lake to vie 3/1989 (approximate) #38853 Nevada Nevada test facility Robert Lazar allegedly sees a disc on his third 3/1989 #38855 d he is cleared for the lower two. Lazar crawls underneath the craft and se 3/1989 #38855 ugh it like a window. According to Lazar, the fuel for the craft is Element 3/1989 #38855 t this is much different than what Lazar describes], housed in the reactor 3/1989 #38855 a long time. On another occasion, Lazar witnesses a demonstration of the c 3/1989 #38855 when they are relaxed or sleeping. Lazar allegedly catches a glimpse of a s 3/1989 #38855 ttempting to cut the reactor open. Lazar claims he was hired as a substitut 3/1989 #38855 Papoose Dry Lake Bob Lazar takes groups of friends on Wednesd Spring 1989 #38876 ay 375 Video of John Lear with Bob Lazar near Groom Lake 3/22/1989 #38877 t John Lear about his UFO secrets, Lazar and his wife Tracy drive Lear’s RV 3/22/1989 #38878 Papoose Dry Lake Lazar records the mean outdoor temp, hea 3/29/1989 #38883 Tikaboo Peak, Nevada Bob and Tracy Lazar, Gene Huff, John Lear, and Jim Tag 3/29/1989 #38885 Papoose Dry Lake Lazar’s 3rd trip with group to view UFO’ 4/2/1989 #38886 Road, Nevada Lincoln County Robert Lazar, Tracy Lazar, her sister, Gene Huf 4/5/1989 #38894 Lincoln County Robert Lazar, Tracy Lazar, her sister, Gene Huff, and John L 4/5/1989 #38894 gs Air Force Base [now Creech AFB] Lazar is prevented from going to work at 4/6/1989 #38895 Lake Area-51/S-4 whistleblower Bob Lazar’s last day at work 4/7/1989 #38896 ssigned to research all things Bob Lazar. 5/1989 #38928 Las Vegas, NV Bob Lazar, at ex-CIA contractor and ufologis 5/14/1989 #38949 51 Papoose Lake Groom Lake Robert Lazar is first interviewed by George Kna 5/15/1989 #38952 tte, using the pseudonym “Dennis.” Lazar discusses his purported employment 5/15/1989 #38952 hangars built into a mountainside. Lazar says that his job was to help with 5/15/1989 #38952 es are extraterrestrial in origin. Lazar claims one of the flying saucers, 5/15/1989 #38952 Robert Lazar speaks publicly on KLAS-TV in Las 5/15/1989 #38953 Las Vegas, NV for the first time. Lazar claims he was employed at S-4, a f 5/15/1989 #38953 /Area 51 adjacent to Papoose Lake. Lazar claims the site has concealed airc 5/15/1989 #38953 ir antigravity propulsion systems. Lazar claims one saucer was found on an 5/15/1989 #38953 another is metallic in appearance. Lazar claims the power plants inside the 5/15/1989 #38953 not use circuits or electricity. Lazar also claims his employer is EG&G, 5/15/1989 #38953 Las Vegas, NV Bob Lazar interviews on KLAS-TV in silhouett 5/24/1989 #38961 sed by George Knapp, revealing Bob Lazar’s identity to the public. 11/1989 #39202 , identifies and interviews Robert Lazar, unmasked and using his real name. 11/10/1989 #39224 unmasked and using his real name. Lazar claims that during his onboarding 11/10/1989 #39224 ly encountered in their abduction. Lazar’s story quickly garners enormous m 11/10/1989 #39224 versy, supporters, and detractors. Lazar admits he cannot support with evid 11/10/1989 #39224 Arranged by Norio Hayakawa, Robert Lazar is interviewed in Las Vegas, Nevad 2/1990 #39403 Las Vegas, Nevada Robert Lazar is arrested in Las Vegas, Nevada, 6/5/1990 #39606 is claims. Even people who believe Lazar find it hard to make sense of it a 10/1992 #40653 e else's. Whatever you think about Lazar and his truthfulness, his story is 10/1992 #40653 lbert Jordan, the claims of Robert Lazar (element 115) and Charles Brush. I 1/1998 #43483 erside of it. McGarity claimed Bob Lazar was a “simple technician” at Los A 12/5/2005 #44907 The FBI conducts a raid on Robert Lazar’s United Nuclear Scientific busine 7/19/2017 #45476 51 The independent documentary Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers is rel 12/4/2018 #45550 ce. Jeremy Corbell’s film explores Lazar’s groundbreaking claims and the de 12/4/2018 #45550 US Bob Lazar and film maker Jeremy Corbell sit 6/20/2019 #45586 ng Area 51 conspiracy theorist Bob Lazar and filmmaker Jeremy Corbell on Th 6/27/2019 #45588## Word: "lazar's" (Back to Top)
s Area 51 Viewer's Guide that "Bob Lazar's story has been impossible to con 10/1992 #40653## Word: "lazeanu" (Back to Top)
, Ohio 2:00 a.m. Meteorologist Ion Lazeanu is making routine radar observat 8/1986 #37964 ength of at least 4,920 feet. (Ion Lazeanu, “Unusual Phenomenon Observed wi 8/1986 #37964## Word: "lazily" (Back to Top)
reappeared, cruised around the sky lazily, and then vanished. 3/2/1966 #19933 15 minutes the object moved around lazily, then suddenly sped off to the no 5/16/1966 #20486 15 minutes the object moved around lazily, then it suddenly sped off to the 5/16/1966 #20490## Word: "lazlo" (Back to Top)
aon-l'Etage, France Forty-year-old Lazlo Ujvari was suddenly confronted by 10/20/1954 #11270 At 2:30 a.m. Lazlo Ujvari, age 40, saw a dark domed d 10/20/1954 #11278 BUDAPEST, HUNG Famous poet Lazlo Benjamin sees walnut-saucer accord 11/20/1967 #23484## Word: "lazurin" (Back to Top)
rphous mass. While copilot Gennady Lazurin sketches the object, Captain Igo 9/7/1984 #37458 ched from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome. Lazurin’s sketches of the object closely 9/7/1984 #37458## Word: "lazurite" (Back to Top)
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Lazurite” Yield: 1.7KT 12/7/1974 #29633## Word: "lazy" (Back to Top)
own, and starts to climb slowly in lazy circles. Observers Doug Smith and D 10/11/1951 #5725 ge of acrobatics (crazy gyrations, lazy 8’s, square chandeliers) for severa 11/14/1956 #13329 dime at arm's length flying in a "lazy, lackadaisical manner" for 40 secon 2/27/1967 #21678 e north. The UFOs began to move in lazy turns, banking and doubling back. E 5/12/2002 #44343## Word: "lb" (Back to Top)
Hours / missing time. Ron loses 25 lb and radiation/radioactivity sick. Mem 1/17/1979 #34350## Word: "lbj" (Back to Top)
Going north slowly (i.e. away from Lbj ranch.) 9/13/1980 #35519## Word: "lbr" (Back to Top)
ls In Reponse To A/C Blink Lights (LBR) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 5/13/1954 #9788## Word: "lbs" (Back to Top)
Over the next two weeks he lost 20 lbs., and a wild animal he had befriende 8/15/1995 #42389 weighing as much as 115 kilos (250 lbs.). His dog hid under the bed blanket 1/26/2003 #44480## Word: "lc" (Back to Top)
(NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, NC, LC) Late 8/1947 #3367 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 7/27/1948 #3746 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, LC) 8/4/1948 #3773 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, LC) 10/24/1948 #3850 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC) 11/3/1948 #3865 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 11/23/1948 #3886 , Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC, LC) 12/5/1948 #3907 , Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC, LC) 12/5/1948 #3908 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC) 12/6/1948 #3911 , Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC, LC) 12/8/1948 #3916 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC) 12/12/1948 #3925 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC) 12/20/1948 #3933 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 12/28/1948 #3937 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 1/6/1949 #3965 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC) 1/6/1949 #3966 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU, NC, LC) 1/30/1949 #3983 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU, NC, LC) 1/30/1949 #3984 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 2/14/1949 #4007 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 2/17/1949 #4012 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC) 2/17/1949 #4013 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC) 2/27/1949 #4025 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC) 3/2/1949 #4031 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 3/3/1949 #4033 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 3/7/1949 #4036 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 3/8/1949 #4038 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 3/8/1949 #4039 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 3/13/1949 #4043 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC) 3/27/1949 #4054 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC) 3/27/1949 #4055 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC) 3/27/1949 #4056 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC) 3/27/1949 #4057 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 4/5/1949 #4075 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 4/6/1949 #4077 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 4/7/1949 #4080 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 4/7/1949 #4081 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 4/12/1949 #4088 n (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, LC) 4/12/1949 #4089 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 4/22/1949 #4097 - Distant Encounters, BB: 358, NC, LC) 4/24/1949 #4102 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC) 4/25/1949 #4107 - Distant Encounters, BB: 361, NC, LC) 4/28/1949 #4122 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 4/30/1949 #4133 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 5/3/1949 #4139 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 5/3/1949 #4140 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 5/3/1949 #4141 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC) 5/6/1949 #4155 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 5/6/1949 #4156 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC) 5/7/1949 #4167 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 5/7/1949 #4168 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC, LC) 5/8/1949 #4169 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 5/8/1949 #4170 - Distant Encounters, BB: 384, NC, LC) 5/9/1949 #4172 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 5/12/1949 #4181 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 5/16/1949 #4189 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 6/2/1949 #4223 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 6/11/1949 #4235 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 6/20/1949 #4243 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 6/20/1949 #4244 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 6/27/1949 #4253 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 8/6/1949 #4305 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 8/6/1949 #4306 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 8/6/1949 #4307 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 8/6/1949 #4308 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 8/6/1949 #4309 ICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC, LC) 8/6/1949 #4310 George AFB, California Witness: A/lc G.C. Grindeland. One dull white, arro 5/9/1952 #6282 id City, South Dakota Witnesses: A/lc Beatty and two civilians. At least fi 6/1/1952 #6413## Word: "lc-5" (Back to Top)
LC-5 at Cape Canaveral, Florida 5:44 a.m 12/6/1958 #15472 a Juno II, carrying Pioneer 3, at LC-5 at Cape Canaveral, Florida, suffers 12/6/1958 #15472## Word: "lc3" (Back to Top)
V-2 missile test at Cape Canaveral LC3, Reaches 16.1km attitude (Low-angle 7/24/1950 #5076 V-2 missile test at Cape Canaveral LC3, Reaches 16.1km attitude (Low-angle 7/29/1950 #5080## Word: "lcc" (Back to Top)
Salas, who is below ground in the LCC. Salas is dubious and tells them to 3/24/1967 #21973 , an alarm rings through the small LCC and both men see a “no-go” light tur 3/24/1967 #21973 site northwest of Sidney, Nebraska LCC India, southwest of Sunol, Nebraska Autumn 1973 #27860 er UHF radio, he hears the crew at LCC India, southwest of Sunol, Nebraska, Autumn 1973 #27860## Word: "lcf" (Back to Top)
Nebraska Pine Bluff Gurley Quebec LCF Chugwater 1:30–4:30 a.m. Various per 8/1/1965 #19242 m. Two UFOs are seen over the Echo LCF southeast of Pine Bluff at 1:48 a.m. 8/1/1965 #19242 are sighted at 2:50 a.m. The Echo LCF reports six UFOs stacked vertically. 8/1/1965 #19242 ander calls to say that the Quebec LCF southwest of Chugwater has nine UFOs 8/1/1965 #19242## Word: "lcfs" (Back to Top)
teman I launch control facilities (LCFs) and launch facilities (LFs, missil 8/1/1965 #19242## Word: "ldes" (Back to Top)
me near Oslo, Norway. The cause of LDEs remains unknown, although A. G. Shl Late Summer 1927 #1079## Word: "ldln" (Back to Top)
om a separate location, 2 km away (LDLN). 1/17/1967 #21331 ghts at the bottom. (Magonia #908; LDLN 95) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 6/14/1968 #24028 re found by police. (Magonia #911, LDLN 95) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 6/21/1968 #24064 wearing coveralls. (Magonia #917, LDLN 96) 68LateSummer Lake Norman 2 NC D 7/31/1968 #24269## Word: "ldln#101p4" (Back to Top)
ction try. Going west very fast. / LDLN#101p4. 7/29/1952 #7294## Word: "ldln#102" (Back to Top)
ar going NNW / Fonland. / r67p31+/ LDLN#102. 9/23/1954 #10409 color. Going [to] behind trees. / LDLN#102. 9/28/1954 #10481 ld. Flattened grass found after. / LDLN#102. 10/1/1954 (approximate) #10544 Goes dark. Rises / soft whistle. / LDLN#102. 10/1/1954 #10551 / light / takeoff. Type unknown. / LDLN#102. 10/4/1954 #10673 o further details. Type unknown. / LDLN#102. 10/4/1954 #10674## Word: "ldln#102+" (Back to Top)
Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#3+/ LDLN#102+/ r8. 9/27/1954 #10465 wn. 2 tall men exit and gesture. / LDLN#102+/ r217p177. 10/1/1954 #10547 osses road. Enters woods nearby. / LDLN#102+/ r8. 10/1/1954 #10550 yard with whistling rush / air. / LDLN#102+/ r8. 10/1/1954 #10552 ver village. No further details. / LDLN#102+/ r8. 10/2/1954 #10581 going quickly north when neared. / LDLN#102+/ r30p122. 10/2/1954 #10601 / diving suit boards and flies. / LDLN#102+/ r138#9. 10/3/1954 #10628## Word: "ldln#102+flying" (Back to Top)
object dives at them. OK after. / LDLN#102+Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16# 10/1/1954 #10542## Word: "ldln#102p2+" (Back to Top)
ar. Going [to] WSW. Oily traces. / LDLN#102p2+/ r217p56. 10/2/1954 #10600 (conventional phenomena) / moon? / LDLN#102p2+/ r217p94. 10/3/1954 #10633## Word: "ldln#103" (Back to Top)
Goes very fast when neared. / r8+/ LDLN#103. 10/14/1954 #11021 Woman faints. Gets skin disease. / LDLN#103. 10/16/1954 (approximate) #11128## Word: "ldln#103+" (Back to Top)
o] low. Changes shape. Going up. / LDLN#103+/ r49. 10/14/1954 #11026## Word: "ldln#103+117" (Back to Top)
ignore! Going quickly northwest. / LDLN#103+117. 10/11/1969 #25406## Word: "ldln#103p2+" (Back to Top)
lands / railroad/railway tracks. / LDLN#103p2+/ r49p180+/ r8. 10/15/1954 #11076## Word: "ldln#104" (Back to Top)
d takes off. No further details. / LDLN#104. 1/5/1954 #9447 . Ground dug oddly. Trees split. / LDLN#104. 12/29/1954 #11873 Follows edge / swamp. Maneuvers. / LDLN#104. 5/29/1955 (approximate) #12165## Word: "ldln#105" (Back to Top)
igar-shape. Going west. / r30p74+/ LDLN#105. 9/10/1954 #10279## Word: "ldln#106" (Back to Top)
Abrupt turn and 90° straight up. / LDLN#106. 9/22/1957 #14025## Word: "ldln#107" (Back to Top)
utheast. 4 3cm tunnels! / r50p23+/ LDLN#107. 1/29/1969 #24876 tholes rotates. Real moon = 1/2. / LDLN#107. 7/21/1969 #25287## Word: "ldln#108+" (Back to Top)
s / one hour. Fantastic display. / LDLN#108+/ r138#9. 10/2/1954 #10596## Word: "ldln#110" (Back to Top)
agnetic effect (EME). Going east / LDLN#110. 7/3/1965 #19059 s beams going up [to] and rises. / LDLN#110. 8/28/1968 #24391 over rooftops. Extremely bright. / LDLN#110. 2/26/1970 #25589## Word: "ldln#112" (Back to Top)
d(s). South going quickly north. / LDLN#112. 5/18/1970 #25665## Word: "ldln#113" (Back to Top)
e. Reappears / another.. twice!! / LDLN#113. 10/14/1968 #24561## Word: "ldln#115" (Back to Top)
g down. Going [to] over highway. / LDLN#115. 6/1926 #1057 west. Stop and hover. Portholes. / LDLN#115. 7/7/1963 #17826 y northwest. Leaves vapor trail. / LDLN#115. 11/21/1967 #23488 owave dish. Going quickly south. / LDLN#115. 5/24/1971 #26126## Word: "ldln#115+" (Back to Top)
many antennas hovers / factory. / LDLN#115+/ r84p180. 12/10/1967 #23565## Word: "ldln#115+118" (Back to Top)
turns. Going quickly northeast. / LDLN#115+118. 9/16/1971 #26337## Word: "ldln#117" (Back to Top)
plane sound. Going quickly west. / LDLN#117. 7/20/1968 #24192## Word: "ldln#118" (Back to Top)
or / wet paper. Going northwest. / LDLN#118. 7/8/1968 #24155 ttery connected. Moved and dented. LDLN#118. 2/2/1969 #24889## Word: "ldln#119" (Back to Top)
minute(s) across sky and stops! / LDLN#119. 11/27/1793 #92## Word: "ldln#119+" (Back to Top)
r. Zapped! Windshield shattered. / LDLN#119+/ r193#27. 10/29/1970 #25890## Word: "ldln#120" (Back to Top)
hysical traces. Going southwest. / LDLN#120. 1/3/1971 #25970 Orbs play in sky / 1km altitude. / LDLN#120. / r30p380. Missile test? 3/18/1972 #26614## Word: "ldln#121+#330" (Back to Top)
er-night light plays to 0200hrs. / LDLN#121+#330. 6/12/1952 #6481## Word: "ldln#122" (Back to Top)
ic AOK. Going quickly northeast. / LDLN#122. 2/14/1972 #26579 top. Broken branches. / FSRv19#4+/ LDLN#122. 8/12/1972 #26904## Word: "ldln#122+" (Back to Top)
eam bends going up. Going south. / LDLN#122+/ FSRv19#4. 8/12/1972 #26903## Word: "ldln#123" (Back to Top)
as / inside. Going quickly east. / LDLN#123. 8/1956 #13036 ver woods. Skin burns. / r68p80. / LDLN#123. Fake / VJBO. 3/2/1960 #16191## Word: "ldln#123+" (Back to Top)
s. Spins. Observer's face burnt. / LDLN#123+/ r8. 4/20/1950 #4874## Word: "ldln#124" (Back to Top)
tes. Maneuvers. Arcs going west. / LDLN#124. 5/1/1971 #26094 Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#6+/ LDLN#124. 11/2/1972 #27104## Word: "ldln#125" (Back to Top)
ething behind) glowing contrail. / LDLN#125. 6/12/1952 #6477 ckly west toward(s) Puy-de-dome. / LDLN#125. 9/17/1954 #10328 ape going quickly north / r3p71. / LDLN#125. 9/17/1954 #10329 d away. Type unknown. No traces. / LDLN#125. 10/3/1954 #10634 . Gone later. 1M ruts 50cm deep. / LDLN#125. 10/4/1954 #10683 quickly east. Nitrobenzine odor. / LDLN#125. 10/5/1954 #10718 Beams going down. 90° rotation. / LDLN#125. 6/2/1972 #26697 Suddenly shoot quickly going up. / LDLN#125. 7/4/1972 #26762## Word: "ldln#125+" (Back to Top)
ng up [to] and meets 2nd object. / LDLN#125+/ r251. 5/10/1952 #6288 ady. 3 shiny orbs exit and away. / LDLN#125+/ r30p152. 10/11/1954 #10905## Word: "ldln#127" (Back to Top)
nce (RFI). Arcs going northeast. / LDLN#127. 3/20/1972 #26619 . Fantastic speeds. Photographs. / LDLN#127. 9/19/1972 #27010 ents / heap and aluminum strips. / LDLN#127. 1/14/1973 #27232 10 second(s). Quickly going up. / LDLN#127. 1/14/1973 #27233 / cigars and orbs in formation. / LDLN#127. 1/25/1973 #27245## Word: "ldln#127+" (Back to Top)
. Hundreds / report(s) / months. / LDLN#127+/ r79p55+/ APRO Jan'73. 1/19/1973 #27242## Word: "ldln#128" (Back to Top)
oing quickly southeast. / r30p80+/ LDLN#128. 9/19/1954 #10352 rd(s) Vichy. No further details. / LDLN#128. 10/10/1954 #10879 wing-disk / woods. Metal traces. / LDLN#128. 10/10/1954 #10880 ng up [to] as observer(s) nears. / LDLN#128. 7/25/1972 #26829## Word: "ldln#129" (Back to Top)
bjects with blue and green rays. / LDLN#129. 7/20/1971 #26239## Word: "ldln#130" (Back to Top)
to] overhead. All pigeons watch. / LDLN#130. 5/27/1958 #15054 p curve going quickly northeast. / LDLN#130. 6/12/1973 #27561## Word: "ldln#130+" (Back to Top)
6 pigs and 2 cows. None return. / LDLN#130+/ r8. 9/16/1962 #17405## Word: "ldln#131" (Back to Top)
splits / 2. Reunites. Away fast. / LDLN#131. 11/27/1952 #8346 akes off. Rises 5000' / seconds. / LDLN#131. 6/24/1973 #27586## Word: "ldln#131+" (Back to Top)
gar-shape hovers / 30 second(s). / LDLN#131+/ r2p87. 10/27/1952 #8193 ing quickly [to] east-northeast. / LDLN#131+/ r30p64. 11/22/1952 #8319## Word: "ldln#132" (Back to Top)
Also night lights / 10 Feb. '73. / LDLN#132. 1/15/1973 #27238 overs / 5mn. Going quickly west. / LDLN#132. 5/14/1973 #27482 southeast toward(s) Draguignan. / LDLN#132 from radio report. 11/29/1973 #28477 ucer Review (FSR) v20#1+/ r4p212+/ LDLN#132. 12/2/1973 #28499 vanishes. 1 going quickly west. / LDLN#132. 12/3/1973 #28512 lane / 15 minute(s). Near panic. / LDLN#132. 12/8/1973 #28539 / 20M altitude. Going southwest. / LDLN#132. 12/10/1973 #28545## Word: "ldln#132p26" (Back to Top)
Vague shape / lights / airliner. / LDLN#132p26. 2/17/1956 #12721## Word: "ldln#133" (Back to Top)
e / 20 minute(s). Phones jammed. / LDLN#133. 12/23/1973 #28598 right right repeatedly. Vanish. / LDLN#133. 12/31/1973 #28620## Word: "ldln#133+" (Back to Top)
rs / runway. Going quickly west. / LDLN#133+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v2 11/30/1973 #28485## Word: "ldln#135" (Back to Top)
ours. Darkens and going quickly. / LDLN#135. 2/24/1974 #28792 derside lit. Back / 25 February. / LDLN#135. 2/24/1974 #28793## Word: "ldln#136" (Back to Top)
r. Going quickly [to] to clouds. / LDLN#136. 2/9/1974 #28751 s area. Going quickly west fast. / LDLN#136. 2/27/1974 #28809 ng quickly west / amazing speed. / LDLN#136. 3/18/1974 #28905## Word: "ldln#136+137" (Back to Top)
exit. Back 15+23 March and 5 May / LDLN#136+137. 3/5/1974 #28860## Word: "ldln#136p25" (Back to Top)
southwest in front of mountain. / LDLN#136p25. 7/11/1973 #27630## Word: "ldln#137" (Back to Top)
utheast going quickly northwest. / LDLN#137. 4/14/1974 #29017 cer outside going quickly north. / LDLN#137. 4/21/1974 #29053 skims trees. Erratic trajectory. / LDLN#137. 4/21/1974 #29054## Word: "ldln#138" (Back to Top)
Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v19#2+/ LDLN#138. 3/5/1946 #1972 going northwest toward(s) town. / LDLN#138. 11/5/1954 #11571 hysical traces. Observer(s) ill. / LDLN#138. 10/6/1973 #27955 red beams / ends. Meteor shower / LDLN#138. 12/13/1973 #28563 ls up into clouds. Missile test? / LDLN#138. 6/12/1974 #29179 ay. 25' circle trace / riverbed. / LDLN#138. 7/8/1974 #29243 th. Shriveled branches / ground. / LDLN#138. 8/4/1974 #29307 ilent north going quickly south. / LDLN#138. 8/12/1974 #29330## Word: "ldln#139" (Back to Top)
Light beams going down. / r8#781+/ LDLN#139. 7/18/1966 #20651## Word: "ldln#139+" (Back to Top)
oids (or Greys). 2 approach car. / LDLN#139+/ r113p342. 1/7/1974 #28656## Word: "ldln#144" (Back to Top)
s color(s). Zigzags. 500M leaps. / LDLN#144. 3/18/1974 #28903 / 65km. Distance / 25M. Flashes. / LDLN#144. 4/10/1974 #29002 iamond lands. Odd "clock" noise. / LDLN#144. 4/13/1974 #29010## Word: "ldln#144+" (Back to Top)
trailer / hours. Footsteps. / r8+/ LDLN#144+/ r109p27. 8/12/1967 #22864## Word: "ldln#145+" (Back to Top)
Light power = 2.3MW. Going west. / LDLN#145+/ r5p23. 9/22/1965 (approximate) #19587 t. 1 floats / air see reference. / LDLN#145+/ r8+/ Flying Saucer Review (FS 8/29/1967 #22946 over nuclear plant. Dogs scared. / LDLN#145+/ r120p64. 10/26/1967 #23326## Word: "ldln#146" (Back to Top)
3 legs. Traces and petrol odor. / LDLN#146. 1/5/1975 #29717## Word: "ldln#147" (Back to Top)
ectangular night light / 30 June / LDLN#147. 6/21/1968 #24061## Word: "ldln#149" (Back to Top)
rth going quickly south. Meteor? / LDLN#149. 8/29/1975 #30318## Word: "ldln#151+" (Back to Top)
oulders rise. Going quickly ESE. / LDLN#151+/ r30. 11/6/1975 #30564## Word: "ldln#152" (Back to Top)
te(s). 53' and 30' crop circles. / LDLN#152. 10/4/1969 #25396## Word: "ldln#153" (Back to Top)
server(s) sick. Grows new teeth! / LDLN#153. 12/30/1972 #27191## Word: "ldln#154+" (Back to Top)
anana. Black disks in formation. / LDLN#154+/ r43p49. 1/23/1976 #30813## Word: "ldln#155" (Back to Top)
r. Area lit. Going quickly west. / LDLN#155. 8/3/1975 #30231 isk. Observers hide. Photograph. / LDLN#155. 9/5/1975 #30343 ns at home. Missing time. Marks. / LDLN#155. 1/28/1976 #30823## Word: "ldln#157" (Back to Top)
llege. 4 square M / burnt trace. / LDLN#157. 4/16/1976 #30997## Word: "ldln#158" (Back to Top)
back extremely fast / planes pass. LDLN#158. 6/21/1976 #31120 ere going NNE. Possible landing. / LDLN#158. 6/23/1976 #31132## Word: "ldln#159" (Back to Top)
imperial palace / 10 minute(s). / LDLN#159 / La Depeche. 7/14/1976 #31163 100M cylinder/cigar-shape / 30m. / LDLN#159. 8/21/1976 #31287## Word: "ldln#161" (Back to Top)
ure(s) inside floats going east. / LDLN#161. 2/3/1974 (approximate) #28734## Word: "ldln#161+" (Back to Top)
g quickly [to] behind mountains. / LDLN#161+/ r5p28. 11/5/1976 #31526## Word: "ldln#162" (Back to Top)
und. Form not visible. / r30p574+/ LDLN#162. 8/29/1975 #30323## Word: "ldln#163" (Back to Top)
es / each side. Going northwest. / LDLN#163. 3/2/1976 #30915## Word: "ldln#165" (Back to Top)
ickly south. Reappears in north! / LDLN#165. 11/8/1957 #14475 / ground. Cars stop. Disappears! / LDLN#165. 6/14/1968 #24027## Word: "ldln#166" (Back to Top)
mely bright beam going [to] car. / LDLN#166. 4/7/1977 #31955## Word: "ldln#167" (Back to Top)
. 6 slow saucers. 5 photographs. / LDLN#167. 1/7/1974 #28657## Word: "ldln#167+202" (Back to Top)
ht and 3 huge cigars. / FSRv22#4+/ LDLN#167+202. 7/30/1976 #31198## Word: "ldln#169" (Back to Top)
ied traces / hard soil next day. / LDLN#169. 9/20/1976 #31414## Word: "ldln#171" (Back to Top)
titude. Vanishes. 6 cigars exit. / LDLN#171. 2/10/1975 #29792## Word: "ldln#172" (Back to Top)
hat-saucer / beach. Pass tests. / LDLN#172. 9/23/1968 #24501 bject with luminous beam hovers. / LDLN#172. 4/2/1974 #28989## Word: "ldln#175" (Back to Top)
pasture. Cows scared. / r30p572+/ LDLN#175. 8/29/1975 #30321 ts). Restarts itself / 3rd gear. / LDLN#175. 3/25/1978 #33080## Word: "ldln#176+" (Back to Top)
manoid (or Grey) freezes 4 kids. / LDLN#176+/ r217p190. 10/9/1954 #10829## Word: "ldln#177+" (Back to Top)
/ street lights go out! Rumbles. / LDLN#177+/ r5p30. 6/19/1978 #33289## Word: "ldln#177+#180" (Back to Top)
cles / blue haze. Seen / 3 days. / LDLN#177+#180. 5/4/1978 #33186## Word: "ldln#180" (Back to Top)
e burnt. Abduction-try / Mar. '73. LDLN#180. 2/3/1973 #27267## Word: "ldln#182" (Back to Top)
stunts. Plane and pilot vanish. / LDLN#182. 10/21/1978 #33852## Word: "ldln#183" (Back to Top)
globes. Terrific accelerations. / LDLN#183. 12/30/1978 #34229 ers over hotels and hills. Wave. / LDLN#183. 1/2/1979 (approximate) #34276## Word: "ldln#186" (Back to Top)
d vanishes 4X. Smoke. / FSR'67#4+/ LDLN#186. 1/28/1967 #21406 e/box-like craft marks. / r5p102+/ LDLN#186. 11/2/1968 #24621 up. Changes to rocket. Vanishes! / LDLN#186. 5/15/1973 #27487 nd appears higher. 1 of 3 events / LDLN#186. 6/6/1975 #30087 ing quickly [to] extremely fast. / LDLN#186. 5/14/1979 #34557## Word: "ldln#187" (Back to Top)
mpossibly. 1200mph. Going north. / LDLN#187. 4/20/1952 #6136 nter. Missing time. Radio Blown. / LDLN#187. 3/17/1978 #33047 r. 3 portholes. Shoots going up. / LDLN#187. 5/5/1979 #34542## Word: "ldln#187+" (Back to Top)
/ transparent suit appears. / r8+/ LDLN#187+/ r109p59. 1/24/1967 (approximate) #21370## Word: "ldln#188" (Back to Top)
ge glowing-saucer hovers. Lands? / LDLN#188. 12/4/1977 #32733## Word: "ldln#189" (Back to Top)
agnetic effects). Driver frozen. / LDLN#189. 3/25/1973 #27375## Word: "ldln#192" (Back to Top)
. Going quickly [to] to horizon. / LDLN#192. 12/12/1968 #24760 and mine" ovoid. Lands / 7 legs. / LDLN#192. 11/3/1973 #28356## Word: "ldln#193" (Back to Top)
cer. Small glowing-dome in room. / LDLN#193. 4/25/1975 #30002 ckly south as observer(s) nears. / LDLN#193. 12/25/1979 #35095## Word: "ldln#194" (Back to Top)
/ mountains. Retractable beams. / LDLN#194. 3/27/1970 #25608 ows. Quickly going up [to] fast. / LDLN#194. 1/20/1980 #35138## Word: "ldln#195" (Back to Top)
d going quickly [to] horizontal. / LDLN#195. 9/28/1954 (approximate) #10483## Word: "ldln#196" (Back to Top)
d. Photographs = fog. / r177p134+/ LDLN#196. 10/15/1978 #33834## Word: "ldln#198" (Back to Top)
2 1M clowns dig / goods! Vanish! / LDLN#198. 9/10/1978 #33652## Word: "ldln#199" (Back to Top)
es blood sample / dog. / r219p17+/ LDLN#199. 2/5/1978 #32953## Word: "ldln#201" (Back to Top)
object over quarry. Rocks roll. / LDLN#201. 8/31/1977 #32443## Word: "ldln#201+#216" (Back to Top)
rizon. Shoots going quickly SSE. / LDLN#201+#216. 11/19/1977 #32688## Word: "ldln#204" (Back to Top)
dogfights. Away incredibly fast. / LDLN#204. 9/1943 #1520 Planes chase. Zips up and away. / LDLN#204. 8/1950 #5090 colored lens-saucer. / r120p226+/ LDLN#204. 7/1/1956? #12941 / disk. Fly off Opp directions. / LDLN#204. 11/17/1958 #15447 R. Planes sent up.. see nothing! / LDLN#204. 8/1959 #15885 n. Going north at 1.5° / minute. / LDLN#204. 7/6/1960 #16331 ts men going [to] psyco-effects. / LDLN#204. 3/1964 #18142 rliner. Going quickly [to] away. / LDLN#204. 7/12/1964 #18403 light. West going quickly east. / LDLN#204. 9/19/1967 #23087 going quickly northeast. GC#059. / LDLN#204. 9/19/1967 #23088## Word: "ldln#204+" (Back to Top)
ht light joins. Going northwest. / LDLN#204+/ r84p40. 5/30/1958 #15060 ads. Evade jets. Zigzag / RADAR. / LDLN#204+/ r148p200. 4/1959 (approximate) #15685 1 / 3 moon diameter. No balloon. / LDLN#204+/ r193#15. 10/20/1966 #21017## Word: "ldln#207" (Back to Top)
Reporter (CUFOS Group, USA) V3#8+/ LDLN#207. 7/4/1978 #33328## Word: "ldln#207+" (Back to Top)
Beams. Going northwest. / MJ122+/ LDLN#207+/ r41p349. 7/2/1978 #33323 ° C. Vegetation baked. / r149p63+/ LDLN#207+/ r12. 1/8/1981 #35774## Word: "ldln#210" (Back to Top)
gure(s) move / transparent door. / LDLN#210. 10/7/1978 #33801## Word: "ldln#211" (Back to Top)
ver/all about / MX. / r134#1p46. / LDLN#211. 3/10/1950 #4600 ad / 1000mph. Spurts blue flame. / LDLN#211. 11/5/1950 #5260## Word: "ldln#212" (Back to Top)
irections retract. Low altitude. / LDLN#212. 11/6/1981 #36207## Word: "ldln#216" (Back to Top)
luminous/glowing nets / mouths. / LDLN#216. 12/27/1978 #34212## Word: "ldln#218" (Back to Top)
ng box / 7km over outdoor movie. / LDLN#218. 10/23/1978 #33860 t. Vibrant bright. / FSRv27#5p17+/ LDLN#218. 10/5/1980 #35553## Word: "ldln#239" (Back to Top)
box-like craft going up / rocks. / LDLN#239. 3/15/1974 #28887## Word: "ldln#247" (Back to Top)
base. Jets chase. Big blackout. / LDLN#247. 1/9/1966 #19818## Word: "ldln#249" (Back to Top)
end. Very fast quickly going up. / LDLN#249. 4/1947 #2253## Word: "ldln#255+r150" (Back to Top)
ovoid SL flight east going west. / LDLN#255+r150. 10/6/1952 #8094## Word: "ldln#260" (Back to Top)
2 more saucer / wild maneuvers. / LDLN#260. 8/31/1953 #9123 manoids (or Greys) walk stiffly. / LDLN#260. 10/25/1954 #11381 ude. 4 small dark objects orbit. / LDLN#260. 11/10/1954 #11617 olute(ly) silent. Lights clouds. / LDLN#260. 7/4/1972 #26760 . West going east / 5 minute(s). / LDLN#260. 9/10/1974 #29449## Word: "ldln#267" (Back to Top)
busy outside. Observer(s) runs. / LDLN#267. 8/1954 #10073## Word: "ldln#269+" (Back to Top)
ll zigzags going south / 1100km. / LDLN#269+/ r200v7#4. 2/8/1982 #36323## Word: "ldln#283" (Back to Top)
l with 7 luminous/glowing spots. / LDLN#283. 8/21/1987 #38250## Word: "ldln#296" (Back to Top)
th 2 6M cylinders. Ground RADAR. / LDLN#296. 7/6/1983 #36901## Word: "ldln#300" (Back to Top)
. Strong white beams going down. / LDLN#300. 11/7/1989 #39218## Word: "ldln#301" (Back to Top)
ncy Interference (RFI) / nearby. / LDLN#301. 12/18/1968 #24777 . 3 night lights / huge triangle / LDLN#301. 3/30/1990 #39496 1 house. Responds / flashlight. / LDLN#301. 4/15/1990 #39526## Word: "ldln#302" (Back to Top)
ts kilometers apart! F16s chase. / LDLN#302. 3/30/1990 #39495 Grass turns intense blue-green. / LDLN#302. 5/4/1990 #39552## Word: "ldln#303+330" (Back to Top)
vers. Shoots going [to] horizon. / LDLN#303+330. 3/1944 #1580## Word: "ldln#304" (Back to Top)
6 small night lights orbit oval. / LDLN#304. 11/5/1990 #39863## Word: "ldln#305" (Back to Top)
up [to] and northwest to clouds. / LDLN#305. 1/25/1984 #37150## Word: "ldln#306" (Back to Top)
blink / bottom/underside. Purrs. / LDLN#306. 7/13/1978 #33379## Word: "ldln#308+309+331" (Back to Top)
ights / 4 hours. 1 passes plane. / LDLN#308+309+331. 1/1/1995 #41929## Word: "ldln#309" (Back to Top)
round level. Blue beams / front. / LDLN#309. 8/22/1991 #40163## Word: "ldln#311" (Back to Top)
s chase going quickly southeast. / LDLN#311. 7/4/1989 #39006 ts / hot pursuit. AWACS follows. / LDLN#311. 6/22/1990 #39621 Pointed ears. White almond eyes. / LDLN#311. 8/31/1990 #39706 b/globe going quickly northwest. / LDLN#311. 12/19/1990 #39929 uickly north. Fried. Big outage. / LDLN#311. 3/17/1991 #40016## Word: "ldln#312" (Back to Top)
n ball studies each observer(s)! / LDLN#312. 6/1937 #1271 ground. 1 bends! Power outages. / LDLN#312. 10/20/1990 #39797## Word: "ldln#314+" (Back to Top)
b woman. Invisible figure nears. / LDLN#314+/ MJ#309. 5/20/1950 #4953## Word: "ldln#318" (Back to Top)
ays / light connect. Going west. / LDLN#318. 2/20/1993 #40855## Word: "ldln#319" (Back to Top)
Saucer with clear dome / field. / LDLN#319. 10/4/1954 #10677 Going up [to] buzzing like bees. / LDLN#319. 10/8/1954 #10807 oing up. Manlike shadow remains. / LDLN#319. 10/8/1954 #10811 / 40M / 20 minute(s). / r30p135+/ LDLN#319. / r217p101. 10/8/1954 #10813 h luminous/glowing eyes outside. / LDLN#319. 10/10/1954 (approximate) #10871 run. Figure seen / 2 minute(s). / LDLN#319. 10/11/1954 #10918 ible landing. Observer(s) flees. / LDLN#319. 10/28/1954 #11459## Word: "ldln#319+local" (Back to Top)
ucer / field. Bleat like calves! / LDLN#319+local news. 10/1954 #10533## Word: "ldln#319p26" (Back to Top)
own. Going west toward(s) Vatan. / LDLN#319p26. 10/2/1954 #10595 ow altitude. No further details. / LDLN#319p26. 10/3/1954 #10649## Word: "ldln#320" (Back to Top)
behind) green trail. Maneuvers. / LDLN#320. 10/14/1954 #11022 d away when struck / headlights. / LDLN#320. 10/14/1954 #11025 el saucer wavers / 10M altitude. / LDLN#320. 10/15/1954 #11093 ] vertically as carpenter nears. / LDLN#320. 10/15/1954 #11096 smoke / rear. Observer(s) flees. / LDLN#320. 10/16/1954 #11129 and white lights. Type unknown. / LDLN#320. 10/16/1954 #11132 / 4 legs. Going up / same sound. / LDLN#320. 10/17/1954 #11161## Word: "ldln#321" (Back to Top)
] woods. Bright beams. Vanishes! / LDLN#321. 10/17/1954 #11162 rs protrude. Vanishes / instant! / LDLN#321. 10/18/1954 #11192 kly going up / shower of sparks. / LDLN#321. 10/18/1954 #11202 Motor and lights out. AOK after. / LDLN#321. 10/19/1954 #11234 el in woods. 'Arc-welder' glare. / LDLN#321. 10/19/1954 #11237 . Leaves (something behind) trail. LDLN#321. 10/20/1954 #11261 rs. Family hides. Great silence. / LDLN#321. 10/23/1954 #11332## Word: "ldln#323" (Back to Top)
umanoids (or Greys) talk a lot.. / LDLN#323. 3/5/1992 #40356## Word: "ldln#324" (Back to Top)
s maneuver / separate observers. / LDLN#324. 10/19/1954 #11231 ched and ground plowed up. Pigs? / LDLN#324. 10/19/1954 #11232 . Saucer rises / roadside brush. / LDLN#324. 10/21/1954 #11291 ts / ends. Lights road like day! / LDLN#324. 10/22/1954 #11312 . Going up [to] and shoots away. / LDLN#324. 10/24/1954 (approximate) #11356 Absolute(ly) silent. Light glow. / LDLN#324. 10/25/1954 (approximate) #11376 t lights going quickly northeast / LDLN#324. 11/5/1990 #39832 und. Odd pains. Going southeast. / LDLN#324. 1/4/1994 #41359## Word: "ldln#324+" (Back to Top)
les / N60. Going up [to] silent. / LDLN#324+/ r8#227. 10/10/1954 #10875## Word: "ldln#325" (Back to Top)
[to] away as observer(s) nears. / LDLN#325. 10/26/1954 (approximate) #11405 hocks and temporarily paralysis. / LDLN#325. 10/27/1954 (approximate) #11427 s. Flash. Observer(s) feel numb. / LDLN#325. 10/27/1954 #11434 es and 4 fins. Quickly going up. / LDLN#325. 10/29/1954 #11472 arate saucer going quickly west. / LDLN#325. 11/2/1954 #11529 mely fast. No physical trace(s). / LDLN#325. 11/3/1954 (approximate) #11541 g. Helmets. Glide! Missing time? / LDLN#325. 11/3/1954 #11542 Landings. Beams. Animals scared. / LDLN#325. 11/4/1954 #11553 . Gone when observer(s) arrives. / LDLN#325. 11/4/1954 #11559 th neck to side. Landing traces. / LDLN#325. 11/8/1954 #11593 wires. Silent. Quickly going up. / LDLN#325. 11/18/1954 #11665 umanoids (or Greys) pick apples! / LDLN#325. 11/18/1954 #11666 lyzed observer(s)! Missing time? / LDLN#325. 11/20/1954 #11676## Word: "ldln#325+" (Back to Top)
lights going up / ground. Glows. / LDLN#325+/ r30p203. 10/27/1954 #11436## Word: "ldln#326" (Back to Top)
es. Accelerates and shoots away. / LDLN#326 p19. 5/30/1954 #9844 gar-shape leaves luminous trail. / LDLN#326 p20. 9/29/1954 #10494 uickly west. No further details. / LDLN#326 p20. 9/30/1954 (approximate) #10502 to] and sweeps area / blue beam. / LDLN#326. 10/20/1954 #11259 r flys over. No further details. / LDLN#326 p21. 10/26/1954 #11407 d. Pigs upset. Green man / door. / LDLN#326. 12/4/1991 #40252## Word: "ldln#326pg43+" (Back to Top)
UFO. Deteriorates-now mindless. / LDLN#326pg43+/ r5. 4/23/1976 #31013## Word: "ldln#330" (Back to Top)
[to] extremely fast. / r242p123+/ LDLN#330. 11/23/1948 #3885 . Going quickly [to] N. horizon. / LDLN#330. 12/27/1950 #5365 cer hovers and passes over jets. / LDLN#330. 11/24/1951 #5783 Goes going quickly south to sea. / LDLN#330. 1/21/1952 #5869 ' cylinders and pears / 2400kph. / LDLN#330. 7/23/1952 #7047 2 minute(s). Going quickly west. / LDLN#330. 8/16/1954 #10146 sible to air and ground RADAR's. / LDLN#330. 6/17/1988 #38586 solute(ly) silent. Bright beams. / LDLN#330. 10/24/1994 #41810 and fro between clouds over ship. LDLN#330. 11/18/1994 #41854 nges color. Going quickly south. / LDLN#330. 2/9/1995 #42027## Word: "ldln#330+" (Back to Top)
/ 22K and 25K' altitude. Return. / LDLN#330+/ r185p7. 3/22/1952 #5967 isible. Going quickly northwest. / LDLN#330+/ r245. 3/7/1977 #31867## Word: "ldln#330+evening" (Back to Top)
s hover and dart. Laser beams? " / LDLN#330+evening post. 11/28/1994 #41870## Word: "ldln#330p13" (Back to Top)
ed / 8-10 fast red Foo-Fighters. / LDLN#330p13. 11/23/1944 #1702## Word: "ldln#331" (Back to Top)
. Pilot and air.rdr see nothing. / LDLN#331. 10/12/1950 #5219 ivate plane. 65° climb and away. / LDLN#331. 9/13/1952 #7910## Word: "ldln#331+" (Back to Top)
ireball. Luminous/glowing trail. / LDLN#331+/ r150. 3/3/1976 #30918## Word: "ldln#332" (Back to Top)
ance jet. RADAR blips / 1439hrs. / LDLN#332. 11/3/1953 #9273 titude. 700mph. Big investigate. / LDLN#332. 12/17/1953 #9377## Word: "ldln#334" (Back to Top)
nder liner. Dives toward(s) sea. / LDLN#334. 5/27/1958 #15052 ontroller tower. Rises and away. / LDLN#334. 6/17/1993 #41020## Word: "ldln#334p3" (Back to Top)
ner / 20 minute(s). Shoots away. / LDLN#334p3. 7/2/1960 #16325## Word: "ldln#334p34+" (Back to Top)
light / high altitude. Sputnik? / LDLN#334p34+/ r141. 10/8/1957 #14070## Word: "ldln#334p35+" (Back to Top)
spins. Fast arc / low altitude. / LDLN#334p35+/ r141. 12/12/1957 #14716## Word: "ldln#335p38" (Back to Top)
ms. Going quickly [to] overhead. / LDLN#335p38. 11/27/1995 #42623## Word: "ldln#337" (Back to Top)
n / ground level / 45 minute(s)! / LDLN#337. 4/4/1966 #20219## Word: "ldln#337+" (Back to Top)
0m chased / 300m cone. Going up. / LDLN#337+/ r73p67+/ r41p128. 9/20/1966 #20899## Word: "ldln#338" (Back to Top)
een / British B17s. Chaff? flak? / LDLN#338. 10/14/1943 #1534## Word: "ldln#338p32" (Back to Top)
ickly going up / extremely fast. / LDLN#338p32. 6/9/1967 #22480## Word: "ldln#339" (Back to Top)
over house. Dives / observer(s). / LDLN#339. 4/23/1954 #9708 ort/apartment. Turns going west. / LDLN#339. 10/10/1974 #29509 s electro-magnetic effect (EME). / LDLN#339. 10/28/1975 #30493 ilver objects near KC135 tanker. / LDLN#339. 5/13/1976 #31048 Going up / steep angle and gone. / LDLN#339. 11/4/1977 #32658 heast below clouds / 2k'. / r150+/ LDLN#339. 12/11/1979 #35069## Word: "ldln#339+" (Back to Top)
nd going quickly east in series. / LDLN#339+/ r177p161. 8/28/1978 #33582## Word: "ldln#339p29" (Back to Top)
ed metallic saucer passes plane. / LDLN#339p29. 7/20/1975 #30188## Word: "ldln#339p7" (Back to Top)
men operate lever. Going south. / LDLN#339p7. 6/1954 #9853## Word: "ldln#340" (Back to Top)
d and white stripes crosses sky. / LDLN#340. 11/30/1995 #42633 ct goes all directions / 1 hour. / LDLN#340. 7/5/1996 #42946## Word: "ldln#341" (Back to Top)
going quickly northeast / 100km. / LDLN#341. 8/28/1996 #42997## Word: "ldln#342" (Back to Top)
itude north going quickly south. / LDLN#342. 9/1/1946 (approximate) #2165 jectiles / Greek Prime Minister. / LDLN#342. 9/1/1946 #2166 ows aims beam going down / lake. / LDLN#342. 10/25/1996 #43094## Word: "ldln#343" (Back to Top)
/ south and vertical formations. / LDLN#343. 9/23/1954 #10404## Word: "ldln#343+" (Back to Top)
km altitude. 6 6F6s can't reach. / LDLN#343+/ r150. 7/15/1945? #1894## Word: "ldln#345" (Back to Top)
bbles / low altitude. Right date / LDLN#345. 10/2/1954 #10584 tro-magnetic effects). OK after. / LDLN#345. 10/10/1954 #10881## Word: "ldln#345p32" (Back to Top)
les. Blinding. Lands / distance. / LDLN#345p32. 10/2/1954 #10592## Word: "ldln#66" (Back to Top)
d/railway line. / FSRv12#1+v17#3+/ LDLN#66 / r8. 10/21/1963 #17993## Word: "ldln#70" (Back to Top)
rey) unintelligible. Footprints. / LDLN#70. 12/25/1963 #18093## Word: "ldln#71" (Back to Top)
ject / road. Follow car to town! / LDLN#71. 5/15/1963 #17739## Word: "ldln#76" (Back to Top)
d and broken branches. / r180p32+/ LDLN#76. 11/8/1964 #18610## Word: "ldln#78" (Back to Top)
1 outside studies map. / r67p40+/ LDLN#78. 7/20/1965 #19141 ear ground. Noisy exit. / r8#664+/ LDLN#78. 7/30/1965 #19206## Word: "ldln#78+" (Back to Top)
nely beach. Away extremely fast. / LDLN#78+/ APRO Jan'66. 7/19/1965 #19128## Word: "ldln#78+nice" (Back to Top)
kly south fast. Official report. / LDLN#78+Nice Matin. 7/29/1965 #19199## Word: "ldln#80" (Back to Top)
nce (RFI). Whines. Type unknown. / LDLN#80. 5/24/1965 #18956## Word: "ldln#84" (Back to Top)
Doors open. Rubber workers flee. / LDLN#84. 9/8/1965 #19533 ands near Santos Air Force Base. / LDLN#84. 10/18/1965 #19663 object and run. UFO seen after. / LDLN#84. 10/26/1965 #19681 ). Lights alternate red / green. / LDLN#84. 6/18/1966 #20574## Word: "ldln#84+" (Back to Top)
th toward(s) Metz. Type unknown. / LDLN#84+/ r8#652. 7/9/1965 #19084 s with distinct sound. No trace. / LDLN#84+/ r8#674. 8/4/1965 #19302## Word: "ldln#86+" (Back to Top)
noids (or Greys) board and away. / LDLN#86+/ r39p58. 7/13/1966 #20642## Word: "ldln#91" (Back to Top)
scopic legs. Glows and vibrates. / LDLN#91. 7/7/1967 #22625## Word: "ldln#93" (Back to Top)
ss twisted flat. Big Comm. base. / LDLN#93. 7/5/1967 #22612 minute(s). 2 blue lights / top. / LDLN#93. 7/10/1967 #22641 hen oncoming car seen. / r113p14+/ LDLN#93. 7/20/1967 #22706 (RFI). Going quickly northwest. / LDLN#93. 7/28/1967 #22745## Word: "ldln#93+" (Back to Top)
ys) exit 130cm ovoid. Gibberish. / LDLN#93+/ r50p3. 7/2/1953 #8985 round RADAR confirm. 2 day wave. / LDLN#93+/ r28p439. 8/23/1967 #22894## Word: "ldln#94" (Back to Top)
buzzed. Object lands / 13 April. / LDLN#94. 4/7/1967 #22087 s. Big forest fire despite rain. / LDLN#94. 11/26/1967 #23512 uickly west toward(s) mountains. / LDLN#94. 12/26/1967 #23610 orth. Many similar / past months / LDLN#94. 3/9/1969 #24983## Word: "ldln#94+" (Back to Top)
overhead / 20M altitude. 20kph. / LDLN#94+/ r8#845. 5/22/1967 #22387## Word: "ldln#95" (Back to Top)
ds (or Greys) / dome. / r113p205+/ LDLN#95. 7/31/1968 #24264## Word: "ldln#95+r8#911" (Back to Top)
am going down. Powder and burns. / LDLN#95+r8#911. 6/21/1968 #24058## Word: "ldln#95p21" (Back to Top)
all humanoids (or Greys) frozen. / LDLN#95p21. 7/26/1968 #24230## Word: "ldln#96" (Back to Top)
Dead sheep and slugs / FSRv15#4+/ LDLN#96. 6/21/1968 #24059## Word: "ldln#97" (Back to Top)
frozen and moved. Missing time. / LDLN#97. 10/18/1954 #11196 or Grey) exits. Perfect English! / LDLN#97. 11/17/1966 #21111 cts). Pale blue light. / r215p51+/ LDLN#97. 7/16/1968 #24180## Word: "le" (Back to Top)
French philosopher Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle writes Conversat 1686 #50 LE HAVRE, FR Astronomer Libert. Meteor t 2/9/1902 #649 servatory Swiss astronomer Fritjof Le Coultre at the Geneva Observatory in 10/1913 #892 4 MILES NORTH / LE GRAND, CA 1 / car. Sent shiny metal S 7/14/1947 (approximate) #3174 LE HAVRE, FR M. Loisin and 2 / car. Clas 10/15/1948 (approximate) #3836 LE BOURGET AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Air Tra 6/12/1952 #6481 Le Bourget (airport), France Control tow 6/13/1952 #6493 Paris–Le Bourget Airport, France 1:00 a.m. M. 6/13/1952 #6496 traffic control operators at Paris–Le Bourget Airport, France, watch a prom 6/13/1952 #6496 LE ROY, NY Several / ground. Saucer / ti 8/28/1952 #7757 Le Roy, New York A family on the ground 8/28/1952 #7772 New York A family on the ground in Le Roy, New York, sees a disc making tig 8/28/1952 #7772 Le Vigan, France Approximate date. Figur 10/15/1952 #8135 ws in a craft on the ground at the Le Vigan Airport, Gard, France. The ciga 10/15/1952 #8136 LE PUY-EN-VELAY, FR 2 police. Large red 8/19/1953 #9082 LE VIGAN, GARD, FR Many observer(s). Whi 11/19/1953 #9307 t fast. Sharply seen. / r138#8p1 / Le Soir. 9/3/1954 #10234 LE PIN, FR Math professor and several. G 9/16/1954 #10319 ing along rapidly in calm air over Le Pin, Isere, France by four witnesses. 9/16/1954 #10324 LE PUY, FR Red cylinder/cigar-shape / co 9/23/1954 #10403 LE JOU, FR 5 observer(s). Bright UFO lan 9/23/1954 #10409 ST. PIERRE LE MOUTIER, NIEVRE, FR Saucer glows oran 9/23/1954 #10413 Le Jou, France The Patient family witnes 9/23/1954 #10416 At 9:00 p.m. in Le Jou, France the Patient family witnes 9/23/1954 #10423 Bouzais, France At "Le Grand Tertre" Mr. Mercier observed th 9/28/1954 #10485 At "Le Grand Tertre" in St-Amand-Montrond, F 9/28/1954 #10490 LE PERTRE, FR 2 farmers. Silent orange o 10/3/1954 #10635 Le Mans, France East of Le Mans on Route 10/5/1954 #10727 Le Mans, France East of Le Mans on Route N23, Renault employees 10/5/1954 #10727 At 6:30 a.m., east of Le Mans, France on Route N23, some Renau 10/5/1954 #10739 N23 EAST / LE MANS, FR Luminous object / ground. Pa 10/7/1954 #10771 Le Mans, Sarthe, France Route N23 road 6 10/7/1954 #10788 the Renault manufacturing plant at Le Mans, Sarthe, France, are bicycling t 10/7/1954 #10788 Montaren and Serviers, 1 km from "Le Mas Blanc," Dr. Fabre, Mr. Court, and 10/9/1954 #10842 erviers, France, 1 kilometer from "Le Mas Blanc," Dr. Fabre, Mr. Court, and 10/9/1954 #10860 LE DONJON, FR 6 hunters fire 4 shots goi 10/10/1954 #10880 r. Going quickly east. / r30p146+/ Le Soir. 10/11/1954 #10907 a Juste, Maria Barbeau, and Marion Le Tanneur, of Jarnac, saw two luminous 10/11/1954 #10935 a Juste, Maria Barbeau, and Marion Le Tanneur, of Jarnac--saw two luminous 10/11/1954 #10952 NNE / LE VIGAN, GARD, FR 30M x 6M cylinder/cig 10/15/1954 #11083 [to] whistling and flashing red. / Le Provencal. 10/15/1954 (approximate) #11094 ouesnant, France Truck driver Rene Le Viol saw a flat craft, shaped like an 10/15/1954 #11106 ouesnant, France truck driver Rene Le Viol saw a flat craft, -shaped like a 10/15/1954 #11122 Thin le Moutiers, France Approximate date. An 10/16/1954 #11141 out this date a UFO landed in Thin le Moutiers, France only thirty meters a 10/16/1954 #11147 LE BOUQUET, FR Hunter. Chain noise. Blue 10/17/1954 #11161 north fast. No further details. / Le Courrier Picard. 10/18/1954 #11201 an old factory in St.-Point Lake, Le Vezenay, Doubs, France. She was on a 10/18/1954 #11223 LE SOURN, FR AND 7 TOWNS 6M saucer spins 11/4/1954 #11553 spinning in the sky over a farm in Le Sourn, Morbihan department, France. I 11/4/1954 #11566 Brinsley Le Poer Trench, 8th Earl of Clancarty, t 7/1956 #12939 LE BORDES, 45, FR Milk truck stalls. UFO 9/1956 #13159 LE HOULME, FR Domed saucer / 9M altitude 9/1956 #13164 LE MARS, IA Flash / sky. 2 observer(s). 9/1/1957 #13967 Le Chambon-sur-Lignon, Haute-Loire, Fran 2/1958 #14860 O journal Lumières dans la Nuit in Le Chambon-sur-Lignon, Haute-Loire, Fran 2/1958 #14860 OFF LE BRUSC, FR 3 / fishermen. 4M glowing-s 6/12/1958 #15090 near Le Brusc, France - Three fishermen had g 6/12/1958 #15092 Dunellen, NJ Patrolmen Le Roy A. Arboreen and B. Talada while o 12/20/1958 #15482 Flying Saucer Review from Brinsley Le Poer Trench. 9/1959 #15951 Mars Atlantis Lemuria Brinsley Le Poer Trench, 8th Earl of Clancarty, p 1960 #16141 SOUTHEAST / LE BOULOU, FR 2 big white disks over Mt. 4/10/1960 #16220 OFF LE BRUSC, FR 3 / 2 boats. Saucer surface 8/1/1962 #17311 hree fisherman in two boats off of Le Brusc, France in the Mediterranean Se 8/1/1962 #17313 ograph was taken this day in Burgh le Marsh, Cumbria, England. A Mr. Temple 4/26/1964 #18210 LE ROURET, FR 1 observer. Disk hovers ov 6/18/1966 #20574 Le Rouret, France A truck driver, Mr. Du 6/18/1966 #20579 lay, saw a disk-shaped object over Le Rouret. It remained motionless for fi 6/18/1966 #20579 lay, saw a disc-shaped object over Le Rouret, France. It remained motionles 6/18/1966 #20582 London, England Brinsley Le Poer Trench founds Contact (UK) in Lo 4/1967 #22031 Joycevi]le, Canada Stanley Moxon, of Toronto, dr 8/23/1967 #22901 t specified) afterwards. (Montreal Le Petit Journal, 10/1/67, copy in NICAP 8/29/1967 #22952 On this day in Le Mas, France (Lozere department) at 12 10/13/1967 #23234 LE BOURGET AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Weather 11/13/1967 #23441 OFF LE BRUSC, FR 3 / boat. Plain silent silv 4/1968 #23880 pamphlet, Les Soucoupes Volantes: Le processus de la matière et de l’energ 6/26/1968 #24084 ère et de l’energie, la science et le socialisme, Posadas pleads that “We m 6/26/1968 #24084 WEST / LE PUY, FR Luminous ovoid with legs / 50 12/29/1968 #24795 LE PUITS-D'EDME, FR Metal dome lands nea 8/17/1970 #25793 LE DESCHAUX, FR 4 separate observer(s). 6/2/1972 #26697 s drove up a small mountain called Le Malmont to investigate the sighting o 10/19/1973 #28197 LE CAILAR, FR AND AREA Several observer( 12/5/1973 #28519 y southeast. Flashes red lights. / Le Soir. 12/13/1973 #28561 D733+D131 / LE GUA, FR 2 / car. 15M silver cloud goi 12/15/1973 #28574 In 1973, on a highway in Le Gua, France a near collision occurred 12/15/1973 #28578 w toward(s) bay / high altitude. / Le Telegramme / r30. 2/3/1974 #28732 itude. Turns going west and away / Le Progres. 3/13/1974 #28875 4KM SOUTH / LE CATEAU, FR 4 observer(s). Dome on roa 5/1974 #29073 -Mer Paris 7:00 p.m. A baker named Le Meur, with his wife and two children, 5/20/1974 #29119 ally, about 3 feet above the road. Le Meur turns around and heads to the lo 5/20/1974 #29119 LE LUC, FR Numerous observer(s). Dark sa 7/9/1974 #29248 rk disc blocked out the stars over Le Luc, France. It had very bright beams 7/9/1974 #29255 ST.-MARTIN LE COLONEL, 26, FR 2 observer(s). White 8/12/1974 #29333 At 12:45 a.m. Younic Le Bihan, age 20, was awakened by his pa 9/19/1974 #29464 45 a.m., a 46-year-old woman named Le Bihan and two other witnesses saw thr 9/29/1974 #29492 Le Puy, France Gilbert Peyret founds Gro 1975 #29675 adois de Recherches Ufologiques in Le Puy, France. It publishes OVNI 43 fro 1975 #29675 LE CHEYLARD, FR Green luminous seashell 8/29/1975 #30318 D17 SOUTHEAST / LE THORONET, FR Silent wingless helicopt 10/28/1975 #30497 At 11:30 p.m. Bud Le Duc was driving home from Toppenish, 12/11/1975 #30705 ised both his arms above his head. Le Duc swerved his car and passed within 12/11/1975 #30705 is left hand, "with a wire on it." Le Duc kept driving, but shortly afterwa 12/11/1975 #30705 s, and stayed with the truck until Le Duc reached his home. Another source, 12/11/1975 #30705 eported that at the same time that Le Duc had this encounter with the stran 12/11/1975 #30705 publishes a quarterly newsletter, Le Phénomène OVNI, from 1977 to 1985. 1976 #30747 N86 LA VOULTE TO/FROM LE POUZIN, FR Dark round UFO sits / grou 1/15/1976 #30788 LE CHAMBON-SUR-LIGNON, FR White flare fl 1/15/1976 #30789 LE BANEL, FR 50 green small humanoids (o 5/2/1976 #31031 Le Martinet, Drome, France Orange dome-s 6/11/1976 #31100 Le Martinet, Drome, France Dome-shaped o 6/11/1976 #31101 LE CONQUET, FR Several observer(s). 2 si 6/21/1976 #31120 scs were seen hovering silently in Le Conquet, France. They moved away and 6/21/1976 #31124 EAST / LE THORONET, FR Amateur astronomer. Glow 1/30/1977 #31766 Jacksonport, WI 8:30 PM. Mrs. Joan Le Clair and four other local people saw 3/15/1977 #31907 ering over some nearby trees. Mrs. Le Clair looked through binoculars and c 3/15/1977 #31907 At 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Joan Le Clair and four other local people saw 3/15/1977 #31910 port, Door County, Wisconsin. Mrs. Le Clair looked through binoculars and c 3/15/1977 #31910 EAST / LE ROY, MI Boy / 12. Vertical cylinder/c 8/4/1978 #33469 g through a wooded area in Savigny Le Sec, Cote D'Or, France at 12:15 a.m. 11/11/1978 #33945 rgyll, Scotland 7:07 p.m. Brinsley Le Poer Trench, Lord Clancarty, has put 1/18/1979 #34358 LE DOLUS, FR Fireball going down / trees 8/2/1979 #34700 Le Delus, France One of the spheres shot 8/2/1979 #34701 s were driving through the town of Le Delus on the island of Ile D'Oleron, 8/2/1979 #34704 LE PAQUIER, SWZ 2 / car. Night light sou 8/17/1979 #34751 LE CHAFFAUT AND MOLIERES AND MORE/OTHERS 11/11/1980 #35629 Brinsley Le Poer Trench, the Earl of Clancarty, a 3/4/1982 #36377 aris France The Parisian newspaper Le Figaro cites unnamed specialists who 2/11/1983 #36764 At 2:45 a.m. four gendarmes in Le Vigan, Gard, France traveling in two 12/18/1988 #38756 LE BOUSCAT, FR Amateur astronomer. Very 12/31/1989 #39344 LE TOUQUET, FR 1 observer. Triangle west 5/1/1990 #39545 m report, at 10:30 p.m. a woman in Le Chatelet en Brie, Seine-Marne departm 5/4/1990 #39558 LE GUILVINEC, FR 2 observer(s). Silent r 11/5/1990 #39830 VILLARS-LES-BOIS AND LE GUE D'ALLERE, FR Night lights exit ve 11/5/1990 #39834 LE HOUSSAY, FR 5 luminous/glowing balls 11/5/1990 #39863 LE BOUSCAT, FR Beam / light and separate 11/6/1990 #39876 LE LUC-EN-PROVENCE, FR Army helicopter i 7/8/1992 #40518 D106 WITH LE LAS, FR 2 / car. Night light paces. M 5/29/1993 #40996 LE CANNET, FR Engineer / pilot. Black eq 12/3/1993 #41322 LE LUOT, FR 6 observer(s) video long dia 5/14/1994 #41525 LE BOREON, FR 3 observer(s) / (seen thru 8/7/1994 #41661 DEVILLE AND TEURTHEVILLE-HAGUE AND LE RIGION, FR Glowing balls. 3rd day / l 1/1/1995 #41931 LE PLAN-DE-DIEU NEAR VIOLES, FR 4M lumin 2/13/1995 #42045 rant bright. Going quickly east. / Le Figaro and Inet. 9/17/1996 #43027 MAREIL LE GUYON, FR Huge triangle going ESE tow 11/4/1996 #43105 In Toussus le Noble, Yveslines department, France t 9/7/2001 #44251## Word: "le-bois-randenay" (Back to Top)
LE-BOIS-RANDENAY, 03, FR Car and lights 12/22/1973 #28597## Word: "lea" (Back to Top)
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Lea” Yield: 1.4KT 10/13/1958 #15343## Word: "leachman" (Back to Top)
s, New Mexico (including Robert B. Leachman, W. Schafer, E. T. Jurney), see 7/29/1952 #7322## Word: "lead" (Back to Top)
if she would follow her, she will lead her to a fortune. Peveto becomes te 10/4/1898 #626 ... This new phenomenon would also lead to the construction of bombs" 8/2/1939 #1311 ond hair are playing on steps that lead from an open door to the side of th 3/28/1950 #4750 y a foreign power, then they could lead to a worse Pearl Harbor than we hav 2/25/1951 #5458 ” and says ignorance of them could lead to a “worse Pearl Harbor than we ha 2/27/1951 #5465 s an active supporter and tries to lead the Lorenzens into “metaphysical ar 1/1952 #5853 stop and hover for 10 seconds. The lead object reverses and pulls into a li 2/20/1952 #5915 . Two humanoids wearing "brilliant lead" colored suits w shining ball on ea 1/12/1953 #8536 cended at a 25-30' angle under the lead airplane of a formation, and over t 5/10/1954 #9771 47s in the squadron are behind the lead bomber and also view the object. Th 9/3/1954 #10239 ation with the large object in the lead. 8/28/1956 #13146 LEAD, SD 5+observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-s 9/12/1957 #13990 uter casing is made primarily from lead, and the copper foil is triple lami 11/21/1957 #14590 CAP that Keyhoe’s deviation “might lead to statements that neither this net 1/22/1958 #14838 into Cuba to organize, train, and lead resistance groups against the Castr 3/17/1960 #16200 re seen as overtaking the American lead in weapons development. Davidson at 3/1962 #17066 A group of boy scouts lead by a Mr. Smythe sighted a domed dis 2/16/1965 #18820 They were closely grouped, and the lead object glowed red. The trailing thr 5/5/1966 #20451 da Cruz and Viana. The bodies had lead masks on the upper part of the face 8/20/1966 #20778 ch one is wearing a formal suit, a lead eye mask, and a waterproof coat. Th 8/20/1966 #20779 and Viana. The bodies were wearing lead masks on the upper part of the face 8/20/1966 #20782 ICHER, OK = "SPOOKSTOWN" Abandoned Lead mines and slag. UFO's nightly since 9/3/1966 #20839 around the edges. At one point the lead disc glowed red like molten iron, t 2/25/1967 #21646 banked into a turn, whereupon the lead disc glowed red one time, appearing 2/25/1967 #21651 ue and the bottom the color of old lead. The object moved across the highwa 7/10/1967 #22644 blue, the bottom the color of old lead. Moved east, crossed the highway t 7/10/1967 #22645 ue and the bottom was the color of lead. It moved east, crossed a highway, 7/10/1967 #22646 ey take Seewaldt’s clothes off and lead him into another room where one stu 11/17/1967 #23477 and a green light in the rear, the lead edge glowed red a short distance fr 10/18/1973 #28144 he current course of mankind would lead to catastrophe. Later, they said, t 10/28/1973 #28311 , emerged from the craft, wearing "lead colored clothing like the skin of s 8/5/1974 #29311 ch imprint are two small pieces of lead. 8/12/1974 #29337 hearings. The committee’s efforts lead to the establishment of the permane 1/27/1975 #29767 ights, with two larger ones in the lead, flying southeast. They are the col 3/9/1977 #31885 urrounding wall was a large square lead gray panel and a metallic rectangul 2/5/1978 #32957 lowed by quiet periods—intended to lead human consciousness into a new conc 6/1979 #34599 ight beam of light ahead. When the lead driver sees two “unusual human bein 12/13/1979 #35079 A few miles down the road, the new lead driver sees the same entities, and 12/13/1979 #35079 Several other Government agencies, lead by NASA, actively investigate legit 11/17/1980 #35644 meone with the code name Falcon to lead Paul Bennewitz astray by giving him 1982 #36283 m rod, transmutation of steel into lead, the disappearance of a PVC pipe, t 1983 #36738 deployment of nuclear weapons will lead to bad things for Earth. Tasca wake 12/14/1983 #37074 fears that the publicity will also lead to the exposure of the F-117 progra 4/26/1984 #37301 , which are later determined to be lead. The type of lead found on Height 6 1/29/1986 #37775 determined to be lead. The type of lead found on Height 611 is different fr 1/29/1986 #37775 nd on Height 611 is different from lead found in local lead deposits. Also, 1/29/1986 #37775 different from lead found in local lead deposits. Also, black, glassy, drop 1/29/1986 #37775 In all, approximately 70 grams of lead, 5 grams of mesh fragments, and 40 1/29/1986 #37775 s show they are mostly composed of lead, silicon, and iron. Some of the dro 1/29/1986 #37775 ne, glassy metallic fabric debris, lead and iron pellets, and magnetic anom 1/29/1986 #37776 and inadequately trained personnel lead to the fuel rods overheating, causi 4/26/1986 #37843 nal theory of thermodynamics could lead to a unified field theory and novel 4/1988 #38527 ity / boat. "From another planet". Lead women / UFO. Child cries. No go. 7/4/1989 #39005 ome see a UFO. The object was gray/lead in color and surrounded by mist. On 5/16/1990 #39573 P-related energy technologies. One lead might be to check any testimony of 1994 #41347 ing [to] backwards. Small lights / Lead.edge. Bright corners. 3 military je 1/27/1995 #41998 “breakthrough physics” which would lead to the creation of a “device” capab 8/1997 #43363 ence can produce results that will lead to the resolution of the UFO questi 9/29/1997 #43420 orange object circling around the lead object. There were two other report 4/6/2000 #43977 the mass of small test samples of lead zirconate titanate (PZT), a piezoel 6/2001 #44189 Research Corporation. Outgrowth’s lead Franklin Mead studied advanced prop 8/2004 #44724 to follow them, because that could lead to separating the group, which cont 8/25/2004 #44741 elated findings” that will “likely lead to technology advancements.” He req 6/24/2009 #45227 Ng Note: Bismuth telluride and lead telluride have thermoelectric prope 8/2014 #45413 heed Martin Space Operations using lead zirconate titanate (PZT), a piezoel 4/2017 #45467 Libya Peter W. Bodde is chosen to lead the board. 1/9/2018 #45502 imes report, Douglas H. Smith, the lead author of the March study on Havana 9/1/2018 #45538 or Intelligence and Security, will lead the effort. The Department of Defen 8/4/2020 #45658 artment names a senior official to lead the agency’s response to the Havana 3/12/2021 #45679## Word: "lead-" (Back to Top)
visible from the waist up only. A lead- gray stain, 31 x 12 inches, that s 7/22/1968 #24204## Word: "lead-colored" (Back to Top)
shorter than 5 feet tall, wearing lead-colored clothing with shiny balls f 1/12/1953 #8535 e dog standing 60 feet away from a lead-colored, egg-shaped object with lan 1/4/1979 #34294## Word: "lead-gray" (Back to Top)
cm tall, had very large heads and lead-gray skin. The craft had two sharpp 11/25/1954 #11703## Word: "lead-lined" (Back to Top)
ally covered by sheets, are now in lead-lined body bags. Only those with th 7/5/1947 #2722## Word: "leaden" (Back to Top)
ow and green. The object itself, a leaden metallic color, stood nine feet h 8/14/1965 #19392 hen to green. The object itself, a leaden color, was nine feet in height an 8/15/1965 #19402## Word: "leader" (Back to Top)
o a “haughty woman” and a military leader. The original report appears in t Late 11/1894 #317 oid (or Grey) / silver suit. Posse leader vanishes. 9/1899 #637 Columbia, PA THEY FOLLOW THE LEADER - Mrs. A.M. Strickler, while out 12/1942 #1466 British 255 Night Fighter Squadron leader Patrick Hardy Vesey Wells is flyi 12/14/1943 #1553 England 9:45 a.m. Acting Squadron Leader Kit Francis Williams of the RAF 6 4/25/1945 #1854 esident Truman discloses to Soviet leader Joseph Stalin that the United Sta 7/24/1945 #1905 nvestigators concludes that flight leader Lt. Charles C. Taylor mistook sma 12/5/1945 #1950 is from the Air Ministry (Squadron Leader Barrie Heath) and the other (Maj. 7/18/1946 #2061 ogical warfare operation by Soviet leader Joseph Stalin to fly into US airs 7/1/1947 #2523 s asks where they are from and the leader draws a map in the dirt, indicati 7/23/1947 #3218 ms and legs and seemed to be their leader. They immersed a hose in the lake 7/2/1950 #5040 lew in a neat box formation with a leader. (Berliner) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 6/1/1952 #6410 lew in a neat box formation with a leader for 15-20 seconds. 6/1/1952 #6413 lew in a neat box formation with a leader for 15-20 seconds. 6/1/1952 #6422 hts separated by 2 miles, with the leader flashing steadily and the other i 6/26/1952 #6638 e last five slid over and past the leader so that the echelon was now tail 7/14/1952 #6817 tness: U.S. Marine Corps Squadron Leader D.R. Higgin, flying an F3D-2 jet 5/10/1954 #9771 RAF squadron leader Donald Higgin, flying in the seco 5/10/1954 #9772 nd a taller man seemed to be their leader and giving them instructions. Abo 9/30/1954 #10519 n abduction. Pseudo-human/entity = leader. Many saucers to/from/between cyl 3/19/1959 #15649 tall being that appeared to be the leader. Both were given physical exams a 3/19/1959 #15654 Trafficante using Tony Varona, the leader of the Cuban Exile Junta, who has 9/1960 #16428 Massachusetts House Majority Leader John W. McCormack (D-Mass.) write 11/4/1960 #16494 House Majority Leader John W. McCormack tells Keyhoe pr 3/1961 #16618 hood Association and its contactee leader Yusuke Matsumara. 8/16/1961 #16795 ove the missiles, which the Soviet leader insists “are intended solely for 10/23/1962 #17489 e against the US, which the Soviet leader disregards. Instead, Khrushchev s 10/26/1962 #17499 is growing in stature daily as the leader among leaders of the Civil Rights 8/28/1963 #17921 tions of sightings. House Majority Leader John W. McCormack (D-Mass.) reque 5/1964 #18237 Rest of the Country House Minority Leader Gerald Ford (R-Mich.) issues a pr 3/25/1966 #20081 ibly gloved, and wore boots. Their leader, named Quazgaa, was slightly tall 1/25/1967 #21389 e living room where she handed the leader a Bible. He created several copie 1/25/1967 #21389 port in NICAP files; Marion Weekly Leader 2/23/67, copy in NICAP files.) (N 2/23/1967 #21631 3 miles of the object. The flight leader radios in that the UFO is a brigh 3/1967 #21700 s him to shoot it down. The flight leader reports that his radar is locked 3/1967 #21700 ams into the radio that the flight leader’s MiG has disintegrated. The UFO 3/1967 #21700 d all over the state. (Great Falls Leader, 3/24/67, copy in NICAP files.) [ 3/23/1967 #21954 ucer. Circular traces. Great falls Leader 1.5.67. 4/2/1967 #22046 tario, CAN 8:15 p.m. EST. An adult leader and :! 18 Girl Guides saw four le 4/12/1967 #22116 Royal Canadian Air Force squadron leader saw a silvery circular or slightl 6/5/1967 #22463 lf course next day. (Port Townsend Leader, 9/7/67, copy in NICAP files.) (N 9/5/1967 #23003 The head of the Air Desk, Squadron Leader William Bain sends another priori 10/4/1967 #23176 been exposed to any sunlight. The leader of the group conversed with Wilso 11/28/1967 #23517 nto her navel. A third being, the "leader," next entered the room. The UFOn 5/3/1968 #23942 far." The others went out and the leader proceeded to undress her and then 5/3/1968 #23942 to his waist—who seems to be their leader. He remembers afterward that all 5/4/1969 #25114 ortuguese but, using pictures, the leader manages to convey to da Silva tha 5/4/1969 #25114 ring his crucifix, which the angry leader rips from his hand. Out of nowher 5/4/1969 #25114 ittle men, all much resembling the leader, were in the room. They examined 5/4/1969 #25115 ions. Several carried weapons. The leader then addressed him in his incompr 5/4/1969 #25115 t the alien was trying to say. The leader conveyed to Da Silva the idea tha 5/4/1969 #25115 ejected, fingering his rosary. The leader became irritated, snatched the ro 5/4/1969 #25115 what was needed to sustain life. A leader figure told him that he had been 7/4/1970 #25727 ne of them, who appeared to be the leader, wore a yellow uniform and had tw 8/20/1970 #25799 other four wore blue uniforms. The leader pointed a weapon at the witness a 8/20/1970 #25799 e Ellezelles 10:10 p.m. Girl guide leader Claudine Dieupart alerts 43 other 7/4/1972 #26764 ted by late 1973 he identified the leader of a CIA UAP group that monitored 10/7/1972 #27055 . Mr. Heriberto Ramos, the group's leader, said that at one point during th 10/20/1973 #28222 Going quickly [to] fast. / Oxford Leader 1.11.73. 10/31/1973 #28321 ere / low altitude. / Pt. Townsend Leader 3.1.74. 12/30/1973 #28614 rb/globe over Puget Sound. / P. T. Leader 31.12.73. 12/30/1973 #28617 ides, just above their waists. The leader had a buckle on his belt upon whi 9/3/1974 #29418 ly with three UFO occupants. Their leader, a woman, told him he had a stabl 7/21/1975 #30197 see him again. Turning to go, the leader brushed his fingertips over Mr. S 1/29/1976 #30833 , age 64, a former local political leader, was up early for an early start 4/7/1977 #31956 , age 64, a former local political leader, was up early for an early start 4/7/1977 #31957 ile the lights hovered nearby. The leader of the group, Corporal Armando Va 4/25/1977 #32024 while the lights hover nearby. The leader of the group, Corporal Armando Va 4/25/1977 #32026 ile the lights hovered nearby. The leader of the group, Corporal Armando Va 4/25/1977 #32027 ith beings from Zeta Reticuli. The leader tells him that if mankind persist 3/18/1978 #33055 ted a mental conversation with the leader, and asked it several questions a 8/1/1978 #33464 June 21, where she remembers the “leader” cajoling her to come on board, w 1/4/1979 #34294 es. The one who appeared to be the leader approached Mrs. Quezet and spoke 1/5/1979 #34303 alls and pullover boots, and their leader had an emblem like a winged serpe 5/17/1979 #34566 it of an older being, apparently a leader. After a 30 minute otherworldly t 9/14/1979 #34884 rest and execution of the previous leader and second Prime Minister of Gren 10/25/1983 #37016 ng the object failed, the squadron leader proposed positioning the jets on 8/28/1991 #40168 working as an alert response team leader at the Ellsworth AFB Oscar Flight 9/1991 #40178 ange language. Nevertheless, their leader could communicate with the witnes 3/5/1992 #40359 ly in perfect Portuguese. Soon the leader left to speak with the other alie 3/5/1992 #40359 eavy and labored. Every time their leader spoke to the others Luis felt a s 3/5/1992 #40359 his eyes, and called himself the "leader." He remembered lying down on a c 9/11/1994 #41734 stout features. At this point the "leader" reappeared and placed his hands 9/11/1994 #41734 at made unintelligible noises. The leader was described as taller and green 9/16/1996 #43026 beam of light. Before leaving, the leader showed Sudarsky a strange communi 3/10/1997 #43225 beings. She also met the apparent leader, who she described as as human-lo 1/7/1999 #43711 SAPs and is denied, and told by a leader in the SRG that if he doesn’t dro 10/16/2002 #44418 The leader of Mirage 4 military jets was ale 10/15/2004 #44768 same object as it passes over the leader’s aircraft. He maintains the form 1/15/2019 #45558 Letter from Senate Majority leader Harry Reid confirming the existen 4/26/2021 #45684## Word: "leaders" (Back to Top)
ommittees serve to influence local leaders and shape public opinion to buil 1938 #1279 Germany with both of the top Nazi leaders Goebbels and Himmler present, oc 2/12/1944 #1573 ness, finance, academic, and media leaders later to become known as the Bil 5/29/1954 #9840 international conference at which leaders from European countries and the 5/29/1954 #9840 sland Adamski Correspondence Group leaders Henk and Brenda Hinfelaar for a 1/17/1959 #15553 J. Edgar Hoover. Stein gave these leaders a thorough briefing on his fact- Spring 1959 #15656 t Lumumba is killed. The Congolese leaders who kill Lumumba, including Mobu 1/17/1961 #16578 s plane. The incident prompts both leaders to realize the situation is spir 10/27/1962 #17505 stature daily as the leader among leaders of the Civil Rights Movement. 8/28/1963 #17921 organization with state and local leaders overseeing activities and invest 5/31/1969 #25174 assassination attempts on foreign leaders and covert attempts to subvert f 12/22/1974 #29657 d the film is later shown to party leaders by cosmonaut Georgy Beregovoy. 5/14/1981 #35937 at will destroy earth unless world leaders collaborate. It is the third tim 9/28/1981 #36143 rs.” It does “not find that Contra leaders were personally involved in drug 4/13/1989 #38905 iaison groups (to media, political leaders, scientific community, corporate 4/2001 #44154 sts of insect-like entities as the leaders, tall Grays the skilled workers, 9/2015 #45438 e, perhaps indefinitely. Political leaders come and go, pandering to the ma 2018 #45498 e has lacked attention from senior leaders,” the report states. It also con 6/23/2020 #45649## Word: "leadership" (Back to Top)
he next day. The Japanese military leadership referred to the attack as the 12/7/1941 #1377 he University of Chicago under the leadership and design of Enrico Fermi, a 12/2/1942 #1472 ing Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference as well as the Stu 8/1967 #22770 Unhappy with NICAP leadership, Raymond E. Fowler (and most 1971 #25958 oughout Western Europe. The Soviet leadership is concerned that this could 11/7/1983 #37044 request a discharge to his non-PPD leadership, to which he was denied; he i Mid 1995 #42258 stence of AATIP and Lue Elizondo’s leadership role within the DoD program 4/26/2021 #45684## Word: "leading" (Back to Top)
ervations are made in Bermuda, the leading bodies are described as “like la 2/9/1913 #881 by the astronomer Clarence Chant, leading him to conclude that as all acco 2/9/1913 #881 coveralls are working with a hose leading from the water to inside the UFO 8/1914 #907 r figure running toward the stream leading to a pond. This smaller one dips 7/1919 #990 d. A small door is open with steps leading down to the ground. One side of 1930 #1106 ome newspapers and public figures, leading to an outcry against the broadca 10/30/1938 #1300 n them, but they act as though the leading disc has a motor in it to power 6/24/1947 #2397 . USAF 1st Lt. Robert W. Meyers is leading a flight of four P-47s from the 4/1/1948 #3603 . Meyers of the U.S. Air Force was leading a flight of four F-47S Thunderbo 4/1/1948 #3604 d disc with an open door and steps leading down. Three or four men in divin 4/24/1950 #4888 igars in neat box formation with 1 leading. 6/1/1952 #6408 ar object with white lights on the leading edge (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 6/4/1952 #6437 s Deweys, Flight Lt. R. Paris, and Leading Aircraftman George Grime) and ci 9/19/1952 #7980 toward it. The lights alternated leading each other during more than 1 ho 9/26/1952 #8035 ir aircraft. The lights alternated leading each other during the aerial enc 9/26/1952 #8038 6:30 p.m. Each craft had a bluish leading edge and left a trail of smoke. 2/28/1953 #8718 persist for about a year. However, leading investigators suspect structural 5/2/1953 #8857 ael, California. One appears to be leading the formation at about 200 mph. 8/28/1953 #9120 nd Bacteriologist Frank Olson is a leading scientist at the army’s Chemical 11/19/1953 #9310 der “special analysis,” over 1,000 leading scientists are working on govern 6/7/1954 #9872 object with a slightly swept-back leading edge (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 9/5/1954 #10255 object with a slightly swept-back leading edge and a following exhaust, fl 9/5/1954 #10256 O reports to one of the “country’s leading scientists,” who glances at it b 10/10/1954 #10894 0 noon. Farmer Antonio Crepaldi is leading his cows to a pond near Ca’ Pisa 10/14/1954 #11056 Boaria, Italy A farmer leading cows to a pond suddenly saw an o 10/15/1954 #11099 Pisani, Padua, Italy, a farmer is leading his cows to a pond when he sees 10/15/1954 #11109 In Boaria, Italy a farmer was leading his cows to a pond when he sudde 10/15/1954 #11115 o was coming back from the fields, leading a mare by the bridle, was surpri 10/16/1954 #11142 2, was coming back from the fields leading a mare by her halter when the ho 10/16/1954 #11148 consisting of two parts, with the leading part larger than the other. A lo 2/6/1955 #11977 ontrol surface is gone or smashed, leading to speculation that the airplane 7/22/1956 #13007 W. Dulles initiate talks with two leading figures of the Mafia, Johnny Ros 9/1960 #16428 objects maneuvered above the road leading to La Bajada. As the police were 1/8/1962 #17016 ek has consulted with the “world’s leading scientists.” Around the same tim 5/25/1962 #17201 ith a row of black dots across the leading edge. The UFO passed overhead, e 10/4/1963 #17977 nd in Hubbard, Oregon, while he is leading a cow out to pasture. The cow, n 5/19/1964 #18288 Norfolk, VA Large Light Leading 7-8 Smaller Lights (NICAP: 01 - 1/1/1965 #18691 apart, in a single file, are found leading from the landing site to the eve 1/12/1965 #18720 ge light with a white light at the leading apex. The triangle made no noise 1/30/1965 #18786 urface are taken for analysis by a leading scientific agency; the report is 9/16/1965 #19574 tigate, the UFO began moving away, leading him on a cat-and-mouse chase. Fi 6/24/1966 #20605 the M-21’s tail after separation, leading to the destruction of both aircr 7/30/1966 #20696 bject with two white lights on its leading edge. Pinkish lights were visibl 9/8/1967 #23019 ches long and under 3 inches wide, leading to and from a peculiar circular 10/22/1967 #23290 like object approach them with its leading edge tilted toward them. On top 10/24/1967 #23305 strong winds. Upon departure, the leading fuselage is not the one that led 10/26/1967 #23334 ere acquired by the US and Russia, leading directly to functional flying sa 1968 #23626 da is on vacation in Patagonia and leading a group of secondary school stud Late 12/1968 #24790 ne red and two amber lights on its leading edge. It moved up and down a few 1/20/1969 #24861 m. It had a dark protrusion on the leading edge, and flew overhead west to 5/8/1969 #25119 ver walks to within 50 feet of the leading object. Each is about 30 feet in 7/11/1969 #25261 s overhead. Static sparks appear / leading edge. 10/14/1969 #25412 "sparks" flashed at random on the leading edge of a dark object, that pass 10/14/1969 #25414 retires, under protest, at age 72. Leading the effort is board chairman Col 12/3/1969 #25483 ver a frozen lake at 7:10 a.m. The leading edge of the object tipped forwar 1/7/1971 #25983 em in a box formation with a fifth leading, are seen over Christies Beach, 3/14/1971 #26046 gates, and looked over to the road leading up to a military vedette post. H 10/28/1971 #26438 being would pass the line of trees leading back down the road to the gate, 7/26/1972 #26836 led into the narrative by Harder’s leading questions during hypnosis. 10/16/1973 #28088 ring UFO above a river with a tube leading from the craft to the water. Wit 12/13/1973 #28560 de complex light signals from both leading edges of the UFO was 6:30 a.m. i 3/3/1974 #28853 l lights, each with a dashed trail leading across the picture. Later that n 11/26/1974 #29610 appening. At the top of the stairs leading down to the coffee bar from stre 7/12/1975 #30175 le abruptly turns onto a back road leading into Oxford, Maine. Gray no long 10/27/1975 #30486 son, Gray turns onto a gravel road leading to Tripp Pond, where the engine 10/27/1975 #30486 r automatically turned onto a road leading to Tripp Pond (also called Thomp 10/27/1975 #30489 beside a domed object, with steps leading up to a door. He climbed the ste 11/3/1975 #30547 et of 30 small circular footprints leading from a puddle along the route ta 10/15/1976 #31465 was a box like device with a tube leading over the shoulder. It was wearin 3/13/1977 #31906 lliant, hot, bluish light from its leading edge, which seemed to reflect of 9/7/1977 #32470 flattened avocado pear.” The blunt leading end seems to be rimmed with a sh 10/15/1977 #32578 entific Intelligence in the 1950s, leading CAUS to suspect that they will m 8/10/1978 #33496 tch of flattened barley and a path leading up to it. 9/1/1978 #33622 the CIA had wanted to “destroy the leading anti-secrecy organization of the 1/1979 #34268 ed and blue-green lights along its leading edge between two headlights. It 5/25/1979 #34579 some are charred. He finds a path leading to another circle 18 feet away. 9/16/1979 #34890 an underground area in New Mexico (leading Bennewitz to suspect it is the M 5/5/1980 #35306 and having no control. Whoever was leading him seemed to have all the contr 12/31/1980 #35759 and very bright white light on the leading edge flew over Mount Sunapee, Ne 4/15/1981 #35897 and very bright white light on the leading edge flew over Mount Sunapee, Ne 4/15/1981 #35900 ghts maintaining a fixed position, leading observers to suspect they are al 11/1981 #36201 alen Værnes Air Station, Trondheim Leading investigators from UFO-Norge hol 3/26/1982 #36414 ject with lights running along its leading edge was seen flying over Pound 7/19/1984 #37403 ject with lights running along its leading edge was seen flying over Pound 7/19/1984 #37405 stronomer Donald Menzel was also a leading cryptographer and an elite membe 6/11/1987 #38189 , New Mexico John Grace founds the Leading Edge International research grou 12/1987 #38342 It had a reflecting surface on the leading side of the bottom of the object 3/1/1988 #38479 mas lights” spreading out from its leading edge and moves silently out of v 9/15/1989 #39103 ittle bald men with big round eyes leading them down a dark corridor. 10/27/1989 #39188 large round brilliant light on the leading edge midpoint of each wing. 2/19/1993 #40853 ying objects, with lights on their leading edge, that passed in front of he 12/29/1994 #41912 lowly / 500' altitude. Fluorescent leading edge. 9/16/1995 #42476 pattern for more than 15 minutes, leading him to believe they are on one s 3/13/1997 #43229 -like craft going NNW / 80kph edge leading. 30+separate observer(s). Lands 9/7/1998 #43642 haped UFO with white lights on the leading edge defining the boomerang outl 4/26/2001 #44169 e ship, but could not make out the leading edge or rear of the craft. 9/5/2002 #44390 ail, but he recalls one of the men leading him to an open area near the loc 4/28/2003 #44519 out 10,000 feet altitude. It had a leading edge pointed slightly upwards an 5/8/2003 #44530 ing shadow" with orange triangular leading edges moved through the sky over 5/28/2003 #44548 the hill and has a metal stairwell leading to McDonald Avenue. His eyes foc 3/12/2004 #44676 rcles that were white on all three leading edges (sides and middle); on the 5/16/2007 #45030 p.m. Ufologist Steven M. Greer is leading a group of UFO watchers at Vero 1/27/2015 #45428 11:40 a.m. An RAF Typhoon pilot is leading a pair of fighters from Coningsb 1/15/2019 #45558## Word: "leads" (Back to Top)
peed of 45–50 mph against the wind leads him to think otherwise. (“Air Ship 8/9/1909 #802 rström] that radar course-plotting leads to the conclusion that Peenemünde 8/22/1946 #2150 kal of Frankfurt, Germany, provide leads, with confusing results for severa 7/5/1947 #2721 ions as to their probability. This leads to the EEI “Analysis of Flying Obj 7/27/1948 #3747 ngulations might be obtained. This leads to Garland secretly backing the Li 1/29/1952 #5884 ckly east. Larger saucer turns and leads. All brown colored / bot and silve 4/22/1952 #6150 rd, director of USAF intelligence, leads it. He is accompanied by Eighth Ai 7/29/1952 #7328 ONTARIO, CA Bright ovoid leads B36. Darts in and out / clouds. Ti 8/15/1952 #7601 craft. When the Squadron Commander leads his flight in pursuit of the UFO, 1953 #8477 al named Solganda wakes him up and leads him to a waiting ship, giving him 8/24/1953 #9108 ESTWEGO, LA White sphere/orb/globe leads 2 red / triangle-formation. Errati 11/3/1953 #9277 ver, Jarrold’s obsession with UFOs leads to the breakup of his family and t 12/1953 #9330 ctions involving lithium-7), which leads to the unexpected radioactive cont 3/1/1954 #9584 oid (or Grey) / tank on back. Tube leads / face. Hides / blue cloud! No UFO 11/2/1954 #11531 PORT ELIZABETH, RSA Purple sausage leads 10 large ovoids in formation going 1/21/1955 #11939 d says, “Not afraid this time?” He leads her on board the craft, which she 4/7/1956 #12798 eam going [to] window / 45° angle. Leads to saucer outside. 11/27/1956 #13357 . Sheriff’s deputy Walter Bun, who leads the search and rescue unit, moves 4/18/1962 #17120 from the horizontal. No other path leads into the circle but his own. Soil 6/25/1965 #19028 the Lorenzens give them some case leads that are never followed up because 3/1967 #21697 Vietnamese Communist forces. This leads a CIA analyst directly involved in 9/1967 #22974 In flight, one of the 4 fuselages leads, while the other three are togethe 10/26/1967 #23334 will change fate. In time the book leads to a new school of ufology whose a 1969 #24802 rs a loss-of-control accident that leads to a partial core meltdown and mas 1/21/1969 #24863 d noon. The next day, van Rensburg leads a team of police officers to the s 6/26/1972 #26735 NBRIDGE TO/FROM SUDBURY, ON Sphere leads luminous/glowing cloud east going 7/27/1972 #26839 hington, D.C., at 12:00 noon. This leads to an unlikely adventure involving 2/1975 #29781 ght above some tall trees. Bennett leads investigators to a potential landi 5/13/1975 #30056 hem until a human wearing a helmet leads him to another room, where he blac 11/5/1975 #30562 highway and onto a dirt road that leads to the K-7 area near Judith Gap, M 11/7/1975 #30576 efore they reach the clearing that leads to the road, the male friend begin 6/17/1977 #32172 gnetic effects). Man / diving suit leads driver to hat-saucer. Exam and tel 12/18/1977 #32795 imself a $20,000 contractor’s fee) leads to his resignation as director. Ac 10/1978 #33786 ing the launch facility. The guard leads them out of the gate where they se Early 1/1979 #34280 rticular, a hidden indicator light leads to an operator manually overriding 3/28/1979 #34493 k going down [to] in front of car. Leads the way! Then going quickly north. 2/3/1980 #35155 ument must be destroyed. One thing leads to another, and Mendez finds herse 10/1981 #36150 finds them very distressing. This leads to an emotional breakdown, hospita 10/1981 #36150 ns from the Pleiades. Later Morton leads tours around Area 51 and suggests 1991 #39935 with Earth in early December 1991, leads to some speculation that 1991 VG m 11/6/1991 #40220 ate. The project’s initial success leads to it becoming classified, and onl 8/1/1993 #41100 e woods, he finds a dirt road that leads him to the scene, which is covered 1/13/1996 #42681 claims former Adm. Bobby Ray Inman leads DSAI. Wilson claims there were 36 8/19/1997 #43387 scription. In November 2002, Zhang leads a group of students from Beihang U 12/1999 #43890 e Janeiro Pará Ademar José Gevaerd leads a delegation of ufologists who mee 5/20/2005 #44844 tinel’s secret status at the time, leads Bill Sweetman to dub it the “Beast 9/1/2005 #44867 ne cases posing a risk to aircraft leads the UK Airprox Board to launch a S 2017 #45462 UAP Task Force, Brennan McKernan, leads this new Pentagon-wide project. 12/27/2020 #45670## Word: "leadville" (Back to Top)
LEADVILLE, CO Several observer(s). 2 tin 9/12/1995 #42459## Word: "leaf" (Back to Top)
veral orbs and triangles. 1 / dead leaf drop. / r221p15. 8/29/1871 #191 southwest / 600mph and more. Dead leaf descent / Idaho side. 6/21/1947 #2349 at the objects fell with a falling leaf motion and landed before ten witnes 6/21/1947 #2359 of the objects exhibit a “falling leaf” motion. 7/14/1948 #3708 ght path, consisting of a “falling leaf, horizontal flight, an upward “fall 9/5/1950 #5169 izontal flight, an upward “falling leaf,” then another horizontal stretch. 9/5/1950 #5169 swinging like a “falling sycamore leaf” and descending. As the jet turns t 9/19/1952 #7980 ltitude, and then fluttered like a leaf in a pendulum-like motion. 9/19/1952 #7981 n a pendular motion like a falling leaf. Pendulous motion ceased and object 9/20/1952 #7982 Z 3 observer(s). 20M black falling leaf disk clear against Mt. Cubly. 10/23/1952 #8176 ter Island, AK Object With Falling Leaf Motions Over Airfield (NICAP: 01 - 2/8/1953 #8649 inging back and forth in a falling leaf motion. 3/1/1954 #9590 1,000 feet. One floats down like a leaf, landing about 350 feet in front of 10/15/1954 #11111 uptly to the ground with a falling leaf motion, landing only 100 meters awa 10/16/1954 #11150 Keta, Ghana swinging in a falling leaf motion. That same night a row of ni 4/9/1958 #14972 nd at other times fluttered like a leaf in the clear sky.” 8/2/1965 #19265 wobbled and descended in a falling leaf motion over Exeter, New Hampshire. 9/3/1965 #19516 A UFO engaged in falling leaf maneuvers over Wiesbaden, Germany a 11/22/1965 #19731 rose in a rocking, reverse-falling leaf motion, and finally started to fly 2/22/1966 #19914 ight that descended with a falling leaf motion (oscillating from side to si 7/31/1966 #20700 e away, then landed with a falling leaf motion near a farm between Gwinner 9/13/1966 #20880 d tipping and swaying in a falling leaf motion, apparently attempting to la 4/21/1967 #22201 right object landing in a “falling leaf” motion. When it touches down on tr 5/1967 #22255 e discovered in the sighting area. Leaf samples are analyzed by the Canadia 6/18/1967 #22520 towards him, descending in falling leaf motion behind some trees about 1/4 6/25/1967 #22557 sc-shaped object made five falling leaf maneuvers in the sky. 8/3/1967 #22789 40 seconds it engaged in a falling leaf motion, turned red, then assumed a 9/19/1967 #23096 confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bay Leaf” YieldMax: 20KT 12/12/1968 #24763 im and he ran off, "shaking like a leaf." The light he first saw was a lumi 2/22/1969 #24939 onfirmed. Country: USA Name: “Mint Leaf” YieldMax: 20KT 5/5/1970 #25654 , trembling and shaking like a dry leaf, then it stopped entirely and hover 8/11/1971 #26280 +observer(s). Hat saucer / falling leaf descent. Glows. Vanishes / low alti 9/5/1971 #26320 and forth in the sky in a "falling leaf" motion. 4/2/1972 #26635 m 150 feet altitude with a falling leaf motion, passed over witnesses, and 5/13/1972 #26682 Zigzags quickly going up / "rising leaf". 7/28/1972 #26844 own, and irregular, sort of like a leaf…. Except that it seems very much al 8/1972 #26862 the automobile was "shaking like a leaf" in a very strong wind. The witness 3/17/1974 #28898 r rises fast. Going down / falling leaf. Swings to and fro. 3/23/1974 #28930 ncident that he was shaking like a leaf. 6/16/1977 #32166 et, but then I saw it move, like a leaf falling from a tree." The woman sai 12/16/1978 #34144 ghts. The UFO made several falling leaf movements. An airline pilot flying 12/16/1978 #34158 scillating in the sky in a falling leaf motion for seven minutes. It stoppe 8/25/1979 #34777 ighted object descend in a falling leaf motion. Near the ground two huge ma 2/11/1980 #35169 eared and descended with a falling leaf motion. She later recalled abductio 2/10/1981 #35822 eared and descended with a falling leaf motion. The witness ran to her apar 2/10/1981 #35823 er. Bright silver saucer / falling leaf motion. Away / sawtooth trajectory. 2/2/1990 #39407 ject that descended with a falling leaf motion close to the ground in a gar 2/7/1990 #39414 ody lights approached car, falling leaf motions, hovered, light beam bright 8/19/1992 #40581 ody lights approached car, falling leaf motions, hovered, light beam bright 8/19/1992 #40582 -shape spins / Major axis. Falling leaf motion. Lights / ends. Fast. / CUN. 2/27/1999 #43737 r cylindrical object with "falling leaf motion" was seen over Vancouver, Br 1/23/2001 #44128## Word: "leaf-like" (Back to Top)
t emitted a small light, that fell leaf-like to the ground. 9/5/1993 #41184## Word: "leaflets" (Back to Top)
ny by Radio Free Europe that carry leaflets intended to be dropped in the S 12/3/1954 #11754 her Radio Free Europe balloon with leaflets. 1/3/1955 #11917 supposedly found in a capsule that leaflets by a “Henri Dagousset” predicte 6/1/1967 #22448## Word: "leafs" (Back to Top)
, raising a cloud of dust and dead leafs from the ground under the point wh 2/20/1969 #24935## Word: "league" (Back to Top)
First meeting of the League of Nations 1/16/1920 #996 League of Nations dissolved, succeeded b 4/20/1946 #1983 ives of the Ohio UFO Investigators League reinterview several witnesses, al 11/15/1966 #21107 and his friend were riding around League City, Harris and Galveston Counti 10/27/2007 #45080## Word: "leagues" (Back to Top)
e persons, sleeping in a hut a few leagues from Maracaibo, were awakened by 10/24/1886 #275## Word: "leah" (Back to Top)
experience in Gardendale, Alabama. Leah Haley saw a moon-like object outsid 10/8/1992 #40667 On this evening Leah Haley was in the back room of an ol 8/10/1993 #41123 x Lakes, Yukon Territory 5:00 a.m. Leah Isaac, a friend, and their small bo 3/30/2000 #43971 es working when the UFO is nearby. Leah’s analog watch stops, and her frien 3/30/2000 #43971## Word: "leahy" (Back to Top)
esident Truman via Adm. William D. Leahy, stating that the “weight of evide 8/22/1946 #2150## Word: "leak" (Back to Top)
n when their airship suffers a gas leak and lands. 4/23/1897 #565 A press leak from the Air Force Association reve 8/3/1956 #13050 h-polished or glowing UFO's / news leak. 11/6/1957 #14356 t, the OTC- X1 develops a “mercury leak” and the launch is delayed then can 4/19/1959 #15708 meltdown, resulting in a radiation leak. The accident begins with failures 3/28/1979 #34493 ce. COM-12 was allegedly trying to leak information damaging Aquarius. Also 5/13/1992 #40463 and was considered an information leak having to do with a power source th 2004 #44640 rned this book was written after a leak of classified information because “ 4/5/2016 #45449 ater says he realized there was no leak, DeLonge just “put two and two toge 4/5/2016 #45449## Word: "leaked" (Back to Top)
d in 1954 with the intention it be leaked to Soviet spies as part of a disi 1954 #9424 re/orb/globe over jet test center. Leaked / local cops. 11/6/1957 #14383 g excerpts of the Pentagon papers, leaked by former military analyst Daniel 6/13/1971 #26174 ity After 10:00 p.m. A document is leaked to UFO researchers in the US and 8/25/1974 #29386 efing: Project Aquarius” and later leaked to UFO researcher William Moore. 6/14/1977 #32162 State Dept. one document that was leaked in a periodical to prove UAP-rela 1/19/1978 #32900 t on the incident. The document is leaked to William Moore in January 1982 8/8/1980 #35447 estricted Data Sigmas as Required. Leaked meeting notes write that security 5/20/1985 #37591 ecial Operations Manual" document “leaked” to UFO researcher 12/1994 #41873 of South Carolina. According to a leaked document from the Office of Techn 1997 #43156 opment of a “gravity generator.” A leaked document from the Office of Techn 3/1/1998 #43527 An allegedly leaked teletype is given to ufologist Ti 11/1998 #43673 takes 15 pages of notes, which are leaked to researcher Grant Cameron and o 10/16/2002 #44417 tion about the UAP issue has been “leaked” in a controlled manner since the 7/2003 #44560 f ATK Missiles because he may have leaked privileged information to Davis. 10/2/2003 #44610 tacts. The doctored documents were leaked to ufologists, who ran with the s 1/23/2009 #45208 .6 billion, according to documents leaked by former contractor Edward Snowd 2013 #45357 provide an adequate investigation. Leaked photos and videos said to pertain 7/15/2019 #45593 s, which references the CDC report leaked to the press in December. 1/15/2021 #45673## Word: "leaking" (Back to Top)
staging of false sightings and the leaking of “false” documents. https://u 1979 #34261 hts have blown, and the battery is leaking. A few days later, they discover 7/19/1981 #36020## Word: "leaks" (Back to Top)
history of explosions due to vapor leaks when heavily loaded with fuel, as 12/5/1945 #1950 ive 3820.2 and is intended to plug leaks coming from navy and marine person 7/23/1954 #10043 The directive is intended to stop leaks from Navy and Marine personnel and 7/23/1954 #10044 ese objects.” News of the incident leaks out in December, but the official 8/31/1954 #10218 n the family, but the news quickly leaks to the local radio and press. 9/4/1969 #25351 ially modified test craft,” but it leaks the information on the MiG testing 4/26/1984 #37301 can Air Force Intelligence officer leaks photos of the EBE’s. 5/17/1989 #38954 ody dares talk about it. I find no leaks anywhere.” https://ufos-scientifi 1991 #39939## Word: "leam" (Back to Top)
LEAM LANE, GATESHEAD, T&W 80cm small hum 6/2/1964 #18317 Leam Lane, England David Wilson, 14, was 6/2/1964 #18320 nd nine children saw six dwarfs on Leam Lane. They were about 31 inches tal 6/2/1964 #18322## Word: "leamington" (Back to Top)
were seen moving very quickly over Leamington Spa, England and changing dir 5/10/2003 #44532## Word: "lean" (Back to Top)
ject. The figure was very tall and lean with light colored hair. He wore wh 2/17/1969 #24925 h the surface. It slowly begins to lean to one side and sinks in less than 7/8/1971 #26216 of accepted science, and they both lean toward an interdimensional hypothes 12/15/1975 #30718 hood, she seems somewhat tall and lean. The woman greets her and asks whet 7/6/1990 #39637 City, Arizona at 5:30. It moved to lean to the right, and then became a dot 10/6/2005 #44887## Word: "leandro" (Back to Top)
SAN LEANDRO, CA Several observer(s). Large d 11/22/1896 #346 Ashbury Street Oakland Alameda San Leandro San Jose, California Tacoma, Was 11/22/1896 #349 een later at Oakland, Alameda, San Leandro, San Jose, California, and Tacom 11/22/1896 #349 SAN LEANDRO, CA 5 observer(s). 25' flat oval 6/29/1947 #2463 SAN LEANDRO, CA Several / police and fire De 7/5/1947 #2706 SAN LEANDRO, CA Hundreds / observer(s). Silv 7/8/1947 #2997 SAN LEANDRO, CA 5+observer(s). 30' cone goin 2/8/1950 #4533 SAN LEANDRO, CA 2 observer(s). Thunder-roar. 6/28/1950 #5019## Word: "leaned" (Back to Top)
ered from the left, and Mrs. Starr leaned forward to try to see his face mo 12/16/1957 #14736 helmets. One of them stood up and leaned forward. Both wore tight-fitting 7/13/1959 #15843 hrough the underbrush, the witness leaned out of his car, which he had stop 3/23/1966 #20057 A short occupant wearing a helmet leaned out of the craft to observe them; 5/24/1967 #22394 arking wildly at the time. The UFO leaned toward the witness, 200 feet away 10/31/1971 #26442 approached their vehicle his wife leaned her upper body out of the window 12/6/1976 #31587 ving his family still sleeping. He leaned on the kitchen window ledge, and 9/19/1979 #34901 de through other matter." Goralski leaned over to the edge of the "fog" and 9/20/1979 #34909 their heads. One of the beings was leaned over and looked to be picking som 10/24/1998 #43669 e bottom of the object and two men leaned out, shouting "Stop shooting at u 1/30/2000 #43937 n unusual buzzing sound. They both leaned out the window to get a better vi 1/30/2006 #44920## Word: "leaning" (Back to Top)
ne witness described the object as leaning and then right itself and move a 4/8/1948 #3616 ng gear. A short humanoid was seen leaning against a small window in the cr 5/30/1967 #22427 ominent eyes (a Grey humanoid) was leaning over her bed. He said to her, "I 9/3/1967 #22990 balustrade on which two beings are leaning. The silhouettes of two more bei 1/31/1968 #23715 ainst which two of the beings were leaning. The other two could be seen as 2/1/1968 #23724 small balustrade. Two beings were leaning against the railing, the other t 2/2/1968 #23727 at her and peered directly at her, leaning out of the opening. He was visib 6/23/1973 #27584 rre figure almost six meters tall, leaning against a light pole. The being 8/16/1973 #27706 ir thin necks. They appeared to be leaning on something, and their long ski 9/15/1973 #27825 were looking at her, and they were leaning over a console or platform. She 10/31/1976 #31512 ed that his four-year old daughter leaning on the back window looking up. H 12/6/1976 #31587 ay outfits and wide belts. One was leaning over a metallic tube apparently 10/15/1978 #33837 speed and then remained immobile, leaning against a wall for more than 30 12/15/1978 #34139 n Vommaro woke up he found himself leaning over the steering wheel. The lig 2/11/1980 #35170 being, that appeared to be naked, leaning over her with its head near Kell 10/23/1993 #41249 A cigar-shaped object was seen leaning to the left as it moved through 10/6/2005 #44887## Word: "leans" (Back to Top)
. 4 legs. Small humanoid (or Grey) leans / small window. Going [to] extreme 5/30/1967 #22423 ette pack toward them. One of them leans sideways and stretches out his han 2/7/1969 #24901 d of his. The friend looks at him, leans forward and looks up at the light, 12/14/1975 #30715 light shoots toward him. Mosychuk leans back to avoid the beam, but it shi 2/2/1978 #32946 the White House, President Reagan leans over to director Steven Spielberg 6/27/1982 #36521 west for about 10 seconds, then it leans to the left and begins to rotate i 11/28/2000 #44084## Word: "leap" (Back to Top)
and the headlights fail. The teens leap from the car and the object suddenl 5/26/1967 #22405 ver; it suddenly made a tremendous leap and disappeared. 8/4/1968 #24296 they called a "dog", make a giant leap from the second floor window (about 6/4/1970 #25690 was said to leave no tracks and to leap 50-60 feet in a single bound. It ha 9/20/1973 #27850 him. He could take 10 feet in one leap." The photo is regarded by some UFO 10/17/1973 #28142 s three short legs and blue sparks leap up from the ground. The boys run ho 8/16/1974 #29362 g smell fills the car so that they leap from the car and flee the scene, le 9/16/1974 #29459 distance of about 15 feet, and the leap appeared to happen in slow motion. 12/11/1975 #30705 ng 15 feet in a single slow-motion leap, its arms above its head. The witne 12/14/1975 #30715 offshore / 150min. Away / flashing leap. 3/17/1977 #31913 ight lights and orbs and triangles leap and play / sea level for 2 hours. 1/3/1979 #34282 ta could provide a potential for a leap in technology. This would not requi 5/20/1985 #37590 rsary has made “some technological leap” that “allows them to conduct this 7/23/2020 #45654## Word: "leaped" (Back to Top)
dwarfs emerged from the bushes and leaped into the sphere, carrying stones 11/28/1954 #11720 reached a five-foot high fence he leaped over it effortlessly disappeared 1/15/1967 #21315 og or a lizard, 3 or 4 ft tall. It leaped over the guardrail and went down 3/3/1972 #26587 ven-foot tall, dark, hooded figure leaped out of some bushes along the side 11/29/1977 #32709## Word: "leaping" (Back to Top)
in a "pulsating fashion as though leaping through space." (NICAP report fo 7/29/1967 #22748 e object suddenly lurched forward, leaping several hundred feet into the ai 8/6/1993 #41110## Word: "leaps" (Back to Top)
d bottom/underside. Sudden lateral leaps. 5/1954 #9736 haped objects moving by successive leaps. One came close to a patrol car; t 11/2/1955 #12544 (or Grey). Goes away uphill in 20' leaps on gravel! 9/1956 #13161 eters in diameter. Moving along by leaps, half-disappearing among the waves 6/12/1958 #15092 upants were noticed. After several leaps in mid-air, the craft flew off at 8/16/1958 #15202 urrent in the water. After several leaps in the air, it flies off at high s 8/16/1958 #15203 upants were noticed. After several leaps in mid-air, the craft flew off at 8/16/1958 #15204 manoid (or Grey) jumps from hedge. Leaps about. Vanishes! 8/6/1968 #24300 and sometimes made sudden gliding leaps of a hundred yards. One creature a 9/30/1968 #24527 saucer / 50M altitude. Flashes and leaps. Going quickly southwest. 12/22/1973 #28597 er changes color(s). Zigzags. 500M leaps. / LDLN#144. 3/18/1974 #28903 -human/entity jumps road / 2 large leaps. Knees don't flex. Nuclear facilit 10/15/1977 #32576 e meters in height. They made huge leaps and strides over the ground, jumpi 2/11/1980 #35169 working on a tapestry when her dog leaps up and runs indoors. A ball of lig 4/25/1984 #37293 in Nevada with his wife Pearl. He leaps out of his lawn chair when he spot 2/28/1990 #39432 o jump across the field with large leaps. They approached the witness house 12/9/1993 #41327 . Changes color(s) / surroundings. Leaps away. 10/7/1995 #42538## Word: "leapt" (Back to Top)
f Berri from the top of a tree. It leapt to the ground and ran off when som 1/2/1953 #8496 air and ran across the road, then leapt over a hedge. Two other lorry driv 9/27/1971 #26384 5 minutes of talk a boy named Will leapt to his feet and began slapping his 10/31/1978 #33902 ts wrists like shiny cufflinks. It leapt away with incredible speed. With a 3/12/2000 #43966## Word: "lear" (Back to Top)
WEST / BLYTHE, CA Bill Lear / P38 plane. 2 near collision with 7/1947 #2497 itute for Advanced Studies (RIAS), Lear Inc., Jansky & Bailey, Brush Develo 1952 #5843 California Aviation inventor Bill Lear sees a flying disc giving off green 12/1954 #11735 á, Colombia Aviation inventor Bill Lear, during a press conference in Bogot 2/2/1955 #11967 orsky Division of United Aircraft, Lear Inc., Clarke Electronics, the Sperr 11/20/1955 #12580 n Company, Convair, Bell Aircraft, Lear Inc., Clarke Electronics, and Sperr 11/30/1955 #12594 eral Electric, Bell Labs, Convair, Lear Inc., Sperry-Rand, Curtiss-Wright, 2/25/1956 #12739 ed CIA Documents on UFOs," by John Lear in Saturday Review discusses odditi 9/3/1966 #20842 Science columnist John Lear receives a declassified (sanitized) 9/3/1966 #20843 ed object plays cat and mouse with Lear jet. Shoots off. 1/13/1967 #21293 Winslow (near), AZ Lear/Nat'l Airlines (P, AL) (NICAP: 11 - 1/13/1967 #21295 Flagstaff 10:00 p.m. The crew of a Lear Jet flying at 41,000 feet over sout 1/13/1967 #21299 cks a target 39 miles ahead of the Lear Jet moving on the same heading, wit 1/13/1967 #21299 r, and passenger Jimmie Moran on a Lear Jet 23 en route from Houston, Texas 1/13/1967 #21301 d the object 39 miles ahead of the Lear jet moving on the same heading, wit 1/13/1967 #21301 Arizona, whose pilot confirmed the Lear Jet pilot's reports. Albuquerque co 1/13/1967 #21301 ts. Albuquerque control warned the Lear that the object suddenly darted tow 1/13/1967 #21301 object suddenly darted towards the Lear at high speed, and within seconds t 1/13/1967 #21301 ips merged. The object flooded the Lear Jet with intense red light so brigh 1/13/1967 #21301 ntained a position in front of the Lear for a few minutes. Then, it blinked 1/13/1967 #21301 blinked on again. Both the UFO and Lear jet made left turns over Winslow, A 1/13/1967 #21301 Loring AFB Ex-CIA Pilot John Lear stated "The main Air Force sighting 1975 #29668 NEAR RALEIGH-DURHAM, NC Lear jet. White object / front shifts / 11/11/1979 #34993 uch as Linda Moulton Howe and John Lear. By 1982, APRO had decided to inves 1982 #36283 oon. A local radio station hires a Lear jet to approach it, reaching 12,300 4/26/1983 #36845 cylinder/cylindrical object paces Lear jet backwards--flames / front! 7/27/1984 #37420 Nevada Ufologist John Lear claims Dr. Edward Teller is MJ-12 12/13/1987 #38358 ment released by ex-CIA pilot John Lear. It appeared in a physical letter s 12/29/1987 #38377 co Holloman AFB Groom Lake, Nevada Lear Jet heir John Lear, based on storie 12/29/1987 #38378 om Lake, Nevada Lear Jet heir John Lear, based on stories by Albuquerque bu 12/29/1987 #38378 ace at Holloman AFB in April 1964. Lear alleges that the MJ-12 group entere 12/29/1987 #38378 ions on unsuspecting human beings. Lear also claims that the ETs, with our 12/29/1987 #38378 for and with the help of” the ETs. Lear claims that William Moore is being 12/29/1987 #38378 CIA and civilian pilot John Lear, Nevada State Sen. candidate and so 12/29/1987 #38379 Sen. candidate and son of William Lear, founder of Lear Siegler Corp, clai 12/29/1987 #38379 nd son of William Lear, founder of Lear Siegler Corp, claims the USG has be 12/29/1987 #38379 ker Bob Lazar meets ufologist John Lear 1988 #38381 s a set of open questions for John Lear, nearly all of which concern Lear’s 5/4/1988 #38553 Lear, nearly all of which concern Lear’s sources. Lear claims that most of 5/4/1988 #38553 l of which concern Lear’s sources. Lear claims that most of his information 5/4/1988 #38553 Los Alamos After speaking to John Lear by phone for the first time on Octo 10/8/1988 #38665 r receives in the mail a number of Lear’s writings, as well as the dubious 10/8/1988 #38665 reer shooting a pistol at Kennedy; Lear’s transcription of statements by a 10/8/1988 #38665 oth Milton William Cooper and John Lear from ParaNet for bad behavior and p 10/26/1988 #38697 fing. He elaborates on Moore’s and Lear’s tales of crashes and alien bodies 12/18/1988 #38755 John Lear claims a source “Mike” told him he 1/1989 #38772 ada, off Highway 375 Video of John Lear with Bob Lazar near Groom Lake 3/22/1989 #38877 ng writer Gene Huff and pilot John Lear about his UFO secrets, Lazar and hi 3/22/1989 #38878 ts, Lazar and his wife Tracy drive Lear’s RV to Tikaboo Peak, Nevada, off H 3/22/1989 #38878 flight of a flying saucer at S-4. Lear sees an elliptical-shaped light thr 3/22/1989 #38878 an elliptical-shaped light through Lear’s Celestron telescope for 7 minutes 3/22/1989 #38878 Celestron telescope for 7 minutes. Lear videotapes the encounter, and the t 3/22/1989 #38878 b and Tracy Lazar, Gene Huff, John Lear, and Jim Tagliani drive to Tikaboo 3/29/1989 #38885 r, her sister, Gene Huff, and John Lear make a third trip to view a flight 4/5/1989 #38894 -CIA contractor and ufologist John Lear’s secure house, is first interviewe 5/14/1989 #38949 l the elements later circulated by Lear and Cooper. Moore decided to go alo 7/1/1989 #39002 alien-contact mythos later spun by Lear and Cooper. All of it originated in 7/1/1989 #39002 owledge was gained from working at Lear in Reno, NV and from working with G 5/13/1992 #40463 Vegas, NV Ufologist and pilot John Lear, son of industrialist and Learjet f 3/29/2022 #45744 strialist and Learjet founder Bill Lear, dies at aged 79 3/29/2022 #45744## Word: "lear's" (Back to Top)
ves for the Unexplained in Sweden. Lear's statement was likely uploaded to 12/29/1987 #38377## Word: "learjet" (Back to Top)
zona New Mexico border 3:40 p.m. A Learjet 36 belonging to Phoenix Air flyi 2/24/2018 #45513 ohn Lear, son of industrialist and Learjet founder Bill Lear, dies at aged 3/29/2022 #45744## Word: "learmonth" (Back to Top)
RAAF Base Learmonth Exmouth, Western Australia 7:0 6/9/1987 #38188 n Australia 7:00 p.m. At RAAF Base Learmonth, near Exmouth, Western Austral 6/9/1987 #38188## Word: "learn" (Back to Top)
” he concluded, “will just have to learn their physics all over again, some 7/3/1947 #2551 hypnotically increasing ability to learn and recall complex written matter, 5/11/1953 #8875 counterespionage services and must learn to subvert, sabotage, and destroy 9/30/1954 #10515 e and local police investigate and learn there are other witnesses. 10/4/1954 #10698 Air Station San Diego attempted to learn about secret Nazi antigravity prog 3/1/1955 #12027 eather agency personnel, hoping to learn that a weather balloon was launche 4/18/1966 #20331 he area during the UFO chase. They learn that there were no weather balloon 4/18/1966 #20331 circle 100 feet in diameter. They learn from local farmers that it had app 10/1976 #31441 d her husband are in counseling to learn why they are feeling physical symp 1988 #38383 en December 1988 and April 1989 to learn about Project Galileo, which deals 12/6/1988 #38748 re that would allow the witness to learn new things. After what seemed like 3/16/1993 #40886 to laypeople and encourage them to learn critical and skeptical thinking. H 1995 #41923 e possibility that scientists will learn something new by studying them; st 9/29/1997 #43420 submitted. Only after key senators learn of its existence later in the fall 8/2020 #45657## Word: "learned" (Back to Top)
described it as being metallic. He learned that it measured 300 feet in dia 7/27/1952 #7216 s ever been found; his family only learned the truth in 2008 after repeated 11/1/1952 #8228 Memorial Institute The CIA, having learned that ATIC is withholding signifi 12/12/1952 #8413 couldn't catch the object. It was learned later that the same object was s 11/8/1956 #13315 ny friendly conversations with its learned crew. Schmidt notices they drink 11/5/1957 #14343 ort was made to AFOSI, but he only learned about this decades later from te Late 1963 #17989 oving lighted object, and he later learned that Andrews did have a UFO on i 8/1/1966 #20715 oving lighted object, and he later learned that Andrews did indeed have a U 8/1/1966 #20719 his attack.” He also says, “I have learned from a number of unquotable sour 4/22/1967 #22208 and the "moon" was gone. Later she learned that several pigs had been lost 11/3/1971 #26452 the Chaneques. Investigators later learned that two more trucks were simila 5/22/1973 #27520 rviews with military personnel and learned that as the object attached itse 11/11/1975 #30606 al repercussions. The next day, he learned from reading the local newsapape 12/31/1976 #31645 hot away quickly at high speed. He learned later that he had lost track of 6/16/1978 #33282 tists and it was “fascinating.” “I learned our shuttle capacity is such tha 6/11/1985 #37600 t the site, very much alive. “They learned the English language within a fe 8/30/1987 #38264 begins to dream about UFOs. Having learned hypnotic regression techniques f 1988 #38383 ien to leave. The next morning she learned from her neighbors that a red lu 10/31/1989 #39199 vilian UFO sightings that they had learned about in the course of making en 3/31/1993 #40914 k the creature away. The residents learned of the rumor that a similar crea 1/20/1996 #42697 Mitchell tells the audience he had learned the admiral “had found the peopl 4/10/1997 #43260 there was a network of sensors he learned of while at CIA that monitored U 3/2/2002 #44322 d Skunk Works engineer told him he learned “astral projection” to remove hi 4/28/2006 #44937 Project MK-ULTRA based on lessons learned in Project Artichoke, was a real 8/4/2008 #45155 shington, D.C. and the information learned caused him to “cry himself to sl 2012 #45336 rg” in terms of the revelations he learned related to the issue. https://a 2012 #45336## Word: "learning" (Back to Top)
ation designed to keep the US from learning the truth. 9/12/1946 #2180 e has made very little progress in learning what the phenomena or objects a 7/31/1952 #7372 a Skinner box and given a “forced learning experience” that led him to be 10/1952 #8077 ipher the alien charts in hopes of learning how to build a saucer for Canad 7/28/1954 #10059 n English for about three minutes, learning that the UFO occupant claimed t 12/28/1968 #24794 ejects notion that Collins Elite’s Learning the Way paper that theorizes ra 3/11/1998 #43532 tigator. Its Virtual Analytics UAP Learning Tool (VAULT) is a public-facing 9/2017 #45480## Word: "learns" (Back to Top)
ion separate from Grudge. Thus AMC learns of the conspiracy to keep it in t 5/31/1949 #4218 humanoids. They are from Venus, he learns, and have stopped at Earth despit 3/28/1950 #4750 g the Lubbock Lights, Ruppelt also learns that several people in and around 8/30/1951 #5638 out the meeting. Cabell supposedly learns that Grudge is effectively dead a 10/1/1951 #5694 ings and 2d Lt. Henry Metscher. He learns from some scientists and engineer 10/22/1951 #5743 t 42 years old,” although Bethurum learns that she is hundreds of years old 7/28/1952 #7260 s, but there is no proof. He later learns that Truman is listening in. Ther 7/29/1952 #7321 ich he never recovers. In 1977, he learns about Gottlieb and CIA’s LSD expe 10/1952 #8075 few words, and telepathy, Adamski learns that he is from Venus and the Ven 11/20/1952 #8309 CIA consultant Frederick C. Durant learns about this the same day in a phon 12/9/1952 #8400 ’s place in the universe.” Adamski learns that he has been selected by Nord 1955 #11896 d photos of rockets. When the Navy learns that Edwards wants to show them o 6/13/1955 #12196 her on board the craft, which she learns also carries a second alien, who 4/7/1956 #12798 NICAP learns that the US Senate Subcommittee o 7/1957 #13767 ed with a sound of rushing air. He learns that nearby Blaine Air Force Stat 1/12/1965 #18717 Portage County (Ohio) Ohio When he learns that Rep. J. William Stanton (R-O Late 4/1966 #20416 e project’s shortcomings. He later learns that Condon has contacted CEO Jam 10/13/1967 #23233 dissipates into nothing. He later learns that other people, including his 8/30/1969 #25339 AFB radar tracks the UFO. Later he learns that the ground electronics in Ro 3/1974 #28830 mpany in Frimley, Surrey, England, learns that a break-in has occurred the 4/1974 #28982 re, they can get in anywhere.” She learns that the guard had seen an alien 4/1974 #28982 area later that month. Fuhr later learns that cattle in a nearby field bel 9/1/1974 #29417 rviews with military personnel and learns that as the object attaches itsel 11/11/1975 #30610 t disappears. The next morning, he learns that his friend has been killed i 12/14/1975 #30715 terviews some of the witnesses. He learns that some connect TV interference 4/29/1978 #33179 r plane several times, to which he learns the following: time does not have Early 1995 #41927 a straightforward memoir. When he learns about the book’s contents, Thurmo 6/1997 #43304## Word: "leary" (Back to Top)
ints. Alamosa veterinarian Wallace Leary later finds evidence of two bullet 9/9/1967 #23026 h the 7th Fleet, the destroyer USS Leary is navigating fishing waters in th 1969 #24805 Leary, Georgia Eglin AFB near Valparaiso 1/6/1969 #24821 speech at a Lions Club meeting at Leary, Georgia. One of the guests calls 1/6/1969 #24821 Leary, Georgia Jimmy Carter sees and rep 10/1969 #25386 Leary, GA 7:15 p.m. Jimmie Carter sighti 10/1969 #25388 ty, North Dakota 3:15 a.m. Terry O’Leary, his girlfriend Jackie Larson, and 8/26/1975 #30310## Word: "leash" (Back to Top)
is fingers. He then passed a thick leash around its neck. Then three more s 6/4/1970 #25690 German shepherd in each hand by a leash. The group stood there for about t 10/14/1973 #28031## Word: "least" (Back to Top)
tream of fire that persists for at least one hour at Standlake Broad west o 7/14/1745 #68 of the UFO. It was visible for at least 30 minutes. 3/22/1870 #185 or yards by a huge ball of fire at least 10 feet in diameter, and billows r Early 9/1888 #285 h a fishlike tail.” The body is at least 100 feet long and looks as if it i 11/26/1896 #365 Williamston, MI Morning. At least a dozen farmers saw an object mane 4/17/1897 #520 Williamston, Michigan At least a dozen farmers saw an object mane 4/17/1897 #521 At least a dozen farmers in Williamston, Mi 4/17/1897 #526 above broken clouds. There were at least three sailors as witnesses, includ 2/28/1904 #671 idual fireballs are visible for at least 30 to 40 seconds, and the entire p 2/9/1913 #881 and the display continues until at least 3:00 p.m. when the sky becomes ove 9/9/1914 #916 vers for 45 minutes. There were at least 40 witnesses. 1/22/1919 #984 he Swedish Air Force undertakes at least two reconnaissance missions in sea 12/24/1933 #1182 litary admits the phenomenon is at least partially real. 7/8/1935 #1231 t appearing to hover in air for at least five minutes. (Page 76 Ref.1) (NIC 8/13/1944 #1643 nd the death by heart attack of at least one person in Valparaíso. 11/12/1944 #1696 Hellcat fighter is scrambled on at least two occasions with orders to shoot 12/23/1944 #1731 Dresden, Germany At least two residents of Dresden, Germany, Late 3/1945 #1826 i, Japan. 39,000–80,000 killed, At least 150 soldiers killed. 8/9/1945 #1917 s to the narrow Urakami Valley. At least 35,000–40,000 people are killed, a 8/9/1945 #1920 ense Radio Institute. They hold at least 12 meetings, beginning on July 10. 7/6/1946 #2027 He estimates their speed to be at least 1,200 mph. The objects swerve in a 6/24/1947 #2398 he south. Their sighting lasted at least five minutes, and was investigated 6/28/1947 #2451 for 4–5 minutes and is seen by at least 20 others, traveling 500 mph. The 7/4/1947 #2662 line. The nine objects are seen at least 12 minutes over a distance of 45 m 7/4/1947 #2667 There are at least 74 UFO reports recorded for this d 7/8/1947 #3028 cord, California, reported that at least a dozen oval-shaped UFOs in three 7/15/1947 #3188 sts in the 1970s, at 10:40 a.m. at least two crescent-shaped objects zig-za 8/14/1947 #3333 ph was taken by a Mr. Hofard of at least 78 torpedo-shaped UFOs, glowing br 8/18/1947 #3348 ” in 1946 and 1947. He receives at least 44 documents, none of which have b 1/23/1948 #3564 47 and flat, round aeroforms on at least two further occasions. 4/5/1948 #3612 n visible while Scott walks for at least another mile. 9/16/1948 #3803 Coy’s offices, must approve it, at least in some sense. And an Estimate of 9/30/1948? #3817 that this has been going on for at least a century; it mentions that odd sh 11/8/1948 #3871 FO’s on Jan. 30, 1949. Estimate at least 100 total sightings. Sightings rep 1/31/1949 #3986 up. The event was witnessed by at least five U.S. Navy rocket scientists a 6/10/1949 #4233 al. Described as steel gray and at least one was a disc with two flanges (N 6/24/1949 #4251 , New Mexico 1:30 and 3:00 a.m. At least five observers at Sandia Base, New 9/27/1949 #4375 Kapustin Yar At least 11 nuclear explosions were carried 1950's #4456 he UFO flies by and disappears. At least 35 copies of Smith’s report are se 1/22/1950 #4503 JALAPA, VERACRUZ, MX At least 300 saucers circle city. Gone by s 3/23/1950 #4706 er, El Universal, reported that at least 300 disc-shaped UFOs were sighted 3/23/1950 #4712 nt of the fuselage and a row of at least three oblong ports extending to th 7/1950 #5035 turn and accelerated away after at least 30 seconds. 7/13/1950 #5063 turn and accelerated away after at least 30 seconds. 7/13/1950 #5066 d from below by two huge discs, at least 600–700 feet in diameter, travelin 9/1950 #5159 passes the planes at a speed of at least 1,200 mph, makes a right turn, the 9/21/1950 #5192 Force Base, New Mexico watched at least 12 white objects swirl around rand 3/14/1951 #5484 arge number of glowing objects--at least 30--over Downey, California. 5/29/1951 #5523 ” jet bomber, and he feels that at least some of the sightings are caused b 8/30/1951 #5638 a. He estimates it is traveling at least at 300 mph. It looks like a parach 1/21/1952 #5871 M. Solandt, DRB chairman, meets at least five times. It is chaired by astro 4/22/1952 #6155 ney, New South Wales, Australia at least 13 witnesses, including pilots and 5/3/1952 #6252 its side. It hovers nearby for at least 15 minutes. Late 5/1952 #6362 1c Beatty and two civilians saw at least 5 long silver objects which flew i 6/1/1952 #6410 A/lc Beatty and two civilians. At least five long silver objects flew in a 6/1/1952 #6413 apid City, South Dakota watched at least five long silver objects flew in a 6/1/1952 #6422 ter is about 100 feet and speed at least 800 mph. 6/15/1952 #6509 esses aboard tracked a group of at least seven objects for 18 minutes over 6/29/1952 #6668 cent. Blips appear on radar for at least another day, until the evening of 7/19/1952 #6935 MAN. Dazzling object circles 3x at least. Different color(s). Good data. 7/22/1952 #7007 ail. They estimate the speed as at least three times that of any convention 7/24/1952 #7115 rt G. LeCompte sees a flight of at least 10 luminous objects pass over Albu 7/29/1952 #7329 nt to the subject, more express at least some interest, and a few are very 8/6/1952 #7489 over Rockford Sunday evening by at least 14 persons (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 8/11/1952 #7545 ls Turner again, and Turner has at least one F-86 Sabre jet scrambled from 8/21/1952 #7670 At 7:30 p.m. at least seven observers with a theodolite 8/29/1952 #7791 t lines up to 15 miles long. In at least one instance, the targets fly in f 9/2/1952 #7829 nherits collection of UFO data, at least by 1958, but probably in 1953. 10/24/1952 #8181 Air Force jets circle the area at least twice. 11/20/1952 #8308 appeared on radar screens over at least three US air bases. At 9:20 a.m. a 12/10/1952 #8410 low fuel. The object is seen by at least two fighter aircraft from other sq 1/29/1953 #8615 -shaped object was witnessed by at least four observers at Skilak Lake, Anc 3/14/1953 #8755 sky moving to the southeast by at least 10 personnel of the 912th AC&W Squ 6/30/1953 #8975 sky moving to the southeast by at least 10 personnel of the US 912th Air C 6/30/1953 #8976 a three miles to the southwest. At least seven witnesses in that area see t 6/30/1953 #8976 cling at a tremendous speed for at least 5 minutes. It appeared at times to 7/19/1953 #9001 witnesses across a baseline of at least 12 miles allow for triangulation t 1/1/1954 #9437 from distances of 15–40 miles. At least five witnesses use binoculars. Hyn 1/1/1954 #9437 crater 16 feet in diameter and at least 6 feet deep is found, but no debri 5/1/1954 #9744 At least six observers in a 65 square kilom 5/16/1954 #9806 ing and hovering in the sky for at least 45 minutes. The Baltimore GOC Filt 6/12/1954 #9897 France and two other towns when at least one UFO briefly flew over. 8/11/1954 #10129 telescope and was witnessed by at least 11 people in Clermont-Ferrand, Puy 9/17/1954 #10336 , and disappears at high speed. At least 4 other objects emerge. When an ai 9/22/1954 #10395 nesses, and the sighting lasted at least 4 minutes. A photograph was taken. 9/26/1954 #10453 At 6:15 a.m. at least four witnesses at the Belgrade, Yu 10/25/1954 #11396 goes on to recommend appointing at least one full-time investigator; public 12/26/1954 #11862 . It had been on the ground for at least 15 min. Strange traces were found, 12/29/1954 #11875 of 5 iridescent silver UFOs for at least 5 minutes. 12/30/1954 #11881 is published twice a year until at least May 1982. 3/1955 #12023 io sighted a disc-shaped object at least 100 feet in diameter while driving 3/30/1955 #12071 th the line there were several (at least four) windows which emitted a brig 6/23/1955 #12209 the little “men” returned, with at least one of them putting its “little cl 8/22/1955 #12391 Bastrop, Louisiana at 4:00 p.m. at least five silver disc-shaped objects em 2/11/1956 #12710 hile, Jessup has been receiving at least two strange letters (January 13 an 4/1956 #12777 away extremely fast. There were at least two independent witnesses, and the 5/12/1956 #12847 e next year finally prove that. At least in official circles, the bomber ga 7/9/1956 #12957 he object shot out a blast like at least 50 jet planes at once. It had a fl 1/17/1957 #13463 and activities are watched for at least the next two years. 5/26/1957 #13680 sts withholding the best cases, at least initially. Keyhoe asks Ruppelt, wh 7/1957 #13767 s the object from their scopes. At least once, the UFO suddenly reappears v 7/17/1957 #13808 near collision with an object “at least the size of a B-47” over the salt 7/17/1957 #13809 tly above them. Its diameter is at least as large as the wingspan of a DC-3 11/4/1957 #14284 isawa Air Base, Japan 5:45 p.m. At least 13 witnesses see a bright light ov 12/12/1957 #14721 is said to be clear and to show at least two of the nine UFOs in considerab 1/3/1958 #14800 on under various editors until at least 2018. 2/1958 #14860 namo Bay Naval Base, Cuba, when at least 25 of the 3,000 crew members notic 9/1958 #15239 ne pilots, all of whom have had at least one UFO sighting, tell reporter Jo 12/21/1958 #15494 g looks like and the UFOs were “at least three times the size of any tanker 3/19/1959 #15652 r Hill AFB, Indiana Witnesses: at least two control tower operators and th 9/13/1959 #15970 At four p.m. at least two control tower operators at Bun 9/13/1959 #15974 re said to be “weak.” Visually, at least one soundless, round. “quarter siz 10/2/1959 #16011 ooking” as the light hovers for at least 5 minutes over a busy drive-in. Pe 2/5/1960 #16168 slag heap. It has a diameter of at least 185 feet and is 14 feet thick. Fiv 7/1/1960 #16324 oid their spotlight. There were at least two other independent witnesses to 8/13/1960 #16381 -turn and sped away. There were at least six witnesses. 1/22/1961 #16589 arium, and titanium. There were at least 25 witnesses to the crash landing. 4/27/1961 #16664 actual size was computed to be at least 30 feet in length. No radar contac 2/19/1962 #17053 Unknown City, Argentina At least twelve UFOs sighted in May. Offici 5/1962 #17144 evel UFOs that pursued them for at least eight minutes. 5/9/1962 #17155 23, multiple witnesses reported at least seven sightings of flying objects 6/22/1962 #17242 perate at high temperatures for at least 90 minutes at high altitude. 10/1962 #17449 m away, scattering sand. It was at least 30 m in diameter, and was shaped l 3/13/1963 #17705 s away, scattering sand. It was at least 30 meters in diameter, and was sha 3/13/1963 #17706 tched the maneuvering light for at least 10-15 minutes. When it stopped mov 6/13/1963 #17782 tin in early 1974 and continues at least until February 1979. Summer 1963 #17801 in which a figure can be seen, at least by the mother. The dome rotates as 10/1963 #17969 locked by an oval-shaped object at least 30 feet high. A door opens on the 10/12/1963 #17987 Sunset, New Mexico A series of at least three incidents at Walker AFB [now Winter 1963 #18090 The tops of cumulus clouds are at least 3,500 feet altitude, thus the UFO’ 5/26/1964 #18306 titude, thus the UFO’s speed is at least 700 mph and length 50– 70 feet. 5/26/1964 #18306 t off. The object appears to be at least 125 feet in diameter and 80–90 fee 12/21/1964 #18670 drews AFB in Maryland 4:20 p.m. At least 12 persons, including six Army Sig 1/11/1965 #18709 ee gigantic, glowing, red UFOs, at least 200 feet in diameter, about 4 hour 2/11/1965 #18809 At least 50 members of the Toba Indian trib 2/21/1965 #18825 sun. There was a time lapse of at least four hours in her memory. Under se 5/30/1965 #18977 side in a broad pendulum swing, at least a mile in each direction. The witn 7/12/1965 #19097 d Ohio, various (McDonald list) At Least Three Radars Track Object Over Two 7/13/1965 #19101 n the screen, moving at 45 mph. At least four citizens see colored glows in 8/2/1965 #19265 There were at least 15 reports recorded for this day f 8/3/1965 #19293 t. Carrión estimates the UFO is at least 4 times larger than the jet. 9/17/1965 #19580 rs. Carlsson sighted a UFO with at least one occupant aboard at 6:30 p.m. i 9/29/1965 #19623 ova Scotia, Canada at 3:30 a.m. at least one UFO landed, leaving behind lef 11/30/1965 #19744 ireball is seen by thousands in at least six states and Ontario, Canada. It 12/9/1965 #19762 in the past few billion years, at least once in “historical times.” Discus 1966 #19795 the Air Force has wreckage from at least four of these small vehicles and h 3/21/1966 #20013 Normal, IL 7:15 p.m. CST. At least 10 witnesses watched a large oval 3/22/1966 #20027 Trinidad, CO 5:00 p.m. MST. At least a dozen witnesses saw two light-re 3/23/1966 #20040 Trinidad, Colorado 5:00 p.m. At least a dozen adults and children in Tri 3/23/1966 #20051 , as the Project was cataloging at least one radar “unknown” per month in i 4/5/1966 #20253 on a hill about one block away. At least one adult watches the object for 5 8/1/1966 #20718 tist who has initiated it or is at least vitally interested and experienced 11/1/1966 #21060 ited Nations building 4:20 p.m. At least eight employees of the American Ne 11/22/1966 #21142 ide. The visitor must have been at least two meters (six and a half feet) t 1/9/1967 #21278 more HR cases for the year, but at least 14 were found without much effort. 2/5/1967 #21457 There were at least 27 UFO reports made on this day fr 3/8/1967 #21817 tor in 2003. It continues until at least fall 2017. Spring 1967 #21925 red to as “spacetrack” and are the least likely to detect UFOs). Low tries 3/28/1967 #22005 ctures are black and white, but at least three of them are shot in color. H 3/31/1967 #22023 ad a hazv indefinite lower part at least as large as the upper part. (NICAP 4/1/1967 #22038 The witnesses seem paralyzed or at least extremely distracted while the UFO 5/1967 #22255 Argentina. All are observed for at least 1–2 minutes. 6/24/1967 #22548 r AFB (near), MO 9:30 p.m. CDT. At least seven adults saw a highly reflecti 7/3/1967 #22598 Corning, CA 5:15 a.m. PDT. At least five witnesses from two independen 7/4/1967 #22607 f Corning, California 5:15 a.m. At least five witnesses from two independen 7/4/1967 #22610 sc. The object follows them for at least 40 minutes and is seen by Nelson G 8/3/1967 #22787 ct behind the light pattern was at least as tall as a telephone pole and as 9/9/1967 #23027 :20 p.m. Atlantic Daylight Time at least one and most likely two separate U 10/4/1967 #23177 Nova Scotia, Canada. There were at least a dozen independent witnesses to t 10/4/1967 #23177 at Vandenburg AFB, California. At least two objects were picked up on five 10/6/1967 #23186 hen five white ones. There were at least 20 witnesses. That night in Dillsb 1/13/1968 #23663 e sheds and do not emerge until at least 30 minutes after the object disapp 2/19/1968 #23767 reported to have landed and on at least three occasions the humanoids ente 6/26/1968 #24085 irst project name is HAVE FEAR. At least 500 UFO sensor trackings via radar 8/1968 #24284 im meet. They had lost track of at least an hour of time. They never talked 8/7/1968 #24308 nced uncontrolled levitation on at least one occasion. 11/1/1968 #24620 it turret in which he could see at least two figures moving about. It appro 3/19/1969 #25031 euvering lights for a period of at least two hours. Among the witnesses wer 6/20/1969 #25229 window would have to have been at least seven feet tall…there was nothing 9/6/1969 #25354 lien visitors to our planet, or at least of alien controlled UFO’s.” It rec 10/1969 #25389 ects vanish about 2 miles away. At least 8 minutes have passed, with three 10/24/1969 #25422 n and China, without detection. At least one of the prototypes is flown fro 1970 #25520 e NAS position that the ETH is the least likely explanation and rejects McD 1/21/1970 #25548 cDonald’s position that it is the “least unsatisfactory.” It criticizes the 1/21/1970 #25548 lle, Florida saw a hovering UFO at least 50 feet in diameter. It had red li 2/26/1971 #26033 silver gray tube that stretched at least a half a foot long and went straig 8/16/1971 #26291 as a sharp concave shaped spike at least six inches long. The mouth was gap 8/16/1971 #26291 lars, rectangular in shape with at least 50 feet between them. The being to 8/16/1971 #26291 ng three small insect creatures at least a foot long. Their heads were tria 8/16/1971 #26291 I A teenager, four friends, and at least one adult reported observing "a br 10/12/1971 #26421 at 10 p.m. in Acuescoma, Mexico at least four people saw a glowing blue sph 3/19/1972 #26618 Waterbury, Connecticut Evening. At least four adults in various parts of Wa 4/14/1972 #26646 On this night, at least two witnesses, including a woman n 8/28/1972 #26965 middle of this is a round hole at least 6 feet deep, around which are thre Early 9/1972 #26975 on a triangular object that is at least 100 feet across and moving slowly 10/9/1972 #27063 ed. The being stood up, and was at least 6.5 feet tall. Sr. Rey asked the b 11/28/1972 #27150 Santa Ana, CA At least eight witnesses observed a large o 1/2/1973 #27215 olice witnessed a procession of at least 40 white objects with red and blue 3/1/1973 #27324 p.m. for 5 minutes. There were at least 12 witnesses. 3/14/1973 #27346 startling discovery is that on at least 32 recorded occasions, the movemen 4/1973 #27397 Los Angeles Basin, CA At least 16 sightings of round or egg-shape 4/1/1973 #27398 Los Angeles Basin, CA At least 16 sightings of round or egg-shape 4/1/1973 #27399 and others on April 10 reported at least three UFOs over Bernie and in Dext 4/19/1973 #27432 and the military is monitoring at least one other group the Holloman entit 5/1973 #27461 ildren talked to this being for at least half an hour, then rushed across t 5/15/1973 #27492 t abruptly vanished. There were at least three independent witnesses to the 7/19/1973 #27642 ibed the gray-green walls, with at least one black line, or slot, on the ba 8/4/1973 #27683 the younger couple, there were at least two hours they could not account f 9/11/1973 #27803 the younger couple, there were at least two hours they could not account f 9/12/1973 #27809 om the town of Sidney. They saw at least one humanoid with large red glowin 9/20/1973 #27850 Dayton (Near), OH 8:00 p.m. At least 15 sightings of unidentified flyin 10/10/1973 #27980 .m. By 8:00 p.m. there had been at least 15 different sightings of UFOs "co 10/10/1973 #27984 On this evening there were at least 80 reports of discs with red and g 10/14/1973 #28032 five humanoids on the craft and at least two human like beings. The humanoi 10/16/1973 #28093 Powhatan, LA At least 10 reports from central Louisiana. 10/17/1973 #28123 w-like hands and blinking eyes. At least six other reports of UFOs came fro 10/17/1973 #28138 were a rash of UFO sightings by at least 50 citizens as well as police in M 10/24/1973 #28271 too closely to the planet Mars, at least in the later stage of the sighting 11/2/1973 #28352 ped object in the sky overhead. At least 100 other people also see the obje 11/2/1973 #28353 ter University, England, record at least three fireball meteors this evenin 1/23/1974 #28694 ld and his family were watching at least three UFOs from the window of thei 3/12/1974 #28874 hts. Jacques suddenly saw a man at least eight feet tall in the light of hi 11/30/1974 #29622 ew off to the south. There were at least seven witnesses, including police. 8/16/1975 #30280 argets are tracked on radar for at least 20 minutes. In fact, everything th Late 10/1975 #30471 police officers and others saw at least two nocturnal lights in the sky fr 10/28/1975 #30504 altitude of 2000 feet, sighted at least two nocturnal lights and mystery ' 10/30/1975 #30523 north of Emerado, North Dakota. At least two KC-135 aircraft are hit by sma 11/3/1975 #30546 Raynesford (near), MT 4:10 a.m. At least six UFOs near ground. (NIDS UFO 14 11/5/1975 #30558 local time a visual sighting of at least one low level noctural light was m 11/8/1975 #30582 er the next few days, including at least seven members of the Ontario Polic 11/11/1975 #30609 aft opened and a very tall man, at least two meters tall, emerged. (Sources 1/5/1976 #30760 aft opened and a very tall man, at least two meters tall, emerged. He wore 1/5/1976 #30761 home she could not account for at least one hour of her time. Under hypnos 1/14/1976 #30786 nd from the sky. The object was at least 60 feet long, and had flashing red 1/29/1976 #30833 , France, and continues through at least 1981. 4/1976 #30972 saw a luminous humanoid figure at least ten feet tall, only 50 feet away. 11/12/1976 #31540 two darker 8" squares, and was at least 30 feet wide. Her car engine sudde 12/10/1976 #31594 a row of windows through which at least two of the children reported seein 2/3/1977 #31784 ke a light being switched off." At least six other independent witnesses sa 2/24/1977 #31846 , perhaps from the UFO's noise. At least three families on the block experi 4/6/1977 #31953 the east. The sightings lasted at least 20 minutes. 5/17/1977 #32106 hidden by some bushes. He stood at least six-foot tall, and his arms were d 5/18/1977 #32111 e lost power in the presence of at least two purplish ovoid UFOs. A 16-year 6/6/1977 #32153 for the French government since at least 1976. It produces a report titled 6/20/1977 #32176 r the highway. The figures were at least seven feet tall, and were reddish 8/28/1977 #32437 one, and both weave a figure 8 at least 6 times as they pass nearly overhe 9/28/1977 #32531 reetlight that extinguishes for at least one minute. The object drops down 10/9/1977 #32564 eview in New York City. It runs at least until 1994. 1978 #32828 eicester and Hinckley (btn), UK At least 17 people saw a delta-shaped objec 1/24/1978 #32911 Leicester and Hinckley, England at least 17 people saw a delta-shaped objec 1/24/1978 #32913 The object remains visible for at least 45 minutes. 2/5/1978 #32955 iffing at everything, including at least one of the aliens, who reacted in 2/5/1978 #32957 / bay. 6 minute(s). Same thing at least 8x since MAR'77. 2/9/1978 #32961 and Bill Moore have interviewed at least 62 witnesses to the Roswell incide 2/28/1978 #33002 ear Banksville, New York. It is at least 150–200 feet long with while and b 8/21/1978 #33537 period of missing time lasting at least several minutes, but from the acco 8/22/1978 #33550 a powerful searchlight beam for at least 3 seconds. 9/16/1978 #33694 few feet away. It persists for at least another 5 minutes. The next evenin 9/23/1978 #33736 includes Valentich’s aircraft. At least 15 other UFOs are reported between 10/21/1978 #33856 At least nine separate close encounter even 12/14/1978 #34125 , Germany. It continues through at least April 1987. 1/1979 #34269 at the landing site. There were at least two witnesses, and the incident la 4/16/1979 #34511 At 4:30 a.m. at least seven witnesses observed a 42-foot 11/27/1979 #35021 rg and Keith Basterfield, until at least November 1985. 2/1980 #35153 Gladstone, Michigan 12:45 a.m. At least 10 witnesses, including city polic 3/12/1980 #35211 sm. The conferences continue to at least 1996, attracting as many as 200 at 5/23/1980 #35340 e to the ground. The object was at least 170 meters long, and broad as well 8/16/1980 #35459 a, Italy, and continues through at least May 1983. 3/1981 #35857 tracked moving at high speed on at least five radar scopes up and down the Early 5/1981 #35924 uth Carolina at 10:30 p.m. when at least one witnessed a thirty-foot long c 7/15/1981 #36009 e-dimensional object positioned at least 30 feet away from the camera. 10/8/1981 #36167 and blacked out. He experienced at least 20 minutes of missing time. When h 2/19/1982 #36357 . All witness estimate it to be at least 200 feet in diameter. It remains s 1/30/1984 #37166 sequence. One object is larger (at least 40 feet wide) than the others and 3/21/1984 #37237 PC Richard Milthorp was one of at least 20 uniformed officers who observed 4/1984 #37252 raddling the road ahead. It has at least 60 lights arrayed in rows on its f 4/18/1984 #37267 There were at least 60 unidentified radar returns from 10/10/1985 #37679 icopter engaged in a pursuit of at least one nocturnal light. 10/10/1985 #37679 that the target has a length of at least 4,920 feet. (Ion Lazeanu, “Unusual 8/1986 #37964 r to a rocket. It appears to be at least twice as large as a Boeing 747. It 7/27/1987 #38219 ill sweeping its light beam for at least 30 minutes. Then it suddenly disap 8/23/1987 #38252 light turned off with a switch. At least 16 holes were discovered in the ic 12/25/1987 #38373 uring that same time there were at least eight UFO sightings reported throu 1/4/1988 #38404 olice tests are never done, but at least half of the material is obtained b 1/20/1988 #38422 wn and then being surrounded by at least 20 of the creatures. Each one was 5/1/1988 #38551 e glowing, disc-shaped objects. At least one sighting was recorded on video Spring 1989 #38876 crous errors in the documents, not least among them that they are in Englis 5/7/1989 #38938 r-up. He claims there have been at least 16 downed alien craft, 65 bodies, 5/23/1989 #38960 ved between 1947 and 1952, with at least 10 more crash/retrievals during th 5/23/1989 #38960 it exists and has existed since at least 1972. UAP events tracked by NORAD 6/1989 #38972 On this night at least six witnesses in Southend, Essex, 7/12/1989 #39018 ir of 52-year-old witnesses saw at least four red, slow-moving, silent V-sh 8/15/1989 #39064 ille, Alabama. They experienced at least 25 minutes of missing time, and th 10/27/1989 #39189 reveal abduction scenarios with at least 40 direct correlations between the 11/7/1989 #39220 manoids were described as being at least seven feet, five inches tall, thin 12/8/1989 #39305 at led him to believe there are at least eight black programs flying out of 1990 #39356 nt of the TRESTLE. BDM produced at least ten papers on subjects like EMP ha 1990 #39357 There were at least three reports of nocturnal lights 3/30/1990 #39500 Gulf Breeze, Florida Pensacola At least seven people report a red light to 4/14/1990 #39524 green, and red, and there were at least 15. It flew over a populated area 5/29/1990 #39598 pidly forward. There were many (at least six) videos shot and eleven still 8/24/1990 #39702 udget. He estimates its size as at least $35 billion (although by 2012 is h 9/1990 #39712 ed. He concludes that there are at least two types of vehicles beyond the F 10/1/1990 #39756 onic. Scott concludes there are at least two types of aircraft beyond the F 10/1/1990 #39757 10:15 p.m. in Skibo, Minnesota at least four ground observers, including t 10/10/1990 #39773 he ground. The object itself is at least 1,000 feet long and 200–250 feet t 11/5/1990 #39868 he front point of the triangle. At least four of these lights are white and 5/17/1991 #40066 elated object motions involving at least a dozen distinct events. Kasher’s 9/15/1991 #40187 ty of American researchers into at least two major schools of opinion, whic 6/13/1992 #40492 e. Businessman Peter Khoury had at least one previous abduction experience 7/23/1992 #40530 tly blacked out and experienced at least 30 minutes of missing time. 10/31/1992 #40697 rce, Donald B Rice, was to say the least incensed by the renewed speculatio 12/22/1992 #40762 doors of the base vehicle barn; at least 4 witnesses say it was the size of 1/1993 #40782 w at a height of about 10 feet. At least six balls of light maneuver around 1/1993 #40782 er car stopped by the road with at least two people in it. By November 17, 8/8/1993 #41117 . She is disturbed to find that at least 10 people close to her seem to hav 1994 #41345 CIA briefing officer on UAP for at least three Presidents, used intelligenc 1994 #41348 be attached to one another, or at least coordinated in their movements. Th 3/8/1994 #41449 , 4 dogs, 9 geese, 40 chickens, at least one cow and a horse. 4/12/1994 #41489 l after dark. One witness takes at least three photos of it. At one point i 6/1994 #41545 und four o'clock in the morning at least five witnesses heard a loud hissin 6/27/1994 #41588 nds. One of the witnesses takes at least four good pictures with a Vivitar 8/31/1994 #41707 ar on radar. However, there was at least one witness on the ground to the c 1/6/1995 #41957 ia, Italy. It continues through at least October 2001. 4/1995 #42131 as big as the full moon, moving at least 186 mph before hovering a while an 5/5/1995 #42179 At least a dozen witnesses saw a huge trian 7/9/1995 #42295 A swarm of at least 24 randomly blinking lights flew o 11/14/1995 #42600 ding to three military sources, at least one creature is taken to undergrou 1/23/1996 #42709 s, the object shot straight up "at least as fast as lightning." 5/7/1996 #42899 ng boy stared at each other for at least five minutes. It didn't flinch or 9/16/1996 #43025 -shaped object, estimated to be at least "two stories" tall and covered wit 10/3/1996 #43051 over an area near the highway. At least 4-5 automobiles, and two tractor-t 10/3/1996 #43051 s passed overhead. Witnesses in at least four counties made reports to the 10/3/1996 #43052 bathed it in intense light for "at least 20 minutes." There was a third ind 10/15/1996 #43071 rn Territory, Australia watched at least four intense bright-orange "fireba 11/25/1996 #43123 ed off in a westerly direction. At least 10 photographs were taken of the o 11/25/1996 #43123 ly Crossing Mayo 7:00–8:30 p.m. At least 31 people in the Yukon Territory, 12/11/1996 #43137 nt, France at 9:15 p.m. sighted at least two disc-shaped objects emitting s 1/24/1997 #43176 litary exercise did take place, at least 3 groups of observers reported UFO 3/24/1997 #43239 onic events did take place, and at least 1–2 civilian aircraft are reported 3/24/1997 #43239 acility beneath Groom Lake with at least 10 underground stories. Fouche sta 1998 #43481 he Navy and USAF. Fouche claims at least three prototypes were built and us 1998 #43481 in 2006. Torr also co-authored at least one paper with Ning Li. https://w 3/1/1998 #43527 outh Wales 12:00 noon–1:00 p.m. At least four witnesses at Quirindi, New So 8/10/1998 #43625 with many lights was seen over at least 30 different towns in the Ardennes 8/10/1998 #43627 ht training base near Cangzhou. At least 140 observers at the base see the 10/19/1998 #43665 ant, and moving at 115–350 mph. At least four times it seems to hover for 3 10/9/1999 #43859 round one of the objects. Also, at least two silhouettes of humanoid beings 10/17/1999 #43862 State reporting the sighting of at least one red UFO hovering above the clo 7/4/2000 #44009 lve from 9:30 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. At least 50 UFOs were sighted moving toward 11/23/2000 #44079 ich the witness estimated to be at least 200 yards long, was sighted over V 3/26/2001 #44152 he triangle was estimated to be at least 7,000 meters long, and the two beh 9/11/2001 #44258 On this afternoon at least 45 students said they saw a UFO la 6/5/2002 #44347 ansfer marks”) is found coating at least 14 different areas of the downed a 10/23/2002 #44422 e--just like a triangle and was at least as large as the B-2." 10/29/2002 #44424 habitable stellar systems, each at least 3 billion years old, stable, and s 10/31/2002 #44426 his back and he made no sound, at least nothing they could detect. Visibil 7/16/2003 #44565 to horizon and persisting until at least 2:00 a.m. Dubbed the “Okanagan Arc 7/28/2003 #44568 ooked again at his watch it was at least 40 minutes later. 3/12/2004 #44676 issing time experience, lasting at least 35 minutes. She has requested a co 5/15/2004 #44701 ut she was not able to move for at least five minutes. 10/27/2004 #44771 rding to Hollanda, “we detected at least nine forms of objects. Probes, fly 5/20/2005 #44844 ueensland New Zealand Australia At least three green fireballs brighter tha 5/16/2006 #44943 enger ferries may have affected at least some of the readings. Bowyer disag 4/23/2007 #45022 had been present in the sky for at least an hour. 11/29/2007 #45098 am continued to be funded until at least 2020, where it was mentioned in a 6/2008 #45144 e the clouds with a diameter of at least 32 feet. The object first looks li 10/11/2010 #45301 overies. Wade states there were at least seven UAP crash recovery sites in 3/26/2011 #45320 ver, most Ufologists feel that (at least) the majority of this footage depi 2013 #45356 f this after a time even though at least in principle of the Special Access 2018 #45498 and indicates that ʻOumuamua is at least 10 times shinier than a typical co 10/26/2018 #45541 und that link JASON to UAP. But at least one confirmed member, Dr. Luis W. 4/25/2019 #45572 firms know of the programs and at least one was last funded in 1989, accor 4/30/2019 #45575 This global program consists of at least 29 distinct worldwide space survei 6/23/2019 #45587 on deterring drone operations. At least three ships report sighting drones 7/30/2019 #45600 minutes and are estimated to be at least 2 feet across, ruling out commerci 9/29/2019 #45610 funding will go the group, but at least $750,000 will be provided in suppo 10/17/2019 #45612 apons systems, concluding that “at least one of our adversaries, and possib 4/15/2021 #45682 and matches the description of at least one high-profile UAP case where a 6/25/2021 #45695 y,” Graves says. “Every day for at least a couple years.” 8/29/2021 #45704 an “overwatch” position, while at least six are in a “three-by-two formati 11/11/2021 #45721 lated to UAP (see April 1956) At least one other civilization is watching 9/26/2022 #45772 George Knapp states he knows of at least four “legacy programs” that dealt 12/19/2022 #45789## Word: "leather" (Back to Top)
ld, and the figures are dressed in leather “knee pants” held up by suspende Late Summer 1919 #993 proportioned tiny pilot wearing a leather flying helmet, who waved to us a 1929 #1093 Lot, France. The being wore a wide leather belt or girdle, boots, and a tun 10/4/1954 #10703 of cloth headgear, like a pilot's leather helmet. The man pointed a gun at 10/20/1954 #11278 dish helmets with what looked like leather earflaps. They were speaking in 11/1/1954 #11520 etc. They looked normal wore black leather pants, white belts, light-colore 11/6/1957 #14411 et 5 inches tall and wearing black leather pants, a white belt, and a light 11/6/1957 #14421 olive complexion. They wore black leather pants, white belts, and light-co 11/6/1957 #14434 hat looked like a black, one-piece leather suit. He had a trowel in his han 6/24/1967 #22551 d covered boots. The man carried a leather case on his left hip attached to 6/21/1970 #25704 p, and was tail-less creature with leather like skin and a face like a frog 3/3/1972 #26587 his evening a man was alone in his leather shop in Arizona when two human l 12/4/1975 #30685 e made out of something resembling leather. He was in a dimly lit room, wit 11/1/1982 #36669## Word: "leather-like" (Back to Top)
-black tunic, a purple cape, and a leather-like helmet. He also wore a box 2/29/1964 #18141## Word: "leatherbarrow" (Back to Top)
ogist and RAF pilot George Raymond Leatherbarrow, estimates their altitude 1946 #1960## Word: "leatherland" (Back to Top)
sis was done by C. G. Cocks and L. Leatherland, who find that the fibers ar 9/25/1956 #13245## Word: "leathery" (Back to Top)
ver four feet tall and had a tough leathery dark gray skin, like an elephan 4/3/1968 #23886 ind legs and showed itself to be a leathery skinned biped with a frog like 3/17/1972 #26607 of his body." His skin was gray & leathery, and he walked "in a bouncing, 9/3/1975 #30339 g creatures with long faces, scaly leathery skin, black eyes, clawed hands, 2/6/1996 #42743 remarkably strong. They wore black leathery clothes, and had Mohawk style h 12/26/1996 #43150## Word: "leave" (Back to Top)
morning, the swellings subside but leave black blotches. By November 2, the 10/24/1886 #276 6–8 inches long, fall to earth and leave no trace. Summer 1914 #902 witnesses, who become unnerved and leave. Summer 1922 #1022 her telepathically, telling her to leave the road and make a shortcut throu 1930 #1106 e suits with a metallic sheen that leave only their faces exposed. The bein 1942 #1385 Lieutenant Andrew A. Titcomb is on leave and picking oranges at his wife’s 5/1946 #1988 l serving in the U.S. Navy, was on leave with C.C. (initials) who was just 1/1947 #2221 o. They move up and down twice and leave a vapor trail that persists for mo 6/12/1947 #2324 ast. They are aluminum-colored and leave vapor trails. 6/25/1947 #2412 o the general. MacKenzie could not leave the scope unattended for even the 7/1/1947 #2501 ect going about 100 mph after they leave a movie theater in Louisville, Ken 7/1/1947 #2521 gton, D.C. After Marcel and Cavitt leave with Brazel, the two deputies retu 7/6/1947 #2812 chard decides it is time to “go on leave.” Too many phone callers into the 7/8/1947 #3021 porters that the colonel is now on leave. 7/8/1947 #3021 e “Eileen” M. Fanton) warns him to leave before he gets into trouble and su 7/8/1947 #3026 s army vehicle. Brown and Davidson leave to go back to Hamilton for Air For 7/31/1947 #3264 formation near Dayton, Ohio. They leave a slight vapor trail then disappea 10/20/1947 #3464 r. They made no noise nor did they leave a trail. 7/17/1948 #3715 igence work, both he and Truettner leave AMC. For the higher military ranks 1/1949 #3950 shed analyses. LaPaz says he is on leave as a volunteer and must go back to 2/24/1949 #4023 tal declares he does not expect to leave the hospital alive. He is admitted 4/2/1949 #4065 ovoids going northeast. Turn up. 2 leave trail / sparks. See drawings. 9/26/1949 #4371 titude. Going [to] horizon slowly. Leave trail / smoke. 5/3/1950 #4919 INO, SWITZ 12+observer(s). Saucers leave luminous wake. Gyrates with 'organ 8/10/1950 #5113 ly 2,500 mph) for short distances, leave no vapor trails, hover, accelerate 8/30/1950 #5150 h apparently return after the jets leave. Cinetheodolite observers note an 8/31/1950 #5154 clear outline. Cocker and McAleese leave the cockpit and go to the astrodom 1/22/1951 #5413 MISKAMING CO, ONT 6 silent saucers leave vapor-trails. Go up and down / sky 4/11/1952 #6056 ing it is no theory. He refuses to leave them a copy of his book to pass on Early 5/1952 #6249 his daughter Gabrielle, 11, had to leave their motorcycle when they had a f 7/11/1952 #6761 se formation; they tilt upward and leave in a steep ascent. Blips appear on 7/19/1952 #6935 t and notices him. Rossi begins to leave, but a green ray passes above his 7/25/1952 #7137 s, New Mexico. They are silent and leave no vapor trail. At one point, they 7/25/1952 #7138 y 81. The rush of air made the car leave the road while the object flew wes 7/29/1952 #7312 y 81. The rush of air made the car leave the road while the object flew wes 7/29/1952 #7334 ndicated range the radar personnel leave their windowless operations room t 9/1/1952 #7817 , to swing like a pendulum, and to leave a luminous trail. 9/13/1952 #7914 eemer says the objects are silent, leave no vapor trail, take turns maneuve 9/30/1952 #8070 sues, and when Glickman decides to leave, he is offered a drink to soothe i 10/1952 #8075 owing a broken, zig-zag path. They leave an abundant trail of a white subst 10/17/1952 #8148 h this modification, he is able to leave RAF Boscombe Down [now MoD Boscomb Spring 1953 #8766 rior with a fine gloss. It did not leave a vapor trail or were there any li 7/19/1953 #9004 ia / cabbie / hours. "From space". Leave / saucer quickly going up. / r113p 8/18/1953 #9079 gence Center at Dayton, Ohio,” and leave it at that. 12/23/1953 #9389 f. Two other witnesses also saw it leave. 9/30/1954 #10525 ance A farmer was getting ready to leave his home when he saw an orange col 10/14/1954 #11041 n, and in order to tell him not to leave. The creature appeared to grimace, 10/18/1954 #11225 AUSTRIA 6 silver saucers hover and leave red trails. In news / 6 Jan. / r78 1/3/1955 #11913 nous object / stately in formation leave vapor trails. Very fast northwest 8/25/1955 #12404 rves a hat-shaped, luminous object leave the sea between São Sebastião and 7/16/1956 #12974 ing quickly east. Turn straight up;leave trail / light. 8/29/1956 #13150 e in Mexico in July) and Stanfords leave around this time. After a while, t 12/2/1956 #13384 tion, and space flight, but had to leave Earth when Atlantis and Mu were si 1957 #13429 sees two beings about 4 feet tall leave the UFO wearing green coveralls. T 9/1957 #13966 to the family, cure the girl, and leave behind some medication to give her 10/25/1957 #14155 sed inside the earth, but they can leave it through an opening in the South 1958 #14782 ing. He touches it and his fingers leave marks. They put it in a jar, but i 2/28/1958 #14898 on their right near Domsten. They leave the car and walk up to the object, 12/20/1958 #15489 Pfc. Bernard G. “Gerry” Irwin, on leave from Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, 2/20/1959 #15595 he witness, a young man who was on leave from the Army, had been driving on 11/15/1959 #16088 er a few minutes, the five objects leave, one at a time, first the bottom o 1962 #17006 and his friend were encouraged to leave the hanger. P.J. returned to Myrtl 4/1962 #17093 peeding vehicle. Occasionally they leave their positions and form into a tr Summer 1962 #17239 lars, reported seeing a "particle" leave the object, after which it stopped 2/20/1963 #17674 white and a red beam of light, and leave a cloud of white smoke that does n 10/21/1963 #17997 student cadets returning late from leave. It bathes the area in intense gre 12/10/1963 #18072 a light come down from the sky and leave three “smelted” circles some 2 fee 4/25/1964? #18205 location. It would hover, rapidly leave, and then return. The hovering was Late 1964 #18584 ar silvery one-piece garments, and leave no footprints. Police officers con 1/26/1965 #18769 cha, and others saw a small object leave a larger one, land, and burn a spo 7/19/1965 #19130 cha, and others saw a small object leave a larger one, then land and burn a 7/19/1965 #19137 oming in the opposite direction to leave the road in order to avoid it. The 8/4/1965 #19313 ing from the opposite direction to leave the road in order to avoid it. The 8/4/1965 #19321 a tree. He did not see the figure leave, but a minute or so later he saw a 8/13/1965 #19384 ter and faster. Three more objects leave the large one, each taking 10–12 m Fall 1965 #19592 ve away and did not see the object leave. 1/16/1966 #19840 s were able to start their car and leave. They reported the object had a wa 3/26/1966 #20090 s were able to start their car and leave. They reported the object had a wa 3/26/1966 #20095 intanilla asks Weitzel and Webb to leave, and the reporters leave as well. 5/9/1966 #20469 d Webb to leave, and the reporters leave as well. The interview becomes hea 5/9/1966 #20469 ights circle large UFO. 4 enter. 3 leave and return and enter. 5/17/1966 #20494 days. On August 17, Cruz and Viana leave Campos dos Goytacazes saying that 8/20/1966 #20779 . The smaller objects periodically leave the larger object and flies around 9/17/1966 #20892 are insignia on the torso. As they leave the area, they smell a pungent, me Autumn 1966 #20919 her car on a rainy night. It would leave the road and fly over the fields f 11/2/1966 #21068 exas on this rainy night. It would leave the road and fly over the fields f 11/2/1966 #21072 the opposite direction. When they leave Woodstown to the southeast at 6:15 12/15/1966 #21203 to intercept. Soon he is asked to leave and clean the room later. Later on Mid 3/1967 #21891 o the ground. An adult saw the UFO leave. 4/1/1967 #22043 zon in 3–4 seconds. Each time they leave a silvery line about 10 times thei Mid 8/1967 #22882 bout 40 minutes. He saw the object leave, which took off with a whistling s 10/6/1967 #23187 ne arrives, Saunders is ordered to leave. Levine tells him the memo’s relea 2/7/1968 #23739 gentina. Vertical then horizontal. Leave contrail. 7/7/1968 #24151 received a telepathic message to “leave the hospital immediately,” which h 8/11/1969 #25317 who arrive in time to see the UFO leave. 1/1/1970 #25532 knowing why, he felt compelled to leave. He got up, went into the house, c 7/4/1970 #25727 all being then told the witness to leave the room. Outside the room he saw 8/16/1971 #26291 nd lost power when he attempted to leave the scene by driving away. This ef 3/10/1972 #26599 ther hour before the police had to leave the area. Mr. Smith stayed to see 6/26/1972 #26736 e area. Mr. Smith stayed to see it leave a short while later. It turned on 6/26/1972 #26736 rom Venus." Then Gomez was told to leave, because theywere departing, and n 9/22/1972 #27026 d one hand missing. It was said to leave no tracks and to leap 50-60 feet i 9/20/1973 #27850 to Roach, find nothing amiss, and leave. Roach then checks on her other ch 10/16/1973 #28088 es show up and clearly tell her to leave the area. Researcher Tony Dodd is 1/23/1974 #28694 military showed up and told her to leave. According to UFO researcher Tony 1/23/1974 #28695 . 5 small round bright white UFO's leave yellow cone tails. 4/25/1974 #29060 vid Dorn and Troy Warton, both 11, leave home in Lincolnshire, Illinois, to 5/5/1974 #29085 y, and she could "feel my thoughts leave my head." They wanted her to play 7/17/1974 #29266 ke photos of hawks. He is about to leave when he sees a dark object resembl 3/18/1975 #29910 atépetl volcano. After the objects leave, Montiel is able to lower his land 5/3/1975 #30026 the school. They got in his car to leave, but when the UFO hovered near the 5/6/1975 #30044 s to his chair. So they decided to leave the coffee bar and wait for him up 7/12/1975 #30175 two smaller objects break away and leave in the direction from which they h 8/20/1975 #30291 , and Jackie’s mother Sandy Larson leave Fargo, North Dakota for Bismarck, 8/26/1975 #30310 of the U.S. Air Force, at home on leave in Mountlake Terrace, Washington w 9/25/1975 #30384 red security patrols. No one is to leave. Those personnel on base who have Late 10/1975 #30471 e UFOs, but the observers see them leave the area at high speed. 7/14/1976 #31164 r came to a stop. When he tried to leave the vehicle, he said, the door wou 8/1/1976 #31219 distant point of light; when they leave, the object rushes back over the s 11/24/1976 #31571 ter, and the CD man and the police leave to inform their superiors. By 4:00 1/10/1977 #31715 ed to the witness that they had to leave the area since they had been "dete 2/20/1977 #31833 ast, move in a zigzag fashion, and leave behind a huge, bright halo that la 3/24/1977 #31929 yelled out, causing the figure to leave, leaving a faintly luminous handpr 8/26/1977 #32426 nly stops. The witnesses panic and leave the area, driving to a nearby farm 1/2/1978 #32846 xtremely distant from my concerns. Leave me, spirituality does not interest 2/15/1978 #32971 ho saw the slowly ascending object leave, emitting multicolored flashes of 2/15/1978 #32971 , AZORES 2 fishing. 3 fast saucers leave yellow trail in sky. No further de 4/14/1978 #33146 entity in driveway. They hide then leave. 6/8/1978 #33260 versity officials ask the group to leave. Schnee claims that Felix Ziegel i 11/1978 #33907 intense cold the witnesses had to leave the area. As they drove away they 1/3/1979 #34290 lsated. Again the witnesses had to leave because of the cold weather. 1/3/1979 #34290 zes that the craft is beginning to leave. Seconds later the UFO disappears. 11/9/1979 #34989 media. Poher then takes a one-year leave of absence from CNES to sail aroun 12/30/1979 #35103 ried, as soon as they were able to leave the "cloud" they drove to a friend 5/7/1980 #35317 ng out. The back wheels of the car leave the pavement and the car rises at 11/19/1980 #35659 ights rise from a nearby field and leave at high speed. A scorched area was 2/13/1981 #35827 ped object. They both attempted to leave the area but they apparently went 4/1/1981 #35883 t the base, stay for 6 hours, then leave with all the photos and other evid 8/16/1981 #36078 pond, and after 5 seconds, the men leave through the main door and walk in 10/2/1981 #36154 electro-magnetic effect (EME) and leave. / MJ#192. 6/18/1982 #36507 ects an orange glow. The witnesses leave the scene carefully. 9/30/1982 #36621 k of birds. The birds disperse and leave the object alone, drifting silentl 12/10/1982 #36712 ome, so they do not see the object leave. 4/18/1984 #37267 and. A V-shaped object was seen to leave and return to the circular object 6/25/1984 #37381 turns. Beams going down / ground. Leave fast! 5/2/1986 #37852 ty sheriff’s deputies, all of whom leave after debating what to do about re 1/15/1987 #38099 rmed her that it was their time to leave and they gradually faded away. The 1/25/1987 #38104 hurt, so she does not see the UFO leave. No ground markings are found the 3/23/1987 #38152 e hurting and so she didn't see it leave. No ground marks were found the ne 3/23/1987 #38153 nd others, and the death of Casey, leave the record incomplete.” 11/18/1987 #38327 ces, some of them ufological, that leave him convinced that his truck is po 11/11/1988 #38711 ght before he returns to Baker and leave him terrified. During the drive he 11/11/1988 #38711 occurred. This is when the aliens leave and the military begins reverse-en 3/1989 #38855 r voice telling her to "get up and leave." She was able to do so and was ap 4/18/1989 #38908 ake me, I do not want to fly away, leave me alone, don’t touch me!” Somethi 10/8/1989 #39150 nd mentally commanded the alien to leave. The next morning she learned from 10/31/1989 #39199 se there were no deterioration, to leave them alone because another craft m 1990 #39358 remely sleepy and had no energy to leave the car. She then realizes that he 3/24/1990 #39484 es two small antennas on top. They leave to get their son, but when they re 5/4/1990 #39556 dull yellow ball over sea. Silent. Leave luminous/glowing trails west going 11/5/1990 #39831 to within 100 feet. As they try to leave, their engine and headlights fail 2/22/1991 #39982 morning Aviva Carmel felt drawn to leave her bed and go outside. There she 3/30/1993 #40907 ush you, but I don't want to. Just leave me alone, I am busy." The woman ra 5/30/1993 #40997 " She then forcefully told them to leave. The beings then silently glided o 8/20/1993 #41148 did not see the "blurry" creature leave. He did not tell his companions ab 2/10/1995 #42033 igzags overhead. Dog scared. Won't leave house. 9/28/1995 #42513 ness's dog was scared and wouldn't leave the house during the UFO sighting. 9/28/1995 #42514 e soldiers appear and force him to leave, so he returns to his car, drives 1/13/1996 #42681 k in fear yelling that they had to leave quick. Both men got into the truck 4/28/1997 #43283 eparing you." She asked him not to leave any marks on her body this time, b 6/8/1998 #43584 from her body, and promised not to leave any scars. She then apparently fel 7/11/1998 #43601 st instantly to the south. As they leave several minutes later, they realiz 1/1/2001 #44114 began to scream for the driver to leave the area immediately. Terrified, t 5/2/2003 #44521 d armed themselves, and decided to leave when they saw a very bright red fl 5/16/2003 #44538 ate around each other, hover, then leave at high speed. 1/17/2004 #44651 humanoids and object would quickly leave and that his men would not be harm 8/25/2004 #44741 is parents, who watched the object leave. That afternoon, at 4:45 p.m., ano 5/6/2007 #45027 solar orbit, so it will eventually leave the Solar System and continue into 10/19/2017 #45485## Word: "leavenworth" (Back to Top)
LEAVENWORTH, KS Military employee. Blind 3/12/1995 #42087 Leavenworth, Kansas 11:10 a.m. A witness 11/11/2021 #45721 icking a flyby of F-16s during the Leavenworth, Kansas, Annual Veterans Day 11/11/2021 #45721## Word: "leaves" (Back to Top)
cite coal 60 feet in thickness. It leaves a sulfurous mass behind. 6/19/1857 #150 ,” published in a later edition of Leaves of Grass, describes a “strange hu 7/20/1860 #155 B, BUCKS Night lights. Box found / leaves. Sprouts eyes and probes. Catches 10/4/1871 #192 going north slowly / Eastern sky. Leaves trail. 12/27/1883 #257 s again. It reverses direction and leaves toward the south at “tremendous s 4/10/1897 #426 s frightened even after the object leaves. Mid Summer 1900 #641 LES Chief Constable. Vague airship leaves (something behind) dense trail / 1/17/1913 #869 searchlights that turns south and leaves in the direction of Carmathenshir 1/25/1913 #873 , and making a whistling noise. It leaves a trail of glowing sparks and rea Autumn 1914 #917 cs across the lake to the east and leaves a fiery train. It falls on a cott 8/9/1934 #1217 his speed to 260 mph and gradually leaves them behind. His squadron mates d 12/1942 #1470 ly six-feet square, fall like dead leaves. No "flack" or other explosions w 6/25/1943 #1512 3-4 times that of an aircraft. It leaves a short vapor trail, moves over t 7/9/1944 #1621 uit of a ball of fire that quickly leaves him behind as it speeds off to th 12/23/1944 #1731 ire in Vaasa province, Finland. It leaves a long trail of smoke in the sky. 2/21/1946 #1969 boxlike device at the witness, who leaves the scene but returns by a differ 5/18/1946 #1994 ting an international incident. It leaves a crater 50 feet wide and 24 feet 5/29/1947 #2301 er(s). Saucer flies uneven course. Leaves (something behind) luminous trail 6/23/1947 #2372 descending quickly in the east. It leaves a short white trail. White Sands 6/27/1947 #2429 e 'head' low and slow over meadow. Leaves going southwest. No further detai 7/3/1947 #2568 y, then flutter to the ground like leaves.” Mrs. Johnson thinks the objects 7/3/1947 #2584 a.m. A special flight (the first) leaves Roswell AAF for Andrews AAF in Wa 7/7/1947 #2927 takes six photos of the debris and leaves after 20 minutes. One of the phot 7/8/1947 #3025 ls Lieut. Gen. Nathan Twining, who leaves “the impression that the AAF inst 7/27/1947 #3235 k going west / very high altitude. Leaves (something behind) puffs / smoke 7/28/1947 #3236 the military from Ray Palmer. Dahl leaves in terror and is tracked down in 7/29/1947 #3243 screams. Small humanoid (or Grey) leaves. Fireball rises! 1/1948? #3529 rne AFB runway for 10 seconds then leaves at 120° (ESE) heading into the ov 1/7/1948 #3546 ansas, sees a hovering object that leaves a bare spot in the ground. Kennet 2/18/1948 #3579 Pilot. Glowing cylindrical object leaves (something behind) trail. Terrifi 7/24/1948 #3726 erial phenomena. Disgusted, Godsoe leaves the room. Groseclose and Smith th 2/24/1949 #4023 Pentagon James Forrestal leaves office in a formal ceremony. He r 3/28/1949 #4058 0 p.m. Astronomer Donald H. Menzel leaves Holloman AFB on Highway 70 for Al 5/12/1949 #4183 Washington, D.C. George N. Raines leaves Washington, D.C., for four days t 5/18/1949 #4192 the east, then turns southwest and leaves no exhaust trail. The disc appear 5/24/1949 #4207 nconclusive, and the investigation leaves many questions unanswered. 5/31/1949 #4219 or insufficient information. That leaves 23% (55) classed as unknowns. Des 8/10/1949 #4315 nother blip moving so fast that it leaves a trail on his screen. His crew s 1/22/1950 #4503 s by going quickly west / seconds. Leaves (something behind) contrail. 3/20/1950 #4684 er(s). Luminous/glowing white ball leaves (something behind) white smoke. F 3/28/1950 #4745 aneuvers / 90 second(s). Descends. Leaves contrail.. 6/24/1950 #5002 the side view again. The operator leaves to report the coordinates to head 7/1950 #5035 hovers / 1K' altitude. Dashes off. Leaves (something behind) blue = white v 7/25/1950 #5077 d, disappearing at 40,000 feet. It leaves no vapor trail. 2/19/1951 #5449 AHABAD, INDIA Cylinder/cigar-shape leaves queer fluorescent trail. Similar 3/15/1951 #5486 travels at “tremendous speed” and leaves no vapor trail. 7/9/1951 #5569 same easterly heading. The object leaves a trail then explodes, shooting r 11/2/1951 #5763 y as a bright blue-green ball that leaves a streak of brilliant red fire. 11/3/1951 #5766 as having been due to some broken leaves. The witnesses were named Keffel 5/7/1952 #6271 observer(s). Ovoid moves / jerks. Leaves (something behind) glowing contra 6/12/1952 #6477 object hovers. Spews white smoke. Leaves (something behind) vapor trail 4' 6/12/1952 (approximate) #6478 ight. At one point a single object leaves the pack, heading east, and Newho 7/2/1952 #6694 s own radar. But the object easily leaves the jet behind. 7/22/1952 #7026 . Silent circular shadow overhead. Leaves / great speed. 7/23/1952 #7054 rmation, moving slowly. One object leaves the formation and disappears in a 7/27/1952 #7213 als. Silent 'flying dessert dish'. Leaves (something behind) green trail. 7/30/1952 #7350 SPAIN Classic saucer at high speed leaves 2 luminous trails in sky. 8/10/1952 #7533 outh. Going north. Makes 360 turn. Leaves vertically. 8/25/1952 #7721 uickly. Small night light follows. Leaves (something behind) trail. Seen wi 10/6/1952 #8093 later 1 object going quickly west leaves (something behind) contrail. 10/25/1952 #8183 his unexposed photos. After Orthon leaves in his Scout ship around 3:04 p.m 11/20/1952 #8309 moves slow. Suddenly speeds away. Leaves (something behind) blue trail. 12/3/1952 #8365 , FR Luminous cylinder/cigar-shape leaves 'flaky trail'. 3rd sighting recen 1/20/1953 #8554 no sound, and in a flash, the disc leaves the area. Balocco and Capt. Thoma 2/19/1953 #8686 y round saucer exits cloud. Spins. Leaves (something behind) black trail. 6/21/1953 #8946 Hovers. Shoots going quickly east. Leaves no trail. 7/1/1953 #8980 Antarctica Lt. Robert Olsson leaves Project Blue Book. He later tells 7/31/1953 #9027 ppearing after midnight. Before it leaves, three more UFOs are seen at 10,0 8/5/1953 #9049 LAY, FR 2 police. Large red saucer leaves (something behind) multicolor tra 8/19/1953 #9082 Edward J. Ruppelt leaves Project Blue Book permanently, le 8/31/1953 #9124 / ground / telescope. Night light leaves (something behind) moons image. N 10/19/1953 #9241 s more slowly than a jet plane and leaves a luminous yellow trail. It flies 1/9/1954 #9473 determined to be.” Capt. Cybulski leaves for Dayton, Ohio, the next day to 1/13/1954 #9481 hape circles town / high altitude. Leaves (something behind) blue-smoke tra 1/18/1954 #9490 ], Algeria, observe an object that leaves a double trail of white smoke, ma 1/18/1954 #9494 uld not hesitate to ‘kill.’” Allen leaves a pistol nearby, which the secret 2/19/1954 #9558 they also found some blood stained leaves. They questioned locals and were 4/10/1954 #9681 move inside. Dives. Spins on edge. Leaves (something behind) trail. 6/1/1954 (approximate) #9856 ine 5:03 p.m. A BOAC Stratocruiser leaves New York City bound for London, E 6/29/1954 #9962 E, NM Brill white sphere/orb/globe leaves (something behind) luminous trail 8/6/1954 #10101 R Shiny UFO moves in sudden jerks. Leaves vapor trail. 8/12/1954 #10135 ery large UFO / 20 miles altitude! Leaves (something behind) long trail. 8/26/1954 #10179 LISBON, PORTUGAL Ovoid leaves (something behind) trail / blue l 9/7/1954 (approximate) #10261 it gives off an intense light and leaves a trail of reddish smoke about 3 9/14/1954 #10300 armers. Saucer brushes tree. Burnt leaves. Marks / dirt. / r8#155. 9/20/1954 #10366 ushed a tree, leaving behind burnt leaves and ground marks in the dirt. 9/20/1954 #10372 black saucer or sphere/orb/globe. Leaves (something behind) dark trail beh 9/24/1954 #10425 Fast glowing cylinder/cigar-shape leaves luminous trail. / LDLN#326 p20. 9/29/1954 #10494 whole observation until the object leaves. So are his seven coworkers, in a 9/30/1954 #10517 (s). Huge red ball / low altitude. Leaves (something behind) green trail. A 10/3/1954 #10624 are almost paralyzed, then the UFO leaves, flying low over the fields. 10/7/1954 #10788 Brill round object / high altitude leaves luminous/glowing trail going quic 10/10/1954 #10870 s go inside the object, which then leaves rapidly. The headlights come back 10/11/1954 #10938 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape leaves trail / smoke in sky. No further 10/13/1954 #10988 observer(s). Intensely bright UFO leaves (something behind) glowing trail 10/14/1954 #11016 server(s). Long slow silent object leaves (something behind) green trail. M 10/14/1954 #11022 ast. Shines white beam going down. Leaves (something behind) trail. LDLN#32 10/20/1954 #11261 n it takes off, and in its wake it leaves a trail of whitish, web-like subs 10/22/1954 #11320 ). Brilliant disk spins over city. Leaves (something behind) trail. No furt 10/25/1954 #11375 hers. Vibrant bright silent object leaves (something behind) trail. Turns. 10/31/1954 #11496 ay sees a large, round object that leaves a vapor trail that sprays sparks 11/1/1954 #11517 . Taxi driver Maurilio Braga Godoi leaves the streetcar trailer at Santo Am 11/2/1954 #11537 3 small humanoids (or Greys) take leaves and grass and water / Pardo River 11/4/1954 #11560 llect samples of grass, herbs, and leaves, as well as water, which they put 11/4/1954 #11564 sphere south going quickly north. Leaves (something behind) sparks. Bolide 11/5/1954 #11574 n area 4 or 5 m in diameter had no leaves, while the ground elsewhere was c 11/8/1954 #11597 eet in diameter where there are no leaves and the ground seems excavated. 11/8/1954 #11599 a 4 or 5 meters in diameter had no leaves, while the ground elsewhere was c 11/8/1954 #11603 ows but does not stall. The object leaves, the paralysis goes away, and the 11/13/1954 #11639 en thru) binoculars. Silver saucer leaves (something behind) reddish trail. 11/14/1954 #11643 silent circle going [to] overhead. Leaves green trail. 12/16/1954 #11818 he craft and it takes off. The UFO leaves behind ground traces. 12/19/1954 #11838 ents her from approaching. The UFO leaves by shooting high into the sky. 12/27/1954 #11864 a Prescott, Arizona Dorothy Martin leaves the Chicago area for Prescott, Ar Early 1/1955 #11912 re glow / 30K' altitude. 90-turns. Leaves (something behind) straight up! 5/17/1955 #12135 d return to operation when the UFO leaves. Searchlights are trained on the 6/26/1955 #12217 southeast going quickly northwest. Leaves (something behind) trail. 7/18/1955 #12268 t to the police. A state patrolman leaves the Shady Oaks restaurant 3 miles 8/21/1955 #12386 rns to work the next day, he finds leaves on the ground that have burned up 10/2/1956 #13260 o contact returns after the object leaves the area. 12/1/1956 #13380 Delmer S. Fahrney leaves NICAP’s board of directors for ur 4/10/1957 #13593 ly east. Series / jerky maneuvers. Leaves silver glowing trail. 6/13/1957 #13723 akes big curve going quickly east. Leaves (something behind) trail. 7/25/1957 #13829 perated poison ice “atomizer” that leaves no wound or other evidence of the 9/1957 #13965 Ubatuba, Brazil UFO explodes and leaves fragments (NICAP: 06 - Trace Case 9/14/1957 #13994 power goes on and off. The object leaves with a thunderous sound. 11/3/1957 #14244 hich is now heading out to sea. It leaves a luminous trail as it shoots awa 11/4/1957 #14284 Turns going north and going south. Leaves (something behind) trail / sky. / 11/6/1957 #14366 PALM SPRINGS, CA Shiny saucer leaves (something behind) trail near. Tu 11/6/1957 #14376 object, which takes off. After it leaves, Kehoe’s car starts with no probl 11/6/1957 #14421 ge. It has a bright bluish hue and leaves a bluish fluorescent trail. The s 11/9/1957 #14505 idge above Broxa Forest. Dickenson leaves the car with a flashlight, climbs 11/21/1957 #14590 Continue going quickly west as car leaves. 12/14/1957 #14728 TRUP FIELD, DK Formation / saucers leaves Danish Air Force jet behind. / r4 4/10/1958 #14973 to] east-northeast toward(s) Baza. Leaves yellow trail / sky. 4/30/1958 #15004 rnher Von Braun so greatly that he leaves the island shortly after comms ar 8/1/1958 #15174 g rapidly toward the southeast. It leaves a luminous trail that lights up r 8/3/1958 #15177 where. One of the objects abruptly leaves formation and approaches the plan 2/24/1959 #15604 ge. The driver abruptly stops, but leaves the car running. Suddenly the obj 10/22/1959 #16052 it reaches three o’clock. It then leaves on a straight track directly away 12/13/1959 #16118 arctica, in slow, level flight. It leaves a long orange trail like a tracer 3/16/1961 #16631 po, Sicily, Italy. It is green and leaves an orange trail as it moves highe 4/19/1961 #16655 emely hot to the touch. The object leaves pit marks burned in the windshiel 5/10/1961 #16681 d by NICAP to hold hearings. Hines leaves ATIC “favorably impressed.” Mid 8/1961 #16794 ing again, and finally ascends and leaves. 9/8/1961 #16822 ltered state of consciousness that leaves their minds dulled. A second seri 9/19/1961 #16857 Richard M. Bissell Jr. leaves the CIA and is replaced as head o 2/1962 #17030 photograph disk / 2000' altitude. Leaves crimson trail / sky. 3/1962 #17064 seen. Very fast and maneuverable. Leaves (something behind) no wake. Silen 7/28/1962 #17293 keep clear. It makes no noise and leaves no wake. 7/28/1962 #17295 going up / field. No description. Leaves (something behind) blue luminous/ 9/3/1962 #17385 going quickly east / 1 minute(s). Leaves bright-white contrail. 3/18/1963 #17709 / yard. Spins and shoots going up. Leaves (something behind) red trail. MJ# 7/1963 #17816 g it about 15 minutes, then Austin leaves for home. As he turns east on a g 8/4/1963 #17863 90° and darts away to the west. It leaves behind a smell of heated metal. 8/20/1963 #17912 Lt. Col. Robert J. Friend leaves Project Blue Book and is replaced 9/1963 #17926 go completely blank. After the UFO leaves at 7:15, all TV sets resume norma 9/19/1963 #17946 return to normal after the object leaves. 11/12/1963 #18035 filled with alfalfa, roots, soil, leaves, and brush. Wilcox hears a voice 4/24/1964 #18199 dren of the Harold Rust family. It leaves four 8 x 10 inch rectangular inde 4/30/1964 #18232 with antennas follows car / miles. Leaves when headlights off. / MJ#254. 6/30/1964 #18384 ing fluid and a gaseous vapor that leaves an oily substance over his car, e 6/30/1964 #18386 hangs in the air after the object leaves. 7/7/1964 #18398 ore” at Tillamook Head, Oregon. It leaves behind two trails of fire. 1/11/1965 #18708 kes off to the south. As the light leaves and the whine dies away, the head 1/15/1965 #18740 ant, the saucer returns June 7 and leaves some items, including several pie 4/24/1965 #18916 ees the object. Neighbors find the leaves of nearby trees are singed. 7/9/1965 #19089 ht. Adilon Batista de Azevedo, 14, leaves home with two friends to go to a 7/26/1965 #19181 two shots before the flying object leaves. His friends encourage him to sen 8/8/1965 #19341 t of "shock-wave" effect, and tree leaves were shaken. The witness entered 8/13/1965 #19379 “shock wave” that shakes the tree leaves commences. The witness goes into 8/13/1965 #19382 ouri 10:45 p.m.–12:20 a.m. A woman leaves her house on the northwest edge o 8/16/1965 #19408 ent directions. After the last one leaves, a white cloud forms around the l Fall 1965 #19592 f the ships, from west to east. It leaves a whitish trace similar to the gl Late 9/1965 #19604 ll humanoid (or Grey) takes plants leaves and twigs. Watches horse. FSRv16# 11/11/1965 #19712 were beside the object, picking up leaves and twigs, and examining a mare t 11/11/1965 #19713 ded for Venus that fails and never leaves the Earth’s atmosphere (now seen 12/9/1965 #19762 me spot when the car he is driving leaves the road and hits a tree. Police 4/4/1966 #20224 west / very fast. Turns and rises. Leaves (something behind) trail. 4/7/1966 #20260 it silently takes off, the object leaves three impressions of landing pads 5/22/1966 #20507 s across in a potato field all the leaves were brittle and yellowish. A bra 6/27/1966 #20618 all silent creature walks streets. Leaves (something behind) luminous/glowi 7/5/1966 #20631 set up under two trees, but their leaves show no traces of damage at all. 11/22/1966 #21141 es the sky off Agadir, Morocco. It leaves a white trail that turns into a r 1/12/1967 #21291 w for 40 minutes. After the object leaves, the TV starts working again. A C 2/8/1967 #21483 on UFO complaint. Small red object leaves large white object. 2/16/1967 #21561 and the engine quits. When the UFO leaves, they are able to start it up aga 3/21/1967 #21937 ic motor, which grows louder as it leaves the area. The UFO shoots off spar 4/5/1967 #22066 warehouse in South Hill, Virginia, leaves the warehouse and starts home. Ab 4/21/1967 #22194 ool,” but is finer than cotton. He leaves it in the same spot, but it dissi 5/1967 #22257 g the ground. The object lands and leaves a burning area 90 feet by 150 fee 5/31/1967 #22432 io (EM effects). Trees with wilted leaves on top were later noted (physical 6/18/1967 #22517 ght rise on top. Trees with wilted leaves on top were later noted (physical 6/18/1967 #22518 that he had to turn it off. Wilted leaves on the top of birch, hazel, and c 6/18/1967 #22520 sucked into it head-first, and it leaves very quickly in a blinding light. 8/29/1967 #22954 w minutes, then it accelerates and leaves the plane behind at terrific spee 9/1967 #22975 a slant, breaking and burning tree leaves. Several tall trees in the area a 9/20/1967 #23101 ine starts by itself as the object leaves. 10/11/1967 #23217 t flies across the Moon’s face and leaves to the northwest. 10/14/1967 #23238 inute(s). Going quickly northwest. Leaves vapor trail. / LDLN#115. 11/21/1967 #23488 ting goes fairly well. After Hynek leaves, McDonald brings up the Low memor 12/12/1967 #23573 ous, gold, oval-shaped object that leaves a thin trail in the air. It climb Early 1968 #23635 says he was concerned about it. He leaves the meeting “deeply concerned” ab 2/9/1968 #23746 feet above the ground, the object leaves the farm through a windbreak and 2/19/1968 #23767 to the sky and disappears. The UFO leaves ground traces like a “seared cros Mid 4/1968 #23906 l Choro, Poopó, Bolivia. It lands, leaves a strange, powerful odor, and bur 6/15/1968 #24040 KNOKKEHEIST, BELGIUM Leaves rustle / park. Observer(s) finds 7/1968 #24102 m sphere/orb/globe stops overhead. Leaves (something behind) cloud and goes 7/9/1968 #24161 ROM Student. Silent glowing-ovoid leaves (something behind) gassy trail. L 9/21/1968 #24493 northwest going quickly southeast. Leaves large glowing trail. Also 15 Dece 9/26/1968 #24515 car / low altitude. Blows dust and leaves / takeoff. / r79. 2/20/1969 #24932 ject rose quickly raising dust and leaves. Perth West Australian, Norseman, 2/20/1969 #24934 the promise of its title. . . [It] leaves the same strange, inexplicable re 4/1969 #25044 ll the promise of its title…. [It] leaves the same strange, inexplicable re 4/1969 #25045 ure that flees upon being seen. It leaves tracks showing three toes and a b 5/18/1969 #25143 nois, by Walter H. Andrus Jr., who leaves APRO and takes many of its member 5/31/1969 #25174 north. 90-turn going quickly west. Leaves (something behind) trail. 6/1/1969 #25186 in the soybean field. The plants’ leaves are severely dehydrated, dry, and 7/12/1969 #25264 lowing object shoots orange beams. Leaves (something behind) smoke rings. N 9/10/1969 #25358 / power lines / 20 minute(s). Tree leaves burnt. / r180p69. 12/18/1969 #25502 top and sides. Fearful, the driver leaves the area. Ufologist Bill Chalker 6/1970 #25684 lows car. Circles house. Going up. Leaves blue mist. Dog affected. / r113p4 6/29/1970 #25719 and comes back on when the object leaves. Her son and brother-in-law later 7/4/1970 #25726 n. It left behind burnt plants and leaves. 7/24/1970 #25748 it for 90 seconds, after which it leaves in a swooping dive to the north-n 8/30/1970 #25814 oid east going west / 5 minute(s). Leaves (something behind) zigzag contrai 1/23/1971 #25998 owly rotates and drops going west. Leaves (something behind) luminous/glowi 9/13/1971 #26335 /orb/globe rotates back and forth. Leaves (something behind) luminous spira 9/25/1971 #26376 ge as it moves away. As soon as it leaves, the vehicle’s lights come back o 4/1/1972 #26633 CAVAILLON, FR Silent lens-saucer leaves (something behind) black trail go 7/28/1972 #26844 inutes. After this time the object leaves, and he finds he can restart the 11/30/1972 #27154 ed in a cloud of bright light, and leaves a long trail behind, but it chang 12/1972 #27158 rs over house. Going quickly east. Leaves cloud / smoke. 3/30/1973 #27392 a jabuticaba tree both lose their leaves prematurely. 5/27/1973 #27533 e limbs, damaged foliage, scorched leaves up to a height of 35 feet, and im 6/28/1973 #27598 where he had been before. He then leaves the object and watches it take of 7/27/1973 #27656 succeed James R. Schlesinger, who leaves on July 2 to become Secretary of 9/4/1973 #27760 ak as the object speeds off. As it leaves, it drops a trail of “angel hair” 10/1973 #27902 Donna is so afraid that she twice leaves the truck cab and goes into the b 10/16/1973 #28087 g into the car. After the creature leaves, the car engine and lights come b 10/24/1973 #28267 euse in Manchester, New Hampshire, leaves work and begins driving on State 11/2/1973 #28352 ld, Ohio 3:00 a.m. John E. Justice leaves the Ohio Masonic Home in Springfi 1/8/1974 #28666 FR M. Trabard. Bright orange disk leaves (something behind) luminous/glowi 3/1974 #28828 r beams going down / car and road. Leaves blue haze. / r113p51. 3/27/1974 #28960 e can’t tell in which direction it leaves. The lights come back on and all 5/1974 #29075 Bright flashes. Stops dead / sky. Leaves glow. 6/15/1974 #29195 atch the object for 20 minutes. It leaves like a flash. 11/11/1974 #29592 hing like closely compressed pulpy leaves." Their faces were reddish, with 12/2/1974 #29630 -blue lights on each side. It only leaves when two F-4 Phantoms from Denver 1975 #29680 il" spins going quickly northwest. Leaves (something behind) luminous/glowi 5/1975 #30013 EYLARD, FR Green luminous seashell leaves (something behind) contrail. 2 Mx 8/29/1975 #30318 LAMAS, FR Dark mass with pink aura leaves (something behind) trail / sparks 8/29/1975 #30319 n Hunter” from the White House and leaves a number to call him back. He cal 10/7/1975 #30421 light nears gas station. Vanishes. Leaves sulfur smell. Fireworks? 11/10/1975 #30591 epeatedly. No motion with R stars. Leaves (something behind) tail. No RADAR 11/15/1975 #30619 Moon-size glowing-sphere/orb/globe leaves (something behind) bright white t 1/9/1976 #30777 1 / car. 5M ovoid near road ahead. Leaves (something behind) 10M green trai 12/30/1976 #31640 ll going [to] under cloud-ceiling. Leaves (something behind) sparkling wake 1/1/1977 #31672 epot/facility. Fast 2M gray saucer leaves (something behind) blue trail. 1/5/1977 #31698 ace it inside a van, which quickly leaves the area. By the end of the day, 1/10/1977 #31715 s in a curve into the trees. As it leaves, it presents a round face as larg 1/10/1977 #31716 d in place. Then the light quickly leaves and the boat lurches forward with 1/21/1977 #31743 of Gatchellville, Pennsylvania. It leaves a large patch of burning grass (1 3/8/1977 #31878 beads that discolors the grass and leaves on the ground. A similar ring is 8/7/1977 #32369 ) shouts. Small humanoid (or Grey) leaves. 8/26/1977 #32425 turn going west. Back going east. Leaves going quickly northeast. 9/7/1977 #32467 iver named Antonio Bogado La Rúbia leaves his home in Paciência, Rio de Jan 9/15/1977 #32484 REM, PORTUGAL Green-glowing saucer leaves (something behind) red trail nort 10/18/1977 #32589 White blue and pink. Thunders and leaves (something behind) trail. 7/12/1978 #33370 int very close to the ground, then leaves quickly, climbing to the west. 9/15/1978 #33686 shadows passing behind it. The UFO leaves quickly with a humming sound afte 10/7/1978 #33805 inous/glowing round gong with halo leaves (something behind) bright trail. 11/1978 (approximate) #33904 ge ovoid going down [to] and away. Leaves dark mass near ground / 30 minute 12/20/1978 #34178 ng on it. A door opens and the man leaves. Suddenly the orange light disapp 1/18/1979 #34359 sh that temporarily blinds him and leaves his eyes irritated. Frightened, h 5/16/1979 #34563 ight-colored hair. When dos Santos leaves the craft, he is told to cover hi 5/16/1979 #34563 is eyes and not look as the object leaves. He follows these instructions an 5/16/1979 #34563 Farmer Federico Ibáñez Ibáñez, 54, leaves the village of Turís, Valencia, S 7/25/1979 #34679 wer out. UFO shoots rays going up. Leaves (something behind) lens clouds be 9/12/1979 #34864 kly east. Red lights flash / side. Leaves (something behind) trail. 9/13/1979 #34870 5 mph. Suddenly his disorientation leaves and he drives home. 10/1979 #34936 passes fast / low altitude. Spins? Leaves (something behind) luminous trail 12/12/1979 #35074 fore it disappears. The light beam leaves a trail of luminescence for sever 1/1980 #35120 g and also watch the object, which leaves slowly and silently to the north- 1/13/1980 #35133 green cylinder/cylindrical object leaves (something behind) red trail / sk 2/8/1980 #35162 rotating object. He sees twigs and leaves swirling around beneath it. He ex 11/29/1980 #35682 ROTTERDAM, HOLLAND 4 cops. Rocket leaves (something behind) contrail. Stop 12/3/1980 (approximate) #35687 shed. They came very close and the leaves on some trees were withered. (NIC 6/6/1981 #35955 nsas. They came very close and the leaves on some trees were withered. At 1 6/6/1981 #35957 silent saucer / very high altitude leaves (something behind) spiral trail. 7/24/1981 #36027 nsula, north of Gdynia, Poland. He leaves them briefly to go back to a camp 8/8/1981 #36064 oving in a spiral. As it moves, it leaves a hazy trail that quickly disappe 2/19/1982 #36356 JEANNETTE, PA "Helicopter crash" leaves (something behind) no traces. Non 5/19/1982 #36474 ds. He starts the car’s engine and leaves the area. An inspection of the ca 7/6/1982 #36531 th water and covered with soil and leaves. Lenin Square is discreetly cover 9/9/1982 #36599 the UFO have desiccated, withered leaves. The witness calls the Gendarmeri 10/21/1982 #36657 st. Turns going quickly southwest. Leaves (something behind) contrail. 1/22/1984 #37139 to southwest for a few seconds. It leaves a contrail that they pass through 1/22/1984 #37145 ograms, gives two weeks notice and leaves SRI International to work for Bil Summer 1985 #37607 hovers directly over a house. She leaves and calls the Madison police depa 11/19/1985 #37712 ingless white cylinder/cigar-shape leaves (something behind) trail / 450m a 6/16/1986 #37913 od to 7' alien. Steals rest later. Leaves wrappers. 7/1986? #37926 hn” some of these reports until he leaves active duty in 1985. In August 19 10/28/1986 #38056 s painful to the driver’s eyes. He leaves the car and gets sick, hiding beh 12/14/1987 #38364 onth or so (one with his wife that leaves traces of burned grass), he begin 7/1988 #38596 renzen, and Larry W. Bryant. Moore leaves the stage through a back door, hi 7/1/1989 #39002 circles for a few minutes and then leaves. When it returns, it hovers brief 9/27/1989 #39124 e bright red blimp slow and silent leaves (something behind) luminous/glowi 12/24/1989 #39330 east low over trees. Trees grow no leaves / Spring. 2/14/1990 #39417 s, and slit-like mouths. They took leaves from the plant Monsterosa delicio 8/13/1991 #40151 ey small humanoids (or Greys) take leaves / plant / balcony! Mumble. Walk t 8/14/1991 #40153 y humanoid beings were seen taking leaves from a plant on the balcony of a 8/14/1991 #40154 g motorcycle, he stops the car and leaves the engine idling. As it approach 1992 #40272 s. Observer(s) hide / tree. Object leaves minutes later. 4/9/1992 #40410 any observer(s). Green flying wing leaves (something behind) trail / sky. S 8/13/1992 #40568 bright UFO over dam. Heats water? Leaves (something behind) luminous/glowi 11/25/1992 #40729 OTLAND 2 men. Cylinder/cigar-shape leaves (something behind) bright green t 1/20/1994 #41379 15 minute(s). 2 photographs as it leaves. Big investigation/investigators. 2/26/1994 #41425 e and zooming away. It returns and leaves twice more, the last time descend 5/5/1995 #42179 Brazil 4:00 a.m. A military convoy leaves the Escola de Sargentos das Armas 1/23/1996 #42708 tree nearby had around 15 % of its leaves shriveled as if by extreme heat. 7/8/1996 #42950 10 minute(s). Slowly fades away.. Leaves (something behind) zigzag contrai 9/1996 #43004 ice shine spotlights on it, and it leaves to the west over the Pacific Ocea 8/11/1997 #43380 er. After three minutes, the ferry leaves it behind. 8/20/2001 #44238 in the sky. He takes a photo, then leaves to attend a meeting. Analysis ind 2/20/2002 #44319 amples of an ash-like deposit that leaves a greasy smear when touched. Mean 2/7/2005 #44813 y heard some rustling of grass and leaves, which came from three human look 6/14/2005 #44847 nother 45 seconds. Once the object leaves, the cellphone operates properly 8/20/2013 #45384 thwest. One of the lights suddenly leaves the formation and flies off in an 2/16/2018 #45506 by a tinning in her ears. When she leaves the room, the symptoms stop. She 8/2019 #45603 se near Houston, Texas. The object leaves no trail as it alternately maneuv 10/9/2021 #45716## Word: "leavey" (Back to Top)
. In the House of Commons, MP Tony Leavey asks the Secretary of State for A 2/15/1957 #13509## Word: "leaving" (Back to Top)
oap bubbles and dissipate quickly, leaving a film like cobweb. 5/16/1808 #102 d they both emit flashes of light, leaving a sparkling trail. The phenomeno 8/2/1860 #156 s head, disappearing suddenly, and leaving puffs of grayish brown smoke. 11/4/1867 #169 d silently overhead, then vanished leaving a brown, smoke-like vapor. 11/4/1867 #170 object moving slowly in a circle, leaving a trail of smoke. Around 6:30 p. 11/17/1896 #340 ke to him for a few minutes before leaving again.(Magonia #22, 191) (NICAP: 4/16/1897 #502 ke to him for a few minutes before leaving again. 4/16/1897 #504 ke to him for a few minutes before leaving. 4/16/1897 #514 me residents of Merkel, Texas, are leaving a church service, they notice a 4/25/1897 #573 side. It disappears into the mist, leaving behind a yellow glare. 7/30/1909 #789 oving object above Cardiff, Wales, leaving in its wake a dense volume of sm 1/17/1913 #870 m above the water and shot upward, leaving a short trail. 8/1914 #906 ts out of the bottom of the cloud, leaving a vapor trail, and begins making 6/2/1919 #986 raight line and at terrific speed, leaving a vapor trail that persists. 12/11/1943 #1551 ject shoots away sideways on edge, leaving a contrail. 7/1945 #1888 drops earthward over Sala, Sweden, leaving a long, fiery trail. An explosio 6/9/1946 #2004 Helsinki, Finland, at 10,000 feet leaving a smoke trail and making a dista 6/9/1946 #2005 g swiftly over Turku, Finland, and leaving a short trail. It casts shadows 7/9/1946 #2041 ak across the sky in Reno, Nevada, leaving a trail of bluish-white vapor. I 7/7/1947 #2931 Disc-shaped object flew very fast, leaving a dark blue trail (NICAP: 01 - D 7/10/1947 #3100 heel-shaped object flew very fast, leaving a dark blue trail and then ascen 7/10/1947 #3101 l that has cut through some clouds leaving a “hole.” Woodruff sees a disc-s 7/10/1947 #3110 veling at an estimated 600 mph and leaving a long vapor trail. 7/10/1947 #3113 efly while the UFO flew very fast, leaving a dark blue trail. It then ascen 7/10/1947 #3118 , at a speed of more than 500 mph, leaving a luminous, amber- colored trail 1/7/1948 #3546 speed up from 200 mph to 1200 mph, leaving the interceptor behind. Descript 10/15/1948 #3835 ed grayish object rose straight up leaving smoke trail, 15 minutes duration 4/12/1949 #4089 r they quickly accelerated upwards leaving the missile behind. Cmdr. McLaug 6/10/1949 #4229 r, and together accelerate upwards leaving the V-2 behind. Five other missi 6/14/1949 #4240 oving so fast that it was actually leaving a streak on Smith’s radarscreen. 1/22/1950 #4499 a, for 15 minutes. It speeds away, leaving a trail. 3/10/1950 #4607 Both craft flew away toward Chile, leaving bluish trails. 3/18/1950 #4674 Both craft flew away toward Chile, leaving bluish trails. 3/18/1950 #4680 ncaid, saw a flying disc speed by, leaving a trail of white smoke. 4/22/1950 #4879 craft speeding through the sky and leaving a vapor trail. Suddenly Zimmerma 6/12/1950 #4984 pello, Ticino canton, Switzerland, leaving behind luminous wakes. They gyra 8/12/1950 #5121 s it and it dissolves in his hand, leaving an odorless, sticky residue. It 9/26/1950 #5199 like bullets. They dove in the sky leaving a smoke trail and one vanished. 10/15/1950 #5237 1,000 m.p.h. at 1-2,000' altitude, leaving a faint swath. 20 seconds. 7/24/1951 #5584 ee objects emerged from the cloud, leaving behind a vapor trail. They went 8/15/1951 #5610 ently in a northwesterly direction leaving no trail or exhaust. He estimate 3/29/1952 #5994 ects flew over Temiscaming, Quebec leaving vapor trails. They flew in an up 4/11/1952 #6057 low-gold object make a sharp turn, leaving a short, dark trail. (Berliner; 4/18/1952 #6116 he eastern horizon in two minutes, leaving a trail. At 10:30 p.m. 50 or mor 4/19/1952 #6132 our, Nova Scotia 6:30 p.m. A woman leaving Yarmouth Harbour, Nova Scotia, o 7/17/1952 #6868 off bluish flashes as it took off, leaving a smell of burning sulphur. 7/20/1952 #6951 fire” making a 10-mile circle and leaving in the direction of Hamilton. Wh 8/13/1952 #7576 Algeria, see an enormous red disc leaving behind a greenish trail. At 9:15 8/14/1952 #7594 d green colors, flew side by side, leaving a sparkling trail for 30 minutes 9/1/1952 #7813 en colors, flying side by side and leaving a sparkling trail for 30 minutes 9/1/1952 #7818 een colors. They flew side-by-side leaving a trail of sparks for 30 minutes 9/1/1952 #7821 the sky, then suddenly shot away, leaving a blue trail. 12/3/1952 #8367 spots am object 300–500 feet wide leaving a contrail crossing his path fro 3/3/1953 #8727 bs upwards at an astonishing rate. Leaving no vapor trail, wake, or detecta Spring 1953 #8766 d Chermanne before disintegrating, leaving behind a black smoke. Two photog 5/16/1953 #8880 s from a cloud and climbs quickly, leaving a vapor trail. The Royal Austral 8/23/1953 #9105 ves Project Blue Book permanently, leaving Max Futch in charge as acting ch 8/31/1953 #9124 Minneapolis, MN 40 ft object leaving brief vapor trail was seen by 3 10/15/1953 #9228 evelled out and the trail stopped, leaving the grey mass visible. Total of 10/15/1953 #9229 g balloon launch, a 40-foot object leaving a brief vapor trail is seen by t 10/15/1953 #9230 ALGERIA Hemisphere slowly descends leaving white smoke trail. 11/5/1953 #9284 ment, France. It shot up and away, leaving behind a red crescent-shaped obj 12/11/1953 #9359 , appearing metallic and enormous. Leaving no vapor trail, wake or detectab Winter 1953 #9385 in Saint Arnaud observed an object leaving a double trail of white smoke, d 1/18/1954 #9492 here he saw one dome-shaped object leaving the area headed towards a nearby 5/5/1954 #9755 the sky over Santa Fe, New Mexico, leaving a luminous trail that persists f 8/6/1954 #10105 lently. Mr. L. Hauser is on a boat leaving Belfast when he sees a rocket co 9/8/1954 #10273 reported a disk-shaped, red object leaving a bluish trail. 9/10/1954 #10283 s report a disc-shaped, red object leaving a bluish trail. 9/10/1954 #10285 reported a disc-shaped, red object leaving a bluish trail. 9/10/1954 #10287 position, then zooms straight up, leaving a stream of white smoke behind. 9/17/1954 #10333 at 11:00 p.m. It brushed a tree, leaving behind burnt leaves and ground m 9/20/1954 #10372 olice she had seen a luminous disk leaving a long trail. It landed in a fie 10/1/1954 #10555 that she had seen a luminous disc leaving a long trail in the sky. It land 10/1/1954 #10571 ne." The object rose into the sky, leaving behind a luminous trail. There w 10/2/1954 #10620 object made a jet powered takeoff, leaving behind ground traces. 10/6/1954 #10759 ew southward at full speed without leaving a vapor trail and then exploded. 10/13/1954 #11002 in, which soon disappeared without leaving any trace. This particular pheno 10/14/1954 #11041 hirring sound and rose vertically, leaving blue sparks. 10/17/1954 #11175 hirring sound and rose vertically, leaving blue sparks. 10/17/1954 #11184 ed it, the object rose vertically, leaving a reddish trail, and flew to the 10/18/1954 #11207 hed it the object rose vertically, leaving a reddish trail, and flew off to 10/18/1954 #11216 rds the ground at a terrific clip, leaving behind a red trail and disappear 10/19/1954 #11252 ely. The craft took off vertically leaving a red trail. 10/21/1954 #11296 ely. The craft took off vertically leaving a red trail. 10/21/1954 #11305 the substance it would disappear, leaving a green stain on the fingers. 10/22/1954 #11324 f the road and rose without noise, leaving a bright trail behind. 10/24/1954 #11362 the road and rose without a noise, leaving a bright trail behind. 10/24/1954 #11371 gh, rise vertically from the road, leaving a luminous trail. 10/25/1954 #11389 . It rose vertically from the road leaving a luminous trail. 10/25/1954 #11400 Paris. It took off without noise, leaving a white trail. 10/26/1954 #11413 ance. It took off without a sound, leaving a white trail. 10/26/1954 #11419 took off vertically and suddenly, leaving a trail. Very white, glistening 10/27/1954 #11444 action and torsion, burns rapidly, leaving a transparent residue.” It conta 10/27/1954 #11449 took off vertically and suddenly, leaving a trail. Very white, glistening 10/27/1954 #11452 aft gained altitude and flew away, leaving a bluish trail. 10/30/1954 #11490 hen gained altitude and flew away, leaving a bluish trail. 10/30/1954 #11493 the canal in Arqua'Polesine, Italy leaving behind a cloud of vapor. At elev 11/12/1954 #11630 rabbits, and their craft departed, leaving a bright trail. 11/14/1954 #11648 omes paralyzed. The UFO takes off, leaving a bright trail. 11/14/1954 #11653 , Caserta, Italy, disappears after leaving home to work in the fields. His 12/9/1954 #11786 ia six silver discs flew overhead, leaving a trail of red vapor. Some citiz 1/3/1955 #11918 e Airliner pilot saw a dark object leaving a contrail (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 1/14/1955 #11932 ed of 345 mph, the object is gone, leaving behind the vortices on the groun 7/1955 #12226 they shot straight up vertically, leaving behind short vapor trail in thei 6/27/1956 #12926 e object is tracked on two radars, leaving the area at 600 mph. The encount 8/13/1956 #13080 st-northeast toward(s) observer(s) leaving luminous trails. 8/26/1956 (approximate) #13129 bjects emerge from the large disc, leaving behind a wake of phosphorescent 8/28/1956 #13146 ing off a dazzling white light and leaving a white trail. It flies above th 7/25/1957 #13837 es. It took off again 30 min later,leaving the ground blackened and branche 7/30/1957 #13861 ient. After 30 min they went away, leaving her completely cured. The report 10/25/1957 #14154 tient. After 30 minutes they left, leaving her completely cured. The report 10/25/1957 #14157 e object speeds up and disappears, leaving behind black and greenish smoke 11/6/1957 #14424 of them, then left toward the sea, leaving a double vapor trail. 11/8/1957 #14480 then moves off towards Portobello leaving a double vapor trail. 11/8/1957 #14490 hem, and then left toward the sea, leaving a double vapor trail. 11/8/1957 #14491 zed as the object simply vanished, leaving no trace. 11/25/1957 #14613 edge of the boat has disappeared, leaving only the red undercoating. At da 11/29/1957 #14638 cylinder falling down vertically, leaving a yellowish trail.” It is possib 12/1/1957 #14660 the last of these landings, before leaving the area, the object left an odd 12/21/1957 #14753 ming directly towards him as he is leaving a friend’s house southwest of Ca 1/13/1958 #14824 isks flew over the station itself, leaving a luminous trail and considerabl 4/17/1958 #14994 them flew over the station itself, leaving a luminous trail and considerabl 4/17/1958 #14995 er the UFO flew away towards Baza, leaving a yellow trail. 4/30/1958 #15005 rd the sea “at a fantastic speed,” leaving a thin vapor trail. 5/5/1958 #15018 ion, then shot away toward the sea leaving a vapor trail. 5/5/1958 #15019 heir heads and away, pulsating and leaving a sparkling trail. Witnesses wer 11/1958 #15414 nd its occupants took off swiftly, leaving a trail of stars. 1/1959 #15522 him, which caused him to run away, leaving the tank hatchways open. 8/2/1959 #15891 It suddenly went away horizonally, leaving a stained ring on the ground. 9/7/1959 #15959 ottom and it rises about 500 feet, leaving a circular smoke ring. It then z 9/7/1959 #15960 ed at Unalakleet moving rapidly NW leaving contrails. [NICAP UFOE, X] (NICA 2/14/1960 #16174 n took off again toward the north, leaving a trail of sparks and blinding t 11/11/1960 #16498 ain. It flew off toward the north, leaving a trail of sparks and blinding t 11/11/1960 #16499 inct shadows moving. It takes off, leaving a 12-foot circle of yellowed gra 12/9/1960 #16530 over the facility in a few seconds leaving a clearly visible trail. Its pas 7/7/1962 #17265 ound and walked away like a robot, leaving deep tracks in the dirt. The you 7/26/1962 #17290 the ground and headed out to sea, leaving behind ground marks. 10/10/1962 #17465 HI Brilliant light headed west and leaving a trail observed by many people 3/11/1963 #17698 tipped to one side, and shot away leaving behind a vapor trail. It also ch 6/28/1963 #17815 ation inside the circle is burned, leaving only bare earth, and there are f 7/16/1963 #17833 ees a delta-shaped, silvery object leaving a flare-like trail at Hartland, 10/4/1963 #17980 n an incoming train saw the entity leaving. 12/17/1963 #18087 a lighted craft land and take off, leaving four rectangular indentations. 4/30/1964 #18229 sserby, get angry, and drive away, leaving Templeton stranded and having to 5/24/1964 #18297 obbs, New Mexico at around 4 p.m., leaving behind some sooty trace remnants 6/2/1964 #18323 f them. Its bright light went out, leaving only a violet colored light. Aft 6/5/1964 #18332 It then rose rapidly into the sky, leaving a violet-colored trail. 6/5/1964 #18332 mph. The UFO went up over the car, leaving a strong odor like "embalming fl 6/29/1964 #18383 midsection. It moves above his car leaving a strong odor of embalming fluid 6/30/1964 #18386 , and they easily outran the teens leaving no footprints in the muddy groun 1/26/1965 #18770 r with indecipherable writing, and leaving indentations and footprints in t 3/2/1965 #18832 VAR Silver sphere/orb/globe passes leaving orange trail / sky. Several minu 6/28/1965 (approximate) #19030 remained on the sand for two min, leaving X-shaped traces. It flew up to a 7/17/1965 #19116 ained on the sand for two minutes, leaving X-shaped ground marks. It flew u 7/17/1965 #19118 remained on the ground for 45 min, leaving traces. 7/23/1965 #19163 two objects come to ground level, leaving crater-like depressions. 9/7/1965 #19530 two objects come to ground level, leaving behind crater-like depressions. 9/7/1965 #19532 for some time after the UFO left, leaving behind a large hole in the bitum 9/15/1965 #19567 ded area and hover silently before leaving toward the west. Under the objec 9/27/1965 #19613 3:30 a.m. at least one UFO landed, leaving behind left ground traces. 11/30/1965 #19744 into a small bottle and went away, leaving the witness amazed. Other people 12/16/1965 #19773 to] going quickly [to] going south leaving jet behind. 1/17/1966 #19842 arger object flew away to the west leaving a red glow in its wake. (NICAP n 3/11/1966 #19951 s they walked closer, it exploded, leaving no trace. 3/23/1966 #20046 walked closer to it, it exploded, leaving no trace. 3/23/1966 #20054 rcled, hovered, and then sped away leaving a short bluish tail, disappearin 3/29/1966 #20133 ances, and it rose into the clouds leaving a comet-like trail. An independe 3/29/1966 #20137 house. It departed very suddenly, leaving a trail. 4/5/1966 #20241 ar her house. It departs suddenly, leaving a trail. 4/5/1966 #20248 nally it accelerated and sped away leaving a trail. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 4/6/1966 #20255 of speed. The UFO turned and rose, leaving a trail in the sky. It made no s 4/7/1966 #20270 orted seeing a very small creature leaving a luminous trail, quietly walkin 7/5/1966 #20633 then shot straight up into the sky leaving a trail of bluish light. (Hynek, 7/22/1966 #20667 n shoots straight up into the sky, leaving a trail of bluish light. 7/22/1966 #20669 igh speeds, making sharp turns and leaving a misty trail in its wake when i 10/10/1966 #20980 igh speeds, making sharp turns and leaving a misty trail in its wake when i 10/10/1966 #20985 watched them for 10 minutes before leaving. A truck driver who also saw the 10/30/1966 #21051 ion because the object seems to be leaving Kansas and heading for Missouri. 1/13/1967 #21298 peared and re-appeared four times, leaving behind a cloud of smoke. 1/28/1967 #21410 and our engines, without, however, leaving any permanent damage. So refined 2/1967 #21431 tches him by the back of the neck, leaving a burned wound. Another being co 2/5/1967 #21460 t fiery object shedding sparks and leaving a trail. A loud sound, flames, f 2/15/1967 #21555 me homes in Sharon, Massachusetts, leaving a white luminous trail. 3/1/1967 #21717 t the targets ascended vertically, leaving the jets far behind, and that th Mid 3/1967 #21891 that one being was hit by the car, leaving visible damage on the vehicle. ( 3/28/1967 #22003 hen reappeared and vanished again, leaving traces in the forest. Truncated 5/6/1967 #22282 ess (tripod landing gear) landed , leaving three holes and burned grass (ph 6/1/1967 #22442 er 5 minutes, the object blows up, leaving in its wake a “nearly pure white 7/3/1967 #22602 ked, and accelerated, out of sight leaving a red trail. An aircraft passed 8/12/1967 #22866 suddenly accelerated out of sight leaving a "trail of light" on departure. 8/16/1967 #22884 e Private Esteban D. Cova was just leaving the hangar at Maquetia Airport, 8/26/1967 #22935 ont of them. It descended rapidly, leaving a cone-shaped tail. (Ref. 3) (NI 9/19/1967 #23095 oval-shaped craft slowly approach, leaving a trail behind it. A hatch opene 10/24/1967 #23310 00 m away. It took off diagonally, leaving some traces. 10/25/1967 #23318 them, and it took off diagonally, leaving behind some traces. 10/25/1967 #23323 pe (cross shape) which disappeared leaving a black ball with pinpoints of l 10/26/1967 #23330 was of the object high in the sky leaving them, but they perceived no time 11/9/1967 #23433 g noise. It took off and vanished, leaving no trace. 11/16/1967 #23470 :30 p.m. It took off and vanished, leaving no trace. 11/16/1967 #23472 ed sighting four pulsating objects leaving a white UFO, which seemed to exp 1/13/1968 #23663 inside, but as Robert and Lynn are leaving, the object gives off a flash, a 1/20/1968 #23683 emory of several hours between his leaving work and his returning home. Thi 1/24/1968 #23697 ss the sky, some showering sparks, leaving bright trails. Zond IV Soviet sa 3/3/1968 #23812 ss the sky, some showering sparks, leaving bright trails. Zond IV Soviet sa 3/3/1968 #23814 ds. Foresters throw stones and run leaving tools behind. 3/22/1968 #23856 e language for some minutes before leaving. 6/14/1968 #24032 , and he watched the craft fly off leaving a luminous trail. He felt no sub 7/17/1968 #24186 beams of light. Soon it goes out, leaving only a dark greenish nebula with 7/20/1968 #24193 flies / high speed. Trail vanishes leaving orbs which disappear. 9/26/1968 #24512 part. The object took off rapidly, leaving the witness in a state of shock. 10/9/1968 #24554 stepped on a landmine in Algeria, leaving his right side partially paralyz 11/1/1968 #24620 the display vanished with a flash, leaving a slowly dissolving cloud. Persi 11/2/1968 #24624 vanishes with a sort of explosion, leaving behind a slowly dissolving cloud 11/2/1968 #24625 the display vanished with a flash, leaving a slowly dissolving cloud. Persi 11/2/1968 #24626 se slowly and disappeared quickly, leaving behind a brilliant greenish trac 1/6/1969 #24822 perfect Portuguese that they were leaving since he was much stronger than 2/12/1969 #24915 outh-southeast to north-northwest, leaving long trail, sparks. (NICAP: 01 - 4/3/1969 #25046 outh-southeast to north-northwest, leaving long trail, sparks. 4/3/1969 #25047 angle and vanished within seconds, leaving a luminous short trail of light 6/10/1969 #25209 g. The object ascended vertically, leaving an imprint. 7/1/1969 #25244 UFO apparently landed at the time, leaving traces. On the 16th at around 5 10/16/1969 #25417 ight treetops. Shoot going up [to] leaving fog behind. 11/3/1969 #25450 locity. They abruptly stop moving, leaving them in a north-south position. 5/14/1970 #25662 ect ascended rapidly into the sky, leaving a long trail behind it. She want 10/5/1970 #25870 t a 70 degree angle at high speed, leaving behind a glowing trail. 10/6/1970 #25872 . One adult and four teenagers are leaving a basketball game at Beckemeyer 11/16/1970 #25906 from side to side as it descended, leaving behind a black trail of smoke. I 1/2/1971 #25968 full depth of the snow (1.3 feet), leaving four round prints forming an eve 2/5/1971 #26014 lection was that they were hastily leaving the campsite two hours later. Du 3/14/1971 #26047 glowing white, hovered and dimmed leaving behind blinking white lights. It 3/27/1971 #26056 Donald shoots himself in the head, leaving him blind, and is committed to t 4/1971 #26062 t takes off suddenly to the south, leaving a trail of vapor. 5/24/1971 #26130 d from two to three minutes before leaving at high speed toward the south. 6/26/1971 #26195 light approach from the distance, leaving a gray contrail. The object then 6/28/1971 #26200 swick, Maine. Its lights went out, leaving a glow, then the UFO veered to t 6/28/1971 #26201 that lit up the side of the road. Leaving his car, the witness saw an oran 8/8/1971 #26274 A famous UFO close encounter leaving physical evidence occurred on th 11/2/1971 #26450 A man, Mr. Meerton, leaving his house in Merricks, Victoria, 6/16/1972 #26717 iles/second and passing northward, leaving the atmosphere over Alberta. It 8/10/1972 #26892 stwatch had stopped at 11:13 p.m., leaving 15 minutes unaccounted for. More 9/27/1972 #27035 It moved off toward the main road, leaving a strong odor like "sulphur or a 12/30/1972 #27193 , all the boys went off on a race, leaving Helene behind. The brilliant lig 2/26/1973 #27318 but the figure quickly faded away, leaving behind a strong sulfur like odor 8/16/1973 #27706 straight through the undergrowth, leaving no traces. The odor of oil was t 9/20/1973 #27849 t altitude, turned, then shot away leaving a vapor trail. 10/5/1973 #27953 y sphere / high altitude. Vanishes leaving 5 small ovoids which descend. 10/6/1973 #27956 l encounter and notes wild animals leaving the area. His headlights pick up 10/22/1973 #28241 It took off at a tremendous speed, leaving behind five ground marks and a s 10/28/1973 #28313 shape. A metallic ladder emerged, leaving a narrow, illuminated opening fr 11/18/1973 #28443 hts. The UFO climbed into the sky, leaving toward the northeast. There were 12/11/1973 #28556 scend vertically “very, very fast” leaving behind a trail of smoke in the e 12/20/1973 #28593 Springfield, OH 3:13 a.m. Leaving his job, witness's car lights di 1/8/1974 #28665 After leaving his job in Springfield, Ohio Mr. 1/8/1974 #28667 ut of the water and onto the road, leaving the area. 1/15/1974 #28680 ino gets closer, the object sinks, leaving only foam at the surface. 7/2/1974 #29237 p from the car and flee the scene, leaving the car and the glow in the sky 9/16/1974 #29459 th. At 11:00 p.m., as visitors are leaving, she steps outside and sees it a 11/1974 #29574 ght appear and rise to 20 degrees, leaving comet-like trail, circle and dis 2/16/1975 #29814 old that their group of aliens was leaving Earth, and was going to be repla 4/22/1975 #30000 of 4.6m. The circle deteriorated, leaving behind bare earth. A cowpad in t 5/6/1975 #30042 the Pyrenees mountains just after leaving El Pas de la Casa, Andorra. They 7/1/1975 #30144 s at 9:10 p.m. It may have landed, leaving behind possible landing traces o 8/6/1975 #30241 vague but involves something about leaving in a UFO from a camp somewhere i 9/14/1975 #30360 hen enveloped in a blinding light, leaving them both unconscious. They rega 10/27/1975 #30489 yellow object moving up and back, leaving a tail. It was very high but did 11/15/1975 #30623 liding on the ground." It vanished leaving no footprints. 9/5/1976 #31345 it stops. After an hour it fades, leaving a glowing space in the dark sky. Late 10/1976 #31495 ice in Concord, California that on leaving a restaurant at 4:10 a.m. he was 2/2/1977 #31781 ng lights, but they soon blink out leaving a large orange glow with a brigh 5/26/1977 #32133 , climbing at an angle of 45°, and leaving a thin contrail. The radar opera 5/26/1977 #32133 out, causing the figure to leave, leaving a faintly luminous handprint on 8/26/1977 #32426 finger, taking a blood sample, but leaving no mark. The entity then pointed 9/15/1977 #32485 10 seconds, the object lifts off, leaving three equally spaced marks in th 11/1/1977 #32651 ica, Estremadura, Portugal Two men leaving a beachfront cafe saw a bright b 1/6/1978 #32855 Two men leaving a beachfront cafe in Santo Anton 1/6/1978 #32856 y dissipated along with the sound, leaving the witness alone. He returned t 1/10/1978 #32870 t is flying away to the northeast, leaving behind a red trail. He tells his 2/2/1978 #32946 ray haze. It begins slowly rising, leaving the haze behind. The object has 2/4/1978 #32951 y wore pale yellow cowls or hoods, leaving only the face uncovered. The men 2/5/1978 #32957 n glow expands 4X / size. Vanishes leaving row gold lights. 2/18/1978 #32976 e a comet-like, bright blue object leaving a fiery trail plummeting toward 3/11/1978 #33032 Mayor Al Dutra of Grover City are leaving a meeting at Arroyo Grande City 3/16/1978 #33043 all directions.” Wolski goes home, leaving the rest of the neighbors and fa 5/10/1978 #33196 lights oscillate and move forward, leaving the road and moving around obsta 7/14/1978 #33382 atter. They depart at great speed, leaving circular imprints behind. 9/6/1978 #33639 hover near them. As the object was leaving a strange being shot up from the 12/13/1978 #34108 hover near them. As the object was leaving a strange being shot up from the 12/13/1978 #34109 ed, got in his car, and drove away leaving his young daughter alone at home 12/14/1978 #34127 de a semi-circle in the sky before leaving. On Highway 116 in London Mills 12/14/1978 #34128 is continues for about one minute, leaving the dials badly out of calibrati 12/24/1978 #34201 kers before it rises into the air, leaving a fiery trail and a column of sm 3/2/1979 #34458 point of light is seen to ascend, leaving a luminous jet that appears to e 3/5/1979 #34465 nce and then landed on the ground, leaving ground marks. A man was seen out 3/27/1979 #34491 nce and then landed on the ground, leaving ground marks. A man was seen out 3/27/1979 #34492 II was heading for Corsica, after leaving Viareggio at 3:45 p.m. On board 6/22/1979 #34626 is walking along a dark road after leaving a tavern not far from Monastiri 7/4/1979 #34646 n the middle. The UFO speeds away, leaving no findable landing traces. The 8/1979 #34692 shooting beams of light was seen, leaving behind a lens-shaped cloud. 9/11/1979 #34861 nishes soundlessly a minute later, leaving two masses of hemispherical lumi 9/12/1979 #34866 garette and walked to the kitchen, leaving his family still sleeping. He le 9/19/1979 #34901 tes, then the triangle disappeared leaving the lights visible. After severa 2/11/1980 #35171 ook off with intense humming sound leaving exhaust trail (section IX). (NIC 4/10/1980 #35263 ook off with intense humming sound leaving exhaust trail 4/10/1980 #35264 ff at a 30° angle and heads south, leaving a thin exhaust trail. 4/10/1980 #35266 the first, flying horizontally and leaving a fiery trail. Some 30 others wi 6/14/1980 #35367 st dove at the motorcyclist before leaving. 7/31/1980 #35431 he evening of the following night, leaving only some apparent bites marks t 8/20/1980 #35469 drive past, one light blinks out, leaving two side by side. 9/6/1980 #35501 zed whirlwind buffeting debris and leaving a swirled road surface beneath. 11/29/1980 #35682 g four or five “comet-like objects leaving bright trails.” Astronomers also 12/25/1980 #35732 f the units on either side vanish, leaving the other two segments still in 6/5/1981 #35952 off after about 10 minutes without leaving any traces. 6/12/1981 #35966 of the way across, the men vanish, leaving no footprints behind. During the 10/2/1981 #36154 er they left they vanished without leaving footprints on the ground. 10/5/1981 #36159 ctly above the city a great speed, leaving a trail. None of the objects mak 2/19/1982 #36356 r in size. Both objects disappear, leaving behind a shiny cloud. Then anoth 9/17/1982 #36607 l. A fifth object appears briefly, leaving a glow that persists for 30 minu 9/17/1982 #36607 . Suddenly, all the lights go out, leaving nothing in their place, as if wh 3/24/1983 #36807 l are given different assignments, leaving Jean-Jacques Velasco in sole cha 9/1/1983 #36967 snick) see a UFO immediately after leaving the University of Bridgeport, Co 3/21/1985 #37572 r Air Traffic Control correlation, leaving 123 Remaining Unknowns at the en 1986 #37742 intelligence correlation analysis, leaving roughly 10% of the initial amoun 1986 #37742 ted speed of 15 meters per second, leaving no wake or trail. At 7:55 p.m. i 1/29/1986 #37776 ighter, and takes off like a shot, leaving a white trail. It then stops abr 8/11/1987 #38240 ht spiral across the sky at 9 p.m. leaving a trail of light. At 10:15 p.m. 8/27/1987 #38262 , as if attracted by a magnet, and leaving tire marks on the road. A Land C 12/14/1987 #38364 200 mph, disappearing eastward and leaving darkness behind it. Some analyst 10/1988 #38661 ed the three, preventing them from leaving. The women started begging them 7/4/1989 #39009 but then it moves rapidly upward, leaving a hole in a cloud that then glow 8/22/1989 #39069 h beams; the beams soon disappear, leaving the red balls, which return to t 11/29/1989 #39273 s going [to] pink going [to] white leaving. 2/5/1990 #39408 he ground it set fire to a meadow, leaving behind four burned spots 135 fee 9/21/1990 #39744 yellow color when it accelerated, leaving to the east. 11/14/1990 #39890 and down and horizontally without leaving a trace, and the intensity of it 4/11/1991 #40034 nutes the being rose into the air, leaving behind a V-shaped trail that bec 12/4/1991 #40254 ge white light traversed the area, leaving behind a luminous wake. 9/24/1992 #40639 nish UFO reports are declassified, leaving only witness names redacted. 10/1992 #40657 ollowed the witness briefly before leaving. 7/31/1993 #41095 sh samples from her legs and back, leaving scoop marks. She was returned sa 11/8/1993 #41266 behind a building and shoots away, leaving a hole in the clouds above. Two 5/21/1994 #41534 r 40 minutes before it disappears, leaving a 2-inch scar on his thigh. He a Early 6/1994 #41548 s that were three meters tall, yet leaving some trees that were intersperse 11/30/1994 #41872 inally, the craft and beings left, leaving the young witnesses in a state o 2/23/1995 #42060 ovoid object rose from the ground, leaving behind traces. A dog became sick 6/3/1995 #42236 n sped off toward the northwest NW leaving a vapor trail. 8/31/1995 #42434 The big UFO flew away to the west, leaving a bright trail in the sky. An el 12/15/1995 #42646 high-pitched noises. They remember leaving the area and returning home in a 9/23/1996 #43039 at made them somewhat ugly. Before leaving, Bragatto was given a medical ex 12/9/1996 #43133 imes in succession. It dissipates, leaving behind a black bar. After 5 minu 1/13/1997 #43170 then disappeared through the wall, leaving only its silhouette on the wall, 2/13/1997 #43191 a the orange beam of light. Before leaving, the leader showed Sudarsky a st 3/10/1997 #43225 an cult called Heaven’s Gate, were leaving their “earthly vehicles” behind 3/26/1997 #43240 the objects move off to the north, leaving behind an odor reimiscent of bla 6/6/1997 #43315 tin Skunk Works Jack Gordon. While leaving Plant 42 in Palmdale, Cook alleg Late 1990's #43480 urface of the object. It flew off, leaving toward the northeast. Three obje 3/30/1998 #43539 tched them for five minutes before leaving the window. When she returned th 10/24/1998 #43669 hit the car with a slight "thump", leaving behind a gray residue where it s 11/27/1998 #43687 nto the sky at an incredible speed leaving a luminous trail behind. 5/10/1999 #43767 fell for five hours from the sky, leaving a sheen on paddocks, hedges, and 6/9/1999 #43783 ise, but this time it seemed to be leaving the area. She also noticed a str 10/15/2000 #44058 meteorite fragment that vaporized, leaving only the reddish-brown particles 4/1/2001 #44156 outhward without making a noise or leaving a trail. 4/25/2001 #44166 hrough. Then the light blinks off, leaving only a cloud that stands there f 6/23/2001 #44196 s told her that soon they would be leaving the Earth due to the coming chao 8/2/2001 #44220 "flying wing" was seen by a couple leaving their home in Greenbelt, Marylan 3/8/2003 #44500 craft then zoomed up into the sky, leaving a trail of white fog behind. 4/4/2003 #44511 formation of five yellowish lights leaving a smoke trail above the beach at 8/20/2003 #44577 nds before rising silently upward, leaving a trail of steam from the surfac 1/31/2005 #44810 at Wood River, Nebraska, by a man leaving his parents’ house. It rocks sli 1/31/2005 #44811 rough the clouds at high velocity, leaving a clear blue hole in the cloud l 11/7/2006 #44981 pped. It flew off after 90 seconds leaving a trail of smoke. 9/14/2007 #45057## Word: "leavitt" (Back to Top)
Lt. Col. Leavitt Corning Jr. of the XII Tactical 1/16/1945 #1757## Word: "leawood" (Back to Top)
LEAWOOD, KS Aero-engineer and 4. 50' met 7/3/1967 #22595 Leawood, Kansas 9:15 p.m. Thomas H. Nich 7/3/1967 #22602 sitting on the Nicholls’s porch in Leawood, Kansas, when they see an unusua 7/3/1967 #22602## Word: "leb" (Back to Top)
OVER ACRE, ISRAEL Leb. airliner. Objects going quickly wes 3/26/1950 (approximate) #4721## Word: "lebailly" (Back to Top)
US Memo from Maj. Gen. E. B. LeBailly, USAF director of information, 9/28/1965 #19618 and findings of Project Blue Book. LeBailly noted: "Many of the reports tha 9/28/1965 #19618 ctor of Information Gen. Eugene B. LeBailly writes to the military director 9/28/1965 #19619## Word: "lebanese" (Back to Top)
Several discs were seen from a Lebanese airliner off the coast of the a 3/26/1950 #4732## Word: "lebanon" (Back to Top)
icily Licata, Sicily, Italy Ainab, Lebanon 10:30 p.m. The British brig Vict 6/18/1845 #141 vent.) Around 7:10 p.m., at Ainab, Lebanon, two objects five times as large 6/18/1845 #141 DUBLIN, OH AND SPRINGFIELD AND LEBANON Ground Observer Corps (GOC) spot 8/18/1952 #7628 BEIRUT, LEBANON Aero engineer and many. 10 silen 2/28/1953 #8716 nd four other witnesses in Beirut, Lebanon sighted a procession of 12 disc- 2/28/1953 #8718 There is one from India, one from Lebanon, one from Quebec, one from Switz 10/3/1954 #10667 Beirut, Lebanon The local representative of a Ge 10/9/1954 #10851 Beirut, Lebanon 10:15 p.m. Max Favell, a represe 10/9/1954 #10857 tative of a German firm in Beirut, Lebanon, sees a white flying object land 10/9/1954 #10857 In Beirut, Lebanon at 10:15 p.m. the local company 10/9/1954 #10869 ZEFAT, ISR AND LEBANON AND JORDAN Wave / cigars and sau 11/16/1954 (approximate) #11661 Bunker Hill Lebanon County, Pennsylvania 10:00 p.m. 7/9/1965 #19089 nd other residents of Bunker Hill, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, watch a cl 7/9/1965 #19089 Lebanon, IN Night. An engineering drafts 4/10/1966 #20281 LEBANON, OH Project Bluebook Case #unkno 3/16/1967 #21893 Lebanon, OH Night. A woman reported an o 3/17/1967 #21909 That same night in Lebanon, Ohio a 50-foot diameter, round 3/18/1967 #21918 LEBANON, IN 2 observer(s). TV malfunctio 8/1/1972 #26865 Lebanon, IN Early morning. 45-min. First 8/1/1972 #26866 BAAKLINE, LEBANON Several / (seen thru) binoculars 8/4/1972 #26872 ain, by six witnesses in Baakline, Lebanon. It had windows around its rim, 8/4/1972 #26873 NEW LEBANON, OH Many observer(s). 15 objects 10/10/1973 #27975 ored lights buzzed rooftops in New Lebanon, Ohio at 7:30 p.m. By 8:00 p.m. 10/10/1973 #27984 se they were flying too low. A New Lebanon Township, Ohio police officer re 10/10/1973 #27984 NEW LEBANON, OH 5 cops and more. Silent ovoi 10/14/1973 #28024 observer. Fiery ovoid over road. / Lebanon Daily News 18.11.73. 11/14/1973 #28420 r object offloads bouncing orbs. / Lebanon Daily News 1.12.73. 11/30/1973 #28484 LEBANON, CT 2 luminous/glowing triangles 7/3/1982 #36528 oödos on Cyprus coast of Israel or Lebanon Night. A US Air Force RC-135 rec 10/19/1982 #36654 m lights on the coast of Israel or Lebanon. 10/19/1982 #36654 Beirut, Lebanon 1983 Beirut Barracks Bombings 10/23/1983 #37013 LEBANON, OH Prison guards and separate r 4/8/1993 #40929 Prison guards and police in Lebanon, Ohio sighted a nocturnal flying 4/8/1993 #40931 LEBANON, TN 2 observer(s). 2 clamshell c 1/24/1995 #41994 white satellite objects flew over Lebanon, Tennessee at 4:42 a.m. 1/24/1995 #41996 LEBANON AND CASEYVILLE, IL 2+1 separate 3/15/1995 #42098 LEBANON, OR 2 observer(s). Extremely bri 11/6/1995 #42584 Highland, Dupo, Lebanon, Shiloh, Summerfield, Millstadt, 1/5/2000 #43920 over the towns of Highland, Dupo, Lebanon, Shiloh, Summerfield, Millstadt, 1/5/2000 #43920 ed gridwork. The couple called the Lebanon City Police Department around 10 4/25/2001 #44164 A motorist in Lebanon, St. Clair County, Illinois repo 9/19/2008 #45169## Word: "lebat" (Back to Top)
ais, Seine-et-Marne, France Gérard Lebat founds Groupe d’Études des Objets 1969 #24801## Word: "lebeau" (Back to Top)
16 year olds--with the last names Lebeau, Cousineau, and Labre--saw an int 7/23/1982 #36547 nd begins with a preamble by André Lebeau, former president of the Centre N 7/16/1999 #43805## Word: "lebec" (Back to Top)
NEAR LEBEC, CA 2 pilots. 35' ovoid rises / fo 9/5/1949 #4345 Lebec, CA 2 USAF pilots flying military 9/5/1949 #4347## Word: "lebel-sur-quévillon" (Back to Top)
Lebel-sur-Quévillon, Quebec 12:30 p.m. T 2/19/1969 #24930 nemen are working atop a pole near Lebel-sur-Quévillon, Quebec, when the se 2/19/1969 #24930## Word: "leblanc" (Back to Top)
ned by Horten Brothers by Capt. N. LeBlanc, detailing the drawings, photos, 1/10/1946 #1964## Word: "leblon" (Back to Top)
SOUTHWEST / LEBLON, BRZ Metallic saucer going down / 6/21/1970 #25701 daughters, and Mr. Joao Aguiar of Leblon, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil watched a 6/27/1970 #25716## Word: "leblond" (Back to Top)
rd the northwest. (Source: Francis Leblond, Phenomenes Spatiaux, September 3/2/1976 #30916## Word: "lebn" (Back to Top)
BEIRUT, LEBN Germ.salesman. Red sphere/orb/globe 10/9/1954 #10837## Word: "leboeuf" (Back to Top)
Chabeuil, France Mrs. Leboeuf was suddenly confronted with a c 9/26/1954 #10450 t Chabeuil, Drôme, France, Lucette Leboeuf is walking her dog when she sees 9/26/1954 #10451 howling at 2:30 p.m., Ms. Lucette Leboeuf of Chabeuil, Drome, France saw w 9/26/1954 #10452 foliage was found at the site. Ms. Leboeuf was in a state of shock and was 9/26/1954 #10452## Word: "lebotski" (Back to Top)
Jonathan F. McGuire and Arnold J. Lebotski (he previously said that they w 11/5/2010 #45305## Word: "lebron" (Back to Top)
SAN JUAN, PR E. L. Lebron sees 2 luminous disks near Villa 11/9/1973 #28397## Word: "lebsko" (Back to Top)
LEBSKO BAY, POLAND 1 observer. Big noise 9/24/1961 #16871## Word: "leca" (Back to Top)
LECA DE PALMEIRA, PORT UFO / same Hr / 4 1/1/1977 #31675 Leca de Palmeira, Oporto Province, Portu 1/1/1977 #31679 40 minutes later. At nine p.m. in Leca de Palmeira, Oporto Province, Portu 1/1/1977 #31682## Word: "lecce" (Back to Top)
LECCE, ITL 3M domed saucer offloads "par 2/20/1963 #17673 Lecce, Italy A young man saw from a wind 2/20/1963 #17674## Word: "leckhampton" (Back to Top)
LECKHAMPTON, ENG Cylinder/cigar-shape tr 4/29/1957 #13621## Word: "leclair" (Back to Top)
essina, Mary LaMontagne, and Nicky LeClair) see a low-flying bright light a 9/30/1982 #36622## Word: "leclair--had" (Back to Top)
--Messina, LaMontagne, Poland, and LeClair--had a close encounter with a la 9/30/1982 #36623## Word: "leclere" (Back to Top)
o more adult witnesses named Marie LeClere and Richard (first name only) ob 1/5/1975 #29726## Word: "lecompte" (Back to Top)
r Force Reserve Lt. Col. Robert G. LeCompte sees a flight of at least 10 lu 7/29/1952 #7329## Word: "lecteurs" (Back to Top)
st. 3 more follow after. / Contact Lecteurs. 8/1947 (approximate) #3268## Word: "lecture" (Back to Top)
Tape recorded University of Denver lecture on three crash retrievals. Tape 3/8/1950 #4588 President Joseph H. Rohrer gives a lecture (one of a series) on flying sauc 7/22/1952 #7024 Psychological Warfare, delivers a lecture on ESP to high-ranking Pentagon 11/24/1952 #8332 FL Engineer Norman S. Bean gives a lecture on saucers to the Southern Cross 8/17/1953 #9076 wbrough. She goes on the contactee lecture circuit. 9/1953 #9131 FL Engineer Norman S. Bean gives a lecture on saucers to the USAF Air Reser 9/16/1953 #9169 FL Engineer Norman S. Bean gives a lecture on flying saucers at the Aerodex 10/9/1953 #9209 d: Engineer Norman S. Bean gives a lecture on flying saucers 11/13/1953 #9294 s: Engineer Norman S. Bean gives a lecture on flying saucers. 3/11/1954 #9612 n meet George Hunt Williamson at a lecture he is giving in Detroit, Michiga 12/1954 #11738 FL Engineer Norman S. Bean gives a lecture to a discussion group in Coral G 2/7/1956 #12698 s: Engineer Norman S. Bean gives a lecture on flying saucers 2/8/1956 #12700 Washington, D.C. In a lecture delivered at a meeting of Clara 7/20/1956 #12995 and George Hunt Williamson is on a lecture tour in Europe. Her death is cau 8/11/1958 #15192 Research and Analysis to present a lecture. By now he is calling himself Pr Early 12/1958 #15468 nd, on the first stop on his world lecture tour where he is received by Nor 1/17/1959 #15553 George Adamski continues his world lecture tour in Sydney, Perth, Adelaide, Late 2/1959 #15612 tdijk Palace in Baarn on his world lecture tour, amid fiercely critical med 5/18/1959 #15737 ng Adamski 20 minutes late for his lecture in The Hague. The royal couple c 5/18/1959 #15737 n Copenhagen for another scheduled lecture tour of Europe at the invitation 4/30/1963 #17732 husetts Capt. Swett gives a formal lecture on hypnosis to a meeting at the 9/7/1963 #17927 rtsmouth, New Hampshire. After the lecture, the Hills tell him that Barney 9/7/1963 #17927 the short story “The Fly,” gives a lecture at Mourenx, Pyrénées-Atlantiques 2/1965 #18790 FL Engineer Norman S. Bean gives a lecture on flying saucers at Palm Beach 1/11/1966 #19822 versity of Athens, Greece, gives a lecture to the Greek Astronautical Socie 2/24/1967 #21642 neral U Thant has arranged for the lecture, based on conversations he has h 6/7/1967 #22478 gar 18 Robert Spencer Carr gives a lecture at the Flying Saucer Symposium a 11/2/1974 #29580 et in the world.” Carr’s hour-long lecture is short on specifics, but in th 11/2/1974 #29580 nd in Mobile, Alabama, and gives a lecture on UFOs to some of the actors wh 7/23/1976 #31183 Research and goes on a month-long lecture tour all over China. He collects Summer 1981 #35978 and Kit Green; Maccabee states the lecture created “spies” within the agenc 7/7/1987 #38206 20010620085705/https://psitech.net/lecture.htm 3/9/1992 #40369 er, Colorado, Jerome Clark gives a lecture on the distinction between “even 6/26/2008 #45147 h Extraterrestrial Life contains a lecture given at the Cosmos Club. https 10/14/2022 #45776## Word: "lectured" (Back to Top)
, where he spent seven hours being lectured by the master of the ship. He w 6/11/1956 #12895## Word: "lecturer" (Back to Top)
nia George Adamski, who has been a lecturer and counselor on spiritual topi 1/1934 #1190 Miami, FL Lecturer and engineer Norman S. Bean sta 2/22/1954 #9562 Miami News: Engineer, inventor and lecturer Norman S. Bean is interviewed. 2/22/1966 #19912 Miami, FL Engineer, inventor, and lecturer Norman S. Bean is quoted in the 3/21/1966 #20013## Word: "lecturers" (Back to Top)
p holds regular meetings, sponsors lecturers, and begins publishing a CSI N 2/1954 #9519## Word: "lectures" (Back to Top)
e slopes of Palomar Mountain, with lectures by George Adamski, Daniel Fry, 8/7/1954 #10112 s in London. Adamski gives further lectures in Tunbridge Wells, Weston-supe 4/18/1959 #15707 60) May 26, 29 — Adamski gives two lectures in Zürich, Switzerland. At the Late 5/1959 #15747 ems, Adamski cancels his remaining lectures in Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Late 5/1959 #15747 n radio and television, and giving lectures. 1960 #16138 Buffalo, NY USAF Col. Tacker lectures to the Aero Club of Buffalo, N. 3/17/1961 #16633 that they have been exposed to the lectures of contactee Eugenio Siragusa, 7/4/1978 #33335 ke oil salesman and UFO guru whose lectures are filled with falsehoods, dis 8/15/1980 #35458## Word: "lecturing" (Back to Top)
d to do some UFO investigating and lecturing. Low forwards the letter to Ph 6/27/1967 #22565## Word: "led" (Back to Top)
he mouth of the Tyne. A commission led by Rear Admiral Richard Collinson me 12/1865 #165 not inspected until 1927 by a team led by Russian mineralogist Leonid Kulik 6/30/1908 #711 kins of Washington. The program is led by retired astronomer David Peck Tod 8/22/1924 #1041 al country at the time; the attack led to its formal entry into World War I 12/7/1941 #1377 was initiated during an experiment led by Enrico Fermi 12/2/1942 #1471 or about 600 feet. A military team led by Karl-Gösta Bartoll can find no tr 7/19/1946 #2072 33, 0km altitude (Control failure led to cut-off command at 6.5s) 8/22/1946 #2147 2km altitude (Degraded performance led to roll rate of 60 rpm) 1/10/1947 #2225 9km altitude (Degraded performance led to roll rate of 80 rpm) 1/23/1947 #2233 ad 33, 16.25km altitude (Early yaw led to termination at 32s.) 7/10/1947 #3076 3.pdf Note: Twining’s letter also led to the creation of Project Sign, who 9/23/1947 #3419 and non-military. This ultimately led to silencing of UFO witnesses, confi 9/24/1947 #3420 c Dry Lake (now Edwards AFB), CA — led to the F-86 Sabre 10/1/1947 #3442 33, 56km altitude (Faulty steering led to high roll rate and then flight te 4/19/1948 #3626 86.9km altitude (Turbine overspeed led to premature propellant cut-off at 6 7/26/1948 #3739 an” plutonium bomb. The project is led by physicist Igor Kurchatov. 8/29/1949 #4340 e (Blossom 5 — payload. Explosions led to early termination) 9/16/1949 #4359 gation started; evidence uncovered led many high-ranking officers to conclu 1952 #5830 r tops. The larger disc turned and led the formation. 4/22/1952 #6158 scort Bethurum to the captain, and led him toward the parked craft. Meanwhi 7/27/1952 #7216 “forced learning experience” that led him to be put into Brooke General Ho 10/1952 #8077 e pseudonym “Pentacle”) could have led to the military setting up artificia 1/9/1953 #8521 s, combined with other factors and led to the most significant accidental r 3/1/1954 #9589 n. A flight of Marine Reserve jets led by Maj. Charles Scarborough is heade 5/14/1954 #9796 ok including films and photos that led them to conclude UAP used “multi-dim 1955 #11899 gravity programs, which he alleges led him to establish the Office of Resea 3/1/1955 #12027 n Area 25 of the Nevada Test Site. Led by Ted Taylor of General Atomics and 1958 #14780 an audience of 700) who have been led to believe he will discredit Swiss a Late 5/1959 #15747 ts and his service in the OSS have led many to believe that Murray was a pa 9/1959 #15952 2] and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying object 2/27/1960 #16186 ng on November 3. The operation is led by USAF Gen. Edward Lansdale and goe 11/30/1961 #16984 5 p.m. A formation of Navy planes, led by flight instructor Lt. Rodolfo Cés 5/22/1962 #17191 to intercept it, which could have led to war. Instead, Kennedy decides to 10/25/1962 #17495 ation around Washington, DC, which led to CIA contact with NICAP to obtain 12/1964 #18650 ll walking up to the UFO and being led up a stairway into the vehicle by th 5/30/1965 #18977 ensive investigation by the police led to negative results. 8/2/1965 #19261 ensive investigation by the police led to negative results. 8/2/1965 #19271 different planets. Finally she was led back to her car; the UFO ascended, a 8/16/1965 #19410 metal buckle at the waist. She was led across the grass to an area that was 9/3/1965 #19518 ext thing she remembered was being led outside again by her “host,” and bei 9/3/1965 #19518 vapor, observed by police officer, led him on cat-and-mouse chase. Object a 6/24/1966 #20607 ench government UFO project, to be led by former inspector general at the C 1967 #21237 wo hours. During this time she was led through several rooms, was given a p 1/25/1967 #21389 umatic religious experience, which led her to believe that the beings were 1/25/1967 #21389 Returning from the journey she was led back to her home by two of the entit 1/25/1967 #21389 ading fuselage is not the one that led on approach. The remaining 3 fuselag 10/26/1967 #23334 y of Sciences’ Physics Department, led by Lev Artsimovich, passes a resolut 12/1967 #23529 hypnotic session he recalled being led into the UFO by a slender man in bla 1/24/1968 #23697 ess, he could see that the UFO had led down two thick “ropes” that were one 3/19/1969 #25031 nd Philip Klass. The subcommittee, led by Joachim P. Kuettner, consists of 1/21/1970 #25548 ther children and several of them, led by Noel, age 12, entered the buildin 6/4/1970 #25690 ce they were inside, and Scott was led by a 7 foot tall entity down a corri 3/14/1971 #26047 k on its back from which two tubes led to the head. When Delman honked his 9/27/1971 #26384 personnel in 2016. Those meetings led to the formation of To The Stars Aca 5/1973 #27461 d saw several of her friends being led towards different sections of the cr 9/26/1973 #27872 n accounts over the years, and was led into the narrative by Harder’s leadi 10/16/1973 #28088 fter a physical examination she is led outside by two of the beings and flo 10/19/1973 #28199 nine campers, a group of students led by three adults, had gone to El Yunq 10/20/1973 #28222 ugh the dense vegetation. The path led to a 100 foot drop, giving Ramos the 10/20/1973 #28222 ant motion around them. Terror had led one of the students to bang himself 10/20/1973 #28222 nside the mother ship Castillo was led through several passageways and in o 11/18/1973 #28443 (or Greys) / bedroom. Observer(s) led going [to] UFO / field. Fourth telep 6/16/1974 #29200 The UFO was parked on a road that led to the lake. A few seconds after he 10/7/1975 #30422 stopped / figure / silver suit and led to UFO. Missing time and panic. Poss 9/27/1977 #32525 is dog and the gun. Julio was then led to a huge mushroom-shaped craft that 2/5/1978 #32957 drical handrail. One of the beings led the way up, scaling the steps in two 2/5/1978 #32957 e would be given something. He was led away from the rest of the group, who 3/1978 #33003 hypnosis he recalled being gently led into the craft and examined. 6/16/1978 #33282 m the kitchen and to the door that led outside, apparently trying to get ou 7/11/1978 #33368 ht at 6 p.m. when a flash of light led to a period of unconsciousness. Late 11/15/1978 #33959 coming wars and disasters. He was led to a seat made out of stone and give 1/3/1979 #34292 ed Nations, the New Jewel Movement led by Maurice Bishop launches an armed 3/13/1979 #34475 ce more, the younger of whom he is led to believe is his own child. Other e 6/28/1979 #34639 time episode. He remembered being led somewhere by hand, and having no con 12/31/1980 #35759 eard footsteps and one of his dogs led him to a "figure" standing by the fe 2/13/1981 #35827 k the witnesses by their hands and led them to the hovering disc shaped obj 10/1982 #36624 an unintelligible language as they led him to a wall bearing an outline of 11/29/1982 #36702 r material. They talked to him and led him to a wall bearing an outline of 11/30/1982 #36703 mately one hour. A scientific team led by Valery Dvuzhilny, head of the Far 1/29/1986 #37775 Conference” under DOE supervision led by USAF Col. John Alexander to deter 4/1988 #38527 rt, the result of an investigation led by Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Ch 4/13/1989 #38905 cted over the previous decade that led him to believe there are at least ei 1990 #39356 for satellite recon objectives and led to the foundation of the NRO, and ra 7/1991 #40108 ne of the entries on this document led Wilson on his quest to find an extra 7/28/1991 #40136 e Saris Dzas River. A search party led by Michael Eltchin was dispatched, b 8/28/1991 #40168 s had long bony fingers. They then led him to a shiny metallic craft, shape 4/12/1992 #40414 e male being. The witness was then led to a dimly lit room, and place in a 4/12/1992 #40414 his nose. He was then released and led outside, and floated horizontally to 4/12/1992 #40414 er screen memory, in which she was led to believe at first that she was loo 6/18/1992 #40497 13 aliens in the room. Two of them led Danny to a side chamber where he was 5/13/1993 #40976 through a sliding glass door that led to the backyard and saw a creature w 8/18/1993 #41146 Research Lab told him flying discs led to USG personnel deaths in 1947, tha 1994 #41349 e-Bopp. It was founded in 1974 and led by Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Ne 3/26/1997 #43240 researchers, code named EMBLA and led by Massimo Teodorani and Gloria Nobi 8/5/2002 #44374 1980s, sponsored by BDM Corp. and led by Col John Alexander, was killed be 10/2/2003 #44610 ub.” Cooper claims these meetings led to the creation of Project Joshua an 2004 #44638 hile she was at HUD, AMS’s actions led to $76 billion in undocumentable tra 6/2004 #44706 v Kalia, Sunil Dhar, Sushil Singh) led by Anil V. Kulkarni of the Indian Sp 9/27/2004 #44762 to USS Nimitz, a second F-18 team, led by Chad Underwood, takes off at appr 11/14/2004 #44784 likely than average to imagine, be led by investigators, and integrate cult 10/2005 #44883 Note: In 1985 Col. John Alexander led the “Advanced Theoretical Physics Co 4/28/2006 #44936 rojet Engineering Corporation, and led the California branch of the Thelemi 3/31/2011 #45322 ote to Podesta that McCasland, who led the Air Force Research Laboratory at 1/24/2016 #45443 argates, and Negative Energy,” was led by Eric W. Davis of EarthTech Intern 1/9/2018 #45503 Robert Bigelow in April 2016) and led by University of Alabama astrophysic 6/15/2019 #45585 into a hypnotic state where he was led to theorize about quantum vacuum ene 3/20/2020 #45640 i-institutional team of scientists led by Avi Loeb of the Department of Ast 7/26/2021 #45700 ment Executive Council (AOIMEXEC), led by Under Secretary of Defense for In 11/23/2021 #45724## Word: "led-like" (Back to Top)
ough the sky and emitting a bright LED-like light. At 6:10 p.m. EST another 11/24/2009 #45255## Word: "ledford" (Back to Top)
Hall, North Carolina Witness: Red Ledford. One round, orange-colored objec 5/17/1967 #22368 l Hall, North Carolina witness Red Ledford observed a round, orange-colored 5/17/1967 #22371## Word: "ledge" (Back to Top)
sees no instruments, only a padded ledge. 2/1949 #3994 GRAND LEDGE, MI 1.5m globe 3m away. "Tries to 3/23/1956 #12763 king along the river bank in Grand Ledge, Michigan at three o'clock in the 3/23/1956 #12765 BUFF LEDGE, VT 2+4 observer(s). Saucers exit 8/7/1968 #24302 Buff Ledge, VT Dual abduction of male and fem 8/7/1968 #24304 Buff Ledge, VT Dual abduction of male and fem 8/7/1968 #24305 Buff Ledge Camp Lake Champlain Burlington, Ve 8/7/1968 #24307 tch from the end of a dock at Buff Ledge Camp [now closed] along the shore 8/7/1968 #24307 noon at a private camp called Buff Ledge two teenage camp counselors, a man 8/7/1968 #24308 'Monkeys' play / trees and window ledge. 30M saucer hovers / 6M altitude. 10/5/1970 #25864 he trees and sitting on the window ledge. She opened the drapes and saw a h 10/5/1970 #25869 later. Footprints going up / steep ledge! 9/23/1971 #26367 footprints that descended a steep ledge. 9/23/1971 #26369 g. He leaned on the kitchen window ledge, and when he pulled the curtain as 9/19/1979 #34901 n by the two abductees in the Buff Ledge, Vermont case from 1968. 12/3/1979 #35046 LEDGE PT, WEST AUSTR 2 observer(s). Glow 5/10/1992 #40461## Word: "ledger" (Back to Top)
ite object. (NICAP notes; Columbus Ledger, Ohio, Mar. 28, 1966.) A Georgia 3/27/1966 #20098 to be on or just above the water. (Ledger and Styles, 2001, pp. 14- 17, 21- 10/4/1967 #23175 was investigated separately by Don Ledger and Chris Styles and is supported 11/25/1970 #25919 s interviewed Lawrence Smith while Ledger interviewed both Smith and Ralph 11/25/1970 #25919 h Keeping a year or so later. Both Ledger and Styles interviewed Colonel Ru 11/25/1970 #25919 es interviewed Colonel Rushton who Ledger tracked down). (NICAP: 03 - EME C 11/25/1970 #25919 cal plant. Power outage. / Clarion Ledger 18.10.73. 10/10/1973 #27974 ny balls / sky overhead. / Clarion Ledger. MO 18.10.73. 10/10/1973 #27977 / hill. Hovers. Shoots away. / D. Ledger. 3/13/1999 #43747 es to the northwest. Ufologist Don Ledger investigates and finds that radar 8/13/2002 #44383## Word: "ledoux" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ledoux” YieldMax: 20KT 9/27/1990 #39747## Word: "leduc" (Back to Top)
ront of the object. (Sources: Marc Leduc, UFO Quebec, April 1977, issue # 1 4/6/1977 #31952 Reports, case 1977-74, citing Marc Leduc). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 4/6/1977 #31952 -Bruno-de-Montarville, Quebec Marc Leduc begins publishing Bulletin d’Infor 9/1984 #37452 Lac-Beauport, Quebec Marc Leduc begins publishing a newsletter, Le 9/1989 #39083 e on a clear and windless night in Leduc, Alberta, Canada. He saw three poi 9/15/2002 #44397## Word: "lee" (Back to Top)
on Harbor, Michigan 7:45 p.m. John Lee and others in Benton Harbor, Michiga 4/11/1897 #431 United States Fort Lee, New Jersey Possibly the first UFO f 4/26/1915 #927 by the Ideal Film Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey, and distributed by Unit 4/26/1915 #927 public statement by Dr. Oliver J. Lee. 1945 #1741 nding members are physicist Alfred Lee Loomis, biologist Caryl Parker Haski 7/3/1946 #2025 , Evanston, Illinois Dr. Oliver J. Lee, director of Dearborn Observatory at 7/5/1946 #2026 ROBERT LEE, TX 5 observer(s). Saucer maneuvers. 8/6/1947 #3295 In Robert Lee, Texas a disc maneuvered in the sky 8/6/1947 #3302 itnesses: civilian supervisor Fred Lee, foreman L.A. Aquilar. One round sil 8/25/1952 #7730 New Mexico, plant supervisor Fred Lee and foreman Lawrence A. Aguilar watc 8/25/1952 #7731 :40 p.m., civilian supervisor Fred Lee and foreman L.A. Aquilar saw a round 8/25/1952 #7735 smell. Early the next morning, A. Lee Stewart, co-owner of the Braxton Dem 9/12/1952 #7905 a Monica Airline stewardess Gloria Lee of Westchester, California, begins t 9/1953 #9131 as “J.W.,” a resident of Jupiter. Lee insists on a physical visit. Not lon 9/1953 #9131 ing quickly southeast according to Lee green RADAR. 11/3/1953 #9274 Lee, southeast London 2:45 p.m. In Lee, 11/3/1953 #9280 Lee, southeast London 2:45 p.m. In Lee, southeast London, a solid target is 11/3/1953 #9280 arliament discusses the November 3 Lee case and others. Nigel Birch, Parlia 11/24/1953 #9320 ss these events were First Officer Lee Boyd and Navigator Capt. H. McDonnel 6/29/1954 #9958 -Îles, Quebec, Howard, his copilot Lee Boyd, and navigator H. McDonnell see 6/29/1954 #9962 ucky National Guard pilot Lt. Col. Lee J. Merkel notifies Wright-Patterson 11/12/1954 #11629 ucky National Guard pilot Lt. Col. Lee J. Merkel is flying an F-51 Mustang 1/31/1956 #12687 Kelly answers a question from Rep. Lee Metcalf (D-Mont.) and denies that th 4/8/1957 #13589 . Joe W. Kelly’s April 8 letter to Lee Metcalf, indicating serious interest Mid 7/1957 #13799 59 in the Titanian system Trijanon Lee Childers Jr., a baker from Detroit, 6/28/1958 #15123 ludes Kenneth Keating (R-N.Y.) and Lee Metcalf (D-Mont.), commends Gregory 8/8/1958 #15184 ing by walking the half block down Lee Street to get a better feeling for i 10/7/1958 #15329 New York City Tythan Contactee Lee Childers visits a New York City grou Early 12/1958 #15468 . Lawrence J. Tacker, and Burgoyne Lee Griffing. The group agrees that even 2/17/1959 #15591 Alabama Detroit, Michigan Lt. Col. Lee B. James, chief of the Liaison Branc 2/25/1959 #15614 y Capt. Robert Filler and Lt. Phil Lee, based with the 82d Fighter Intercep Summer 1961 #16735 Miami California contactee Gloria Lee takes channeled blueprints for a spa 9/1962 #17379 fter about 66 days without eating, Lee’s husband, aircraft engineer William 9/1962 #17379 tal. She dies there on December 3. Lee continues to channel post-mortem inf 9/1962 #17379 year old boys with the last names Lee and Duffy were buzzed by a domed, di 7/24/1963 #17851 assassinated in Dallas, Texas, by Lee Harvey Oswald. 11/22/1963 #18058 d burned trees are verified by the Lee County sheriff’s office. 3/15/1965 #18859 ’s play.” Estabrooks suggests that Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby could ha 5/13/1968 #23959 Warren Oates is with four friends (Lee Clayton, Trina Mitchum, Judy A. Jone 1/1/1975 #29690 On this night in Fort Lee, New Jersey a single witness said an 10/2/1975 #30410 uced from the testimony of witness Lee Golden: "This is no hallucination. T 10/28/1976 #31500 ancy Allocco and her two children, Lee, age twelve and Nell, age fourteen, 5/9/1977 #32077 red just above the crowd. (Anthony Lee, FSR, March 1983, pg. 24). (NICAP: 0 7/7/1977 #32244 d Henderson, New Zealand 8:30 p.m. Lee Robinson is riding her motorcycle on 4/2/1978 #33121 jets, piloted by Lt. Col. Seungbae Lee and Col. Byungsun Lim, are flying at 3/1979 #34453 , Senator, Arizona, in a letter to Lee Graham, Aerojet Electric Systems, Az 10/19/1981 #36178 (R-Ariz.) responds to constituent Lee M. Graham asking about rumors of ali 10/19/1981 #36179 ndersecretary for Procurement John Lee replies that these are not distingui 3/4/1984 #37216 adar sightings for 1980–1983. John Lee responds that there were 350 UFO rep 3/9/1984 #37222 UFO researcher Lee M. Graham, who has met several times 5/8/1986 #37858 r., Lt. Col Brian L Jones and Maj. Lee J Lehmkuhl of AFIT describes potenti 5/1996 #42891 A man was driving to work near Lee, New Hampshire when he saw four ball 2/26/1997 #43210 Congress in the wake of the Wen Ho Lee spy scandal and other allegations th 2000 #43909 ivilian Dion Fuller claims he met “Lee” at an apartment complex in Pacific 7/2003 #44560 and an entire truck; Fuller states Lee scrolled through allegedly classifie 7/2003 #44560 rget that corresponds to Constable Lee Roy Gaitan’s observation of an unkno 1/8/2008 #45112 Coast Guard retiree Shannon Lee states he witnessed a 10-12 foot sil 11/30/2020 #45666## Word: "lee's" (Back to Top)
Lee's Summit, MO 7:50-8:30 p.m. CST. Two 2/14/1967 #21547## Word: "lee-steere" (Back to Top)
, Western Australia 8:20 a.m. John Lee-Steere sees a “snowy white meshlike 8/5/1961 #16778## Word: "leeds" (Back to Top)
York Road east of Leeds, England 11:00 p.m. A man on the Y 8/20/1829 #125 .m. A man on the York Road east of Leeds, England, sees a moon-like object 8/20/1829 #125 LEEDS WEST YORKS Several observer(s) / ( 6/26/1954 #9951 LEEDS, ENGL 2 observer(s). 2 shiny balls 1/16/1956 #12662 LEEDS, WEST YORKS 2 boys. Domed saucer d 7/24/1963 #17850 hile they were playing outdoors in Leeds, West Yorkshire, England at 8:30 a 7/24/1963 #17851 MEANWOOD NEAR LEEDS, WEST YORKS 8' ovoid lands 3 minut 2/22/1979 #34442 Meanwood, UK In Meanwood, near Leeds an eight-foot long ovoid object la 2/22/1979 #34443 Meanwood, Leeds, England 4:00 p.m. Two 14-year-old 2/22/1979 #34444 their housing complex in Meanwood, Leeds, England. They are startled by a l 2/22/1979 #34444 In Meanwood, near Leeds, England at around 4:00 p.m. a eig 2/22/1979 #34445 LEEDS, NORTH YORKS 1 observer. Red airsh 12/24/1984 #37530 ghts / edge. Going north toward(s) Leeds. 3/24/1986 #37807 SOUTH LEEDS, WEST YORKS Ovoid seen, then plane 1/3/1988 #38389 ying object was seen over southern Leeds, England, then an airplane appeare 1/3/1988 #38390 LEEDS, WEST YORKS Ex-RAF man. Lights fla 1/4/1988 #38402 layered disc that glowed orange in Leeds. In Dewsbury at 11:30 p.m. a disc 1/4/1988 #38404 object hovered near the ground in Leeds, West Yorkshire, England at 6:00 p 9/24/2006 #44966 Leeds Airport, England 10:13 p.m. A B737 9/1/2020 #45660 B737 is approaching the runway at Leeds Airport, England, at 1,800 feet. B 9/1/2020 #45660## Word: "leedskelstein" (Back to Top)
ravity based on the work of Keely, Leedskelstein and Tibetan stone levitati 1/1998 #43483## Word: "leedy" (Back to Top)
e witnesses is Kansas Gov. John W. Leedy, who describes it as a “very stran 3/27/1897 #398 , is on the State House steps with Leedy and says the object is a large, ob 3/27/1897 #398## Word: "leefe" (Back to Top)
NEAR LEEFE, WY 3 / mine. Silent 55M saucer ho 7/1/1960 #16322 Leefe (near), WY Hovering disc like "two 7/1/1960 #16323 Leefe Mine Lincoln County, Wyoming 10:30 7/1/1960 #16324 g 10:30 a.m. Four witnesses at the Leefe Mine in Lincoln County, Wyoming, s 7/1/1960 #16324## Word: "leek" (Back to Top)
Leek, Staffordshire, UK Around 8:30 p.m. 9/20/1967 #23098 Leek, Staffordshire, UK 7:00 p.m. LT (3: 10/10/1967 #23203 At 7:00 p.m. three witnesses in Leek, Staffordshire, England using 7 x 5 10/10/1967 #23207 over a garage. Constable Leslie G. Leek and Constable Ian Barnes responded, 8/16/1971 #26287 1971, filed by Constable Leslie G. Leek.) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases) 8/16/1971 #26287 , FR 2 white balls to and fro over Leek Field. Land / observer(s) feet! Goi 12/6/1973 #28526 Leek, Staffordshire, England Ilam 9:30 p 1/3/1974 #28641 ent teachers are driving home near Leek, Staffordshire, England, when a gre 1/3/1974 #28641 CHEDDLETON TO/FROM LEEK, STAFFS Green night light follows 2 1/15/1974? #28679 CHEDDLETON AND LEEK, STAFFS 2 separate groups. Dome-obj 1/9/1975 #29736## Word: "leektow" (Back to Top)
, Clota, Totalmon, Latamarx, Noma, Leektow, Luu, Oblow, Kerrull, Locktopar, 1/6/1952 #5861## Word: "leeming" (Back to Top)
Mr. R. Leeming, an engineer, stopped by a lake 9/1/1962 #17382## Word: "leesburg" (Back to Top)
LEESBURG, GA AND WIDE AREA Cops and more 8/30/1973 #27730 LEESBURG, VA 2 separate airliners report 10/3/1994 (approximate) #41780## Word: "leesport" (Back to Top)
LEESPORT, PA Boy and 2 / farm. 3M thick 9/2/1956 #13171 nd 4 a.m. a 14-year-old witness in Leesport, Pennsylvania was asleep in his 11/25/2005 #44906## Word: "leesville" (Back to Top)
RED BLUFF AND CHICO AND LEESVILLE, CA Several observer(s). Fast 11/22/1896 #345 Marksville (and Leesville, Colfax), LA (McDonald list) ( 5/18/1962 #17177 ilot flying between Alexandria and Leesville, Louisiana that a UFO had appr 7/27/1967 #22743## Word: "leet" (Back to Top)
taly Adriatic Sea Capt. William D. Leet’s B-17 crew (part of the 2nd Bombar 11/24/1944 #1705 r northeastern Italy near Trieste, Leet notices a blinding light and feels 11/24/1944 #1705 is bright and perfectly circular. Leet orders the gunners not to shoot at 11/24/1944 #1705 ia, Austria B-17 pilot (William D. Leet) and crew, on a lone wolf mission, 12/1944 #1712 Oshima, Japan USAF Maj. William D. Leet, copilot on a C-54 transport missio 5/30/1952 #6388 08 p.m. USAF pilot Maj. William D. Leet and his engineer, flying a C-54 tro 10/13/1952 #8129## Word: "leeward" (Back to Top)
A cone-shaped mist appears on its leeward side, then the object shoots str 4/1954 #9656## Word: "lefevre" (Back to Top)
ver, Colorado 8:55 a.m. William F. LeFevre watches a shiny, mirror-like dis 7/3/1947 #2579## Word: "lefkohori" (Back to Top)
ountry road between Agia Marva and Lefkohori, Greece at night when he sudde 8/6/1978 #33480## Word: "left" (Back to Top)
frightened the four witnesses, but left no traces. 8/7/1869 #181 nd a breathing apparatus under the left arm. Shaw claims the beings try to 11/25/1896 #361 further questions, so the five men left. The craft was seen flying off the 12/7/1896 #376 cigar with a dome, rose slowly and left majestically toward the north. (NIC 4/12/1897 #442 cigar with a dome, rose slowly and left majestically toward the north. Witn 4/12/1897 #444 ith a roof and a double canopy. It left toward the north. 4/12/1897 #445 train shortly after his Engine 950 left downtown Chicago. The train is movi 4/12/1897 #446 cigar with a dome, rose slowly and left toward the north. 4/12/1897 #449 ith a roof and a double canopy. It left toward the north. 4/12/1897 #450 00 feet. It has a red light on the left side and a green light on the right 4/17/1897 #524 bjects is 2 feet behind and to the left of the other. Running back to the h 6/1904 #672 ove an altitude of three miles and left an area of destruction for more tha 6/30/1908 #712 tream from it on the right and the left and downward. Others see the object 2/2/1913 #878 then swings 300 feet or so to the left and suddenly vanishes. The officers 9/4/1915 #936 ts, sitting in a field 30 m to his left. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 10/1916 #952 ts, sitting in a field 30 m to his left. He watched the object for 1-2 min 10/1917 #967 ed off, made 6-7 barrel rolls, and left contrails in its wake. 6/2/1919 #987 on where the object had landed. It left tracks in the snow, which Lamb foll 2/22/1922 #1019 on where the object had landed. It left tracks in the snow, which Lamb foll 2/22/1922 #1020 on where the object had landed. It left tracks in the snow, which Lamb foll 2/22/1922 #1021 is become the only political party left in Germany, after all other parties 7/4/1933 #1165 three small circles from right to left. 1936 #1240 ng at 150 mph. It moves off to his left and disappears. 1/1/1937 #1259 llow, the “phenomenon passing from left to right across the polar cap.” 5/30/1937 #1270 object on the ground 500 m to the left of the road. It glowed with a bluis 9/1943 #1523 ound, rose to 100 m altitude, then left at fantastic speed. A strange metal 9/1943 #1523 object on the ground 500 m to the left of the road. It glowed with a bluis 9/1943 #1524 ound, rose to 100 m altitude, then left at fantastic speed. A strange metal 9/1943 #1524 accurately gauged since most have left the city to seek shelter with relat 12/2/1943 #1549 ckets were shipped to Japan. These left Bordeaux in August 1944 on the tran 8/1944 #1624 "made consciousness dissolve" and left a strange cloying smell behind (Mag End of 8/1944 #1648 "made consciousness dissolve" and left a strange cloying smell behind End of 8/1944 #1649 a brown robe. Fifteen feet to its left are five other figures dressed in l 10/1944 #1673 round amber light” sitting off the left wingtip of the B-17. It is bright a 11/24/1944 #1705 to 10 bright orange lights off the left wing…flying through the air at high 11/29/1944 #1710 e an aircraft approaching from the left and only 900 feet below them. The o Mid 2/1945 #1785 heir heading taking them off to or left. The other group was more distant a 7/4/1945 #1891 es shooting from its front, and it left no contrail. 7/20/1945 #1904 shaped object approaching on their left. It has no visible wings, rudders, 8/14/1946 #2135 Roman Empire when the Great Master left earth for the outer galaxy by fohat 7/3/1947 #2551 ects, with two dark forms to their left, moved like a swarm of bees to the 7/3/1947 #2578 e edge as it turned." Both objects left vapor trails. 7/5/1947 #2727 a, New Mexico, debris field. Those left at the base are told to inform the 7/8/1947 #3021 en he sees a flash of light to his left. An oval object like a bubble is fl 7/25/1947 #3231 altitude In Norwood, Manitoba. If left behind puffs of smoke at regular in 7/28/1947 #3241 minutes after taking off, when the left engine catches fire. An army hitchh 8/1/1947 #3281 . R. Johannis) is hiking along the left bank of the Torrente Chiarzò near R 8/14/1947 #3330 radio is dead. As he makes a 270° left turn to get a closer look, the obje 4/1/1948 #3603 loser look, the object makes a 90° left turn and moves away at tremendous s 4/1/1948 #3603 e miles to his east. It made a 90° left turn and leveled out on a westerly 4/1/1948 #3604 window three discs 2 miles to the left. He estimates they are 300– 400 fee 5/28/1948 #3660 o slowly to have been a meteor and left no “trail of sparks or dust cloud” 12/20/1948 #3935 then transferred. The only persons left active on the project are two of th 1/1949 #3950 while oscillating to the right and left, and then sped away. 1/4/1949 #3958 while oscillating to the right and left. It is apparently several miles off 1/4/1949 #3959 bject suddenly moved from right to left, then moved again passing behind th 4/9/1949 #4085 30 ft diameter at 14,000 ft make a left turn and depart ahead of a United a 5/2/1949 #4137 est moving south at high speed. It left no trail and made no sound. One of 5/6/1949 #4162 st at 6:40 p.m. Two of the objects left trails of sparks. There were five w 9/26/1949 #4374 so sees the object move right then left again, then they all see the object 1/24/1950 #4509 heading, then oscillates right to left. It moves horizontally to dead ahea 1/24/1950 #4509 ome clouds over Houston, Texas. It left flying toward the east. That night 3/5/1950 #4584 y trail one hundred feet long, but left no vapor trail. It was gone from si 3/10/1950 #4608 r two minutes during the day, then left at high speed to the east. 3/23/1950 #4712 factory in Fort Madison, Iowa. It left a shower of sparks behind it. 4/7/1950 #4819 light. It hovered for about 2 min, left toward the north, very fast. 4/8/1950 #4827 vered for about 2 minutes and then left toward the north at high speed. 4/8/1950 #4831 weld saucer body. Metal fragments left! Observer(s) zapped. / FSRv32#4. 4/24/1950 #4886 bout the tail of the object but it left no condensation trail. The sighting 4/25/1950 #4897 lowly toward the the horizon. They left a trail of smoke. 5/3/1950 #4920 disc resting on the ground to the left of the highway. He stops the car to 5/15/1950 #4944 clock to 7 o’clock position to the left at a slightly higher altitude. The 5/29/1950 #4972 front of the object. Sperry turns left back onto his original course to ge 5/29/1950 #4972 overed at 5-6, altitude, 50' away, left and returned several times somewhat 10/15/1950 #5233 w altitude only 50 feet away, then left and returned several more times, bu 10/15/1950 #5237 hile, then pulled ahead and to the left at a speed of over 200 mph. 11/27/1950 #5295 ground. Rogers immediately turned left and descended to intercept the craf 9/10/1951 #5661 6, crosses the front from right to left heading toward the north-northwest, 9/18/1951 #5678 ver in front of them from right to left. The ADF went out for a few minutes 9/18/1951 #5679 o'clock high position. It was in a left orbit at about 50,000 feet, above t 9/23/1951 #5687 ect that appears stationary to his left rear. It picks up speed and heads t 10/9/1951 #5715 off and slows down, makes a sharp left turn, climbs at an angle of 50–60° 10/10/1951 #5719 t passes 100 feet above and to the left of his aircraft. He immediately tur 11/24/1951 #5789 s a whitish or gray object off his left wing about one mile away and 1,000 12/12/1951 #5817 nd level at 6K' altitude. 2nd goes left and right of 1st. 3/10/1952 #5951 a. It made no sound as it flew and left no contrail. 4/8/1952 #6046 -gold object made a sharp turn and left a short, dark trail during l minute 4/18/1952 #6123 t make a sharp turn in the sky. It left a short, dark trail for one minute. 4/18/1952 #6126 rees "we heard a very low hum." It left no vapor trail, and flew at an esti 4/21/1952 #6148 going quickly north head-on. Pass left wing. / r150. 5/8/1952 #6273 th Carolina. It streaks past their left wing about a quarter mile away, fol 5/8/1952 #6275 that the objects are weaving from left to right while continuing on a stea 5/10/1952 #6298 nd. They made no sound, and weaved left to right as they flew. Four DuPont 5/10/1952 #6299 a dazzingly brilliant sphere that left a vapor trail was observed for seve 5/13/1952 #6318 000 feet at a supersonic speed and left a white vapor trail. The objects' c 5/29/1952 #6385 e object, whereupon the UFO made a left turn climb, silhouetting the F-94 a 5/31/1952 #6395 11,000 feet in altitude off their left wing. The object is longer than it 6/18/1952 #6541 passing below them, banking into a left turn. As the object circles around, 6/20/1952 #6562 es into a horizontal position, and left behind an odor of ozone. 6/28/1952 #6662 very fast to the right and to the left, and up and down for 45 minutes. 6/29/1952 #6665 000 feet, then parallel course off left wing at about 2 miles distance. It 7/13/1952 #6797 flipped on edge, the sides to the left of us going up and the glowing surf 7/14/1952 #6817 hers when it is moving away to his left. It is in view for 50 seconds. 7/18/1952 #6897 bluish flashes as it took off, and left behind the smell of burning sulphur 7/20/1952 #6953 y see three unknown objects make a left bank and fly to within 400–600 yard 7/24/1952 #7115 t saw object at 7,000 ft off their left (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BB 7/31/1952 #7370 ith noticeable motion to the lower left. Although Blue Book Capt. Edward J. 8/1/1952 #7408 ight a glowing object 45° to their left and at a lower altitude, with the w 8/12/1952 #7559 Tokyo, Japan Orange light fly a left orbit at 8,000 ft and 230 mph (NICA 8/13/1952 #7569 . McGough. One orange light flew a left orbit at 8,000' and 230 m.p.h., spi 8/13/1952 #7573 McGough sees an orange light fly a left orbit at 8,000 feet and 230 mph, th 8/13/1952 #7577 ighted an orange light that flew a left orbit at 8,000' and 230 mph. It the 8/13/1952 #7579 ight be tenable, and, we still are left with numbers of incredible reports 8/15/1952 #7610 tices two small lights over to the left of the object, underneath a nearby 9/12/1952 #7905 ted a red, cigar-shaped object. It left three puffs behind it, flew to the 9/14/1952 #7945 h Australia. It flew from right to left, had to porthols and interior light 10/27/1952 #8201 een at low altitude. It oscillated left and right, then took off toward the 11/21/1952 #8315 nge to white. It oscillated to the left and right, then took off toward the 11/21/1952 #8318 navigation lights. He tightens his left turn to keep the object in view, bu 12/4/1952 #8377 scends to 15,000 feet then circles left as if positioning for another pass. 12/4/1952 #8377 vertically in odd spurts right and left (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 12/22/1952 #8441 vertically in odd spurts right and left, then level off at high speed. The 12/22/1952 #8443 t 90 degree turns to the right and left, stopped, accelerated to original s 1/10/1953 #8529 abrupt 90° turns to the right and left, each turn 5 seconds apart. It almo 1/10/1953 #8530 raft had a bluish leading edge and left a trail of smoke. They flew across 2/28/1953 #8718 a contrail crossing his path from left to right at about 35,000–45,000 fee 3/3/1953 #8727 g 90-100, slowly moved aft off the left side of the airplane, as detected v 3/14/1953 #8752 aling 90–100, slowly moving to the left side of the aircraft at a range of 3/14/1953 #8753 f 5-10 lights flying slowly on the left side of the aircraft. A Project Blu 3/14/1953 #8754 with the abductees, and allegedly left them with some information about fu 3/22/1953 #8776 going down. Stops / midair. Moves left and right. 3/30/1953 #8795 e a rocket." There were footprints left behind at the site and four holes 5 7/1/1953 #8983 p its position after the plane has left toward Knoxville. “This object was 7/19/1953 #9004 0-foot circle of broken bushes was left behind at the landing spot. It's po 8/18/1953 #9081 and 1. 8M saucer going up [to] and left and right and going down [to] below 10/1953 (approximate) #9193 vers. Goes going up and down [to], left and right. Point night light orbits 1/10/1954 #9474 if, Algeria at a high altitude. It left a blue smoke trail as it flew off t 1/18/1954 #9495 s larger than a B-36, had no tail, left no trail of exhaust and emitted no 2/6/1954 #9538 ks the porcelain cap of his “upper left central incisor” and has it repaire 2/20/1954 #9560 about the same altitude and to the left, apparently headed west on a collis 3/5/1954 #9598 t straight up into the sky when it left. 3/12/1954 #9618 downward at an angle of 30° to the left of vertical and disappearing behind 3/28/1954 #9646 rance. Two human-looking occupants left the craft. The witness was paralyze 4/1/1954 #9660 sound that lasted five seconds. It left a bright white tail in descent, and 4/26/1954 #9727 n color, on the top. As the object left the boy felt a wave of heat. Inside 5/5/1954 #9755 altitude, sees the UFOs below his left wing. Just as the two pilots try to 5/14/1954 #9796 ld not be started until the object left the ground. They found a large, bro 6/21/1954 #9917 t the bright, ‘silvery’ sky to the left of the setting sun,” a “phenomenon 6/29/1954 #9962 co a brilliant white ball of light left a luminous trail as it flew over. T 8/6/1954 #10106 timated altitude of 2,500 feet and left going south. 8/22/1954 #10164 ow over the house of Mr. Lucas and left straight up. 8/23/1954 #10168 ers, gave off an intense light and left a trail of reddish smoke about thre 9/14/1954 #10296 peed of 150-180 miles per hour. It left a luminous vapor trail and was trac 9/17/1954 #10335 Guitta. The car was pulled to the left by an unseen force, and this was fo 9/18/1954 #10351 f it, then reentered the craft and left. Witness in a state of shock. 9/27/1954 #10471 f it, then reentered the craft and left. The witness was reportedly in a st 9/27/1954 #10476 ght egg-shaped object lands on the left side of the road 45 feet away. He s 10/1/1954 #10568 ed egg-shaped object landed on the left side of the road 15 meters away. He 10/1/1954 #10576 liantly illuminated, landed on the left side of the road 15 m away. He saw 10/2/1954 #10607 ed egg-shaped object landed on the left side of the road 15 meters away. He 10/2/1954 #10619 mselves unable to move. The object left a smell compared to that of nitrobe 10/5/1954 #10729 approached a fisherman. It quickly left when the witness called to his wife 10/5/1954 #10736 mselves unable to move. The object left a smell compared to that of nitrobe 10/5/1954 #10743 over ground. Flies off. Oily marks left in grass. 10/6/1954 #10751 s were "paralyzed" until the craft left. A third witness, Mr. Chaumeau, had 10/11/1954 #10930 sses were paralyzeduntil the craft left. A third witness, Mr. Chaumeau, had 10/11/1954 #10946 / canal. Up and away. Milky liquid left / water. 10/14/1954 #11014 t great speed. After the thing had left, the witness went to the spot where 10/14/1954 #11041 at ground level for 10 minutes it left by flying to the north, while a bri 10/14/1954 #11069 then on again. He then sees on his left a 27-foot-long cigar-shaped object 10/15/1954 #11111 cycle restarts once the object has left. 10/20/1954 #11276 ft with an antenna on top. The man left him there and went aboard. When Ujv 10/20/1954 #11278 ce. Dogs refused to go near it. It left behind a three-meter wide area of f 10/24/1954 #11367 er the city of Vienna, Austria. It left a trail behind, and the event laste 10/25/1954 #11397 l-Bataille, France at 6:15 a.m. It left no physical traces, but there were 11/2/1954 #11538 At 10:30 a.m. Maurilio Braga Godoi left the Santo Amaro, Brazil streetcar t 11/2/1954 #11539 n persisted for awhile but finally left him. Godoi noticed that there was a 11/2/1954 #11539 ” is found in the snow, apparently left by the craft having brushed the sur 11/23/1954 #11696 sheep had moved from were they had left them and that their sheep dog was b 11/23/1954 #11697 n and disappeared from view to the left of Mount La Cesa. Both boys ran hom 11/23/1954 #11697 was found in the snow, apparently left by the craft having brushed the sur 11/23/1954 #11698 l treats an abrasion on Gonzáles’s left side. Other witnesses to a UFO in t 11/28/1954 #11722 os del Zulia, Venezuela, Jesus Paz left his two friends in their car and wa 12/16/1954 #11824 approach he was paralyzed. The UFO left behind ground traces. 12/19/1954 #11841 from planetary disaster. They have left jobs, college, and spouses, and giv 12/20/1954 #11849 red and white ball hovered off the left wing of the TB-25 for 5 minutes, th 2/1/1955 #11959 pproaches them then hovers off the left wing for 5 minutes about 5° above t 2/1/1955 #11960 ee windows about 900 feet on their left that appears to change color from w 3/24/1955 #12059 round, white objects, one of which left a brief smoke trail (NICAP: 01 - Di 5/4/1955 #12115 round, white objects, one of which left a brief smoke trail, flew in an irr 5/4/1955 #12116 "rapidly and jerkily." One of them left a brief smoke trail. The UFOs moved 5/4/1955 #12119 lked with an ackward gait. The UFO left silently by making a vertical ascen 5/14/1955 #12132 gree turns for 3 minutes, and then left by shooting straight up. 5/17/1955 #12139 ed; returned to operation when UFO left. [UFOE, VIII, XII] (NICAP: 03 - EME 6/26/1955 #12214 disk-shaped object 150 m away. It left orange glows in its trail. Silent, 7/18/1955 #12269 und, but did not actually land. It left toward the northwest. A woodsman fr 7/18/1955 #12269 shaped object 150 m away. The disc left an orange glowing trail. It was sil 7/18/1955 #12270 und, but did not actually land. It left toward the northwest. A woodsman fr 7/18/1955 #12270 on the horizon. It was silent, and left no contrail. The sighting lasted fo 8/11/1955 #12355 hio River, a Mrs. Johnson, had her left leg grabbed by a hairy creature wit 8/14/1955 #12358 under the water twice, and she was left with scratches and brushes. A shiny 8/14/1955 #12358 farm and found no creatures, they left and at two a.m. the little “men” re 8/22/1955 #12391 itten it off as worthless before I left the project… also this report was d 10/25/1955 #12519 It made a loud rumbling noise, and left behind a white trail of smoke. That 2/23/1956 #12738 18 and 20, saw a red ball to their left coming down and hovering at tree he 4/8/1956 #12802 d hovering at tree height. It then left at fantastic speed. Three additiona 4/8/1956 #12802 s away is spotted about 90° to the left appearing like an airliner heading 4/8/1956 #12803 d ball of light come down to their left and hover at tree height. It then l 4/8/1956 #12804 and hover at tree height. It then left at fantastic speed. Three additiona 4/8/1956 #12804 minutes the object disappeared; it left a glow in the sky for a few seconds 4/16/1956 #12811 delta formation at 8:30 p.m. They left behind a light contrail. 4/27/1956 #12815 is surprise it took off. Before it left, however, he got a good look, it wa Summer 1956 #12912 around the ship and that they have left the atmosphere. They are supposedly 7/16/1956 #12974 n shows that more than half of the left elevator control surface is gone or 7/22/1956 #13007 0 feet in the second position (far left side) of a formation of four F-86 S 8/27/1956 #13140 h and showed flashing lights as it left. 9/1956 #13165 r fly toward the airplane from the left and take up a fixed position on the Fall 1956 #13239 nd take up a fixed position on the left wing less than 300 feet away. Other Fall 1956 #13239 lifts off the ground, moves to the left and up, makes a sudden turn, and sp 11/11/1956 #13322 ward the southwest at 4:35 p.m. It left behind an orange trail twice its ow 1/10/1957 #13452 object close to the ground on the left side of the road. It had several po 2/3/1957 #13482 overing close to the ground to the left of the road. The portholes, about 5 2/9/1957 #13487 object close to the ground on the left side of the road. It had several po 2/9/1957 #13488 fornia, when he notices off to his left the ionized track of what he takes 2/13/1957 #13503 ion. Almost immediately the object left toward the southeast. 5/1957 #13628 at the UFO and missed it. The UFO left their 30 mile range area and fell o 5/20/1957 #13665 Normal functions returned when UFO left (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 5/31/1957 #13688 target is tracked moving right to left, crossing in front of the aircraft 8/3/1957 #13875 h to south. The object makes a 90° left turn, speeds up, and disappears in 8/20/1957 #13912 maintains its position 90° to the left of the squadron. Suddenly a small c 9/4/1957 #13978 yard. The light began to move and left going over his house. 10/5/1957 #14063 bject remained there two min, then left. A search for the occupants proved 10/10/1957 #14091 mained there for two minutes, then left. A search for the occupants proved 10/10/1957 #14096 re he was medically examined, then left with a woman of short stature with 10/16/1957 #14127 a disinfectant liquid he was then left alone with a woman of short stature 10/16/1957 #14131 the patient. After 30 minutes they left, leaving her completely cured. The 10/25/1957 #14157 Beyssac notices a red light on his left. It seems to be getting bigger, so 11/4/1957 #14283 Shiny silver object hovers. Shifts left and right. Going quickly southwest 11/5/1957 #14313 anitoba and was seen shifting from left to right and back again in the sky. 11/5/1957 #14354 went back inside the craft, which left rapidly, and the cars could then be 11/6/1957 #14411 than a plane, had an "odd color," left no trail and made no noise. 11/6/1957 #14412 went back inside the craft, which left rapidly, and the cars could then be 11/6/1957 #14434 n a plane, had an "odd color," and left no trail. 11/6/1957 #14435 it, came within 20 m of them, then left toward the sea, leaving a double va 11/8/1957 #14480 within 20 meters of them, and then left toward the sea, leaving a double va 11/8/1957 #14491 object's position. When the object left the performance of the engine retur 11/9/1957 #14508 corner, and a yellow light at the left corner. They get out of their car a 11/23/1957 #14604 he four objects slowly rose up and left the area, at which time he returned 11/23/1957 #14605 large luminous object darting from left to right and back again ahead of hi 12/11/1957 #14713 Then a third man entered from the left, and Mrs. Starr leaned forward to t 12/16/1957 #14736 efore leaving the area, the object left an odd, luminous haze floating in t 12/21/1957 #14753 orner of Hill AFB and the door was left open for USAF personnel to take cus 1958 #14784 er legs, even though they have not left the car. Evans has a reddened area 2/17/1958 #14878 . The witness fainted; nothing was left to be seen when he regained conscio 5/27/1958 #15056 120 degree turn near a school, and left behind a smell of ozone in the air. 6/21/1958 #15113 sighting. Engine normal after UFO left (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 8/31/1958 #15234 object, 10 m above ground, to the left of the road, 150 m away. It was sha 9/1/1958 #15245 ect, 10 meters above ground to the left of the road. It was about 150 meter 9/1/1958 #15248 king a turn above Väddö Bay to the left of the road. It lands in the middle 11/9/1958 #15435 "Stop" on the side of his car, and left a note on the steering wheel that r 2/28/1959 #15624 the Murray River. They see to the left of the road a huge dome-shaped obje 3/13/1959 #15641 ad large, bright greenish eyes. It left tracks behind resembling those of t 3/28/1959 #15677 s closed in 1971, and only objects left above ground were the concrete foun 6/1959 #15754 n a line below, behind, and to the left of the main object. It makes a shar 7/11/1959 #15834 a high-pitched whining noise, and left behind an odor "like pepper." 7/13/1959 #15843 and flew away toward Santiago. It left behind traces on the ground, and it 8/12/1959 #15907 on formation passing in front from left to right and around his plane at a 8/13/1959 #15913 er following trunk line. After UFO left, keys turned back on. (NICAP: 03 - 8/17/1959 #15922 ea like daylight. The figures then left the area and the witnesses ran from 8/20/1959 #15932 Wallingford, KY 15-ft burned mark left by object on takeoff (NICAP: 01 - D 9/7/1959 #15958 meteor but changed his mind as it left no trail, and had a horizontal traj 1/3/1960 #16149 dden, hostile act against a nation left in relative ignorance could have se 2/27/1960 #16186 ulted in explosions and flames. It left behind nine ground scars. An analys 4/12/1960 #16225 roadwater Lake for 18 min. Then it left toward the west. 5/25/1960 #16301 ee by a 13-year-old girl. After it left large oily circles were found on th 7/22/1960 #16344 LEFT HAND CANYON, CO Saucer going down / 8/11/1960 #16368 Left Hand Canyon Altona, Colorado 3:10 p 8/11/1960 #16369 wks is operating a farm tractor at Left Hand Canyon near Altona, Colorado, 8/11/1960 #16369 a tractor occurred on this day in Left Hand Canyon, Boulder County, Colora 8/11/1960 #16370 the sky. About 12° to the objects’ left is a huge cylinder. One witness wat 9/10/1960 #16442 nds before it disappears under the left wing. 11/15/1960 #16505 bedroom. The lights that they have left on in the kitchen dim three times a 2/28/1961 #16615 ime, its underside glowing, and it left obliquely at high speed toward the 6/3/1961 #16714 . The objects begin banking to the left about 200–300 feet away. Summer 1961 #16736 red about 20 m above the trees. It left suddenly at high speed. 7/3/1961 #16744 bout 20 meters above the trees. It left suddenly at high speed. 7/3/1961 #16745 yside in pairs for six hours. They left an angel hair residue, a snowy-whit 8/6/1961 #16782 at he lost control of his bike and left the road. 9/30/1961 #16880 m on the afternoon of the 18th and left behind it a mysterious substance th 11/18/1961 #16964 a bright flash of sunlight in his left side and turns to see a metallic ob 1962 #17006 It is pacing the aircraft near its left wingtip. The object is 4–8 feet in 1962 #17006 ed to be here, Sir,” to which they left and believed the US developed flyin 1962 #17012 ject was surrounded by a glow, and left at high speed very suddenly. 2/9/1962 #17042 eir backyard before making a sharp left turn and moving away to the east. 4/24/1962 #17127 slice” fillets of titanium on the left side of the aircraft and one fillet 4/26/1962 #17131 here until after the observers had left the scene. 5/26/1962 #17207 of paper," gray-white. Observed to left of aircraft "going along with the s 7/17/1962 #17277 loser, but the couple panicked and left at high speed. Eight other persons 7/18/1962 #17283 , California. It made no noise and left no wake as it passed by a boat on t 7/28/1962 #17296 al any clue. Many terrified people left the area. 8/20/1962 #17347 any clue. Many terrified neighbors left the area at the time because of thi 8/20/1962 #17349 d desist with H-bomb testing. They left in a UFO shaped like a spinning top 9/5/1962 #17387 ize of a small plane 1 km away. It left toward the south. 9/15/1962 #17400 small plane one kilometer away. It left flying toward the south. 9/15/1962 #17404 ct made a vertical takeoff when it left. 10/28/1962 #17514 ellow-orange light, and eventually left toward Rugby. 1/28/1963 #17644 tude with a vertical shifting, and left toward the northeast. 2/20/1963 #17674 apparent size of the Moon, and it left a bright white contrail. 3/18/1963 #17712 saw an object on the ground to the left of the road as they were driving be 5/15/1963 #17740 saw an object on the ground to the left side of the road as they were drivi 5/15/1963 #17743 INGFIELD, IL Shiny silver UFO goes left and right and going up and down / 6 7/20/1963 #17842 0 feet in front of them and to the left. When Austin drops Phyllis off at h 8/4/1963 #17863 rs for nearly an hour. When Ronnie left the object buzzed his car repeatedl 8/4/1963 #17864 , then to the right, then down and left. It makes a square, then an X withi 8/10/1963 #17882 his forehead, wore high boots that left a triangular imprint, and carried a 8/28/1963 #17920 e and flew up to the sphere, which left. The chlldren somehow became convin 8/28/1963 #17920 sat down. He wore high boots that left a triangular imprint, and carried a 8/28/1963 #17924 then flew up to the sphere, which left. The chlldren somehow became convin 8/28/1963 #17924 ground traces from the footprints left behind. 8/28/1963 #17924 en braked but the vehicle skidded, left the road and became bogged down in 10/12/1963 #17988 ght onto it. After five minutes it left. Following the event, Nelson states Late 1963 #17989 eam, measured 8 m in diameter, and left a cloud of white smoke. 10/21/1963 #17996 a white and a red light beam, and left a cloud of white smoke. 10/21/1963 #17998 thing like a flashlight off to his left, and three figures, 3–4 feet tall, 10/23/1963 #18004 adio failed, came back on when UFO left (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 11/14/1963 #18038 eyes, grabbed an oilcan, and then left. Other passengers on an incoming tr 12/17/1963 #18087 ke sounds he could not understand, left footprints on the sand, and went ba 12/25/1963 #18094 ke sounds he could not understand, left footprints in the sand, and then we 12/25/1963 #18095 cord going from his helmet to his left shoulder. He has a red face and a b 2/3/1964 #18125 l pencil-shaped object moving from left to right on the horizon. A flash of 4/11/1964 #18169 take up position above and to its left side. The pilot attempts to radio t 4/20/1964 #18180 ame from above and paced along the left side of their transport plane. The 4/20/1964 #18181 seen on ground by police officer, left imprints and scorched foliage when 4/24/1964 #18196 . It was described as oval, and it left a depression and imprints in the gr 5/5/1964 #18242 described as oval in shape, and it left a depression and four rectangular i 5/5/1964 #18245 time. It then moves swiftly to the left and disappears behind a water tank. 5/13/1964 #18262 he right of the Moon around to the left. Sighting lasted 17 minutes. 5/18/1964 #18284 the right side of the Moon to the left. At 10:15 p.m. an Army pilot at the 5/18/1964 #18285 d, OR Rectangular object with legs left flattened wheat and three indentati 5/19/1964 #18287 object to the side. He stopped and left his car with a friend to observe it 5/24/1964 #18296 his car radiator for them and they left. Their craft was about 3 m long and 6/15/1964 #18361 his car radiator for them and they left. The UFO left by ascending vertical 6/15/1964 #18363 or for them and they left. The UFO left by ascending vertically into the sk 6/15/1964 #18363 ee lights on the upper part. As it left, a green light illuminated the coun 7/7/1964 #18397 in 500 feet of the craft before it left. 8/25/1964 #18510 ght onto the warhead. The UAP then left camera frame, and the warhead tumbl 9/1964 #18525 close-fitting suits. Ground marks left at the site formed equilateral impr 11/25/1964 #18638 readings (1.5 milliR/hr on Burns’s left rear car door). They dispute Gehman 12/21/1964 #18670 bluish glow from the bottom. As it left, it rose to about 200 feet in altit 12/21/1964 #18671 oor in the object open before they left. The sighting duration was four min 12/28/1964 #18678 ore" at Tillamook Head, Oregon. It left two trails of fire behind. 1/11/1965 #18711 of them had "a long finger on his left hand." Their clothes were the same 1/19/1965 #18746 ne has an extra-long finger on its left hand. They speak in an unintelligib 1/19/1965 #18750 him and knocked him down. The pair left the barn quickly, but as they fled 1/26/1965 #18770 e command post. Their equipment is left behind at the antenna, but air poli 3/2/1965 #18832 roughly equidistant 6 inch holes, left by the landing gear. There were als 3/2/1965 #18833 the right eye, saw poorly with the left, went to a doctor in Fort Myers, an 3/15/1965 #18857 ver then follows along the plane’s left wing for about 56 miles. Emitting a 3/18/1965 #18864 0 m altitude. It turned east, then left toward the south. First seen as a s 4/8/1965 #18899 himself "Yamski." The witness was left with headaches, messages, and a met 6/7/1965 #18997 minutes to regain control. Tracks left by the landing gear are found later 7/1/1965 #19047 howing a clear yellow glow, and it left a bluish trail. 7/6/1965 #19076 howing a clear yellow glow, and it left a bluish trail. 7/6/1965 #19079 wing several portholes. The object left traces on the ground. 7/15/1965 #19105 , and showed several portholes. It left behind ground traces at the landing 7/15/1965 #19108 inder moved about in the sky, from left to right. During its oscillating be 7/17/1965 #19117 rns going up / fireball. Burn spot left. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#6 7/19/1965 #19125 cylinder moved across the sky from left to right. It flew with an oscillati 7/19/1965 #19135 a balloon. There were ground marks left in the sand, and a check of radioac 7/19/1965 #19135 "arm" had three lights. The object left toward the west. 7/19/1965 #19136 ect moves to the right then to the left, then up and down, left again, then 8/19/1965 #19426 hen to the left, then up and down, left again, then disappears behind some 8/19/1965 #19426 uminous object. It moved right and left, then back, etc. Ultimately it disa 8/20/1965 #19437 ameter of 15 m, height of 6 m, and left a trail and smell of burned gasolin 8/20/1965 #19439 uminous object. It moved right and left, then back and forth, etc. Ultimate 8/20/1965 #19441 a powerful yellow-orange light and left rapidly toward the south with a dou 8/25/1965 #19462 a powerful yellow-orange light and left rapidly toward the south with a dou 8/25/1965 #19464 r varied from white to red, and it left marks on the roof. 9/3/1965 #19504 nimal before the sighting, and his left index finger swelled and bled freel 9/3/1965 #19506 side and a long blue light on the left side. Came from distance to 150' o 9/3/1965 #19508 lice car. Driver felt heat on his left arm. Initial sighting lasted 5-10 9/3/1965 #19508 pulsating red lights that dim from left to right then right to left in a 5- 9/3/1965 #19511 m from left to right then right to left in a 5- 4-3-2-1 then 1-2-3-4-5 patt 9/3/1965 #19511 side and a long blue light on the left side. It approaches to within 150 f 9/3/1965 #19512 moonlight. Goode feels heat on his left arm; an alligator bite on his left 9/3/1965 #19512 left arm; an alligator bite on his left index finger is suddenly relieved o 9/3/1965 #19512 d. It shot up into the sky, and it left marks on the roof. 9/3/1965 #19513 o steps, and a purple light on the left, which lit the ground and bathed th 9/3/1965 #19517 nimal before the sighting, and his left index finger swelled and bled freel 9/3/1965 #19517 cocha. They entered a craft, which left with a thundering noise. 9/5/1965 #19524 ntered a craft, which took off and left making a thundering noise. 9/5/1965 #19525 urning for some time after the UFO left, leaving behind a large hole in the 9/15/1965 #19567 a park at the edge of town. It had left by the time they returned with help 10/13/1965 #19655 people and 80,000 square miles are left without electricity for up to 13 ho 11/9/1965 #19709 ast one UFO landed, leaving behind left ground traces. 11/30/1965 #19744 nd approximately 150 feef from the left side of the road, traveling north. 12/11/1965 #19765 t was visible for five minutes and left behind a smoke trail. 1/1/1966 #19801 tocky build, and he stood with his left hand against the object and his rig 1/5/1966 #19806 p.m. 16 more UFOs appeared to the left of these, gradually vanishing after 1/6/1966 #19807 sound. It appeared to hover, then left at high speed. The witness could th 1/7/1966 #19812 . It then moved behind the car and left. The car could then be restarted. T 1/7/1966 #19815 t a tremendous burst of speed" and left nearly instantaneously towards the 1/11/1966 #19830 ortly thereafter at high speed. It left behind three rectangular holes 15 c 2/6/1966 #19891 3 m of him, then circled twice and left toward the north. It emitted a brig 2/26/1966 #19923 going up [to] going down [to] and left and right all over/all about power 3/21/1966 #20016 he right, and a white light on the left. When the object moves toward his c 3/23/1966 #20052 where it had landed it had already left, but it left a large melted oval in 3/24/1966 #20072 landed it had already left, but it left a large melted oval in the snow. 3/24/1966 #20072 last of air from the object, which left landing imprints in the soil. 3/29/1966 #20142 of a swarm of bees was audible. It left at high speed toward the east. 3/31/1966 #20174 en he tried to touch it, the craft left at great speed toward the west. It 4/4/1966 #20223 tude over her trailer, circled and left. Three witnoises. Low buzzing sound 4/5/1966 #20240 took off, hovered for a while, and left. 4/5/1966 #20242 white object followed them as they left the area. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 03 4/7/1966 #20265 lights following their car as they left the site of a picnic in a state of 4/7/1966 #20268 foot in diameter. Meanwhile those left behind in the shelter witnessed a v 4/7/1966 #20271 ed in black standing outside. They left and started back to their car. When 4/7/1966 #20271 t avoidance), reappearing after it left. (Fowler 1974, pp. 128-130, 340; NI 4/19/1966 #20339 wo blue lights extending above the left end, a red light at the right end, 4/23/1966 #20385 ponse to the object's presence. It left behind a smell like ozone and deep 4/23/1966 #20391 e of 3 miles. It then makes a 180° left turn to the northwest within a diam 5/4/1966 #20447 e miles distance, then made a 180° left turn to the NW again within a diame 5/4/1966 #20448 rmed an equilateral triangle. They left trails of color six times the size 5/5/1966 #20451 " noise, and circled around to the left and disappeared. (NICAP notes, poli 5/6/1966 #20453 " noise, and circled around to the left and disappeared. 5/6/1966 #20455 circled a large UFO; 4 entered, 3 left, returned and then entered again. 5/17/1966 #20498 h its vertical stabilizers and its left wing in the process, and explodes, 6/8/1966 #20544 ght making three 360° turns to the left at approximately 3,000 mph. The lig Mid 6/1966 #20564 It came within 30 m, then suddenly left straight up. 7/25/1966 #20681 me within 30 meters, then suddenly left straight up. It flew up and out of 7/25/1966 #20685 , came tumbling down from right to left. Stopped 5-10' above the beach and 7/31/1966 #20702 down out of the sky from right to left. It stopped 5-10 feet above the bea 7/31/1966 #20703 shiny black coveralls. The object left slowly with a soft humming sound. 8/6/1966 #20728 shiny black coveralls. The object left slowly with a soft humming sound. 8/6/1966 #20730 lasting physiological effects and left ground traces on the ground. 8/15/1966 #20750 ). Go going up. Crater-depressions left. 9/7/1966 #20857 iscovered three traces, apparently left by spherical objects, 18 cm deep, v 9/13/1966 #20877 ed three ground traces, apparently left by spherical objects, 18 centimeter 9/13/1966 #20880 an up-and-down skipping motion. It left after an hour. 9/17/1966 #20893 e object then circled the area and left. 11/10/1966 #21088 e" goes going up and down [to] and left and right. Hovers. Away V-fast. 11/21/1966 #21130 p.m. ahead of their car and to the left. It was seen through trees, and was 12/30/1966 #21232 ut. He sees an orange flash to his left at the level of his hood and tiny b Early 1/1967 #21244 ght, seemed to check something and left. 1/5/1967 #21258 seemed to check something and then left. 1/5/1967 #21261 n again, and falls back behind the left wing. It then pulls forward again. 1/13/1967 #21299 jet. Both the UFO and the jet make left turns over Winslow, Arizona, after 1/13/1967 #21299 nd started to fall back behind the left wing, but then pulled forward again 1/13/1967 #21301 in. Both the UFO and Lear jet made left turns over Winslow, Arizona, when L 1/13/1967 #21301 and disappeared into thin air. It left round footprints on the snow. 1/15/1967 #21312 for some food and was offered some left over meat. The beings declined, ask 1/25/1967 #21389 re unscuffed. When the mystery men left they backed their vehicle out onto 1/28/1967 #21411 ertical columns, starting from the left, going down one column, up the next 1/28/1967 #21411 then moves in level flight to the left, with a smooth climb in the southwe 1/30/1967 #21418 then moved in level flight to the left, making a smooth climb in the south 1/30/1967 #21422 etic compass oscillated 15 degrees left, then 20 degrees right, the cabin l 2/2/1967 #21443 to green. The object hovered, then left with a tremendous burst of speed (r 2/10/1967 #21501 ked like a modern office. After he left the ship, it took off straight up a 2/16/1967 #21574 erome and Cohen sighted a UFO that left a vapor trail. The object fell down 2/18/1967 #21591 ach path (reverse direction) as it left. House lights dimmed (EM effects) w 2/20/1967 #21605 dome with a fin, was greenish, and left toward the Severn River. 2/23/1967 #21632 a fin. It was green in color, and left in the direction of the Severn Rive 2/23/1967 #21636 e almost instantaneous 90^ turn to left, shot out over road and stopped, mo 2/27/1967 #21677 a bright red as it went straight, left, right, and disappeared and reappea 2/27/1967 #21678 icle encounter), swerved away, and left at terrific speed. (Memphis Press-S 2/28/1967 #21682 r homes. The object was silent and left a white flowing fuzzy trail in its 3/1/1967 #21708 n until they reached Route 113. It left to the northeast. They reported fee 3/3/1967 #21745 ling an "electric discharge" as it left, and their dog was very nervous dur 3/3/1967 #21745 s until they reached Route 113. It left to the northeast. They reported fee 3/3/1967 #21749 pinging" electric discharges as it left, and their dog was very nervous dur 3/3/1967 #21749 11 altitude for 15 min. The object left with a hushed whistling sound, illu 3/4/1967 #21752 range for 15 minutes. The objects left with a hushed whistling sound, illu 3/4/1967 #21753 y and notice a bright light on the left. Wallace turns the car around and h 3/8/1967 #21815 bj, lights on underside, hovering, left at high speed (NICAP: 01 - Distant 3/9/1967 #21829 s round, hovered at rooftop level, left suddenly at high speed. Its size wa 3/9/1967 #21837 und, hovered at rooftop level, and left suddenly at high speed. Its was the 3/9/1967 #21843 gree) orientation, oscillated, and left to the northwest. Three photographs 3/12/1967 #21871 egree orientation, oscillated, and left towards the northwest. He took thre 3/12/1967 #21873 uite violently. The UFO eventually left and the car could be restarted with 3/21/1967 #21938 d following the car. Eventually it left the car and hovered over a store by 4/6/1967 #22083 lights) for 1.25 hours. The object left a white trail, and it started and s 4/12/1967 #22115 d object approaches a car from the left side, glowing red-orange with yello 4/12/1967 #22121 e lights on the bottom. The object left a white trail, and it started and s 4/12/1967 #22127 e car missed when it was passed on left by the oncoming white and yellow-or 4/21/1967 #22195 is farm. The 1.5 meter tall object left behind six landing imprints in the 4/26/1967 #22224 e-shaped light at the front and it left a luminescent trail. They watched i 5/2/1967 #22266 vertical beam of light. The object left suddenly with a roar similar to tha 5/7/1967 #22293 es to fear an explosion. Witnesses left to get the sheriff. No physical tra 5/10/1967 #22308 yellow light became visible to the left, and thinking that it was a jet pla 5/11/1967 #22317 yellow light became visible to his left, and thinking that it was a jet pla 5/11/1967 #22319 e misuse of atomic energy. When he left he refused to shake hands, explaini 5/15/1967 #22348 yards away. The object landed and left physical traces, including a burned 5/31/1967 #22429 n Dam, Pennsylvania. When the UFOs left the electricity in the school came 6/5/1967 #22468 received burns on his arm and the left side of his face. 6/14/1967 #22505 rs to be pumping in and out of its left end. It is moving right to left in 7/3/1967 #22601 ts left end. It is moving right to left in the manner of a pendulum. Before 7/3/1967 #22601 against it, then veers off to the left. As it brushes, her car lights up “ 7/17/1967 #22682 windscreen, then veered off to the left. When it made contact the car lit u 7/17/1967 #22686 ees a strangely bright star to the left of Polaris. As he watches, it grows 8/1967 #22771 to Polaris and shoots away to the left. 8/1967 #22771 ny others, about 500 m away to the left. They blinked and faded. Similar li 8/3/1967 #22785 hers, about 500 meters away to the left. The lights would blink and fade. S 8/3/1967 #22790 -sized head, with no arms. The boy left his room screaming, saying that he 8/16/1967 #22886 ck" into the object at once and it left silently at high speed. 8/23/1967 #22901 o small beings who when discovered left hurriedly. There were no lights on 8/23/1967 #22907 pattern with a whistling noise. It left behind a smell of sulphur. 8/29/1967 #22955 e flew back into the object, which left. 9/4/1967 #22996 e flew back into the object, which left. 9/4/1967 #23000 soccer field. Physical traces were left by the object. (Baltimore Morning S 9/17/1967 #23074 t she had to take a pill. When she left she walked away into the bushes, an 9/26/1967 #23133 human/entity. Sex with odd female. Left / field. UFO retracts legs and flie 10/6/1967 #23182 , but no smoke, flame, or haze. It left two impressions. 10/9/1967 #23200 t was joined by a second one. They left together flying to the east and out 10/17/1967 #23249 n one of the beings came up to his left side and somehow put his whole hand 10/24/1967 #23310 ut his whole hand inside the upper left side of his chest. After some time 10/24/1967 #23310 ut were not understood. The object left. 11/2/1967 #23388 een the two vehicles for 2 min and left at high speed. 11/5/1967 #23407 e two vehicles for two minutes and left at a high speed. 11/5/1967 #23408 om the right, passes slowly to the left, then speeds up and disappears. The 11/6/1967 #23414 middle of a highway 80 m away. It left straight up. 11/14/1967 #23449 witnesses continued their work and left the building at 2:55 p.m., noticing 11/24/1967 #23508 about five meters in diameter. He left a written note to his wife, telling 11/28/1967 #23517 ish-green, elongated object to his left. It was quite fuzzy and no details 11/28/1967 #23520 ends rapidly, ascends again, moves left to right, then descends again. Thro 12/2/1967 #23533 helmets with small antennas on the left side of the ear area. Their uniform 12/3/1967 #23545 emblem of a winged serpent on the left breast of each entity’s uniform. Th 12/3/1967 #23545 and interviews with the patrolmen left project staff with no confidence th 12/3/1967 #23545 arms and two legs—was sighted. It left deep footprints in the soil. 12/3/1967 #23548 by small beings and physical marks left on her body (suggested abduction). 12/8/1967 #23560 y strong, even in the car. The UFO left after 10 minutes. 12/29/1967 #23619 . Downing also believes that Jesus left earth in a flying saucer to another 1968 #23624 SR28. 5 hours missing time. Driver left in snow nearby. 1/1968 #23638 e in the sky after the red objects left it. 1/13/1968 #23663 h. It finally rose vertically, and left behind a large burnt area. 1/23/1968 #23688 he lived there alone. They finally left disappearing down a nearby footpath 1/29/1968 #23708 rformed a number of maneuvers, and left rapidly. 2/12/1968 #23751 lvery domed disc-shaped UFO on the left side of the highway in a forest cle 2/21/1968 #23770 lvery domed disc-shaped UFO on the left side of the highway in a forest cle 2/21/1968 #23773 LT, UT Large round object pulsates left going [to] right moving rapidly. 3/1/1968 #23800 rnoon, flashing a bright light. It left a slight smoke trail visible and ma 3/2/1968 #23807 in West Seneca, New York from the left, then went over the road in front o 3/4/1968 #23825 heat and "weightless." The object left over a nearby field, emitting a clo 3/4/1968 #23826 race records were kept. The object left to the southwest after 45 minutes. 5/9/1968 #23953 suddenly, hovered for 40 min, and left at high speed. 6/14/1968 #24030 , holding a sky blue sphere in his left hand. On his right hand was a huge 6/14/1968 #24032 the witness felt better, they then left. 6/14/1968 #24035 nd seems made up of scales. In his left hand he is holding a glassy sphere 6/15/1968 #24039 ith a vivid blue light. It landed, left a strange, powerful odor, and burne 6/16/1968 #24041 ith a vivid blue light. It landed, left a strange, powerful odor, and burne 6/16/1968 #24042 It suddenly increased in speed and left. Calcination traces were found by p 6/21/1968 #24067 n a 25 meter wide indentation area left by the UFO. 6/21/1968 #24068 roached the witness who had by now left his vehicle. They expressed curiosi 6/23/1968 #24072 y boarded the craft, which quickly left the area. 6/23/1968 #24072 ped him. He was unable to move his left arm for three days, and suffered fr 6/25/1968 #24081 l traces included the ground marks left behind by the tripod landing gear: 7/1/1968 #24120 7m x 6.8m x 5.45m apart, and marks left by the ladder. There was also a res 7/1/1968 #24120 istance. Three small round objects left the large "mothership," which then 8/7/1968 #24308 ted. Two of the small objects also left, but the third, a domed disc-shaped 8/7/1968 #24308 ng 50 feet above some trees on his left. Another light is approaching at hi 8/15/1968 #24331 ly disgusting" appearance. The UFO left a large area of burnt grass, and "w 8/16/1968 #24343 nd colored blue, white and red. It left a long trail of smoke, and each tim 8/29/1968 #24401 beings took hold of the witnesses' left hands and pricked their fingers thr 9/1/1968 #24422 opped like a stone, veering to the left. It made no sound and left no smoke 9/2/1968 #24425 to the left. It made no sound and left no smoke trail. 9/2/1968 #24425 control. Both of them fall out the left door as the bright UFO hovers 2 fee 9/10/1968 #24449 t like a short cigar moving on his left, but it stops and hovers above a lo 10/5/1968 #24544 t object rising from a held to the left and hovering above a house. It appe 11/20/1968 #24670 craft for about five min, then it left with a jerky motion. 11/20/1968 #24670 its run across the road from their left. Suddenly they see a brilliant obje 11/20/1968 #24672 as it rises from a field on their left, silently pass over the car, and mo 11/20/1968 #24672 transparent dome in a field to the left. The brilliant object rose from the 11/20/1968 #24673 k of the craft, bent down. The UFO left with jerky movements, and the brigh 11/20/1968 #24673 e heads, so that only the face was left exposed. One of the men was carryin 11/21/1968 #24676 rienced a peculiar incident, which left him with a scar. He returned to the 12/28/1968 #24794 th legs / 50M altitude. Going [to] left. Small sphere/orb/globe appears / 1 12/29/1968 #24795 ppeared and both walked toward the left side of the illuminated square. Nex 1/6/1969 #24822 about 15 minutes after the object left. 1/6/1969 #24822 wling softly. Alarmed, the witness left the scene. When he returned a few d 1/15/1969 #24850 ding 100 meters away. Senor Gusmao left the group of investigators and walk 1/31/1969 #24882 the accelerator until after it had left the beam. The woman's eyes bothered 3/6/1969 #24977 ny group. There were ground traces left at the site. 3/6/1969 #24979 not move; after 5-10 minutes, they left the station and re-entered the obje 3/12/1969 #25002 e 2 dozen oval, white discs on the left side of the plane, flying very low 3/17/1969 #25019 opped her and her daughter off, he left in a frightened state, without coll 4/25/1969 #25091 Brazil. Jose Antonio da Silva had left his home in Belo Horizonte and take 5/4/1969 #25115 by running up an embankment to the left. The first two had barely disappear 5/11/1969 #25128 ght bulb. However, it moves to his left and takes off at fantastic speed. H 6/17/1969 #25221 tioned properly againafter the UFO left, about 30 seconds later. (3) Two an 8/5/1969 #25311 functioned normally after the UFO left. 8/28/1969 #25334 ng one-piece garments. The witness left to get other witnesses but upon ret 9/22/1969 #25375 ous ball paces car in front. Sways Left and Rt.4X. Going quickly northwest. 10/11/1969 #25404 of the vehicle and swaying to the left and right four times. 10/11/1969 #25407 ley, Massachusetts at 8:50 p.m. It left behind a vapor trail. 10/14/1969 #25414 me takes off from grass. Odd metal left and traces / dirt / r5p164. 10/30/1969 #25435 the steering was out until the UFO left the area. 11/30/1969 #25481 nd some 40 feet from the house. It left footprints "like a calf's." Then a 6/4/1970 #25690 man carried a leather case on his left hip attached to a strap over his ri 6/21/1970 #25704 red, green, and yellow lights. It left behind it a white, floating hoop sh 6/27/1970 #25716 of Villalba del Alcores, Spain. It left behind burnt plants and leaves. 7/24/1970 #25748 -year-old teenager named Sivaraman left home at 7 p.m. to attend an evening 8/5/1970 #25771 ong the corridor. He walked to his left down the corridor, the aroma of sag 8/15/1970 #25787 for a minute and a half before it left in a swooping dive to the north-nor 8/30/1970 #25815 c in the southeast sky moving from left to right. Around the dome on top wa 9/1970 #25821 c in the southeast sky moving from left to right. Around the dome on top is 9/1970 #25822 t 9:15 p.m., and then vanished. It left behind a faint contrail. 9/21/1970 #25848 the truck, the object moves to the left side of his car about 30 feet away 11/1/1970 #25898 was seen to land in a cemetery. It left burns on the ground and imprints ar 11/29/1970 #25923 and disappeared into thin air. It left round footprints in the snow. 1/15/1971 #25989 pain for five minutes at 8 p.m. It left a zig-zag contrail. 1/23/1971 #26000 time the light passed over to the left side of the road, during which the 2/2/1971 #26011 not stop to investigate if it had left tracks, but drove straight to Oulu. 2/2/1971 #26011 on each side. Circular footprints left by the entity are clearly visible, 2/5/1971 #26014 eg marks and small footprints were left behind in the snow. 2/5/1971 #26015 t to her home without stopping. He left in a frightened state without colle 4/24/1971 #26081 It had a door like opening to the left of its center; the opening emitted 5/21/1971 #26121 is vehicle, turned his head to his left and saw a similarly garbed figure o 5/21/1971 #26121 meters away from the aircraft, and left no contrails. Ground radar confirme 6/5/1971 #26158 inside the house. After the object left the grass at the landing site was c 6/9/1971 #26165 Western Australia at 9:50 a.m.. It left behind a trail. 7/29/1971 #26253 ld him to go inside and sit in the left seat. On what appeared to be a cont 8/16/1971 #26291 e said by the witness to have been left at the landing site. 9/11/1971 #26328 the object and the “soldiers” have left marks in the ground, but police do 9/12/1971? #26330 e said by the witness to have been left at the landing site. 9/12/1971 #26331 ame. The craft swung from right to left in a descending pendulum trajectory 9/20/1971 #26354 staggering speed. The witness was left in a state of shock and nearly blin 9/22/1971 #26365 the water’s surface, turns sharply left without any hesitation and disappea 10/5/1971 #26410 ache. The craft and its occupants left, but the witness was so upset he wa 10/11/1971 #26418 ir farm for 45 minutes. It finally left by spiralling up into the sky. 11/6/1971 #26465 by a loud unintelligible cry. They left their campsite in haste. Returning 11/13/1971 #26470 attraction towards the light. They left the car and heard a cicada-like ele 12/6/1971 #26490 came from behind a hedgerow to her left and sailed down to road level, no m 3/7/1972 #26590 nd making a humming sound. It also left four imprints in the ground forming 3/19/1972 #26618 shaped object on the ground to his left, about 100 feet wide, surrounded by 3/25/1972 #26623 n top, and along side of it on the left was a very tall person dressed in a 6/1/1972 #26696 ght up at a terrific speed when it left. 7/14/1972 #26800 n started by itself and the saucer left. The woman had seen the same object 7/25/1972 #26834 a greyish-white oval object to her left in a paddock. It had lights on both 8/3/1972 #26870 again for another two minutes. It left a contrail when it moved, and red f 8/6/1972 #26881 n a nearby field and his passenger left the vehicle unseen. The car's door 8/8/1972 #26885 nd. Two cupolas are visible on its left side. Three small white discs appea 8/12/1972 #26911 dark mass like a haystack on their left about 30 feet away. A small red lig 8/12/1972 #26911 red over their house, spinning. It left by shooting off toward the east. 9/7/1972 #26980 on, his motorcycle shot off to the left seemingly under its own volition at 9/27/1972 #27035 finally crossing diagonally to the left and disappearing behind some pallet 9/28/1972 #27038 bend his legs as he walked. In his left hand he held a small white sphere t 9/28/1972 #27038 to view above the treetops to heir left. Grace sees rectangular windows and 10/9/1972 #27063 d ten minutes, scared animals, and left physical traces. 11/13/1972 #27123 foot circle of blackened grass was left behind, with rectangular tracks in 11/28/1972 #27151 He decides to stop the car. To his left he sees a “diamond shape with the t 11/30/1972 #27154 and entered the craft, and the UFO left. The height and other features of t 1/4/1973 #27221 s, who were returning for her. Her left arm was paralyzed, so she was taken 2/26/1973 #27318 from its base, pointing toward the left. Through binoculars Mr. Cosme could 3/24/1973 #27373 beam seemed to carry a sack on its left side. This silhouette gradually "ev 3/24/1973 #27373 e and its apex pointing toward the left. Through a pair of binoculars Mr. C 3/25/1973 #27376 eemed to be carrying a sack on its left side. This silhouette gradually "ev 3/25/1973 #27376 e last United States combat troops left Vietnam 3/29/1973 #27387 hird a blue or green hue. From the left side of the UFO a line or cord exte 4/15/1973 #27431 string of lights." The witness had left his lights on and engine running wh 4/15/1973 #27431 of different colors: green on the left, red in the middle, and orange on t 5/27/1973 #27533 aches later. The object eventually left and the car could be restarted. 6/7/1973 #27557 smaller object approaching to her left. It passed a post on the patio and 6/23/1973 #27584 a few seconds, the ring enters the left object and the two shoot off at ter 7/7/1973 #27621 tte. The man pointed up and to his left, and they both saw an unidentified 7/10/1973 #27627 object then flew over the car and left. 7/29/1973 #27662 s from the top of the cloud on the left. Soon they see lightning going back 8/1973 #27672 witnesses approached. Traces were left in the mud and later photographed. 8/10/1973 #27692 shaped object on the ground to the left of the road. (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 9/6/1973 #27773 ed object on the ground off to the left side of the road. Walking towards a 9/6/1973 #27774 r car and begin pacing them to the left side apparently 2-3 km away. (NICAP 9/13/1973 #27814 vatai and begin pacing them on the left side, some 2-3 kilometers away. Whe 9/13/1973 #27815 The odor of oil was the only trace left behind. 9/20/1973 #27849 a man saw a light flashing to his left, then right, then in front. It gain 10/1973 #27899 Sheriff Fred R. Diamond, they are left alone in an interrogation room wher 10/11/1973 #27997 by his arms he felt a pain in his left shoulder. This immobilized him and 10/11/1973 #28005 pening, which had reappeared. They left him back at the place where they ha 10/11/1973 #28005 he floor. He found the lights were left on the bedroom, and the bed sheets 10/15/1973 #28059 view proved her. Two stood to the left of the table while the third went t 10/16/1973 #28089 completed his task, all three men left the room together. After several mi 10/16/1973 #28089 becomes brighter. It moves right, left, up, and down for 25 minutes. The U 10/18/1973 #28173 observed the humanoid, but no one left his car. 10/18/1973 #28175 a young women college student, had left college for home and was then repor 10/20/1973 #28220 re inserted into her body. She was left briefly alone in the brightly lit r 10/20/1973 #28220 about 8 feet tall, is running its left hand along the fence, while the sma 10/25/1973 #28285 lready run home, and the other two left the field and went to a neighbor's 10/25/1973 #28286 witness reported that before they left the field the larger of the two cre 10/25/1973 #28286 s resting place. The object itself left four triangular impressions 15 inch 10/29/1973 #28319 , with an oval window on the upper left. The red, green, and blue flashes c 11/2/1973 #28352 de, then moved away quickly to the left. 11/29/1973 #28483 landed again behind some trees. It left behind some landing traces on the g 12/11/1973 #28557 w away and came back briefly, then left going toward the east. 12/19/1973 #28588 FR 3 / cars. 2 brilliant 2M balls left left and right right repeatedly. Va 12/31/1973 #28620 / cars. 2 brilliant 2M balls left left and right right repeatedly. Vanish. 12/31/1973 #28620 It changed shape to a sphere, then left by rising vertically into the sky. 1/18/1974 #28685 out orange and white smoke when it left. 1/22/1974 #28691 ne came on by itself as the object left. There were two other sightings tha 1/24/1974 #28702 ng low to the ground from right to left. They stopped the truck and saw six 2/14/1974 #28773 ness sped up and, in fear, quickly left the site. 3/17/1974 #28898 acial features. After 3 minutes he left. A few days later UFO investigators 3/21/1974 #28921 The witness, Mr. Smith, had just left work shortly after midnight and was 4/10/1974 #29003 t." It immediately disappeared. It left footprints of feet wearing boots. L 4/11/1974 #29004 -yellowish semicircle on its upper left. The student hears a prolonged, ala 4/13/1974 #29012 ow coming from the object. The two left the building to get a closer look. 4/30/1974 #29072 in the garden, and encounter that left claw markson his upper arms. These 5/1/1974 #29078 beings and the strange craft soon left towards a forested area and disappe 5/26/1974 #29136 on the passenger side of the car (left hand side). It appeared fairly clos 5/31/1974 #29150 aining its speed) below and to the left before disappearing. In addition to 7/17/1974 #29267 could be seen inside the craft. It left by shooting off toward the west. It 8/1/1974 #29296 John E. Justice had just left his job at the Ohio Masonic Home fo 8/1/1974 #29298 e would be able to see him when he left the car, and was told to look above 8/1/1974 #29298 rcraft, although there is not much left of it. 8/25/1974 #29386 side her head" telling her to turn left at the next intersection, which she 9/3/1974 #29418 uched the spot with something that left five small puncture marks. He then 9/3/1974 #29418 tness was a Ms. K. Vernon. The UFO left behind ground marks at the landing 9/9/1974 #29440 e road ahead and then lands on the left side about 250 feet from the road. 9/21/1974 #29467 ted a right turn and then cut hard left. Gander then picked up the object f 10/10/1974 #29512 r of his car all cut out and he is left watching the glow for several minut 11/1974 #29575 his journey. Afterward, the front left mudguard changes color from red to 11/1974 #29575 domed sphere near. Silvery powder left. 11/26/1974 #29608 wn below him. When he turns to his left, he sees a disc or ellipse flying p 11/28/1974 #29619 t had a single antenna. As the UFO left the witnesses felt a strong rush of 12/1/1974 #29627 ey see two objects moving on their left at about 1,500 feet altitude. They Winter 1974 #29653 , AUSTRIA 1 observer. Globe swings left and right / Mt. Mandelgupf. Throws 12/22/1974 (approximate) #29654 n object emerge from behind trees, left to right. Described as semi-convex, 1/3/1975 #29709 k off from a landing on a farm. It left behind ground imprint marks and an 1/5/1975 #29719 erved it as a light in the sky. It left behind traces on the ground and a p 1/5/1975 #29726 day and finds holes that had been left. Hudson County Police Officers Thom 1/12/1975 #29744 ter the sighting. There were marks left on the car. 2/19/1975 #29828 UFO witnessed by the Baker family left a ring-shaped ground mark in the sn 3/13/1975 #29895 ht in a gravel storage area to the left of the road. The object is a box-li 3/22/1975 #29916 ome on top. Another appears to the left of the plane, and a third disc appr 5/3/1975 #30026 her identical looking craft on his left. A third disc approached his airpla 5/3/1975 #30029 his witness also became afraid and left. When he looked back, he saw the UF 6/1/1975 #30074 e. Five equidistant leg marks were left in ground. 7/31/1975 #30219 of trees, some 300 meters to their left. It looked like a plate turned upsi 8/8/1975 #30244 e gray compact cigar-shaped object left, the grass at the site was found to 8/18/1975 #30288 y moved slowly off the road to the left, the engine could be restarted. 8/22/1975 #30299 nder. About 50 yards away on their left, they watch 8–10 orange, glowing ob 8/26/1975 #30310 / Rh side. Boxy object protrudes / left. 9/9/1975 #30349 the northwest to the southeast. If left no trail, nor did it have a halo. 9/9/1975 #30350 on. Frightened, the two teenagers left the area. Hikawa suggested that the 10/1/1975 #30409 they see two white lights on their left in a cornfield. The lights suddenly 10/27/1975 #30486 the bottom of the object. When it left it shot straight up. 10/29/1975 #30512 90 minutes of conversation Jackson left the craft, which took off with grea 11/3/1975 #30547 ld something reddish purple in his left hand, "with a wire on it." Le Duc k 12/11/1975 #30705 s carrying something purple it its left hand that has a wire on it that run 12/14/1975 #30715 erience, and have tried hard to be left alone. 1/6/1976 #30762 ng down [to] and going up [to] and left and right. Observer(s) takes severa 1/9/1976 #30776 low altitude. Going up [to] slow. Left and right maneuvers. 3 filaments ha 1/15/1976 #30790 2 kids. Fireball over chimney goes left going [to] right slowly. Then right 1/18/1976 #30798 ight slowly. Then right going [to] left fast. 1/18/1976 #30798 w a bright object ahead and to his left.. It was low to the ground. The lig 2/13/1976 #30868 gar-shaped object ahead and to his left at around four o'clock in the morni 2/17/1976 #30877 the woods near the ground to their left. Their CB radio stopped working, ma 2/18/1976 #30881 n on his face, and a headache. The left side of his body is reddish, and he 4/3/1976 #30983 is eyes burn continuously, and the left side of his body is red. A few days 4/3/1976 #30983 s friends fled in panic, so he was left behind alone. With a mixture of fea 4/23/1976 #31019 psoid UFO that made no sound as it left. The household wiring was effected. 5/31/1976 #31076 ng. Eventually the object suddenly left very quickly and they could not kee 6/3/1976 #31082 to the west, next to the east, and left the area after ten minutes. 6/7/1976 #31092 aw a dazzling white light to their left, which the witness estimated to be 8/6/1976 #31241 quickly finished their drinks and left the bar to go have dinner. Later th 8/10/1976 #31252 and takes a fixed position off the left wing. The object is oval-shaped and 8/13/1976 #31261 loser, and ahead of the jet on the left. The pilot is certain they are Amer 8/13/1976 #31261 15 observer(s). Night light swings left and right and going up and down [to 8/30/1976 #31316 white light that hits Klein in the left thigh. He faints on being struck an 9/3/1976 #31335 bject. “You have two coins in your left pocket,” he says. Hopkins acknowled 9/11/1976 #31376 d instruments. Jafari turns to the left to avoid an impact with the small o 9/18/1976 #31395 ather rushed out there was nothing left to see. Richie had to be treated fo 10/28/1976 #31503 ch a vapor was issuing. In the top left portion of the craft was a window, 11/14/1976 #31549 was seen for more than an hour. It left by departing toward the east. There 11/24/1976 #31572 n front of the headlights from the left. It started to climb over the metal 12/6/1976 #31587 r buffeted with a shock wave as it left. Antonia drove home, arriving 55 mi 12/10/1976 #31594 ct that entered via the former has left via the latter. State police escort 1/10/1977 #31715 light on the object's interior. It left behind a 12 foot wide burn mark, la 1/23/1977 #31748 d at him. One was to his immediate left. They began to question him about a 1/27/1977 #31761 row of 5–6 white lights, rotating left to right. The object hovers for 6 m 1/29/1977 #31765 east to 80°, drops lower, executes left and right 90° turns, and fades low 1/29/1977 #31765 ng a loud humming sound. Before it left the area, a human-like figure was s 2/17/1977 #31825 ey are arranged in a row along the left side of the road and have bulbous h 3/4/1977 #31858 turn to the right and then to the left to make sure the light is not a ref 3/7/1977 #31873 d of Mach 2, and flies away to the left of the Mirage IV. 3/7/1977 #31873 and hover for 20 minutes, veering left and right above the trees in Saanic 3/9/1977 #31887 lines (UAL) DC10 / autopilot veers left! 30M fireball near. 3 compasses goo 3/12/1977 #31899 mooth (15° bank angle) turn to the left by itself. Within 5–10 seconds both 3/12/1977 #31901 ght officer turn and look to their left side and see an “extremely bright w 3/12/1977 #31901 midair. He looked to the right and left, then bent down and was not seen ag 4/6/1977 #31953 ard causing windows to vibrate. It left toward the southeast. 4/12/1977 #31975 frightened them. He claims he only left the group to go urinate. Many ufolo 4/25/1977 #32026 ght begins pacing their car on the left about 180 feet away. They speed up 4/29/1977 #32036 o dim and disappear. No traces are left behind. 5/1977 #32043 extends going down [to] and swings left and right. Fireball at end. 5/23/1977 #32124 tly outlined, rushes from the rear left side of the plane to a position “on 5/26/1977 #32135 lf a dozen beers. About 11 p.m. he left the hotel for some fresh air. Outsi 6/12/1977 #32161 is a cargo plane, he banks to the left and immediately radios to ask if th 6/17/1977 #32171 ed, making a buzzing sound when it left. The engine of the van started by i 6/23/1977 #32186 It is hovering motionless with its left side tilted down. Trees obscure her 7/2/1977 #32230 ucer-shaped UFO hovered off to the left side of a road. It was only about 2 7/9/1977 #32252 saucer-shaped UFO hovering on the left side of Telegraph Road in Flat Rock 7/9/1977 #32253 ucer-shaped UFO hovered off to the left side of a road in Flat Rock, Michig 7/9/1977 #32254 torch emitting a red light in his left hand, and some other type of "tool" 7/17/1977 #32288 age 20, of Escalada, Huelva, Spain left her home at 7:30 p.m. to walk to he 8/3/1977 #32356 then another back to the east, and left going toward the northeast. 9/7/1977 #32472 ing controls, while the one on the left is looking directly at her, making Late 9/1977 #32518 edro Avila. When he felt better he left and again headed off towards San Ju 9/25/1977 #32519 notices a light behind him to the left. It is a yellow-orange object with 9/27/1977 #32528 ired of watching after awhile, and left to got to bed. Later, the original 10/6/1977 #32555 lvia, this time hitting her in the left arm at wrist level. Benedito ran to 10/29/1977 #32633 and disappeared from view. To the left side of the rocks the second figure 10/30/1977 #32639 e, finally disappearing behind the left side of the rocks. The display had 10/30/1977 #32639 ncture marks on his skin under his left armpit and above his ankle, and he 11/1977 #32648 UFO passes about 6,000 feet to his left, Hallstrom is looking down on it an 1/1/1978 #32841 d stopped. The witnesses panicked, left the area and drove to a nearby farm 1/2/1978 #32847 , with a trajectory curving to the left. It made no sound, and the duration 1/23/1978 #32908 earing silvery suits. The UFO then left the area at very high speed. 2/1/1978 #32941 irts of Algora. At 5:45 a.m. Julio left the bar and drove on, half an hour 2/5/1978 #32957 of the crewmembers who raised the left armrest and nimbly fingered several 2/5/1978 #32957 ning all three of them woke up and left the area. Under hypnosis, she recal 3/11/1978 #33034 rose to enter the clouds, and then left quickly to the south. 3/14/1978 #33039 ing down a steep embankment to his left. Stopping his van, Edwards watches 3/17/1978 #33048 is sons claim there are footprints left behind by the beings, though they d 5/10/1978 #33196 ong the gutter of the terrace from left to right toward the light, and both 6/26/1978 #33313 second comes out and moves to the left. They both hover for about 5 minute 7/1978 #33319 w off into the distance. Before it left she thought she saw another figure 7/11/1978 #33368 e roof and disappear upward to the left. Two dents, 22 inches apart, are fo 7/27/1978 #33427 saw the Bigfoot-like creature. It left footprints 14" long and 9" wide. A 7/29/1978 #33451 A Sheriff measured the footprints left behind. 7/29/1978 #33451 ront of them, moving from right to left in 5– 10 seconds before vanishing. 8/3/1978 #33467 ight. A third light appears to the left, which swings above the first light 8/3/1978 #33468 bout 25 feet off the road to their left to an altitude of 30 feet. They are 8/5/1978 #33476 ture made advances toward them. It left quickly without harming anyone. A s 8/21/1978 #33540 rection of the ship and off to its left at great speed, disappearing in the 8/23/1978 #33553 in the distance; the light in the left rear shifts over to occupy the posi 8/23/1978 #33553 ining still, it shoots back to the left again and departs at high speed. Th 8/23/1978 #33553 ph. The lights are coming from the left, one directly over the other. They 8/24/1978 #33564 llow light with violet flashes and left a brilliant trail. It made a high-p 8/25/1978 #33569 had been killed and mutilated. Its left eye, tongue, rectum, and sexual org 8/31/1978 #33610 mitting a high pitched whine as it left. 9/14/1978 #33680 and came very close to ground then left very fast climbing to the West. (NI 9/15/1978 #33683 off flying frontways. 140' imprint left in soybean field. (NICAP: 02 - Clos 9/25/1978 #33747 sville, Ohio, when she sees on her left a flat-domed disc edge on. She stop 9/26/1978 #33751 y, possibly because he wants to be left alone. 9/27/1978 #33762 rest object was 180 feet away, and left behind ground traces. 10/8/1978 #33819 ine that levitated the workers and left them floating in midair when it van 10/25/1978 #33876 he object shot straight up when it left. 10/26/1978 #33881 headed for Rachel's house. As they left one of the young men turned around 10/31/1978 #33902 The main movement was from bottom left to top right and getting larger dur 10/31/1978 #33902 It showed great acceleration, and left a vapor trail. 11/23/1978 #33990 oving back and forth from right to left in very quick jerks. Its motion cau 11/24/1978 #33995 ses. The men became frightened and left the area. Large footprints were fou 11/24/1978 #33996 ir vehicle, circled them once, and left "toward the east at a fantastic spe 12/1978 #34034 oned without trouble after the UFO left the scene. At 7:15 that same mornin 12/1/1978 #34045 her swimming pool, and bruised her left ear, eye, and waist. When she recov 12/4/1978 #34058 . When she recovered she found her left eye bruised and violet rectangular 12/4/1978 #34058 iolet rectangular marks behind her left ear and on her waist. 12/4/1978 #34058 alked back into their craft, which left silently and at high speed. 12/6/1978 #34070 s. After a few minutes the witness left the object and saw it depart at hig 12/15/1978 #34137 telligible sounds, then turned and left. Seconds later the witness saw a do 12/15/1978 #34141 hat evening an orange ovoid object left a dark mass near the ground for 30 12/20/1978 #34184 color with a green halo, and they left behind a bluish trail. A truck driv 12/21/1978 #34189 the object has streaked off to the left and disappears. Then Powell and Pir 12/21/1978 #34193 color with a green halo, and they left behind a bluish trail. A truck driv 12/21/1978 #34194 e west at a high rate of speed. It left no trail behind. At ten o’clock in 12/23/1978 #34199 marsh. Dark triangular spot moves left and right / side. 12/31/1978 #34234 ght in the garden. Thinking he had left the light on she went to investigat 1/4/1979 #34296 r objects flying over woods to her left. As she rounds a corner, she sees t 1/5/1979 #34302 e garden. Thinking her husband had left the carport light on, she went out 1/5/1979 #34304 arent wings, and floated. Jean was left clinging to the sink, paralyzed, bu 1/5/1979 #34304 ed behind some tall buildings, and left behind a small trail that faded awa 1/14/1979 #34341 ound to be 5 1/2 hours off. He was left with holes in his shirt, holes in h 1/24/1979 #34378 object. It rose vertically when it left. The witness experienced memory los 2/9/1979 #34418 bject landed for three minutes. It left behind landing traces. (Source: Tim 2/22/1979 #34443 bject landed for three minutes. It left behind landing traces. 2/22/1979 #34445 . Flashes white and red lights. It left behind ground traces at the landing 4/16/1979 #34511 appeared in a blue-green haze, and left behind a metal bar with peculiar ma 4/21/1979 #34520 sound. It shot straight up when it left. 5/5/1979 #34544 h that temporarily blinded him and left his eyes irritated. Frightened, he 5/16/1979 #34564 , light colored hair. When Arlindo left the craft he was told to cover his 5/16/1979 #34564 eyes and not to look as the object left. He followed these instructions and 5/16/1979 #34564 cal formation. As they pass to his left, his magnetic compass and direction 5/26/1979 #34590 e objects in a line, moving to the left of the airliner. The objects perfor 5/29/1979 #34594 ion. 3 small humanoids (or Greys). Left miles away. Recalled / 1987. 6/1979 #34597 un from behind a carob tree on his left and enter the craft. They are weari 7/25/1979 #34679 bright lights over a field to the left. 15 seconds later the lights come t Mid 8/1979 #34743 Pennsylvania. Ahead of him on the left is a large, luminous object that lo 8/16/1979 #34747 structor Laurie Adlington has just left Blackbushe Airport in Yateley, Hamp 8/27/1979 #34788 Something grabs him tightly on his left shoulder. He sees a large object lo 8/29/1979 #34803 with a broken blood vessel in his left eye. He begins to remember more abo 8/29/1979 #34803 ud humming and roaring sound as if left the area. No other witnesses were l 8/29/1979 #34807 e a large orange-red ball on their left that seems to parallel them as they 9/5/1979 #34838 en moves back to the west, dipping left and right. It approaches again, flo 9/9/1979 #34852 e light make an abrupt turn to the left and disappear in the north in a few 9/9/1979 #34852 inutes, it moves slowly off to the left. 9/17/1979 #34896 mber how the figure and the object left. 9/19/1979 #34901 and shoot off to the northeast. It left behind no trail. 9/25/1979 #34924 250 feet above the field to their left, bathing it in a pinkish glow. 10/6/1979 #34945 Flat-bottom saucer hovers. Shifts left and right. Flips over. Somersaults. 10/25/1979 #34964 d maneuvers going up and down [to] left and right. Floats going northwest. 11/5/1979 #34983 sation on his chin, itching on his left thigh, and he felt extremely weak. 11/9/1979 #34991 lost interest for a short time and left their viewing point and and went ba 11/30/1979 #35034 altitude, spinning as it went. It left behind a luminous trail. (NICAP: 02 12/12/1979 #35075 altitude, spinning as it went. It left behind a luminous trail. 12/12/1979 #35076 from Montargil, Portugal had just left his farm and was taking his sheep t 2/6/1980 #35160 friendly gestures and touched his left shoulder and several other parts of 2/6/1980 #35160 er a field 200 meters away, on the left side of his truck and at about 30 m 2/11/1980 #35167 er a field 200 meters away, on the left side of his truck and at about 30 m 2/11/1980 #35170 lue luminosity, with reddish hues, left behind a long smoke trail. It was s 2/11/1980 #35172 hat cast three beams of light, one left and one right, and then one down. A 2/11/1980 #35173 econd and sees a domed disc to the left of his truck. He estimates the obje 2/25/1980 #35182 s on his hands, including one that left a permanent mark on his left hand. 3/13/1980 #35215 that left a permanent mark on his left hand. 3/13/1980 #35215 sippi River / 50 minute(s). Shifts left and right. Going down / trees. 3/19/1980 #35222 rts a bright object passing to his left and descending toward the ocean. A 5/22/1980 #35339 ut 1.5 meters above the ground. It left a trail of white smoke. 6/14/1980 #35369 ee two lights moving from right to left in front of their car. Two minutes 6/17/1980 #35379 ighting. Two minutes after the UFO left natural sounds returned to the area 6/21/1980 #35386 . It flew off to the north, but it left a big hole with vitified sand glass 8/5/1980 #35443 kidneys. The beam also reddens his left eye. The UFO then takes off. He and 8/17/1980 #35462 ve low over the area from right to left, 300–600 feet ahead of him. It disa 8/20/1980 #35469 ter of lights rushes by him on his left side with a quiet whoosh sound. Ina 8/20/1980 #35469 om and door removed. Medical exam. Left 25 mile(s) away. / r25p45. 8/21/1980 #35471 h it shoot right by the airplane’s left wingtip only 30 feet away. It looks 9/4/1980 #35494 ar turns, the light stays on their left side. They drive to the police stat 9/26/1980 #35536 sound, showering down debris, and left a black ring on the ground at the l 9/30/1980 #35548 hree minutes, they turn 90° to the left and move away from the witnesses. T 10/21/1980 #35578 . The TV was alright after the UFO left. 11/3/1980 #35614 CH 2 kids. Ovoid goes up and down. Left and Rt. generally going northeast. 11/5/1980 #35618 frenzy, surrounding trees damaged, left moderate levels of radiation, 17 fi 12/1980 #35684 use but none to his knowledge ever left; he stated he believed a large unde 12/14/1980 #35716 iable, and the book he coauthored, Left at East Gate, is withdrawn by the p 12/28/1980 #35750 ming toward him and moving slowly, left to right. The object passed him, bu 12/31/1980 #35759 a ring of flashing lights. The UFO left but a second smaller craft appeared 2/10/1981 #35822 a ring of flashing lights. The UFO left but a second smaller craft appeared 2/10/1981 #35823 d a turn to the right, then to the left. The second object repeated the man 2/25/1981 #35845 m away / northwest / 25 April! Car left behind. 4/20/1981 #35906 hio, when he notices lights on his left less than a mile ahead. He sees an 5/20/1981 #35943 l to his car about 300 feet to his left. He speeds up, but it maintains its 5/20/1981 #35943 oves rapidly in an arc down to the left and rolls, presenting a side view w 7/4/1981 #35987 t flew at a very high altitude and left a spiral trail. It made no sound. P 7/24/1981 #36031 t flew at a very high altitude and left a spiral trail. It made no sound. A 7/24/1981 #36032 ing ring paced an airplane off its left wing over San Jose, California on t 8/8/1981 #36063 ing ring paced an airplane off its left wing over San Jose, California on t 8/8/1981 #36065 beam of light from the UFO hit her left hand, and she was unable to move. S 9/10/1981 #36109 ver the lake at tree level, banked left over the water, and disappeared in 9/16/1981 #36119 cal manners or customs. After they left they vanished without leaving footp 10/5/1981 #36159 rtedly didn't have a drop of blood left in him. 10/17/1981 #36176 to be a "flare" in the sky to his left, southeast towards Spencer Gulf. Th 10/24/1981 #36186 the air, came toward the car, and left toward the sea. 10/30/1981 #36194 me. It makes no sound as it passes left to right just above the tress, and 11/24/1981 #36232 ome. It made no sound as it passed left to right just above the tress, and 11/24/1981 #36233 as revolving counterclockwise, and left towards the east. The truck's elect 11/24/1981 #36233 vertical ascent. After the object left the streetlights came back on 20 mi 1/29/1982 #36315 egins a smooth banking turn to the left at about 1,000 feet, and he can mak 2/12/1982 #36340 ng sound coming somewhere from his left and in close proximity. When he loo 2/19/1982 #36357 bright light approaches him on his left. He stops his squad car, turns off 2/24/1982 #36365 that flew within 25 feet of their left wingtip. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Case 3/8/1982 #36382 that flew within 25 feet of their left wingtip. They were flying close to 3/8/1982 #36385 d disc-shaped UFO hover off to the left side of a highway in Flatwoods, Ken 3/18/1982 #36399 d disc-shaped UFO hover off to the left side of a highway in Flatwoods, Ken 3/18/1982 #36400 tly behind a telephone pole to his left 125 feet from the road, hovering 10 3/23/1982 #36412 across their nose, veering to its left and missing the aircraft’s right wi 10/24/1982 #36663 cky.” It continues to curve to the left, still accelerating and eventually 10/24/1982 #36663 nd the figure stopped, turned, and left. He then saw a bright flash and the 11/10/1982 #36678 as if comparing the two. Then they left the room by passing through a wall. 11/29/1982 #36702 as if comparing the two. Then they left. A naked girl then entered the room 11/30/1982 #36703 t about 30 feet in diameter on his left that begins to approach and shine m 5/23/1983 #36865 s hover in the sky for 2 hours. It left when aircraft arrived on the scene. 6/5/1983 #36877 exam on board the craft. They were left with a mental warning not to rememb 6/30/1983 #36896 d to take Casey [his brother]." He left through the closet. 11/27/1983 #37050 witness in bed. When the being had left a three-foot long by 18" cylinder s 1/8/1984 #37111 read her mind. When the being had left a three-foot long by 18" cylinder s 1/8/1984 #37114 back to its original position. It left by making a sharp turn to the south 1/9/1984 #37125 ude 30 miles east of Toledo, Ohio. left contrail, visible only a few second 1/22/1984 #37148 s moving up and down and right and left “at the speed of lightning.” It sto 3/24/1984 #37240 and two of this neighbors had just left after stopping by to visit him. Sud 5/19/1984 #37335 m., another ship approaches to the left, and the object flies quickly towar Mid 6/1984 #37364 then notice another object on the left. Both objects glide slowly and mane 6/21/1984 #37370 bject was alongside of them on the left side of the car and about 150 off t 7/15/1984 #37401 field. There are 11 lights on the left and right sides of the object and 1 Late 9/1984 #37469 ome hoof-like footprints and holes left by the strange instrument, as well 10/8/1984 #37480 llatoni, a news reporter, had just left the Mount Kisco police station when 10/31/1984 #37499 long, glowing, oval object to his left less than 2 miles away. The object, 3/7/1985 #37566 des to penetrate the mass with his left wing, hoping he can knock some to t 7/1985 #37613 asses 200–500 feet below them from left to right. The object is about 6 fee 8/15/1985 #37643 ad. It parallels them as they turn left on Seriff Road. It has a rectangula 2/8/1986 #37783 a red and blue light on the lower left. The object eventually disappears i 2/8/1986 #37783 in an unknown language. The beings left when the witness told them he could 3/21/1986 #37804 domes and tripods standing on the left of the road. They have white and bl 4/22/1986 #37834 tion the UFO passed quickly to the left and below of his plane. The UFO was 5/11/1986 #37861 plane head on and shot quickly to left, passing below the airplane. Its sp 5/11/1986 #37866 ght, he shielded his face with his left arm, but at one point the light str 5/15/1986 #37870 he had a sunburn-like burn on his left arm. 5/15/1986 #37870 ered the craft and it took off and left. Footprints were found at the site. 6/3/1986 #37904 est to east at a high altitude. It left a green trail in the sky. It was no 7/19/1986 #37949 and only a dark circular trace is left on the ground where grass is bent a 8/15/1986 #37992 ed bright lights 30 degrees to the left and below them. The UFOs moved up d 11/17/1986 #38068 n the two objects move away to the left of the aircraft. Two flat white lig 11/17/1986 #38072 ront, a white light comes on. From left to right, red, white, and blue ligh 2/6/1987 #38113 three orange lights appear on the left side of the airplane’s wing. Some p 3/12/1987 #38139 brightened, took off like a shot, left white trail; stopped abruptly, mane 8/11/1987 #38237 brightened, took off like a shot, left white trail. Stopped abruptly, mane 8/11/1987 #38238 ght in Osbornville, New Jersey. It left a white trail as it did so. It stop 8/11/1987 #38243 lights underneath, rotating to the left. Its size is estimated to be compar 9/1987 #38270 that passes over the trees to the left. After making a turn, he notices fo Mid 10/1987 #38305 zipped away, and as soon as it had left "the traffic on I-20 came alive and 1/19/1988 #38417 ject suggests that when the object left it accelerated at 20 G's, according 1/24/1988 #38432 he pilot makes a steep turn to the left to avoid a collision. The object is 6/1/1988 #38579 off the car headlights, the object left. 9/6/1988 #38635 region of Vladivostok, Russia. It left behind a white vapor trail. 9/24/1988 #38646 , milky white wall moving from the left, over the USSR, to the right, over 10/1988 #38661 o and all around his car. It moves left and right, then shoots straight up 12/4/1988 #38743 he right tip and red lights on the left tip. The UFO veered to left, turned 12/28/1988 #38764 on the left tip. The UFO veered to left, turned back, and then reduced spee 12/28/1988 #38764 were still present when the family left for work andschool that morning. 1/18/1989 #38786 tes. It shot up vertically when it left. At 8:30 p.m. in Sande, Norway two 1/23/1989 #38796 on the expressway the helicopters left and the giant object turned into a 2/11/1989 #38835 factured on Earth. The aliens have left only 500 pounds of it, but just 223 3/1989 #38855 which lifts off the ground, moves left and right, and sits back down. He h 3/1989 #38855 l-thin beam of white light lit the left side of his face. He heard a sound 5/10/1989 #38942 perienced severe headaches and the left side of his face became swollen and 5/10/1989 #38942 e rash on his face that eventually left permanent scaring. He would experie 5/10/1989 #38942 above the ground towards them. It left a silvery trail behind him that fad 6/20/1989 #38991 trange objects” pace them on their left. One is almost exactly square, whil 7/26/1989 #39033 . It made no sound as it flew, and left some ground traces on the lawn. 8/13/1989 #39061 about half a mile away. She turned left on another road to get a better vie 8/25/1989 #39074 d UFO specialist asserts the marks left by the supposed landing were simply 9/27/1989 #39124 circles for a few minutes and then left. When it returned it hovered briefl 9/27/1989 #39126 tal object 1300-1500kph. 1000m off left wing. No further details. 10/10/1989 #39158 e object was 3,000 feet off of his left wing. 10/10/1989 #39159 ng, and it had two antennae on its left side. The sphere pushed out four le 10/28/1989 #39191 g some regret that the figures had left, and she yelled out for them to ret 10/31/1989 #39199 initially believe that they never left their car or observed anything furt 11/7/1989 #39220 er downtown! 35' silver saucer off left tip! 11/18/1989 #39236 size as 800–900 feet wide. Off its left tip he sees a silvery metallic disc 11/18/1989 #39237 leur, Belgium, when he sees to his left an immense stationary object at abo 11/29/1989 #39275 hen performs a turn of 180° to the left. The distance between the white lum 12/11/1989 #39313 taken onboard an alien craft that left Earth's gravity. Her next memory wa 1/30/1990 #39398 to be a large mouth. As the craft left it appeared to create an air turbul 2/7/1990 #39414 ter look. When he looks out of his left window he saw "many enormous lights 3/24/1990 #39484 em, but she refused and the aliens left. 5/18/1990 #39576 ed light went out. The object then left the area. 7/23/1990 #39658 adiating four beams of energy, and left a large circular ring on the grass. 7/30/1990 #39671 white lights ahead of them to the left over a range of mountains. Her husb 10/14/1990 #39785 light is now visible a bit to the left of the others and they watch it mov 10/14/1990 #39785 s underside. The object then veers left in the direction of Luxembourg and 10/23/1990 #39806 the witness's mind. The strangers left, but later that night the witness w 12/31/1990 #39931 the ocean when he was accidentally left on deck after the ship was ordered 1991 #39941 heat and made a humming sound. It left, returned, left again, then returne 3/9/1991 #40007 humming sound. It left, returned, left again, then returned a second time 3/9/1991 #40007 feet long, approaching from their left. It is less than 100 feet away. The 4/21/1991 #40046 th approximately two lights on the left and on the right flickering each se 5/17/1991 #40066 ield. It disappears rapidly on the left. The missile has a yellow-orange cy 6/1/1991 #40080 ngless projectile below and to the left of the plane flying at an altitude 6/17/1991 #40101 has been murdered; that before he left for Martinsburg, he told his brothe 8/10/1991 #40147 n response to a flash in the lower left portion of the picture. NASA explai 9/15/1991 #40187 tting inside in his work chair. He left the room and heard a buzzing sound 12/4/1991 #40254 erfect Portuguese. Soon the leader left to speak with the other aliens, and 3/5/1992 #40359 s claims the Maj. Gen.’s assistant left the room for 45 minutes to consult 3/9/1992 #40369 00kph going quickly [to] Right and Left. 3/13/1992 #40375 ay. The UFO traveled from right to left in the frame, passing behind a wind 3/13/1992 #40376 ion resembling a "saucer nest" was left in the vegetation. 3/17/1992 #40385 source in a large tree. The object left a few minutes later. 4/9/1992 #40411 e light shining on a rise over the left side of the road. He then heard a v 4/12/1992 #40414 ing dizzy and numb. He was briefly left alone before two beings entered the 4/12/1992 #40414 cerned. The entity next moved from left to right and then disappeared throu 5/5/1992 #40454 urned their car headlights off and left on the orange parking lights, the U 7/18/1992 #40526 abduction experience in 1988 that left him so disturbed that in 1993 he fo 7/23/1992 #40530 . It had three amber lights on the left side and pulsating lights. There wa 7/31/1992 #40541 iving room with the kitchen to her left, when she caught sight of something 8/13/1992 #40569 e about 60 feet in diameter to his left that begius to fly parallel to the 11/1992 #40700 linder with position lights on the left, right and back. Within a minute th 11/9/1992 #40707 a boy and a girl, age 10. The UFO left behind a white smoke trail when it 12/25/1992 #40769 ke to see a figure kneeling to the left side of his bed about half way down 1/19/1993 #40802 osing a helical coil on the suit's left breast. The being had long arms tha 3/16/1993 #40886 hen retreated through the wall and left. 4/5/1993 #40927 with lights in the center. On the left of the console was a cubicle about 4/17/1993 #40940 thing like a small fire off to his left. Downs shines his spotlight on the 4/28/1993 #40953 gg-shaped object on the ground. He left his car and then a tiny being, perh 5/13/1993 #40976 They then made an incision on his left wrist. His next memory was of being 5/13/1993 #40976 can" flies over lawn. 4 burn marks left. 8/6/1993 #41109 , but it quickly shoots off to the left and disappears. They continue drivi 8/8/1993 #41117 emed to be scanning the house from left to right and top to bottom. Jill be 8/18/1993 #41146 turb the other cabin occupants she left the bathroom door open. As she sat 9/1/1993 #41174 bright disk makes irregular jumps left and right. Exits going ESE. Laser? 11/10/1993 #41269 ced him they entered the craft and left. The witness believes that what he 11/26/1993 #41304 ned to their "ship" and apparently left. No traces were found at the landin 12/9/1993 #41327 t two o'clock in the afternoon. It left by shooting off the to the east wit 2/19/1994 #41421 ently in front of his vehicle from left to right. It "made a wide sweeping 9/9/1994 #41732 at her side at 8:00 p.m. The dog left the bed, as was normal, but when th 9/20/1994 #41766 it. The beings and the object then left. Crushed grass was found at the sce 12/11/1994 #41890 front of the car to a field on the left. Suddenly they pivot 90° and move p 12/29/1994 #41910 movement out of the corner of her left eye and saw its hand lift slowly of 2/2/1995 #42013 e primary witness felt pain in her left arm. They also realized that their 2/11/1995 #42036 ming some type of operation on her left arm. Locals reported seeing luminou 2/11/1995 #42036 he mechanic thought it was a plane left to tow the car, while Veronique sta 2/21/1995 #42055 nce. Finally, the craft and beings left, leaving the young witnesses in a s 2/23/1995 #42060 After five minutes of hovering, it left towards the southwest. 3/1/1995 #42070 e. The frightened children quickly left the area, and when they returned la 4/3/1995 #42138 ghts that sequence on and off from left to right. Waller contacts the Albuq 5/25/1995 #42227 the event, and the close encounter left him with marks on his skin. The inc 8/6/1995 #42363 traight and level. Fast short hops Left and Rt. 8/18/1995 #42398 ing lights are seen to rotate from left to right on the object, which stays 8/27/1995 #42422 n, began to fill the view from the left side of the window. There were whit 9/6/1995 #42445 here/orb/globe near Jupiter. Moves left and right. Shoots away very fast. 9/19/1995 #42485 ue had been removed, and the whole left side of the muzzle was missing belo 10/30/1995 #42570 p / night lights going up [to] and left and right and going down. Trajector 1/14/1996 #42683 with windows on the side. When it left it rose vertically. 1/14/1996 #42685 tion and a small abscess under his left arm. At the barracks infirmary, phy 2/6/1996 #42742 roof of the barn. After the craft left Boisvert and his father noticed tha 2/6/1996 #42743 gure beckoned the witness with its left hand. She walked down the verandah 2/10/1996 #42754 then down, then hovered again. It left flying off toward the north. 2/16/1996 #42768 l round footprints were reportedly left behind by the entity. 3/6/1996 #42810 Palm tree bends away! Saucer nest left. 3/17/1996 #42827 moke a cigarette. She looks to her left and sees a strange creature with br 4/21/1996 #42876 watched the scene for awhile, then left. 6/4/1996 #42921 d that immediately after Mancu had left and gone behind a nearby apartment 7/8/1996 #42950 d in a field in Chillan, Chile. It left three circular indentations in the 7/9/1996 #42953 d a white cigar-shaped object that left no vapor trail and flew silently ov 10/10/1996 #43063 a shadow pass by the window to the left of the bed. The creature then vanis 11/24/1996 #43120 until the object and its occupant left the area. 2/16/1997 #43194 in Brigantine, New Jersey and had left several lights on to comfort them. 2/24/1997 #43207 . The children had apparently been left untouched. She suffered from a seve 2/24/1997 #43207 and now there were only 50 of them left. Soon after this they flew back int 3/10/1997 #43225 plastic bag. Videotaped statements left behind explain that the suicides, m 3/26/1997 #43240 sky. After a short while, the UFOs left the area. 5/19/1997 #43300 hevron about 45° in the sky to her left. She thinks it is odd, but suspects 5/30/1997 #43302 eres maneuvering 1,000 feet to the left of their patrol car. The lights sto 6/1997 #43306 t by 0.05% to 2.1%. Li reportedly left NASA in 1999 to found the company A 8/1/1997 #43364 't see any sexual organs. The boys left quickly. The creature was seen brie 9/5/1997 #43395 grees above the horizon and to the left of the first object. Neither object 10/13/1997 #43427 e right while the lower one veered left. They remained lit by the sun while 10/13/1997 #43427 lay down in such a manner that his left lower back was exposed to the two n 10/15/1997 #43429 gure suddenly began pulling on her left arm. She screamed hysterically aler 10/16/1997 #43430 its edge flashed in rhythm when it left. 12/14/1997 #43461 c hair just above the penis on the left side. A needle was then inserted an 12/14/1997 #43462 A needle was then inserted and his left testicle was drawn up into his groi 12/14/1997 #43462 . He notices a white object on the left side of the aircraft. At first it s Winter 1997 #43468 orthy—the objects are found on the left side of the body, most of them fluo 1998 #43479 hes in height. The witness quickly left the area. There was no reaction by 1/25/1998 #43505 An object that left a trail of sparks flew over the Bad 3/1/1998 #43526 e object which rose vertically and left at a high rate of speed. 3/8/1998 #43531 le that floated in mid-air. To her left stood two short gray beings wearing 6/8/1998 #43584 ext time no scars or marks will be left behind. She then lay back on the ta 6/8/1998 #43584 n he noticed a bright light to his left. A bright white rotating light appr 6/21/1998 #43591 seconds. He then returned and they left the room together. She was able to 7/11/1998 #43601 further away and hovered again. It left at a high rate of speed. 9/16/1998 #43647 eared to be a plane crashing. They left their truck and proceeded over a ne 10/19/1998 #43666 ller horizontal cloud tilts to the left, but it soon appears to be a dark, 11/6/1998 #43677 e tree came down and then they all left. 11/13/1998 #43682 nesses, but with no success, so he left. As he walked away he looked back a 3/15/1999 #43748 utes of circling around the object left. The witness felt what he described 4/15/1999 #43758 trange electrical sensation in his left lung soon afterwards. Upon viewing 4/15/1999 #43758 year-old man went missing after he left his parents' home in Bariloche, Rio 5/4/1999 #43762 witnesses noted a presence to the left of the luminous form (some spoke of 5/5/1999 #43763 n with a black shape inside to the left of the highway, shining onto the to 7/15/1999 #43804 ding a cane-like instrument in his left hand. The humanoid being began gest 11/25/1999 #43886 en dimmed to near invisibility. It left a trail of sparks and ashes. 12/26/1999 #43904 ered vertically and laterally. Two left the formation and disappeared. A th 2/16/2000 #43951 anating from a large tree on their left. It was a pale blue color. Thinking 3/12/2000 #43966 over the area making no noise, and left behind a trail. 7/7/2000 #44011 om a bright circular object, which left a green residue in the sky. 7/7/2000 #44013 professor friend of hers had just left a Lions Club dinner and were drivin 7/13/2000 #44016 fter which the car drove along the left lane. The creature followed the veh 7/13/2000 #44016 d been a UFO. The men then quickly left the area. The man's memory of the e 7/25/2000 #44022 Anthony Walsh left his girlfriend's house in Accringto 10/28/2000 #44063 t 10 seconds, then it leans to the left and begins to rotate in a clockwise 11/28/2000 #44084 a momentary jog or "twitch" to the left from the object's flight path. 12/5/2000 #44098 lly just above the power lines. It left no vapor trail, and moved much fast 5/12/2001 #44184 ous that they were moving right to left at a slow but deliberate angular ve 7/15/2001 #44209 n three groups. Beginning from the left on the screen, this corresponds wit 7/15/2001 #44209 up into the ship. "Then both ships left the area going away from our hours. 8/29/2001 #44247 an solid, more like a ring" and it left a white contrail-like wake much lik 5/4/2002 #44337 n solid, more like a ring." and it left behind a white contrail or wake lik 5/5/2002 #44339 ast sky above the trees off to the left near Tifton, Georgia. They were sha 6/8/2002 #44349 the figure for 20 seconds and then left the area. Prior to seeing the figur 7/28/2002 #44368 Canada. It made a flat, 45-degree left hand turn without banking. Later th 9/10/2002 #44395 raining, but the rain stopped as I left the café at 3:30 a.m." It was a ver 9/25/2002 #44406 The witness had just left work and was driving home when he r 1/22/2003 #44477 confused and does not know if she left her bed, but she could not speak. A 1/27/2003 #44481 flew over. A few of these objects left a contrail. The main witness had sp 3/14/2003 #44502 ing image of a needle piercing his left eye. He has no recollection of driv 4/28/2003 #44519 ng gas on the bottom of it, on the left side was what looked like a red rec 5/3/2003 #44523 e no sound at all as it turned. It left no smoke or contrail. It was in vie 5/24/2003 #44546 d then dimmed altogether; what was left, hanging motionless in the sky, was 12/10/2003 #44627 e sees a blinking light off to his left, apparently hovering above the road 1/21/2004 #44653 llevue, Ohio at 7:20 p.m. It moved left and right slowly and was in sight f 2/25/2004 #44669 fted off perpendicularly, and then left through the palm trees. According t 5/8/2004 #44696 s hovering, then it moved from the left to the right. The main color of the 9/10/2004 #44752 a vertical line that turned to the left. Contrails left in the wake of the 12/18/2004 #44800 that turned to the left. Contrails left in the wake of the objects and thei 12/18/2004 #44800 he second passes through the man’s left arm and upper body, exiting his rig 5/1/2005 #44828 ter, he develops a red rash on the left side of his face and loses some hai 5/1/2005 #44828 oses some sight and hearing on the left. In the next few weeks, he gains ab 5/1/2005 #44828 nosed with ductal carcinoma in his left chest, a pre-cancerous condition, a 5/1/2005 #44828 out 15 minutes, then moving to the left quickly. They go higher, moving lef 9/17/2005 #44876 ft quickly. They go higher, moving left to right and right to left, almost 9/17/2005 #44876 moving left to right and right to left, almost hitting each other. They ar 9/17/2005 #44876 ped object was seen leaning to the left as it moved through storm clouds ov 10/6/2005 #44887 h the aliens, where one entity was left behind and 12 trained Americans (10 11/1/2005 #44898 rained Americans (10 men, 2 women) left for Serpo from the Nevada Test Site 11/1/2005 #44898 from his body. When practicing, he left his body and saw a UAP in Earth’s a 4/28/2006 #44937 nada at 10:45 p.m. One by one they left formation, rapidly increasing in al 6/2/2006 #44946 at are turning on alternately from left to right. Her cellphone is acting c 7/13/2006 #44950 It made security alarms go off and left behind a cloud of bluish fog. 12/4/2006 #44989 rt from the NNE and go past to the left to land approximately 8-9 miles awa 4/17/2007 #45018 s that first were traveling to the left. As the object reversed direction, 4/17/2007 #45018 og stopped barking when the object left. The witness described the shape of 8/29/2007 #45050 d slowly, turning their heads from left to right with each footstep. They w 9/16/2007 #45059 ly. It shot up very vertically and left behind no traces. 9/21/2007 #45069 r a catastrophe and the P52 Orions left Earth for the Moon and later Mars. 2008 #45109 30 seconds, and then shot off. It left behind a slight trail, but it also 9/25/2008 #45171 about 6 feet off the ground to the left. It accelerates and shoots between 9/2009 #45241 ght. It stretched across the three left lanes of the highway. The craft did 1/30/2012 #45338 d County, Pennsylvania, and turned left toward Greensburg. As she drove alo 6/1/2013 #45369 ng light, he and the other drivers left in such a hurry they left skid mark 8/6/2013 #45381 drivers left in such a hurry they left skid marks on the road. "I was chan 8/6/2013 #45381 rs just below and to the immediate left of the solid red light. The object 10/6/2013 #45389 e object is positioned just to the left and in front of them, it drops in e 10/6/2013 #45389 ct is seen flying alongside on the left. Soon it banks to the southeast, al 11/19/2013 #45397 topher K. Mellon and Luis Elizondo left the company in 2020. In 2021, TTSA 10/26/2017 #45488 Works employee Steve Justice also left TTSA in 2021. * https://www.myste 10/26/2017 #45488 e altitude at great speed down the left side of the aircraft. His initial r 2/1/2018 #45505 ed, dark-lack object pass down the left side at the same altitude within 20 5/5/2018 #45526 a bright light moving fast on the left and rapidly veers north. She asks S 11/9/2018 #45544 ently moving forward and backward, left and right. Meanwhile, the USS Rafae 7/15/2019 #45593 rst officer, looking across to the left side of the cockpit, sees a yellowi 3/19/2020 #45639 “Classified UFO Briefings May Have Left Senators ‘Disturbed,’ Expert Says,” 6/23/2020 #45649 st head on, slightly up and to the left. It appears without warning and giv 9/1/2020 #45660 approach, it swiftly moves to the left and flies over some trees. Their ca 11/8/2021 #45720 ht UFO, carried for 40 miles, then left on a road 24 hours later where she 11/16/2021 #45722 time this was published, Inman had left the NSA and CIA and was the CEO of 9/26/2022 #45772## Word: "left-" (Back to Top)
a linear form. It passes down the left- hand side of the aircraft. The win 1/15/2019 #45558## Word: "left-and-right" (Back to Top)
a train; it moved up-and-down and left-and-right, and departed quickly to 11/24/1896 #357## Word: "left-hand" (Back to Top)
lifornia, when she sees out of the left-hand window a bright, stationary, y Summer 1945 #1881 white or silver oval object made a left-hand orbit at terrific speed for 60 6/20/1952 #6561 0 seconds. The daylight UFO made a left-hand orbit of the target area, and 6/20/1952 #6563 d toward the UFO, it banked into a left-hand orbit around the aircraft. 11/15/1952 #8282 e and five occupants seated on the left-hand side in a straight row. Each s 1/8/1974 #28666 d abruptly ascends vertically. The left-hand mudguard changes color permane 11/4/1974 #29583 n a few feet of his cockpit on his left-hand side. The UK Airprox Board rul 7/19/2013 #45378 a ball on top. It passes down the left-hand side of the aircraft, slightly 5/5/2019 #45577## Word: "left-right" (Back to Top)
e ESE horizon, moved up-down, then left-right (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 6/23/1973 #27583 e ESE horizon, moved up-down, then left-right, for a distance of 15 degrees 6/23/1973 #27585## Word: "left-rt" (Back to Top)
2 farmers. 25 saucers / 3 rows go left-Rt.-going up [to]-going down. Tip f 7/7/1947 #2837## Word: "left-to-right" (Back to Top)
range to blue to white, and making left-to-right moves. 1/5/1980 #35125## Word: "left-wing" (Back to Top)
everal times by a group of seeming left-wing agents. 12/1954 #11737## Word: "lefthand" (Back to Top)
ll fours, facing their car, in the lefthand lane of the road. It looked lik 4/23/1977 #32019## Word: "leftward" (Back to Top)
hite lights in its windows, moving leftward. The hitchhiker was gone, and t 8/28/1972 #26966## Word: "leg" (Back to Top)
nd then back over a final 140-mile leg to complete the exercise. The flight 12/5/1945 #1950 -old Mr. Klotzbach suffered severe leg injuries and experienced a lot of bl 5/25/1948 #3655 ing an F-84 Thunderjet on the home leg of a training flight over North Texa 1953 #8479 increasing to 483 mph on the short leg over the UK and 564 mph on the retur 10/9/1953 #9217 iver, a Mrs. Johnson, had her left leg grabbed by a hairy creature with lar 8/14/1955 #12358 -50 USAF tanker is in the downwind leg of the traffic pattern during a grou 11/4/1958 #15425 er soles. A strange feature on his leg fascinated Connie and Mrs. Christian 1/9/1967 #21278 wire attached to the inside of his leg. It came out or his socks and disapp 1/9/1967 #21278 it seemed to be indented into his leg and was covered with a large brown s 1/9/1967 #21278 their pasture. One had broken her leg. A pond in the pasture near the site 1/13/1967 #21300 up which is placed under furniture leg, with a dome set in the cup. Bottom 3/6/1967 #21777 spot, but has no luck. Where each leg of the machine rested he finds two s 4/21/1967 #22194 the soil. Fortney also experiences leg and back pain, sunburn on his face a 10/22/1967 #23290 d. After turning onto the downwind leg of the traffic pattern, the pilots o 10/24/1968 #24587 utes, before turning onto the base leg over the UFO while observing it at c 10/24/1968 #24587 had accidentally cut a vein in his leg while chopping wood, and a decade ea 11/1/1968 #24620 hat the swelling and pain from his leg injury had vanished, and the chronic 11/1/1968 #24620 . X, has suffered an injury to his leg while chopping at a stump on his pro 11/2/1968 #24625 oud. Shortly afterwards, the man’s leg heals and his war wound is better. H 11/2/1968 #24625 ound were found three landing gear leg marks. 2/6/1969 #24897 use and find a red swelling on his leg. Later, investigators find three imp 2/7/1969 #24901 ounds on his neck, lameness in one leg—for days afterward. 5/4/1969 #25114 perience, Heinonen finds his right leg numb, and he vomits and passes black 1/7/1970 #25540 nce, Heinonen found that his right leg was numb. He vomited and he passed u 1/7/1970 #25541 nd a small red dot appeared on his leg where he had been shot by the creatu 8/20/1970 #25799 ad difficulty moving. Four landing leg marks and small footprints were left 2/5/1971 #26015 rly morning. While on the downwind leg of the pattern to runway 20L at the 10/5/1971 #26410 rks at the landing site included 3 leg marks and 2 skids. 12/31/1971 #26525 imilar to a swami, standing on one leg with his other leg wrapped around hi 10/14/1973 #28031 standing on one leg with his other leg wrapped around his head. A disembodi 10/14/1973 #28031 y quick movements," but showing no leg movements, as if gliding rather than 5/11/1974 #29100 ith a loud whine. Five equidistant leg marks were left in ground. 7/31/1975 #30219 the bedroom. One touches the man’s leg and he goes numb to the waist. He le 2/1976 #30842 later found by his neighbors. His leg is paralyzed, so he goes to Azambuja 9/3/1976 #31335 ng down [to] and loops hook / MANs leg. Shakes loose. 9/9/1976 #31359 ooped a hook from one over a man's leg, but he was able to escape. 9/9/1976 #31365 ng into the ball of light with his leg. He feels nothing and there are no a 5/1977 #32043 the bottom and surmounted a single leg, like a pedestal, with a rounded bas 9/15/1977 #32485 ad been pricked by a needle in the leg from a beam of energy. His subsequen 10/15/1977 #32579 develops sunburn-like marks on his leg. 1/27/1978 #32919 neck, the right ear, and the right leg.” Valdez and Gomez remove the substa 7/5/1978 #33339 that had landed on three metallic leg. One being approached the now paraly 7/11/1978 #33368 eported a strange smell, one man's leg was paralyzed, he felt nauseous, and 8/23/1978 #33557 s kicking the object, injuring its leg. Inside, he sees a panel with button 9/6/1978 #33638 Argentina, stragglers on the final leg of a 39-day stock car race. They not 9/23/1978 #33734 75 meters tall), who hopped on one leg and operated a complicated looking m 10/25/1978 #33876 vanished has a strange scar on his leg. He only remembers approaching a pea 12/8/1978 #34077 eyes, and a scar was found on his leg. All that he could remember was seei 12/8/1978 #34078 neared the ground it put out four, leg like landing pods. Arlindo approache 5/16/1979 #34564 amined all over. Object inserted / leg? 7/25/1979 #34673 ack. A probe was inserted into her leg, and her eyes were dabbed with a liq 7/25/1979 #34680 o him and attached to his trousers leg. They began to drag him towards the 11/9/1979 #34991 e, weakness, lumbar back pain, and leg pain. There was also some damage to 2/11/1980 #35170 rs behind mountain peak. Grows 2nd leg. See dwg. 11/28/1980 #35677 also caused soreness in witness's leg and fingers. 9/16/1981 #36118 t approached and struck him in the leg. He ran to a nearby house but it was 7/23/1990 #39658 ame out and grabbed one boy by the leg. As the boy struggled to get away a 5/14/1991 #40060 e found he had a cow with a broken leg. 1/4/1992 #40277 navel and a 2" x 6" bruise on her leg. During a later hypnosis session she 6/18/1992 #40497 alien with six fingers and braided leg fur is in his room. He and the alien Early 6/1994 #41548## Word: "leg-like" (Back to Top)
ect was seen in the sky with three leg-like protrusions over Goonumbla, New 7/31/1965 #19224 e craft, which had landed on three leg-like protrusions. Soon three bearded 6/23/1968 #24072 ting on the ground on several thin leg-like protrusions. The intense pink g 1/5/1979 #34303 mitted a whistling sound, the thin leg-like protrusions telescoped back int 1/5/1979 #34303 e size of a large car. It has four leg-like structures with lights on them 7/17/1988 #38603 close to him. It landed on several leg-like protrusions. Once the object ha 12/9/1996 #43133## Word: "legacy" (Back to Top)
al relativity while at RIAS, whose legacy program Lockheed eventually acqui 1955 #11898 AP reverse engineering housed in a legacy aerospace corporation outside of 7/28/1991 #40136 re controlled by AFSP/AEC/ERDA/DOE legacy classification mechanisms. Note: 1994 #41349 SAP, but rather a group of special legacy holdover programs from before SAP 10/16/2002 #44418 with no parallel runs against the legacy software and accounting system.” 6/2004 #44706 on any promises of introduction to legacy UAP programs, access, etc, that i 4/26/2009 #45216 Puthoff, comments on four alleged “legacy” UAP programs hidden from oversig 2018 #45498 underfunded efforts controlled by legacy aerospace corporations. Davis all 4/30/2019 #45575 d, but one naturally wonders which legacy companies Davis is referring to, 4/30/2019 #45575 nt employer, Aerospace Corp. Other legacy companies of interest are TRW, Lo 4/30/2019 #45575 “in the know” about the history of legacy UAP recovery and reverse engineer 4/29/2020 #45644 s suggests there is “some sense of legacy” of the UAP issue where it was st 7/19/2020 #45653 fficial states that personnel from legacy ventures and programs have not ye 5/16/2022 #45749 states he knows of at least four “legacy programs” that dealt with UAP iss 12/19/2022 #45789## Word: "legal" (Back to Top)
ect on public opinion or result in legal suits. Documents covering such wor 4/17/1947 #2265 O’Mara and demands that ATIC press legal action against contactees Truman B 6/7/1954 #9872 Marquette, MI 11:50 p.m. EDT. A legal secretary saw a yellow-white disc 9/8/1966 #20864 d Low spend the morning talking to legal counsel. 4/29/1968 #23930 hese include 18 issues that are of legal concern. The documents are release 12/31/1974 #29665 by the National Security Agency as legal authorization for its collection o 12/4/1981 #36247 e National Security Agency for all legal documents used to prepare its case 4/27/1982 #36455 to Groom Mountain, NV without any legal authority to do so. The area overl 8/7/1984 #37429 security for the group be “totally legal.” Astronomer Jacques Vallée writes 5/20/1985 #37591 y of Campinas in São Paulo, Brazil Legal Medical Institute at the Cemitério 1/23/1996 #42709 nother creature is referred to the Legal Medical Institute at the Cemitério 1/23/1996 #42709 and pneumonia. The family begins a legal challenge to have the records rele 2/15/1996 #42764 is being done. Unknown if it is a legal effort or done using a control/fun 5/2002 #44335 the office of the Deputy Chief of Legal Affairs contacts the Ministry of D 5/5/2008 #45133 ght, and outside of any cognizable legal framework?” 2/24/2014 #45402 the crash recovery program(s) were legal, or if they were illegal. He claim 4/2016 #45448 to justify what they were doing as legal. https://silvarecord.com/2019/11/ 4/2016 #45448 crash retrieval program using the legal authorizations that would open the 6/24/2018 #45531## Word: "legal-sized" (Back to Top)
black cover and it was printed on legal-sized paper. Stamped across the fr 9/30/1948? #3817## Word: "legality" (Back to Top)
her’s admission is of questionable legality considering federal government- 7/10/2020 #45651## Word: "legally" (Back to Top)
Contactee George Hunt Williamson legally changes his name to Michel d’Obr 1960 #16142 tent from the US government with a legally binding commitment to secure the 4/9/1983 #36830 sham Forest incident witness, were legally classified by the DOD. Green sta 3/13/2015 #45435## Word: "leganes" (Back to Top)
VALVERDE DE LEGANES, SP Luminous saucer follows cycl 9/1968 #24412## Word: "legare" (Back to Top)
members of the Coast Guard Cutter "Legare." EM effects were experienced on 3/19/1966 #19994## Word: "legation" (Back to Top)
h, second secretary of the British legation to the North German Confederati 9/26/1870 #187 weden 2:30 p.m. A member of the US legation sees a silent ghost rocket fall 7/9/1946 #2037## Word: "legend" (Back to Top)
xperts on aerial warfare, aviation legend General Jimmy Doolittle and Briti 8/19/1946 #2145 rial device. Other variants of the legend claim it is a Nazi device or that 6/1952 #6404## Word: "legendary" (Back to Top)
esses claiming encounters with the legendary monster “were either Doc Shiel 4/17/1976 #30998 buried; the logistics stories are “legendary” and include moving only at ni 12/29/1987 #38379## Word: "legends" (Back to Top)
6, citing J. A. Brooks, Ghosts and Legends of Wales). (NICAP: 02 - Close En 2/17/1977 #31824## Word: "leger" (Back to Top)
rs, Nicole, and Joanne, and Regent Leger and his brother Dennis Leger, saw 7/28/1968 #24245 egent Leger and his brother Dennis Leger, saw two circular objects with bri 7/28/1968 #24245## Word: "leger-de-fougeret" (Back to Top)
ST. LEGER-DE-FOUGERET, FR 2 observer(s). Odd 9/1946 #2163## Word: "legged" (Back to Top)
unched over and walked in a "stiff legged, bouncing" fashion. The humanoid 5/15/1971 #26111 y walked it sounded like "a wooden legged pirate.” The skin on their cheeks 8/25/1976 #31302 sitting in a schoolroom on single legged chairs. Up until now he had been 9/15/1977 #32485## Word: "leggera" (Back to Top)
rs of the Italian Army’s Aviazione Leggera dell’Esercito are followed for m 10/27/1977 #32623## Word: "leghorn" (Back to Top)
Leghorn (near), Italy Three lights red-o 2/22/1945 #1793## Word: "legion" (Back to Top)
rnia With the help of the American Legion, volunteers are recruited into th 5/1941 #1361 n foo fighters appears in American Legion Magazine. Intelligence officers h 12/1945 #1948 WN, MADAGASCAR 23 / French Foreign legion. 8M ovoid lands / end. 2.75h / mi 5/1967 #22250 en serving with the French Foreign Legion watch a bright object landing in 5/1967 #22255## Word: "legionaire" (Back to Top)
BOUAHMAMA, ALG Legionaire. 300M saucer going down. Gree 3/1958 #14901## Word: "legionaires" (Back to Top)
OUALLEN, ALGERIA Legionaires and weatherman. Metallic dis 4/7/1942 (approximate) #1409## Word: "legionnaire" (Back to Top)
idi Chami Algeria A French Foreign Legionnaire on sentry duty at Bouamama, 3/1958 #14905## Word: "legislation" (Back to Top)
matters in any way related to any legislation, executive order, regulation 3/3/1997 #43217 me into full force until 2005. The legislation creates a public “right of a 11/30/2000 #44092## Word: "legislative" (Back to Top)
cretary of the Air Force Office of Legislative Action to discuss the possib 1/1958 #14791 ght be construed to be outside the legislative charter of this Agency.” The 5/9/1973 #27472 ar incident reports, to which USAF Legislative Liaison Joseph J. F. Clark r 12/20/1978 #34186 eclassified in the 1990s show USAF Legislative Liaison Joseph J.F. Clark wa 12/20/1978 #34186 h J. F. Clark, associate director, Legislative Liaison for the Air Force, r 2/9/1979 #34415 Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs Marcel Lettre, and D 11/2009 #45252## Word: "legislator" (Back to Top)
s UFO files. He also writes to his legislator Rep. Morris K. Udall (D-Ariz. 3/28/1966 #20117## Word: "legislators" (Back to Top)
Magnuson (D-Wash.). Afterward, the legislators express confidence in the in 6/20/1958 #15105 est of Documented Evidence” urging legislators to go on the record about th 6/21/1960 #16314## Word: "legislature" (Back to Top)
BRZ Cops and more. Ovoid hovers / legislature grounds / minutes. Shrill no 5/2/1969 #25109## Word: "legitimate" (Back to Top)
miles of sky up to 100,000 feet. A legitimate radar contact tracks five app Fall 1949 #4366 est the public is told there is no legitimate evidence of their existence. 1/18/1953 #8551 d even manufactured some seemingly legitimate radar sightings as a tool in 3/1962 #17066 to analysis of Cylinder Shaped UFO legitimate. Photo E. showed legitimate d 11/17/1980 #35644 ed UFO legitimate. Photo E. showed legitimate disc shaped UFO of 37 ft. dia 11/17/1980 #35644 lead by NASA, actively investigate legitimate sightings through COVERT COVE 11/17/1980 #35644 claims regarding a UAP coverup are legitimate or if he was fed disinformati 5/13/1992 #40463 s disinformation to protect a very legitimate experiment. https://ufos-sci 1994 #41350 80s.” Elizondo states this man was legitimate and the fact that he didn’t k 7/19/2020 #45653 al Puthoff states the 1961 SNIE is legitimate. https://www.reddit.com/r/UF 12/17/2022 #45787## Word: "legitimizes" (Back to Top)
President Nixon legitimizes the use of special access co 3/8/1972 #26592## Word: "legler" (Back to Top)
after 7:00 p.m. a UFO hovered over Legler Lake, Minnesota. At eight p.m. in 1/4/1974 #28644## Word: "legnano" (Back to Top)
Sarouno, Italy Between Saronno and Legnano, Benazzi and three other witness 4/11/1962 #17108 s on a highway between Saronno and Legnano, Italy on this night. It made no 4/11/1962 #17109 LEGNANO, ITL 1 / car. Bright red ovoid h 12/10/1977 #32755 lights on its top. At 8:00 a.m. in Legnano, Italy a single witness in a car 12/10/1977 #32757## Word: "legrand" (Back to Top)
There were three witnesses: Daniel Legrand, age 24, Michel Frappard, age 39 3/1/1974 #28839## Word: "legros" (Back to Top)
ocal Gendarmerie and Capt. Léopold Legros of the Civil Protection Service, 7/31/1968 #24271## Word: "legs" (Back to Top)
le rises up quickly with its three legs still out and goes over a hill. The 7/1919 #990 VANSVILLE, IN Boy / 10. Saucer / 3 legs / pasture. 4' men move / glass dome 6/1923 #1032 visible, and it is resting on four legs splayed outwards. The two decide to 1925 #1045 sic saucer with oval portholes / 4 legs. Traces / dirt. / r65p13. 7/1925? #1048 crow but notices a “large globe on legs” near the figure. She wakes up her Summer 1928 #1087 object is braced up by two slender legs with round plates for feet. A man o 1930 #1106 Grey) glides across road / angle. Legs still! Vanishes in place! 1/1930? #1109 arge, oval-shaped craft sitting on legs. From an open central doorway shine Summer 1933 #1162 WIN, SSK 3 observer(s). Saucer / 6 legs. Small humanoids (or Greys) going u 8/1933 (approximate) #1171 head waving up and down while the legs moved "carefully." When pursued, th Fall 1938 #1295 r bodies and there are no apparent legs or arms. She inadvertently makes a Late 8/1944 #1647 eneath it are an oblong “fan,” two legs, a small ladder, and openings. A ma 5/18/1946 #1994 observer(s). Circular object with legs / underside going quickly [to] over 7/5/1947 #2696 ws and pronounced eyelashes. Their legs are disproportionately long and the 7/23/1947 #3218 gain four days later in Luxemborg, legs fully healed. 5/25/1948 #3655 at the tip and do not flap. Their legs are unusually short. They remain vi 9/16/1948 #3803 ey looked like mummies, had joined legs and one large foot. They "slid" alo 2/1949 #3992 aw three figures with stocky short legs, apparently without heads. Frighten 2/17/1949 #4014 aw three figures with stocky short legs, apparently without heads. Frighten 2/17/1949 #4016 r in diameter metallic saucer with legs. Six four-foot tall humanoids climb 3/14/1950 #4634 ore a red cap, had darker arms and legs and "seemed to be their chief." The 7/2/1950 #5038 ore a red cap, had darker arms and legs and seemed to be their leader. They 7/2/1950 #5040 m. 6M metallic saucer going down / legs. 6 4' men going down / ladders and 8/14/1951 #5603 in diameter, metallic saucer with legs landed on a farm in Voghenza, Italy 8/14/1951 #5605 a shining white metallic disc with legs, a ladder, a tube, and a transparen 4/25/1952 #6187 is standing in the river on three legs and has a ladder reaching down next 7/25/1952 #7137 Japan F-84 Encounters Object With "Legs" (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 3/31/1953 #8797 trunk was also seen. His arms and legs were covered with tweedlike cloth 5/20/1953 #8888 d body was also seen. His arms and legs were covered with tweed-like cloth 5/20/1953 #8890 lmeted heads, tight fitting suits, legs stiff when they walked, 3.5 to 4.0 Summer 1953 #8945 armer sees saucer / field-retracts legs. Rises / 100'. Rocks. Shoots off go 5/5/1954 #9749 et tall with wide shoulders, short legs, and helmets covering large heads. 9/10/1954 #10286 n shaped object 5’ x 10’ land on 4 legs, with a hum or whine. In its nose w 9/20/1954 #10373 ALBIAS, FR 1 / car. 3M saucer on legs / field. 3 figure(s) outside / 2 mi 9/28/1954 (approximate) #10483 eter wide disc was seen resting on legs in a field by a single witness. Thr 9/28/1954 #10492 FR Cylinder/cigar-shape rests / 2 legs. Whistles away / 2 cyclists near. 9/30/1954 #10503 3 m in diameter, resting on three legs in the yard. 10/1/1954 #10562 also saw the disc resting on three legs in the yard. They estimated the dis 10/1/1954 #10579 in diameter, and standing on three legs. A dwarf, about 4 feet tall, dresse 10/8/1954 #10817 NOY-LA-CHETIVE, FR 2.5M saucer / 3 legs. Small humanoid (or Grey) freezes 4 10/9/1954 #10829 chests and oversized heads; their legs were short and thin. 10/9/1954 #10845 5 m in diameter, standing on three legs. A dwarf, about 1.2 m tall, dressed 10/9/1954 #10848 g heads and chests and small, thin legs, apparently doing repair work on a 10/9/1954 #10858 chests and oversized heads; their legs were short and thin. 10/9/1954 #10863 ers in diameter, on stood on three legs. A dwarf, about 1.2 meters tall, dr 10/9/1954 #10866 -old man named Hogl. They had thin legs, broad chests, large heads, and the 10/10/1954 #10898 5KM NORTH / NIMES, GARD Saucer on legs in field. Green light / 3 windows. 10/14/1954 #11009 l bluish-gray figure with arms and legs spread. His headlights go off then 10/15/1954 #11111 2 / car. Bullet-UFO going down / 3 legs / ditch. Lights out. Figure exits. 10/16/1954 #11137 /cylindrical object going down / 4 legs. Going up / same sound. / LDLN#320. 10/17/1954 #11161 a meter tall appeared, whose lower legs appeared transparent. The witness t 10/17/1954 #11180 The panicked witness felt like his legs were paralyzed. Inside the object h 10/18/1954 #11224 m high and 20 centimeters wide (no legs were visible). A much smaller pipe 10/18/1954 #11225 oked like iron. He walked with his legs stiff, had long hair and a hairy fa 10/24/1954 #11361 source. They lacked both arms and legs, and essentially resembled "white p 10/25/1954 #11404 tadium. The object rested on three legs and had a dome emitting a blinding 11/8/1954 #11596 Italy. The object rested on three legs and had a dome emitting a blinding 11/8/1954 #11602 re. He feels the same thing on his legs, from the knees down. Looking up, h 11/17/1954 #11663 en inside felt that their arms and legs "went dead" and that their clothes 11/2/1955 #12544 ge floppy ears, and short arms and legs. The texture of the creature’s skin 12/15/1956 #13405 tting on the far rim with feet and legs hidden by the lower part of the obj 5/1957 #13631 n the field and supported by three legs with spheres on the end that pierce 9/1957 #13966 en seen as a flattened dome. Three legs emerged from the machine as it sett 10/16/1957 #14127 ppeared as a flattened dome. Three legs emerged from the machine as it sett 10/16/1957 #14131 eecaps and the back of their lower legs, even though they have not left the 2/17/1958 #14878 omen have swellings in their lower legs, and both gain serious weight (some 2/17/1958 #14878 3 observer(s). 8M rocket rests / 3 legs. Going south overhead toward(s) Afr 8/1958 #15166 e 16 feet in diameter resting on 3 legs. The two are suddenly attacked by f 12/20/1958 #15489 t the craft landed nearby on three legs and all normal noises ceased. They 3/19/1959 #15654 atch a platform-shaped object with legs that appears in the sky above Venus 6/26/1959 #15790 upper deck, and had four tapering legs, two at each end, on the bottom. A 6/26/1959 #15791 its center, three portholes, three legs for landing gear, and a central col 4/27/1960 #16244 DILLINGHAM, AK 25' ovoid with legs. Grass and oilcans lifted. Antenna 5/19/1960 #16285 ed and has disproportionately long legs that are narrow and pointed between Late 8/1960 #16417 railroad/railway tracks. Retracts legs. Going quickly southwest. Dog avoid 11/13/1960 #16500 6 m in diameter, resting on three legs on the railroad tracks 300 m away. 11/13/1960 #16501 f the object started spinning, the legs disappeared, and the object rose ve 11/13/1960 #16501 Doctor. Rocket / going down [to] 4 legs. 2 figure(s) nearby. / Flying Sauce 1/1961? #16554 MARGNY, FR Boy / 8. UFO / 3 legs / field. Buzz like high tension pow 7/1962 #17260 trees, sitting on three telescopic legs and shaped like a top. It was 30 fe 9/1/1962 #17382 glow / ground / distance. Kids see legs and windows and figures. 10/28/1962 #17506 about 2–3 miles away. It has three legs, round windows, and the boy remarks 10/28/1962 #17513 ng something to one of the landing legs. He seems to have some trouble in m 10/28/1962 #17513 rim landed near the road on three legs. A six foot tall man emerged from t 10/28/1962 #17514 R, LANCS 3 observer(s). Saucer / 3 legs and periscope beneath. Going up / o 7/22/1963 #17846 p, at 20 m altitude. It had three "legs" and a periscope underneath that po 7/22/1963 #17847 tight grey suits zip across SR18. Legs "flutter". Very fast. 10/23/1963 #18001 of a white craft, resting on four legs, in a depression 4 km outside Socor 4/24/1964 #18194 NM Whitish elliptical object with legs seen on ground by police officer, l 4/24/1964 #18196 and saw an ovoid object with four legs resting in a gully. Two four-foot t 4/24/1964 #18202 HUBBARD, OR 4' square box / 4 legs lands / field. Beeps. Traces / soil 5/18/1964 #18279 shaped front part, resting on four legs, was seen in a wheat field by 10-ye 5/18/1964 #18283 meters high resting on four shiny legs in a wheat field. With a soft beepi 5/18/1964 #18285 ubbard, OR Rectangular object with legs left flattened wheat and three inde 5/19/1964 #18287 ous. The object is resting on four legs in an adjacent wheat field. It rise 5/19/1964 #18288 ular shape as though made by table legs were discovered in the alfalfa fiel Late 6/1964 #18374 hree depressions are where the UFO legs apparently were. 7/16/1964 #18421 anded on the ground on four 4-foot legs about 2,000 feet away. He approache 3/2/1965 #18832 6-7 feet thick, and stood on four legs, with a clear dome on top and a row 3/2/1965 #18833 3 observer(s). 30' saucer grows 3 legs. 15' burnt ring. Quickly going up. 5/24/1965 #18955 Mackay, AU Circular UFO with three legs on or near the ground, trees illumi 5/24/1965 #18958 Australia Circular UFO with three legs on or near the ground, trees illumi 5/24/1965 #18961 lack on top, with three triangular legs and a bank of floodlights around th 5/24/1965 #18963 ALENSOLE, FR Saucer going down / 6 legs. Small humanoids (or Greys) freeze 7/1/1965 #19043 anoids Near Elliptical Object With Legs On Ground (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases 7/1/1965 #19044 as set on a central pivot with six legs, was about 5 m long, and had a door 7/1/1965 #19045 ole, France Elliptical object with legs observed on ground, two small human 7/1/1965 #19046 elliptical object resting on four legs some 200 feet away from him in his 7/1/1965 #19047 as set on a central pivot with six legs, was about five meters long, and ha 7/1/1965 #19049 ). Brilliant ovoid lands / 4 metal legs. Traces. / r180p37+/ r8#655. 7/17/1965 #19115 an an airplane and having metallic legs, was seen on the bank of the Rio de 7/17/1965 #19116 an an airplane and having metallic legs, was seen on the bank of the Rio de 7/17/1965 #19118 ucluse, N.S.W., AU Glowing Disc On Legs Freaks Dogs (NICAP: 04 - Animal Rea 7/19/1965 #19129 N.S.W., Australia Domed disc with legs on beach, dogs barked loudly. Objec 7/19/1965 #19133 counters a glowing disc resting on legs. It is about 20 feet in diameter an 7/19/1965 #19134 egg-shaped craft standing on metal legs, with a transparent upper part. A b 7/20/1965 #19149 egg-shaped craft standing on metal legs, with a transparent upper part. A b 7/20/1965 #19153 rs. The object stood on telescopic legs with curved dish-like footpads, alt 8/26/1965 #19466 o whether there were three or four legs. Crespo’s son became so frightened 8/26/1965 #19466 d as a large round mass sitting on legs, about 100 feet from the road. Ther 9/3/1965 #19518 road. Three creatures with "tripod legs and matchstick arms," brownish-blac 10/23/1965 #19677 ocket-like device resting on three legs or fins. As his car skids to a stop 10/23/1965 #19678 at resemble beer cans with “tripod legs and three matchstick arms.” They ha 10/23/1965 #19678 ut 10 feet in diameter, resting on legs or fins. His car engine stalled, th 10/23/1965 #19679 aid his heart was pounding and his legs were like rubber. He drove at high 10/23/1965 #19679 eading, and a luminous being whose legs were clad in shiny dark cloth came 12/16/1965 #19773 ders, rather large heads, and thin legs. He turned around and came back, an 1/21/1966 #19865 w a glowing orange disc with three legs landing and taking off again. Recta 2/6/1966 #19883 again. Rectangular imprints of the legs (15 cm x 30 cm) and scorch marks we 2/6/1966 #19883 about 11 m in diameter, with three legs, which came down, landed, and took 2/6/1966 #19884 , Spain Brightly lighted disc with legs seen landing and taking off again. 2/6/1966 #19886 sketch of the UFO, which has three legs and a curious symbol on its undersi 2/6/1966 #19888 meters in diameter and with three legs, which came down making a humming s 2/6/1966 #19891 ree glowing yellowish objects with legs were seen resting on the ground in 3/11/1966 #19950 ng the canopy on a B-26, rested on legs, and had very bright aft and forwar 3/23/1966 #20047 ort, door, antenna on top, spindly legs. Human-like figure entered, craft t 3/23/1966 #20049 the canopy on a B-26. It rested on legs, and had very bright aft and forwar 3/23/1966 #20055 NIKER, NH L-box probe / ground / 4 legs. Maneuvers through trees. Going up. 3/29/1966 #20123 l to the ground, sitting on tripod legs. His dog runs ahead and sniffs the 3/29/1966 #20139 -shaped object with silvery tripod legs on the ground, from a distance of o 3/29/1966 #20142 seen sitting on the ground on four legs in Henniker, New Hampshire. It too 3/29/1966 #20143 0' cylinder/cigar-shape lands / 20 legs. Area lit / red. Ozone. Cows upset. 4/23/1966 #20382 cigar-shaped object with multiple legs for landing gear and a light beam, 4/23/1966 #20391 ho examined her found burns on her legs and ankles. She brought her friends 8/11/1966 #20739 = 7M domed saucer. 2 portholes and legs. Lands by garage. Rumbles. Goes. 10/3/1966 (approximate) #20953 object with visible undercarriage (legs), and a red body light was observed 12/14/1966 #21202 . 6M metal sphere/orb/globe / I64. Legs and antennas and window / top. Flie 1/17/1967 #21325 about 6 m in diameter, having four legs equipped with wheels and a very sma 1/19/1967 #21352 ae protruding from the top and two legs beneath it, with a propellor betwee 1/19/1967 #21354 ct shaped like a top hat with four legs projecting from the bottom. (Hall, 1/24/1967 #21374 rical, dull metallic, and has four legs. He grabs a camera and snaps a phot 1/24/1967 #21375 ircumference, and resting on three legs. (Hall, 2001, pp. 529-30, from Fowl 1/25/1967 #21381 t wide, approach and land on three legs on the highway. It made a loud whir 1/25/1967 #21387 a road shoulder. It lands on three legs in a field. The object is egg- shap 2/5/1967 #21460 g ovoid object descend with tripod legs extended. The UFO had a rotating pa 2/5/1967 #21462 very wide set eyes and no visible legs, but they did have quick moving arm 2/14/1967 #21552 ed, disc-shaped flying object with legs near his home. The UFO had a centra 3/22/1967 #21949 he UFO descended and put out three legs as if to land, but then retraced th 4/13/1967 #22128 road 70 m away. Supported by four legs, it was a vertical cylinder, 5 m in 4/21/1967 #22188 15–16 feet high. It is standing on legs about 3–3.5 feet long. He switches 4/21/1967 #22194 tood 4.9 meters high including the legs, which were an estimated 1.1 meters 4/21/1967 #22199 me upon the craft resting on small legs in a marshy area. Standing next to 4/21/1967 #22200 rical object going down. Extends 6 legs and lands. 6 marks / ground. Night 4/26/1967 #22218 . The object landed, deploying six legs when it was about 4 feet from the g 4/26/1967 #22220 lights. When 1 m above ground, six legs came out, and it landed on a lawn n 4/26/1967 #22223 r descend from the sky, extend six legs, and then land on his farm. The 1.5 4/26/1967 #22224 . The object landed, deploying six legs when it was about four feet from th 4/26/1967 #22224 omed saucer / red lights / edge. 2 legs / bottom. / r83p333. 4/27/1967 #22227 with a dome on top and two visible legs skimmed over the trees and paced a 4/27/1967 #22236 on. When it touches down on tripod legs, the glow dissipates. The egg-shape 5/1967 #22255 photo, while the second showed no legs and presumably had been retracted. 5/6/1967 #22287 bject. Following this some landing legs appeared. The event lasted three ho 5/6/1967 #22288 5 foot long ovoid object with four legs. It was light grey in color. A shor 5/24/1967 #22394 cigar-shape / very low altitude. 4 legs. Small humanoid (or Grey) leans / s 5/30/1967 #22423 Sao Paulo State, Brazil. It had 4 legs for landing gear. A short humanoid 5/30/1967 #22427 ange disc-shaped object with three legs and windows allegedly landed in San 6/1/1967 #22449 domed glowing-saucer. 4 telescopic legs. Glows and vibrates. / LDLN#91. 7/7/1967 #22625 a dome on top and four telescopic legs, which emitted a strange vibration. 7/7/1967 #22628 a dome on top and four telescopic legs with spheres on their tips. They fe 7/7/1967 #22630 but the feeling dissipates as the legs of the UFO retract and it takes off 7/7/1967 #22630 high. The UFO had four telescopic legs, which emitted a strange vibration. 7/7/1967 #22632 sc-shaped craft with four metallic legs, but instead of resting on the land 8/15/1967 #22883 ike an inverted bowl and had three legs. Burn marks and impressions (physic 8/23/1967 #22896 ike an inverted bowl and had three legs. The witness saw three beings about 8/23/1967 #22897 female. Left / field. UFO retracts legs and flies. 10/6/1967 #23182 nder/cylindrical object stands / 2 legs. Going up / deep humming. No flame. 10/9/1967 #23198 high, 80 cm wide, supported by two legs ending in round pads joined by a ba 10/9/1967 #23200 standing on end and sitting on two legs about 44 feet away from him. The le 10/9/1967 #23201 s about 44 feet away from him. The legs end in circular pads and are joined 10/9/1967 #23201 ids / picnic. 3M silver ovoid with legs. 15M altitude. Small dome. Quickly 10/12/1967 #23223 w a silver, egg-shaped object with legs that appeared to be preparing to la 10/12/1967 #23227 ark, conical body, but they saw no legs. They also reported the odor of bur 11/13/1967 #23444 ndages—presumably two arms and two legs—was sighted. It left deep footprint 12/3/1967 #23548 shiny gray cylindrical object with legs and body lights on the underside. T 12/7/1967 #23556 m into a rucksack on his back. Two legs emerge from the rucksack and extend 3/10/1968 #23834 k gray skin, like an elephant. Its legs were round and thick. Its arms, or 4/3/1968 #23886 overed with dried mud, as were her legs. Earlier in the night her mother ha 5/3/1968 #23942 eet in diameter, standing on three legs, bathed in fleecy white light, and 7/1968 #24109 robot about 8 feet tall with three legs and four arms. A beam of light come 7/1968 #24109 and red clothes, semi-transparent legs, motioning to him. The witness's ho 7/2/1968 #24127 and red clothes, semi-transparent legs, motioning to him. Near them was an 7/2/1968 #24128 long, 60 cm high, with three 50 cm legs. (Magonia #916, FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 7/2/1968 #24128 and red clothes, semi-transparent legs, motioning to him. Near them was an 7/2/1968 #24130 long, 60 cm high, with three 50 cm legs. The men gave him an envelope with 7/2/1968 #24130 s. They also have semi-transparent legs because he can see through them to 7/2/1968 #24131 feet long, 2 feet high, with three legs 19 inches high. The men give him an 7/2/1968 #24131 ng. The witness noticed that their legs were semi transparent. They told hi 7/2/1968 #24133 n diameter, standing on 20" tripod legs in a drainage ditch. Then one of th 7/2/1968 #24133 a robust build with short muscular legs and over-developed calves. Their sk 7/20/1968 #24195 struck her, and she found that her legs were paralyzed. (David F. Webb & Te 7/22/1968 #24202 trikes her, and she finds that her legs are paralyzed. Putting her hands up 7/22/1968 #24204 struck her, and she found that her legs were paralyzed. Putting her hands u 7/22/1968 #24205 . Metallic saucer lands / road / 4 legs. Hums and rises / legs retract and 7/28/1968 #24240 / road / 4 legs. Hums and rises / legs retract and away. 7/28/1968 #24240 rs at 1M. 2 1M octopus-types / 4-5 legs enter and fly. Watches electro-magn 8/16/1968 #24335 they are running on “four or five legs” toward the UFO, which abruptly tak 8/16/1968 #24342 s, about 3 feet high, with "4 or 5 legs," very light in color with a "thoro 8/16/1968 #24343 ject on the ground resting on four legs. Next to the object stood two short 8/25/1968 #24377 d saucer 12M away / 2M altitude. 4 legs. Small portholes / top. 8/29/1968 #24393 , FR 2 observer(s). Saucer lands / legs. 3 small humanoids (or Greys) exit 9/30/1968 (approximate) #24523 ter and feet in height, resting on legs. It had a row of portholes all arou 9/30/1968 #24527 ne from the window. Running on two legs, it dashed around the east side of 11/9/1968 #24648 HILE 1 observer. 2M saucer lands / legs. 3 small humanoids (or Greys) exit. 11/25/1968 #24701 two-meter wide disc landed on four legs. Three dwarf humanoids emerged, whi 11/25/1968 #24707 4 saucers pace 2 Cessnas. 1 grows legs and going down / bombing range. / A 11/26/1968 #24710 T / LE PUY, FR Luminous ovoid with legs / 50M altitude. Going [to] left. Sm 12/29/1968 #24795 humans," and had "blocky arms and legs and shapeless bodies." They emitted 1/14/1969 #24842 et in diameter and stands on three legs. A door opens and two men come floa 2/7/1969 #24901 or with pale brown spots, and had “legs” underneath. It was 5-6 meters wide 3/19/1969 #25031 gh and was resting on gray colored legs. Around the object she saw three be 4/12/1969 #25059 with something that paralyzes his legs. Two small humanoid beings, joined 5/4/1969 #25114 ke a groan, then was struck in the legs by a "burst of fire" coming from a 5/4/1969 #25115 ramp and feeling a numbness in his legs, he knelt down. A beam of light, gr 5/4/1969 #25115 ls that were somewhat baggy in the legs but tight-fitting at the ankles. He 5/11/1969 #25128 then a high-pitched beeping. Four legs protruded from the bottom of the ob 5/28/1969 #25167 , and had two bent, blue and green legs. It appeared to land on a nearby hi 7/4/1969 #25253 id responds / lights. Follows car. Legs extend. / r201. 7/13/1969 #25266 it is 8 feet in diameter with two legs beneath it. Both of them panic and 7/13/1969 #25268 , FR 12M saucer / ground / 3 stout legs. Observer(s) climbs fence / better 9/15/1969? #25370 lsating yellow light. Its arms and legs are very thin, its face pale like w 1/7/1970 #25540 minated area. He had thin arms and legs, a pale waxy complexion with a hook 1/7/1970 #25541 boy saw a UFO that landed on four legs in Terrace, British Columbia around 2/27/1970 #25594 ore a one-piece blue coverall, the legs of which were tucked into mud cover 6/21/1970 #25704 ES, FR Boy / 16. Saucer landed / 4 legs. 45cm and 1.5M antennas. Portholes. 7/25/1970 #25749 ortholes in its side, sitting on 4 legs near Jabreilles-les-Bordes, Haute-V 7/25/1970 #25750 p.m. in 1970 a disc landed on four legs. It had two antennas, one 45 cm lon 7/25/1970 #25751 y Saturn-shaped object standing on legs. On top was a transparent cupola be 8/16/1970 #25791 FR 12M saucer lands / rectangular legs. Going up [to] and zigzags. Going q 9/9/1970 #25831 haped object landed on rectangular legs in a pasture in Ruelle-sur-Touvre, 9/9/1970 #25833 P Buzz. Pyramid with portholes and legs. Observer(s) and sheep weightless a 12/1970 #25924 report. Flat-top dome. Windows and legs and antennas takes off going up / c 12/7/1970 #25931 s put together, and with four thin legs, descending in a clearing 50 feet a 2/5/1971 #26013 ject descend and land on four thin legs in a clearing 50 feet away. After i 2/5/1971 #26015 r circles and maneuvers / 15 mn. 2 legs hang going down / photographs. Jet 2/6/1971 #26016 SEY, AUSTR 4 kids. Ovoid extends 4 legs and lands near railroad/railway tra 4/23/1971 #26078 saw a silvery ovoid UFO with four legs or landing gear fly overhead. The l 4/23/1971 #26079 or landing gear fly overhead. The legs had what looked like landing pads a 4/23/1971 #26079 omes across a UFO sitting on three legs in a shallow hollow in a field near 5/1971 #26092 IA 2 observer(s). 8M egg lands / 3 legs / 5 minute(s). Spirals going up. / 5/3/1971 #26098 egg-shaped object landed on three legs for five minutes. It spiraled upwar 5/3/1971 #26099 RG, VA 6M saucer / hv lines. Grows legs and going down. Man exits with box 5/16/1971 #26112 ction and he could not discern any legs. Startled, he shone the beam of his 10/28/1971 #26438 kly going down / clouds. Lands / 4 legs. Going quickly SSW. / r30p371. 2/12/1972 #26574 he clouds, and then landed on four legs outside the town of LaGardelle-sur- 2/12/1972 #26576 is car door it rose up on its hind legs and showed itself to be a leathery 3/17/1972 #26607 ). 16M domed saucer going down / 4 legs. 1M small humanoid (or Grey) exits. 4/1972 #26632 ross, partly lit up, and has three legs hanging from it. It rise to a heigh 4/1/1972 #26633 re it hovers briefly, retracts its legs, whistles again, and turns on edge 4/1/1972 #26633 bject descended and landed on four legs, then a one-meter tall dwarf exited 4/21/1972 #26656 NH 3+2+1+observer(s). Capsule with legs low / chicken Coop. Night lights / 5/13/1972 #26678 p.m. a six-sided object with four legs with landing pads, descended from 1 5/13/1972 #26682 s for eyes, but no visible arms or legs. It turns toward her and she feels 8/9/1972 #26889 ter had headaches and pains in his legs. 8/16/1972 #26922 ght light. Saucer with 4 luminous "legs" hovers / air. Back 11+13 Sep. '72. 9/7/1972 #26978 , solid looking luminous pylons or legs, giving the object the appearance o 9/7/1972 #26979 smell of burning oil. His arms and legs were paralyzed. After 30 seconds of 9/27/1972 #27035 ry. His complexion was very white. Legs and arms were extremely long, and h 9/28/1972 #27038 mely long, and he did not bend his legs as he walked. In his left hand he h 9/28/1972 #27038 could not move either his arms or legs. He heard a humming noise, similar 9/28/1972 #27038 et) wide. After three minutes some legs thrust out, which leveled the UFO. 3/13/1973 #27343 econds later the UFO retracted its legs, returned to an inclined position, 3/13/1973 #27343 He could not distinguish arms and legs but the one behind the beam seemed 3/24/1973 #27373 He could not distinguish arms and legs, but the one behind the beam seemed 3/25/1973 #27376 nore, MO Domed disc with ports and legs hovered in a grove of trees, physic 4/6/1973 #27408 ut she now has pains in her knees, legs, and head. She screams in pain, and 5/27/1973 #27533 , TN 3M sphere/orb/globe unfolds 3 legs and lands. Ramp drops. Away / obser 9/30/1973 #27889 ttens with a thumb attached. Their legs never moved but stayed together lik 10/11/1973 #28005 lace where they had found him. His legs collapsed when he touched the groun 10/11/1973 #28005 with blue and orange body lights, legs, standing on the road.(UFOE II, Sec 10/15/1973 #28052 bject that showed the bones of his legs when it passed over them. He had a 10/15/1973 #28059 ns. 12' sphere/orb/globe lands / 4 legs. Antenna / top. Door opens and clos 10/16/1973 #28063 r; it has stumpy arms (she sees no legs) and quickly disappears from sight. 10/16/1973 #28085 gray in color and rested on thick legs, of which she saw two but there mig 10/16/1973 #28089 ge rubber bands." Her spread eagle legs were restrained in the same manner, 10/16/1973 #28089 like feet and webbing between its legs like a "flying squirrel." It had fe 10/17/1973 #28140 bject sitting in a field on tripod legs, approx. 300 ft away. The object wa 10/19/1973 #28189 her car twice saw two sets of "red legs" cross the road. A short while late 10/19/1973 #28197 row and wrinkled, like a chicken's legs. It moved around the car, then was 10/19/1973 #28200 raphs "land mine" ovoid. Lands / 7 legs. / LDLN#192. 11/3/1973 #28356 domed saucer going down. Lands / 3 legs. Square door / base. Silent. Traces 11/7/1973 #28379 eral. 12M domed saucer / ground. 4 legs and ladder. Hums. Going up [to] and 12/6/1973 #28531 France, see a landed domed disc on legs with a brightly lit “blister” on to 12/6/1973 #28533 disc-shaped object resting on four legs on the ground. It had a bright dome 12/6/1973 #28535 t. It had very large eyes, and its legs were "squashed" and "stubby." It wa 1/6/1974 #28654 magnetic effect (EME). 9M saucer / legs. 3 small humanoids (or Greys). 2 ap 1/7/1974 #28656 m Helmet-shaped object with tripod legs on ground nearby, shock, humanoid e 1/7/1974 #28658 a flange around its base and three legs. White and orange alternating bands 1/7/1974 #28660 ORD 1+1 / cars. Military helmet on legs. Greys / space-suits approach. / Be 1/17/1974 #28682 us, stood of three half-meter long legs, was wider than the road and had no 3/21/1974 #28920 ool saucer with 4 luminous/glowing legs. / r41p293. 3/23/1974 #28933 about 6.5 feet tall, with arms and legs, but he cannot see their faces. On 3/26/1974 #28956 VIGO, SP 3M saucer on 4 legs. 2 separate observer(s) see 100M ov 3/28/1974 #28966 er 12M / ground. Turret / windows. Legs and periscope. Going northeast. 4/4/1974 #28993 150 feet away. Four silver-colored legs emerge from the object, followed by 5/5/1974 #29085 long claws instead of fingers. His legs appeared rather short.” He is bald 5/5/1974 #29085 are again violently agitated. The legs withdraw as it takes off. 5/5/1974 #29085 FR 1M sphere/orb/globe landed / 2 legs between road tunnels over earthquak 5/7/1974 #29088 E, PA 1 observer. Saucer extends 4 legs to building roof. 3 small humanoids 5/7/1974 #29089 ys) going down [to] ramp and check legs. 5/7/1974 #29089 lighted dome on top. Four silvery legs. Three gray humanoids. <5 ft. tall. 5/7/1974 #29090 tall. Large elongated heads. Short legs. No helmets. Occupants beside lande 5/7/1974 #29090 ed object seemed to examine disc's legs, re-entered object and disappeared. 5/7/1974 #29090 e meter in diameter, landed on two legs between two highway tunnels on High 5/7/1974 #29092 f Building #1. Four silver-colored legs emerged from the object just before 5/7/1974 #29093 and arms with clawed hands; their legs were short. They spoke an unintelli 5/7/1974 #29093 ntly when the craft flew over. The legs withdrew into the object as it took 5/7/1974 #29093 omed saucer going down / beach / 4 legs. 6' figure exits in fog. Indents wi 5/20/1974 #29117 low with central rim. Four landing legs. Hatch folded down, ramp came out. 5/20/1974 #29118 feet in diameter. It stood on four legs and had several lights on the main 5/20/1974 #29120 ovoid with 6 windows on ground / 4 legs. Rocks jump / takeoff. Going north. 5/24/1974 #29129 meter long ovoid object with four legs was seen on the ground by 53-year-o 5/24/1974 #29131 on he boys. It extends three short legs and blue sparks leap up from the gr 8/16/1974 #29362 line of a door, and stood on three legs; it had a square at the top, and wa 8/16/1974 #29364 , FR 25M domed saucer / ground / 4 legs. Going up [to] as observer(s) nears 8/18/1974? #29367 ground. Domed bell lands / 4 long legs near railroad/railway line. 8/26/1974 #29387 scended and extended three landing legs from the bottom. The craft passed b 9/3/1974 #29418 GEORGIA 4 scientists. 4M sphere on legs. Photographs. 2M men board. Going q 9/6/1974 #29426 ht. It touched down nearby on four legs like protrusions. A door opened and 10/7/1974 #29504 r details about the beings arms or legs. Cravero was impressed by the furti 11/8/1974 #29589 ucer with portholes going down / 3 legs. Traces and petrol odor. / LDLN#146 1/5/1975 #29717 domed disc with three landing gear legs, 15 meters long with portholes, too 1/5/1975 #29719 a landing on a farm. It had three legs as landing gear. The principal witn 1/5/1975 #29726 NZL 2 observer(s). Domed UFO with legs. 3 shadows move inside. Going [to] 1/8/1975 #29732 ms of light coming down or lighted legs or struts. Conventional aircraft se 2/9/1975 #29791 2 boys. 5M domed saucer lands / 3 legs burnt circle. 1.3M small humanoid ( 2/23/1975 #29836 nd. It landed on three ball-shaped legs in a nearby vineyard. The object wa 2/23/1975 #29839 ights all around it, and sticklike legs or landing gear. In their panic the 3/2/1975 #29870 ights all around it, and sticklike legs or landing gear. (Source: Jay Rath, 3/8/1975 #29879 Saturn saucer with boxy bottom on legs / gravel pit. Marks. Military inves 3/22/1975 #29915 g [to] in / sea. Lands / beach / 3 legs. Small humanoids (or Greys) exit. 6/28/1975 (approximate) #30129 down the stairs without moving his legs. He actually floated in the air sli 7/12/1975 #30175 o watchers. Silent / 1K' altitude. Legs. 7/20/1975 #30190 e no sound. It also reportedly had legs or landing gear. (Sources: Center f 7/20/1975 #30192 e no sound. It also reportedly had legs or landing gear. 7/20/1975 #30194 ees a silvery disc with prong-like legs. He approaches to within 15 feet of 7/31/1975 #30218 "glued to their bodies, and their legs were motionless as they glided smoo 8/8/1975 #30244 petrified with fear, "found their legs" and beat a hasty retreat home. The 8/8/1975 #30244 4 observer(s). 30' metal disk with legs and antennas / 200' altitude. Going 8/10/1975 #30247 The humanoids reportedly had three legs, were very thin and were covered wi 8/12/1975 #30256 2 girls. 2M sphere/orb/globe on 3 legs / pasture. Cows scared. / r30p572+/ 8/29/1975 #30321 about 5 ft tall, with long narrow legs, very short arms, & "a face that oc 9/3/1975 #30339 MERXHEIM, FR Saucer going down / 3 legs. Dome opens. Head and shoulders ris 11/6/1975 #30564 p.m. A domed disc landed on three legs. The dome on the craft opened, and 11/6/1975 #30566 A domed disc landed on three legs in Merxheim, France at 10:00 p.m. T 11/6/1975 #30568 she had scratches on her arms and legs that she could not account for. 11/27/1975 #30669 pecially the middle one, but their legs were unusually short. Feeling stran 12/4/1975 #30685 3 observer(s). 25' dome with 5 12' legs over power lines. Physical traces a 12/14/1975 #30713 ENE, FR 4.5M bullet lands / 5 thin legs. 2M pseudo-human/entity exit door r 1/5/1976 #30759 te color, and resting on five thin legs. A door in the craft opened and a v 1/5/1976 #30760 te color, and resting on five thin legs. A door in the craft opened and a v 1/5/1976 #30761 re heads, disproportionately small legs, and in lieu of arms, a telescopic 1/9/1976 #30781 phone booth, and it stood on three legs. From this landed object emerged tw 1/29/1976 #30832 ilent 6M domed saucer over road. 4 legs / bottom. No electro-magnetic effec 2/24/1976 #30897 vered over a road. There were four legs on the bottom of the craft, and it 2/24/1976 #30898 shire at 9:37 p.m. There were four legs on the bottom of the craft, and it 2/24/1976 #30899 hit / blue-beam / 75m saucer with legs and hose. Electro-magnetic effect ( 4/22/1976 #31007 ect has several partially extended legs and a long, black, hose-like append 4/22/1976 #31010 cist and 3. 4M saucer lands / 3 2M legs. Going up [to] silently. Marks 15cm 5/15/1976 #31053 isproportionately large, and their legs are short. The taxi driver switches 6/22/1976 #31128 n perched in a tree nearby who had legs "bent backwards like a bird." It ha 7/4/1976 #31151 de. Lights area like day. Arms and legs. 7/21/1976 #31175 ies outside are small fireballs on legs! Odd. 7/29/1976 #31192 lop-shell shaped object sitting on legs. The craft had windows, and through 8/5/1976 #31235 a scallop-shaped craft on landing legs, stretching across the road. The wi 8/6/1976 #31240 wider than the road and resting on legs. It was about 40 feet wide, 15 feet 8/6/1976 #31241 s on the top of their heads. Their legs did not end in feet, and when they 8/25/1976 #31302 s object. See reference. Blob west legs / light. / r225. 8/30/1976 #31315 d 150cm man with fly-eyes and long legs near. 10/10/1976 #31458 y observer(s). Luminous globe with legs hovers. Vanishes. 8 day wave. / r19 10/10/1976 #31459 HENRYVILLE, MS 1 / car. Ovoid on legs on road! Blue and orange body light 10/15/1976 #31463 o, and it had no feet or toes; its legs extended straight to their extremit 10/15/1976 #31465 t land behind some bushes on three legs. An oval-shaped opening became visi 10/29/1976 #31505 d object. It was hovering on three legs 30 meters away. It had a flat botto 11/8/1976 #31532 The arms seemed to be crossed, and legs and feet could not be seen. Trejo t 11/12/1976 #31540 to be blackish gray, and its short legs seemed to have no feet. It stopped 11/12/1976 #31541 ne, and having no signs of arms or legs, glided over the street in front of 12/10/1976 #31593 he car but had no sensation in her legs. The sensation in them began to ret 12/10/1976 #31594 ures. He tried to get away but his legs just cycled aimlessly in mid-air. H 1/1/1977 #31683 l box with a round head on top and legs that appeared too thin towards the 1/3/1977 #31687 ate truckers. 7M saucer on E18 / 5 legs. Observer(s) frozen 150M away. 1/5/1977 #31695 just above the roadway, with five legs extended as landing gear. Both of t 1/5/1977 #31699 TTE, LA 6 / car. Domed saucer with legs / low altitude. Spins. Tilts and pl 1/22/1977 #31745 d a domed, disc-shaped object with legs at a low altitude for 10 minutes. I 1/22/1977 #31746 n cylinder/cylindrical object west legs circles police helicopter / 2 minut 2/1/1977 #31773 3M glowing-saucer lands / farm / 5 legs. No further details. 2/11/1977 #31809 ). Metal domed saucer. Windows and legs and wheels and hooks! Hovers / home 2/20/1977 #31831 in color with three windows, three legs or wheels, and two hooks at both en 2/20/1977 #31832 netic effect (EME). Saucer extends legs. Abduction try? 2/22/1977 #31836 , get much closer, and extend some legs in preparation for landing. One of 2/22/1977 #31839 t in diameter, with eight "pods or legs", windows or doors all around it, a 4/4/1977 #31942 t in diameter, with eight "pods or legs", windows or doors all around it, a 4/4/1977 #31944 n the house she found her face and legs red from the heat. Her dog, which r 4/4/1977 #31944 oated in the air with arms out and legs bent back, like a "free fall parach 4/7/1977 #31956 oated in the air with arms out and legs bent back, like a "free fall parach 4/7/1977 #31957 t had four to six long spider like legs hanging from its bottom. The UFO ro 4/12/1977 #31977 ndings. It had no distinct arms or legs that could be discerned. A UFO land 5/8/1977 #32074 ces steam pouring off his back and legs, which are getting unbearably hot. 6/6/1977 #32151 QLD Prospector. 3 50M UFO land / 5 legs each. Blue pseudo-human/entity exit 6/22/1977 #32184 numbing sensation in his arms and legs. (Sources: Leonte Objio, APRO Bulle 6/24/1977 #32189 numbing sensation in his arms and legs. 6/24/1977 #32191 ped with projections like arms and legs.” 7/1977 #32222 bserver(s). Fast 65' saucer stops. Legs extend. 2nd saucer stops over 1st. 8/11/1977 #32381 nded oval-shaped craft standing on legs. (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 10/30/1977 #32636 nded oval-shaped craft standing on legs. 77OctLate Salisbury Plain, Wiltshi 10/30/1977 #32637 nded oval-shaped craft standing on legs. The Grey humanoids had flat noses, 10/30/1977 #32640 ite color, with no visible arms or legs and no features on its head. It was 11/13/1977 #32671 cer hums and circles overhead. 4 / legs. Lands / woods then quickly going u 12/12/1977 #32760 e, Brazil at 11:30 p.m. It had two legs that were visible, looked transpare 1/23/1978 #32908 r" hovers / 100' altitude. Extends legs. Buzzes. Shoots going up. 4/13/1978 #33144 e door, one of which is moving its legs and wings but seems to be immobiliz 5/10/1978 #33196 ground and extended four metallic legs. The area around the witness seemed 5/10/1978 #33199 Intensely bright ovoid with tripod legs. Drops and stops. Lost / horizon. 5/13/1978 #33201 k and forth. They see three tripod legs on the underside. The girl’s mother 5/13/1978 #33204 man finds dark domed saucer on 3-4 legs. 2 pseudo-human/entity outside. All 7/1978 #33316 vertical ovoid. Ring / middle and legs. Light / side. / MJ#153. 9/1978 #33613 M saucer / 3 (seen thru) telescope legs. Small humanoid (or Grey) works / r 9/18/1978 #33705 yellowish metallic with telescopic legs that terminate in flat pads. A figu 9/18/1978 #33708 nge landed object standing on four legs about 330 feet away in a clearing. 9/27/1978 #33762 omed saucer lights car and area. 4 legs. Tape deck malfunctions due to EME 11/12/1978 #33947 deck to stop working. It had four legs or landing gear appendages. 11/12/1978 #33949 )/airliner pilots. Domed disk with legs and antennas and narrow beams / lig 11/21/1978 #33970 Newfoundland, CAN Domed disc w/legs encountered by TWA (NICAP: 11 - Avi 11/21/1978 #33972 nt; it rested on two shiny silvery legs. Next to the object stood a tall, h 11/24/1978 #33996 with a dome on top rested on four legs. He saw a pair of long hands close 11/24/1978 #33997 , RSA Bullet-object going down / 4 legs. Several dark small humanoids (or G 1/3/1979 #34285 a gray cone-shaped craft with four legs that had landed, and then experienc 1/3/1979 #34291 lant.” In some cases, the animal’s legs have been broken, perhaps by clamps 2/16/1979 #34429 KULIM, MALAYS 5cm saucer extends 3 legs. Lands near cows. Observer(s) nears 5/1979 #34530 LAYSIA 2+3 observer(s). Saucer / 3 legs 50cm over ground. Temporarily blind 5/26/1979 #34582 Kulim, Malaysia A disc with three legs for landing gear hovered just a hal 5/26/1979 #34585 A disc with three legs for landing gear hovered just a hal 5/26/1979 #34591 oval-shaped craft landed on three legs near his home. Three humanoids came 6/18/1979 #34616 oval-shaped craft landed on three legs near his home. Three humanoids came 6/18/1979 #34618 ver(s). Silver saucer going down / legs. Beam sweeps. 2 ugly figure(s) / tr 6/19/1979 #34619 . The ship is spherical with three legs protruding from the bottom, and the 6/28/1979 #34639 t squat figure with thick arms and legs and a round body appeared. It began 7/15/1979 #34655 a vertical half-egg that stood on legs, with the truncated end facing down 7/25/1979 #34681 their knees. They had small black legs that ended in little feet that look 7/25/1979 #34681 The witness claims his dogs’ front legs become paralyzed 6 months later and 8/1979 #34692 developed strange lesions on their legs, and her young son had nightmares. 8/19/1979 #34760 ith a turret and is sitting on 3–4 legs. Nearby are two little men about 4 10/1979 #34937 ing objects land on it with tripod legs. Two little men 2.5 feet tall, dres 11/15/1979 #35000 the side of a road to stretch his legs. Out of the east comes a black tria 10/15/1980 #35568 he man discovers a melanoma on his legs, but it improves. Under hypnosis th 11/19/1980 #35659 uments were placed on his arms and legs , which caused him discomfort to th 11/28/1980 #35680 en saw a UFO either hovering or on legs outside the backgate, Woodbridge. B 12/27/1980 #35738 be supported by three "telescopic" legs like protrusions. He then noticed s 3/1981 #35855 . She could not make out any eyes, legs, or arms. The next thing she rememb 5/1981 #35919 lent 12M lemon / 2M altitude. Thin legs? Blinding 1M searchlight. Portholes 8/28/1981 #36087 ers altitude. It had extended thin legs for landing gear, portholes, and a 8/28/1981 #36088 that descended on telescopic like legs near the witnesses. A door became v 10/8/1981 #36165 azil Silo-shaped object with three legs landed on road ahead of car. See Se 12/19/1981 #36265 ery metallic disc resting on three legs. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NI 3/1982 #36373 LAKE NORMAN, NC Saucer with 4 legs poses as water tank over fogbank. F 10/18/1982 #36650 Norman, NC Silver oval with "four legs" (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, N 10/18/1982 #36651 man, NC Silver oval UFO with "four legs" (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, NC) 10/18/1982 #36652 ave identical scars on their lower legs from apparent childhood abductions, Early 7/1983 #36900 P Several kids. Orange sphere with legs / very low altitude. Going southeas 4/20/1985 #37581 lcony. 2 men / glass dome. Extends legs. Landing physical traces. 8/8/1985 #37639 rver(s). 50' metal ovoid. Glows. 2 legs / top and 2 / bottom. Revolves / 90 2/28/1986 #37790 lighted object, with two apparent legs for landing, hovering and moving up 2/28/1986 #37793 residential area. It extended some legs and was completely silent. 4/12/1986 #37823 bowl-saucer lands / road / 5 thin legs. Tube / light going down. Retracts. 9/19/1986 #38030 disc landed on the road on 5 thin legs in Fredensborg, Denmark. A tube of 9/19/1986 #38031 f light. He was unable to move his legs and fell to the ground, as if the b 12/2/1987 #38348 struck Walters on the back of his legs. The object next began rotating and 1/12/1988 #38411 ng flying saucer, resting on three legs in a hangar. It is about 35–40 feet 3/1989 #38855 server(s). 6M hat-saucer rests / 3 legs. Going up [to] and spins and away. 5/15/1989 #38950 LS, RUSSIA Tall dark figure. Short legs. Small knob for head. Glows and van 8/1989 (approximate) #39037 mething” pointing down between the legs. The creature’s eyes suddenly becam 8/10/1989 #39055 ground. It suddenly landed on four legs and the hatch opened. A ladder desc 9/23/1989 #39118 nd the object lands gently on four legs. The hatch opens again and three hu 9/27/1989 #39124 d the object landed gently on four legs. The hatch opened again and three h 9/27/1989 #39126 to be pulling Anna by her arms and legs. Her husband tried to calm her and 10/8/1989 #39150 t side. The sphere pushed out four legs and landed. A hatch opened and a la 10/28/1989 #39191 s the young witnesses watched, the legs retracted on the object, it, and th 10/28/1989 #39191 ows. Going [to] slow and silent. 4 legs and tube / front. 1/4/1990 #39363 ows of square windows. It had four legs and a tube in the front, and moved 1/4/1990 #39364 craft, which stood nearby on four legs and was about 1.50 meters high. The 2/18/1990 #39422 phere/orb/globe / 180' altitude. 2 legs / bottom and row / windows? 5/4/1990 #39554 b at 180 feet altitude. It had two legs on the bottom and what appeared to 5/4/1990 #39559 stripes on their sleeves and pants legs. The beings had hands with three cl 5/18/1990 #39576 out any facial features, arms, or legs. One figure followed the other, and 8/31/1990 #39707 ape. Steady white lights on silver legs! No further details. 9/11/1990 #39724 r vehicle. The figure had two long legs and two huge round phosphorescent r 10/6/1990 #39760 etely, and only saw their arms and legs. Later that same evening a man repo 8/13/1991 #40152 MERSET Huge jellyfish over town. 2 legs dangle. Rectangle / top. Hums. Fast 11/27/1991 #40244 red. He remembered running and his legs suddenly becoming numb. He then rec 3/5/1992 #40359 ed woman, who was sitting with her legs partly folded under her. Their faci 7/23/1992 #40531 on, and it never moved its arms or legs or made any facial gestures. Its bo 9/24/1992 #40639 observer(s). Dark dome with looped legs hovers / field. Lights / edge. Goin 10/8/1992 #40665 cylinder/cylindrical object / thin legs going north. 30mph. 100' altitude. 10/17/1992 #40680 ical, cylindrical object with thin legs was sighted moving north between Ch 10/17/1992 #40682 oke to see a short being with thin legs, no arms, and a large head that had 12/10/1992 #40747 aped to that of a sphere with four legs and landed. Under hypnosis it was r 12/31/1992 #40775 eet in length and had four landing legs, two of them appeared to be damaged 4/19/1993 #40943 observer(s). 25cm ball going down. Legs and eyes and antenna. Shoots away. 6/20/1993 #41026 l photograph / domed saucer west 4 legs. Goes going south. 8/27/1993 #41163 beings took flesh samples from her legs and back, leaving scoop marks. She 11/8/1993 #41266 face. It moved on two short, thick legs. The dwarf was heavy set and wore a 4/15/1994 #41493 STER, NY 1 observer. Saucer with 4 legs / bottom. Seen / rainy parking Lot. 12/5/1994 #41882 hree-meter tall creature with long legs and no arms outside. 1/8/1995 #41961 h being with long stringy arms and legs on the side of the road. It also ha 1/17/1995 #41981 isc-shaped object had windows and "legs" and moved slowly over a field, clo 1/30/1995 #42003 round his bed. Two were around his legs and the other two were up around hi 8/15/1995 #42387 nned creature with dark veins, two legs with enormous two-toed feet, two ar 1/20/1996 #42695 long spindly arms and short bandy legs. They wore gunmetal gray helmets an 1/31/1996 #42729 , clawed hands, and gaunt arms and legs. Both Boisvert and his father were 2/6/1996 #42743 n their sides. One stands on three legs while the other hovers. As the hunt 3/12/1996 #42821 ops. Figure(s) move / 4 windows. 6 legs. Truck auto-starts. 7/3/1996 #42944 e could move his arms, but not his legs. He then heard a voice in his head 9/16/1996 #43025 d one meter in diameter, had three legs and two portholes. It took off to t 3/5/1997 #43220 uman looking with two arms and two legs. It flew fast over the area, quickl 10/10/1997 #43426 ld feel no pain but would feel his legs go numb, and would feel paralyzed a 10/15/1997 #43429 tall, with long dangling arms and legs that looked deformed. It was very p 8/24/1998 #43637 black eyes. It had thin but strong legs, large pointy ears, and sharp fang- 9/21/1998 #43650 ngue missing. Nearby were four elk legs and haunches with no head, neck or 11/15/1999 #43881 woke up and was holding one of her legs. She suddenly received a mental ima 1/3/2000 #43917 tall, with very long thin arms and legs. The humanoids emitted a strange hu 7/5/2000 #44010 . It had elongated ears, arms, and legs. It appeared to be unclothed. Its h 7/31/2000 #44024 . She was unable to move her arms, legs, or even her eyelids. Using tremend 8/4/2001 #44225 ELARI, TRK Bright cone-saucer with legs. Dogfight / TAF T37. Extremely fast 8/6/2001 #44226 . It was resting on three metallic legs. Somewhat perplexed, he continued t 3/26/2002 #44326 th wide chests and heavy set, thin legs, generally human features, but with 3/26/2002 #44326 in color and it was walking on two legs, but it ambulated like an ape walks 1/22/2003 #44477 umanoid shaped, and running on two legs. When the figure disappeared the wi 4/18/2003 #44515 escribe the figure as having brown legs, and as it ran it seemed to be hunc 4/18/2003 #44515 a severe nosebleed, stiff arms and legs, and total physical exhaustion. Oth 9/3/2003 #44592 arment that completely covered her legs and a hood that covered her head. I 8/2/2004 #44725 ted a large white oval object with legs hanging down. It rose quickly out o 2/15/2005 #44814 mal sized heads, but had very long legs and very long arms and large torsos 8/6/2006 #44953 un, but to his dismay his arms and legs had various burn marks of unknown c 9/21/2007 #45066 reature went, but it walked on two legs. It seemed to have been naked, and 10/27/2007 #45080 d and about five meters tall, with legs for landing gear and pulsing yellow 8/3/2008 #45154 in color with large black eyes. No legs were visible, and they seemed to mo 9/4/2008 #45165 In October he develop lumps on his legs, groin, and back; they enlarge, mul 5/8/2009 #45220 later, hair loss and lumps on his legs, groin and back diagnosed as non-ma 5/8/2009 #45221 wolf-like creature standing on two legs. 7/2009 #45229 head that narrows at the top, two legs with long tapered feet, and no appa 8/9/2017 #45478 olored creature that stands on two legs and looks like a praying mantis. It 7/16/2020 #45652## Word: "leguevin" (Back to Top)
LEGUEVIN, FR 6-7M X 2.5M saucer lands. V 10/12/1954 #10966 Leguevin, France Jan Marty, 42, mechanic 10/12/1954 #10972 42, a mechanic, was in his shop in Leguevin, France when he saw a luminous 10/12/1954 #10982## Word: "legune" (Back to Top)
85KM SSE / LEGUNE, NT, AUS 2 / light plane. 9 x3x1M 12/9/1977 #32751## Word: "leh" (Back to Top)
Ladakh Arunachal Pradash Kargil Leh Thakung Lake Pangong Tso Himalayas I 8/1/2012 #45350 hich is deployed in the Kargil and Leh districts and patrols the frontier w 8/1/2012 #45350## Word: "lehel" (Back to Top)
int-Alexis de Montcalm, Canada Mr. Lehel observed a lighted object at hillt 11/1964 #18602## Word: "leherisse" (Back to Top)
At 10:00 p.m. Mr. Henry Leherisse, age 23, in Megrit, France saw 10/4/1954 #10709## Word: "lehi" (Back to Top)
LEHI, UT Woman and kids abduction / home 10/16/1973 #28073 Lehi, UT A woman was abducted front her 10/16/1973 #28083 Lehi, Utah outskirts of Lehi, Utah Midni 10/16/1973 #28088 Lehi, Utah outskirts of Lehi, Utah Midnight. Single mother Pat R 10/16/1973 #28088 isolated house on the outskirts of Lehi, Utah. Suddenly, Kent wakes up scre 10/16/1973 #28088 oman was abducted from her home in Lehi, Utah as well as possibly three of 10/16/1973 #28093 abducted and taken aboard a UFO in Lehi, Utah. They experienced 45 minutes 10/17/1973 #28135## Word: "lehighton" (Back to Top)
LEHIGHTON, PA 2 observer(s). Polaroid ph 1/17/1978 #32886## Word: "lehman" (Back to Top)
sylvania two female witnesses, Ms. Lehman and Ms. Little, saw a large round 1/12/1968 #23661## Word: "lehmkuhl" (Back to Top)
. Col Brian L Jones and Maj. Lee J Lehmkuhl of AFIT describes potential USA 5/1996 #42891## Word: "lehto" (Back to Top)
y eastward trajectory. Pilot Chris Lehto says they are moving at an unexpec 11/6/2018 #45543## Word: "leibnitz" (Back to Top)
LEIBNITZ, AUS Newsman. Photograph / sauc 3/2/1960 #16191## Word: "leica" (Back to Top)
s to see the object. Chbosky has a Leica camera and takes two photos withou 10/2/1971 #26400## Word: "leicester" (Back to Top)
LEICESTER, LEICS Observer(s) = F. T. Mot 6/13/1889 #289 On this night in 1889, in Leicester, England a fireball zigzagged 6/13/1889 #290 Anstey Lane, Leicester, England A 6-year-old girl see Summer 1928 #1087 g arms in a field off Anstey Lane, Leicester, England. She thinks it is a s Summer 1928 #1087 LEICESTER, ENGL Formation / bright silve 7/22/1955 #12277 hanged positions as they flew over Leicester, England. There were widely re 7/22/1955 #12278 Eyres Monsell, Leicester, England 4:30 p.m. Mr. E. Adki 11/3/1961 #16951 r flying south over Eyres Monsell, Leicester, England, at an estimated 600 11/3/1961 #16951 Two boys in Leicester, England reported that they wi 10/17/1971 #26429 d Akkan and Green in Loughborough, Leicester, England noticed a square obje 2/11/1972 #26572 nwen mountain, east of the village Leicester University, England RAF Valley 1/23/1974 #28694 p to 60 miles away. Astronomers at Leicester University, England, record at 1/23/1974 #28694 LEICESTER, LEICS 2 / cab. Rugby-ball sha 5/21/1977 #32117 otball-shaped object in the sky in Leicester, England. At one point it look 5/21/1977 #32122 Leicester and Hinckley (btn), UK At leas 1/24/1978 #32911 lights and as it headed south from Leicester it was seen by 12 more witness 1/24/1978 #32911 Between Leicester and Hinckley, England at least 1/24/1978 #32913 lights and as it headed south from Leicester it was seen by 12 more witness 1/24/1978 #32913 Long Clawson, England Leicester Two police officers in Long Cl 9/27/1985 #37667 multiple times in the area around Leicester since August. 9/27/1985 #37667 bove the M1 motorway in Markfield, Leicester, England. It flew off to the e 9/21/1986 #38033 ound in the sky over Earl Shilton, Leicester, England at 4:00 p.m. They mad 3/26/1994 #41466 LEICESTER, ENGL 1 observer. Dark triangl 3/3/1995 #42074## Word: "leicestershire" (Back to Top)
Ibstock, Leicestershire, UK Luminous white disc p 5/25/1971 #26134 Leicestershire, England 6:30–8:30 p.m. S 10/23/1978 #33862 ch a lighted delta-shaped UFO over Leicestershire, England. 10/23/1978 #33862## Word: "leick" (Back to Top)
ublications Department, William H. Leick. 11/22/1966 #21142## Word: "leics" (Back to Top)
DERBYSHIRE AND LEICS COS, ENGL Fiery wheel / barrel spi 10/14/1387 #16 LEICESTER, LEICS Observer(s) = F. T. Mott. 'Meteor' 6/13/1889 #289 GREAT EASTON, LEICS Farmer. Saucer chases jet. Clearly 7/14/1954 #10016 OADBY, LEICS 2 observer(s). 4 orange night ligh 8/14/1956 #13083 EARL SHILTON, LEICS 2 observer(s). UFO on ground. 4 wi 1/28/1963 #17640 IBSTOCK, LEICS 45' saucer / sky. Car radio fades. 5/25/1971 #26133 LEICESTER, LEICS 2 / cab. Rugby-ball shape hovers. 5/21/1977 #32117 MARKET HARBOROUGH, LEICS 2 / car. Silver cylinder/cigar-sha 6/30/1977 #32207 RATBY, LEICS Girl / motorcycle. Long red triang 3/27/1978 #33085 NEAR MARKFIELD, LEICS Many cars stop. Huge ferris-wheel 9/21/1986 #38032 NEAR OADBY AIRPORT/APARTMENT, LEICS Vibrant bright night light hovers 6/20/1988 (approximate) #38587 HINCKLEY, LEICS Disc hovers 10 minute(s) & vanishe 9/21/1993 #41206 EARL SHILTON AND HINCKLEY LEICS, ENG 8+observer(s). 2+silver sauce 3/26/1994 #41465 BURBAGE, LEICS Several observer(s). UFO west brig 4/10/1994 #41487 HINCKLEY, LEICS Several observer(s). Big fireball 2/2/1995 #42011 BURBAGE, LEICS Several separate observer(s). UFO 6/29/1995 #42280 SOUTH / STONEY STANTON, LEICS Observer's room lit. Round object 10/29/1995 #42569## Word: "leidy" (Back to Top)
hree ground crewmen, including Mr. Leidy, for Pan American Airways. Watched 7/10/1947 #3101 anics (John N. Mehrman Jr., Robert Leidy, and John E. Woodruff) at Ernest H 7/10/1947 #3110 n the cloud for more than an hour. Leidy takes two Kodachrome photos of the 7/10/1947 #3110 hree ground crewman, including Mr. Leidy, a mechanic for Pan American Airwa 7/10/1947 #3118## Word: "leif" (Back to Top)
essdalen under the directorship of Leif Havik, Odd-Gunnar Røed, Erling Stra 6/3/1983 #36874 Aspaskjolen, Norway 6:12 p.m. Leif Havik is standing in the snow outsi 2/20/1984 #37194## Word: "leifer" (Back to Top)
boys and their camp counselor Mr. Leifer, from Camp Delaware, were hiking 7/28/1976 #31187 icut 3:45 p.m. Adult counselor Ira Leifer and 13 teenage boys are resting f 7/28/1976 #31189 boys and their camp counselor Mr. Leifer, from Camp Delaware, were hiking 7/28/1976 #31190## Word: "leigh" (Back to Top)
sts (including astronomer Thornton Leigh Page) and engineers to review the 12/10/1952 #8408 Luis Walter Alvarez, and Thornton Leigh Page. CIA members Philip Grandin S 1/14/1953 #8539 l, Maine 9:02 p.m. Physics teacher Leigh Van Etten, two other teachers, and 3/8/1953 #8740 LEIGH, ENGL 1 observer. Silver figure st 5/11/1976 #31043 to silver sphere on the ground in Leigh, Greater Manchester, England. It w 5/11/1976 #31044 to silver sphere on the ground in Leigh, Greater Manchester, England. It w 5/11/1976 #31045 Leigh, England 9:30 p.m. A Mrs. Grime an 10/10/1978 #33828 ng white lights near their home in Leigh, England. They can see three bumps 10/10/1978 #33828## Word: "leigh-on-sea" (Back to Top)
LEIGH-ON-SEA, ESSEX 200' saucer shoots s 8/10/1989 #39044 LEIGH-ON-SEA, ESSEX Woman / 80 2 nights 2/11/1995 #42034 over trees two nights in a row in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, England. 2/11/1995 #42035## Word: "leighton" (Back to Top)
LEIGHTON BUZZARD, ENGL 1 observer. 2 men 7/1957 #13764## Word: "leignes" (Back to Top)
LEIGNES / FONTAINE, FR Many observer(s). 10/3/1954 #10652## Word: "leipzig" (Back to Top)
LEIPZIG, GER Astronomer Kirch and more/o 7/9/1686 #51 NEAR LEIPZIG, GERMANY Goethe. Ballet of minia 9/1/1768 (approximate) #84 Ferch Brandenburg Germany Potsdam Leipzig Döberitz 6:00 p.m. Two women wal 3/13/1913 #886 s firing rockets while flying from Leipzig to Döberitz in order to see his 3/13/1913 #886 Bauer, a local artisan residing in Leipzig, Germany, reported seeing a shor 11/5/1990 #39873 Leipzig, Germany Night. Werner Noeske ob 12/16/1992 #40749 triangular window in the base over Leipzig, Germany. Additional witnesses c 12/16/1992 #40749## Word: "leipzig-berlin" (Back to Top)
Leipzig-Berlin area, Germany Two objects 2/19/1944 #1574## Word: "leir" (Back to Top)
t Derrel Sims, podiatrist Roger K. Leir, and crop circle researcher Colin A 3/21/1997 #43236 Roger K. Leir Robert Bigelow’s National Institute 1998 #43479 covery Science Podiatrist Roger K. Leir publishes The Aliens and the Scalpe 1998 #43479 tion of alien implants since 1995. Leir has performed surgery to remove sma 1998 #43479## Word: "leirfoss" (Back to Top)
NEDRE LEIRFOSS, NORWAY 25M cylinder/cigar-shap 1/1/1972 #26536 power station in the town of Nedre Leirfoss in Sor-Trondelag, Norway. It ma 1/1/1972 #26537## Word: "leiria" (Back to Top)
LEIRIA, PORTUGAL Several observer(s). Od 3/26/1970 #25606 LEIRIA TO/FROM FATIMA, PORT MD and 1. 15 11/7/1975 #30569 n this night in Reguengo do Fetal, Leiria, Portugal, and then it took off f 8/5/1977 #32363## Word: "leirvik" (Back to Top)
Husnesfjorden, Hordaland, Norway Leirvik on Stord island Selbjørnfjord Ha 4/27/1983 #36846 has a first sonar contact south of Leirvik on Stord island. At 5:21 p.m., i 4/27/1983 #36846 midnight, a sonar contact south of Leirvik results in another rocket firing 4/27/1983 #36846## Word: "leisenring" (Back to Top)
WEST LEISENRING, PA 120' cone saucer 20' over 5/21/1971 #26119 West Leisenring (near), PA 1:10 a.m. A man wa 5/21/1971 #26120 A man was driving home near West Leisenring, Pennsylvania at 1:10 a.m. an 5/21/1971 #26121 WEST LEISENRING, PA 15+observer(s). 100' sauc 10/25/1973 #28280## Word: "leiss" (Back to Top)
Hamburg, Germany 6:30 p.m. Walter Leiss and three other passengers on boar 6/17/1991 #40101## Word: "leiston" (Back to Top)
LEISTON, SUFFOLK Giant green sphere/orb/ 2/24/1975 #29840## Word: "leisurely" (Back to Top)
approaches it, it moves away at a leisurely pace and passes through wire n 1/22/1919 #983 to a stop, levels off, and floats “leisurely as if suspended by a cord” for 8/17/1947 #3343 s and a red stern, maneuvered in a leisurely fashion for 15 minutes. 6/15/1952 #6508 he bureau’s theodolite. It circles leisurely for 10 minutes, then disappear 6/17/1952 #6529 It shuts off and the object moves leisurely away to the south. 11/6/1966 #21080 owly through the sky. They floated leisurely over a field across the road f 3/1/1974 #28842 ass 15-20 feet over his truck at a leisurely speed. It had six big lights i 5/19/1990 #39578 . The cases typically involve slow leisurely movement or triangle craft tha 11/3/2001 #44271 r drifting slowly, and made a very leisurely circuit of the power plant. It 5/19/2008 #45142## Word: "leisy" (Back to Top)
ospital Philadelphia Sunset. M. K. Leisy, a junior intern at the Institute 7/4/1947 #2666## Word: "leita" (Back to Top)
Madison, Ohio Mrs. Leita Kuhn observed a very large, lighte 11/10/1957 #14520 Madison, Ohio 1:25 a.m. Leita Mae Kuhn is checking the stove in 11/10/1957 #14521 At 1:25 a.m. Mrs. Leita Kuhn observed a very large, lighte 11/10/1957 #14527## Word: "leitchville" (Back to Top)
LEITCHVILLE, VCT, AUS Large and 2 small 12/13/1977 #32764 Leitchville, Victoria, AU An orange-red, 12/13/1977 #32765 object descended over a paddock in Leitchville, Victoria, Australia. It the 12/13/1977 #32769## Word: "leite" (Back to Top)
her responder, Marshal José Otavia Leite, is about to shoot at the object b 6/5/1961 #16721 g two men, Jose Trajano and Milton Leite, were preparing their boat to go f 4/1/1999 #43752## Word: "leiters" (Back to Top)
ccurred shortly after 6:00 p.m. in Leiters Ford, Fulton County, Indiana and 8/22/1966 #20788 ut the same time, at 10:00 p.m. in Leiters Ford, Indiana another report cam 4/8/2004 #44685## Word: "leith" (Back to Top)
Leith Canyon, Nevada Groom Dry Lake An A 1/5/1967 #21260 lost during a training flight near Leith Canyon, Nevada. Due to a faulty fu 1/5/1967 #21260## Word: "lekarev" (Back to Top)
any. Former KGB officer Stanislav Lekarev claims, however, that Khokhlov i 9/1957 #13965## Word: "lekness" (Back to Top)
AY 1 large and 3 small ovoids near Lekness Airfield. / BFJ v3#11p9. 1/21/1972 #26551## Word: "lelah" (Back to Top)
Chicago, Illinois Witness: Lelah Stoker. One white round-topped dis 4/8/1954 #9676 inois Lake Michigan 4:30–5:00 p.m. Lelah H. Stoker of 3121 N. Sheridan Road 4/8/1954 #9677 In Chicago, Illinois Lelah Stoker sighted a white, domed disc 4/8/1954 #9678## Word: "leland" (Back to Top)
s outlets suspect a cover-up. Rep. Leland M. Ford (R-Calif.) calls for a co 2/24/1942 #1388 eavyweights McCoy, Clingerman, and Leland Money, goes out to the CIA, US Ar 10/7/1948 #3830 tlanta, Georgia US Highway 78 near Leland, Georgia Cobb County Atlanta Cons 7/7/1953 #8989 rnold Payne, to US Highway 78 near Leland, Georgia, and waits for the first 7/7/1953 #8989 LELAND AND EMPIRE, MI Many reports / nig 3/27/1956 #12769 Six-year-old Leland Wlazlak was in the bathroom in Se 6/9/1967 #22484 n the first being came back, asked Leland what a tree in the backyard was, 6/9/1967 #22484## Word: "lelay" (Back to Top)
te-Marie d'Herblay, France Gilbert Lelay, 13, saw a phosphorescent cigar in 10/12/1954 #10973 .-Marie d'Herblay, France. Gilbert Lelay, age 13, saw a phosphorescent ciga 10/12/1954 #10983## Word: "lelu" (Back to Top)
On this afternoon baker M. Lelu was in his vehicle on Route 101 in 10/23/1954 #11346## Word: "leman" (Back to Top)
LAKE LEMAN, SWZ Silent 10M saucer going down 8/16/1958 #15201 Leman Lake, Switzerland A dozen people o 8/16/1958 #15202 A dozen people were out on Leman Lake in Switzerland in perfect wea 8/16/1958 #15204 r. Large circular object over Lake Leman jumps going north low and slow tow 3/29/1972 #26628## Word: "lemargue" (Back to Top)
At around three a.m. Guy Lemargue, age 16, was walking with a fri 9/30/1968 #24527## Word: "lemarquandsa" (Back to Top)
Mrs. Lemarquandsa was walking through her hou 6/30/1967 #22580## Word: "lemaster" (Back to Top)
control tower operators, including Lemaster. One long, elliptical, white-gr 11/3/1952 #8235## Word: "lemay" (Back to Top)
Gen. Curtis LeMay’s XXI Bomber Command’s Air Intelli 4/26/1945 #1855 . I had an occasion to ask General LeMay about them several years after the 7/1945 #1886 Gen. Curtis LeMay answers an inquiry from Assistant 12/10/1946 #2211 at the Air Materiel Center (AMC). LeMay’s answer: The Commander of AMC on 12/10/1946 #2211 ent. 1:55 p.m. Leo and Gen. Curtis LeMay discuss the discs. Col. Warren, at 7/7/1947 #2933 denberg 10:30 a.m. Lt. Gen. Curtis LeMay, deputy chief of Air Staff for Res 7/10/1947 #3105 t to investigate UFOs, per General LeMay’s 1946 instructions. 8/1947 #3275 of UFOs in a letter to Gen. Curtis LeMay, Deputy Chief of Air Staff for Res 8/22/1947 #3360 Gen. LeMay answers Col. Taylor’s August 22 re 8/29/1947 #3377 the Garrett Estimate, Gen. Curtis LeMay states in a memo, copied to the FB 9/5/1947 #3385 search and Development Gen. Curtis LeMay on the status of flying disc analy 12/18/1947 #3506 F R&D and successor to Gen. Curtis LeMay (who has returned to Europe), advi 12/30/1947 #3516 tegic Air Command head Gen. Curtis LeMay delivers the first SAC Emergency W 3/1949 #4030 cities in the USSR within 30 days. LeMay predicts that World War III will l 3/1949 #4030 ice Chief of Air Staff Gen. Curtis LeMay is conducting an exercise to test Early 1960 #16146 USAF Gen. Curtis LeMay writes in his autobiography that s 1965 #18681 ys he was told by USAF Gen. Curtis LeMay cussed him out and said “don’t eve 12/28/1973 #28612 c5813d784c4.pdf Note: Gen. Curtis LeMay was allegedly present at a close e 12/28/1973 #28612 ue. He says his friend Gen. Curtis LeMay got quite angry at him when he tri 10/13/1988 #38671 knows about UFOs… I called Curtis LeMay and I said, “General, I know we ha 10/1/1994 #41779 rop Grumman. He claims Gen. Curtis LeMay told him there was a UAP crash at 11/1/2013 #45393 d Maj. Joshua Wehrle of the Curtis LeMay Center for Doctrine Development an 4/2017 #45467## Word: "lembeek" (Back to Top)
LEMBEEK, BELGIUM Globe passes over town. 11/1/1973 #28331## Word: "leme" (Back to Top)
Leme, Brazil A brightly lit globular sha 12/3/1978 #34055 seen flying at a low altitude over Leme. Several moving figures could be se 12/3/1978 #34055 seen flying at a low altitude over Leme, Brazil on this night. Several movi 12/3/1978 #34056## Word: "leming" (Back to Top)
do state border 2:00 p.m. James R. Leming is driving on Interstate 70 westb 8/17/1977 #32409 ains stationary for 3 minutes, and Leming is able to take three photographs 8/17/1977 #32409 he photo as a chip in the glass of Leming’s windshield, but Leming contests 8/17/1977 #32409 glass of Leming’s windshield, but Leming contests that. 8/17/1977 #32409## Word: "lemke" (Back to Top)
nd “De Angelo” from SAIC and Larry Lemke, a NASA Ames engineer. https://uf 1/7/1996 #42670 NASA engineer Larry Lemke tells Lockheed scientist Bernard H 6/11/2003 #44556 as relayed to Jacques Vallée, that Lemke’s father worked on advanced hardwa 6/11/2003 #44556 d to have come from beyond Earth.” Lemke and other unnamed sources tell Hai 6/11/2003 #44556## Word: "lemkuni" (Back to Top)
at was happening. Days later Celso Lemkuni, a diver, tried to make a dive t 6/18/1974 #29212## Word: "lemmon" (Back to Top)
NEAR LEMMON, SD? USAF RB36H paced. Crew photo 11/1956 (approximate) #13298 LEMMON, SD 1M fireball follows train. Bo 11/16/1956 #13331 Lemmon, SD November 16, 1956; Lemmon, S. 11/16/1956 #13332 Lemmon, SD November 16, 1956; Lemmon, S.D. Railroad phones, automatic 11/16/1956 #13332 Lemmon, South Dakota Morning. Telephones 11/16/1956 #13333 omatic railroad block mechanism in Lemmon, South Dakota, fail to operate as 11/16/1956 #13333 Mt. Lemmon, AZ Height-finder radars tracked 7/18/1957 #13810 Mount Lemmon Air Force Station Tucson, Arizona 7/18/1957 #13811 Bickham and a radar crew at Mount Lemmon Air Force Station [now closed] no 7/18/1957 #13811## Word: "lemon" (Back to Top)
r two sons and another youth, Gene Lemon. When the seven witnesses got clos 9/11/1952 #7896 ad a choking, metallic smell. Gene Lemon fainted, so some of the others had 9/11/1952 #7896 y with them, while the others ran. Lemon vomited all night long. Reporters 9/11/1952 #7896 Virginia National Guardsman Eugene Lemon Braxton Democrat Max Lockard Balti 9/12/1952 #7905 Virginia National Guardsman Eugene Lemon, 17, walk to the Fisher farm. At t 9/12/1952 #7905 t makes their eyes and noses burn. Lemon then notices two small lights over 9/12/1952 #7905 English Channel, UK Fletcher/Lemon Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 10/18/1953 #9239 LEMON GROVE, CA 2 boys. Domed saucer / g 11/16/1973 #28430 Lemon Grove, California La Posta Astro-G 11/16/1973 #28434 wo 11-year old boys are outside in Lemon Grove, California, intending to pl 11/16/1973 #28434 TREVELIN, ARG Silent 12M lemon / 2M altitude. Thin legs? Blinding 8/28/1981 #36087 A38 NEAR SHELTON LOCK, DERBYSHIRE Lemon shaped object. White with bluish h 1/4/1988 #38399## Word: "lemon-colored" (Back to Top)
At 2:00 a.m. a lemon-colored sphere was seen by a railw 11/13/1971 #26469## Word: "lemon-shaped" (Back to Top)
nearby. A gray figure with a large lemon-shaped head then appeared. When th 7/12/1975 #30174 boys followed them a bright white, lemon-shaped UFO blinked on, and took of 2/10/1976 #30863 boys followed them a bright white, lemon-shaped UFO blinked on and took off 8/16/1976 #31274 At 9:10 p.m. a 12 meter long, lemon-shaped UFO was seen near the groun 8/28/1981 #36088 At 8:00 p.m. a lemon-shaped object was seen "swinging b 1/5/2001 #44120## Word: "lemons" (Back to Top)
d balls of light about the size of lemons in the empty fields around them. 5/9/1980 #35319 Red balls of light the size of lemons climbed up, across, and down tele 5/9/1980 #35321## Word: "lemoore" (Back to Top)
e glowing points above FRC West at Lemoore Naval Air Station. After watchin 11/15/2011 #45334## Word: "lemos" (Back to Top)
rs under the command of Capt. José Lemos Ferreira are flying at night at 24 9/4/1957 #13978 MONFORTE DE LEMOS, SPN Hundreds / observer(s) and TV 2/14/1996 #42760## Word: "lemoyne" (Back to Top)
niere, were in their home in Ville Lemoyne, Quebec, Canada when a strong li 8/14/1965 #19391## Word: "lempdes" (Back to Top)
LEMPDES, FR 5M umbrella-top / field. Hum 7/8/1978 #33351 Lempdes, Puy-de-Dome, France A motorist 7/8/1978 #33353 me 300 meters ahead on the road in Lempdes, Puy-de-Dome, France. As he came 7/8/1978 #33355## Word: "lemps" (Back to Top)
LEMPS, ARDECHE, FR Several observer(s). 9/27/1954 #10467## Word: "lemuel" (Back to Top)
eler, Gen. J. Lawton Collins, Gen. Lemuel C. Shepherd Jr., and Secretary of 11/18/1952 #8296## Word: "lemuria" (Back to Top)
Lemuria Ray Palmer edits, rewrites, and 1/1945 #1748 tories under the title “I Remember Lemuria.” The issue sells out and genera 1/1945 #1748 Lemuria Ray Palmer publishes a second st 4/1945 #1835 ichard Shaver, “Thought Records of Lemuria,” in the June issue of Amazing S 4/1945 #1835 ’s knowledge of the cave world and Lemuria isn’t really a “racial memory,” 4/1945 #1835 the civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria both vanished during an atomic w 8/1956 #13044 occult history shaped by Atlantis, Lemuria, reincarnation, and space people 1957 #13430 Mars Atlantis Lemuria Brinsley Le Poer Trench, 8th Ear 1960 #16141 ng to the flooding of Atlantis and Lemuria, which were populated with Adami 1960 #16141## Word: "lemurians" (Back to Top)
haver’s Dero with an evil group of Lemurians. 10/1946 #2195 nusians land and interact with the Lemurians. Records documenting earth’s u 1957 #13430## Word: "len" (Back to Top)
rteen military witnesses on board. Len Stringfield became a life long UFO i 8/28/1945 #1931 On this night Len Delman, a lorry driver, saw what he 9/27/1971 #26384 (initials) of the PACAF writes to Len Stringfield that he was stationed at 9/16/1980 #35522## Word: "lenah" (Back to Top)
Lenah Valley, Tasmania Hobart 8:45 p.m. 8/27/2005 #44866 s Speed is outdoors at his home in Lenah Valley, Tasmania, when he sees a f 8/27/2005 #44866## Word: "lencouacq" (Back to Top)
Lencouacq, France Mrs. Vignolles saw a l 9/23/1954 #10417 Lencouacq, Landes, France 9:00 p.m. Iren 9/23/1954 #10420 ly in a meadow behind a rectory in Lencouacq, Landes, France. 9/23/1954 #10420 family sighting, Mrs. Vignolles of Lencouacq, France saw a luminous object 9/23/1954 #10424 LENCOUACQ, FR 1 observer. Fast silent lu 9/24/1954 #10431 seconds in a field by a church in Lencouacq, Landes, France and was seen b 9/24/1954 #10440## Word: "lend" (Back to Top)
tely confirmed, UFO reports do not lend themselves to a “scientific method 2/25/1953 #8704 second disc landed, presumably to lend assistance. The UFO occupants wore 11/25/1964 #18638 with Richard Hall convinces him to lend his support to the project, for now Mid 10/1966 #21007 who reached the rural location to lend their assistance to their comrade i 7/21/2002 #44362 t, Anthony Bragalia, and others to lend credence to the authenticity of the 5/5/2015 #45437## Word: "lenda" (Back to Top)
goes inside and wakes up his wife Lenda, who also sees the object. Pecha c 9/10/1976 #31371## Word: "lendele" (Back to Top)
Lendele, Belgium 6:45 a.m. A witness in 2/25/2018 #45514 le, Belgium 6:45 a.m. A witness in Lendele, Belgium, looks out the window a 2/25/2018 #45514## Word: "lending" (Back to Top)
was visible, with flat cheekbones, lending a somewhat rotund appearance to 8/15/1970 #25787 bank. In addition to violations of lending laws, BCCI is also accused of op 7/5/1991 #40112## Word: "lends" (Back to Top)
gust 13–14, but soon drops out and lends his support to John F. Kennedy. 8/9/1960 #16366## Word: "length" (Back to Top)
t was estimated to be 12 meters in length, and perhaps 800 feet in the air. 1/30/1897 #383 a cigar-shaped bag about the same length and 8–10 feet thick. When his hor 4/4/1897 #414 a cigar-shaped bag, about the same length but 10 feet thicker in width. The 4/8/1897 #419 bject, estimated to be 400 feet in length. Using binoculars, the outline of 4/9/1897 #420 out beams several hundred feet in length. When it is above the city, the o 4/10/1897 #425 rstructure. Witnesses estimate its length to be 50–100 feet. The object asc 4/10/1897 #426 s. Witnesses were surprised at the length of their hair. Most residents of 4/15/1897 #483 ated to be around 50 to 70 feet in length. It had a red light at each end, 4/16/1897 #512 d. Several witnesses estimated the length of the object to be 180 feet long 4/18/1897 #529 observed sinking slowly. Estimated length: 200 m. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 10/28/1902 #654 observed sinking slowly. Estimated length: 200 m. 10/28/1902 #655 d submerging slowly. Its estimated length was 150-200 meters. 10/28/1902 #656 has a prominent tail of 8°–10° in length. 5/4/1916 #946 wing white observer(s) 12cm / arms length. Hovers / minutes. Rises and shoo 1/21/1933 #1153 size of a 12 cm coin held at arms length, hovered over Bondy, Seine-St-Den 1/21/1933 #1154 in found in the snow, 75 meters in length, as well as two sets of footprint 2/5/1934 #1204 elongated cone some 60–75 feet in length and 10–15 feet in diameter at its 8/9/1934 #1217 bject two to three hundred feet in length 500 mph &.four red lights spaced 11/28/1942 #1463 rin, Italy. It was 200-300 feet in length and flew at an estimated 500 mph. 11/28/1942 #1465 color; size of tennis ball at arms length. (Page 119 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Di 12/1944 #1715 in diameter, stretching twice the length of crews aircraft; no radar conta 12/1944 #1716 re than 400 feet. He estimates its length at 30–40 feet and its diameter at 7/1945 #1887 ble openings, and 35 to 50 feet in length. (Page 189-190 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 8/1945 #1909 , about the size of a dime at arms length, move and then return to original 9/1945 #1933 s the diameter of the full moon in length passes over Stockholm, Sweden. 7/10/1946 #2047 from the craft was about half the length of the unknown object. 8/1/1946 #2101 ere the size of small peas at arms length, traveling high and fast. 9/11/1946 #2178 timates it is about four times the length of the ship and four times as tal 7/1/1947? #2522 loud level going east. 20cm / arms length. Slow. Weaves and jumps. 7/5/1947 #2698 te Scotte. Watched for an unstated length of time while two disc-shaped or 7/8/1947 #3009 with unusual markings along their length are handed from man to man, each 7/8/1947 #3012 hiny ovoid object, half a meter in length, flew over the railroad freight h 7/18/1947 #3198 Ward Stewart. Watched for unknown length of time while two round, shiny, w 7/29/1947 #3252 ex-B-29 pilot, watched for unknown length of time while two round, shiny, w 7/29/1947 #3256 Raymond Dupui. Watched for unknown length of time as 12-15 round, silver ob 9/3/1947 #3382 trail or exhaust about 5 times its length. Then the UFO goes to another loc 1/7/1948 #3546 parent diameter of a dime at arm's length. Its estimated distance was 15 mi 9/23/1948 #3812 ipe with corners, one full moon in length. It makes a slight climbing turn 2/17/1949 #4015 It was a featureless ellipse, its length about 2–1/2 times its width. Afte 4/24/1949 #4099 000 mph, a width of 40 feet, and a length of 100 feet; but this is speculat 4/24/1949 #4104 itish featureless ellipse, and its length was 2.5 times its width. After 60 4/24/1949 #4105 ent size of a half dollar at arm's length. Its color was pinkish to green, 5/6/1949 #4164 interval equal to 3-4 times their length, except that the second and third 5/27/1949 #4213 interval equal to 3–4 times their length, except that the second and third 5/27/1949 #4214 - white obj large as auto at arm's length disappeared (NICAP: 01 - Distant 8/6/1949 #4308 is needed. LaPaz and Neef speak at length. Oder’s Cambridge Research Labora 10/14/1949 #4394 Cineflex camera with 3-inch focal length lens) of a circular, luminous whi 2/24/1950 #4554 il-shaped UFO, about six meters in length, moved through the sky over Hapev 4/9/1950 #4835 a one-frame-per-second 60 cm focal length camera with 35 mm color film. Fra 8/31/1950 #5154 ertical. Swing / pendulums. 10 / 1 length ratio. 10/9/1950 #5217 e size of a matchhead held at arms length. There were nine other witnesses. 1/12/1951 #5393 ia. The cloud is about 700 feet in length. At the end of it a bullet-shaped 3/15/1951 #5489 Matador, TX Pear-shaped object the length of a B-29 fuselage (100 ft), (NIC 8/31/1951 #5640 ns. One pear-shaped object with a length of a B-29 fuselage (100'), alumin 8/31/1951 #5641 the west a pear-shaped object the length of a B-29 fuselage (100 feet). It 8/31/1951 #5642 piece “jump suits,” with shoulder- length hair. She turns a spotlight on th 9/1951 #5647 ting exhaust trail three times the length of the object. When it came withi 2/24/1952 #5929 trail or exhaust. He estimates its length at 100 feet. 3/29/1952 #5994 e top of the object for its entire length. It flew into a cloud, causing a 4/19/1952 #6132 rent size is a half dollar at arms length. They wobble in flight. 5/13/1952 #6317 rent size of a half dollar at arms length, one-quarter turned and wobbling 5/13/1952 #6320 view, WA Purple object for unknown length of time (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 6/2/1952 #6424 bject fly very fast for an unknown length of time (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cas 6/2/1952 #6425 One purple object seen for unknown length of time. No further information 6/2/1952 #6426 ject flew very fast for an unknown length of time. 6/2/1952 #6427 ved a purple object for an unknown length of time. 6/2/1952 #6429 that flew very fast for an unknown length of time. 6/2/1952 #6430 d then hovering for an unspecified length of time. 6/18/1952 #6540 and 4 inches in diameter (at arm’s length), moving faster than any jet airc 7/9/1952 #6736 ut horizontally, never changing in length 7/27/1952 #7213 reen ball, size of a dime at arms' length (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 7/28/1952 #7253 ball,.the size of a dime at arms' length, flew very fast, straight and lev 7/28/1952 #7259 e the others circled it. Sighting length of 30 minutes not explained furth 7/29/1952 #7318 aight and level. Large coin / arms length. 8/22/1952 #7677 articles or flashes, up to 3 ft in length (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 9/24/1952 #8019 particles or flashes, up to 3' in length, streamed past the B-29 for 15 mi 9/24/1952 #8021 es or flashes, up to three feet in length, stream past their aircraft for 1 9/24/1952 #8023 cigar-shaped object on the ground. Length 30 m, diameter 6 m. Forward secti 10/15/1952 #8135 estimated to be about 10 meters in length and flew at 3,600 miles per hour. 1/1/1953 #8495 d like the Goodyear blimp with its length twice its height, flew 400 m.p.h. 1/17/1953 #8547 long contrail in a clear sky. The length of the object was estimated to be 3/3/1953 #8728 / tower. Hazy ovoid = 23cm / arms length. Vanishes in place. / MJ#242. 6/16/1953 #8934 r, about three meters (10 feet) in length. When he tried to touch it the ob 10/25/1953 #9255 wheel / many lights'. 30cm / arms length. Going quickly west. Turns going 10/31/1953 #9264 's apparent size was 30 cm at arms length. It flew rapidly to the west, and 10/31/1953 #9266 with a “long shaft about the same length as its body hanging below it.” To 1/1/1954 #9436 vel at medium speed for an unknown length of time. 3/2/1954 #9593 of 240 knots. The UFO was half the length of the F3D-s (which is 22 feet lo 5/10/1954 #9772 ll in strands averaging 30 feet in length over Shepparton, Victoria, Austra 5/12/1954 #9780 center with light rays of unequal length coming out of it alternately. It 6/18/1954 #9910 linder scoots just over Lake Erie. Length = 12X diameter. 7/25/1954 #10047 r Island, CAN Black cylinder, 12:1 length/width ratio, moving fast (NICAP: 7/25/1954 #10049 slowly or hovered for an unstated length of time. 7/30/1954 #10068 ints 2 inches wide x 4.5 inches in length, with very narrow heels. 9/2/1954 #10233 ield. It was about three meters in length and had the form of a large artil 10/6/1954 #10758 A much smaller pipe 1.5 meters in length was attached horizontally to the 10/18/1954 #11225 from the object about 5 meters in length, heard a whistling, purring noise 10/27/1954 #11451 wings; they estimated it was 10 in length, three feet in diameter, and had 10/29/1954 #11484 ured about 4.5 meters (15 feet) in length and emitted a bright light simila 10/31/1954 #11500 stimated to be about 250 meters in length. It rose into the sky like a jet, 11/27/1954 #11713 e “ragged sheets” are many feet in length. Chemist Charles B. Rutenber of E 2/21/1955 #12011 outline. Curves / sky. Pea / arms length. 2/25/1955 #12018 een. Saucer = silver dollar / arms length. Fades away. = airport beacon / B 4/6/1955 #12082 ere radiating from the disk. Their length varied between 0.5 and 2 m. The o 5/31/1955 #12169 their altitude. They estimate the length of the object at about 150 feet. 6/23/1955 #12209 sphere with a trail 4–5 times its length over Hillcrest Heights, Maryland. 6/25/1955 #12210 ct with trail 4 or 5 times its own length approached National Airport, stop 6/26/1955 #12214 ect with a trail 4–5 times its own length approaches National Airport in Wa 6/26/1955 #12217 ect with a trail 4–5 times its own length approaches National Airport [now 7/26/1955 #12290 ckly north. Size = baseball / arms length. 7/30/1955 #12305 th going quickly north. 6mm / arms length. 10 second(s) each. 8/23/1955 #12394 c / 1 minute(s). Size = 4cm / arms length. 9/7/1955 #12430 ook. Saucer = silver dollar / arms length. Deep rumble and jets / side. 100 9/13/1955 #12449 than 1,000 m.p.h. for an unstated length of time. 10/8/1955 #12495 were estimated to be 150 meters in length, and their presence was reportedl 1/8/1956 #12650 al and electronic by TPS 1D radar. Length of observation was 10 minutes. 5/8/1956 #12838 ink-glowing saucer. Quarter / arms length. Straight and level flight south 7/11/1956 #12962 scends straight up. Quarter / arms length. 7/12/1956 #12967 Bright yellow object = dime / arms length. Violent maneuvers / 2-5 minute(s 7/30/1956 #13029 hind an orange trail twice its own length. When a jet plane approached it r 1/10/1957 #13452 gs going north. Size = dime / arms length. No further details. 7/25/1957 #13833 running through two-thirds of its length. All three have whitish smears of Early 9/1957 #13971 ed object, red and white, 2-3x car length & 10ft high (NICAP: 03 - EME Case 11/2/1957 #14211 ect estimated at about 200 feet in length. Several reports confirmed that w 11/2/1957 #14221 -shape going [to] slow. 8cm / arms length. 8 shimmering lights / side. 12/1/1957 #14657 saucer then moved slowly down the length of runway and then proceeded acro 5/1958 #15006 he UFOs turn and traverse the full length of the train, front to back (abou 10/3/1958 #15311 over treetops / 5 min. 3 cm / arms length. 90° turn. Circles. 11/20/1958 #15453 g southwest over car. 2.5cm / arms length. Yellow windows all over/all abou 1/11/1959 #15543 ed organism about 4 millimeters in length. 11/2/1959 #16076 ng east / 5 minute(s). 10cm / ARMs length. No further details. 1/18/1960 #16151 sc, whose diameter is close to the length of the Polaris, alters its tracki 1/10/1961 #16574 computed to be at least 30 feet in length. No radar contact was reported. V 2/19/1962 #17053 d, star-like light for unspecified length of time (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 6/30/1962 #17254 like light seen for an unspecified length of time. No further details in f 6/30/1962 #17255 the size of a match head at arm's length (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 7/1/1963 #17821 the size of a match head at arm's length, flashed and moved around the sky 7/1/1963 #17822 Body lights were visible along its length, and rays of light shone upward f 8/13/1963 #17895 l object with lights on its entire length and occasional flashes at both en 8/13/1963 #17897 he craft had body lights along its length, and there were rays that shone u 8/13/1963 #17900 land Light move for an unspecified length of time (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 10/24/1963 #18006 One light moved for an unspecified length of time. No further details in f 10/24/1963 #18007 ight in the sky for an unspecified length of time. No further details are f 10/24/1963 #18008 Their motion was up and down. The length of the observation was 1 hour and 4/17/1964 #18178 ne, which was silent and about the length of a Phone pole. Scorch marks and 4/26/1964 #18208 ne, which was silent and about the length of a telephone pole. Scorch marks 4/26/1964 #18211 arge as a basketball held at arm’s length. The object is first noticed hove 5/21/1964 #18289 ge, MA Thin, white ellipsoid (3.5x length/width ratio) fly straight and lev 5/26/1964 #18302 ipsoid, estimated at 15–20 feet in length at 1,000 feet altitude, at Cambri 5/26/1964 #18306 FO’s speed is at least 700 mph and length 50– 70 feet. 5/26/1964 #18306 h in front / mountains. 4cm / arms length. Banks going up / 45°. 8/29/1964 #18520 is that of a nickel held at arm’s length. As the object reaches an overhea 1/5/1965 #18699 rhead position, it disappears. The length of observation is approximately 8 1/5/1965 #18699 server(s). Flames flicker / entire length / cylinder/cigar-shape. "On fire" 6/19/1965 #19015 o interview the three witnesses at length. Journalist John G. Fuller invest 9/3/1965 #19511 laming tail two to three times its length. It passed overhead at an extreme 12/16/1965 #19776 ge bow-shaped, dark brown UFO, its length ten times the apparent diameter o 1/1/1966 #19801 he object was about five meters in length and had portholes and red lights 1/16/1966 #19841 hts / bottom/underside. 6mm / arms length. 4/2/1966 #20205 ach end, and blue lights along its length. At 10:44 p.m. in Weston, Massach 4/16/1966 #20304 hovering. Minimum distance: 100 m, length, 20 m. The lights began flashing 4/19/1966 #20344 d lens-shaped, more than twice the length of her station wagon. It was surr 4/22/1966 #20377 e and was reflecting sunlight. Its length was computed to be about 60 feet. 6/17/1966 #20572 penings and made a whirring sound. Length, 30 m; height, 6 m; duration, 90 7/11/1966 #20638 tive and 5. UFO = "25c coin / ARMs length". Same time / 3 nights running! 10/23/1966 #21028 meter, hovering silently. It had a length to width ratio of 4:1. After a wh 11/18/1966 #21122 lindrical object 980–1,300 feet in length and 100 feet in diameter with “fl 1/1967 #21243 silently 100 m away, at low speed. Length, 20 m; height, 3 m. 1/26/1967 #21397 estimated that it was 20 meters in length and three meters in height. 1/26/1967 #21403 nd(s). Intense blue light / entire length. 1/30/1967 #21413 s an intense blue light the entire length of the object. 1/30/1967 #21420 bject in the western sky. It had a length to width ratio of 4:1 and an elev 1/30/1967 #21422 object the size of a dime at arm's length flying in a "lazy, lackadaisical 2/27/1967 #21678 object with body lights along its length was reported. The lights were pul 3/2/1967 #21724 t the size of a tangerine at arm's length. It changed colors from red to gr 3/7/1967 #21788 be 35 feet long and 20 feet high (length to height ratio 1.75:1), with whi 4/1/1967 #22039 sides from 3.35 to 3.66 meters in length. There was also a burnt spot in t 4/21/1967 #22199 t long and 20 feet in width; 2.5:1 length to 4 width ratio) with a red ligh 4/23/1967 #22211 5 feet long and 15 feet thick (3:1 length to width ratio), ; with a distinc 5/12/1967 #22324 bed as a huge white oval light the length of a football field). The object( 7/14/1967 #22657 d oval-shaped craft, 20-30 feet in length, moved slowly at 100 feet above a 8/2/1967 #22777 ect with a row of lights along its length that flashed in sequence (body li 8/11/1967 #22861 silvery line about 10 times their length behind them, which disappears whe Mid 8/1967 #22882 extension was 35 degrees of arc in length. The beam seemed to emanate from 12/21/1967 #23596 was estimated to be 1.2 meters in length, and was at an altitude of only 2 1/18/1968 #23672 Gave off pulsating sound, like a length of wire whirled at high speed abo 2/9/1968 #23744 im, apparently using telepathy, at length about human customs. They didn't 7/17/1968 #24186 ndented into the metal. It was the length of an airplane, and not tall enou 9/8/1968 #24442 as half the size of a pea at arm's length, and its lights were large, three 9/21/1968 #24498 sphere going [to] WSW. 40cm / arms length. 9/26/1968 #24514 ze of ten cent coins held at arm's length. The lights circled some scrub bu 10/28/1968 #24598 o be about the size of two cars in length. It flew off to the southwest. 11/25/1968 #24706 e young woman with white, shoulder length hair lay across the ditch. She wo 2/22/1969 #24939 s. The object was over 100 feet in length, made no sound, and flew about at 6/23/1969 #25233 size of a basketball held at arm's length. It moved away to the northeast. 5/7/1970 #25657 or and approximately 1,000 feet in length. It had a turret on top surrounde 9/25/1970 #25852 ed objects, each about 6 meters in length, flying rapidly toward the west. 6/5/1971 #26158 a cylindrical object, 6–8 feet in length and rusty black in color, beneath 7/8/1971 #26216 ure was about four to five feet in length and looked to have an exoskeleton 8/16/1971 #26291 ttom. It was about three meters in length. Other witnesses in the area repo 9/20/1971 #26354 /cigar-shape going NNE. 3cm / arms length. 11/4/1971 #26455 rate observer(s). UFO = 5cm / arms length. 12/19/1971 #26508 ard(s) mountain. Size = 2cm / arms length. 600M altitude. 3/27/1972 #26626 hrobbing light about two meters in length. Blue protuberances came from the 6/9/1972 #26711 ge cylinder/cigar-shape 6mm / arms length going quickly northeast fast / 15 7/6/1972 #26776 stimated the UFO was two meters in length and had blue protuberances. It di 7/10/1972 #26790 south / low altitude. 60cm / arms length. All over / seconds. 8/2/1972 #26867 ' above my car. It was about a car length long, but perfectly round with wh 9/11/1972 #26987 officers see an object 12 feet in length heading northwest near McIvers on 11/17/1972 #27127 th going south overhead. 8cm / arm length. Vanishes. 12/1972 #27156 ly-shaped object, about 50 feet in length, pass in front of their car aroun 8/14/1973 #27701 e objects on a rail, which ran the length of the table, one by her head, on 10/16/1973 #28089 the creatures interrogated her at length. She was later given water and so 10/20/1973 #28220 dsome human features, and shoulder length, blond hair. Some of the men wore 11/3/1973 #28362 triangle with sides 5.3 meters in length. The vegetation was also burnt. O 2/8/1974 #28749 ight light buzzes car. 13cm / arms length. Responds / headlights. Fades awa 6/13/1974 #29185 ite to red, size of plate at arm's length, passed over house. (MUFON, Skylo 11/1974 #29572 TASMANIA 35' ovoid studies entire length / train / low altitude. Finally g 11/27/1974 (approximate) #29613 as being approximately 50 feet in length. (Reference: Royal Canadian Mount 4/10/1975 #29984 of a Sabre jet (about 12 meters in length) with well defined edges. (Source 7/28/1975 #30211 of a Sabre jet (about 12 meters in length) with well defined edges. It was 7/28/1975 #30212 as that of a quarter held at arm's length. The speed of the object was twic 11/11/1975 #30605 ch. It remains stationery for that length of time, then shoots off towards 6/26/1976 #31142 blueish gray, and she had shoulder length hair. She was 5’2” tall. Sunar di 8/23/1976 #31294 angle zigzags / mountains / 3 min. Length = 2X width. 10/2/1976 #31442 ge, cigar-shaped craft, 15 feet in length, with three entities behind a win 11/14/1976 #31548 hovers. Narrow bottom. 8cm / arms length. Vanishes in place. 5/10/1977 #32081 lectrical power towers. It was the length of a football field, and 50-75 ya 5/17/1977 #32108 the plane to a position “one plane length” behind it. The object is 1.5 tim 5/26/1977 #32135 bout that of a grapefruit at arm's length. Officer Bruner was convinced tha 7/21/1977 #32299 three times (apparent) diameter in length. Object flew in slow straight pat 7/31/1977 #32327 ree times its apparent diameter in length. The object flies in a slow, stra 7/31/1977 #32328 as a four-inch plate held at arm's length, at no more than 300 feet altitud Fall 1977 #32514 d be seen moving slowly inside the length of the illuminated object. The ot 10/6/1977 #32555 -shaped object, about 15 meters in length. It appeared to have three antenn 2/17/1978 #32974 ickly southwest. Each = 6mm / arms length. 3/22/1978 #33064 as his outstretched hand at arm’s length. It shoots off toward the southwe 6/10/1978 #33266 as his outstretched hand at arm's length. It shot off toward the southwest 6/10/1978 #33267 ight white trails about 66 feet in length. At the same time, two other trai 6/15/1978 #33280 spotlight toward it and scans the length of the object, yet the beam does 8/11/1978 #33506 named Torres; it was 10 meters in length. A luminous beam came from the ob 9/8/1978 #33648 ime experience of about an hour in length, associated with a UFO sighting i 11/1/1978 #33910 d four fingers, and were twice the length of human fingers. Dark triangular 11/25/1978 #34005 use their cigarettes were the same length as they had been when they neared 12/28/1978 #34222 is so huge she can’t see the whole length or height. It extends the whole b 8/29/1979 #34801 . Low steady humming. 2.5cm / arms length. 2nd object going west. 3/6/1980 #35196 with red and blue lights along its length. The spotlight switches off as it 3/15/1980 #35218 5 bright silent metal orbs travel length / San Andreas reservoir! 4/20/1980 #35274 shaped objects silently travel the length of the San Andreas Reservoir. The 4/20/1980 #35282 osceles triangle shape with a side length of 30 feet and a dull brownish- g 5/16/1980 #35336 girls. Ring / light = 5 cm / arms length. Hovers by cloud. Vanishes. 6/27/1980 #35392 is less than a mile. The estimated length of the UFO is 50 feet. It changes 9/22/1980 #35528 as less than a mile. The estimated length of the UFO was 50 feet. It change 9/22/1980 #35529 lows. Apparent size = brick / arms length. 11/1/1980 #35604 drum, and Colby are interviewed at length by personnel at Bergstrom and tol 12/29/1980 #35757 s compared to a 12" ruler at arm's length. 1/30/1981 #35808 e object was described as 35-50 in length, with a pulsating orange front en 4/8/1981 #35888 ning transparent cone, 3 meters in length, touched down on the ground in Ch 6/13/1981 #35969 ning transparent cone, 3 meters in length, touched down on the ground in Ch 6/13/1981 #35970 s swirls of vapor along its entire length that gradually dissipate. Another 7/15/1981 #36007 ed to be between 25 and 50 feet in length, and they flew at a low 100-foot 9/18/1981 #36130 l, and estimated to be 750 feet in length, made a number of turns in the sk 12/8/1981 #36250 ball, estimated to be 750 feet in length, makes a number of turns in the s 12/8/1981 #36252 l, and estimated to be 750 feet in length, made a number of turns in the sk 12/8/1981 #36253 use key. The cloud moves along the length of the key, flashing and lighting 4/25/1984 #37293 am-cone-shape and a solid body the length of three football fields. As it p 7/24/1984 #37412 an almost 180° to cover the entire length of the object. One officer notice 7/24/1984 #37412 ations fails. Police report it the length of three football fields and shap 7/24/1984 #37416 arently more than one-half mile in length. The object is stationary, and so 1985 #37541 nce. They both had blond, shoulder length hair parted in the middle, and we 5/9/1985 #37589 . It was between 50 and 60 feet in length, and 15-20 feet wide. It had a re 2/12/1986 #37787 He estimates that the target has a length of at least 4,920 feet. (Ion Laze 8/1986 #37964 kly southwest. No wind. 6cm / arms length. 11/15/1986 #38065 and it extends beyond the 72-foot length of the house. After one minute, t Early Autumn 1987 #38274 e it is several football fields in length. On October 6, the man sees the o 9/22/1987 #38291 OE CITY, IN Red globe = 8cm / arms length. White lines / light / sides. Cir 8/22/1988 #38616 was estimated to be eight feet in length, and 70 feet away over some trees 9/3/1988 #38631 described as gigantic, 500 feet in length, and making a low rumbling sound. 3/1/1989 #38861 estimated to be about 2 meters in length, make complex maneuvers in the sk 6/11/1989 #38986 rk brown hair, and it had shoulder length hair. Being a veterinary surgeon, 8/10/1989 #39051 black Huey-helicopters. 8cm / arm length. 12/1/1989 #39291 stimated to be about 20-30 feet in length, and reflected sunlight. When les 3/13/1990 #39459 l object. It rotated to reveal its length. There were square lights or wind 7/13/1990 #39644 nd a spot about ten centimeters in length and two centimeters wide on her s 9/13/1990 #39730 o large, cigar-shaped objects. The length of the first is about 6,500 feet 10/8/1990 #39766 mp" circled / lights = 8cm at arms length. Telescope and photograph. 4/9/1991 #40032 0 p.m. resulting in an undisclosed length of missing time. 1/11/1992 #40285 Asian, with straight dark shoulder length hair and dark eyes. The other loo 7/23/1992 #40531 ched a flying object pass down the length of the freeway at 6:55 a.m. It wa 9/10/1992 #40617 t (oval shaped and about 1 foot in length) is in the crater, along with pie 10/9/1992 #40671 the ground. It was 150-200 feet in length and had three rectangular 20 foot 10/10/1992 #40673 ground. The object was 60 feet in length and had four landing legs, two of 4/19/1993 #40943 ound huge footprints, 16 inches in length. After the encounter Hannah suffe 5/30/1993 #40997 . Fireball like white flare / arms length. Hovers / 2 minute(s) and goes aw 8/11/1993 #41127 e front and boxy rear. 60cm / arms length. 8/25/1993 #41158 hovers over refinery. 20cm / arms length. 11/22/1993 #41289 s). Stops briefly. Each 1cm / arms length. 7/31/1994 #41648 ls stop over Juan Gulf. 1cm / arms length. Vanish! 8/10/1994 #41665 eir apparent size was 1 cm at arms length. (3) There was also the co-occurr 8/10/1994 #41667 ng quickly north. Slow. 1cm / ARMs length. 9/6/1994 #41715 eld. They were four to six feet in length, six to eight feet apart. They cr 9/13/1994 #41745 ite ball changes shape. 2mm / arms length. Fast maneuvers. 1/19/1995 #41983 apparition was about 1.5 meters in length and floated horizontally just abo 2/9/1995 #42031 saucer over Jordan St. 2" / arm's length. Vanishes. 4/10/1995 #42144 Cylinder/cigar-shape = 5cm / arms length. Hump / bottom. Hovers. Gone / se 5/22/1995 #42219 -shaped object, 300 to 400 feet in length, was tracked by NORAD radar and s 5/25/1995 #42228 he had a swollen welt, 4-inches in length, in his rectum after regaining co 8/15/1995 #42389 and blue lights running the entire length of it. Later, before being return 9/6/1995 #42445 the "size of a volleyball at arms length," and had a green tinge on top. 10/1/1995 #42530 lashing object = 3 diamonds / row. Length = 4-7x moon diameter going south. 2/9/1996 #42751 dows. It was about three meters in length and a meter and a half in height. 7/16/1996 #42959 of the triangle were 4.1 meters in length. 12/19/1998 #43700 to] overhead. Size / button / arms length. Going west to woods. 12/26/1998 #43703 an-looking and tall, with shoulder length blond hair, pale eyes, very pale 1/7/1999 #43711 ssee a cylindrical UFO 150 feet in length hovered just 100 feet above the t 2/25/1999 #43735 heads. The object was 15 meters in length and was reddish in color. The cra 4/1/1999 #43752 ize of a large strawberry at arm's length, moving from side to side and up- 5/6/1999 #43764 ralia. Some strands are 30 feet in length. Witness Marilyn Burnet has a sam 6/9/1999 #43782 gland a crop formation 700 feet in length, with a design consisting of boxe 6/12/1999 #43785 cigar-shaped objects, 20 meters in length, and were a metallic yellow color 7/7/1999 #43796 ped craft, almost one kilometer in length, over the city; it suddenly vanis 8/18/1999 #43826 bed as "the size of a fist at arms length." It executed a sudden turn to th 10/26/1999 #43865 s about the size of a pea at arm's length. In Covina in Los Angeles County 1/23/2000 #43932 ent size of a lentil held at arm's length. Four other reports occurred that 1/28/2000 #43935 light was running up and down the length of the objects between the ends. 10/5/2000 #44053 Gila county, Arizona and viewed at length with the scope from a deer rifle. 10/15/2000 #44057 um with a thin tube about 30 cm in length that emitted a beam of light from 5/2/2001 #44174 object, an estimated 300 meters in length, about ten miles away. The UFO hu 12/31/2001 #44301 formation was one degree of arc in length, and the objects were seen moving 9/26/2002 #44409 rter of an inch long held at arm's length. Other objects were observed arou 11/22/2002 #44449 , it was gone in the darkness. Its length was estimated to be 50-60 meters. 5/13/2003 #44534 mated size of the UFO, base on the length of the yacht, was 30 feet. A few 1/3/2004 #44642 pparent size of a quarter at arm's length. The triangles had a semi-spheric 8/16/2004 #44734 hemist wife at a low altitude. Its length was longer than any commercial ai 8/20/2004 #44736 ed its size to be some 300 feet in length. The bottom of the craft was illu 10/2/2004 #44766 was estimated to be 1-2 metres in length. It had a yellow color and was cy 8/13/2005 #44862 and. He estimates it is 10 feet in length and 30 feet at the widest point. 8/21/2009 #45238 en he saw it, white and 20 feet in length, and quickly “darted” into the de 1/2010 #45266 l video. The object is 3–5 feet in length and its speed varies from 40 to 1 4/25/2013 #45365 about palm-width in size at arm’s length. The wife sees it as tumbling alo 7/15/2013 #45377## Word: "length'" (Back to Top)
hite. Segmented tail. 'Coin / ARMs length'. 8/1/1965 #19233## Word: "lengthen" (Back to Top)
vertical, accelerated, appeared to lengthen and turned red. The entire sig 5/29/1952 #6384 art of the collar. The light could lengthen and shrink. As the car passed b 3/17/1974 #28898## Word: "lengthened" (Back to Top)
Phoenix, AZ Yellow ball which lengthened and narrowed to plate shape ( 8/4/1952 #7447 c W.F. Vain. One yellow ball which lengthened and narrowed to plate shape, 8/4/1952 #7449 ighted a yellow ball of light that lengthened and narrowed to the shape of 8/4/1952 #7451## Word: "lengthens" (Back to Top)
west. Long and thin. Shortens and lengthens! 2/1927 (approximate) #1070 g north. Going south. Going north. Lengthens! 7/29/1954 #10060 Big glowing 'sponge' hovers / sea. Lengthens and shortens. 3/18/1974 #28902## Word: "lengths" (Back to Top)
veral / home. Orange night light 3 lengths ahead / airliner as if towing it 7/22/1952 #6997 ject, trailed by a silvery light 2 lengths behind, tipped on its side, dove 7/29/1952 #7316 discus-shaped object, trailed two lengths behind by a silvery light. It ti 7/29/1952 #7337 n and a jet. Ruppelt goes to great lengths to debunk the case in his ADC br 8/1/1952 #7408 g, Adelaide, South Australia, sees lengths of glistening material wrapped a 11/28/1972 #27149 n construction and about three car lengths in size. It had a dome like stru 4/15/1973 #27431 the runway. It is about four car- lengths long, solid, reddish-orange, wit 10/28/1975 #30503 l of light (BOL) larger than 3 car lengths. Initially she saw it through th 5/9/1988 #38559 s of light of different colors and lengths protruding from it. The witness 7/16/1989 #39023## Word: "lengthwise" (Back to Top)
The UFO was shaped like an egg cut lengthwise, and wobbled as it flew. It a 8/4/1950 #5106 It resembled an egg sliced in half lengthwise. The witness fired his gun at 1/29/1953 #8618 was shaped like a half egg (sliced lengthwise), They saw two occupants who 10/7/1954 #10794 O shaped like half an eggshell cut lengthwise, hovered and maneuvered at a 3/4/1967 #21754 al object over storehouse. Shrinks lengthwise until gone! 8/13/1990 #39687## Word: "lengthy" (Back to Top)
the witness where they were, had a lengthy discussion with him, and took hi 2/1949 #3992 nough. But we’re not worried.” The lengthy article provides a good overview 3/8/1953 #8739 ng standing next to it. Before the lengthy encounter ends, the beings offer 8/17/1953? #9077 Virginia Keyhoe writes a lengthy letter to Sen. Harry F. Byrd (D- 4/3/1956 #12782 ver. Then make dogfight maneuvers. Lengthy display. see reference. 2/18/1963 #17671 d, then engaged in maneuvers for a lengthy display. 2/18/1963 #17672 d Barney Hill fame later). After a lengthy investigation it is determined t 5/24/1963 #17765 Hynek’s lengthy letter about UFOs and Project Bl 10/1966 #20944 dons and searches, large-scale and lengthy detentions of innocent civilians 5/1967 #22253 hen or later. He underwent several lengthy operations and was twice pronoun 8/11/1969 #25317 lies out of it and then lands on a lengthy spit on the Caspian Sea. Patrol 1985 #37541 ed the “Collins Elite” published a lengthy document summarizing their belie 3/11/1998 #43532 faded and disappeared. There was a lengthy official investigation. 5/19/2000 #43997 d out and disappeared. There was a lengthy investigation into the incident. 5/5/2001 #44177 nights and remained visible for a lengthy amount of time. 5/8/2005 #44833 In 2014, the DOD declassifies a lengthy file on Project Pandora and Proj 2014 #45400## Word: "lenin" (Back to Top)
er plant Unit One Pripyat, Ukraine Lenin Square A partial meltdown occurs a 9/9/1982 #36599 and covered with soil and leaves. Lenin Square is discreetly covered with 9/9/1982 #36599## Word: "leningrad" (Back to Top)
Pushkin Leningrad Saint Petersburg Russia During 9/1943 #1525 h the Germans near Pushkin outside Leningrad [now Saint Petersburg], Russia 9/1943 #1525 Paris Scandinavia Leningrad St. Petersburg Russia Capt. Ro 8/13/1946 #2127 map shows them originating in the Leningrad [now St. Petersburg] area, Rus 8/13/1946 #2127 flight going southeast going [to] Leningrad. 800mph. 6/9/1951 #5538 ly slowly at a low altitude toward Leningrad, Russia. 6/9/1951 #5539 and Grodno, Belarus Minsk, Belarus Leningrad [now St. Petersburg], Russia B 7/4/1956 #12951 er bomber bases at Minsk, Belarus; Leningrad [now St. Petersburg], Russia; 7/4/1956 #12951 Leningrad [now St. Petersburg] Moscow Ka 12/14/1960 #16533 be “laid down” on four targets in Leningrad [now St. Petersburg], 23 weapo 12/14/1960 #16533 Karelia, Russia Leningrad St. Petersburg Forester Vasili 2/1961 #16593 vated dirt. Six investigators from Leningrad [now St. Petersburg] arrive an 2/1961 #16593 Korb Lake, Leningrad, Russia Traces of a crashed UF 4/28/1961 #16665 ject paced an airliner flying from Leningrad to Moscow while over the city 7/12/1964 #18405 the ionosphere; V. A. Tsion of the Leningrad Polytechnical Institute; and s 8/8/1967 #22848 Leningrad St. Petersburg Russia Gulf of 11/30/1975 #30677 ia Gulf of Finland Unit One of the Leningrad [now St. Petersburg], Russia, 11/30/1975 #30677 Leningrad St. Petersburg Northern Kareli Early 8/1987 #38225 ng with the military contingent in Leningrad [now St. Petersburg] is dispat Early 8/1987 #38225 e of the soldiers are sent back to Leningrad. In September, a successful en Early 8/1987 #38225 LOMONOSOV, LENINGRAD 50M saucer / 5M altitude. 8+po 10/16/1988 #38675 KOPORIE, LENINGRAD Bright red triangle, 1/2 moons 10/20/1988 #38679 was picked up on airport radar in Leningrad (St. Petersburg). 3/2/1991 #39991## Word: "lennart" (Back to Top)
Sweden Swedish Lt. Lennart Neckman of the Defense Staff’s A 8/7/1946 #2110## Word: "lennartz" (Back to Top)
ustrian-Bavarian border, Friedrich Lennartz, 33, and Peter Zettel, 29, had 12/10/1973 #28549 ustrian-Bavarian border, Friedrich Lennartz, age 33, and Peter Zettel, age 12/10/1973 #28553## Word: "lennon" (Back to Top)
NY, NY Ex-Beatle John Lennon and 1 / penthouse balcony. UFO ne 8/23/1974 #29377 reet, New York City 9:00 p.m. John Lennon and May Pang watch a rotating, ov 8/23/1974 #29379 off soundlessly as they watch it. Lennon mentions it in a liner note to hi 8/23/1974 #29379 ifax, West Yorkshire, England John Lennon Airport in Liverpool 5:16 p.m. A 11/9/2019 #45616 t side by side and landing at John Lennon Airport in Liverpool 25 minutes l 11/9/2019 #45616## Word: "lennox" (Back to Top)
LENNOX, CA 1 observer. Odd star going / 7/24/1952 #7100 a man named Nipper driving between Lennox and Valdosta, Georgia near the to 11/28/1966 #21159 3 cops. Bright object hovers over Lennox hydro power station/depot/facilit 1/5/1977? #31692 a bright object hovering over the Lennox Hydro Electric Power Station. A r 1/5/1977 #31700## Word: "lenny" (Back to Top)
South Dakota, captained by Lt. C. Lenny Marquis, is flying in northern Sou Fall 1956 #13239 åsen, Vilhelmina, Sweden 1:25 a.m. Lenny and Tommy Söderström are returning 3/5/1967 #21763## Word: "lenoir-rhyne" (Back to Top)
RY, NC 5 students. 3M disk circles Lenoir-Rhyne college. Shoots straight up 3/19/1978 #33057## Word: "lenora" (Back to Top)
East Orange, New Jersey 3:00 a.m. Lenora Woodruff wakes up in her home at 7/4/1947 #2652## Word: "lenore" (Back to Top)
PEEBLES AND LANGENBURG AND LK LENORE, SSK 30 day rash / crop circles a 9/1974 (approximate) #29410## Word: "lenos" (Back to Top)
Córdoba Portuguese Air Force Capt. Lenos Ferreira is conducting a training 11/4/1957 #14281## Word: "lenox" (Back to Top)
New Lenox, Illinois Around 10:00 p.m. A teen 11/24/1980 #35664 round 10:00 p.m. A teenager in New Lenox, Illinois, sees two green light so 11/24/1980 #35664 NEW LENOX AND MOKENA, IL 2 cops. Teardrop ob 11/25/1980 #35666 New Lenox Manhattan Joliet Ellwood, Illinois 11/25/1980 #35669 is Early morning. Policemen in New Lenox, Manhattan, Joliet, and Ellwood, I 11/25/1980 #35669## Word: "lens" (Back to Top)
t is taken by a Kodak with a small lens that cannot achieve a panoramic vie 4/11/1897 #429 RUGINE, ITALY Several observer(s). Lens saucer passes. Power fails. Light w 9/15/1940 #1345 riuli, Italy Professor Encounters "Lens" & Creatures (NICAP: 07 - Entity Ca 8/14/1947 #3326 yer F-19- 3" camera with telephoto lens. Davidson also takes 10 still photo 10/23/1949 #4401 ith a 14-inch Wallensach telephoto lens. Two of these are exceptional shots 10/23/1949 #4401 ex camera with 3-inch focal length lens) of a circular, luminous white obje 2/24/1950 #4554 ctures were shot with a telescopic lens of a spinning disk at Wickup Reserv 9/11/1950 #5173 m a flat circular object to a thin lens. It also changed color from pink to 4/16/1952 #6094 orth of film through the telephoto lens of his 16mm movie camera, though th 7/2/1952 #6694 llow UFO and jet-chase / telephoto lens (AP.) 7/24/1952 #7097 mbus, Ohio equipped with telephoto lens followed a UFO across the sky being 7/24/1952 #7116 m with an 8mm camera and telephoto lens before the UFOs disappear to the we 11/16/1952 #8289 Case #3189. KLM DC4 pilot. 3 dark lens saucers in formation. Turns. 8/29/1954 #10200 He grabs a camera with a telephoto lens and takes a photo. After 5 minutes, 9/9/1954 #10277 aval Engineer and 1. Very luminous lens disk hovers / 8km altitude. Clouds 10/21/1954 #11293 BOSTON, MA Huge lens saucer going down [to] on edge. Fli 11/6/1955 #12552 looks like a “large pearl-colored lens with wavy, pulsating edges.” Thinki 1956 #12636 the earth below through a viewing lens that also has x-ray capability. The 4/7/1956 #12798 “film spots,” to “sun rays on the lens.” Jacobsen implies it was the A-12 4/30/1962 #17141 he object using a 36 mm tele-photo lens. (A few frames of the film were sub 7/18/1963 #17838 ANTARC Arg. scientists. Blue-white lens going west / arc. Jolts / 2 magneto 7/3/1965 #19058 CHL military and scientists. Fast lens saucer. Maneuvers all over/all abou 7/3/1965 #19059 00M WITH ROOSEVELT, UT Day. Silver lens saucer with dark band. Screeching s 7/20/1965 #19142 le in it, it had some sort of oval lens of a purplish-bluish color. He spok 9/4/1965 #19520 ut a mere 3–4 feet from the camera lens; and the photos are not taken in ra 11/13/1966 #21098 TORONTO, ON 4 lens saucers circle group / 20 observers 4/12/1967 #22111 e encased under a glass or plastic lens with embossed figures arranged in a 5/17/1968 #23969 that the image is not caused by a lens flare, damaged emulsion, or a known Late 12/1968 #24790 Ground Saucer Watch considers it a lens flare. Late 12/1968 #24790 CAS, SJN, ARG Cop and 2. Silver 5M lens shape lands by highway. 6/11/1971 #26167 ness had a camera with a telephoto lens and attempted to take a picture, bu 5/21/1973 #27514 10' altitude. Lands several times. Lens / side? 11/16/1973 #28431 t 7:00 a.m. on highway 347 between Lens and La Bassee in Pas-de-Calais, Fra 12/31/1973 #28623 MINES, FR 9 observer(s). Brilliant lens hovers over electric pylon. Going d 8/5/1974 #29309 UCCLE, BELGIUM 6M lens saucer going north over treetops to 9/10/1974? #29441 MORTARA, ITL Luminous lens saucer descends to 20M altitude. Sh 8/21/1976 #31285 EAST / CHABEUIL, FR 30M metallic lens saucer / flaming bottom/underside. 1/1/1977 #31670 at the same time. The red plastic lens covering the roof light on the driv 8/27/1979 #34787 ows a triangular puncture, and the lens is dislodged from the housing. A ra 8/27/1979 #34787 oing up. Leaves (something behind) lens clouds behind. 9/12/1979 #34864 cond photo. Probable reflection or lens flare. 11/6/1980 #35622 , CH Thousands / observer(s). Huge lens saucer with portholes northeast goi 7/24/1981 #36028 rames / videotape show black domed lens shape. 8/13/1982 #36574 e photos taken through the special lens grating come out well enough to sho 1/21/1984 #37136 WA Several observer(s) / telephoto lens. Saucer buzzes car. Electro-magneti 1/21/1988 #38426 Japan. At one point he uses a zoom lens to get a clearer image. The object 7/6/1989 #39013 field of stars distorted by huge "lens"! 8/10/1991 #40146 matic 35 mm camera with a standard lens and loaded with 400 ASA color film. 8/31/1994 #41707 haped UFO with the telescopic zoom lens of his video camera. The object ref 12/8/1999 #43896 o be an elliptical UFO. Ruling out lens flares and aircraft, he contacts th 1/27/2004 #44657 f the frame, indicating a possible lens anomaly, [for example] a droplet of 1/27/2004 #44657 looked at it through the telephoto lens of their camera's zoom lens they we 9/5/2009 #45242 ephoto lens of their camera's zoom lens they were startled to see that what 9/5/2009 #45242## Word: "lens-" (Back to Top)
former Navy aircraft crewman saw a lens- shaped disc with dome on top, appa 8/25/1966 #20805 ughter saw a thick, double-convex (lens-) shaped disc with a dark upper sur 1/6/1967 #21266 e white light is replaced by a red lens- shaped light that hurts his eyes t 10/9/1984 #37484## Word: "lens-cloud-saucer" (Back to Top)
ST. DENIS, FR 1 observer. Boiling lens-cloud-saucer. 5X moon-size going qu 11/5/1990 #39829## Word: "lens-cone" (Back to Top)
OTHERS Astronomers and many. Brill lens-cone circles and pulses. Photograph 5/17/1968 #23965## Word: "lens-disk" (Back to Top)
server(s). Odd whistle. Red-orange lens-disk going up. Spins. Absolute(ly) 9/1946 #2163 N, VA Astronomer and 1. 8' glowing lens-disk hovers near residential power 8/1950 (approximate) #5091## Word: "lens-flare" (Back to Top)
in the replay of the videotape. A lens-flare was ruled out as the cause. . 6/5/1994 #41553## Word: "lens-like" (Back to Top)
r. Metallic object rises / ground. Lens-like protrusions. Sand / ground fus 10/18/1927 #1080## Word: "lens-object" (Back to Top)
PN Nario Hanabusa photographs dark lens-object from Tokai bank building. (I 5/26/1972 #26688 ANMOORE, WV Neon green lens-object trails red stream. Lands / h 8/14/1994 #41673## Word: "lens-saucer" (Back to Top)
ADDISON, NY Forest ranger. Lens-saucer passes going quickly west. B 4/23/1953 #8842 CANNON AIR FORCE BASE, NM "Lens-saucer lands on base according to J 5/18/1954 #9807 WEST / LA BASSE-GORCE, FR Lens-saucer / tripod. 2 small humanoids 8/1954 (approximate) #10075 D Soviet TU-4 pilot. Pearl colored lens-saucer. / r120p226+/ LDLN#204. 7/1/1956? #12941 BOSTON, MA 1 observer?? 30M lens-saucer on edge levels off. Turns on 11/3/1957 #14229 nstructor and ground RADAR. Silver lens-saucer going [to] into 180 knt wind 3/1958 #14902 V = SAMARA, RUSSIA Slow disk seen. Lens-saucer zigzags going northeast / Ka 8/16/1960 #16391 entine Navy pilot. Burnished metal lens-saucer maneuvers. / r242p139. 9/8/1962 #17389 VERMILLION, SD Lens-saucer going south below cloud cove 5/13/1967 #22333 4 teens / car and cops later. 40' lens-saucer hovers. Quickly going up [to 10/24/1967 #23295 ES, FR Numerous observer(s). Foggy lens-saucer / red trail. Sudden quickly 12/26/1967 #23611 / car and more/others. Big silver lens-saucer going south. Stops / 5 minut 9/18/1970 #25840 CAVAILLON, FR Silent lens-saucer leaves (something behind) bl 7/28/1972 #26844 AND MORE/OTHERS Many observer(s). Lens-saucer with beams and cylinder/ciga 6/29/1974 #29228 T / BEUVILLE, FR 4 / car. 70cm red lens-saucer crosses D22. Hovers / field 11/5/1974 #29585## Word: "lens-saucers" (Back to Top)
ND, JP Many observer(s). 2 glowing lens-saucers going west slow. 1 turns 18 1/26/1959 #15566 MBASA, KENYA 2 / plane. 6 metallic lens-saucers / circular formation going 1/1966? #19800 ay Patrol (CHP) plane. 2 plain 35' lens-saucers hug terrain going quickly n 8/9/1979 #34719## Word: "lens-shaped" (Back to Top)
trong light coming from a hovering lens-shaped object near Guadalajara, Spa 7/25/1938 #1288 in Guadalajara, Spain saw a dark, lens-shaped UFO descend toward the groun 7/25/1938 #1289 300 feet away, a large, metallic, lens-shaped structure about 75 feet in d Late 8/1946 #2160 w Mexico. He looks up and sees two lens-shaped UFOs swooping at tremendous Mid 8/1951 #5608 escended from a 8-foot wide landed lens-shaped silver craft with tripod lan 6/20/1953 #8944 Cannon AFB, NM House-size lens-shaped object land near railroad tr 5/18/1954 #9808 persons witnessed the landing of a lens-shaped object the size of a house. 5/18/1954 #9810 people witnessed the landing of a lens-shaped object, the size of a house, 5/18/1954 #9812 Prince Christian, Greenland Lens-shaped objects veer north (NICAP: 1 8/29/1954 #10201 DC-4 (PH-DBZ). Three or four dark, lens-shaped objects veered north and cha 8/29/1954 #10202 utch Airlines DC- 4, see 3–4 dark, lens-shaped objects over Prins Christian 8/29/1954 #10204 enland sighted three or four dark, lens-shaped objects that veered to the n 8/29/1954 #10205 Curitiba, Brazil A lens-shaped object was seen on the railr 11/13/1954 #11638 When they saw him, they entered a lens-shaped craft, which rose rapidly in 11/13/1954 #11642 t. Marc, Belgium showing a convex, lens-shaped disc object in front of some 6/5/1955 #12187 m above the sea, 40 m away. It was lens-shaped, about 12 m thick, and showe 4/1958 #14953 many witnesses watched two glowing lens-shaped discs that flew slowly to th 1/26/1959 #15567 stan, U.S.S.R. saw a bright orange lens-shaped UFO at 11:00 p.m. The strang 8/16/1960 #16397 witnesses on the ground observed a lens-shaped disc of brightly polished al 10/2/1961 #16890 resta, Argentine "Burnished metal" lens-shaped UFO sighted by Argentine Nav 9/8/1962 #17390 A lens-shaped UFO with the appearance of b 9/8/1962 #17392 A nine-foot in diameter lens-shaped UFO with a dome hovered six 4/23/1964 #18186 At 10:00 p.m. four lens-shaped objects were observed from C 9/20/1964 #18561 ase in Antarctica sighted a large, lens-shaped UFO at 4:00 p.m. A photograp 6/18/1965 #19013 d maneuvering objects, including a lens-shaped disc. E-M effects 7/2/1965 #19052 UFOs for 8-10 minutes, including a lens-shaped disc. 7/2/1965 #19054 iting Chilean personnel) observe a lens-shaped disc that maneuvers erratica 7/3/1965 #19064 on the road and discovered a gray,lens-shaped object hovering at 1 m altit 3/31/1966 #20174 the car. The UFO was luminous and lens-shaped, more than twice the length 4/22/1966 #20377 ar-old girl, saw a shiny metallic, lens-shaped object, 18 feet wide, descen 4/23/1966 #20392 . CDT. A production engineer saw a lens-shaped disc with domes on top and b 8/27/1966 #20814 der and :! 18 Girl Guides saw four lens-shaped discs with flashing lights o 4/12/1967 #22116 Ontario, Canada at 8:15 p.m. four lens-shaped discs with flashing lights o 4/12/1967 #22122 red Air Force man saw nine silver, lens-shaped objects (discs) making viole 4/21/1967 #22186 alo of smoke. At 9:00 p.m. a large lens-shaped object, 15-20 meters in diam 5/6/1967 #22288 culty member and five others saw a lens-shaped object (disc) that passed un 5/13/1967 #22334 South Dakota and five others saw a lens-shaped object (disc) that passed un 5/13/1967 #22340 discovered. An object, said to be lens-shaped, was photographed 30 minutes 6/1/1967 #22449 lmington, DE 9:30 p.m. A man saw a lens-shaped, metallic-appearing object ( 6/25/1967 #22554 in, he saw a huge greenish colored lens-shaped craft, and two somewhat bulk 8/23/1967 #22906 es the road. As he stops, a bright lens-shaped domed disc, estimated to be 8/24/1967 #22917 ay. Its shape was like that of two lens-shaped saucers on top of each other 8/24/1967 #22918 e were visible. After this, a dark lens-shaped object having a flat dome on 10/15/1968 #24563 9:00 p.m. A dozen witnesses saw a lens-shaped object surrounded with a blu 11/22/1968 #24684 de, France A dozen witnesses saw a lens-shaped object surrounded with a blu 11/22/1968 #24685 ses in Fleury-d'Aude, France saw a lens-shaped object surrounded with a blu 11/22/1968 #24690 In the middle of the afternoon a lens-shaped cloud quickly encircled a pr 12/4/1970 #25926 ." He got out of the car and saw a lens-shaped object on the ground to his 3/25/1972 #26623 alais, France spotted a brilliant, lens-shaped disc hovering over an electr 8/5/1974 #29310 red a huge, 250-foot wide, silvery lens-shaped UFO hovering only 100 feet a 4/22/1976 #31011 f light was seen, leaving behind a lens-shaped cloud. 9/11/1979 #34861 tes later in Qinghai, China a huge lens-shaped disc with portholes was seen 7/24/1981 #36032 e object was reported to have been lens-shaped, 18 meters in diameter with 5/7/1989 #38939 nmore, West Virginia a neon green, lens-shaped object trailed a red stream 8/14/1994 #41675## Word: "lens-shapes" (Back to Top)
COLUMBUS, OH 2 lens-shapes drift into view. 1 reverses 7/31/1952 #7368## Word: "lens-ufo" (Back to Top)
AREST, ROMANIA Amateur astronomer. Lens-UFO going quickly southeast / jet-p 7/1963 #17817## Word: "lenses" (Back to Top)
e is no response, so he puts green lenses over his glasses and looks inside 5/20/1967 #22382 she was forced to wear corrective lenses for the first time in her life. A 5/27/1973 #27535## Word: "lent" (Back to Top)
entral Connecticut at 8:45 p.m. On Lent Road in Hamden, Connecticut a witne 6/2/1975 #30075## Word: "lentheric" (Back to Top)
EAST / LENTHERIC, FR 2 observer(s). Silent pean 3/6/1996 #42806## Word: "lenticular" (Back to Top)
thin the DOD known as Unidentified Lenticular Aerodyne Technology Transfer 8/17/1949 #4320 er hovering some 20 feet up. It is lenticular, perhaps 100 feet in diameter 9/1951 #5647 s generally agree this is a bright lenticular cloud with a trail of ice cry 10/16/1957 #14129 uge luminous disk hovers / 30+min. Lenticular cloud? 7/26/1959 #15880 Hampshire Mr. and Mrs. Hill saw a lenticular object with a double row of p 9/19/1961 #16852 look, and saw through binoculars a lenticular object with a double row of p 9/19/1961 #16858 M interference with our equipment. Lenticular shaped “flying saucer”. Track 7/3/1965 #19056 Rhein, Germany 7:00 p.m. LT. Seven lenticular (disc-shaped) black objects, 5/6/1967 #22282 irst sighted seven or eight black, lenticular objects at 7:00 p.m. over a g 5/6/1967 #22288 At 8:05 p.m. a metallic looking lenticular disc "like two round basins p 11/8/1968 #24644 . a five-meter in diameter, silver lenticular disc-shaped object landed bes 6/11/1971 #26168 fifteen witnesses reported that a lenticular disc-shaped object hovered ov 10/27/1973 #28302 er in the road that light became a lenticular mass of brilliant light about 12/10/1976 #31594 Chabeiul, Drome, France 7:50 PM. A lenticular metallic disc with flames com 1/1/1977 #31677 Chabeiul, also in Drome, France a lenticular metallic disc with flames com 1/1/1977 #31682 Norman, OK Morning. A lenticular object flew over Reaves Park 12/28/1977 #32817 Two white, 30-foot diameter lenticular discs were seen flying togeth 8/9/1979 #34722 rew and 150 passengers to view its lenticular form. At this point, the ligh 2/8/1982 #36327 rey, England a fifty-foot diameter lenticular disc with portholes around th 9/15/1985 #37664 WA 1 observer photographs solitary lenticular cloud near Comsat station. 8/1994 #41650 A lenticular disc-shaped object was spotte 10/26/2008 #45178## Word: "lenticular-shaped" (Back to Top)
learing in which rested a metallic lenticular-shaped object with a small do 8/20/1954 #10158 e morning in Lille, Nord, France a lenticular-shaped disc that emitted a st 6/29/1974 #29231 Huayana, Bolivia A man saw a lenticular-shaped object over him. The U 1/12/1980 #35131 Potosi Valley, Bolivia a man saw a lenticular-shaped object over him. The U 1/12/1980 #35132 hey saw five brilliant lights on a lenticular-shaped object the size of a h 9/22/1997 #43414## Word: "lentier" (Back to Top)
D955 NEAR LENTIER, FR 5M saucer / 4 portholes. All 7/18/1966 #20651## Word: "lentil" (Back to Top)
e UFOs were the apparent size of a lentil held at arm's length. Four other 1/28/2000 #43935## Word: "lentil-shaped" (Back to Top)
ront of them, some witnesses see a lentil-shaped device with a silvery meta 8/16/1954 #10148## Word: "lenura" (Back to Top)
At 10:00 p.m. Mrs. Lenura Azizova in Simferopol', Crimea, U 5/13/2003 #44534## Word: "lenven" (Back to Top)
oximate date. A student, Anastasio Lenven, saw an object land on the school 2/5/1963 #17654 out this date a student, Anastasio Lenven, saw an object land on the school 2/5/1963 #17655## Word: "lenway" (Back to Top)
ar [now Botham Jean Boulevard] and Lenway Street in Dallas, Texas Trinity R 10/15/1982 #36643 ar [now Botham Jean Boulevard] and Lenway Street in Dallas, Texas, sees a d 10/15/1982 #36643## Word: "lenz" (Back to Top)
Harold Lenz was driving to work in Winsted, Min 1/25/1967 #21387 A young woman, Kimberle Lenz, and her brother were abducted whil 8/22/1974 #29376## Word: "lenzi" (Back to Top)
west. The photographer's name was Lenzi. 5/1/1971 #26095 security engineering officer Mark Lenzi, who has been hearing sounds like 5/23/2018 #45527## Word: "leo" (Back to Top)
oris Denebola in the constellation Leo 10:00 p.m. A witness walking in the 1/22/1855 #149 from Denebola in the constellation Leo. The object is visible for 10 minute 1/22/1855 #149 tates Hungarian-American physicist Leo Szilárd writes a confidential letter 8/2/1939 #1313 s on their own. 1:50 p.m., Stephen Leo, public relations officer for AF Sec 7/7/1947 #2933 rt, Louisiana, incident. 1:55 p.m. Leo and Gen. Curtis LeMay discuss the di 7/7/1947 #2933 two con men named Silas Newton and Leo GeBauer (“Dr. Gee,” although Scully 3/25/1948 #3598 several photographs and asks Sgt. Leo Davidson of the Norwood police depar 10/23/1949 #4401 ant is probably Silas M. Newton or Leo GeBauer. On March 25, 2013, the FBI 3/22/1950 #4702 ous “Dr. Gee,” later identified as Leo GeBauer, a con man with a long arres 9/1952 #7804 m. A B-36 aircraft piloted by Maj. Leo J. Moffatt is over Rosalia, Washingt 2/6/1953 #8643 ond, Indiana, in a B-17, USAF Maj. Leo N. Brubaker observes and photographs 5/24/1954 #9832 ne, moving on a different heading. Leo Brubaker, one of the crewmembers, to 5/24/1954 #9833 2 Lakota, North Dakota 10:45 p.m. Leo Haley and Bert C. Baker are driving 1/18/1960 #16155 st John G. Fuller, psychologist R. Leo Sprinkle, and astronomer J. Allen Hy 2/27/1966 #19925 Leominster, Massachusetts St. Leo’s Cemetery 1:05 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Wi 3/8/1967 #21815 pass through a dense fog near St. Leo’s Cemetery and notice a bright light 3/8/1967 #21815 chard H. Hall, Gustave J. Rath, R. Leo Sprinkle, and David Saunders. 9/4/1967 #22999 tia. Near Sambro at 9:00 pm, Capt. Leo Howard Mersey and 20 crewmembers of 10/4/1967 #23176 otized in Boulder, Colorado, by R. Leo Sprinkle. During the session he reme 12/3/1967 #23545 nald Rumsfeld (R-Ill.). Menzel, R. Leo Sprinkle, Garry C. Henderson, Stanto 7/29/1968 #24254 mettes in the Ottawa River, farmer Leo Paul Chaput is awakened by his dog b 5/11/1969 #25125 y morning. Edgar Paquette and Mrs. Leo Edwards are driving near Petawawa, O 7/13/1969 #25268 esentations by James A. Harder, R. Leo Sprinkle, J. Allen Hynek, David Saun 8/22/1969 #25325 ll the entries: J. Allen Hynek, R. Leo Sprinkle, Frank B. Salisbury, James 3/12/1972 #26601 time and physiological effects. R. Leo Sprinkle investigated the case and p 8/22/1974 #29376 e after Higdon is hypnotized by R. Leo Sprinkle on November 2 and 17. 10/15/1974 #29531 ing time. Under hypnosis by Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle of the University of Wyomin 10/25/1974 #29557 28, citing Jerome Clark and Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases 8/26/1975 #30309 her in touch with psychologist R. Leo Sprinkle, who has used hypnotic regr 8/26/1975 #30310 t John S. Derr and psychologist R. Leo Sprinkle, as well as R. Martin Wolf, Fall 1975 #30379 men are hypnotized by ufologist R. Leo Sprinkle, who finds that they have g 1/6/1976 #30770 mes McCampbell, David Saunders, R. Leo Sprinkle, David Webb, and Ray Stanfo 4/30/1976 #31029 , Dennis Hauck, Betty Hill, and R. Leo Sprinkle. Fate editor Curtis G. Full 6/24/1977 #32190 west of Libau, Manitoba 7:00 p.m. Leo and John Girardeau are hunting 3 mil 10/1/1977 #32542 tures essays by J. Allen Hynek, R. Leo Sprinkle, James A. Harder, Frank Sal 1/1978 #32834 rings, California Around 4:00 p.m. Leo Giampietro and his wife are driving 3/18/1978 #33054 presenters are H. Kent Newman, R. Leo Sprinkle, James Harder, Alvin Lawson 8/28/1978 #33585 , on May 11 brings psychologist R. Leo Sprinkle in to meet Hansen. He hypno 5/5/1980 #35306 tion, organized by psychologist R. Leo Sprinkle to bring contactees togethe 5/23/1980 #35340 hypnotic regression session by R. Leo Sprinkle on Judy Dorarty, who says s 5/28/1980 #35343 Albuquerque, New Mexico Wyoming R. Leo Sprinkle arrives at Paul Bennewitz’s 6/3/1980 #35353 es interviews with attendees at R. Leo Sprinkle’s 12th Rocky Mountain UFO C 6/3/1993 #41002 A. Marcel Jr., Bruce Maccabee, R. Leo Sprinkle, hypnotherapist Derrel Sims 3/21/1997 #43236 s that he underwent hypnosis by R. Leo Sprinkle, a psychologist who special 2000 #43913## Word: "leominster" (Back to Top)
LEOMINSTER TO/FROM GREENFIELD, MA Numero 11/6/1957 #14373 LEOMINSTER, MA 13M saucer over low fog. 3/8/1967 #21791 Leominster, MA Luminous oval hovering, r 3/8/1967 #21800 Leominster, MA Luminous oval, hovering, 3/8/1967 #21812 Leominster, Massachusetts Two persons ob 3/8/1967 #21813 Leominster, Massachusetts St. Leo’s Ceme 3/8/1967 #21815 m L. Wallace are returning home to Leominster, Massachusetts, when they pas 3/8/1967 #21815 . and Mrs. Wallace were driving in Leominster, Massachusetts at 1:05 in the 3/8/1967 #21818 LEOMINSTER, MA Man sees glowing 50cm ovo 9/20/1990 #39738 ng next to his disabled vehicle in Leominster, Massachusetts saw a light ap 9/20/1990 #39740## Word: "leon" (Back to Top)
LEON, SPAIN Several observer(s). 2 men w 1/1914? #894 ARROYOMOLINOS DE LEON, SP Fireball explodes with damage. 12/8/1932 #1149 New York Around 5:00 a.m. Musician Leon M. Thompson is boating on Keuka Lak 8/9/1934 #1217 ector of Central Intelligence. Dr. Leon Davidson notes this as the actual b 5/1/1947 #2273 hird Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/ric 1948 #3525 a.m. Businessman and private pilot Leon A. Faber is flying at 3,000 feet ne 4/28/1949 #4128 hird Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/ric 1950 #4464 hird Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/ric 1952 #5846 hird Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/ric 1952 #5847 . James E. Lundy and First Officer Leon Blanks are flying a National Airlin 7/10/1952 #6751 hird Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/ric 1953 #8482 hird Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/ric 1953 #8483 hird Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/ric 5/21/1953 #8899 Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer, France Leon B., a city council member, saw a ci 10/17/1954 #11171 Leon B., a city councilor in St-Cyr-sur- 10/17/1954 #11177 hird Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/ric 1955 #11900 e printed initially, but scientist Leon Davidson prints and sells copies of 10/25/1955 #12519 es is Petty Officer 3rd Class (OI) Leon Treadwell, who signs papers agreein 7/26/1956 #13020 nd Brown (founder), Frank Edwards, Leon C. LeVan, Albert H. Baller, Charles 10/19/1956 #13286 Chemical engineer Leon Davidson begins to distribute priva 12/1956 #13378 hird Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/ric 1959 #15516 om Manhattan Project scientist Dr. Leon Davidson to President Eisenhower ov 1/31/1960 #16159 by Manhattan Project scientist Dr. Leon Davidson 3/1960 #16188 om Manhattan Project scientist Dr. Leon Davidson to members of the UFO comm 10/8/1961 #16900 Union US Russia Chemical engineer Leon Davidson writes a two-part article 3/1962 #17066 companion on a highway near Monte Leon, Santa Cruz State, Argentina at 2:2 11/22/1962 #17557 hird Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/ric 12/10/1964 #18655 France The Mayor of Bar-sur-Loup, Leon Barbier, saw a large, round object 6/18/1966 #20578 Leon Barbier, the mayor of Bar-sur-Loup, 6/18/1966 #20582 hird Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/ric 1967 #21239 an Rocha and Police Major Niceforo Leon observed a round object with a vivi 6/16/1968 #24041 an Rocha and Police Major Niceforo Leon observed a round object with a vivi 6/16/1968 #24042 a.m. at Santa Catalina de Somoza, Leon, Spain. The luminous red spherical 5/11/1969 #25126 hird Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/ric 1974 #28633 hird Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/ric 3/14/1975 #29900 hird Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/ric 3/28/1975 #29924 hird Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/ric 1977 #31658 hird Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/ric 1978 #32830 hird Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/ric 1978 #32831 hird Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/ric 1979 #34263 hird Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/ric 4/5/1979 #34499 hird Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/ric 6/27/1979 #34637 hird Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/ric 12/14/1980 #35716 hird Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/ric 9/28/1989 #39132 hird Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/ric 3/16/1991 #40015 hird Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/ric 4/12/1991 #40038 lashing at low altitude over Lugo, Leon, Spain at 8:30 p.m. No figures were 11/23/1995 #42621 over the military arsenal in Lugo, Leon, Spain beginning at 8:30 p.m. for 2 11/28/1995 #42627## Word: "leonard" (Back to Top)
ST. LEONARD DE NOBLAT, FR Green round object 3/1914 (approximate) #896 who relates the story to ufologist Leonard Stringfield. Early Spring 1941 #1355 the Red Star Baptist Church, told Leonard Stringfield, that her grandfathe Spring 1941 #1358 sengers is future UFO investigator Leonard Stringfield. 8/28/1945 #1930 On this day Leonard H. Stringfield was flying to Iwo 8/28/1945 #1931 In the village of Bölebyn, Sweden, Leonard Danielsson and his sons Kjell, D 7/19/1946 #2069 Dumas, Texas Day. Leonard Robertson is riding his motorcyc 7/25/1947 #3231 red from the crash site. Ufologist Leonard Stringfield hears rumors of the 7/7/1948 #3699 f the witnesses, airplane mechanic Leonard L. Musel, said the smaller objec 1952 #5841 he incident and after he talked to Leonard Stringfield, his phone was disco 1953 #8484 rieval. An informant in 1977 tells Leonard Stringield that he had seen thre 5/21/1953 #8897 ch no longer exist. (Clark III 42; Leonard G. Cramp, Space, Gravity, and th 2/15/1954 #9549 Cincinnati, Ohio Leonard H. Stringfield founds Civilian R 3/10/1954 #9610 Leonard H. Stringfield publishes the fir 4/7/1954 #9672 alk about the experience, to which Leonard Stringfield listened and believe 4/12/1954 #9685 Edwards AFB From Leonard Stringfield’s CRIFO newsletter: 6/4/1954 #9864 Leonard Stringfield has a private talk f 9/21/1954 #10384 bus, Ohio, contacts UFO researcher Leonard Stringfield in Cincinnati and as 9/9/1955 #12444 Jonathan N. Leonard reviews Harold T. Wilkins’s Flyi 1/22/1956 #12678 Cincinnati, Ohio Leonard Stringfield’s wife Adelia observ 9/25/1956 #13245 alley, Illinois by Mr. & Mrs. L. L Leonard, and afterward "angel hair", in 9/30/1956 #13253 Leonard H. Stringfield publishes the fin 3/1/1957 #13517 a military friend and then 1st Lt. Leonard E. Ott at nearby Oxnard AFB [now 3/22/1957 #13553 Leonard H. Stringfield privately publish 10/1957 #14050 Stratford-on-Avon, Great Britain Leonard Hewins, of Tredington, saw a fie 1/1959 #15522 Stratford-on-Avon, England Leonard Hewins sees a fiery, round objec 1/1959 #15523 Hynek, Maj. Robert J. Friend, Col. Leonard T. Glaser, Alex Francis Arcier, 2/17/1959 #15591 Iowa Congress Rep. Leonard G. Wolf (D-Iowa) makes a stateme 8/31/1960 #16426 according to aeronautical engineer Leonard G. Cramp. In spite of problems w 4/24/1965 #18916 ia Beaver, Pennsylvania 9:30 p.m.? Leonard Chalupiak has just put his car i 8/13/1965 #19382 opter flying above it. He contacts Leonard Stringfield about his story. A s 11/1965 #19695 nd creature are gone. Investigator Leonard Stringfield finds that a fire al 10/21/1973 #28228 ed by the USG within three months; Leonard Stringfield claims he heard othe 1974 #28633 effects (CHR 74-02. Investigator: Leonard Stringfield, CUFOS) (NICAP: 03 - 1/8/1974 #28665 ST. LEONARD, FR Forester and 3. Red disk goi 3/22/1974 #28922 Great Falls (near), MT 10:00 a.m. Leonard Hegele, a 29-year old student, s 2/22/1976 #30894 Leonard Hegele, a 29-year old student, s 2/22/1976 #30895 oon American SF novelist George H. Leonard publishes Somebody Else Is on th 8/1976 #31214 ndicating alien mining operations. Leonard argues that NASA secretly knows 8/1976 #31214 y on the Moon. It is possible that Leonard has written the book as a spoof. 8/1976 #31214 was recovered and hospitalized.” Leonard Springfield claims he corroborat 1977 #31658 t. (Case B-13 in Status Report II, Leonard Stringfield; SYMPAP, 1978,77) (N Spring 1977 #31919 eastern US Leonard H. Stringfield’s Situation Red: 5/1977 #32042 ided in his statement by ufologist Leonard Stringfield. Friday appeals to U 11/28/1977 #32702 Jacques Vallée, David R. Saunders, Leonard H. Stringfield, and Claude Poher 7/14/1978 #33383 Dayton, OH Ufologist Leonard Stringfield gives his first talk 7/29/1978 #33439 Dayton, OH Leonard Stringfield, who was US Army Air 7/29/1978 #33440 s place in Dayton, Ohio. Ufologist Leonard Stringfield announces that he ha 7/29/1978 #33449 Author Leonard H. Stringfield states a military 8/1978 #33460 al-1978-8-august.html (p12) Note: Leonard H. Stringfield was a ufologist w 8/1978 #33460 ly fired but their weapons jammed. Leonard Stringfield knew the name of the 8/1978 #33460 3rd floor. Thompson told this to Leonard Stringfield two days after Strin 4/5/1979 #34499 lliam Draeger of Austin, TX writes Leonard Stringfield and states he discov 8/13/1979 #34741 eye examination by ophthalmologist Leonard Prochaska, who finds that Johnso 8/27/1979 #34787 Leonard Stringfield finds an article in 5/6/1980 #35308 Leonard H. Stringfield publishes The UFO 6/1980 #35350 Leonard Stringfield, who now has about 2 10/1980 #35549 “Larry W.” writes Leonard Stringfield and claims that whil 12/14/1980 #35716 r of Clearwater FL calls ufologist Leonard Stringfield and revealed a key U 2/6/1982 #36322 Leonard H. Stringfield issues his third 6/1982 #36488 Leonard Stringfield issues his fifth Sta 1/1989 #38770 y interest between 1980 and 1984”: Leonard H. Stringfield, Pete Mazzola, Pe 7/1/1989 #39002 alk about this. “Joseph Z.” wrote Leonard Stringfield and claimed he had a 9/28/1989 #39132 Leonard Stringfield issues his sixth sta 7/1991 #40106 Leonard Stringfield releases his seventh 2/1994 #41393 Cincinnati, OK Ufologist Leonard Stringfield dies 12/18/1994 #41899 their hunting dogs were parked on Leonard Road six miles south of Bethel, 12/1/1996 #43130## Word: "leonard-de-noblat" (Back to Top)
ST. LEONARD-DE-NOBLAT, FR Weird 2x5 array / 3/21/1977 #31922## Word: "leonardh" (Back to Top)
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LeonardH.Stringfield Note: Other claims 8/1978 #33460## Word: "leoncio" (Back to Top)
Ollachea Ayaviri, Peru Leoncio Torres and Elena Bedjara are dri 9/8/1976 #31356## Word: "leone" (Back to Top)
However, a 2003 analysis by Matteo Leone demonstrates that the lights repor 8/5/2002 #44374## Word: "leonhardt" (Back to Top)
was headed by German scientist Ulf Leonhardt, a professor at the Weizmann I 1/9/2018 #45503## Word: "leonid" (Back to Top)
a team led by Russian mineralogist Leonid Kulik, who finds a zone about 5 m 6/30/1908 #711 Not to be outdone, Soviet delegate Leonid I. Sedov calls a press conference 8/2/1955 #12324 estuzhev-Lada, Valentin Akkuratov, Leonid Reino, Georgi Uger, Georgi Zevalk 5/17/1967 #22369 Nixon and Soviet General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev sign the Anti-Ballistic 5/26/1972 #26689 Leonid meteor shower (mean date). 11/16/1980 #35643 Leonid meteor shower (mean date). 11/16/1982 #36682 Leonid meteor shower (mean date). 11/16/1985 #37705 Leonid meteor shower (mean date). 11/16/1986 #38066 ound. The witness was aware of the Leonid meteor shower, and said these lig 11/19/2001 #44278 en A Robertson, Roger Clive Woods, Leonid P Grishchuk, George D Hathaway, H 5/6/2003 #44526## Word: "leonor" (Back to Top)
Faculty and students at the Santa Leonor College observed the craft, which 8/25/1965 #19463 Faculty and students at the Santa Leonor College observed the craft when i 8/25/1965 #19465## Word: "leonstein" (Back to Top)
Leonstein, Austria Linz, Austria German 5/1945 #1858 s, is captured by Allied forces in Leonstein, Austria. Supposedly his devic 5/1945 #1858## Word: "leonte" (Back to Top)
on in his arms and legs. (Sources: Leonte Objio, APRO Bulletin, January 198 6/24/1977 #32189## Word: "leopoldo" (Back to Top)
SAO LEOPOLDO AND VIAMAO AND CARAZINHO AND GU 12/19/1971 #26508## Word: "leopoldshoefe" (Back to Top)
ed UFO with a small dome on top in Leopoldshoefe, Germany. It had red, oran 12/1/1994 #41876## Word: "leota" (Back to Top)
astronomer Lincoln LaPaz, his wife Leota, and two daughters, Jean and Mary, 7/10/1947 #3109## Word: "lepanges-sur-vologne" (Back to Top)
LEPANGES-SUR-VOLOGNE, FR 15 observer(s). 10/18/1954 #11198## Word: "leping" (Back to Top)
, and Guangxi. It is headed by Cha Leping, a 26-year-old astrophysics stude 5/1980 #35297## Word: "lepot" (Back to Top)
ghting including Messrs. Iklef and Lepot and their wives. The craft was lum 5/10/1957 #13652## Word: "leppke" (Back to Top)
ody, KS Pre-dawn. Stewart and Lyle Leppke, doing their early morning farm c 1/22/1971 #25994 Two boys, Stewart and Lyle Leppke of Peabody, Kansas were doing the 1/22/1971 #25996## Word: "lept" (Back to Top)
man dressed totally in black, who lept out of nowhere and flashed a beam o 4/3/1968 #23888 ing on the windowsill. The husband lept out of bed and frantically searched 11/9/1968 #24648 igure raised one hand, waved, then lept right out the balcony window, a dis 8/22/1978 #33551 crashing in the distance. They all lept into a jeep and raced off in search 6/4/1996 #42921## Word: "leptospermum" (Back to Top)
d and silvery-white manuka plants (Leptospermum scoparium, tea tree) in the 9/4/1969 #25351## Word: "lerdahl" (Back to Top)
Virginia, MN 10:15 p.m. Robert Lerdahl and Alex Ellison saw about 36 UF 4/29/1957 #13623 Two men, Lerdahl and Ellison, reported that three 4/29/1957 #13625## Word: "lerdo" (Back to Top)
ry Islands. Pilot Francisco Javier Lerdo de Tejada and his crew notice a se 11/11/1979 #34997## Word: "lergravsiken" (Back to Top)
LERGRAVSIKEN, SWD Saucer going southwest 8/5/1957 #13880## Word: "lerida" (Back to Top)
AYTONA, LERIDA, SP Flash / lightning? 1.5M glowi 8/1952 #7382 SUCHS, LERIDA, SPAIN 80cm sphere lights country 7/14/1959 #15845 LERIDA, SP AND WIDE AREA Brilliant ovoid 1/23/1971 #25998 object flew from east to west over Lerida, Spain for five minutes at 8 p.m. 1/23/1971 #26000 In Basella, Lerida, Spain a man and a woman watched 8/6/1974 #29313 NEAR LERIDA, SPN Several observer(s). Several 10/18/1980 #35575## Word: "lerman" (Back to Top)
unka Kyiv, Ukraine 9:30 p.m. G. I. Lerman and his wife Ann watch a fiery ob 6/30/1989 #38998## Word: "leroy" (Back to Top)
Leroy, KS 10:30 p.m. Alexander Hamilton 4/19/1897 #532 Leroy, Kansas Alexander Hamilton was awa 4/19/1897 #533 re speeding to the southwest. Sgt. LeRoy Ziegler thinks he can detect a fai 1/7/1948 #3547 LeRoy, NY Disc circled airliner verttica 8/28/1952 #7769 Col. Theodore J. Hieatt (PR), Maj. Leroy D. Pigg (psychologist), V. J. Hand 5/5/1959 #15723 LEROY, OH 4 observer(s). 6M grey disk wi 9/25/1959 #15989 Leroy Township, OH Disc With Ports Spook 5/20/1965 #18946 members of the McDonald family in Leroy Township, Ohio saw a silvery-white 5/20/1965 #18947 East Leroy, Michigan 9:30 p.m. A 12-year-old 8/4/1978 #33471 :30 p.m. A 12-year-old boy in East Leroy, Michigan, hears a noise and looks 8/4/1978 #33471## Word: "lertis" (Back to Top)
il, New Mexico 7:30 p.m. USAF Cpl. Lertis E. Stanfield and other Holloman A 2/24/1950 #4554## Word: "les" (Back to Top)
sion Internationale d’Enquêtes sur les Soucoupes Volantes, in Paris. It beg 1951 #5378 ST. FOY LES LYON, FR 70M saucer. Dome. Pipe and 6/12/1952 #6480 sion Internationale d’Enquêtes sur les Soucoupes Volantes, in Paris. 6/24/1952 #6619 Becar, near Diges and "Les Michauts" or "Les Jolivets", France 9/24/1954 #10433 near Diges and "Les Michauts" or "Les Jolivets", France Two women (Widow G 9/24/1954 #10433 LES ROUSSES, FR Horizontal cloud-cylinde 10/2/1954 #10587 Les Rousses, Jura, France 3:45 p.m. A te 10/2/1954 #10611 ect in the sky to the southeast at Les Rousses, Jura, France. It approaches 10/2/1954 #10611 LES CHAVANNES, SANVIGNY, FR 20+cops. Sau 10/4/1954 #10679 Montceau-les-Mines, France At Les Chavannes, about 20 people, among th 10/4/1954 #10695 Saint-Romain-sous-Gourdon Les Brosses Tillots Saône-et-Loire Franc 10/14/1954 #11060 ween Saint-Romain-sous-Gourdon and Les Brosses Tillots, Saône-et-Loire, Fra 10/14/1954 #11060 ween Saint-Romain-sous-Gourdon and les Brosses-Tillots, Saone-et-Loire depa 10/14/1954 #11072 LES EGOTS, FR Girl. Basket-saucer going 10/24/1954 #11355 Les Egots, France Near Sainte Catherine, 10/24/1954 #11361 At 5:30 p.m. in Les Egots, Rhone, France near Sainte Cat 10/24/1954 #11369 Les Metairies, France Approximate date. 10/26/1954 #11415 Late in the day at Les Metairies, situated near Saint Quiri 10/26/1954 #11423 ce Gometz-le-Châtel, Seine et Oise Les Mureaux military base, Yvelines 10:5 2/17/1956 #12723 ance DC-3 airliner flying over the Les Mureaux military base, Yvelines, at 2/17/1956 #12723 1957 to September 2007, edited by Les Bristol. 1957 #13437 Smithfield, Australia Les McDonald, 17, and Gladys Smith, 14, 9/16/1957 #13999 Smithfield, Queensland, Australia Les McDonald, age 17, and Gladys Smith, 9/16/1957 #14002 Quebec St. Lawrence River Les Écureuils Quebec City, Quebec Japan 6/12/1960 #16312 l into the St. Lawrence River near Les Écureuils, about 20 miles upriver fr 6/12/1960 #16312 rench composer Paul Misraki writes Les Extraterrestres using the pseudonym 1962 #17010 ber Joseph Bryan III appear on the Les Crane Show and are questioned skepti 1/27/1965 #18777 ms, and a television cameraman Mr. Les Hendy, reported seeing four or five 6/6/1965 #18995 ems in the earth. In his pamphlet, Les Soucoupes Volantes: Le processus de 6/26/1968 #24084 from July 1969 to July 1970, then Les Extraterrestres from November 1970 t 1969 #24801 ng quickly east. Trail / sparks. / Les Depeches. 5/19/1970 (approximate) #25666 MANICOUAGAN TO LES ESCOUMIS, QB 3 Major power outages / 7/23/1971 #26241 sion Internationale d’Enquêtes sur les Soucoupes Volantes, in France in 195 1973 #27202 LES RIVEAUX, FR 3M dome hovers / field. 12/25/1973 #28603 hovered over a field at a farm in Les Riveaux, Allier department, France. 12/25/1973 #28604 founds the Association d’Étude sur les Soucoupes Volantes in Aix-en-Provenc 1974 #28626 LES ROUTIERES, FR Bike malfunctions due 2/28/1974 #28813 LES ROUTIERES, FR 2 / car / D38. 15M yel 3/5/1974 #28858 LES BULLES, BELGIUM 1 observer. Grey-bro 4/14/1974 #29021 FORET DE DREUILLE, LES MAGNOUX, 03, FR Red glowing hemisphe 4/15/1974 #29027 cabin in the middle of a field in Les Nourradons, Var, France when static 5/26/1974 #29136 LES MUREAUX, FR 22M red-orange cylinder/ 9/19/1975 #30368 In Les Mureaux, France at 10:30 p.m. a 22-m 9/19/1975 #30369 hed down. (Source: Jean-F. Boedec, Les OVNI en Bretagne: Anatomie d'un Phen 12/24/1975 #30737 Groupe d’Étude et de Recherche sur les OVNI Haute-Marne/Meuse in Chaumont, 1977 #31654 oduces a report titled Rapport sur les “Phénomènes Aeriens Non Identifiés, 6/20/1977 #32176 Vevay The Association d’Étude sur les Soucoupes Volantes renames its AESV 9/1981 #36098 LES ANGLES, FR 1 / car. Car just ahead g 9/20/1981 (approximate) #36133 At 4:30 a.m. in Les Tuiles, Tarn department, France a ma 9/4/1989 #39091 ntre d’Études et de Recherches sur les Phénomènes Aérospatiaux in Marseille 2/1990 #39405 (formerly Association d’Étude sur les Soucoupes Volantes) begins publishin 1/1991 #39943 LES MARTYS, FR Several observer(s). Dark 7/20/1991 #40125 LES HERBIERS, FR Several observer(s). 20 8/4/1992 (approximate) #40549 .Mex.) writes to Defense Secretary Les Aspin, asking the US Air Force to de 3/1993 #40871 LES MOUTIERS-EN-RETZ, FR Oblong object h 9/11/1993 #41193 ight hovering in a garden in Noeux les Mines, Pas de Calais, France. It was 10/30/1993 #41256 LES PONTS-DE-CE, FR 4 / car. Reddish glo 5/31/1996 #42917 Paris, France A 90-page report, Les OVNI et la Defense: A Quoi doit-on s 7/16/1999 #43805 oupe d’Études et d’Information sur les Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifi 9/22/2005 #44878 upe d'Études et d'Informations sur les Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifi 11/2021 #45718## Word: "les-jonquerets-de-livet" (Back to Top)
Les-Jonquerets-de-Livet [now Mesnil-en-O 10/25/1954 #11392 is gathering pears on his farm at Les-Jonquerets-de-Livet [now Mesnil-en- 10/25/1954 #11392 Les-Jonquerets-de-Livet, France A farmer 10/27/1954 #11445 t 7:30 p.m. farmer Gilbert Hee, in Les-Jonquerets-de-Livet, France was gath 10/27/1954 #11453## Word: "lesbos" (Back to Top)
AGIASOS, LESBOS, GRC 100+observer(s). Shiny sauce 11/1954 #11503## Word: "leshies" (Back to Top)
said that he had been abducted by "leshies" (Russian wood goblins), but the 7/25/2000 #44022## Word: "leshkovtsev" (Back to Top)
mmittee of Soviet Physicists V. A. Leshkovtsev write an article in Pravda c 2/29/1968 #23791## Word: "lesions" (Back to Top)
burn heals, but the gridlike burn lesions on his abdomen persist. The symp 5/20/1967 #22382 singeing and that his scalp has no lesions. 4/19/1977 #32000 her and daughter developed strange lesions on their legs, and her young son 8/19/1979 #34760 ls suffering injuries, burns, skin lesions, cancer and diseases after cat t 2005 #44805## Word: "lesions'" (Back to Top)
ealed that the burns were 'curious lesions' of undetermined cause." 10/12/1963 #17988## Word: "leslie" (Back to Top)
Leslie Cumberland County, Kentucky Sunri 8/18/1893 #309 le living near the small hamlet of Leslie in Cumberland County, Kentucky, n 8/18/1893 #309 In Leslie, Kentucky thirty minutes after su 8/26/1893 #310 Col. Leslie Groves is promoted to brigadier g 9/23/1942 #1447 Los Alamos, New Mexico Leslie Groves approves J. Robert Oppenhe 10/19/1942 #1457 Washington State Hanford site Leslie Groves approves development of th 1/16/1943 #1482 , meets with Vandenberg, Maj. Gen. Leslie Groves, and Lt. Gen. Robert Mille 7/10/1947 #3105 am M. Garland, Possony’s assistant Leslie Rosenzweig, and one other officer Early 5/1952 #6249 ground observers are pilots Capt. Leslie R. Hadley, Capt. Wayne T. Perske, 8/3/1952 #7436 ng Saucers Have Landed” by Desmond Leslie and George Adamski published. 9/1953 #9126 reports by Irish occultist Desmond Leslie and published as Flying Saucers H 9/1953 #9130 hed as Flying Saucers Have Landed. Leslie asserts that the first spaceman ( 9/1953 #9130 t a “balloon”; when author Desmond Leslie calls him up to suggest this is i 11/3/1953 #9279 Fry, Truman Bethurum, and Desmond Leslie. 8/7/1954 #10112 his story is written up by Desmond Leslie in Flying Saucer Review in 1981. 2/23/1955 #12015 In 1955, Dr. Leslie Ward of Redlands, California, was 11/14/1955 #12569 sley meet with Adamski and Desmond Leslie during their visit to a private a 4/18/1959 #15707 of aging. Adamski’s friend Desmond Leslie was a coauthor of his first book. 4/24/1965 #18916 rom the beginning, as does Desmond Leslie. Between their rejection and Oliv 4/24/1965 #18916 ast of Rivers 11:30 p.m.–1:10 a.m. Leslie and Jacqueline Dowdell see a 3–4 8/28/1967 #22943 ehall, London, again and meet with Leslie Akhurst, John Dickison, and Alec 6/20/1968 #24054 hovering over a garage. Constable Leslie G. Leek and Constable Ian Barnes 8/16/1971 #26287 Aug. 19, 1971, filed by Constable Leslie G. Leek.) (NICAP: 08 - Photograph 8/16/1971 #26287 Harding Township, NJ 9:30 PM. Leslie Hendricks while walking out of th 5/9/1977 #32078 Morristown, NJ 9:30 PM. Leslie Hendricks while walking out of th 5/9/1977 #32079 Hill 11:45 a.m. Flight instructor Leslie Groves is tutoring a pupil aboard 12/11/1979 #35072 In Leslie, South Carolina a 18 meter long s 7/30/1984 #37424 lects a more formal organization.” Leslie Kean suspects that the first reda 10/18/1993 #41246 information. In an interview with Leslie Kean in the Prescott Daily Courie 3/18/2007 #45012 he first time. He tells journalist Leslie Kean that if UAP technology was h 5/9/2016 #45452 ia Harry Reid Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie Kean report in the New York Times 7/23/2020 #45654 eved Craft of Non-Human Origin, by Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal. A form 6/5/2023 #45798## Word: "lesnick" (Back to Top)
estigators (Sheila Sabo and George Lesnick) see a UFO immediately after lea 3/21/1985 #37572## Word: "lesozavodsk" (Back to Top)
At noon two girls in Lesozavodsk, Siberia, Russia encountered 6/20/1989 #38991## Word: "lesparre-medoc" (Back to Top)
LESPARRE-MEDOC, FR Teacher. Orange round 10/16/1954 #11125## Word: "lesquin" (Back to Top)
LESQUIN, FR M. Cunin. 3 night lights / t 1/8/1996 #42673## Word: "less" (Back to Top)
y rays extend from its front part. Less than an hour later, a similar fireb 8/15/1663 #44 course, but also Martians who are less intelligent than earthlings. 1895 #318 from an arc lamp shines on him for less than a minute and then moves over t 4/16/1897 #510 door, through which two small men (less than 4 feet tall) in military unifo Summer 1901 #645 erfectly round, pale-green objects less than a mile away in the northern sk Fall 1912 #863 s out of sight over the horizon in less than 3 minutes. 1/1924 #1039 planes from flying over London at less than 5,000 feet. 6/11/1934 #1210 -like object moving at 5–10 mph at less than 100 feet altitude from north t 1938 #1280 rials. His proposed schedule is no less breathtaking: to produce a nuclear 12/18/1941 #1379 ing at high speed to his right for less than one minute. It moves at a stea 4/1944 #1588 the aircraft. The sighting lasted less than eight minutes. 8/10/1944 #1639 air and a gray beard. It popped up less than a foot away and ran off into t 4/20/1945 #1851 st and disappearing in the west in less than 60 seconds. One witness, meteo 1946 #1960 a. It is traveling east to west at less than 15,000 feet and has a flat bot 4/1947 #2257 he formation speeds out of view in less than 20 seconds. Late 5/1947 #2298 te spherical shape and vanished in less than ten seconds among the stars. 6/10/1947 #2318 idly from the ground and vanish in less than ten seconds among the stars. A 6/10/1947 #2320 veals that they are each very much less attractive when tried out in quanti 6/24/1947 #2398 ston in Waterloo, Iowa and hovered less than 25 feet away from him. He expe 6/28/1947 #2449 r planet completely in a matter of less than 24 hours. “Their present local 7/3/1947 #2551 e to the ranch over roads that are less than adequate, Brazel, Marcel, and 7/6/1947 #2814 disk on the ground and two dwarfs less than 1 m tall, wearing dark blue co 8/14/1947 #3328 n ice field. There were two dwarfs less than three feet tall near the craft 8/14/1947 #3334 a speed greater than 1,000 mph for less than a minute. 9/19/1947 #3409 04.6km altitude (Stable flight but less than planned altitude) 12/8/1947 #3497 articles are written, they will be less harmful to the national interest if 11/24/1948 #3891 f white comes from its tail and in less than a minute it is completely out 1949 #3946 . Even Clingerman and McCoy become less involved, perhaps because they have 1/1949 #3950 ct in the west at 6° elevation for less than 6 minutes in Albuquerque, New 2/17/1949 #4015 es with minor variations. c. Speed less than that of a meteor, but more tha 4/19/1949 #4094 er fin. The time of observation is less than 3 minutes. 5/24/1949 #4207 o small particles. The duration is less than 3 minutes. This observation in 6/6/1949 #4228 th and crossing the radar scope in less than 4 minutes (an average of about Fall 1949 #4366 of his lights turn make his plane less conspicuous in the inky colored sky 1/22/1950 #4499 3 times in 9 seconds, flew at not less than 1,000 m.p.h. It was seen for 2 3/20/1950 #4689 ly away to the south, then returns less than 2 minutes later and slowly cir 8/1950 #5094 same shape, brightness, and size (less than one inch). After a few minutes 7/4/1951? #5559 rth to south. They were seen again less than one hour later. 8/25/1951 #5627 flew over 30 miles to the north in less than one minute. 4/27/1952 #6201 , CO Object shaped like an airfoil less its trailing edge, luminous white, 7/9/1952 #6734 One object shaped like an airfoil less its trailing edge, luminous white, 7/9/1952 #6737 head. It shot off at high speed in less than a minute. 7/23/1952 #7089 their sighting was brief, lasting less than 10 seconds. A Project Blue Boo 7/24/1952 #7118 rector Ralph L. Clark, saying that less than 100 credible reports remain un 8/1/1952 #7409 ctangle of 10 lights, move more or less straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Dis 10/17/1952 #8143 rectangle of lights, moved more or less straight and level for 5 seconds. 10/17/1952 #8146 ectangle of lights, moving more or less straight and level through the sky 10/17/1952 #8151 first, then starts zigzagging for less than 10 seconds and takes off at hi Late 10/1952 #8184 equipment.” The Army reports “much less curiosity and interference” than Mi 4/1953 #8806 turn. It descended to 700 feet or less, slowed and seemed to hover. 9/2/1953 #9137 is backyard in Cleveland, Ohio, at less than 3,000 feet altitude. It is sha 9/7/1953 #9154 came from a huge object 35 m away, less than 7 m above the ground, which ma 5/20/1954 #9819 edge only 35 meters away, hovering less than seven meters above the ground. 5/20/1954 #9821 are at a three-year-low because of less publicity. Stringfield’s colleague, 6/7/1954 #9872 ward a saucershaped craft hovering less than 2 m above ground. It "opened u 9/14/1954 #10297 Quend, France Less than 3 hrs after case 183, an orang 10/3/1954 #10660 it, the object took off very fast. Less than three hours later, the same or 10/3/1954 #10669 tillery shell landed on the ground less than a quarter-mile away. As one so 10/6/1954 #10757 alyzed and his truck slows down to less than 20 mph. In a nearby field he s 10/18/1954 #11212 buzzing noise. When the fog became less dense, he could see a strange objec 10/24/1954 #11366 looks up and sees three humanoids less than 5 feet tall with dark brown sk 11/2/1954 #11537 n appearance except that they were less than five feet tall. They had dark 11/2/1954 #11539 bbed it, found it strangely light (less than 2O kg), and observed its body 11/28/1954 #11720 it landed for a couple of minutes less than 3 km away, then flew off to th 12/1/1954 #11742 957 into Flying Saucers, a more or less nonfiction magazine that features a 1955 #11895 s around the center. Watching from less than 100 yards away, Briggs estimat 2/23/1955 #12015 he object appeared to chase him at less than 70 m altitude. It measured abo 8/1/1955 #12315 the object appeared to pursue him less than 70 meters above the ground. Th 8/1/1955 #12319 lit UFO over Cincinnati, Ohio for less than 10 seconds. He later suffered 8/6/1955 #12337 feet across, and at a distance of less than 75 meters. It slid sideways, h 8/20/1955 #12380 ept brightness test significant at less or much less than 1% (brightness is 10/25/1955 #12519 s test significant at less or much less than 1% (brightness is greater than 10/25/1955 #12519 mber and speed, are significant at less than 1%, the remainder having resul 10/25/1955 #12519 at 10:22 p.m. The sighting lasted less than three minutes. 5/17/1956 #12857 a fixed position on the left wing less than 300 feet away. Other crew memb Fall 1956 #13239 ourse and executes a sharp turn at less than 90° of arc and turns on its ed 8/5/1957 #13881 sel engine. Raper ran to the town, less than 2 km away; and reported the in 11/1957 #14181 one-hour radionuclide half-life or less) two perfectly formed holes six inc 11/6/1957 #14430 aped object 70 m long was observed less than 7 m above ground. 11/8/1957 #14481 ject, 70 meters long, was observed less than seven meters above the ground 11/8/1957 #14492 te. An object shaped like Saturn, less the bottom part; silver with no met 6/14/1958 #15095 en jumps, stopping at ground level less than 200 m away for five min. A red 10/31/1958 #15409 sudden jumps at the ground level, less than 200 meters away, for five minu 10/31/1958 #15410 pers saw a red, disk-shaped object less than 4 km away, going up and down, 2/1959 #15573 copes that shoot across the sky in less than one second, one curving away i 5/28/1959 #15750 disc with a flexible hose hovering less than a foot above the water of a cr 8/1959 #15888 er, but gradually it began to spin less and finally stopped. It was about 1 6/22/1960 #16316 ly above the trees, without noise. Less than 20 sec later, it had cleared t 11/13/1960 #16501 than the Trinidad plan, and it is less noisy militarily, which would make 4/4/1961 #16643 lvery object on a nearby hillside, less than 2 km away. It could not be loc 6/16/1962 #17230 e in the center is 3 feet deep and less than a foot in diameter. All vegeta 7/16/1963 #17833 lored object, 3.5 m long, hovering less than 2 m above ground. Through the 10/1963 #17966 The entire incident takes place in less than 2 minutes. Police Sgt. M. S. C 4/24/1964 #18200 a spinning object 5 m above ground,less than 20 m away, coming and going wi 6/8/1964 #18338 g five meters above the ground and less than 20 meters away. It made sharp, 6/8/1964 #18339 sion. They return the next day and less than 2 miles from their campsite th 8/9/1964 #18472 ver at ground level in a field for less than one min, then take off vertica 12/21/1964 #18667 Less than 20% of the public believes in 1965 #18682 sound and disappears vertically in less than 10 seconds, dropping two sheet 3/2/1965 #18832 hovered over her cottage property less than 200 feet away, then landed on 5/30/1965 #18977 ht, like a satellite, was seen for less than 1 minute. No further data was 7/6/1965 #19077 Kiel, Wisconsin. It was seen for less than one minute. 7/6/1965 #19080 e crew he met with were little men less than three feet tall, while the fif 7/21/1965 #19156 ece brown coverall. The object was less than 60 feet off the ground and app 12/11/1965 #19765 th. It passes directly overhead at less than 150 feet, then dives smoothly, 1/18/1966 #19850 from the north. It passes overhead less than 150 feet, dives smoothly, turn 1/18/1966 #19853 fired his pistol at it when it was less than 100 feet away. King fired four 3/23/1966 #20057 he ground as he was going to work, less than 2 km southeast of Hague. It wa 4/4/1966 #20223 terrific speed and disappeared in less than a second. (NICAP: 05 - Medical 6/27/1966 #20615 the projects to be revived is the less than successful Operation Mindbende 6/30/1966 #20623 se and flew up and out of sight in less than 5 seconds. Entire sighting inv 7/25/1966 #20682 up. It flew up and out of sight in less than five seconds. The entire incid 7/25/1966 #20685 r one min and seemed about to land less than 80 m away, but tilted back on 8/19/1966 #20769 ed to almost land in a small field less than 80 meters away, but titled bac 8/19/1966 #20773 bout 20 feet. As they watched from less than 50 feet away, a door opened an 11/17/1966 #21115 about 20 feet. As they watch from less than 50 feet away, a door opens and 11/17/1966 #21117 ngle and disappears to the west in less than 10 seconds. 1/13/1967 #21299 angle disappearing to the west in less than 10 seconds. 1/13/1967 #21301 of his car, and ran off the road. Less than 2 km away, Phil Patton saw an 1/17/1967 #21332 l of his car and ran off the road. Less than two kilometers away and at abo 1/17/1967 #21334 . The object seemed to ascend with less effort than when it descended . (Co 1/22/1967 #21366 By this date things were more or less back to normal at the Kushner house 1/28/1967 #21411 nce on his television at the time. Less than 15 minutes later, at 8:19 EST, 2/27/1967 #21678 anada Two boys saw an orange disk, less than 1 m in diameter, flying at hig 4/1/1967 #22041 ing a greenish-blue light. It flew less than 20 m above his car, at 40 km/h 5/22/1967 #22388 light in Evillers, France. It flew less than 20 meters above his car at at 5/22/1967 #22389 orange disc with windows and three less (tripod landing gear) landed , leav 6/1/1967 #22442 about 20 minutes. Three occupants less than 4 feet tall, in light colored 6/15/1967 #22509 in diameter. The disc appears from less than 2 miles away and at an altitud 7/3/1967 #22600 ass by at an estimated altitude of less than 500 feet. One of the witnesses 7/18/1967 #22693 by a physician, from which he died less than two months later. 8/13/1967 #22874 humanoid beings were visible, each less than 5'7" tall, with "rocky or bump 10/24/1967 #23309 0 feet above the ground, sometimes less. When Ballard turns onto State High 1/20/1968 #23683 e also complains that Low has been less than honest about the radical diffe 2/24/1968 #23782 t and had been chasing it, more or less fruitlessly, in their car. When it 5/5/1968 #23946 ndant head of hair, became bald in less than a year. A circular burnt area 5/17/1968 #23970 outside and sees a female figure, less than 5 feet tall and wearing a silv 7/20/1968 #24193 nly saw an oval object, 25 m away, less than 5 m above ground. In the objec 7/31/1968 #24269 nly saw an oval object, 25 m away, less than 5 m above ground. It had a cle 7/31/1968 #24270 ugh which he can see two humanoids less than 3 feet tall in metallic helmet 7/31/1968 #24271 site directions. They were gone in less than 15 seconds. 10/27/1968 #24592 igh rate of speed, disappearing in less than 15 seconds. The car engine sta 11/23/1968 #24695 , and their close encounter lasted less than a minute. 4/21/1969 #25079 in silhouette. After 15 seconds or less, the driver speeds off down the roa 4/25/1969 #25090 accident was of medium height, or less, with a very swarthy skin and a big 8/11/1969 #25317 ve or six small human like figures less than a meter tall, all scurrying ra 8/19/1969 #25324 d bending over small trees. It was less than 75 feet from them. The craft w 10/28/1969 #25431 nd a shallow, oval, depressed spot less than 2 inches deep and 10 feet acro 10/30/1969 #25439 silent. Estimated 1km altitude or less. 2/26/1970 #25591 isappeared. The whole event lasted less than one minute. 12/14/1970 #25939 eparated, flying toward the south. Less than three hours later, at 4:15 GMT 1/2/1971 #25968 it, they saw a diminutive figure, less than 2-feet tall, moving about near 1/22/1971 #25994 n it, they saw a diminutive figure less than two feet tall moving about nea 1/22/1971 #25996 bar across it with a clearance of less than a foot. His wife, hearing the 4/2/1971 #26065 he ground. In the window was a man less that five feet tall dressed in oliv 6/9/1971 #26165 s to lean to one side and sinks in less than a minute. 7/8/1971 #26216 farther away the figure went, the less distinct it became. Stunned, he got 7/8/1971 #26218 bject and three diminutive beings, less than two feet tall, jumped down fro 9/25/1971 #26379 lts and calcium. They also produce less seed growth than control samples an 11/2/1971 #26449 by a blue light. A short humanoid, less than a meter tall, walked around th 12/20/1971 #26510 Less than an hour later, at 9:40 p.m. CD 7/31/1972 #26852 nd international problems. He gets less than 200 votes and subsequently ret 11/7/1972 #27110 toward her. She saw it was a being less than four feet tall, clad in a dark 2/26/1973 #27318 wooden furniture. The upper level, less spacious, had a metal floor. He tol 5/15/1973 #27492 om the window and hovers, and now, less bright to the eye, the witnesses ca 6/28/1973 #27598 en it vanished. It was in view for less than a minute. Her brother was very 8/4/1973 #27683 e, Argentina at 2000 m altitude or less. There were four UFOs in total, and 10/27/1973 #28302 ted cone) descending as if to land less than 200 feet away. (Marlin Daily D 11/8/1973 #28388 unbelievable being, a giant man no less than three meters tall. His feature 11/18/1973 #28443 Mr. Sanchez had a second encounter less than 24 hours after his first close 3/21/1974 #28921 A small disc less than a meter in diameter hovered an 3/31/1974 #28978 the ramp backwards. They were all less than five feet tall and had long, l 5/7/1974 #29093 and 30 degrees Fahrenheit, down to less than 50º F. Peter took his foot off 5/31/1974 #29150 cents worth, which at the time was less than a half gallon. Under hypnosis 5/31/1974 #29150 the beings vanished. At 9:30 EDT, less than seven hours later in Southampt 6/6/1974 #29170 ath it. The object passes silently less than 20 feet above their car, hover Summer 1974 #29218 eet in New York City. It is flying less than 100 feet away and moves off so 8/23/1974 #29379 cumference. The height is slightly less than 5 feet. They see no visible po 8/25/1974 #29386 rd the east and is out of sight in less than one second. 11/28/1974 #29619 shot away. It was out of sight in less than one second. 11/28/1974 #29620 ered being in this compartment for less than a minute. He then fainted agai 1/5/1975 #29724 ht lights are seen at low altitude less than 50 miles north over the South 8/20/1975 #30291 out 9 inches from the body, with a less luminous silvery outer glow that ex 1/11/1976 #30785 ing south at the object, which was less than 200' off the ground and 500-60 2/7/1976 #30850 te disc-shaped object flew over at less than 300 meters altitude, making a 2/8/1976 #30855 ct flew over Kissimmee, Florida at less than 300 meters altitude, making a 2/8/1976 #30856 ew toward the southwest at a speed less than 100 mph. 2/25/1976 #30906 atform. Two beings in shiny suits, less than five feet tall, were seen outs 3/3/1976 #30919 atform. Two beings in shiny suits, less than five feet tall, were seen outs 3/3/1976 #30922 , Zaragoza, covering 12.5 miles in less than 2 seconds. Cavero believes UFO 6/26/1976 #31142 near a split-rail fence in a swamp less than a quarter-mile from their home 9/11/1976 #31377 denly turned off, then became many less intense lights. There were three or 9/19/1976 #31412 ructure of the craft, that was now less than 50 feet from them. The surface 12/6/1976 #31587 le two dimly lit, small portholes, less than 8 inches in diameter. Later, s 12/10/1976 #31594 saw it hovering over a small tree less than 50 feet away. (Sources: David 2/10/1977 #31806 saw it hovering over a small tree less than 50 feet away. It was capsule s 2/10/1977 #31808 ht up into the sky and was gone in less than a second. (Source: Allan Hendr 5/11/1977 #32086 ht up into the sky and was gone in less than a second. 5/11/1977 #32091 e taller than the others, who were less than four feet tall, stood near the 7/23/1977 #32304 re taller than the others, who are less than four feet tall, stands near th 7/23/1977 #32305 e taller than the others, who were less than four feet tall, stood near the 7/23/1977 #32306 s. They are gone from the scope in less than a minute at an estimated speed 9/22/1977 #32511 st to sight. The total duration is less than a minute. Choate recalls stati 10/26/1977 #32617 eloped him, reducing visibility to less than 10 feet. The fog was accompani 1/10/1978 #32870 ings were coming here who employed less ethical methods. These others, it w 2/5/1978 #32957 h volume gathers other studies and less detailed cases. The reports are nev 6/1978 #33245 SW sky. Angular size was somewhat less than moon's. No sound . Two "normal 9/15/1978 #33683 l has been burned by a temperature less than 500° Celsius, and not by a bon 9/17/1978 #33701 ff to the northeast and is gone in less than a minute. 9/23/1978 #33735 officials were called but more or less ignored the reports. 11/27/1978 #34006 e like radio static, and vanished. Less than three hours later at 7:20 GMT 12/20/1978 #34184 the surface with a loud rumble in less than three seconds. This sighting w 6/22/1979 #34626 at 60 feet up and 100 feet away or less. After 4–5 minutes it moves slowly 6/26/1979 #34632 s two bright-red lights in the air less than a mile away. Suddenly another 8/23/1979 #34768 n. This happens again 5–6 times in less than a minute. Once their view of t 9/3/1979 #34829 guards to the object, which is now less bright and soon turns dark. The obs 9/5/1979 #34838 er until it is only 30 feet up and less than a block away. She says it seem 9/17/1979 #34896 g about 200–300 feet above a bluff less than a city block away. When they s 1/21/1980 #35141 ing noise and sees a bright object less than 500 feet away. He runs toward 6/14/1980 #35367 chool and saw two minature figures less than 7 feet away from them. One was 6/18/1980 #35380 the UFO at its closest approach is less than a mile. The estimated length o 9/22/1980 #35528 he UFO at its closest approach was less than a mile. The estimated length o 9/22/1980 #35529 % redacted, and in 2014 with a bit less missing). Gesell states that “the p 11/18/1980 #35653 of everyday things encountered in less than everyday circumstances.” The m 12/28/1980 #35750 egon. The incident lasted slightly less than a minute. (NICAP: 02 - Close E 5/1/1981 #35922 egon. The incident lasted slightly less than a minute. 5/1/1981 #35923 when he notices lights on his left less than a mile ahead. He sees an objec 5/20/1981 #35943 ject hovering near some pine trees less than 500 feet away on their right. 7/19/1981 #36020 rs above a house across the street less than 400 feet away. The object reve 3/30/1982 #36419 nt object 300 feet in diameter and less than 500 feet in altitude. The offi 7/12/1983 #36909 spots a triangular object hovering less than 15 feet above the water and 20 10/28/1983 #37026 object hovering above a small lake less than 200 feet away. But within seco 11/28/1983 #37052 tude and direction and were flying less than half a mile above the ground. 1/13/1984 #37129 triangular-shaped lights hovering less than 200 feet above the ground, ill 2/22/1984 #37198 , glowing, oval object to his left less than 2 miles away. The object, the 3/7/1985 #37566 o a height of above 70,000 feet in less than a minute. The Hawks level off 7/22/1985 #37628 uge saucer lights entire stadium / less than 30M altitude. / news. 3/12/1986 #37799 t 1,200 mph. Their sighting lasted less than a minute, and they detected no 5/11/1986 #37866 0 p.m. It was seen for 30 seconds, less than half a mile away, and was comp 6/8/1986 #37907 ter pass nearby. They watch it for less than 2 minutes. It is flying low, p 8/1986 #37964 ilently floating low above a field less than one mile away to the northeast Late 7/1987 #38218 oving up and down in the northeast less than 2 miles away. After 6 minutes Late 7/1987 #38218 a or hovering just above the water less than a mile away. A diamond shaped 1/30/1989 #38809 ct, six feet in diameter, appeared less than 100 feet overhead. It had rods 7/16/1989 #39023 se and sees a flying disc hovering less than 50 feet away. It soon vanishes 10/11/1989 #39161 come visible, which form a more or less equilateral triangle. The rotating 12/11/1989 #39313 5,000-foot sudden descent, more or less instantly. 2/21/1990 #39424 ngth, and reflected sunlight. When less than 150 feet above the water, and 3/13/1990 #39459 g, then it moved about 400 feet in less than a second to hide behind some t 10/6/1990 #39762 approaching from their left. It is less than 100 feet away. The control tow 4/21/1991 #40046 y can also see the light, which is less than a mile away. They continue to 3/1992 #40343 his car failed when the UFO passed less than 20 feet overhead, and he felt 3/19/1992 #40390 over a slight rise in the pasture, less than 100 yards from their farm hous 5/3/1992 #40449 n a tight group, and came to stand less than three feet from where she lay. 8/20/1993 #41148 aw the object hovering over a farm less than an eighth of a mile away; it h 3/1/1995 #42070 ky, at an altitude estimated to be less than 1000 feet. 11/14/1995 #42600 .m. over Mount Summit, Indiana for less than a minute. It was shiny and ref 11/20/1995 #42615 e. For 40 minutes the object flies less than 20 feet above the ground, head 1/13/1996 #42680 ght to have been around a meter or less. Rusu said he heard some noises mad 7/8/1996 #42950 We will return when the storms are less intense, since we have already lost 12/9/1996 #43133 unable to move. Overhead they saw, less than 50 feet above them, a silver d 3/14/1997 #43231 es report seeing hybrids that look less and less like the gray aliens. Anot 1/1998 #43482 seeing hybrids that look less and less like the gray aliens. Another serie 1/1998 #43482 , Scotland two objects hovered for less than a minute, then executed a 90-d 6/6/1998 #43582 m. The sighting was brief, lasting less than 15 seconds. 3/13/2003 #44501 uddenly reappeared further away in less than a second. Eventually it was lo 4/12/2003 #44513 rmal." Debris recovered was small, less than a meter in diameter. Most debr 4/18/2003 #44516 was about 12 inches in diameter or less. A cat noticed the object and attem 4/15/2004 #44688 feet and was in view for a little less than a minute. It appeared to be ve 11/29/2004 #44793 dissolved. Its place is taken by a less formal group, Comité Belge d’Étude 6/11/2007 #45035 it is 50 feet long on one side and less than 2 miles away. It flies over th 8/20/2008 #45161 spiral outwards. A similar, though less spectacular, event also occurred in 12/9/2009 #45261 ecurity and enhance survivability. Less than 10 minutes later, the USS Kidd 7/14/2019 #45592 at the US Navy has been doing with less sophisticated equipment. 3/28/2020 #45642 583 reports in 2020, which is 40% less than in 2019. However, the number o 2/7/2021 #45675 iculties in the late 1960s and was less than a year from bankruptcy when it 10/21/2021 #45717## Word: "lessard-le-national" (Back to Top)
LESSARD-LE-NATIONAL, FR 1 / car. Silver 10/4/1954 #10682 On a road in Lessard-le-National, France at 7:20 p.m. 10/4/1954 #10707## Word: "lessart" (Back to Top)
D19 NEAR LESSART, FR 1 / car. Faceted cone-saucer 1/16/1994 #41372## Word: "lessay" (Back to Top)
At 6:55 p.m. in Laulne pres de Lessay, Manche department, France a dome 1/5/1975 #29726## Word: "lessened" (Back to Top)
. Soon the intensity of the sphere lessened, while the remaining witnesses 3/31/1975 #29927## Word: "lesser" (Back to Top)
the Great Magellanic Cloud via the Lesser Magellanic Cloud, 47 Tucanae, Ome 7/3/1947 #2551 he intelligence community, while a lesser portion comes from open sources a 5/4/1988 #38553 tional submarine but a “craft of a lesser type.” 10/24/2014 #45420## Word: "lession" (Back to Top)
the officers reported that a skin lession he had healed rapidly after thei 9/3/1965 #19517## Word: "lesslie" (Back to Top)
LESSLIE, SC 2 / farm. 18M cylinder/cigar 7/30/1984 #37423## Word: "lessman" (Back to Top)
Morehouse, Greg S, Angela D, Gene Lessman, Guavin and Ed Dames, and finall 6/30/1995 #42284## Word: "lesson" (Back to Top)
e pilot describes the policy as a “lesson in lying, intrigue, and the ‘Big 12/1958 #15465 ing home from a late evening piano lesson when he saw three red pulsating l 12/13/1971 #26496 the experience consists of a life lesson in symbolic form, Mack asserts. T 1999 #43708## Word: "lessons" (Back to Top)
oject of Project MK-ULTRA based on lessons learned in Project Artichoke, wa 8/4/2008 #45155## Word: "lester" (Back to Top)
BOISE, ID Lester Sherill. 8' silver disk fast / 60 7/10/1947 #3088 orandum over the signature of Maj. Lester M. Garrigues states that by order 7/25/1947 #3230 t of Lexington, Nebraska 6:30 p.m. Lester Wolfe and five others 5 miles sou 9/26/1949 #4372 chorage, Alaska 4:00 p.m. Lt. Col. Lester F. Mathison, commanding officer o 1/26/1950 #4513 d, Nevada, with his wife and M/Sgt Lester Gossett, M/Sgt Sheldon Smith obse 4/2/1952 #6017 30 p.m. Mrs. Lloyd Wright and Mrs. Lester Parsons of Bedford, Indiana, see 8/25/1955 #12408 Allentown, Pennsylvania 9:40 p.m. Lester Billheimer and Carl Kern watch an 4/13/1958 #14980 Newark (N.J.) John Lester, a writer for the Newark (N.J.) S 12/19/1958 #15481 e UFO sighting, tell reporter John Lester with the Newark (N.J.) Star-Ledge 12/21/1958 #15494 Lester Kaiser farm near Rising Sun, Indi 5/18/1969 #25143 ackout cuts off electricity at the Lester Kaiser farm near Rising Sun, Indi 5/18/1969 #25143 Police officers Zachary Space and Lester Nagle watch an object hovering le 11/11/1974 #29592## Word: "lestin" (Back to Top)
William G. Lestin and his wife were driving to a mo 5/2/1972 #26669 to the ground 100 yards away. Mr. Lestin got out of the car and walked to 5/2/1972 #26669 lasted more than five minutes. Mr. Lestin was terrified by his experience a 5/2/1972 #26669## Word: "lestrem" (Back to Top)
Lestrem, Pas-de-Calais, France Jean-Pier 1965 #18684 ment Nordiste d’Études des OVNI in Lestrem, Pas-de-Calais, France. It publi 1965 #18684## Word: "leszczyński" (Back to Top)
over Poznań, Poland, a pilot named Leszczyński sees two large circles of li 9/30/1959 #16001## Word: "let" (Back to Top)
low altitude. 1 observer moves to let it pass. 8/1919 (approximate) #992 the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination.” 7/10/1947 #3102 the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination. 7/15/1947 #3182 at can it mean? What is the truth? Let me have a report at your convenience 7/28/1952 #7223 at can it mean? What is the truth? Let me have a report at your convenience 7/28/1952 #7267 ments on UFOs and urges him not to let the Air Force intimidate him into re 6/12/1959 #15766 lenges Affa to appear in person or let them see his spaceship, Larsen stops 7/5/1959 #15817 food, Orta abruptly demands to be let out of the mission, handing over the 9/1960 #16428 be uncontrollable at high speeds (let alone supersonic speeds). 12/1961 #16985 o war. Instead, Kennedy decides to let the Bucharest through the quarantine 10/25/1962 #17495 ure. The cow, normally eager to be let out, acts very reluctant and nervous 5/19/1964 #18288 ch the ground in a uniform motion, let two humanoids about 2.5 feet tall ex 9/10/1965 #19550 on this data for 18 years and not let us know about it?” Hynek’s then-asso 6/8/1966 #20543 a house, had no flying lights, but let off a greenish-blue light." Vibratio 1/1967 #21241 sing Heirs Bureau" and asked to be let in. They invited the stranger inside 1/9/1967 #21278 car engine stops. Frightened, they let the car coast back down the hill, an 3/12/1967 #21872 Salas is dubious and tells them to let him know if they get any closer. A f 3/24/1967 #21973 e pulls to the side of the road to let it cool off. Through the driver’s wi Early 9/1967 #22983 es began neighing and the attacker let go and fled. The man screamed for he 9/22/1967 #23115 nd Lost.” He concludes by saying, “Let me say that where corruption of chil 4/26/1969 #25094 him like a hot iron, and he has to let go. The burns are clearly visible 2 2/5/1971 #26014 rned like a hot iron and he had to let go at once. As soon as the being was 2/5/1971 #26015 better look, but her dog would not let her. Trembling and cowering, the dog 6/9/1971 #26165 ours as their dogs whimpered to be let into the cabin. The UFO then shot up 12/10/1973 #28553 ble taste. They then moved off and let him pass. About 100 feet to the righ 2/28/1974 #28822 me when he heard a voice tell him "let go the steering wheel." Justice igno 8/1/1974 #29298 te pilot, went to his back door to let the dog in. He immediately noticed f 1/2/1975 #29698 hiasson approached the windows and let out a scream when she confronted a l 8/6/1976 #31241 ral’s office warns McCarthy not to let his animals drink from the pond; he 1/10/1977 #31715 ou going?” Daniels replies, “Well, let me figure this out. I’ll let you kno 3/12/1977 #31901 Well, let me figure this out. I’ll let you know.” Then they notice that “th 3/12/1977 #31901 bly to the object, would still not let her go near the area a month later. 4/4/1977 #31944 ked over and ordered the others to let him go. He was then allowed to walk 5/10/1978 #33199 Washington, D.C. The CIA agrees to let Ground Saucer Watch amend its compla 7/7/1978 #33350 plane. Fogarty manages to crack, “Let’s hope they’re friendly!” Twice, Sta 12/31/1978 #34246 to wear it and he implores them to let him go. One of the beings gives him 1/18/1979 #34359 ch taking one arm. He begs them to let him go in the name of God, but they 5/16/1979 #34563 taking one arm. He begged them to let him go in the name of God, but he re 5/16/1979 #34564 firm for their purposes. They then let him go. 8/12/1983 #36948 e dogs barked at him and would not let him inside. 5/6/1984 #37325 apparent that "it" did not want to let them go. Robert got out of the car a 7/15/1984 #37401 and runs to the APC, begging to be let in. Their vehicle had shut down enti Winter 1987 #38370 d their car off the road. They are let down suddenly and the right rear tir 1/20/1988 #38422 s dog wanted to go out and when he let the dog outside, late on this evenin 5/21/1988 #38574 physical sensations and beg to be let go. They see a ship behind some tree 7/4/1989 #39007 reature's fingers and the creature let go. The finger fell to the ground oo 5/14/1991 #40060 , a defense contractor, refused to let UFO investigators talk with any of t 6/10/1992 #40491 2mph just over field. Car stops to let it cross A23. 6/20/1993 #41024 she told the beings to go away and let her sleep, and the 20 or so visitors 11/18/1993 #41284 on the large door demanding to be let out. He could hear voices in the bac 10/15/1997 #43429 ens. They took blood samples, then let her go by dropping her off in a larg 10/18/1997 #43432 oor lighting was not sufficient to let him make out any details. The figure 8/2/2001 #44218 from the outside, and that if they let go of them they would all be trapped 9/3/2003 #44592 round it. Close to the pavement it let off a green beam of light. 9/24/2006 #44966 At 11:34 p.m. a man had just let his dogs out into his backyard in St 8/29/2007 #45050 be uncontrollable at high speeds (let alone supersonic speeds). Late 2012 #45355 t to exercise these powers at all, let alone do so in secret, with virtuall 2/24/2014 #45402 ed to UAP. “Generally speaking, we let the normal FOIA process work as it i 7/10/2020 #45651## Word: "letart" (Back to Top)
home from church at 11:30 p.m. in Letart Falls, Ohio rounded a corner in a 3/12/1967 #21877## Word: "letelier" (Back to Top)
everal local residents of Valentin Letelier, Chile reported encountering a 7/16/1998 #43607## Word: "lethal" (Back to Top)
hroom cloud, which would have been lethal to crew members. 7/1/1946 #2024 ng within a 1,000-foot radius to a lethal dose of radiation. Bugs fall from 6/1959 #15754 ain places. In mid-August, Project LETHAL CHASER is added, using portable m 8/1968 #24284 es establish that each had drunk a lethal combination of vodka and barbitur 3/26/1997 #43240 f black ops technology such as non lethal weaponry, holographs, cloaking te 2005 #44805## Word: "lethargic" (Back to Top)
feeling, and then she became very lethargic. In the dark she saw a figure 10/26/1999 #43866 dog was trembling, and acting very lethargic. 5/1/2003 #44520 hair was falling out, he also felt lethargic. He realized later that he had 10/2/2004 #44766 does not notice it. Laila becomes lethargic the next day and shows severe 9/2009 #45241## Word: "lethbridge" (Back to Top)
erphilly, Wales, UK 11:00 p.m. Mr. Lethbridge was walking along a road near 5/18/1909 #756 Caerphilly, Wales Mr. Lethbridge was walking along a road near 5/18/1909 #757 philly Mountain 11:00 p.m. Charles Lethbridge (part-time dock worker and Pu 5/18/1909 #758 s that fit tightly over the heads. Lethbridge proceeds to about 60 feet of 5/18/1909 #758 craft heads toward the southeast. Lethbridge returns to the site with a ne 5/18/1909 #758 Mr. Lethbridge was walking along a road arou 5/18/1909 #759 DRUMHELLER AND LETHBRIDGE, ALTA Several observer(s). 3 7/12/1947 (approximate) #3142 Lethbridge, Alberta Two teenage boys in 11/30/1962 #17565 ridge, Alberta Two teenage boys in Lethbridge, Alberta, see an elliptical o 11/30/1962 #17565 At 10:45 p.m. three witnesses in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada saw several 8/11/1993 #41130 North Lethbridge, Alberta 12:30 a.m. Two frien 8/12/1993 #41133 wer in a dark school yard in North Lethbridge, Alberta, when they see a dar 8/12/1993 #41133 Etzikom, Alberta University of Lethbridge Department of Geography Unive 4/1/2001 #44156 Pano Karkanis of the University of Lethbridge Department of Geography visit 4/1/2001 #44156 d "ship" moved over the witness in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada for this clo 8/15/2008 #45158## Word: "leto" (Back to Top)
confirmed. Country: France Name: “Leto” Yield: 5KT 11/6/1981 #36208## Word: "letourneau" (Back to Top)
On this night Gene LeTourneau, a newspaper reporter, and hi 9/2/1978 #33628## Word: "lets" (Back to Top)
87. 8 civil and US B29 RADAR. Blip lets B29 pass by. Then zips off / 400knt 8/22/1950 #5135 and need no special action. But he lets slip that USAF fighters regularly c 6/7/1954 #9872 een watching her for some time. He lets her look at the earth below through 4/7/1956 #12798 , of Dante, Knoxville, Tennessee, lets his dog Frisky outside and sees an 11/6/1957 #14422 t with a row of bright lights. She lets the frightened dog inside and it pr 2/22/1967 #21623 ght coming from the bottom. Hammon lets Tossie inside his farmhouse, where 11/2/1967 #23390 by the light from the UFO, Llanca lets one of the beings take a blood samp 10/28/1973 #28309 and he goes numb to the waist. He lets them attach some kind of glowing sa 2/1976 #30842 ared and activates a backpack that lets it climb upward over a neighboring 7/12/1977 #32264 . At the end of the meeting, Henry lets Hinners know that he has some relev 8/3/1977 #32352 ichigan, near the Ford Motor plant lets out an awful howl. The woman goes o Late 4/1978 #33167 He cannot move, but eventually it lets up; he reaches the cab and the trai 2/1985 #37552 e M6 motorway. The camera operator lets the object enter the camera’s infra 4/26/1991 #40050 of space-time; Deacon claims this lets “things” like beings, influences an 10/2006 #44970 a neighborhood of Rzeszów, Poland, lets her cat outside, but it panics. She 3/5/2013 #45361## Word: "lett" (Back to Top)
itish aviation investigator, J. H. Lett, announces that the plane “collided 5/2/1953 #8857## Word: "letter" (Back to Top)
to being the author in 1840, in a letter to the weekly paper New World, al 8/25/1835 #130 day a man nine miles away found a letter with "Airship Co., Oakland, Calif 4/19/1897 #540 ther planet. He mentions them in a letter to a reporter in December 1899 an 1899 #628 9—Marconi may have transmitted the letter S (dot dot dot) in a naval demons 1899 #628 r band.” One of them resembles the letter “V” in the Marconi Code. 9/1/1921 #1015 research. Edward Condon files the letter under “psychological” and does no 1930 #1106 DC Einstein’s atomic bomb warning letter to President Roosevelt stating "i 8/2/1939 #1311 Leo Szilárd writes a confidential letter to President Roosevelt, in consul 8/2/1939 #1313 t Einstein to sign it as well. The letter warns that Germany might develop 8/2/1939 #1313 the outbreak of war in Europe, the letter is eventually hand-delivered to R 8/2/1939 #1313 on October 11. Roosevelt gives the letter to his aide, Brig. Gen. Edwin “Pa 8/2/1939 #1313 University After reading Szilárd’s letter, Roosevelt creates an Advisory Co 10/21/1939 #1318 never exit. No further details. / Letter to Hynek. 4/1940 (approximate) #1330 “little people” to his family in a letter and phone call. Walter N. Webb re Early 10/1941 #1372 azing Stories magazine, receives a letter from a reader named Richard S. Sh 9/1943 #1526 ng quickly [to] going [to] away. / Letter going [to] NICAP. 6/1945 (approximate) #1871 S Naval Forces in Europe, writes a letter to the US naval attaché in Oslo, 8/24/1946 #2155 California Ray Palmer publishes a letter from Maurice Doreal (pseudonym of 10/1946 #2195 t crosses sky slow and straight. / letter to airport. 4/11/1947 (approximate) #2261 hesis to appear in the media, in a letter by Ole Johannes Sneide 1886-8/31/ 7/3/1947 #2551 ohannes Sneide 1886-8/31/1947. His letter first appeared in the San Francis 7/3/1947 #2551 north going quickly south fast. / letter to Albuquerque Journal 9 Jul. '47 7/6/1947 #2770 rett’s investigations of UFOs in a letter to Gen. Curtis LeMay, Deputy Chie 8/22/1947 #3360 Intelligence Center (ATIC) sent a letter to the Air Force Commanding Gener 9/23/1947 #3416 UFO information with a classified letter composed by Col. McCoy with the a 9/23/1947 #3417 ices from Russia or elsewhere. The letter lists common descriptions of the 9/23/1947 #3417 ect or from Soviet/Bloc. Twining’s letter to AAF Commanding Gen. George Sch 9/23/1947 #3419 g/docs/470923.pdf Note: Twining’s letter also led to the creation of Proje 9/23/1947 #3419 worse). (ref. “Black Budget”; JMP letter) 9/24/1947 #3420 DCI Hillenkoetter, in a letter to AMC, designates T-2 and the Ai 9/24/1947 #3421 . Hillenkoetter allegedly writes a letter to Air Materiel Command designati 9/24/1947 #3425 A letter from Truman to Vannevar Bush appe 10/1/1947 #3445 listed in the September 23 Twining letter (though in greater detail) and th 10/28/1947 #3469 sponse to the September 23 Twining letter. It calls for a discreet canvass 11/10/1947 #3482 evelopment division sends a formal letter to the RAND Corporation authorizi 7/21/1948 #3722 th windows goes east going west. / letter to Bluebook. 7/24/1948 #3728 ol. William R. Clingerman writes a letter to USAF Chiefs of Staff requestin 10/12/1948 #3832 Gen. Charles Cabell writes a firm letter to Wright Field in Ohio, asking P 11/3/1948 #3867 Pentagon Chiles-Whitted A letter is sent with Col. McCoy’s signatu 11/8/1948 #3871 [now closed] Long Island, New York Letter from Howard McCoy at AMC Dayton t 11/30/1948 #3894 r Command McCoy A Fourth Air Force letter quotes Project Sign’s requirement 2/18/1949 #4018 fers to McCoy’s November 30, 1948, letter on Sign’s preference for radar tr 2/18/1949 #4018 ght Patterson AFB, Dayton OH Reply letter concerning BSRA’s “second memoran 5/18/1949 #4190 Mexico Kaplan responds to a July 1 letter from Gen. Charles P. Cabell inqui 7/13/1949 #4269 ew Zealand investigator receives a letter from a respected US researcher wh Early 1950's #4457 the Kodiak, Alaska, case, sends a letter to ATIC asking why Project Grudge Late 1/1950 #4511 AFOSI Letter #85 is issued, directing Air Forc 2/8/1950 #4535 irectorate headed by Oder issues a letter directive authorizing Project Twi 3/16/1950 #4655 ce-Admiral Louis Mountbatten, in a letter to his friend Charles Eade, edito 3/26/1950 #4728 San Diego, CA Letter sent from BSRA to President 4/7/1950 #4804 Washington DC Reply letter from White House to BSRA 5/16/1950 #4945 ut UFO case investigations. A form letter is to be used: “We have investiga 10/18/1950 #5241 San Diego, CA Private letter from BSRA Director Meade Layne to 11/10/1950 #5271 nuary 29 Korean UFO incidents in a letter to Secretary of the Air Force Tho 2/21/1952 #5917 The Air Force sends a letter, signed by Lieut. Gen. Nathan Twi 3/5/1952 #5946 US Air Force Letter 200-5 gave Project Blue Book auth 4/1952 #6003 omas K. Finletter issues Air Force Letter 200-5, which directs intelligence 4/29/1952 #6215 ). 1 hovers. 1 darts to and fro. / letter to Blue Book. 7/23/1952 #7040 San Diego, CA BSRA sends a warning letter to the President, a large swath t 7/24/1952 #7091 t’s chief scientific adviser, in a letter, saying there is “ample evidence 7/30/1952 #7362 Scientific Intelligence, writes a letter to OSI Deputy Assistant Director 8/1/1952 #7409 staff member at Battelle, writes a letter to Col. Miles E. Goll of ATIC, ar 1/9/1953 #8521 acques Vallée speculates that this letter by Cross (to whom Vallée assigns 1/9/1953 #8521 Robertson writes a letter to Chadwell, saying “perhaps that 1/20/1953 #8557 ense, Washington, D.C. states in a letter to the Henry Holt & Co. that Maj. 1/26/1953 #8569 ss Officer Albert M. Chop writes a letter to Keyhoe’s publisher Henry Holt 1/26/1953 #8574 west slow and silent. Portholes. / letter to I. Sanderson. 4/1953 (approximate) #8802 smit Morse Code light signals (the letter “D”), an unprecedented occurrence 4/14/1953 #8824 According to a letter by Fritz A. Werner to J. Allen Hy 5/21/1953 #8898 ng, then come together to form the letter “Z.” Then they circle, gain altit 7/26/1953 #9018 ormation and superseding Air Force Letter 200-5. It directs that all confir 8/26/1953 #9112 hting to the Air Force in a 4-page letter. 1/10/1954 #9476 reports. Ruppelt agrees to write a letter supporting the claim that Keyhoe 4/4/1954 #9664 Ruppelt’s letter to Keyhoe states that the request 4/11/1954 #9682 ilm analysis is classified; a 1953 letter from Al Chop to Henry Holt & Co. 4/11/1954 #9682 Muroc”. A source in CA writes in a letter that the US government has “captu 6/4/1954 #9864 Marks on surface look like "I3" or letter "B". No further details. 7/2/1954 #9978 Washington DC MJ-12 SSP briefing letter, briefing scheduled for July 16, 7/14/1954 #10014 July 16. Note by Stanton Friedman: Letter was discovered in the National Ar 7/14/1954 #10014 lligence. He writes in an August 3 letter to Keyhoe: “They claim to have go 7/20/1954 #10031 Washington DC A 1954 letter addressed to broadcaster Frank Ed 8/1/1954 #10086 Service, McGraw Hill. The physical letter was scanned by AFU staff, and was 8/1/1954 #10086 , and was marked item #540801. The letter covers Pan-American airline pilot 8/1/1954 #10086 The Air Force Information Services Letter warns that service members are ta 1/7/1955 #11926 /globe criss-crosses entire sky. / letter to Bluebook. 8/7/1955 #12338 Ohio In response to a September 13 letter from Rep. Gordon H. Scherer (R-Oh 9/20/1955 #12463 Pearl Harbor Letter from US Navy Rear Admiral J. L. H 10/5/1955 #12490 archer Morris K. Jessup receives a letter from someone in New Kensington, P 1/13/1956 #12657 hia Experiment]. He writes another letter postmarked May 25 that suggests h 1/13/1956 #12657 Stringfield receives a letter from Lord Hugh Dowding that says 2/18/1956 #12728 Stringfield receives a letter from Gen. John A. Samford that en 3/16/1956 #12759 Virginia Keyhoe writes a lengthy letter to Sen. Harry F. Byrd (D-Va.), cr 4/3/1956 #12782 g. Keyhoe asks Byrd to forward his letter to the Air Force for a response, 4/3/1956 #12782 Nevada Letter to BSRA about a recent nuclear te 6/2/1957 #13694 ts him Gen. Joe W. Kelly’s April 8 letter to Lee Metcalf, indicating seriou Mid 7/1957 #13799 In a letter about UFOs to a constituent, Sena 8/31/1957 #13956 Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.) sends a letter to a constituent about UFOs, sayi 8/31/1957 #13960 the witnesses writes an anonymous letter and sends three pieces to O Globo Early 9/1957 #13971 A letter written to contactee George Adams 12/6/1957 #14678 y Barker and James W. Moseley. The letter informs Adamski that the State De 12/6/1957 #14678 liam Hanes Ayres (R-Ohio) writes a letter to constituent Melvin V. Knapp, s 1/28/1958 #14848 St. Petersburg, Florida In a letter to NICAP member George Stocking o 5/6/1958 #15020 as not present, sends a supportive letter to the observers, thanking them f 9/25/1958 #15281 is categories, and states that the letter is classified to “protect officia 10/30/1958 #15404 Tacker has sent the organization a letter asking it to stop writing to Air Spring 1959 #15660 Keyhoe writes an open letter to Ruppelt that lists his past st 6/12/1959 #15766 Holzman forwards Hynek’s letter up the chain of command. 3/8/1960 #16199 US "Air Force Information Policy Letter; For Commanders," Vol. XIV, No. 1 8/15/1960 #16383 Air Force Information Policy Letter for Commanders, vol. 14, no. 12, 8/15/1960 #16385 e Intelligence Collection Guidance Letter no. 4, originally classified Conf 4/25/1961 #16662 Roscoe Hillenkoetter signs a NICAP letter to Congress urging “immediate con 8/22/1961 #16800 Rep. Karth writes a harsh letter to Keyhoe and attacks him for try 8/28/1961 #16806 Donald Keyhoe, who shows them the letter from Betty Hill. 10/4/1961 #16896 US Privately circulated letter from Manhattan Project scientist 10/8/1961 #16900 lorado The AFCIN-1E-0 Draft Policy letter (Betz Memo) is prepared by Lt. Co 11/13/1961 #16962 Union Foy D. Kohler delivers to a letter from JFK to Khrushchev, saying, “ 10/22/1962 #17485 Khrushchev sends an indignant letter to Kennedy, accusing him of threa 10/24/1962 #17491 hev US Cuban Turkey Castro sends a letter to Khrushchev, urging him to laun 10/26/1962 #17499 gards. Instead, Khrushchev sends a letter to Kennedy, in which he offers to 10/26/1962 #17499 control. Khrushchev sends another letter to Kennedy, in which he demands t 10/27/1962 #17505 Raleigh, North Carolina, writes a letter questioning the Air Force’s treat 7/2/1963 #17824 ntanilla told the youngsters, in a letter, that this was "one of the most c 10/24/1963 #18007 f Major Hector Quintanilla wrote a letter to the youngsters that this was " 10/24/1963 #18008 of his sexual indiscretions and a letter telling him, “There is only one w 11/21/1964 #18631 Hynek writes a letter to the Air Force calling for a sy 7/1965 #19038 James E. McDonald writes a 2-page letter to Thomas F. Malone, chairman of 3/28/1966 #20117 t the idea, asking him to pass the letter on in confidence to Gerald Ford ( 3/28/1966 #20117 " finally disappearing in clouds. (Letter, NICAP report form, clipping.) (N 4/5/1966 #20238 m B. Weitzel writes him a detailed letter, outlining the inconsistencies an Late 4/1966 #20416 work supports Reese. A handwritten letter by Robertson Panel member Thornto 5/10/1966 #20474 rogram. In the September 10, 1966, letter, Page relates to Frederick C. Dur 5/10/1966 #20474 tates he and colleagues received a letter from an aerospace engineer asking 7/23/1966 #20673 . A. Hynek released to the press a letter rejected by Science magazine repo 8/27/1966 #20815 change of heart and published the letter on October 21, with the headline, 8/27/1966 #20815 Hynek releases to the press a letter rejected by Science magazine in w 8/27/1966 #20816 Hynek’s lengthy letter about UFOs and Project Blue Book 10/1966 #20944 Hynek’s letter on misconceptions about UFOs is b 10/21/1966 #21025 lted, leveled off, and sped away. (Letter dated 1/21/67 in NICAP files.) (N 1/7/1967 #21270 sappearing in 3 seconds. (Robinson letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close 1/18/1967 #21340 ve the plane at about 2,000 feet. (Letter to APRO dated April 2, 1967, post 1/20/1967 #21358 seemed to follow their car. (Hall letter, Scottsbluff, NE., in NICAP files 1/21/1967 #21363 York NICAP Subcommittee report and letter with a copy of Air Force report f 1/26/1967 #21393 way rapidly toward the southwest. (Letter dated 2/22/67, in NICAP files (NI 2/1967 #21428 und about 100 feet away from her. (Letter from witness, 2/5/67, Donald E. K 2/4/1967 #21448 little. (A. Collis, USNR retired, letter in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 08 - Pho 2/8/1967 #21478 lowly at first, then accelerated. (Letter dated 2/22/67 in NICAP files.) (N 2/13/1967 #21533 es) at the landing spot next day. (Letter dated 2/23/67 in NICAP files.) (N 2/14/1967 #21543 's students confirmed the report. (Letter dated 2/17/67 in NICAP files.) (N 2/15/1967 #21554 barked wildly (animal reaction). (Letter from witness, NICAP files.) (NICA 2/16/1967 #21564 pped, hovered, and bobbed around. (Letter in NICAP files.) (Ogdensburg Jour 2/16/1967 #21565 m emitted from its bottom center. (Letter from witness, 9/14/67, NICAP file 2/16/1967 #21569 ccelerated and flew away rapidly. (Letter dated 3/25/67 in NICAP files.) (N 2/21/1967 #21611 , which stopped for several days. (Letter dated 3/8/67 in NICAP) (NICAP: 03 2/21/1967 #21612 o viewed through a 45x telescope. (Letter in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Dis 2/27/1967 #21673 ortedly were photographed. (Miller letter, Kirksville, MO, NICAP files.) (N 3/1967 #21695 e direction changes (maneuvered). (Letter dated 3/3/67 in NICAP files.) (NI 3/3/1967 #21739 of bees (buzzing) could be heard. (Letter 3/8/67, in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 3/3/1967 #21741 of bees (buzzing) could be heard. (Letter 3/8/67, in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 3/3/1967 #21744 was visible for about 7 minutes. (Letter 3/11/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 3/8/1967 #21810 tated), and shot away. (Federspiel letter in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Clo 3/9/1967 #21835 ne or more humanoid beings. (Boyer letter dated 5/5/67 in NICAP files.) (NI 3/12/1967 #21867 e presence of the object. (Witness letter in NICAP files, NICAP report form 3/15/1967 #21890 , and seemed to follow their car. (Letter dated 3/29/67 in NICAP files.) (N 3/17/1967 #21910 ly passed overhead (body lights). (Letter from witness dated 1 /9/68 in NIC 3/17/1967 #21911 e horizon after 15 minutes. (White letter, 4/8/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 3/17/1967 #21913 the light. (NICAP report form and letter in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Dis 3/25/1967 #21982 emitting a strange humming sound. (Letter 4/9/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 0 4/5/1967 #22062 oles and as large as a car. (Ricks letter, NICAP files; The l/.F.O. Investi 4/11/1967 #22109 assed at about 200 feet altitude. (Letter to Herb Roth, 5/5/67, in NICAP fi 4/12/1967 #22118 overhead, then accelerated away. (Letter dated 4/16/67 in NICAP files.) (N 4/16/1967 #22138 coming from a bottom bulge. (Ricks letter in NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigat 4/17/1967 #22149 the ground. (NICAP report form and letter.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/26/1967 #22219 approached (aircraft avoidance). (Letter received 11 /28/67, NICAP files.) 4/27/1967 #22228 at speeds over 90 m.p.h. (Witness letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close 5/9/1967 #22301 tude of 1,500-2,000 feet. (Witness letter, 5/25/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 0 5/20/1967 #22378 ctricity (physiological effects). (Letter from Chuck Thaxton, NICAP files.) 5/25/1967 #22396 t the rear (body lights). (Witness letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Dista 5/25/1967 #22397 ent straight up and out of sight. (Letter dated 5/28/67, NICAP files.) (NIC 5/28/1967 #22412 ee oblong windows along the side. (Letter dated 6/5/67, NICAP files.) (NICA 5/28/1967 #22413 about 2,000 feet altitude. (Stroud letter, 7/21/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 0 6/1967 #22436 edge, and took off at high speed. (Letter dated 6/9/67, NICAP files.) (NICA 6/5/1967 #22466 times the speed of a jet. (Witness letter to Cook, 7/12/67, NICAP files.) ( 6/6/1967 #22471 ndows, which appeared to revolve. (Letter dated 6/20/67, NICAP files.) (NIC 6/9/1967 #22481 ass, and an oily substance. (Cuneo letter, 6/19/67, NICAP files; APRO Bulle 6/15/1967 #22509 s), all at the same height. (Heath letter 6/26/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 06 6/21/1967 #22526 ied object was reported. (Campbell letter, 8/31/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 0 Summer 1967 #22529 newspaper, where he dropped off a letter addressed to the editor stating t 6/21/1967 #22530 ed direction before disappearing. (Letter dated 6/23/67, NICAP files.). (NI 6/22/1967 #22533 ng and lecturing. Low forwards the letter to Philip Klass in December. 6/27/1967 #22565 among clouds with abrupt motions. (Letter from witness' father dated 7/6/67 6/29/1967 #22570 looked back the object was gone. (Letter to George Earley, 1/4/69.) (NICAP 7/7/1967 #22626 hen moved off until out of sight. (Letter from captain, NICAP files.) (NICA 7/8/1967 #22635 multiple lights/objects). (Epstein letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close 7/15/1967 #22665 within it. (NICAP report form and letter from Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommit 7/17/1967 #22676 , hovered, and moved away slowly. (Letter : received 12/26/67, NICAP files. 7/19/1967 #22699 owled (animal reactions). (Stinson letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close 7/25/1967 #22729 lectronic police car siren." (Amos letter, 9/26/68, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 0 8/1967 #22768 the bottom (body lights). (Lorczak letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close 8/4/1967 #22798 d no evidence of a hoax. (Christol letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Anima 8/4/1967 #22799 a radio navigation beam. (Hunkins letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close 8/5/1967 #22812 ey passed over the airport. (Ramos letter, 8/8/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 8/6/1967 #22827 re eventually moving off. (Witness letter, 8/23/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 0 8/19/1967 #22890 s heard during the sighting. (Hall letter, 8/28/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 0 8/24/1967 #22913 , at about 200-300 feet altitude. (Letter and visit to NICAP Office 11/8/68 9/11/1967 #23040 urned to its original appearance. (Letter from witness, 9/15/67, NICAP file 9/13/1967 #23047 n aircraft. (NICAP report form and letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Dista 9/14/1967 #23058 om the first. (Hall, 2001, p. 161; letter to Raymond E. Fowler, Massachuset 9/23/1967 #23119 n moved off until lost in clouds. (Letter from witness, NICAP files.) (NICA 9/28/1967 #23143 rites Condon a critical but polite letter listing his concerns about the pr 10/13/1967 #23233 treated, then fell to the ground. (Letter from witness, 10/23/67, NICAP fil 10/17/1967 #23245 from one of the groups. (McDonald letter, 12/1/68, Donald E. Keyhoe Archiv 10/22/1967 #23288 identified newspaper clippings and letter from local investigator, NICAP fi 10/24/1967 #23299 eated and the formation ascended. (Letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Dista 10/24/1967 #23300 No. 5, March 1968, p. 3; McDonald letter, 12/19/68, Donald E. Reyhoe Archi 10/27/1967 #23344 dogfight." (NICAP report forms and letter.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 10/30/1967 #23368 resumed its original flight path. (Letter from witness, NICAP files; U.F.O. 11/15/1967 #23460 s, tilted, circled, and sped off. (Letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Dista 11/18/1967 #23478 d deck at an estimated 1,000 mph. (Letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Dista 11/19/1967 #23482 sends Low a 7-page, single-spaced letter, citing Condon’s negative stateme 1/31/1968 #23714 Ziegel soon afterwards receives a letter from Edward Condon, the director 2/1968 #23720 other members of his group sign a letter requesting the Soviet government 2/1968 #23720 Boulder, Colorado McDonald’s letter arrives in Boulder, Colorado. Low 2/5/1968 #23737 n signs them. Condon also writes a letter to Hynek asking him to provide 10 2/8/1968 #23740 ght-Patterson Hynek writes another letter to Condon, saying that he has rec 2/23/1968 #23779 Hynek receives a letter from Col. Raymond S. Sleeper, com 9/4/1968 #24427 ynek later declares that Sleeper’s letter is “the first time in my 20 year 9/4/1968 #24427 rope USSR Philip J. Klass writes a letter to Robert A. Frosch, wanting to k 9/30/1968 #24526 headquarters. It is a single-page letter providing several possible explan 10/24/1968 #24587 f a minute or more in each place. (Letter to NICAP) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 10/26/1968 #24590 es his first Ummo communication, a letter postmarked from Paris, Franca. An 1969 #24804 US National Academy of Sciences letter by Dr. Frederick Seitz, president 1/8/1969 #24825 ng its enthusiastic approval. In a letter to Assistant Secretary of the Air 1/8/1969 #24826 BI’s help through an “intelligence letter” program, codenamed INLET. This p 6/1969 #25182 e waist down--resembled a luminous letter "A". The object then "blinked on, 7/4/1969 #25253 d, hovered over road ahead of car. Letter from B.C.M., dated Aug. 7, 1969, 8/5/1969 #25309 Joseph B. Hartranft Jr. an 11-page letter outlining the organization’s diff 10/27/1969 #25425 San Diego, CA Private letter sent to BSRF from an active duty 1970's #25515 A letter from the Dept. of National Defens 10/2/1972 #27044 National Research Council A letter from the Canadian Department of N 10/2/1972 #27045 r Clarencc M. Kelley explains in a letter to a resident of La Habra, Califo 10/25/1973 #28283 0 to 200 feet in size. (Reference: Letter to the Ontario Provincial Police) 3/8/1975 #29880 Washington DC Letter from Senator Barry Goldwater stat 3/28/1975 #29921 Center for UFO Studies case files, letter dated August 3, 1975; Larry Hatch 6/12/1975 #30098 ately 2000 feet heading due east. (Letter to CUFOS from Warren Ballard, Mar 2/19/1976 #30883 n. whose last name begins with the letter “T” assigned for security work in 1977 #31658 esearcher Larry W. Bryant writes a letter to President Jimmy Carter, sugges 2/6/1977 #31793 ceives the standard USAF brush-off letter, saying that UFOs are no longer b 2/6/1977 #31793 Washington DC Air Force Letter from Col. Charles H. Senn, Wash., 9/1/1977 #32454 drafts a memorandum of a proposed letter to be signed by Noel W. Hinners a 10/31/1977 #32643 and sent to Robert A. Frosch. The letter mentions a revival of interest in 10/31/1977 #32643 Center As a response to Sturrock’s letter, NASA astrophysicist Richard C. H 1/17/1978 #32887 anying the document is an unsigned letter dated January 29 and “revealing” 2/9/1978 #32963 cts rise / ground. "Shaped / Greek letter". 6/9/1978 #33263 Hinners himself responsible for a letter sent to Southeast Missouri State 9/19/1978 #33710 [UAP] evidence.” One year later, a letter to Hinners from a colleague write 9/19/1978 #33710 cury Astronaut Gordon Cooper, in a letter to the U.N., states that UFOs are 11/9/1978 #33929 d documents, 900 pages in all. The letter, signed by CIA Information and Pr 12/14/1978 #34124 y such aircraft.” Stratton sends a letter to USAF Maj. Gen. Charles C. Blan 12/20/1978 #34183 . Richard Doty writes an anonymous letter to APRO claiming that a Civil Air 7/1980 #35397 cility are also mentioned. But the letter is disinformational bait to see w 7/1980 #35397 to Moore that he had composed the letter as disinformation. 7/1980 #35397 . Doty delivers a forged anonymous letter to U.S. civilian UAP investigativ 7/1980 #35398 gative organization APRO. The fake letter claims a Civil Air Patrol cadet C 7/1980 #35398 a UAP landing near Pecos, NM. The letter claims Weitzel was soon visited b 7/1980 #35398 itzel shouldn’t have seen it. The letter also claims crashed UAP are store 7/1980 #35398 examined it. Doty later stated the letter was disinformation to see if APRO 7/1980 #35398 k UFO skeptic Philip Klass sends a letter to A. G. McNamara of the Herzberg 8/15/1980 #35458 alytic Network, writes a five-page letter to President Ronald Reagan, claim 9/28/1981 #36143 ces.” In response to VonKeviczky’s letter to Reagan, Maj. Gen. Robert L. Sc 9/28/1981 #36143 s possible.” VonKeviczky shows the letter to the Associated Press, which co 9/28/1981 #36143 contacts Schweitzer, who says the letter is a mistake and thought the thre 9/28/1981 #36143 Goldwater, Senator, Arizona, in a letter to Lee Graham, Aerojet Electric S 10/19/1981 #36178 out this, they ask her to secure a letter of intent from the US government 4/9/1983 #36830 gton Institute of Technology, in a letter to Dr. William I. Steinman states 11/29/1983 #37053 A letter from Robert I Sarbacher, physicis 11/29/1983 #37058 US Dept. of the Army letter to W. S. Steinman stating that th 5/16/1984 #37328 London, England In a letter from Ministry of Defense, Lord Tr 4/19/1985 #37580 Phoenix, Arizona Hynek writes a letter to International UFO Reporter Edi 11/22/1985 #37720 “John” never shows up but writes a letter to Randles saying that he has bee 10/28/1986 #38056 onal Security Agency responds to a letter from Sen. John Glenn (D-Ohio) sta 1/27/1987 #38105 US US Army Intelligence letter: The IPU (Interplanetary Phenomen 3/12/1987 #38136 h can’t seem to locate them). This letter was sent to Timothy Good. 3/12/1987 #38136 P (Justice for Military Personnel) letter sent to President Ronald Reagan. 9/4/1987 #38278 t to President Ronald Reagan. This letter, verified by: Astronaut Gordon Co 9/4/1987 #38278 documents.” Maj. Keyhoe sent this letter to PEA Research in 1987. 9/4/1987 #38278 Langley, VA CIA letter to former assistant director of N 12/21/1987 #38369 hn Lear. It appeared in a physical letter sent to the BSRF, which was found 12/29/1987 #38377 te, not Florida. At the top of the letter, Walker has written, “Must reply, 4/1988 #38525 above certain words in Steinman’s letter. Later in the month, T. Scott Cra 4/1988 #38525 New Mexico Letter received from ufologist Paul F. B 6/6/1988 #38581 in the July 1980 Craig R. Weitzel letter, that Doty had given data to Lind 6/1989 #38971 formation and Privacy affirms in a letter to researcher Larry W. Bryant tha 8/2/1989 #39041 nding prop of another craft is the letter or symbol “zhe,” reported as simi 9/27/1989 #39124 ding prop of another craft was the letter or symbol "Zhe," reported to have 9/27/1989 #39126 orm flying in UK airspace.” A 1992 letter from the British Defence Staff in 8/4/1990 #39679 d others were "STN", "BEL" and the letter "U". Superstitious locals attribu 2/9/1995 #42031 A letter between environmental lawyer and 11/1/1995 #42576 inton and her staff. Another draft letter shows Rockefeller asked President 11/1/1995 #42576 ts/11-1-95%20HD%20Letter%20to%20JG/Letter.jpg https://www.paradigmresearc 11/1/1995 #42576 harassed. She states the same form letter was used to explain the non-activ 8/30/1996 #43000 e event culminates in the Brasilia Letter, a document signed by nearly all 12/7/1997 #43453 nations and research entities. The letter conveys the position of ufologist 12/7/1997 #43453 e highest classification as of the letter was termed SACRED, a follow-on to 7/7/1999 #43798 tells Jacques Vallée he received a letter from the DIA expressed interest i 10/21/2007 #45078 research at Skinwalker Ranch. The letter says one of their personnel went 10/21/2007 #45078 p-black object in the shape of the letter M flying west to east 200 feet ab 8/21/2009 #45238 Spain USA In a letter to Spanish UFO researcher Ignacio 11/5/2010 #45305 ogram] has been involved with. The letter is released on January 16 in resp 1/9/2018 #45503 ary Thomas Modly writes in a brief letter that “the Department of the Navy 7/31/2019 #45602 tes airspace may pose.” An earlier letter from Walker on 16 July 2019 asked 9/6/2019 #45607 Letter from Senate Majority leader Harry 4/26/2021 #45684## Word: "letter-writing" (Back to Top)
ty in Australia from Low, starts a letter-writing campaign directed at the 12/16/1967 #23593## Word: "letterhead" (Back to Top)
"Airship Co., Oakland, California" letterhead. The note read, "Having delig 4/19/1897 #540 a small red French military label, letterhead from a London stockbroker, ma 5/18/1909 #758 , "fact sheets" were issued on the letterhead of the Department of Defense, 11/1957 #14179 the memo does not bear an official letterhead or watermark; it does not mat 7/22/1987 #38212## Word: "lettering" (Back to Top)
high, army green in color. It bore lettering beginning with the letters UN, 11/1957 #14181 eneath. He notes a red insignia or lettering on the side of the object. Zam 4/24/1964 #18200 ucer tilts. 2 square windows / odd lettering. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) 10/24/1967 #23296 ws separated by a bar, and strange lettering under them. Two aliens, and co 10/24/1967 #23302## Word: "letterman" (Back to Top)
John Keel is interviewed by David Letterman. Keel says that animal mutilat 7/28/1980 #35427## Word: "letters" (Back to Top)
Williams and asks him to mail some letters. The man tells him that the airs 4/16/1897 #511 told him that only the first three letters had been received. Robinson desc 10/27/1926 #1065 kland, New Zealand, begins writing letters over a two-year period to Edison Summer 1931 #1130 ponse. Between 1945 and 1949, many letters arrive attesting to the truth of 1/1945 #1748 ver’s claims (tens of thousands of letters, according to Palmer). The corre 1/1945 #1748 on top. Inside there are Cyrillic letters stamped or embossed in a ring ru 7/5/1947 #2721 A set of letters, composed not by Sneider but act 10/7/1948 #3830 e Air Force finds itself buried in letters, telegrams, and phone calls dema 12/24/1949 #4443 anda, as well as horoscopes, chain letters, and folklore. 4/14/1950 #4852 nce report about her on one of his letters. In the summer, two suspicious m 1/1952 #5853 lion envelopes and opening 215,000 letters. 1/1952 #5854 thin a week Stringfield gets 6,000 letters. 5/18/1954 #9811 he matter no further. He turns the letters over to the Navy’s Bureau of Aer 6/8/1954 #9877 Zürich, Switzerland, publishes two letters by psychologist Carl Jung, who s 7/9/1954 #10005 een receiving at least two strange letters (January 13 and May 25, 1956) fr 4/1956 #12777 ed but tells him about the Allende letters, which talk about the same thing 4/1956 #12777 ssup claims to have been receiving letters from someone known as “Carlos Mi 4/1956 #12778 sup states he received two strange letters from an alleged Carlos Miguel Al 4/1956 #12779 and Cmdr. Hoover ask for the Allen letters and these are included in a spec Summer 1956? #12914 ethods are anonymous or fictitious letters, false defamatory or threatening 8/1956 #13042 bore lettering beginning with the letters UN, followed by some numbers. A 11/1957 #14181 ew days later, Keyhoe receives two letters from the Senate Committee confir 3/8/1958 #14920 ridged version of Carl Jung’s 1954 letters on UFOs in the APRO Bulletin and 7/29/1958 #15158 nation of forged documents, tapes, letters, manuscripts, photos, rumors, an 1959 #15513 t his involvement with the Allende letters and the Philadelphia experiment 4/20/1959 #15709 generates numerous phone calls and letters to NBC, most of them critical of 12/5/1960 #16526 (Mannsmann’s and Jacobs’s personal letters of the event) 9/1964 #18525 star with some type of identifying letters. The boys ran back at the same t 6/3/1966 #20529 on it with a small x alongside and letters and numbers around the edge, acc 1/9/1967 #21278 ace Studies Keyhoe writes separate letters to Condon and Low, asking if the 11/14/1967 #23450 evine will be fired. Low types the letters himself and Condon signs them. C 2/8/1968 #23740 0 envelopes, and opens 8,000–9,000 letters. 4/14/1971 #26072 he wall. It was composed of script letters. She was brought out of the tran 8/4/1973 #27683 ue of the magazine in 1975 carries letters debating the pros and cons of th 12/1974 #29624 dale was walking home from mailing letters in Bay City, Michigan at 11:30 p 4/19/1975 #29997 and to no one else), or else wrote letters describing what they had seen to 4/17/1976 #30998 m northern European countries send letters to Anatoly Alexandrov, president 9/20/1977 #32499 . 35' saucer going down / US93. 2' letters "Tle" / side. Going north. Watch 5/21/1978 #33230 c Controllers? 2 night lights like letters O and V. Objets volantes? / r120 8/17/1978 #33519 the first time to hoaxing the Ummo letters as well as the UFO sightings at 4/1993 #40920 etc., or those of friends, to send letters from there.” However, other hoax 4/1993 #40920 leased by the Ministry of Defence (letters written to the agency by citizen 5/26/2008 #45143 ason why he began writing the fake letters. He acknowledges that he used co 11/5/2010 #45305 Sean O’Connelly, Iker J.) who sent letters from distant places and that he 11/5/2010 #45305 gh more than 700 records where the letters UFO were used. 1/1/2021 #45672## Word: "letting" (Back to Top)
ated prankster.” He apologizes for letting her down, and she never hears fr 10/28/1986 #38056 six days and threatened him before letting him go. In the following months 7/2003 #44560## Word: "lettre" (Back to Top)
uc begins publishing a newsletter, Lettre d’Information Ufologique, in Lac- 9/1989 #39083 nse for Legislative Affairs Marcel Lettre, and Defense Intelligence Agency 11/2009 #45252## Word: "letty" (Back to Top)
scribes the sighting to Gen. Denis Letty, who includes the case in the 1999 12/9/1979 #35062 by French Air Force General Denis Letty and begins by interviewing French 1996 #42656 rt, is presided over by Gen. Denis Letty of the Air Force. The report analy 7/16/1999 #43805## Word: "letzion" (Back to Top)
EAST / RISHON LETZION, ISR 9' giants / metallic suits 1/3/1995 #41944 At 8:30 p.m. east of Rishon Letzion, Israel two nine-foot-tall giant 1/3/1995 #41947## Word: "leuchars" (Back to Top)
n from Norman's Law, Scotland. RAF Leuchars said there were not any of thei 6/18/1997 #43329## Word: "leuhman" (Back to Top)
USAF Brig. Gen. Arno H. Leuhman, director of Air Force informati Early 4/1957 #13576## Word: "leukemia" (Back to Top)
s) / saucer. Zapped / beam. Dies / leukemia. / FSRv15#2. 8/13/1967 #22871 turns with a diagnosis of advanced leukemia with life expectancy of two mon 8/13/1967 #22873 er, and he was also diagnosed with leukemia by a physician, from which he d 8/13/1967 #22874## Word: "leurda" (Back to Top)
Leurda plateau Colun, Romania Cârța Rive 6/1926 #1058 Bunescu is with his horses on the Leurda plateau near Colun, Romania, when 6/1926 #1058## Word: "leutnant" (Back to Top)
rst test flight. The test pilot is Leutnant Erwin Ziller. Two further test 2/2/1945 #1771## Word: "lev" (Back to Top)
eporting UFOs. It quotes physicist Lev Artsimovich saying that “it is about 1/8/1961 #16565 iences’ Physics Department, led by Lev Artsimovich, passes a resolution den 12/1967 #23529 pines 2:00 a.m. Amateur astronomer Lev Boethin sees a red-brown oval object 5/1/1977 #32045 A Statistical Analysis, written by Lev M. Gindilis of the Sternberg State A 1/1978 #32835 f BPVTS for short. Members include Lev M. Gindilis of the Sternberg State A 11/1978 #33907 Soviet Union Ex Soviet test pilot Lev Vyatkin plane collided with an aircr Summer 1980 #35383## Word: "levallois" (Back to Top)
LEVALLOIS, FR Boy / 13. 2 ovoids circle 3/7/1994 #41446## Word: "levan" (Back to Top)
(founder), Frank Edwards, Leon C. LeVan, Albert H. Baller, Charles A. Mane 10/19/1956 #13286 near Phoenix, Arizona Nephi, Utah Levan, Utah Silver City, Utah Robinson [ 4/18/1962 #17120 , flying a C-119 two miles west of Levan, Utah, sees it as a slender object 4/18/1962 #17120## Word: "levchenko" (Back to Top)
uding some young boys named Lukin, Levchenko, and Borise watched a large sp 9/21/1989 #39115## Word: "levee" (Back to Top)
ing up and down [to] and hovers by levee. 15M altitude. Seen / 30 minute(s) 1/17/1972 #26547## Word: "level" (Back to Top)
he Sun determines the intelligence level of a world’s inhabitants; thus, th 3/1755 #73 -shaped object hovering at treetop level. It had two rows of evenly spaced 3/17/1903 #659 , and passes within 16 feet at eye level. Then it seems to flatten out and 11/1906 #692 wiftly overhead just above treetop level. It carries a searchlight that ill 5/13/1909 #741 /cigar-shape going [to] straight & level flight slow. Windows / side. Inten 8/3/1909 (approximate) #797 ccer ball west going east slow and level / 1M altitude toward(s) ruins. 5/1931 #1125 twice / low altitude. Straight and level trajectory / each pass. 9/1935 #1232 it gets close, it descends to the level of her bed and hovers briefly at t Late Summer 1939 #1314 range finder. Ovoid at 38K'. Swift level flight. / r65p18. 6/1940 #1338 along its body and is flying on a level course. Five minutes later, as the 11/28/1942 #1464 about 50 feet ahead of them at the level of their windshield. It is glossy 9/1944 #1662 ee times the speed of sound at sea level (approximately 3550 km/h). The Bri 9/7/1944 #1666 r a few moments, then it arcs into level flight, and circles the ship two o Summer 1945 #1883 with a lighted tail moving at eye level at about 200 –300 mph at an elevat 7/1945 #1887 e direction, but were at about our level. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 7/4/1945 #1891 tangular object maneuver at ground level about 70 feet away. It shoots off 8/10/1945 #1922 ops through the saucer until it is level with the roof. More clicks are hea Summer 1946 #2013 EN, SWD Silent 20cm ball / treetop level flies going quickly north. Glows b 7/13/1946 #2055 agency. “Restricted Data” is not a level of classification; rather, a docum 8/1/1946 #2097 it for about 90 seconds. It is in level flight at 4.5 miles distance and i 2/17/1947 #2241 ct passes moons face. Straight and level. / Life Magazine. 5/3/1947 #2277 going quickly [to] WSW straight & level flight. Faster / planes. 'Tilted d 6/24/1947 #2385 trading post. Saucer straight and level going quickly southeast across sky 6/25/1947 #2407 ickly east / seconds. Straight and level trajectory. Extremely fast. No man 6/26/1947 #2415 es going quickly southeast / cloud level. / r187#111. 6/29/1947 #2458 sk going quickly southwest / cloud level / 14 second(s). Fast. No further d 7/1/1947 #2505 outh / 4-5 minute(s). Straight and level flight. No further details. 7/1/1947 #2506 l going quickly south straight and level for 90 second(s). / r187#133. 7/1/1947 #2508 uickly southwest fast straight and level. 3 objects back 3 July. 7/2/1947 #2542 g quickly south fast. Straight and level and makes dips. 7/3/1947 #2564 ckly east quite fast. Straight and level course. No further details. 7/3/1947 #2571 / very high altitude. Straight and level trajectory. 7/4/1947 #2611 ng quickly west fast. Straight and level trajectory. 7/4/1947 #2632 heast. Fairly bright. Straight and level course. No further details. 7/4/1947 #2633 light-colored object straight and level going quickly west under dark clou 7/4/1947 #2637 t going quickly east. Straight and level trajectory. No further details. 7/4/1947 #2642 (s). 2 aluminum disks straight and level going quickly south fast. Another 7/5/1947 #2686 server. Dull aluminum disk / cloud level going east. 20cm / arms length. Sl 7/5/1947 #2698 east faster / plane. Straight and level trajectory. No further details. 7/5/1947 #2703 west. High and fast. Straight and level trajectory. 7/5/1947 #2709 early hits Pumphouse. Straight and level going quickly south. 7/6/1947 #2737 7K' altitude overhead straight and level. 7/6/1947 #2740 east / high altitude. Straight and level flight. (See encampment, WY.) 7/6/1947 #2755 g north under overcast. Straight & level flight. / r187#445. 7/6/1947 #2772 ing quickly northeast straight and level. Very fast. 7/6/1947 #2775 formation going west. Straight and level trajectory / 5 minute(s). No furth 7/6/1947 (approximate) #2777 ng quickly northwest. Straight and level flight "as if towed". No further d 7/6/1947 #2778 ickly northwest fast. Straight and level. "Plane speed or greater". 7/6/1947 #2779 yard / 3-4 second(s). Straight and level trajectory. 7/6/1947 #2786 -like object wobbles. Straight and level trajectory. 7/6/1947 #2792 cross" high and fast straight and level going quickly north. No further de 7/6/1947 #2793 r / rear flies over home / treetop level. 7/6/1947 #2801 unknown. Disk going down / ground level. Hits tree. Tree catches fire. No 7/7/1947 #2840 isks red / hot coals. Straight and level high and fast north going quickly 7/7/1947 #2845 ed. 10-12K' altitude. Straight and level going quickly south. 7/7/1947 #2870 ming round objects go straight and level going quickly west over coast. No 7/7/1947 #2876 in-plates in formation. 2X treetop level going quickly north. 7/7/1947 #2892 sh disks fly on edges straight and level going quickly southeast toward(s) 7/7/1947 #2898 ude / bright and dim. Straight and level fast. Streaks away going quickly n 7/7/1947 #2913 MA Salesman. 5 disks straight and level 300mph going quickly north. Thousa 7/8/1947 #2959 ickly southeast fast. Straight and level trajectory. Brief. 7/8/1947 #2961 t going quickly south straight and level / 30 second(s). No further details 7/8/1947 #2991 ing quickly southwest straight and level. 3km altitude. Slight tilt. 7/8/1947 #2993 k very high and fast. Straight and level going quickly southwest. No furthe 7/8/1947 #2995 northwest very fast. Straight and level. 7/8/1947 #3001 light oscillate, go down to ground level, and rise again. Simultaneously it 7/8/1947 #3008 n in the sky, going down to ground level then rising again. It was observed 7/8/1947 #3028 field / 4K' altitude. Straight and level. 7/9/1947 #3044 ing quickly northwest straight and level. 7/10/1947 #3080 ast. 1 mile altitude? Straight and level going quickly northwest. / r131#4p 7/10/1947 #3083 nto wind. 500M altitude straight & level flight. / r171p99. 7/10/1947 #3086 lat shiny bluish disk straight and level going quickly north / tremendous s 7/10/1947 #3089 turtle back' going [to] straight & level flight. Glistens / sunlight. / Log 7/10/1947 #3090 / light going northeast straight & level flight. Constant speed and altitud 7/10/1947 #3095 "dinner-plate" flies straight and level. 2nd object in 2 days. 7/11/1947 #3124 going quickly southeast straight & level flight / 120M altitude directly ov 7/19/1947 #3199 500' over mountains. Straight and level. 7/24/1947 #3226 ight. One object flew straight and level; the other weaved from side-to-sid 7/29/1947 #3252 uth. One object flies straight and level; the other weaves from side-to-sid 7/29/1947 #3255 ight. One object flew straight and level; the other weaved from side-to-sid 7/29/1947 #3256 et from the object, which is about level with him and silhouetted against t 8/13/1947 #3320 who said he was at about the same level as the UFO, so that he had a side 8/13/1947 #3322 mation at 300–400 mph. The objects level off at approximately 5,000 feet an 8/15/1947? #3337 flying point first below the cloud level at between 2,000 and 4,000 feet. 2/20/1948 #3583 flying point first below the cloud level at between 2,000 and 4,000 feet. 2/20/1948 #3584 r than the balloon. It has a flat, level bottom and a dome on top. It remai 4/1948 #3600 tion. They make a high-speed dive, level, make a perfect turn in formation, 7/1/1948 #3694 t any shine. It flew straight and level from horizon to horizon in about 1 7/31/1948 #3759 upper right. It flies straight and level from horizon to horizon, west to e 7/31/1948 #3760 ut any shine. It flew straight and level from horizon to horizon in about 1 7/31/1948 #3761 ing quickly southwest straight and level. Then going down. Project Bluebook 12/8/1948 #3915 t going west / 2.2sec straight and level. Then going down. "No meteor". / r 12/12/1948 #3924 when he saw a shiny disk at ground level. He walked toward it for 10 min. T 2/1949 #3992 ite and one yellowish-red light in level flight (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 3/8/1949 #4040 . It silently approaches them in a level flight at 60–70 mph. It disappears 4/27/1949 #4118 , flying in a zig-zag fashion in a level path 6 feet above the ground. It v 4/27/1949 #4118 , which suddenly started moving in level flight then exploded in a shower o 6/6/1949 #4227 eter. Suddenly it starts moving in level flight, then bursts into small par 6/6/1949 #4228 lar in shape and appeared to be in level flight between and above the two r 6/22/1949 #4249 saucer,’ when last sighted, was in level flight and was flying in a northwe 6/22/1949 #4249 zzling brilliance. They maintain a level flight with two of the objects cha 9/26/1949 #4372 objects flying in the distance at level flight before abruptly turning str 9/26/1949 #4372 e. 50mph by hospital. Straight and level flight. 11/18/1949 #4419 r shiny cylinder/cigar-shape. Slow level flight. Veers off and gently rises 12/28/1949 #4451 l-shaped object flying in straight level flight. (Project 1947; FUFOR Index 1/6/1950 #4474 shaped object flying on a straight level flight path. They estimated the ob 1/6/1950 #4475 a dark center, flying straight and level. 2/21/1950 #4543 odolite. White ovoid. Straight and level flight / 90 second(s). No further 2/24/1950 #4549 odolite while it flew straight and level. 2/24/1950 #4553 odolite while it flew straight and level. 2/24/1950 #4555 vertically, then flew straight and level very fast for 4 minutes. 3/3/1950 #4575 , PA Farm boy. 2 ovoids dive fast. Level off / 600M altitude. Buzz and whir 3/31/1950 #4775 er. Dull white saucer straight and level going quickly northwest / 18 secon 4/5/1950 #4794 a silvery-white object at treetop level. It hovered for 10 min, then oscil 5/7/1950 #4931 a silvery white object at treetop level. They were about nine miles south 5/7/1950 #4933 ns face-to-face, flew straight and level, fast for 4-5 seconds. 6/27/1950 #5016 ished aluminum. Flew straight and level, then one triangle rotated 1/4 tur 7/13/1950 #5063 hed aluminum. It flew straight and level, then one triangle rotated one-qua 7/13/1950 #5066 ght object flew fast, straight and level for 15-20 seconds. 8/20/1950 #5131 at the UFO flew fast, straight and level for 15-20 seconds. 8/20/1950 #5133 ting down ahead of them at treetop level. It is about 6 feet in diameter an 9/26/1950 #5199 he object descend to the balloon’s level and grow larger in apparent size u 1/22/1951 #5413 et in front of us. It was not in a level position; it was tilted about 25 d 2/8/1951 #5434 ark red torpedo flies straight and level. No further details. 2/21/1951 #5453 h darker center, flew straight and level. 2/21/1951 #5455 ive. After recovering straight and level flight, the UFO proceeds to the so 3/15/1951 #5489 de. Absolute(ly) silent straight & level flight going southeast going [to] 6/9/1951 #5538 egular formation, fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 9/6/1951 #5651 gular formation, flew straight and level into a coastal fog bank after 3-4 9/6/1951 #5652 t 7:20 p.m. They flew straight and level into a coastal fog bank after appr 9/6/1951 #5654 id with clipped tail. Straight and level flight going [to] distance. 10/2/1951 #5695 h a clipped tail flew straight and level, fading into the distance after 1 10/2/1951 #5698 imated 8' span. Flew straight and level for 5 seconds. 11/24/1951 #5788 of fire with blue tail flying on a level trajectory (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 11/26/1951 #5793 ay and 1,000 feet below his flight level about five miles southeast of Hast 12/12/1951 #5817 flame / 2 second(s). Straight and level flight / 1 minute(s). 2/11/1952 #5895 seconds of a 1 minute straight and level flight. 2/11/1952 #5897 45' saucers. 1 flies straight and level at 6K' altitude. 2nd goes left and 3/10/1952 #5951 ). Dull orange saucer straight and level. Very fast / 30 second(s). Unident 3/20/1952 #5962 ucer-shaped light fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 3/20/1952 #5963 cer-shaped light flew straight and level very fast for 30 seconds. 3/20/1952 #5964 rage when disseminated from ground level under certain meteorological condi 3/26/1952 #5980 as “Restricted,” a relatively low level. 3/31/1952 #5999 then 2 more. All fly straight and level at high speed. 4/5/1952 #6026 llowed by 2 more, fly straight and level at high speed. (Berliner) (NICAP: 4/5/1952 #6029 wed by two more, flew straight and level at high speed. 4/5/1952 #6031 jects. All three flew straight and level at high speed. 4/5/1952 #6033 om the north. It flew straight and level at first at an estimated speed of 4/5/1952 #6035 orange sphere/orb/globe / treetop level. Straight and level flight. Slow a 4/12/1952 #6060 lobe / treetop level. Straight and level flight. Slow and silent. Rotates. 4/12/1952 #6060 cal slots, flew fast, straight and level, 100 yards from observers' aircraf 4/14/1952 #6078 2 fat bullet objects straight and level fast for 25 second(s). No further 4/19/1952 #6129 iscs speed over town. Straight and level. / news. 4/21/1952 #6147 pt wing, no fuselage. Straight and level maneuvers (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 4/24/1952 #6173 o flat, red squares flew wobbly in level flight, climbed, levelled out duri 4/24/1952 #6176 ot. 1 white saucer in straight and level path with side-to-side oscillation 4/29/1952 #6209 s silver object going straight and level for 90 second(s). Shape unknown. N 5/1/1952 #6230 ct without wings flew straight and level for 1.5 minutes. 5/1/1952 #6239 ead-shaped object fly straight and level (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 5/9/1952 #6281 ad-shaped object flew straight and level for 10 seconds. 5/9/1952 #6282 appeared to rise sharply from the level of the sea and disappeared into th 5/10/1952 #6285 nous circular object rise from sea level (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 5/10/1952 #6293 shaped objects flying straight and level, one after the other, moving south 5/10/1952 #6296 w altitude. They flew straight and level for a short period of time, but th 5/10/1952 #6299 ions on its rim, flew straight and level for 30 minutes, appearing red when 5/25/1952 #6360 green fireballs-orbs straight and level. 1 descends. 5/28/1952 #6370 limmering objects fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 6/1/1952 #6412 immering objects flew straight and level for 10 minutes. 6/1/1952 #6415 ing objects that flew straight and level for 10 minutes. 6/1/1952 #6421 M 4 shiny objects fly straight and level in a diamond formation (NICAP: 01 6/8/1952 #6467 ur shiny objects flew straight and level in a diamond formation. 6/8/1952 #6468 shiny objects flying straight and level in a diamond formation. They made 6/8/1952 #6471 und white object flew straight and level for 10 second(s). No further detai 6/19/1952 #6544 und, white object fly straight and level (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 1 6/19/1952 #6548 nd, white object flew straight and level for 10 seconds. 6/19/1952 #6550 0 second(s) and more. Straight and level flight. 6/23/1952 #6590 very large light fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 6/23/1952 #6596 nt-orange exhaust fly straight and level. (Berliner) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 6/23/1952 #6598 very large light flew straight and level for 10 minutes. No further inform 6/23/1952 #6602 t-orange exhaust flew straight and level for 30-60 seconds. 6/23/1952 #6604 nt-orange exhaust fly straight and level over Oak Ridge, Tennessee. 6/23/1952 #6608 ry large light flying straight and level for 10 minutes at McChord AFB [now 6/23/1952 #6611 nt-orange exhaust fly straight and level for 30-60 seconds. 6/23/1952 #6613 large light that flew straight and level for 10 minutes. Four miles west of 6/23/1952 #6616 dark disk going south straight and level across town. Slight tilt. 6/26/1952 #6631 officer. Silent ovoid straight and level 750mph going quickly northeast. Ed 6/28/1952 #6650 a pulsing border flew straight and level at 700-800 m.p.h.. 6/28/1952 #6658 n must be withheld at a top-secret level. “The enthusiasm of this group too 6/30/1952 #6674 ut 20 ft diameter fly straight and level, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Cod 7/1/1952 #6687 GAL, (FWA) Odd meteor straight and level for 5 second(s). Then rises. Accou 7/3/1952 #6695 erver. 2 pastel disks straight and level very fast / 6 second(s). No furthe 7/3/1952 #6699 astel green discs fly straight and level very fast (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 7/3/1952 #6701 at 20' diameter, flew straight and level at tremendous speed. 7/3/1952 #6702 stel green discs flew straight and level very fast for 6 seconds. 7/3/1952 #6703 astel-green discs fly straight and level very fast for 6 seconds over Chica 7/3/1952 #6705 haped object sped by, straight and level, in 5 seconds. 7/9/1952 #6739 ts. Then ovoid passes straight and level / low altitude. No further details 7/11/1952 #6760 ated 800kph and more. Straight and level. / r172p55. 7/12/1952 #6765 en smoke. Lights sky. Straight and level flight. 7/15/1952 #6823 over Air Force Base. Straight and level and same altitude. Separate observ 7/17/1952 #6860 in the sky. They flew straight and level, and seemed to be going faster tha 7/17/1952 #6875 er going quickly east straight and level. Photographs test genuine see / r4 7/18/1952 #6883 beach. 7 round flat objects / sea level. 1 going up [to] and 5 follow / sp 7/19/1952 #6916 ound flat objects were seen at sea level from Bald Top, California. One obj 7/19/1952 #6939 Base. Fuselage shape straight and level. Makes 90-turn / 300mph! 7/21/1952 #6963 age-shaped object fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 7/21/1952 #6973 h two climbing and two flying away level in the opposite direction. Stong 7/21/1952 #6977 ge-shaped object flew straight and level, made a right-angle turn and went 7/21/1952 #6979 a vertical fin, flew straight and level, and then hovered during a 3 minut 7/21/1952 #6980 h two climbing and two flying away level in the opposite direction. His wif 7/21/1952 #6983 blue-glowing saucers. Straight and level going quickly northwest. Abruptly 7/22/1952 #7008 aluminum objects fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 7/22/1952 #7012 aluminum objects flew straight and level, then darted around erratically du 7/22/1952 #7019 formation approx 1-1½ mi apart on level course- no vapor trails, no sound. 7/24/1952 #7109 ight / 22K' altitude. Straight and level flight. Very fast. 7/26/1952 #7155 0m altitude. Going up. Splits / 2. Level off. Going west. / r98#203. 7/27/1952 #7183 2+1+1+1 white saucers straight and level. Very fast. 30 second(s) / each pa 7/27/1952 #7187 going quickly ESE. 1 straight and level trajectory. Other in wide arc. Pla 7/27/1952 #7190 und white objects fly straight and level, very fast (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 7/27/1952 #7205 d, white objects flew straight and level, very fast. Two at 10:05, one at 7/27/1952 #7211 ngth, flew very fast, straight and level. 7/28/1952 #7259 . Bright white saucer straight and level north going quickly south. 7/30/1952 #7341 with blue flame flew straight and level for 4 second(s). No further detail 8/2/1952 #7415 h blue flame tail fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 8/2/1952 #7420 blue flame tail flew straight and level for 3-4 seconds. 8/2/1952 #7423 ail of blue flame fly straight and level over Lake Charles, Louisiana. (Spa 8/2/1952 #7424 blue flaming tail fly straight and level for 3-4 seconds over Lake Charles, 8/2/1952 #7425 to plate shape, flew straight and level for 5 minutes. 8/4/1952 #7449 of a plate, then flew straight and level for five minutes. 8/4/1952 #7451 rge saucers. #1 going straight and level. #2 orbits #1. More sightings / ni 8/6/1952 #7478 degree turn, one flew straight and level, one veered off, and one circled d 8/7/1952 #7506 by the first object, straight and level flight by the second object, a sli 8/7/1952 #7508 ike fat bullets, flew straight and level, very fast for 25 seconds. 8/19/1952 #7647 like fat bullets flying straight, level, and fast over Red Bluff, Californ 8/19/1952 #7649 fat bullets that flew straight and level, very fast for 25 seconds. 8/19/1952 #7652 g [to] east-northeast straight and level. Large coin / arms length. 8/22/1952 #7677 lsing amber light fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 8/23/1952 #7691 light was seen to fly straight and level for 7 minutes. 8/23/1952 #7692 lsing amber light fly straight and level for seven minutes outside of Akron 8/23/1952 #7694 ue white light travel straight and level, then fly up (NICAP: 01 - Distant 9/14/1952 #7927 white light travelled straight and level, then went up. Seen for 30 second 9/14/1952 #7933 e light that traveled straight and level, then went up. It was seen for 30 9/14/1952 #7946 ted on the lake, flew straight and level at 100 m.p.h. for 10 minutes. 9/23/1952 #8013 on the lake. It flew straight and level at 100 mph for ten minutes. 9/23/1952 #8015 pe. Large saucer changes color(s). Level then going down / fast. 9/27/1952 #8040 onds, was seen to fly straight and level for 15 minutes. 9/27/1952 #8043 ry 2 seconds. It flew straight and level for 15 minutes. 9/27/1952 #8045 ng axis vertical, fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 10/7/1952 #8100 g axis vertical, flew straight and level for 4-5 seconds, covering 30 in th 10/7/1952 #8101 nishes and reappears. Hovers / low level. 10/9/1952 #8106 ts, move more or less straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 10/17/1952 #8143 s, moved more or less straight and level for 5 seconds. 10/17/1952 #8146 , moving more or less straight and level through the sky for 5 seconds at 1 10/17/1952 #8151 against a cloud, flew straight and level and smooth at 400 m.p.h. for 20 s 10/29/1952 #8214 against a cloud. It flew straight, level and smooth at an estimated speed o 10/29/1952 #8217 long and 20' high, flew at treetop level, crossed over Allen's car (at whic 10/31/1952 #8220 -shaped object. It flew at treetop level and crossed over Allen's car. As L 10/31/1952 #8222 T33. Odd meteor going straight and level. Then zigzags / 20 minute(s). 50K' 11/28/1952 #8352 0 feet and rapidly climbing to his level. It shows no navigation lights. He 12/4/1952 #8377 higher altitude, flew straight and level for 2 minutes, then climbed at phe 12/8/1952 #8396 in odd spurts right and left, then level off at high speed. The object glow 12/22/1952 #8443 35,000 feet, at which point he is level with the unknown object. He attemp 12/29/1952 #8461 e centimeter, well below the power level of microwave ovens and well below 1/1953 #8486 ith a short exhaust trail in rapid level flight (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 1/1/1953 #8491 y southwest / 800kph. Straight and level then shoots up. No further details 1/14/1953 #8538 ght, flew 400 m.p.h. straight and level, stopped, then went straight up wi 1/17/1953 #8547 ling at about 400 mph straight and level in a northwesterly direction at ab 1/17/1953 #8549 white, flat disc flew straight and level, overhead, for 6 minutes. 1/28/1953 #8597 the northwest flying straight and level, overtake a jet aircraft, pass ove 1/28/1953 #8600 t 7 m long and 4 m wide at treetop level. It was light gray in color and li 1/29/1953 #8612 ng and four meters wide at treetop level. It was light gray in color and li 1/29/1953 #8618 r disk going / 500kts straight and level. Sudden steep silent climb going q 3/12/1953 #8746 northwest / 5 minutes straight and level. Absolute(ly) silent. Glows. 4/7/1953 #8808 emain classified at the Restricted level. 8/26/1953 #9112 op saucer going north straight and level at high altitude. Absolute(ly) pla 10/1953 (approximate) #9194 , travelled very fast straight and level, then made a turn. Ten second sigh 10/16/1953 #9234 00 kts. (450 m.p.h.), straight and level, for 5 minutes. 12/24/1953 #9393 ormation at 450+ mph, straight and level, over El Cajon, California. 12/24/1953 #9394 ights hover and maneuver / treetop level / 6 days. Back 27 Jan. Jets chase. 1/4/1954 #9440 with two lights, fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 3/2/1954 #9592 with two lights, flew straight and level at medium speed for an unknown len 3/2/1954 #9593 C-97s, the other flew straight and level. Sighting duration unknown. 3/5/1954 #9597 / diagonal formation fly / treetop level. / Blue Book report. 4/13/1954 #9687 r ovoid going quickly straight and level 15 minute(s) then straight up quic 4/24/1954 #9716 a flashing light flew straight and level and then straight up. Total of 15 4/24/1954 #9718 D 3 radiomen. Classic saucer flies level. Then turns straight up! No furthe 4/29/1954 #9733 report a flash of light at ground level. Lincoln LaPaz investigates, along 5/1/1954 #9744 . Wavy trajectory not straight and level. 5/4/1954 #9746 h going quickly south straight and level. 5/10/1954 #9767 ts on 3 occasions fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 5/11/1954 #9774 hree occasions to fly straight and level, make 90 degree turns and fade. E 5/11/1954 #9775 AUS 6 observer(s). Saucer / ground level. Figures move / portholes / bottom 5/30/1954 #9842 e positions but always at the same level. The large object slowly and conti 6/29/1954 #9962 nge disk zigzags then straight and level going quickly south. Light glow an 7/10/1954 #10006 ve times while flying straight and level for 5 minutes. 8/6/1954 #10104 rical object whizzes. Straight and level fast and slow. Drops / sand. 8/24/1954 #10173 whizzing sound, flew straight and level fast, then slow, then fell into sa 8/24/1954 #10175 whizzing sound. It flew straight, level and fast; then slowed down and fel 8/24/1954 #10176 if on a string, flew straight and level for 1.5 minutes. 9/4/1954 #10246 s if on a string, fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 9/5/1954 #10254 llowing exhaust, flew straight and level, then veered southwest to south af 9/5/1954 #10256 ing quickly northeast straight and level. Also 24 Sep. '54 luminous cylinde 9/17/1954 #10329 ished-aluminum saucer straight and level. 9/18/1954 #10338 olished aluminum, fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 9/18/1954 #10344 lished aluminum, flew straight and level for 11-13 minutes. 9/18/1954 #10347 olished aluminum, fly straight and level for 11-13 minutes. 9/18/1954 #10350 gar-shape crosses sky straight and level. = origin / Bavic theory. / r3p71. 9/24/1954 #10429 ction workers saw a disk at ground level, with a humanoid standing close by 9/30/1954 #10511 ienne, France saw a disc at ground level, with a humanoid standing next to 9/30/1954 #10522 it sparks, and come down to ground level. As witnesses rushed to the spot, 10/3/1954 #10659 off sparks, and descend to ground level. As people run to the spot, it tak 10/3/1954 #10665 it sparks, and come down to ground level. As witnesses rushed to the spot i 10/3/1954 #10670 r with violet (UV?) halo at ground level. Rises / 45° angle. 10/4/1954 #10689 y domed sphere/orb/globe / treetop level. Near Landeforet Reservoir. 10/9/1954 #10830 an object that had come to ground level 70 m from the road. He was returni 10/9/1954 #10845 c a fiery sphere flying at treetop level. Diameter: 4 m. Protuberance on to 10/9/1954 #10846 bject that had descended to ground level 70 meters from the road he was on. 10/9/1954 #10863 w a fiery sphere flying at treetop level for ten seconds. It had a protuber 10/9/1954 #10864 s seen flying very fast at treetop level while cattle panicked. Three witne 10/11/1954 #10932 s seen flying very fast at treetop level while cattle panicked. There were 10/11/1954 #10948 e. Flat silver saucer straight and level 30 second(s). 10/13/1954 #10989 at, silver object fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 10/13/1954 #10996 t, silver object flew straight and level for 30 seconds. 10/13/1954 #10999 at, silver object fly straight and level. 10/13/1954 #11001 inside. After remaining at ground level for 10 min it flew north, while a 10/14/1954 #11047 inside. After remaining at ground level for 10 minutes it left by flying t 10/14/1954 #11069 ne of which made a pass at treetop level. It top-shaped, and a small, gesti 10/16/1954 #11140 ne of which made a pass at treetop level. It was top-shaped, and a small, g 10/16/1954 #11152 omeshaped object descend to ground level 20 m away. The underside showed re 10/17/1954 #11174 me-shaped object descend to ground level 20 meters away. The underside disp 10/17/1954 #11182 ck. Disk-sphere/orb/globe / ground level in woods. 'Arc-welder' glare. / LD 10/19/1954 #11237 saw a half-empty balloon at ground level near the Isonzo River. Near it, a 10/19/1954 #11239 was a half empty balloon at ground level near the Isonzo River in Gorizia, 10/19/1954 #11250 b-shaped object was seen at ground level in some woods in Laqueuille, Puy-d 10/19/1954 #11255 oval object, 6 m long, at treetop level, and felt intense heat from it. It 10/20/1954 #11271 meters long and hovered at treetop level. He felt intense heat coming from 10/20/1954 #11280 ject about 20 feet long at treetop level. At the same time he feels an inte 10/22/1954 #11319 w a flying craft descend to ground level about 50 m away, with a sound like 10/23/1954 #11338 w a flying craft descend to ground level at 3:00 a.m. It hovered about 50 m 10/23/1954 #11344 going quickly east. High fast and level. No further details. / O. Fontes. 10/26/1954 #11411 vertical V-formation straight and level 3 minute(s). 11/15/1954 #11656 vertical V-formation, straight and level for 3 minutes. 11/15/1954 #11659 e top-saucer crosses road / ground level. Rotates. Glows red. 11/20/1954 #11678 ountain-top altitude. Drops / roof level near railroad. Going quickly west. 12/30/1954 #11880 FR 1 / D115. 4 portholes / ground level. No saucer visible. 2 large men st 2/4/1955 #11972 t going quickly south straight and level. / r150+/ J. Aldrich. 3/16/1955 #12050 mile altitude. Going straight and level single file. Too late / scramble. 7/7/1955 #12239 saucer / edge slowly turns. Tilts level. Seen widely. 10/2/1955 #12481 r or white object fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 10/8/1955 #12494 or white object flew straight and level at more than 1,000 m.p.h. for an 10/8/1955 #12495 der/cigar-shape flies straight and level. No further details. / Jan Aldrich 2/15/1956 #12715 was seen flying on a straight and level course over Riverside, California 2/15/1956 #12718 oing quickly north. 600m altitude. Level course. Seen 3 second(s). 3/3/1956 #12744 body glows / pulses. Straight and level going quickly [to] horizon. 6/27/1956 #12924 uarter / arms length. Straight and level flight south going quickly north. 7/11/1956 #12962 sating light fly fast straight and level (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 4 8/8/1956 #13060 ting light flew fast, straight and level, for 5-7 minutes. 8/8/1956 #13062 lights / sides passes straight and level. Separate observer(s). 9/18/1956 (approximate) #13226 k-saucer seen rising / near ground level. 11/26/1956 #13354 ter with a small UFO flying at low level at noon CST. 11/30/1956 #13373 rs with rims glare white / treetop level. Hover then going north. 2/18/1957 #13510 away toward the northeast. The low level whirlwind produced by the object c 4/22/1957 #13613 / front and 1 / rear. Straight and level flight. 7/25/1957 #13832 aboratory. Both determine that the level of purity is not as high as was de Early 9/1957 #13971 f portholes, maneuvering at ground level in an area with many empty oil wel 9/26/1957 #14035 beam from a round object at ground level. The light was green and yellow. W 10/1957 #14049 ountryside and came down to ground level as the truck stalled. It was oval 10/10/1957 #14092 ountryside and flew down to ground level as their truck stalled. It was ova 10/10/1957 #14097 opaque helmets with a slit at the level of the eyes. Their language was sh 10/16/1957 #14127 opaque helmets with a slit at the level of the eyes. Their language was sh 10/16/1957 #14131 ngs, which hovered, came to ground level, and took off with a great increas 10/31/1957 #14173 ngs, which hovered, came to ground level, and took off with a great increas 10/31/1957 #14177 car and about 3 m high, at ground level. A figure was seen near this objec 11/2/1957 #14212 and about 10 feet high, at ground level. A figure is near the object holdi 11/2/1957 #14214 es as long as a car, and at ground level. It was about three meters in heig 11/2/1957 #14220 above ground, descending to ground level after 3 min, and landing several k 11/3/1957 #14242 d, and it then descended to ground level after three minutes, landing sever 11/3/1957 #14254 from about 5,000 feet above ground level in a shallow dive to about 1,500–2 11/4/1957 #14286 timulated the populace into a high level of excitement….and resulted in an 11/5/1957 #14291 elongated object coming to ground level, w/o touching down (NICAP: 01 - Di 11/5/1957 #14328 ongated object that came to ground level, did not touch the ground, but ros 11/5/1957 #14341 ongated object that came to ground level, did not touch the ground, but ros 11/5/1957 #14353 car. 8M metallic saucer / treetop level 80M away near airport. 11/17/1957 #14570 nearly spherical object at ground level, performing zig-zags on the road. 11/25/1957 #14613 e glow and red trail. Straight and level 25km away. 12/10/1957 #14700 object appeared and came to ground level with a swinging motion. was shaped 2/24/1958 #14888 uminous object going down / ground level. Halo. Turns going east. / r156#17 4/12/1958 #14978 luminous object descend to ground level. It had a halo; it turned and flew 4/12/1958 #14979 ct 30 m in diameter came to ground level. 4/15/1958 #14987 rs in diameter came down to ground level. 4/15/1958 #14989 l saw the objects coming to ground level about 1 km away. At times they app 4/17/1958 #14994 nd all saw the UFOs come to ground level about one kilometer away. At times 4/17/1958 #14995 whistles going north straight and level. RADAR. 8/4/1958 #15178 oing up and down. Hovers / treetop level. Shoots off. 8/12/1958 #15195 -white flashes were seen at ground level in Docelles, France. The next day 9/2/1958 #15251 back and forth just above tree top level while changing color. 10/3/1958 #15312 h an assembly tail flew at treetop level over Union Dale, Pennsylvania maki 10/27/1958 #15393 y sudden jumps, stopping at ground level less than 200 m away for five min. 10/31/1958 #15409 down by sudden jumps at the ground level, less than 200 meters away, for fi 10/31/1958 #15410 saw a large disk flying at ground level, which then swooped over their hea 11/1958 #15414 may have already achieved a higher level of social and technological cultur 1/28/1959 #15569 k-shaped object spinning at ground level. After five minutes it began chasi 4/15/1959 #15704 c-shaped object spinning at ground level. After five minutes it began chasi 4/15/1959 #15705 The object did not come to ground level, but its position above the ocean 6/26/1959 #15789 on above the ocean was almost on a level with the observers standing on the 6/26/1959 #15789 ith sharp edges, flew straight and level for 20-30 seconds. 6/30/1959 #15803 the UFO traveled in a straight and level flight path.A Project Blue Book "u 6/30/1959 #15804 light going northwest straight and level fast. / APRO Nov'59+/ r198p24. 7/8/1959 #15824 of the clouds and hover at rooftop level. Around its rim were two counter-r 7/13/1959 #15843 Laurel, New Jersey witnessed a low level, glowing ovoid UFO fly south over 7/15/1959 #15856 observer(s). Huge saucer / treetop level on edge. Beam lights beach like da 7/25/1959 #15875 aped object was observed at ground level by a mail carrier. It suddenly wen 9/7/1959 #15959 work on something below the window level. After two minutes the craft float 9/29/1959 #16000 cylinder/cylindrical object hovers level / 100M altitude. Lights / rear. Qu 10/1/1959 #16005 d to red-orange, flew straight and level for 15 minutes. 10/4/1959 #16016 a bright, orange object at ground level. It was bowl-shaped, as wide as th 12/22/1959 #16127 ted that UFO investigators on base level "should be equipped with binocular 12/24/1959 #16132 otice a pinpoint of light at their level 12 miles away over Waco and decide Early 1960 #16146 ucer going quickly south / treetop level. Going [to] into cloudbank pointed 1/6/1960 #16150 th 4 square windows / side. Ground level. / r8#504p278. 5/4/1960 #16249 ke openings was observed at ground level by an architect. 5/4/1960 #16252 ced windows was observed at ground level by an architect in Sarasota, Flori 5/4/1960 #16253 few meters altitude. Straight and level flight. No further details. 7/1960 #16320 at great speed. Arriving at ground level, it came toward her, appearing as 8/1960 #16361 eet tall, holding a light at chest level. The figure is square-shouldered a Late 8/1960 #16417 land Islands, Antarctica, in slow, level flight. It leaves a long orange tr 3/16/1961 #16631 ar in the document: classification level of Moon Dust Alerts and reports, f 4/25/1961 #16662 irmen. Luminous disk circles / sea level. Going up [to] and circles and pac 5/28/1961 (approximate) #16701 en by airmen circling below at sea level northeast of Florianopolis, Brazil 5/28/1961 #16702 s inside. It descended to tree top level, and then went behind the trees. S 7/8/1961 #16755 A Bright red star fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 11/23/1961 #16974 bright red star flew straight and level for 15 minutes. 11/23/1961 #16975 bright red "star" fly straight and level for 15 seconds. 11/23/1961 #16976 ject w/bright tip fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 12/13/1961 #16990 ith a bright tip flew straight and level for 1-3 minutes. 12/13/1961 #16991 x 10cm gold box going straight and level across horizon / 3-4 minute(s). Ki 3/1/1962 #17068 Gold-colored box fly straight and level across the horizon (NICAP: 01 - Di 3/1/1962 #17069 ox, 12-14"x3-4", flew straight and level across the horizon for 3-4 minutes 3/1/1962 #17070 nches x 3-4 feet, fly straight and level across the horizon. 3/1/1962 #17072 sh Park) only 20 feet above ground level and passes over their backyard bef 4/24/1962 #17127 d a close encounter with three low level UFOs that pursued them for at leas 5/9/1962 #17155 e Cuba The US raises the readiness level of SAC forces to DEFCON 2. For the 10/25/1962 #17495 civilization) with “technological level close to the level presently attai 1963 #17620 “technological level close to the level presently attained on earth”; Type 1963 #17620 overs and circles slowly / treetop level. Quickly going up [to] and gone. / 5/23/1963 #17762 f at very great speed, at first in level flight across my front, then climb 6/16/1963 #17788 es at both ends was seen at ground level for over one hour by an entire fam 8/13/1963 #17897 , saw a luminous sphere at treetop level. Through an opening they observed 8/28/1963 #17920 panic. One was hovering at ground level above some railroad tracks, while 10/21/1963 #17996 ir house. One UFO hovers at ground level above some railroad tracks, while 10/21/1963 #17997 gentina. One UFO hovered at ground level above some railroad tracks, while 10/21/1963 #17998 ir port side, 15–30 feet above sea level and suddenly disappears 3 miles as 11/20/1963 #18052 a large object that came to ground level, hovered, and flew off very fast a 4/3/1964 #18156 ject that came to very near ground level, hovered, tilted, and flew off ver 4/3/1964 #18159 flying away to the southwest at a level height, just clearing an 8-foot dy 4/24/1964 #18200 reddish, round object hover at low level, then take off very rapidly toward 4/28/1964 #18215 ngth/width ratio) fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 5/26/1964 #18302 as long as wide) flew straight and level for 3-4 seconds. 5/26/1964 #18304 ssachusetts. It flies straight and level from nearly overhead to the east-n 5/26/1964 #18306 it was high flew on a straight and level flight path over Cambridge, Massac 5/26/1964 #18309 ooting downward, flew straight and level, made a half loop, then rose up. 7/20/1964 #18430 h the object. It flew straight and level, made a half loop, then rose up in 7/20/1964 #18431 n appeared and descended to ground level with a strong whistling sound simi 7/28/1964 #18456 n appeared and descended to ground level with a strong whistling sound simi 7/28/1964 #18457 Whine! 20' domed saucer below tree level 90M away / observers. / r24v2#12+/ 8/25/1964 #18508 a dome, which went down to ground level. A similar object had been observe 8/25/1964 #18509 saw a dome-shaped object at ground level, about 500 m away. Several creatur 9/5/1964 #18538 ct going [to] over house / treetop level. Flashes red and green. / fate 1 / 9/15/1964 #18553 ghts fly over his house at treetop level. He called the police, who also re 9/15/1964 #18555 ds / low clouds going [to] treetop level. Quickly going up. 10/29/1964? #18594 served a lighted object at hilltop level, about 700 m away. At the site, a 11/1964 #18602 ct cross the road, hover at ground level in a field for less than one min, 12/21/1964 #18667 east, vanishing from sight. A high level of radioactivity is detected at th 12/21/1964 #18670 possible 11x–12x drop in radiation level in 13 days possibly indicates a ra 12/21/1964 #18670 Silver Springs, MD White Light In Level Flight (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 1/10/1965 #18703 ed object, red-orange glow, at low level. Sound like vacuum cleaner heard, 1/23/1965 #18758 the Rappahannock Valley at treetop level. 1/25/1965 #18767 ed-orange lights zigzagging at low level. Object touched down briefly, took 1/27/1965 #18773 ed-orange lights zigzagging at low level. Object touched down briefly, took 1/27/1965 #18775 oy / 9. Object going down / ground level. Periscope extends / 2 minute(s) a 4/26/1965 #18919 own silently and hovered at ground level 60 m away. A sort of periscope eme 4/26/1965 #18920 own silently and hovered at ground level, 60 meters away. A sort of perisco 4/26/1965 #18921 higher than the normal background level. 7/19/1965 #19135 ho fled, saw two objects at ground level, about 3 m in diameter, 1.5 m high 7/26/1965 #19179 the scene, saw two UFOs at ground level. They were about three meters in d 7/26/1965 #19183 wn. Circles car several X / ground level. Going quickly west. / r41p279. 7/27/1965 #19188 al object, which hovered at ground level, its color changing from orange to 8/3/1965 #19287 he object, which hovered at ground level. Its color changed from orange to 8/3/1965 #19292 nge object flies over car / ground level. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC 8/4/1965 #19301 ge, orange object flying at ground level (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: 8/4/1965 #19305 PM - light fly fast, straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 8/4/1965 #19306 ge, orange object flying at ground level. 8/4/1965 #19312 One light flew fast, straight and level for 12 seconds. No further data i 8/4/1965 #19315 light that flew fast, straight and level for 12 seconds. He thought at firs 8/4/1965 #19324 ge, orange object flying at ground level passed him. 8/4/1965 #19324 cers glued together come to ground level several times on the farm of Willi 8/5/1965 #19328 n anonymous music teacher, a "high level public employee", was driving on t 8/9/1965 #19350 hird descent the object appears to level off and accelerate at a speed of 6 8/12/1965 #19373 air. The noise also increases to a level approximating a sonic boom as it g 8/19/1965 #19427 ighted nine UFOs flying at treetop level over a field. The objects flew in 8/28/1965 #19470 wing red, elliptical object at low level, verified by police, row of bright 9/3/1965 #19509 ses saw two objects come to ground level, leaving crater-like depressions. 9/7/1965 #19530 ses saw two objects come to ground level, leaving behind crater-like depres 9/7/1965 #19532 RINGHILL, NS Domed saucer / ground level. Mechanical arm / fingers extends 11/29/1965 #19738 oper Creek area and come to ground level. They observed portholes and a lon 11/29/1965 #19739 oper Creek area and come to ground level in Springhill, Nova Scotia, Canada 11/29/1965 #19740 lite, moving its setting west by 5 level gradations. 1/18/1966 #19852 bject descend and hover, the sound level increasing. The UFO had a very bri 2/14/1966 #19903 roughly 10–20 times the background level. 3/21/1966 #20021 glowing sphere/orb/globe / treetop level. Hovers and flies. No further deta 3/25/1966 #20076 k' and 500mph. Going down / ground level / 45 minute(s)! / LDLN#337. 4/4/1966 #20219 g up and down) hovered near ground level off the road, an approaching motor 4/4/1966 #20220 nearby field, very white at ground level and rainbowlike up to an altitude 4/5/1966 #20239 the fog, then came back at treetop level with a strong whistling sound. Its 4/11/1966 #20284 ystems that were looking for a Low level B-52 at the time got a lockon to a 4/15/1966 #20298 light beams as it descended to low level above Lake Quannapowitt. (Fowler 1 4/17/1966 #20314 moving directly toward them at eye level. Humming, the object moves between 4/23/1966 #20390 ng-disk with row / lights. Treetop level. Going quickly southwest. / r41p32 4/24/1966 #20394 disk, 7 m in diameter, at treetop level 60 m away. It had a row of lights. 4/24/1966 #20402 ing white disc that was at treetop level 60 meters away. It was seven meter 4/24/1966 #20405 ht at the other, flew straight and level for 35 seconds. 5/7/1966 #20458 t the other, and flew straight and level for 35 seconds. A Project Blue Boo 5/7/1966 #20460 relatively close range, at treetop level across a wide highway. "It was the 5/24/1966 #20509 oward his car and hover at treetop level, stopped and observed it for two m 6/11/1966 #20552 oward his car and hover at treetop level. He stopped his car and observed i 6/11/1966 #20554 this one is performed straight and level, not in an outside loop to assist 7/30/1966 #20696 ed a "six-story" object at treetop level 60 m away. It gave off rainbow col 8/20/1966 #20777 "six-story" tall object at treetop level sixty meters away. It gave off rai 8/20/1966 #20780 FI). RADAR blips. Objects / ground level. 8/24/1966 #20798 es described as hovering at ground level. 8/24/1966 #20801 e UFO gradually descends to ground level 10–15 miles south of the base. The 8/24/1966 #20802 es described as hovering at ground level. 8/24/1966 #20803 ches deep and [possibly] radiation level of 100 microroentgens/hour. Electr 9/13/1966 #20879 opped abruptly, remained at ground level for 20 min, and flew away straight 9/21/1966 #20908 opped abruptly, remained at ground level for 20 minutes, then flew away str 9/21/1966 #20911 saucer with row / lights / ground level. Going up [to] fast. Wave / heat f 10/5/1966 #20958 ome and a row of lights, at ground level. It rose at high speed, emitting a 10/5/1966 #20962 ome and a row of lights, at ground level. It rose at high speed, emitting a 10/5/1966 #20965 ite object was observed at treetop level from Highway 44 in Rushville, Indi 10/8/1966 #20976 under the rim was observed at low level, its glow illuminating the ground. 10/14/1966 #20998 riend, 32, saw an object at ground level in front of her car on a rainy nig 11/2/1966 #21068 d, age 32, saw an object at ground level in front of her car in El Campo, T 11/2/1966 #21072 of the women who was on the lower level handed him a small object "like a 11/5/1966 #21078 saucer going [to] over straight & level flight. 300kph / 150M altitude. Li 12/5/1966 #21184 an orange flash to his left at the level of his hood and tiny beads of ligh Early 1/1967 #21244 by on the driver’s side at window level. The car coasts to a stop, then th Early 1/1967 #21244 dropped back again to near ground level. Becoming brilliantly yellow-white 1/11/1967 #21288 momentarily hovers, then moves in level flight to the left, with a smooth 1/30/1967 #21418 momentarily stopped, then moved in level flight to the left, making a smoot 1/30/1967 #21422 glowing object fly over at treetop level at 2:30 a.m. It made a loud roarin 2/10/1967 #21507 way. It was later seen at tree-top level, where it hovered, banked, and too 2/12/1967 #21518 bove phone lines. Later at treetop level, stopped, banked, and took off 2/12/1967 #21523 orange stars around it at treetop level. The object stopped, hovered, and 2/16/1967 #21565 MASS Cymbal-shape saucer / treetop level over elderly rest-home. Lights / e 2/17/1967 #21579 d its perimeter hovered at treetop level over a rest home for the elderly b 2/17/1967 #21587 meters ahead of the car at treetop level. It then stopped and hovered, and 2/19/1967 #21599 a.m. a flying disc was seen at low level over a farm in Milton, Ohio by Mrs 2/22/1967 #21624 center stripe. The object hovered level, tilted, then accelerated and flew 3/1/1967 #21707 our lights that hovered at treetop level, then joined by more lights (rende 3/2/1967 #21725 sky. The first hovered at treetop level, then was joined by the second lig 3/2/1967 #21733 ject hovered and maneuvered at low level, as smaller objects emerged from i 3/4/1967 #21751 shaped UFO followed a car at a low level for several minutes. A dog in the 3/4/1967 #21754 e, hovered and maneuvered at a low level. A smaller object emerged from the 3/4/1967 #21754 ttom rim which pulsated red. Flew level, east to west, and was joined by s 3/6/1967 #21776 e past midnight. The UFO flew on a level flight path from east to west over 3/6/1967 #21778 , CO Green domed disk straight and level. Gentle curve down and back. Gone 3/8/1967 #21799 that approached slowly at treetop level, then shot upwards, leveled off an 3/8/1967 #21804 as it passed overhead in straight level flight at moderate speed. (NICAP r 3/8/1967 #21807 with dome was observed moving on a level course, then curving downward. (Ai 3/8/1967 #21809 car / SR2. Saucer hovers / rooftop level. Lights / underside. 3/9/1967 #21825 . It was round, hovered at rooftop level, left suddenly at high speed. Its 3/9/1967 #21837 . It was round, hovered at rooftop level, and left suddenly at high speed. 3/9/1967 #21843 aircraft, but they came to ground level, flew straight toward the car, and 3/20/1967 #21922 aircraft, but they came to ground level and flew straight toward the car, 3/20/1967 #21927 Intensely luminous object / ground level. Seen / cars and trains and others 3/25/1967 #21977 same phenomenon. It came to ground level with a blinding light, then took o 3/25/1967 #21984 menon. The UFO came down to ground level giving off a blinding light, then 3/25/1967 #21987 saw a very bright object at ground level, illuminating the countryside with 3/26/1967 #21995 saw a very bright object at ground level near three radio towers situated 3 3/26/1967 #21999 ight; it then moved off at treetop level and sped away. A high-pitched whin 4/1/1967 #22044 w a lighted object hovering at the level of the horizon for a long time, th 4/6/1967 #22082 light at each end, come to ground level. Several other objects also were s 4/7/1967 #22088 top suddenly and descend to ground level. As the witnesses rushed toward th 4/16/1967 #22139 t one showed the object at treetop level, the second showed it in flight, a 5/6/1967 #22283 photo shows the object at treetop level, partially hidden by a tree, with 5/6/1967 #22284 that approached, slowed, descended level with a road, tilted and went over 5/12/1967 #22324 It slowed its speed and descended level with the road. It then tilted and 5/12/1967 #22327 wly along a highway below tree-top level. (Don Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - C 5/21/1967 #22385 he object moved slowly at tree-top level from lake to shore, hovered, then 6/11/1967 #22492 eet away from the witnesses at eye level. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - 6/11/1967 #22492 t disappears from sight at treetop level at great speed. The photos are exa 7/3/1967 #22600 re (see above reports) at tree-top level. The object slowly ascended, then 7/15/1967 #22665 t neared. It then flew at tree-top level and hovered at low altitude close 8/1/1967 #22773 ight bulb lowered itself to ground level. This, too, had an opening, from w 8/3/1967 #22786 in over a cemetery, came to ground level, and sped away to the north. 8/5/1967 #22814 the cemetery, came down to ground level, and then sped away to the north. 8/5/1967 #22818 he object moved slowly at tree-top level, retraced its path, hovered, and s 8/29/1967 #22952 ght to be a UFO was seen at ground level in some woods in Winsted, Connecti 9/21/1967 #23107 saucers going south. 1 dives / sea level. Rejoins others. All going east. 9/28/1967 #23138 rom the top that moved steadily in level flight across the sky, hovered, an 9/30/1967 #23149 about 450–600 feet away at treetop level near Homer, Louisiana. It rises an 10/1967 #23156 et altitude swooped down to ground level and damaged vegetation, then "suck 10/17/1967 #23248 l of white light flying at treetop level. They stopped to get a fix on it, 10/22/1967 #23284 shaped light that moved at treetop level with witnesses it in pursuit. (Uni 10/24/1967 #23299 rom it pacing the train at treetop level near Wentworth Station, Nova Scoti 10/25/1967 #23322 deep-red, glowing object at ground level, with a dark figure, slightly larg 11/16/1967 #23469 deep-red, glowing object at ground level. A dark figure, seven to ten feet 11/16/1967 #23471 0 fishing. Saucer going down / sea level. Maneuvers / 9 minute(s). Shoots u 11/17/1967 #23473 a large cigar-shaped object at low level in rural Cromwell, Connecticut at 2/5/1968 #23738 light slowly descending at treetop level. The object is shaped like a Pilgr 5/27/1968 #23987 at / Miami. 2 ovoids just over sea level. Stubby 'wings'. 6/21/1968 #24060 ss disk going down / steps. Shoots level over farm. 7/1968 #24103 ed by several witnesses at treetop level over a mountain, Monte Gallicant, 8/2/1968 #24291 hovering and pulsating at treetop level in Cambridge, Massachusetts at jus 8/15/1968 #24334 lobe hovers and pulsates / treetop level. 8/16/1968 #24337 the smaller objects return to the level of the parent object and disappear 9/29/1968 #24521 ped UFO dropping sparks at treetop level and see-sawing in a rocking motion 10/8/1968 #24552 idge, the second hovered at ground level, and the third moved above the sec 11/29/1968 #24732 nded to where it was almost at eye level with the witness, who was standing 12/10/1968 #24757 lored windows going east / treetop level. 1/10/1969 #24831 feet / 4 minute(s). Stops / ground level. Surrounded / mist. 2/9/1969 #24906 sc maneuvered silently at tree top level. It was tilted at an angle as it f 7/24/1969 #25296 Night light descends to surface(s) level. Disappears. Reappears. Flies off. 8/23/1969 #25327 d saucer going southeast / treetop level. Blue-glow on and off. Moderate sp 11/29/1969 #25476 ew toward the southeast at treetop level. It had a blue glow that turned on 11/29/1969 #25477 r going quickly north straight and level. Silent. No maneuvers. Very fast. 12/4/1969 #25484 eld a small black box at his chest level with a pulsating yellow light from 1/7/1970 #25541 observer. Blinding saucer / ground level. Absolute(ly) silent. No odor or h 1/24/1970 #25551 ped object that was seen at ground level at 7:45 p.m. in Rhode-St. Genese, 1/24/1970 #25552 "Mushroom cap" maneuvers / treetop level. Burnt plants. / r50p29. 7/24/1970 #25746 m-shaped UFO maneuvered at treetop level three kilometers outside the town 7/24/1970 #25748 ight light at high speeds / ground level. 2 hit ground. Object singes girl' 8/1970 #25760 h the results showing an increased level of gamma radiation in the test sam 8/29/1970 #25808 up the road bank. Their heads were level with his windshield so they "must 3/5/1971 #26044 , NH 2 0BS. Tall balloon' / ground level by railroad/railway-tracks. Portho 5/31/1971 #26147 NEAR IWUY, FR 20M saucer / ground level. Lights / edge. Slow rotation. Abs 9/13/1971 #26333 eiger counter they measured a high level of radioactivity in certain areas. 9/20/1971 #26354 ore seconds then rises to a higher level. Soon it drops down toward the gro Late 9/1971 #26378 swooped very low, almost at ground level, and he then saw a figure dressed 12/13/1971 #26496 aircraft and 10–20 feet below its level, flying faster than the plane. The 12/20/1971 #26509 o her left and sailed down to road level, no more than 12 yards in front of 3/7/1972 #26590 iery red ball hovering at tree-top level” by his hired hand Boer de Klerk. 6/26/1972 #26735 . The witness felt an unbelievable level of fear and had the feeling that t 8/9/1972 #26890 Australia. The UFO seen at ground level and made no noise. Another close e 8/28/1972 #26965 a bright flash of light at ground level. The next morning, they find an ev 9/14/1972 #26999 er(s). Noise. Bright dome / ground level. Rises. Beams going down. Going qu 9/18/1972 #27007 ng soundlessly at tree at tree-top level for minutes at a time before disap 2/1973 #27256 lects sunlight over farm / treetop level. 2/22/1973 #27308 turned yellowish-green at treetop level. The first saw it 300 meters away 3/24/1973 #27373 n yellowish green light at treetop level, which was first seen 300 meters a 3/25/1973 #27376 MO 1 observer. Egg-shape / treetop level. TV Radio Frequency Interference ( 4/6/1973 #27405 aw an egg-shaped object at treetop level after her TV set went off and on ( 4/6/1973 #27406 i saw egg-shaped object at treetop level after her TV set went off and on. 4/6/1973 #27410 simple wooden furniture. The upper level, less spacious, had a metal floor. 5/15/1973 #27492 ith multicolored lights at treetop level while driving (NICAP: 02 - Close E 6/28/1973 #27592 ith multicolored lights at treetop level while driving on Route 51 in Sando 6/28/1973 #27600 k buzzes 7 farm workers 4X at head level in 20 minute(s)! 8/18/1973 (approximate) #27710 lights" zooming about at tree-top level, were reported in Southwestern Ohi 10/10/1973 #27980 rn Ohio, zooming about at tree-top level. Most sightings occurred between D 10/10/1973 #27984 tationary in the sky about treetop level for several minutes until he tried 10/10/1973 #27984 suits with red lights at the waist level. They wore square helmets with lum 10/19/1973 #28197 te light whiz overhead at tree top level. 10/26/1973 #28297 and passes out of sight at treetop level in the Manzano Mountains. 11/6/1973 #28376 y Castillo was taken to the second level, which he found rather cramped. Cy 11/18/1973 #28443 NEAR CHALON-SUR-SAONE, STRAIGHT & LEVEL FLIGHT, FR 4 cops find several sma 2/1974 #28719 e ocean. It heads toward them on a level flight path until it gets to 500 f 3/29/1974 #28968 ameter hovered and spun at treetop level over some trees in Tarragona, Spai 3/31/1974 #28978 e a powerful light ahead at ground level. It consists of a string of 7–8 sp 5/20/1974 #29119 rish silent ferris wheel / treetop level. / r201p108. 6/4/1974 #29161 nce. The UFO jumped up from ground level, turned 120 degrees and flew off 8/2/1974 #29303 M white fireball goes straight and level south going north / 50M altitude. 8/17/1974 #29365 st going quickly west straight and level. No star / satellite according to 8/28/1974 #29393 a red pulsating object at treetop level. When two beams of light emerged f 9/3/1974 #29418 urnal light maneuvered at tree top level outside of Sioux City, Iowa. A bur 9/4/1974 #29423 in diameter, was sighted at a low level at 9:30 p.m. It emitted yellow bea 9/8/1974 #29435 s from southeast to northwest on a level, straight course, but in the last 10/11/1974 #29520 The object moved slowly at treetop level, and appeared to be searching the 10/11/1974 #29524 ter Nagle watch an object hovering level with high-tension wires east of Ma 11/11/1974 #29592 fast. 90° turn and away at ground level. 2/10/1975 #29793 ade a ninety-degree turn at ground level, and then shot away fast. 2/10/1975 #29801 ng. They are often seen at treetop level and with a bright and maneuverable 4/3/1975 #29952 INGS, NC V-shaped object / treetop level. Ringed / lights. Going quickly no 4/4/1975 #29966 is car and was just above tree top level. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, Oct 6/24/1975 #30119 down to the coffee bar from street level an unusual man appeared. He was ab 7/12/1975 #30175 ated in the air slightly above the level of the stairs. Then he moved to th 7/12/1975 #30175 ighway. It then hovered at treetop level, and shot straight up very quickly 9/2/1975 #30336 , Ohio. It then hovered at treetop level, and shot straight up very quickly 9/2/1975 #30337 se lights rose silently to treetop level, they realized that they were comi 10/27/1975 #30489 inder/cylindrical object / treetop level. Square windows. Car malfunctions 11/4/1975 #30549 s, OH Cylinder hovering at treetop level, windows, body lights visible. Sky 11/4/1975 #30551 an sees 6 UFO's. 1 drops nearly to level of his truck. 11/5/1975 #30554 isual sighting of at least one low level noctural light was made by the Sab 11/8/1975 #30582 10' cylinder/cigar-shape / treetop level. Silent. Car vibrates. Object veer 11/10/1975 #30589 o the right of the car at tree-top level. As it hovers, they can see a disc 1/6/1976 #30770 ttom. Passes steeple. Straight and level going quickly southwest. 1/28/1976 #30827 an object moving slowly at treetop level “a few thousand feet away.” Her hu 3/5/1976 #30928 LEVEL GREEN TO/FROM ARDARA, PA 3 observe 3/28/1976 #30963 . Cloud with sharp edges at ground level. Night lights. Traces. 4/23/1976 #31014 mbed steeply into the sky from sea level south of Robben Island in Three An 5/4/1976 #31035 cm white globe going east / ground level rising a bit. Suddenly shoots away 5/27/1976 #31073 isc shaped UFO was seen at treetop level in Rome, Italy. It had a transpare 6/21/1976 #31123 observer(s). Night light / treetop level rushes overhead. Stops. Trails spa 9/16/1976 #31386 es a large orange light at treetop level that rushes overhead, then stops a 9/16/1976 #31388 days after the sighting of the low level lights, a 21.6 meter (71 foot) cir 9/25/1976 #31429 s it to be contaminated with a low level of radioactive tritium. 10/12/1976 #31461 tigations are carried out at a top level. He says that in the 1950s, the Ja 1977 #31657 ng larger. When it reaches treetop level, it banks in a curve into the tree 1/10/1977 #31716 t is about 2 miles away at treetop level; now he can see red lights on the Mid 1/1977 #31723 fall. The light again flies at low level into the trees and continues on un 1/21/1977 #31743 south side of the road at tree-top level. It is triangular with turquoise l 3/19/1977 #31917 drift in from the east at treetop level. With the point of the teardrop po 3/29/1977 #31933 Distinct round object straight and level going quickly south. Flashes blue. 5/15/1977 #32094 lobe west going quickly east. Slow level flight. 1-2km away. 9/16/1977 #32487 him about 500 feet away at treetop level. He increases his speed to 120 mph 9/27/1977 #32528 stant trees in the northwest. They level off and move toward her. They are 10/9/1977 #32564 tting her in the left arm at wrist level. Benedito ran to a neighbor's hous 10/29/1977 #32633 ITL Dome going [to] slow / ground level 80M away. Odd lights / top. 12/10/1977 #32754 e-shaped UFO flew slowly at ground level 80 meters away. It had odd looking 12/10/1977 #32757 e spotted two bright lights at eye level at some unknown distance ahead. (N 1/15/1978 #32884 traveling east to west at treetop level. 2/10/1978 #32965 and to contain 4 times the normal level of zinc, potassium, and phosphorus 3/24/1978 #33077 d's face / window inches over soil level. 4/19/1978 #33152 her, just inches above the ground level. it was oval shaped with vertical 4/19/1978 #33154 somehow intruded upon on a mental level. After a full minute the man spoke 4/25/1978 #33171 is radar locks on to it at treetop level. It seems to be as large as a jetl 5/14/1978 #33210 diameter. The object is at treetop level and has small steady white lights 7/11/1978 #33366 ed Cecil Tenney after seeing a low level UAP “in distress” at Great Falls A 8/1978 #33460 red sphere/orb/globe back / ground level. Changes several color(s). 8/4/1978 #33470 ars, moving back and forth at tree level. It remains visible 20–30 minutes, 8/5/1978 #33475 p-shaped light hovering at treetop level above some trailers. It appears la 8/11/1978 #33506 FO that was just over the tree top level and some mobile homes. The object 8/11/1978 #33510 oticed an object moving at rooftop level. It was bright silver in color and 8/31/1978 #33611 boots, has two containers at waist level, and white gloves. Its face is dar 9/18/1978 #33708 there is no known traffic at that level. Valentich can see a large, unknow 10/21/1978 #33856 traveling at high speed at treetop level flying toward the east, from the a 12/14/1978 #34126 and triangles leap and play / sea level for 2 hours. 1/3/1979 #34282 eriod of repeated sightings of low level lights and a diamond-shaped object 1/5/1979 #34306 to have a dead battery and low oil level. The cut-off switch on the alterna 2/5/1979 #34405 titude. Going up and down / ground level. 5 photographs. Same / 10 Mar. '79 3/16/1979 #34478 silently across the sky at treetop level. After 5 minutes, it stops and hov 7/27/1979 #34683 d sealed in diving outfits. At the level of their eyes is a glass plate thr 8/1979 #34692 e whole block of houses at treetop level. She reports four different kinds 8/29/1979 #34801 ure pass over her house at treetop level. Through the craft's luminous yell 8/29/1979 #34807 e suits had two small slits at eye level. They were talking among themselve 9/2/1979 #34820 head, UK Following a series of low level sightings in Gateshead by the main 9/3/1979 #34827 Following a series of low level sightings in Gateshead, England by 9/3/1979 #34831 Going [to] down driveway / ground level! 12/19/1979 #35082 moving down the driveway at ground level by three witnesses. That same nigh 12/19/1979 #35086 heast in solar storm. Straight and level. Unidentified / observer(s). 12/31/1979 #35105 d 6–8 feet high. Flying at treetop level, it streaks silently downward from 2/25/1980 #35182 ted beams going north straight and level over D913. 50M altitude. 3/24/1980 #35236 acks in James, Georgia, at treetop level. It comes to a stop and hovers abo 3/24/1980 #35238 een later south of town at treetop level. There were three witnesses. 4/10/1980 #35267 is. They stop and hover at treetop level. The top one gradually fades out f 6/21/1980 #35385 white "bottle" going down / ground level. Turns red. Quickly going up [to] 7/1980 #35396 ights up. The object is at treetop level and passes to the right of a secur 10/26/1980 #35591 that hovered silently at tree top level. It was seen again 15 minutes late 10/28/1980 #35594 bject hovered silently at tree top level. It was seen again 15 minutes late 10/29/1980 #35595 he UFO they saw hovered at treetop level, and was described as being round 12/27/1980 #35748 0 microR/hr, around the background level. Furthermore, they detect a simila 12/28/1980 #35749 tted an object hovering at treetop level about 50 feet away. The object was 2/14/1981 #35828 drop down from the sky to tree-top level around 9 p.m. It was silent with r 5/13/1981 #35935 pump is not running and the water level is down three feet. (IUR-3,6) (NIC 7/11/1981 #35996 pump is not running and the water level is down three feet, meaning some 3 7/11/1981 #35998 crew that corroborated the ground level sighting. 7/12/1981 #36004 ll of light moving around at a low level. Clifford Muchena is in charge of 8/15/1981 #36075 bserver(s). 3 red moons / treetops level. 1 going quickly east. 2 vanish ov 9/16/1981 #36117 ject came in over the lake at tree level, banked left over the water, and d 9/16/1981 #36119 erver(s). 1M red disk straight and level east going west. 350M altitude 250 10/8/1981 #36163 a weak blue glow, flew at treetop level west of Naveksvarn, Sweden towards 11/21/1981 #36226 a weak blue glow, flew at treetop level west of Naveksvarn, Sweden towards 11/21/1981 #36227 ed pulsating domed disc at treetop level while driving just north of Darco, 11/24/1981 #36232 ed pulsating domed disc at treetop level while driving 10 miles south-south 11/24/1981 #36233 olded, and taken to an underground level by elevator and taken to the work 1982 #36290 w South Wales, Australia had a low level close encounter with a five-meter 1/29/1982 #36315 ight that was hovering at tree top level straight ahead. Soon she found her 3/1982 #36373 h ends. The object flew at treetop level directly over her townhouse. (NICA 4/18/1982 #36447 nter reading indicated a radiation level of 5-7 rads. (NICAP: 01 - Distant 9/17/1982 #36606 iger counter indicates a radiation level of 5–7 rads on the ship. A similar 9/17/1982 #36607 nter reading indicated a radiation level of 5-7 rads. There were 16 witness 9/17/1982 #36608 ge silent metallic ovoid / treetop level. Observer(s) chase on foot! Beam 4 9/30/1982 #36620 Hampshire. It was seen at treetop level. The women got out of the car and 9/30/1982 #36623 ct emitted a foggy vapor at ground level, rose up and hovered in the air. I 6/5/1983 #36877 0 feet, where it hovers at treetop level. It appears to be half the size of 11/28/1983 #37052 rts moving horizontally at treetop level. At one point it seems to nearly c 12/12/1983 #37071 h pegs protruding buzzes car / eye level closely! 12/20/1983 #37078 from it. It flew by the car at eye level. (Source: MUFON UFO Journal, Decem 12/20/1983 #37079 from it. It flew by the car at eye level. 12/20/1983 #37080 t approaching their car at treetop level. The object crossed the logging ro 1/22/1984 #37141 t approaching their car at treetop level. It crosses a logging road near th 1/22/1984 #37146 ent night light overhead / treetop level. Hovers / 5 minute(s) then shoots 1/31/1984 #37168 e. 1 going [to] overhead / treetop level. Lights all over/all about. 3/21/1984 #37233 flew directly overhead at treetop level. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/21/1984 #37235 flew directly overhead at treetop level. It had lights all over it. 3/21/1984 #37239 the tip. While hovering at treetop level, the object pivots 360° and then s 4/10/1984 #37257 ocket going quickly west / treetop level 125' away. Unidentified. 5/18/1984 #37331 aft-cylinder/cigar-shape / treetop level! 5/20/1984 #37336 haped UAP that traveled at treetop level with a slight buzz. https://thede 6/28/1984 #37382 s were made at a much, much higher level than mine” in the open hearing. h 8/7/1984 #37429 s in the north heading east at low level for approximately 10 minutes. This 8/30/1984 #37447 head, are barely audible at ground level when they are flying above 3,000 f 11/1984 #37500 oing quickly north in straight and level flight. Clear weather. 12/10/1984 #37520 LEVEL GREEN, PA 2 observer(s). Taps / wi 12/31/1984 #37537 Level Green, PA 6:10 PM. In Level Green, 12/31/1984 #37538 Level Green, PA 6:10 PM. In Level Green, Pennsylvania in the UFO hot 12/31/1984 #37538 In Level Green, Pennsylvania in the UFO hot 12/31/1984 #37539 t in less than a minute. The Hawks level off at 31,000 feet and return to T 7/22/1985 #37628 cer with colored lights / tree-top level .5mi away. 10/24/1985 #37689 de. 1800hrs. 4 fireballs / treetop level / 15 minute(s). 10/25/1985 #37691 30 feet away. It drops to his eye level and he follows it through the fore 1986 #37743 eads are discovered. The radiation level of the landing ground is normal. P 1/29/1986 #37775 etallic object was seen at treetop level by a motorist in La Follette, Tenn 4/27/1986 #37848 lent saucer crosses road / treetop level. 50mph. Bottom = ring of lights. 7/10/1986 #37938 er(s). Silent 60M saucer / treetop level over new home construction site. 9/6/1986 #38015 ess of being ushered into a higher level of understanding and existence. 2/1987 #38108 cigar with lights seen near ground level. moves silently going quickly nort 8/7/1987 #38234 ight was seen traveling at treetop level. It became a delta-shaped object w 8/20/1987 #38248 ine. It then went down to the lake level and turned off all illuminated lik 12/25/1987 #38373 going northeast. Drops near ground level & continues.. 1/11/1988 #38407 speeds up as it descends below the level of the hillside. 2/4/1988 #38439 PA Cat fearful as disc at treetop level emitted beam (NICAP: 04 - Animal R 2/22/1988 #38474 ed opening. 4 observer(s). Treetop level. 300' away / 20 second(s). 3/21/1988 #38517 le/box-like craft 300mph / treetop level. Possible door / side. 5/20/1988 #38571 covered the entire sky from ground level to as far up as we could see looki 10/1988 #38661 vered and moved slowly at tree-top level. The smaller lights maneuvered bet 1/24/1989 #38800 right fireball paces car / treetop level. = dark mass with lights. Going qu 2/3/1989 #38816 ng down. Makes 90° turn going [to] level path and away. / 20 second(s). 2/21/1989 #38845 nnihilation” reactor in the center level of the craft. In this level, he se 3/1989 #38855 center level of the craft. In this level, he sees a control panel and very 3/1989 #38855 distant UFO just above the treetop level, showing a movement unlike that of 3/9/1989 #38869 us observer(s). 25' saucer 70kph / level flight. Then 7000kph straight up! 3/17/1989 #38873 00 p.m. One approached at tree top level, just 15 feet from the ground. It 5/6/1989 #38937 with white running lights on each level. She was told that it was a "light 6/29/1989 #38997 rver. Huge silent saucer / treetop level lights area. Spokes protrude. 7/16/1989 #39022 c-shaped object close by at ground level. He called a second, female witnes 8/13/1989 #39061 hovered and moved about at ground level for approximately five minutes, 30 8/13/1989 #39061 ts indifferent to triangle at tree level. (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 8/22/1989 #39068 n / car. Arrowhead-shape / treetop level. Rotates counterclockwise and spee 9/3/1989 #39087 ad-shaped object flying at treetop level in Ebensburg, Pennsylvania at 10:3 9/3/1989 #39090 FL 2 observer(s). 20' cones. 180° level turn. Hovers over house. Dogs hide 9/14/1989 #39099 bserved a round object at tree top level, emitting small balls of light. 10/3/1989 #39141 s he is told that there is another level of secrecy above Special Access Pr 1990 #39354 vers for “alien” projects known as Level 1; grey projects; grey matter or s 1990 #39354 a fast. Low altitude. Straight and level trajectory going [to] Frodsham. 1 5/1/1990 #39547 ough the balcony door on the upper level of house. A bright yellow beam, su 9/13/1990 #39730 ireballs hover and maneuver / tree level. Away when jets approach. 10/29/1990 #39815 downward. Another witness sees it level off and turn. It is projecting two 11/5/1990 #39868 +4 kids. Car-size saucer / treetop level. Goes. Helicopter circles low afte 12/5/1990 #39926 ust be controlled by an incredible level of fear because nobody dares talk 1991 #39939 s / high altitude. Return / ground level and buzz car closely. 3/14/1991 #40011 the sky. They descended to ground level and buzzed their car. The close en 3/14/1991 #40012 riangle going SSW slow near ground level. Blue beams / front. / LDLN#309. 8/22/1991 #40163 struments showed an unusually high level of static electricity in the air, 8/28/1991 #40168 going quickly south. Straight and level 1 minute(s). 2/6/1992 #40320 11 p.m. The discs were at treetop level and blinked in unison. They formed 6/23/1992 #40506 th a dome on top was seen at a low level in Ontario, Canada (precise locati 9/4/1992 #40610 . 8' circle blinking lights at eye level near window. 9/30/1992 #40648 There were three reports of low level UFOs on this evening from North Ca 9/30/1992 #40651 e circle of blinking lights at eye level near her window. The object was tw 9/30/1992 #40652 ing quickly southeast straight and level at high altitude. 10/21/1992 #40687 ulders, and very long arms. At eye level there was a rectangular opening in 11/23/1992 #40724 e half-oval shaped UFO at tree top level. It was orange/copper in color and 11/30/1992 #40735 MI 1 observer. UFO hums / treetop level. "2 plates with box / middle". Row 12/15/1992 #40748 white glowing saucer. Straight and level flight overhead into clouds. 5/5/1993 #40965 south over mountains. Straight and level. Black with white windows. 6/20/1993 #41025 red body lights maneuvered at low level 7/13/1993 #41064 ect with four large windows on one level and another window on a second lev 8/18/1993 #41144 vel and another window on a second level. Behind the windows several figure 8/18/1993 #41144 everal wiry shadows glide / ground level. 9/7/1993 #41186 30+red lights. Jet sound. Treetop level. 10/8/1993 #41224 30 red lights and flew at treetop level, and made a sound like a jet. 10/8/1993 #41227 O with many orange lights. Treetop level. Goes behind trees. 10/31/1993 #41257 0m ovoid hums. Floats by / treetop level near homes. Saucer shape. Several 11/2/1993 #41258 off to the west, going at treetop level. 6/5/1994 #41553 t. Sherman states his first higher level communication happened around this 7/1994 #41596 ough the air nearby at near ground level, as if carried by an invisible bea 9/13/1994 #41743 ound it, a light flying at treetop level, a row of green lights with a trai 9/14/1994 #41749 Tennessee; it then rose to treetop level before flying off slowly to the so 9/17/1994 #41758 /triangle/box-like craft / rooftop level and 400' over Colchester and Clact 11/28/1994 #41868 d hover. Shoot going down / ground level / crazy speed/velocity. Back going 2/2/1995 #42009 ow-glowing frisbee in straight and level trajectory. Also 3 recent sighting 2/9/1995 #42028 pudding bowl on top, and the upper level has portholes. The object buzzes l 3/30/1995 #42127 y progress reports on the Constant Level Balloon project (a study to determ 7/1995 #42286 r going quickly north straight and level. 7/1/1995 #42287 ould have been initiated by higher level officials. The records “should hav 7/28/1995 #42338 hazy boomerang going straight and level. Fast short hops Left and Rt. 8/18/1995 #42398 ops. Then shoots away straight and level. 12/1/1995 #42636 Woman startled. Octagon / treetop level going [to] over car. 12 lights / u 1/28/1996 #42719 ed at a very high speed to treetop level. Jose Manuel ran upstairs to an ou 3/7/1996 #42815 es. Large object rises from ground level. Ring / lights on edge. 3/11/1996 #42819 hite ovoid going east straight and level at low altitude. Seen / 45 second( 5/30/1996 #42916 er a nearby field at about treetop level. In order to get a better look the 9/23/1996 #43039 Quite slow straight/strait(s) and level. Absolute(ly) silent. 2/5/1997 #43184 ct rectangle going east straight & level flight. Glows green-white. No halo 2/7/1997 #43186 re created annually at the highest level, Top Secret. 3/3/1997 #43217 but she receives no help from any level of government. She speaks to more 3/13/1997 #43229 directly above the car at treetop level. 3/30/1997 #43244 es sky / 1 minute(s). Straight and level. Small red ball nearby. 5/2/1997 #43286 near Redmond, Washington saw a low level, hovering saucer-shaped object abo 6/5/1997 #43313 ircle of light seemingly at ground level, some 550 feet to the east of the 6/24/1997 #43337 at high speed. The airliner is in level flight at 20,000 feet and cruising 8/9/1997 #43376 k follows private plane straight & level flight. No further details. 9/26/1997 #43416 0-foot long UFO outside at treetop level. Cherd continues to transmit messa 12/1997 #43452 lack disk going north straight and level at 300-400M altitude. Seen 1-2 min 2/14/1998 #43519 n of faith and values at planetary level to radically and rapidly alter cur 3/11/1998 #43532 altitude. Nose turns up but keeps level trajectory! Planes circle. 11/29/1998 #43688 Its nose turned up, but it kept a level trajectory. Planes reportedly circ 11/29/1998 #43690 . It was long and large, and moved level for 15 seconds toward the east, wi 6/12/1999 #43785 a cigar-shaped object at tree top level at 5:10 p.m. When the object reach 9/20/1999 #43848 eaches critical mass when its fill level, containing about 35 pounds of ura 9/30/1999 #43856 g-zagged at high speed near ground level, and pulled up to avoid a pickup t 12/26/1999 #43904 rful whirlwind developed at ground level directly below the object. Weather 1/18/2000 #43930 n moving quietly and slowly at low level, which then hovered above a nearby 2/5/2000 #43941 hat he was briefed at a “very high level” about three verified cases of “al 5/8/2000 #43992 over Thibodaux, Louisiana at tree level. Although orange in color, it occa 7/14/2000 #44018 ark shiny disk going east / ground level. Stops. Beam and humming. Turns in 8/7/2001 #44229 saw four UFOs take off from ground level, one at a time. At 7:29 p.m.. a li 8/15/2001 #44235 ghts, were seen flying at tree top level and hovering between Martinsville 8/5/2002 #44375 ed but free of snow. The radiation level was high. The Chilean military bar 11/15/2002 #44443 rs rim to rim flew slowly at a low level over a farm field and farmhouses i 1/31/2003 #44483 :30 p.m., moving slowly at treetop level without making any sound. It had w 9/13/2003 #44599 t at a high speed. It maintained a level flight path moving westward, where 4/5/2004 #44684 elicopter was seen flying at a low level. 4/26/2004 #44693 the White House’s internal threat level goes from yellow to orange and the 5/11/2005 #44840 are moving slowly below the cloud level. Suddenly, they scatter about 1,65 8/27/2005 #44866 nd, at some personal psychological level, true.” However, Clancy fails to a 10/2005 #44883 angular craft, with two horizontal level beams of lights, like "headlights, 11/23/2007 #45097 ame right over the car at tree top level. The object was square in shape an 5/9/2008 #45135 flying only 60 feet above tree top level at 9:30 p.m. 8/28/2008 #45162 ct was sighted just above the tree level at 10:30 p.m. It flew on a steady 5/4/2010 #45278 has annually released its overall level of intelligence spending since 200 2013 #45357 g up at 30,000 feet as well as sea level and can accelerate, slow down, and 2/2015? #45430 ents were done at the unclassified level almost 20 years before this framew 4/2017 #45467 ive,” in 2014 and reported a small level of thrust was achieved. * https: 11/2/2017 #45490 telligence “ticket” at the highest level would not be considered to have a 2018 #45498 sy in Havana, Cuba, at the minimum level required to perform “core diplomat 3/2/2018 #45521 at data at a higher classification level. The Group has allegedly been link 11/29/2018 #45549 feet from the aircraft at the same level.” The pilot cannot tell what it is 12/30/2018 #45553 itude. The object appears to be in level flight. 5/5/2019 #45577 there are people “involved in high level physics” who worked in Huntsville, 2/28/2023 #45797## Word: "level-flight" (Back to Top)
s. Red-orange saucer. Straight and level-flight going quickly south. Extrem 5/15/1952 #6325## Word: "leveland" (Back to Top)
Leveland, TX Object shaped like a spinni 8/24/1952 #7708## Word: "leveled" (Back to Top)
east. It made a 90° left turn and leveled out on a westerly heading accele 4/1/1948 #3604 ime unknown - Vertical Climb, Then Leveled Off (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 2/17/1949 #4013 d were lighted portholes. The UFO leveled off and raced away. 2/2/1955 #11969 flew across the highway, climbed, leveled off, and flew away. (NICAP repor 9/8/1966 #20864 o be metallic. It hovered, tilted, leveled off, and sped away. (Letter date 1/7/1967 #21270 treetop level, then shot upwards, leveled off and moved quickly across the 3/8/1967 #21804 m the bottom (exhaust). The object leveled off about 50-100 feet off the gr 8/4/1967 #22799 t swooped down from high altitude, leveled off, and moved away at high spee 10/19/1967 #23270 ove a residential neighborhood. It leveled off, then lights were seen upon 6/24/1971 #26190 inutes some legs thrust out, which leveled the UFO. Then Herrera saw beside 3/13/1973 #27343 luminated, square windows. It then leveled off and flew away. 8/20/1973 #27717 . It rose at a 45 degree angle and leveled off, then rose at a 45 degree ag 4/27/1974 #29068 everl minutes it rose straight up, leveled off and flew away in an arc acro 9/24/1974 #29474 rection of the aircraft, which has leveled off at 30,000 feet. He watches i 6/3/1993 #41003 oad in Avezzano, Italy. It turned, leveled off, and flew off toward the nor 7/13/1994 #41618 ended out of the eastern sky, then leveled off. It flew a short distance, t 2/12/2000 #43948 an upright position. The disc then leveled out and moved quickly off to the 12/31/2002 #44461 y about 15 feet from the ground he leveled off and began to slowly accelera 7/16/2003 #44565## Word: "leveling" (Back to Top)
ast, and made several turns before leveling out under the B-29. The bomber 2/23/1952 #5924 ct was tracked flying straight up, leveling off and being joined by a secon 2/4/1953 #8636 lying straight up vertically, then leveling off and being joined by a secon 2/4/1953 #8638 in a bitter, 18-month-long debate, leveling a variety of charges and accusa 1968 #23627 nd witnesses and tracked on radar. Leveling off at 30,000 feet, they see th 6/9/1974 #29175## Word: "levelland" (Back to Top)
LEVELLAND, TX 2 observer(s). Top-saucer 8/24/1952 #7703 Levelland, Texas Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs 8/24/1952 #7712 Levelland, Texas. 9:30 p.m., 10:30 p.m. 8/24/1952 #7718 Levelland, Texas Reese Technology Center Summer 1957 #13746 ions” climb onto someone’s roof in Levelland, Texas, to watch 3–4 objects h Summer 1957 #13746 Levelland, TX Levelland, TX: many sighti 11/2/1957 #14193 Levelland, TX Levelland, TX: many sightings, with nume 11/2/1957 #14193 SR114 WITH LEVELLAND, TX 2 / truck. Electro-magneti 11/2/1957 #14203 LEVELLAND, TX Many separate observer(s). 11/2/1957 #14204 Levelland, TX Many witnesses, series of 11/2/1957 #14209 Levelland, Texas A large number of repor 11/2/1957 #14213 A large number of reports from the Levelland area described a low-flying ob 11/2/1957 #14213 Levelland, Texas Route 116 [now 114] Pet 11/2/1957 #14216 laz are driving four miles west of Levelland, Texas, on Route 116 [now 114] 11/2/1957 #14216 UFO disappears in the east towards Levelland. The lights come back on spont 11/2/1957 #14216 n to Patrolman A. J. Fowler of the Levelland sheriff’s office. At Pettit, T 11/2/1957 #14216 overhead. The Air Force calls the Levelland sightings ball lightning or St 11/2/1957 #14216 Route 114 four miles east of Levelland, Texas About midnight. Jim Whe 11/2/1957 #14219 ct on Route 114 four miles east of Levelland, Texas. As he gets close to it 11/2/1957 #14219 and taking off in other areas near Levelland. Reports of vehicle interferen 11/2/1957 #14221 WEST / LEVELLAND, TX Big fireball hovers. Going 11/3/1957 #14226 Levelland (9 miles E of ), TX White or a 11/3/1957 #14237 Levelland (Texas) Oklahoma Flat Around 1 11/3/1957 #14246 as) Oklahoma Flat Around 1:00 a.m. Levelland (Texas) Fire Marshall Ray Jone 11/3/1957 #14246 Levelland, Texas 1:15 a.m. James Long is 11/3/1957 #14247 James Long is 5 miles northwest of Levelland, Texas, on a farm-to-market ro 11/3/1957 #14247 A large number of reports around Levelland, Texas which began the night b 11/3/1957 #14253 Force calls it a hoax based on the Levelland sightings. 11/4/1957 #14286 Levelland, Texas Blue Book Capt. George 12/4/1957 #14669 nary analysis to the press” of the Levelland, Texas, cases, even though he 12/4/1957 #14669 Washington National Airport Levelland The Air Force gives a prelimin 7/13/1960 #16335 he Washington National Airport and Levelland cases. 7/13/1960 #16335## Word: "levelled" (Back to Top)
Wisconsin. It made a slight dive, levelled off, then accelerated out of si 10/10/1951 #5720 h and fast, made several turns and levelled out under B-29 which was evadin 2/23/1952 #5922 w wobbly in level flight, climbed, levelled out during 1.5 minute observati 4/24/1952 #6176 a collision course with the C-47, levelled out, made 180 degree turn durin 9/2/1953 #9136 rcraft. At the last minute the UFO levelled out. It subsequently made a 90 9/2/1953 #9137 por trail dived for 10-15 seconds, levelled out and the trail stopped, leav 10/15/1953 #9229 saucer-shaped UFO arced overhead, levelled off and moved into distance. [U 9/20/1954 #10368 the object's nose pointed up, then levelled off and climbed vertically. Si 9/21/1954 #10382 UFO rose upm to a higher altitude, levelled off, and then moved away into t 1/17/1968 #23668 rance. The UFO climbed vertically, levelled out, came at the aircraft, and 3/3/1976 #30923 pe. The object tilted to one side, levelled off, then tilted in the opposit 8/4/1979 #34715 acher as it then rocked violently, levelled out, and flew off following the 5/23/1983 #36866 ex. The UFO tilted to the west and levelled off. The object stayed in sight 8/20/2004 #44736## Word: "levellend" (Back to Top)
Beginning at 10:50 p.m. in Levellend, Texas "...a number of motoris 11/2/1957 #14221## Word: "levels" (Back to Top)
D LONDON, ENG 20cm fireball falls. Levels going quickly ESE and away. / r18 12/11/1741 #64 e-glowing disk quickly going down. Levels. Quickly going up. / Internationa 10/1932 #1147 8381, creating the three security levels for the most important documents: 3/22/1940 #1329 Meteor = silent glowing triangle. Levels off going south over town / 15 se 3/1947 #2246 Flat silver-white disk going down. Levels off and away. Bright rays. Exudes 6/17/1947 #2333 oing down [to] edgewise. Stops and levels. Going quickly / 8000kph / r131#4 7/7/1947 #2863 g quickly north. Spirals going up. Levels and going quickly north and away. 7/8/1947 #2983 kout. Clam-shape going down. Tips. Levels. Hovers. Going quickly southeast. 8/17/1947 #3341 he fire tower. It slows to a stop, levels off, and floats “leisurely as if 8/17/1947 #3343 . It descends at a 60° angle, then levels out and travels 10° east before d 1/7/1950 #4478 then turns bright blue-green as it levels out and disappears. 1/7/1950 #4478 F. Circular / light descends slow. Levels. Turns. Shoots going quickly sout 8/14/1951 #5604 into sight at a slight dive, then levels off and slows down, makes a sharp 10/10/1951 #5719 avel in excess of 1,800 mph in all levels of atmosphere. This is a peculiar 1952 #5843 and fast, makes several turns, and levels out underneath the aircraft. 2/23/1952 #5923 most vertically, stops again, then levels out. Then it goes into a nearly v Early 5/1952 #6248 goes into a nearly vertical dive, levels out, and streaks off to the east. Early 5/1952 #6248 0 feet per minute. The target then levels out for a few seconds, goes into 6/1/1952 #6418 , goes into a high-speed dive, and levels out again at 55,000 feet. They lo 6/1/1952 #6418 Mitchell and 1. Saucer tilts dives levels itself and circles. Going quickly 7/29/1952 #7289 aircraft crashing, but the object levels off and flashes away at high spee 10/1952 #8076 the flight from above. The object levels off about 1,000 feet overhead, sl 1953 #8477 ite mist and flies straight up and levels off. After 20 seconds, the object 2/4/1953 #8637 rey ovoid with lights swoops down. Levels off going quickly southwest. 2/13/1953 #8671 Air Force-ROTC. Slow silent meteor levels off and flies going quickly north 6/9/1953 #8929 the theodolite as a gray mass. It levels off and the vapor trail stops. 10/15/1953 #9230 sightings are classified at higher levels. There are now explicit guideline 11/5/1953 #9285 the remaining three classification levels to prevent a systematic flood of 11/5/1953 #9285 . Stops. Going west. Stops. Tilts. Levels. Going SSW. 3/18/1954 #9627 ark circular-object arcs overhead. Levels off and lost in the distance. / r 9/20/1954 #10364 the object’s nose pointed up, then levels off and climbs vertically. 9/21/1954 #10383 y the object whirls downward, then levels off, and races away at tremendous 2/2/1955 #11968 . Blimp / 15K' altitude. Descends. Levels off. Rises and away. / r70p3-43. 11/25/1955 #12590 men. Aluminum disk comes sideways. Levels off. Going quickly west. / r141#1 6/28/1957 #13756 g gold cylinder/cigar-shape drops. Levels off. Floats going north. More joi 9/24/1957 #14028 are exposed to dangerous radiation levels. Over 30 small communities are re 9/29/1957 #14044 d with antennas dives at 5 / boat. Levels off going quickly southwest. / r1 10/12/1957 #14102 observer?? 30M lens-saucer on edge levels off. Turns on edge again and quic 11/3/1957 #14229 visits the site. Locke finds high levels of radioactivity (a maximum of 15 11/6/1957 #14430 glow "bar" going north. Tilts 45°. Levels off. 90° turn.. 7/8/1958 #15136 A petroleum worker measuring levels in storage tanks at 1:00 a.m. in 8/2/1959 #15891 and beliefs are used to cause high levels of stress and distress. The subje 9/1959 #15952 lizations. Kardashev defines three levels of civilizations, based on energy 1963 #17620 ia In 1967 a drought reduced water levels in Lake Karachay where nuclear wa 1967 #21233 o Rico Disc shaped object with two levels -Hovering just above water (NICAP 4/16/1967 #22137 SSIA, NIGHT LIGHT DROPS / WEST SKY Levels / 1m altitude. = large dark body. 5/17/1967 #22363 emingly in pursuit, and the object levels out, taking on the appearance of 10/25/1967 #23322 boat. Cylinder/cigar-shape drops. Levels off / 600M. Square windows flash. 4/23/1968 #23919 Saucer tilts away / 15M altitude. Levels off. Lights ground. Circular and 6/25/1971 #26192 had "just made." It contained two levels. The lower, which "had plenty of 5/15/1973 #27492 t. 2 rings / lit square portholes. Levels off. 8/20/1973 #27716 ls the stick up and the helicopter levels out at 3,800 feet. Reviewing his 10/18/1973 #28172 eam arrived in the area. Radiation levels were normal and the glow was now 10/25/1973 #28286 r going east. Going down / 45° and levels off. Going up / 45° and continues 4/27/1974 #29066 f the "spacecraft" which had three levels, and interacting with physical be 5/31/1974 #29150 e third above the plane. The pilot levels off and climbs quickly to 3,000 f 5/6/1975 #30041 o a half-mile up in 15 seconds, it levels off and accelerates to the southw 3/29/1977 #31933 0' thick disk arcs going down [to] levels off. Nears train / 15' altitude. 10/21/1977 (approximate) #32596 lso states he heard rumors at high levels of the CIA of “little grey men wh 5/1979 #34533 ircraft falls about 1,000 feet and levels out at 4,000 feet. The object dis 8/17/1979 #34752 nding trees damaged, left moderate levels of radiation, 17 firsthand witnes 12/1980 #35684 the landing site shows chlorophyll levels 30%–50% lower than expected. The 1/8/1981 #35779 d in steep descent suddenly rises. Levels off and away. 1/15/1981 #35788 Illinois. It then rocks violently, levels out, and flies off following the 5/23/1983 #36864 th painted nose. Vertical dive and levels off. 10/14/1985 #37680 y away to the northwest. Radiation levels taken just before the UFO appears 4/26/1986 #37844 arge fiery white object from hills levels off. Going south slow. 7/12/1986 #37940 h visit to S-4. The disc has three levels, and he is cleared for the lower 3/1989 #38855 , more loneliness as adults, lower levels of happiness, more problems sleep 1991 #39934 He speaks of numerous underground levels, alien bodies in liquid tanks, an 1991 #39935 on of the UAP issue at the highest levels of USG, USG contractors and priva 7/22/1993 #41077 us diamond drops over road. Turns. Levels. Going quickly NNE. / Issue #15p9 7/13/1994 #41617 ot. 30' saucer going down / slant. Levels off instantly over town. Electro- 1/27/1995 #41999 ation and deception beyond present levels.” “This writer sees that disagre 3/11/1998 #43532 o inflame situation beyond present levels due to STAC’s genuine sympathy wi 3/11/1998 #43532 global in scope, (2) has multiple levels of sub-compartmentalization, (3) 8/22/1998 #43635 injuries were reported. Radiation levels at the site were "higher than nor 4/18/2003 #44516 Oblast, Russia, triggers radiation levels to rise. According to official Ru 8/8/2019 #45604 issue where it was studied at high levels prior to AATIP, but after Project 7/19/2020 #45653## Word: "leven" (Back to Top)
Placer County, California Loch Leven Lakes Cisco Grove 10:00 p.m. Donal 9/5/1964 #18539 County, California, near the Loch Leven Lakes in the vicinity of Cisco Gro 9/5/1964 #18539## Word: "lever" (Back to Top)
ow where they come from. He sees a lever that apparently can cut off the ea 1906 #684 Italy Alps 10:40–10:45 p.m. Capt. Lever and the No. 61 Squadron crew of an 11/28/1942 #1464 his cage-mates. Delgado installs a lever in the cage that, when pressed, ac 1952 #5837 e in the cage soon figures out the lever’s significance and yanks it often 1952 #5837 transparent saucer. 2 men operate lever. Going south. / LDLN#339p7. 6/1954 #9853 ion and he had placed the selector lever in "park." Townsend said his heart 10/23/1965 #19679 e could see a control panel with a lever on top, and two occupants, one sea 1/29/1967 #21412 its head was a curved plate with a lever. They spoke among themselves in a 5/20/1969 #25151 uches the first being, who moves a lever, apparently causing the craft to t 1/1/1970 #25532 d in the cockpit holding a control lever. The being that had emerged reache 2/23/1975 #29839 mpacted. He pulls the landing gear lever, but it fails to operate. The plan 5/3/1975 #30026## Word: "leverage" (Back to Top)
tched by a federal prisoner to get leverage to be transferred to a county j 1975 #29679 axwell AFB publish a framework to “leverage advanced propulsion” for deep s 4/2017 #45467## Word: "leverett" (Back to Top)
Johnson about their UFO sightings. Leverett G. Richards, aviation editor of 7/27/1947 #3235## Word: "levers" (Back to Top)
figure(s) / square windows operate levers. 5/1952 #6227 nterior of the craft, a panel with levers all colored in muted pastel and w 1953 #8483 seated with one of them operating levers while the other looked out at the 5/5/1954 #9755 side the open vehicle, she can see levers. After a minute, the object takes 5/1957 #13631 ) to 6M saucer / ground. Seats and levers and map and dials.. 4/1960 #16210 overalls inside. He could also see levers and little lights as might appear 1/24/1968 #23697 fitting coveralls, and are moving levers about. Their hands are enclosed i 6/22/1976 #31128## Word: "leveziel" (Back to Top)
Theville, France. Two men, Messrs. Leveziel and Mahaut witnessed the UFO, w 3/2/1976 #30916 Theville, France. Two men, Messrs. Leveziel and Mahaut witnessed the UFO, w 3/2/1976 #30917## Word: "levi" (Back to Top)
US US Attorney General Edward H. Levi issues a set of guidelines to limit 11/6/1975 #30567## Word: "levier" (Back to Top)
y Johnson sends project pilot Tony LeVier and Skunk Works chief foreman Dor Early 1955 #11901 Lockheed’s chief test pilot, Tony LeVier, inadvertently becomes airborne a 8/1/1955 #12316 D48 EAST / LEVIER, FR 2 / car. 2-3M glowing-ball fo 2/2/1972 #26560## Word: "levin" (Back to Top)
quickly north. Traces / dirt. / M. Levin. / r30p262. 7/24/1966 #20674 t of 200–230 feet. Soviet soldiers Levin and Klimenko say the object perfor 7/28/1989 #39035## Word: "levine" (Back to Top)
Arizona electrical engineer Norman Levine, administrative assistant Mary Lo 10/7/1966 #20970 Condon, David Saunders, Norm Levine, Franklin Roach, Mary Lou Armstro 6/30/1967 #22578 don tries to dissuade Saunders and Levine from pursuing this, but they prev 6/30/1967 #22578 the files. He shares it with Norm Levine and David Saunders, who realize t 7/1967 #22589 Patterson AFB in Ohio Saunders and Levine visit Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohi 9/1967? #22970 grees but replaces Roach with Norm Levine. 9/5/1967 #23006 project sends John Ahrens and Norm Levine to investigate. They check out ru 9/11/1967 #23046 w and Condon to decide what to do. Levine pushes for mass resignation. Crai 9/27/1967 #23137 ole dissenter. Saunders sides with Levine but wants to explore other strate 9/27/1967 #23137 Levine, Saunders, and Mary Lou Armstrong 12/12/1967 #23573 unders gives him an official copy. Levine approaches Craig about a separate 12/12/1967 #23573 onald’s having the memo. When Norm Levine arrives, Saunders is ordered to l 2/7/1968 #23739 ves, Saunders is ordered to leave. Levine tells him the memo’s release is a 2/7/1968 #23739 se is a group effort. Condon tells Levine not to discuss this meeting or co 2/7/1968 #23739 communicate further with McDonald. Levine says he can’t do that, Condon tel 2/7/1968 #23739 ls him he is no longer useful, and Levine walks out. Condon and Low meet wi 2/7/1968 #23739 u Armstrong that Saunders and Norm Levine will be fired. Low types the lett 2/8/1968 #23740 Dr. David Saunders and Dr. Norman Levine, members of Air Force-sponsored C 2/9/1968 #23745 tements earlier, that Saunders and Levine were fired for insubordination, n 2/9/1968 #23746## Word: "levinson" (Back to Top)
oes hypnotic regression by Bernard Levinson on June 21, where she remembers 1/4/1979 #34294## Word: "levis" (Back to Top)
Fermeneuve, CAN 11:00 p.m. Levis Brosseau, 20 was returning home wh 6/12/1929 #1096 Fermeneuve, Canada Levis Brosseau, 2O was returning home wh 6/12/1929 #1097 iving home at Ferme-Neuve, Quebec, Levis Brosseau, 20, sees something like 6/12/1929 #1098 Levis Brosseau, age 20, was riding home 6/12/1929 #1099## Word: "levitate" (Back to Top)
xperience gives him the ability to levitate, see through walls, and have ou 5/1928 #1085 n around the waist, causing him to levitate closer to the object and comple 11/28/1967 #23517 the others, was seen to "climb" or levitate into the "cloud." The UFO rose 11/28/1972 #27151 . Abductions? White figure tries / levitate kid through roof. No UFO's seen 12/1996 #43126 d the humanoid, who then seemed to levitate and disappear behind a nearby s 11/25/1999 #43886 rdinary airplane, but could hover, levitate upwards, and back up. 1/8/2003 #44475## Word: "levitated" (Back to Top)
a humming or rushing noise. He was levitated upwards and lost consciousness 5/8/1880 #233 enveloped the car from above, then levitated it from the road and carried i 8/9/1965 #19350 hey watched, her daughter had been levitated into the air, and this levitat 6/30/1967 #22580 rge bowl-shaped orange object that levitated her, and she suffered unspecif 12/8/1967 #23560 is night a UFO stopped a truck and levitated a car with four occupants in P 7/23/1969 #25294 rn went out. Next, a beam of light levitated the observer and that was his 1/30/1971 #26008 ht going [to] bridge. Group / cars levitated several meters. Marks. / r215p 5/20/1971 #26118 rtical beams of light. The car was levitated and transported beyond its des 9/20/1971 #26356 . With a yellow beam of light they levitated him 150 feet from the ground, 9/25/1971 #26379 On this night a car was levitated in Sweden with possible missin 1/4/1972 #26538 o, at 2:40 a.m. Their car was then levitated, and this was followed by 40 m 8/16/1972 #26921 lid beam of blue light. It somehow levitated or took the being up through t 9/27/1972 #27036 lowing-tubes protrude. Observer(s) levitated. / r30p432. 12/25/1973 #28603 om the object, and the witness was levitated. 12/25/1973 #28604 udo-human/entity. Observer(s)' car levitated. Cold. 20 minute(s) / missing 2/1974 (approximate) #28723 SR57 NNE / EVANSVILLE, IN 4 / car levitated. Pass out. Pseudo-human/entity 2/9/1974 #28753 theast of Evansville, Indiana were levitated by a UFO and lost consciousnes 2/9/1974 #28754 then heard a humming noise and was levitated off the ground. He fainted, an 1/5/1975 #29723 otographs, then felt himself being levitated upward and he lost consciousne 1/5/1975 #29724 which suggested the car was being levitated. They came to a cornfield wher 10/27/1975 #30489 by a UFO. In another dream she was levitated from her bed by a group of sha 11/27/1975 #30669 up to a complex of wires. She was levitated back to her house at dawn. She 4/18/1976 #31000 the chest approached. The man was levitated aboard a cigar-shaped UFO. He 6/23/1976 #31135 hypnosis all four remembered being levitated up from their canoe and into t 8/26/1976 #31307 nside this beam three small beings levitated slowly to the ground. The thre 9/3/1976 #31341 le on board. Julio's gun and knife levitated upwards into the craft. A smoo 2/5/1978 #32957 olina was rendered unconscious and levitated by a tubular, aquamarine beam 3/18/1978 #33056 round unable to move, and was then levitated up into a hovering flying obje 3/24/1978 #33079 MENDOZA, ARG 2 / car levitated. Awaken / 5-lane road / city w 7/6/1978 #33341 Mendoza, Argentina Car levitated, altered environment, memory l 7/6/1978 #33343 Mendoza, Argentina Car levitated, altered environment, memory l 7/6/1978 #33344 ess reported that the car was then levitated inside a beam and brought up i 7/16/1978 #33388 ess reported that the car was then levitated inside a beam and brought up i 7/16/1978 #33392 ed at 300 kph. They felt their car levitated four meters from the ground an 9/23/1978 #33738 SANTIAGO, CHL 2 / car levitated into saucer. 5 pseudo-human/en 9/24/1978 #33740 a complicated looking machine that levitated the workers and left them floa 10/25/1978 #33876 soldier stationed in Germany, was levitated aboard the UFO. She was five m 11/25/1978 #34005 main witness's car was reportedly levitated as well. Ms. Emery felt heat, 1/5/1979 #34306 SITIO TIMBAUBA, BRZ Woman levitated / beam / fireball and odd torn 1/27/1979 #34383 dizzy. She then felt herself being levitated through some form of a tunnel 9/14/1979 #34881 dizzy. She then felt herself being levitated through some form of a tunnel 9/14/1979 #34884 dd sounds and lights. Allagash-Jim levitated / bed. Possible missing time. 6/1980 #35345 abduction occurred when a car was levitated inside of a hovering circular 8/22/1980 #35475 nner, perhaps because it was being levitated, followed by a period of missi 9/25/1980 #35535 engulfed car, swishing sound, car levitated; abduction. See Section XIII ( 11/19/1980 #35657 car, lights and radio failed, car levitated on board domed craft surrounde 11/19/1980 #35658 rified, Cavallo felt himself being levitated up towards the light. His next 9/11/1981 #36110 rified, Cavallo felt himself being levitated up towards the light. (NICAP: 9/12/1981 #36111 rified, Cavallo felt himself being levitated up towards the light. His next 9/12/1981 #36112 was surrounded by blue lights and levitated up into the air. The woman dri 3/4/1982 #36376 was surrounded by blue lights and levitated up into the air. The woman dri 3/4/1982 #36378 A Allagash Jim "frozen" and partly levitated / 45° angle. Possible sperm sa 5/1982 #36458 d man, Mr. S. Gasparovic, and then levitated him into the air. He lost cons 7/17/1983 #36913 oing down [to] with net. Observers levitated slightly and dropped. Big wind 9/1983 #36963 Fireball hums and lights area. Man levitated. 2nd observer(s) pulls 1st goi 11/1/1983 #37039 as Gerais State, Brazil. A man was levitated by the UFO, but a second witne 11/1/1983 #37041 e entity approached him and he was levitated up and into a hovering, disc-s 11/25/1987 #38336 NIKOLAYEV, NIK, UKRAINE Woman levitated / UFO. Passers-by scream. Beam 9/16/1989 #39105 he air towards the object. She was levitated up to 160 feet and near to the 9/16/1989 #39108 s ride. Telepathy response = "OK". Levitated! 2/1990 #39401 ES SOUTH / LAJES, BRZ Woman nearly levitated / fireball. Multicolor dots al 8/1990 #39673 At 7:00 p.m. a fiery ball of light levitated a man off the ground twice nor 5/12/1991 #40059 ts. Beams search farm. Observer(s) levitated and paralyzed. Saucer going so 9/30/1991 #40198 r UFO emitted a beam of light that levitated a witness from a road in Sao F 9/20/1992 #40633 ed and green side lights, hovered (levitated) silently in Helsinki, Finland 8/28/1994 #41698 en went overhead, and as it did it levitated the pickup truck and dropped i 10/28/1994 #41816 LUGO, SPAIN Car levitated. Set down across roadway. Nigh 2/27/1996 #42783 Malaysia on this night. A car was levitated by a UFO or UFOs in Lugo, Spai 2/27/1996 #42786 ll figure. The small humanoid then levitated into the craft, which took off 8/21/1998 #43634 y outside the village, and that he levitated or floated up into the sky whe 9/9/2005 #44871 at the cow was being "absorbed" or levitated up into the UFO. Suddenly and 9/5/2009 #45242## Word: "levitates" (Back to Top)
CIER DE RIVIERE, FR 5' UFO levitates horse going up [to] 10'. Then 10/17/1954 #11158 lent metal box rotates / air. Girl levitates! 6/1967 #22434 CANELINHA, BRZ Beam levitates man / bicycle 2X. No UFO seen. 7/16/1970 #25738 E, BRZ 2 / ranch. Cows upset. Calf levitates. Becomes invisible. Never foun 10/28/1970 (approximate) #25887 og frantic. Lantern goes out. Beam levitates observer(s). Wakens 0800h. 1/30/1971 (approximate) #26006 EST / ALICE, TX 1 observer. Saucer levitates H2O truck. 165 Gal / water tur 6/12/1981 #35963 AZIL Silent hot and cold whirlwind levitates man. Brilliant drum-saucer hum 3/1991 #39989 ORTH / CAMPO REDONDO, BRZ Fireball levitates man twice. Heat and cold. Eye 5/12/1991? #40056 ng home, but the light returns and levitates him again. This time he is sus 5/12/1991 #40057 He also claims that on July 17, he levitates through a wall and meets with Early 6/1994 #41548 c monopole beam that emits pulses, levitates, degausses, stops electronics 4/17/1997 #43264 PRX), WA 3+11 observer(s). 3M disk levitates elk! Wobbles and flashes and s 2/25/1999 #43734## Word: "levitating" (Back to Top)
ean phenomena, ancient astronauts, levitating forces to explain megalithic 3/1955 #12022 id retreated from Aliranta and was levitating into the object from undernea 2/5/1971 #26015 n they saw from behind a flying or levitating humanoid being “over 3 meters 7/15/1976 #31165 es. They took her onboard a UFO by levitating her with a light beam and con 7/19/1977 #32294## Word: "levitation" (Back to Top)
alithic structures were built with levitation techniques derived from space 9/1953 #9130 vanced civilization that developed levitation, teleportation, and space fli 1957 #13429 Sireech. The witness experienced a levitation effect. 9/20/1966 #20904 n levitated into the air, and this levitation was apparently caused by the 6/30/1967 #22580 world, and monuments were built by levitation. 3/1968 #23798 he doctor experienced uncontrolled levitation on at least one occasion. 11/1/1968 #24620 oss, a probable translocation, and levitation are suspected. Hypnotic regre 8/1/1971 #26261 eters in only two minutes, so some levitation and translocation may have be 9/20/1971 #26354 ion on the witnesses. Some kind of levitation force was used which pulled t 8/22/1974 #29376 er involving ground traces and the levitation of their car. On the previous 10/25/1975 #30473 ipe, time dilation and spontaneous levitation of objects around the test la 1983 #36738 wo boys on the swings, causing the levitation of the metal swings. The boys 8/31/1987 #38265 wo boys on the swings, causing the levitation of the metal swings. The boys 8/31/1987 #38266 y, Leedskelstein and Tibetan stone levitation. (III) Rotating disc/cone u 1/1998 #43483## Word: "levitations" (Back to Top)
VALE DAS VELHAS, BRZ 3 separate levitations. Observers grab trees / esca 10/1978 #33784## Word: "levitt" (Back to Top)
houses former NASA official Creon Levitt who works on “free energy” space 2/20/2000 #43955## Word: "levittown" (Back to Top)
LEVITTOWN, PA 6 observer(s). 2 saucers h 10/17/1973 #28103 At 6:00 p.m. several teenagers in Levittown, Pennsylvania observed a UFO w 12/2/1973 #28507 ording music in their apartment in Levittown, New York at around 9:00 p.m. 2/11/1989 #38835 LEVITTOWN, NY Throbbing noise. Yard lit 9/1/1999 #43839 LEVITTOWN, NY 2 observer(s). Dumbell obj 10/2/1999 #43857## Word: "levroux" (Back to Top)
LEVROUX, FR 2 separate women. Luminous/g 10/2/1954 #10581 Levroux, France At the Bourg du Cerisier 10/2/1954 #10604 In Levroux, France two single women (Janick 10/2/1954 #10613## Word: "levu" (Back to Top)
Nabouwalu, Viti Levu, Fiji Day. Four Fijians in a punt w 10/8/1957 #14078 outboard motor off Nabouwalu, Viti Levu, Fiji, see a white, circular object 10/8/1957 #14078## Word: "levuka" (Back to Top)
On the Pacific island of Levuka in the Fiji Islands, several peop 7/12/1956 #12968 LEVUKA IS.FIJI 10 observer(s) / boat. Ci 7/13/1956 #12969## Word: "levy" (Back to Top)
in a small Iowa town. Rabbi Aaron Levy of Beaumont also claims to have met 4/19/1897 #539 ports, case 1976-02, citing Michel Levy, Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 159 1/5/1976 #30760## Word: "lew" (Back to Top)
JANE LEW, WV Dogs bark. Odd whine. 2 observer 7/1959 #15806 MINARET watch lists. NSA Director Lew Allen testifies before the Senate In 8/1967 #22770 Mr. Lew was driving in his truck between Tid 1/6/1973 #27223 formation. The tape is analyzed by Lew Allen at the Jet Propulsion Laborato 7/24/1984 #37413 s of the videotape was done by Dr. Lew Allen of the Jet Propulsion Laborato 7/24/1984 #37415## Word: "lewandowski" (Back to Top)
old youths, Rod Seagraves and Mike Lewandowski, were driving west on highwa 4/6/1975 #29974 old youths, Rod Seagraves and Mike Lewandowski, were driving west on highwa 4/6/1975 #29975## Word: "lewarde" (Back to Top)
Lewarde, France In Erchin Wood, Casimir 10/14/1954 #11044 Erchin Forest Lewarde Nord France 3:30 p.m. Casimir St 10/14/1954 #11057 ange figure in Erchin Forest, near Lewarde, Nord, France. It has large, sla 10/14/1954 #11057 At 3:30 p.m. in Erchin Wood in Lewarde, Nord department, France Casimir 10/14/1954 #11065 ERCHIN WOOD SOUTH / LEWARDE, FR Miner. Small furry small hum 10/22/1954 #11315## Word: "lewes" (Back to Top)
OVER LEWES, DE Pilot. Fast "mayo jar" crosses 6/2/1947 #2307 etween 10,000 and 12,000 feet near Lewes, Delaware on this day. 6/2/1947 #2310 Lewes, East Sussex, England 5:20 p.m. A Early Autumn 1977 #32456 able is waiting at a bus stop near Lewes, East Sussex, England, when she no Early Autumn 1977 #32456 Lewes, Sussex (near), UK 5:20 PM. The po Fall 1977 #32514 MILTON TO/FROM LEWES, DE 5 / car. 3 stationary night li 6/1/1992 #40479## Word: "lewis" (Back to Top)
Ann Arbor (Mich.) Observatory, and Lewis Swift, an amateur from Rochester, 7/29/1878 #214 irector of Intelligence), Lt. Col. Lewis F. Powell Jr., Col. Howard McCoy ( 9/6/1944 #1665 Okinawa, Japan Two miles The USS Lewis Hancock is northeast of Okinawa, J 4/22/1945 #1852 Cavitt Lewis S. Rickett Carlsbad, New Mexico Ro 7/8/1947 #3013 th of Roswell 9:00 a.m. Cavitt and Lewis S. Rickett, who has returned from 7/8/1947 #3013 Port Hope, Ontario 2:00 p.m. P. L. Lewis sees a white object moving rapidly 9/26/1948 #3814 ompanied by strands of spider web. Lewis speculates that the objects are ba 9/26/1948 #3814 DALLAS NAS, TX CPO Lewis. 25' saucer stops right under B36 3/16/1950 #4651 noon. Chief Petty Officer Charles Lewis sees a flying disc streak across t 3/16/1950 #4656 Milton Adolphus Nation vouches for Lewis and says that the base tower opera 3/16/1950 #4656 At 9:45 p.m. in Lewis and Clark County, northwest of Cra 1/1/1953 #8495 ONIDA, SD Observer(s) = Major Lewis. Night light zips overhead / vario 8/4/1953 #9045 t of Lawson 8:54 p.m. A1C Chase E. Lewis, tower operator at Lawson AFB [now 8/11/1954 #10126 n of the aircraft. Their names are Lewis Dormon Chase, pilot; James H. McCo 7/17/1957 #13808 ir Force Intelligence Gen. Millard Lewis advised the multi-agency “Watch Co 9/24/1957 #14030 in 1957) was a weather phenomenon. Lewis delivered his conclusion one day a 9/24/1957 #14030 in Mountain View, California; and Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory [now 10/1/1958 #15296 ight 10 feet in diameter paced the Lewis family in their car in Casterton n 5/14/1960 #16278 LEWIS TO/FROM HARRIS ISLANDS, SCT Ships 2/27/1961 #16603 urn, and fall into the sea between Lewis and Harris Islands in the Western 2/27/1961 #16610 m. EDT witnesses G.R. Wells and J. Lewis, using a 117x telescope, watched a 4/3/1962 #17096 ucky Witnesses: G.R. Wells and J. Lewis, using 117x telescope. One small 4/4/1962 #17098 ynnewood, Oklahoma, police officer Lewis Sikes, 29, reports a UFO to the no 7/31/1965 #19220 y [not Snippy] belonging to Nellie Lewis of the Harry King Ranch in the San 9/9/1967 #23026 as in the Great Sand Dunes. Nellie Lewis also admits she has been watching 9/9/1967 #23026 ta, California 2:30 a.m. Physicist Lewis E. Hollander Jr. and his wife and 10/14/1967 #23237 ward Hunt break into the office of Lewis J. Fielding, Daniel Ellsberg’s psy 9/3/1971 #26311 t Service under President Clinton, Lewis C. Merletti, claims that the idea 2/19/1973 #27298 1:47 p.m. A Sheriff's deputy named Lewis pursued a V-shaped craft flying to 4/3/1975 #29950 1:47 p.m. a Sheriff's deputy named Lewis pursued a V-shaped craft flying to 4/3/1975 #29953 e, Maine 7:45 p.m. S/Sgt. Danny K. Lewis is patrolling the weapons dump at 10/27/1975 #30487 50 feet. Back at the weapons dump, Lewis notifies his Command Post at the 4 10/27/1975 #30487 e weapons storage area, Staff Sgt. Lewis, along with Sgt. Clifton W. Blakes 10/28/1975 #30500 pons storage area, S/Sgt. Danny K. Lewis, along with Sgt. Clifton W. Blakes 10/28/1975 #30503 ight and an amber or orange light. Lewis reports the sighting to his Comman 10/28/1975 #30503 the NASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field in Cleveland, OH. Vacuum flu 8/1997 #43363 d by NASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field. She stated Marc Mills was i 8/1997 #43363 g-Xi Tang, Dong-Ping She, Melvin A Lewis, Marc G Mills, M Portilla, Valenti 5/6/2003 #44526 le Empire-Tribune, calls Maj. Karl Lewis, spokesman for the 301st Fighter W 1/8/2008 #45112 ry aircraft reported by witnesses, Lewis volunteers the information that th 1/8/2008 #45112 een 6:00 and 8:00. Joiner contacts Lewis again, who now merely reads the pr 1/8/2008 #45112## Word: "lewis-" (Back to Top)
McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis- McChord] Naval Air Station Whidbe 10/16/1951 #5730 out of McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis- McChord] and naval ground personn 10/16/1951 #5730 ington McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis- McChord] in Tacoma 1:30 p.m. Four 6/19/1952 #6552 dar at McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis- McChord] in Tacoma and jets are s 6/19/1952 #6552## Word: "lewis-mcchord" (Back to Top)
McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis-McChord] south of Tacoma, Washingt 6/17/1952 #6528 ses at McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis-McChord] south of Tacoma, Washingt 6/17/1952 #6528 ngton State McChord AFB Joint Base Lewis-McChord Tacoma 8:14 p.m. An uniden 6/21/1954 #9921 le and McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis-McChord] in Tacoma. The UFO splits 6/21/1954 #9921 ington McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis-McChord] Tacoma An Air Force C-118 4/1/1959 #15688 f from McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis-McChord] in Tacoma. Their last rad 4/1/1959 #15688 McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis-McChord] near Tacoma, Washington 1 10/2/1959 #16011 13) at McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lewis-McChord] near Tacoma, Washington, 10/2/1959 #16011 ir Defense Sector HQ at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, who informed ATC that NOR 5/25/1995 #42229## Word: "lewisberry" (Back to Top)
Lewisberry, PA 8:35 p.m. EDT. A woman, h 8/31/1967 #22962## Word: "lewisboro" (Back to Top)
LEWISBORO, NY 12' sphere/orb/globe going 8/1/1979 #34693 Lewisboro, NY White ball made two passes 8/1/1979 #34695 Pound Ridge Reservation, New York Lewisboro 1:35 a.m. Westchester County p 8/1/1979 #34696 at reported by several citizens of Lewisboro the same night. It passes sout 8/1/1979 #34696## Word: "lewisburg" (Back to Top)
LEWISBURG, IN 1+5 kids / car. Saucer nea 3/30/1966 #20150 9 miles north of Lewisburg, Indiana 8:35 p.m. A woman and 3/30/1966 #20163 iving south about 9 miles north of Lewisburg, Indiana. It comes close to th 3/30/1966 #20163 h farm country nine miles north of Lewisburg, Indiana at 10:35 p.m. when th 3/30/1966 #20168 er of her school football field in Lewisburg, Tennessee instead of taking t 3/20/1974 #28916 LEWISBURG, PA 2 separate observer(s). Ho 2/5/1992 #40319 aft was seen hovering over I-70 in Lewisburg, Ohio. At 10:45 p.m. a white c 7/17/2004 #44716## Word: "lewiston" (Back to Top)
LEWISTON, ID 3+2 kids. 3 shiny white sau 7/2/1947 #2537 SOUTHEAST / LEWISTON, ID 2+2 observer(s). 4 large si 7/20/1952 #6946 Lewiston, IL 10:20 p.m. CST. A couple sa 3/3/1967 #21743 Lewiston, MT Malmstrom AFB, Montana, RV, 11/7/1975 #30573 isk. Going north? Seen southwest / Lewiston / 0320h. 11/9/1975 #30586 LEWISTON, CA Date approximate. Boy. Smal 8/1/1978 #33461 om a mine in an isolated area near Lewiston, California. 8/1/1978 #33463 Lewiston, Michigan 11:45 p.m. A couple i 10/10/1999 #43860 n, Michigan 11:45 p.m. A couple in Lewiston, Michigan, see a hazy, pulsing 10/10/1999 #43860## Word: "lewistown" (Back to Top)
LEWISTOWN, PA Large round object hovers. 7/27/1952 (approximate) #7194 LEWISTOWN, MT Teacher and 4. Saucer bobs 5/15/1964 #18267 oat bobbing on the water" north of Lewistown, Montana at 10:28 p.m. It was 5/15/1964 #18273 LEWISTOWN, IL Ovoid with windows hovers 3/3/1967 #21736 windows in a row along the side. (Lewistown newspaper, copy in NiCAP files 3/3/1967 #21743 Lewistown (15 miles N of), MT Deactivati 3/16/1967 #21900 6M EAST / LEWISTOWN, MT Strategic Air Command (SAC 11/7/1975 #30571 LEWISTOWN, MT RADAR-visual (observation) 11/8/1975 #30577 ported a UFO 20 miles southeast of Lewistown, Montana. It was an orange-whi 11/8/1975 #30585## Word: "lewisville" (Back to Top)
DENTON, TX Object within 100' / Lewisville Dam. Possible landing / lake 8/2/1965 #19256 NEAR LEWISVILLE, TX Saucer very low / golf co 11/3/1973 #28359 hile driving on the golf course in Lewisville, Texas at 9:10 p.m. Buffeting 11/3/1973 #28363## Word: "lewring" (Back to Top)
' 24.5' W) Witnesses: Master Nils Lewring, Chief Mate Jacob Koelwyn, Third 8/4/1950 #5103 Nova Scotia The crew (Master Nils Lewring, Chief Mate Jacob Koelwyn) of th 8/4/1950 #5105 W). At 10:00 a.m. EDT Master Nils Lewring, Chief Mate Jacob Koelwyn, and t 8/4/1950 #5106## Word: "lews-mcchord" (Back to Top)
McChord AFB Joint Base Lews-McChord Tacoma, Washington 9:00 p.m 6/23/1952 #6611 tes at McChord AFB [now Joint Base Lews-McChord] near Tacoma, Washington. 6/23/1952 #6611## Word: "lewtown" (Back to Top)
west fast. Seen / 30 minute(s) in Lewtown 02 December. / r141. 12/3/1957 #14662## Word: "lex" (Back to Top)
US Garry Nolan appears on Lex Fridman Podcast’s podcast with the s 2/6/2022 #45738## Word: "lexhy" (Back to Top)
Rue Mathieu de Lexhy Rue Hector Denis Grâce-Berleur, Be 11/29/1989 #39275 e in his car on the Rue Mathieu de Lexhy at the intersection with the Rue H 11/29/1989 #39275## Word: "lexicographer" (Back to Top)
:00 p.m. Oxford English Dictionary lexicographer James Murray watches a “br 8/31/1895 #321## Word: "lexington" (Back to Top)
ti Southern Railway trestle bridge Lexington, Kentucky 9:00 p.m. George Alv 4/17/1897 #525 Southern Railway trestle bridge in Lexington, Kentucky. An airship lands an 4/17/1897 #525 Lexington, Kentucky 7:45 p.m. Hundreds o 7/4/1897 #597 7:45 p.m. Hundreds of witnesses in Lexington, Kentucky, see a lighted objec 7/4/1897 #597 n, Kentucky Madisonville, Kentucky Lexington Mannsville, Kentucky 1:00 p.m. 1/7/1948 #3542 nville. Other reports come in from Lexington and Mannsville, Kentucky. 1/7/1948 #3542 Massachusetts between Concord and Lexington. He was driving his car when h 7/11/1948 #3707 SOUTHEAST / LEXINGTON, NE 5 / farm. 3 4M ovoids goin 9/26/1949 #4371 Lexington, Nebraska 5 miles southeast of 9/26/1949 #4372 ton, Nebraska 5 miles southeast of Lexington, Nebraska 6:30 p.m. Lester Wol 9/26/1949 #4372 d five others 5 miles southeast of Lexington, Nebraska, are threshing wheat 9/26/1949 #4372 Southeast of Lexington, Nebraska three ovoid objects, 9/26/1949 #4374 LEXINGTON, MASS Engineer. Object at 40K' 4/23/1952 #6161 Lexington, Massachusetts 9:30 a.m. R. C. 4/23/1952 #6162 AT-6 Texan trainer aircraft above Lexington, Massachusetts. He estimates i 4/23/1952 #6162 SOUTHEAST / LEXINGTON PARK, MD 2 night lights over s 7/23/1952 #7040 LEXINGTON, KY 5 observer(s). 5 round fla 7/26/1952 #7150 LEXINGTON, KY Several separate observer( 7/30/1952 #7348 officers, Perkins and Williams, in Lexington, Kentucky sighted a small, pal 4/16/1956 #12811 Addiction Center in Lexington, Kentucky Allan Memorial Insti 2/1957 #13481 inmates at the Addiction Center in Lexington, Kentucky. Allen Dulles approv 2/1957 #13481 atuxent River Naval Air Station in Lexington Park, Maryland sighted a metal 6/30/1959 #15804 NORTH / LEXINGTON, KY Blue Book. Ex Air Force pi 9/7/1959 #15957 eter circle. At 9:05 p.m. north of Lexington, Kentucky five glowing ovoid o 9/7/1959 #15961 SOUTHWEST / LEXINGTON, KY 2 observer(s). 8' torpedo 5/21/1960 #16294 LEXINGTON, KY Former Strategic Air Comma 9/4/1960 #16434 Lexington, KY Former Strategic Air Comma 9/4/1960 #16435 LEXINGTON, KY Attorney. Saucer hovers / 10/27/1960 #16487 Lexington, KY Attorney saw disc hover, m 10/27/1960 #16488 Lexington, KY Three UFOs were seen to fo 11/17/1960 #16507 LEXINGTON, KY Postal inspector. Large sa 1/24/1963 #17637 Lexington, KY Post Office safety enginee 1/24/1963 #17638 ort via Bluegrass NICAP Affiliate, Lexington, Ky.] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 1/24/1963 #17638 .S. Post Office safety engineer in Lexington, Kentucky saw a large round UF 1/24/1963 #17639 Lexington, KY 10:45 p.m. EDT. A couple s 5/20/1967 #22378 On this evening a couple in Lexington, Michigan who reported seeing 6/15/1967 #22510 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Lexington” YieldMax: 20KT 8/24/1967 #22916 LEXINGTON, MASS 2 observer(s). Dark ovoi 1/22/1969 #24864 a side-to-side swaying motion over Lexington, Massachusetts at 9:50 p.m. 1/22/1969 #24867 LEXINGTON, AL 1 / car. Shiny ovoid 12M o 2/2/1973 (approximate) #27261 In Lexington, Alabama a UFO landed in a pas 2/18/1973 #27296 LEXINGTON, MO 9 observer(s). Circular-ob 7/22/1974 #29273 apor trail when it maneuvered over Lexington, Missouri. There were nine wit 7/22/1974 #29274 Lexington, SC CE with octagon near nucle 3/1975 #29859 LEXINGTON, SC 2 observer(s). Classic sau 3/15/1975 (approximate) #29901 olygraph tests administered by the Lexington Police Department. All passed. 1/6/1976 #30762 LEXINGTON, KY 2 observer(s). Cylinder/ci 4/8/1977 #31961 Interstate 64 in Lexington, Kentucky 10:35 p.m. A cigar-s 4/8/1977 #31965 h to south across Interstate 64 in Lexington, Kentucky, several times. 4/8/1977 #31965 SOUTHWEST / LEXINGTON, NE 3 / van. 100' blazing disk 1/8/1984 #37110 LEXINGTON, KY Big ball / light circles o 11/5/1995 #42582 underneath was sighted flying over Lexington, Kentucky at 11:00 p.m. It mov 7/7/2005 #44852 ng in the predawn morning hours in Lexington, Kentucky. He reported to the 9/21/2007 #45066## Word: "lexisburg" (Back to Top)
Lexisburg (10 miles N of), IN Family saw 3/30/1966 #20158 Lexisburg, Indiana A civilian woman and 3/30/1966 #20160 driving south about 15 km north of Lexisburg. It came close to the car, and 3/30/1966 #20160## Word: "lexow" (Back to Top)
Wilton E. Lexow, head of the CIA Applied Science D 10/19/1955 #12510## Word: "lexy" (Back to Top)
LEXY, FR Group / kids. Big silent glowin 10/3/1975 #30412## Word: "ley" (Back to Top)
o the edge of Tucson, Arizona. Tim Ley and his family at first see a tiny a 3/13/1997 #43229 y draw nearer (around 30 mph), and Ley discerns a V-formation flying no mor 3/13/1997 #43229 believe they are on one structure. Ley’s report is the most detailed, but t 3/13/1997 #43229## Word: "leyden" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Leyden” YieldMax: 20KT 11/26/1975 #30666## Word: "leyland" (Back to Top)
n 2:00 a.m. Police Constable David Leyland in Skegness, Lincolnshire, Engla 10/5/1996 #43056## Word: "leyr" (Back to Top)
LEYR, FR 1 observer. Metallic 20M cylind 3/24/1980 #35236## Word: "leysin" (Back to Top)
LEYSIN, SWITZ White ovoid maneuvers / mo 9/5/1970 #25824## Word: "leyte" (Back to Top)
Oro Bay, Papua New Guinea Leyte Gulf, Philippines 11:55 p.m. Lt. J 11/16/1944 #1697 from Oro Bay, Papua New Guinea, to Leyte Gulf, Philippines, observes an unu 11/16/1944 #1697 Leyte Gulf Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, Philipp 11/30/1944? #1711 illiam is transporting troops from Leyte Gulf to Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, Phil 11/30/1944? #1711 ORMOC, LEYTE, PI Several kids. White cloud goin 3/2/1984 #37215## Word: "leyva" (Back to Top)
was sighted by two witnesses named Leyva and Sanchez. A short time later th 4/30/1958 #15005## Word: "lezay" (Back to Top)
LEZAY, FR Several cops. Bright-yellow ba 5/1/1975 #30016 t low altitude over the village of Lezay, Deux Sevres, France at 11:10 p.m. 5/1/1975 #30017 apparent size of the full moon in Lezay, Deux-Sevres, France. 5/4/1975 #30034 LEZAY, FR Huge luminous mushroom flashes 8/19/1980 (approximate) #35465## Word: "lezignan" (Back to Top)
Lezignan, France Andre Garcia and Andre 10/4/1954 #10692 magne and were near the village of Lezignan, France when they saw a luminou 10/4/1954 #10701## Word: "león" (Back to Top)
Calabozo, Venezuela 11:30 p.m. León Febres, Miguel Talavera, Jesús Prad 8/28/1956 #13146 .m. Dr. Don Francisco-Julio Padrón León and Santiago del Pino are traveling 6/22/1976 #31128## Word: "lf" (Back to Top)
ategic Air Command team at the H-2 LF northeast of Gurley reports a white U 8/1/1965 #19242 ions, continue solidly at the H- 2 LF for the next 40 minutes. At 4:05 a.m. 8/1/1965 #19242## Word: "lfs" (Back to Top)
ties (LCFs) and launch facilities (LFs, missile silos). A Lieut. Anspaugh l 8/1/1965 #19242## Word: "lgm" (Back to Top)
cop / abduction victim photographs LGM / moors south / town. Runs to saucer 12/1/1987 #38343## Word: "lh" (Back to Top)
Source “LH” at Bell Laboratories states a source 1950 #4464 ceiver worn by some UAP occupants; LH states the source believes he has bee 1950 #4464## Word: "lh0rddhy-bu" (Back to Top)
ongress in 1959. https://youtu.be/lH0RDdHy-BU?t=5586 https://www.londonf 9/15/2021 #45710## Word: "lherminier" (Back to Top)
ontenay-Torcy, France Mr. and Mrs. Lherminier saw a cigar-shaped red object 10/18/1954 #11209 France. At 8:40 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Lherminier saw a red, cigar-shaped objec 10/18/1954 #11220## Word: "li" (Back to Top)
MITCHELL AIR FORCE BASE, LI, NY White saucer makes 180° turn. Cir 1/21/1952 #5869 MITCHELL AIR FORCE BASE, LI, NY Pan-AM pilot. Night light hovers 6/26/1952 #6633 JONES BEACH, LI, NY 2+USAF. 5 white ovoids in a row s 8/20/1952 #7657 BELLMORE, LI, NY 1 observer. Pulsating orange ovoi 12/3/1953 #9334 EAST ROCKAWAY, LI, NY 1 observer. Slanting line near ai 2/22/1956 #12735 NORTHPORT, LI, NY Linemen. Large plain cylinder/cig 5/24/1957 #13675 MERRICK, LI, NY 1 observer. 3.5' bar-shaped objec 11/8/1957 #14470 OLD WESTBURY, LI, NY Spherical cloud goes going east. 1/3/1958 #14797 6MI WITH MITCHELL AIR FORCE BASE, LI, NY Vertical luminous red UFO flies s 8/19/1959 #15926 ISLAND PARK, LI, NY Man woken / light. 4 night lights 8/21/1965 #19445 NAPEAGUE BEACH, LI, NY Truck malfunctions due to EME (el 3/30/1966 #20151 East Hampton, Montauk, LI, NY 9:00 p.m. EST. A tree surgeon and 3/30/1966 #20155 SAG HARBOR, LI, NY Several / (seen thru) binoculars. 4/1966 (approximate) #20186 SOUTH / PATCHOGUE, LI, NY 3 cops and more/others. Night lig 10/21/1966 #21021 SOUTHAMPTON, LI, NY 1 observer. Sparkling object glid 10/23/1966 #21027 HICKSVILLE, LI, NY Car malfunctions due to EME (elec 4/14/1967 #22129 SMITHTOWN, LI, NY 4 observer(s). Sphere with band / 8/27/1979 #34785 ROSLYN ESTATES, LI, NY 1 observer. Silent domed saucer g 3/26/1993 #40901 Space Flight Center physicist Ning Li, with David Noever, Tony Robertson, R 8/1/1997 #43364 pended above it by 0.05% to 2.1%. Li reportedly left NASA in 1999 to found 8/1/1997 #43364 any still existed as of 2021. Ning Li passed away on 27 July 2021. https:/ 8/1/1997 #43364 (HFGW) stated he hadn’t heard from Li in “several years.” She was working o 8/1/1997 #43364 contract. Baker did not know where Li went or why she didn’t finish her con 8/1/1997 #43364 o states he is working with Fangyu Li of Chongqing University on HFGW resea 8/1/1997 #43364 the Army’s oversight committee for Li’s contract and that Li never delivere 8/1/1997 #43364 mmittee for Li’s contract and that Li never delivered a final report not du 8/1/1997 #43364 er states he has communicated with Li since then and she “would play a role 8/1/1997 #43364 me he is still working with Fangyu Li at Chongqing University, and is also 8/1/1997 #43364 hored at least one paper with Ning Li. https://www.wired.com/1998/03/antig 3/1/1998 #43527 MASTIC, LI, NY Taxi and riders. Domed metallic s 7/14/1999 #43801 n, Jonathan Campbell of NASA, Ning Li of AC Gravity (1 August 1997), Eugene 5/2002 #44335 ve worked in Huntsville (Campbell, Li, Cameron). 5/2002 #44335 V Stephenson, Pankaj S Josh, Ning Li, Giorgio Fontana, Fang-Yu Li, Meng-Xi 5/6/2003 #44526 Ning Li, Giorgio Fontana, Fang-Yu Li, Meng-Xi Tang, Dong-Ping She, Melvin 5/6/2003 #44526 y Redstone Arsenal contractor Ning Li (1 August 1997) and AATIP contributor 3/28/2006 #44931 PUBLIC DOMAIN by physicists. Ning Li and Robert Baker were working on Li-B 2008 #45108 nts and it was transferred to Ning Li (see 1 August 1997). He states NASA h 2/4/2020 #45630 ese-American scientist called Ning Li…there is a very active anti-gravity p 5/2022 #45746## Word: "li-2" (Back to Top)
Guangdong Wuhan, China A Lisunov Li-2 airliner on the Guangdong to Wuhan, 10/1963 #17968## Word: "li-baker" (Back to Top)
2008. Claims two F-16s fitted with Li-Baker high frequency gravitational wa 2008 #45108 i and Robert Baker were working on Li-Baker HFGW detectors in the late 2000 2008 #45108## Word: "lia" (Back to Top)
in aircraft mechanic, and his wife Lia Simmons sighted a disc-shaped UFO fr 4/20/1999 #43759## Word: "liabeuf" (Back to Top)
ne 17 report by a Police Inspector Liabeuf and forwarded to the French Acad 6/12/1790 #91## Word: "liac" (Back to Top)
D8 NORTH / LIAC, FR Several separate observer(s). W 2/27/1974 #28808 LIAC TO/FROM GENSAC, FR Small red sphere 2/28/1974 #28815 ountain road at 10:30 p.m. between Liac and Gensac, France a motorcycle eng 2/28/1974 #28823## Word: "liaison" (Back to Top)
ity over Germany.” An unnamed Flak Liaison Officer has coordinated the repo 9/25/1942 #1448 ed Loedding (as Wright Field T-2’s liaison with the Pentagon) meets with Ga 9/5/1947 #3386 under the code name BLUE BOOK. The liaison between Project GRUDGE and MJ-12 12/1948 #3896 k and Sandia’s AF-Civil Air Patrol Liaison Officer Maj. Charles L. Phillips 12/12/1948 #3926 m Godsoe (Fourth Army Intelligence liaison officer at Sandia Base). He prom 2/8/1949 #3998 ers; and Maj. Jere Boggs, Pentagon liaison to Project Grudge. Most of the i 1/1950 #4470 gations. In part, it states: “In a liaison meeting with other military and 5/25/1950 #4966 osia, Cyprus Witnesses: USAF MATS liaison officer Lt. William Ghormley, Co 8/20/1950 #5131 , bright white flying object. MATS liaison officer Lt. William Ghormley, Co 8/20/1950 #5133 non L. Sadowski of his staff to be liaison to Project Grudge., and the Grou 3/19/1952 #5961 urnet Jr. is a full-time Blue Book liaison. 6/1952 #6402 Korea Japan The Air Technical Liaison Office, Directorate of Intellige 7/11/1952 #6762 esident Truman tells his air force liaison, Robert B. Landry, to find out w 7/29/1952 #7321 ision to Norman W. Philcox, an FBI liaison to the Air Force. The Air Force 7/29/1952 #7324 L. Sadowski, the ADC Intelligence liaison to Blue Book, who says that “no Late 9/1952 #8027 l engineer and former Project Sign liaison Alfred Loedding and his wife Mar 10/1952 #8076 internal security specialist” as a liaison with the military. 2/23/1954 #9566 more people to report sightings; a liaison with the USAF to exchange inform 12/26/1954 #11862 mation and verify Keyhoe’s claims; liaison with the RAF and the possibility 12/26/1954 #11862 views 50 potential sites with USAF liaison Col. Osmond J. Ritland. None see Early 1955 #11901 t. Col. Lee B. James, chief of the Liaison Branch of the Army Ballistic Age 2/25/1959 #15614 S Navy Cmdr. Julius Larsen, an ONI liaison officer to the CIA’s Photographi 7/5/1959 #15817 . Instead, Air Force Congressional Liaison personnel briefed key Congressio 6/1961 #16706 provided Condon with an “informal liaison” to assist with “certain technic 4/3/1966 #20214 ussia DIA Intelligence Report from Liaison in Moscow, Russia mentioning an 1/19/1968 #23673 erlich, is designated as Blue Book liaison and he calls the report in at 4: 10/24/1968 #24587 reports, to which USAF Legislative Liaison Joseph J. F. Clark replies that 12/20/1978 #34186 in the 1990s show USAF Legislative Liaison Joseph J.F. Clark was not being 12/20/1978 #34186 k, associate director, Legislative Liaison for the Air Force, responds to R 2/9/1979 #34415 was chosen by the real Falcon as a liaison person. He says that by mid-1982 7/1/1989 #39002 tion, UAP tracking and specialized liaison groups (to media, political lead 4/2001 #44154 Retired CIA liaison to the entertainment industry Ch 7/8/2012 #45349 of his told him Lue Elizondo was a liaison of the SAPOC, specifically to th 6/29/2021 #45698## Word: "liaisons" (Back to Top)
o meet with the subcommittee’s FBI liaisons. Tacker declares that USAF does 1/31/1958 #14855 side corporate entities and select liaisons within the international commun 4/2001 #44154## Word: "liang" (Back to Top)
,000. The organization’s chairman, Liang Renglin of Jinan University in Gua 8/1985 #37634## Word: "liangshan" (Back to Top)
Liangshan Cotton Mill south of Longwangm 9/9/1976 #31363 a Around 3:00 p.m. A worker at the Liangshan Cotton Mill south of Longwangm 9/9/1976 #31363## Word: "lianza" (Back to Top)
nd transparency by Commodore Rubén Lianza. 5/6/2011 #45323## Word: "liaoning" (Back to Top)
Lüda (now Dalian), Liaoning, China Four artillerymen statio Early 1968 #23635 val garrison at Lüda [now Dalian], Liaoning, China, see a luminous, gold, o Early 1968 #23635 Dalian, Liaoning, China Jinan University in Guan 8/1985 #37634 inese scientists gather in Dalian, Liaoning, China, to exchange views on UF 8/1985 #37634## Word: "liar" (Back to Top)
nd Mr. Schirmer was a pathological liar, the other felt that Schirmer was t 12/3/1967 #23547 tegrity and calling him a habitual liar. 12/16/1967 #23593## Word: "libau" (Back to Top)
WEST / LIBAU, MB Hunters / stone quarry. Odd 80 10/1/1977 #32541 3 miles west of Libau, Manitoba 7:00 p.m. Leo and John G 10/1/1977 #32542 ardeau are hunting 3 miles west of Libau, Manitoba, when they see an object 10/1/1977 #32542 habited area near a quarry west of Libau, Manitoba, Canada when they saw a 10/1/1977 #32543## Word: "libby" (Back to Top)
AEC Commissioner Willard Libby tells Congress that nuclear weapon 6/5/1957 #13706## Word: "libel" (Back to Top)
s claims. Morton sues the site for libel but the case is dismissed. In 2010 1991 #39935## Word: "liberal" (Back to Top)
he engineering, pharmacy, law, and liberal arts colleges will examine the e 7/1952 #6680 LIBERAL, KS AND MORE Many / wide area. F 8/2/1962 #17314 Liberal, KS Colored Lights Lit Up Runway 8/2/1962 #17315 Liberal, KS Time not reported. A blue-gr 4/4/1966 #20221## Word: "liberally" (Back to Top)
ers Are Watching Us, which borrows liberally from the theories of engineer 1968 #23625## Word: "liberated" (Back to Top)
lligence objectives in Germany and liberated countries. This unique system 2/23/1944 #1577## Word: "liberation" (Back to Top)
nce groups, guerrillas and refugee liberation groups, and support of indige 9/1/1948 #3794 ected of belonging to the National Liberation Front. The reported torture i 5/1967 #22253 . Chen Chu, a member of a People’s Liberation Army unit stationed in Dingzh Late 9/1971 #26378 Two soldiers of a Chinese People’s Liberation Army unit stationed in Jiansh Fall 1975 #30380 y increasing UFOs. To the People’s Liberation Army they are ‘unidentified a 6/4/2021 #45692## Word: "liberationtimes" (Back to Top)
ePentagon.pdf (p107) https://www.liberationtimes.com/home/why-the-defense 5/8/2009 #45221 UAP “very seriously.” https://www.liberationtimes.com/home/pentagon-admits 8/23/2022 #45764 verified by Congress. https://www.liberationtimes.com/home/exclusive-more- 10/14/2022 #45778 e classic gray alien. https://www.liberationtimes.com/home/former-chief-fo 2/28/2023 #45796## Word: "liberator" (Back to Top)
d, Switzerland, is watching a B-24 Liberator flying overhead at 15,000 feet 7/12/1946 #2053## Word: "libercourt" (Back to Top)
LIBERCOURT, FR 4 observer(s). Fireball m 3/18/1974 #28905## Word: "liberian" (Back to Top)
ATLANTIC / LIBERIAN TANKER 70° 25W-36° 24N 1 UFO se 8/24/1958 #15221## Word: "libert" (Back to Top)
FR ASTRONOMER LIBERT Very bright slow white meteorite. 6/29/1898 #623 PARIS Astronomer Libert. Gold-yellow bolide seen / 12 min 7/4/1898 #624 PARIS Astronomer Libert. Very very slow bolide. Shape = t 5/6/1899 #634 LE HAVRE, FR Astronomer Libert. Meteor turns and loops and curve 2/9/1902 #649## Word: "liberta" (Back to Top)
ter for UFO Studies (CISU), citing Liberta, June 22, 1975 and La Stampa, Ju 6/20/1975 #30110## Word: "libertad" (Back to Top)
In Trujillo, La Libertad, Peru a man had his eyesight im 4/16/1972 #26648 LIBERTAD, URU 2 green pseudo-human/entit 6/14/1980 #35362## Word: "liberty" (Back to Top)
West Liberty Cedar Rapids, Iowa 8:00 p.m. Man 4/8/1897 #418 s, and Northern Railroad from West Liberty to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, see an ob 4/8/1897 #418 d ships are sunk, including the US Liberty ship SS John Harvey, which is ca 12/2/1943 #1549 Omaha Beach Normandy, France The Liberty ship SS George E. Badger is off 6/10/1944? #1605 LIBERTY LAKE, WA UFO hovers / 30K' altit 7/30/1952 #7345 e 4 Mission — Gus Grissom piloting Liberty Bell 7 becomes the second Americ 7/21/1961 #16770 Liberty, NY 8:30 p.m. Two pulsating whit 2/25/1964 #18137 LIBERTY, MO Night lights / field. Hide w 4/1/1966 #20194 Liberty, Missouri Darlene Underwood and 4/1/1966 #20199 arlene Underwood and her mother of Liberty, Missouri saw two luminous objec 4/1/1966 #20203 t 7:04 p.m. two women driving near Liberty Lake Bridge in Carroll County, M 10/27/1974 #29562 Stanford Hustonville, Kentucky Liberty, Kentucky 11:15 p.m. Mona Staffo 1/6/1976 #30770 hey get home to Smith’s trailer in Liberty, Kentucky, around 1:25 a.m., the 1/6/1976 #30770 Liberty, IN 7:20 a.m. Father driving gir 6/1976 #31078 Liberty County Cleveland, Texas 11:00 p. 5/22/1982 #36482 County Cleveland, Texas 11:00 p.m. Liberty County Deputy Sheriff John McDon 5/22/1982 #36482 Liberty, KY Abduction report (Ridge file 6/1983 #36873 aused an electrical disturbance in Liberty, Kentucky at 1:00 a.m. 9/16/2006 #44962## Word: "libertyville" (Back to Top)
Libertyville, Illinois 2:30 a.m. Kathy F 6/25/1982 #36516 t makes two right-angle turns near Libertyville, Illinois. 6/25/1982 #36516## Word: "librarian" (Back to Top)
of smaller UFOs was observed by a librarian. First motionless, the smaller 6/4/1961 #16719 ennsylvania Mrs. James W. Annis, a librarian, sees a large, narrow, ellipti 6/4/1961 #16720## Word: "libraries" (Back to Top)
son Pátero, an organizer of public libraries for the State of São Paulo, Br 5/22/1973 #27518## Word: "library" (Back to Top)
pt. https://www.trumanlibrary.gov/library/oral-histories/landryr 1948 #3526 den, New Jersey Cooper Free Public Library Day. Edward E. Thompson watches 7/4/1948 #3698 across from the Cooper Free Public Library. 7/4/1948 #3698 Bertram A. Totten, a clerk at the Library of Congress, is flying his plane 3/26/1950 #4729 , a large automated tape cartridge library. An NSA-conducted evaluation fin 1/1962 #17015 https://www.fordlibrarymuseum.gov/library/document/0054/4525586.pdf (p12) 4/3/1966 #20214 rio Public Archives of Canada [now Library and Archives of Canada] The Cana 1968 #23630 the Public Archives of Canada [now Library and Archives of Canada] at the e 1968 #23630 at the Air Force Rocket Propulsion Library at Edwards Air Force Base. An en 6/1972 #26694 iljegren. Its specialized research library for UFO literature is establishe 8/1972 #26863 ldings in 2020 include a reference library of more than 20,000 titles, more 8/1972 #26863 ry brief. / unsubstantiated note / library book. 11/13/1976 #31542 Research Service Madison Building Library of Congress Constitutional attor 1977 #31650 brand-new Madison Building at the Library of Congress to look at the “clas 1977 #31650 visits the Madison Building at the Library of Congress to look at “classifi 1977 #31659 d by Ronald D. Story. New American Library, a division of Penguin Putnam In 8/6/1977 #32365 d by Ronald D. Story. New American Library, a division of Penguin Putnam In 8/6/1977 #32366 ary pilots, the fact that the GCHQ library contains numerous UFO publicatio 3/1997 #43215 estimated 15,000) are digitized by Library and Archives Canada and made ava 2005 #44802 e. Tyler states he had them in his library and was alone with them to perfo 2/20/2019 #45563## Word: "libre" (Back to Top)
oing quickly west fast. / Charente Libre 16 May. '69. 5/13/1969 #25134 itude. Several photographs. / Midi Libre. 9/16/1972 #27004## Word: "libres" (Back to Top)
Paso de los Libres, Argentina At 10:00 pm in Paso de 6/24/1967 #22544 gentina At 10:00 pm in Paso de los Libres, policemen saw 8-10 bright lights 6/24/1967 #22544 Paso de los Libres, Corrientes, Argentina Yapeyú and 6/24/1967 #22548 rgentina 10:00 p.m. At Paso de los Libres, Corrientes, Argentina, policemen 6/24/1967 #22548## Word: "libreville" (Back to Top)
LIBREVILLE, GABON UFO lands. Terrifying 12/25/1963 #18093 Libreville, Gabon A fisherman witnessed 12/25/1963 #18094 A fisherman in Libreville, Gabon witnessed the landing 12/25/1963 #18095## Word: "libya" (Back to Top)
Derna, Libya 9:30 p.m. Mr. R. Baits is on the b 5/31/1952 #6394 R. Baits is on the beach at Derna, Libya, with three companions when he not 5/31/1952 #6394 TRIPOLI, LIBYA 2+2+4 observer(s). Glowing disk / 9/18/1952 #7973 NORTH / TRIPOLI, LIBYA 2 / England. Fiery football-size o 9/22/1952 #8000 Bet. Tunis, Tunisia, and Tripoli, Libya UFO Paces C-119 Crew (NICAP: 11 - 2/11/1953 #8663 etween Tunis, Tunisia and Tripoli, Libya at 9:45 p.m. 2/11/1953 #8665 Castel Idris Tripoli Libya British pilot Mike Lithgow attains 9/26/1953 #9180 wift F 4 at Castel Idris, Tripoli, Libya. 9/26/1953 #9180 NEAR TRIPOLI, LIBYA Farmer. Saucer with wheels and tub 10/23/1954 #11328 Tripoli, Libya A farmer saw a flying craft descen 10/23/1954 #11338 named Carmelo Papotto in Tripoli, Libya saw a flying craft descend to grou 10/23/1954 #11344 Wheelus AFB, Tripoli, Libya (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Objec 1/24/1956 #12680 WHEELUS AIR FORCE BASE, LIBYA Military ground and air RADAR's. B 10/17/1956 #13283 Wheelus AFB, Tripoli, Libya (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) F-86' 10/17/1956 #13284 SW Libya, Libya Military aircraft pilot saw 1/4/1958 #14804 SW Libya, Libya Military aircraft pilot saw a brig 1/4/1958 #14804 WHEELUS AIR FORCE BASE, TRIPOLI, LIBYA Project Bluebook Case #6027. Blue- 9/1/1958 #15240 Wheelus AFB, Libya Witness: Philco technical represe 9/1/1958 #15246 luish-white object at Wheelus AFB, Libya. It was flying at varying speeds. 9/1/1958 #15247 Wheelus AFB, Tripoli, Libya Unidentified Returns on GCI Scope 9/14/1958 #15266 BENGHAZI, LIBYA Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Mi 2/16/1959 #15589 Benghazi, Libya Silvery blue to reddish to dark ro 2/16/1959 #15590 US Libya At the direction of US Secretary o 1/9/2018 #45502 rsonnel.” Retired US Ambassador to Libya Peter W. Bodde is chosen to lead t 1/9/2018 #45502## Word: "licata" (Back to Top)
Strait of Sicily Licata, Sicily, Italy Ainab, Lebanon 10: 6/18/1845 #141 Sicily about 30 miles southwest of Licata, Sicily, Italy, when a huge wind 6/18/1845 #141 CAMPOBELLO DI LICATA, ITL 2+2 observer(s). Small metal 4/25/1967 #22216 LICATA, ITL 2 / beach. Light going up / 10/24/1981 #36183 f the River Salso near the city of Licata, Sicilia, Italy around 7:45 p.m. 10/24/1981 #36185## Word: "license" (Back to Top)
t Military College for his pilot’s license test in a Cessna 150. They are a 8/27/1979 #34788 sed the information, his station’s license would be in jeopardy. Roberts di 12/30/1991 #40271 the university plans to patent and license this device. No further informat 1997 #43156 The university states it plans to license the device but no further inform 3/1/1998 #43527 ary-looking men with the following license plates: 4U49864 (white truck), 5 7/2003 #44560 sedan a week later, he reports the license plate to BAASS, which tracks it 5/8/2009 #45220 the triangle. “Jones” reported the license plate to Bigelow Aerospace Advan 5/8/2009 #45221 Program (AAWSAP). BAASS tracks the license plate to a DHS carpool. https:/ 5/8/2009 #45221## Word: "licensed" (Back to Top)
m hypnotic regression performed by licensed psychologist Aphrodite Clamar, 1981 #35761## Word: "licenses" (Back to Top)
visually. On June 8, 1977, the FCC licenses its Raytheon Model 1700 radar s 1964 #18102## Word: "lichenologist" (Back to Top)
Skänninge Sweden 4:00 p.m. Swedish lichenologist Erik Acharius watches a st 5/16/1808 #102## Word: "lichfield" (Back to Top)
LICHFIELD AREA, STAFFORDS Wave / cigars 3/1988 #38477## Word: "lick" (Back to Top)
NORTHEAST / FRENCH LICK, IN 2 / car. Large metallic yo-yo s 9/15/1956 #13223 nd down. Stops / 10 second(s) over lick observatory. Continues going south. 5/2/1980 #35299 inoculars; stopped, spinning, over Lick Observatory, accelerated rapidly an 5/2/1980 #35300 inoculars. Stopped, spinning, over Lick Observatory, accelerated rapidly an 5/2/1980 #35301 Clara County San Jose, California Lick Observatory 10:15 a.m. A Santa Clar 5/2/1980 #35303 The object stops and spins toward Lick Observatory to the east of their po 5/2/1980 #35303 abama Dawson and Dog Town, Alabama Lick Skillet, Tennessee 8:42 p.m. A woma 2/10/1989 #38832 Dawson and Dog Town, Alabama, and Lick Skillet, Tennessee, regarding a “si 2/10/1989 #38832 e Kalb City, Dawson, Dog Town, and Lick Skillet. 2/10/1989 #38833## Word: "lickdale" (Back to Top)
US Jonestown/Lickdale, PA. Disc passed over car, gave 4/5/1967 #22065 State Highway 72 Lickdale, Pennsylvania 7:45 p.m. Justice 4/5/1967 #22066 on State Highway 72 just south of Lickdale, Pennsylvania, when his car’s e 4/5/1967 #22066 m. EDT between Jonestown and South Lickdale, Pennsylvania on Highway 72 Jus 4/5/1967 #22068## Word: "licking" (Back to Top)
Licking County, OH (McDonald list) High 9/26/1965 #19607## Word: "licodia" (Back to Top)
LICODIA EUBIA, ITL Trucker. Radio Freque 12/15/1978 #34134 craft that had landed on a road in Licodia Eubea, Italy. They spoke some ki 12/15/1978 #34140## Word: "licorne" (Back to Top)
confirmed. Country: France Name: “Licorne” YieldMax: 1000KT 7/3/1970 #25724## Word: "licy-clignon" (Back to Top)
LICY-CLIGNON, FR 2 / car. 100M and dark 11/5/1990 #39854## Word: "lid" (Back to Top)
SMYRNA, GA 1 / car. "Flying tin lid" / incredible speed. Brilliant refle 7/10/1947 #3092 At 5:30 p.m. EDT a "flying tin lid" shaped object flew over Smyrna, Geo 7/10/1947 #3119 end of July 1947, the UFO security lid was down tight. The few members of t 7/31/1947 #3265 away, looking like "a garbage can lid with a piece of watermelon on top" ( 8/30/1970 #25815 l object. Top turns like fruit jar lid. Telepathy? Electro-magnetic effect 2/23/1981 #35840 orsky Krai, Russia. A reactor tank lid is improperly replaced, which quickl 8/10/1985 #37641## Word: "lid'" (Back to Top)
ery red disk 'like washing machine lid' going quickly west over town. No fu 7/6/1947 #2796## Word: "liddel" (Back to Top)
ot “just balloons” (in response to Liddel’s upcoming article) and urges a f 2/25/1951 #5458 Physicist Urner Liddel, Office of Naval Research, says i 2/27/1951 #5463 balloons. The article is based on Liddel’s study in ONR’s Research Reviews 2/27/1951 #5463 of Naval Research physicist Urner Liddel states in a public magazine artic 2/27/1951 #5464 ls the Associated Press that Urner Liddel and ONR are purposefully misleadi 2/27/1951 #5465 ar angels and mirages, while Urner Liddel presents “Phantasmagoria or Unusu 10/9/1952 #8107## Word: "liddell" (Back to Top)
Two men, West and Liddell, watched as a forty meter in dia 1/13/1957 #13454 w Zealand William West and Wallace Liddell saw an object similar to a shoot 1/15/1957 #13456 Zealand, William West and Wallace Liddell saw an object similar to a shoot 1/15/1957 #13457## Word: "liddy" (Back to Top)
G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt break into the 9/3/1971 #26311## Word: "lidingö" (Back to Top)
Lidingö Stockholm Sweden Retired Swedish 10/31/2014 #45422 k submarine in waters just outside Lidingö in Stockholm, Sweden. The incide 10/31/2014 #45422## Word: "lidless" (Back to Top)
ars, a face like a bloodhound, and lidless eyes like a snake. His skin hang 12/15/1956 #13404## Word: "lido" (Back to Top)
LIDO KEY, FL 2 / beach. Cylinder/cigar-s 6/10/1953 (approximate) #8931## Word: "lids" (Back to Top)
-blue and looks like two giant pot lids put together. He makes a sign to no 8/20/1954 #10157 s crafted with items like trashcan lids, carpet tacks, and other household 1997 #43155## Word: "lidstrom" (Back to Top)
iny UFO seen. Part of wave / Anton Lidstrom. No further details. 9/19/1976 #31397## Word: "lie" (Back to Top)
rk hair and goggles. He is made to lie down on a couch or table. He has onl Late Summer 1942 #1440 er and stops, and they rush out to lie down in a ditch, fearing an explosio 3/14/1946 #1977 er the incident the witness had to lie prostrate in bed for several days. 10/18/1954 #11224 e man took his watch and said "You lie; it's 4:00." Then he wanted to know 10/20/1954 #11270 man took out a watch and said "You lie, it's 4:00." Then he wanted to know 10/20/1954 #11278 eclassified records show this is a lie, as the Project was cataloging at le 4/5/1966 #20253 outhern part of England. The sites lie on a straight path 220 miles long th 9/4/1967 #22998 gest 60 by 15 feet. All the stalks lie in one direction, north to south. Th 4/17/1969 #25067 r South Akron, Ohio she decided to lie down on the sofa for a short nap. Sh 8/22/1969 #25326 oma. He felt strange and wanted to lie down, so went to lie down in his fri 7/4/1970 #25727 and wanted to lie down, so went to lie down in his friend's bedroom. He was 7/4/1970 #25727 to the house and he went inside to lie down on a daybed. He stayed there th 3/1/1974 #28842 d "Tombo." Becky was instructed to lie on a hospital-like bed where she was 3/20/1974 #28916 s. Here he was told to undress and lie on a table. Blood samples were taken 10/27/1975 #30489 on its tip. Then each was made to lie on an exam table where each was exam 8/26/1976 #31307 ite and warm. The wife was made to lie on a very cold table, where she was 3/20/1977 #31921 of physical exam after making her lie on a metallic, exam table. For the f 7/19/1977 #32294 subjected to hypnosis and passes a lie detector test and apparently does no 5/1978 #33181 found any reasonable evidence of a lie or episode of fantasy, nor any proof 7/25/1979 #34679 r like walls, where he was made to lie down on a cot-like bed. He saw three 12/15/1981 #36259 alls with hoods. He was ordered to lie down on a table, and at this point h 1/15/1986 #37765 ethically, he couldn’t do that (a lie?). Jones also states he doesn’t have 4/15/1993 #40934 her in an attempt to force her to lie down on a nearby metal table. The wi 7/24/1993 #41082 iation give Meng a medical exam, a lie detector test, and a hypnotic regres Early 6/1994 #41548 voluted" flesh, who ordered him to lie down. This being had slits in his ey 9/11/1994 #41734 ist from Suzhou. Cao also passes a lie detector test at the Beijing Bureau 12/1999 #43890## Word: "lieberman" (Back to Top)
a feature film directed by Robert Lieberman that is based on abductee Trav 3/12/1993 #40881 . Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) to attempt to get th 2/7/2011 #45313## Word: "liechtenstein" (Back to Top)
nce Hans-Adam II, head of state of Liechtenstein, funded a study to determi 5/22/1991 #40075## Word: "lied" (Back to Top)
n 1961 suggests he believed he was lied to. https://www.cia.gov/readingroo 2/16/1961 #16600 sistant Chief of Naval Operations, lied to the House of Representatives whe 1/1989 #38774 he renewed speculation…that he had lied to Congress by stating that Aurora 12/22/1992 #40762 )’s Tom Passell tells Plotkin ERAB lied to Congress and told lawmakers cold 5/17/1999 #43770 concerned Secretary Donald B. Rice lied to Congress by stating Aurora didn’ 8/12/2022 #45762## Word: "liefooghe" (Back to Top)
assee in Pas-de-Calais, France Mr. Liefooghe had a close encounter with two 12/31/1973 #28623## Word: "liege" (Back to Top)
LIEGE, BELGIUM Numerous observer(s). 3 f 7/4/1972 #26761 LIEGE, BELGIUM 3 night lights / triangle 7/14/1972 #26797 LIEGE, BELGIUM 5 observer(s) / (seen thr 9/10/1974 #29445 wo children in Moulin Sous Fleron, Liege, Belgium were frightened by a bein 9/10/1975 #30351## Word: "lieksa" (Back to Top)
LIEKSA, FINL 3 observer(s). Metallic dis 7/1/1966 #20626 NEAR LIEKSA, FINL 2 / boat. Black sphere / sk 7/31/1981 #36042 Lieksa, Finland Black sphere and satelli 7/31/1981 #36043 Lieksa, Finland Black sphere and satelli 7/31/1981 #36044 Lieksa, Finland Black sphere and satelli 7/31/1981 #36045 Lieksa, Finland Black sphere and satelli 7/31/1981 #36046 at on a lake near Cape Vaaraniemi, Lieksa, Finland and was watched by two w 7/31/1981 #36050## Word: "lien" (Back to Top)
of the sea. First Officer Toronin Lien first saw a large, blue, intense fl 7/6/1965 #19076 zores 6:52 p.m. Chief Mate Torgrim Lien of the Norwegian ship TT Jawesta wa 7/6/1965 #19078 z, Portugal. First Officer Toronin Lien first saw the large, blue, intense 7/6/1965 #19079## Word: "liepaya" (Back to Top)
LIEPAYA, LATVIA Several pilots. Brill wh 8/12/1965 #19371 LIEPAYA, LATVIA Several observer(s). Lar 11/14/1967 #23446 Liepaya, Russia A large, luminous object 11/14/1967 #23448 n shot away quickly in the city of Liepaya, Latvia. The light from the UFO 11/14/1967 #23451## Word: "liepāja" (Back to Top)
Baltic Sea Liepāja, Latvia Night. A large, illumina Late 11/1967 #23511 r the shore of the Baltic Sea near Liepāja, Latvia. Its light is difficult Late 11/1967 #23511## Word: "lier" (Back to Top)
LIER, BELGIUM 3 observer(s). Large ovoid 4/10/1967 #22101## Word: "lierneaux" (Back to Top)
ning home at Aische-en-Rafail near Lierneaux, Belgium at 4:03 p.m. saw an o 1/24/1974 #28702## Word: "liernu" (Back to Top)
LIERNU, BELGIUM Motorcycle dies. 5M dome 11/1966 #21055## Word: "lies" (Back to Top)
ot. In the shade cast by the craft lies a naked man with shoulder-length ha 4/16/1897 #508 eam that knocks him over. Facchini lies still while the repairs are complet 4/24/1950 #4888 him. He jumps off the tractor and lies down, fearful, as the object stops 9/20/1954 #10370 d soon disappear. The large object lies on its side and quivers some more. 12/15/1957 #14730 strikes the surface, it bends and lies flat on the surface, lighting up th 1967 #21236 knocks him to the ground where he lies unconscious for a while, then wakes 3/23/1974 #28936 for the clearing where the sandpit lies and lands there, about 150 feet awa 8/16/1974 #29362 meless Psychic and His Prophecy of Lies.” which throws doubt on many of his 1991 #39935 he state is deliberately spreading lies on the internet about whichever ind 2/24/2014 #45402## Word: "liestal" (Back to Top)
LIESTAL, SWITZ Several observer(s). Sile 10/1/1956 #13257## Word: "lietha" (Back to Top)
A schoolteacher named Mrs. Lietha was driving down the highway with 4/3/1968 #23887## Word: "lieu" (Back to Top)
proportionately small legs, and in lieu of arms, a telescopic “pole” about 1/9/1976 #30781## Word: "lieut" (Back to Top)
Essex 8:25 p.m. Royal Flying Corps Lieut. Reginald Maxwell is cruising his 1/31/1916 #941 Germany Night. Lieut. Col. Oris B. Johnson’s 422d Night Early 11/1944 #1690 A Bristol Beaufighter crew (pilot Lieut. Edward A. Schlueter and radar obs 11/29/1944 #1710 rd A. Schlueter and radar observer Lieut. Donald J. Meiers of the 415th Nig 11/29/1944 #1710 Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, Philippines, Lieut. JG Kendall Bruce, fire control of 11/30/1944? #1711 s Northern Germany 2:30 a.m. USAAF Lieut. Jack Green and navigator Lieut. W 1/2/1945 #1751 AF Lieut. Jack Green and navigator Lieut. Warren Barber, 653rd Bombardment 1/2/1945 #1751 e foo fighters are German weapons. Lieut. Donald J. Meiers of the 415th Nig 1/2/1945 #1752 ma, Japan During an air operation, Lieut. Calvin P. Lamb (pilot), Lieut. Ja 3/26/1945 #1829 on, Lieut. Calvin P. Lamb (pilot), Lieut. James G. Holmes (radar observer), 3/26/1945 #1829 d object is again seen March 28 by Lieut. William F. Sill (pilot), Flight O 3/26/1945 #1829 Latin America Lieut. Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg replaces Sou 6/10/1946 #2007 e torn up and thrown on the shore. Lieut. Karl-Gösta Bartoll from the Boden 7/19/1946 #2071 10:02 a.m. Swedish Air Force pilot Lieut. Gunnar Irholm and his signaler, C 8/14/1946 #2135 amsey, Maj. Gen. Robert W. Harper, Lieut. Gen Idwal H. Edwards, Vice Adm. R 1947 #2219 rth of Lake Mead, Nevada 1:15 p.m. Lieut. Eric B. Armstrong, flying an F-51 6/28/1947 #2447 ield has no comparable technology. Lieut. William C. Anderson, Wright Field 7/3/1947 #2582 ico Washington State AMC commander Lieut. Gen Nathan Twining unexpectedly f 7/7/1947 #2929 of this information. He also calls Lieut. Gen. Nathan Twining, who leaves “ 7/27/1947 #3235 culated to the European Command by Lieut. Col. Malcolm D. Seashore, former 10/21/1947 #3465 F. Olive Jr. (chief of AFOAI) and Lieut. Col. J. E. Thomas of the Offensiv 12/18/1947 #3506 eneral, writes a memo on behalf of Lieut. Gen. George E. Stratemeyer, to AD 2/4/1948 #3574 Fargo, North Dakota 8:30 p.m. 2d Lieut. George F. Gorman of the North Dak 10/1/1948 #3827 roject are two of the lower ranks: Lieut. Howard W. Smith and civilian Geor 1/1949 #3950 Killeen Base, Texas 11:50 p.m. Lieut. Frederick Davis, on patrol east o 3/31/1949 #4063 Kodiak 2:40 a.m. Navy patrol pilot Lieut. Smith makes a routine security fl 1/22/1950 #4503 all of orange fire.” At 4:40 a.m., Lieut. Smith picks up another blip movin 1/22/1950 #4503 ator at Davis-Monthan AFB asks 1st Lieut. Roy L. Jones Jr. to investigate i 2/1/1950 #4524 Reynolds interviews Maj. Boggs and Lieut. Col. John V. Hearn Jr. of Air For 3/28/1950 #4749 orea Far East Air Forces Commander Lieut. Gen. Otto P. Weyland tells report 2/21/1952 #5918 ir Force sends a letter, signed by Lieut. Gen. Nathan Twining, to Secretary 3/5/1952 #5946 GMX SOUTH / BILOXI, MS Air Force Lieut. and more/others. Dull orange sauc 4/13/1952 #6067 lligence Special Study Group Chief Lieut. Col. E. Sterling and Stefan Posso 5/15/1952 #6331 unset. In Tombstone, Arizona, Navy Lieut. Cmdr. John C. Williams, his wife 6/1952 #6405 metallic objects.” One F-94 pilot, Lieut. William Patterson, says, “I saw s 7/26/1952 #7174 Al Chop, and Navy radar specialist Lieut. John Holcomb are conspicuous by t 7/29/1952 #7328 The Air Force report is written by Lieut. Col. Thomas Ryan, who interviews 10/4/1955 #12488 facilities (LFs, missile silos). A Lieut. Anspaugh logs the reports and inc 8/1/1965 #19242 en to remain anonymous, while two, Lieut. Ryan Graves and Lieut. Danny Acco 2/2015? #45430 while two, Lieut. Ryan Graves and Lieut. Danny Accoin, have given intervie 2/2015? #45430## Word: "lieutenant" (Back to Top)
Guadalajara, Spain 11:30 p.m. A lieutenant and his aide see a strong lig 7/25/1938 #1288 A lieutenant in the Spanish Army in Guadal 7/25/1938 #1289 ange Titusville, Florida Day. Navy Lieutenant Andrew A. Titcomb is on leave 5/1946 #1988 Idaho Boise, Idaho 3:30 p.m. Idaho Lieutenant Governor Donald S. Whitehead 6/24/1947 #2399 ear Williams Field, Arizona A Navy lieutenant was flying at 9000 m toward t 6/30/1947 #2485 A Navy Lieutenant named McGinty was flying in a 6/30/1947 #2489 , Ruben and Pete Anaya, New Mexico Lieutenant Governor Joseph Montoya, Sgt. 7/8/1947 #3026 AFB, Alaska. It was witnessed by a Lieutenant Colonel and another military 1/26/1950 #4514 in and questioned by a young first lieutenant unknown to them who asks them 7/1950 #5035 d, New York 9:50 a.m. A Navy pilot lieutenant commander in a TBM Avenger ch 1/21/1952 #5871 n Marcos AFB, Texas Witnesses: one Lieutenant, two Staff Sergeants, three a 7/21/1952 #6978 At 8:15 p.m. U.S. Army Reserve Lieutenant C. H. Stevens and two others 9/29/1952 #8066 all UFO publicity is handled by a lieutenant colonel in Air Force intellig 7/20/1954 #10031 wra, New South Wales 7:10 p.m. RAN Lieutenant J. A. “Shamus” O’Farrell is r 8/31/1954 #10218 d. Police investigation, headed by Lieutenant Lisboa, failed to reveal any 8/20/1962 #17347 he police investigation, headed by Lieutenant Lisboa, failed to reveal any 8/20/1962 #17349 Sunnyvale, CA Police lieutenant and officer saw hovering whit 7/6/1965 #19074 Sunnyvale, CA Police lieutenant and officer saw hovering whit 7/8/1965 #19082 A police lieutenant named Haag and fellow police 7/8/1965 #19083 man. Plewman, a former RCAF Flight Lieutenant and pilot instructor, was cru 6/1/1966 #20520 :30 p.m. The teenage daughter of a lieutenant colonel residing on a US Army 1/26/1967 #21399 Novosibirsk, together with Junior Lieutenant A.S. Nikitenko and several lo 5/17/1967 #22365 Novosibirsk, together with Junior Lieutenant A. S. Nikitenko and several l 5/17/1967 #22370 a.m. It was witnessed by a police lieutenant and a civilian. It shot strai 10/27/1967 #23356 surface and approach the ship. The lieutenant orders a course change to sta 4/23/1976 #31017 d, England RRH Staxton Wold Flight Lieutenant A. M. Wood sees two luminous, 7/1977 #32222 trange object in the air. A second lieutenant and a corporal get to the gat 7/20/1978 #33404 John W. Mills III is with a second lieutenant conducting a below-ground azi Early 1/1979 #34280 l, including deputy base commander Lieutenant Colonel Charles I. Halt, clai 12/26/1980 #35737 hat “We saw nothing that resembled Lieutenant Colonel Halt’s descriptions e 12/28/1980 #35749 e indeed had served honorably as a Lieutenant Colonel under Lieutenant Gene 7/23/1997 #43357 ably as a Lieutenant Colonel under Lieutenant General Arthur Trudeau and wo 7/23/1997 #43357 n the forests of Belarus. A senior lieutenant named Dmitriy, commander of a 8/25/2004 #44741 tigative writer and retired police lieutenant Tim McMillan says that Bigelo 2/14/2020 #45633## Word: "lieutenant-major" (Back to Top)
ort Bucharest, Romania 9:30 p.m. A lieutenant-major in the Romanian army is 12/2/1967 #23533## Word: "lieutenants" (Back to Top)
Two Lieutenants, Giblin and Cleary, pilots o 11/27/1944 #1708## Word: "lievin" (Back to Top)
LIEVIN AND ABLAIN, PDC, FR 100 observer( 10/3/1954 #10648## Word: "liewragwong" (Back to Top)
On this evening Miss Liewragwong and another young girl livin 9/2/1973 #27747## Word: "life" (Back to Top)
he speculates on extraterrestrial life. He imagines Venusians to be “littl 1686 #50 ate hoax. Herschel hasn’t observed life on the moon at all, nor is Herschel 8/25/1835 #130 various assumptions are made about life on Mars; as these assumptions are p 10/1877 #211 out the possibility of intelligent life on Mars—the Martians. 10/1877 #211 s (1906), and Mars As the Abode of Life (1908). He remains a strong propone 5/1894 #314 rong proponent for the rest of his life of the idea that the canals were bu 5/1894 #314 ages ago.” He adds that “If human life exists on Venus, the people do not 1/9/1911 #853 nk of the ocean, should swarm with life.” 10/1923 #1035 rea by Army planes, as appeared in Life Magazine, April 7 1952. 1934 #1189 Surely there must be some forms of life on Venus that are not so very diffe 1935 #1221 ibet publishes Universal Jewels of Life as a free monthly newsletter for th 1/1936 #1242 yal Harold Spencer Jones publishes Life on Other Worlds, an essay on the co 1940 #1323 on the cosmos, the possibility of life arising, science’s tools, the devel 1940 #1323 lar systems, and possibilities for life beyond the solar system. 1940 #1323 on board. Len Stringfield became a life long UFO investigator as a result o 8/28/1945 #1931 moons face. Straight and level. / Life Magazine. 5/3/1947 #2277 onnecticut, and speculates that if life on Mars developed a bit earlier tha 6/22/1947 #2366 Life magazine publishes a pictorial news 7/21/1947 #3210 ’s photos were not used in Time or Life and, in spite of requests by Miller 10/23/1949 #4401 escence, stimulated by some marine life. 11/11/1949 #4413 Eventually it reaches the cover of Life magazine, but the Trents show no de 5/11/1950 #4939 ound. The photos were published in Life Magazine. 5/11/1950 #4940 have other UFO encounters later in life, was playing in her garden in Withd 2/4/1951 #5432 er at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio Life magazine reporter Robert Emmett Gin 6/22/1951 #5550 k, Texas Lubbock Morning Avalanche Life Lubbock Lights Dr. Ducker's house T 8/30/1951 #5638 out the bird explanation. See also Life, Apr. 7, 1952. While investigating 8/30/1951 #5638 , TX, OK, various Green fireball. (LIFE Incident 10; [FUFOR Index?]) (NICAP 11/2/1951 #5760 w / 25cm windows / top. No sign of life. 12/1951 #5800 ow. There was no noise, no sign of life or activity, and no antenna or prot 12/1951 #5802 ds to Garland secretly backing the Life magazine article. Apparently on the 1/29/1952 #5884 USAF headquarters at the Pentagon Life magazine reporter Robert Emmett Gin 2/25/1952 #5931 Germany Robert Emmett Ginna Jr. of Life visits ATIC at Wright-Patterson AFB 3/3/1952 #5942 Life Magazine article: “Have We Visitors 4/1952 #6001 1951, and a general discussion of life on other planets ensues. Michael D. 4/1952 #6010 ve of the release of the bombshell Life magazine article, Ruppelt and his b 4/2/1952 #6016 h national media reporters and the Life magazine reporters who give them ad 4/2/1952 #6016 US Life Magazine article "Have We Visitors 4/7/1952 #6041 e Visitors from Space?” appears in Life and reports on the revitalized USAF 4/7/1952 #6042 in UFOs kindled by the provocative Life magazine article, CIA intelligence 6/1952 #6403 30-minute TV news show produced by Life magazine, devotes its airtime to th 8/1/1952 #7410 gh we might admit that intelligent life may exist elsewhere and that space 8/15/1952 #7610 lickman’s drink and it derails his life. Glickman suffers a complete mental 10/1952 #8075 ash site but attempts to save its’ life with oxygen failed. 1953? #8470 ks like, with “warm seas” in which life teems. 3/1953 #8721 ooks up and sees “a saucer, big as life, flying toward Santa Monica.” She h 9/1953 #9131 et Earth: Host to Extraterrestrial Life,” in which he speculates on aliens 10/1/1953 #9198 the disintegration of his personal life by 1955. 12/1953 #9330 te the interdimensional science of life expounded in the books he has writt 2/1954 #9522 lems and advance into the New Age. Life on other planets is described as fr 8/1956 #13044 gave him “the greatest shock of my life”. There was a nauseating smell like 10/2/1956 #13258 when he experienced flashbacks of life on another world and sightings of f 10/29/1956 #13297 nsible citizens from every walk of life and profession” and stresses that “ 11/4/1956 #13305 o the earliest known multicellular life on land], were 12 feet tall, and bu 1957 #13430 ” and thinks they are some kind of life form invisible to the naked eye. Summer 1957 #13745 n Flying Saucer Review in 1959 and Life in 1966. However, in 1967 Fogl admi 12/3/1957 #14666 of a Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life.” It is sent to the House Committee 12/14/1960 #16532 ffects of meeting extraterrestrial life: “It is possible that if the intell 12/14/1960 #16532 ocus his efforts on teaching about life and consciousness. 1961 #16549 Subcommittee on Space Problems and Life Sciences. Karth and two other membe 5/1961 #16672 g the question of extraterrestrial life capable of communicating by radio a 11/1/1961 #16944 the cover of the August 3 issue of Life. At the top of his climb he sees a 7/17/1962 #17279 rom it and he was not aware of any life inside the craft; he went back to h 12/10/1964 #18655 rkers offers to send the photos to Life magazine; he does, but Life decline 8/3/1965 #19290 tos to Life magazine; he does, but Life declines to use them. Soon, someone 8/3/1965 #19290 ist Iosif Shklovsky on Intelligent Life in the Universe (an expansion of Sh 1966 #19795 tons of radioactive soil and plant life are excavated and shipped to the Sa 1/17/1966 #19844 Dextor, MI From LIFE magazine: In a hastily called press 4/1/1966 #20189 oing quickly west inland. / time / life / Newsweek. 5/8/1966 #20461 . The color photograph appeared in LIFE magazine. The photographer's name w 5/8/1966 #20466 ound, then rose silently. Signs of life reportedly were seen inside. (Glens 3/12/1967 #21870 describing in excruciating detail life on the planet Ummo, which revolves 5/31/1967 #22431 iagnosis of advanced leukemia with life expectancy of two months. Da Souza 8/13/1967 #22873 ites an article on UFOs for Soviet Life with reports supplied by Novosti. H 2/1968 #23720 the February 1968 issue of Soviet Life, which refers to the Soviet UFO Stu 2/20/1968 #23769 he Soviet Union: Feb. 1968, Soviet Life published three pages pertinent to 2/22/1968 #23776 provide him with the assurance of life throughout the universe. Rizzi make 7/1968 #24109 otes the likelihood of intelligent life in the universe, speculates UFOs ma 11/27/1968 #24725 to astronomers’ speculations about life in outer space. He says science can 1969 #24802 nto the sky. The car comes back to life, but Patric inexplicably reaches Wi 12/28/1969 #25512 ed into what was needed to sustain life. A leader figure told him that he h 7/4/1970 #25727 d subsequently retires from public life. 11/7/1972 #27110 lies overhead. The engine comes to life again after the object disappears. 1/1/1973? #27209 d the question of extraterrestrial life. Not only will they have the milita 5/1973 #27460 e lenses for the first time in her life. Also, her previous medical conditi 5/27/1973 #27535 oard the object, which changed her life. 9/26/1973 #27872 tes that as early as 1974 with CIA life sciences, he worked with Uri Geller 1974 #28634 the existence of extraterrestrial life. 12/1974 #29623 ut the sighting “if you value your life and your family’s too.” He breaks h 5/3/1975 #30026 Beyond, Ian Ridpath discusses ETI, life and human development, life in the 1976 #30749 s ETI, life and human development, life in the Solar System, the feasibilit 1976 #30749 UFOs in a survey: 44% “believe in” life elsewhere in the universe and 29% i 1/1977 #31664 England, which were devoid of any life. After approximately 15 minutes he 1/27/1977 #31761 t they were on "a mission to study life habits" on Earth. They also told hi 2/2/1977 #31781 and 51% think there is intelligent life on other planets. A Roper Organizat 1978 #32824 very attached to the banal joys of life. You are advanced spiritually and e 2/15/1978 #32971 telescopes and the possibility of life somewhere else in the Universe. Hi 9/19/1978 #33710 Tobias Owen publish The Search for Life in the Universe, an open-minded tex 1980 #35115 e back porch having the time of my life.” The UFO disappears behind the roo 10/26/1980 #35591 the fields of bio-astronautics and life sciences. https://ufos-scientificr 1982 #36293 ements to Welcome Extraterrestrial Life Forms to the U.S.” The State Dept. 2/25/1982 #36370 ons, and a TV series about Hynek’s life. The CUFOS office moves to Glenview 8/1984 #37426 find out that there was some alien life form that was going to attack the E 11/19/1985 #37711 he possibility of extraterrestrial life in The Search for Extraterrestrial 1987 #38091 ound change in their philosophy of life. 8/22/1988 #38618 g that the aliens are called Alien Life Forms (ALFs) and that he has seen p 12/18/1988 #38755 he had lost a unique chance in her life to communicate with extraterrestria 10/31/1989 #39199 n David M. Jacobs publishes Secret Life, in which he lays out a detailed st 3/1992 #40342 rom still living vegetation. Plant life outside the imprint area had died. 3/30/1993 #40907 ce of intelligent extraterrestrial life in the first six decades of the 20t 4/1993 #40919 s details about de Souza’s private life. Meanwhile, two soldiers from the E 1/13/1996 #42681 olds a press conference declaring “Life on Mars,” stating that rock 84001 s 8/7/1996 #42971 001 shows biological signs of past life. NASA Administrator Daniel Goldin s 8/7/1996 #42971 iscussing the possibility of alien life. Goldin was appointed NASA Adminis 8/7/1996 #42971 in great terror and in fear of her life during the abduction. No other deta 1/15/1998 #43500 attack by hostile extraterrestrial life forms. The “program” is also allege 8/22/1998 #43635 ch of the experience consists of a life lesson in symbolic form, Mack asser 1999 #43708 tist Hal Puthoff emails former CIA Life Sciences Division analyst Kit Green 7/31/1999 #43815 Division analyst Kit Green and his life partner Kristin B Zimmerman about a 7/31/1999 #43815 sh a white paper on the subject of life outside of Earth. Fitts later said 12/3/1999 #43892 hings were going to improve in her life. She further described the beings a 10/19/2000 #44060 ere are other forms of intelligent life in the universe, 56% think that UFO 8/2002 #44372 humans have been abducted by other life forms. 8/2002 #44372 nds, I think we all feared for our life." The experience reportedly occurre 2/11/2003 #44486 s her "daughter" (but not her real life daughter). She was crying, although 9/3/2003 #44592 tific and Weapons Intelligence and Life Sciences Division employee Dr. Chri 4/28/2006 #44936 poll on UFOs and extraterrestrial life. 55.8% of respondents believe that 5/2008 #45132 that the existence of intelligent life in space is either likely or somewh 5/2008 #45132 r somewhat likely that intelligent life has visited earth. Only 7.6% answer 5/2008 #45132 gedly stated “there is intelligent life in the universe; it’s here and I’ve 2012 #45336 vastating impact it has had on his life over the course of the last 30 year 12/4/2018 #45550 call with a drone and a Flight for Life helicopter near Fort Morgan, Colora 1/8/2020 #45625 official UAP program, also stating Life Sciences used to be interested in t 1/30/2022 #45736 ommunication with Extraterrestrial Life contains a lecture given at the Cos 10/14/2022 #45776 formation he’s been told “has been life changing.” https://www.reddit.com/ 12/18/2022 #45788## Word: "life-mars" (Back to Top)
ps://www.c-span.org/video/?74189-1/life-mars https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nov 8/7/1996 #42971## Word: "life-raft" (Back to Top)
MELTON, VCT Cops and many. Flying life-raft buzzes military radio towers. 7/22/1983 #36918## Word: "life-saving" (Back to Top)
dward M. Knapp) at the Coast Guard life-saving station on the south side of 8/18/1909 #805## Word: "lifeboat" (Back to Top)
ifferent points along the coast. A lifeboat, two RAF helicopters, and a Sha 2/12/1965 #18813 am “Ted” Holiday is fishing on the lifeboat slipway at Tenby harbor, Pembro 10/8/1966 #20974## Word: "lifeguard" (Back to Top)
h a rotating tail. They notify the lifeguard headquarters at Newport Beach, 1/1/1959 #15527 me to view it, as well as the pool lifeguard, who describes it as “a lighte 11/7/1990 #39881## Word: "lifeguards" (Back to Top)
00 feet off the shore. Five county lifeguards row out to look for it and re 2/9/1956 #12703## Word: "lifelong" (Back to Top)
rian meal. Klarer and Akon begin a lifelong romantic attachment that includ 4/7/1956 #12798 brings forth apparent memories of lifelong interactions with extraterrestr 1/25/1967 #21386 biological in purpose, and perhaps lifelong in scope. Hopkins also shows th 1981 #35761 d through hypnosis, as well as his lifelong involvement with mysterious eve 2/1987 #38108## Word: "lifesaver" (Back to Top)
t Vernon, NY Object, shaped like a lifesaver or donut emitting black smoke 8/4/1952 #7448 ildren. One object, shaped like a lifesaver or donut, emitted black smoke 8/4/1952 #7450## Word: "lifespan" (Back to Top)
and noses. They claimed that their lifespan was between 125-175 years. Mr. 2/9/1974 #28755## Word: "lifestyle" (Back to Top)
d the children had personality and lifestyle changes. For instance, they be 10/27/1974 #29561## Word: "lifetime" (Back to Top)
ive information are now subject to lifetime censorship of their writings an 3/11/1983 #36780## Word: "lifjell" (Back to Top)
Lifjell plateau, Telemark, Norway 2:17 p 6/30/1954 #9969 n Airlines planes flying above the Lifjell plateau, Telemark, Norway, to ob 6/30/1954 #9969## Word: "lift" (Back to Top)
arm. Shaw claims the beings try to lift him but they are not strong enough. 11/25/1896 #361 itland and Lt. Beverly L. Dunhill, lift off and are vectored right through 9/2/1952 #7829 r escaping from a valve. A sort of lift descended from its base almost to t 5/1/1957 #13637 ar to air escaping from a valve. A lift descends from its base almost to th 5/1/1957 #13638 close to the hood of the truck and lift it about a meter into the air. The 1/1/1961 #16559 road, with a small door, a sort of lift." 9/5/1962 #17386 a state of near shock, was given a lift to his home, and from there he repo 10/2/1968 #24538 the grass outside, and also saw it lift off. Tiihonen ran to the sauna wher 4/15/1970 #25633 eet. There are no visible means of lift or propulsion and no surface markin 9/4/1971 #26317 during a rainstorm. He had given a lift to a young hitchhiker and had dropp 5/22/1973 #27519 zed him and allowed his captors to lift him and somehow float him over to t 10/11/1973 #28005 en, then closed and he felt weight lift off car, saw a lighted object with 10/16/1973 #28077 or he would be harmed. He tried to lift his arm and was horrified because i 12/6/1976 #31587 er. Soon Julio was escorted to the lift cylinder, the metal door rose and h 2/5/1978 #32957 ge night light overhead. "Tried to lift me..". 12/31/1978 #34236 tantly becomes hot, causing him to lift his hands off the wheel. He maneuve 3/13/1980 #35214 le on CAUS vs. NSA: “Suit Seeks to Lift Secrecy Veil From Agency’s UFO Docu 11/3/1981 #36204 usually heavy and he was unable to lift her. A crowd gathered, including so 10/8/1989 #39150 r of her left eye and saw its hand lift slowly off her shoulder. The hand h 2/2/1995 #42013 d a horseshoe-shaped flying object lift an adult elk out of the forest and 2/25/1999 #43736 ands / beach. Strong colored beams lift 3 / car. 10/1/2000 #44048 ical papers on the subjects of UAP lift, power generation, human interface, 10/17/2008 #45175 e yellowish spheres that appear to lift off from the horizon on the Chinese 8/1/2012 #45350## Word: "lift-off" (Back to Top)
in Yar, 2km (Started rolling after lift-off and crashed) 10/31/1947 #3470## Word: "lifted" (Back to Top)
wish to enter upon it?” He is then lifted up and carried through the air in 7/25/1868 #176 D.C., an SE-950 radio receiver is lifted 1.9 miles above the ground in a d 8/22/1924 #1041 is sounded and the blackout order lifted at 7:21 a.m. Several buildings an 2/24/1942 #1388 rested briefly on the ground, then lifted again with a humming sound, start 3/1945 #1802 later reboarded the craft. The UFO lifted off silently, and flew off to the 7/7/1947 #2944 dshield. The car then seemed to be lifted from the ground, and he was moved 5/13/1954 #9791 op some metal railings, and he was lifted from it by a man in a one piece u 5/13/1954 #9791 th large eyes. Abruptly the object lifted off, emitting a strong gush of wi 10/18/1954 #11224 on, which vibrated when the object lifted off. The craft zipped rapidly in 11/23/1954 #11697 ] east-northeast. Observer(s) felt lifted. Battery melted. 12/1959 #16103 ovoid with legs. Grass and oilcans lifted. Antenna spins / bottom/underside 5/19/1960 #16285 ina at 8:00 p.m. A nocturnal light lifted off from the ground and headed ou 10/10/1962 #17465 ROSIERES, BELGIUM Car lifted / tube-night light. Observer(s) / 9/1965 #19488 0 ft. in diam. Immediately the UFO lifted off, emitting tongues of flame fr 9/16/1965 #19569 ered domed disc on highway, object lifted off emitting flame. Tar and grave 9/16/1965 #19573 c-shaped UFO, 30 feet in diameter, lifted off from the road in front of the 9/16/1965 #19575 shlight that is turned on and then lifted up from the table with the light 10/23/1965 #19679 to 5:00 am. At sunrise the object lifted up, appearing red and bell-shaped 6/19/1966 #20586 , returned and hovered again, then lifted straight up and moved away to the 12/2/1966 #21177 d over car, tilted, sped away; car lifted off ground as UFO departed. See S 4/5/1967 #22059 bject on the ground. Their car was lifted (mass displacement) and witnesses 9/21/1967 #23104 recollection was of being abruptly lifted up into one of the objects. He th 10/24/1967 #23310 the ground. It approached her and lifted her inside with a beam of light, 5/3/1968 #23942 TH / FLORIANOPOLIS, BRZ 4 / VW bus lifted and dropped 2X! Saucer going quic 5/17/1968 #23967 ire at them, upon which the beings lifted up their hands to show a small lu 7/25/1968 #24226 caught in the flashlight beam, it lifted a hand, which was very large, bla 7/28/1968 #24245 ect eventually slid sideways, then lifted off vertically into the sky. The 3/10/1969 #24991 nd close to their car and suddenly lifted the car 10 feet off the road. The 11/30/1969 #25481 969 a car with its male driver was lifted up off the highway for a short di 12/19/1969 #25506 lling feeling" as the two men were lifted up into the craft. They were sepa 3/14/1971 #26047 N, ALTA Night light paces car. Car lifted 2' over road. Sets down / bump. / 5/14/1971 #26108 t back into the object, which then lifted off. He said he observed the phen 8/25/1972 #26954 but he abruptly felt himself being lifted up, from his two sides, away from 8/26/1972 #26956 00 p.m. a UFO landed on a lake and lifted off from the water's surface in E 10/3/1973 #27927 e fumbled with the car hood as she lifted it, and as she stood there feelin 10/16/1973 #28089 ed to the far end of the table. He lifted the end of the blanket form the b 10/16/1973 #28089 achine" of some sort, three beings lifted the woman from a couch and carrie 10/16/1973 #28093 t beamed green light into cockpit, lifted helicopter off course 10/18/1973 #28170 EME (electro-magnetic effects) and lifted from road! UFO 30M overhead. Car 10/20/1973 #28209 as if their minds had somehow been lifted up to the craft, bathed in green 10/25/1973 #28287 s, moved nearby, force felt, truck lifted off road. See Section VI (E,L) re 2/14/1974 #28769 ffects on lights and engine, truck lifted off road, steering control lost, 2/14/1974 #28771 himself in the snow but something lifted him up to a height of 30 to 45 fe 3/23/1974 #28938 id to approach it. After awhile it lifted off, rotated on its central axis, 5/28/1974 #29143 witched off the object moved, then lifted off vertically. 9/4/1974 #29422 ar. E-M effects on radio, aircraft lifted 5/3/1975 #30023 plane feels as if it is pulled or lifted, and the controls refuse to respo 5/3/1975 #30026 a jolt, as if his plane was being lifted. The Mexico City Air Trafffic Con 5/3/1975 #30029 seconds after he saw it, the ship lifted straight up from the road in fron 10/7/1975 #30422 large, round, luminous eyes. They lifted the prone colleague and carried h 6/12/1977 #32161 seudo-human/entity / roadside. Car lifted to log-pile. Missing time. Watch 7/1977 #32211 up through a straw". The UFO then lifted off and disappeared into a wooded 7/15/1977 #32277 d tumbled all over the floor. They lifted their single digits to the antenn 9/15/1977 #32485 hevy pickup when their vehicle was lifted from road. They experienced a tot 7/6/1978 #33346 ted object buzzed her car, briefly lifted it off road (section VII). (NICAP 7/27/1978 #33422 ted object buzzed her car, briefly lifted it off road 7/27/1978 #33425 tly illuminated by glowing object, lifted off road, driver and passenger bl 9/22/1978 #33728 tly illuminated by glowing object, lifted off road, driver and passenger bl 9/22/1978 #33729 d headlights quit, then the car is lifted 15 feet off the road and set down 9/23/1978 #33734 ibrations on the ground. The craft lifted up and flew out of sight while th 10/15/1978 #33837 ical space capsule landed and then lifted off again. It had rotating lights 12/19/1978 #34173 al “space capsule” landed and then lifted off again. It had rotating lights 12/19/1978 #34175 electro-magnetic effect (EME). Car lifted? Going northwest. Skin rash. / MJ 1/5/1979 #34297 EME (electro-magnetic effects) and lifted / 30m saucer. Dvc implant. Tour / 8/28/1979 #34790 rience and recalls his truck being lifted into a UFO piloted by two humanli 8/29/1979 #34803 hovered nearby and a beam of light lifted her inside. The interior of the c 9/14/1979 #34884 (EAST), TX Car lifted to round room and door removed. M 8/21/1980 #35471 ving home, E-M effects on car, car lifted off road onto craft, humanoids ex 8/21/1980 #35472 ving home, E-M effects on car, car lifted off road onto craft, humanoids ex 8/21/1980 #35473 s dimmed. The vehicle was suddenly lifted off the road, and they found them 8/22/1980 #35475 felt the rear wheels of their car lifted off the pavement. They then exper 11/19/1980 #35660 uck, forward motion impeded, truck lifted off road 6/12/1981 #35965 but the truck had apparently been lifted a foot off the ground. Although h 6/12/1981 #35967 as unable to move as the truck was lifted up into the air and seemed to bec 12/15/1981 #36259 TH YORKS 1 / car. Blue lights. Car lifted? Cold sensation. 30 minute(s) / m 3/4/1982 #36375 land next to some power lines. It lifted off and then landed a second time 4/3/1982 #36434 4' saucer going [to] overhead. Car lifted / 1 side / 3 second(s) and droppe 10/15/1983 #37007 disc passed overhead, right wheels lifted off road; physiological effects. 10/15/1983 #37008 disc passed over car, right wheels lifted off road, car lights blinked off 10/15/1983 #37009 enetrating ringing sound and he is lifted off the ground more than 12 inche 3/1985 #37561 ll and the size of two large buses lifted off from the hollow in the field. 5/9/1985 #37589 5 photographs crown-saucer. Mr. Ed lifted 1m / blue beam. Also 8 separate r 11/11/1987 #38319 e hill he was instantly paralyzed, lifted up a few feet, and pulled into th 12/1/1987 #38345 h oval object that buzzed car, car lifted off road, physical traces (sectio 1/20/1988 #38420 h oval object that buzzed car, car lifted off road, physical traces 1/20/1988 #38421 ome to believe that the object has lifted their car off the road. They are 1/20/1988 #38422 ed the car from behind and somehow lifted it from the road. The car was air 1/20/1988 #38423 es entered his bedroom. The beings lifted Jack and his wife and floated the 5/21/1988 #38574 LCHIK, RUSSIA Abduction try. Woman lifted toward(s) saucer. Sees net. Paren 10/11/1989 #39160 ary military base. When the figure lifted one of its arms a cone of light a 10/28/1989 #39192 A Night light follows 2 / car. Car lifted. Missing time. Saucers nearby / 2 6/14/1992 #40493 we lost control of the car and it lifted us up in the sky--lifted us over 6/14/1992 #40494 then split in two, and both halves lifted off from the ground, flew away to 3/14/1993 #40882 male friend when suddenly a force lifted her up towards the ceiling. Her f 8/10/1993 #41123 iding in the nearby woods. It then lifted off vertically, and flew away. 6/8/1994 #41558 sensation that her body was being lifted up, apparently floating away from 12/15/1994 #41895 iameter bowl-shaped metallic discs lifted off from the ground in a farmer's 3/10/1995 #42084 after eleven p.m. he found himself lifted into a globular object and transp 9/6/1995 #42445 ght, and he felt his vehicle being lifted up. He then apparently lost consc 2/26/1997 #43210 ression, Nathalie remembered being lifted through a conical light beam into 6/5/1997 #43311 and son-in-law Jaroen Raepeth are lifted up from the living room sofa and 12/1997 #43452 ut a minute and a half, the object lifted up vertically, disappearing from 8/14/1999 #43822 ng out was of he and his car being lifted. He awoke six hours later and his 3/23/2000 #43967 car with the three occupants to be lifted into the air. 10/1/2000 #44049 lt hands around his mouth, and was lifted up. He then became unconscious, a 10/15/2000 #44059 a a woman, "M" found herself being lifted into a whirlwind at two o'clock i 5/2/2001 #44174 anged direction, and then silently lifted away. 5/29/2003 #44549 il the UFO took off once more." It lifted off perpendicularly, and then lef 5/8/2004 #44696 humming noise, and then the craft lifted off and shot out of the forest, a 6/14/2005 #44847 hen the car-shaped object suddenly lifted into the sky in a blinding light, 8/6/2013 #45381## Word: "lifters" (Back to Top)
ee-Energy http://jnaudin.free.fr/lifters/main.htm Note: There are onl 5/2002 #44335## Word: "lifting" (Back to Top)
ane and she feels a powerful force lifting her up and pulling her toward th 4/20/1969 #25073 yards in front of her car, before lifting and careering over another hedge 3/7/1972 #26590 hen he looked back, he saw the UFO lifting off from the ground. 6/1/1975 #30074 ing whitish-orange luminous object lifting off from some nearby woods. Minu 2/11/1980 #35165 ing whitish-orange luminous object lifting off from some nearby woods. Minu 2/11/1980 #35169 ate of a test of a diamond shaped “lifting body” at Norton Air Force Base i 11/12/1988 #38714 ms he sees a “huge black triangle” lifting out of the ocean when he was acc 1991 #39941 arge black slanted eyes, who began lifting her from her bed. She began to s 5/14/1991 #40061 o Muroc AFB and Langley; they were lifting bodies that looked like inverted 7/1991 #40108 craft and chased one of the girls, lifting her six inches from the ground. 6/15/1994 #41568## Word: "lifts" (Back to Top)
COUPAR ANGUS, SCOT Pyramid. Lifts cart. Knocks man / horse. Damages 9/1767 #82 climbing abroad a UFO that quickly lifts off and flies away. The location i 10/12/1954 #10977 minutes the object gets brighter, lifts off the ground, moves to the left 11/11/1956 #13322 gets to the Franklin Mountains, it lifts into the air vertically. 11/4/1957 #14287 m. They run back toward it, but it lifts off and shoots away. They find the 11/3/1960 #16493 the cabin toward the object, which lifts and disappears rapidly. 8/1962 #17310 a loud splash. A moment later, it lifts off and climbs silently at high sp 9/15/1962 #17403 a straight line toward the house, lifts several hundred feet and clears a 1/12/1965 #18720 Small humanoid (or Grey) / street lifts metal rod and vanishes! / r8#699. 9/10/1965 #19544 ameter. Within seconds, the object lifts off the road, emitting tongues of 9/16/1965 #19574 headlights go out, and the vehicle lifts up, spins violently to the right, 12/19/1965 #19777 adder on the object. Soon after it lifts off with a hissing or high-speed d 3/23/1966 #20050 ched, sound is heard as the object lifts off the ground about one foot, sto 3/29/1966 #20139 ted by gusts of wind as the object lifts up. The car motor stalls. He rolls 3/31/1966 #20179 pulsation. At sunrise, the object lifts up, appearing red and bell-shaped 6/19/1966 #20588 head and wearing dark clothing. It lifts its arms and seems to be holding a 8/23/1967 #22905 of the car, and watch. The object lifts off immediately, looking like a ha 10/14/1967 #23238 s go off. The front end of the car lifts 3 feet off the ground. The UFO mov 1/25/1969 #24871 ALTA 1 observer. Silent 15M saucer lifts car / road. "Hypnosis". / IFS#35+/ 2/18/1969 #24926 ck, vertical cylinder. The machine lifts off, and after a long interval it 5/4/1969 #25114 PAULO LOPES, BRZ 4 / car. Saucer lifts car. Set down far ahead. Stops tru 7/23/1969 #25292 QUINCY, IL SR96. Rounded triangle lifts car 3m. Motor and lights stay on. 11/30/1969 #25478 he entity has gone. The UFO slowly lifts vertically from the ground and spe 10/24/1970 #25885 CATAGUASES, BRZ Beam lifts man. Hangs / 15 minute(s) until ca 9/25/1971 #26373 -SALEM, NC Domed saucer chases and lifts car / road. 2 feel weightless. No 1/16/1973 #27239 it. After 3–4 minutes, the object lifts off and the car can be restarted. 5/18/1973 #27506 ELD, OH Domed cylinder/cigar-shape lifts helicopter 600M. Electro-magnetic 10/18/1973 #28157 nd strikes Walton in the chest. It lifts him up, then knocks him unconsciou 11/5/1975 #30562 dows. After 10 seconds, the object lifts off, leaving three equally spaced 11/1/1977 #32651 UNION, MO Silent night light lifts rear / car and drops. Abduction tr 7/27/1978 #33419 shove” and the rear end of the car lifts up and gets moved along the road f 7/27/1978 #33427 WEST / SANTA CRUZ, BRZ Saucer lifts woman 40M with beam / light. Sets 1/1979 #34267 door and goes inside. The UFO then lifts into the sky and moves away. An ho 9/10/1981 #36108 r(s). 2 lights = large silver UFO. Lifts over car. Several hours missing ti 9/15/1981? #36116 ar just ahead gone when sudden fog lifts! No turnoffs.. 9/20/1981 (approximate) #36133 land next to some power lines. It lifts off and then lands a second time. 4/3/1982 #36433 bove her car. The force of the UFO lifts the right side of her car briefly 10/13/1983 #37004 the apex. After 10–15 minutes, it lifts upward at a 30° angle and disappea 10/28/1983 #37026 a blue beam that paralyzes him and lifts him several feet off the ground. A 11/11/1987 #38322 WEST / MUNDRABILLA, AUST Saucer lifts car / 90 min. Tires popped. Luggag 1/20/1988 #38418 demonstration of the craft, which lifts off the ground, moves left and rig 3/1989 #38855 n figure checks out Air Force jet. Lifts arm. Cone / light appears. Gone! 10/28/1989 (approximate) #39190## Word: "lig3hts" (Back to Top)
l UFO with a central row of yellow lig3hts. Apparently at low altitude, the 6/21/1963 #17799## Word: "ligda" (Back to Top)
e and Air National Guard Maj. M.H. Ligda. Radar tracking of one object duri 9/21/1950 #5191 National Guard Maj. Myron Herbert Ligda and Joseph V. Connelly are testing 9/21/1950 #5192 and Air National Guard Major M. H. Ligda observed the radar tracking of a U 9/21/1950 #5193## Word: "ligescourt" (Back to Top)
Ligescourt Vron, Somme, France 6:45 p.m. 10/1/1954 #10567 ené Condette are bicycling west of Ligescourt in the direction of Vron, Som 10/1/1954 #10567## Word: "liggett" (Back to Top)
, Nebraska Witnesses: Lt. Col. L. Liggett (Selective Service) and wife. O 10/6/1959 #16021 8:15 p.m. U.S. Army Lt. Colonel L. Liggett and two members of his family si 10/6/1959 #16022 olice. "Burning orange ovoid" over Liggett school. Photographs. Air Force i 3/8/1967 #21796 s were on guard duty at the Hunter Liggett Military Reservation in Californ 10/24/1967 #23310## Word: "light" (Back to Top)
achusetts, in a boat when a “great light” appears above them. It darts back 1638 #41 , Bieloziero, Russia. Two beams of light came from the object and was direc 8/15/1663 #45 stronomer Bianchini. Reddish ray / light crosses crater Plato during eclips 12/10/1685 #49 . Glowing cloud divided / beams of light. Seen / 15 hours and vanishes. 3/1/1716 #55 wing clouds collide. Fireballs and light circles. Same / Vilvoorde later. 10/19/1726 #57 loud that emitted intense beams of light (solid light). The light beams mov 12/5/1737 #61 tted intense beams of light (solid light). The light beams moved slowly, th 12/5/1737 #61 beams of light (solid light). The light beams moved slowly, then stopped. 12/5/1737 #61 r, London, England, when he sees a light ascend from behind the trees and h 12/16/1742? #65 thinks that the mysterious “ashen light” observed on Venus’s dark side is 1824 #117 DARK LIMB OF MOON Light flashes intermittently / 30 minute 2/11/1824 #118 Y Man lost. Brilliant 12M square / light guides him back to road twice! 10/1828 (approximate) #124 ich gives off an apparent shaft of light. He sees two human figures visible 8/20/1829 #125 s / Mare Crisium. Blots and rays / light. / r223p51. 7/4/1832 #127 ry in the sky, and emitted rays of light. 11/13/1833 #128 s. 11+12 December. Bright flashing light / dark part. 3/18/1847 #142 , which moves on further west. Its light shines down on the houses below. S 3/19/1847 #143 Washington, D.C., see a brilliant light in the sky overhead “like a coal o 3/21/1854 #148 Delaware at 9:45 p.m. a pale blue light illuminated a 200-foot long cloud- 7/13/1860 #154 ish, and they both emit flashes of light, leaving a sparkling trail. The ph 8/2/1860 #156 wave equation with a velocity for light in close agreement with measuremen 1865 #162 de by experiment, and deduces that light is an electromagnetic wave. 1865 #162 er Ingall. Perfect point / Steller light / Mare Crisium! Also blots and lin 4/10/1865 #164 ks near Whitburn after following a light or lights in the sky that they wro 12/1865 #165 ros is convinced that pinpoints of light observed on Mars and Venus are the 1869 #178 SS / ATLANTIC Light grey saucer flies into wind / 30 m 3/22/1870 #183 on, in Berlin, Germany. Possibly a light pillar reflection caused by a brig 9/26/1870 #187 of the plurality of worlds in the light of new facts. He suspects that Ven 1871 #188 ol Township when they see a bright light descending swiftly with a roaring Late 3/1873 #200 of regularity. The color of their light was a yellowish red, like red rock 12/21/1876 #208 appear as shimmering pinpoints of light. 7/29/1878 #214 GULF HMS Patna swept / 16 spokes / light from 300M luminous wheels / sea. / 5/1880 #232 uny, China came upon a misty white light in some bushes around 8:00 p.m. He 5/8/1880 #233 d is so low to the ground that its light is reflected in the lake. By this 2/5/1883 #251 bserver(s). Brilliant square night light going north slowly / Eastern sky. 12/27/1883 #257 the grass and fusing the sand. The light is so intense it blinds one of the 6/6/1884 #258 uring a severe snowstorm, a bright light suddenly flashes in the high rocks 2/16/1885 #263 , VTNM Men / ship. Large red night light maneuvers in and out / clouds. / L 8/22/1885 #265 CAIBO, VNZ Humming and penetrating light. Family / 9 vomits. Burnt. Very ra 10/24/1886 #274 umming noise and a vivid, dazzling light, which brilliantly illuminated the 10/24/1886 #275 loud humming noise and a dazzling light that illuminates the interior. The 10/24/1886 #276 s. They feel no heat, although the light has a smoky appearance and a pecul 10/24/1886 #276 aibo, Venezuela. A vivid, dazzling light illuminated the inside of the hut. 10/24/1886 #277 r side to a height of 20 feet. The light moves toward the head of the lake Early 9/1888 #285 s lit up as bright as a carbon-arc light, causing alarm among the residents 2/14/1889 #287 pt that it created a much brighter light” that dazzles people standing seve 6/13/1891 #293 cigar-shaped balloon with a bright light on one end and a fan on the other 7/12/1891 #294 gs there when they see a brilliant light rise above a mountain to the south 9/2/1891 #296 ering it with a “brilliant halo of light.” It rises moments later, changing 1/1892? #297 n over the city that casts rays of light from an electrical apparatus. It r 3/23/1892 #301 ess, Poland, see a bright point of light in the north that seems to be a sp 4/16/1892 #302 onyers, Georgia, sees a mysterious light in the sky from which balls of fir 6/19/1892 #304 notices a round, dull-rose-colored light low on the western horizon. It the Mid 7/1896 #328 yor Adolph Sutro watch a brilliant light approaching from the sea at a heig Early 11/1896? #334 r and followed by a white trail of light. Early 11/1896 #335 rail of smoke. Around 6:30 p.m., a light resembling an electric arc lamp ap 11/17/1896 #340 s a powerful headlight and another light on the bottom. It is also seen ove 11/20/1896 #343 inder/cigar-shape beams long sharp light going down. 20mph. Going quickly s 11/22/1896 #346 lifornia 5:30 p.m. Another mystery light moving in a wavering fashion towar 11/22/1896 #348 Saddle Rock Restaurant, views the light through binoculars and is able to 11/22/1896 #348 ob Zemansky watches the undulating light through a telescope until it fades 11/22/1896 #348 Hayes Street line, sees an aerial light at about 300–400 feet altitude whe 11/22/1896 #349 le on the streetcar also watch the light, which is moving across the Golden 11/22/1896 #349 p.m., Cohen and the others see the light over the Twin Peaks downtown. At t 11/22/1896 #349 ral observer(s). Fast bright night light exits shadow-ovoid. Dips low near 11/23/1896 #350 Several observer(s). Bright night light going south. Again going quickly n 11/23/1896 #351 uff, California 7:00 p.m. A bright light is seen west of Chico, California, 11/23/1896 #352 the northwest. The same or similar light is seen west of Red Bluff, Califor 11/23/1896 #352 ia witnessed a fast moving, bright light in the sky that had exited from a 11/23/1896 #353 asses above Broadway, flashing its light. One spectator is watching through 11/24/1896 #356 Red Bluff, California witnessed a light maneuvering in the sky for several 11/24/1896 #357 g object beam vari-colored rays of light in all directions. It then flew to 11/24/1896 #357 alt, California Evening. A mystery light flies in circular patterns around 11/25/1896 #360 large as Venus, also visible. The light is observed for 20 minutes then re 11/25/1896 #360 nes of a dark body” just above the light. 11/25/1896 #360 seem to be carrying and egg-shaped light and a breathing apparatus under th 11/25/1896 #361 parate observer(s). Huge red night light. Back gliding going south / 27 Nov 11/26/1896 #363 a pair of flapping wings and a red light on the bottom. Musician and Presid 11/26/1896 #364 Cross also sees the strange aerial light when he is visiting a colleague tw 11/26/1896 #364 VALLEY, CA Many observer(s). Night light plays / sky. 2 night lights / Los 11/27/1896 #366 hes an enormous airship with a red light over Oakland, California. 11/28/1896 #368 observer(s). Airship west beams / light. Horses panic. Going southwest. 11/30/1896 #371 airship fly over emitting beams of light; horses panicked during the overfl 11/30/1896 #372 BATTLE MOUNTAIN, NV Strange light north / town heads going quickly w 12/10/1896 (approximate) #377 , NV 50 observer(s). Strange night light rises / north and goes going quick 12/10/1896 (approximate) #378 ountain and Elko, Nevada a strange light was seen flying to the west. Movin 12/10/1896 #379 with an immense artificial bright light was sighted in the early evening b 1/30/1897 #383 braska 9:30 p.m. A “large, glaring light,” apparently from an airship, is s 1/31/1897 #384 A large glaring light circled for a few minutes in the s 2/1/1897 #386 in Inavale, Nebraska, see a bright light passing overhead. Six smaller ligh 2/4/1897 #387 nitz, and Harry Reese see a bright light moving to the east just west of Bi 2/4/1897 #387 west of Big Springs, Nebraska. The light repeatedly rises up about 300 feet 2/4/1897 #387 lines of an airship behind a large light that passes over the town. Mid 2/1897 #388 west at 60 mph and also has a red light. Chidsey alerts other Missouri Pac 2/26/1897 #389 thers in Belleville watch a bright light pass above the city for 45 minutes 3/23/1897 #393 A, KS Many observer(s). Huge night light and cylinder/cigar-shape seen / se 3/27/1897 #397 peka, Kansas 8:30 p.m. A blood-red light appears in the western sky over To 3/27/1897 #398 ho describes it as a “very strange light.” Harold T. Chase, editor of the T 3/27/1897 #398 e southeast. It looked like a huge light, flew northwestward slowly, came t 3/28/1897 #399 e southeast. It looked like a huge light, flew northwestward slowly, came t 3/28/1897 #400 t 10:30 p.m. It looked like a huge light, flew northwestward slowly, came t 3/28/1897 #401 7 in Denver, Colorado a mysterious light was seen flying through the night 3/30/1897 #402 swept the ground with its powerful light. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/1/1897 #404 swept the ground with its powerful light. It was seen to rise up at fantast 4/1/1897 #405 ings are visible on each side. Its light appears to dim when the object is 4/1/1897 #407 g, Michigan, see a brilliant white light passing overhead. It is attached t 4/1/1897 #408 observer(s). Conic airship. Bright light / windows. / news / L. Farish. 4/2/1897 #411 windows in the side through which light is visible. It is traveling slowly 4/2/1897 #412 run across it. It is made of “some light substance like aluminum.” Two aero Early 4/1897 #413 y when he notices an electric-like light on his right about 200 feet away i 4/4/1897 #414 eld. He can see a dark object with light coming through its windows. It app 4/4/1897 #414 g for strayed cattle. He notices a light on a bar in the Missouri River, an 4/6/1897 #416 re can be seen behind the powerful light. By 9:30 p.m., the airship is last 4/9/1897 #420 e are moving up and down. Greenish light beams shine down on Main Street fr 4/10/1897 #424 cksonville, Illinois, see a bright light moving swiftly from east to west a 4/10/1897 #425 a few hundred feet in the air. The light sways from side to side and throws 4/10/1897 #425 is above the city, the object the light is attached to can be seen as meta 4/10/1897 #425 uth Park 11:00 p.m. A bright white light with red and green lights on eithe 4/10/1897 #426 400–500 feet above the ground. The light is attached to a metallic cigar-sh 4/10/1897 #426 rs to be 18–20 feet long. A square light that changes from white to green t 4/11/1897 #432 each side and a powerful electric light in front. Inside he can see men, w 4/11/1897 #434 stand on Pulaski Street to watch a light moving to the northeast. John Fitz 4/12/1897 #447 rd Lincoln. It changes course, the light changes from white to green, and t 4/12/1897 #447 the north over the town with a red light in front and a green light in back 4/13/1897 #453 h a red light in front and a green light in back. 4/13/1897 #453 g through the air with an electric light on his back.” 4/14/1897 #469 e craft, which had a red and white light. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/15/1897 #481 e craft, which had a red and white light. After Hersman it flew ahead of th 4/15/1897 #485 st of Cisco, Texas, when he sees a light a little distance from the track o 4/15/1897 #487 has propellers on each end, a red light in front, and a greenish-yellow li 4/15/1897 #489 ht in front, and a greenish-yellow light on the tail. Voices can be heard c 4/15/1897 #489 Farmersville, Texas, notice a dim light traveling toward the city from the 4/15/1897 #490 diana, when he notices a yellowish light coming from the west. It seems att Mid 4/1897 #493 inted downward. Two yellow rays of light come from its sides as it sways to Mid 4/1897 #493 utes. It had one red and one white light. It flew ahead of the train and di 4/15/1897 #499 ltitude above Center Avenue. A red light appears at either end of a body th 4/16/1897 #506 at the night sky when he sees the light from a cigar-shaped object moving 4/16/1897 #509 bject moving to the southwest. Its light looks like an incandescent lamp. 4/16/1897 #509 irls around in fright. A brilliant light as if from an arc lamp shines on h 4/16/1897 #510 moves over to a nearby field. The light suddenly ascends to an altitude of 4/16/1897 #510 , when he comes across a brilliant light and a large, cigar-shaped object r 4/16/1897 #511 to 70 feet in length. It had a red light at each end, that gave the conical 4/16/1897 #512 a “globular” object with a bright light the size of a star in one end. It 4/17/1897 #522 Tennessee 8:30 p.m. A large white light attached to a cigar-shaped object 4/17/1897 #524 of about 1,500 feet. It has a red light on the left side and a green light 4/17/1897 #524 light on the left side and a green light on the right. The object remains i 4/17/1897 #524 and engineer Litus Kinnard, sees a light high in the air above the river as 4/18/1897 #527 ches, Louisiana, they see a bright light attached to a massive airship in t 4/19/1897 #534 with a cigar-shaped undercar. The light dims while it is over the city and 4/19/1897 #534 oe County, Ohio 9:00 p.m. A bright light moves from the northwest over Coch 4/19/1897 #537 or of Uvalde, Texas, sees a bright light and hears strange voices behind hi 4/20/1897 #546 cigar-shaped object and wings. The light is white with a reddish tint and n 4/22/1897 #558 o be visible but protrusions and a light could be distinguished. (NICAP: 01 4/25/1897 #571 o be visible but protrusions and a light could be distinguished. After abou 4/25/1897 #572 o be visible but protrusions and a light could be distinguished. After abou 4/25/1897 #575 The man was small and dressed in a light blue uniform. 4/25/1897 #575 oppled the carriage. When the main light was turned off, a number of smalle 4/26/1897 #578 tic speed with periodic flashes of light. 4/26/1897 #578 oppled the carriage. When the main light was turned off, a number of smalle 4/26/1897 #579 tic speed with periodic flashes of light. 4/26/1897 #579 several people saw a green ball of light fly overhead. 4/26/1897 #581 he sees a brilliant, multicolored light approaching from the southwest. It 4/28/1897? #582 nati, Ohio, sees a red, egg-shaped light, “the rays escaping in the center 5/4/1897 #588 attorney W. J. Klein also see the light in the same neighborhood. 5/4/1897 #588 Hot Springs when they saw a bright light in the sky. About 7 km farther the 5/6/1897 #591 y. About 7 km farther they saw the light again coming down to the ground. O 5/6/1897 #591 Hot Springs when they saw a bright light in the sky. About 7 km farther the 5/6/1897 #592 y. About 7 km farther they saw the light again coming down to the ground. O 5/6/1897 #592 onstable John J. Sumpter Jr. see a light in the sky descend behind a hill o 5/6/1897 #593 s, Arkansas when they saw a bright light in the sky. About seven km farther 5/6/1897 #594 bout seven km farther they saw the light again coming down to the ground. O 5/6/1897 #594 itude. When it nears the city, the light goes out and it disappears after p 7/4/1897 #597 Luminous 'pear' rises slow. Strong light. Unaffected by wind. 7/10/1897 #598 ses / hill. Moves side-side. Beams light shoot out. Going quickly southwest 7/12/1897 #599 OLDSTREAM, BC 3 observer(s). Night light rises / Mt. Skirt. Goes going quic 8/1/1897 #601 >N inland. It had body lights and light beams. 8/16/1897 #605 es a rapidly moving airship with a light on each end. It has a propeller an 8/28/1897 #607 llogg, Iowa, sees a bright, bluish light moving rapidly to the southwest. H 11/19/1897 #612 Minnesota see a “large, white long light which seemed surrounded by some da 12/5/1897 #613 ern Pacific railways also view the light 12/5/1897 #613 nts of Rome, Georgia, watch a blue light “attached to some dark and indisti 1/10/1898 #617 Pennsylvania, notice a bright arc light moving in from the southwest just 5/2/1898 #621 ossom merchant Dick Moore says the light is so glaring that he thinks his “ 10/4/1898 #625 iage when a dazzling ball of white light crosses the road ahead about one-q 10/1899 #638 staff, Arizona, records a shaft of light that projects from a “well-known g 12/1900 #642 hes, he notices a strange point of light like a spotlight emanating from th 9/29/1903 #662 He approaches cautiously, but the light sails across the street. He tells 9/29/1903 #662 etrovszky saw a glistening ball of light illuminate the countryside in Szuh 12/24/1903 #664 king up from its center and orange light shining through some windows. Sudd 1904 #667 t this night a small red sphere of light, accompanied by two white lights w 3/23/1905 #675 ous cylinder/cylindrical object or light beam hangs vertical and lights sky 3/29/1905 #676 mperial, California, when a bright light flashes on him from above. He is m 8/3/1905 #679 Mr. Carnagie aboard ship. Spokes / light rotate / water near ship. 6/2/1906 #687 ne steamship orient. 270M shafts / light / water near ship. Turn like spoke 3/14/1907 #693 a], Finland, a group of boys see a light come from over the water and settl Summer 1907 #695 , Long Island, New York. The first light stops and as the others reach it, 5/1908 #704 Baikal observe a column of bluish light, nearly as bright as the sun, movi 6/30/1908 #711 ausage-shaped and carries a single light. It disappears in the direction of 10/1908 #717 derick G. Hehr sees a bright white light executing a “curious dance” over a 1909 #719 axony, Germany. A minute later the light suddenly streaks in his direction, 1909 #719 ar-shape searches railway / strong light. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v6#4 3/23/1909 #724 rborough, England, sees a powerful light about 1,200 feet in the air above 3/23/1909 #725 ad making an engine-like buzz. The light is on a dark, fast-moving oblong o 3/23/1909 #725 ). Silent balloon with very strong light. Flies into wind. 4/24/1909 #728 aped object directed five beams of light at a ship's bridge off the coast o 5/14/1909 #744 hear engine sounds and flashes of light around the same time. 5/16/1909 #750 . Silent cylinder/cigar-shape with light flashes several times. Rises high 5/17/1909 #752 cigar-shaped flying object with a light that flashed several times. It ros 5/17/1909 #754 ylinder/cigar-shape with quivering light makes 90-turn going north. 5/19/1909 #762 AND THURSTON, ENGL Vibrant bright light searches ground. Framework seen. H 5/19/1909 #763 WROXHAM, NORFOLK Globe / light going [to] overhead. Motorcycle he 5/19/1909 #764 ne motorcyclist observes a glowing light traveling in a straight trajectory 5/19/1909 #766 nd, when he is dazzled by a bright light with a bluish tinge overhead. It s 5/19/1909 #767 rside is a framework with a yellow light at each end. 5/19/1909 #767 a graceful cigar with a quivering light make a 90 degree turn to the north 5/19/1909 #768 searchlight from a white globe of light traveling overhead in a straight t 5/19/1909 #769 ver the town. It gave off a strong light and was seen by two fishermen to p 6/16/1909 #775 ver the town. It gave off a strong light and was seen by two fishermen to p 6/16/1909 #776 . in Vietnam. It gave off a strong light and was seen by two fishermen to p 6/16/1909 #777 TASMAN BAY, NZ Night light southwest / Riwaka. Zigzags and ma 7/24/1909 #781 bserver. Flying airship. Brilliant light from mast / antenna on top. / news 7/31/1909 #793 ut 150-feet long at dawn. It had a light at each end, and made a strange wh 7/31/1909 #795 nd later that morning. A brilliant light shone from atop a mast antenna. Th 7/31/1909 #795 Windows / side. Intense blue-green light / front. 8/3/1909 (approximate) #797 ach side and an intense blue-green light in front. Later that same evening 8/3/1909 #800 uth Wales, see a bright, pale blue light arise from behind some hills to th 8/7/1909 #801 the body of the object revolved a light kept turning on to the terrain ben 8/13/1909 #804 ines whirring and a dazzling white light at its head. Two dark figures can 8/18/1909 #805 orest. Glowing balloon drops night light / 02 December. 9/24/1909 #812 hen the horses rear and a blinding light splashes across the road. A large 10/1909 #815 nd. It is encircled in a corona of light and begins moving slowly. After 15 10/1909 #815 MABELVALE, AR 1 observer. Beam / light going south fast. Going up and dow 12/13/1909 #818 Arkansas, sees a bright, bobbling light moving through the air about 300 f 12/13/1909 #819 Airship" emitting a bright beam of light appeared moving SE to NW, hovered 12/22/1909 #820 ansfield, Ohio, when they notice a light, as brilliant as an arc light, in 8/3/1911 #856 ce a light, as brilliant as an arc light, in the northern sky. It has an ap 8/3/1911 #856 d. Nearby at Eastchurch, residents light flares to guide the craft in case 10/14/1912 #864 tors at Dover, England, and sees a light speeding toward him from the sea i 1/4/1913 #866 of smoke. Other witnesses see the light moving west from Cardiff at consid 1/17/1913 #870 out 25 mph and carries a brilliant light. 1/25/1913 #872 de as 700 feet. It has a yellowish light that later turns light red. When i 1/27/1913 #874 a yellowish light that later turns light red. When it is over Eccles, it tu 1/27/1913 #874 rapidly to the northwest. Rays of light stream from it on the right and th 2/2/1913 #878 ch a “dirigible” carrying a bright light pass in a northwesterly direction. 2/5/1913 #880 , Yorkshire, England, see a bright light traveling to the west and report i 2/25/1913 #884 r five dwarfs 1.20 m tall, clad in light clothing. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 6/1914 #899 r five dwarfs 1.20 m tall, clad in light clothing. He approached them, but 6/1914 #900 ite side were three men dressed in light brown, wearing square masks down t 8/1914 #906 visible, and intermittent rays of light were thrown to the ground. 10/5/1914 #918 utside her bedroom window a bright light in the sky bearing north. It disap Late 6/1915 #929 ARY, ALTA Huge blimp with blinding light slowly going south. Hovers then en 8/10/1915 (approximate) #932 on, England, watch a “bright white light, considerably larger in appearance 9/4/1915 #936 Zeppelins. He sees an “artificial light” to the north. He follows it north 1/31/1916 #941 ta, when he sees a strange glowing light in the hills ahead of him. Suddenl 3/12/1916 #945 e hills ahead of him. Suddenly the light swings in a huge arc down into the 3/12/1916 #945 slowly fades from view. Possibly a light pillar created by a nearby blast f 7/19/1916 #950 ter than the sun, shedding rays of light clearer and stronger than a crysta 5/13/1917 #958 ral days. Through a telescope, one light appears to be a revolving wheel wi Early 9/1917 #964 n caused by staring at the intense light of the Sun, a sundog, and optical 10/13/1917 #970 d emitted bright rainbow shafts of light, changing colors in succession fro 10/13/1917 #971 h windows that shine with greenish light. It flies in from the mountains in Summer 1918 #974 tell his sisters, who also see the light until about 8:30 p.m., when it mov 8/13/1918 #976 of burnished copper, with a faint light and vapor obscuring much of its sh 10/1918 #977 gland After 10:00 p.m. A brilliant light the size of a tennis ball appears 1/22/1919 #983 m is illuminated with bright white light. Several minutes later, the sphere 1/22/1919 #983 into the sky and disappearing. The light is seen for 40 minutes. 1/22/1919 #983 tating ring, that shoots a beam of light and ascends with a loud noise. Summer 1922 #1023 to a ranch when they see a beam of light shining on the snow in the Osage H 1/1924 #1039 l-shaped object with white dots of light on the side and blue flame at the 1/1924 #1039 WELLINGTON BRIDGE, IRE 2 boys. Light beam follows roads / several turns 9/1924 #1043 ritish Columbia, sees a faint blue light moving from northeast to southwest Fall 1924 #1044 lver in color with faint dark blue light at the rear. After moving a quarte Fall 1924 #1044 t pilot. 6 huge shiny disks circle light plane. / r65p13. 1/1926 #1054 ear Colun, Romania, when he sees a light ascend from the village of Cârța. 6/1926 #1058 ated globe moves toward him with a light so strong that it brightens the Ri 6/1926 #1058 going west. 5 small disks follow. Light reflects / clouds above. / NICAP. 8/1926 #1059 h cirrus clouds, which reflect the light cast by the objects. 8/1926 #1060 ing like a “great blurred electric light” appears over Miami, Florida, for 6/13/1928 #1086 e," sped overhead emitting rays of light which illuminated the ground and s 11/1928 #1089 (15–20 feet), emitting 4–5 rays of light that illuminate the ground and sta Early 11/1928 #1090 of 1927–1928, he has seen a bright light, usually between 8:00 and 11:00 p. 11/28/1928 #1092 he saw a dark object with a yellow light and his horse became very nervous. 6/12/1929 #1096 he saw a dark object with a yellow light and his horse became very nervous. 6/12/1929 #1097 g like a black cloud with a yellow light resting on a hillside. He gets out 6/12/1929 #1098 he saw a dark object with a yellow light landed on the ground. His horse be 6/12/1929 #1099 inar Rostivold, saw a huge ball of light giving off fiery colors, 25 km fro 7/1929 #1101 inar Rostivold, saw a huge ball of light giving off fiery colors, 25 km fro 7/1929 #1102 sees a very bright yellowish-white light like two saucers pressed together. 9/1929 #1103 t Tomintoul, Scotland, see a white light “like a meteor.” When it gets brig 1930 #1108 The witnesses think it is a ghost light. 1930 #1108 out the size of the full moon, its light brightens the countryside, then it Spring 1930 #1111 ghted in early morning, had bright light on front which lit up tree-tops, f 1/1/1931 #1119 e an object with a brilliant white light on its front illuminating treetops 1/1/1931 #1120 of Australia. The object reflected light off its front surface. It appeared 6/10/1931 #1129 he machine must be built with some light material, airproof fireproof, wate Summer 1931 #1130 ing a pink glow at its front and a light swirl of grey smoke along its side 1932 #1135 everal / car. Fiery disks spin and light sky. Back / good Friday / 1941+197 3/25/1932 #1138 street lit up by a brilliant white light from above. Looking up, he saw the 5/4/1932 #1143 from above. Looking up, he saw the light came from a round cloud with a sca 5/4/1932 #1143 cloud-like object streamed down a light like a laser beam. He next saw a y 5/4/1932 #1143 when he notices a bright speck of light approaching from some woods to the 6/1932 #1144 they seem to be emitting their own light. Early Summer 1932 #1145 ed torpedo going [to] fast. Orange light / rear. Flashes lightening. 12/1932 (approximate) #1148 ing. A man observed a faint violet light in a field between this town and M Summer 1933 #1160 ania A man observed a faint violet light in a field between this town and M Summer 1933 #1161 , he found the room full of violet light and observed many instruments, no Summer 1933 #1161 king it up, he sees a faint violet light in the field on his right. Curious Summer 1933 #1163 he walks about 200 feet toward the light and sees a bell-shaped object abou Summer 1933 #1163 eter and 6 feet high on the grass. Light is issuing from a circular door ab Summer 1933 #1163 t see much because of the peculiar light coming from the ceiling. The chamb Summer 1933 #1163 t 8 miles away, flooding them with light. Summer 1933 #1164 Sussex, UK Gigantic light (Page 6-7 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Dis 7/5/1933 #1166 sex, England, encounter a gigantic light that shines directly into the cent 7/5/1933 #1167 own, Thomas passes so close to the light that it causes burns on his face a 7/5/1933 #1167 ard bathed in a steady blue-purple light. Suddenly the light goes out and t Fall 1933 #1175 dy blue-purple light. Suddenly the light goes out and the humming ends with Fall 1933 #1175 Kalix, Sweden Beam of light coming from machine (Page 7 Ref. 1 12/24/1933 #1181 , Norrbotten, Sweden, see beams of light coming from a machine that seems t 12/24/1933 #1182 G, PA 1+1 observer(s). 35cm ball / light exits woods. Makes U-turn 6' away. 6/1934 #1209 eems to come from a “great blazing light, almost a ball of fire,” that is m 1/22/1935 #1223 Palestine, TX Bright shaft of light (Page 10 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Dist 11/24/1935 #1237 City, Brazil Snake-like shafts of light hanging motionless in sky (Page 10 12/1935 #1238 AYLMER LAKE, NWT Pilot / ground. Light aluminum cylinder/cigar-shape sile 7/1936? #1246 circular formation. Occasionally a light would fly across the circle and ta Fall 1936 #1249 th toward Anchorage when the see a light approaching them from the south. I 10/1936 #1250 ne, Italy, when he sees an unusual light ahead of his plane. He follows the 10/10/1936 #1252 ahead of his plane. He follows the light, which is at a slightly higher alt 10/10/1936 #1252 return to Västerbotten, Sweden. A light is seen wandering near the horizon Late 1/1937 #1262 g near the horizon east of Umeå. A light brighter than a headlight is repor Late 1/1937 #1262 d from a community near Dorotea. A light similar to position lights on an a Late 1/1937 #1262 London, UK Light (Nicknamed Ghost Flier) (Page 11 R 7/20/1937 #1273 eutenant and his aide see a strong light coming from a hovering lens-shaped 7/25/1938 #1288 object glows with an intense white light and flies away. 7/25/1938 #1288 inside the column. A blue beam of light was projected at the witness by th 7/25/1938 #1289 i, Romania, when they see a bright light in the sky moving in a zigzag fash Early 8/1939 #1312 bell-shape over field. Solid green light retracts! 11/13/1939 #1319 he side. A “curtain” of blue-green light emanates from the underside. After 11/13/1939 #1321 After about two minutes, the green light retracts into the base of the obje 11/13/1939 #1321 n its side, and a curtain of green light underneath, which retracted upward 11/13/1939 #1322 . Lens saucer passes. Power fails. Light wind. / and Tabloid account. 9/15/1940 #1345 NEAR INDIO, CA 4 / car. Red light / valley. Moon-size near car. "Com 12/1940 #1348 trange globe glowing with greenish light, about half the size of the full m 9/1941 #1370 trange globe glowing with greenish light about half the size of full moon. 12/1941 #1374 Unknown City, GA Light moving in counterclockwise circles 12/1941 #1375 ion of 6-9 luminous white balls of light flying in a triangular formation f 2/25/1942 #1391 Unknown City, IL Light gray, sharply defined rectangle; g Spring 1942 #1402 y; he sees a bright copper-colored light the “size of the moon” following t 6/25/1942 #1422 aucer with antennas and portholes. Light signals / code. 7/1942 (approximate) #1423 N-ON-SEA, ENGL RADAR sentry. Night light. Missing time. Small humanoids (or 8/1942 #1427 omenon described as a bright white light (Page 29-30 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - D 8/11/1942 #1431 d, when he sees a cloud-enshrouded light approaching from the North Sea. As Late Summer 1942 #1440 A rocket with a long white tail of light (Page 30 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Dista 8/17/1942 #1441 eld in the night sky. A flickering light was visible at the trailing end as Fall 1942 #1446 s a similar encounter with a green light. 12/1942 #1470 andlelights; bright very large red light that looked like a huge irregular 3/13/1943 #1485 a very bright repeatedly flashing light SW of Laguna, P-38 dispatched, fla Spring 1943 #1487 h it project a bright and constant light. 5/1943 #1498 oad. It glowed with a bluish-green light, made a whistling sound, rose to 1 9/1943 #1523 oad. It glowed with a bluish-green light, made a whistling sound, rose to 1 9/1943 #1524 Unknown City, Holland Light moving high in night sky. (Page 84 Fall 1943 #1529 rby hill. From its front a beam of light shoots down, and at intervals it s 10/1943 #1531 R 2 observer(s) on foot. Small red light just over road. Floats northwest. 12/1943 (approximate) #1546 Naples, Italy Small round bright light. (Page 52 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Dist 12/14/1943 #1552 is navigator notice a small bright light behind them. It stays on their tai 12/14/1943 #1553 Italy had a dogfight with a bright light that climbed much faster than his 12/14/1943 #1554 e over France, In Air Airborne red light. (Page 56 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Dist 1/28/1944 #1564 defects causing erratic flight or light flak tracers reaching their highes 2/9/1944 #1571 feet and they see it is a circular light about 50–60 feet long and 20 feet 2/20/1944 #1576 in the approximate spot where the light originated. 2/20/1944 #1576 fast-moving, glowing green object light up the cockpit and speed out of si 3/1944 #1584 e, each beginning as a pinpoint of light, growing bigger, then decreasing b 4/1944 #1588 s followed by four orange balls of light with “short stubby wings” and emit 4/26/1944 #1593 9:00 p.m. a reddish orange glowing light followed an RAF Beaufighter from t 4/30/1944 #1594 bers of the crew reported that the light appeared to be doing evasive maneu 4/30/1944 #1594 atch notices a brilliant, globalar light in the sky that was absolutely sil 6/1944 #1597 St. Lo and Vire, France Cherry-red light; size of large star; sat motionles 8/1944 #1632 France, when he sees a cherry-red light one-fifth the size of the moon mov 8/1944 #1633 ange, pulsing, maneuvering ball of light paced a U.S. Army Air Force B-29 b 8/10/1944 #1639 then it shoots away in a flash of light. Later he draws a watercolor paint 8/11/1944 #1641 Kaoe Bay, Indonesia Very brilliant light appearing to hover in air for at l 8/13/1944 #1643 as well as three bright points of light that descend as the bomber moves a Mid 8/1944 #1644 m Glowing globe, cloudy gas with a light inside; & three to four feet in di 9/1944 #1661 he stops, it also stops. Soon the light rises high in the air and disappea 9/1944 #1662 though it was cloudy glass with a light inside.” It disappears from view, 9/1944 #1663 kened by a loud noise and flash of light. The father goes to the door, wher 10/1944 #1673 “like frosted glass with a bright light behind it.” It makes a crackling n 10/1944 #1674 ycle was suddenly illuminated by a light beam from the woods, then he saw a 10/10/1944 #1676 ted that on this evening a beam of light from a luminous flying sphere stru 10/10/1944 #1677 Po Valley, Italy Red light appearance of an aircraft light. ( 10/20/1944 #1679 ed light appearance of an aircraft light. (Page 84 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Dist 10/20/1944 #1679 Munich, Germany Light blue colored ball of fire approxim 10/29/1944 #1686 circular, pale orange, clean edged light. (Page 86 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Dist 10/30/1944 #1687 an evasive maneuver and loses the light. 10/30/1944 #1688 ogne, Germany Possible jet; single light; 5 free lance visuals on jets, no 11/5/1944 #1694 B17 / KLAGENFURT, AUSTRIA Light and heat. Orange saucer paces goin 11/24/1944 #1703 Unknown City, Italy Round amber light, luminous orange-yellow, blinding 11/24/1944 #1704 , luminous orange-yellow, blinding light; felt unbearable heat. (Page 89-93 11/24/1944 #1704 r Trieste, Leet notices a blinding light and feels an intense heat. It goes 11/24/1944 #1705 conds later he sees a “round amber light” sitting off the left wingtip of t 11/24/1944 #1705 until it “just turned off” like a light bulb. 11/24/1944 #1705 Mannheim, Germany Red light that disappeared in long red strea 11/26/1944 #1706 Italy A steady, seemingly hanging light. (Page 96 Ref.1) Ghedi Airdrome ar 12/2/1944 #1717 Erstein, Germany Brilliant red light & appeared to be 4 or 5 times larg 12/14/1944 #1720 Germany Numerous balls of light are reported by the Night Fighter 12/14/1944 #1721 A red ball of light climbed to the altitude of a Beauf 12/24/1944 #1733 ew, Baker and McFalls, watched the light pace their aircraft for awhile and 12/24/1944 #1733 Ardennes, Belgium Large white light; no radar contact; went straight u 12/28/1944 #1739 Iwo Jima, Japan An amber light pass parallel and at same altitude 1/10/1945 #1754 verhead. Behind it is a “brilliant light” that is following it closely. 1/22/1945 #1761 Colmar, France Unusual green light & moving rapidly. (Page 133 Ref.1) 2/1/1945 #1769 Strasbourg (near), France Yellow light. (Page 133 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Dis 2/8/1945 #1776 Riegel, Germany Very bright light moving slowly. (Page 133 Ref.1) (N 2/9/1945 #1777 ly Multiple sightings:(1) blinking light; (2) reddish white light going off 2/17/1945 #1789 blinking light; (2) reddish white light going off and on in spurts, faded 2/17/1945 #1789 purts, faded out during chase; (3) light, a glow alternating between weak a 2/17/1945 #1789 L Small extremely fast white night light attaches / wing / military plane. 3/1945 #1796 Florence, Italy Chased light, no radar contact, then light disa 3/18/1945 #1815 ased light, no radar contact, then light disappeared. (Page 148 Ref.1) (NIC 3/18/1945 #1815 est of Florence, Italy. Suddenly a light is flying alongside them at 13,000 3/18/1945 #1817 e pilot turns the plane toward the light, keeping on its tail, pursuing at 3/18/1945 #1817 mbing to 16,000 feet. Suddenly the light disappears. 3/18/1945 #1817 s: size of basketball; streamer of light behind the ball of fire; ball of f 4/3/1945 #1837 Japan, encounter numerous balls of light tagging along with them. 4/3/1945 #1838 Jeffersontown, Kentucky, a bright light that seems to be directly above Fi 4/10/1945 #1843 tly toward his location, casting a light beam downward. After 10 minutes, i 4/10/1945 #1843 S squadron saw a yellow, star-like light approach and lose altitude. Radar 4/18/1945 #1848 then lost. The gunner saw a second light, but no radar contact was made wit 4/18/1945 #1848 a P-61B plane saw a reddish, round light. Contact on the radar screen showe 4/18/1945 #1848 airborne objects & red circles of light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 5/2/1945 #1859 ed two objects with red circles of light, changing color from cherry-red to 5/3/1945 #1863 Nagoya, Japan Red or flame-colored light, constant position, same size as B 5/14/1945 #1867 osition, same size as B-29 landing light. (Page 166 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Dis 5/14/1945 #1867 Unknown City, Japan A fluctuating light round in shape that changed from b 6/18/1945 #1876 apan B-29 followed by strong white light. (Page 180 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Avi 6/19/1945 #1877 right, stationary, yellowish-white light in the northeastern sky. It looks Summer 1945 #1881 e “activity.” Some 10–15 pieces of light begin separating from it, fading f Summer 1945 #1881 er; a big ball of fuzzy orange-red light; B-29 fired on object, appearing t 7/7/1945 #1892 Honshu, Japan Light Phenomenon.Spotted enemy aircraft 7/12/1945 #1893 apparently trailed by large orange light traveling with it at same speed. ( 7/12/1945 #1893 Glowing saucer near ground. Beams light / ground. Observer(s) dizzy. Sheep 9/24/1945 (approximate) #1939 he main deck when he sees a bluish light move to the south, turn right, go 9/26/1945? #1940 his wife Thelma approach a bright light about 50 feet in the air and 20 fe 10/1945 #1942 ARACARIGUAMA, BRZ Night light zaps man / beam. Flesh falls off! 3/5/1946 #1972 il. As he is entering the house, a light from outside strikes and envelopes 3/5/1946 #1973 ed by his encounter with a beam of light that came from the sky and struck 3/5/1946 #1974 e had been hit by a silent beam of light, which stunned him and knocked him 3/5/1946 #1974 e, a prominent industrialist saw a light in the woods and went to investiga 5/1946 #1986 craft take off emitting bright red light, then speed away. Burned grass and 5/1946 #1986 c speed, emitting a magnesium-like light and a trail of smoke. 5/13/1946 #1992 Sala, Sweden Night. An enormous light drops earthward over Sala, Sweden, 6/9/1946 #2004 , Finland 10:17 p.m. A rocket-like light passes over Helsinki, Finland, at 6/9/1946 #2005 rt incidents with “certain kind of light phenomena’ that might be associate 6/26/1946 #2016 ude. Clear outline. Vibrant bright light / rear. FSRv15#2. 7/7/1946 #2029 ishable outline, and a very bright light at the rear. 7/7/1946 #2030 , and he is blinded by the intense light. He thinks it crashes into Mt. Lan 7/9/1946 #2040 ng quickly east. Trailing spiral / light just vanishes! 7/11/1946 #2049 rial explosions. An “intense white light” accompanies the blasts. 7/28/1946 #2083 giving off a brilliant blue-white light. Sometimes two of the objects are 8/11/1946 #2117 side wings and fins. A blue-white light streams from the bottom, and it di 8/13/1946 #2131 feet long, it emits a faint green light and trails smoke from the rear. 8/13/1946 #2132 river “somewhere in Sweden” when a light approaches them from the southeast 8/24/1946 #2156 s a full moon and emits an intense light: “As it passed immediately overhea 8/24/1946 #2156 ngs: iron cylinder, magnesium-like light, white core surrounded by blue-gre 9/9/1946 #2172 O AREA, PORTUGAL Odd bluish ball / light seen / 5 minute(s). Luminous rocke 9/14/1946 #2181 ear-old son see a yellowish-orange light coming from the northwest at a “te Fall 1946 #2189 erson, NJ Horse reacts to circular light (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 10/1946 #2194 e northeast, they see a stationary light hovering at an altitude of 3,000–4 1947 #2220 ter watching it for 5 minutes, the light gets brighter, rises vertically fo 1947 #2220 ally in wide circles” and reflects light like it is made of metal. After 20 5/19/1947 #2294 ot. Fast "mayo jar" crosses nose / light plane. Going quickly east / 12Kmph 6/2/1947 #2307 shaped UFO crossed in front of his light plane while flying at between 10,0 6/2/1947 #2310 ing fireball then round blue night light with small objects orbiting. / r12 6/6/1947 #2313 , India. Then a round blue ball of light appeared, surrounded by smaller ob 6/6/1947 #2314 glas, Arizona Coral Lorenzen saw a light rise from the ground in Mexican te 6/10/1947 #2318 nomenon, witnessed an unidentified light land remotely, take on a definite 6/10/1947 #2320 NORTH / DECLO, ID Night light zigzags. Shines cone / light going 6/15/1947 (approximate) #2331 Night light zigzags. Shines cone / light going down. Flies going quickly no 6/15/1947 (approximate) #2331 ORCE BASE, AL 4 observer(s). Night light zigzags. Wild accelerations. Sharp 6/28/1947 #2443 Montgomery, Alabama, see a bright light zigzagging across the sky for 25 m 6/28/1947 #2448 a fast moving, bright, zigzagging light in the sky over Maxwell AFB, Alaba 6/28/1947 #2451 well AFB, Alabama as 9:20 p.m. The light made quick accelerations and 90 de 6/28/1947 #2451 ens / bottom/underside. Blue-white light comes out. Buzz and whirr. 6/29/1947 #2462 e ship. It shines a strong beam of light on the water within 150 feet of th 7/1/1947? #2522 er as it nears the water. Soon the light switches off and they can see a me 7/1/1947? #2522 with speeds approximating that of light by use of anti-gravity devices and 7/3/1947 #2551 tched 10-15 seconds while ten very light objects, with two dark forms to th 7/3/1947 #2578 ALEXANDRIA, VA Ray / light / window wakes 1 observer(s). Sun- 7/4/1947 #2595 EAST / MOSCOW, ID 2 / light plane. Very white disk wavers goin 7/4/1947 #2597 ” supposedly see a bright flash of light and hear a roaring sound that pass 7/4/1947 #2670 At 11:00 p.m. an orange ball of light, "as big around as a barrel," whic 7/4/1947 #2678 awood-like material only stronger, light metallic foil (which doesn’t stay 7/5/1947 #2723 EDGEWOOD, TX 11 observer(s). Light colored 40' disk faster / plane. J 7/6/1947 #2780 aucer with large propeller outruns light plane. Flash. 7/6/1947 #2794 a at 6:30 p.m. That same evening a light colored 40-foot wide disc flew jus 7/6/1947 #2826 h and gave off a bright blue-white light. 7/7/1947 #2835 / ground. Saucer with fins follows light plane going northeast. Flips over. 7/7/1947 #2857 TOWANDA, PA 2 20cm disks / intense light bob and weave 5M from house. Soar 7/7/1947 #2864 a small airplane, reflecting white light (FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - D 7/7/1947 #2925 eet. The object gives off a bright light. 7/7/1947 #2937 he size of shoe boxes. They are so light that it feels as if there is nothi 7/8/1947 #3019 observes a flat object, reflecting light, about the size of a fighter. He g 7/8/1947 #3023 After about 10 or 15 seconds, the light goes out and the object vanishes. 7/9/1947 #3068 VALDOSTA, GA 2 / light plane. 1M cake pan / 600M altitude 7/10/1947 #3082 OK Separate airmen. Perfect ring / light going northeast straight & level f 7/10/1947 #3095 sa, Oklahoma saw a perfect ring of light in the sky that flew toward the no 7/10/1947 #3120 NT Observer(s) wakens. 20cm ball / light over head! Observer(s) throws pill 7/12/1947 #3141 disks going west trailing beams / light. Whirl and shoot up and down. Extr 7/12/1947 #3156 usage with dazzling rays / colored light near summer palace. 7/13/1947 #3161 ps / 20M altitude. Fast spin. Blue light. Finally going south. 7/20/1947 #3203 in New Jersey. He sees a flash of light, the engine gives out, and the pla 7/23/1947 #3217 New Jersey encountered a shaft of light from above. The aircraft's engine 7/23/1947 #3220 as, Texas, when he sees a flash of light to his left. An oval object like a 7/25/1947 #3231 OVER UNION, OR Ken Arnold / light plane again. 20-25 brassy disks fl 7/29/1947 #3245 ger chases round metallic object / light plane. Seen twice / 10 minute(s). 8/6/1947 #3297 TIMMINS, ONT Globe of purplish light seen. Car stalls passing. No furth 8/16/1947 #3338 At 9:00 p.m. a globe of purplish light was seen in Timmins, Ontario, caus 8/16/1947 #3339 Gulf spotted eight round spots of light flying in a group. They passed wit 9/6/1947 #3390 Bluebook Case #59. PAA crew. Night light splits / 2. Turn toward(s) airline 9/13/1947 #3394 Oahu, Hawaii, in airspace A bright light with no blue or red tinge split in 9/13/1947 #3395 FINL 1 observer. Red-yellow ball / light. Row / windows / turn off. Lights 11/2/1947 #3477 r saucer-shaped object with bright light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 11/2/1947 #3478 oving reddish UFO emitted flash of light, shot upwards out of sight. [XII] 12/8/1947 #3498 s, Nevada Pilots observe a reddish light moving at moderate speed over Las 12/8/1947 #3499 Nevada. It emits a flash of green light and shoots upwards at a “tremendou 12/8/1947 #3499 er bedroom fills with bluish-white light pouring in through the closed west 1948? #3524 of Godman AFB and picked out a dim light in the hazy sky. By the time base 1/7/1948 #3536 Orner tracks an unidentified white light with red coloration in a weather t 1/7/1948 #3545 hen he is at about 1,800 feet. The light seems to be at about 3,000 feet to 1/7/1948 #3546 then turn earthward. The object is light sky-blue in color and is traveling 1/9/1948 #3552 dwood, NJ Saw a "saucer" or "queer light" approach from the ocean (NICAP: 0 1/10/1948 #3553 ROUEN-SUR-SEINE, FR White balls / light and 'planes dropping parachutes' c 1/28/1948 (approximate) #3566 oe and his son Alan see a globe of light shooting across the sky to the nor 2/20/1948 #3582 ed. Coe calls it a “ray or blob of light” and insists it is not a meteor. 2/20/1948 #3582 itting a very bright beam of white light. A humanoid being floated down to 4/3/1948 #3607 own through the cloud, and a drone light tank is used to recover soil sampl 4/15/1948 #3623 e on a flight observed a yellow or light colored sphere 25 to 40 ft. diam. 4/30/1948 #3631 . It is silent, and a long, bright light shoots out from beneath. 5/17/1948 #3653 aksin chases banana. Hit / cones / light. Crash lands. / r23. 6/16/1948 (approximate) #3670 shape of a cucumber with cones of light radiating from it descending acros 6/16/1948 #3671 n he closes to within 6 miles, the light beams open up like a fan and shine 6/16/1948 #3671 cumber-shaped object with beams of light was tracked on radar when it desce 6/16/1948 #3672 ilure when it was hit by a cone of light, with the engine and controls fail 6/16/1948 #3672 e airplane. A single bright white light accelerated and turned up a valley 7/1948 #3690 tion. A regular pulsating flashing light appears in the group at 30° from z 7/17/1948 #3714 point a regular pulsating flashing light appeared amidst the group at 30° f 7/17/1948 #3715 through which glowed a very bright light, as brilliant as a magnesium flare 7/24/1948 #3724 are windows through which a bright light is glowing. They only see it for 5 7/24/1948 #3734 Chamblee, GA Green light with a silver tail about the size 7/26/1948 #3741 08:45 - Flat, round obj reflecting light, stationary at times (NICAP: 01 - 7/27/1948 #3746 Marion, VA Light Spotted By Pilot (NICAP: 11 - Avia 7/31/1948 #3758 dway to Honolulu, saw a blue-white light approaching, changing to twin redd 9/12/1948 #3798 Small 6-8-inch round white ball of light with a flat, no-depth disc-like ap 10/1/1948 #3825 east to west. He describes it as a light 6–8 inches in diameter displaying 10/1/1948 #3827 each time is outmaneuvered by the light, which moves up to 600 mph. On his 10/1/1948 #3827 gets as close as 500 feet from the light at about 5,000 feet altitude. Gorm 10/1/1948 #3827 alled out, unable to intercept the light, which is at about 16,000 feet. Th 10/1/1948 #3827 which is at about 16,000 feet. The light makes evasive and aggressive maneu 10/1/1948 #3827 an attempts to dive at it, but the light pulls up, rises vertically, and di 10/1/1948 #3827 and disappears at high speed. The light is also seen by airport control to 10/1/1948 #3827 und object suddenly appear as if a light had been switched on. It was about 10/24/1948 #3852 SWEDEN Farmer caught / 40M cone of light. Gets UV burns. No object seen. 11/10/1948 #3872 has one continuously glowing white light. He makes a pass to check on it, b 11/18/1948 #3883 22;00 - Colonel Hayes obs ball of light, descending vertically, which burs 11/23/1948 #3886 . Hayes sees a bright white, round light “larger than a basketball” descend 11/23/1948 #3888 rfield-Suisan AFB, CA Round, white light fly with varying speed, bouncing m 12/3/1948 #3901 tower operator. One round, white light flew for 25 seconds with varying s 12/3/1948 #3903 ches for 25 seconds a round, white light fly with variable speed (200–400 m 12/3/1948 #3904 et when they see a brilliant green light, larger and more brilliant than a 12/8/1948 #3918 ory, and turning on and off like a light switch. The interest in green fire 12/20/1948 #3935 n intense white or greenish- white light. 12/29/1948 #3938 plateau opens up and they can see light coming from inside. The lights des 1949 #3945 y by the Army. The metal was thin, light and could not be dented or cut; it 1949 #3947 CINCINNATI, OH Huge white ball / light circles airport tower. Both Air Tr 1/1949 #3949 ees a bright-white, diamond-shaped light in horizontal flight from southeas 1/6/1949 #3967 n 1 mile in size emitting beams of light. (Project 1947) (NICAP: 11 - Aviat 1/24/1949 #3976 s, spherical objects, and balls of light. It acknowledges the possibility t 2/11/1949 #4003 AESS Inspector Reports High Speed Light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 3/2/1949 #4031 age site, see a flash of pale blue light in the sky to the northeast. At 8: 3/6/1949 #4035 ay, Pvt. Harold Moore sees a white light with an orange trail flash across 3/6/1949 #4035 hn Ransom notice a pale blue-white light streaking across the western sky l 3/6/1949 #4035 TX One white and one yellowish-red light in level flight (NICAP: 01 - Dista 3/8/1949 #4040 Fort Chimo, Quebec, CAN Red light like an aircraft light traveling W 3/18/1949 #4050 ec, CAN Red light like an aircraft light traveling W to E at high altitude 3/18/1949 #4050 s, AK Bombers see a dull-yellowish light flying at 2,400 ft (NICAP: 11 - Av 3/29/1949 #4059 os, NM AFOSI Case 48; 12:05 - btwn light and dark green object traveling ve 4/6/1949 #4077 Base, Texas, see a blinking violet light no more than 1.5 inches in diamete 4/27/1949 #4118 ing the 60-second observation, the light passes through the branches of a t 4/27/1949 #4118 y, four Army soldiers see a 4-inch light with a 2–4-inch metallic cone atta 4/27/1949 #4118 out 9:37 p.m., a 2-inch-wide white light appears 100 feet away to the north 4/27/1949 #4118 und. It vanishes abruptly. A third light shows up at 9:39 p.m. in the west- 4/27/1949 #4118 s sending reports of unidentified “light phenomena” to the scientific commu 4/28/1949 #4125 ne 16, 1948, that directs cones of light at his aircraft from a distance of 5/6/1949 #4158 cked out of operation by a cone of light from a cucumber-shaped UFO after h 5/6/1949 #4161 approach it. He was blinded by the light, but managed to land the crippled 5/6/1949 #4161 ed and triangulated on a brilliant light 4000 yards in the distance. It mov 5/6/1949 #4164 OSI Case 71; 00:40 - green ball of light with no sound (NICAP: 01 - Distant 6/2/1949 #4223 ood, Texas, spot a hovering orange light. Lts. Virgil Williams and Marvin L 6/6/1949 #4228 GALVESTON, TX Night light going west over town. Type unknown 7/18/1949 #4271 An unidentified nocturnal light flew over the city of Galveston, T 7/18/1949 #4273 in span, 20-30' long, 2-5' thick; light colored except for a 12' diameter 7/24/1949 #4282 Mount Hood, OR Object with 1 white light and 2 red lights (NICAP: 01 - Dist 7/30/1949 #4298 ructor. One object with one white light and two red lights, maneuvered and 7/30/1949 #4299 titude, going north to south. Each light is visible for about 10 seconds, b 9/14/1949 #4357 od, Ohio. Sgt. Berger turns on the light and picks up a large object in the 10/23/1949 #4401 serves a huge, pulsating submarine light wheel, some 1,000–1,500 feet in di 11/11/1949 #4413 ill-defined center with streaks of light like searchlight beams moving coun 11/11/1949 #4413 GULF OF OMAN 1200' circle / light nears ship. Spokes / light turn. 3 11/14/1949 #4414 ircle / light nears ship. Spokes / light turn. 3 smaller ones after. 11/14/1949 #4414 from/between Victoria ferry. Night light zigzags going northwest. No plane. 12/17/1949 (approximate) #4439 eattle, Washington saw a nocturnal light zigzagging in the sky toward the n 12/17/1949 #4440 I Case 161 yellowish-white ball of light at about 45° elevation changing co 1/7/1950 #4477 watched a brilliant fiery ball of light hover over restricted military air 1/14/1950 #4489 ge in color, and gave off a steady light. 1/18/1950 #4498 sees a “very fast-moving red glow light, which appeared to be of exhaust n 1/22/1950 #4503 revolving middle band. A greenish light flashed under it, and the witness 1/29/1950 #4517 revolving middle band. A greenish light flashed under it, and the witness 1/29/1950 #4518 / DUVALL, WA Farmer. Bright night light going east. Blinks on and off slow 2/18/1950 #4540 AFB, MI An intense, dull yellowish light descend vertically (NICAP: 01 - Di 3/3/1950 #4574 ttson. One intense, dull yellowish light descended vertically, then flew st 3/3/1950 #4575 GERING, NEBR 16+cop. 8m night light / 30m altitude. Changes shape. Ext 3/5/1950 #4581 e noise is coming from a brilliant light in the sky, one- half the size of 3/13/1950 #4626 A glowing light descended, then hovered with a swa 3/13/1950 #4628 of the witness but missed. A white light lingered in the area for more than 3/15/1950 #4644 truments. They saw him and shone a light in his direction while a blue ligh 3/18/1950 #4674 ight in his direction while a blue light illuminated the craft; the vapor i 3/18/1950 #4674 ts. When they saw him they shone a light in his direction while a blue ligh 3/18/1950 #4680 ight in his direction while a blue light illuminated the craft. The vapor i 3/18/1950 #4680 lower side emitting a soft purple light, and a light at the top which flas 3/20/1950 #4689 mitting a soft purple light, and a light at the top which flashed 3 times i 3/20/1950 #4689 the object is an extremely bright light blinking at an estimated 3 flashes 3/20/1950 #4690 SP Cloud object hits car / bright light. Buzzes car repeatedly. 3/22/1950 #4699 Province. It emitted a very bright light that appeared to collide with the 3/22/1950 #4703 ed Airlines (UAL) men. Brill night light / northwest. Hovers / 5 minute(s) 3/26/1950 #4725 rol tower operator saw maneuvering light source. [V] (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 3/26/1950 #4726 ee and Fred Hinkle see a brilliant light northeast of Hubbard Field [now Re 3/26/1950 #4731 slowly across the sky with a green light on either side of it. It suddenly 3/26/1950 #4731 SAN DIEGO, CA Night light going south. Circles city. Casts o 3/29/1950 #4759 south. Circles city. Casts orange light. Speeds away going quickly northea 3/29/1950 #4759 OCK, AR Saucer arcs over airliner. Light flashes / top. 8 10' portholes / u 3/31/1950 #4776 ommander and engineer chase disk / light plane. Can't reach / 9km altitude. 4/1950 #4781 Z Several observer(s). White night light hovers. Sudden extremely fast mane 4/5/1950 #4798 ton, Massachusetts, watches a blue light split into two lights that revolve 4/7/1950 #4815 om observer(s). 3 portholes / blue light. Going quickly north very fast. 4/8/1950 #4823 ortholes shining with a blue-white light. It hovered for about 2 min, left 4/8/1950 #4827 ports on the rim giving off a blue light. It hovered for 2 minutes, then f 4/8/1950 #4829 ports on the rim giving off a blue light. It was oscillating, spinning slow 4/8/1950 #4831 ortholes shining with a blue-white light. It hovered for about 2 minutes an 4/8/1950 #4831 pe going south. Flickers like neon light. 4/9/1950 (approximate) #4834 he south. It flickered like a neon light. 4/9/1950 #4835 nd Louis I. Briggs, watch a bright light moving against the wind at about 1 4/10/1950 #4841 ds / observer(s). Fiery red rod or light hangs / sky. Same / Dallas, TX. 4/19/1950 #4868 was finished, a trap through which light had been shining was closed and th 4/24/1950 #4887 finished, a trapdoor through which light had been shining was closed and th 4/24/1950 #4890 TAIN, UT Odd night lights. Beams / light extend / all directions. 24hr sear 4/25/1950 #4891 surrounded by an aura of spears of light jutting diagonally from the main b 4/25/1950 #4894 uth, Massachusetts. The object was light brown in color, climbed away from 4/27/1950 #4911 oing north / 150M altitude. Spins. Light smoke trail. 5/10/1950 #4935 Sperry to a bright blue or bluish light ahead of them and increasing in si 5/29/1950 #4972 at a slightly higher altitude. The light very briefly passes between the ai 5/29/1950 #4972 sible wings or empennage. The blue light is on the front of the object. Spe 5/29/1950 #4972 of sight very fast. It had a blue light on its front end. The sighting las 5/29/1950 #4974 watched a brilliant fiery ball of light hover over restricted military air 6/14/1950 #4986 in height, and one of them wore a light on its chest that flashed at regul 6/17/1950 #4992 nes and ground observer(s). Bluish light. 6/26/1950 #5010 bserver(s). White fireball / night light maneuvers erratically / 45 minute( 6/28/1950 #5020 Kansas, when they see a bright red light hovering over US Hwy 54 near Cunni 6/30/1950 #5027 HIRRs and maneuvers. Bright yellow light / bottom/underside. 9/1950 (approximate) #5157 ch emanated a copper-green colored light which gradually shifted to pale pa 9/1950 #5159 see, at a range of 10– 15 miles, a light gray disc following a rectangular 9/5/1950 #5169 descends / grass. Glows. Extremely light. Evaporates. 9/26/1950 #5198 an Nuys, California. Bands of blue light are visible across its width. 10/5/1950 #5213 r Force navigator in-flight. Night light makes every maneuver known / obser 10/14/1950 #5225 glowing sphere/orb/globe and night light / high-altitude. Going quickly [to 10/20/1950 #5244 n Patrick. One translucent object, light grey with dark core, shaped like a 11/5/1950 #5264 lucent pear or bean-shaped object, light gray with a dark core, fly through 11/5/1950 #5266 Lakehurst (E of), NJ Light Makes 5-6 Head On Passess At Navy 11/7/1950 #5269 in a dogfight with a steady white light that he at first mistakes for an a 11/7/1950 #5270 aft. He gets on its tail, then the light reverses suddenly and passes 100–2 11/7/1950 #5270 it and the same thing happens. The light continues to “turn about me in wid 11/7/1950 #5270 t that time. At 9:08 p.m. a bright light made a sharp turn toward a DC-3 tr 11/27/1950 #5295 s. Willingham and a copilot take a light aircraft to the site but are escor 12/6/1950 #5330 t, England, when they see a bright light moving east to west in complete si 12/10/1950 #5336 ning with a bright, purplish-white light.” It dives through the clouds, tur 12/13/1950 #5345 GE, TN 3+observers. Circular night light changes shape and brilliance. Fade 12/18/1950 #5355 ak Ridge, TN NEPA Employees Report Light In Control Area (NICAP: 10 - Nucle 12/18/1950 #5356 At 8:39 a.m. a circular light changed shape and brilliance as it 12/18/1950 #5357 OVER BRADFORD, IL TWA pilot. Night light / violent turns and maneuvers / 25 12/27/1950 #5365 ois, Shutts notices a bright white light ahead of the plane, also flashing 12/27/1950 #5368 r the UFO appears to vibrate as if light is distorted, especially after the 12/27/1950 #5368 rwon, Korea Craft hit soldier with light beam (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 1951 #5373 S81. 1 going north / low altitude. Light humming. 1/8/1951 #5385 Fort Benning, GA Light with a fan-shaped wake remain moti 1/12/1951 #5391 U.S. Army 2nd Lt. A.C. Hale. One light with a fan-shaped wake remained mo 1/12/1951 #5392 U.S. Army 2nd Lt. A. C. Hale saw a light with a fan-shaped wake remain moti 1/12/1951 #5393 rator John M. Williams sees an odd light in the west. Capt. Lawrence W. Vin 1/20/1951 #5407 asked by the tower to look for the light. While still in a climbing turn at 1/20/1951 #5407 ed aircraft. The crew saw a bright light that quickly closed with them. The 1/20/1951 #5408 cylinder/cigar-shape follows night light. 4 staircase maneuvers upward. 1/25/1951 #5416 ASE, JPN 2 / USAF F82. Amber night light makes 3 360° loops. Buzzes F82. Qu 2/1/1951 #5425 F-82 Encounters Maneuvering Amber Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 2/1/1951 #5426 of F-82 night fighter. One amber light made three or four 360 degree turn 2/1/1951 #5427 OD VALLEY, CA Flash fades to night light. Night light circles / high speed. 2/24/1951 #5456 Flash fades to night light. Night light circles / high speed. Heads going 2/24/1951 #5456 Los Angeles, CA BSRA’s “Gerald Light” associate reports that he was att 2/25/1951 #5457 rlington Road Jackson Road A ghost light is seen in Suffolk County, Virgini 3/1951 #5469 Sheriff Hurley Jones, who sees the light three times. It looks like a car h 3/1951 #5469 Reid said his father had seen the light in the 1870s. The location is appa 3/1951 #5469 used to run down that way, and the light has also been compared to a locomo 3/1951 #5469 outh Korea, when he sees an orange light like a jack-o-lantern coming down Early Spring 1951 #5471 ant blue-green disc pulsating with light. Wall asks permission to shoot and Early Spring 1951 #5471 sweeps the soldiers with a beam of light, and they feel a burning and tingl Early Spring 1951 #5471 ing northeast. Maneuvers. Bursts / light. Shoots quickly going up. 4/12/1951 #5503 AAL pilot buzzed / odd blue night light. 500 going [to] 2000MPH. Going qui 5/22/1951 #5515 / GRAND RAPIDS, MN AA liner. Night light 500-1000mph. Hovers and maneuvers. 5/23/1951 #5519 when he sees a large, bluish-white light moving parallel to the car. It loo 6/1/1951 #5535 n they wake to see a small glowing light circling their bedroom in a meande 7/4/1951? #5559 MI Astronomer Webb and many. Night light / regular wavy course going quickl 8/3/1951 #5593 cope. He sees a glowing, yellowish light moving westward at a low elevation 8/3/1951 #5595 E BASE, GERMANY 2 USAF. Circular / light descends slow. Levels. Turns. Shoo 8/14/1951 #5604 BASE, TX RADAR-man visually. Night light zigzags. Turns. Going up [to] very 8/25/1951 #5617 ", a string of perhaps 50 beads of light in a semi-circle or wing shape, wh 8/25/1951 #5627 e a visual sighting of a nocturnal light at 1:18 a.m. The UFO zig-zagged ma 8/26/1951 #5633 fic Controller. Large orange night light buzzes plane. Going west. Returns 8/27/1951 #5634 Vandalia, IL Large blinding orange light to the SW (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 8/27/1951 #5635 MI EAST / ST. CROIX FALLS, WI 2 / light plane. Glowing cylinder/cigar-shap 10/10/1951 #5717 Peru (NW of), NB Blue light in the NW, vanish to the SE (NICAP 12/1951 #5801 ving to Indiana when he saw a blue light in the northwest sky. It vanished 12/1951 #5802 in diameter, from which the orange light was coming. On the other side was 12/1951 #5802 n, when they see a bright flash of light illuminate the sky. Bernadotte sto 12/5/1951 #5805 The witness turned his car to send light signals, to which the object seeme 1/1952 #5852 tted the object. The disc was very light on top, but dark on the underside. 1/21/1952 #5872 thers at the theater see an orange light passing silently overhead. 1/29/1952 #5885 addition to zigzagging the ball of light swooped up and down. There were th 2/19/1952 #5910 p.m. three or more green balls of light stopped in midair in Richmond, Cal 2/19/1952 #5910 saw was no meteor, and turned its light on and off. LaPaz and Lt. Col. Ree 2/19/1952 #5911 ts, when he sees a “sharp flash of light about 35° or more above the horizo 2/20/1952 #5915 feet it emitted a luminous beam of light. 2/24/1952 #5929 , ARK Hoops tilt / great altitude. Light reflects / invisible center. Turke 2/25/1952 #5930 on a dirt road. They notice a red light off to one side above the trees. I 3/1952 #5940 sa (Bet. Claremore and), OK Bright Light Passes C-54, Drops Down (NICAP: 11 3/7/1952 #5948 and wobbles / sky. Flashes silver light. / local papers. 3/17/1952 #5960 D Dull orange-yellow saucer-shaped light fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 3/20/1952 #5963 e dull orange-yellow saucer-shaped light flew straight and level very fast 3/20/1952 #5964 a bright, aluminum colored spot of light hung motionless in the sky above a 3/27/1952 #5982 feet, they travel in a precise and light manner, both vertically and horizo 3/29/1952 #5993 and having two bright pinpoints of light along its main axis” at London, On 4/1952? #6008 minutes while a dark shape with a light flew as fast as 330 knots (380 mph 4/5/1952 #6035 Force announces that a new “aerial light” attached to a B-26 aircraft is in 4/7/1952 #6043 e(s)/airliner crew and passengers. Light colored objects / V formation. Hig 4/14/1952 #6073 ntified CAL airline pilot. Several light colored objects flew in V-formatio 4/14/1952 #6077 egular intervals. The bright white light had a red glow preceeding it and o 4/15/1952 #6084 it and one behind. When the white light went off the red glows seemed to m 4/15/1952 #6084 ead, glowing with a yellowishwhite light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 4/16/1952 #6091 Shreveport, LA Course reversing light. (Willy Smith pp. 25-29; FUFOR Ind 4/16/1952 #6092 , occasionally emitting a shaft of light to the rear during a 40 minute sig 4/17/1952 #6103 over Brooklyn, New York. It had a light orange streak two-thirds of the wa 4/19/1952 #6132 into a cloud, causing a sparkling light to emanate from the cloud, and did 4/19/1952 #6132 hen another two, each with a white light that blinked every 1-2 seconds as 4/22/1952 #6153 Clovis, New Mexico Witness: USAF light Surgeon Maj. E.L. Ellis. Many oran 4/24/1952 #6177 , GER 2 pilots. 5cm circle / white light / near collision with C47. Rises g 4/25/1952 #6182 guria, Italy. It shot red beams of light at the witnesses, who were able to 4/25/1952 #6187 . B29 bombardier. White fan-shaped light pulses 8X / 4 second(s). 4/29/1952 #6210 h of ), KS B-29 Encounters Pulsing Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 4/29/1952 #6212 . R.H. Bauer. One white fan-shaped light pulsed 3-4 times per second for 2 4/29/1952 #6214 well as to shed “some much needed light” on the “vexing ‘flying saucer’ pr 4/29/1952 #6216 . Bauer sighted a white fan-shaped light that pulsed 8 times per second for 4/29/1952 #6217 / lawn party. Vibrant bright night light going up. Going down. Streaks goin 5/1952 #6226 rves / extremely fast. White night light follows. 3 more / Toronto / r136#1 5/1/1952 #6234 e VIPs. He and two others notice a light approaching silently from the west Early 5/1952 #6248 n, Puerto Rico, to New York, see a light, 10 times the size of an airplane 5/8/1952 #6275 es the size of an airplane landing light, approach them over the Atlantic O 5/8/1952 #6275 cular shape and emitted a luminous light. It appeared to waver back and for 5/10/1952 #6285 g at 7:20 p.m. two orange balls of light were sighted over the shoreline of 5/13/1952 #6318 saucers" as large as B-36's with a light underneath. They disappeared to th 5/13/1952 #6319 he signalman on watch see that the light is attached to a disc-shaped objec Late 5/1952 #6362 dar operator see a brilliant white light straight ahead. The UFO performs a 5/26/1952 #6366 iny silver and the other orange or light brown--were seen three times perfo 5/28/1952 #6375 iny silver and the other orange or light brown, performing fast maneuvers o 5/28/1952 #6376 n he notices a soft orange- yellow light traveling soundlessly toward them 5/31/1952 #6394 TTGART, GER C47 pilots chase night light and vice-versa. Circular silhouett 6/4/1952 #6436 ecurity man and 2. Large red night light hovers 1000' / main gate / 5 minut 6/5/1952 #6441 y guards saw a large red nocturnal light hover 1000 feet over the main gate 6/5/1952 #6449 KOREA 5th Air Force guards. Night light hovers / 1000'. Bobs going up and 6/7/1952 #6457 00 a.m., security guards watched a light hover at 1,000 feet over the 5th A 6/7/1952 #6462 Base near Seoul, South Korea. The light bobbed in the sky, then rose rapid 6/7/1952 #6462 n Time magazine that most UFOs are light reflections caused by ice crystals 6/9/1952 #6474 and pilots and many. Saucer-night light plays to 0200hrs. / LDLN#121+#330. 6/12/1952 #6481 rators and pilot watched brilliant light source cross sky SW of field after 6/13/1952 #6493 ance, watch a prominent orange-red light hover in the sky for about one hou 6/13/1952 #6496 airport, accelerating rapidly. The light is also seen by M. Navarri, the pi 6/13/1952 #6496 SHOWA, HONSHU, JP Night light drops. Stops. Bounces / sky like a 6/15/1952 #6500 t], Louisville, Kentucky. It has a light on either side of the fuselage and 6/15/1952 #6511 OD, MA USAF pilot. Star-like night light crosses nose / F94. Seen 15 second 6/17/1952 #6519 Cape Cod, MA Light like a bright star cross the nose 6/17/1952 #6523 t of USAF F-94 jet interceptor. A light like a bright star crossed the nos 6/17/1952 #6525 1:28 a.m. A USAF F-94 pilot sees a light like a bright star cross the nose 6/17/1952 #6526 Cape Cod, Massachusetts, a bright light crossed the sky in front of a USAF 6/17/1952 #6530 plane at 1:28 a.m. local time. The light was observed for 15 seconds. Later 6/17/1952 #6530 ct Bluebook Case #1305. Soft white light jumps back and forth / 60 minute(s 6/18/1952 #6535 Walnut Lake, MI Orange light zigzag then hover (NICAP: 01 - Dis 6/18/1952 #6537 , using 4x binoculars. One orange light was observed zigzagging and then h 6/18/1952 #6540 USAF man / backyard. Strange night light. Swirling motion. Possible saucer. 6/19/1952 #6546 ose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN One red light turned white while wobbling. Radar 6/19/1952 #6547 dentified radar operator. One red light turned white while wobbling. Rada 6/19/1952 #6549 m. The watching airmen see the red light wobble or flutter. After a moment 6/19/1952 #6551 ble or flutter. After a moment the light turns white and quickly disappears 6/19/1952 #6551 C) and air observer(s). 20cm night light over Atomic Energy Commission (AEC 6/21/1952 #6569 a thunderclap and a strong bluish light. As she got out, she saw a large n Summer 1952 #6575 a blue flame, but showed no other light. Summer 1952 #6576 h and appearing as a glowing white light shaped like a football. The object Summer 1952 #6581 sighted as a featureless nocturnal light over the AEC site by a member of t 6/21/1952 #6583 of the Ground Observer Corps. The light eluded an F-47 fighter sent to inv 6/21/1952 #6583 McChord AFB, WA A very large light fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 6/23/1952 #6596 nd Lt. K. Thompson. One very large light flew straight and level for 10 min 6/23/1952 #6602 Lt. K. Thompson sees a very large light flying straight and level for 10 m 6/23/1952 #6611 7 minutes. Many others saw a fiery light that might have been a meteor. 6/23/1952 #6615 . K. Thompson watched a very large light that flew straight and level for 1 6/23/1952 #6616 . A bright yellow-white egg-shaped light flew at a slightly higher elevatio 6/25/1952 #6630 inois. Occasionally had a red tail light visible. It made a large continuou 6/25/1952 #6630 E BASE, LI, NY Pan-AM pilot. Night light hovers and maneuvers. "No familiar 6/26/1952 #6633 mile separation; finally a single light. Speed estimated at 150-250 m.p.h 6/26/1952 #6638 aii and Calif., in airspace Bright Light Crosses C-97's Path (NICAP: 11 - A 6/28/1952 #6656 e receded a bit to shiny points of light. At one point a single object leav 7/2/1952 #6694 nd, NY 4 photos of some indistinct light (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, B 7/6/1952 #6721 pictures taken of some indistinct light which was admittedly not seen visu 7/6/1952 #6722 awa, Ontario, sees a bright orange light about a quarter size of the full m 7/8/1952 #6727 . Glows red. Triangular tail spews light. 7/9/1952 #6728 Quantico (near), VA Light Maneuvers Near C-60 Airliner (NICA 7/10/1952 #6749 ect resembling an aircraft landing light. The object becomes brighter as it 7/10/1952 #6751 s appearance changes, resembling a light emitted by a red flare. Visible fo 7/10/1952 #6751 VAN NUYS, CA Night light hovers and shoots off / L. Gross. 7/11/1952 #6755 nd several. Large blue-white night light going northwest. Estimated 800kph 7/12/1952 #6765 Officer and many. Large red night light. White lights / side. Instant 180° 7/12/1952 #6769 , watch three lights, one main red light with smaller white lights on each 7/12/1952 #6784 Blue-green sphere/orb/globe trails light. Vanishes! 7/13/1952 #6793 .C. Saw round ball of bluish-white light hovering Bruen Case (AL) (NICAP: 1 7/13/1952 #6795 sees a round ball of bluish-white light about 60 miles southwest of Washin 7/13/1952 #6797 ginia reported that a bluish-white light approached their plane, hovered, a 7/13/1952 #6798 P Many military observer(s). Night light drops over base. Shoots away horiz 7/14/1952 #6809 ghly elliptical irregular blobs of light in formation filmed (NICAP: 08 - P 7/16/1952 #6841 . Four roughly elliptical blobs of light in formation photographed through 7/16/1952 #6842 ghly elliptical irregular blobs of light in formation through the screen, o 7/16/1952 #6843 xplained as showing reflections of light sources from inside the building, 7/16/1952 #6843 s photograph of four oval globs of light in a V-formation moving over parke 7/16/1952 #6845 OVER DENVER, CO 3 pilots. Night light going SSE. 2 more going west retur 7/17/1952 #6849 BOURNE, OH ANG men and many. Night light maneuvers. Vanishes when planes ne 7/17/1952 #6850 Air National Guard employees. One light like a big star was seen for 3 hou 7/17/1952 #6867 Lockbourne AFB, OH A light like a big star that disappeared w 7/18/1952 #6887 lowing, nonblinking orange ball of light moving steadily overhead from the 7/19/1952 #6922 ND Elliptical-shaped object with a light fringe, descend fast (NICAP: 01 - 7/19/1952 #6923 ne elliptical-shaped object with a light fringe, travelled down fast, made 7/19/1952 #6927 an elliptical-shaped object with a light fringe over Williston, North Dakot 7/19/1952 #6929 VA Airline(s)/airliner crew. Night light flashes by before takeoff. RADAR-v 7/20/1952 #6944 olyoke, MA Round, yellow, flashing light fly downward (NICAP: 01 - Distant 7/21/1952 #6974 n he encountered a brilliant white light playing in the sky near a bank of 7/21/1952 #6986 N, NJ Several / home. Orange night light 3 lengths ahead / airliner as if t 7/22/1952 #6997 NORTH / MONROE, LA Red blot / light follows small plane through maneuv 7/22/1952 #6998 SR50 NEAR ORLANDO, FL Ovoid mass / light east going quickly west fast. Turn 7/22/1952 #7001 rgess. One round, yellow, flashing light went downward. No further informa 7/22/1952 #7018 4 jet interceptor. One round blue light passed F-94, spinning. 7/22/1952 #7021 WALTHAM, MASS Odd orange night light circles town / hours. F94B sees sp 7/23/1952 #7042 nd 2 USAF and civilians. Red night light hangs / sky / 10 minute(s). Then s 7/23/1952 #7053 lock-on while chasing a blue-green light, which circled Braintree, Massachu 7/23/1952 #7087 m. local time a blue green ball of light approached an F-94 jet flying over 7/23/1952 #7088 LAKELAND, GA USAF man. Night light darts and plays / 7 minute(s). 2 m 7/24/1952 #7094 is AFB, California a bright orange light witnessed by three military men--M 7/24/1952 #7117 At 11:30 p.m. orange balls of light were seen flying in circular orbit 7/24/1952 #7122 VA employee saw 2 discs reflecting light in a climb (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 7/25/1952 #7136 o, Lucca, Italy. He notices an odd light above the river and finds that it 7/25/1952 #7137 ers and Air Force men. Green night light flashes red. Descends after 1 hour 7/26/1952 #7144 es flight crew. Steady white night light / 22K' altitude. Straight and leve 7/26/1952 #7155 Kansas City, MO Light with red-orange flashes descend in 7/26/1952 #7161 Plainview, TX T-33 Crew Encounters Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 7/26/1952 #7166 astern Flight 606 Encounters H. S. Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 7/26/1952 #7168 nd Municipal Airport. One greenish light with red-orange flashes was seen f 7/26/1952 #7170 dar. The crew sees a yellow-orange light. As confirmed by ground and airbor 7/26/1952 #7175 Kansas City, Missouri saw a green light with red-orange flashes descend in 7/26/1952 #7178 MBUS, OH 5 USAF / B25. White night light / 2350m altitude. Going up. Splits 7/27/1952 #7183 Report going [to] FBI. White night light hangs over Pentagon / 4 hours. Dro 7/27/1952 #7193 oing up [to] as observer(s) shines light. 7/27/1952 (approximate) #7194 200mph. 5000' altitude. Streaks / light over Tarrytown / Ground Observer C 7/27/1952 #7200 bjects illuminated by a phosphorus light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 7/27/1952 #7208 952, Mrs. XXXXXXX observed a white light immediately over the Pentagon, the 7/27/1952 #7210 jects, illuminated by a phosphorus light, flew at an estimated l,000 m.p.h. 7/27/1952 #7212 HTS, CA Blue Book. Star-like night light moves and stops intermittently. 7/28/1952 #7232 ified. Metal saucer beams shafts / light. Stops when plane passes. 7/28/1952 #7244 shaped object having appearance of light metal (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 7/28/1952 #7251 ped object having an appearance of light metal and giving off shafts of whi 7/28/1952 #7257 tal and giving off shafts of white light, flew slow, made a 90^ turn and cl 7/28/1952 #7257 10:15 p.m. a saucer-shaped object, light metallic in color, flew over Heide 7/28/1952 #7269 rmany. It gave off shafts of white light, flew slowly, made a 90-degree tur 7/28/1952 #7269 MASS 1 observer. 90' x10' "beam of light" seen 30 minute(s). Apparent cylin 7/29/1952 #7279 RADAR-visual (observation). Night light / 180° going quickly north / 1440m 7/29/1952 #7295 haped object, trailed by a silvery light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 7/29/1952 #7305 eared as a bright flashing colored light. The object, showing on ground rad 7/29/1952 #7307 lamos saw a strange ellipse shaped light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, C 7/29/1952 #7310 haped object, trailed by a silvery light 2 lengths behind, tipped on its si 7/29/1952 #7316 inly try to climb up to a hovering light that is in the same position as th 7/29/1952 #7319 t sees a bright, flashing, colored light in the location of the blip 29 mil 7/29/1952 #7331 ed two lengths behind by a silvery light. It tipped on its side, dove, hesi 7/29/1952 #7337 lines crew. Extremely bright night light still / 3 minute(s). Shoots going 7/30/1952 #7339 arate observer(s). 3M disk / white light going north and going south and go 7/30/1952 #7351 Albuquerque, NM Stationary orange light. No further details in files (NICA 7/30/1952 #7356 AF lst Lt. George Funk. One orange light remained stationary for 10 minutes 7/30/1952 #7360 . Metallic disk hovers. 2nd joins. Light tilting / 10 minute(s). Going quic 8/1952 (approximate) #7380 Falls Church, VA Rotating light UFO seen by ground observers, incl 8/1952 #7384 eene and a friend see a “sphere of light” in the sky over Los Angeles, Cali 8/1952 #7385 sual (observation). Blip and night light maneuvers all over/all about. 1800 8/1/1952 #7390 ses included sheriff deputies. One light swung in a pendulum motion, the ot 8/1/1952 #7412 50h. Chico, CA. Saucer beams white light. Jets scramble. 8/3/1952 #7426 Truth or Consequences, NM 3 light green cylindrical objects hovering 8/3/1952 #7433 observer(s). Half-moon-size disk / light. Abrupt accelerations. Changes col 8/4/1952 #7446 . F. Vain sighted a yellow ball of light that lengthened and narrowed to th 8/4/1952 #7451 aneda AFB, Japan Dark shape with a light flew as fast as 330 knots (M) (NIC 8/5/1952 #7465 minutes while a dark shape with a light flew as fast as 330 kts. (380 m.p 8/5/1952 #7467 round shape surrounded by a bright light with a curved outer edge and small 8/5/1952 #7472 It looked like a dark shape with a light, and it flew at 330 knots, then ho 8/5/1952 #7473 luminous object with red blinking light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 8/6/1952 #7485 shes suddenly like an extinguished light. Duration is 70 minutes. 8/7/1952 #7508 going west. Stops over theater. No light reflected / ground. Going quickly 8/8/1952 #7511 e Corps (USMC) pilot. Orange night light spirals going down / 1500'. Hovers 8/9/1952 #7518 ODESSA, TX 2 observer(s). Disk / light spins against dark clouds. Sparks 8/9/1952 #7521 EST / WACO, TX 4 / SR6. Big orange light follows road. Stops over oil tanks 8/10/1952 #7534 , TX 2 observer(s). Circle / white light. 2 night lights wobble inside. Sil 8/11/1952 #7542 J F94 / 20K' altitude chases night light. Night light passes jet / return t 8/12/1952 #7549 altitude chases night light. Night light passes jet / return trip. / r98#20 8/12/1952 #7549 rous observer(s). Brilliant disk / light maneuvers all over/all about / 45 8/12/1952 #7553 Big Spring, TX Light flying at 500 mph and 15,000 ft pa 8/12/1952 #7557 ine(s)/airliner pilot chases night light / 900M. Turns and dives away. Back 8/13/1952 #7568 Tokyo, Japan Orange light fly a left orbit at 8,000 ft and 2 8/13/1952 #7569 pilot Maj. D. McGough. One orange light flew a left orbit at 8,000' and 23 8/13/1952 #7573 Capt. Max M. Jacoby sees a mystery light while on a routine test flight out 8/13/1952 #7575 He tries to intercept it, but the light evades him and disappears. 8/13/1952 #7575 j. James D. McGough sees an orange light fly a left orbit at 8,000 feet and 8/13/1952 #7577 Major D. McGough sighted an orange light that flew a left orbit at 8,000' a 8/13/1952 #7579 AUST Test Pilot. Large circular / light. Small night lights exit and circl 8/14/1952 #7584 Several observer(s). Yellow ball / light maneuvers all over Mathieson Chemi 8/14/1952 #7590 g at high speed. It emits a bright light. 8/14/1952 #7594 plant 10:30 p.m. A yellow ball of light undulates up and down and from sid 8/14/1952 #7595 pilot encountered a large circular light, from which 6-10 small lights emer 8/14/1952 #7596 e coast, he sees a large, circular light at a lower elevation. It is the co 8/15/1952 #7611 color of an ordinary incandescent light bulb. After about 60 seconds, 6–10 8/15/1952 #7611 ler lights break off from the main light, surrounding it for 2 minutes befo 8/15/1952 #7611 . After another 2 minutes, the big light also disappears. 8/15/1952 #7611 (s). 2 saucers / dogfight. Intense light / 1 side only. 1 going quickly sou 8/17/1952 #7619 DUNCANVILLE, TX Night light maneuvers all over. RADAR-confirm. 8/17/1952 #7622 ly south / jet speed. Intense blue light. 8/17/1952 #7624 wo witnesses saw an orange ball of light hovering over highway N824. It mad 8/17/1952 #7627 MESA, AZ Blurry disk / light hovers over trees. 120 cm / diamet 8/18/1952 #7630 had a turret on top. Red balls of light were emitted by the object and bur 8/19/1952 #7646 alm Beach, Florida, when he sees a light in a wild palmetto grove. The boys 8/19/1952 #7651 . Another boy admits he has seen a light in that direction too, so DesVerge 8/19/1952 #7651 ming from a hatch in a red ball of light (and burns his cap as well). An ar 8/19/1952 #7651 had a turret on top. Red balls of light were emitted by the object and bur 8/19/1952 #7653 AR, MN 2 observer(s). 2 1M disks / light circle mud lake. Away and back. Ci 8/21/1952 #7667 . C. Scott spots a yellowish-white light flying in the sky at 2,000 feet no 8/21/1952 #7670 o tells him to call again when the light settles down. After one hour and 2 8/21/1952 #7670 After one hour and 23 minutes the light begins to hover, Scott calls Turne 8/21/1952 #7670 pass, it heads directly toward the light, which blinks out. 8/21/1952 #7670 orps, chased a pulsating yellowish light. [UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 01 - Distant 8/22/1952 #7680 Air Force and 2 Navy / car. Night light = "strangest navigation light I ev 8/23/1952 #7686 ight light = "strangest navigation light I ever saw". 8/23/1952 #7686 Akron, OH Pulsing amber light fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 8/23/1952 #7691 o U.S. Navy men. One pulsing amber light was seen to fly straight and level 8/23/1952 #7692 ched an unidentified pulsing amber light fly straight and level for seven m 8/23/1952 #7694 normal. They reported observing a light only, and could not discern what t 8/23/1952 #7694 , LA 3 separate observer(s). Night light examines base / all angles / 45 mi 8/24/1952 #7704 AZ A large round, metallic, white light with a vague lower surface (NICAP: 8/24/1952 #7707 Windows lighted by an intense blue light and a throbbing sound were also re 8/24/1952 #7709 . One large round, metallic, white light with a vague lower surface, flew s 8/24/1952 #7711 object were lit by an intense blue light and a throbbing sound was also rep 8/24/1952 #7715 . One large round, metallic, white light with a vague lower surface, flew s 8/24/1952 #7717 in the front section shone a blue light; the head and shoulders of a man c 8/25/1952 #7729 ms is Affa. Williamson sees a blue light that he thinks is Zo. Everyone sig 8/25/1952 #7733 ront section, through which a blue light shone. The midsection had numerous 8/25/1952 #7736 BIRMINGHAM, AL Flickering blue light circles city / tremendous speed. S 8/27/1952 #7751 . When the rotating airport beacon light strikes it, the object glints like 8/27/1952 #7755 LE AIR FORCE BASE, LA Guard. Night light stops overhead / seconds. Out like 8/28/1952 #7760 ops overhead / seconds. Out like a light. Back next night. 8/28/1952 #7760 Chenault Air Force Base. Small red light follows.. 8/29/1952 #7777 ilent ovoid descends. Strong white light going down. Seems to land in woods 8/29/1952 #7779 y, France Unidentified bright blue light observed through theodolite; once 8/29/1952 #7783 Atlanta, GA Light, similar to the evening star, move 9/1/1952 #7808 Davis and nine other persons. One light, similar to the evening star, move 9/1/1952 #7814 vis and nine other witnesses saw a light, similar to the evening star, move 9/1/1952 #7820 targets are the size of blips from light planes or larger (the best target 9/2/1952 #7829 -Air Traffic Controller. 2 discs / light move slowly and change color(s). / 9/3/1952 #7834 e Charles AFB, LA Bright star-like light move about the sky (NICAP: 01 - Di 9/6/1952 #7865 nlisted men. One bright star-like light moved about the sky for 2 hours. 9/6/1952 #7866 uisiana sighted a bright star-like light moving about the sky at 1:30 a.m. 9/6/1952 #7869 ing about the sky at 1:30 a.m. The light stayed visible for two hours. 9/6/1952 #7869 San Antonio, TX Orange object or light (color temperature 2,000° F.) (NIC 9/7/1952 #7875 n and others. One orange object or light (the color of 2,000' F.) exploded 9/7/1952 #7877 others watched an orange object or light (the color of iron heated to 2,000 9/7/1952 #7878 7:15 p.m. A fluctuating orange-red light was seen on the hill, so they went 9/11/1952 #7896 us eyes from which beams of bluish light emerged; it also had a dark metall 9/11/1952 #7896 und Observer Corps, viewed a white light with red trim through binoculars. 9/11/1952 #7897 gh binoculars. It had streamers of light coming off it as it flew toward no 9/11/1952 #7897 Allen, MD A white light with red trim and streamers fly NE 9/12/1952 #7901 Corps, using binoculars. One white light with a red trim and streamers flew 9/12/1952 #7903 d then heading off towards the red light. The group flees in panic. Sheriff 9/12/1952 #7905 concludes in 2000 that the bright light in the sky reported by the witness 9/12/1952 #7905 y a meteor, that the pulsating red light is likely an aircraft navigation/h 9/12/1952 #7905 und Observer Corps, viewed a white light with red trim through binoculars. 9/12/1952 #7907 gh binoculars. It had streamers of light coming off it as it flew toward no 9/12/1952 #7907 Allentown, PA A white light with red trim and streamers fly NE 9/13/1952 #7913 he area and walked toward a strong light visible in the woods, in spite of 9/13/1952 #7914 ods. Soon afterward, the sphere of light was observed to rise gradually, to 9/13/1952 #7914 e area and walked towards a strong light visible in the woods, in spite of 9/13/1952 #7916 riangular formation gave off white light exhaust at 1,500 mph 9/14/1952 #7918 FAIRFAX, VA Teacher. White ball / light with plasma. Dances about as if al 9/14/1952 #7921 #2086. C54 pilot. Blue-white night light south and L / 30 second(s). Then s 9/14/1952 #7923 Santa Barbara, CA Blue white light travel straight and level, then fl 9/14/1952 #7927 Olmsted AFB, PA Blue light fly very fast on a collision cours 9/14/1952 #7931 t pilot Tarbutton. One blue-white light travelled straight and level, then 9/14/1952 #7933 riangular formation gave off white light exhaust at 1,500 m.p.h. 9/14/1952 #7934 Airlines airplane N67977. One blue light flew very fast on a collision cour 9/14/1952 #7937 angular formation gave off a white light exhaust while moving at 1,500 mph. 9/14/1952 #7943 nsport plane, # N67977, saw a blue light that flew at his plane very fast o 9/14/1952 #7944 nsport pilot, sighted a blue-white light that traveled straight and level, 9/14/1952 #7946 trail. Slow and silent. Also night light maneuvers 11 Nov. '52. 9/21/1952 #7994 Gander Lake, CAN Bright white light, which reflected on the lake (NICA 9/23/1952 #8012 n other campers. One bright white light, which reflected on the lake, flew 9/23/1952 #8013 r campers witnessed a bright white light, which reflected on the lake. It f 9/23/1952 #8015 3 / Navy plane chases orange night light with green tail. "Terrific rate / 9/24/1952 #8017 Bay, Cuba TBM-18 chased an orange light with greenish tail (NICAP: 11 - Av 9/24/1952 #8020 hwest slow. Jump / lower altitude. Light plane by. / r136#11. 9/26/1952 #8030 bling the filament in old electric light bulbs.” Church turns around immedi 10/1952 #8073 igh speed, emitting a bluish-green light. He estimates it is 100 feet in di 10/1952 #8076 et high, and it gives off a “weird light like looking at a firefly” while c 10/1952 #8076 Shaw AFB, SC Bright white light fly straight, then vertical (NICAP 10/1/1952 #8080 connaissance jet. One bright white light flew straight, then vertical, then 10/1/1952 #8082 ST, AFR 3 observer(s). Green night light stops. Zigzags. Crazy turns. Chang 10/3/1952 #8087 sk east going quickly. Small night light follows. Leaves (something behind) 10/6/1952 #8093 RCE BASE, LA 3 airmen. White night light north going south. Makes 4 90-turn 10/6/1952 #8095 ic Controllers. Unidentified night light in landing pattern. No planes / ba 10/7/1952 #8098 k Case #2155. Blinking white night light shoots going up. Stops. Swings / 2 10/10/1952 #8111 Otis AFB, MA Blinking white light move like a pendulum then shoot st 10/10/1952 #8112 enlisted men. One blinking white light moved like a pendulum for 20 minut 10/10/1952 #8113 achusetts watched a blinking white light swing in the sky like a pendulum f 10/10/1952 #8115 ntified. 2 observer(s). 10 blobs / light / square formation. North going qu 10/17/1952 #8141 Taos, NM Round bright blue light move from N to NE at an elevation 10/17/1952 #8142 AF officers One round, bright blue light moved from north to northeast at a 10/17/1952 #8145 cers observed a round, bright blue light moved from north to northeast at a 10/17/1952 #8150 Sea Transport Crew Encounters 100' Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 10/19/1952 #8160 transport plane. One round yellow light, with a red glowing edge, estimate 10/19/1952 #8164 6:58 p.m., sighted a round yellow light with a red glowing edge. The objec 10/19/1952 #8166 see a round, silent, bright white light that is motionless at first, then Late 10/1952 #8184 him it is because of a round white light that has been moving above the shi Late 10/1952 #8185 , saying they do not know what the light is, and that is not tracked on rad Late 10/1952 #8185 adar. After about 4–5 minutes, the light takes off straight up at the same Late 10/1952 #8185 TX A long, elliptical, white-grey light fly very fast (NICAP: 01 - Distant 11/3/1952 #8234 . One long, elliptical, white-grey light flew very fast, paused, and then i 11/3/1952 #8235 6 Crew Observes Unidentified White Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 11/4/1952 #8242 2 groups of 2-3 whirling discs of light fly toward the the SE (NICAP: 01 - 11/4/1952 #8243 wo groups of 2-3 whirling discs of light flew toward the southeast over a p 11/4/1952 #8244 / 2 nights running. Dazzling beams light 40 mile(s) area! 11/13/1952 (approximate) #8265 t drops / ground. Planes see night light. Fireball maneuvers. 11/15/1952 #8276 und himself flooded with a reddish light and saw a large plate 10 m above h 11/18/1952 #8294 und himself flooded with a reddish light on this morning when a large plate 11/18/1952 #8298 sk quickly going down. White night light / concentric circles / 10 minute(s 11/20/1952 #8302 T / SALTON SEA, CA USAF B50. Night light hovers and changes color(s). Type 11/20/1952 #8304 , NFLD 2 / F94+RADAR. Silent night light / 1500-12K' altitude. To 425kts. F 11/26/1952 #8342 LAREDO AIR FORCE BASE, TX Night light circles town. Buzzes T28. Head-on 12/4/1952 #8371 aise the available evidence in the light of pertinent scientific theories.’ 12/4/1952 #8376 Lackland AFB, TX Pilot saw blue light maneuver in a counterclockwise orb 12/5/1952 #8379 mph. The crew sees some flashes of light, but the targets are 20 miles or m 12/6/1952 #8389 Ladd AFB, AK White, oval light which changed to red at higher alt 12/8/1952 #8395 or (s/n 49-2522). One white, oval light which changed to red at higher alt 12/8/1952 #8396 arge, round and white with reddish light (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 12/10/1952 #8406 nty International Airport] spots a light over the Hanford nuclear plant nea 12/10/1952 #8409 d round and features a dim reddish light coming from two windows. They lose 12/10/1952 #8409 several more times to approach the light and have to alter course to avoid 12/10/1952 #8409 LS, CA Numerous observer(s). Round light going south. Stops over Mt. Toro. 12/12/1952 #8412 Several observer(s). Saucer beams light going down [to] to sea surface. 12/14/1952 #8415 Charlottesville, VA Light orange elliptical shaped object (N 12/14/1952 #8417 ots and RADAR. Brilliant red night light maneuvers. / r28p324+r242+/ r172p1 12/15/1952 #8418 Norris) see a bright red and white light. 12/15/1952 #8422 3 military observer(s). HIQ. Night light hovers. Rushes toward(s) base and 12/16/1952 #8424 r disc shaped that emanated bright light in smooth flight (NICAP: 01 - Dist 12/17/1952 #8429 ar Mvuma when he sees a bright red light crossing the road about 30 feet in 12/21/1952 #8439 otated. Halfway through a roll the light disappears, then it holds stationa 12/22/1952 #8443 / B26. Vibrant bright white night light lights clouds. 3X size / C54. Rise 12/29/1952 #8456 , Japan Object emitting 3 beams of light and tracked on airborne radar (NIC 12/29/1952 #8457 intense bright round bluish-white light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 12/29/1952 #8458 ee) saw object emitting 3 beams of light and tracked on airborne radar. (NI 12/29/1952 #8459 , Japan Object emitting 3 beams of light and tracked on airborne radar (NIC 12/29/1952 #8460 see a large, intense, bluish-white light near Vega, Texas. It is about 350 12/29/1952 #8462 AL, NSW, AUSTRALIA Brilliant night light / 2000' altitude. Going north slow 12/30/1952 #8464 the student notes an out-of-place light. At first the pilot thinks it’s Ve 1953 #8479 tudent steers the plane toward the light, but it zooms past them at high sp 1953 #8479 rns the aircraft to follow it. The light, which now looks like a metallic d 1953 #8479 ss when the object shines a bright light into the cockpit. The pilot takes 1953 #8479 thru) telescope. Bright red night light hovers / 20 minute(s). Zips off we 1/1953? #8485 iangle-glow with small white night light. Vanishes. Reappears with going up 1/8/1953 #8512 tion, accompanied by a small white light. 1/8/1953 #8516 g. Brilliant saucer overhead. Rays light entire neighborhood. 1/20/1953 #8556 ERM 2 / Air Force jet and 1. Night light / violent maneuvers. Hovers. More 1/28/1953 #8587 Stuttgart, Germany C-47 Encounters Light Making Volent Maneuvers (NICAP: 11 1/28/1953 #8595 ermany C-47 Encounters Maneuvering Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 1/28/1953 #8596 4 m wide at treetop level. It was light gray in color and lit up inside. I 1/29/1953 #8612 ters wide at treetop level. It was light gray in color and lit up inside. I 1/29/1953 #8618 , AZ Research chemist and 2. Night light spins over mechanic at plane. Quic 1/30/1953 #8619 of Yuma, Arizona when a nocturnal light appeared and spun in the sky over 1/30/1953 #8620 LIA, WA USAF B36 crew. White night light circles going quickly southeast / 2/6/1953 #8639 Rosalia, WA B-36 Encounters Light At 7,000' (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 2/6/1953 #8641 es one round white omnidirectional light at an altitude of approximately 7, 2/6/1953 #8643 a 180° descending turn toward the light, which is estimated to be moving a 2/6/1953 #8643 hen a round white omni-directional light was sighted. The light was at an a 2/6/1953 #8644 directional light was sighted. The light was at an altitude of approximatel 2/6/1953 #8644 s the aircraft approached it. The light was visually observed for a period 2/6/1953 #8644 made a 180 degree turn toward the light which was estimated to be moving a 2/6/1953 #8644 as the B-36 approached it, and the light commenced flashing at short interv 2/6/1953 #8644 An orange light was seen in the sky over Korea and 2/7/1953 #8648 rcraft) and Navy (self-luminous or light sources) analyses, otherwise the p 2/9/1953 #8653 south at 20,000 feet, he notices a light below him on the port side on or n 2/11/1953 #8664 ights back on, he notices that the light has risen to his altitude and is o 2/11/1953 #8664 is cockpit is bathed in blue-white light and everything seems motionless an 2/11/1953 #8664 , MO Flight crew. 30cm white night light buzzes and paces C47. Makes 90-tur 2/13/1953 #8672 r(s) and jet chase. Red 90cm night light going northeast. Hovers. Going up 2/16/1953 #8677 Willow, AK C-47 Chases Maneuvering Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 2/16/1953 #8679 ndorf AFB, Anchorage, AK Nocturnal light with rapid vertical takeoff (NICAP 2/17/1953 #8682 stance of 9 miles. The slow moving light changed color from red to pink to 2/17/1953 #8685 bathing his cockpit in blue-white light. He can see the bones in his hand 2/19/1953 #8686 ttsburg-Stockton, CA Bright yellow light seen for 8 mins (NICAP: 01 - Dista 2/20/1953 #8688 ber pilots. #1 was a bright yellow light seen for 8 minutes. #2 was a brig 2/20/1953 #8689 en for 8 minutes. #2 was a bright light which flew on a collision course, 2/20/1953 #8689 Strange ovoid radiates gray-green light. Very fast north going quickly sou 2/23/1953 #8695 BROOKS AIR FORCE BASE, TX Night light circles moons image / wavering tra 2/27/1953 #8710 e / wavering trajectory. 2nd night light follows. Silent. Going quickly sou 2/27/1953 #8710 binoculars, each had a crimson red light. They flew at a constant speed, an 2/28/1953 #8718 Hackettstown, NJ Large light, blinking at 10-15 times per minut 3/10/1953 #8744 a Pan Am flight engineer. A large light, blinking at 10-15 times per minut 3/11/1953 #8745 all removable parts to make it as light as possible. With this modificatio Spring 1953 #8766 out a fantastic amount of its own light, a round shape trailing in their w Spring 1953 #8766 k, California, wake up when an odd light shines through the window. An eeri 3/22/1953 #8775 , remembered seeing an oscillating light followed by a period of about two 3/22/1953 #8776 R, WYO 2 observer(s). Orange night light all over Natrona Co Airport "like 3/23/1953 #8777 ry ground and air and RADAR. Night light circles base. Lands. Disappears. 3/25/1953 #8784 Rabat (Nouasseur AFB), Fr. Morocco Light above at 7,000 to 8,000 ft maneuve 3/25/1953 #8786 UFO emitting red and blue beams of light. It maneuvered all about the sky o 3/31/1953 #8800 APAN F94B pilot. Bright blue night light drops and paces plane. Speeds away 4/8/1953 #8809 Japan F-94 Encounters Maneuvering Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 4/8/1953 #8810 Greenland and), CAN MATS Crew Sees Light In Descending Turn (NICAP: 11 - Av 4/8/1953 #8811 jet interceptor. One bright blue light descended, accelerated, flew paral 4/8/1953 #8812 interceptor, watched a bright blue light descend, accelerate, and then fly 4/8/1953 #8813 ct hovered over their smelter in a light wind. Over the next several minute 4/12/1953 #8822 hour. The UFOs transmit Morse Code light signals (the letter “D”), an unpre 4/14/1953 #8824 BROOKLYN, NY Engineer. Night light going down. = glowing saucer. Make 4/20/1953 #8841 visual (observation). White night light orbits F94 / 6000knts. No RADAR. / 5/1/1953 #8853 control tower operator. One white light evaded interception attempt by F-9 5/1/1953 #8855 control tower operator see a white light with a visible afterburner at 10,0 5/1/1953 #8856 AFB, Labrador, CAN Football-shaped light metal colored object (NICAP: 01 - 5/4/1953 #8860 Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Light above at 7,000 to 8,000 ft maneuve 5/5/1953 #8864 esult of the rotation of polarized light scattered from the atmosphere (Far 5/5/1953 #8866 n charge at Mackay tower, sees the light climbing from about 4,000–5,000 fe 5/10/1953 #8872 s an object with an orange-colored light at the tail flash past toward the 5/10/1953 #8873 an, 15. One white, fuzzy, flashing light hovered and darted around for 4 mi 5/18/1953 #8883 ica, sees a bright yellowish-green light in the clouds, then emerges. The l 5/26/1953 #8910 t in the clouds, then emerges. The light has the appearance of “burning hyd 5/26/1953 #8910 d position with regard to the main light. He watches it for 50 minutes. 5/26/1953 #8910 A 9+weathermen. Unidentified night light moves slowly / 20 minute(s). No fu 6/21/1953 #8947 ther observers saw an unidentified light move slowly (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 6/21/1953 #8950 eather observers. One unidentified light moved slowly for 20 minutes. No f 6/21/1953 #8951 s) and RADAR. Jet chases red night light / 5 minute(s). 6/22/1953 #8954 Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Red Light Eludes F-94 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 6/22/1953 #8955 SAF F-94 jet interceptor. One red light, flying at an estimated 1,000 kts. 6/22/1953 #8956 FB, Labrador, Canada sighted a red light flying at an estimated 1,000 knots 6/22/1953 #8957 EENLAND Weatherman hill. Red night light hovers and spins / 15 second(s). R 6/24/1953 #8961 2 Navy observer(s). Circular night light makes series / fantastic maneuvers 7/18/1953 #9000 sight. Each UFO had one bright red light on it. 7/26/1953 #9015 tified objects with one bright red light on each object hovering at estimat 7/26/1953 #9017 7 UFOs, each carrying a bright red light, hovering at 5,000–8,000 feet. The 7/26/1953 #9018 ort Clinton, OH Unidentified white light viewed through field glasses. [UFO 7/31/1953 #9025 D Observer(s) = Major Lewis. Night light zips overhead / various directions 8/4/1953 #9045 Crestline, ID Circling light changed color, white, red, green. 8/15/1953 #9071 sk drops and curves back up. Green light floods windshield. 8/27/1953 #9114 , others, all on the ground, saw a light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 8/27/1953 #9115 all on the ground. One meandering light was observed for 50 minutes. No f 8/27/1953 #9116 ll on the ground, see a meandering light for 50 minutes at Greenville AFB [ 8/27/1953 #9117 watched an unidentified meandering light for 50 minutes. 8/27/1953 #9118 KEY, IN Several observer(s). Night light goes up-down-left-right. Changes c 8/29/1953 #9122 and Air Traffic Controller. Night light buzzes C47. 90+180° turns. No plan 9/2/1953 #9134 Force C-47 Encounters Maneuvering Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 9/2/1953 #9135 7 transport plane. One very bright light was on a collision course with the 9/2/1953 #9136 mission, encountered a very bright light that appeared on a collision cours 9/2/1953 #9137 facility. Blue-green pulsing night light going quickly east / 500mph. 9/4/1953 #9142 research aircraft sighted a white light that shot up and away vertically. 9/7/1953 #9155 A large yellow nocturnal light zigzagged over Fort Meade, Marylan 9/11/1953 #9161 by two humanoids emitting a golden light. Their hands were rugged and cold 9/11/1953 #9162 ry observer(s). Large yellow night light zigzags. Gone. Reappears. Seen / A 9/12/1953 #9164 by two humanoids emitting a golden light. Their hands were rugged and cold 9/12/1953 #9165 by two humanoids emitting a golden light. Their hands were rugged and cold 9/12/1953 #9166 hovers / 15 minute(s). Strong red light beams going down. 9/29/1953 #9188 HAARLEM, NETH Blue night light slowly descends. Swoops over north 10/9/1953 #9214 ppears, it emits a blinding ray of light toward the ground that hurts Morri 10/16/1953 #9236 nd ground observer(s). White night light going east passes C47 / 6621 Squad 10/18/1953 #9238 airmen / ground / telescope. Night light leaves (something behind) moons im 10/19/1953 #9241 and the UFO beams back a blinding light back at the DC-6. Kidd puts the pl 10/19/1953 #9243 a blindingly bright white beam of light, was about the same size as the ai 10/19/1953 #9244 Y, NY 2 women. Shiny ovoid follows light plane going south. Maneuvers / all 10/23/1953 #9248 in front of them, emitting a green light. Jansen stops, and all three witne 11/1953 #9271 d], Kent, England, see a star-like light far above them. Suddenly it moves 11/3/1953 #9279 as circular and emitting a bright light around its periphery. The duration 11/3/1953 #9279 verhead. Saucer portholes emit flw light. Several observer(s). 11/10/1953 #9289 a photo of a disembodied globe of light 11/14/1953 #9300 eflavik AFB, Iceland Climbing Blue Light Observed From C-47 (NICAP: 11 - Av 11/27/1953 #9322 gratings to analyze the nature of light from UFOs. 12/1/1953 #9331 rver. Pulsating orange ovoid-night light / sudden 90-turn. 1800mph. Very hi 12/3/1953 #9334 ington AFB), TX Silver grey bright light with "skipping" motion (NICAP: 01 12/3/1953 #9339 shaped UFO with brilliant beams of light was seen over Marcillat-en-Combrai 12/11/1953 #9359 nown round object lands. Emits red light. Back 01 Jan. '54. 12/21/1953 #9387 e, CA Saucer with a brilliant blue light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 12/28/1953 #9402 One saucer, with a brilliant blue light, reflecting on a nearby building, 12/28/1953 #9403 , Virginia, watches a blinking red light about 18 inches in diameter moving 12/30/1953 #9409 rches the area. At midnight, a red light appears above the search area, spo 12/30/1953 #9409 on the film, and has a pattern of light and shadow consistent with the res 1954 #9421 to dense grain free wood and very light; some samples are engraved and not 1954 #9424 lot. Huge metal mushroom. Shafts / light. Going quickly northwest / 700mph. 1/1/1954 #9430 WARRENTON, VA Orange night light 10m over treetops. Seems to search 1/9/1954 #9470 [to], left and right. Point night light orbits 'planet'. 1/10/1954 #9474 trument, he notices a yellow-white light moving from northeast to southeast 1/25/1954 #9500 K 9 / C54 crew. Red fireball-night light going up [to] going down [to] 1500 1/28/1954 #9504 Blackstone, VA Circular Bright Light Observed by Air & Ground Observers 1/28/1954 #9506 bject emitting a blurry light-blue light moving off a hilly field. It passe 1/29/1954 #9512 l / airliner. Rotating top-saucer. Light streams / portholes. 2/3/1954 #9531 g top-shaped object, with beams of light streaming from its portholes, was 2/3/1954 #9532 some kind of stabilizer, a bright light on its nose and tail, two yellowis 2/4/1954 #9535 exioned man and two women, who had light brown skin, long black hair, dark, 3/1954 #9578 rial tanker planes. One object or light made passes at KC-97s, the other f 3/5/1954 #9597 southwest of Nouasseur base see a light at about the same altitude and to 3/5/1954 #9598 th no aircraft running lights. One light passes over and one under the KC-9 3/5/1954 #9598 ouasseur base see a white or amber light like an aircraft landing light at 3/5/1954 #9598 ber light like an aircraft landing light at about the same altitude approac 3/5/1954 #9598 enly disappears like turning off a light. It then reappears 10–15 seconds l 3/5/1954 #9598 d soon saw a white glowing ball of light wobbling and gliding down from the 3/28/1954 #9648 into a clump of nearby trees. The light then approached their vehicle, and 3/28/1954 #9648 d moments later the white globe of light passed in front of their car. At t 3/28/1954 #9648 t the same spot where the globe of light had been seen. The figure was enca 3/28/1954 #9648 ure was encased in a glowing white light. It suddenly disappeared in plain 3/28/1954 #9648 witness was paralyzed by a beam of light. 4/1/1954 #9660 ickly north / V formation. 1 night light going [to] out and back several X. 4/3/1954 #9662 ces, under ‘copter spotlight, were light green with a luminous tint. The sa 4/12/1954 #9683 cultist, medium and author “Gerald Light” (possibly R.G. McFarland, his “pu 4/13/1954 #9686 Edwards AFB Date of Gerald Light’s detailed bulletin of meeting wit 4/15/1954 #9691 ses men on foot and in car. Dodges light. 4/22/1954 #9701 in their car. It dodged a beam of light that was directed at it. 4/22/1954 #9706 object with a dome and a flashing light made a sound like a swarm of bees. 4/23/1954 #9711 a three meter wide glowing ball of light circled a house in Pearcy, Arkansa 4/23/1954 #9712 object with a dome and a flashing light flew straight and level and then s 4/24/1954 #9718 outheast. At 8:35 p.m. 15 balls of light in a V-formation buzzed a Universi 4/26/1954 #9727 moving as unit, emitting beams of light toward ground (NICAP: 03 - EME Cas 5/1954 #9738 other witnesses report a flash of light at ground level. Lincoln LaPaz inv 5/1/1954 #9744 humanoid disappeared in a flash of light after seeing the witness, then the 5/11/1954 #9776 PACIFIC 147° 12W-26° 05N Night light paces Air Force-C124 / 5 minute(s) 5/13/1954 #9782 Derbyshire, England when a bright light appeared ahead of his car, heading 5/13/1954 #9791 d through the air while the bright light stayed above him. The car came to 5/13/1954 #9791 ring overhead, giving out a bright light. He was taken inside to a room, wh 5/13/1954 #9791 en a car, with an extremely bright light above it, go past his signal box. 5/13/1954 #9791 s 3 saucers pass overhead. Beams / light to ground. 5/22/1954 #9823 La Porte, IN A bright light make a shallow climb (NICAP: 01 - 5/22/1954 #9824 , engineer Geert Tibma. One bright light made a shallow climb for 45 second 5/22/1954 #9825 n overexposed bright round blob of light. 5/24/1954 #9833 t had a window on top and a bluish light on each end, and made a drumming n 6/5/1954 #9867 d River Arsenal. One golden yellow light flew over his house, making a "shh 6/8/1954 #9876 itness: USAF pilot ht. One white light descended at 6/8/1954 #9876 r Arsenal, sighted a golden yellow light fly over his house in Texarkana, T 6/8/1954 #9878 exarkana, TX Man saw golden yellow light fly over his house (NICAP: 01 - Di 6/9/1954 #9880 arge, dark object that "burst into light" hovering 20 m away at the height 6/9/1954 #9881 arge, dark object that "burst into light" hovering 20 meters away at the he 6/9/1954 #9883 orce pilot and 1. 100' white night light going down / sky. Blinks. 360-turn 6/10/1954 #9886 Estacado, TX AF Pilots See Light Descend, Maneuver (NICAP: 11 - Avi 6/10/1954 #9887 ill McDonald, in flight. One white light descended at 45 degrees from great 6/10/1954 #9888 FOUR ELMS, KENT Yellow night light and 2 small blue night lights rise 6/15/1954 #9905 RCE BASE, FL Guard. Formless night light moves going up [to] going down [to 6/15/1954 #9907 has a dark mass in the center with light rays of unequal length coming out 6/18/1954 #9910 , Maryland, wakes up when a bright light shines into her bedroom window. Lo Summer 1954 #9919 a, Ohio, when they see a star-like light moving at great speed. Suddenly it Summer 1954 #9922 with the first. They then begin a light display with wildly colored lights Summer 1954 #9922 f the objects beams a bright white light to the center of the triangle. The Summer 1954 #9922 Traffic Controllers and F51. Night light paces F81 / 45 minute(s). Turns go 6/23/1954 #9932 sky. Extremely bright silent night light curves northeast going quickly wes 6/23/1954 #9933 DAYTON, OH Round white night light maneuvers near plane. Climbs going 6/24/1954 #9939 A. L. Taylor say the source of the light remains motionless for a few secon 6/26/1954 #9953 When developed it shows two small light sources that are fairly obvious wi 6/30/1954 #9969 engine plenum chamber fire warning light goes on. Atkins shuts the engine o 7/2/1954 #9984 kins shuts the engine off, but the light remains on. Atkins and his radar m 7/2/1954 #9984 ght and level going quickly south. Light glow and trail. 7/10/1954 #10006 drift west. Suddenly vanish like a light! 7/22/1954 #10036 Brentwood, CA "Sparkling green light" appeared to land in orchard, tele 7/28/1954 #10057 , VCT 2+/ tram. Large Saturn night light hover over town. Shoots up changin 8/1/1954 #10087 ST. JUST DE MALMONT, FR Ball / light going down / field. Approaches 2 / 8/1/1954? #10088 ed as flat ovals with whitish-gray light. All agree that the objects are ne 8/4/1954 #10099 San Antonio, TX White elliptical light change to yellow, orange, pink (NI 8/6/1954 #10103 er. One intensely white elliptical light changed to yellow, then orange, th 8/6/1954 #10104 w Mexico a brilliant white ball of light left a luminous trail as it flew o 8/6/1954 #10106 to be called upon to verify saucer light. Pilots of Army helicopters were: 8/12/1954 #10131 GARDEN CITY, NY Night light all over. Gone and reappears elsew 8/17/1954 #10149 heir attention was the man’s long, light brown hair. His eyes were light bl 8/20/1954 #10158 g, light brown hair. His eyes were light blue and somewhat slanted, and his 8/20/1954 #10158 Bray Head. It is a brilliant blue light, traveling at “2,000 miles an hour 8/26/1954 #10182 owra, O’Farrell sees a very bright light closing fast at one o’clock. It cr 8/31/1954 #10218 ars to orbit. A second and similar light is observed at nine o’clock. It pa 8/31/1954 #10218 ns in the position where the first light was observed. According to O’Farre 8/31/1954 #10218 out “a vague shape with the white light situated centrally on top.” The Di 8/31/1954 #10218 Force Major. Circular white night light wavers going quickly ESE / 2 minut 9/5/1954 #10251 es (something behind) trail / blue light across sky. / Diario de Noticias. 9/7/1954 (approximate) #10261 minutes. It finally turned off its light. 9/8/1954 #10274 rmation. They radiate a blue-white light from their edges. He grabs a camer 9/9/1954 #10277 mself paralyzed as a strong orange light was projected at him.The creatures 9/10/1954 #10284 lyzed as a powerful orange beam of light is projected at him from a square 9/10/1954 #10286 ralyzed by a strong orange beam of light that was projected at him. The bei 9/10/1954 #10288 , he was hit by a luminous beam of light and paralyzed. The object took off 9/11/1954 #10289 (s). Saucer object / 800M. Intense light and trail / red smoke. / r138#3p88 9/14/1954 #10295 of 800 meters, gave off an intense light and left a trail of reddish smoke 9/14/1954 #10296 ,600 feet, it gives off an intense light and leaves a trail of reddish smok 9/14/1954 #10300 FEYZIN, FR Light beams / large dark object 50M away 9/15/1954 #10308 Feyzin, France A white light suddenly swept the road in front o 9/15/1954 #10310 t rose vertically until a point of light, and disappeared when at the zenit 9/15/1954 #10312 A white light suddenly swept the road in front o 9/15/1954 #10316 ke lightning," throwing a greenish light. 9/17/1954 #10332 ike lightning." It cast a greenish light as it did so. 9/17/1954 #10337 Oberdorff, France A bright light was seen in the east, came to the 9/19/1954 #10360 e object. The object emits a green light that temporarily stuns David befor 9/19/1954 #10361 oliceman, Louis Moll, saw a bright light land on the heights in Oberdoff, M 9/19/1954 #10363 t was the size of a small bus. The light from the object became reddish, an 9/19/1954 #10363 A bright light was seen in the east by residents 9/20/1954 #10371 r whine. In its nose was an orange light. There was a Plexiglas type sectio 9/20/1954 #10373 nds going quickly southwest. Night light near. 9/21/1954 #10375 Maria Airport, Azores 10 ft x 5 ft light metallic blue, pecan-shaped object 9/21/1954 #10380 l giving off sparks, and a smaller light, made a zigzag descent and then ho 9/21/1954 #10381 itness: airport guard. One 10'x5' light metallic blue, pecan-shaped object 9/21/1954 #10382 Porto, Azores, sees a 10 x 5-foot, light metallic blue, pecan-shaped object 9/21/1954 #10383 n watched a reddish-orange ball of light giving off sparks. A smaller orang 9/21/1954 #10386 f sparks. A smaller orange ball of light make a zigzag descent and then hov 9/21/1954 #10386 ebleau, France, when she notices a light in the sky. She stops and gets out 9/22/1954 #10395 object giving off a magnesiumlike light, a red glow, and a narrow beam of 9/23/1954 #10416 , a red glow, and a narrow beam of light. It took off again a moment later 9/23/1954 #10416 ect that gave off a magnesium-like light, a red glow, and a narrow beam of 9/23/1954 #10423 , a red glow, and a narrow beam of light. It took off again a moment later 9/23/1954 #10423 were covered with hair. A beam of light paralyzed both of the witnesses, a 9/25/1954 #10444 by railroad/railway tracks. Yellow light shines / opening. / r8#179+/ r30p1 9/26/1954 #10445 G [TO] LISBON Pilot. Extraordinary light at sea surface. No ship. No furthe 9/27/1954 #10456 ty," people in a bus saw a reddish light coming down. Later Mr. and Mrs. Ro 9/27/1954 #10469 ty," people on a bus saw a reddish light with a halo come down from the sky 9/27/1954 #10474 as three figures emerged from the light and moved about. He lost conscious 9/28/1954 #10485 ile three figures emerged from the light and moved about. He lost conscious 9/28/1954 #10490 Re, Celeste Simonutti saw a bright light and, fearing a fire, rushed to the 9/30/1954 #10514 en a metal rod.” On his chest is a light projector. Gatay tries to run, but 9/30/1954 #10517 Re, France when he saw a brilliant light and, fearing a fire, rushed to the 9/30/1954 #10525 ad west going quickly east. Bright light. 2 separate observer(s). 10/1/1954 #10540 er(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape shoots light beams. High altitude. Goes going n 10/1/1954 #10549 ireman Jean Dufix, 26, saw an oval light in the sky and thought it was a sh 10/1/1954 #10562 ng star. Later, he sees an intense light in his yard and rushes out to see 10/1/1954 #10569 an Jean Dufix, age 26, saw an oval light in the sky at 10 o'clock. He first 10/1/1954 #10579 ough some openings a strong yellow light shone. 10/2/1954 #10606 ings in the object a strong yellow light shone. 10/2/1954 #10615 FR Sphere sends out green beams / light. Going quickly south faster / any 10/3/1954 #10638 MILLY-LA-FORET, FR Red night light divides and maneuvers and reunites 10/3/1954 #10647 / D3. Luminous UFO lands. Burst / light / takeoff. Type unknown. / LDLN#10 10/4/1954 #10673 LE-LAC, FR Many observer(s). Night light lands. Darkens as car nears. Shoot 10/4/1954 #10687 meter and took off with a burst of light. 10/4/1954 #10692 cribed as metallic, flat, emitting light 10/4/1954 #10694 meter and took off with a burst of light. 10/4/1954 #10701 ed as metallic, flat, and emitting light. 10/4/1954 #10704 he object emitted a burst of green light and flew away very low over the fi 10/5/1954 #10727 owing UFO emitted a burst of green light and flew away, very low over the f 10/5/1954 #10739 no and her daughter) saw a whitish light in the western sky. It seemed slow 10/6/1954 #10755 ouse. When it moved, a very bright light was visible under its dark mass. I 10/6/1954 #10755 Marne, France, and sees a dazzling light at low altitude. It blinks out. Wh 10/6/1954 #10756 at the point where he had seen the light he noticed an odd looking object i 10/6/1954 #10758 reported seeing the same gleaming light in the area. 10/6/1954 #10758 her adult daughter, saw a whitish light in the western sky in Villers-le-L 10/6/1954 #10761 ouse. When it moved, a very bright light was visible under its dark mass. I 10/6/1954 #10761 heat. Saucer lands. Sweeps area / light beam. Antennas. / r8#205. 10/7/1954 #10767 ge saucer hovers in smoke / hours. Light beam. Going quickly southeast. / r 10/7/1954 #10769 m in diameter, emitting a beam of light which swept the countryside. 10/7/1954 #10782 Mr. Tremblay, saw an intense, blue light coming toward him. The object prod 10/7/1954 #10784 he ground that gave a bright white light. One was circular, the others ciga 10/7/1954 #10786 he same moment an intense greenish light is emitted from a luminous object 10/7/1954 #10788 rs in diameter, emitting a beam of light that swept the countryside. 10/7/1954 #10792 a.m. when he saw an intense, blue light coming toward him. The object prod 10/7/1954 #10793 ssing that gave off a bright white light. One was circular, the other two w 10/7/1954 #10800 r sees disc with luminous trail of light. 10/8/1954 #10810 yes, emerges and shines a blinding light at them. It says something in an u 10/8/1954 #10817 e was struck by a powerful beam of light. 10/8/1954 #10819 Red sphere/orb/globe hovers. White light. Quickly going up [to] spinning. / 10/9/1954 #10837 rning home when he observed a blue light and thought an airplane had made a 10/9/1954 #10845 yes, came out and shone a blinding light at them, and said something in an 10/9/1954 #10848 iving suit aiming a double beam of light at him. The individual had boots w 10/9/1954 #10849 ll, saw an object give off a white light and land. It took off vertically, 10/9/1954 #10851 ed on the road by a double beam of light coming from a 4-foot-tall figure t 10/9/1954 #10854 d Jean-Jacques Lalevée see the sky light up with a yellow-orange glow in Cu 10/9/1954 #10856 st Germany, Willi Hoge sees a blue light to one side of the road. He looks 10/9/1954 #10858 the road he was on. Seeing a blue light at first, he thought that an airpl 10/9/1954 #10863 yes, came out and shone a blinding light at them. It said something in an u 10/9/1954 #10866 iving suit aiming a double beam of light at him. The individual had boots w 10/9/1954 #10867 It emitted multi-colored beams of light. The central part of the object ap 10/10/1954 #10895 , France when he saw a red ball of light above which was a greenish circula 10/10/1954 #10899 (electro-magnetic effects). Night light passes going quickly northeast. No 10/11/1954 #10908 FONTENAY-LE-COMPTE, FR Light envelops car. Separate / object qu 10/11/1954 #10920 greenish sparks. A burst of orange light was seen as it jumped about 10 m h 10/11/1954 #10927 s truck died. He got out and saw a light above him. After it crossed the ro 10/11/1954 #10928 dwarfs were standing close by. No light was seen, except a small, reddish 10/11/1954 #10930 m diameter, giving off a yellowred light, 200 m away at 10 m altitude. It w 10/11/1954 #10934 s wae blinded by a sudden burst of light, blue, then orange, then red, and 10/11/1954 #10934 color, turned to an intense white light with a red aura, and both landed. 10/11/1954 #10935 asture. It gave off a powerful red light, took off with a formidable accele 10/11/1954 #10936 greenish sparks. A burst of orange light was seen as it jumped about 10 met 10/11/1954 #10943 s truck died. He got out and saw a light above him. After it crossed the ro 10/11/1954 #10944 manoids were standing close by. No light was seen, except a small, reddish 10/11/1954 #10946 , except a small, reddish point of light. Both witnesses were paralyzedunti 10/11/1954 #10946 diameter, giving off a yellow-red light, only 200 meters away from them at 10/11/1954 #10951 s was blinded by a sudden burst of light blue, then orange, then red, and t 10/11/1954 #10951 color, turned to an intense white light with a red aura, and both landed. 10/11/1954 #10952 asture. It gave off a powerful red light and took off with extreme accelera 10/11/1954 #10953 gave off a yellowish and a purple light. Losing altitude, the craft came v 10/12/1954 #10974 amond, a nightwatchman saw a great light and noticed an oval object which l 10/12/1954 #10975 gave off a yellowish and a purple light. Losing altitude, the craft came v 10/12/1954 #10984 ond, a night watchman, saw a great light and noticed an oval object land 30 10/12/1954 #10985 raft maneuver, give off a blinding light. It had some openings or portholes 10/13/1954 #10997 ft maneuver, giving off a blinding light. It had some openings or portholes 10/13/1954 #11003 ARD Saucer on legs in field. Green light / 3 windows. Rises / slight sound. 10/14/1954 #11009 LE, FR Saucer with blinding beam / light. Going west slow. / r49p175+/ r138 10/14/1954 #11029 bottom, and it emitted a blinding light which illuminated the field for ab 10/14/1954 #11041 ect produced an intense "screen of light" and vanished without a noise. Sev 10/14/1954 #11046 diameter, and gave off a blinding light, which illuminated the countryside 10/14/1954 #11047 ng from Gueugnon, was blinded by a light as a diskshaped object flew low ov 10/14/1954 #11050 Kenya A farmer and his wife see a light green object traveling at tremendo 10/14/1954 #11055 ing gear. It was lit by a greenish light and had three portholes. 10/14/1954 #11061 ect produced an intense "screen of light" and vanished without a noise. Sev 10/14/1954 #11067 ameter, and it gave off a blinding light, which illuminated the countryside 10/14/1954 #11069 ENYA Astronomer and 4. Large night light / 2K' altitude. Brightens. Rises. 10/15/1954? #11085 hile the object emitted a burst of light. The witness ran to the house and 10/15/1954 #11099 while the object emits a burst of light. The farmer runs to the house and 10/15/1954 #11109 , France, when they see a blinding light in front of them. As it passes ove Mid 10/1954 #11113 hile the object emitted a burst of light. The farmer ran to the house and t 10/15/1954 #11115 France Mr. Bachelard was driving a light truck on road D52-E between Chanat 10/16/1954 #11143 2.5 m high. Silent, it gave off no light and showed no opening. 10/16/1954 #11143 ure about 1.2 m tall moving in the light of the object, then all went dark. 10/16/1954 #11144 or 4 min. It gave off a yellowish light and a glow extended for 4 m around 10/16/1954 #11145 France Mr. Bachelard was driving a light truck on road D52E between Chanat 10/16/1954 #11149 . 5 m high. Silent, it gave off no light and showed no opening. 10/16/1954 #11149 (4 feet) tall moved around in the light of the object, then all went dark. 10/16/1954 #11150 4 minutes. It gave off a yellowish light and a glow extended around it for 10/16/1954 #11151 ly fast / low altitude. Spotlights light ground like day. / p36. 10/17/1954 #11165 ess was paralyzed by a red beam of light coming from a porthole in the craf 10/17/1954 #11180 ix, Puy-De-Dorne, France Driver of light truck felt half paralyzed, motor b 10/18/1954 #11206 th a dome, emitting a bright white light, resting in a field. When they app 10/18/1954 #11207 s eyes were glowing with an orange light. One witness fainted on the spot. 10/18/1954 #11209 nce Miss Bourriot saw a bright red light on Route N437 near the old factory 10/18/1954 #11211 0 p.m. A M. Bachelard is driving a light truck southeast of Gelles, Puy-de- 10/18/1954 #11212 ls settle in the field. In the dim light emitted by the objects, the Labuss 10/18/1954 #11214 th a dome, emitting a bright white light and resting in a field. When they 10/18/1954 #11216 s eyes were glowing with an orange light. One witness fainted on the spot. 10/18/1954 #11220 e Louise Bourriot saw a bright red light on Route N437 near an old factory 10/18/1954 #11223 rtin du Bois, France when he saw a light that turned from green to red. It 10/18/1954 #11224 ure was surrounded by a soft, warm light and appeared to be wearing armor. 10/18/1954 #11225 t visor, and it seemed most of the light emitted by the creature was concen 10/18/1954 #11225 paralyzed when struck by a beam of light. He remained unable to move for so 10/18/1954 #11225 s high / sky. Shoots green beams / light. / p34. 10/19/1954 #11229 d with a very bright, bluish-white light, which suddenly went out as the ob 10/19/1954 #11239 its body is like a cone. It aims a light beam at Pugina that paralyzes him 10/19/1954 #11243 n sky, shooting out green beams of light. Also, at the same time in Montand 10/19/1954 #11246 ve off a very bright, bluish-white light that suddenly went out as the obje 10/19/1954 #11250 t her, and a pencil beam of orange light came from his eyes, which followed 10/19/1954 #11252 NEAR GAVRES, FR Ball / light going north and going down. 5 hair 10/20/1954 #11264 to be in communication by means of light signals with objects in another gr 10/20/1954 #11272 , 25, a truck driver, saw a bright light in the distance and soon found his 10/20/1954 #11273 UFOs in another group by means of light signals. 10/20/1954 #11281 ear-old truck driver, saw a bright light in the distance and soon found his 10/20/1954 #11282 a flashlight, and aimed a beam of light from it at him. He felt paralyzed 10/20/1954 #11283 which emitted bronze-green rays of light, flooding the whole countryside. T 10/21/1954 #11297 They were blinded by a strong red light, which turned orange. It came from 10/21/1954 #11300 gives off a powerful bronze-green light. He then sees an occupant dressed 10/21/1954 #11301 Australia see an erratic, dancing light adjacent to rocket Launcher Apron 10/21/1954 #11304 , approximately 500 feet away. The light alternates from deep orange to yel 10/21/1954 #11304 which emitted bronze-green rays of light, flooding the whole countryside. T 10/21/1954 #11306 They were blinded by a strong red light, which turned orange. It came from 10/21/1954 #11309 IANO, ITL 2M UFO / roadside. White light going quickly [to] red glowing on 10/23/1954 #11327 , which suddenly changed its clear light into a red glow and took off. 10/23/1954 #11337 sparent, flooded with bright white light. Aboard were six men in yellowish 10/23/1954 #11338 ransparent and flooded with bright light. Aboard are six men in yellowish o 10/23/1954 #11341 ched it suddenly changed its clear light into a red glow and took off. 10/23/1954 #11342 nt and flooded with a bright white light. Aboard were six men in yellowish 10/23/1954 #11344 otted two phosphorescent points of light near a glade. He approached the ar 10/23/1954 #11346 st have been made out of some very light weight material. One of the men th 10/24/1954 #11368 beet scales. Absolute(ly) silent. Light glow. / LDLN#324. 10/25/1954 (approximate) #11376 Round silver saucer with flashing light crosses sky quickly. 10/25/1954 #11377 7 feet long with a green and a red light at both ends resting in the pastur 10/25/1954 #11392 round silver disc with a flashing light crossed the sky quickly in Varenne 10/25/1954 #11398 disc-shaped object with a glowing light was seen rising from a field nearb 10/25/1954 #11399 Rene Marais, encountered a bright light source in a field. When they appro 10/25/1954 #11404 a field. When they approached the light, two featureless illuminated human 10/25/1954 #11404 ed humanoid forms emerged from the light source. They lacked both arms and 10/25/1954 #11404 thin. The figures emerged from the light source in the field and separated 10/25/1954 #11404 o one form before merging with the light source. They were about five feet 10/25/1954 #11404 t of diving suit with a pale-green light on either side of the helmet. The 10/26/1954 #11414 ance ran toward a luminous ball of light over the railroad tracks. It float 10/26/1954 #11421 t of diving suit with a pale green light emitted from either side of the he 10/26/1954 #11422 The being aimed two beams of blue light at the witness, who was thrown bac 10/26/1954 #11422 flying object emitting a blinding light in the sky over Antimachia, Kos Is 10/26/1954 #11425 nly saw an elongated object with a light at both ends resting in the pastur 10/27/1954 #11445 nly saw an elongated object with a light at both ends resting in the pastur 10/27/1954 #11453 at 9:00 p.m. It directed a beam of light at the house, and one of the witne 10/28/1954 #11467 ured about 4.5 m, emitted a bright light similar to a welder's torch. It ca 10/31/1954 #11499 et) in length and emitted a bright light similar to a welder's torch. It ca 10/31/1954 #11500 / low altitude. Brilliant blinding light lights area. 11/1/1954 #11515 n the water. He noticed a greenish light through the thick fog. Because the 11/1/1954 #11522 e thought were associated with the light. When he got no reply he decided t 11/1/1954 #11522 k. The object was emitting a green light and around it there were several s 11/1/1954 #11522 t up. Some beams of silver colored light emanated from the object’s “stem” 11/1/1954 #11522 Tuscany, Italy. It had a blinding light that illuminated the area. 11/1/1954 #11524 ly NNE. Red glowing / front. Green light behind. 11/2/1954 #11530 about. Says "Anx Eleta Nui". Blue light / soft helmet. 11/2/1954 #11535 ircular room illuminated by a soft light. On a table he sees some maps, inc 11/2/1954 #11537 h dark brown skin and dressed in a light gray coverall and a belt that hold 11/2/1954 #11537 ircular room illuminated by a soft light. He saw no lamps. There was no one 11/2/1954 #11539 rments like an overall, which were light gray in color. Each wore a belt ar 11/2/1954 #11539 nd observer(s). Bright round night light maneuvers / 20 minute(s). Circles 11/4/1954 #11556 ple landings and emitting beams of light. The farm animals were frightened 11/4/1954 #11566 transformer and gave off an orange light, land in a pasture. Three men in d 11/5/1954 #11578 t of box, "which emitted a beam of light three meters long." The other two 11/5/1954 #11578 holding a box that emits a beam of light and the other two hold objects tha 11/5/1954 #11579 transformer and gave off an orange light, land in a pasture. Three men in d 11/5/1954 #11581 t of box, "which emitted a beam of light three meters long." The other two 11/5/1954 #11581 d a dome emitting a blinding white light and supporting an antenna. Two sma 11/8/1954 #11596 veral minutes. As soon as the blue light was turned off, he started again a 11/8/1954 #11598 he started again and went near the light when it reappeared 200 m away. He 11/8/1954 #11598 ance, when he notices a small blue light in front of him. His engine fails 11/8/1954 #11600 he blue dot is projecting a strong light and hovering about 6 feet in the a 11/8/1954 #11600 a tingling in his hands. The blue light goes out and he is able to move ag 11/8/1954 #11600 ain and restart his moped, but the light reappears about 450 feet away, see 11/8/1954 #11600 d a dome emitting a blinding white light and supported an antenna. Two smal 11/8/1954 #11602 veral minutes. As soon as the blue light was turned off, he started again a 11/8/1954 #11604 he started again and went near the light when it reappeared 200 meters away 11/8/1954 #11604 oids (or Greys) study ballast with light. Go when seen. / r222p26. 11/13/1954 #11633 were looking at the tracks with a light. When the witness approached, the 11/13/1954 #11638 ar the road give off a very bright light. His clothing was partially burned 11/14/1954 #11649 Forli, Italy A shange beam of red light, apparently from some flying sourc 11/14/1954 #11650 in the evening when a red beam of light from a dark flying object overhead 11/14/1954 #11654 iesel tractor did not. The beam of light was seen for over an hour by a lar 11/14/1954 #11654 sor = ex-pilot. Bright white night light hovers / 9 minute(s). Then crosses 11/19/1954 #11670 Corvallis, OR Bright white light hover 8.5-9 mins (NICAP: 01 - Dist 11/19/1954 #11672 y aviation cadet. One bright white light hovered 8.5-9 minutes, then crosse 11/19/1954 #11673 tion cadet, sighted a bright white light hovering over Corvallis, Oregon at 11/19/1954 #11674 t across, oscillating with a small light on top. Fernandez radios a report 11/22/1954 #11691 to be a huge disc. As soon as the light touched it, the UFO sped up and sw 11/26/1954 #11710 s “a flying boat” with a brilliant light on the back. The object then appro 11/27/1954 #11714 les grabbed it, found it strangely light (less than 2O kg), and observed it 11/28/1954 #11720 samples. Gonzales was blinded by a light from the craft and the strange bei 11/28/1954 #11720 de of steel. There was a blinding light and the creatures and the craft we 11/28/1954 #11724 , Maine-et-Loire, France a beam of light from the sky searched back and for 11/29/1954 #11729 a flying disc giving off greenish light near Palm Springs, California. It 12/1954 #11735 A 39-year-old civilian saw an oval light, very bright, illuminating the cou 12/1/1954 #11742 openings, from which a bright red light was emitted. The witness got a rif 12/4/1954 #11758 penings which emitted a bright red light. The witness got a rifle and fired 12/4/1954 #11759 rward after emitting a very bright light. 12/4/1954 #11760 es, and long blond hair. They wore light brown coveralls fastened to shoes 12/9/1954 #11789 south going quickly north. Beams / light each end. / r111p50. 12/10/1954 #11790 he underside was a source of fiery light. Four small beings emerged and att 12/10/1954 #11794 OM COLONNE, FR 1 observer. Intense light and heat / road from dark object / 12/17/1954 #11827 man from Poligny saw a very bright light on the road, first thought it was 12/17/1954 #11828 a dark craft about 80 m away. The light turned brighter; the witness felt 12/17/1954 #11828 he was going to die. Finally, the light went away. 12/17/1954 #11828 , a woodsman sighted a very bright light on the road, coming from a dark cr 12/17/1954 #11829 raft some 80 meters away. When the light became brighter the man felt an in 12/17/1954 #11829 would die. After a short while the light moved away. 12/17/1954 #11829 all night long, had spread so much light that God had saved the world from 12/20/1954 #11849 balt, Ontario, sees a bright white light maneuvering in the sky. He calls J 12/26/1954 #11863 miles to the mine to view it. The light is emanating from a large, rotatin 12/26/1954 #11863 ield, and it was emitting a bluish light like that from a welding torch. Ac 12/28/1954 #11869 for 20 minutes, until by the first light of dawn they could no longer see i 12/28/1954 #11869 ity / 8 minute(s). Intense silvery light. 12/30/1954 #11879 ltitude. Green beam / top. Green / light / portholes. Clanks and whine. 1/1955 #11902 2 airline(s)/airliner crews. Night light maneuvers. Beams light going [to] 1/2/1955 #11910 rews. Night light maneuvers. Beams light going [to] cockpit. / r242+/ r173p 1/2/1955 #11910 At 1:00 p.m. a pilot of a light plane flying over Talara, Peru enc 1/16/1955 #11935 20,000 feet. It focused a beam of light onto his plane. He gave chase but 1/16/1955 #11935 BLUE MOUNTAINS, OR Blue night light follows SNOWPLOWs. Hides. Back as 1/28/1955 #11946 is night in 1955, a blue nocturnal light followed a snowplow in the Blue Mo 1/28/1955 #11949 WINTERSET, IA 2 / T33. White night light buzzes military plane. Counters al 1/29/1955 #11950 Winterset, IA Light Outmaneuvers T-33 (NICAP: 11 - Avi 1/29/1955 #11951 Highway 1N when they see a bright light in the sky ahead. The object, a de 1/31/1955 #11956 the object shines with a greenish light. Around its center is a red ring o 2/2/1955 #11968 nd that emits flashes of brilliant light. Above and below this band are lig 2/2/1955 #11968 that emitted flashes of brilliant light. Above and below this band were li 2/2/1955 #11969 ground and pilot / air. Odd night light maneuvers. Then paces passing plan 2/7/1955 #11978 he Saucer powered up a bright blue light came from one of the portholes (li 2/23/1955 #12013 e is then dazzled by a bright blue light from the craft and falls over, una 2/23/1955 #12015 at 8:30 in the morning. A shaft of light came from the center of the silver 2/23/1955 #12016 ute(s). Blue lights / ends and red light / center. 3/3/1955 #12033 d his son see a brilliant flash of light from their home at 714 West Lakesi 3/11/1955 #12041 windows scouts all over/all about light plane. All instruments electro-mag 3/24/1955 #12056 hovering and shot a beam of white light at the witness, burning his elbow 3/30/1955 #12071 NEAR WORCESTER, MA FAA official / light plane. Dark blue cylinder/cigar-sh 4/1955 #12074 SAMA NORTH RHODESIA 2 / car. Night light / ovoid buzzes car 3x. Separate ob 4/2/1955 (approximate) #12078 NUBIAN DESERT, SUDAN 2 / light plane. Classic saucer nears / 3 mi 4/15/1955? #12093 hway Patrolman John Ebert says the light was as bright as an arc welder. On 4/25/1955 #12101 arc welder. One resident sees the light burst into flame and drop to earth 4/25/1955 #12101 ERO, SARDINIA 1 observer. Circle / light going down [to] vertically. Light 5/1955 #12109 light going down [to] vertically. Light reflects off soil. No further deta 5/1955 #12109 emporarily blinded by a blue-green light. The men walked with an ackward ga 5/14/1955 #12132 her events put her claims in a new light. 5/22/1955 #12148 H RHODESIA Many observer(s). Night light changes color(s) and shapes going 5/28/1955 #12164 SMITHFIELD / CAIRNS, AUS Night light lights entire area. Follows edge / 5/29/1955 (approximate) #12165 among them Thomas Robinson, saw a light growing in size for 2 min and flyi 5/29/1955 #12166 and Mt. Williams. Looking like a "light airplane on fire," it changed cour 5/29/1955 #12166 d. Many multi-colored filaments of light radiated from the UFO. The object 5/31/1955 #12170 MUROS, SP Sailor zapped / blue light. Temporarily paralysis. Small huma 6/1955 #12171 emitted smoke or fog and beams of light. Figures could be seen moving arou 6/10/1955 #12194 bout 150 feet. It is described as “light gray, almost round, with a center 6/23/1955 #12209 which emitted a bright blue-green light. It was not rotating but went stra 6/23/1955 #12209 ude / 16 minute(s). Strong beams / light. 6/30/1955 #12220 altitude, emitting strong beams of light. The crew watched it for more than 6/30/1955 #12222 bserver(s) 4 times / 20 minute(s). Light flashes / top. 7/11/1955 #12249 hina Lake, CA Round reddish-orange light changing color to bright white (NI 7/11/1955 #12251 Toulab, France C-47 Pilot Sees Light Changing Color (NICAP: 01 - Distan 7/11/1955 #12252 on the airfield were blinded by a light from a disk-shaped object 150 m aw 7/18/1955 #12269 s on the field were blinded by the light from a disc-shaped object 150 m aw 7/18/1955 #12270 FL 2 / Navy jet paced / red night light. Shoots away / 2Kmph. Enormous "ex 7/28/1955 #12292 AYNE, FL Humming noise abates when light on. Night light maneuvers. Dark ov 7/29/1955 #12295 noise abates when light on. Night light maneuvers. Dark ovoid near. 7/29/1955 #12295 server. 4 orange and 1 white night light. All going up and down [to] like y 7/29/1955 #12296 ashing lights and a white flashing light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 7/29/1955 #12298 hing lights and one whIte flashing light moved up and down like yo-yos for 7/29/1955 #12299 hing lights and one whIte flashing light move up and down like yo-yos for 5 7/29/1955 #12303 ious display of lights at sea. The light flashes three or four times in qui 8/1955 #12310 ' saucer with lit dome. Fan noise. Light beams / openings. / r2p183. 8/1/1955 #12312 d saw a circular object with a red light on it that came down fast, hovered 8/1/1955 #12315 hovered, and emitted two beams of light. The witness fled toward his house 8/1/1955 #12315 o check his mailbox. He sees a red light about 1,000 feet away coming at hi 8/1/1955 #12317 feet in the air. He sees a big red light at the front and a green light at 8/1/1955 #12317 red light at the front and a green light at the rear. Then all the lights t 8/1/1955 #12317 d saw a circular object with a red light on it. The UFO came down fast, hov 8/1/1955 #12319 hovered, and emitted two beams of light. The witness fled toward his house 8/1/1955 #12319 ks, England, when their headlights light up a small figure in the street. I 8/16/1955 #12364 SAINT-PAIR, MANCHE, FR Intense light. Saucer lands / field / total sile 8/18/1955 #12370 , Kentucky The Sutton family saw a light landing near their farmhouse, then 8/21/1955 #12385 ylor’s claim that he saw “a bright light streak across the sky and disappea 8/21/1955 #12386 Kentucky. The Sutton family saw a light land near their farmhouse. Shortly 8/21/1955 #12387 FERNALD, OH 2 separate cops. Light brown sphere/orb/globe hovers over 8/25/1955 #12403 / CA 2 hikers. Beams from crescent light valley and peak. Missing time? 9/11/1955 #12446 A BARBARA, CA 2 observer(s). Night light streaks over big fire / hills and 9/12/1955 #12448 , 2 m high, lighted with neon-like light. The occupants gathered some plant 9/16/1955 #12456 h; it was lighted with a neon-like light. The occupants gathered some plant 9/16/1955 #12457 IE, NY Airline pilot. Meteor-night light passes plane. Hovers. Rises away. 10/2/1955 #12482 s). Fast silent orange-white night light darts and stops. Zigzag path / 40 10/2/1955 #12483 CE BASE, NFLD 3 observer(s). Night light stops and hovers and jumps / 4 tim 10/12/1955 #12501 up in a bun and she was wearing a light turquoise colored cloak. The woman 10/20/1955 #12513 Z Crew and passengers / DC3. Night light paces plane / 5 minute(s). 850mph. 10/31/1955 #12532 ra, New Zealand 8:06 p.m. A flying light paces New Zealand National Airways 11/1/1955 #12540 / SS MATHERAN Bright yellow night light / 150' altitude. Nears ship. Respo 11/8/1955 #12555 Matheran again. Same yellow night light hovers near ship / 15 minute(s). C 11/9/1955 #12558 mn. Glow / rim. Going up and down. Light pulses / bottom/underside. 11/10/1955 #12561 DESERT HOT SPRINGS, CA Globe / light responds / plane landing lights. 1 11/14/1955 #12565 Mts, CA Pilot saw a globe of white light approach plane, blinked landing li 11/14/1955 #12567 Deming, NM Fast Object With Light On Rear Observed By Airliner (NICA 11/14/1955 #12568 nd portholes that gave off a white light. It was in full view before it van 12/9/1955 #12601 like people "walking in front of a light." The experience made her feel nau 12/21/1955 #12619 s on the stern see a steady orange light coming toward them at about 50 mph 1956 #12638 UFO seen at close range; rings of light visible on bottom. [UFOE, XII] (NI 1/17/1956 #12664 eve a US Army Signal Corps battery light that was dropped from an airplane. 2/9/1956 #12703 Orly Airport, Paris, France Light red blinking light flying erratica 2/18/1956 #12727 , Paris, France Light red blinking light flying erratically, tracked by gro 2/18/1956 #12727 Airline crew. Intense white night light buzzes and paces / 28 minute(s). 2/19/1956 #12730 Constellation. One intense white light, moving 4-5 times the speed of the 2/19/1956 #12732 ew reported that a white nocturnal light buzzed their plane over Houston, T 2/19/1956 #12733 (GOC) observer(s). Bright wheel / light spins. Erratic. Bobs going up and 3/5/1956 #12749 . Circles 2nd house. Emits spots / light. 4/2/1956 #12780 chenectady, when a brilliant white light about 2–3 miles away is spotted ab 4/8/1956 #12803 ng in to land at Albany. The white light moves about 90° to dead ahead posi 4/8/1956 #12803 briefly and reappears as an orange light again but standing still ahead of 4/8/1956 #12803 ages 18 and 20, saw a red ball of light come down to their left and hover 4/8/1956 #12804 , New York as "rays of penetrating light shot from it." There were three wi 4/9/1956 #12806 Kentucky sighted a small, pale-red light in the western sky at 11:55 p.m. T 4/16/1956 #12811 triangle/box-like craft-formation. Light contrail. / r140 #1p84. 4/27/1956 #12814 on at 8:30 p.m. They left behind a light contrail. 4/27/1956 #12815 N, NJ 1 observer. Orange-red night light streaks going north. Veers going w 5/16/1956 #12851 contractor, watched an orange-red light zig-zag across the sky near the De 5/16/1956 #12853 Louisiana, when they see a bright light due east. They see it again in the 5/22/1956 #12865 flashes an intensely bright white light from a “greenhouse-shaped dome” or 5/22/1956 #12865 wider, a small steady red running light in the center, with no wings, only 5/22/1956 #12865 n colored object scans ground / Ir light? 5/28/1956 (approximate) #12872 t 250 feet in diameter with a blue light on top and a red light on the bott 6/1956 #12879 with a blue light on top and a red light on the bottom, which he had observ 6/1956 #12879 New Hampshire, Ohio, when a bright light approaches them from a small woode 6/1956 #12880 stop their car to look at it. The light is attached to a large rectangular 6/1956 #12880 s up from inside with a pale green light and they can see three small entit 6/1956 #12880 ot of Convair T-29 saw white-green light on parallel course (NICAP: 11 - Av 6/2/1956 #12882 In 1956 a bright blob of light zoomed away when approached by a R 6/17/1956 #12906 CONWAY, MASS 1 observer. Night light makes several passes over town. 18 7/2/1956 #12944 TER, MASS Civil observer(s). Night light makes tight circles. 4 90-turns. 7 7/2/1956 #12946 , MASS 3 observer(s). Bright night light scouts / erratically. Flashes. Qui 7/12/1956 #12964 10 observer(s) / boat. Circular / light with square windows going south. I 7/13/1956 #12969 affic Controllers. Brilliant night light going quickly southeast / 4 minute 7/16/1956 #12973 / 4 minute(s). Gone in a flash of light. 7/16/1956 #12973 tate police as a “teardrop shaped” light source. Witnesses report “noticeab 7/19/1956 #12990 NG BEACH, CA 1 observer. Brilliant light. Saucer with wires / edge. Wires r 7/20/1956 #12992 o'clock in the morning a brilliant light was seen in the sky over Long Beac 7/20/1956 #12997 At 4:30 a.m a photo was taken of a light seen east of Wichita, Kansas. Ther 7/20/1956 #12997 object giving off a green-colored light from its rear end over Highway Cit 7/22/1956 #13006 ia reporeted seeing a bluish green light at 5:30 a.m. that appeared to be b 7/22/1956 #13008 that flew south, emitting a green light like a flame from the back. It mad 7/22/1956 #13008 California, see a sparkling green light flash through the sky and seemingl 7/28/1956 #13023 the orchard reportedly included a light metal and cardboard impregnated wi 7/28/1956 #13024 Defense Command RADAR. White night light hovers and speeds about. Going qui 7/29/1956 #13025 INO, CA Several observer(s). Night light faster / jet. Stops and continues. 7/29/1956 #13026 0KM OFF BAJA CALIFORNIA 12M blot / light. Hovers and violent maneuvers. Stu 8/1956 (approximate) #13032 S, CA 1 observer. Silent red night light going north. 90-turn. Stops. Rises 8/6/1956 #13056 south of), AZ Blue-white pulsating light fly fast straight and level (NICAP 8/8/1956 #13060 W. Smith. One blue-white pulsating light flew fast, straight and level, for 8/8/1956 #13062 TARRYTOWN, NY 3 cops and 1. Night light 8X brighter / any star. Moves goin 8/9/1956 #13064 ly overhead and is seen as a white light by both air (a C-47 at 4,000 feet 8/13/1956 #13080 idge and sees it as a bright white light, which then disappears. The naviga 8/13/1956 #13080 med a visual sighting of a blur of light moving at high speeds. Both air an 8/13/1956 #13081 takes evasive action. White night light passes 40' / plane. 8/16/1956 #13091 OVER STRATFORD, CT 2 / light plane. 2 2' orbs / dumbell structu 8/23/1956 #13121 NEW ORLEANS, LA Orange night light flashes green. Sudden 180° turns. 8/23/1956 #13123 OVINA, CA 4 kids / pool. 6M ball / light passes overhead. Returns and away. 8/23/1956 #13124 at a much lower altitude a “bright light which was sharply defined and disc 8/27/1956 #13140 d them is lit up by a bright white light. Looking up, they see a large disc 8/28/1956 #13146 erhead that shone a strong beam of light on his truck, then chased it for t 8/28/1956 #13147 st. Turn straight up;leave trail / light. 8/29/1956 #13150 en the 19-year-old witness shone a light on it. A Project Blue Book "unknow 9/2/1956 #13173 t 4M saucer. Windows / dome. Night light / many separate observer(s). 9/7/1956 #13198 g saucer / middle. Dip and reflect light. Going quickly [to] away. / news. 9/13/1956 #13217 ts dim and spread out, the largest light ascending on an apparent collision Fall 1956 #13237 e top with three round openings or light sources. The bottom is nearly flat Fall 1956 #13239 des are populated by many separate light sources, each a different color. T Fall 1956 #13239 color. The rest of the disc is a “light golden” hue. After 5–8 minutes, th Fall 1956 #13239 man of some 20 years, said, “a red light in the sky shot at him. This UFO h 10/2/1956 #13258 Flat plain metallic object follows light plane going west to sea. 10/8/1956 #13268 going up / sea. Sinks back. Ray / light going down / cloud on same spot. 10/10/1956 #13270 At 10:30 p.m. three balls of light flew from north to south over Vill 10/10/1956 #13273 ng a T-33 jet trainer. One orange light with a blue tinge, flew across the 11/1/1956 #13303 e with such a tremendous amount of light that a nearby barn is clearly visi 11/11/1956 #13322 DICKINSON, ND Red night light hovers low by railroad/railway tra 11/17/1956 #13334 rea counterclockwise. Aims beams / light. Going quickly southeast. 11/22/1956 #13344 m. Horses spooked. 6 green disks / light circle farm 5-6X. 11/25/1956 (approximate) #13349 stationary UFO with a flashing red light for 30 minutes; an upward-shining 11/25/1956 #13352 0 minutes; an upward-shining white light appears at intervals. 11/25/1956 #13352 neuver. The discs gave off a green light as they flew past. 11/25/1956 #13353 reball giving off weird flashes of light for 2–3 minutes north of Isla La O 12/13/1956 #13400 silvery material. Carow shines the light on them for 3 minutes, then runs b 12/17/1956 #13409 e/box-like craft formations. Night light circles city and going quickly sou 12/28/1956 #13417 AN Red-glowing saucer beams strong light / 3 observer(s). Passes / 55' alti 12/30/1956 #13419 the horizon, and shooting beams of light in several directions. 1/1/1957 #13446 orth, Texas sighted a round, white light at eight o’clock in the evening ma 1/16/1957 #13462 iameter, that were lit by a yellow light. She saw shadows moving about insi 2/3/1957 #13482 ng up. Repeats sequence several X. Light / top. 2/9/1957 #13486 were illuminated with a yellowish light, and there were shadows moving beh 2/9/1957 #13487 diameter that were lit by a yellow light. Shadows could be seen moving arou 2/9/1957 #13488 00 p.m. They searched the sky with light beams, then they rose vertically i 2/13/1957 #13504 C) observer(s) and military. Night light / 40K' altitude sweeps sky several 2/27/1957 #13515 Arrity, NC Long Object With Green Light In Nose (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 3/8/1957 #13528 a says the UFO is a high-intensity light that appears to stand still for ap 3/9/1957 #13540 ee a large, soundless, and pulsing light, with something like a pole on top 3/22/1957 #13553 hat a temperature inversion caused light to bend the images of the stars, o 3/22/1957 #13553 on. It emitted two strong beams of light. It rose vertically, then flew off 3/23/1957 #13559 NORTH / BAHAMAS Brilliant night light follows PAA flight 206A going nort 3/29/1957 #13568 pilot observed brilliant pulsating light, confirmed by radar. [UFOE, V] (NI 3/29/1957 #13570 irport. Cylinder/cigar-shape-night light circles car. Springs going up and 4/7/1957 #13587 r / NAL flight 720. Circular night light and dark disk follows highway goin 4/10/1957 #13590 N, ENG Cylinder/cigar-shape trades light signals with disk. Disk enters cyl 4/29/1957 #13621 , olive- colored face and a shiny, light gray suit, gazes at her with a qui 5/1957 #13631 anels, lighted by an extraordinary light. He was then escorted out, and the 5/1/1957 #13637 nt panels, lit by an extraordinary light. He is then escorted out, and the 5/1/1957 #13638 FR Astronomic photographs / night light pair. Maneuvers. Same / 19 Aug. '5 5/3/1957 #13646 nner. One of them carries a bright light which prevents him from seeing muc 5/10/1957 #13653 red and white (or yellow) rays of light alternatively. They watch for abou 5/10/1957 #13653 en he was temporarily blinded by a light from above. Together with three of 5/10/1957 #13655 ge heads and a torrering gait. The light rose into sky when a car passed. A 5/10/1957 #13655 lk and sees a “majestic egg-shaped light.” He directs a telepathic message 5/11/1957 #13656 and first officer see a brilliant light approaching them. All radio commun 5/31/1957 #13690 separate RADAR's and visual. Night light hovers. Shoots going up. Follows p 6/3/1957 #13696 ff from Shreveport Airport a small light was visible nearby, G,V (NICAP: 09 6/3/1957 #13697 by the control tower that a small light is visible nearby. They see the st 6/3/1957 #13698 the object responds with a beam of light. A second blue-green, pulsating ob 6/3/1957 #13698 her in a car had an orange ball of light approach and follow their car. Sev 6/5/1957 #13707 HASTINGS, NZ Night light going quickly west. 180° turn goin 6/13/1957 #13723 with visual of brilliant white-red light (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 6/17/1957 #13734 fessor sighted UFO with "a halo of light around it and what appeared to be 6/18/1957 #13737 ving off a cold, white, unchanging light. The three move off in a V formati 6/18/1957 #13740 arge object with 2 white and 1 red light. Plunges into L.I. sound. / Local 6/22/1957 #13747 with two white lights and one red light plunge into Long Island Sound. 6/22/1957 #13748 T / GREENCASTLE, IN 4 / car. Night light going down / hit / spotlight. Smal 6/25/1957 #13752 PAMPULHA, BRZ Night light follows Air Force B26 / one hour. 7/14/1957 #13795 o, Texas, when a big red and green light bears down on his plane in a colli 7/22/1957 #13817 21 forced to dive. Red-green night light dead ahead. / r46p98. 7/23/1957 #13819 6 ADC Radar Tracks Brilliant White Light (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 7/25/1957 #13834 plate giving off a dazzling white light and leaving a white trail. It flie 7/25/1957 #13837 -3 observer(s). Big noise. Disk of light hovers and maneuvers overhead. Sho 7/26/1957 #13843 AHU, NINGINO ISLANDS, PNG Night light changes color(s). Hovers and viole 8/24/1957 #13928 ns. It was emitting green beams of light. 8/26/1957 #13933 ht red to reddish-yellow pulsating light (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 8/27/1957 #13934 ht red to reddish-yellow pulsating light flew over the Dry Tortugas near Fl 8/27/1957 #13937 Flat 180° turn going south. Night light exits and scouts. 8/30/1957 #13946 NORFOLK, VA Fast night light stops near 2 ships. Clear RADAR bl 8/30/1957 #13949 Suddenly a small circle of yellow light emerges from the object and three 9/4/1957 #13978 change size. Four small circles of light detached from a larger light. 9/4/1957 #13979 es of light detached from a larger light. 9/4/1957 #13979 7, and Gladys Smith, 14, saw a red light changing to green, spreading aroun 9/16/1957 #13999 nd Gladys Smith, age 14, saw a red light changing to green, spreading aroun 9/16/1957 #14002 DIA, BRZ Saucer / ground. Blinding light. Goes dark and flies when neared. 10/1957 #14046 round object at ground level. The light was green and yellow. When they ca 10/1957 #14049 he yard, but no flying object. The light moved and was seen going over the 10/5/1957 #14061 aw a silvery glow in the yard. The light began to move and left going over 10/5/1957 #14063 cts are apparently short traces of light at some times and semi-wedge-shape 10/6/1957 #14066 N, MA PAA pilot. Fast silver night light / high altitude. Sputnik? / LDLN#3 10/8/1957 #14070 r going down / sea. Figure beams / light at 4 / boat. Quickly going up. / F 10/8/1957 #14072 side. The figure shines a blinding light at their boat, which makes them fe 10/8/1957 #14078 porting a long "aerial" with a red light on top. The bright light went off 10/10/1957 #14092 ith a red light on top. The bright light went off and the witnesses saw sev 10/10/1957 #14092 lands nearby. They see an intense light as they begin a steep ascent, and 10/10/1957 #14095 , the UFO stops in the air and its light goes out. It lands, a door opens, 10/10/1957 #14095 porting a long "aerial" with a red light on top. The bright light went off 10/10/1957 #14097 ith a red light on top. The bright light went off and the witnesses saw sev 10/10/1957 #14097 th his brother when they saw a red light at the edge of the field. He went 10/14/1957 #14109 submarine aircraft toward a bright light over Point Loma. The aircraft, pil 10/14/1957 #14110 r on a tractor when they saw a red light at the edge of the field. He went 10/14/1957 #14112 le, its color changes from pink to light blue and the combine stops working 10/15/1957 #14120 topped 50 m above his tractor. Its light was brighter than that of the head 10/16/1957 #14127 s wore tight, white clothes with a light on the belt, heelless white shoes, 10/16/1957 #14127 d 50 meters above his tractor. Its light was brighter than that of the trac 10/16/1957 #14131 ght-fitting, white uniforms with a light on the belt, heelless white shoes, 10/16/1957 #14131 Illuminated the area with beams of light, it took off toward the east, then 10/22/1957 #14146 s suddenly illuminated by a strong light, as if a searchlight had been aime 10/25/1957 #14154 a device producing a bluish-white light and another instument, in what app 10/25/1957 #14154 s suddenly illuminated by a strong light, as if a searchlight had been aime 10/25/1957 #14157 a device producing a bluish-white light and another instrument, in what ap 10/25/1957 #14157 here. V-antenna / top. Moves fast. Light blinks / side. 10/27/1957 #14158 out. Back when lit. Follows beam / light. 10/31/1957 #14171 denly the object flashed a beam of light directly at the car, apparently ex 11/1957 #14181 ovoid going west. Small blue night light exits and returns. Fireball turns 11/2/1957 #14205 topped in the vicinity, a flash of light from the object coincided with the 11/2/1957 #14212 60 m long, equipped with a bright light, and which interfered with car ign 11/2/1957 #14213 When he stops the car, a flash of light from the object coincides with the 11/2/1957 #14214 ve Mile Road). They see a flash of light to the right of the road. Then a 2 11/2/1957 #14216 ater, Texas, see a flash of orange light in the southwestern sky. The headl 11/2/1957 #14217 for three seconds as they see the light. The car motor is not affected. 11/2/1957 #14217 ing. He gets out of his car as the light ascends; its lights blink out, and 11/2/1957 #14219 topped in the vicinity, a flash of light from the object coincided with the 11/2/1957 #14220 SIBBALD, ALTA 3 / PR9. Night light going [to] over car. Motor and lig 11/3/1957 #14231 any UFO reports, sees a “streak of light” north of the Oklahoma Flat. His h 11/3/1957 #14246 and engine sputters as he sees the light. 11/3/1957 #14246 and Pat McCullough see a flash of light “like a brilliant red sunset” 300– 11/3/1957 #14248 ops down to about 150 feet and the light goes out. A few minutes later the 11/3/1957 #14249 goes out. A few minutes later the light goes on again and it drops to the 11/3/1957 #14249 Sibbald, Alberta, when a blinking light appears in the sky and passes near 11/3/1957 #14250 w Mexico. They see a pulsating red light thar turns to white, possibly 200– 11/3/1957 #14251 eters long, equipped with a bright light, and which interfered with car and 11/3/1957 #14253 M 2 Air Traffic Controllers. Night light cavorts and tails jets etc. / 5 mi 11/4/1957 #14271 15-20 ft egg-shaped object w/white light at its base (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 11/4/1957 #14279 ina, when de Beyssac notices a red light on his left. It seems to be gettin 11/4/1957 #14283 s towards it out of curiosity. The light gets much bigger then begins to gl 11/4/1957 #14283 ey are looking for the source, the light disappears. De Beyssac returns to 11/4/1957 #14283 oot egg-shaped object with a white light at its base circle over one end of 11/4/1957 #14289 d 5 cops and reporter. Large night light maneuvers. Type unknown. / APRO No 11/5/1957 #14295 an Air Force Base and orange night light going north going quickly east. 11/5/1957 #14305 UQUERQUE, NM 1 / moving-van. Night light alternates bright and dim. Possibl 11/5/1957 #14319 US62 38 MI WITH HOBBS, NM Night light / road. Quickly going up [to] over 11/5/1957 #14324 ad, electric clock stopped; bright light awakened couple. Milkman reported 11/5/1957 #14333 ide their car. It had a flickering light on the bottom. There was no igniti 11/5/1957 #14339 hovering at tree-height. A yellow light from the craft suddenly illuminate 11/5/1957 #14340 ed, triangular object with a green light in the front and a yellow light in 11/5/1957 #14346 en light in the front and a yellow light in the rear. It makes a low dronin 11/5/1957 #14346 11:00 p.m. Two young men see a red light north of US Highway 62 at a point 11/5/1957 #14348 inking it is an oil flare, but the light suddenly rises straight up. After 11/5/1957 #14348 g their car for a few minutes, the light turns toward the car, passes over 11/5/1957 #14348 ide their car. It had a flickering light on the bottom. There was no igniti 11/5/1957 #14350 hovering at tree height. A yellow light from the craft suddenly illuminate 11/5/1957 #14351 SPRINGFIELD, OH Cops. Blue night light / sky / 10 second(s). 2 separate c 11/6/1957 #14361 ous object hovers. Vanishes like a light turned off. No further details. 11/6/1957 #14367 te state cops. Odd red ovoid night light hops through sky. / Cincinnati Pos 11/6/1957 #14381 r hovers / 300M. Scans farm / blue light. Going west. UV burns skin. / r70p 11/6/1957 #14387 d nears car. Lands / field. Orange light / center. Roars. 11/6/1957 #14388 ater. It rose and vanished "like a light switched off." 11/6/1957 #14410 m away. From top and bottom issued light cones that illuminated the country 11/6/1957 #14416 iant object radiating a strong red light as he is using an outhouse on his 11/6/1957 #14425 surrounding area are bathed in the light for 10 minutes. A small object joi 11/6/1957 #14425 bject joins the larger one and the light grows more intense. The two object 11/6/1957 #14425 nto, Ontario, watch a yellow-white light travel silently from south to nort 11/6/1957 #14426 llinois, observe a brilliant white light that changes color successively to 11/6/1957 #14427 chase it for 15 miles because the light appears to be low in the sky. Duri 11/6/1957 #14427 tions radio does not function. The light eventually flies out of sight. 11/6/1957 #14427 nd, when he sees a brilliant white light in the northwest. He watches it ap 11/6/1957 #14429 isible for a few seconds above the light. It is silent, except for a faint 11/6/1957 #14429 ater. It rose and vanished "like a light switched off." 11/6/1957 #14431 s stalled at the same time. A blue light was seen in the sky for 10 seconds 11/6/1957 #14433 , Delaware. The UFOs beamed down a light beam onto the highway, and the wit 11/6/1957 #14439 bottom of the object came cones of light that illuminated the countryside a 11/6/1957 #14440 RY, WEST AUSTRALIA 3 / farm. Night light going southeast / low altitude. Qu 11/7/1957 #14447 es at 8:15 p.m. and sees a strange light. Guards at the plant are “all shoo 11/7/1957 #14462 Oaks when a large, rapidly moving light approaches their car from the sout 11/9/1957 #14507 cle’s lighting system to fail. The light changes course and speeds off to t 11/9/1957 #14507 rizozo when they spot an anomalous light that might be the same object. 11/9/1957 #14507 WAYO, RHOD 2 / road. Flashy ball / light stops. Hovers. Drops going southwe 11/10/1957 #14517 teve Betuslak) see a red and white light hovering 500–1,000 feet overhead. 11/10/1957 #14525 view. Another witness sees a green light on a basket-shaped object; his car 11/10/1957 #14525 2 / private plane. Saucer returns light signals 2X. 50mph. Sudden retreat. 11/14/1957 #14543 s after 5–6 booms and 3 flashes of light. As soon as this happens, the ligh 11/14/1957 #14551 ched a big UFO send down a beam of light. 11/14/1957 #14552 all hovers. Going quickly SSE when light plane passes under. 11/15/1957 #14554 r 19, she feels faint again as the light outside dims, and a man with blond 11/16/1957 #14567 MCMINNVILLE, TN Flashing red night light buzzes car. Going northwest. Cops 11/20/1957 #14583 ay. It is emitting a red or orange light and makes no sound. The bottom of 11/21/1957 #14589 unty, Pennsylvania. It has a green light at the bottom, a red light at the 11/23/1957 #14604 a green light at the bottom, a red light at the right corner, and a yellow 11/23/1957 #14604 at the right corner, and a yellow light at the left corner. They get out o 11/23/1957 #14604 il. Numerous people see a circular light traveling directly overhead. Two s 11/25/1957 #14614 Suddenly he sees a bright flash of light 20 feet above the highway in front 11/28/1957 #14635 s to a stop at the point where the light had been. Lacuesta feels numb and 11/28/1957 #14635 0 minutes. A truck driver sees the light hovering above his truck, causing 12/3/1957 #14667 . A truck driver reported that the light hovered over his truck, causing th 12/3/1957 #14668 er(s) and 2 / car. Elongated night light going down [to] then going up [to] 12/8/1957 #14686 in this wooded area when a bright light appeared ahead. It reminded the wi 12/8/1957 #14690 ad. It reminded the witness of the light from a mercury lamp. As a crash se 12/8/1957 #14690 er crew. Round object emits rays / light. No further details. / Project 194 12/10/1957 #14702 ssing a round UFO emitting rays of light near Lagos, Mexico in the state of 12/10/1957 #14705 near Mexico City when a brilliant light illuminates his cockpit. He turns 12/11/1957 #14713 . Passengers and crew also see the light, as do personnel at the Mexico Cit 12/11/1957 #14713 At least 13 witnesses see a bright light over the Sea of Japan. The object 12/12/1957 #14721 North Dakota, who finds that it is light, porous, and mostly magnesium diox 12/14/1957 #14729 00 a.m. Three young men see a huge light in the sky at Almind, Denmark. It 12/15/1957 #14730 t ascends and a fan-shaped tail of light spreads after it. The UFO is seen 12/15/1957 #14730 uvers to and fro. Brilliant orange light. 12/16/1957 #14733 from Yale, is awakened by a bright light in her room. A cigar-shaped object 12/16/1957 #14735 the train. It had a bright orange light. 12/16/1957 #14737 Sarasota, FL White light source glided overhead, TV interfe 12/18/1957 #14745 y Stan was awakened by a brilliant light and saw through her east window th 12/18/1957 #14746 A white light source glided overhead in Sarasota 12/18/1957 #14749 donca and five other persons saw a light in the south, which later appeared 12/21/1957 #14754 n border. They see a large ball of light about the size of the full moon th 12/21/1957 #14755 rsons in Ponta Poran, Brazil saw a light in the southern sky, which later a 12/21/1957 #14757 FLY, CO Several observer(s). Night light = saucer / (seen thru) binoculars. 12/22/1957 #14758 rs. Red-glowing top and band / red light. Vanishes. 12/22/1957 #14758 low on fuel. The men see a bright light approaching from across the Yellow 1958 #14783 ddenly the object shines a beam of light straight down on the water. It soo 1958 #14783 ing out. The object again shines a light on the water and turns it off a mi 1958 #14783 itary observer(s). Brilliant night light makes 90° turn and away. Shiny. / 1/1/1958 #14794 A photograph of a brilliant light making a ninety-degree turn and th 1/1/1958 #14795 aircraft pilot saw a bright orange light streaking across the sky (NICAP: 0 1/4/1958 #14804 haped object that emitted a narrow light beam toward the ground. He was so 1/13/1958 #14823 rian Crittenden sees a dome-shaped light with a long narrow light underneat 1/13/1958 #14824 me-shaped light with a long narrow light underneath coming directly towards 1/13/1958 #14824 haped object that emitted a narrow light beam toward the ground. He was so 1/13/1958 #14825 ng offshore. It directed a beam of light downward into the ocean. Later tha 1/16/1958 #14832 NG Several observer(s). Red blob / light going southwest. Stops / airport / 2/6/1958 (approximate) #14873 nter an intensely brilliant orange light about 15 feet in diameter that sen 2/17/1958 #14878 Paraguayan frontier when a reddish light appears and becomes larger, as if 2/19/1958 #14881 and they realize that another red light is nearing them on the other side 2/19/1958 #14881 object is surrounded by pale green light, and a relaxing emerald-green beam 3/1958 #14905 d a relaxing emerald-green beam of light is coming from its base to the gro 3/1958 #14905 Balloon-shaped object with bright light land on the airfield (NICAP: 01 - 3/2/1958 #14909 e disappearing. It showed a bright light source. 3/2/1958 #14910 fore disappearing. It had a bright light source on it. 3/2/1958 #14912 JOSE IGNACIO, URUG Buzz and UV light. 50M saucer outside. Hose sucks so 3/11/1958 #14924 howed portholes with a glowing red light. Below the object the water seemed 4/1958 #14953 its midsection through which a red light is shining. Under the UFO the wate 4/1958 #14955 vania Night. A 2-foot red blinking light frightens children over the Walnut Early 4/1958 #14959 observer(s). Animals act up. Night light rises / sea. Back 10 April. / Flyi 4/9/1958 #14966 t angle” glowing like a white neon light over Allentown, Pennsylvania. It t 4/13/1958 #14980 objects emerge, emitting a strong light. Twenty other witnesses see a tria 4/15/1958 #14988 over and maneuver all night. Trade light signals. / r246p77. 4/17/1958 #14993 NM Guards / uranium mine. Blinding light hovers and maneuvers / hours. Shoo 4/22/1958 #14998 PAN DE AZUCAR, URG 18m cone buzzes light plane. Great heat. Going south / s 5/5/1958 #15014 r sun. 1600 reading / photographer light meter. Sun = 300. 5/8/1958 #15022 sees a brilliant white pinpoint of light materialize in the dark mass. It g 5/13/1958 #15031 course. He braces himself, but the light disappears, and the black cloud va 5/13/1958 #15031 Lauderdale, FL UFO sped away when light was shone at it. [UFOE, II] (NICAP 5/17/1958 #15041 Going quickly south when hit with light. / MJ#124. 5/18/1958 #15043 ch and the blinding phosphorescent light emanating from it. It had very lon 5/27/1958 #15056 ench and a blinding phosphorescent light that emanated from the creature. I 5/27/1958 #15057 , KAZAKH SSR 32+observer(s). Night light circles airfield. 2nd night light 5/30/1958 #15060 light circles airfield. 2nd night light joins. Going northwest. / LDLN#204 5/30/1958 #15060 , Kazakstan, USSR watched as a red light made the start of a pattern to lan 5/30/1958 #15062 minutes got smaller. A second red light joined the first, then they separa 5/30/1958 #15062 ilders have completed it, the only light visible from their star would be t 6/3/1958 #15077 thru) binoculars. Fuzzy oval night light zigzags overhead going quickly nor 6/4/1958 #15078 calm. A big orange-colored ball of light descended very quickly towards the 6/12/1958 #15092 GRIMSBY, ENGL 2 / light plane photograph 2M black dumbell. 6/29/1958 #15124 97 at about 17,000– 18,000 feet. A light like a “moving star” appears. It a 7/1958 #15130 ghting up the clouds above it. The light is a brilliant blue-white with two 7/1958 #15130 isual sighting of circling reddish light. [UFOE, III] (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 7/17/1958 #15146 ds. 25M domed saucer. White steady light and 2 colored beams going down. 50 8/1958 #15167 color, and pulsating with a weird light. He gets closer and the object asc 8/1958 #15171 great spectacle Teak had been. The light from the 28-mile-high blast is vis 8/11/1958 #15191 ke in perfect weather saw a bright light coming down. They stopped their bo 8/16/1958 #15202 eneva, Switzerland, watch a bright light descending. It comes to hover abou 8/16/1958 #15203 e afternoon when they saw a bright light coming down toward the lake. They 8/16/1958 #15204 RS, ON 2 observer(s). Patch / blue light / field. Only 1 observer(s) sees s 8/18/1958 #15213 y a young daughter, when he sees a light much brighter than Venus in the vi 8/18/1958 #15215 La Verde, Arg Light aircraft (Piper) engine increased 8/31/1958 #15234 of the 3,000 crew members notice a light following the aircraft carrier. Fi 9/1958 #15239 about 20 m wide, metallic, with a light similar to that of a red traffic l 9/1/1958 #15245 t similar to that of a red traffic light shining through the windows. The w 9/1/1958 #15245 t 20 meters wide, metallic, with a light similar to a red traffic light shi 9/1/1958 #15248 h a light similar to a red traffic light shining through the windows. The w 9/1/1958 #15248 visual (observation). Bright night light going west. Blue Book. No further 9/5/1958 #15252 netic effects). Small strong night light going down / 1M altitude. 90° turn 9/5/1958 #15253 Dull red 25M disk / 75M altitude. Light humming. AOK after. / r171. 9/20/1958 #15271 observers walk underneath.. hit by light. 10/1958 #15292 ntil the conductor shines a bright light on them. Immediately the objects s 10/3/1958 #15311 , WY 3 doctors. Large bright night light jerks and tumbles. Angular turns. 10/9/1958 #15331 tation/depot/facility. Many dots / light. 10/23/1958 #15369 s. The UFO flashes a beam of white light and they feel heat on their faces. 10/26/1958 #15385 han 200 m away for five min. A red light appeared at one end of the object, 10/31/1958 #15409 ay, for five minutes. It had a red light at one end that changed to a fiery 10/31/1958 #15410 bserver(s) drives under blue night light. Ammeter going [to] Max and more. 11/2/1958 #15417 Conway, NH Hovering light suddenly sped away. [UFOE, XII] (N 11/5/1958 #15428 e, Quebec several silver points of light flew in pairs and large groups. Je 11/6/1958 #15431 going up [to] vertical when porch light lit! 11/11/1958 #15436 droom floods with an amber-colored light and her three dogs begin barking. 11/11/1958 #15438 door to go out on a porch, but the light zooms straight up and out of sight 11/11/1958 #15438 it is a neighbor who has seen the light going toward her house. At 7:30 a. 11/11/1958 #15438 ow her well and tell her about the light they saw. In the evening, she find 11/11/1958 #15438 orrhages and sensitivity to bright light. She begins to wear sunglasses reg 11/11/1958 #15438 phere emitting a bluish, pulsating light, 12 m diameter, 7 m high, resting 11/23/1958 #15456 phere emitting a bluish, pulsating light, 12 meters diameter, seven meters 11/23/1958 #15457 nce Neosom of Tythan, which is 8.5 light years from Earth. He also answers Early 12/1958 #15468 n, from a dance they see a strange light in a glade on their right near Dom 12/20/1958 #15489 heir circulatory system; eyes were light blue and did not look different fr 1959 #15516 kles. Turns going southwest. Night light exits going quickly west. 1/3/1959 #15531 ling noise as it flew. A nocturnal light exited from the larger craft, and 1/3/1959 #15532 ennsylvania, when he sees a bright light approaching from the east and illu 1/13/1959 #15549 hts and radio go out. The object’s light illuminates an area about 300 feet 1/13/1959 #15549 lly coalesced into a single bright light. This light then hovered over his 1/13/1959 #15551 d into a single bright light. This light then hovered over his truck for se 1/13/1959 #15551 nd radio failed at this point. The light, which was too bright for Mr. ColI 1/13/1959 #15551 CLAIR, NZ Prof. astronomers. Night light going quickly west / 30-90 second( 1/18/1959 #15554 SWAN ISLAND Pan-AM crew. Red night light zigzags in front / DC6B. Quickly g 2/4/1959 #15577 nd, Gulf of Mexico, at Sea Reddish Light Performs Maneuvers Near Airplane ( 2/4/1959 #15579 r unsolved cases reexamined in the light of “greater scientific knowledge” 2/17/1959 #15591 California, when he sees a bright light shining in his bedroom window. The 2/24/1959 #15605 . Dark saucer / 150M altitude. Red light / top. No blimp in area. 2/25/1959 #15608 w) England 7:25 p.m. A pale-yellow light is seen by officials above one of 2/25/1959 #15615 hter Command Headquarters says the light fluctuates in intensity and is abo 2/25/1959 #15615 a dark disc-shaped UFO with a red light on top flew around for five minute 2/25/1959 #15616 r-shaped object directed a beam of light at some linemen workers in San Sal 2/28/1959 #15625 separate lights merge into one big light. They watch it recede for about 10 3/13/1959 #15641 y, Ohio at 11:45 p.m. It beeamed a light down, and descended to a low altit 3/14/1959 #15645 radio. Lights dimmed; unidentified light source seen ahead of car (NICAP: 0 3/19/1959 #15651 of a main road. Intense shafts of light are shining from two oval ports at 3/22/1959 #15665 llels their car at first, then the light shafts go out, and a circle of 8–1 3/22/1959 #15665 ape Frere and here. Separate night light report(s). 3/27/1959 #15673 etracts. Going down / rocks. Night light going quickly west. 3/28/1959 #15676 e. As he walked along he sighted a light coming down from the sky. The ligh 3/29/1959 #15678 ight coming down from the sky. The light approached and he saw an object ho 3/29/1959 #15678 ed and surrounded by a blue-violet light. It had a cupola on top that emitt 3/29/1959 #15678 n top that emitted bright beams of light. Fascinated, he watched as a stair 3/29/1959 #15678 reasury officer. Large green night light going up and down. Hovers. Going u 4/3/1959 #15690 port], Quebec, spot a red, glowing light hanging in the sky for a few minut 4/7/1959 #15694 ol Tower Operators, others saw red light which hovered over base, then dart 4/12/1959 #15698 ocal residents watch a red ball of light hovering above the airfield at 3,0 4/12/1959 #15699 vary from a black ball with a red light to a long red cigar. Radar does no 4/12/1959 #15699 he witnesses. It emitted a beam of light that searched the ground for a cou 4/23/1959 #15711 ng, the top part emitting a bright light. The object went away silently. Fe 4/29/1959 #15717 and all / airliner. Fireball night light going southwest / 15 second(s). Pl 5/13/1959 #15727 farm field. Orange glow and green light / side. Going / low altitude. 6/21/1959 #15778 e on its "deck" and a beam of blue light was emitted upward from it. The ob 6/26/1959 #15789 lear, stationary,” gives off a red light and disappears overhead into cloud 6/26/1959 #15790 nd, on the bottom. A shaft of blue light that shone upwards at a 45 degree 6/26/1959 #15791 ral observer(s). Silent 18M disk / light going northwest straight and level 7/8/1959 #15824 Moffatt) and crew saw a big bright light followed by 3-4 smaller lights (NI 7/11/1959 #15833 Hawaii, encounters a large bright light with 3–4 satellite lights in a lin 7/11/1959 #15834 ith dome illuminated area in green light, two beings visible in dome 7/13/1959 #15841 top height. It bathes her in green light. Two rows of jets around the middl 7/13/1959 #15842 o dead as residents see a flash of light and hear a loud vibrato noise. 7/14/1959 #15852 A light followed a Brazilian Air Force B-2 7/14/1959 #15854 At 6:30 p.m. a flashing light streaked to the north over the Nor 7/18/1959 #15859 10:30 p.m. they saw a bright white light hovering in the south-southeastern 7/19/1959 #15860 in the south-southeastern sky. The light went out, revealing a dark, sixty- 7/19/1959 #15860 southwest / 30kph. 700M altitude. Light buzz. Changes color(s). 180° turn 7/21/1959 #15866 wanaki, Papua New Guinea a beam of light shone down on men on the beach, li 7/25/1959 #15878 There are a dozen globes of yellow light circling about a foot above his be 8/1959 #15889 er daughter’s bed. She presses the light switch, and the lights turn into s 8/1959 #15889 urn into straight-edged streaks of light and disappear. There are no holes 8/1959 #15889 a.m. in Cullen, Chile had a bright light fly over his head and follow him, 8/2/1959 #15891 a by Mr. R. Smith. It had coherent light beams. There were green rays of li 8/4/1959 #15895 ht beams. There were green rays of light emanating from the base of the obj 8/4/1959 #15895 y ran out of fuel; they observed a light swinging like a pendulum, coming c 8/9/1959 #15897 icle, the girl spots a bright blue light around 7:54 p.m. that is swinging 8/9/1959 #15898 ng on end with two shafts of white light projecting from the bottom. A rose 8/9/1959 #15898 hile. At 7:54 p.m. they observed a light swinging in the sky like a pendulu 8/9/1959 #15899 dor, CAN Pilot saw large star-like light cross 53° of sky (NICAP: 11 - Avia 8/10/1959 #15901 at, on ground. One large star-like light crossed 53 degree of sky in 25 min 8/10/1959 #15902 0-year-old RCAF pilot saw a bright light fly from horizon to overhead at Go 8/10/1959 #15903 s and varying the intensity of its light. The motor and lights come back on 8/13/1959 #15914 tary pilot saw a very bright white light change color to red as it moved (N 8/14/1959 #15919 d their location, shining beams of light inside their car and illuminating 8/20/1959 #15932 C 2 ships Captains. White pillar / light going down. Black saucer shoots / 8/27/1959 #15940 ish Columbia saw a pillar of white light shoot up into the sky. A black dis 8/27/1959 #15941 Gills Rock, WI Round yellow light, with 8 blue lights in it, 5 large 9/13/1959 #15967 s: R.H. Daubner. One round yellow light, with eight blue lights within it, 9/13/1959 #15969 bert Dickerson sees a bright white light rapidly descending north of the ai 9/24/1959 #15987 tongues of red, yellow, and green light that extend and retract at irregul 9/24/1959 #15987 Cox, schoolteacher, saw a “bright light in the sky that spread to cover th 9/29/1959 #15997 and his son saw a brilliant white light hovering over a nearby building. T 9/29/1959 #16000 12 feet long and 8 feet high, and light blue in color. In the front of the 9/29/1959 #16000 brilliantly illuminated by a white light, he could see two small, seated in 9/29/1959 #16000 zczyński sees two large circles of light with another pair some 12 miles aw 9/30/1959 #16001 Telephone Ridge, OR Bright light approach hover about 30 mins, then 10/1/1959 #16006 round. “quarter sized,” blue-white light is seen in the sky. ARTC reports n 10/2/1959 #16011 erver(s). Round white-yellow night light. Abrupt turns. Very fast. / r143#4 10/6/1959 #16019 Lincoln, NE Round, white-yellow light make several abrupt turns at high 10/6/1959 #16020 and wife. One round, white-yellow light made several abrupt turns and flew 10/6/1959 #16021 a round yellowish-white nocturnal light southeast of Lincoln, Nebraska tha 10/6/1959 #16022 3. USAF pilot. Bright yellow night light buzzes T33. Dims and gone. / r242. 10/19/1959 #16038 Plainville, KS Bright yellowish light on collision course with the T-33 10/19/1959 #16040 e manager C.A. Cissman. One bright light approached, hovered about 30 minut 10/19/1959 #16041 jet trainer. One bright yellowish light came head-on at the T-33, the pilo 10/19/1959 #16042 T-33, the pilot avoided it and the light dimmed. Sighting lasted 30 second 10/19/1959 #16042 at 9:25 p.m. when a bright yellow light came directly head-on at him. The 10/19/1959 #16043 The T-33 pilot avoided it and the light then dimmed. The encounter lasted 10/19/1959 #16043 allic disc emitting a bluish-green light around its edge. The driver abrupt 10/22/1959 #16052 MT. GWOIRA, PAPUA NG Bright disk / light going northwest. Circles peak. Man 10/23/1959 #16055 k Case #6534. Vibrant bright night light hovers and away. 10/25/1959 (approximate) #16058 LE, NC AND MORE/OTHERS Blue ball / light paces car / miles. Stops with car 11/6/1959 #16081 gins to stall. Suddenly they see a light sapphire-colored band moving at hi 11/16/1959 #16089 just before sunrise. It reflected light from the Moon, and appeared to ski 11/20/1959 #16097 aucer with yellow lit dome. Spins. Light flashes. Going NNE. 11/24/1959 #16099 ct surrounded by halo with pulsing light. / Novidades. 11/24/1959 #16100 rm. White-glow cone-saucer / night light hovers. Going down [to] low. Going 11/28/1959 #16102 hings he does is discredit “Gerald Light” 1960's #16135 soldiers see a peculiarly colored light above the city. After hovering a w 1960 #16143 ry time one of them gets near, the light disappears from the radar screen, 1960 #16143 ent goes on for an hour before the light disappears for good. 1960 #16143 , Texas. They notice a pinpoint of light at their level 12 miles away over Early 1960 #16146 cCarran Field, Las Vegas NV A blue light, which raced silently across the L 1/3/1960 #16149 oyee Jack McMillen who spotted the light at about 11:05 p.m. A departing pr 1/3/1960 #16149 Mesa reported observing a similar light. Their reports of the object to Sa 1/3/1960 #16149 an tower. McMillen said he saw the light for about two or perhaps three sec 1/3/1960 #16149 its pilot had also seen a strange light. 1/3/1960 #16149 linder/cylindrical object with red light west going east stops / 8 minute(s 2/5/1960 #16165 see a bright “cherry-red, circular light.” Two service- station attendants 2/5/1960 #16168 it— everybody was looking” as the light hovers for at least 5 minutes over 2/5/1960 #16168 appears and dissipates. As the red light is extinguished, an object describ 2/6/1960 #16169 ards. A few seconds later, the red light appears about 1,000 feet above Sun 2/6/1960 #16169 reball or black Saturn saucer with light ring blows smoke / rear. 2/17/1960 #16179 Y 5 Air Traffic Controllers. Night light trails white fan shape. Slow 3-4 m 2/27/1960 #16183 Rome AFB, NY Light trailing a white fan shape make a 2/27/1960 #16184 d four other tower operators. One light trailing a white fan shape, made a 2/27/1960 #16185 A nocturnal light trailed after a white, fan-shaped 2/27/1960 #16187 aw a round object, with a rotating light on top, land on the shore. The sou Spring 1960 #16201 other on the south side. A bright light illuminates the entire area. Three 3/24/1960 #16206 Avafors / location unknown. Night light going south slow. Curves up then d 3/31/1960 #16209 -neuverable elliptical object, red light beams swept ground (NICAP UFOE, V) 4/13/1960 #16226 aneuverable elliptical object, red light beams swept ground 4/13/1960 #16227 X-(seen thru) telescope. Red night light turns in sky. High and distant. 4/17/1960 #16230 d make sharp turns. A strong white light beam shone down from the balls of 4/25/1960 #16243 beam shone down from the balls of light (BOL), which had a red glow. They 4/25/1960 #16243 e-to-edge, had a shining stripe of light around its center, three portholes 4/27/1960 #16244 ct follows donkey herd going east. Light / top. Low and silent. Quickly goi 5/13/1960 #16262 fishing boat. 3 observer(s). Blue light going down. Going southwest. 5/13/1960 #16263 angle by a church. A strong bluish light is on top of it. The same day, 20 5/13/1960 #16266 que and smoky, but it had a bright light at the center. It was seen by many 5/13/1960 #16268 ation marked as (3). The UFO had a light on its top, and flew low and silen 5/13/1960 #16270 ost circular, with a strong bluish light on top, flew noiseless and then ho 5/13/1960 #16271 meters in diameter with a powerful light, maneuvering and hovering in the s 5/13/1960 #16273 , 20 m in diameter with a powerful light, maneuvering and hovering. 5/14/1960 #16275 meters in diameter with a powerful light, maneuvering and hovering in the s 5/14/1960 #16277 A red light 10 feet in diameter paced the Lewi 5/14/1960 #16278 llows coast going southeast. Night light follows later. 5/17/1960 #16280 tes later a luminous green ball of light was spotted along the coastline in 5/17/1960 #16281 oastline to the southeast. Another light followed along after it a short ti 5/17/1960 #16281 straight/strait(s) up. Reappears. Light / ground. 6/10/1960 (approximate) #16310 the ground with an intense beam of light. His dog ran away in fear. Later t 6/10/1960 #16311 kakee, Illinois, see the landscape light up with a bright blue light as a b 7/2/1960 #16327 dscape light up with a bright blue light as a ball of fire approaches out o 7/2/1960 #16327 eir car dragging a trail of bluish light behind it. The inside of the car h 7/2/1960 #16327 nd who are asleep in the back. The light gradually fades and disappears in 7/2/1960 #16327 St. Louis, MO Round, bright red light fly overhead, stop, hover, and bac 7/19/1960 #16339 T.L. Ochs. One round, bright red light flew overhead, stopped and hovered 7/19/1960 #16340 orted watching a round, bright red light that flew overhead, stopped and ho 7/19/1960 #16341 haped object passed by slowly. Its light was so intense it caused eye irrit 7/31/1960 #16352 -edge descends / garden. 3 beams / light / center. Haze and gas. P279. 8/1960 #16357 er with a pulsating halo of yellow light. Three beams of light came from a 8/1960 #16361 lo of yellow light. Three beams of light came from a central opening. A sor 8/1960 #16361 third witness encountered a purple light while driving between Difques and 8/2/1960 #16364 uff, CA Police, vehicle encounter, light beam, E-M, maneuvers, cat-and-mous 8/13/1960 #16378 ut to be a maneuvering, silent red light with five white lights, descending 8/13/1960 #16380 . 2 white lights / front and amber light / rear. / r28p348. 8/17/1960 #16401 te Falls, Oregon, see a pale-white light hovering 300 feet ahead of them. T Late 8/1960 #16416 , then decide to drive closer. The light then rises to 100 feet and recedes Late 8/1960 #16416 to orange. No sound is heard. The light performs geometrical maneuvers, cr Late 8/1960 #16416 gure, about 6 feet tall, holding a light at chest level. The figure is squa Late 8/1960 #16417 lar formation of lights with a red light in the center. 9/8/1960 #16438 Ridgecrest, CA 2 light gray glowing objects, saucer or bo 9/10/1960 #16440 sses: Mr. and Mrs. M.G. Evans. Two light gray glowing objects, saucer or bo 9/10/1960 #16441 . and Mrs. M. G. Evans sighted two light gray glowing objects, saucer or bo 9/10/1960 #16444 king a coffee break when he sees a light that he thinks is the Echo 1 satel 9/14/1960 #16446 clear day. Glows and moves. Beams light. 10/1960 #16470 Mount Kisco, NY Bright, star-like light move across 120° of sky (NICAP: 01 10/5/1960 #16479 . Crossland. One bright, star-like light moved across 120^ of sky in 20 sec 10/5/1960 #16480 nnier, 45, was awakened by a green light illuminating his room. He went to 11/13/1960 #16501 ade no sound, and shafts of orange light periodically shot out from the obj 11/13/1960 #16502 hula Vista, CA Orange-red point of light, with white sparkler-like light (N 11/27/1960 #16514 of light, with white sparkler-like light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 11/27/1960 #16514 L.M. Hart. One orange-red point of light made huge circles and stopped duri 11/27/1960 #16515 rod attached, and a flashing white light ran back and forth along the rod. 11/27/1960 #16516 an object with a bright, pulsating light was seen by Francis Ridge, a NICAP 11/29/1960 #16518 Kyushu (South of), Japan Light Paces T-33 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation C 11/29/1960 #16519 ying a T-33 jet trainer. One white light 8lowed and paralleled the course o 11/29/1960 #16520 USAF T-33 trainer sighted a white light flying south of Kyushu, Japan. The 11/29/1960 #16522 al lights exchanged green beams of light in the sky over Cottonwood, Minnes 12/25/1960 #16538 o, Japan T-33 Crew Observed Bright Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 12/29/1960 #16542 ar Benjamin, Texas by two men in a light plane. It followed their Beech Deb 1/10/1961 #16576 REE ISL.SCOTLAND 1 observer. Night light going quickly [to] against wind. L 2/10/1961 #16598 /orb/globe maneuvers slowly. Beams light ahead. Goes behind trees. 2/27/1961 #16604 ery-red, round object, preceded by light rays (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 2/27/1961 #16608 ery-red, round object, preceded by light rays, slowed and descended, while 2/27/1961 #16609 ht at 10:15 p.m. a red sphere with light rays projecting out ahead of it wa 2/27/1961 #16610 GARATTA AND TALLANGATTA, VCT Night light maneuvers / wide area near Hume re 3/10/1961 #16623 railer with four windows and a red light at the end standing by the water. 3/16/1961 #16632 lville, New Jersey, watch a bright light silently moving northward. It hove Spring 1961 #16637 nd passenger saw an intense bright light rise (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Cod 3/23/1961 #16639 ry observer(s). Small disc / night light paces USAF jet. / r185. 4/24/1961 #16658 One reddish-white, round object or light, similar to satellite. Observed f 4/24/1961 #16660 Newark, OH Boy filmed unidentified light. [NICAP UFOE, VIII] (NICAP: 08 - P 5/29/1961 #16703 eral observer(s). Blue-white night light maneuvers erratically / 5 minute(s 6/2/1961 #16708 Jima Air Station, Japan Blue-white light fly erratic course at varying spee 6/2/1961 #16710 tive D.W. Mattison. One blue-white light flew erratic course at varying spe 6/2/1961 #16711 W. Mattison, sighted a blue-white light that flew an erratic course at var 6/2/1961 #16712 no response. When they focus a red light on it, the object moves toward the 6/5/1961 #16721 nearby high cliff an intensely red light that remains motionless until it b 7/1961 #16740 ve windows through which an orange light was shining, hovered about 20 m ab 7/3/1961 #16744 dows through which a bright orange light was shining, and it hovered about 7/3/1961 #16745 r(s). Metallic double-bowl saucer. Light flashes. Going up [to] slow and go 7/7/1961 #16748 Hilley saw a large flying ball of light slow down and split into four part 7/7/1961 #16752 In Beulah, Michigan a bluish-white light with a faint rotating beacon insid 7/8/1961 #16755 went behind the trees. Soon, a red light followed by a white object emerged 7/8/1961 #16755 Springfield, OH Round bright light like shiny aluminum, pass overhead 7/11/1961 #16758 and neighbors. One round, bright light like shiny aluminum, passed overhe 7/11/1961 #16759 neighbors sighted a round, bright light like shiny aluminum pass overhead. 7/11/1961 #16761 ound radar. Two very bright white light or objects flew in trail formation 7/20/1961 #16768 RTH / MADRAS, OR 2 / car. Blinding light / US97. No likely source. Goes out 9/10/1961 (approximate) #16824 astronomers and more/others. Night light circles all over/all about border 9/11/1961 #16828 when they stopped to investigate a light following their car. They became a 9/19/1961 #16852 New Hampshire, Betty sees a bright light moving upward and erratically, gro 9/19/1961 #16857 n he sees a blinding, multicolored light. After a few seconds it rises quic Autumn 1961 #16869 inds an area of singed grass and a light imprint in the soil. Autumn 1961 #16869 ealor saw a large sphere of orange light rise ahead of him on the road. He 9/30/1961 #16880 ealor saw a large sphere of orange light on the road while riding his bicyc 9/30/1961 #16882 he takes off, he notices that the light is still in the same location. He 10/2/1961 #16889 pproach a canyon they see that the light is traveling along in front of the 10/21/1961 #16922 n at 7:00 p.m. when they saw a red light in the sky and stopped. Lights in 11/22/1961 #16973 lowed field; it had a bright white light on each tip and the lower one was 11/22/1961 #16973 o Sul, Brazil, when he sees a huge light 900 feet away. As he walks toward Late 11/1961 #16979 itude going [to] overhead. Pulsing light beneath. 12/13/1961 #16989 e of the objects emitted a ball of light. The pilot, Mr. Matsumura, took ph 12/21/1961 #17002 Yuma, Arizona, when they notice a light moving erratically at the top of a 1962 #17007 as "a body giving off a brilliant light. . . moving at great altitude as i 2/11/1962 #17047 Kotzebue, AK Red light, trailed 30 secs later by a blue l 2/25/1962 #17060 t, trailed 30 secs later by a blue light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 2/25/1962 #17060 six anonymous civilians. One red light, trailed 30 seconds later by a blu 2/25/1962 #17061 trailed 30 seconds later by a blue light. Sighting lasted 5 minutes. 2/25/1962 #17061 s in Kotzbue, Alaska sighted a red light in the night sky at 7:20 p.m. It w 2/25/1962 #17062 ollowed 30 seconds later by a blue light. The entire sighting lasted five m 2/25/1962 #17062 sees a stationary flashing yellow light around the same time. 3/25/1962 #17080 7° 22' north-103° 18' east. Rays / light move and rotate underwater. No fur 3/31/1962 #17091 MONTAGUT, SP Night light zigzags over farmer at 15M altitud 4/7/1962 #17102 d object directed a strong beam of light over two cars on a highway between 4/11/1962 #17109 at the object is a glowing ball of light about the size of a soccer ball. H 4/18/1962 #17120 overs / tilt. Absolute(ly) still / light winds. Shoots going quickly south. 4/20/1962 #17123 arent dome on top, shafts of white light directed downward from base. Cente 4/24/1962 #17126 d object emitting flashes of green light moving over the roofs of nearby ho 4/24/1962 #17127 which come shafts of bright white light. They drive back home to alert her 4/24/1962 #17127 Ft. Worth, TX Egg shaped light crossing the sky brighter than the 4/28/1962 #17134 ing intermittent yellow-green blue light, who delivered to him a peace mess 4/30/1962 #17139 ermittent yellowish-green and blue light. They delivered to him a message o 4/30/1962 #17142 in a drizzling rain when a bright light, first thought to be from a car, a 5/1962 #17145 nded. It was round with a blinking light, and stayed there about one hour b 5/1962 #17145 tina, when they see a lantern-like light resting in a nearby field. It brig 5/12/1962 #17165 ANA, ARG Several / meeting. Strong light / ground rises and away. More obje 5/13/1962 #17167 emitting a powerful, multicolored light. They enter a fog and see through 5/13/1962 #17171 5 a.m. One object--a fiery ball of light 30 meters in diameter--came down t 5/13/1962 #17173 . Brilliant blue and yellow ball / light maneuvers / all directions. Going 5/20/1962 #17181 ntist, others, watched maneuvering light source, brilliant blue changing to 5/20/1962 #17182 . Solid self-luminous silent night light SSW going quickly northwest. Jerky 5/30/1962 (approximate) #17212 East Antarctica A brilliant white light, approximately 20 times brighter t 6/7/1962 #17221 ion than the first. A “flare-like” light approaches the second and seems to 6/25/1962 #17245 ense cold and perceived a greenish light in the room. In the window a sharp 6/26/1962 #17248 us baldhead, surrounded by a green light. It was extending huge hands in he 6/26/1962 #17249 Richmond, VA Saw a red, star-like light for unspecified length of time (NI 6/30/1962 #17254 ar old Meadors. One red, star-like light seen for an unspecified length of 6/30/1962 #17255 , East Antarctica, sees an intense light followed by two smaller lights pas 7/7/1962 #17265 in the dirt. The youth saw a white light low in the sky in the direction th 7/26/1962 #17290 south. The UFOs gave off a bluish light. The teachers said they also emitt 7/27/1962 #17292 each end of the object, exchanging light signals. After ten minutes they go 7/30/1962 #17306 Salta, Argentina, when they see a light against the mountains to the west. 8/1962 #17309 d green lights came on and a white light beam like a searchlight played tow 8/1/1962 #17313 o the air and began to rotate, its light becoming more intensely red. At la 8/1/1962 #17313 es, Argentina, see an unidentified light approaching the airport. They call 8/2/1962 #17317 from home in a hurry and sees the light circling at high speed. Harvey ord 8/2/1962 #17317 s a landing strip freed up but the light, apparently a spherical object, co 8/2/1962 #17317 ve off flashes of violet and green light. It shot off toward the west. 8/5/1962 #17322 LE, AZ Separate observer(s). Night light going down [to] over Titan missile 8/7/1962 (approximate) #17325 an missile silo. Jets chase. Night light away and back. Then going up. 8/7/1962 (approximate) #17325 Oracle, Arizona, sees a brilliant light descending over the site. He is jo 8/7/1962 #17328 He is joined by a colleague as the light gets larger. Both men go inside an 8/7/1962 #17328 ors. When the aircraft arrive, the light takes off to the north and disappe 8/7/1962 #17328 the jets circle and head back, the light returns, descends toward the silo, 8/7/1962 #17328 t just before midnight a nocturnal light was sighted over a Titan nuclear m 8/7/1962 #17329 scrambled to chase the object. The light flew away and came back, then rose 8/7/1962 #17329 R ASTRONOMER / NY Small oval night light / dark portion / moon. Moves with 8/12/1962 #17332 rd sleeps through the event) see a light against the mountains to the west Late 8/1962 #17361 ity. Suddenly he is paralyzed by a light beam from an unseen object, appare 8/26/1962 #17362 on of 6 white lights and one green light pass silently over Philadelphia, P 8/26/1962 #17363 a fast for peace until he sends a “light elevator” to take her to Jupiter. 9/1962 #17379 two figures over 2.10 m tall. The light from their belts prevented him fro 9/5/1962 #17386 ell policemen reported a brilliant light in the sky. [NICAP UFO Evidence] ( 9/18/1962 #17412 nd North Haledon, watched a bright light revolving and moving up and down a 9/21/1962 #17425 ing a bright star-like object with light beams coming from it. [NICAP UFO E 9/21/1962 #17426 tigate and see a half-dollar-sized light on his bed. The spot stays visible Fall 1962 #17434 but she can find no source for the light. It then just switches off and doe Fall 1962 #17434 g, a Hawthorne patrolman watched a light approach, hover for 15 minutes and 9/24/1962 #17437 oses Lake, Washington, see a white light hovering a few hundred feet in the 10/2/1962 #17452 (electro-magnetic effects). Night light going up [to] and going quickly so 10/10/1962 #17461 Several one meter wide balls of light maneuvered around houses in Jackso 10/10/1962 #17464 Argentina at 8:00 p.m. A nocturnal light lifted off from the ground and hea 10/10/1962 #17465 late that the signal source was 11 light years away, perhaps the Epsilon Er 11/13/1962 #17545 ed civilization is several hundred light years away from earth. From there, 11/15/1962 #17548 e road project a brilliant beam of light on the road. When they got closer 11/26/1962 #17563 or, the man sees a bright-red spot light up. It gets so bright that he poin 12/1/1962 #17568 , Venezuela Bright teardrop-shaped light apparently rising from jungle floo 12/21/1962 #17599 separate observer(s). 800mph night light lands by quarry. Traces / soil. 12/28/1962 #17618 N, ARG DC4 pilot. UFO beams strong light. 1 engine quits. / Flying Saucer R 1/1963 #17622 a UFO. The UFO projected a beam of light at the aircraft, and one of the pl 1/3/1963 #17626 , emitted a vertical beam of green light. 1/11/1963 #17633 emitting a vertical beam of green light. 1/11/1963 #17634 d emitted a vertical beam of green light. 1/11/1963 #17635 4 windows, emitting yellow-orange light (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: 1/28/1963 #17642 r windows, emitted a yellow-orange light, and eventually left toward Rugby. 1/28/1963 #17644 and newsman. Pulsing yellow night light plays with plane. / r78p193. 2/5/1963 #17649 , watched a pulsating yellow-white light maneuver around their plane. [UFOE 2/5/1963 #17652 Montibello, VA Very Bright Light On Horizon Seen By Pilot of C-46 ( 2/6/1963 #17656 direction, had a blue color and no light. It took off faster than a jet, af 2/15/1963 #17667 TRENTON, NJ Teen. Blob / light 200M away. Splits going [to] 2 sau 2/21/1963 #17675 Oahu, HI Brilliant light headed west and leaving a trail ob 3/11/1963 #17698 everal oval portholes he could see light inside. A man with a fair complexi 3/13/1963 #17705 everal oval portholes he could see light inside. A man with a fair complexi 3/13/1963 #17706 ameter, with two aerials and a red light flashing, emitting a low buzz, nea 5/7/1963 #17735 had two aerials and a red flashing light, and it was emitting a low buzzing 5/7/1963 #17736 lymouth, NZ White, fuzzy, flashing light hover and dart around (NICAP: 01 - 5/18/1963 #17749 o within six meters of it a bright light dazzled him. The five-meter long o 5/19/1963 #17751 f it, then was blinded by a strong light as his car suddenly stopped. The o 5/20/1963 #17753 rossed the road and flew away. The light was as intense as that of a welder 5/20/1963 #17753 , and then was blinded by a strong light as his car suddenly stopped. The o 5/20/1963 #17754 rossed the road and flew away. The light was as intense as a welder's torch 5/20/1963 #17754 EAR MT. GAMBIER, SOUTH AUSTR Night light / roadside going up [to] and hover 5/21/1963 #17755 nconfirmed report that a brilliant light followed a car. A youth stated the 5/21/1963 #17756 multicolored object, the size of a light truck, was reported to have landed 6/4/1963 #17776 a multicolored UFO, the size of a light truck, was reported to have landed 6/4/1963 #17777 setts woman spotted a yellow-white light that looked to be plunging into th 6/13/1963 #17782 orted. She watched the maneuvering light for at least 10-15 minutes. When i 6/13/1963 #17782 BURLINGTON, MASS White night light going down. Turns silver. Circles. 6/19/1963 #17794 rlington, MA An unidentified white light was observed descending, changing 6/19/1963 #17795 tte, partly illuminated by a white light on top and orange light on bottom. 6/26/1963 #17807 by a white light on top and orange light on bottom. [Witnesses interviewed 6/26/1963 #17807 nty. The time-lapsed photo shows a light making ninety-degree turns, and wa 6/26/1963 #17811 observer / theodolite. Small night light flashes and maneuvers / sky / 90 m 7/1/1963 #17820 Glen Ellyn, IL Theodolite saw a light, the size of a match head at arm's 7/1/1963 #17821 tiles, ll, using a theodolite. One light, the size of a match head at arm's 7/1/1963 #17822 / RIANS, FR 3 / car. Silent ball / light follows car going southeast. Circl 7/15/1963 (approximate) #17829 silvery object with a flashing red light on top, at 20 m altitude. It had t 7/22/1963 #17847 nd brother and sister also see the light, which finally becomes indistingui 8/4/1963 #17863 humming, yellowish orange ball of light on Highway 15 at 11:30 p.m. It pac 8/4/1963 #17864 yne City and Mount Vernon by white light. The UFO made a humming sound as i 8/5/1963 #17868 SANFORD, FL Night light changes colors. Moves going up [to 8/6/1963 #17869 directions. Pulses. Flare / green light. 8/6/1963 #17869 irst as a red, then a white moving light. The UFO engaged in gyrations, pul 8/6/1963 #17873 nce emitted a flare of green-white light. The sighting lasted several minut 8/6/1963 #17873 ed a large, bright red oval-shaped light making a "whirring sound" follow a 8/9/1963 #17881 g in the parking lot when a bright light appears above them, bathing everyo 8/10/1963 #17882 he object is a large panel of blue light. They watch it for 3 minutes then 8/10/1963 #17882 Warrenville, IL Boersma saw a light move around the sky (NICAP: 01 - D 8/11/1963 #17884 linois Witness: R.M. Boersma. One light moved around the sky for 20 second 8/11/1963 #17885 t four hours. The glowing balls of light then flew up into a large ovoid UF 8/11/1963 #17886 evening R. M. Boersma saw a white light move around the sky for 20 seconds 8/11/1963 #17887 ible along its length, and rays of light shone upward from each end of the 8/13/1963 #17895 CHINA Small object beams terrific light / homes and people. Going east. Tu 8/15/1963 (approximate) #17902 KLEIN-REIFLING, AUSTRIA Night light zigzags. Compass spins wildly. Mot 8/24/1963 #17917 ground along two vertical beams of light. He walked with a strange, swingin 8/28/1963 #17920 UFO shoots out two rays of yellow light. One of the cyclops appears betwee 8/28/1963 #17922 oots Fernando’s hand with a yellow light from a triangular crest on his che 8/28/1963 #17922 hich shoots out two rays of yellow light again. The cyclops slowly floats b 8/28/1963 #17922 he ground on two vertical beams of light. He walked with a strange, swingin 8/28/1963 #17924 there. The object has a controlled light and smoke or steam appears on its 9/12/1963 #17932 Bedford, OH Intense oblong light with tapered ends (NICAP: 01 - Dis 10/4/1963 #17978 Carpenter, 15. One intense oblong light with tapered ends and surrounded b 10/4/1963 #17979 over his body. He sees a brilliant light in front of him. Temporarily blind 10/12/1963 #17987 suddenly blinded by a vivid white light which enveloped his vehicle. Simul 10/12/1963 #17988 ct with portholes emitting a harsh light. Picking up his revolver, he fired 10/12/1963 #17988 under siege by 2 disks giving off light beams which heated up their house. 10/21/1963 #17995 a a house. When witneses flashed a light, the house was flooded with a stro 10/21/1963 #17996 six objects had a white and a red light beam, measured 8 m in diameter, an 10/21/1963 #17996 on or tube. When witnesses flash a light at the object, the house is floode 10/21/1963 #17997 er, have a white and a red beam of light, and leave a cloud of white smoke 10/21/1963 #17997 a house. When witnesses flashed a light at the object the house was floode 10/21/1963 #17998 in diameter, had a white and a red light beam, and left a cloud of white sm 10/21/1963 #17998 CUPAR, FIFE, SCOT 2 kids. Night light very high goes north going south. 10/24/1963 #18005 Cupar Fife, Scotland Light move for an unspecified length of 10/24/1963 #18006 cLean (12) and G. McLean (8). One light moved for an unspecified length of 10/24/1963 #18007 and G. McLean, age 8 saw a moving light in the sky for an unspecified leng 10/24/1963 #18008 sses reported seeing a maneuvering light at the time of the sighting. (NICA 10/31/1963 #18014 ed lights, which came close to his light truck, flew ahead of him, then dep 10/31/1963 #18015 dependently reported a maneuvering light. 10/31/1963 #18015 dependently reported a maneuvering light. 10/31/1963 #18018 ering across the northern sky. The light moved rapidly, slowed and seemed t 11/3/1963 #18026 first appeared as a white flashing light. At times the object seemed to hav 11/12/1963 #18034 oached and flashed their squad car light. Then a flashing red light became 11/12/1963 #18034 uad car light. Then a flashing red light became visible on the UFO. The obj 11/12/1963 #18034 ther residents reported a flashing light and "high-pitched" or "whining" no 11/12/1963 #18034 SANDLING PARK, KENT 4 teens. Night light going down / trees. Headless mansi 11/16/1963 #18043 ortly thereafter, a bright, golden light was seen 80 m away, floating 3 m a 11/16/1963 #18044 s later, they see a bright, golden light in a field about 240 feet away, fl 11/16/1963 #18045 ereafter they saw a bright, golden light some 15-20 feet wide that was seen 11/16/1963 #18046 A NEAR ABERDEEN, SCOT Flashing red light, 20' over sea. Sinks without trace 11/20/1963 #18049 It appeared to be surrounded by a light haze. The glowing object sped acro 11/20/1963 #18051 collier Thrift see a flashing red light as they are traveling south in the 11/20/1963 #18052 MI A motorist stopped at a traffic light about 9:30 a.m., noticed a strange 12/2/1963 #18062 t bathes the area in intense green light from a height of 10 feet, then dis 12/10/1963 #18072 h the ground and area with a green light beam. 12/10/1963 #18073 onomer / college Dean Dolan. Night light hovers flashes and slows down. 12/11/1963 #18074 R Professor saw a bright star-like light hover, slow, dim and flash (NICAP: 12/11/1963 #18075 eld College. One bright, star-like light hovered, slowed, dimmed and flashe 12/11/1963 #18076 ollege watched a bright, star-like light slow, hover, dim and flash for one 12/11/1963 #18077 r(s) / military plane. White night light blinks 2-3x / second(s) crossing s 12/16/1963 #18083 and (800 miles N of), At Sea White light blink 2-3 times per second moving 12/16/1963 #18085 rd a military aircraft. One white light blinked 2-3 times per second as it 12/16/1963 #18086 HA, NZ Moon-size red double-ring / light going west slow. Pulses / regular 12/28/1963 #18100 . It is a ghostly, pulsating white light that is rotating in a clockwise di 1/23/1964 #18117 seems to be “miles across.” As the light wheel moves to the ship’s port sid 1/23/1964 #18117 ship’s port side, another rotating light approaches the ship’s starboard si 1/23/1964 #18117 South Australia awoke to a bright light in her room. She saw a man approxi 2/3/1964 #18126 RABAUL, PAPUA-NG 2 / home. Globe / light in bedroom. 2 extra doors to Veran 2/19/1964 #18133 twice took evasive action. A third light joined the first two and they move 2/25/1964 #18137 s. Many abduction elements come to light: telepathic commands, semen extrac 3/7/1964 #18145 ectangular formation, with a white light above, were near the ground, tilte 4/3/1964 #18157 ectangular formation, with a white light above, near the ground about one m 4/3/1964 #18158 consin. There was an intense white light above the four red lights, apparen 4/3/1964 #18159 t on the horizon. A flash of white light erupts from its end and shoots for 4/11/1964 #18169 e area was illuminated by a bluish light "as bright as day," and a round ob 4/22/1964 #18183 nated as bright as day by a bluish light. Then a disc-shaped object buzzed 4/22/1964 #18185 y from Golden, New Mexico, watch a light come down from the sky and leave t 4/25/1964? #18205 en a 25-30 foot wide UFO, luminous light green in color, came down and hove 4/28/1964 #18218 Chicago, IL 3 light green crescent-shaped objects (NIC 5/9/1964 #18252 .S. District Court reporter. Three light green crescent-shaped objects, abo 5/9/1964 #18254 rict Court reporter, sighted three light green crescent-shaped objects, hal 5/9/1964 #18256 La Rioja, Arg Light beam, landed craft, humming noise, 5/10/1964 #18258 more/others. Vibrant bright night light going SSE. 360° turn. Going quickl 5/18/1964 #18281 airport sighted a yellowish white light in the sky traveling through the s 5/18/1964 #18285 f Ranchland, Texas, a large bright light is seen directly over the facility 5/21/1964 #18289 he facility below 10,000 feet. The light is bright enough to light up the s 5/21/1964 #18289 eet. The light is bright enough to light up the silo cap. Its apparent size 5/21/1964 #18289 . The object emitted four beams of light. The grass had been flattened at t 5/22/1964 #18291 Pleasantview, PA Yellow-orange light, shaped like the bottom of a ball 5/26/1964 #18303 Rev. H.C. Shaw. One yellow-orange light, shaped like the bottom of a ball, 5/26/1964 #18305 -like object emitting hazy whitish light from the underside. A smaller disc 5/26/1964 #18307 v. H. C. Shaw sees a yellow-orange light shaped like the bottom of a ball i 5/26/1964 #18308 At 11:00 p.m. a yellow-orange light shaped like the bottom of a ball ( 5/26/1964 #18311 British Columbia, when they see a light above a mountain across the lake t 6/1964 #18314 the road ahead of them. Its bright light went out, leaving only a violet co 6/5/1964 #18332 out, leaving only a violet colored light. After 20 minutes of no activity, 6/5/1964 #18332 de in Cleveland, Ohio. The ball of light ascended at a 45-degree angle, and 6/5/1964 #18333 small lights. It also emitted blue light beams. 6/5/1964 #18333 . It had a dome from which colored light emanated (blue turning to red) and 6/8/1964 #18338 urning to red) and bands of yellow light. The object was lost to sight behi 6/8/1964 #18338 rning to red), and bands of yellow light. The object went out of sight behi 6/8/1964 #18339 ff's spotlight by beaming a ray of light into the patrol car. 6/8/1964 #18340 ed the object giving off bursts of light once per second. It took off again 6/12/1964 #18348 a stationary rectangular dark red light about 50 cm square. To their amaze 6/14/1964 #18358 aw the larger object scoop up this light and vanish at high speed. 6/14/1964 #18358 in diameter domed disc with a red light on the bottom hovered 20 feet away 6/15/1964 #18364 s trip when he notices a brilliant light in the sky. It is moving towards h 6/30/1964 #18386 EAST / SICILY Romanian Navy. Night light maneuvers frantically inside white 7/3/1964 (approximate) #18393 he upper part. As it left, a green light illuminated the countryside. A pow 7/7/1964 #18397 e lights go out. A brilliant green light then shines from the bottom, illum 7/7/1964 #18398 saucer rises / trees. Beams cone / light going down. / r24 v2#12. 7/20/1964 #18426 15M altitude. Rim glows. 3 beams / light. / r41+/ r8#618. 7/27/1964 #18440 nt, and three beams of very bright light were emitted before it flew off at 7/27/1964 #18446 n a field when they saw an intense light, cone-shaped, emitted from the gro 7/28/1964 #18456 emitted from the ground. A similar light was observed in the sky when the o 7/28/1964 #18456 ameter, with one red and one white light, then appeared and descended to gr 7/28/1964 #18456 ashington when they saw an intense light, cone-shaped, emitted from the gro 7/28/1964 #18457 emitted from the ground. A similar light was observed in the sky when the o 7/28/1964 #18457 everse took place: the cone-shaped light in the sky emitted a burst which w 7/28/1964 #18457 ameter, with one red and one white light, then appeared and descended to gr 7/28/1964 #18457 the densely wooded area where the light was seen was explored from a helic 7/28/1964 #18457 ucer skims roofs / 80kph. Flashing light / dark dome. Light zigzags. 8/1964 #18463 80kph. Flashing light / dark dome. Light zigzags. 8/1964 #18463 otices a strange, colorful ball of light coming from the sky. The light app 8/1964 #18466 of light coming from the sky. The light approaches and turns out to be an 8/1964 #18466 er mountains. Beams going up / 45° light trees and road. 8/9/1964 #18471 Project Bluebook Case #9031. Night light circles airport. Blinks. Maneuvers 8/10/1964 #18473 ake Island Saw a reddish, blinking light approach the runway (NICAP: 01 - D 8/10/1964 #18474 port plane. One reddish, blinking light approached the runway, stopped and 8/10/1964 #18475 Wake Island Blinking red light approached air base runway, hovere 8/10/1964 #18476 when they sighted a red, blinking light approach the airfield runway. The 8/10/1964 #18477 approach the airfield runway. The light stopped and made several reverses 8/10/1964 #18477 pson takes evasive action, and the light makes a right turn and disappears. 8/18/1964 #18497 slow. Lights / corners. Small red light / bottom/underside. 8/22/1964 #18503 noculars he can see a steady white light at each corner. A small green ligh 8/22/1964 #18505 ight at each corner. A small green light is also on one corner and a red li 8/22/1964 #18505 ht is also on one corner and a red light in the center. The object moves sl 8/22/1964 #18505 rs near ground / power substation. Light roar. 8/25/1964 #18507 ee blinking red lights and a white light. 8/25/1964 #18509 blinking red lights, a solid white light, and lights on the rim was sighted 8/25/1964 #18510 en-foot in diameter yellow ball of light crossed highway in front of a car 8/28/1964 #18518 axis before emitting four beams of light onto the warhead. The UAP then lef 9/1964 #18525 GLASSBORO, NJ Red night light lands / woods and goes. Burnt crat 9/4/1964 #18527 apple orchard where they saw a red light land in the woods, and then take o 9/4/1964 #18534 ced a domed object with a blinking light on top descend and land. Two short 9/4/1964 #18535 t of pillar and emitted a blinding light. He caught sight of two figures mo 9/5/1964 #18537 The creatures appeared to fear the light from flaming objects thrown at the 9/5/1964 #18538 r the night. Later he sees a white light zigzagging at low altitude and, th 9/5/1964 #18539 ires to attract its attention. The light turns toward him and stops about 5 9/5/1964 #18539 ical pillar, giving out a blinding light. Near it the witness, Mr. Dagota, 9/5/1964 #18540 a pillar, and gave off a blinding light. Nearby the UFO the witness, Mr. C 9/6/1964 #18542 the sky horizontally. It had a red light revolving around its perimeter. 9/6/1964 #18543 OWIE, AZ 2 / car. Brilliant disk / light over Chiricahua Mountains. Shoots 10/9/1964 #18576 Chiricahua Mountains. Shoots fan / light going up. 10/9/1964 #18576 hat is going on. They see a silent light that moves very quickly (instant s Late 1964 #18583 e Page watches a sparkling ball of light that maneuvers around her yard, il 10/29/1964 #18595 ARK, CA Several observer(s). Night light plays / woods. Responds / light si 11/3/1964 #18604 ht light plays / woods. Responds / light signals. / MJ#259. 11/3/1964 #18604 He goes outside and sees a bright light maneuvering erratically in the nor 11/3/1964 #18605 l at it with a flashlight, and the light silently moves toward him. He flas 11/3/1964 #18605 onger, then flash another SOS. The light approaches again, then retreats, d 11/3/1964 #18605 ponds to his son’s call to watch a light in the northern sky over Kailoa St 11/9/1964 #18611 night binoculars he sees a ball of light traveling south toward him. It tak 11/9/1964 #18611 southern horizon and has rotating light beams that project downward and to 11/9/1964 #18611 mer Bartlett. Distinct blue band / light at foot of peak / edge / crater. 11/14/1964 #18612 BSERVER(S), ARG Astronomers. Night light going east and going west after ec 11/14/1964 #18613 a, astronomers watched a nocturnal light move to the east, then back to the 11/14/1964 #18617 MT 1 observer. Shimmering circle / light going [to] over valley. Sharp turn 11/16/1964 #18619 y. Sharp turn going quickly north. Light / top. 11/16/1964 #18619 er(s). Bright white flashing night light crosses sky. 11/19/1964 #18625 of), At Sea Bright white flashing light traveling from horizon to horizon 11/19/1964 #18626 ersons. One bright white flashing light was travelling from horizon to hor 11/19/1964 #18628 no contrail or lights except for a light source emitting from the tail duri 11/19/1964 #18629 right white, unidentified flashing light. The light traveled from horizon t 11/19/1964 #18630 , unidentified flashing light. The light traveled from horizon to horizon i 11/19/1964 #18630 w Berlin, NY Dog fearful as bright light hovered (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reacti 11/25/1964 #18635 ng dinner when an extremely bright light appears over their car, completely 11/26/1964 #18639 car and looks straight up into the light, shading his eyes with his hands, 11/26/1964 #18639 rsuaded to come back. Suddenly the light disappears and the electrical syst 11/26/1964 #18639 16 years, when the father says the light was “motionless like a floodlight 11/26/1964 #18639 e with a single bright, stationary light. At the same time, "trees looked l 11/26/1964 #18640 nd. 2 rows / intense lights. Green light / dome. Door opens. / r8#629. 12/28/1964 #18676 lights, and a turret with a green light on top. When an opening became vis 12/28/1964 #18677 the body of the craft, and a green light on the dome. The two female witnes 12/28/1964 #18678 Norfolk, VA Large Light Leading 7-8 Smaller Lights (NICAP: 1/1/1965 #18691 Wallops Island, VA Bright Yellow Light Flies Overhead (NICAP: 02 - Close 1/5/1965 #18696 Lynchburg, VA Light Stops & Starts (NICAP: 01 - Distan 1/5/1965 #18697 a, observes a round, bright-yellow light rising from the horizon. The appar 1/5/1965 #18699 Silver Springs, MD White Light In Level Flight (NICAP: 01 - Dista 1/10/1965 #18703 ights merge into one intense white light, which moves in a straight line to 1/12/1965 #18720 lectrical whine, then saw a bright light 2,000-5,000 feet high. It was hove 1/14/1965 #18734 ut. Observer(s) hears whine. Night light going quickly [to] over. / r3p52+/ 1/15/1965 #18736 nna is damaged, he sees a flashing light moving across the tree line to the 1/15/1965 #18739 d making a humming noise. When the light disappears, the TV set comes on ag 1/15/1965 #18739 door, steps out, and sees a bright light below the cloud cover at around 2, 1/15/1965 #18740 hen takes off to the south. As the light leaves and the whine dies away, th 1/15/1965 #18740 w Hampshire Mr. Knee saw a glowing light that made a humming sound. His car 1/15/1965 #18741 , whose open door showed a strange light inside. The object was so highly p 1/19/1965 #18746 ht noise and revealing an interior light. Three figures, each 3 feet tall a 1/19/1965 #18750 Richmond, VA Light Hovers Over Radio Tower (NICAP: 01 1/21/1965 #18752 metallic gray coIor, a red-orange light on one side, and a blue one on the 1/23/1965 #18756 after Weaver snaps a photo. In the light of the flashbulb, they see a littl 1/26/1965 #18769 AltaVista, VA Bright Light In Erratic Pattern (NICAP: 01 - Di 1/27/1965 #18772 lemens and his family see a bright light performing acrobatics in the north 1/29/1965 #18781 base of the triangle was an orange light with a white light at the leading 1/30/1965 #18786 e was an orange light with a white light at the leading apex. The triangle 1/30/1965 #18786 Brighton, New Zealand A man saw a light on the beach near Penguin Street a 2/3/1965 #18795 New Zealand 8:45 p.m. A man sees a light on the beach near Penguin Street, 2/3/1965 #18796 VIMIOSO, PORTUGAL Powerful light in sky. Back 15 Jun. '71 / 2315hrs 2/15/1965 #18815 achusetts. The UFO carried a white light on its trailing edge and a blue li 2/16/1965 #18820 ht on its trailing edge and a blue light on its forward edge. It was estima 2/16/1965 #18820 oted that the creatures feared the light from his flash camera. The object 2/21/1965 #18824 of the craft, bathed constantly in light beams emanating from small wing-li 2/21/1965 #18825 by. As they approach it, a beam of light comes out and strikes both of them 3/2/1965 #18832 Point au Fer Reef, LA Ball Of Light Hovers Over Water (NICAP: 01 - Dis 3/3/1965 #18834 object landed near them. A beam of light came out of the object and struck 3/5/1965 #18844 Estimated diameter: 25 m. A yellow light shone through the windows, and the 3/15/1965 #18857 f it and made a gesture. A beam of light from the underside of the object s 3/15/1965 #18857 ion. Witness struck on forehead by light beam, unconscious, eye damage. Dam 3/15/1965 #18858 his arms again. The object beams a light like a “welder’s torch” that hits 3/15/1965 #18859 ows of square windows and a yellow light. It made a generator-like sound, t 3/15/1965 #18860 r. His dogs howled. Then a beam of light shot out from underneath the objec 3/15/1965 #18860 bout 56 miles. Emitting a greenish light, the object affects the automatic 3/18/1965 #18864 ia, Australia a yellow zig-zagging light was seen maneuvering in the sky; i 3/20/1965 #18869 right orange hat saucer responds / light signals. Complex maneuvers. 3/31/1965 #18881 infrared lamp. It shined a beam of light down on their car. The object then 4/3/1965 #18889 out. They then saw another ray of light come down from the UFO onto their 4/3/1965 #18889 th. First seen as a single, bright light, then two luminous sources were vi 4/8/1965 #18899 higan Witness: M.E. Marshall. One light, like a satellite, split into two 5/7/1965 #18933 At 7:30 p.m. a light seen by a witness named Marshall o 5/7/1965 #18935 DOVER-FOXCROFT, ME Red night light maneuvers / 30 minute(s). Shoots g 5/14/1965 #18939 ). Shoots going north. White night light maneuvers / 28 Apr. '54. 5/14/1965 #18939 n plate, very luminous, with a red light on top, flying in circles and land 5/24/1965 #18960 n plate, very luminous, with a red light on top, flying in circles and land 5/24/1965 #18965 On this evening a blue light emanating from a red object, throu 5/25/1965 #18966 of Sehulea, Papua New Guinea. Its light illuminated the beach. 5/25/1965 #18966 BRAVO BASE, ANTARCTIC Silent night light moves rapidly / 20 min. No further 6/2/1965 #18981 cDivitt took a photo of an unknown light source from the Gemini 4 spacecraf 6/5/1965 #18994 tices a stationary, bright, yellow light at an altitude of 25° above the ho 6/7/1965 #18996 0 a.m., he again sees a stationary light in the northwest at an altitude of 6/7/1965 #18996 On this night a bright light seen in the sky over Townsville, Q 6/16/1965 #19008 ANING, MI Saucer with blinking red light seen / 20 minute(s). Appears to la 6/21/1965 #19021 A disc with a blinking red light was seen for 20 minutes in Chesani 6/21/1965 #19023 n and sees a transparent bubble of light about 100 feet away. Inside the gl 7/1965 #19039 5 scientists. Green and red night light zigzags and hovers and acceleratio 7/2/1965 #19051 observations. The witnesses see a light in the north quadrant, zigzagging, 7/2/1965 #19053 20° and 45° above the horizon. The light is green and red, at times yellow, 7/2/1965 #19053 ps 15–20 minutes. The edges of the light resemble those of a bright star. 7/2/1965 #19053 Kiel, WI Flashing light, like a satellite (NICAP: 01 - Dis 7/6/1965 #19073 s: Mrs. E.R. Hayner. One flashing light, like a satellite, was seen for le 7/6/1965 #19077 e an intense blue, fiery tongue of light approaching the ship at tremendous 7/6/1965 #19078 Mrs. E. R. Hayner saw a flashing light, like a satellite, at 9:30 p.m. in 7/6/1965 #19080 ATI, OH 6 observer(s). White night light maneuvers / sky over Beckford powe 7/9/1965 #19086 ix witnesses saw a white nocturnal light that maneuvered in the sky over th 7/9/1965 #19091 nd on its brim is a flickering red light. They watch it for 3 minutes befor 7/12/1965 #19096 ings by Father Gill in 1959. A red light changed to blue. It was extremely 7/12/1965 #19097 main object. It emitted a blinding light. 7/19/1965 #19130 r. Crowe was attracted by a strong light on the beach, and walked within 20 7/19/1965 #19131 which took off with a yelloworange light. Estimated diameter: 7 m, height, 7/19/1965 #19131 changed colors through the entire light spectrum several times. Also, late 7/19/1965 #19136 main object. It emitted a blinding light. 7/19/1965 #19137 ope. Silent blue-white round night light going quickly southwest. Vanishes. 7/20/1965 #19145 bject on the ground emitting green light flashes. He woke up other employee 7/25/1965 #19170 nt, Peru emitting flashes of green light. He woke up other employees, who h 7/25/1965 #19174 westwards. Through binoculars the light seems to be sharply defined, and t 7/26/1965 #19180 Rua Alexandra de Motta, they see a light beam coming from a cloud illuminat 7/26/1965 #19181 They are wearing dark clothing and light helmets. After 5 minutes, 3 others 7/26/1965 #19181 servatory, Latvia sighted a bright light in the west. Through a telescope t 7/26/1965 #19182 other shapes maneuver. Bright red light. / news. 7/27/1965 #19189 min. It emitted a blinding purple light. 7/30/1965 #19210 utes. It emitted a blinding purple light. 7/30/1965 #19213 he object emitted a bright, purple light and a green beam. 7/31/1965 #19218 he object emitted a bright, purple light and a green beam. 7/31/1965 #19221 p lands / intersection. Emits blue light. Up and away fast. 8/1/1965 #19237 pattern of yellow, blue and white light in the shape of an ovoid with thre 8/2/1965 #19272 ect is silent, and a beam of white light is rotating beneath it. He radios 8/3/1965 #19290 n watch a triangular object with a light at each of its points move from no 8/3/1965 #19291 . Gold globular bathes town / blue light. Back / date unknown. 8/4/1965 #19295 luebook Case #9680. 2 teens. Night light maneuvers in sky / 16 second(s). N 8/4/1965 #19304 Dallas, TX 9:30 PM - light fly fast, straight and level (NICA 8/4/1965 #19306 ark, IL Unnamed 14 year-olds saw a light move around the sky (NICAP: 01 - D 8/4/1965 #19308 n in a car observed a red and blue light thought it came from a police car, 8/4/1965 #19312 as Witness: J.A. Carter, 19. One light flew fast, straight and level for 8/4/1965 #19315 s: two unnamed 14 year olds. One light moved around the sky for 16-17 sec 8/4/1965 #19316 served an unexplained red and blue light that flew fast, straight and level 8/4/1965 #19324 llinois two 14-year-olds watched a light maneuver around the sky for 16-17 8/4/1965 #19325 e los Altos, Venezuela. A shaft of light came down from the object. Inside 8/7/1965 #19339 UT Tall rocket ship with rotating light atop takes off and hovers!! . 8/9/1965 #19343 onomer and 4. Saucer becomes night light at dusk. Then shoots going quickly 8/9/1965 #19344 t appear to rotate. It has a white light on top. After accelerating, the ob 8/9/1965 #19348 en stop. At that moment, a beam of light enveloped the car from above, the 8/9/1965 #19350 orange to crimson colored ball of light maneuvered, and then sped head-on 8/10/1965 #19363 2+ground RADAR. Large bright night light drifts. Shoots going quickly north 8/12/1965 #19369 M saucer going north / 50mph. Blue light. Trees shake. Observer(s) suffers 8/13/1965 #19374 range lights that weaken as a blue light comes on, which is intense for abo 8/13/1965 #19382 oyne, Quebec, Canada when a strong light attracted them to the window. Look 8/14/1965 #19391 e illuminated by an interior green light and could be seen moving around in 8/14/1965 #19392 de the UFO, illuminated by a green light. Finally, with a burst of orange f 8/15/1965 #19402 n Sedalia, Missouri when she saw a light in a field with “smoke” around it. 8/16/1965 #19410 low unidentified object with green light goes over Sao Martinho. 8/18/1965 #19416 which were illuminated with green light. Five min later it came down again 8/20/1965 #19439 ISLAND PARK, LI, NY Man woken / light. 4 night lights / 2 hours. Photogr 8/21/1965 #19445 -size ovoid / strong yellow-orange light close / ground. Going quickly sout 8/25/1965 #19460 val, with a powerful yellow-orange light and left rapidly toward the south 8/25/1965 #19462 op, rise spinning and emitting red light beams It flew off to the northeast 8/25/1965 #19463 aped with a powerful yellow-orange light and left rapidly toward the south 8/25/1965 #19464 uilding, spinning and emitting red light beams as it flew off to the northe 8/25/1965 #19465 when they saw two beams of bright light shining up into the sky. On going 8/26/1965 #19466 parent dome on top. A bright amber light kept flashing around the edge, and 8/26/1965 #19466 ject, one apparently adjusting the light beam projector, and the other two 8/26/1965 #19466 y saw the object take off, and the light moving around the edge was now a b 8/26/1965 #19466 pass / groups / 3. Buzzing sound. Light beams to/from/between last 3. 8/28/1965 #19468 y odd night lights. 1/2-moon night light going quickly [to] over then dives 8/29/1965 #19471 h openings through which an orange light was visible was observed taking of 8/30/1965 #19476 in diameter and trailed by a 2-3' light, hit the road 100' in front of the 8/30/1965 #19477 h openings through which an orange light was visible was observed taking of 8/30/1965 #19479 ameter and trailed by a three-foot light. It hit the road 100 feet in front 8/30/1965 #19481 S, BELGIUM Car lifted / tube-night light. Observer(s) / marks / skin. Small 9/1965 #19488 , 15 m high, with a bright, violet light at one end and a pale-blue light a 9/3/1965 #19506 t light at one end and a pale-blue light at the other. They stopped to watc 9/3/1965 #19506 bled freely. After exposure to the light from the object, the pain was gone 9/3/1965 #19506 th a long, bright, pulsing, purple light on the right side and a long blue 9/3/1965 #19508 on the right side and a long blue light on the left side. Came from dista 9/3/1965 #19508 ghway and 100' in the air. Purple light illuminated ground beneath object 9/3/1965 #19508 ate them and the terrain in purple light. Heat felt 9/3/1965 #19510 thing, but when Bertrand flashes a light around the field around 3:00 a.m., 9/3/1965 #19511 th a long, bright, pulsing, purple light on the right side and a long blue 9/3/1965 #19512 on the right side and a long blue light on the left side. It approaches to 9/3/1965 #19512 ay and 100 feet in the air. Purple light illuminates the ground beneath the 9/3/1965 #19512 he surrounding terrain in a purple light. They reported that there were bri 9/3/1965 #19517 her end of the object: a weak blue light was seen on the extreme right of t 9/3/1965 #19517 ame out in two steps, and a purple light on the left, which lit the ground 9/3/1965 #19517 bled freely. After exposure to the light from the object the pain was gone, 9/3/1965 #19517 ect sweeps shores / blinding white light. Flashes. 9/4/1965 #19519 nce of 1.8 miles. It is emitting a light of an intense color that shifts to 9/6/1965 #19527 ct emitting green, red and & white light was seen at 10:00 p.m. in Tenterfi 9/8/1965 #19538 isc descended, humming sound, blue light. Motorbike engine failed, witness 9/14/1965 #19559 ast and notices a pinpoint of blue light moving in his direction. The hummi 9/14/1965 #19560 es and the headlight goes out. The light resolves into an enormous domed di 9/14/1965 #19560 els paralyzed as the flashing blue light becomes intense, fluctuating in rh 9/14/1965 #19560 and finally died. There was a blue light coming from the translucent dome o 9/14/1965 #19561 Heliodoro Carrión takes off in his light plane and goes to 15,000 feet. An 9/17/1965 #19580 AUYAN TEPUI MOUNTAIN, VNZ Light plane / near collision / huge lumi 9/19/1965 #19581 hite suits that emitted flashes of light, and "walked like ducks." She hid 9/20/1965 #19584 ubmerged crews. Huge saucer loops. Light power = 2.3MW. Going west. / LDLN# 9/22/1965 (approximate) #19587 WN, PA Ivan Sanderson and 1. Night light divides / 2+maneuvers. Changes col 9/25/1965 #19597 see the object as a large ball of light or a disc on edge arriving from th Late 9/1965 #19604 he object changed to a blue color. Light illuminated the car interior. 9/25/1965 #19606 ce. Distance to witness: 400 m. No light. 9/27/1965 #19613 ly defined, brillian white ball of light in Andover, Massachusetts at 7:28 9/27/1965 #19616 LAKE NORMAN, NC 2 / light plane photograph 3 saucers over Mc 10/1965 #19627 off-centered hump and had a white light on each end. It swayed back-and-fo 10/2/1965 #19639 / car. Large silent circle / amber light glides and wavers over hilltops. 10/18/1965 #19664 -shaped object with a flashing red light on top and green, red and white li 10/18/1965 #19667 before disappearing in the intense light. The object rose straight up for 4 10/23/1965 #19677 0 feet in diameter. In a circle of light under it, Townsend sees three thin 10/23/1965 #19678 r the ship,” disappearing into the light beneath it. An ear-splitting hummi 10/23/1965 #19678 cket, which had a bright colorless light glowing out of the bottom. There w 10/23/1965 #19679 went up and disappeared. When the light on the bottom went out after it wa 10/23/1965 #19679 t was in the air, my car radio and light came on, and my engine started wit 10/23/1965 #19679 lifted up from the table with the light at the bottom." That night several 10/23/1965 #19679 area claimed to have seen a strong light above them that lit up the ground. 10/23/1965 #19679 Z Numerous observer(s). Huge night light blocks road. Going up [to] and goi 10/30/1965 #19688 a Volkswagen encountered a strong light on the road. A truck and another V 10/30/1965 #19689 ve the object and shining a bright light on it. The object was approx. 35–4 11/1965 #19690 tholes illuminated with a greenish light. 11/1965 #19694 10066. Observer(s) = Tucker. Night light hovers and dives / Great Miami Riv 11/4/1965 #19698 EAST / CICERO SWAMP, NY 2 / light plane. Huge ball / fire where high 11/9/1965 #19703 IDIOUTE, PA 2 objects pace 2 men / light plane. Jets pursue! Objects shoot 11/9/1965 #19704 ther blue giving off a luminescent light. He then heard an English message 11/9/1965 #19708 and 100 m away, flashing a beam of light toward the sky. Two policemen on t 11/13/1965 #19718 00 meters away, flashing a beam of light towards the sky. Two policemen on 11/13/1965 #19720 Engine coughs. Object / sky beams light going down [to] ground. 11/16/1965 #19723 ect’s side opens, emitting a white light. Then a smaller, cigarette-shaped 11/30/1965 #19742 gh the sky, like a "giant plate of light that lit up the whole horizon with 11/30/1965 #19743 d it bore a red and white blinking light. The front had a transparent surfa 12/11/1965 #19765 FL 3 observer(s). 45M saucer beams light going down / high-tension lines. C 12/14/1965 #19768 rrounds the dome and emits a green light. Suddenly the truck engine stops, 12/19/1965 #19777 HERMAN, MN Night light. Saucer. Truck malfunctions due to 12/20/1965 #19778 Herman, MN Disc with dome, green light, hovered just above road, whistlin 12/20/1965 #19779 louds behind it. A bright flash of light was seen high in the sky that day 1/1/1966 #19801 missiles sighted a group of bright light sources speeding overhead at an es 1/3/1966 #19803 4 at 8:15 a.m. when she observed a light flash that she first believed was 1/5/1966 #19806 t had a single bright yellow-white light on the end facing her. There were 1/5/1966 #19806 orted a cone with a flashing green light, made a loud whirring sound. It ap 1/7/1966 #19812 of it is a cone with a large green light, and it is making a whining sound. 1/7/1966 #19814 Chascomus, Arg Object with blue light beam observed flying away. Flying 1/9/1966 #19820 ar. It was emitting a blue beam of light. After the object had disappeared 1/9/1966 #19821 IR, NJ Cops and more/others. Night light cavorts. White beams going down. O 1/11/1966 #19824 itizens reported first a brilliant light source, then later a bright egg-sh 1/11/1966 #19826 itizens reported first a brilliant light source, then later a bright egg-sh 1/11/1966 #19829 seen thru) binoculars and 3. Night light maneuvers. Cylinder/cigar-shape wi 1/14/1966 #19833 sees an erratically moving bright light. They observe it through binocular 1/14/1966 #19834 “two saucers face to face.” It is light gray in color, dull, and non-refle 1/19/1966 #19858 nd down, while emitting a blinding light and making a sound like bees hummi 1/20/1966 #19861 e back, and saw a "large saucer of light" rise from the lakeside. The sauce 1/21/1966 #19865 and cast an intense yellow-orange light on the ground. The witnesses turne 1/29/1966 #19872 ry fast motion around it, and much light. Object hovered over the trees fo 2/2/1966 #19875 .. It had several smaller balls of light constantly circling it in very fas 2/2/1966 #19876 ast motion around it in a dazzling light show. The UFO hovered over some tr 2/2/1966 #19876 d by such a program might bring to light new facts of scientific value.” Th 2/3/1966 #19879 where an aircraft’s landing lights light up the UFO. Then it disappears in 2/6/1966 #19887 r Traffic Controllers. White night light chases training flight. Away and b 2/8/1966 #19892 SOUTH / CALABOZO, VNZL Man / light plane. Domed disk / 2400M altitude 2/13/1966 #19899 reasing. The UFO had a very bright light at the front, small portholes alon 2/14/1966 #19903 ORSLEY, WILTS RAF man and 3. Night light east going west loops and fantasti 2/26/1966 #19920 ported a sort of dome with a green light on top, produced radio interferenc 2/26/1966 #19923 ng and see another smaller, duller light. Kathleen thinks it might be a pra 3/1966 #19930 ored lights inside, small rings of light that crawl over the bedroom walls, 3/1966 #19930 crawl over the bedroom walls, and light beams. 3/1966 #19930 AST / ROOSEVELT, UT Flashing night light hovers. Shoots up at great speed.. 3/2/1966 #19932 A woman watched a flashing light the sky two miles east of Roosevel 3/2/1966 #19934 al object with a bright red-orange light that shines on the ocean waters be 3/6/1966 #19944 wood iron mines. A distant smaller light flashed as if signaling, and the l 3/11/1966 #19951 lerts 10 employees to a mysterious light that is approaching the factory. I 3/12/1966 #19954 ameter and emits a brilliant white light that makes it difficult to look at 3/12/1966 #19954 saw a large oval with glowing red light, evenly spaced portholes around th 3/17/1966 #19979 m high, emitting a pulsating white light, in a field. It had a revolving se 3/17/1966 #19981 nada. It emitted a pulsating white light, and landed in a field. It had a r 3/17/1966 #19985 licked on and off one at a time. A light beam shone into the house. (Keyhoe 3/19/1966 #19991 r, swerving from side to side, its light reflected from the hood of the car 3/19/1966 #19992 lot, and family saw a bright white light approach from the south, stop and 3/19/1966 #19993 continue north, joined by a second light. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 01 - Dista 3/19/1966 #19993 tnesses saw a bright flash of blue light, then a hovering oval UFO was sigh 3/19/1966 #19994 ings. It emitted a brilliant white light as it paced a police car. It was d 3/19/1966 #19995 ase #10247. USAF / NASA man. Night light pulses blue and white. Erratic asc 3/20/1966 #20000 Miami, FL Pulsating light, varying from white to intense blu 3/20/1966 #20006 ASA at Cape Kennedy. One pulsating light which varied from white to intense 3/20/1966 #20009 back at the house, sees the object light up and rise to 500 feet, then come 3/20/1966 #20012 Quigley Road. They see a brilliant light that dims and then reappears. By t 3/20/1966 #20012 s on the ground. The source of the light appeared to manuever for about two 3/21/1966 #20019 Houston, TX White flashing lights light up witness' apartment (NICAP: 02 - 3/22/1966 #20029 . An elongated object with rays of light (light beams) from its underside w 3/23/1966 #20045 ongated object with rays of light (light beams) from its underside was obse 3/23/1966 #20045 gor, Maine. It has a yellow-orange light in the center, a bluish light on t 3/23/1966 #20052 ange light in the center, a bluish light on the right, and a white light on 3/23/1966 #20052 sh light on the right, and a white light on the left. When the object moves 3/23/1966 #20052 , blue, and white. It had a bluish light at one end and a white light at th 3/23/1966 #20057 luish light at one end and a white light at the other. The UFO then landed. 3/23/1966 #20057 lights, as well as a green and red light. The object was bowlshaped, and th 3/24/1966 #20070 , as well as one green and one red light. The object was bowl-shaped, and t 3/24/1966 #20073 e like surface glowing intense red light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 3/26/1966 #20087 ace and glowed with an intense red light. 3/26/1966 #20090 er and Mrs. E. Smith. One flashing light buzzed their car from the front th 3/26/1966 #20091 ace and glowed with an intense red light. 3/26/1966 #20095 om, and glowed with an intense red light. 3/27/1966 #20102 UFO blinked in apparent response (light reaction), veered away and disappe 3/28/1966 #20110 ar engine and headlights died. The light bulbs had to be replaced. The obje 3/28/1966 #20113 die. The driver has to replace the light bulbs in his headlights after the 3/28/1966 #20118 ar engine and headlights died. The light bulbs in the headlights had to be 3/28/1966 #20120 +1 observer(s). Large bright night light hovers over houses. Changes colors 3/29/1966 #20126 ix portholes emitting bright white light. The object was surrounded by a ha 3/29/1966 #20132 n. Observer(s) = J. Erdmann. Night light lands 8' / house-window. Moves to 3/30/1966 #20148 lectro-magnetic effects) 2X. Night light going [to] Mackay radio towers. TV 3/30/1966 #20151 radio (EM effect) at the time. A "light beam was emitted downward from the 3/30/1966 #20155 altitude. It had one intense white light and three colored flashing lights. 3/31/1966 #20174 rge object with a pulsating bluish light on top, an orange light below, win 3/31/1966 #20175 ing bluish light on top, an orange light below, windows, and antennae, rest 3/31/1966 #20175 the road. It has a brilliant white light, and red, green, and purple blinki 3/31/1966 #20179 rge object with a pulsating bluish light on top, an orange light below, win 3/31/1966 #20182 ing bluish light on top, an orange light below, windows, and antennae, rest 3/31/1966 #20182 a pig being butchered were heard. Light signals. 4/1/1966 #20199 squealing. Next, a point of green light issued from one of the objects, an 4/1/1966 #20203 rom west to east. Six red balls of light exited from the object and flew aw 4/1/1966 #20204 ria, AU 8:00 p.m. LT. As a strange light phenomenon (including an oval with 4/4/1966 #20220 g multi-colored shafts or tubes of light moving up and down) hovered near g 4/4/1966 #20220 stralia. In the distance he sees a light near the road. Suddenly, the headl 4/4/1966 #20224 his vehicle bend to the right and light up a nearby fence. He brakes his c 4/4/1966 #20224 djacent field, he sees a column of light some 25 feet high and shaped like 4/4/1966 #20224 of 20 feet, after which the whole light complex disappears. There is no as 4/4/1966 #20224 appeared above him with a cone of light descending from beneath it. Rainbo 4/4/1966 #20225 eneath it. Rainbow colored rays of light ran down the sides of the cone. Hi 4/4/1966 #20225 served a vertical, conical beam of light in a nearby field, very white at g 4/5/1966 #20239 ectively. The object producing the light flew away. 4/5/1966 #20239 were joined by a very bright white light. Watching from the car, they conti 4/7/1966 #20271 ing---and were followed by a "huge light" which did not reflect in the rear 4/7/1966 #20271 h a black spot near the rim, a red light and an antennalike projection, and 4/8/1966 #20275 pot on top near its rim, and a red light on top of an antenna-like protrusi 4/8/1966 #20276 d figure pass in front of a landed light in a nearby field. Four domed foot 4/8/1966 #20277 0 m away. It showed a flashing red light, rose, was lost in the fog, then c 4/11/1966 #20284 hovers off SR24. Bright red-orange light / each end. 4/12/1966 #20287 ) object with a bright red- orange light at each end was seen hovering off 4/12/1966 #20289 e) object with a bright red-orange light at each end was seen hovering off 4/12/1966 #20291 the film shows what probably was a light aircraft. 4/15/1966 #20300 elliptical object with bright red light on each end and blue lights along 4/16/1966 #20303 ucer shoots beams / white-blue-red light. Goes going up [to] going down. Go 4/17/1966 #20310 y and emitted white, red, and blue light beams as it descended to low level 4/17/1966 #20314 iffs confronted by glowing object, light beam illuminated road, humming sou 4/17/1966 #20317 olph, Ohio, when they see a moving light through some trees at the top of a 4/17/1966 #20318 f a small hill along the road. The light is headed in their direction. They 4/17/1966 #20318 thing the two officers in a bright light. Spaur’s eyes water up. They rush 4/17/1966 #20318 moving away. It beamed an intense light onto the road. They chased it for 4/17/1966 #20319 white, then blue, and finally red light. It moved rapidly up-and-down and 4/17/1966 #20320 he object reacted to searchlights (light reaction) shone on it by zig- zagg 4/18/1966 #20327 of the object glowed blue. A dense light was seen hovering only three feet 4/18/1966 #20333 PEABODY, MA 2+5 observer(s). Night light circles and lands / SR114. At 2355 4/19/1966 #20337 lighted windows, and a steady red light on each end. The object hovered, t 4/19/1966 #20339 ghted windows. It had a steady red light on each end and was the size of a 4/19/1966 #20347 ed as a high-flying, bright purple light flew over Stoughton, Massachusetts 4/19/1966 #20347 a.m. A disc emitting bright white light from a dome on top and with rotati 4/22/1966 #20366 a blinding, multicolored source of light making a buzzing sound as it flew 4/22/1966 #20371 ic teacher, and his wife saw a red light in the sky at 12:15 a.m. while dri 4/22/1966 #20376 e on top. It was dark with a white light on top, 45 feet in diameter, and w 4/22/1966 #20376 ance. They saw two solid, coherent light beams retract inside the object. F 4/22/1966 #20378 he object, as well as a soft white light. Estimated to be about the size of 4/22/1966 #20380 d illuminating the ground with red light. The object had two blue lights ex 4/23/1966 #20385 xtending above the left end, a red light at the right end, and an amber glo 4/23/1966 #20385 d the edge, and a brilliant yellow light on top of the dome, bobbing up and 4/23/1966 #20388 p and down as it moved. The yellow light blinked or flashed alternately wit 4/23/1966 #20388 ilding across the street. A yellow light is on top of the dome and alternat 4/23/1966 #20390 for a few minutes. When the yellow light goes off, Kalnicki can see a glow 4/23/1966 #20390 leep, She wakes up when she sees a light coming in her window and realizes 4/23/1966 #20390 ltiple legs for landing gear and a light beam, making a roaring noise, land 4/23/1966 #20391 hts on each side, a flashing green light on top, and a rectangular window t 4/23/1966 #20392 k Case #unknown. Silent UFO / blue light / top dives at car. 2 observer(s). 4/24/1966 #20396 A Silent object with a bright blue light on top dive within 100 ft of a car 4/24/1966 #20399 coidal object with dome and yellow light on top and red lights around the e 4/24/1966 #20400 ppeared to be rotating, and a blue light pulsated around its rim. The UFO g 4/24/1966 #20401 . It was silent, had a bright blue light on top, suddenly accelerated, and 4/24/1966 #20403 er, Massachusetts. It had a yellow light on top, and emitted a humming nois 4/24/1966 #20406 . It was silent, had a bright blue light on top, suddenly accelerated, and 4/24/1966 #20407 MICH 2 / car. Delta / very strong light. Glides going southeast. Stops ove 4/25/1966 #20410 Project Bluebook Case #sUNK. Night light maneuvers / sky / 150min. Earlier 4/30/1966 #20430 Sacramento, CA Woman saw a light move around the sky (NICAP: 01 - D 4/30/1966 #20431 ifornia Witness: Anita Miller. One light moved around the sky for 2.5 hours 4/30/1966 #20433 At 3:15 a.m. Anita Miller saw a light moving around in the sky for 2.5 h 4/30/1966 #20434 ir Traffic Controller RADAR. Night light makes 90° turn going quickly north 5/4/1966 #20441 ject giving off brilliant, flaming light of alternating white-green-red col 5/4/1966 #20447 ect giving off a brilliant flaming light of alternating white-green-red col 5/4/1966 #20448 ched from behind by a "large white light" that came within about 100-150 fe 5/6/1966 #20453 ched from behind by a "large white light" that came within about 100-150 fe 5/6/1966 #20455 cylindrical object / pointed ends. Light / each end. South-L flight / 35 se 5/7/1966 #20456 ect with pointed ends and a yellow light at one end and blue light at the o 5/7/1966 #20458 a yellow light at one end and blue light at the other, flew straight and le 5/7/1966 #20458 s W. L. Whitehead. It had a yellow light at one end, a blue light at the ot 5/7/1966 #20460 a yellow light at one end, a blue light at the other, and flew straight an 5/7/1966 #20460 of the object through a system of light beams. They used strange instrumen 5/10/1966 #20471 r belts were very wide and emitted light rays. They did not touch anything 5/10/1966 #20471 their craft "as if carried by the light." 5/10/1966 #20471 rom the object through a system of light beams. The creings used strange in 5/10/1966 #20475 r belts were very wide and emitted light rays. They did not touch anything 5/10/1966 #20475 their craft "as if carried by the light." 5/10/1966 #20475 ace was glossy, gray or black, yet light reflective. At times the top was o 5/16/1966 #20490 low Grove, PA Experienced pilot in light plane encountered disc with dome t 5/21/1966 #20504 p.m. William C. Powell is flying a light Luscombe aircraft over Willow Grov 5/21/1966 #20505 . an experienced pilot flying in a light plane on a clear day encountered a 5/21/1966 #20506 f red lights, and a white flashing light in the center, hover above the ath 5/23/1966 #20508 etts, when his bedroom explodes in light. He hears a pinging noise a light 6/1966 #20516 light. He hears a pinging noise a light source begins pulsing with diffrac 6/1966 #20516 . He wakes up at 6:15 a.m. and the light and noise are gone. Because of thi 6/1966 #20516 at high speed disappearing "Like a light bulb turned out." Plewman said the 6/1/1966 #20520 as emitting a bluish glow, and two light beams extended from it, one pointi 6/8/1966 #20540 racoorte, South Australia. A white light made up the body of the craft, whi 6/8/1966 #20545 the body of the craft, while a red light looked like a dome on top; the whi 6/8/1966 #20545 oked like a dome on top; the white light was interlaced with smaller colore 6/8/1966 #20545 at about 45 m.p.h. It had beams of light pointing upward and downward comin 6/8/1966 #20547 ls. The object gives off a beam of light in various directions. 6/11/1966 #20553 when he sees a bright, elliptical light making three 360° turns to the lef Mid 6/1966 #20564 ft at approximately 3,000 mph. The light is white, mixed with green and red Mid 6/1966 #20564 ck disc with lights and a powerful light beam shining from its bottom. One 6/16/1966 #20568 , and the neighbor’s children. The light beam shines into a nearby wood, li 6/16/1966 #20568 URG, NY 4 observer(s). Intense red light. 1M saucer outside house. Flies li 6/23/1966 #20593 Hamburg, NY An intense red light lit the ground near a house (NICAP 6/23/1966 #20594 an was reading when an intense red light illuminated the ground near her ho 6/23/1966 #20596 burg, New York when an intense red light illuminated the ground near her ho 6/23/1966 #20601 omers Hedley-Robinson and Sartory. Light flashes / 15 minute(s) / inside wa 6/27/1966 #20611 fficer saw a "cloud" expand with a light inside (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 6/27/1966 #20616 ctory. One "cloud" expanded with a light inside, and then accelerated away 6/27/1966 #20617 35, a lineman, was on duty when a light dazzled him, and he observed that 7/13/1966 #20643 , when he is dazzled by a powerful light coming from the Emissario Canal. T 7/13/1966 #20644 ming from the Emissario Canal. The light goes out and he sees an object hov 7/13/1966 #20644 little men emerge, but the bright light comes on again and the object take 7/13/1966 #20644 duty at 2:20 a.m. when a brilliant light dazzled him. He determined that th 7/13/1966 #20645 azzled him. He determined that the light came from an object on a small isl 7/13/1966 #20645 ings on the craft, which emitted a light beam. All the dogs in the vicinity 7/17/1966 #20648 ay from them. It emitted a beam of light. They also noticed that there were 7/17/1966 #20649 ucer / 4 portholes. All dogs bark. Light beams going down. / r8#781+/ LDLN# 7/18/1966 #20651 the sky leaving a trail of bluish light. (Hynek, 1972, pp. 95-96, 238; Rid 7/22/1966 #20667 the sky, leaving a trail of bluish light. 7/22/1966 #20669 SC Boat crew and many. 30M disk / light over harbor. Quickly going up / 22 7/25/1966 #20677 the woods and was followed by the light even at speeds of 170 km/hr. He fi 7/25/1966 #20681 bject with edges lit or reflecting light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 7/31/1966 #20699 tions Commission saw a maneuvering light that descended with a falling leaf 7/31/1966 #20700 mushroom and swept the area with a light beam. A strange being, 1.80 m tall 7/31/1966 #20701 bject with edges lit or reflecting light, came tumbling down from right to 7/31/1966 #20702 3 observer(s). Rectangular panel / light in field. Vanishes. No traces foun 8/1966 #20706 HUNEDOARA, ROM Venus-size night light rises. Vanishes. Back Aug. '68 wit 8/1966 #20708 ct emitted a strange multi-colored light beam that moved rapidly to the gro 8/1/1966 #20715 ct emitted a strange multi-colored light beam that moved rapidly to the gro 8/1/1966 #20719 l humanoid (or Grey) seen / yellow light. Going quickly northeast. 8/6/1966 #20726 a square "door" emitting a yellow light. Three children saw a dwarf throug 8/6/1966 #20728 a square "door" emitting a yellow light. Three children saw a dwarf throug 8/6/1966 #20730 10M saucer 60M over farm. Cop aims light. Saucer quickly going up. Dog foun 8/9/1966 #20732 point emitted an extremely bright light beam that blinded the driver. (NIC 8/16/1966 #20752 ed) object whose glow cast a green light over the area (environmental illum 8/18/1966 #20761 r openings emitting a multicolored light, and it made a whistling sound. Th 8/18/1966 #20762 r openings emitting a multicolored light, and it made a whistling sound. Th 8/18/1966 #20763 disc that hovered, emitting a red light beam from the underside. When chil 8/20/1966 #20776 d the whole house bathed in bright light, and they observed a "six-story" o 8/20/1966 #20777 r would be accompanied by blinding light, the men cut metal masks to shield 8/20/1966 #20779 sburg, California bathed in bright light. They next observed a "six-story" 8/20/1966 #20780 15 p.m. EDT. An orange-red mass of light undergoing apparent shape changes 8/22/1966 #20784 te personnel sight a multi-colored light high in the sky (NICAP: 03 - EME C 8/24/1966 #20800 reported by radio a multi-colored light high in the sky. A strike team was 8/24/1966 #20801 y base radio seeing a multicolored light high in the sky above the Minot AF 8/24/1966 #20802 reported by radio a multi-colored light high in the sky. A strike team was 8/24/1966 #20803 sc-shaped object with flashing red light, surrounded by white or pale green 8/25/1966 #20806 PRA, ITL Strong light. 3M silver saucer comes from mount 9/1966 #20822 im lights outlining it and a white light emanating from the center. It rema 9/1966 #20826 FORT DUCHESNE, UT Red-orange night light. Round and slow. Rises and falls s 9/1/1966 #20830 MOON 3 astronomers. Time = UTC. Light flashes / sides / crater / 3 minut 9/3/1966 #20837 BASE, TX TV blurs. Spinning night light illuminates whole house. Then flie 9/3/1966 #20838 They observed a fantastic spinning light illuminating the house. It came fr 9/3/1966 #20841 They observed a fantastic spinning light illuminating the house. It came fr 9/3/1966 #20844 rey) in house. Vanishes in "bar of light". 9/5/1966 #20845 rate report(s). R / G / west night light and RADAR. 2 F89s chase. 9/5/1966 #20847 unknown location, TX Peculiar light phenomenon and a small figure that 9/5/1966 #20849 A civilian man observed a peculiar light phenomenon and a small figure that 9/5/1966 #20850 er he saw something like "a bar of light, which appeared to crumble." The b 9/5/1966 #20852 room, but they had seen the bar of light. 9/5/1966 #20852 k County AFB, NY White cylinder of light come from the E at high speed (NIC 9/6/1966 #20853 and Ladesic. One white cylinder of light came from the east at high speed, 9/6/1966 #20854 adesic sighted a white cylinder of light that came from the east at high sp 9/6/1966 #20855 BEJA, PORTUGAL Bright night light zigzags in sky over city. No furth 9/7/1966 #20856 A bright light zigzagged over the city of Beja, P 9/7/1966 #20862 ernal, Utah. It had a bluish-white light in the dome and pulsating red and 9/7/1966 #20862 ze of a house, with a bluish-white light in the dome. It landed on the grou 9/7/1966 #20863 nds / cloudback and lands. Bands / light. 9/9/1966 #20865 army tank, w/3 horizontal bands of light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 9/9/1966 #20866 ed lights, two white and one green light, and a transparent dome. A busines 9/13/1966 #20877 ed lights, two white and one green light, and the transparent dome. A busin 9/13/1966 #20880 ounty, Utah. It had a flashing red light on the top, and a glowing green fl 9/15/1966 #20886 top, and a glowing green flashing light on the bottom. It also had what lo 9/15/1966 #20886 f Summerside, saw a rapidly-moving light like a "particularly bright star" 9/21/1966 #20907 nd, when they see a rapidly moving light. 9/21/1966 #20909 on it, the object would black out (light reaction). Two smaller white objec 9/22/1966 #20913 e object bobbed around and emitted light beams toward the ground, and final 9/22/1966 #20913 s operating independently, emitted light beams, finally sped away 9/22/1966 #20914 object bobs around and emits blue light beams toward the ground, and final 9/22/1966 #20915 r Rockford, Illinois, see a bright light that appears over some nearby tree Autumn 1966 #20919 and drive down a gravel road. The light is gone, but near where it had bee Autumn 1966 #20919 ights and engine died. A red misty light descended and landed behind their 9/24/1966 #20924 DT. Police sighted a white ball of light surrounded by a bluish-white pulsa 9/30/1966 #20938 or an instant with brilliant white light; then this vanishes and a globe of 10/2/1966 #20949 then this vanishes and a globe of light about 21 inches in diameter appear 10/2/1966 #20949 was filled with a brilliant white light, which then vanished, and a globe 10/2/1966 #20950 hich then vanished, and a globe of light about 21 inches in diameter appear 10/2/1966 #20950 GRENOBLE, FR Night light = 7M domed saucer. 2 portholes and 10/3/1966 (approximate) #20953 d end. He thinks it might be a new light installation and moves on. The nex 10/4/1966 #20957 ud and beams down a brilliant ruby light on them. The cloud moves west and 10/8/1966 #20974 ting an extremely bright, blinding light that lit up the terrain (environme 10/10/1966 #20980 Reservoir Police watches a bright light performing fantastic maneuvers ove 10/10/1966 #20982 ting an extremely bright, blinding light that lit up the surrounding terrai 10/10/1966 #20985 N, SD 1+3 cops. Ferris-wheel night light hovers over Indian Reservation / h 10/11/1966 #20987 "bulge" (dome?) on top and bright light shining from the bottom. (NICAP: 1 10/11/1966 #20990 feet, giving off a blinding white light. It made a square turn maneuver. T 10/11/1966 #20993 is A adolescent first saw a bright light, then a plate-shaped object hoveri 10/14/1966 #20999 UT Silver 35' saucer shines bluish light through windows. Altitude = 300'. 10/15/1966 #21002 near car, effects associated with light; extreme physiological effects. Se 10/15/1966 #21003 the object following him. When the light from the object illuminates the gr 10/15/1966 #21006 g a direct correlation between the light from the UFO and the failure of hi 10/15/1966 #21006 0 a.m. The UFO emitted a brilliant light beam. The engine and lights of his 10/15/1966 #21008 ees a strangely behaving nocturnal light. 10/20/1966 #21020 , NY 3 cops and more/others. Night light maneuvers all over/all about. Chan 10/21/1966 #21021 GUSHER, UT Night light buzzes plane. Makes noise and vani 10/21/1966 #21022 eared translucent, then reflecting light. The object hovered, then ascended 10/21/1966 #21024 York, when they notice a star-like light to the right of the Moon. The star 10/21/1966 #21026 y when he shone a spotlight on it (light reaction.). (NICAP notes, from new 10/23/1966 #21029 ts on the underside, and a central light beam that illuminated a field. Dur 10/26/1966 #21036 earing. It puts on a red-and-green light show as it hovers. A large central 10/26/1966 #21038 it hovers. A large central beam of light shines onto the field below. The c 10/26/1966 #21038 ale, yells that there is a strange light outside. Her foster daughter, Anit 11/1/1966 #21061 from which a strange, yellow-green light is shining. The size of one of the 11/1/1966 #21061 om tier. Suddenly an intense white light shoots out from the object at Mrs. 11/1/1966 #21061 nd they are extremely sensitive to light. She drives to a clinic in Exeter, 11/1/1966 #21061 emitting a bright yellowish-green light, was watched over Newfields, New H 11/1/1966 #21064 y of three. A very intense beam of light from the UFO knocked the mother do 11/1/1966 #21064 out the window and saw a huge red light that appeared to be rotating behin 11/4/1966 #21074 sy surface of some kind. Above the light was a very large object surrounded 11/4/1966 #21074 ject surrounded by a halo of white light. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. HI, No 11/4/1966 #21074 ular object emitting steady bluish light moving slowly to the N (NICAP: 01 11/6/1966 #21079 car and focusing a bright beam of light on him for 10 seconds. It shuts of 11/6/1966 #21080 ry bright, round, pulsating orange light that hovered over a school emittin 11/13/1966 #21097 n the bottom. Partridge shined his light in that direction and it picked up 11/14/1966 #21101 (electro-magnetic effects). Night light / field. Dog chases.. crushed and 11/15/1966 #21104 n the bottom. Partridge shined the light in that direction, and it picked u 11/15/1966 #21109 ph Thomas, when they saw a big red light maneuvering over the "TNT" dump ar 11/16/1966 #21110 n a shiny gold suit emerged. White light poured out of the opening, but nei 11/17/1966 #21119 CAMPO, TX 2 / car. Dark red night light / roadside. Follows same car 2 wee 11/28/1966 #21154 lights turn into one large golden light as tall as the trees. She turns th 11/28/1966 #21158 Private pilot. Disk with blinking light hovers by Cessna. Shoots quickly g 11/30/1966 #21161 watched a disc with a blinking red light hover alongside his Cessna 150, th 11/30/1966 #21164 -white finish and one blinking red light. When the pilot flies into a cloud 11/30/1966 #21165 -shaped object with a blinking red light hovered for 30 seconds near a Cess 11/30/1966 #21166 d for 30 seconds near a Cessna 150 light airplane being flown by a Mr. Hock 11/30/1966 #21166 hire, Ohio when they noticed a red light on the opposite bank of Kyger Cree 12/8/1966 #21193 gan flashing on and off. A beam of light seemed to be constantly directed a 12/8/1966 #21193 hts went out and a bright greenish light came on. Then the craft shot up in 12/8/1966 #21193 -orange oval object with a halo of light around it descended and approached 12/13/1966 #21196 glowing oval object with a halo of light around its perimeter descended and 12/13/1966 #21199 an antenna bearing a flashing red light. Inside the dome was a small human 12/13/1966 #21200 dercarriage (legs), and a red body light was observed. At one point the obj 12/14/1966 #21202 t the object emitted a red ball of light. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 01 - Dista 12/14/1966 #21202 Professor. Vibrant bright saucer. Light and burns = 900MW power. / r5p32+/ 12/30/1966 #21225 00 feet for seven minutes, emitted light beams up, then down, accelerated a 12/30/1966 #21229 ile away. He estimates its visible light power output at about one megawatt 12/30/1966 #21230 to Mexico City, Mexico. It emitted light beams up, then down, and then clim 12/30/1966 #21231 se and sees a brilliant orange-red light soaring above hills behind the tow 1967 #21236 . Suddenly, a 10-foot-wide beam of light shoots down to the water. As it st 1967 #21236 ights, but let off a greenish-blue light." Vibrations from the craft could 1/1967 #21241 a row of buildings, they notice a light in the sky silently coming toward 1/1967 #21243 fferent colors along its side. The light begins moving slowly again, and a 1/1967 #21243 evel of his hood and tiny beads of light cross in front of the windshield. Early 1/1967 #21244 nly then did he observe an intense light to his right, coming closer. He sa 1/5/1967 #21258 nly then did he observe an intense light to his right, coming closer. He sa 1/5/1967 #21261 rapezoidal sections of fluorescent light on the lower portion, and pulsatin 1/6/1967 #21266 by blinking in the same sequence (light reaction). (Air Force report form 1/6/1967 #21266 lock at night. A luminous shaft of light descended towards the ground near 1/6/1967 #21268 reetops two brilliant lights. Each light was dome-shaped and had a ring at 1/10/1967 #21283 then proceeded to chase a ball of light in his car. The nocturnal light st 1/11/1967 #21288 of light in his car. The nocturnal light stayed 150 yards ahead of him unti 1/11/1967 #21288 imes illuminated by a rotating red light. The object hovered over a field, 1/13/1967 #21296 floods the jet with an intense red light so bright that the pilot has diffi 1/13/1967 #21299 he ends of the "wings," and a blue light on top of the dome. A man stood in 1/13/1967 #21300 oded the Lear Jet with intense red light so bright the pilot had difficulty 1/13/1967 #21301 ILLE, KY 1 observer. 2 cylinders / light join and hover / 50 minute(s) then 1/15/1967 #21306 nieces saw a domed disc with white light emanating from portholes in its ba 1/15/1967 #21308 lange around it and white beams of light from portholes. The object passed 1/15/1967 #21309 nieces see a domed disc with white light emanating from portholes in its ba 1/15/1967 #21311 nd ground are illuminated by white light. Red flame jets appear at one end 1/15/1967 #21311 k on the portholes are showing red light. The object is seen three times wi 1/15/1967 #21311 shape. There were whirling bars of light on the dome that resembled windows 1/15/1967 #21314 . EST. A motorist noticed a bright light seemingly pacing him. A long cigar 1/16/1967 #21318 nd blue with a red ring. A beam of light projected from the end. Radar cont 1/16/1967 #21323 A, NE Ovoid with 8 square windows. Light beam / front. R&G lights. Stops an 1/17/1967 #21327 ce, when a brilliant glowing white light darted into his field of vision. ( 1/17/1967 #21329 A woman walking home saw a beam of light about 1 m in section sweep the gro 1/17/1967 #21331 te object that turned off its main light. She then saw reddish spots before 1/17/1967 #21331 own, Indiana, when a glowing white light darts into his field of vision. It 1/17/1967 #21333 same road. It has a brilliant red light and flashing ywllow and white ligh 1/17/1967 #21333 France at 6:45 p.m. saw a beam of light, about one meter in width, sweep a 1/17/1967 #21335 te object that turned off its main light. She then saw reddish spots before 1/17/1967 #21335 A family watched a disc with a red light on a projection at the rear approa 1/18/1967 #21341 e object emitted two pinkish-white light beams downward at about a 45- degr 1/18/1967 #21341 rough binoculars a disc with a red light on a projection at the rear approa 1/18/1967 #21343 the object emits two pinkish-white light beams downward at about a 45° angl 1/18/1967 #21343 low altitude, emitted two beams of light downward, turned, then rose sudden 1/18/1967 #21345 ily reported two objects, one with light beams with red/green blinking ligh 1/19/1967 #21351 across the front, a halo of bright light, and two "antennae" on the top. Ab 1/19/1967 #21351 car suddenly failed. The generator light continued to pulse, however. The o 1/20/1967 #21361 8:35 p.m. EST. A man saw a bright light that changed to a series of lights 1/22/1967 #21366 simultaneously spotted a peculiar light shimmering through the closed curt 1/25/1967 #21388 house. It began beaming a pinkish light of a painfully brilliant intensity 1/25/1967 #21388 epeated their opening act, and the light intensity increased several fold. 1/25/1967 #21388 r a few more torturous moments the light effect dissipated and their mobili 1/25/1967 #21388 ened by a pulsating reddish-orange light outside their backyard in South As 1/25/1967 #21389 large wrap-around eyes with hazy, light gray interiors. They had "scar lik 1/25/1967 #21389 ty. The beings, holding spheres of light in their hands, proceeded to put t 1/25/1967 #21389 along which moved green flashes of light. The object moved in erratic fligh 1/26/1967 #21393 (sphere) with blinking yellow body light(s) which descended, circled a moun 1/26/1967 #21395 body white in color like a frosted light bulb and a shiny gold horizontal r 1/29/1967 #21412 heast / 15 second(s). Intense blue light / entire length. 1/30/1967 #21413 thwest. It drops white “strips” of light that descend vertically and disapp 1/30/1967 #21418 ays 5 and 85 and see a large white light moving rapidly from west to south 1/30/1967 #21418 sky, Ohio, when they spot a bright light in the sky. Stopping their car, th 1/30/1967 #21419 seconds. There was an intense blue light the entire length of the object. 1/30/1967 #21420 est and dropping white "strips" of light that descended vertically. It disa 1/30/1967 #21422 they reported seeing a large white light moving rapidly from west to south 1/30/1967 #21422 neer saw a brilliant bluish- white light going fast in a zig-zag path. (NIC 1/31/1967 #21423 independently saw a craft emitting light signals land a few meters away. 2/1/1967 #21432 independently saw a craft emitting light signals land a few meters away. 2/1/1967 #21434 rew and passengers notice a bright light coming toward them from the west. 2/2/1967 #21442 ove them giving off a blue beam of light; it went away, then came at then a 2/2/1967 #21443 ite lights and a tangerine-colored light on the bottom (body lights). The o 2/3/1967 #21446 , square amber lights with a green light between them from her home. The li 2/4/1967 #21448 10 miles about 2:30 AM before the light moved west towards Bedford. (Ridge 2/5/1967 #21455 h--with two bright lights, a green light on one side and a red light on the 2/6/1967 #21469 green light on one side and a red light on the other. Hovered motionless 2/6/1967 #21469 and had two bright lights, a green light on one side and a red light on the 2/6/1967 #21471 green light on one side and a red light on the other. It hovered motionles 2/6/1967 #21471 ne navigator saw a brilliant white light, sometimes with a strong red light 2/7/1967 #21473 light, sometimes with a strong red light. The object oscillated as it flew 2/7/1967 #21473 white lights and two steady white light beams. It flew at low altitude, sl 2/7/1967 #21474 of the ground. The object shone a light beam on the witnesses after they h 2/8/1967 #21480 hey had pointed a spotlight at it (light reaction). (Topeka State Journal, 2/8/1967 #21480 a saucer (disc) with a bright body light hovering over the railroad depot. 2/9/1967 #21488 d depot. The depot was engulfed in light (environmental illumination). The 2/9/1967 #21488 ight up after bathing the depot in light. 2/9/1967 #21491 s underneath, and forwardly placed light beams. It also had a green light o 2/9/1967 #21493 d light beams. It also had a green light on one side and a red light on the 2/9/1967 #21493 green light on one side and a red light on the other. It hovered motionles 2/9/1967 #21493 less over some trees, then emitted light beams that swung upwards at a 45-d 2/9/1967 #21493 g a triangular object with a white light at each apex. The object was silen 2/10/1967 #21499 school teacher saw an unidentified light that changed from red to white to 2/10/1967 #21501 when they noticed a white glowing light in the woods. (McDonald, 1967, Cas 2/10/1967 #21503 e a triangular object with a white light at each apex. It is moving with it 2/10/1967 #21505 ver a farm. The object had a white light in each corner, and was quiet when 2/10/1967 #21508 ite lights (body lights). A steady light beam was emitted from the bottom. 2/11/1967 #21510 white ovoid hovers / roadside. Red light on each side. 2/12/1967 #21514 w a bell-shaped object with bright light in the dome and revolving red, gre 2/12/1967 #21518 hat also emitted some bright green light. The object maneuvered and reporte 2/12/1967 #21519 hite glowing object that had a red light on each side (body lights) hoverin 2/12/1967 #21520 Truck motor and lights fail. Night light overhead. Motor starts itself afte 2/13/1967 #21530 und red object with a searchlight (light beam) directed downwards that was 2/13/1967 #21533 00 yards of their car. The initial light resolved itself into three huge li 2/13/1967 #21534 n with pilot training saw a bright light for 25 minutes which maneuvered an 2/13/1967 #21535 overhead an intense greenish-blue light. She feels heat coming from the ob 2/13/1967 #21537 f the vehicle and saw a blue-green light overhead, which changed to a reddi 2/13/1967 #21539 felt a great deal of heat. As the light moved away to the right side of th 2/13/1967 #21539 disc-like base with a central red light, and 5-6 dimmer white lights. The 2/13/1967 #21540 ible around the perimeter. Rays of light (light beams) occasionally were em 2/14/1967 #21546 ound the perimeter. Rays of light (light beams) occasionally were emitted f 2/14/1967 #21546 een lights at two points and a red light at the third (body lights). It mov 2/14/1967 #21549 car was followed by a flashing red light at various distances (car pacing). 2/15/1967 #21554 and ground RADAR's. Pulsing night light going down. Shoots back up to 2400 2/16/1967 #21557 ook Case #11383. 1 observer. Night light paces car / 5-6 minute(s). Fading 2/16/1967 #21558 tangular UFO just over school gym. Light going down. Crosses lake. Going qu 2/16/1967 #21560 p.m. EST. A woman saw a big round light that moved and hovered, then shot 2/16/1967 #21563 T. A woman saw a large round white light with a ring of stars. The color ch 2/16/1967 #21564 onmental illumination) by a moving light beam emitted from its bottom cente 2/16/1967 #21569 Stoughton, WI A light with faded edges follow car (NICAP 2/16/1967 #21570 sin Witness: Miss Lynn Marsh. One light with faded edges seemed to follow 2/16/1967 #21571 attached to an object that emits a light beam from its bottom center that m 2/16/1967 #21572 nds or nearly lands. The remaining light merges with the large object. 2/16/1967 #21572 sed a glowing object like a bright light bulb hovering in the sky over a ru 2/16/1967 #21575 ecod, was illuminated by a beam of light that also lit up the surrounding t 2/16/1967 #21577 / crater Alfonse. Also bright red light. 2/17/1967 #21578 moving very slowly. A bright white light was at the bottom of the cluster ( 2/17/1967 #21584 ee yellow-reddish-orange globes of light moving with a smooth gliding motio 2/17/1967 #21585 r, Massachusetts. Suddenly a white light shoots upward in a zigzag motion a 2/17/1967 #21586 5:45 p.m. EST. A man saw a bright light with smaller associated lights abo 2/20/1967 #21602 Wharton area watched a moving red light that when viewed through binocular 2/20/1967 #21603 ghts dimmed (EM effects) while the light hovered. (NICAP report form.) (NIC 2/20/1967 #21605 ge pulsating orange-yellow ball of light that flattened out and changed col 2/21/1967 #21612 t treetop height emitting a ray of light (light beam) toward the ground. EM 2/21/1967 #21612 op height emitting a ray of light (light beam) toward the ground. EM effect 2/21/1967 #21612 g, and then emitted a wide beam of light downward. It started pacing her ca 2/21/1967 #21615 flew by fast and low. The object's light went out, and the object dropped t 2/21/1967 #21616 IL 8:10 p.m. CST. Two women saw a light so bright it hurt their eyes to lo 2/23/1967 #21630 Illinois saw a bright unexplained light in the sky that changed color from 2/25/1967 #21649 red, dimmed and then went out. The light was first seen in the northern sky 2/25/1967 #21649 lights, each with a blinking green light on top with a hazy blue light prec 2/25/1967 #21650 reen light on top with a hazy blue light preceding it. No structural form w 2/25/1967 #21650 , entirely lit with a plain bright light. The UFOs flew up from a low altit 2/25/1967 #21652 owing egg-shaped object with a red light on each side (body lights). Fowler 2/26/1967 #21655 owing egg-shaped object with a red light on each side in the sky, swinging 2/26/1967 #21663 UFO appeared to have streamers of light around it. It flitted about, hover 2/26/1967 #21665 N, MI Cop and several. Large night light. Instant 90° turn. Darts. Hovers o 2/27/1967 #21669 . CST. A couple saw a round bright light, pulsating and changing color. Red 2/27/1967 #21674 ng or moving around the main white light (body lights). (Omaha World Herald 2/27/1967 #21674 Grand Haven, MI Large white light, with smaller red and green lights 2/27/1967 #21675 w a cigar-shaped object with a red light on bottom and a white light on top 2/27/1967 #21676 a red light on bottom and a white light on top (body lights) that was hove 2/27/1967 #21676 sen, wife and others. Large white light, with smaller red and green lights 2/27/1967 #21677 unkie, Louisiana saw two points of light with tails moving in spurts throug 2/27/1967 #21678 nd green lights and a bright white light in the middle, made a ninety degre 2/27/1967 #21678 ening. Three people saw a flash of light, then an object that appeared flat 3/1967 #21689 -red disc with a halo, and a white light on top. The object was visible for 3/1967 #21694 vel, then was joined by the second light, followed by two more. The four ob 3/2/1967 #21733 bserver(s). Odd beeps. Round night light rises / ground into treetops. Then 3/3/1967 #21735 ightings of a bright fuzzy ball of light (spherical) one-fourth of a degree 3/3/1967 #21739 yellow disc with a small red body light moving slowly to the west. The obj 3/3/1967 #21741 yellow disc with a small red body light moving slowly to the west. The obj 3/3/1967 #21744 luminating the forest with intense light. 3/4/1967 #21752 luminating the forest with intense light. 3/4/1967 #21753 ke craft paces car / low altitude. Light humming and away. / r233p41+/ r41p 3/5/1967 #21758 V-shaped object emittina a bright light that illuminated the ground for oe 3/5/1967 #21760 After someone turns on the kitchen light, the UFO shoots off toward the nor 3/5/1967 #21763 ta, on US Highway 14 when a bright light follows their car. The V-shaped ob 3/5/1967 #21766 area around the car in a brilliant light. They hear a humming sound and exp 3/5/1967 #21766 by a V-shaped object with a bright light. It made a humming sound as it pas 3/5/1967 #21768 luminated the ground with a bright light, and the occupants felt a numbness 3/5/1967 #21768 ttom rim, and with a pulsating red light, at one minute past midnight. The 3/6/1967 #21778 spotted a cone-shaped, blue-green light that was estimated to be 15 feet i 3/6/1967 #21780 . The UFO emitted a reddish-orange light as it went over the house. They de 3/6/1967 #21780 KEENEYVILLE, IL 15' saucer west light beams over US20. Odd mist follows 3/7/1967 #21781 Dog in car alarmed as disc directs light beam into vehicle (NICAP: 04 - Ani 3/7/1967 #21786 a red glare. It projects two white light beams into the rear window of thei 3/7/1967 #21787 e car, and then two white beams of light shone through the car's back windo 3/7/1967 #21788 t from Amherst, Massachusetts of a light in the sky, twice the brightness o 3/7/1967 #21789 high speed. The object had bright light beams at each end, and a made a so 3/8/1967 #21801 ular object that emitted a beam of light. The object hovered, approached, t 3/8/1967 #21803 e vicinity of a cemetery and saw a light in the center, coming from an obje 3/8/1967 #21813 gave off burst of brilliant white light, hissing sound, accelerated away 3/8/1967 #21814 Leo’s Cemetery and notice a bright light on the left. Wallace turns the car 3/8/1967 #21815 a closer look. The glow is from a light that is hovering 400–500 feet abov 3/8/1967 #21815 s outside. As he points toward the light, something pulls his arm back and 3/8/1967 #21815 rning when they noticed an unusual light flying over a nearby cemetery. The 3/8/1967 #21818 a spinning rim and a pulsating red light passed overhead, making a hissing 3/8/1967 #21819 ject with flashing body lights and light beams at each end was reported by 3/8/1967 #21820 es saw a fuzzy, fluorescent orange light moving in front of the Organ Mount 3/9/1967 #21836 to explode with a brilliant white light that lasted 10 seconds and almost 3/9/1967 #21838 sees a bright white saucer-shaped light, as big as an airliner, fly straig 3/9/1967 #21840 d solid and metallic, with a small light in front. It moved on an erratic p 3/10/1967 #21849 esses saw a disc with bright white light beams that swept the ground. Red l 3/12/1967 #21866 car. Looking for the source of the light, they saw a large object an estima 3/12/1967 #21869 5 p.m. when they saw a very bright light coming from an old abandoned haysh 3/12/1967 #21874 oned hayshed, and a second beam of light about 100 yards away in an open fi 3/12/1967 #21874 now, then moved toward the beam of light and when they reached it, both the 3/12/1967 #21874 and when they reached it, both the light and the "objects" faded out of sig 3/12/1967 #21874 d by a nearby street lamp. A white light shone from the windows, and two me 3/12/1967 #21876 UCA, WA 2+3 / separate cars. Night light follows car. Plays peekaboo. Engin 3/13/1967 #21878 watched a pulsating yellow-orange light for a half hour as it paced their 3/13/1967 #21881 rbor, MI 7:45 p.m. A man saw a red light that changed to blue as it moved s 3/17/1967 #21911 Then what he thought was the same light reappeared but as two white lights 3/17/1967 #21911 . A couple saw an oval with a body light changing color from red to blue. T 3/17/1967 #21913 . An odor was reported, and a yard light was affected (EM effects). (Fowler Spring 1967 #21921 sees two yellowish-white globes of light at 200 feet altitude, which start 3/20/1967 #21923 e the sky. The see a bright orange light precisely due west of them at an e Spring 1967 #21926 as it passes above them. A second light, much fainter and blue in color, i Spring 1967 #21926 color, is following it. The second light turns away and moves south into th Spring 1967 #21926 outh into the distance. The orange light continues eastward, then performs Spring 1967 #21926 lowed by a thread of rippling blue light. The thread breaks into 7–8 indivi Spring 1967 #21926 d and hovered, four times emitting light or lighted objects toward the grou 3/21/1967 #21934 oro, Kansas when they saw a bright light ahead on the road. The light then 3/21/1967 #21938 right light ahead on the road. The light then approached the car and hovere 3/21/1967 #21938 MOON Astronomer Moseley. Red light and flashes / crater Gassendi. Sam 3/22/1967 #21940 r, and an aide saw a slowing white light that at times had a surrounding re 3/23/1967 #21952 e-shaped object, emitting a bright light, landed in a ravine. As the witne 3/24/1967 #21969 d by a mysterious bright blue-neon light that chases them at high speed alo 3/24/1967 #21970 ove him. Soon, a larger and closer light appears and behaves similarly. He 3/24/1967 #21973 all LCC and both men see a “no-go” light turn on for one of the missiles. W 3/24/1967 #21973 me-shaped object emitting a bright light land in a ravine near Belt, Montan 3/24/1967 #21974 -shaped object emitting an intense light that had landed in a ravine. As he 3/24/1967 #21975 re later joined by a fourth. White light was coming from windows positioned 3/25/1967 #21981 und varied and pulsated as did the light. (NICAP report form and letter in 3/25/1967 #21982 me to ground level with a blinding light, then took off. 3/25/1967 #21984 hours. They had windows with white light coming from them. The rose and fle 3/25/1967 #21986 ground level giving off a blinding light, then took off. 3/25/1967 #21987 in the sky. One particular bright light was strong enough to light up the 3/26/1967 #21998 bright light was strong enough to light up the hill behind it. When they r 3/26/1967 #21998 12:30 a.m., D. Davis saw a shining light on a hill on the adjoining ranch. 3/28/1967 #22006 ver towards it to check it out the light went out. Two sisters who had stay 3/28/1967 #22006 strange objects, a bright, orange light emitting a shower of green sparks, 3/31/1967 #22021 strange objects--a bright, orange light emitting a shower of green sparks, 3/31/1967 #22024 ). A family saw an unusual reddish light that approached their car after th 4/1/1967 #22038 ey flashed their headlights at it (light reaction). The object hovered in f 4/1/1967 #22038 h white lights and a pulsating red light (body lights). (Pennsylvania NICAP 4/1/1967 #22039 n Conifer, Colorado at 1:30 a.m. a light like a flashlight came halfway dow 4/1/1967 #22042 was still awake, saw a man with a light walk past the ranch house, so he r 4/1/1967 #22042 he ran outside calling to him. The light went out and the man ran away. At 4/1/1967 #22042 old children and directed beams of light to the ground. An adult saw the UF 4/1/1967 #22043 of the car and emitted a brilliant light; it then moved off at treetop leve 4/1/1967 #22044 ck of time. She remembers a bright light outside her window and a loud humm 4/2/1967 #22048 ing with an oval-shaped face, very light skin, and large black almond shape 4/2/1967 #22048 ad/railway tracks and ground. Blue light / 4 rectangular windows. Red fireb 4/3/1967 #22049 ILLE, KS Disk with cone top. Green light / peak. Body yellow and red. Going 4/5/1967 #22058 wn, PA Round object, flashing blue light, moved over car, tilted, sped away 4/5/1967 #22059 rple. They then emitted a blinding light that lit up the area, and vanished 4/5/1967 #22061 man saw an obiect with bright blue light that moved slowly and hovered, emi 4/5/1967 #22062 a peaked top surmounted by a green light. Its body was yellowish (like hous 4/5/1967 #22063 ONTON, ALTA NCP#1206. Bright night light / NNW. Zooms. Hovers. Commercial a 4/6/1967 #22072 ercial aircraft pilot chases night light. / r37p130. 4/6/1967 #22072 igar (ellipse) with a blinking red light for about 4 minutes. ^ The object 4/6/1967 #22075 y after 9:00 p.m. a reddish-orange light paced a Canadian Pacific Western a 4/6/1967 #22084 eachers saw an oval object, with a light at each end, come to ground level. 4/7/1967 #22088 n with seven tall windows emitting light. (Don Worley) (NICAP: 02 - Close E 4/10/1967 #22102 ering above trees. It emitted five light beams from the underside, took off 4/10/1967 #22104 s). Ovoid hovers / Tully Pond. Red light turns / bottom/underside. Back 19- 4/11/1967 #22106 isc or ellipse with a rotating red light on the underside. The object hover 4/11/1967 #22107 en shot off. It had a rotating red light on the bottom. Five minutes later, 4/11/1967 #22110 VIENNA, WV Teen. 2 blobs / light maneuver over TV towers. Truncated 4/12/1967 #22113 r over TV towers. Truncated cone / light searches going down. 4/12/1967 #22113 ject that was emitting very bright light ("painful to stare at"). The objec 4/12/1967 #22117 ject emitting a "painfully" bright light. It made rapid motions for five mi 4/12/1967 #22123 Vienna, West Virginia two blobs of light maneuvered over the TV towers of W 4/12/1967 #22126 rs of WTAP-TV; a truncated cone of light searched the ground. 4/12/1967 #22126 ched a revolving object with a red light in the middle, green lights on bot 4/12/1967 #22127 ner. 300' saucer. Terrific beams / light. Very fast maneuvers. / r150. 4/17/1967 #22146 age 16, saw a large amber- colored light approaching their car at an altitu 4/17/1967 #22149 be round with windows on top, and light coming from a bottom bulge. (Ricks 4/17/1967 #22149 e over a car bathing it in intense light (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: 4/17/1967 #22150 WV Dog and pony reacted to beam of light (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 4/17/1967 #22151 heir cars, bathing them in intense light. Metz observes it through 8x binoc 4/17/1967 #22153 flat, circular, star- like orange light flashing an intermittent red-blue 4/17/1967 #22153 w Haven, West Virginia. It had two light beams that were directed downward. 4/17/1967 #22156 and a pony reacted to the beams of light, and there was also severe TV inte 4/17/1967 #22156 off an intense, bluish-white, cold light from the underside of the object. 4/17/1967 #22157 nd four others saw an unidentified light source that alternated between yel 4/18/1967 #22159 our others watched an unidentified light source that alternated between yel 4/18/1967 #22160 ground observers saw an anomalous "light bearing object" in the sky. The pi 4/18/1967 #22161 m. EST. Six neighbors saw a bright light that moved straight up, then cross 4/19/1967 #22164 ports around the perimeter, white light on top, and red light on the botto 4/20/1967 #22170 meter, white light on top, and red light on the bottom, turauoise lights fr 4/20/1967 #22170 g wheel" that emitted multicolored light flashes. Several short humanoid be 4/20/1967 #22172 shaped object with a frosted white light on top and a red light on bottom h 4/20/1967 #22173 osted white light on top and a red light on bottom hovered over Bolton, Mas 4/20/1967 #22173 ottom/underside and shaft / yellow light up. Tips and sways / descent. Poss 4/21/1967 #22179 ST. Two couples saw an unexplained light ahead and chased it in their car. 4/21/1967 #22181 lashing in sequence. A large white light viewed through binoculars showed t 4/21/1967 #22183 m (hemisphere) and with a shaft of light (light beam) pointed upward, desce 4/21/1967 #22185 sphere) and with a shaft of light (light beam) pointed upward, descended , 4/21/1967 #22185 on, the craft gave off a vertical light and vanished. The road burned for 4/21/1967 #22188 ho lived nearby, also observed the light. Holes, traces of burns, and calci 4/21/1967 #22188 .m. Two couples see an unexplained light near Ephrata, Washington, and chas 4/21/1967 #22191 four rectangular windows. A white light flashed in sequence from the windo 4/21/1967 #22198 by two women in Tucson, Arizona. A light beam was directed upward from the 4/21/1967 #22201 SOUTH / EPHRATA, WA 4 / car. Night light buzzes and paces. Car malfunctions 4/22/1967 #22202 An elongated UFO with a red light on one end and a green light on th 4/22/1967 #22209 a red light on one end and a green light on the other; with a large pulsati 4/22/1967 #22209 other; with a large pulsating red light in the middle, hovered 20-30 feet 4/22/1967 #22209 ength to 4 width ratio) with a red light at one end and a green light at th 4/23/1967 #22211 a red light at one end and a green light at the other end. It roared louder 4/23/1967 #22211 flashing green lights and a bright light underneath (body lights). The obje 4/26/1967 #22219 ses' car and illuminated it with a light beam, a whistling sound could be h 4/26/1967 #22221 green color. It next shot beams of light at a dog on the ground, and made a 4/26/1967 #22224 ses' car and illuminated it with a light beam, a whistling sound could be h 4/26/1967 #22225 tnesses saw an object that flashed light beams onto a car and paced the car 4/27/1967 #22229 :30 p.m. The UFO directed beams of light toward the ground. It was absolute 4/27/1967 #22235 superstructure and a large orange light. (Ricks-Carter report dated 5/24/6 4/28/1967 #22243 hat turns into an inverted cone of light that is followed by an orange disc 4/29/1967 #22247 ectro-magnetic effect (EME). Night light distant in sky. Shape indiscernibl 5/1967 #22249 ed to have lights inside and a red light on top (body lights), an estimated 5/1967 #22252 wift Current, Saskatchewan, sees a light shining through her basement windo 5/1967 #22256 en he sees a strange lilac-colored light. Approaching, he sees a domed obje 5/1967 #22257 FO is enveloped in a striking blue light that gives the appearance of a sea 5/1967 #22258 emitted an intense orange-reddish light and approached rapidly at high spe 5/1/1967 #22263 like openings, from which a bluish light emanated. They also saw the figure 5/1/1967 #22263 blinking lights and a steady white light on top (body lights). It hovered, 5/2/1967 #22265 h Australia. It had a globe-shaped light at the front and it left a lumines 5/2/1967 #22266 king red lights and a steady white light on top was seen in Montezuma, Iowa 5/2/1967 #22267 us observer(s) / Minot. Oval night light zigzags mostly going quickly north 5/3/1967 #22269 RMECK, FR 8 saucers go by. Bands / light end / midair! 1 near chalet. RADAR 5/6/1967 #22279 ng traces in the forest. Truncated light beams ("solid light") were emitted 5/6/1967 #22282 est. Truncated light beams ("solid light") were emitted from three of the o 5/6/1967 #22282 25 meters away. A coherent beam of light snaked away from the object, endin 5/6/1967 #22288 . Saucer hovers / cemetery. Strong light going down. Gone / bang! / r109p16 5/7/1967 #22290 ARNETT, OK 1 of 2. Night light follows car home. 3 observer(s). G 5/7/1967 #22291 the ground with a vertical beam of light. The object left suddenly with a r 5/7/1967 #22293 As it hovers at about 200 feet, a light beam comes from the bottom of the 5/7/1967 #22294 o, when they see a bright point of light in the sky. It descends to a spot 5/7/1967? #22295 gives off an intense white-orange light from its cone-shaped body. The cou 5/7/1967? #22295 UFO stops in midair and blinks its light off and on twice. The couple becom 5/7/1967? #22295 and the object directed a vertical light beam to the ground. They looked at 5/7/1967 #22297 Later that evening a nocturnal light followed a car with the Luck famil 5/7/1967 #22298 rving row and a very bright center light that flashed on and off. (Ritter r 5/8/1967 #22299 ow, and a very bright white center light that flashed on and off. The objec 5/8/1967 #22300 ed the airport, turned on a bright light, made turns, and hovered, then mov 5/9/1967 #22301 ed the airport, turned on a bright light, made turns, and hovered. It then 5/9/1967 #22305 and sped away when police shone a light at them (light reaction). (Fowler, 5/11/1967 #22315 when police shone a light at them (light reaction). (Fowler, 1974, p. 348.) 5/11/1967 #22315 ck, but saw nothing. Then a yellow light became visible to the left, and th 5/11/1967 #22317 ver, he saw nothing. Then a yellow light became visible to his left, and th 5/11/1967 #22319 Saucer 25' overhead beams circle / light going down / paperboy. Paralyzed. 5/12/1967 #22321 on, Ohio. It projected a circle of light down around a paperboy with the la 5/12/1967 #22328 aped object with a brilliant white light in front, a rapidly blinking red l 5/15/1967 #22345 t in front, a rapidly blinking red light on the rear, and red lights pulsat 5/15/1967 #22345 object with one red and one white light. (Air Force report form, NICAP fil 5/15/1967 #22346 cigar-shaped UFO with a brilliant light in front at 11:15 p.m. There were 5/15/1967 #22349 th a row of red lights and a white light on one end (body lights). The obje 5/16/1967 #22352 th a row of red lights and a white light on one end. The object hovered ove 5/16/1967 #22357 PORONAYSK, SAKHALIN, RUSSIA, NIGHT LIGHT DROPS / WEST SKY Levels / 1m altit 5/17/1967 #22363 re a door opened, showing a purple light. A high-pitched sound and an odor 5/20/1967 #22379 s approached landed object, violet light, rushing air sound, voices heard. 5/20/1967 #22380 brief swishing sound. Six or eight light gray watermelon shaped objects in 5/21/1967 #22386 ted plate emitting a greenish-blue light. It flew less than 20 m above his 5/22/1967 #22388 ted plate emitting a greenish-blue light in Evillers, France. It flew less 5/22/1967 #22389 FLEURY-EN-BIERE, FR 3 / car. White light hovers / road. Darkens. Sphere fli 5/24/1967 #22391 euville and his family saw a white light to the side of the road, but it wa 5/24/1967 #22392 euville and his family saw a white light to the side of the road in Arbonne 5/24/1967 #22393 void object with four legs. It was light grey in color. A short occupant we 5/24/1967 #22394 (domed disc) that had rainbow-like light. When his car headlights shone on 5/25/1967 #22396 eadlights shone on the object, its light flared up and within seconds it to 5/25/1967 #22396 seconds it took off , straight up (light reaction). The witness felt his ha 5/25/1967 #22396 e lights down the center and a red light at front, and a green light at the 5/25/1967 #22397 a red light at front, and a green light at the rear (body lights). (Witnes 5/25/1967 #22397 E, NM 3 teens / car buzzed / night light. Car malfunctions due to EME (elec 5/26/1967 #22401 n Albuquerque, New Mexico. A white light seems to follow them, weaving back 5/26/1967 #22405 At 10:15 p.m. a strange white light chased a car with three teenagers 5/26/1967 #22406 ar had come to a complete stop the light sped away and the car couId then b 5/26/1967 #22406 1:25 a.m. EDT. A couple saw three light green glowing discs that flew low 5/28/1967 #22412 er the turn, but there was a large light like a locomotive headlight visibl 5/31/1967 #22428 ed, saucer-shaped object with blue light that approached from the south and 5/31/1967 #22429 . She said she saw a brilliant red light with a smaller blue light beside i 5/31/1967 #22430 iant red light with a smaller blue light beside it come toward her from the 5/31/1967 #22430 which revolves around a star 14.6 light years away) have given him a start 5/31/1967 #22431 toba, sees an intensely bright red light with a smaller blue light on the b 5/31/1967 #22432 ight red light with a smaller blue light on the bottom that approaches from 5/31/1967 #22432 overs about 375 feet away. A white light on the bottom becomes brighter as 5/31/1967 #22432 turn home. She saw a brilliant red light with a smaller blue light beside i 5/31/1967 #22433 iant red light with a smaller blue light beside it come towards her from th 5/31/1967 #22433 me towards her from the south. The light lit up the ground and appeared to 5/31/1967 #22433 ow. Later he notices a glowing red light on a nearby hill. The next day he 6/1967 #22439 aped UFOs, one with a bright white light, the second with white, red and gr 6/3/1967 #22458 t-flying object with a large white light on top (body lights). The object ; 6/9/1967 #22481 , TX 6:30 a.m. CDT. A man saw four light sources for about an hour that mov 6/10/1967 #22486 ght cigar-shaped object with a red light. The object hovered, accelerated s 6/11/1967 #22490 raight up and disappeared. The red light turned green when the object ascen 6/11/1967 #22490 otos but they showed only a blurry light. 6/11/1967 #22497 30 a.m. Three 3 to 4' tall beings, light colored clothing, helmets, moved a 6/13/1967 #22501 indows emitting a pulsating orange light, and from one end of it projected 6/13/1967 #22504 15 feet long, bearing a large red light at the end. Beneath this light mov 6/13/1967 #22504 red light at the end. Beneath this light moved three small humanoid figures 6/13/1967 #22504 ccupants less than 4 feet tall, in light colored uniforms, and wearing "hel 6/15/1967 #22509 frogman's suits. The woman shone a light towards in the direction of the cr 6/15/1967 #22510 EDT. A couple saw a central white light surrounded by alternating rows of 6/22/1967 #22533 FOREST, ENGL 3 observer(s). Night light = cylinder/cigar-shape. Sudden sto 6/24/1967 #22540 ouple saw a bright sparkling white light for 10-15 minutes about 10-20 feet 6/25/1967 #22553 s police approached the object the light went out and the dogs stopped bark 6/25/1967 #22555 d of a home when they saw a bright light. They drove to Sunset Hill to get 6/25/1967 #22556 or, lighted by indirect blue white light. In a later session, he remembered 6/25/1967 #22557 and 25-30' thick--with a huge red light at each end and one on the bottom, 6/29/1967 #22572 y lights) and windows that emitted light illuminating the ground. The objec 6/30/1967 #22577 movements, landed again, the white light growing brighter as it neared the 6/30/1967 #22577 over hill. As it did so the white light on the object intensified. The ent 6/30/1967 #22579 PALMA, MAJORCA, SP Power out. Light / patio. 2 small humanoids (or Gre 7/1967 #22583 BUCHAREST, ROM Point / light going southeast / 30s. Drops / 400 7/1967 #22585 . A witness sees an intense orange light through the window of her home in 7/1967 #22590 go outside to watch a cigar-shaped light hovering, moving up and down sligh 7/1967 #22590 ects, each with an attached ray of light (light beam). At a certain point, 7/3/1967 #22596 ach with an attached ray of light (light beam). At a certain point, these r 7/3/1967 #22596 At a certain point, these rays of light disappeared, and the four objects 7/3/1967 #22596 egg-shaped, bright orange, glowing light that hovered, moved erratically, a 7/3/1967 #22599 hen they see an unusual orange-red light approach from the north- northeast 7/3/1967 #22602 -appearing object with a brilliant light on top and a smaller light on the 7/4/1967 #22607 illiant light on top and a smaller light on the bottom near the front (body 7/4/1967 #22607 lights and three vertical lines of light toward the rear (body lights). The 7/4/1967 #22609 -appearing object with a brilliant light on top and a smaller light on the 7/4/1967 #22610 illiant light on top and a smaller light on the bottom near the front. Jay 7/4/1967 #22610 flattened sphere with a brilliant light beam on top directed upward, and a 7/4/1967 #22610 d upward, and a smaller and dimmer light on the bottom directed downward. A 7/4/1967 #22610 COVENTRY, CT Ball / light hovers low / sky. Grass twisted fl 7/5/1967 #22612 motorist sighted an orange ball of light which appeared to be hanging from 7/5/1967 #22613 d from the point where the ball of light had been seen. 7/5/1967 #22613 onnecticut, sees an orange ball of light that appears to be hanging from a 7/5/1967 #22615 ts out to look, but the shadow and light are gone. There is no sound, and t 7/5/1967 #22616 ds (ellipse), a dome on top, a red light at each end, and two rapidly blink 7/6/1967 #22619 At 3:00 a.m. an intense light coming from their patio had awaken 7/7/1967 #22631 n she returned both beings and the light had vanished. Two small marks on t 7/7/1967 #22631 sideways motion and beamed a white light at them. Making a humming sound, i 7/9/1967 #22637 dowlike openings emitting a bright light. 7/11/1967 #22650 ow-like openings emitting a bright light. 7/11/1967 #22651 disc with a thick rim and windows. Light was coming out of the windows. The 7/12/1967 #22652 y encounter a brilliant blue-white light blocking the road. It appears to b 7/13/1967 #22656 lso described as a huge white oval light the length of a football field). T 7/14/1967 #22657 A couple saw an object with a red light on one end and green light on the 7/15/1967 #22662 h a red light on one end and green light on the other, with a row of revolv 7/15/1967 #22662 ect approached in the sky as a red light. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/15/1967 #22664 lf broke into two pieces and their light went out (multiple lights/objects) 7/15/1967 #22665 r lights up “like a great electric light bulb,” her engine quits, and the h 7/17/1967 #22682 nsylvania Mr. Stanley L. noticed a light that he first thought was the moon 7/17/1967 #22683 as glowing brightly with an orange light. Stanley thought he could see the 7/17/1967 #22683 car lit up "like a giant electric light bulb." The engine and headlights f 7/17/1967 #22686 esuit." There was also a source of light coming from above the figure. At f 7/18/1967 #22695 e dissolved into a blurred glow of light. Before it completely disappeared 7/18/1967 #22695 circular object with a large white light in the middle, two red lights and 7/19/1967 #22699 NEAR ISLAMORADA, FL Night light paces car. Goes when oncoming car 7/20/1967 #22706 e square windows. An intense white light came from the inside. A humanoid w 7/20/1967 #22708 DT. Three people saw a round green light hovering over the WHP radio towers 7/20/1967 #22709 ing over the WHP radio towers. The light turned red and descended to 200 fe 7/20/1967 #22709 ar Jewfish Creek. She sees a large light in her rear-view mirror apparently 7/20/1967 #22710 lowing the car. The burning yellow light seems to be floating 6–8 feet off 7/20/1967 #22710 She accelerates to 100 mph as the light overtakes her car and seems to be 7/20/1967 #22710 ar the same spot when she sees the light again, rising from a swamp and mov 7/20/1967 #22710 ter’s toy poodle is terrified. The light veers away from the road and appea 7/20/1967 #22710 ell-shaped object, with an intense light coming from five square windows. I 7/20/1967 #22713 er at 10:45 p.m. EDT a round green light was seen hovering over the radio t 7/20/1967 #22713 e the ground, and an intense white light came on. It flew away behind the t 7/20/1967 #22713 L Dog in car fearful at low flying light (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 7/21/1967 #22715 e fearful of the low flying yellow light, which flew just 15 feet above the 7/21/1967 #22720 11:20 p.m. EDT. A woman saw a red light hovering near her house and illumi 7/26/1967 #22733 to white and then to rose, and the light seemed to rotate as the color chan 7/26/1967 #22733 11:20 p.m. EDT. A woman saw a red light hovering near her house and illumi 7/26/1967 #22734 Columbia. He notices a small pink light moving erratically at about 16,000 7/26/1967 #22735 amateur astronomers. Saucer-night light responds / flashlight! Avoids plan 7/27/1967 #22737 erator, saw an orange-red starlike light that began to move. (Fowler report 7/27/1967 #22739 hts fore and aft and a central red light, with a string of smaller white li 7/27/1967 #22742 kout tower saw an oval blue- white light coming toward him at low altitude, 7/28/1967 #22746 , Corning, Calif.). A bright white light also was visible on the top (body 7/28/1967 #22746 one point it emitted a blue-white light beam which illuminated the ground. 7/28/1967 #22746 . PDT. Two witnesses saw an orange light "like a ball of fire" that approac 7/29/1967 #22748 9:00 p.m. PDT. A woman saw an oval light, sometimes silver and sometimes re 7/29/1967 #22749 tyak see a bright yellow star-like light at about 65° elevation to the east 7/30/1967 #22754 ly south. A bright football-shaped light appeared several minutes later and 8/2/1967 #22778 small white glowing object like a "light bulb" that flew from west to east, 8/3/1967 #22784 craft, and something similar to a light bulb lowered itself to ground leve 8/3/1967 #22786 iere, they see two bright beams of light, one yellow and one blue, about 1, 8/3/1967 #22787 of the craft and something like a light bulb lowered itself to the ground. 8/3/1967 #22791 s near the middle, and white-green light coming from the bottom (body light 8/4/1967 #22798 MA, PERU 5 / airline crew. Globe / light all over/all about. No other plane 8/6/1967 #22822 rge Sarguaza encounters a globe of light while flying between Lima, and Pis 8/6/1967 #22831 between Lima, and Pisco, Peru. The light changes color from red to orange a 8/6/1967 #22831 und area. The water begins to turn light blue, then whitish, yellowish, the 8/8/1967 #22847 rating sound," then sighting a red light that moved up, down, and "all over 8/9/1967 #22853 th white lights at each end, a red light on one side, a blue-green light on 8/10/1967 #22857 ed light on one side, a blue-green light on the other side (body lights), a 8/10/1967 #22857 At 10:00 p.m., they watch a bright light descend for 5 minutes, move back a 8/10/1967 #22859 o men saw a glowing object, with a light beam, that moved slowly in a recta 8/11/1967 #22862 couple saw a glowing object with a light beam for 2-1/2 hours. Barking dogs 8/12/1967 #22865 bject was hovering and the beam of light was directed toward a farm buildin 8/12/1967 #22865 orescent glow and a short flash of light. Too terrified to go outside, they 8/12/1967 #22867 feet away. It is shining a beam of light at a milk house only 25 feet from 8/12/1967 #22868 orescent glow and a short flash of light. Too terrified to go outside, they 8/12/1967 #22869 time, the UFO emits a ray of green light that hits him, throwing him to the 8/13/1967 #22873 t being. Just then a beam of green light came from the UFO and struck De So 8/13/1967 #22874 omerang-shaped object with a white light on the front and a green light on 8/14/1967 #22875 ite light on the front and a green light on the rear (body lights). The obj 8/14/1967 #22875 HUEY, IL Red night light pulses / 45 minute(s). 3m circle / 8/15/1967 #22877 NEAR HANNA, UT Orange night light sails up canyon of N. fork / Duche 8/15/1967 #22878 Nova Scotia Light and Power substation in Caledonia, Mid 8/1967 #22882 e making rounds at the Nova Scotia Light and Power substation in Caledonia, Mid 8/1967 #22882 d out of sight leaving a "trail of light" on departure. (Sacramento Bee, Ca 8/16/1967 #22884 9:45 pm.m EDT. Two men saw a white light hovering over a field and maneuver 8/19/1967 #22891 a side road to investigate a green light he saw in a field. His headlights 8/23/1967 #22896 a side road to investigate a green light he saw in a field. His headlights 8/23/1967 #22897 . Later they saw a large source of light in mid-air and heard piercing whis 8/23/1967 #22902 ne Grove Road when he sees a green light in a field to the south. He turns 8/23/1967 #22904 rook. They run home and see a huge light like a flashlight hovering 13 feet 8/23/1967 #22905 kles and give off an intense white light. They run home again. The next day 8/23/1967 #22905 Stanley Moxon, age 20, saw a green light in a field ahead of him, not far f 8/23/1967 #22906 abandoned cabin they saw a conical light beam cast onto its wall, and the r 8/23/1967 #22908 am cast onto its wall, and the red light re-appeared. Alarmed by this, they 8/23/1967 #22908 uddenly engulfed in a bluish-white light so dazzling that he had to stop. H 8/24/1967 #22914 urrounded by a blinding blue-white light that illuminates the road. As he s 8/24/1967 #22917 uddenly engulfed in a bluish-white light that so dazzling he had to stop, n 8/24/1967 #22918 on and his wife saw a bright white light and a blue glow with three vertica 8/25/1967 #22923 . a round, hazy mass of orange-red light, about a quarter of a mile away, w 8/25/1967 #22928 mpers saw glowing oval that beamed light down, engulfed canoe. Memory loss 8/26/1967 #22931 mpers saw glowing oval that beamed light down, engulfed canoe. Memory loss 8/26/1967 #22934 driver walked toward it, flash of light knocked him out, APRO Bulletin, Ma 8/27/1967 #22938 it on foot and is hit by a bright light coming from the object that knocks 8/27/1967 #22940 he car. The car was illuminated by light beams and was reported to heat up. 8/28/1967 #22941 losed] sees a round ball of orange light moving northwest. At 12:45 a.m., C 8/28/1967 #22943 of Rivers, watch a white flashing light that remains stationary for 30–50 8/28/1967 #22943 ed ball of flame trailed by a blue light at 3,000–4,000 feet. An investigat 8/28/1967 #22943 round object with a dome. Soft red light was seen in the dome, and a string 8/29/1967 #22950 tower to check out an unidentified light. He saw a large, bright orange lig 8/29/1967 #22951 ght. He saw a large, bright orange light at 6,000 feet and estimated its di 8/29/1967 #22951 s 50-60 feet. The pilot chased the light but it eluded him over Lake Erie. 8/29/1967 #22951 ound the circumference and a white light on top (body lights). The object m 8/29/1967 #22952 leaves very quickly in a blinding light. The police note “sulfur odor and 8/29/1967 #22954 und, bright, uniformly illuminated light yellow disk was seen describing a 8/30/1967 #22958 right yellow object with an orange light on top in the adjacent field. It w 9/2/1967 #22984 e ground or just above it, and its light fluctuated in intensity. She could 9/2/1967 #22984 k and forth in front of the bright light generated by the object. She could 9/2/1967 #22984 not be certain because the bright light caused her eyes to strain when loo 9/2/1967 #22984 es saw a brilliant white oval, its light flickering, hovering in the northe 9/5/1967 #23004 a red glow at one end and a white light at the other (body lights). As the 9/5/1967 #23005 ct crossed the sky, a bright white light flashed three times amid the red g 9/5/1967 #23005 . Going quickly east when hit with light. / r193#14. 9/6/1967 #23009 in the eastern sky, behind which a light flashed for about 20 seconds at ir 9/6/1967 #23010 in the eastern sky, behind which a light flashes for about 20 seconds at ir 9/6/1967 #23011 southeast at “fantastic speed.” A light again flashes in the cloud for abo 9/6/1967 #23011 ertical, sausage-shaped cloud. The light flashed at irregular intervals. 9/6/1967 #23012 e visible along its rim, and a red light on top (body lights). (Massachuset 9/8/1967 #23019 ashing lights on the rim and a red light on top at 10:30 p.m. It passed bac 9/8/1967 #23022 Connecticut. The object behind the light pattern was at least as tall as a 9/9/1967 #23027 -shaped object with a flashing red light on each end (body lights) and a wh 9/10/1967 #23030 GIN, ON Several observer(s). Night light going quickly east stops. Drops ob 9/11/1967 #23035 ldren saw a flash of bright orange light, then resolved into a bright light 9/11/1967 #23040 light, then resolved into a bright light seemingly mounted on an object abo 9/11/1967 #23040 way, giving off brilliant beams of light for 4 hours, after which it took o 9/11/1967 #23042 he object emits brilliant beams of light. After 4 hours it ascends and is l 9/11/1967 #23045 The object hovered, changed to one light, then returned to its original app 9/13/1967 #23047 A very bright strobe light was seen, and then six red lights 9/13/1967 #23050 oys and mom. Saucer lands / field. Light rotates / edge-windows. Clear dome 9/14/1967 #23052 :50 p.m. EDT). A man saw n a green light in the sky that sometimes appeared 9/14/1967 #23058 ds) moving around it. The object's light dimmed when cars approached. (Repo 9/15/1967 #23064 ads moving around it. The object’s light dims when cars approach. 9/15/1967 #23069 ark- colored object with a band of light around its circumference. The obje 9/18/1967 #23082 strange pulsating sound as a green light sweeps the walls of the lookout ca 9/18/1967 #23085 and night lights. Then only night light. West going quickly east. / LDLN#2 9/19/1967 #23087 At 10:30 p.m. a fiery light thought to be a UFO was seen at gr 9/21/1967 #23107 ee a disc with a brilliant silvery light and smaller flashing lights around 9/22/1967 #23114 O'Sullivan saw a luminous ball of light in the sky while driving three mil 9/22/1967 #23116 ts, one was stationary. The second light moved toward the first, and the tw 9/23/1967 #23120 e two merged. The resultant single light hovered, then divided, with one li 9/23/1967 #23120 ht hovered, then divided, with one light moving away and the other remainin 9/23/1967 #23120 s evening of an orange, flare-like light that flew in from the south over t 9/23/1967 #23122 Night. Five policemen saw a white light that moved at low altitude over th 9/25/1967 #23130 ey emitted red satellites balls of light, then flew off to the west. 9/25/1967 #23132 AN, BEIJING, CH Sentry. Red ball / light south going north. Circles fast an 10/1967 (approximate) #23150 h rectangular windows, and a white light on top (body lights). A white ligh 10/2/1967 #23164 ight on top (body lights). A white light beam from the bottom illuminated t 10/2/1967 #23164 he bottom illuminated the ground. (light reaction). (Hall, 2001, p. 161.) ( 10/2/1967 #23164 ect with windows, blinking lights, light beam illuminating ground 10/2/1967 #23166 greenish blue, and a bright white light. At times it glowed red all over. 10/2/1967 #23168 shing vessel see a brilliant white light the size of the moon. As they watc 10/4/1967 #23176 form a triangle around the larger light. The satellite objects then move a 10/4/1967 #23176 game wardens see an orange-colored light just above the tree line moving si 10/4/1967 #23176 the surface, showing a pale-yellow light. Wickens contacts the RCMP detachm 10/4/1967 #23176 3 20M luminous circles / triangle. Light humming. Going quickly ESE / 750M 10/5/1967 #23178 mponent on the bottom that emitted light rays. The object hovered, moved sl 10/5/1967 #23179 e saw a craft in the sky. A yellow light came from it, which danced around 10/6/1967 #23187 oblong room that was lit by a blue light from the floor. He was strapped by 10/6/1967 #23187 he generator and sees an odd green light moving slowly up the valley from s 10/7/1967 #23189 round the rim is a pulsating green light that seems to come from a neon tub 10/7/1967 #23189 me from a neon tube. Another green light is rotating slowly inside the top 10/7/1967 #23189 ntations in the side. Suddenly the light on the rim is extinguished, the up 10/7/1967 #23189 is extinguished, the upper gfreen light turns white, and the object ascend 10/7/1967 #23189 ound the circumference and a green light on top. The light rotated, and whe 10/10/1967 #23202 ence and a green light on top. The light rotated, and when the object moved 10/10/1967 #23202 with a small dome on top, a yellow light rotating around the dome. The obje 10/10/1967 #23203 ound the circumference and a green light on top. The light rotated, and whe 10/10/1967 #23206 ence and a green light on top. The light rotated, and when the object moved 10/10/1967 #23206 a small dome on top, with a yellow light rotating around the dome. The obje 10/10/1967 #23207 d yellow lights (body lights). Its light illuminated the ground as bright a 10/11/1967 #23214 f Vernal, Utah Mr. Rasmussen saw a light that hoveredin the sky, then shot 10/11/1967 #23219 ectro-magnetic effect (EME). Night light. Dark shape circles. Going quickly 10/12/1967 #23225 near the ground emitting blinding light as their car approached. (Salisbur 10/14/1967 #23236 ia, when they see a reddish-orange light source hovering close to the road. 10/14/1967 #23237 ice a triangular shape beneath the light. Thirty seconds later it moves upw 10/14/1967 #23237 couple saw a large orange, ball of light that hovered over a corral. It was 10/17/1967 #23244 ent and night lights. 1 more night light. Southwest going northeast and sou 10/18/1967 #23258 white lights at one end and a red light at the other (body lights). The ob 10/19/1967 #23270 olice officers saw a ball of white light flying at treetop level. They stop 10/22/1967 #23284 d blinked or flickered. The center light was a bright red inverted teardrop 10/22/1967 #23287 r at one end, with a blinding blue light. Hovering near it were three separ 10/23/1967 #23292 a silver egg-shaped object with a light blue ring around the center. The o 10/23/1967 #23293 olicemen saw a bright cross-shaped light that moved at treetop level with w 10/24/1967 #23299 onstantly repositioning the bottom light to the top, the bottom light fadin 10/24/1967 #23300 ottom light to the top, the bottom light fading out and then appearing in t 10/24/1967 #23300 ycott, chase a bright cross-shaped light in their patrol car at 90 mph betw 10/24/1967 #23304 r, age 10, reported seeing a large light that came closer and hovered over 10/24/1967 #23309 the object there was a misty weird light, resembling a black light. He was 10/24/1967 #23310 ty weird light, resembling a black light. He was then given a shot in his t 10/24/1967 #23310 room where he saw a bright ball of light; it communicated telepathically wi 10/24/1967 #23310 ing a black ball with pinpoints of light on each side. (Hennessey report re 10/26/1967 #23330 zontal rows of red lights, a green light, and a white light (body lights). 10/26/1967 #23332 lights, a green light, and a white light (body lights). The object circled, 10/26/1967 #23332 of horizontal red lights, a green light and a white light (see sketch belo 10/26/1967 #23336 lights, a green light and a white light (see sketch below). The object cir 10/26/1967 #23336 NORTHEAST / JACKSONVL, FL 2 / light plane. Grey triangle with 6 huge w 10/27/1967 #23338 passenger on board, saw a " bright light, then visible as six huge, round, 10/27/1967 #23342 car, she saw 2-3 white streaks of light (light beams) coming down vertical 10/27/1967 #23343 he saw 2-3 white streaks of light (light beams) coming down vertically from 10/27/1967 #23343 nville, Florida. They see a bright light, which becomes visible as six huge 10/27/1967 #23350 paces her car, she sees 2–3 white light beams coming down vertically from 10/27/1967 #23351 sees a low-altitude, bright round light like a welding-torch that illumina 10/27/1967 #23351 bout 5-1/2 feet tall, dressed in a light colored garment (the witness could 10/29/1967 #23364 ned on a very bright white beam of light from a flashlight like object. The 10/29/1967 #23364 ng deceleration. He found a strong light beam aimed at him from a mushroom- 10/30/1967 #23369 ted object from the sky. A beam of light comes from a “tube” on the object 10/30/1967 #23371 ny deceleration. He found a strong light beam aimed at him from a mushroom- 10/30/1967 #23372 at 9:00 p.m. Donald Marshall saw a light beyond it. When he got closer he s 10/30/1967 #23373 was driving when he saw a tube of light close to his windshield. He then s 10/31/1967 #23375 an airman. 3 10M disks 1500M below light plane. Going quickly east. 11/2/1967 #23385 hen they are blinded by a flash of light. Their car comes to a stop, and im 11/2/1967 #23390 nother entity apparently holding a light. Begay stays in the front seat of 11/2/1967 #23390 s and departs, a yellow flame-like light coming from the bottom. Hammon let 11/2/1967 #23390 y were blinded by a flash of white light. Their car engine stalled and came 11/2/1967 #23392 preceding him, as though a bright light were shining on him from behind. I 11/2/1967 #23392 ple and their children saw an oval light that moved alongside the highway, 11/3/1967 #23396 AN CITY, NJ 2+1 cops / cars. Night light shifts around and changes color(s) 11/5/1967 #23402 pped. The object, emitting a green light and showing a whitish dome under i 11/5/1967 #23407 failed. The UFO, emitting a green light and showing a whitish dome under i 11/5/1967 #23408 EST. A policeman saw a bright oval light with a red light on one end. It ho 11/8/1967 #23421 saw a bright oval light with a red light on one end. It hovered at low alti 11/8/1967 #23421 see hospital stopped for a traffic light in Erin, Tennessee. While stopped 11/9/1967 #23432 see hospital stopped for a traffic light in Erin, Tennessee. While stopped 11/9/1967 #23433 though they could see a bright red light in the sky. The young women then d 11/9/1967 #23434 TMENT, FR Weathermen. Bright night light hovers. 3 small night lights exit. 11/13/1967 #23441 It moved away quickly with a fiery light that was painful to the eye. There 11/14/1967 #23448 n the city of Liepaya, Latvia. The light from the UFO was so brilliant that 11/14/1967 #23451 iple witnesses saw a white ball of light, possibly with red blinking lights 11/15/1967 #23463 and another woman saw a flickering light and a deep-red, glowing object at 11/16/1967 #23469 rrington, England saw a flickering light and a deep-red, glowing object at 11/16/1967 #23471 LTA Teen beamed to saucer / orange light. Small humanoids (or Greys) / croc 11/17/1967 #23475 f a house about to land. A beam of light shoots from it, putting him in a “ 11/17/1967 #23477 eyes, and nose. An orange ceiling light is directed on him and he is given 11/17/1967 #23477 ame time John Keel saw a nocturnal light hovering over the "TNT" area north 11/19/1967 #23483 titude object emitting a pale blue light over the city. First it looked lik 11/21/1967 #23490 n another object that looks like a light aircraft with an unusual white, fl 11/22/1967 #23498 ft with an unusual white, flashing light passes above them at a distance of 11/22/1967 #23498 Underneath at either end was a red light, and on top was a spinning cupola 11/24/1967 #23508 nside his home when a bright green light called his attention outside. He s 11/25/1967 #23510 ltic Sea near Liepāja, Latvia. Its light is difficult to look at with the n Late 11/1967 #23511 e curtain he noticed a huge bright light resting on the ground about 100 me 11/28/1967 #23517 hin three meters. A bright beam of light then struck Wilson around the wais 11/28/1967 #23517 d aircraft is a strong, stationary light 30–40° in the north that descends 12/2/1967 #23533 p a red fireball and emit beams of light. 12/3/1967 #23546 to drive by a cemetery. They see a light blinking in the sky ahead, moving 12/5/1967 #23551 n the underside showing soft white light, and pulsating blue lights on each 12/6/1967 #23554 ls, Idaho, to look for a friend. A light reflecting on the snow on the grou 12/8/1967 #23564 it recedes into the distance, its light dims and turns orange. 12/8/1967 #23564 ounded top (domed disc), a glowing light in the center of the underside, an 12/11/1967 #23569 LANSING, NY Red night light paces car. Beam. Voice says "your 12/12/1967 #23570 nd green square windows, and white light from underneath passed near the ca 12/12/1967 #23572 h her young son. She notices a red light behind her. As it draws closer, sh 12/12/1967 #23575 saw a triangular object with a red light at each tip (body lights). (Uniden 12/14/1967 #23585 pidly spinning sphere with a white light on top and on the bottom, and red 12/15/1967 #23589 pidly spinning sphere with a white light on the top and bottom, and red and 12/15/1967 #23592 when crewmembers sighted a beam of light like a powerful searchlight extend 12/21/1967 #23596 UCSON MOUNTAINS, AZ 2 / car. Night light quickly going down. Electro-magnet 12/24/1967 #23602 Interference (RFI). Globular / red light passes over car. Going quickly sou 12/24/1967 #23602 tes later, they spot a blob of red light. Their engine and headlights fail. 12/24/1967 #23606 e a silently moving, bright orange light. It is joined by a second light on 12/24/1967 #23607 ge light. It is joined by a second light one minute later, and a third abou 12/24/1967 #23607 Tucson, Arizona saw a blob of red light. The engine and headlights of thei 12/24/1967 #23608 lights of their car then quit. The light came near the car, passed overhead 12/24/1967 #23608 & Mrs. Clerici spotted an unknown light in the sky at four o'clock in the 12/26/1967 #23612 ent panels on the bottom. The dome light in their car turns on spontaneousl 12/27/1967 #23615 nagers watched a motionless bright light in the sky and got out of their ca 12/29/1967 #23619 SENEY, MI Cone / green light covers truck / SR28. 5 hours missi 1/1968 #23638 (electro-magnetic effects). Night light near. Hood glows and sparks jump o 1/5/1968 (approximate) #23649 d gave off a white haze. The white light then changed color from red to red 1/13/1968 #23663 It emitted four small red balls of light from a hatch, then five white ones 1/13/1968 #23663 run outside and see a large orange light hovering near the house. For 45 mi 1/15/1968 #23667 uth Australia as a yellow shaft of light shot down from a UFO in the dark n 1/24/1968 #23696 n the dark night sky. The shaft of light was about four inches wide and lig 1/24/1968 #23696 ormal in every appearance, wearing light gray coveralls inside. He could al 1/24/1968 #23697 e four seats on pedestals, and the light inside the craft was so bright tha 1/24/1968 #23697 humanoids (or Greys). Guard shines light. Gassed and faints. Missing time. 1/30/1968 #23709 WITH VERNAL, UT Reddish ball-night light moves very fast. Blinks on / off. 2/1/1968 #23721 inside the tower. When he shone a light toward it, a cloud of dust surroun 2/1/1968 #23723 arton saw a reddish orange ball of light that was much larger than the bigg 2/1/1968 #23725 nter of each gave off yellow-green light. Hovered 25' above ground, then mo 2/9/1968 #23744 r(s) 20km away. 40M circular night light hovers / transmitter. Quickly goin 2/11/1968 #23747 EROCKS, UT Large round green night light turns red. Maneuvers. Shoots away. 2/12/1968 #23750 itnesses, but when they return the light is gone and the 100-foot pond is c 2/18/1968 #23763 150 feet, and had a cone of white light coming from the bottom of the obje 2/21/1968 #23773 d railroad tracks. A short beam of light came out of the craft, pointed dow 2/21/1968 #23774 ut three feet tall walked down the light beam in single file and jumped fro 2/21/1968 #23774 llow side lights with a bright red light in the middle, and it slid back an 2/21/1968 #23775 hot six amber 4-foot-wide balls of light up into the sky. 2/21/1968 #23775 plane passes. Vanishes when hit / light. 2/24/1968 #23781 tts 4:30 a.m. A brilliant flood of light from her window abruptly awakens a 2/27/1968 #23786 , and her hands and feet ache. The light goes on and off about 7–8 times, e 2/27/1968 #23786 on, England, when he sees a bright light appear at the crest of a hill. As 2/27/1968 #23787 ll. As he gets closer, he sees the light is coming from a mushroom- shaped 2/27/1968 #23787 n the afternoon, flashing a bright light. It left a slight smoke trail visi 3/2/1968 #23807 r drops. TV black. House flooded / light. Fireball outside shoots away. 3/3/1968 #23809 reds of small, dimly lit points of light in 5–6 rows on its base. Witness N 3/3/1968 #23815 ntina was flooded by a bright blue light at 12:45 a.m., and their TV set we 3/3/1968 #23816 e by was heard next, and a ball of light was seen shooting off at a dizzyin 3/3/1968 #23816 ess could only see a bright yellow light. The driver of the car felt sluggi 3/4/1968 #23825 ched if for half an hour, when its light suddenly went out. 3/4/1968 #23827 and Air Traffic Controller. Night light follows plane in and back out agai 3/14/1968 #23840 ound until it is pointed at him. A light beam shoots out and hits the upper 3/19/1968 #23849 until it came to me, and a beam of light shot out." Gregory turned away as 3/19/1968 #23850 t out." Gregory turned away as the light beam hit the upper part of his arm 3/19/1968 #23850 During the sighting a large street light on a nearby pole went out and the 3/19/1968 #23850 Aurora, IL Evening. An oval shaped light, red at the front ( the direction Spring 1968 #23851 above is filled with a fading red light, and they see flashes on the weste Spring 1968 #23852 LA CODEROSA WITH ALBQ, SP Night light lands. Foresters throw stones and 3/22/1968 #23856 e of the object and a bright white light shone out from it. Then a human-lo 3/29/1968 #23873 th a "rolled collar." The suit was light colored and brilliant, and appeare 3/29/1968 #23873 air was in a crew-cut and was very light blond or white in color. The UFOna 3/29/1968 #23873 t of nowhere and flashed a beam of light at them. The figure then disappear 4/3/1968 #23888 ' saucer on ground / 30 minute(s). Light goes out. Gone? Observer(s) 1 / 2 4/4/1968 #23891 s, red-orange disc with a flashing light landing in the sand. It is about 9 Mid 4/1968 #23906 BACAU, ROMANIA Light zips over park. 2nd night light zi 4/28/1968 #23928 IA Light zips over park. 2nd night light zigzags and joins 1st. Both go awa 4/28/1968 #23928 y object reflecting a flashing red light on its underside hovered low over 4/30/1968 #23933 ectro-magnetic effect (EME). Night light going northwest. Burnt path / wood 5/1968 #23934 d lifted her inside with a beam of light, after which she found herself in 5/3/1968 #23942 ated down to the ground again by a light beam. 5/3/1968 #23942 ndred, North Dakota where a "ghost light" had been recently reported. They 5/5/1968 #23946 reported. They spotted a nocturnal light and had been chasing it, more or l 5/5/1968 #23946 em, and against its reddish orange light they could see the silhouette of a 5/5/1968 #23946 3 observer(s). Several red balls / light rise / nearby farm. 1 going quickl 5/7/1968 #23949 egos and others saw three balls of light take off from a neighbors field ne 5/7/1968 #23950 RADAR-visual (observation). Night light curves all over/all about military 5/9/1968 #23952 , Seine-Marne, France. A nocturnal light curved all over the sky near a mil 5/9/1968 #23953 odd fluorescence as they reflected light from the local street lamps. The s 5/10/1968 #23956 (S), CHL Astronomers. Bright night light flickers and maneuvers. 3 photogra 5/16/1968 #23964 ere listening to the radio under a light rain while driving between Florian 5/17/1968 #23970 rring sound and noticed a diffused light over the road. Suddenly the van ro 5/17/1968 #23970 ble moving about inside. A reddish light emanated from the top of the objec 5/17/1968 #23970 UFO's fly going south. Emit strong light. Fourth UFO joins and disappears. 5/22/1968 #23979 As he gets out to check, he sees a light slowly descending at treetop level 5/27/1968 #23987 got out to investigate, then saw a light at tree-top height, slowly settlin 5/27/1968 #23989 wly settling to the ground. As the light came nearer, the witness saw that 5/27/1968 #23989 y a fair skinned man with eyes "so light in color that he looked as if blin 6/4/1968 #24006 ST.-GEOURS-DE-MAREMNE, FR Blinking light = saucer / ground. Cars stop. Disa 6/14/1968 #24027 a.m. Jorge Yaru, 35, saw a strange light outside and a bright object, the s 6/14/1968 #24028 tina Jorge Yaru, 35, saw a strange light outside and a bright object, the s 6/14/1968 #24030 with two very intense beams of red light while walking home. A short while 6/14/1968 #24032 ds of his fingers and toes emitted light, and whenever he pointed his hand 6/14/1968 #24032 nd a suit that glows with an eerie light and seems made up of scales. In hi 6/15/1968 #24039 phere that is radiating a coherent light that lights up the room. She feels 6/15/1968 #24039 er arm, which is emitting beams of light, and she feels helpless, falling b 6/15/1968 #24039 e a round object with a vivid blue light near El Choro, Poopó, Bolivia. It 6/15/1968 #24040 d a round object with a vivid blue light. It landed, left a strange, powerf 6/16/1968 #24041 d a round object with a vivid blue light. It landed, left a strange, powerf 6/16/1968 #24042 ailed. The object rose, flashing a light, then quickly moved away. 6/18/1968 #24045 ind. Glows. Also rectangular night light / 30 June / LDLN#147. 6/21/1968 #24061 and it cast a vertical beam of red light toward the ground. Calcinations tr 6/21/1968 #24064 and it cast a vertical beam of red light toward the ground. Calcination tra 6/21/1968 #24065 ground with a vertical beam of red light. The top of the object appeared to 6/21/1968 #24067 d. She then noticed an oval-shaped light in the corner of her bedroom and i 6/24/1968 #24076 rner of her bedroom and inside the light stood two strangely dressed beings 6/24/1968 #24076 other and luminous white beams of light emanated from the tips of the fing 6/24/1968 #24076 was lit up with intensive reddish light. Another man, 52-year-old Jose J. 6/25/1968 #24080 ciski, fell unconscious as a vivid light enveloped him. (Magonia #912, FSR 6/25/1968 #24080 was lit up with intensive reddish light. Another man, 52-yearold Jose J. R 6/25/1968 #24081 ciski, fell unconscious as a vivid light enveloped him. He was unable to mo 6/25/1968 #24081 southeast slow / 10M altitude. Red light winks / center. / r213p46. 6/27/1968 #24086 nd Vega. It emitted a vivid orange light. When it passed close to their car 6/29/1968 #24095 , with pale complexions, and long, light colored hair, who appeared to be w 6/30/1968 #24097 MENDAVIA, SP Blue green light rises / riverbank. Straight up the 7/1968 #24104 ll of something burning. He sees a light about 1,600 feet further downhill 7/1968 #24109 three legs, bathed in fleecy white light, and emitting a burning odor. He g 7/1968 #24109 hree legs and four arms. A beam of light comes from the center of the objec 7/1968 #24109 ke. However, they see a zigzagging light a few feet from the ground and hea 7/2/1968 #24131 ralls, had long hair, and a bright light shone from his chest. The being ea 7/3/1968 #24140 thru) binoculars. Slow green night light. Blinks out when planes pass. Cont 7/5/1968 #24145 rth Adams, Massachusetts - A green light larger than a star was seen moving 7/5/1968 #24146 ylinder/cylindrical object follows light plane. Going quickly east. / r214p 7/8/1968 #24156 body lights followed a Cessna 172 light airplane flying over Warren, Ohio 7/8/1968 #24160 reen visor that emitted flashes of light. The girls fled inside their house 7/9/1968 #24163 hotos, only one of which shows the light. 7/13/1968 #24173 MBUS, IN Saucer shines wide cone / light going down [to] and narrow red bea 7/15/1968 #24174 rvers frozen. Sharp whistle. Night light outside. Furniture etc. inside all 7/15/1968 #24175 er room. At the same time a bright light seemed to descend from the ceiling 7/15/1968 #24179 d to descend from the ceiling. The light began to dim and she felt partiall 7/15/1968 #24179 ectro-magnetic effects). Pale blue light. / r215p51+/ LDLN#97. 7/16/1968 #24180 d obstructions, they encountered a light. Shortly after, a large crimson re 7/16/1968 #24181 Police officers saw disc with blue light nearby, moving slowly. Flying Sauc 7/16/1968 #24182 se to ground, emitting a pale blue light. The object was described as flat 7/16/1968 #24183 was blinded by a powerful beam of light accompanied by two green lamps. Th 7/17/1968 #24186 al observer(s) weakened. Big night light rumbles by. Unintelligible voices 7/18/1968 #24188 miles to the north see a rosy red light in the southwest hovering just abo 7/18/1968 #24189 reddish-orange and yellow beams of light. Soon it goes out, leaving only a 7/20/1968 #24193 side eating when they saw a bright light descend overhead and join up with 7/20/1968 #24194 by dazzling beams of orange yellow light, which suddenly dimmed and the obj 7/20/1968 #24194 object began emitting a green blue light. It had a blue green stripe around 7/20/1968 #24194 r hovers over sea. Wobbles. Haze / light / underside. 7/23/1968 #24208 cigar shaped object with a bright light flew behind some trees in the comm 7/24/1968 #24218 ize object offloads trailing night light. 2200h white rectangle going down. 7/26/1968 #24231 NOVA CACHOEIRINHA, BRZ Night light hovers / clouds. Drops. Rises agai 7/27/1968 #24239 ectro-magnetic effects). Strong UV light wrecks paint. 7/28/1968 #24241 BAILE TUSNAD, ROM Night light traces trapezoid / sky. Stops / ea 7/30/1968 #24259 t hovered low over ground, grayish light beam cast sharp shadows. Humming s 7/30/1968 #24261 20-foot wide gray-colored beam of light onto the ground. Their children mo 7/30/1968 #24263 ct disappears in a sudden flash of light and a burst of hot air. The incide 7/31/1968 #24271 and there was a brilliant flash of light, and a sensation of heat with a bl 7/31/1968 #24272 1km altitude. Tail lights ground. Light goes out-then UFO. 8/1968 #24275 h of Burlington, Vermont, a bright light appears in the southwest sky and s 8/7/1968 #24307 over the dock they were bathed in light from the object, and both witnesse 8/7/1968 #24308 Argentina was woke up by a bright light coming from outside his home. Goin 8/8/1968 #24310 ct had a dome with a revolving red light on top. As he stared at the object 8/8/1968 #24310 ct that gave off bright flashes of light, sitting on the ground. Smaller li 8/12/1968 #24322 ve some trees on his left. Another light is approaching at high speed to jo 8/15/1968 #24331 ilent, dazzling blood-red globe of light was seen hovering and pulsating at 8/15/1968 #24334 hite ball projecting white beam of light onto fields and woods as it moved 8/16/1968 #24340 lmos, Catalonia, Spain, glimpses a light more than half a mile away. He thi 8/16/1968 #24342 a chicken farmer named Mateu saw a light hovering three feet above the grou 8/16/1968 #24343 eet high, with "4 or 5 legs," very light in color with a "thoroughly disgus 8/16/1968 #24343 d, flipped over, then emitted five light beams downward, focusing into a si 8/16/1968 #24344 speed and emitting a bright green light. They watch it for 10–15 seconds b 8/17/1968 #24346 thru) binoculars. Venus size night light zigzags going south. 7-8km altitud 8/18/1968 #24349 t going east. Zigzags. Small night light follows. They exit together. 8/20/1968 #24357 rs / 90 minute(s). Beams projector light going down. / Abbot. 8/20/1968 #24358 nd 11:00 p.m. It emitted a beam of light upwards. 8/20/1968 #24360 tices a semicircular “pebble-like” light on the ground and a UFO floating 1 8/25/1968 #24376 reign looking woman” wearing white light colored, shiny clothes, and a tigh 8/26/1968 #24381 AUSTRALIA Car lit inside. 2 rays / light in V-shape follow car. / local new 8/27/1968 #24383 meters away and emitted a beam of light directed upward. It then made a st 8/28/1968 #24392 brupt maneuver, and then shone its light at him, hitting him in the face an 8/28/1968 #24392 US6 75 MI WITH DELTA, UT Night light going [to] overhead. Truck malfunc 8/29/1968 #24398 ic sphere, which gave off a yellow light. At 9:40 p.m. several people in Ca 8/29/1968 #24400 he saw a stationary bright, white light close to the horizon. It turned a 8/29/1968 #24402 he continued to drive towards the light. He got out and watched the light 8/29/1968 #24402 light. He got out and watched the light travel overhead and disappear behi 8/29/1968 #24402 o white and back to red. After the light was gone, the truck could be resta 8/29/1968 #24402 s eyes also shone with a brilliant light. The stunned witness could not mov 8/31/1968 #24410 BACAU, ROM 1 night light overtakes 2nd. Both drift. 1 shoot 9/1968 #24411 PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Large light violet ovoid seen. No further deta 9/1/1968 #24418 und and directing a bright beam of light downward. When the entities came c 9/1/1968 #24422 scended to their machine along the light beam. There was an "explosive effe 9/1/1968 #24422 A brilliant royal blue ball of light with a whitish-yellow outer ring h 9/2/1968 #24425 disc-shaped craft emitting orange light, and it made several low-level pas 9/9/1968 #24448 rcular object with a red and green light that is only a few feet in diamete 9/10/1968 #24449 long oval object emitted a reddish light, then descended, almost touching t 9/11/1968 #24452 t 5M saucer / 3000' altitude beams light going down. Trajectory glows. 9/14/1968 #24458 ERA ISLAND, AZORES Strange disk of light / sky. No further details. / Uniao 9/14/1968 #24459 ALA, FL 2 observer(s). Green night light maneuvers. Buzzes plane when radio 9/15/1968 #24463 uminous saucer-sphere beams strong light down. Quickly going up [to] fast. 9/15/1968 #24464 5 twin-engined utility plane. One light performed aerobatics for 15 minute 9/15/1968 #24466 nutes and then vanished. A second light appeared, heading toward them on a 9/15/1968 #24466 lindrical object emitting a bluish light and descending slowly to the west 9/15/1968 #24468 ty plane, observed an unidentified light performing aerobatics in the night 9/15/1968 #24469 nutes before it vanished. A second light appeared, heading toward Cole's pl 9/15/1968 #24469 including supervisor saw nocturnal light and report violent maneuvers (NICA 9/17/1968 #24473 Force Base, Nevada, watch a bright light moving in a way they cannot explai 9/17/1968 #24475 arge UFO births small one. Beams / light. 9/19/1968 #24483 g circled by four smaller balls of light near Gagra, Georgia. The large UFO 9/19/1968 #24487 minute later there was a flash of light and all the remaining objects were 9/19/1968 #24487 at around 1:00 a.m. Three beams of light came down from the object, and hum 9/20/1968 #24490 IELD, ME Minister. 2 pencil rays / light through window. Classic saucer out 9/23/1968 #24500 to see two pencil-shaped beams of light coming through his window from a r 9/23/1968 #24504 ira, La Coruna, Spain saw a bright light coming from Ponteiro, and she late 9/24/1968 #24509 g on a tripod under which a bluish light illuminates the ground, and it has 9/26/1968 #24516 l satellites sighted a bright blue light source moving across the sky in Ne 9/29/1968 #24522 ar, and four passengers observed a light source with 2-3 beams toward groun 9/30/1968 #24525 s profound fear. Km away sees 15cm light / air. 10/1968 #24530 luminous, sort of translucent oval light source that was probably several h 10/1968 #24533 hen the craft flashed a very vivid light three times, the platform retracte 10/2/1968 #24538 SNAGOV, ROMANIA Saucer casts light like a lamp. Drops 50° to horizon. 10/4/1968 #24543 rolina. While stopped at a traffic light, he sees a black object like a sho 10/5/1968 #24544 nds a few feet, then stops. A blue light is at one end. The three large lig 10/5/1968 #24544 n rapidly for 25 seconds. The blue light goes out, the arm retracts, the la 10/5/1968 #24544 t of a cloud, with a yellow-orange light around it and three circular light 10/8/1968 #24551 oing down [to] and retracts beam / light! Observers paralyzed. 10/13/1968 #24559 d got out to investigate a distant light source on the ground. When they wa 10/15/1968 #24563 und. When they walked up to it the light on the ground proved to be four li 10/15/1968 #24563 SOUTHEAST BERGA, SP White ball / light / roadside. 2M burnt circular foun 10/19/1968 #24573 ding on end. At times a small blue light appeared underneath it. It blinked 10/19/1968 #24576 HUARD, FR Dark silent ovoid throws light and sparks over 2 / lakeside and g 10/20/1968 #24577 way yard. Bright very fast point / light maneuvers. 90-turns. All over city 10/23/1968 #24579 requency Interference (RFI). Night light. 14 Blue Book report(s). 10/24/1968 #24581 green flashing lights and a white light hovering for 30 minutes over Walli 10/27/1968 #24592 rovince, the Philippines saw a red light come down and land 100 yards away 11/1/1968 #24616 . Behind the shutter a very bright light could be seen moving. After the ch 11/1/1968 #24620 e directing a narrow beam of white light towards the ground below. The two 11/1/1968 #24620 ted 90 degrees so that the beam of light struck him. He then heard a loud b 11/1/1968 #24620 ed with the wind. A thin thread of light rose high into the sky before vani 11/1/1968 #24620 out 180 m away. A vertical beam of light was aimed at him for a second as t 11/2/1968 #24624 590 feet away. A vertical beam of light is aimed at him for a second as th 11/2/1968 #24625 rom his window. A vertical beam of light was aimed at him for a second as t 11/2/1968 #24626 ). Area oddly quiet all day. Night light rises / lagoon and going quickly s 11/5/1968 (approximate) #24633 40M of sea with retractable cone / light. 11/7/1968 #24639 very 2 minute(s) when yellow night light appears. 11/7/1968 #24640 n her bicycle, and noticed the red light suddenly appear from behind the mo 11/9/1968 #24649 sembling a brilliant star. The red light seemed “gelatinous” in nature and 11/9/1968 #24649 FORBES LANDING, BC Globe / light lands / road. Radio Frequency Inte 11/13/1968 #24651 NIVALA, FINL Night light drops hovers and lands / trees. Hu 11/14/1968 #24654 . The sphere had a yellowish-white light on top and bottom, and the tube se 11/14/1968 #24657 rky movement. The intensity of its light increases and Milakovic feels like 11/20/1968 #24672 UCHAN, FR 1 / car. Moon-size night light going [to] over. All outside light 11/21/1968 #24674 , and beneath it a patch of violet light was cast onto the ground. A door i 11/21/1968 #24676 ter a short while a beam of silver light shot forth from the cylinder and t 11/21/1968 #24676 SP 1+several observer(s). 1M night light and 6 30cm night lights maneuver a 11/22/1968 #24678 ng yellow-white oval ahead of car, light beam struck car; color changed to 11/22/1968 #24681 hrimp boat, hovered briefly, shone light down on boat, then took off straig 11/22/1968 #24683 hrimp boat. Hovered briefly, shone light down on boat, then took off straig 11/22/1968 #24687 Albany, GA Oval object beamed light down on car, electrical system fai 11/22/1968 #24688 ver a shrimp boat, shone a beam of light down on the boat, then shot straig 11/22/1968 #24691 en he encountered an orange oblong light 120-150 feet wide that hovered at 11/22/1968 #24692 Mr. Jones, accountant. One oblong light, 120-150' wide. Hovering 75' abov 11/23/1968 #24694 f static, then car engine stopped. Light flew away vertically and car engin 11/23/1968 #24694 e sees a brilliant yellowish-white light about 200 feet ahead of him and 50 11/23/1968 #24695 bject emits a beam of well-defined light about 5–6 feet across that illumin 11/23/1968 #24695 NTA, ROM 2 engineers. Orange night light going quickly ESE. Complicated zig 11/24/1968 #24697 aucers beam vibrant bright cones / light going down [to] strawberry field. 11/24/1968 (approximate) #24698 ellus, NY Object with red blinking light on top within 100 ft. of car; made 11/25/1968 #24702 The dog starts to whine again as a light the size of a basketball fluctuate 11/25/1968 #24704 the scene with a neighbor and the light is still visible and maneuvering. 11/25/1968 #24704 domed-disc UFO with a red blinking light on top. As it approached to within 11/25/1968 #24705 At 8 p.m, a light approached a residential area in R 11/25/1968 #24706 ith body lights hovered, shone red light beam to ground. When officer shone 11/27/1968 #24723 ith body lights hovered, shone red light beam to ground. When officer shone 11/27/1968 #24724 Dakota at 7:00 p.m. It shone a red light beam to the ground. When a police 11/27/1968 #24726 an egg-shaped head and a blinking light on its chest area, and what appear 11/28/1968 #24729 d the third moved above the second light. Then the first light came back an 11/29/1968 #24732 e the second light. Then the first light came back and the three formed a t 11/29/1968 #24732 They suddenly saw a long streak of light coming down from the top of the wi 12/8/1968 #24751 p of the windshield. The sparks of light looked similar to holding a piece 12/8/1968 #24751 roadside. Strong yellow and green light. 12/10/1968 (approximate) #24755 emitting a strong yellow and green light. 12/10/1968 #24756 also saw an amber-colored flashing light reflecting off the trees outside, 12/10/1968 #24757 thed the surrounding area in amber light. The witness was terrified and una 12/10/1968 #24757 [TO] CHAUCHINA, SP Powerful night light goes east going west. Hovers. Desc 12/11/1968 #24759 igures moving around in front of a light on the ground alongside the highwa 12/12/1968 #24766 the highway as they drove by. The light source wasn’t there when they chec 12/12/1968 #24766 d brightened. It shot out beams of light. Bright green flashes went out fro 12/15/1968 #24772 YUSTE, SP Night light splits / many parts. Circle Monest 12/31/1968 #24797 ed by the lookout about a possible light from a fishing boat in the water a 1969 #24805 g boat in the water ahead. But the light suddenly moves from above the wate 1969 #24805 rical object hovers / slant. Beams light ground. Going up and down [to] 4X. 1/1969 #24809 s. 160' disk glows / low altitude. Light plane circles going [to] over sauc 1/2/1969 #24813 and scientists and several. Night light zigzags going [to] WNW slow. Absol 1/4/1969 #24814 window and saw an intensely bright light. Her daughter, 25-year old Felicid 1/6/1969 #24822 the kitchen and also observed the light. Felicidad asks her mother about i 1/6/1969 #24822 t, but she continued to ignore the light. Thinking this was abnormal, Felic 1/6/1969 #24822 features, chestnut-color hair, and light skin. They wore something similar 1/6/1969 #24822 saucers maneuver over Bois-Francs. Light snow. 1 lands. 1/15/1969 #24844 Spain and got out to investigate a light he saw nearby. When he got to with 1/15/1969 #24850 . A dog that had been watching the light with him had its hair raised and w 1/15/1969 #24850 A dark oval object with a central light on the top and bottom and four whi 1/22/1969 #24867 t. Each time it stopped moving the light went out. Finally, the UFO ascende 1/26/1969 #24872 , and as if obeying an order a big light arose from the nearby ridge. The o 1/31/1969 #24882 rs could see him only as a ball of light. Then, with a slight gesture, he s 1/31/1969 #24882 /globe near ground. Intense yellow light. Night light / separate observer(s 2/2/1969 #24890 round. Intense yellow light. Night light / separate observer(s) = possible 2/2/1969 #24890 iam Black observed a yellow-orange light moving from south to north while w 2/15/1969 #24921 r he crossed the street he saw two light sources going north, which veered 2/15/1969 #24921 figure was very tall and lean with light colored hair. He wore white covera 2/17/1969 #24925 s). 1M metallic saucer with strong light. Rises from behind mountain to 100 2/19/1969 #24929 Zealand at one a.m. when he saw a light. He came upon two men sitting with 2/22/1969 #24939 an off, "shaking like a leaf." The light he first saw was a luminous haze t 2/22/1969 #24939 2 / wharf. Brilliant Oblong night light crosses sky slowly. Changes colors 2/26/1969 (approximate) #24947 A white nocturnal light maneuvered in front of a drive-in 3/1/1969 #24957 nd emitting a strong white beam of light down to the road which seemed to m 3/4/1969 #24963 CB radio was dead. As heneared the light beam from the UFO his truck motor 3/4/1969 #24963 r, effects associated with beam of light from object. See Section I. (R,L) 3/4/1969 #24966 lanta, MO Object emitting blinding light beam paced ahead of vehicle, heat 3/4/1969 #24967 paced ahead of vehicle, heat felt. Light beam associated with E-M effects. 3/4/1969 #24967 en he sees a bright reddish-orange light about 100 feet in diameter and flo 3/4/1969 #24968 beams a strong, cone-shaped white light on to the road from a height of 50 3/4/1969 #24968 side the gates to Rideau Hall. One light moves east and is lost to view in 3/4/1969 #24969 io were buzzed by a mysterious red light or craft, and reported by a number 3/4/1969 #24970 hway and directed a strong beam of light onto the road. The driver felt a s 3/4/1969 #24970 from the object and described the light as brilliant. 3/4/1969 #24970 R MTS, BUSOT, SPAIN 3 night lights light up mountain / 3 minute(s). Car mal 3/6/1969 #24972 Dog disturbed as domed disc sends light beam to road (NICAP: 04 - Animal R 3/6/1969 #24974 Lancaster, MO Light beam shone on road ahead of car, d 3/6/1969 #24975 e sees a bright blue-white beam of light illuminating the road and a domed 3/6/1969 #24976 he then saw a bluish-white beam of light ahead on the road. Her car slowed 3/6/1969 #24977 / roadside. 1 follows bus. Returns light signals! 3/7/1969 #24980 ter followed the bus, and returned light signals from the bus driver. 3/7/1969 #24982 LERS, DOUBS Brilliant flashy night light loops going quickly north. Many si 3/9/1969 #24983 passed overhead, stopped, emitted light beam onto road, illuminating polic 3/10/1969 #24988 passed overhead, stopped, emitted light beam onto road, illuminating polic 3/10/1969 #24989 disc-shaped object with a beam of light was seen on the road ahead as a ma 3/10/1969 #24990 as it hovered, and shot a beam of light downward onto the road. The object 3/10/1969 #24991 nas, Sao Paulo state, Brazil saw a light moving erratically in the sky, cha 3/11/1969 #24998 porarily felt paralyzed. After the light flew away, both the car and motori 3/11/1969 #24998 hovering in the air. A “tunnel of light” extended from the object through 3/12/1969 #25002 EVILLERS, FR Night light. Cloud-saucer lands. 12M / stunted 3/17/1969 #25016 e had quit. Moments later he saw a light rising above a nearby hill and fel 3/17/1969 #25020 ent walls that gave off a dazzling light. Despite the translucent appearanc 3/17/1969 #25020 ed him, and emitted a beam of pink light that struck him and caused him to 3/19/1969 #25031 saw a luminous object with a blue light hovering in the west. It had a rin 3/22/1969 #25037 York at 7:00 p.m. when they saw a light approach. They got out of the car 4/5/1969 #25051 ghts around its edge and a beam of light shining from its center. A memory 4/5/1969 #25051 ject landing and shining a beam of light towards them. Later one of the wit 4/5/1969 #25051 a still night. A powerful beam of light switches on across the top of the 4/20/1969 #25073 crop. It emitted a strong beam of light that swept the ground for 360 degr 4/20/1969 #25074 on his horse when a bright beam of light struck him from above. He soon fou 4/20/1969 #25075 ERA GOING [TO] PENARANDA, SP Night light on roadside. Vibrant bright red li 4/21/1969 #25078 ht on roadside. Vibrant bright red light. Est 20M object. Flies. 4/21/1969 #25078 way. It had a red rotating central light that was flashing and intense, and 4/21/1969 #25079 have a row of portholes with pink light coming from within. They estimate 4/22/1969 #25082 im- to-rim.” There is a steady red light on top. The object seems to be noi 4/25/1969 #25090 like gun metal. It had an interior light that was "the brightest blue imagi 4/25/1969 #25091 ee red lights and a green flashing light on top. 4/28/1969 #25099 Vibrant bright landed green night light at 1500M distant. No form visible. 5/1969 #25103 rounds / minutes. Shrill noise and light beams. 5/2/1969 #25109 2 observer(s). Yellow-orange night light hovers / ridge. 2nd joins and rece 5/2/1969 #25110 craft opened and a strong beam of light came out. 5/3/1969 #25112 ll-built black man and another has light brown skin. Two others, more sligh 5/4/1969 #25114 his legs, he knelt down. A beam of light, greenish in the middle and reddis 5/4/1969 #25115 ut the window and sees a brilliant light close to the ground. The light sou 5/11/1969 #25125 ant light close to the ground. The light source seems to be a domed craft w 5/11/1969 #25125 ee witnesses sighted a red ball of light at 3:00 a.m. at Santa Catalina de 5/11/1969 #25126 s, Mr. & Mrs. Chaput, and a bright light was shining from the craft into th 5/11/1969 #25127 and Mrs. Hinitt, watched beams of light pulse upwards from the ground towa 5/12/1969 #25132 the white face of an animal" and a light in the sky which came down toward 5/20/1969 #25151 y covering their bodies and heads, light cream in color, having openings on 5/20/1969 #25151 S TO/FROM CAMAGUA, RGS, BRZ Ball / light near ground. 3 observer(s). Car wo 5/21/1969 #25152 estern Australia, notices a moving light to the south and about 10° above t 5/23/1969 #25160 his mother, who sees a steady red light on top of a more diffuse blue-whit 5/23/1969 #25160 n top of a more diffuse blue-white light darting haphazardly in a zigzag pa 5/23/1969 #25160 eir position and can still see the light hovering in the northwest. The lig 5/23/1969 #25160 ght hovering in the northwest. The light is now seen as circular with hazy 5/23/1969 #25160 spotted a crimson red, oval-shaped light flying over the area. It was compl 5/30/1969 #25169 ntirely by tiny pinpricks of white light. No facial features could be seen. 5/30/1969 #25169 SAO PAOLO, BRZ Large night light maneuvers. Smaller night light fli 5/31/1969 #25171 ght light maneuvers. Smaller night light flies away. Several cars electro-m 5/31/1969 #25171 nds / swamp. Man walks around rim. Light beams going up. No further details 6/1969 #25181 2 observer(s). Bright green night light flies northeast going quickly sout 6/1/1969 #25185 st of Clare, South Australia a red light pulsated is it hung stationary ove 6/4/1969 #25199 goon. At about the same time a red light came down the valley from Camel Hu 6/4/1969 #25199 t emitted blue and orange beams of light. At 8 p.m. a doctor took a photogr 6/4/1969 #25200 and shot up multi-colored beams of light. 6/4/1969 #25200 ing was buzzed by a mysterious red light in Ottawa, Ontario during the even 6/5/1969 #25203 ARBARA, BRZ 2 observer(s). Intense light. 5M ellipse outside. Odd noise and 6/10/1969 (approximate) #25207 witnesses could see a bluish green light under each object. They could also 6/10/1969 #25209 leaving a luminous short trail of light behind. 6/10/1969 #25209 ulars. Red UFO hovers. Small night light exits and orbits and rejoins. / r1 6/14/1969 #25214 zona four people saw a glowing red light in the northwest sky. It flew from 6/14/1969 #25215 d a point source coming out of the light, orbiting, and then re-entering. S 6/14/1969 #25215 looks gray and like an upside-down light bulb. However, it moves to his lef 6/17/1969 #25221 and yet were a source of their own light," US Coast Guardsman Vernon Kleman 6/20/1969 #25229 e down saucer with a pulsating red light around the bottom. The top was an 6/20/1969 #25230 ve the ground 50 feet away. By the light of the rising sun he could see the 7/1/1969 #25244 auricio Gnecco saw a yellowish red light moving in the sky over Anolaima, C 7/4/1969 #25253 BUCHAREST, ROMANIA Night light going quickly southeast. Becomes s 7/6/1969 #25257 ght cloud on clear night. Points / light dance. 7/10/1969 #25260 through which comes the bright red light. They are completely silent. Both 7/11/1969 #25261 ow to see a reddish-orange ball of light rotating and spinning counterclock 7/12/1969 #25264 River next to them. Convinced the light is following them, Paquette turns 7/13/1969 #25268 t of the car, causing the interior light to go on, and the object descends 7/13/1969 #25268 children out of bed to look at the light. Ontario police officers Jack McKa 7/13/1969 #25268 McKay and Grant Chaplin follow the light for 38 minutes as it travels at a 7/13/1969 #25268 server. Silent violently pulsating light / west.sky. Shoots beams. Going qu 7/23/1969 #25291 NORTH / TROIS RIVIERES, QB Night light over reservoir. White small humano 8/1969 (approximate) #25306 ose encounter with a small intense light over a wooded area near New Baden, 8/5/1969 #25311 rea near New Baden, Illiniois. The light made a sharp turn, approached, dre 8/5/1969 #25311 utheast. Stop overhead. Thin beams light 2 observer(s) individually. 8/9/1969 #25313 thern Ireland. It hit a house with light beams, causing reported physiologi 8/11/1969 #25316 o de Janeiro, Brazil he saw a blue light which, when seen again some 200 me 8/19/1969 #25324 MATARO, SP Night light descends to surface(s) level. Disa 8/23/1969 #25327 TONA, SP 4 / car. 2M x 4M "wall of light" vanishes as car approaches. No fu 8/25/1969 #25328 Robert Coates ran towards it. The light went out, but when they got near t 8/27/1969 #25333 HALLESAKER, SWEDEN Night light follows man home. Silent saucer wi 8/29/1969 #25336 NGATEA, NZ Night light going quickly south. 17M circle / 9/4/1969 #25350 at 7 p.m. a large circle of white light was seen by three witnesses. It wa 9/22/1969 #25375 UFOs hadedges lit by bluish-white light, red underparts, and created fiery 9/24/1969 #25378 off the headlights and noticees a light to the east hanging just off Highw 10/3/1969 #25395 continues driving and he sees the light as a light-pink inverted saucer mo 10/3/1969 #25395 At 4:30 a.m. a luminous ball of light paced a car driving between Sainte 10/11/1969 #25407 face craters" on it, and reflected light. It made a high frequency buzzing 10/11/1969 #25409 CRANBROOK, BC 7 observer(s). Night light paces and buzzes car northbound / 10/15/1969? #25415 READSTOWN, WI Night light descends. Beam lights entire field 10/31/1969? #25441 TIRAU, NZ 1 observer. Night light over hedge. 5 black shadow figure( 11/1969 (approximate) #25444 QB 1 observer. 2 large white disks light treetops. Shoot going up [to] leav 11/3/1969 #25450 nd it flashed back. We clapped the light on it and it began to come closer. 11/9/1969 #25455 CORRAL DE BUSTOS, ARG Night light flies over car / high-speed. Tach 11/15/1969 #25457 ncy at the same time that a bright light flew by, changing color from green 11/20/1969 #25464 rate pilots. Brilliant white night light bounces going up and down / 5 minu 12/5/1969 #25486 Airport south over Lake Ontario a light was seen by two witnesses oscillat 12/5/1969 #25489 private plane chase 3' white night light all over/all about. Evasive maneuv 12/7/1969 #25492 a “plastic bubble” with a glowing light inside. It drifted downward, and t 12/27/1969 #25510 ill. It radiates a brilliant green light, and a strange musical tone emanat Early 1970 #25524 r, the object emits a bright white light and takes off vertically. (Wendell Early 1970 #25524 nia, are followed by a red ball of light the size of a beach ball. They get Early 1970 #25524 stones hitting together. Then the light blinks out, and the rocks crash do Early 1970 #25524 MAYOR, SP = VIATOR ARMY BASE Night light maneuvers at 10M altitude. Green g 1/1970 #25525 ltitude hits porch / curved beam / light. Rises and away. 1/1/1970 #25529 roach, hover, humanoid appeared in light beam from object. Memory loss, ext 1/7/1970 #25538 roach, hover, humanoid appeared in light beam from object. Memory loss, ext 1/7/1970 #25539 r of the object’s bottom, a bright light beam is emitted, creating an illum 1/7/1970 #25540 black box with a pulsating yellow light. Its arms and legs are very thin, 1/7/1970 #25540 x, and its nose hooked; it wears a light green coverall with darker green k 1/7/1970 #25540 le. The two men next saw a beam of light come from an opening in the bottom 1/7/1970 #25541 exion with a hook nose, and wore a light green coverall uniform with darker 1/7/1970 #25541 hest level with a pulsating yellow light from which a beam was emitted. The 1/7/1970 #25541 ilitia surround landed saucer. Big light and rises silently and away. 2/1970 #25568 SCRANTON, PA 2 cops. Night light over railroad/railway tracks. Goin 3/21/1970 #25603 IO, BRZ Several observer(s). Night light / 90° turn. Stops. Hovers. Maneuve 3/28/1970 #25612 re, England, see a flashing purple light. One of their sensors buzzes, indi 3/28/1970 #25613 Review. But the UFO is actually a light beam from a high-intensity purple 3/28/1970 #25613 ARK 2 observer(s). Extreme bright light 20m over field just off I40. Whist 4/21/1970 (approximate) #25638 t occasionally sends out a beam of light to the ground. Some of the observe 4/29/1970 #25645 ove away from each other, then the light moving south suddenly halts. The o 5/14/1970 #25662 ng south suddenly halts. The other light is moving slower than a meteor but 5/14/1970 #25662 ROUILLAC, FR 2 cops. Night light SSE going NNW / low altitude. = tr 6/1970 (approximate) #25680 South Wales, when he sees a bright light on he ocean side of the highway. A 6/1970 #25684 but it continues to emit beams of light from its top and sides. Fearful, t 6/1970 #25684 ovoid hovers / low altitude. Beams light ground. 6/24/1970 #25705 MOND, NV Ranchers. Brilliant night light panics livestock. Generator quits. 6/26/1970 #25708 tland. It emitted a bright beam of light, then flew off to the east. 6/27/1970 #25715 s in the mud.” One week later, the light returns and crosses the field acro 7/4/1970 #25726 AMP, SP Object beams intense white light. Physical traces. "Doubtful Case". 7/20/1970 #25740 . He is blinded by a yellow-orange light beam and paralyzed by fright. As t 7/25/1970 #25750 E BUCURA, ROMANIA 3 campers. Night light rises and drops. Stops. Suddenly s 7/27/1970 #25753 GERENA, SEVERAL, SP Night light at high speeds / ground level. 2 h 8/1970 #25760 Several nights / succession. Night light passes going southeast. 1 night it 8/1970 #25763 R JINZHOU, CH 2 observer(s). Night light north going quickly southeast slow 8/1970 #25764 P, BRZ 11 teachers and more. Night light going west. Turns. Stops. Splits / 8/4/1970 #25767 LEV, DK Cop. Silent saucer. Cone / light / car. Radio Frequency Interferenc 8/13/1970 #25779 he is surrounded by a bluish-white light. His engine stops and the car ligh 8/13/1970 #25782 e car increases. He sees a conical light coming from the bottom of a large, 8/13/1970 #25782 y object. After a few seconds, the light is drawn into the UFO, a process t 8/13/1970 #25782 engulfed by a bluish-white cone of light from a metallic gray disc. His car 8/13/1970 #25783 ights, and two-way radio died. The light was so brilliant it hurt his eyes 8/13/1970 #25783 ound 10:30 p.m. when a very bright light caught his eye. It seemed to have 8/15/1970 #25787 ard a metallic sound. By the faint light available he saw a ramp come snaki 8/15/1970 #25787 ng other things, that the speed of light was "imaginary." He received the i 8/15/1970 #25787 la bearing a bluish-white rotating light; and around its perimeter were oth 8/16/1970 #25791 , Sweden, see a bright, round, red light maneuvering around the ground, emi 8/29/1970 #25808 nd, emitting beams of yellow-white light. Three round landing marks in a tr 8/29/1970 #25808 de a room illuminated by an orange light. The room was very cold and she fe 9/7/1970 #25828 Steel gray in color, it has a red light at each of its bottom corners and 9/8/1970 #25830 LBA DL ALCORES, SP Buzz. 2M halo / light going [to] over woman. Dogs disori 9/19/1970 #25841 m. a two-meter in diameter halo of light hovered over a 22-year-old woman o 9/19/1970 #25842 0 p.m. a bright red-orange ball of light descended slowly behind some trees 9/20/1970 #25845 oon-shaped object emitting a white light beam. At 4:15 a.m. a red object wi 10/5/1970 #25869 a red object with beams of bright light was sighted in Walsh, Illinois. 10/5/1970 #25869 as station/depot/facility. Ball of light makes 2 short turns passing. 1 / 3 10/6/1970 #25871 or, Manitoba. They notice a bright light approaching from about a half-mile 10/24/1970 #25885 n diameter with 9 “rods” and a red light on top. Adams takes Martin home bu 10/24/1970 #25885 river blinded by strong blue-white light, physiological effects. Object dep 10/29/1970 #25891 river blinded by strong blue-white light, physiological effects. Object dep 10/29/1970 #25892 Rogaland, Norway, when a dazzling light forces him to stop the car. He loo 10/29/1970 #25893 emporarily blinded by a blue-white light that hurt his eyes. A ball of ligh 10/29/1970 #25894 ight that hurt his eyes. A ball of light 20 feet in diameter came down on a 10/29/1970 #25894 disc-shaped object with a beam of light extending down to the road. It fol 11/1/1970 #25898 ay, Sonora, Mexico, when he sees a light in the sky coming from a saucer-sh 11/5/1970 #25902 200–300 feet above the surface. A light from a tube on the bottom illumina 11/5/1970 #25902 hlight is turned off and a similar light appears on top of the UFO, illumin 11/5/1970 #25902 AM, ENGL 2+observer(s). Oval night light hovers / docks. Slow then fast awa 11/16/1970 #25905 aw a round domed disc with a white light one-hour after three teenagers als 11/21/1970 #25914 , flooding the area with brilliant light. Other sightings occurred about th 11/24/1970 #25917 e and sees a bright flash of white light to the southeast, which startles h 11/29/1970 #25922 NEAR EVERETT, WA Night light passes over car. Car slows way dow 12/5/1970 #25927 ashington when they saw a deep red light near the surface of the river. The 12/5/1970 #25929 near the surface of the river. The light passed over them and their car mot 12/5/1970 #25929 pping from 40 mph to 5-10 mph. The light continued in a straight line to th 12/5/1970 #25929 ROM Sky turns red. Blinding white light. Cop car starts itself. / r79p50. 12/14/1970 #25937 hich changes to white. A spherical light is hovering above a bus before dis 12/14/1970 #25938 Bucharest, Romania saw a vivid red light in the sky and heard a pulsating, 12/14/1970 #25939 A whitish-blue sphere of pulsating light was hovering over the car, then it 12/14/1970 #25939 tographs showing luminous balls of light in motion were taken on this night 12/24/1970 #25952 fton, England saw a reddish-orange light about the size of a car flutter fr 1/2/1971 #25968 g coffee when they see a brilliant light approaching from the lake outside 1/3/1971 #25972 las see their whole yard bathed in light caused by a huge fireball about 60 1/3/1971 #25972 a was paced by a one-meter ball of light for 13 minutes. It flew away when 1/5/1971 #25978 n Suceava, Romania saw a star-like light zigzagging in the sky. It vanished 1/5/1971 #25979 culars. A domed UFO with a beam of light was sighted in Quincy, Illinois at 1/18/1971 #25991 attle lot. When they flashed their light on it, they saw a diminutive figur 1/22/1971 #25994 hen they saw three orange balls of light in a straight line move across the 1/22/1971 #25995 attle lot. When they flashed their light on it, they saw a diminutive figur 1/22/1971 #25996 reature, silhouetted by a flashing light behind it. Multiple reports of UFO 1/22/1971 #25997 , when he claims to see an intense light beginning to descend. He snaps a p 1/25/1971 #26002 a photo but can no longer see the light. The photo shows a circular light 1/25/1971 #26002 light. The photo shows a circular light with a dark aura. Probably a film 1/25/1971 #26002 s car and backed away. The ball of light changed color from orange to purpl 1/26/1971 #26003 PREDEAL, ROMANIA Night light maneuvers about imaginary central 1/30/1971 #26005 named Nicolae watched a nocturnal light that maneuvered for ten minutes ar 1/30/1971 #26007 lantern went out. Next, a beam of light levitated the observer and that wa 1/30/1971 #26008 e town of Kiiminki they observed a light behind the car on the right hand s 2/2/1971 #26011 e of the road. After some time the light passed over to the left side of th 2/2/1971 #26011 up. When they came to a field the light disappeared. Suddenly Mrs. Kuittin 2/2/1971 #26011 suddenly appeared a flash of white light so intense that the had to shut hi 2/16/1971 #26021 s observer(s). Reporter sees night light blink on and off. Away extremely f 2/17/1971 #26023 ium again at 8:05 p.m. a nocturnal light swung in a pendulum motion over a 3/2/1971 #26040 VANIEMI, FINL 1 / truck. 3M beam / light moves over road / 20M altitude. No 3/4/1971 #26042 when it filled with a bluish white light from behind, as if a "ray" had bee 3/5/1971 #26044 at night, at 9:06 p.m., they saw a light coming towards them over the mount 3/14/1971 #26047 r them. It was emitting a purplish light from underneath, and he felt a "pu 3/14/1971 #26047 ar when picked up. It is extremely light and tenuous. 3/15/1971 #26048 wing several sightings of a bright light in the sky at West Kempsey, New So 4/2/1971 #26064 psey had observed a strange bright light in the sky. 4/2/1971 #26065 o humanoid figures visible inside, light beam upward from top (UFOE II, Sec 4/14/1971 #26070 o humanoid figures visible inside, light beam upward from top 4/14/1971 #26071 vania when they saw a yellow white light drop behind a nearby hill. They dr 4/14/1971 #26073 ghted a fiery orangish-red ball of light that showed white and trailed behi 4/23/1971 #26079 as "football shaped," the interior light being "the brightest blue imaginab 4/24/1971 #26081 d. It was a very bright, pulsating light. It would move and stop, move and 4/25/1971 #26082 d. It was a very bright, pulsating light. It would move and stop, move and 4/25/1971 #26084 hing conventional like an aircraft light, but its strange motion seemed to 4/25/1971 #26084 he object was about as high as the light on a radio tower. She rolled down 4/25/1971 #26084 kph. Small portholes / side. Green light. 4/30/1971 #26085 tholes along the side, and a green light. In Huskvarna, Sweden two married 4/30/1971 #26087 (electro-magnetic effects). Night light over road. Car starts and night li 5/1971 #26088 ht over road. Car starts and night light paces to town. / TUFOIC. 5/1971 #26088 VILLALBA DL ALCORES, SP Night light going [to] all over/all about. Dar 5/1/1971 #26093 shape barely visible behind night light. Going northeast. / r50. 5/1/1971 #26093 ngle file. All wore tight fitting, light blue sports shirts and dark trouse 5/8/1971 #26103 NEAR GLEICHEN, ALTA Night light paces car. Car lifted 2' over road 5/14/1971 #26108 TATION/DEPOT/FACILITY Bright night light 35° / southwest horizon. Slight Ra 5/15/1971 #26109 er, had long arms, and wore shiny, light reflecting clothing. (Humcat 1971- 5/15/1971 #26110 eing had long arms and wore shiny, light reflecting clothing. In one hand i 5/15/1971 #26111 EAST / BALCARCE, ARG Ray / light going [to] bridge. Group / cars le 5/20/1971 #26118 ached slowly and bathed her car in light as it passed over. When 110 meters 5/25/1971 #26137 aucer rises / sea. Rotates. Rays / light. Follows car. Away / extreme speed 5/31/1971 #26146 a Evening. Esther Clappison sees a light through her windows in Rosedale, A 6/9/1971 #26162 open, revealing a diffused, white light. Two human- like forms are moving 6/9/1971 #26162 son or Rosedale, Alberta noticed a light outside her home and went to the w 6/9/1971 #26165 illuminated from within by a white light. It was on a darkened object whose 6/9/1971 #26165 outside the object, visible in the light from the window, who was stooped o 6/9/1971 #26165 as it hovered, revealing beams of light directed upward into the sky. 6/13/1971 #26175 They next observed a huge ball of light during a widespread California pow 6/18/1971 #26179 urst, Idaho. It directed a beam of light down upon two witnesses, who exper 6/21/1971 #26184 A brilliant flash of light followed by a gust of wind were se 6/25/1971 #26193 rver(s). Great luminous red-yellow light hover 2M over ground / 15 min. 6/26/1971 #26196 e saw a large bright white ball of light above her neighbor's house that li 6/26/1971 #26197 ed a large luminous reddish-yellow light hover for fifteen just 2 meters ov 6/26/1971 #26199 and watched a bright yellow-orange light approach from the distance, leavin 6/28/1971 #26200 At 9:30 p.m. a bright light floated slowly along to a point ov 6/28/1971 #26201 r, England, when an “electric blue light” appears ahead and moves toward hi 6/29/1971 #26203 ible in the darkness--there was no light, for the sky was overcast and the 7/12/1971 #26224 server(s). Ovoid going west. Night light exits and returns. Stops over 'shi 7/14/1971 #26226 Florida heading west. A nocturnal light exited and returned. It briefly st 7/14/1971 #26227 overing above the field, a reddish light shone out of what appeared to be a 7/27/1971 #26246 ng above the field, with a reddish light shining out of what appeared to be 7/27/1971 #26247 s-ball follows 50M off Rt. wing of light plane. 2 observer(s) / ground. 8/7/1971 #26270 she saw oval-shaped portholes of a light hue, and three or four shapes movi 8/11/1971 #26280 FO emitted a broad, bluish beam of light that fell directly into the room i 8/11/1971 #26280 d at her. She compared the type of light to that of an oxyacetylene lamp. E 8/11/1971 #26280 hit her it nearly blinded her. The light turned off briefly and then turned 8/11/1971 #26280 out the window. She felt that the light was having a hypnotizing effect on 8/11/1971 #26280 could not say a word. The beam of light turned off and on five times over 8/11/1971 #26280 wing low and slow over road. White light / rear. No further details. 8/13/1971 #26282 A yellow light approached a car being driven by a 8/23/1971 #26301 led when the object approached.The light vanished, then reappeared 15 meter 8/23/1971 #26301 erous observer(s). Moonlike ball / light maneuvers over airport and roadway 8/25/1971 #26304 e witness saw two bright points of light on its lower right edge. It sped a 8/30/1971 #26306 ed. It had green L-shapes with red light at each end. It became oblong, the 9/2/1971 #26310 kwise. Lit 'windows' / rim. Orange light flashes / top. 9/4/1971 #26312 les, United Kingdom an oval-shaped light, partially obscured by haze, was s 9/7/1971 #26322 fearful. It had three portholes of light and a convex row of small round li 9/8/1971 #26326 x row of small round lights. A red light shone from the top, and it emitted 9/8/1971 #26326 one from the top, and it emitted a light beam for five seconds. 9/8/1971 #26326 d behind, and one of these shone a light into the witness eyes. He went int 9/11/1971 #26328 much of the way by two men with a light. Ground marks were said by the wit 9/11/1971 #26328 n his direction. When they shine a light at him, he ducks behind the hut. A 9/12/1971? #26330 looks out again and they shine the light once more. Frightened, he flees to 9/12/1971? #26330 d behind, and one of these shone a light into the witness eyes. He went int 9/12/1971 #26331 much of the way by two men with a light. Ground marks were said by the wit 9/12/1971 #26331 ENG, HUBEI, CH Mass / yellow-green light like galactic nebula. Slowly spins 9/17/1971 #26340 red lights and one white statonary light. The object hovers for 30 seconds, 9/19/1971 #26347 y illuminated by multiple beams of light and he saw a square black object r 9/20/1971 #26353 loud that seemed to extinguish all light. (Flying Saucer Review Case Histor 9/20/1971 #26353 ed more like a reddish, triangular light. When it came even closer it chang 9/20/1971 #26354 unded by intense vertical beams of light. The car was levitated and transpo 9/20/1971 #26356 h beam headlight on the object the light dimmed. When he did it a second ti 9/22/1971 #26363 echanical way. Two bright beams of light were focused on the witness's car 9/22/1971 #26365 s brilliantly illuminated by white light. There was little in the way of fu 9/22/1971 #26365 perceived a strong beam of reddish light, coming from something that blocke 9/25/1971 #26379 ling lights. With a yellow beam of light they levitated him 150 feet from t 9/25/1971 #26379 nd entity, surrounded by a haze of light. Foreman went for the police. 9/30/1971 #26388 JIANGLING, HUBEI, CH Tens flash / light. Silent yellow plate 5x diameter / 10/1971 (approximate) #26392 Z Farmer. Horizontal silent tube / light vanishes. Back vertical. Fast. 10/1971 (approximate) #26393 POTPEC, SERBIA Red oval night light spirals going down / car. Changes 10/1971 (approximate) #26394 triangular UFO with a large white light at the bottom and many smaller red 10/2/1971 #26399 ntal shock." From his bed he saw a light in the garden, so he went to his k 10/11/1971 #26418 sky. It gave off a blinding white light, and went out of sight over some r 10/11/1971 #26419 ly lit portholes and blue beams of light shining on the roadway. The group 10/16/1971 #26427 ed just off ground, sheep reacted, light beam, landing traces, physiologica 11/2/1971 #26448 his parents, and they also see the light in the southern sky moving off int 11/2/1971 #26449 shaped object with a blinking red light on top. Two more identical objects 11/5/1971 #26459 her plate that glowed with a white light, reportedly followed the president 11/6/1971 #26463 ghts blinking on top and a beam of light. 11/6/1971 #26466 ight, slowly-moving "white-orange" light approaching from the East. Object 11/7/1971 #26467 a mile away. They vanished like a light switch being turned off. 11/13/1971 #26469 they saw a large, yellowish-white light land in the distance, and a smalle 11/13/1971 #26470 and in the distance, and a smaller light approach their campsite. In the en 11/13/1971 #26470 the tractor. It shot down beams of light, then made a 180 degree turn and f 11/14/1971 #26472 ineering Professor and more. Night light skims ground. 3 38cm imprints / 18 11/25/1971 #26476 anoga Park, California a nocturnal light was seen skimming the ground. Late 11/28/1971 #26477 n had a close encounter with a red light in Sedalia, Missouri, which was se 11/28/1971 #26478 ther family had seen a red ball of light in the area the previous night. 12/1971 #26482 10:00 p.m. There they saw a bluish light pulsating over a small square of o 12/6/1971 #26490 rresistible attraction towards the light. They left the car and heard a cic 12/6/1971 #26490 d he set off towards the pulsating light. As he approached it he felt like 12/6/1971 #26490 the lights seem to follow him. The light swooped very low, almost at ground 12/13/1971 #26496 rofessor, reported seeing a bright light circling over Holiday Acres, a loc 12/14/1971 #26498 body and surrounded by an aura of light float through some trees, 20 meter 12/14/1971 #26502 uge grey sphere/orb/globe / field. Light crosses road. Sphere gone. 12/17/1971 #26505 in the nearby field. He then saw a light move across the road and saw that 12/17/1971 #26506 illuminated from within by a blue light. A short humanoid, less than a met 12/20/1971 #26510 OLVERA, SP Night light follows car / 2 hours. Radio Frequ 12/22/1971 #26513 couple name Castillo had a bright light pace their car in Osuna, Sevilla p 12/22/1971 #26515 ill, South Australia a red ball of light was sighted by neighbors on this n 12/25/1971 #26518 ted several groups of red balls of light that jumped and maneuvered all ove 12/28/1971 #26521 (seen thru) binoculars. Oval night light makes impossible maneuvers / all d 1/22/1972 #26552 e with windows jumps / sky. Bright light. Sulfur odor. 1/26/1972 #26555 ead at 150 feet. He turned off his light and the object slowly moved off. H 1/26/1972 #26556 sharp chin. Next a brilliant white light hit him that paralyzed him until d 1/26/1972 #26556 ject in the sky with a central red light and four white corner lights, as t 2/11/1972 #26572 earby field, and directed powerful light beams down onto the field. 2/11/1972 #26572 irth. The windows were lit and the light behind them was revolving. It flew 2/11/1972 #26573 a 6 foot in diameter blue fall of light followed a girl home at 60 feet al 2/12/1972 #26577 LARNED, KS Big white light buzzes car the way to farm. Hovers 2/26/1972 #26582 er wide spinning, luminous ball of light hung over a factory in Boussois, F 3/1/1972 #26586 Normandy, France Ellipse with red light landed about 200 meters away. APRO 3/10/1972 #26596 meters away. It had a red ball of light on top of it and two portholes. Th 3/10/1972 #26599 ist replaced by a blindingly vivid light. When he opened his eyes again he 3/16/1972 #26606 lision with a huge funnel of white light, which changed color to red. The a 3/18/1972 #26616 for a broom when he sees a bluish light, which gets larger as if it is app 3/19/1972 #26617 luminous sphere giving off a blue light like that of a welding torch. Mari 3/19/1972 #26617 ff more blue sparks. Gradually the light and sound are lost in the sky. The 3/19/1972 #26617 oud humming sound and saw a bright light from his window. Looking out, he s 3/25/1972 #26623 oking out, he saw a blinding white light surrounded by a fog, and thought t 3/25/1972 #26623 nded by a greenish glow. The green light came from windows in the craft, an 3/25/1972 #26623 TALAVERA LA REAL, SP Orange night light. 1.5M white column / smoke. Wheel 4/8/1972 #26640 r people watched an orange ball of light in a 1.5 meter column of white smo 4/8/1972 #26641 g. A policeman on patrol noticed a light beam on the ground, and when he gl 4/20/1972 #26655 t 2:10 a.m. A bright green ball of light (BOL) sped up, flew away fast to t 4/27/1972 #26663 p into the air with a blinding red light. The entire incident had lasted mo 5/2/1972 #26669 ses, and landed remotely. It had a light beam and made a jet-like noise or 5/13/1972 #26682 O, WI Cops and many. Orange ball / light varies size and speed all over. Go 5/16/1972 #26684 dark oval-shaped object with a red light on one side, a white light on theo 5/31/1972 #26691 h a red light on one side, a white light on theother, hanging just above th 5/31/1972 #26691 ow altitude. It directed a beam of light upwards, with 90 degree rotation. 6/2/1972 #26698 domed disc shot four beams of red light, rose in three small jumps, then s 6/6/1972 #26704 adiz, Spain observed a very bright light which temporarily blinded him. The 6/9/1972 #26711 ow oval shaped source of throbbing light about two meters in length. Blue p 6/9/1972 #26711 . Blue protuberances came from the light. It suddenly disappeared, then rea 6/9/1972 #26711 a, Spain, when he notices a bright light outside through the half-closed sh 6/22/1972 #26726 5 inches above it. A beam of solid light extends from the object, touching 6/22/1972 #26726 Cops and plane chase elusive night light. High-tone. Zigzags. / r166p42. 6/23/1972 #26727 At 3:00 a.m. police and a light plane chased an elusive zigzagging 6/23/1972 #26728 ed an elusive zigzagging nocturnal light through the skies over Menominee C 6/23/1972 #26728 WELLINGTON, RSA 1M orange night light on and off. Hovers / 260M. Rises. 7/1/1972 #26750 WEST / DURBAN, RSA 727 crew. Night light paces liner. Shoots going quickly 7/1/1972 #26751 L Many observer(s). Saucer hovers. Light signals come from sea. Saucer goin 7/2/1972 #26753 FAYMONVILLE, BELGIUM Strong night light curves southeast going quickly wes 7/4/1972 #26759 st. Going quickly [to] through and light clouds / 2000M. / r221p62. 7/4/1972 #26761 us/glowing cloud hovers. 3 beams / light curve going down [to] and taper to 7/4/1972 #26763 iew a triangle of bright globes of light moving slowly from west to east. T 7/4/1972 #26764 lles notices three bluish beams of light shining down from a luminous cloud 7/4/1972 #26764 A light over Cheox, Belgium at first appea 7/6/1972 #26780 GALION, OH 2+2+3 cops. Night light maneuvers / sky. No description. 1 7/7/1972 #26781 NEAR DURBAN, RSA 3 / light plane. Star maneuvers and paces pl 7/10/1972 #26785 S, SP 1.5M saucer hovers and beams light / car. Car slows. Electro-magnetic 7/10/1972 #26786 her and 1. Very large bright night light hovers 15° / horizon. No further d 7/10/1972 #26787 doba, Spain Luminous object beamed light at car, engine lost power (UFOE II 7/10/1972 #26788 doba, Spain Luminous object beamed light at car, engine lost power 7/10/1972 #26789 untered a yellow oval of throbbing light at 10:15 p.m. He was temporarily b 7/10/1972 #26790 He was temporarily blinded by the light. The engine of his car failed but 7/10/1972 #26790 / ARROYITO, ARG 2 / car. Odd night light. Car floats. 40 minute(s) missing 7/16/1972 #26804 nesses, giving off a bright yellow light. It was estimated to be about one 7/16/1972 #26807 HICAGO, IL Aerospace writer. Night light / crazy maneuvers over lake. Insta 7/19/1972 #26811 hen they see a red-orange point of light slowly moving toward them. Closer, 7/19/1972 #26813 ospace writer, watched a nocturnal light make crazy, erratic maneuvers over 7/19/1972 #26816 DURBAN, RSA Cops and many. Night light from Chatsworth hovers / harbor / 7/20/1972 #26817 binoculars. 2 photographs / night light. 1 appears / domed saucer shape. G 7/23/1972 #26826 s, a 37-year-old woman, saw a blue light from a saucer-shaped object nearby 7/25/1972 #26834 se at 9:15 p.m. while it was still light out. A short while later they both 7/26/1972 #26836 tronomers. Sphere/orb/globe / pale light crosses sky / 20 second(s). / NICA 7/27/1972 #26840 ver house several nights recently. Light up meadow etc. 8/1972 #26861 iscs moving through the sky. Their light changes in color and intensity. Si 8/1972 #26864 his brother when they see a bright light off in the bush 300 feet from the 8/1972 #26864 et out of the car and approach the light, which is sitting in a clearing. I 8/1972 #26864 nishes like “someone turning off a light.” 8/1972 #26864 d a close encounter with a cone of light, two miles south of Evant, Texas. 8/5/1972 #26876 NORTH / TOFIELD, ALTA Night light crosses beaver lake. Octopus grabs 8/6/1972 #26879 or several hours before they saw a light travel across the lake and descend 8/6/1972 #26882 when she noticed a white spherical light that appeared to be in a nearby fi 8/9/1972 #26890 ights hovered near ground emitting light beams downward; satellite objects 8/12/1972 #26909 ights hovered near ground emitting light beams downward, satellite objects 8/12/1972 #26910 ft about 30 feet away. A small red light is moving haphazardly around it. W 8/12/1972 #26911 ire department, France. It emitted light beams downward, and smaller satell 8/12/1972 #26912 rged from it. The UFO reacted to a light flashed at it and caused some phys 8/12/1972 #26912 0 a.m., making beeping sounds. Its light illuminated the surrounding field. 8/12/1972 #26913 large round UFOs flashed beams of light at each other for 45 minutes in Ga 8/12/1972 #26913 ordoba province, Argentina, an odd light appeared above a car containing tw 8/16/1972 #26921 overed near ground; blinding white light brightly illuminated terrain; obje 8/19/1972 #26931 overed near ground. Blinding white light brightly illuminated terrain. Obje 8/19/1972 #26932 me a big fire. "There was a bright light shining from his chest which went 8/22/1972 #26949 linois on this night when a bright light in the sky caught his attention. H 8/26/1972 #26956 overturned bus, with a large blue light in the middle and smaller white li 8/28/1972 #26966 zled by a brilliant flash of white light, accompanied by intense heat; when 8/28/1972 #26966 k. the UFO carried a reddish-green light on top. 8/31/1972 #26971 IZE, FR 2 observer(s). Green night light. Saucer with 4 luminous "legs" hov 9/7/1972 #26978 rst sighted a phosphorescent green light in the sky just before midnight. A 9/7/1972 #26979 ARARIMU, NI, NZ Huge ball / light shakes house. Dogs agitated. / Spa 9/13/1972 #26989 s round and had "rays" or beam of light coming out of it. 9/13/1972 #26991 uency Interference (RFI) and night light. 0300h dogs bark. Night light back 9/14/1972 #26994 ight light. 0300h dogs bark. Night light back. Tree burnt. Tripod marks. 9/14/1972 #26994 tic, which shows a disc reflecting light. 9/14/1972 #26998 woods. They see a bright flash of light at ground level. The next morning, 9/14/1972 #26999 y lights and a huge red flickering light on top. It passed directly overhea 9/14/1972 #27002 ican Republic when a man wearing a light green coverall that covered even h 9/22/1972 #27026 es later, a very bright blue-white light appears behind the car, enveloping 9/25/1972 #27030 , enveloping the entire vehicle in light at the same time as all electrical 9/25/1972 #27030 nd the engine and wipers stop. The light persists for 5 minutes, and the te 9/25/1972 #27030 inside the car rises. Suddenly the light is gone, and the electrical system 9/25/1972 #27030 ite skin. As Merlo approaches, the light by the janitor goes out and a ligh 9/27/1972 #27034 ight by the janitor goes out and a light near the entity goes on spontaneou 9/27/1972 #27034 .5 feet tall, had eyes like yellow light bulbs, large pointed ears, a squar 9/27/1972 #27035 o by means of a solid beam of blue light. It somehow levitated or took the 9/27/1972 #27036 k the being up through the tube of light and into the UFO. Others saw a lum 9/27/1972 #27036 off when he noticed the whole area light up. He heard someone approaching f 9/28/1972 #27038 that falls like a curtain of solid light. Byrne watches for several minutes 10/8/1972 #27058 the sky until it is only a blob of light. 10/8/1972 #27058 York, when they see a bright white light. It is joined by a red and a green 10/9/1972 #27063 It is joined by a red and a green light. They continue driving, and around 10/9/1972 #27063 of a hill west of Coram, the white light hovers into view above the treetop 10/9/1972 #27063 observer(s). Domed saucers. Night light exits 1 going down [to] to ground 10/13/1972 #27069 like a trapezoid) outlined in blue light. Observed suddenly for 3seconds it 10/14/1972 #27075 , when they see a bright streak of light approaching from the west. As it c 10/23/1972 #27087 path. The object shines a beam of light at the airplane, bathing it in lig 10/23/1972 #27087 ght at the airplane, bathing it in light that is bright enough to read to, 10/23/1972 #27087 South Africa, when they see a red light moving in circles above the tennis 11/12/1972 #27120 ead with binoculars and see an odd light above the town. School Principal H 11/12/1972 #27120 l Principal Harold Truter sees the light moving vertically up from his home 11/12/1972 #27120 MIDDELBURG, RSA 2 / car. Globe / light going down. 2 1M men exit. Carry f 11/17/1972 #27125 nt and resemble small red balls of light. They are also seen the following 11/21/1972 #27132 s, which "seemed to emit a silvery light." Sr. Rey went into the kitchen, f 11/28/1972 #27150 t apparatus, which caused an amber light to come on. Then he walked to the 11/28/1972 #27150 nothing happens, not even the oil light comes on. He tries the wipers and 11/30/1972 #27154 as if wrapped in a cloud of bright light, and leaves a long trail behind, b 12/1972 #27158 astronomer and 1. 18M ovoid night light with dull humming maneuvers slow t 12/4/1972 #27161 A pilot and his friend saw a white light hover over Waltham, Massachusetts, 12/4/1972 #27162 ple named Willis saw a cylindrical light hovering while driving in Port Eli 12/7/1972 #27164 lower part is glowing like a neon light, while the upper part has a row of 12/13/1972 #27176 ouse. After 15 minutes, the moving light has arrived within 165 feet in bac 12/13/1972 #27176 / GARAH, NSW Motor noise. 3' night light going [to] over farm / 10' altitud 12/16/1972 #27178 es, and it was emitting a powerful light. An enormous "wheel" was spinning 12/30/1972 #27193 s and clocks." A powerful flash of light came from the underpart and comple 12/30/1972 #27193 Osorno, Chile Disc with green light and flashing, red light flew over 1/1/1973 #27208 with green light and flashing, red light flew over car, engine restarted. F 1/1/1973 #27208 r. The disc-shaped UFO had a green light and a flashing red light. Their ca 1/1/1973 #27210 d a green light and a flashing red light. Their car engine came back on by 1/1/1973 #27210 glowing box shone a strong beam of light. It made some complex maneuvers, a 1/10/1973 #27229 s, England, when he sees an orange light in the north, moving eastwards. He 1/11/1973 #27230 ada. A very low flying maneuvering light also paced a car occupied by a sin 1/11/1973 #27231 CERES, SP White-yellow fuzzy night light. Hovers over ground / 5 minute(s). 1/27/1973 #27247 A strange light with a cone on top was seen by a s 1/30/1973 #27252 nd, New Zealand Intense blue-white light paced airliner for 20-25 seconds, 2/2/1973 #27264 KE, AL Several observer(s). Ball / light in treetops going down / reservoir 2/4/1973 #27268 ss Sharon Kinckler, observed a red light at 9:50 p.m. approximately 32 kilo 2/4/1973 #27270 mpanied them back to the site. The light was gone and no traces were found. 2/4/1973 #27270 ing to the witness, named Nix, the light emitted by the object was reported 2/18/1973 #27296 i, Bone notices a “bright shaft of light beaming down out of the sky.” A fe 2/21/1973 #27305 dent Randal Holmes notices another light, and Bone pulls over for a closer 2/21/1973 #27305 BROOKLYN, IA Red-orange night light / ground. 48cm tracks 56cm apart. 2/23/1973 #27312 aving Helene behind. The brilliant light source then reappeared and flew ba 2/26/1973 #27318 60 feet in diameter. Suddenly its light went out, and Helene thought it mu 2/26/1973 #27318 visor on the helmet reflected the light from the flashlight, and the being 2/26/1973 #27318 normous eyes shone brightly in the light, like those of a cat. Terrified, H 2/26/1973 #27318 ilots. Disk radiates bright golden light. / J. Aldrich. 3/1973 #27319 Brecksville, OH At 7:30 p.m. a light hovered low over trees making a “t 3/13/1973 #27341 UR, BELGIUM 1 observer. 2 globes / light and figure seen. No further detail 3/20/1973 #27351 e, Belgium, when she sees a bright light approaching. It passes over the ro 3/20/1973 #27352 oto turns out and shows a squarish light against a dark sky. Analysis sugge 3/20/1973 #27352 lose her shutters. She saw a white light pass over the roof of the nearest 3/20/1973 #27353 ad, they saw a luminous ball whose light diminished in intensity. For a few 3/24/1973 #27373 it. They tried to drive around the light and observe it from behind. A seco 3/24/1973 #27373 meters away. A triangular beam of light emerged from its base, pointing to 3/24/1973 #27373 rsued by a ball of yellowish-white light that turned yellowish-green at tre 3/24/1973 #27373 eons only 250-300 meters away. The light diminished in intensity, and for a 3/25/1973 #27376 e around the field and observe the light from the rear. A second luminous b 3/25/1973 #27376 base emerged a triangular beam of light, with its base on the sphere and i 3/25/1973 #27376 pursued by a ball of yellow-white light, then yellowish green light at tre 3/25/1973 #27376 -white light, then yellowish green light at treetop level, which was first 3/25/1973 #27376 object projects 4 tapering beams / light. / Belgian UFO Society (SOBEPS) #2 3/26/1973 #27378 CREEK, PA Rotating saucers. White light flashing from center. Blue at edge 3/27/1973 #27380 A reddish-orange ball of light flew parallel to I-95 south of Pro 3/27/1973 #27381 rvers. They appear to respond to a light being switched on and off, and to 4/1973 #27397 on. She then saw a bright flash of light in her kitchen. 4/6/1973 #27410 T / PIEDMONT, MO Physicist and 1 / light plane. Night light moves. Shoots g 4/12/1973 #27423 ysicist and 1 / light plane. Night light moves. Shoots going up / 330g acce 4/12/1973 #27423 GTON, MO 2 / Lt. plane chase night light. 180-turn. Fades away in place! / 4/12/1973 #27424 of), MO 10:30 p.m. Orange ball of light observed from Cessna 150 at 2500'. 4/12/1973 #27425 At 10:30 p.m. An orange ball of light was observed from a Cessna 150 by 4/12/1973 #27427 mont, Missouri. The orange ball of light appeared on the slope of Clark's M 4/12/1973 #27427 ard it. A simultaneously identical light appeared to their right. When the 4/12/1973 #27427 was just above the trees, and the light from the object illuminated the im 4/15/1973 #27431 TI 2+3 observer(s). Saucer / night light hovers over steamship Phillipine B 4/22/1973 #27437 BC 4 observer(s). Brill red night light going up and down / yoyo. Stops. B 4/26/1973 #27447 ghts, and made no sound. The green light reduced in size, then all three st 4/27/1973 #27451 saw an object illuminated by a red light hovering over their neighbor's hou 5/3/1973 #27465 men inside. As it got closer, its light became yellow-white. 5/3/1973 #27465 PYLES MOUNTAIN, MO Night light passes by. 10 second(s) photograph 5/4/1973 #27467 IA 6 observer(s). Large slow night light offloads small fast night light / 5/6/1973 #27468 ht light offloads small fast night light / shoots away. 5/6/1973 #27468 rvals. Suddenly it dropped a small light, which shot north. The main light 5/6/1973 #27470 light, which shot north. The main light made an abrupt turn, then zig-zagg 5/6/1973 #27470 s sweeping the area with a beam of light, and did so three times. Ground ma 5/14/1973 #27486 his belt buckle. At this a beam of light shone on him "and then drew away, 5/16/1973 #27496 PYLES MOUNTAIN, MO Night light going quickly northwest straight a 5/18/1973 #27500 e dome is bright like a white neon light, and a red light is rotating aroun 5/18/1973 #27506 like a white neon light, and a red light is rotating around it. After 3–4 m 5/18/1973 #27506 ARC, MO Several observer(s). Night light going south meets night light goin 5/19/1973 #27508 ight light going south meets night light going north. Spawn 3 new night lig 5/19/1973 #27508 val object hovering overhead, blue light beam shone onto car, heat felt. Fl 5/22/1973 #27517 ddenly he notices a blue circle of light about 8 inches in diameter moving 5/22/1973 #27518 s transparent. Then a beam of blue light shines on him from the top of the 5/22/1973 #27518 over to avoid a collision, but the light keeps coming toward him. Overcome 5/22/1973 #27518 urning, he sees that a rod of blue light from the UFO is moving above his c 5/22/1973 #27518 e UFO is moving above his car. The light seems to make the car transparent, 5/22/1973 #27518 terference. He noticed a circle of light moving about inside his car and he 5/22/1973 #27519 oor and stepped out. A "curtain of light" began to form around the object, 5/22/1973 #27519 helicopter. He next saw a "tube of light" hit the car and, as it did, the c 5/22/1973 #27519 s but only two feet tall. They had light brown skin and black hair, but he 5/22/1973 #27520 n. Each one was directly a beam of light down as if searching for something 5/27/1973 #27535 ting on a wooden platform. It was light silvery blue and shimmering, taper 6/1973 #27543 MEXICO CITY Night light / RADAR. Circles airport several X 6/2/1973 (approximate) #27545 ng lights then a large orange- red light was turned on beneath the UFO whic 6/2/1973 #27546 s immediately engulfed in a bright light, even though the windows have heav 6/4/1973 #27549 se is going berserk. Suddenly, the light is gone. The next day, she finds t 6/4/1973 #27549 in diameter and gave off a yellow light. The engine of the car failed when 6/7/1973 #27557 ing object emitting a green mellow light. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 6/14/1973 #27566 NBURG AIR FORCE BASE Pulsing night light maneuvers oddly. Possible landing 6/19/1973 #27571 C Several observer(s). Huge ball / light abruptly vanishes in sight. / loca 6/20/1973 #27575 n top and bottom and a large white light atop. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 6/20/1973 #27576 Lake when a bright floodlight-type light was pointed at them. The object wa Summer 1973 #27577 going quickly northeast. 2nd night light curves up and joins. 6/22/1973 #27580 Ranch, two men watched as a bright light that had a ring around it rose fro 6/23/1973 #27583 ssouri two men watched as a bright light that had a ring around it rose fro 6/23/1973 #27585 e heat waves. At one point a small light joined the first object. 6/23/1973 #27585 object followed / zigzagging night light. 6/28/1973 #27591 dogs undisturbed by oval object w/ light beams/wind (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 6/28/1973 #27593 ing, sound, E-M, animal reactions, light beams, bright illumination, physic 6/28/1973 #27595 and sees two bright, silver-white light beams about 5 feet apart from each 6/28/1973 #27598 e witnesses can see a blue band of light and an orange glow extending aroun 6/28/1973 #27598 Vanea James saw two silvery-white light beams only 50 feet away from their 6/28/1973 #27599 BURLINGAME, CA Astronomer. Night light northeast going south drops sparks 7/1973? #27605 Kokkaido, Japan Witness said light descended to an altitude of about 7/1973 #27607 and then from the underside of the light came what appeared to be a glass-l 7/1973 #27607 was being bathed in a strong blue light. Going outside, Jarmo saw a blue l 7/1/1973 #27610 t. Going outside, Jarmo saw a blue light "twice as big as a row boat" appro 7/1/1973 #27610 stopped and hovered offshore. The light seemed to radiate from a kind of " 7/1/1973 #27610 uld see a strange being inside the light. The next thing he remembered he w 7/1/1973 #27610 onda, Iowa sighted a bright yellow light in the southwestern sky. It moved 7/6/1973 #27616 a when she observed a bright green light that made her look up. One hundred 7/9/1973 #27625 ows around it, through which a dim light came from the inside. There were s 7/9/1973 #27625 ovoid maneuvers all over/all about light plane. Radio Frequency Interferenc 7/16/1973 #27633 hen they noticed a bright globe of light descend and pass near them. They c 7/29/1973 #27662 oods near new power plant. Cones / light going down. 8/1973 #27666 0mph over trees. 3 red and 1 white light attached. 8/3/1973 #27674 It was real bright, it looked like light bulbs. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 8/4/1973 #27680 days after observing a mysterious light maneuvering in the sky, the witnes 8/4/1973 #27683 y. Both of them briefly observed a light over the highway changing colors f 8/4/1973 #27683 RARDEAU, MO Brill blue-white night light going quickly southeast. Hovers / 8/5/1973 #27685 tro-magnetic effect (EME) as night light / UFO's going quickly [to] overhea 8/12/1973 #27696 six meters tall, leaning against a light pole. The being was human looking 8/16/1973 #27706 TOL, CT 2 observer(s). White night light stops and goes several-X. 2 colore 8/23/1973 #27720 a, when they see a big milky-white light in the sky approaching the road th 8/28/1973 #27729 TLE HOUGHTON, UK 1 observer. Night light rushes up. 7 hours / missing time. 9/1973 #27736 AIN 2 observer(s). Vertical beam / light passes over island. 9/1/1973 #27741 FEIGNIES, FR All / town! Night light going down. 4M vertical cylinder/c 9/3/1973 #27751 lights makes abrupt turns. Flashes light sky. 9/4/1973 #27756 ble. It shot two separate beams of light that converged on the ground. At t 9/4/1973 #27762 craft. As the truck drove past the light rapidly faded until by the time sh 9/6/1973 #27774 driver to stop only a single white light was visible in the distance. Both 9/6/1973 #27774 LMERTON, GA 3 separate cops. "Dull light bulb" maneuvers. Responds / lights 9/8/1973 #27779 MOON Several points / light / lunar surface. Seen / Embourg, B 9/10/1973 #27798 ttom part. Emitted a very powerful light." (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 9/11/1973 #27800 h continued to pace them, beamed a light in their direction. One of the pas 9/13/1973 #27815 r three dogs when she sees a green light near the cowshed. She continues wa 9/17/1973 #27829 owshed. She continues watching the light, which starts moving toward her sl 9/17/1973 #27829 iers are whining and cringing. The light approaches to within a few feet of 9/17/1973 #27829 jet plane in the distance, and the light goes out. She hears an “electric w 9/17/1973 #27829 hey observed a small, round orange light, like a road-crossing beacon. It v 9/20/1973 #27849 ound. Then a large, bright, square light descends and swings from the other 9/23/1973 #27859 g from the object. A bright square light also swung from the object. 9/23/1973 #27861 Two patrolmen saw an unidentified light while checking on a report from a 9/24/1973 #27863 Wayne, Indiana saw an unidentified light while checking on a UFO report fro 9/24/1973 #27864 At one point it emitted a beam of light into the woods. 9/27/1973 #27880 Y Evening. Couple saw a bright-red light swoop down close enough to the ear 9/29/1973 #27887 down close enough to the earth to light up 1-1/2 acres of land (NICAP: 02 9/29/1973 #27887 red and stopped as dazzling bright light appeared on the road ahead. As he 10/1973 #27896 riving after midnight, a man saw a light flashing to his left, then right, 10/1973 #27899 at the base after a large ball of light is reported hovering 100–150 feet 10/1973 #27902 d seeing a “streak of bluish-white light moving at high speed” out of the b 10/1973 #27903 g [to] over trees. Brilliant white light / top. Imprints found. / r237p38. 10/1/1973 #27907 d egg-shaped object with brilliant light on top disappear behind nearby tre 10/1/1973 #27912 MO Turnip zaps truck and driver / light. Glasses melted. / r42p274+news. 10/3/1973 #27921 OFF CUDILLERO, SPAIN Night light near fishing boats. Maneuvers impo 10/5/1973 (approximate) #27943 . Maneuvers impossibly. Responds / light signals. 10/5/1973 (approximate) #27943 [to] slow over tree. No reflected light. No further details / news. 10/5/1973 #27946 saw object emitting high intensity light that hovered near her residence. ( 10/5/1973 #27947 , when it finally diminshed into a light point. Mushroon shaped with flat b 10/5/1973 #27950 ped with flat bottom. Red flashing light on top. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 10/5/1973 #27950 rsville, Indiana about a circle of light that was seen in the sky making se 10/5/1973 #27953 t flashed in multi-colored hues of light; and it seemed to be part of the f 10/5/1973 #27954 ur-Richelieu, Quebec, see a bright light like a projector emanating from a 10/6/1973 #27960 he tried to shine his cruiser spot light on it," Sullivan said. "It then zo 10/10/1973 #27984 the air... after he turned out his light...and disappeared." Sullivan said 10/10/1973 #27984 PASCAGOULA, MS Blue light. UFO opens. 2 abduction / robots. 10/11/1973 #27989 oval-shaped UFO with a pale yellow light on top, and a segmented compartmen 10/11/1973 #28003 Hickson was nearly blinded by the light but was unable to close his eyelid 10/11/1973 #28005 nwhile, the buzzing sound and blue light resumed, and the craft rose straig 10/11/1973 #28005 / BALDY PEAK, AZ Pilot. Red night light / ground / desert. Instantly going 10/12/1973 #28011 00 feet. He notices a red flashing light on the ground in a remote area, an 10/12/1973 #28017 a closer look. As he does so, the light begins moving too and reaches a sp 10/12/1973 #28017 nges course again to intercept the light, which accelerates instantaneously 10/12/1973 #28017 0 miles. After about 5 minutes the light makes a right-angle turn and accel 10/12/1973 #28017 hen they were awakened by a bright light shining in through the back window 10/14/1973 #28031 ess and her sister observed a huge light maneuvering over Connersville, Ind 10/15/1973 #28060 ng over Connersville, Indiana. The light darted across the sky and began to 10/15/1973 #28060 s objects; one with blinding green light followed her home. (NICAP: 01 - Di 10/16/1973 #28079 , seemingly suspended on a beam of light, near Eupora, Mississippi, 300 fee 10/16/1973 #28086 , Oklahoma, when she sees a bright light coming from the south. They first 10/16/1973 #28087 They first think it is a security light on a pole, but then realize the ob 10/16/1973 #28087 the Hatchetts stop the truck, the light also stops in front of them. As th 10/16/1973 #28087 ct hovers, it gives off a blinding light and a penetrating low-pitched hum. 10/16/1973 #28087 ue memory an intruder and a bright light. Suspecting a prowler, she phones 10/16/1973 #28088 . She was naked but covered with a light blue blanket. Her wrists were boun 10/16/1973 #28089 feet. Every piece of clothing was light blue in color. Throughout the epis 10/16/1973 #28089 t again. A flashing purple colored light was coming from it. It did not mov 10/16/1973 #28089 hover and maneuver and pulsate and light area. Windows etc... 10/17/1973 #28096 e/cigar-shaped object with a green light. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 10/17/1973 #28126 an amber-colored vertical beam of light. When asked to confirm the sightin 10/17/1973 #28131 rns on the red rotating police car light. The figure runs away and although 10/17/1973 #28133 a metallic UFO emitting a beam of light. There were also aircraft UFO clos 10/17/1973 #28134 seemingly suspended on a "beam of light." The primary witness's car lights 10/17/1973 #28140 the first, illuminating it with a light. Both craft were similar in appear 10/17/1973 #28140 e cigar-shaped object with a green light near Loxley, Alabama. He was pulle 10/17/1973 #28143 il or streamlined cigar with a red light in front and a green light in the 10/18/1973 #28144 h a red light in front and a green light in the rear, the lead edge glowed 10/18/1973 #28144 MAUBEUGE, FR 2 observer(s). Night light flashes going northeast. Cylinder/ 10/18/1973 #28153 heast. Orange glowing-ball stops / light signal! Going northwest. 10/18/1973 #28153 ght sight of this extreme burst of light twirling in the air. It had a brig 10/18/1973 #28162 ng in the air. It had a bright red light on top and a bright red light on b 10/18/1973 #28162 red light on top and a bright red light on bottom. (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 10/18/1973 #28162 ange. First of all, it's a strange light. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 10/18/1973 #28164 Vernon, IN 10:30 p.m. red flashing light on the rear, long and narrow descr 10/18/1973 #28167 craftlike object that beamed green light into cockpit, lifted helicopter of 10/18/1973 #28170 y notices a steady, southbound red light. It looks like the port-wing light 10/18/1973 #28172 light. It looks like the port-wing light of an aircraft but seems brighter 10/18/1973 #28172 later, Yanacsek sees a bright red light on the eastern horizon and watches 10/18/1973 #28172 tells Healey to watch it. Soon the light turns and comes towards the helico 10/18/1973 #28172 t fails to get a response. The red light is now closing on them at a danger 10/18/1973 #28172 e entire front windshield. The red light is on its nose and a white light i 10/18/1973 #28172 d light is on its nose and a white light is on the tail of this cigar-shape 10/18/1973 #28172 eading northwest. The bright white light just snaps out. Coyne looks at the 10/18/1973 #28172 es. When the object moves, the red light becomes brighter. It moves right, 10/18/1973 #28173 whistling sounds. A powerful white light beam was also seen. No physical tr 10/19/1973 #28197 in Iowa when she noticed a bright light over the next approaching hill. Sh 10/19/1973 #28199 on top and was glowing with a blue light. She called her husband on her CB 10/19/1973 #28199 machinery, and also a very bright light. She next found herself in a room 10/19/1973 #28199 NEAR CABORN, IN Night light follows train. Rear engine quits. 10/20/1973 #28206 rnon, Indiana, sees a bright white light coming out of the north and headin 10/20/1973 #28216 nductors, who can now see a bright light (possibly another train) behind th 10/20/1973 #28216 c blocking system is showing a red light, indicating there is a train to th 10/20/1973 #28216 train starts with no trouble. The light in the rear seems to be moving awa 10/20/1973 #28216 r lasted. It was bathed in a green light from the UFO. Eventually it was "t 10/20/1973 #28219 m. when she saw her patio suddenly light up. She next saw an oval-shaped ob 10/20/1973 #28221 flashlight flooding the area with light. The clawed creature reacted by ra 10/20/1973 #28222 innati, Ohio, and notices a bright light shining outside. The source is a r 10/21/1973 #28228 window, as well as another bright light over the parking lot. Outside the 10/21/1973 #28228 he parking lot. Outside the second light she can see a gray “apelike creatu 10/21/1973 #28228 e with a terrible thirst. A bright light outside her house then attracted h 10/21/1973 #28229 ine of lights forming an arc. Each light was as large as an open hand. Ther 10/21/1973 #28229 120 cm. She also observed another light hovering above a nearby parking lo 10/21/1973 #28229 a nearby parking lot. Inside this light she observed a gray "ape like" cre 10/21/1973 #28229 unded by a bell-jar shaped area of light. No facial features could be disce 10/21/1973 #28229 ONVILLE, NC Cop / SR100. Red night light pulses. Radar unit malfunctions du 10/24/1973 #28262 d red lights and one intense white light which blinded him. (NICAP: 01 - Di 10/24/1973 #28264 ear to cause a "washtub" object to light up and illuminate her back yard. ( 10/24/1973 #28265 ckyard. Something "lit up" and the light became too bright to be merely the 10/24/1973 #28270 ad a close encounter with a bright light. 10/24/1973 #28275 e oval hovered 300 feet above car, light reflected brightly off of car hood 10/25/1973 #28282 he could read a newspaper from the light. The farm animals refused to go in 10/25/1973 #28286 several hundred feet away suddenly light up like daylight for several secon 10/25/1973 #28286 d up to the craft, bathed in green light, and returned. Scott saw short hum 10/25/1973 #28287 4' figure darts across road. Night light going quickly [to] overhead. 10/26/1973 #28289 two fire tower observers watched a light cavort over Caddell Mountain on th 10/26/1973 #28297 very bright, silent, reddish white light whiz overhead at tree top level. 10/26/1973 #28297 roach him. Nearly paralyzed by the light from the UFO, Llanca lets one of t 10/28/1973 #28309 inger watches an odd orange-yellow light to the south of Bad Traunstein, Au 10/28/1973 #28310 ustria, that projects two beams of light that creep slowly upward like a pa 10/28/1973 #28310 or several hours. At 2:00 a.m. the light emits a red “missile” that moves e 10/28/1973 #28310 it is also sending thin feelers up light upward. Three more smaller lights 10/28/1973 #28310 became aware of a yellow and blue light behind him, and three human-like b 10/28/1973 #28311 , plate-shaped craft via a beam of light. He saw a room with a window and v 10/28/1973 #28311 void UFO, which directed a beam of light on his barn. He tried to shine a f 10/28/1973 #28314 scs extend and retract two arcs of light several times at 11:30 p.m. 10/28/1973 #28315 10 feet high. It emitted a beam of light 15 inches in diameter that struck 10/29/1973 #28319 STAMPS, ARK 2+1 observer(s). Night light follows car here / low altitude / 10/30/1973 #28320 when they spotted an unexplainable light hovering above the road (NICAP: 02 10/31/1973 #28325 weakly illuminated by a yellowish light. Inside it they could make out a g 10/31/1973 #28326 ing in her dark living room when a light outside causes it to get brighter. 11/1973 #28329 STRY AND MIDLAND, PA AND NJ Disk / light / low altitude. / Beaver Co. Times 11/1/1973 #28332 3 hours. Very close. Go when hit / light. 11/2/1973 #28343 ffstown, NH UFO with bright yellow light paced car, moved in front of it; m 11/2/1973 #28349 p observed an OBOL (Orange Ball of Light) which reacted to light. (NICAP: 0 11/2/1973 #28351 ge Ball of Light) which reacted to light. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 11/2/1973 #28351 rts of Manchester, she sees an odd light in the sky that is flashing differ 11/2/1973 #28352 is flashing different colors. The light vanishes when she reaches Goffstow 11/2/1973 #28352 separate cops report orange night light. Hovers and maneuvers. Generally g 11/3/1973 #28354 ROCK RIVER Amber hemisphere night light.. 11/3/1973 #28355 metallic-grey ovoid hovers. Night light exits going down. Beams. Going qui 11/3/1973 (approximate) #28358 y started shooting bright beams of light in different directions. The whole 11/3/1973 #28362 ad, shooting down a beam of yellow light that surrounded both the witness a 11/3/1973 #28362 rk, facing east. They see a bright light in the sky that is not the helicop 11/6/1973 #28375 ] over bay. Bright green halo. Red light / bottom/underside. 11/7/1973 #28378 rrounded by bright green halo, red light emitted from underside. (UFOE II, 11/7/1973 #28382 server(s). Cone emits short rays / light. Rocky Mount Telegram 10.11.73. 11/8/1973 #28386 a three-foot-tall dwarf dressed in light brown coveralls got into a cab and 11/11/1973 #28410 dome lights up in a brilliant red light that illuminates the entire area. 11/16/1973 #28434 ground, and a row of green lights light up around its perimeter, flashing 11/16/1973 #28434 atermelon-sized” ball of yellowish light suddenly appear above a pylon a qu 11/18/1973 #28442 ming and growing in intensity. The light follows them as they weave in and 11/18/1973 #28442 door. A very bright blue flash of light shone briefly, bathing Castillo's 11/18/1973 #28443 body. He understood that the blue light was part of a sterilization system 11/18/1973 #28443 opened, from which came an intense light. Inside the mother ship Castillo w 11/18/1973 #28443 by a luminous white flying ball of light. It was perhaps the size of a wate 11/18/1973 #28444 g near his home. The UFO had a red light on top and two clear lights on the 11/19/1973 #28449 Flying "tadpole". Also huge night light / Todmorden / 2330hrs. 11/27/1973 #28470 o reported two orange-red balls of light that hovered low to the ground in 11/28/1973 #28473 ounded corners, and flashing a red light in the bottom center with two blue 11/29/1973 #28482 At 6:00 p.m. a blinking white light approached a car in Waukesha, Wisc 11/29/1973 #28483 s a luminous, multicolored ball of light changing from violet to blue to da 11/30/1973 #28490 giving out intermittent flashes of light, four miles from me. I dare not ap 11/30/1973 #28490 E, FR Duck hunters. Fireball-night light buzzes all around. 2 bands / burnt 12/1973 #28493 gar Grove, Ohio. The UFO had a red light on one end, a green light on the o 12/1/1973 #28497 ad a red light on one end, a green light on the other, and a pulsating whit 12/1/1973 #28497 n the other, and a pulsating white light in the center. It fixed a beam of 12/1/1973 #28497 in the center. It fixed a beam of light on the car and pursued it for 15 m 12/1/1973 #28497 flashes and glows. Fades to night light. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20# 12/2/1973 #28498 the morning. It directed a beam of light upon their fishing nets. 12/2/1973 #28506 ur blinking white lights and a red light in the center while driving in nor 12/2/1973 #28507 ed area with no lights, and a blue light on top. It went behind a hill and 12/2/1973 #28509 ROCIANA, SP 120x650cm window / light hovers at 2M altitude / 20 minute( 12/3/1973 #28513 a hamburger-shaped disc with a red light on top and a green light on the bo 12/3/1973 #28515 ith a red light on top and a green light on the bottom. The UFO made a hiss 12/3/1973 #28515 , and emitted bright white jets of light from the sides when the object mov 12/3/1973 #28515 ughters first saw a flash of green light, then they saw a lime-green, domed 12/5/1973 #28524 er's type mask with a red flashing light on top. Another man reported seein 12/5/1973 #28525 eing the being and a glowing white light down a side road. 12/5/1973 #28525 blips all over/all about. 1 night light going quickly northwest. 12/6/1973 #28528 ed saucers / 10 December and night light maneuvers / 12 December. 12/7/1973 #28537 ard witnesses, hovered. Reacted to light signals, sped off to south, depart 12/10/1973 #28550 flying saucer, had an intense red light." Hovered for about 15 minutes (NI 12/11/1973 #28555 ess intensely. A yellowish beam of light illuminated the man from an unknow 12/12/1973 #28559 ar. The UFO was described as a red light in the sky. (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 12/13/1973 #28567 es, California a solid red beam of light from a black cone-shaped UFO hit t 12/14/1973 #28573 -sur-Loire, France a green ball of light dropped from the sky. At the same 12/15/1973 #28578 EAST / MEDICINE HAT, ALTA Night light. 8' giant runs beside truck at 60M 12/31/1973 #28621 Alberta, Canada a man saw a bright light in his rearview mirror. It looked 12/31/1973 #28623 rror. It looked like the revolving light on a train, except there were no r 12/31/1973 #28623 Zeta Reticuli binary system, 39.3 light years from earth. She first publis 1/1974 #28637 heads, with arcs of blue and green light encircling them. In terror, they h 1/3/1974 #28641 ent, France. It directed a beam of light down on the water. 1/5/1974 #28648 tangular lights and a rotating red light in the center. The object moved di 1/5/1974 #28649 e luminescence on top with a white light underneath. Two beings were seen c 1/7/1974 #28661 void going east beams cone / white light going down [to] ends just over wat 1/8/1974 #28664 arance of a blinding white oval of light 6 ft in diameter, apparently tht i 1/8/1974 #28665 eplaced by a blinding steady white light about 6 feet ahead of and 3 feet a 1/8/1974 #28666 d of and 3 feet above the car. The light is coming from the inside of the o 1/8/1974 #28666 arance of a blinding white oval of light approximately six feet in diameter 1/8/1974 #28667 r. After five minutes the interior light went out and the UFO ascended rapi 1/8/1974 #28667 ise, California saw a steady white light come down vertically from the sky. 1/8/1974 #28668 nd was confronted by a very bright light, within the light she was able to 1/8/1974 #28669 by a very bright light, within the light she was able to see a tall man wea 1/8/1974 #28669 h gold colored boots. He had short light hair, light skin and large almond- 1/8/1974 #28669 ed boots. He had short light hair, light skin and large almond-shaped eyes. 1/8/1974 #28669 A UFO with a red light on top, and with green, orange, ye 1/9/1974 #28672 AIGUAFREDA, SP Bright night light maneuvers / square-wave trajectory 1/12/1974 #28675 ST. MATHIEU, QB Night light maneuvers. Radio Frequency Interfe 1/13/1974 #28676 N TO/FROM LEEK, STAFFS Green night light follows 2 / car. Suddenly in Ilam, 1/15/1974? #28679 ht when they sighted a small white light moving towards the coast from the 1/15/1974 #28680 UFO rose vertically in response to light signals flashed at it by three wit 1/18/1974 #28685 in this New England town. He saw a light in the air and as he approached it 1/22/1974 #28690 e air and as he approached it, the light became brighter and larger. (Refer 1/22/1974 #28690 ng to one witness) a blinking blue light. The object is motionless for seve 1/23/1974 #28694 m, very bright, with smaller white light on each side (like oOOOo) with no 1/25/1974 #28704 COAST WITH SANTA ANA, CA 2 / light plane. 5 glowing-objects circle an 1/29/1974 #28712 THEAST / TARBES, FR V-shaped night light going [to] over 4 / car. Heat and 1/31/1974 #28715 A V-Shaped light appeared over a car northeast of T 1/31/1974 #28716 7' Bigfoot. Vanish / flash. Night light rotates. / FSRv25#3. 2/6/1974 #28741 oads a shotgun, turns on the porch light, and steps into the doorway of the 2/6/1974 #28742 it “just disappeared in a flash of light.” Her son-in-law, who lives in a t 2/6/1974 #28742 t 1,500 feet away, a red, flashing light hovers above the trees. Investigat 2/6/1974 #28742 Wadi Jawlan for a few seconds. The light is yellowish-white and comes from 2/8/1974 #28748 ing out into the sky. Although the light dies down, the beams are still vis 2/8/1974 #28748 esert. When on the ground a bright light and three beams of light were dire 2/8/1974 #28749 a bright light and three beams of light were directed upward into the sky. 2/8/1974 #28749 y. White lights / sides and orange light / center. Going [to] slow. 2/9/1974 #28750 hovering just above the ground. A light beam was directed at him from the 2/14/1974 #28770 he truck and saw an orange colored light moving low to the ground from righ 2/14/1974 #28773 stationary lights, a red pulsating light, a silver colored saucer, and a re 2/14/1974 #28773 d a reddish-orange saucer. The red light then came directly at the truck, p 2/14/1974 #28773 ound. It blinked on and off like a light bulb. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR 2/17/1974 #28777 raphs / "inexplicable" round night light. Going southwest slowly. Lost / su 2/18/1974 #28779 drical object stands / end. Cone / light going down. Thin curved black figu 2/22/1974 #28791 paced / 2 days / triangular night light and 20' luminous/glowing disk. Res 2/25/1974 #28800 MINDEN, ONT 1 observer. Mass / light lands. Form unknown. V-shaped form 2/26/1974 #28804 n thru) binoculars. 3 15M globes / light going west. Turn going south. Nigh 2/28/1974 (approximate) #28816 arge luminous sphere shoots jets / light. Domed saucer lands. / r30p460. 2/28/1974 #28818 atus came towards him and a yellow light came down from the top of it, illu 2/28/1974 #28825 ear Bentwaters. Football UFO beams light / ground. Observer(s) has telepath 3/1974 #28826 n Sea, a round orange scintilating light flew to-and-fro over a NATO milita 3/1/1974 #28840 ts had "flashed" him with a bright light. She helped him back up to the hou 3/1/1974 #28842 ide illuminated by a bright yellow light in Vesta Community, Virginia. A re 3/1/1974 #28843 ack into their truck and fled. The light on the hillside disappeared a few 3/1/1974 #28843 NIVELLES, BELGIUM 3 / car. Night light / falling-leaf motion over Major f 3/2/1974 #28851 angle/box-like craft makes complex light signals / both sides. Shrinks to a 3/3/1974 #28852 A delta-shaped object made complex light signals from both leading edges of 3/3/1974 #28853 5KM EAST / ROTA NAS, SP Night light. 2M and pseudo-human/entity / divi 3/17/1974 #28893 uman/entity / diving suit by road. Light beam extends and retracts. 3/17/1974 #28893 ameda when he saw a metallic white light above and to the right of his car. 3/17/1974 #28898 rical, solid like coherent beam of light from the front part of the collar. 3/17/1974 #28898 the front part of the collar. The light could lengthen and shrink. As the 3/17/1974 #28898 NORTH / ALMENDRALEJO, SP 1M night light glides up road toward(s) advancing 3/18/1974 #28899 en he encountered a blinding white light on the road near Valdehijaderos at 3/21/1974 #28920 200 meters from the source of the light, his car headlights and diesel eng 3/21/1974 #28920 hru) binoculars chase double night light all over/all about farms. Beams qu 3/23/1974 #28929 e of the path. Suddenly a blinding light knocks him to the ground where he 3/23/1974 #28936 y 20). He discovers that a beam of light has floated him up into the air wh 3/23/1974 #28936 ernate route. Suddenly a brilliant light blinded him. He threw himself in t 3/23/1974 #28938 to cross the road. Next a blinding light knocked him to the ground, where h 3/23/1974 #28939 incident. He related how a beam of light had floated him up into the air, t 3/23/1974 #28939 r ships parked on the highway with light similar to floodlight." The observ 3/26/1974 #28957 t was luminous and had two rays of light coming from it. It flew at a low a 3/26/1974 #28958 scent seen. 3X width / moon. Night light joins in. No further details. 3/28/1974 #28967 e. The UFO emits powerful beams of light, and the Frenchman can see the wat 3/29/1974 #28968 HOMBREIRO, SP Vibrant bright light. Car malfunctions due to EME (elec 3/30/1974 #28970 Hombreiro, Lugo, Spain Blinding light from hovering object, car engine q 3/30/1974 #28972 .m. in Hombreiro, Spain a blinding light came from a hovering, ovoid-shaped 3/30/1974 #28974 g through files and papers. A blue light emanated from its helmet, and the 4/1974 #28982 lity looking through files. A blue light emanated from its helmet and it de 4/1974 #28984 P 3M cone-saucer rests on tubes of light. Rectangular-box shaped window / t 4/1/1974 #28986 hree photographs. The UFO beamed a light ray directly at the witness in his 4/1/1974 #28988 t Hancock County, Ohio, spot a low light in the northeastern sky. They driv Early 4/1974 #28990 PARRA AIR FORCE BASE, SP Sweeping light from orange object. Also round whi 4/7/1974 #28996 re which seemed to be covered by a light colored garment." It immediately d 4/11/1974 #29004 ring boots. Later on she noticed a light and heard more noises. She next sa 4/11/1974 #29004 She next saw two shining points of light moving together across the sky. On 4/11/1974 #29004 VE, BELGIUM 3+3 observer(s). Night light zigzags going quickly northwest to 4/14/1974 #29019 thwest toward(s) France. Slow. Red light blinks. 4/14/1974 #29021 id / low altitude. Silent. Beams / light. 4/15/1974 #29026 n, see a round, intense torch-like light rise out of the water near a huge 4/15/1974 #29029 in saw a round, intense torch-like light rise from the ocean at 8:30 p.m. I 4/15/1974 #29033 SP 20+observer(s). Open V-shape / light covers 100 Sq M / ground / 3 hours 4/19/1974 #29046 d her daughter Laurie see a bright light that seems to be only several hund 4/19/1974 #29047 glow. Changes of contrast in this light give them the impression that some 4/19/1974 #29047 bserver gets electric shock. Night light going quickly SSE. 4/20/1974 #29048 mp dims greatly as screaming night light passes north going quickly south. 4/20/1974 #29050 LUTON, ENGL 5 observer(s). Night light flashes / 5 minute(s). Maneuvers. 4/23/1974 #29056 / (seen thru) binoculars. Circle / light just over high = tension pylon. 4/24/1974 #29059 ding, and then shot three beams of light over the apartment building. 4/25/1974 #29062 ters from his home. He said that a light appeared at around 11:30 p.m. just 4/26/1974 #29064 shaped object or silhouette with a light tube in the center that seems to b 5/1974 #29074 ence line about 300 feet away. The light now looks like a domed disc about 5/1974 #29075 and him in the eyes with a beam of light, temporarily blinding him. Sr. Far 5/1/1974 #29078 APEVINE, TX 2+2 observer(s). Night light maneuvers over field near airport. 5/5/1974 (approximate) #29082 15 a.m. a yellowish-orange ball of light, one meter in diameter, landed on 5/7/1974 #29092 ext became aware of a bright white light around him and several figures loo 5/9/1974 #29098 described as five feet tall, with light skin, huge almond shaped eyes, and 5/9/1974 #29098 tity. White figure(s) later. Night light maneuvers and beeps. Treetops burn 5/11/1974 #29099 p's sonar." It had a central white light and two blinking lights near the e 5/11/1974 #29100 l as a vertically revolving bluish light around the center. It displayed a 5/11/1974 #29100 center. It displayed a central red light and two blinking white lights as i 5/11/1974 #29100 . One humanoid-like being 6' tall. Light colored coveralls. (Ref.5, Molon) 5/20/1974 #29118 rance, when they notice a powerful light ahead at ground level. It consists 5/20/1974 #29119 the chromatography in ultraviolet light. 5/20/1974 #29119 p.m. an enormous luminous ball of light approached Haisnes-lez-la Bassee, 5/20/1974 #29121 o 4 square windows emanating white light. Brightly lit transparent area on 5/22/1974 #29123 ight lights. Plane passes with red light / wrong wing. Huge sphere/orb/glob 5/24/1974 #29130 Beams of light entered a farm house in Graye et C 5/25/1974 #29134 by a humming sound and a pulsating light that reflected on the inside of th 5/26/1974 #29135 long an inner wall. "Pinwheels" of light energized the gyroscopes to form a 5/26/1974 #29135 ugh the field and a bright beam of light was shone upon him. He re-entered 5/26/1974 #29136 the witness and a luminous beam of light struck him, paralyzing both him an 5/26/1974 #29136 ning top rises / ground. Flashes / light. Going quickly west toward(s) Jabu 5/27/1974 #29137 BOIS D'EPINEAU, FR Night light maneuvers. Then 1M fireball seems 5/28/1974 #29140 ade next, and there was an immense light around the car. As they drove alon 5/31/1974 #29150 to investigate a bright orange-red light reported by ground witnesses and t 6/9/1974 #29175 g off at 30,000 feet, they see the light a few miles ahead. It appears to b 6/9/1974 #29175 GUADARRAMA, SP 1M night light / hillside. Pulses. Small night li 6/13/1974 #29184 ht / hillside. Pulses. Small night light rolls going down. Both burn vegeta 6/13/1974 #29184 SOUTH / GLADSTONE, TASM Night light buzzes car. 13cm / arms length. Re 6/13/1974 #29185 at 4:30 a.m. when he saw a bright light, then a "pot-shaped" object flying 6/14/1974 #29193 , which emitted a brilliant yellow light. Inside the turret he could see th 6/14/1974 #29193 er the place, while a huge ball of light was seen to land. Ground traces we 6/14/1974 #29194 30 p.m. It reportedly responded to light signals. 6/20/1974 #29217 isconsin, sees an intensely bright light that is illuminating a hill on an Summer 1974 #29218 field, but he cannot see a beam or light source. A few hours later, a coupl Summer 1974 #29218 ay. He sees three bright points of light fixed horizontally in the black sk Summer 1974 #29218 Cessna Citation see a bright white light zigzagging through the sky near Ba Summer 1974 #29219 field, California. They follow the light for several minutes. Paynter says Summer 1974 #29219 ynter says it “was a fairly steady light until it began to accelerate, then Summer 1974 #29219 nute(s). Big portholes with orange light. / r30p492. 6/24/1974 #29220 val windows from which comes white light. He sees a 6-foot-tall robot that 6/25/1974 #29224 disc that emitted a strong orange light was seen by several witnesses trav 6/29/1974 #29231 ird set of witnesses saw an orange light but did not see the structure of t 6/29/1974 #29231 set of witnesses saw a violent red light. The cylinder was over the zinc ro 6/29/1974 #29231 lice spotlight by beaming a bright light into the car. It then sped away. 7/9/1974 #29254 rance. It had very bright beams of light that were directed onto trees and 7/9/1974 #29255 d condition affected her eyes when light emanated from them for a two hour 7/17/1974 #29266 NDALE, WA 2 teens. Pulsating night light northeast going quickly southwest. 7/19/1974 #29270 rded seeing an unexplained ball of light for twenty minutes beginning at 11 7/20/1974 #29271 r(s). Brilliant round silent night light west going east. Sudden turn upwar 7/29/1974 #29283 OGEMA, WI Night light over road. 3 / car chase. Each tim 8/1974 (approximate) #29292 FR 3 pilots / ground. Bright night light going west rising / step-trajector 8/1974 #29293 some, and illuminated by a strange light. Justice was told that he would be 8/1/1974 #29298 hased by ovoid. Car bathed in blue light. No further details. 8/12/1974 #29326 h. 1200M altitude. Stops. 2 flares light. All vanishes. 8/12/1974 #29335 displaying a blinding bright blue light approach, then buzz the car three 8/13/1974 #29340 . 2 night lights join and signal / light. 8/16/1974 #29357 They then see an object with a red light on top and flashing green and whit 8/16/1974 #29362 ating, oval-shaped disc with a red light on top from the roof of his pentho 8/23/1974 #29379 t treetop level. When two beams of light emerged from its base to play acro 9/3/1974 #29418 NEAR SIOUX CITY, IA Farmer. Night light maneuvers / treetops. Animals reac 9/4/1974 #29419 x shaped and 2 oval portholes beam light. Going quickly southwest. 9/4/1974 #29420 reacted in panic when a nocturnal light maneuvered at tree top level outsi 9/4/1974 #29423 saucers / low altitude with strong light / ground. Flashlight malfunctions 9/7/1974 #29428 ers up in the air. A white beam of light came down to the ground, and the m 9/7/1974 #29429 g, residents saw an odd red orange light, then a luminous sphere that rose 9/8/1974 #29434 head emitting a humming sound, its light illuminating the terrain. (Ouranos 9/8/1974 #29434 30 p.m. It emitted yellow beams of light. Manure sacks were scattered about 9/8/1974 #29435 ment, France saw an odd red-orange light, then a luminous sphere that rose 9/8/1974 #29436 head emitting a humming sound, its light illuminating the terrain.After a w 9/8/1974 #29436 moving around near the ground, its light illuminating a dock, a distillery, 9/8/1974 #29436 eatures. One witness noted that no light rays or beams were visible between 9/8/1974 #29436 nutes later he saw a bright purple light flashing outside his basement wind 9/8/1974 #29437 nt. Three minutes after the purple light was seen a bright white light the 9/8/1974 #29437 rple light was seen a bright white light the size and shape of a baseball p 9/8/1974 #29437 foot tall figure carrying a purple light like a flashlight. He was standing 9/8/1974 #29437 , when she notices a silvery-white light behind the house. They go outside 9/9/1974 #29439 see a rectangular “wall of opaque light” about 82 feet long and 550 away f 9/9/1974 #29439 SSU, BELGIUM 5 observer(s). Cone / light hovers / 15 minute(s). Rises and g 9/10/1974 #29443 er with headlights front and rear. Light purring sound. East going quickly 9/10/1974 #29444 ) / (seen thru) binoculars. Ball / light over power lines shoots going quic 9/10/1974 #29450 NORTH / ST. HELENS, TASM Night light. Car malfunctions due to EME (elec 9/16/1974 #29458 cape is lit up by a bright area of light ahead. The mother tries to start t 9/16/1974 #29459 tarts up and there is no sign of a light. A check at the local garage finds 9/16/1974 #29459 children when she noticed the sky light up ahead of her. Crossing a bridge 9/16/1974 #29460 ack to check on their vehicle. The light had gone, and all that was unusual 9/16/1974 #29460 rtholes that emitted a very bright light that changed from orange to green, 9/19/1974 #29464 on each side of the base was a red light. The object was estimated to be 30 9/19/1974 #29464 ed, and the family saw a star-like light that quickly disappeared. Younic t 9/19/1974 #29464 la County, Sweden, when a blinding light approaches the car from the right 9/21/1974 #29467 by the blinding, green-shimmering light from the object. The witnesses hea 9/21/1974 #29467 LYNCHBURG, OH Night light pulses color(s). Observers shine b 9/26/1974 #29480 denly surrounded by a dazzling red light that illuminates the area. The eng 9/26/1974 #29483 n the lights. A cone of white neon light descends toward the car. A bumping 9/26/1974 #29483 rent colors. The witnesses shone a light on the UFO, and the UFO beamed bac 9/26/1974 #29484 the UFO beamed back a red beam of light. Their dogs were frantically barki 9/26/1974 #29484 s, when they notice a bright white light about one-half mile away for about 9/27/1974 #29486 NOE TO/FROM MURET, FR Night light. Fireball follows car / 8km. Build 10/1974 (approximate) #29495 range figure follows 2 boys. Night light overhead. Observer(s) in shock. / 10/9/1974 #29506 c Controller and 1 / Cessna. Night light follows plane into airport/apartme 10/10/1974 #29509 passenger first notices a strange light following the plane when they are 10/10/1974 #29512 der. Every time Breen looks at the light it seems to turn off, but finally 10/10/1974 #29512 delta-shaped, luminescent greenish light following us.” It stays on for 3–4 10/10/1974 #29512 lective 12M sphere vanishes like a light turned off! 10/13/1974 #29525 engineer mountain climbing. Night light follows valley. Hums. Rises and ma 10/13/1974 #29526 before becoming a brilliant white light. As it passes over, horses act up 10/15/1974 #29531 ar yellow-white object emitted two light beams to ground, illuminated terra 10/17/1974 #29539 ar yellow-white object emitted two light beams to ground, illuminated terra 10/17/1974 #29540 PERRY CONTROLLER, NY Flash. Night light maneuvers and PACEs car. Whine rec 10/21/1974 #29549 ll, some 20 minutes away. A bright light from the sky swooped across the ro 10/27/1974 #29561 rring sound" As it came closer the light changed from white to red, size of 11/1974 #29572 object is a long, narrow, beam of light about 2 inches in diameter and 3 f 11/1974 #29574 er after the sighting. The mass of light moves back and forth, rises up and 11/1974 #29575 on his box. Sensoli sees a bright light to the north and she is overcome b Mid 11/1974 #29596 parts to the east, followed by the light. The incident has lasted 15 minute Mid 11/1974 #29596 wards the east where a vivid white light hovered. When she saw the light sh 11/15/1974 #29597 te light hovered. When she saw the light she immediately felt a wave of hea 11/15/1974 #29597 ry, followed closely by the bright light. He appeared to circle the area se 11/15/1974 #29597 LAHARMANDE, FR D109. Car bathed / light. Red horizontal cylinder/cylindric 11/22/1974 #29602 Spanish Air Force, at 7:50 p.m. a light descended from 8,000 to 6,000 feet 11/24/1974 #29606 hen the airplane turned toward the light. The visual sighting lasted for th 11/24/1974 #29606 Thanksgiving night when she saw a light following her. She stopped the car 11/27/1974 #29614 opter, but she heard no sound. The light then moved ahead of her and she sa 11/27/1974 #29614 uman like form" running toward the light. Suddenly the light, the animals, 11/27/1974 #29614 ing toward the light. Suddenly the light, the animals, and the figure vanis 11/27/1974 #29614 MEEKER CO., MN Farm security light out. Back on / 2330 hours. Pig fou 11/28/1974 #29615 an at least eight feet tall in the light of his car's headlights, standing 11/30/1974 #29622 w a white headlight beam and a red light pass in front of him in the distan 11/30/1974 #29622 ere had been a big yellowish white light in the field, which "quickly disap 11/30/1974 #29622 p and down. On several occasions a light approached their vehicle at high s 12/1/1974 #29627 out beams of green, blue, and red light. 12/9/1974 #29634 e sees a pulsating, dazzling white light like that coming from a welding ma 12/11/1974 #29637 minutes he takes 7–10 photos. The light persists for 12 minutes until it a 12/11/1974 #29637 eacher photographs brilliant night light. Blowup = dumbell / 2 fireballs jo 12/12/1974 #29639 mad Riaz and others see a circular light appear above the V-shaped mountain 12/18/1974 #29646 this could be a type of earthquake light. 12/18/1974 #29646 RG, NM 6 / jeep buzzed / UFO. Blue light beams examine. Similar on 6 JAN75. 12/21/1974 #29650 ey were suddenly aware of a bright light illuminating the area around them. 12/21/1974 #29652 d, OH 10:00 p.m. Noticing a bright light shining in her bedroom, the 82-yea 12/22/1974 #29656 d, Wyoming. He sees a bright white light coming over the mountains from the 1975 #29680 vers for 1–2 hours. At one point a light beam shoots down from the UFO into 1975 #29680 ming a row "emitting jets of white light downward." Traces were found and p 1/1/1975 #29687 Burgos, Spain, when Aguera sees a light fall from the sky at great speed. 1/1/1975 #29689 und some 1,300 feet away where the light has fallen. It has the form of a t 1/1/1975 #29689 cated cone and emits white jets of light toward the ground. The light goes 1/1/1975 #29689 ts of light toward the ground. The light goes out suddenly and four others 1/1/1975 #29689 hite lights, with one large orange light in the center. Clayton, watching i 1/1/1975 #29690 ming a row "emitting jets of white light downward." Traces were found and p 1/1/1975 #29691 iers. Orange hemispheres maneuver. Light area / beams. / r50p52. 1/2/1975 #29694 glowing-saucer rises / trees. Dim light / dome. / r177p208. 1/3/1975 #29708 , self illuminated with dim yellow light on top. 3 secs. (PID,195) (NICAP: 1/3/1975 #29709 some trees. There was a dim yellow light coming from its dome. 1/3/1975 #29711 blinded and paralyzed by a beam of light. He revives inside a UFO where thr 1/4/1975 #29715 bright that emitted a bent beam of light and found himself paralyzed. He th 1/5/1975 #29723 (first name only) observed it as a light in the sky. It left behind traces 1/5/1975 #29726 , NM 3 / car. Fireball shines blue light going down / parked car. Car and C 1/6/1975 #29727 he engine wouldn't start. A bluish light beam then shone on the car for a f 1/6/1975 #29729 e hum from high tension wires. The light then disappeared and they could st 1/6/1975 #29729 in St. Thomas, Ontario when a blue light came and hovered over their car, a 1/10/1975 #29738 led, and the radio went off as the light drew closer. (Source: London [Onta 1/10/1975 #29738 in St. Thomas, Ontario when a blue light came and hovered over their car, a 1/10/1975 #29739 led, and the radio went off as the light drew closer. It then flew off towa 1/10/1975 #29739 0 a.m. Awakened by a brilliant red light shining in her bedroom window, Mar 1/20/1975 #29756 , but a large red blinking ball of light, larger than a "washtub", moving s 1/20/1975 #29756 YORKS Man / bus-stop. Amber ball / light hovers and TURNs sharply. No furth 1/28/1975 #29770 enerating Station, sees 6 balls of light from his position at the east gate 1/31/1975 #29774 ill. Car O-O-control. Orange night light / roadside follows. / r79p65. 2/1975 (approximate) #29776 ndar, Manitoba, when a red ball of light, 14–16 inches in diameter, swoops Early 2/1975 #29782 2+6 separate observer(s). 6m night light hovers. Maneuvers wildly. 2nd appe 2/4/1975 #29783 a blue object with either beams of light coming down or lighted legs or str 2/9/1975 #29791 r his farm. It shrank to a band of light, and then disappeared. At 8:20 p.m 2/10/1975 #29802 arces, France. It emitted beams of light, an caused TV interference at the 2/10/1975 #29802 ss injured, paralyzed, by flash of light (NICAP UFO Evidence II, Sections I 2/14/1975 #29810 ss injured, paralyzed, by flash of light 2/14/1975 #29811 to his back by a powerful flash of light. The beings run up the ladder and 2/14/1975 #29812 UK) observes bright white circular light appear and rise to 20 degrees, lea 2/16/1975 #29814 LOUHANS, FR Light green 1.4M 'propane bottle' / low 2/20/1975 (approximate) #29831 who could at first see the orange light pulsating in the vineyard. Then it 2/23/1975 #29839 disc, orange glow, emitted conical light beam down on lake, illuminated ter 2/26/1975 #29849 disc, orange glow, emitted conical light beam down on lake, illuminated ter 2/26/1975 #29851 by clouds. Each has a pulsing red light on its base. The main larger objec 2/26/1975 #29852 projects a brilliant, cone-shaped light beam toward the lake and sweeps it 2/26/1975 #29852 y clouds. Each had a pulsating red light on the underside. The closer objec 2/26/1975 #29853 rly defined with the red pulsating light very strong. It remained in the ar 2/26/1975 #29853 eters up. A brilliant, cone-shaped light beam was projected down toward the 2/26/1975 #29853 men on a fishing boat saw a bright light with a definite form behind it mov 3/2/1975 #29865 see a large, yellowish, egg-shaped light moving erratically in short spurts 3/2/1975 #29868 men on a fishing boat saw a bright light with a definite form behind it mov 3/2/1975 #29869 ORAN, ALG UFO with vibrant bright light. Altitude = 50K Ft. Latest in dipl 3/6/1975 #29874 ined awake. After awhile she saw a light in the corridor and went back to c 3/6/1975 #29876 the wall. The next day an unusual light came into the house. The witness r 3/6/1975 #29876 witnesses. An object with a bright light has been seen near Oran, Bechar, a 3/7/1975 #29878 AZ 300' domed ovoid hovers / lake. Light humming. Big glow and shoots going 3/9/1975 #29882 DRAKE, AZ Pilot / car. White night light follows car to 125mph. Maneuvers. 3/11/1975 #29887 ueensland, when they see a strange light in a gravel storage area to the le 3/22/1975 #29916 buzzes car. Going southwest. Night light / 27 March. 3/26/1975 #29918 er saw a UFO with a revolving pink light in the front yard of his home. He 3/27/1975 #29920 ELLSWORTH, WI Night light stops / barn. Pregnant cow inside 4/1/1975? #29932 ter. Luminous/glowing silent night light seems to land in woods. No trace. 4/4/1975 #29958 Going quickly west over building / light. 4/4/1975 #29960 EST / ROWLAND, NC Cop chases night light. Night light returns 2 flashes! "D 4/4/1975 #29964 , NC Cop chases night light. Night light returns 2 flashes! "Definitely not 4/4/1975 #29964 atrol. 30' object with Brill white light. Red lights / side. No further det 4/5/1975 #29968 ater tower. Stops. Hovers. Intense light / front. Going quickly west. 4/5/1975 #29969 hone with a pulsating silvery-gray light. In another five minutes of drivin 4/6/1975 #29975 , CA Disc-shaped object with dome, light beam, made right-angle turn, appro 4/15/1975 #29989 , CA Disc-shaped object with dome, light beam, made right-angle turn, appro 4/15/1975 #29990 gentina Night. Stationary beams of light are seen at San José de Jáchal, Sa 4/20/1975 #29998 :00 a.m. Two young witnesses see a light descend briefly behind a school in 4/26/1975 #30006 at the drivers were dazzled by the light. When they pulled into a filling s 4/26/1975 #30007 a filling station for santuary the light finally shot off rapidly to the ea 4/26/1975 #30007 SAN GERMAN, PR Object beams strong light going down. Outhouse burns. Animal 4/29/1975 #30010 A bright yellow-orange ball of light was seen at low altitude over the 5/1/1975 #30017 turn-shaped UFO over truck, beamed light down; humanoids visible in dome. S 5/3/1975 #30021 object approaches him quickly, the light on its front changing from amber t 5/3/1975 #30027 was making a humming sound. It had light beams and flew off to the west. 5/3/1975 #30028 n odd star. Red lightning seems to light it up and it zooms away, dripping 5/4/1975 #30032 ct had an intense yellow pulsating light, and a row of eight rectangular li 5/4/1975 #30033 ndarmes observed an orange ball of light (BOL) the apparent size of the ful 5/4/1975 #30034 in a truck, was hit by a blinding light, and his hands went numb. The enco 5/5/1975 #30037 in a truck, was hit by a blinding light, and his hands went numb. The enco 5/5/1975 #30038 g down / vegetation garden. Beam / light sucks dirt. See reference. 5/10/1975 #30049 PEESANE, SSK 2 / farm. Green night light hovers 12 minute(s). Going east. P 5/12/1975 #30050 en he and his wife observe a green light for 10–15 minutes. On May 14, Cars 5/12/1975 #30052 t same night at 11:30 p.m. a green light was seen hovering over an area two 5/12/1975 #30054 m. Multiple witnesses see a bright light a few miles north of Carman, Manit 5/13/1975 #30056 ill Kendricks and Allen Kerr see a light on the western horizon that rises 5/13/1975 #30056 Bennett and others see a smoky red light above some tall trees. Bennett lea 5/13/1975 #30056 ar shore. As they watch, a beam of light shoots from the object to the surf 5/16/1975 #30061 a straight line, emitting beams of light. 5/29/1975 #30068 4 observer(s). Silent white ring / light casts 3 beams / light. Rises. Vani 6/1975 #30072 white ring / light casts 3 beams / light. Rises. Vanishes! 6/1975 #30072 g helmets. Each helmet had a green light on it. The men were next seen walk 6/1/1975 #30074 haped object with a very brilliant light close to the top and center. (Refe 6/4/1975 #30080 had antennas and emitted beams of light. 6/5/1975 #30083 ncountered a 30-meter wide ball of light hovering only 15 meters above the 6/6/1975 #30089 LAS-D'ACY, FR 2 observer(s). Night light then diamond going [to] over melon 6/14/1975 #30103 , Manitoba, notices a bright white light to the northwest, apparently in th 6/20/1975 #30111 r RCMP in the bridge area sees the light 10 minutes later, apparently 220–3 6/20/1975 #30111 officer attempts to close with the light unsuccessfully until he is 3 miles 6/20/1975 #30111 orange ovoid object with a halo of light flew toward the northwest and mane 6/29/1975 #30132 ight dots emanating the same color light. It disappears around a corner, an 7/1975 #30141 eral more minutes as a diminishing light. 7/1975 #30142 g the ground with a bright beam of light near highway 46. It then flew off 7/4/1975 #30158 ach the figure a shiny red beam of light hit one of them, and the man who h 7/12/1975 #30174 lly around his head and chest. The light seemed to come not from him, but f 7/12/1975 #30175 s were highly-illuminated in white light which pulsed intermittently in an 7/14/1975 #30179 S 2 observer(s). Large Brill night light going quickly west. Several good p 7/21/1975 #30196 humanoid, jelly like entities. The light on top of the object and those ins 7/22/1975 #30201 MACHEKE, RHOD White beam / night light hits man. 2h / missing time. Bruis 7/26/1975 #30206 URY, RHOD Several cops chase night light / 15 minute(s). Seen / police stat 7/28/1975 #30210 ca Oval object, occupants visible; light struck witness in face, nose bleed 7/31/1975 #30216 ca Oval object, occupants visible; light struck witness in face, nose bleed 7/31/1975 #30217 an Graan hears a “tick” noise as a light beam hits him in the face. Ill and 7/31/1975 #30218 yes and high cheekbones. They wore light coveralls with hoods. A light beam 7/31/1975 #30219 wore light coveralls with hoods. A light beam hit him in the face, causing 7/31/1975 #30219 IEN, FR 4 observer(s). Large night light maneuvers. Huge white fireball ris 8/1/1975? #30229 an chased by a huge orange ball of light. It was 100 feet from the side of 8/4/1975 #30235 O rose up swiftly to a pinpoint of light in the sky, and then vanished. 8/4/1975 #30235 re brightly illuminated by a white light, they had no discernable features. 8/8/1975 #30244 ened, and luminous orange beams of light shot out while at the same time he 8/12/1975 #30256 car was engulfed by a bright blue light while at the same time his car los 8/13/1975 #30257 d over to the Danish AF showed the light source of the UFO on it. No report 8/13/1975 #30257 trollers. Disk emits bright orange light. / MUFON Proc.1979. 8/14/1975 #30267 looks behind him and sees another light trailing him a mile or so away. Wh 8/14/1975 #30270 ed object emitting a bright orange light, which hovered and performed aerob 8/14/1975 #30271 parate cops and more/others. Night light follows triangular object. Going e 8/16/1975 #30278 er Manchester, England a nocturnal light followed a flying triangular shape 8/16/1975 #30280 EAMS CANYON, AZ Cop sees odd night light / rotating green and red lights. C 8/17/1975 #30283 uddenly all six of them saw a huge light and then a red cloud that ascended 8/18/1975 #30288 olicemen who see a brilliant white light shining from the center of its bas 8/20/1975 #30291 short distance further they saw a light in a field a few hundred meters fr 8/22/1975 #30297 short distance further they saw a light in a field a few hundred meters fr 8/22/1975 #30298 t from within by a yellowish white light. It was approximately 3-4 meters l 8/22/1975 #30298 were completely illuminated by the light from the object, so none of their 8/22/1975 #30298 ee men spotted a white transparent light that hovered over the road ahead o 8/22/1975 #30299 ontinued to work. When the ball of light, which was four meters in diameter 8/22/1975 #30299 server(s). Bright silent red night light buzzes car. Lights and engine elec 8/25/1975 #30305 94, they see a brilliant flash of light and sounds like thunder. About 50 8/26/1975 #30310 y 35 feet away. A fluorescent blue light came from inside it. He walked awa 8/28/1975 #30315 above car, hovered, cast pulsating light beam down on it. Physiological eff 8/29/1975 #30324 above car, hovered, cast pulsating light beam down on it. Physiological eff 8/29/1975 #30325 arget. The crew is seeing a “round light, brilliant red in color and with y 9/1975? #30333 returns to Jerez after viewing the light for an estimated 45 minutes. 9/1975? #30333 port. Absolute(ly) silent. 2 beams light area. Shoots going up. 9/9/1975 #30348 liptical object emitting two white light beams in Jette, East Flanders, Bel 9/9/1975 #30350 to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Light beams. Possible abduction? Observe 9/14/1975 #30357 s. She was then blinded by a white light, and the next thing she remembers 9/15/1975 #30363 noculars. Perfect ovoid cloud with light hovers over airport / one hour and 9/20/1975 #30371 At 12:40 a.m. a glowing orb of light hovered near two TV towers in St.- 9/20/1975 #30374 irage-jet crews. 15M fuselage with light portholes vanishes. Reappears. Gon 9/23/1975 #30377 tting beams of soft orange-colored light. One of the men runs into the camp Fall 1975 #30380 sh, Washington, see a bright white light that appears overhead and slightly Fall 1975 #30381 lit area suddenly goes out and the light speeds up in the sky and disappear Fall 1975 #30381 rom the first incident, the bright light again appears overhead briefly, th Fall 1975 #30381 SINNAI, ITL Brilliant 35cm ball / light / ground. Quickly going up [to] to 9/29/1975 #30393 ht," cows fled. Emitted bright red light, humming sound, took off at high s 9/30/1975 #30399 daylight". It emitted a bright red light, and made a humming sound. Cows fl 9/30/1975 #30400 ter appearing at first as a bright light. It circled behind some trees, the 10/2/1975 #30410 n this night a large mass of white light, with smaller blue lights inside, 10/3/1975 #30413 n this night a large mass of white light, with smaller blue lights inside, 10/3/1975 #30414 ght he sees an “orange fluorescent light” in the pasture of his property. M 10/7/1975 #30421 s / 800M over LA Martinerie. White light / rear. Night light. 10/9/1975 #30423 tinerie. White light / rear. Night light. 10/9/1975 #30423 ck, hovered over road ahead, shone light beam toward truck. MUFON UFO Journ 10/17/1975 #30435 d ahead, lights and engine failed, light beam directed toward truck 10/17/1975 #30436 d of him. It directs a very bright light at him, causing the truck’s lights 10/18/1975 #30444 ng just west of town noticed a red light approaching their position at high 10/19/1975 #30449 t wave and saw an oscillating blue light in the sky nearby. She managed to 10/25/1975 #30468 l man was struck by a blue beam of light, reputedly from a disc. He subsequ 10/25/1975 #30469 reported being paralyzed by a blue light. (Source: Charles Bowen, FSR, July 10/25/1975 #30469 o of the photos show two irregular light blobs, which he does not remember Late 10/1975 #30470 t wave and saw an oscillating blue light in the sky nearby. ing in river fe 10/25/1975 #30472 felt burning, saw oscillating blue light in sky. Frightened, she took cover 10/25/1975 #30472 cover in some undergrowth, but the light increased intensity. When the blue 10/25/1975 #30472 increased intensity. When the blue light approached even closer she ran hom 10/25/1975 #30472 l man was struck by a blue beam of light, reputedly from a disc. He subsequ 10/25/1975 #30472 reported being paralyzed by a blue light. 10/25/1975 #30472 ey had seen a large reddish orange light take off. This evening at 7 p.m. t 10/25/1975 #30473 front of helmets were luminous or light reflecting. The one nearest them h 10/26/1975 #30475 istance. They seemed to absorb the light from the flashlights without refle 10/26/1975 #30476 300 feet. It has a red navigation light and a white strobe light. The craf 10/27/1975 #30487 avigation light and a white strobe light. The craft enters the perimeter of 10/27/1975 #30487 were then enveloped in a blinding light, leaving them both unconscious. Th 10/27/1975 #30489 en they had encountered the bright light he had somehow been taken from the 10/27/1975 #30489 istance. They seemed to absorb the light without reflecting it, but occasio 10/27/1975 #30491 d is seen to have a flashing white light and an amber or orange light. Lewi 10/28/1975 #30503 white light and an amber or orange light. Lewis reports the sighting to his 10/28/1975 #30503 unknown helicopter with an orange light landed in a munitions storage area 10/29/1975 #30511 Controllers and more/others. Night light / RADAR-visual (observation). Mane 10/30/1975 #30515 ut 20 miles heading southeast. The light hovers and moves up and down in an 10/30/1975 #30522 other than a single, steady orange light. 10/30/1975 #30522 near the base perimeter. One white light was pointed downward, and two red 10/30/1975 #30523 es-Haut-Provence, France a ball of light hovered over a mountain, then jump 11/1/1975 #30535 ing, Colorado, when they see a red light in the sky ahead of them. As it ap Early 11/1975 #30539 en Kay, see a brilliant orange-red light go behind a building, where they s 11/2/1975 #30540 stance away they see a red ball of light above the trees and try to catch u 11/2/1975 #30540 round object with fingers of white light emanating from it hovering northea 11/3/1975 #30545 a turbine engine. A narrow beam of light fires from the bottom of the disc 11/5/1975 #30562 of at least one low level noctural light was made by the Sabotage Alert Tea 11/8/1975 #30582 T 3 cops paced / 14 mile(s). Night light hovers / lake. Shoots green beam g 11/10/1975 #30587 ROSS, OH 2 observer(s). Night light nears gas station. Vanishes. Leave 11/10/1975 #30591 h Dakota 10:15–11:20 p.m. A bright light passes over Minot AFB, North Dakot 11/10/1975 #30594 LLS, MT Sheriff. Very large orange light descends. Horizon going quickly [t 11/11/1975 #30599 NEAR FORT BENTON, MT Night light attaches to B52 during bombing gam 11/11/1975 #30600 TASHKENT, UZBEK Night light circles as if edge / saucer. Abrup 11/11/1975 #30601 rical-shaped object with shafts of light bright enough to light up clouds i 11/11/1975 #30603 h shafts of light bright enough to light up clouds in immediate area. (Nati 11/11/1975 #30603 pherical, evenly distributed green light. The object was much brighter than 11/11/1975 #30605 and Game Department employee saw a light flying directly behind a B-52 bomb 11/11/1975 #30606 at Freezeout Lake, Montana, sees a light flying directly behind a B-52 bomb 11/11/1975 #30610 , Montana. Suddenly a large orange light descends out of the northern sky, 11/11/1975 #30612 cts seen appeared to be artificial light fading on and off with jerky motio 11/12/1975 #30614 separate observer(s). Round night light zips up. Stops. Pans beam all over 11/14/1975 #30617 SUDBURY, ONT Night light rises and falls repeatedly. No mot 11/15/1975 #30619 r car. Radio static. White balls / light exit. Car body magnetized. 11/15/1975 #30621 hen ejected several white balls of light (BOLs). The metal of the car was m 11/15/1975 #30625 hen ejected several white balls of light (BOLs). The metal of the car was m 11/15/1975 #30628 nd she tells him there is a bright light coming from a 30-foot-wide disc-sh 11/17/1975 #30636 Richard Manson, who has seen a red light about the same time. Randle conclu 11/17/1975 #30636 g near his home. The UFO had a red light on top and two clear lights on the 11/19/1975 #30643 ining round object with a blinking light moved quickly from north to south 11/21/1975 #30650 South Carolina saw a white ball of light above them but under the cloud cei 11/22/1975 #30653 lights and a smaller blinking red light in the center was sighted by a you 11/23/1975 #30656 E. The North Bay Tower advised one light aircraft in the area who reported 12/4/1975 #30684 e clear lights in front, and a red light in the rear was encountered this e 12/5/1975 #30687 e clear lights in front, and a red light in the rear was encountered in Mon 12/5/1975 #30688 -sur-Vienne, France a huge ball of light was seen hovering by some high ten 12/8/1975 #30696 ension electrical power lines. The light vanished after several seconds. 12/8/1975 #30696 d off several times. Soon a bright light illuminated his truck's cab and su 12/11/1975 #30705 erior of the truck is flooded with light. Suddenly he becomes aware of a “s 12/14/1975 #30715 leans forward and looks up at the light, falls back, wipes his eyes, and v 12/14/1975 #30715 and vanishes. At that moment, the light disappears. The next morning, he l 12/14/1975 #30715 ade encountered an intense beam of light while walking home at night and wo 12/17/1975 #30720 ade encountered an intense beam of light while walking home at night and wo 12/17/1975 #30721 driving together noticed a bright light in the sky, and their car's engine 12/23/1975 #30732 ar's engine and lights failed. The light came closer and they saw it was an 12/23/1975 #30732 dridge, Minnesota noticed a bright light in the sky, and their car's engine 12/23/1975 #30733 ar's engine and lights failed. The light came closer and they saw it was an 12/23/1975 #30733 four times when a glowing ball of light came down near the ground in Ploub 12/24/1975 #30737 four times when a glowing ball of light came down near the ground in Ploub 12/24/1975 #30739 rtical supports. A yellow or amber light is at the top. It is about 50 feet 1976 #30750 o hiss and crackle, and flashes of light spark out, dancing across the wind 1/4/1976 #30758 UFO descended and emitted a bright light into the car with a gaseous hazy q 1/6/1976 #30762 id section, and a yellow, blinking light on the bottom. When the chaos subs 1/6/1976 #30762 illuminated car interior with blue light; missing time, abduction, physiolo 1/6/1976 #30768 illuminated car interior with blue light. Missing time, abduction, physiolo 1/6/1976 #30769 shines three beams of bluish-white light on the road, and another into thei 1/6/1976 #30770 . It periodically emitted beams of light downwards for 5 minutes, then zoom 1/6/1976 #30771 DOMENE, ISERE Night light goes behind trees. Observer(s) loo 1/8/1976 #30774 GRENOBLE, ISERE Night light maneuvers. Going down [to] and goi 1/9/1976 #30776 (s) takes several photos = point / light only. 1/9/1976 #30776 er. From the bottom a bright white light turned on, which illuminated it. T 1/9/1976 #30781 / ground. 2 40cm portholes / blue light. 1/15/1976 #30788 W. of), MT 5:30 p.m. 70' altitude, light bulb shape (UFO 55 NIDS) (NICAP: 0 1/17/1976 #30795 er, gold/silver in color with blue light on top, hole in the middle and red 1/21/1976 #30802 on top, hole in the middle and red light on the bottom. 1/21/1976 #30802 ld or silver in color, with a blue light on top, a hole in the middle, and 1/21/1976 #30810 p, a hole in the middle, and a red light on the bottom. An Air Force office 1/21/1976 #30810 ed like an octagon, with one amber light and a flashing red light. It had a 1/23/1976 #30817 one amber light and a flashing red light. It had a curved base and a flat t 1/23/1976 #30817 ate. Atop the helmet was a whitish light. He could only make out the upper 1/26/1976 #30821 Patrol (CHP) offices. Bright night light maneuvers. Lights mountains. / r22 1/28/1976 #30824 TY, NV NHP dispatcher. White night light moves / square trajectory all over 1/28/1976 #30826 Turning around, he saw a brilliant light hovering in the sky; it approached 1/29/1976 #30832 t and hot flashes of red and white light; he could not see their faces, but 1/29/1976 #30832 It has windows and a flashing red light on top, and hovers for 4–5 minutes 2/1976 #30841 nd the man has just turned off the light when he sees three 7–8 feet tall e 2/1976 #30842 ea was lit up "like a dusk to dawn light that wasn't supposed to be there." 2/7/1976 #30850 ft.. It was low to the ground. The light had maintained its position relati 2/13/1976 #30868 nder/cigar-shape / roadside. Night light chases observer(s) going south. 2/15/1976 #30872 ing. It was low to the ground. The light had maintained its position relati 2/17/1976 #30877 nces until sunrise. A small orange light accompanied the main object during 2/17/1976 #30877 ped and glowing with a fluorescent light. (Sources: CUFOS investigation fil 2/18/1976 #30880 ped and glowing with a fluorescent light. 2/18/1976 #30881 another check and saw two balls of light moving very rapidly toward the eas 2/19/1976 #30883 human figure in Hudson Park with a light attached to his head, bent over an 2/19/1976 #30887 ashville. The being flashed a blue light at her before she sped away. Being 2/25/1976 #30903 emitting a bright-white to yellow light from three or four windows. When h Late 2/1976 #30905 even with the second being a blue light flashed across her face. She drove 2/25/1976 #30908 light in a T-33, Bosc saw a bright light approach at high speed on a collis 3/3/1976 #30920 enveloped in green phosphorescent light for several seconds. Radar showed 3/3/1976 #30920 sees a rapidly approaching bright light in the distance near Tours, Indre- 3/3/1976 #30921 rrounded by a green phosphorescent light that illuminates the aircraft for 3/3/1976 #30921 irs. Blinded by a flash of intense light, he was captured and taken aboard 3/3/1976 #30922 burns resulting from the flash of light. 3/3/1976 #30922 e the dome was a deep red flashing light, and there were holes in the botto 3/5/1976 #30928 in the bottom out of which a blue light shone. Mr. T. estimated its size a 3/5/1976 #30928 revolving around its exterior. Two light beams were directed from the objec 3/5/1976 #30929 er paced / long object with bright light. Rumor only / Bal.Olmos. 3/11/1976 #30932 LENDALE, TASMANIA Red-orange night light flies through dense forest. Rises 3/11/1976 #30933 ns with other people regarding the light that was displaying unusual moveme 3/15/1976 #30942 Run, Pennsylvania. White beams of light were directed into the car from th 3/19/1976 #30949 / roadside. 2 portholes. Blinding light. / r30p607. 3/21/1976 #30950 Suddenly a bright, greenish-yellow light descends and completely envelops a 3/22/1976 #30952 s / power lines / 10 mn. Brilliant light / top. Maneuvers. 3/24/1976 #30954 ), MT 9:15 p.m. UFO described as a light that zig-zagged in the sky. (UFO 7 3/26/1976 #30956 nt, was blinded by a beam of white light from an unseen flying object in Qu 3/30/1976 #30969 he M66 he observes a white disc of light moving very fast, crossing the pat 4/2/1976 #30979 ehicle and gets out to look at the light. As he does so, the light stops an 4/2/1976 #30979 k at the light. As he does so, the light stops and hovers nearby. It then b 4/2/1976 #30979 ge looking instrument that emitted light and scanned it over his body from 4/2/1976 #30980 eam going down / ground. Red night light above. Going quickly northeast. / 4/3/1976 #30981 rom the ground emitting an intense light. At about the same time in another 4/3/1976 #30983 t away. The device emits a beam of light that strikes the donkey and Barros 4/3/1976 #30983 ow altitude. Red and green spots / light side. 4/7/1976 #30987 T, AUSTR Silent cross-shape. Beams light / duck hunter's car. 4/10/1976 #30992 NEAR STACY, MN 15' night light moves over car from marshes. CB st 4/21/1976 #31002 when she noticed a green pulsating light off the road. It passed overhead a 4/21/1976 #31006 0 feet across with an orange-white light at the top and six bluish-white li 4/22/1976 #31010 om his car. It had an orange-white light on top and six blue windows, landi 4/22/1976 #31011 SOUTHWEST / BERMUDA Night light follows United States Navy (USN) d 4/23/1976 #31012 ) destroyer / several turns. Night light not on RADAR. Going down [to] and 4/23/1976 #31012 QUIXADA, BRZ Man abduction / light beam / UFO. Deteriorates-now mindl 4/23/1976 #31013 out calls his attention to a green light dead ahead through light fog three 4/23/1976 #31017 o a green light dead ahead through light fog three miles away at 10° above 4/23/1976 #31017 ngines. The crew watches the green light dip to 30–40 feet above the surfac 4/23/1976 #31017 change to starboard, and the green light becomes much larger, making a comp 4/23/1976 #31017 th make subsequent turns, with the light now only 50-60 feet away. Suddenly 4/23/1976 #31017 ns to its original heading and the light stations itself on the port beam. 4/23/1976 #31017 hen the captain comes on deck, the light circles the ship twice. Then once 4/23/1976 #31017 with belts and boots. They all had light blond, shoulder-length hair. Their 4/23/1976 #31019 ster shaped UFO emitted a blinding light beam, and both he and his truck we 5/14/1976 #31051 ster shaped UFO emitted a blinding light beam, and both he and his truck we 5/14/1976 #31052 om its top section a strong yellow light was directed over the area. The UF 5/18/1976 #31060 rge round opening from which a red light shone. From inside the porthole a 5/18/1976 #31060 om its top section a strong yellow light was directed over the area. The UF 5/18/1976 #31061 rge round opening from which a red light shone. From inside the porthole a 5/18/1976 #31061 [to] and lands / wheatfield. Blue light rotates / top. 5/19/1976 #31062 93, citing the San Antonio (Texas) Light, March 20, 1983; John F. Schuessle 5/21/1976 #31069 Martinet bridge she sees an orange light in the form of a “dome.” She exper 6/11/1976 #31102 fter what seems a few seconds, the light disappears. Driving home upset and 6/11/1976 #31102 veralls. They carry her toward the light, which she enters through an iron 6/11/1976 #31102 bright reddish-orange dome-shaped light. She put her hands over her eyes a 6/11/1976 #31103 RINGSTED, DK Glider-size UFO beams light / car. Malfunctions due to EME (el 6/20/1976 #31115 t-Jensen sees a bright, blue-white light cross the road behind him in Rings 6/21/1976 #31121 up to within 165–250 feet and its light strikes his car, the engine and li 6/21/1976 #31121 t resembles a glider with a ray of light coming from it that swings back an 6/21/1976 #31121 a kite-shaped UFO shone a beam of light at a police car in Ringsted, Denma 6/21/1976 #31122 i when they see a gigantic ball of light 200 feet ahead of them between Gál 6/22/1976 #31128 he taxi radio cuts out. Inside the light, which is actually like a transpar 6/22/1976 #31128 ry Islands 10:30 p.m. A bright red light like a rocket emerging from the se 6/22/1976 #31129 nd rejects the hypothesis that the light is from a naval missile launch. Ho 6/22/1976 #31129 unter with a UFO emitting beams of light also occurred earlier in Bothwell, 6/22/1976 #31131 São Paulo, Brazil, when he sees a light in the sky moving westward. Sudden 6/23/1976 #31134 Suddenly he feels paralyzed as the light approaches and descends about 25 f 6/23/1976 #31134 Paulo, Brazil. A bright nocturnal light approached a man causing him to be 6/23/1976 #31135 ed some 20 to 25 feet away and the light went out. A short, bald-headed bei 6/23/1976 #31135 LA GUICHE, FR Big noise and light. 12M saucer over field. Same noise 6/25/1976 #31137 ction with red and white panels of light. It was self-luminous, and kept pa 6/25/1976 #31140 PALAGNANO, ITL Oval light nears. Stops 20M away / 18M altitu 7/11/1976 #31155 e disc-shaped object with beams of light search through some woods at a low 7/12/1976 #31161 4-5 lights in front, with a green light on one end and a red on the other. 7/22/1976 #31177 4-5 lights in front, with a green light on one end and a red on the other. 7/22/1976 #31178 light crews and RADAR's. Big night light and 3 huge cigars. / FSRv22#4+/ LD 7/30/1976 #31198 ook up and see a stationary bright light. They announce the sighting to the 7/30/1976 #31203 After several minutes watching the light, two cigar- shaped objects appear 7/30/1976 #31203 pear below and to the right of the light. A Portuguese airliner in the vici 7/30/1976 #31203 ot see any facial details. A white light went out from these beings toward 8/1/1976 #31218 fitting black jacket and a pair of light trousers, which seemed to be turni 8/2/1976 #31222 ng. They said nothing, but shone a light on the boy as they stood next to a 8/4/1976 #31232 rior began to feel very hot. A red light beam struck the road in front of c 8/5/1976 #31235 l Park, Quebec, when a beam of red light penetrates the fog and creates a s 8/6/1976 #31240 ithdraws upwards. A dazzling white light then approaches and stops ahead. S 8/6/1976 #31240 he object moves away in a flash of light and burst of heat. The car starts 8/6/1976 #31240 rd Matane. Suddenly, a beam of red light coming from the sky struck the roa 8/6/1976 #31241 nd rose back upwards in a coherent light fashion. They then saw a dazzling 8/6/1976 #31241 on. They then saw a dazzling white light to their left, which the witness e 8/6/1976 #31241 mated to be a half mile away. This light approached them and stopped over t 8/6/1976 #31241 the fog toward the fuzzy, intense light ahead. When they reached it, they 8/6/1976 #31241 dows three feet wide, out of which light was pouring. They could hear a dul 8/6/1976 #31241 ten paces they could see that the light inside had gone out. Two beams of 8/6/1976 #31241 gone out. Two beams of blue-green light appeared, coming from behind the U 8/6/1976 #31241 watered, and he vomited. Then the light rays went out, and they saw two be 8/6/1976 #31241 n. After this there was a burst of light in front of them followed by anoth 8/6/1976 #31241 in the Mediterranean can shed any light on the incidents. 8/8/1976 #31247 d. Suddenly two strange flashes of light came from the direction of this my 8/10/1976 #31252 s / observer(s). 20+luminous cones light roads etc. Going quickly west. Pol 8/11/1976 #31254 LA LINEA, SP 2 teens. Night light / high altitude circles and enters 8/11/1976 #31255 nters it. While they watch it, the light of a nearby lighthouse goes out te 8/11/1976 #31256 each, Cadiz, Spain saw a nocturnal light at high altitude circle and enter 8/11/1976 #31257 3 men / bridge. Dog barks. Colored light maneuvers under river surface. 8/12/1976 #31259 0:30 p.m. Dogs barked as a colored light maneuvered under the surface of th 8/12/1976 #31260 Germany, when he notices a strange light approaching from the northeast. Af 8/13/1976 #31261 rk, Cumbria, England, see a bright light in the sky. Through binoculars, it 8/14/1976 #31263 ooks like a silver disc reflecting light from its top surface. After 30 sec 8/14/1976 #31263 ARA, SP 20 cars stop. Bright night light hovers. Nears as taxi flashes ligh 8/15/1976 #31266 ackyard notices wide band of white light in creek bed under trees. (Worley 8/15/1976 #31269 Highway 3:00 a.m. A distant bright light appears above El Real de la Jara, 8/15/1976 #31270 ly dark object with a wide band of light. As it flew off to the northeast, 8/15/1976 #31271 door, which had flashing panels of light inside. The tall figure floated up 8/16/1976 #31273 NEW HAVEN, CT 2 cops. Bright night light zigzags across entire sky / 25 sec 8/17/1976 #31275 es house and golf course / beams / light. Mechanical arm. 8/18/1976 #31277 Y COUNTIES Many observer(s). Night light changes color(s). Seen widely / 5 8/20/1976 #31281 d down to the ground on a “band of light.” The craft then took off. Both fi 8/23/1976 #31294 , and appeared in a close fitting, light green one-piece suit; the top was 8/23/1976 #31294 e also wore slippers. Her skin was light tan, her eyes blueish gray, and sh 8/23/1976 #31294 Onauts ascended to it on a beam of light. The craft was estimated to be 30 8/23/1976 #31294 ey emitted red laser-like beams of light, and flew off rapidly to the west. 8/23/1976 #31295 ar old sister awoke and saw a blue light outside her window. 8/25/1976 #31302 ge, bright, multicolored sphere of light rising from below the treeline. Wh 8/26/1976 #31307 anoe slowly. A tube-shaped beam of light was emitted from the object and hi 8/26/1976 #31307 water. The object and the beam of light began approaching the four men and 8/26/1976 #31307 aft via a hollow tube-like beam of light. Inside the they encountered sever 8/26/1976 #31307 uths with a pencil size rod with a light on its tip. Then each was made to 8/26/1976 #31307 t. See reference. Blob west legs / light. / r225. 8/30/1976 #31315 RVINGTON, NY 15 observer(s). Night light swings left and right and going up 8/30/1976 #31316 ng a disc-shaped object that emits light beams of various colors. When poli Early 9/1976 #31326 bject is flattened, and a luminous light on top varies according to the spe 9/3/1976 #31335 h speed) to orange, from yellow to light green, and finally to white. When 9/3/1976 #31335 aft is still, the intensity of the light diminishes. The object itself is g 9/3/1976 #31335 eet from the ground. A bright, red light shines from the center of its base 9/3/1976 #31335 staff fires a beam of bluish-white light that hits Klein in the left thigh. 9/3/1976 #31335 a rotating lower half and a bright light on top which seemed to change colo 9/3/1976 #31341 t projected an intense beam of red light from its base. Inside this beam th 9/3/1976 #31341 from which a beam of bluish white light emerged. The witness apparently bl 9/3/1976 #31341 TASM 25M ovoid low / gully. Night light hovers. Observer(s) feels tingling 9/8/1976 #31353 ephant Pass, Tasmania. A nocturnal light also hovered nearby the witness, a 9/8/1976 #31357 his dog grows agitated. A flash of light illuminates the area, followed by 9/9/1976 #31362 he craft, and flees in terror. The light goes out, and da Silva runs back t 9/9/1976 #31362 d and throws it at the object. The light goes out again and the buzzing cea 9/9/1976 #31362 Object moved away, shone beams of light down (Ref. 1, Section I). (NICAP: 9/10/1976 #31369 Object moved away, shone beams of light down 9/10/1976 #31370 lines a mile to the west, emitting light beams at the tops of the transmiss 9/10/1976 #31371 over a neighbor’s house, shining a light on it. Frightened, Pecha grabs his 9/10/1976 #31371 raw their attention to the distant light. The encounter ends at 1:03 a.m. 9/10/1976 #31371 huania when a blinding, stationary light is seen on the starboard side of t 9/10/1976 #31372 ay and 5,000–6,000 feet below. The light resembles a yellowish sodium vapor 9/10/1976 #31372 g he should not ask questions. The light is visible for 10–15 minutes. 9/10/1976 #31372 60 feet away. The object had a red light in front and other lights on eithe 9/10/1976 #31373 ghts on either end, and the bright light that came from the bottom of the o 9/10/1976 #31373 cables still retracting. The white light underneath intensified and a cone 9/10/1976 #31373 derneath intensified and a cone of light was projected downward, but initia 9/10/1976 #31373 uminating the ground with beams of light. Two other similar UFOs were seen 9/10/1976 #31373 seen in the distance casting blue light beams down onto power lines, and a 9/10/1976 #31373 wn onto power lines, and an arc of light was extending upward from the powe 9/10/1976 #31373 PORT PERRY, ON 3 / car. Night light over treetops shoots away as car n 9/11/1976 #31375 As soon as he switches on the back light, he sees a man in dark clothing wa 9/11/1976 #31376 has changed to bright silver, then light blue. It grows blurry and fuzzy an 9/11/1976 #31376 t at a time. Hopkins sees a bright light outside, rushes to the kitchen win 9/11/1976 #31376 o the kitchen window, and sees the light and the man are gone. About 90 min 9/11/1976 #31376 ario. Paul Hood notices a flashing light in the treetops. When their car ap 9/11/1976 #31377 y. It emits two brilliant beams of light from the top and is about 45 feet 9/13/1976 #31382 , CA 2 separate observer(s). Night light / treetop level rushes overhead. S 9/16/1976 #31386 rnia, see a rolling orange ball of light heading slowly south. Possible bal 9/16/1976 #31387 a, California, sees a large orange light at treetop level that rushes overh 9/16/1976 #31388 ordered back to the base, but the light follows him. During final approach 9/18/1976 #31395 then orders Jafari to approach the light and get a look. When he is within 9/18/1976 #31395 instrument panel go out again. The light disappears from view after Jafari 9/18/1976 #31395 ameter. As the pilot descended the light from the landed UFO went out and h 9/19/1976 #31396 tude encountered an intense bluish light, which suddenly turned off, then b 9/19/1976 #31412 l when they spotted a bluish white light in front of them. They immediately 9/19/1976 #31413 ect was only 200 meters. The white light (reported to be blue by the tower) 9/19/1976 #31413 . Binoculars reveal a blinking red light flanked by pairs of amber lights. 9/24/1976 #31422 r drive under 100M object 15M over light poles. Absolute(ly) silent. Quickl 10/1976 (approximate) #31434 BAZAN, FR Observer(s) hit / strong light. 2 ovoids / ground by hotel. Still 10/1976 (approximate) #31436 off growth later in the summer. A light “like lightning” was seen shortly 10/1976 #31441 BATEAU BAY, AUSTRALIA Boxy night light out to sea. Bald 150cm man with fl 10/10/1976 #31458 CA 2+several. Big roar. Red night light circles peak. Angel hair found. / 10/12/1976 #31460 hilltop. It had two white beams of light. It finally flew off towards the s 10/15/1976 #31466 POLIS, MN 2+12 observer(s). Cone / light with windows over lake. Vanishes a 10/19/1976 #31479 Minnesota, watch a yellow cone of light with a row of windows at the botto 10/19/1976 #31482 e along the perimeter, and a white light beam shone upwards from the object 10/21/1976 #31484 daughter encountered two globes of light hovering near the highway. When he 10/24/1976 #31492 or window feebly lit by an orange light, in which the silhouettes of two o 10/24/1976 #31493 uth of Algiers watch a bright oval light on the horizon heading toward them Late 10/1976 #31495 EXARKANA, TX 1 / car. Bright night light splits / 3. Parts going quickly [t 10/26/1976 (approximate) #31497 . Now it began to give off a white light. The craft was aluminum colored, a 10/28/1976 #31503 booth and emitting a red and white light descend towards the walled in fiel 10/29/1976 #31505 ng became visible from which a red light shone. Then two very tall human li 10/29/1976 #31505 the wall, and a long thin beam of light came from the device and hit the w 10/29/1976 #31505 m. when a fluorescent bluish green light descended from the sky and envelop 10/29/1976 #31506 . At the same time a red sphere of light was seen by a man and a woman, Sil 10/30/1976 #31511 wires by the road. Both have a red light on top, a whiter flashing light on 11/4/1976 #31522 ed light on top, a whiter flashing light on the bottom, and a revolving red 11/4/1976 #31522 on the bottom, and a revolving red light. Around 9:30 p.m., three similar o 11/4/1976 #31522 SE / 600M altitude / 3600MPH. 15KW light power. / r5p27. 11/5/1976 #31525 , Isère, France. She sees a bright light outside and calls her father. From 11/5/1976 #31528 alcony they watch an intense white light speed across the sky from northwes 11/5/1976 #31528 e mountains. The father thinks the light is spinning. At the same time a Fr 11/5/1976 #31528 Red lights flash and steady white light. Going east. 11/8/1976 #31530 hing red lights and a steady white light, making a beeping noise. 11/8/1976 #31533 the other. Both objects have a red light in front, two on the sides, and a 11/10/1976 #31538 ront, two on the sides, and a blue light in the back, all blinking. One ban 11/10/1976 #31538 stopped the second time they saw a light in the sky in the direction of Bad 11/12/1976 #31540 anner. Then Trejo glimpsed a green light out of the corner of his eyes, and 11/12/1976 #31540 onsist entirely of small points of light, and more intense around its perip 11/12/1976 #31540 d disc) object emitting yellow-red light from the underside hovering low ab 11/14/1976 #31547 away she could still see spots of light as an after-effect. She also felt 11/14/1976 #31549 he Canary Islands watch a point of light climbing into the sky in a spiral 11/19/1976 #31559 women watch a large yellow-orange light slowly and silently meander 150 fe 11/19/1976 #31560 officers also see the now distant light head from west to east. 11/19/1976 #31560 NY, IN Several observer(s). Cone / light follows truck. Goes as others near 11/24/1976 #31570 ceman sees a 12-foot white cone of light with sparklers at its base diminis 11/24/1976 #31571 esses see it as a distant point of light; when they leave, the object rushe 11/24/1976 #31571 A cone-shaped object with a light followed a truck on a highway in N 11/24/1976 #31572 nd, when he sees a 15-foot ball of light move across toward him from across Early 12/1976 #31579 t, the object shoots out a beam of light that hits him in the chest. He fee Early 12/1976 #31579 s along the fuselage. A blue-green light shone from the openings, a red lig 12/5/1976 #31582 ght shone from the openings, a red light at the front, and a diffuse orange 12/5/1976 #31582 s along the fuselage. A blue-green light is shining from the openings, a re 12/5/1976 #31584 s shining from the openings, a red light at the front, and a diffuse orange 12/5/1976 #31584 seemed to be some sort of whitish light atop and a light at each end, fron 12/6/1976 #31587 e sort of whitish light atop and a light at each end, front and rear but no 12/6/1976 #31587 up. He then looked at his interior light and saw that it was not lit. He ag 12/6/1976 #31587 oked like it was cut off where the light ended inside the car. He looked ag 12/6/1976 #31587 s strangely illuminated by a white light. When she turned a corner in the r 12/10/1976 #31594 e turned a corner in the road that light became a lenticular mass of brilli 12/10/1976 #31594 ame a lenticular mass of brilliant light about 30 feet wide and 10 feet hig 12/10/1976 #31594 r of the road. In the midst of the light she felt her head forcibly turned 12/10/1976 #31594 here was no visible source for the light. In front of her, suspended from t 12/10/1976 #31594 stick that had sparkling points of light. In the dark wall were visible two 12/10/1976 #31594 BANK, ENG Dome with beam going up. Light from rectangular windows over powe 12/13/1976 #31597 ject follows him, again as a white light. He speeds up to 75 mph and outdis 12/15/1976 #31604 of three to four cars. It emits a light green light and hovers only 60 fee 12/18/1976 #31612 four cars. It emits a light green light and hovers only 60 feet away. It m 12/18/1976 #31612 of witnesses see a red-orange oval light pass overhead in Miami, Florida, a 12/18/1976 #31615 f three to four cars. It emitted a light green light and hovered only 60 fe 12/18/1976 #31616 our cars. It emitted a light green light and hovered only 60 feet away from 12/18/1976 #31616 CONCORD, CA 1 observer. Night light zigzags going north. Circles and r 12/19/1976 #31618 lifornia, sees a silent, star-like light moving northward in an erratic fas 12/19/1976 #31621 3-year-old man sighted a nocturnal light zigzagging toward the north, then 12/19/1976 #31625 ng object radiate luminous rays of light and light up the sky with an inten 12/20/1976 #31627 radiate luminous rays of light and light up the sky with an intense luminos 12/20/1976 #31627 ow, red, and bluish green balls of light flew over Valencia, Alicante, and 12/20/1976 #31627 m. an enormous blue violet ball of light flew over Malaga at high speed. Te 12/20/1976 #31627 erver(s). Nothing / RADAR. Flashes light grounds. 12/25/1976 #31630 n the sky. The river used his dome light and siren to signal them. The UFOs 12/26/1976 #31632 n to signal them. The UFOs flashed light back at them for a few seconds, th 12/26/1976 #31632 shape. Irregular motion. "Boxed-in light beam". 12/28/1976 #31634 ‘short and stocky.’ Then a beam of light was directed at the Colonel. The C 1977 #31658 es were sore from the glare of the light. (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 1/1/1977 #31677 and surrounded by a halo of white light. After 10 minutes, the object begi 1/1/1977 #31681 es were sore from the glare of the light. At 8:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Perez h 1/1/1977 #31682 station/depot/facility. Red night light swoops going down [to] and going u 1/5/1977? #31692 . The UFO emitted a solid coherent light beam. 1/5/1977 #31699 Power Station. A red NL nocturnal light bounced up and down for 10 minutes 1/5/1977 #31700 hovers over road / seconds. Beams light down. Shoots going up. 1/6/1977 #31705 circular object beams strong white light / 900M altitude. 1/8/1977 #31710 Large ovoid with large lights. Red light flashes / white steady. 1/9/1977 #31712 ect is glowing with a steady white light underneath. It moves erratically i 1/13/1977 #31720 egon 8:15 p.m. An unusually bright light is seen bobbing up and down low in 1/15/1977 #31722 higan. He notices that a nocturnal light UFO (seen frequently in the area s Mid 1/1977 #31723 d positions himself behind it. The light moves out of sight, and Maki goes Mid 1/1977 #31723 k about 15 minutes later. Soon the light returns and it is below him on the Mid 1/1977 #31723 bushes when three glowing balls of light flew overhead at one a.m. The witn 1/18/1977 #31727 bushes when three glowing balls of light flew overhead at one a.m. The witn 1/18/1977 #31728 ner crew and ground RADAR's. Night light zigzags all over/all about sky / 4 1/21/1977 #31733 eld back as if by invisible force, light beam, time loss (NICAP UFOE II, Se 1/21/1977 #31737 unters spotted an extremely bright light which seemed to appear from nowher 1/21/1977 #31738 seemed to appear from nowhere. The light moved over them and just hovered. 1/21/1977 #31738 eld back as if by invisible force, light beam, time loss 1/21/1977 #31739 Bogota, Colombia Brilliant white light zigzagging erratically at high spe 1/21/1977 #31740 with rounded corners of blue-green light. It fades from view in the same po 1/21/1977 #31741 shore. Melerine sees a bright red light in the sky. Suddenly the light see 1/21/1977 #31743 red light in the sky. Suddenly the light seems right around him as the boat 1/21/1977 #31743 dscape. There is no noise, and the light flies away into the woods. Menesse 1/21/1977 #31743 back at camp and has not seen the light. They both get into the boat and m 1/21/1977 #31743 nal, using the outboard motor. The light reappears and moves closer to them 1/21/1977 #31743 seemingly held in place. Then the light quickly leaves and the boat lurche 1/21/1977 #31743 rce, causing both men to fall. The light again flies at low level into the 1/21/1977 #31743 ey lose it. They estimate that the light is about 15–25 feet in diameter, r 1/21/1977 #31743 1273 see an extremely bright white light in front of his plane. They are 7 1/21/1977 #31744 igzag motion. Ferreira watches the light change color in response to his tu 1/21/1977 #31744 hage, Missouri, watch a northbound light pass beneath them and climb to the 2/1/1977 #31775 8 feet wide, and with struts and a light on the bottom. As the helicopter c 2/1/1977 #31775 ale, California, sees a bright red light 45° in the west. He drives “within 2/1/1977 #31776 He drives “within a block” of the light and sees it as bigger than the ful 2/1/1977 #31776 te lights along the edge and a red light on top of the dome. The object dis 2/3/1977 #31784 y Interference (RFI). Orange night light hovers and going west. / r79p70. 2/4/1977 #31786 has a silver dome with a flashing light at the top. Six of them claim to s 2/4/1977 #31790 AUSTR Dozens / observer(s). Night light hovers / high-altitude / several m 2/9/1977 #31799 ustralia 5:20 a.m. A high-altitude light is seen hovering for several minut 2/9/1977 #31802 10–12 feet above the road. A blue light emerges from the object that creat 2/10/1977 #31807 urface they could see a flame-like light and a human-shaped figure, gray al 2/10/1977 #31808 nly barely big enough for him. The light was coming from between his feet. 2/10/1977 #31808 wo children see an intense beam of light come through a bedroom window in t 2/11/1977 #31810 he room briefly then goes out. The light is coming from an egg-shaped objec 2/11/1977 #31810 , France. It was emitting beams of light. 2/13/1977 #31814 higan 10:30 p.m. Another nocturnal light mimics Eino Maki’s movements as he Mid 2/1977 #31817 at 30 mph. It has one steady white light in front and makes a noise like a 2/16/1977 #31822 nutes a vertical cylinder of white light that is pointed at the top. It is 2/16/1977 #31823 Astronomer Trouvelot. Fine line / light crosses crater Eudoxus going east 2/20/1977 #31830 children are followed by a bright light for one hour and a distance of abo 2/22/1977 #31839 a distance of about 25 miles. The light is first spotted as they are drivi 2/22/1977 #31839 he car experiences some engine and light problems and des not seem to be ab 2/22/1977 #31839 pproach the village of Cheste, the light seems to move ahead of them, get m 2/22/1977 #31839 seeming drama of the incident, the light seems to have been Venus and the e 2/22/1977 #31839 t like a harlequin - with some 6-7 light green "star like serrations," but 2/24/1977 #31846 the entities then vanished "like a light being switched off." At least six 2/24/1977 #31846 t appears in the west, 45° up. The light enlarges to a thin cigar-shape, 4– 2/25/1977 #31847 into the sky. When it took off the light made his eyes irritated. He drove 2/27/1977 #31853 The triangular craft had a yellow light at each corner and three red light 3/4/1977 #31859 area lit up like a football field light was turned on, and a very bright l 3/5/1977 #31860 t was turned on, and a very bright light was shined on our windshield." He 3/5/1977 #31860 area lit up like a football field light was turned on, and a very bright l 3/5/1977 #31861 t was turned on, and a very bright light was shined on our windshield." He 3/5/1977 #31861 LAIHIA, FINLAND Night light from north. Fireballs come from ea 3/6/1977 #31863 nt witnesses watched a red ball of light maneuver against the wind. Holes w 3/7/1977 #31871 Marne, France, see a huge UFO. The light appears bigger and bigger as it ap 3/7/1977 #31873 then to the left to make sure the light is not a reflection of some sort i 3/7/1977 #31873 w members can distinguish that the light is on the front of a dark, solid o 3/7/1977 #31873 ween triangle. 4 observer(s) shine light going up. Object beams back going 3/8/1977 #31876 nt witnesses watched a red ball of light maneuver against the wind in Gatch 3/8/1977 #31879 . Circles 2 observer(s) / 30'. Red light flashes / top. / International UFO 3/9/1977 #31881 rd watch a shiny saucer with a red light on top and a rounded bottom descen 3/9/1977 #31887 , INDONESIA Large UFO with beams / light circles oilfield twice. Going quic 3/10/1977 #31890 n. It is primarily dark with a red light in the middle and emits beams of y 3/10/1977 #31892 and emits beams of yellowish-white light in two directions. It is only abou 3/10/1977 #31892 and see an “extremely bright white light at about their own altitude.” It i 3/12/1977 #31901 MANDURA, WEST AUSTR Globe light passes overhead. Car engine dies. 3/13/1977 #31902 underside there was a dim glow of light. As he watched he heard footsteps, 3/13/1977 #31904 tern Australia observed a globe of light moving in a straight line in the s 3/13/1977 #31905 underside there was a dim glow of light. As he watched he heard footsteps, 3/13/1977 #31906 rightens. They see a large mass of light rise from behind a distant range o Mid 3/1977 #31909 he camera on its tripod toward the light and take a time exposure. Several Mid 3/1977 #31909 eral minutes pass and suddenly the light moves rapidly to the north and dis Mid 3/1977 #31909 ears in the distance. The trail of light on the photo shows the light’s dep Mid 3/1977 #31909 il of light on the photo shows the light’s departure. Mid 3/1977 #31909 ased a silent, elongated nocturnal light through three towns at 8:45 p.m. E 3/18/1977 #31915 red flashing lights, and a golden light flashing at the bottom. It hovers 3/19/1977 #31917 ned, and black in color. A beam of light was shone on the couple and appare 3/20/1977 #31921 for 15 minutes a bright stationary light an estimated 10 miles north of the 3/22/1977 #31926 ht was a snow plough. One blinking light of unknown shape flew across in; f 3/23/1977 #31927 he car was illuminated with a blue light and static came on radio. (Worley 3/23/1977 #31927 ht was a snow plough. One blinking light of unknown shape flew across in; f 3/23/1977 #31928 ife, Canary Islands, see a reddish light emerge from the sea, climb very fa 3/24/1977 #31929 a large panel of fluorescent green light on the bottom. Drifting west into 3/29/1977 #31933 n aluminum" and there was a bright light that illuminated the interior that 4/4/1977 #31943 her kitchen when she saw a strong light come in her back window. When she 4/6/1977 #31952 t seven p.m. when she saw a strong light come in her back window. When she 4/6/1977 #31953 wo minutes later the noise and the light ceased. She went out on the street 4/6/1977 #31953 e object. Above his head was a red light, apparently floating in midair. He 4/6/1977 #31953 start to London when he noticed a light shining in his bedroom window. Loo 4/7/1977 #31956 ed object with a bright orange-red light on top of it. It was about four fe 4/7/1977 #31956 rokeshire, Wales when he noticed a light shining in his bedroom window. Loo 4/7/1977 #31957 ed object with a bright orange-red light on top of it. It was about four fe 4/7/1977 #31957 a and Olof Eriksson watch a yellow light with a red “textile-like” appendag 4/10/1977 #31969 the south sky above Richmond. The light is coming from a cigar-shaped obje 4/18/1977 #31992 ject giving off a powerful beam of light. He faints, and on recovering abou 4/19/1977 #32000 rom the top of a dome. There was a light on it, like a pulsating star." Two 4/19/1977 #32002 ALA VALE, SOUTH AUSTR Bright night light low / sky passes over car. Lights 4/22/1977 #32011 Australia a solid-looking UFO with light beams caused a 19-year-old woman's 4/22/1977 #32015 uickly east. Airliner sees 1 night light 300mi / southeast. 4/23/1977 #32016 itary patrol suddenly saw a bright light nearby. The soldiers' dog and hors 4/25/1977 #32024 themselves. At this point a bright light envelops Valdés and he apparently 4/25/1977 #32026 ing a helmet and is carrying a red light. Salinas is stunned to see the cre 4/25/1977 #32026 scuma, Chile suddenly saw a bright light nearby. The soldiers' dog and hors 4/25/1977 #32027 themselves. At this point a bright light enveloped Valdes and he vanished i 4/25/1977 #32027 ng a helmet and was carrying a red light. Salinas was stunned to see the cr 4/25/1977 #32027 orth of Oxford, Ohio, when a white light begins pacing their car on the lef 4/29/1977 #32036 3 minutes. The mother only sees a light, but the daughter perceives a “sau 4/29/1977 #32036 nd made up of separate red bars of light appears over the bedroom floor. It 5/1977 #32043 t of bed, bumping into the ball of light with his leg. He feels nothing and 5/1977 #32043 e are no aftereffects. The bars of light begin to shrink in diameter, causi 5/1977 #32043 , and they see a “large bright red light” on the eastern shore. They exit t 5/3/1977 #32050 ad and noticed a "large bright red light" across on the eastern shore. They 5/3/1977 #32053 Ragusa, Italy when he saw a yellow light illuminate the cab. The light orig 5/5/1977 #32057 llow light illuminate the cab. The light originated from a gray metallic, o 5/5/1977 #32057 g and directing the yellow beam of light. (Sources: Maurizio Verga, ITACAT: 5/5/1977 #32057 ia. There was a brilliant flash of light that temporarily impaired his visi 5/5/1977 #32059 Ragusa, Italy when he saw a yellow light illuminate the cab. The light orig 5/5/1977 #32060 llow light illuminate the cab. The light originated from a gray metallic, o 5/5/1977 #32060 g and directing the yellow beam of light. It made some hand gestures toward 5/5/1977 #32060 elta/triangle/box-like craft beams light going down / woods. Huge UFO with 5/6/1977 (approximate) #32061 large windows rose in the beam of light. Both objects hovered over the tre 5/7/1977 #32067 hree large windows rises up in the light; both objects hover and gradually 5/7/1977 #32068 large windows rose in the beam of light. Both objects hovered over the tre 5/7/1977 #32069 ey had been walking their dog in a light rain at around 7 p.m. when they he 5/8/1977 #32074 on the bottom is a circle of foggy light surrounding a triangle of intense 5/10/1977 #32082 nding a triangle of intense bright light. She watches it with a friend for 5/10/1977 #32082 ibly attracted to a strong beam of light which the lady ran behind. The lad 5/10/1977 #32083 o, California, see a bright yellow light rise erratically from the northern 5/11/1977 #32089 n overhead in one minute. A second light, flashing white 3 times a second, 5/11/1977 #32089 ct sways back and forth. The white light disappears and the yellow light fa 5/11/1977 #32089 te light disappears and the yellow light fades into the overcast. 5/11/1977 #32089 hite disc-shaped object with a red light landed. A a ramp-like stairway cam 5/15/1977 #32096 ge of Icoaraci, two fiery balls of light were seen in the sky. One was gree 5/17/1977 #32104 a State, Brazil two fiery balls of light were seen in the sky at 9:30 p.m. 5/17/1977 #32107 0 meters away. It had a steady red light on top of the small dome. The obje 5/18/1977 #32111 dows that flash on and off. A blue light zigzags near the object. It is hov 5/20/1977 #32116 aucer hovers / field. Green cone / light extends. Going quickly west. / r34 5/21/1977 #32118 gland, observe a triangular-shaped light moving erratically in the sky. Wit 5/21/1977 #32121 lly in the sky. Within minutes the light is tracked on radar at RAF Patring 5/21/1977 #32121 nters involving UFOs with coherent light beams occurred on this night in Do 5/21/1977 #32123 h, Poole, England. A green cone of light extended from the object as a cohe 5/21/1977 #32123 m the object as a coherent beam of light. It flew off to the west. Fifteen 5/21/1977 #32123 forth like a pendulum. At ball of light was at the end of the beam. (Sourc 5/23/1977 #32125 forth like a pendulum. At ball of light was at the end of the beam. 5/23/1977 #32126 SA 2 / car. Radio static. 3M night light paces car. Blinding white. Shape u 6/3/1977 #32144 io as a three meter wide nocturnal light paced their car. The color of the 6/3/1977 #32145 early blinding, fuzzy, ultraviolet light. Henshall feels his bike being pul 6/6/1977 #32151 ld, Illinois, watches a gray-white light projecting “dots of color” that ar 6/10/1977 #32157 a Glowing object, van enveloped in light, buzzing sound, engine restarted b 6/16/1977 #32165 tness, a Mr. Gouws, in a brilliant light. The man experienced amnesia when 6/16/1977 #32166 mnesia when exposed to the intense light source and may have possibly been 6/16/1977 #32166 s a buzzing sound accompanying the light and the van's engine and lights di 6/16/1977 #32166 returned home in Austin and saw a light in the distance he thought was an 6/17/1977 #32170 Portuguese Air Force Dornier Do 27 light plane over the Castelo de Bode dam 6/17/1977 #32171 y still, surrounded with points of light. The friend estimates it is about 6/17/1977 #32172 low. Several rays or beams of blue light shoot from the UFO, striking them 6/17/1977 #32172 ir arms glowing with electric blue light. Movement is difficult—as in a dre 6/17/1977 #32172 Texas at about 2:00 a.m. He saw a light in the distance he thought was an 6/17/1977 #32173 nt at Entry Control about a bright light above his truck. He sees an intens Summer 1977 #32181 bove his truck. He sees an intense light, which is directed onto the truck Summer 1977 #32181 ish hue. About 5 seconds later the light goes out. Dunn talks to the sergea Summer 1977 #32181 OFF LA CALETA, DOM.REP Night light drops tube to sea. Car malfunction 6/24/1977 #32187 VAN NUYS, CA 2 observer(s). Night light near moon. Several telescopic phot 6/26/1977 #32196 telescopic photographs. Also night light / Greece, NY / 0245h / Internation 6/26/1977 #32196 a.m. Two witnesses see a flashing light source pass swiftly across the sky 6/26/1977 #32197 dy white lights in front and a red light on top. When she stops her car, th 6/27/1977 #32200 ness sits in the car to sleep, the light returns, even closer. When he turn 6/28/1977 #32203 NEAR XINXIANG, HENAN, CH Night light spirals going down [to] over railr 7/1977 #32214 depot/facility. Fires green band / light. Shoots going quickly [to] mountai 7/1977 #32214 slowly. Rotates counterclockwise. Light ray / rear. 7/1977 #32217 of Colares organize night vigils, light fires, and ignite fireworks. Mayor 7/1977 #32220 ed James Blake sees a large bright light hovering at a low altitude above a 7/1/1977 #32227 SANDFLY, TASMANIA Night light follows 2 / car / malfunctions due 7/2/1977 #32229 York, when they notice a brilliant light coming slowly and silently up the 7/3/1977 #32232 TEYNSBURG, RSA Farmer. Round night light hovers. Makes big move. Hovers aga 7/6/1977 #32238 server. Silver saucer shines beams light / ground / 2 minute(s). 150' away. 7/9/1977 #32251 ghts around its rim, and a beam of light illuminates the ground for 2 minut 7/9/1977 #32253 ghts around its rim, and a beam of light illuminated the ground for two min 7/9/1977 #32254 atch a bus. A bright greenish blue light appeared and swooped down from the 7/10/1977 #32256 atch a bus. A bright greenish blue light appeared and swooped down from the 7/10/1977 #32257 at it and was suddenly struck by a light beam from the craft that knocked h 7/10/1977 #32257 t with a pointed helmet that has a light on top. When the daughter switches 7/12/1977 #32264 he daughter switches on an outside light, it seems to be scared and activat 7/12/1977 #32264 mistake she turned on the balcony light. When she did the being ran back t 7/12/1977 #32266 0 minutes, in company with another light. During this period the cattle on 7/12/1977 #32266 tched in bewilderment as the green light retreated, "just like a liquid bei 7/15/1977 #32275 straw." In a matter of seconds the light was "siphoned" up into a low hover 7/15/1977 #32275 Blythe, California, watch an oval light, 3–4 times the size of the moon, d 7/15/1977 #32276 na Before 12:00 midnight. A bright light in the west above Baton Rouge, Lou 7/16/1977 #32282 HAPPY CAMP, CA Lady. Sphere / light hovers near bed! All doors found o 7/17/1977 #32285 some sort of torch emitting a red light in his left hand, and some other t 7/17/1977 #32288 at 2:10 a.m. It directed a beam of light to the ground. (Source: Lumieres d 7/18/1977 #32291 at 2:10 a.m. It directed a beam of light to the ground. 7/18/1977 #32293 ard a UFO by levitating her with a light beam and conducted some type of ph 7/19/1977 #32294 he object better by shinning their light on it. The object moved toward the 7/21/1977 #32296 en and the officers turned off the light because they became nervous at see 7/21/1977 #32296 ing the object's response to their light. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, Oct 7/21/1977 #32296 ses in Glenview, Illinois, watch a light move from the north to the southea 7/21/1977 #32298 he object better by shinning their light on it. The object moved toward the 7/21/1977 #32299 en and the officers turned off the light because they became nervous at see 7/21/1977 #32299 ing the object's response to their light. The object then moved back to its 7/21/1977 #32299 oving about in the sky. One bright light appeared on a hill 300 yards away. 7/23/1977 #32304 figure on a distant hill shining a light on a tombstone there, and the ston 7/23/1977 #32304 han four feet tall, stood near the light on the hill and called out with an 7/23/1977 #32304 oving about in the sky. One bright light appears on a hill 900 feet away. T 7/23/1977 #32305 hill on a neighbor’s farm shines a light on a tombstone there, and the ston 7/23/1977 #32305 an four feet tall, stands near the light on the hill and calls out an “ooh, 7/23/1977 #32305 oving about in the sky. One bright light appeared on a hill 300 yards away. 7/23/1977 #32306 figure on a distant hill shining a light on a tombstone there, and the ston 7/23/1977 #32306 han four feet tall, stood near the light on the hill and called out with an 7/23/1977 #32306 hina. At its center is a yellowish light, with the arms of the spiral blue 7/26/1977 #32317 ng 85' saucer rises / trees. Beams light / miner. 45 minute(s) / missing ti 8/1977 #32330 t Gulf Breeze saucer beams rings / light going down. See reference dwg. 8/1977 #32335 N HEIGHTS, OH 2 observer(s). Night light responds flashlight. Comes and goe 8/1977 #32339 appeared, but re-appeared when the light beam was removed. It gradually bec 8/1/1977 #32345 bserved, 82 appearing as points of light, 7 oblong in shape, 7 spherical, o 8/3/1977 #32353 blinded by a bright reflection of light. About 20 meters further on, anoth 8/3/1977 #32356 eters further on, another flash of light again shone in her face. She belie 8/3/1977 #32356 felt her strength ebb away as the light source was replaced by two strange 8/3/1977 #32356 if made up of many tiny points of light, with wide long sleeves that went 8/3/1977 #32356 were unseen. The man's tunic was a light chestnut color, and also with brig 8/3/1977 #32356 with brightly reflecting points of light. It came to his knees, below which 8/3/1977 #32356 ching the sky when he sees a small light traveling fast to the right of a w 8/4/1977 #32360 , Illinois, sees 8–16 pinpoints of light “like magnesium burning” silently 8/9/1977 #32371 t 150 feet in the air. A blue-gray light in its center turns on and they ca 8/11/1977 #32384 y, and they can see a blinking red light on top. The objects accelerate to 8/11/1977 #32384 r astronomer. Vibrant bright night light northwest going quickly northeast. 8/20/1977 #32415 pes signal going up / sky. Globe / light lands 30M away. Quickly going up [ 8/24/1977 #32420 R. GUYN Several observer(s). Night light rises / sea. 2nd going up / 2302hr 8/25/1977 #32422 nistere, France watched a noctural light rise from the sea at 9:30 p.m. It 8/25/1977 #32424 opened blinds a very bright white light approach and stop a few meters awa 8/26/1977 #32426 red faces appeared in front of the light. The light then moved to the right 8/26/1977 #32426 ppeared in front of the light. The light then moved to the right side near 8/26/1977 #32426 th an upside-down, triangle-shaped light on the top part of its face. The w 8/26/1977 #32426 ing with emissions of intermittent light from its helmet. When one of the p 8/30/1977 #32441 When one of the parties flashed a light on the figure, it emitted sounds l 8/30/1977 #32441 t 3:30 a.m., it emitted a blinding light from its helmet and disappeared. T 8/30/1977 #32441 l lighted windows and two beams of light. One of the witnesses claimed to b 8/30/1977 #32442 ped to hover. It had a large white light on the bottom and a green and a bl 8/31/1977 #32444 om and a green and a blue flashing light, plus several brightly lit windows 8/31/1977 #32444 the entity shines a bright beam of light at them. The duration of the sight 8/31/1977 #32445 ere with emissions of intermittent light from its helmet. When one of them 8/31/1977 #32446 helmet. When one of them flashed a light at the figure, it emitted radio-li 8/31/1977 #32446 t 12:30 a.m. it emitted a blinding light from its helmet and disappeared. T 8/31/1977 #32446 ped to hover. It had a large white light on the bottom and a green and a bl 8/31/1977 #32447 om and a green and a blue flashing light, plus several brightly lit windows 8/31/1977 #32447 saucer watch lady in garden. Blue light burns her hand. 9/1977 #32448 s closer. It seems to be made of a light greenish-gray metal with a moderat Early Autumn 1977 #32456 y reflective surface. A blue-green light is coming out of its dome, and und Early Autumn 1977 #32456 NORTHRIDGE, CA 1 observer. Night light hovers / 5 hours. 2nd object exits 9/3/1977 #32457 ELE, UT 4+observer(s). Vague night light makes several passes. 90° turn goi 9/7/1977 #32467 gave off a brilliant, hot, bluish light from its leading edge, which seeme 9/7/1977 #32470 At 10:24 p.m. a nocturnal light with a vague outline made several 9/7/1977 #32472 A beam of red light penetrated the roof of 32-year-old 9/10/1977 #32478 ned, he started to run when a blue light beam lit up the area, and he found 9/15/1977 #32485 object was airborne. A bright blue light came on, and he found himself in a 9/15/1977 #32485 ned by a being with a small bluish light, while another being examined his 9/15/1977 #32485 orm glows / night sky. White night light at center. 9/16/1977 #32488 look at them and notices that one light is bigger and whiter than the smal 9/17/1977 #32492 whiter than the smaller yellowish light. When he drives away, the lights c 9/17/1977 #32492 ODSK, RS White saucer hovers. Bent light going down. Night lights probe wal 9/20/1977 #32497 large “star” sending out beams of light appears moving slowly over Petroza 9/20/1977 #32499 A huge jellyfish-shaped light beamed rays to the ground in Petro 9/20/1977 #32500 p.m. A student notices a flashing light in the northern sky in Phoenix, Ar 9/21/1977 #32503 oaches her. It seems to be made of light greenish-gray metal with a moderat Fall 1977 #32515 On top of its dome is a blue-green light, and underneath the object is a de Fall 1977 #32515 gray, and a brilliant blue-yellow light is streaming from the underside. I Late 9/1977 #32518 bject hovers above her garden, its light so brilliant that she puts her han Late 9/1977 #32518 pped the car and suddenly a bright light appeared. There was a brilliant fl 9/25/1977 #32519 three-foot tall figure encased in light appeared. The witness felt dizzy a 9/25/1977 #32519 emitted a brilliant golden yellow light. The figure also radiated a blue a 9/25/1977 #32519 e man pointed to a nearby hovering light, and then entered it, which vanish 9/25/1977 #32519 les west of town when he notices a light behind him to the left. It is a ye 9/27/1977 #32528 bject emits violet, white, and red light from its top. It has a forward, un 9/27/1977 #32529 ore clerk watches a distant bright light moving west over Burlington, Iowa. 9/28/1977 #32531 urlington, Iowa. A second point of light appears, catches up to the first o 9/28/1977 #32531 . when she noticed a pulsating red light on the ground beside a nearby hill 10/6/1977 #32555 was joined by other witnesses. The light turned silvery white in color and 10/6/1977 #32555 , the original witness saw another light appear again in the same location. 10/6/1977 #32555 . From and 2 way radios and street light electro-magnetic effect (EME.) 10/9/1977 #32561 . He and his family watch a bright light source (a bright red light flashin 10/11/1977 #32568 bright light source (a bright red light flashing next to a dimmer white li 10/11/1977 #32568 ht flashing next to a dimmer white light) hovering above a swamp. The objec 10/11/1977 #32568 above a swamp. The object shines a light beam down into the swamp as if sea 10/11/1977 #32568 rching for something. A second red light approaches from over a nearby hous 10/11/1977 #32568 in the evening a bright pulsating light flew alonside a Soviet airliner fo 10/11/1977 #32569 ao Trindade, age 36, saw an orange light outside in the sky at 4:00 a.m. He 10/15/1977 #32579 rver(s). Blinding silent red night light hovers / one hour. Going west. Tur 10/17/1977 #32582 T, WEST AUST 2 / car paced / night light. Night lights land. Figure(s) move 10/17/1977 #32583 dren watch a blindingly bright red light from their first-floor porch in Uc 10/17/1977 #32584 everal streets away also watch the light. A half-hour later, the daughter o 10/17/1977 #32584 the family watches another bright light maneuvering in the southwest befor 10/17/1977 #32584 s evening a blinding red nocturnal light hovered silently for an hour. Then 10/17/1977 #32585 EAST / ABILENE, TX 2 / light plane and 2 / USAF T38. Red sphere 10/26/1977 #32611 bout 23 miles away. Initially, the light is brilliant and appears to be clo 10/26/1977 #32617 but he isn’t. The size of the red light decreases, similar to a very slowl 10/26/1977 #32617 er reading a book. At 10:15 p.m. a light beam came through the roof, badly 10/26/1977 #32618 North East, Pennsylvania, notice a light flashing different colors in the w 10/29/1977 #32631 he Moon’s diameter attached to the light. They go into their house where th 10/29/1977 #32631 use, all they can see is a distant light. 10/29/1977 #32631 nd was also briefly paralyzed by a light beam. Both husband and wife were l 10/29/1977 #32633 de, a 40-year-old fisherman, saw a light flying north at medium speed while 11/1/1977 #32652 n Colares, Para State, Brazil. The light then moved toward his boat. A redd 11/1/1977 #32652 toward his boat. A reddish-yellow light was next seen at 20 meters above t 11/1/1977 #32652 ove the water, when near the first light it stopped. It was visible toward 11/1/1977 #32652 l 5:30 a.m. On another boat a blue light was seen over the ship's mast at 1 11/1/1977 #32652 At 7:00 p.m. a very bright reddish light, semi-circular in form, with the u 11/1/1977 #32653 itting very bright blue flashes of light, was observed over Colares, Para S 11/1/1977 #32653 it was no longer emitting rays of light. At 7:15 p.m. Antonio Acacio de Ol 11/1/1977 #32653 Oliveira sighted a reddish-yellow light that was blinking blue that moment 11/1/1977 #32653 en an FAB helicopter took off, the light returned and followed helicopter o 11/1/1977 #32653 itnessed a very bright blue flying light at great distance, which stopped t 11/3/1977 #32657 Y NEAR NURIOOTPA, SOUTH AUS Band / light with 2 square orange lights low / 11/11/1977 #32664 hway D 561, observed a disc-shaped light in the sky over the hills between 11/13/1977 #32671 m along the road, a small point of light near the ground, as though someone 11/13/1977 #32671 d around and drove back toward the light and observed, about 30 to 50 meter 11/13/1977 #32671 e site, when they noticed a bright light hovering above a nearby hill. One 11/13/1977 #32672 ond investigated the source of the light. As the officer approached the are 11/13/1977 #32672 walking towards the source of the light. As the officer pointed his M-16 a 11/13/1977 #32672 was followed by a bright flash of light from the object, and then the M-16 11/13/1977 #32672 od up and fired several flashes of light at the officer, who was able to ta 11/13/1977 #32672 emitted a brilliant flash of green light, and disappeared into the sky. Lat 11/13/1977 #32672 TROY TO/FROM VICHY, MO White night light paces light plane / 3 minute(s). T 11/18/1977 #32683 VICHY, MO White night light paces light plane / 3 minute(s). Transponder m 11/18/1977 #32683 o-magnetic effects). OK when night light goes. 11/18/1977 #32683 Troy, MO Light a/c paced for three minutes, E-M ( 11/18/1977 #32684 gray and egg-shaped with one white light at the top and two flashing lights 11/18/1977 #32685 Missouri 9:17 p.m. A bright white light moving at a high rate of speed com 11/18/1977 #32686 es the airplane for 3 minutes. The light then moves away at high speed. The 11/18/1977 #32686 . The pilot reports that while the light is abreast of his aircraft, one of 11/18/1977 #32686 o-magnetic effect (EME). Brilliant light. 11/20/1977 (approximate) #32689 BEXLEY, ENGL UFO inv. and 1. Night light buzzes car 4X. Fast 90° turn. Thin 11/20/1977 #32690 tion with two Saturn-like rings of light) and flies back in front of the mo 11/24/1977 #32697 ward witness, stopped, beamed blue light onto dead tree, which fluoresced i 11/29/1977 #32705 ward witness, stopped, beamed blue light onto dead tree, which fluoresced i 11/29/1977 #32706 ward witness, stopped, beamed blue light onto dead tree, which fluoresced i 11/29/1977 #32707 him, and it emitted a blue beam of light that hit a dead tree, causing the 11/29/1977 #32708 Animals scared. Silent 1M circle / light hovers 10M away / 6 hours! 12/3/1977 #32732 d like a telephone pole with a red light on top and many white and blue lig 12/6/1977 #32737 85KM SSE / LEGUNE, NT, AUS 2 / light plane. 9 x3x1M UFO passes. HF and 12/9/1977 #32751 hat same night a blindingly bright light came up close to a French Navy Nor 12/15/1977 #32776 hat same night a blindingly bright light came up close to a French Navy Nor 12/15/1977 #32777 rashes as a result of the intense light, and eye irritations after the enc 12/17/1977 #32793 ITY, TX Pilot. Circular blue-white light paces light plane. Makes 45° turn. 12/22/1977 #32805 t. Circular blue-white light paces light plane. Makes 45° turn. 12/22/1977 #32805 he UFO looks like a globular white light reflecting upward into a silver, p 12/27/1977 #32814 ke object with ribs connecting the light to it. Possibly a prank balloon. 12/27/1977 #32814 Two very bright cones of bright light moved rapidly through the sky over 12/27/1977 #32815 t and emitted an energetic ball of light. 12/27/1977 #32815 Keith (near), S.AU A white, oval light about 27 feet in diameter paced a 12/30/1977 #32819 ith, South Australia A white, oval light about 27 feet in diameter paces a 12/30/1977 #32821 gins misfiring. They stop, and the light continues on its course. After it 12/30/1977 #32821 h, South Australia - A white, oval light about 27 feet in diameter paced a 12/30/1977 #32822 sfiring. They then stopped and the light continued on its course. After it 12/30/1977 #32822 protrusions and a bright halo type light around its head. It vanished in pl 1/4/1978 #32852 eachfront cafe saw a bright bluish light flying low over the ocean descend 1/6/1978 #32855 t a steep angle at high speed. The light then stopped, and descended more s 1/6/1978 #32855 at 10:30 p.m. saw a bright bluish light flying low over the ocean descend 1/6/1978 #32856 t a steep angle at high speed. The light then stopped, and descended more s 1/6/1978 #32856 n approaching large yellow ball of light angling towards the ground through 1/9/1978 #32862 of fog or smoke, radiated beams of light, and then ascended into the sky. 1/10/1978 #32871 OR-PLAGE, FR Glowing-dome / field. Light rotates. Mopod/motorscooter/motorb 1/11/1978 #32873 , AUSTR 2 fishing. Pulsating night light rises / mountain. Crosses sky / 5X 1/17/1978 #32885 tom that reflected a greenish blue light. Its estimated distance was 400 me 1/23/1978 #32908 es. At 11:53 p.m. a reddish-yellow light flew over Belem, Para, Brazil from 1/23/1978 #32908 ellite is dubbed Operation Morning Light. Covering a total area of 48,000 s 1/24/1978 #32912 at evening of an unusual nocturnal light by a married couple in Patcham, Ea 1/24/1978 #32913 n, North Carolina, watches a round light the size of the full Moon at 60° i 1/26/1978 #32915 Moon at 60° in the northwest. The light moves quickly toward the south the 1/26/1978 #32915 ctis sees a blinking red and white light hovering above some trees near Bar 1/27/1978 #32920 feet above the rooftops where its light reflects off the houses. After 10 1/27/1978 #32920 l moves to the north and the first light departs to the south. 1/27/1978 #32920 ith a slight dome on top and a red light underneath. It emits a red beam of 1/31/1978 #32928 underneath. It emits a red beam of light toward the ground but stops short 1/31/1978 #32928 ith a slight dome on top and a red light underneath. The object emitted a r 1/31/1978 #32930 . The object emitted a red beam of light towards the ground, but stopped sh 1/31/1978 #32930 at the object is triangular with a light in each corner. It returns the way 2/1/1978 #32940 g a rumbling sound, then a beam of light shoots toward him. Mosychuk leans 2/2/1978 #32946 ehind. The object has a bright red light at each end that sends shafts of l 2/4/1978 #32951 t at each end that sends shafts of light toward the ground. Several bluish- 2/4/1978 #32951 higher, flashes a brilliant white light on and off for 3 seconds, then qui 2/4/1978 #32951 NORTHWEST / KLAMATH FALLS, OR 6 / light plane. 10 large night lights / V f 2/5/1978 #32954 passed him, and then a small dull light pursued him for 30 minutes, retrea 2/5/1978 #32956 compartment lit by a strange white light coming from everywhere that Julio 2/5/1978 #32957 e 747's with a "great intensity of light coming from the center fuselage ar 2/9/1978 #32964 nce, Argentina when a strong white light approached their vehicle and the c 2/13/1978 #32970 around, then walked back into the light. No traces or footprints could be 2/13/1978 #32970 Quebec, Canada. She saw an intense light emanating from outside her bedroom 2/15/1978 #32971 , emitting multicolored flashes of light. 2/15/1978 #32971 ht flashes of green, red and white light coming from a nearby hill. They st 2/17/1978 #32974 d to be about 300 meters away. The light seemed to dim the closer they got 2/17/1978 #32974 itude. Ringed / lit portholes. Red light rotates / top. Going [to] east-nor 2/19/1978 #32979 by railroad/railway line. Blazing light / end. Tilts vertical. Going east. 2/21/1978 #32986 going east / low altitude. 35mph. Light humming. 2 floodlights. 2/22/1978 #32988 ngulfed in a warm, violet cloud of light. He saw four humanoid "shapes" and 2/23/1978 #32995 out to investigate, a warm, violet light envelops him. He sees four shapes 2/23/1978 #32997 ngulfed in a warm, violet cloud of light. He saw four humanoid "shapes" and 2/23/1978 #32998 ackpack when he noticed a flash of light from an object just above the tree 3/1978 #33003 had colored portholes that flashed light. 3/1/1978 #33008 90° turn going quickly north. Red light / side. 3/4/1978 #33013 PARACHILNA, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Night light paces truck. Vanishes when 2nd tru 3/5/1978 #33014 med disc-shaped craft by a beam of light. A humanoid being of medium built, 3/11/1978 #33034 o Gisborne when a brilliant orange light illuminates the interior of his ca 3/12/1978 #33036 gure looks at him and two beams of light shoot from its eyes and dazzle him 3/17/1978 #33048 d by a tubular, aquamarine beam of light. Amnesia followed and he found him 3/18/1978 #33056 going southeast. Figure in window? Light / corners. 3/22/1978 #33069 e lights at each corner, and a red light on top. Three of the witnesses thi 3/22/1978 #33072 n at the scene are reported to be “light pink in color” and “did not clot a 3/24/1978 #33077 e looks up and sees a bright white light about 20 inches wide high above th 3/24/1978 #33078 und. He looked up and saw a bright light coming from above the trees. He th 3/24/1978 #33079 30, they break formation, with the light on the right moving to the right. 3/28/1978 #33090 2 large trucks / enveloped / blue light! Cars electro-magnetic effect (EME 3/29/1978 #33094 :30 PM. Truckers engulfed by "UFO" light.(MUJ-126,3) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 3/29/1978 #33096 bright, stationary, chrome-colored light that is casting a shadow on a hill 3/29/1978 #33097 nute(s). (Door opens and red night light exits and returns) / 20 X. 3/31/1978 #33104 t 20 times) opens, releasing a red light, the door closes again, the red li 3/31/1978 #33106 ht, the door closes again, the red light returns to the object, and the doo 3/31/1978 #33106 ound; tilted down, beamed a bright light from the top onto car (section XII 4/2/1978 #33117 ound. Tilted down, beamed a bright light from the top onto car. 4/2/1978 #33118 eport balls of fire and streaks of light in the sky. The boom is heard 34 m 4/2/1978 #33119 back, with two red lights, a green light, and a glass front. It stops 600 f 4/2/1978 #33121 sh Columbia, when a narrow beam of light, 2 inches in diameter, comes from 4/6/1978 #33128 d her mother notice a bright white light moving in the sky, darting back an 4/6/1978 #33128 come over for 3 hours to watch the light for and attend to the horses. An o 4/6/1978 #33128 t and two in the back. Then a blue light appeared between the two lights in 4/7/1978 #33131 companied by a beep, then the blue light stayed on. The object was about as 4/7/1978 #33131 sight a bright white, streak-like light moving at several hundred miles pe Mid 4/1978 #33149 A, CA Car slows. Radio dies. Night light makes zinging sound. Has rotating 4/23/1978 #33158 d her car radio went off. A bright light in the sky made a "zinging" sound, 4/23/1978 #33159 d her car radio went off. A bright light in the sky made a "zinging" sound, 4/23/1978 #33160 cling the bottom that emit colored light. It stops every 2–3 minutes and ne Late 4/1978 #33167 a base) and to their home planet 3 light years away then back to Earth, all 5/1978 #33181 bject that emitted a strong yellow light. The UFO resembled two soup plates 5/2/1978 #33185 Soon after a blinding blue light caused a road accident near Villa 5/4/1978 #33187 e city. In the midst of a dazzling light, they perfectly executed a series 5/4/1978 #33187 te separate observer(s). Red night light going south slow. Turns going quic 5/5/1978 #33188 e midst of a luminous bluish-green light. 5/7/1978 #33192 es, no trail, and an intense white light in Clavarazza, Genoa, Italy. It re 5/10/1978 #33197 rojected two bright beams of white light to the ground and extended four me 5/10/1978 #33199 e room was illuminated by a bright light. It was at this point that he noti 5/10/1978 #33199 eyes. It shoots out a beam of blue light similar to a camera flash, then re 5/13/1978 #33202 e an intensely bright pale- yellow light. It is oblong in shape and the siz 5/13/1978 #33204 with an intensely bright, flashing light near Silver Glen Springs. Jacksonv 5/14/1978 #33210 AIA DO SUL, BRZ UFO hovers. Tube / light penetrates metal car roof. Photogr 5/24/1978 #33234 n is flooded with brilliant yellow light radiating from two sources. It fee 6/11/1978 #33274 ay in summer in Spain.” The purple light continues to follow the plane unti 6/11/1978 #33274 ot diameter disc directed beams of light at two boys. The boys found they w 6/14/1978 #33278 ot diameter disc directed beams of light at two boys in Williamson, West Vi 6/14/1978 #33279 ght, a cylindrical column of white light. This vertical beam appeared to be 6/16/1978 #33283 n, while on patrol. It has a white light on each tip and red lights in the 6/17/1978 #33285 Madison RADAR. Silent saucer-night light circles over AFB. 6/24/1978 #33303 n, Wisconsin, see a distant bright light making extremely fast back-and-for 6/24/1978 #33306 zled by a white, rotating globe of light on a rooftop terrace across from h 6/26/1978 #33313 ouse court in Vienna, Austria. The light appears to be breaking into pieces 6/26/1978 #33313 race from left to right toward the light, and both lights go out. 6/26/1978 #33313 erver(s). Ovoid with bright yellow light hovers / 30 minute(s). Abruptly va 7/1/1978 #33320 SANTA PAULA, CA 2 / light plane. 3' saucer with shiny dome w 7/4/1978 #33326 inous disc that gives off a yellow light about 325 feet away. Five or six v 7/4/1978 #33335 a dark object with a yellow arc of light above it. 7/6/1978 #33345 nearly blinded by a brilliant red light and felt very cold. The vehicle's 7/6/1978 #33346 otorist saw a sharp white gleam of light some 300 meters ahead on the road. 7/8/1978 #33353 m of a dome, surmounted by a white light. As he drove by he saw through a t 7/8/1978 #33353 otorist saw a sharp white gleam of light some 300 meters ahead on the road 7/8/1978 #33355 m of a dome, surmounted by a white light. As he drove by he saw through a t 7/8/1978 #33355 Sun: UFO, Or Whatever. LV Sees the Light by C.J. SCHIFFLER: A number of res 7/9/1978 #33357 A number of residents saw a bright light lingering in the sky west of town 7/9/1978 #33357 d receiving calls, said the bright light may have been two Metro helicopter 7/9/1978 #33357 pect, although persons who saw the light said it was stationary. The office 7/9/1978 #33357 er. Saucer from woods beams strong light going down / car and road. Gone in 7/11/1978 #33364 they were chased by a bright blue light most of the way. Strange tracks we 7/11/1978 #33365 Waterbury, Vermont, sees a beam of light descend from the trees. It is abou 7/11/1978 #33366 r and feels considerable heat. The light shrinks and dims, revealing the si 7/11/1978 #33366 they were chased by a bright blue light most of the way. Strange tracks we 7/11/1978 #33367 ard in a bizarre yellow "coherent" light that appeared solid. The beam of l 7/11/1978 #33368 t that appeared solid. The beam of light would enlarge, then decrease in si 7/11/1978 #33368 n size intermittently. The beam of light was directed towards the kitchen a 7/11/1978 #33368 O. The humanoid aiming the beam of light then preceded to take a small cyli 7/11/1978 #33368 plate. Their one-piece suits were light gray in color and both had belts w 7/11/1978 #33368 cm in diameter with a small white light in the middle. The other humanoid' 7/11/1978 #33368 ennae and a multicolored sphere of light on the top. During the encounter t 7/11/1978 #33368 for two hours above a road: a red light that vanishes occasionally, two gr 7/14/1978 #33382 port confirms the existence of the light. An air crew reports unusual readi 7/16/1978 #33390 in another couple to watch it. The light suddenly goes out, and 30 seconds 7/19/1978 #33403 ree that there is an intense white light flashing at one-second intervals i 7/20/1978 #33404 oene Bechdolt notices a bright red light near the ground in the north field 7/21/1978 #33406 around 10:00 p.m. notices that the light is still there and larger in size. 7/21/1978 #33406 es back outside and approaches the light, thinking it might be poachers. Sh 7/21/1978 #33406 hted at 11:45 p.m. It had a bright light in front, several large orange lig 7/24/1978 #33414 UNION, MO Silent night light lifts rear / car and drops. Abduct 7/27/1978 #33419 in her rearview mirror a brilliant light approaching from behind at high sp 7/27/1978 #33427 drops down again, and she sees the light rise over the roof and disappear u 7/27/1978 #33427 nana” with a red and blue flashing light about a half-mile away, low in the 7/27/1978 #33429 inutes. After about 15 minutes the light shoots away to the west. 7/27/1978 #33429 one flashing, and one steady green light near the shoreline. It is very bri 7/28/1978 #33435 t Two Rivers, Wisconsin, about the light. 7/28/1978 #33435 oast Guard station watch a similar light for 4 minutes moving swiftly from 7/28/1978 #33437 and blue colored lights, with one light at a time flashing from different 7/28/1978 #33438 r-shape with red lights and strobe light going quickly north / USCG RADAR's 7/29/1978 #33442 nsin 12:01 a.m. A second westbound light is seen by Coast Guard at the Ludi 7/29/1978 #33445 had an irregularly flashing white light and red lights. At 2:40 a.m. a U.S 7/29/1978 #33450 nt greeted the humanoid; a beam of light was shot at the Colonel and he was 8/1978 #33460 sachusetts, a couple watch an oval light that has rising bands of shifting 8/3/1978 #33468 tinues watching and sees a smaller light appear to its right. A third light 8/3/1978 #33468 light appear to its right. A third light appears to the left, which swings 8/3/1978 #33468 left, which swings above the first light and joins the second one. All of t 8/3/1978 #33468 ASM 5 observer(s). Area lit. Night light maneuvers back and forth. Fades aw 8/5/1978 #33474 e area lights up and a small white light appears, moving back and forth at 8/5/1978 #33475 ed by a flying object. A nocturnal light maneuvered back and forth for 30 m 8/5/1978 #33477 Peoria, IL 9:00 PM. Light with whirring noise paced car for 8/7/1978 #33484 king behind it, see a bright white light with flashing red and blue lights 8/7/1978 #33485 nd 4 kids. Cruiser spotlight can't light up silver cylinder/cigar-shape jus 8/11/1978 #33501 n they see a silvery, blimp-shaped light hovering at treetop level above so 8/11/1978 #33506 the object, yet the beam does not light up the large shape. She drives clo 8/11/1978 #33506 de and sees a domed UFO with a red light on top of an antenna approach from 8/18/1978 #33526 d disc, with an antenna with a red light on top of it, was seen in close vi 8/18/1978 #33528 It had an arrow-like projection of light. It hovered for 30 seconds at 45 f 8/18/1978 #33528 at seemed to be reflecting a porch light. Scott Patterson went to his car a 8/21/1978 #33540 slucent object ringed by a halo of light flies silently over the Andes Moun 8/22/1978 #33548 tes them to be 100 miles high. The light in the right rear continues moving 8/23/1978 #33553 disappearing in the distance; the light in the left rear shifts over to oc 8/23/1978 #33553 parts at high speed. The remaining light rushes forward, following the same 8/23/1978 #33553 llowing the same path as the first light. Total duration of the sighting is 8/23/1978 #33553 when it encountered a red ball of light in the sky. The crew reported a st 8/23/1978 #33557 10 MI SOUTH / OTTUMWA, IA Night light flies behind trees. Car dies. Wind 8/24/1978 #33558 Two orange lights, humming sound, light beam shone onto car. International 8/24/1978 #33560 rea. A full-moon-sized red- orange light shoots silently from the east to t 8/24/1978 #33563 had steamed up. She last sees the light against a background of trees up a 8/24/1978 #33563 northwest over a field. A rod or a light beam comes down from one ball of l 8/24/1978 #33564 t beam comes down from one ball of light and shines a light at the witnesse 8/24/1978 #33564 rom one ball of light and shines a light at the witnesses for one second. T 8/24/1978 #33564 presence of the UFO. The nocturnal light then flew behind some trees, after 8/24/1978 #33566 e off a humming sound. One shone a light beam on the witnesses for about a 8/24/1978 #33567 ed by a UFO that gave off a yellow light with violet flashes and left a bri 8/25/1978 #33569 s / 10K' altitude. Beams brilliant light. / MJ#226. 8/30/1978 #33596 erved an orange egg shaped object. Light suddenly engulfed her car and she 8/30/1978 #33600 s at the ends and one steady white light in the middle. It flies low and si 8/30/1978 #33604 d had two red lights and one white light. 8/30/1978 #33606 cal ovoid. Ring / middle and legs. Light / side. / MJ#153. 9/1978 #33613 COLARES, BRAZIL Odd light. Man / diving suit in window. Shoo 9/1978 #33615 ing rabbits watched a bright white light descend slowly behind a new housin 9/1/1978 #33621 ting rabbits, watch a bright white light descend slowly behind a new housin 9/1/1978 #33622 ing rabbits watched a bright white light descend slowly behind a new housin 9/1/1978 #33623 e other women see a strip of white light descend between a road and a maize 9/3/1978 #33630 es a flashing, pale-yellow ball of light as he is driving north on US Highw 9/4/1978 #33633 n to 20 mph for a better look, the light also slows down. When the light is 9/4/1978 #33633 he light also slows down. When the light is 250 feet ahead, it goes out. 9/4/1978 #33633 shooting out beams of multicolored light. His horse panics, and Perez manag 9/6/1978 #33638 but the picture is distorted. The light moves south for a few minutes. Fra 9/7/1978 #33645 a Fiat with two friends toward the light, but their engine loses power and 9/7/1978 #33645 above her. Her dog barks until the light goes away and the car resumes work 9/7/1978 #33645 ND, AZORES 1M dia UFO radiates red light. Seen / 90 second(s). No further d 9/8/1978 #33647 t occurred, followed by an intense light. A domed oval-shaped object then h 9/8/1978 #33648 ing. At 7:20 p.m. a reddish-yellow light flew southwest to northwest at 12, 9/9/1978 #33650 t 8:25 p.m. another reddish-yellow light flew southwest to northeast at 9,0 9/9/1978 #33650 9,000 feet altitude, emitting blue light rays; when overhead the light went 9/9/1978 #33650 blue light rays; when overhead the light went out. At 9:10 p.m. a third red 9/9/1978 #33650 t 9:10 p.m. a third reddish-yellow light was seen zigzagging from the south 9/9/1978 #33650 ed two very strong flashes of blue light, and then went away at great speed 9/9/1978 #33650 NEAR COTTER, ARK Physicist / light plane buzzed / night light. Stairc 9/10/1978 #33654 icist / light plane buzzed / night light. Staircase trajectory. 8 separate 9/10/1978 #33654 ri, when he sees a yellowish-white light descending from 15,000 feet. It fo 9/10/1978 #33655 chard Renne sighted a yellow-white light at 8:30 p.m. that descended from 1 9/10/1978 #33660 above 25,000 feet. Another second light flew around erratically. 9/10/1978 #33660 SAN BASILIO, ITL 3 women. Big light becomes huge metal-grey ovoid. Hov 9/14/1978 #33674 shaped object with a blue trail of light behind it gave off intense light b 9/14/1978 #33678 f light behind it gave off intense light beams. The craft's lights went off 9/14/1978 #33678 o, Sardegna, Italy a big brilliant light in the night sky resolved to a hug 9/14/1978 #33679 highway ahead of him, directing a light beam on the road surface. It looke 9/14/1978 #33680 h rose up in a brilliant column of light emitting a high pitched whine as i 9/14/1978 #33680 , when they notice a red and white light moving across the sky. Suddenly an 9/16/1978 #33694 TASMANIA Lighthouse men. Big night light south / island. Power fails twice. 9/17/1978 #33697 er failed twice when a big glowing light flew by south of the island. It wa 9/17/1978 #33698 isc ahead of car illuminated area, light beams humanoid encounter, physical 9/17/1978 #33699 eard the noise and seen a flash of light that causes the lights and TV to g 9/17/1978 #33701 ce at 9:20 p.m. when a big glowing light flew by south of the island. It wa 9/17/1978 #33702 FO, which took off with a flash of light and an explosive sound. The witnes 9/17/1978 #33703 OR ISLAND, TASM Large yellow night light follows car / 6mi. Goes over hill. 9/20/1978 #33712 Tasmania, Australia a large yellow light followed a car with three passenge 9/20/1978 #33716 as struck by multi-colored beam of light, and he was unable to control his 9/20/1978 #33719 Force F104 pilot. Intense point / light grows and nears. Gone / 3 minute(s 9/21/1978 #33721 s suddenly illuminated by a bright light and he could no longer see his sur 9/21/1978 #33725 the same time (8:00 p.m.) a bright light approached an Italian Air Force F- 9/21/1978 #33725 e. They notice a yellow and violet light shining in their rear-view mirror, 9/23/1978 #33734 rt, Romania, are awakened by a red light visible through dense fog. It is a 9/23/1978 #33736 30 feet outside their window. The light disappears. At the same time, at a 9/23/1978 #33736 wo locksmiths watched a mysterious light pulsating and hovering silently ab 9/23/1978 #33737 speed by a bright yellow luminous light, blinding the witnesses. They esti 9/23/1978 #33738 r's engine and lights died. As the light faded their car descended to the r 9/23/1978 #33738 th 18 spotlights going down. Green light / controller. 9/25/1978 #33746 noid beings surrounded by a bright light approached them. One of them spoke 9/26/1978 #33753 d, when she sees a bright flash of light near a mountain. The children who 9/27/1978 #33761 n Gurnee, Illinois. One steady red light is on top, two steady yellow light 9/27/1978 #33763 below them, and one blue flashing light is seen briefly. It suddenly drops 9/27/1978 #33763 ots a grayish cigar reflecting the light of the setting sun. Flying silentl 9/28/1978 #33769 nly illuminated. An orange beam of light came down from the sky and struck 10/3/1978 #33797 Mercado, saw an alien being with a light attached to its chest through a ki 10/5/1978 #33798 ctagonal tank going east over car. Light shines / sides. 10/6/1978 #33799 al times larger than the moon with light shining through sections of it. As 10/6/1978 #33800 eet in diameter. It emits a strong light, and the bottom has a transparent 10/7/1978 #33805 sey, Wales, when he sees an orange light that passes overhead and hovers in 10/8/1978 #33816 age and they continue to watch the light, which increases in size and is st 10/8/1978 #33816 ive suit. It is immersed in orange light. Stunned, they drive past it. 10/8/1978 #33817 ar became bogged down. The ball of light then landed near the Salado River, 10/15/1978 #33839 ss and boiling sound. Bright green light going [to] by under sea. 10/18/1978 #33842 e object has a single bright white light on the underside and rows of red a 10/20/1978 #33847 observer(s). Vibrant bright night light hovers / minutes. Jumps going quic 10/21/1978 #33853 e training flight in a Cessna 182L light aircraft over Bass Strait between 10/21/1978 #33856 a shiny metal surface and a green light on it. Then he begins experiencing 10/21/1978 #33856 indrical object with dome / 1 end. Light / other end. Tilts to see bridge. 10/24/1978 #33866 an open field and spotted a large light brown object shaped like a shoeshi 10/25/1978 #33872 an open field and spotted a large light brown object shaped like a shoeshi 10/25/1978 #33875 BADIA TEBALDA, ITL 10M circle / light lands / hills. Beams going up. 2nd 10/26/1978 #33878 , France a four-meter wide ball of light hovered low by some telephone line 10/26/1978 #33881 ngton, England. She sees a strange light hovering above the Fiddler’s Ferry 10/28/1978 #33887 t Fletcher is stopped at a traffic light in Woolston, England, when she get 10/29/1978 #33889 above a rail line. It has a bright light on top and rings of light circling 10/29/1978 #33889 a bright light on top and rings of light circling the base, which has three 10/29/1978 #33889 ending. She moves forward when the light changes, but she does not see it a 10/29/1978 #33889 nd a bell-shaped UFO with a bright light on top caused car radio interferen 10/29/1978 #33890 her twenties. The UFO had rings of light circling its base, and three bumps 10/29/1978 #33890 Luminous crooked band / multicolor light. Thousands / MPH. Changes shapes. 10/30/1978 #33892 eters away from the witnesses. The light from the object was so bright that 10/30/1978 #33894 n, Texas. The object shoots a blue light at the witnesses, temporarily blin 10/30/1978 #33897 bject emitting an intense rotating light suddenly appeared. The UFO flew ov 10/30/1978 #33898 eters away from the witnesses. The light from the object was so bright that 10/30/1978 #33898 ight. Two bright rotating beams of light illuminated the area around them a 10/30/1978 #33898 ew a small spherical orange-yellow light followed the craft. The witnesses 10/30/1978 #33898 ENEDETTO DEL TRONTO, ITL Red night light follows and circles fishing boat. 11/3/1978 #33916 ITL Separate fishing boats. Night light going up [to] from sea. 2 RADAR's 11/7/1978 #33923 th Bend, Indiana, notices a bright light in the sky, much larger than a sta 11/7/1978 #33924 s Submerged Object / Boat Observes Light (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 11/8/1978 #33927 econds, a red and yellow spherical light. After emerging from the sea, it s 11/8/1978 #33928 , ITL Navy boat. Intense red night light quickly going up. Going quickly ea 11/9/1978 #33933 r in diameter, intense red ball of light that caused radio interference. Th 11/9/1978 #33942 ht at them for 250-300 meters. The light then shot up into the sky, and the 11/9/1978 #33942 ling by car noticed a bright white light approaching their vehicle. As it g 11/11/1978 #33944 at 12:15 a.m. when she saw a long light gray object on the ground nearby. 11/11/1978 #33945 es, large noses, no necks and wore light gray coveralls. The witness became 11/11/1978 #33945 snowy night noticed a bright white light approaching their vehicle. As it g 11/11/1978 #33946 ickle, Labrador, sees a red-orange light to the west hanging motionless at 11/13/1978 #33952 me houses for 30 minutes. A second light appears suddenly and moves underne 11/13/1978 #33952 me night at 6 p.m. when a flash of light led to a period of unconsciousness 11/15/1978 #33959 e-decker bus, with a blue flashing light on top, hovered over a car near Ro 11/20/1978 #33966 inican Republic. They see a bright light in the sky that shoots out bright 11/20/1978 #33967 e-decker bus, with a blue flashing light on top, hovered over a car near Ro 11/20/1978 #33968 gs and antennas and narrow beams / light. 11/21/1978 #33970 ome, structural features, emitting light beams 11/21/1978 #33973 that was emitting moving beams of light. It had landing gear and antennae. 11/21/1978 #33975 ran reported sighting a big yellow light and changed color to red, then van 11/21/1978 #33975 Her car lights fail as circles of light dance around the road, illuminatin 11/22/1978 #33980 ops again. She claims the “natural light” disappears and she is enveloped i 11/22/1978 #33980 s. Then suddenly a white circle of light approximately 3 feet in diameter s 11/22/1978 #33980 as pressed on a switch, the normal light returns, and she drives the car no 11/22/1978 #33980 r car. She saw spots of pure white light on the road coming from the UFO. 11/22/1978 #33983 late-shaped UFO, within a block of light gray vapor. The UFO was glistening 11/23/1978 #33990 nce, Spain when they all saw a red light on the ground in a nearby eucalypt 11/24/1978 #33996 d temporarily forgot about the red light for a few minutes. They then notic 11/24/1978 #33996 inutes. They then noticed that the light was now in a nearby clearing in th 11/24/1978 #33996 ped or jug-shaped craft with a red light on top and numerous multicolored l 11/24/1978 #33996 lic, ovoid UFO with a flashing red light hovered over a car with a German c 11/25/1978 #34005 ject, described as a large ball of light that spawned a domed, winged craft 11/27/1978 #34006 large metallic object with a large light in front, which approached the car 11/28/1978 #34016 A, SP 1 / car. Intense white night light lands nearby. Odd voice / radio. R 12/2/1978 #34047 scosa Atienza saw an intense white light land 200 meters away from his car 12/2/1978 #34051 d next two reddish-orange balls of light appeared near the horizon before w 12/2/1978 #34051 bedroom. She spied a strong orange light reflected from the glassware insid 12/6/1978 #34068 d and found that the source of the light was in a nearby field, but the lig 12/6/1978 #34068 ght was in a nearby field, but the light had gradually disappeared. Tempora 12/6/1978 #34068 arily forgetting about the mystery light, Pilar began doing some housework, 12/6/1978 #34068 cond more powerful orange flash of light again brought her attention outsid 12/6/1978 #34068 indow she peered out and noticed a light like a flashlight that was being c 12/6/1978 #34068 -fitting one-piece coveralls, very light in color. They had just appeared s 12/6/1978 #34068 MILANERE, ITL 2 / mountains. Night light vanishes. 1 man abduction? Pear sh 12/8/1978 #34074 ws on its side and emitted rays of light. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 12/8/1978 #34075 e, Torino, Italy, see a blue-white light among the trees. One of them walks 12/8/1978 #34077 isappears. A few minutes later the light takes off into the sky. The other 12/8/1978 #34077 emembers approaching a pear-shaped light when he sees 3–4 human shapes with 12/8/1978 #34077 like heads silhouetted against the light. He becomes paralyzed and can vagu 12/8/1978 #34077 ws on its side and emitted rays of light. At 2:45 a.m. on a road in Catanza 12/8/1978 #34078 y when they sighted a bluish white light among the trees. One of the men ap 12/8/1978 #34078 the men approached the pear-shaped light and he suddenly vanished. The brig 12/8/1978 #34078 d he suddenly vanished. The bright light then took off into the sky. The ot 12/8/1978 #34078 d been missing for thirty minutes. Light bothered his eyes, and a scar was 12/8/1978 #34078 ped heads standing in front of the light. He was paralyzed, and vaguely rem 12/8/1978 #34078 e, yellow, blue and red flashes of light, and were seen for several hours. 12/10/1978 #34086 ight a tall human-like figure with light colored skin, dark hair, and weari 12/11/1978 #34091 azil a tall human-like figure with light colored skin, dark hair, and weari 12/11/1978 #34094 rzocca, Italy Luminous UFO emitted light beam, shone onto car, tape player 12/12/1978 #34097 e nearby trees, six beams of green light shot from it and she felt slightly 12/12/1978 #34098 e nearby trees, six beams of green light shot from it and she felt slightly 12/12/1978 #34100 object hovered over her. When the light beams went out the object rose sil 12/12/1978 #34100 ying object that emitted a beam of light onto his car. When the object depa 12/12/1978 #34101 d to be straps with a bright round light on the center. The figures rose of 12/12/1978 #34102 ated portholes, and three beams of light came from its bottom. At 4:30 in t 12/14/1978 #34125 end lit up and shone a soft green light through his front windshield. John 12/14/1978 #34127 calm and unafraid. The soft green light abruptly changed color to a reddis 12/14/1978 #34127 e the TV antenna. A bright beam of light shot out of the opening and a stra 12/15/1978 #34136 bject emitted multicolored rays of light and had an open hatch in its cente 12/15/1978 #34138 s center section. A bright beam of light shot out of the opening and a stra 12/15/1978 #34138 uid on it. Moments later a beam of light transported the beings back into t 12/15/1978 #34138 could be seen. Two bright beams of light were emitted from their helmets th 12/15/1978 #34141 tro-magnetic effects). Large white light / rear. Going quickly west / whoos 12/16/1978 #34147 me a very bright flourescent white light that reflected off the surface of 12/16/1978 #34148 lights were seen and a large white light was on the rear. (NICAP: 02 - Clos 12/16/1978 #34149 me a very bright flourescent white light that reflected off the surface of 12/16/1978 #34155 ay. Moments later the bright white light, now very near the breakwater, van 12/16/1978 #34155 at a low altitude, with a shaft of light reaching to the ground. The UFO wa 12/17/1978 #34166 diameter and had icy blue discs of light around the rim. A snowy white mist 12/17/1978 #34166 Santa Fe, Argentina A giant light was observed in the western sky. I 12/21/1978 #34188 s to 7,500 feet and sees one white light, tinged with red, through the clou 12/21/1978 #34193 en Powell and Pirie see a flashing light in front of them. 12/21/1978 #34193 The UFOs were radiating a bright, light blue light but made no sound. Powe 12/21/1978 #34194 ere radiating a bright, light blue light but made no sound. Power outages w 12/21/1978 #34194 he time. Ten minutes later a giant light was observed in the western sky in 12/21/1978 #34194 oming from a ball of brilliant red light that hurts his eyes. The object ta 12/24/1978 #34201 he object. The UFO fired a beam of light, then shot off toward the south. 12/25/1978 #34206 face and flew to the west. Rays of light beamed down from the object, and s 12/28/1978 #34217 ut to investigate a nearby strange light in the sky. He was later found lyi 12/28/1978 #34219 a got out to investigate a strange light hovering nearby. He was later foun 12/28/1978 #34220 they were approached by an intense light from a hill and suddenly found the 12/28/1978 #34222 SS JOHNSON Bright night light hovers / horizon. Hovers still / h 12/30/1978 #34226 ALLA, SOUTH, AUSTR Elongated white light with blue-glowing follows light pl 12/30/1978 #34228 te light with blue-glowing follows light plane / miles. 12/30/1978 #34228 with one another, each one with a light source directed downward. The obje 12/30/1978 #34231 Boy / bicycle buzzed / large night light overhead. "Tried to lift me..". 12/31/1978 #34236 terward, Fogarty notices a strange light that seems to be coming from the c 12/31/1978 #34246 in the United Kingdom see a bright light with a long trail behind it streak 12/31/1978 #34248 hen he heard a noise and noticed a light approaching from behind while cros 12/31/1978 #34250 lized that it was a huge yellowish light that was attached to the bottom of 12/31/1978 #34250 e was suddenly struck by a beam of light and lost consciousness. Later, he 12/31/1978 #34250 heir faces were covered in a green light. Their eyes resembled two simple h 12/31/1978 #34250 GIRTON, CAMBRIDGE Shaft / light from sky lights field like day. Sh 1/1979 #34264 ffects) lights and all. 10M disk / light nears. Whistles and smokes and qui 1/1979 #34266 Saucer lifts woman 40M with beam / light. Sets her down. Sick afterward. 1/1979 #34267 ime it has become a small, distant light in the eastern sky. 1/1/1979 #34275 ucer. 8 portholes / edge and 1 big light / center. 1/2/1979 #34279 en up into the object by a beam of light. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (N 1/3/1979 #34287 ly when they noticed a red beam of light on the ground. They got into their 1/3/1979 #34290 an odor like burnt human hair. The light resembled a pulsating vertical bar 1/3/1979 #34290 n like figure walk in front of the light, and moments later a second figure 1/3/1979 #34290 they observed a similar but larger light on the ground in front of a nearby 1/3/1979 #34290 in front of a nearby orchard. The light slowly pulsated. Again the witness 1/3/1979 #34290 en up into the object by a beam of light. He was found dazed two hours late 1/3/1979 #34292 al figures moving around him. As a light blinded him something was inserted 1/3/1979 #34292 e pyramids joined by a thin ray of light. Cardenas apparently slept several 1/3/1979 #34292 bitter cold morning when she saw a light in the garden. Thinking he had lef 1/4/1979 #34296 e garden. Thinking he had left the light on she went to investigate, but it 1/4/1979 #34296 mind with telepathy—“It was like a light or an X-ray penetrating.” They tol 1/4/1979 #34296 nally, when she showed them how to light a cigarette they fled as if in ter 1/4/1979 #34296 at around 7:00 a.m. Then she saw a light in the garden. Thinking her husban 1/5/1979 #34304 g her husband had left the carport light on, she went out to investigate, b 1/5/1979 #34304 ind with telepathy, "it was like a light or an X-ray penetrating." They tol 1/5/1979 #34304 nally, when she showed them how to light a cigarette, they fled in terror, 1/5/1979 #34304 / low altitude by school. Intense light. Shoots away. / r237p67. 1/8/1979 #34315 r a school. The UFO had an intense light, and shot away at a high speed aft 1/8/1979 #34321 helmets emitted bright beacons of light. Suddenly everything became very d 1/12/1979 #34333 BO, ITL Farmer. Blinding 1M disk / light / ground. Shrinks! Small humanoid 1/13/1979 #34335 side the object. A reddish beam of light from the object knocked the witnes 1/13/1979 #34339 a personal sighting of a nocturnal light over Argyll, Scotland, the previou 1/18/1979 #34358 he man leaves. Suddenly the orange light disappears and his car lights come 1/18/1979 #34359 nother witness saw a bright bluish light descend into the same woods. 1/19/1979 #34362 4 MILES / LINDALE, TX Flash / light. 2 UFO's appear. 5-6 hours / missi 1/24/1979 #34371 elieve himself when a blue beam of light from the sky struck him. It caused 1/24/1979 #34374 elieve himself when a blue beam of light from the sky struck him. It caused 1/24/1979 #34378 charge. Two UFOs with a violet-red light moving between then appeared, and 1/24/1979 #34378 r, and it emitted a strong beam of light. It flew off to the southeast of t 1/26/1979 #34382 mpty lot. It beamed white beams of light down onto the ground and up into t 1/28/1979 #34388 -shaped UFO shot dazzling beams of light onto a road in Taining County, Chi 1/28/1979 #34388 to watch television when a bright light shines outside their window. It is 2/1979 #34398 enter the original one. Then that light disappears and is replaced by red 2/1979 #34398 , AU Car engulfed in intense white light, memory loss, dazed, witness admit 2/5/1979 #34403 s. Seconds later, an intense white light envelops the car, and he cannot se 2/5/1979 #34405 car at 9:50 p.m. by a bright white light that enveloped his car. His car ra 2/5/1979 #34406 beside road, rose about one meter, light flash. MUFON UFO Journal, December 2/8/1979 #34409 land, when he sees a “little white light” sitting on the edge of the asphal 2/9/1979 #34416 momentarily blinded by a flash of light. Opening his eyes, he sees that hi 2/9/1979 #34416 esponded with a brilliant flash of light coming from the object. It rose ve 2/9/1979 #34418 ilot reports an intense, elongated light above his position. The W-8 local 2/25/1979 #34447 at the object looked like, but the light emanating from it was too intense 2/26/1979 #34450 MONROE, NC 1 / car. Night light over bridge. 12km displacement and 3/1979 #34452 they reach within 15 miles of the light, it shoots away to the east and ho 3/1979 #34453 mbo jet and radiates bright golden light from top to bottom. Red and blue l 3/1979 #34453 inutes after 8:00 p.m., a point of light is seen to ascend, leaving a lumin 3/5/1979 #34465 ered over highway, swept area with light beam (section VI). (NICAP: 02 - Cl 3/6/1979 #34467 ered over highway, swept area with light beam 3/6/1979 #34468 wide) that sweeps the area with a light beam. 3/6/1979 #34469 ncluding police. The UFO emitted a light beam, and executed sharp turns dur 3/6/1979 #34470 In particular, a hidden indicator light leads to an operator manually over 3/28/1979 #34493 GORMANSTON, TASMANIA 75cm night light flies over taxi / malfunctions due 4/1979 #34496 beaming down, and there is one red light on top. They lose sight of the obj 4/12/1979 #34508 ng happens when they stop at a red light. They see the object again, which 4/12/1979 #34508 TH / CROY, SCOTLAND 2 / car. Night light going [to] over. Observers run. Ca 4/19/1979 #34512 unit in the Blonie area, Poland. A light descends rapidly and silently over 4/21/1979 #34519 tina Oil held landing, reaction to light, landing traces (sections VII, X). 5/1/1979 #34535 ina Oil field landing, reaction to light, landing traces 5/1/1979 #34536 UFO seems to respond by blinking a light, then slowly lands nearby. More li 5/1/1979 #34537 ht, then slowly lands nearby. More light signals are exchanged, then the UF 5/1/1979 #34537 es. It gave off colored streams of light as it took off. There was a circle 5/1/1979 #34538 ith portholes, blinding red-orange light, landed within 50 meters. Cronica, 5/5/1979 #34543 ects). Car = different color / odd light. Orange night lights fly. 5/6/1979 #34546 ar looked a different color in the light. 5/6/1979 #34549 as good looking, tanned, with long light fine hair. The woman and one of th 5/16/1979 #34563 as good looking, tanned, with long light fine hair. The woman and one of th 5/16/1979 #34564 could see that he had very short, light colored hair. When Arlindo left th 5/16/1979 #34564 e craft by means of a blue beam of light. He then lost consciousness. When 5/17/1979 #34566 e was medically examined by short, light skinned beings, with large heads a 5/17/1979 #34566 se is coming from a white, glowing light falling toward them. The glowing m 5/19/1979 #34568 d, sees two bright yellow beams of light coming from a dark object about 10 5/22/1979 #34574 object, he can see a third beam of light below it. Green geometrical shapes 5/22/1979 #34574 he side of the UFO. A blinking red light shines out on the upper surface, i 5/22/1979 #34574 he object shines with a white-blue light, and the man’s face feels like it 5/22/1979 #34574 RLESTON, MO 5+1 observer(s). Night light lands behind shop. Neon sign malfu 5/25/1979 #34576 Charleston, MO A nocturnal light came down and landed behind a stor 5/25/1979 #34577 At 8:00 p.m. a nocturnal light came down and landed behind a stor 5/25/1979 #34580 as temporarily blinded by beams of light from the object. (NICAP: 02 - Clos 5/26/1979 #34585 as temporarily blinded by beams of light from the object. 5/26/1979 #34591 re area outside. A cylinder-shaped light comes through the closed window an 6/1979 #34600 e room while a being surrounded by light stood at his side. He remembers lo 6/6/1979 #34601 DIAN TRAIL, NC 2 / US74. Red night light hovers. Green night light going do 6/7/1979 #34602 ed night light hovers. Green night light going down / road and going up [to 6/7/1979 #34602 smokestack of the Carolina Power & Light nuclear power plant one half mile 6/12/1979 #34608 South Carolina Carolina Power and Light nuclear power plant 8:45 p.m. Memb 6/12/1979 #34610 okestack of the Carolina Power and Light nuclear power plant one half mile 6/12/1979 #34610 wo bright yellowish-white beams of light. After hovering motionless for 2–5 6/12/1979 #34610 all the lights fade except a blue light. The UFO moves off and is gone alm 6/12/1979 #34610 ower plant and directing a beam of light at it. It flies off toward the nor 6/12/1979 #34610 smokestack of the Carolina Power & Light nuclear power plant one half mile 6/12/1979 #34611 ge bright yellowish-white beams of light. After hovering motionless for 2-5 6/12/1979 #34611 all the lights faded except a blue light. The UFO moved off and was gone in 6/12/1979 #34611 power plant and directed a beam of light at it while hovering for another 2 6/12/1979 #34611 he and his family watch a similar light transit the sky, again from east t 6/17/1979 #34613 nd paralyzed him with red beams of light, from boxes that they carried on t 6/18/1979 #34616 nd paralyzed him with red beams of light, from boxes that they carried on t 6/18/1979 #34618 ome on top emitting a blue beam of light into a nearby forest. The woman we 6/19/1979 #34621 as temporarily blinded by a bright light and the craft sped away. (NICAP: 0 6/19/1979 #34621 red curly hair, while others have light skin and straight black hair. The 6/28/1979 #34639 an alien craft by a green beam of light before being injected with a yello 6/28/1979 #34639 10 / above. Pentagon object. Green light / underside. / r229'82#4. 7/1/1979 #34643 eet wide, that is blocking out the light of the stars. Within seconds a bri 7/4/1979 #34646 the stars. Within seconds a bright light beams down at him from the center 7/4/1979 #34646 ation and a general lightness. The light blinks out and the man begins runn 7/4/1979 #34646 ing and following him. The beam of light blinks on again when it is 50–60 f 7/4/1979 #34646 s and come running to aid him. The light blinks out again and four blinking 7/4/1979 #34646 lights and was shooting flashes of light up into the sky. An opening became 7/15/1979 #34655 ghted three large glowing balls of light hovering outside their home. They 7/15/1979 #34656 res floated down from the balls of light. The beings were described as thin 7/15/1979 #34656 / DES MOINES, IA 2 at home. Night light rises slow. Splits / 2. Parts shoo 7/17/1979 #34660 window they see a small, circular light source to the northeast. It hovers 7/17/1979 #34661 observer(s). 1/2 moon-size disk / light follows hilly terrain / 30M altitu 7/24/1979 #34670 ARK, CA 4 teens. Large white night light makes several passes at car / Bass 7/25/1979 #34671 Canoga Park, CA A large white light made several passed at a car. One 7/25/1979 #34677 hour later a diffuse white ball of light maneuvered in the sky for 30 minut 7/25/1979 #34677 oga Park, California a large white light made several passed at a car. One 7/25/1979 #34680 hour later a diffuse white ball of light maneuvered in the sky for 30 minut 7/25/1979 #34680 onnecticut, when he sees an orange light in the northwest. He calls his wif 7/27/1979 #34683 feet from the ground. A blue-green light is along its sides, shading away i 8/1979 #34692 apparently the same white ball of light at the Ward Pound Ridge Reservatio 8/1/1979 #34696 when they noticed a green flash of light overhead followed by two bright de 8/2/1979 #34704 hing beams of white and blue-green light. It vanishes suddenly. 8/10/1979 #34725 SOUTH / ASHLAND, OR White light beams going down [to] by tent. Tra 8/11/1979 #34726 WHEAT RIDGE, CO 2 / car. Night light hovers / 3 minute(s). Drops / moun 8/11/1979 #34728 of white lights and a flashing red light to the west. A total of three sets 8/11/1979 #34731 ff Interstate 70. They see a white light about two-thirds of the way up the 8/11/1979 #34732 n the middle. After 3 minutes, the light silently rises over the mountain, 8/11/1979 #34732 Two campers saw white beams of light shining down next to their tents w 8/11/1979 #34736 uri, in an undeveloped area. A red light and a blue light appear over the c 8/12/1979 #34740 loped area. A red light and a blue light appear over the car, apparently ci 8/12/1979 #34740 . Sparks shoot out, and the single light source arcs upward and vanishes in 8/12/1979 #34740 LE PAQUIER, SWZ 2 / car. Night light southwest going quickly northeast 8/17/1979 #34751 apidly and appears to have a white light on its tail end. The aircraft fall 8/17/1979 #34752 nd white on the other. The ball of light disappears into the orange sky of 8/17/1979 #34752 NEAR LAC SIMON, QBC 2 / light plane. Instruments go crazy. 300' 8/18/1979 #34753 eball going down. 3' sphere found. Light and strong radiation/radioactivity 8/19/1979 (approximate) #34755 f Dallas, Texas, sees a shimmering light with amber portholes silently dart 8/19/1979 #34759 land when they noticed a flash of light with shades of pink, orange, and s 8/19/1979 #34760 xamined on a table by some sort of light beam. 8/19/1979 #34760 rom Malbork watches 9– 10 balls of light 3–4 miles above the ground. 8/20/1979 #34763 second(s). Projects blue spikes / light. Shoots going up. 8/21/1979 #34765 Suddenly another larger, pulsating light appears abut 1,500 feet in front o 8/23/1979 #34768 , move silently toward it. A white light emerges from the two smaller light 8/23/1979 #34768 ear in the distance. The pulsating light begins flashing erratically, emitt 8/23/1979 #34768 rg steers his boat closer. The red light places itself directly in the Hel- 8/23/1979 #34768 night when they saw a huge bright light appear above them, illuminating th 8/26/1979 #34783 y 5 west of Stephen when he sees a light through his side window. The light 8/27/1979 #34787 light through his side window. The light is to his south, shining from a gr 8/27/1979 #34787 s to 65 mph, and moves closer. The light moves toward him, traveling so fas 8/27/1979 #34787 d still looks just like a blinding light. Johnson hears glass breaking and 8/27/1979 #34787 sees the inside of the patrol car light up. After the light hits, he loses 8/27/1979 #34787 the patrol car light up. After the light hits, he loses consciousness. When 8/27/1979 #34787 es are staring at the red “engine” light on the dashboard. He looks out the 8/27/1979 #34787 ines Johnson’s eyes, but the probe light hurts so much that Johnson cannot 8/27/1979 #34787 car back to the garage. The inside light on the driver’s side is smashed. O 8/27/1979 #34787 4 feet 4 inches behind the smashed light and close to the windshield, is a 8/27/1979 #34787 red plastic lens covering the roof light on the driver’s side shows a trian 8/27/1979 #34787 , shaped like a doughnut, reflects light with a silvery glow “like a blob o 8/27/1979 #34788 VERMILLION, SD 1 / SR50. Blinding light buzzes car closely. Near collision 8/29/1979 #34792 RE, IL 2+observer(s). Orange night light zigzags. Also 2 separate observers 8/29/1979 #34794 , Poland Silvery cigar with orange light and square windows approached, hov 8/29/1979 #34795 , Poland Silvery cigar with orange light and square windows approached, hov 8/29/1979 #34796 st. He opens his eyes and sees the light heading away west. The next day, t 8/29/1979 #34798 hree in the front glow with orange light, while the other two seem covered 8/29/1979 #34800 eeden and his father see an orange light moving erratically in the sky to t 8/29/1979 #34802 of the Weedens and sees the orange light to her southeast, low above the ho 8/29/1979 #34802 tomed orange dome shape within the light. She watches it for 5 minutes, the 8/29/1979 #34802 d his eyes are overly sensitive to light. Turner wakes up in a Winchester h 8/29/1979 #34803 A silvery cigar with an orange light and square windows approached, hov 8/29/1979 #34805 barking when she noticed a bright light above a nearby mountain. It accele 8/29/1979 #34806 a 2-foot yellow and green ball of light rush down from the north only 5 fe 8/30/1979 #34810 f of the craft emitted a soft pink light, and the top domed section was enc 9/2/1979 #34820 n a minute. Once their view of the light is blocked, the lights come back o 9/3/1979 #34829 pe Charles, Virginia, see a bright light zigzagging in an unusual manner fo 9/3/1979 #34830 a.m. A driver sees a bright amber light through her windshield to the west 9/9/1979 #34852 brighter. Red and yellow spikes of light emanate from a bright white center 9/9/1979 #34852 her rear-view mirror, she sees the light make an abrupt turn to the left an 9/9/1979 #34852 ted back and forth in front of the light plane, playing cat-and-mouse. 9/9/1979 #34854 blate sphere with a flashing white light. He estimates it is 10 feet wide. 9/11/1979 #34860 p.m. Next, a UFO shooting beams of light was seen, leaving behind a lens-sh 9/11/1979 #34861 vation sees a large orange ball of light between the Goat Rocks Wilderness 9/12/1979 #34867 ically. They are joined by a third light, and all fade away after 45 second 9/12/1979 #34867 E, MANTOVA, ITL Red flashing night light stops. Turns / sharp angle. Zigzag 9/13/1979 #34869 e zigzags over. Emits strong white light. No further details. 9/14/1979 #34878 Oakenholt, Wales, UK A beam of light shone through the witness's bedroo 9/14/1979 #34881 On this night a beam of light shone through the witness's bedroo 9/14/1979 #34884 craft hovered nearby and a beam of light lifted her inside. The interior of 9/14/1979 #34884 tory. 3 fast silent pentagons beam light. Going quickly northwest. / MJ#164 9/16/1979 #34888 sound of a motor. One small green light is on the object’s side, while the 9/17/1979 #34896 e underside floods the ground with light. After 2 minutes, it moves slowly 9/17/1979 #34896 th a hovering, flashing, round red light in an empty lot in the neighborhoo 9/19/1979 #34902 hich was emitting the flashing red light from the top of the craft, was 20 9/19/1979 #34902 giving off rays of blue and white light. At the landing site were found fi 9/19/1979 #34902 POPLAR GROVE, IL 1 / car. Night light hovers. Swoops going down. Car and 9/20/1979 #34904 Illinois, when a pear-shaped blue light, surrounded by a white haze, engul 9/20/1979 #34907 haze, engulfs her van in blinding light. Her AM radio is racked with stati 9/20/1979 #34907 30 a.m. a pear-shaped form of blue light engulfed an automobile being drive 9/20/1979 #34908 te "fog" and illuminated by bright light. They both felt inertial effects a 9/20/1979 #34909 man watch a single, blinking white light moving above the treetops near Nor 9/26/1979 #34928 and another witness, then see the light approaching them from the east, no 9/26/1979 #34928 ARNUM, MN 2 observer(s). 1m ball / light "rolls" going southeast over car / 10/6/1979 #34944 Minnesota, when they see a ball of light 3–6 feet in diameter approaching l 10/6/1979 #34946 n overcame him and an intense blue light appeared inside the room. It brigh 10/6/1979 #34947 de to investigate. He saw a bright light among the nearby trees. Something 10/6/1979 #34947 hey also felt cold to the touch. A light surrounded the witness and he floa 10/6/1979 #34947 oated towards a black cloud with a light inside. He next remembered being i 10/6/1979 #34947 l times larger than the Moon, with light that was shining through sections 10/6/1979 #34948 During the day an unusually bright light in sky split into two equally brig 11/9/1979 #34990 illaly, Saskatchewan, sees a white light land in a field about a quarter mi 11/14/1979 #34998 away and 750 feet in the air. The light underneath it is so bright that it 11/15/1979 #35001 , California, watches a bright red light flying from east to the northeast. 11/18/1979 #35006 t gave off intense blue flashes of light while it hovered over a busy traff 11/27/1979 #35023 ANG, CH 5 observer(s). Oval ring / light west going quickly northwest over 11/29/1979 #35026 television when they see a bright light hanging at a height of 100 feet ab 11/30/1979 #35031 e TV set, but after 15 minutes the light returns, this time shining brightl 11/30/1979 #35031 g brightly through the window. The light is on a platform floating on the s 11/30/1979 #35031 enly the platform reverses and the light goes out. 11/30/1979 #35031 object, which was emitting a green light. The men wore green goggles, had c 11/30/1979 #35033 few minutes later an intense white light flooded their living room from out 11/30/1979 #35034 his face. The source of the white light was a luminous white sphere direct 11/30/1979 #35034 es that went from a bright distant light in the NW to a pair of bright head 12/2/1979 #35037 our of which turn out) of a bright light from his home 7 miles west of Sydn 12/3/1979 #35045 s west of Sydney, Nova Scotia. The light hovers in one spot then moves quic 12/3/1979 #35045 ve his car, and emitted a blinding light, causing him to lose control and d 12/3/1979 #35046 s her eyes to look at it. Then the light goes out, allowing her to see a Y- 12/5/1979 #35054 haped object emitting a dull green light. Clusters of red lights are at the 12/5/1979 #35054 orado, when he sees an orange-gold light in the western sky. It quickly gro 12/6/1979 #35056 l Williams sees a stationary white light above the Mississippi River near t 12/9/1979 #35063 lights up the river below it. The light moves straight up at high speed, c 12/9/1979 #35063 and coming to an abrupt stop. The light goes out. Williams and a radioman 12/9/1979 #35063 It has two red lights and a white light flashing irregularly. It flies aro 12/9/1979 #35063 Spain A UFO with blue lights and a light green hue approached a family in t 12/10/1979 #35065 p.m., a UFO with blue lights and a light green hue approached a family in t 12/10/1979 #35067 and on this night. She saw a white light and lost consciousness. Under hypn 12/10/1979 #35068 he remembered flowing up a beam of light into a semi-circular room, aboard 12/10/1979 #35068 ally that he came from 2.4 million light years away. Several months later s 12/10/1979 #35068 t is clearly a solid ball of white light that is passing in and out of the 12/11/1979 #35072 na, when they see a bright beam of light ahead. When the lead driver sees t 12/13/1979 #35079 e mass approaching, and within the light he could see a human like figure. 12/30/1979 #35104 (seen thru) binoculars. Big blob / light hovers. Small night lights exit an 12/31/1979 #35106 s see a disc-shaped object shine a light down on the water near the eastern 1/1980 #35120 yards from the beach and shining a light on the water 60 feet below. The UF 1/1980 #35120 ght down before it disappears. The light beam leaves a trail of luminescenc 1/1980 #35120 A light in the sky flashed and changed col 1/5/1980 #35125 r him. The UFO projected a beam of light and formed a dome shaped luminous 1/12/1980 #35131 r him. The UFO projected a beam of light and formed a dome shaped luminous 1/12/1980 #35132 nsations when he walked inside the light dome. He was met there by a tall, 1/12/1980 #35132 s in two of the corners, and a red light between the blue ones. Three other 1/13/1980 #35133 , when he sees a luminous point of light at 20° elevation moving from south 1/17/1980 #35137 s. At 10:45 p.m., he sees a bright light moving slowly toward the zenith. L 1/17/1980 #35137 in a V- formation. Each individual light of the group is pale white with a 1/17/1980 #35137 PORTUGL Saturn-saucer beams white light going down / tree. Tree seems attr 1/21/1980 #35139 quarter-mile away. A bright orange light appears in a cornfield about 900 f 1/21/1980 #35141 home. She can still see the orange light from her kitchen window, but she h 1/21/1980 #35141 . Shines beam down. Separate night light hovers high overhead. 1/28/1980 #35148 osely while shining down a beam of light. Meanwhile, several nocturnal ligh 1/28/1980 #35149 beings he saw an intense flash of light that blinded him for a few seconds 2/6/1980 #35160 (electro-magnetic effects). Orange light / field. 30 minute(s) / missing ti 2/11/1980 #35164 ouncil Bluffs, IA Brilliant orange light in field, memory loss, physiologic 2/11/1980 #35166 me when he noticed a strong glowly light over a field 200 meters away, on t 2/11/1980 #35167 na when he noticed a strong glowly light over a field 200 meters away, on t 2/11/1980 #35170 d vapor that seemed to reflect the light. Perplexed, Vommaro watched the ob 2/11/1980 #35170 aning over the steering wheel. The light was now on top of the vehicle, and 2/11/1980 #35170 uminous rectangular area a beam of light shot out, which seemed to spread o 2/11/1980 #35170 e further away it got. The beam of light covered the vehicle, but not its i 2/11/1980 #35170 he triangular object surrounded by light blue luminosity, with reddish hues 2/11/1980 #35172 ina saw an enormous orange ball of light that cast three beams of light, on 2/11/1980 #35173 of light that cast three beams of light, one left and one right, and then 2/11/1980 #35173 dow and sees a large white oval of light low in the west-northwest sky, app 2/21/1980 #35180 VIX, FR 2 teens. Dark ovoid with 2 light beams. Hovers and rumbles and shoo 3/1980 #35187 ot Larry Crawford sees a star-like light moving 700–800 mph at 30,000 feet 3/7/1980 #35201 5 second(s) and gone. Brill white light. Dog howls / pain. 3/8/1980 #35202 nty sheriff deputies, watch an odd light maneuvering, climbing, and descend 3/12/1980 #35211 le in Bannock, Ohio, Spot a bright light in the southwestern sky. They watc 3/15/1980 #35218 fore it approaches their home. The light is a spotlight attached to a large 3/15/1980 #35218 rs. Crescent hovers. Shoots beam / light going up. Going west into clouds. 3/23/1980 #35232 ly, James Balkcom notices a bright light moving along the railroad tracks i 3/24/1980 #35238 he Evanses go outside to watch the light, which has colored lights blinking 3/24/1980 #35238 airplane-sized object with a green light, a red light, and crossed white be 3/25/1980 #35241 d object with a green light, a red light, and crossed white beams. After ho 3/25/1980 #35241 KET, ZIMBABWE 2 observer(s). Night light hovers just over trees. Emits spar 3/28/1980 #35242 BARI, ITALY Saucer with intense light. 2 observer(s) burnt. 1 under watc 3/31/1980 #35243 bs. They are about 4 feet high and light yellow-green in color. He runs awa 4/1980 #35244 Lodz, Poland spreading a blinding light. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/6/1980 #35256 Lodz, Poland spreading a blinding light. Frightened, the couple living in 4/6/1980 #35258 rough a forested area saw a bright light descending toward her car, first m 4/9/1980 #35261 staking it for an aircraft landing light. The object then stopped and hover 4/9/1980 #35261 NC Red disc-shaped object emitted light beam to ground; took off with inte 4/10/1980 #35263 NC Red disc-shaped object emitted light beam to ground. Took off with inte 4/10/1980 #35264 hover above his car. It directs a light toward the ground. When he stops h 4/10/1980 #35266 ton, North Carolina with a beam of light, then took off at a 45 degree angl 4/10/1980 #35267 , when he sees an unusually bright light. As he drives 5–6 miles closer, it 4/13/1980 #35271 into four smaller orange balls of light. The duration of the sighting is 1 4/20/1980 #35280 hrough a gate he noticed a strange light cavorting over the field. Then, ab 4/20/1980 #35281 he barbwire fence again, a beam of light struck him that knocked him sensel 4/20/1980 #35281 was knocked down by a beam of red light that seemed to come from the creat 4/20/1980 #35281 some trees, a large bright silvery light appeared on the ground that began 4/20/1980 #35281 ounded cap from where the beams of light originated. They seemed to communi 4/20/1980 #35281 to a lower elevation. He turns the light off and the object ascends again. 4/22/1980 #35285 ds again. He turns the red cruiser light on, and the object seems to respon 4/22/1980 #35285 to respond with a reddish hue. The light disappears over the Cimarron Mount 4/22/1980 #35285 ts presence interrupted electrical light power and also caused battery-oper 5/5/1980 #35307 ndiana, when bright red flashes of light illuminate the inside of her truck 5/9/1980 #35319 flashes are caused by red balls of light about the size of lemons in the em 5/9/1980 #35319 rt screaming as small red balls of light move across their mother’s back an 5/9/1980 #35319 Red balls of light the size of lemons climbed up, acr 5/9/1980 #35321 ed and barked as more red balls of light moved across a woman's back and th 5/9/1980 #35321 the hair on her head. The balls of light made no noise 5/9/1980 #35321 car. Glowing-disk over car. Beams light going down. Car lights flicker. / 5/13/1980 #35327 pson County, MS Glowing disc shone light beam on road, E-M when car entered 5/14/1980 #35328 beam on road, E-M when car entered light beam. BiloxiGulfport, Miss., Daily 5/14/1980 #35328 mpson County, MS Glowing disc cast light beam onto road. Car entered beam, 5/14/1980 #35329 ng disc high in the sky. A beam of light from the disc makes a spot of ligh 5/14/1980 #35330 ight from the disc makes a spot of light on the ground as wide as their car 5/14/1980 #35330 eir car. As they drive through the light beam, their lights go on and off 7 5/14/1980 #35330 lowing disc high in the sky cast a light beam on the roadway at 3:30 a.m. W 5/14/1980 #35332 . & Mrs. Pickrel drove through the light beam the "car lights went on and o 5/14/1980 #35332 the ground. Two shielded beams of light were projected downward from the o 5/15/1980 #35335 drawn up in a pale yellow beam of light into a UFO. 5/28/1980 #35343 itted white and reddish flashes of light. The UFO flew over fast, halted ab 6/4/1980 #35354 l installation. It emitted beam of light that struck a house near the petro 6/5/1980 #35355 all of which vanish in a flash of light. 6/15/1980 #35374 hout a splash. As it bobs about, a light comes on in the interior. Smith ye 6/15/1980 #35375 nterior. Smith yells at it and the light goes out. 6/15/1980 #35375 minutes while directing a beam of light toward the ground. There was an un 6/21/1980 #35386 YINCHUAN, CHINA 2 girls. Ring / light = 5 cm / arms length. Hovers by cl 6/27/1980 #35392 Iowa, when they notice three round light spots in a triangular formation hi 7/12/1980 #35412 d coming together under the larger light for 20 minutes until all three abr 7/12/1980 #35412 NGSHAN CO, ANHUI, CH Yellow ring / light rotates fast under dark cloud. Gro 7/27/1980 #35425 A red light moved over a motorcycle in Ayamont 7/31/1980 #35431 guards reported sighting an aerial light which descended on the Sandia Mili 8/1980 #35432 ORCE BASE, NM 3 guards. Fast night light stops. Maneuvers. Shoots straight 8/8/1980 #35445 uquerque, New Mexico, see a bright light descend in a restricted area about 8/8/1980 #35447 a disc-shaped object with a bright light hovering behind a building. He app 8/8/1980 #35447 craft was also emitting a beam of light towards the ground, and within the 8/16/1980 #35459 Lima, OH Witness knocked back by light beam. 5-min duration and three wit 8/17/1980 #35461 , Ohio, and sees an unusual bright light in the sky. He steps out and watch 8/17/1980 #35462 on the surface, a flashing yellow light, and white floodlights all around 8/17/1980 #35462 to alert others. Suddenly a yellow light shoots out at Battle, knocking him 8/17/1980 #35462 uard look for the object and see a light about 1,200 feet to the north, sli 8/17/1980 #35462 evening. It had a sweeping beam of light. It reportedly polymorphed into a 8/18/1980 #35464 ia Facility guards saw a nocturnal light maneuvering at high speeds over th 8/22/1980 #35476 China saw an object emitting white light and traveling on an irregular cour 8/23/1980 #35478 T shape with a surrounding halo of light. 8/24/1980 #35479 amera. It appears as a small round light behind her son’s head in the photo 9/3/1980 #35493 t hilltop. As they drive past, one light blinks out, leaving two side by si 9/6/1980 #35501 2 observer(s). UFO with 3 rings / light inside hovers motionless / 2 minut 9/8/1980 #35503 tles into place as a distant white light source that persists until dawn at 9/11/1980 #35514 . The other two men saw a flash of light hit the hood of the truck. All thr 9/25/1980 #35535 when they see a streetlight-shaped light source slightly above the treetops 9/26/1980 #35536 m. Even after their car turns, the light stays on their left side. They dri 9/26/1980 #35536 ied all convention.” A very bright light is seen by the pilot of an RAF F-4 10/1980 #35551 moon and possibly surrounded by a light glow. As it moves overhead, they h 10/1/1980? #35552 BUBYE, ZIMBABWE 1 observer. Night light seen from hotel window. "Frosted l 10/10/1980 #35561 t seen from hotel window. "Frosted light bulb" going quickly [to] away. 10/10/1980 #35561 T RIXON, ZIMBABWE Girl / 13. Night light hovers then moves off going quickl 10/10/1980 #35562 r(s). Several UFO's respond / cops light signals. Type unknown. / MJ#154. 10/18/1980 #35575 ts on the sides and a red and blue light on the front and back. It is movin 10/19/1980 #35576 . 900' saucer hovers. Cone / green light shines going down. / r150. 10/22/1980 #35579 t with body lights shone brilliant light beam down smoke stacks, accelerate 10/23/1980 #35581 t with body lights shone brilliant light beam down smoke stacks, accelerate 10/23/1980 #35582 just above the stack. A brilliant light erupts from the forward angle and 10/23/1980 #35584 e south stack and shine the bright light inside. It then moves off at 5–10 10/23/1980 #35584 t and connected by a white tube of light. Greenlee County Sheriff Ralph Gom 10/23/1980 #35584 12 feet apart with a flashing red light in back like a lopsided triangle. 10/26/1980 #35589 12 feet apart with a flashing red light in back like a lopsided triangle. 10/26/1980 #35591 ke a lopsided triangle. Each white light is about 3 feet in diameter, and t 10/26/1980 #35591 passes to the right of a security light. There is no reflection of metal a 10/26/1980 #35591 king no sound and lights making no light. When it was over the barn roof, t 10/26/1980 #35591 teady white lights with a flashing light in the back. When it moved further 10/26/1980 #35592 way it looked like a bright orange light in the southwestern sky. 10/26/1980 #35592 light humming sound. It shone four light beams down on them in their car. 10/28/1980 #35594 minutes later, when it shined four light beams down on witnesses in a car. 10/29/1980 #35595 He spots an orange, bullet-shaped light that is keeping even with him at 2 11/5/1980 #35620 ping even with him at 212 mph. The light brightens and begins to pulse with 11/5/1980 #35620 A man observes a stationary white light some 30° up in the western sky nea 11/10/1980 #35626 minute(s). Going southeast rising. Light humming? 11/13/1980 #35635 UAN, CH Airmen. Orange-white night light hovers / 45° elevation. Drops goin 11/14/1980 #35637 r / fast spin. Strong yellow-white light. 11/15/1980 #35641 TRENTON, MO 3+describe delta-UFO. Light / cockpit windows visible. No furt 11/18/1980 #35651 Longmont, CO Light beamed onto car, lights and radio 11/19/1980 #35658 a loud “whish” and a beam of blue light strikes their car. Their headlight 11/19/1980 #35659 ncountered an intense blue beam of light and felt the rear wheels of their 11/19/1980 #35660 ew Lenox, Illinois, sees two green light sources from his bedroom window. T 11/24/1980 #35664 od, Illinois, watch a bright white light that fluctuates in brightness and 11/25/1980 #35669 . They encountered a green beam of light off to the side of highway and ahe 11/27/1980 #35675 lost consciousness after a beam of light from the object struck him. Then h 11/28/1980 #35680 y down on the bed, where a beam of light from the ceiling shone down on him 11/28/1980 #35680 HF). Three other cops saw a bright light moving toward Todmorden at the tim 11/28/1980 #35680 an Godfrey allegedly sees a bright light ahead on Burnley Road that appears 11/29/1980 #35682 hen a luminous, blue-white ball of light came briefly over the right side o 12/3/1980 #35688 see a luminous, blue-white ball of light to the east. The FM radio of their 12/3/1980 #35690 dim, and the car heater quits when light comes briefly over the right side 12/3/1980 #35690 ide of the hood. They estimate the light to be about a foot in diameter and 12/3/1980 #35690 comes on during the encounter. The light just vanishes. 12/3/1980 #35690 hen a luminous, blue-white ball of light came briefly over the right side o 12/3/1980 #35691 the car’s hood. They estimated the light to be about a foot in diameter and 12/3/1980 #35691 CHENGDU, SICHUAN, CH Night light zigzags like a saw going quickly n 12/4/1980 #35694 circumference, and was struck by a light beam on the chest and felt paralyz 12/4/1980 #35695 rn marks on chest corresponding to light beam position. (NICAP: 02 - Close 12/4/1980 #35695 ois, see a stationary bright white light about half the size of the full mo 12/5/1980 #35701 e same spot alone and sees another light for about one minute. When he call 12/5/1980 #35701 watches the object emit a beam of light, rotate once, and fly away at a gr 12/6/1980 #35704 , CH Many observer(s). Round night light. Slow then fast. Stops / 3 second( 12/8/1980 #35706 to move in the same direction. The light increases speed, still bobbing and 12/13/1980 #35712 out, seeing an “intense twinkling light descending in rapid, jerking movem 12/14/1980 #35716 although it shows only a point of light in a cloudless sky, it does corrob 12/15/1980 #35719 lowing cloud / clear sky. Funnel / light going down / ground. 12/18/1980 (approximate) #35725 horses alerted, then ran as small light flew by (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reacti 12/18/1980 #35727 -like object with a hazy funnel of light that reached downward to the groun 12/18/1980 #35728 ughs only reports a blinding white light.) Shortly after 4:00 a.m., local p 12/26/1980 #35737 ted the entire forest with a white light. Description: Metallic in appearan 12/27/1980 #35738 d triangular in shape, pulsing red light on top and banks of blue lights un 12/27/1980 #35738 NEAR MARTLESHAM, SUFFLK Night light follows car. Going up [to] fast. C 12/27/1980 #35739 otuberance that shines a brilliant light, and the outer edge emits regular 12/27/1980 #35747 ge emits regular flashes of yellow light. They watch it for 7 minutes until 12/27/1980 #35747 mmander, Colonel Halt. A nocturnal light had been sighted repeatedly over s 12/27/1980 #35748 military witnesses, the UFO shone light beams into the nuclear weapons sto 12/27/1980 #35748 escribed as being round with a red light on top and several blue lights und 12/27/1980 #35748 ham in Suffolk county, a nocturnal light followed a car and then shot up in 12/27/1980 #35748 ing this investigation, a flashing light is seen across the field to the ea 12/28/1980 #35749 and seems to beam down a stream of light from time to time. Astronomers hav 12/28/1980 #35749 re it comes!” and sees a small red light that quickly approaches his group 12/28/1980 #35750 ped object topped by a glowing red light. Covering the entire surface are w 12/28/1980 #35750 ject comes a bright bluish ball of light. Warren claims he can see large-he 12/28/1980 #35750 nts from December 26, the flashing light seen from the forest lay in the sa 12/28/1980 #35750 itnesses attempted to approach the light, they realized it was further off 12/28/1980 #35750 s tape recording indicate that the light he saw, which lay in the same dire 12/28/1980 #35750 h lay in the same direction as the light seen two nights earlier, flashed e 12/28/1980 #35750 her two passengers notice a bright light ahead. As they draw within about 1 12/29/1980 #35757 the car and stared at the blinding light and a metallic structure as big as 12/29/1980 #35758 characteristics: the presence of a light beam, loss of control of the vehic 1981 #35762 a “perfectly round white circle of light,” about 1.5 inches in diameter, mo 1981 #35763 d in their bedroom each night. The light is seen for about a month, no matt 1981 #35763 hovers, and directs a wide beam of light on the ground. After 5–7 minutes i 1/1981 #35768 2 / boat. 2 night lights exchange light beams. Sea lit. Batteries dead. 1/8/1981 #35775 saw two nocturnal lights exchange light beams. The sea was illuminated by 1/8/1981 #35776 saw two nocturnal lights exchange light beams. The sea was illuminated by 1/8/1981 #35781 nd emitting multi-colored beams of light. Three human like beings cold be c 2/1981 #35810 Under hypnosis she recalled that a light shone on her and she suddenly foun 2/10/1981 #35823 men. The beings were humanoid with light bulb shaped heads and with large u 2/10/1981 #35823 ttently gave off bright flashes of light. At this time his dogs began barki 2/13/1981 #35827 lin, OH 2:00 AM. A brilliant white light that began filling her room awaken 2/15/1981 #35829 his hut he saw a "beautiful" blue light hovering over a field about 20 met 2/18/1981 #35831 his hut he saw a "beautiful" blue light hovering over a field about 20 met 2/18/1981 #35832 next memory was of seeing a bright light quickly flying away. He described 2/18/1981 #35832 ified. Albornoz said the spherical light was bluish in color, and it did no 2/18/1981 #35832 TMENT, CA 2+observer(s). Red night light back. Slow pass overhead then fast 2/19/1981 #35835 liant square headlights and a blue light underneath. It made a deep, low-pi 2/19/1981 #35837 CA Pilot and 1+1. Bright red night light / sharp turns. 2nd night light spl 2/28/1981 #35848 ght light / sharp turns. 2nd night light splits off. 2/28/1981 #35848 ops and more/others. Intense night light. Columbia River like day! Dims and 3/17/1981 #35865 edge of town when he sees a bright light apparently above the Columbia Rive 3/17/1981 #35866 hington, and watching a stationary light over the river. Atkins transmits a 3/17/1981 #35866 south and see a bright orange-red light about 80–100 feet above the river, 3/17/1981 #35866 O photo. He notices a small orange light over the city moving in a zig-zag 3/20/1981 #35868 takes a time exposure photo as the light blinks out. 3/20/1981 #35868 exposure photos of orange balls of light east of London, Ohio, near Madison 3/21/1981 #35870 head and above them that has a red light on a central dome and white flashi 3/21/1981 #35871 Alton, IL Huge bright light went to very dim, had lights on th 3/30/1981 #35880 Illinois 10:00 p.m. A huge bright light hovers over trees for 10 minutes i 3/30/1981 #35881 is churning motion of bright white light with yellow and orange colors in i 3/30/1981 #35881 d the top of a hill another larger light appeared. The witness pulled off t 4/1/1981 #35883 the car, moments later a flash of light shot up into the sky (NICAP: 02 - 4/1/1981 #35883 feet in diameter that is radiating light over its circumference due to an i 4/3/1981 #35884 cumference due to an intense white light at its center. It speeds away to t 4/3/1981 #35884 on the sides and very bright white light on the leading edge flew over Moun 4/15/1981 #35897 in their car saw a strong reddish light descending from the sky. The engin 4/15/1981 #35898 on the sides and very bright white light on the leading edge flew over Moun 4/15/1981 #35900 n the underside and a bright white light on top flies over his car. He esti 4/16/1981 #35901 ENO, NV 4' metal saucer buzzes 2 / light plane. Going quickly [to] cloudy m 4/20/1981 #35905 NEAR LINHARES, BRZ Brilliant light. Driver wakens 1000km away / north 4/20/1981 #35906 o state at 6:30 p.m. when a bright light overtook and blinded him. He recov 4/20/1981 #35910 time a married couple saw a bright light hovering over some nearby woods in 4/25/1981 #35917 very beautiful to watch, of golden light.” One or two seconds later, a seco 5/5/1981 #35930 craft follows truck / miles. Beams light going up / turbulent cloud.. 5/12/1981 #35932 truck for 15 miles. It had a white light and two orange lights. As it direc 5/12/1981 #35934 e lights. As it directed a beam of light at their vehicle the truck lost po 5/12/1981 #35934 the car approached, but a glowing light flew off to the west. (NICAP: 02 - 5/16/1981 #35939 the car approached, but a glowing light flew off to the west. 5/16/1981 #35941 und its outer edge and a dim white light radiating from the center of its f 5/20/1981 #35943 ONDON 1 observer. Big square white light goes over house. / Bromley times, 5/21/1981 #35944 on saw a huge whitish-blue ball of light, the size of a house, on the right 6/1/1981 #35949 ght of it at 5:45 a.m. The ball of light rolled across in front of a car be 6/1/1981 #35949 lly. A second object with a bright light appears slightly above it, moving 6/10/1981 #35961 ovoid / low altitude. Drops night light and extends beam / light / woods. 6/15/1981 #35971 ops night light and extends beam / light / woods. 6/15/1981 #35971 OUTH / ALENQUER, BRAZIL Big ball / light zigzags behind ferryboat. Saucer r 6/20/1981 #35976 Washington State saw a slow moving light descend in the sky, moving toward 6/22/1981 #35979 , moving toward the northwest. The light entered a long, thin cloud, and ne 6/22/1981 #35979 They drove under the source of the light and then it vanished. 6/22/1981 #35979 tion when he saw a green and white light go 1,000 to 1,500 feet into the ai 6/28/1981 #35980 eported seeing mysterious balls of light at 10:15 p.m. 7/4/1981 #35988 the regular lights, is a brilliant light. Suddenly the lights go out. He he 7/11/1981 #35996 the regular lights, is a brilliant light. Suddenly the lights go out. He he 7/11/1981 #35998 A nocturnal light hung stationary in the sky over th 7/12/1981 #36004 n remembers being hit by a beam of light. She felt pain and was floated int 7/15/1981 #36008 is glowing with an internal yellow light, which goes out as the object appr 7/22/1981 #36023 thwest. Stops near TV-tower. Night light exits. Saucer going down / 50M alt 7/28/1981 #36038 to be metallic. Behind it is a red light traveling in tandem. It passes ove 7/30/1981 #36041 ing west, without the trailing red light. 7/30/1981 #36041 BRUSCARELLA, ITL 3 kids. Cone / light maneuvers. Orange beams. Going dow 8/5/1981 #36057 At 10:30 p.m. a cone of light maneuvered at 20 meters altitude, 8/5/1981 #36060 Italy. The UFO had orange beams of light, and cause an electrical power out 8/5/1981 #36060 to a tripod. He notices a distant light flashing like a strobe far to the 8/12/1981 #36070 s soon joined by a second strobing light, and both move northeast in a stra 8/12/1981 #36070 ith a disabling beam observer(s) / light. All vanish. / MJ#183. 8/15/1981 #36074 of Mutare, Zimbabwe, see a ball of light moving around at a low level. Clif 8/15/1981 #36075 men wearing silver coveralls. The light is too bright to see clearly, and 8/15/1981 #36075 ralls were seen briefly before the light went out. 8/15/1981 #36076 o the sky, shining a beam of white light towards the ground. The witness fi 8/30/1981 #36093 Silver disk extends dome. CATs-eye light opens and closes! Circles going no 8/31/1981 #36094 e, France. It emitted two beams of light. Ground traces and a powder residu 9/5/1981 #36102 hill. Six or seven broad shafts of light are shining down on the rooftops b 9/10/1981 #36108 go inside, a lime-green pencil of light comes from the object and hits the 9/10/1981 #36108 her hand and she cannot move. The light remains for 30 seconds; when it sw 9/10/1981 #36108 with a pencil thin, green beam of light from a 125 foot wide, metallic app 9/10/1981 #36109 ting 6 to 7 pink, purple and white light beams. The green beam of light fro 9/10/1981 #36109 ite light beams. The green beam of light from the UFO hit her left hand, an 9/10/1981 #36109 soon saw a bright football-shaped light that appeared to descend into the 9/11/1981 #36110 fter checking where he thought the light had landed, and failing to find an 9/11/1981 #36110 o drive back to the site where the light had come down. When he arrived he 9/11/1981 #36110 d soon saw a reddish orange yellow light floating about 100 meters away. Te 9/11/1981 #36110 elf being levitated up towards the light. His next recollection was of bein 9/11/1981 #36110 A man saw a bright football-shaped light that appeared to descend into the 9/12/1981 #36111 d soon saw a reddish orange yellow light floating about 100 meters away. Te 9/12/1981 #36111 elf being levitated up towards the light. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (N 9/12/1981 #36111 soon saw a bright football-shaped light that appeared to descend into the 9/12/1981 #36112 fter checking where he thought the light had landed, and failing to find an 9/12/1981 #36112 o drive back to the site where the light had come down. When he arrived he 9/12/1981 #36112 d soon saw a reddish orange yellow light floating about 100 meters away. Te 9/12/1981 #36112 elf being levitated up towards the light. His next recollection was of bein 9/12/1981 #36112 his car was enveloped in a blazing light which allegedly melted his tape re 9/16/1981 #36118 n Simi Valley, California, watch a light approach and see a triangular obje 9/18/1981 #36128 itched hum. A blinking, red-orange light is at the rear. Two or three small 9/18/1981 #36128 nd of the freeway in Moorpark, the light resolves into five separate lights 9/18/1981 #36129 OPERANG, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 3M tube / light spots observer(s) / motorbike goin 9/27/1981 #36142 ver. 1 on car. 1 on plants. Fan of light swoops going quickly south. 10/5/1981 #36158 eyes also appeared not to reflect light. They seemed unaccustomed to typic 10/5/1981 #36159 him, when suddenly a bright green light was seen descending over the surfa 10/8/1981 #36165 he surface of the lake. Inside the light appeared to be a gray metallic ova 10/8/1981 #36165 ad. Many white lights and 1 orange light / pole. 10/14/1981 #36171 parent, through which a blue-white light shines, and a red light is in the 10/15/1981 #36172 blue-white light shines, and a red light is in the rear. A clear and pierci 10/15/1981 #36172 he two terrified men, focusing its light on Boro. He climbed a tree and Fer 10/17/1981 #36176 LICATA, ITL 2 / beach. Light going up / water. Hairy 2M creatur 10/24/1981 #36183 They stopped and both saw a second light that moved around and flew up and 10/24/1981 #36186 ow or white. Sometimes a small red light appears in front of the others, th 11/1981 #36201 uminated the ground with a beam of light. 11/1/1981 #36203 him, when suddenly a bright green light was seen descending over the surfa 11/8/1981 #36211 he surface of the lake. Inside the light appeared to be a gray metallic, ov 11/8/1981 #36211 box-like crafts change shape. Give light / many colors. 11/12/1981 #36217 OM SOUTHPORT, TASM Half-moon night light maneuvers. Follows motorcycle / 6k 11/17/1981 #36223 Domed disc hovered nearby, beamed light down onto truck. Driver fled, obje 11/24/1981 #36230 r fled, object followed and beamed light on truck a second time before depa 11/24/1981 #36230 Domed disc hovered nearby, beamed light down onto truck. Driver fled, obje 11/24/1981 #36231 r fled, object followed and beamed light on truck a second time before depa 11/24/1981 #36231 a close encounter with a blinding light on State Route 43 in Madison, sout 11/28/1981 #36236 Manchester, England. The UFO has a light on each corner; one of the lights 12/1981 #36239 clothing when she noticed a bright light approaching over the nearby Coca-C End of 1981 #36240 the nearby Coca-Cola factory. The light became bigger as it approached her End of 1981 #36240 Ali Ozel sees an extremely bright light hovering at a distance of 650–980 12/15/1981 #36257 y, Nigde province, Turkey a bright light shaped like a "flying tray" hovere 12/15/1981 #36258 s startled to see a huge fire like light, illuminating a mass clump of tree 12/17/1981 #36262 ter wide spinning luminous ball of light fly over a church at 20 meters alt 12/19/1981 #36268 -shaped object shedding a greenish light over the building site of the Aksa 12/21/1981 #36273 omplex with a bright green colored light in Aksaray, Turkey. It flew at an 12/21/1981 #36274 nly they saw a very bright beam of light shining down to earth from somewhe 1982 #36284 somewhere in the sky. The beam of light appeared to be scanning the surfac 1982 #36284 FORD, QLD 1 observer. Silent night light going northeast / just over farm r 1/20/1982 #36305 DEN KER NT.PARK, QLD 2 boys. Night light maneuvers / electric storm. Beams 1/23/1982 #36307 Stockdale, TX A flashing light with irregular flashes of red and 1/24/1982 #36309 A flashing light with irregular flashes of red and 1/24/1982 #36312 lue body lights and two huge white light beams in front through their south 1/31/1982 #36317 -shaped object with a blinking red light on the bottom. Terrified, she hide 2/2/1982 #36321 ASP Flight 169, notices an intense light source while flying over Petrolina 2/8/1982 #36327 enticular form. At this point, the light emanating from the UFO penetrates 2/8/1982 #36327 A UFO with an intense, lime green light hovered just six feet above the sn 2/10/1982 #36331 s all the way around it, and a red light shines through the windows. The si 2/10/1982 #36334 a UFO with an intense, lime green light hovered just six feet above the sn 2/10/1982 #36335 s all the way around it, and a red light shone through the windows. Their s 2/10/1982 #36337 Lockport, Illinois, when he sees a light similar to an aircraft landing lig 2/12/1982 #36340 ght similar to an aircraft landing light over the Lockport locks and dam. I 2/12/1982 #36340 armoth was asleep when a brilliant light filled her bedroom. She looked out 2/15/1982 #36346 , ARG Campers signal erratic night light. Big glowing-disk nears. Dives / l 2/19/1982 #36350 ST / WILLARD, WI Cop. Silent night light lights large area. Puts out photoc 2/24/1982 #36361 2 miles west of town when a bright light approaches him on his left. He sto 2/24/1982 #36365 ears no sound from the object. The light follows him as he returns to Neill 2/24/1982 #36365 as he returns to Neillsville. The light is so bright he can see the road p 2/24/1982 #36365 the road plainly. At one point the light crosses the road ahead of him for 2/24/1982 #36365 domed saucer / low altitude beams light / trees. Rises. Hovers. Shoots off 2/25/1982 #36367 witness's car and shone a beam of light onto the ground. The UFO came very 2/25/1982 #36368 , Pennsylvania and shone a beam of light onto the ground. The UFO came very 2/25/1982 #36369 lled by an unknown force towards a light that was hovering at tree top leve 3/1982 #36373 3:30 a.m. a brilliant red ball of light (BOL) flew at a very low altitude 3/14/1982 #36391 te lights and a small blinking red light. 3/21/1982 #36405 chigan, when he sees an orange-red light, which gets bigger and begins flas 3/23/1982 #36412 they have seen a yellow spherical light, 12 a cigar-shaped object, and 6 a 3/26/1982 #36414 TRALIA 2 / van and 1. Silent night light follows van / 100km. Electro-magne 3/28/1982 #36415 er road. U-turn going north. Night light back 01 April. 3/30/1982 #36417 when she spots a large, brilliant light in the sky hovering several hundre 3/30/1982 #36419 r object with rounded apexes and a light in each corner was sighted by thre 4/1/1982 #36426 bright object with a flashing red light just above the trees. A few minute 4/1/1982 #36427 nescent mist surrounding it. A red light is on the front, with white and am 4/1/1982 #36427 r object with rounded apexes and a light in each corner was sighted by thre 4/1/1982 #36429 er lands 2X by power lines. Street light malfunctions due to EME (electro-m 4/3/1982 #36431 only about 50 yards away. The blue light from the object illuminated the ar 4/3/1982 #36434 he area as bright as day. A street light went out. The police received call 4/3/1982 #36434 tened when they see a blinking red light on the craft. They watch the UFO m 4/8/1982 #36442 róda and Olsztyn encounter a weird light at 47,500 feet that does not appea 4/22/1982 #36450 p cupola and is emanating beams of light from the underside. Around it is s 4/22/1982 #36450 e. The object had a turquoise blue light on top and portholes. It flew low 4/29/1982 #36456 m. The object had a turquoise blue light on top and portholes. It flew low 4/29/1982 #36457 :00 p.m. There was a red pulsating light contained within the dome. It was 5/5/1982 #36464 e searching the area with beams of light. It rose up and flew away. (NICAP: 5/12/1982 #36470 e searching the area with beams of light. It rose up and flew away. 5/12/1982 #36471 The object emitted a blue beam of light and came around to the front of th 5/20/1982 #36476 Queensland, Australia saw a bright light descend. They noted that it was a 5/20/1982 #36477 ower part. It emitted blue beam of light at front of car. They had a period 5/20/1982 #36477 BOWNA, AUSTR Night light paces car / 7M altitude. Hovers / 5/23/1982 #36483 a, New South Wales, AU A nocturnal light paced a car in Bowna, New South Wa 5/23/1982 #36484 At 3:30 a.m. a nocturnal light paced a car in Bowna, New South Wa 5/23/1982 #36485 urkey 10:15 p.m. An orange-colored light is seen by many tourists moving at 5/24/1982 #36486 in water; instant relocation, red light beam shone on house, then on car ( 6/10/1982 #36496 in water. Instant relocation, red light beam shone on house, then on car 6/10/1982 #36497 with an oscillatory motion. A red light beam shines down on the house and 6/10/1982 #36498 AL crews. 20km dome / yellow white light / horizon. Slowly fades. 6/18/1982 #36505 (RFI). Brill object becomes dome / light. / r175. 6/18/1982 #36508 r(s). Saucer buzzes. Emits coil! / light going down. Maneuvers. Shoots away 6/18/1982 #36509 hirling fast and creating rings of light. After 10 seconds, the center of t 6/18/1982 #36510 England when they noticed a bright light above an empty piece of property. 7/22/1982 #36545 ve an empty piece of property. The light moved to the north and became a li 7/22/1982 #36545 olds saw an intense beam of white light from a multi-colored UFO in a fiel 7/23/1982 #36546 abre--saw an intense beam of white light from a multi-colored UFO in a fiel 7/23/1982 #36547 the treeline, projecting a beam of light into the sky which moved back and 8/2/1982 #36559 dows in the dome cast a flickering light Early 8/1982 #36560 , AZ 3+3 observer(s). Night lights light canyon. Object lands / Indian fami 8/10/1982 #36564 he tree line, projecting a beam of light into the sky which moved back and 8/10/1982 #36568 ght beam had disappeared and a new light beam had begun rotating in a downw 8/10/1982 #36568 turned a corner, a bright beam of light shone down into their car "bathing 8/10/1982 #36568 eir car "bathing the driver in red light." The light and object then disapp 8/10/1982 #36568 hing the driver in red light." The light and object then disappeared. 8/10/1982 #36568 by a beam from a nocturnal ball of light at around 6 a.m. He became sick, l 8/26/1982 #36583 r vehicle was suddenly engulfed in light and an object then flew over them. 9/1982 #36588 2+1 observer(s). Small white night light buzzes observers. Swoosh sound. Ho 9/1/1982 #36591 er/cigar-shape / low altitude. Red light. White beam searches ground. 9/4/1982 #36594 nstown, Pennsylvania. It had a red light and a white beam that searched the 9/4/1982 #36596 S PEAK, WA 3 / fire lookout. Night light hovers. Dims out when plane passes 9/9/1982 #36598 Pennsylvania when hit by a beam of light, hovered for two minutes, then ros 9/11/1982 #36600 ight white saucer stops when hit / light. Hovers 2 minute(s). Rises going u 9/12/1982 #36601 , South Atlantic A bright patch of light exploded into an orange fireball n 9/17/1982 #36606 ON UFO Journal, it flashed rays of light and made no sound. A geiger counte 9/17/1982 #36606 At 11:03 p.m. a bright patch of light exploded into an orange fireball n 9/17/1982 #36608 ON UFO Journal, it flashed rays of light and made no sound. A geiger counte 9/17/1982 #36608 y LeClair) see a low-flying bright light approaching. Poland pulls the car 9/30/1982 #36622 nd its equator and a white beam of light coming down from the side. After a 9/30/1982 #36622 TTLE MOUNTAIN, WY 2 hunters. Night light swerves around stars. Impossible m 10/2/1982 #36626 nt white lights and a blinking red light. It hovers 100–150 feet nearly abo 10/2/1982 #36629 ed, and it gave off white beams of light. It finally moved away silently a 10/2/1982 #36630 nmark, Norway, see three points of light appear above the mountains to the 10/14/1982 #36641 the south-southeast. Each point of light is made up of several smaller ligh 10/14/1982 #36641 nds, or about 35,000 mph. Suddenly light rays flash down toward the ground 10/14/1982 #36641 he rays begin to widen just as the light begins to diminish in strength. In 10/14/1982 #36641 nds the cones became “an ocean” of light with an opening angle of some 180° 10/14/1982 #36641 soid object that gives off a faint light, but nevertheless is distinctly vi 10/14/1982 #36641 s cigar-shaped with a steady green light in front and a flashing green ligh 10/18/1982 #36653 ight in front and a flashing green light in back. They have it in sight for 10/18/1982 #36653 b/globe with tube structure buzzes light plane / complex trajectory. See re 10/24/1982 #36661 a nozzle with four tubes, buzzed a light aircraft being flown by a student 10/24/1982 #36664 rver(s). Silent bright white night light follows trees. Makes 180° back. Se 11/4/1982 #36675 :45 PM. A brilliant round, intense light was seen in the sky over Lombard, 11/6/1982 #36676 A brilliant round, intense light was seen in the sky over Lombard, 11/6/1982 #36677 / TEMPERANCEVILLE, VA Saucer beams light going down / car. 3 figure(s) move 11/19/1982 #36685 ular object with body lights shone light beam down into field, three humano 11/19/1982 #36686 ular object with body lights shone light beam down into field, three humano 11/19/1982 #36687 on her way to work noticed a green light over a field directly ahead of her 11/19/1982 #36688 and looked in the direction of the light, and noticed that it was on a circ 11/19/1982 #36688 that was shining a bright shaft of light onto the field. In the center of t 11/19/1982 #36688 window illuminated by a soft white light. Inside the window she could see t 11/19/1982 #36688 ” which was seen to emit a beam of light towards the ground. The UFO then d 11/27/1982 #36691 ed. Domed disc shape seen to east, light beam toward ground, descended behi 11/27/1982 #36693 ed. Domed disc shape seen to east, light beam toward ground, descended behi 11/27/1982 #36695 30 feet in diameter, which emits a light beam toward the ground, then chang 11/27/1982 #36697 is later seen to the east, with a light beam extended toward the ground, a 11/27/1982 #36697 feet in diameter, which emitted a light beam toward the ground. It began w 11/27/1982 #36698 was later seen to the east, with a light beam extended toward the ground, a 11/27/1982 #36698 outside where a brilliant beam of light fell on him and he was confronted 11/29/1982 #36702 observer(s). 2 semicircles / white light connected by 2 bars / red light. 12/10/1982 #36710 te light connected by 2 bars / red light. 12/10/1982 #36710 oked like two semicircles of white light connected by two bars of red light 12/10/1982 #36713 light connected by two bars of red light. 12/10/1982 #36713 ADDINGTON, WEST AUSTR Orange night light follows car. Hides / car slows. Pa 12/21/1982 #36719 Maddington, AU 1:50 PM. An orange light followed a car down a highway in M 12/21/1982 #36721 ter closely following his car. The light spreads inside the car as the obje 12/21/1982 #36723 the globe. At 1:50 p.m. an orange light followed a car down a highway in M 12/21/1982 #36724 A green beam of light shone into a house on this night i 12/30/1982 #36729 ghts that project a bright beam of light to the ground. It is so large that 12/31/1982 #36733 extraterrestrial” and come from 50 light years away. He mentions Project Aq 1/10/1983 #36742 ectives witnessed two triangles of light fly over Cardiff, Wales at dusk. 1/18/1983 #36748 gy Iery sees a large central white light with two flanking lights over some 1/27/1983 #36754 erfect pentagon with a small white light at each of the corners; the bottom 1/27/1983 #36754 car. Cylinder/cylindrical object / light = glowing-ovoid. All observer(s) v 1/30/1983 #36755 close encounter with a cylinder of light, which became a glowing ovoid obje 1/30/1983 #36756 At 9:30 p.m. a bright light near the southeastern horizon appr 3/10/1983 #36778 Reading, UK UFO Alert as Mystery Light Passes over Berks (NICAP: 01 - Dis 3/15/1983 #36783 t with it. A slow, brilliant white light is seen by some civilians in Berks 3/15/1983 #36784 ndon, Connecticut, when she sees a light flick by quickly in the sky ahead. Spring 1983 #36790 d by a blue halo. A narrow beam of light descends from it, illuminating the 3/23/1983 #36793 g or V-shaped UFO hovered, emitted light beam downward. (NICAP UFO Evidence 3/24/1983 #36801 g or V-shaped UFO hovered, emitted light beam downward 3/24/1983 #36804 t moment a brilliant beam of white light shoots down from the center of the 3/24/1983 #36806 hich is bathed in a blinding white light as it speeds under the boomerang. 3/24/1983 #36807 at the location also sees a white light on a hillside behind his home and 4/10/1983 #36836 PM. Young man & two friends saw a light with light-beam. (Ridge files) (NI 4/11/1983 #36837 A silent yellowish orange ball of light was seen by a Mr. J. Philips hover 5/4/1983 #36852 a silent, yellowish-orange ball of light over the outskirts of Lawrence, Ka 5/4/1983 #36854 a silent yellowish orange ball of light was seen by a Mr. J. Philips hover 5/4/1983 #36855 irst noticed, then a white beam of light turned on. There was a red light a 5/9/1983 #36857 f light turned on. There was a red light also on the lower part, and small 5/9/1983 #36857 Velho, Rondônia, he sees an opaque light about 30 feet in diameter on his l 5/23/1983 #36865 derately. A few seconds later, the light disappears over the horizon. 5/23/1983 #36865 n, a dark section, then the orange light. After finishing some work in the 6/5/1983 #36876 xtended a rotating dome and orange light, and then flew away toward the sou 6/5/1983 #36877 ghter separately witnessed a large light appear over their pool house after 6/30/1983 #36896 athie Davis”) and her mother see a light about 2 feet in diameter moving ar Early 7/1983 #36900 rojects a brilliant flash of white light downward. It then moves quickly to 7/12/1983 #36909 when they see a bright, stationary light over the center of the town. As th 7/22/1983 #36921 ennsylvania, when he sees a bright light outside his bathroom window. He op 7/25/1983 #36925 esidents report a brilliant orange light over the sewage plant. Still other 7/25/1983 #36925 nd saw a small reddish ellipsoidal light beam strike their truck from above 8/1/1983 #36930 with two winesses for 11 minutes. Light only, possibly explainable with so 8/9/1983 #36939 van he was paralyzed by a beam of light. Four small humanoids wearing dive 8/9/1983 #36940 n minutes. It had strange beams of light and made no sound. 8/9/1983 #36941 He is made to stand under an amber light. The beings speak to him in broken 8/12/1983 #36948 blinking intermittently. A strong light blinks near them and they see a di 8/12/1983 #36949 ic overlook saw a bright pulsating light. As it neared he could see that it 8/13/1983 #36950 As it neared he could see that its light was pulsating every two seconds. H 8/13/1983 #36950 seconds. He could now see that the light was on a disc-shaped object with s 8/13/1983 #36950 KE, IN 2 observer(s). Silent night light lights area. 4' altitude. Gone. 13 8/26/1983 #36957 ened by brilliant white flashes of light reflecting off the trees to the ea 8/26/1983 #36960 he front door flooded with intense light. Her husband is also awake by now, 8/26/1983 #36960 awake by now, and he describes the light as yellowish. Through a picture wi 8/26/1983 #36960 a crackle and notices a ribbon of light moving southeast. Five days later, 8/26/1983 #36960 t for 30 minutes or so. The larger light emits a smaller one that stops and 9/3/1983 #36969 ty, Washington spotted a nocturnal light making zigzag maneuvers in the sky 9/20/1983 #36975 , Indiana. She saw a small ball of light fly through her hallway. Under hyp 10/3/1983 #36995 ize of Winnebago, had two beams of light coming from the bottom. It crossed 10/13/1983 #37005 EWELL, SUFFOLK Bright green blob / light hovers and submerges still aglow. 10/15/1983 #37006 tory in Bend, Oregon watched a red light, possibly with antennas shoot towa 10/25/1983 #37014 tory in Bend, Oregon watched a red light, possibly with antennas shoot towa 10/25/1983 #37017 y night. It had a single revolving light on top, and was the size of a very 10/26/1983 #37024 n from its sides and a red beam of light from the underside probes the wate 10/28/1983 #37026 servoir, each time shining the red light on the water and remaining at a st 10/28/1983 #37026 ough binoculars, they see that the light is cast by a round object with thr 10/28/1983 #37027 rface of a lake with a red beam of light. Every time a car passed by the la 10/28/1983 #37028 North Carolina, notices a ball of light approaching her. She goes inside t 11/28/1983 #37052 d and two children. They watch the light approach to within 400 feet, where 11/28/1983 #37052 rumble. Green 10' ball near home. Light goes out as noise stops. 11/29/1983 #37054 eved saucer material as “extremely light and very tough,” and he had heard 11/29/1983 #37057 ying saucer crashes were extremely light and tough,” and were likely analyz 11/29/1983 #37058 es a triangular UFO with an orange light at each apex. It makes a low droni 12/1983 #37059 car. Suddenly a beam of white-red light strikes him and somehow pulls him 12/14/1983 #37074 s become uneasy in presence of red light (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 1984 #37090 notices a strong, slightly bluish light on his right. Radar in Curitiba an 1984 #37096 o not have it on their scopes. The light then accelerates forward, rises, a 1984 #37096 or 1985. Contractors told Mills a light beam coming from space hit three o 1984 #37098 us triangle preceded by a flashing light passes over Guildford, Surrey, Eng 1/1984 #37102 shington, Wisconsin, when a bright light shines through the bedroom window. 1/3/1984 #37105 shore of Lake Michigan. The center light, as bright as a searchlight, rotat 1/3/1984 #37105 d with tubes and grill work. A red light in the center of the object detach 1/9/1984 #37125 A speeding red light, the shape of a triangle and large 1/14/1984 #37130 s and several. 30M vertical cone / light / yard. Trees thrash. Electro-magn 1/20/1984 #37131 19,000 mph. On another occasion, a light under constant visual observation 1/21/1984 #37136 , changing from a regular flashing light to a double-flashing light. The to 1/21/1984 #37136 lashing light to a double-flashing light. The total number of sightings in 1/21/1984 #37136 ating come out well enough to show light spectra, and only two of these are 1/21/1984 #37136 es: a white or blue-white flashing light, high in the air; a yellow light w 1/21/1984 #37136 g light, high in the air; a yellow light with a red light on the top, somet 1/21/1984 #37136 the air; a yellow light with a red light on the top, sometimes flashing; an 1/21/1984 #37136 and a slow-moving, yellow or white light that maneuvers, stops for an hour 1/21/1984 #37136 ights car interior red. Many night light reports. 1/22/1984 #37137 white lights and a corona of white light covering its entire surface. As th 1/22/1984 #37142 d a large brilliant ball of orange light in a stationary position about 900 1/22/1984 #37143 bserves a brilliant orange ball of light about 900 feet hovering above a ne 1/22/1984 #37144 y over the car. It has an L-shaped light pattern on its underside with two 1/22/1984 #37146 with two red lights and one green light. The glow from the red light illum 1/22/1984 #37146 green light. The glow from the red light illuminates the car interior. The 1/22/1984 #37146 white lights and a corona of white light surrounding it. As it approaches t 1/22/1984 #37147 for 3 minutes. A vertical shaft of light comes from the top of the object. 1/22/1984 #37147 the interior of the car with a red light. There were many nocturnal light r 1/22/1984 #37148 d light. There were many nocturnal light reports in the area on the same ev 1/22/1984 #37148 ng. At 7:09 p.m. an orange ball of light hovered silently for one minute ov 1/22/1984 #37148 RADAR / 2 echoes. Venus-size night light vanishes when FOTO'd. 1/25/1984 #37151 out-of-control into ditch, bright light, 75 minutes missing time. 1/26/1984 #37153 a diamond formation with the fifth light in the center of the formation. Af 1/27/1984 #37156 VILLE, PA 1 observer. Silent night light overhead / treetop level. Hovers / 1/31/1984 #37168 Przasnysz Airfield, Poland, sees a light silently coming in his direction. 2/1984 #37172 ing rooted to the spot. Noticing a light at its rear end, he considers taki 2/1984 #37172 s his room illuminated by a bright light. He goes to the window and sees a 2/7/1984 #37180 g in Atco, New Jersey and a bright light illuminated the bedroom. Outside a 2/7/1984 #37181 FINNSAHOGDA, NORW Night light / regular flash. Observer(s) shine 2/12/1984 #37185 h. Observer(s) shines laser. Night light responds / new flash pattern. 2/12/1984 #37185 OYUNGEN LAKE, NORW Night light stops / Hersjoen. Going quickly no 2/13/1984 #37186 on Aspaskjolen, Norway, when a red light flies around his feet and disappea 2/20/1984 #37194 hting patterns that shine beams of light to the ground. The lights approach 2/22/1984 #37198 ove the ground. A jogger reports a light so intense that it hurts his eyes. 2/22/1984 #37198 n [to] = silver 12M saucer! Yellow light / hole / side. Circles and going q 3/2/1984 #37215 2 observer(s). Photographs / night light = dual cylinder/cigar-shape with t 3/20/1984 #37230 laxton, Georgia, notice an unusual light through the trees. As they top a h 3/21/1984 #37237 ifornia, sees a bright red ball of light, about 10 inches in diameter, mane 3/25/1984 #37244 x intense white lights and a green light in the center. A photographer esti 3/25/1984 #37245 O that appeared to ‘fire’ balls of light to the ground for two hours. (NICA 4/1984 #37252 he surface. Each spoke has a white light on the tip. While hovering at tree 4/10/1984 #37257 oid hovers 100M away. Beams cone / light going down / lake. / NURC. 4/13/1984 #37259 ject shines a cone of bright white light onto the surface of the water. Aft 4/13/1984 #37260 BEAVERTON, OR 4 / car. Blue night light zaps yellow fireball. Disintegrate 4/20/1984 #37277 on, see a large, pulsating, yellow light high in the sky. The driver stops, 4/20/1984 #37278 ing it to disintegrate because its light went out. The blue object then sho 4/20/1984 #37279 ights above, and a brilliant white light on top. It is hovering nearby and 4/22/1984 #37281 uvers out and back / 20 minute(s). Light rumble heard. 4/24/1984 #37283 s temporarily blinded by a ball of light from the object that struck her an 4/25/1984 #37290 aps up and runs indoors. A ball of light appears in the air and seems to en 4/25/1984 #37293 s temporarily blinded by a ball of light from the object that struck her an 4/25/1984 #37295 elt a sensation of calm. A beam of light flowed upward from the object. Aft 4/25/1984 #37295 9:45 p.m. Terri West spots an odd light in the sky from her home on Belmon 4/26/1984 #37302 uth and Bruno Novelli to watch the light, which is moving back and forth an 4/26/1984 #37302 ink. Soon it emits a large ball of light that shoots toward the ground. The 4/26/1984 #37302 onstable Richard Milthorp says the light is originally at 45° but after 15 4/26/1984 #37302 Argentina, when they see a strange light like a fireball. The truck stops, 5/5/1984 #37318 of the object is giving off a red light and the lower part a blue light, a 5/5/1984 #37318 ed light and the lower part a blue light, and it hovers above the truck for 5/5/1984 #37318 Residents of Rio Seco also see the light, which illuminates the village. 5/5/1984 #37318 ch team observed a flashing strobe light coming out of the NE heading SW. T 5/18/1984 #37332 ipment. He was working by electric light and suddenly noticed everything ar 5/19/1984 #37334 lit. He looked up to see that the light source was a brilliant orangish-co 5/19/1984 #37334 e was a brilliant orangish-colored light, low in the northwest. (NICAP: 01 5/19/1984 #37334 tion. He looked up to see that the light source was a brilliant orange ligh 5/19/1984 #37335 ight source was a brilliant orange light, low in the northwest sky. It was 5/19/1984 #37335 y silent and he could only see the light, no craft could be seen. He went i 5/19/1984 #37335 s to come back and see the strange light, but he did not wake his wife who 5/19/1984 #37335 ery luminous object shone a bright light into the window of a mobile home i 6/4/1984 #37351 ery luminous object shone a bright light into the window of a mobile home i 6/4/1984 #37352 emits bright, irregular flashes of light. In two minutes it reaches the shi Mid 6/1984 #37364 a red tail and flashing a beam of light from its circumference was seen ho 6/25/1984 #37379 a red tail and flashing a beam of light from its circumference was seen ho 6/25/1984 #37381 . Huge object responds to flashing light. 7 UFO's / wide area. 7/12/1984 #37391 t to see a bright yellowish-orange light. Suddenly the light made a perfect 7/15/1984 #37399 llowish-orange light. Suddenly the light made a perfect vertical drop in mi 7/15/1984 #37399 o get ahead of the object, but the light dropped lower again, and was now d 7/15/1984 #37399 t to see a bright yellowish-orange light. Suddenly the light made a perfect 7/15/1984 #37401 llowish-orange light. Suddenly the light made a perfect vertical drop in mi 7/15/1984 #37401 o get ahead of the object, but the light dropped lower again, and was now d 7/15/1984 #37401 ield.” It directs intense beams of light toward the ground and gives off he 7/19/1984 #37404 Far to the rear is a blinking red light. The dark mass behind the lights b 7/24/1984 #37412 icolored lights and a flashing red light in the rear. The video also shows 7/24/1984 #37413 gar-shape follows fence / pasture. Light whirr. Lights / side. Traces. 7/30/1984 #37423 ture at around 9:00 p.m., making a light whirring noise. It had lights on t 7/30/1984 #37424 e watching a motionless red-orange light for 2 hours. It is actually floati Late Summer 1984 #37434 carefully. The object has one red light, one green light, and eight white 8/20/1984 #37436 bject has one red light, one green light, and eight white lights, and is mo 8/20/1984 #37436 logged as an OBOL (Orange Ball Of Light) and witnessed by the SSD and his 8/30/1984 #37447 Light Street Pavilion Inner Harbor Balti 9/2/1984 #37454 ruce Maccabee is standing near the Light Street Pavilion in the Inner Harbo 9/2/1984 #37454 NORTHEAST / RECONQUISTA, ARG 6 / light plane. Classic saucer paces. Compa 9/23/1984 #37464 CANTO, FIRENZE, ITL Figure / hill. Light / head. Observer(s) paralyzed. Red 10/9/1984 #37482 lorence, Italy 3:30 a.m. A beam of light coming in through a window wakes u 10/9/1984 #37484 the road. Suddenly the figure and light vanish, and Ferri sees a stationar 10/9/1984 #37484 h, and Ferri sees a stationary ink light with three jets projecting downwar 10/9/1984 #37484 nward. After several minutes, this light disappears and an extremely bright 10/9/1984 #37484 ears and an extremely bright white light approaches and floods the area. Fe 10/9/1984 #37484 f paralyzed for a few seconds. The light then withdraws, and he finds he ca 10/9/1984 #37484 finds he can move again. The white light is replaced by a red lens- shaped 10/9/1984 #37484 is replaced by a red lens- shaped light that hurts his eyes then moves on 10/9/1984 #37484 -shape / 800' altitude. Cop shines light going up. Cylinder/cigar-shape nea 10/15/1984 #37486 A disc-shaped object with an amber light on the bottom and red lights in a 10/23/1984 #37489 a disc-shaped object with an amber light on the bottom and red lights in a 10/23/1984 #37490 object. Approached farm. Stood in light for ten minutes, returned to craft 10/24/1984 #37492 riangle/box-like craft with cone / light going down / bay. Canopy / under. 11/26/1984 #37509 the window. They see a red ball of light about as big as a basketball that 12/1984 #37514 o back to watching TV, but the red light taps on the window once more befor 12/1984 #37514 a.m. giving off bursts of flashing light. 12/5/1984 #37517 asmania, AU Gray ellipse, blinding light from underside, landed ahead of ca 12/14/1984 #37524 arrives on January 26, but little light activity is noted. The phenomenon 1/13/1985 #37548 g crazy". She saw two multicolored light clusters hovering over a nearby fi 2/12/1985 #37556 NEAR CHARLESTON, WV 2 / light plane. Large white circle paces pl 2/20/1985 #37558 rtly after midnight a bluish-white light entered a house in California thro 3/1/1985 #37564 mbers being inside a blue shaft of light. 3/1/1985 #37564 ing to the northeast. At a traffic light, the witness is able to take three 3/7/1985 #37566 photos only show a blur of distant light. A day later, the witness develops 3/7/1985 #37566 Saucer going north over town. Red light / 5 windows? / A. Jamaludin. 3/13/1985 #37567 t is traveling close to 350 mph. A light halo surrounds it. The sighting la 5/23/1985 #37592 for 10 minutes, emitting beams of light. 5/23/1985 #37592 aches, he sees it is a huge bright light that switches off as he gets close 7/1985 #37613 Earth, Wisconsin a white nocturnal light projected a beam of light that mov 8/2/1985 #37635 octurnal light projected a beam of light that moved back and forth like a s 8/2/1985 #37635 at 10:00 p.m. It directed beams of light on cars and a house, and radio int 8/31/1985 #37652 armer watched as a glowing ball of light with a beam searched the terrain i 9/11/1985 #37657 am was peculiar because it did not light the ground. 9/11/1985 #37657 beam searching going down. Doesn't light ground! Dogs bark. 9/12/1985 #37658 sky about 100 feet away. A bright light appears at each point of the trian Autumn 1985 #37665 altitude. Birds scared / brilliant light. 10/1985 (approximate) #37668 York. He remembered fog and a blue light before the missing time experience 10/5/1985 #37673 pursuit of at least one nocturnal light. 10/10/1985 #37679 ng toward them. It sends a beam of light to earth at a sharp angle, althoug 11/3/1985 #37699 LO, ID 1 observer. Luminous bar of light cruises mountain peaks northeast g 11/9/1985 #37700 is the size of a large car with a light on each side. Sweeping to the nort 11/19/1985 #37712 erver(s). Night lights and beams / light. 70' ovoid skims trees and buzzes 11/21/1985 #37714 n the third officer on duty sees a light on the horizon ahead. Initially he 12/23/1985 #37735 uickly. Other crew members see the light approaching the ship and reaching 12/23/1985 #37735 opter, and it has an intense white light at its center, a weaker red light 12/23/1985 #37735 light at its center, a weaker red light near it, and another soft light se 12/23/1985 #37735 ed light near it, and another soft light set apart. The object is flying lo 12/23/1985 #37735 Yunnan, China. Suddenly, a ball of light the size of a cantaloupe appears i 1986 #37743 owa County) saw a silent nocturnal light at low altitude that hovered, turn 1/5/1986 #37752 Butler, PA UFO emitted six light beams toward ground. About 20 minu 1/7/1986 #37754 Butler, PA UFO emitted six light beams toward ground. About n minut 1/7/1986 #37755 Pittsburgh A UFO emitting beams of light toward the ground is seen in Butle 1/7/1986 #37756 :54 p.m. a UFO emitted six "solid" light beams towards the ground. About 20 1/7/1986 #37757 delta/triangle/box-like craft. Red light detaches-circles-reattaches / unde 1/9/1986 #37760 ng their home in a brilliant white light. They are so frightened they flee 1/9/1986 #37762 ng their home in a brilliant white light. They were so frightened they fled 1/9/1986 #37763 altitude above the hill, radiating light of varying intensity as it goes up 1/29/1986 #37775 ensity as it goes up and down. The light given off by the object is describ 1/29/1986 #37775 -and-down six times. A very bright light, like flames from a welding torch, 1/29/1986 #37776 for an hour, then the red ball of light took off. Traces at the site inclu 1/29/1986 #37776 minutes, it emits orange bands of light. She wakes her husband, who manage 2/4/1986 #37779 section with a single steady white light on top and sloping sides with a re 2/8/1986 #37783 sloping sides with a red and blue light on the lower left. The object even 2/8/1986 #37783 in the two lower corners and a red light in the top corner, and is hovering 2/12/1986 #37786 and 15-20 feet wide. It had a red light on top, and white lights in the lo 2/12/1986 #37787 SNOQUALMIE PASS, WA 2 / light plane. 2 red orbs off each wing. R 3/1/1986 #37795 ver / (seen thru) telescope. Night light brightens and dims 4x / min. Absol 3/22/1986 #37805 PA 1 observer. 6M glowing circle / light 5cm over ground extends going up. 4/12/1986 #37822 ighted a 6-meter glowing circle of light only 5 cm from the ground in a res 4/12/1986 #37823 descends while radiating a bright light that illuminates the trees. It goe 4/22/1986 #37833 n front, and two green and one red light in the rear. Making a dull humming 5/6/1986 #37855 URG, PA Several observer(s). Night light / mountain. Rises and flies. Helic 5/7/1986 #37856 observer(s). Bright saucer passes light plane / 1200mph going quickly sout 5/11/1986 #37862 ane / 1200mph going quickly south. Light / top. / MJ#222. 5/11/1986 #37862 MINAS GERAIS, BRZ UFO beams strong light all over house. Observer(s) half-b 5/15/1986 #37869 utes. The object flashed a beam of light around the terrain, and it occasio 5/15/1986 #37870 . Because of the brilliance of the light, he shielded his face with his lef 5/15/1986 #37870 his left arm, but at one point the light struck his right eye. Joaquim said 5/15/1986 #37870 an UFO, visible to him as a bright light changing from white to green. Lt. 5/19/1986 #37874 other UFO which was a very intense light, changing from white to green then 5/19/1986 #37874 Xingu light airplane São José dos Campos Brasi 5/19/1986 #37880 Campos Brasilia 9:00 p.m. A Xingu light airplane piloted by Col. Ozires Si 5/19/1986 #37880 sible to him as a strong, constant light that is changing colors continuous 5/19/1986 #37881 Marinho, chases a very intense red light that changes to white, then green, 5/19/1986 #37881 appeared to be red-orange balls of light (BOL), but changed frequently to w 5/19/1986 #37882 rned to follow a bright red-orange light that seemed to dance around in the 5/19/1986 #37882 he twin-engine Xingu aircraft, the light blinked off every 10-15 seconds, o 5/19/1986 #37882 he did see a very intense reddish light that changed color to white, then 5/19/1986 #37882 aw a very strong, intensely bright light, continuously changing color from 5/19/1986 #37882 observer(s). Silver white streak / light docks with small white ball. Going 5/25/1986 #37895 outside. Simultaneously a powerful light came shining through his window, w 5/29/1986 #37898 /cylindrical object with 2 beams / light. Rises over trees. Low humming hea 6/21/1986 #37919 N, FL 1 / car. Bright yellow night light over house. Shoots off when car fl 7/25/1986 #37953 I 1 observer. Vibrant bright night light going up and down [to] over lake. 7/29/1986 #37956 e. Larger object hovers over night light. Cloud going down. 7/29/1986 #37956 11:50 p.m. a very bright nocturnal light was reported over the lake at Stur 7/29/1986 #37957 object was seen hovering over the light, and a cloud. 7/29/1986 #37957 At 9:00 p.m. a huge bright light came at a lady in a pickup truck i 7/31/1986 #37962 bject had a brilliant steady white light and three blinking red lights, and 8/1/1986 #37968 / low altitude drifts / sky. Night light flashes away from it. 8/7/1986 #37973 Shoots going quickly north. White light all around it. 8/12/1986 #37982 he first object is a white ball of light seen for about 60 seconds; the sec 8/12/1986 #37984 utside town when they see a bright light descend. It soon becomes a disc-sh 8/15/1986 #37992 server = repeater. 18M ovoid beams light. 15m altitude. Lights / sides. 8/22/1986 #37998 oot diameter ovoid object, beaming light at 50 feet altitude, at 10:45 p.m. 8/22/1986 #37999 TALLAHASSEE, FL 1 observer. Night light zigzags and bolts west to/from/bet 8/31/1986 #38003 ng, silent, glowing ball of orange light flew from west to east over a golf 9/7/1986 #38020 lt, Pennsylvania a glowing ball of light rose from a field and paced a car 9/7/1986 #38020 rver(s). Bright white object beams light going down / farm. Brief. Same are 9/9/1986 #38022 400' altitude. Silent. Large white light and small orange lights. 9/13/1986 #38026 lands / road / 5 thin legs. Tube / light going down. Retracts. 9/19/1986 #38030 in Fredensborg, Denmark. A tube of light extended from the object, then was 9/19/1986 #38031 or Greys) ride going down / beam / light! Medical exam. 2 hours / missing t 10/1986 #38037 rectangular clusters or arrays of light, one above the other. As the large 11/17/1986 #38068 t. Terauchi checked the pale white light behind their craft visually. He sa 11/17/1986 #38068 Fairbanks, Terauchi checks a white light behind the plane and sees “a silho 11/17/1986 #38072 e large object casts such a bright light that it illuminates the cockpit, a 11/17/1986 #38072 r of nocturnal lights and beams of light appear in the sky. A seventy-foot 11/21/1986 #38074 at low altitude directed beams of light at cars on US Highway 1. Two silen 11/25/1986 #38078 Murphy, saw a bright orange moving light over Armadale, Edinburgh, Scotland 12/23/1986 #38086 eld about 900 feet away. An orange light is flooding through the windows. T Late 12/1986 #38087 2 observer(s). Bright amber night light / 40K' altitude. Extremely fast. I 12/28/1986 #38088 minute(s). Going north. Steady red light / each corner. 1/6/1987 #38093 f 8–10 portholes with warm, yellow light emanating from them. Between each 1/9/1987 #38096 indow is a grayish-white streak of light. He can see an open door about 5– 1/9/1987 #38096 windows, through which he can see light and a floor with transverse ribs. 1/9/1987 #38096 itude / 30 minute(s). Bright white light. Dogs frantic. / r237p95. 2/6/1987 #38112 by with a bright white directional light aimed at a right angle to him. A r 2/6/1987 #38113 med at a right angle to him. A red light is also visible, then a blue light 2/6/1987 #38113 light is also visible, then a blue light. As he continues to walk, the obje 2/6/1987 #38113 n it is directly in front, a white light comes on. From left to right, red, 2/6/1987 #38113 riences with entities and balls of light. These occurrences continue throug 3/1987 #38127 ry exercise. He sees a strange red light in the sky circling slowly and sil 3/1987 #38128 jets appear and give chase to the light, which plays cat and mouse with th 3/1987 #38128 continues for 5 minutes, then the light shoots away at great speed. The je 3/1987 #38128 wings, or tail. It has a flashing light on top and two red glowing areas o 3/6/1987 #38130 tside and are blinded by a beam of light coming from a huge reddish object 3/7/1987 #38132 nearly blinded by a beam of yellow light coming from a huge reddish-orange 3/7/1987 #38133 enly he saw five bright flashes of light. He looked in their direction and 3/7/1987 #38134 direction and saw a bright ball of light. It landed between some trees and 3/7/1987 #38134 lands / yard. Area bathed / orange light. Magnetism. 3/23/1987 #38151 jecting an intensely bright orange light that creates shooting pains in her 3/23/1987 #38152 the dome came the brightest orange light that she had ever seen. It was so 3/23/1987 #38153 away, recover, and look again. The light created shooting pains in her eyes 3/23/1987 #38153 for two to three days. The orange light filled the back of her yard so tho 3/23/1987 #38153 . "It was so dense that my outside light looked just like a small light bul 3/23/1987 #38153 ide light looked just like a small light bulb, [and I] couldn't see the pos 3/23/1987 #38153 LL, WEST AUSTRALIA Weird 40' box / light near oil-rig. Saucers and physical 5/21/1987 #38177 ted ice-cream-cone flips over. Big light / large end. Very low altitude. 5/26/1987 #38178 n Australia, observers see a white light at 5,000 feet about 16 feet in dia 6/9/1987 #38188 lights up. He sees a huge ball of light about 10 feet in diameter above hi 6/19/1987 #38194 diameter above his plane, but the light does not register on his radar. Af 6/19/1987 #38194 KE, ON Several campers. Slow night light hovers and zigzags repeatedly / 15 7/1987 #38202 off sparklers when they spotted a light in the sky. It first appeared to b 7/4/1987 #38204 eir house becomes flooded in white light. The family rushes outside and see Late 7/1987 #38218 they notice a large red triangular light moving up and down in the northeas Late 7/1987 #38218 sound like a car horn and the red light disappears. They continue watching Late 7/1987 #38218 the barn there is no fire and the light is coming from another set of whit Late 7/1987 #38218 er the ocean. It displays a yellow light at its trailing end, similar to a 7/27/1987 #38219 5 p.m. when she saw a bright white light encased in what appeared to be a c 8/2/1987 #38226 human like figures approaching the light. The figures were about 1.80 meter 8/2/1987 #38226 ng into the bright spherical white light. The light then disappeared into t 8/2/1987 #38226 bright spherical white light. The light then disappeared into the distance 8/2/1987 #38226 ty guard sighted a large circle of light over a pasture near Denver, Colora 8/8/1987 #38235 vastopol, Crimea, Russia. A yellow light surriounds the perimeter, and a br 8/11/1987 #38241 the perimeter, and a bright white light is seen inside. The object hovers 8/11/1987 #38241 ported that a bright green ball of light traveled parallel to his bus and e 8/11/1987 #38242 range County, New York a nocturnal light was seen traveling at treetop leve 8/20/1987 #38248 the north. A thin, orange-colored light beam sweeps from it several times 8/23/1987 #38252 ins stationary, still sweeping its light beam for at least 30 minutes. Then 8/23/1987 #38252 t a video of an orange, flare-like light with a small red light flying in t 8/23/1987 #38253 flare-like light with a small red light flying in tandem at 9:30 p.m. The 8/23/1987 #38253 SHANGHAI, CH Silent orange ring / light spins / hazy spiral glow. Bright p 8/27/1987 #38257 3 aero-engineers. Circular point / light spirals across sky. Trail / light. 8/27/1987 #38260 light spirals across sky. Trail / light. 8/27/1987 #38260 province, China watched a point of light spiral across the sky at 9 p.m. le 8/27/1987 #38262 e sky at 9 p.m. leaving a trail of light. At 10:15 p.m. in Hangzhou, Zhejia 8/27/1987 #38262 ower personnel saw a small ball of light hover 300 meters from the end of t 8/27/1987 #38262 green figure(s) with cat ears beam light going down / boys. / NUFORC Rp. 9/1/1987 #38271 or, WA Ellipse with windows beamed light down on children in playground, tw 9/1/1987 #38272 or, WA Ellipse with windows beamed light down on children in playground, tw 9/1/1987 #38273 f the house. After one minute, the light configuration wobbles, the lights Early Autumn 1987 #38274 RICHMOND BCH, WA Small red light goes to window of house. Fast sout 9/12/1987 #38282 iana when he noticed a bright blue light behind him. Within seconds the Sat 9/24/1987 #38294 n the rim. There was a bright blue light in the center of the bottom dome a 9/24/1987 #38294 stands / rainy field. Huge ball / light nears. Goes extremely fast. 10/15/1987 #38304 bye and vanishes in a flash of red light. The object then blinks out as if Mid 10/1987 #38305 t flew silently overhead, changing light colors as if signaling the witness 10/23/1987 #38311 and sees four blobs of cool-white light maneuvering in a cloverleaf patter 11/23/1987 #38332 . As they watch, the four blobs of light come together in the center, move 11/23/1987 #38332 ns. Row / windows. Drops red night light. 11/24/1987 #38333 ow of windows. A small red ball of light was emitted from the underside of 11/24/1987 #38334 suddenly struck by a blue beam of light. He was unable to move his legs an 12/2/1987 #38348 . He could also see a beam of blue light shining down from it onto the grou 12/2/1987 #38348 ylinder/cylindrical object follows light plane in / landing. Hovers / 4 min 12/5/1987 #38349 lights and engine failed, blinding light from underside. Car dragged toward 12/14/1987 #38362 lights and engine failed, blinding light from underside. Car dragged toward 12/14/1987 #38363 e driver brakes to a stop. Intense light comes from the base of the object 12/14/1987 #38364 ry intense, pink or reddish-orange light lit up the whole lake in Coon Rapi 12/25/1987 #38373 turned off all illuminated like a light turned off with a switch. At least 12/25/1987 #38373 nd soon recalls having seen an odd light in the sky as a girl and begins to 1988 #38383 nstruments. She had seen a strange light beam one month earlier. The brown 1/1988 #38385 S Family. Slow bright green ball / light blows steam. Follows M1 motorway. 1/4/1988 #38398 DEWSBURY, WEST YORKS Round night light back and forth / sky. Swish sound. 1/4/1988 #38403 ugh the sky by a brilliant ball of light. At 8:45 p.m. a thin, pencil-shape 1/4/1988 #38404 on guard duty, he notices an oval light positioned vertically 30 feet abov 1/5/1988 #38405 ead of him shining a white beam of light through the windshield, partially 1/12/1988 #38411 d and came closer. A beam of white light struck Walters on the back of his 1/12/1988 #38411 began rotating and a blue beam of light appeared under it. The beam deposi 1/12/1988 #38411 , the daughter notices a streak of light in the sky that suddenly moves rig 1/19/1988 #38416 father's attention to a streak of light in the sky. Almost as soon as he f 1/19/1988 #38417 t as soon as he focused on it, the light seemed to appear immediately in fr 1/19/1988 #38417 he Knowles’s car; he sees a bright light in his rearview mirror for about 5 1/20/1988 #38422 tarted being paced by a mysterious light. It followed them for nearly 90 mi 1/20/1988 #38423 o pop. The UFO had a bright yellow light in the center and looked like the 1/20/1988 #38423 Washington, when they see a white light with red and blue flashes. They wa 1/21/1988 #38427 5+see solid object and 2 spheres / light hover and become saucers! / UFOCAT 1/28/1988 #38435 n two clusters of three, and a red light on the bottom forward. The edges o 1/31/1988 #38436 sees an intense orange, egg-shaped light to the south-southeast above Toole 2/4/1988 #38439 ectro-magnetic effect (EME). Night light flies. 2/5/1988 (approximate) #38440 und and projects multiple beams of light toward the ground. 2/10/1988 #38452 and more/others. 1 then 2 balls / light arrive with 737. Buzz landing stri 2/11/1988 #38455 eld for several minutes. A beam of light was directed down at a building. 2/12/1988 #38460 est overhead / low altitude. White light / center and 3 / corners. 2/13/1988 #38461 anoids (or Greys) in windows! Dull light extends going down / ground. 2/14/1988 #38464 lorful aura, and shot two beams of light down before zig-zagging away. 2/22/1988 #38475 tness and two friends saw a bright light in the valley, so they went outsid 3/1/1988 #38479 ootball-shaped object with a white light at the front end and a red light a 3/1/1988 #38479 e light at the front end and a red light at the tail was sighted by a woman 3/1/1988 #38479 om of the object (reflecting white light). The white light flashed while mo 3/1/1988 #38479 reflecting white light). The white light flashed while moving, but not whil 3/1/1988 #38479 spherical object with a large red light on the top and several white light 3/3/1988 #38482 ing back and forth, blinding white light emanating from both ends. It begin 3/4/1988 #38487 , blue, and yellow lights, and the light at the end turns from white to red 3/4/1988 #38487 TLE, WA Bowling ball sized balls / light zip up and down city street! 3/5/1988 #38490 teen. Silent saucer rotates. Blue light through windows. Hovers and away. 3/11/1988 #38497 Short jet sound. Saucer flies by. Light seen through portholes / edge. 3/13/1988 #38502 TV workers. Large saucer in halo / light. Northwest going [to] east-northea 3/18/1988 #38512 way, Tasmania Motorists saw bright light ahead, engine lost power, radio fa 3/23/1988 #38519 led. Four square yellow lights and light beam visible. Car returned to norm 3/23/1988 #38519 way, Tasmania Motorists saw bright light ahead, engine lost power, radio fa 3/23/1988 #38520 led. Four square yellow lights and light beam visible. Car returned to norm 3/23/1988 #38520 ZIMB Clock and bugs silent. Ball / light going [to] through roof. Maneuvers 4/1/1988 #38529 ights around its middle. A beam of light struck the mother, who had a stron 4/3/1988 #38533 SOUTH SEATTLE, WA 3 dots / white light in triangle split and shoot off / 4/4/1988 #38535 ights / corners. Very strong white light / center. 4/8/1988 #38537 NEAR WANTAGE, OXFORDS Large night light paces car / complex path / 40 min. 4/10/1988 #38540 quickly southwest. Sections pulse light. 5/7/1988 #38556 tely silent. Sections of it pulsed light. 5/7/1988 #38558 close encounter with a red ball of light (BOL) larger than 3 car lengths. I 5/9/1988 #38559 e windshield. The intensity of the light dimmed and brightened considerably 5/9/1988 #38559 on this evening, he noticed a blue light shining through the kitchen window 5/21/1988 #38574 and floated them towards a bright light. They were taken in front of the l 5/21/1988 #38574 suddenly encounters a large white light surrounded by green and red. The l 6/1/1988 #38579 t surrounded by green and red. The light is coming straight toward the airp 6/1/1988 #38579 ALLEROD FIELD, DK 2 / light plane. 50cm silver ball glows. Fol 6/7/1988 #38583 RTMENT, LEICS Vibrant bright night light hovers / field. Shoots up. Complex 6/20/1988 (approximate) #38587 missing time after seeing a strong light illuminating three blocks in his n 7/1988 #38596 COCALINHO, BRZ Wandering night light beams on / off reconnaissance / gr 7/15/1988 #38601 e Stricker is stopped at a traffic light at the corner of Gadsden Avenue an 8/3/1988 #38613 = 8cm / arms length. White lines / light / sides. Circles valley. 8/22/1988 #38616 landed nearby and emitted a white light. Next, a red ball exited the objec 8/22/1988 #38618 A red ball of light (BOL) with white lines and a light 8/22/1988 #38619 light (BOL) with white lines and a light on one side circled the valley of 8/22/1988 #38619 t then was seen emitting a beam of light. It remained present for two hours 8/25/1988 #38625 WALCHA, NSW 3 / car. Red night light / sky. Car malfunctions due to EME 9/22/1988 #38643 got cold inside the car when a red light hovered over his car for five minu 9/22/1988 #38644 EGORSK Several observer(s). Ring / light. West / bright object / center. Ri 9/25/1988 #38647 enter of the base there is a white light like a fluorescent lamp. 9/25/1988 #38649 dows of the airplane.” The wall of light passes at an estimated 6,200 mph, 10/1988 #38661 e that Russia has a secret Dome of Light weapon that has been observed seve 10/1988 #38661 fro over trees. Blinks out like a light. 10/5/1988 #38663 BORNHOLN, DK Farm boy. Triangle / light. Tractor lights flicker. OK when g 10/10/1988 #38667 ights flickered when a triangle of light passed overhead at around 6:00 p.m 10/10/1988 #38669 y what looked like a glowing white light. He suddently felt overwhelmed wit 10/24/1988 #38687 and was given a medical exam. The light in the room was so bright he could 10/24/1988 #38687 housewife with an M.B.A. witnessed light beams moving past her second story 10/24/1988 #38690 1 observer. 20cm ball with strong light circles house 3 times. Hisses! 11/2/1988 #38702 Maylene, Alabama spotted a bright light "new to the area;" she became curi 11/9/1988 #38709 ame curious and stopped her car. A light from behind the trees rose up and 11/9/1988 #38709 s instruments begin to fail. A red light in the center begins to grow stron 12/1/1988 #38733 ELTON, WA 4 observer(s). Brilliant light / lakeside. 4 dark 75-300' boomera 12/2/1988 #38734 A brilliant light was first seen lakeside in Shelton 12/2/1988 #38735 GULF BREEZE, FL 2 observer(s). Light passes window. Classic GB saucer c 12/4/1988 #38739 itting a humming sound and casting light into and all around his car. It mo 12/4/1988 #38743 A man was stopped at a traffic light at 2:00 a.m. in Carmel, Indiana in 12/4/1988 #38744 apolis when he saw a silent bright light approach, zig-zag, move away, retu 12/4/1988 #38744 ide then cross in front of it. The light stops in mid-air and absorbs both 12/28/1988 #38763 top. The UFO was emitting a yellow light, had a series of red luminescent p 1/12/1989 #38779 ". DWG looks like windsock. Bright light. 1/22/1989 #38790 failed when it was approached by a light on the sea or hovering just above 1/30/1989 #38809 haped object in the sky with a red light at 5:00 p.m. 1/30/1989 #38811 ” One report describes a series of light beams emanating toward the ground 2/1989 #38814 , RUSSIA Bright disk / sky. Beam / light has 2 figures in it. Possible abdu 2/6/1989 #38817 ing two very tall figures within a light. The beings touched her on the bac 2/6/1989 #38818 e intermittent circular flashes of light ahead of them. As they got closer 2/7/1989 #38820 e than 3 feet in diameter. A white light is on top, and many other lights a 2/8/1989 #38825 t, but it disappears in a flash of light. The duration is about 12 minutes. 2/8/1989 #38825 a pair of binoculars. It has a red light on each end and a white light in b 2/10/1989 #38832 red light on each end and a white light in between, with the top of the cu 2/10/1989 #38832 top of the curve outlined in green light. Police Chief Junior Garmany and A 2/10/1989 #38832 cer with blue beam puts out street light. Firetruck appears. 2/11/1989 #38834 that emitted a strong blue beam of light. The beam of light extinguished th 2/11/1989 #38836 ng blue beam of light. The beam of light extinguished the closest street li 2/11/1989 #38836 ht extinguished the closest street light. The next odd thing that happened 2/11/1989 #38836 NH 2 observer(s). Very large white light nears car. Observer(s) stops. Nigh 2/23/1989 #38846 ears car. Observer(s) stops. Night light going quickly [to] overhead / 300' 2/23/1989 #38846 ar-shape 300m overhead. Shimmering light. Away vertically / 10 second(s). N 3/18/1989 #38875 -4. Lear sees an elliptical-shaped light through Lear’s Celestron telescope 3/22/1989 #38878 unter, and the tape shows a bright light apparently maneuvering. When the c 3/22/1989 #38878 each other, all bathed in a silver light, moving south to north at a height Late 3/1989 #38880 SVILLE, GA 2 observer(s). 4m round light buzzes just over ground. Nears hou 3/27/1989 #38882 ight test. They videotape a moving light. 3/29/1989 #38885 FL Excited barking as disc emitted light beam and stirred tree (NICAP: 04 - 4/5/1989 #38892 oors were closed. A dazzling white light and a man dressed in white then ap 4/18/1989 #38908 he man's eyes radiated a brilliant light. The witness asked where he was fr 4/18/1989 #38908 o walk. After that the man and the light disappeared. The next day other wi 4/18/1989 #38908 EAST / JACKSON, CA 2 / light plane. Square domed object with 2 4/19/1989 #38909 alerted witness to disc, which put light on witness (NICAP: 04 - Animal Rea 4/21/1989 #38916 at hovering disc, brilliant white light on underside, humming sound. Light 4/21/1989 #38917 light on underside, humming sound. Light beam engulfed him, rifle misfired, 4/21/1989 #38917 disc, which had a brilliant white light on the underside and made a hummin 4/21/1989 #38919 erside and made a humming sound. A light beam engulfed him, his rifle misfi 4/21/1989 #38919 i witnessed an orange BOL (ball of light) in the east. Then, the object app 4/22/1989 #38921 y the river's shore, when a strong light suddenly woke them in the middle o 4/30/1989 #38927 de. Absolute(ly) silent. Beams red light. 50mph. 5/1/1989 #38929 raná, Brazil, sees a huge circular light in the sky as he is preparing to l 5/2/1989 #38935 plane flying nearby cannot see the light. Christovào continues to land, but 5/2/1989 #38935 istovào continues to land, but the light positions itself in front of the p 5/2/1989 #38935 ecides to head directly toward the light, after which the UFO accelerates a 5/2/1989 #38935 lights in back and a blinking red light on right side flew over tree line 5/4/1989 #38936 t first, then turned off; with the light turned off it looked like a blue b 5/4/1989 #38936 amper by an extremely bright white light that illuminated the surrounding a 5/10/1989 #38942 later a pencil-thin beam of white light lit the left side of his face. He 5/10/1989 #38942 or of his camper just as the white light seemed to dim and vanish. The next 5/10/1989 #38942 rate observer(s) and biker. Strong light swoops up 2X. Vanishes / car nears 5/13/1989 #38947 is night in Kodal, Norway a strong light swooped up to a biker twice; it va 5/13/1989 #38948 pilot says he can now see a strong light near the airplane. It maneuvers ne 5/30/1989 #38967 haped object that emitted beams of light was observed from directly underne 6/4/1989 #38979 range squeaking sound and a bright light in their direction which caused on 6/20/1989 #38991 previously seen strange flashes of light in the sky earlier in the day. At 6/29/1989 #38996 erhead and told her that it was a "light portal." She was then taken onboar 6/29/1989 #38997 level. She was told that it was a "light ship" that traveled inter-dimensio 6/29/1989 #38997 at traveled inter-dimensionally on light particles. The beings also talked 6/29/1989 #38997 alls play / back yard! Turn white. Light grass. Maneuver. 7/2/1989 #39003 Sudden light appeared over New Harmony, Indiana 7/16/1989 #39023 overhead. It had rods or beams of light of different colors and lengths pr 7/16/1989 #39023 ct is flashing an intensely bright light from its underside. It hovers abov 7/28/1989 #39035 ailway station, still flashing its light, then returns to the weapons depot 7/28/1989 #39035 d object, gives off flashes of red light at constant intervals, then lights 7/28/1989 #39035 and 2:40 p.m. A circular, flashing light is in view for about 5 minutes nea 8/22/1989 #39069 . EDT a mushroom-shaped UFO with a light hovered over a field in Butler, Pe 8/31/1989 #39081 Province, China, sees a dark cloud light up with a yellow flash. A rotating 9/6/1989 #39092 going up [to] clouds. White night light appears soon after. 9/12/1989 #39097 s and paralyze her. The women have light blonde hair, gray-green skin, and 9/13/1989 #39098 e for a quick break when a beam of light strikes her from above. Looking up 9/16/1989 #39106 break at a tramway when a beam of light struck her from above. Looking up, 9/16/1989 #39108 A bright white light paced a car driving on the A5 high 9/17/1989 #39111 o large eyes on its head and a red light on top. On its chest it had a silv 9/26/1989 #39121 he object several times. A beam of light comes out of the chest of one of t 9/27/1989 #39124 t bottom and a bright yellow-white light shining at both ends. The woman ap 9/27/1989 #39125 he object several times. A beam of light came out of the chest of one of th 9/27/1989 #39126 s going northwest slow. Each night light = empty ring / light. / MUFON'90. 9/28/1989 #39129 w. Each night light = empty ring / light. / MUFON'90. 9/28/1989 #39129 rnal object consisted of a ring of light. 9/28/1989 #39131 s). Pulsing sphere shoots column / light going down [to] to field. Away slo 10/1989 #39135 top level, emitting small balls of light. 10/3/1989 #39141 r Tyndall, Manitoba, sees a bright light flash upward out of sight in front 10/6/1989 #39147 witness reported that a huge white light appeared over Londonderry, New Ham 10/8/1989 #39151 red, and then back to a dull white light. A second witness saw that the lig 10/8/1989 #39151 ght. A second witness saw that the light was actually a triangular object w 10/8/1989 #39151 bject with a big rectangular white light on the back end and a red light ne 10/8/1989 #39151 te light on the back end and a red light near the apex. It moved slowly, ma 10/8/1989 #39151 es more UFOs ranging from balls of light to other boomerangs. He telephones 10/9/1989 #39156 s the object has a bright flashing light on top and a red light on the bott 10/11/1989 #39162 ht flashing light on top and a red light on the bottom. It is more than hal 10/11/1989 #39162 only 650 feet in the air. The top light flashes every 15–20 seconds. Soon 10/11/1989 #39162 hylene, falling over her. Beams of light emanated from each polygon. The gr 10/11/1989 #39164 atchewan, when she sees a flash of light near a shed about 50 feet away. An 10/13/1989 #39169 tened top and “corrugated” bottom. Light is shining brightly from the joint 10/13/1989 #39169 as it passed the plane. A vertical light beam and sparks were observed comi 10/24/1989 #39184 window to see. Next, a red beam of light came down from the sky and covered 10/27/1989 #39188 and covered the entire house. The light stayed on the house for about a mi 10/27/1989 #39188 ngle-shaped craft with a large red light in the center and several white li 10/27/1989 #39188 dish-orange object with columns of light, which then paced their vehicle at 10/27/1989 #39189 t Air Force jet. Lifts arm. Cone / light appears. Gone! 10/28/1989 (approximate) #39190 object opened there was a blinding light that came out. As the young witnes 10/28/1989 #39191 e lifted one of its arms a cone of light appeared, causing it to vanish. 10/28/1989 #39192 e a golden, scaly suit. The yellow light was now arranged in a semi-circle 10/31/1989 #39199 blue, teardrop or football-shaped light pass low and fast over his propert 11/3/1989 #39213 ucer. The bottom portion has a red light in the center, and three windows e 11/4/1989 #39214 , and three windows emitting white light are across the middle. After only 11/4/1989 #39214 n one of these occasions a ball of light descended near their vehicle and h 11/6/1989 #39216 n saw a cone of soft, multicolored light directed towards the ground from u 11/6/1989 #39216 lit up by a diffuse pinkish white light. She encountered several five foot 11/6/1989 #39216 NEAR VONA, CO Night light paces car. Clocks and gas = one ho 11/7/1989 #39217 with lights / 8 minute(s). Unusual light patterns. No further details. 11/12/1989 #39226 up to the sight of a strange blue light shining through the curtains. They 11/20/1989 #39241 bor is also awakened by the bright light and observes four blue objects ove 11/20/1989 #39241 e nearby woods at night. A beam of light from the object struck a soldier. 11/20/1989 #39242 e crews. Large disk with 5 beams / light. Physical-effects / pilots. 11/22/1989 #39243 plane, with red lights, an orange light, and surrounded by flames. No nois 11/22/1989 #39246 c-shaped object with five beams of light while flying over Borisov, Belarus 11/22/1989 #39247 four 50 meter wide orange balls of light at 10:00 p.m. One shot off at 2,60 11/24/1989 #39249 e ball that later had a steady red light. 11/28/1989 #39254 atrol car illuminated by brilliant light beam, hovering dark triangular obj 11/29/1989 #39270 atrol car illuminated by brilliant light beam, hovering dark triangular obj 11/29/1989 #39271 ubert von Montigny, see an intense light in a nearby field. Above the field 11/29/1989 #39272 ts shining down and a red flashing light in the center. Without making a so 11/29/1989 #39272 car are illuminated by a brilliant light beam from a dark triangular object 11/29/1989 #39273 making a faint humming noise. The light is so dazzling that “we could read 11/29/1989 #39273 red, green, and white lights and a light beam directed toward the ground. H 11/29/1989 #39275 tlights and a flashing red central light. It is at an altitude of about 250 11/29/1989 #39276 ach corner and had a pulsating red light in the center. Throughout the thre 11/29/1989 #39277 ngular position and a red rotating light in the middle and positioned lower 12/1/1989 #39292 phs silver saucer emitting balls / light. 12/5/1989 #39297 nwards. There is a flashing orange light on the underside. The same object 12/5/1989 #39298 sc-shaped object emitting balls of light. 12/5/1989 #39299 hite lights on the ends and a blue light on top, and 3 portholes. The objec 12/10/1989 #39308 panels makes tight turn. Rotating light / top. 12/11/1989 #39310 oks like a series of 3–4 panels of light traveling north to south at an alt 12/11/1989 #39313 on. Only an enormous spot of white light is visible now, “much bigger than 12/11/1989 #39313 mond starts the car again. The big light disappears, and three smaller whit 12/11/1989 #39313 lateral triangle. The rotating red light is still there, now seen in profil 12/11/1989 #39313 s disappear. Only the red rotating light is still visible, and it takes off 12/11/1989 #39313 intense and well-defined shaft of light into the sky. The witness goes bac 12/12/1989 #39315 going east / 100M altitude. 50kph. Light humming. / Flying Saucer Review (F 12/24/1989 #39337 control toys haywire. Silent night light turns / sky. 12/28/1989 #39343 um, and he saw an extremely bright light envelope him and a lattice-like st 12/31/1989 #39345 d looked like oil. The bodies were light brown, and the researchers came to 1990 #39358 ver(s). Bright silent orange night light circles area. Hovers over house. / 1/6/1990 #39366 und or oblong object with red body light photographed by several people 1/8/1990 #39370 Banks and turns overhead / 50mph. Light swish. 1/9/1990 #39371 te, green and blue), and a beam of light that shone toward the ground. It m 1/12/1990 #39376 und or oblong object with red body light photographed by several people (NI 1/18/1990 #39380 UFO that emitted white flashes of light from the top and bottom of the obj 1/28/1990 #39393 oo Peak, where they film an orange light maneuvering above Groom Lake. 2/1990 #39403 , British Columbia first noticed a light outside the apartment building win 2/5/1990 #39409 -shaped object with a steady white light on top and a pulsating red light o 2/5/1990 #39410 e light on top and a pulsating red light on the bottom. He called his wife 2/5/1990 #39410 three bright oval-shaped beams of light from an extended antenna that illu 2/7/1990 #39414 to glow with an incredibly bright light for 20 to 30 seconds. After that, 2/18/1990 #39422 20 to 30 seconds. After that, its light dimmed and it took on a metallic a 2/18/1990 #39422 oo but was struck by a blue ray of light which paralyzed her. She had troub 2/18/1990 #39422 and nearly hysterical. The ray of light changed to green and her breathing 2/18/1990 #39422 a. The group sees an orange-yellow light appear above the hills. They get a 2/21/1990 #39424 r is a larger, primarily gray-blue light, although its colors change as som 2/21/1990 #39425 nstant relocation over truck; cast light beam down (sections IX, X). (NICAP 3/2/1990 #39440 nstant relocation over truck, cast light beam down 3/2/1990 #39441 k and bathed it in a white beam of light. After two minutes the couple drov 3/2/1990 #39442 GULF BREEZE, FL 3' beam / light going down [to] outside window. 11 3/7/1990 #39448 , Florida, notices a beam of white light about 3 feet in diameter descend t 3/7/1990 #39452 binoculars. Dark silent triangle. Light pulses 2x / second(s). Going west. 3/18/1990 #39465 CARNEY, OK 4+1 observer(s). Red light follows car. Source unseen. All el 3/20/1990 #39469 an aircraft. There was also a red light moving parallel to the ground in a 3/21/1990 #39476 ear old son pointed out an unusual light in the sky to his mother. The moth 3/24/1990 #39484 built, and had a bright circle of light on its chest from which bright bea 3/24/1990 #39485 s chest from which bright beams of light emanated. It walked in a strange m 3/24/1990 #39485 ably due to the effect of infrared light around the UFO. 3/31/1990 #39503 eze, Florida had approached a stop light at 9:30 p.m. when they saw a UFO o 3/31/1990 #39504 all three witnesses watch a bright light continue to ascend slowly. 4/5/1990 #39511 celes triangle with a centered red light on the bottom and pairs of white l 4/10/1990 #39516 Gulf Breeze, Florida, watch a red light move toward the southwest and out 4/11/1990 #39519 rs of balloons associated with the light, but others disagree. 4/11/1990 #39519 ht. Two witnesses see a bright red light hovering above Little Sabine Islan 4/12/1990 #39522 At least seven people report a red light to the north of Gulf Breeze, Flori 4/14/1990 #39524 s / low altitude. Intense blue-red light. 4/18/1990 #39534 gle west lights and separate night light nearby. Going quickly south. Makes 5/1/1990 #39545 a soccer field, emitting beams of light. The beams of light turned the gra 5/4/1990 #39557 tting beams of light. The beams of light turned the grass an intense blue-g 5/4/1990 #39557 d by a huge, white glowing ball of light (BOL) over the road. 5/5/1990 #39561 Unidentified object directs fan / light going down / Mt. Kamenoi. Type unk 5/7/1990 #39562 ying object direct a bright fan of light down on the slopes of Mount Kameno 5/7/1990 #39564 e, Florida saw an intense blinking light over the Santa Rosa Bay from her w 5/9/1990 #39570 ontal maneuver, and three beams of light coming from its port side destroy 5/25/1990 #39592 barked continuously, oval object w/light beams near (NICAP: 04 - Animal Rea 6/7/1990 #39607 Pennsylvania a woman saw a bright light in the sky while driving home. Whe 6/7/1990 #39609 s). Wooshing sound. Vibrant bright light through curtains. No UFO seen. 6/27/1990 #39627 ht when they spotted a maneuvering light that changed color from a light si 7/2/1990 #39634 ng light that changed color from a light silver to a brilliant yellow. As t 7/2/1990 #39634 take us!" Quite unexpectedly, the light descended rapidly and hovered very 7/2/1990 #39634 htly elongated. A dazzling beam of light shot out from the sphere and struc 7/2/1990 #39634 orb/globe hovers / 45 minute(s) in light winds. 7/6/1990 #39636 rical object rises / swamp. Strong light / front. Portholes / side. Glides 7/13/1990 #39642 .m. a teenage girl saw a brilliant light from her bedroom window rise from 7/13/1990 #39644 realized that this was the forward light of a tapered cylindrical object. I 7/13/1990 #39644 ble, at the end of which was a red light. The object glided along laterally 7/13/1990 #39644 ly illuminated by a powerful white light. An officer orders that all person 7/19/1990 #39651 it. A bright beam of pinkish-white light is coming from the underside, as i 7/19/1990 #39651 earching for something—this is the light illuminating the perimeter. Two F/ 7/19/1990 #39651 2 observer(s) / 20 minute(s). Hot light. 7/20/1990 #39654 At 11:00 p.m. a red ball of light, half a meter in diameter, chased 7/20/1990 #39656 RYBNIK, POLAND Man signals night light. Saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape with 7/23/1990 #39657 e noticed a powerful beam of white light in the sky and a small red light m 7/23/1990 #39658 e light in the sky and a small red light moving underneath it. The white be 7/23/1990 #39658 g underneath it. The white beam of light moved around erratically as if sea 7/23/1990 #39658 . The witness signaled the beam of light with his flashlight several times 7/23/1990 #39658 became frightened and hid behind a light pole. The white beam of light appr 7/23/1990 #39658 nd a light pole. The white beam of light approached and struck him in the l 7/23/1990 #39658 me closer to the ground, and a red light and a ladder were now visible. On 7/23/1990 #39658 he ladder was drawn up and the red light went out. The object then left the 7/23/1990 #39658 feet on each side. A belt of white light like a large neon tube runs along 7/26/1990 #39663 ose roommate had witnessed a large light maneuvering over the area on July 7/29/1990 #39667 t tall being in the bedroom. A dim light illuminated the being, which the w 7/29/1990 #39667 arger belt-buckle. Shiny neon like light shone from the buckle, which chang 7/29/1990 #39667 , NORFOLK 4 observer(s). Red night light with ring descends. Crop circles f 7/30/1990 #39668 ude. White and blue lights and red light below. 8/3/1990 #39677 house, who almost blinded her with light. 8/5/1990 #39681 nomer reported that he witnessed a light maneuvering in all directions in t 8/11/1990 #39685 nters, saw an inexplicable beam of light coming down through the clouds. Sh 8/15/1990 #39689 t, and they then used a laser-like light to allegedly clear Carlos's arteri 8/15/1990 #39689 (s). Dark box lands / swamp. Night light blinks above. Objects join and goi 8/20/1990 #39693 KINGTON, CUMBRIA Saucer shrouded / light 70' altitude seems to study man wa 8/22/1990 #39695 from getting any closer. When the light dissipated, Figueroa again gave ch 8/31/1990 #39708 WILLIAMS LAKE, BC 75' red cone / light in fog over house / 20 minute(s). 9/1/1990 #39713 it knock out a radar aerial with a light beam. Two sentries, A. Blazhis and 9/13/1990 #39729 e sky and saw a fast moving yellow light, which was flying from the southwe 9/13/1990 #39731 to be encased in a bright halo of light. She became concerned, fearing tha 9/13/1990 #39731 s at 9:30 a.m. watched a large red light that flew toward the west, stopped 9/19/1990 #39737 in Leominster, Massachusetts saw a light approach, hover, and then descend 9/20/1990 #39740 emitted a coherent cone of yellow light. When it touched down to the groun 9/21/1990 #39744 s spooked by descending blue white light (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 10/1990 #39755 ly observed as a bright, pulsating light, moving much faster than other air 10/1/1990 #39756 altitude craft seen with a pulsing light. Scott claims they are using “exot 10/1/1990 #39757 FL 3+3 observer(s). 3 red balls / light. Vibrant bright but 35 mm photogra 10/7/1990 #39763 to the right of the road. A third light is now visible a bit to the left o 10/14/1990 #39785 hey turn south on the N30, another light appears behind a hedge bordering t 10/21/1990 #39803 ut a dozen yards from the car. The light paces the car at the same speed, s 10/21/1990 #39803 , looks out the window, and sees a light 1,300 feet away on or just above a 10/23/1990 #39806 ts directed at her. A smaller blue light is between the two white ones. Abo 10/23/1990 #39806 her house. She notices a small red light on its underside. The object then 10/23/1990 #39806 er of the triangle is a steady red light. The object is shaped like a pyram 10/23/1990 #39807 e over town / 4 minute(s). Intense light. No further details / news report. 10/24/1990 #39808 maneuvers / 10 minute(s). 1 white light / each corner. 10/25/1990 #39811 rns / sky. Dogs howl and rub ears. Light beams outw. 10/30/1990 #39818 ject with portholes which directed light beams toward the ground was seen a 10/30/1990 #39819 0 p.m. when he noticed a yellowish light fall into the forest area. He rush 10/31/1990 #39822 ar. Later the witness saw a bright light zigzagging over the forest. 10/31/1990 #39822 gle/box-like craft extends tubes / light that end! Southeast going northwes 11/5/1990 #39858 ery long, divergent beams of solid light that do not quite touch the ground 11/5/1990 #39868 ltitude. It shone several beams of light towards the ground. A man-like fig 11/5/1990 #39872 liant silent moon-size white night light hovers / low altitude. Small light 11/6/1990 #39875 LE BOUSCAT, FR Beam / light and separate red ball. Both blink 11/6/1990 #39876 MONTREAL, QB Huge disk over city. Light beams / edge. 9k' altitude? Many o 11/7/1990 #39880 er of a large circle with a ray of light emitted from each one.” Municipal 11/7/1990 #39881 pinning. It emitted a blue beam of light. 11/15/1990 #39892 elgium, when she senses an intense light. She looks out the window, which i 11/22/1990 #39898 is covered in vapor, and sees the light about 80 feet away behind the wall 11/22/1990 #39898 bandoned field. After a while, the light turns off, and she sees bluish fla 11/22/1990 #39898 r in Hendale, England saw a bright light split into a number of blue and wh 11/24/1990 #39905 a maneuvers / northern sky. Bright light / each corner. 1 observer / 10 min 11/25/1990 #39909 il a silent reddish orange ball of light three meters in diameter was watch 12/4/1990 #39925 was approached by a reddish-yellow light the size of a football, at a heigh 12/31/1990 #39931 liens” await a human being in the “light” when they die, and the human bein 1/1991 #39944 the form of a rectangle and a red light on the lower rear end. The bottom 1/6/1991 #39947 , 15 portholes are lit up in white light. After parking their car on the si 1/6/1991 #39947 Gulf Breeze, Florida a red ball of light was sighted over the Sikes Bridge. 1/16/1991 #39956 UFO that first appeared as a white light made an abrupt turn and revealed f 1/16/1991 #39956 large square window emitting white light. It hovered low (25 feet) over a t 1/19/1991 #39963 red at the object a bright beam of light struck him. His next conscious mem 1/26/1991 #39966 e from a world that was 15 million light years from earth. They were able t 1/26/1991 #39966 heshire, England, picks up a white light, seemingly tennis-ball sized, movi 2/1991 #39970 nly, she is enveloped by a beam of light that seems to be trying to trap he 2/6/1991? #39974 il to respond. A brilliant beam of light envelops the car and they hear a f 2/22/1991 #39982 ey hear a faint humming sound. The light beam and sound disappear suddenly, 2/22/1991 #39982 hru) binoculars. Rectangular night light maneuvers. 2nd object east going q 2/27/1991 #39985 A rectangular-shaped light maneuvered low in the sky over Fal 2/27/1991 #39986 tness through binoculars. A second light was seen flying quickly from east 2/27/1991 #39986 AZEIRAS, BRZ Man / bike. Huge blue light overhead. Observer(s) paralyzed. O 3/1991 #39988 rus Heights, California observed a light gray triangular object flying at 2 3/10/1991 #40009 he outside structure while another light points directly down one of the ch 3/12/1991 #40010 IDGE, TN Cop videos saucer buzzing light plane / 8 min! 1Kmph and more. Lan 3/15/1991 #40013 back and forth, and a red blaze of light coming from the ring. 3/18/1991 #40021 BRAZIL 3 / canoe. 50cm red ball / light stops overhead. Lights water. Goin 4/1991 #40026 , that he is seeing a “strong blue light that changed to red in the directi 4/11/1991 #40034 down and then see an array of red light beams. They drive to within 650 fe 4/19/1991? #40041 m, then switches the beam off; the light vanishes, then returns when the be 4/26/1991 #40050 on. Investigators suspect that the light was caused by an insect interactin 4/26/1991 #40050 de do Norte, Brazil, when a bright light approaches and stops right above h 5/12/1991 #40057 as if he is being sucked into the light. He remains suspended under the li 5/12/1991 #40057 ht. He remains suspended under the light for about 5 minutes, after which h 5/12/1991 #40057 pelo starts crawling home, but the light returns and levitates him again. T 5/12/1991 #40057 xico. At 7:00 p.m. a fiery ball of light levitated a man off the ground twi 5/12/1991 #40059 thinks there is also a steady red light. Slightly back from the central ax 5/17/1991 #40066 he central axis, she sees a ray of light, inclined on 45°, coming from an o 5/17/1991 #40066 Escobar sees a bright, blue-white light approaching on his right side. Jus 6/8/1991 #40092 thin about 1,300 feet. Its intense light tends to conceal its exact shape, 6/8/1991 #40092 S, NY 1 observer. White oval night light going quickly [to] 40° / second(s) 6/10/1991 #40094 g stones. He sees a golden beam of light above the stones from which emerge 6/16/1991 #40099 allic-looking objects that reflect light. Maussan looks into balloons, heli 7/11/1991 #40119 / Vallekilde College. Yellow night light splits. Zigzag and rejoin. More ni 7/12/1991 #40120 (CENTRAL), MO 3 girls. Night light going down / trees. Semi-transpare 7/21/1991 #40127 They noticed a white, oval-shaped light moving rapidly from the side of th 7/21/1991 #40129 . Several times a much smaller red light emerged from the white object, des 7/25/1991 #40133 t central Romania see a bright red light approaching them from behind. Thin 8/4/1991 #40142 at 1:30 a.m. when a white ball of light came overhead. The man shot a flas 8/4/1991 #40143 y larger than normal. Suddenly the light illuminating the object turned off 8/13/1991 #40152 Ceara State, Brazil saw a ball of light with two smaller BOLs to one side 8/25/1991 #40166 arby water tower a flashing orange light approaching him. The object, a two 8/29/1991 #40170 g the roadside. It had solid white light beams along its outer structure an 8/30/1991 #40175 its outer structure and horizontal light beams inside the triangle; in betw 8/30/1991 #40175 BRZ 6 with lamp tending cow. Night light nears. Big flash and goes straight 9/1991 #40177 the team can see a blue, pulsating light above the site experiencing the al 9/1991 #40178 e site experiencing the alarm. The light moves away as they pull in to secu 9/1991 #40178 ey pull in to secure the site. The light is the size of a small helicopter, 9/1991 #40178 ALLENGER OVER WEST AUSTRALIA Night light stops. Flash. 99° turn. 18000 Gs. 9/16/1991 #40188 TROWELL, NOTTS Night light becomes bright haze. Goes over hou 10/1991 #40200 me. It then emitted green beams of light, and changed its shape into an ovo 10/5/1991 #40206 a curved shape above a blazing red light on the bottom. There were multiple 11/5/1991 #40218 on this night when he saw a bright light in the trees about 150 yards away. 11/9/1991 #40224 ut 150 yards away. He next saw the light come out of the trees and then not 11/9/1991 #40224 ed "cloud" that emerged behind the light. The cloud was following the brigh 11/9/1991 #40224 The cloud was following the bright light and they both flew over the witnes 11/9/1991 #40224 r the witness and his vehicle. The light and cloud lit up the road around h 11/9/1991 #40224 nosis, he recalled that the bright light had really been a saucer-shaped ve 11/9/1991 #40224 /box-like craft beams and retracts light. 2nd delta/triangle/box-like craft 11/13/1991 #40227 orners. It emitted an arc of white light. A second identical triangle then 11/13/1991 #40228 anta with box / bottom beams white light going down. See dwg. / r186#83. 11/27/1991 #40243 man watched as sticks or beams of light appeared to drop down from a jagge 11/29/1991 #40249 Laboulaye, Argentina when a bright light outside caught their attention. Fr 12/1/1991 #40251 t, then lots of different beams of light started flashing. The object had a 12/6/1991 #40256 BEUVRAGES, FR 1 observer. Night light going southeast. Rises and circles 12/20/1991 #40262 OCKBRIDGE, MI 2 observer(s). Night light maneuvers all over sky / one hour. 12/21/1991 #40263 Observer(s) wakened. Strong night light 1 mile away comes close. Silent. S 12/24/1991 #40264 alk under the object and a beam of light descended on him from the bottom o 12/26/1991 #40267 mensional portals. A beam of green light hit the witness on his forehead an 12/26/1991 #40267 gine idling. As it approaches, the light changes direction and passes over 1992 #40272 s. The object seems to be emitting light all around it, but a few seconds l 1992 #40272 A luminous glowing ball of light flew eastward in a descending stai 1/5/1992 #40280 eral observer(s). Brilliant blob / light twinkles and maneuvers / constant 1/15/1992 #40287 riangle going NNW / 40kph. 2 beams light apartment building. 1/22/1992 #40297 at 40 km/h. It directed two beams light on an apartment building. 1/22/1992 #40299 GUARUJA, BRAZIL 1 observer. Night light = sphere/orb/globe drops going dow 1/25/1992 #40303 observer. House size ball / white light 1300' away. Ring red lights / bott 2/9/1992 #40325 ud with stem down to hill! Still / light wind! 2/14/1992 #40328 oud. The object directed a beam of light towards the ground. Several figure 2/24/1992 #40336 he object, who also shone beams of light at the witness. 2/24/1992 #40336 UTH / LAJES, BRZ 1 observer. Night light nears house. Light filters through 3/1992 #40341 observer. Night light nears house. Light filters through tile roof. Bed sha 3/1992 #40341 he site, Brown sees a bright white light moving erratically through the sky 3/1992 #40343 hes it for 15–20 minutes, then the light moves closer to the facility. He w 3/1992 #40343 his partner, who also watches the light. Another security team at A-10 abo 3/1992 #40343 out 10 miles away can also see the light, which is less than a mile away. T 3/1992 #40343 e away. They continue to watch the light until about 6:30 a.m. when it shoo 3/1992 #40343 , they see a black area around the light. 3/1992 #40343 :30 a.m. by a bright blue, glaring light. Through the glare she was able to 3/4/1992 #40354 igure vanished in a flash of white light. 3/4/1992 #40354 g at high speed. Suddenly a bright light enveloped both men and Pedro ran a 3/5/1992 #40359 ile Luis ran towards town with the light chasing close behind him. Luis cou 3/5/1992 #40359 ehind him. Luis could see that the light now resembled a luminous, wheel-sh 3/5/1992 #40359 e saw Luis being taken up into the light. Pedro saw Luis enter the round li 3/5/1992 #40359 ht. Pedro saw Luis enter the round light and then it suddenly vanished in p 3/5/1992 #40359 wton, New Hampshire at 9:00 p.m. a light near a swamp seemed to react to th 3/6/1992 #40362 of a train on idle. Then a bright light hurt their eyes. Fifteen meters aw 3/9/1992 #40367 w two very tall, muscular men with light skin standing close beside her. Th 3/11/1992 #40372 ea they noticed a grayish luminous light hovering over the hill, and a colu 3/13/1992 #40377 r the hill, and a columnar beam of light was emanating from it. One of the 3/13/1992 #40377 n drove back to the area where the light had been seen hovering. When they 3/13/1992 #40377 ses. Behind him a shaft of grayish light could be seen, apparently coming f 3/13/1992 #40377 e seen, apparently coming from the light source above. At this point the wi 3/13/1992 #40377 r going down / 3M altitude. Yellow light / portholes. Several feel pulled t 3/14/1992 #40379 eters above the ground, and yellow light was seen coming from portholes in 3/14/1992 #40380 and videotoaped as red spheres of light maneuvered in the sky, responding 3/14/1992 #40381 chlight signals. Four red balls of light turned bright white, then disappea 3/14/1992 #40381 bserver(s). 1 photographs. Shaft / light going down [to] goes on and off.. 3/20/1992 #40392 onto 30th Street. He sees a green light in his rear-view mirror. The light 3/20/1992 #40394 light in his rear-view mirror. The light seems to come from a small plane t 3/20/1992 #40394 car and then shines a bright white light into the interior. He exits and be 3/20/1992 #40394 RUSSAS, CE, BRZ Night light follows 5 observer(s) to town. Hov 4/9/1992 #40410 A nocturnal light followed five people into the town 4/9/1992 #40411 tnesses attempted to hide from the light source in a large tree. The object 4/9/1992 #40411 . He next noticed a patch of white light shining on a rise over the left si 4/12/1992 #40414 GRAULHET, FR Bright orange night light hovers / high altitude over police 5/3/1992 #40446 he proximity of the object. A pole light on the far side of the driveway we 5/3/1992 #40449 e object was just beyond this yard light when all of its own colored lights 5/3/1992 #40449 , to be replaced by a single white light shining from the rear. At this sam 5/3/1992 #40449 ina, emitting very bright beams of light. It vanished when jets appeared. 5/5/1992 #40453 observer(s). Huge 500M and disk / light crosses sky over beach and town. 5/7/1992 #40457 ORTH / BRISBANE, QUEENSLAND Bright light shaped like inverted plate with hu 5/8/1992 #40459 DONDERRY, NH 2 observer(s). Ball / light zigzags going [to] yards and trees 5/19/1992 #40466 TOPANGA CNYN, CA Night light follows 2 / car. Car lifted. Missi 6/14/1992 #40493 ported that an unidentified bright light followed him and his girlfriend so 6/14/1992 #40494 going west slow and silent. Bar of light / rear. 7/1992 (approximate) #40510 STONEHENGE, WILTS Ball / white light maneuvers scaring 2 campers. Start 7/7/1992 #40515 UPAVON, WILTS Animals upset. Night light / clouds. Thin beam / light hits g 7/7/1992 #40516 Night light / clouds. Thin beam / light hits ground. Instant crop circle. 7/7/1992 #40516 zil reported that a bright ball of light followed his car for a few minutes 7/17/1992 #40524 looked perhaps Scandinavian, with light colored, possibly blue eyes and lo 7/23/1992 #40531 range rectangle 500' away reflects light into windows. 2 observer(s). 7/30/1992 #40540 bot strobe in turn. Intense slab / light below. 8/1992 #40543 d numerous portholes and a beam of light came from a circular opening in th 8/11/1992 #40566 NEAR ELKLAND, MO 2 / car. Disk / light. Eerie beams going down / car / 2 8/15/1992 #40575 over them, five vertical beams of light shot down, illuminating the vehicl 8/15/1992 #40576 its interior with brilliant white light. The car's engine sputtered. 8/15/1992 #40576 flat-black 30' manta swoops. Beams light going down / farmhouse etc. / r41p 8/19/1992 #40579 ar, falling leaf motions, hovered, light beam brightly illuminated terrain 8/19/1992 #40581 ar, falling leaf motions, hovered, light beam brightly illuminated terrain 8/19/1992 #40582 Arizona, when he notices a strange light in the distance. As it approaches 8/19/1992 #40583 oss a field, and hovers. A cone of light emerges from the bottom that compl 8/19/1992 #40583 a nearby farmhouse. Again a bright light comes from its base, engulfing the 8/19/1992 #40583 es" rotates and tumbles. Streaks / light dart about. 8/20/1992 #40584 ting and tumbling, with streaks of light darting about. Two women had a clo 8/20/1992 #40586 oma watched a cone-shaped UFO with light beams that swung in the sky in a p 8/25/1992 #40591 The first witness, age 65, saw the light outside through a window through s 8/25/1992 #40591 large fast grey box with blinking light / top going quickly NNE. Sinuous t 8/28/1992 (approximate) #40592 rge, fast gray box with a blinking light on top, flew to the north-northeas 8/28/1992 #40593 TH / MIDLAND, WEST AUSTR Red night light and dark rectangular UFO over vine 8/31/1992 #40598 TH / LAJES, BRZ Farmer. Red ball / light on extinct volcano. Sharp edges. V 9/1992 #40600 department, France. A blue beam of light was emitted from the object. The U 9/3/1992 #40608 arana State, Brazil three beams of light hovered and maneuvered over a bank 9/3/1992 #40609 a bank of the river. The beams of light were directed down at a boat, and 9/3/1992 #40609 t given). There were red and white light in an equatorial band around the o 9/4/1992 #40610 ow night lights over road and blue light top and center. Structure invisibl 9/19/1992 #40629 rectangular UFO emitted a beam of light that levitated a witness from a ro 9/20/1992 #40633 oached and watched a beam of white light strike the ground ahead of them. F 9/22/1992 #40636 ground it became a crescent shaped light, blue in color. Smoke then rose ar 9/22/1992 #40636 , then entered the crescent-shaped light. Everything then just disappeared. 9/22/1992 #40636 was somewhat pallid. The hair was light brown in color and its eyes were " 9/24/1992 #40639 lure had occurred and a huge white light traversed the area, leaving behind 9/24/1992 #40639 n going quickly east. Beams strong light / small saucers fore and aft. 9/30/1992 #40646 State, Brazil saw a fiery ball of light that moved at six meters altitude 9/30/1992 #40650 bridge, then directed two beams of light into a nearby lake. 9/30/1992 #40650 d-section. It had intense beams of light coming from the two ends. Five min 9/30/1992 #40651 gazing when they spotted a bright, light yellow glowing cone-shaped UFO. It 9/30/1992 #40651 second object wasn't it, a beam of light engulfed her and transported her o 10/8/1992 #40667 overs / fish farm. Projects cone / light down. 10/9/1992 #40668 sc-shaped object with the rings of light was over the mountains; it dropped 10/10/1992 #40673 lite stops dead / sky. Small night light exits and maneuvers fast. 10/15/1992? #40676 lver rays going down / sparkle and light ground / roadside. Source invisibl 10/16/1992 #40678 MIRAIMA, BRZ 2 by house. Night light nears. Suddenly huge. = transparen 10/20/1992 #40684 CAPAO DA CANOA, BRZ Night light scoots over hills. Helicopters pur 10/21/1992 #40686 KE SAN MARCOS, CA "200-watt" night light hovers / road / 2 minute(s). Shoot 10/23/1992 #40688 d off road to watch yellow ball of light at 12:45 a.m. west of Lake San Mar 10/23/1992 #40690 County, California. The nocturnal light hovered over the road for two minu 10/23/1992 #40690 WOODBURN, OR Bright silent night light / forest. Very fast. Back in Septe 10/28/1992? #40695 ch bay. Buzzes car / 20' altitude. Light humming. 11/13/1992 #40709 M altitude. Beams search field and light car. 11/17/1992 #40716 ZHUT BAY, AFOGNAK ISLAND, AK Night light vanishes and instantly reappears n 11/21/1992 #40723 lying triangle followed by audible light plane.. 11/25/1992 #40728 ter she awoke to an orange beam of light, with her truck that was now freez 11/25/1992 #40730 e observer(s). Small disks radiate light as if from portholes. Go straight 12/5/1992 #40743 arge head that had glowing colored light emanating from it, standing at the 12/10/1992 #40747 -shaped UFO directed a red beam of light into the river in Garland, McDowel 12/21/1992 #40759 RA, MG, BRZ 3 / ranch. Small night light / 500M altitude suddenly grows to 12/23/1992 #40763 ng-shaped UFO with bright beams of light pass over cars in a forested area 12/24/1992 #40767 ng shaped UFO with bright beams of light pass over cars in a forested area 12/24/1992 #40768 MANAUS, BRZ UFO group. Night light passes. Magnetic detector alarms. 12/30/1992 (approximate) #40771 MARGON, FR 4 observer(s). Night light going down [to] then 2 luminous gl 12/31/1992 #40774 EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND Night light over trees enters bedroom. Turns a 1/1993 #40780 arch, Montana, they watch a bright light in the sky for about 5 minutes. Su 1/1993 #40782 the highway west of Belt. Another light reportedly flew in and out of the 1/1993 #40782 out 10 feet. At least six balls of light maneuver around the flight line of 1/1993 #40782 3rd stays 30 minute(s) more. Night light exits and returns.. 1/1/1993 #40783 the house, when she sees a ball of light low over the road heading towards 1/1/1993 #40785 lose fireballs and small red night light going [to] over high-voltage lines 1/6/1993 #40786 urant's front window in a blast of light. Joseph saw the three humanoids en 1/12/1993 #40794 humanoids enter, but instead of a light blast he saw one carrying somethin 1/12/1993 #40794 ków County, Poland, see a flash of light just before limestone debris falls 1/14/1993 #40795 loud buzzing sound, and then a red light pouring into her house through win 1/14/1993 #40796 BANNOCKBURN, SCOTLAND 50' ovoid. Light humming. Windows? Goes going north 1/17/1993 #40799 ft. At 10:15 p.m. a yellow ball of light with a green flashing light was se 1/28/1993 #40817 all of light with a green flashing light was seen in Uniontown, Pennsylvani 1/28/1993 #40817 AMS LAKE, BC Silent vibrant bright light beams 600' to house. Broken tree f 1/29/1993 #40818 NOYON, FR 2 observer(s). Beams / light. 20cm glowing sphere/orb/globe pas 1/30/1993 #40819 p.m. It illuminated the farm with light beams that faded and intensified. 1/31/1993 #40824 ops and more/others. Strange night light over overpass on I94. Rash / sight 2/1/1993 #40826 ARBURG, WI Large black delta beams light / water tank. 9 lights in all. Cop 2/1/1993 #40828 LLE, AL Entire city council. Night light moves. Drops. Turns. Many varying 2/2/1993 #40833 king for UFO's hit by beam / white light from delta-UFO. 2/4/1993 #40835 ape of an “oblong triangle” with a light at each point—a red light and a bl 2/4/1993 #40838 ” with a light at each point—a red light and a blue light at the front and 2/4/1993 #40838 each point—a red light and a blue light at the front and a white light in 2/4/1993 #40838 lue light at the front and a white light in the back. The UFO eventually mo 2/4/1993 #40838 t returns with another bright blue light below it. 2/4/1993 #40838 lights / each corner. White beam / light. Vanishes! 2/5/1993 (approximate) #40839 mitted three sets of four balls of light. 2/5/1993 #40841 t also had a large round brilliant light on the leading edge midpoint of ea 2/19/1993 #40853 ). 2 circles / clouds spin. Rays / light connect. Going west. / LDLN#318. 2/20/1993 #40855 rver(s) follow bright silent night light / saucer. Maneuvers turns and hove 2/21/1993 #40856 rver(s). Boxy object with rotating light like flying police van 200M over t 2/28/1993 #40865 had their car bathed by a beam of light from an unseen aerial source. 3/2/1993 #40873 ST SALEM, WI 6 observer(s). Bright light / cross pattern as night lights or 3/3/1993 #40875 On this evening a light fell to the ground in Dromkeal, Ir 3/14/1993 #40882 e object with bright square-shaped light panels that glowed amber and blue. 3/16/1993 #40886 d into two or three bright orbs of light, and as it passed over their vehic 3/16/1993 #40886 d the room was bathed in a strange light. She went to check the grounds and 3/20/1993 #40894 side. Five huge beams of powerful light shone from the top into the sky. T 3/20/1993 #40894 suddenly awakened by a bright blue light that entered his room through a wi 3/20/1993 #40895 ere enveloped in that strange blue light. Looking out a window he saw a gol 3/20/1993 #40895 WORDEN POND, RI Night light rises through overcast. Military j 3/23/1993 #40896 dnight, encountered an unexplained light in the sky. It flashed on and off 3/30/1993 #40905 ountryside with a powerful beam of light. At the same time in Rugeley, Engl 3/30/1993 #40906 sees the UFO fire a narrow beam of light (like a laser) at the ground and w 3/31/1993 #40914 ser) at the ground and watches the light sweeping backwards and forwards ac 3/31/1993 #40914 ort aircraft and a Boeing 747. The light beam retracts in an unnatural way, 3/31/1993 #40914 NEAR QUIXABA, BRZ Night light maneuvers / clouds. Beams search f 4/1993 #40916 ights flash color(s) and maneuver. Light mountains like day. 4/6/1993 #40928 ate reports / police. Silent night light with small lights around it. 4/8/1993 #40929 to the bathroom when he noticed a light outside his landing window. He pee 4/17/1993 #40940 s illuminated with an intense blue light that seemed to pulse with a hypnot 4/17/1993 #40940 around 30+ mph. There was a bright light on front when last seen. It was in 4/17/1993 #40941 med to have encountered a being of light during prayer at a local grotto in 4/23/1993 #40948 tices two red lights and one white light arranged like a triangle above Mus 4/26/1993 #40951 The lights separate, and the white light shoots across the sky. The two red 4/26/1993 #40951 Downs shines his spotlight on the light, which begins to drift back and fo 4/28/1993 #40953 ay. When his move is complete, the light has vanished. Two officers in thei 4/28/1993 #40953 th and Joe Smolenski, also see the light and the fireballs. Smolenski tries 4/28/1993 #40953 lls. Smolenski tries to follow the light for a full minute before it disapp 4/28/1993 #40953 Observer(s) waves. Object flashes light going [to] observer(s). Silent. 20 4/30/1993 #40958 . He waved his arm and saw a white light at the rear move to the center and 4/30/1993 #40959 rver(s) and 3 hours / video. Night light offloads and recovers smaller nigh 5/10/1993 #40972 CH NORTH / BICHINO, TASMANIA Night light changes color(s). Complex maneuver 5/10/1993 #40973 the object was lit under a bluish light, and positioned itself in front of 5/16/1993 #40983 house via a blue beam of coherent light. 5/19/1993 #40986 na four witnesses noticed a bright light floating very close to the ground 5/28/1993 #40993 the ground with a powerful beam of light. Its movements were erratic and so 5/28/1993 #40993 ound on the ground in front of the light. A similar object was seen the nex 5/28/1993 #40993 (seen thru) binoculars. Red night light glides. Stops. Shoots going quickl 5/29/1993 #40994 106 WITH LE LAS, FR 2 / car. Night light paces. Makes small fast circles. G 5/29/1993 #40996 A 2 observer(s). Round white night light very high. Slim silver objects joi 6/8/1993 #41008 craft / 30M altitude. Bright white light / front and red / under. Orange an 6/8/1993 #41009 SAUQUOIT, NY 3 observer(s). Night light hovers and maneuvers. Camcorder ma 6/10/1993 #41012 CA Several HIQ observer(s). Night light very high hovers and maneuvers ver 6/12/1993 #41014 COBOURG, ONTARIO Orange night light parallels car / PR2 into Colborne. 6/15/1993 #41016 An orange nocturnal light paralleled a car into Colborne, On 6/15/1993 #41018 ights were accompanying the orange light. They made no sound as they flew. 6/15/1993 #41018 ndow at 10:35 p.m. to see a bright light land on a nearby hill. Soon three 6/18/1993 #41022 figures became visible next to the light; they didnot appear to be human in 6/18/1993 #41022 MAIDEN CASTLE, DORSET Spheres / light hover over village. Plea for witne 6/24/1993 #41032 tly over the rooftops. large white light (the planet Venus) in the southeas 6/26/1993 #41038 hours of its appearance. The same light appears at the same time for weeks 6/26/1993 #41038 Several balls of light hovered over the town of Burgess H 6/26/1993 #41039 KZK Many observer(s). Orange night light going south during Soyuz-17 launch 7/1/1993 #41044 derflown / shiny sphere/orb/globe. Light fans out / rear. / r60#289. 7/1/1993 #41045 t lands. Flashes 5 times. Column / light. Power lines? 7/7/1993 #41052 oking like a Mexican sombrero with light all the way around its rim, was se 7/9/1993 #41055 RWICKS, ENGL Domed UFO beams white light going down. 50' over ground. Light 7/11/1993 #41056 vers overhead near roadway. Bright light. Seen / man returning from work. 7/23/1993 #41078 a helicopter with a red pulsating light. 7/27/1993 #41091 ect / 300' altitude. Shoots beam / light. Silent. 2 observer(s). 7/28/1993 #41092 rk human figure standing next to a light pole. The figure seemed to be star 7/31/1993 #41095 Valley of Colorado. A beam of red light passed from one helicopter to the 8/5/1993 #41108 head they encounter another bright light. Her husband continues driving, an 8/8/1993 #41117 t is the only one that has come to light. 8/8/1993 #41117 Norman, OK Dogs barked, light passed (excitement of witnesses a 8/10/1993 #41121 e patches of blue-gray fluorescent light in formation off it's diagonal cor 8/10/1993 #41122 t's diagonal corners. A red dot of light with radial rays appeared between 8/10/1993 #41122 e windows / dark object. Red night light. Dwg / r148p317. 8/11/1993 #41125 ch point of the triangle has a red light on it. As it disappears to the sou 8/12/1993 #41133 2–3 seconds with a yellowish-white light. They hear no noise and feel no he 8/13/1993 #41135 em, having become a narrow band of light 90 feet long and 3 feet wide. Soon 8/13/1993 #41135 one, France sighted a red point of light of large size, which appeared ovoi 8/14/1993 #41139 its interior like three pencils of light. 8/14/1993 #41139 NEAR CARMARTHEN, WALES Night light follows car / 20 mile(s). Time ano 8/15/1993? #41141 orning and had just turned off the light when she heard noises coming from 8/20/1993 #41148 she went to bed and turned off the light. Just as her eyes were getting acc 8/20/1993 #41148 then emitted 8 truncated coherent light beams through "doors." It flew off 8/25/1993 #41159 d-shaped eyes. She also saw a blue light flashing outside. The woman scream 9/1/1993 #41174 , captures a pulsing ball of white light that appears in the northwest, mov 9/2/1993 #41176 A blue ball of light was seen by police and others in a 9/3/1993 #41178 ounty, Oregon a ball of red-orange light, pulsating, travelled north to sou 9/5/1993 #41184 ph, and was the size of a car. The light emitted a small light, that fell l 9/5/1993 #41184 f a car. The light emitted a small light, that fell leaf-like to the ground 9/5/1993 #41184 / helicopter. Ovoid vanishes like light dimmer! 9/8/1993 #41188 ANDENONG, VCT 3+observer(s). Night light maneuvers. Other sightings / this 9/17/1993 #41201 right cylinder/cigar-shape. Shines light and moves 1 mile instantly. Lots / 9/20/1993 #41204 around 8 p.m. It shined a beam of light, and at one point moved over a mil 9/20/1993 #41205 seen 22nd. Fireball / 30 th. Night light / 1 October.. 9/21/1993 #41206 A large white ball of light flew from north to south over Nutt 10/1/1993 #41217 . Ellipse with rotating circles of light. Lasers? 10/9/1993 #41228 t bright fireball radiates beams / light. Shape unknown. Glides behind clou 10/11/1993 #41230 r-shaped objects with multicolored light occur around La Louvière, Hainaut, 10/25/1993 #41252 2 observer(s). 30' sphere / white light north going south over their home. 10/27/1993 (approximate) #41253 a.m. a neighbor observed a yellow light hovering in a garden in Noeux les 10/30/1993 #41256 rea near a crash had been turned a light blue. http://www.roswellproof.com 11/2/1993 #41259 nutes. It gave off silver feams of light. It finally split into two parts a 11/3/1993 #41262 ia late on this night in a beam of light to a huge triangular craft. Once i 11/8/1993 #41266 ndows going quickly south. Spots / light outside. 11/14/1993 #41273 ion going quickly southeast behind light plane. Recurrent dreams. 11/15/1993 #41276 ST. JACQUES DE NEHOU, FR Ray / light extends and shortens. 30M altitude 11/17/1993 #41279 EAST BERKSHIRE, VT 2 / car. Night light flashes on and off. Each time / di 11/28/1993 #41305 hey noticed a bright red star-like light moving slowly across the sky at ar 11/29/1993 #41309 s the sky at around 11:00 p.m. The light stopped and shot straight down bel 11/29/1993 #41309 t approaching bright reddish-white light. The UFO quickly closed with their 11/29/1993 #41309 ckwise orbiting satellite balls of light covered a four-lane highway in Arr 12/5/1993 #41325 40 a.m. local time a huge, silent, light bulb shaped UFO with bright lights 12/31/1993 #41338 r. Cone nears house. Shines yellow light. Going southeast. Observer(s) hide 1/3/1994 #41355 nce at 11:45 p.m. shining a yellow light on it. It then flew away to the so 1/3/1994 #41356 shaped object illuminated car with light beam, E-M effects (section I). (NI 2/1/1994 #41396 shaped object illuminated car with light beam, E-M effects 2/1/1994 #41397 aft then directed several beams of light towards the ground. A humanoid fig 2/1/1994 #41398 il observer(s). Bright white night light hovers over airbase. Erratic motio 2/2/1994 #41399 TSDALE, TASMANIA Silent oval night light hovers. Spotlight searches trees. 2/2/1994 #41400 ENKOPING, SWD Oblong light with spikes going [to] over car. M 2/15/1994 #41412 y, Sweden, when she sees an oblong light with spikes on top. The car lights 2/15/1994 #41415 ers. Darts. Going up. Fins / ends. Light / top. Size unknown. 2/28/1994 #41429 ast. It had fins on the ends and a light on the top. 2/28/1994 #41430 At 8:00 p.m., guided by a powerful light beam, eight volunteers climb the m 3/6/1994 #41443 linders with a very strong beam of light directed toward the ground in the 3/6/1994 #41444 d two minutes. The grass where the light hit the ground reportedly turned b 3/6/1994 #41444 / GREOLIERS, FR 1 observer. Night light east going quickly west. Stops ove 3/7/1994 #41445 es, and gave off beams and rays of light. 3/14/1994 #41458 n for 85 minutes, emitting rays of light. 4/2/1994 #41473 rs and more/others. Vertical bar / light. Fades / minutes. No source / clea 4/4/1994 #41476 not cast beams. There was one red light between every white light. The obj 4/8/1994 #41482 one red light between every white light. The object was five times larger 4/8/1994 #41482 BUCKS 2 video silent pulsing night light hovers 2 minute(s). Gone. Back. Aw 4/10/1994 #41486 at a low altitude. It had a white light at two corners, and trees hid the 4/12/1994 #41489 there was a sudden flash of white light and the rumbling sound ceased. The 4/12/1994 #41489 n, Alberta a large shining ball of light descended in the afternoon and lan 4/22/1994 #41500 oing down / field. Observer(s) aim light. Saucer shines light back and quic 4/25/1994 #41502 server(s) aim light. Saucer shines light back and quickly going up. 4/25/1994 #41502 t it, it flashed a brilliant white light, and then shot straight up and awa 4/25/1994 #41503 square windows. It shone a bright light at the observer from 100 meters aw 4/27/1994 #41507 QLD, AUSTRALIA 1 observer. Bright light beams 2 red shafts going down. / s 5/7/1994 #41514 lapa, Mexico watched a large white light come from some nearby hills and la 5/10/1994 #41521 ight when a strong, pulsating blue light suddenly awakened him. He hid unde 5/11/1994 #41523 nd. The object was a "bright white light with a big hole in the middle, lik 5/15/1994 #41527 At 9:30 p.m. a huge bright light with lots of little lights, chased 5/17/1994 #41528 e lights, chased by second smaller light, was sighted in Monte Vista, Color 5/17/1994 #41528 d. Play in sky. Rise and maneuver. Light ground. 5/19/1994 #41531 LLITON, SOMERSET 1 observer. Night light pulses pink and white. Hovers / 15 5/19/1994 #41532 is watching TV when she notices a light outside. She sees a disk with seve 5/21/1994 #41534 N 2 / camp. Brilliant silent night light hovers / 5-10 min. Shoots going [t 5/27/1994 #41538 BRISBANE, QLD Night light and black / silver cylinder/cylind 5/27/1994 #41539 orado - the witness of a nocturnal light in the sky earlier that evening - 5/31/1994 #41543 er workers when they see a strange light in the sky. Thinking it is either Early 6/1994 #41548 s hit in the forehead by a shining light and knocked unconscious. He wakes Early 6/1994 #41548 , SOUTH YORKS 2 observer(s). Night light / 20 minute(s). = Lacy metal dome 6/4/1994 #41549 en-glow domed saucer beams shaft / light going down. Zigzags / extreme spee 6/9/1994 #41559 o. Vibrant bright white oval night light / erratic maneuvers and turns. 6/10/1994 (approximate) #41563 f the forehead that emitted a blue light. A beam of light descended from th 6/15/1994 #41568 at emitted a blue light. A beam of light descended from the craft and chase 6/15/1994 #41568 p [to] again following small night light. 6/21/1994 #41576 At 1:20 a.m. rays of light were seen emanating from a cloud, 6/26/1994 #41584 eld became lit up by a very bright light. Traian Crisan, a 48-year-old shep 6/27/1994 #41588 erd, approached the site and saw a light gliding towards the field. He ran 6/27/1994 #41588 NAMIBIA Prof. and 3. Bright night light follows rough land contours closel 6/28/1994 #41591 ERS, FR Several observer(s). Beams light countryside. 3 photographs / silen 7/5/1994 #41607 / amateur astronomer. Silent night light makes instant 60° and 90° turns. S 7/7/1994 #41613 c-shaped object with a blue strobe light over Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The 7/7/1994 #41614 g craft with lights drop a ball of light into some nearby woods. 7/16/1994 #41628 ANDON AND SERANON, FR Huge night light seen widely over mountain tops. Br 8/5/1994 #41656 dance in the sky for two hours. A light in the distance was seen dropping 8/13/1994 #41672 -SAUTOUR, FR 4 / car. Saucer beams light going up [to] to cloud. Then hides 8/19/1994 #41681 ottom, shining continuous beams of light on the object both while it is hov 8/23/1994 #41687 ly 30 feet long with a bright head light and tail light, and red and green 8/28/1994 #41698 with a bright head light and tail light, and red and green side lights, ho 8/28/1994 #41698 WYCLIFFE WELL, AUSTR Night light back. Buzzes car / malfunctions du 8/29/1994 #41699 witnesses in Mongo, Indiana, see a light glowing through the treetops to th 8/31/1994 #41707 e a domed disc with a white strobe light on top of the dome. A bright red l 8/31/1994 #41707 t on top of the dome. A bright red light on the bottom flashes 3–4 times li 8/31/1994 #41707 RE, FR 1 observer. Big white bar / light east going quickly west. Orange an 9/3/1994 #41714 n, Alberta, Canada. It had a large light with four others on either side; i 9/6/1994 #41719 te lights in the corners and a red light in the center near the coast of Co 9/7/1994 #41722 A white light zigzagged across the sky from west 9/7/1994 #41724 k on these objects. Green balls of light came from the woods, and zigzagged 9/9/1994 #41733 At 7:15 p.m. a strange light maneuvered up and down near the tr 9/11/1994 #41735 50 p.m., and 8:25 p.m. of balls of light. 9/11/1994 #41736 nd 14 lights flashing around it, a light flying at treetop level, a row of 9/14/1994 #41749 r Grey) / cornfield. Lights / head light entire body. Video taken. 9/16/1994 #41753 spheres disappear with a flash of light, then reappear three times. One of 9/16/1994 #41755 star maneuvers and emits bursts / light. Rises / ground / NURC report. Wav 9/18/1994 #41760 ear-old man awoke to find a bright light shining in his face and several fi 9/20/1994 #41765 ace as the sighting of a nocturnal light, two cattle mutilations--a cow and 9/20/1994 #41767 WEST VANCOUVER, BC Night light drops. Hovers. Extends and retract 9/25/1994 #41774 overs. Extends and retracts cone / light. Meteor 23 minute(s) later. 9/25/1994 #41774 ields lit. Round fuzzy white night light over car / 6 second(s). Shoots off 10/6/1994 #41787 s. Floats away. Drops with flash / light. 10/6/1994 #41789 again before lost from sight. Each light strobed in sequence. The configura 10/11/1994 #41801 ight lights circles homes. Beams / light. 10/14/1994 #41804 / CUXAC-DE-AUDE, FR 2 / car. Night light drops / delta/triangle/box-like cr 10/28/1994 #41814 DFORD, ENG Several reports. Disk / light opens and closes. Huge and silent 10/28/1994 #41815 white sphere/orb/globe with green light follows Seine River going quickly 10/31/1994 #41826 White saucer spins. Silver beams / light. Splits / 2 parts going east and g 11/3/1994 #41831 / FALLON, NV 2 / car. White night light follows car into town. Changes col 11/4/1994 #41832 Cylinder/cylindrical object night light maneuvers / mountains. 6 November 11/4/1994 #41833 NEAR ROCHDALE, ENGL 2 / car. Night light near. Clock gets loud and odd effe 11/5/1994 #41836 LLMANSVILLE, WV Farm. Bright night light hovers. Moves. Hovers. Vanishes. O 11/18/1994? #41855 . Going quickly south. Drops night light that maneuvers. 11/22/1994 #41858 province, China A strong, flaming light with a train-like rumbling noise c 12/1/1994 #41875 MCCALL, ID 2 wakened / bright light. Separate observer(s) see brillian 12/5/1994 #41881 ter, South Carolina. It produced a light that made no shadows. After a shor 12/5/1994 #41885 ight at the figures, and a beam of light from the object immediately disabl 12/11/1994 #41890 IN 1 observer. Silent round night light zigzags / sky / 30 minute(s). Cast 12/17/1994 #41898 ights going [to] over trees. Ray / light. Fireball follows. Back Jan. 23. 12/27/1994 #41907 ach with stubby wings and a bright light on the nose. They move slowly and 12/29/1994 #41910 on the bottom that emits a bluish light and a buzzing sound. 12/29/1994 #41910 t long and emitted strong beams of light. They made a humming sound as they 12/29/1994 #41912 l. Big glowing-ovoid hovers. Night light exits and returns. / r60#307. 12/30/1994 #41914 and cylinder/cylindrical object / light west going east. Sudden fast turn. 1/1/1995 #41934 bottom of the object and a beam of light along the middle. It was back the 1/5/1995 #41952 th going quickly south. Each night light "spins". Projected edges. 1/11/1995 #41966 AKE, BC 2 RCMP and 2 others. Night light hovers and flashes color(s) and os 1/11/1995 #41969 server(s). 4 blinding night lights light trees etc. Bob to and fro / low al 1/15/1995 #41973 t yellow saucer with strong steady light east going quickly west / local wa 1/20/1995 #41985 green spheres joined / beam / gold light. Object streaks overhead / 2 secon 1/22/1995 #41990 t was seen emitting three beams of light. 1/30/1995 #42001 R MCLEAN, IL Truckers. 3 slashes / light hang / roadside. Cloud / red dots 2/6/1995 #42021 IRNSDALE, AUSTRALIA 2 / car. Night light. One hour / missing time. Arrive / 2/6/1995 #42023 SEATTLE, WA 1 observer. Blue night light rises from Puget Sound. Turns. Zip 2/10/1995 #42032 a very bright pear-shaped ball of light was seen over trees two nights in 2/11/1995 #42035 . Very large orange object returns light signals. Zips away. 2/12/1995 #42038 the size of an airplance, but its light was powerful enough to illuminate 2/12/1995 #42039 wn, across, then up into the other light. 2/12/1995 #42039 at 10:30 p.m. The object returned light signals from the boat, and then zi 2/12/1995 #42040 , PI Hundreds / observer(s). Night light splits going [to] orbs. Maneuver a 2/13/1995 #42041 HUNTLEY, GLOUCS 1 / car. Red night light horizon going quickly [to] horizon 2/15/1995 #42049 . Once outside both saw an unusual light in the sky. The mechanic thought i 2/21/1995 #42055 que stayed outside and watched the light descend towards her house. She beg 2/21/1995 #42055 angular UFO direct a beam of white light towards her. The white beam of lig 2/21/1995 #42055 ght towards her. The white beam of light lasts for about 10 seconds. On the 2/21/1995 #42055 like an engine and a saw a strong light coming from outside. They all went 2/23/1995 #42060 BYSHIRE Ex-RAF man videos circular light blob with 3 "sections". Hovers / 3 3/1995 #42068 ith windows surveys farm. 1 bright light / front. Small lights / rear. 3/1/1995 #42069 Sedalia, Missouri. It had a bright light in front and several small lights 3/1/1995 #42070 WEST / DEL NORTE, CO Strong blue light beams going down. Dead calf missin 3/2/1995 #42071 the town of Del Norte, strong blue light beams were sighted at around 9 p.m 3/2/1995 #42072 wn [to] and sideways. Rash / weird light beams / area. 3/3/1995 #42073 RUSSIA 4 separate sightings. Night light splits. Orange sphere. Blimp-shape 3/14/1995 #42090 vich Borovkov wakes up to a bright light shining in his home on Serebristy 3/14/1995 #42092 g, Russia. He sees a bright orange light hovering outside the window for 10 3/14/1995 #42092 tersburg, a hovering yellow-orange light changed intensity, and then starte 3/14/1995 #42095 ry fast egg-shape in cloud / green light streaks by overhead. Yellow trail. 3/15/1995 #42106 car. Extremely bright silent night light hovers. Going quickly west in disc 3/16/1995 #42107 around 4:00 a.m. A conical beam of light came from the bottom of the object 3/25/1995 #42118 man. Odd vibrant bright pure-white light going down [to] vertically. 3/31/1995 #42129 aut, France and directed a beam of light at the witness. A widespread power 4/2/1995 #42134 objects like green sheets / laser light. Shoot beams going down. 4/3/1995 #42135 eived a stream of beautiful golden light pouring forth from the base of his 4/3/1995 #42137 / GOLETA, CA Bizarre white ball / light descends / 5 second(s). Also seen 4/10/1995 #42142 hington at 10:10 p.m. two white or light gray discs moved quickly from sout 4/16/1995 #42155 ia, sees a large, brilliant, white light hovering in the sky to the northwe 4/18/1995 #42157 e floor above says she can see the light too. As soon as they switch the de 4/18/1995 #42157 verhead. 2 lights / each side. Red light and strobe / front. 4/21/1995 #42164 had two lights on each side: a red light in front, and a strobe light behin 4/21/1995 #42165 a red light in front, and a strobe light behind the red. 4/21/1995 #42165 MILPITAS, CA Ex-Navy man. Light beige disk going quickly [to] over 4/22/1995 #42167 A very bright ball of light entered a bedroom in Portland, Ore 4/25/1995 #42175 iving. It had a very bright, white light, so he could clearly see both the 5/3/1995 #42178 enly they notice an unusual yellow light zigzagging and maneuvering in the 5/5/1995 #42179 was an orange-red color. A beam of light that followed the contour of the c 5/7/1995 #42188 g [to] over mountain. Strong beams light all. 5/13/1995 #42199 mid shape flashes and beams rays / light. No further details. 5/13/1995 #42200 cylinder/cigar-shape with spiral / light. Going quickly south / incredibly 5/15/1995 #42204 server(s). Extremely bright mass / light moves unlike plane. Odd noise. 5/15/1995 #42209 n. It emitted a bright red beam of light. After 10 minutes it flew off towa 6/16/1995 #42261 9 observer(s). Bright white night light hovers and maneuvers fast / 5 minu 7/1/1995 #42288 diameter and emits a bright white light. As they approach the landing, the 7/1/1995 #42289 As they approach the landing, the light speeds up and crosses in front of 7/1/1995 #42289 nd 6 p.m. a very big red nocturnal light was seen by police in Whyalla, Sou 7/19/1995 #42311 SAPELLO, NM Night light dims and brightens. Goes going up 7/25/1995 #42326 hat night in Sapello, New Mexico a light was seen dimming and brightening i 7/25/1995 #42327 orge Polanco suddenly sees a white light bearing down on the aircraft befor 7/31/1995 #42347 at each end and a flashing orange light in the center, and very powerfully 7/31/1995 #42347 ST / LODI, MO Campers. White night light going SSW / 10 minute(s). Zigzags 8/8/1995 #42367 t covered its hand caught a bit of light from the factory lighting and seem 8/11/1995 #42376 m that emitted an extremely bright light beam. The laser-like beam struck t 8/11/1995 #42376 , DK Meteor watchers. Bright night light stops / 2 minute(s). Quickly going 8/12/1995 (approximate) #42377 kly [to] overhead very fast. Solid light / center. Lights blink / edge. 8/13/1995 #42379 oing quickly east. 3rd large night light stops and goes going quickly north 8/13/1995 #42380 A Several observer(s). White night light southwest going quickly northeast. 8/14/1995 #42382 clock in the evening a huge bright light buzzed a car driving on U.S. Highw 8/15/1995 #42388 to briefly see an extremely bright light out on the patio. It appeared to b 8/15/1995 #42390 WILLISTON, VT Light flashes. Almond-shaped object hove 8/16/1995 #42393 observer(s). Strange yellow night light hovers. Descends to field. Guard d 8/20/1995 #42404 , KS 3 carloads / teens. Red night light over cornfield. Large grey domed s 8/21/1995 #42405 server(s). Orange fireball / night light shoots flames. Zigzags across sky. 8/26/1995 #42416 hts hovers just over treetops. Big light / front. 8/31/1995 #42431 a one foot in diameter red ball of light low over some trees shoot out and 9/2/1995 #42437 altitude. Strong beams / each end light ground. Slow. Shoots going quickly 9/10/1995 #42451 lights / horizon. Fires 4 bolts / light at mountain twice. 9/11/1995 #42454 sc-shaped object and a rectangular light, at 100 meters altitude. 9/11/1995 #42457 / 6km by 30M disk and rectangular light and more/others. 100M altitude. / 9/12/1995 #42458 only 300 feet away, shot beams of light down on a house in Corpus Christi, 9/13/1995 #42467 Christi, Texas. It had a pulsating light on top. 9/13/1995 #42467 OK Dogs excited as disc emitted a light beam (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions 9/15/1995 #42474 his evening at 10:46 p.m. Beams of light were directed toward the ground. T 9/19/1995 #42487 LAKE OSWEGO, OR 1 observer. Night light flashes over house. Black disk ove 9/23/1995 #42503 azil when he noticed a very bright light by the side of the road. A beam of 9/24/1995 #42508 by the side of the road. A beam of light suddenly illuminated his car, and 9/24/1995 #42508 ometers from where he had seen the light, and 40 minutes of missing time ha 9/24/1995 #42508 MANCHESTER, ME 1+boy. Night light hovers. 2nd joins. Boy draws inter 9/29/1995 #42516 -end forward and has a pulsing red light on its front tip and steady white 9/29/1995 #42518 dead. Without warning, a powerful light explodes over the vehicle, coming 9/29/1995 #42519 alfunctioned when a dazzling white light from a disc-shaped object hovered 9/29/1995 #42520 ough the sky to the west. It had a light on each side. 10/2/1995 #42532 a sighted a reddish orange ball of light at 7:00 p.m. It flared up, then di 10/8/1995 #42541 WAUKEE, WI Large bright blue night light going quickly [to] by car. Drops. 10/10/1995 #42544 A large bright blue light buzzed a car on Interstate 43 sout 10/10/1995 #42545 Family / 4. Pointed ovoid. Bright light dims. Spikes protrude. No further 10/14/1995 #42549 NORTH / CHAKARI, ZIMB 10M ball / light. Low altitude. Glow lights trees. 10/17/1995 #42555 CRESCENT CITY, CA White oval light chased / 2 fast planes and easily 10/17/1995 #42556 s reported to resemble an enormous light that divided into three smaller li 10/27/1995 #42566 ise, and saw his bedroom fill with light. After the objects had disappeared 10/27/1995 #42566 TACOMA, WA Extremely bright ball / light lands / field. 2 nd.obs sees night 10/31/1995 #42571 lands / field. 2 nd.obs sees night light zigzag and shoot off. 10/31/1995 #42571 Center to report a bright ball of light landing in a nearby field. Two hou 10/31/1995 #42573 r a second witness saw a nocturnal light zigzag through the sky and shoot o 10/31/1995 #42573 ad 3 nights running. Change shape. Light clouds. 11/3/1995 #42579 LEXINGTON, KY Big ball / light circles observer(s) walking / rail 11/5/1995 #42582 r. Bright saucer fills car / green light. "Pains in head". (Mst?) 11/19/1995 #42608 REDDING, CA 1+kids. Orange ball / light bobs over treetops. Then wide stre 11/19/1995 #42610 treetops. Then wide streak / white light. 11/19/1995 #42610 shaped objects with blue beams of light flew over Dubai in the Persian Gul 11/27/1995 #42626 (s) gets camera. Ovoid gone. Night light going east. Photographs no good/us 11/30/1995 #42632 +cop. Round object emits flashes / light. Going [to] over Blackcomb Mountai 12/12/1995 #42640 Australia on this night. Beams of light came down from the object into the 12/30/1995 #42652 , OR 2 observer(s). 25-35 points / light going northwest. Sporadic motion o 1/7/1996 #42668 arate observer(s). 3 gold globes / light going quickly SSW. Each rises vert 1/8/1996 #42675 up a larger piece that is thin and light. When he kneads it, he is amazed t 1/13/1996 #42681 bject / 800M altitude. Wide beam / light going down / large creek. 1/19/1996 #42688 ON, NWT 30 observer(s) watch night light maneuver / MacKenzie River. 2nd jo 1/28/1996 #42718 ole valley in an eerie deep purple light. The "mother ship" landed upriver 1/31/1996 #42729 ffic Controller. Pale yellow night light looks square in (seen thru) binocu 2/3/1996 #42734 TA, CA 7 observer(s). White ball / light lands / TV tower / 8 minute(s). Go 2/6/1996 #42741 lew very slowly over the barn. The light coming from the triangle did not i 2/6/1996 #42743 TURRAMURRA, NSW Night light going [to] over Sydney. Stops and 2/7/1996 #42745 At 9:30 p.m a nocturnal light flew over Sydney, New South Wales, 2/7/1996 #42746 white cylinder/cigar-shape-shaped light west going east slow. 20x size of 2/9/1996 #42748 the verandah she saw the source of light to be a bright long elliptical sha 2/10/1996 #42754 There was a brilliant bluish white light and a metallic smell you could alm 2/10/1996 #42754 blinking lights and a solid orange light hovered in the western sky over th 2/10/1996 #42756 observer(s). Round orange globe / light going quickly [to] WNW up Wenatche 2/16/1996 #42766 going quickly east. Vibrant bright light. Hums. No further details. 2/19/1996 #42772 veral kids. Small silver disk with light / top. Going quickly [to] away. Se 2/23/1996 #42774 around its waist a bluish beam of light emerged. The being appeared roboti 2/23/1996 #42776 s and were able to see a brilliant light emerge from behind some trees and 2/23/1996 #42776 SVILLE, WA Man. Yellow-white night light hovers near Venus. Suddenly shoots 2/27/1996 #42784 llision with a very bright ball of light that appeared to jump out at his p 2/27/1996 #42786 y there was a bright flash of blue light behind him. Thinking that it was t 2/29/1996 #42789 erver(s) / home. Big orange ball / light dims and reappears. Blinks. Going 3/1/1996 #42794 riangle-shaped object with a white light in each corner and a green light i 3/1/1996 #42795 e light in each corner and a green light in the center. It stays motionless 3/1/1996 #42795 e lights merge into one long green light. Without warning, it takes off and 3/1/1996 #42795 At 10:15 p.m. a big orange ball of light (BOL) dimmed and reappeared in Bat 3/1/1996 #42797 MOUNTAIN VILLAGE, AK Woman. Night light stationary. Sweeps searchlight / c 3/2/1996 #42799 /globe hovers. Observer(s) flashes light. Sphere/orb/globe going down. Ramp 3/6/1996 #42808 gnaled to the object by flashing a light, whereupon the UFO descended and l 3/6/1996 #42812 oments later a shaft of "coherent" light appeared under the sphere; it reac 3/7/1996 #42815 ded to the ground via the shaft of light. These beings seemed to move in sl 3/7/1996 #42815 rge as a soccer field with a white light in each corner and a pulsating ora 3/9/1996 #42817 each corner and a pulsating orange light in the center. 3/9/1996 #42817 r stops and maneuvers. Small night light maneuvers / clouds. Merge and goin 3/11/1996 #42820 00 feet in diameter, with a bright light on their tops and windows on their 3/12/1996 #42821 NC 1 / home. Vibrant bright night light hovers. Sparks / 1 end. Small ligh 3/13/1996 #42822 BA, BRZ(1 OF 2) Blinding red night light 100M away / observer(s) / horse. Z 3/15/1996 #42823 ALE, WEST AUSTRALIA 1 / car. Night light going down / road. Move aside as c 3/22/1996 #42834 observer(s). Vibrant bright night light over ocean. Drops "teardrop" that 4/9/1996 #42860 s of Gerona, Spain when a powerful light crossed in front of them on the hi 4/15/1996 #42870 rized by the brilliant outburst of light, while his partner tried to keep h 4/15/1996 #42870 rol car's steering wheel. When the light extinguished the mesmerized office 4/15/1996 #42870 ncanny experience when the bizarre light staged a return. According to the 4/15/1996 #42870 THWEST / BOREON, FR 1 / car. Night light hovers between 2 mountains. Aims b 4/22/1996 (approximate) #42878 is night at 10:30 p.m. a nocturnal light hovered between two mountains over 4/22/1996 #42879 s-Maritime, France, aiming beam of light apparently randomly at the slopes. 4/22/1996 #42879 ght object / sky. Regular pulses / light. 1 / 4 dia / moon. No further deta 4/25/1996 #42883 ado reported that a "monstrous red light" flew over the San Luis Valley at 5/4/1996 #42893 s in diameter, and had a revolving light on top that resembled that on a po 5/6/1996 #42898 UST 2 car chased / brilliant night light. Hovers / 4 minute(s). 2nd night l 5/15/1996 #42901 t. Hovers / 4 minute(s). 2nd night light blinks and gone. / r60#323+/ r96. 5/15/1996 #42901 when she noticed a strong glare of light streaming through the kitchen wind 5/19/1996 #42905 leston, Illinois saw a large white light in the sky at 11:58 p.m., then a h 5/21/1996 #42906 thru) binoculars. Half-moon night light with platform / bottom. Curves goi 6/6/1996 #42923 de of a crescent, half-moon shaped light with a platform on the bottom. It 6/6/1996 #42924 him. The object has a single white light at each corner and hovers directly 6/17/1996 #42931 tly above the road. A red blinking light is at the center. 6/17/1996 #42931 s, Brazil when he noticed a strong light in a nearby field. He stopped his 6/21/1996 #42936 object was a continuous girdle of light "like a rainbow." The colors chang 7/8/1996 #42950 m of the object was a bright white light. Neither of the witnesses saw any 7/8/1996 #42950 idents of the town witness unusual light phenomena. 7/9/1996 #42952 l services soldiers saw a flash of light in the sky. 7/13/1996 #42956 out any details due to the bright light. 8/11/1996 #42980 Park, Manitoba, see a strange blue light dancing behind a hill. When they i 8/17/1996 #42984 ear them. It then shines a beam of light around the ground, illuminating th 8/17/1996 #42984 ERRA, AUSTRALIA Blue-white balls / light cross sky back and forth 3 times. 8/21/1996 #42989 n formation. Exchange blue bolts / light. 8/23/1996 #42991 ther; they exchanged blue beams of light. 8/23/1996 #42992 A mechanic notices a white mass of light at Port Arthur, Tasmania. His car 8/29/1996 #42999 ia. His car acts up a bit, but the light vanishes, and it returns to normal 8/29/1996 #42999 e cylinder was a fluorescent green light that turned like a gyrosphere. It 9/11/1996 #43016 portholes emitting a strong orange light. It was stationary at an altitude 9/16/1996 #43024 alien there appeared to be a white light aura surrounding him. He does not 9/16/1996 #43025 feet tall, with heads shaped like light bulbs and skinny limbs that made u 9/16/1996 #43026 three square windows and a beam of light in the front. 9/23/1996 #43038 ining down powerful beams of white light. The witnesses returned back to th 9/23/1996 #43039 me location and again saw the blue light, still glowing, and they again saw 9/23/1996 #43039 down its back. Its skin color was light blue and it had a black "thing" th 9/24/1996 #43041 se shook. Next, there was a bright light that lit up the sky, and it moved 9/26/1996 #43043 BAURU, SP, BRAZIL Farmer. Night light hovers. Splits and rejoins. 2 hour 9/29/1996 #43047 inder/cigar-shape / 800M altitude. Light plane going [to] under. See Pelota 10/5/1996 #43055 on see a single, stationary bright light, while the crew of an offshore tan 10/5/1996 #43056 hore tanker report another colored light. Air traffic control radar at Clax 10/5/1996 #43056 ch in Boston, the stationary white light is Venus, and astronomer Ian Ridpa 10/5/1996 #43056 EMBRUN, ONT 1 / car. Ball / light 2x moon-size paces car going west. 10/7/1996 #43060 first sighted a rapidly zigagging light high in the sky headed from west t 10/10/1996 #43063 server(s) goes outside home. Night light hovers and maneuvers. Shoots going 10/14/1996 #43067 an airplane, aims an intense white light at their car for 20 minutes. They 10/15/1996 #43070 their car and bathed it in intense light for "at least 20 minutes." There w 10/15/1996 #43071 SOUTHWEST / GUARABIRA, BRAZIL 1 / light plane. 30M pyramid going west. Dom 10/18/1996 #43077 BRAZIL 2 30M saucers seen. Balls / light. Man reported missing. 10/18/1996 #43079 ARD, TASMANIA 1 / car. Large night light = domed saucer. Going down [to] fe 10/22/1996 #43090 R GIEVRES, FR Small object follows light plane / half circle maneuver. Ange 10/24/1996 #43093 binoculars as it directs a beam of light down at a lake it is hovering abov 10/25/1996 #43095 then the other two shine beams of light on the lake again and disappear by 10/25/1996 #43095 inoculars as it directed a beam of light down at the lake. 10/25/1996 #43096 spotted a solid, unblinking orange light low in the sky moving from the sou 10/26/1996 #43097 RIEULAY, FR Oval night light comes within 50M / observer(s) / g 11/5/1996 #43106 his two friends, they saw that the light was coming from a very bright sour 11/9/1996 #43110 red with amazing speed towards the light source on the field. Frightened, B 11/9/1996 #43110 er. Double domed-disk gyrates. Red light / periphery. / NUFORC. 11/19/1996 #43113 eals dive as airship emits beam of light (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 11/22/1996 #43115 he observed a large green ball of light with a white ring around. The ball 11/23/1996 #43118 h a white ring around. The ball of light dropped from the sky and then hove 11/23/1996 #43118 g a number of "soft white balls of light" coursing to the east and then cha 11/25/1996 #43122 ks at the top of a hill and sees a light bobbing around and moving west to 12/1996 #43127 s from Ellsworth are grounded. The light eventually blinks out. 12/1996 #43127 in Eugene, Oregon saw a nocturnal light zigzagging at a high altitude and 12/18/1996 #43146 LIMEIRA, BRAZIL Night light goes by. Silent 10M fried-egg sauc 1/1/1997 #43161 E, NV 6 campers. Silent 50' square light overhead. Observer's hair stands o 1/4/1997 #43165 Suddenly he saw a bright flash of light outside. He looked out the French 1/5/1997 #43166 to investigate. Running toward the light, he attempted to shout a warning, 1/5/1997 #43166 ared inside the luminous form. The light shot up into the sky vertically at 1/5/1997 #43166 appeared in a bright blue flash of light. 1/8/1997 #43168 rsts downward” with a bright white light three times in succession. It diss 1/13/1997 #43170 5 minutes, a solid stream of white light comes downward from it and another 1/13/1997 #43170 lowing tube of smoky gray and blue light descends and encircles the car, re 1/27/1997 #43178 New Hampshire shut off the bedroom light and then saw a large object, like 1/28/1997 #43179 rise up to clear a ridgeline. The light then went out, but the witness cou 1/28/1997 #43179 glowing-dome hovers / 8M altitude. Light hiss. Lights / base. Going quickly 2/1997 #43183 P Separate observer(s). Red ball / light. Dogs growl. 2 giants / ground cha 2/20/1997 #43198 e rows of windows with bright blue light shining through them. After 15 min 2/22/1997 #43202 re when he saw four balls of white light zigzag in unison over some nearby 2/26/1997 #43210 ere was a blinding flash of orange light, and he felt his vehicle being lif 2/26/1997 #43210 tached to it on the back and a big light on the front. When she pulls to a 3/8/1997 #43222 lt very cold. He next saw a purple light drop from the sky, and at the same 3/10/1997 #43225 nsation of cold. An orange beam of light then appeared beside him. Several 3/10/1997 #43225 antenna that radiated an odd blue light. They had a strange orifice where 3/10/1997 #43225 his they flew back into the purple light via the orange beam of light. Befo 3/10/1997 #43225 urple light via the orange beam of light. Before leaving, the leader showed 3/10/1997 #43225 e in La Escala, Spain saw a yellow light near the ground change color to or 3/19/1997 #43235 human figure in the center of the light. One witness attempted to photogra 3/19/1997 #43235 ttempted to photograph it, but the light dimmed, became oval shaped, and va 3/19/1997 #43235 night. The main concern is that a light aircraft or a helicopter has come 3/24/1997 #43239 / 120kts / 1500' altitude. Silent. Light / bottom/underside. 4/6/1997 #43254 arm of bees, each carrying its own light in formation. She then experienced 4/15/1997 #43261 passes / low altitude. Round white light / each corner. 4/21/1997 #43269 Pacific highway. Triangular night light going [to] over car / 40M altitude 4/28/1997 #43282 and emitted an occasional flash of light. The truck driver walked closer to 4/28/1997 #43283 uickly southwest. Drops slow night light. 5/2/1997 #43285 showing a yellow to amber colored light within. Inside the craft he could 5/19/1997 #43300 m, Sweden, watches a large ball of light, 30 feet across, follow the ship’s 6/1997 #43307 ing on the surface of the original light. After several minutes, the lights 6/1997 #43307 red being lifted through a conical light beam into the hovering craft. Aboa 6/5/1997 #43311 t-shaped object appears carrying a light that is 8 times as big as itself. 6/6/1997 #43315 0–15 minutes and appears to have a light on its front and back. The witness 6/8/1997 #43318 to cloaked beings, each carrying a light ball. Some Polish researchers cons 6/18/1997 #43328 hoenix Lights. He proceeds to make light of the situation by bringing on st 6/19/1997 #43331 kitchen when she notices a bright light source on the window blinds. Looki 6/24/1997 #43337 utside, she sees a large circle of light seemingly at ground level, some 55 6/24/1997 #43337 her details or head any sound. The light does not reflect on any of the nea 6/24/1997 #43337 ny of the nearby trees. Later, the light disappears. 6/24/1997 #43337 ide, and when she turned the porch light on, she saw a strange creature alo 6/26/1997 #43341 of an airliner when they notice a light about 3 miles distant between Buft 7/14/1997 #43350 or 2 hours. Through binoculars the light is seen to have a horizontal band 7/14/1997 #43350 itched on for another landing, the light blinks out and reappears in a diff 7/14/1997 #43350 cation, this time looking like two light balls joined together. The lights 7/14/1997 #43350 bject that was emitting flashes of light towards the ground. 7/22/1997 #43356 pins. Reverses spin. Shoots cone / light going down / village. 7/27/1997 #43362 a bright lantern so he pointed the light at the nearby "form" on the ground 8/3/1997 #43366 the size of a fuselage of a small light aircraft, heading toward the Boein 8/9/1997 #43376 ma, Peru at 11:15 p.m. It directed light beams up and down the coast. A num 8/11/1997 #43380 Italy when they noticed a dazzling light emanating intermittent flashes. Th 9/4/1997 #43394 g intermittent flashes. This flash light was immediately followed by a stra 9/4/1997 #43394 izarre creature standing next to a light pole. It was described as short an 9/4/1997 #43394 Base. White lights / corners. Red light / top. 9/6/1997 #43396 , FR 2 / fireworks display. Ball / light = ovoid / video. Away very fast. A 9/7/1997 #43398 apes or how they moved. The bright light was directed at her and she though 9/9/1997 #43403 topping, hovering, and shining its light on various mobile homes. 9/9/1997 #43403 t the UFO radiated bluish beams of light. Three more lights, round in shape 9/22/1997 #43414 n the summit. The intensity of its light diminished to a soft amber glow, w 9/26/1997 #43417 s). Black rectangle hovers. Strong light / rear. Sudden quickly going down. 9/28/1997 #43419 hey next saw a fluorescent tube of light in a vertical position, about 30 m 9/30/1997 #43421 n Raahe, Finland when he saw a red light in the sky that was coming straigh 10/3/1997 #43424 server(s). Red sphere with 1 white light going west. Turns going quickly no 10/8/1997 #43425 the top of a hill, they noticed a light directly in front of them at about 10/13/1997 #43427 SINCLAIR ISL., NS Night light hovers. Large dark silent ovoid bl 10/20/1997 #43434 nditions sees three white beams of light that suddenly permeate the fog fro 11/4/1997 #43437 tart it. After about 5 minutes the light beam disappears suddenly and the h 11/4/1997 #43437 te lights in the front and one red light in the rear, suddenly “turn on.” I 11/13/1997 #43440 what had happened a bright beam of light hit him, and several "little men" 12/10/1997 #43457 e and shone a beam of whitish blue light out of its center. Something like 12/14/1997 #43461 he became aware of a bluish white light beam from an outside source. Next 12/14/1997 #43462 er another form came down from the light, like floating in a horizontal pos 12/14/1997 #43462 ee to four months. Soon the bluish light started to "close in" at the botto 12/14/1997 #43462 ipe, Brazil a witness saw a bright light in a nearby field that increased r 12/16/1997 #43464 w a humanoid silhouette within the light. It was without any features, and 12/16/1997 #43464 or, and emitting an orange beam of light. It and the light suddenly disappe 12/16/1997 #43464 n orange beam of light. It and the light suddenly disappeared. 12/16/1997 #43464 s later it disappears, but another light appears over the Słocina forest. 12/31/1997 #43477 f them fluoresce under ultraviolet light, some are magnetic, and most appea 1998 #43479 icolored UFO emitting multicolored light beams in his direction. He woke up 1/1/1998 #43484 oin them to watch the silent white light, and the neighborhood dogs bark co 1/2/1998 #43486 picks up a camcorder and films the light with the help of his cousin Katius 1/2/1998 #43486 a Cunha Lopes for 4.5 minutes. The light disappears around 10:00 p.m. 1/2/1998 #43486 airline(s)/airliner pilots. Night light going west. Very fast 135° turn. 2 1/3/1998 #43487 l, they see it emitting a dazzling light and hovering above the trees. Sudd 2/1998 #43509 be dark in color and had a shining light around it. No facial features coul 2/1/1998 #43510 sappear. Two weeks later a beam of light came out of the sky after a loud z 2/1/1998 #43510 orner lights alternate with center light. Silent and very slow. 2/5/1998 #43513 suddenly appeared a flashing blue light over the field and they both saw a 2/14/1998 #43521 the area reported seeing a bright light over the area around the same time 2/14/1998 #43521 ith her dogs when she saw a bright light hovering above the trailers. Insid 2/27/1998 #43524 ing above the trailers. Inside the light she saw the face and eyes of a hum 2/27/1998 #43524 EAST / SALISBURY, NC Saturn-night light going up [to] and hovers / 5 minut 4/2/1998 #43540 n. Going up / 0100hrs. Small night light exits and maneuvers and rejoins. 4/2/1998 #43540 en scanned the area with a beam of light. It circled passenger jet, then ch 4/10/1998 #43546 a UFO embedded in a cloud of green light fly toward the south over his car 4/22/1998 #43556 friends in Manito, Illinois saw a light, which broke into two disks, and t 4/25/1998 #43558 being tuned and then a bright blue light invaded the bedroom. Looking towar 4/27/1998 #43559 ark (not black), with a big orange light on the bottom (middle) and small l 5/16/1998 #43568 A red ball of light shot over the lake in Gmunden, Aus 6/1/1998 #43579 ct accompanied by a smaller orange light trailing behind it. The smaller li 6/5/1998 #43581 ht trailing behind it. The smaller light merged with the main light. Neithe 6/5/1998 #43581 smaller light merged with the main light. Neither object made any sound. At 6/5/1998 #43581 also metallic and emitted beams of light towards her stomach area. At this 6/8/1998 #43584 so see some kind of soft, flashing light in the corridor that she went to i 6/10/1998 #43586 seen because he was backlit by the light coming from behind him. She attemp 6/10/1998 #43586 raveling eight-tenths the speed of light. The source also alleged he worke 6/17/1998 #43589 ted field when he noticed a bright light to his left. A bright white rotati 6/21/1998 #43591 his left. A bright white rotating light approached and disappeared towards 6/21/1998 #43591 derate humming sound. Suddenly the light went dark and two humanoids became 6/21/1998 #43591 her local witness had seen a white light hovering over a house. 6/21/1998 #43591 orner and projects a white beam of light onto the buildings. 6/26/1998 #43595 our feet tall and gave off a white light, but no additional features could 6/27/1998 #43596 s present; he wore a tight-fitting light blue metallic coverall with a silv 7/11/1998 #43601 rd the west. On the same evening a light was observed moving up and down be 7/18/1998 #43610 on/dematerialization,” faster than light travel and antigravity propulsion 8/22/1998 #43635 passage of six luminous points of light in tight formation for 10 seconds 8/26/1998 #43638 he witness was awakened by a white light appearing suddenly in a dark bedro 9/6/1998 #43641 ng up her, surrounded by the white light. 9/6/1998 #43641 cause from time to time the sunset light gleamed on it. After landing the f 9/14/1998 #43646 atched a luminous blue oval-shaped light on or near the ground on Mt. Prela 9/18/1998 #43648 for about an hour. In front of the light a small child-like figure was seen 9/18/1998 #43648 dow and noticed a bright sphere of light making triangular movements in the 9/21/1998 #43650 appeared in the center of the red light. Then a figure became visible insi 9/21/1998 #43650 re became visible inside the white light. The figure moved back and forth, 9/21/1998 #43650 t others saw speeding red balls of light over different parts of the island 9/21/1998 #43650 n there was a very bright flash of light. The witnesses was momentarily bli 9/25/1998 #43651 ed a round, bright orange flashing light with small black dotted things on 10/2/1998 #43658 noticed a triangular craft with a light at each corner, two white and one 10/19/1998 #43667 son. His room was illuminated by a light from an unknown source. He looked 10/25/1998 #43670 ure was hard to see because of the light, but it looked as if its hands wer 10/25/1998 #43670 utside Bologna, Italy saw a bright light approach his vehicle. Suddenly his 11/1/1998 #43674 membered being struck by a beam of light and losing consciousness for two h 11/1/1998 #43674 fly over at 9:00 p.m. It had a red light at the apex and three strobing whi 11/3/1998 #43675 utes later he sees a green beam of light shining down from the sky. The lig 11/6/1998 #43676 ght shining down from the sky. The light source seems to be about 3,000 fee 11/6/1998 #43676 of them carried a purple blinking light and another of the beings climbed 11/13/1998 #43682 woods. There was a sudden flash of light and large balloon-shaped object wi 11/25/1998 #43684 e,” basketball-sized ball of white light coming directly at her from the ri 11/27/1998 #43686 higan saw an intense white ball of light (BOL) come directly at her at high 11/27/1998 #43687 pines. There was a sudden flash of light, and a large balloon-shaped object 11/29/1998 #43689 are. One man reports a “large blue light that was moving all over erratical 11/30/1998 #43692 nsland, consists of a bright white light, an orange ball of light, and a mi 12/2/1998 #43695 ght white light, an orange ball of light, and a missing time experience, al 12/2/1998 #43695 r of four white lights and one red light to the south. They seem to be appr 12/3/1998 #43696 a triangular object with a bright light in each corner and a flashing red 12/10/1998 #43697 , and she also saw more flashes of light. She suffered from headaches and t 1/7/1999 #43711 n, sees an orange volleyball-sized light 20 feet above the overpass moving 1/22/1999 #43718 athes the airliner in incandescent light. The object comes to an abrupt hal 2/3/1999 #43721 8:30 p.m. when he noticed a bright light some distance away. Thinking that 2/4/1999 #43722 r assistance. As he got nearer the light he was surprised to see that it wa 2/4/1999 #43722 OFF PISCO, PERU Fishermen. Large light rises / sea! Banks sharply and goi 2/9/1999 #43723 n Pisco, Peru watched an anomalous light emerge from the ocean, bank sharpl 2/9/1999 #43725 night a witness saw a bright green light descending and it seemed to get br 2/14/1999 #43727 Knox County, Indiana saw a bright light in the northwest. A silvery, shimm 2/15/1999 #43729 mployees of Indianapolis Power and Light and asserted that it was illegal t 2/15/1999 #43729 shire, England saw a bright orange light in the sky from her home at 10:45 3/10/1999 #43746 in Duffield, England saw a bright light in sky and pulled into a bus stop 3/10/1999 #43746 e craft then shone a beam of white light towards the ground and a short fig 4/1/1999 #43752 ort figure materialized within the light on the ground. The witnesses watch 4/1/1999 #43752 , South Australia sighted a bright light the size of a large strawberry at 5/6/1999 #43764 when he noticed a bright spherical light flying low over the area. Thinking 5/10/1999 #43767 nia before emitting a giant ray of light like a huge spotlight. 5/10/1999 #43768 hexagon shaped set of bright blue light maneuvered over Hot Springs, Arkan 5/14/1999 #43769 e air and shone two white beams of light down on him. 5/21/1999 #43772 ay and gave off a very bright blue light. He could not tell its shape becau 5/23/1999 #43773 Again, because of the bright blue light he could not distinguish many feat 5/23/1999 #43773 sitting outside saw a bright blue light appear from nowhere. It was long a 6/12/1999 #43785 e, Kentucky at 12:15 a.m. A bright light was also seen passing in front of 6/21/1999 #43787 ch corner, and had a pulsating red light in the center. When one of them tr 7/3/1999 #43790 When the witness turned the light on outside her shed in Ross, Tasma 7/5/1999 #43791 r object was seen with a faint red light in each of its three corners in Ka 7/6/1999 #43792 k silent ovoid blocks stars. Night light plays. Both vanish. 7/7/1999 #43794 orning, whose presence blocked the light from the stars in the predawn sky, 7/7/1999 #43795 the predawn sky, while a nocturnal light also maneuvered about in the sky. 7/7/1999 #43795 degree angle. It had a weak yellow light on its upper section. It was about 7/14/1999 #43802 ect with counter-rotating rings of light flew over Logan Village, Queenslan 8/8/1999 #43818 nt in the sky that had two rays of light that were shining a tender green c 8/11/1999 #43820 shining a tender green color. The light source seemed to dance in the sky. 8/11/1999 #43820 ke those of a wolf. Their skin was light brown in color and their hands had 8/14/1999 #43822 een overhead, and the blue ball of light shot down to just feet above a cou 8/26/1999 #43835 F-16s and six maneuvering balls of light (BOLs) at 2:15 a.m., with one ligh 9/13/1999 #43844 ight (BOLs) at 2:15 a.m., with one light emitting a ray that took out one o 9/13/1999 #43844 s, Idaho witnessed a fiery ball of light that was seen on the side of the I 9/21/1999 #43851 it resembles moths flying around a light bulb. They watch it for 45 minutes 10/10/1999 #43860 A white light paced a truck in Burnaby, British 10/16/1999 #43861 d down. She then tried to turn the light on, but it would not work, and she 10/26/1999 #43866 w a strange, bright, multi-colored light that was remaining motionless over 11/15/1999 #43881 e Sangre de Christo Mountains. The light appeared to be pulsating and did n 11/15/1999 #43881 . Soon afterwards she saw a bright light rise from the woods and shoot up i 12/5/1999 #43894 inutes it emitted a bright beam of light from its center. The color of the 12/8/1999 #43896 from its center. The color of the light changed from yellow to red to whit 12/8/1999 #43896 ington State. At 5:00 p.m. another light was seen zigzagging through the sk 12/21/1999 #43901 n his body that glow under a black light and claiming electronic communicat 2000 #43913 0M domed arrowhead / low altitude. Light humming. Lights / bottom/underside 1/5/2000 #43919 France, encounters a bright white light near the town water tower. His eng 1/10/2000 #43923 s object followed by a cylinder of light, which hung in the sky for several 1/12/2000 #43925 a start and noticed a very bright light coming through the window. It was 1/17/2000 #43929 yton, Nevada at 6:15 p.m. A bright light shone straight out of object, and 1/18/2000 #43931 lifornia. The witness saw a bright light beam that looked like the spotligh 1/18/2000 #43931 minated by a self-luminous glowing light, and it moved slowly over city aft 1/23/2000 #43932 fter about eight minutes the first light disappeared, then the third one. T 1/29/2000 #43936 when he was hit by a beam of white light from the craft, which caused him f 1/30/2000 #43937 the craft, trying to shoot out the light. While grabbing a second magazine 1/30/2000 #43937 As the chopper hovered a flash of light was again directed at the boat. He 1/30/2000 #43937 neto, Italy. It had stong beams of light. Suddenly it was gone. 2/10/2000 #43945 formation and disappeared. A third light split in two, dropping a new light 2/16/2000 #43951 light split in two, dropping a new light out of its bottom. All remaining l 2/16/2000 #43951 h, Kampung Gobek, Malaysia rays of light bathed houses in the village. A UF 3/2/2000 #43961 uri a witness reported seeing four light rotating against an overcast cloud 3/2/2000 #43962 pter. A videotape of the nocturnal light was taken by Salvador Guerrero. 3/2/2000 #43963 rge object emitting bright rays of light was seen hovering over and then la 3/3/2000 #43964 Northern Ireland saw an egg-shaped light in sky, that started pacing his ca 3/23/2000 #43967 him as short with a huge head and light blue in color. After lossing recol 5/3/2000 #43988 p.m. It suddenly lit up in a white light, and then disappeared. 5/6/2000 #43989 issouri remembered seeing a bright light overhead through her bedroom skyli 5/17/2000 #43996 p in her bed, and noticed a bright light shining in the skylight, and what 5/17/2000 #43996 ect had a tail with a red flashing light and two wings with red and green l 5/17/2000 #43996 ers became surrounded by a beam of light while a blue shape remained in the 7/7/2000 #44012 shaped object shone a bright white light beam down toward the ground. It ra 7/7/2000 #44013 fog from around its periphery. Its light snapped off, and the UFO vanished, 7/7/2000 #44013 ca, Nevada reported that a beam of light came from a bright circular object 7/7/2000 #44013 wo drove away. They saw the yellow light again as it lit up the entire road 7/13/2000 #44016 Mountains. When the second to last light is gone, the witness sees a flash 7/17/2000 #44021 t 15 minutes later, another orange light appears, moving south to north at 7/17/2000 #44021 ttom of the object was a big green light that beamed down to the ocean surf 7/25/2000 #44023 later the witness noticed a green light illuminating her room. No one was 7/31/2000 #44024 able to identify the source of the light. 7/31/2000 #44024 ere one witness also sees a bright light. 8/5/2000 #44028 disappeared with a bright flash of light. 8/25/2000 #44033 s shooting three powerful beams of light from dome-like globes set in a tri 9/3/2000 #44036 Maryland when an extremely bright light appeared above the car. The witnes 9/13/2000 #44040 ject, made up of many pinpoints of light, glided silently and smoothly over 9/20/2000 #44044 smaller. It also emitted pulses of light. Later in Bradford, England at 10: 10/5/2000 #44053 and amber lights, and a red strobe light was running up and down the length 10/5/2000 #44053 d land on the beach. A red beam of light engulfed the car, and they couldn' 10/11/2000 #44054 art it or open the doors. When the light changes to blue, the car is buffet 10/11/2000 #44054 or flooding cockpits with blinding light. Haines documents cases with elect 10/15/2000 #44056 oor, accompanied by a bright white light. The beings were short with large 10/15/2000 #44058 n they both saw a bright star-like light suddenly appear in the sky. The li 10/19/2000 #44060 ht suddenly appear in the sky. The light quickly descended towards the witn 10/19/2000 #44060 ht blue, red and yellow flashes of light. They could see a huge round objec 10/19/2000 #44060 on the object and a bright beam of light shone down from the object illumin 10/19/2000 #44060 ave envelope her body. The beam of light then retreated back into the objec 10/19/2000 #44060 over 4 / camp. Observer(s) shines light. Going up [to] slow and silent. 10/27/2000 #44062 ike a moan and then saw a flash of light that temporarily blinded him. When 10/28/2000 #44063 A huge, round, solid blue light, engulfed in haze or fog was seen 10/30/2000 #44066 shoots off westward in a streak of light. Two men driving north on I-75 als 10/31/2000 #44068 triangle with a deep red blinking light on each point in Phoenix, Arizona. 11/28/2000 #44084 d to be damaged. Four beings, with light brown skin and large oval-shaped e 11/28/2000 #44085 outside and noticed a very bright light in one of his fields, so he decide 11/30/2000 #44094 dark, triangular object with amber light fly over the city at 7:40 p.m. The 12/5/2000 #44098 f the car begins to get hot, and a light gray entity with big eyes approach 12/13/2000 #44101 lights also stopped moveing. Each light was 10-20 meters across and round 12/13/2000 #44102 borhood of Rzeszów, Poland, sees a light outside her window on the 4th floo 12/24/2000 #44109 zigzags, and is joined by another light that flies at a constant speed. Bo 12/24/2000 #44109 that a humanoid figure and a blue light passed through a skylight and mate 12/31/2000 #44110 e bedroom. The figure and the blue light disappeared at the same time. 12/31/2000 #44110 A bright round light approached a family traveling in a 1/2/2001 #44116 d are using a backup generator. As light fades, however, helicopter crews c 1/14/2001 #44124 es a solid structure that radiates light of various colors (red, green, pur 1/22/2001 #44127 FO bathed the ground in a powerful light. The next day cell phones in the a 2/9/2001 #44138 on the front and a reddish looking light on the bottom center was seen over 3/26/2001 #44152 ips also said he started a company Light City Technologies Inc. where he me 4/2001 #44155 "get out" and the figures and the light vanished. 4/23/2001 #44161 ently in the southern sky. The big light on the UFO, pulsating and changing 4/25/2001 #44164 In the evening a huge ball of light forty feet above the ground was se 4/25/2001 #44165 , Baja California, Mexico a bright light was witnessed following a cylindri 4/25/2001 #44166 did so. She approached a powerful light that seemed to emanate from a hole 5/2/2001 #44174 m in length that emitted a beam of light from the tip. As the tube or bar w 5/2/2001 #44174 rida, when they see a bright white light with a bluish tinge descend and ho 6/23/2001 #44196 ea and becomes enshrouded with the light shining through. Then the light bl 6/23/2001 #44196 he light shining through. Then the light blinks off, leaving only a cloud t 6/23/2001 #44196 r city. 11M ovoid emits cold white light. 6/28/2001 #44197 ct was seen emitting a cold, white light. 6/28/2001 #44198 ting segmented ring of pale yellow light. The ring becomes larger in diamet 6/30/2001 #44199 loud lit from inside by squares of light. The display ceases sometime after 6/30/2001 #44199 night when she observed a ball of light approach and land about 200 meters 7/1/2001 #44201 nd about 200 meters away. When the light dimmed she could see that it was a 7/1/2001 #44201 n emitted a sudden bright flash of light from the top section, and vanished 7/2/2001 #44203 , a much longer space and a single light, which brings up the rear of the m 7/15/2001 #44209 looking. It emitted a bluish-white light. 7/26/2001 #44211 er Glasgow, Scotland a small white light was seen moving toward and away fr 8/4/2001 #44224 da. At 10:00 p.m. an intense white light buzzed a car in Red Cloud, Nebrask 8/15/2001 #44235 rnia. It had a bright red strobing light as well as the several white light 8/16/2001 #44236 achusetts at 4:30 a.m. a small red light on a disc-shaped object, about thr 8/20/2001 #44241 a.m. two witnesses watched a blue light that dropped to the ground, then f 8/25/2001 #44246 approached her; one had a "sparkly light" that came out of bottom of one of 8/29/2001 #44247 e, and then it repeated. The front light was amber, and the others were whi 8/30/2001 #44249 lars it looked like only the front light was attached to the next segment, 8/30/2001 #44249 , Argentina, notice an intense red light in the sky moving from the southwe 9/9/2001 #44253 front is something like an arc of light. The object seems as if it about t 9/9/2001 #44253 At 2:15 a.m. a bright light moving across the city of Mount Ga 9/9/2001 #44254 voir at 11:00 p.m., with a beam of light shining down from the object or ob 9/9/2001 #44255 long. There was also a bright red light flying with them in a consecutive 9/11/2001 #44258 round the middle, and a green-blue light on top. 10/28/2001 #44267 ow to get a photo. The size of the light went down, as if someone hit a dim 10/31/2001 #44269 angular-shaped object with a white light in the center was seen traveling a 10/31/2001 #44270 en cloud cover at the time, with a light rain. 11/6/2001 #44273 ed UFO with an elongated bottom, a light on each end, and an orange light i 11/15/2001 #44277 a light on each end, and an orange light in the middle, flew toward the nor 11/15/2001 #44277 ts started to spin around, and the light on the right side veered off from 11/15/2001 #44277 ee corners, and a brilliant yellow light at the bottom. 12/6/2001 #44282 A gigantic flaring light descended over La Florida, Bio Bio 12/6/2001 #44283 ning, at 8:00 p.m., a circular red light was seen high up in the sky moving 12/18/2001 #44295 longer at one point, with a giant light in the center. 12/18/2001 #44295 e lights in the corner, and yellow light in the center, and a red light on 12/19/2001 #44298 low light in the center, and a red light on the side. 12/19/2001 #44298 med disc-shaped craft. The UFO had light blue flashing lights, was saucer-s 1/3/2002 #44303 ida, when he sees a silent, bright light over Lake Minnehaha. The object pa 2/2/2002 #44315 0 p.m. witnesses saw a very bright light that was hovering over the dryland 2/25/2002 #44320 als were recovered from Roswell: a light material with the consistency of b 3/1/2002 #44321 bling plastic. They eyes were very light, almost white, and their speed was 3/26/2002 #44326 peared in front of them, wearing a light flowing gown. The strange figure w 5/3/2002 #44336 eyes and hands were red and a red light was emitting from his eyes." The c 6/5/2002 #44347 an elongated triangle with a white light in each corner, and a red light in 6/8/2002 #44349 te light in each corner, and a red light in the bottom center. The lights a 6/8/2002 #44349 es a straight, 5-foot-wide beam of light on the Wisconsin River like a sear Summer 2002 #44352 coming from a hovering, triangular light bothered the dogs in the neighborh 7/9/2002 #44358 le phone. At this point an immense light rose from an adjacent field, comin 7/21/2002 #44362 " in appearance. Numerous beams of light came out of the giant triangle cra 7/21/2002 #44362 ous observer(s). Jets chase. Night light / saucer maneuvers. Bright and dim 7/26/2002 #44363 reas, and pursue an unidentifiable light on three occasions. Gary Dillman, 7/26/2002 #44366 n clouds at about 4,000 feet and a light overcast at about 6,000 feet; the 7/26/2002 #44366 .m., he sees a bright, pale-bluish light in the north-northeast moving at a 7/26/2002 #44366 is house in obvious pursuit of the light and about 1,000–2,000 feet behind 7/26/2002 #44366 first noticed that a large orange light appeared approximately 15 degrees 7/28/2002 #44367 ees above the eastern horizon. The light had fluctuating colors of orange, 7/28/2002 #44367 riving airplane, but then a second light appeared approximately 50 degrees 7/28/2002 #44367 es closer to the ground. The first light then began to move slowly north. T 7/28/2002 #44367 re. Unexpectedly, a yellow beam of light ascended a few meters above the ob 7/28/2002 #44367 was like an orange, yellowy bright light shining on us from far away." The 7/28/2002 #44367 shining on us from far away." The light shone on them for a period of abou 7/28/2002 #44367 pointing to an unknown atmospheric light phenomenon “able to produce a lumi 8/5/2002 #44374 couple, Sergey and Natasha, saw a light appear in window of their kitchen 8/31/2002 #44388 arny, New Jersey at 11:30 p.m. The light came from a brightly lit, disc-sha 8/31/2002 #44388 , receive an alert about a mystery light. They see 7–8 objects over the Cer 9/6/2002 #44391 begin noticing “a very intense red light in the sky” in the southwest. The 9/9/2002 #44392 an intense red beam with an arc of light on its front section. The observat 9/9/2002 #44392 n lasts for several minutes as the light approaches then heads towards hill 9/9/2002 #44392 formation, and a faint steady red light in the center was sighted in Dartm 9/10/2002 #44395 ta, Canada. He saw three points of light forming a flying triangle. "My fir 9/15/2002 #44397 in Poquoson, Virginia saw a bright light streaking across the sky. Stopped 9/15/2002 #44399 untered an intense purple flash of light for 4-5 seconds. They pulled the c 9/24/2002 #44403 s later there was another flash of light, accompanied by a strange loss of 9/24/2002 #44403 dropped down. The intensity of its light changed when it moved. It cast a r 10/22/2002 #44421 ast he first noticed a very bright light on an object heading WSW. It had a 10/29/2002 #44424 s on the wing tips, a white strobe light on the bottom, and dim white light 10/29/2002 #44424 ree objects with rotating rings of light were sighted over Montreal, Quebec 10/29/2002 #44425 hina photographed a bright ball of light with "yellow, blue and pink lights 11/1/2002 #44429 A bright light moved erratically through the sky 11/6/2002 #44435 celeration and deceleration of the light was incredible. 11/6/2002 #44435 s around the rim. It emitted white light beams as if it was looking for som 11/13/2002 #44439 trailing edge. There was an amber light in the center of craft that was co 11/13/2002 #44441 .m. James Bunnell sees a pulsating light on the side of a mesa near Marfa, 11/21/2002 #44446 out, and reappears as a bright red light that lasts only 2–3 seconds. 11/21/2002 #44446 very bright tube of intense white light 30 degrees above the horizon, whil 11/22/2002 #44449 enos Aires, Argentina, see a large light maneuvering in the sky and emittin 11/28/2002 #44453 t approaches their patrol car. The light reverses its course, and the engin 11/28/2002 #44453 Georgia saw a stationary blinking light through pine trees that flashed ev 12/2/2002 #44458 There was a sudden blast of bright light and the creature vanished. Simon c 1/4/2003 #44468 :21 a.m. a triangular craft with a light on each corner hovered silently ov 1/8/2003 #44472 seen entering a triangular shaped light. The light then pinched shut and v 1/8/2003 #44473 ing a triangular shaped light. The light then pinched shut and vanished. 1/8/2003 #44473 videotape was made of a round, red light that emitted a shower of lights in 1/22/2003 #44478 apexes, plus a small red blinking light and a small constant red light was 1/24/2003 #44479 ing light and a small constant red light was sighted over Kingston, Ontario 1/24/2003 #44479 in the backyard. An intense white light comes down about 23 feet in front 2/8/2003 #44484 front apex that moved its beam of light, and then went out. 2/16/2003 #44493 nd sees a triangular object with a light at each point flying silently over 2/25/2003 #44496 d objects also discharged balls of light every once in awhile, which also f 3/14/2003 #44502 and it had a pinkish-red flashing light on it. The ends of the objects loo 3/18/2003 #44503 . for half a minute, with a bright light in broad daylight. 3/26/2003 #44505 nd a large, stationary pinkish red light was viewed through binoculars by a 3/27/2003 #44507 resident. It emitted a small white light from the top, then two small side- 3/27/2003 #44507 agonal trajectory. The pinkish red light then winked out. 3/27/2003 #44507 tice a red glow at their feet. The light is coming from a giant sphere perh 4/2003 #44508 ently explodes in a burst of white light with no sound or shockwave. Buildi 4/2003 #44508 eyes, then quickly dies down. The light effects last for 5 seconds. The se 4/2003 #44508 lost either power or control." The light gray craft had no apparent seams o 4/18/2003 #44516 ker. Instead he saw a large purple light emanating from a teardrop-shaped c 4/21/2003 #44517 ift operator. Next a beam of white light shot out of the UFO and struck the 4/21/2003 #44517 Marcus Warner saw a blue flashing light in his rear view mirror. He pulled 4/28/2003 #44519 at 10:00 p.m. It had a dim orange light at each apex, and the lights seeme 5/1/2003 #44520 ed the figure as man-like, wearing light colored or white clothing. They he 5/2/2003 #44521 men wrote that they had "Christmas light heads" that were connected to thei 5/2/2003 #44521 low whirring sound. He next saw a light beam flash on the ground in the mi 5/3/2003 #44523 ground. It was shooting flashes of light at the ground from a pod on the ri 5/3/2003 #44523 bout 50 feet long with a dull blue light on the top. After five minutes the 5/3/2003 #44523 A pulsating light "danced" across the sky at 10:15 p 5/4/2003 #44525 all yellow lights with a large red light in the middle. It directed a beam 5/8/2003 #44529 the middle. It directed a beam of light down to ground, the UFO swayed, an 5/8/2003 #44529 e city. It had a bright, yellowish light in front that outlined the cylindr 5/13/2003 #44534 he craft. When it switched off the light, it was gone in the darkness. Its 5/13/2003 #44534 wn, Ontario, Canada when she saw a light outside that caught her attention. 5/13/2003 #44536 for 20 minutes. A white-yellowish light was seen over the city of South Si 5/15/2003 #44537 evening a bright shining nocturnal light was observed by local residents in 5/19/2003 #44542 lights at each apex which did not light up the entire craft. It also had a 5/23/2003 #44544 up the entire craft. It also had a light gray circle in the center and stri 5/23/2003 #44544 ered sometimes. It had a large red light at each end, and was soundless. It 5/27/2003 #44547 n at 4:45 a.m. It emitted beams of light that filtered through the fog and 5/29/2003 #44549 10:00 p.m. when they saw a moving light in the sky. They first assumed it 7/12/2003 #44563 r continued to watch. She said the light got bigger and brighter, and in th 7/12/2003 #44563 brighter, and in the midst of the light her mother claims to have seen dar 7/12/2003 #44563 eys. At 1:00 a.m., a beam of white light arches across the sky from horizon 7/28/2003 #44568 t lit up the ground with a beam of light. 7/28/2003 #44569 le, Ireland saw what looked like a light aircraft trailing flames and smoke 8/25/2003 #44582 Mrs. Gutierrez Lomas saw a strange light from downtown Caracas, Venezuela t 8/28/2003 #44585 10:30 p.m. a white flying ball of light, too large to be a plane or satell 8/31/2003 #44589 as Big Trees, California a ball of light followed witnesses out of a pitch 9/5/2003 #44593 Iowa at around 8:00 p.m. watched a light that separated into three other li 9/19/2003 #44604 and gave off a partial beam of red light. 9/24/2003 #44606 black, with no stars showing, nor light of any kind, and the black void wa 9/25/2003 #44608 hot straight up, followed by a red light circling the area at high speed. 11/22/2003 #44617 illia, Ontario two orange balls of light were seen chasing each other, and 12/5/2003 #44625 t just before dawn. He first saw a light in the sky as he was driving east. 12/10/2003 #44627 it black/grey and did not reflect light. It also made no noise whatsoever. 12/10/2003 #44627 New York at 2:30 a.m. EST a bright light shot across the sky from the horiz 12/23/2003 #44631 e sent to investigate a mysterious light seen in a distant corner of the we 2004 #44637 n in vehicles, they cannot see any light. However, seconds later, one polic 2004 #44637 en the crew sees a flashing strobe light over Slane, County Meath. As the a 1/4/2004 #44644 e, and gives off a bright flashing light. The UFO begins circling the Airbu 1/4/2004 #44644 oard encountered a flashing strobe light over Slane, Ireland. The airliner 1/4/2004 #44645 ton, another witness sees a single light moving steadily and rapidly across 1/17/2004 #44651 Brunswick, when he sees a blinking light off to his left, apparently hoveri 1/21/2004 #44653 he witness can’t pull over, so the light is soon lost to view behind him. 1/21/2004 #44653 the lights get brighter. Possible light pillars. 1/22/2004 #44654 :25 p.m. EST a silent UFO with one light, no running lights or tail light, 2/8/2004 #44659 e light, no running lights or tail light, and no vapor trail passed over a 2/8/2004 #44659 rised to see a strong fiery orange light outside, floating in the sky. She 2/13/2004 #44664 lized it couldn't be the moon. The light was hemisphere shaped, with a flat 2/13/2004 #44664 h a flat bottom and round top. The light had an apparent size 2-3 times lar 2/13/2004 #44664 mes larger than the full moon. The light hung over the forest on Hajdowka H 2/13/2004 #44664 ast moving oval-shaped object with light moved back and forth in the sky ov 2/16/2004 #44666 e can visually confirm as a yellow light. During the interception, the ligh 2/20/2004 #44668 ight. During the interception, the light remains stationary. Suddenly it be 2/20/2004 #44668 The pilot can only see a sphere of light coming closer, so he maneuvers sha 2/20/2004 #44668 plane is illuminated by a beam of light. Seconds later everything is back 2/20/2004 #44668 ryland an oval-shaped, very bright light came down into a backyard, very cl 2/29/2004 #44670 da). He noticed a vertical beam of light in the early morning sky, from the 3/12/2004 #44676 . To his astonishment, the beam of light that he had seen in the distant sk 3/12/2004 #44676 oked up to the sky he saw a bright light shooting up into the stars. As he 3/12/2004 #44676 ventually lost sight of it. It was light brown in color along the sides of 4/5/2004 #44684 n of a UFO with yellowish beams of light. The beams were peculiar because t 4/8/2004 #44685 y through the sky. It had a yellow light at each of the three points, and i 4/12/2004 #44686 le of the craft was a blue and red light that went on and off and circled e 4/12/2004 #44686 but he could only make out a faint light in the sky. The grandmother had se 4/12/2004 #44686 otlight beam with an adjacent blue light under each wing. The daughter beca 4/16/2004 #44689 tidying the shelves when a bright light came through the window that was l 5/8/2004 #44696 white lights and one flashing red light in the center. It flew in very low 5/9/2004 #44698 e was blinded by a bright flash of light that came in through both of her b 5/17/2004 #44703 pinning red lights and was beaming light down into the water. He ran and go 6/9/2004 #44709 towards the beach sending beams of light across the bay, and made an electr 6/9/2004 #44709 ky looked like giant orbs of amber light and over the rest of the night the 6/9/2004 #44709 at 50 feet altitude emitting four light beams, that were directed onto the 7/17/2004 #44716 12:30 a.m. she had seen an unusual light in the sky and now went out to loo 7/26/2004 #44717 t 63 mph, he noticed a bright blue light about a half-mile ahead on the exi 7/27/2004 #44718 like a blue laser, similar to the light some people use on the hoods of th 7/27/2004 #44718 ll. Each was either holding a blue light, or was wearing a blue head lamp. 7/27/2004 #44718 sc-shaped object emitting a bright light and a buzzing sound at intervals w 7/31/2004 #44722 ey saw several dim spots of yellow light that appeared one after the other 8/2/2004 #44725 ly following this a bright beam of light appeared from the seashore and beg 8/2/2004 #44725 3:00 a.m. bright yellow flashes of light appeared at the top of the mountai 8/2/2004 #44725 d blue lights around it with a red light on top. It was watched by witnesse 8/11/2004 #44731 A dim light zig-zagging in the northern sky of 8/11/2004 #44733 no sound and there was no emitted light." Shortly after a cousin who had m 8/23/2004 #44740 bright but plain spreading orange light. Their portable radio communicatio 8/25/2004 #44741 mitted a beam of turquoise beam of light from its center. Unexpectedly, "He 8/25/2004 #44741 the object was a very bright white light. It was hovering, then it moved fr 9/10/2004 #44752 three times, before each point of light on the apexes of the triangle sepe 9/11/2004 #44754 , Washington, watch a multicolored light move erratically for 10 minutes ab 9/16/2004 #44757 itsap on the Kitsap Peninsula. The light keeps changing colors from green t 9/16/2004 #44757 green to red to orange. Flashes of light also come from what appear to be c 9/16/2004 #44757 s of an underlying object. Another light comes speeding in from the north o 9/16/2004 #44757 ourse and stops close to the first light, which continues to dance around. 9/16/2004 #44757 0 A.M. a very bright white ball of light was seen in the sky over Lindsay, 9/29/2004 #44763 seconds. At 10:18 p.m. 1 V-shaped light formation traveling in a southwest 10/27/2004 #44772 en halo surrounding it and a green light on its tail end. When the pilot tu 10/28/2004 #44773 d. When the pilot turns toward the light, it disappears then reappears a fe 10/28/2004 #44773 Gen. Wesley Clark says faster than light travel is possible in 2004. http: 11/3/2004 #44777 ver, Manitoba, Canada had a bright light closely following his truck. His t 11/8/2004 #44779 ange sound and greenish flashes of light. He observed the object for awhile 11/8/2004 #44780 R1 video. It officially sheds some light on a decade-old story that had bee 11/14/2004 #44784 aped object with a yellow flashing light was observed moving quickly throug 11/15/2004 #44786 At 7:40 p.m. a bright orange light was seen in Houston, British Colum 11/24/2004 #44790 ject emitted multicolored beams of light over the city of Bishkek, Kyrgyzst 12/5/2004 #44796 nutes and then sends out bursts of light toward the ground before climbing 1/31/2005 #44811 esses reported that a multicolored light hovered over them for four minutes 2/15/2005 #44814 orted that at 11:00 p.m. a dark to light brown "rounded boomerang" or cresc 3/14/2005 #44822 feels a bit hazy, but notices the light is spherical and about the size of 5/1/2005 #44828 prised to see a car headlight like light glowing behind some trees. They we 6/14/2005 #44847 heat and wake turbulence. A strobe light on the object induces dizziness an 6/28/2005 #44849 ooded area across the highway. The light gets brighter and moves upward thr 7/5/2005 #44851 the trees. The outer edges of the light seem to vibrate or tremble slightl 7/5/2005 #44851 t a brilliant flash of blue- white light, move again, emit another flash, a Late 7/2005 #44857 y were fast moving, with one green light and two alternately strobing white 8/15/2005 #44864 arlotte, FL Cat fearful as distant light is viewed (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Anima 8/25/2005 #44865 rea of the sky, dropping "balls of light", before accelerating into outer s 9/7/2005 #44870 lifornia at 8:01 p.m. It had a red light underneath the body of the craft. 10/8/2005 #44888 ses reported seeing a bright white light at 7:00 p.m., which when it approa 10/17/2005 #44890 45 p.m. It was described as like a light shaped like a window hovering in a 11/21/2005 #44904 grew into a large, nearly blinding light source. He went outside and walked 11/25/2005 #44905 angle of white lights with one red light in the middle, was seen standing s 12/15/2005 #44910 in the air. It had a red and blue light, and made no sound. After hovering 12/18/2005 #44913 eral large glowing orange balls of light came up from horizon east of Sault 12/29/2005 #44915 to blow out of the north, and the light on the ridge pulsated along the ho 1/30/2006 #44920 l like burning plastic. A security light outside kept turning on, and they 1/30/2006 #44920 luminated as if it had an internal light source, and made no sound. It was 2/12/2006 #44922 nessed a disc-shaped object with a light underneath. It was moving slowly 2/26/2006 #44925 y, and almost seemed to absorb any light; the lights did not appear to illu 5/3/2006 #44938 ped UFO with a single front bright light and many tiny bright lights in seq 5/7/2006 #44941 of a Black Triangle by refracting light. The electromagnetic fields genera 5/15/2006 #44942 k up the hill with their dogs. The light and the object had gone, and there 8/5/2006 #44952 yes, for they were back lit by the light coming from behind them. The man a 8/6/2006 #44953 were seen shooting beams of white light back and forth to one another. 8/13/2006 #44954 t observed a simple blue nocturnal light in the sky. Several minutes later 8/18/2006 #44955 avement it let off a green beam of light. 9/24/2006 #44966 ict, Thailand, for the annual Naga Light (ghost light) festival. He witness 10/6/2006 #44971 , for the annual Naga Light (ghost light) festival. He witnesses and videos 10/6/2006 #44971 nesses and videos many of the Naga light balls arising from the river: “Thi 10/6/2006 #44971 witnesses in Colon said a powerful light could be seen toward the southeast 10/26/2006 #44977 Boeing 767 observed a fast moving light cross in front of his aircraft whi 11/12/2006 #44984 ts in each corner plus a large red light in the center was sighted north of 11/29/2006 #44988 Adelaide, South Australia. A misty light trail was seen at the rear of the 11/29/2006 #44988 ite lights on the sides, and a red light shimmering in the bottom middle. 2/17/2007 #45006 aw a cigar-shaped craft with a red light in the middle. The sighting laste 2/26/2007 #45008 rton, Washington, see a steady red light above the smokestack at Naval Base 3/5/2007 #45009 moved back and forth, with a green light at the tip. 3/6/2007 #45011 ith friends when he sees a strange light shining directly on the lake from 4/6/2007 #45016 he beam. The object projecting the light moves away to above the trees and 4/6/2007 #45016 on the driveway, he saw some blue light aloft to the North moving back and 4/17/2007 #45018 lue, dim lights on the bottom: one light in the middle towards the rear and 4/22/2007 #45021 s to be a brilliant yellow lamp or light. He thinks that it might be an air 4/23/2007 #45022 d there was a very bright flash of light, lighting up everything briefly li 4/25/2007 #45023 In Timmins, Ontario, Canada a light was seen in the northwestern sky a 5/4/2007 #45026 At 6:30 p.m. four balls of yellow light were seen dancing over a mountain 5/7/2007 #45028 sky with a multicoloured flashing light over Oshawa, Ontario at 10:00 p.m. 5/8/2007 #45029 r of the triangle and a larger red light in the middle of it. It was larger 5/16/2007 #45030 lid white lights and a solid amber light in the center was seen in Columbia 7/18/2007 #45039 Finally, at 11:15 p.m. a circular light was seen zig-zagging across the sk 8/4/2007 #45042 A single light was witnessed making 90 degree tur 8/16/2007 #45048 all. They looked to be made out of light, that was faint but only illuminat 8/29/2007 #45050 opening, which didn’t emanate any light. He could still see that there mus 8/29/2007 #45050 the ground. He tried to shine his light on it but it seemed to absorb all 8/29/2007 #45050 on it but it seemed to absorb all light. As it moved away it rose up into 8/29/2007 #45050 yes glowed softly with a pale blue light, but he could not see any other fa 8/29/2007 #45050 At 10:30 p.m. a round orange light descended from the sky over Saint- 9/14/2007 #45057 ll, fast maneuvering ball of white light slowly descended from the sky to w 9/16/2007 #45058 en a flashlight was pointed at the light it reacted by moving away. 9/16/2007 #45058 it was coming from he saw a green light being waved back and forth. He imm 9/16/2007 #45059 hought it was the park ranger. The light was about 50 yards east from his t 9/16/2007 #45059 whoever it was was using the green light to guide somebody on the trail. Th 9/16/2007 #45059 e somebody on the trail. The green light was coming closer and closer to th 9/16/2007 #45059 own the trail. Abruptly, the green light disappeared and Carl panicked, bec 9/16/2007 #45059 out of nowhere a massive amount of light lit up the trail 20 feet from wher 9/16/2007 #45059 just saw a massive amount of white light. The light was getting closer. He 9/16/2007 #45059 massive amount of white light. The light was getting closer. He immediately 9/16/2007 #45059 nts which emitted a powerful white light. They seemed to ignore the tent an 9/16/2007 #45059 the beings walked by his tent. The light eventually faded as the beings con 9/16/2007 #45059 at a very high rate of speed; each light shifted position. 9/17/2007 #45061 spasm uncontrollably. Then a white light appeared and a sensation of warmth 9/21/2007 #45066 minutes. A beam of bright greenish light is extended from it, illuminating 10/10/2007 #45072 45 p.m. It had one flashing strobe light and 12 fixed lights underneath. It 10/28/2007 #45082 very bright red, slowly pulsating light, was seen over Sterling Heights, M 10/29/2007 #45084 aucer-shaped object with a beam of light, along with a possible creature si 11/5/2007 #45091 umbia at 3:00 p.m. PST, flashing a light. About an hour later, at 7:00 p.m. 12/10/2007 #45099 cigar-shaped object with a bright light was seen zigzagging above Winder, 12/10/2007 #45099 ia, see a triangular object with a light in each corner that changes from r 12/14/2007 #45101 over Bridport, England. It shone a light beam down. It was difficult to foc 12/23/2007 #45102 EST a disc-shaped, blue and white light flew low and fast over Bowie, Mary 12/23/2007 #45103 also see fighter jets chasing the light. Angela Joiner, a reporter with th 1/8/2008 #45112 Gaitan’s observation of an unknown light. Another radar track begins at 6:5 1/8/2008 #45112 2 miles away from the ranch see a light that slowly descends, makes a 90° 1/8/2008 #45112 g evening he did see a large white light sweep across the sky while walking 4/12/2008 #45127 A bright white light turned to red as it sped up, slowe 7/30/2008 #45153 ith three white lights and one red light over Council Bluffs, Iowa. It hove 9/7/2008 #45167 esearch technology that could shed light on the UFO/UAP phenomenon. Robert 9/22/2008 #45170 p.m. a very bright, diamond shaped light hovered 100 feet in front of the w 10/26/2008 #45177 y a mist filled with red points of light. It is silently moving 93) northea 10/31/2008 #45182 gar-shaped object, emitting orange light, was sighted over the beach in Can 3/14/2009 #45214 ped object with a changing colored light was observed from New Richmond, Wi 5/4/2009 #45218 above him. There is a bluish-white light in the center. Behind the triangle 5/8/2009 #45220 ith a beam of intense bluish-white light about 2–3 feet in diameter that st 5/8/2009 #45220 responds with a beam of blue-white light on him for 3 seconds, causing burn 5/8/2009 #45221 ome when she notices a large white light moving toward her. It stops, and s 6/16/2009 #45226 , and Joanna see an intensely blue light at the northern end of the pasture 7/5/2009 #45230 r approach it and watch a floating light 5 feet in diameter maneuvering for 7/5/2009 #45230 craft then shone a bright beam of light into her room through her window. 8/28/2009 #45239 was very dark out, except for the light from her lantern and the lights fr 8/30/2009 #45240 en they see a blue, softball-sized light moving in their direction about 6 9/2009 #45241 , emitting a high concentration of light and moving extremely slowly. 10/27/2009 #45249 sky and emitting a bright LED-like light. At 6:10 p.m. EST another witness 11/24/2009 #45255 hern Sweden Night. A large beam of light is seen and photographed for 10 mi 12/9/2009 #45261 nomenon consists of a blue beam of light with a grayish spiral emanating fr 12/9/2009 #45261 st stationary in the sky. Then the light from the object became brighter an 5/16/2010 #45283 r see its original shape. Then the light shrank back to the white color, an 5/16/2010 #45283 s a glowing object emitting golden light. Another photo clearly shows an ai 7/7/2010 #45286 e sky in the middle of a circle of light. The sighting lasted 15 seconds. 7/31/2010 #45288 two spheres, joined as one ball of light, and then vanished! The entire eve 8/31/2010 #45296 the clouds, but it has no obvious light beams. The object circles and move 10/11/2010 #45301 Brazil 6:30 p.m. A swiftly moving light is seen maneuvering in the sky abo 11/14/2010 #45306 ling a cockpit flashing with white light. It first glided straight for 300 12/31/2010 #45309 like a radio tower with a flashing light in the middle of two other lights. 2/11/2011 #45315 el after seeing a tunnel of bright light, he was taken to a colder place th 3/31/2011 #45322 place that was never-ending, flat, light blue and filled with naked screami 3/31/2011 #45322 ching this and saw small “balls of light” fly from the bodies of the people 3/31/2011 #45322 stoule, Parry Sound, Ontario a red light moved from southwest to northwest, 5/19/2011 #45326 ars after emitting some flashes of light from its perimeter. 6/6/2011 #45328 Baborów, Poland, is awakened by a light from a blue triangular object hove 9/11/2011 #45332 ts at about the height of a street light. It stretched across the three lef 1/30/2012 #45338 no noise. It had a narrow beam of light that was directed down at the stat 1/30/2012 #45338 s, accompanied by several balls of light. 4/13/2012 #45341 ss in Hermanowa, Poland, watches a light approach him until it is only 100 5/10/2012 #45343 notice a bar-shaped, yellow-orange light about 30°– 35° above the horizon. 9/21/2012 #45354 op their patrol car to observe the light, which is changing shape and radia 1/8/2013 #45359 ng a number of colored lights. The light approaches them and stops a half-m 1/8/2013 #45359 a half-mile away. Small points of light break off from its base, some retu 1/8/2013 #45359 sappearing in mid-air. The primary light then gives off a stroboscopic flas 1/8/2013 #45359 gives off a stroboscopic flash of light that illuminates a large area. The 1/8/2013 #45359 . The officers drive away, but the light follows them. They stop again at a 1/8/2013 #45359 at a parking lot and see that the light is coming from a domed disc emitti 1/8/2013 #45359 of the underside is a white strobe light, rotating with a circular movement 3/19/2013 #45362 ting an intermittent short beam of light. She watches it for 20 seconds as 3/19/2013 #45362 aircraft see a pinkish or reddish light over the ocean in their vicinity, 4/25/2013 #45365 ighter than the green of a traffic light. The bottom section was smaller; i 6/1/2013 #45369 out has often shed more heat than light” and critics such as Sean Wilentz 6/14/2013 #45372 lifted into the sky in a blinding light, he and the other drivers left in 8/6/2013 #45381 as an apparently rotating blinking light and is making constant turns and a 8/18/2013 #45383 tall pine trees. Then the brighter light begins to grow as it approaches qu 10/6/2013 #45389 s it speeds toward them. The white light develops a red border that transit 10/6/2013 #45389 that transitions into a solid red light. A very short bright green line al 10/6/2013 #45389 he immediate left of the solid red light. The object then slows and swerves 10/6/2013 #45389 given the brightness of the green light. The father, who had previously wo 10/6/2013 #45389 id object emit such a bright green light. 10/6/2013 #45389 . He claims that under ultraviolet light the fibers wiggle “as if alive.” A 10/25/2014 #45421 edly said the ARVs were capable of light speed or better. Lt. Col. John Wi 12/2014 #45425 ng them while stopped at a traffic light, they see the dots are part of a v 2/3/2016 #45444 ario, that “reported a very bright light pass overhead of them” when “there 4/15/2016 #45450 shing red lights and one turquoise light that goes out as they are watching 12/10/2016 #45461 therlands, watch a white, U-shaped light for 5 minutes. One witness manages 9/23/2017 #45482 ess manages to take a photo of the light, which by then is diminishing in s 9/23/2017 #45482 cts in the outer Solar System. Its light curve presents its motion as tumbl 10/19/2017 #45485 a large object emitting red-orange light approaching her. It stops dead abo 1/5/2018 #45500 Netherlands, sees three points of light (one brighter than the others) on 2/20/2018 #45507 Belgium, when it suddenly becomes light outside. Looking up, he sees an or 2/24/2018 #45511 rmous globe of white and turquoise light as large as the full moon. The lig 2/24/2018 #45512 ght as large as the full moon. The light is so brilliant it hurts his eyes 2/24/2018 #45512 dly. Outside, he sees a huge white light growing and intensity and pulsatin 4/5/2018 #45524 ish Airways plane notices a bright light moving fast on the left and rapidl 11/9/2018 #45544 r Care flight sees an unidentified light moving parallel to them for about 1/6/2019 #45556 report says the brightness of the light in the night sky is what attracted 1/6/2019 #45556 s dark green in color with a white light on top. The UK Airprox Board place 4/28/2019 #45573 e UAV sightings and a red flashing light come in from the USS John Finn. A 7/14/2019 #45592 in from the USS John Finn. A white light hovers above the flight deck of th 7/14/2019 #45592 rief video of a triangular- shaped light flying over the deck of a ship. Th 7/15/2019 #45593 nce. The pilot observes an unusual light flying just above their altitude o 11/11/2019 #45617 he cockpit, sees a yellowish-white light descend into view from above. He f 3/19/2020 #45639 illuminating beam of bright white light on the aircraft and appears to tak 3/19/2020 #45639 evasive measures, but the beam of light illuminating the aircraft ceases, 3/19/2020 #45639 associated with airplanes, and the light seems to have a tail. During the f 3/19/2020 #45639 proaches the Mexico/US border, the light begins to flicker, changes colors 3/19/2020 #45639 he craft to slow down the speed of light. Sarfatti states when a certain ty 3/20/2020 #45640 irst Officer suddenly see a bright light and an object that appears to be h 9/1/2020 #45660 An unidentified drone with a green light on its underbody is spotted from t 2/9/2021 #45676 detect gravity-induced changes in light to detect if various antigravity s 6/29/2021 #45696 Reports of Havana Syndrome come to light among more than 20 US diplomats in 8/2021 #45702 AFB after retirement and showed a light and strong metal that had differen 9/3/2021 #45707 shaped object with a bright yellow light on top and two sets of three white 11/8/2021 #45720 to act funny and the check-engine light comes on, indicating reduced engin 11/8/2021 #45720 e Kessel, West Virginia, notices a light 10,000 feet above him. It changes 4/22/2022 #45745 em fails. Other pilots can see the light as well. 4/22/2022 #45745## Word: "light's" (Back to Top)
not tell its shape because of the light's brilliance. He watched in amazem 5/23/1999 #43773## Word: "light--larger" (Back to Top)
South Africa 5:50 PM. A spherical light--larger than the apparent size of 7/6/1977 #32239 Africa - At 5:50 p.m. a spherical light--larger than the apparent size of 7/6/1977 #32242## Word: "light-arcs" (Back to Top)
Domed saucers extend and retract 2 light-arcs 1200 times. 10/29/1973 #28317## Word: "light-ball" (Back to Top)
PANKAKOSKI, FINL Red light-ball going down / trees. Silent 30 3/19/1979 #34480## Word: "light-beam" (Back to Top)
DLETT, UT Glowing saucer emits red light-beam. Flies away when kids near. N 8/20/1966 #20775 NEAR BANANEIRAS, BRZ Phony bus. Light-beam opens car. 2 abducted. / r98# 11/17/1971 #26473 EVUE, KY 30' saucer retracts green light-beam as if solid! Rises and going 7/15/1977 #32273 man & two friends saw a light with light-beam. (Ridge files) (NICAP: 01 - D 4/11/1983 #36837 ro-magnetic effect (EME). Powerful light-beam. 3/1985 #37560## Word: "light-beams" (Back to Top)
Green luminous object / clouds. 3 light-beams. Seems / follow observer(s) 5/26/1953 #8909 MOON Astronomer Kelsey. Flashes light-beams and brilliant glows / 2 sepa 12/22/1966 #21213 LAPENNE, FR 2 strong 1M light-beams 12M apart over hill. Blue ha 3/1/1974 #28837 at 7:45 p.m. two strong one-meter light-beams, 12 meters apart, were seen 3/1/1974 #28841 Farmer sees luminous ball. Yellow light-beams rotate counterclockwise like 3/19/1974 #28908## Word: "light-bearing" (Back to Top)
d observers reported an anomalous "light-bearing object." The pilot attempt 4/18/1967 #22158## Word: "light-blue" (Back to Top)
e a round object emitting a blurry light-blue light moving off a hilly fiel 1/29/1954 #9512 stands up and points two powerful light-blue lights at him. The entity is 10/26/1954 #11418 e, VA Pilot saw an extremely large light-blue object at 35,000 ft (NICAP: 1 2/17/1955 #12007 t showed three horizontal bands of light-blue, red and green. 9/9/1966 #20867 it, with three horizontal bands of light-blue, red, and green. It disappear 9/9/1966 #20869## Word: "light-brown" (Back to Top)
Plymouth, MA Light-brown flat oval object that climbe 4/27/1950 #4908 s, NM White object moving E to W & light-brown egg shaped object (NICAP: 11 7/29/1952 #7304 hat the little men were dressed in light-brown coveralls that were somewhat 5/11/1969 #25128 to an open field and spots a large light-brown object shaped like a shoeshi 10/25/1978 #33873 he Autostrada Soarelui. They see a light-brown cylinder-shaped object rotat 11/8/2013 #45394## Word: "light-bulb" (Back to Top)
g quickly southeast. Reddish glow. Light-bulb shape. Back in May nearby. 1/1959 #15519 A bright, light-bulb shaped object flew in toward 12/2/1962 #17569 E, ALTA 3 observer(s). Red-glowing light-bulb shape glows green. Rapid drop 10/19/1967 #23269 KIRUNA, SWEDEN 1 observer. Light-bulb shape. Irregular motion. "Box 12/28/1976 #31634 S D'AUDE, FR Several observer(s). "Light-bulb" sphere/orb/globe hovers / mi 9/3/1992 #40605## Word: "light-bulb-shaped" (Back to Top)
icemen) of a glowing bright white, light-bulb-shaped object that hovered in 2/16/1967 #21566## Word: "light-but" (Back to Top)
Case #unknown. 1 meteor-like night light-but for 2+min! No Sputniks up yet. 4/5/1956 #12788## Word: "light-city-technologies-inc" (Back to Top)
onwiki.com/California/La-Crescenta/light-city-technologies-inc/42984776.asp 4/2001 #44155## Word: "light-colored" (Back to Top)
e pointed, and they are dressed in light-colored garments with a fur-like t Summer 1910 #839 X FALLS, SD R. Jordan. Long narrow light-colored object straight and level 7/4/1947 #2637 rt through the sky for 25 minutes. Light-colored wispy material in 2–3-inch 10/27/1955 #12524 black leather pants, white belts, light-colored jerseys, and seemed to hav 11/6/1957 #14411 leather pants, a white belt, and a light-colored jersey, exit the object. T 11/6/1957 #14421 45 p.m. EST. Two policemen saw two light-colored saucers of different sizes 2/26/1967 #21659 Border, in Coshocton, Ohio saw two light-colored saucers of different sizes 2/26/1967 #21666 res of an octopus-like appearance. Light-colored, 3 feet tall, they are run 8/16/1968 #24342 g" woman of normal height, wearing light-colored clothes, and a headdress e 8/27/1968 #24387 g" woman of normal height, wearing light-colored clothes, and a headdress e 8/27/1968 #24388 g" woman of normal height, wearing light-colored clothes, and a headdress e 8/27/1968 #24390 humanoid beings, who wore shining light-colored garments and aluminum colo 5/4/1969 #25115 he ramp, dressed in a head-to-foot light-colored coverall. Two hoses ran fr 5/20/1974 #29120 al with clear black contours and a light-colored center flies silently in f 8/3/1978 #33467 emoves his helmet revealing short, light-colored hair. When dos Santos leav 5/16/1979 #34563 nd over it. At one point she saw a light-colored disk and was told that it 1/25/1987 #38104 vertical position. All three wore light-colored tunics and pants and had l 8/2/1987 #38226 ored tunics and pants and had long light-colored hair. The figures briefly 8/2/1987 #38226## Word: "light-coloured" (Back to Top)
ck leather pants, white belts, and light-coloured jerseys. They went back i 11/6/1957 #14434## Word: "light-cylinder" (Back to Top)
troller and more/others. Red night light-cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / Air 4/12/1959 #15697## Word: "light-disk" (Back to Top)
N MAURO TORINESE, ITL Area lit. 1M light-disk stops / 25M altitude. Going [ 12/21/1977 #32800## Word: "light-emitting" (Back to Top)
nd himself on a bed in a room with light-emitting walls. A man wearing cove 8/25/1960 #16418 five spherical lights or possibly light-emitting engines. Gov. Fife Syming 3/13/1997 #43229## Word: "light-fireball" (Back to Top)
itary jet in dogfight / 30cm night light-fireball. Insane speeds and maneuv 11/7/1950 #5268 r(s) and more/others. Silent night light-fireball crosses entire sky 35-40 8/8/1986 #37974 rl and separate observer(s). Night light-fireball 15M over chicken-Coop. Bl 10/7/1992 #40662## Word: "light-gray" (Back to Top)
a when he sees a “curious- shaped” light-gray cloud in the south-southeast. 3/22/1870 #184 Evanston, Illinois, watch a small, light-gray, rectangular object over the Spring 1942 #1403 .m. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Evans see 2 light-gray glowing objects, saucer or bo 9/10/1960 #16443 be a one-piece suit of whitish or light-gray color. The beings keep their 12/13/1972 #27176 ngly out of thin air. Dressed in a light-gray, loose-fitting outfit with a 7/6/1990 #39637## Word: "light-green" (Back to Top)
2:22 a.m. Mrs. Hanley Marks sees a light-green, ball-shaped object fall fro 5/7/1952 #6268 n engineer Paul L. Anderson sees 3 light-green cylindrical objects at Truth 8/3/1952 #7437 in Nybygda, Ringerike, Norway. The light-green object lands about 300 feet 11/1/1977 #32651 emanating concentric circles of a light-green color. Researcher Konstantin 10/1985 #37670## Word: "light-grey" (Back to Top)
VERO BEACH, FL 1+6 kids. Light-grey 10' box with antennas going [ 7/27/1991 #40135## Word: "light-haired" (Back to Top)
kes place, compete with sex with a light-haired alien female who says her n 12/14/1983 #37074## Word: "light-headed" (Back to Top)
year after the event he still felt light-headed and had difficulty concentr 5/20/1969 #25151 adlights pulsate. The deputy feels light-headed and sluggish, and his eyes 10/15/1980 #35568## Word: "light-pink" (Back to Top)
uth Australia, watch five white or light-pink egg-shaped objects moving acr 2/6/1947 #2238 driving and he sees the light as a light-pink inverted saucer moving with a 10/3/1969 #25395## Word: "light-pole" (Back to Top)
sk plays near mine. Maneuvers near light-pole. 1/7/1955 #11925## Word: "light-projecting" (Back to Top)
hat she has had a few very unusual light-projecting experiences, which have 9/3/1976 #31337## Word: "light-reflecting" (Back to Top)
of Muroc sees a “flat object of a light-reflecting nature”; it is flying t 7/8/1947 #3014## Word: "light-reflective" (Back to Top)
At least a dozen witnesses saw two light-reflective disc-shaped objects wit 3/23/1966 #20040 Air flight crew saw a rectangular, light-reflective object that flew into c 1/13/1991 #39952 Air flight crew saw a rectangular, light-reflective object that flew into c 1/13/1991 #39953## Word: "light-saucer" (Back to Top)
LEARFIELD, UT 8 observer(s). Night light-saucer going west. Stops. Zooms ac 7/12/1952 #6770 ndreds / observer(s). Bright night light-saucer rotates / 30K' altitude / 4 2/25/1953 #8701 D, OH 2 / car paced by white night light-saucer. Descriptions vary. Phony m 4/29/1977 #32033 EAR FOX-AMPHOUX, FR 2 / car. Night light-saucer. Unstable 2d image / pseudo 11/13/1977 #32669 inute(s) time exposure shows night light-saucer. Well investigated. Also 6 8/8/1978 #33487## Word: "light-saucers" (Back to Top)
eral separate observer(s). 2 night light-saucers maneuver. Watches and moto 8/20/1965 #19431 ANTIC 16+observer(s). Silent night light-saucers going down [to] near Ruman 9/17/1982 #36604 KITTANING, PA May. 7 report. Night light-saucers seen since summer / 92. Sc 1993 #40776## Word: "light-show" (Back to Top)
nd vanish and reappear / treetops. Light-show. 3/14/1974 #28881## Word: "light-skinned" (Back to Top)
. Although he could tell they were light-skinned, he could not make out any 3/4/1968 #23828## Word: "light-sphere" (Back to Top)
AGUA PRIETA, MEXICO Night light-sphere rises / ground. Flies going 6/10/1947 #2317## Word: "light-strobe" (Back to Top)
calls. Cops and more/others. Night light-strobe hovers and maneuvers. Wave 8/20/1974 #29371## Word: "light-years" (Back to Top)
e are from “Krondac,” a planet 800 light-years away. Morton is the subject 1991 #39935## Word: "lightbar" (Back to Top)
s tail. When Blackwood flashes the lightbar on his cruiser, the object mimi 10/26/1978 #33880## Word: "lightblue" (Back to Top)
The man was small and dressed in a lightblue uniform. 4/25/1897 #572## Word: "lightbulb" (Back to Top)
BLACK ROCK, AUSTR 5 observer(s). Lightbulb shape going [to] over town to 12/12/1953 #9361 RUSSIA Scientists camping. Voices. Lightbulb rises / woods. Traces = 2000 t 8/19/1977 #32411 , transparent object shaped like a lightbulb moving west to east just outsi Late 8/1979 #34774 at 1,000 feet. It is shaped like a lightbulb, with visible ribs and dark bl 12/28/1981 #36279 DA, BRZ 2 observer(s). Huge silent lightbulb shape going [to] overhead. Str 12/31/1993 #41337 squealing and turned on an outside lightbulb that faced toward the animal c 8/2/2001 #44218## Word: "lightbulb-" (Back to Top)
e drivers, Thomas F. Mains, sees a lightbulb- or mushroom- shaped object 75 1/23/1965 #18759## Word: "lightbulb-shaped" (Back to Top)
: Mr. T.F. Mains. One mushroom or lightbulb-shaped object, 75-80' high, 25 1/23/1965 #18757 appears in the UFO, and a smaller lightbulb-shaped object emerges and drif 8/3/1967 #22788 r, at the end of which an 80-foot, lightbulb-shaped UFO suddenly shot up fr 11/29/1977 #32710## Word: "lightbulbs" (Back to Top)
ir heads are pale and “shaped like lightbulbs” and they have slits for mout 11/1926 #1067## Word: "lightdirected" (Back to Top)
lit up a garden with a red beam of lightdirected downwards. The craft had 3 7/21/1982 #36541## Word: "lighted" (Back to Top)
when an object resembling a fully lighted ship was seen ("a phantom vessel 6/11/1881 #243 when an object resembling a fully lighted ship was seen ("a phantom vessel 6/11/1881 #244 a flying object resembling a fully lighted ship was seen, "a phantom vessel 6/11/1881 #245 view for nearly two hours. Another lighted object appears from the southwes 9/2/1891 #296 y further observation. Swan sees a lighted object again on September 4, alt 9/2/1891 #296 nts of Belleville, Kansas, watch a lighted airship moving at 75 mph and “li 3/23/1897 #393 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, watch a lighted, cigar-shaped object flying low 4/11/1897 #432 and along the side appear a row of lighted windows. It remains in sight for 4/14/1897 #470 s, sees a cigar-shaped object with lighted portholes on each side. The obje 4/19/1897 #535 . Looking outside, he saw a heavy, lighted object land in his wheat field. 4/22/1897 #554 . Looking outside, he saw a heavy, lighted object land in his wheat field. 4/22/1897 #556 e. A lawyer was surprised to see a lighted object fly over. His horse was s 4/26/1897 #577 e. A lawyer was surprised to see a lighted object fly over. His horse was s 4/26/1897 #578 A lawyer was surprise to see a lighted object fly over as he was drivin 4/26/1897 #579 sses in Lexington, Kentucky, see a lighted object silhouetted against a sto 7/4/1897 #597 Helen C. Peterson sees a string of lighted beads in the sky over Great Rive 5/1908 #704 north of Gore, New Zealand, see a lighted object descend out of the mist. 7/30/1909 #789 Perkins, Quebec, watches a similar lighted object moving west to east. 8/9/1909 #802 le, New South Wales, watch a large lighted object like an airship float ove 8/9/1909 #803 , Australia. Its lower portion was lighted while the upper portion was dark 8/13/1909 #804 ll Siding in Tasmania, Australia a lighted object appeared traveling from M 10/5/1914 #918 g starlight. It became brilliantly lighted and landed in a hollow. Soon aft 2/22/1922 #1019 g starlight. It became brilliantly lighted and landed in a hollow. Soon aft 2/22/1922 #1020 ying object. It became brilliantly lighted and landed in a hollow. Soon aft 2/22/1922 #1021 hey see a cigar-shaped object with lighted portholes along the side hoverin Spring 1944 #1586 as followed by three red and white lighted objects over Germany. [NICAP UFO 1/1945 #1747 ject pulls out of sight. A similar lighted object is again seen March 28 by 3/26/1945 #1829 sees a cigar-shaped object with a lighted tail moving at eye level at abou 7/1945 #1887 kened by the sudden emergence of a lighted amber- colored round or oval obj 1/7/1948 #3546 orpedo-shaped UFO with two rows of lighted windows and a red exhaust. It bu 7/24/1948 #3735 t as long as 2 pullman cars with 7 lighted square windows and throwing spar 1/27/1949 #3979 two Pullman cars and having seven lighted square windows and throwing spar 1/27/1949 #3980 s long as two Pullman cars, with 7 lighted, square windows. It is throwing 1/27/1949 #3981 g slowly, disappeared in shower of lighted fragments (NICAP: 08 - Photograp 1/30/1949 #3984 Aberdeen 11:50 p.m. A “mysterious lighted object” flashing red, white, and 11/26/1950 #5287 ted a large oblong and brilliantly lighted object moving at a rapid rate of 12/24/1951 #5824 Arlington, IL Oblong yellowish lighted object with a trail flying in a 7/12/1952 #6774 ght turn, sees an oblong yellowish lighted object with an exhaust moving in 7/12/1952 #6785 dentified elliptical object with a lighted fringe at 2:55 a.m. while flying 7/19/1952 #6938 UFO 6 feet high, 8 feet long, and lighted inside strike the chimney of his 8/6/1952 #7490 ey W. Thompson sees a formation of lighted objects flying rapidly over Tucs 8/13/1952 #7578 a control cabin in front. Windows lighted by an intense blue light and a t 8/24/1952 #7709 am Darling and Donald Davis, see a lighted object with windows on one side 9/12/1952 #7904 elmets and masks were seen through lighted windows inside a bright yellow, 10/15/1952 #8135 elmets and masks were seen through lighted windows in a craft on the ground 10/15/1952 #8136 und. The object was dark with four lighted windows. It took off with a "swi 10/27/1952 #8197 ound. The object is dark with four lighted windows. It takes off with a “sw 10/27/1952 #8198 ulls up and climbs out of sight. A lighted weather balloon is launched at 8 12/4/1952 #8377 . He had a near collision with the lighted object when it made a head-on pa 12/4/1952 #8378 Duncanville, TX Strange lighted object seen by CAA tower operato 1/6/1953 #8509 volver, and sees an oblong-shaped, lighted object 10 feet above the trees m 1/29/1953 #8616 ower that a “strange object like a lighted glass dome” is maneuvering aroun 5/10/1953 #8872 aircraft" of exotic design with a lighted red band around the middle (NICA 6/24/1953 #8963 ying very slowly and low. It had a lighted red band around the middle and w 6/24/1953 #8966 owly and low at 6:30 p.m. It had a lighted red band around the middle and w 6/24/1953 #8971 Columbus, OH Lighted object came straight down out of 8/14/1953 #9069 oupal childrm said that a brightly lighted object followed them to the farm 8/10/1954 #10117 siblings said they saw a brightly lighted object follow them to their farm 8/10/1954 #10119 ide the machine through a vertical lighted slit. Six brilliant appendages, 8/30/1954 #10209 ide the machine through a vertical lighted slit. Six brilliant appendages t 8/30/1954 #10210 me at night, Gilbert Prudent saw a lighted object on the side of the road. 10/1/1954 #10561 rudent and one other witness saw a lighted object on the side of the road. 10/1/1954 #10578 , France Motorcycle stalled, round lighted UFO observed about 50 yards ahea 10/11/1954 #10922 witness, Mr. Chaumeau, had seen a lighted object fly over the woods at La 10/11/1954 #10930 witness, Mr. Chaumeau, had seen a lighted object fly over the woods at La 10/11/1954 #10946 ght. Above and below this band are lighted portholes. Hurriedly the pilot c 2/2/1955 #11968 ht. Above and below this band were lighted portholes. The UFO leveled off 2/2/1955 #11969 France Two persons in a car saw a lighted object dive toward them and hove 8/1/1955 #12314 in Salon, near Arles, France saw a lighted object dive toward them and hove 8/1/1955 #12320 ons got the police, who observed a lighted object in the sky, flying very f 8/21/1955 #12385 and got the police, who observed a lighted object in the sky, flying away v 8/21/1955 #12387 d, about 3.5 m diameter, 2 m high, lighted with neon-like light. The occupa 9/16/1955 #12456 meter, and two meters high; it was lighted with a neon-like light. The occu 9/16/1955 #12457 11:30 p.m. A cigar-shaped UFO with lighted portholes is seen by two witness Summer 1956 #12915 tion and Development Center] and a lighted elliptical object about 100–120 10/7/1956 #13266 ng object like a humming top, with lighted portholes. Just one year later t 11/28/1956 #13362 e seated before instrument panels, lighted by an extraordinary light. He wa 5/1/1957 #13637 aiian Fisherman saw three brightly lighted objects "like small moons." [UFO 6/18/1957 #13738 th rounded corners and window-like lighted areas underneath. There seems to 8/1957 #13868 re seems to be movement within the lighted areas. In the middle of the bott 8/1957 #13868 inessman and his wife saw a large, lighted object with openings, which hove 10/31/1957 #14173 haumois, Jura, France, see a large lighted object with openings. It hovers 10/31/1957 #14175 inessman and his wife saw a large, lighted object with openings, which hove 10/31/1957 #14177 a rainy night when he saw a large, lighted object on the road ahead, which 11/1957 #14181 6:22 a.m. Connie Foster watches a lighted triangular object flying from so 11/8/1957 #14487 Leita Kuhn observed a very large, lighted object 20 m above ground. It was 11/10/1957 #14520 y) a huge cigar-shaped object with lighted portholes above Lake Imba-numa 1 11/10/1957 #14524 Leita Kuhn observed a very large, lighted object 20 meters above the groun 11/10/1957 #14527 near his house. "Its windows were lighted, and I saw strange-looking heads 12/1957 #14648 nd near his house. Its windows are lighted and he can see some strange-look 12/1957 #14653 h Dakota Night. Ed Waslashi sees a lighted green object fall into a haystac 12/14/1957 #14729 feet above the ground. Through its lighted windows Starr sees two figures t 12/16/1957 #14735 her external structure. Behind the lighted windows were two humanoid forms 12/16/1957 #14736 r to that of an electric shaver. A lighted object was observed by Chowanski 12/30/1957 #14770 r to that of an electric shaver. A lighted object was observed by Mr. Chowa 12/30/1957 #14772 ion, IL Three reports of seven red lighted objects in straight line formati 1/9/1958 #14815 and 120 feet away. It has a small lighted dome on top and a band of square 4/1958 #14955 MT. AIRY, NC 2 kids and more. 6M lighted saucer / 60M altitude near quarr 3/2/1959 #15629 O descend over them. The craft had lighted windows around its lower portion 3/19/1959 #15654 chigan, when they see an intensely lighted object hovering about 2 miles to 3/22/1959 #15665 suggests that Gill was watching a lighted squid-fishing boat close to shor 6/26/1959 #15790 at the Moon with binoculars when a lighted object approaches the Moon very 12/13/1959 #16118 ted that a cylindrical object with lighted portholes came down, hit the oce 9/23/1960 #16458 ted that a cylindrical object with lighted portholes came down, hit the oce 9/23/1960 #16459 ge to the center; like a sled with lighted car running boards. Hovered at 8/12/1961 #16790 ge to the center, like a sled with lighted car running boards, near Old Mis 8/12/1961 #16791 ed Colebrook they noticed a bright lighted object in the sky that seemed to 9/19/1961 #16858 30 m tall, came out through a door lighted by a source inside the cylinder. 4/10/1962 #17106 , FL Cigar-shaped UFO, brilliantly lighted below, dark on top. Hovered, spe 5/18/1962 #17178 hrough binoculars he sees a squat, lighted structure in which several men a 7/28/1962 #17295 p.m. the male witness saw a large, lighted domed-oval craft, the same as he 9/23/1962 #17436 disk, about 5 m in diameter, with lighted windows. The noise stopped, a do 12/17/1962 #17587 a 300-foot long flying craft with lighted windows while driving between No 7/22/1963 #17848 racks about ½ a mile away, where a lighted object could be seen. At the con 10/21/1963 #17995 y, Montana, and two children saw a lighted craft land and take off. Four re 4/29/1964 #18222 glowing object. Two children saw a lighted craft land and take off, leaving 4/30/1964 #18229 ng in Canyon Ferry, Montana, see a lighted, egg-shaped object the size of a 4/30/1964 #18232 Ferry, Utah. Two children saw the lighted craft land, then take off. Four 4/30/1964 #18235 in bright green, and having hands lighted "like electric bulbs," who seeme 6/2/1964 #18320 a GM water tank. The object has a lighted flange-like base, a dome on top, 8/11/1964 #18480 FBR-AM radio, and a friend watch a lighted triangular object pass directly 8/22/1964 #18505 eter, with a soft white glow and a lighted rim. It descended to below the t 8/25/1964 #18511 unter in tree saw 3 flying silvery lighted objects 1/4 mile away (NICAP: 07 9/4/1964 #18530 tcalm, Canada Mr. Lehel observed a lighted object at hilltop level, about 7 11/1964 #18602 a.m. A 29-year-old woman sees two lighted objects land on a hilltop near N 11/25/1964 #18637 Georgetown, SC Two Lighted Objects Make U-Turn & TVI (NICAP 1/8/1965 #18701 formation of eight silent, yellow lighted objects trailing sparks flew thr 3/6/1965 #18845 , 45, who was hunting, saw a huge, lighted object 1 m above the swamp surfa 3/15/1965 #18857 h binoculars, they appear as three lighted objects, one of 1st stellar magn 5/6/1965 #18929 rough binoculars and appeared as 3 lighted objects. Next, the UFOs hovered 5/6/1965 #18930 e, and photographed a bluish-green lighted object that zigzagged and caused 7/3/1965 #19065 ographs were taken. The blue-green lighted object was seen zig-zagging. The 7/3/1965 #19065 wegian tanker "Jawesta" observed a lighted object flying out of the sea. Fi 7/6/1965 #19076 was that of a cigar, with a row of lighted portholes showing a clear yellow 7/6/1965 #19076 wegian tanker "Jawesta" observed a lighted object flying out of the sea fro 7/6/1965 #19079 ts was cigar shaped, with a row of lighted portholes showing a clear yellow 7/6/1965 #19079 aped like a mushroom or a top, was lighted from inside, rested on the groun 7/19/1965 #19132 aped like a mushroom or a top, was lighted from inside, rested on the groun 7/20/1965 #19152 esville, Indiana, when a large red lighted object swoops down on their car. 8/18/1965 #19418 facial features, stood in a large, lighted circle under it, facing the witn 10/23/1965 #19677 d. Other hunters reported seeing a lighted object circle around and around 10/23/1965 #19679 he is passing a window, he sees a lighted yellow oval object resting on th 11/30/1965 #19742 Indiana at 1:05 p.m. when he saw a lighted object come down through the low 12/11/1965 #19765 and Mrs. K.R. Gulley. One yellow, lighted object at 500; altitude and a pu 2/6/1966 #19885 Aluche, Madrid, Spain Brightly lighted disc with legs seen landing and 2/6/1966 #19886 Nederland, Texas sighted a yellow lighted disc or tadpole-shaped object at 2/6/1966 #19889 and citizens saw two bluish-green lighted objects and heard a beeping nois 3/13/1966 #19957 ed as being like a "very huge pie" lighted with red, blue, and white lights 3/17/1966 #19986 turned red. Then the whole object lighted up with a yellowish glow and fle 3/20/1966 #20008 ede. Around 5:10 a.m., Kohn sees a lighted object move away and disappear f 3/21/1966 #20021 Fayetteville, TN Large lighted object 3 ft above the road on a 3/28/1966 #20112 km/h suddenly encountered a large lighted object 1 m above the road on a h 3/28/1966 #20113 le, Tennessee, encounters a large, lighted object only 3 feet above the roa 3/28/1966 #20118 0 mph suddenly encountered a large lighted object only one meter above the 3/28/1966 #20120 A motorist encountered a brightly lighted disc-like object, grayish with v 3/31/1966 #20173 g, Michigan resolved itself into a lighted disc-shaped object when the witn 3/31/1966 #20181 ith a glowing rim that looked like lighted windows, and a steady red light 4/19/1966 #20339 n driving along that route see the lighted disc rise and fly away. 4/19/1966 #20346 rim that looked like they might be lighted windows. It had a steady red lig 4/19/1966 #20347 illon, Ohio, when they see a large lighted object coming from the southwest 6/2/1966 #20523 Nha Trang, Vietnam Brilliantly lighted object illuminated terrain at Ar 6/19/1966 #20587 house. She went outside and saw a lighted object 20 m away 1 m in diameter 6/23/1966 #20596 house. She went outside and saw a lighted object 20 meters away, just one 6/23/1966 #20601 Lacoste, and his wife, saw a red, lighted object cross the sky and appear 7/28/1966 #20691 . Lacoste, and his wife, saw a red lighted object cross the sky in Montsore 7/28/1966 #20693 egion saw maneuvering, fast-moving lighted objects. When a police officer a 8/1/1966 #20715 acknowledged seeing a fast-moving lighted object, and he later learned tha 8/1/1966 #20715 yland saw maneuvering, fast-moving lighted objects. When a police officer a 8/1/1966 #20719 acknowledged seeing a fast-moving lighted object, and he later learned tha 8/1/1966 #20719 rough binoculars with some sort of lighted, colored areas that rotate. 10/21/1966 #21026 se in Arlington, Indiana and saw a lighted object, which moved toward her a 11/5/1966 #21078 ear-old saw a circular object with lighted dome, numerous body lights, shor 1/13/1967 #21296 ed to State Police that a brightly lighted disc-shaped craft, about 30 feet 1/17/1967 #21330 achusetts. Fifteen minutes later a lighted reddish orange domed disc was si 1/18/1967 #21344 AN 10:30 p.m. A woman saw a bright lighted object speed in and hover under 2/20/1967 #21605 ng toward Sandwich when they saw a lighted object going up and down, turnin 3/3/1967 #21745 nded slowly. It was described as a lighted interior. The sighting lasted te 3/6/1967 #21780 ct, long axis horizontal, with two lighted portholes. Its body was blue-bro 3/15/1967 #21890 ered, four times emitting light or lighted objects toward the ground. (NICA 3/21/1967 #21934 p of the big hill, and later saw a lighted object hovering at the level of 4/6/1967 #22082 behind the lights. It had several lighted windows around its edge. At the 4/20/1967 #22172 tt saw a large round, bluish white lighted object descend to land in a wood 4/21/1967 #22200 oor opens on the side, revealing a lighted interior. Michalak walks to 60 f 5/20/1967 #22382 3:00 a.m. EDT. A woman saw a large lighted object with a rounded bottom and 6/21/1967 #22526 ng oblong object that had a row of lighted windows or ports. They viewed it 6/21/1967 #22528 nude in a room with a white floor, lighted by indirect blue white light. In 6/25/1967 #22557 f material like clear plastic with lighted grillwork and an open top. Initi 7/15/1967 #22664 ack monster" that descended from a lighted craft in a wooded area. They wer 8/12/1967 #22870 iffuse object with a series of 5–6 lighted square and oval windows about 45 10/1967 #23156 equipment were visible inside the lighted section. The domed disc hovered 10/24/1967 #23309 es per hour. He is approached by a lighted object from the sky. A beam of l 10/30/1967 #23371 an object with a large rectangular lighted panel that hovered 12 feet off t 10/30/1967 #23373 nd, 200 feet away. The rectangular lighted panel was about 4 feet high and 10/30/1967 #23373 ad a shadowy round shape below the lighted area. It moved slowly at first, 11/20/1967 #23487 e ahead of all the others, saw the lighted UFO as it departed the scene. 8/7/1968 #24308 ht, sitting on the ground. Smaller lighted objects emerged from the object 8/12/1968 #24322 treetops. At one point one of the lighted objects silently approached the 8/12/1968 #24322 30 p.m. Pedro Aylagas Galvez saw a lighted object in his field in Ucero, So 8/28/1968 #24392 tern Romania 3:15 p.m.–7:15 p.m. A lighted white object is seen by many wit 9/19/1968 #24485 at a distance: it had a string of lighted windows in which silhouettes of 10/15/1968 #24563 figures could be seen through some lighted portholes. 11/9/1968 #24647 seen moving around in front of the lighted source for the ten minutes the U 1/16/1969 #24853 then turned toward a rectangular, lighted area, apparently working some co 4/25/1969 #25091 w see one massive and five smaller lighted objects approaching the ship. Th 10/24/1969 #25422 o’clock at night. They viewed the lighted objects through binoculars. They 12/19/1969 #25507 d purple sparks float out from the lighted area. A sort of flame rises from 1/7/1970 #25540 rple "sparks" floated out from the lighted area. A flame of sorts rose from 1/7/1970 #25541 ly morning farm chores, observed a lighted object in a cattle lot. When the 1/22/1971 #25994 t around dawn when they observed a lighted object in the cattle lot. When t 1/22/1971 #25996 their flashlight signals. Inside a lighted dome were 6-10 occupants dressed 2/26/1971 #26033 ey saw an object hovering over the lighted field where youths were playing 4/24/1971 #26081 then turned toward a rectangular, lighted area. Mrs F. asked the cabbie, a 4/24/1971 #26081 omed disc-shaped object that had a lighted rectangular window. It flipped o 5/29/1971 #26142 ct, described as a brilliant white lighted object with a pinkish cast, caus 6/26/1971 #26195 he saw a dull form in the sky with lighted sections. It descended to fifty 9/22/1971 #26363 Delphos, KS Brilliantly lighted, mushroomshaped object hovered j 11/2/1971 #26448 Germantown, watched a brilliantly lighted UFO near their home at dusk. (NI 5/14/1972 #26683 it, the two observed a red orange lighted area of rectangular shape, about 2/4/1973 #27270 He floated into the middle of the lighted area some 2-3 feet above the bas 2/4/1973 #27270 ennsylvania. Mostly round and oval lighted objects were reported. On March 3/1/1973 #27322 AND MORE/OTHERS 2+observer(s). 20' lighted object passes / very low altitud 9/8/1973 #27778 lock in the morning a 20 foot wide lighted UFO passed over Lanett, Alabama 9/8/1973 #27784 e on the road). Each "hiker" had a lighted hat like a miner's hat on his he 9/11/1973 #27803 e on the road). Each "hiker" had a lighted hat like a miner's hat on his he 9/12/1973 #27809 e other younger children watched a lighted disc-shaped UFO slowly descend o 9/15/1973 #27825 tly overhead. They could see three lighted windows and behind them several 9/15/1973 #27825 he felt weight lift off car, saw a lighted object with blue, yellow, and go 10/16/1973 #28077 ses it to get brighter. She sees a lighted domed disc hovering in the front 11/1973 #28329 of the object, where he can see a lighted room with a golden aisle and fiv 1/8/1974 #28666 all, heavyset man" approach from a lighted area. They called out and got no 3/1/1974 #28843 ject hovered, occupants visible in lighted transparent cockpit stared at wi 4/16/1974 #29037 Coatsville, PA 9:00 p.m. Disc with lighted dome on top. Four silvery legs. 5/7/1974 #29090 than running. At this point a red lighted UFO was seen rising slowly over 5/11/1974 #29100 p the hill and sees a transparent, lighted cubicle. Suddenly he finds himse 10/15/1974 #29531 ther beams of light coming down or lighted legs or struts. Conventional air 2/9/1975 #29791 York, New York this night. It had lighted slits on the bottom and a sharp 6/13/1975 #30101 successive nights. On August 10, a lighted object followed and badly fright 9/15/1975 #30363 t 15 meters long with several big, lighted portholes appeared. It moved rap 9/23/1975 #30378 t 15 meters long with several big, lighted portholes appeared over Cambrai, 9/23/1975 #30382 haped like a dirigible gondola and lighted from within through several wind 3/11/1976 #30936 t of his car lit up like a "yellow lighted picture screen", on which he cou 8/2/1976 #31222 ce at La Soukra, Tunisia, see four lighted objects that disappear one by on 8/6/1976 #31239 a Tunisair pilot, who says it is a lighted object that seems to touch down 8/7/1976 #31244 son, North Lancashire, UK Brightly lighted ellipse hovered, car engine fail 3/9/1977 #31884 e, Cumbria, England, watch a large lighted object in the shape of a “stingr 8/28/1977 #32432 ldsburg, California watched a huge lighted object with multicolored lights 8/30/1977 #32442 ct was described as having several lighted windows and two beams of light. 8/30/1977 #32442 . A total of seven witnesses see a lighted cylindrical object at the top of 8/31/1977 #32445 WALCOTT, IA Lighted saucer over farm. All goes silen 10/9/1977 #32561 esses in San José, Costa Rica, see lighted objects around Pico Blanco, a mo 10/20/1977 #32594 er(s) with CB radios etc. Circular lighted objects seen / hours. / book in 10/26/1977 #32612 California, watch a disc with four lighted portholes hovering and eclipsing 10/31/1977 #32644 nt during the incident, a brightly lighted object passed him, and then a sm 2/5/1978 #32956 when they see a triangular-shaped lighted object the size of a Boeing 747 3/16/1978 #33043 ion, MO Woman reported brilliantly lighted object buzzed her car, briefly l 7/27/1978 #33422 ion, MO Woman reported brilliantly lighted object buzzed her car, briefly l 7/27/1978 #33425 gen and Seaman Gary Randall, see a lighted object with flashing white, red, 7/28/1978 #33436 are driving on a dirt road when a lighted object that looks like an eye mo 8/12/1978 #33512 ty of Rosario saw a reddish-orange lighted sphere make several 90-degree tu 9/23/1978 #33733 io, Argentina saw a reddish-orange lighted sphere make several 90-degree tu 9/23/1978 #33739 a other witnesses had seen a large lighted object with a silvery dome, and 10/8/1978 #33822 ved in 67 sighting reports watch a lighted delta-shaped UFO over Leicesters 10/23/1978 #33862 ike a shoeshine box on the ground. Lighted windows surrounded the craft. He 10/25/1978 #33872 ike a shoeshine box on the ground. Lighted windows surround the craft. He a 10/25/1978 #33873 ike a shoeshine box on the ground. Lighted windows surrounded the craft. He 10/25/1978 #33875 ling a hovercraft. It had numerous lighted square windows. One witness was 11/11/1978 #33944 ling a hovercraft. It had numerous lighted square windows. One witness was 11/11/1978 #33946 that this statement was true. The lighted rectangle suddenly blinked off, 12/14/1978 #34127 s car shortly after midnight saw a lighted UFO hovering just above the road 12/15/1978 #34137 t about 15 meters in diameter with lighted windows. 1/11/1979 #34331 be a control panel. The object is lighted from within and blinks out after Late 8/1979 #34774 ir of binoculars, they watched the lighted object descend in a falling leaf 2/11/1980 #35169 y herself when she noticed a large lighted object descend among some nearby 8/8/1980 #35446 y herself when she noticed a large lighted object descend among some nearby 8/8/1980 #35448 nt parking lot when she saw a huge lighted object with a ring of flashing l 2/10/1981 #35822 at 11:35 p.m. when she saw a huge lighted object with a ring of flashing l 2/10/1981 #35823 de of the road and then saw a huge lighted bowl shaped object. They both at 4/1/1981 #35883 South Canterbury, NZ Brightly lighted, dome-shaped object with windows 7/12/1981 #36000 Temuka, New Zealand Brightly lighted, dome-shaped object with windows 7/12/1981 #36001 to 65 mph in an effort to reach a lighted area of town. The UFO keeps pace 7/12/1981 #36002 r car, and they see two triangular lighted objects. The lowest passes over 9/18/1981 #36129 e heard a humming sound then saw a lighted disc shaped craft with red light 12/29/1981 #36281 ersfield, Vermont, when she sees a lighted triangular object in the sky app Mid 2/1982 #36347 Fleetwood, PA A bright round, lighted object flew over a car in Fleetw 2/24/1982 #36363 At 6:30 a.m. a bright round, lighted object flew over a car in Fleetw 2/24/1982 #36366 lso with her. That night she saw a lighted disk and a small entity entered 4/1982 #36422 titude of 160–200 feet. It has two lighted hemispheres with a dark rectangu 6/3/1982 #36491 stguard Bernard O’Reilly watches a lighted triangular object hovering silen Late 11/1982 #36689 . when the area around his car was lighted, as if by a phosphorous flare. L 11/27/1982 #36691 is by an IBM executive who sees a lighted object “larger than a 747” hover 3/24/1983 #36809 eir hunting activities. They see a lighted area low in the sky ahead of the 10/28/1983 #37027 a round object with three rows of lighted window panels and an illuminated 10/28/1983 #37027 triangle passing overheard. It was lighted completely around its perimeter 4/1984 #37250 from the roadway. It has a row of lighted windows, and several spokes prot 4/10/1984 #37257 Pennsylvania, watch a 50-foot-long lighted object, with two apparent legs f 2/28/1986 #37793 te, Minas Gerais, Brazil watched a lighted object hovering about 50 paces a 5/15/1986 #37870 tern United States 9:50-10:10 P.M. Lighted object seen over wide area movin 8/12/1986 #37983 nes freighter aircraft encountered lighted maneuvering objects. bright illu 11/17/1986 #38071 hes the top of the hill, he sees a lighted object, but trees block his view Mid 10/1987 #38305 , and lower body and was holding a lighted rod in its right hand. The creat 12/2/1987 #38348 husband, and a third person see a lighted, disc- shaped craft hovering abo 1988 #38383 PUYALLUP, WA Diamond shape with lighted opening. 4 observer(s). Treetop 3/21/1988 #38517 ar his hom. He soon saw a hovering lighted object overhead and attempted to 5/1/1988 #38551 In Fyffe, Alabama a lighted triangular-shaped object with ro 2/10/1989 #38833 lifeguard, who describes it as “a lighted object with six lights on the pe 11/7/1990 #39881 er a nearby hilltop. A huge round, lighted craft descended and appeared to 3/13/1992 #40377 metallic craft with several large lighted windows hovering low over a fiel 9/20/1992 #40634 der and past a slow-moving, large, lighted, silent domed disc-shaped object 1/23/1993 #40812 h of Belgrave when they see a huge lighted object with windows in front of 8/8/1993 #41117 ugh Cerțești, Romania. Rusu sees a lighted object descending silently, caus 7/9/1996 #42952 peared to be a "power plant," well lighted, on the side of the road. Confus 8/5/1997 #43369 The children claimed the craft was lighted and bigger than their house. The 5/7/1998 #43562 t was spinning. There were several lighted windows around its rim, and thro 2/14/1999 #43727 ing went back and forth within the lighted area, then floated back up into 4/1/1999 #43752 , because they quickly entered the lighted sphere, which then shot up into 5/10/1999 #43767 In Covina in Los Angeles County a lighted object moved from west to east a 1/23/2000 #43932 A huge lighted disc-shaped object lit up the sk 9/11/2000 #44038 and her family (4 witnesses) saw a lighted wheel in the sky at 9:30 p.m. wi 9/11/2000 #44038 arch the field. He could now see a lighted disc-shaped object on or near th 11/30/2000 #44094 e was able to see what looked like lighted windows on the object. Next, he 11/30/2000 #44094 ere the first to report a circular lighted object hovering silently in the 4/25/2001 #44164 ar the ocean and enter a hovering, lighted spherical object. The object had 7/27/2001 #44212 cal object. The object had a large lighted window and a tall man-like figur 7/27/2001 #44212 ded and watched them with him. The lighted objects also discharged balls of 3/14/2003 #44502 -shaped object that appeared to be lighted from within was sighted in Four 1/4/2004 #44648 A lighted triangular craft was sighted fly 1/22/2004 #44655 A lighted object, circular in shape, was s 8/10/2004 #44730 Four lighted chevron-shaped objects silently 12/5/2004 #44797 ghted a large V-shaped object with lighted panels on the underneath side. A 2/15/2005 #44814 nce from the house, was a half lit lighted object with green slats; the obj 4/21/2005 #44825## Word: "lighted-up" (Back to Top)
car. It has two white lights and a lighted-up underside. It circles the car 10/11/1967 #23217## Word: "lighten" (Back to Top)
s / various formations. Darken and lighten / sharp maneuvers. / r242. 7/28/1952 #7246 . From then until the sky began to lighten the besieged campers were watche 10/20/1973 #28222## Word: "lightening" (Back to Top)
fast. Orange light / rear. Flashes lightening. 12/1932 (approximate) #1148 00' altitude. Sharp turns. (During lightening storm.) 7/17/1952 #6847 g slowly upward. It fades into the lightening sky shortly before dawn. One 6/26/1993 #41038## Word: "lighter" (Back to Top)
ere he retrieves a piece of metal “lighter than aluminum foil” about 30 inc 7/25/1947 #3231 its the brakes. The object turns a lighter reddish-yellow and rises up into 6/28/1963 #17814 sparkly, dark blue uniforms with a lighter blue "Sam Browne" strap. They ha 1/25/1967 #21389 dow sill. It "soared as if he were lighter than air, with its hands and fee 9/8/1967 #23021 ght was about four inches wide and lighter in color than its yellow source. 1/24/1968 #23696 all 8–10 feet long with a trail of lighter color for about 5 minutes as it 8/14/1970 #25784 ormal people do (his steps somehow lighter than normal humans) unnoticed by 7/12/1975 #30175 a midget. The helmet was slightly lighter in color and the "spacesuit" was 10/7/1975 #30422 chusetts. Its eyes looked like two lighter circles in the center of its hea 4/22/1977 #32013 wore a two-tone gray suit, with a lighter V in the front and a black belt 3/16/1993 #40886 to develop SEAGEL, a material 95% lighter than styrofoam used as the prima 6/2013 #45368 tes some kind of harmonic and gets lighter, and if you hit it with enough t 7/2018 #45532## Word: "lighter-colored" (Back to Top)
New Martinsville, West Virginia. A lighter-colored ring on the object emitt 2/17/1960 #16181## Word: "lightfoot" (Back to Top)
, Texas David, 12, and Charles, 9, Lightfoot saw a disk land behind a hill 4/8/1950 #4828 e noon near Amarillo, Texas, David Lightfoot, age 12, and his brother Charl 4/8/1950 #4832 At 7:30 p.m. Rod Lightfoot and another man in Blackwood P 4/29/1959 #15718 US Hwy 60 State Route 614 Lightfoot, Virginia 8:40 a.m. Two separa 1/23/1965 #18759 f US Hwy 60 and State Route 614 in Lightfoot, Virginia. One of the drivers, 1/23/1965 #18759## Word: "lightheaded" (Back to Top)
balance and coordination, and felt lightheaded. Stephens experienced intens 10/27/1975 #30489 e and as he did so everything felt lightheaded and every time he touched so 12/4/1991 #40254## Word: "lighthouse" (Back to Top)
at they wrongly believe are from a lighthouse at the mouth of the Tyne. A c 12/1865 #165 until January 1871 when the Souter Lighthouse is erected on Lizard Point. 12/1865 #165 Skjaervser lighthouse Mindlandet, Nordland, Norway 11/21/1914 #921 on a passing ship near Skjaervser lighthouse on the island of Mindlandet, 11/21/1914 #921 e [now Fukuoka Airport] Tsutsusaki Lighthouse 8:35 p.m.–10:09 p.m. USAF rad 9/28/1952 #8049 of 50°–70° from nearby Tsutsusaki Lighthouse. The objects appear as normal 9/28/1952 #8049 SADO ISLAND, JPN 6 / lighthouse. Flat ellipse. Red center and 2/23/1953 #8696 ws yellow disk with black dot over lighthouse. 10/16/1962 #17474 ly and vanished. At Margaret Brock Lighthouse in South Australia a disc-sha 3/20/1965 #18869 MATSUYKER ISLAND, TASMANIA 6 / lighthouse. Bright white top-saucer mane 9/25/1965 #19598 MATSUYKER I, TASMANIA Lighthouse. White ovoid back and 6+15+17 10/5/1965 #19644 LA COTINIERE, FR Night lights over lighthouse. Big metallic-blue ovoid goin 8/31/1972 #26970 ISLA DE LOBOS, URUG UFO parks by lighthouse. Guard sees 3 small humanoids 10/28/1972 #27093 n Navy seamen are stationed at the lighthouse on Isla de Lobos, off Punta d 10/28/1972 #27095 ing south 150' over Almar Ave near lighthouse. Turns going west. Type unkno 10/16/1973 #28074 e circles and enters "mothership". Lighthouse winks out. 8/11/1976 #31255 ey watch it, the light of a nearby lighthouse goes out temporarily. The lar 8/11/1976 #31256 circle and enter a "mothership". A lighthouse then winked out. 8/11/1976 #31257 igan Lake Michigan Big Sable Point Lighthouse Two Rivers, Wisconsin 11:45 p 7/28/1978 #33435 westerly past the Big Sable Point Lighthouse, and then accelerates silentl 7/28/1978 #33435 GREEN BAY, WI Lighthouse keeper. Cylinder/cigar-shape 7/29/1978 #33443 Grassy Island Range Lighthouse Green Bay, Wisconsin Two Rive 7/29/1978 #33446 servers at the Grassy Island Range Lighthouse in Green Bay, Wisconsin, repo 7/29/1978 #33446 2:25 a.m. the Green Bay, Wisconsin lighthouse keeper reported that he had s 7/29/1978 #33450 MAATSUYKER ISLAND, TASMANIA Lighthouse men. Big night light south / 9/17/1978 #33697 mania, AU At the Maatsuyker Island Lighthouse an electrical power failed tw 9/17/1978 #33698 nd. It was seen by four men at the lighthouse (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 9/17/1978 #33698 At the Maatsuyker Island Lighthouse, Tasmania, Australia electric 9/17/1978 #33702 nd. It was seen by four men at the lighthouse, including the main witness, 9/17/1978 #33702 ge [now MOD Woodbridge] Orfordness Lighthouse 3:00 a.m. A series of reporte 12/26/1980 #35737 see are those from the Orfordness Lighthouse, a few miles away on the coas 12/26/1980 #35737 RAF Woodbridge Orfordness Lighthouse 1:48 a.m. RAF Woodbridge Depu 12/28/1980 #35749 on the first night. The Orfordness Lighthouse is visible further to the eas 12/28/1980 #35749 Woodbridge Capel Green Orfordness Lighthouse Around 12:00 midnight. USAF A 12/28/1980 #35750 e same direction as the Orfordness Lighthouse. When the eyewitnesses attemp 12/28/1980 #35750 s the flash rate of the Orfordness Lighthouse. The star-like objects that H 12/28/1980 #35750 . Saucer with portholes going up / lighthouse. 4 booms. / r123p238+/ r41p20 3/4/1990 #39444 e with windows seen from boat near lighthouse. Several objects took off at 3/4/1990 #39445 e with windows seen from boat near lighthouse. Several objects took off at 3/4/1990 #39446 Norwegian Sea Ona lighthouse, Husøya, Norway The KNM Stava 9/19/1990 #39735 boat” in the Norwegian Sea off Ona lighthouse, Husøya, Norway. The ship sen 9/19/1990 #39735## Word: "lighting" (Back to Top)
hted airship moving at 75 mph and “lighting up the houses and city like an 3/23/1897 #393 a demonstration of the electrical lighting system, they take off into the 4/21/1897? #551 about one-quarter of a mile away, lighting up the road like daylight. It r 10/1899 #638 Driscoll begins writing about ball lighting in his syndicated column, “The 1/3/1928 #1083 o watch the object, which is still lighting up the area, and then it shoots Early Spring 1951 #5471 left, had to porthols and interior lighting, and was faster than a jet. 10/27/1952 #8201 ing flames. It touched the ground, lighting up the whole area, rose again, 5/29/1955 #12166 00–400 yards to the south of them, lighting up the pavement. 11/3/1957 #14248 nd apparently causes the vehicle’s lighting system to fail. The light chang 11/9/1957 #14507 mes the apparent size of the Moon, lighting up the clouds above it. The lig 7/1958 #15130 ht shone down on men on the beach, lighting up the area like day. A domed d 7/25/1959 #15878 above ground for several minutes, lighting up the juniper trees below. Dic 9/24/1959 #15987 extends downward and to the west, lighting up the ground all around La Bre 2/6/1960 #16169 tes then speeds off ahead of them, lighting up the valley as it goes and ap 6/1964 #18313 kes up again, nauseous, and begins lighting matches and throwing them down 9/5/1964 #18539 gs on his chest. Another had a red lighting flash symbol on his uniform, an 8/16/1965 #19410 hed. Just before it “took off like lighting,” it became too bright to look 8/26/1965 #19466 ht beam shines into a nearby wood, lighting up the trees. 6/16/1966 #20568 ends and lies flat on the surface, lighting up the wharf on Keats Island. A 1967 #21236 at first and then extremely fast, lighting up the surrounding forest. 3/5/1967 #21767 the object descends into a woods, lighting the trees with a red glare. It 3/7/1967 #21787 ars. Cone wobbles. Going down [to] lighting up the woods. Blue undersides. 4/27/1967 #22226 single file, the wires and towers lighting up with a red glow as they spee 10/22/1967 #23290 ome and notices that the object is lighting up the house, with his wife and 5/17/1968 #23969 r to observe a violent Thunder and lighting storm then in progress. (Invest 8/1/1971 #26260 he saw an "elliptical moon" object lighting up her backyard and part of the 11/3/1971 #26452 saw a group of 3 or 4 white lights lighting up the ground in an empty lot n 8/6/1972 #26880 object flying close to the ground, lighting up the terrain. The headlights 12/2/1972 #27160 ars, about 12–15 feet in diameter, lighting up the area. The thrashing soun 6/28/1973 #27598 and the object is still hovering, lighting up the entire area like daytime 6/14/1974 #29191 shing outside his basement window, lighting up the interior of his room. Th 9/8/1974 #29437 notices a huge flame-colored glow lighting up the bush to the north. It lo 11/1974 #29575 others appear in a straight line, lighting up in succession. Driving on to 1/1/1975 #29689 descends out of the northern sky, lighting up both sides of the road. It p 11/11/1975 #30612 object suddenly emitted a silvery lighting flash and disappeared, and so d 1/4/1977 #31691 ut she was dazzled by a "huge moon lighting up the area, moving about like 4/19/1977 #31997 ut she was dazzled by a "huge moon lighting up the area, moving about like 4/19/1977 #31998 ut she was dazzled by a "huge moon lighting up the area, moving about like 4/19/1977 #31999 ut she was dazzled by a "huge moon lighting up the area, moving about like 4/19/1977 #32002 a utility pole in St. Roch, France lighting up the area. Traces were found 5/28/1977 #32139 ying object exploded in the night, lighting up the sky with a violet color. 12/16/1978 #34160 about 100 feet above his property, lighting it up with an orange glow. Afte Early 3/1980 #35190 d feeling as he had been struck by lighting. Concerned for his safety, Mrs 4/20/1980 #35281 other servicemen who are bringing lighting equipment to a large clearing c 12/28/1980 #35750 a fiery ball was seen humming and lighting the area around Vale das Velhas 11/1/1983 #37041 higan, see objects with triangular lighting patterns that shine beams of li 2/22/1984 #37198 aches to within a foot of her car, lighting up the hood and windows for one 3/25/1984 #37244 he length of the key, flashing and lighting up bits in turn. She calls her 4/25/1984 #37293 s, a red glow from the setting sun lighting one horizon and a full moon ris 11/17/1986 #38072 e sky. It has sparsely distributed lighting on its base and seems metallic 9/22/1987 #38291 er(s). Dark 15' saucer. Door opens lighting tree below. Phone static. 4/5/1989 #38891 ckly east / 150kph / low altitude. Lighting and heavy rain. 9/17/1992 #40624 ht a bit of light from the factory lighting and seemed to give off a silver 8/11/1995 #42376 ing from above appeared". The neon lighting in the street seemed to change 7/8/1996 #42950 t, then headed back displaying FAA lighting. Several minutes later, two mor 10/26/1996 #43097 ive of our aircraft as a result of lighting." Around four o'clock in the mo 12/9/1996 #43133 saw something resembling a bolt of lighting come from the sky. Strange vibr 11/13/1998 #43682 hat it was some sort of decorative lighting, they ignored it and kept walki 3/12/2000 #43966 ne of the cages. However, the poor lighting was not sufficient to let him m 8/2/2001 #44218 les, and sees a bright bluish glow lighting up a wooded area across the hig 7/5/2005 #44851 was a very bright flash of light, lighting up everything briefly like dayt 4/25/2007 #45023 sing in front of them. The highway lighting makes it easy to see a spherica 8/20/2013 #45384## Word: "lightless" (Back to Top)
eyond some trees. He could see the lightless object due to its reflection o 3/10/1991 #40009 craft at 9:30 p.m. It was silent, lightless, with a shape that blocked out 11/9/2002 #44437## Word: "lightly" (Back to Top)
on the surface of the water. "Just lightly touching the waves it remained t 6/12/1958 #15092 s far. It was a dull silver color, lightly fluorescent, and shaped like a d 1/6/1969 #24822 She later describes the taste as a lightly sweet rye bread. The craft ascen 9/13/1989 #39098## Word: "lightner" (Back to Top)
Wisconsin Day. 9-year-old Coral E. Lightner and two friends watch a white o Summer 1934 #1212## Word: "lightness" (Back to Top)
icks it up and is surprised at its lightness (estimated 2 pounds); the top 9/7/1956 #13202 electrical sensation and a general lightness. The light blinks out and the 7/4/1979 #34646 ast 40 mph. She recalls a sense of lightness as if she and the van are floa 9/20/1979 #34907## Word: "lightning" (Back to Top)
of tin” approaching the earth with lightning speed and expanding itself lik 4/1/1826 #122 eports collected are meteors, ball lightning, and other celestial and meteo 6/21/1866 #167 ere thunderstorm, after a flash of lightning and a peal of thunder, witness Early 9/1888 #285 rds of the shore, another flash of lightning strikes, and the fireball disa Early 9/1888 #285 era in the printing office to take lightning photographs. He manages to tak 4/25/1897 #574 anages to take a photo of a nearby lightning strike and develops it the fol 4/25/1897 #574 g. The negative shows not only the lightning but the outline of what seems 4/25/1897 #574 cribed as a “possible case of ball lightning,” the object appears more like 7/2/1907 #697 titude hears thunder and witnesses lightning in a clear blue sky. Then the 8/13/1917 #960 it reports on observations of ball lightning to its Meteorological Office. 9/1921 #1014 xaming 280 cases, argues that ball lightning is caused by persistence of vi 1936 #1239 ct land near his farm with a green lightning flash. It became dark. As he a 2/17/1949 #4014 rm in France with a flash of green lightning. It then became dark. As he ap 2/17/1949 #4016 viet atomic bomb test RDS-1 “First Lightning” at Semipalatinsk in Semipalat 8/29/1949 #4337 cessful nuclear weapon test (First Lightning) at the Semipalatinsk Test Sit 8/29/1949 #4340 ds / baseball. Blue-white object / lightning tail. All tell parents. 4/7/1950 #4810 0M altitude. Skirts hills. Silent. Lightning flashes / rear. 2/3/1951 #5430 foot diameter discs flew through a lightning storm at only 200 feet altitud 7/17/1952 #6870 OH Electro-magnetic effect (EME)? Lightning outlines 30M disk / sky. Red a 7/28/1952 #7239 AYTONA, LERIDA, SP Flash / lightning? 1.5M glowing saucer rises / g 8/1952 #7382 k off 100 m away with a blue-green lightning. The police found broken bushe 12/1953 #9327 by 1 m in size; it took off "like lightning," throwing a greenish light. 9/17/1954 #10332 on the road, and it took off "like lightning." It cast a greenish light as 9/17/1954 #10337 eporting appearances of a mythical lightning bird in the sky, travels from 12/27/1954 #11864 lashes / lunar south pole resemble lightning / discharges. 5/24/1955 #12152 MOON Astronomer Lambert. 2 "lightning flashes" / side / mount Taurus 9/8/1955 #12437 calls the Levelland sightings ball lightning or St. Elmo’s fire, even thoug 11/2/1957 #14216 l witnesses saw the same streak of lightning…which stimulated the populace 11/5/1957 #14291 t the UFOs are natural phenomena (“lightning, meteors, and meteorites”). 12/19/1958 #15481 luminous masses over Indian ocean. Lightning clouds? 10/3/1963 #17974 ford, Massachusetts, sees a bright lightning flash 5 miles to the south. At Summer 1964 #18367 a 180° turn, then takes off “like lightning” toward the east where it vani 8/3/1965 #19291 ud snap, and vanishes. As the ball lightning hits, Viola feels a shock in h 4/24/1966 #20404 o the car or any reports of normal lightning in the area. 4/24/1966 #20404 hire, England. Suddenly a flash of lightning strikes nearby, and Alex sees 1/28/1967 #21409 d in a clearing and took off "like lightning." 6/1/1967 #22447 g at 11:30 p.m. and took off "like lightning." 6/1/1967 #22450 en Phillips blames Lady’s death on lightning. A few days later, rangers at 9/9/1967 #23026 WINCHESTER, ENGL Boy / 13. 4 lightning jets chase black mushroom-sauc 10/27/1967 #23340 rden and sees two English Electric Lightning fighters fly low overhead. Ahe 10/27/1967 #23353 that sightings are caused by ball lightning and anomalous free-floating pl 1968 #23627 ssion to “a plasma similar to ball lightning.” 10/24/1968 #24587 void maneuvers / countryside lit / lightning storm. Bubble dome. 8/1/1971 #26258 ed oval-shaped UFO, illuminated by lightning flashes during a nighttime thu 8/1/1971 #26262 e cloud on the left. Soon they see lightning going back and forth from the 8/1973 #27672 s but never toward the ground. One lightning bolt hits the sphere and red s 8/1973 #27672 ike a black circle with a diagonal lightning flash through it. 12/19/1973 #28587 ge perfect oval / burnt grass. Not lightning. 8/1974 #29289 MONTLUCON, FR 1 observer. Distant lightning. Silent 6M white fireball goes 8/17/1974 #29365 ba, when they see an odd star. Red lightning seems to light it up and it zo 5/4/1975 #30032 [to] to clouds. Gone / flash. Ball lightning? 9/29/1975 #30393 The owner and employees claim that lightning has caused the damage, and tha 7/31/1976 #31206 later in the summer. A light “like lightning” was seen shortly before the d 10/1976 #31441 ortedly killed as a result of the “lightning” fired at them by the UFOs, an 7/1977 #32220 e and increases in brightness when lightning flashes. It disappears when an 7/13/1977 #32269 lashes. It disappears when another lightning strike occurs. 7/13/1977 #32269 ially thought to be caused by ball lightning. Meteorologists state that atm 4/2/1978 #33119 s at the time are not conducive to lightning, although some witnesses repor 4/2/1978 #33119 erbolt”—an unusually large bolt of lightning. A 2004 documentary on the His 4/2/1978 #33119 . Smith notices a large number of “lightning rods” that move in and out on 4/2/1978 #33120 18 feet away. At first, he thinks lightning caused it, but then he conside 9/16/1979 #34890 -secret experiments involving ball lightning and the “use of sophisticated 12/28/1980 #35750 nd right and left “at the speed of lightning.” It stops about 100 feet abov 3/24/1984 #37240 rtical, yet 5 times “thicker” than lightning. The flashes stop and a shinin 10/10/1986 #38044 M metallic blue sphere / treetops. Lightning / bottom extends miles!! 12/31/1987 #38380 before it "took off like streak of lightning. It just disappeared." Later 3/1/1988 #38479 observer(s). Cone beams lights / 4 lightning poles. Poles glow. Going south 12/30/1988 #38766 orm. He viewed it clearly when the lightning flashed. The main body of the 9/16/1992 #40623 's Guide that he saw some "unusual lightning" over Railroad Valley and the 12/1992 #40736 into an apparently empty sky. The lightning occurred in groups of several 12/1992 #40736 iscent of a fireworks display. The lightning produced no sound, and there w 12/1992 #40736 has been shattered by an apparent lightning strike, although some in the v 1/14/1993 #40795 LIGHTNING RIDGE, AUST 1 observer / (seen 3/1/1994 #41434 In Lightning Ridge, New South Wales, Austra 3/1/1994 #41435 ers. Going quickly [to] away "like lightning". No further details. 1/2/1995 #41936 a minute, and then shot away “like lightning.” 1/2/1995 #41940 n the background clouds pulse with lightning, the UFO appears as a dark, wi 5/25/1995 #42227 t straight up "at least as fast as lightning." 5/7/1996 #42899 zing electrical show, shooting off lightning in short spikes around it. 8/11/1999 #43821 nt Plasma Formation,” akin to ball lightning, and it supposedly produces an 5/15/2006 #44942## Word: "lightning-like" (Back to Top)
woman in Vienna, Virginia, sees a lightning-like flash in the southwest th 1/22/1935 #1223 Schmid notices the first of four “lightning-like lights” in an otherwise c 4/14/1977 #31980 few minutes later, a third silent lightning-like flash is seen just in fro 4/14/1977 #31980 :30–2:00 a.m. Witnesses see strong lightning-like flashes in the sky northe 10/10/1986 #38044## Word: "lightnings" (Back to Top)
ing steeply and outmaneuvering the Lightnings. 10/27/1967 #23353## Word: "lightplane" (Back to Top)
ate pilot John Mark, flying Navion lightplane; radar at Dayton, Ohio airpor 6/25/1954 #9946## Word: "lights" (Back to Top)
JAPAN / LOCATION UNKNOWN Night lights and fireballs overhead all night. 9/24/1235 #10 LAND Many observer(s). Cross-shape lights town like a strong projector. / C 12/6/1269 #12 cal object and odd cloud and night lights move together. Low / horizon. / R 12/18/1707 #54 ds in which are embedded brilliant lights as bright as the full moon that g 12/5/1737 #60 ERMANY Goethe. Ballet of miniature lights / roadside hollow. / IFS#28. 9/1/1768 (approximate) #84 oing [to] overhead / 15 minute(s). Lights all below brightly. 2/5/1780 #87 DON Scientist Staveley. Many night lights maneuver / dark cloud cover. No f 8/10/1809 #103 g [to] over road. 4 figure(s) with lights inside. Volcano active. 4/1812 (approximate) #105 SZEGED, HUNGARY Spherical lights. Lady-in-white appears and vanish 7/1836? #131 a northerly direction. One of the lights is clear red and the other is gre 8/2/1860 #156 ty House to investigate the “false lights” of the Durham, England, coast, m 12/1865 #165 gland, coast, mysterious revolving lights seen above a rocky headland at Wh 12/1865 #165 hitburn after following a light or lights in the sky that they wrongly beli 12/1865 #165 salvagers are responsible for the lights that are causing shipwrecks. Alth 12/1865 #165 commission decides that the false lights are not deliberately lit, they ar 12/1865 #165 puzzled about the true cause. The lights and wrecks continue until January 12/1865 #165 ange "aerial construction" bearing lights and making engine noises flew low 7/1868 #173 ange "aerial construction" bearing lights and making engine noises flew low 7/1868 #174 observed on Mars and Venus are the lights of large cities on those planets. 1869 #178 ARE CRISIUM, MOON Astronomers. Odd lights maneuver / changing patterns til 8/16/1869 #182 HIGH WYCOMB, BUCKS Night lights. Box found / leaves. Sprouts eyes 10/4/1871 #192 way crew. 'Train' nears. Steam and lights. Jumps track and enters woods! 7/30/1878 #215 EY Slow saucer = 4-moons diameter. Lights campsite. / r221p16+/ r2p20. 11/1/1885 #266 rcles pier / 6M altitude. Blinding lights. Sinks quietly. 11/2/1885 #268 of mysterious objects and strange lights in the sky all over the world. It 1886 #273 us object descends with a roar and lights up the ship and surrounding water 3/19/1887 #279 MOON Night lights converge / Plato crater. Form "ma 11/23/1887 #284 several hundred feet altitude. It lights up the village “as brilliantly as 2/7/1889 #286 e it has a series of “electric arc lights” around it and a “pole” or rudder 9/2/1891 #296 e a “kind of balloon” with colored lights passing over the northern part of 8/30/1892 #305 r of the watch observes some round lights resembling “Chinese lanterns fest 2/24/1893 #308 W. and H. Witherspoon sees several lights rise from the Gulf of Mexico off 2/1894? #313 rs / 120M altitude. Vibrant bright lights. 7/3/1896 #326 eparate observer(s). 3 very bright lights 8' apart going quickly east / 100 10/25/1896 (approximate) #331 an, California. watch three bright lights moving toward the east at about 1 Late 10/1896 #332 e sea at a height of 500 feet. Two lights are visible, one a “misty-looking Early 11/1896? #334 d, California, notice three bright lights in the southwestern sky moving to Early 11/1896 #335 (s). Object beams variable-colored lights / all directions. Going quickly s 11/24/1896 #355 FRESNO, CA Airship with lights / both ends. Beams in odd directi 11/25/1896 #358 MODESTO, CA Several at bank. Night lights fly going quickly northwest / gre 11/26/1896 #362 ing going south / 27 November with lights. 11/26/1896 #363 . Night light plays / sky. 2 night lights / Los Angeles / 30 November. Sout 11/27/1896 #366 land, California, see a cluster of lights attached to an apparent airship m 11/27/1896 #367 California, see two large, bright lights moving parallel with them at abou 12/4/1896 #375 at about 1,000 feet altitude. The lights outdistance the train and disappe 12/4/1896 #375 ight passing overhead. Six smaller lights are placed at intervals around a 2/4/1897 #387 EVEREST, KS AND MORE/OTHERS Object lights ground and clouds and buildings / 4/1/1897 #403 sas City, Kansas 8:00 p.m. Strange lights appear in the sky south of Kansas 4/1/1897 #406 see an airship earing multicolored lights and swinging a huge white searchl 4/9/1897 #420 from lake. Red and green rotating lights. / r129p11. 4/10/1897 #422 ght white light with red and green lights on either side of it is observed 4/10/1897 #426 ery, voices, and laughter. Two red lights are positioned on the tail end an 4/11/1897 #428 resembles a cluster of soft yellow lights. 4/11/1897 #431 ses overhead. It has red and green lights on each side and a powerful elect 4/11/1897 #434 oing quickly northeast and upward. Lights / sides. 4/12/1897 #440 has two rows of four red or green lights. The object rises quickly at a sh 4/13/1897 #454 s a dark object with red and green lights flying overhead about the same ti 4/13/1897 #454 ylindrical object with two rows of lights, red and green. It took off with 4/13/1897 #456 light and smaller green and yellow lights. The object is cigar-shaped with 4/14/1897 #462 t in the front and several smaller lights on the sides. It is moving to the 4/14/1897 #471 airship with red, green, and white lights lands on a farm near Eau Claire, 4/15/1897 #488 r-shaped airship with a row of red lights along the sides passes above Emer 4/15/1897 #491 me of the time it displays colored lights; at other times it is completely Mid 4/1897 #494 ship without wings and with yellow lights at the bow and stern flew to the 4/15/1897 #500 h a dull red glow, as if there are lights on its upper side. The object mov 4/16/1897 #506 searchlight blinks out and smaller lights surrounding a dark object become 4/16/1897 #510 h, and carried red and yellow body lights. 4/16/1897 #513 Bancroft 9:30 p.m. An object with lights on both ends is seen southeast of 4/18/1897 #528 and flashing red, white and green lights on the sides and on each end. Sev 4/18/1897 #529 es, flashing red, white, and green lights. Through binoculars a cone-shaped 4/19/1897 #537 ouston, and his son Charley notice lights in a pasture a few hundred yards 4/19/1897 #539 er/cigar-shape with vibrant bright lights lands. Pseudo-human/entity asks / 4/21/1897 #549 an object with two brilliant white lights on either end landing in a nearby 4/21/1897? #551 ated with protrusions and blinding lights, it went dark when it landed. (NI 4/22/1897 #553 ated with protrusions and blinding lights, it went dark when it landed. Bar 4/22/1897 #555 g airship with wings and brilliant lights. When he first sees it, the objec 4/22/1897 #559 with his Winchester rifle, but the lights go out as he gets closer. Some 90 4/22/1897 #559 ated with protrusions and blinding lights. It went dark when it landed. A m 4/22/1897 #561 en he notices bright, multicolored lights moving rapidly toward the southwe 4/24/1897 #569 rapidly toward the southwest. The lights are attached to a cigar-shaped ob 4/24/1897 #569 , Milo S. Warn, and they watch the lights until the object disappears into 4/24/1897 #569 as turned off, a number of smaller lights became visible on the underside o 4/26/1897 #578 as turned off, a number of smaller lights became visible ont he underside o 4/26/1897 #579 o walk. Two men were seen carrying lights. The lawmen took their rifles, ca 5/6/1897 #592 After seeing two persons carrying lights, they draw their rifles and deman 5/6/1897 #593 o walk. Two men were seen carrying lights. The lawmen took their rifles, ca 5/6/1897 #594 ct with 10–12 bright white and red lights moving slowly over the town for a 5/9/1897 #595 in as it turns going north inland. Lights and beams. 8/16/1897 #604 o the north >N inland. It had body lights and light beams. 8/16/1897 #605 on and is peppered with electrical lights. At one point the lights go out t 6/1/1898 #622 lectrical lights. At one point the lights go out then reappear. A searchlig 6/1/1898 #622 he last one blue. The red and blue lights die out, but the white one contin 10/4/1898 #625 steady trajectory going southwest. Lights area red. 4/27/1899 #632 LEY, YORKS 2 cops. Green 'tip-cat' lights area. Maneuvers / 15 minute(s). 12/21/1901 #648 tallic cylinder/cylindrical object lights / ends. Sinks slowly. / Flying Sa 10/28/1902 #653 r, saw a huge, dark object bearing lights in the sea ahead. It was observed 10/28/1902 #654 r, saw a huge, dark object bearing lights in the sea ahead. It was observed 10/28/1902 #655 aw a huge, dark object bearing two lights in the sea ahead. It was observed 10/28/1902 #656 NEAR BARMOUTH, WALES Night lights follow car / 1 mile. Turn up side 3/22/1905 (approximate) #674 of light, accompanied by two white lights which danced about it, paced in f 3/23/1905 #675 t or light beam hangs vertical and lights sky. / IFS#33. 3/29/1905 #676 t move up and down. It has smaller lights along the sides. Jackson wakes up 8/3/1905 #679 ickly south over drawbridge. Night lights / several days. / r203p109. 2/4/1908 #702 RTHANTS 3 / car. Fast ovoid east / lights front and rear. Engine sound. Goi 5/13/1909 #737 shape, perhaps 100 feet long, with lights in front and behind moving at an 5/13/1909 #740 linder/cigar-shape hovers still. 2 lights scan Newport Bridge / 10 minute(s 5/15/1909 #745 d still over Casnewydd, Wales. Two lights from the object scanned the Newpo 5/15/1909 #747 n [to] and turns. Perfect control. Lights / ends. / r221p24. 5/16/1909 #748 med under perfect control, and had lights on the ends. At 7:45 p.m. a gover 5/16/1909 #751 the telegraph wires, two electric lights shine out and the craft heads tow 5/18/1909 #758 own coast. Whirring sound. Fast. 2 lights. 5/19/1909 #760 aking a whizzing noise. It has two lights and is moving eastward. Some dock 5/19/1909 #765 It was described at fast, with two lights. At 9:30 p.m. several observers i 5/19/1909 #768 TWYTH, WALES 14 observer(s). Night lights and beams 2 miles offshore search 5/22/1909 #771 ous sightings of unusual nocturnal lights and airships seen in both daytime 7/1909 #778 S Numerous observer(s). Airship. 2 lights / ends. 2 figure(s) seen. Quickly 7/24/1909 #783 rses spooked. Airship 50 overhead. Lights / front and rear. 7/30/1909 #787 hip that flew low overhead. It had lights in the front and rear. 7/30/1909 #790 at-shaped flying object with three lights was observed at 3:00 a.m., clearl 8/2/1909 #796 t rises to a great height, showing lights fore and aft. After circling arou 8/3/1909 #799 e waved and shouted. The craft had lights at both ends. It rose to a higher 8/3/1909 #800 :30–8:00 p.m. A flying object with lights on its front and back sails at a 8/9/1909 #802 / wagon. Horses panic. More beams. Lights / rim. Vanishes. 10/1909 #814 erted bowls, separated by a row of lights, is hovering, with several phosph 10/1909 #815 ng communities see an airship with lights flying at an altitude of around 4 12/23/1909 #822 a low-hovering disc with a row of lights. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) Summer 1910 #838 a clearing, where he sees a row of lights a few feet above the ground. They Summer 1910 #840 hape flies overhead. Red and green lights / rear. Bright headlight / front. 10/27/1910 #849 r-shaped object with red and green lights on the rear and a bright headligh 10/27/1910 #851 OVER, KENT Cop and 2. Airship with lights going quickly southeast toward(s) 1/4/1913 #865 An airship with lights was spotted by three witnesses in 1/4/1913 #867 of Glamorgan, Wales 10:00 p.m. Two lights “thought to be the lamps of an ai 1/6/1913 #868 ISTOL AND LIVERPOOL, ENG Brilliant lights / sky sweep hills. No planes up. 1/24/1913 #871 o warning shots are fired, but the lights go out and the object disappears. 1/29/1913 #875 s are described as “like large arc lights in appearance, slightly violet in 2/9/1913 #881 At 9:02 p.m. a formation of lights resembling an express train in th 2/9/1913 #882 rough binoculars and sees that the lights are attached to a cone-shaped cra 2/25/1913 #884 slow as a parachute. Going south. Lights entire sky. 7/1913? #890 cQuarie Heads to Mount Dundas. Two lights were distinctly visible, and inte 10/5/1914 #918 es of Brockville, Ontario, see the lights of unknown aircraft crossing the 2/14/1915 #925 anes flash a searchlight beam that lights up a city block, tells the police 2/14/1915 #925 s about the reports and orders the lights on Parliament Hill to be turned o 2/14/1915 #925 a man in Guelph sees “three moving lights passing over” the Ontario Agricul 2/15/1915 #926 ng house and they watch the silent lights until dawn. 2/15/1915 #926 n investigating reports of similar lights seen in the region during the sum 9/4/1915 #936 eports are explained. Some “moving lights in the air” are attributed to mar 9/4/1915 #936 hen he fires his pistol at it, the lights rise and rapidly disappear. Morga 1/31/1916 #941 .m. he saw an object with a row of lights like the windows on a railway car 1/31/1916 #942 ing. When he fired a pistol at the lights they rose rapidly into the heaven 1/31/1916 #942 ide and 100 feet long,” with three lights, “one on each end and one in the 2/29/1916 #943 object with a platform and rows of lights, sitting in a field 30 m to his l 10/1916 #952 da, Colorado, watch distant moving lights flicking on and off over a period Early 9/1917 #964 pears to be a revolving wheel with lights on it. Early 9/1917 #964 object with a platform and rows of lights, sitting in a field 30 m to his l 10/1917 #967 than normal and casts multicolored lights across the landscape, the people, 10/13/1917 #970 Orovada Starting this year, ghost lights are seen every year until 1932 in 1922 #1018 pherders in the area have seen the lights, including Tito Bengoa, the broth 1922 #1018 m its nose and it has multicolored lights. As it passes in front, the drive 6/1925 #1047 server(s). 200 Ft. 'comet' hisses. Lights windows / side. Darts going up / 7/14/1925 #1049 , are terrorized by dancing aerial lights during the night, the unusual dea 1927 #1068 t which lit up tree-tops, flashing lights on rear. Object made sweeping cur 1/1/1931 #1119 e of Muskrat Lake. Green and white lights twinkle on its tail end. It moves 1/1/1931 #1120 e disc with periphery of yellowish lights or "portholes" on underside. (NIC 1/29/1932 #1137 aluminum-like disc with yellowish lights or “portholes” on the underside, 4/1932 #1141 tchewan Napawin For weeks, strange lights in the sky are reported around To Summer 1933 #1162 NJ Disk going [to] overhead slow. Lights 2 observer(s) / strong beams. Lig 8/1933 (approximate) #1172 ghts 2 observer(s) / strong beams. Lights radio towers.. 8/1933 (approximate) #1172 y plane' searches area with strong lights. Going quickly west. / r203 p128. 12/24/1933 #1180 WAY Series mystery fliers. High. 3 lights visible only. 12/28/1933 #1184 RNA AND STENSELE, SWD Wave / night lights etc. beam lights up and down over 1/1/1934 (approximate) #1192 SWD Wave / night lights etc. beam lights up and down over lakes and towns 1/1/1934 (approximate) #1192 RWAY AND MORE/OTHERS Mystery plane lights ship like day. Unmarked. No try t 1/28/1934 #1198 course can be clearly seen by its lights. On February 6, Under-Secretary o 2/1/1934 #1199 hts of ghost planes and mysterious lights have been seen for the past month 2/2/1934 #1201 nally report sound from a motor or lights in the sky. 3/4/1934 #1206 lines, as well as their navigation lights, to be clearly visible against th 6/11/1934 #1210 ts largest point. Suddenly the sky lights up in a flash and the cloud emits 8/9/1934 #1217 dows and alternating white and red lights. Two fighters from a nearby air b 8/17/1936 #1247 triangular shape and multicolored lights on its tail end. Frightened, they 10/1936 #1250 O, NORWAY Several report(s). Night lights and mystery flyers. Beams and rad 11/17/1936 #1253 rotea. A light similar to position lights on an aircraft flies over a villa Late 1/1937 #1262 men. Large plane going down / sea. Lights out. Blows fog. Vanishes. / r203p 2/11/1937 #1263 roplane with red and green glowing lights (Page 11, Ref. 1) (NICAP: 02 - Cl 2/11/1937 #1264 oplane” with red and green glowing lights resting on top of the water. The 2/11/1937 #1265 offer assistance, but the object’s lights go out and it is cloaked in a “cl 2/11/1937 #1265 ound 9:00 p.m. It extinguished its lights and produced a cloud or fog cover 2/11/1937 #1266 0 miles off US coast, In Air Space Lights of alleged aircraft (Page 11 Ref. 7/22/1937 #1274 a ring of pulsating, multicolored lights around it. Soon it makes a right- 10/1938 #1296 y Air Corps, sees several blinking lights moving slowly over the Middle Riv 3/5/1942 #1397 ng reports by fishermen of strange lights on the waters of Bass Strait. A “ Summer 1942 #1419 green, white, and red fluorescent lights. They watch it for 10 minutes, af 8/1942 #1428 erver(s). Domed saucer going down. Lights / ends. Circular burnt area and f 10/1942 #1450 ated object with a dome on top and lights at either end descend toward the 10/1942 #1451 feet in length 500 mph &.four red lights spaced at equal distances along i 11/28/1942 #1463 500 mph. It has four pairs of red lights spaced along its body and is flyi 11/28/1942 #1464 valley. It disappears when the red lights go out. 11/28/1942 #1464 estimated 500 mph. It had four red lights spaced at equal distances along i 11/28/1942 #1465 STUARY, FR RAF meteor pilot. Night lights rise / ground. Chase plane. Drop 12/1942 #1467 iver), At Sea Two amber and orange lights, flying in unison; not aircraft. 12/1942 #1468 me, France, he observes two orange lights climbing, one slightly above the 12/1942 #1470 completes a full turn, putting the lights behind him on the port side. They 12/1942 #1470 msden dives to 4,000 feet, but the lights match his maneuvers. He increases 12/1942 #1470 ay in 1943, 12 brilliant star-like lights were seen maneuvering in all dire 6/4/1943 #1510 c-shaped object with a long row of lights on their starboard side. They wat 8/11/1944 #1641 ce, France Enormous disc; circular lights (changing from bright yellow top 8/12/1944 #1642 cend as the bomber moves away. The lights are flattened spheres that move l Mid 8/1944 #1644 hree seem to be looking toward the lights of a nearby fairground. The nurse Late 8/1944 #1647 Strasbourg, Germany Eight to ten lights in a row, glowing orange, and mov Late 10/1944 #1682 hey see “eight to 10 bright orange lights off the left wing…flying through 11/29/1944 #1710 Schlueter and Meiers also see red lights on November 26 above Mannheim, Ge 11/29/1944 #1710 Western Germany, Europe String of lights, twelve to fifteen in number, ora 12/1944 #1716 many 5 or 6 flashing red and green lights in T-shape. (Page 100,130 Ref.1) 12/17/1944 #1724 h Bombers. 5-6 red and green night lights / T-formation. Sharp turns. Follo 12/18/1944 #1725 HAGUENAU, 67, FR Orange night lights pace USAF fighters. RADAR malfunc 12/22/1944 #1726 Hagenau, Germany Two lights that appeared to be a large orang 12/22/1944 #1727 ht they felt prop wash; a group of lights that made distinct lines, somewha 12/26/1944 #1734 like arrows; row of vertical white lights. (Page 103,131 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 12/26/1944 #1734 ular, reddish-blue in color, vivid lights, looking like flames, in a tight 12/26/1944 #1735 ce Two sets of three red and white lights. (Page 107-108,131 Ref.1) (NICAP: 12/27/1944 #1736 Unknown City, France Orange lights, singly and in pairs, suspended i 12/27/1944 #1737 Ardennes, Belgium Pair of fog lights; bright yellowish orange; flying 1/1/1945 #1749 r describes them as a “pair of fog lights, shooting up to 60 or 70,000 feet 1/2/1945 #1751 dau bt., Germany Two amber colored lights about one foot in diameter. (Page 1/29/1945 #1763 n crew observes two amber-colored “lights in the air at 2,000 feet” between 1/30/1945 #1764 diameter and 20–50 feet apart. The lights follow their Bristol Beaufighter, 1/30/1945 #1764 USAAF pilots see 3 groups / night lights at 700M altitude. / Don Berliner 2/13/1945 #1780 ishwiller bt., Germany Two sets of lights; separated after being attacked a 2/13/1945 #1781 Freiburg, Germany String of lights & (1 red one in center, 4 white o 2/14/1945 #1782 l), Italy Observed two very bright lights appear directly in front of aircr 2/17/1945 #1787 Leghorn (near), Italy Three lights red-orange in color that did not 2/22/1945 #1793 Bologna, Italy Chased three lights in shape of triangle observed; no 2/27/1945 #1795 rth Fresian Islands, Germany Three lights; had the appearance of white flar 3/9/1945 #1809 IWO JIMA, JPN Night lights follow fighter. 200+RADAR blips g 3/26/1945 #1828 t. John W. McIsaac (gunner) notice lights on an airborne object. The lights 3/26/1945 #1829 lights on an airborne object. The lights follow them through a few turns b 3/26/1945 #1829 On this evening several lights followed a night fighter aircraft 3/26/1945 #1830 from cherry-red to orange to white lights, and then back to cherry again; t 5/3/1945 #1863 LONG BEACH, CA Ann Druffel. Night lights exit large object / high altitude 7/20/1945? #1902 Train stops. Big sphere/orb/globe lights whole station area. Going west. 8/1945 #1908 the war with Japan. Three luminous lights began to follow his C-46 transpor 8/28/1945 #1931 eland. It was surrounded by purple lights, and made a whirring noise. Two b 12/25/1945 #1953 apid passage of four square-shaped lights, reddish in color and aligned sid 1946 #1960 s rockets cigars. 1 offloads night lights. 300 report(s). 8/11/1946 #2114 It has no visible wings, rudders, lights, flame or projections of any type 8/14/1946 #2135 fuselage, giant wings, and two red lights. The medium Mark Probert later te 10/9/1946 #2199 d B-shaped object. 2 compartments. Lights flash. See Des Moines. 4/5/1947 #2259 ounded by a ring of luminous green lights swoops in quickly from the east, 5/1947 #2272 (s). Up to 11 saucers and 40 night lights. Saucers whirl. Going quickly wes 7/6/1947 #2787 eleven discs and some 40 nocturnal lights over Birmingham, Alabama. The dis 7/6/1947 #2829 s). Brilliant ovoid over gas-plant lights area. Vanishes as rain stops. 7/7/1947 #2847 / different formations. Silent. No lights. 7/9/1947 #3038 The objects were silent and had no lights. 7/9/1947 #3071 ontal flight looking like electric lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 8/19/1947 #3350 / light. Row / windows / turn off. Lights dim / houses. 11/2/1947 #3477 ue Book and FBI document. 50+night lights / sharp turns / 3 hours. East goi 5/7/1948 #3641 Memphis, Tennessee saw 50 or more lights make sharp turns in the sky for t 5/7/1948 #3644 500–600 mph. It seems to pulse its lights at 3- second intervals as it move 7/9/1948 #3705 s). Luminous cylinder/cigar-shape. Lights flash / sides. Stops. Going quick 8/1948 (approximate) #3765 s cylinder/cigar-shape with row of lights. Wave all over/all about southeas 8/1/1948 (approximate) #3766 cigar-shaped object with a row of lights. 8/1/1948 #3767 re 23 reports of “flares or moving lights.” All but two are in New Mexico a 12/29/1948 #3938 After a few weeks, they see bright lights in the sky. They approach the pla 1949 #3945 see light coming from inside. The lights descend into the opening, which c 1949 #3945 e security patrols report burst of lights like a flash bulb. 3/6/1949 #4035 parently separate streaking bright lights (one white, the other yellowish r 3/8/1949 #4041 ic column with colored plasma-glow lights. "Dreadful..". 4/7/1949 #4079 uary. Saucers. Cigars. Small night lights pass through trees etc. 4/27/1949 #4113 d (SE of), TX A variety of strange lights, mostly slow-moving changing colo 4/28/1949 #4123 report nine separate sightings of lights southeast of the base. Most chang 4/28/1949 #4130 ed to green. On one occasion, four lights appear together; on another, 8–10 4/28/1949 #4130 e white size like airplane landing lights obj (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 5/3/1949 #4140 e 61; 21:26-white baseball diamond lights; 21:40 - slightly larger than fir 5/3/1949 #4141 :40 - slightly larger than firebox lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 5/3/1949 #4141 ng green fireballs and the Killeen lights. They arrange a meeting with AFOS 5/5/1949 #4149 from a distance of 6–7 miles. The lights cause his communications equipmen 5/6/1949 #4158 ay yard. 5 amber window-like night lights / V formation going west / 600+kp 5/29/1949 #4216 sky going northeast. 9 dull night lights seen / 10 th. 7/9/1949 #4266 ce Captain and Major. 7 dull night lights / V formation north going quickly 7/24/1949 #4279 d captain watch seven bluish-white lights pass over Fort Worth, Texas, in a 7/24/1949 #4284 to north. The distance between the lights does not vary during the 4–5 seco 7/24/1949 #4284 er and cops and more/others. Night lights / 7000' altitude over high tensio 7/30/1949 #4296 bject with 1 white light and 2 red lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 7/30/1949 #4298 t with one white light and two red lights, maneuvered and hovered. 7/30/1949 #4299 ation of rectangular bluish- green lights at Las Cruces, New Mexico, for ab 8/20/1949 #4333 CA Astronomers and more. 18 night lights / V formation. Geiger-center char 10/14/1949 #4392 and Scientist. 2 blue-green night lights stationary. Then curve going nort 11/16/1949 #4416 1800 mph. Described as “two orange lights rotating about a common center li 1/22/1950 #4499 mith quickly turned off all of his lights turn make his plane less conspicu 1/22/1950 #4499 0 mph. Witnesses report two orange lights that rotate around a common cente 1/22/1950 #4503 tening situation and turns off his lights; the UFO flies by and disappears. 1/22/1950 #4503 ly maneuverable. It had two orange lights rotating about the center, and ma 1/22/1950 #4504 ation in Alaska spotted two orange lights rotating about a common central p 1/23/1950 #4506 ALMANSA, SP Night lights and fireballs north going quickly 1/28/1950 #4515 s / 1+flies away. Vibrant bright / lights all. 2/5/1950 #4528 NJ 2 / car. Metal saucer ringed / lights. Hovers low. Sudden takeoff / swi 2/27/1950 #4561 c saucer-shaped object ringed with lights hovering at a low altitude, when 2/27/1950 #4563 LOS ALAMOS, NM Night lights and fireballs zip all over town t 3/17/1950 #4661 [to] away / car nears. Row / blue lights. 3/27/1950 (approximate) #4737 verhead. Going quickly west. Night lights maneuver very fast / 1920 hours. 3/28/1950 #4744 Brill fireball. No wings. 4 night lights join. Hover. Going quickly northe 3/29/1950 #4751 P.WILKINS Vibrant bright oval glow lights Aristarchus-Herotodus crater. 3/30/1950 #4763 IS., HI CAA C54 crew. 6 red night lights. Magnetic indicators go crazy. 4/1950 #4782 ate observer(s). 2 brilliant night lights hover and maneuver. Going south. 4/2/1950 #4790 Controllers and more. Object with lights maneuvers. Splits. Play about. Go 4/7/1950 #4812 Many observer(s). Hundreds / night lights south going quickly north. Some h 4/7/1950 #4813 atches a blue light split into two lights that revolve around each other fo 4/7/1950 #4815 DUGWAY MOUNTAIN, UT Odd night lights. Beams / light extend / all direc 4/25/1950 #4891 tern Utah view a series of unusual lights and objects moving above an ammun 4/25/1950 #4894 A series of unknown lights and UFOs where seen near the Dugw 4/25/1950 #4896 saucers over oil field / 2 hours. Lights and flames / rim. Dives and maneu 5/17/1950 #4948 ield for two hours. The object had lights and flames around its rim. It mad 5/17/1950 #4949 cer going down [to] slow. Stops. 2 lights flash. Going quickly east fast. 6/7/1950 #4980 n suddenly jump inside. The inside lights up, the object starts humming and 6/17/1950 #4991 g [to] 400kph. 25 saucers or night lights. Then 25 more. All silent. 8/11/1950 #5118 and notices two fast-moving bright lights “like two new dimes in the sky.” 8/15/1950 #5126 lly shifted to pale pastel-colored lights.” A shimmering red ring circles t 9/1950 #5159 Effingham (5 miles SW of), IL Red Lights On Collision Course With Aircraft 9/13/1950 #5175 SAN FERNANDO, CA Flying wing / 6-8 lights in near collision / airliner. Goi 10/5/1950 #5210 d by a wing-like UFO with 8 bright lights between San Fernando and Van Nuys 10/5/1950 #5213 . Turns going quickly southeast. 4 lights. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v27 11/11/1950 #5275 ct” flashing red, white, and green lights is seen above Huron (South Dakota 11/26/1950 #5287 VIET-IRAN BORDER AREA Wave / night lights fireballs etc. Green and black. W 12/29/1950 #5369 a/triangle/box-like crafts / night lights go overhead and by US81. 1 going 1/8/1951 #5385 stationary groups of red and green lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 1/8/1951 #5386 atch. Two groups of red and green lights in triangular formations were sta 1/8/1951 #5387 ngs but no engines and blinks some lights like running lights. The object c 1/20/1951 #5407 nd blinks some lights like running lights. The object comes towards the DC- 1/20/1951 #5407 had gone off course and it was the lights from a city. It moved at 1,500 mp 2/8/1951 #5434 ard, makes a noise, and emits tiny lights. Terrified, they rush out of the 7/4/1951? #5559 OVER NORFOLK, VA Navy jet. 2 slow lights. 1 shoots off. 60' saucer tails j 8/1951 #5588 s and many. 2 waves / silent night lights north going quickly south. 30° / 8/25/1951 #5618 de, and 6-8 pairs of soft, glowing lights on trailing edge of "wing". Speed 8/25/1951 #5623 exas, see a loose group of glowing lights heading north to south. They are 8/25/1951 #5624 s. When he hears about the Lubbock lights, he is sure the professors are se 8/25/1951 #5624 g, semicircular formation of 20–30 lights, as intense as bright stars but l 8/25/1951 #5625 he had seen an identical group of lights several days earlier. The profess 8/25/1951 #5625 cted to Lubbock’s new vapor street lights, although Ruppelt changes his min 8/25/1951 #5625 bout 300 mph. It has glowing white lights on the trailing edge of the wing 8/25/1951 #5626 in Lubbock, Texas saw the "Lubbock Lights", a string of perhaps 50 beads of 8/25/1951 #5627 de, and 6-8 pairs of soft, glowing lights on the trailing edge of "wing". I 8/25/1951 #5628 ock Morning Avalanche Life Lubbock Lights Dr. Ducker's house Texas Tech Ral 8/30/1951 #5638 . sees the same formation of 18–20 lights over Lubbock, Texas, and takes fi 8/30/1951 #5638 2. While investigating the Lubbock Lights, Ruppelt also learns that several 8/30/1951 #5638 g that he has figured out that the lights are a “natural phenomenon” and re 8/30/1951 #5638 Claremont, CA 6 orange lights in an irregular formation, fly st 9/6/1951 #5651 h, M/Sgt L.L. Duel (?). Six orange lights in an irregular formation, flew s 9/6/1951 #5652 ith and L. L. Deuel saw six orange lights flying in an irregular formation 9/6/1951 #5654 loud noise. Air Traffic Controller lights runway. Shoots going up. Hovers. 9/18/1951 #5675 all-white “unconventional running lights” and two white flashing tail ligh 9/18/1951 #5678 ights” and two white flashing tail lights, travels about 35 mph faster than 9/18/1951 #5678 -shaped object with multiple white lights on a parallel flight course, whic 9/18/1951 #5679 n his investigation of the Lubbock lights, accompanied by OSI agent Howard 11/6/1951 #5768 ashinton, D.C. Object with several lights, follow the DC-4 for about 20 min 11/18/1951 #5778 Tom Selby. One object with several lights, followed the DC-4 for about 20 m 11/18/1951 #5779 n unidentified object with several lights at 3:20 a.m. It followed the DC-4 11/18/1951 #5780 elliptical UFO with 2 bright body lights. [UFOE, VI] (NICAP: 01 - Distant 1952 #5834 nd mountainside. Spins. Responds / lights. 2nd object.. 1/1952 #5850 ivate pilot. Group / odd red night lights play / sky. Away as plane nears. 1/25/1952 #5878 es W of), IN Close group of moving lights changing color from blue to green 2/1/1952 #5890 foot black disc with two large red lights at each side, an illuminated dome 3/1952 #5940 , an illuminated dome, and smaller lights along the rim. A hole opens in th 3/1952 #5940 R photographs. Red and green night lights / aerobatics. 3/26/1952 #5975 that at 8:15 p.m. he watched five lights in the evening sky over Sharon, P 4/6/1952 #6040 ver(s). Fireball going up / woods. Lights area. Hovers. Maneuvers. Going qu 4/13/1952 #6068 ia a set of unidentified nocturnal lights flew silently to the north slowly 4/15/1952 #6084 white and 4 red and 4 yellow night lights. Cross sky. Make 90-turn and fly 4/16/1952 #6089 e #1124. 2 engineers. Silent night lights / 1000mph. Erratic quickly going 4/17/1952 #6098 rs watched several silent noctunal lights make erratic maneuvers and ninety 4/17/1952 #6110 da, MD 7-9 circular, orange-yellow lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 4/18/1952 #6115 en to nine circular, orange-yellow lights in a V-formation flew overhead si 4/18/1952 #6120 en to nine circular, orange-yellow lights in a 40-degree V or U-formation a 4/18/1952 #6127 10:30 p.m. 50 or more pale orange lights in a V formation were seen flying 4/19/1952 #6132 A Commercial pilot / ground. Night lights follow planes / landing approach 4/20/1952 #6137 EG, MB 2 separate sightings. Night lights glow green and white. 1 makes 90° 4/21/1952 #6146 wo separate sightings of nocturnal lights glowing green and white in Winnip 4/21/1952 #6149 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. One of the lights made a ninety-degree turn and tur 4/21/1952 #6149 1+2+2 3' saucers east going west. Lights blink / regularly. 4/22/1952 #6151 Flight surgeon and 1. Orange night lights stop. Then go different direction 4/24/1952 #6168 -like object races toward(s) town. Lights sky. Vanishes. 4/24/1952 #6170 Clovis, NM Orange-amber lights, sometimes separate, sometimes fu 4/24/1952 #6174 Maj. E.L. Ellis. Many orange-amber lights, sometimes separate, sometimes fu 4/24/1952 #6177 ME 3 observer(s). 3 rotating night lights change colors. 1 flies behind hou 5/1/1952 #6235 and RAAF. Huge "flying submarine". Lights flash. 3X size / airliner. 5/3/1952 (approximate) #6250 e "flying submarine" with flashing lights. It was reported to be huge, thre 5/3/1952 #6252 NVILLE, FL PAA crew. 3 large night lights going quickly north head-on. Pass 5/8/1952 #6273 lot encountered three round, white lights in a line that buzzed their aircr 5/8/1952 #6277 22. Air Force Captain. 15-20 night lights / 1-3 at a time. Going up [to] go 5/21/1952 #6346 X 12 orange-white tear-drop shaped lights (McDonald files; Jan Aldrich; cf. 5/25/1952 #6357 e to Korea. He sees many different lights, some single, others in formation Late 5/1952 #6362 12 orange-white, tear- drop shaped lights in 3 groups of 4 moving from west 5/25/1952 #6363 irginia, when they see a number of lights on a bridge crossing the valley. Early 6/1952 #6428 to the bridge, they see no street lights. Early 6/1952 #6428 Germany Circular object with white lights on the leading edge (NICAP: 01 - 6/4/1952 #6437 over Lubbock, Texas. The first two lights flew over in a trailing formation 6/5/1952 #6449 ry observer(s). Yellow-white night lights / V formation. V-agile motion. 6/23/1952 #6594 e several yellow-whitish nocturnal lights in a V formation made precise man 6/23/1952 #6616 lots and more/others. Orange night lights zigzag and circle town and Air Fo 6/26/1952 #6632 3 different sightings of flashing lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 6/26/1952 #6636 port. Three sightings of flashing lights: two lights separated by 2 miles 6/26/1952 #6638 sightings of flashing lights: two lights separated by 2 miles, with the le 6/26/1952 #6638 rregularly; two similarly flashing lights, but with l mile separation; fina 6/26/1952 #6638 e-by-side in tandem-one had steady lights and the other had flashing lights 6/26/1952 #6640 lights and the other had flashing lights. Fifteen minutes later two more p 6/26/1952 #6640 ervation of two fast-moving yellow lights in the sky over Fairfield, New So 7/1952 #6678 Fort Monmouth, NJ 2 big lights about 20 ft diameter fly straight 7/1/1952 #6687 Bluebook Case #1380. 2 6m circular lights flash over country / low altitude 7/3/1952 #6697 Selfridge AFB, MI 2 big lights about 20 ft diameter (NICAP: 01 - 7/3/1952 #6700 Witnesses not identified. Two big lights, estimated at 20' diameter, flew 7/3/1952 #6702 er, Michigan, watches two circular lights about 20 feet in diameter flying 7/3/1952 #6704 nse low star becomes 2 small night lights. Zip going up [to] until lost / s 7/5/1952 #6710 AMORICIERE, ALG Meteor and 2 night lights. Then ovoid passes straight and l 7/11/1952 #6760 many. Large red night light. White lights / side. Instant 180° turn back go 7/12/1952 #6769 large red object with small white lights on side reverse course directly o 7/12/1952 #6776 Dayton, OH 2 brilliant round white lights hovering at 21,000 ft (NICAP: 11 7/12/1952 #6778 vilian, Jane Morrison, watch three lights, one main red light with smaller 7/12/1952 #6784 main red light with smaller white lights on each side, traveling 500 mph a 7/12/1952 #6784 cer paces flight 611. DC4 turns on lights. Saucer going quickly west. / The 7/13/1952 #6788 h when Bruen turns on all aircraft lights. 7/13/1952 #6797 oman AFB, NM Strange red and green lights slowly rolling between the aircra 7/14/1952 #6814 r UFOs join the formation, and the lights of all eight objects blink out th 7/14/1952 #6817 going quickly south. Green smoke. Lights sky. Straight and level flight. 7/15/1952 #6823 Bright yellow saucer stops. Night lights exit / all directions. 90° U-turn 7/16/1952 (approximate) #6834 hell R. Alpert sees several bright lights through a window screen (no glass 7/16/1952 #6843 X cut film 4-by-5-inch format. The lights disappear suddenly in a flash. Th 7/16/1952 #6843 when he notices two amber- colored lights coming in over Hampton Roads from 7/16/1952 #6844 ith his wife Frances saw two amber lights in the sky make a U-turn over Ham 7/16/1952 #6846 They were joined by two more amber lights, then all four sped off toward th 7/16/1952 #6846 NEAR DENVER, CO AAL pilot. 4 night lights race past. 25K' altitude. 180-tur 7/18/1952 #6877 ylinder/cigar-shape. Regular brief lights. Thick white smoke. 7/18/1952 (approximate) #6882 1458. Several observer(s). 4 night lights circle missile center. 1 going qu 7/18/1952 #6886 overing and maneuvering red-orange lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 7/18/1952 #6889 overing and maneuvering red-orange lights were observed moving in a variety 7/18/1952 #6894 overing and maneuvering red-orange lights moving in a variety of directions 7/18/1952 #6898 -cigar with regularly spaced brief lights. It was emitting a thick white sm 7/18/1952 #6899 aneuvering amber to reddish-orange lights for over an hour in the sky over 7/18/1952 #6904 #1492. Pilot / US85. Saucer dives. Lights clouds. 360+180 turns. Going nort 7/19/1952 #6910 Elkins Park, PA Saw 2 star-like lights maneuver, hover and speed (NICAP: 7/19/1952 #6924 J. Powley and wife. Two star-like lights maneuvered, hovered and sped for 7/19/1952 #6928 d his wife Janet see two star-like lights maneuver, hover, and speed up for 7/19/1952 #6934 bjects visually as white or orange lights in restricted air space over the 7/19/1952 #6935 les Davenport) watch red or orange lights. Radar and visual sightings are a 7/19/1952 #6935 ofessor. Detailed account. 2 night lights maneuver / 6mn. Going quickly eas 7/20/1952 #6943 avalette, NJ 2 large orange-yellow lights with some dull red color fly in t 7/20/1952 #6948 . Spooner. Two large orange-yellow lights with some dull red coloring flew 7/20/1952 #6952 he sighted two large orange-yellow lights with some dull red coloring in tr 7/20/1952 #6954 oloring in trail at 12:20 a.m. The lights turned and circled for 5-6 minute 7/20/1952 #6954 and separate observer(s). 4+night lights / varying trajectories / 10-15 mi 7/21/1952 #6964 everal military observer(s). Night lights over missile test center again. 7 7/21/1952 #6966 ated Witnesses Observe Maneuvering Lights (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code 7/21/1952 #6971 iles apart. Four bright yellowish lights were seen by Dougher to separate, 7/21/1952 #6977 ection. Stong watched two reddish lights fly in opposite directions. Sigh 7/21/1952 #6977 n, Germany, see 4 bright yellowish lights. Dougher watches them separate, w 7/21/1952 #6983 y fly away. Stong sees two reddish lights fly in opposite directions for 10 7/21/1952 #6983 Os were described as bright yellow lights. 7/21/1952 #6984 side-to-side. Flashes. Large night lights. 7/22/1952 #6992 FL 20 report(s). Saucers and night lights all over/all about MacDill Air Fo 7/22/1952 #7000 se #1588. Several F94 crews. Night lights going quickly south and southeast 7/22/1952 #7003 rive-in movie. V-formation / night lights crosses sky. Reverses direction ( 7/22/1952 #7004 HTON, NY Bright yellow object. Red lights / edge. Bobs going up and down [t 7/22/1952 #7006 d one radar tracking of blue-white lights during two hours. 7/22/1952 #7022 d one radar tracking of blue-white lights around Trenton, New Jersey, conti 7/22/1952 #7028 12:45 a.m. White, green, and blue lights are seen by ground observers and 7/22/1952 #7028 At 10:50 p.m. eight lights in a V formation crossed the sky 7/22/1952 #7033 HEAST / LEXINGTON PARK, MD 2 night lights over sea / 10 minute(s). 1 hovers 7/23/1952 #7040 s (GOC) observer(s). 3 large night lights circle / sky. 2 zoom away and ret 7/23/1952 #7045 Captain Kloth / backyard. 2 night lights going quickly southwest. 1 veers 7/23/1952 #7055 Possible GCI Sighting" of Circular Lights (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 7/23/1952 #7068 ld, OH Bt. 8:05 and 10:15 p.m. two lights, some described them as white glo 7/23/1952 #7069 rd Station observed two (2) bluish lights approximately 5 feet in diameter, 7/23/1952 #7071 ow closed] when he sees two bluish lights approximately 5 feet in diameter. 7/23/1952 #7078 cer slowly tilts vertical. 4 large lights / rim. Fades away. 7/25/1952 #7133 Very high. Airliners confirm night lights. / The New York Times (NYT) and m 7/26/1952 #7148 eeds. Pilots spotted unidentified lights. 7/26/1952 #7169 f a cigarette high above them. The lights move at around 100 mph. Soon, the 7/26/1952 #7174 erson, says, “I saw several bright lights. I was at my maximum speed, but e 7/26/1952 #7174 ots reported spotting unidentified lights during this period as well. Sharp 7/26/1952 #7180 2 separate drive-inspect. 12 night lights and glowing "clay = pigeons" go o 7/27/1952 #7199 OH B-25 Crew & Pentagon Brass See Lights (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code 7/27/1952 #7204 s and military and hundreds. Night lights hover dance and play tag / severa 7/28/1952 #7226 kle-globe hovers / refinery. Night lights swoop low and circle school. 7/28/1952 #7236 al observer(s). Orange-white night lights. T33 jets scramble. 7/28/1952 #7241 N, DC Many observer(s). 8-12 night lights / various formations. Darken and 7/28/1952 #7246 obert Tralins observed 17 shooting lights moving in varied directions at ex 7/28/1952 #7254 on, D.C. eight to twelve nocturnal lights flew in various formations making 7/28/1952 #7270 T, CO Woman. Saucer ringed / small lights going quickly west. Large and dis 7/29/1952 #7297 e target. The F-51 pilots see many lights; one pilot at 25,000 feet sees an 7/29/1952 #7319 change into a group of small round lights. They all disappear together. 7/29/1952 #7327 RADAR-visual (observation). Night lights. T33 chases to Macon. Gets buzzed 7/30/1952 #7352 more/others. 2 brilliant red night lights. 1 to/from/between / pendulum. 1 8/1/1952 #7388 Lancaster, CA 2 brilliant red lights hovering and maneuvering (NICAP: 8/1/1952 #7403 named Mallette. Two brilliant red lights hovered and maneuvered for 5 minu 8/1/1952 #7407 At 1:14 a.m. two brilliant red lights hovered together and maneuvered f 8/1/1952 #7412 NSEQUENCES, NM 3 green-white night lights / complex change of formation ove 8/3/1952 #7431 th a curved outer edge and smaller lights around it. While being tracked on 8/5/1952 #7472 ckyard. When he approaches it, the lights go off and he sees a man about 30 8/6/1952 #7490 (s). Circle / white light. 2 night lights wobble inside. Silent. Pass going 8/11/1952 #7542 on 60° / E. horizon. Ring / orange lights / center. Tilts and wobbles. 8/14/1952 #7580 arge circular / light. Small night lights exit and circle. / r114p175. 8/14/1952 #7584 cular light, from which 6-10 small lights emerged and surrounded the larger 8/14/1952 #7596 ter about 60 seconds, 6–10 smaller lights break off from the main light, su 8/15/1952 #7611 Duncanville, TX Lights Tracked By Ground Radar (R/V) (NI 8/18/1952 #7632 torey and 2 / Hensley NAS. 2 night lights hover / 5 minute(s). 1 drops and 8/19/1952 #7641 layed. Soon all three boys see red lights flashing in the grove. This alarm 8/19/1952 #7651 Dallas, TX 3 blue-white lights hover then descend (NICAP: 01 - D 8/21/1952 #7668 illery observer. Three blue-white lights hovered then descended; 1.5 minut 8/21/1952 #7669 ery observer, saw three blue-white lights hover and then descend at 11:54 p 8/21/1952 #7671 m. Ninety seconds later one of the lights descended further. 8/21/1952 #7671 ening. Lyman Streeter sees unusual lights near Winslow, Arizona, and hears 8/22/1952 #7683 TITUSVILLE, PA News editor. Night lights maneuver. Car and driver pulled a 8/24/1952 #7695 d hovering over open field; bluish lights seen through ports; swift ascent 8/27/1952 #7753 y and civil observer(s). Odd night lights flicker red blue and green. No ex 8/28/1952 #7767 saucer lands / woods. Portholes or lights / edge. / r136#10p155. 8/29/1952 #7778 ver(s) to 2250h. Saucers and night lights spew sparks. Merge maneuver and h 9/1/1952 #7807 radar set. Two small, varicolored lights became black silhouettes at dawn; 9/1/1952 #7816 two Air Force enlisted men sighted lights in the sky at the same time radar 9/1/1952 #7819 tors. The two small, multi-colored lights became black silhouettes at dawn 9/1/1952 #7819 eral reports / papers. Brill night lights going up [to] going down [to] etc 9/2/1952 #7825 links orange and white. Blue night lights going quickly [to] away. 9/4/1952 #7846 , CO 2 / US85. Large disk. Rings / lights blink. 2nd dark disk hovers / dis 9/5/1952 #7850 . Pole through center with colored lights / ends. 9/8/1952 #7879 Rabat, Fr. Morocco Disc with lights along part of its circumference ( 9/9/1952 #7885 h USAF Intelligence. One disc with lights along part of its circumference, 9/9/1952 #7886 or E. J. Colisimo sees a disc with lights along part of its circumference o 9/9/1952 #7887 Intelligence, sighted a disc with lights along part of its circumference. 9/9/1952 #7888 burn. Lemon then notices two small lights over to the left of the object, u 9/12/1952 #7905 LE GLADE, FL Humming. 14M saucer / lights / rim. Going down / 12M altitude. 9/14/1952 #7920 ngineer and 3. 7 groups / 15 night lights east going quickly west. West goi 9/14/1952 #7926 und. It has a row of red and amber lights spaced around the outside rim and 9/14/1952 #7938 uebook Case #2100. 2 glowing-night lights going west. Small blue flames / b 9/16/1952 #7955 de, FL Circular object with row of lights on underside passed low overhead; 9/16/1952 #7959 Warner Robins AFB, GA White lights fly abreast at 100 mph (NICAP: 11 9/16/1952 #7960 ly and via radar. A group of five lights was seen at the same time a long, 9/16/1952 #7961 fficers, two civilians. Two white lights flew abreast, at 100 m.p.h., for 9/16/1952 #7962 r and a group of five unidentified lights and picked up a long thin blip on 9/16/1952 #7963 ia observed two unidentified white lights flying abreast, at a speed of 100 9/16/1952 #7964 . 4+2 observer(s). 6 colored night lights bounce about / sky. Hover and ris 9/21/1952 #7991 Ground and air observer(s). Night lights hover. Move side-to-side up and d 9/23/1952 #8008 litary guards. 12 yellow-why night lights circle in sky. / Blue Book report 9/23/1952 #8010 ear instant moves. Sharp edges and lights. 9/25/1952 (approximate) #8024 EL PASO, TX 2 boys. Round array / lights rotates over phone building. Wink 9/25/1952 #8025 d. C124 crew paced / 2 green night lights. No ship / plane. / r185. 9/26/1952 #8033 f), At Sea Air Crews Observe Green Lights (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code 9/26/1952 #8034 ransport plane. Two distinct green lights were seen to the right and slight 9/26/1952 #8035 ime seemed to turn toward it. The lights alternated leading each other dur 9/26/1952 #8035 USAF C-124 see two distinct green lights to the right and slightly above t 9/26/1952 #8037 orted observing two distinct green lights to the right and slightly above t 9/26/1952 #8038 124 at 11:16 p.m. At one point the lights seemed to turn toward their aircr 9/26/1952 #8038 to turn toward their aircraft. The lights alternated leading each other dur 9/26/1952 #8038 most reports, except for nocturnal lights that do “not appear to be readily 10/9/1952 #8107 Killeen, TX Rectangle of 10 lights, move more or less straight and l 10/17/1952 #8143 Ministers Greenwalt and Kluck. Ten lights, or a rectangle of lights, moved 10/17/1952 #8146 uck. Ten lights, or a rectangle of lights, moved more or less straight and 10/17/1952 #8146 s Greenwalt and Kluck, sighted ten lights, or a rectangle of lights, moving 10/17/1952 #8151 hted ten lights, or a rectangle of lights, moving more or less straight and 10/17/1952 #8151 cular object / 12K' altitude. Pink lights wink. / r185. 10/19/1952 #8157 Knoxville, TN 6 white lights fly in a loose formation, make a 10/21/1952 #8170 irport weather station. Six white lights flew in a loose formation for 1-2 10/21/1952 #8171 port weather station saw six white lights flying in a loose formation for o 10/21/1952 #8173 or one to two minutes. The unknown lights made a shallow dive at a weather 10/21/1952 #8173 ' altitude overhead. Red and green lights / edge. 10/22/1952 #8174 I WITH TOLEDO, OH 3 / car. 5 night lights hover / V formation. 5 photograph 10/23/1952 #8177 Los Alamos, NM 4 red-white-green lights fly slowly over prohibited area ( 11/12/1952 #8263 y inspector. Four red-white-green lights flew slowly over a prohibited are 11/12/1952 #8264 ow, MT 5 oval- shaped objects with lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 11/13/1952 #8269 hl. Five oval-shaped objects, with lights all around them, flew in a V-form 11/13/1952 #8271 , DE 3 observer(s). Ring / colored lights rotates clockwise / 400' altitude 11/15/1952 #8275 NEAR WHITE SANDS, NM Night lights. UFO makes 90-turn over highway. 11/25/1952 #8337 his level. It shows no navigation lights. He tightens his left turn to kee 12/4/1952 #8377 fear Arnold turns off his running lights, spirals down to 1,500 feet while 12/4/1952 #8377 ICAGO AND NAPERVILLE, IL Row night lights. Plane chases. Easily seen. Not o 12/8/1952 #8392 67. Unidentified. 2 / T33. 4 night lights / diamond-formation. Very fast. N 12/9/1952 #8397 Madison, WI 4 bright lights, in diamond formation (NICAP: 01 12/9/1952 #8398 USAF T-33 jet trainer. Four bright lights, in diamond formation, flew at 40 12/9/1952 #8399 n. Moon-size saucer. Red and green lights flash top and bottom. / r136#6. 12/27/1952 #8448 RADAR's. Bright saucers and night lights flee jet. Turn going quickly west 12/29/1952 #8455 . Vibrant bright white night light lights clouds. 3X size / C54. Rises 7K' 12/29/1952 #8456 object like a rotating cluster of lights colored white, green, and red. Bl 12/29/1952 #8461 hed. The object had no windows or lights and had a fin at its equator that 1953 #8484 ad-shaped UFO with green and white lights is seen by some witnesses in the 1/6/1953 #8510 9 pilots. V formation / blue night lights near B29. Bank and climb away. / 1/9/1953 #8517 sees a V-formation of bluish-white lights approaching his aircraft over San 1/9/1953 #8525 na, sights a close group of moving lights changing color from red to blue, 2/1/1953 #8627 m to be following the unidentified lights. 2/1/1953 #8627 cean. After turning his navigation lights back on, he notices that the ligh 2/11/1953 #8664 ees it is a disc with blinking red lights. At 350 feet away, his cockpit is 2/11/1953 #8664 vation) / B36 bomber crew. 3 night lights in formation. Rolls and maneuvers 2/13/1953 #8667 bserver(s). Silver-grey ovoid with lights swoops down. Levels off going qui 2/13/1953 #8671 Worth (Carswell AFB), TX 3 bright lights of equal intensity in stacked ver 2/13/1953 #8673 n target. A disc with blinking red lights approaches him and gets within 35 2/19/1953 #8686 Force B25 pilots. 2 separate night lights / collision course. Away fast. / 2/20/1953 #8687 many. 10 silent saucers and night lights parade going quickly west. / r70p 2/28/1953 #8716 itary observer(s) and RADAR. Night lights over runway. Fast ascent. Boat an 3/8/1953 #8738 er/cigar-shape-UFO has fluorescent lights inside. Passes silently. P296. 3/10/1953 #8742 (Sea of Japan), Japan 5-10 colored lights, totalling 90-100, slowly move af 3/14/1953 #8750 trol plane. Groups of 5-10 colored lights, totalling 90-100, slowly moved a 3/14/1953 #8752 display” of groups of 5–10 colored lights, totaling 90–100, slowly moving t 3/14/1953 #8753 l witnessed several groups of 5-10 lights flying slowly on the left side of 3/14/1953 #8754 E, TX Several observer(s). 4 night lights play in stars. 1 pink fireball go 3/22/1953 #8774 521. Military observer(s). 3+night lights curve north going quickly south. 3/25/1953 #8783 San Antonio, TX Several lights, some moving straight, others mak 3/25/1953 #8785 F Capt. and Mrs. D.E. Cox. Several lights, some of which moved straight, ot 3/25/1953 #8787 observer(s). 4 unidentified night lights make extreme turns / meteor speed 4/15/1953 #8825 Tucson, AZ 3 orange lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 4/15/1953 #8826 : S/Sgt. V.A. Locey. Three orange lights were seen for: 3 minutes, 30 sec 4/15/1953 #8828 Black line sticks way going down. Lights ground. 4/23/1953 #8842 observer. House-sized saucer with lights / edge. 300mph overhead. Absolute 5/7/1953 #8868 577. 2+observer(s). 9 silent night lights going quickly north / 3 minute(s) 5/27/1953 #8911 Antonio, TX 9 separate meandering lights sighted by many (NICAP: 01 - Dist 5/27/1953 #8912 Jacobson. Nine separate meandering lights were seen during 15 minute sighti 5/27/1953 #8913 ry and civil and 3 airbases. Night lights circle and maneuver all over sky 6/2/1953 #8926 section supported a series of red lights and a cabin with four portholes t 6/24/1953 #8966 section supported a series of red lights and a cabin with four portholes t 6/24/1953 #8971 ve a vapor trail or were there any lights of shine noticed. No sound was he 7/19/1953 #9004 HARBOR, HI 5hr marathon. 75 night lights RADAR blips ovoids and possible f 8/6/1953 #9051 ight. An estimated 75 objects with lights are seen by many witnesses on the 8/6/1953 #9052 overing and maneuvering. Nocturnal lights and ovoid shaped objects were sig 8/6/1953 #9053 WINCHELL, TX 3 large orange night lights hover. 1 going quickly east. = bo 8/7/1953 #9054 r(s). 60M glowing-disk and 4 night lights quickly going up [to] as 3 F86's 8/9/1953 #9056 ed. The object lingers, with other lights seen, until around 5:00 a.m. 8/9/1953 #9058 ject accompanied by four nocturnal lights, flying near Moscow, Idaho at 9:2 8/9/1953 #9059 O Black saucer seen. Green and red lights on perimeter. Ovoids / Peoria / A 8/21/1953 #9093 , OH Black oval with green and red lights around perimeter. [UFOE, VII] (NI 8/21/1953 #9094 OYOTE PASS / HEMET, CA Huge saucer lights house and 1/2 acre Lot. Going qui 8/25/1953 #9109 ylinder/cigar-shape / saucers with lights in V-formation. Project Bluebook 8/28/1953 #9119 malhaut when he notices four large lights moving slowly in the sky. He look Late 9/1953 #9179 huge cigars / 3K' altitude. Cabin lights / nose and portholes / side. / r1 9/28/1953 #9182 Maj. G. Watson. Two white or blue lights in trail formation, travelled ver 10/16/1953 #9234 apidly. Kidd blinks on his landing lights and the UFO beams back a blinding 10/19/1953 #9243 ce a V formation of 5–7 dull white lights sweep north to south. In three se 10/25/1953 #9254 ppear. Other groups of two or more lights follow at about 5-minute interval 10/25/1953 #9254 aped object with many multicolored lights appeared in the sky. It's apparen 10/31/1953 #9266 Portholes / dome. Beams. Reacts / lights. 11/1953 #9267 (GOC) and many. 30' orange object lights woods and countryside to 13 Nov. 11/3/1953 #9276 er/cylindrical object / sky. Night lights join and orbit. Phony Venus nearb 11/9/1953 #9286 oles. Flames / rear. No navigation lights. 11/19/1953 #9309 SCRANTON, PA 2 high-altitude night lights reverse direction. Joined / 3+3 a 11/20/1953 #9311 irection. Joined / 3+3 amber night lights. / L. Gross. 11/20/1953 #9311 / car. 2 rings / white smoke with lights / edges. Stop. Make abrupt turns. 12/10/1953? #9354 ana. These unusual smoke rings had lights around the perimeter. They seemed 12/10/1953 #9355 ral, OH Rocket-like UFO with white lights at both ends observed by Ground O 12/13/1953 #9362 Toledo, OH Group of lights changing from red to white, each 12/16/1953 #9370 SPRINGS, WY C47 pilot. 2 red night lights / 1800mph. 1 zigzags and going up 12/29/1953 #9405 hrobbed and pulsated, emitting red lights. 12/31/1953 #9411 hrobbed and pulsated, emitting red lights. 12/31/1953 #9412 QUANTICO, VA 30+observer(s). Night lights hover and maneuver / treetop leve 1/4/1954 #9440 tico, VA Red revolving or blinking lights, hovering and moving soundlessly 1/4/1954 #9442 M x 18M mushroom-saucer with green lights. WHIRRs. Speeds and hovers / 20 m 1/15/1954 #9488 x-RAAF man. 3 large circular night lights going south to Port Ormond. 1 lag 1/15/1954 #9489 ind, sand, and roots.” The mystery lights seen in the area by Weiss are lab 1/18/1954 #9493 itness: Wilhelm Reich. Two bright lights moved into valley, and were seen 1/28/1954 #9507 Rangeley, ME Two bright lights moved into valley (NICAP: 01 - Di 1/29/1954 #9510 n its nose and tail, two yellowish lights on the bottom, and possible light 2/4/1954 #9535 lights on the bottom, and possible lights on each wing tip. It is silent. T 2/4/1954 #9535 ), PA Saw 3 objects, each with two lights, fly straight and level (NICAP: 0 3/2/1954 #9592 ngel. Three objects, each with two lights, flew straight and level at mediu 3/2/1954 #9593 Several USAF KC97 tankers. 2 night lights maneuver. 1 passes plane. 1 quick 3/5/1954 #9595 Fr. Morocco Aircraft (2) Encounter Lights On Collision Course (NICAP: 11 - 3/5/1954 #9596 e or two white or amber objects or lights make passes at the aircraft on co 3/5/1954 #9598 uthwest of the base, see two white lights to the right on an apparent colli 3/5/1954 #9598 see the same or similar two white lights on the same course from the south 3/5/1954 #9598 course. As it crosses, they see 2 lights like jets but with no aircraft ru 3/5/1954 #9598 jets but with no aircraft running lights. One light passes over and one un 3/5/1954 #9598 y a pilot. Ten to twenty nocturnal lights in a crescent formation—possibly 3/8/1954 #9603 11:07 p.m. ten to twenty nocturnal lights in a crescent formation--possibly 3/8/1954 #9604 SAN ANTONIO, TX 10-20 night lights / crescent form. Single structure 3/9/1954 #9605 After seeing mysterious lights descend over Sumner, Washington f 3/28/1954 #9648 WICHITA, KS 1 observer. 8 night lights south going quickly north / V for 4/3/1954 #9662 still spinning and the outer edge lights were still rotating in that direc 4/12/1954 #9685 ong cone object with red and green lights. Northwest going southwest / high 4/15/1954 #9692 aped object with two red and green lights at the base, flying at a high alt 4/15/1954 #9693 La Porte, IN Car lights and radio went off, motorist saw 5/1954 #9738 seconds. Spout fire and drop night lights. Silent. 5/10/1954 #9769 ngton, D.C. Piloceman saw 2 bright lights on 3 occasions fly straight and l 5/11/1954 #9774 ngton National Airport. Two bright lights were seen on three occasions to f 5/11/1954 #9775 ct Signals In Reponse To A/C Blink Lights (LBR) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases 5/13/1954 #9788 LA PORTE, IN Car radio and lights die as 3 saucers pass overhead. B 5/22/1954 #9823 inneapolis, MN Object with running lights fly at 24,000-44,000 ft altitude 6/1/1954 #9858 altitude. One object with running lights flew at 24-44,000' altitude for 1 6/1/1954 #9859 tted an unknown craft with running lights that flew at 24,000-44,000' altit 6/1/1954 #9862 all hovers / 15 minute(s). 2 night lights exit and return. Vanishes. Reappe 6/13/1954 #9898 on, Massachusetts at 8:00 p.m. Two lights exited from the sphere and return 6/13/1954 #9899 SYDNEY, AUST Night lights play. Flaming "Trolley" going wes 6/14/1954 #9901 KIRIMUKUYU, KENYA Night lights strike with a disabling beam nois 6/15/1954 (approximate) #9904 night light and 2 small blue night lights rise / ground. Going quickly nort 6/15/1954 #9905 ne with a glass bottom with orange lights shining through the object. Mr. X 6/21/1954 #9915 , with a dome and several rotating lights. They had to push their car, whic 6/21/1954 #9917 sees a triangle of brilliant white lights parallel to the ground, illuminat Summer 1954 #9919 er with several rotating, flashing lights around the rim. They drive to get 6/21/1954 #9920 car stalls, and they watch as the lights move around the area. They find a 6/21/1954 #9920 light display with wildly colored lights that continues for a few seconds. Summer 1954 #9922 t continues for a few seconds. The lights go out, and each of the objects b Summer 1954 #9922 objects disappear and the starlike lights return, but they soon speed off i Summer 1954 #9922 and had several rotating, flashing lights around the rim. They drove their 6/21/1954 #9923 dent or since. They watched as the lights moved around in the area. They fo 6/21/1954 #9923 CINCINNATI, OH Night lights / western sky. Extremely bright s 6/23/1954 #9933 OTHERS 2 cops and several. 3 night lights bob going up [to] going down / sk 6/24/1954 #9940 hard-edged, gray in color, with no lights or flames visible. Goose Bay AFB 6/29/1954 #9962 t hovers / 15 minute(s). 100 night lights orbit. All vanish! / r173p179. 7/5/1954 #9993 -flying saucer rotates and flashes lights. Going quickly [to] behind mounta 7/12/1954 #10011 -Jima Island, Okinawa Line of blue lights underneath a blue circle with a b 8/11/1954 #10122 er Co., of Okinawa. A line of blue lights, underneath. a blue circle with 8/11/1954 #10124 y, of Okinawa, sees a line of blue lights underneath a blue circle with a b 8/11/1954 #10127 ei Nakamoto sighted a line of blue lights that flew over their ship at the 8/11/1954 #10128 men could see that underneath the lights was a blue ring with a black cent 8/11/1954 #10128 ud-cylinder/cigar-shape hovers and lights whole town. Saucers all over area 8/19/1954 #10153 ENVER, CO 1 observer. 12 dim night lights going quickly west / 5000mph. Sta 8/21/1954 #10161 Porto Alegre, Brazil House lights failed as UFO passed (NICAP: 03 - 8/30/1954 #10208 he apparent crossing speeds of the lights are the fastest he has ever encou 8/31/1954 #10218 on the GCI remote display. The two lights reform at nine o’clock and then d 8/31/1954 #10218 ok off without tilting the saucer. Lights shone from windows or the craft a 9/2/1954 #10233 3185 / 89. 2 observer(s). 25 night lights / single file. Also silver ovoid 9/4/1954 #10244 cations specialist. Twenty-thirty lights, as if on a string, flew straight 9/4/1954 #10246 MOON Astronomers. Lights flash / Kepler and Copernicus cra 9/5/1954? #10248 Butler, MO 3 AM CST 20-30 lights, as if on a string, fly straight 9/5/1954 #10254 ORE, MD Astronomer. Line / 4 night lights climb and reform as plane passes. 9/6/1954 #10258 VALENCIENNES, FR Night lights play. Bus headlights and motor st 9/10/1954 #10281 passengers / PAA DC6. Huge saucer lights large area. / news. 9/28/1954 #10480 . Dark object follows train / 15s. Lights clouds. 9/28/1954 #10482 tiple observer(s). Huge bright UFO lights countryside. East going quickly w 9/29/1954 #10496 PAINBLANC, 21, FR Night lights play / sky. Large UFO passes over 9/29/1954 #10497 oadside. Saucer 4M tall / flashing lights. Observer(s) drives away.. 9/30/1954 #10501 was a craft 4 m high with colored lights flickering on and off. The witnes 9/30/1954 #10510 a 4-meter high craft with colored lights, flickering on and off. The witne 9/30/1954 #10519 in the sky with very bright white lights fly towards the north. 10/1/1954 #10577 STROFF, FR Many observer(s). Night lights play and maneuver / one hour. Sau 10/3/1954 #10637 / one hour. Saucer lands. Colored lights seen. / r217p30. 10/3/1954 #10637 CHAMPIGNY SUR MARNE, FR Red night lights divide and recombine into saucer 10/3/1954 #10650 he ground, has luminous spots, and lights up as it takes off. He finds flat 10/3/1954 #10666 director of the Egyptian Ports and Lights Administration, alerts pilots and 10/5/1954 #10731 object stop in mid-air 2O m away. lights were shining from the rear and th 10/8/1954 #10814 air, only 20 meters away from him. Lights shone from the rear and the sides 10/8/1954 #10818 OELE, FR Orange glow. Car eng. and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Cy 10/9/1954 #10835 nder/cigar-shape / village street. Lights / rim. Away fast. / r30p140. 10/9/1954 #10839 e entity had a hairy chest and two lights, one above the other, in front of 10/9/1954 #10849 e entity had a hairy chest and two lights, one above the other, in front of 10/9/1954 #10867 cylindrical UFO with red and green lights is seen over Alexandria, Egypt. 10/10/1954 #10892 quickly northeast. Now engine and lights OK. / r79p3. 10/11/1954 #10908 nt cylinder/cigar-shape shoots out lights or sparks / rear. 10/14/1954 #11008 EAUVAIS, FR Object flies over car. Lights fail. Follows train going quickly 10/14/1954 #11034 n the countryside; it then emitted lights of various colors. 10/15/1954 #11105 ght. After landing it then emitted lights of various colors. 10/15/1954 #11121 oing up [to] fast. Green and white lights. Type unknown. / LDLN#320. 10/16/1954 #11132 t-UFO going down / 3 legs / ditch. Lights out. Figure exits. / r30p206. 10/16/1954 #11137 The underside showed red and white lights. 10/17/1954 #11174 From one end came “phosphorescent” lights, which reflected on the metallic 10/17/1954 #11180 underside displayed red and white lights. 10/17/1954 #11182 jets chase white saucer / colored lights. Too fast. / Civilian Research, I 10/19/1954 #11227 object takes off from field. Night lights maneuver / separate observers. / 10/19/1954 #11231 FR 'Flame' buzzes truck. Motor and lights out. AOK after. / LDLN#321. 10/19/1954 #11234 te disc-shaped object with colored lights over Avignon, Vaucluse, France.Th 10/19/1954 #11245 nds / pasture. Both signal other / lights. 10/20/1954 #11256 TL UFO lands. Figure / diving suit lights area. Observer(s) frozen / beam. 10/21/1954 #11284 / car. Electric shocks. Motor and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Br 10/21/1954 #11294 d suddenly the engine died and the lights went off. They were blinded by a 10/21/1954 #11300 d suddenly the engine died and the lights went off. They were blinded by a 10/21/1954 #11309 ilroad/railway station. All fluoro lights dim. Separate observer(s) / Atrip 10/22/1954 #11310 farm. Odd white cloud going down. Lights / ends. Lights road like day! / L 10/22/1954 #11312 e cloud going down. Lights / ends. Lights road like day! / LDLN#324. 10/22/1954 #11312 k emerges / sea! 3-4 beams. Dives. Lights / water. Going up [to] and away f 10/22/1954 #11317 that resembled a white cloud with lights on each end descended over a coun 10/22/1954 #11321 cer flies over tractor. Engine and lights die. Dead battery. 10/25/1954 #11384 t the witness the beam of two blue lights, and he was thrown backward. No c 10/26/1954 #11414 as their tractor engine died. The lights also went out, and the battery wa 10/26/1954 #11415 and points two powerful light-blue lights at him. The entity is 5 feet 3 in 10/26/1954 #11418 n a diver’s suit. It has two green lights on either side of its head. Bousa 10/26/1954 #11418 paralyzed for 10 minutes while the lights are aimed at him. Then the entity 10/26/1954 #11418 1 / car. Silent yellow saucer with lights going up / ground. Glows. / LDLN# 10/27/1954 #11436 UFO flies low over car. Motor and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). 2 10/27/1954 #11437 pped the engine and turned off the lights on their car. 10/27/1954 #11442 nd the object. A minute later, the lights went out, and the witness lost in 10/27/1954 #11445 pped the engine and turned off the lights on their car in Linzeux, France. 10/27/1954 #11451 nd the object. A minute later, the lights on the object went out, and the w 10/27/1954 #11453 , FR 1 observer. Odd group / night lights zigzags. Possible landing. Observ 10/28/1954 #11459 Doubs, France a group of nocturnal lights zigzagged through the sky and may 10/28/1954 #11471 d in the glare of airplane landing lights. Sighting lasted 4-5 minutes. 10/29/1954 #11479 nt disc-shaped object with two red lights on top descend and then hover abo 10/29/1954 #11482 he glare of the airplane's landing lights. The sighting lasted 4-5 minutes. 10/29/1954 #11484 maneuvers low / roadside. Colored lights don't reflect / ground. 10/30/1954 #11489 do Sul, Brazil at 11:35 p.m. four lights approached, then surrounded a car 10/30/1954 #11494 t to orange to red. When the round lights on the object changed color they 10/30/1954 #11494 the ground. When it took off, the lights of a tractor went out. It measure 10/31/1954 #11499 omme, France. When it took off the lights of a tractor went out. It measure 10/31/1954 #11500 altitude. Brilliant blinding light lights area. 11/1/1954 #11515 in, when his engine stalls and the lights go out. He sees a large glowing r 11/1/1954 #11519 NABLUS, JORDAN Oblong saucer with lights all around scares Bedoin. Passes 11/2/1954 #11525 . Saucer circles town 2x. 2 orange lights. Going quickly NNW. 11/2/1954 #11534 der/cigar-shape / 30-40M altitude. Lights and porthole. Going down [to] riv 11/3/1954 #11544 RE/OTHERS Wave / saucers and night lights. / r217p126. 11/4/1954 #11554 umming! Large saucer with 2 orange lights. 2 small saucers follow. Lost / c 11/4/1954 #11561 L Fishermen spooked. Waves / night lights and saucers in formation. No furt 11/8/1954 (approximate) #11591 d him at about five mph. It had no lights and no markings, and was only as 11/9/1954 #11611 ave / cigars and saucers and night lights and orbs. Daylight flight / sauce 11/16/1954 (approximate) #11661 yellow spots which could have been lights, with a number of small “red jags 11/23/1954 #11696 yellow spots which could have been lights, with a number of small, "red jag 11/23/1954 #11698 Several observer(s). Saucer with 4 lights / rim. Away when spotlight hits. 11/26/1954 #11707 llville, N. J. Disc with four body lights. [UFOE, II] (NICAP: 01 - Distant 11/26/1954 #11709 an object with four reddish-yellow lights forming a rectangle circled over 11/26/1954 #11710 BASSOUES, GERS, FR Ovoid lights countryside. Maneuvers and oscill 12/1/1954 #11740 ylinder/cigar-shape hovers / road. Lights go off. Flies / forest. Several o 12/9/1954 #11782 2 m wide. They saw it turn off its lights and fly toward the forest. Other 12/9/1954 #11785 de Janeiro 11:00 a.m. Three bright lights appear in the sky above Curitiba, 12/14/1954 #11807 s ovoid going northeast. Stops and lights bay. Hovers / 20 minute(s). Quick 12/18/1954 #11830 AMI, FL Several observer(s). Night lights (etc) circle city. 1930h meteor c 12/21/1954 #11851 own / mountain top. Darkens. Night lights join and take off. 12/22/1954 #11853 nd throwing out two flickering red lights. Alarmed, the witnesses rushed ba 12/28/1954 #11869 eudo-human/entity exits and walks. Lights ground / lamp. 12/31/1954 #11883 man on a moped saw four blue-green lights in the middle of a vineyard in Ce 2/4/1955 #11974 rientales, France at 7:25 p.m. The lights were arranged in an arc, five fee 2/4/1955 #11974 going quickly [to] horizon. 2 blue lights pulse / bottom. / r139#4p27. 2/10/1955 #11988 with two bright, pulsating, bluish lights on the underside. 2/10/1955 #11992 o horizon. It had two pulsing blue lights on the bottom, and was in view fo 2/10/1955 #11993 Figure 8s etc. all over sky. Night lights in formation. 2/18/1955 #12008 min by 3 7M "balloons" with 8 red lights. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATI 3/2/1955 #12029 llowed By Three Black Objects With Lights (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, Co 3/2/1955 #12030 "balloons," each showing eight red lights and about 7 m long. 3/2/1955 #12031 n meters long and showed eight red lights. 3/2/1955 #12032 ckly northeast / 3 minute(s). Blue lights / ends and red light / center. 3/3/1955 #12033 A V-shaped formation of lights flew over Lake Harris, Florida at 3/14/1955 #12048 humming sound and had bluish-green lights on its top and amber lights aroun 3/30/1955 #12071 -green lights on its top and amber lights around the rim. He stopped his ca 3/30/1955 #12071 ITHFIELD / CAIRNS, AUS Night light lights entire area. Follows edge / swamp 5/29/1955 (approximate) #12165 t rotating but went straight. [The lights] seemed to change color slightly 6/23/1955 #12209 white disc-UFO with 10-14 blinking lights. 6/26/1955 #12212 ucer / National airport/apartment. Lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Sp 6/26/1955 #12213 d moved off at high speed. Ceiling lights at airport went out when object a 6/26/1955 #12214 Florida, see a disc with blinking lights. 6/26/1955 #12216 d moves off at high speed. Ceiling lights at the airport go out when the ob 6/26/1955 #12217 d moves off at high speed. Ceiling lights at the airport go out when the ob 7/26/1955 #12290 Columbus, NE 4 orange flashing lights and a white flashing light (NICAP 7/29/1955 #12298 rice Raymond. Four orange flashing lights and one whIte flashing light move 7/29/1955 #12299 ymond watched four orange flashing lights and one whIte flashing light move 7/29/1955 #12303 , to watch a mysterious display of lights at sea. The light flashes three o 8/1955 #12310 The Larne police suspect that the lights are flares dropped from aircraft. 8/1955 #12310 is illuminated with two brilliant lights aimed directly from the object. H 8/1/1955 #12317 en light at the rear. Then all the lights turn off and the object moves awa 8/1/1955 #12317 outline of a dome lit up with tiny lights inside. It hovers there for 5 min 8/1/1955 #12317 erver(s). White fireball / colored lights going quickly east. Splits / 3 pa 8/2/1955 #12321 object hovers low / 2 hours. Night lights exit going quickly north. 8/9/1955 #12343 Nebraska for two hours. Nocturnal lights exited from it and flew off to th 8/9/1955 #12344 MT. DORA, FL 5 observer(s). Night lights playfully flit about / sky north 8/12/1955 #12356 t circular object blocks stars. 12 lights / rim. Going west low and slow. 8/18/1955 #12369 ateur astronomer. 5 separate night lights circle sky / different trajectori 8/23/1955 #12393 Arlington, VA Several (6+) orange lights moving singly or in groups (NICAP 8/23/1955 #12397 g a 400x telescope. Several orange lights moved singly or in groups, circli 8/23/1955 #12398 elescope, witnessed several orange lights moving singly and in groups, circ 8/23/1955 #12400 BEDFORD, IN 2 / car. House lights dim / unison when UFO pulses over 8/25/1955 #12402 Bedford, IN House lights dimmed and brightened as hovering 8/25/1955 #12405 observer(s). Rectangular object / lights / side. 1 / 4 of sky in 4 second( 9/13/1955 #12450 n stripe / center. Flashes colored lights. Local flap. 9/14/1955 #12453 2+observer(s). UFO / fast flashing lights. Flies and hovers. Silent. Seen / 9/25/1955 #12472 / car. 15M ring / multicolor night lights rotates. 45M altitude. Absolute(l 10/1955 #12474 ing that anyone reporting flashing lights for the next two months across th 10/10/1955 #12497 Galloway, UK Disc with row of blue lights on rim, maneuvered slowly over ca 10/28/1955 #12527 England A disk with a row of blue lights on the periphery slowly maneuvere 10/28/1955 #12528 c-shaped object with a row of blue lights on the periphery slowly maneuvere 10/28/1955 #12529 orps (GOC) post. Saucer with amber lights over town. Going southwest. Retur 11/4/1955 #12547 ct going south / 7 min. 2nd joins. Lights airport. 11/4/1955 #12548 e / light responds / plane landing lights. 180° turn. / MJ#271. 11/14/1955 #12565 ht approach plane, blinked landing lights; object blinked in seeming respon 11/14/1955 #12567 ht was an airliner and blinked his lights twice as a recognition signal. Th 11/14/1955 #12569 ignal. The fiery globe flipped its lights out twice in answer. 11/14/1955 #12569 going quickly south. Long rows red lights / side. Going quickly south. / r1 12/6/1955 #12598 ng rows of brilliant, reddish body lights, moving slowly south. [UFOE, XII] 12/6/1955 #12599 eral seconds it "blinked out as if lights had been turned off." At 7:30 p.m 12/9/1955 #12601 (s). Cylinder/cigar-shape / bright lights / ends. 7 lights / side. Very slo 12/15/1955 #12612 ar-shape / bright lights / ends. 7 lights / side. Very slow. Jet sound! 12/15/1955 #12612 Bluebook Case #3893. Domed saucer lights farm. Observer(s) feels mind was 12/21/1955 #12616 Silent 45M saucer / 15M altitude. Lights farmyard. Glows. Gone in seconds. 1/17/1956 #12663 LE, OK 3+1 observer(s). 120' ovoid lights 15 acres from underside. Follows 1/30/1956 #12685 / 4 hours. 2250mph. Vague shape / lights / airliner. / LDLN#132p26. 2/17/1956 #12721 REDERICK, OK Civil observer(s). 12 lights / semicircle going quickly north. 3/3/1956 #12744 er. Possible gun-footage / landing lights. Glows. 3/26/1956 #12767 ND EMPIRE, MI Many reports / night lights. Seen / (seen thru) binoculars = 3/27/1956 #12769 FL 2+5 kids. 3 round silent night lights. Erratic maneuvers. Going south. 3/31/1956 #12770 Three round lights moved erratically and silently ov 3/31/1956 #12771 quickly north. Huge red and orange lights. 4/1956 #12773 e controllers ask Ryan to turn his lights off and on to help identify aircr 4/8/1956 #12803 y a "circle of red, blue and green lights" traveled at a high speed from th 4/9/1956 #12806 iting for a bus, saw two pulsating lights flying horizontally and disappear 5/9/1956 #12841 and disappearing. 15 min later the lights were seen again, stopping at the 5/9/1956 #12841 iting for a bus, saw two pulsating lights flying horizontally and disappear 5/9/1956 #12842 pearing. Fifteen minutes later the lights were seen again, stopping at the 5/9/1956 #12842 ckpit window at its front end that lights up the canopy of the T-33. The ob 5/22/1956 #12865 / car going south. Instant shifts. Lights farms. 5/28/1956 (approximate) #12871 A PORTE, IN 1 / new car. Radio and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Mo 5/28/1956 (approximate) #12872 the side of the object facing them lights up from inside with a pale green 6/1956 #12880 orps (GOC) observer(s). 2 'UFO's'. Lights flash. Hover. Make 4 complete sto 6/14/1956 #12901 AND ELDORADO AND WELLINGTON Night lights cavort. Hutch RADAR paints blip. 6/19/1956 #12908 he UFO seems to affect the traffic lights as well. The object looks slightl Summer 1956 #12915 was replaced by two close-set red lights, which appeared to rise straight 7/14/1956 #12970 SINGAPORE Doctor. Oval blue night lights hover and dart like fish in tank 7/24/1956 #13015 have two rows of counter-rotating lights. The upper one releases a ball of 7/26/1956 #13020 fe watch two spinning, powder-blue lights for 10 minutes outside his home i 7/26/1956 #13021 4M object / 150M altitude. Colored lights. / r140#2p98. 7/30/1956 #13030 lescope. 12M saucer nears. 2 night lights join. Going quickly southwest. / 8/1956 #13039 k, Ohio, when they see five bright lights in a rigid V- formation. They fly 8/1956 #13045 ROSEBURG, OR Odd night lights circle TV tower. Change color(s) 8/6/1956 #13052 20M WIDEx80M tall. Vanishes. Night lights seen over mountain after. 8/8/1956 #13059 ng (August 11); unidentified white lights reported over West Hartford by Gr 8/8/1956 #13061 server(s). Saucer outlined / white lights. Going east. Very big. Hovers. Go 8/12/1956 #13071 c-shaped object blazing with white lights over Denver, Colorado at around t 8/12/1956 #13073 m off to the east. Also, two white lights are seen joining from different d 8/13/1956 #13080 EICS 2 observer(s). 4 orange night lights converge / different directions. 8/14/1956 #13083 d object bearing two bright, white lights at the top several miles east of 8/22/1956 #13116 wide 3 m high and showed flashing lights as it left. 9/1956 #13165 GOC) and many. Erratic white night lights. Report / Air Defense Command. / 9/6/1956 #13191 White lights were seen flying erratically over 9/6/1956 #13196 NZ Cylinder/cigar-shape with row / lights circles city. Stops at Paki Paki. 9/7/1956 #13201 . Large orange flying biscuit with lights / sides passes straight and level 9/18/1956 (approximate) #13226 thru) binoculars. Circular array / lights or windows hovers / 7 minutes. US 9/22/1956 #13232 nd, the pilot notices a cluster of lights beneath the aircraft. Suddenly, t Fall 1956 #13237 eneath the aircraft. Suddenly, the lights dim and spread out, the largest l Fall 1956 #13237 ove the horizontal. The peripheral lights become brighter and turn greenish Fall 1956 #13239 5. Portholes. Hot beams. Motor and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME.) 9/27/1956 #13248 trusted observer(s). Large saucer lights ground / 30 meters around. Climbs 10/5/1956 #13263 INGDALE, OH 4 observer(s). 6 night lights very erratic. New swarm / red nig 10/9/1956 #13269 ery erratic. New swarm / red night lights flip east going quickly west. / r 10/9/1956 #13269 object with series / bright orange lights. / r140#10p7. 11/9/1956 #13317 ect with a series of bright orange lights (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 11/9/1956 #13318 ect with a series of bright orange lights was sighted by an airman flying o 11/9/1956 #13319 ws. Quickly going up [to] as truck lights flash. / FSRv3#1. 11/14/1956 #13325 Wingless round object ringed / red lights. Yellow glow / center. Large and 11/22/1956 #13343 / 9M altitude. Ringed / 6 flashing lights. 2nd object on horizon. 11/25/1956 #13350 bottom/underside follows car. Beam lights ground. To and fro across road. 12/27/1956 (approximate) #13414 ps and more/others. Flocks / night lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft f 12/28/1956 #13417 s ago. Citing reports of anomalous lights on the moon, Jessup speculates th 1957 #13429 Pilot and many. 4 brilliant night lights trail large pulsing ovoid. / r242 1/24/1957 #13470 ny others saw four brilliant white lights, in-line formation; trailing obje 1/24/1957 #13472 thers saw four brilliant nocturnal lights trailing a large pulsating ovoid 1/24/1957 #13474 RADAR's and 5 observer(s). 3 night lights / 600mph. 180° turns. Away extrem 2/13/1957 #13494 ook. Ground and air RADAR. 2 night lights. 1 follows searching jet / 25 mil 2/13/1957 #13495 gs north and south slow. 2+2 night lights exit / opposite directions. Ovoid 2/15/1957 #13507 and displaying unusually powerful lights. Later, at a point along the flig 2/15/1957 #13509 ASADENA, TX 2 / DC3. Object with 2 lights buzzes DC3. Maneuvers all over/al 3/8/1957 #13525 UFO bearing three brilliant white lights. After the UFO speeds by the airc 3/8/1957 #13532 Glynco NAS, GA Two White Lights Observed From Navy Aircraft (NICA 3/11/1957 #13544 ependent witnesses saw maneuvering lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 3/22/1957 #13551 l Litten, sees a series of unusual lights at 11:15 p.m. northeast of Camari 3/22/1957 #13553 ect accompanied by two smaller red lights below the horizon of the Los Palo 3/22/1957 #13553 e the witness stating that the red lights were below the hills on the horiz 3/22/1957 #13553 or, alternatively, the witness saw lights on a barn. Beaudoin herself is ju 3/22/1957 #13553 F and hundreds. 4 red objects with lights over area / hours. / r242p85. 3/23/1957 #13555 fic Controller / RADAR. Many night lights maneuver. Film. Jet chases. / r46 3/23/1957 #13556 ndreds. Unknown object with bright lights. Follows car going [to] naval aba 3/24/1957 #13560 NEAR ROSWELL, NM 3 bright circular lights / collision course / USAAF C45. P 3/27/1957 #13561 kly north. Slows and speeds. Night lights and disks in formation to 2240hrs 4/29/1957 #13622 r Calif. coast (McClellan AFB), CA Lights Pass In Front & Below RC-121 (NIC 5/4/1957 #13647 ile away. Kern flashes his landing lights, and the object responds with a b 6/3/1957 #13698 llow their car. Several small blue lights exited the larger object and flew 6/5/1957 #13707 ace the ship for a short time. The lights continue their controlled flight 6/18/1957 #13740 ched a large object with two white lights and one red light plunge into Lon 6/22/1957 #13748 cigar-shape hovers / 45 minute(s). Lights / 1 end. Saucers exit other end a 6/24/1957 #13749 RE, MD NICAP. Car radio and street lights out as 7 white saucers pass. / r7 6/25/1957 #13751 r radio stopped playing and street lights went out as formation of seven wh 6/25/1957 #13753 r radio stopped playing and street lights went out as formation of seven wh 6/25/1957 #13754 uvers all over/all about. Reacts / lights. APRO 3 / 58+/ r46p94+/ r148. 6/29/1957 #13758 aucer makes wobbling ascent. Amber lights / edge. Portholes? No further det 7/1957 #13761 Azusa, CA "Disc with amber lights around edge made wobbling vertica 7/1/1957 #13770 on, MA Cigar-shaped UFO with green lights like windows. [UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 7/1/1957 #13771 h. Clearly seen / dusk. Silent. No lights. Faster / jet. 7/11/1957 #13790 Disk going quickly west over town. Lights / rotate / rim? Lights top and bo 7/13/1957 #13792 over town. Lights / rotate / rim? Lights top and bottom/underside. Same / 7/13/1957 #13792 KATOOMBA, AUS Night lights. Brilliant ovoid maneuvers all ov 7/17/1957 #13806 id maneuvers all over/all about. 3 lights flash / bottom. Going quickly sou 7/17/1957 #13806 ne with dome stops / 56 th street. Lights up. 7/20/1957 #13815 observation). White saucer / green lights. Quickly going up / angle southwe 7/25/1957 #13828 SAVANNE, ONT Ranger. 3 40cm night lights cross Trans-Canada Highway going 7/25/1957 #13832 sinessman. 2 brilliant white night lights circle and maneuver impossibly. N 7/31/1957 #13864 s have a kind of tube with two red lights. They are silent except for a hol 8/5/1957 #13881 ille (near), Brazil Airliner cabin lights dimmed and engine sputtered durin 8/14/1957 #13892 ugh and wheeze, and dims the cabin lights. 8/14/1957 #13893 roached the plane, while the cabin lights also dimmed. 8/14/1957 #13894 southeast / 30M altitude. Colored lights / rim. 8/18/1957 #13903 own / 30M altitude over cornfield. Lights / rim. Clanking noise! 8/18/1957 #13904 30 meters over a cornfield. It had lights on its periphery, and made a clan 8/18/1957 #13906 d object bearing two bright, white lights at the top and maeasuring 15 m in 8/22/1957 #13922 ed object bearing two bright white lights at the top. Their engine stalls w 8/22/1957 #13924 d object bearing two bright, white lights at the top and maeasuring 15 mete 8/22/1957 #13925 ary / defense and 2. 13 oval night lights / cylinder/cigar-shape formation. 8/24/1957 #13929 IA Flash / sky. 2 observer(s). Car lights and engine quit. No object seen. 9/1/1957 #13967 linder/cigar-shape (line / 6 night lights) going south. Small lights around 9/12/1957 #13990 6 night lights) going south. Small lights around main lights. Ground Observ 9/12/1957 #13990 ng south. Small lights around main lights. Ground Observer Corps (GOC) repo 9/12/1957 #13990 watch as an object approaches and lights up the room. It disappears. 10/5/1957 #14062 s, the observer sees no navigation lights. It is traveling faster than a je 10/9/1957 #14085 to be more than 600 feet long. It lights up the entire area, even though i 10/10/1957 #14095 DERBY, ENGL Night lights maneuver before Sputnik / 2250h. 10/11/1957 #14098 0 p.m. in Derby, England nocturnal lights were seen maneuvering in front of 10/11/1957 #14101 2 airliner size eggs with flashing lights hover. 1 going quickly east other 10/15/1957? #14115 s above him. His tractor motor and lights fail. It lands nearby and somethi 10/16/1957 #14128 PARA, NZ Orange ball hovers. Night lights exit and maneuver and return. Bri 10/17/1957 #14133 oach the object, whereupon its six lights go out and it disappears. The UFO 10/21/1957 #14139 PITTSBURGH, PA Family. 3+3 night lights maneuver in formations. 1 makes V 10/22/1957 #14141 / ground near beach. Type unknown. Lights area / beams. Going quickly east 10/22/1957 #14142 huge football and had bright white lights. No living human could believe ho 11/2/1957 #14194 SEMINOLE, TX Car motor and lights die. Bright lights on road ahead 11/2/1957 #14201 X Car motor and lights die. Bright lights on road ahead quickly going up [t 11/2/1957 #14201 xas, on US Highway 62 when he sees lights on the road ahead. As he approach 11/2/1957 #14215 ine dies. A few seconds later, the lights rise into the air and disappear. 11/2/1957 #14215 in the east towards Levelland. The lights come back on spontaneously and th 11/2/1957 #14216 e gets close to it, his engine and lights cease functioning. He gets out of 11/2/1957 #14219 his car as the light ascends; its lights blink out, and his engine and lig 11/2/1957 #14219 ghts blink out, and his engine and lights resume functioning. 11/2/1957 #14219 sed at close range car engines and lights failed. One report described how 11/2/1957 #14221 tched as the object came near. The lights and engine failed, then the objec 11/2/1957 #14221 similar pattern, with engines and lights returning to normal on the depart 11/2/1957 #14221 r Ridgetop. Ringed / red and green lights. 11/3/1957 (approximate) #14222 ght going [to] over car. Motor and lights act up. Going quickly northwest. 11/3/1957 #14231 e hears a “thunderclap.” The car’s lights and motor quit. The object rises 11/3/1957 #14247 reball hovers. Lands / road. Truck lights and engine fail. Flies going up [ 11/4/1957 #14258 Elmwood Park, IL Squad car lights and spotlight dimmed as police pu 11/4/1957 #14272 cemetery wall. They turned off all lights and watched the object for two mi 11/4/1957 #14280 omrades inside the fort, where the lights suddenly go out. In the meantime, 11/4/1957 #14284 w egg-shape hovers / chicken farm. Lights ground. Away fast. 11/5/1957 #14311 SAN ANTONIO, TX Car radio and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). 18 11/5/1957 #14321 r 3 / car. Beams going down. Night lights follow. / r49p245. 11/5/1957 #14323 bs, NM Speeding car, motor failed, lights went out as UFO swooped over car 11/5/1957 #14332 Philadelphia, PA Apartment lights dead, electric clock stopped; bri 11/5/1957 #14333 mately 60 foot long and causes the lights and engine of his car to fail. Th 11/5/1957 #14347 ngine sputters, then dies, and the lights go out. After the men coast the c 11/5/1957 #14348 r Disneyland. Odd structure. Night lights / 7 November. P275. 11/6/1957 #14370 nder/cigar-shape with row / bright lights / side. Hovers. Going quickly [to 11/6/1957 #14382 TH / ROSCOE, IL Local wave / night lights etc. Huge brilliant red cloud sta 11/6/1957 #14384 ilitary and cops. Odd objects with lights all over Major nuclear plant. 1 l 11/7/1957 #14449 ns. Ovoid swoops going down. 4 red lights / rim. Spins fast and silent. Goi 11/7/1957 #14451 h the objects by turning off their lights, “but the things would just slip 11/7/1957 #14462 positive “they saw more than just lights.” 11/7/1957 #14462 rate observer(s). Silent red night lights hover and spin and flash and mane 11/8/1957 #14476 base facing forward and has bright lights on the tips of the triangle. She 11/8/1957 #14487 White Oaks (near), NM Car lights failed as UFO observed (NICAP: 03 11/9/1957 #14503 bout 200–500 feet long. The object lights up the entire lake, then disappea 11/10/1957 #14524 d object; his car radio fails. The lights fly away when anyone tries to app 11/10/1957 #14525 Rumney, NH Car motor and lights failed. Ground Observer Corps rep 11/12/1957 #14538 r. Big strange object beams strong lights down. 11/14/1957 #14548 ight. As soon as this happens, the lights in her home go out. Electrical po 11/14/1957 #14551 three brilliant flashes. Then the lights in her home went out. Electric po 11/14/1957 #14552 umbles end over end. Shoots beams. Lights area going west. 11/15/1957 #14553 erver(s). Bright 2M object beams 4 lights down / ground. / O Seculo. 11/15/1957 #14557 rs saw many flashing revolving red lights which moved around slowly, hovere 11/15/1957 #14560 car. Red star blinks. White night lights pace. Paralysis. Lights going up 11/16/1957 #14564 hite night lights pace. Paralysis. Lights going up / field.. 11/16/1957 #14564 ncipal and 1. Saucer with flashing lights. Hovers. Shoots up and down. 11/21/1957 #14585 ansparent 3M globe hovers / field. Lights inside. Quickly going up [to] whe 11/21/1957 #14586 watch a strange object with three lights in a triangular pattern hovering 11/23/1957 #14604 go back to the car and shine their lights on the object, which is about 20 11/23/1957 #14604 bout 20 feet above some trees. The lights go out and the object disappears. 11/23/1957 #14604 Mogi Mirim, Brazil All city lights failed as three UFOs passed overh 11/25/1957 #14612 o Paulo, Brazil 10:00 p.m. All the lights in the town of Mogi Mirim, São Pa 11/25/1957 #14614 ing directly overhead. Two similar lights follow a short time later. The bl 11/25/1957 #14614 ed away. In Mogi Mirim, Brazil all lights failed in the city at around 10 p 11/25/1957 #14615 Brilliant cone / lawn. Many small lights blink. Radio Frequency Interferen 12/1/1957 #14656 w. 8cm / arms length. 8 shimmering lights / side. 12/1/1957 #14657 ar-shaped object with 8 shimmering lights on its side moved slowly through 12/1/1957 #14661 er Menastash Ridge / 20 minute(s). Lights sky up. Truck malfunctions due to 12/3/1957 #14663 ut the object is so bright that it lights up the sky as if it were daytime. 12/3/1957 #14667 . 10M red disk roars / 6M altitude lights ground. Going [to] woods then goi 12/8/1957 #14685 ORTH / SOAP LAKE, WA 2 cars stall. Lights fail. Dome lights come on! UFO no 12/8/1957 #14688 WA 2 cars stall. Lights fail. Dome lights come on! UFO north going quickly 12/8/1957 #14688 head. In addition, the inside dome lights come on, even though they aren’t 12/8/1957 #14692 orth to south. Strangely, the dome lights came on inside both cars during t 12/8/1957 #14697 Away extremely fast / truck turns lights on. 12/10/1957 #14703 cockpit. He turns off the aircraft lights and sees a large luminous object 12/11/1957 #14713 e between two three a.m. by bright lights passing her bedroom window, which 12/16/1957 #14736 nstead of portholes small circular lights outlined the entire rim. It's sha 12/16/1957 #14736 man joined the first two, then all lights went off inside the craft while i 12/18/1957 #14746 m, and they realize that it is two lights flying silently side by side. The 12/21/1957 #14755 flying silently side by side. The lights straddle the road, oscillating fr 12/21/1957 #14755 rs in circles around the jeep. The lights are spherical and encircled by a 12/21/1957 #14755 the road. Her car stalled, and the lights went off. Two figures, looking li 1/1958 #14790 BEACHWOOD, OH 3 night lights trace perfect imaginary triangle 1/5/1958 #14808 in Beachwood, Ohio three nocturnal lights traced a perfect triangular path 1/5/1958 #14810 g quickly [to] WSW. Matching night lights seen. / r171p58. 1/11/1958 #14818 an Islands, AK P2V-5F Encounters 3 Lights Tracked at 1,000 MPH (NICAP: 09 - 1/11/1958 #14819 laska sighted a formation of three lights flying at 900 knots and picked th 1/11/1958 #14820 ilitary Aircraft Crew Encounters 3 Lights Tracked at 400 MPH (NICAP: 09 - R 1/14/1958 #14827 N 2 T33 pilots. 5+3+4 yellow night lights flash every 5-8 second(s). Also c 1/31/1958 #14853 n USAF pilots saw 12 yellow-orange lights fly S in 3 groups (NICAP: 11 - Av 1/31/1958 #14854 ike or diamond-shaped patterns and lights up a canyon northeast of Alcalde, 2/17/1958 #14878 long Highway 463 and shining their lights in the direction of the Paraguaya 2/19/1958 #14881 2 / car. Huge bowl-saucer whirrs. Lights / bottom/underside. Going south o 3/1958 (approximate) #14903 ght "planets" hover. Smaller night lights orbit them. / r78p181. 3/3/1958 #14913 t-like objects with 6 or 7 smaller lights moving around them. [UFOE, II] (N 3/3/1958 #14915 bus. 60M domed ovoid with colored lights. Slow maneuvers. Going quickly so 3/11/1958 #14925 atched two UFOs with flashing body lights, maneuver near coastline. [UFOE, 4/7/1958 #14964 t-red triangular object with white lights around its perimeter. It is desce 4/9/1958 #14971 ERQUE, NM USAF man. ~30 gold night lights / V formation. More night lights 4/14/1958 #14982 t lights / V formation. More night lights orbit. / r242p22+/ r28p436. 4/14/1958 #14982 aw large formation of unidentified lights. [UFOE, III] (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 4/14/1958 #14983 mp. Blazing vertical ovoid hovers. Lights area. / r142#3p26. 5/26/1958 #15049 s). Huge cylinder/cigar-shape with lights going west toward(s) Caracas. No 5/28/1958 #15058 rward edge and has 12 small orange lights along its edges. 7/18/1958 #15149 observed passing overhead as city lights failed; one report of car radio f 8/3/1958 #15176 Rome, Italy, for about 3 seconds. Lights in the city dim, failing complete 8/3/1958 #15177 t. It leaves a luminous trail that lights up roads, mountains, and houses f 8/3/1958 #15177 GORDO, NM 12+observer(s). 35+night lights and disks going southeast in form 8/8/1958 #15182 ineering Professor. Circle / night lights seem attached. Other night lights 8/11/1958 #15188 lights seem attached. Other night lights. / r64p58. 8/11/1958 #15188 ng professor observed unidentified lights arranged as if on oval object. [U 8/11/1958 #15190 orted seeing a circle of nocturnal lights that seemed to be attached, plus 8/11/1958 #15194 GOUZON, 23, FR Odd lights. Motorcycle stops. 7M saucer pass 9/1/1958 #15242 nters / camper. Psi effects? Night lights hover and maneuver near forest fi 9/27/1958 #15283 when a formation of four odd white lights crosses ahead of the train. The e 10/3/1958 #15311 na four big, soft white elliptical lights, about 40 meters in diameter, man 10/3/1958 #15312 (s). Round object ringed / colored lights going east. Swerves going quickly 10/5/1958 #15315 merous separate observer(s). Night lights pass. Brilliant green flare / 120 10/18/1958 #15355 lare / 1200M altitude going south. Lights ground. 10/18/1958 #15355 3 10M saucers hover / 10 minutes. Lights / rims. Suddenly gone. 10/24/1958 #15370 f it their car stalls and the dash lights turn off. They get out of the car 10/26/1958 #15385 eservoir the car engine, dashboard lights, and headlights all died at a dis 10/26/1958 #15386 s and pulsates / 1100M altitude. 4 lights. Changes color(s). 10/31/1958 #15405 ght crew also notice that “strange lights were observed in his cockpit whil 11/4/1958 #15425 ure on the east side of the house. Lights, radios, and refrigerators are no 11/11/1958 #15438 ucer going quickly southwest fast. Lights / rim pulsate. / police report. 11/27/1958 #15459 altitude. Red and green and white lights / surface. 1/3/1959 #15530 lent, and had red, green and white lights on its surface. At about the same 1/3/1959 #15532 to] and maneuver impossibly. Night lights maneuver overhead. See reference. 1/8/1959 #15538 ver and circle / 50M altitude. Red lights flash / top. Absolute(ly) silent. 1/8/1959 #15540 , PA UFO stops overhead. Motor and lights and radio fail. Going quickly wes 1/13/1959 #15545 Going west over car. Engine quits. Lights OK. / r143#1p17. 1/13/1959 #15546 Pymatuning Lake, PA Truck motor, lights and radio failed as UFO hovered o 1/13/1959 #15548 Greenville, Pennsylvania, noticed lights in the sky he thought were a plan 1/13/1959 #15551 e making an emergency landing. The lights eventually coalesced into a singl 1/13/1959 #15551 veral minutes. His truck's engine, lights, and radio failed at this point. 1/13/1959 #15551 ND, OH 2 observer(s). Sausage with lights lands behind warehouse. Nothing f 1/27/1959 #15568 it when he encounters three bright lights flying in a precise line. The ini 2/24/1959 #15604 that they can see the objects. The lights remain at about the 9 o’clock pos 2/24/1959 #15604 e bright yellow-orange maneuvering lights, changing colors, above the cloud 2/24/1959 #15606 nia. His co-pilot also sighted the lights, and up to 37 other witnesses fro 2/24/1959 #15606 s also reported seeing the unusual lights. 2/24/1959 #15606 Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina. Red lights were seen exiting from the object 2/28/1959 #15625 Carolina at 7:30 p.m. It had body lights and was witnessed by two children 3/2/1959 #15630 Duluth, MN A/C Crew Saw Lights / Radar Targets Confirmed (NICAP: 3/13/1959 #15639 rilliant circus tent, studded with lights that kept changing from red to bl 3/13/1959 #15640 haped object with 8–9 red and blue lights about 20 feet apart. The UFO soon 3/13/1959 #15641 way to the southwest. The separate lights merge into one big light. They wa 3/13/1959 #15641 color changes. It had red and blue lights, and when on the ground they were 3/13/1959 #15642 R, OH Blue Book. Buzz / car radio. Lights dim. 6M metal saucer paces. / MJ# 3/19/1959 #15650 ng static-like sound on car radio. Lights dimmed; unidentified light source 3/19/1959 #15651 ng of the headlights and dashboard lights. 3/19/1959 #15653 nd blinking red, yellow, and green lights around its outer rim. It also emi 3/19/1959 #15654 s go out, and a circle of 8–10 red lights appear on the bottom. Then it ris 3/22/1959 #15665 Barrot, claims the couple saw the lights of his telescope. But the Air For 3/22/1959 #15665 ver(s). Ovoid with fuzzy edges and lights going east. Circles. Going west a 3/31/1959 #15679 w a round object with red flashing lights at about 7:50 p.m. They said the 3/31/1959 #15683 R blips. Object with red and green lights / type unknown. Maneuvers. No fur 4/13/1959 #15700 McDonald list) Highly Maneuverable Lights Tracked / Fighter Scrambled (NICA 4/13/1959 #15701 its vertical axis, but the row of lights remained steady. 4/29/1959 #15718 d(s). Quickly going up [to] again. Lights cloud. 6/6/1959 #15761 here observed passing in sky, city lights failed (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 6/22/1959 #15783 tallic domed tub saucer stops low. Lights ground. Quickly going up / jet so 6/27/1959 #15796 New Guinea Father Gill saw up to 8 lights at varying heights (NICAP: 07 - E 6/28/1959 #15800 ight light followed by 3-4 smaller lights (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 7/11/1959 #15833 ge bright light with 3–4 satellite lights in a line below, behind, and to t 7/11/1959 #15834 m diameter, had two intense, green lights and two rows of jets around the r 7/13/1959 #15840 n diameter, with two intense green lights on its underside descend towards 7/13/1959 #15842 ound object with two intense green lights come down out of the clouds and h 7/13/1959 #15843 SUCHS, LERIDA, SPAIN 80cm sphere lights countryside like day. Later goes 7/14/1959 #15845 ORCE BASE, NM 2 observer(s). Night lights / dark silent craft. Going east s 7/14/1959 (approximate) #15847 Television sets blacked out, some lights reported off, as circular UFO obs 7/14/1959 #15850 e object dropped several small red lights, then made a sharp turn and flew 7/19/1959 #15860 ucer / treetop level on edge. Beam lights beach like day. 7/25/1959 #15875 d circle above her. Not one of the lights goes to her daughter’s bed. She p 8/1959 #15889 presses the light switch, and the lights turn into straight-edged streaks 8/1959 #15889 a bright object with two satellite lights approach at low altitude. The car 8/13/1959 #15914 and the headlights go out. The two lights appear to land, the main object f 8/13/1959 #15914 ensity of its light. The motor and lights come back on when the UFOs cross 8/13/1959 #15914 ne pilot saw a string of 3-4 white lights seemingly part of one object (NIC 8/19/1959 #15931 ge Brill 10M cone over sugar cane. Lights house nearby. 9/1959 #15946 WALLINGFORD, KY Grey ovoid lights area blue. Blue beam going down [ 9/7/1959 #15956 WI Round yellow light, with 8 blue lights in it, 5 larger red lights (NICAP 9/13/1959 #15967 8 blue lights in it, 5 larger red lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 9/13/1959 #15967 ound yellow light, with eight blue lights within it, and then five larger r 9/13/1959 #15969 ithin it, and then five larger red lights, flew very fast vertically while 9/13/1959 #15969 isconsin observed a yellow ring of lights, with eight blue lights within it 9/13/1959 #15972 ow ring of lights, with eight blue lights within it, and then five larger b 9/13/1959 #15972 and then five larger brilliant red lights. The object rose very fast vertic 9/13/1959 #15972 bserver(s). Disk hovers / 2 hours. Lights / rim darken for each passing pla 9/15/1959 #15977 H 4 observer(s). 6M grey disk with lights spins counterclockwise / hover an 9/25/1959 #15989 m. a gray disc-shaped objects with lights, estimated to be six meters in di 9/25/1959 #15991 ject hovers level / 100M altitude. Lights / rear. Quickly going up [to] fas 10/1/1959 #16005 when suddenly all electricity and lights at the plant were shut off. He we 10/16/1959 #16035 brilliant orange, green and purple lights. Next to the object stood two tal 10/16/1959 #16035 , FL 2 Navy men. 2 star-like night lights meet and speed away. No further d 10/20/1959 #16046 e door to get out, the car engine, lights, and radio fail. Shortly afterwar 10/22/1959 #16052 t overhead while the car's engine, lights and radio stopped working. The di 10/22/1959 #16053 Case #6600. 1 observer. Row / red lights drifts then off / fantastic speed 11/18/1959 #16091 prings (South of), MS A row of red lights fly slow, then accelerate immense 11/18/1959 #16092 itness: J.M. Porter. A row of red lights flew slow, then speeded up immens 11/18/1959 #16093 . M. Porter witnessed a row of red lights that flew slowly through the sky, 11/18/1959 #16094 It was spinning, and had flashing lights. It flew off to the north-northea 11/24/1959 #16101 PROBERTA, CA Truck radio and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Sa 12/1959 #16103 making “snapping” noises, and his lights dim. He pulls over to the side of 12/1959 #16107 es within 10 seconds. Jensen’s car lights come back on. He resumes driving, 12/1959 #16107 NTANA, CA 2 cops. Lampshade saucer lights area. Beams going down. Going qui 12/1/1959 #16108 led and began interacting with the lights. “The UFOs suddenly began moving 1960 #16145 object has four bright blue- white lights on it and it is stationary. They Early 1960 #16146 LE(S) WEST / LAKOTA, ND Flash. Car lights dim. Crescent saucer going down [ 1/18/1960 #16152 Lakota (near), ND Car lights dimmed as UFO descended toward fi 1/18/1960 #16153 im just as a brilliant green flash lights up the sky. In a field to the nor 1/18/1960 #16155 hite saucers / different ALTs beam lights going down. Dynamo sound. / r70p3 2/22/1960 #16182 children. Their bodies glowed with lights of changing colors. Spring 1960 #16201 3:00 a.m. when his car engine and lights died. His car stopped twenty feet 4/27/1960 #16244 ights. Small sphere/orb/globe with lights / edge. Rotation = 20 rpm. / r59p 7/19/1960 #16338 ound it were revolving or orbiting lights or balls. They winked off. 7/19/1960 #16341 d small orbs during tornado. Night lights enter cottage. Cottage rises / ai 8/1960 (approximate) #16360 amin sound! 2 groups / white night lights east going west in V-formation. 8/12/1960 #16371 mentioned) and having definite red lights at each end. They continued to wa 8/13/1960 #16373 , silent red light with five white lights, descending to 100–200 feet altit 8/13/1960 #16380 st encountered the UFO. It had red lights at both ends, and one of the red 8/13/1960 #16381 s at both ends, and one of the red lights swept the ground like a searchlig 8/13/1960 #16381 many. 2 red saucers and delta. Red lights sweep grounded and sky. / r242p17 8/16/1960 #16389 s). 6-8 bright red and white night lights maneuver in formation. = planes r 8/16/1960 #16390 own [to] and side to side. Colored lights. / r28p348. 8/16/1960 #16394 M, CA UFO / whining noise. 2 white lights / front and amber light / rear. / 8/17/1960 #16401 NDS, CA Domed disk with ring / red lights. Humming and deep roar. / r28p348 8/18/1960 #16404 l orange round object, with yellow lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 8/23/1960 #16408 ske. One round object with yellow lights coming from what looked like thre 8/23/1960 #16409 ansas. The object had three yellow lights that came from what looked like t 8/23/1960 #16410 d, only 30-50 feet away. The car's lights and engine died. The wife recalls 9/2/1960 #16432 and, see a triangular formation of lights with a red light in the center. 9/8/1960 #16438 CHICAGO HEIGHTS, IL Night lights = running lights / 2 large UFO's. 11/7/1960 #16495 HEIGHTS, IL Night lights = running lights / 2 large UFO's. Type unknown. Po 11/7/1960 #16495 ed saucer / mountain top. Ringed / lights. Pulses. Dog / panic-dies. / r70. 12/24/1960 #16535 rado at midnight. It had a ring of lights around its rim. It pulsated and w 12/24/1960 #16536 COTTONWOOD, MN Saucer and 3 night lights exchange green beams. Night light 12/25/1960 #16537 lights exchange green beams. Night lights enter saucer / door. Going quickl 12/25/1960 #16537 flying object and three nocturnal lights exchanged green beams of light in 12/25/1960 #16538 nesota at 11:45 p.m. The nocturnal lights then entered the saucer-shaped cr 12/25/1960 #16538 away at 30,000 feet. There are six lights in the first group and eight in t 1/17/1961 #16580 ndarme. Domed disk / 150M altitude lights area near nuclear power station/d 2/1961 #16591 , ME AND ENTIRE STATE Wave / night lights fireballs and unidentified shapes 2/5/1961 (approximate) #16594 n City, ME Many reports of strange lights flashing around in sky. Some blin 2/5/1961 #16595 unswick Many people report strange lights flashing around in the sky over M 2/5/1961 #16596 shapes with green, yellow, and red lights hover over Brunswick, then dart a 2/5/1961 #16596 ght-yellow ovoid / 2 passes. House lights fail. Going quickly south. / r242 2/28/1961 #16612 Lakeville, MA House lights dimmed three times, went out on t 2/28/1961 #16614 use, illuminating the bedroom. The lights that they have left on in the kit 2/28/1961 #16615 ct returns at 3:40 and the kitchen lights repeat their previous actions. 2/28/1961 #16615 height 2.5 m, bearing "fluorescent lights." 5/3/1961 #16674 5 meters, and it bore "fluorescent lights." 5/3/1961 #16675 r parts after 45 minutes. The four lights flew in close formation, descende 7/7/1961 #16752 . It had three red and three white lights inside. It descended to tree top 7/8/1961 #16755 over the ground, and then the two lights merged together. 7/8/1961 #16755 TX Pilot in DC3 saw 2 bright white lights fly in formation (NICAP: 09 - RAD 7/20/1961 #16767 ther sighted two very bright white lights or objects. They flew in trail fo 7/20/1961 #16769 uebook Case #7579. 130' ovoid with lights over road / 4 minute(s). Shoots g 8/12/1961 #16787 unning boards" bearing a series of lights. It hovered for about 4 min at tr 8/12/1961 #16789 STILLWATER, MN V formation / night lights or delta / running lights passes 8/17/1961 #16797 / night lights or delta / running lights passes behind trees. Low altitude 8/17/1961 #16797 ter, MN A V-formation of yellowish lights (or V-shaped UFO with body lights 8/17/1961 #16798 lights (or V-shaped UFO with body lights) passed behind trees at low altit 8/17/1961 #16798 tion. The V formation of nocturnal lights, or a boomerang-shaped object wit 8/17/1961 #16799 omerang-shaped object with running lights, passed behind some trees flying 8/17/1961 #16799 thin pencils of different colored lights.” Barney thinks it’s a plane, tho 9/19/1961 #16857 black uniforms and black caps. Red lights on what appears to be bat-wing fi 9/19/1961 #16857 ALLEY, NV Geologist. 2 large night lights. 1 shines 100' wide beam going do 9/24/1961 #16870 erical UFO with a row of pulsating lights viewed from many angles by differ 10/12/1961 #16906 eball buzzes car. Splits / 4 night lights. Maneuvers and paces. Quickly goi 10/21/1961 #16920 Datil (near), NM Four lights paced car, maneuvered, shot away 10/21/1961 #16921 front of them. It breaks into four lights that move along with the car, eve 10/21/1961 #16922 they stop at a roadside motel. The lights then zoom straight up and disappe 10/21/1961 #16922 luminous blue discs with bands of lights or "portholes" on outer periphery 10/30/1961 #16936 k maneuvers / low altitude. Spins. Lights / edge and portholes / bottom. 11/10/1961 #16961 red light in the sky and stopped. Lights in the sky then joined together. 11/22/1961 #16973 hem back to the site. They see red lights moving in the field and both cars Late 11/1961 #16978 th cars go in pursuit of them. The lights go out, the police officer drives Late 11/1961 #16978 of their vehicle. They can see two lights, red and blue, revolving beneath 1962 #17007 wo other men observed two powerful lights lost sight of thern, but later sa 1/8/1962 #17016 AMADORES, ARG Cops and 3. 2 night lights pace truck. 2 domed objects / roa 1/9/1962 #17017 umbia. They have flashing ruby-red lights. After two minutes, the lights ch 3/25/1962 #17080 red lights. After two minutes, the lights change to orange and they move of 3/25/1962 #17080 formation, became two objects with lights by the end of the 15 minute sight 3/26/1962 #17086 continuing to the west. The object lights up the streets of Reno, Nevada, a 4/18/1962 #17120 over area. Circular UFO with body lights, apparent dome on top, shafts of 4/24/1962 #17126 f-mile distant, giving off colored lights. Around 8:10 p.m., the object ret 4/24/1962 #17127 onnecticut, when two bright yellow lights appear in the sky ahead. The ligh Late 4/1962 #17130 ights appear in the sky ahead. The lights cross the road and disappear behi Late 4/1962 #17130 nd stopping, the witnesses see the lights hovering above a field, one above Late 4/1962 #17130 he car up and speeds away, but the lights are right behind her, only a few Late 4/1962 #17130 tching the car’s speed. The yellow lights are only a few feet in diameter a Late 4/1962 #17130 lroad/railway car takes off. Night lights exit. Ground burnt. / r8#533. 5/12/1962 #17161 As they slow down, a row of 20–30 lights come on. When they approach to wi 5/12/1962 #17165 e road at a height of 12 feet. Its lights go out, a reddish flame comes fro 5/12/1962 #17165 round, with green, red, and yellow lights set in an arrow-shaped arrangemen 5/13/1962 #17171 , ARG Luminous saucer paces plane. Lights cockpit. Radio Frequency Interfer 5/22/1962 #17188 nous object trailing his plane. It lights up his cockpit and his radio tran 5/22/1962 #17191 3 / B52 bomber. 3 star-like night lights joined by 2 more. 6/21/1962 #17234 Indianapolis, IN Three Strange Lights Observed By B-52 Crew (NICAP: 11 6/21/1962 #17235 t bomber. Three bright, star-like lights: one seen; 10 seconds later, two 6/21/1962 #17236 bright, star-like flying nocturnal lights. The first was seen, and then ten 6/21/1962 #17240 d, circular object with some white lights in Richmond, Virginia. He observe 6/30/1962 #17258 ense light followed by two smaller lights pass over the facility in a few s 7/7/1962 #17265 ear photographs. Grey cloud with 3 lights going quickly northeast / low alt 7/9/1962 #17266 tograph of a gray cloud with three lights was taken at 11:10 p.m. by Dr. Ta 7/9/1962 #17268 ation in Antarctica. The cloud and lights moved toward the northeast at a l 7/9/1962 #17268 020. 2 observer(s). 4 silent night lights / all directions maneuver. 1 zigz 7/19/1962 #17286 Metuchen, NJ 3-5 lights from different parts of the sky d 7/19/1962 #17287 . Loftus, H. Wilbert. Four or five lights darted about the sky for 7-10 min 7/19/1962 #17288 nd H. Wilbert watched four or five lights dart about in the sky silently fo 7/19/1962 #17289 alifornia, sees several stationary lights low in the water dead ahead. Thro 7/28/1962 #17295 dows. Darkens when observers douse lights. 8/1962 #17308 sh-pink, green, and white blinking lights. It continues to approach and pas 8/1962 #17309 s 150 feet in the air. The truck’s lights go out, and the object rocks back 8/1962 #17309 them. The women shut off the cabin lights for a better look, and the UFO sw 8/1962 #17310 , and the UFO switches off its own lights. Anderson runs out of the cabin t 8/1962 #17310 above the waves, as red and green lights came on and a white light beam li 8/1/1962 #17313 as extinguished, the red and green lights went out, and the object, now glo 8/1/1962 #17313 ls going quickly west. 1 stops and lights airport. / MJ#292+/ APRO 9'62. 8/2/1962 #17314 Liberal, KS Colored Lights Lit Up Runways (NICAP: 11 - Aviat 8/2/1962 #17315 hermen and several. 4 yellow night lights maneuver / perimeter of missile t 8/10/1962 #17330 ing reddish-pink, green, and white lights around its perimeter. The object Late 8/1962 #17361 feet above the truck. The truck’s lights go out and the object takes off t Late 8/1962 #17361 a triangular formation of 6 white lights and one green light pass silently 8/26/1962 #17363 ray, a dairy rancher, thought some lights in a field were those of a car. W 9/1962 #17378 lver cylinder/cigar-shape with red lights / ends. Seen 3 counties. 9/18/1962 #17409 r quarry / 20+24 September. Avoids lights. 9/18/1962 #17411 with two apparently revolving body lights. At 4 a.m., two policemen, betwee 9/21/1962 #17425 son is seeing “glowing, flame-like lights” in her bedroom in Azusa, Califor Fall 1962 #17435 nly when she is mentally calm. The lights are the size of a quarter, someti Fall 1962 #17435 that the UFO is silent and has no lights or visible openings. After the se Late 10/1962 #17496 k Case #8215. 2 observer(s). Night lights. 3 fireballs stop / 5 minute(s). 11/17/1962 #17550 Tampa, FL Bright star-like lights approach, hover and bounce and fa 11/17/1962 #17551 -USMC Capt. Three bright star-like lights approached, hovered and bounced, 11/17/1962 #17552 tain, sees three bright, star-like lights approach, hover, and bounce at Ta 11/17/1962 #17554 aptain, saw three bright star-like lights approach, hover and bounce in the 11/17/1962 #17555 ping ahead of them. When the first lights of the city came into sight the o 11/26/1962 #17563 Two bluish-green oval lights were seen oscillating in tandem o 2/27/1963 #17687 RSA Big wave going [to] May. Night lights. Figure(s). Animals terrified. / 4/1963 #17716 reaks / concentric rings and night lights. 4/3/1963 #17722 o the police that, after the house lights blacked out while watching televi 5/7/1963 #17735 rted to the police that, after the lights blacked out in their home while w 5/7/1963 #17736 te sphere/orb/globe / 500 altitude lights street like day. South going quic 5/28/1963 (approximate) #17768 ege student observed two brilliant lights descending in zig-zag fashion. Th 6/16/1963 #17788 , IL Grey sphere/orb/globe. Row of lights / side. 'Sizzles'. Low altitude. 6/21/1963 #17797 Middletown, NY 8-10 lights move at random, then in an oval f Summer 1963 #17798 Witness: Grace Dutcher. Eight-ten lights moved at random, then in an oval Summer 1963 #17800 CA Many observer(s). 3 green night lights going west meet 4th going east. S 6/26/1963 #17803 going northwest to horizon. Night lights / 90° turns / time-lapse news-pho 6/26/1963 #17806 feet across and has two brilliant lights. The UFO follows some power lines 6/26/1963 #17809 merous separate observer(s). Night lights exit and return to luminous pear 8/12/1963 #17888 Nocturnal lights exited and returned to a luminous 8/12/1963 #17890 E Saucer on ground near pond. Body lights. Beams lights going up / each end 8/13/1963 #17891 ound near pond. Body lights. Beams lights going up / each end at intervals. 8/13/1963 #17891 Pond, for more than an hour. Body lights were visible along its length, an 8/13/1963 #17895 h, Maine An elliptical object with lights on its entire length and occasion 8/13/1963 #17897 almost an hour. The craft had body lights along its length, and there were 8/13/1963 #17900 of the cyclops appears between the lights, slowly floating down onto the gr 8/28/1963 #17922 STER, GA Cops and TV crew. 2 night lights. 1 fades. 1 stays / place while s 9/9/1963 #17929 s) moving around within two bright lights linked by a prolongation or tube. 10/21/1963 #17997 ect turns and follows truck. Night lights / separate observer(s). / r242p14 10/31/1963 #18012 t 3 m long, bearing orange and red lights, which came close to his light tr 10/31/1963 #18015 ria, Australia with orange and red lights. It approached his pickup truck, 10/31/1963 #18018 ersey, when they see three strange lights in the sky. They are perfect oval 11/1963 #18022 possibly a quarter mile high. The lights take off at a great speed in “per 11/1963 #18022 stronomer. Silent 25' saucer / dim lights / edge. East going quickly south 11/11/1963 #18030 Frequency Interference (RFI). Beam lights hilltop. / r242p141. 11/14/1963 #18037 ses come forward to report strange lights and giant footprints in the woods 11/16/1963 #18045 eter, with intense orange and blue lights, emitting sparks, flying toward t 12/14/1963 #18080 d intensely bright orange and blue lights and emitted sparks as it approach 12/14/1963 #18082 worker, Mr. C. Tulio Gallardo, saw lights appear outside his railroad coach 12/17/1963 #18087 , AU Compass off. Underwater night lights buzz ship. 1 turns. / r249p487. 1/23/1964 #18115 rthern Territory, Australia. Large lights in the water made a compass go ha 1/23/1964 #18118 ire. A shadow in the center of the lights rotated clockwise, causing the li 1/23/1964 #18118 hts rotated clockwise, causing the lights to pulsate. 1/23/1964 #18118 , NY 8:30 p.m. Two pulsating white lights with reddish tinge paced an aircr 2/25/1964 #18137 tist and 3 / car. 4 huge red night lights in formation / tilts. / r8#594. 4/3/1964 #18154 Monticello, WI 4 huge red lights in a rectangular formation (NICAP 4/3/1964 #18155 iguration of intense red and white lights, apparently attached to a large o 4/3/1964 #18156 nt in anthropology). Four huge red lights in a rectangular formation, with 4/3/1964 #18157 , and two others see four huge red lights in a rectangular formation, with 4/3/1964 #18158 ers in their car saw four huge red lights in a rectangular formation near t 4/3/1964 #18159 nse white light above the four red lights, apparently attached to a large o 4/3/1964 #18159 R CANBERRA, AUS 3 campers. 2 night lights collide and bounce. 1 going quick 5/3/1964 #18239 NEAR LA RIOJA, ARG 3 / van. Lights and engine electro-magnetic effec 5/10/1964 #18257 cm small humanoids (or Greys) with lights search haystack! Saucer seen soon 6/2/1964 #18317 45° to 2M altitude. 10 small night lights follow. Blue beams. 6/5/1964 #18329 ngle, and was followed by 10 small lights. It also emitted blue light beams 6/5/1964 #18333 , 90 degree turns, and had colored lights emanating from the dome (blue tur 6/8/1964 #18339 ops include/including chief. Night lights / 110min. Vanish when spot-light 6/12/1964 #18344 king object emitting multi-colored lights near the intersection of Route 51 6/12/1964 #18348 200 m away. While approaching its lights blinked and turned to dark red. F 6/13/1964 #18351 eters away. While approaching, its lights blinked and turned to dark red. F 6/13/1964 #18353 side when his TV set and all house lights suddenly failed and saw a glowing 6/14/1964 #18355 e in Dale, Indiana, when the house lights and TV suddenly go out. He notice 6/14/1964 #18356 Indiana when his TV and all house lights suddenly failed. He saw a glowing 6/14/1964 #18357 southwest outside. Low / horizon. Lights / ends and portholes? / r171. 6/24/1964 #18371 saucer over homes. Chemical smell. Lights area / green. Back / 2230h. 7/7/1964 #18396 er part was bright red, with three lights on the upper part. As it left, a 7/7/1964 #18397 ; on the dark upper side are three lights: red, clear, red. The red lights 7/7/1964 #18398 e lights: red, clear, red. The red lights are blinking. As the object ascen 7/7/1964 #18398 inking. As the object ascends, the lights go out. A brilliant green light t 7/7/1964 #18398 aucer with red and green and white lights.. 7/14/1964 #18406 maneuvers within 100M. Responds / lights. Oily traces. 7/14/1964 #18407 ect Bluebook Case #8924. 4+2 night lights buzz and pace airliner. Vanish. / 7/16/1964 #18413 ice pilot K. Jannereth. Four white lights in a stepped-up echelon formation 7/16/1964 #18417 t observed formation of four white lights joined by two others, paced aircr 7/16/1964 #18419 At 11:15 p.m. four white lights in an echelon formation were join 7/16/1964 #18423 ay and back 2X. Slow spin. Colored lights. 7/28/1964 #18453 LAKE CHELAN, WA Green lights / ground and air trade signals. 1 7/28/1964 #18454 ent triangle going southwest slow. Lights / corners. Small red light / bott 8/22/1964 #18503 very gray, with three blinking red lights and a white light. 8/25/1964 #18509 t with a dome on top, blinking red lights, a solid white light, and lights 8/25/1964 #18510 d lights, a solid white light, and lights on the rim was sighted at close r 8/25/1964 #18510 gar- shaped object with two bright lights hovering 500 feet up in the easte 8/30/1964 #18522 he mountains, observed approaching lights that seemed to land. From a vanta 9/5/1964 #18538 icopter, jumps out of the tree and lights fires to attract its attention. T 9/5/1964 #18539 glow bounces over Mystic Lake. Red lights rotate / edge. 9/6/1964 #18541 Cedar Grove, NJ 4 white lights, 3-4 [degrees?] apart, to the N, 9/10/1964 #18545 : chemist P.H. DePaolo. Four white lights, 3-4 apart, were seen to the nort 9/10/1964 #18546 ove, New Jersey sighted four white lights at 7:09 p.m. They were seen in th 9/10/1964 #18547 ect bearing blinking red and green lights fly over his house at treetop lev 9/15/1964 #18555 rst sees it, the TV set fades, and lights in the room blink on and off seve 10/29/1964 #18595 away and moving back and forth. It lights up the sky like a full moon. The 11/3/1964 #18605 EL PASO, TX 4-day wave / night lights and disks going quickly [to] all 11/6/1964 #18608 Menomonee Falls, WI 3 dim, reddish lights fly through 160° arc (NICAP: 01 - 11/14/1964 #18614 and two girls. Three dim, reddish lights flew through a 160^ arc in 5-6 se 11/14/1964 #18615 o girls sighted three dim, reddish lights that flew through a 160 degree ar 11/14/1964 #18618 or gray and it has no contrail or lights except for a light source emittin 11/19/1964 #18629 CECIL NAS, FL Pilot. 4 red night lights merge over station/depot/facility 12/28/1964 #18674 cer 17M / ground. 2 rows / intense lights. Green light / dome. Door opens. 12/28/1964 #18676 together, with two rows of intense lights, and a turret with a green light 12/28/1964 #18677 00 p.m. It had two rows of intense lights on the body of the craft, and a g 12/28/1964 #18678 VA Large Light Leading 7-8 Smaller Lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 1/1/1965 #18691 indow what seems to be the landing lights of an airplane apparently coming 1/12/1965 #18720 n the opposite direction. The four lights merge into one intense white ligh 1/12/1965 #18720 OVER LAKE ELSINORE, CA Night lights. Bright / 5 minute(s) and dim / 3 1/14/1965 #18722 ople witnessed brilliant nocturnal lights hovering and maneuvering over Lak 1/14/1965 #18733 ckly on a straight trajectory. The lights and radio then came back on and t 1/14/1965 #18734 to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Lights out. Observer(s) hears whine. Nig 1/15/1965 #18736 when the radio suddenly stops, the lights on the car go out, and the engine 1/15/1965 #18740 de a humming sound. His car radio, lights and engine died while the luminou 1/15/1965 #18741 KLAND, NZ 1 observer. 40' circle / lights / 50' altitude tilts. Rotates / w 1/17/1965 #18742 lic gray, with red-orange and blue lights and is making a vacuum cleaner no 1/23/1965 #18759 eady buzzing sound and has several lights on its round bottom. Spinning clo 1/26/1965 #18768 aw V-shaped object with red-orange lights zigzagging at low level. Object t 1/27/1965 #18773 aw V-shaped object with red-orange lights zigzagging at low level. Object t 1/27/1965 #18775 eet in height. The object has 3– 7 lights colored red and orange and appear 1/27/1965 #18776 ed object with blinking red-orange lights over Hampton, Virginia. 1/27/1965 #18776 ich he did. The UFO, which bore no lights, was shaped like a 50 foot sphere 1/30/1965 #18785 er / 500' altitude. Blue and white lights. Hums. / NICAP v3#1. 2/16/1965 #18817 ebook Case #9301. 2 / car. 3 night lights rise / ground / sequence. Oily sp 3/4/1965 #18837 gon Witness: W.V. Harrison. Three lights rose from the ground, several sec 3/4/1965 #18841 nder/cigar-shape with 2 steady red lights maneuvers to avoid house. Going n 3/8/1965 #18847 Mount Airy, MD Six Lights Just Miss House (NICAP: 01 - Dist 3/8/1965 #18848 arshaped object with two fixed red lights, which flew above them, avoided h 3/8/1965 #18849 for U.S. Bureau of Standards. Six lights flew overhead slowly for 3 minute 3/8/1965 #18850 serve in Mount Airy, Maryland, six lights he estimates to be 1,000 feet awa 3/8/1965 #18851 ound. They appear as three pair of lights, all with the same intensity. The 3/8/1965 #18851 omparable to a traffic signal. The lights pass between the barn and the hou 3/8/1965 #18851 six lights--two of them fixed red lights. It flew above them at a low alti 3/8/1965 #18852 Rumble / 10 minute(s). Blue night lights pulse / hills. Metallic object ma 4/1965 #18884 car then began to vibrate and its lights went out. They then saw another r 4/3/1965 #18889 Weatherman. Fast black 40' saucer. Lights / bottom. Going [to] across wind. 4/4/1965 #18890 e 40' black, oval object with four lights along the bottom, flew in and out 4/4/1965 #18894 observer saw black oval with body lights flying in and out of clouds 4/4/1965 #18895 back, oval-shaped object with four lights along the bottom (see sketch belo 4/4/1965 #18896 15 seconds. It had four protruding lights evenly spaced on the bottom, and 4/4/1965 #18896 atellite" splits / 2. 2 more night lights join up. 1 tumbles? 5/7/1965 #18931 was copper colored. Then two more lights joined up with the first two. One 5/7/1965 #18935 erver(s). Strong red-orange object lights bay. / Diario Insular. 5/23/1965 #18952 bject hovers 4M / ground. Blinding lights. Radio Frequency Interference (RF 5/24/1965 #18956 m altitude. It had blinding white lights, caused radio interference, and m 5/24/1965 #18959 disc- shaped object with banks of lights underneath it to their southeast. 5/24/1965 #18962 m altitude. It had blinding white lights, caused radio interference, and m 5/24/1965 #18964 ent sphere/orb/globe with flashing lights going down / hillside. / FSR'65#5 6/2/1965 #18982 w a spherical object with flashing lights that appeared to land silently on 6/2/1965 #18984 A silent sphere with flashing lights descended onto a hillside in Kura 6/2/1965 #18985 the spherical object with flashing lights that appeared to land silently on 6/2/1965 #18985 altitude. Snoops around farm. Many lights / outside. 6/19/1965 #19014 ross the farmyard. It has numerous lights around the outside and appears to 6/19/1965 #19017 Round object with R and G and west lights. Away over horizon. No further de 6/24/1965 #19024 ct with a conical top, and rows of lights across the front and along the si 6/24/1965 #19025 object with red, green, and white lights flew away over the horizon. 6/24/1965 #19025 MI 3 grad.astronomers. 2 red night lights oscillate/oscillation as if invis 7/1965? #19035 nd at 11:00 p.m. It caused the car lights, radio, and engine to die. 7/2/1965 #19055 bout 10 feet in diameter, with red lights around its rim hover above some n 7/9/1965 #19089 stops functioning. The living room lights flicker (although fluorescent lig 7/9/1965 #19089 ghts flicker (although fluorescent lights in the kitchen and bathroom do no 7/9/1965 #19089 LISBON, PORTUGAL Night lights and strange objects seen 15+23 Ju 7/15/1965 #19103 es going up [to] going down. R-G-Y lights rotate / edge. Seen twice / pilot 7/16/1965 #19109 a.m. He saw yellow, green, and red lights rotating around their circumferen 7/16/1965 #19111 us red saucer zigzags through sky. Lights entire city briefly. Blinks out. 7/17/1965 #19114 ers / 45 minute(s). Each arm has 3 lights. Going west. / r78p39. 7/19/1965 #19123 r 45 minutes. Each "arm" had three lights. The object left toward the west. 7/19/1965 #19136 his arms, which had numerous small lights. 7/21/1965 #19156 lowing disk hovers / 15 minute(s). Lights city center / searchlight. 7/23/1965 #19162 ks like an array of three greenish lights around a larger, central sphere. 7/26/1965 #19180 fter 20 minutes, the three smaller lights move away from the central one, a 7/26/1965 #19180 t long and has two brilliant white lights pulsating off and on once every s 7/28/1965 #19196 al observer(s). Unidentified night lights zigzag all over Granja do Marques 7/29/1965 #19197 L, HONDURAS Fast disk with colored lights / treetops. Hovers. Away extremel 7/30/1965 (approximate) #19205 NEAR OTTAWA, ON Saucer lights reservoir and area. Stops / water 8/1965 #19227 ADAR's. Cops and many. White night lights / diamond formation. 8/1/1965 #19235 Tinker AFB, OK Four Lights Observed, Radar Contact On One (N 8/1/1965 #19241 rs behind a hedgerow and shuts its lights off. They return the next day, bu 8/1/1965 #19246 nish" with hair covered with green lights, and "looked like a toad." The bo 8/1/1965 #19247 S, TX Triangular formation / night lights criss-cross sky til Dawn. Flash r 8/2/1965 #19251 ts. 9 "bubbles" pass. Last 3 flash lights back and forth! 8/3/1965 #19280 SOUTH / ABILENE, KS Truck lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Di 8/4/1965 #19297 ook Case #9675. Red and blue night lights. Huge orange object flies over ca 8/4/1965 #19301 TRAPUA, BRZ 50M saucer lights area. Lands with distinct sound. 8/4/1965 #19302 (near Elmo, Kansas), when all his lights go out. They come back on intermi 8/4/1965 #19319 ts base has a ring of bluish-white lights that make the object appear to ro 8/9/1965 #19348 bject with a "ring of bluish white lights" moved overhead slowly to the sou 8/9/1965 #19349 low, and a room inside with bright lights. Rotating flashing lights on top, 8/9/1965 #19351 h bright lights. Rotating flashing lights on top, orange-red flames on bott 8/9/1965 #19351 m/h. It was surrounded with orange lights that weakened as a blue source ca 8/13/1965 #19379 y intense for about 3 sec then all lights disappeared as the object was abo 8/13/1965 #19379 away. It is surrounded with orange lights that weaken as a blue light comes 8/13/1965 #19382 for about 3 seconds. Then all the lights disappear and a sort of “shock wa 8/13/1965 #19382 nd an object with changing colored lights landed and blocked the road while 8/15/1965 #19400 nd noisy. Dark shape with 2 orange lights seen. 8/16/1965 #19404 Z Opaque triangle going northeast. Lights / corners. Makes big turn and van 8/16/1965 #19406 when a dark shape with two orange lights appeared in the sky. The close en 8/16/1965 #19409 y field, which caused its interior lights to change from white to red. One 8/16/1965 #19410 LLE, IN Domed top-saucer with body lights hovers over car. Engine electro-m 8/18/1965 #19414 Top-shaped object with dome, body lights, hovered over car. Report in NICA 8/18/1965 #19417 shaped object with a dome and body lights hovered over the car. The close e 8/18/1965 #19419 (EME). Saucer going down / ground. Lights clouds. Going southwest. / r41p57 8/19/1965 #19421 LI, NY Man woken / light. 4 night lights / 2 hours. Photographs show 4 ide 8/21/1965 #19445 gh an open doorway instruments and lights inside it. Three human-like figur 8/26/1965 #19466 MELBOURNE, AUS Many odd night lights. 1/2-moon night light going quick 8/29/1965 #19471 rver(s). Saucer with 2 headlights. Lights go out. Jets scramble going quick 9/3/1965 #19496 two Police officers observed five lights in a rigid configuration moving o 9/3/1965 #19505 de with a falling-leaf motion. The lights illuminated the countryside and f 9/3/1965 #19505 lliptical object with a row of red lights around it, moved slowly and errat 9/3/1965 #19507 lly around houses and trees, while lights blinked in sequence. Farm animal 9/3/1965 #19507 olice, row of bright pulsating red lights, animal reactions 9/3/1965 #19509 bject with four or five bright red lights that approaches from nearby woods 9/3/1965 #19511 huge dark object with red flashing lights rises up over the trees, moving b 9/3/1965 #19511 them. They both see pulsating red lights that dim from left to right then 9/3/1965 #19511 t, pulls up and sees the pulsating lights and the UFO. Bertrand says the li 9/3/1965 #19511 hts and the UFO. Bertrand says the lights are always in a line and at a 60° 9/3/1965 #19511 ; when the object moves, the lower lights are always forward of the others. 9/3/1965 #19511 At midnight all the lights at Pease Air Force Base, New Hamp 9/3/1965 #19514 had blinding headlights with other lights perhaps in the rear, and flew at 9/3/1965 #19514 like an inverted saucer with white lights around the rim. The sighting near 9/3/1965 #19515 object with a row of flashing red lights as it wobbled and descended in a 9/3/1965 #19516 ey reported that there were bright lights on either end of the object: a we 9/3/1965 #19517 to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Lights dim. Object 1500' overhead. 9/7/1965 #19529 Object with headlamps and rotating lights overhead. 9/9/1965 #19542 a UFO with headlamps and rotating lights passed overhead. 9/9/1965 #19543 ischarged yellow, blue, and orange lights from slits around its circumferen 9/10/1965 #19552 . MARY, WILTS 2+observer(s). Night lights maneuver flash and play all over 9/13/1965 #19556 field's car engine skipped and the lights dimmed, and he stopped to check e 9/15/1965 #19568 3 observer(s). 5 fast orange night lights in a row. Make abrupt turn. 9/25/1965 #19596 Chisholm, MN 5 orange lights in a row fly fast make an abrupt 9/25/1965 #19600 Rodeo, NM Two Lights Illuminate Car At 30-50' Altitude 9/25/1965 #19601 Witness: Bett Diamon. Five orange lights in a row flew fast and made an ab 9/25/1965 #19602 nesota Bett Diamon saw five orange lights flying in a row at a high speed, 9/25/1965 #19605 metallic, oval object with bluish lights land in a park at the edge of tow 10/13/1965 #19655 domed, disc-shaped object with red lights around the edge zig-zagged below 10/17/1965 #19661 3+observer(s). Ovoid with flashing lights moves slowly. 100' altitude. 1500 10/18/1965 #19665 ht on top and green, red and white lights around the perimeter was seen in 10/18/1965 #19667 r a few seconds, at which time its lights change from bright white to dull 10/21/1965 #19670 ing on Highway 27 when his engine, lights, and radio stopped operating. He 10/23/1965 #19677 fins. His car engine stalled, the lights and radio went out, and he slamme 10/23/1965 #19679 CAMILLUS, NY 2+3 kids. City lights dim as domed fireball goes over. 11/9/1965 #19702 s dim as domed fireball goes over. Lights out when gone. 11/9/1965 #19702 CLAY, NY Night lights seen / main electric transmission 11/9/1965 #19705 are a number of reports of unusual lights in Syracuse and Niagara Falls, Ne 11/9/1965 #19709 ). Large red and small white night lights over power plant. Rainy day. Go o 11/16/1965 #19724 ted a flourescent, blue cluster of lights tinged orange on the sides, about 11/23/1965 #19733 L, MN Many observer(s). Blue night lights all over/all about. Power outages 11/26/1965 #19735 d by observations of white or blue lights in the sky. 11/26/1965 #19736 sota to the Wisconsin border, blue lights in the sky, power failures, and e 11/26/1965 #19737 es. Some reported that their house lights went out when the objects passed 11/26/1965 #19737 ADHARA OBSV, ARG Astronomer. Night lights follow satellites. Self luminous. 12/1/1965 #19746 Going up and down. Vanishes. Night lights buzz car.. 12/6/1965 #19754 o Quiejo. 2 saucers over sea. Blue lights / edge. 12/7/1965 #19755 LLS, AVON Phony land rover without lights passes car. Vanishes / puff / smo 12/15/1965 (approximate) #19769 io stopped working. He saw strange lights outside the sleeping coach where 12/16/1965 #19773 LOS ALTOS, CA Rocket expert. Night lights maneuver. 1200mph. Going quickly 1/3/1966 #19802 pert, watched a group of nocturnal lights maneuver in the sky over Los Alto 1/3/1966 #19804 CHASCOMUS, ARG 3 / car. Motor and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). UF 1/9/1966 #19819 On this night the engine and lights of a car with three women passeng 1/9/1966 #19821 cigar-shaped object with two amber lights was sighted hovering over Wanaque 1/14/1966 #19835 . It was square with four vertical lights resembling lamps. The witness dro 1/16/1966 #19840 n length and had portholes and red lights on the corners. It passed over hi 1/16/1966 #19841 NSTER, WILTS 3 kids. Chain / white lights. Some vanish / Pop. Others maneuv 1/17/1966 #19843 CT Metallurgist. Round object with lights rotates slow. Row / red lights bl 1/18/1966 #19846 ith lights rotates slow. Row / red lights blinks. 1/18/1966 #19846 workplace. It had a string of red lights that blinked on and off. (U.F.O. 1/18/1966 #19847 Near Fetebrogh, New Jersey the lights of a Volkswagen car failed as an 1/18/1966 #19851 failed as an object with pulsating lights appeared nearby. This object then 1/18/1966 #19851 aths of the two objects cross, the lights go out in the entire city. 1/19/1966 #19859 n object with a row of bright body lights was observed to hover, and to mov 1/20/1966 #19861 . After a long period of time, the lights brightened and the object suddenl 1/20/1966 #19861 g red glow on the lawn. The house lights went out, and high frequency both 2/6/1966 #19885 th eight yellow-and-red, neon-like lights at 250–500 feet altitude in Neder 2/6/1966 #19887 on the lawn. Her house and street lights go out as high-frequency sound as 2/6/1966 #19887 rport, where an aircraft’s landing lights light up the UFO. Then it disappe 2/6/1966 #19887 lluminated their lawn. Their house lights went out, and a high frequency so 2/6/1966 #19889 ject flashing red, blue, and green lights lands in the woods (NICAP: 02 - C 2/16/1966 #19905 owed flashing red, blue, and green lights. A second object was later seen t 2/16/1966 #19906 had flashing red, blue, and green lights. A second object was later seen c 2/16/1966 #19908 NOONAN, ND Farmer. 2 Saturn-night lights going quickly north and northwest 2/17/1966 #19909 ory workers while walking home saw lights in the road, then saw that it was 2/25/1966 #19917 t was a large disc with two bright lights (body lights) and three small bei 2/25/1966 #19917 disc with two bright lights (body lights) and three small beings about the 2/25/1966 #19917 saw a bluish disc-shaped UFO with lights, about 5 meters in diameter. The 2/27/1966 #19926 . Suddenly, a group of much larger lights come on all around the small one. 3/1966 #19930 ing or sawing noises, rose-colored lights inside, small rings of light that 3/1966 #19930 eet over power lines. TV and house lights dimmed (EM effects), and a vibrat 3/13/1966 #19956 t a vibration and the TV and house lights dimmed. That same night in Black 3/13/1966 #19958 nd a row of red and white flashing lights, that paced his car. The object t 3/14/1966 #19961 bottom, and red and white flashing lights, descended abruptly in front of t 3/14/1966 #19961 d UFOs with flashing red and green lights over Dexter, Michigan. They call 3/14/1966 #19966 Os that had red and green flashing lights. They swung back and forth in the 3/14/1966 #19967 cut a domed disc with a row of red lights paced a car along a country road, 3/14/1966 #19969 ppearing circular object with blue lights in apparent portholes along its s 3/15/1966 #19970 ng slowly, then accelerating, body lights blinking on and off. (NICAP notes 3/16/1966 #19973 A revolving domed disc with lights around its rim circled Great Lake 3/16/1966 #19975 ortholes around the rim from which lights flashed alternately. The UFO move 3/17/1966 #19979 Milan, MI Object w/colored lights spinning came within 80 ft of the 3/17/1966 #19980 rly. The object, which now colored lights spinning at the periphery, and a 3/17/1966 #19982 wide object, which now had colored lights spinning around its periphery, ca 3/17/1966 #19986 lighted with red, blue, and white lights spinning completely around it. Th 3/17/1966 #19986 ith a surrounding blue-white haze. Lights on the bottom (body lights) flick 3/19/1966 #19991 e haze. Lights on the bottom (body lights) flicked on and off one at a time 3/19/1966 #19991 ocal electric power systems, house lights blinked off and on rapidly. The U 3/19/1966 #19994 ed. Shortly afterwards, two bright lights shot up from the ground and disap 3/19/1966 #19994 ky terrain to investigate flashing lights in the swamp. They saw a domed, e 3/20/1966 #19997 ct glowed “blood red” and the body lights disappeared. They lost sight of t 3/20/1966 #19997 g-shaped object with flashing body lights across the center (red-white-blue 3/20/1966 #20005 ce, coneshaped, and showing bluish lights that turned red. Then the whole o 3/20/1966 #20008 NH Egg-shaped object with flashing lights across the center (red-white-blue 3/20/1966 #20010 26-year-old son Ronald see strange lights over a swampy area in Dexter Town 3/20/1966 #20012 surface, and blue, red, and white lights. Mannor’s son-in-law Bob Wagner, 3/20/1966 #20012 TEROI, BRZ Invisible disk ringed / lights maneuvers all over/all about. Pla 3/21/1966 #20015 shaped object with red-green-white lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 3/21/1966 #20018 of students observed a pattern of lights on the ground. The source of the 3/21/1966 #20019 w, emitting orange, red, and white lights 3/21/1966 #20020 th red, green, and white pulsating lights descend from the sky and pass clo 3/21/1966 #20021 ce. From the dormitory, the landed lights appear yellowish-white, dimming a 3/21/1966 #20021 ys most of the night, watching the lights vanish, reappear, and recede. Aro 3/21/1966 #20021 At 8:40 p.m. a ring of lights was seen maneuvering in the sky o 3/21/1966 #20022 dome, having red, white and green lights around the rim. 3/21/1966 #20023 itory. They first saw a pattern of lights on the ground. The source of the 3/21/1966 #20024 s on the ground. The source of the lights next appeared to hover and do man 3/21/1966 #20024 OUSTON, TX 1 observer. White night lights flash. Air fills with smoke. "Yen 3/22/1966 #20026 val object with four blinking body lights fly overhead, hover over some tre 3/22/1966 #20027 T. FL. Several discs with flashing lights around their edges (body lights) 3/22/1966 #20028 ng lights around their edges (body lights) were reported from an outdoor th 3/22/1966 #20028 Houston, TX White flashing lights light up witness' apartment (NICA 3/22/1966 #20029 ss: S.J. Musachia. White flashing lights, and the air full of smoke. Lit 3/22/1966 #20030 th brilliant, flashing, blue-white lights hover above him for one minute in 3/22/1966 #20031 Os ringed with flashing blue-white lights hovering nearby. They zoom off ov 3/22/1966 #20032 ral disc-shaped UFOs with flashing lights around the rim were sighted from 3/22/1966 #20033 observer(s). Ovoid with cluster / lights maneuvers slow and silent over to 3/23/1966 #20034 angor, ME Landed ellipse with body lights, within 50 ft., humming sound. Re 3/23/1966 #20043 bject surrounded by smaller bright lights was observed by a dozen people. ( 3/23/1966 #20044 nd had very bright aft and forward lights. There was a door and a short sta 3/23/1966 #20047 t blocking high-way, flashing body lights, port, door, antenna on top, spin 3/23/1966 #20049 lexiglas bubble on top, and bright lights forward and aft. Laxson stops his 3/23/1966 #20050 ject moves toward his car, the car lights dim and his radio stops playing. 3/23/1966 #20052 s him that he at first thought the lights were marsh gas until they rose in 3/23/1966 #20053 vex-shaped” solid mass between two lights. 3/23/1966 #20053 nd had very bright aft and forward lights. There was a door and a short sta 3/23/1966 #20055 in Bangor, Maine when he saw some lights nearby. When they came closer he 3/23/1966 #20057 one bullet hit the craft. His car lights immediately dimmed and the radio 3/23/1966 #20057 r Force Colonel and several. Night lights maneuver. Make sharp turn and awa 3/24/1966 #20058 g south going north. Intense white lights. P324. 3/24/1966 #20063 lar object with red and white body lights at an estimated 150-200 feet alti 3/24/1966 #20065 pproach angling downward, flashing lights visible around its center, and em 3/24/1966 #20066 speed across the sky. Two smaller lights also hovered, and maneuvered arou 3/24/1966 #20067 ver object with multi-colored body lights was seen about 200 feet above a h 3/24/1966 #20068 vered and showed two intense white lights, as well as a green and red light 3/24/1966 #20070 r Cook, Minnesota. It had flashing lights around its center, and made a lou 3/24/1966 #20072 ng and displayed two intense white lights, as well as one green and one red 3/24/1966 #20073 farm. Top-saucer with bright body lights hovers over woods. No further det 3/25/1966 #20075 top-shaped object with bright body lights visible on its outer edge was see 3/25/1966 #20077 itions for the appearance of swamp lights were satisfied.” The swamp gas th 3/25/1966 #20080 Inlet, British Columbia. Ruby-red lights flash back and forth between them 3/25/1966 #20082 wns. It has red, orange, and white lights. 3/25/1966 #20083 se #10291. Unidentified. Motor and lights fail. UFO going quickly [to] over 3/26/1966 #20086 ashing red, blue, green, and white lights (body lights). The object then sl 3/27/1966 #20096 lue, green, and white lights (body lights). The object then slowly ascended 3/27/1966 #20096 e/others. Red blue and white night lights hover over town. Speed going quic 3/28/1966 #20103 paces trucks. Responds / flashing lights. / r73p28+/ r41p319. 3/28/1966 #20105 ARBOR, MI Cops and 30 calls. Night lights dive / swamp. Blink and zigzag al 3/28/1966 #20106 ffects) as 7M saucer rises / road. Lights burnt out. / r8#739. 3/28/1966 #20108 ct with red, green, and white body lights had paced his truck. When he blin 3/28/1966 #20110 object that was flashing brilliant lights. The object, which made a humming 3/28/1966 #20111 ng, dark gray, and showed about 30 lights along its periphery. 3/28/1966 #20113 long, dark gray, and has about 30 lights around its perimeter. As it flies 3/28/1966 #20118 Michigan saw red, blue, and white lights hover over his town, then speed a 3/28/1966 #20119 ad a UFO with red, green and white lights pace his truck at two o'clock in 3/28/1966 #20119 one calls from residents reporting lights in the sky zigzagging and diving 3/28/1966 #20119 gray in color, and showed about 30 lights along its periphery. 3/28/1966 #20120 void hovers and swings to and fro. Lights / rim. 3/29/1966 #20121 Boys. 2 boxy objects with rotating lights. 1 going down [to] and paces car 3/29/1966 #20122 objects had a row of multicolored lights around the rims (body lights) "fl 3/29/1966 #20134 lored lights around the rims (body lights) "flickering like a computer." He 3/29/1966 #20134 objects have a row of multicolored lights around their rims “flickering lik 3/29/1966 #20140 s had red, blue and green flashing lights in a circle around their centers. 3/29/1966 #20144 bserver(s). Dark ovoid flashes red lights. Scouts road and woods. / r41p319 3/30/1966 #20149 ncluding an object with amber body lights that passed over a car and hovere 3/30/1966 #20154 ct with bright red and orange body lights that hovered over the road ahead 3/30/1966 #20154 d an object with flashing red body lights emitting a whistling or humming s 3/30/1966 #20154 mated to be 85-100 feet long, with lights at top and bottom (body lights), 3/30/1966 #20156 ith lights at top and bottom (body lights), landed near a highway, then too 3/30/1966 #20156 itness saw a round object with two lights land near the Ohio State Universi 3/30/1966 #20161 t carrying two bright red flashing lights was seen by three independent gro 3/30/1966 #20165 erfered with automobile ignitions, lights, and radio and TV reception. At t 3/30/1966 #20166 eld, Ohio saw a round UFO with two lights land nearby. A door in the craft 3/30/1966 #20167 igar-shape with green beams. Night lights play nearby. 1 enters cylinder/ci 3/31/1966 #20171 and more/others observer(s). Night lights and delta/triangle/box-like craft 3/31/1966 #20172 object, grayish with various body lights, hovering just off the road surfa 3/31/1966 #20173 g, Michigan A man driving home saw lights on the road and discovered a gray 3/31/1966 #20174 e light and three colored flashing lights. Driving within 2 m of it, he bec 3/31/1966 #20174 m long, 1.2 m high, with flashing lights, land near Hamilton. When he trie 3/31/1966 #20176 rg, Michigan. He sees a cluster of lights on the highway ahead and slows do 3/31/1966 #20179 is within 10 feet, he realizes the lights are on a disc hovering a few feet 3/31/1966 #20179 nd red, green, and purple blinking lights. Udvardy backs up and his car is 3/31/1966 #20179 At 2:00 a.m. a cluster of lights ahead over the road in Vicksburg, 3/31/1966 #20181 1.2 meters high, and had flashing lights. When he approached and tried to 3/31/1966 #20183 LIBERTY, MO Night lights / field. Hide when train passes a 4/1/1966 #20194 m, and blinking red and green body lights, maneuvered near a car. Static (E 4/1/1966 #20195 ne hovered at tree height with its lights off. When the train had passed, b 4/1/1966 #20199 4 disks going east / 4 min. apart. Lights / bottom/underside. 6mm / arms le 4/2/1966 #20205 thers. Oblong object with pairs of lights near LAX airport. 4/3/1966 #20210 seeing four pairs of flashing red lights in changing geometric formations, 4/3/1966 #20212 seeing an oblong object with body lights. (NICAP report forms.) (NICAP: 01 4/3/1966 #20212 to Wycheproof, where he checks his lights but finds nothing wrong. On the n 4/4/1966 #20224 top the car. He then saw brilliant lights flashing in a field, followed by 4/4/1966 #20225 -white egg-shaped object with body lights and portholes hovered above trees 4/6/1966 #20255 ped object with red and green body lights flew ahead of a car, circled back 4/7/1966 #20262 rove City, PA Night. Motorists saw lights rise from the ground, then an uni 4/7/1966 #20264 a picnic saw white, blue, and red lights in a wooded area, and heard a wei 4/7/1966 #20265 and pilots saw a constellation of lights, including a large white "beacon" 4/7/1966 #20266 white "beacon" with 4-5 bright red lights, hovering at low altitude (estima 4/7/1966 #20266 ado Six teenagers reported strange lights following their car as they left 4/7/1966 #20268 hem. In the field they saw two red lights each about a foot in diameter. Me 4/7/1966 #20271 ng started again they saw two blue lights low in the sky, which were joined 4/7/1966 #20271 l luminous objects with bright red lights were seen hovering at a low altit 4/7/1966 #20272 like projection, and red and white lights spinning counterclockwise. Diamet 4/8/1966 #20275 nna-like protrusion. Red and white lights appear to rotate counterclockwise 4/8/1966 #20276 his wife saw a cone of nine white lights, with a line of 10-12 small blue 4/10/1966 #20281 s, with a line of 10-12 small blue lights below it. The lights abruptly bli 4/10/1966 #20281 12 small blue lights below it. The lights abruptly blinked off. (NICAP note 4/10/1966 #20281 bject with dome on top and colored lights around its perimeter, circling ov 4/12/1966 #20288 oval object with a dome on top and lights (red to white to green) around th 4/12/1966 #20290 ect with a dome on top and colored lights around its perimeter, circling ov 4/12/1966 #20291 iptical object with flashing white lights, alternating red and green lights 4/13/1966 #20293 lights, alternating red and green lights. (NICAP report; police department 4/13/1966 #20293 ght red light on each end and blue lights along its perimeter was seen hove 4/16/1966 #20303 , Massachusetts. It had bright red lights affixed to each end, and blue lig 4/16/1966 #20304 ghts affixed to each end, and blue lights along its length. At 10:44 p.m. i 4/16/1966 #20304 r blimp-shaped UFO carrying bright lights. 4/16/1966 #20304 lescope. Ovoid with 2 bright white lights. Hovers. Goes going up and down [ 4/17/1966 #20311 iptical object with rotating white lights around its perimeter. The object 4/17/1966 #20312 een, blue, and white flashing body lights, was seen flying in circular and 4/17/1966 #20313 -shaped object with rotating white lights. It was estimated to be the same 4/17/1966 #20320 COHASSET, MASS Saucer with lights / edge. Goes dark and goes going 4/18/1966 #20323 id with ring / windows / edge. Red lights / ends. 4/18/1966 #20325 blue glow, reddish- green flashing lights on each end. The object hovered, 4/18/1966 #20326 d an oval object with flashing red lights around its-circumference, and two 4/18/1966 #20327 erence, and two smaller white body lights. The object reacted to searchligh 4/18/1966 #20327 he highway. It had brilliant white lights and intense red body lights. When 4/18/1966 #20329 white lights and intense red body lights. When he turned back to investiga 4/18/1966 #20329 illuminating the terrain. Then the lights blinked off and the obiect disapp 4/18/1966 #20329 pit with windows and three rows of lights, emitted red flames, and made the 4/18/1966 #20330 pit with windows and three rows of lights, emits red flames, and makes the 4/18/1966 #20332 ed UFO with reddish green flashing lights on each end hovered over Peabody, 4/18/1966 #20333 ing bright object with intense red lights landed on a road in Lancaster, Oh 4/18/1966 #20333 tts by zigzagging, turning off its lights, and shooting straight up into th 4/18/1966 #20333 D, CT 3 saucers with red and green lights hover right over veterans home / 4/19/1966 #20335 with red, green, f and white body lights, oscillating up and down when in 4/19/1966 #20340 hed the field and saw unidentified lights rise and fly away. (Fowler, 1974, 4/19/1966 #20340 al objects with red and green body lights hovered directly over the Rock Hi 4/19/1966 #20341 elliptical object with bright red lights on each end flew low, hovered, an 4/19/1966 #20342 r discs that flashed red and white lights, hovered and swung back and forth 4/19/1966 #20343 ar-shaped object, with bright, red lights at both ends, flying erratically. 4/19/1966 #20344 distance: 100 m, length, 20 m. The lights began flashing and the object wen 4/19/1966 #20344 as oval, had white, red, and green lights, flew low over him, circled, came 4/19/1966 #20345 th a white, a green, and three red lights. The two reports were independent 4/19/1966 #20345 ct with red, green, and white body lights, oscillating up and down when in 4/19/1966 #20346 val-shaped UFOs with red and green lights hovered directly over the veteran 4/19/1966 #20347 oval-shaped craft with bright red lights on each end was seen descending i 4/19/1966 #20347 discs. They flashed red and white lights, hovered, and swung in the sky in 4/19/1966 #20347 setts. It had red, green and white lights, moved with an up-and-down motion 4/19/1966 #20347 witnesses approached they saw the lights rise from the ground and fly away 4/19/1966 #20347 Dark 45' saucer low over golf CRS. Lights / rim rotate. Follows car. Going 4/22/1966 #20355 a large car with 3 red-green-white lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 4/22/1966 #20363 object with colored blinking body lights pace above and ahead of heir car. 4/22/1966 #20364 aw a dome-shaped object with three lights on its underside hover, then acce 4/22/1966 #20365 dome on top and with rotating red lights around the rim approached a car w 4/22/1966 #20366 automobile with 3 red-green-white lights hover silently over Beverly High 4/22/1966 #20375 er, and with a row of rotating red lights. It came closer and hovered only 4/22/1966 #20376 -shaped UFO flashing multi-colored lights was observed low over a school in 4/22/1966 #20380 nse, flashing blue, green, and red lights racing around the perimeter of th 4/22/1966 #20380 Cops and others. Saucer with white lights / perimeter. Colored lights flash 4/23/1966 #20384 white lights / perimeter. Colored lights flash / bottom. 4/23/1966 #20384 ily saw a cigar-shaped object with lights at each end illuminating the grou 4/23/1966 #20385 red light. The object had two blue lights extending above the left end, a r 4/23/1966 #20385 ed" (elliptical) object with white lights around its perimeter, colored fla 4/23/1966 #20387 nd its perimeter, colored flashing lights on its underside. (Fowler 1974, p 4/23/1966 #20387 with dome on top and blinking red lights around the edge, and a brilliant 4/23/1966 #20388 r flashed alternately with the red lights. The object stopped, hovering ove 4/23/1966 #20388 ed UFO with a ring of blinking red lights bobbing up and down above a build 4/23/1966 #20390 lternately flashes on when the red lights blink off. It moves across the st 4/23/1966 #20390 ncoln automobile, and flashing its lights as before. Thinking it is going t 4/23/1966 #20390 tle, Judy’s bed rocks, and all the lights in the house go off. Downstairs, 4/23/1966 #20390 ng to the north toward Boston. The lights come back on. NICAP’s investigati 4/23/1966 #20390 ds from her in a field. It had red lights on each side, a flashing green li 4/23/1966 #20392 Camper. 7M glowing-disk with row / lights. Treetop level. Going quickly sou 4/24/1966 #20394 me and yellow light on top and red lights around the edge. flashing in the 4/24/1966 #20400 ttled and furniture shook, and the lights went out. The family German sheph 4/24/1966 #20400 eet diameter) with a double row of lights or ports around the rim hovering 4/24/1966 #20401 p level 60 m away. It had a row of lights. 4/24/1966 #20402 right of their car. The fire ball lights up the surrounding area, falls on 4/24/1966 #20404 eters in diameter and had a row of lights. 4/24/1966 #20405 lored domed disc with blinking red lights on its rim move between two apart 4/24/1966 #20406 TOWANDA, PA Car motor and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Sa 4/25/1966 #20408 g the plane on the right side. The lights fluctuate in brightness but are v 4/25/1966 #20415 ot to turn toward the UFO, and the lights quickly begin a steep climb then 4/25/1966 #20415 flying ovoid with rotating colored lights goes over arsenal. 5/1/1966 #20438 ght rotating red, green, and white lights pass over the Watertown Arsenal. 5/1/1966 #20439 ight rotating red, green and white lights flew over the Watertown Arsenal i 5/1/1966 #20440 the trees for 30 minutes. Smaller lights, occasionally flashing, darted to 5/4/1966 #20445 iced some blinking white and green lights pacing their car. The lights were 5/8/1966 #20467 green lights pacing their car. The lights were first seen above the roadsid 5/8/1966 #20467 mine plants etc. / instruments and lights. Beam aboard! 5/10/1966 #20470 T / WARM SPRINGS, OR 7 small night lights circle large UFO. 4 enter. 3 leav 5/17/1966 #20494 prings, Ohio seven small nocturnal lights circled a large UFO; 4 entered, 3 5/17/1966 #20498 wing object with outer ring of red lights, and a white flashing light in th 5/23/1966 #20508 saucer with flat bottom. Ringed / lights. 2 beams. Away extremely fast. 6/1/1966 (approximate) #20517 cruising on the lake when they saw lights on the water ahead. As they appro 6/1/1966 #20518 they approached within a mile, the lights rose with an audible "swish" and 6/1/1966 #20518 he dome was a row of bright yellow lights, and blue-green lights were visib 6/1/1966 #20518 ight yellow lights, and blue-green lights were visible around the lower per 6/1/1966 #20518 e around the lower perimeter (body lights). After hovering briefly, the UFO 6/1/1966 #20518 cruising on the lake when they see lights on the water ahead. They can see 6/1/1966 #20519 the dome is a row of bright yellow lights; blue-green lights are visible ar 6/1/1966 #20519 f bright yellow lights; blue-green lights are visible around the lower peri 6/1/1966 #20519 rio. The object, which had rows of lights flashing around its perimeter, to 6/1/1966 #20520 NE direction, the men noticed some lights like headlights on the water ahea 6/1/1966 #20520 inued talking, and approaching the lights at a moderate speed, not suspecti 6/1/1966 #20520 ted distance of 3/4 to 1 mile, the lights slowly rose with a "swish," emitt 6/1/1966 #20520 ke surface. A row of bright yellow lights encircled the dome, blue-green li 6/1/1966 #20520 hts encircled the dome, blue-green lights around the lower perimeter. After 6/1/1966 #20520 d out." Plewman said the perimeter lights clearly outlined the dark object, 6/1/1966 #20520 NT 1 observer. Red and green night lights rise / water. Whoosh sound. Fly a 6/3/1966 #20525 eter object hovers 3M over ground. Lights / top and bottom/underside and ri 6/3/1966 #20526 ground. It had a diameter of 7 m, lights on top and bottom and smaller lig 6/3/1966 #20527 ghts on top and bottom and smaller lights at the rim. It flew away very fas 6/3/1966 #20527 d a diameter of seven meters, with lights on top and bottom and smaller lig 6/3/1966 #20530 ghts on top and bottom and smaller lights on the rim. It flew away very fas 6/3/1966 #20530 as interlaced with smaller colored lights. It moved at fantastic speeds. 6/8/1966 #20545 , yellow, blue, and green flashing lights around the circumference (body li 6/11/1966 #20551 hts around the circumference (body lights), buzzed over a car and hovered a 6/11/1966 #20551 hio, watch a domed black disc with lights and a powerful light beam shining 6/16/1966 #20568 large round UFO / yellow and green lights on hilltop. / r8#774. 6/18/1966 #20573 sk hovers over town / 5 minute(s). Lights alternate red / green. / LDLN#84. 6/18/1966 #20574 shaped object with 3 flashing red lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 6/18/1966 #20577 round object with yellow and green lights on a hilltop. 6/18/1966 #20578 or five min, then disappeared. Its lights were alternately red and bluish-g 6/18/1966 #20579 an object with three flashing red lights land on the ground 200 m away. It 6/18/1966 #20580 ped object with three flashing red lights hovered for 5 hours and was then 6/18/1966 #20581 round object with yellow and green lights on a hilltop at 3:45 a.m. At 4:00 6/18/1966 #20582 ive minutes, then disappeared. Its lights were alternately red and bluish-g 6/18/1966 #20582 an object with three flashing red lights land on the ground 200 meters awa 6/18/1966 #20583 mping out, saw three red pulsating lights in a triangular pattern approachi 6/19/1966 #20586 iangular pattern approaching (body lights), then hovering from about midnig 6/19/1966 #20586 Carolina, sees three red pulsating lights in a triangular pattern approach, 6/19/1966 #20588 en hover until about 5:00 a.m. The lights blink at different speeds, with t 6/19/1966 #20588 end. lt had a series of four body lights varying from brilliant green to a 6/23/1966 #20595 end. It has a series of four body lights varying from brilliant green to a 6/23/1966 #20597 aped UFO with four blue-green tail lights maneuvering in the sky while driv 6/23/1966 #20600 30 ft. thick with greenish-yellow lights on its perimeter. Stevens attempt 6/24/1966 #20602 vering elliptical object with body lights, surrounded by mist or vapor. The 6/24/1966 #20605 , surrounded by mist or vapor. The lights were alternately yellow and green 6/24/1966 #20605 nd, VA Elliptical object with body lights, surrounded by mist or vapor, obs 6/24/1966 #20607 ernating white and greenish-yellow lights around its perimeter, and it was 6/24/1966 #20608 the officer turned on its flashing lights, maintaining a distance of a few 6/24/1966 #20608 t green, red, yellow and blue body lights descend behind some woods about 5 6/27/1966 #20615 cylindrical objects also with body lights appeared, and the disc reappeared 6/27/1966 #20615 LK, NE 4 observer(s). Octagon with lights makes 2 passes over field. Shoots 7/5/1966 #20632 ject with small windows and yellow lights. The object emitted a humming no 7/11/1966 #20639 ject with small windows and yellow lights. The UFO emitted a humming sound, 7/11/1966 #20640 tical object with two rows of body lights passed over a religious center. A 7/20/1966 #20659 ious center. As it progressed, the lights changed color from white to red t 7/20/1966 #20659 ying parallel points of horizontal lights passed over the Mount Monadnock B 7/20/1966 #20661 w Hampshire at 10:30 p.m. EDT. The lights on the object changed from white 7/20/1966 #20661 ached, the object extinguished its lights, then shot straight up into the s 7/22/1966 #20667 roach, the object extinguishes its lights, then shoots straight up into the 7/22/1966 #20669 ly 15 meters above the ground. The lights on the object pulsated, and the c 7/25/1966 #20685 AND AUGUSTA, GA Soldiers. 3 night lights 5mi apart at 20K'. Go going up an 7/27/1966 #20688 de). Then he discerned it as three lights in V formation. (New York NICAP S 7/31/1966 #20700 ad pulsating red, green, and white lights, it began a series of maneuvers, 8/1/1966 #20715 ad pulsating red, green, and white lights, it began a series of maneuvers, 8/1/1966 #20719 minous object bearing red and blue lights on the lawn. It was about six fee 8/1/1966 #20720 accelerated, displaying twinkling lights, and disappeared. (Flying Saucer 8/2/1966 #20722 s 1 / 20 second(s). Groups / night lights in formation. Not Perseids. 8/11/1966 (approximate) #20738 MITH, AR 1500+observer(s). 4 night lights / 4h. Time photograph like intest 8/15/1966 #20743 object that had revolving red body lights. The object at one point emitted 8/16/1966 #20752 ner plate, with red and green body lights on top and bottom and flashing li 8/19/1966 #20767 hts on top and bottom and flashing lights on the circumference, hovered ove 8/19/1966 #20767 saw an oblong obiect with a row of lights or windows around the middle, ant 8/23/1966 #20795 antennas (projections) on top, and lights at each end (body lights). The ob 8/23/1966 #20795 top, and lights at each end (body lights). The object moved silently at va 8/23/1966 #20795 D 3 missile sites. 4 hours / night lights. Radio Radio Frequency Interferen 8/24/1966 #20798 of 4 small, glowing, orange yellow lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 8/26/1966 #20809 four small, glowing, orange-yellow lights in a triangular formation, moved 8/26/1966 #20810 four small, glowing, orange-yellow lights in a triangular formation, moved 8/26/1966 #20811 flying object with bright flashing lights hovering near the perimeter fence 9/1966 #20820 diameter and disc-shaped, with dim lights outlining it and a white light em 9/1966 #20826 Willsboro, NY Oval object with lights flashing red and white, and blue 9/1/1966 #20831 T.H. Ridman. One oval object with lights that flashed red and white and oc 9/1/1966 #20832 Ridman sighted an oval object with lights that flashed red and white and oc 9/1/1966 #20833 ddish domed disc with multicolored lights around the rim moving around the 9/1/1966 #20834 UT 3M classic saucer with colored lights 1/2 mile away. / APRO Sep. '66. 9/5/1966 #20846 t, about 10 m long, with revolving lights, hovering 1 m above ground and ma 9/7/1966 #20860 bout 10 meters long with revolving lights and hovered one meter above thegr 9/7/1966 #20862 .m. a UFO with red, blue and white lights bobbed, hovered, darted, and went 9/7/1966 #20862 dome and pulsating red and yellow lights. 9/7/1966 #20862 ct, larger than an army tank, with lights all around it, made a low humming 9/9/1966 #20868 with a soft whirring sound. It had lights all around it, with three horizon 9/9/1966 #20869 had a tripod landing gear, two red lights, two white and one green light, a 9/13/1966 #20877 t had tripod landing gear, two red lights, two white and one green light, a 9/13/1966 #20880 pe hovers vertical. 2 bright night lights fly in and out several x. / r83p3 9/17/1966 #20889 ting on the beach, with two bright lights flying in and out of the craft. I 9/17/1966 #20891 45 a.m. It had two or three bright lights that flew in and out of the craft 9/17/1966 #20893 t had flashing red, white and blue lights, and was dropping flares. It made 9/18/1966 #20895 ge domed disc with pulsating white lights around the rim, and a red searchl 9/20/1966 #20904 object darts. Blue beams. 2 night lights join. Going quickly northwest. / 9/22/1966 #20912 ROM TILSHEAD, WILTS Car engine and lights fail. 15' cloud lands. Vanishes. 9/24/1966 #20921 T Saucer with green domed with red lights / edge hovers. .. "goes up like c 9/25/1966 #20925 LINCOLN, ME Night lights maneuver near radio tower. Seen / 10/1966 #20942 ortholes and red, green, and white lights revolving around it. It is 75 fee 10/2/1966 #20949 ortholes and red, green, and white lights revolving around it. It was 75 fe 10/2/1966 #20950 l observer(s). 4 pulsing red night lights maneuver low near roadsides. No f 10/3/1966 #20951 le, Indiana. He notices a group of lights in a field to the west past the d 10/4/1966 #20957 nd he suggests they go see the new lights. Jack sees the lights, but they a 10/4/1966 #20957 see the new lights. Jack sees the lights, but they are in a different posi 10/4/1966 #20957 ith flashing red, green, and white lights on it that is apparently on the g 10/4/1966 #20957 C, MD Boy. Domed saucer with row / lights / ground level. Going up [to] fas 10/5/1966 #20958 th a transparent dome and a row of lights, at ground level. It rose at high 10/5/1966 #20962 th a transparent dome and a row of lights, at ground level. It rose at high 10/5/1966 #20965 / 15m altitude. Glows and sparks. Lights ground. TV Radio Frequency Interf 10/10/1966 #20978 ect in the sky. It had slow moving lights, like mirrors on a carousel with 10/10/1966 #20986 dates. Cops and more/others. Night lights and sphere over reservoir. Jets a 10/11/1966 #20988 t with a blue rim and a row of red lights just under the rim was observed a 10/14/1966 #20998 fail. When the object recedes, his lights and engine function normally. Thi 10/15/1966 #21006 illiant light beam. The engine and lights of his car died, and although the 10/15/1966 #21008 ttom ovoid hovers / 210M altitude. Lights. Vanishes! 10/16/1966 #21009 2 observer(s). 2 bright red night lights with string / blue lights between 10/17/1966 #21012 ed night lights with string / blue lights between. Object unseen. 10/17/1966 #21012 Two bright red lights with dim bluish white lights in b 10/17/1966 #21013 t red lights with dim bluish white lights in between, which moved as if att 10/17/1966 #21013 observer = 25 yr Vet / RCAF. Night lights maneuver inexplicably. 10/20/1966 #21018 / SURREY, ND 1 / car. Saucer with lights and blue-lit windows / dome. 180° 10/21/1966 #21023 / (seen thru) binoculars. 2 night lights pulsate and hover / 1 hour. 10/24/1966 #21033 object 50' over runway. Away when lights go on. 10/26/1966 #21034 craft" with flashing red and green lights on the underside, and a central l 10/26/1966 #21036 ed runway at 50' altitude. Runway lights were then turned on, and object a 10/26/1966 #21037 ay at 50 feet altitude. The runway lights were then turned on, and object a 10/26/1966 #21039 gle over water tower. Portholes or lights on side. 10/28/1966 #21043 A closer witness saw bright white lights along its side. (Fowler 1974, p. 10/28/1966 #21044 tal position, and had huge running lights and windows. A ramp came down fro 10/30/1966 #21051 PULCO, MEXICO 25+/ airliner. Night lights hover near airport. RADAR blips m 10/31/1966 #21052 NEWFIELDS, NH 2 observer(s). House lights blink. Huge UFO with 4+4 windows. 11/1/1966 #21058 ts runs to a window when the house lights begin blinking on and off. She go 11/1/1966 #21061 tch it. At first it looks like two lights near the American Viscose plant a 11/6/1966 #21080 and the highway then turns off its lights at about 100–150 feet altitude. T 11/6/1966 #21080 t about 100–150 feet altitude. The lights come back on and it starts moving 11/6/1966 #21080 Saginaw, MI Group of lights flash and change color while hove 11/8/1966 #21083 college graduate Annis. A group of lights that flashed and changed color hu 11/8/1966 #21084 y. It carried flashing police type lights on its top and bottom. From the o 11/10/1966 #21088 NORTH / DAYTON, WY Night lights. Circle / cut grass. Deers head c 11/14/1966 #21099 m the object, then two very bright lights approached it from the distance. 11/17/1966 #21118 flat rim around it. There were no lights or portholes visible on it. It wa 11/17/1966 #21119 disk with portholes hovers / farm. Lights all over/all about. 11/18/1966 #21120 h red, blue, green, and white body lights around its perimeter, hovering si 11/18/1966 #21122 r pumpkin. It had an antenna. Roof lights of their apartment building refle 11/20/1966 #21129 TALMADGE, UT Green glowing circle lights house and fields. No further deta 11/26/1966 #21149 o, Texas, when she sees teo bright lights coming toward her. As they approa 11/28/1966 #21158 ard her. As they approach, the two lights turn into one large golden light 11/28/1966 #21158 three red and three green flashing lights. It gave off a buzzing sound like 11/30/1966 #21167 observer. Saucer with 2 bright red lights dives at car. Goes into woods. 12/1/1966 #21173 ith two large bright red pulsating lights, dived in front of a car and hove 12/1/1966 #21175 ied two large bright red pulsating lights. It stopped to hover silently ove 12/1/1966 #21176 ed shaped could be seen behind the lights. 12/1/1966 #21176 el flight. 300kph / 150M altitude. Lights / rim. 12/5/1966 #21184 .m. a dark disc-shaped object with lights around the rim passed over a car 12/5/1966 #21186 arate observer(s). Object with red lights hovers / Ohio River. Small figure 12/8/1966 #21192 ined them, and then red and orange lights began flashing on and off. A beam 12/8/1966 #21193 directed at the water. Finally the lights went out and a bright greenish li 12/8/1966 #21193 JORD, NORW Still RADAR blip. Globe lights ship going down / sea. Night ligh 12/14/1966 #21201 ights ship going down / sea. Night lights maneuver / shore observer(s). 12/14/1966 #21201 rounded corners and three blinking lights. It is moving slowly in the oppos 12/15/1966 #21203 val glow hovers and swings. Street lights go on / off 3X. 12/22/1966 #21214 Cuttingsville, Vermont. The street lights went off and on three times durin 12/22/1966 #21215 became three bright reddish-orange lights. Blast at beginning of 90 minute 12/25/1966 #21220 NORTHWEST / PERU DC8 / 35K' paced? Lights and V-beams quickly going up. Qui 12/30/1966 #21224 und, big as a house, had no flying lights, but let off a greenish-blue ligh 1/1967 #21241 E (electro-magnetic effects). Tiny lights pass windshield. Car OK after. / 1/5/1967 (approximate) #21255 bject with alternate red and green lights around it. The object circled ove 1/5/1967 #21256 ar engine falter when several tiny lights passed their windshield. The car 1/5/1967 #21263 he car functions alright after the lights had departed. 1/5/1967 #21263 HARWICH, MA Disk with 2 lights / bottom/underside. Observers sig 1/6/1967 #21265 rside. Observers signal with house lights. Object mimics sequence! 1/6/1967 #21265 wer portion, and pulsating colored lights (body lights). The obiect respond 1/6/1967 #21266 and pulsating colored lights (body lights). The obiect responded to house s 1/6/1967 #21266 ST. LOUIS, MO Disk. Lights on dome. Hovers still the speeds 1/7/1967 #21269 m. CST. A man first saw 4-5 square lights in a tilted row (body lights). Th 1/7/1967 #21270 quare lights in a tilted row (body lights). The object, a domed disc shaped 1/7/1967 #21270 d like a straw hat with flickering lights on the dome, then turned bright r 1/7/1967 #21270 At 5:45 p.m. a domed disc with lights on the dome appeared over St. Lou 1/7/1967 #21272 RT AND POTTSVILLE, AR Wave / night lights / area. Times differ. 1/9/1967 #21273 over car. Going quickly southeast. Lights / rim. 1/10/1967 #21280 d slightly, and it had several dim lights (body lights) on its rim. (Ridge, 1/10/1967 #21282 nd it had several dim lights (body lights) on its rim. (Ridge, 1994, p. 19. 1/10/1967 #21282 aw over the treetops two brilliant lights. Each light was dome-shaped and h 1/10/1967 #21283 ville, Indiana at 8:30 p.m. It had lights on its rim and made no sound as i 1/10/1967 #21284 him until his engine died and his lights went out, when he then noticed a 1/11/1967 #21288 tremendous speed. As it did so his lights came back on and he was able to s 1/11/1967 #21288 t with lighted dome, numerous body lights, short wings, three wheels hangin 1/13/1967 #21296 of “vivid blue-green with flashing lights.” Cunningham alerts the Joplin st 1/13/1967 #21298 s on its underside. There were red lights on the ends of the "wings," and a 1/13/1967 #21300 oing up and down [to] over harbor. Lights and bars / dome. / FSRv30#5. 1/15/1967 #21302 is variable. At one point, all the lights go out, and when they come back o 1/15/1967 #21311 slow-moving gray object with body lights. At 5:30 pm a woman and her daugh 1/16/1967 #21319 gray Manta Ray shaped UFO with two lights. It paced their car for three min 1/16/1967 #21323 nd / 1M white beam. Shuts off. Red lights. Going up. 1/17/1967 #21326 e windows. Light beam / front. R&G lights. Stops and hovers. / APRO 1'67. 1/17/1967 #21327 e observer(s). 9M saucer / colored lights. Car going [to] into ditch. / APR 1/17/1967 #21328 , yellow, blue, and white blinking lights, lost control of his car, and ran 1/17/1967 #21332 ight and flashing ywllow and white lights on its perimeter. 1/17/1967 #21333 d, yellow, blue and white blinking lights. He lost control of his car and r 1/17/1967 #21334 Object with blue and red and white lights. / r31p4. 1/18/1967 #21337 en they saw a domed disc with body lights. It was near the ground on the op 1/18/1967 #21339 ight beams with red/green blinking lights across the front, a halo of brigh 1/19/1967 #21351 tment building, with a ring of red lights around it that blinked off and on 1/20/1967 #21358 ey see a string of 9–10 bright red lights on a dark object that is moving o 1/20/1967 #21360 overs and swings around, revealing lights of a different color and configur 1/20/1967 #21360 their car stalls and the radio and lights go off. It has four glowing light 1/20/1967 #21360 lights go off. It has four glowing lights in the shape of a trapezoid, with 1/20/1967 #21360 the shape of a trapezoid, with red lights on top and white lights forming t 1/20/1967 #21360 , with red lights on top and white lights forming the base. The lights appe 1/20/1967 #21360 white lights forming the base. The lights appear to be reflecting off a met 1/20/1967 #21360 3 miles away also sees 7–8 bright lights flying low. 1/20/1967 #21360 teenaged girls saw a string of red lights moving low to the ground about 50 1/20/1967 #21361 rer, the object connected with the lights swung around to reveal a trapezoi 1/20/1967 #21361 d shape with two red and two white lights and a metallic body. The object w 1/20/1967 #21361 ed, white, and blue pulsating body lights. It hovered for about 2 minutes a 1/21/1967 #21363 light that changed to a series of lights which maneuvered, hovered, and bo 1/22/1967 #21366 bright red vertical blinking body lights descend, emitting a sound like an 1/24/1967 #21372 lliptical object with many colored lights or ports on the underside, some r 1/24/1967 #21373 object, which had three bright red lights, one at each end and one in the c 1/24/1967 #21377 r would have had three red running lights. 1/24/1967 #21377 ent vacuum" and failure of all the lights in the house. Four entities appea 1/25/1967 #21389 me). A group of closely spaced red lights was visible on the bottom. The ob 1/26/1967 #21394 off (aircraft avoidance) with its lights flashing in a regular cycle. (APR 1/26/1967 #21396 oculars say it is metallic and has lights that alternate in red, blue, and 1/26/1967 #21399 call from the base, and the UFO’s lights increase in intensity and it spee 1/26/1967 #21399 igate the object, it took off with lights flashing in a regular cycle. 1/26/1967 #21400 ome on top, blinking red and green lights across the front and a silver obj 1/28/1967 #21407 lver donut saucer. Windows / edge. Lights blink. Humming and buzz. 2/2/1967 #21436 ne saucers pace DC4 / 800km. Cabin lights dim. Radio Frequency Interference 2/2/1967 #21437 object, took position above tail. Lights in plane dimmed, radio interferen 2/2/1967 #21441 aft and hovers above it. The cabin lights dim, the plane’s compass fluctuat 2/2/1967 #21442 , then 20 degrees right, the cabin lights dimmed, and their radio went out. 2/2/1967 #21443 ng objects with domes and flashing lights. Separate (satellite) and merging 2/3/1967 #21444 15 feet thick with a row of white lights and a tangerine-colored light on 2/3/1967 #21446 -colored light on the bottom (body lights). The object zipped back and fort 2/3/1967 #21446 s witnesses saw UFOs with flashing lights and domes maneuvering in the sky 2/3/1967 #21447 woman saw two large, square amber lights with a green light between them f 2/4/1967 #21448 ht between them from her home. The lights approached silently and hovered a 2/4/1967 #21448 LLE, IN Cop follows ball / colored lights / 10 mile(s). Flat bottom. Shoots 2/5/1967 #21451 blue color with a cluster of white lights (body lights). The object also wa 2/5/1967 #21454 th a cluster of white lights (body lights). The object also was seen by peo 2/5/1967 #21454 ge ball of greenish-blue and white lights for some 10 miles about 2:30 AM b 2/5/1967 #21455 omly blinking red, green and white lights (body lights) around the edge. Th 2/5/1967 #21458 red, green and white lights (body lights) around the edge. The object appr 2/5/1967 #21458 The UFO had a rotating pattern of lights and came down to 30 feet over som 2/5/1967 #21462 er saw an object with red flashing lights and blue lights (body lights) tha 2/6/1967 #21467 with red flashing lights and blue lights (body lights) that flew very low 2/6/1967 #21467 shing lights and blue lights (body lights) that flew very low making a roar 2/6/1967 #21467 d, blue, green, and white flashing lights. The object then flew away. (St. 2/6/1967 #21468 eter and 20' high--with two bright lights, a green light on one side and a 2/6/1967 #21469 feet in height and had two bright lights, a green light on one side and a 2/6/1967 #21471 cal object with two flashing white lights and two steady white light beams. 2/7/1967 #21474 dazzling, pulsating central yellow lights. From this core, red lights appea 2/8/1967 #21479 yellow lights. From this core, red lights appeared to be pulsating outward 2/8/1967 #21479 boys saw what looked like two car lights that came down to within 20 feet 2/8/1967 #21480 core of dazzling, pulsating yellow lights in its center. From this core, re 2/8/1967 #21483 in its center. From this core, red lights pulsate outward toward the rim, s 2/8/1967 #21483 toward the rim, somewhat like neon lights. They have it in view for 40 minu 2/8/1967 #21483 adian Forces spokesperson says the lights were airplanes shooting flares in 2/8/1967 #21483 WORCESTER, MA Object with 3 bright lights hovers near home. TV and fridge m 2/10/1967 #21496 d object with bright red and white lights (body lights). The object hovered 2/10/1967 #21498 bright red and white lights (body lights). The object hovered for about 15 2/10/1967 #21498 f green. The object also had white lights in a triangle on the bottom (body 2/10/1967 #21500 in a triangle on the bottom (body lights). It flew, hovered, and passed ov 2/10/1967 #21500 f green. The object also has white lights in a triangle on the bottom. It f 2/10/1967 #21506 sachusetts a UFO with three bright lights hovered over a house. The refrige 2/10/1967 #21508 der with a string of red and white lights (body lights). A steady light bea 2/11/1967 #21510 ring of red and white lights (body lights). A steady light beam was emitted 2/11/1967 #21510 d many. Round domed object colored lights rotate. Skims treetops etc. 2/12/1967 #21515 olving red, green, blue, and amber lights at the bottom edge (body lights). 2/12/1967 #21518 er lights at the bottom edge (body lights). The object flew over the witnes 2/12/1967 #21518 had a red light on each side (body lights) hovering just off the road. (Fow 2/12/1967 #21520 rton, TX Domed disc with revolving lights at bottom edge flew over car just 2/12/1967 #21523 a domed disc with rotating colored lights was sighted from an apartment bui 2/12/1967 #21526 ol (CHP) Officer. Huge saucer with lights / bottom/underside buzzes car. Go 2/13/1967 #21529 BIGFORK, MT Truck motor and lights fail. Night light overhead. Motor 2/13/1967 #21530 ht resolved itself into three huge lights in a triangular formation. (NICAP 2/13/1967 #21534 her pickup’s engine fails and the lights go out. Getting out, she sees ove 2/13/1967 #21537 At 7:15 p.m. an object with three lights in a triangle buzzed a car in Dav 2/13/1967 #21540 al red light, and 5-6 dimmer white lights. The object turned and sped away 2/13/1967 #21540 ed object (disc) with blinking red lights (body lights) forced a car off th 2/14/1967 #21543 sc) with blinking red lights (body lights) forced a car off the road. It re 2/14/1967 #21543 ting red, green, orange, and white lights (body lights). The object both ho 2/14/1967 #21545 en, orange, and white lights (body lights). The object both hovered and dar 2/14/1967 #21545 with red, green, and blue blinking lights (body lights). The object hovered 2/14/1967 #21547 en, and blue blinking lights (body lights). The object hovered at about 40- 2/14/1967 #21547 saw a triangular object with green lights at two points and a red light at 2/14/1967 #21549 and a red light at the third (body lights). It moved across the sky and the 2/14/1967 #21549 ject aims beam going down / angle. Lights desert floor. Joins night lights. 2/16/1967 #21562 . Lights desert floor. Joins night lights. / r98#60+/ r41. 2/16/1967 #21562 val object with red and green body lights approach their car at low altitud 2/16/1967 #21569 when they see a formation of four lights, three red and one green, approac 2/16/1967 #21572 ing their car at low altitude. The lights are attached to an object that em 2/16/1967 #21572 nd and illuminates the desert. The lights disappear, but a few minutes late 2/16/1967 #21572 a mile away, followed by two white lights flying in step formation, one of 2/16/1967 #21572 ms. One was lit up with bright red lights, the other looked like a modern o 2/16/1967 #21574 haped flying object with three red lights, one green one, and multiple rows 2/16/1967 #21577 rrounding terrain. Two other white lights joined the first UFO; they merged 2/16/1967 #21577 etop level over elderly rest-home. Lights / edge. 2/17/1967 #21579 craft stops over road. Rectangle / lights / underside. / r83p330. 2/17/1967 #21580 ith a dome on top and 4-5 purplish lights around its perimeter (body lights 2/17/1967 #21582 lights around its perimeter (body lights). The object hovered at treetop h 2/17/1967 #21582 uster of 8-9 red, green, and white lights apparently on an object at low al 2/17/1967 #21584 at the bottom of the cluster (body lights). The object, going NE, passed ov 2/17/1967 #21584 Capri camera of some yellow-orange lights on Ware Road near the junctions o 2/17/1967 #21586 disc-shaped object with 4-5 purple lights around its perimeter hovered at t 2/17/1967 #21587 ped object, with a variety of body lights, hovered low over the interstate 2/17/1967 #21587 OOD, FL Metallic disk. Row / green lights rotates. Yellow windows. Antenna. 2/19/1967 #21592 road. Large window / top. Colored lights / bottom/underside. Hovers and ac 2/19/1967 #21593 h bottom, a row of revolving green lights (body lights), a row of shield-sh 2/19/1967 #21595 ow of revolving green lights (body lights), a row of shield-shaped yellow-l 2/19/1967 #21595 a. It had a row of revolving green lights, a row of yellow windows, and an 2/19/1967 #21598 indow on top and a band of colored lights on the bottom. It crossed the hig 2/19/1967 #21599 ight light with smaller associated lights above it (satellite objects). The 2/20/1967 #21602 shing red, blue, yellow, and white lights (body lights). It hovered over sm 2/20/1967 #21603 ue, yellow, and white lights (body lights). It hovered over smoke-stacks, s 2/20/1967 #21603 g saw an object with airplane-like lights (body lights), but it then acquir 2/20/1967 #21604 ct with airplane-like lights (body lights), but it then acquired a brillian 2/20/1967 #21604 verse direction) as it left. House lights dimmed (EM effects) while the lig 2/20/1967 #21605 eek / 50M altitude. Slow. 2 bright lights / front. Dogs frantic. 2/22/1967 #21618 ster and his wife saw two airborne lights like headlights along with other 2/22/1967 #21620 eadlights along with other colored lights. (Richmond Palldium-ltem, Ind., 3 2/22/1967 #21620 Dogs excited/fearful of oval with lights (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 2/22/1967 #21621 object with flashing red and green lights glide, circle, and land in a fiel 2/22/1967 #21622 n oval object with a row of bright lights. She lets the frightened dog insi 2/22/1967 #21623 lford, who can see a ring of white lights at 200 feet. Her fox terrier runs 2/22/1967 #21623 object with flashing red and green lights glide, circle, and then land in a 2/22/1967 #21625 T, UT 7 separate report(s) / night lights and saucers. Luminous orange obje 2/23/1967 #21626 e stopped his truck and turned the lights off, the object shot straight up 2/23/1967 #21629 shed aluminum" discs with a row of lights or ports around the edges. At one 2/25/1967 #21646 couple sighted three brilliant red lights, each with a blinking green light 2/25/1967 #21650 ructural form was seen between the lights, flew relatively slow, made sweep 2/25/1967 #21650 disc-shaped objects with a row of lights or ports around the center of eac 2/25/1967 #21651 hotographs were taken of nocturnal lights. In Fargo two teenagers took two 2/25/1967 #21652 ith a red light on each side (body lights). Fowler, 1974, p. 345; Massachus 2/26/1967 #21655 , saw a bright shining object with lights changing color from white to gree 2/26/1967 #21658 ng color from white to green (body lights). (London Free Press (Ontario) 2/ 2/26/1967 #21658 -9:30 P.M. Objects with streams of lights, erratic motions. No USAF unknown 2/26/1967 #21660 a bright shining object with body lights changing color from white to gree 2/26/1967 #21665 vers over trees. Red and blue body lights. TV Radio Frequency Interference 2/27/1967 #21667 der/cigar-shape hovers / hospital. Lights white / top and red / bottom/unde 2/27/1967 #21670 aped object with red and blue body lights hovering over trees, remaining in 2/27/1967 #21671 pulsating and changing color. Red lights were either blinking or moving ar 2/27/1967 #21674 around the main white light (body lights). (Omaha World Herald, 2/28/67, c 2/27/1967 #21674 light, with smaller red and green lights to the sides (NICAP: 01 - Distant 2/27/1967 #21675 tom and a white light on top (body lights) that was hovering over a hospita 2/27/1967 #21676 light, with smaller red and green lights seen to the sides. Made almost i 2/27/1967 #21677 -shaped UFO with red and blue body lights at 7:05 p.m. local time. The sigh 2/27/1967 #21678 red oval object with red and green lights and a bright white light in the m 2/27/1967 #21678 and with occasional red flamelike lights on the underside, dipped low and 2/27/1967 #21678 minute. It had red and green body lights. The object then accelerated and 2/28/1967 #21680 range object, and (2) a cluster of lights with bright center, reddish edges 2/28/1967 #21681 elerates. Car engine and radio and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME.) 3/1967 #21687 ome-shaped object with orange body lights on the ground (landed), which the 3/1967 #21693 e witness’s car engine, radio, and lights experience interference. 3/1967 #21702 outh. West / flashing red and blue lights. 3/1/1967 #21704 object with flashing red and green lights. The object hovered briefly, then 3/1/1967 #21709 med objects, flashing blue and red lights, move south to north above the ci 3/1/1967 #21714 ay. They had flashing red and blue lights. There were many witnesses. 3/1/1967 #21716 / DUNSEITH.ND Misty ovoid? with 3 lights paces cop car. 18 mm / airline(s) 3/2/1967 #21722 saw an unexplained object with red lights (body lights) which hovered over 3/2/1967 #21723 ained object with red lights (body lights) which hovered over homes and the 3/2/1967 #21723 e or cigar-shaped object with body lights along its length was reported. Th 3/2/1967 #21724 along its length was reported. The lights were pulsating in a rhythmic patt 3/2/1967 #21724 science teacher and coach saw four lights that hovered at treetop level, th 3/2/1967 #21725 treetop level, then joined by more lights (rendezvous). (Memphis Press-Scim 3/2/1967 #21725 Two to four silver lights or disc-shaped objects flew over 3/2/1967 #21732 .m. a man witnessed a UFO with red lights hovering over some homes, and the 3/2/1967 #21733 igh school teachers witnessed four lights in the sky. The first hovered at 3/2/1967 #21733 ) and USAF RADAR. Dome-saucer with lights / flat-bottom/underside rim. Nigh 3/3/1967 #21737 / flat-bottom/underside rim. Night lights join. See reference. 3/3/1967 #21737 Seven white lights flew in formation from north to s 3/3/1967 #21747 urity teams saw disc with flashing lights hover about 500 feet off ground. 3/5/1967 #21762 object ringed with bright flashing lights moving slowly, maneuvering, then 3/5/1967 #21765 object with red, green and yellow lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 3/6/1967 #21773 object with red, green and yellow lights around bottom rim which pulsated 3/6/1967 #21776 ed UFO with red, green, and yellow lights around its bottom rim, and with a 3/6/1967 #21778 oject Bluebook Case #1207. 2 night lights make 90° turn. Separate and rejoi 3/7/1967 #21783 diameter, outlined in bright white lights and with two big beams in front. 3/7/1967 #21787 and begins flashing red and green lights. The beagle is so frightened that 3/7/1967 #21787 t were described as police cruiser lights on its bottom. It made a sound li 3/7/1967 #21788 10M silver watermelon with colored lights / periphery. Hovers / 20 minute(s 3/8/1967 #21794 t with multi-colored flashing body lights that flew irregularly at high spe 3/8/1967 #21801 everal witnesses saw red and green lights that approached slowly at treetop 3/8/1967 #21804 cal-) shaped object with many body lights around the perimeter (green and r 3/8/1967 #21805 gs" and red, green, and white body lights. The object hovered over some tre 3/8/1967 #21808 omed circular object with red body lights approached witnesses, gave off bu 3/8/1967 #21814 is trying to pull him back. As the lights and radio come back on, the UFO r 3/8/1967 #21815 acetylene torch. The car's engine, lights, and radio failed. Mr. Wallace go 3/8/1967 #21818 d flying object with flashing body lights and light beams at each end was r 3/8/1967 #21820 R2. Saucer hovers / rooftop level. Lights / underside. 3/9/1967 #21825 ANDOVER, MASS Triangular cluster / lights over country club grounds. No str 3/9/1967 #21827 e a pancake with a rounded top,red lights on rim (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 3/9/1967 #21828 Follansbee, WV Car-sized obj, lights on underside, hovering, left at h 3/9/1967 #21829 nd his wife saw an enormous row of lights that eventually took on a round s 3/9/1967 #21831 flashing red, blue, and green body lights. Something was attached to its un 3/9/1967 #21833 ashing red, green, and yellow body lights. The object hovered at first, the 3/9/1967 #21834 r, ex-prison guard) saw a group of lights in an X formation that hovered, b 3/9/1967 #21835 , and the underside showed several lights. 3/9/1967 #21837 object was pulsating red, with red lights around its rim. Approached witnes 3/9/1967 #21838 r cluster of two red and one white lights hovered at an estimated altitude 3/9/1967 #21842 r, Massachusetts country club. The lights were steady and bright. 3/9/1967 #21842 , and the underside showed several lights. 3/9/1967 #21843 e-sized object that had three huge lights. The object hovered over trees as 3/10/1967 #21851 10-12 soft-glowing, amber-colored lights approach their aircraft at a lowe 3/11/1967 #21857 Tillamook, OR Colored Lights & Radar Returns (NICAP: 09 - RADA 3/11/1967 #21858 ation Night. Red, green, and white lights are observed in the air by severa 3/11/1967 #21859 eps ground / white beam. Red night lights exit. 3/12/1967 #21860 H, SD 3+3 observer(s). Green night lights low / road. Possible structure. C 3/12/1967 #21863 T "Row of windows" beams down blue lights. 3/12/1967 #21864 t beams that swept the ground. Red lights like roman candles shot out from 3/12/1967 #21866 d like a child's musical top, with lights around the circumference. Vapor t 3/12/1967 #21870 ith red, green, and white flashing lights southwest of McIntosh, South Dako 3/12/1967 #21872 e four blinding, fluorescent-green lights low above the road ahead. As they 3/12/1967 #21872 e size, shape, and altitude of the lights. 3/12/1967 #21872 object with red, green, and white lights. After he reported the incident, 3/12/1967 #21875 o investigate. They saw four green lights hovering low over the road, but t 3/12/1967 #21875 ws car. Plays peekaboo. Engine and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME.) 3/13/1967 #21878 nd scientists and satellite? Night lights offshore. Observer(s) signal. Obj 3/14/1967 #21882 RAVENSWOOD, WV Garbage truck lights and engine fail. Glowing saucer h 3/15/1967 (approximate) #21887 ). The object had two blinking red lights and four steady white body lights 3/15/1967 #21889 lights and four steady white body lights. It hovered over a highway inters 3/15/1967 #21889 wing-ovoid / 2M altitude. Ringed / lights. Loud humming. Bobs going up and 3/16/1967 #21892 w a glowing egg-shaped object with lights around it as if they were on wire 3/16/1967 #21897 erang-shaped object with three red lights in the center (body lights). It f 3/17/1967 #21910 ree red lights in the center (body lights). It flew overhead, changing colo 3/17/1967 #21910 light reappeared but as two white lights that slowly passed overhead (body 3/17/1967 #21911 that slowly passed overhead (body lights). (Letter from witness dated 1 /9 3/17/1967 #21911 a dome on too and a series of red lights around the circumference (body li 3/18/1967 #21916 hts around the circumference (body lights) that flashed in a pattern. There 3/18/1967 #21916 nia A man and his daughter saw two lights that they thought were landing li 3/20/1967 #21922 hts that they thought were landing lights on aircraft, but they came to gro 3/20/1967 #21922 take the car out to go looking for lights his wife had seen in the sky earl 3/20/1967 #21923 rlier. After stopping with the car lights off for a while, he sees two yell 3/20/1967 #21923 an switches on the headlights, the lights disappear, and the voices stop. M 3/20/1967 #21923 ad breaks into 7–8 individual blue lights, which exit in several directions Spring 1967 #21926 er in Butler, Pennsylvania saw two lights that they thought were landing li 3/20/1967 #21927 hts that they thought were landing lights on an aircraft, but they came to 3/20/1967 #21927 tsler. Derby-hat with antennas and lights and flat panel / windows. 3/22/1967 #21941 order saw two unexplained blinking lights that changed color and were track 3/22/1967 #21944 A Fluorescent, solid, multicolored lights stand still, then fly away (NICAP 3/22/1967 #21945 (animal reactions), who saw 5 or 6 lights in a cluster. The lights moved ac 3/22/1967 #21946 aw 5 or 6 lights in a cluster. The lights moved across the sky, and suddenl 3/22/1967 #21946 . Fluorescent, solid, multicolored lights stood still, then flew away at hi 3/22/1967 #21947 row of portholes and multicolored lights. The UFO hovered for a short whil 3/22/1967 #21949 own. Observer(s) = Deluce. 2 night lights / field. Pace car. Fly over house 3/23/1967 #21951 of Omaha saw two large (moon-size) lights making turns (maneuvering) in the 3/23/1967 #21953 shell with flashing red and white lights. The object hovered over Rock Pon 3/24/1967 #21964 s NCO and the two men watch as the lights streak through the sky, maneuveri 3/24/1967 #21973 GOING [TO] GRETNA, MBA Dark object lights countryside pink near radio tower 3/26/1967 #21990 e north of their farms to look for lights that looked like they had landed 3/26/1967 #21998 rrified. When the men got home the lights were once more visible in the sky 3/26/1967 #21998 . Saucer rises / field. Also night lights / 2130+2nd saucer / 2230h. 3/30/1967 #22012 disc with a dome and two red body lights hovering near the horizon. They o 3/30/1967 #22016 o height ratio 1.75:1), with white lights and a pulsating red light (body l 4/1/1967 #22039 ts and a pulsating red light (body lights). (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommitte 4/1/1967 #22039 an ovoid metallic gray craft with lights around a revolving rim. She found 4/2/1967 #22048 inside an octagon-shaped room with lights that seemed to emanate from all a 4/2/1967 #22048 silvery suits and green belts with lights on them. They seem interested in 4/4/1967 #22054 uncated cone) object with flashing lights for 10 minutes. The object was de 4/5/1967 #22060 Its body was yellowish (like house lights) with red sections. The object fl 4/5/1967 #22063 te 72 when his car stalled and the lights went out. He then saw an object, 4/5/1967 #22064 engine sputters and stops and the lights go out. He sees an object approac 4/5/1967 #22066 feet across and looks like “it had lights in back of a painted black glass. 4/5/1967 #22066 / 3 days. Domed saucers and night lights. Nike base near. / r109p112. 4/6/1967 #22071 do on this night at 12:30 a.m. two lights appeared that looked like flashli 4/6/1967 #22082 pon driving over a hill. The car's lights went out and the engine backfired 4/6/1967 #22083 ny inverted bowl with flashing red lights hovering above trees. It emitted 4/10/1967 #22104 itnesses saw a mass of very bright lights, brighter than the moon which was 4/11/1967 #22108 d object with bright red and white lights was sighted at Chemong Lake, Onta 4/11/1967 #22110 at 6:50 p.m. a mass of very bright lights descended and hovered in Royalsto 4/11/1967 #22110 of sight on an upward course. The lights were brighter than the Moon, whic 4/11/1967 #22110 ng object with a red middle, green lights on both ends, and white lights on 4/12/1967 #22115 een lights on both ends, and white lights on the bottom (body lights) for 1 4/12/1967 #22115 d white lights on the bottom (body lights) for 1.25 hours. The object left 4/12/1967 #22115 ur lens-shaped discs with flashing lights on the rims (body lights). The ob 4/12/1967 #22116 flashing lights on the rims (body lights). The objects circled the witness 4/12/1967 #22116 for ABC News saw five bright white lights in formation, “pulsating bright-d 4/12/1967 #22118 ur lens-shaped discs with flashing lights on their rims circled a group of 4/12/1967 #22122 for ABC News saw five bright white lights in formation while near the Coast 4/12/1967 #22124 way off of Key Largo, Florida. The lights pulsated bright-and-dim on a half 4/12/1967 #22124 h a red light in the middle, green lights on both ends, and white lights on 4/12/1967 #22127 een lights on both ends, and white lights on the bottom. The object left a 4/12/1967 #22127 . They all had on striped caps and lights on their shoulders, and carried o 4/13/1967 #22128 the object, which has red flashing lights around its base. There is a small Mid 4/1967 #22134 nly it takes off to the north, the lights changing to green as it does so. Mid 4/1967 #22134 ing [to] up Ohio River. Responds / lights. Beams going down. / MJ#288+r41. 4/17/1967 #22145 the object and flashed his landing lights, but there was no response and th 4/18/1967 #22158 the object and flashed his landing lights to get its attention, but there w 4/18/1967 #22161 colored domed object with flashing lights, bright white at first and then t 4/19/1967 #22162 rightened, and emitted two smaller lights. The observation lasted 3 hours. 4/19/1967 #22164 7:30 p.m. It flashed bright white lights, then red lights. It made some sh 4/19/1967 #22165 shed bright white lights, then red lights. It made some sharp turns, then m 4/19/1967 #22165 ellow portholes / edge. R and west lights. 4/20/1967 #22166 an object with eight red blinking lights and two white lights (body lights 4/20/1967 #22167 red blinking lights and two white lights (body lights). The object hovered 4/20/1967 #22167 lights and two white lights (body lights). The object hovered, then moved 4/20/1967 #22167 cigar-shaped object with many body lights arranged in groupings. It flew lo 4/20/1967 #22168 jects with two bright flashing red lights and two dimmer white lights (body 4/20/1967 #22169 ng red lights and two dimmer white lights (body lights). The objects moved 4/20/1967 #22169 and two dimmer white lights (body lights). The objects moved in a pattern, 4/20/1967 #22169 red light on the bottom, turauoise lights front and rear (body lights). (Ma 4/20/1967 #22170 auoise lights front and rear (body lights). (Massachusetts NICAP Subcommitt 4/20/1967 #22170 ppeared to be bright multi-colored lights about 120 meters away from the tr 4/20/1967 #22172 the area they saw the multicolored lights moving around in a circular motio 4/20/1967 #22172 r three meters in width behind the lights. It had several lighted windows a 4/20/1967 #22172 jects with two bright flashing red lights and two dimmer white lights flew 4/20/1967 #22173 ng red lights and two dimmer white lights flew over a lake in Georgetown, M 4/20/1967 #22173 husetts. It had turquioise colored lights fore and aft, and eight yellow li 4/20/1967 #22173 hts fore and aft, and eight yellow lights on its perimeter. 4/20/1967 #22173 Three witnesses saw two groups of lights, each composed of three red and o 4/21/1967 #22183 omposed of three red and one white lights flashing in sequence. A large whi 4/21/1967 #22183 rk object with 2-3 bright red body lights that hovered and descended behind 4/21/1967 #22184 et long. He switches to his bright lights and the object belches a white bu 4/21/1967 #22194 g white and yellow-orange blinking lights of the craft. The witnesses were 4/21/1967 #22195 ELIZABETH, NJ Ovoid with lights hovers / 8M altitude. Going quick 4/22/1967 #22203 LAPOINT, UT Man / car turns off lights. 15M saucer / driveway rises and 4/22/1967 #22204 And departed rapidly when the car lights were turned off. Dogs were barkin 4/22/1967 #22205 witness saw a circle of nine white lights that enclosed two red lights, hov 4/23/1967 #22212 white lights that enclosed two red lights, hovering near a church. (Fowler, 4/23/1967 #22212 ilver ovoid hovers / ground. Green lights all over/all about. Shakes and be 4/24/1967 #22213 and lands. 6 marks / ground. Night lights / Toronto. 4/26/1967 #22218 ct that had central flashing green lights and a bright light underneath (bo 4/26/1967 #22219 nd a bright light underneath (body lights). The object was hovering near th 4/26/1967 #22219 ter and 5 feet tall, with flashing lights. The object landed, deploying six 4/26/1967 #22220 me, swept back wings, and red body lights. As it pursued the witnesses' car 4/26/1967 #22221 ght, with flashing green and white lights. When 1 m above ground, six legs 4/26/1967 #22223 ter and 5 feet tall, with flashing lights. The object landed, deploying six 4/26/1967 #22224 ad a swept back wing, and red body lights. As it pursued the witnesses' car 4/26/1967 #22225 te observer(s). Domed saucer / red lights / edge. 2 legs / bottom. / r83p33 4/27/1967 #22227 d Lowe for two minutes. It had red lights in a circular pattern, 2-3 more f 4/27/1967 #22236 ircular pattern, 2-3 more flashing lights, and made a shrill beeping sound. 4/27/1967 #22236 non- ; blinking red and green body lights around the middle. (NICAP report 4/28/1967 #22242 a belt of alternate red and green lights was seen flying over Toronto, Ont 4/28/1967 #22246 rted five objects with three green lights in a row and two red lights (body 4/30/1967 #22248 green lights in a row and two red lights (body lights) underneath. (The Wo 4/30/1967 #22248 in a row and two red lights (body lights) underneath. (The Worcester Eveni 4/30/1967 #22248 about to land. It appeared to have lights inside and a red light on top (bo 5/1967 #22252 nside and a red light on top (body lights), an estimated 4-5 feet from the 5/1967 #22252 object beaming with three colored lights and rotating. She goes outside wi 5/1967 #22256 Silent grey ovoid hovers / field. Lights / rim and top. Quickly going up [ 5/2/1967 #22264 ect was reported with red blinking lights and a steady white light on top ( 5/2/1967 #22265 a steady white light on top (body lights). It hovered, then rose straight 5/2/1967 #22265 y gray oval with four blinking red lights and a steady white light on top w 5/2/1967 #22267 ge metallic saucer / low altitude. Lights / rim. Good photograph. No traces 5/6/1967 #22280 and bottom and with red and green lights (body lights) which they followed 5/7/1967 #22292 nd with red and green lights (body lights) which they followed and observed 5/7/1967 #22292 and bottom and with red and green lights for 4 hours in Edmonton, Alberta, 5/7/1967 #22294 a jet engine starting up. All its lights go out, and the object takes off 5/7/1967 #22294 n saw a round object with four red lights (body lights) in a curving row an 5/8/1967 #22299 object with four red lights (body lights) in a curving row and a very brig 5/8/1967 #22299 a saw a round object with four red lights in a curving row, and a very brig 5/8/1967 #22300 shing blue, red, green, and yellow lights. The object "swayed, jumped," and 5/9/1967 #22302 shing blue, red, green, and yellow lights. The object "swayed, jumped" and 5/9/1967 #22306 cer-) shaped objects with rotating lights. The objects hovered, descended b 5/11/1967 #22315 jects with revolving red and white lights around the rim. One descended beh 5/11/1967 #22318 gar-shape. No blimps up. Brilliant lights. Going up [to] extremely fast. 5/15/1967 #22344 ing red light on the rear, and red lights pulsating from front to back unde 5/15/1967 #22345 rom front to back underneath (body lights). Indianapolis airport radar repo 5/15/1967 #22345 riangular object with a row of red lights and a white light on one end (bod 5/16/1967 #22352 and a white light on one end (body lights). The object hovered over the gro 5/16/1967 #22352 oint Sur, see six red point-source lights that seem to be pacing the ship o 5/16/1967 #22355 s appear brilliant yellow with red lights across upper two-thirds, but to t 5/16/1967 #22355 riangular object with a row of red lights and a white light on one end. The 5/16/1967 #22357 KAMYSHIN, RUSSIA Stream / night lights = windows / huge cylinder/cigar-s 5/17/1967 #22362 l local residents saw a cascade of lights rushing across the night sky from 5/17/1967 #22365 At 10:00 p.m. a stream of lights seen in the sky in Kamyshin, Volg 5/17/1967 #22370 l local residents saw a cascade of lights rushing across the night sky from 5/17/1967 #22370 om the northeast in even rows. The lights were located on the surface of a 5/17/1967 #22370 owing object with shimmering white lights. The object alternated between ho 5/20/1967 #22378 steel with blinding purple-colored lights coming through slits in the cupol 5/20/1967 #22382 where he sees a series of flashing lights. He pulls his head back, noting t 5/20/1967 #22382 ect with a circle of red pulsating lights which lit up the area was observe 5/21/1967 #22385 aped object with a string of white lights down the center and a red light a 5/25/1967 #22397 nd a green light at the rear (body lights). (Witness letter, NICAP files.) 5/25/1967 #22397 ect (disc) that had white flashing lights along its surface. The object mov 5/29/1967 #22419 hiny circular object with whirling lights. The object hovered, moved, desce 5/29/1967 #22420 object with red and green rotating lights. It took off down river, and turn 5/31/1967 #22428 fter a short distance. The colored lights were not visible after the turn, 5/31/1967 #22428 w an object with amber to red body lights moving an estimated 100 mph at ab 6/1967 #22436 d (disc) object with red and green lights (body lights) 4 around the perime 6/1/1967 #22444 ct with red and green lights (body lights) 4 around the perimeter, white an 6/1/1967 #22444 burg on Hwy. 13. They reported two lights cross in front of their windshiel 6/1/1967 #22445 f a Volkswagen, with green and red lights, which landed in a clearing and t 6/1/1967 #22447 f a Volkswagen, with green and red lights, which landed in a clearing at 11 6/1/1967 #22450 e second with white, red and green lights. The UFOs hovered over a huge rad 6/3/1967 #22458 ed Arcand observed green and white lights between two small islands. Thinki 6/3/1967 #22459 the buoy tender headed toward the lights. He was about 100 feet away when 6/3/1967 #22459 e was about 100 feet away when the lights rose from the water "with a whoos 6/3/1967 #22459 PASSINS, FR Night lights seen. 4 cows die / no apparent ca 6/4/1967 #22460 SHAKTY, DON RIVER, RUSSIA Night lights resolve to half-moon saucer. Goin 6/5/1967 #22462 CT 9:20 p.m. EDT. A man saw three lights in triangular formation that hove 6/5/1967 #22465 flash, and moved away. Two of the lights were red and pulsating, and the t 6/5/1967 #22465 ect with shiny, bright, white oval lights (body lights). It approached with 6/6/1967 #22469 y, bright, white oval lights (body lights). It approached within 400 feet, 6/6/1967 #22469 h a large white light on top (body lights). The object ; also had lights ar 6/9/1967 #22481 ody lights). The object ; also had lights around the edge like windows, whi 6/9/1967 #22481 nd saw bright blue, red, and black lights, and a strange being who had shor 6/9/1967 #22484 ull gray object with three colored lights (body lights) and a glowing pink 6/11/1967 #22492 ct with three colored lights (body lights) and a glowing pink band around t 6/11/1967 #22492 like miners’ hats with four amber lights are underneath the boom. After wa 6/13/1967 #22503 e southwest, flashing multicolored lights. 6/13/1967 #22503 l, wearing miner's hats with small lights on them. They were picking up and 6/13/1967 #22504 T, SP Plane landing aborted. Night lights on runway! Night lights shoot awa 6/15/1967? #22507 ted. Night lights on runway! Night lights shoot away. 6/15/1967? #22507 s, and wearing "helmets" with four lights, were observed scurrying around o 6/15/1967 #22509 chigan who reported seeing strange lights on Lake Huron told the Sheriff De 6/15/1967 #22510 th rotating green and red flashing lights for one hour over Port McNeill, B 6/16/1967 #22511 e town. They flash orange and blue lights alternately and make no sound. Th 6/18/1967 #22519 ternating rows of revolving yellow lights or ports on a dark object. The ob 6/22/1967 #22533 een, and red colored (multicolored lights). Finally the three smaller objec 6/24/1967 #22543 Libres, policemen saw 8-10 bright lights that flew in formation over a mil 6/24/1967 #22544 gentina, policemen see 8–10 bright lights that fly in formation over a mili 6/24/1967 #22548 d disc with red and green flashing lights around the dome. Their car radio 6/25/1967 #22556 Driver. 200' clam-saucer with many lights circles plane. Follows car. Going 6/29/1967 #22569 e on the bottom, and a row of blue lights along the bottom. Circled m.n ai 6/29/1967 #22572 25-30 feet thick. It had three red lights and a row of blue lights. The UFO 6/29/1967 #22575 three red lights and a row of blue lights. The UFO followed their car for 5 6/29/1967 #22575 ith red, green, and white flashing lights (body lights) and windows that em 6/30/1967 #22577 n, and white flashing lights (body lights) and windows that emitted light i 6/30/1967 #22577 and red, green, and white flashing lights. They witnessed it as it took off 6/30/1967 #22579 tive disc with three bright orange lights on the rim (body lights) approach 7/3/1967 #22598 ght orange lights on the rim (body lights) approach from the northeast goin 7/3/1967 #22598 d-orange color emanates from three lights on the rear side. After 5 minutes 7/3/1967 #22602 horn, Ontario when a family saw 15 lights darting about in the sky. Mr. Den 7/3/1967 #22603 ly on the top. They next saw three lights traveling in a triangle formation 7/3/1967 #22603 on the bottom near the front (body lights). (Corning Daily Observer, 7/6/67 7/4/1967 #22607 haped object with two bright white lights and three vertical lines of light 7/4/1967 #22609 nes of light toward the rear (body lights). The object was directly over th 7/4/1967 #22609 d as it approached two smaller red lights were seen. (Cook report, NICAP fi 7/4/1967 #22609 The ignition is on but the warning lights on the dash come on. Looking up, 7/5/1967 #22616 nd, and two rapidly blinking white lights in the center (body lights). (Tel 7/6/1967 #22619 g white lights in the center (body lights). (Telephone call 7/7/67, notes i 7/6/1967 #22619 igar- shaped object with revolving lights of red, white, and blue, that hov 7/7/1967 #22626 . The witness tried turning on the lights but they did not work. She then w 7/7/1967 #22631 d 14, saw a round1 object with red lights on top and bottom and two bright 7/9/1967 #22636 op and bottom and two bright white lights on the front , (body lights). The 7/9/1967 #22636 white lights on the front , (body lights). The object approached about 60 7/9/1967 #22636 t going west / 6 minute(s). 2 blue lights / top. / LDLN#93. 7/10/1967 #22641 E BUTTE, BC 3+observer(s). 5 night lights humming / 400hz over lake. Saucer 7/11/1967 #22648 three, with red and green blinking lights (body lights). One was seen to be 7/11/1967 #22649 ed and green blinking lights (body lights). One was seen to be saucer shape 7/11/1967 #22649 w a bright object with two sets of lights, some of them green (body lights) 7/12/1967 #22653 f lights, some of them green (body lights). The object landed in a pasture 7/12/1967 #22653 30 a.m. LT. A youth saw a "ring of lights" (also described as a huge white 7/14/1967 #22657 .m. PDT. Two people saw two bright lights that flew in parallel emitting a 7/15/1967 #22661 a row of revolving flashing white lights on the top (body lights). The obj 7/15/1967 #22662 hing white lights on the top (body lights). The object moved slowly at low 7/15/1967 #22662 and their light went out (multiple lights/objects). (Epstein letter, NICAP 7/15/1967 #22665 ject with windows and with glowing lights inside. First seen on the ground 7/16/1967 #22668 cracks windshield. Car engine and lights out. Missing time.. / MJ#231. 7/17/1967 #22675 o the left. As it brushes, her car lights up “like a great electric light b 7/17/1967 #22682 white light in the middle, two red lights and two green, lights along the o 7/19/1967 #22699 dle, two red lights and two green, lights along the outer edge (body lights 7/19/1967 #22699 lights along the outer edge (body lights). The object approached at low al 7/19/1967 #22699 ct emits a bright yellow glow that lights up the road and then disappears. 7/20/1967 #22710 ong cigar-shaped object with green lights under it land on the parking lot 7/21/1967 #22722 5-6 objects radiating bright white lights "wobbling" over a field. When a p 7/25/1967 #22729 e flew into the area, the objects (lights) rapidly disappeared after turnin 7/25/1967 #22729 ge-yellow, "tri-level" object with lights coming from the upper area, appar 7/27/1967 #22738 -shaped UFO, carrying bright white lights fore and aft and a central red li 7/27/1967 #22742 ht, with a string of smaller white lights flashing in sequence along the si 7/27/1967 #22742 TAROUCA, PORTUGAL Saucer with 4 lights seen same hour / 2 weeks! Bright 7/28/1967 #22744 also was visible on the top (body lights). The object alternately hovered 7/28/1967 #22746 KERNVILLE, CA 2 observer(s). Night lights play / sky. Vanish. Report going 7/30/1967 #22751 aped object, 16 m long, with green lights under it, land on the pavement. H 7/31/1967 #22760 king lot. It has greenish blinking lights underneath it, on or near the gro 7/31/1967 #22761 object, 16 meters long, with green lights under it, landed on the pavement. 7/31/1967 #22762 side extensions tipped with green lights, and he was surprised to see two 7/31/1967 #22762 and 1 separate observer(s). Night lights come near car. 1-2 50cm small hum 8/1967 #22766 observer(s) / several towns. Night lights and disks. 1 object size of 727 p 8/2/1967 #22774 Peraira Highway saw two yellowish lights, then many others, about 500 m aw 8/3/1967 #22785 t. They blinked and faded. Similar lights were seen again at Conrado. When 8/3/1967 #22785 l, when they see several yellowish lights that eventually extinguish themse 8/3/1967 #22787 at a time. Later, they see similar lights positioned directly in front of t 8/3/1967 #22787 lva blinks his headlights, and the lights respond similarly. The lights mai 8/3/1967 #22787 the lights respond similarly. The lights maintain their position in front 8/3/1967 #22787 ighway when they saw two yellowish lights, then many others, about 500 mete 8/3/1967 #22790 t 500 meters away to the left. The lights would blink and fade. Similar lig 8/3/1967 #22790 ghts would blink and fade. Similar lights were seen again at Conrado, Brazi 8/3/1967 #22790 ide were 15-20 bright red rotating lights. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/4/1967 #22797 bject with a horizontal row of red lights around the top, a series of white 8/4/1967 #22798 around the top, a series of white lights near the middle, and white-green 8/4/1967 #22798 light coming from the bottom (body lights). (Lorczak letter, NICAP files.) 8/4/1967 #22798 alows, and had 10 to 12 bright red lights arranged around its circumference 8/4/1967 #22806 ver(s). Groups / saucers and night lights. 1 cuts going quickly east others 8/6/1967 #22823 rs and 1 red. Turn / 30 rpm. Night lights going [to] by airline(s)/airliner 8/6/1967 #22824 de that had blinding, multicolored lights. Investigators found scrape marks 8/6/1967 #22825 veral 7:55–8:20 p.m. Formations of lights in groups of 3–5 are seen in many 8/6/1967 #22830 flew" out through the open window. Lights on the ground blinded the witness 8/7/1967 #22839 le in Grey Friars. It flashed blue lights all around its rim, and seemed to 8/9/1967 #22852 gland at 2:30 a.m. It flashed blue lights all around its rim, and seemed to 8/9/1967 #22853 nverted bowl, with a row of yellow lights on its surface, flew over Grand R 8/9/1967 #22854 s. Back / 11 August. Red and green lights. 8/10/1967 #22856 , diamond-shaped object with white lights at each end, a red light on one s 8/10/1967 #22857 reen light on the other side (body lights), and a girder-type structure in 8/10/1967 #22857 cigar-shaped object with a row of lights along its length that flashed in 8/11/1967 #22861 gth that flashed in sequence (body lights). The object seemed to be as big 8/11/1967 #22861 nd a green light on the rear (body lights). The object was dull gray and ap 8/14/1967 #22875 s with flashing red and white body lights. The objects hovered in separate 8/16/1967 #22884 ntal row of blinking red and white lights. They appeared to hover, and then 8/18/1967 #22887 HALIFAX, NS Airliner. White night lights. Ground RADAR confirm. 2 day wave 8/23/1967 #22894 Halifax, Nova Scotia, CAN Lights Observed / Tracked On Radar (NICA 8/23/1967 #22900 eld to the south. He turns off his lights and drives down a side road to ge 8/23/1967 #22904 er. Minutes later, he turns on his lights again and they shine on a huge me 8/23/1967 #22904 that seems to have some yellowish lights moving around in one room and noi 8/23/1967 #22905 de road to get closer. Turning his lights on again, he saw a huge greenish 8/23/1967 #22906 ered left hurriedly. There were no lights on in the room and their details 8/23/1967 #22907 glow with three vertical bands of lights (body lights) between them. The o 8/25/1967 #22923 ree vertical bands of lights (body lights) between them. The object approac 8/25/1967 #22923 Colorado, when his engine and car lights fail. He pulls to the side of the 8/27/1967 #22940 saw a row of 8-10 revolving white lights and a parallel upper row of yello 8/28/1967 #22942 a parallel upper row of yellowish lights (body lights) apparently attached 8/28/1967 #22942 pper row of yellowish lights (body lights) apparently attached to a curved 8/28/1967 #22942 of an object concealed behind the lights. (Fowler, 1974, p. 350.) (NICAP: 8/28/1967 #22942 cqueline Dowdell see a 3–4 dancing lights zigzagging to the northeast over 8/28/1967 #22943 rtheast over Rivers, Manitoba. The lights resolve into one object the color 8/28/1967 #22943 in the dome, and a string of white lights was visible around the bottom of 8/29/1967 #22950 und the bottom of the object (body lights). (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommitte 8/29/1967 #22950 bject with pulsating, multicolored lights around the circumference and a wh 8/29/1967 #22952 nce and a white light on top (body lights). The object moved slowly at tree 8/29/1967 #22952 -shaped object with a row of white lights on the bottom (body lights). Harr 8/31/1967 #22962 f white lights on the bottom (body lights). Harrisburg airport control towe 8/31/1967 #22962 r(s). White crescent drops 3 night lights / sequence. Other night lights ri 9/1967 #22964 ght lights / sequence. Other night lights rise and gone. 9/1967 #22964 jects with flashing, multi-colored lights. The objects circled and maneuver 9/1967 #22969 ny witnesses saw two yellow-orange lights that were stationary in the sky a 9/3/1967 #22987 d a white light at the other (body lights). As the object crossed the sky, 9/5/1967 #23005 hape-UFO low / sky. Car engine and lights fail. Radio "chatters". 9/6/1967 #23008 aturn-shaped object with two white lights on its leading edge. Pinkish ligh 9/8/1967 #23019 ights on its leading edge. Pinkish lights were visible along its rim, and a 9/8/1967 #23019 rim, and a red light on top (body lights). (Massachusetts NICAP Subcommitt 9/8/1967 #23019 -shaped object with white flashing lights on the rim and a red light on top 9/8/1967 #23022 chie and three children saw 18 red lights in a trapezoid pattern, only 1.5 9/9/1967 #23027 ashing red light on each end (body lights) and a white glow on the bottom t 9/10/1967 #23030 . A man saw a row of orange-yellow lights (body lights) with a vague form b 9/13/1967 #23047 row of orange-yellow lights (body lights) with a vague form behind them. T 9/13/1967 #23047 shaped object with a row of white lights (body lights) on the side. The ob 9/13/1967 #23048 t with a row of white lights (body lights) on the side. The object hovered 9/13/1967 #23048 e light was seen, and then six red lights in a row appeared at the same spo 9/13/1967 #23050 1 observer. Ovoid flashes colored lights / 2 hours. Maneuvers going up and 9/14/1967 #23053 amily had several sightings of red lights like glowing coals beginning abou 9/18/1967 #23081 about 8:30 pm. At 9:00 pm, two red lights glided in front of a full moon, d 9/18/1967 #23081 Ranger Station, but the radio ane lights do not work. The object turns whi 9/18/1967 #23085 SK, UKRAINE Crescent UFO and night lights. Then only night light. West goin 9/19/1967 #23087 OVGRAD, UKRAINE Crescent and night lights go southwest going quickly northe 9/19/1967 #23088 KIY, DONETSK, UKR Saucer and night lights buzz plane / electro-magnetic eff 9/19/1967 #23093 tic effect (EME). Engine out. Farm lights fail. Going quickly northeast. 9/19/1967 #23093 silvery light and smaller flashing lights around the rim heading west. It s 9/22/1967 #23114 9:35 p.m. EDT. A policeman saw two lights, one was stationary. The second l 9/23/1967 #23120 They first appeared as a string of lights flying at high altitude. (North D 9/24/1967 #23126 exit fog 100M away. Emit red night lights. Going west. 9/25/1967 #23127 ) telescope. Bright ovoid. 2 night lights shoot out. 3 night lights quickly 9/28/1967 #23141 2 night lights shoot out. 3 night lights quickly going down. Ovoid going q 9/28/1967 #23141 everal separate observer(s). Night lights and fireballs hover maneuver and 9/28/1967 #23142 ster of unidentified red and white lights that seemed to be spinning as the 10/1967 #23154 heads south. After 50 seconds, the lights blink out. 10/1967 #23156 r about half an hour, the external lights were extinguished, showing only t 10/1/1967 #23160 ange, and a triangle of blue-green lights, and took off at extremely high s 10/1/1967 #23160 lars. Silent white disk. Windows / lights / bottom. / r203p30. 10/2/1967 #23161 ws, and a white light on top (body lights). A white light beam from the bot 10/2/1967 #23164 saw red, greenish blue, and white lights (body lights) apparently on an ov 10/2/1967 #23165 enish blue, and white lights (body lights) apparently on an oval object tha 10/2/1967 #23165 aped object with windows, blinking lights, light beam illuminating ground 10/2/1967 #23166 t with a set of rectangular-shaped lights that blinked on-and-off, revolvin 10/2/1967 #23167 disc surrounded by a haze. It had lights around its rim, and it flew off t 10/3/1967 #23172 ridge, Massachusetts. It had white lights sparkling around its circumferenc 10/3/1967 #23172 ishing boat saw four brilliant red lights in a box formation that appeared 10/4/1967 #23175 V Nickerson see four brilliant red lights in a rectangular formation that a 10/4/1967 #23176 they watch, three brilliant yellow lights emerge and form a triangle around 10/4/1967 #23176 n object flying low, flashing four lights one after the other, in a straigh 10/4/1967 #23176 ct followed by a series of smaller lights, followed by a sizeable explosion 10/4/1967 #23177 ntually faded to blue. The smaller lights on the "kite tail" broke formatio 10/4/1967 #23177 object with blinking multicolored lights, three portholes, and a prism-lik 10/5/1967 #23179 , fuzzy objects with red and green lights were seen overhead at Vandenburg 10/6/1967 #23186 Station in Alberta when the cabin lights begin to flicker. He goes out to 10/7/1967 #23189 lso had one red and two green body lights that pulsated off and on. (Stanwa 10/10/1967 #23203 lso had one red and two green body lights that pulsated on and off. As the 10/10/1967 #23207 s that pulsated on and off. As the lights pulsated, the color of the object 10/10/1967 #23207 separate events. Dome-shaped night lights. All color(s). 1 follows truck / 10/11/1967 #23211 bserver(s). 60' string / red night lights 1km offshore / 600' altitude. Van 10/11/1967 #23212 th pulsating red, green and yellow lights (body lights). Its light illumina 10/11/1967 #23214 red, green and yellow lights (body lights). Its light illuminated the groun 10/11/1967 #23214 o circle her car. It has two white lights and a lighted-up underside. It ci 10/11/1967 #23217 on of cold, and the car engine and lights died. The engine restarted by its 10/11/1967 #23218 An object with a row of six red lights, 55-60 feet long and at an altitu 10/11/1967 #23220 helburne, Nova Scotia, Canada. The lights disappeared, but reappeared as 4 10/11/1967 #23220 s disappeared, but reappeared as 4 lights in a linear formation at a 45 deg 10/11/1967 #23220 RIVER, ALTA Car stalls. Radio and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Ni 10/12/1967 #23225 at Big Sur, California, when three lights appear in the sky. One is fiery r 10/12/1967 #23228 the beam. The partygoers watch the lights for about 40 minutes. Gregory tak 10/12/1967 #23228 2 lodges. 2 rows / windows. Night lights exit and return. 10/15/1967? #23239 and another man saw red and green lights in a square pattern that glided, 10/17/1967 #23243 RDEYSK, UKRAINE Crescent and night lights. 1 more night light. Southwest go 10/18/1967 #23258 eenagers saw a disc with two white lights at one end and a red light at the 10/19/1967 #23270 and a red light at the other (body lights). The object appeared to be spinn 10/19/1967 #23270 K, PA Several observer(s). 8 night lights going [to] over in formation. Rad 10/21/1967 #23276 the driver turns on his high-beam lights, they see three men who seem to f 10/21/1967 #23282 , 2-3 foot diameter, pulsating red lights floating over a field, apparently 10/22/1967 #23286 ting over a field, apparently body lights on a larger craft. A car stopped 10/22/1967 #23286 d with six people who also saw the lights. (Bondarchuk, 1979, p. 47-50.) (N 10/22/1967 #23286 p.m. CDT. Two witnesses saw three lights that were about 4 feet in diamete 10/22/1967 #23287 4 feet in diameter. The two outer lights were orange/amber and blinked or 10/22/1967 #23287 mation of brilliant red, pulsating lights above an adjacent field. They are 10/22/1967 #23290 e stopped their car to look at the lights. Two similar lights appear and ta 10/22/1967 #23290 to look at the lights. Two similar lights appear and take up a position nea 10/22/1967 #23290 dark rectangular objects that the lights are attached to. The formation di 10/22/1967 #23290 towers half a mile away. The three lights in triangular formation break up 10/22/1967 #23290 tnesses reported seeing mysterious lights in the area. 10/22/1967 #23291 rate, smaller orange and yellowish lights or objects. (Hennessey report, NI 10/23/1967 #23292 everal separate observer(s). Night lights and ovoids. Rail line nearby. 10/24/1967 #23297 . EDT. A man saw three oval orange lights in step formation which ascended 10/24/1967 #23300 wo aliens, and control panels with lights and knobs, could be seen inside. 10/24/1967 #23302 box” full of red, green, and white lights. Two humanoid figures and control 10/24/1967 #23305 bottom with red, green, and white lights. It was of a dull silver color, a 10/24/1967 #23309 m were square shaped red and white lights. It tilted toward them, and they 10/24/1967 #23309 d upward in the rear. Then the rim lights became very bright, it assumed a 10/24/1967 #23309 l-shaped object with red revolving lights at the top (body lights) and an a 10/26/1967 #23331 revolving lights at the top (body lights) and an apparent row of windows a 10/26/1967 #23331 ct with two horizontal rows of red lights, a green light, and a white light 10/26/1967 #23332 een light, and a white light (body lights). The object circled, hovered, re 10/26/1967 #23332 hat had two rows of horizontal red lights, a green light and a white light 10/26/1967 #23336 e. Grey triangle with 6 huge white lights. Collision course. 10/27/1967 #23338 as six huge, round, bright- white lights in a horizontal row on a darker o 10/27/1967 #23342 ontal row on a darker object (body lights). (Haines, 2000, pp. 58-59.) (NIC 10/27/1967 #23342 n diameter, emitting red and green lights, came down to a river, causing th 10/27/1967 #23348 e as six huge, round, bright-white lights in a horizontal row on a darker o 10/27/1967 #23350 ored object emitting red and green lights, 7.5 meters in diameter, came dow 10/27/1967 #23354 d craft with six very bright white lights along one side occurred at three 10/27/1967 #23357 NBRIDGE WELLS, KENT Car engine and lights die. Steeple-UFO rises and going 10/28/1967 #23358 riangular object with bright white lights ahead. Slowly rose and moved away 10/28/1967 #23361 ter with an object with six bright lights that looked like a church steeple 10/28/1967 #23362 church steeple. The car engine and lights of the car died. 10/28/1967 #23362 e described the object as "full of lights", red and other colors, which alt 10/29/1967 #23364 ts with red, green, and white body lights, at first moving slowly, then man 10/30/1967 #23368 deceleration. The vehicle’s motor, lights, and radio go off. Spargo hears n 10/30/1967 #23371 saucer seen 3X going south / N623. Lights / rim. Blocks road. Square window 11/1967 (approximate) #23380 Ririe, ID Domed disc, lights along rim, two beings visible in 11/2/1967 #23389 ernately flashing orange and green lights. On top is a transparent dome, wh 11/2/1967 #23390 he car. Through the UFO's flashing lights the men were able to see that the 11/2/1967 #23392 jects / triangle formation. Signal lights back and forth. 11/3/1967 #23395 Multiple witnesses saw four bright lights that hovered, moved off, changed 11/4/1967 #23401 arl Farlow told police that as his lights and radio blacked out, although h 11/5/1967 #23407 told police that at 11:30 p.m. his lights and radio blacked out, although h 11/5/1967 #23408 Farlow (or Barlow) finds that the lights on his diesel truck have failed. 11/6/1967 #23414 rection, and its engine stalls and lights fail. The UFO glows a vivid green 11/6/1967 #23414 ake Elsinore, California, when his lights go out, the car stops, and the ra 11/8/1967 #23425 the highway in front of them. The lights on their car went out. The next r 11/9/1967 #23433 driving up a gravel road when its lights when out. They could no longer se 11/9/1967 #23434 night light hovers. 3 small night lights exit. 1 going east. 1 going south 11/13/1967 #23441 ong object which had white glowing lights in front and back (body lights). 11/15/1967 #23461 ing lights in front and back (body lights). (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommitte 11/15/1967 #23461 light, possibly with red blinking lights on the side, bounce around over W 11/15/1967 #23463 0 p.m. LT. Four people saw two red lights (body lights) on an object with a 11/18/1967 #23478 ur people saw two red lights (body lights) on an object with a row of windo 11/18/1967 #23478 ject with flashing , multi-colored lights (body lights) around the center. 11/19/1967 #23481 shing , multi-colored lights (body lights) around the center. The object wa 11/19/1967 #23481 ROOSEVELT, UT Pulsating night lights rotate and maneuver. Several pass 11/20/1967 #23485 , rotating , red, green, and amber lights about 100 yards away. A shadowy r 11/20/1967 #23486 round area could be seen below the lights. (Salisbury, 1974, Appendix B, Ta 11/20/1967 #23486 ng, rotating green, red, and amber lights. The object had a shadowy round s 11/20/1967 #23487 Two UFOs with lights blinded a man while he was drivin 11/23/1967 #23502 disc that had a dome and red body lights. Physical traces were found at th 11/24/1967 #23505 "jet motor," flew by, after which lights, radio worked normally. CUFOS rep 11/28/1967 #23516 police car would not start and its lights went out, as well as the lights i 11/28/1967 #23518 ts lights went out, as well as the lights in the police booth, but they cam 11/28/1967 #23518 with a row of 8-10 blinking white lights, and a parallel upper row of yell 11/28/1967 #23519 and a parallel upper row of yellow lights, that seemed to be attached to a 11/28/1967 #23519 t and the headlights and dashboard lights dimmed. The witness then saw a bl 11/28/1967 #23520 ast and disappeared, whereupon the lights and radio then started operating 11/28/1967 #23520 k, a pointed end, and two or three lights (body lights). It descended and l 11/29/1967 #23522 end, and two or three lights (body lights). It descended and landed in a cl 11/29/1967 #23522 rain. Luminous ball follows train. Lights inside / cars. 15 minute(s) / pan 12/1967 #23527 blue-green, yellow, red, and white lights (body lights). (Phone call, NICAP 12/1/1967 #23530 ellow, red, and white lights (body lights). (Phone call, NICAP file memo.) 12/1/1967 #23530 STAL SPRS, SSK Farmers chase night lights all over/all about. Appear and va 12/3/1967 #23539 and 20 feet wide with flashing red lights inside. (Hall, 2001, p. 530-32, f 12/3/1967 #23540 and 20 feet wide with flashing red lights inside. Under hypnosis, the offic 12/3/1967 #23541 Highway 6 when he notices some red lights along State Route 63 that might b 12/3/1967 #23545 hts shining on the object. The red lights are blinking through the windows 12/3/1967 #23545 te, then his patrol car engine and lights died. He noticed a silver disc ab 12/3/1967 #23547 ft white light, and pulsating blue lights on each end (body lights). (NICAP 12/6/1967 #23554 ting blue lights on each end (body lights). (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 12/6/1967 #23554 indrical object with legs and body lights on the underside. The object hove 12/7/1967 #23556 series of blinking white and green lights along the rim (body lights). (Uni 12/11/1967 #23569 d green lights along the rim (body lights). (Unidentified newspaper clippin 12/11/1967 #23569 ng near Edmonton, Alberta, his car lights dim and engine sputters. He pulls 12/13/1967 #23581 450 feet away. It is metallic, has lights around the edge, and is about 50 12/13/1967 #23581 ear Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, the lights of a car dimmed and the motor spu 12/13/1967 #23582 0 yards away. It was metallic, had lights around the edge, and was about 50 12/13/1967 #23582 CORDOBA, ARG 3 / factory. Lights go out. Powerful fireball outside 12/14/1967 #23583 with a red light at each tip (body lights). (Unidentified newspaper clippin 12/14/1967 #23585 d on the bottom, and red and green lights around the equator (body lights). 12/15/1967 #23589 en lights around the equator (body lights). The object approached at low al 12/15/1967 #23589 top and bottom, and red and green lights around the middle. The object app 12/15/1967 #23592 ngular object with a row of square lights on one side. He tries following i 12/19/1967 #23595 ilvery disc with multicolored body lights revolving around its perimeter bu 12/22/1967 #23598 projection on top and multicolored lights, 100 m away, and felt a heat wave 12/22/1967 #23599 / (seen thru) binoculars. 8 night lights going north / 30s intervals. Smal 12/24/1967 #23601 north / 30s intervals. Small night lights fall from large. 12/24/1967 #23601 MA Night. Eight witnesses saw 6-7 lights move across the sky one after the 12/24/1967 #23604 away to the south. The engine and lights come back on as it departs. 12/24/1967 #23606 s still moving. Three or four more lights arrive, some hovering, others mov 12/24/1967 #23607 ving. Two or three of the hovering lights appear to drop smaller lights tha 12/24/1967 #23607 ring lights appear to drop smaller lights that flash as they fall. All are 12/24/1967 #23607 away to the south. The engine and lights both came back on as it departed. 12/24/1967 #23608 imly outlined object with a row of lights hovering over an underpass on the 12/25/1967 #23609 Pennsylvania, when they see three lights on the horizon. They stop the car 12/27/1967 #23615 horizon. They stop the car as the lights approach. They are attached to a 12/27/1967 #23615 NEUQUEN, ARG Military cops. Night lights maneuver and land / months. Chang 12/28/1967 #23616 rce Base pretty much ignored these lights on the first night, wondering if 1968 #23622 e saw a transparent bubble with 12 lights. It hovered fifty feet above the 1/2/1968 #23644 balls of flame while doing so. The lights were the color of car headlights 1/2/1968 #23644 JACKSON, NJ TV image fades. Lights dim. Large bowl-saucer maneuvers 1/8/1968 #23657 :30 p.m. when suddenly some bright lights in the sky attracted her attentio 1/17/1968 #23668 ring overhead with bright flashing lights. She watched as it came down seve 1/17/1968 #23668 d had a solid row of red and green lights going on and off in sequence alon 1/17/1968 #23668 also had five steady bright white lights spaced evenly along the top secti 1/17/1968 #23668 e could also see levers and little lights as might appear on a computer. Un 1/24/1968 #23697 68, a dark UFO with red and yellow lights at both ends was seen weaving fro 1/28/1968 #23706 r three times, and when it did the lights dimmed. 1/28/1968 #23706 several days witnessed mysterious lights and unknown objects maneuvering o 1/29/1968 #23708 isc - 50-60 ft circular obj with 7 lights on the bottom, 8-10 lights on top 2/4/1968 #23731 with 7 lights on the bottom, 8-10 lights on top (NICAP: 02 - Close Encount 2/4/1968 #23731 ut 50 feet in diameter, with seven lights on its base emitting bright orang 2/4/1968 #23734 ight orange flame. Some 8–10 other lights on its rim alternate red and gree 2/4/1968 #23734 GROVETON, MO Noise. 30m saucer lights field / 6m altitude. Windows. Cow 2/9/1968 #23742 aucer passes over observer(s) car. Lights on rim like theatre marquis. 2/11/1968 #23748 ad pulsating white and pinkish-red lights around the rim, making it look li 2/11/1968 #23749 ocean. It had frosted yellow side lights with a bright red light in the mi 2/21/1968 #23775 ion on this night. It had red body lights that dimmed when an airplane flew 2/24/1968 #23783 ng, showing numerous multi-colored lights. The car almost stopped as the ob 3/3/1968 #23813 –60 feet long with blinking yellow lights. The witness tries to speed up, b 3/4/1968 #23823 o restart his car engine after the lights come on. A BUFORA investigator ta 3/4/1968 #23824 was 50-60 feet long with blinking lights.The witness tried to drive away b 3/4/1968 #23825 ovoids seen over roads etc. Bright lights. 3/11/1968 #23836 hovers. Gold beam going down [to] lights houses. Very fast. 3/15/1968 #23843 road. It has a band of dimmer red lights around its midsection. Suddenly a 3/19/1968 #23849 road. It had a band of dimmer red lights flashing around its center. "I st 3/19/1968 #23850 TATES / SOUTH MEXICO Several night lights. Big earth and skyquake. Plunging 3/27/1968 #23862 2+2 observer(s). 30M orange ovoid lights farm up. Follows car. Air Force i 4/1968 #23878 EJOUR, MBA 12M saucer paces truck. Lights PR 12. Hums. Colored bands rotate 4/3/1968 #23885 ve her car, causing the engine and lights to fail as well as that of a seco 4/3/1968 #23887 was flashing red, white, and green lights. The hospital's ship-to-shore rad 4/8/1968 #23897 00 p.m. two groups of three bright lights flew in a triangular formation ov 4/10/1968 #23899 MILTON, MASS 1 observer. Cluster / lights blink colors over radio telescope 4/12/1968 #23901 ow moon / total eclipse. Small red lights and 1 white. 4/12/1968 #23902 A cluster of multicolored lights hovered, blinking red to orange t 4/12/1968 #23903 LTA 2 observer(s). Rotating object lights entire sky. Bright and dim. Going 4/18/1968 #23911 er(s). Glowing-object with colored lights on Georgian bay. Speeds away and 4/18/1968 #23912 HEYFIELD, AUST Blue dome beams lights. Whines. Car and transistor radio 5/1/1968 #23937 ts to the south with pulsating red lights moving in the same direction at t 5/10/1968 #23955 EAR PUNTA GORDA, FL Car engine and lights fail. Saucer lands. Going up [to] 5/27/1968 #23985 ay a hovering aerial craft with no lights. He became dizzy, and when he rec 6/4/1968 #24006 bject were yellow, red, and orange lights. He estimated the craft to be abo 6/10/1968 #24018 metallic saucer 30M away. Colored lights / bottom/underside. Quickly going 6/14/1968 #24026 away. It had yellow, green and red lights at the bottom. (Magonia #908; LDL 6/14/1968 #24028 away. It had yellow, green and red lights at the bottom. As he approached, 6/14/1968 #24030 is radiating a coherent light that lights up the room. She feels somewhat p 6/15/1968 #24039 e had seen two odd, stationary red lights about 5–6 feet from the ground of 6/15/1968 #24039 m see about 30 strange slow-moving lights. At the time they are interpreted 6/15/1968 #24040 and materiel over the border. The lights appear the following evening, and 6/15/1968 #24040 and and wife encounter an array of lights that hover above their car near R 6/20/1968 #24055 ickly [to] toward(s) Mt. Banderas. Lights area 100METERS wide. 6/23/1968 #24070 DONG HA, VIETNAM Night lights and blips all over/all about Ben 6/25/1968 (approximate) #24079 lower part a kind of helix, where lights of white and sky-blue were revolv 6/27/1968 #24087 ey see an object with rotating red lights that agitates the family’s horses 7/2/1968 #24132 erver(s) / 2 days. Top-saucer with lights / bottom. Object stops over car. 7/3/1968 #24138 ular objects beneath it. These two lights rose and merged into the larger o 7/6/1968 #24149 ivate pilot follows 8 orange night lights going northeast. 3 going down / g 7/7/1968 #24152 c cylinder with yellow-orange body lights followed a Cessna 172 light airpl 7/8/1968 #24160 inute(s) over Mt. Jastres. Colored lights around edge. 7/12/1968 #24169 ndil Air Force Base" / news. Night lights and oval traces / grass / Nov. '6 7/13/1968 (approximate) #24172 ENDOZA, ARG Mushroom-saucer lands. Lights clinic. Flashes. 80cm spot / grou 7/22/1968 #24199 kshire, England, when they see two lights approaching them from above a nea 7/22/1968 #24203 . They are giving off many colored lights. As they hover above a nearby hou 7/22/1968 #24203 mes agitated and runs off. The two lights then become four and arrange them 7/22/1968 #24203 t dull-metallic 40' saucer with 12 lights / underside. 7/23/1968 #24212 to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Lights back on as saucer lands! Stays 45 7/29/1968 #24248 oing northeast. 1km altitude. Tail lights ground. Light goes out-then UFO. 8/1968 #24275 1969. The UFOs, often seen as red lights, usually travel at speeds of 30–8 8/1968 #24284 days of tracking, the red blinking lights extinguish when under radar surve 8/1968 #24284 RE, FR N148 / D95. 2 / car. Saucer lights ground. Zigzags. Loops. Shoots go 8/6/1968 (approximate) #24299 to the young man, three tiny white lights emerge one at a time from the rig 8/7/1968 #24307 UBAS, BRAZIL 3 observer(s). Saucer lights area / low altitude. 3 small huma 8/9/1968 #24311 lying object emitting blue and red lights was sighted in the suburbs of Cer 8/9/1968 #24313 te(s). Lit corners. 12 small night lights exit. 8/14/1968 #24323 rey cylinder/cigar-shape with many lights. Shoots going up [to] as private 8/14/1968 #24325 up a hill, he sees a group of 5–6 lights hovering 50 feet above some trees 8/15/1968 #24331 ghway in front of them, its yellow lights flashing brilliantly, on an appar 8/15/1968 #24331 of people saw a UFO approach, beam lights down which reflected off Greenbri 8/16/1968 #24339 Large brilliant ovoid rises / sea. Lights area. Wobbles. Going quickly NNW. 8/18/1968 #24347 J. Draper, see a group of starlike lights approaching from the northeast, i 8/21/1968 #24364 RIMNICU-SARAT, ROMANIA 2 night lights. Very fast and silent. Orbit each 8/25/1968 #24375 s. Come toward(s) observer(s) when lights on. 8/27/1968 #24386 rd. Back / 4 days. Vanishes! Night lights. 8/29/1968 #24395 round object with green and white lights that "arrived from the sky and la 8/31/1968 #24409 CTORIA, BC Date approximate. Night lights maneuver all over convention / as 9/1968 #24414 uge saucer hovers / car. Motor and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). 3 9/1/1968 #24417 e Neuquén, their car stops and the lights go out. They find themselves unab 9/1/1968 #24421 e engine of their car quit and the lights went out. Peccinetti had just sta 9/1/1968 #24422 r(s). Red object lands / hillside. Lights / ends. 75' patch / dried grass. 9/2/1968 #24423 TARADALE, NZ 2+observer(s). Night lights / city dump / 4 days. Beams going 9/6/1968 #24432 en they notice 20–30 red and green lights flying aimlessly above the city d 9/6/1968 #24434 shaking the car. Immediately, the lights begin to group, take off vertical 9/6/1968 #24434 e base. Maneuvers. Green and white lights. 9/9/1968 #24443 Corps Base. It had green and white lights and engaged in maneuvers for 20 m 9/9/1968 #24447 aped object with flickering yellow lights flies over the area at high speed 9/15/1968 #24467 ANDS 20cm fireball paces airliner. Lights interior blue. Zigzags. 9/17/1968 #24472 ect flashing red, blue, and yellow lights on Hunter Road in San Marcos, Tex 9/18/1968 #24479 BISTRITA, ROM Saucer with 3 small lights. Radio station/depot/facility and 9/19/1968 #24481 o] against wind. Hovers / 4 hours. Lights inside. Going quickly west. / r84 9/19/1968 #24482 isc-shaped object with three small lights hovering for five minutes. The ob 9/19/1968 #24486 of a pea at arm's length, and its lights were large, three-quarters the he 9/21/1968 #24498 NO, SP Rumor. Object / woods beams lights. Flies. Observer(s) felt "spoken 9/22/1968 #24499 ST / ROOSEVELT, UT Saucer with red lights on top flies by at airplane speed 9/23/1968 #24502 flatter on the bottom. It had red lights on top and was making a humming s 9/23/1968 #24505 nd was making a humming sound. The lights were steady and the disc moved at 9/23/1968 #24505 CAXIAS, BRZ Brilliant 20M circle / lights / 100M altitude. Glides. Away goi 9/24/1968 #24507 n the road toward her. There were “lights of changing color visible on thei 9/24/1968 #24509 ops by to ask if they had seen any lights in a field the night before. The Late 9/1968 #24511 e beam was longer than the others. Lights pulsated. (Phone call to NICAP) ( 9/30/1968 #24525 ere “maneuvering” with very strong lights sources in their hands, which the 9/30/1968 #24527 NEAR ACULA, SP 3 4M saucers beam lights. Go dark on landing. Observers ar 10/1968 #24531 rge ovoid hovers / beach. Blinding lights. Portholes etc. 10/3/1968 #24539 y. Suddenly three large gray-white lights shaped like television picture tu 10/5/1968 #24544 ght is at one end. The three large lights begin to blink slowly, then rapid 10/5/1968 #24544 s out, the arm retracts, the large lights blink more slowly until they stop 10/5/1968 #24544 k more slowly until they stop. The lights go out and the object moves to th 10/5/1968 #24544 light around it and three circular lights beneath it. The two men got into 10/8/1968 #24551 BRZ 2 separate cars paced / night lights and lit / beams. Red 30cm ball ho 10/12/1968 #24558 eral military observer(s). 3 night lights / triangle formation northwest go 10/13/1968 #24560 ht on the ground proved to be four lights, one of which took off into the a 10/15/1968 #24563 igures vanished. Other maneuvering lights were then observed. Then somethin 10/15/1968 #24563 d a row of pulsating multi-colored lights around the edge approached them q 10/15/1968 #24563 sible to see better, the remaining lights on the ground could be seen to be 10/15/1968 #24563 lic top-saucer spins. 2 fast night lights exit going quickly east / 1830h. 10/17/1968 #24567 Saucer seen / ambulance. Motor and lights die. Object going up [to] and los 10/19/1968 #24575 the landing site on the road, car lights went out for half a minute or mor 10/26/1968 #24590 object with red and green flashing lights and a white light hovering for 30 10/27/1968 #24592 AS VEGAS, NV Group / colored night lights buzz 2 / car. Vague structure vis 10/28/1968 #24594 ted five bright orange oval shaped lights that were self luminous and the a 10/28/1968 #24598 nt coins held at arm's length. The lights circled some scrub bush and lande 10/28/1968 #24598 bush and landed remotely. Two more lights were seen 50 minutes later. 10/28/1968 #24598 At 11:20 p.m. bright white lights were seen hovering over the deser 10/28/1968 #24599 placed by a group of multi-colored lights that blinked in a pattern indicat 10/28/1968 #24599 ebulous figure was seen behind the lights. 10/28/1968 #24599 NCOUVER, BC 2 observer(s). 4 night lights in formation. 6 join / sequence a 10/30/1968 #24604 boat and 4. Large luminous saucer lights 40M of sea with retractable cone 11/7/1968 #24639 WESTLOCK, ALTA Disk spins. Lights / edge. Shifts every 2 minute(s) 11/7/1968 #24640 inga, Brazil near Brasilia. It had lights and portholes around the rim and 11/8/1968 #24644 arate observer(s). 75' saucer with lights and Z-marks / side. Car malfuncti 11/17/1968 (approximate) #24664 disc with white, amber, and green lights and a transparent dome in a field 11/20/1968 #24673 th jerky movements, and the bright lights from the craft hurt their eyes. 11/20/1968 #24673 light going [to] over. All outside lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Al 11/21/1968 #24674 -magnetic effect (EME). All inside lights on. 11/21/1968 #24674 f the craft were a row of changing lights that gave the impression of it ro 11/21/1968 #24676 ). 1M night light and 6 30cm night lights maneuver and fly. 11/22/1968 #24678 an object with five red, blinking lights about 100 feet in front of her ca 11/25/1968 #24704 and moves to the northwest as the lights change to blinking blue and white 11/25/1968 #24704 ew directly overhead. It had amber lights around edge, and was completely s 11/25/1968 #24706 ts and Wilhelm, watched two bright lights in the sky engage in sudden maneu 11/26/1968 #24719 Y, SSK Several observer(s). "Tabor lights" = dim glow. Follow people. Grave 11/27/1968 #24722 elcourt, ND Round object with body lights hovered, shone red light beam to 11/27/1968 #24723 elcourt, ND Round object with body lights hovered, shone red light beam to 11/27/1968 #24724 A luminous round object with body lights hovered over Belcourt, North Dako 11/27/1968 #24726 MANGAMAHU, NZ 2 pilots. 3 night lights / triangle split apart and rejoin 11/29/1968 #24730 nd Peddie, sighted three large red lights at each corner of a triangular fo 11/29/1968 #24732 orner of a triangular formation of lights traveling together. No solid form 11/29/1968 #24732 the formation, and two flashed red lights. Another UFO flashed red and then 11/29/1968 #24733 bserver(s). Object with multicolor lights goes dark when it lands nearby. 12/1/1968 #24743 A cluster of flashing lights appeared just at dusk over Watts 12/5/1968 #24745 ectangular door / bottom/underside lights ground. Possible landing. 12/8/1968 #24749 feet high, and it had four sets of lights which bathed the surrounding area 12/10/1968 #24757 ). Fireball hovers / 20 minute(s). Lights area like day. Going quickly [to] 12/12/1968 #24760 had rotating red, green, and white lights. The UFO appeared to fall from th 12/15/1968 #24772 ucer with halo. Maneuvers. 2 night lights orbit. Vanish. / r84p245. 1/14/1969 #24839 ers / 30M altitude / 10 second(s). Lights / ends. Going north to mountains. 1/15/1969 (approximate) #24845 Crittendon, VA Amber lights, one blinking, in elliptical form 1/17/1969 #24857 e on top and one red and two amber lights on its leading edge. It moved up 1/20/1969 #24861 MASS 2 observer(s). Dark ovoid. 4 lights / edge. Sways to and fro over cou 1/22/1969 #24864 the top and bottom and four white lights around the edge moved in a side-t 1/22/1969 #24867 -magnetic effects) and rises! Farm lights out. Going quickly northwest. / r 1/25/1969 #24868 ed object approached, outside farm lights went out. CUFOS report; see Rodeg 1/25/1969 #24870 y 30 feet off the ground. Security lights on a nearby farmhouse go off. The 1/25/1969 #24871 nd flashes, and the car engine and lights go off. The front end of the car 1/25/1969 #24871 th going quickly south over trees. Lights area like day. 1/28/1969 #24874 LAKESIDE, OH Amber-white night lights play around hills. Observer(s) = 2/1969 #24884 h cheek. Machado is nervous, so he lights a cigarette. The beings apparentl 2/7/1969 #24901 ect with row / windows and colored lights. Goes going up and down [to] fast 2/14/1969 #24920 line. There are two flashing white lights on the top and a tent-like struct 2/18/1969 #24928 p and sees two bright flashing red lights above and slightly inside the gat 3/4/1969 #24969 BESO DOR MTS, BUSOT, SPAIN 3 night lights light up mountain / 3 minute(s). 3/6/1969 #24972 PUNTA ARENAS, CHL Truck lights dim. 4M saucer hovers 6M away. Do 3/6/1969 #24973 everal separate observer(s). Night lights and luminous/glowing ovoids maneu 3/19/1969 #25029 n the west. It had a ring of white lights around it and appeared to be spin 3/22/1969 #25037 saw a large oval-shaped craft with lights around its edge and a beam of lig 4/5/1969 #25051 NEAR PICHIDANGUI, CHILE Saucer lights road. Truck malfunctions due to E 4/15/1969 #25063 eplaced by a “low beam” and “cabin lights.” A UFO is above the cane and she 4/20/1969 #25073 It was kettle-drum shaped, and had lights streaming from the bottom in a co 4/20/1969 #25076 anca, Spain when they noticed some lights ahead, perhaps a kilometer away. 4/21/1969 #25079 and intense, and two smaller green lights separated by 20 meters. They appr 4/21/1969 #25079 ed upside down.” It has two bright lights directed horizontally and appears 4/22/1969 #25082 ar object with three pulsating red lights around the top, 200 yards away fr 4/26/1969 #25096 UFO fly close by. It had three red lights and a green flashing light on top 4/28/1969 #25099 parate observer(s) / 3 days. Night lights and saucers and fireballs all ove 5/2/1969 #25108 w students. 1M ring / yellow-green lights maneuvers over and behind faculty 5/14/1969 #25136 ng-shaped object with yellow-green lights in the sky maneuvering over and b 5/14/1969 #25137 swick, Canada. The car's radio and lights were effected by the UFO during t 5/19/1969 #25146 TH, WEST AUS RADAR blips and night lights zigzag going north. Big RV wave. 5/23/1969 #25158 munda, Western Australia nocturnal lights zigzagged through the sky and wer 5/23/1969 #25161 A 3 separate cops. Bus-size object lights trees. Follows train. APRO May'69 5/24/1969 #25162 ere out looking for any mysterious lights that might appear in the night sk 5/30/1969 #25169 ro-magnetic effect (EME)-motor and lights. 5/31/1969 #25171 g the sighting, including both the lights and motor. 5/31/1969 #25175 FROM MEJILLONES, CHL Car motor and lights die. Cylinder/cylindrical object- 6/1969 #25176 sphere/orb/globe and 2 point night lights. Flies / airport/apartment buildi 6/1/1969 #25187 In 1969 numerous red lights were seen hovering in the sky ove 6/4/1969 #25199 s later a UFO with two rows of red lights, connected by a white beam, buzze 6/4/1969 #25199 tween Brinkworth and Clare saw red lights flying parallel to his car, headi 6/4/1969 #25199 VARRIA, ARG 3 observer(s). 3 night lights take off / Monte Henrich. Approac 6/12/1969 #25212 IGAN CITY, IN USCG and many. Night lights and ovoid maneuver / hours. 1 obj 6/20/1969 #25228 ries of multi-colored, maneuvering lights for a period of at least two hour 6/20/1969 #25229 ing rim with red, green and yellow lights around its center. Increasing in 6/20/1969 #25229 fic speed." Officer Ted Stantz saw lights that erratically "went back and f 6/20/1969 #25230 ng a small person and a craft that lights up and flies away. Within 2 days, 7/4/1969 #25251 (RFI). All power out. 7-80cm night lights and saucer all night. 20M rectang 7/6/1969 #25258 a Boren, see two “star-like moving lights” high in the air. 7/12/1969 #25263 cops and more. 8' ovoid responds / lights. Follows car. Legs extend. / r201 7/13/1969 #25266 , when they see a bright star that lights up the Ottawa River next to them. 7/13/1969 #25268 r / 3' altitude 10' away. Blinding lights going down. Trees burnt. Going no 7/16/1969 #25271 a large gray object with blinding lights descending above a well on her fa 7/16/1969 #25274 ground 80M away Carry sticks with lights. Glowing-object hovers / slant ne 8/1969 #25303 car radio. Both were okay and the lights and radio functioned properly aga 8/5/1969 #25311 GROOMSPORT, ULSTER Ovoid with lights / rim. Hits houses / beam. Follow 8/11/1969 (approximate) #25314 around 1:00 a.m. an ovoid UFO with lights around its periphery flew low ove 8/11/1969 #25316 rver(s). Dark saucer with triangle lights / underside going [to] low over h 8/15/1969? #25323 was flashing red, green and orange lights. It made no sound as it moved ver 9/22/1969 #25375 KAHAROA, NI, NZ Farmer. 2 night lights trail across sky / 10 minute(s). 10/4/1969 #25396 ickly north and south. Small night lights orbit clockwise and reverse count 10/8/1969 #25397 t 4:10 a.m. It had small satellite lights orbiting it in both clockwise and 10/8/1969 #25401 alia, each flashing red and yellow lights. Both objects then rose and were 10/11/1969 #25409 DORSET Large invisible object with lights fore and aft hovers over beach. T 10/23/1969 #25419 A dark or invisible object with lights fore and aft hovered over the bea 10/23/1969 #25420 object passes overhead. Bright red lights under the UFO seem to be moving b 10/24/1969 #25422 with green or turquoise pulsating lights are on the side. When the UFO is 10/24/1969 #25422 5 p.m. At first they noticed white lights, next red lights, and then two ri 10/28/1969 #25431 hey noticed white lights, next red lights, and then two rings of red flashi 10/28/1969 #25431 and then two rings of red flashing lights on the object. It hovered at a lo 10/28/1969 #25431 anels around the circumference and lights on the top and bottom. 10/28/1969 #25431 aipukurau, NZ Circular object with lights hovering over airport sped away m 10/30/1969 #25436 , New Zealand Circular object with lights hovering over airport sped away m 10/30/1969 #25437 OWN, WI Night light descends. Beam lights entire field. Many observer(s). S 10/31/1969? #25441 AND ALL / GREECE Saucers and night lights seen all over/all about. Hundreds 11/3/1969 #25451 e went riding in the car and I saw lights. We flashed to it and it flashed 11/9/1969 #25455 ansparent dome on top. It had many lights resembling car headlights visible 11/15/1969 #25461 CSON, AZ Astronomer and 2. 5 night lights / sequence. Stop. Small night lig 11/26/1969 #25473 ghts / sequence. Stop. Small night lights drop / large ones. Photos. 11/26/1969 #25473 d triangle lifts car 3m. Motor and lights stay on. 11/30/1969 #25478 0 feet off the road. The motor and lights continued running, but the steeri 11/30/1969 #25481 thru) telescope. 2 brilliant night lights very close. Hover / 3 minute(s). 12/5/1969 #25485 . Ovoid / erratic maneuvers. Night lights circle object and flash color(s). 12/13/1969 #25496 west going east slow. Rotate. X / lights / bottom. 12/19/1969 #25505 having an X-shaped arrangement of lights on the bottom. 12/19/1969 #25507 and 40 feet away. It has a row of lights around its middle. She can see tw 1/1/1970 #25532 vered close by with a "necklace of lights" around the rim. At 5:00 a.m. the 1/1/1970 #25533 BC 2 / car. Amber saucer ringed / lights going north. Stops overhead / 6 m 1/10/1970 #25544 r mountains offloads 3 small night lights. 4 separate dogs frantic. 1/28/1970 #25557 a variety of flashing multicolored lights. There was an independent witness 1/29/1970 #25560 ia an oval-shaped silver disc with lights around the rim turned, hovered si 2/7/1970 #25576 nished as USAF jets drew near. The lights on the object rotated countercloc 2/7/1970 #25576 over power towers / Coyote Point. Lights / side. 2/10/1970 #25577 LAKE ANTON, SWD Night lights. Burnt landing marks by house mil 4/30/1970 #25646 ngor, Maine, notices two nocturnal lights in the Ursa Major constellation m 5/14/1970 #25662 T, FR 6 professors / car. Fireball lights fields like day / 10 second(s). S 5/18/1970 #25665 o] over road slowly. Red and white lights. Accelerates. No further details. 5/31/1970 #25678 urface of the water and takes off, lights flashing from the underside. Once 6/27/1970 #25714 h it showed red, green, and yellow lights. It left behind it a white, float 6/27/1970 #25716 ar-shape emits fireballs and night lights. Going up [to] until lost / sky. 7/1970 (approximate) #25722 for 15 minutes as a series of red lights flash in sequence across it. The 7/4/1970 #25726 g when he saw a vortex of swirling lights "like a rainbow" into which he wa 7/4/1970 #25727 ELK GARDEN, WV Night lights since 1960s. Ovoid covered / ligh 7/15/1970 (approximate) #25736 ights since 1960s. Ovoid covered / lights over cemetery. Government investi 7/15/1970 (approximate) #25736 pi prophecy. Others see zigzagging lights in the sky over the next few nigh 8/7/1970 #25775 ect approached police car, engine, lights, and radio failed. Object took of 8/13/1970 #25781 ight. His engine stops and the car lights and radio go out. Heat inside the 8/13/1970 #25782 allic gray disc. His car's engine, lights, and two-way radio died. The ligh 8/13/1970 #25783 nge, yellow, green and blue indigo lights. He could now see a large disc-sh 8/15/1970 #25787 the south end of Lake Michigan and lights from the nearby Big Rock Nuclear 8/15/1970 #25787 cloud / roadside. Flies. Dims car lights! High speeds. 8/16/1970 #25788 perimeter were other multi-colored lights. A few feet away stood a tall man 8/16/1970 #25791 Yonne, France. The car engine and lights both failed. The car operated nor 8/16/1970 #25792 -magnetic effects). Red glow and 4 lights / underside. Near landing. 8/20/1970 #25798 observer(s). 2 20cm diameter night lights 2M over ground. Back several X / 8/24/1970 #25800 AST / ROOSEVELT, UT Red ovoid glow lights sky and ground. Direct red beams 9/4/1970 #25823 ia suffered from strange dreams of lights. During a hypnotic regression ses 9/7/1970 #25828 grey triangle going [to] over. Red lights / corners. Possible windows / bot 9/8/1970 #25829 ch of its bottom corners and white lights in its center. It eventually move 9/8/1970 #25830 firing on a UFO with multicolored lights. He drew his revolver and fired a 9/9/1970 #25832 REZE, FR Night lights circle and zigzag. Ovoids too. Eq 9/28/1970 #25856 Nocturnal lights and ovoid objects circled and zig 9/28/1970 #25858 conds before disappearing into the lights of Moose Jaw to the west. It has 11/1/1970 #25898 hrobbing sound and pulsing colored lights. AOK after. / r79p50. 11/7/1970 #25904 gular object with orange and white lights moving in an erratic manner to th 11/16/1970 #25906 ns. Going [to] behind cloud. 8 red lights / bottom. 11/20/1970 #25911 Matlock, England. It had eight red lights on the bottom, and moved behind a 11/20/1970 #25912 lock, England at 8 p.m. It had red lights on the bottom and two white light 11/21/1970 #25914 lights on the bottom and two white lights. It went behind a cloud. At 9:00 11/21/1970 #25914 a table lamp, they "lit up in many lights." One of them handed Santos a pie 11/24/1970 #25917 M Many separate observer(s). Night lights play / inaccessible mountains. 1 12/18/1970 #25947 Sellars--took a photograph of two lights in parallel motion at 10:00 p.m. 12/24/1970 #25952 Pentax camera on a tripod. The two lights were also seen by another residen 12/24/1970 #25952 A 1+Air Traffic Controllers. Night lights play / mountains. 2 odd circles w 12/28/1970 #25954 d multiple eyewitness testimony of lights flying erratically over the crash 1/1971 #25962 P Rain. Disk hovers / 2M altitude. Lights area. Huge power outage. / r50p32 1/20/1971 #25992 t engine, and it had red and white lights on each wing and on the tails." T 1/22/1971 #25997 NEAR VADER, WA 2 objects with lights going [to] past window / low alti 2/17/1971 #26022 ect was noiseless, and a string of lights extended down on what would corre 2/18/1971 #26026 st 50 feet in diameter. It had red lights and a searchlight like beam, whic 2/26/1971 #26033 ped UFO with two tail fins and red lights front and aft, with white lights 3/2/1971 #26040 d lights front and aft, with white lights on top of each of the two fins, w 3/2/1971 #26040 rectangular UFO with a triangle of lights moved slowly and silently through 3/2/1971 #26040 NAL, JURA Metal dome over 8 square lights on ground. 23 "lions with ant-hea 3/5/1971 #26043 enal and Condamine when he noticed lights ahead on the right side of the ro 3/5/1971 #26044 mmed leaving behind blinking white lights. It streaked away and was gone in 3/27/1971 #26056 TOULON, VAR Yellow-orange saucer lights entire house. Goes silently east 3/29/1971 #26057 over car. Zigzags / 2m. Responds / lights. Going quickly west. / r156#14. 3/29/1971 #26058 NEAR KEMPSEY, NSW Wave / night lights. 1 going northwest. Small humanoi 4/2/1971 #26063 ge green cone-saucer. Follows car. Lights rotate / rim. Back / 18 April. 4/15/1971 #26074 e cone-shaped object with rotating lights on its rim. It followed their car 4/15/1971 #26075 s were playing football. The field lights formed a king of "ceiling" over t 4/24/1971 #26081 ce. It had red and white revolving lights on top and made a humming noise. 5/15/1971 #26111 illiant red, green, blue,and white lights around it on rim. Moved at tracto 5/16/1971 #26114 illiant red, green, blue and white lights around its rim. It moved at tract 5/16/1971 #26115 everal separate observer(s). Night lights play and land. Saucer-nest found 5/22/1971 #26122 sed over car, bright illumination; lights dimmed, engine lost power. Flying 5/25/1971 #26134 AZNALCAZAR, SP 7M dome lights 250M area around it. Silent. Clos 6/9/1971 #26161 OURBEVOIE, FR 2 observer(s). Night lights. Saucer hovers. Tilts showing ray 6/13/1971 #26171 t silver" UFO with radiating green lights hovered outside his second story 6/15/1971 #26176 BEN LOMOND, CA Lights flicker. Static electric and spar 6/18/1971 #26178 ond, California observed the house lights flicker, then static electricity 6/18/1971 #26179 neighborhood. It leveled off, then lights were seen upon the ground. At the 6/24/1971 #26190 s away / 15M altitude. Levels off. Lights ground. Circular and H physical t 6/25/1971 #26192 r the sea in Brunswick, Maine. Its lights went out, leaving a glow, then th 6/28/1971 #26201 STE.HYACINTHE, QB 5 night lights / 15M altitude. 2 11' circles / c 7/20/1971 #26238 astronomers. Triangle with colored lights. Fast. High altitude. Instant 180 7/28/1971 #26248 d a triangular object with colored lights moving rapidly at high altitude. 7/28/1971 #26249 both the pattern and color of its lights. (UFO Investigator / Aug. 1971, p 7/28/1971 #26249 angle shaped UFO with multicolored lights flew by fast at a high altitude. 7/28/1971 #26250 circular objects with red rotating lights hovering above her potato field. 7/29/1971 #26252 TX 6 observer(s). Circular object lights uranium strip-mine / many lasers. 8/1971 (approximate) #26257 / GLADSTONE, AUS 2 / car. Circle / lights. 2 hour trip takes 40 minute(s). 8/1/1971 #26259 haped UFO with two rows of colored lights on its underside was received by 8/1/1971 #26260 d, Australia witnessed a circle of lights near a river. What should normall 8/1/1971 #26261 t what happened after sighting the lights in the sky, and an unusual oily r 8/1/1971 #26261 saucer hovers near car. Engine and lights fail. Purr-buzz. / r41p253. 8/8/1971 #26271 ia when his car engine stopped and lights died at the same time the car was 8/8/1971 #26274 object with two red and one green lights. The object was about 30 feet in 8/8/1971 #26274 r-shaped object with red and green lights, thirty to forty feet long, that 8/12/1971 #26281 a TV-like screen were pinpoint of lights, which the brain told him were pl 8/17/1971 #26293 r the close approach of two orange lights, which hovered only 100 yards awa 8/20/1971 #26297 shaped and also had red and white lights, and was four meters in diameter. 8/23/1971 #26301 ht and a convex row of small round lights. A red light shone from the top, 9/8/1971 #26326 WUY, FR 20M saucer / ground level. Lights / edge. Slow rotation. Absolute(l 9/13/1971 #26333 er, and has flashing green and red lights and one white statonary light. Th 9/19/1971 #26347 ral separate observer(s) see night lights. 9/20/1971 #26349 s. Large domed saucer with colored lights around bottom edge. No further de 9/20/1971 #26351 c-shaped object with multi-colored lights around the bottom edge was seen a 9/20/1971 #26357 MARSEILLE, FR 2 observer(s). Ovoid lights area yellow. 500-1000M altitude. 9/22/1971? #26361 s. They carried vivid red and blue lights and moved in a stiff, mechanical 9/22/1971 #26365 , CHL 2 truckers. 20M domed saucer lights beach. Police car and radio elect 9/24/1971 #26370 ype" helmets, and carried dazzling lights. With a yellow beam of light they 9/25/1971 #26379 3 see saucer rise. Cops see night lights. 9/27/1971 #26382 is television cut out and the room lights went dim. He opened the back door 9/30/1971 #26388 . Traingular Shape - black colored lights on the bottom- no other lights ob 10/1971 #26395 red lights on the bottom- no other lights observed approximately 300 ft acr 10/1971 #26395 rce man. Silent triangle with many lights. Sharp turns. Fantastic speed. 10/2/1971 #26398 at the bottom and many smaller red lights around it. It makes sharp turns a 10/2/1971 #26399 silent triangular craft with many lights southwest of Caro, Michigan at 6: 10/2/1971 #26401 merous reports of UFOs and strange lights in the area. 10/14/1971 #26424 in Tinley Park, Illinois saw three lights in the sky that got closer togeth 10/31/1971 #26442 ject was covered with multicolored lights on its metallic surface. It hover 11/2/1971 #26450 pyramids hover over old mines. Red lights blink / top. Beam going down. 11/6/1971 #26461 arsegold, California. They had red lights blinking on top and a beam of lig 11/6/1971 #26466 r cafe roof. Shines series colored lights going down. 11/10/1971 #26468 red together, making no sound. The lights were estimated to be half a mile 11/13/1971 #26469 Hat saucer over golf-course. Small lights all over/all about. Small booms h 12/4/1971 #26484 bserver(s). Fireball drops slowly. Lights area red. Zigzags back / 1700h 14 12/13/1971 #26495 on when he saw three red pulsating lights over the shore in Muchalls, Scotl 12/13/1971 #26496 in Muchalls, Scotland. One of the lights seem to follow him. The light swo 12/13/1971 #26496 feet tall. It has orange or amber lights around the edge. 12/20/1971 #26509 is, with a boyfriend when they see lights traveling back and forth in an od 1/1972 #26535 ized boomerang hovers over school. Lights / edges. 1/19/1972 #26548 E, FR 3M luminous sphere/orb/globe lights up and scouts all over/all about 1/25/1972 #26554 all" with orange and blue flashing lights. It came "directly toward my boat 1/26/1972 #26556 A Postman. Slow rotating disk with lights / rim. Seen / 1 minute. 2. 1/29/1972 #26557 y rotating disc-shaped object with lights around the rim was seen for a min 1/29/1972 #26558 al red light and four white corner lights, as their train pulled out of the 2/11/1972 #26572 R Capsule sweeps mountains / beam. Lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Ot 2/14/1972 #26579 ide visits / farm. 40-50 see night lights etc. Hums etc. 3/5/1972 (approximate) #26588 n top of it and two portholes. The lights on the object blinked out after 4 3/10/1972 #26599 R "2nd sun" maneuvers. Small night lights exit. Orange cone going [to] WNW. 3/18/1972 #26611 uddenly their vehicle’s engine and lights fail. They check the batteries an 4/1/1972 #26633 l normal. Then they see two bright lights. Shortly afterward, they hear a w 4/1/1972 #26633 s soon as it leaves, the vehicle’s lights come back on and the engine retur 4/1/1972 #26633 ar-shape going east slow / 30+min. Lights / top and bottom. No planes up. 4/6/1972 #26637 rtment, France at 2:30 a.m. It had lights on top and bottom, and flew witho 4/6/1972 #26639 a dull sheen like dirty chrome and lights flashing around its rim. The UFO 4/24/1972 #26660 ith legs low / chicken Coop. Night lights / power lines. / r83p180. 5/13/1972 #26678 y noticed strange configuration of lights describing a circle. (SL-56, page 6/11/1972 #26714 ull metallic object with 30 orange lights that had just landed in his field 6/16/1972 #26717 t long, it has two brilliant white lights at the front and two orange-white 6/29/1972 #26742 at the front and two orange-white lights in the rear. It moves with the bl 6/29/1972 #26742 ts of six types of UFOs: nocturnal lights, daylight discs, radar/visual obs 7/1972 #26749 ast going quickly west. More night lights / Lamonriville / 2210h. / r221p62 7/4/1972 #26759 2 minute(s). Absolute(ly) silent. Lights clouds. / LDLN#260. 7/4/1972 #26760 eral separate observer(s). 3 night lights / horizon east going quickly west 7/4/1972 #26762 y, Belgium, to a triangle of white lights moving overhead. They watch the l 7/4/1972 #26764 ts moving overhead. They watch the lights for 5 minutes. At 10:30 p.m., sev 7/4/1972 #26764 watches a triangle of three bright lights ascending vertically. At 10:40 p. 7/4/1972 #26764 py observe a triangular display of lights surrounded by bluish sparks. At 1 7/4/1972 #26764 s). Evaporate / 1 minute(s). Night lights pass later. 7/11/1972 #26792 RTRES, FR 3 airmen / ground. Night lights play / sky. Going east. One is [a 7/14/1972 #26795 LIEGE, BELGIUM 3 night lights / triangle northeast going southe 7/14/1972 #26797 At 6:45 p.m. nocturnal lights were seen maneuvering in the sky 7/14/1972 #26799 VIA, SP Series / saucers and night lights and traces / 2 days. 1 3M saucer 7/16/1972 #26805 aucer rises / trees. R and G and B lights / underside. Maneuvers all over/a 7/27/1972 #26837 ever lands. 2nd time in 1 week. No lights. 7/27/1972 #26841 Texas. It had red, green, and blue lights on the underside. It maneuvered a 7/29/1972 #26846 ttery radios! Many saucers / night lights all over/all about / 3 minute(s). 7/31/1972 #26847 not work. Many discs and nocturnal lights were seen all over the sky for th 7/31/1972 #26850 ctro-magnetic effects). Triangle / lights hovers / 45 minute(s). Shoots off 8/1/1972 #26865 n. First observed as a triangle of lights that just hovered. Object turned 8/1/1972 #26866 there were three bright orange-red lights which illuminated the "saucer" wh 8/1/1972 #26866 everal observer(s) and cops. Night lights and 4 saucers / lights all around 8/3/1972 #26869 cops. Night lights and 4 saucers / lights all around. 1 week / sightings in 8/3/1972 #26869 t to her left in a paddock. It had lights on both sides, was 30 meters off 8/3/1972 #26870 , then saw a group of 3 or 4 white lights lighting up the ground in an empt 8/6/1972 #26880 und in an empty lot next door. The lights flew off to the east. 8/6/1972 #26880 road with yellow and blue flashing lights. It took off rapidly. 8/9/1972 #26890 ry large round objects flash. Beam lights / one-another. Absolute(ly) silen 8/12/1972 #26901 GEM, KS Cops and many. Night lights. Saucer lands on top / Quonset hu 8/12/1972 #26902 Saucer lands on top / Quonset hut! Lights field. Coded beeps.. 8/12/1972 #26902 SOUTH / CLUNY, FR Night lights orbit orange ovoid. Cars stop. Br 8/12/1972 #26904 ance Elliptical object with bright lights hovered near ground emitting ligh 8/12/1972 #26909 ance Elliptical object with bright lights hovered near ground emitting ligh 8/12/1972 #26910 hem. Eventually, after more yellow lights appear on the object, they see it 8/12/1972 #26911 ut 100 feet long. Five other white lights emit luminous beams that extend p 8/12/1972 #26911 and in the ground around them. The lights on the object constantly change t 8/12/1972 #26911 ated elliptical object with bright lights hovered near the ground in a fore 8/12/1972 #26912 YAUCO, PR 20 night lights exit 1 oval cloud and enter anoth 8/13/1972 #26914 Mayaguez Province, Puerto Rico 20 lights emerged from an oval-shaped cloud 8/13/1972 #26915 te 35' saucer / 3M altitude. Night lights to 0600h. / APRO 7-72+/ MJ#232. 8/19/1972 #26929 tude. Beeps and away. Car starts / lights out. 8/21/1972 #26941 lid object surrounded by pulsating lights. She first spotted the "elongated 8/21/1972 #26943 triangle. Photographs. Also night lights / 0500hrs. 8/24/1972 #26951 RK, ND Separate observer(s). Night lights swings / pendulum. Goes and retur 8/27/1972 #26957 Y, AUST 5 / car. Saucer responds / lights. Circles and lands. Vanishes. / M 8/27/1972 #26958 lid object surrounded by pulsating lights. She first spotted the "elongated 8/27/1972 #26961 es. After several miles, his car's lights went out and Dedeu was obliged to 8/28/1972 #26966 ht in the middle and smaller white lights on the sides. When he got out of 8/28/1972 #26966 gain he saw the object, with white lights in its windows, moving leftward. 8/28/1972 #26966 LA COTINIERE, FR Night lights over lighthouse. Big metallic-blu 8/31/1972 #26970 g home from the train station. The lights are as bright as the full moon an 9/1972 #26973 age. On the last night, one of the lights disappears but returns to the sam 9/1972 #26973 he air. It had green and blue hazy lights and a huge red flickering light o 9/14/1972 #27002 es at car when observer(s) flashes lights. / r148. 9/20/1972 #27013 on the bottom side. He flashes his lights at it, and it rises and dives at 9/20/1972 #27016 / batman suit / factory. Vanishes. Lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). / 9/21/1972 #27017 e temperature was abnormally high. Lights in the building went on and off b 9/21/1972 #27022 . Has green dome and red and green lights. No further details. 9/23/1972 #27028 green dome and red and green body lights. 9/23/1972 #27029 ba, Argentina when the fluorescent lights in the engineering room went on a 9/27/1972 #27035 appearance: the truck's engine and lights died, and these effects lasted un 9/28/1972 #27038 2 observer(s). 20M saucer hovers. Lights car and area green. Going up [to] 10/5/1972 #27049 ny separate observer(s). 1-3 night lights. Ovoid lands later. / FSRv25#3. 10/6/1972 #27052 separate observer(s). Wave / night lights etc.ovr areas / natural radiation 10/8/1972 #27057 reen object spins rapidly. Flashes lights. Type unknown. 10/11/1972 #27065 ). 3 bright disks cross sky. Night lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft f 10/13/1972 #27068 watched a triangular formation of lights move back and forth in the sky fr 10/13/1972 #27071 upper part, very clearly. They had lights rotating around their peripheries 10/13/1972 #27071 . Odd rotating cloud with flashing lights. / r82p72. 10/14/1972 #27072 o-magnetic effect (EME) motors and lights. Cylinder/cylindrical object with 10/22/1972 #27084 . Cylinder/cylindrical object with lights over Oise / 2 minute(s). / r30. 10/22/1972 #27084 cluster of multicolored pulsating lights. Brown notifies the 15 passengers 10/23/1972 #27087 aboard and turns out the interior lights so they can see the object better 10/23/1972 #27087 are visible, while red and yellow lights are flashing on the top. At the r 10/23/1972 #27087 generators and discovers some odd lights, which prompts him to retrieve a 10/28/1972 #27095 several white, yellow, and violet lights on top of a 20-foot terrace. An e 10/28/1972 #27095 EAUVECHAIN, BELGIUM 2 / car. Night lights. Odd saucer stops over airport/ap 10/29/1972 #27100 rt/apartment building. Fin / rear. Lights blink. 10/29/1972 #27100 REDDITCH, ENG Cops and many. Night lights hover and swoop / 4 hours. All sp 11/11/1972 #27118 ROSMEAD, RSA Silent night lights and saucer. Schoolyard pavement t 11/12/1972 #27119 ky. Red sphere rises fast. 3 night lights / triangle etc... 11/28/1972 #27148 ustralia, when the engine dies and lights go out as he is coming over a ris 11/30/1972 #27154 oming over a rise in the road. The lights come back on but vary in intensit 11/30/1972 #27154 ic named Maxwell had the motor and lights die. They came back on, then sput 11/30/1972 #27155 t was pancake shaped, covered with lights, and had a central dome on top. T 12/4/1972 #27162 display. Suddenly, three blinking lights emerge from the object. One of th 12/13/1972 #27176 erge from the object. One of these lights slowly moves in the direction of 12/13/1972 #27176 e glowing-triangle / mountainside. Lights area. Night lights maneuver. 6M s 12/23/1972 #27185 / mountainside. Lights area. Night lights maneuver. 6M saucer going quickly 12/23/1972 #27185 What seem to be fluorescent strip lights run down the side, and it emits a 12/30/1972 #27192 SP 4 observer(s). Square fireball lights area. Lights out / 2 cars. Gas en 12/31/1972 #27196 r(s). Square fireball lights area. Lights out / 2 cars. Gas engine malfunct 12/31/1972 #27196 object with flashing red and green lights flies overhead. The engine comes 1/1/1973? #27209 ots going quickly east. Also night lights / 10 Feb. '73. / LDLN#132. 1/15/1973 #27238 low oval-shaped object with "white lights blinking on and off and going aro 1/23/1973 #27244 harbor. No further details. Night lights maneuver over Burnisland, Scotlan 1/27/1973 #27248 NORAH HEAD, NSW 2 / car / street lights dim. Brilliant gold ball rises / 2/1973 #27253 1 / car. Shiny ovoid 12M overhead lights area. Follows car. Going down [to 2/2/1973 (approximate) #27261 ox-like craft / 19 February. Night lights / 21 February.. 2/20/1973 #27300 ect hovers / 1km altitude. Colored lights. Going quickly west to sea. Gone 2/21/1973 #27302 / POPLAR BLUFF, MO 6 / car. Night lights / trees. UFO lands by road. Light 2/21/1973 #27303 lights / trees. UFO lands by road. Lights / side. / r31p6. 2/21/1973 #27303 unter with an object with a row of lights, hovering at 50' altitude. (Reggi 2/21/1973 #27304 s over for a closer look. They see lights about 600 feet away from the road 2/21/1973 #27305 ld at about 400 feet altitude. The lights seem to be portholes, each a diff 2/21/1973 #27305 watch it for 10 minutes before the lights rise up noiselessly and disappear 2/21/1973 #27305 low altitude. Many see 2 blinking lights / kings mountain from I85. 2/22/1973 #27309 40 white objects with red and blue lights over lake. / r181p6+/ r28p5. 3/1/1973 #27320 ject. Metal grating and triangular lights / underside. 3/1/1973 #27321 here were 42 objects with flashing lights observed by multiple witnesses du 3/1/1973 #27323 40 white objects with red and blue lights fly over Saylors Lake in Stroudsb 3/1/1973 #27324 ith a metal grating and triangular lights on the underside, at Highland Res 3/1/1973 #27324 ast fire tower. Low and silent. No lights. 3/5/1973 #27331 VALLEY, RI Round object with white lights and blue beams follows helicopter 3/6/1973 #27334 observer(s). Silent saucer flashes lights. Darts all over county. / r181p8. 3/14/1973 #27344 ent disc-shaped object flashed its lights and darted all over the sky at 9: 3/14/1973 #27346 art, she saw a total of 25 similar lights or objects fly over at only 10 to 3/20/1973 #27353 ortedly took photos of some of the lights. "It was impressive," she was quo 3/20/1973 #27353 saucers 1500m over SR512. Colored lights. / NICAP 5'73. 3/21/1973 #27355 RUAO, VNZ Wave / saucers and night lights. TV Radio Frequency Interference 3/23/1973 #27364 OFF MACUTO, VNZ Night lights maneuver / all directions. Change 3/23/1973 #27365 t, MO Rapidly moving multi-colored lights, widespread sightings. (NICAP: 01 3/24/1973 #27371 gle hovers / trees / 60M altitude. Lights glow. Buzzes / moving away. 3/28/1973 #27384 and. It glows with brilliant white lights and has smaller green and red lig 3/28/1973 #27385 ghts and has smaller green and red lights at the points of the triangle. Th 3/28/1973 #27385 f numerous reports of unidentified lights in the sky around Piedmont, Misso 4/1973 #27397 n reveals “pseudostars”—stationary lights camouflaged by familiar constella 4/1973 #27397 ded occasions, the movement of the lights synchronize with actions of the o 4/1973 #27397 sk spins across sky. Red and green lights. Low and slow. 4/8/1973 #27414 hen pass directly overhead. He car lights dimmed and the engine faltered. T 4/10/1973 #27422 were 2 or 3 rows of multi-colored lights, or square windows. One was whiti 4/15/1973 #27431 r it disappeared like "a string of lights." The witness had left his lights 4/15/1973 #27431 lights." The witness had left his lights on and engine running when he got 4/15/1973 #27431 , WV Several observer(s). Rotating lights over dam. 3 hour display. 1 obser 4/22/1973 #27436 CAZALLA DL SIERRA, SP Night lights cross road going south as if atta 4/22/1973 #27438 Guadalcanal, Spain Four yellow lights as if on one object, beside rode, 4/22/1973 #27439 in the evening, several nocturnal lights crossed a road in unison as if at 4/22/1973 #27440 7 p.m. EDT rotating red and green lights put on a display over a dam for t 4/22/1973 #27440 shaped with two red and one green lights, and made no sound. The green lig 4/27/1973 #27451 they observed a UFO with "flashing lights" land on Burnside Mountain. (NICA 4/29/1973 #27453 over hospital. Silent exit. Night lights and fireballs / weeks. 5/4/1973 #27466 r/cylindrical object with 2 bright lights. Back 12 May. / SKYLOOK#68-1973p8 5/10/1973 #27473 IL Cop and hundreds. Erratic night lights. Car lights electro-magnetic effe 5/10/1973 #27474 undreds. Erratic night lights. Car lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). / 5/10/1973 #27474 CAPE GIRARDEAU AIRPORT, MO 7 night lights in a row. 3 separate night lights 5/11/1973 #27475 lights in a row. 3 separate night lights pulsate / 1hz / 45 second(s). 5/11/1973 #27475 icist and 3 / plane. 1+1+7+1 night lights / (seen thru) binoculars. Follows 5/11/1973 #27476 iedmont, MO 8:10 p.m. Row of seven lights observed for 45 seconds by Harley 5/11/1973 #27477 en he observed a group of flashing lights overhead, almost directly above t 5/12/1973 #27479 Ohio observed a group of flashing lights overhead almost directly above hi 5/12/1973 #27481 d out of curiosity, and so did the lights. Looking up through the windshiel 5/12/1973 #27481 escope. Dark indistinct ovoid with lights hovers / 20 minute(s). Fades away 5/14/1973 #27484 moves closer. Their car engine and lights fail. The dome is bright like a w 5/18/1973 #27506 ght going north. Spawn 3 new night lights. Others seen since February. 5/19/1973 #27508 O with red, green, blue and purple lights buzzed a car with three teenagers 5/23/1973 #27521 O with red, green, blue and purple lights buzzed a car with three teenagers 5/23/1973 #27522 lta/triangle/box-like craft west 4 lights / trailing edge. 5/24/1973 #27523 souri, see a configuration of four lights (white, red, red, white) flying s 5/24/1973 #27527 culars, Rutledge can see the white lights reflecting off a metallic structu 5/24/1973 #27527 , MO Scientist/science team. Night lights. Delta/triangle/box-like craft / 5/25/1973 #27529 ta/triangle/box-like craft / night lights = pseudo-plane with phony engine 5/25/1973 #27529 Reverses. Going [to] cloud. Night lights follow. / r246p87. 5/28/1973 #27537 ver(s) and good photographs. Night lights / crazy maneuvers. / r174p143. 5/29/1973 #27538 fast behind mountains. Also night lights maneuver / summer. 6/1973 #27540 LERBY MOOR, ENGL Several military. Lights and radio out. Saucer lands. Emit 6/1973 (approximate) #27542 UFO had a series of bright running lights then a large orange- red light wa 6/2/1973 #27546 EE, AUSTRALIA 2 observer(s). Row / lights / low altitude. 15' circular scor 6/3/1973 #27547 Wales, with an uneasy feeling. She lights a cigarette and the room is immed 6/4/1973 #27549 MO Many observer(s). Several night lights dart between clouds. 90-turns and 6/12/1973 #27562 ). Round yellow object and 7 night lights over town. / SKYLOOK#26. 6/18/1973 #27569 pear-shaped with four or five red lights on top and bottom and a large whi 6/20/1973 #27576 der/cigar-shape and 13+small night lights / odd procession. 6/22/1973 #27579 Numerous observer(s). 2 red night lights dance / clouds / 1 hr and more. F 6/28/1973 #27590 cone-shaped UFO with multicolored lights at treetop level while driving (N 6/28/1973 #27592 ng at all the noise and the bright lights. The object moves away to 200 fee 6/28/1973 #27598 cone-shaped UFO with multicolored lights at treetop level while driving on 6/28/1973 #27600 s, which appeared as "steady white lights," were reported (NICAP: 01 - Dist 6/29/1973 #27601 ns and chases 2 / truck / 6km. Red lights flash / top. 7/7/1973 #27617 / Ripon St. Round grey object with lights going [to] over Eyre St. / News. 7/7/1973 #27618 ness described two glowing reddish lights in what would be the approximate 7/17/1973 #27638 paralyzed at the same time as the lights, radio, and engine of their vehic 7/21/1973 #27646 ograph line / 12 fast silent night lights going quickly northeast. Possible 8/5/1973 #27684 south / Boardman Lake. 10 colored lights flash / bottom/underside. 8/14/1973 #27698 ASROVIRAS, BARC, SP Two 30cm night lights over road. 3rd behind tree. 8/17/1973 #27708 nd goes several-X. 2 colored night lights exit and maneuver. / BFJv4#1p40. 8/23/1973 #27720 Silent saucer with red/green/blue lights going east. Back / 0515hrs. / r28 8/30/1973 #27730 tion/depot/facility. Colored night lights all over/all about. / r210p52+/ r 8/30/1973 #27731 . Reports of unidentified flashing lights The objects changed colors as the 8/30/1973 #27732 D ADEL, GA Blue-green-yellow night lights. 22+towns all night. / r28p373+/ 8/31/1973 #27733 with bright flashing or revolving lights witnessed by local and state poli 8/31/1973 #27734 owing triangle and star-like night lights pass over Harding mall. 9/1/1973 #27743 unidentified objects with flashing lights. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 9/2/1973 #27746 unidentified objects with flashing lights. A hovering multi-colored object 9/2/1973 #27749 ER, GA 2 cops. White UFO with blue lights makes abrupt turns. Flashes light 9/4/1973 #27756 light bulb" maneuvers. Responds / lights. Going quickly south. 9/8/1973 #27779 with flashing bright red and white lights dove at MP patrol vehicle (NICAP: 9/8/1973 #27781 object with flashing red and white lights at 2:20 a.m. It dove at their MP 9/8/1973 #27783 h a spotlight and smaller flashing lights. 9/8/1973 #27785 STER, GA Cops and news team. Night lights over police headquarters. Photogr 9/9/1973 #27787 owing-objects over suburbs. Street lights out. / Atlanta Const. 10.9.73. 9/9/1973 #27789 e cemetery. The UFO turned out its lights after landing. 9/9/1973 #27796 oval object with flashing colored lights when they were several miles sout 9/11/1973 #27803 although they could still see its lights shining over the crest of the hil 9/11/1973 #27803 saw a dozen or so smaller whitish lights maneuvering in a circular pattern 9/11/1973 #27803 just this side of the ridge. These lights then separated into a single line 9/11/1973 #27803 t into their cars and followed the lights toward Kent. The two additional w 9/11/1973 #27803 the Housatonic, observed a line of lights descending Mt. Algo on its steep, 9/11/1973 #27803 oval object with flashing colored lights when they were several miles sout 9/12/1973 #27809 although they could still see its lights shining over the crest of the hil 9/12/1973 #27809 saw a dozen or so smaller whitish lights maneuvering in a circular pattern 9/12/1973 #27809 just this side of the ridge. These lights then separated into a single line 9/12/1973 #27809 t into their cars and followed the lights toward Kent. The two additional w 9/12/1973 #27809 the Housatonic, observed a line of lights descending Mt. Algo on its steep, 9/12/1973 #27809 rver(s). Ovoid with blinking white lights. 9/15/1973 #27824 The craft suddenly turned off its lights and ascended quickly out of sight 9/15/1973 #27825 COL. DORREGO, ARG Car motor and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Lu 9/19/1973 (approximate) #27835 rsize object hovers and maneuvers. Lights / sides. Shape unknown. 9/20/1973 #27844 ng men saw three bright triangular lights, or shapes, gliding uphill throug 9/20/1973 #27849 going [to] behind trees. 5 rows / lights / side. Several min. 9/23/1973 #27855 it changes into a cigar shape with lights. The driver gets out of his truck 9/23/1973 #27859 eturns with a new, round shape. It lights up with many multicolored lights 9/23/1973 #27859 t lights up with many multicolored lights and moves above a nearby house. I 9/23/1973 #27859 ain into an elongated balloon with lights. He heard a "loop-loop-loop" thum 9/23/1973 #27861 the treeline. It had five rows of lights of its side, and was seen for sev 9/23/1973 #27862 C Many observer(s) / 2 days. Night lights and lit objects. Phony helicopter 9/26/1973 #27868 I Saucer / possible landing. Night lights all over/all about after. / Edmor 9/29/1973 #27885 nd emitted flourescent-like orange lights that changed colors to blue, and 9/30/1973 #27892 ORTH / SIKESTON, MO 2 / car. Night lights pass. Silent 50' red-glowing sphe 10/1/1973 #27910 LLE, TN 2 / private plane. 3 night lights land and flash / field. Sudden ma 10/2/1973 #27916 LAUNAC, FR Round lights / rigid X-form dive / car. Struct 10/5/1973 #27937 E, IN 100+calls / police. Circle / lights makes fantastic passes / low alti 10/5/1973 #27942 . UFO spins. Type unknown. Colored lights / surface. Red beam shines going 10/5/1973 #27945 s. Unseen shape with red and white lights. A few saw circular shape. (NICAP 10/5/1973 #27949 usly seen mysterious multi-colored lights outside her window--decided to ma 10/5/1973 #27954 dnight a married couple saw bright lights on their property. (NICAP: 02 - C 10/6/1973 #27959 hias-de-Chambly, Quebec saw bright lights on their property. Later that mor 10/6/1973 #27961 PETAL, MS Many observer(s). Night lights. Cop chases saucer / 2 counties. 10/8/1973 #27965 e. When the object moves away, the lights and radio come back, but the engi 10/8/1973 #27966 observer(s). 15 objects / colored lights buzz housetops. Impossible maneuv 10/10/1973 #27975 "covered with red, green and blue lights" zooming about at tree-top level, 10/10/1973 #27980 Fifteen objects with colored lights buzzed rooftops in New Lebanon, O 10/10/1973 #27984 "covered with red, green and blue lights" reported in southwestern Ohio, z 10/10/1973 #27984 aid it was oblong and covered with lights. It appeared stationary in the sk 10/10/1973 #27984 . 2 abduction / robots. Underwater lights maneuver. / r176p131. 10/11/1973 #27989 Bottom/underside divided / 3rds / lights. Going south. / r88p8. 10/11/1973 #27990 it had around 25 yellow and green lights, with a mist around them. (NICAP: 10/11/1973 #27995 lowing egg-shaped object with blue lights at its front hovering just above 10/11/1973 #27997 e a nearby streetlight. It has red lights that are moving in a clockwise mo 10/11/1973 #27999 including ten reports of nocturnal lights and two close encounters from Ohi 10/11/1973 #28000 craft had two windows and two blue lights, and made a buzzing sound. When t 10/11/1973 #28005 t just before 11:00 p.m. a mass of lights approached Boulder, Colorado from 10/11/1973 #28008 out of the bottom were a series of lights divided into thirds. 10/11/1973 #28008 Photographs of nighttime lights and objects were taken in Tenness 10/13/1973 #28020 of UFOs (discs with red and green lights, elliptical objects) by citizens 10/14/1973 #28026 ers an oblong object with blinking lights landed in a field in Highland Cou 10/14/1973 #28028 having sequentially flashing white lights on the periphery and steady red a 10/14/1973 #28029 periphery and steady red and white lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 10/14/1973 #28029 eports of discs with red and green lights in central and western Ohio. Thes 10/14/1973 #28032 tops. Glides away when gas station lights go on. 10/15/1973 #28043 d a UFO with red, green, and white lights. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 10/15/1973 #28048 l object with blue and orange body lights, legs, standing on the road.(UFOE 10/15/1973 #28052 or break. Craft with row of yellow lights and intersecting lines on bottom 10/15/1973 #28054 g of their dogs, a farm family saw lights from a UFO in the woods. (NICAP: 10/15/1973 #28055 rd dawn on the floor. He found the lights were left on the bedroom, and the 10/15/1973 #28059 y living near Berea, Tennessee saw lights from a UFO in the woods. Mr. Jame 10/15/1973 #28061 ing east / very low altitude. Glow lights area. Going up. / Madison Press 1 10/16/1973 #28067 ALBANY, OH Several and cops. Night lights maneuver. Bizarre "electric man" 10/16/1973 #28068 then saw flickering multi-colored lights and blacked out. When she came to 10/16/1973 #28089 ws in the middle from which yellow lights issued. Gabriella now realized th 10/16/1973 #28089 ssissippi. His car stalled and its lights and radio died. He heard a tappin 10/16/1973 #28092 f a big, bright room with lots of "lights and buttons" and glass tubes cont 10/16/1973 #28093 RCH, MS 11 observer(s). UFO with 6 lights. Type unknown. / Natchez Democrat 10/17/1973 #28110 ed, silver gray on top,with bright lights along the bottom. (NICAP: 01 - Di 10/17/1973 #28116 oblong object with several colored lights hovering about 1,000 feet overhea 10/17/1973 #28122 mall circular object with rotating lights hovered over a car being driven b 10/17/1973 #28137 light." The primary witness's car lights and engine died when it was 100 y 10/17/1973 #28140 ps, and had greenish blue flashing lights. A catfish like creature came out 10/17/1973 #28140 lar orange glow / 2 hours! / other lights come and go. 10/18/1973 #28145 ops. UFO with red-green-blue-white lights. Jerky zigzag motion. Type unknow 10/18/1973 #28147 DE KALB CO, IN 20-30 night lights circle forest fires. Possible cau 10/18/1973 #28149 y. Rotating red and white and blue lights. 10/18/1973 #28156 nute(s). Invisible boxcar of night lights. Red flashes / rear. 10/18/1973 #28158 ies none of the other FAA-required lights. He watches it disappear behind t 10/18/1973 #28172 iangular object with three colored lights at each apex, pulsating at differ 10/18/1973 #28173 , France During humanoid encounter lights went out, car displaced off road. 10/19/1973 #28193 e wearing one-piece suits with red lights at the waist level. They wore squ 10/19/1973 #28197 t in diameter, with white and blue lights around it. From the object's illu 10/19/1973 #28198 t approaching hill. She dimmed her lights and when she crested the hill she 10/19/1973 #28199 aucer buzzes car. Engine radio and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Co 10/20/1973 #28203 STRATHMORE, ALTA 2 / car. Saucer lights field. Photographs. Series / dist 10/20/1973 #28204 TERRELL CO, GA Night lights. Car malfunctions due to EME (ele 10/20/1973 #28209 ar-shaped object with bright white lights hovering above Milton Road in Alt 10/20/1973 #28218 utside. The source is a row of six lights forming an arc outside her window 10/21/1973 #28228 rew the curtains and saw a line of lights forming an arc. Each light was as 10/21/1973 #28229 object with red, white, and green lights near the railroad tracks. As a tr 10/22/1973 #28240 ng effect. A snake-like pattern of lights was seen dancing over the field. 10/22/1973 #28244 w. Afterwards the car's engine and lights came back on spontaneously withou 10/23/1973 #28253 ecs. Dark object with blue and red lights and one intense white light which 10/24/1973 #28264 reature leaves, the car engine and lights come back on without his having t 10/24/1973 #28267 home at nine o'clock when the car lights fell on an object. It was hoverin 10/24/1973 #28270 w. Afterwards the car's engine and lights came back on without him having t 10/24/1973 #28272 Scott saw an object with blinking lights on the bottom surrounded by haze. 10/25/1973 #28287 OTHERS Cops and more/others. Night lights / mountains. Dark hairy 4' figure 10/26/1973 #28289 p light upward. Three more smaller lights join the one in the east. At 3:30 10/28/1973 #28310 ernating blue and gold rectangular lights. It appears to be revolving, exce 11/1973 #28329 ect hovers near car. Red and green lights blink / circumference. No further 11/1/1973 #28330 object with red and green blinking lights around circumference hovered near 11/1/1973 #28336 object with red and green blinking lights around its circumference hovered 11/1/1973 #28340 f course. Truck shakes. Engine and lights and radio electro-magnetic effect 11/3/1973 #28359 om, and were emitting multicolored lights. The objects then descended out o 11/3/1973 #28362 nded out of sight and dimmed their lights. After that, two tall humanoid fi 11/3/1973 #28362 object with red, green, and amber lights moving up and down, side to side. 11/8/1973 #28390 dog greatly agitated when two red lights observed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reac 11/8/1973 #28391 the sky with red, green, and amber lights that moved up-and-down and side-t 11/8/1973 #28393 rved two low flying, brilliant red lights that flew over their home in Falm 11/8/1973 #28394 he UFO. Other reports of nocturnal lights seen flying in the sky that eveni 11/13/1973 #28418 erver(s) and RADAR's. UFO. Colored lights flash. / r150. 11/15/1973 #28422 quency Interference (RFI) as night lights and orbs and disk fly. / saga Spr 11/15/1973 #28423 rs. It had blue and green flashing lights, and was tracked on radar. 11/15/1973 #28425 ERICK, OK 3 observer(s). 2 night lights / red and blue. 1 lands. 1 chases 11/16/1973 #28427 etal. Instantly, the object’s dome lights up in a brilliant red light that 11/16/1973 #28434 off the ground, and a row of green lights light up around its perimeter, fl 11/16/1973 #28434 notices an oblong object emitting lights upward (similar to those he had s 11/17/1973 #28437 htings / 5 hours. Ovoids and night lights and orbs.. Cars paced. Maneuvers. 11/18/1973 #28439 ts about 60 meters away. The other lights disappeared. This craft was quite 11/18/1973 #28443 / 8 minute(s). Ultra-white and red lights. Going [to] mountains. 11/19/1973 #28446 d a red light on top and two clear lights on the side. That same night a re 11/19/1973 #28449 ircular object / very low altitude lights trees oddly. No further details. 11/21/1973 #28452 through window. Head glows. Night lights all over/all about. Possible miss 11/22/1973 #28458 n with the observation of five red lights in a curve, indicating something 11/23/1973 #28461 server(s). Dark silent saucer with lights moves in jerks. Drops / 15M altit 11/25/1973 #28465 turnoff when they encountered some lights in the sky. (NICAP: 04 - Animal R 11/25/1973 #28466 in the bottom center with two blue lights on the wings. It moved slowly and 11/29/1973 #28482 , Pennsylvania observed a UFO with lights "flying funny" up and down the De 12/2/1973 #28507 e River. It had three flashing red lights, and made no sound. It next hover 12/2/1973 #28507 e saw UFO with four blinking white lights and a red light in the center whi 12/2/1973 #28507 he north, met up with a cluster of lights, and then flew off towards Bristo 12/2/1973 #28507 one inverted C-shaped area with no lights, and a blue light on top. It went 12/2/1973 #28509 atch a triangular UFO with colored lights on the bottom for 15 minutes two 12/3/1973 #28514 and numerous reports of nocturnal lights reported on this night in 1973 as 12/3/1973 #28515 klahoma drove toward some flashing lights, and saw a being on the roadside 12/5/1973 #28525 n the roadside with green flashing lights on his shoulders. The being appro 12/5/1973 #28525 RUZ, CA Glowing-ovoid with rows of lights. Alarm bell rings / synch / pulsa 12/6/1973 #28527 Airliner delays landing 3X. Night lights and RADAR blips all over/all abou 12/6/1973 #28528 er” on top, flashing red and white lights around the rim and making a hummi 12/6/1973 #28533 g three times because of nocturnal lights and radar returns from all over t 12/6/1973 #28534 Italy for 30 minutes. One of these lights flew off rapidly to the northwest 12/6/1973 #28534 operating and kept rhythm with the lights flashing on a UFO outside; the fr 12/6/1973 #28536 ezer in particular surged when the lights on the UFO became intense. Deputy 12/6/1973 #28536 urglar alarm call and also saw the lights from the craft, which were red, b 12/6/1973 #28536 ermany Egg-shaped object with body lights sped toward witnesses, hovered. R 12/10/1973 #28550 orning at 5:50 a.m. a UFO with red lights on top and silver lights on the b 12/10/1973 #28552 with red lights on top and silver lights on the bottom moved gradually nor 12/10/1973 #28552 yellow dome. Four rows of colored lights (red, green, blue, and white) rot 12/10/1973 #28553 4 or 5 bars and small red and blue lights slowly flashing underneath every 12/11/1973 #28556 t the end of which flashed two red lights. The UFO climbed into the sky, le 12/11/1973 #28556 ing quickly southeast. Flashes red lights. / Le Soir. 12/13/1973 #28561 A-BASSEE, FR Tall cone-saucer with lights hovers / 30M altitude. Going quic 12/13/1973 #28562 .m. a tall cone-shaped object with lights hovered at 30 meters altitude ove 12/13/1973 #28569 lem on side of disc. Flashing body lights. Greenish glow. Muffled chirring 12/19/1973 #28584 Red and blue lights moved through the sky, stopped, a 12/19/1973 #28589 arrangement of round, yellow-gold lights. It fades away after 75 minutes. 12/20/1973 #28591 ornia at 2:15 a.m. It had flashing lights forming a triangle. They watched 12/20/1973 #28592 minutes, until 3:37 a.m. when the lights went off. 12/20/1973 #28592 aw a cone-shaped UFO with flashing lights ascend vertically “very, very fas 12/20/1973 #28593 LE-BOIS-RANDENAY, 03, FR Car and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). 5 12/22/1973 #28597 lobe then ladder-shape with yellow lights inside "frame". No further detail 12/24/1973 #28601 0 feet object with four blue-white lights at James Connally AFB. The object 12/28/1973 #28612 le. It is surrounded completely by lights and has a dome in the middle on t 1974 #28632 , NJ Separate observer(s). 3 night lights in formation split apart over pow 1/1974 #28635 t (about 75' high) with two bright lights in front shining straight ahead, 1/4/1974 #28642 hining straight ahead, and smaller lights around the sides. (SL 75,15) (NIC 1/4/1974 #28642 :15 p.m. The object had two bright lights and a red tower-shaped structure. 1/4/1974 #28644 athletic field. It turned off its lights when it flew away. At shortly aft 1/4/1974 #28644 ice saw four “unbelievably bright” lights, the color and hue of a burning l 1/4/1974 #28644 ng log, from their patrol car. The lights flew to the west, then banked and 1/4/1974 #28644 ong UFO with two white rectangular lights and a rotating red light in the c 1/5/1974 #28649 ess experienced the failure of the lights, engine, and radio of his car. He 1/7/1974 #28661 ectro-magnetic effects). Rainbow / lights. Saucer going down. 5 small human 1/8/1974 #28662 .m. Leaving his job, witness's car lights dimmed and motor stalled. He saw 1/8/1974 #28665 motor stalled. He saw multicolored lights descend just yards in front of ca 1/8/1974 #28665 between 7 and 10 p.m., although no lights or UFOs were then observed. 5 min 1/8/1974 #28665 dies. He sees a display of aerial lights descending a short distance in fr 1/8/1974 #28666 ance in front of him. The blinking lights are multicolored “like a rainbow. 1/8/1974 #28666 erior blinking out and the colored lights reappearing. The car engine start 1/8/1974 #28666 experienced the failure of his car lights and engine at 3:13 a.m. He then s 1/8/1974 #28667 He then saw multicolored blinking lights descend just meters in front of h 1/8/1974 #28667 display of multicolored, flashing lights. A maintenance man on the workpla 1/8/1974 #28667 orange, yellow and white flashing lights around the middle traveled west t 1/9/1974 #28672 a UFO with a multi-colored ring of lights was seen descending slowly near R 1/9/1974 #28672 BOLLULLOS P.D CONDADO, SPN Night lights. Silent 3M saucer lands / vineyar 1/12/1974 #28674 Interference (RFI). Camper flashes lights. Black ovoid rushes up. Going qui 1/13/1974 #28676 rom the sea. It divided into three lights as it came closer. They walked to 1/15/1974 #28680 pier to catch a better look of the lights and began walking down the pier w 1/15/1974 #28680 alking down the pier when two more lights became visible to their right. Th 1/15/1974 #28680 right. They could now see that the lights were five humanoid beings that we 1/15/1974 #28680 ng up and down [to] in response to lights. Becomes sphere. Quickly going up 1/18/1974 #28683 , MA Domed saucer over gravel pit. Lights / edges. Blows orange and white s 1/22/1974 #28688 t in Norton, Massachusetts. It had lights around its edges. It blew out ora 1/22/1974 #28691 outside people saw blue and orange lights floating in a circle around Cader 1/23/1974 #28693 e, many people saw blue and orange lights floating in a circle around Cader 1/23/1974 #28695 s. Saucer spins clockwise. Colored lights. / r33p127. 1/28/1974 #28711 an/entity make apparent repairs as lights fly. 2/1974 #28717 ootball going down [to] low. Night lights exit. Going up / clouds when car 2/3/1974 (approximate) #28727 my men. Object 3X / size 747! Many lights. Vanishes / separate observer(s) 2/6/1974 #28738 t to say prayers, and a vivid glow lights up the eastern sky above the Wadi 2/8/1974 #28748 gle / 20M altitude 70M away. White lights / sides and orange light / center 2/9/1974 #28750 FO with white beam going down [to] lights road. Swings beam going [to] tree 2/13/1974 #28763 t appeared to have brilliant white lights on both sides. The witness furthe 2/13/1974 #28764 , approached truck, E-M effects on lights and engine, truck lifted off road 2/14/1974 #28771 nd or force field.” The engine and lights give out, the steering goes, and 2/14/1974 #28772 of the truck began missing and the lights flickered, so they shifted into n 2/14/1974 #28773 ed the truck and saw six different lights or objects surrounding them: thre 2/14/1974 #28773 unding them: three blue stationary lights, a red pulsating light, a silver 2/14/1974 #28773 e going down / vineyard. 4 blazing lights. Going [to] up road. / r30p447. 2/17/1974 #28775 tment, France. It had four blazing lights on display as it moved up a road. 2/17/1974 #28778 separate observer(s). White night lights all over/all about road. Turn all 2/27/1974 #28808 E, FR Crescent-saucer follows car. Lights area. Going quickly west fast. / 2/27/1974 #28809 oing west. Turn going south. Night lights back 29 March and 17 August. 2/28/1974 (approximate) #28816 aucer spins counterclockwise. Many lights / edge. No further details. 3/1/1974 #28832 e vicinity reported seeing strange lights that same night, and hearing unex 3/1/1974 #28843 flat, disc-shaped object with many lights on its rim was seen spinning in t 3/1/1974 #28844 ). Dark rectangle with triangle of lights. Slow and silent. Turns going NNW 3/2/1974 #28847 . Absolute(ly) silent and still. 4 lights flash. 3/2/1974 #28848 ing west. Stops. Turns going east. Lights flash. 3/2/1974 #28849 lor(s). Going quickly north. Night lights maneuver. Possible landing. / r30 3/5/1974 #28859 l maneuvers low / horizon. 3 night lights join. Going quickly west / amazin 3/18/1974 #28905 near Thau Reservoir. Many colored lights blink. / r30p475. 3/19/1974 #28909 r with portholes over woods. Night lights / separate observer(s). 3/21/1974 #28918 he ground, and again his motor and lights malfunctioned. As before there we 3/21/1974 #28921 egion. The group reports a few odd lights in the sky. 3/23/1974 #28936 GIEN, 45, FR 4 night lights / row rise / ravine. Photographs. 3/24/1974 #28942 inutes until the UFO turns off its lights and flies out to sea. The water s 3/29/1974 #28968 hovering object, car engine quit, lights went out. Object flew away with w 3/30/1974 #28972 d UFO. The car engine quit and the lights went out. The object flew away ma 3/30/1974 #28974 g and figure(s) move inside. Night lights above. 3/31/1974 #28976 d above it were seven vertical red lights. The object appeared to be on the 3/31/1974 #28979 they are followed by some strange lights and an orange ball. They stop the Early 4/1974 #28990 man on a little black object.” The lights follow them all the way home to F Early 4/1974 #28990 LAS VERTIENTES, SP 1M white night lights pace truck / 65km. Distance / 25M 4/10/1974 #29002 Ohio on Rte. 64 when his motor and lights died near the town of Whitehouse, 4/10/1974 #29003 HE, BELGIUM 2+3 observer(s). Night lights hover / 1 minute(s). Then continu 4/14/1974 #29018 ver. Triangle / yellow-white night lights / 10° elevation glides going nort 4/14/1974 #29020 AR, SP Row / 4 bright silver night lights 20M apart. Simply disappear! 4/15/1974 #29023 nd bottom/underside. Spins slow. 4 lights / dome. 4/16/1974 #29036 transparent cockpit on top. Row of lights around circumference of ring. Obj 4/16/1974 #29037 f revolving red, green, and yellow lights. Inside the dome are three human- 4/16/1974 #29040 . It revolved slowly, and had four lights on its dome. 4/16/1974 #29041 f revolving red, green, and yellow lights that revolved around the cabin. T 4/16/1974 #29042 les high and fast. Brilliant night lights exit and maneuver. 4/17/1974 #29043 A UFO with green, red and white lights engaging in complex maneuvers ove 4/23/1974 #29058 nd object had three blinding white lights, and appeared to land. At the sus 4/23/1974 #29058 cident at first since they saw red lights. There appeared to be a golden gl 4/30/1974 #29072 manated a golden glow, and the red lights were coming from the front and re 4/30/1974 #29072 cond then dims again. The security lights in the complex go out. Phillips t 5/1974 #29075 in which direction it leaves. The lights come back on and all the bunker a 5/1974 #29075 ball stops over Lake Cowichan. = 3 lights / triangular formation. 5/1/1974 #29076 ntral white light and two blinking lights near the edge, as well as a verti 5/11/1974 #29100 l red light and two blinking white lights as it moved off. 5/11/1974 #29100 ered with over 30 orange and white lights that were each as bright as a wel 5/12/1974 #29102 stood on four legs and had several lights on the main body of the object. I 5/20/1974 #29120 bject 50-60' wide. Green and white lights around lower part rotating 3 to 4 5/22/1974 #29123 INGTON AIRPORT/APARTMENT, MO Night lights. Plane passes with red light / wr 5/24/1974 #29130 t, France at around 2:00 a.m., and lights in the sky were seen from an obje 5/25/1974 #29134 w "pinwheels of odd-shaped colored lights," that were red, orange, yellow a 5/26/1974 #29135 sappeared. The next day he saw red lights in the field that flew away when 5/26/1974 #29136 ructured object with a row of body lights. They fled in fear with the objec 6/6/1974 #29168 w a domed object with multicolored lights and a bobbing motion, descend nea 6/6/1974 #29170 The craft had windows and a row of lights estimated to be about 15 feet lon 6/12/1974 #29181 VENTORRO, SP Classic domed saucer. Lights wink. Spins and vibrates over mil 6/13/1974 #29183 s later a domed disc with blinking lights descended over a military install 6/13/1974 #29186 WALLERS, FR Dark object and night lights behind trees. 2 night lights go a 6/14/1974 #29188 night lights behind trees. 2 night lights go all over/all about. Huge fireb 6/14/1974 #29188 e the ground. He turns off his car lights, but the object follows his car p 6/14/1974 #29191 , dark on the lower half, with red lights around the rim. The same or simil 6/14/1974 #29192 e a dark object and some nocturnal lights were sighted low behind some tree 6/14/1974 #29194 sighted low behind some trees. Two lights flew all over the place, while a 6/14/1974 #29194 3 fat figure(s) inside. Responds / lights. 6/16/1974 #29199 et above his car. He turns off his lights again, and the UFO slowly flies a 6/16/1974 #29202 FR Luminous hemisphere with small lights on ground near factory. 6/18/1974 #29207 -shape comes and goes. Responds to lights. 6/20/1974 #29215 object with red and blue circular lights suspended beneath it. The object Summer 1974 #29218 ze of their car. They watch as the lights shut off and the object is gone. Summer 1974 #29218 cope, and they attempt to spot the lights (only two now) with the scope. It Summer 1974 #29218 ngular object right above them. No lights are visible, but its undersurface Summer 1974 #29218 disc-shaped UFO with red and white lights on top and an orange-lit rim with 6/25/1974 #29225 an orange-lit rim with oval white lights landed in St-Cyrille-de-Wendover, 6/25/1974 #29225 and cylinder/cigar-shape and night lights. Car batteries die. Local wave. 6/29/1974 #29228 green-glowing disk maneuvers. Ray lights observer(s). 7/1974 (approximate) #29234 ucer hovers / 200' altitude. Beams lights going down / cruiser. Races away. 7/9/1974 #29247 on, NY Elliptical object with body lights hovered low, moved toward police 7/9/1974 #29250 on, NY Elliptical object with body lights hovered low, moved toward police 7/9/1974 #29251 rows of alternating red and green lights hovers about 200 feet above a par 7/9/1974 #29252 eir spotlight on, a brilliant beam lights up the cruiser. The beam switches 7/9/1974 #29252 an ellipse-shaped UFO with rows of lights along the side approached a polic 7/9/1974 #29254 le / top". Maneuvers. Flashes blue lights. Contrails. 7/22/1974 #29273 h steeple on its top" flashed blue lights and gave off a white vapor trail 7/22/1974 #29274 oid stops 50' over 3 teens. Ring / lights / edge. RAAF RADAR confirm. 7/26/1974 #29281 glowing-barrel going SSW. Blurry. Lights yards / town. 7/31/1974 #29287 HUBBARDS, NS Wide red beam / woods lights 2 men / road. Bright blue 9M ovoi 8/3/1974 #29305 M disk follows River Road. Running lights. Sound / new electric motor. 8/6/1974 #29312 r road at 6:40 p.m. It had running lights, and made a sound like an electri 8/6/1974 #29313 SILVER BELL, AZ 1 / car. Motor and lights and radio quit. Silver disk overh 8/10/1974 #29318 CORSICA Hikers and campers. Night lights and ovoids / 10 days. Phony villa 8/10/1974 #29319 and many. Very fast domed saucers. Lights flash. / r28. 8/11/1974 #29320 red, blue, white, and yellow body lights. (Concord Monitor & Patriot, Aug. 8/11/1974 #29322 EN-ROYANS, FR 13+saucers and night lights and fireballs.. 1840 going [to] 2 8/12/1974 #29330 ps photograph 3 objects. Respond / lights / r225p164. 8/14/1974 #29341 BEAUMONT-EN-DIOIS, FR 6 night lights / V formation going south stop. T 8/16/1974 #29357 th stop. Take square form. 2 night lights join and signal / light. 8/16/1974 #29357 n top and flashing green and white lights on either end. Moving slowly, the 8/16/1974 #29362 roller and military RADAR's. Night lights / 500' altitude / 4h. 3k and mph. 8/20/1974 #29372 GERM 3 observer(s). Glowing-banana lights mountains / yellow-orange beam. A 8/23/1974 #29378 oors, or markings. In addition, no lights of any kind are apparent. There i 8/25/1974 #29386 rver(s). Disk with square dome and lights. Lands / field. Blast / hot air o 8/28/1974 #29392 on top, with red, green, and white lights, and an exhaust hole that burned 8/28/1974 #29398 a discoid object with multicolored lights land close beside them. It was sh 8/31/1974 #29405 he rims stuck together." The vivid lights temporarily paralyzed the observe 8/31/1974 #29405 c-shaped object with multi-colored lights descended and extended three land 9/3/1974 #29418 MAROILLES, FR Dark flying coffin. Lights blink / ends. Skims roof / shed. 9/4/1974 #29421 otograph was taken. When the house lights were switched off the object move 9/4/1974 #29422 oods lit up. Vibrant bright object lights cars and road. Type unknown. 9/5/1974 #29424 ver after headlight signals. Night lights dance all over/all about / town. 9/8/1974 #29433 ted ground. Still later, nocturnal lights danced about in the sky all over 9/8/1974 #29436 backyard, and the purple and white lights again came in through the window. 9/8/1974 #29437 ng over a bridge and the sky ahead lights up. The car then loses power as i 9/16/1974 #29459 line, and everything goes dead—car lights, radio, heater, and engine. The l 9/16/1974 #29459 r, radio, headlights and dashboard lights, and an attempt to restart the ca 9/16/1974 #29460 d was out waiting for them and saw lights in the sky and heard a distant ro 9/16/1974 #29460 he object resembled a boat; it had lights like portholes that emitted a ver 9/19/1974 #29464 wo feet above the ground. Then the lights were extinguished, and the family 9/19/1974 #29464 lting in no acceleration, plus the lights dimmed for four seconds. He witne 9/24/1974 #29475 Denmark, watch unusual objects and lights in the sky. One driver is suddenl 9/26/1974 #29483 illuminates the area. The engine, lights, and radio fail. After several at 9/26/1974 #29483 restarts the car and turns on the lights. A cone of white neon light desce 9/26/1974 #29483 from the car radio. The engine and lights fail again. After about 6 seconds 9/26/1974 #29483 just over ground 600' away. Hums. Lights area. 9/30/1974 #29493 reball follows car / 8km. Building lights die. Sound / speaker with radio o 10/1974 (approximate) #29495 / 20M altitude. Muted buzz. Small lights. Going [to] behind mountains. 10/1974 #29497 5 minute observation of 6-10 white lights in string heading south to north 10/5/1974 #29501 (seen thru) binoculars. Disk with lights edges. 300M altitude WNW going ES 10/9/1974 #29507 ANDER, NFLD UFO with red and white lights flashing buzzes capitol airline(s 10/11/1974 #29516 er / (seen thru) binoculars. 4 red lights / edge / presumed disk. "Searchin 10/11/1974 #29518 es as a UFO flashing red and white lights draws alongside the plane as it f 10/11/1974 #29519 atched a dark object with four red lights around the rim at 8:30 p.m., pres 10/11/1974 #29524 f the unlit objects has five small lights arrayed across its surface, the U 10/14/1974 #29527 shaped object. Rotating multicolor lights. 10/24/1974 #29552 em, and the radio sparked, the car lights went out, and the engine stalled. 10/27/1974 #29561 saucer / field 40M away. Motor and lights and dash all electro-magnetic eff 10/28/1974 #29564 eported something quite large with lights all around it. Described as round 10/31/1974 #29571 a cigar "and it had little square lights that went on and off." (Newsclipp 10/31/1974 #29571 d radio cut out and his watch dial lights up brightly. The object moves awa 11/4/1974 #29583 ). Silent 9M saucer responds / car lights. Dogs bark. / FSRv20#5. 11/5/1974 #29584 in when he sees three bright amber lights appear in his rear-view mirror. S 11/5/1974 #29587 ds. Brilliant disk inside. 3 night lights exit going quickly south. 11/14/1974 #29594 minute intervals, three bright red lights are seen climbing very quickly fr 11/22/1974 #29603 in Funchal takes a few photos. The lights are probably Poseidon missiles la 11/22/1974 #29603 photo, however, showed five small lights, each with a dashed trail leading 11/26/1974 #29610 an, Canada observed several bright lights that looked like they were on the 12/1/1974 #29627 about 20 feet away. These shooting lights were quite bright but dimmed upon 12/1/1974 #29627 cle felt a cold sensation when the lights approached. One of the witnesses 12/1/1974 #29627 speeds past the object and his car lights suddenly go dim. He hears a whoos 12/2/1974 #29629 BASILLY, BELGIUM Circle / night lights turns. Going quickly / radio stat 12/21/1974 #29651 gar-shape 15M altitude over trees. Lights area like day! 12/26/1974 #29659 ports of a UFO with bright colored lights came about the same time that a f 12/29/1974 #29661 nd small, alternating red-and-blue lights on each side. It only leaves when 1975 #29680 s stop two more times to watch the lights. Investigator Malo Martínez later 1/1/1975 #29689 flashing yellow, green, and white lights, with one large orange light in t 1/1/1975 #29690 d by guard at Air Force base. Body lights visible, ground illuminated as ob 1/2/1975 #29695 83 when they saw four bright white lights to the west of Route 83. The ligh 1/2/1975 #29697 ights to the west of Route 83. The lights were traveling in a glide-like mo 1/2/1975 #29697 mediately noticed four very bright lights about 10 degrees above the horizo 1/2/1975 #29698 d by guard at Air Force base. Body lights visible, ground illuminated as ob 1/2/1975 #29699 ripe along its perimeter. A row of lights is visible along the lower edge. 1/2/1975 #29701 rre, Spain, see a group of intense lights moving slowly then remaining stat 1/2/1975 #29702 orizon. Some 30 observers view the lights for 3–4 minutes. 1/2/1975 #29702 ground at an Air Force Base. Body lights were visible on the craft, and th 1/2/1975 #29703 There was a row of blinking orange lights that encircled the room at waist 1/5/1975 #29724 a CB radio in their parked car saw lights approaching them from behind. As 1/6/1975 #29728 r parked car at around 11 p.m. saw lights approaching them from behind. As 1/6/1975 #29729 d a flange bearing 2 red & 2 white lights surrounding a transparent, bright 1/8/1975 #29733 zigzag going quickly south. Night lights and landing traces. / r231'75p14. 1/12/1975 #29742 wski, who sees a UFO with multiple lights in the park the same time. Hopkin 1/12/1975 #29744 . Huge silent cloud with 20 orange lights / row. North going quickly south 1/15/1975 #29750 RINGS, TX 2 observer(s). Cluster / lights hovers / field. Going [to] 40' ov 1/16/1975 #29753 d object circles. Paces car. White lights. Hovers over house. Others. / r28 1/19/1975 #29754 potted a round object lit by white lights making a fast circular motion hov 1/20/1975 #29757 Orange glowing-ball / low altitude lights area. Hovers and maneuvers. Final 1/24/1975 #29763 nd, when he sees a group of bright lights to the east. He calls his wife, C 1/31/1975 #29775 e, Clarice, and they both view the lights through binoculars. They are movi 1/31/1975 #29775 Lotts’ house. The three brightest lights are orange-yellow and arranged in 1/31/1975 #29775 e formation. There are two smaller lights, one red and another white. After 1/31/1975 #29775 wobbles. Flash. Up and away. Night lights / separate observer(s). 2/1975 #29777 NION 3 vibrant bright silent night lights hover. Then going quickly west. 1 2/14/1975 #29808 EUNION 5+observer(s). Same 3 night lights shine beams down. Going quickly w 2/14/1975 #29809 behind her VW car--the engine and lights failed completely. The object gav 2/19/1975 #29828 ward to the ground and have bright lights at the top. They are traveling to 2/23/1975 #29838 m in his pickup truck. Outside the lights of the town he notices that the t 2/23/1975 #29838 d disc with a row of twinkling red lights around the rim. After a bank of c 2/26/1975 #29852 away at a height of 490 feet, its lights dimming. It projects a brilliant, 2/26/1975 #29852 loser object also had a row of red lights around the rim that were either c 2/26/1975 #29853 ng-dome buzzes 1 / car. Diesel and lights and radio electro-magnetic effect 3/1975 #29856 er/cigar-shape / both towns. Night lights back / Aveiro / 7 Aug. '75. 3/1975 #29858 ence (RFI). Going up [to] when cop lights up. 3/2/1975 #29864 bottom, along with red and orange lights on the bottom edge. He estimates 3/2/1975 #29867 size of a car, white in color with lights all around it, and sticklike legs 3/2/1975 #29870 ver(s). Ovoid shines R and G and B lights going down / field. Unidentified 3/5/1975 #29873 size of a car, white in color with lights all around it, and sticklike legs 3/8/1975 #29879 unknown. Egg-shaped object, bluish lights beaming. (NIDS UFO 89) (NICAP: 01 3/9/1975 #29883 THWEST IRON CO, WI 6 cops. 3 night lights circle and buzz sheriffs cars. Po 3/13/1975 #29894 Mellen, Wisconsin. Three nocturnal lights circled and buzzed cars from the 3/13/1975 #29895 , SC 2 observer(s). Classic saucer lights interior / car near Lake Murray h 3/15/1975 (approximate) #29901 liner. The UFO had many unblinking lights, and flew from east to west, whil 3/18/1975 #29911 a row of flashing white-to-yellow lights about 3 feet above the ground and 3/22/1975 #29916 UR-MER, FR 2 / car. 2 bright night lights 2M apart drop to salt-marsh. No t 3/30/1975 #29925 sh. Silent triangle / many colored lights. Spotlight. Going quickly southea 4/3/1975 #29937 rs. Silent object with searchlight lights pecan trees. Altitude = 60m. Goin 4/3/1975 #29939 Saucer with red and blue and white lights. Zigzags. Only saucer in wave. 4/3/1975 #29942 ed object with red, blue and white lights that zigzagged through the sky. ( 4/3/1975 #29948 ed object with red, blue and white lights that zigzagged through the sky. A 4/3/1975 #29953 d object / treetop level. Ringed / lights. Going quickly northeast. No furt 4/4/1975 #29966 object with Brill white light. Red lights / side. No further details. 4/5/1975 #29968 / PEMBROKE, NC Cop and 5. 5 night lights / close formation. 100MPH. Lands. 4/6/1975 #29971 At 5:15 p.m. five red lights in close formation came in over t 4/6/1975 #29977 R Helicopter base. Ovoid. Airstrip lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). 3 4/7/1975 #29979 ta/triangle/box-like craft hovers. Lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Ot 4/8/1975 #29981 ectro-magnetic effect (EME). Other lights / same CCT OK. All come on when g 4/8/1975 #29981 es south of Lumberton, and all the lights in the house went out. The lights 4/9/1975 #29982 lights in the house went out. The lights came back on when the UFO moved a 4/9/1975 #29982 Carolina at 2:30 a.m., and all the lights in the house went out. The lights 4/9/1975 #29983 lights in the house went out. The lights came back on when the UFO moved a 4/9/1975 #29983 JOSE DE JACHAL, ARG 4 / car. Night lights play. Tripod marks found. Huge mu 4/21/1975 #29999 CHOMEDEY, QBC 2 kids. Night lights going down [to] behind school bui 4/29/1975 #30009 his pickup for 10–20 seconds, the lights go out and the engine goes dead. 5/3/1975 #30027 ht, and a row of eight rectangular lights. Ground marks were found at the s 5/4/1975 #30033 ound. 2 figure(s) / dome. Blinding lights. Hands numb. / r41p461. 5/5/1975 #30035 shaped glow cloud maneuvers. Night lights. Searchlights. 5/6/1975 #30040 :10 p.m. There were also nocturnal lights and searchlights reported. 5/6/1975 #30045 e saucer hovers over school. White lights / edge. Glitter-ball turns / top. 5/15/1975? #30060 DE 3+observer(s). Triangle / night lights going down / woods. Huge footprin 5/18/1975 #30062 A triangle of lights was sighted over some woods in Ra 5/18/1975 #30063 object with red, green, and white lights in the middle of the road. Standi 6/1/1975 #30074 arge domed disc with green and red lights, or or near the ground only 15 me 6/1/1975 #30074 w going [to] trees. No trace. Many lights / sides. / FSRv21#6. 6/19/1975 #30108 e silent cone 150' away. Point up. Lights turn / rim. Much Radio Frequency 6/21/1975 #30114 over Esso station/depot/facility. Lights ground like day. / r30. 6/27/1975 #30123 ROSETO / ABRUZZI, ITL Night lights. Red sphere maneuvers to and fro 7/1975 #30136 S, BC 40' saucer. Figure / window. Lights beam going down. 60 minute(s) mis 7/1975 #30138 / car. Dark top-saucer encircled / lights. Erratic maneuvers. Shoots away. 7/3/1975 #30150 truck to talk on the CB radio. The lights on the truck and the CB radio wen 7/4/1975 #30159 B radio went dead when four bright lights descended over them. They both ha 7/4/1975 #30159 e, hemispherical dome. Large round lights about 5 feet in diameter are spac 7/22/1975 #30200 feet in diameter with large round lights five feet in diameter around its 7/22/1975 #30201 g near a panel of flashing colored lights, the other three apparently looki 7/31/1975 #30218 2 observer(s). 15 flat-iron night lights cross sky going quickly southeast 8/4/1975 #30234 p, with alternating red and orange lights blinking around the rim. The dome 8/8/1975 #30244 angle/box-like craft with 2 bright lights. Descriptions vary. No further de 8/13/1975 #30260 ontroller Joe Savage sees flashing lights closing in on him in a collision 8/14/1975 #30270 reen-tinted smoke and flashing red lights. Gary Duran and two friends also 8/14/1975 #30270 erver(s). Domed saucer with ring / lights. Slow and silent. Rainy night. 8/15/1975 #30272 0 a.m. a domed disc with a ring of lights was seen at close range in Blackb 8/15/1975 #30276 ght light / rotating green and red lights. Car malfunctions due to EME (ele 8/17/1975 #30283 sightings, large discs and bright lights are seen at low altitude less tha 8/20/1975 #30291 silent red night light buzzes car. Lights and engine electro-magnetic effec 8/25/1975 #30305 EMBAREK, ALG 2 / truck. 2M saucer lights area / miles! 25M altitude. 200kp 8/26/1975 #30307 inctly larger than the others. The lights descend in a straight line at a 3 8/26/1975 #30310 ront seat with the others) and the lights are gone. The witnesses drive on 8/26/1975 #30310 te dome just over river. Red night lights respond / house lights! 8/28/1975 #30314 . Red night lights respond / house lights! 8/28/1975 #30314 LONGAGES, HGR Lady. 2 intense lights near ground. Form not visible. / 8/29/1975 #30323 OFF MACKAY, AUST Night lights buzz RAAF plane and enter cloud. 8/30/1975 #30328 /globe going down / 300M altitude. Lights area. Quickly going up [to] and l 9/1975 #30332 circle saucer and flash brief red lights at it. Saucer turns into delta. 9/3/1975 #30338 11:00 p.m., the witnesses see the lights go on at a nearby Nike missile ba 9/3/1975 #30340 T. WILSON, CA 15' triangle / night lights maneuvers. Car radio = white nois 9/5/1975 #30342 Round 30' UFO with two vivid green lights (NIDS) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encount 9/14/1975 #30359 rnia saw unexplained red and white lights in the sky on successive nights. 9/15/1975 #30363 spins and descends / trees. Bright lights / edge. / news. 9/16/1975 #30364 IAGE-LES-BAINS, FR "Japanese lamp" lights clouds and ground like broad dayl 9/16/1975 #30366 ETTERBEEK, BELGIUM 3 night lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft f 9/20/1975 #30373 west. At 9:30 p.m. three nocturnal lights in a triangle formation changed i 9/20/1975 #30374 an area about one mile in diameter lights up around their car, their radio Fall 1975 #30381 ous/glowing ovoid going down. Beam lights ground. Whistles. Going quickly s 9/30/1975 #30397 l-shaped object with red and green lights that came close to witness after 10/2/1975 #30410 up / kids. Big silent glowing-ball lights ballpark. Zigzags. Going northwes 10/3/1975 #30412 of white light, with smaller blue lights inside, hung stationary over Quin 10/3/1975 #30413 of white light, with smaller blue lights inside, hung stationary over Quin 10/3/1975 #30414 ming him of five "strange looking" lights in the south-west sky. Both offic 10/4/1975 #30416 D45 EAST / PIERRECLOS, FR 1 / car. Lights and engine quit. Fuzzy 100M disk 10/10/1975 #30427 rtment, France at ten p.m. a car's lights and engine died when a fuzzy look 10/10/1975 #30428 lar in shape with white and yellow lights. (Source: CUFOS News Bulletin, Fe 10/16/1975 #30430 lar in shape with white and yellow lights. It went down and up rapidly, the 10/16/1975 #30431 first and had red, green, and blue lights spinning on its rim. It hovered, 10/16/1975 #30431 ena, MT Object with flashing green lights flew over truck, hovered over roa 10/17/1975 #30435 T Large object with green flashing lights passed over truck from behind, ho 10/17/1975 #30436 truck from behind, hovered ahead, lights and engine failed, light beam dir 10/17/1975 #30436 s watch the golden disc with white lights hover 5,000 feet above the ground 10/17/1975 #30437 ESHER PASS, MT Truck and motor and lights and Mans watch stop in beam / 50' 10/18/1975 #30438 ncipal and more. Big bright object lights top / Columbia mountain. Dims. Go 10/18/1975 #30439 light at him, causing the truck’s lights and engine to go out. The UFO rem 10/18/1975 #30444 hen the UFO disappears the truck’s lights and engine come back on. Struble 10/18/1975 #30444 ovoid. Cross-shaped seen / below. Lights / top and sides. Going quickly we 10/19/1975 #30446 s circles city buildings. Rotating lights. Wave. 10/22/1975 #30458 and then hovered. It had rotating lights. 10/22/1975 #30461 In York, Pennsylvania four orange lights in a delta formation traveled slo 10/23/1975 #30463 Studies because they resemble the lights in two undated photos taken from Late 10/1975 #30470 o 2300h. 2+1+cops. Disks and night lights zigzag. Over power lines etc. 10/27/1975 #30479 ctober 28, 1975; Objects with body lights penetrated security areas on two 10/27/1975 #30484 seconds later, they see two white lights on their left in a cornfield. The 10/27/1975 #30486 on their left in a cornfield. The lights suddenly rise into the air. Gray 10/27/1975 #30486 r the sounds of an engine, but the lights are soundless. Now they have a go 10/27/1975 #30486 s body are green, blue, and yellow lights that suddenly go out when the obj 10/27/1975 #30486 o disc-shaped objects with colored lights appear, and a thick fog rises out 10/27/1975 #30486 curity vehicles with blue flashing lights are converging from all over the 10/27/1975 #30488 They came to a cornfield where two lights were visible four feet from the g 10/27/1975 #30489 our feet from the ground. As these lights rose silently to treetop level, t 10/27/1975 #30489 pond, showing red, green, and blue lights. A smoke or fog then rose from th 10/27/1975 #30489 wed a long window and three bright lights. Finally it rose vertically, toge 10/27/1975 #30489 scrambled to intercept but objects lights went out, interceptors passed and 10/28/1975 #30492 RIBOU, ME 4 cops and others. Night lights. Loring RADAR sees odd blips 15 m 10/28/1975 #30494 CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN NORAD, CO Night lights. UFO's / RADAR / 20 minute(s). Fu 10/28/1975 (approximate) #30498 William J. Long, again spotted the lights of an unidentified aircraft appro 10/28/1975 #30500 . William J. Long, again spots the lights of an unidentified aircraft appro 10/28/1975 #30503 ering in mid-air. It turns out its lights and then reappears making jerky m 10/28/1975 #30503 rity, but the object turns off its lights and is not seen again. Radar pick 10/28/1975 #30503 others saw at least two nocturnal lights in the sky from Caribou, Arrostoo 10/28/1975 #30504 lane that had gold, red and orange lights rotating around the craft. He rep 10/28/1975 #30505 ject UFO 25' overhead. Silent. Red lights rotate / bottom. Shoots going up. 10/29/1975 #30507 erhead, and completely silent. Red lights rotated on the bottom of the obje 10/29/1975 #30512 WURTSMITH AIR FORCE BASE, MI Night lights and helicopters all over/all abou 10/30/1975 #30517 et, sighted at least two nocturnal lights and mystery 'choppers' around and 10/30/1975 #30523 onnel thought they saw the running lights of a low flying craft they though 10/30/1975 #30523 was pointed downward, and two red lights were visible near the trailing ed 10/30/1975 #30523 ain gate, saw several unidentified lights near the western edge of the base 10/30/1975 #30523 unidentified "helicopter" with no lights had come over the back gate and h 10/30/1975 #30523 LION, OH 1 / car. Wedge with row / lights going [to] over parking Lot. Tilt 11/1/1975 #30532 with a dozen rows of multicolored lights, perhaps hundreds of them. It pas Early 11/1975 #30539 th of it has red, green, and white lights. After about 1 hour both objects 11/3/1975 #30545 Chaput. Red disk flanked / 2 night lights stops. Going down / woods slowly. 11/4/1975 #30550 ng at treetop level, windows, body lights visible. Skylook, MUFON, January 11/4/1975 #30551 ed object flanked by two nocturnal lights stopped in place, then descended 11/4/1975 #30552 ed object flanked by two nocturnal lights stopped in place, then descended 11/4/1975 #30553 NS, CA Glowing saucer with antenna lights area. Paces 2 campers / truck / 1 11/6/1975 #30563 RANDALLSTOWN, MD Cluster / lights follows 2 / car going south. Stop 11/6/1975 #30565 nd civil observer(s). Saucers with lights hover and going quickly south. / 11/7/1975 #30571 e C1. 4 RADAR's and visual. Saucer lights off as jets approach. 11/8/1975 #30579 tion. Targets would turn out their lights whenever the jets approached. 11/8/1975 #30582 LARGO, FL Cops and many. 2-5 night lights maneuver all directions / 2 hour 11/10/1975 #30588 DISON TWP, OH Many and cops. Night lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft h 11/11/1975 #30597 no visual or radar contact. Other lights are seen periodically over the ne 11/11/1975 #30609 number of multi-colored nocturnal lights were reported in the midwestern a 11/13/1975 #30615 . Sparkling white, red, and yellow lights flew in formation erratically in 11/13/1975 #30615 , Wisconsin. Red, green, and white lights were sighted in Eau Claire, Wisco 11/13/1975 #30615 t Atkinson, Wisconsin bright white lights that dimmed, disappeared, and the 11/13/1975 #30615 number of multi-colored nocturnal lights were reported in the midwestern a 11/13/1975 #30616 . Sparkling white, red, and yellow lights flew in formation erratically in 11/13/1975 #30616 , Wisconsin. Red, green, and white lights were sighted in Eau Claire, Wisco 11/13/1975 #30616 t Atkinson, Wisconsin bright white lights that dimmed, disappeared, and the 11/13/1975 #30616 ISLAND, ONT 2 saucers with yellow lights / 10 min. North going south then 11/16/1975 #30631 al shaped with two yellow flashing lights, moving north to south, then beca 11/16/1975 #30633 2345z Large orange ball with 2 red lights stationary; Azimuth 045° from Riv 11/17/1975 #30635 Vernon, Iowa, when they see white lights in the southwestern sky. They sto 11/17/1975 #30636 only 30 feet away from one of the lights, which was only 25 feet off the g 11/17/1975 #30636 ely tells Randle that he only sees lights in the distance and nothing else. 11/17/1975 #30636 me time. Randle concludes that the lights come from aircraft landing at the 11/17/1975 #30636 KS 4 observer(s). Vivid blue night lights zigzags. Split and rejoin / flash 11/18/1975 #30638 d a red light on top and two clear lights on the side. (Source: CUFOS News 11/19/1975 #30643 nd object hovers 80M over station. Lights top and bottom/underside. Going s 11/20/1975 #30644 station at two a.m. It had bright lights on the top and bottom. It flew aw 11/20/1975 #30646 station at two a.m. It had bright lights on the top and bottom. It flew aw 11/20/1975 #30649 isc-shaped object with three white lights and a smaller blinking red light 11/23/1975 #30656 SPRING VALLEY, CA 1 / car. Blob / lights east going west. Drops 3 red nigh 11/25/1975 #30661 east going west. Drops 3 red night lights / 40 second(s) intervals. 11/25/1975 #30661 ties using some bright fluorescent lights. Her husband, awakened by her cri 11/27/1975 #30669 ght a silvery cylinder with bright lights hovered overhead for one minute I 11/29/1975 #30675 ude going quickly north / 180+kph. Lights / corners and panel / center. Hum 12/1975 #30678 ZEPHYR, FR. GUYN Silent 5M sphere lights plants and ground. All glow white 12/3/1975 #30683 t. It had yellow and amber colored lights spinning around it as the object 12/5/1975 #30686 flying object with two large clear lights in front, and a red light in the 12/5/1975 #30687 ountered this evening. A string of lights connected the three large lights 12/5/1975 #30687 f lights connected the three large lights and would change colors from red 12/5/1975 #30687 t. It had yellow and amber colored lights spinning around it as the object 12/5/1975 #30688 flying object with two large clear lights in front, and a red light in the 12/5/1975 #30688 Montville, New Jersey. A string of lights connected the three large lights 12/5/1975 #30688 f lights connected the three large lights and would change colors from red 12/5/1975 #30688 NEAR SIMMS, MT Night lights land by dead calf 2 nights / row. 12/8/1975 #30690 unty near Simms, Montana nocturnal lights were seen to have landed near the 12/8/1975 #30697 ndows. 50M altitude. 50M away. 4-6 lights blink. 12/12/1975 #30707 erver(s). Silver dome with colored lights / 300' altitude. Silent. Hovers / 12/13/1975 #30709 s) / 4 day wave. 400' ring / night lights. Follow power lines. Maneuver and 12/13/1975 #30710 ANEUVELOT, FR 2 observer(s). Night lights. 5M saucer lands / field. Rises f 12/15/1975 #30716 were several unexplained nocturnal lights in the sky. (NICAP: 02 - Close En 12/15/1975 #30717 were several unexplained nocturnal lights in the sky. 12/15/1975 #30719 RIDGE, MN 8m saucer. Car motor and lights die. Suddenly disappear. Car self 12/23/1975 #30729 he sky, and their car's engine and lights failed. The light came closer and 12/23/1975 #30732 he sky, and their car's engine and lights failed. The light came closer and 12/23/1975 #30733 t also had several flashing yellow lights and appeared to be 20-30 feet in 12/23/1975 #30733 vanished, whereupon and the car's lights and engine spontaneously came bac 12/23/1975 #30733 ory in Renton, Washington, notices lights hovering above the building at th 1976 #30750 uth end of the plant. Suddenly the lights shoot straight up in the air and 1976 #30750 steady rain, two angular, ice-blue lights pass slowly across his field of v 1/4/1976 #30758 with a dome on top, a ring of red lights around its mid section, and a yel 1/6/1976 #30762 AUD, SAVOIE Cylinder/cigar-shape / lights / bottom. Shines intermittent bea 1/6/1976 #30766 Stanford, KY Domed disc with body lights descended, illuminated car interi 1/6/1976 #30768 Stanford, KY Domed disc with body lights descended, illuminated car interi 1/6/1976 #30769 indows with rotating, blinking red lights around each of them; yellow light 1/6/1976 #30770 lights around each of them; yellow lights stretch below these, and a lumino 1/6/1976 #30770 8:20 p.m. a cigar-shaped UFO with lights on the bottom flew slowly over th 1/6/1976 #30771 yramid / ground emits fireball and lights woods. 50M saucer rotates / sky. 1/7/1976 #30773 ), MT 11:00 p.m. Two pulsating red lights at 500' (UFO 48 NIDS) (NICAP: 02 1/10/1976 #30783 -DE-URIAGE, FR 3M fireball beams 4 lights going down / center. Watch affect 1/17/1976 #30794 sses saw an object with two bright lights hovering over woods about 300 yar 1/19/1976 #30801 rts 2 75' saucers / Pentagon. Blue lights on top etc. 1/21/1976 #30803 uilding with square windows. Night lights maneuver around. 1/21/1976 #30806 ith pulsating red, white, and blue lights. 1/21/1976 #30810 bject with green, yellow, and blue lights 900 feet above his car before it 1/23/1976 #30815 tcher in Artesia sees 6–7 flashing lights in the sky at 750–1,000 feet alti 1/23/1976 #30815 t. She then saw an object with two lights, one amber and the other red, ove 1/23/1976 #30817 -size object follows car. Rotating lights. Hides / valley. Quickly going up 1/25/1976 #30818 e of a semi-truck and had rotating lights of many different colors. (Refere 1/25/1976 #30819 ces. Bright night light maneuvers. Lights mountains. / r225p63. 1/28/1976 #30824 bright cone hovers over backyard. Lights area strongly. No further details 1/28/1976 #30825 obe follows car over winding road. Lights interior. 10M altitude. 1/28/1976 #30828 ng, and had flashing red and white lights on one end and a dark ring around 1/29/1976 #30833 dark domed disc with red and white lights through a second floor bedroom wi 2/5/1976 #30846 dark domed disc with red and white lights through a second floor bedroom wi 2/5/1976 #30848 near ground. Beam going down [to] lights area. Going east slow. 2/7/1976 #30849 aucer / orange dome lands. All car lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Se 2/10/1976 #30859 cer hovers / 15M altitude. Colored lights flash in dome / bottom. 2/10/1976 #30860 lic polygon UFO with multi-colored lights was seen moving at a slow speed, 2/12/1976 #30866 ck til Dawn. Radio = static. Night lights. 2/17/1976 #30875 MAYDENA, TASMANIA Wave / night lights and saucers to April. Church bell 2/17/1976 #30876 ving in a rural area reported that lights high in the sky paced their car f 2/18/1976 #30880 ving in a rural area reported that lights high in the sky paced their car f 2/18/1976 #30881 EX CO, MASS Saucer with triangular lights drops. Follows 2 / car / 10 minut 2/20/1976 #30888 ung man and woman saw some odd red lights in the sky in Essex County, Massa 2/20/1976 #30889 aped objects with three triangular lights descended close to their car and 2/20/1976 #30889 ung man and woman saw some odd red lights in the sky in Essex County, Massa 2/20/1976 #30891 aped objects with three triangular lights descended close to their car and 2/20/1976 #30891 dena, Tasmania, sighted two orange lights. They flew toward the southwest a 2/25/1976 #30906 , OR 26' saucer drops / sky. Beams lights / ground. Car radio out when near 3/5/1976 #30925 a translucent dome on top and gold lights around its periphery. Above the d 3/5/1976 #30928 in diameter, and had red and white lights revolving around its exterior. Tw 3/5/1976 #30929 'Michelin-man' floats across road. Lights / head. Car malfunctions due to E 3/14/1976 #30938 e is about to get back in when its lights come back on by themselves. She t 3/22/1976 #30952 ENIS, REUNION Cop / car. Motor and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Sm 3/27/1976 #30958 SPAIN 2 / N240. 9M trapezoid with lights follows road. "Odd peaceful feeli 4/1/1976 #30973 MA 3 / car and more/others. Night lights and saucers. Observer(s) hypnotiz 4/4/1976 #30984 ide over ground. Jumps 200M. Night lights to 29 July. 4/7/1976 #30988 ASMANIA 1 observer. 2 orange night lights southwest going northeast through 4/14/1976 #30995 sees an apparent vehicle with its lights flashing ahead of him as he is dr 4/22/1976 #31009 ht at the top and six bluish-white lights on the side. It is 500 feet away 4/22/1976 #31010 ees some kind of flash and his car lights go out, the motor stops, the radi 4/22/1976 #31010 sharp edges at ground level. Night lights. Traces. 4/23/1976 #31014 enigmatic craft. Suddenly a row of lights became visible inside an opening 4/23/1976 #31019 able to see numerous multi-colored lights, monitors and other unidentified 4/23/1976 #31019 Odd ship going up / sea. Brilliant lights / ends. Big antenna. Submerges. 4/25/1976 #31021 ar-shape with lit ends and 4 night lights. Maneuvers and figure 8s. 4/25/1976 #31022 FORDVILLE, WI 1 farmer. Globular / lights follows tractor to barn. Shoots b 5/4/1976 #31032 2 kids. Domed saucer passes. Small lights around rim. / R.deGROOT. 5/4/1976 #31034 0:45 p.m. local time. It had small lights around the rim of the object. 5/4/1976 #31036 ht headlights and two rotating red lights. An hour later his son saw the sa 5/4/1976 #31038 An hour later his son saw the same lights; they did a U-turn in the sky and 5/4/1976 #31038 , ARG Foggy morn. Clamshell saucer lights bridge. Truck and driver pulled i 5/14/1976 #31050 s / 30M altitude overhead. Colored lights. Going quickly north. Report goin 6/4/1976 (approximate) #31084 ows. Observer(s) photographs night lights.. = 2 domed saucer shapes. See re 6/7/1976 #31090 rcular object with revolving white lights while dogs howled in reaction to 6/7/1976 #31092 to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Lights road. Gone. 6/21/1976 #31118 ht strikes his car, the engine and lights going out immediately. He guides 6/21/1976 #31121 BAY, ONT UFO with green and white lights going quickly [to] east-northeast 6/23/1976 #31133 jects spiral / zigzag. Strong blue lights and 3 red danglers. 6/25/1976 #31139 erver(s). Grey disk going south. 5 lights / bottom. Banks going west / 250 6/30/1976 #31143 ARG 4 separate report(s). 2 night lights / fantastic maneuvers over airpor 7/14/1976 #31162 he sunlight neutralizes the bright lights of the UFOs, but the observers se 7/14/1976 #31164 S, FR 2M upright ovoid / roadside. Lights area like day. Arms and legs. 7/21/1976 #31175 No color was noted, but it had 4-5 lights in front, with a green light on o 7/22/1976 #31177 No color was noted, but it had 4-5 lights in front, with a green light on o 7/22/1976 #31178 et away. It had a revolving rim of lights like windows around its perimeter 7/28/1976 #31191 all going southeast / 2 minute(s). Lights countryside. 2 minute meteor? 7/30/1976 #31199 ze ball buzzes tractor 2X. Colored lights / edge. Observer(s) hides. 8/1976 #31210 rough dust, hovering vehicles, odd lights, and electromagnetic towers on th 8/1976 #31214 when he sees two intensely bright lights “like burning magnesium” silently 8/1976 #31216 FR 5M domed saucer / 6M altitude. Lights out and back on gradually. / r30p 8/2/1976 #31220 er, Hérault, France. It has orange lights that go on and off slowly. 8/2/1976 #31221 vering at six meters altitude. The lights went out immediately on the objec 8/2/1976 #31223 NISIA 5 objects with red and green lights. RADAR confirm. Diplomatic query 8/3/1976 #31225 five objects showing red and green lights are seen over Monastir and confir 8/3/1976 #31226 and spins / 30 minute(s). Colored lights / edge. 8/4/1976 #31227 gain reported seeing mystery ghost lights. 8/5/1976 #31234 untered a thick fog. The vehicle's lights and engine failed, and the car's 8/5/1976 #31235 is father Orville see multicolored lights fly past their new silo and land 8/7/1976 #31243 amper, with revolving multicolored lights, land in a hayfield. The son drov 8/7/1976 #31245 s). Phony building hovers / hotel. Lights room. Pseudo-human/entity photogr 8/10/1976 #31248 UFO's with flashing green and red lights say RCMP and civilians and Air Tr 8/10/1976 #31249 had steady flashing green and red lights and were seen by civilians and me 8/10/1976 #31250 nd sees an object with six reddish lights that appears to be on another win 8/10/1976 #31251 ther wing of the hotel. One of its lights seems to be directed straight int 8/10/1976 #31251 ectangular thing, with six reddish lights on it, resting on another wing of 8/10/1976 #31252 e of irritation because one of the lights was directed right into their bed 8/10/1976 #31252 ight hovers. Nears as taxi flashes lights. 8/15/1976 #31266 reek bed. Going northeast. Turns / lights / edge. Back 18 Aug. '76. 8/15/1976 #31268 ver Pablo Garcia García blinks his lights at it, and the object appears to 8/15/1976 #31270 turned on green and red revolving lights around its middle. 8/15/1976 #31271 s story, saying he did see strange lights during the camping trip, but the 8/20/1976 #31282 LLARGEAUX, FR Radio and wipers and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). 10 8/21/1976 #31287 NY Round object with red and white lights going quickly south fast toward(s 8/25/1976 #31300 eral. White object flashes colored lights over hospital etc. 8/30/1976 #31312 ble floats going [to] backyards. 3 lights inside. Maneuvers. Telepathy! See 8/30/1976 #31313 er(s). Engineless Pentagon hovers. Lights / corners. Going / slight whoosh. 9/1976 #31318 .., NORWAY Wave / globes and night lights for weeks / this area. 9/1976 #31319 2:38 a.m. UFO described as two red lights on top, silver bottom. (UFO 105 N 9/1/1976 #31323 At 5:00 a.m. a UFO with multiple lights was involved in a close encounter 9/2/1976 #31327 White, triangular object with red lights. (UFO 107 NIDS) (NICAP: 01 - Dist 9/8/1976 #31355 ainst the outside wall. The object lights up again, scaring him, so he pick 9/9/1976 #31362 OWN MISSILE SITE, ND Alarms. Night lights hover and maneuver. Cylinder/cyli 9/10/1976 #31366 ed saucer / 50' over barn. 2 night lights / power lines. / MJ#108+/ r41p39. 9/10/1976 #31367 31. Extremely bright yellow object lights overcast sky. Sodium lamp? 9/10/1976 #31368 with dome, rotating rim and bright lights, power failure. Object moved away 9/10/1976 #31369 with dome, rotating rim and bright lights, power failure. Object moved away 9/10/1976 #31370 s too intense to view directly. It lights up the top of the cloud layer bel 9/10/1976 #31372 had a red light in front and other lights on either end, and the bright lig 9/10/1976 #31373 ar. The car engine stopped and the lights went out, and the speedometer nee 9/17/1976 #31390 r. Large saucer going up and down. Lights / edge alternate red-blue-white-y 9/18/1976 #31394 s a bright object flashing colored lights and changing positions at an alti 9/18/1976 #31395 tense red, green, orange, and blue lights (in a diamond shape) so bright th 9/18/1976 #31395 bject (a thin rectangle with three lights) appears at low altitude in front 9/18/1976 #31395 by Radar). Multi-colored flashing lights were visible on the UFO. The mome 9/19/1976 #31396 tro-magnetic effect (EME). 2 night lights exit large object. / IURv3#1+/ r2 9/19/1976 #31399 a horizontal row of red and white lights. It is also seen by an air traffi 9/19/1976 #31410 off, then became many less intense lights. There were three or four on top 9/19/1976 #31412 f the object, three smaller yellow lights below that, and two at the bottom 9/19/1976 #31412 ) floats by window to 6' cube with lights. Flies away. 9/22/1976 #31417 . He can see flashing red and blue lights between the pulsations. It is abo Autumn 1976 #31421 ed light flanked by pairs of amber lights. 9/24/1976 #31422 ucer near. Bright glow. Many small lights / underside. Hovers / 2 minute(s) 9/25/1976 #31426 ver(s). Unidentified object with 4 lights going up / field. Hovers / 5 minu 9/25/1976 #31427 stralia four witnesses watched red lights near the ground in a field. They 9/25/1976 #31429 fter the sighting of the low level lights, a 21.6 meter (71 foot) circle of 9/25/1976 #31429 ear plant construction. Large spot lights 100 / ground. 10/5/1976 (approximate) #31448 d cop. UFO / 1 min. Red and yellow lights flash. Type unknown. 10/8/1976 #31454 CMP and 1. Dark silent object with lights hovers over store / 90 second(s). 10/8/1976 #31455 SYLMAR, CA 10+observer(s). 2 night lights seems to signal each other. Many 10/9/1976 #31456 legs on road! Blue and orange body lights. No further details / local news. 10/15/1976 #31463 no sound. The UFO had two rows of lights: the top row was red and the bott 10/15/1976 #31467 3 cylinder/cigar-shape-shapes with lights and long windows. Hover and join 10/16/1976 #31468 2+1+1+observer(s). 10M ovoid with lights all over going [to] east-northeas 10/19/1976 #31478 Minnesota. He sees yellow and red lights about 2 miles ahead on the north 10/22/1976 #31486 he moves closer, he finds that the lights are actually two objects suspende 10/22/1976 #31486 the triangle and yellow pulsating lights protruding from the blunter ends. 10/22/1976 #31486 saw a row of very bright rotating lights rising above the trees, then stop 10/23/1976 #31487 r to investigate, and saw that the lights were on a dark, elongated object. 10/23/1976 #31487 rectangular platform east / rows / lights going north. Suddenly shoots goin 10/24/1976 #31489 is little daughter when he saw two lights ahead, which he first took to be 10/24/1976 #31493 o use them the UFO “turned out its lights.” They next heard a dull humming 10/24/1976 #31493 WY Man flashes Morse code / night lights area. Cylinder/cylindrical object 10/25/1976 (approximate) #31494 and emitting red, green, and blue lights. Then it flew down towards Richie 10/28/1976 #31503 ollers and pilots and RADAR. Night lights buzz planes. 1 zigzags. / MJ#176. 11/4/1976 #31520 / 14. 8m saucer / edge. Beeps. Red lights flash and steady white light. Goi 11/8/1976 #31530 e and is covered in flashing white lights and red steady lights. More than 11/8/1976 #31531 ashing white lights and red steady lights. More than 100 people report seei 11/8/1976 #31531 sc-shaped object with flashing red lights and a steady white light, making 11/8/1976 #31533 er 2 50' metallic saucers. Colored lights blink. Windows / edges. 11/10/1976 #31535 TALAVERA LA REAL, SP Night lights. Soldiers fire at 3M ghost. Vanis 11/12/1976 #31539 ith pulsating red, green, and blue lights, which stopped in the air and des 11/12/1976 #31541 rence as the engine roars, and the lights seem to shine brighter than usual 11/14/1976 #31548 stant objects with brilliant white lights are seen performing unusual patte 11/15/1976 #31552 e dome flashes red green and white lights. Hovers / trees. Going east. 11/23/1976 #31565 has flashing red, green, and white lights. The object hovers above some tre 11/23/1976 #31568 ht, flashing red, green, and white lights. The dome was three times the siz 11/23/1976 #31569 depot/facility / one hour. Diffuse lights / underside. 12/5/1976 #31581 ernorrland, Sweden. It had diffuse lights on its underside. 12/5/1976 #31585 OKE-ON-TRENT, ENG 2 / car. 8 night lights / rigid trapezoid formation over 12/9/1976 #31592 rom front to back. All at once the lights went out, and her car motor and h 12/10/1976 #31594 -4 meters ahead of her. It had two lights sunk into the lower portion, and 12/10/1976 #31594 ontaneously. Immediately the UFO's lights went out and it silently took off 12/10/1976 #31594 , when he sees two bright flashing lights flying west to east. As the objec 12/15/1976 #31604 et a better look and sees that the lights are now red, zigzaging, and attac 12/15/1976 #31604 pping. It has 6–9 orange and white lights flashing on and off around the pe 12/18/1976 #31614 DEELEN, NETH Large silent night lights hover / Air Force Base. Many obse 12/25/1976 #31630 -magnetic effect (EME). Responds / lights. 12/26/1976 #31631 etallic object with a row of white lights around its base. It flies in from 1/6/1977 #31706 etallic object with a row of white lights around its base. It came flying i 1/6/1977 #31707 bserver(s). Large ovoid with large lights. Red light flashes / white steady 1/9/1977 #31712 treetop level; now he can see red lights on the object. A bit unnerved, Ma Mid 1/1977 #31723 nded to pilot flashing his landing lights. 1/21/1977 #31740 onse to his turning on his landing lights and head south after 3 minutes. J 1/21/1977 #31744 hen a penetrating sound and bright lights coming from the sky awoke the vil 1/23/1977 #31748 with intense multicolored flashing lights, emitting waves of heat, circled 1/23/1977 #31748 and more/others. Ovoid with 8 red lights going quickly. Jet noise. "No pla 1/26/1977 #31750 see a horizontal row of 5–6 white lights, rotating left to right. The obje 1/29/1977 #31765 and pauses to look at the Northern Lights. He retrieves a camera to take ph 2/1977 #31771 chamber, which cause "all sorts of lights to go off." Finally, he found him 2/2/1977 #31781 M Several observer(s). Dome spins. Lights flash. Figure moves / window. / A 2/3/1977 #31782 o edge, with flashing yellow white lights along the edge and a red light on 2/3/1977 #31784 helicopters with glowing red cabin lights flying very low over the adjacent 2/10/1977 #31808 er(s). Saucer descends vertically. Lights turn / edge. Hovers. Gone as sun 2/15/1977 #31816 ring metallic object with numerous lights and what appeared to be three-leg 2/20/1977 #31833 2nd gourd going west joins! Belt / lights. 2/22/1977 #31835 d object carrying four very bright lights land about 150 feet away in Lange 2/24/1977 #31846 dependent witnesses saw mysterious lights and objects over the area on the 2/24/1977 #31846 fins up and down. Cigars and night lights seen / Derbyshire to N. YORKs. 3/4/1977 #31857 light at each corner and three red lights clustered underneath, and pulsate 3/4/1977 #31859 s and 10 to 15 feet tall, with red lights going around it. The UFO was abou 3/5/1977 #31861 illside carrying "basketball sized lights," and that the UFO at one point f 3/5/1977 #31861 ashire, UK Ellipse with red-orange lights approached, hovered, tingling sen 3/9/1977 #31883 llipse hovered, car engine failed, lights dimmed. Pressure, tingling sensat 3/9/1977 #31884 when they see a formation of eight lights, with two larger ones in the lead 3/9/1977 #31885 car for a better look. The UFO has lights at either end that are changing c 3/9/1977 #31886 car for a better look. The UFO had lights at either end that were changing 3/9/1977 #31889 observer(s). Brill flashing night lights maneuver. No body resolved. Back 3/11/1977 #31895 noticed that he could not see the lights of farmhouses to his right. Looki 3/13/1977 #31906 outh of Tehran switches on all his lights when he sees a huge object in fro Mid 3/1977 #31908 l follows family / car. Engine and lights die. / FSRv23#1. 3/17/1977 #31912 . MST a V formation of fast moving lights, most likely from a single, very 3/18/1977 #31915 l. It is triangular with turquoise lights, red flashing lights, and a golde 3/19/1977 #31917 ith turquoise lights, red flashing lights, and a golden light flashing at t 3/19/1977 #31917 A Numerous observer(s). Fast night lights going quickly north / 900M altitu 3/22/1977 #31925 d, IN 5:40 AM. Snowy morning. Blue lights were ahead which lady thought was 3/23/1977 #31927 of her then suddenly 6 to 12 blue lights took up position 2 to 3 feet in f 3/23/1977 #31927 d, IN 5:40 AM. Snowy morning. Blue lights were ahead which lady thought was 3/23/1977 #31928 of her then suddenly 6 to 12 blue lights took up position 2 to 3 feet in f 3/23/1977 #31928 ws to huge saucer. Dome and ring / lights. 2 jets chase saucer going quickl 3/30/1977 (approximate) #31935 e UFO has three outer red and blue lights and a sequential series of red li 4/1/1977 #31938 hts and a sequential series of red lights in two rows on the center bottom. 4/1/1977 #31938 North Carolina, see 5–6 red-orange lights hovering 200 feet away. 4/5/1977 #31950 low, green, blue, and red blinking lights. She heard a buzzing sound like a 4/6/1977 #31953 kids / schoolyard. Ovoid with red lights / top and bottom. Row / blue / mi 4/7/1977 #31954 CEDAR SPRINGS, MI Night lights. Domed saucer arcs around 2 obser 4/8/1977 #31959 disk 4X moon-size against clouds. Lights / edge. East going west. 4/8/1977 #31960 clouds. It has three steady white lights around its edges and moves silent 4/8/1977 #31964 7 / CREW / MV DOLPHIN Night lights maneuver and vanish and reappear. 4/10/1977 #31968 the first of four “lightning-like lights” in an otherwise clear sky. Groun 4/14/1977 #31980 BELOEIL, QB Several lights in delta/triangle/box-like craft 4/15/1977 #31982 object consisting of two spherical lights that flickered back and forth bet 4/16/1977 #31983 ROCHA, URUGUAY Small object lights dairy farm. Observer(s) faints. H 4/19/1977 #31996 t light low / sky passes over car. Lights and radio die. Engine AOK. 4/22/1977 #32011 flat, round object with five white lights on its rim and two red lights on 4/22/1977 #32012 hite lights on its rim and two red lights on its bottom. It pursues their c 4/22/1977 #32012 PUTRE, CHL Night lights. Guard gone 15 min. Back / 5-day 4/25/1977 #32022 nd horses remained still while the lights hovered nearby. The leader of the 4/25/1977 #32024 out their campfire. The two large lights were about 800 meters away, and h 4/25/1977 #32024 le, suddenly see two bright violet lights nearby. The soldiers’ dog and hor 4/25/1977 #32026 and horses remain still while the lights hover nearby. The leader of the g 4/25/1977 #32026 out their campfire. The two large lights are about a half-mile away and ho 4/25/1977 #32026 the ground. Valdés approaches the lights, ordering them to identify themse 4/25/1977 #32026 nd horses remained still while the lights hovered nearby. The leader of the 4/25/1977 #32027 out their campfire. The two large lights were about 800 meters away, and h 4/25/1977 #32027 ground. Cpl. Valdes approached the lights, ordering them to identify themse 4/25/1977 #32027 head. Mopod/motorscooter/motorbike lights burnt out. 5/1977 (approximate) #32039 PA 1 observer. Silver sphere. Many lights / middle. Not turning. Spotlight 5/3/1977 #32049 ashing red, green, white, and blue lights located in circles around the rim 5/3/1977 #32051 large silver sphere with many blue lights around its equator. The object ho 5/3/1977 #32052 e near a power plant that had many lights in the middle and was not revolvi 5/3/1977 #32054 leaming above a woods. A string of lights appears around its base and the o 5/7/1977 #32068 d three creamy yellow, honeycombed lights. It moves off to the southeast at 5/10/1977 #32082 a round object with 7–8 blue-green lights flashing in its center. It appear 5/15/1977 #32095 r(s). 5 bright yellow-orange night lights going northeast / circular format 5/17/1977 #32100 bject composed of many small white lights packed together and three main li 5/19/1977 #32112 hts packed together and three main lights in front. It hovers for nearly a 5/19/1977 #32112 ute over telephone wires, then the lights begin flashing and the object asc 5/19/1977 #32112 tude. Orange-glow top and twirling lights. Shoots away. 5/20/1977 #32113 dvancing toward them from near the lights. They are dark human forms, about 5/20/1977 #32116 Mach 0.86 when they observe bright lights coming from the west. The lights 5/26/1977 #32133 t lights coming from the west. The lights resemble aircraft landing lights, 5/26/1977 #32133 e lights resemble aircraft landing lights, but they soon blink out leaving 5/26/1977 #32133 hoots up / ground near power pole. Lights up. Traces. 5/28/1977 #32138 uring rain when he sees two purple lights to his side. He notices he is los 6/6/1977 #32151 ith red, orange, and green colored lights hovered for 20 minutes over the W 6/6/1977 #32152 MT. CARMEL, IL 2 / car. Night lights going down. Split. Many separate 6/9/1977 #32154 the light and the van's engine and lights died. Later the engine restarted 6/16/1977 #32166 y. After about 10 seconds, all the lights vanished instantly, along with th 6/17/1977 #32172 CASINO, NSW, AUSTR 6-8 flashing lights pace 2 / car. No visible structur 6/25/1977 #32192 when they see a triangle of white lights ahead of them. When the lights ge 6/25/1977 #32194 ite lights ahead of them. When the lights get near to the car, they break a 6/25/1977 #32194 s from the center of each. All the lights move to the rear of the car and d 6/25/1977 #32194 an took three photographs of three lights moving in a triangular formation 6/26/1977 #32198 d family also witnessed the flying lights. A missing time experience occurr 6/26/1977 #32198 e full moon, with two steady white lights in front and a red light on top. 6/27/1977 #32200 ed to green to purple to blue. Its lights go off, and as the witness sits i 6/28/1977 #32203 adlights, the UFO extinguishes its lights. 6/28/1977 #32203 m red to green to purple, then its lights went off. For 45 minutes the ligh 6/28/1977 #32204 ights went off. For 45 minutes the lights stayed nearby, surrounded by fog. 6/28/1977 #32204 ghts, the UFO would extinguish its lights. 6/28/1977 #32204 g [to] over motel / 300M altitude. Lights / rim. Rotates. 7/1977 #32216 th of Maplewood School. But as the lights approached, not changing position 7/1977 #32219 cars on their bodies are caused by lights in the sky that they call “Chupa 7/1977 #32220 cker”). Believing it will keep the lights away, residents of Colares organi 7/1977 #32220 n late 1977, several photos of the lights are recorded, but the military re 7/1977 #32220 s. Other ufologists claim that the lights from UFOs have sucked blood from 7/1977 #32220 disk / low altitude. Hums. Colored lights. Power outage. Going north. / r12 7/1/1977 #32223 ch has a row of closely spaced red lights randomly flashing. Two of them se 7/4/1977 #32236 he road. It has many red and green lights around its rim, and a beam of lig 7/9/1977 #32253 he road. It had many red and green lights around its rim, and a beam of lig 7/9/1977 #32254 going [to] house. Observer(s) hits lights. Small humanoid (or Grey) hits bu 7/12/1977 #32259 e witnesses were reporting unusual lights to police at Mt. Vernon, ILLINOIS 7/12/1977 #32262 lice radios were reporting unusual lights being observed at Mayfield, KENTU 7/12/1977 #32263 on his belt. Two red and two blue lights appeared on the backpack with two 7/12/1977 #32266 family, and neighbors watched the lights of the figure as he moved about t 7/12/1977 #32266 AC, FR Huge saucer stops overhead. Lights 200M like day. Tractor electrics 7/13/1977 #32267 LINDLEY, NY Night lights. Small humanoids (or Greys) near 7/23/1977 #32303 re retiring and saw 11 or 12 white lights in a "dipper" shaped formation th 7/23/1977 #32304 re retiring and see 11 or 12 white lights in a dipper-shaped formation that 7/23/1977 #32305 y hear a whooshing sound, then two lights rise into the air. They next hear 7/23/1977 #32305 ifies the state police. All of the lights and figures disappear just prior 7/23/1977 #32305 to the arrival of the police, the lights in the sky indistinguishable from 7/23/1977 #32305 re retiring and saw 11 or 12 white lights in a "dipper" shaped formation th 7/23/1977 #32306 d hear a whooshing sound, then two lights rose in the air. Then next heard 7/23/1977 #32306 ified the state police. All of the lights and figures disappeared just prio 7/23/1977 #32306 to the arrival of the police, the lights in the sky being indistinguishabl 7/23/1977 #32306 . It had three bright bluish-white lights. Next to the craft stood two huma 7/24/1977 #32310 (s). Blurry object with hundreds / lights hovers. Zigzags away / 90° turns. 8/1977 #32333 . Comes and goes and searches with lights. 8/1977 #32339 d witness, who saw only blue-green lights. When they shone a flashlight bea 8/1/1977 #32345 XTED, ESSEX 1 / car buzzed / night lights. Near loss / control. Car tests m 8/3/1977 #32347 skywatch a total of 108 nocturnal lights are observed, 82 appearing as poi 8/3/1977 #32353 lue. Occasionally the unidentified lights seem to increase in luminosity in 8/3/1977 #32353 full throttle. Two orange-red oval lights were seen hovering nearby at the 8/3/1977 #32354 ray or green and have bright white lights on opposite ends. They appear to 8/6/1977 #32367 EM effects on the car's engine and lights. It flew away toward to southeast 8/16/1977 #32407 umbrella-saucer knocks out street lights. Same again / 0400h. 8/25/1977 #32421 ere heard walking by. Finally, the lights and the figures vanished. Investi 8/26/1977 #32426 delta/triangle/box-like craft with lights hovers over street. Follows car. 8/28/1977 #32429 bserved two very bright horizontal lights in the vicinity of Langdale Pike 8/28/1977 #32431 r object with red, blue, and white lights. They drive toward it, overtake i 8/28/1977 #32433 revious site. It has several beige lights, and it darts toward their car in 8/28/1977 #32434 ds when they stop to look. All the lights go out and come back on at the sa 8/28/1977 #32434 nutes; it had two extremely bright lights, and made a faint "purring" sound 8/28/1977 #32435 or the next two hours, turning its lights on and off, with a pulsating whit 8/28/1977 #32436 o Frigento when they saw three red lights symmetrically arranged in the mid 8/30/1977 #32441 een there were two blinking orange lights. The young men fled back to Sturn 8/30/1977 #32441 e lighted object with multicolored lights maneuvering over the area. One of 8/30/1977 #32442 euvering over the area. One of the lights appeared to detach itself from th 8/30/1977 #32442 side. The object then shut off its lights and vanished. Later that night a 8/31/1977 #32444 inches tall. It has two red-orange lights in a spot where its eyes might be 8/31/1977 #32445 o Frigento when they saw three red lights symmetrically arranged in the mid 8/31/1977 #32446 be there were two blinking orange lights. The witnesses fled back to Sturn 8/31/1977 #32446 side. The object then shut off its lights and vanished. Later that night a 8/31/1977 #32447 over house. Flashing R / G / white lights. Type unknown. No further details 9/1977 #32451 , QLD, AUS Many observer(s). Night lights pace liner. Circle airport. Resum 9/10/1977 #32476 nch. UFO's also seen widely. Night lights domes. 9/16/1977 #32486 argowa, Poland, notice two unusual lights in the sky. They drive a half mil 9/17/1977 #32492 rive a half mile further, then the lights approach them at incredible speed 9/17/1977 #32492 sh light. When he drives away, the lights continue to pace them for 6 miles 9/17/1977 #32492 separate observer(s). Blazing disk lights valley like day. Going quickly so 9/19/1977 #32495 vers. Bent light going down. Night lights probe walls. / r117p212. / APRO 9 9/20/1977 #32497 El Paso, TX Object w/row of lights overtook DC-10 (NICAP: 11 - Aviat 9/22/1977 #32506 Silent domed saucer with flashing lights chases car / 120mph. 9/27/1977 #32524 ow-orange object with flashing red lights, as big as the Moon, and is follo 9/27/1977 #32528 o into their truck and turn on the lights. The object, about 75–100 feet wi 10/1/1977 #32542 oments later two similar pulsating lights descended at a 45 degree angle an 10/6/1977 #32555 dow and was able to see one of the lights dim, then stop and hover, as if p 10/6/1977 #32555 cott, Iowa, when she sees flashing lights rising straight up from distant t 10/9/1977 #32564 g west. Turns going north. 2 night lights circle. 10/17/1977 #32582 2 / car paced / night light. Night lights land. Figure(s) move outside. / M 10/17/1977 #32583 north, and had two more nocturnal lights circling it. 10/17/1977 #32585 ian farmer"comes often. with night lights walks / air". 10/18/1977 #32586 VIGIA, BRZ Power outage. 6 night lights shoot by. Power resumes. Panic / 10/18/1977 #32587 BLANCO, COSTA RICA Series / night lights fireballs saucers make news. Oran 10/20/1977 (approximate) #32591 many. 2 small saucers emit colored lights. Maneuvers. Going / horizon. Loca 10/24/1977 #32603 4 walking. Silent cone-shape with lights crosses sky fast. No further deta 10/24/1977 #32605 rt multiple sightings of star-like lights, some flashing. Some are likely a 10/29/1977 #32632 their car. The car stopped and its lights went out. She lost consciousness 10/30/1977 #32636 their car. The car stopped and its lights went out. She lost consciousness 10/30/1977 #32637 their car. The car stopped and its lights went out. She lost consciousness 10/30/1977 #32640 O COLARES, BRZ Triangle with row / lights on long snout. 5 lights / rear. S 11/11/1977 #32663 with row / lights on long snout. 5 lights / rear. See dwg. 11/11/1977 #32663 Band / light with 2 square orange lights low / field. / MJ#176. 11/11/1977 #32664 V image. The couple associated the lights seen earlier with the figure, bec 11/13/1977 #32671 D, VA Hunter. Ovoid rises / woods. Lights / top and bottom flash. Accelerat 11/18/1977 #32682 light at the top and two flashing lights on the bottom. Possible balloon. 11/18/1977 #32685 peated sightings of reddish yellow lights flying over Belem, Para State, Br 11/22/1977 #32692 state, Brazil witnessed red-yellow lights in the sky emitting blue rays in 11/28/1977 #32703 om a bigger object came two small lights moving in opposite directions. Th 11/28/1977 #32703 the vicinity with bright revolving lights. 11/30/1977 #32712 tense headlight in front, 4–6 blue lights around the edges, and many red an 12/1/1977 #32722 the edges, and many red and white lights forming portholes along the sides 12/1/1977 #32722 lle, France, when he notices three lights on a triangular object hovering s Early 12/1977 #32725 aimata Valley. They note their car lights are much dimmer than usual, and o 12/6/1977 #32736 , sees an unusual configuration of lights outside his bedroom window in the 12/6/1977 #32737 ght on top and many white and blue lights down both sides. He and his wife 12/6/1977 #32737 aucer comes in / sea. Follows car. Lights dim. Battery dry. 12/7/1977 #32739 M LA AIRPORT, CA 2 bright circular lights pace and buzz commuter plane. / M 12/8/1977 #32745 aircraft reports two large bright lights maneuvering around it for 15 minu 12/8/1977 #32750 indrical object with portholes and lights going west. Turns going northeast 12/9/1977 #32752 slow / ground level 80M away. Odd lights / top. 12/10/1977 #32754 80 meters away. It had odd looking lights on its top. At 8:00 a.m. in Legna 12/10/1977 #32757 arge UFO offloads 3 objects. Night lights / all directions converge. 12/13/1977 #32763 U TAILLON 1+4 / cars. Domed saucer lights area like day. Away and back / 20 12/15/1977 #32774 in the sky, edged by blinking red lights. The retrieved material is compos 12/17/1977 #32792 es past midnight when the vehicles lights and radio suddenly died. A man dr 12/18/1977 #32796 s past midnight when the vehicle’s lights, engine, and radio suddenly died. 12/18/1977 #32797 Atlantic White disc, red blinking lights top and bottom, paced airliner fo 12/22/1977 #32807 North Carolina, when they see two lights approaching from the northwest. T 12/27/1977 #32814 north and south over grass fire. 3 lights blink / sequence. 12/28/1977 #32816 itude. It was silent and had three lights that blinked in sequence. It was 12/28/1977 #32817 nd, when the road in front of them lights up. They stop the patrol car, loo 1/1978 #32837 est is a box with two flashing red lights. The figure takes two steps towar 1/2/1978 #32846 so had a box with two flashing red lights on its chest. The figure took two 1/2/1978 #32847 ted saucer hovers 300' over Heath. Lights / top. 1/3/1978 #32849 eath a short distance away. It had lights on the top of its dome. 1/3/1978 #32851 lamath Falls, OR V-formation of 10 lights passed plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 1/5/1978 #32853 SOUTH MIDDLETON, MA Night lights. Small humanoids (or Greys) all o 1/9/1978 #32859 H YORKS Cops. Saucer with rotating lights / underside. Lands / woods. / r12 1/15/1978? #32882 5,500' when he spotted two bright lights at eye level at some unknown dist 1/15/1978 #32884 AM, BEDFORDS 2+13 kids. Ovoid with lights and windows maneuvers close by. G 1/19/1978 #32896 ME 3 observer(s). 2 silent disks. Lights all over/all about. Hover and spi 1/19/1978 #32897 . Radiates red and green and white lights. 1/22/1978 #32904 s, radiating red, green, and white lights. 1/22/1978 #32905 lit by the reflection of the city lights and the Moon and is slightly larg 1/23/1978 #32907 t had steady red, blue, and yellow lights and as it headed south from Leice 1/24/1978 #32911 t had steady red, blue, and yellow lights and as it headed south from Leice 1/24/1978 #32913 a formation of six objects with no lights over Key West. Each object is dis 1/27/1978 #32918 A round object with two brilliant lights in its center approached a farmho 1/31/1978 #32927 ed like a square with large yellow lights in each corner, with a slight dom 1/31/1978 #32928 at the back and many red and white lights. 1/31/1978 #32929 ed like a square with large yellow lights in each corner, with a slight dom 1/31/1978 #32930 going [to] white sphere/orb/globe lights entire 1km island. Hovers 5 minut 2/1978 #32936 y. They see a series of four large lights low in the sky approaching them. 2/1/1978 #32940 their headlights off, the object’s lights go out. When they turn the headli 2/1/1978 #32940 rn the headlights back on, the UFO lights up again. 2/1/1978 #32940 rm house. Steady humming. 3 bright lights. 2/2/1978 #32942 sees a car-sized object with blue lights on front and back approaching fro 2/2/1978 #32946 d the ground. Several bluish-white lights are visible between the two red o 2/4/1978 #32951 ssing time. Round and square night lights buzz truck several X. / r241p3. 2/5/1978 #32952 OR 6 / light plane. 10 large night lights / V formation climb going quickly 2/5/1978 #32954 making their rounds when their car lights up. An intensely bright object is 2/5/1978 #32955 ards. Then the engine stopped, the lights went out, and the radio cassette 2/5/1978 #32957 rmation of ten bright orange-white lights which paced his plane, climbed ra 2/5/1978 #32958 I-275 when he and his wife see two lights hovering above their car for 30–5 2/10/1978 #32965 asking if anyone else has seen the lights. Two men in the area of Merriman 2/10/1978 #32965 s, and had pulsating multi-colored lights on its top. Suddenly she heard a 2/15/1978 #32971 tter look. They walked towards the lights, which appeared to be about 300 m 2/17/1978 #32974 / size. Vanishes leaving row gold lights. 2/18/1978 #32976 le, California. Seeing two intense lights moving slowly in the sky, he pull 2/22/1978 #32990 w four humanoid "shapes" and other lights around him. (NICAP: 02 - Close En 2/23/1978 #32995 elops him. He sees four shapes and lights all around. After walking around 2/23/1978 #32997 w four humanoid "shapes" and other lights around him. He got back into his 2/23/1978 #32998 200 feet altitude, and had colored lights. It shot away fast. 3/1/1978 #33007 also multiple reports of nocturnal lights and close encounters from several 3/1/1978 #33009 nd object lands / woods. Covered / lights. Shape vague. 3/6/1978 #33015 oids zigzag. Cones / low altitude. Lights. 3/6/1978 #33017 d object with glowing blue and red lights was seen by several witnesses. It 3/10/1978 #33026 d object with glowing blue and red lights was seen by several witnesses in 3/10/1978 #33027 LEY, NZ 4 / car. Several red night lights maneuver. Top-hat object / ground 3/11/1978 #33030 , but the object shuts off all its lights and disappears. The same object r 3/11/1978 #33033 id 15M from car. Thousands / small lights / sides. Going up [to] to 100M al 3/12/1978 #33035 uilding and has thousands of small lights on the sides. Slowly it rises to 3/12/1978 #33036 south overhead / amusement park. 2 lights. 3/13/1978 #33037 port the UFO, which has two bright lights in front and smaller ones in the 3/16/1978 #33043 Many observer(s). Cluster / night lights follows cosmos satellite re-entry 3/17/1978 #33046 ly. Silent formation / 5 red night lights going quickly east / 100MPH. / r6 3/22/1978 #33062 hwest slow. 300m altitude. Big red lights. / r98#50. 3/22/1978 #33063 LTOWN, WI Cop. Group / 5 red night lights splits up. 3 going quickly west. 3/22/1978 #33064 rate observer(s). Rows / red night lights and disks change formation. Gener 3/22/1978 #33066 lows car. Circles house. Red night lights all over/all about. / r98#50. 3/22/1978 #33067 rver(s). Big cone-saucer with many lights going west. Helicopters seen. 3/22/1978 #33068 a. Witnesses see formations of red lights, single round objects with red bo 3/22/1978 #33071 single round objects with red body lights, and orange globes in straight-li 3/22/1978 #33071 re also reported with rows of body lights. 3/22/1978 #33071 de with large windows, three white lights at each corner, and a red light o 3/22/1978 #33072 e. Bell shaped object with colored lights going north slowly / 10 minute(s) 3/27/1978 #33084 nce (RFI)? Flying boxcar covered / lights crosses field / low altitude. Buz 3/30/1978 #33099 A "flying boxcar" covered with lights crossed a field and buzzed a car 3/30/1978 #33102 over cemetery / 3 minute(s). Row / lights. 3/31/1978 #33105 west under and through 3k' clouds. Lights / bottom/underside. 4/1978 #33107 own / valley. Rim ringed / colored lights. Going up [to] and away. 4/1978 (approximate) #33109 nestown, PA Round object with body lights hovered ahead of car, made pulsat 4/2/1978 #33117 nestown, PA Round object with body lights hovered ahead of car, made pulsat 4/2/1978 #33118 , when she stops to watch floating lights approaching her from the distance 4/2/1978 #33121 d narrow at the back, with two red lights, a green light, and a glass front 4/2/1978 #33121 ms near Elsberry, Missouri. Orange lights and “flashing stars” are seen in 4/6/1978 #33129 Evansville, IN Three boys saw two lights. Then they could see four lights; 4/7/1978 #33131 o lights. Then they could see four lights; two in front and two in the back 4/7/1978 #33131 lue light appeared between the two lights in the rear, and flashed about 7 4/7/1978 #33131 is large and bathed in bright red lights. At one point it seems to be clos 4/11/1978 #33141 makes zinging sound. Has rotating lights. 4/23/1978 #33158 veal four revolving green and blue lights on the UFO, estimated to be about 4/23/1978 #33159 veal four revolving green and blue lights on the UFO, estimated to be about 4/23/1978 #33160 with red, blue, and white blinking lights hovers briefly and silently above 4/26/1978 #33172 irms. Makes 2 miles circle / area. Lights blink. 5/2/1978 #33182 ND MECOYA, BLV 4M saucer and night lights maneuver. Blast and traces. Crash 5/6/1978 #33189 , and then he notices there are no lights or windows on the craft, only the 5/10/1978 #33196 L G,V, Radar Confirms Unidentified Lights (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 5/14/1978 #33208 tracked an oblong object with body lights, illuminating the terrain, observ 5/14/1978 #33209 They watch a cluster of stationary lights at an estimated altitude of 1,600 5/14/1978 #33210 ally observe red, green, and white lights from the control tower for more t 5/14/1978 #33210 lachicola River also witnesses the lights at 10:30 p.m. (or 1:00 a.m.). 5/14/1978 #33210 witnessed a UFO with multicolored lights at the Pinecastle Tracking Statio 5/14/1978 #33211 adar, and had red, green and white lights flashing in sequence. The Captain 5/14/1978 #33211 ng west / low altitude over river. Lights area. Power outage. Car malfuncti 5/16/1978 #33221 c UFO. Car radio = burst / static. Lights rotate / bottom / UFO. 5/24/1978 #33235 th blue, orange, green, and yellow lights rotating on its bottom. (NICAP: 0 5/24/1978 #33236 th blue, orange, green, and yellow lights rotating on its bottom. The drive 5/24/1978 #33238 RENKO, FINLAND 4 / car. 7-9 night lights in formation go behind trees. "Cl 6/2/1978 #33249 d, watch a formation of 7–9 bright lights in the eastern sky. After 8 secon 6/2/1978 #33251 Italy Motorists observed flashing lights in the woods, stopped to investig 6/4/1978 #33255 At 8:00 p.m. two flashing yellow lights flew above Amapa, Brazil at an al 6/7/1978 #33258 an altitude above 35,000 feet. The lights flew parallel to one another, abo 6/7/1978 #33258 t with a square formation of white lights in the back and a triangular form 6/10/1978 #33265 angular formation of red and white lights in the front paced the car of two 6/10/1978 #33265 t with a square formation of white lights in the back and a triangular form 6/10/1978 #33266 angular formation of red and white lights in the front paces a car driven b 6/10/1978 #33266 t with a square formation of white lights in the back and a triangular form 6/10/1978 #33267 angular formation of red and white lights in the front paced the car of two 6/10/1978 #33267 cer swoops over USA military base. Lights flash / top. Going quickly west. 6/12/1978 #33276 a white light on each tip and red lights in the center. The object circles 6/17/1978 #33285 rcles them twice and shines bright lights down on them. 6/17/1978 #33285 250M altitude. So bright / street lights go out! Rumbles. / LDLN#177+/ r5p 6/19/1978 #33289 turn signal when suddenly all the lights in the town go out. A powerful ru 6/19/1978 #33291 itude / 2 hours. Double band / red lights. 6/20/1978 #33294 Madison, WI Oval w/red lights circled airliner (NICAP: 11 - Avi 6/24/1978 #33304 o right toward the light, and both lights go out. 6/26/1978 #33313 ops was the flying disc. It had no lights and no windows, and ascended afte 6/26/1978 #33314 r rotates going quickly northeast. Lights ground. 7/1978? #33315 r formation of three red pulsating lights above Monte Sona. They stop the c 7/4/1978 #33335 car for a better look. One of the lights breaks away from the group and ap 7/4/1978 #33335 c, which is radiating multicolored lights. The lights go out temporarily wh 7/4/1978 #33335 radiating multicolored lights. The lights go out temporarily when another c 7/4/1978 #33335 hute under a series of ultraviolet lights. The examination reveals that fiv 7/5/1978 #33339 points of reddish-orange and green lights. Ground traces were found at the 7/8/1978 #33355 p level and has small steady white lights on each side and a rib-like struc 7/11/1978 #33366 began to ascend. Two bright yellow lights became visible and the craft flew 7/11/1978 #33368 Many observer(s). Glittering night lights back again. Zip hover and maneuve 7/12/1978 #33369 igar-shape 4M over street. Colored lights blink / bottom/underside. Purrs. 7/13/1978 #33379 MACAO Many with telescopes. Night lights back. Resolve to cone-hat shapes. 7/14/1978 #33381 in, watches an unfamiliar group of lights for two hours above a road: a red 7/14/1978 #33382 s occasionally, two greenish-white lights that shine sporadically, and four 7/14/1978 #33382 shine sporadically, and four white lights that appear irregularly and fly w 7/14/1978 #33382 n is estimated at 13–100 feet. The lights oscillate and move forward, leavi 7/14/1978 #33382 probably was not the source of the lights. 7/14/1978 #33382 CASTANHEIRA DE PERA, PORT Street lights out. 1M sphere/orb/globe spins 1. 7/17/1978 #33394 tervals in the center, while other lights appear in various parts of the da 7/20/1978 #33404 d object with same pattern of body lights, moving at very high rate of spee 7/23/1978 #33411 d object with same pattern of body lights, moving at very high rate of spee 7/23/1978 #33412 ght in front, several large orange lights in the rear, and flew at a low al 7/24/1978 #33414 minute(s). Humming. Car motor and lights die. / r79p72. 7/27/1978 #33421 OH Elongated object with flashing lights, humming sound, close to ground, 7/27/1978 #33423 object with red and blue flashing lights at 10:45 p.m. The engine and head 7/27/1978 #33430 and others see a cluster of white lights, one flashing, and one steady gre 7/28/1978 #33435 hite, red, green, orange, and blue lights coming from Lake Michigan and mov 7/28/1978 #33436 ed, green, orange and blue colored lights, with one light at a time flashin 7/28/1978 #33438 lver cylinder/cigar-shape with red lights and strobe light going quickly no 7/29/1978 #33442 over bay / 1800+kph. Red and white lights. 7/29/1978 #33443 ton, Michigan, station. It has red lights and very bright strobes flashing 7/29/1978 #33445 speed with white and red flashing lights. 7/29/1978 #33446 larly flashing white light and red lights. At 2:40 a.m. a U.S. Coast Guard 7/29/1978 #33450 lyzed as UFO buzzes car. Motor and lights quit. No further details. 8/1978 #33454 [to] over / 150M altitude. 8 small lights. 8/1978 #33457 d joins the second one. All of the lights vanish. 8/3/1978 #33468 th. Within minutes, the whole area lights up and a small white light appear 8/5/1978 #33475 ouri. He and his son watch two red lights rise up about 25 feet off the roa 8/5/1978 #33476 he engine stopped functioning. The lights went out and it felt like somethi 8/6/1978 #33480 e light with flashing red and blue lights hovering about 40 feet in the air 8/7/1978 #33485 and looking like two white strobe lights in front and back with three rows 8/8/1978 #33490 nt and back with three rows of red lights that are rotating around its midd 8/8/1978 #33490 t splits / 2. 1 part emits 3 night lights. Maneuver and stop. 2nd does same 8/9/1978 #33492 eter, and had an array of flashing lights around its rim. It flew at a low 8/10/1978 #33494 eter, and had an array of flashing lights around its rim. It flew at a low 8/10/1978 #33497 UT Purr! Dome hovers / green glow. Lights / bottom/underside. Circles. Appl 8/11/1978 #33499 d Air Traffic Controllers? 2 night lights like letters O and V. Objets vola 8/17/1978 #33519 d like a car fender with four blue lights moving toward her from the east. 8/20/1978 #33532 ng with while and blue colors, two lights in front, and silent. It disappea 8/21/1978 #33537 They then saw two pairs of yellow lights that seemed to be reflecting a po 8/21/1978 #33540 look. They could now see that the lights were eyes on what appeared to be 8/21/1978 #33540 ngated triangle formation of three lights moving in from 60° above the nort 8/23/1978 #33553 ey reach 75°, nearly overhead, the lights suddenly stop. He estimates them 8/23/1978 #33553 GINGHAMSBURG, OH 2 night lights / road. Car slows. Radio hums. Fl 8/24/1978 #33559 Ginghamsburg, OH Two orange lights, humming sound, light beam shone 8/24/1978 #33560 io, watch two oddly colored orange lights twice the size of aircraft landin 8/24/1978 #33564 twice the size of aircraft landing lights. A humming sound can be heard bot 8/24/1978 #33564 g sound can be heard both from the lights and from the car radio. The drive 8/24/1978 #33564 o go faster than about 20 mph. The lights are coming from the left, one dir 8/24/1978 #33564 They look away momentarily and the lights are gone; they look again, and th 8/24/1978 #33564 are gone; they look again, and the lights are moving above the car. From th 8/24/1978 #33564 The driver tries to flash the car lights at it, to no avail. They look awa 8/24/1978 #33564 briefly and do not notice how the lights vanish. 8/24/1978 #33564 . in Ginghamsburg, Ohio two orange lights flew close to a car with two 19-y 8/24/1978 #33567 lose power as they drove past. The lights gave off a humming sound. One sho 8/24/1978 #33567 hen the witnesses looked back, the lights were gone. 8/24/1978 #33567 ion/depot/facility. Saucer flashes lights over Tagus River. Going quickly s 8/30/1978 #33597 a, MI Cone-shaped object with body lights flew overhead. International UFO 8/30/1978 #33601 she spots a formation of 6–8 white lights arranged in a circle and moving f 8/30/1978 #33602 d object with bright red and white lights flying about 600 feet above the g 8/30/1978 #33603 om the east. It has two steady red lights at the ends and one steady white 8/30/1978 #33604 and he and his wife watch the red lights in the distance, still moving slo 8/30/1978 #33604 ith a cone-shaped object with body lights that flew low overhead. Their tru 8/30/1978 #33606 ed UFO was silent, and had two red lights and one white light. 8/30/1978 #33606 At 9:50 p.m. two small lights descended from a hovering "silo-s 8/31/1978 #33612 and decreased. After the two small lights emerged from the larger object an 8/31/1978 #33612 plish object with a mass of yellow lights above the vicarage. Her horses be 9/1/1978 #33622 iangle/box-like crafts and 9 night lights in S. sky / 50 minute(s). / news. 9/4/1978 #33632 everal round windows. Multicolored lights. One giant humanoid, over 7' tall 9/6/1978 #33636 ul beams of multicolored, changing lights. His horse panicked and he barely 9/6/1978 #33640 yton, Ohio, sees two bright orange lights, closely spaced horizontally. The 9/7/1978 #33644 na, Spain, watch some unidentified lights for 35 minutes. Personnel from Ba 9/9/1978 #33649 tionary formation of several dozen lights is seen at Dearborn Heights, Mich 9/10/1978 #33656 ghbors had reported seeing strange lights in the area. 9/10/1978 #33657 ade a pendulum wobble, and had six lights arranged around the circumference 9/10/1978 #33659 hted a stationary formation of red lights at a 45 degree elevation in the s 9/10/1978 #33661 disk going down. Grass fire. Night lights watch firemen. / IURv4#3. 9/13/1978 #33669 laze, but the area is overflown by lights in the evening that descend and a 9/13/1978 #33671 f intense light beams. The craft's lights went off-and-on two or three time 9/14/1978 #33678 indow and saw vaguely, object with lights in a long shape, red and pink as 9/15/1978 #33683 s a bright moon and an object with lights in a long shape, red and pink as 9/15/1978 #33686 TA MARENGO, ITL Dark disk with red lights / bottom/underside. Hovers / site 9/16/1978 #33693 ita di Siena, Italy Car engine and lights failed, domed disc descended onto 9/17/1978 #33700 n a flash of light that causes the lights and TV to go out. When Faralli is 9/17/1978 #33701 Via Pié agli Orti, the engine and lights of his car die. He feels paralyze 9/17/1978 #33701 n his way home when his engine and lights went out, then a bright red objec 9/17/1978 #33703 r / dark dome shoots 7 blue beams. Lights area. 9/18/1978 #33704 of the road. He signaled with his lights, then pulled over. Next, he was s 9/20/1978 #33719 rd, OH Two very bright but distant lights approached four witnesses, then m Fall 1978 #33732 im. Five soldiers see a “wreath of lights” at the spot where the figure had 9/23/1978 #33736 steering, and the car's engine and lights died. As the light faded their ca 9/23/1978 #33738 diers saw weird dancing egg-shaped lights on top of the hill, and strange m 9/24/1978 #33744 greenish-gray color. It had three lights, one red and two white. No sound 9/25/1978 #33747 s of FM radio static and her car's lights went out for one second. When the 9/26/1978 #33752 merous devices with red and orange lights. When they asked the UFOnauts whe 9/26/1978 #33753 GURNEE, IL 2 observer(s). Night lights passing going south suddenly drop 9/27/1978 #33754 (s). 340' silent boomerang / night lights hovers / 70' altitude. 20mph. Whi 9/27/1978 #33755 with windows / side. Structure and lights / underside. Slow. 9/27/1978 #33756 . Two witnesses see a formation of lights above a suburban forest preserve 9/27/1978 #33763 light is on top, two steady yellow lights are below them, and one blue flas 9/27/1978 #33763 tched an object with pulsating red lights fly low over some pine trees in P 9/27/1978 #33764 aped UFO with three white rotating lights on the underside. The tape casset 9/28/1978 #33767 e right. It has three bright white lights on the bottom. The object slows d 9/28/1978 #33768 aped UFO with three white rotating lights on the underside. The tape casett 9/28/1978 #33772 HA, NE Cone-UFO west going east. 3 lights turn / bottom. Tape cassette eras 9/29/1978 #33773 LODI, OH 2 truckers. 4 night lights / tight formation north going sou 10/7/1978 #33803 see a tight formation of pink/red lights flashing on and off floating towa 10/7/1978 #33806 stop to get out and look. All four lights break formation and move off in d 10/7/1978 #33806 ng slowly and soon splits into two lights, one brighter than the other. The 10/10/1978 #33827 very disc ringed by flashing white lights near their home in Leigh, England 10/10/1978 #33828 PESCARA, ITL Night lights follow fishing boats. 1 flies goi 10/12/1978 #33829 o] toward(s) 2 / car. Ringed / red lights. Vanishes. 10/15/1978 #33835 ers altitude. It had a ring of red lights around its rim. It vanished quick 10/15/1978 #33838 rside and rows of red and greenish lights along the edges that reflect agai 10/20/1978 #33847 illuminated by four bright landing lights. He is unable to confirm its type 10/21/1978 #33856 g quickly west in clear sky. Night lights later. 10/22/1978 #33857 y said it carried intensely bright lights. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 10/23/1978 #33861 y said it carried intensely bright lights. 10/23/1978 #33864 object mimics it by flashing some lights of its own. 10/26/1978 #33880 ase, which has three glowing inset lights or bumps. After 30 seconds, it ti 10/29/1978 #33889 r-shape going [to] 15M over trees. Lights / ends and 6-7 portholes. 11/1978 #33903 indow and sees a row of four white lights that drift slowly past from west 11/1/1978 #33909 It is diamond shaped and framed by lights that do not flash. Some report th 11/1/1978 #33909 at do not flash. Some report three lights or bumps on the underside. 11/1/1978 #33909 ude. Passes overhead / 25mph. Blue lights / edges. 11/2/1978 #33911 ernating and flashing blue and red lights near each window. She turns aroun 11/7/1978 #33924 et” with a large dome and flashing lights appears over the northern oil fie 11/9/1978 #33939 shaped domed UFO with flashing red lights landed at Oil Field Centre No. 24 11/9/1978 #33940 ITL 1+3 observer(s). Domed saucer lights car and area. 4 legs. Tape deck m 11/12/1978 #33947 s off behind a hill, and two small lights, one yellow, the other reddish, a 11/20/1978 #33967 tairs and watch from a window. The lights stop next to a road, the Avenida 11/20/1978 #33967 lights. The women now see that the lights are attached to the abdomens of t 11/20/1978 #33967 the car’s headlights, and all the lights (including the car’s) go out. The 11/20/1978 #33967 e like a garage door. Then the two lights turn on again and fly off. The po 11/20/1978 #33967 like a dumbbell with red and green lights. As she turns onto Main Street, h 11/22/1978 #33980 her car coasts to a halt. Her car lights fail as circles of light dance ar 11/22/1978 #33980 of Preston Capes see red and green lights and beams shooting out from cloud 11/22/1978 #33980 It gave off red, violet and white lights for 15 minutes. After the initial 11/22/1978 #33982 r shaped object with green and red lights began pacing her car. She saw spo 11/22/1978 #33983 triangular object with two yellow lights paced a "Tristar" airliner from H 11/23/1978 #33990 raises pitchfork and faints. Night lights going quickly north / 1900h. / r2 11/24/1978 #33993 t on top and numerous multicolored lights on the front; it rested on two sh 11/24/1978 #33996 RDS Dark triangle with pale yellow lights / corners goes south going quickl 11/25/1978 #33999 riangular objects with pale yellow lights were seen over Heathrow Airport a 11/25/1978 #34005 ad orange, green, and blue colored lights. Tire-like things appeared to be 11/28/1978 #34021 front and the car stalled and the lights went out. After the car chase the 11/29/1978 #34023 Several / boats. 6-9 bright night lights rise / sea and away. Separate obs 11/30/1978 #34028 a.m. six to nine bright nocturnal lights rose from the sea off the shore o 11/30/1978 #34031 ning a silver triangle with yellow lights flew from the west to the east ov 12/1/1978 #34045 , ENGL Silver triangle with yellow lights south going northwest. Same / chi 12/2/1978 #34046 OTLAND Silver triangle with yellow lights crosses sky north going quickly s 12/3/1978 #34053 XFORDS Silver triangle with yellow lights south going quickly northwest. Sa 12/3/1978 #34054 ZZANO, ITL 10 observer(s). 3 night lights / triangular overhead. 2nd delta/ 12/6/1978 #34060 o Fortunato Zanfretta notices four lights moving in a courtyard. He gets ou 12/6/1978 #34065 At 6:30 a.m. three lights in a triangular pattern were seen 12/6/1978 #34067 id, she ran and turned off all the lights in the house. Outside the object 12/6/1978 #34068 when he noticed some moving "torch lights" coming from a nearby courtyard. 12/6/1978 #34069 at 10:30 p.m. when he noticed some lights shining down on the water surface 12/6/1978 #34070 alyzed, and vaguely remembered odd lights and sounds and the feeling of bei 12/8/1978 #34078 object with intermittent flashing lights. When spotlighted the UFO seemed 12/9/1978 #34081 object with intermittent flashing lights at 6:00 a.m. When spotlighted the 12/9/1978 #34082 eam down onto the police car. Five lights came on aboard the object. When t 12/9/1978 #34082 lice spotlight was turned off, the lights on the UFO went off as well. 12/9/1978 #34082 iangular shaped object with yellow lights swooped down over a car in Comner 12/10/1978 #34086 nly quit. He then noted two bright lights approaching slowly in his directi 12/12/1978 #34099 ng slowly in his direction. As the lights approached Marinelli was able to 12/12/1978 #34099 y, experienced engine failure, the lights of his car died, and the car’s ca 12/12/1978 #34101 When the object departed the car’s lights came back on and the tape deck re 12/12/1978 #34101 nly quit. He then noted two bright lights approaching slowly in his directi 12/12/1978 #34102 ng slowly in his direction. As the lights approached Marinelli was able to 12/12/1978 #34102 t the AFB saw a UFO with pulsating lights maneuver and hover near them. As 12/13/1978 #34108 orce Base saw a UFO with pulsating lights maneuver and hover near them. As 12/13/1978 #34109 3 observer(s). Red dome / ground. Lights clouds and area. Smoke unaffected 12/14/1978 #34114 object with a row of flashing red lights on the top and bottom and flashin 12/14/1978 #34118 top and bottom and flashing yellow lights in between. (NICAP: 02 - Close En 12/14/1978 #34118 he object had two transparent blue lights and followed them to one of their 12/14/1978 #34120 Yi, Uruguay A UFO with bright red lights suddenly appeared and started to 12/14/1978 #34121 u. We are from the 17th star." The lights then slowed down and John heard t 12/14/1978 #34127 object with a row of flashing red lights on the top and bottom and flashin 12/14/1978 #34128 top and bottom and flashing yellow lights in between. It had 3 balls on the 12/14/1978 #34128 Yi, Uruguay, a UFO with bright red lights suddenly appeared and started to 12/14/1978 #34129 he object had two transparent blue lights and followed them to one of their 12/14/1978 #34130 c-shaped object with glowing white lights hovering near McCarran Internatio 12/16/1978 #34144 was covered with a series of white lights. Tower personnel scanned the skie 12/16/1978 #34144 red in front of the auto three red lights were seen and a large white light 12/16/1978 #34149 c-shaped object with glowing white lights. An airline pilot flying in the v 12/16/1978 #34152 white in color with two pulsating lights, a red one at one end, a green on 12/16/1978 #34155 c-shaped object with glowing white lights. The UFO made several falling lea 12/16/1978 #34158 oid with rounded corners, with two lights in the front and two on the botto 12/16/1978 #34159 iant 1M glowing-ovoid 4M over sea. Lights coast road. 12/18/1978 #34168 TL Postman. 'Space capsule' lands. Lights rotate. Quickly going up [to] and 12/19/1978 #34172 lifted off again. It had rotating lights. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 12/19/1978 #34173 lifted off again. It had rotating lights. 12/19/1978 #34175 and RADAR and pilots. Fake landing lights. Pace plane. / MJ#146+/ r41p244. 12/20/1978 #34180 New Zealand, when he notices white lights in the sky above the mouth of the 12/21/1978 #34192 llating objects on its scopes. The lights are also seen on the ground. 12/21/1978 #34192 giant V-shaped formation of yellow lights. A couple of the lights pursued h 12/23/1978 #34199 of yellow lights. A couple of the lights pursued his car, and one of the t 12/23/1978 #34199 UFOs had yellow, amber, and violet lights. The men fled in fright. 12/25/1978 #34207 UK A round orange object with six lights underneath and the size of a doub 12/28/1978 #34216 observer(s). Round luminous object lights glaciers. Big power outage / 0230 12/31/1978 #34237 nd Guard see 6–7 bright, pulsating lights like Chinese lanterns above the s 12/31/1978 #34246 he cargo hold. Two pulsating white lights soon appear on the port side of t 12/31/1978 #34246 had a long body with lots of tiny lights. Before losing sight of it two st 12/31/1978 #34251 fore losing sight of it two strong lights came on, one in the middle and on 12/31/1978 #34251 anization), and others see strange lights in the night sky over the Manzano 1979 #34253 , CAMBRIDGE Shaft / light from sky lights field like day. Shoots going up [ 1/1979 #34264 to EME (electro-magnetic effects) lights and all. 10M disk / light nears. 1/1979 #34266 AIFA, ISRL Many observer(s). Night lights and saucers over hotels and hills 1/2/1979 (approximate) #34276 o continue the alignment. Then the lights go off, the truck engine stops ru Early 1/1979 #34280 object. Some 10 minutes later the lights come back on and they notice the Early 1/1979 #34280 FF AMALFI, ITL Several kids. Night lights and orbs and triangles leap and p 1/3/1979 #34282 hich she does with her son, seeing lights, panels, chairs, and a table. The 1/4/1979 #34294 of repeated sightings of low level lights and a diamond-shaped object over 1/5/1979 #34306 any observer(s). Saucer and with 4 lights. Slow cylinder/cigar-shape hovers 1/6/1979 #34308 electro-magnetic effects). 3 night lights rotate overhead. Headlights out. 1/6/1979 #34310 field about 50' from the road with lights of white, red, and green. (NICAP: 1/8/1979 #34316 objects emitted different colored lights and were seen by several thousand 1/11/1979 #34330 med disk 300' away. Brilliant blue lights rotate. 1/12/1979 #34332 nning and gave off orange and blue lights. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 1/16/1979 #34347 nning and gave off orange and blue lights. It stopped and changed direction 1/16/1979 #34349 ZAKOPANE, POLAND Night lights over electric plant. Power outage 1/17/1979 #34351 orange saucer / 2 passes. Buzzes. Lights / ends. Both observer's eyes hurt 1/18/1979 #34354 e UFO made a buzzing sound and had lights at both ends. Both witnesses' eye 1/18/1979 #34356 ly in Lusiana, Vicenza, Italy. Its lights go out and the doors open by them 1/18/1979 #34359 range light disappears and his car lights come on again. 1/18/1979 #34359 e UFO made a buzzing sound and had lights at both ends. Both witnesses' eye 1/18/1979 #34360 with portholes and green / orange lights. Circles hills and bay. 1/23/1979 #34367 ith portholes and green and orange lights, circled the hills and bay of Sta 1/23/1979 #34369 goes out to investigate, two more lights appear and enter the original one 2/1979 #34398 s and is replaced by red and green lights that resolve into a large number 2/1979 #34398 hat resolve into a large number of lights of both colors on an object. As s 2/1979 #34398 not see beyond the hood. The car’s lights and motor fail at the same time. 2/5/1979 #34405 cluster of very bright strobe-like lights that lit up ground. (NICAP: 02 - 2/8/1979 #34410 cluster of very bright strobe-like lights that lit up ground. The UFO made 2/8/1979 #34412 ts to a truck rest stop, where his lights come back on and the engine start 2/9/1979 #34416 al objects. The presence of yellow lights in the clouds continued for six h 2/9/1979 #34417 he failure of his car's engine and lights closely corresponded with a brill 2/9/1979 #34418 t from top to bottom. Red and blue lights sparkle from its rim. After the j 3/1979 #34453 ow hovers / 200' altitude. Colored lights. Away fast. No further details. 3/1/1979 #34454 server(s). 12' saucer skims trees. Lights area. Dogs react. / r210v27#12. 3/6/1979 #34466 IN AND MORE 37 observer(s). Night lights and delta/triangle/box-like craft 3/9/1979 #34471 TT, MA Pentagon-saucer paces cars. Lights / corners and rear edge. 3/23/1979 #34485 ey see a piano- shaped object with lights all over it. A spotlight is beami 4/12/1979 #34508 then landed. Flashes white and red lights. It left behind ground traces at 4/16/1979 #34511 es headlights in the distance. The lights get larger and rise above the roa 4/19/1979 #34515 oad, resolving itself into 4 large lights attached to a solid object more t 4/21/1979 #34519 tewardess. Huge triangle with many lights. 100mph. Hums. Also maneuvers. Aw 4/29/1979 #34527 ed a huge triangular UFO with many lights. It moved at an estimated 100 mph 4/29/1979 #34528 ed a huge triangular UFO with many lights. It moved at an estimated 100 mph 4/29/1979 #34529 ucer 20M over oilfield. Responds / lights. Sand fused. Animals change. 5/1/1979 #34534 nt color / odd light. Orange night lights fly. 5/6/1979 #34546 bane, Queensland, AU Bright orange lights on road ahead, terrain illuminate 5/6/1979 #34547 n road ahead, terrain illuminated, lights shot straight up at high speed. F 5/6/1979 #34547 had a close encounter with orange lights when their car's electrical syste 5/6/1979 #34549 olombia. Eight of the objects have lights that change from red to blue to o 5/9/1979 #34552 , GERMANY 1+2 observer(s). 8 night lights zigzag / sky. Away slowly. No tra 5/16/1979 #34560 quickly east. Dome and small blue lights. Big news. 5/22/1979 #34572 It had a row of red and blue-green lights along its leading edge between tw 5/25/1979 #34579 white headlights and a row of body lights. It hovered in one spot for 2-3 m 5/26/1979 #34584 DGE, SC 7 observer(s). Ovoid beams lights going down / nuclear power plant. 6/12/1979 #34607 aped object, seen primarily by its lights, shines two bright yellowish-whit 6/12/1979 #34610 otionless for 2–5 minutes, all the lights fade except a blue light. The UFO 6/12/1979 #34610 aped object, seen primarily by its lights in the clear dusk sky, had two hu 6/12/1979 #34611 motionless for 2-5 minutes all the lights faded except a blue light. The UF 6/12/1979 #34611 himself in a dark room with small lights and what looked like star maps. T 6/18/1979 #34618 ior is lit by bright red and green lights. Ferreira states that he encounte 6/28/1979 #34639 in and four blinking red and green lights appear at the edge of the disc, w 7/4/1979 #34646 lane-it was flatter and wider with lights around the outside of the main fr 7/13/1979 #34652 ve the ground. It had multicolored lights and was shooting flashes of light 7/15/1979 #34655 three other witnesses who saw the lights from the craft. 7/15/1979 #34655 g white ball with blinking colored lights. Whirring sound. 7/21/1979 #34667 LLS, CA 2 observer(s). White night lights seen. Possible electro-magnetic e 7/25/1979 #34676 eral observer(s). Domed wash-basin lights area / silver rays. Northwest goi 7/28/1979 #34684 elescope a round object with 12–18 lights around its base approaching from 8/1979 #34691 s now moved directly overhead. The lights give off constant beams downward. 8/1979 #34691 observer(s). Saucer with blinking lights / underside. No further details. 8/3/1979 #34705 globe hovers / 8K' altitude. Small lights / under. Going quickly northeast 8/3/1979 #34706 ee, Wisconsin, sees five large red lights suddenly appear in front of his c 8/5/1979 #34716 TMORE LAKE, MI 2 scientists. Night lights hover and maneuver all over / 30 8/11/1979 #34727 . They notice two white stationary lights about 300 feet from the road and 8/11/1979 #34731 and see another formation of white lights and a flashing red light to the w 8/11/1979 #34731 the west. A total of three sets of lights appear heading south. They follow 8/11/1979 #34731 rsued by the similar formations of lights for 30 minutes. At the intersecti 8/11/1979 #34731 and Whitmire Lake Road, one set of lights flies directly above them at 1,00 8/11/1979 #34731 seems to become a cluster of four lights with a dark space in the middle. 8/11/1979 #34732 Three pairs of white lights hovered and maneuvered over Highw 8/11/1979 #34734 NEAR ROLLA, MO Night lights revolve over car. Acceleration an 8/12/1979 #34737 –330 feet, and notice four glowing lights that look like portholes. The obj 8/12/1979 #34739 s to be spherical. When the object lights up and dims, the searchlight and 8/12/1979 #34739 searchlight and the patrol boat’s lights also dim. 8/12/1979 #34739 ently circling each other. The two lights seem to blend into one, forming a 8/12/1979 #34740 n, Minnesota, when they see bright lights over a field to the left. 15 seco Mid 8/1979 #34743 to the left. 15 seconds later the lights come toward them and hover above Mid 8/1979 #34743 the Hel-127 notices two bright-red lights in the air less than a mile away. 8/23/1979 #34768 t of the boat and the original two lights, which are apparently attached to 8/23/1979 #34768 light emerges from the two smaller lights, which then disappear in the dist 8/23/1979 #34768 its equator and many small orange lights fly toward them from the north. T 8/27/1979 #34789 mper. Dog barks. Formation / night lights on dark ovoid? Very low and silen 8/30/1979 #34808 g barking. She sees a formation of lights on an oval object about a city bl 8/30/1979 #34809 [to] overhead. Tapered spikes with lights. 9/1979 #34812 UZSGOROD, UKRAINE Small red night lights fly about town at roof-level. 1 f 9/3/1979 #34824 , WI 4 / car. Red disk hovers. Car lights electro-magnetic effect (EME) 6X. 9/3/1979 #34825 cottage. The dashboard and engine lights fail, so the driver pulls over. T 9/3/1979 #34829 ail, so the driver pulls over. The lights come back on but go off again whe 9/3/1979 #34829 view of the light is blocked, the lights come back on. The object moves on 9/3/1979 #34829 ated reports of multiple nocturnal lights maneuvering back and forth across 9/11/1979 #34863 lar object going quickly east. Red lights flash / side. Leaves (something b 9/13/1979 #34870 hape / irregular maneuvers. Stops. Lights up. Shoots away. 9/14/1979 #34875 hore / low altitude. Red and white lights. 9/15/1979 #34886 ere was a ring of rotating colored lights. On the upper section was a circu 9/26/1979 #34929 e observer(s). Luminous wash-basin lights rooms. Shoots going quickly west 9/28/1979 #34931 er into the object. Flashing white lights come on and the object takes off 10/1979 #34937 where the beings touched him with lights and "drained him of energy." The 10/6/1979 #34947 veral strange luminous flashes and lights around them. They soon saw what a 10/7/1979 #34951 WIN, WI 1 observer. 2 bright night lights circle. Beams going down. 45' tri 10/20/1979 #34961 , Wisconsin, sees two intese white lights circling counterclockwise over a 10/20/1979 #34962 outside for a closer look, but the lights disappear. Three days later, the 10/20/1979 #34962 MOTUNAU BEACH, NZ Odd night lights / photographs. Saucer? with 2 dec 10/27/1979 #34968 hotographs. Saucer? with 2 decks / lights. See drawings / source. 10/27/1979 #34968 s a cluster of about 19 blue-white lights in the sky. 10/27/1979 #34970 watch a round object with multiple lights, a door, and a bubble roof descen 11/8/1979 #34986 ound, silvery object with flashing lights was seen by two women at a bus st 11/8/1979 #34987 in Livingston watched a circle of lights that slowly rotated. At 7:50 p.m. 11/8/1979 #34987 white with pulsating blue and red lights on either side. The two witnesses 11/8/1979 #34987 a and his crew notice a set of red lights that are fast approaching the air 11/11/1979 #34997 ain requests information about the lights, but neither the Pegaso Defense R 11/11/1979 #34997 ain changes altitude. However, the lights mirror the new course and stay ab 11/11/1979 #34997 e Manises airport in Valencia. The lights abandon the pursuit just before t 11/11/1979 #34997 the airport runway, and emergency lights are lit by the land crew in case 11/11/1979 #34997 he sees three powerful red-yellow lights in the shape of a triangle about 11/17/1979 #35005 on radar. In spite of chasing the lights at 720 mph, the Mirage cannot clo 11/17/1979 #35005 bserver(s) stops car and motor and lights / hypnosis? Diamond hovers low. M 11/20/1979 #35008 ver. Big cylinder/cigar-shape with lights going down / field 150M away. Sil 11/27/1979 #35017 r-shaped object with several white lights on it approach at an oblique angl 11/27/1979 #35022 the object then began blinking its lights on and off. The witnesses lost in 11/30/1979 #35034 a huge jet aircraft with external lights, but with NO sound (NICAP: 02 - C 12/2/1979 #35037 DNEY, NS, CND 7 photos / dot-night lights. 4 came out OK. No stars.. went e 12/3/1979 #35041 lic 8M disk hovers / 15M altitude. Lights blink. Grating / bottom. 12/3/1979 #35042 s nose-up over power poles. Strong lights. Going south. 12/4/1979 #35048 have a complex shape with multiple lights as it hovers above some power pol 12/4/1979 #35051 dull green light. Clusters of red lights are at the three points of the Y. 12/5/1979 #35054 s and flies off to the east. Other lights appear in the sky (18 or so) and 12/5/1979 #35054 CG men. Intense white domed saucer lights Mississippi River! Then shoots go 12/9/1979 #35061 above and dark blue below, with no lights or portholes. He describes the si 12/9/1979 #35062 r near the dam in Keokuk, Iowa. It lights up the river below it. The light 12/9/1979 #35063 through binoculars. It has two red lights and a white light flashing irregu 12/9/1979 #35063 de la Cruz, Spain A UFO with blue lights and a light green hue approached 12/10/1979 #35065 The UFO responded by flashing its lights. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 12/10/1979 #35065 in, at 10:00 p.m., a UFO with blue lights and a light green hue approached 12/10/1979 #35067 The UFO responded by flashing its lights. 12/10/1979 #35067 the trucks. The drivers turn their lights off and on, but the beings remain 12/13/1979 #35079 al. Huge diamond-object low / sky. Lights / corners. Low rumble. 12/20/1979 #35087 g blob / light hovers. Small night lights exit and return / snaky trajector 12/31/1979 #35106 saucer-shaped object with flashing lights approaching them. It has a blue-g 1980 #35116 stop cold at times. Three powerful lights in a triangle pattern were higher 1/5/1980 #35125 de and 20 feet long with two white lights in front, blue lights in two of t 1/13/1980 #35133 th two white lights in front, blue lights in two of the corners, and a red 1/13/1980 #35133 y jump suit. As he passes, the arc lights on the object start flickering li 1/14/1980 #35135 arilyn Anderson, sees a cluster of lights in the western sky as they are dr 1/21/1980 #35141 are driving on Pioneer Trail. The lights are hovering about 200–300 feet a 1/21/1980 #35141 to get out for a closer look, the lights speed away to the southwest. The 1/21/1980 #35141 car behind them, does not see the lights, but Anderson tells her about the 1/21/1980 #35141 her car stalls, and the radio and lights go out. She restarts the car, but 1/21/1980 #35141 ight. Meanwhile, several nocturnal lights hovered high overhead. 1/28/1980 #35149 ht circular UFO with red and white lights on the bottom hover stationary at 1/29/1980 #35150 lhouettes appeared in front of the lights. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) ( 2/11/1980 #35165 lhouettes appeared in front of the lights. They were grayish in color and o 2/11/1980 #35169 d in front of the luminous orbs of lights. According to Tobajas, the humano 2/11/1980 #35169 e triangle disappeared leaving the lights visible. After several more minut 2/11/1980 #35171 le. After several more minutes the lights gyrated and blinked out, and they 2/11/1980 #35171 ne intermittent green, red, yellow lights toward the ground. It remained mo 2/11/1980 #35174 n orange UFO at 11:40 p.m. Her car lights and engine experienced electrical 2/11/1980 #35175 oing up and down. Hovers. Zigzags. Lights / sides. Going quickly west. 3/12/1980 #35210 huge cigar-shaped object with red lights at both ends fly silently south t 3/13/1980 #35213 huge cigar-shaped object with red lights at both ends fly silently south t 3/13/1980 #35215 ar-shaped object with red and blue lights along its length. The spotlight s 3/15/1980 #35218 observer(s). Power outage. 3 night lights over TV tower. Go to radio tower 3/18/1980 #35220 fic Controllers and RADAR's. Night lights clocked / 2400kph. Maneuver and j 3/22/1980 #35226 controller Donald Kernan says the lights “did a kind of dance.” 3/22/1980 #35230 watch the light, which has colored lights blinking inside it. After 5–10 mi 3/24/1980 #35238 hen Harris notices bright, beaming lights in the sky. They assume it is an 3/25/1980 #35241 the ground and 210 feet away. The lights seem to come from an airplane-siz 3/25/1980 #35241 IXHEIM, FR Huge sphere with bright lights hovers. Drops object halfway / gr 4/11/1980 #35268 miles closer, it resolves into two lights side by side. After driving anoth 4/13/1980 #35271 r 20 miles closer, he sees the two lights are attached to one object. When 4/13/1980 #35271 00 feet long and cigar-shaped with lights on the front and back and one sid 4/13/1980 #35271 y-black object with flashing white lights. He looks at it with his binocula 4/20/1980 #35279 noticed that they were projecting lights from the top of their heads down 4/20/1980 #35281 eads down toward the ground. These lights suddenly turned red, and the two 4/20/1980 #35281 ck, crescent-shaped UFO with white lights at the ends of each curve. The wh 4/20/1980 #35283 the ends of each curve. The white lights flashed every 3-5 seconds. The cr 4/20/1980 #35283 ps outside. Yellow, red, and green lights are rotating around its perimeter 5/1980 #35298 r car. Beams light going down. Car lights flicker. / r25p309. 5/13/1980 #35327 rive through the light beam, their lights go on and off 7–8 times. After th 5/14/1980 #35330 ey are out of the beam’s path, the lights do not flicker again. 5/14/1980 #35330 e full moon and has numerous white lights on the bottom. They pass silently 5/14/1980 #35331 ve through the light beam the "car lights went on and off about 7-8 times". 5/14/1980 #35332 times". The headlights and console lights later functioned normally. 5/14/1980 #35332 SHERMAN, TX Odd sounds and lights. Allagash-Jim levitated / bed. Po 6/1980 #35345 TON GREEN, CHESHIRE 2 / car. Brill lights. 2 7' figure(s) glide up. Telepat 6/1980 #35346 yling, Michigan, when they see two lights moving from right to left in fron 6/17/1980 #35379 car. Two minutes later, three more lights (two blinking, one steady) appear 6/17/1980 #35379 pper ones seem larger. The smaller lights are zig-zagging and coming togeth 7/12/1980 #35412 / (seen thru) binoculars. 12 night lights circle zip and maneuver. Differen 8/1980 #35434 the Summer Palace. It has several lights that flash on and off 2–3 times p 8/1980 #35437 earby trees. The object turned its lights off as it landed. She decided not 8/8/1980 #35448 en he becomes aware of an array of lights hovering above a hill ahead of hi 8/20/1980 #35469 disappears, but another cluster of lights rushes by him on his left side wi 8/20/1980 #35469 r passes boat / very low altitude. Lights area. Vanishes. 9/1980 #35487 . a blimp-shaped object with eerie lights and odd maneuvers was seen in Tex 9/2/1980 #35492 nce. Going down / road. Vanishes / lights flash. 9/5/1980 #35495 hire, England, when they see three lights that appear one after another the 9/6/1980 #35501 d Sightings of Unidentified Aerial Lights in Restricted Test Range,” which 9/8/1980 #35505 y. Hundreds of steady bright white lights surround its perimeter, rotating 9/11/1980 #35514 de is grayish or greenish, and two lights appear at each tip in a combinati 9/13/1980 #35520 had a horizontal row of 5-6 steady lights, which the flight crew presumed w 9/22/1980 #35527 has a horizontal row of 5–6 steady lights, which the flight crew presumes a 9/22/1980 #35528 when the plane flashes its landing lights. The event is witnessed independe 9/22/1980 #35528 had a horizontal row of 5-6 steady lights, which the flight crew presumed w 9/22/1980 #35529 when the plane flashed its landing lights. The event was witnessed independ 9/22/1980 #35529 -shaped object with flashing white lights. Inside, he entered an egg-shaped 9/25/1980 #35535 a circular buckle that had colored lights. An invisible barrier apparently 9/25/1980 #35535 pinning topshaped object with body lights, whistling sound, landed near wat 9/30/1980 #35545 p-shaped UFO withmulticolored body lights and a black tube appendage that l 9/30/1980 #35548 e-shaped, red, glowing object that lights the area below. Workers feel a sc 10/5/1980 #35556 ngle or diamond with red and green lights. 10/7/1980 #35559 they see an object with two white lights on the sides and a red and blue l 10/19/1980 #35576 tersection. The car stalls and the lights go out briefly. 10/19/1980 #35576 Boomerang-shaped object with body lights shone brilliant light beam down s 10/23/1980 #35581 Boomerang-shaped object with body lights shone brilliant light beam down s 10/23/1980 #35582 wingtip to wingtip. Eight reddish lights are on each wing about 75 feet ap 10/23/1980 #35584 Arizona. They sighted a string of lights shaped in a triangular pattern ho 10/23/1980 #35585 elting plant saw a UFO with 12 red lights and a big searchlight on the fron 10/23/1980 #35585 im any sightings of unusual aerial lights. 10/24/1980 #35586 hite is intense but nothing around lights up. The object is at treetop leve 10/26/1980 #35591 woman gets the impression that the lights are connected to something huge, 10/26/1980 #35591 above the barn making no sound and lights making no light. When it was over 10/26/1980 #35591 position, and had two steady white lights with a flashing light in the back 10/26/1980 #35592 erver(s). Sphere with red and blue lights jumps and spirals. Going up. 10/28/1980 #35593 Silent orange fireball hovers and lights overcast / 30 second(s). Drops go 11/1/1980 #35602 topping temporarily, and the cabin lights dimming. 11/3/1980 #35615 HANG AND WUHAN, HUBEI, CH Circle / lights rotates. Saucer body faintly visi 11/10/1980 #35624 Silent fuselage with red and white lights / ends. Low curved trajectory sou 11/11/1980 #35628 h glow, and smaller red and yellow lights. It approached the witnesses and 11/14/1980 #35638 h glow, and smaller red and yellow lights. It approached the witnesses and 11/14/1980 #35640 sas, report a formation of unusual lights traveling slowly and noiselessly. 11/18/1980 #35654 rom Trenton, Missouri, watches the lights pass overhead four different time 11/18/1980 #35654 ws a diamond-shaped array of white lights with a steady red beacon in the m 11/18/1980 #35654 an apparent dome with seven green lights around it. He manages to photogra 11/18/1980 #35654 vide an estimated altitude for the lights as 300–400 feet, but a Trenton wi 11/18/1980 #35654 00 feet in Edinburg, Missouri. The lights change direction frequently. Rada 11/18/1980 #35654 ongmont, CO Light beamed onto car, lights and radio failed, car levitated o 11/19/1980 #35658 lickered with red, green and white lights. It was joined by and circled by 11/25/1980 #35671 th peach, green, and white colored lights. Somehow it had caused them to be 11/27/1980 #35675 , was luminous, and had additional lights on top and bottom. The central se 11/28/1980 #35680 ing south / 7-18km altitude. Night lights. / APRO v29#6. 12/4/1980 #35692 ussell, 12, sees four objects with lights that change color from red to blu 12/4/1980 #35698 brighten and enlarge. Three small lights shoot out and snap back in again. 12/5/1980 #35701 . Five intense, steady, blue-white lights illuminate its dark shape. He see 12/6/1980 #35703 reported sightings of unexplained lights near Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, 12/26/1980 #35737 e East Gate of RAF Woodbridge sees lights apparently descending into nearby 12/26/1980 #35737 to nearby Rendlesham Forest. These lights are attributed by astronomers to 12/26/1980 #35737 tallic in appearance, with colored lights. As they attempt to approach the 12/26/1980 #35737 ene, but they report that the only lights they can see are those from the O 12/26/1980 #35737 red light on top and banks of blue lights underneath. Approx. 2–3 meters ac 12/27/1980 #35738 red light on top and several blue lights underneath. It was surrounded by 12/27/1980 #35748 e of sight. Later, three star-like lights are seen in the sky, two to the n 12/28/1980 #35749 / 2 min. Absolute(ly) silent. Many lights / surface. 1/1981 #35766 ERS ISLAND, AUST 2 / boat. 2 night lights exchange light beams. Sea lit. Ba 1/8/1981 #35775 s Island two men saw two nocturnal lights exchange light beams. The sea was 1/8/1981 #35776 Tasmania two men saw two nocturnal lights exchange light beams. The sea was 1/8/1981 #35781 6 round objects maneuver overhead. Lights / sides. TV sets electro-magnetic 1/14/1981 #35785 p.m. as 16 round objects with body lights maneuvered overhead in Wadesboro, 1/14/1981 #35786 eporting a string of about a dozen lights in the sky to a local television 1/15/1981 #35791 to a local television station. The lights are stationary then disappear by 1/15/1981 #35791 riangular object with multiple red lights descending swiftly above the tree 1/22/1981 #35795 lar UFO maneuvers / 100m altitude. Lights flash / sides. 1/26/1981 #35801 300 feet altitude. It had flashing lights on its sides. 1/26/1981 #35803 Thundering noise. Huge boomerang / lights 30m over isolated house. 2/3/1981 #35811 ted object with a ring of flashing lights. The UFO left but a second smalle 2/10/1981 #35822 ted object with a ring of flashing lights. The UFO left but a second smalle 2/10/1981 #35823 contained a desk-like object with lights and an examination table. She und 2/10/1981 #35823 FUENTECEN, SP 3 observer(s). Night lights maneuver. Dog barks. 140cm box-ro 2/13/1981 #35825 he witness observed several golden lights on a nearby field. He approached 2/13/1981 #35826 a nearby field. He approached the lights but these suddenly rose up, circl 2/13/1981 #35826 se when he observed several golden lights in a nearby field. He approached 2/13/1981 #35827 a nearby field. He approached the lights but they suddenly rose up, circle 2/13/1981 #35827 xt saw an object with rotating red lights rise from a nearby field and leav 2/13/1981 #35827 ect was silent and had three white lights forming the point of an equilater 2/14/1981 #35828 e Soviet airliner through cloud. 5 lights / sides. 2/25/1981 #35842 he right. The crew saw four orange lights on the first object and 3 lights 2/25/1981 #35845 e lights on the first object and 3 lights on the other one. After three min 2/25/1981 #35845 by village when he noticed strange lights on a nearby field behind a row of 3/1981 #35855 lose that I could have counted the lights on the bottom of the object, had 3/1981 #35856 a triangular array of three white lights outside her south-facing window. 3/6/1981 #35861 tside her south-facing window. The lights seem to be connected by “spokes.” 3/6/1981 #35861 iangle/box-like crafts and 3 night lights play / sky. Cop sees fireball. 3/21/1981 #35869 a central dome and white flashing lights around its perimeter. It seems to 3/21/1981 #35871 bright light went to very dim, had lights on the bottom as it hovered over 3/30/1981 #35880 pears oval and is black except for lights on the circumference. A large cir 3/30/1981 #35881 ome when they noticed three bright lights above the highway. As they approa 4/1/1981 #35883 triangular object with several red lights on the sides and very bright whit 4/15/1981 #35897 d Lucy Slothower notice two bright lights in the sky moving toward them. Th 4/15/1981 #35899 ct with additional blue and yellow lights on the underside. As it passes ov 4/15/1981 #35899 triangular object with several red lights on the sides and very bright whit 4/15/1981 #35900 ngular- shaped object with colored lights on the underside and a bright whi 4/16/1981 #35901 erous slow flying UFOs and strange lights over the area. She then heard a s 5/1981 #35919 in Tewksbury, New Jersey, notices lights moving outside after their televi 5/5/1981 #35931 levision goes off and the electric lights dim. Earl Jr. sees dozens of gree 5/5/1981 #35931 ees dozens of green, blue, and red lights buzzing in the southern sky, appa 5/5/1981 #35931 ng object covered with hundreds of lights. It is elongated and he can see a 5/5/1981 #35931 t had a white light and two orange lights. As it directed a beam of light a 5/12/1981 #35934 .m. It was silent with red glowing lights; it hovered briefly, spinning, an 5/13/1981 #35935 est of Lima, Ohio, when he notices lights on his left less than a mile ahea 5/20/1981 #35943 ay, watch a drum-like UFO with red lights on the rear and green and red lig 5/22/1981 #35945 ghts on the rear and green and red lights on each side. Its appearance coin 5/22/1981 #35945 CH Many / ground and air. 15 night lights / row / 3 hours. Several RADAR's 6/9/1981 #35958 ed by small, multicolored flashing lights. There are three large pale-yello 6/10/1981 #35960 There are three large pale-yellow lights, one on each side and one centere 6/10/1981 #35960 ife watch an object with twinkling lights in southern Taiwan. After hearing 6/12/1981 #35966 han fifteen people asking what the lights over the water were. Other calls 6/28/1981 #35980 m. to look for the source, but the lights were not seen again. 6/28/1981 #35980 / DUNEDIN, NZ 2 observer(s). Ovoid lights farm. 2 figure(s).. 1 / conning t 7/11/1981 #35995 w of the pool and notices the pool lights are not on. Instead, directly abo 7/11/1981 #35996 pool, and higher than the regular lights, is a brilliant light. Suddenly t 7/11/1981 #35996 is a brilliant light. Suddenly the lights go out. He hears a whirring noise 7/11/1981 #35996 into the sky. When he turns on the lights he noticed the pump is not runnin 7/11/1981 #35996 camp swimming pool, he sees bright lights. He moves to an unobstructed view 7/11/1981 #35998 w of the pool and notices the pool lights are not on. Instead, directly abo 7/11/1981 #35998 pool, and higher than the regular lights, is a brilliant light. Suddenly t 7/11/1981 #35998 is a brilliant light. Suddenly the lights go out. He hears a whirring noise 7/11/1981 #35998 into the sky. When he turns on the lights, he notices the pump is not runni 7/11/1981 #35998 ped craft with gold, red and green lights. It paced their car along a back 7/12/1981 #36003 open field four white and two red lights appeared that seemed to be attach 7/15/1981 #36008 ame more confused when the UFO and lights suddenly vanished. There was a ti 7/15/1981 #36008 es the road four white and two red lights appear. They seemed to be attache 7/16/1981 #36010 object 100 feet long with flashing lights approaches them from the front, s 7/16/1981 #36012 he two fuses controlling the brake lights and tail lights have blown, and t 7/19/1981 #36020 trolling the brake lights and tail lights have blown, and the battery is le 7/19/1981 #36020 lars. Suddenly, two flashing white lights appear above the southern horizon 7/23/1981 #36026 they notice an object with bright lights moving back and forth across the 7/30/1981 #36041 Finland Black sphere and satellite lights seen, two approached motorboat, o 7/31/1981 #36043 Finland Black sphere and satellite lights seen, two approached motorboat, o 7/31/1981 #36044 Finland Black sphere and satellite lights seen, two approached motorboat, o 7/31/1981 #36045 Finland Black sphere and satellite lights seen, two approached motorboat, o 7/31/1981 #36046 , see a dark spot in the sky. Four lights suddenly appear above them, and a 7/31/1981 #36048 na, when their headlights and dash lights go out and the engine stops. They 7/31/1981 #36049 road on a moonless night) and the lights suddenly come on again. They star 7/31/1981 #36049 fog", accompanied by two satellite lights which operated independently, fle 7/31/1981 #36050 ' going southwest / 200M altitude. Lights and sweeping beam. 8/2/1981 #36053 sc-shaped object with three bright lights land in a field. Another man repo 8/5/1981 #36060 server(s). 80' hexagon going east. Lights / corners. Hisses. Turns going no 8/10/1981 #36066 had two green, two red, and white lights on its corners. (NICAP: 02 - Clos 8/10/1981 #36067 has two green, two red, and white lights on its corners. It is 60–90 feet 8/10/1981 #36068 had two green, two red, and white lights on its corners. It was estimated 8/10/1981 #36069 northeast in a straight line. The lights are as bright as a “halogen autom 8/12/1981 #36070 east. When Pring first notices the lights, he gets out of his car for a bet 8/12/1981 #36070 of the 6-second flight path of the lights in an 8-minute time exposure. Fur 8/12/1981 #36070 hat morning. As for the photo, the lights were most likely caused by Pring 8/12/1981 #36070 d thus picked up two mercury-vapor lights at a farmhouse about a half-mile 8/12/1981 #36070 NEAR ANDERSON, IN 2 night lights maneuver / HIQ time-lapse meteor 8/13/1981 #36071 n 30M over driveway. Red and green lights flash. 8/18/1981 #36079 nt, and had red and green flashing lights. 8/18/1981 #36080 bserver(s). Arrowhead / fish-shape lights seas. Hums. Flies overhead slowly 8/23/1981 #36082 object with white, red, and green lights. It illuminated the ocean and mad 8/23/1981 #36083 KILLINGLY, CT 2 / car. 2 bright lights. Lopsided hexagon follows car / t 8/25/1981 #36084 cticut at 9:15 p.m. saw two bright lights, then a lopsided hexagonal shaped 8/25/1981 #36085 AMP, OR Several observer(s). Night lights and 35' and 150' saucers closely 9/7/1981 #36106 mouth, England, when she sees some lights behind the house. As she goes to 9/10/1981 #36108 e he was able to perceive numerous lights and movement around him. He then 9/11/1981 #36110 e he was able to perceive numerous lights and movement around him. He then 9/12/1981 #36112 LITHIA, FL 2 observer(s). 2 lights = large silver UFO. Lifts over ca 9/15/1981? #36116 oots away and back. Spins. Colored lights. (Near George AFB.) 9/17/1981 #36120 back. It was spinning, had colored lights, and was not far from George Air 9/17/1981 #36122 y, CA Triangular objects with body lights, humming sound, observed three ti 9/18/1981 #36126 y, CA Triangular objects with body lights, humming sound, observed three ti 9/18/1981 #36127 ular object with five bright white lights on the front and sides. The unlit 9/18/1981 #36128 at the rear. Two or three smaller lights are following in its path. 9/18/1981 #36128 nia, when they notice three bright lights like floodlights on the horizon t 9/18/1981 #36129 light resolves into five separate lights, three in a row above and two bel 9/18/1981 #36129 w. When they pass nearly under the lights, they notice two triangular bodie 9/18/1981 #36129 ice two triangular bodies that the lights are associated with. At 9:25 p.m. 9/18/1981 #36129 ops. Going up and down. Strong red lights. 9/29/1981 #36144 t day there were reports of bright lights over the area. 10/2/1981 #36155 VENETA, OR 2 observer(s). Red lights all over. 1 on car. 1 on plants. 10/5/1981 #36158 ing [to] 45m over road. Many white lights and 1 orange light / pole. 10/14/1981 #36171 , SOUTH AUSTRALIA 2 / car. 2 night lights scour terrain. Figure / white roo 10/24/1981 #36184 d 7:45 p.m. when they noticed some lights emerging from the sea. Five minut 10/24/1981 #36185 ging from the surface three bright lights or forms that approached their po 10/24/1981 #36185 inted it towards the source of the lights. He was now able to see a two-met 10/24/1981 #36185 ction towards the creature and the lights. Frightened, he fled the scene al 10/24/1981 #36185 he other man who had only seen the lights. 10/24/1981 #36185 adio Frequency Interference (RFI). Lights area. Maneuvers. Hides. 10/25/1981 #36187 cer paces car. Crosses road. Night lights / Galveston same night. 10/26/1981 #36189 the road ahead of them. Nocturnal lights were seen in the area that evenin 10/26/1981 #36190 ting frequent sightings of unusual lights that hover (sometimes for as long 11/1981 #36201 t invisible. On many occasions the lights are below the horizon, either jus 11/1981 #36201 the rooftops of nearby houses. The lights come in various shapes, but three 11/1981 #36201 n front of the others, the various lights maintaining a fixed position, lea 11/1981 #36201 cember 1981 and mid-1984, when the lights are seen 15–20 times per week, at 11/1981 #36201 car. 7M hemisphere / 35M altitude. Lights ground / beam. / Oeste France. 11/1/1981 #36202 ming parachutes, emitting powerful lights, hung in the sky over the city of 11/12/1981 #36221 e power lines. It has four colored lights—a row of red, blue, green, and am 11/24/1981 #36232 row of red, blue, green, and amber lights—at the base of the dome. It makes 11/24/1981 #36232 a light on each corner; one of the lights detaches and flies off. 12/1981 #36239 t, a sphere, and several nocturnal lights were sighted flying to the north 12/1/1981 #36241 t, a sphere, and several nocturnal lights were sighted flying to the north 12/1/1981 #36242 er(s). 3 pairs / humming 70' night lights hover and flash. 50-100mph. 2K-37 12/4/1981 #36245 east of Hartford, CT, saw strange lights or objects travel at a rather slo 12/4/1981 #36246 art / 4-year wave. Odd-shape night lights going north toward(s) Trondheim. 12/20/1981 #36270 or Grey) floats over fence. Shoots lights going up and down. Green smoke an 12/29/1981 #36280 lighted disc shaped craft with red lights shining on its top and multicolor 12/29/1981 #36281 hining on its top and multicolored lights on the bottom fly overhead and di 12/29/1981 #36281 wo witnesses saw a square UAP with lights and were approached by Chinook he 1982 #36292 igurations of white and red-orange lights. The final photo shows the tops o 1/9/1982 #36298 aturn-shape descends nearby. Sharp lights / 3 rings. 1/24/1982 #36308 ect with a revolving rim and sharp lights descend nearby them. (Source: Ahm 1/24/1982 #36310 ect with a revolving rim and sharp lights descend nearby them at around 7:0 1/24/1982 #36311 away. It had bluish yellow bottom lights, and green lights on the side. Th 1/29/1982 #36315 sh yellow bottom lights, and green lights on the side. The UFO caused nearb 1/29/1982 #36315 t with rows of amber and blue body lights and two huge white light beams in 1/31/1982 #36317 Richard Doty regarding unexplained lights over Kirtland AFB and Manzano in 2/1982 #36319 arate observer(s). 2 intense night lights. Saucer paces jogger who hides in 2/2/1982 #36320 n she notices two intense blinking lights that seem to be coming toward her 2/2/1982 #36321 ed, blue, orange, yellow and white lights. The airline crews of two more pl 2/8/1982 #36328 SCANABA, MI 1+2 observer(s). Night lights. 30' saucer lands twice. Porthole 2/10/1982 #36330 object with four white and yellow lights arranged in the corners three mil 2/12/1982 #36341 ILLARD, WI Cop. Silent night light lights large area. Puts out photocell ce 2/24/1982 #36361 Puts out photocell central street lights. 2/24/1982 #36361 LIFIELD, NORTH YORKS 1 / car. Blue lights. Car lifted? Cold sensation. 30 m 3/4/1982 #36375 ld, England was surrounded by blue lights and levitated up into the air. Th 3/4/1982 #36376 ld, England was surrounded by blue lights and levitated up into the air. Th 3/4/1982 #36378 akes violently. 2 rows / red night lights going NNE / low altitude. 3/8/1982 #36381 l, Connecticut saw two rows of red lights pass over their house and fly off 3/8/1982 #36385 Y 13+8 cops. 20M saucer hovers and lights field. Colored beams sweep ground 3/12/1982 #36387 agers watched three groups of four lights arranged in squares in the night 3/13/1982 #36388 rmany watched three groups of four lights arranged in squares in the night 3/13/1982 #36389 und, and had rotating multicolored lights. Police also witnessed the object 3/13/1982 #36389 ere/orb/globe / very low altitude. Lights farm. Darts away and back. / r241 3/14/1982 #36390 us object going [to] overhead. Car lights and engine electro-magnetic effec 3/15/1982 #36393 ny observer(s). 4-day wave / night lights. Cops call "UFO center in Washing 3/16/1982 #36395 ages to take four photos of oblong lights passing in front of Finnsåhøgda a 3/17/1982 #36396 sc had red, green, blue, and white lights around its base, which blinked in 3/18/1982 #36399 sc had red, green, blue, and white lights around its base, which blinked in 3/18/1982 #36400 th at about 500 feet altitude. Its lights are much brighter than normal lan 3/21/1982 #36404 much brighter than normal landing lights, and there are no airports in the 3/21/1982 #36404 d red and green strings of running lights. It gains altitude before banking 3/21/1982 #36404 e south. It had three steady white lights and a small blinking red light. 3/21/1982 #36405 mong his dogs and cats and saw two lights descend from the sky and land. He 3/22/1982 #36408 object with one red and two yellow lights. Later in the week, two officers 3/26/1982 #36414 n residents have been seeing these lights since 1944 and their accounts are 3/26/1982 #36414 riangle/box-like craft attracted / lights. 2 night lights shoot out going n 4/1/1982 #36425 craft attracted / lights. 2 night lights shoot out going north and going s 4/1/1982 #36425 es toward them. When they turn the lights off again, the object backs away. 4/1/1982 #36427 again, the object backs away. The lights go on again, and the UFO passes o 4/1/1982 #36427 heir heads at 250 feet. Its bright lights go out, and its triangular shape 4/1/1982 #36427 on the front, with white and amber lights on the other angles. Two bright l 4/1/1982 #36427 ts on the other angles. Two bright lights shoot away from the triangle, one 4/1/1982 #36427 ds a second time. The UFO has blue lights around the rim and is only about 4/3/1982 #36433 only about 150 feet away. The blue lights illuminate the area as bright as 4/3/1982 #36433 ed a second time. The UFO had blue lights around the rim, and was only abou 4/3/1982 #36434 oom-cap saucer paces 2 / car. Hazy lights. Odd maneuvers. Away smoothly. 4/7/1982 #36436 d two people in a car. It had hazy lights and made odd maneuvers, not jerky 4/7/1982 #36437 n Fort Wayne, Indiana. It had hazy lights and made odd maneuvers, not jerky 4/7/1982 #36439 ers / telescope. Large disk with 3 lights crosses sky. No plane. 4/14/1982 #36444 ge object 100' away with 2 blazing lights. Odd cone / silence. 4/17/1982 #36445 PLEASANT HILLS, PA Many night lights / police. Semi-transparent delta/ 5/5/1982 #36463 nessed many unidentified nocturnal lights. Police watched a semi-transparen 5/5/1982 #36464 TX Diamond-shaped object with body lights, bright "headlights," flew overhe 5/22/1982 #36479 TX Diamond-shaped object with body lights, bright "headlights," flew overhe 5/22/1982 #36480 TX Diamond-shaped object with body lights, bright "headlights," flew overhe 5/22/1982 #36481 f John McDonald notices two bright lights above tall pine trees near Clevel 5/22/1982 #36482 urkey, watch an object with orange lights at an altitude of 160–200 feet. I 6/3/1982 #36491 with dome on top and blinking red lights, and a row of rectangular windows 6/10/1982 #36495 , NH Wedge-shaped object with body lights hovered low over reservoir, light 6/10/1982 #36496 lights hovered low over reservoir, lights reflecting in water; instant relo 6/10/1982 #36496 , NH Wedge-shaped object with body lights hovered low over reservoir, light 6/10/1982 #36497 lights hovered low over reservoir, lights reflecting in water. Instant relo 6/10/1982 #36497 ge-shaped object with bright white lights and smaller blue-green-red body l 6/10/1982 #36498 ts and smaller blue-green-red body lights hovering about 50 feet above the 6/10/1982 #36498 t above the Bellamy Reservoir, its lights reflecting on the surface of the 6/10/1982 #36498 going east / 1500' altitude. Many lights flash. / r210v30#10. 6/15/1982 #36500 He turns off the ignition and the lights, then gets out of the vehicle whe 7/6/1982 #36531 WHITLEY CITY, KY Big toy-top lights garden with red beam going down. 7/21/1982 #36539 arden with red beam going down. 30 lights / rim. Going north. Circles. Quic 7/21/1982 #36539 rected downwards. The craft had 30 lights around its rim. It flew to the no 7/21/1982 #36541 r observed blinking red and yellow lights near the beach. He thought it was 7/25/1982 #36548 in observed blinking re and yellow lights near the beach. He thought it was 7/25/1982 #36551 ight. The object had four red body lights. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/2/1982 #36559 well-lit saucers / 300M altitude. Lights / rim. Going [to] fast and shoot 8/7/1982 #36563 ACHUKAI, AZ 3+3 observer(s). Night lights light canyon. Object lands / Indi 8/10/1982 #36564 00' ovoid beams going up and down. Lights car. High tension power lines lin 8/10/1982 #36566 ight. The object had four red body lights. When they stopped at a stop sign 8/10/1982 #36568 d object going east / 7M altitude. Lights area. Big fire and 150kph winds. 8/13/1982 #36573 r and join large cigar with row of lights. Electro-magnetic effect (EME.) 8/13/1982 #36575 joined a large cigar with a row of lights along the side, over the town of 8/13/1982 #36576 y Chupa? sits down and dies. Night lights seen. 8/26/1982 #36582 black door, and the UFO had amber lights around its perimeter. It made a h 8/30/1982 #36586 ne ran rough then stalled, and the lights inside flashed as the object appr 9/1982 #36589 object with an oval mass of orange lights moving through some pylons and ca 9/1982 #36590 e near Cavendish on the A1092 some lights approach them from behind and the 9/1982 #36590 Auberry, CA Dogs bark and lights dim as disc follows power line (N 9/6/1982 #36597 out when plane passes. Row / night lights. 9/9/1982 #36598 e rises over water tower. Ringed / lights. 9/14/1982 #36602 Poland, see a triangular UFO with lights at its tips. 9/18/1982 #36609 ng down [to] and from sides. Night lights about. Changes shape. 9/24/1982 #36614 ct is egg-shaped with swirling red lights around its equator and a white be 9/30/1982 #36622 rge metallic ovoid object with red lights while driving on a highway east o 9/30/1982 #36623 e craft hovers. Tilts / rear. Many lights. / r210v31#3. 10/2/1982 #36627 an object with two brilliant white lights and a blinking red light. It hove 10/2/1982 #36629 full view and about 40–50 smaller lights are plainly visible. 10/2/1982 #36629 aped object with many multicolored lights while riding in their van onHighw 10/2/1982 #36630 d then hovered near their van. Its lights were white, yellow, and red, and 10/2/1982 #36630 t hovering nearby. It too had many lights, and tilted at an angle. Their si 10/2/1982 #36630 aucer-shaped objects with flashing lights flew low and fast over San Carlos 10/10/1982 #36638 ight is made up of several smaller lights bunched close together. They move 10/14/1982 #36641 second. At the same moment as the lights go out there appears an ellipsoid 10/14/1982 #36641 ,000–4,000 feet. It has bright red lights on top. 10/15/1982 #36643 e UFO, described as a multitude of lights flashing 20 at a time, is picked 10/19/1982 #36654 the object is a mirage effect from lights on the coast of Israel or Lebanon 10/19/1982 #36654 car. Huge disk overhead. Ringed / lights. Grind noise. Turns red and quick 10/20/1982 #36655 selessly overhead. Two small white lights are at the front and three lights Early 11/1982 #36673 lights are at the front and three lights at the top. Early 11/1982 #36673 es. Makes 180° back. Several night lights maneuver. 11/4/1982 #36675 ille, VA Circular object with body lights shone light beam down into field, 11/19/1982 #36686 ille, VA Circular object with body lights shone light beam down into field, 11/19/1982 #36687 . A luminous object with brilliant lights brightly illuminates a police pat 11/27/1982 #36697 NDS, SUFFOLK Silent object beams 3 lights down. Follows car. RAF investigat 12/2/1982 #36705 A silent object beamed three lights down at 8 a.m., then followed a c 12/2/1982 #36706 bserver(s). Animals frantic. Night lights seen widely. Flashes. 12/11/1982 #36716 wing-sphere/orb/globe follows car. Lights inside. Laser prank? 12/21/1982 #36720 rr and hiss. Double circle / night lights hovers / trees. Going quickly [to 12/30/1982 #36728 1. Boomerang hums / low-frequency. Lights grounds up. Going east. Low-Q mov 12/31/1982 #36731 nt, low frequency hum. The colored lights on the object switched off and th 12/31/1982 #36732 witched off and three bright white lights lit up the ground. He was able to 12/31/1982 #36732 h roughly 15 red, green, and white lights anchored to its underside. It mai 12/31/1982 #36733 on in his chest. At one point, the lights go out and three blinding white l 12/31/1982 #36733 ts go out and three blinding white lights in the shape of a triangle appear 12/31/1982 #36733 ng a boomerang-shaped formation of lights that project a bright beam of lig 12/31/1982 #36733 ency hum at 11:54 p.m. The colored lights on the object switched off and th 12/31/1982 #36734 witched off and three bright white lights lit up the ground. He was able to 12/31/1982 #36734 ngular object with three pulsating lights at 1,000 feet altitude. Carole Gr 1/19/1983 #36750 and pull over to watch. It has 11 lights around it. Similar objects are se 1/19/1983 #36750 tral white light with two flanking lights over some power lines as she is r 1/27/1983 #36754 , and she and her husband see four lights nearby, which gradually recede be 1/27/1983 #36754 es a triangular object with bright lights. A similar object is seen by a po 2/7/1983 #36762 Huge silent boomerang with array / lights stops / sky. Going northeast. 2/26/1983 #36768 ver(s). Silent 150' boomerang with lights going south / 50' altitude. CB Ra 2/26/1983 #36769 boomerang-shaped object with many lights, at a minimum distance of 100 met 2/26/1983 #36770 out 200–300 feet wide. It has many lights, which seem to respond to their t 2/26/1983 #36771 ame object, a V-shaped array of 50 lights with amber, red, and blue colors. 2/26/1983 #36771 boomerang-shaped object with many lights, at a minimum distance of 100 met 2/26/1983 #36772 ame object, a V-shaped array of 50 lights with the colors amber, red, and b 2/26/1983 #36772 cluster of red, green, and orange lights on the craft, which they estimate 3/10/1983 #36778 cer, Tony Dodd, observed nocturnal lights passing over the moor in Carleton 3/14/1983 #36782 d has blue, yellow, red, and white lights flickering in a circle. She black Spring 1983 #36790 rt time and finds that the engine, lights, and radio have been shut off. Th Spring 1983 #36790 LURGAN, NORTH IRE Circle / white lights. Rectangular red lights / ends. B 3/22/1983 #36791 le / white lights. Rectangular red lights / ends. Buzzes car / country road 3/22/1983 #36791 ORMVILLE, NY 3 / jeep and 1. Night lights = 100M invisible circular structu 3/24/1983 #36795 observer(s). Large V-line / night lights 300' over I-684. Faint humming. 3 3/24/1983 #36797 t appears frightened when V-shaped lights appear (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reacti 3/24/1983 #36800 d, New York, sees a half-circle of lights hovering behind some trees near a 3/24/1983 #36805 y, but when they come outside, the lights are gone. 3/24/1983 #36805 see a half-circle of red and white lights and the vague outline of a larger 3/24/1983 #36806 ct to which they are attached. The lights are hovering above trees several 3/24/1983 #36806 reen metallic color connecting the lights. When the UFO turns slightly, the 3/24/1983 #36806 aped UFO with red, blue, and green lights. Police in the nearby villages of 3/24/1983 #36807 ct about 1,300 feet long, with 6–7 lights as he is driving south on the Tac 3/24/1983 #36807 approaches. Hele realizes that the lights are all changing colors at differ 3/24/1983 #36807 n the structure. Suddenly, all the lights go out, leaving nothing in their 3/24/1983 #36807 g them has simply disappeared. The lights reappear 30–40 seconds later, and 3/24/1983 #36807 o the north and flies away, as the lights change to a slime green. At the s 3/24/1983 #36807 almost directly underneath it. The lights start to flash in a wild sequence 3/24/1983 #36807 ar Stormville, New York, see white lights in a boomerang shape hovering ove 3/24/1983 #36808 , and the structure that holds the lights is dark and nonreflective. After 3/24/1983 #36808 ws it to Interstate 84 and all the lights go out, allowing him to see the b 3/24/1983 #36808 im to see the boomerang shape. The lights come back on and he follows the o 3/24/1983 #36808 ines beam ahead. Hovers over lake. Lights / rods. 3/26/1983 #36812 [to] 40MPH / 50' altitude. Colored lights all over/all about. Structure inv 3/26/1983 #36813 AND PUTNAM CO, NY Deltas and night lights all over. Hudson valley wave now 4/3/1983 #36829 from field illuminating area, body lights visible, accelerated rapidly out 4/10/1983 #36835 ng away at speed. The drivers’ car lights flicker, and the engines nearly s 4/10/1983 #36836 e crafts and triangles and colored lights respond to signals.. 4/15/1983 #36840 AM CNTYS, NY More deltas and night lights. Grey metallic body seen. 4/21/1983 #36842 g rectangle hovers. Circle / night lights. Observer(s) finds town empty. / 4/29/1983 #36849 on the lower part, and small white lights below row portholes, when it bega 5/9/1983 #36857 s, Ohio, police force see four dim lights moving silently in a wedge format 5/12/1983 #36858 CURLWAA, VCT 7hr marathon / night lights and saucers and cones and more/ot 5/20/1983 #36860 a pyramid-shaped array of colored lights toward the ground. A few minutes 5/24/1983 #36868 300' disk hovers / 500' altitude. Lights / edge. Flash and going quickly n 7/12/1983 #36908 e looking at a circular pattern of lights that are flashing red, blue, and 7/12/1983 #36909 flashing red, blue, and green. The lights appear to be attached to a silent 7/12/1983 #36909 right blue, red, orange, and green lights moving in a circular pattern are 7/12/1983 #36909 object. The men turn off the boat lights and the object shuts off its own 7/12/1983 #36909 s and the object shuts off its own lights. After several minutes, Yacuzzi t 7/12/1983 #36909 several minutes, Yacuzzi turns the lights on again, and the UFO switches on 7/12/1983 #36909 in, and the UFO switches on bright lights and moves off behind the mountain 7/12/1983 #36909 g shaped UFO with two large orange lights and many smaller lights in the mi 7/22/1983 #36920 rge orange lights and many smaller lights in the middle of the V was sighte 7/22/1983 #36920 discern that it is composed of two lights. The object turns west and hovers 7/22/1983 #36921 ow the object, this time with more lights visible. Between their position a 7/22/1983 #36921 g shaped UFO with two large orange lights and many smaller lights in the mi 7/22/1983 #36922 rge orange lights and many smaller lights in the middle of the V was sighte 7/22/1983 #36922 rver(s). Silent flat triangle with lights maneuvers behind trees. Back 11 A 8/1/1983 #36928 he sees a cluster of red flashing lights. They are coming from an object i 8/1/1983 #36929 th 40–50 continuously flashing red lights in the shape of a vertical U. Aft 8/1/1983 #36929 er 2 minutes, two large steady red lights appear to rise until they are eve 8/1/1983 #36929 f the U. After 10 seconds, all the lights go out at once. 8/1/1983 #36929 boomerang going south. Red-orange lights all over/all about. Absolute(ly) 8/5/1983 #36934 disc-shaped UFO radiating flashing lights of various colors; it was seen at 8/5/1983 #36935 t. Stray dogs do not bark, and the lights on the poles are blinking intermi 8/12/1983 #36949 2 observer(s). Silent night light lights area. 4' altitude. Gone. 13' burn 8/26/1983 #36957 At 10:30 p.m. a boomerang with lights moved slowly across the sky over 9/18/1983 #36972 the latest sightings of nocturnal lights around Hessdalen, Norway. It cont 10/1983 #36988 briefly off the road, causing her lights to blink out and the engine to st 10/13/1983 #37004 right wheels lifted off road, car lights blinked off and on. Car dropped h 10/15/1983 #37009 as silent, very bright, with five lights by the two witnesses, two men nam 10/17/1983 #37010 H / SHREWSBURY, SHROPS Saucer with lights swoops and paces car / 50 min. 2 10/21/1983 #37012 r object with three powerful white lights on its base that illuminate the g Late 10/1983 #37015 round below it. Ron Marco says the lights form a triangle and remain perfec Late 10/1983 #37015 Silent grey sphere/orb/globe with lights over railroad/railway tracks. 1 r 10/26/1983 #37018 , New York, when he sees “aircraft lights” approaching and dropping very fa 10/28/1983 #37026 t away. After a few minutes, 9 red lights come on from its sides and a red 10/28/1983 #37026 de. Each time a car drives by, its lights go out. Cooke estimates the objec 10/28/1983 #37026 time a car passed by the lake the lights on the object went out. The drama 10/28/1983 #37028 ops. Large structure with 2 rows / lights maneuvers / hills. 10/29/1983 #37029 structured object with two rows of lights maneuvering over hills while driv 10/29/1983 #37030 DAS VELHAS, BRZ Fireball hums and lights area. Man levitated. 2nd observer 11/1/1983 #37039 .m. by a 15-year-old teenager. The lights and an electric fan went off once 11/1/1983 #37040 room in the predawn hours. He had lights around his head, and the boy was 11/27/1983 #37050 observer(s). Silent group / night lights going northwest. Possible attache 12/2/1983 #37060 WIDE AREA 35M airship with strong lights northwest going southeast / 300M 12/2/1983 #37061 er(s). Silent group / square night lights going northwest / 1500M altitude. 12/2/1983 #37062 observer(s). Group / silent night lights now going northeast. 1 shines str 12/2/1983 #37063 und. It had blinking red and white lights. Its erratic path was detected on 12/12/1983 #37070 y both have blinking red and white lights. 12/12/1983 #37071 und. It had blinking red and white lights. Its erratic path was detected on 12/12/1983 #37072 lent 3' square object. X pattern / lights. Going down [to] between 2 buildi 12/26/1983 #37081 ped object with eight bright green lights descended from the sky and landed 12/27/1983 #37084 isc-shaped object with eight green lights lands in an open field across the 12/27/1983 #37085 is, Indiana. After 10 seconds, the lights go out. The witness continues to 12/27/1983 #37085 ngeles, California, encounters odd lights in his house and missing time. Al 1984 #37094 strange object with three circular lights in a fixed position about 50 feet 1/3/1984 #37105 is seen to be turbulent. All three lights are rotating clockwise around a 3 1/3/1984 #37105 , a smaller object also with three lights appears over the first one, hover 1/3/1984 #37105 had more than 15 colored circular lights around the rim. They heard an int 1/8/1984 #37112 Cozad, Nebraska, when the highway lights up and they see a huge disc as bi 1/8/1984 #37113 y to the right of the road. Bright lights are evenly spaced around the rim, 1/8/1984 #37113 had more than 15 colored circular lights around the rim. They heard an int 1/8/1984 #37115 er/cigar-shape 100' over road. Red lights / bottom. Going north. 1/9/1984 #37116 -shape / 300M altitude over US395. Lights all over/all about. Boom hangs. G 1/9/1984 #37117 t described as blimp like with red lights buzzed two cars on US Highway 395 1/9/1984 #37120 100 feet over the road and had red lights on the bottom; it flew off to the 1/9/1984 #37123 ne, New Jersey, see an object with lights descend then move away from their 1/9/1984 #37124 t described as blimp like with red lights buzzed two cars on US Highway 395 1/9/1984 #37127 100 feet over the road and had red lights on the bottom; it flew off to the 1/9/1984 #37127 ght sphere followed by seven small lights which flew at great speed but low 1/13/1984 #37129 RADAR-visual (observation). Night lights / flicker and maneuver. Irregular 1/21/1984 #37133 month, investigators see numerous lights, take photos of many of them, and 1/21/1984 #37136 nstrumentally. On three occasions, lights are seen visually and tracked on 1/21/1984 #37136 “strongly ionized gas.” One of the lights is tracked moving at 19,000 mph. 1/21/1984 #37136 ers direct a laser beam on passing lights. Out of a total of nine times, th 1/21/1984 #37136 Out of a total of nine times, the lights respond all but once in a curious 1/21/1984 #37136 GA 2+several. UFO chases 2 / car. Lights car interior red. Many night ligh 1/22/1984 #37137 silent fireball hovers over home. Lights area. Shoots going quickly west. 1/22/1984 #37138 object with three brilliant white lights and a corona of white light cover 1/22/1984 #37142 tern on its underside with two red lights and one green light. The glow fro 1/22/1984 #37146 object with three brilliant white lights and a corona of white light surro 1/22/1984 #37147 ence (RFI). Car O-O-control. Night lights overhead. 75 minute(s) / missing 1/26/1984 #37152 A 4 observer(s). 5 brilliant night lights / diamond formation. 100 small ni 1/27/1984 #37154 diamond formation. 100 small night lights orbit. All going quickly northwes 1/27/1984 #37154 A 2 boys. Large silent saucer with lights / edges hovers over houses. Up an 1/27/1984 #37155 large, brilliant, stationary white lights in the northern sky. Four of the 1/27/1984 #37156 s in the northern sky. Four of the lights were in a diamond formation with 1/27/1984 #37156 minutes they noticed smaller white lights maneuvering around the large ligh 1/27/1984 #37156 ights maneuvering around the large lights. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 1/27/1984 #37156 bserved a big circular object with lights around the edge hovering over hou 1/27/1984 #37157 ifornia, see five stationary white lights in the northern sky about 2 miles 1/27/1984 #37158 minutes, they notice smaller white lights maneuvering around the larger one 1/27/1984 #37158 100. Suddenly the formation, small lights as well, moves away to the northw 1/27/1984 #37158 lvania, see a circular object with lights around its edge hovering above ho 1/27/1984 #37159 -shaped top and dozens of flashing lights on the underside. (NICAP: 01 - Di 1/30/1984 #37165 chrome dome and dozens of flashing lights on the underside. All witness est 1/30/1984 #37166 ge. It also had dozens of flashing lights. It instantaneously moved away to 1/30/1984 #37167 everal observer(s). 2 bright night lights zigzag east going quickly west. H 2/9/1984 #37183 and stops again here. Other night lights / mountains. 2/13/1984 #37186 JLE, DK 1 observer. 3 silent night lights in formation. 1 going north and b 2/17/1984 (approximate) #37189 beams of light to the ground. The lights approach the car of one witness w 2/22/1984 #37198 s an object with triangular-shaped lights hovering less than 200 feet above 2/22/1984 #37198 ocates 12 people who have seen the lights, but only three will fill out a r 2/22/1984 #37198 HERSJOEN, NORW Night lights all over/all about. "Climb" mount 2/26/1984 #37203 y of Norway, near Roros. Nocturnal lights were seen all over the sky, and a 2/26/1984 #37204 an 50 feet above the ground. White lights are at the front and back, blinki 2/29/1984 #37210 t the front and back, blinking red lights at the sides, and smaller lights 2/29/1984 #37210 d lights at the sides, and smaller lights between each of the four points. 2/29/1984 #37210 RRIS, SD Several report(s) / night lights. 2 cops see huge V formation / or 3/6/1984 #37217 ach, Myers sees it as a pattern of lights in an inverted L pattern. As it p 3/6/1984 #37219 reference photographs. Also night lights / 22 Feb. '84. 3/20/1984 #37230 merang paces / 5 min. Pure-colored lights. Vanishes. 3/21/1984 #37232 ing [to] overhead / treetop level. Lights all over/all about. 3/21/1984 #37233 747. It has red, white, and green lights. It paces his truck for five minu 3/21/1984 #37236 above a field. Each has two bright lights in the top center and a row of sm 3/21/1984 #37237 r and a row of small, multicolored lights that blink in rapid sequence. One 3/21/1984 #37237 es. He reported it had "prism-ish" lights. 3/21/1984 #37238 overhead at treetop level. It had lights all over it. 3/21/1984 #37239 Hundreds of people see low-flying lights over the Taconic State Parkway ne 3/25/1984 #37245 kway near Peekskill, New York. The lights seem to be attached to a slow-mov 3/25/1984 #37245 aped object with six intense white lights and a green light in the center. 3/25/1984 #37245 . It moves over some water and the lights go out. He videotapes the inciden 3/25/1984 #37245 tude of 50 feet. It has two bright lights and is silent. 3/28/1984 #37246 nd its perimeter with multicolored lights which burned steadily. He estimat 4/1984 #37250 EST CITY, MO Farmer / truck. Night lights over farm. 12 min / missing time. 4/10/1984 #37255 de. Turns 360 degrees. Spokes west lights / end. 4/10/1984 #37256 20+observer(s). Fireball and night lights and saucer? Cops and Army all ove 4/14/1984 #37261 Large red sphere/orb/globe. Amber lights / edge. Vanishes 80' away / 20' a 4/17/1984? #37264 HEATH, UK Huge rectangle and night lights low / road! Gone 3 days later. Mi 4/18/1984 #37265 gland. It had red, green and white lights, and was silent. (NICAP: 02 - Clo 4/18/1984 #37266 the road ahead. It has at least 60 lights arrayed in rows on its frame. Red 4/18/1984 #37267 n rows on its frame. Red and green lights are at its edges, but the majorit 4/18/1984 #37267 gland. It had red, green and white lights, and was silent. 4/18/1984 #37268 dome going [to] 60m overhead. Red lights turn / rim. Loud humming. Jet cha 4/19/1984 #37270 ouse / 60m altitude. Loud humming. Lights / edge. Jet chases. 4/19/1984 #37271 made a loud humming noise and had lights on the rim. (NICAP: 02 - Close En 4/19/1984 #37272 itude of only 200 feet. It has red lights around it. A jet aircraft appears 4/19/1984 #37274 made a loud humming noise and had lights on the rim. A jet aircraft was se 4/19/1984 #37275 observer(s). Domed saucer ringed / lights and 2 headlight beams. Hovers / 3 4/22/1984 #37280 shaped object with circle of white lights, a small group of red lights abov 4/22/1984 #37281 white lights, a small group of red lights above, and a brilliant white ligh 4/22/1984 #37281 nd about 500 feet in the air. More lights turn on and the object begins to 4/22/1984 #37281 t switches off all but four of its lights and climbs vertically before head 4/22/1984 #37281 ker through U-turn. Separate night lights play. RADAR blips. 4/24/1984 #37284 ew Mexico while separate nocturnal lights cavorted about in the sky. (NICAP 4/24/1984 #37285 ew Mexico while separate nocturnal lights cavorted about in the sky. Radar 4/24/1984 #37286 nic Parkway exit. 300' object with lights overhead. 4/25/1984 #37288 server(s). West-shaped object with lights all over/all about. 160kph / low 4/26/1984 #37298 nd below. It has different colored lights on the top and bottom. One of the 4/26/1984 #37302 ice watched a W-shaped object with lights that flew at a low altitude and a 4/26/1984 #37305 AND WESTCHESTER CO, NY Triangle / lights with possible fuselage. APRO v32# 5/31/1984 #37343 :15 PM. A V-Shaped formation of 15 lights, estimated to be the size of a Bo 5/31/1984 #37344 NY 8:45 PM A V-shaped formation of lights were seen by Mr. D. Boyd in Yorkt 5/31/1984 #37346 V-shaped formatio60659gme n of 15 lights, estimated to be the size of a Bo 5/31/1984 #37348 ad except for a faint humming. All lights simultaneously turn blue and then 5/31/1984 #37348 York, sees a V-shaped formation of lights turn and fly away to the west. 5/31/1984 #37348 ed formation of ten to fifteen red lights flew over the Hudson Valley on th 5/31/1984 #37349 15 p.m. a V-Shaped formation of 15 lights, estimated to be the size of a Bo 5/31/1984 #37349 erhead except a faint humming. All lights simultaneously turned blue, and t 5/31/1984 #37349 Taconic Parkway. At 8:45 p.m. the lights were seen by Mr. D. Boyd in Yorkt 5/31/1984 #37349 AUNTON, VA 2 observer(s). 3M ovoid lights mobile homes. Going west. Going e 6/4/1984 #37350 ops and several. Boomerang / night lights over town-hall. On FAA RADAR-late 6/11/1984 #37355 Delta/triangle/box-like craft with lights on all 3 sides. Thin. Cross-membe 6/14/1984 #37358 T, NY Guards. Dark 30' saucer with lights over nuclear reactors / 15 minute 6/14/1984 #37359 ted a dark disc-shaped object with lights, 30 feet in diameter, that stayed 6/14/1984 #37360 New York, watch 10 or more bright lights arranged in a boomerang pattern h 6/14/1984 #37361 300 feet long that blocks out the lights of a plane that flies behind it. 6/14/1984 #37361 ted a dark disc-shaped object with lights, 30 feet in diameter, that stayed 6/14/1984 #37362 to be an airplane with its landing lights on and flying toward them at an a Mid 6/1984 #37364 numerous shining, bright bead-like lights. The seaman's attention was cente 6/15/1984 #37365 f moved by an invisible wave. Many lights illuminated its bottom portion. T 6/15/1984 #37365 oating and turning in the sky. The lights suddenly turn red, and as the obj 6/21/1984 #37370 hey see red, green-blue, and white lights. They stop and get binoculars out 6/21/1984 #37370 snack bar a short time, people see lights in the direction of the Green Hav 6/21/1984 #37370 44 p.m. Witnesses see unidentified lights over the Wanaque Reservoir in New 6/21/1984 #37371 AR MONTROSE, NY Video taken. Night lights / cross formation. Aero expert ru 6/22/1984 #37373 same night a videotape showing six lights in a crucifix formation was made 6/22/1984 #37375 THEL, CT 2 observer(s). Delta with lights hovers 20min. Huge compared to ai 6/25/1984 #37378 huge, slow-moving object with many lights is seen near Bethel, Connecticut, 6/25/1984 #37380 roadhouse. Fridge shakes. Blazing lights. 7/1984 #37383 w York saw a number of small round lights which hovered, made abrupt right 7/12/1984 #37392 w York saw a number of small round lights which hovered, made abrupt right 7/12/1984 #37394 than a 747 aircraft. It had 4 red lights and 1 or 2 brighter white lights. 7/15/1984 #37401 d lights and 1 or 2 brighter white lights. It made no sound. Robert opened 7/15/1984 #37401 huge boomerang-shaped object with lights running along its leading edge wa 7/19/1984 #37403 by those beneath it. It has white lights in a circular pattern. 7/19/1984 #37404 huge boomerang-shaped object with lights running along its leading edge wa 7/19/1984 #37405 ade by a Mr. Pozzouli of a ring of lights in the dark sky over Brewster, Ne 7/24/1984 #37411 ain see a UFO with a semicircle of lights. The lights first flash yellow, t 7/24/1984 #37412 O with a semicircle of lights. The lights first flash yellow, then white, t 7/24/1984 #37412 ed light. The dark mass behind the lights blocks out the stars as it approa 7/24/1984 #37412 t UFO with more than a dozen white lights in a V formation slowly move towa 7/24/1984 #37412 of a large object with a ring of 6 lights in the sky over Brewster, New Yor 7/24/1984 #37413 a string of rotating multicolored lights and a flashing red light in the r 7/24/1984 #37413 ade by a Mr. Pozzouli of a ring of lights in the dark sky over Brewster, Ne 7/24/1984 #37415 hanan, NY allegedly see a UAP with lights oscillating yellow, white and blu 7/24/1984 #37416 lows fence / pasture. Light whirr. Lights / side. Traces. 7/30/1984 #37423 ing a light whirring noise. It had lights on the side. Traces were found on 7/30/1984 #37424 ing [to] over house. Red and white lights / sides. No further details. 8/7/1984 #37428 YORKS 2 observer(s). 3 large night lights hover / trees. Silent 100' saucer 8/11/1984 #37430 with red, green, and blue flashing lights apparently land on a nearby hill. 8/14/1984 #37433 r, walked up the hill, and saw two lights hovering in the air. When he turn 8/14/1984 #37433 walked back to his car, one of the lights followed him back to car. 8/14/1984 #37433 , one green light, and eight white lights, and is moving south when it make 8/20/1984 #37436 s. A rectangular object with white lights in each corner comes into view an 8/20/1984 #37436 tings of delta-shaped objects with lights, including a possible abduction. 8/20/1984 #37437 y a round UFO with spinning yellow lights hovered over area at 2:30 a.m., m 8/29/1984 #37446 25 mile-long cloud object full of lights! / r120p243. 9/7/1984 (approximate) #37456 Airline(s)/airliner crew huge beam lights large area / ground. RADAR effect 9/7/1984 #37457 In Goshen, Connecticut a row of lights paced car on a rural road at 9:30 9/17/1984 #37462 at 9:30 p.m. The configuration of lights in the row first turned into a U- 9/17/1984 #37462 PARNAIBA R, BRZ Night lights buzz fishermen. UFO lands. Door s 9/23/1984 #37463 At 7:30 p.m. several nocturnal lights buzzed fishermen fishing in the P 9/23/1984 #37467 sual triangular pattern of colored lights about 80 feet away on the right s Late 9/1984 #37469 freshly plowed field. There are 11 lights on the left and right sides of th Late 9/1984 #37469 d right sides of the object and 13 lights up the center. The lights on the Late 9/1984 #37469 t and 13 lights up the center. The lights on the edge flash sequentially li Late 9/1984 #37469 ater marquee. After a bit, all the lights turn off. The next day, Vladimiro Late 9/1984 #37469 d Imbrogno. "Ferris wheel" / night lights. Vanishes. Possible setup? 10/5/1984 #37476 rge half-circle of 6 bluish-yellow lights connected to a partially illumina 10/5/1984 #37477 il over house. Going down / creek. Lights / bottom. 10/14/1984 #37485 amber light on the bottom and red lights in a circle on top of the disc bu 10/23/1984 #37489 amber light on the bottom and red lights in a circle on top of the disc bu 10/23/1984 #37490 w a solid object with more than 12 lights in a V-formation. One dozen more 10/31/1984 #37499 d engineer, watched the 12 or more lights in the V-formation fly over his l 10/31/1984 #37499 ation; it had steady red and white lights. When the object stopped to hover 10/31/1984 #37499 n the object stopped to hover, its lights began to flash. 10/31/1984 #37499 in a tight formation and use their lights in such a way as to create boomer 11/1984 #37500 and the power and intensity of the lights is far beyond the power capacity 11/1984 #37500 e window. They turn on the outside lights to watch the ball, which has blac 12/1984 #37514 d / 10M toward(s) 6M ovoid / road. Lights electro-magnetic effect (EME) / 2 12/14/1984 #37523 ORTH YORKS 1 observer. Red airship lights sky red. Lands behind Kirkstall M 12/24/1984 #37530 bserver(s). 30' X-shaped object. 5 lights / bottom. Paces over car / 20 min 12/30/1984 #37534 rg, West Virginia. There were five lights on the bottom of the craft and it 12/30/1984 #37535 rg, West Virginia. There were five lights on the bottom of the craft and it 12/30/1984 #37536 is launched to study the recurring lights of Hessdalen, Norway, with the pa 1/13/1985 #37548 ors disagree on what the Hessdalen lights are. Odd-Gunnar Røed thinks they 1/13/1985 #37548 rling Strand finds it odd that the lights are so localized in time and spac 1/13/1985 #37548 convinced that they are earthquake lights resulting from seismic activity ( 1/13/1985 #37548 o physicist Elvand Thrane says the lights remain a mystery. 1/13/1985 #37548 ponder Vegans' reports of tremors, lights in sky: Large article on Las Vega 2/24/1985 #37559 , Missouri on this night saw three lights in the sky. Two went out, while t 3/14/1985 #37568 turned into red and white blinking lights on a boomerang-shaped craft, whic 3/14/1985 #37568 ar structure ringed in 7 brilliant lights hovering over a 15-story building 3/21/1985 #37572 CO 3 observer(s). 40' saucer beams lights going down / AT&T labs. Shoots go 4/13/1985? #37577 /cylindrical object / sky. 2 night lights exit going quickly north and back 4/15/1985 #37579 ing, silent, circular formation of lights that passes over Interstate 84, c 5/26/1985 #37593 irline pilot Randy Etting sees the lights as he is driving along I-94. He p 5/26/1985 #37593 there is a solid object behind the lights. 5/26/1985 #37593 over the ocean at 9:45 p.m. It had lights around the perimeter, mostly whit 5/27/1985 #37594 around the perimeter, mostly white lights but there seemed to be sparkling 5/27/1985 #37594 ee horizontal rows of bluish-white lights on the perimeter. The sighting la 6/11/1985 #37598 ee horizontal rows of bluish-white lights on the perimeter. The sighting la 6/11/1985 #37599 s). Huge cylinder/cigar-shape with lights going [to] by just before satelli 6/20/1985 #37605 GRETNA, TASMANIA Blue night lights exit landing 20M bullet shape. 12 7/1985 #37612 OWN, GA 1 observer. 2 70' saucers. Lights / edge. All electrics electro-mag 7/15/1985 (approximate) #37620 o 70-foot diameter discs which had lights around their rims. They made a hi 7/15/1985 #37621 ). Diamond-object 1500' over road. Lights trees. 2 sharp turns. 9/13/1985 #37659 Z Airport RADAR and cops. 60 night lights / 90 minute(s). 480 kph going qui 10/7/1985 #37675 / one hour 1 / 4 miles away. Green lights / edge. No further details. 10/15/1985 #37681 /triangle/box-like craft with many lights going down. E. horizon going quic 10/18/1985 #37686 s). Triangular object with colored lights flies 50m overhead. No further de 10/18/1985 #37687 Delta/triangle/box-like craft with lights. Sudden jumps. Shoots going quick 10/20/1985 #37688 lver-white 80' saucer with colored lights / tree-top level .5mi away. 10/24/1985 #37689 /triangle/box-like craft with blue lights covers 2 soccer fields! 11/12/1985 #37702 r. Rectangular object with colored lights at low altitude / 2 minute(s). 11/14/1985 #37703 SWANSEA, TASMANIA Trucker. 3 night lights and white 18M dome / 30M altitude 11/18/1985 #37707 ilent, triangular object with body lights (section IX). (NICAP: 01 - Distan 11/19/1985 #37709 ilent, triangular object with body lights 11/19/1985 #37710 Wisconsin. Suddenly she sees three lights above a row of trees descending t 11/19/1985 #37712 ulls over to the curb and sees the lights make a sharp, 90° turn toward her 11/19/1985 #37712 ORD, CT Several observer(s). Night lights and beams / light. 70' ovoid skim 11/21/1985 #37714 CHESTER, NY UFO photo shows only 7 lights in most of apparent circle. 11/21/1985 #37715 er, New York. It showed only seven lights in a circle. 11/21/1985 #37716 angle/box-like craft with blinking lights all over. 11/22/1985 #37717 onsin, when he notices three white lights hovering 20–30 feet above a farmh 11/22/1985 #37721 nt, delta-shaped UFO with blinking lights. 11/22/1985 #37723 DENBIGH, WALES Family / 5. Ring / lights hovers / TV transmitter. Shoots a 1/3/1986 #37746 between mountain peaks. Lands and lights area. 1/4/1986 #37750 sburgh, silver-gray disc with body lights hovered, mist formed around it. O 1/7/1986 #37754 sburgh, silver-gray disc with body lights hovered, mist formed around it. O 1/7/1986 #37755 -grayish disc-shaped UFO with body lights hovered in the sky, with a mist f 1/7/1986 #37757 , with white, red, blue, and green lights. It moves low through the sky the 1/9/1986 #37762 family sees the UFO, with 10 white lights, hover directly over their house, 1/9/1986 #37762 7, with white, red, blue and green lights as it moved low through sky, then 1/9/1986 #37763 ly reported the UFO, with 10 white lights, hovered directly over their hous 1/9/1986 #37763 triangle/box-like craft with amber lights maneuvers / 10 minute(s). 3 jets 1/23/1986 #37769 hovers. 4 portholes. Vanishes when lights hit. 2/1986 (approximate) #37777 k triangular UFO with three bright lights, hovering over some trees near a 2/8/1986 #37784 is triangular in shape, has white lights in the two lower corners and a re 2/12/1986 #37786 had a red light on top, and white lights in the lower two corners. 2/12/1986 #37787 tle, PA Hovering oval object, body lights, brightly illuminated the area, m 2/28/1986 #37791 tle, PA Hovering oval object, body lights, brightly illuminated the area, m 2/28/1986 #37792 l over. 9 large saucers drop night lights. Unidentified / USAF. / MJ#219. 3/1/1986 #37794 , PERU 200 / ballgame. Huge saucer lights entire stadium / less than 30M al 3/12/1986 #37799 first is covered with multicolored lights, while the second has three light 3/18/1986 #37800 lights, while the second has three lights at each point. Both are a few hun 3/18/1986 #37800 ed seeing an object with brilliant lights descend and land slowly near him 3/21/1986 #37804 ). Large saucer over town. Colored lights / edge. Going north toward(s) Lee 3/24/1986 #37807 50' cylinder/cylindrical object of lights between sawmill and marina. Going 3/25/1986 #37809 ing sound and has intensely bright lights, mostly white but also red, yello 3/26/1986 #37811 , and blue. A dark mass behind the lights blots out the sky. Suddenly the o 3/26/1986 #37811 ilent pyramid circles. Fast stops. Lights / edges. 30 minute(s) / missing t 3/27/1986 #37812 a mysterious flying triangle with lights. It hovered over the southern sho 4/20/1986 #37829 MINGTON, MO AND AREA Ring / bright lights rotates in passing. No structure 4/22/1986 #37831 the road. They have white and blue lights. After hovering for 20 seconds, t 4/22/1986 #37834 ess reported seeing ring of bright lights rotating while it passed him by. 4/22/1986 #37836 proximately 12 spherical nocturnal lights for about 15 seconds in Memphis, 4/25/1986 #37839 , CA 2 observer(s). 4 bright night lights circle / high altitude. 90 turns. 4/26/1986 #37840 ver(s). Vibrant bright white night lights hang / 7 minute(s). Suddenly shoo 4/30/1986 #37849 zium-shaped object with two square lights in front, and two green and one r 5/6/1986 #37855 observer(s) / SR26. 1m saucer with lights passes car / 2m altitude. No effe 5/11/1986 #37863 m. a three-foot diameter disc with lights buzzed a car with three witnesses 5/11/1986 #37867 and intense multicolored flashing lights in the lower part. At 7:00 p.m., 5/19/1986 #37878 ound 7:30 p.m., da Silva sees more lights, predominantly red, but changing 5/19/1986 #37878 k and see bright red or red-orange lights “not at all like stars or planes. 5/19/1986 #37880 ward looking at other unidentified lights and targets. 5/19/1986 #37880 silent "plus-sign" shape with many lights east going quickly west. (See Pet 5/23/1986 #37889 R HILLS, KY 5 observer(s). 2 night lights going east / airplane speed. Turn 6/17/1986 #37915 iangle/box-like craft with colored lights hovers. Goes 1200' overhead. Hums 6/20/1986 #37916 This time delta shaped objects and lights were reported in Westchester Coun 6/21/1986 #37920 EY, BC 3+separate sightings. Night lights play up and down mountains and sk 7/5/1986 #37929 (s). Large saucer with windows and lights low and slow. Air Traffic Control 7/8/1986 #37932 th thin red trim all around. Night lights exit orbit and fly in formations. 7/9/1986 #37934 cer-cylinder/cigar-shape with many lights slow. Many night lights over Huds 7/10/1986 #37937 with many lights slow. Many night lights over Hudson River. 7/10/1986 #37937 top level. 50mph. Bottom = ring of lights. 7/10/1986 #37938 es a string of three bright-orange lights. They are moving along the same g 7/15/1986 #37943 Several sightings of nocturnal lights and discs occurred on this night 7/19/1986 #37949 white light and three blinking red lights, and there was some type of movem 8/1/1986 #37968 some type of movement between the lights. The men felt heat coming from th 8/1/1986 #37968 ver(s). "Half-moon" object beams 2 lights going down / car. Fireballs exit 8/2/1986 #37969 o Frequency Interference (RFI) and lights blink. Quiet outside. Saucer low 8/5/1986 #37971 o radio interference and the house lights flickered. Outside a low flying d 8/5/1986 #37972 ] overhead / 120M altitude. Bright lights / front. 8/11/1986 #37977 ltitude at 4:30 a.m. It had bright lights in the front. 8/11/1986 #37979 oller and 2. Red-green-white night lights flash / 45 minute(s) / airport. R 8/13/1986 #37985 ved red, green and white nocturnal lights flashing in the sky for 45 minut 8/13/1986 #37988 L, IN 2 observer(s). 4 rectangular lights / windows as if attached / invisi 8/17/1986 #37995 M ovoid beams light. 15m altitude. Lights / sides. 8/22/1986 #37998 altitude, at 10:45 p.m. There were lights on the sides of the UFO. Repeater 8/22/1986 #37999 NTON, PA Cylinder/cigar-shape with lights dives going [to] ground. Flames. 8/31/1986 #38004 dogs barking, and sees two bright lights. The objects descend and remain v 8/31/1986 #38005 5 massive objects W. flashing red lights. Shape unknown. Humming and vibra 9/2/1986 #38010 GERAIS, BRZ Series / UFO's. Night lights. Box chases man. Abductions. Fire 9/2/1986 #38011 LF, IL Farm cart shakes violently. Lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). De 9/4/1986 #38012 x-like craft hovers over car. Many lights / bottom. 2 observer(s) dizzy. Al 9/5/1986 #38014 econds. It had red, blue and green lights. It turned south, and then vanish 9/6/1986 #38017 :30 p.m. four extremely bright red lights in a tight rectangular formation, 9/6/1986 #38017 Large white light and small orange lights. 9/13/1986 #38026 lt, Montana Night. A group of five lights maneuver at high speed above the Fall 1986 #38035 same sector call in to report the lights. Soon five more lights descend fr Fall 1986 #38035 report the lights. Soon five more lights descend from the clouds to join t Fall 1986 #38035 gular glowing object with flashing lights. Windows. 10/2/1986 #38038 ile / diameter. Arm touches street lights. Small saucers in and out. Sounds 10/6/1986 #38039 er(s) / 2 weeks. Saucers and night lights in and about town. Local wave. 10/8/1986 #38040 tol, Wisconsin, sees red and white lights flickering on the road ahead. The 10/14/1986 #38048 ng 30 feet above the pavement. The lights are running along its outer edges 10/14/1986 #38048 :11 p.m. the pilots noticed bright lights 30 degrees to the left and below 11/17/1986 #38068 in front of our face, shooting off lights (like numerous exhaust pipes). Th 11/17/1986 #38068 g objects sparkling with arrays of lights suddenly loom directly in front o 11/17/1986 #38072 ft of the aircraft. Two flat white lights continue to pace the airplane, th 11/17/1986 #38072 necticut saw a number of nocturnal lights and beams of light appear in the 11/21/1986 #38074 when he notices some flashing red lights in the sky to the southeast about 11/24/1986 #38075 et wide with pairs of flashing red lights at each corner. On the sides are 11/24/1986 #38075 are pairs of steady white and red lights. The object is rotating silently. 11/24/1986 #38075 A, AK Separate JAL crew sees night lights pacing / 30 min. / Paranet&CUFON. 1/11/1987 #38097 and several. Group / colored night lights goes all over/all about. FAA RADA 1/15/1987 #38098 n of red, white, and blue blinking lights that remain stationary in the sou 1/15/1987 #38099 it cluster of red, blue, and white lights.” After 15 minutes, they alert th 1/15/1987 #38099 ing what to do about reporting the lights. At 3:20 a.m., Kazmar and Furseth 1/15/1987 #38099 e, New Glarus, and Verona also see lights. 1/15/1987 #38099 low-white saucer with red flashing lights. Turns blue. Emits sparks. 2/3/1987 #38110 eft to right, red, white, and blue lights flash. A short gray trail of smok 2/6/1987 #38113 SEVEN MOUNTAINS AREA, PA 300' UFO lights entire mountainside. 3 observer(s 2/7/1987 #38114 ntered hovering large oval object, lights around perimeter, terrain brightl 2/7/1987 #38115 ntered hovering large oval object, lights around perimeter, terrain brightl 2/7/1987 #38116 long hovering oval object. It had lights around its perimeter, and the mou 2/7/1987 #38117 going down / observer(s). Wobbles. Lights / rim. / r237p96. 3/4/1987 #38129 m the screen, just as three orange lights appear on the left side of the ai 3/12/1987 #38139 g. Some passengers now can see the lights, flying parallel to each other an 3/12/1987 #38139 chase UFO's. Cat and mouse. Night lights maneuver all month. Many observer 3/17/1987 #38144 observer(s). 600' object with blue lights and ovoid clouds around it. Going 3/17/1987 #38145 n of red, white, and blue flashing lights from the police station. The on-d 3/20/1987 #38150 bove a field. Within a minute, the lights move to the southwest and soon ar 3/20/1987 #38150 tes shooting pains in her eyes and lights up the entire yard. The lower par 3/23/1987 #38152 pilot. Classic saucer with colored lights. Nothing / radar. 4/26/1987 #38166 aircraft close by and his cockpit lights up. He sees a huge ball of light 6/19/1987 #38194 Miras. Huge triangle with gyrating lights going [to] overhead / very low al 6/23/1987 #38199 Date approximate. 1 object with 2 lights shot / fisherman. Bullet pings. 7/1987 #38203 and sees two groups of three white lights silently floating low above a fie Late 7/1987 #38218 ey return to the road to watch the lights for several minutes. Soon they no Late 7/1987 #38218 . They continue watching the white lights, but soon notice that another nei Late 7/1987 #38218 ycle to a nearby hill to watch the lights. Soon one of the daughters sees a Late 7/1987 #38218 earrange into a complex group of 7 lights and remain that way for another h Late 7/1987 #38218 ng altitude. Eight smaller, bluish lights appear in circular formation, see 7/27/1987 #38219 CO Security guard. Large circle / lights over field. 2 cows found mutilate 8/1987 #38222 /triangle/box-like craft with many lights. Lit crosses / Exmouth. 8/4/1987 #38227 huge delta-shaped object with many lights cross over Exmouth at 10:00 p.m. 8/4/1987 #38229 EVERETT, WA 75' cigar with lights seen near ground level. moves sil 8/7/1987 #38234 BORNSVILLE, NJ Metallic ovoid with lights hovers. Going quickly [to] like b 8/11/1987 #38236 ail; stopped abruptly, maneuvered, lights flashed, shot straight up out of 8/11/1987 #38237 ail. Stopped abruptly, maneuvered, lights flashed, shot straight up out of 8/11/1987 #38238 abruptly, maneuvers, flashes more lights, and shoots straight up out of si 8/11/1987 #38240 see a triangular object with three lights over Sevastopol, Crimea, Russia. 8/11/1987 #38241 y metallic oval-shaped object with lights hovered, brightened, and then too 8/11/1987 #38243 with multiple orange, red and blue lights. It was described as being very l 8/18/1987 #38247 flying in tandem at 9:30 p.m. The lights were also viewed through binocula 8/23/1987 #38253 ene Springsteen, who sees a row of lights in the sky as the UFO takes off a 8/31/1987 #38265 d got his mother, who saw a row of lights in the sky as the UFO took off an 8/31/1987 #38266 riangular object with bright white lights at each point and red lights unde 9/1987 #38270 white lights at each point and red lights underneath, rotating to the left. 9/1987 #38270 e is covered with 12–20 individual lights. All sounds from insects, tree fr Early Autumn 1987 #38274 e light configuration wobbles, the lights change from amber to red, and the Early Autumn 1987 #38274 RICHLAND, WA Oval UFO with lights moves down and up, going quickly 9/13/1987 #38284 de. It had two rows of steady blue lights on the underside, with 11 lights 9/14/1987 #38288 e lights on the underside, with 11 lights in each row. The object was descr 9/14/1987 #38288 , and the headlights and dashboard lights dimmed for a few seconds. The UFO 9/24/1987 #38294 ored (red, orange, blue and green) lights on the rim. There was a bright bl 9/24/1987 #38294 20mph. Headlights dim. Triangle / lights overhead. OK later. 10/1987 (approximate) #38296 any observer(s). Saucers and night lights all over/all about. Local wave st 10/2/1987 #38298 notices four cars stopped with no lights on off the side of the road. He f Mid 10/1987 #38305 e west. It had all white and amber lights and was triangular in shape. Two Mid 10/1987 #38305 tronomer and several. Dumbell with lights / low altitude. Meets 22 night li 10/22/1987 #38308 hts / low altitude. Meets 22 night lights / V formation. Going quickly SSE. 10/22/1987 #38308 ng oval objects with flashing body lights. 11/1987 #38315 s it is composed of many different lights in a triangle shape. Mid 11/1987 #38326 d cats non reactive to quad search lights (IFO). (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reacti 11/23/1987 #38331 tch the objects. She describes the lights as rectangular. They cross the st 11/23/1987 #38332 a schoolyard to get closer to the lights, which move away as if in respons 11/23/1987 #38332 htness or color or altitude of the lights change. Seemingly, the display co 11/23/1987 #38332 on, Derbyshire Night. Oddly moving lights in the sky appear over Nottingham 12/9/1987 #38351 long covered in 150 red and white lights is observed over a farm near Hull 12/9/1987 #38351 at two UFOs, each with two rows of lights, approached the airliner at a rap 12/12/1987 #38357 unceston, Tasmania. The engine and lights fail instantly, and the driver br 12/14/1987 #38364 uiser approaches the scene and its lights fail, but the diesel engine conti 12/14/1987 #38364 tographs of a disc-shaped UFO with lights at one o’clock in the morning in 12/17/1987 #38367 to drive to the site. The security lights are out and the alarm team’s vehi Winter 1987 #38370 t from the wide-open gate with its lights out and engine off. Pscolka drive Winter 1987 #38370 denly all the facility and vehicle lights come on again. After the incident Winter 1987 #38370 SIDE 2 observer(s). Vibrant bright lights pace car / miles. Shoot straight 1/3/1988 #38388 Some very bright lights in the sky paced a car for severa 1/3/1988 #38390 haped object. Red and blue running lights. No further details. 1/4/1988 #38401 LEEDS, WEST YORKS Ex-RAF man. Lights flash around 400' layered saucer. 1/4/1988 #38402 aped UFO with red and blue running lights was sighted in Selby. At 9:10 p.m 1/4/1988 #38404 :10 p.m. a ex-RAF man saw flashing lights around a 400-foot diameter, layer 1/4/1988 #38404 sound. It either extinguished its lights, or vanished, because its disappe 1/4/1988 #38404 ide. Inside are four much brighter lights in the shape of a cross. At first 1/5/1988 #38405 A31 / BENTLEY, HAMPSHIRE Night lights. Huge disk with lights. Droning s 1/11/1988 #38406 SHIRE Night lights. Huge disk with lights. Droning sound. Going east toward 1/11/1988 #38406 a boat crews and more. Green night lights hover / 1 minute(s). Shoot going 1/21/1988 #38424 overs and maneuvers / NAS. 15 blue lights pulse / edge. 1/21/1988 #38425 ing east low over road just ahead. Lights flash. 1/22/1988 #38428 , England at 9:00 p.m. It had many lights, some of which were flashing. 1/22/1988 #38429 her when sighted, six small white lights underneath in two clusters of thr 1/31/1988 #38436 adio Frequency Interference (RFI). Lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Ni 2/5/1988 (approximate) #38440 ts. Cone-object / orange and white lights. Hovers over town. / r186#83. 2/8/1988 #38443 ers / 30m altitude / 20 minute(s). Lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Go 2/8/1988 #38444 0-foot object with several rows of lights that make it look like a “cruise 2/10/1988 #38452 ore/others. Huge box object with 3 lights. Hovers / hours. Quickly going up 2/11/1988 #38453 rliner encounters huge object with lights (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 2/11/1988 #38456 Pilot saw hovering object, intense lights like searchlights in a triangle. 2/11/1988 #38457 sed a hovering object with intense lights like searchlights arranged in a t 2/11/1988 #38458 a huge box-shaped craft with three lights, which hovered for more than an h 2/11/1988 #38458 ROTHERHAM, SOUTH YORKS Night lights. Domed saucer descends over power 2/15/1988 #38465 Nocturnal lights and a domed disc descended over a 2/15/1988 #38467 olice patrols. Huge silent ovoid / lights. Zips away going quickly southeas 2/16/1988 #38469 ed UFO with flashing red and green lights around its circumference in the R 2/16/1988 #38470 te observer(s). Huge triangle with lights / edge going west. 90° turn going 2/18/1988 #38471 ODENSE, DK 20 night lights / H-formation with double crossba 3/1988 (approximate) #38478 going north / 900M altitude. 7 red lights / edges. 3/3/1988 #38481 ina, when they notice some strange lights above a nearby bridge. As they ap 3/3/1988 #38482 earby bridge. As they approach the lights, their vehicle engine suddenly st 3/3/1988 #38482 remain in their truck watching the lights. They now see that the lights are 3/3/1988 #38482 the lights. They now see that the lights are on a spherical object with a 3/3/1988 #38482 light on the top and several white lights in a row on the bottom section. T 3/3/1988 #38482 the UFO with red and blue blinking lights along the bottom edge. 5–6 bright 3/4/1988 #38487 bottom edge. 5–6 bright triangular lights detach from the side, hovering at 3/4/1988 #38487 a series of red, blue, and yellow lights, and the light at the end turns f 3/4/1988 #38487 ns from white to red. Suddenly the lights go out and the ice booming stops. 3/4/1988 #38487 ort the next day suggests that the lights were Venus and Jupiter. 3/4/1988 #38487 ucer with red and green and violet lights zigzag over Elliot Bay. 2-3 minut 3/12/1988 #38499 INE, FL 3+1+2+2 observer(s). Night lights cylinder/cigar-shape and saucer. 3/16/1988 #38507 tograph. 5 watch developing. Night lights and saucers. 3/17/1988 #38509 s and blocks car / SR39. 1' thick. Lights flash / corner. 3/23/1988 #38518 , radio failed. Four square yellow lights and light beam visible. Car retur 3/23/1988 #38519 ible. Car returned to normal after lights disappeared (Basterfield, 1997a). 3/23/1988 #38519 , radio failed. Four square yellow lights and light beam visible. Car retur 3/23/1988 #38520 ible. Car returned to normal after lights disappeared (Basterfield, 1997a). 3/23/1988 #38520 FL 2 observer(s). Circle / orange lights 50' over ground. Beam hits 1 obse 4/3/1988 #38531 a circle of orange "porthole-like" lights around its middle. A beam of ligh 4/3/1988 #38533 (s). Triangle / 350M altitude. Red lights / corners. Very strong white ligh 4/8/1988 #38537 e box with green and white and red lights. Absolute(ly) still and silent. / 4/24/1988 #38544 priest. Huge triangle with turning lights going [to] over. Also report(s) / 5/1/1988 #38548 t, which was joined by others. The lights brightened and pulsed, hovered, t 5/11/1988 #38563 served an object with multicolored lights that emitted several metallic sph 5/13/1988 #38569 ntly across the sky. Red and green lights are visible on the undersides. BU 5/16/1988 #38570 bjects with red and green flashing lights make two crisscross passes near t 7/17/1988 #38603 has four leg-like structures with lights on them that protrude from the bo 7/17/1988 #38603 r campsite. After that, a "veil of lights" entered their tent, and they exp 8/22/1988 #38618 e, Michigan when he noticed bright lights coming toward him. It turned out 8/23/1988 #38621 ss-like, amber-colored window, and lights can be seen flashing inside. The 9/2/1988 #38629 ent 8' saucer over trees 70' away. Lights / edge. Same field / 1976 UFO. 9/3/1988 #38630 feet away over some trees. It had lights around edge, and was over the sam 9/3/1988 #38631 er(s). UFO = semicircle / blinding lights / rigid formation. 9/6/1988 #38633 ew minutes. They realize there are lights nearby in the woods that come fro 9/25/1988 #38649 r(s). UFO buzzes truck. Engine and lights quit. Clock and watch stop. 180° 9/28/1988 #38652 rton, Indiana saw intensely bright lights approach their car and move overh 9/28/1988 #38655 h their car and move overhead. The lights turned out to be from a triangula 9/28/1988 #38655 ows rattle. Bright red object with lights hovers over power station/depot/f 9/30/1988 #38657 STR Bus driver and 7. Bright night lights paces bus. Report ridiculed later 10/1988 #38659 arm boy. Triangle / light. Tractor lights flicker. OK when gone. 10/10/1988 #38667 said that several bright nocturnal lights paced their bus for 10 minutes at 10/10/1988 #38668 ODENSE, DK Buildings shake. House lights flash. Noise / telephone. No UFO 10/17/1988 #38676 g shaped UAP, and later two bright lights on a canyon wall near the summit 10/23/1988 #38683 er cone-shaped object with colored lights, flying over his home at only 150 10/24/1988 #38689 four feet deep. It had three white lights side-by-side at one end. Surprisi 10/24/1988 #38690 ony terrace when they see 3 yellow lights moving erratically from west to e 10/25/1988 #38693 low- flying object with three red lights in a V-formation. It seems to be 10/26/1988 #38698 jects, V-shaped with red and white lights, which flew in front of the moon. 10/26/1988 #38699 levision interference and flashing lights were reported at the same time. 11/6/1988 #38705 very oval disc with blinding white lights near some power lines. The object 12/4/1988 #38745 ws / side going quickly northeast. Lights dim. TV Radio Frequency Interfere 12/27/1988 #38760 looking UFO with brilliant yellow lights on the right tip and red lights o 12/28/1988 #38764 ow lights on the right tip and red lights on the left tip. The UFO veered t 12/28/1988 #38764 Busload / observer(s). Cone beams lights / 4 lightning poles. Poles glow. 12/30/1988 #38766 PLETON, WI 2 pilots. 3 white night lights on and off in sequence. Not on an 1/10/1989 #38777 Silent 135m triangle with 6 bright lights 300m over road / 40 second(s). 1/13/1989 #38781 over. The event continued and the lights were still present when the famil 1/18/1989 #38786 40' object paces car. X-pattern / lights / underside. Photographs show not 1/21/1989 #38788 t going [to] slow toward(s) house. Lights and windows. Clean sharp edges. 1/23/1989? #38795 ed a 7 meter long dark object with lights and windows that moved slowly tow 1/23/1989 #38796 riangle/box-like crafts etc. Night lights dance around large UFO's. 1/24/1989 #38799 e objects had red, white, and blue lights. They hovered and moved slowly at 1/24/1989 #38800 wly at tree-top level. The smaller lights maneuvered between them. 1/24/1989 #38800 observer(s). Silent ovoid with red lights seen / 15 minute(s). No further d 1/30/1989 #38807 seless triangular UFO “ablaze with lights.” One report describes a series o 2/1989 #38814 / treetop level. = dark mass with lights. Going quickly [to] fast. 2/3/1989 #38816 ers 3M over backyard. Red and blue lights pulse. / r96#302. 2/7/1989 #38819 d a small sphere with red and blue lights hovering only 3 meters over her b 2/7/1989 #38821 te light is on top, and many other lights are blinking in shades of red, or 2/8/1989 #38825 tiple observer(s). Object with red lights hovers over field 60m from house 2/9/1989 #38827 anana-UFO. Silent and slow. Bright lights. Maneuvers. Makes 90° turn. No fu 2/10/1989 #38828 metallic object with multicolored lights. Both witnesses ran outside, jump 2/11/1989 #38835 er(s). 10-12 circular objects with lights / top going [to] over mountains / 2/14/1989 #38840 in the sky, flashing multicolored lights for more than an hour before it m 2/15/1989 #38841 cond(s) 1000' away. Size = 2 747s! Lights / bottom. 3/2/1989 #38862 lic boomerang-shaped UFO with many lights in front came overhead, just fift 3/2/1989 #38864 ge UFO with red and green flashing lights on the side and two white lights 3/12/1989 #38871 g lights on the side and two white lights about 6 feet in diameter on the b 3/12/1989 #38871 ELYSIAN, MN 1 / car. 30' display / lights 50' over ditch. Blink / successio 3/15/1989 #38872 l. Aurelian Dobre notices multiple lights appear above some nearby trees. H Late 3/1989 #38880 like his colleagues, he thinks the lights are on a single object the size o Late 3/1989 #38880 sees them as a V-formation of neon lights that disappear to the northeast. Late 3/1989 #38880 irline(s)/airliner / 25 minute(s). Lights up / both ends. 3/29/1989 #38884 ffected by fly over of three amber lights in formation (NICAP: 04 - Animal 4/8/1989 #38897 itnesses saw strange white and red lights moving slowly along the body of t 4/18/1989 #38908 and stops over field. 2 red night lights drop going down. 4/19/1989 #38910 tchester County, New York saw huge lights on what they described as an obje 4/20/1989 #38913 and a black bottom with many blue lights underneath (see sketch below, cre 4/22/1989 #38921 ng wing with red, yellow, and blue lights in back and a blinking red light 5/4/1989 #38936 humming sound and had many colored lights. The engineer was driving home wh 5/4/1989 #38936 he object, which had red and white lights turned on at first, then turned o 5/4/1989 #38936 ve girls observed two multicolored lights in Ferndale, Washington at 10:00 5/6/1989 #38937 ect. Stops overhead / 2 minute(s). Lights. Pipes flat / underside. 6/13/1989 #38987 Night. Edward Chard sees some odd lights hovering in Essex, England. He lo Summer 1989 #38992 ed ship, ringed with white running lights on each level. She was told that 6/29/1989 #38997 SEX 6+observer(s). Cone paces car. Lights. Turns counterclockwise. Shoots o 7/12/1989 #39017 hat a cone-shaped UFO paced a car. Lights on object turned counter-clockwis 7/12/1989 #39018 Huge silent saucer / treetop level lights area. Spokes protrude. 7/16/1989 #39022 light at constant intervals, then lights of all colors. At around 1:30 a.m 7/28/1989 #39035 o rows of six to eight round white lights in the sky at 10:40 p.m., as brig 8/10/1989 #39056 t 10:40 p.m., as bright as stadium lights, that formed a rectangle twice th 8/10/1989 #39056 ite, while a ring of red and green lights on the bottom flashed sequentiall 8/14/1989 #39062 / 747 rises going up [to] clouds. Lights seen long time. 8/15/1989? #39063 r "paper plate" over nearby house. Lights on edge. 8/18/1989 #39065 iangle/box-like craft of red night lights over bay. No structure visible. 8/23/1989 #39070 on the beach, watching stars, saw lights over the Gulf of Mexico going slo 8/23/1989 #39071 ield, two smaller objects with red lights emerged, operated independently, 8/31/1989 #39079 ield, two smaller objects with red lights emerged, operated independently, 8/31/1989 #39080 ania. Two smaller objects with red lights emerged from it. Finally, all UFO 8/31/1989 #39081 , ND Airman 1C. Silent amber night lights criss-cross airbase. "Not meteors 9/8/1989 #39093 e bases” with more than 40 colored lights, rotating clockwise. It was also 9/14/1989 #39102 s past. It has lines of “Christmas lights” spreading out from its leading e 9/15/1989 #39103 aped craft or flying wing with red lights flew over Mount Vernon, Indiana h 9/21/1989 #39116 , OR 9 observer(s). Circle / night lights going northwest slow. Each night 9/28/1989 #39129 xplosions and red and white flying lights in Tillamook county, Oregon. Sigh 9/28/1989 #39131 illamook Bay a circle of nocturnal lights were seen moving toward the north 9/28/1989 #39131 FARMINGDALE, NY 20 / bus. Night lights near lake. 2 circles / dead grass 9/30/1989 #39134 ilometers. It projects four bright lights, some downward, others parallel t 10/1989 #39138 vil airport before descending. The lights turn off, and a whirling plume tr 10/1989 #39138 AFFS Massive triangle shoots night lights going northwest / Stafford and to 10/2/1989 #39140 tralia by a cluster of very bright lights. The UFO continued to the east ou 10/5/1989 #39146 SAMSO, DK Teen. 2 disks with lights / underside going / low altitude 10/7/1989 #39148 ey see an object with multicolored lights approaching them from the east. T 10/11/1989 #39162 e their skateboards at it, and the lights hover silently 400 feet away at 1 10/11/1989 #39162 ane is long” with colored flashing lights. It coasts silently over the high 10/16/1989 #39174 ws. Separate observer(s) see night lights. Photograph / black hand. 10/20/1989 #39177 ion line for 30 minutes. About 7–9 lights are seen along its edge. One witn 10/21/1989 #39179 /triangle/box-like craft covered / lights hovers over forest / 2 minute(s). 10/23/1989 #39181 s a large object with red flashing lights. It is moving slowly and silently 10/25/1989 #39185 ng in the living room with all the lights on, when one of his sons came run 10/27/1989 #39188 ht in the center and several white lights on the front. It was slowly movin 10/27/1989 #39188 ied shape blocks stars. X of white lights / underside. 10/30/1989 #39193 Walton Beach, FL Insects silent as lights are seen (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reac 10/30/1989 #39194 lton Beach, Florida saw a group of lights hovering. Insects were silent as 10/30/1989 #39195 t as the dark object with a "X" of lights on the underside was seen hoverin 10/30/1989 #39195 s watching several hovering orange lights in a "W” formation in Greenville, 10/31/1989 #39201 katchewan, sees a pair of blinking lights moving across his path at 8,500 f 11/1/1989 #39207 in Sunapee, New Hampshire saw four lights which wobbled from side-to-side a 11/1/1989 #39208 persistent, multicolored flashing lights that were maneuvering slowly over 11/6/1989 #39216 erver(s). Silent glowing dome with lights / 8 minute(s). Unusual light patt 11/12/1989 #39226 ncaster, California. Low-intensity lights, similar to stars, outline its fr 11/18/1989 #39237 tion unknown. Dog frantic. Tractor lights dim. Glowing-sphere/orb/globe goe 11/20/1989 #39239 eels a vibration and describes the lights as intermittent, blinking out and 11/20/1989 #39241 ects gets too close. He thinks the lights are about 30 feet off the ground. 11/20/1989 #39241 . Two other witnesses also see the lights interact with power lines. One re 11/20/1989 #39241 hovers / 100M altitude 150M away. Lights / edge. Going southeast. Back / 1 11/22/1989 #39244 imes larger than a plane, with red lights, an orange light, and surrounded 11/22/1989 #39246 angular ship with dazzling colored lights. Haze all around. 11/26/1989 #39250 angular-box shaped changing shape. Lights all about. Surface invisible. 11/28/1989 #39253 raft hovers / 250M altitude. 2 big lights. Black hole / rear. Neon glow / b 11/29/1989 #39257 lta/triangle/box-like craft / huge lights / corners. Hovers over Gileppe da 11/29/1989 #39262 hwest very slow. Low altitude. 1-2 lights / each wingtip. 11/29/1989 #39264 BATTICE, BELGIUM 4 UFO's and night lights dance / sky. Cops see red ball dr 11/29/1989 #39267 has flashing red, green, and white lights and a light beam directed toward 11/29/1989 #39275 enly emits a hissing sound and its lights fade a bit. Simultaneously, a red 11/29/1989 #39276 ." It carried three blinding white lights in each corner and had a pulsatin 11/29/1989 #39277 t passes low over roadway. 2 large lights / front. Absolute(ly) silent. 11/30/1989 #39279 wer station/depot/facility. Bright lights come on. 11/30/1989 #39280 mbieres, Belgium. It had two large lights in front, and was silent. 11/30/1989 #39284 power substation, then its bright lights came on. 11/30/1989 #39286 gle/box-like craft / low altitude. Lights turn all directions. / Flying Sau 12/1/1989 #39290 ce it has a delta shape with three lights in a triangular position and a re 12/1/1989 #39292 lozenge-shaped UFO with two white lights at each corner. He draws a sketch 12/1/1989 #39293 Illinois saw some yellowish orange lights pace their car for several miles 12/6/1989 #39301 turning back on. Finally, all the lights blinked out and were gone. 12/6/1989 #39301 SAN DIEGO, CA 2+observer(s). Night lights over city / 30 minute(s). 1 buzze 12/8/1989 #39303 In 1989 a number of nocturnal lights were seen over the city of San Di 12/8/1989 #39306 indrical object near ground. White lights / ends and blue / top. 3 porthole 12/10/1989 #39307 the Merrimack River. It had white lights on the ends and a blue light on t 12/10/1989 #39308 ant roar. Hazy object with several lights hovers / low overhead. 12/11/1989 #39309 ject around this triangle of three lights. The maneuver is majestic and slo 12/11/1989 #39313 trees. On its circumference, small lights are changing color from blue to r 12/12/1989 #39315 eadow, shining down three beams of lights. Some moments later, it emits an 12/12/1989 #39315 ARTINSVILLE, IN 2 / SR37. Circle / lights / field near power station/depot/ 12/17/1989 #39317 lta/triangle/box-like craft with 3 lights. Tilts 45° up and away. / FSRv35# 12/21/1989 #39324 ver(s). Huge white circular object lights ground. Circles area / 30 minute( 12/24/1989 #39335 silent elongated 'H' with 4 strong lights going northeast. See drawing. 12/26/1989 #39342 7 minute(s). Maneuvers. Brilliant lights. Absolute(ly) silent. No further 1/4/1990 #39362 y / bus. UFO / 60' over road. Beam lights trees and lawn like daylight. 1/11/1990 #39373 OOD, IN 1 observer. 6 sets / night lights 500m away. Each = 2 round lights 1/12/1990 #39374 t lights 500m away. Each = 2 round lights west red sphere/orb/globe / cente 1/12/1990 #39374 GROVE, IN 1+3 kids. Domed circle / lights tilts. Beam going down / ground. 1/12/1990 #39375 tle dark dome on top, multicolored lights (red, white, green and blue), and 1/12/1990 #39376 rb/globe over electric transformer lights hills. Fades away. 1/13/1990 #39377 y object with flashing, blue-green lights paced ahead of car. MUFON UFO Jou 1/20/1990 #39382 MS Silvery object with two rows of lights paced just ahead of car for two t 1/20/1990 #39383 ar for two to three miles. Engine, lights failed until object departed 1/20/1990 #39383 ome-shaped object with two rows of lights flies just ahead of a car for two 1/20/1990 #39384 Boyle, Mississippi. The engine and lights fail until the object departs. 1/20/1990 #39384 , AK Flying wing with red and blue lights and spotlight. Red night lights. 1/22/1990 #39386 ue lights and spotlight. Red night lights. 1/22/1990 #39386 oid over house. Makes sharp turns. Lights ground. 1/27/1990 #39391 super large craft with bright blue lights around its perimeter was reported 1/28/1990 #39393 e. No fuselage. Much bigger / 747. Lights blink. 1/31/1990 #39399 000 feet altitude and had blinking lights. 1/31/1990 #39400 EAST HAMPSTEAD, NH Lights. Door stuck. Saucer. Fat 4' figur 2/1990 #39402 o had a row of red, green and blue lights that flashed in unison. 2/5/1990 #39411 . Windows / rounded front. Colored lights / rear. Back 9+16 April. / FSRv35 2/15/1990 #39419 SCAWEN, NH 12 observer(s). 3 night lights hover and fly. Fireball / motor s 2/21/1990 #39423 use, Germany, when they notice two lights beaming down at them at a 45° ang 2/21/1990 #39425 e to watch. The object bearing the lights stops almost directly overhead. S 2/21/1990 #39425 feet. Three milky, yellowish-white lights are at each of the corners. In th 2/21/1990 #39425 ght silver disc-shaped object with lights over some nearby trees, which wer 2/22/1990 #39429 E, FR 4+observer(s). 7 white night lights in formation joined by 8th. Rhyth 3/1990 #39433 hovered, and flashed bright white lights (section VI). (NICAP: 02 - Close 3/4/1990 #39445 ped, hovered, flashed bright white lights 3/4/1990 #39446 re/others. 6 green and white night lights / check formation turn and retrea 3/7/1990 #39449 delta/triangle/box-like craft with lights / corners. Bad photographs taken. 3/18/1990 #39466 dar target, saw two flashing white lights, locked radar gunsight on object 3/21/1990 #39474 ight radar as it flashes two white lights and changes speed and altitude. I 3/21/1990 #39475 feet in diameter with two blinking lights. It turns on its axis and its cou 3/21/1990 #39475 black body with two white flashing lights. Their was the suggestion of a si 3/21/1990 #39476 ted saucer-shaped craft behind the lights. The UFO changed altitude and dir 3/21/1990 #39476 3 observer(s). Dark boomerang with lights going [to] 20M overhead. Vanishes 3/23/1990 #39480 y clear star surrounded by several lights. She pointed it out to the father 3/24/1990 #39484 left window he saw "many enormous lights" hovering only 100 meters above t 3/24/1990 #39484 silent. The mother saw ten orange lights through the windshield that appea 3/24/1990 #39484 NEAR KOKOMO, IN 1 / car. Night lights. Buzz / tape player. Blinding sau 3/27/1990 #39487 et long with orange and pale green lights, and it flies toward the northeas 3/28/1990 #39490 BRUSSELS, BELGIUM 3 large green lights in formation. Videos large night 3/30/1990 #39491 s in formation. Videos large night lights over house / 0215hrs / FSRv35#4. 3/30/1990 #39491 8 cops / separate locations. Night lights / perfect triangle. Zigzags going 3/30/1990 #39494 OREMBAIS, BELGIUM Triangle / night lights kilometers apart! F16s chase. / L 3/30/1990 #39495 ulars. Sphere grows wings. 3 night lights / huge triangle / LDLN#301. 3/30/1990 #39496 Wavre (near), Belgium Three Lights in Triangle Are Also Picked Up On 3/30/1990 #39497 eceives reports that three unusual lights are moving toward Thorembais-Gemb 3/30/1990 #39499 Wim van Utrecht suspects that the lights in the sky that triggered these s 3/30/1990 #39499 the original report describe four lights as arranged in a square formation 3/30/1990 #39499 t least three reports of nocturnal lights from Belgium on this night betwee 3/30/1990 #39500 11 o'clock in the evening several lights flying in a perfect equilateral t 3/30/1990 #39500 n Jodoigne a triangle of nocturnal lights were seen kilometers apart. F-16 3/30/1990 #39500 ors were scrambled and pursued the lights. Also at 11:30 p.m. a sphere that 3/30/1990 #39500 over Jaunchelette, Belgium. Three lights in a huge triangle were also repo 3/30/1990 #39500 triangle/box-like crafts and night lights. F16s chase. / r97#52. 3/31/1990 #39501 Wavre (near), Belgium Three Lights in Triangle Are Also Picked Up On 3/31/1990 #39502 lm. At the same time, the airplane lights come out brighter than those on t 3/31/1990 #39503 times it becomes iridescent with “lights of various colors.” The objects f Early 4/1990 #39506 NY, IN 2 / car. Diamond-shape with lights going [to] over. Radio Frequency 4/4/1990 #39507 delta-shaped object on which three lights are visible at each corner. Maréc 4/4/1990 #39509 be a white disc with red and green lights spaced evenly around the side and 4/5/1990 #39511 t on the bottom and pairs of white lights at the three apexes. As they near 4/10/1990 #39516 server(s). Hexagon near airport. 6 lights blink / corners. 4/12/1990 #39521 en ascends out of sight. Other red lights appear and are seen in various lo 4/14/1990 #39524 SEUX, BELGIUM Air Force man. Night lights / triangle. Power out / 1 house. 4/15/1990 #39526 le going [to] 20M over car. Strong lights on sides. No further details. 4/15/1990 #39527 10:30 p.m. first saw three bright lights ahead. They heard a "click" and t 4/17/1990 #39532 ASBOURG, FR 2 observer(s). 3 night lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft f 4/18/1990 #39533 UINCY, FR 2 observer(s). 3 colored lights / triangle. 3 more join / hexagon 4/22/1990 #39538 330 by 200 feet. They observe six lights on the object, which is grayish. 4/22/1990 #39539 observers witnessed three colored lights in the shape of a triangle. Three 4/22/1990 #39540 he shape of a triangle. Three more lights joined the first three to form a 4/22/1990 #39540 sh in color and had a total of six lights, and structures on bottom that lo 4/22/1990 #39541 L 2+1 observer(s). 30x15' box with lights stops and turns upright. Box kite 4/30/1990 #39544 QUET, FR 1 observer. Triangle west lights and separate night light nearby. 5/1/1990 #39545 a/triangle/box-like craft with red lights comes in fast. Stops. Goes very f 5/1/1990 #39548 Delta/triangle/box-like craft with lights front and rear. Military jets cha 5/2/1990 #39550 r, England reported seeing strange lights in the sky to police. At 1:00 a.m 5/3/1990 #39551 howl. Silent saucer / 1M altitude. Lights ground. 4 poles going up / edges. 5/4/1990 #39555 st one meter above the ground. The lights on the object lit the ground and 5/4/1990 #39557 to] over truck low and slow. 6 big lights / front. / MJ#270. 5/19/1990 #39577 a leisurely speed. It had six big lights in front. He watched it until it 5/19/1990 #39578 ming. Slow glide and sudden jumps! Lights / corners. 5/21/1990 #39579 and then made sudden jumps. It had lights on its three corners. 5/21/1990 #39584 ear power lines. Vibration felt. 9 lights / front. 5/24/1990 #39586 lta-shaped object with large white lights around edge hovered. Departed at 5/24/1990 #39588 south. Absolute(ly) silent. White lights / edge. 5/28/1990 #39594 ingray / 200' altitude. 15 colored lights. Curves going south. No further d 5/29/1990 #39596 and low altitude. Its multicolored lights were yellow, green, and red, and 5/29/1990 #39598 quickly southwest / 30 minute(s). Lights blink / corners. 5/31/1990 #39601 ORT, CA Triangle shines 2-3 bright lights / ground. Hums. Hovers. Shoots go 6/1990 #39603 e, the ovoid UFO with multicolored lights approached to a close range and d 6/7/1990 #39609 lorida observed a cluster of 20-30 lights at 11:30 p.m. that appeared to be 6/8/1990 #39610 miles away from their home. These lights would join together in a circular 6/8/1990 #39610 rver(s). Large black triangle with lights / corners and center. Slow and si 6/30/1990 #39631 large black triangular object with lights in the three corners and the cent 6/30/1990 #39633 veal its length. There were square lights or windows equally spaced along t 7/13/1990 #39644 . when she noticed bright flashing lights over her backyard. She went to th 7/18/1990 #39649 ad flashing red, yellow, and white lights around its bottom rim. It then ac 7/18/1990 #39649 central rim, with yellowish-white lights revolving in them. On the undersi 7/19/1990 #39651 -like protrusion with many colored lights around it. A bright beam of pinki 7/19/1990 #39651 , HUNGARY Bus driver. 2 strong red lights. Bluish classic small humanoid (o 7/24/1990 #39659 a support “bracket.” Two flashing lights, one red and one green, are on th 7/26/1990 #39663 underside. The man flashes his car lights twice, and two white lights at th 7/26/1990 #39663 is car lights twice, and two white lights at the base of the triangle rotat 7/26/1990 #39663 and off three times. Keeping these lights pointed at the moving car, the ob 7/26/1990 #39663 itness, Gerald Schwab, watches the lights stand still for 3 minutes before Early 8/1990 #39676 ect / low altitude. White and blue lights and red light below. 8/3/1990 #39677 und, Ontario awoke to see "dancing lights" that were apparently disturbing 8/5/1990 #39681 ently disturbing their cattle. The lights were yellowish-orange in color an 8/5/1990 #39681 ected to something very large. The lights gradually changed to a deep "crim 8/5/1990 #39681 observer(s). Moon-size oval glow. Lights / edge. Stars visible through it. 8/15/1990 #39688 n Victoria, Entre Rios, Argentina. Lights were seen blinking above the obje 8/20/1990 #39694 ing researchers to triangulate the lights and reconstruct their positions. 8/24/1990 #39701 At 8:30 p.m. lights hovered in the sky northeast of t 8/24/1990 #39702 ver octagon? over car. 2 / colored lights / corners. Vanishes in place. 9/7/1990 #39718 diana at 10:30 p.m. It had colored lights in the corners, and vanished in p 9/7/1990 #39719 s and shoots away. Several colored lights / sides. 9/10/1990 #39723 erver. 30m odd shape. Steady white lights on silver legs! No further detail 9/11/1990 #39724 s overhead. Offloads 6-8 red night lights. Vanishes / boom! 9/19/1990 #39734 opped and hovered, ejected 6-8 red lights, and then switched off. This was 9/19/1990 #39737 rce Base toward(s) Tehachapis. Red lights / edges. 10/3/1990 #39758 y metal saucer hovers over church. Lights / edge. Hides / trees. Vanishes. 10/6/1990 #39759 ect with a dome on top and colored lights around the rim in Eveleth, Minnes 10/6/1990 #39761 a church 350 feet away. It had six lights on its perimeter. First it was se 10/6/1990 #39762 lot and more/others. Several night lights hover and dart / 10K' altitude. / 10/10/1990 #39769 te objects with red and green body lights alternately hovered and darted ar 10/10/1990 #39771 luding two police, saw 3-5 glowing lights in a forested area of northern Mi 10/10/1990 #39773 N 3 observer(s). Orange plasma and lights surrounds delta/triangle/box-like 10/11/1990 #39775 overhead flat-end forward! Colored lights. 10/11/1990 #39776 sees two motionless, bright white lights ahead of them to the left over a 10/14/1990 #39785 here is no place to pull over. The lights of an approaching aircraft are mu 10/14/1990 #39785 and paler. They lose sight of the lights while driving through a village, 10/14/1990 #39785 it moving closer to the other two lights, which move from a 45° angle to h 10/14/1990 #39785 es see two chains of red and green lights joining the two. They drive on an 10/14/1990 #39785 hey drive on and lose sight of the lights. 10/14/1990 #39785 rver(s). Dark domed saucer seen by lights / profile. U-turn over car. Hover 10/19/1990 #39795 MANASTUR, ROM Night lights / 90 minute(s). Silent 15M cylind 10/21/1990 #39799 0 near Rachamps, Belgium, when two lights suddenly drop toward them. But th 10/21/1990 #39803 suddenly drop toward them. But the lights disappear, and as they turn south 10/21/1990 #39803 t of the object is a circle of 7–8 lights. 10/21/1990 #39803 silent dark shapes covered / small lights. Wedge and cross and more. 10/22/1990 #39805 ones. About 10 minutes later, the lights rise together and move in toward 10/23/1990 #39806 ve in toward her. The ground below lights up as they pass. A few moments la 10/23/1990 #39806 an unusual object with very bright lights in Pepinster, Belgium. The have t 10/23/1990 #39807 its lower part three bright white lights in the form of a triangle. At the 10/23/1990 #39807 th Carolina at 10:19 p.m. two oval lights connected by bar hovered 300 feet 10/29/1990 #39816 ta-shaped object with multicolored lights. It made no sound as it maneuvere 10/29/1990 #39817 ngular portholes. Rotating colored lights. 11/2/1990 #39825 L'EPINE, VENDEE, FR Night lights join dull yellow ball over sea. S 11/5/1990 #39831 PAJON, FR 3 observer(s). ~50 night lights ring yellow silent ovoid southwes 11/5/1990 #39832 ickly northeast. 4 Mar. '94. Night lights going quickly northeast / LDLN#32 11/5/1990 #39832 ulb-cylinder/cigar-shape with many lights / bot. Strong white ray and contr 11/5/1990 #39833 BOIS AND LE GUE D'ALLERE, FR Night lights exit vertical cloud and maneuver. 11/5/1990 #39834 ck domed cylinder/cigar-shape with lights. Blocks stars. Maneuvers. 200kph. 11/5/1990 #39835 ck equilateral/equal triangle with lights / corners. Going east and going q 11/5/1990 #39837 t beam going down / factory. Night lights near. 11/5/1990 #39842 server(s). Huge white egg with red lights / front and thin beams going quic 11/5/1990 #39847 / SHIP JEAN-BART Triangle / night lights going quickly northeast / 500kts 11/5/1990 #39848 nt black mass blocks line / trees. Lights / edge. 100kph over railroad/rail 11/5/1990 #39850 ers. Lit windows all around. Night lights pass near. 11/5/1990 #39852 nt 1000M and ovoid / low altitude. Lights trees / beam. East-northeast turn 11/5/1990 #39853 R 2 / car. 100M and dark mass with lights and strong beam going quickly [to 11/5/1990 #39854 SARRIGNE, FR 5 observer(s). Night lights / rigid delta/triangle/box-like c 11/5/1990 #39855 LIMOGES, FR Night lights outline pointed box. Blocks stars 11/5/1990 #39856 angle/box-like craft object with 3 lights going quickly northeast / low alt 11/5/1990 #39859 mation. 1 in center. 6 small night lights orbit oval. / LDLN#304. 11/5/1990 #39863 round objects, each with five blue lights and several white lights around t 11/5/1990 #39867 five blue lights and several white lights around the rim. As the jets close 11/5/1990 #39867 ommercial aircraft also report odd lights over the North Sea. Other high-sp 11/5/1990 #39867 ssion is of a huge crane with many lights. It is about 2,600 feet away at a 11/5/1990 #39868 triangular substructures and many lights. Its rear section is trapezoidal. 11/5/1990 #39868 rance a surgeon saw a formation of lights that made a purring sound. 11/5/1990 #39871 er" delta/triangle/box-like craft. Lights / edges. Yellow beam / rear. Sout 11/6/1990 #39874 light hovers / low altitude. Small lights / edge. 11/6/1990 #39875 s it as “a lighted object with six lights on the perimeter of a large circl 11/7/1990 #39881 airport also report seeing unusual lights. 11/7/1990 #39881 ry low altitude going north. White lights / sides. Spins. Blue beam going d 11/15/1990? #39891 a very low altitude. It had white lights on the side, and the rim was spin 11/15/1990 #39892 quickly northwest 200M away. Night lights fly. 11/22/1990 #39896 r(s). Silent yellow boomerang with lights from Mts. Stops. Going quickly no 11/22/1990 (approximate) #39897 Flame / rear. Blinking and steady lights. Ground lit. / r124p140. 11/23/1990 #39900 object. It had blinking and steady lights. 11/23/1990 #39901 N, FR Several observer(s). 5 night lights in triangle east going west / mod 11/24/1990 #39903 HAUNY, AISNE, FR 1 observer. Night lights form huge triangle. 'Bigger / 747 11/24/1990 #39904 Yellow-orange pear-shape with red lights / center going quickly [to] east- 11/26/1990 #39911 FISMES, FR 4 girls / 10. Night lights tour sky. Form a saucer. Black tr 11/27/1990 #39912 BONDALE, IL Silent pyramid / night lights just over home / mining executive 11/29/1990 #39914 officer. Dark ovoid slow and low. Lights maneuver / surface. Going southea 12/2/1990 #39918 de in Taillades, Vaucluse, France. Lights on the surface of the object chan 12/2/1990 #39919 low over sensitive naval-air base. Lights / corners. 12/3/1990 #39920 Large metallic triangle with large lights low overhead. Motorscooter noise. 12/3/1990 #39922 etallic triangular raft with large lights flew low over the city of Cuincy, 12/3/1990 #39924 umference are a multitude of white lights that are “bright as diamonds.” St 12/9/1990 #39927 gantic, plate-shaped UFO with many lights and a cupola pass overhead headin 1/6/1991 #39947 the A4 in Beez, Belgium, see three lights attached to an object hovering ab 1/6/1991 #39947 feet high, with the forward three lights in the form of a rectangle and a 1/6/1991 #39947 MD and family. Rectangular object lights entire region like day. 1/9/1991 #39948 r I95. 3 cars see. 1 passes under. Lights blink / sequence. 1/10/1991 #39949 Frequency Interference (RFI). Car lights dim. Huge rounded black delta/tri 1/16/1991 #39955 abrupt turn and revealed four red lights. 1/16/1991 #39956 a triangular UFO with mulicolored lights for 30 minutes as it hovered 600 1/30/1991 #39967 150' silent box with many colored lights hovers overhead. Back hours later 2/4/1991 #39972 hite cylinder/cigar-shape / field. Lights and engine electro-magnetic effec 2/22/1991 #39980 NICSVILLE, VA 4 observer(s). 15 2' lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft f 2/22/1991 #39981 haped object glowing with numerous lights. It comes closer with an unsteady 2/22/1991 #39982 delta/triangle/box-like craft with lights. White halo. 4 gray triangles pro 3/3/1991 #39992 away / tens intervals. Also night lights / 0620h. 3/8/1991 #40004 triangle passes 3000' overhead. No lights. 120mph? 3/10/1991 #40008 ss object due to its reflection of lights from the ground. 3/10/1991 #40009 ports a UFO directly above the red lights on one of the plant’s huge chimne 3/12/1991 #40010 about 1 minute, beaming one of its lights on the outside structure while an 3/12/1991 #40010 BABWE 3 / car. Cluster / red night lights / high altitude. Return / ground 3/14/1991 #40011 bserved a cluster of red nocturnal lights at a high altitude in the sky. Th 3/14/1991 #40012 ject drift overhead slowly without lights. The whistling noise has stopped. 3/15/1991 #40014 m red ball / light stops overhead. Lights water. Going quickly [to] toward( 4/1991 #40026 A large cylinder with many lights flew slowly over Faribault, Minne 4/2/1991 #40029 d 50' away / 80' altitude. Colored lights pulse / bottom/underside. Vanish. 4/4/1991 (approximate) #40030 +35 observer(s). "Blimp" circled / lights = 8cm at arms length. Telescope a 4/9/1991 #40032 a trace, and the intensity of its lights and colors vary. Carloads of peop 4/11/1991 #40034 SEX 1 / A13. Arrowhead-shaped UFO. Lights / corners. Seen briefly from car. 4/12/1991 #40037 ops dead. The object then dims its lights and disappears. The men return to 4/19/1991? #40041 AHWAHNEE, CA Night lights / precise formation suggest domed 4/22/1991 #40047 53-year-old man spotted nocturnal lights in a precise formation suggesting 4/22/1991 #40048 d beings. Overhead a number or red lights were hovering. The witness yelled 5/14/1991 #40061 . A large craft with revolving red lights hovered above her and a thick fog 5/14/1991 #40061 r airliner. Liner drops and douses lights to avoid. 5/17/1991 #40065 the triangle, there is a group of lights located symmetrically along the e 5/17/1991 #40066 e triangle. At least four of these lights are white and flickering quickly, 5/17/1991 #40066 ng quickly, with approximately two lights on the left and on the right flic 5/17/1991 #40066 han the diameter of the flickering lights. This beam projects to the ground 5/17/1991 #40066 y reappears far away, its blinking lights (but not the ray) still visible. 5/17/1991 #40066 d in altitude and extinguished its lights to avoid a further encounter. 5/17/1991 #40067 ttingham, England, see an array of lights in an “elongated triangle” format 5/22/1991 #40073 fter the Cessna lands, the airport lights are turned off to better identify 6/8/1991 #40092 (s). Silent intense moon-size blob lights ground blue. Away fast. 6/14/1991 #40095 otograph of a glowing red UFO with lights was taken by a Puebla State judic 7/7/1991 #40114 its. Zigzag and rejoin. More night lights / 90m. 7/12/1991 #40120 observer(s). Circle / intense red lights. Noisy "air-brakes" sound. 7/21/1991 #40126 Big diamond-shape 200M away. Night lights tilt and rise and away. 8/1/1991 #40140 KE BUCURA, ROMANIA 7 hikers. Night lights maneuver / different formations. 8/4/1991 #40141 ing its speed. Soon they see other lights of varying colors, shapes, and co 8/4/1991 #40142 s over house. Rows / green and red lights beneath. 8/9/1991 #40145 na were alerted to two maneuvering lights in the sky at 10 p.m. One was yel 8/13/1991 #40152 n a triangular pattern. One of the lights then descended onto the road near 8/13/1991 #40152 Farmer and 3. Fireball with small lights east going west. Nears observer(s 8/25/1991 #40165 ircled with several red and orange lights. It was making a loud revving sou 8/29/1991 #40170 Saucer hovers and zips over town. Lights flash / base. Circular trace / gr 8/30/1991 #40171 place. It had blue, red, and green lights that flashed intermittently. Late 8/30/1991 #40174 m cylinder/cigar-shape with rows / lights. Hovers / 90m altitude. Vanishes 9/26/1991 #40196 mes bright haze. Goes over houses. Lights shine going down / underside. 10/1991 #40200 CO AIRPORT/APARTMENT, URUG Landing lights near. No plane / RADAR. No landin 10/19/1991 #40213 ear. No plane / RADAR. No landing. Lights vanish. 10/19/1991 #40213 hape with Red and yellow and green lights hovers. Soon shoots going quickly 11/1991 (approximate) #40216 CUGNEY, FR 2 observer(s). 2 night lights (red and blue) connected by dark 11/11/1991 #40225 over group / hunters. 3 red night lights fly out. Jets after. 11/15/1991 #40230 A 1 observer. Rough circle / night lights become star-shape. Stick-shaped n 11/29/1991 #40248 ome star-shape. Stick-shaped night lights drop. 11/29/1991 #40248 ject. The beings wore helmets with lights on them, resembling those worn by 12/1/1991 #40251 gar-shape / 1500' altitude. Strong lights / ends. Portholes. Hovers. 300mph 12/4/1991 #40253 r church / 30 minute(s). Oval top. Lights / bot. Type unknown. 12/6/1991 #40255 p with red, yellow, green and blue lights on the bottom. 12/6/1991 #40256 PRAGUE, OK 2 large night lights and fireball at microwave tower. 1/7/1992 #40281 ickly south. Luminous trail. Night lights / 18 April. 1/16/1992 #40289 AND VERVIERS AND MORE/OTHERS Night lights and triangle all over/all about. 1/21/1992 #40294 lack triangle going south / 40kph. Lights / corners. 90° turn going east. 1/21/1992 #40295 NORTHVIEW, MO Wave / night lights and orbs to Apr. '92. Big MUFON s 1/26/1992 #40305 way. Trees sway. TV static. Street lights out. Quickly going up. 1/29/1992 #40308 . The engine, headlights, and dash lights cut out. They stop the car, resta 2/1992 #40311 s bay going [to] Adelaide. Tiers / lights / side. 2/2/1992 #40312 rver(s) fixing TV antenna. 3 night lights / triangle north going quickly so 2/6/1992 #40320 server(s). 2 cows mutilated. Night lights over field going quickly northeas 2/6/1992 #40321 "Bus" rotates over hilltop. "Fairy lights" play / top and sides. 2/8/1992 #40323 / white light 1300' away. Ring red lights / bottom. Fades. 2/9/1992 #40325 e-shaped UFO with white windows or lights rotating around the base hovered 2/15/1992 #40332 d. Hovers over house. Opens. Night lights exit. 3/3/1992 #40345 e triangular object with pulsating lights flying 400–500 feet above the roa 3/3/1992 #40348 a mother and her son, age 10, saw lights in the sky when they turned a cor 3/3/1992 #40349 w Hampshire . It had multi-colored lights and made a humming sound. That ev 3/3/1992 #40350 iangle with pulsating bluish-white lights was seen by a Mr. Cross flying ju 3/3/1992 #40350 delta/triangle/box-like craft with lights / corners follows car. Green beam 3/5/1992 #40355 him was a panel with multicolored lights, and he heard what sounded like r 3/5/1992 #40359 group of children saw some bright lights floating near some snow banks. Wh 3/6/1992 #40363 Cop. Saucer over field buzzes car. Lights / edge. Glows over intersection. 3/12/1992 #40373 anas, Puerto Rico watched numerous lights maneuvering over a nearby hilltop 3/13/1992 #40377 saucer. Cop aghast. Car radio and lights and motor electro-magnetic effect 3/19/1992 #40386 SSEX Diamond UFO / roadside. Night lights move about. 5 observer(s). No oth 3/19/1992 #40387 paced his patrol car. The engine, lights, and two-way radio of his car fai 3/19/1992 #40390 0 feet off the ground. The engine, lights, and radio on his patrol car ceas 3/20/1992 #40394 ver(s). Silent UFO hovers / field. Lights ground and observer(s). Shape unk 3/28/1992 #40402 h just over thin clouds. 2+3 night lights curve going northwest and north l 3/29/1992 #40403 s and going quickly NNE as airport lights flash. 4/19/1992 #40424 beach. White-red triangular night lights hover / 5 minute(s). Semi-invisib 4/21/1992 #40426 s watched red and white triangular lights that hovered over the beach for f 4/21/1992 #40427 r(s). Groups / red and white night lights all over desert and mountains / 2 4/24/1992 #40429 rate observer(s). Black ovoid with lights east going quickly west fast. Lig 4/27/1992 #40432 ghts east going quickly west fast. Lights house. 4/27/1992 #40432 rbert road. Has spikes & 100+white lights. 4/28/1992 #40435 sing time, observations of unusual lights inside a room, and puzzling body 5/1992 #40439 nt flying object with red flashing lights. They thought its outline looked 5/1/1992 #40443 ar-old Robbie saw a line of bright lights that hung over a slight rise in t 5/3/1992 #40449 ay, giving the impression that the lights were attached to an oval structur 5/3/1992 #40449 they could see the outline of the lights, the object itself was invisible. 5/3/1992 #40449 by the brightness of the object's lights. The object was just beyond this 5/3/1992 #40449 light when all of its own colored lights went dark, to be replaced by a si 5/3/1992 #40449 t that fact, that when the colored lights went out they only could recall t 5/3/1992 #40449 nical UFO has orange and pale blue lights. 2 observer(s). No helicopter. Un 5/6/1992 #40455 UFO that had orange and pale blue lights was seen hovering in Cooma, New S 5/6/1992 #40456 ger disc-shaped object with bright lights crossed the sky over the beach in 5/7/1992 #40458 ver(s). Glowing-cloud with 3 night lights going northwest over ocean. Extre 5/10/1992 #40461 Wave / disks and ovoids and night lights to late July. 2 robed figure(s) g 5/25/1992 (approximate) #40472 d 1 / (seen thru) telescope. Night lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft f 5/26/1992 #40474 YKN 10 observer(s). Triangle with lights goes over town. / C. Rutkowski / 6/1992 #40478 ES, DE 5 / car. 3 stationary night lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft f 6/1/1992 #40479 0' altitude. 4 prongs on each with lights on ends. 6/2/1992 #40481 here were four prongs on each with lights on the ends. 6/2/1992 #40482 w Hampshire was watching star-like lights move around outside his window, a 6/4/1992 #40486 In 1992 strange lights were seen and videotaped at 10:50 6/5/1992 #40487 naque Reservoir in New Jersey. The lights maneuvered about the sky, and fad 6/5/1992 #40487 er girl / 16 / 20 minute(s). White lights going down [to].. 6/8/1992 #40488 containing multiple small colored lights and two large white lights. White Summer 1992 #40502 colored lights and two large white lights. White beams shine down from the Summer 1992 #40502 RAC, 15, FR Ex-airman. 10-12 night lights / V-formation going west slow and 7/1992 (approximate) #40510 R PINE BUSH, NY 2 / truck. 9 night lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft f 7/4/1992 #40512 end McIntyre saw a brilliant white lights that illuminated the Alamosa vall 7/18/1992 #40526 off and left on the orange parking lights, the UFO changed color to orange, 7/18/1992 #40526 BRZ Several observer(s). Fireball lights up campsite like day. Shoots away 7/25/1992 #40534 of 20 degrees. It had three amber lights on the left side and pulsating li 7/31/1992 #40541 hts on the left side and pulsating lights. There was no wind at the time, a 7/31/1992 #40541 HAVELOCK, NC 50' ovoid. Red lights / top and bot strobe in turn. Int 8/1992 #40543 SFIELD, NOTTS 4 teens. Domed UFO / lights / edges. Too low and large and co 8/4/1992 #40550 assed over car, blue flashing body lights; made sharp turns, moved out of s 8/14/1992 #40571 assed over car, blue flashing body lights. Made sharp turns, moved out of s 8/14/1992 #40572 nia several separate motorists saw lights flashing neaby in the sky. Next, 8/14/1992 #40573 two witnesses at 5:30 a.m. As the lights on the object passed over them, f 8/15/1992 #40576 Manta ray-shaped object with body lights approached car, falling leaf moti 8/19/1992 #40581 Manta ray—shaped object with body lights approached car, falling leaf moti 8/19/1992 #40582 KEREMMA, FR 3 / beach. 3 red lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft f 8/20/1992 #40585 ude. Also white triangle and night lights later. 8/20/1992 #40585 band of arcade-like rolling front lights and three distinctly large lights 8/20/1992 #40586 lights and three distinctly large lights, with small red lights at the cen 8/20/1992 #40586 nctly large lights, with small red lights at the center rear. The object wa 8/20/1992 #40586 he same distance apart and had ten lights each. At first they moved at a st 8/20/1992 #40586 sing time after witnessing several lights in the sky at 10:30 p.m. 8/22/1992 #40587 hite triangle with balls and night lights goes over rooftops. Going quickly 8/25/1992 #40589 EYMOUR, BC 3 cylinders. Alarms and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Co 8/29/1992 #40594 er a home burglar alarm system and lights were effected at 2:30 a.m. in Mou 8/29/1992 #40596 erver(s). Ovoid paces cars. Lots / lights. Vanishes. 8/30/1992 #40597 TO DO SITIO, BRZ 1 observer. Night lights zigzag all over/all about high-te 8/31/1992 #40599 LRAS-PLAGE, FR 2 / beach. 20 night lights in 2 square formations hover offs 9/3/1992 #40603 E, FR 2 observer(s). 4 point night lights / triangle formation. East going 9/3/1992 #40606 ed saucer 30M over trees. Rotates. Lights change color(s). 9/7/1992 #40611 inder/cylindrical object! 12 night lights join. All gone going quickly NNE. 9/10/1992 #40614 by cylinder. Next, 10-12 nocturnal lights joined the first object, and all 9/10/1992 #40616 server. Bullet-rectangle with many lights going northeast during lunar ecli 9/11/1992 #40619 clearing. Rain stops 1' over top. Lights / edge. 9/16/1992 #40622 n top. There were four round white lights spaced evenly around the bottom, 9/16/1992 #40623 , and it had smaller green and red lights in between. An interesting featur 9/16/1992 #40623 BRZ 2 observer(s). 6 silent night lights southeast going quickly east / 15 9/17/1992 #40624 GROSSBEEREN, GERMANY Row night lights over road and blue light top and 9/19/1992 #40629 e saw what appeared to be 12 small lights hovering over the figure's head. 9/24/1992 #40639 I95 / RAEFORD, NC 50' grey box. 6 lights / bottom. 20 glowing ovoids follo 9/30/1992 #40645 4 misty cylinder/cigar-shape-night lights. Seen 3 minute(s) going quickly n 9/30/1992 #40647 ME 1 observer. 8' circle blinking lights at eye level near window. 9/30/1992 #40648 uge aerial craft with multicolored lights on its rim; she woke her two teen 9/30/1992 #40649 distance of 1500 feet, and had six lights on the bottom. It was followed by 9/30/1992 #40651 misty white cigar-shaped nocturnal lights. Three minutes later (9:18 p.m.) 9/30/1992 #40651 ad and to the east; it had 5 small lights around the object. 9/30/1992 #40651 eight-foot wide circle of blinking lights at eye level near her window. The 9/30/1992 #40652 rent size of the Moon with a dozen lights. 9/30/1992 #40652 en. Silent 100' Oblong object with lights near runway. No further details. 10/1992 #40655 itude in the northwestern sky, two lights travelling to the northeast. It r 10/1/1992 #40659 rver(s) to town. Extremely bright. Lights area. Pain and insomnia after. 10/4/1992 #40661 er / 10 minute(s). Black disk with lights maneuvers near observer(s). HIQ / 10/7/1992 #40663 e with looped legs hovers / field. Lights / edge. Going quickly east. 10/8/1992 #40665 E Many events / area. Ring / night lights divides / 2. "Octopus" lands. 10/10/1992 #40672 ctangular 20 foot long bright pink lights along the side. There was also an 10/10/1992 #40673 A ring of lights divided into two sections over th 10/10/1992 #40674 ELK RIVER, MN 2 15M night lights 15M over treetops. Several other 10/15/1992 #40675 LAKE KARIBA, ZIMB Colored night lights / triangular formation hover / 3 10/17/1992 #40681 BLOOMFIELD, IN 1 observer. Night lights appear attached to delta/triangle 10/25/1992 (approximate) #40691 . Slow. White spot / front. 10 red lights / wings. 10/27/1992 #40693 th Dakota. A group of bright white lights suddenly appears in the air, movi 10/27/1992 #40694 id formation. Witnesses assume the lights are attached to a large, dark air 10/27/1992 #40694 ppears to notice him, the object’s lights go out and the UFO zooms away ove 11/1992 #40699 oing [to] over road. Red and white lights flash. 11/1/1992 #40701 e craft 80M away with 11 dim white lights / sides. Slow. Absolute(ly) silen 11/3/1992 #40702 t as a flat cylinder with position lights on the left, right and back. With 11/9/1992 #40707 ver. Triangular object with strong lights / corners hovers / 25M altitude. 11/17/1992 #40715 / 9. Large silent triangle stops. Lights trees. Rotates 90°. Going quickly 11/18/1992 #40717 Several cattle mutilations. Night lights cavort. Surgical. No clues. 11/24/1992 #40725 SIMI VALLEY, CA Night lights. Silent flying triangle followed 11/25/1992 #40728 e/box-like craft and several night lights and crumpled aluminum blob seen / 11/26/1992 #40731 erang going quickly [to] over car. Lights / edges. / UFOROM. 11/27/1992 #40732 euvers. Possible landing. Flashing lights. Flies going up. / news. / r147. 11/28/1992 #40733 backwards very slow. Many colored lights / underside. 12/1/1992 #40738 he rear. It had many multi-colored lights on the underside, lit up like a C 12/1/1992 #40739 , ME 2 observer(s) and more. Night lights over school. Loud humming. Shape 12/9/1992 #40745 Nocturnal lights were videotaped over a school in 12/9/1992 #40746 f the object or objects behind the lights was indistinct, but there was a l 12/9/1992 #40746 associated with the sighting. The lights zigzagged. 12/9/1992 #40746 PIRACICABA, BRZ UFO group. 4 night lights / wavy trajectory. Low-frequency 12/19/1992 #40753 ect with pairs of green and orange lights located at four places around the 12/25/1992 #40769 ADURA, WEST AUSTR 1 / car. 3 night lights hover / 6M altitude. Maneuver and 1/1/1993 #40784 . Moments later her car engine and lights fail, and she coasts to a stop. S 1/1/1993 #40785 ke craft hovers 55M overhead. Many lights. 1/10/1993 #40791 Thousands / observer(s). Red night lights hover and maneuver 2-nights runni 1/12/1993 #40792 ge triangular object with flashing lights above their home in Ellastone, We 1/19/1993 #40801 ming sound in the house and bright lights. Then he saw a white humanoid fig 1/20/1993 #40804 observer(s). Silent boomerang with lights follows car going [to] town / US8 1/21/1993 #40807 h as a second object with blinding lights appeared and then moved off, drif 1/23/1993 #40812 a where she saw a UFO with several lights. In Adamsburg, Alabama at UFO was 1/28/1993 #40817 HUSTISFORD, WI Saucer with lights chased / cops. Other night lights 1/31/1993 #40822 lights chased / cops. Other night lights reported 26 Jan same area. 1/31/1993 #40822 / COLUMBUS, WI Large domed saucer lights farm. Beams fade and Strenghten. 1/31/1993 #40823 pes rise from hills. Fly low. Many lights. Vanish. 2/1/1993 #40825 delta beams light / water tank. 9 lights in all. Cops and observer(s). 2/1/1993 #40828 ove a water tank. The object has 9 lights, including a row of lights on one 2/1/1993 #40830 t has 9 lights, including a row of lights on one side. Two police officers 2/1/1993 #40830 officers had seen bright beams of lights in the vicinity earlier. 2/1/1993 #40830 L AND MORE/OTHERS Saucer and night lights / V-formation. All silent. Cattle 2/2/1993 #40834 TKINSON, WI Delta flies backwards. Lights / corners. Blue ball ejected. Vid 2/4/1993 #40836 ASS 2 kids. Pointed octagon with 3 lights. Partly transparent. Hovers / low 2/4/1993 #40837 KEE, WI 7-Yr-old boy. 100' delta / lights / each corner. White beam / light 2/5/1993 (approximate) #40839 -canoe" going southwest / 80kph. 6 lights rotate / rear / barrel. 2/6/1993 #40842 pink glow on the far sides. Their lights blinked, and then both discs disa 2/9/1993 #40846 Scotland when he sighted six white lights in a straight line. He viewed the 2/9/1993 #40847 300' white round object with white lights. Saucer over park / 1030hrs. 2/19/1993 #40852 n diameter round object with white lights hovering over a park in Panther, 2/19/1993 #40854 red, blue and green flashing body lights around its base. Through the fog 2/19/1993 #40854 ound its base. Through the fog the lights had a fluorescent appearance. 2/19/1993 #40854 y cylinder/cigar-shape. 8-12 white lights going [to] red. Maneuvers / 100m 2/24/1993 #40857 server(s). Dome shape with colored lights / underside. Calf missing after.. 2/27/1993 #40862 KINGSTON, MI Domed saucer. 4 lights rotate going quickly [to] right. 3/3/1993 #40874 ght light / cross pattern as night lights orbit. Actual form unknown. 3/3/1993 #40875 SE, WI Oblong saucer shines bright lights going down / cemetery and environ 3/15/1993 #40883 t to Area 51 in Nevada see strange lights that seem to transform themselves 3/16/1993 #40885 na and started watching mysterious lights maneuver over the area at 8:31 p. 3/16/1993 #40886 r the area at 8:31 p.m. One of the lights began to approach. It was a large 3/16/1993 #40886 NEAR GARLAND, WV Flash. Huge night lights / mountains. Video = metallic obj 3/17/1993 #40887 th windows spins. Others see night lights. 3/17/1993 #40888 water-tank / state forest. Silent. Lights area. 3/19/1993 #40890 ocal residents reported low-flying lights over the area about same time as 3/20/1993 #40895 s covered in bright white flashing lights. Jets soon showed up, apparently 3/26/1993 #40902 DU PROVENCE, FR 20M diamond-object lights Lot. Follows 2 / car. Lights on c 3/30/1993 #40904 bject lights Lot. Follows 2 / car. Lights on corners. 3/30/1993 #40904 two seconds, then became two white lights that flew from the northwest to t 3/30/1993 #40905 Cylinder/cigar-shape with 3 green lights northwest going quickly southeast 3/31/1993 #40910 gar-shape / 150M altitude. 3 green lights / bottom. / r239p216. 3/31/1993 #40913 sky. An MoD police patrol sees the lights from RAF Cosford in Shropshire, E 3/31/1993 #40914 000 feet.” It looks like two white lights with a faint red glow at the rear 3/31/1993 #40914 scovered in the place where orange lights had been spotted hovering the nig 4/1/1993 #40923 MISCOU ISLAND, NB Night lights low over unstable ice 1 / 2 miles 4/4/1993 #40925 ort. Whirring sound. Red and white lights. 4/5/1993 #40926 merous separate observer(s). Night lights flash color(s) and maneuver. Ligh 4/6/1993 #40928 ice. Silent night light with small lights around it. 4/8/1993 #40929 nocturnal flying object with small lights around it at 2:20 a.m. There were 4/8/1993 #40931 LIS, IN 1 / car. White object with lights reverses course over observer(s). 4/17/1993 #40939 e an oval room with a console with lights in the center. On the left of the 4/17/1993 #40940 or a walk when she notices two red lights and one white light arranged like 4/26/1993 #40951 triangle above Muskegon Lake. The lights separate, and the white light sho 4/26/1993 #40951 shoots across the sky. The two red lights move back and forth like a pendul 4/26/1993 #40951 nt triangle hovers. White "running lights". 4/29/1993 #40955 arn, France. It had white "running lights." 4/29/1993 #40957 MILLVILLE, MASS Triangle / red lights. Observer(s) waves. Object flashe 4/30/1993 #40958 n Millville, Massachusetts and saw lights approach to a distance of 3,000 f 4/30/1993 #40959 e a triangular and had several red lights on it. He waved his arm and saw a 4/30/1993 #40959 s). Blue-white-pink glow with blue lights. 5/2/1993 #40964 ffloads and recovers smaller night lights. 5/10/1993 #40972 bizarre noises and saw mysterious lights coming from a nearby field at aro 5/12/1993 #40975 0° turn and follows car. Radio and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME.) 5/14/1993 #40977 egree turn and followed a car. The lights and radio of the car both tempora 5/14/1993 #40980 e glides just over homes. 2 bright lights / 1 side. 6/7/1993? #41006 ont at 9:15 p.m. It had two bright lights on one side. 6/7/1993 #41007 altitude near from tower. Colored lights. Going [to] away silently. 6/11/1993 #41013 s car / PR2 into Colborne. 2 small lights accompany. 6/15/1993 #41016 ne, Ontario at 8:30 a.m. Two small lights were accompanying the orange ligh 6/15/1993 #41018 ETNA, CA Night lights since Feb. '93. Dive at observer( 6/17/1993 #41021 ers / 45 minute(s) and more. White lights surround. Photographs. 6/22/1993 #41029 NT MUFON swamped / calls. 10 night lights join large orange object. Vanish 6/23/1993 #41030 1. Large diamond with many steady lights. 200' altitude. East going quickl 6/23/1993 #41031 SS HILL, WEST SUSSEX Several night lights and fireballs to SEPT7. Many obse 6/26/1993 #41035 EAST / ASHLEY, ND Night lights / roadside ditch. Pickup truck ma 6/30/1993 #41042 ORILLIA, ONT Saucer with cross of lights rotates on axis. Hovers / 2 hours 7/2/1993 #41047 es. Returns. 5+observer(s). Ring / lights. 7/4/1993 #41050 R Many observer(s). Dozens / night lights dance to and fro. Forward and bac 7/4/1993 #41051 rver(s). "Mexican-hat" saucer with lights all around edge. 7/9/1993 #41054 light going down. 50' over ground. Lights rotate. 7/11/1993 #41056 separate observer(s). Silent night lights maneuver over railroad/railway tr 7/13/1993 #41058 OLFLAKE, IN 3 / truck. 3 red night lights going northwest. Helicopter follo 7/13/1993 #41061 ing 20 min. sighting of 3 rotating lights (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 7/13/1993 #41062 Cigar-shaped object with red body lights maneuvered at low level 7/13/1993 #41064 n Sparta Lake Road saw several red lights moving at a low altitude and maki 7/13/1993 #41066 t out of their car to watch as the lights maneuvered over farm buildings an 7/13/1993 #41066 ng south on Rte. 3 saw a number of lights that appeared to be a multi-color 7/13/1993 #41066 server(s). Huge dark triangle with lights at high altitude. Going south. Ho 7/22/1993 #41075 . Each circled / different color / lights. Hover. Going quickly north. 7/24/1993 #41081 split again into two groups of 3-4 lights, all white. 7/24/1993 #41084 encircled by a different color of lights. They hovered for 15 minutes, the 7/24/1993 #41085 triangle/box-like crafts and night lights to 18 August when delta/triangle/ 7/26/1993 #41089 to the ground. It had four bright lights on its top and multicolored light 7/26/1993 #41090 lights on its top and multicolored lights below. It illuminated the ground 7/26/1993 #41090 AN, OK Meteor shower. Square night lights = possible windows / dark object. 8/11/1993 #41125 a row of alternating red and blue lights (the drawing shows two of each co 8/11/1993 #41131 of each color close together). The lights were blinking and round. The firs 8/11/1993 #41131 N, NORFOLK Many observer(s). Night lights flash and maneuver over quay. Som 8/12/1993 #41132 hotograph wildly maneuvering night lights. Also in Hartcliffe. 8/14/1993 #41136 r UFOs with red and green flashing lights are seen flying at low altitude a 8/14/1993 #41137 ildly maneuvering set of nocturnal lights at 6:00 p.m. They were also seen 8/14/1993 #41138 er(s). 80' saucer with many bright lights. No blimp. / r147'93. 8/18/1993 #41143 object turned she saw three bright lights below. Nearby a normally placid p 8/18/1993 #41144 tellite" quickly going down. Night lights since winter. 2 minute(s) video! 8/28/1993 (approximate) #41166 2 observer(s). Blue ball / field. Lights out-stereo OK! Police radio elect 9/3/1993 #41177 Quebec at 11:30 p.m.. Residential lights were out, but a stereo worked OK. 9/3/1993 #41178 OLDHAM, MANCHESTER Night lights hover / 40 minute(s). = domed sau 9/4/1993 #41180 m, England at 10:30 p.m. Nocturnal lights hovered in the sky for 40 minutes 9/4/1993 #41181 K, BC 100 observer(s). 2-3-4 night lights in various formations over twin p 9/5/1993 #41182 ILE DE GROIX, FR Night lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft f 9/7/1993 #41186 tro-magnetic effect (EME). 100+see lights playing. 9/10/1993 #41191 lumbia. Over 100 witnesses watched lights dancing in the sky for the next t 9/10/1993 #41192 sightings. Grey "milk-bottle" / no lights and saucer west lights around. 9/15/1993 (approximate) #41197 ottle" / no lights and saucer west lights around. 9/15/1993 (approximate) #41197 . Flashy double-ring with dome and lights. Telepathy? "no videos-OK to look 9/17/1993 #41200 low altitude. It had two red round lights near the "focal point". 9/18/1993 #41203 D White sphere-delta with flashing lights on "astonishing" videotape. 9/22/1993 #41208 OSCEOLA, MO Odd object with lights hovers near roadway. Passes low o 9/26/1993 #41209 lta/triangle/box-like craft. White lights / corners and orange / center. Lo 9/26/1993 #41210 sightings since July. Cigars night lights fireballs. UFO's for years. 10/1993 #41212 for five minutes and had flashing lights. 10/6/1993 #41221 an's compact. It had red and green lights around its perimeter, as well as 10/6/1993 #41222 ucer hovers over reservoir. 30+red lights. Jet sound. Treetop level. 10/8/1993 #41224 LANGOLD, NOTTS Saucer with lights part of sky. White and green ligh 10/8/1993 #41225 ights part of sky. White and green lights / surface. Many separate orange n 10/8/1993 #41225 urface. Many separate orange night lights. 10/8/1993 #41225 shaped object with white and green lights on its surface lit part of the sk 10/8/1993 #41226 s reported seeing orange nocturnal lights. 10/8/1993 #41226 3:45 a.m. It had more than 30 red lights and flew at treetop level, and ma 10/8/1993 #41227 roups / silent cottony white night lights going up and down [to] over farm. 10/10/1993 #41229 (s). Extra "planet" offloads night lights which drift away. 10/15/1993 #41234 er going east over homes. 2 rows / lights counter-rotate! 10/17/1993 #41237 . Fog exits saucer overhead. Night lights exit fog and circle field / 3 min 10/17/1993 #41239 a gray, saucer-shaped object with lights on the bottom in Connersville, In 10/17/1993 #41241 om in Connersville, Indiana. Three lights emerged from a fog and circled a 10/17/1993 #41241 K UFO's back again. R-G-west night lights play over town and river and The 10/18/1993 #41243 T 2 observer(s). Boomerang with 12 lights / bottom. 2 days missing time! Ma 10/18/1993 #41244 POOLE, DORSET UFO with lights / both ends. Shape unknown. Absol 10/18/1993 #41245 ngular-box shaped-UFO with colored lights. Hovers / 15 minute(s). Incredibl 10/21/1993 #41248 sses depict a V formation of white lights that behaved as if they were part 10/24/1993 #41251 angular object with red and yellow lights glided overhead as a copule drove 10/29/1993 #41254 arge moonlike UFO with many orange lights. Treetop level. Goes behind trees 10/31/1993 #41257 MO 2+2 observer(s). 30m disk with lights and strobes. Hums. Night lights e 11/3/1993 #41260 th lights and strobes. Hums. Night lights exit and orbit. Going west. / MJ# 11/3/1993 #41260 HIRE Woman photographs saucer with lights. Film roll all blank include/incl 11/4/1993 #41263 SMYRNA TO/FROM GAFFNEY, SC Night lights = strange craft which buzzes 2 in 11/8/1993 #41265 ROCK HILL, SC 6' cross-pattern / lights hovers over 60' tree. Silent. No 11/9/1993 #41267 Beach. Going quickly west. Street lights dim. 11/11/1993 #41270 NEAR CARO, MI Saucer with lights disappears. Then triangle-shape a 11/18/1993 #41281 ckly NNW / 30 second(s). Irregular lights / wings. 11/18/1993 (approximate) #41282 shaped more like an arrowhead with lights, and scared the witness. An hour 11/21/1993 #41288 saw a large triangular object with lights while out hunting. 11/22/1993 #41299 5 oilmen. Huge diamond floats by. Lights / corners. Faster / balloon. 11/29/1993 #41307 . a square shaped object with four lights, one in each corner, passed low ( 11/29/1993 #41308 lose / backyard. Extremely bright. Lights hill. 12/6/1993 #41326 a/triangle/box-like crafts / night lights. Hover / roads. TVs change channe 12/12/1993 #41329 veral silent delta-shaped UFOs and lights hovering over nearby roads. Telev 12/12/1993 #41330 K, CA 3 / car / CA299. Row / night lights. Craft unseen. Slow. Square / lig 12/28/1993 #41334 ghts. Craft unseen. Slow. Square / lights / underside. 12/28/1993 #41334 it at 8:30 p.m. It had a square of lights on the bottom of the craft. 12/28/1993 #41335 shape going [to] overhead. Strong lights / flat bottom. 12/31/1993 #41337 light bulb shaped UFO with bright lights and a flat bottom, flew over the 12/31/1993 #41338 ST YORKS Saucer with portholes and lights. Lights out when plane passes nea 1/5/1994? #41363 Saucer with portholes and lights. Lights out when plane passes nearby. 1/5/1994? #41363 c-shaped object with portholes and lights was sighted over Wilsden, West Yo 1/5/1994 #41364 sden, West Yorkshire, England. The lights on the craft turned off when an a 1/5/1994 #41364 ON, FR 1 / car and 1 / home. Night lights. Saucer. Delta/triangle/box-like 1/19/1994 #41376 g saucer. Others see colored night lights. No further details. 1/19/1994 #41377 ead. Absolute(ly) silent. 5 bright lights. Back / 01 Feb. 9. / r147. 1/21/1994 #41380 ver(s). Sphere/orb/globe covered / lights over carpark. Others by don't not 1/31/1994 #41392 crowed as cigar-shaped object with lights passed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reacti 2/3/1994 #41405 HOLMFIRTH, WEST YORKS 60' circle / lights. Low-altitude. Lights ground / 5 2/15/1994 #41411 60' circle / lights. Low-altitude. Lights ground / 5 second(s). Still and s 2/15/1994 #41411 light with spikes on top. The car lights go out and the engine fails. 2/15/1994 #41415 / 10. Dome object with red-orange lights beneath. Hovers silently / 300' a 2/17/1994 #41417 a domed object with reddish-orange lights underneath at 11:30 p.m. It hover 2/17/1994 #41418 +kids. White saucer white blinking lights / edge. Going quickly west to sea 2/18/1994 #41419 G Many calls. 4 bright white night lights circle / 60' altitude / 40 minute 2/21/1994 #41423 ject hovers / W. monument. Colored lights flash / edge. Very fast. 2/24/1994 #41424 three steady white, green, and red lights and is apparently only 200 feet f 3/1994 #41433 observer(s). 70' UFO 25' tall west lights / middle and orange glow over gol 3/5/1994 (approximate) #41437 / 13. 2 ovoids circle in unison. 3 lights / underside. Back next night. 3/7/1994 #41446 MI 40+observer(s) and RADAR. Night lights and saucer and delta/triangle/box 3/8/1994 #41447 and, Michigan, begin observing odd lights in the sky. To some, the lights a 3/8/1994 #41449 dd lights in the sky. To some, the lights appear to be attached to one anot 3/8/1994 #41449 e commonest description is of four lights strung together, high in altitude 3/8/1994 #41449 The Graves family sees a disk with lights turning clockwise on its undersid 3/8/1994 #41449 o investigate, and he watches some lights through binoculars around 9:40 p. 3/8/1994 #41449 t cylinder/cylindrical object with lights all around. Going [to] moderate a 3/17/1994 #41460 nder/cigar-shape with large bank / lights. / r226#22. 3/23/1994 #41463 server(s). Many small silent night lights. Triangle with lights / corners m 3/24/1994 #41464 silent night lights. Triangle with lights / corners maneuvers. 3/24/1994 #41464 LAND, DK Rotating cloud with small lights. Vanishes and reappears over hous 4/1/1994 #41470 ock explodes into fragments. Night lights seen.. 4/2/1994 #41472 towns. Huge white saucer and night lights. All silent. Beam lights going do 4/3/1994 #41474 and night lights. All silent. Beam lights going down. 4/3/1994 #41474 e craft south going quickly north. Lights blink / front edges. 4/6/1994 #41478 e object, and they now saw 3 small lights moving within the object. The obj 4/7/1994 #41480 re flying off. It had twelve white lights and six red lights on it, which h 4/8/1994 #41482 ad twelve white lights and six red lights on it, which had the appearance o 4/8/1994 #41482 headlights, except that these soft lights did not cast beams. There was one 4/8/1994 #41482 diamond-shaped windows and big red lights crossed Route 20 in Quiet Dell, W 4/8/1994 #41483 und while the engine faltered, the lights dimmed, and the car's digital clo 4/8/1994 #41483 veral observer(s). UFO west bright lights circles hovers / low altitude. Sh 4/10/1994 #41487 ark, but the space between the two lights blocked the stars; it was bigger 4/12/1994 #41489 OSWEGATCHIE, NY 2 rows / red night lights seem attached. Going down / cornf 4/13/1994 #41490 bserver(s). X-formation / 21 night lights rotates / 12 rpm. Follows observe 4/19/1994 #41496 bing Falster, Denmark 21 nocturnal lights flying in an X-formation followed 4/19/1994 #41497 wed a witness in his car home. The lights rotated around a center point at 4/19/1994 #41497 12 rpm. He took photographs of the lights. 4/19/1994 #41497 erver(s). Car enveloped / glow and lights / inside / car-roof. 4/21/1994 #41498 a jeep, with flashing red and blue lights. When witnesses flashed car headl 4/25/1994 #41503 Hundreds / report(s). Weird night lights blink east going quickly west. Re 5/4/1994 #41513 ox-like crafts to 0600hrs. Silent. Lights / edges. Also shiplike object. 5/11/1994 #41522 e bright light with lots of little lights, chased by second smaller light, 5/17/1994 #41528 V 2 / SR375. Erratic colored night lights drop / ground. Play in sky. Rise 5/19/1994 #41531 sees a disk with several rings of lights illuminating a tree and causing i 5/21/1994 #41534 1 / car. Silent object with square lights / low altitude. 2nd joins. Spotli 6/1/1994 #41546 ers 80' over buildings. Many small lights. Balloon? 6/1/1994 #41547 torus going east / 1500' altitude. Lights / circumference flash. 6/7/1994 #41557 midnight a robot-like entity with lights approached the witness. It used t 6/8/1994 #41558 (s). 3+observer(s). Huge red night lights hover low. Noisy. Shoot away. 6/9/1994 #41560 Horseshoe-shape with many flashing lights hovers over car / 5 minute(s). 6/9/1994 #41561 ). UFO with red and gold and white lights stops. Shoots straight up. 6/10/1994 #41562 4+6 observer(s). Hexagon circled / lights. 4 square portholes / bottom. Goi 6/12/1994 #41566 A hexagon-shaped object circled by lights had four square portholes on its 6/12/1994 #41567 TON, SOMERSET Wave / saucers night lights and horseshoe shape. 30 calls / 1 6/22/1994? #41578 ne, France, notice a bright set of lights in the sky. They drive closer and 6/24/1994 #41581 ary object with three yellow-white lights. Its underside is triangular with 6/24/1994 #41581 s radiate / cloud. Diamond array / lights follows car going south / 15km. 6/26/1994 #41582 and then a diamond-shaped array of lights pursued a car for 15 kilometers s 6/26/1994 #41584 S 1 observer. Orange and red night lights dart near Moel Parc radio mast. N 6/27/1994 #41585 rk triangular shaped craft with no lights flew over Moffat, Colorado at 11: 6/27/1994 #41590 bserver(s). Silent "ship" with odd lights over historic cryptology center. 7/1/1994 #41599 ate observer(s). Saucers and night lights and small orbs near fireworks tes 7/3/1994 #41603 CAILLE, FR 2 observer(s). TV and lights go crazy. Metal parasols twist fl 7/4/1994 #41605 rance television sets and electric lights flickered and went out when a met 7/4/1994 #41606 to] delta/triangle/box-like craft. Lights / edge. 7/6/1994 (approximate) #41608 ta over a 20-minute period. It had lights on its edge. 7/6/1994 #41610 NEAR PADOVA, ITL Robot with lights etc. Telepathy = 'you can't hurt 7/8/1994 #41615 on. Size / airliner. Red and green lights blink. 7/16/1994 #41622 rusion, and red and green blinking lights. It was viewed through binoculars 7/16/1994 #41626 sses saw the low flying craft with lights drop a ball of light into some ne 7/16/1994 #41628 (s) going [to] 0125h. 100M saucer. Lights blink / edge. Hovers over mountai 7/17/1994 #41629 ed seeing a large object with blue lights hovering under the electrical wir 7/27/1994 #41644 real moon. Small clouds and night lights buzz planes. 7/29/1994 #41646 ND ALVIN, TX 50+observer(s). Night lights / 300' altitude "rise and cavort" 7/29/1994 #41647 NEAR LILLE, FR 3 circular night lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft f 7/31/1994 #41648 lars. Luminous disk on-edge with 2 lights rotates counterclockwise. Still / 8/7/1994 #41661 Separate observer(s). Silent night lights seen to 1830h. Zigzags etc. 8/9/1994 #41664 everal observer(s) and cops. Night lights hover orbit and play in sky / 2 h 8/13/1994 #41670 , North Carolina watched nocturnal lights hover, orbit, and dance in the sk 8/13/1994 #41672 in. Brilliant blue and white night lights. Crop circle found. 8/14/1994 #41674 brilliant blue and white nocturnal lights in the sky. A crop circle was lat 8/14/1994 #41676 CAMBRIDGE, ENGL 3 teens. Night lights play / sky. Saucer exits cloud. H 8/15/1994 #41678 urb of St. Louis, Missouri. Strobe lights emerge from the object at both it 8/23/1994 #41687 ing down. Silent UFO with 3 bright lights. Back 28 Aug. '94. 8/27/1994 #41691 tail light, and red and green side lights, hovered (levitated) silently in 8/28/1994 #41698 . Very large ovoid hovers / hours. Lights rotate / edge. 8/29/1994 #41700 und. Silent diamond with 4 colored lights hovers / 15 minute(s). Slow exit. 8/31/1994 #41704 ing quickly west. Orange and green lights. / r226#24. 9/3/1994 #41714 a/triangle/box-like craft of night lights large and small glides 25' over t 9/7/1994? #41721 rs long, that had big yellow-white lights in the corners and a red light in 9/7/1994 #41722 revealing two more small flashing lights on the back of the object. 9/7/1994 #41722 (s). Bright bowl hovers over road. Lights / edge turn. Beams going down. Lo 9/8/1994 #41725 LOS, FR 1 observer. Large circle / lights moves / sawtooth-trajectory going 9/12/1994 #41738 Hundreds / report(s). Silent night lights soar maneuver and turn / low alti 9/14/1994 #41748 boom. Some people see three large lights in front, with from 8–20 smaller 9/14/1994 #41749 s in front, with from 8–20 smaller lights behind. Many report that the obje 9/14/1994 #41749 we, variously see three orange-red lights with trails, a bright link with a 9/14/1994 #41749 ght link with a dark center and 14 lights flashing around it, a light flyin 9/14/1994 #41749 g at treetop level, a row of green lights with a trail, and an object sever 9/14/1994 #41749 ll humanoid (or Grey) / cornfield. Lights / head light entire body. Video t 9/16/1994 #41753 TN Teen / car. 25' circular object lights ground. Rises to treetops. Neon g 9/17/1994 #41757 7 calls / NURC and news. 1-7 night lights join and part. Wave / northwest s 9/18/1994 (approximate) #41761 culars. Bright object with colored lights rotates. Makes turns. 9/19/1994 #41762 y and 7 cops. Saucer / blimp seen. Lights on edge. No blimp due. / NURC. 10/4/1994 #41784 erver(s). Metallic grey plus-sign. Lights / ends blink. 2 beams on arms. 10/7/1994 #41791 NEAR O'FALLON, MO Cop. 2 night lights descend / cornfield. Headaches an 10/8/1994 #41794 erical UFO surrounded by a ring of lights. It changes shape to a triangle a 10/8/1994 #41795 police officer watched two bright lights descend into a cornfield near O'F 10/8/1994 #41796 box-like craft hovers / cornfield. Lights shine going down. Shoots away sil 10/10/1994 #41797 Custer, SD Dogs alerted to white lights (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 10/11/1994 #41800 presence in the sky of three white lights in a row between Custer and Hot S 10/11/1994 #41801 ta/triangle/box-like craft / night lights circles homes. Beams / light. 10/14/1994 #41804 tographs. Cone saucer called laser lights. Spiral / lights / center. 10/24/1994 #41811 ucer called laser lights. Spiral / lights / center. 10/24/1994 #41811 NNE, SWZ 2 / car. Array / 23 night lights rotates over Lake Geneva. 10/30/1994 #41821 observed an array of 23 nocturnal lights that rotated over Lake Geneva. 10/30/1994 #41823 disc-shaped object with revolving lights around the rim; it hovered only 5 10/30/1994 #41824 trailer-shaped flying object with lights, at 40-50 feet altitude, was sigh 10/30/1994 #41825 rn orbs with windows flash colored lights back and forth / hours. 11/2/1994 #41830 triangle/box-like crafts and night lights etc. sweep area west going quickl 11/6/1994 #41839 Three unblinking orange lights were seen flying in a wedge-shape 11/6/1994 #41841 / car and others. 2 flashing night lights / extreme speed stop hover and sh 11/9/1994 #41844 ucer-cylinder/cigar-shape ringed / lights. Drops over bridge. Heads going q 11/9/1994 #41845 into Dec. '94 / pilots etc. Night lights. Huge objects with lights. See re 11/21/1994 #41856 c. Night lights. Huge objects with lights. See reference. 11/21/1994 #41856 e/box-like craft formation / night lights becomes diamond-shape. Going quic 11/22/1994 #41858 2 vibrant bright triangular night lights / points down. Hover / high altit 11/23/1994 #41862 obs and shoots off. Videos / night lights. 11/28/1994 #41869 ARK, FL Many observer(s). 30 night lights / varying formations. Triangle / 11/30/1994 #41871 varying formations. Triangle / red lights rotates. 11/30/1994 #41871 had red, orange, violet, and green lights on its bottom, and it moved very 12/1/1994 #41876 e sky from east to west. It had no lights and made no sound. The UFO appear 12/5/1994 #41884 MWELL, CT Woman. Bizarre cluster / lights overhead. Humming. Odd beam scans 12/6/1994 #41886 iangle/box-like craft with colored lights sounds / jet fighter! No RADAR. N 12/13/1994 #41893 observer(s). Flash. 35' triangle. Lights / corners. Washtub saucer hovers 12/16/1994 #41896 s. Helmet saucer offloads 60 night lights / scout and return. Burnt skin! 12/17/1994 #41897 1. Silver saucer 50m over ground. Lights / edge. Beacon flashes. Silent. 12/20/1994 #41901 AINES JUNCTION, YKN 1 / car. Night lights play between mountain-tops. Separ 12/24/1994 #41905 , BRZ 1 observer. UFO with colored lights going [to] over trees. Ray / ligh 12/27/1994 #41907 east she sees three bright yellow lights that appear to be sitting in a sn 12/29/1994 #41910 car to look and realizes that the lights are attached to triangular object 12/29/1994 #41910 rin, France observed flashing blue lights, occurring successively and chang 12/29/1994 #41911 wedge-shaped flying objects, with lights on their leading edge, that passe 12/29/1994 #41912 ginia at 9:20 p.m. Small nocturnal lights exited and returned from the obje 12/30/1994 #41916 ids hover over woods. Surrounded / lights. Absolute(ly) silent. 12/31/1994 #41918 erver. Silent saucer with 50 small lights hovers / 750m / 2-3 minute(s). Go 12/31/1994 #41919 Pilot and several / ground. Bright lights / 4 hours. 1 passes plane. / LDLN 1/1/1995 #41929 ). Large saucer / sphere/orb/globe lights house. Hovers low / 10 mn. Wall d 1/1/1995 #41932 g curious and fearful as star-like lights landed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reacti 1/2/1995 #41938 iangular ships with blue and white lights. Military jets near. No further d 1/3/1995 #41942 angular object with blue and white lights. Moves slow. Shoots going quickly 1/3/1995 #41943 iangular craft with white and blue lights. She and her neighbors witnessed 1/3/1995 #41948 iangular craft with blue and white lights moving slowly in the night sky. I 1/3/1995 #41948 quickly north. Also barbell night lights / Stonewood WV. 1/4/1995 #41949 Sphere/orb/globe with multicolored lights flies over. Often seen! 1/6/1995 #41955 n inside the cockpit. It has small lights, makes no attempt to change cours 1/6/1995 #41956 n inside the cockpit. It had small lights, made no attempt to change course 1/6/1995 #41957 /triangle/box-like craft / colored lights. Big flash. No debris. / r220. 1/7/1995 #41960 MARION, NY Young girl. Lights outside. 4' small humanoid (or Gr 1/9/1995 #41962 small humanoid (or Grey) and weird lights in yard. No further details. 1/9/1995 #41962 (s). Immense ovoid with hundreds / lights. Half / size / shopping mall! 1/9/1995 #41963 A young girl noticed lights outside her house in Marion, New 1/9/1995 #41964 foot tall humanoid being and weird lights in the yard. 1/9/1995 #41964 T, FR 1 observer. 6 groups / night lights north going quickly south. Each n 1/11/1995 #41966 SPRINGFIELD, MO 2 / car. Row / lights hovers. Shoots away as observers 1/11/1995 #41968 DK 2 observer(s). 4 blinding night lights light trees etc. Bob to and fro / 1/15/1995 #41973 ULSBO, WA Patrolman. Formation / 3 lights. Rotates 2X then departs going qu 1/15/1995 #41976 hovers and rotates. Red and green lights / side. Rises slowly and gone. 1/18/1995 #41982 SWAFFHAM, NORFOLK 3 teens. 3 night lights maneuver impossibly all over / 90 1/19/1995 #41984 elta/triangle/box-like craft beams lights going down. Irregular maneuvers. 1/22/1995 #41987 NEAR BEATTY, NV 2 / truck. Night lights flash and maneuver / 45 minute(s) 1/22/1995 #41989 On this day lights flashed and maneuvered near a tru 1/22/1995 #41991 ND, TX 2+others. Tube full of tiny lights streaks west going quickly east o 1/24/1995 #41995 craft going [to] backwards. Small lights / Lead.edge. Bright corners. 3 mi 1/27/1995 #41998 ent cigars pass low and close. Red lights / sides. 2/1/1995 #42007 MI 4 kids and more/others. Saucer lights ground. Going west and turns goin 2/2/1995 #42010 Park Wardens. Blue-glowing object lights mountainside / 20 mn. Going [to] 2/3/1995 #42015 ngely-shaped object going south. 2 lights / rear. See reference drawing. 2/4/1995 #42016 E FALLS, WA 2 observer(s). 3 night lights maneuver and hover. Military / je 2/6/1995 #42022 ver. Military / jets circle. Night lights take off going quickly east. 2/6/1995 #42022 CENE, WA 1 observer / US101. Night lights alone and more / triangle formati 2/7/1995 #42024 Nocturnal lights, alone and in a triangular format 2/7/1995 #42025 erver(s). 3 bright green and white lights east / I5. Instantaneous maneuver 2/9/1995 #42030 EYVILLE, CA 1+cops. 2 delta-craft. Lights blink / sequence. 1200' away / 15 2/12/1995 #42037 vanished, and was replaced by two lights at a higher elevation that were p 2/12/1995 #42039 ot / ground. 2 huge triangles with lights. Slow. / Stan Gordon. 2/13/1995 #42043 bject going quickly [to] over car. Lights flash. Turns. Flies going quickly 2/13/1995 #42044 binoculars. Huge Assembly / night lights tilts and going up and down. Goin 2/13/1995 #42046 ellow and red and orange and white lights. / parent to NURC. 2/14/1995 #42048 bserver. Huge grey triangle with 3 lights and "archways". Good drawing. 2/21/1995 #42053 gle-shaped object with three solid lights. He pulled off the highway to wat 2/21/1995 #42054 nside her house, switching off the lights and turning on the television. At 2/21/1995 #42055 ex she could see different colored lights. The object then began circling t 2/21/1995 #42055 DOWNS, AUSTRALIA Hot day. 3 night lights hover. Shoot away / thousands / M 2/25/1995 #42061 lot. Triangular ships with bizarre lights over mountains. No further detail 2/26/1995 #42062 arm. 1 bright light / front. Small lights / rear. 3/1/1995 #42069 t light in front and several small lights in the rear of the object. A lady 3/1/1995 #42070 NGL 1 observer. Dark triangle with lights / corners. Several photographs. / 3/3/1995 #42074 ilent spinning ball / fire hovers. Lights sky. Drops going down / farmfield 3/3/1995 #42076 r 100m wedge shape / low altitude. Lights and doors all over/all about. 3/7/1995 #42079 -orange domed disc with 6-7 bright lights was viewed through binoculars in 3/14/1995 #42095 lta/triangle/box-like craft with 5 lights / underside. Drawing same as rece 3/16/1995 #42108 head. Lands on lawn. Type unknown. Lights flash / house 20 March. 3/19/1995 #42111 e discerned, but it flashed bright lights into the home on the property. 3/19/1995 #42112 TYLERTOWN, MS Night lights seen widely. Odd humming / woods. 3/29/1995 #42123 ts / (seen thru) binoculars. Night lights hover then shoot off / incredible 3/29/1995 #42124 te observer(s). Brilliant triangle lights area. Hovers. Turns and away. 4/13/1995 #42148 KLY [TO] HOLT, FL 3 / SR189. Night lights form triangles and large disk. Re 4/14/1995 #42149 ulars and determines there are two lights side by side. After several minut 4/18/1995 #42157 o. As soon as they switch the deck lights off for a better view, the two li 4/18/1995 #42157 hts off for a better view, the two lights start moving directly toward thei 4/18/1995 #42157 cer going quickly [to] overhead. 2 lights / each side. Red light and strobe 4/21/1995 #42164 overhead at 11:49 p.m. It had two lights on each side: a red light in fron 4/21/1995 #42165 ar several km. Cockpit and window. Lights ground. Going quickly east. 4/22/1995 #42166 teor and Chevron formation / night lights. Formation zigzags away! 4/22/1995 #42169 Washington reported seeing bright lights apparently on the ground near the 4/29/1995 #42176 umanoid was seen standing near the lights. 4/29/1995 #42176 haped UFO with white, red and blue lights at the angles. It made no noise, 5/6/1995 #42181 u) binoculars / PR10. 2 23cm night lights hover and blink / 75' altitude. 1 5/7/1995 #42186 er house. The craft was gray, with lights in the corners and a tile-like su 5/7/1995 #42188 urface on the exterior. Two of the lights were orange and the third was an 5/7/1995 #42188 r of the craft connected all three lights. Later on, many more trangular cr 5/7/1995 #42188 SISTERON, FR 2 night lights hover. 1 slopes up and away. Othe 5/10/1995 #42195 ip hovers / southeast sky. 3 night lights hover below. All fly away. No fur 5/12/1995 #42197 minutes. There were three smaller lights below larger object. All four of 5/12/1995 #42198 0' object spins and hovers / yard. Lights on arms. Away fast. 5/15/1995 (approximate) #42205 became illuminated by multicolored lights of blue, yellow, red, and white. 5/15/1995 #42211 like craft going north descending. Lights flash / sequence / edges. 5/19/1995 #42215 itary airman. Sting-ray craft with lights flies directly overhead. No furth 5/23/1995 #42220 cigar-shaped object with pulsating lights 5/25/1995 #42226 . Waller see a row of bright white lights that sequence on and off from lef 5/25/1995 #42227 ar-like object around the strobing lights. Though they do not know the exac 5/25/1995 #42227 rs. Vibrant bright. Small windows. Lights circulate. 5/27/1995 #42230 bright with small windows, and had lights rotating around its perimeter. 5/27/1995 #42231 everal separate observer(s). Night lights. Cylinder/cigar-shape with row li 5/30/1995 #42232 hts. Cylinder/cigar-shape with row lights. All absolute(ly) silent. 5/30/1995 #42232 CAMBIA BAY BR, FL 2 / car. Group / lights spins and vanishes. Large triangl 6/7/1995 #42241 ins and vanishes. Large triangle / lights appears. 6/7/1995 #42241 VISTA, CA Many observer(s). Night lights dart / all directions. Turns and 6/20/1995 #42265 er, Romania, notice several bright lights in the valley below. They are att 6/22/1995 #42267 KENT 1 / car. Vibrant bright night lights / 100' altitude snake by / zigzag 6/28/1995 #42277 raft whooshes by. 15-20 windows or lights / side. 6/28/1995 #42278 30 a.m. some very bright nocturnal lights snaked by a car on a road near Go 6/28/1995 #42279 hoots going quickly [to] Hinckley. Lights / edge. 6/29/1995 #42280 BINGDON, VA 7-8 reports. Red night lights hover and dart / all directions. 7/8/1995 #42293 erver(s). Square object with white lights seen over homes. Houses shake! 7/19/1995 #42309 and 100 calls. Very big red night lights going up / ground. Maneuver all o 7/19/1995 #42310 30 a.m. a square object with white lights was seen passing over houses in S 7/19/1995 #42311 D, WA Bizarre object with flashing lights over Puget Sound. Zigzags. 7/20/1995 #42312 A zigzagging object with flashing lights was seen over Puget Sound from Ba 7/20/1995 #42313 ver dramatically overhead. Colored lights. Zigzag. 7/22/1995 #42316 "ripple." There was no mention of lights on the UFO in the report. 7/23/1995 #42323 OCATE, NM 4 observer(s). 2 night lights maneuver up and down fast. Dart t 7/25/1995 #42325 lar craft with kidney shaped amber lights. Going quickly [to] over house. P 7/28/1995 #42331 object with red and green flashing lights hovers. 7/28/1995 #42333 planes. Large triangle with pastel lights / edge going [to] slowly. 7/29/1995 #42341 eral separate observer(s). 5 night lights in formation. 3 turn upward. Phot 7/31/1995 #42343 rge as the airliner, has two green lights at each end and a flashing orange 7/31/1995 #42347 ns to land, the runway and airport lights go out, so he is forced to climb 7/31/1995 #42347 parts of the city. When the ground lights come back on, the UFO shoots away 7/31/1995 #42347 nds like / feather. Red and yellow lights. 8/3/1995 #42355 g quickly west. Had odd triangular lights. No further details. 8/6/1995 #42361 S, QBC 2 / car going east. Panel / lights follows / 70 minute(s) going east 8/7/1995 #42364 rises / city park. Reflects street lights. 8/8/1995 #42366 d very fast. Solid light / center. Lights blink / edge. 8/13/1995 #42379 K, CA Several observer(s). 2 night lights going [to] to sea and turn back g 8/13/1995 #42380 t going quickly east below clouds. Lights clouds. 8/15/1995 #42385 at 9:05 p.m. when he saw flashing lights that changed from blue to white. 8/15/1995 #42387 e then passed out and saw flashing lights again, and then the lights vanish 8/15/1995 #42387 lashing lights again, and then the lights vanished. 8/15/1995 #42387 nded by many much smaller blinking lights. The kids in the car were badly f 8/15/1995 #42388 triangle vanishes. 2 orange night lights maneuver / all directions. 8/18/1995 #42396 30 a.m., then two orange nocturnal lights maneuvered all over the sky for t 8/18/1995 #42399 s / woods! Observer(s) runs. Night lights maneuver after. 8/24/1995 #42411 ado. A series of ripples or moving lights are seen to rotate from left to r 8/27/1995 #42422 It gave off multi-colored rays of lights in all directions and made no sou 8/30/1995 #42429 er/cigar-shape with vibrant bright lights hovers just over treetops. Big li 8/31/1995 #42431 APARECIDA DO NORTE, BRZ Night lights all over/all about. 1 passes wind 8/31/1995 #42433 ngle hovers 50m away. Blue and red lights / corners. Gone / instant. 9/1995 #42435 ID 3 observer(s). Row / 5-7 night lights hover / 30 minute(s). Definite di 9/5/1995 #42442 window. There were white and blue lights running the entire length of it. 9/6/1995 #42445 erver(s). Black boomerang with dim lights descends. Triangle hovers / 6 obs 9/10/1995 #42452 erver(s). 2 blue and 4 white night lights. 3 / triangle formation. / r60. 9/11/1995 #42453 MT 2 observer(s). Cluster / night lights / horizon. Fires 4 bolts / light 9/11/1995 #42454 . Saucer overhead. Flashes colored lights. "Bounces" like a ball in sky! 9/20/1995 #42489 nous triangle going [to] over car. Lights / all sides. / Uns#318. 9/20/1995 #42491 c-shaped object with multi-colored lights was seen overhead in the night sk 9/20/1995 #42492 1 then 4 large round objects with lights hover. No further details. 9/22/1995 #42499 itude. It was yellow and had white lights oscillating on a rounded front, a 9/22/1995 #42501 lating on a rounded front, and red lights in the rear. After it went over a 9/22/1995 #42501 e eight or more blinking nocturnal lights crisscrossed in the same directio 9/22/1995 #42501 , and then four round objects with lights hovered overhead for about a minu 9/22/1995 #42502 NEAR CAPIVARI, BRZ 1 / car. Bright lights. 35 minute(s) / missing time. Abd 9/24/1995 #42505 ar object hovers nearby. 3 colored lights. Maneuvers slowly. 9/24/1995 #42507 arge black triangular mass with no lights hovering and moving slowly near B 9/24/1995 #42509 neon red, green and yellow colored lights zigzagged overhead in Las Vegas, 9/28/1995 #42514 I, SP, BRZ 2 cops. 6 colored night lights / circular formation 50M over Rou 9/29/1995 #42515 on its front tip and steady white lights on its other tips. 9/29/1995 #42518 man is driving when the dashboard lights behave erratically, the wipers go 9/29/1995 #42519 province, Denmark at 9:30 p.m. The lights, engine, and instruments of his c 9/29/1995 #42520 EAR MONTPELLIER, FR 1 / car. Night lights maneuver. 2 metallic orbs stop 10 10/1/1995 #42525 1 observer. Dark object with blue lights "flaps wings like a pterodactyl". 10/2/1995 #42531 inder/cigar-shape-ship with bright lights hovers. Also separate report(s). 10/5/1995 #42534 rge cigar-shaped craft with bright lights hovered over the desert north of 10/5/1995 #42536 going quickly northwest overhead. Lights trees / mountaintop. No further d 10/14/1995 #42551 M ball / light. Low altitude. Glow lights trees. Suddenly shoots quickly go 10/17/1995 #42555 everal separate observer(s). Night lights / triangle formation gyrate back 10/20/1995 #42560 roup / kids. Triangle with red dim lights crosses sky. Strobes. Observer(s) 10/22/1995 #42562 bserver(s). Object flashes colored lights. Zigzags dramatically. Shape unse 10/27/1995 #42564 ht that divided into three smaller lights, two of which had collided in mid 10/27/1995 #42566 ginning at 1:30 a.m. eleven bright lights were observed maneuvering over Gr 10/28/1995 #42568 room lit. Round object sparkles / lights over A5. 2nd joins. 10/29/1995 #42569 1 observer. Circular object with 7 lights / edge. Appears to rotate. No fur 10/31/1995 #42572 l observer(s). Big white disk with lights going [to] over reservoir. Jets a 11/2/1995 #42577 2 / car. Cylinder/cigar-shape with lights going north toward(s) Lake Butte 11/2/1995 #42578 STONEWOOD, WV 2 / car. 2 red night lights. 1 going southeast. 1 makes figur 11/4/1995 #42581 100' black triangle hovers. Bright lights. 2k' altitude. Going southwest. N 11/7/1995 #42585 PILOT ROCK, OR 2 / car. Odd blue lights and strange effects. Go 97 miles 11/8/1995 #42586 E, WY 1 observer. Hundreds / night lights going quickly [to] WNW against wi 11/10/1995 #42590 inder/cylindrical object with many lights. Drifts slow. Then shoots away. 11/11/1995 #42592 ver. All with unusual red and blue lights. Type unknown. No further details 11/12/1995 #42595 m of at least 24 randomly blinking lights flew over Highway 17 in Saguache 11/14/1995 #42600 ar ship covered / bizarre "traffic lights". No further details. 11/17/1995 #42601 NORTH / DENISON, TX Night lights / impossible maneuvers over Red R 11/18/1995 #42604 ke white cloud hides saucer. Night lights spiral out and back. Follows car. 11/18/1995 #42606 ed whine. Large disk with circular lights / sides. No further details. 11/19/1995 #42612 observer(s). Weird "glider" with 9 lights / each wing. Folds it's wings! 11/21/1995 #42616 a weird "glider" in the sky with 9 lights on each wing; it retracted and fo 11/21/1995 #42618 ity video and several. Small night lights over arsenal. 1 going quickly SSE 11/27/1995 #42624 est" submarine with 3 red flashing lights. 11/29/1995 #42630 . Big rectangular object with many lights maneuvers. Going quickly west. Br 12/15/1995 #42645 a big rectangular object with many lights maneuvered in the sky at the same 12/15/1995 #42646 he sky at the same time that three lights were seen on the road in La Spezi 12/15/1995 #42646 triangle/box-like crafts and night lights. Videos and more/others. Many obs 1/1996 #42660 PHOENIX, AZ 4 observer(s). Night lights zigzag / 35 minute(s). 5 silent g 1/1/1996 #42661 A, ITL 4 / roadside. Ovoid with 10 lights turns and vibrates. Vanishes in p 1/5/1996 #42667 e(ly) silent. Offloads small night lights going quickly west. 1/8/1996 #42671 lateral triangle over city center. Lights / corners. Turns going up. 1/8/1996 #42672 LESQUIN, FR M. Cunin. 3 night lights / triangle south going north. Ins 1/8/1996 #42673 , FR 2 / car. V-formation / strong lights hovers. Advances slowly. Quiet or 1/12/1996 #42677 SCQ AND ST. ANDRE, NORD Triangle / lights hovers / both towns / several min 1/14/1996 #42682 NORD, FR 1 observer. Group / night lights going up [to] and left and right 1/14/1996 #42683 (s). 3 3' gold orbs / orange night lights going east over Wenatchee River. 1/16/1996 #42686 A23 / ORCHIES, NORD 5 night lights / perfect triangular formation ho 1/19/1996 #42689 ar. 2 odd vertical rectangles with lights / clouds. 1/21/1996 #42699 AMPARO, BRZ Saucer-fireball lights deserted mountainside. Going quic 1/27/1996 #42715 etop level going [to] over car. 12 lights / underside. 1/28/1996 #42719 D, IL 8 / car. Formation / 5 night lights going southwest slow. 2 make odd 1/28/1996 #42720 BRIDGETON, MO 1 observer. 3 night lights maneuver join and separate repeat 1/28/1996 #42721 , MO Separate observer(s). 5 night lights going southwest slow. Videos. Fai 1/28/1996 #42722 ridgeton, Missouri three nocturnal lights were seen maneuvering in the sky. 1/28/1996 #42723 in Union, Missouri five nocturnal lights were videotaped flying slowly tow 1/28/1996 #42723 server(s). Huge object with ring / lights alternating orange and blue-green 2/1/1996 #42731 GULLY, AUSTR 2 bright orange night lights going SSW toward(s) Melbourne. Co 2/4/1996 #42737 triangular craft with a set of red lights hovering over his barn in Thurso, 2/6/1996 #42743 REDMOND, WA Man. 4-6 tiny night lights strobe. South going north in W. s 2/9/1996 #42750 ight at 9:45 p.m. a dozen blinking lights and a solid orange light hovered 2/10/1996 #42756 with "sticks" extended on ground. Lights area. 2/15/1996 #42763 A huge craft with 50 to 75 lights flew directly overhead of the wit 2/16/1996 #42768 ente, New Mexico at 10:05 p.m. The lights on the UFO were sequencing in a c 2/16/1996 #42768 3 bright fireballs. Van motor and lights quit. Man paralyzed. "Mind-scanne 2/25/1996 #42778 ed. Set down across roadway. Night lights / separate observer(s). Car clock 2/27/1996 #42783 Flashing lights in a triangular formation flew ov 2/27/1996 #42786 lso stopped working. The nocturnal lights associated with the UFO or UFOs w 2/27/1996 #42786 west slow overhead. Possible small lights / each corner. No further details 3/1/1996 #42792 gators chase ovoid / 10 minute(s). Lights / middle and ends. No further det 3/1/1996 #42793 g the field. Then it stops and the lights merge into one long green light. 3/1/1996 #42795 for 10 minutes at 8:00 p.m. It had lights in the middle and on the ends. 3/1/1996 #42798 several. Apple shape flies. Night lights going [to] split / all directions 3/5/1996 #42802 Two adults reported seeing strange lights in Casino, New South Wales, Austr 3/6/1996 #42809 me on top and red, green, and blue lights around its periphery, was sighted 3/6/1996 #42813 ct rises from ground level. Ring / lights on edge. 3/11/1996 #42819 ters drive around the objects, the lights go out. Later, Trout Lake officia 3/12/1996 #42821 ight hovers. Sparks / 1 end. Small lights / other end. Zips away. 3/13/1996 #42822 TO/FROM CASINO, NSW 2 / car. Night lights in formation. 35 minute(s) / miss 3/16/1996 #42825 Buzzing noise. 6 rectangular night lights hover in formation over mine. Asb 3/19/1996 #42828 ectro-magnetic effect (EME). Night lights vanish. 3/22/1996 #42834 MEDFORD, NY 3 observer(s). 6 night lights south going quickly north extreme 3/24/1996 #42838 ilot and 1 / ground. Triad / white lights going quickly [to] over airport. 3/24/1996 #42839 CT 2 cops. Meteor splits / 3 night lights. Hover. 2 rejoin and going quickl 3/26/1996 #42841 eral campers. Brilliant blue ovoid lights area. Vanishes strangely. 3/29/1996 #42844 RICANA, BRZ 3 observer(s). 2 night lights going south. 1 cuts away and zigz 3/30/1996 #42845 Two nocturnal lights were sighted flying south over Am 3/30/1996 #42847 GS, MT Man. 2 vibrant bright night lights going quickly north together. Fas 4/6/1996 #42852 ent saucer / 25M altitude. Colored lights / edge. Spins. Going quickly west 4/7/1996 #42855 sc had an inner circle of many red lights. Inside were four rocket-like con 4/8/1996 #42858 trapezoid / amber extremely bright lights and strobes going northeast slow. 4/14/1996 #42866 eparate FAA man. 2-4-20 tiny night lights pass overhead. Report(s) to 2200h 4/14/1996 #42867 n. '96. Orbs and saucers and night lights. Maneuvers. 4/15/1996 #42869 n. According to the officers, nine lights identical to the first appeared o 4/15/1996 #42870 the Portuguese border. The twelve lights were elongated and had an intense 4/15/1996 #42870 nd had an intense yellow glow. The lights remained suspended some 100 feet 4/15/1996 #42870 mond shaped, and had green and red lights around it. Three humanoid entitie 4/16/1996 #42871 Vibrant bright long object with 2 lights hovers. Suddenly shoots straight 4/26/1996 #42884 , MEXICO 4 teens. 16M glowing-ball lights cornfield. 7 luminous small human 5/16/1996 #42902 t. They also seemed to have bright lights on their heads. The entire scene 5/16/1996 #42903 a huge triangular UFO with two red lights on one side. It lit their campsit 5/21/1996 #42906 over houses. Strong shaking. Night lights also seen. 5/24/1996 #42910 going [to] 70kph. Blue and orange lights / ends. No further details. 5/24/1996 #42911 rk, matt black triangular UFO with lights on each corner hovered over a tra 6/1/1996 #42920 UST 75 / very remote valley. Night lights maneuver all over/all about / mou 6/8/1996 #42926 observer(s). Triangle going east. Lights / 3 corners. 2nd object followed 6/17/1996 #42930 alerted the witness to two bright lights floating in the sky over Halifax, 6/18/1996 #42934 st. Stops. Going quickly [to] WNW. Lights / edge. 6/28/1996 #42941 at "was splashed with blue and red lights" and made a "voom-voom" sound. Ma 7/8/1996 #42950 an altitude of about 30 meters its lights became much brighter, and the neo 7/8/1996 #42950 n nearby villages reported strange lights over the area the same night. 7/8/1996 #42950 ding silently, causing nearby neon lights to vary in their intensity. Mancu 7/9/1996 #42952 object with flashing blue and red lights hovering 2 feet above the pavemen 7/9/1996 #42952 d 8 feet tall, and has a girdle of lights around the edge like a rainbow. A 7/9/1996 #42952 2 minutes it rises vertically, its lights become brighter, and nearby stree 7/9/1996 #42952 thers in the region saw low flying lights and objects. 7/16/1996 #42959 r and 2.5 feet thick, has slitlike lights along its edge. The next morning, 7/17/1996 #42961 lf a meter tall, and had slit like lights along the edge. Three circular pa 7/17/1996 #42962 . Large fireball and 2 small night lights flash all color(s). No further de 8/4/1996 #42970 2+2 / car. Silent white disk with lights follows car 6km. Hovers / one hou 8/9/1996 #42973 lent white disc-shaped object with lights followed a car for 6 km near Tava 8/9/1996 #42974 ow, Poland a man saw some flashing lights in a field at 10:40 p.m. Because 8/11/1996 #42980 ground, he first thought they were lights on a harvester. However, five mor 8/11/1996 #42980 away had a better view of the same lights. According to them the flashing l 8/11/1996 #42980 ts. According to them the flashing lights were on a disc-shaped craft with 8/11/1996 #42980 hich had several circling flashing lights. They also noticed a small, human 8/11/1996 #42980 ZZE, ITALY Campers. Circular night lights / 30 mn. Videos / daylight saucer 8/17/1996 #42983 orange, green, and reddish-orange lights. A series of rectangular windows 8/20/1996 #42986 a.m. a triangular UFO with orange lights circled a group of witnesses in W 9/7/1996 #43007 AN Many observer(s). Glaring night lights maneuver. Type unknown. Local new 9/12/1996 #43017 separate cars. Classic saucer with lights / rim. Fat / middle. Hovers. Goin 9/20/1996 #43031 :30 p.m. a disc-shaped object with lights around the rim hovered over the b 9/20/1996 #43032 nd military pilots. Blinking night lights. Not / RADAR. / AFP and Jean-Marc 9/23/1996 #43036 craft shining very bright beams of lights towards the ground at around 8 p. 9/23/1996 #43039 ide they could see three small red lights on each apex. The craft shot away 9/23/1996 #43039 near the woods. There were lots of lights around it and dozens of small ent 9/23/1996 #43039 nt of red, blue, yellow, and white lights on the bottom of the UFO. In the 9/26/1996 #43043 LLE-SUR-SAONE, FR 2 groups / night lights / box formation going north. 1 tu 9/27/1996 #43046 ing down [to] and lands? Covered / lights. / NUFORC. 10/3/1996 #43050 tall and covered with very bizarre lights. The object was seen to descend o 10/3/1996 #43051 ghting the object extinguished its lights and apparently settled to the gro 10/3/1996 #43051 airliner and tanker. 2 large night lights hover / 7 hours. Rotate. Unidenti 10/5/1996 #43053 ngland, sees some rotating colored lights in the sky and reports them to th 10/5/1996 #43056 th identifies the rotating colored lights as misobservations of Sirius and 10/5/1996 #43056 / 15 minute(s). Different colored lights / rear. 10/6/1996 #43059 lowed by a group of 10-12 blinking lights on the western horizon. 10/10/1996 #43063 h / 200' altitude. Vanishes. Night lights zigzag. 10/11/1996 #43064 erver(s). 3 triangles with colored lights. Strong beam going down / car / 2 10/15/1996 #43069 cky phone police to report strange lights in the sky. A husband and wife wa 10/16/1996 #43073 ams in Aberdeen, Ohio, see several lights to the north in a “T” formation. 10/16/1996 #43073 wo calls describing a group of red lights moving erratically in the northwe 10/16/1996 #43073 saucer hovers / lumberyard. 'Band' lights up. Going quickly south. / r60. 10/18/1996 #43080 1. Odd flying wing hovers / yard. Lights house. House shakes. 10/19/1996 #43083 ags going quickly west. Also night lights / Portsmouth and S. Webster, oh. 10/23/1996 #43092 n 50M / observer(s) / garden. Glow lights ground and plants. Going quickly 11/5/1996 #43106 hanging direction to the west. The lights changed direction again, and sped 11/25/1996 #43122 T., Australia. When last seen, the lights were headed to the northwest. At 11/25/1996 #43123 ense bright-orange "fireball" type lights over the city, before the objects 11/25/1996 #43123 INGS, AUST Daytime. 6 orange night lights going [to] over / town center. Th 11/26/1996 #43124 overhead. It had 3-4 white strobe lights, and also blue and red lights. It 12/29/1996 #43152 robe lights, and also blue and red lights. It made no sound. 12/29/1996 #43152 h windows of his farmhouse and saw lights in the middle of a field resembli 1/5/1997 #43166 ida when they saw strange flashing lights in the sky late on this night. Fe 1/7/1997 #43167 ams going down [to] and small blue lights. Saucers maneuver / all direction 1/24/1997 (approximate) #43175 tting several beams and small blue lights. The UFOs maneuvered around in al 1/24/1997 #43176 hovers / 8M altitude. Light hiss. Lights / base. Going quickly south and g 2/1997 #43183 now four objects with multicolored lights. The UFOs slowly moved across the 2/17/1997 #43196 ies depart. Others saw strange red lights over the pasture. 2/20/1997 #43199 er(s). 50+' round object with many lights / edge. Droning sound. / R. Fowle 2/22/1997 #43200 meter disc-shaped object with many lights around the rim made a droning sou 2/22/1997 #43203 e, New Jersey and had left several lights on to comfort them. At 1:00 a.m. 2/24/1997 #43207 .m. she awoke and noticed that the lights had been turned off. Her eyes slo 2/24/1997 #43207 and ten minutes later saw the same lights again over a bog. At this point h 2/26/1997 #43210 angle/box-like craft hovers / sea. Lights / underside. Seen / Warhope / 230 2/27/1997 #43211 / 10' over patio. Phone static and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME.) 2/28/1997 #43214 l, said that it had lots of bright lights around the sides and made a hummi 3/8/1997 #43223 r-shape hovers 20M / silos. Orange lights / edges. Car locks and headlights 3/9/1997 #43224 est Arizona 6:55–10:30 p.m. Aerial lights of varying descriptions are seen 3/13/1997 #43229 first see a tiny arc of five white lights just after 8:00 p.m. in the north 3/13/1997 #43229 han 100 feet above the ground. The lights hold this pattern for more than 1 3/13/1997 #43229 ncident: a triangular formation of lights seen to travel around 8:10–9:30 p 3/13/1997 #43229 ped UFO, containing five spherical lights or possibly light-emitting engine 3/13/1997 #43229 a massive solid object, not merely lights, and it appears low in the sky, b 3/13/1997 #43229 n terms of the number and color of lights and their movements. The second g 3/13/1997 #43229 f events is a series of stationary lights seen in the Phoenix area around 1 3/13/1997 #43229 Thousands in Phoenix, Arizona saw lights arranged in a V-shaped formation 3/13/1997 #43230 next two hours multiple objects or lights, estimated to be one to two miles 3/13/1997 #43230 disc-shaped UFO with multi-colored lights around the rim. They experienced 3/14/1997 #43231 omet watchers. 3 groups / 27 night lights / perfect diamond formation. 3/30/1997 #43243 lluta International Airport Aerial lights are seen for several nights west 3/30/1997 #43245 At 10:45 p.m. 27 nocturnal lights were seen flying in a diamond for 3/30/1997 #43246 2 10M silver plates hover. Douses lights as plane passes. 10-day wave. 3/31/1997 #43247 t over clouds. Bigger / liners. No lights. 4/3/1997 #43249 , TASM White fluorescent tube with lights and halo hovers / 5 minute(s). 90 4/5/1997 #43253 ). Blue-glowing crescent in / sea. Lights 10M area. Back out going quickly 4/6/1997 #43255 binoculars. Blue-flash. Disk with lights tilts. Then shoots straight going 4/6/1997 #43256 oman reported seeing red and white lights flashing outside her home in Brid 4/15/1997 #43261 remembered seeing a hundred white lights moving in unison like a swarm of 4/15/1997 #43261 ead. 90KPH. 800M altitude. 3 night lights follow. 4/22/1997 #43270 ollowed by three smaller nocturnal lights. 4/22/1997 #43271 UNTA ARENAS, CHL Power out. Street lights and house-lights out 1-by-1 as UF 4/23/1997 #43272 eported seeing 10-13 amber-colored lights fly over in a V-shaped formation. 4/28/1997 #43283 going quickly [to] east-northeast. Lights / corners. Back / 16 May. 5/15/1997 #43294 g [to] WNW / very low altitude. 12 lights. Drops going down / forest. 5/18/1997 #43295 he area reported seeing bright red lights flying in a zigzag pattern over t 5/18/1997 #43298 the left of their patrol car. The lights stop, then accelerate, and make s 6/1997 #43306 sharp turns in the air. One of the lights approaches them to about 40 feet 6/1997 #43306 ling above a field. Suddenly, both lights depart at high speed. 6/1997 #43306 light. After several minutes, the lights go off. 6/1997 #43307 heel; it was made of 12 projecting lights revolving counterclockwise. The o 6/5/1997 #43311 ng object with red, blue and white lights. The object passed close by the a 6/7/1997 #43317 ing down [to] behind 3 cops / car. Lights all / beam. Paces / 13km. Turns g 6/14/1997 #43322 box-like crafts and orbs and night lights / blatant acrobatics. Impossible 6/15/1997 #43323 ickname the object(s) the “Phoenix Lights.” 6/18/1997 #43327 headlights on and off; one of the lights responds with a similar signal. T 6/18/1997 #43328 appears, shooting out multicolored lights that hover almost directly above 6/18/1997 #43328 o was responsible” for the Phoenix Lights. He proceeds to make light of the 6/19/1997 #43331 an Air Force explanation that the lights were flares: “As a pilot and a fo 6/19/1997 #43331 n show UFO Hunters called “Arizona Lights,” Symington says that he contacte 6/19/1997 #43331 acted the military asking what the lights were. The response was “no commen 6/19/1997 #43331 , CO 3 observer(s). Cloud filled / lights. Cone beam going down [to] over / 6/23/1997 #43334 splits and rejoins! Pulsing yellow lights. 6/23/1997 #43335 e, Ontario, see a “square of eight lights” in the sky. Fifteen minutes late 7/1997 #43344 undreds of small, dim, rectangular lights. 7/1997 #43344 orange, and red. When the airport lights are switched on for another landi 7/14/1997 #43350 o light balls joined together. The lights appear brighter when the airport 7/14/1997 #43350 s appear brighter when the airport lights are on and dim as soon as they ar 7/14/1997 #43350 s soon as they are turned off. The lights disappear abruptly at 1:10 a.m. 7/14/1997 #43350 rs altitude with three white fixed lights was seen in Cholet, Maine-Loire d 7/21/1997 #43354 locals reported seeing slow moving lights low over the area. 7/23/1997 #43359 electro-magnetic effects). 4 night lights = 3 round and 1 cylinder/cigar-sh 7/24/1997 #43361 hen he began to see whitish orange lights following him. The lights turned 8/5/1997 #43369 h orange lights following him. The lights turned off and then appeared this 8/5/1997 #43369 time in front of his taxicab. The lights then disappeared into a nearby fi 8/5/1997 #43369 opped his cab and noticed that the lights were oval shaped. Quickly a fog-l 8/5/1997 #43369 eos. Going up [to] when cops shine lights. Going west. 8/11/1997 #43379 s. Hovers / 50 minute(s) covered / lights. Going quickly SSE. 8/16/1997 #43384 . 6M football saucer. Blue and red lights flash / series. Antennas.. 8/16/1997 #43385 had two sections, was coverd with lights, and hovered for 50 minutes. It f 8/16/1997 #43386 MORE, EIRE Array / hexagonal white lights stops over road. Paces car. Rotat 8/30/1997 #43391 o] over hill Air Force Base. White lights / corners. Red light / top. 9/6/1997 #43396 ide. Both absolute(ly) silent with lights / edges. Saucer back / 20 mn. 9/6/1997 #43397 o. It had unblinking red and green lights arrayed around the object. 9/11/1997 #43406 no sound. It had two rows of 8-12 lights; one row was red and the other on 9/19/1997 #43409 had a smaller row of penpendicular lights. 9/19/1997 #43409 Twelve witnesses saw lights in a V formation flying over Powa 9/20/1997 #43410 p.m. Then they saw five brilliant lights on a lenticular-shaped object the 9/22/1997 #43414 bluish beams of light. Three more lights, round in shape, formed a triangl 9/22/1997 #43414 y as the Australian sighting, four lights in a row approached a car from be 10/13/1997 #43428 entified object with two small red lights and two white lights was reported 11/6/1997 #43438 two small red lights and two white lights was reportedly seen flying only 1 11/6/1997 #43438 object, consisting of three white lights in the front and one red light in 11/13/1997 #43440 peg, Manitoba. It has many rows of lights across its surface and is “lavend 11/17/1997 #43446 rous observer(s) and video. Rows / lights. 11/25/1997 #43448 ls reported that they saw flashing lights in their room at two o’clock in t 12/12/1997 #43458 gure was taken up inside the beam. Lights around its edge flashed in rhythm 12/14/1997 #43461 o had earlier that night seen some lights moving out the sky over some near 1/1/1998 #43484 GERM Huge silver disk follows car. Lights / rim rotate. / r240v3#2. 1/3/1998 #43488 Traunstein, Bavaria, Germany. The lights on the rim of the craft were rota 1/3/1998 #43491 t had alternating green and yellow lights around its rim. On top there was 1/11/1998 #43498 on the bottom right under the rim lights. 1/11/1998 #43498 ay. Other continues going east. No lights. 1/18/1998 #43501 n top and with row of blinking red lights, was seen flying over Coventry, R 1/29/1998 #43508 large object flies over them. The lights, radio, and engine come back on b 2/1998 #43509 ta/triangle/box-like craft. Corner lights alternate with center light. Sile 2/5/1998 #43513 ouse. Later they remembered seeing lights. In the morning they all woke up 2/6/1998 #43514 Triangle hovers over hill. Colored lights / corners. No planes up. 2/26/1998 #43523 k object going [to] overhead. 10+7 lights / concentric circles. Spins. Buzz 4/3/1998 #43542 SON, KY Clint stone. Colored night lights / 90° turns. Erratic maneuvers an 4/6/1998 #43545 ia at 9:15 p.m. It had three white lights along the bottom. 4/11/1998 #43547 conds by three women. It had three lights, red, white, and blue in color, t 4/20/1998 #43552 water, in the same area where the lights from the object had been shining 5/13/1998 #43566 t on the bottom (middle) and small lights that moved around on the outer pa 5/16/1998 #43568 England at 12:30 a.m. It had white lights at the front of the object, and w 5/27/1998 #43571 ect going [to] low over house. Car lights and exterior spotlights turn on! 5/29/1998 #43573 s. Triangle hovers outside. Square lights / bottom. 5/31/1998 #43576 in Chateauguay, Quebec three white lights arranged in a triangle were seen 6/6/1998 #43583 en flying through some clouds. The lights moved from the edges to the cente 6/6/1998 #43583 ing north over River Road. Colored lights flash / rim. 6/14/1998 #43588 dge, England. The object has white lights at each corner and projects a whi 6/26/1998 #43595 d and she was surrounded by bright lights. She saw three short humanoids ar 6/27/1998 #43596 observer(s). Huge triangle. White lights / corners and red / middle. Going 7/15/1998 #43606 fast into cloud. 300M altitude. No lights. 7/18/1998 #43609 D WIDE AREA, FR Triangle with many lights / 30 towns. Dodges videocam. Foot 8/10/1998 #43624 A triangular UFO with many lights was seen over at least 30 differe 8/10/1998 #43627 n oval shape. The object displayed lights that changed color and pattern. 8/14/1998 #43631 t 8:30 p.m. PDT, two sets of seven lights, yellow, blue, red and green, wer 9/11/1998 #43643 ing red and white rapidly flashing lights, was seen passing overhead by sev 9/21/1998 #43649 shaped craft with green and orange lights hovering about 25 or 30 feet abov 9/25/1998 #43651 nking in a triangle formation. The lights were extremely bright “it felt li 10/1998 #43656 told him they experienced strange lights, disembodied voices and shadow-li 10/1998 #43656 ched it for five minutes until its lights turned off. The sky was dark with 10/2/1998 #43658 flat bottom covered with rotating lights. The base commander scrambles a S 10/19/1998 #43665 the apex and three strobing white lights down the center line to the base. 11/3/1998 #43675 silvery triangular object with dim lights flew just above the trees in West 11/29/1998 #43690 orce Base Night. Bright blue-white lights are seen throughout Sussex County 11/30/1998 #43692 ll over erratically,” with smaller lights coming from the larger one. Local 11/30/1998 #43692 otice three extremely bright amber lights in front of them in the southeast 12/1998 #43694 iangular formation. The bottom two lights are about 100 feet off the ground 12/1998 #43694 ent lasts about 10 seconds and the lights are so bright that it looks like 12/1998 #43694 he notices a cluster of four white lights and one red light to the south. T 12/3/1998 #43696 aw a huge, wedge-shaped craft with lights over the George Washington Bridge 12/15/1998 #43699 triangle-shaped craft outlined by lights passed silently over Bethelem, Pe 12/15/1998 #43699 M saucer 300M away low over field. Lights area like day. Speeds up going we 12/21/1998 #43701 England reported seeing bursts of lights in her room and then finding hers 1/7/1999 #43711 documents relating to the Phoenix Lights and (later) the St. Clair Triangl 1/22/1999 #43717 e documents related to the Phoenix Lights incident and the St. Clair Triang 1/22/1999 #43719 with a triangular formation of red lights surrounding it that appeared to r 2/9/1999 #43724 bove the trees. It had four bright lights along its bottom in perfect align 2/25/1999 #43735 / Major axis. Falling leaf motion. Lights / ends. Fast. / CUN.. 2/27/1999 #43737 r axis over Bologna, Italy. It had lights at both ends. It engaged in some 2/27/1999 #43738 a. An object covered with flashing lights is seen by several witnesses prio 3/5/1999 #43743 black triangle" with a row of red lights on one side. It was also complete 3/10/1999 #43746 erhead / high altitude. Responds / lights. 3/29/1999 #43751 e. They see red, green, and yellow lights on the object, which performs sev 4/2/1999 #43753 s. She sees strange, double, white lights resembling car headlights attache 4/7/1999 #43754 liant 3M sphere hugs terrain. Glow lights low clouds overhead. 4/8/1999 #43755 cticut at 5:30 a.m. It had glowing lights that illuminated the low clouds o 4/8/1999 #43756 ns. Bright white saucer with green lights hovers. Suddenly shoots away extr 4/11/1999 #43757 nd blowing. He noticed some bright lights outside his house. When he went o 5/23/1999 #43773 object with blue and red flashing lights, described as "something weird," 5/23/1999 #43774 und objects with powerful flashing lights lined up in the sky eight kilomet 6/1/1999 #43778 , Alabama a row of 5 or 6 blinking lights were seen flying in the sky. The 6/5/1999 #43780 craft with red and yellow flashing lights flying over Nicholasville, Kentuc 6/21/1999 #43787 c-shaped object with a row of blue lights pass over the trees to the northe 6/30/1999 #43788 ield. It was silver and black with lights in each corner, and had a pulsati 7/3/1999 #43790 ia at 2:15 a.m. Then he saw three lights in a triangular formation with a 7/15/1999 #43804 za, Egypt saw multiple unexplained lights flying north toward Giza. The lig 7/17/1999 #43806 ghts flying north toward Giza. The lights settled on the ground and then di 7/17/1999 #43806 erby-hat saucer going east. Bright lights / bottom/underside. Laser scans g 7/23/1999 #43810 ia at 9:20 p.m. It was lit up with lights like a Ferris wheel. 8/8/1999 #43818 e noticed some nearby multicolored lights coming from a field behind him. I 8/14/1999 #43822 verhead. Blue-beam going down [to] lights yard. Missing time. 8/22/1999 #43829 three a.m. a witness sighted three lights on a triangular object over Medic 8/26/1999 #43836 s 30M over construction / Exit 24. Lights. 9/20/1999 #43847 rs watched a delta-shaped UFO with lights as it hovered only 30 meters abov 9/20/1999 #43849 FO with high-intensity blue arcing lights traveling west over the Gulf of M 10/9/1999 #43859 utside their bedroom window. Other lights seem to be flying around it, so t 10/10/1999 #43860 ad a row of about 13 yellow-orange lights. There was also a blue haze aroun 10/17/1999 #43862 silver ball-bearings with rings of lights. 10/23/1999 #43863 p.m. a vertical column with three lights in a line moved silently across t 10/23/1999 #43864 Airport, Texas saw three gigantic lights approach their aircraft at cruisi 10/26/1999 #43865 uising altitude (37,000 feet). The lights were part of a large triangular-s 10/26/1999 #43865 Large silent cylinder/cigar-shape lights all. Street lights dim. Lights / 11/4/1999 #43871 der/cigar-shape lights all. Street lights dim. Lights / edge. Dome / top. 11/4/1999 #43871 ape lights all. Street lights dim. Lights / edge. Dome / top. 11/4/1999 #43871 over sea offshore. Vibrant bright lights / back. 11/4/1999 #43872 It was illuminated by pale orange lights. It moved extremely slowly, headi 11/6/1999 #43875 ilver sphere going [to] low / fog. Lights field randomly. Going north. 11/21/1999 #43884 here flying silently low in a fog. Lights followed it randomly. The sphere 11/21/1999 #43885 domly. The sphere and the trailing lights flew to the north. 11/21/1999 #43885 mbia four witnesses watched orange lights in the northwest sky, moving slow 11/25/1999 #43887 northwest sky, moving slowly. The lights wandered in the sky for four minu 11/25/1999 #43887 y for four minutes. There were 4-6 lights in a "X-shape." 11/25/1999 #43887 ham, Alabama awoke to bright white lights illuminating their farmyard. The 12/5/1999 #43893 s illuminating their farmyard. The lights climbed into the sky. Two minutes 12/5/1999 #43893 aw a large oval-shaped object with lights rotating around its circumference 12/5/1999 #43893 A disc with green flashing lights pulsating around its middle rim s 12/15/1999 #43898 and emitted red, blue, and orange lights. The police reportedly found grou 12/17/1999 #43899 ead / low altitude. Light humming. Lights / bottom/underside. Going quickly 1/5/2000 #43919 00 feet altitude. There were three lights in back and many dimmer lights sp 1/5/2000 #43922 ree lights in back and many dimmer lights sprinkled on the surface like "st 1/5/2000 #43922 home. They witnessed more than 30 lights that travelled at random through 1/12/2000 #43926 fter ten minutes the sound and the lights went away. Others in the area had 1/17/2000 #43929 tracked. At 10:15 p.m. five bright lights in a triangle formation changed t 1/29/2000 #43936 med to be smoke. These five bright lights were also observed by a married c 1/29/2000 #43936 aped formation of orange and white lights, which then maneuvered around eac 2/11/2000 #43946 sk hovers / 3M altitude. 2 colored lights. Watches stop. 2/14/2000 #43950 :30 p.m. five large orange glowing lights flew in from the east over Rockfo 2/16/2000 #43951 t out of its bottom. All remaining lights then sped away. There were multip 2/16/2000 #43951 react to horizontal row of bright lights hovering in the sky (NICAP: 04 - 2/18/2000 #43953 2:00 a.m. It flashed multi-colored lights, then departed. 2/22/2000 #43956 iz.) acknowledges that the Phoenix Lights incident “has never been fully ex 3/1/2000 #43959 in Springfield, Ohio. It had many lights on the bottom, and it hovered on 3/1/2000 #43960 ber of grayish-white, non-blinking lights. It flew to the northeast, and ma 3/26/2000 #43969 Arizona Phoenix Lights US District Court Judge Stephen M 3/30/2000 #43972 t seeking documents on the Phoenix Lights in Arizona, concluding that “a re 3/30/2000 #43972 ting off at a 90º angle. The car's lights and tape deck ceased working when 3/30/2000 #43973 huge craft surrounded by blinding lights and looking at something resembli 5/3/2000 #43988 hanged color. Some powerful strobe lights hit the mountain, then the pieces 5/8/2000 #43990 e shaped object with red and green lights flew low over the Garden State Pa 5/14/2000 #43994 d noticed a large dark object with lights that flew over from north to sout 5/15/2000 #43995 t and two wings with red and green lights on the ends. The wings were very 5/17/2000 #43996 ft had two very bright large white lights underneath it at the front, shini 5/17/2000 #43996 ependent reports of orange colored lights coming from the northwest, travel 6/3/2000 #44000 hat the three bright orange/yellow lights appeared to meet up over the ocea 6/3/2000 #44000 ion of three small, satellite-like lights, performed figure-8 movements aro 6/30/2000 #44007 a triangular object surrounded by lights. Early 7/2000 #44008 A football field sized object with lights was sighted by an air safety offi 7/7/2000 #44011 en they spotted two strange yellow lights ahead on the roadway. The driver 7/13/2000 #44016 her high beams at the two intense lights and she began to slow down her ca 7/13/2000 #44016 shaped object surrounded by bright lights descend overhead and land in her 7/14/2000 #44017 dale, Washington, sees four orange lights descending to the west over the O 7/17/2000 #44021 ge disc with a great many blinking lights surrounding it. On the bottom of 7/25/2000 #44023 tarted walking towards some nearby lights. As he was walking, a car drove a 8/11/2000 #44030 at 11:05 p.m. It had 40 to 50 red lights and three blue lights, and flew a 8/30/2000 #44034 40 to 50 red lights and three blue lights, and flew at between 200 to 300 f 8/30/2000 #44034 attern on its underside. Small red lights appear on the tips of its swept-b 9/3/2000 #44036 thin a wheel". "What amazed me was lights were coming down the spokes going 9/11/2000 #44038 black in color, and had no running lights. 9/17/2000 #44041 yells for the others to come out, lights on the object turn on, and it slo 9/27/2000 #44047 A witness saw three lights chasing one another over Montreal 10/3/2000 #44051 tom," with yellow, orange and blue lights, markings, and a dark circle in t 10/5/2000 #44053 t stood almost upright with bright lights at each end. It had white and amb 10/5/2000 #44053 t each end. It had white and amber lights, and a red strobe light was runni 10/5/2000 #44053 r Medina, Ohio. It had very bright lights and was making a humming noise. L 10/24/2000 #44061 , squat, triangular object with no lights, was seen emitting a smoke-like, 10/24/2000 #44061 see a huge flying wing with white lights on each end. It seems to be flyin 11/2000 #44069 lying at 300 feet. It has multiple lights around its perimeter. They drive 11/4/2000 #44071 ey drive toward it, flashing their lights, and the object climbs another 30 11/4/2000 #44071 iangular formation of three bright lights in the southern sky blinking irre 11/4/2000 #44072 riangle-shaped object with lots of lights moving in the sky at 8:45 p.m., a 11/25/2000 #44080 follow saucer. Steady and blinking lights / top. 11/28/2000 #44083 the west. Three or more nocturnal lights followed the disc, which had both 11/28/2000 #44086 which had both steady and blinking lights on its top. The sighting lasted a 11/28/2000 #44086 . Silent round grey 5M object with lights just over trees. / Police report. 11/29/2000 #44087 46 a.m. with five big bright white lights arranged in a V shape, evenly spa 11/29/2000 #44088 ere no strobes or colored flashing lights on the object. 11/29/2000 #44088 ide, silent round gray object with lights, just over trees at 5:50 p.m. 11/29/2000 #44090 6:45 p.m. in Galway, New York two lights were seen moving in a circular mo 11/30/2000 #44093 him. As he got closer to where the lights were located they suddenly turned 11/30/2000 #44094 Avondale, Arizona, sees a bunch of lights in the shape of a triangle to the 12/1/2000 #44095 angular object with dim steady red lights at the triangle vertices at 10:50 12/2/2000 #44096 ad various golden-yellow and green lights. The formations were in an irregu 12/11/2000 #44100 -year-old friend. Some odd colored lights in the sky seem to follow them fo 12/13/2000 #44101 n, Queensland, Australia saw eight lights about 200 meters away pacing his 12/13/2000 #44102 r. He stopped, and when he did the lights also stopped moveing. Each light 12/13/2000 #44102 oom lit up by a series of flashing lights outside her bedroom window, which 12/13/2000 #44103 observe two cigar-shaped “shining lights” in the sky, hanging motionless o 1/31/2001 #44135 g, silent, triangular formation of lights flew over Irwin, Pennsylvania, ca 2/19/2001 #44139 A triangular object with lights on apexes, and red, blue, and gre 2/27/2001 #44143 n apexes, and red, blue, and green lights on back surface flew over Irrican 2/27/2001 #44143 Three discs with lights flew over Becket, Massachusetts o 2/27/2001 #44144 arm. 3M ovoid hovers / corn field. Lights flash / bottom/underside. Sudden 3/2/2001 #44146 ngular object with two very bright lights on the front and a reddish lookin 3/26/2001 #44152 gar-shaped craft with two flashing lights on each end, which the witness es 3/26/2001 #44152 k triangle-shaped object with four lights was sighted by a single witness i 4/25/2001 #44167 .m. a huge V-shaped UFO with white lights on the leading edge defining the 4/26/2001 #44169 Australia. A minute later, single lights began arcing in one direction, th 4/26/2001 #44169 inking, strobing and pulsing white lights. The craft took three minutes to 5/17/2001 #44185 at, black V-shaped object, with no lights or sound, was suspended in the sk 6/2/2001 #44191 . "Submarine" passes. Shoots up. 3 lights strobe / top. 6/6/2001 #44192 k. Silver sides and dome / bottom. Lights / rim. 6/16/2001 #44194 BUCHAREST, ROMN Power outage. Lights over city. 11M ovoid emits cold w 6/28/2001 #44197 charest, Romania at 4:10 a.m. when lights flew over the city. An eleven met 6/28/2001 #44198 Năneşti, Romania, even though the lights in neighboring villages are still 6/30/2001 #44199 ana a set of flashing mulitcolored lights was seen on a hilltop. They dip b 7/7/2001 #44206 s of Carteret, New Jersey, observe lights in the southwestern sky on a clea 7/14/2001 #44208 y on a clear, cloudless night. The lights appear in various formations at a 7/14/2001 #44208 ir testimonies reveals a series of lights, numbering from 4–5 to as many as 7/14/2001 #44208 re was no sound emanating from the lights, and no one can see any wings. Th 7/14/2001 #44208 and no one can see any wings. The lights are often no more than 1,000 feet 7/14/2001 #44208 m. reported V-shaped formations of lights hovering, and then fading out one 7/15/2001 #44209 und witnesses' testimony of seeing lights over the New Jersey Turnpike. Doz 7/15/2001 #44209 op on the NJ Turnpike to watch the lights as they passed overhead. The Cart 7/15/2001 #44209 Bob Durant, "In the short time the lights were displayed on screen, it was 7/15/2001 #44209 was no relative movement among the lights. The top of a house or building, 7/15/2001 #44209 eo scene. There were a total of 10 lights arranged in three groups. Beginni 7/15/2001 #44209 this corresponds with the foremost lights. We see five lights, then a space 7/15/2001 #44209 h the foremost lights. We see five lights, then a space, then four lights, 7/15/2001 #44209 ve lights, then a space, then four lights, a much longer space and a single 7/15/2001 #44209 the group of five or group of four lights, or to the entire group of lights 7/15/2001 #44209 lights, or to the entire group of lights. The lights depicted in the video 7/15/2001 #44209 to the entire group of lights. The lights depicted in the video are large, 7/15/2001 #44209 in diameter among them. One of the lights, momentarily, nearly 'goes out', 7/15/2001 #44209 ge disc, which had numerous bright lights on its top and windows in the cen 8/1/2001 #44217 rectangular object, quiet with no lights, flew right over a couple driving 8/2/2001 #44221 later another strange formation of lights flew overhead in Bushey, Hertford 8/4/2001 #44224 approximately 100 feet long, with lights on each end that changed color, w 8/9/2001 #44230 flying triangle with several white lights was sighted and videotaped at abo 8/16/2001 #44236 light as well as the several white lights, and was the size of a Boeing 727 8/16/2001 #44236 northeast, stopped, turned off all lights for a few seconds, then lit up ag 8/16/2001 #44236 d runs outside to see three steady lights in triangular formation moving ea 8/17/2001 #44237 d a passenger noticed three steady lights moving south in unison, positione 8/20/2001 #44240 triangle. The space in between the lights was camouflaged against the night 8/20/2001 #44240 onsin witnesses saw three flashing lights flying in a row. The lights were 8/30/2001 #44249 ashing lights flying in a row. The lights were flashing in sequence: first 8/30/2001 #44249 hite. At first, it looked like the lights were all connected, but using bin 8/30/2001 #44249 f windows in it. Suddenly the rear lights split apart, flying off in differ 8/30/2001 #44249 orted a triangular group of orange lights were seen over the reservoir at 1 9/9/2001 #44255 ncounters with two bright oncoming lights in Kanturk, County Cork, Ireland; 9/10/2001 #44256 High speed maneuvering lights were seen over Cleveland, Ohio at 9/11/2001 #44259 Jersey. They had very bright round lights at each apex. At 11:50 p.m. three 9/11/2001 #44259 At 6:05 a.m. a formation of lights was seen moving low over Toronto, 9/13/2001 #44260 nation of low flying, bright white lights. The two outer lights were round 9/25/2001 #44264 bright white lights. The two outer lights were round and bright, while the 9/25/2001 #44264 round and bright, while the inner lights were dimmer. The sighting lasted 9/25/2001 #44264 wice the size of a car, with white lights around the middle, and a green-bl 10/28/2001 #44267 At 8:03 p.m. a cluster of small lights was seen between two larger red l 11/6/2001 #44273 ts was seen between two larger red lights over the M62 highway in Rochdale, 11/6/2001 #44273 England by a police woman. The red lights oscillated between various shades 11/6/2001 #44273 ritory An oval object with several lights flies on an irregular path above 11/11/2001 #44274 as completely silent. It had white lights underneath, and at one point stop 11/13/2001 #44276 thwest. When over the city all the lights started to spin around, and the l 11/15/2001 #44277 A V-shaped bank of lights flew from north to south over Aug 11/19/2001 #44278 .m. It made no sound, and the rear lights where offset a little from a stra 11/19/2001 #44278 night, at 11:45 p.m., five bronze lights, each elliptical in shape and all 11/19/2001 #44278 onid meteor shower, and said these lights could not have been meteors. 11/19/2001 #44278 ver Mouscron, Belgium. It had blue lights in the three corners, and a brill 12/6/2001 #44282 triangular flying object that had lights on the sides and at the apexes wa 12/10/2001 #44284 transparent with two red and white lights on the top and bottom. It moved s 12/10/2001 #44286 ing above Craik, Saskatchewan, see lights that they think belong to another 12/11/2001 #44287 xperts / Cessna 650. 3 rectangular lights going northeast / 300kph. 2 photo 12/14/2001 #44289 Two bright blue lights were seen on a cigar-shaped craft 12/17/2001 #44293 gular-shaped wedge with three blue lights in the corner, and yellow light i 12/19/2001 #44298 tude with highway A38 / 4 minutes. Lights / corners. 12/27/2001 #44300 et altitude, and had several white lights inside a red rectangular outer ri 12/31/2001 #44301 t. The UFO had light blue flashing lights, was saucer-shaped with a dome-li 1/3/2002 #44303 ury, MD Dogs bark at fireball that lights terrain and is heard (IFO) (NICAP 1/22/2002 #44309 ees a triangular object with white lights that is maneuvering around Magazi 3/15/2002 #44324 g south stops field / 5M altitude. Lights / rim. Going quickly west extreme 3/27/2002 #44327 only five meters altitude. It had lights around its rim. It shot off to th 3/27/2002 #44328 A triangular formation of white lights was seen by a police woman at 3:1 4/7/2002 #44330 ifield, near Skipton, England. The lights travelled slowly through the sky 4/7/2002 #44330 nt boomerang-shaped object with no lights was sighted at 9:45 p.m. in Kelow 4/30/2002 #44334 had erratic flashing multi-colored lights. It spun, and rocked slowly back- 5/5/2002 #44338 ly back-and-forth. Two small white lights moved outward from it, and remain 5/5/2002 #44338 ing back. Each craft had six white lights on the front and a blunt rear sec 5/12/2002 #44343 t 1:03 a.m. on this night in 2002, lights were seen moving toward the east 6/4/2002 #44346 Georgia when they sighted unusual lights low in the overcast sky above the 6/8/2002 #44349 ed light in the bottom center. The lights appeared to be on one object, whi 6/8/2002 #44349 ted two more craft with indistinct lights. They could hear the sound of roa 6/8/2002 #44349 engines apparently coming from the lights/craft, as they seemed to fly alon 6/8/2002 #44349 t and once again observed hovering lights. The lights crossed the road agai 6/8/2002 #44349 gain observed hovering lights. The lights crossed the road again and then d 6/8/2002 #44349 At 11:45 pm. several lights "put on a show" over a mountain i 7/6/2002 #44356 ound, and there were no navigation lights on the objects. 7/12/2002 #44359 Three lights maneuvered, pulsed, and then fade 7/13/2002 #44360 in neighboring Achiras had sighted lights heading toward them. As he was d 7/21/2002 #44362 an he spotted a formation of seven lights, and followed them for 10 kilomet 7/21/2002 #44362 hicle's engine died, his dashboard lights and interior lights began turning 7/21/2002 #44362 his dashboard lights and interior lights began turning on and off, and his 7/21/2002 #44362 both locations, witnesses see odd lights or objects pursued by one militar 7/26/2002 #44366 to seeing the figure, he had seen lights in a large oval shaped pattern in 7/28/2002 #44368 .m. a cylindrical craft with faint lights on both ends zigzagged through th 7/30/2002 #44371 shaped object with brilliant white lights at each of its corners moving slo 8/2002 #44373 Matteo Leone demonstrates that the lights reported by the EMBLA team are co 8/5/2002 #44374 ed object, large and with exterior lights, was sighted near the water in We 8/5/2002 #44375 5 p.m., many triangle crafts, with lights, were seen flying at tree top lev 8/5/2002 #44375 ng object with red, green and blue lights was seen moving around a farm nea 8/11/2002 #44378 tened during sighting of nocturnal lights (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactio 8/12/2002 #44379 riangle-shaped aircraft with white lights was sighted hovering low in a fie 8/30/2002 #44387 ge flying triangle with no running lights, but it did have some 7 to 9 diml 9/5/2002 #44390 k flying triangle with three white lights in a triangle formation, and a fa 9/10/2002 #44395 ing spell, so I refocused, and the lights were there." Thirty seconds later 9/15/2002 #44397 conds later the flying triangle of lights changed direction from north to e 9/15/2002 #44397 them without making any sound. The lights on each tip were solid white, but 9/15/2002 #44397 istinct impression that the corner lights were used to camouflage the objec 9/15/2002 #44397 r's house. A triangle formation of lights was all that was captured on vide 9/15/2002 #44397 inutes, as they got closer the two lights ahead changed position, and what 9/15/2002 #44398 inct flying triangular shape, with lights at all three corners, unlike any 9/15/2002 #44398 when he was approached by blinking lights on a circular UFO. This was follo 9/25/2002 #44408 3M disk hovers / streetlight. Beam lights watchman. 9/28/2002 #44410 ke normal red and green navigation lights on the wing tips, a white strobe 10/29/2002 #44424 light on the bottom, and dim white lights on the underside corners. He also 10/29/2002 #44424 n the nose, not the normal landing lights. Within a minute he saw a second 10/29/2002 #44424 econd similar craft with three dim lights in the corners, and no discernabl 10/29/2002 #44424 light with "yellow, blue and pink lights." It hovered for several hours, c 11/1/2002 #44429 ctangular-shaped object with three lights, two on either side that were alw 11/1/2002 #44430 ll of fire having several flashing lights. It made several comings and goin 11/1/2002 #44432 r than other. It had 7 pale yellow lights on one side and 5 on the other; t 11/1/2002 #44434 n one side and 5 on the other; the lights were oblong shaped, not circular. 11/1/2002 #44434 object with lots of red and white lights around it was sighted. It was rou 11/13/2002 #44439 wl, and was charcoal gray with red lights around the rim. It emitted white 11/13/2002 #44439 ifornia a set of 7-10 flashing red lights in a triangular shape were sighte 11/13/2002 #44440 utheast direction, and had two red lights, one on each tip of the trailing 11/13/2002 #44441 iameter and had many white and red lights. It flew to the west slowly for t 11/13/2002 #44442 an accumulation of shimmering red lights in the three apexes of the object 11/20/2002 #44445 alternating yellow, white and blue lights. It flew toward the southwest. 11/22/2002 #44448 Three disc-shaped lights flew through the sky over a 10 mi 11/29/2002 #44456 h 3-5 blindingly bright horizontal lights flew low overhead in Los Angeles, 1/2/2003 #44465 8:00 p.m. a disc-shaped craft with lights around the perimeter flew over Wi 1/2/2003 #44466 was sighted by two witnesses. The lights on the UFO changed color from whi 1/2/2003 #44466 ana reported several multi-colored lights maneuvering in the sky under the 1/5/2003 #44469 d, Texas a cylindrical object with lights appeared in the sky for three min 1/8/2003 #44474 e witness, waving its skinny arms. Lights appeared behind it. The man descr 1/22/2003 #44477 6 p.m. a bell-shaped UFO with four lights was viewed for 26 minutes over Cr 1/22/2003 #44478 red light that emitted a shower of lights in Oxnard, California. The object 1/22/2003 #44478 ngle with three glowing white dome lights on the tips of its apexes, plus a 1/24/2003 #44479 , Canada two witnesses watched two lights at 7:58 p.m., moving southwest pe 2/11/2003 #44487 tations at a rate of one a second. Lights inside and outside the car were a 2/13/2003 #44490 ar. In a few seconds blinding blue lights distracted the witness. The next 2/13/2003 #44490 ge "jet black" triangular UFO with lights came slowly toward a witness driv 2/16/2003 #44493 w a low flying triangle with white lights at each apex. It was travelling t 3/1/2003 #44498 tude. It had "pure white" circular lights on the wingtips, small red lights 3/8/2003 #44500 lights on the wingtips, small red lights in the middle that brightened and 3/8/2003 #44500 l. Most had red and white flashing lights, with no visible wings, and did n 3/14/2003 #44502 ke a sound. Some had blue and aqua lights. Some were triangular, some cigar 3/14/2003 #44502 mall boxes with four perpendicular lights. The witness brought several peop 3/14/2003 #44502 fide helicopter with multi-colored lights flew over. A few of these objects 3/14/2003 #44502 then two small side-by-side white lights shot off from underneath on a dia 3/27/2003 #44507 cross-shaped object with panels of lights on the underside flew low over th 4/3/2003 #44510 ncased in an eerie glow with three lights, one in each corner. The craft th 4/4/2003 #44511 ected sunlight. It had no exterior lights. An airliner was seen passing bel 4/6/2003 #44512 Two orange lights flew in a corkscrew pattern toget 4/16/2003 #44514 indshield he could see two glowing lights or eyes. They moved independently 4/21/2003 #44517 orange light at each apex, and the lights seemed striped rather than solid. 5/1/2003 #44520 onal, and it had four small yellow lights with a large red light in the mid 5/8/2003 #44529 Two yellow lights were seen moving very quickly ove 5/10/2003 #44532 aw a beautiful display of rotating lights that slowly hovered, moving no mo 5/13/2003 #44536 ing with a wondrous arrangement of lights, which sped off in an instant. At 5/13/2003 #44536 British Columbia a ring of colored lights with a dark round object in the c 5/13/2003 #44536 ing quickly east / sea. Silent. No lights. 5/19/2003 #44540 to sea heading east. There were no lights on the object. 5/19/2003 #44541 t craft bearing three bright white lights was observed crossing I-5 near Fr 5/19/2003 #44543 :30 p.m. The UFO had bright orange lights at each apex which did not light 5/23/2003 #44544 MDT in Havre, Montana three white lights arranged in a triangle formation 5/23/2003 #44544 und and had no blinking or colored lights. 5/23/2003 #44544 zona at 10:10 p.m. It had pinpoint lights along its side that flickered som 5/27/2003 #44547 cross-shaped object with three big lights that was hovering at a low altitu 5/29/2003 #44549 raft with two strobing oval-shaped lights. The bottom of the craft was a de 6/2/2003 #44552 surrounded by bright multicolored lights. It flies as if it is sliding wit 6/5/2003 #44554 ime closer. They next saw 20 to 30 lights zooming across the sky. These all 7/12/2003 #44563 nights the pair have seen strange lights in the sky at night, dashing acro 7/12/2003 #44563 ly at around 1:30 a.m. Two strange lights were sighted in the sky. One was 7/14/2003 #44564 o of a formation of five yellowish lights leaving a smoke trail above the b 8/20/2003 #44577 15's. It reportedly had four white lights and four red lights. 8/30/2003 #44588 had four white lights and four red lights. 8/30/2003 #44588 r one spot, flashing red and green lights. It made no sound, and was seen f 8/31/2003 #44590 Yukon A triangular object with red lights flies over two people in Whitehor 9/11/2003 #44596 ng any sound. It had white and red lights on the bottom. 9/13/2003 #44599 r craft. The color of the object's lights changed from pinkish-red to blue 9/13/2003 #44600 e ring-shaped object with twirling lights descended out of sight in Airdrie 9/15/2003 #44603 ht that separated into three other lights, and then formed a cross. 9/19/2003 #44604 A black disc-shaped object with no lights was seen in broad daylight in Sau 9/20/2003 #44605 t with red, white, blue and orange lights danced through the sky at 3:00 a. 9/24/2003 #44606 Niles, OH Dogs non-reactive to lights in sky. (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal 11/14/2003 #44615 e illuminated object with flashing lights moved smoothly over the Bay Bridg 11/23/2003 #44620 ish Columbia briefly saw some blue lights in the sky at 9:20 p.m., then fel 11/25/2003 #44621 triangle-shaped object with three lights was sighted at 8:36 p.m. It stopp 11/29/2003 #44623 e, oval object with a ring of blue lights hovers above a house in Houston, 12/8/2003 #44626 witness reporting seeing star-like lights during the daytime over San Franc 12/15/2003 #44630 t with four different multicolored lights flew across the Denver skyline an 12/23/2003 #44631 A hovering object with a circle of lights was seen in a field in Tatum, New 12/30/2003 #44633 stopped twice in the sky, then the lights went out and the object vanished. 12/30/2003 #44633 ield. The object has bright strobe lights and is triangular in shape. It be 1/4/2004 #44643 about 360 feet wide. The interior lights dim (power drain) and the encount 1/4/2004 #44644 ect also appeared to have flashing lights on the outside. 1/4/2004 #44648 New Brunswick, watch two flashing lights low in the west. They descend rap 1/17/2004 #44651 int Paul, another witness sees two lights heading toward the northwest, The 1/17/2004 #44651 ct is composed of two bright white lights that seem to be attached to a str 1/21/2004 #44653 tern, Germany, sees a row of seven lights directly overhead and glowing a b 1/22/2004 #44654 in his building goes out when the lights get brighter. Possible light pill 1/22/2004 #44654 o, New Brunswick. It has sparkling lights on top and a V shape on its under 1/25/2004 #44656 ent UFO with one light, no running lights or tail light, and no vapor trail 2/8/2004 #44659 Bright amber lights flashing in a random sequence on 2/9/2004 #44660 , had a V-shape, with 7 or maybe 8 lights in a V-shaped pattern. 2/11/2004 #44663 riangular flying object with three lights, one at each end, flew over Phill 2/17/2004 #44667 -shaped object with numerous green lights was seen over Bellevue, Ohio at 7 2/25/2004 #44669 videotape that shows moving bright lights at 11,500 feet. Mexican journalis 3/5/2004 #44672 elling,” while NARCAP suggests the lights are most likely burn-off flares o 3/5/2004 #44672 d object with white, red and green lights at 7:00 p.m. on this evening. It 3/10/2004 #44675 tudents, witnessed two very bright lights in the night sky at 7:26 p.m., wh 3/21/2004 #44678 with what looked like halogen type lights, and was clear or hollow in the c 3/21/2004 #44678 the entire sighting. They had many lights and flew off to the west, where t 3/25/2004 #44679 large disc-shaped object with six lights that went on and off in 20 second 4/8/2004 #44685 ndent sighting of yellowish orange lights in the southern sky. The object i 4/8/2004 #44685 ude. It had blinking red and green lights at the rear, and it was projectin 4/16/2004 #44689 olumbia. It was white in color. No lights were seen on the craft, flying at 4/26/2004 #44693 minutes. It had a row of blinking lights, and the lights were alternating 5/7/2004 #44695 a row of blinking lights, and the lights were alternating blue and red, wh 5/7/2004 #44695 ular UFO with three blinking white lights and one flashing red light in the 5/9/2004 #44698 ay in color, and ringed with black lights. All three of the craft appeared 5/12/2004 #44699 poose, Oregon. It was dark without lights but blocked the backdrop of stars 5/14/2004 #44700 object, flickering green and blue lights and only about 30 feet in the air 5/19/2004 #44704 52 p.m. PDT a V-shaped object with lights was seen hovering low, close to t 5/19/2004 #44705 Columbia, Canada. There were three lights on each wing of the V, rotating r 5/19/2004 #44705 the object, which had spinning red lights and was beaming light down into t 6/9/2004 #44709 lburn, GA Dog barks as small white lights are observed (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - A 6/10/2004 #44710 aped object with two bright yellow lights on both ends fly 90 feet above th Summer 2004 #44713 ucer shaped object with bright red lights was seen in Richmond Hill, New Yo 6/21/2004 #44714 there are no known buildings. The lights were positioned in a triangle. At 8/2/2004 #44725 form, clearly outlined by rows of lights. There were four bright emerald g 8/2/2004 #44725 ere were four bright emerald green lights positioned at the four corners of 8/2/2004 #44725 ers of the craft, and numerous red lights were running along its edges, con 8/2/2004 #44725 ise direction. Bright yellow-green lights were located at the center of the 8/2/2004 #44725 ttom of the craft, while four blue lights were positioned around it in a cr 8/2/2004 #44725 , Andrey noticed that all electric lights along the seashore blinked out si 8/2/2004 #44725 wn and back-and-forth. It had blue lights around it with a red light on top 8/11/2004 #44731 any County, New York. It had white lights at the points. 8/11/2004 #44732 t through binoculars. It had three lights with one located at each apex. Th 8/20/2004 #44736 Park Oak Forest Illinois Three red lights hovering in a triangular formatio 8/21/2004 #44738 nce again on October 31, 2006. The lights are captured on video by some wit 8/21/2004 #44738 e video evidence suggests that the lights keep the geometrical shape and mo 8/21/2004 #44738 Scotia, Canada saw two stationary lights in the sky for about an hour, beg 8/26/2004 #44743 atched a set of brilliant strobing lights through binoculars from Linton, O 9/3/2004 #44746 inoculars from Linton, Oregon. The lights were hovering in the sky across t 9/3/2004 #44746 They distinctly saw four colors of lights: red, white, green, and blue. The 9/3/2004 #44746 atched a set of brilliant strobing lights through binoculars from Linton, O 9/5/2004 #44748 They had previously seen the same lights from the same location on Septemb 9/5/2004 #44748 er 3rd, two nights previously. The lights were hovering in the sky across t 9/5/2004 #44748 They distinctly saw four colors of lights: red, white, green, and blue. The 9/5/2004 #44748 A cigar-shaped object with two lights was sighted briefly over Seattle, 9/11/2004 #44753 w moving pairs of rapidly flashing lights, possibly representing triangular 9/11/2004 #44754 shington State, a huge triangle of lights passed over a remote campsite at 9/11/2004 #44754 e, almost gossamer, sprinkled with lights but almost like dusted with lumin 9/12/2004 #44755 es to dance around. Suddenly, both lights blink out at the same time. 9/16/2004 #44757 o, wakes up to a humming sound and lights shining through her window. She r 9/17/2004 #44758 haped like a large submarine” with lights. It has beams of lights shining d 9/17/2004 #44758 rine” with lights. It has beams of lights shining down the middle of it in 9/17/2004 #44758 submarine-shaped object with many lights was seen briefly in Sault Ste. Ma 9/17/2004 #44759 io, Canada at 10:00 p.m. It had no lights and made no sound. 9/18/2004 #44760 ject with windows and many colored lights hovered over Ile des Soeurs, Ile- 9/19/2004 #44761 t a series of three reddish-orange lights affixed to the bottom of a huge t 10/2/2004 #44766 . The object made no sound, had no lights, no windows, was otherwise featur 10/24/2004 #44769 d in Brooklyn, New York. It had no lights, made no sound, and was huge. Als 10/27/2004 #44772 ng as fast as a small jet, with no lights or sound. At 10:15 two V-shaped U 10/27/2004 #44772 jects flying side-by-side, with no lights and no sound. Two more reports we 10/27/2004 #44772 r. The F-14 is ordered to turn all lights off and descend to pursue the tar 10/28/2004 #44773 Odd lights were seen, most likely on a large 10/29/2004 #44774 , cigar-shaped object with rows of lights flew ahead, dashed right and back 10/30/2004 #44775 rm with seven bright, yellow-white lights. There were no lights on its trai 10/30/2004 #44776 yellow-white lights. There were no lights on its trailing edge, and it was 10/30/2004 #44776 l like in appearance and had small lights around the edges. It emitted a st 11/8/2004 #44780 A bunch of disc-like lights were seen hovering on top of a Gr 11/9/2004 #44781 flickering, ball of red and white lights was seen in the northern sky, by 11/13/2004 #44783 A triangular UFO with red and blue lights was sighted flying over Ottumwa, 11/25/2004 #44791 ver Ottumwa, Iowa at 5:00 a.m. The lights appeared to be rotating in a cloc 11/25/2004 #44791 ed in the blink of an eye. It had lights and was very quiet, making no noi 11/27/2004 #44792 vanished. It had candle-like white lights with a purple hued. The sighting 11/30/2004 #44794 in Acton, Ontario two oval-shaped lights hesitated, then flew over a house 12/5/2004 #44798 made no sound and had bright white lights on its tips and scrolling blue an 12/5/2004 #44798 ts tips and scrolling blue and red lights. 12/5/2004 #44798 lor with blinking yellowish orange lights evenly spaced all the way around 12/5/2004 #44799 Several strange lights were seen from Cau-Cau, Horcon, C 12/18/2004 #44800 a red disc-shaped object with body lights on the underneath side flew along 12/23/2004 #44801 turbine and sees two misty yellow lights drifting above a copse of trees a 2/7/2005 #44813 Kenneth Arnold Phoenix lights Southern Illinois Roswell inciden 2/24/2005 #44816 nneth Arnold sighting, the Phoenix lights, southern Illinois triangle-shape 2/24/2005 #44816 Two football-shaped solid yellow lights passed a car and its driver at cl 3/5/2005 #44819 r craft with seven very dim orange lights, outlining the part of the craft 3/6/2005 #44820 ng a turn to the southeast; it had lights on its three corners. 3/14/2005 #44821 s; the object having white and red lights on other side. The close encounte 4/21/2005 #44825 diamond shaped UFO with four main lights, along with a bunch of small whit 4/25/2005 #44826 above a field. Suddenly two of the lights move toward them and through thei 5/1/2005 #44828 witness sees strange red and white lights crossing the flight path into Dul 5/3/2005 #44829 ootage of pulsating, kaleidoscopic lights over the Denbigh Moors near Llann 5/8/2005 #44833 near Llannefydd, North Wales. The lights had appeared for several nights a 5/8/2005 #44833 studded with red, green, and white lights. It stays visible for a long time 5/9/2005 #44836 uaq, Quebec, watches multi-colored lights heading northeast at a slow pace 5/9/2005 #44837 .m. a gray disc-shaped object with lights around its rim was seen for 20 mi 5/9/2005 #44839 d. They had three extremely bright lights: two white and one red. 5/16/2005 #44843 Following reports of unidentified lights above Dublin Airport in Ireland, 6/28/2005 #44849 Sargent, Texas, on FM2611 when her lights blink twice and the engine goes d 7/5/2005 #44851 bject, wobbling, showing different lights, flickering, and "spazzing" was s 8/9/2005 #44860 a large triangular UFO with three lights fly over Edmonton, Kentucky, with 8/11/2005 #44861 r disc-shaped object with flashing lights, whirring sounds, and flashes of 8/15/2005 #44863 ounds, and flashes of multicolored lights was seen in Mount Olive, Hale Cou 8/15/2005 #44863 and two alternately strobing white lights. 8/15/2005 #44864 he sees a formation of six orange lights approaching from the north. They 8/27/2005 #44866 e of a large helicopter, had green lights on either side, and was clearly a 9/4/2005 #44868 6 a.m. Its bottom was covered with lights. 9/11/2005 #44874 huge triangular-shaped object with lights glided smoothly to the southeast 9/28/2005 #44880 Three bright lights appeared at different times in We 10/2/2005 #44885 o be a triangular craft with three lights on the bottom. It made no noise, 10/17/2005 #44890 and had red, blue and little white lights on it. The object rose up into th 10/17/2005 #44890 Kentucky a black triangle with red lights on the corners and two brighter s 10/19/2005 #44892 haped object with circular shining lights was sighted over Tracy, Californi 10/26/2005 #44895 th amber, green and white flashing lights was observed hovering over Pygra 10/28/2005 #44896 as at 10:30 p.m. when he saw three lights on the horizon. In a flash they g 11/25/2005 #44905 and walked in the direction of the lights, and could see a cigar-shaped obj 11/25/2005 #44905 :45 a.m. a large triangle of white lights with one red light in the middle, 12/15/2005 #44910 silent triangular object with red lights was seen in Hockinson, Washington 12/17/2005 #44912 iangle-shaped object with V-shaped lights flew over the St. Johns River in 12/17/2005 #44912 tside and saw 20 or more tiny blue lights in the sky. They quickly picked u 1/30/2006 #44920 ideo camera and began to film. The lights were high in the sky, and maneuve 1/30/2006 #44920 gain, and once again saw tiny blue lights that shot up into the sky, hovere 1/30/2006 #44920 ng when he noticed two very bright lights on each side of his car that bega 2/15/2006 #44923 the first house he came to and the lights did the same. He did not get out 2/15/2006 #44923 r several minutes while the bright lights remained close to his car. He the 2/15/2006 #44923 w away slowly. There were flashing lights on the object. 2/25/2006 #44924 big heads. There was a sequence of lights from the top and sides of the bel 2/28/2006 #44927 chevron-shaped object with brights lights on the underneath of the wings, m 3/5/2006 #44928 big and had many different colored lights, that went around it in a clockwi 3/14/2006 #44929 It also had a line of bright blue lights in a marquee pattern. 4/18/2006 #44932 ctangular object with red blinking lights that formed an arch was reported 4/27/2006 #44934 triangle shaped object with three lights, one on each apex, and one in the 5/3/2006 #44938 st seemed to absorb any light; the lights did not appear to illuminate anyt 5/3/2006 #44938 on, Manitoba, Canada observed four lights in the sky at 11:45 p.m. Three se 5/4/2006 #44940 bright light and many tiny bright lights in sequence on the edges was seen 5/7/2006 #44941 Three orange lights in a triangular formation were si 6/2/2006 #44946 Poland, sees several red and blue lights maneuvering within a glow about 1 7/13/2006 #44950 etallic saucer- shaped object with lights that are turning on alternately f 7/13/2006 #44950 just run their dogs, and saw some lights coming from the woods. They decid 8/5/2006 #44952 men tried to get a closer look the lights dimmed, and another whooshing sou 8/5/2006 #44952 o be a large “concrete mixer” with lights on it. Later on, after waiting aw 8/5/2006 #44952 e bushes to hide. He next saw many lights shining through the brush that we 8/6/2006 #44953 0 “figures” moving about among the lights. There was a "cocoon"-shaped obje 8/6/2006 #44953 12 feet long, and there were body lights on this object. The activity remi 8/6/2006 #44953 a.m. in Edmonton, Alberta rotating lights were seen on a white polygon UFO, 8/20/2006 #44956 independent people observed large lights in the sky. They hovered and move 8/20/2006 #44956 parts. Other witnesses report four lights. A police officer sees an object 9/5/2006 #44958 icer sees an object with 10 yellow lights moving around in a circular motio 9/5/2006 #44958 object with blue, yellow and green lights passed 30 feet above the witness' 9/6/2006 #44959 report of a triangular object with lights flying over Whitehaven, Cumbria, 9/13/2006 #44961 a, England at 9:45 p.m. One of the lights was green, one was red, and the o 9/13/2006 #44961 black tinted curved perimeter with lights around it. Close to the pavement 9/24/2006 #44966 is tempting to try to explain the lights, however correctly or incorrectly 10/6/2006 #44971 ular objects, lit up by three main lights and other lights in between, flew 10/11/2006 #44975 up by three main lights and other lights in between, flew over Pampa, Texa 10/11/2006 #44975 sses were able to see multicolored lights beneath it that were blue, white, 10/26/2006 #44977 A black triangular UFO with 3 lights on it was seen at 9:30 p.m. in He 10/31/2006 #44978 watch it. People try to pursue the lights, but they soon disappear. 11/2006 #44979 A huge triangular UFO with white lights in each corner plus a large red l 11/29/2006 #44988 :00 p.m. It had two reddish orange lights on the outside of the middle of t 12/5/2006 #44990 dle of the craft, and three orange lights around the back.The craft made no 12/5/2006 #44990 t in Cleveland, Ohio. It had white lights on the sides, and a red light shi 2/17/2007 #45006 A UFO with three lights stayed suspended in the sky over 2/19/2007 #45007 g saucer-shaped object with yellow lights was reported in the sky over Wash 3/5/2007 #45010 starting at 7:00 p.m. It had white lights that did not blink, and a white a 3/6/2007 #45011 Arizona Phoenix Lights Former Arizona Gov. Fife Symingto 3/18/2007 #45012 wn origin” during the 1997 Phoenix Lights event, but notes that he didn’t g 3/18/2007 #45012 triangle object outlined with many lights flew silently overhead New Westmi 4/16/2007 #45017 A circular craft with blue lights was seen by a 55-year-old man wit 4/17/2007 #45018 the back of his neck, because the lights seemed to consist of a row of ind 4/17/2007 #45018 onsist of a row of individual blue lights that first were traveling to the 4/17/2007 #45018 it had maybe 24-30 individual blue lights around the perimeter. It then tra 4/17/2007 #45018 nitely no red/green port/starboard lights, only the blue perimeter lights a 4/17/2007 #45018 rd lights, only the blue perimeter lights and no strobe lights. He watched 4/17/2007 #45018 lue perimeter lights and no strobe lights. He watched this object for 2-3 m 4/17/2007 #45018 p.m. a triangular formation of red lights was sighted moving fast across th 4/22/2007 #45020 A disc-shaped object with rotating lights was seen in Kirkland, Washington 4/22/2007 #45021 craft had four greenish-blue, dim lights on the bottom: one light in the m 4/22/2007 #45021 d the first: Bowyer estimates both lights to be “up to possibly a mile acro 4/23/2007 #45022 eighborhood. It had one row of 3-4 lights lit up on one side of the craft. 5/3/2007 #45025 A large triangle craft with more lights than normal lights was sighted ov 5/16/2007 #45030 craft with more lights than normal lights was sighted over Ypsilanti, Michi 5/16/2007 #45030 ckly and then slowly. It had three lights, portholes, or circles that were 5/16/2007 #45030 gdom. It had bright green and blue lights. A second object with pink pulsat 5/29/2007 #45033 second object with pink pulsating lights was also sighted. 5/29/2007 #45033 lar shaped object with solid white lights and a solid amber light in the ce 7/18/2007 #45039 r-shaped objects with red and blue lights were sighted over Texarkana, Arka 8/6/2007 #45044 re were also numerous bright white lights appearing and disappearing. A sec 8/6/2007 #45044 ity, reporting inexplicable bright lights and moving objects. 8/6/2007 #45044 Orange "V" shaped lights flew overhead in Oklahoma City, O 8/14/2007 #45047 30 p.m. a hexagon formation of six lights flew over Saskatoon, Saskatchewan 9/4/2007 #45052 aped object with numerous blinking lights (red, ivory, and green in color) 9/4/2007 #45052 Independent lights forming a chevron passed silently 9/17/2007 #45061 p.m. a circular object with white lights on the underside was seen from Tr 9/20/2007 #45064 at 1:50 a.m. and sighted a pair of lights just over the horizon. It was a d 9/21/2007 #45065 dark cigar-shaped object with two lights at both ends, larger than a norma 9/21/2007 #45065 ular craft with an array of bright lights glided silently near the treeline 9/21/2007 #45068 ect with hundreds of bright yellow lights near Cincinnati. At 9:00 p.m. a " 9/21/2007 #45068 t with bright red, blue and yellow lights, 4-5 per side, was observed movin 9/24/2007 #45071 t through the sky with very bright lights over Jensen Beach, Martin County, 10/10/2007 #45073 decided to check it out. No street lights had been erected yet, and it went 10/27/2007 #45080 flashing strobe light and 12 fixed lights underneath. It was stationary at 10/28/2007 #45082 m. four glowing rectangular shaped lights were seen moving in a triangular 10/28/2007 #45083 e-shaped object with red and green lights, and a very bright red, slowly pu 10/29/2007 #45084 other triangular object with three lights was seen flying over Bedford, Wes 10/29/2007 #45085 merang shaped object with circling lights, estimated to be about 100 yards 11/22/2007 #45095 Very bright underwater lights were seen in the ocean off East F 11/23/2007 #45096 with two horizontal level beams of lights, like "headlights," was seen from 11/23/2007 #45097 ted, shadowy object turned out the lights and turned off the electronics in 12/10/2007 #45100 on, see an object with three white lights apparently hovering above Trigger 12/29/2007 #45104 Texas, when he sees two stationary lights directly ahead. They are as brigh 1/8/2008 #45112 southeast of Stephenville see four lights similar in intensity to burning m 1/8/2008 #45112 n a military jet. Allen thinks the lights are spread out over a one-mile ar 1/8/2008 #45112 s position, then they shift from 4 lights in a horizontal position to 7 lig 1/8/2008 #45112 ghts in a horizontal position to 7 lights in a vertical position, emit a wh 1/8/2008 #45112 tnesses come forward to report odd lights until about 9:30 p.m. Some also s 1/8/2008 #45112 who first tells her he thinks the lights are reflections of the sun on hig 1/8/2008 #45112 uary. It is clear that the unknown lights are not related to F-16 activity, 1/8/2008 #45112 object with red, green, and white lights was sighted in the sky to the eas 1/30/2008 #45115 Four red lights in a rectangle were seen flying s 2/11/2008 #45117 Two strange lights hovered above the surface of a la 2/19/2008 #45121 stretch of road with no exits nor lights on a clear night. The craft appea 5/9/2008 #45135 t was square in shape and had four lights, one on each corner of the craft. 5/9/2008 #45135 . PDT a triangular object with red lights on the corners moved slowly from 5/9/2008 #45136 k triangular craft in the air with lights and several windows. There was a 6/7/2008 #45146 ter of the bottom, but no position lights or anti-collision lights anywhere 6/7/2008 #45146 position lights or anti-collision lights anywhere on the object. They thou 6/7/2008 #45146 of pinpoint reddish orange steady lights was viewed at 200 feet distance i 7/14/2008 #45150 ree white and one red non-blinking lights. 7/18/2008 #45151 ding gear and pulsing yellow white lights around its perimeter. The witness 8/3/2008 #45154 n a straight line with no flashing lights, and then became very bright, nex 8/6/2008 #45156 greenish sphere encircled with red lights moving very fast over Taverny, Be 9/4/2008 #45165 a black triangle with three white lights and one red light over Council Bl 9/7/2008 #45167 hen they see a black triangle with lights (apparently gas jets) at its corn 9/16/2008 #45168 00 feet above the road. Two of the lights are blinking and one is steady. T 9/16/2008 #45168 tion made up of approximately 8-10 lights flew over St. Marys, West Virgini 10/31/2008 #45183 he larger craft; and there were no lights or sounds on either. 11/1/2008 #45186 investigation of the Stephenville Lights case of January 8 as a violation 11/5/2008 #45187 es across a triangular object with lights along its rounded edges and in th 11/17/2008 #45188 A formation of separate lights was encountered on a back road co 11/21/2008 #45189 ed object with a dozen faint white lights on the front edge was seen flying 11/22/2008 #45190 o. It made no sound, and had white lights along its front edge. 11/29/2008 #45193 object with strobing multi-colored lights moved over three witnesses in a c 11/30/2008 #45194 –9:00 p.m. Mysterious floating red lights in the sky are reported near Morr 1/5/2009 #45206 ar Morristown, New Jersey. The red lights are also observed on January 26, 1/5/2009 #45206 ss claims. They release five flare lights attached to helium balloons. Repo 1/5/2009 #45206 m. PST a "little army of star-like lights" passed over Sacramento County, C 2/11/2009 #45211 d quite a scare. The procession of lights lasted for 14 minutes. 2/11/2009 #45211 d, white, blue, yellow and oranges lights. It only illuminated itself, not 5/4/2009 #45218 ng disc with multicolored flashing lights was seen over Avon, Colorado at 8 5/7/2009 #45219 about 300 feet long with yellowish lights at each apex moving silently abov 5/8/2009 #45220 d and two round, with bluish-white lights that change to greenish to white 5/8/2009 #45220 m. It was flashing a huge grid of lights at them for a three minute period 5/15/2009 #45222 five strange, whirling red-orange lights twinkling above the suburban vill 5/26/2009 #45223 nt boomerang-shaped UFO with 8 dim lights was spotted briefly at Berryville 6/1/2009 #45225 nia. They notice seven bright blue lights silently hovering several feet of 7/5/2009 #45230 a truck and drive slowly with the lights off toward the display. When they 7/5/2009 #45230 display. When they get there, the lights are gone. After returning to the 7/5/2009 #45230 rs sent by Robert Bigelow also see lights and orbs the rest of the month, a 7/5/2009 #45230 . Two hours later a line of orange lights was observed appearing and disapp 8/5/2009 #45232 family of 19 saw three orange-red lights flying in a triangle formation ov 8/6/2009 #45234 gle-shaped object with spectacular lights was seen zooming from the horizon 8/14/2009 #45235 with blinking red, blue, and green lights. It was making a low-pitched, hum 8/18/2009 #45236 e widest point. Seven dimly yellow lights are positioned on the craft, whil 8/21/2009 #45238 the light from her lantern and the lights from the building. After the wife 8/30/2009 #45240 Many lights, changing color and blinking rand 9/16/2009 #45248 ilent, rectangular craft with four lights was seen moving slowly across the 10/29/2009 #45250 p.m. there were two reports of 5-8 lights that appeared in the sky in New V 10/29/2009 #45250 object with white and red flashing lights moving slowly over Falls Lake. 11/24/2009 #45255 driver’s door and looks up, seeing lights on the bottom of the object, whic 11/25/2009 #45256 black, triangular UFO with orange lights flew over Petersburg, a small cen 11/28/2009 #45257 onsiderable size with white or red lights on its perimeter and red-green li 3/8/2010 #45272 hts on its perimeter and red-green lights on its base. 3/8/2010 #45272 izontal slits showing inexplicable lights was sighted while driving on U.S. 4/17/2010 #45274 nous rectangular UFO, with no body lights nor sound, moved at tremendous sp 5/5/2010 #45279 rang shaped object with five green lights underneath flew overhead at appro 5/12/2010 #45280 CDT in Hugo, Minnesota two bright lights, pentagonal in shape and red in c 5/16/2010 #45282 l 8:00 p.m. A circle of six yellow lights appears in the sky above the Jard 8/13/2010 #45291 low-flying triangular object with lights at each of its points. It is movi 8/16/2010 #45292 , southbound, flying triangle with lights with a friend while camping on Cu 8/16/2010 #45293 ne, reportedly showing bright blue lights in the sky over the village. Subs 10/13/2010 #45302 g light in the middle of two other lights. As they got closer it looked lik 2/11/2011 #45315 em. As it flew over they saw three lights on the object, one flashing, and 2/11/2011 #45315 s point there were there were four lights on the bottom of the object, whic 2/11/2011 #45315 dark object with a V formation of lights was sighted in Campbell River, Br 5/9/2011 #45325 cts on a "crooked triangle" of red lights passed near witnesses in Dryden, 5/19/2011 #45326 e outlined with white halogen-like lights and there is what looks like a ha 9/11/2011 #45332 in the sky flashing red and white lights at about the height of a street l 1/30/2012 #45338 ve and appeared dark with flashing lights and a couple of dome-shaped windo 1/30/2012 #45338 on consisting of clusters of three lights approaching at high speed from th Late 5/2012 #45344 meter object with an array of four lights hovering above the caliche pad of 7/5/2012 #45347 ently toward her. They have orange lights on each arm and are flying in a s 9/19/2012 #45352 horizon. It then splits into three lights, which persist for about 20 secon 9/21/2012 #45354 hich appears to him as four orange lights that appear and disappear in sequ 9/21/2012 #45354 ast of Roy, Montana, also sees the lights to the north. 9/21/2012 #45354 outside the bases' parameter show lights moving in an anomalous manner; pe 2013 #45356 near Nysa, Poland, notice distant lights that appear and reappear. At one 1/8/2013 #45359 and radiating a number of colored lights. The light approaches them and st 1/8/2013 #45359 omed disc emitting dazzling yellow lights. Three blue lights are on its bas 1/8/2013 #45359 dazzling yellow lights. Three blue lights are on its base. They drive off a 1/8/2013 #45359 heir street, they see three bright lights in a row in the sky. They assume 1/12/2013 #45360 w in the sky. They assume that the lights are Chinese lanterns, since they 1/12/2013 #45360 draw closer, they realize that the lights form a single object. As the obje 1/12/2013 #45360 e object. As the object turns, the lights are in a pyramidal shape (indicat 1/12/2013 #45360 t that causes the three horizontal lights to appear like a pyramid). At the 1/12/2013 #45360 ics. She looks up and sees strange lights about a quarter of a mile away. S 3/5/2013 #45361 rough binoculars and sees that the lights are attached to an object with a 3/5/2013 #45361 t glowing metal rather than actual lights. In the center of the underside i 3/19/2013 #45362 watches a triangular formation of lights hovering above a forest near Biał 3/31/2013 #45363 top section had five sets of green lights. There were three individual ligh 6/1/2013 #45369 ights. There were three individual lights in each set, and the five sets we 6/1/2013 #45369 r; it contained two long solid red lights ther were placed side by side. Th 6/1/2013 #45369 er were placed side by side. These lights were steady and gave the impressi 6/1/2013 #45369 e impression of looking like brake lights, but they were huge. The woman ca 6/1/2013 #45369 a, Poland A triangular object with lights in each tip is seen at Szklarska 6/19/2013 #45373 ing estate. It has dim symmetrical lights that are the same intensity as st 8/3/2013 #45380 gular UFO with gray-violet colored lights. An engineer in Dobrzykowice obse 8/3/2013 #45380 ltitude, delta-shaped formation of lights. 8/3/2013 #45380 what looked like a car without its lights on, stopped in the middle of the 8/6/2013 #45381 when the father notices two white lights in the distance. The dimmer of th 10/6/2013 #45389 oomerang-shaped object with yellow lights flying above Pabianice, Poland, f 10/13/2013 #45390 day.” There are no anti-collision lights required for all aircraft. The ob 11/19/2013 #45397 ct displays a row of white pulsing lights that are set back or surrounded b 11/19/2013 #45397 , British Columbia, reports “3 red lights 3,000 feet above him and going sl 9/19/2016 #45459 y. The object has six flashing red lights and one turquoise light that goes 12/10/2016 #45461 s, sees three irregularly flashing lights flying toward the northwest. One 2/16/2018 #45506 g toward the northwest. One of the lights suddenly leaves the formation and 2/16/2018 #45506 lies off in another direction. The lights fly slowly and silently for 6 min 2/16/2018 #45506 hovering triangle with two bright lights like a star. There are red lights 2/23/2018 #45508 lights like a star. There are red lights on its wings, and it is shaped li 2/23/2018 #45508 , watches two black discs with red lights flying together. 2/27/2018 #45517 p.m. A cluster of 3–5 orange-white lights is seen moving and hovering above 2/27/2018 #45518 triangular object with three white lights moving faster than an airplane. 8/6/2018 #45535 hen they see a black triangle with lights at each of its points. The object 8/12/2018 #45536 orwegian pilot has seen two bright lights. Shannon verifies that other airc 11/9/2018 #45544 Calgary, Alberta, observes bright lights high above Saskatchewan, while a 11/17/2018 #45546 og entry describes “bright shining lights” that are “maneuvering and moving 11/17/2018 #45546 r traffic controllers about “3 red lights in the sky, hovering at the appro 11/21/2018 #45548 a, Spain, observe three mysterious lights flash across the sky at great spe 2/10/2019 #45561 ridge was able to see flashing red lights. At 8:50 p.m., the timeline notes 7/17/2019 #45595 and showing flashing red and white lights. The objects also have spotlights 9/29/2019 #45610 and 10:00 p.m. They have blinking lights and hover, then descend and take 12/2019 #45620 organ County after seeing blinking lights in the sky. But they take off rap 12/31/2019 #45623 ees one with red, white, and green lights that he also tries to chase, but 12/31/2019 #45623 iew the drones. He says he saw red lights go zipping by at 100 mph, faster 1/8/2020 #45625 p shaped.” There are no navigation lights or other features associated with 3/19/2020 #45639 on top and two sets of three white lights along the side, just above the tr 11/8/2021 #45720 n, in foggy conditions, spots five lights moving in different directions. T 12/3/2021 #45727 oving in different directions. The lights merge into one. Three other oval, 12/3/2021 #45727 one. Three other oval, blue-purple lights also fly through the clouds. She 12/3/2021 #45727 gh the clouds. She then sees green lights moving very quickly. The sighting 12/3/2021 #45727 ove him. It changes to a string of lights. As he passes underneath, he noti 4/22/2022 #45745 nderneath, he notices the object’s lights go out and the aircraft’s avionic 4/22/2022 #45745## Word: "lights'" (Back to Top)
LE, OHIO 'Huge ferris wheel / many lights'. 30cm / arms length. Going quick 10/31/1953 #9264## Word: "lights--a" (Back to Top)
power lines, and had four colored lights--a row of red, blue, green, and a 11/24/1981 #36233## Word: "lights--at" (Back to Top)
row of red, blue, green, and amber lights--at the base of the dome. It made 11/24/1981 #36233## Word: "lights--one" (Back to Top)
facility mechanic. Several amber lights--one of them blinking--in an elli 1/17/1969 #24858## Word: "lights--two" (Back to Top)
saw a cigar-shaped object with six lights--two of them fixed red lights. It 3/8/1965 #18852## Word: "lights--white" (Back to Top)
they saw some bright multicolored lights--white, yellow, and blue--coming 5/6/1996 #42898 ppeared overhead with multicolored lights--white, blue and red--spinning on 1/29/2001 #44134## Word: "lights-red" (Back to Top)
nce. At 10:30 p.m. a man saw three lights-red, white and blue-land among so 6/5/1971 #26158## Word: "lights-red-green-blue" (Back to Top)
hs of 2 saucer-cigars. Very bright lights-red-green-blue.. No further detai 7/3/1965 #19057## Word: "lights-saucer" (Back to Top)
CAZALLA DL SIERRA, SP Circle / lights-saucer. 2 red fireballs vanish go 4/24/1973 #27443## Word: "lightweight" (Back to Top)
are plastic-like beams, pieces of lightweight balsawood-like material only 7/5/1947 #2723 on his hands. The being was agile, lightweight, hoarse-voiced, and wore a s 8/16/1967 #22885 machines were also reportedly very lightweight, possible “aliens” construct 11/29/1983 #37058 looks like a child. The object is lightweight, and Lima carries it into hi 1/12/1995 #41971 d energy weapons capable of moving lightweight objects or forming plasmas t 11/29/2021 #45725## Word: "lignan-de-bazas" (Back to Top)
LIGNAN-DE-BAZAS, GIRONDE, FR 2 glowing b 10/27/1952 #8190 Two glowing balls hovered over Lignan-de-Bazas, France for ten minutes 10/27/1952 #8203## Word: "ligny-le-ribault" (Back to Top)
LIGNY-LE-RIBAULT, FR Several observer(s) 7/26/1947 #3232## Word: "ligon" (Back to Top)
Beaumont After 11:00 p.m. John R. Ligon, an agent for a brewery in Houston 4/19/1897 #539 who ask for water. They accompany Ligon to his house, each bringing two ba 4/19/1897 #539 ico and is now headed toward Iowa. Ligon says the airship is 130 feet long 4/19/1897 #539 wered by electricity. Wilson gives Ligon a tour of the ship and says it is 4/19/1897 #539## Word: "ligonier" (Back to Top)
Ligonier, PA Engineer observed four lumi 10/30/1961 #16936 dependent observation: Same day at Ligonier, 105 miles to the southeast in 4/7/1966 #20264 LIGONIER, IN Several separate observer(s 7/13/1993 #41058 Ligonier, IN Kenneled dogs barking durin 7/13/1993 #41062 At 9:30 p.m. in Ligonier, Indiana two teenagers driving 7/13/1993 #41066## Word: "ligt" (Back to Top)
pasture. It has portholes emitting ligt from the interior and a smooth surf Late Summer 1917 #962## Word: "liguge" (Back to Top)
LIGUGE, FR Several observer(s). Green tr 1/16/1993 #40798## Word: "ligure" (Back to Top)
ALBERA LIGURE, ITL 2 observer(s). Brassy disk w 6/27/1949 #4252 only 10 meters altitude in Albera Ligure, Italy at 8:20 p.m. It emitted a 6/27/1949 #4254 OFF SOUTH MARGHERITA LIGURE, ITL Engineer and 6 / boat. Ovoid 9/14/1966 #20882 VADO LIGURE, ITL 8M circular object takes off 1/13/1969 #24837 In Vado Ligure, Italy at around 6 p.m. an eight 1/13/1969 #24838## Word: "liguria" (Back to Top)
ome landed in the Serchio River in Liguria, Italy. It shot red beams of lig 4/25/1952 #6187 landed near a witness in Benabbio, Liguria, Italy at around eight o'clock i 10/25/1954 #11402 The witness in Fontanigorda, Liguria, Italy was having difficulty sle 8/26/1977 #32426 sea off the shore of Ventimiglia, Liguria, Italy, and then flew away. Ther 11/30/1978 #34031 Cicagna, Liguria, Italy A three-meter long, oddly 12/25/1978 #34205 en at a low altitude over Cicagna, Liguria, Italy. It had what looked like 12/25/1978 #34205 en at a low altitude over Cicagna, Liguria, Italy. It had what looked like 12/25/1978 #34206 ng to the town of Bastia, Italy in Liguria province in the evening and had 1/19/1979 #34362 way from six teenagers in Praglia, Liguria, Italy. The six boys were racing 11/8/1981 #36211 Badalucco, Liguria, Italy Cigar-shaped object illum 2/1/1994 #41396 Badalucco, Liguria, Italy Cigar-shaped object illum 2/1/1994 #41397## Word: "ligurian" (Back to Top)
offshore of Gorgona, Italy in the Ligurian Sea during a beautiful summer d 6/22/1979 #34626## Word: "lihou" (Back to Top)
PORT LIHOU, QLD, AUST Natives and many. Red-g 7/8/1959 #15825 Prince of Wales Island Port Lihou Thursday Island Mapoon Mission Cap 7/8/1959 #15827 ject land on top of a hill at Port Lihou. The same night, residents of near 7/8/1959 #15827## Word: "lihue" (Back to Top)
LIHUE, HI Numerous / observer(s). Large 11/16/1973 #28428## Word: "liight" (Back to Top)
s, Venezuela that split in two.The liight then moved toward the Ruperto Lug 8/28/2003 #44585## Word: "like" (Back to Top)
server(s). Cross-shape lights town like a strong projector. / Cromer. 12/6/1269 #12 as well as a dark “round flat form like a plate and like a big man’s hat” t 4/8/1665 #46 “round flat form like a plate and like a big man’s hat” that hovers above 4/8/1665 #46 River Ericht Blairgowrie A cloud “like a house on fire” that soon takes on 9/9/1767 #83 from a star-like object to a shape like “two half-moons, back to back, havi 9/10/1798 #96 low ship” (Utsuro-bune) that looks like a rice cooking pot or incense burne 2/22/1803 #100 dissipate quickly, leaving a film like cobweb. 5/16/1808 #102 ermany, and sees a grayish object “like two pieces of tin” approaching the 4/1/1826 #122 ghtning speed and expanding itself like a sheet before falling to earth, ap 4/1/1826 #122 one minute there is another sound like thunder and a strong whirlwind, as 4/1/1826 #122 as very brilliant, and was shaped like a "pruning hook." Earlier, at a sho 11/13/1833 #128 ara Falls, New York. It was shaped like a square table, remained stationary 11/13/1833 #128 illiant light in the sky overhead “like a coal of fire glowing,” red in col 3/21/1854 #148 ng in front of the sun they appear like large cannon shot. Several groups p 11/4/1867 #169 versity, England, notices a comet- like object with a trail a bit west of P 6/8/1868 #172 m a “spirit” whom he describes as “like a neutral tint shade and the shape 7/25/1868 #176 2 feet thick. The object glitters like a “column of burnished silver.” It 8/7/1869 #179 and two feet thick that glittered like burnished silver. It gradually fade 8/7/1869 #181 ches it against the “deep blue sky like Sirius or Vega in daylight.” 4/24/1874 #203 eteors seemingly huddled together, like a flock of wild geese, and moving w 12/21/1876 #208 f their light was a yellowish red, like red rocket-balls.” A stony chondrit 12/21/1876 #208 size of a large saucer” and looks like a large balloon. It speeds away rap 1/22/1878 #212 Russia]. They move through space “like a string of beads.” Possible meteor 3/22/1880 #226 hich flew over them. It was shaped like a fish and seemed to be guided by a 3/26/1880 #228 hich flew over them. It was shaped like a fish and seemed to be guided by a 3/26/1880 #229 ming from a “large balloon” shaped like a fish approaching from the west. A 3/26/1880 #230 hich flew over them. It was shaped like a fish and seemed to be guided by a 3/26/1880 #231 om east to west. It has a “nucleus like a globe, as large as the moon, surr 7/3/1884 #261 York. The snow-covered hill glows like red-hot iron for several feet aroun 2/16/1885 #263 in Dublin, Texas. The object looks like “a bale of cotton suspended in the 6/13/1891 #293 lifornia, when he spots an object “like an immense sheet” moving against th 11/20/1896 #342 nvas wings 18 feet wide and shaped like a bird’s tail. It has been built in 11/22/1896 #347 rthward against the wind and looks like a “great black cigar with a fishlik 11/26/1896 #365 moving to the southeast. It looks “like a cigar box with a spark of fire in Mid 1/1897 #381 d “lighting up the houses and city like an immense meteor.” It hovers for 2 3/23/1897 #393 ving from the southeast. It looked like a huge light, flew northwestward sl 3/28/1897 #399 ving from the southeast. It looked like a huge light, flew northwestward sl 3/28/1897 #400 southeast at 10:30 p.m. It looked like a huge light, flew northwestward sl 3/28/1897 #401 a 30- foot-long object that looks like a canoe suspended from a balloon. T 4/1/1897 #407 t is made of “some light substance like aluminum.” Two aeronauts are repair Early 4/1897 #413 SIOUX CITY, IA Great airship looks like cigar-balloon. 35' X 12' size estim 4/7/1897 #417 nounces it a fake because it looks like it is taken by a Kodak with a small 4/11/1897 #429 Jr. watches a flat object looking like a “big piece of yellow canvas” pass 4/11/1897 #430 nutes. With the naked eye it looks like a huge ball of fire, but through op 4/11/1897 #431 ota, when a flying machine “shaped like an ordinary boat” passes overhead. 4/11/1897 #434 Decatur, Illinois, sees an object “like two monster cigars with three brigh 4/11/1897 #435 ch it, the craft, which was shaped like a cigar with a dome, rose slowly an 4/12/1897 #442 a. The object itself was elongated like a ship with a roof and a double can 4/12/1897 #443 ch it, the craft, which was shaped like a cigar with a dome, rose slowly an 4/12/1897 #444 a. The object itself was elongated like a ship with a roof and a double can 4/12/1897 #445 ch it, the craft, which was shaped like a cigar with a dome, rose slowly an 4/12/1897 #449 rge area. The object was elongated like a ship, with a roof and a double ca 4/12/1897 #450 ith him, and they both see “a form like that of a man” standing in the fron 4/13/1897 #452 ice a gray-white object that looks like the top of a covered wagon. It has 4/13/1897 #454 railroad track. It had what looked like a large "M" on its side, and severa 4/13/1897 #455 titude of about 150 m and circled "like a hawk" before flying away. 4/14/1897 #461 cal language that, however, sounds like bellowing. One farmer gets too clos 4/14/1897 #463 diana 3:00 p.m. An airship looking like an “immense bird” approaches Gas Ci 4/14/1897 #464 , Ohio, when he hears an odd noise like a flock of geese passing overhead. 4/14/1897 #467 ject “bounding along through space like a balloon.” 4/14/1897 #470 of speed” and has wings “something like that of a bat.” It turns to the sou 4/14/1897 #471 e of about 150 meters and circled "like a hawk" before flying away. 4/14/1897 #474 wo men in the object and something like a large Newfoundland dog. He can he 4/15/1897 #490 n he hears a loud mechanical sound like an air brake. Investigating, he dis Mid 4/1897 #492 Dakota, sees an airship that looks like a car attached to a large, kite-sha Mid 4/1897 #494 rd, pronouncing a word that sounds like “Mars.” The two examine Hopkins’s c 4/16/1897 #508 to the southwest. Its light looks like an incandescent lamp. 4/16/1897 #509 rge wings, and having a "sidewheel like a steamboat" in front, with a fish 4/16/1897 #516 an object in a clearing. It looked like a cylinder with pointed ends, later 4/20/1897 #543 an object in a clearing. It looked like a cylinder with pointed ends, later 4/20/1897 #544 an object in a clearing. It looked like a cylinder with pointed ends, later 4/20/1897 #547 th a ten-dollar bill and took off "like a bullet out of a gun." 4/22/1897 #555 n-dollar bill. The craft took off "like a bullet out of a gun." 4/22/1897 #561 hrough binoculars the object looks like a white bird with long black wings. 5/11/1897 #596 e Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. It looks like an inclined cylinder with rounded e 11/2/1897 #611 ester, Oklahoma, watch an airship “like a railway car suspended from a larg 1/26/1899 #631 a mile away, lighting up the road like daylight. It resembles an electric 10/1899 #638 ve of poplar trees. The trees bend like they are in a strong windstorm, but Mid Summer 1900 #641 father Charles see a “huge object like a gigantic ripe cucumber with sligh 3/17/1903 #660 as he moves toward it, zigzagging like a child’s balloon losing air. 3/17/1903 #660 e notices a strange point of light like a spotlight emanating from the top 9/29/1903 #662 he cane fields below, then travels like a “slow-pitched baseball” and disap 1/4/1906 #686 diana, see a “cigar-shaped object” like an airship pass over the city. It i 9/16/1906 #688 hen they see a fiery object shaped like a stovepipe. From an initial altitu 11/1906 #692 ts / light / water near ship. Turn like spokes. 3/14/1907 #693 they were startled by what sounded like a nearby explosion. Looking eastwar 7/2/1907 #698 t grows a little bigger, appearing like a large star. Suddenly it begins to 5/1908 #704 e star. Suddenly it begins to spin like a pinwheel, but without sparks. The 5/1908 #704 s. The motion stops and what looks like a very bright star takes off at gre 5/1908 #704 New Zealand, see an airship shaped like a boat that flies toward them from 7/23/1909 #780 the morning a flying object shaped like a boat flew overhead toward the mou 7/27/1909 #786 everal minutes, rising and falling like a bird, and varying its speed. Two 7/30/1909 #789 ales, watch a large lighted object like an airship float over the town. 8/9/1909 #803 ager. She says it “looked compact, like a dirigible balloon, but it appeare 10/25/1910 #848 it appeared to be squarer and more like an aeroplane. The sun shone on it, 10/25/1910 #848 aerial loops, circling and diving like birds and generally doing skylark s 10/29/1910 #852 hester, England, sees an aircraft “like a huge ball” passing silently overh 1/27/1913 #874 e leading bodies are described as “like large arc lights in appearance, sli 2/9/1913 #881 or and 18 inches high, who “looked like he was sitting on something.” His a 5/1913 #888 0 feet away with a row of windows “like a railway carriage with the blinds 1/31/1916 #941 saw an object with a row of lights like the windows on a railway carriage w 1/31/1916 #942 gh-pitched sound, rising gradually like a slow plane. Its size was that of 10/1917 #967 ic blue, vertical cylinder, shaped like a "milk-can," landed only 15 feet a 6/3/1920 #1000 shing with some friends. They look like two big silver plates set edge to e Late 10/1920 #1006 d, sees a “strange looking bladder like monster the shape of an airship onl Late 7/1921 #1012 anch, McDermott, Nevada. They look like lanterns or car headlights in the d 1922 #1018 land, see a silvery object, shaped like two hemispheres divided by a rotati Summer 1922 #1023 , when they come across an object “like two saucers placed edge on edge” re 1925 #1045 notices 6 or so objects that look like manhole covers flying off his starb 1/1926 #1056 s their heads are pale and “shaped like lightbulbs” and they have slits for 11/1926 #1067 hing big and shiny reflecting sun, like a huge oval moving at great speed. 8/5/1927 #1076 hing big and shiny reflecting sun, like a huge oval moving at great speed. 8/5/1927 #1077 d rested and finds the sand “fused like glass crystals.” 10/18/1927 #1081 Florida 9:00–10:00 p.m. Something like a “great blurred electric light” ap 6/13/1928 #1086 Milton, ND A UFO, round "like an inverted soup plate," sped overh 11/1928 #1089 a, watch a round, metallic object, like a “soup bowl turned upside down,” s Early 11/1928 #1090 d startle cattle. It makes a sound like air pouring through a tube. Early 11/1928 #1090 Levis Brosseau, 20, sees something like a black cloud with a yellow light r 6/12/1929 #1098 he object flies overhead, “purring like a milk separator,” and he hears two 6/12/1929 #1098 very bright yellowish-white light like two saucers pressed together. It ap 9/1929 #1103 tion, and he hears a humming sound like the throbbing of a turbine and feel 9/1929 #1103 toul, Scotland, see a white light “like a meteor.” When it gets brighter, t 1930 #1108 TH / MALDIVES Fr. ship crew. Laser like beams radiate going up [to] from se 3/1931 #1123 ens who fly in a circular machine “like a great big lamp.” She writes that Summer 1931 #1130 mars is inhabited by human spirits like us can talk eat & drink wear clothe Summer 1931 #1130 ever seen.” Their ships “are round like the moon with airtight shutter at t Summer 1931 #1130 of, waterproof. The inside must be like a room, 2 beds tables & chairs.” Mu Summer 1931 #1130 -like object streamed down a light like a laser beam. He next saw a young m 5/4/1932 #1143 IUM Hundreds / observer(s). Fatima like solar apparition. Sparks and flames 12/18/1933 #1178 kerzeele, Belgium watched a Fatima like solar apparition, with sparks and f 12/18/1933 #1179 E/OTHERS Mystery plane lights ship like day. Unmarked. No try to hide. 1/28/1934 #1198 two friends watch a white object “like an open umbrella without the ribs o Summer 1934 #1212 sees a brilliant circular object “like aluminum” in the sky above the roof Spring 1935 #1224 ve Mestre, Veneto, it appears more like a torpedo-shaped object. Two other 8/17/1936 #1247 ] when they observe numerous star- like objects in a circular formation. Oc Fall 1936 #1249 out 1,000 feet below him. It looks like a gondola, gun-metal gray in color, 1/1/1937 #1259 valsik, Norway watched what looked like a large plane descend toward the se 2/11/1937 #1266 Unknown City, UK Things like glowing spheres that were floating 2/8/1938 #1283 t Malcolm B. Perry sees what looks like a Navy blimp moving east to west ov Summer 1938 #1285 ut 10-12 meters in diameter shaped like “two inverted plates” hovering near 7/25/1938 #1287 arge, straight slit, the eyes were like smaller slits. (NICAP: 07 - Entity Fall 1938 #1294 arge, straight slit, the eyes were like smaller slits. The skin was brown-g Fall 1938 #1295 of small turbine blades that look like paddles in a water mill. It seems t Early 8/1939 #1312 s, WI Egg-shaped object with spots like portholes observed through an astro 10/1939 #1316 An egg-shaped object with 8 spots like portholes is observed through an as 10/1939 #1317 he nearby woods. He sees something like an “aluminum building” partly conce Summer 1940 #1340 ty, Holland Shining copper object, like setting sun, the size of a full moo 6/25/1942 #1420 onless night. Crescent moon swings like pendulum! 8/1942 #1426 Huge cigar-shaped object something like a Zeppelin, but much bulkier and ro Mid 8/1942 #1439 t line or plane and were yellowish like an incandescent bulb. The objects w 12/1942 #1466 roboscis-shaped appendage in front like a figure head. The objects traveled 12/1942 #1466 t very large red light that looked like a huge irregular mass of neon. (Pag 3/13/1943 #1485 Duisburg, Germany Object like meteor; reddish orange in color; em 5/12/1943 #1499 pproximately six-feet square, fall like dead leaves. No "flack" or other ex 6/25/1943 #1512 t is 20 feet in diameter and looks like two metallic saucers put together. 7/18/1943 #1518 on: 50 ft. diam.; metallic; looked like an igloo; topped with a clear glass 1944 #1557 ia, when it is joined by an object like a “dark shadow” with a flickering f 2/1944 #1570 ermany Silvery cigar-shaped object like an airship; appeared to be a line o 2/19/1944 #1575 by wings; football-sized¬; looking like large oranges. (Page 64-65 Ref.1) ( 4/26/1944 #1592 oidal object & blunted on each end like sausage. (Page 67 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 6/6/1944 #1604 5 miles away. “Blunted on each end like a sausage,” the silent craft remain 6/10/1944? #1605 ging from bright yellow top white) like portholes in a ship; motionless. (P 8/12/1944 #1642 n, see a large rectangular object “like a railroad boxcar” with no apparent Late 8/1944 #1646 hurch, New Zealand, sees an object like an “upturned saucer” resting on the Late 8/1944 #1647 City, UK Bright spherical object & like a rolling ball. (Page 83 Ref.1) (NI 9/1944 #1660 et- shaped object with a flat end “like frosted glass with a bright light b 10/1944 #1674 inutes, until it “just turned off” like a light bulb. 11/24/1944 #1705 that made distinct lines, somewhat like arrows; row of vertical white light 12/26/1944 #1734 ue in color, vivid lights, looking like flames, in a tight inverted triangl 12/26/1944 #1735 balloon; shiny silver ball looking like a very bright weather balloon with 2/4/1945 #1772 Possible jet: dropped what looked like white flares; no radar contact. (Pa 2/16/1945 #1786 off ground, motionless ,swept away like dragonfly. (Page 142-143 Ref.1) (NI 3/1945 #1800 in the air. It suddenly disappears like a “burst soap bubble.” Late 3/1945 #1826 rd. After 10 minutes, it goes out “like a snuffed candle.” 4/10/1945 #1843 feet, Williams witnesses an object like a large woolly blanket that takes u 4/25/1945 #1854 ees slow-moving “roundish objects, like hot cakes, about 20 square yards” i 5/5/1945 #1864 in the northeastern sky. It looks like Venus but has a yellow color. She g Summer 1945 #1881 obrand von Ludwiger sees an object like a black plate, whose diameter is on Summer 1945 #1882 ide, oval shaped, very streamlined like a stretched-out egg and, and pinkis Mid 7/1945 #1895 ide, oval shaped, very streamlined like a stretched-out egg and, and pinkis Mid 7/1945 #1896 ject with an amber-colored opening like a window that has shadows moving ar 10/1945 #1942 and ankles, and his feet clenched like the claws of a bird. His arms are b 3/5/1946 #1973 ittle while later his flesh looked like it had been cooked, as if it had be 3/5/1946 #1974 of of a nearby hotel. It is shaped like a saucer with a round, golden ball Summer 1946 #2013 uneven and dull gray, but they are like “polished mirrors” on top. 7/1946 #2023 ituted R&D committees and advisers like Lloyd Berkner of the Carnegie Insti 7/3/1946 #2025 tion in Södertälje sees an object “like a glass flask in a thermos” descend 7/9/1946 #2036 east of Ockelbo, Sweden. It shines like silver and appears “like some glist 7/9/1946 #2038 It shines like silver and appears “like some glistening mass.” It falls to 7/9/1946 #2038 At 2:30 p.m. a UFO that looked like a silvery thermos bottle flew over 7/9/1946 #2042 icroscopic black-and-white squares like a screen. Some porous, rust-colored 7/10/1946 #2046 also sees a “flying bomb” looking like a big star traveling northeast at a 7/12/1946 #2053 eet into the air. The objects look like V-1 rockets and come in low from th 7/18/1946 #2062 e southwest. The boys say it looks like a large, metallic milk canister. It 7/19/1946 #2069 weden 1:15 p.m. Two objects shaped like dark crosses are seen in the sky ov 7/30/1946 #2086 e southeast going northwest. Sound like wind / trees. / FSRv24#6. 8/1946 (approximate) #2091 object is “6 feet, 3 inches tall, like a large man, and rather rectangular 8/15/1946 #2138 :00 or 10:00 p.m. An aerial object like a 9-foot cigar is seen moving slowl 8/18/1946 #2143 d at 4:30 a.m. Huge "'projectiles" like rockets made a whistling sound as s 8/24/1946 #2157 nch house and the “branches parted like a great force had struck.” He and f 9/11/1946 #2177 ce Two luminous globes that shine “like an electric arc” are seen flying in Mid 9/1946 #2182 great height in the sky. They look like cigars and are luminescent white in 10/10/1946 #2202 hear a whistling sound in the air, like a “flock of birds.” They see an obj 10/21/1946 #2204 ile was more that of a rocket than like a V-1.” 2/28/1947 #2244 s, Tennessee, watches two objects “like tennis balls” fly over her yard. 5/1/1947? #2275 n wide circles” and reflects light like it is made of metal. After 20 minut 5/19/1947 #2294 ls shoot to and fro between clouds like clay pigeons. / r171p64. 6/15/1947 (approximate) #2330 seven dots” in a formation “shaped like an X or a Y, lined up across the sk 6/18/1947 #2340 cupant inside an object who looked like "a Navy officer." (NICAP: 07 - Enti 6/19/1947 #2341 ickson sees a shiny disc “a little like a blimp” flying north to south abou 6/22/1947 #2365 the local newspaper. "They looked like ten shiny, disc-shaped things. They 6/23/1947 #2368 ns with a peculiar weaving motion “like the tail of a Chinese kite.” Bill B 6/25/1947 #2411 ng quickly northwest fast. Humming like musical top! 6/29/1947 #2454 owa at 4:45 p.m. They made a noise like that of a dynamo. 6/29/1947 #2470 n see a metallic object that looks like a cigar with the end cut off. It re 7/1/1947? #2522 , Texas on this day. It was shaped like two pie pans rim-to-rim, and was es 7/1/1947 #2531 Mrs. Dan Wilmot see an oval object like two inverted saucers pass over thei 7/2/1947 #2549 wo dark forms to their left, moved like a swarm of bees to the northwest. 7/3/1947 #2578 e milling about in loose formation like a “swarm of bees” for 10–15 seconds 7/3/1947 #2581 erkily, then flutter to the ground like leaves.” Mrs. Johnson thinks the ob 7/3/1947 #2584 okout in Fort Ross saw what looked like a burning ship sink slowly into the 7/3/1947 #2586 sighted a cylindrical UFO, shaped like a flashlight with a white head and 7/3/1947 #2588 see the metallic objects that look like a disc or hubcap or pie-pan or half 7/4/1947 #2658 see a saucer-shaped object, ribbed like a “parachute canopy,” gliding slowl 7/4/1947 #2660 tremendous thunderclap that sounds like an explosion but is somehow differe 7/4/1947 #2669 allegedly takes place; informants like Austrian physicist Adolf Smekal of 7/5/1947 #2721 SPOKANE, WA 1 observer. 2 objects like aluminum toy propellers going south 7/6/1947 #2741 er(s). 5 saucers / row roll / edge like string of wheels / sky. Blue glow. 7/6/1947 #2791 fast going quickly west. "Lobster like with claws" / 1 observer(s). 7/6/1947 #2798 ing shiny circular object, floated like dirigible near the ground over a wh 7/6/1947 #2824 s to what they might be. They look like either two very bright saucer trail 7/7/1947 #2836 arate observer(s). Many disks play like school / fish. Going quickly northe 7/7/1947 #2841 g disks / V-formation. Whirl. Honk like geese. Going quickly north. 7/7/1947 #2846 ONTGOMERY, AL Teen. 7 silver disks like tin-plates in formation. 2X treetop 7/7/1947 #2892 sighted at flying disc that looked like it had a hole in its center, flying 7/8/1947 #3028 e a ball of white, sparkling fire, like a Fourth of July sparkler, about th 7/9/1947 #3068 ghted a gray flying object, shaped like a tadpole. It was traveling at an e 7/10/1947 #3113 [to] going quickly [to] going west like a bullet. 7/11/1947 #3127 what the objects appeared to look like at their closest approach to Mt. Ra 7/12/1947 #3157 motion, Arnold writes, “They flew like many times I have observed geese to 7/12/1947 #3157 he north-northeast. It was bright, like polished silver, and flew at an est 7/21/1947 #3211 r(s). Silver-aluminum disk wobbles like tossed plate / 5 minutes. Going nor 7/25/1947 #3228 light to his left. An oval object like a bubble is floating over a field a 7/25/1947 #3231 the other weaved from side-to-side like an escort fighter. 7/29/1947 #3252 fragments. Arnold thinks it looks like lava. 7/29/1947 #3254 the other weaves from side-to-side like an escort fighter. 7/29/1947 #3255 the other weaved from side-to-side like an escort fighter. 7/29/1947 #3256 al object, 15 feet long and shaped like a cigarette, flying at 150 mph. It 8/4/1947 #3292 plane saw another UFO that looked like a fuselage without wings while flyi 8/4/1947 #3292 e was a tubular shaped fiery glow, like some sort of exhaust. He said that 8/13/1947 #3322 hington, observes an object shaped like a huge clam that appears to fall ti 8/17/1947 #3343 aped objects, described as looking like "skeet targets", passed beneath a U 8/18/1947 #3347 jects in horizontal flight looking like electric lights (NICAP: 01 - Distan 8/19/1947 #3350 postal plane saw a UFO that looked like a green parallelogram. They watched 8/26/1947 #3372 r going east / 200M altitude. Tail like a rocket. No further details / Kyod 10/10/1947 #3452 e airplane is 33 feet long, shaped like a half-moon, and has no tail. It ca 11/1947 #3474 it in groups of four on something like a ramp are tall people with bluish- 1948? #3524 Small humanoid (or Grey) has feet like a goat. Observer(s) screams. Small 1/1948? #3529 xarrived at 2:20 pm the UFO looked like “an ice cream cone” through binocul 1/7/1948 #3536 about 3 miles to the east. Shaped like a flying wing or half-moon with a “ 4/1/1948 #3603 ters away from them. It was shaped like an inverted bowl, about 10-15 meter 4/3/1948 #3607 eavy metallic gauntlets. He looked like a "big puppet" about 1.5 meters (5 4/3/1948 #3607 paratus on their sides that looked like they may have been wearing guns in 4/7/1948 #3614 ar), At Sea A ball of fire explode like a shell (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 5/6/1948 #3640 slight zigzagging. They are shiny like bright aluminum with silvery trails 5/7/1948 #3643 n 6 miles, the light beams open up like a fan and shine into his aircraft, 6/16/1948 #3671 angle formation. They all now look like polished aluminum; they rise to a g 6/30/1948 #3686 ad at 1,500 mph. They first appear like snub-nosed jet fighters of an unkno 7/17/1948 #3714 ted stated that the object "looked like a wingless aircraft...it seemed to 7/24/1948 #3724 s pilots reported seeing an object like a huge V-2 Rocket pass their jet. S 7/25/1948 #3736 aluminum object, shaped something like an airplane's propeller, with 10-12 7/29/1948 #3752 aluminum object, shaped something like an airplane's propeller, with 10-12 7/29/1948 #3754 an electrician. Object was shaped like a cymbal, or domed disc; about 20' 7/31/1948 #3759 ernon Swigert sighted a UFO shaped like a cymbal, or domed disc; about 20 f 7/31/1948 #3761 ter, 30 cm thick, landed near them like a balloon with a metallic noise. It 8/11/1948 #3778 ar surrounded by streamers of fire like the tentacles of an octopus.” Howev 8/21/1948 #3785 ligent in behavior. This is almost like a supplement to the Estimate. 10/7/1948 #3829 ceptor behind. Description: shaped like a rifle bullet and apparently 20 to 10/15/1948 #3835 ually. Dull or dark object shaped like a dirigible with a flat bottom and 10/15/1948 #3840 e object’s silhouette, which looks like a “rifle bullet” 20–30 feet long. T 10/15/1948 #3841 was a dull or dark object, shaped like a bullet or dirigible with a flat b 10/15/1948 #3843 retary of Defense James Forrestal, like everyone else, expects to have a ne 11/3/1948 #3866 kanai, Japan Two UFOs, maneuvering like planes in a dogfight, are tracked o 11/6/1948 #3870 tury; it mentions that odd shapes (like the Chiles-Whitted case) can fly bu 11/8/1948 #3871 the press from publishing articles like Shalett’s. Cabell has asked Secreta 11/30/1948 #3893 ghtings. He says they do not sound like any meteors he is familiar with. 12/9/1948 #3921 trajectory, and turning on and off like a light switch. The interest in gre 12/20/1948 #3935 to make right or wrong judgements like humans. https://www.earthfiles.com 1949 #3947 t as he was 20 m away. They looked like mummies, had joined legs and one la 2/1949 #3992 bell that the green fireballs look like a serious issue that needs to be ad 2/11/1949 #4002 s, then it appears to be elongated like a bent pipe with corners, one full 2/17/1949 #4015 ity patrols report burst of lights like a flash bulb. 3/6/1949 #4035 these are not meteors and are more like flares. 3/8/1949 #4041 Fort Chimo, Quebec, CAN Red light like an aircraft light traveling W to E 3/18/1949 #4050 Dillon (1 mile SE of), MT Object like 2 inverted plates-matte blue-grey n 4/3/1949 #4067 nnamed persons. One object shaped like two plates attached face-to-face; m 4/3/1949 #4068 unidentified flying object shaped like two plates attached face-to-face at 4/3/1949 #4070 New Mexico at 10:20 a.m. It looked like a featureless, whitish featureless 4/24/1949 #4105 , apparently revolving as it moves like the “slow roll of an airplane.” The 4/28/1949 #4129 :26;21:43;22:05 - Large white size like airplane landing lights obj (NICAP: 5/3/1949 #4140 sly. Through binoculars, they look like black, open boomerangs. More object 6/29/1949 #4256 shaped object described as looking like a "flat aluminum sheet" soared over 7/26/1949 #4292 edo object zips over countryside. "Like 4 / July sparkler". 8/1/1949 #4302 yside. It was described as looking like a "4th of July sparkler." 8/1/1949 #4303 d, sees a dark green object nearby like two bowls put together and about 5 8/16/1949 #4318 design and thinks the objects look like domed discs when viewed face forwar 9/26/1949 #4372 viewed face forward, but are more like stubby, wingless, tailless fuselage 9/26/1949 #4372 the northwest and emitting a sound like jets. He stops and watches them dis 10/14/1949 #4395 fined center with streaks of light like searchlight beams moving counterclo 11/11/1949 #4413 ght beams moving counterclockwise “like the spokes of a gigantic wheel.” He 11/11/1949 #4413 or the duration. After what seemed like three days he was returned, but the 12/4/1949 #4435 the object was pure silver, round "like a balloon" and apparently construct 1/10/1950 #4480 hts rotating about a common center like two jet aircraft making slow rolls 1/22/1950 #4499 At 4:50 p.m. a UFO shaped like a hemisphere with a flattened lower 1/24/1950 #4510 a bronze-colored object that looks like two cigarette ashtrays placed face 2/26/1950 #4560 es as a well-defined, clear target like an aircraft are picked up with incr 3/9/1950 #4598 our tall men, dressed in something like cellophane, working at various inst 3/18/1950 #4674 pallid faces, dressed in something like cellophane, working at various inst 3/18/1950 #4680 , dressed in metallic suite, taped like high-speed flyers. It is believed t 3/22/1950 #4696 Lake, TN 6-12 dark objects shaped like 300-lb. bombs (NICAP: 01 - Distant 3/29/1950 #4761 ms. Six-twelve dark objects shaped like 300-lb. bombs, estimated 5 feet lo 3/29/1950 #4762 .h. and descended, making a noise like wind blowing through the trees. 3/29/1950 #4762 rry (R-Neb.) says the saucers are “like our foreign policy. It is in a stat 4/5/1950 #4799 st Fighter Squadron, hears a sound like a flight of jet airplanes and rushe 4/6/1950 #4802 he sun hits it directly, it shines like a mirror. 4/6/1950 #4802 up [to] going down [to] and around like a game of tag. 1 observer. 4/8/1950 #4821 etal disk, 5 m in diameter, shaped like a top with a kind of turret. It was 4/8/1950 #4827 r and 15-feet thick. It was shaped like a top with a kind of "conning tower 4/8/1950 #4831 id-flight, then went up and around like playing a game of tag. 4/8/1950 #4833 pencil shape going south. Flickers like neon light. 4/9/1950 (approximate) #4834 flying to the south. It flickered like a neon light. 4/9/1950 #4835 (s) / 2 nights. Upside-down banana like inverted moon. Back next night. 4/20/1950 #4875 ia, Connecticut. The object looked like a half-moon with a squared off end, 4/24/1950 #4889 e upper structure was described as like a "parachute canopy", with slightly 5/11/1950 #4940 ntenna. It hovered, rocking slowly like a rowboat riding at anchor, and mad 5/11/1950 #4940 out 40 feet in diameter that looks like a huge frying pan. It has two rows 6/17/1950 #4991 s slowly from the ground, rotating like a top. It rises from the ground wit 6/17/1950 #4991 impression the object was spinning like a top. The color of the disc turned 6/17/1950 #4992 shoots blue flame and makes a roar like thunder as it makes five passes ove 6/21/1950 #4998 rsenal. One object, bright, shaped like two dishpans face-to-face, flew str 6/27/1950 #5016 othing, emerged and walked on deck like robots "changing direction without 7/2/1950 #5038 othing, emerged and walked on deck like robots "changing direction without 7/2/1950 #5040 sses their flight path, it appears like an upside-down shallow bowl. 7/11/1950 #5056 A Polished aluminum object, shaped like a bowtie (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 7/13/1950 #5062 g Mr. Washburn. one object, shaped like a bowtie, and like polished aluminu 7/13/1950 #5063 object, shaped like a bowtie, and like polished aluminum. Flew straight a 7/13/1950 #5063 bject flying in the sky, appearing like it was made of polished aluminum. I 7/13/1950 #5066 rotary motion. The UFO was shaped like an egg cut lengthwise, and wobbled 8/4/1950 #5106 It shows aluminum colored discs, "like two new dimes", hovering in the sky 8/5/1950 #5108 urns going north. Then straight up like bullet. 8/10/1950 #5114 ces two fast-moving bright lights “like two new dimes in the sky.” He rushe 8/15/1950 #5126 . The discs are silvery and shaped like a “coolie’s hat, with oblong ports 9/1950 #5159 it Carson, CO Brilliant white star like object accelerate and decelerate (N 9/20/1950 #5185 nsylvania, when they see something like a parachute drifting down ahead of 9/26/1950 #5199 with a luminous object that looked like a flying wing without a fuselage. 10/5/1950 #5214 Saw 2 shiny silver objects shaped like bullet (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 10/15/1950 #5230 i. Two shiny silver objects shaped like bullet or bladder. They dove with 10/15/1950 #5233 pe Field] at Fort Bragg. They look like two saucers fitted together and are 10/15/1950 #5236 ed two shiny silver objects shaped like bullets. They dove in the sky leavi 10/15/1950 #5237 Bonlee, NC Aluminum object shaped like a dirigible (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 10/23/1950 #5251 Risher. One aluminum object shaped like a dirigible or Convair C-99 cargo p 10/23/1950 #5252 light grey with dark core, shaped like a pear or bean. Flew for 5-10 minut 11/5/1950 #5264 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape like 200' silent submarine. / r232'76#3+ 11/7/1950 #5267 Wisconsin. They are making noises like a helicopter and are flying at 500 11/27/1950 #5294 ude of 10,000 feet, making a sound like helicopters. They were seen by Mr. 11/27/1950 #5295 un while hovering and made a sound like bees buzzing. Only data in files w 12/2/1950 #5310 It reportedly made a buzzing noise like bees. This case is listed as a Proj 12/2/1950 #5312 , he noted in his diary, "It looks like World War III is here. I hope not-- 12/6/1950 #5322 when they observe a bright object “like a huge mirror in the sky,” hovering 12/13/1950 #5345 d but can still be seen, appearing like a “piece of magnesium wire burning 12/13/1950 #5345 ject about 30–50 feet in diameter, like two “upside down saucers” revolving 1/1/1951 #5382 fan-shaped wake remain motionless like a star (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 1/12/1951 #5391 an-shaped wake remained motionless like a star about 20 minutes and then sp 1/12/1951 #5392 fan-shaped wake remain motionless like a star then speed away. It was esti 1/12/1951 #5393 00 feet and 4 miles away. It looks like a B-29 fuselage with wings but no e 1/20/1951 #5407 no engines and blinks some lights like running lights. The object comes to 1/20/1951 #5407 n. It appears to be round and flat like a dime, milky white or silvery in c 1/22/1951 #5413 Index) Three Uncorrelated Targets Like A B-36 (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Co 1/24/1951 #5415 ded, and took off. Their exit was "like a film in reverse." 2/4/1951 #5432 and direction of travel it looked like it would collide. The pilot quickly 2/8/1951 #5434 r, translucent or metallic, shaped like a saucer." When it moved away it ma 2/8/1951 #5434 es the light three times. It looks like a car headlight 5 feet off the grou 3/1951 #5469 orea, when he sees an orange light like a jack-o-lantern coming down a moun Early Spring 1951 #5471 ving parallel to the car. It looks like a “stubby cigar.” After 15–20 secon 6/1/1951 #5535 tallic disc-shaped object, looking like aluminum, appeared to stand motionl 6/15/1951 #5543 w Mexico, and watch a large object like a flying wing, but 1.5 times as lar 8/25/1951 #5626 g that illuminated the countryside like a full moon. It flew very fast, cam 8/26/1951 #5632 t in a controlled orbit. It looked like a swept wing aircraft that sped up 9/23/1951 #5687 A fast-moving, silvery UFO shaped like a “flattened tennis ball” is sighte 10/9/1951 #5715 t that illuminated the countryside like the full moon. It flew very fast, c 10/26/1951 #5746 t that illuminated the countryside like the full moon. It flew very fast, c 10/26/1951 #5747 cer buzzes forestry jeep. Vanishes like magic. 11/2/1951 #5759 with them. Eventually it vanished "like a magician's trick." 11/2/1951 #5762 then burst into pieces that looked like red fireballs, which scattered in a 11/2/1951 #5764 with them. Eventually it vanished "like a magician's trick." 11/2/1951 #5765 ngs. One milky white object shaped like Northrop flying wing (broad, slight 11/24/1951 #5788 when he sees a white object shaped like a flying wing. It hovers at first, 11/24/1951 #5789 p.m. a milky white object looking like a small Northrop flying wing (V-sha 11/24/1951 #5791 t of Hastings, Minnesota. It looks like a kite at first, then like a weathe 12/12/1951 #5817 t looks like a kite at first, then like a weather balloon, then two rapidly 12/12/1951 #5817 the occupants are “human or human like” and share the same biological need 1952 #5845 NORAD installation. The UFO swung like a pendulum in the sky. 1/1/1952 #5857 ling at least at 300 mph. It looks like a parachute canopy and has a dark u 1/21/1952 #5871 el-like skin that looked something like "mummies" glided from the hovering 2/28/1952 #5935 s overhead, swaying back and forth like a pendulum. (NICAP report.) (NICAP: 3/10/1952 #5952 nomer W. Gordon Graham sees a UFO “like a smoke ring, elliptical in shape, 4/1952? #6008 r UFO at a high altitude. It looks like a B-36 without wings. Smith observe 4/2/1952 #6017 r Sharon, Pennsylvania that looked like "a sideview of someone blowing smok 4/6/1952 #6040 at makes an “attacking bomber look like a ball of fire in the sky.” It is e 4/7/1952 #6043 ny known aircraft. They are shaped like conventional aircraft but have an o 4/20/1952 #6140 of 20 groups. The UFOs were shaped like "oat kernels" and made changes in d 4/20/1952 #6142 els" and made changes in direction like conventional aircraft at a high rat 4/20/1952 #6142 p in the middle, looking something like a fin, was seen at 2:30 in the afte 4/21/1952 #6148 re UFOs appeared and bobbed around like boats in a stream. The objects disa 4/25/1952 #6180 The three objects “jittered about like boats in a stream.” Then the small 4/25/1952 #6185 rd, tan-colored rather than silver like the others, passes low overhead and 5/1/1952 #6245 ers, passes low overhead and looks like a “cylinder tumbling end over end.” 5/1/1952 #6245 On this night a luminous object like a "glass lit from the inside" moved 5/16/1952 #6336 ldiers see a bright UFO that looks like a falling star, except that it stop 5/31/1952 #6392 of eight yellow circular objects, like large stars, were seen during 45 mi 6/5/1952 #6445 light drops. Stops. Bounces / sky like a Spring. "Similar / Seoul Case". 6/15/1952 #6500 Cape Cod, MA Light like a bright star cross the nose of a j 6/17/1952 #6523 SAF F-94 jet interceptor. A light like a bright star crossed the nose of t 6/17/1952 #6525 .m. A USAF F-94 pilot sees a light like a bright star cross the nose of his 6/17/1952 #6526 "wobbling" in mid-air, was shaped like a turtle, and showed three oarlike Summer 1952 #6576 ng as a glowing white light shaped like a football. The object changes cour Summer 1952 #6581 WA Weatherman. Metallic disk flips like a coin / 5-7 minute(s). Flashes in 6/23/1952 #6592 a metallic shine flash and flutter like a flipped coin. (Berliner) (NICAP: 6/23/1952 #6595 Owensboro (near), KY 2 obj looking like “giant soap bubbles” reflecting (NI 6/23/1952 #6600 allic shine flashed, and fluttered like a flipped coin for 5-7 minutes. 6/23/1952 #6601 l. O. L. Depp. Two objects looking like "giant soap bubbles", reflecting ye 6/23/1952 #6605 ndfather] sees two objects looking like giant soap bubbles reflecting yello 6/23/1952 #6609 a metallic shine flash and flutter like a flipped coin for 5–7 minutes over 6/23/1952 #6610 Depp and another man heard a sound like an airplane and witnessed two objec 6/23/1952 #6614 and witnessed two objects looking like "giant soap bubbles", reflecting ye 6/23/1952 #6614 4:05 pm. It flashed and fluttered like a flipped coin for 5-7 minutes. Man 6/23/1952 #6615 t was described as changing shape "like a swarm of bees might do." The six 6/29/1952 #6668 far lower than the 200 they would like for a scientific sampling. However, 7/1952 #6680 UFOs at about 10,000 feet. Looking like “two pie pans, one inverted on top 7/2/1952 #6694 quickly north. Vapor trail. "Just like a tea-plate". 7/3/1952 #6696 Colorado Springs, CO Object shaped like an airfoil less its trailing edge, 7/9/1952 #6734 . C. K. Griffin. One object shaped like an airfoil less its trailing edge, 7/9/1952 #6737 ees a luminous white object shaped like an airfoil moving slowly and errati 7/9/1952 #6740 foil moving slowly and erratically like a corkscrew. He estimates its size 7/9/1952 #6740 s are streaking in their direction like tracer bullets. As they get closer, 7/14/1952 #6817 ject, slightly yellow, and looking like "a flattened out donut without the 7/15/1952 #6831 flew in formation, making a sound like bombers, only softer. Note: Later 7/17/1952 #6866 ational Guard employees. One light like a big star was seen for 3 hours, bu 7/17/1952 #6867 Lockbourne AFB, OH A light like a big star that disappeared when an 7/18/1952 #6887 y above Worcester, Massachusetts, “like planes in attack formation.” One of 7/22/1952 #7025 ottstown, PA Silver object, shaped like a long pear with 2-3 squares beneat 7/23/1952 #7065 s. One large silver object, shaped like a long pear with two or three squar 7/23/1952 #7075 see a large silver object, shaped like a long pear with 2–3 squares beneat 7/23/1952 #7080 the rear and a dome with something like blades on top. An orange glow could 7/24/1952 #7113 n--Mezo, Hanson, and Steen--looked like it was coming in for a landing, but 7/24/1952 #7117 the rear and a dome with something like blades on top. An orange glow could 7/25/1952 #7139 E. Kempf says the formation looks like a “stack of coins.” 7/27/1952 #7214 rds away from his truck. It looked like burnished stainless steel. Bethurum 7/27/1952 #7216 ypes,” with complexions “something like Italians.” All were neatly dressed 7/27/1952 #7216 0 feet long. Its surface is shiny “like tinfoil,” highly reflective, and “w 7/30/1952 #7362 ers cross sky. Jet follows. Shaped like show-shoes. 7/31/1952 #7366 group of UFOs described as looking like "70 white ping pong balls" passed a 8/1/1952 #7413 Mount Vernon, NY Object, shaped like a lifesaver or donut emitting black 8/4/1952 #7448 two children. One object, shaped like a lifesaver or donut, emitted black 8/4/1952 #7450 ition to radar tracking. It looked like a dark shape with a light, and it f 8/5/1952 #7473 , CA 2 / car. 2 silver ovoids flip like coins. Maneuver and climb. Going qu 8/7/1952 #7499 r the object. It vanishes suddenly like an extinguished light. Duration is 8/7/1952 #7508 observer(s). 15M domed disk spins like a top. Away and back. Turns and goi 8/12/1952 #7550 ed as aluminum colored, and shaped like pie-pans. They rose rapidly from a 8/12/1952 #7561 licemen. One object changed color like a diamond, and changed directions d 8/18/1952 #7635 object changed color and intensity like a diamond, and flew in different di 8/18/1952 #7636 GOC Observer saw 2 objects, shaped like fat bullets (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 8/19/1952 #7644 lbert Lathrop. Two objects, shaped like fat bullets, flew straight and leve 8/19/1952 #7647 rt Lathrop sees two objects shaped like fat bullets flying straight, level, 8/19/1952 #7649 Lathrop sighted two objects shaped like fat bullets that flew straight and 8/19/1952 #7652 d the UFO began to rise and rotate like a top. It seemed to be supported by 8/23/1952 #7684 not discern what the object looked like. It was described as amber-orange, 8/23/1952 #7694 nge sphere/orb/globe with low halo like inverted acorn. Dances-wavers-flies 8/24/1952 #7699 Leveland, TX Object shaped like a spinning top, changing color (NIC 8/24/1952 #7708 d stopped to observe it. It looked like two turtle shells glued together, a 8/24/1952 #7709 ddle section supported what looked like propellers. The object hovered 3 m 8/24/1952 #7709 s. Elmer Sharp. One object, shaped like a spinning top, changing color from 8/24/1952 #7712 ng, then flew away. It, or another like it, returned an hour later. 8/24/1952 #7712 and stopped to watch it. It looked like two turtle shells glued together an 8/24/1952 #7715 o be a humanoid being in something like a control cabin in front. Windows o 8/24/1952 #7715 ddle section supported what looked like propellers. The object hovered thre 8/24/1952 #7715 s. Elmer Sharp. One object, shaped like a spinning top, changing color from 8/24/1952 #7718 ng, then flew away. It, or another like it, returned an hour later. 8/24/1952 #7718 . One dull aluminum object, shaped like two meat platters, face to face, es 8/25/1952 #7729 n ascended vertically with a sound like a large covey of quail starting to 8/25/1952 #7729 road 750 feet away. The UFO looks like two bowls placed together end to en 8/25/1952 #7732 saw a dull aluminum object, shaped like two meat platters, face to face. Th 8/25/1952 #7736 t ascended vertically with a sound like a large covey of quail starting to 8/25/1952 #7736 ight strikes it, the object glints like shiny aluminum, speeds away to the 8/27/1952 #7755 ight stops overhead / seconds. Out like a light. Back next night. 8/28/1952 #7760 ut as he gets closer it looks more like a “doughnut without a hole.” He get 9/1952 #7801 oculars. Two large objects shaped like spinning tops and displaying red, b 9/1/1952 #7813 lars sees two large objects shaped like spinning tops with red, blue, and g 9/1/1952 #7818 rs viewed two large objects shaped like spinning tops and displaying red, b 9/1/1952 #7821 g, Ohio. Suddenly it makes a noise like steam blowing and shoots out of sig 9/12/1952 #7904 served to rise gradually, to swing like a pendulum, and to leave a luminous 9/13/1952 #7914 Beech Bonanza. One object, shaped like a fat football, flaming orange-red 9/13/1952 #7915 he sighted a flying object shaped like a fat football, fiery orange-red in 9/13/1952 #7917 zzing noise, and emitting an odor “like acid or ammonia” that makes Brown’s 9/14/1952 #7938 nd the jet at15,000 feet, swinging like a “falling sycamore leaf” and desce 9/19/1952 #7980 It was solid looking, and it swung like a pendulum as it lost altitude. Ten 9/19/1952 #7981 lost altitude, and then fluttered like a leaf in a pendulum-like motion. 9/19/1952 #7981 was swinging in a pendular motion like a falling leaf. Pendulous motion ce 9/20/1952 #7982 It circled the base making a sound like a "dynamo." 9/25/1952 #8028 vering around each other, and look like “flattened spheres.” They have a co 9/30/1952 #8070 h, and it gives off a “weird light like looking at a firefly” while changin 10/1952 #8076 round, milky-white object, shaped like a powder puff, hovered for 5-10 min 10/1/1952 #8083 mercial aircraft. Brilliant saucer like welding torch. 10/5/1952 #8091 white luminous object that looked like an elongated egg with a bluish-whit 10/6/1952 #8096 AFB, MA Blinking white light move like a pendulum then shoot straight up ( 10/10/1952 #8112 n. One blinking white light moved like a pendulum for 20 minutes, and then 10/10/1952 #8113 nking white light swing in the sky like a pendulum for 20 minutes. It then 10/10/1952 #8115 in. High and fast reflect sunlight like mirror. 10/14/1952 #8130 Major and 4. Glowing disk bounces like kite / 5 minute(s). Going quickly s 10/17/1952 #8139 litary witness sighted what looked like a white streamer move in an arc thr 10/17/1952 #8152 Elberton, AL Object, shaped like a plate, with a brilliant front and 10/24/1952 #8179 h T-ll trainer. One object, shaped like a plate, with a brilliant front and 10/24/1952 #8180 which are discharging angel’s hair like glass wool. 10/27/1952 #8200 LAND, DK Military observer(s). UFO like aircraft but impossibly fast. No fu 11/12/1952 #8260 tom of the object and made a sound like an electric motor. The plates separ 11/16/1952 #8290 s with masks. They spoke something like "Verren…firg…unch", and then the cr 11/16/1952 #8290 DENA, ITL Saucer going down. Opens like clamshell. 3 small humanoids (or Gr 11/30/1952 #8356 t the MIT Lincoln Laboratory would like to be a part of any scientific stud 12/2/1952 #8363 iversities and private nonprofits (like Battelle, mentioned in the 9 Januar 12/2/1952 #8364 et in altitude, observes an object like a rotating cluster of lights colore 12/29/1952 #8461 It shines through the cloud cover like the moon through a mist. 1953 #8478 low it. The light, which now looks like a metallic domed disc with windows, 1953 #8479 6–8 or 18–25 feet thick and looks like two soup bowls joined at the rims. 1/1/1953 #8494 Security Agency. One flat object, like a pinhead, made three 360 degree ri 1/10/1953 #8529 rilliant green-gold object, shaped like the Goodyear blimp (NICAP: 01 - Dis 1/17/1953 #8546 rilliant green-gold object, shaped like the Goodyear blimp with its length 1/17/1953 #8547 liant greenish-gold object, shaped like the Goodyear blimp. It is later des 1/17/1953 #8549 a picture and Geyer says it looks like one of their flight simulators. But 1/28/1953 #8602 roadcasts to make UFO reports seem like poppycock.” Ruppelt tells Keyhoe th 2/9/1953 #8653 roadcasts to make UFO reports seem like poppycock,” Chop added. Capt. Edwar 2/9/1953 #8656 d he can see the bones in his hand like an X-ray. Suddenly there is a flash 2/11/1953 #8664 . He can see the bones in his hand like an X-ray where he experiences no so 2/19/1953 #8686 inative vision of what Venus looks like, with “warm seas” in which life tee 3/1953 #8721 CT A small round object -- flaming like red-hot iron -- plunged from the sk 3/19/1953 #8762 at to do next. The object is round like a thin disc, but with two small tai Spring 1953 #8766 light all over Natrona Co Airport "like a hunting dog". Going quickly east. 3/23/1953 #8777 stratus clouds. She hears a sound “like tins striking together.” 5/4/1953 #8861 ntrol tower that a “strange object like a lighted glass dome” is maneuverin 5/10/1953 #8872 er, and with a surface that looked like a highly polished brushed metal. In 5/21/1953 #8898 e little man was dressed in a suit like a parka, and he descended from a 8- 6/20/1953 #8944 and A civilian woman saw something like "a large aircraft" flying very slow 6/24/1953 #8966 ampton Bay, New York saw something like "a large aircraft" about 30 meters 6/24/1953 #8971 ing attracts his attention. Shaped like a water jug, the object is metallic 7/1/1953 #8982 oft whistling sound, and goes off “like a rocket.” Footprints and four hole 7/1/1953 #8982 loon" on the ground. It was shaped like a water jug and was metallic in app 7/1/1953 #8983 soft whistling sound and went off "like a rocket." There were footprints le 7/1/1953 #8983 ng attracted his attention. Shaped like a water jug, it was metallic. Throu 7/2/1953 #8986 soft whistling sound and went off "like a rocket." Footprints and four hole 7/2/1953 #8986 close to a railway. It was shaped like a sphere with a flat disk around it 7/31/1953 #9026 ls Ruppelt his 5-month tenure “was like being president of Antarctica on a 7/31/1953 #9027 y in Woolen, Poland. It was shaped like a sphere with a flat disk around it 7/31/1953 #9029 ts vectored and saw silvery object like the brightest star (NICAP: 09 - RAD 8/5/1953 #9048 The UFO was disc-shaped and looked like two soup plates joined at the rim, 8/18/1953 #9081 ground on three spheres that acted like landing gear. He was invited inside 8/18/1953 #9081 e called vimanas in Sanskrit epics like the Ramayana. He also argues that t 9/1953 #9130 h spread "wings" that made it look like a butterfly. It then took a vertica 9/4/1953 #9144 ead some "wings" that made it look like a butterfly. It then shifted to a v 9/4/1953 #9145 3,000 feet altitude. It is shaped like an equilateral triangle, but rounde 9/7/1953 #9154 USTRALIA Canberra times. UFO looks like a log or telegraph pole. 9/9/1953 #9157 . Their hands were rugged and cold like a fish. 9/11/1953 #9162 . Their hands were rugged and cold like a fish. 9/12/1953 #9165 . Their hands were rugged and cold like a fish. 9/12/1953 #9166 At 9:00 a.m. an object shaped like an airplane "wing tank" fell from t 9/22/1953 #9174 and portholes and he hears a sound like a piston engine. Late 9/1953 #9179 Gen. John A. Samford that he would like to meet with ATIC officers in Washi 10/16/1953 #9235 ward it, found a craft that looked like two ship hulls, about 3 m long, 2 m 10/25/1953 #9253 d it and found a craft that looked like two ship hulls glued together, abou 10/25/1953 #9255 uth Australia, sees a green object like a saucer fly to the north between W 11/22/1953 #9315 ne of them. The dark blue hull was like two “basins” put together; 16 feet 11/28/1953 #9325 and, spot a white object, “shining like a star.” It makes a noise like an a 12/7/1953 #9345 ing like a star.” It makes a noise like an artillery shell in flight. It mo 12/7/1953 #9345 ed to a higher-level investigation like AFOIN-X(SG), but is a relevant exam 12/18/1953 #9384 ilvery, glassy appearance, shining like aluminum. It glides toward them and 2/15/1954 #9549 t wide and 20 feet high and looked like polished aluminum. A six-foot-tall 2/18/1954 #9555 ing the saucer, saucer people look like humans, after the British atomic bo 2/22/1954 #9562 . As it crosses, they see 2 lights like jets but with no aircraft running l 3/5/1954 #9598 ur base see a white or amber light like an aircraft landing light at about 3/5/1954 #9598 2 miles, then suddenly disappears like turning off a light. It then reappe 3/5/1954 #9598 r him. They were short, and looked like a half man, half monkey. They were 4/10/1954 #9681 m, screaming, growling, and biting like a mad animal. He could not reach hi 4/10/1954 #9681 and a flashing light made a sound like a swarm of bees. It hovered and ti 4/23/1954 #9711 when they hear a noise above them “like the sound of a train passing over a Late 4/1954 #9720 e object is smooth, cold, and hard like steel. He touches it with his woods Late 4/1954 #9720 r heads, and their mouths appeared like round holes. They wore metallic blu 5/5/1954 #9755 te, silky, odorless, warm on touch like cotton, and different from cobwebs. 5/12/1954 #9780 In 1954 a UFO shaped like a red dinner plate hung in the sky 5/12/1954 #9781 ghter go outside and see an object like a rowboat with a transparent dome, Late Spring 1954 #9803 the witnesses see shapes that look like human-shaped shadows inside the cra 5/30/1954 #9846 e witnesses saw shapes that looked like human-shaped shadows inside the cra 5/30/1954 #9847 old in color, they "looked exactly like polished metal plates reflecting th 6/11/1954 #9893 rates, and seems to shake. A noise like that of an airplane engine is heard 6/18/1954 #9910 Miami Beach, FL Meteor like object descend, stop, and become ex 6/22/1954 #9926 Saucer seen. Marks on surface look like "I3" or letter "B". No further deta 7/2/1954 #9978 r orbs drift west. Suddenly vanish like a light! 7/22/1954 #10036 econds, and they reportedly looked like "Christmas tree ornaments." 7/22/1954 #10037 . Gray and others watch an object “like a bright electric bulb” fly overhea 8/1/1954 #10090 Westlake, OH Thin bright ellipse, like polished metal, hover for 5-8 secs 8/2/1954 #10092 roeder. One thin, bright ellipse, like polished metal, hovered for 5-8 sec 8/2/1954 #10093 w a total of 20 seconds. It looked like it was made of highly polished meta 8/2/1954 #10095 head, and was carrying what looked like a "machine gun." There was a "buzz 8/7/1954 #10113 a "machine gun." There was a "buzz like a bee." The man approached and the 8/7/1954 #10113 e moonlight the landed UFO looked "like a soap bubble," and three men were 8/7/1954 #10113 understand him. It does not sound like Norwegian, English, German, Spanish 8/20/1954 #10157 ” from a pocket and with something like a pencil draws circles, apparently 8/20/1954 #10157 learing. It is gray-blue and looks like two giant pot lids put together. He 8/20/1954 #10157 “with long well manicured fingers like that of an artist”. The stranger to 8/20/1954 #10158 s (or Greys) / silver suits 'grunt like pigs'. Enter glow saucer and away. 8/23/1954 #10166 Blanc approached an object looking like an aluminum trailer with two small 8/23/1954 #10169 beings in silvery dress, grunting like pigs, standing close by. The craft 8/23/1954 #10169 en illumination. He sees an object like an enormous (300 feet long) cigar s 8/23/1954 #10170 c approached an object that looked like an aluminum trailer in Lugrin, Fran 8/23/1954 #10172 niforms. They made grunting sounds like pigs. The object took on a glowing, 8/23/1954 #10172 brilliant appendages, which looked like necklaces, were hanging from the cr 8/30/1954 #10209 x brilliant appendages that looked like necklaces hung from the craft. Sgt. 8/30/1954 #10210 he houses, stop on edge, and swing like a pendulum a few meters above the g 9/3/1954 #10238 ouses, stop on its edge, and swing like a pendulum just a few meters above 9/3/1954 #10240 n mid-air over a field: "It looked like an unfinished haystack, with a plat 9/7/1954 #10266 nd Contay, Somme, France. It looks like an unfinished haystack “with a plat 9/7/1954 #10268 er a field at 7:15 a.m. "It looked like an unfinished haystack, with a plat 9/7/1954 #10270 e from a large, dark object shaped like an ellipse about ten meters above t 9/15/1954 #10316 away. It flew away, making a noise like wet fireworks, and throwing magnesi 9/15/1954 #10316 t 3 m by 1 m in size; it took off "like lightning," throwing a greenish lig 9/17/1954 #10332 ting on the road, and it took off "like lightning." It cast a greenish ligh 9/17/1954 #10337 Kimpo AB, Korea Round object, like polished aluminum, fly straight and 9/18/1954 #10344 ather observer. One round object, like polished aluminum, flew straight an 9/18/1954 #10347 e in Korea watched a round object, like polished aluminum, fly straight and 9/18/1954 #10350 and he feels a prickling sensation like electricity. He sees a 9-foot-long 9/19/1954 #10361 the craft and said that it looked like the man was repairing it. Traces we 9/24/1954 #10437 reys) run to saucer / field. Bleat like calves! / LDLN#319+local news. 10/1954 #10533 see a glowing orange object shaped like a beehive in the middle of the road 10/1/1954 #10567 away. He sees short, dark shapes “like potato bags” moving around the obje 10/1/1954 #10568 s away. He saw short, dark shapes "like potato bags" moving about the objec 10/1/1954 #10576 m away. He saw short, dark shapes "like potato bags" moving about the objec 10/2/1954 #10607 . He saw some short, dark shapes, “like potato bags” moving about the objec 10/2/1954 #10619 they saw an orange object, shaped like a honeycomb, on the road ahead of t 10/3/1954 #10658 they saw an orange object, shaped like a beehive, on the road ahead of the 10/3/1954 #10669 ith the witness and said something like: "Paris? Nord?" (According to anot 10/4/1954 #10693 n-year-old Bertiaux saw an object "like a tent" and an unknown man near it. 10/4/1954 #10696 th the witness and said some thing like: "Paris? Nord?" (According to anoth 10/4/1954 #10702 rtiaux saw an object at 6:40 p.m. "like a tent" with an unknown man nearby. 10/4/1954 #10706 isappeared, he sees a large object like an artillery shell 9 feet long. A s 10/6/1954 #10756 g of a luminous, red object shaped like a half-egg, and saw two occupants w 10/7/1954 #10780 , and saw two occupants who looked like normal men. 10/7/1954 #10780 bove ground. A luminous rectangle, like a door, was seen on the side. It to 10/7/1954 #10783 uminous, red object. It was shaped like a half egg (sliced lengthwise), The 10/7/1954 #10794 They saw two occupants who looked like normal men. 10/7/1954 #10794 the ground. A luminous rectangle, like a door, was seen on the side. It to 10/7/1954 #10797 alo on road. Going up [to] buzzing like bees. / LDLN#319. 10/8/1954 #10807 black, wearing a mask with a trunk like an elephant. "I was standing with b 10/8/1954 #10814 ia watched a white UFO that looked like "an oval sail" descend to five feet 10/8/1954 #10820 om a 4-foot-tall figure that looks like a diver. It wears boots without hee 10/9/1954 #10854 an aluminum colored object shaped like a plate, with a dome and two portho 10/10/1954 #10888 an aluminum-colored object shaped like a plate, with a dome on top and two 10/10/1954 #10900 T / NIMES, FR Cop. Metallic object like stack of cigars. Shiny reflections. 10/11/1954 #10917 which landed 300 m away. It looked like a fieryorange ball, illuminated the 10/12/1954 #10975 away in Vielmur, France. It looked like a fiery orange ball, illuminated th 10/12/1954 #10985 yes. The suit was bright and shiny like glass." The craft was surrounded by 10/13/1954 #10998 ghout the sky and fell gently down like shreds of paper or cloth. The debri 10/13/1954 #11002 ilvery filaments clinging together like cobwebs, "wilted away" when handled 10/13/1954 #11002 yes. The suit was bright and shiny like glass." The Disc was surrounded by 10/13/1954 #11004 It had a bun-shaped top, a flange like two saucers in the center and a bun 10/14/1954 #11005 adults. Flying cigar emits sparks like a fuse. 10/14/1954 #11019 nt near it. He found it was shaped like a flattened dome, 5.5 m in diameter 10/14/1954 #11047 Mr. B. saw a circular craft shaped like an upside-down plate. At the same t 10/14/1954 #11051 & Mrs. Dupuy saw an object shaped like a rugby ball resting on crutch-like 10/14/1954 #11061 e got close he found it was shaped like a flattened dome, 5.5 meters in dia 10/14/1954 #11069 Mr. B. saw a circular craft shaped like an upside-down plate just after dar 10/14/1954 #11072 the railroad tracks. It was shaped like a mushroom, about 4 m diameter, 2 m 10/15/1954 #11100 e Le Viol saw a flat craft, shaped like an inverted plate, fly very low tow 10/15/1954 #11106 her at 1,000 feet. One floats down like a leaf, landing about 350 feet in f 10/15/1954 #11111 Le Viol saw a flat craft, -shaped like an inverted plate, fly very low tow 10/15/1954 #11122 e the bridle. Then the animal fell like a mass and for 10 min was unable to 10/16/1954 #11142 Then the animal fell to the ground like a mass and for 10 minutes was unabl 10/16/1954 #11148 altitude. Spotlights light ground like day. / p36. 10/17/1954 #11165 ground. The panicked witness felt like his legs were paralyzed. Inside the 10/18/1954 #11224 . They said something that sounded like "Dbano da skigyay o dbano," went ba 10/19/1954 #11240 ree. The lower part of its body is like a cone. It aims a light beam at Pug 10/19/1954 #11243 They spoke something that sounded like "Dbanoda skigyay o dbano," then wen 10/19/1954 #11254 jacket, boots, and cloth headgear (like a pilot's) who pointed a gun at him 10/20/1954 #11270 ed to the wheel." The craft looked like an inverted cone, the lower part ph 10/20/1954 #11273 , and some type of cloth headgear, like a pilot's leather helmet. The man p 10/20/1954 #11278 side his vehicle. The craft looked like an inverted cone, the lower part ph 10/20/1954 #11282 ) tall. The entity had what looked like a flashlight, and aimed a beam of l 10/20/1954 #11283 itime, France. He feels a tingling like electric shocks all over his body. 10/21/1954 #11303 g down. Lights / ends. Lights road like day! / LDLN#324. 10/22/1954 #11312 e, France. It illuminated the road like daylight. 10/22/1954 #11321 ntelligible language which sounded like "Chinese" to the listener. 10/22/1954 #11322 evel about 50 m away, with a sound like that of a compressor. It was an egg 10/23/1954 #11338 FO land 150 feet away with a sound like a compressor. It seems to be an ova 10/23/1954 #11341 out 50 meters away, making a sound like that of an air compressor. It was a 10/23/1954 #11344 dressed in red, his clothes looked like iron. He walked with his legs stiff 10/24/1954 #11361 a hairy face. His eyes were large, like those of the cows." 10/24/1954 #11361 soon noticed a brown craft shaped like a large shell between them, so he d 10/24/1954 #11368 dressed in red, his clothes looked like iron." He walked stiff-legged, and 10/24/1954 #11369 hairy face. His eyes were large, "like those of the cows." 10/24/1954 #11369 saw a phosphorescent craft shaped like a brooder, about 2 m in diameter, 1 10/25/1954 #11389 saw a phosphorescent craft shaped like a chicken brooder, about two meters 10/25/1954 #11400 heads standing next to a large keg like object. They wore shiny black outfi 10/25/1954 #11401 o'clock in the evening. Two human like figures briefly emerged from the ob 10/25/1954 #11402 houlders, apelike eyes, and a head like a diving helmet. Paralyzed with ter 10/27/1954 #11448 oulders, ape-like eyes, and a head like a diving helmet. At first she was p 10/27/1954 #11455 slands, Azores Grey object, shaped like a stovepipe (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 10/29/1954 #11477 uese nationals. One object, shaped like a stovepipe with a center bulge and 10/29/1954 #11479 in the Azores sighted a UFO shaped like a stovepipe. It had a central bulge 10/29/1954 #11484 uddenly observed an object, shaped like two cones with a common base, resti 11/1/1954 #11516 uddenly observed an object, shaped like double cone with a common base, res 11/1/1954 #11520 e reddish helmets with what looked like leather earflaps. They were speakin 11/1/1954 #11520 intelligible language that sounded like Chinese, ‘liu, lai, loi.” Their mou 11/1/1954 #11520 itantly from 60 feet away, feeling like running but he is rooted to the spo 11/2/1954 #11537 came somewhat apprehensive. It was like nothing he had ever seen before and 11/2/1954 #11539 o the police to report it. He felt like running but felt rooted to the grou 11/2/1954 #11539 were dressed in one-piece garments like an overall, which were light gray i 11/2/1954 #11539 otion and landing near him. Shaped like two washbowls placed together, it w 11/4/1954 #11563 ot. He sees a silvery, glowing UFO like two washbowls placed on top of each 11/4/1954 #11564 5 feet) in diameter, and it looked like "two washbowls joined together." It 11/4/1954 #11568 ise 150 m away with a slight noise like an explosion and fly away at fantas 11/5/1954 #11577 R. saw a craft, which made a noise like a large transformer and gave off an 11/5/1954 #11578 o were holding objects that looked like weapons. Another witness fled and f 11/5/1954 #11578 es an orange object making a noise like a generator land in a nearby pastur 11/5/1954 #11579 e other two hold objects that look like weapons. Physical traces are found 11/5/1954 #11579 50 meters away with a slight noise like an explosion. It flew away at fanta 11/5/1954 #11580 d R. saw a craft that made a noise like a large transformer and gave off an 11/5/1954 #11581 o were holding objects that looked like weapons. Another witness fled and f 11/5/1954 #11581 dressed in black, or dark, robes, like the habits worn by monks, so he cou 11/9/1954 #11611 al airport, Mr. Davril saw a craft like a round hut 300 m away. It took off 11/13/1954 #11636 nce, Mr. Davril saw a craft shaped like a round hut 300 meters away. It too 11/13/1954 #11640 on the railing. He feels something like “icy rain” on his hands. The rain s 11/17/1954 #11663 tes-Nord, France saw a UFO looking like "a glowing boat" land in a nearby f 11/18/1954 #11667 shaped with cupola or dome on top, like aluminum with a polished surface. T 11/21/1954 #11683 s a strange cloud above the trees, like an upside-down washbowl. It is a so 11/22/1954 #11691 rls run away. They notice a smell “like fried sausages.” A “streak” is foun 11/23/1954 #11696 served three “dark colored, animal like creatures” moving between some bush 11/23/1954 #11697 earlier. They also saw what looked like a small barrel, 60-70 centimeters w 11/23/1954 #11697 boys. The object sported something like “antennae” situated on its forward 11/23/1954 #11697 ls ran away. They noticed a smell "like fried sausages." A "streak" was fou 11/23/1954 #11698 linder 250M over red square! Rises like a jet. Away going quickly northwest 11/27/1954 #11711 rs in length. It rose into the sky like a jet, and flew off toward the nort 11/27/1954 #11713 zes it is white, not red. It looks like a half circle with sunlight gleamin 12/7/1954 #11773 ger standing near a machine shaped like "a tropical helmet," cream-colored, 12/9/1954 #11784 Sul, Brazil, when he hears a sound like a sewing machine that causes some o 12/9/1954 #11787 his cows to run. An object shaped like an “enormous polished brass kettle” 12/9/1954 #11787 la. They run across a huge red UFO like two washbowls put together hovering 12/9/1954 #11788 tt, but it has no effect and feels like striking rock. The wooden rifle but 12/9/1954 #11788 ul, Brazil heard a sound something like a sewing machine, and saw a cream-c 12/9/1954 #11789 saw a cream-colored object "shaped like a tropical helmet" hovering just ab 12/9/1954 #11789 approached it, found it was shaped like two bowls g]ued together, about 3 m 12/10/1954 #11794 esus Gomez, saw a luminous object "like two washbowls put together." It was 12/10/1954 #11798 utt, but it had no effect and felt like striking rock. The wooden rifle but 12/10/1954 #11798 go away. Their craft "had a bottom like an enormous polished brass kettle," 12/11/1954 #11800 cillating motion, and made a noise like a sewing machine. Its upper part re 12/11/1954 #11800 farmyard. He then saw a UFO shaped like an "enormous polished brass kettle" 12/11/1954 #11802 r structure on top, making a sound like a sewing machine, hovering in the a 12/11/1954 #11802 ere it dropped a liquid substance "like silver rain." Chemical analysis rev 12/13/1954 #11805 e, and dropped a liquid substance "like silver rain." Chemical analysis rev 12/14/1954 #11808 ger object had landing gear shaped like three round balls. Three human-look 12/15/1954 #11817 and it was emitting a bluish light like that from a welding torch. Accordin 12/28/1954 #11869 at 6:30 a.m. when he heard a sound like a motor. He looked around but did n 12/30/1954 #11882 r/trainer. A metallic disc, shaped like two pie pans face-to-face, and 120- 1/1/1955 #11908 r than the other. A loud explosion like a thunderclap is heard, causing the 2/6/1955 #11977 Bethesda, MD Object, shaped like a small portion of the bottom of mo 2/10/1955 #11990 esign facility. One object, shaped like a small portion of the bottom of th 2/10/1955 #11991 its time as 6–8 minutes. It looks like a disc with two bright, pulsating, 2/10/1955 #11992 SSEX 3 observer(s). 6 saucers play like tadpoles / clouds. Cylinder/cigar-s 2/11/1955 #11995 d a yellow or amber object, shaped like a "Jack-O-Lantern", flying at 1,000 2/11/1955 #11998 fireball shoots across east Texas like a “huge electric arc,” passing from 2/13/1955 #11999 ne copper wire mixed in” and looks like it comes from a carpet sweeper bag. 2/21/1955 #12011 untbattens property. It was shaped like a child’s humming top, between 10 t 2/23/1955 #12013 ween 10 to 30 ft. diameter. Looked like kitchen saucepan. Had cylindrical c 2/23/1955 #12013 d portholes all around the middle, like a steamer boat. I noticed a man sta 2/23/1955 #12013 ht came from one of the portholes (like a mercury-vapor lamp). A force knoc 2/23/1955 #12013 ling to work. The object is shaped like a spinning top, metallic, and about 2/23/1955 #12015 manoid figure dressed in what look like overalls and a helmet descend from 2/23/1955 #12015 . 3 pseudo-human/entity outside. 1 like Christ! Give observer(s) a warning. 4/1955 (approximate) #12076 n a cluster made a whooshing sound like a zephyr. Sighting lasted 2-3 secon 4/30/1955 #12105 uster. They made a whooshing sound like a zephyr. The sighting was very bri 4/30/1955 #12107 ed. Mr. Hunnicutt reported an odor like alfalfa and almonds. No UFO was see 5/25/1955 #12160 een them and Mt. Williams. Looking like a "light airplane on fire," it chan 5/29/1955 #12166 ne was bending over with something like a stick in its hand; and the fourth 7/3/1955 #12231 ne was bending over with something like a stick in its hand; and the fourth 7/3/1955 #12233 iquid caused his bare skin to feel like someone had poured kerosine on a wo 7/22/1955 #12280 ack to the original group, “moving like a clock pendulum.” The man flees to Late 7/1955 #12285 light. All going up and down [to] like yoyos for 5-6 min. 7/29/1955 #12296 e flashing light moved up and down like yo-yos for 5-6 minutes. 7/29/1955 #12299 te flashing light move up and down like yo-yos for 5-6 minutes. 7/29/1955 #12303 with shaggy gray hair and had tusk like teeth, and it grunted like a pig. W 8/1/1955 #12318 ad tusk like teeth, and it grunted like a pig. Whaley struck at it with his 8/1/1955 #12318 . Jeffrey Moore, 17, says it looks like a steel ball at first, then as it g 8/19/1955 #12374 o, when they see an object “shaped like two saucers with their open tops to 8/20/1955 #12379 the call and sees several meteor- like objects streaking over him sounding 8/21/1955 #12386 bjects streaking over him sounding like artillery fire. He sees two in a se 8/21/1955 #12386 e. He sees two in a series looking like meteors coming from the southwest, 8/21/1955 #12386 es that the disturbance looks more like a giant disc. The newspapers reprod 8/30/1955 #12418 m from his feet. The object looked like a machine with an opening where a s 9/16/1955 #12456 m from his feet. The object looked like a machine with an opening where a s 9/16/1955 #12457 on and Alliance, OH Hovering disc- like UFO observed over wide area. [UFOE, 10/2/1955 #12484 bout 100 students watch 10 objects like “steel balls” dart through the sky 10/27/1955 #12524 he could see figures moving about, like people "walking in front of a light 12/21/1955 #12619 e parallel to his course. It looks like a “large pearl-colored lens with wa 1956 #12636 Missouri saw a big silver balloon like object fly by slowly. No balloons w 1/5/1956 #12646 ies a second alien, who looks much like Akon except he is darker and more m 4/7/1956 #12798 ed about 90° to the left appearing like an airliner heading in to land at A 4/8/1956 #12803 n each side. The bottom surface is like steel with ribs extending down 2–4 5/22/1956 #12865 e witness's car. Showing something like a dome on top, it crossed the road 6/6/1956 #12887 flew south, emitting a green light like a flame from the back. It made no s 7/22/1956 #13008 e into view. The object was shaped like a barbell, with two bulbous spheres 7/23/1956 #13013 l blue night lights hover and dart like fish in tank / 10 minutes. Vanish. 7/24/1956 #13015 ingapore. They dart about the sky “like fish in a tank,” come together, hov 7/26/1956 #13021 A photograph of a UFO shaped like a dome was taken on this evening in 8/11/1956 #13068 rply defined and disc- shaped” or “like a shiny silver dollar sitting horiz 8/27/1956 #13140 sc with a transparent dome twirled like a top only four feet above the grou 8/27/1956 #13142 s gunmetal gray in color and looks like two shallow bowls with a dark gap b 9/15/1956 #13224 ife”. There was a nauseating smell like sulfur and brimstone. He lost the s 10/2/1956 #13258 e object is making a hissing noise like steam and generating a foul odor. I 10/2/1956 #13260 on the ground that have burned up like tissue paper. Sturdevant applies fo 10/2/1956 #13260 r wakes man. Whirrs. Bounces / sky like ball. Going up. 10/8/1956 #13267 ckson, Alabama, they see something like a brilliant meteor flash by the air 11/14/1956 #13329 here and did see a hovering object like a humming top, with lighted porthol 11/28/1956 #13362 gh-domed head, floppy ears, a face like a bloodhound, and lidless eyes like 12/15/1956 #13404 ike a bloodhound, and lidless eyes like a snake. His skin hangs in folds li 12/15/1956 #13404 e a snake. His skin hangs in folds like an elephant’s. After a few minutes, 12/15/1956 #13404 of the creature’s skin was course, like the skin of an elephant. The dwarf 12/15/1956 #13405 argues that human “little people” (like the pygmy peoples of the Congo basi 1957 #13429 AFB. "The object shot out a blast like at least 50 jet planes at once. It 1/17/1957 #13463 ht path, a small radio transmitter like those attached to balloons is found 2/15/1957 #13509 a white hovering object that looks like a “huge derby hat” about 50 feet in 3/6/1957 #13523 “streamers or lines” that “twinkle like the fragile strands” of Christmas t 3/6/1957 #13523 and pulsing light, with something like a pole on top, making fast and erra 3/22/1957 #13553 some coffee. He notices an object like a metallic, fluorescent-blue submar 5/1957 #13630 ll color(s) / rainbow. Shoots away like bullet. 5/1/1957 #13636 as saying the room has “something like 10,000 sightings” on file and a lar 6/15/1957 #13730 aw three brightly lighted objects "like small moons." [UFOE, II] (NICAP: 01 6/18/1957 #13738 Cigar-shaped UFO with green lights like windows. [UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 01 - D 7/1/1957 #13771 comes from the object that appears like ECM jamming. 7/18/1957 #13811 A thick disc, ice blue, with a top like honeycomb (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 7/27/1957 #13846 e thick disc, ice blue, with a top like honeycomb (interconnected hexagons) 7/27/1957 #13847 bottom is a round area that looks like it might be the outline of an entry 8/1957 #13868 moves slowly away, making a noise like a quiet vacuum cleaner. 8/1957 #13868 min. 1 blinks on and off. 1 swings like pendulum. 8/14/1957 #13888 ons then observed an object shaped like a disk with a dome on top and anoth 9/1957 #13964 One of them is carrying something like a gun or flamethrower. They pass th 9/1957 #13966 tish smears of a powdery substance like cinders. Fontes takes one sample to Early 9/1957 #13971 this point, Ferreira notices a UFO like a bright star with a scintillating, 9/4/1957 #13978 ng to green, spreading around them like a mist and covering an area about 1 9/16/1957 #13999 ng to green, spreading around them like a mist and covering an area about 1 9/16/1957 #14002 Kadena AFB, Okinawa Object like a coke bottle w/o the neck, translu 9/20/1957 #14017 H.D. Bridgeman. One object, shaped like a coke bottle without the neck, tra 9/20/1957 #14019 Okinawa observed an object shaped like a coke bottle without the neck. It 9/20/1957 #14021 cture, Japan. Afterwards, material like spider web falls in great profusion 10/4/1957 #14058 oud cover. The object has no trail like a meteor. 10/9/1957 #14085 r than the lower section. It looks like two superimposed plates separated b 10/10/1957 #14095 es and his wife see a round object like a “flying balloon” moving silently 10/16/1957 #14130 PORTUGAL Angel hair all over just like 1917. Samples taken for analysis. 10/17/1957 #14132 r an hour with a device that looks like a flashlight, communicate telepathi 10/25/1957 #14155 UFO he saw: “The object was shaped like a huge football and had bright whit 11/2/1957 #14194 ctly over the vehicle with a sound like thunder and a rush of wind. The tru 11/2/1957 #14221 l-shaped object flat on the bottom like a loaf of bread, with a bluish-gree 11/3/1957 #14243 t McCullough see a flash of light “like a brilliant red sunset” 300–400 yar 11/3/1957 #14248 about 45° elevation until it looks like a star or point source. They watch 11/3/1957 #14251 ng that is making a whirring sound like an artillery shell. It passes above 11/4/1957 #14287 Castle, Indiana An object looking like "a big meat platter" was seen at cl 11/5/1957 #14339 0 m away, a metallic object shaped like a disk, spinning with a soft whirri 11/5/1957 #14340 minated the area, and it flew off "like a shooting star." 11/5/1957 #14340 e next 10 minutes. A visual object like a brilliant planet is seen at 5:21 11/5/1957 #14342 from where they live. It glitters like a welder’s arc and makes a sound li 11/5/1957 #14345 e a welder’s arc and makes a sound like water swishing. Beaman rounds up so 11/5/1957 #14345 Castle, Indiana. An object looking like "a big meat platter" was seen at cl 11/5/1957 #14350 minated the area, and it flew off "like a shooting star. 11/5/1957 #14351 e luminous object hovers. Vanishes like a light turned off. No further deta 11/6/1957 #14367 ol of water. It rose and vanished "like a light switched off." 11/6/1957 #14410 he suddenly saw an object looking like a bright meteor split into two piec 11/6/1957 #14417 bject, which he found to be shaped like "a covered dish" 15 m in diameter, 11/6/1957 #14417 Frisky outside and sees an object like an elongated egg in a field 300 fee 11/6/1957 #14422 in a foreign language that sounds like German to him. The four people go i 11/6/1957 #14422 nd bottom of the object are curved like discs. When it is 60 feet away it s 11/6/1957 #14424 rapidly modulated tone that sounds like, but is not, Morse code. The UFO ri 11/6/1957 #14428 ille, Ohio, when he sees an object like a bright meteor split into two piec 11/6/1957 #14430 n approaches it. The UFO is shaped like a “covered dish,” and is about 50 f 11/6/1957 #14430 ol of water. It rose and vanished "like a light switched off." 11/6/1957 #14431 hiny buttons, and wore what looked like a green tam-o-shanter cap with glov 11/6/1957 #14438 suddenly noticed an object looking like a bright meteor split into two piec 11/6/1957 #14441 bject, which he found to be shaped like a "covered dish" 15 meters in diame 11/6/1957 #14441 g." "I stood there for what seemed like an eternity." They got back into th 11/7/1957 #14457 g." "I stood there for what seemed like an eternity." They got back into th 11/7/1957 #14464 r(s) / ground. Shiny silver object like disk flipping. Paces bomber plane. 11/8/1957 #14467 nks it might be circling the earth like a satellite. 11/8/1957 #14486 lyn Riead hears a sputtering noise like someone is pulling into her drivewa 11/14/1957 #14551 f bracken a metallic saucer shaped like a “large flattish spinning top,” 18 11/21/1957 #14590 clearly saw two figures who looked like human beings, sitting one behind th 11/22/1957 #14595 clearly see two figures who looked like human beings, sitting one behind th 11/22/1957 #14596 ce everywhere. The fireball bursts like fireworks, seen by others on the is 11/29/1957 #14638 CHESTNUT, LA UFO like rising sun. Disabled car seen. Lady 12/11/1957 #14706 , very bright, flew in a formation like a stack of coins, then changed to a 12/13/1957 #14724 OH Orange-glow saucer / sky. Sound like conventional propeller plane. No fu 12/14/1957 #14726 r going south over car. Ground lit like day. Shoots going up. / r141. 12/18/1957 #14743 f inside the craft while it glowed like brass. A spinning antennalike devic 12/18/1957 #14746 he other circled. They were shaped like a sphere surrounded by a flat ring, 12/21/1957 #14754 he other circled. They were shaped like a sphere surrounded by a flat ring, 12/21/1957 #14757 nd howl. He hears a whirring noise like an electric shaver that persists fo 12/30/1957 #14771 a the Harz. The crafts were shaped like the shell of a tortoise and radio-c 1958 #14787 hts went off. Two figures, looking like animals or huge insects were observ 1/1958 #14790 ; the craft took off "with a noise like a flock of birds." Air Force office 1/4/1958 #14805 e to the naked eye. These shafts, “like beads on a necklace” pass in a “dis 1/10/1958 #14817 he object’s departure. Instruments like radio transmitters and apparatus wi 1/16/1958 #14831 ing “And now, Mr. Edwards, I would like to make a disclosure, something whi 1/22/1958 #14838 Elliptical UFO with two "porthole" like markings. [UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 01 - 2/2/1958 #14865 Australia. It made a droning noise like a motor, and flew at an estimated a 2/2/1958 #14869 . Evans has a reddened area shaped like a triangle on her back. An acquaint 2/17/1958 #14878 with a swinging motion. was shaped like a sphere surrounded by a flat ring. 2/24/1958 #14888 and his wife Dorothy see something like a “large medicine ball” descend and 2/28/1958 #14898 d Carl Kern watch an object shaped like a “solid right angle” glowing like 4/13/1958 #14980 like a “solid right angle” glowing like a white neon light over Allentown, 4/13/1958 #14980 watch a silent “unknown aircraft” like a twin-engine, delta-wing jet with 6/1/1958 #15074 impression that it was revolving, like a wheel turning round and round on 6/12/1958 #15092 heodolite sighted an object shaped like Saturn (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 6/14/1958 #15094 ng a theodolite. An object shaped like Saturn, less the bottom part; silve 6/14/1958 #15095 about 17,000– 18,000 feet. A light like a “moving star” appears. It approac 7/1958 #15130 ico, when he sees an object shaped like an equilateral triangle pass direct 7/18/1958 #15149 out, he sees a long whitish trail like a fan in the sky. At 2:22 a.m., in 8/3/1958 #15177 a briefing, while allowing people like Menzel, Ruppelt, and Keyhoe to offe 8/8/1958 #15184 tremely bright object shaped first like a bell, then a saucer (NICAP: 01 - 8/17/1958 #15208 tremely bright object shaped first like a bell, then like a saucer, hovered 8/17/1958 #15209 ect shaped first like a bell, then like a saucer, hovered for 5 minutes, fl 8/17/1958 #15209 extremely bright UFO shaped first like a bell and then like a saucer. When 8/17/1958 #15210 shaped first like a bell and then like a saucer. When maneuvering it seeme 8/17/1958 #15210 When maneuvering it seemed shaped like a fried egg. It gave the impression 8/17/1958 #15210 be a Saturn-shaped grayish object like a “fried egg in pan.” Later it flip 8/18/1958 #15215 he road, 150 m away. It was shaped like two cones with a common base and sh 9/1/1958 #15245 out 150 meters away. It was shaped like two cones with a common base and ha 9/1/1958 #15248 ffield Lake, Ohio. It made a sound like a jet and was aluminum in color. It 9/21/1958 #15277 rson. One dull-grey object, shaped like a pickle with a flat bottom, flew e 10/2/1958 #15301 on sees a dull-gray object, shaped like a pickle with a flat bottom, fly er 10/2/1958 #15304 enormous object that first looked like a puff of smoke, then "like pickle 10/2/1958 #15305 looked like a puff of smoke, then "like pickle with a flat bottom" was sigh 10/2/1958 #15305 es one bright-green object, shaped like a 10-cent piece, and one smaller, s 11/1958 #15415 c. One bright green object, shaped like a 10 cent piece, and one smaller, s 11/3/1958 #15421 ck in the morning. It made a sound like a jet. 11/12/1958 #15440 ect about 35 m away. It was shaped like a lamp shade with an upper transpar 11/23/1958 #15456 bout 35 meters away. It was shaped like a lamp shade with an upper transpar 11/23/1958 #15457 o the media. Because of situations like this, Maj. Friend unsuccessfully re 12/1958 #15465 a few seconds it went straight up like a shot and faded beyond the stars. 12/20/1958 #15482 the Air Force policy of denial is like “Big Brother.” They say the gag ord 12/21/1958 #15495 , is out walking and hears a noise like a rush of wind. A black object 7 fe 12/30/1958 #15503 their hands were slender and human like, while their feet were flat; he was 1959 #15516 FO descend slowly, then speed away like meteor. [NICAP UFOE, V] (NICAP: 01 1/8/1959 #15541 the sky and a fifth object shaped like an inverted skittle with a ball han 1/8/1959 #15542 a white cylindrical object, shaped like a cigarette in appearance, jerked b 2/12/1959 #15587 outside and sees a luminous object like an “elongated egg,” dull red with p 2/24/1959 #15605 sees an egg-shaped object glowing like radium on a watch dial. He estimate 2/25/1959 #15613 The "helmet" was part of the suit, like a hood. She yelled and the man ran 3/7/1959 #15631 ys,” he knows what refueling looks like and the UFOs were “at least three t 3/19/1959 #15652 2 silent cigars going quickly west like meteors. 3rd object follows. / txt 3/20/1959 #15657 llegedly lived in dwellings shaped like cupolas and cultivated multicolored 4/1/1959 #15689 e model, but Nebel thinks it looks like a jumble of unconnected parts. As i 4/19/1959 #15708 astic clothing, and gloves looking like they were made of a transparent, gl 4/25/1959 #15713 ith gloves that looked transparent like glass. He told Da Silva to return a 4/26/1959 #15714 n the ground 150 m away. It looked like an aluminum craft about 2.5 m high, 5/20/1959 #15740 es harbor, Argentina. It is shaped like a huge fish, is silver in color, an 6/1959 #15753 silver in color, and sports a tail like the stabilizer on a B-17. 6/1959 #15753 lexander Avenue. They were dressed like motorcyclists, stood over six-feet 6/26/1959 #15792 ng noise, and left behind an odor "like pepper." 7/13/1959 #15843 d. It illuminated the countryside "like daylight." The witness panicked and 7/13/1959 #15844 AIN 80cm sphere lights countryside like day. Later goes east to/from/betwee 7/14/1959 #15845 p level on edge. Beam lights beach like day. 7/25/1959 #15875 on the beach, lighting up the area like day. A domed disc came down to a lo 7/25/1959 #15878 into the UFO in a coherent fashion like retracting appendages. 8/4/1959 #15895 el; they observed a light swinging like a pendulum, coming close to the gro 8/9/1959 #15897 proaches, they see it is an object like a metallic egg standing on end with 8/9/1959 #15898 served a light swinging in the sky like a pendulum, and coming closer to th 8/9/1959 #15899 veral figures carrying what looked like bright flashlights emerged from the 8/20/1959 #15932 heir car and illuminating the area like daylight. The figures then left the 8/20/1959 #15932 ., spotted an UFO. “It was colored like a large red fire and looked like an 9/29/1959 #15997 d like a large red fire and looked like an atomic cloud”, he stated. At abo 9/29/1959 #15997 sees a “large red fire” that looks like a mushroom cloud. It is 5° above hi 9/29/1959 #15998 ointed chins. Each had what looked like an earphone on one ear. They wore w 9/29/1959 #16000 close to the ground. It was shaped like a half egg on top of a plate, and i 10/16/1959 #16035 d by a luminous object that looked like a large street lamp. The UFO maneuv 10/31/1959 #16072 ot tall humanoids with large human like eyes to a room that had many instru 11/15/1959 #16088 o the water. He says that it looks like a cover is torn off in one piece li Late 12/1959 #16134 e a cover is torn off in one piece like a “curved sheet of metal.” Late 12/1959 #16134 is inconsistent with what Earth is like, and because Mars contains canals, 1960 #16141 river. Later they appeared to play like children. Their bodies glowed with Spring 1960 #16201 is, IN A series of balls, arranged like an “X” with one diagonal line (NICA 3/23/1960 #16203 arsen. A series of balls, arranged like an "X" with one diagonal line, seen 3/23/1960 #16204 Indianapolis, Indiana that looked like a kite made up of little metallic b 3/23/1960 #16205 s going quickly southeast sideways like an arrow. 3/25/1960? #16207 Making a noise like a gas turbine, a cylindrical UFO ho 3/25/1960 #16208 the southeast, traveling sideways like an arrow. 3/25/1960 #16208 (or Greys) draw water / hose. Play like kids. / O. Binder. 4/1960 (approximate) #16211 domed disc. The object was shaped like two bowls edge-to-edge, had a shini 4/27/1960 #16244 o connection to a UFO and it looks like foundry slag anyway. Later, the Mon 6/12/1960 #16312 for his partner. He hears a noise like an aircraft approaching and somethi 6/22/1960 #16315 ght, he heard a noise that sounded like a large plane in the distance. The 6/22/1960 #16316 Leefe (near), WY Hovering disc like "two dinner plates face to face," a 7/1/1960 #16323 en it stabilizes, he sees it looks like two concave discs joined together a 8/11/1960 #16369 of the red lights swept the ground like a searchlight. They experienced hea 8/13/1960 #16381 low lights coming from what looked like three triangular windows at bottom. 8/23/1960 #16409 lights that came from what looked like triangular windows at the bottom. T 8/23/1960 #16410 Capt. Joseph W. Ivins say it looks like a balloon about 70 feet in diameter 11/15/1960 #16505 :30 p.m. for 20 minutes. It looked like a ball with a long antenna rod atta 11/27/1960 #16516 nd, and moved with a jerky motion “like a bouncing ball.” It changed color 12/3/1960 #16523 he authorities state that it looks like it was placed there gently from abo 1961 #16550 ved autopsy reports of what seemed like extraterrestrial bodies, crash repo 1961 #16553 s later, a brilliant metallic disc like polished blue steel swoops down and 1/1961 #16555 says: “Mysterious objects ‘lit up like a ball of fire and going fast’ zoom 2/5/1961 #16596 ght. It leaves a long orange trail like a tracer bullet, then abruptly divi 3/16/1961 #16631 ing waves and saw the sea swelling like an enormous bubble 1 km away. An ob 6/3/1961 #16714 the surface of the sea is “bulging like an enormous ball, with long billows 6/3/1961 #16715 od up and noticed the sea swell up like an enormous bubble a kilometer away 6/3/1961 #16717 late and the upper part was shaped like a cone. As it was emerging from the 6/3/1961 #16717 Springfield, OH Round bright light like shiny aluminum, pass overhead (NICA 7/11/1961 #16758 eighbors. One round, bright light like shiny aluminum, passed overhead in 7/11/1961 #16759 bors sighted a round, bright light like shiny aluminum pass overhead. Their 7/11/1961 #16761 l hair residue, a snowy-white mesh like material. 8/6/1961 #16782 students saw a large object shaped like an oval with "running boards" beari 8/12/1961 #16789 nding from one edge to the center; like a sled with lighted car running boa 8/12/1961 #16790 nding from one edge to the center, like a sled with lighted car running boa 8/12/1961 #16791 es quickly and he can see it looks like a disc with a concave base about 20 Autumn 1961 #16869 ng and 10 feet broad. It vanishes “like a tornado in the air” and he feels Autumn 1961 #16869 Sunset, Utah. The first pair looks like puffy cotton joined together by “st 10/14/1961 #16911 d settled to earth, draping itself like a finely-knit shroud over Goff's fi 11/18/1961 #16964 sun. They can be felt on the skin like spider webs, but they are much smal 11/18/1961 #16964 n a spider web. A human hair seems like a rope compared to the fibers." "I 11/18/1961 #16964 wearing and what the object looked like, but they never ask about the shoot Late 11/1961 #16978 nd turns to see a metallic object “like polished chrome.” It is pacing the 1962 #17006 off smoke but remained stationary like a comet for 6 minutes. Case missing 4/4/1962 #17098 s to Las Vegas. It blares brightly like a “tremendous, flaming sword” over 4/18/1962 #17120 00 m away from the road. It looked like a railroad car and was illuminated. 5/12/1962 #17162 na saw a rectangular object shaped like an illuminated railroad boxcar. As 5/12/1962 #17166 What looked like a flaming airplane making a loud ro 5/25/1962 #17202 shaped object that gave off sparks like sparklers. The object slowly descen 5/26/1962 #17207 third object also drops something like a rope that extends to the ground f 6/25/1962 #17245 the apparition shrink and vanish "like a TV image when one turns off the s 6/26/1962 #17248 oy / 8. UFO / 3 legs / field. Buzz like high tension power lines power line 7/1962 #17260 l sighting of unidentified object "like a piece of paper," gray-white. Obse 7/17/1962 #17277 mb he sees a small grayish object “like a piece of paper” about 30–40 feet 7/17/1962 #17279 ure was six feet tall, with a head like a melon and three eyes. It grabbed 7/26/1962 #17290 arf, turned around and walked away like a robot, leaving deep tracks in the 7/26/1962 #17290 cle when a tall being, with a head like a watermelon and three eyes, appear 7/30/1962 #17305 hts came on and a white light beam like a searchlight played toward the wit 8/1/1962 #17313 m behind the bushes. It was shaped like a hat and surrounded with a red glo 8/17/1962 #17335 were heard saying, "This one looks like Rivalino," and later that they woul 8/19/1962 #17346 object. It is a silvery-gray disc, like two rounded hubcaps together, and i 8/30/1962 #17373 ll head and short arms, and looked like the "Michelin" tire man. His upper 8/30/1962 #17374 n three telescopic legs and shaped like a top. It was 30 feet in diameter. 9/1/1962 #17382 ere obviously spacemen they looked like us. One of them replied, speaking i 9/1/1962 #17382 testing. They left in a UFO shaped like a spinning top, about 80 feet in di 9/5/1962 #17387 t], Topeka, Kansas Dawn. An object like an orange or yellow meteor is obser 10/12/1962 #17468 silver ball, trailing what looked like twine (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 10/23/1962 #17487 silver ball, trailing what looked like twine with two knots in it, swerved 10/23/1962 #17488 way at a 45' angle, making a sound like a flock of ducks (rushing air). Twe 10/23/1962 #17488 daredge Marshal observed two UFOs "like an inverted umbrella with a number 10/25/1962 #17494 ge of the craft. He wears a helmet like a gas mask. He returns to the UFO, 10/28/1962 #17513 t 30 m in diameter, and was shaped like two plates glued together. Through 3/13/1963 #17705 meters in diameter, and was shaped like two plates glued together. Through 3/13/1963 #17706 ped UFO flying in the sky, looking like a stingray. It changed color from r 5/18/1963 #17750 globe / 500 altitude lights street like day. South going quickly north. 5/28/1963 (approximate) #17768 thirty-foot diameter object shaped like two bowls rim-to-rim hovering over 6/26/1963 #17811 Tuscon, AZ Large blimp like object reported. [In this area is t 7/2/1963 #17823 dwarf fired back using what looked like a black tube, burning two of them. 7/18/1963 #17839 away toward the west, disappeared like a bulb turned off, and was seen aga 8/8/1963 #17879 esuits. They all have only one eye like a cyclops. Three of them are thin a 8/28/1963 #17922 in and bald, while the other looks like an overweight woman with blonde hai 8/28/1963 #17922 ry bright gold objects--one shaped like a banana and the other like an ear 9/15/1963 #17941 shaped like a banana and the other like an ear of corn--one remained statio 9/15/1963 #17941 old objects in the sky, one shaped like a banana and the other like an ear 9/15/1963 #17942 shaped like a banana and the other like an ear of corn. One UFO remained st 9/15/1963 #17942 ustralia, observe a mystery object like an orange beach ball maneuver in th 9/19/1963 #17946 red, there remained a misty, smoke like deposit for several minutes. 10/21/1963 #17995 Meridian, ID Object shaped like a circle from below and a football 10/23/1963 #18002 ncluding Gordon. One object shaped like a circle from below and like a foot 10/23/1963 #18003 haped like a circle from below and like a football from the side, hovered l 10/23/1963 #18003 Route 18, a man glimpses something like a flashlight off to his left, and t 10/23/1963 #18004 gure the size of a man, with wings like a bat, came toward them. They fled 11/16/1963 #18044 a dark man-sized figure with wings like a bat and no head came toward them. 11/16/1963 #18046 y to the southeast. The shape was "like a pancake." (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 12/2/1963 #18062 guay An oval UFO, metallic-looking like aluminum, was observed hovering in 12/5/1963 #18065 long, 1 m high, and had something like a windshield more brilliant than th 12/27/1963 #18097 at the center, and has what looks like a window on one side that is bright 12/27/1963 #18098 tened over a circular area. Marks “like three large fingerprints pushed tog 12/27/1963 #18098 meter in height, and had something like a windshield more brilliant than th 12/27/1963 #18099 M CREEK, SOUTH AUST Figure appears like magic. Touches black box and observ 2/3/1964 #18124 , then it enters a “strange haze” (like a white-out) with the air filled wi 4/20/1964 #18180 bove the ground and making a sound like a car idling. He touches it and fee 4/24/1964 #18199 , hearing 2–3 loud thumping noises like a door shutting hard. He walks thre 4/24/1964 #18200 k bed some 900 feet away. It looks like a butane tank “as long as a telepho 4/26/1964 #18209 ir, and was covered with something like a sheet. It was 6 foot 5 inches tal 4/27/1964 #18212 r El Paso, Texas. He says it looks like the object Lonnie Zamora saw. 4/28/1964 #18216 10M. Wobbles. Going up. Spins away like a frisbee. 4/30/1964 #18225 ck, Minnesota, sees a luminous UFO like a child’s top from about 1,500 feet 5/5/1964 #18244 of a telephone pole, then "shot up like a rocket." Ground marks were found 5/18/1964 #18285 eeping sound. Bizon smells an odor like gas fumes. Three imprints in the sh 5/19/1964 #18288 ew, PA Yellow-orange light, shaped like the bottom of a ball (NICAP: 01 - D 5/26/1964 #18303 w. One yellow-orange light, shaped like the bottom of a ball, was spotted i 5/26/1964 #18305 sees a yellow-orange light shaped like the bottom of a ball in a field at 5/26/1964 #18308 p.m. a yellow-orange light shaped like the bottom of a ball (hemispherical 5/26/1964 #18311 t green, and having hands lighted "like electric bulbs," who seemed to be s 6/2/1964 #18320 aped UFO. It made a hissing sound "like a million snakes". The witness felt 6/29/1964 #18383 ver the car, leaving a strong odor like "embalming fluid" and a gaseous vap 6/29/1964 #18383 pped the car, and the object "spun like crazy" and then took off, disappear 6/29/1964 #18383 nd a foot above the ground. Shaped like a giant top, it emits a “hissing so 6/30/1964 #18386 ant top, it emits a “hissing sound like a million snakes.” The amber-colore 6/30/1964 #18386 ng J. Ivester, described an object like "a flying top." TV interference was 7/7/1964 #18397 luminating the trees. A foul odor “like embalming fluid or brake fluid” han 7/7/1964 #18398 es covered with a sticky substance like chewing gun. They report the incide 8/9/1964 #18472 d on a single pedestal that looked like a pillar, and gave off a blinding l 9/6/1964 #18542 te and green, while the rear looks like half-rings of blue. Its speed is es 9/14/1964 #18552 ck and forth. It lights up the sky like a full moon. The caretaker and anot 11/3/1964 #18605 her says the light was “motionless like a floodlight of gigantic proportion 11/26/1964 #18639 t. At the same time, "trees looked like they were transparent." 11/26/1964 #18640 lt, was perfectly round and shaped like a hamburger bun; in the middle of t 12/10/1964 #18655 everal hundred feet, makes a sound like rushing air, and shoots off to the 12/21/1964 #18670 m above the ground. It was shaped like two plates glued together, with two 12/28/1964 #18677 out to investigate and heard a hum like an electrical whine, then saw a bri 1/14/1965 #18734 nd then hears a loud humming sound like a high- frequency electrical whine. 1/15/1965 #18740 1.2 m above ground. It was shaped like a mushroom or an electric bulb, 25 1/23/1965 #18756 far side. The object made a sound like a vacuum cleaner. The witness' car 1/23/1965 #18757 d-orange glow, at low level. Sound like vacuum cleaner heard, E-M effects o 1/23/1965 #18758 f towards the west, making a noise like a vacuum cleaner. The sighting dura 1/23/1965 #18760 arkler.” One witness says it looks like a spinning top spitting sparks out 1/25/1965 #18767 , which bore no lights, was shaped like a 50 foot sphere with top and botto 1/30/1965 #18785 keeping an open mind about reports like those by Gill and Brew. 2/27/1965 #18829 in. The object has Venetian blind–like blades on the rim that open and clo 3/2/1965 #18832 ear dome on top and a row of vanes like an outer rim around the circumferen 3/2/1965 #18833 o two folded sheets of thin tissue like paper that bore messages written in 3/2/1965 #18833 ng dogs. He sees a hovering object like an upside-down cone about 200 feet 3/15/1965 #18859 ms again. The object beams a light like a “welder’s torch” that hits his fo 3/15/1965 #18859 w something in the sky that looked like a bright red infrared lamp. It shin 4/3/1965 #18889 object land near her house shaped like a disc (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 4/23/1965 #18913 king in her kitchen. It was shaped like a disk, showed portholes and a cyli 4/23/1965 #18914 itness: M.E. Marshall. One light, like a satellite, split into two parts, 5/7/1965 #18933 A silent gray object that looked like a blimp or dirigible hovered low ov 5/22/1965 #18950 e are several individuals who look like normal human beings, though slightl 7/1965 #19039 their mouths have no lips and look like little holes. He hears some gruntin 7/1/1965 #19047 Kiel, WI Flashing light, like a satellite (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 7/6/1965 #19073 . E.R. Hayner. One flashing light, like a satellite, was seen for less than 7/6/1965 #19077 E. R. Hayner saw a flashing light, like a satellite, at 9:30 p.m. in Kiel, 7/6/1965 #19080 tices a luminous red object shaped like a cardinal’s hat coming from the we 7/12/1965 #19096 lating behavior it emitted a sound like a diesel engine. 7/17/1965 #19117 n an isolated beach. It was shaped like a mushroom or a top, was lighted fr 7/19/1965 #19132 object, it takes off with a sound like air forced from a balloon. He watch 7/19/1965 #19134 cillating motion, and made a sound like a diesel engine. At 4 o'clock in th 7/19/1965 #19135 ) it rose with a rushing air noise like air being released from a balloon. 7/19/1965 #19135 -slows-maneuvers off-course. Looks like 'fast star'. 7/20/1965 #19143 the isolated beach. It was shaped like a mushroom or a top, was lighted fr 7/20/1965 #19152 9:15 p.m. when he saw what looked like a bright blue star move 90° across 7/25/1965 #19173 , and through a telescope it looks like an array of three greenish lights a 7/26/1965 #19180 ° then straightens out. “It looked like Saturn with a flat top and flat bot 8/1/1965 #19244 red with green lights, and "looked like a toad." The boy fled. 8/1/1965 #19247 lis Pike notes that they look just like airliner blips. They brighten and d 8/2/1965 #19265 parks and at other times fluttered like a leaf in the clear sky.” 8/2/1965 #19265 ta an orange UFO, emitting a sound like a "dynamo", hovered just above grou 8/2/1965 #19274 makes a 180° turn, then takes off “like lightning” toward the east where it 8/3/1965 #19291 turned south. The UFO made a sound like wind blowing through trees, and gav 8/4/1965 #19321 eral children saw an object shaped like two saucers glued together come to 8/5/1965 #19328 uchesne County, Utah that stood up like a rocket. The top was flat, with a 8/9/1965 #19351 t 15–20 feet in diameter and looks like two saucers put together. It lands 8/11/1965? #19367 bserving two silver objects shaped like four-leaf clovers hovering over the 8/11/1965 #19368 ct about 100 m in diameter, shaped like a disk, which flew in front of the 8/13/1965 #19379 The little men were grey colored "like stone", had no hair, and had large 8/13/1965 #19383 he first “person” was described as like a gnome and wrinkled. He wore a fun 8/13/1965 #19383 und that the girls thought sounded like laughter. The other being was appro 8/13/1965 #19383 white. His eyes were described as like a frog’s eyes. In his mouth he had 8/13/1965 #19383 The taller one wore shiny clothes, like satin. Both beings wore sleveless p 8/13/1965 #19383 ct 15-20 feet in diameter, looking like “two saucers glued together,” desce 8/13/1965 #19384 rilliant, orange-red object shaped like a large soup plate appeared 50 m aw 8/14/1965 #19389 at its head was wrapped up in tape like a mummy, with only the eyes visible 8/16/1965 #19410 nd ignition go dead. The UFO looks like a top, with a large, gray cone and 8/18/1965 #19418 arold hears the bull make a noise “like I have never heard come from an ani 8/19/1965 #19427 of William Butcher. It was shaped like two saucers glued together, had a s 8/20/1965 #19439 is motorbike when an object shaped like a top, gray, spinning, 1.8 m high, 8/21/1965 #19447 . A door opened, and a man dressed like a pilot emerged, walked around, and 8/23/1965 #19455 h. A door opened and a man dressed like a pilot emerged, walked around, and 8/23/1965 #19456 Callao, Peru A red object shaped like a plate, emittting fire and smoke t 8/25/1965 #19463 At 10:10 a.m. a red object shaped like a plate with two antennae on top an 8/25/1965 #19465 nguished. Just before it “took off like lighting,” it became too bright to 8/26/1965 #19466 another low cloud. It made a sound like a turbojet. A shiny white cigar-sh 8/30/1965 #19481 ng over the golf course. It looked like an inverted saucer with white light 9/3/1965 #19515 eings emerged, 70 cm tall, dressed like humans, with "ugly" skin. They appe 9/11/1965 #19554 his heartbeat. He feels a tingling like an electric shock. The object seems 9/14/1965 #19560 ove or speak, and his body tingled like he had received an electric shock. 9/14/1965 #19561 umanoids (or Greys) / saucer quack like geese. Oily traces. / r180p38+/ r11 9/20/1965 #19582 ry shiny white clothes and "walked like ducks." She hid during the observat 9/20/1965 #19583 tted flashes of light, and "walked like ducks." She hid during the observat 9/20/1965 #19584 vanish in the center of its glow “like a bulb turned off.” The trail and t Late 9/1965 #19604 n a pasture when he sees an object like a small airplane parked on the grou Mid 10/1965 #19659 es it. The exterior is irregular, “like a waffle.” A transparent dome cover Mid 10/1965 #19659 a TV screen, and two transparent (like Plexiglas) bucket seats. There are Mid 10/1965 #19659 t 3 m in diameter, shaped somewhat like a rocket, sitting on fins on the ro 10/23/1965 #19677 rical system die. The object looks like it is made of stainless steel, stan 10/23/1965 #19678 y car, three creatures that looked like individual tin cans on tripods, and 10/23/1965 #19679 ound--just dead silence. It seemed like ages as we looked at each other. Th 10/23/1965 #19679 art was pounding and his legs were like rubber. He drove at high speed back 10/23/1965 #19679 the craft took off, looking "just like a flashlight that is turned on and 10/23/1965 #19679 power blackout. He hears a “sound, like a whippoorwill whistling outside my 11/10/1965 #19711 een colored beam then made a sound like an explosion, causing the two witne 11/11/1965 #19713 , squarish head, wearing something like a surgeon's apron, was also seen ne 11/13/1965 #19718 , squarish head, wearing something like a surgeon's apron, was also seen ne 11/13/1965 #19720 ilver ball hurtle through the sky, like a "giant plate of light that lit up 11/30/1965 #19743 gland a phantom automobile, shaped like a Land Rover but without wheels, pa 12/8/1965 #19759 tbed trailer with an object shaped like a “bell” under a tarp sitting uprig 12/10/1965 #19764 ough the low clouds. It was shaped like a cigar, but with the rear end cut 12/11/1965 #19765 around midnight. A vehicle shaped like a Land Rover, but without wheels, p 12/15/1965 #19771 vers the entire road and is shaped like two saucers with a dome on top. A w 12/19/1965 #19777 g gear visible, but a lateral line like a seam encircled the UFO. It began 1/5/1966 #19806 ther in a car saw a luminous disc, like one saucer inverted on top of anoth 1/11/1966 #19827 Pennsylvania, see a luminous disc, like one saucer inverted on top of anoth 1/11/1966 #19828 eet. It trailed a "wake" behind it like a jet dumping fuel. They noticed th 1/18/1966 #19852 lagoon 25 m away. It was spinning like a top, rose to 20 m, and flew to th 1/19/1966 #19857 , rising vertically, and is shaped like “two saucers face to face.” It is l 1/19/1966 #19858 blinding light and making a sound like bees humming. After a long period o 1/20/1966 #19861 Australia. It made a buzzing sound like swarming bees and caused a temporar 1/20/1966 #19862 and white faced" figures, looking like frogmen, jump into a hedgerow. They 1/21/1966 #19865 symbol on its underside—something like two reverse parentheses with a vert 2/6/1966 #19888 No other witness mentions anything like this. In 1992, Jordán Peña confesse 2/6/1966 #19888 ack for a few seconds, which seems like “two hours” to the M-21 crew. 3/5/1966 #19941 ey swung back and forth in the sky like pendulums over a swamp. 3/14/1966 #19967 years, and had never seen anything like that object. 3/17/1966 #19982 The object was described as being like a "very huge pie" lighted with red, 3/17/1966 #19986 years, and had never seen anything like it before. 3/17/1966 #19986 the Mannors with a whistling sound like a rifle bullet ricocheting. It rema 3/20/1966 #20012 a swamp. Description: Large craft, like a pot; no windows; had a dull glow 3/21/1966 #20014 coming up from the water. Sounded like a turbine, a low whine or hum. He n 3/21/1966 #20014 , and described the object looking like a glowing egg with a dome, having r 3/21/1966 #20023 Fort Pierce, FL Bright object like a balloon covered with fluorescent 3/23/1966 #20041 t blocking the road. It was shaped like an airplane fuselage, 25 m long, wi 3/23/1966 #20047 s: W.E. Laxson. One large object, like a wingless C-124 transport plane; 7 3/23/1966 #20048 ked by a wingless aircraft, shaped like a fish, in the road. It is about 75 3/23/1966 #20050 noticing a designation on its side like “TLA138” or “TLA738” or “TL 4768.” 3/23/1966 #20050 gh speed, making a “zinging” sound like the recoil of a spring. 3/23/1966 #20052 in Temple, Oklahoma. It was shaped like an airplane fuselage, 25 meters lon 3/23/1966 #20055 its center, and made a loud noise like a generator humming. It angled down 3/24/1966 #20072 Texahoma, OK Object with waffle like surface glowing intense red light ( 3/26/1966 #20087 th an oscillating motion, swinging like a pendulum. The object suddenly bri 3/29/1966 #20131 nes. Its body was dull silver and "like crumpled aluminum foil." Dogs were 3/29/1966 #20132 the rims (body lights) "flickering like a computer." He approached for a cl 3/29/1966 #20134 object, which felt hard and smooth like metal. No heat or cold was felt. Th 3/29/1966 #20134 Hampton (area), NH Box like object landed in woods (NICAP: 06 - 3/29/1966 #20135 ghts around their rims “flickering like a computer.” He approaches for a cl 3/29/1966 #20140 bject, which feels hard and smooth like metal, but neither hot nor cold. He 3/29/1966 #20140 rom point to point, emitting a hum like a swarm of bees. The object finally 3/31/1966 #20173 . Udvardy, age 32, heard a low hum like a swarm of bees, and his car engine 3/31/1966 #20181 foreign language and what sounded like a pig being butchered were heard. L 4/1/1966 #20199 light some 25 feet high and shaped like an inverted ice cream cone, 3 feet 4/4/1966 #20224 ar the sound, and saw "four things like footballs with domes on them." They 4/7/1966 #20271 small disks. Flash hover and swing like pendulums. 4/19/1966 #20338 ect with a glowing rim that looked like lighted windows, and a steady red l 4/19/1966 #20339 , hovered and swung back and forth like a pendulum. (Fowler 1974, < p. 339. 4/19/1966 #20343 UFO has a glowing rim that looked like they might be lighted windows. It h 4/19/1966 #20347 n saw a disc with a row of windows like mercury vapor lamps. (NICAP report 4/22/1966 #20367 n they heard loud crackling sounds like gunshots, and their cattle bolted. 4/23/1966 #20385 s presence. It left behind a smell like ozone and deep impressions in the g 4/23/1966 #20391 bee, WV Silent 30 ft object shaped like 2 bowls, at 100 ft altitude ahead o 4/26/1966 #20420 ung man saw a silent object shaped like two bowls glued together, 30 m alti 4/26/1966 #20421 m. when he saw a silent UFO shaped like two bowls glued together. It flew a 4/26/1966 #20422 adas, Argentina, saw a gray object like one plate inverted on top of the ot 4/29/1966 #20426 s. Small humanoids (or Greys) look like odd green birds. Re-entry and fly w 5/16/1966 #20483 ed over in its path. It was shaped like a diamond with concave sides. About 5/16/1966 #20490 tle faster than she was. It looked like "a big bowl of jelly, plastic-like 5/16/1966 #20490 bject the size of a car and shaped like a bowl land on the road and make a 5/22/1966 #20507 ction, the men noticed some lights like headlights on the water ahead. They 6/1/1966 #20520 ok off at high speed disappearing "Like a light bulb turned out." Plewman s 6/1/1966 #20520 y suits with something that looked like scuba tanks on their backs." One of 6/3/1966 #20529 he craft, while a red light looked like a dome on top; the white light was 6/8/1966 #20545 t, MA 3:45 a.m. EDT. A disc shaped like two plates one on top of the other, 6/11/1966 #20551 rved it for two min. It was shaped like two plates glued together, and had 6/11/1966 #20552 it for two minutes. It was shaped like two plates glued together, and had 6/11/1966 #20554 inating the object, which took off like an airplane, flying away to the sou 6/13/1966 #20557 luminating the object, it took off like an airplane and flew away toward th 6/13/1966 #20558 FB, MO Military sighting of saucer like object in Missouri (NICAP: 03 - EME 6/15/1966 #20561 ht. 1M saucer outside house. Flies like bullet. 6/23/1966 #20593 er, which backed up and flew away "like a bullet." Three other persons saw 6/23/1966 #20596 er, which backed up and flew away "like a bullet." Three other people saw i 6/23/1966 #20601 aho Falls, Idaho. The object looks like a weather balloon, but it is flying 7/9/1966 #20635 ersonnel saw a white object shaped like two saucers face to face (disc) wit 7/18/1966 #20654 , Texas, see a white object shaped like two saucers face-to-face with a row 7/18/1966 #20655 something in a high-pitched, child like voice. The little beings then all r 7/21/1966 #20663 m, and his family see a UFO shaped like a silver isosceles triangle to the 7/22/1966 #20668 ost to the ground, then sped away "like a shot." Before it sped away, the o 8/1/1966 #20715 ost to the ground, then sped away "like a shot." Before it sped away, the o 8/1/1966 #20719 ne after dinner. She heard a sound like an airplane and saw a 50-foot diame 8/11/1966 #20739 night lights / 4h. Time photograph like intestine. / APRO 7'66+/ r211p111. 8/15/1966 #20743 arie, MI Time not reported. A disc like an inverted dinner plate, with red 8/19/1966 #20767 ch appeared to pour off its edges "like water" in a fantastic display. Dist 8/20/1966 #20777 at appeared to pour off its edges "like water" in a fantastic display. A di 8/20/1966 #20780 ve from a balcony an object shaped like two plates, one inverted on top of 8/31/1966 #20818 wing his car. The first one looked like a flaming car and was the size of a 9/1966 #20823 Highway 71 when he sees something like a car on fire ahead of him. Suddenl 9/1966 #20827 ten minutes later he saw something like "a bar of light, which appeared to 9/5/1966 #20852 ary saw a yellow-white disc shaped like a soup plate that made a soft swish 9/8/1966 #20864 he bottom. It also had what looked like exhaust pipes (see sketch below). 9/15/1966 #20886 o engine sounds, nor was it shaped like any known aircraft. It shot off at 9/18/1966 #20895 erside, saw a rapidly-moving light like a "particularly bright star" travel 9/21/1966 #20907 lights / edge hovers. .. "goes up like crazy". 9/25/1966 #20925 ic-appearing oblong object (shaped like a cold capsule), emitting a brillia 9/26/1966 #20928 net’s head; its underside is shiny like aluminum foil. Mrs. Steward goes to 10/2/1966 #20949 haped, and its underside was shiny like aluminum foil. It was "bigger than 10/2/1966 #20950 ned." She also smelled the garbage like odor. Mrs. Steward went to bed, but 10/2/1966 #20950 chusetts sighted a wheel and spoke like object in the sky. It had slow movi 10/10/1966 #20986 he sky. It had slow moving lights, like mirrors on a carousel with dark gap 10/10/1966 #20986 w a jet aircraft's contrail moving like a sailed plate (oscillating motion) 10/11/1966 #20989 A glowing round object with a dome like up the waters of Wanaque Reservoir, 10/11/1966 #20993 arms in front of it which sparkled like an arc-light (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 10/23/1966 #21030 arms in front of it which sparkled like an arc-light. Traveled south along 10/23/1966 #21031 ve the truck. A sighting of a UFO “like two glass chimneys from a kerosene 11/4/1966 #21075 build, was manipulating something like a steering wheel and was staring di 11/5/1966 #21078 r level handed him a small object "like a cup of coffee." After about three 11/5/1966 #21078 out to watch it. At first it looks like two lights near the American Viscos 11/6/1966 #21080 om clouds. Then 10 smaller objects like dishes approached and entered the l 11/10/1966 #21087 The parent object had what looked like portholes near its upper edge. (NIC 11/10/1966 #21087 Virginia saw something that looked like "a brown human being" that flew fro 11/12/1966 #21096 musical scale. He said it sounded like a generator winding up. Outside on 11/14/1966 #21101 red circles, or eyes, which looked like bicycle reflectors. There was somet 11/14/1966 #21101 . Scarberry describes it as shaped like a man but nearly 7 feet tall. They 11/15/1966 #21107 ylight and find odd-looking tracks like “two horseshoes put together.” Afte 11/15/1966 #21107 as if on a musical scale, sounding like a generator winding up. Outside on 11/15/1966 #21109 red circles or eyes, which looked like bicycle reflectors. There was somet 11/15/1966 #21109 wed about midnight by a gray "bird like creature" 6-7 feet tall with a 10 f 11/16/1966 #21110 When these were near it something like a luminous balloon sprang up from i 11/17/1966 #21118 s described it as being spherical, like a ball, with a wide, flat rim aroun 11/17/1966 #21119 icer Hutchins said. "He moved just like anybody else, but kind of slow...li 11/17/1966 #21119 e anybody else, but kind of slow...like he was taking his time. He wasn't s 11/17/1966 #21119 He wasn't scared of us or anything like that." In appearance, the humanoid 11/17/1966 #21119 or zippers. His costume was shiny, like metal, in the reflection of the hea 11/17/1966 #21119 e any accent or anything. He acted like he knew exactly what he was saying 11/17/1966 #21119 egan to make a soft whirring sound like an engine with a muffler on it. The 11/17/1966 #21119 men saw a UFO described as looking like a silver pumpkin. It had an antenna 11/20/1966 #21129 big red eyes. It flew straight up, like a helicopter. 11/21/1966 #21132 ns building. It flutters and bobs “like a ship on agitated water.” It rises 11/22/1966 #21142 vered for several minutes, bobbing like a ship, and reflected sunlight with 11/22/1966 #21144 show him some strong NICAP reports like the 1959 Redmond, Oregon, case. Low 11/28/1966 #21156 oomed towards the driver of a car "like a meteorite," then slowed to an app 11/30/1966 #21167 ights. It gave off a buzzing sound like an electric transformer. The object 11/30/1966 #21167 over a corn field, making a noise like whirling wind. The object moved awa 12/2/1966 #21177 with a central bright spot, shaped like an ellipse and making a humming sou 12/22/1966 #21215 he described the object as looking like an inverted mushroom; it hovered ov 1/3/1967 #21251 in blue coveralls "with something like a glass fishbowl on his head," of m 1/5/1967 #21258 in blue coveralls "with something like a glass fish bowl on his head," of 1/5/1967 #21261 ). The object, a domed disc shaped like a straw hat with flickering lights 1/7/1967 #21270 t his eyes were large, protruding, like "thyroid eyes," and set wide apart. 1/9/1967 #21278 . One eye appeared to have a cast, like a glass eye, and did not move in un 1/9/1967 #21278 ort-sleeved shirt made of a Dacron like material. His trousers were of a da 1/9/1967 #21278 could see a helmeted figure, human like and dressed in green and white cove 1/11/1967 #21288 uerque radar reports that it looks like the target had merged with the jet. 1/13/1967 #21299 aw a bright red object that looked like an upside down saucer (disc) with a 1/15/1967? #21307 a red oval-shaped UFO that looked like an upside-down saucer with a white 1/15/1967 #21313 daughter saw an object that looked like a box kite without paper (presumabl 1/16/1967 #21319 n in Indiana when he heard a sound like a rumbling train. He went to his wi 1/19/1967 #21355 ems to show the head of a humanoid like figure protruding from the opening 1/19/1967 #21355 ch maneuvered, hovered, and bobbed like a cork on water. The object seemed 1/22/1967 #21366 y lights descend, emitting a sound like an electric shaver (buzzing). (NICA 1/24/1967 #21372 a metallic-appearing object shaped like a top hat with four legs projecting 1/24/1967 #21374 California, sees an object shaped like a top hat apparently hovering above 1/24/1967 #21375 e a loud whirring noise. Something like an elevator descended from the bott 1/25/1967 #21387 ght gray interiors. They had "scar like" mouths and holes for noses and ear 1/25/1967 #21389 body scan by a device that looked like a giant eye. She was then placed in 1/25/1967 #21389 d of instrument with a dial on it, like a clock, and a wire ran from it to 1/26/1967 #21402 ity, Missouri what at first looked like the full moon, but as it got closer 1/29/1967 #21412 with the main body white in color like a frosted light bulb and a shiny go 1/29/1967 #21412 a disc or ellipse that first flew like an airplane, but then moved with ir 2/3/1967 #21445 nd saw an object that first looked like a boomerang, then appeared like a t 2/5/1967 #21454 ed like a boomerang, then appeared like a teardrop. It was a pale greenish- 2/5/1967 #21454 hree teenaged boys saw what looked like two car lights that came down to wi 2/8/1967 #21480 e outward toward the rim, somewhat like neon lights. They have it in view f 2/8/1967 #21483 a bright white object that looked like a welding arc hovering over power l 2/12/1967 #21521 red, then moved off making a sound like a strong wind. (Morgantown Dominion 2/14/1967 #21546 CST. A woman saw an object shaped like a derby hat (domed disc) with a met 2/14/1967 #21548 out 30 feet away, the object looks like a hovering parachute or a grayish-g 2/14/1967 #21551 Carlos Samyoa encounters an object like a flying top as they are flying ove 2/15/1967 #21556 right red lights, the other looked like a modern office. After he left the 2/16/1967 #21574 licemen witnessed a glowing object like a bright light bulb hovering in the 2/16/1967 #21575 objects). The larger object swung like a pendulum (oscillation), then sudd 2/20/1967 #21602 ared to be a saucer-shaped object, like two incandescent platters inverted 2/20/1967 #21603 d his wife saw two airborne lights like headlights along with other colored 2/22/1967 #21620 one point the lead disc glowed red like molten iron, then the glow diminish 2/25/1967 #21646 isc glowed red one time, appearing like molten iron, then the glow diminish 2/25/1967 #21651 ings to and fro over house. Sounds like car without muffler! 2/26/1967 #21653 hover for about 2 minutes, glowing like white-hot metal and wobbling while 2/26/1967 #21656 One hour later, a sound like a car without a muffler woke up a s 2/26/1967 #21663 ver for about two minutes, glowing like white-hot metal and wobbling while 2/26/1967 #21664 ed on the bottom, and made a sound like a siren. 2/27/1967 #21678 ted and sped away. It made a sound like a "low roar." (NICAP report form.) 2/28/1967 #21680 an object that appeared flat , and like an upside down saucer. ; The object 3/1967 #21689 nt malfunction.” The details sound like it might be the CIA’s Oxcart A-12, 3/1967 #21700 en, New York when he heard a noise like buzzing bees around 1:30 a.m. He fl 3/1/1967 #21715 hen flew away to the east. A sound like a swarm of bees (buzzing) could be 3/3/1967 #21741 hen flew away to the east. A sound like a swarm of bees (buzzing) could be 3/3/1967 #21744 ject going up and down in the sky "like a yo-yo" near Red Hill. It was turn 3/3/1967 #21749 Vicco, Kentucky another UFO shaped like half an eggshell cut lengthwise, ho 3/4/1967 #21754 Galesburg-Moline, IL Object shaped like a rubber cup placed under a furnitu 3/6/1967 #21774 f Frank Courson. One object shaped like a rubber cup which is placed under 3/6/1967 #21777 passed overhead at a low altitude. Like the Benton Harbor, Michigan UFO of 3/6/1967 #21779 hts on its bottom. It made a sound like "a hot-rod" initially, which later 3/7/1967 #21788 ms at each end, and a made a sound like a huge vacuum cleaner. (Wichita Eag 3/8/1967 #21801 saw a fiery glowing object shaped like a camp lantern or cone. Pictures we 3/8/1967 #21806 . The UFO reportedly made a sound "like a vacuum cleaner." 3/8/1967 #21820 Galesburg, IL Object shaped like a pancake with a rounded top,red li 3/9/1967 #21828 ked on and off in sequence, turned like a top (rotated), and shot away. (Fe 3/9/1967 #21835 two housewives. One object shaped like a pancake with a rounded top; objec 3/9/1967 #21838 ST. A witness saw an object shaped like a half ball with its flat side down 3/10/1967 #21847 g gray diver's suits. The men felt like they were being bombarded with vibr 3/10/1967 #21854 that swept the ground. Red lights like roman candles shot out from all sid 3/12/1967 #21866 felt vibrations and heard a sound like an alternating frequency beep. (Ark 3/12/1967 #21866 nd shoot by. The object was shaped like a tapered boxcar and flame was comi 3/12/1967 #21869 saw a gun-metal-gray object shaped like a child's musical top, with lights 3/12/1967 #21870 by a whirring sound, saw an object like two silver saucers placed rim-to-ri Spring 1967 #21921 ow, pointed noses, mouths and eyes like slits, blond hair, rough skin, and 3/20/1967 #21922 ond hair and are wearing something like baseball caps. They wear loose-fitt 3/20/1967 #21923 ow, pointed noses, mouths and eyes like slits, blond hair, rough skin, and 3/20/1967 #21927 as, when they see a bright object “like an upside-down cup on a saucer.” Th 3/21/1967 #21937 ectly over the roof. It was shaped like an upside-down cup on a saucer. The 3/21/1967 #21938 ffect). The shape was said to be " like a bowl atop a plate" (domed disc). 3/23/1967 #21952 escribed an object as being shaped like a turtle shell with flashing red an 3/24/1967 #21964 tion correlation). It made a sound like a quiet washing machine (swishing). 3/25/1967 #21982 New Winchester, OH Oval object, like copper or brass fly with tumbling m 3/26/1967 #21993 ll humanoid being in what 3 looked like white coveralls was seen, and the m 3/26/1967 #21994 ys. One oval object, which looked like copper or brass with the sun shinin 3/26/1967 #21996 chester, Ohio, see an oval object, like copper or brass with the sun shinin 3/26/1967 #21997 rms to look for lights that looked like they had landed on an isolated sect 3/26/1967 #21998 a glowing red-orange object shaped like an inverted cone hovering just abov 3/28/1967 #22004 fer, Colorado at 1:30 a.m. a light like a flashlight came halfway down a hi 4/1/1967 #22042 he was then placed on a black slab like table and was unable to move. Later 4/2/1967 #22048 een light. Its body was yellowish (like house lights) with red sections. Th 4/5/1967 #22063 is about 30 feet across and looks like “it had lights in back of a painted 4/5/1967 #22066 of sulfur and oil. It emit a sound like an electric motor, which grows loud 4/5/1967 #22066 r blue disc making a humming sound like an electric motor. The object flew 4/5/1967 #22068 m. two lights appeared that looked like flashlights on a hill over the Davi 4/6/1967 #22082 saw an amber-colored object shaped like a disc with a tall dome. She estima 4/11/1967 #22109 saw a bright glowing object shaped like a "squashed egg." It hovered 100 fe 4/11/1967 #22110 e wore striped suits and had scuba like packs on their backs. The eighth UF 4/13/1967 #22128 s, and carried objects that looked like binoculars or cameras. They waved t 4/13/1967 #22128 s heard as a glowing object shaped like an upturned saucer flew across the 4/17/1967 #22148 yees watch a flat, circular, star- like orange light flashing an intermitte 4/17/1967 #22153 ing noise, then saw a glowing oval like an "upturned saucer" (domed disc) t 4/17/1967 #22155 with a domed disc that was shaped like a World War I helmet, and was over 4/17/1967 #22157 head. It is pewter-colored, shaped like a storage tank, about 12 feet in di 4/21/1967 #22194 A pewter colored object shaped like a storage tank landed in South Hill 4/21/1967 #22199 d finds an odd substance. It looks like “cotton wool,” but is finer than co 5/1967 #22257 e tractor, swinging back and forth like a pendulum. It was a domed disc, sh 5/1/1967 #22263 dulum. It was a domed disc, shaped like to plates put together with a cryst 5/1/1967 #22263 ect hovers, then a screaming noise like a jet engine starting up. All its l 5/7/1967 #22294 s of bangs and a "screaming" noise like a jet were heard when the object to 5/7/1967 #22297 ees into a bog, bobbed up and down like a yo-yo, and sped away when police 5/11/1967 #22315 ay at 30 m altitude. It was shaped like an inverted bowl with a dome on top 5/11/1967 #22317 ranberry bog. It moved up-and-down like a yo-yo, and sped away when the pol 5/11/1967 #22318 titude of 30 meters. It was shaped like an inverted bowl with a dome on top 5/11/1967 #22319 5. The track of the object behaved like a ghost echo, perhaps a ground retu 5/13/1967 #22335 5. The track of the object behaves like a ghost echo, perhaps a ground retu 5/13/1967 #22337 nd the track of the object behaved like a ghost echo, perhaps a ground retu 5/13/1967 #22339 wore a tight fitting red coverall like garment with short sleeves, boots, 5/15/1967 #22348 several color changes then appears like hot stainless steel with blinding p 5/20/1967 #22382 saw a glow, then an object shaped like an inverted plate emitting a greeni 5/22/1967 #22388 w a glow and then an object shaped like an inverted plate emitting a greeni 5/22/1967 #22389 s hair stand on end and a tingling like static electricity (physiological e 5/25/1967 #22396 . When it took off it made a noise like a vacuum cleaner. 5/27/1967 #22409 turn, but there was a large light like a locomotive headlight visible. (NI 5/31/1967 #22428 front of a cloud and made a sound like a jet aircraft. (NICAP report form. 6/1/1967 #22443 landed in a clearing and took off "like lightning." 6/1/1967 #22447 earing at 11:30 p.m. and took off "like lightning." 6/1/1967 #22450 wife saw a luminous object shaped like a half moon. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 01 - Early 6/1967 #22452 ; also had lights around the edge like windows, which appeared to revolve. 6/9/1967 #22481 , and pointed a device that looked like a gun at him. The boy screamed and 6/9/1967 #22484 To even the untrained eye it looks like a fake, more than likely produced b 6/10/1967 #22487 Three small men wearing what look like miners’ hats with four amber lights 6/13/1967 #22503 the woods into the sky with a roar like a jet. Trees in the woods reportedl 6/21/1967 #22526 short and was wearing what looked like a black, one-piece leather suit. He 6/24/1967 #22551 man and her son saw a double disc (like one plate inverted on top of the ot 6/26/1967 #22558 saw a glowing yellow object shaped like a large soup bowl (dome shaped). Th 6/27/1967 #22562 ds behind row of houses. Huge glow like daylight. 7/1967 #22581 ed two luminous points that looked like artificial satellites. (Ref.3) (NIC 7/4/1967 #22608 1 foot diameter) made of material like clear plastic with lighted grillwor 7/15/1967 #22664 ear at the time. The object looked like a flat disk with shining edge, flyi 7/17/1967 #22679 As it brushes, her car lights up “like a great electric light bulb,” her e 7/17/1967 #22682 intelligible language that sounded like musical tones. They were dressed in 7/17/1967 #22684 en it made contact the car lit up "like a giant electric light bulb." The e 7/17/1967 #22686 . It was spinning and made a noise like a jet plane. It vanished while stil 7/20/1967 #22711 nica, Argentina heard a loud noise like a burst of wind from a hurricane an 7/20/1967 #22712 burnt wood, but the inside looked like fused glass. Chemical analysis of t 7/20/1967 #22712 sends a color photo of what looks like a little man in a spacesuit standin 7/21/1967 #22718 Two witnesses saw an orange light "like a ball of fire" that approached fro 7/29/1967 #22748 ectly overhead, now making a sound like an "electronic police car siren." ( 8/1967 #22768 n saw a small white glowing object like a "light bulb" that flew from west 8/3/1967 #22784 he base of the craft and something like a light bulb lowered itself to the 8/3/1967 #22791 Russia 8:40 p.m. An object shaped like a sharply outlined asymmetrical cre 8/8/1967 #22845 Russia 8:40 p.m. An object shaped like a sharply outlined asymmetrical cre 8/8/1967 #22848 .m. a bright, cage-like UFO shaped like an inverted bowl, with a row of yel 8/9/1967 #22854 trailer. At dawn there was a sound like that of a generator, and seconds la 8/12/1967 #22867 ing, followed by the muffled noise like a huge generator that fades away af 8/12/1967 #22868 f hours. At dawn there was a sound like that of a generator, and seconds la 8/12/1967 #22869 cally at a high speed with a sound like buzzing bees. De Souza incurred a c 8/13/1967 #22874 or near the ground. It was shaped like an inverted bowl and had three legs 8/23/1967 #22896 or near the ground. It was shaped like an inverted bowl and had three legs 8/23/1967 #22897 ving around in one room and noises like muted thuds. The red glow reappears 8/23/1967 #22905 They run home and see a huge light like a flashlight hovering 13 feet above 8/23/1967 #22905 district, Venezuela heard a noise like "horses galloping" in their kitchen 8/23/1967 #22907 ound 30 meters away. Its shape was like that of two lens-shaped saucers on 8/24/1967 #22918 , and another had a bright object, like a mirror. When the entities became 8/29/1967 #22955 large, silvery-white object shaped like an inverted soup bowl (dome-shaped) 8/31/1967 #22961 t reported. A couple saw an object like two saucers rim to rim (disc) that 9/1967 #22966 een oval object with double decks (like two flattened bells, one above the 9/1967 #22968 a soundless, green, glowing object like two plates put together. It seems n Early 9/1967 #22983 the adjacent field. It was shaped like an inverted saucer. It appeared to 9/2/1967 #22984 meters in width, and made a sound like a refrigerator. 9/7/1967 #23016 Night. A man saw an object shaped like an inverted bowl (dome-shaped) flas 9/14/1967 #23054 acent football field. It is shaped like a mushroom with a domed top and sur 9/14/1967 #23060 ntact with the soil. A hazy screen like a force field drops around the obje 9/14/1967 #23060 gnesium, and silica. An impression like a large footprint is also found. Al 9/14/1967 #23060 ad several sightings of red lights like glowing coals beginning about 8:30 9/18/1967 #23081 ibed as a hairy dwarf, and looking like a chimpanzee or monkey. The horse w 9/22/1967 #23115 witnesses hear a whistling sound “like a bomb,” then a “whoosh,” and final 10/4/1967 #23176 sphere which was orange in color. Like the first one it too eventually fad 10/4/1967 #23177 began to dance around the spheres like fireflies. 10/4/1967 #23177 bout 75 feet in diameter and looks like two bowls clamped together. Around 10/7/1967 #23189 m about his 1965 photos and topics like the Bermuda Triangle. He notices a 10/11/1967 #23216 edged, bright orange object shaped like a "haystack on fire" (hemisphere), 10/14/1967 #23236 n they notice an odd orange object like a “haystack on fire” landed in the 10/14/1967 #23238 ect lifts off immediately, looking like a half-moon in shape and size. It t 10/14/1967 #23238 which moved off. A popping sound, like fireworks, was heard during the sig 10/17/1967 #23243 ude, and shot away at great speed "like a puff of wind." The following nigh 10/24/1967 #23309 began hearing a "blip-blip" sound like sonar. All four felt paralyzed at t 10/24/1967 #23310 ground and hovered. Its shape was like "squared off" spinning top with a d 10/27/1967 #23346 ly from the object. Her car drives like it has flat tires or rocks that are 10/27/1967 #23351 a low-altitude, bright round light like a welding-torch that illuminates th 10/27/1967 #23351 with six bright lights that looked like a church steeple. The car engine an 10/28/1967 #23362 te beam of light from a flashlight like object. The witness thought he woul 10/29/1967 #23364 to oscillate, and he heard a sound like a cowbell. At last, the UFO flew aw 10/29/1967 #23364 o dull red metallic objects shaped like a spinning top or discus. (NICAP re 10/31/1967 #23376 g 5 feet off the ground and shaped like two saucers joined together. Around 11/2/1967 #23390 its head, round eyes, and a mouth like a slit. It is wearing tight-fitting 11/2/1967 #23390 skin looked scarred and wrinkled, "like a cantaloupe." His eyes were round 11/2/1967 #23392 sappears. The object makes a sound like a refrigerator and gives off a smel 11/6/1967 #23414 refrigerator and gives off a smell like a drill boring through wood. Before 11/6/1967 #23414 described the creature as looking like a blond haired woman with sharp poi 11/8/1967 #23428 00 a.m. EST. A woman heard a sound like a sonic boom and went to the window 11/10/1967 #23436 ia A large, luminous object shaped like a hemisphere hovered low over the g 11/14/1967 #23448 ght over the city. First it looked like a large ball, then it stopped direc 11/21/1967 #23490 V. Marin sees an object that looks like an upside-down candle from his back 11/21/1967 #23491 coastline when they see an object like a white rocket flying with a latera 11/22/1967 #23498 ce, then another object that looks like a light aircraft with an unusual wh 11/22/1967 #23498 Elongated blue-green object, sound like "jet motor," flew by, after which l 11/28/1967 #23516 large buckles that had what looke like "piano keys" on them. The beings st 11/28/1967 #23517 stopped the car and heard a noise like a "jet motor," only very loud. The 11/28/1967 #23520 rewmembers sighted a beam of light like a powerful searchlight extending ve 12/21/1967 #23596 hite substance that appear to fall like a liquid as the object moves slowly 12/29/1967 #23618 ir hands and feet." They glistened like metal, possibly wearing flexible, t 1/3/1968 #23647 Alberta, see an object that looks “like a stunted dill pickle,” greenish-bl 1/15/1968 #23666 ct to the others, who say it looks like a flying saucer. They contact the C 1/15/1968 #23666 project. Condon says, “For an act like that, you deserve to be ruined prof 2/7/1968 #23739 thwest. Gave off pulsating sound, like a length of wire whirled at high sp 2/9/1968 #23744 ver observer(s) car. Lights on rim like theatre marquis. 2/11/1968 #23748 hts around the rim, making it look like a flashing theater marquee. 2/11/1968 #23749 former on it. The object is shaped like two saucers edge-to-edge, surmounte 2/19/1968 #23767 wide. The body of the object looks like dull aluminum. There is a smaller, 2/19/1968 #23767 raft, pointed downward at an angle like a ramp, and 15-20 little men about 2/21/1968 #23774 set went blank. A thunderous roar like a jet aircraft flying close by was 3/3/1968 #23816 ht UFO at 1:45 a.m. making a noise like an electric motor. It landed in an 3/4/1968 #23828 r several times; it returns to him like a boomerang, after it inflicts supe 3/10/1968 #23834 e of an adjacent canyon. Something like a church bell rings out at interval Spring 1968 #23852 eodolite at 8:15 a.m. It is shaped like a truncated cone with one side expo 3/30/1968 #23876 d a tough leathery dark gray skin, like an elephant. Its legs were round an 4/3/1968 #23886 ears. The UFO leaves ground traces like a “seared cross.” The soldiers assu Mid 4/1968 #23906 tts awoke at 2:30 a.m. to a sound "like two steel knives being struck toget 4/19/1968 #23915 with no nose, wearing what looked like a dark "motorcycle jacket" and anot 5/3/1968 #23942 an altitude of 500 feet. They look like they have metallic feathers or scal 5/10/1968 #23955 ing on his property. He says it is like asbestos rope and as wide as a penc 5/11/1968 #23958 was thrown to the ground. The tube like instrument absorbed the net, and th 5/14/1968 #23962 le. Above each figure is something like an Arabic numeral. Dos Santos takes 5/17/1968 #23969 reetop level. The object is shaped like a Pilgrim’s hat with a green glow a 5/27/1968 #23987 ttached to a metallic body, shaped like a pilgrim's hat , with a green glow 5/27/1968 #23989 de Mangabeira, Brazil a UFO shaped like a flattened oval was seen in a fiel 6/11/1968 #24023 On his right hand was a huge ring, like a gauntlet covering half his hand. 6/14/1968 #24032 rds with tiny wings and with faces like humans." According to the witness t 6/14/1968 #24034 only a blur above their shoulders like the fast-moving wings of a hummingb 6/14/1968 #24034 s were reported to have been human like, but contained blank looks. 6/14/1968 #24034 entina. They see an object looking like an overturned soup plate with a cup 6/18/1968 #24044 altitude, illuminating the village like daylight. Emitting blue rays, it ro 6/19/1968 #24051 30cm sphere/orb/globe. "These were like you". Weird. / r20p45. 6/30/1968 #24096 ards. Their dress and actions were like normal people, but they showed him 6/30/1968 #24097 o you know these people? They were like you. Many more will be like them. M 6/30/1968 #24097 y were like you. Many more will be like them. Many people in the world will 6/30/1968 #24097 the images were all tall and human like, with pale complexions, and long, l 6/30/1968 #24097 n color. In seconds the figure was like a silver dot that had merged with t 7/1/1968 #24121 arms were disproportionately long, like an ape's arms. It wore a silvery co 7/1/1968 #24121 ral minutes. The boy arrived home "like a madman." 7/2/1968 #24130 envelope, written in a crude hand like a small child's, was the message, " 7/2/1968 #24133 ." This being suddenly spun around like a top, then rose into the air and v 7/2/1968 #24134 , Canada saw a green object shaped like a hat or mushroom at 9:14 p.m. whic 7/2/1968 #24135 sky. Through binoculars it looked like a green ball with a reddish trail. 7/5/1968 #24146 entities wearing devices that look like headphones. While he is in a state 7/17/1968 #24185 20 inches tall, wearing something like headphones. They quickly approached 7/17/1968 #24186 aft, the interior of which “looked like a laboratory”. There they questione 7/17/1968 #24186 his limbs felt cold, his head felt like it was spinning, and his tongue fel 7/17/1968 #24186 was spinning, and his tongue felt like it had “turned to stone.” They fina 7/17/1968 #24186 near Truro, Nova Scotia. It looks like a satellite, but turns reddish befo 7/18/1968 #24189 g prone on the ground. These human like figures appeared to be naked or top 7/20/1968 #24195 ered by the objects. The parachute like objects then disappeared along with 7/20/1968 #24195 many genuine sightings there were like yours, there would be total panic.” 7/22/1968 #24203 Quebec a boy reported seeing a man like figure that was apparently airborne 7/22/1968 #24206 aughter see a silver object shaped like a spinning top a they are driving a 7/25/1968 #24225 ame near. The object, which looked like a spinning top, hovered for five mi 7/25/1968 #24228 haps 3 feet tall with heads shaped like bottles. As the UFO flies above the 7/28/1968 #24244 was very large, black, and rough, "like the skin of a toad." It opened and 7/28/1968 #24245 n the pane, making a mooing sound "like a cow." Later they saw the object t 7/28/1968 #24245 La Atalaya, Spain Object like upside-down bowl, glowing underside 7/29/1968 #24251 at night saw an object that looked like an upside down washbasin. It was 30 7/29/1968 #24255 they drove past the area, a sound like a large swarm of locusts was heard 7/29/1968 #24256 hear a high-pitched humming sound like a utility pole transformer. A few m 7/30/1968 #24263 / 60+min. Beeps. Dark spots / side like portholes. 7/31/1968 #24267 helmets and dressed in puffy suits like the Michelin Man (the tire company 7/31/1968 #24271 saw an object 5 meters in diameter like two metallic saucers put face to fa 7/31/1968 #24272 o face, standing on a "glass foot" like a goblet. It was only 25 meters awa 7/31/1968 #24272 foot in bulky coveralls, something like the Michelin "tire man." Both wore 7/31/1968 #24272 dark spots on the side that looked like portholes. 7/31/1968 #24273 Tarragona province, Spain swinging like a pendulum. 8/2/1968 #24291 ut to turn around...a white cloud, like mist, appeared on the front path. I 8/4/1968 #24297 other to the south, making a sound like “thousands of different tuning fork 8/7/1968 #24307 led her and asked her if she would like to come back to New England and tal 8/7/1968 #24308 rounded by a dark ring that looked like the planet Saturn flew over Glouces 8/12/1968 #24319 rounded by a dark ring that looked like the planet Saturn flew over Glouces 8/12/1968 #24321 , São Paulo, Brazil, hears a noise like the braking of a car. Cintra readie 8/25/1968 #24376 s into the air, making soft sounds like those she heard when the visitor ar 8/25/1968 #24376 th visors from which a rubber hose like protrusion was apparently connected 8/25/1968 #24377 led them. The woman said something like as "Rempaua," and went out to a bri 8/27/1968 #24390 ng metallic sphere/orb/globe rises like / balloon. / r230v4#3. 8/29/1968 #24396 ard, and with red and bumpy skin, “like that of a lizard.” This being would 8/29/1968 #24401 entities, using a tool that looked like a soldering iron, was making inscri 9/1/1968 #24422 Australia for awhile, then dropped like a stone, veering to the left. It ma 9/2/1968 #24425 cylinder/cylindrical object. Hums like / refrigerator. Lands! 9/7/1968 #24435 lle, Quebec saw a "man" who walked like a robot. The next day they saw a li 9/14/1968 #24460 stance from the upper surface just like popcorn. The white substance stream 9/18/1968 #24478 uld see that its hands were shaped like pincers or crab-like claws. Realizi 9/30/1968 #24527 eath the craft appeared “something like an electric polisher, rotating at h 10/2/1968 #24538 SNAGOV, ROMANIA Saucer casts light like a lamp. Drops 50° to horizon. 10/4/1968 #24543 ffic light, he sees a black object like a short cigar moving on his left, b 10/5/1968 #24544 ree large gray-white lights shaped like television picture tubes turn on, e 10/5/1968 #24544 mally long arms, and heard a sound like digging. The hitchhiker then sugges 10/15/1968 #24563 observed. Then something sounding like a train passed by at a distance: it 10/15/1968 #24563 y from him, making a hissing sound like an arc welder. He approached with a 11/1/1968 #24616 hing as a white dot, and exploding like a firework. A few days earlier the 11/1/1968 #24620 metallic looking lenticular disc "like two round basins placed face to fac 11/8/1968 #24644 ve a house. It appeared to "quiver like a jelly." Several figures were seen 11/20/1968 #24670 re it stops and hovers, “quivering like jelly.” The air temperature seems t 11/20/1968 #24672 ight increases and Milakovic feels like his eyes are burning. Thoroughly fr 11/20/1968 #24672 ve a house. It appeared to "quiver like a jelly." Several human-looking fig 11/20/1968 #24673 k, with a thinner tube of aluminum like material coiled around it in a spir 11/21/1968 #24676 first bullet made a "whomp" sound, like it had hit a solid object, but the 11/24/1968 #24699 what appeared to be a long antenna like protrusion on its back. It appeared 11/28/1968 #24729 UT 3+3 objects. Silvery ones look like saucers. Flaming red = spheres? 11/29/1968 #24731 hovers / 20 minute(s). Lights area like day. Going quickly [to] to horizon. 12/12/1968 #24760 r, lightly fluorescent, and shaped like a domed cupola. The object then ros 1/6/1969 #24822 they caught sight of a tall human like figure that appeared to have a disf 1/12/1969 #24836 ey also heard a loud buzzing noise like a swarm of wasps. It came from a UF 1/14/1969 #24842 f wasps. It came from a UFO shaped like a sombrero, about 25-30 yards in di 1/14/1969 #24842 an object was sighted which looked like a white dish inverted upon a dish w 1/20/1969 #24861 is. The woman sees a bright object like an ice- cream cone low in the sky a 1/25/1969 #24871 ckly south over trees. Lights area like day. 1/28/1969 #24874 outh. The UFO illuminated the area like daytime. 1/28/1969 #24875 She described it as white, looking like one of the triangular tents used by 2/6/1969 #24898 points it at Machado, and a flame like a welding arc comes out of the barr 2/7/1969 #24901 anary of 14ft. diameter.” It looks like two rounded layers divided by a thi 2/18/1969 #24928 tened him and he ran off, "shaking like a leaf." The light he first saw was 2/22/1969 #24939 on-humanoid in shape, looking more like boxes than anything; he had the fee 3/12/1969 #25002 rough the Gulf of Mexico. The UFO (like an arrowhead) appeared directly abo 3/17/1969 #25018 a pair of glowing reflective eyes, like those of a cat. She told her earlie 3/22/1969 #25037 itself seemed to be slowly "moving like a wing" that was shifting slightly 3/31/1969 #25041 , Ontario, when they see an object like a huge “drinking cup turned upside 4/22/1969 #25082 way. They can hear a whining noise like a generator. After 15 minutes, the 4/22/1969 #25082 ooms” that is a bluish-white color like the glow around a welder’s arc. The 4/23/1969 #25086 taxi, and they can see what looks like a metallic craft, approximately 33 4/25/1969 #25090 tom was a greenish metallic color, like gun metal. It had an interior light 4/25/1969 #25091 off into a strange machine shaped like two saucers joined together by a th 5/4/1969 #25114 hat all four have mouths that look like fishes’ mouths. The room is made of 5/4/1969 #25114 Caucasian, one of them very blond “like a foreigner.” The beings do not spe 5/4/1969 #25114 behind him. He heard a deep sound like a groan, then was struck in the leg 5/4/1969 #25115 ged him to a craft that was shaped like a vertical cylinder terminated by w 5/4/1969 #25115 . Here they fitted on him a helmet like their own, then tied him down to a 5/4/1969 #25115 and his mouth appeared toothless, "like a fish." To the side of the witness 5/4/1969 #25115 long fair hair and beard, dressed like a monk, who spoke to him in Portugu 5/4/1969 #25115 a domed craft with a flat bottom (like a World War I helmet) about 500 fee 5/11/1969 #25125 ee-foot tall beings, with features like humans, got out of the UFO. The ter 5/19/1969 #25147 d they wore tight-fitting, plastic like outfits, entirely covering their bo 5/20/1969 #25151 language of short shrilly sounds, "like pigs grunting." After four or five 5/20/1969 #25151 car experienced a strange effect, like a curtain coming down, at 9:30 p.m. 6/2/1969 #25192 balloon because it looks gray and like an upside-down light bulb. However, 6/17/1969 #25221 electricity. Bluish object shaped like inverted mushroom hovered overhead. 6/19/1969 #25225 lakefront at 11:30 p.m. It looked like an upside down saucer with a pulsat 6/20/1969 #25230 zil, when he hears a humming noise like a swarm of bees. He sees an odd obj 6/26/1969 #25236 dren reported seeing five tiny men like figures wearing red colored outfits 7/2/1969 #25245 ottom to the top, and made a noise like a jet. The witnesses were three tee 7/12/1969 #25265 object through a window. It looked like "a little bluish colored man with e 7/18/1969 #25280 distance far ahead in what seemed like an instant. 7/23/1969 #25294 ll black metallic platform, shaped like a domed disc, about 65 feet in diam 8/11/1969 #25317 orehead, eyes far apart, eyebrows “like scars,” and brown hair cut short. H 8/11/1969 #25317 Renato saw five or six small human like figures less than a meter tall, all 8/19/1969 #25324 held by a small rod; these glowed like red-hot irons. Renato sped up the c 8/19/1969 #25324 r, England when they saw something like a "burning bush" on the ground abou 8/27/1969 #25333 report the object, which is shaped like an aluminum Zeppelin. Some witnesse 8/31/1969 #25344 red humanoids emerged, these moved like robots and appeared to gather rocks 9/14/1969 #25369 ade a high frequency buzzing sound like mosquitos. 10/11/1969 #25409 ge eyes set close together, a slit like mouth and a double slit where the n 10/16/1969 #25417 hing the ship. The large UFO looks like a big box with semicircles on the s 10/24/1969 #25422 ight feet tall and I saw something like a wolf, but it was not a wolf. It h 11/9/1969 #25455 three people saw an object shaped like a rounded triangle. It came very lo 11/30/1969 #25481 oid forms at the spot. They looked like men with wide shoulders and narrow 12/27/1969 #25510 re “sweeping furiously” with tools like lawn rakes over a spot about nine f 12/27/1969 #25510 ft, and he describes the object as like two saucers joined together, surrou 1970 #25522 legs are very thin, its face pale like wax, and its nose hooked; it wears 1/7/1970 #25540 out four feet in diameter, looking like the mirrored ball in a ballroom or 2/15/1970 #25584 his night a domed disc UFO looking like the "scoutship" described by UFO co 3/2/1970 #25597 sors / car. Fireball lights fields like day / 10 second(s). South going qui 5/18/1970 #25665 rom the house. It left footprints "like a calf's." Then a small person like 6/4/1970 #25690 ike a calf's." Then a small person like those seen earlier came out of the 6/4/1970 #25690 bject to his face with a periscope like extender sticking out and up to the 6/21/1970 #25704 ey find tracks “going to the creek like they had dragged some small round t 7/4/1970 #25726 t two feet apart. They were curved like raindrops. It was very visible, the 7/4/1970 #25726 e saw a vortex of swirling lights "like a rainbow" into which he was sucked 7/4/1970 #25727 kinned with "hair that was glowing like the color of sunlight." The small b 7/4/1970 #25727 clearing in the woods that seemed like a park. There were a number of peop 7/4/1970 #25727 flying object described as looking like a silver bowl inverted upon another 7/21/1970 #25743 opening visible, just a long ramp like a tongue sticking out from the side 8/15/1970 #25787 larger inside than what it looked like from the outside. The aliens told h 8/15/1970 #25787 e was a blinding flash and a sound like a gunshot. Sandberg slammed on the 8/19/1970 #25797 e a grayish rain cape and a helmet like a western hat. 8/19/1970 #25797 Selangor, Malaysia. It was shaped like a turtle shell and had five small w 8/24/1970 #25801 ne-year-old girl saw an UFO shaped like a huge bubble come down from the sk 8/24/1970 #25803 a quarter of a mile away and looks like a squared-off conning tower about 3 8/30/1970 #25814 a quarter of a mile away, looking like "a garbage can lid with a piece of 8/30/1970 #25815 piece of watermelon on top" (more like a squared-off "coning tower") and a 8/30/1970 #25815 A very large, shiny ovoid object like a giant mirror in the sky was obser 10/17/1970 #25881 translucent quality. They "looked like ice." When they got near a table la 11/24/1970 #25917 r antennae. It also wore something like mittens on its hands. Its face coul 1/15/1971 #25989 w a low flying object that "looked like a bat" coming toward their car. "On 1/22/1971 #25997 a an airplane “made of two dishes, like, one atop the other, and when it go 1/23/1971 #25999 a 15 foot metallic object, shaped like two saucers put together, and with 2/5/1971 #26013 t with his bare hand. It burns him like a hot iron, and he has to let go. T 2/5/1971 #26014 . He found that touching it burned like a hot iron and he had to let go at 2/5/1971 #26015 ouri observed a cone-shaped, "cage like" object, 10 feet wide by 10 feet hi 2/18/1971 #26026 ile another saw an entity dressed "like a vagabond." The being told him to 2/22/1971 #26028 t had red lights and a searchlight like beam, which responded to their flas 2/26/1971 #26033 e UFO departed, it emitted a sound like a swarm of bees. 2/26/1971 #26033 stature." Their heads were shaped like an ant's with "a rounded lobe flank 3/5/1971 #26044 ed by two other lobes swelling out like cheeks." He saw no faces. In the me 3/5/1971 #26044 n off. In the snow were footprints like those of "shoes without heels", som 3/5/1971 #26044 e mouths. Their feet were elephant like, with three broad toes. When the ex 3/14/1971 #26047 25-30 feet in diameter and shaped like a large bowl inverted over a smalle 4/14/1971 #26073 s, and Miss L. perceived two human like figures silhouetted in them. The fi 4/14/1971 #26073 overhead. The legs had what looked like landing pads at the ends of them, a 4/23/1971 #26079 he bottom was a greenish metallic "like gun metal" color with three large t 4/24/1971 #26081 object was something conventional like an aircraft light, but its strange 4/25/1971 #26084 ated metallic object, quite bright like metal reflecting sun, that appeared 5/19/1971 #26117 with a dome on top and an antenna like protrusion. After two minutes the w 5/21/1971 #26120 with a dome on top and an antenna like protrusion. It had a door like open 5/21/1971 #26121 nna like protrusion. It had a door like opening to the left of its center; 5/21/1971 #26121 re he was treated with what looked like pellet wounds. 5/21/1971 #26121 the circular mark seems to extend like a bronze-colored cylinder and has a 5/24/1971 #26130 arking and a strange humming noise like a generator. He can’t see anything 5/25/1971 #26136 a mile away. The object was shaped like an overturned basin and was hoverin 5/30/1971 #26145 ad was moving about, and it looked like he might have been collecting chalk 5/30/1971 #26145 diffused, white light. Two human- like forms are moving about inside. A th 6/9/1971 #26162 to the window. She saw what looked like a rectangular window that she judge 6/9/1971 #26165 ulars. Dull roar. Bell-shape jumps like a moth. Shoots going quickly northe 7/6/1971 #26208 ed object jumping about in the sky like a moth. It shot away toward the nor 7/6/1971 #26209 -like figure, foggy white in color like a phantom, walking down a path towa 7/8/1971 #26218 0 minutes by glowing orange disc ("like two round basins, one on top of the 8/9/1971 #26277 ing orange disc-shaped UFO, shaped like two basins placed edge to edge, pac 8/9/1971 #26278 It hovered, trembling and shaking like a dry leaf, then it stopped entirel 8/11/1971 #26280 . They were dressed in what looked like diver's suits and helmets. They app 8/16/1971 #26289 a very tall, well-built, and human like, but with very pale skin that seeme 8/16/1971 #26290 rds the shore very stiffly, almost like a robot. It walked past the witness 8/16/1971 #26290 the area around the bridge lit up like midday. There was also a heavy brea 8/16/1971 #26291 er gray tube was ribbed and looked like a tracheal tube. The hands consiste 8/16/1971 #26291 vegetation anywhere and it looked like a rocky desert. He next remembered 8/16/1971 #26291 at of a wasp. The eyes were large, like wasp eyes, and had slits inside tha 8/16/1971 #26291 , and had slits inside that looked like pupils. It had what looked like mul 8/16/1971 #26291 ed like pupils. It had what looked like multi-lens eye coverings, and it ha 8/16/1971 #26291 was gaped open and the teeth were like small shark teeth. A clear liquid w 8/16/1971 #26291 strange symbols. There was a sound like a powerful electric motor and the c 8/16/1971 #26291 the headlights things that looked like "brains" on the road about six feet 8/17/1971 #26293 UBEI, CH Mass / yellow-green light like galactic nebula. Slowly spins. Goin 9/17/1971 #26340 ut 150–225 feet away. It is shaped like two saucers, one on top of the aoth 9/19/1971 #26347 e object got closer it looked more like a reddish, triangular light. When i 9/20/1971 #26354 urther described the UFO as shaped like a child's top, metallic blue in col 9/20/1971 #26354 ated distance of 98 feet. It looks like an “inverted dish” with a small rou 10/5/1971 #26410 the craft as making a loud sound, "like an old washing machine which vibrat 11/2/1971 #26450 e glow, and said it "felt strange, like a slick crust, as if the soil was c 11/2/1971 #26450 stallized." Her fingers went numb, like she had been given a local anesthet 11/2/1971 #26450 s illuminated by a UFO that looked like an "elliptical moon." In her front 11/4/1971 #26457 le had landed on the lawn, looking like a VW Beetle without fenders. Three 11/4/1971 #26457 be half a mile away. They vanished like a light switch being turned off. 11/13/1971 #26469 light. As he approached it he felt like he was entering some sort of trance 12/6/1971 #26490 tely silent around him and he felt like he had entered some type of "vacuum 12/6/1971 #26490 ure had large pointed ears, a nose like a dog, and no eyes or mouth that we 12/14/1971 #26502 ly reflective surface that flashed like a mirror over a river. After two mi 12/15/1971 #26504 The object is metallic and shaped like an upside-down bowl about 30–40 fee 12/20/1971 #26509 and, Florida when he saw something like "half a ball" with orange and blue 1/26/1972 #26556 and in the morning found a fungus like growth similar to "a cluster of sev 1/26/1972 #26556 th, and pointed ears," and looked "like the devil looking creature" he saw 1/26/1972 #26556 patrol car when he saw what looked like a dog by the side of the road. It s 3/3/1972 #26587 as tail-less creature with leather like skin and a face like a frog or a li 3/3/1972 #26587 with leather like skin and a face like a frog or a lizard, 3 or 4 ft tall. 3/3/1972 #26587 king with difficulty. They "looked like Chinese, but with sharper features. 3/16/1972 #26606 leathery skinned biped with a frog like face. It was three to four feet tal 3/17/1972 #26607 e. It was three to four feet tall, like the creature seen by Officer Willia 3/17/1972 #26607 ous sphere giving off a blue light like that of a welding torch. Mario now 3/19/1972 #26617 utside house. 4 depressions / soil like landing gear. 3/24/1972 #26621 he stopped his car. Next, a "human like figure" ran past the car from the r 3/25/1972 #26623 of a disc-shaped object spinning “like a top” and hovering in the sky abov 4/24/1972 #26660 sland. The object has a dull sheen like dirty chrome and lights flashing ar 4/24/1972 #26660 handle, and it had three antennae like projections on it. She told him tha 5/5/1972 #26671 UFO also made a high pitched sound like that of an electric mixer. The enco 6/16/1972 #26717 y for 40 minutes. It emits a sound like rushing air. 6/29/1972 #26742 R 2 observer(s). Disk with tailfin like plane hovers. Many black dots orbit 6/30/1972 #26744 disc-shaped object with a tailfin like an airplane hovered over Marcq-en-B 6/30/1972 #26746 m at first appeared to be behaving like a satellite, traveling from the nor 7/6/1972 #26780 e high-speed of object that looked like anti- collision beacon (red) over L 7/19/1972 #26812 aphs the object seems to be shaped like a domed disc. The UFO flew out to s 7/23/1972 #26827 all, brown, and irregular, sort of like a leaf…. Except that it seems very 8/1972 #26862 ept that it seems very much alive, like it’s even moving.” 8/1972 #26862 or a few minutes until it vanishes like “someone turning off a light.” 8/1972 #26864 ila, South Australia saw an object like a white cloud just above the teleph 8/5/1972 #26877 footsteps behind her that sounded like someone walking on the dry grass. W 8/9/1972 #26890 ville, IL 5:30 a.m. "It was shaped like a football and had a rim around it. 8/11/1972 #26895 The four witnesses see a dark mass like a haystack on their left about 30 f 8/12/1972 #26911 reature had a square-shaped head, "like a machine", luminous buttons, and f 8/16/1972 #26922 four digits, and large webbed feet like those of ducks. They "seemed to flo 8/18/1972 #26928 ooked up and saw what first looked like a man in a white suit, who appeared 8/22/1972 #26949 electricity, because it felt just like when I touch the [electric] iron an 8/22/1972 #26949 t perfectly round with what looked like red fluorescent paint along the top 9/11/1972 #26987 seven feet tall. They were dressed like Miller. They had complexions like O 9/22/1972 #27026 like Miller. They had complexions like Orientals and short, chestnut color 9/22/1972 #27026 spontaneously. Merlo hears a noise like “a metal object striking glass,” an 9/27/1972 #27034 s. There was an accompanying noise like that of a turbine lasting for sever 9/27/1972 #27035 and about 7.5 feet tall, had eyes like yellow light bulbs, large pointed e 9/27/1972 #27035 shed he hears a deep humming noise like a generator inside a closed room. T 10/8/1972 #27058 blue, fluorescent glow that falls like a curtain of solid light. Byrne wat 10/8/1972 #27058 circular maneuvers. Flash color(s) like signals. 10/13/1972 #27070 k, rectangular-shaped object (more like a trapezoid) outlined in blue light 10/14/1972 #27075 ch felt cold and abnormally soft, "like foam rubber". He could not describe 11/28/1972 #27150 is car radio starts making a noise like a “computer on TV,” a constant rhyt 11/30/1972 #27154 addock. The car radio made a noise like a "computer on TV", with a constant 11/30/1972 #27155 ground. Its lower part is glowing like a neon light, while the upper part 12/13/1972 #27176 e Amundsen Gulf. He sees an object like a bright star that moves west to ea 12/24/1972 #27188 then heard a loud humming noise, "like angry bees," and looked up to see a 12/30/1972 #27193 e main road, leaving a strong odor like "sulphur or arnica." Maceiras was n 12/30/1972 #27193 with her, and the room was shaped like a large mushroom with a stem at the 2/22/1973 #27310 o be wobbling, and had what looked like hieroglyphics on it. She saw no doo 2/22/1973 #27310 eyes shone brightly in the light, like those of a cat. Terrified, Helene d 2/26/1973 #27318 was 50 feet in diameter and shaped like a donut. Next to it were the footpr 2/26/1973 #27318 a UFO land and then take off again like a "gentle rocket." The UFO was surr 3/3/1973 #27329 e UFO was surrounded by "something like smoke." 3/3/1973 #27329 student, saw a daylight UFO shaped like two plates put together rim to rim 3/13/1973 #27343 An object shaped like the Apollo space capsule (cone-shap 3/28/1973 #27386 from the sky he saw a tiny figure like a five-year-old child. The craft wa 3/29/1973 #27390 ...wearing on its head what looked like a great gourd. I cannot say for sur 3/29/1973 #27390 its head, which, as I say, looked like a gourd. Nor did I see any arms. An 3/29/1973 #27390 car lengths in size. It had a dome like structure on top, which was the sam 4/15/1973 #27431 nto the UFO; rather it disappeared like "a string of lights." The witness h 4/15/1973 #27431 object made a high-pitched sound "like a spinning top" when it departed. " 4/15/1973 #27431 ed flying craft, "with two figures like people, in big hats and linked toge 5/1973 #27459 er(s). Large red globe and tornado like winds. / GESAG. 5/3/1973 #27463 t 4:30 p.m. accompanied by tornado like winds. 5/3/1973 #27464 p, Ostergotland, Sweden. It looked like two saucer plates, separated by a r 5/3/1973 #27465 nute the figure ascended rapidly, "like a helium balloon," towards the obje 5/12/1973 #27481 nd lights fail. The dome is bright like a white neon light, and a red light 5/18/1973 #27506 in the center. Each holds a device like a flashlight that emits a beam of d 5/27/1973 #27533 he right. The object emits a noise like a motor as it sways above the build 5/27/1973 #27533 lvery blue and shimmering, tapered like a tear drop with a flange running a 6/1973 #27543 A man driving saw an object shaped like a pot (truncated cone) flying rapid 6/14/1973 #27567 g appeared on the side facing her, like a "garage doors opening." Illuminat 6/23/1973 #27584 diated lines of concentric circles like heat waves. At one point a small li 6/23/1973 #27585 ) saw an illuminated object shaped like a "flat football" near Fairfield Ai 7/6/1973 #27615 s was red, making the figures look like silhouettes. The unusual thing abou 7/10/1973 #27627 saw a strange object which looked like a rugby ball cut on lower part. (NI 7/16/1973 #27634 ette, Pennsylvania. The UFO looked like a bright BB in the dusk sky and ref 7/18/1973 #27640 ear-old boy had seen a UFO "shaped like a trapazoid, only rounded off on th 8/1973 #27671 id* "It was real bright, it looked like light bulbs. (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 8/4/1973 #27680 shapes or shadows. It didn't feel like a pleasant place, and she felt she 8/4/1973 #27683 ay, leaving behind a strong sulfur like odor and a consistent whistle-like 8/16/1973 #27706 hicle almost struck a huge gorilla like animal, with pointed ears and red g 8/17/1973 #27709 s. The creature ran away screaming like a man in pain. 8/17/1973 #27709 om a figure outside. A strong odor like rotten meat persisted after the cre 8/21/1973 #27718 ry blue and shimmering, it tapered like a teardrop with a flange running al 9/1973 #27735 mirror. The UFO scooped up his car like a forklift. The front and side wind 9/2/1973 #27748 “a large circular craft something like a flying saucer. (NICAP: 02 - Close 9/8/1973 #27782 -piece garment of dark green denim like material with an "anorak" type hood 9/9/1973 #27794 d). Each "hiker" had a lighted hat like a miner's hat on his head and they 9/11/1973 #27803 d). Each "hiker" had a lighted hat like a miner's hat on his head and they 9/12/1973 #27809 minous bright orange object shaped like a flower pot (truncated cone) hover 9/14/1973 #27821 ight orange luminous object shaped like a truncated cone hovering at low al 9/14/1973 #27823 ed up and the boys noticed an odor like burning oil. When they reached the 9/20/1973 #27849 erved a small, round orange light, like a road-crossing beacon. It vanished 9/20/1973 #27849 enter. Observed huge object shaped like an ocean liner with rounded back an 9/23/1973 #27858 h then rose up, moving up and down like a yo-yo, it then accelerated and di 9/30/1973 #27892 helieu, Quebec, see a bright light like a projector emanating from a nearby 10/6/1973 #27960 e, and they see a yellowish object like a tent near the smoke. Soon a squar 10/6/1973 #27960 that morning they observed a dome like a "tent" about a third of a mile aw 10/6/1973 #27961 ppi, chases a yellow object shaped like a top and making “exhaust-like” noi 10/8/1973 #27966 urel, IN 7:30 p.m. 3-Mins. Sounded like swarm of bees. Object hovered over 10/11/1973 #27994 d up and down and sideways. Looked like two saucers together with cabin on 10/11/1973 #27994 st. Each oval-shaped object looked like it had around 25 yellow and green l 10/11/1973 #27995 for three minutes. It made a sound like a swarm of bees. The object jiggled 10/11/1973 #28004 and down and sideways, and looked like two saucers joined together with a 10/11/1973 #28004 all. Their skin was gray and rough like elephant skin that made them look l 10/11/1973 #28005 elephant skin that made them look like mummies. No clothes were apparent. 10/11/1973 #28005 usually long, and their hands were like mittens with a thumb attached. Thei 10/11/1973 #28005 gs never moved but stayed together like a pedestal. Their feet were elephan 10/11/1973 #28005 Humanoid being observed in object like transparent "bell jar" (UFOE II, Se 10/12/1973 #28015 children spotted a "flying saucer like" object. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 10/13/1973 #28019 man appeared carrying what looked like a scroll. Three more beings, differ 10/14/1973 #28031 that alternately hovered, swinging like pendulum, darted around at high spe 10/15/1973 #28057 that alternately hovered, swinging like pendulum, darted around at high spe 10/15/1973 #28058 it is about 4 feet tall and thin, “like a person draped in a close-fitting 10/16/1973 #28085 s standing in a field. The "robot" like figure was standing next to her, an 10/16/1973 #28089 he used one by one. A small knife like implement was used to take a nail p 10/16/1973 #28089 n the evening a woman saw a "ghost like" figure floating about 50 feet abov 10/16/1973 #28091 as about four feet tall and thin, "like a person draped in a close fitting 10/16/1973 #28091 n the craft and at least two human like beings. The humanoids did not commu 10/16/1973 #28093 oldly efficient, and made her feel like a guinea pig. They were 40-5 feet t 10/16/1973 #28093 ead coverings, no noses, long fish like mouths, orange hands (gloves?) with 10/16/1973 #28093 big claws or fingers that opened "like a clasp." They had large oval eyes 10/16/1973 #28093 k. Described as silver and looking like a "fish" (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 10/17/1973 #28115 MD A woman was awakened by a sound like an explosion. She heard a loud humm 10/17/1973 #28128 ime; they found they had pin-prick like marks in a triangle on their arms, 10/17/1973 #28135 , Maryland was awakened by a sound like an explosion. She heard a loud humm 10/17/1973 #28136 craft were similar in appearance, like inverted cups, and had greenish blu 10/17/1973 #28140 sh blue flashing lights. A catfish like creature came out from the top of t 10/17/1973 #28140 de mouth, one glowing eye, flipper like feet and webbing between its legs l 10/17/1973 #28140 feet and webbing between its legs like a "flying squirrel." It had feather 10/17/1973 #28140 "flying squirrel." It had feather like objects on its back, which opened a 10/17/1973 #28140 he road and the thing moved slowly like a robot toward the car. When 10 fee 10/17/1973 #28142 ing hull about 60 ft. long, shaped like an airfoil or streamlined cigar wit 10/18/1973 #28144 rear, long and narrow described as like a squared-off cigar. (NICAP: 02 - C 10/18/1973 #28167 dy, southbound red light. It looks like the port-wing light of an aircraft 10/18/1973 #28172 it was about 4 ft tall and thin, "like a person draped in a close-fitting 10/19/1973 #28187 cars, a sensation of heat, an odor like burnt insulating tape, and one of t 10/19/1973 #28197 tanding beside it. They were human like, about six feet tall. When they saw 10/19/1973 #28198 had two holes for a nose and slit like mouths. Moments later she found her 10/19/1973 #28199 gular eye openings. The head moved like a robot's. From the elbows down the 10/19/1973 #28200 the arms were narrow and wrinkled, like a chicken's legs. It moved around t 10/19/1973 #28200 s about 8 feet in diameter, shaped like a disc, and emits a “computer-like” 10/20/1973 #28214 face masks, or having white faces like molded plastic masks. Their eyes we 10/20/1973 #28220 his light she observed a gray "ape like" creature. She woke her 13-year-old 10/21/1973 #28229 but the witness could see a snout like feature on the face. Its body was u 10/21/1973 #28229 and noticed an object which looked like it was going to land. No sound was 10/22/1973 #28236 en he notices an object that looks like it is going to land. He and his dau 10/22/1973 #28240 the house, entered a craft "shaped like a washing tub" sitting on the groun 10/23/1973 #28249 ear his car. A humanoid with eyes "like balls of fire" peered through his w 10/23/1973 #28253 8 feet high. A humanoid with eyes "like balls of fire" peered at him throug 10/24/1973 #28272 nal attack, during which he growls like an animal and throws his father and 10/25/1973 #28285 world and after the event he “felt like an animal.” 10/25/1973 #28285 undred feet away suddenly light up like daylight for several seconds. The m 10/25/1973 #28286 r became filled with a strong odor like rotten eggs. As the main witness ca 10/25/1973 #28286 of light that creep slowly upward like a pair of snail feelers. After movi 10/28/1973 #28310 object in the west that looks more like a dark domed disc, and it is also s 10/28/1973 #28310 s finger with a device that looked like an electric shaver. Afterward, the 10/28/1973 #28311 ommunicating by "a kind of shriek, like the sound made by a radio which is 10/29/1973 #28319 meters away something that looked like a railway car, but with a double ro 10/31/1973 #28326 d-gold globe covered with hexagons like a honeycomb, with an oval window on 11/2/1973 #28352 nts saw a gray-white object shaped like an Apollo capsule (truncated cone) 11/8/1973 #28388 land twice, Had round thing on it like an electric eye and glowing red bas 11/16/1973 #28433 ith his flashlight, making a sound like metal on metal. Instantly, the obje 11/16/1973 #28434 winged serpent holding what looked like an egg. Inside this object Castillo 11/18/1973 #28443 normal fingers, shaped at the tips like spatulas. He was dressed in a dull 11/18/1973 #28443 . “It was something solid, lit up, like a plane on my radar.” Commander Tra 11/30/1973 #28490 d it through binoculars. It looked like an acorn, with a green bottom. It w 12/2/1973 #28507 m the sides when the object moved, like rocket thrusts. At 11:30 p.m. in Ho 12/3/1973 #28515 ttom of the object was "real shiny like it was glowing." In Watsonville, Sa 12/10/1973 #28552 eters tall. The top portion looked like a yellow dome. Four rows of colored 12/10/1973 #28553 Malaga, Spain "Circular, like a flying saucer, had an intense red 12/11/1973 #28555 ource in the sky. The witness felt like she going into a trance, and began 12/12/1973 #28559 ameter, and had an insignia shaped like a black circle with a diagonal ligh 12/19/1973 #28587 in his rearview mirror. It looked like the revolving light on a train, exc 12/31/1973 #28623 ne point, and made a hissing sound like escaping steam. 1/5/1974 #28649 nded domed disc with a flat bottom like a WWI helmet, 23–33 feet in diamete 1/7/1974 #28660 have broad shoulders, heads shaped like inverted pears, long arms, large ey 1/7/1974 #28660 d to his right. The UFO was shaped like a World War I British helmet, was 7 1/7/1974 #28661 h head with no hair, round "marble like" eyes, a rudimentary nose, and a sl 1/7/1974 #28661 e lipless mouth. He held an object like a short thick ruler with a pointed 1/7/1974 #28661 blinking lights are multicolored “like a rainbow.” Suddenly they blink out 1/8/1974 #28666 at 4:03 p.m. saw an object shaped like a flattened cupola resting on the g 1/24/1974 #28702 ree glittering red-colored objects like illuminated sign, blinking at rando 1/25/1974 #28704 smaller white light on each side (like oOOOo) with no sound. (Ridge files, 1/25/1974 #28704 Community, TN 6:00 p.m. UFO shaped like wooden shoe with transparent dome a 2/4/1974 #28737 the ground. It blinked on and off like a light bulb. (Reference: UFO INVES 2/17/1974 #28777 , AIR DEFENSE COMMAND, FR 15M cone like inverted wine-glass. Near ground by 2/22/1974 #28789 descended and extended what looked like a wire. 2/25/1974 #28803 rough one of the walls. A large TV like screen then appeared. The witness c 2/28/1974 #28825 ected a bright, cylindrical, solid like coherent beam of light from the fro 3/17/1974 #28898 il and the automobile was "shaking like a leaf" in a very strong wind. The 3/17/1974 #28898 ight-beams rotate counterclockwise like a turning daisy. 3/19/1974 #28908 g, with three smaller ships shaped like yo-yos. It flies silently and has n 3/20/1974 #28914 red it, but a third object, shaped like two oval spheres with cupolas on bo 3/20/1974 #28915 near stop, wavering back and forth like a feather. 3/23/1974 #28935 The color image shows a red object like a domed disc and four bright, beaml 3/23/1974 #28937 ano Iglesias sees a strange object like a plate placed above another large, 3/26/1974 #28956 spotted a strange luminous object like a plate placed above another large, 3/26/1974 #28957 . Inside the dome are three human- like beings with large, round, opaque, g 4/16/1974 #29040 observer(s). Loud noise. Area lit like day. Dogs sleep through all this! 4/21/1974 #29051 disc-shaped object emitted a sound like American police sirens as it had a 4/21/1974 #29055 olice. It was described as looking like a hockey puck. 4/28/1974 #29069 mother worked and saw what looked like a car parked on a hillside. She tol 4/30/1974 #29072 300 feet away. The light now looks like a domed disc about 60 feet in diame 5/1974 #29075 han a meter tall, clad in clothing like an "astronaut." Faria approached to 5/1/1974 #29078 in high, squeaky voices that sound like “so many birds.” She says “The bein 5/5/1974 #29085 l below his knees, and what looked like long claws instead of fingers. His 5/5/1974 #29085 n and a ramp slid out, and a motor like noise was now also audible. A six-f 5/20/1974 #29120 nse Department report as “somewhat like a top.” It remains stationary for a 5/22/1974 #29125 hot day when he heard what sounded like a police siren. He then saw a metal 5/29/1974 #29144 rom Fort Victoria the UFO shot off like a shooting star, but it reappeared 5/31/1974 #29150 arance that he wanted them to look like. 5/31/1974 #29150 th of Seville saw an object shaped like a pot (truncated cone) flying rapid 6/14/1974 #29190 ering, lighting up the entire area like daytime. Three humanoid beings are 6/14/1974 #29191 he entered, illuminating the area "like daytime". It rotated as it hovered, 6/14/1974 #29193 ll, moving stiffly, with something like helmets on their heads. The object 6/14/1974 #29193 a few feet and shoots straight up like a flash. 6/15/1974 #29198 rcular-shaped UFO with an antenna "like a church steeple on its top" flashe 7/22/1974 #29274 n Highway 979. UFO shook all over, like it was about to fall apart. 8/2/1974 #29304 ft, wearing "lead colored clothing like the skin of sardines." They also ha 8/5/1974 #29311 d running lights, and made a sound like an electric motor. 8/6/1974 #29313 PEAGE, 26, FR Luminous-UFO rotates like inverted top. Goes going west towar 8/12/1974 #29336 One of three windows open “exactly like the shutter of a vanishing headligh 8/12/1974 #29337 suddenly spotted two small "mummy like" figures in the woods, some 40 yard 8/20/1974 #29373 he external surface of the disc is like silvery polished steel. Mexican tro 8/25/1974 #29386 d close beside them. It was shaped like "two plates with the rims stuck tog 8/31/1974 #29405 g, “Don’t come after me… They look like they are from outer space.” Berlitz 9/1974 #29412 nd sees four more identical domes “like brushed stainless steel” arranged i 9/1/1974 #29417 ; he also said that she would "not like to look upon their faces." The huma 9/3/1974 #29418 room at 3:30 a.m. by a loud noise like a sonic boom. A few minutes later h 9/8/1974 #29437 all figure carrying a purple light like a flashlight. He was standing betwe 9/8/1974 #29437 three of them feel electric shocks like vibrations for one minute, and a ch 9/16/1974 #29459 ct resembled a boat; it had lights like portholes that emitted a very brigh 9/19/1974 #29464 object. The witnesses hear a sound like a swarm of bees. Through binoculars 9/21/1974 #29467 e car. A bumping noise and a sound like broken glass is heard on the roof, 9/26/1974 #29483 ey were 1.7 meters tall, corpulent like the Michelin tire man, and moved by 9/29/1974 #29492 t touched down nearby on four legs like protrusions. A door opened and a ve 10/7/1974 #29504 of a small automobile, was shaped like a saucer with a handleless cup atop 10/10/1974 #29510 Nonreflective 12M sphere vanishes like a light turned off! 10/13/1974 #29525 then shoots away, emitting a noise like something between a hum and a fogho 10/15/1974 #29531 eet away. Its hair is sticking up “like wheat straw,” it is bow-legged, and 10/15/1974 #29531 ther reported the object as shaped like a cigar "and it had little square l 10/31/1974 #29571 familiar, people wanted something like it to be true, and that it seemed t 11/2/1974 #29580 stopped. The object is now shaped like a triangular space capsule with rou 11/7/1974 #29588 t, black trousers, and what looked like a "Roman helmet" on his head. The b 11/8/1974 #29589 e object for 20 minutes. It leaves like a flash. 11/11/1974 #29592 n sat on the object, holding a rod like device rocking slowly to and fro. H 11/15/1974 #29597 The color of its skin was "bluish" like "a bruise." The teen reported the e 11/21/1974 #29601 appeared to be dogs, then a "human like form" running toward the light. Sud 11/27/1974 #29614 small spheres from its blunt end “like soap bubbles.” 12/1974 #29625 several bright lights that looked like they were on the perimeter of a lar 12/1/1974 #29627 Their body texture was "something like closely compressed pulpy leaves." T 12/2/1974 #29630 translucent, faintly luminous "box like structure." In a moment they were g 12/2/1974 #29630 a pulsating, dazzling white light like that coming from a welding machine 12/11/1974 #29637 ngine nodules. Both are dull gray, like galvanized sheet iron. The larger o Winter 1974 #29653 front end. A large, shiny sphere (like polished aluminum) about 15–20 feet Winter 1974 #29653 M altitude over trees. Lights area like day! 12/26/1974 #29659 otion that Mr. Goode described as "like a gliding ladder." (Reference: UFO 1/2/1975 #29697 oculars, they see an object shaped like “half an orange” that rises and slo 1/2/1975 #29702 d ground imprint marks and an odor like petroleum. (Sources: Roland Godefro 1/5/1975 #29719 lf the size of human heads, shaped like smooth green knobs, with small nose 1/5/1975 #29723 econds and the group heard a sound like the hum from high tension wires. Th 1/6/1975 #29729 n the underside, and a small being like the “Michelin man” emerges. He is h 2/14/1975 #29812 and carried something that looked like a gun. (Sources: CUFOS files, repor 2/23/1975 #29837 sees two large cylindrical objects like grain silos floating above Matachew 2/23/1975 #29838 and carried something that looked like a gun. His skin was dark brown and 2/23/1975 #29839 n the shoulder and uttering words "like a tape recorder running backwards." 2/23/1975 #29839 slowly / trees. Then going up [to] like a bullet. 3/14/1975 #29896 m the trees, then shot straight up like a bullet. There were five witnesses 3/14/1975 #29898 the object emits a tremendous bang like a shotgun. They are startled and dr 3/22/1975 #29916 weightlessness and saw what looked like multicolored electrical discharges 3/31/1975 #29928 es of driving they saw what looked like a seven-foot tall "tree trunk" near 4/6/1975 #29975 nding in his front yard. It looked like a man but it was totally black. He 4/19/1975 #29997 g trail. It came down, split apart like booster rocket, arched through the 6/5/1975 #30083 y A luminous globe, described also like a large incandescent ball, was seen 6/20/1975 #30110 A luminous globe, described also like a large incandescent ball, was seen 6/20/1975 #30112 tion/depot/facility. Lights ground like day. / r30. 6/27/1975 #30123 eels that they can taste something like gasoline. Then they see an object h 7/1975 #30142 nt, when everything froze in place like a still frame from a motion picture 7/12/1975 #30175 and surmounted by a clear plastic–like, hemispherical dome. Large round li 7/22/1975 #30200 he UFO that there were what looked like non-humanoid, jelly like entities. 7/22/1975 #30201 at looked like non-humanoid, jelly like entities. The light on top of the o 7/22/1975 #30201 he object went into the background like a chaleleon, and in a few moments w 7/22/1975 #30201 c and appeared to have what looked like rivets. It was first seen at a dist 7/28/1975 #30212 ard the witnesses. It made a noise like an electric motor. 7/28/1975 #30212 00 meters to their left. It looked like a plate turned upside down with a d 8/8/1975 #30244 n a table and they had poked a rod like device into his back. After this th 8/13/1975 #30258 hin. He hears a high-pitched sound like a dental drill for a short time, th 8/13/1975 #30264 ings around, he sees it shimmering like a diamond and as big as a jetliner. 8/14/1975 #30270 color, and they moved very slowly, like on rollers. As the witnesses walked 8/18/1975 #30288 allic-appearing arms. Its body was like "brown vinyl." (Source: David F. We 8/26/1975 #30309 rilliant flash of light and sounds like thunder. About 50 yards away on the 8/26/1975 #30310 rs a 6-foot-tall entity that looks like a mummy, various medical procedures 8/26/1975 #30310 ing, mechanical arms. Its body was like "brown vinyl." No communication wit 8/26/1975 #30312 a saw two people near a round dome like "tent" in the early evening. The do 8/28/1975 #30315 pieces of a white woven material, "like spider web, but very strong." The w 8/28/1975 #30315 essed entirely in black that moved like an ape and jumped from the bushes i 9/10/1975 #30351 which had "four large landing gear like arms coming out of it." On this nig 9/15/1975 #30363 ese lamp" lights clouds and ground like broad daylight. 9/16/1975 #30366 ed disc hovered, illuminated area "like daylight," cows fled. Emitted brigh 9/30/1975 #30399 fornia and illuminating the dairy "like daylight". It emitted a bright red 9/30/1975 #30400 of a broken piston. Peculiar "hoof like" marks were observed on a window in 10/1/1975 #30409 a globe-shaped helmet, and walked like a midget. The helmet was slightly l 10/7/1975 #30422 r in color and the "spacesuit" was like tin foil that had been crushed and 10/7/1975 #30422 asarus Saito says the object looks like two plates put together. After 5 mi 10/17/1975 #30437 ves away. The object makes a noise like a big jet and then rockets straight 10/18/1975 #30444 loodshot eyes, and her skin looked like it had a sunburn. (Source: Claude B 10/25/1975 #30468 loodshot eyes, and her skin looked like it had a sunburn. Within the hour a 10/25/1975 #30472 , the car stopped. Their eyes feel like they are on fire and appear orange. 10/27/1975 #30486 A helicopter like object, but not a normal helicopter 10/27/1975 #30490 seen by ground personnel. Sounded like jet aircraft. Intermittent radar co 10/28/1975 #30492 iption: Through binoculars, looked like 100 ft. sphere and appeared to have 10/28/1975 #30492 ee an orange and red object shaped like a stretched-out football hovering i 10/28/1975 #30503 ocks him unconscious to the ground like a thunderbolt. In a panic, the rest 11/5/1975 #30562 ore using secret police techniques like wiretaps or entering someone’s home 11/6/1975 #30567 ne bright white object that looked like a cup in a bowl due east at 70 degr 11/15/1975 #30622 ottom appeared to rotate rapidly, "like a drill." It was so large and so cl 11/27/1975 #30669 : about six feet tall, brown vinyl like bodies with metallic looking arms, 12/2/1975 #30681 GA Evening. An object that looked like a Ferris wheel on its side was sigh 12/5/1975 #30686 An object that looked like a Ferris wheel on its side was sigh 12/5/1975 #30688 MT 6:00 a.m. UFO landed on ground, like bean. (NIDS UFO 33) (NICAP: 02 - Cl 12/8/1975 #30693 tion, and three beings that looked like “robots” resembling “aluminum divin 1/9/1976 #30781 MI WITH FAIRFIELD, MT UFO / field like 2-story building with square window 1/21/1976 #30806 car radio went wild, and she felt like she had been hypnotized. Near Vande 1/23/1976 #30816 out 25 feet in diameter and shaped like an octagon, with one amber light an 1/23/1976 #30817 observed three objects that looked like upside down soup bowls with domed t 1/27/1976 #30822 ince, Spain when he heard a noise “like a jet.” Turning around, he saw a br 1/29/1976 #30832 lexion, and something that lookede like folds or gills under their ears. Th 1/29/1976 #30833 Development and Test Center, just like it happened in Loring AFB in 1975. 1/31/1976 #30835 rent dome they could see two human like figures. They had tight fitting hoo 2/5/1976 #30846 rent dome they could see two human like figures. They had tight fitting hoo 2/5/1976 #30848 e home. The whole area was lit up "like a dusk to dawn light that wasn't su 2/7/1976 #30850 mounting), motionless gray shapes (like car seats with headrests seen from Late 2/1976 #30905 ird type with huge eyes and pupils like that of a cat, was 6.6 feet tall. T 3/5/1976 #30928 atches an elongated object, shaped like a dirigible gondola and lighted fro 3/11/1976 #30936 ng dark it was luminous and shaped like the "Michelin man." Their car headl 3/14/1976 #30940 beings emerge. One holds something like a flashlight and aims a beam that s 4/3/1976 #30983 of the object protruded something like a funnel. It flew off to the north, 5/9/1976 #31041 of the object protruded something like a funnel. It flew off to the north, 5/9/1976 #31042 amogordo, NM A luminous UFO shaped like coolie hat paced a car in the deser 5/21/1976 #31069 A luminous UFO shaped like coolie hat paced a car in the deser 5/21/1976 #31070 nside the light, which is actually like a transparent soap bubble, they see 6/22/1976 #31128 ands 10:30 p.m. A bright red light like a rocket emerging from the sea at a 6/22/1976 #31129 small mouth, and an upturned nose like a pig. It is bald, has no eyebrows, 6/23/1976 #31134 , with glowing red eyes. It looked like "a big owl with pointed ears." 7/3/1976 #31147 earby who had legs "bent backwards like a bird." It had red glowing eyes an 7/4/1976 #31151 ight ovoid / roadside. Lights area like day. Arms and legs. 7/21/1976 #31175 eads. It made a high-pitched whine like the feedback from a loudspeaker. Th 7/28/1976 #31190 . It had a revolving rim of lights like windows around its perimeter. It sh 7/28/1976 #31191 sees two intensely bright lights “like burning magnesium” silently move ac 8/1976 #31216 smania, Australia he heard a sound like loud electronic music "turned up to 8/2/1976 #31222 he area in front of his car lit up like a "yellow lighted picture screen", 8/2/1976 #31222 s” which shut up into one another, like a collapsible telescope, and rose b 8/6/1976 #31241 ing. They could hear a dull sound, like wood rubbing on wood at regular int 8/6/1976 #31241 . The sight made Mr. Chiasson feel like vomiting. All four family members r 8/6/1976 #31241 r. They wore brown khaki uniforms, like a police officer's but closer fitti 8/6/1976 #31241 direction of this mysterious trio, like the flashbulbs of a camera, and alt 8/10/1976 #31252 a very vivid luminous rectangle, “like a TV screen.” She immediately thoug 8/10/1976 #31252 ly peaceful.” He was moving around like an automaton. He looked out the win 8/10/1976 #31252 sky. Through binoculars, it looks like a silver disc reflecting light from 8/14/1976 #31263 nstead of fingers they had pincers like a crayfish. They had two small proj 8/25/1976 #31302 t, and when they walked it sounded like "a wooden legged pirate.” The skin 8/25/1976 #31302 heeks and arms was bumpy and rough like an alligator, and there were scales 8/25/1976 #31302 y did not utter words, but “hummed like Morse code.” After what seemed like 8/25/1976 #31302 ike Morse code.” After what seemed like about five seconds the boy found hi 8/25/1976 #31302 d the “spacecraft” for what seemed like a short distance, and did not go to 8/26/1976 #31306 were described as somewhat insect like. The men were made to undress and s 8/26/1976 #31307 de to undress and sit on a plastic like bench. The humanoids then looked in 8/26/1976 #31307 andheld and large scanning machine like instruments. Samples of bodily flui 8/26/1976 #31307 eir weapons, they become paralyzed like statues. The smoke cloud reappears Early 9/1976 #31326 ense. She also has had the feeling like being in an invisible corridor that 9/3/1976 #31337 und of earth. It had a large glass like compartment in the center, and a br 9/3/1976 #31340 g in the middle then pointed a rod like device at the witness from which a 9/3/1976 #31341 e described as heavy set and human like, wearing tight gray coveralls, and 9/3/1976 #31341 ard 12:00 noon and finally appears like a twinkling star in the daytime. It 9/9/1976 #31363 orcelain” look about it. Two hook- like cables are hanging down. Pecha appr 9/10/1976 #31371 s in the narrow driveway that look like a small tractor tread. They are gon 9/11/1976 #31376 rker George Aguerre sees an object like an upturned funnel with windows lan 9/13/1976 #31382 eing 707. Visually, it is flashing like a strobe with intense red, green, o 9/18/1976 #31395 e bottom of the object that looked like portholes. The minimum distance to 9/19/1976 #31412 feet above the building and looks like a “fat cigar” about 50–60 feet long Autumn 1976 #31421 owth later in the summer. A light “like lightning” was seen shortly before 10/1976 #31441 are drawn outside by a loud noise like “six jets.” They see a large red ob 10/12/1976 #31461 eld Grove. Its head was “squashed” like a tomato, and it had no feet or toe 10/15/1976 #31465 ot on runway observed glowing disc like "two plates placed together" hoveri 10/17/1976 #31472 through binoculars, says it looks like “two plates placed together, with t 10/17/1976 #31474 er observed a glowing yellow disc, like two plates rim-to-rim. It hovered t 10/17/1976 #31475 through binoculars, said it looked like "two plates placed together, with t 10/17/1976 #31475 os Toros Durazno Uruguay An object like a silver, luminous mercury lamp is 10/19/1976 #31481 ht shone. Then two very tall human like figures emerged. The figures wore t 10/29/1976 #31505 th a white collar, and a black cap like that of a Pierrot. This figure then 10/30/1976 #31510 as able to see three or four human like figures. Two of them were looking a 10/31/1976 #31512 circular edge and a smaller circle like a “hatch” underneath. 11/10/1976 #31538 sky in the direction of Badajoz, “like a flare,” which lit up a wide area 11/12/1976 #31540 ir rifles. Then they heard a sound like branches being broken in the direct 11/12/1976 #31540 looked inside. His eyes were pink "like an albino rabbit," and were so pene 11/14/1976 #31549 ure and make an intermittent sound like a “belt sander on metal.” 11/15/1976 #31552 nd was horrified because it looked like it was cut off where the light ende 12/6/1976 #31587 heard a slight click, and a sound like a sliding door opening. Two white l 12/10/1976 #31594 eeing a hand holding an instrument like a toy windmill, a spiral vane on a 12/10/1976 #31594 ated cattle since Nov. '76. "Looks like someone wanted them found". 1/1977 (approximate) #31660 MONTMIRAIL, 26, FR Star descends like dead-leaf / 5 min. Then rises going 1/1/1977 #31673 crew filmed a UFO. It made a sound like an electric motor. (NICAP: 08 - Pho 1/1/1977 #31679 crew filmed a UFO. It made a sound like an electric motor. At ten p.m. a lu 1/1/1977 #31682 eir house. They next heard a sound like someone was dragging something outs 1/3/1977 #31687 very tall, heavy set figure, human like. (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 1/4/1977 #31690 very tall, heavy set figure, human like. The object suddenly emitted a silv 1/4/1977 #31691 McCarthy sees something that looks like a one-foot-square box. He races bac 1/10/1977 #31715 A driver is paced by a UFO shaped like a flattened football with a dark eq 1/13/1977 #31720 hour. Through binoculars it looks like a 3:1 rectangle with rounded corner 1/21/1977 #31741 han a double-decker bus and shaped like a rugby ball. All three are able to 1/21/1977 #31742 er, causing panic. Two small human like figures, walking stiffly, could be 1/23/1977 #31748 the object "slowly and in a robot like fashion" for the next five minutes. 1/23/1977 #31748 strange creatures who were shaped like machines. (Source: Mark Rodeghier, 1/27/1977 #31757 e strange creatures who are shaped like machines (looking like a giant one- 1/27/1977 #31759 are shaped like machines (looking like a giant one- armed tombstone, a 7-f 1/27/1977 #31759 strange creatures who were shaped like machines. The electrical system on 1/27/1977 #31760 to act strangely, and Fender felt "like someone wanted to talk to me." Obey 1/27/1977 #31761 making a humming sound, and looked like a saucer with a point on top. He sa 2/4/1977 #31792 l over gray, that looked puffed up like a balloon. It had ridges or rings r 2/10/1977 #31808 ings running round the appendages, like the Michelin Man. She could not see 2/10/1977 #31808 e light in front and makes a noise like a wheezing turbine. It recedes into 2/16/1977 #31822 f frill around the neck - somewhat like a harlequin - with some 6-7 light g 2/24/1977 #31846 - with some 6-7 light green "star like serrations," but he could not make 2/24/1977 #31846 Their eyes were slanted and large like those of a cow, and they stared unf 2/24/1977 #31846 FO and the entities then vanished "like a light being switched off." At lea 2/24/1977 #31846 e entities, 5 feet tall and shaped like bowling pins, in the glare of his h 3/4/1977 #31858 e road when "the whole area lit up like a football field light was turned o 3/5/1977 #31860 ssouri when "the whole area lit up like a football field light was turned o 3/5/1977 #31861 ng away from an object that looked like a water tank, about 10 feet across 3/5/1977 #31861 car stopped and a brilliant glow "like a white sun" lit up the area around 3/7/1977 #31869 car stopped and a brilliant glow "like a white sun" lit up the area around 3/7/1977 #31870 car stopped and a brilliant glow "like a white sun" lit up the area around 3/7/1977 #31874 lier close encounter. He was human like with long hair, a beard, and pink e 3/7/1977 #31874 . His hands were warm to the touch like a human's. The man looked at Mrs. S 3/7/1977 #31874 sses hear a sound they describe as like the tide coming in and going out. A 3/9/1977 #31886 rd a sound they described as being like the tide coming in and going out. A 3/9/1977 #31889 a DC- 10 in size. Its intensity is like that of a flashbulb. Boston Center 3/12/1977 #31901 nly a few yards away was a figure "like a skinny human six-foot tall." HUMC 3/13/1977 #31904 nly a few yards away was a figure "like a skinny human six-foot tall." The 3/13/1977 #31906 six-foot tall." The being looked "like an old man" with high cheekbones, a 3/13/1977 #31906 f a fish. Over its mouth was a box like device with a tube leading over the 3/13/1977 #31906 skintight one-piece diver outfits like wetsuits. Their heads were complete 3/20/1977 #31921 a field, the object makes a sound like a “rope spinning in the air.” Climb 3/29/1977 #31933 g down for a landing. Then a human like figure, well over six-foot tall wit 4/4/1977 #31941 her collie dog. Whe heard a sound like a "wind or whistle" and she then ob 4/4/1977 #31942 s who had long slit-like eyes, ape like noses, and no hair. (Source: David 4/4/1977 #31942 soft luminous pink, and something like a horizontal periscope or boom prot 4/4/1977 #31943 saw no landing gear. Then a human like figure, well over six-foot tall wit 4/4/1977 #31943 ce uniform that was tight-fitting, like a frogman's wetsuit, and he had on 4/4/1977 #31943 e came out in a metallic monotone, like it was computer generated. After th 4/4/1977 #31943 they were covered with what looked like desert dust and burrs. In a way thi 4/4/1977 #31943 dog at 8:15 p.m. Whe heard a sound like a "wind or whistle" and she then ob 4/4/1977 #31944 s who had long slit-like eyes, ape like noses, and no hair. The skin of the 4/4/1977 #31944 hear "a garble of voices" talking, like a bunch of CB voices, and felt a gr 4/4/1977 #31944 lights. She heard a buzzing sound like a huge swarm of bees. After watchin 4/6/1977 #31953 with arms out and legs bent back, like a "free fall parachutist." (Source: 4/7/1977 #31956 with arms out and legs bent back, like a "free fall parachutist." There wa 4/7/1977 #31957 as dark gray, metallic, and shaped like a drum. It had four to six long spi 4/12/1977 #31977 um. It had four to six long spider like legs hanging from its bottom. The U 4/12/1977 #31977 lighting up the area, moving about like a seesaw." It descended and landed 4/19/1977 #31997 lighting up the area, moving about like a seesaw." It descended and landed 4/19/1977 #31998 lighting up the area, moving about like a seesaw." It descended and landed 4/19/1977 #31999 ow and sees an oval-shaped object “like the moon falling down” land behind 4/19/1977 #32001 eads and are wearing white outfits like boiler suits. They appear to “take 4/19/1977 #32001 lighting up the area, moving about like a seesaw." It descended and landed 4/19/1977 #32002 f a dome. There was a light on it, like a pulsating star." Two creatures 8 4/19/1977 #32002 tried to discern what they looked like through a pair of binoculars. They 4/19/1977 #32002 . It was dressed in a silver suit, like a diver, with a large helmet and a 4/20/1977 #32004 . It was dressed in a silver suit, like a diver, with a large helmet and a 4/20/1977 #32005 glowing eyes. Its skin was gray, "like the color of a shark," and it had l 4/21/1977 #32009 er, Massachusetts. Its eyes looked like two lighter circles in the center o 4/22/1977 #32013 fthand lane of the road. It looked like a hairless, beige-colored small ape 4/23/1977 #32019 their vehicle and notice an object like a “bell tent” about 900 feet away t 5/3/1977 #32050 er with a white object that looked like an inverted plate while flying over 5/5/1977 #32058 er with a white object that looked like an inverted plate while flying over 5/5/1977 #32059 M. Adult couple experienced object like a silver sphere with "saturn ring" 5/8/1977 #32072 Joliet, Illinois, watch an object like a silver straw hat move silently ea 5/8/1977 #32073 phere with Saturn rings or looking like a "straw hat" as big as the moon, s 5/8/1977 #32075 eparate observer(s). Needle-clouds like phony contrails maneuver all over/a 5/12/1977 #32093 ing a tremendous flash and a sound like thunder. (Source: Otto Raymundo, MU 5/17/1977 #32104 ing a tremendous flash and a sound like thunder. The sky filled with a pink 5/17/1977 #32107 r, England. At one point it looked like five balls joined together in a cir 5/21/1977 #32122 e object, and swung back and forth like a pendulum. At ball of light was at 5/23/1977 #32125 e object, and swung back and forth like a pendulum. At ball of light was at 5/23/1977 #32126 angle in the northwest, hovering “like helicopters” for one minute. They p 5/26/1977 #32134 d. A pinkish-purple object, shaped like an oval meat dish, suddenly appeare 6/6/1977 #32153 r the incident that he was shaking like a leaf. 6/16/1977 #32166 ecome body-shaped with projections like arms and legs.” 7/1977 #32222 ning; changed color, emitted sound like swarm of bees (NICAP UFOE II, NICAP 7/1/1977 #32225 ning. Changed color, emitted sound like swarm of bees 7/1/1977 #32226 eet in diameter and making a noise like a “swarm of bees.” USAF security an 7/1/1977 #32227 top. On the being's back was a box like a knapsack. Sr. De Olmos also obser 7/12/1977 #32266 fingers, that his feet were webbed like a duck's, and that he had a short t 7/12/1977 #32266 s came out, accompanied by a sound like an electric drill. The being ascend 7/12/1977 #32266 saucer stops overhead. Lights 200M like day. Tractor electrics fried. 7/13/1977 #32267 s the green light retreated, "just like a liquid being drawn up through a s 7/15/1977 #32275 ow hovering object that was shaped like an inverted saucer a couple of hund 7/15/1977 #32275 racted into the 30-foot wide craft like "liquid being sucked up through a s 7/15/1977 #32277 it jumps to the north with a hum “like a hair dryer” and is lost to sight. 7/18/1977 #32292 eeing a white luminous form shaped like a hemisphere sitting on the ground 7/24/1977 #32308 eeing a white luminous form shaped like a hemisphere sitting on the ground 7/24/1977 #32310 ucers hover / group. Then maneuver like bees. Going quickly [to] extremely 7/31/1977 #32326 e third witness, who heard a noise like someone chiseling rock and a high-p 8/1/1977 #32345 oblong in shape, 7 spherical, one like a tilted plate, 3 discoid, one like 8/3/1977 #32353 ike a tilted plate, 3 discoid, one like a half-moon, and 7 other miscellane 8/3/1977 #32353 ng it through binoculars, it looks like a metallic submarine shape with fiv 8/4/1977 #32360 ois, sees 8–16 pinpoints of light “like magnesium burning” silently maneuve 8/9/1977 #32371 e. There was something that looked like a "radar mast" on the object that w 8/11/1977 #32382 it. There is something that looks like a rotating “radar mast” on the obje 8/11/1977 #32383 diameter. The object shoots north like a bullet, then stops a short distan 8/11/1977 #32384 e. There was something that looked like a "radar mast" on the object that w 8/11/1977 #32387 " stops. Zigzags tightly. Sparkles like diamond. Going quickly east. 8/12/1977 #32392 side of the road. It looked robot like, had broad shoulders, and was weari 8/28/1977 #32439 ennas on its head. The face looked like paper mache. They notified the cara 8/28/1977 #32439 ' saucers with windows. silhouette like frogs head seen in one.. 8/30/1977 #32440 t on the figure, it emitted sounds like "radio signals." It then approached 8/30/1977 #32441 were in evidence, and what looked like landing gear imprints were found in 8/31/1977 #32446 They seemed to have short antennae like protrusions from their heads, large 8/31/1977 #32447 popping noises and sees an object like an elongated, bright blue candle. I 9/4/1977 #32460 y a deserted field, he sees a UFO “like an enormous hat.” He takes two step 9/15/1977 #32484 lue flashes are emitted. They seem like robots, but La Rúbia can hear them 9/15/1977 #32484 ying saucer in a field that looked like an enormous hat. Frightened, he sta 9/15/1977 #32485 ottom and surmounted a single leg, like a pedestal, with a rounded base. Th 9/15/1977 #32485 e ground and one pointed a syringe like device at him and he began to move 9/15/1977 #32485 ntil it was nothing but a porridge like substance. Then in the "film" one o 9/15/1977 #32485 ward the dog and pointed a syringe like device at the animal and it too beg 9/15/1977 #32485 ver(s). Blazing disk lights valley like day. Going quickly southwest. / Gen 9/19/1977 #32495 on. As it flies over him, it looks like a cylinder with one of the ends bec 9/20/1977 #32498 Omaha, NE Three objects like aircraft tracked on FAA radar in V- 9/22/1977 #32509 H Evening. CE-1 from train. looked like 90' diameter "birthday cake". (MORA 10/1977 #32537 da when they saw a UFO that looked like an inverted bowl with two long exte 10/1/1977 #32543 deotape UFO / 51 second(s). Shape "like a trailer". 100mph. 10/5/1977 #32551 color was silvery white two human like figures could be seen moving slowly 10/6/1977 #32555 in intensity and flash on and off like a beacon, apparently surrounded by 10/9/1977 #32564 is telescope. He hears what sounds like wind passing around a building and 10/13/1977 #32572 outh to north and shaped “somewhat like a flattened avocado pear.” The blun 10/15/1977 #32578 at Irondequoit, New York. Chunks “like teardrops” are seen falling off. 10/22/1977 #32600 very slowly and seemed to stagger like if intoxicated. The figure was shor 10/26/1977 #32619 y object emitting a greenish beam, like a searchlight, towards the room whe 10/29/1977 #32633 sliding alternately open and shut like the door of a dumbwaiter. One of th 10/30/1977 #32639 they looked at the object, he felt like he couldn’t breath and looked at hi 11/1977 #32648 He next states he sees “something like shadows” outside the vehicle and he 11/1977 #32648 ached the area he observed a human like figure wearing a shiny green metall 11/13/1977 #32672 ylinder/cigar-shape with blunt end like face / house near shell refinery. G 11/14/1977 #32673 te, intensely luminous, and shaped like a hemisphere. It hovers for a few s 11/24/1977 #32697 oles along the sides. It is shaped like a torpedo with four swept-back fins 12/1/1977 #32722 east-northeast. They are oriented like a telephone pole with a red light o 12/6/1977 #32737 4 / cars. Domed saucer lights area like day. Away and back / 20 minute(s). 12/15/1977 #32774 the area of Saint Ciers du Taillon like day, then flew away. It came back a 12/15/1977 #32776 of Saint Ciers du Taillon, France like day, then flew away. It came back a 12/15/1977 #32777 istance of 200 feet. The UFO looks like a globular white light reflecting u 12/27/1977 #32814 ing above the bed. It seemed human like and was wearing a monk like robe. I 1/4/1978 #32852 human like and was wearing a monk like robe. It also appeared to have some 1/4/1978 #32852 o appeared to have some short wing like protrusions and a bright halo type 1/4/1978 #32852 d a very bright object that looked like a "chicken coop" at a place called 1/10/1978 #32867 d a very bright object that looked like a "chicken coop" at a place called 1/10/1978 #32870 dark gray in color and had bubble like windows. Ground traces were found. 1/10/1978 #32872 was there, the recovery team acted like it had seen that type of incident b 1/18/1978 #32895 l using Extachrome film. It looked like a fried egg or a domed disc. 1/23/1978 #32908 er, another object arrives, shaped like a square with large yellow lights i 1/31/1978 #32928 d. The boys then noticed a "plane" like object that passed slowly over the 1/31/1978 #32930 ved, which was described as shaped like a square with large yellow lights i 1/31/1978 #32930 silence and an unpleasant sulphur like odor in the area. The figures walke 1/31/1978 #32930 m. He hears a slight humming noise like a vacuum cleaner. It moves off to t 2/1978 #32937 rs above the ground. It was shaped like an inverted soup plate, had a matt, 2/5/1978 #32957 a small ladder. The ladder looked like the steps of a swimming pool, with 2/5/1978 #32957 ular windows made out of something like smoked glass. Meanwhile, his dog Mu 2/5/1978 #32957 e aliens indicated that they would like to examine his dog and take blood s 2/5/1978 #32957 Julio, he described it as sounding like a mixture between German and Korean 2/5/1978 #32957 lking, and some of the sounds were like coughs. The image disappeared from 2/5/1978 #32957 . After about an hour of what felt like constant mental struggle her paraly 2/15/1978 #32971 ee of them then saw a short "robot like" humanoid in a freshly dug ditch, a 2/17/1978 #32974 cident. Marcel says the debris was like nothing on earth. Friedman has also 2/28/1978 #33002 bject rises swiftly and disappears like a flash into the sky. 3/11/1978 #33032 atch a red and green object shaped like a top hat. Two of them approach in 3/11/1978 #33033 razil, when he hears a sharp noise like a car horn. He looks up and sees a 3/24/1978 #33078 ed area when he heard a loud siren like sound. He looked up and saw a brigh 3/24/1978 #33079 hapes along its side and is shaped like a short cigar. Geoffrey returns to 3/29/1978 #33097 rest of the body and it had human like features. On its head it wore a con 4/25/1978 #33169 sually large head. His hair looked like it had been completely shaved and t 4/25/1978 #33171 es. La Franier had never seen eyes like that, "They just bored into me". Th 4/25/1978 #33171 l minute the man spoke. "Would you like a photograph of your family?" It wa 4/25/1978 #33171 tities eat and offer him something like icicles, but he refuses them. The U 5/10/1978 #33196 . Wolski, encountered a UFO shaped like a bus, making a humming sound. The 5/10/1978 #33198 ll the officer that the burns look like they are caused by microwave radiat 5/13/1978 #33202 was not occupied, but soon human- like beings would arrive on Earth (NICAP 5/15/1978 #33216 land A woman cooking heard a sound like thunder which seemed to be coming f 5/17/1978 #33223 he had seen a box-shaped aircraft, like "a little house," fly low over thei 5/17/1978 #33223 overing nearby. The interior looks like a completely black room outfitted o 5/17/1978 #33224 xamined by an apparatus that looks like an X-ray machine, and the men offer 5/17/1978 #33224 played outside. She heard a sound like thunder which seemed to be coming f 5/17/1978 #33225 he had seen a box-shaped aircraft, like "a little house," fly low over thei 5/17/1978 #33225 hooting up vertically with a sound like thunder. Adas said that the object 5/17/1978 #33225 , were moving, swaying black rods, like the feelers on a snail. 5/17/1978 #33225 erry, Missouri, watches an object “like two hubcaps put together” that alte 6/18/1978 #33288 shifting green-yellow-gray colors like a “TV glow.” Moving slowly eastward 6/22/1978 #33298 raft, wearing uniforms that looked like diving suits. The four witnesses we 7/4/1978 #33337 ent wall in the UFO numerous human like figures wearing helmets and tight-f 7/8/1978 #33353 ent wall in the UFO numerous human like figures wearing helmets and tight-f 7/8/1978 #33355 his car, illuminating the interior like “40 flash cameras.” The reflection 7/11/1978 #33366 he top of its head, and large slit like eyes and mouth. To their horror it 7/11/1978 #33367 e road and moving around obstacles like houses and hills, then coming back 7/14/1978 #33382 eld, and the timothy stubble looks like it has been scorched about one inch 7/21/1978 #33406 e rays shoot out at various angles like spokes from a wheel, extending to a 7/21/1978 #33407 its surface and is making a noise like a card flapping against bicycle spo 7/22/1978 #33410 England an object looking exactly like helicopter but making absolutely no 7/24/1978 #33414 g. The lights went out and it felt like something was shakinghis truck. For 8/6/1978 #33480 2,800 feet in altitude and looking like two white strobe lights in front an 8/8/1978 #33490 d when a lighted object that looks like an eye moves toward them. The cente 8/12/1978 #33512 es toward them. The center part is like shiny black glass and the body is m 8/12/1978 #33512 raffic Controllers? 2 night lights like letters O and V. Objets volantes? / 8/17/1978 #33519 ey, when she sees an object shaped like a car fender with four blue lights 8/20/1978 #33532 ls. Then the group saw what looked like a large hairy bipedal creature step 8/21/1978 #33540 made a high-pitched humming sound like jet turbines, and made two turns ov 8/25/1978 #33569 ght silver in color and was shaped like an elongated parachute. At the bott 8/31/1978 #33611 . Roberto Pozzi, 14, hears a noise like ducks and hissing combined in a wes 9/2/1978 #33626 a figure 8. The are making sounds like incomprehensible radio chatter. The 9/6/1978 #33639 y the horse, pulling off the glove like a magnet. Another curious feature o 9/6/1978 #33640 ng in the street. They made sounds like an incomprehensible radio dialogue, 9/6/1978 #33641 was holding an object that looked like a "hair dryer", and was pointing it 9/10/1978 #33657 eam on the road surface. It looked like a tank with treads but without guns 9/14/1978 #33680 o humanoid beings with what looked like flashlights in the yard. Then a pin 9/16/1978 #33695 er Rivo Faralli hears an explosion like a rifle shot at Torrita di Siena, I 9/17/1978 #33701 iraling antennas. Their faces look like green- skinned skulls through the v 9/17/1978 #33701 hovered. It was a domed disc, hat like in shape. He found he was paralyzed 9/17/1978 #33703 landing gear. The underside looks like it has a grid pattern, and it emits 9/18/1978 #33708 attern, and it emits a bluish glow like a tongue of flame. When it reaches 9/18/1978 #33708 ts with antennae. Their hands look like pincers. He faints again and walks 9/21/1978 #33723 Their hands appeared to be shaped like pincers. This frightened him and he 9/21/1978 #33725 witness's car she reported it felt like someone was watching her. 9/26/1978 #33752 cle and the other holding a device like a camera. The first one takes his b 9/27/1978 #33762 e of 20 miles, they see an object “like a plantain banana” swathed in smoke 10/1978? #33787 nusually clear sky. One was shaped like a "croissant" and the other was cyl 10/3/1978 #33795 nusually clear sky. One was shaped like a "croissant" and the other was cyl 10/3/1978 #33796 about 200 feet. At first it looks like two saucers joined at the rims by a 10/8/1978 #33816 the highway. The figure was human like but over six feet tall and was wear 10/8/1978 #33822 which surrounded by small antennae like protrusions. Next to the object sto 10/15/1978 #33837 a greenlight and sort of metallic (like) it’s all shiny (on) the outside… i 10/21/1978 #33848 taken at night of an object shaped like a "priest's hat" in Pescara, Italy. 10/23/1978 #33865 a large light brown object shaped like a shoeshine box on the ground. Ligh 10/25/1978 #33872 a large light-brown object shaped like a shoeshine box on the ground. Ligh 10/25/1978 #33873 a large light brown object shaped like a shoeshine box on the ground. Ligh 10/25/1978 #33875 were described as small and human like, both male and female. The women we 10/25/1978 #33875 ." They also described the feeling like "they were growing in size." Finall 10/30/1978 #33898 hape drifted out into road, shaped like a four-foot tall triangle, 2.5 feet 11/9/1978 #33941 he witnesses hear a metallic noise like a garage door. Then the two lights 11/20/1978 #33967 s beneath a hovering object shaped like a dumbbell with red and green light 11/22/1978 #33980 ish colored skin, with a roughness like mummy wrapping. Their hands had fou 11/25/1978 #34005 dent reported that the UFO "looked like an upside-down plate with a dome on 11/27/1978 #34006 cold, but at the same time it was like she was in an intense energetic sta 12/4/1978 #34058 n of Siberia a metallic UFO shaped like a mushroom was found apparently hav 12/6/1978 #34064 and Tyndoy, a metallic UFO shaped like a mushroom was found on this day, a 12/6/1978 #34066 she peered out and noticed a light like a flashlight that was being carried 12/6/1978 #34068 felt a strange tingling sensation, like "pins & needles." He also felt hims 12/14/1978 #34127 intelligible language that sounded like gibberish. 12/15/1978 #34140 ey helmets had short protuberances like antennae on the sides and they had 12/15/1978 #34141 or planet, but then I saw it move, like a leaf falling from a tree." The wo 12/16/1978 #34144 he aluminum colored UFO was shaped like a trapezoid with rounded corners, w 12/16/1978 #34159 witness reported that a UFO shaped like a cylindrical space capsule landed 12/19/1978 #34173 witness reported that a UFO shaped like a cylindrical “space capsule” lande 12/19/1978 #34175 editerranean. It made an odd noise like radio static, and vanished. Less th 12/20/1978 #34184 de. They reportedly lit up the sky like day. Each object was white in color 12/21/1978 #34189 na. They reportedly lit up the sky like day. Each object was white in color 12/21/1978 #34194 Liguria, Italy. It had what looked like iron claws on one end of the object 12/25/1978 #34205 Liguria, Italy. It had what looked like iron claws on one end of the object 12/25/1978 #34206 aft seemed metallic and was shaped like a missile. A being described as a m 12/30/1978 #34232 d see 6–7 bright, pulsating lights like Chinese lanterns above the sea off 12/31/1978 #34246 haft / light from sky lights field like day. Shoots going up [to] and gone. 1/1979 #34264 in the sky. It seems to be shaped like a parallelogram, but they can’t tel Early 1/1979 #34280 ty when he noticed two short human like figures "floating" ten meters above 1/2/1979 #34281 anoids wore transparent coveralls, like plexiglass, and under that gray met 1/2/1979 #34281 ed a strong burning smell, an odor like burnt human hair. The light resembl 1/3/1979 #34290 y got even closer they saw a human like figure walk in front of the light, 1/3/1979 #34290 iven a liquid to drink that tasted like honey. A huge door then opened in f 1/3/1979 #34292 the wall there emerged what looked like several arms ending in suction cups 1/3/1979 #34292 another room he saw several human like figures wearing gray coveralls. In 1/3/1979 #34292 ature changes, and a strong sulfur like smell followed him, he also suffere 1/3/1979 #34292 to her mind with telepathy—“It was like a light or an X-ray penetrating.” T 1/4/1979 #34296 d her mind with telepathy, "it was like a light or an X-ray penetrating." T 1/5/1979 #34304 onger there. They had "disappeared like magic". 1/23/1979 #34368 im. It caused his hair to stand up like an electric static charge. Two UFOs 1/24/1979 #34374 im. It caused his hair to stand up like an electric static charge. Two UFOs 1/24/1979 #34378 nia through binoculars. It looked "like a frisbee that was dropped and floa 2/19/1979 #34436 to make out what the object looked like, but the light emanating from it wa 2/26/1979 #34450 capture much detail. The shape was like a truncated cone. As he approached 2/26/1979 #34450 speed, making two dull explosions like sonic booms. 5/3/1979 #34539 and saw that the object was shaped like a "telephone booth" about 1 meter i 5/16/1979 #34561 and sees that the object is shaped like a telephone booth about 3 feet tall 5/16/1979 #34563 ing and sees another object shaped like a toy top and a little larger than 5/16/1979 #34563 descends it makes a horrific noise like a choking motor and puts out four l 5/16/1979 #34563 ant and cool, and there is a smell like “baby powder” in the air. Other men 5/16/1979 #34563 and saw that the object was shaped like a "telephone booth" about 1 meter i 5/16/1979 #34564 scend. This next object was shaped like a toy top, and a little larger than 5/16/1979 #34564 s object. It had a small propeller like apparatus on top and a long pointy 5/16/1979 #34564 ended it produced a horrific noise like a choking motor, and as it neared t 5/16/1979 #34564 ed the ground it put out four, leg like landing pods. Arlindo approached an 5/16/1979 #34564 e, unable to move. He said it felt like someone had grabbed him from behind 5/16/1979 #34564 ice seemed to originate from a box like apparatus on their backs. He was ta 5/16/1979 #34564 en something, which sounded to him like a "Zurca." Arlindo thought he could 5/16/1979 #34564 nt and cool, and there was a smell like "baby powder" in the air. There wer 5/16/1979 #34564 e room. He described them as human like, wearing dark tight-fitting outfits 5/16/1979 #34564 he woman then took out a long wand like object and pointed it at the object 5/16/1979 #34564 ts, and their leader had an emblem like a winged serpent on his chest. They 5/17/1979 #34566 ue light, and the man’s face feels like it is burning. Frightened, he runs 5/22/1979 #34574 for three minutes. It made a sound like an electric motor as it moved very 5/25/1979 #34578 metallic surface. It made a sound like an electric motor as it moved very 5/25/1979 #34579 overhead emitting a humming sound like an electric generator. (NICAP: 02 - 5/26/1979 #34584 have infiltrated UFO organizations like NICAP and CUFOS, is manipulating UF 6/1979 #34599 r face. It then comes to look more like a paperclip that flashes on and off 6/1979 #34600 ford, Connecticut, watches a disc “like two plates put together” approach f 6/10/1979 #34605 with small lights and what looked like star maps. Ten to twelve humanoids 6/18/1979 #34618 he entered the room. She was human like with black almond-shaped eyes, brow 6/18/1979 #34618 ng out from the surface of the sea like a tower and rose 30 meters into the 6/22/1979 #34625 ng out from the surface of the sea like a tower and rose 30 meters into the 6/22/1979 #34626 covered by a tarp, it looked disc like with a dome; pieces of strange meta 6/27/1979 #34637 t ended in little feet that looked like "boxing gloves." Their faces were b 7/25/1979 #34681 side, followed by 4–5 faint sounds like firecrackers. At 11:19, a commercia 7/27/1979 #34683 ,500 feet altitude, making a noise like a jet or the wind. 8/11/1979 #34731 tice four glowing lights that look like portholes. The object is only 16–65 8/12/1979 #34739 large, luminous object that looks like a football. It appears to be 60 fee 8/16/1979 #34747 s with elongated heads and "puppet like" faces. She remembered being examin 8/19/1979 #34760 a small, transparent object shaped like a lightbulb moving west to east jus Late 8/1979 #34774 above them, illuminating the area like daytime. They looked up and saw a h 8/26/1979 #34783 akes no sound and still looks just like a blinding light. Johnson hears gla 8/27/1979 #34787 see only with difficulty and feels like he is moving in slow motion. At 2:1 8/27/1979 #34787 bout 12 inches in diameter, shaped like a doughnut, reflects light with a s 8/27/1979 #34788 eflects light with a silvery glow “like a blob of mercury,” and has a honey 8/27/1979 #34788 es in a language that sounded more like the twittering of birds than anythi 9/2/1979 #34820 n they notice a silver form shaped like a truck tire with a flat underside 9/9/1979 #34853 "Gee, that looks like a flying saucer," thought the 38-ye 9/9/1979 #34856 e as a three-story house and looks like a gigantic faceted wedding cake wit 9/17/1979 #34896 s. The surrounding area was lit up like daylight. In addition, the car's AM 9/20/1979 #34908 a different angle--said it looked like "two silver deltas connected by a c 9/20/1979 #34909 pped himself against a soft object like an "armchair," which later vanished 9/20/1979 #34909 w. He experienced a visual display like a "time tunnel," including people i 9/20/1979 #34909 ows, and at the top was an antenna like projection. The witness stood about 9/26/1979 #34929 Romania. He notices a gray object like a car in a clearing under a high cl 10/1979 #34937 s toward it and sees it looks more like a metallic disc with a turret and i 10/1979 #34937 work says that the interior looks like a fire has gone through it (though 10/6/1979 #34946 peared to be metallic, with bolts "like a tank," and passed slowly and sile 10/6/1979 #34948 ee a milky-white object that looks like a mace head with protuberances movi 11/15/1979 #35000 New York, when he sees what looks like a solid, 3-foot-tall maple tree sur 11/17/1979 #35004 a whistling sound. A very tall man like figure wearing a shiny silvery outf 11/27/1979 #35022 indbreaker. At the same time a fog like mist surrounded the gas pumps and t 12/2/1979 #35040 he earth from outer space, looking like a marble free-floating in space. Th 12/2/1979 #35040 met a tall green-colored reptilian like humanoid who called himself "Dargos 12/2/1979 #35040 Dijon, Côte d’Or, France. It looks like two “reversed saucers pressed again 12/9/1979 #35062 xt two days, including what looked like National Guard or Army trucks. One 12/10/1979 #35066 cted her to the man, and something like a blood transfusion occurred. A gia 12/10/1979 #35068 4.5 feet tall, and wear what look like spacesuits. The second driver also 12/13/1979 #35079 a highway. They had square objects like boxes and "thermos bottles" slung o 12/13/1979 #35080 hin the light he could see a human like figure. Stunned, he went to the win 12/30/1979 #35104 er than normal. He had what looked like several black dots on his upper bac 12/30/1979 #35104 of his bed. It looked to him more like a holographic image than a solid fi 1/5/1980 #35124 moves past the object, which looks like a “toast rack” with curved sides an 1/14/1980 #35135 hts on the object start flickering like a disco. His headlights go out, and 1/14/1980 #35135 ar in the west at about 45° moving like a balloon with a start- stop motion 4/22/1980 #35285 toward the object, which takes off like a bullet and disappears. 5/1980 #35298 ngle is on the underside. It looks like a Stetson hat as it moves away. 5/7/1980 #35314 , England sighted an object shaped like two curved artillery shells side-by 5/15/1980 #35335 Independencia Park. One was shaped like a "teething ring", the second was s 6/14/1980 #35371 in color, and the third object was like a dot with a halo around it. 6/14/1980 #35371 Oak Park, Illinois, sees an object like a white half-moon with a serrated e 6/15/1980 #35373 A schoolgirl saw what looked like a big monkey-like creature shrink t 6/18/1980 #35380 he southern sky. The lower two are like bright stars, while the upper ones 7/12/1980 #35412 econd. The object itself is shaped like “two straw hats placed brim to brim 8/1980 #35437 ject keeps appearing and vanishing like a will-o’-the-wisp. Occasionally ob Early 8/1980 #35439 ions sighted an object that looked like a "metallic balloon" with two flat 8/3/1980 #35440 e place they came from, it sounded like "Asterisk", but she said she could 8/22/1980 #35475 on an irregular course. It looked like a crescent-shaped portion of a disc 8/23/1980 #35478 object. The photo reportedly looks like three stars in an inverted T shape 8/24/1980 #35479 ingtip only 30 feet away. It looks like a metallic football no larger than 9/4/1980 #35494 th Carolina, when he hears a sound like a swarm of bees. Looking north, he 9/11/1980 #35515 e opening in the clouds that looks like a picture frame. A vivid orange or 9/21/1980 #35524 id orange or red object that looks like the bottom of an Army tank with run 9/21/1980 #35524 Brazil the driver felt a sensation like a cold liquid on his body, and hear 9/25/1980 #35535 im. He remembered seeing two human like beings, one black, the other white, 9/25/1980 #35535 noon two bright yellow UFOs shaped like hamburger buns spproached to within 9/28/1980 #35541 TANGSHAN, CH All lit like day. Cylinder/cigar-shape low and s 10/5/1980 #35554 gton, report a large object shaped like a triangle or diamond with red and 10/7/1980 #35559 with a flashing red light in back like a lopsided triangle. Their animals 10/26/1980 #35589 omfield, Indiana. The object looks like two full moons spaced about 12 feet 10/26/1980 #35591 with a flashing red light in back like a lopsided triangle. Each white lig 10/26/1980 #35591 bed their pigs. The object looked "like facets of a diamond." It moved smoo 10/26/1980 #35592 en it moved further away it looked like a bright orange light in the southw 10/26/1980 #35592 k for another 10 seconds. It banks like an aircraft to the right and its sh 11/2/1980 #35609 a pilots, says that the object is “like an enormous soap bubble” that is co 11/11/1980 #35634 a robe, making him look something like a Biblical prophet. A large black d 11/28/1980 #35680 nd a half feet tall, with headgear like lampshades, which were making a sor 11/28/1980 #35680 U, SICHUAN, CH Night light zigzags like a saw going quickly northeast. Make 12/4/1980 #35694 g the entire surface are what look like boxes and pipes. An officer orders 12/28/1980 #35750 ter tower in Dayton. It was shaped like a diamond with a blunt top. The UFO 12/29/1980 #35758 int-like traces outside. They look like elongated scratch marks about 12 in 1981 #35763 dle section, two circles that look like trapdoors, and two feet that extend 1/8/1981 #35779 h appears on an active road, looks like one made by a car tire. This explan 1/8/1981 #35779 h has distinct outlines, a surface like aluminum, and pointed ends. They ar 1/17/1981 #35793 olored beams of light. Three human like beings cold be clearly seen inside, 2/1981 #35810 Arizona, see a cigar-shaped object like a blimp, white in color with dark v 2/12/1981 #35824 having very large heads, oriental like eyes, gill like ears, and two holes 2/14/1981 #35828 ge heads, oriental like eyes, gill like ears, and two holes instead of a no 2/14/1981 #35828 with pointed chins and yellow cat like eyes (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/15/1981 #35829 ad. This was followed by something like the sound of a diesel truck, althou 2/18/1981 #35832 silver cylinder/cylindrical object like a flute / low altitude over town. A 2/19/1981 #35833 Double cylinder/cylindrical object like Tuna tin over soup can. Roars. Scou 2/19/1981 #35834 :20 a.m. a silver cylinder looking like a flute flew silently over the city 2/19/1981 #35836 sky. At 5:50 p.m. an object shaped like a double cylinder, similar to a tun 2/19/1981 #35836 It made a deep, low-pitched sound like a hydroelectric plant. 2/19/1981 #35837 nder/cylindrical object. Top turns like fruit jar lid. Telepathy? Electro-m 2/23/1981 #35840 e-grey cylinder/cylindrical object like Sci-Fi rocket with color cockpits / 2/26/1981 #35846 pported by three "telescopic" legs like protrusions. He then noticed severa 3/1981 #35855 hind the windows, these were human like, wore helmets and brown uniforms. ( 3/1981 #35855 bjects disappear into "what looked like puffs of smoke." A minute later one 3/1981 #35856 e objects disappear into what look like puffs of smoke. A minute later, one 3/1981 #35859 ntense night light. Columbia River like day! Dims and vanishes. Internation 3/17/1981 #35865 h yellow and orange colors in it...like gases rolling around in there.” Aft 3/30/1981 #35881 m. they saw the small disc, shaped like two saucers, one inverted on top of 4/12/1981 #35894 cribed it as a solid object, shiny like chrome, which tilted and fluttered 4/20/1981 #35909 ders, a thin head and thick turtle like neck. She could not make out any ey 5/1981 #35919 sembling a “melon” with two clouds like a “barbell,” moving in the same dir 5/5/1981 #35930 ounded by a turbulent fog or mist "like smoke from a chimney" followed thei 5/12/1981 #35933 ounded by a turbulent fog or mist "like smoke from a chimney" followed thei 5/12/1981 #35934 st power, and they smelled an odor like antifreeze. 5/12/1981 #35934 up and see a crystal object shaped like a reversed cone gliding downward. I 6/12/1981 #35966 hind a tree and continues whirling like a top and emitting fog. It flies of 6/12/1981 #35966 ad. The object was shaped somewhat like a football with rounded ends, made 6/28/1981 #35980 ee more details, such as two slots like vertically elongated rectangles and 7/12/1981 #36002 eral brightly lit windows and slot like indentations on its surface. A heav 7/12/1981 #36003 when several four-foot tall robot like entities with round heads, no facia 7/15/1981 #36008 is bigger than an airplane, shaped like an arrowhead, and appears to be met 7/30/1981 #36041 human-like), and aliens (short and like the “greys”). He says that UFOs car 7/31/1981 #36047 soft whooshing sound as it passes, like gas escaping from a propane tank. 8/10/1981 #36068 hoosh" sound as the object passed, like gas escaping from a propane tank. 8/10/1981 #36069 e notices a distant light flashing like a strobe far to the south; it is so 8/12/1981 #36070 tter sight, but freezes abruptly, “like something heavy was pushing down on 8/12/1981 #36070 car, fled at high speed. Red dots like puncture marks found on wrists (sec 8/30/1981 #36091 car, fled at high speed. Red dots like puncture marks found on wrists 8/30/1981 #36092 r 30 minutes of his time. Red dots like puncture marks were found on his wr 8/30/1981 #36093 and three months later that looked like a "pale birth mark." 9/10/1981 #36109 unlit center portion appears to be like brushed aluminum with a grid patter 9/18/1981 #36128 en they notice three bright lights like floodlights on the horizon to the n 9/18/1981 #36129 craft that descended on telescopic like legs near the witnesses. A door bec 10/8/1981 #36165 ible on the craft and a tall human like figure then appeared, his arms seem 10/8/1981 #36165 able Björn Fagrell describes it as like two connected railway cars. The obj 10/15/1981 #36172 seen, and shortly one of them felt like stopping again. What happened next 10/24/1981 #36186 stopped in front of him. It looked like it was wearing a toga like the Roma 10/24/1981 #36186 looked like it was wearing a toga like the Romans wore. It stood there for 10/24/1981 #36186 craft that descended on telescopic like landing gear near the witnesses. A 11/8/1981 #36211 dessa. At 6:45 p.m. objects shaped like flaming parachutes, emitting powerf 11/12/1981 #36221 ppeared to be a transparent cabin- like section. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encount End of 1981 #36240 uth of), NM An enormous UFO shaped like an orange ball, and estimated to be 12/8/1981 #36250 New Mexico. An enormous UFO shaped like an orange ball, estimated to be 750 12/8/1981 #36252 In 1981 an enormous UFO shaped like an orange ball, and estimated to be 12/8/1981 #36253 ince, Turkey a bright light shaped like a "flying tray" hovered some 200 to 12/15/1981 #36258 ng taken inside a room with mirror like walls, where he was made to lie dow 12/15/1981 #36259 nd was startled to see a huge fire like light, illuminating a mass clump of 12/17/1981 #36262 clouds at 1,000 feet. It is shaped like a lightbulb, with visible ribs and 12/28/1981 #36279 t. They saw a four-foot tall human like figure float over a nearby fence an 12/29/1981 #36281 ds who were short with clammy skin like a reptile and a head was like a fro 1982 #36290 skin like a reptile and a head was like a frog, and webs on the hands. htt 1982 #36290 a huge section of land separating like giant sliding doors with vegetation 1982 #36292 from the rear of the object looks like “lit up snowflakes.” The rim around 2/10/1982 #36334 from the rear of the object looked like "lit up snowflakes." The rim around 2/10/1982 #36337 he glow is pale blue and is shaped like a cloud, inside of which is an elli 2/19/1982 #36356 n an overcast evening a UFO shaped like a vertical football with three tube 3/21/1982 #36403 ast evening at 9 p.m. a UFO shaped like a vertical football with three tube 3/21/1982 #36405 awakened by a high pitched sound "like a blender running in a box." She lo 4/3/1982 #36432 awakened by a high-pitched sound “like a blender running in a box.” She lo 4/3/1982 #36433 awakened by a high pitched sound "like a blender running in a box." She lo 4/3/1982 #36434 ot appear on their radar. It looks like a cloud with the central part a rai 4/22/1982 #36450 tside her window. She saw two man- like figures staring at her from inside 6/3/1982 #36490 , the center of the ring explodes “like a hand grenade.” It grows larger th 6/18/1982 #36510 onary, noiseless object that looks like a large army helicopter about the s 7/6/1982 #36531 Easley, South Carolina what looked like a "water tank" in a nearby field fl 7/14/1982 #36535 way from it he saw two huge human- like figures standing in the middle of t 7/20/1982 #36537 the sky which moved back and forth like a searchlight. The object had four 8/2/1982 #36559 Poland. Suddenly he hears a sound like an electric motor and sees a rectan Early 8/1982 #36560 the sky which moved back and forth like a searchlight. The object had four 8/10/1982 #36568 ures that seemed clothed in silver like material. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 9/1982 #36589 h Atlantic when they see an object like a full moon, accompanied by a small 9/17/1982 #36607 korovichi, Ukraine. It looks “just like a flying saucer,” but with no porth 10/4/1982 #36634 a.m. an unidentified object shaped like two globes connected by a nozzle wi 10/24/1982 #36664 st. It is silver-colored and looks like a geodesic dome. Within the next ho 10/27/1982 #36666 , 100 feet in diameter, with pocks like a golf ball, near Summit Lake, Alas 10/27/1982 #36667 electricity. A huge object shaped like a manta ray 200 feet across is hove 11/1982 #36668 n the bottom and something looking like a grid encircles its middle. The pi 11/2/1982 #36674 bject she could see a large bubble like window illuminated by a soft white 11/19/1982 #36688 ng over it, making a humming sound like a generator. It flew towards the ba 11/19/1982 #36688 d Joao was missing and what looked like signs of a struggle, so he awakened 11/30/1982 #36703 England sighted a UFO that looked like two semicircles of white light conn 12/10/1982 #36713 ct with windows, looking very much like the one seen by Chiles and Whitted 12/10/1982 #36714 in the air. Just as he thinks he’d like to get a closer look, the object mo 12/31/1982 #36733 y silent, and the front was shaped like a Zeppelin. 2/19/1983 #36767 , tracks it and says that it looks like a deformed pyramid with a pointed t 4/26/1983 #36845 øylandssundet Divers see an object like a submarine conning tower in Husnes 4/27/1983 #36846 told that he was found wandering "like a robot" and he recalled that he ha 7/17/1983 #36913 he object disappears and reappears like a mirage. The witnesses begin runni 8/12/1983 #36949 hat shows the large object looking like a hat standing on its brim, and the 9/3/1983 #36969 that the aliens “were constructed like certain insects we have on Earth.” 11/29/1983 #37057 ght, possible “aliens” constructed like insects here on Earth, according to 11/29/1983 #37058 ncounters a white and green object like a bus about 33 feet long and 10 fee 12/14/1983 #37074 ped object emerges from what looks like an explosion and moves to the south 12/30/1983 #37086 adio picks up strange interference like an “intermittent bleeping.” 1/8/1984 #37113 ss described the object as looking like a football turned up on end, metall 1/9/1984 #37119 metallic object described as blimp like with red lights buzzed two cars on 1/9/1984 #37120 metallic object described as blimp like with red lights buzzed two cars on 1/9/1984 #37127 ze of a small car. He saw an image like a man next to the object. (NICAP: 0 2/7/1984 #37179 the size of a small car. A human- like “image” is standing next to it, but 2/7/1984 #37180 essed a glowing sphere that looked like "masses of silver paper crinkled up 4/19/1984 #37273 essed a glowing sphere that looked like "masses of silver paper crinkled up 4/19/1984 #37276 ward a large silvery object shaped like a house key. The cloud moves along 4/25/1984 #37293 had to do with time or something; like the connective tissue of reality wa 5/1984 #37308 ay, pulled apart. It was very much like something popped in our reality.” 5/1984 #37308 5A transport, the object is shaped like a flattened football. A car stops a 5/5/1984 #37316 ina, when they see a strange light like a fireball. The truck stops, and la 5/5/1984 #37318 s. Going west. Going east. Unfolds like a butterfly. 6/4/1984 #37350 t about 2 miles away. It is shaped like a “frying pan turned upside down” w Mid 6/1984 #37364 a rosy neon glow from what looked like a cylindrical "tailpipe". The UFO w 6/15/1984 #37365 even and smooth, its color yellow like that of an egg yolk, with three pie 6/15/1984 #37365 visible, was something that looked like a pipe. It glowed with an unnatural 6/15/1984 #37365 an unnaturally bright rosy color, like a neon lamp. The top of the middle 6/15/1984 #37365 's rays. The craft then flared up, like a spark, and was gone instantly. 6/15/1984 #37365 nto, CA 11:00 AM. An object shaped like the rounded-off "tail fin" of an ai 6/22/1984 #37374 In 1984, an object shaped like the rounded-off "tail fin" of an ai 6/22/1984 #37375 necticut, for 20 minutes. It looks like a big Ferris Wheel on its side. 6/25/1984 #37380 f three football fields and shaped like a cone. It passes directly over Uni 7/24/1984 #37416 hts on the edge flash sequentially like a theater marquee. After a bit, all Late 9/1984 #37469 nly it flips on its side and turns like a Ferris wheel. After 30 seconds, i 10/5/1984 #37477 ouse windows. They saw what looked like an eye-like orb peering in through 12/31/1984 #37538 at 6:10 p.m. They saw what looked like an eye-like orb peering in through 12/31/1984 #37539 ed by the vibrating object looking like an “upturned basin.” The train appe 2/1985 #37552 ddle, and were wearing what looked like blue ski suits. The female was abou 5/9/1985 #37589 ow brightened. Then a craft shaped like a football and the size of two larg 5/9/1985 #37589 ices through, he hears what sounds like a hailstorm on a tin roof and he se 7/1985 #37613 of light that moved back and forth like a searchlight. The beam stopped, th 8/2/1985 #37635 s). 4 25' saucers / 1K' altitude. "Like rocking parachutes". Last seen sout 1/26/1986 #37770 wn six times. A very bright light, like flames from a welding torch, was ob 1/29/1986 #37776 peculiar vibrating motion. It is “like a black mirror with a small, white 2/4/1986 #37779 Kingston, New York, see an object “like a giant Ferris wheel” the size of a 3/26/1986 #37811 bright red-orange UFOs, not at all like stars or planes. They attempted to 5/19/1986 #37874 d or red-orange lights “not at all like stars or planes.” Aborting the land 5/19/1986 #37880 s. "No plane I know can make turns like that at 1,000 km/h," Capt. Viriato 5/19/1986 #37882 rver. 12cm orange ball darts about like hummingbird. Vanishes. Sky = overca 6/10/1986 #37908 ing white hooded tunics with cowls like the kind worn by monks. These cover 6/20/1986 #37918 entarily, then all 10 dart around “like crazy fireflies” for a minute befor Fall 1986 #38035 of our face, shooting off lights (like numerous exhaust pipes). The inside 11/17/1986 #38068 ones toward their right. It looks like an airplane fuselage without any ma 3/6/1987 #38130 from a huge reddish object shaped like a straw hat that is hovering above 3/7/1987 #38132 that my outside light looked just like a small light bulb, [and I] couldn' 3/23/1987 #38153 l around the object it looked just like a thick orange fog. The lower part 3/23/1987 #38153 tes they hear a high-pitched sound like a car horn and the red light disapp Late 7/1987 #38218 the daughters sees a large object like a vertical white TV screen 10 feet Late 7/1987 #38218 look she saw three floating human like figures approaching the light. The 8/2/1987 #38226 uth, Devon, England. Describing it like a “flying fairground” at 38,000 fee 8/4/1987 #38228 lights hovers. Going quickly [to] like bullet. Stops. Shoots srt up. 8/11/1987 #38236 val, hovered; brightened, took off like a shot, left white trail; stopped a 8/11/1987 #38237 val, hovered; brightened, took off like a shot, left white trail. Stopped a 8/11/1987 #38238 s, becomes brighter, and takes off like a shot, leaving a white trail. It t 8/11/1987 #38240 red, brightened, and then took off like a "shot out of a rifle" on this nig 8/11/1987 #38243 oes. It also has a wrinkled mouth “like an old grandma’s.” The boys estimat 8/31/1987 #38265 oes. It also had a wrinkled mouth "like an old grandma's." The boys estimat 8/31/1987 #38266 l to a clearing and sees an object like a dark triangle hovering silently i Mid 10/1987 #38305 Florida some kids saw what looked like an "extra streetlight" glide behind 12/10/1987 #38353 vel and turned off all illuminated like a light turned off with a switch. A 12/25/1987 #38373 to promote positive film projects like Close Encounters and ET; some of MJ 12/29/1987 #38379 oving up and down along the bridge like a sine wave for 30 minutes. It stop 1/5/1988 #38405 l of whom wore some type of shield like coverings. They had large black ova 1/12/1988 #38411 nd its perimeter that are spinning like a slowly moving fan. From the top o 1/19/1988 #38416 Around the perimeter were openings like wind scoops, which spun about fairl 1/19/1988 #38417 from which extended rotary blades like those seen on helicopters. The craf 1/19/1988 #38417 thing in the world. Nothing. Just like the world stood still." Then the de 1/19/1988 #38417 low light in the center and looked like the sketch below. The "egg-cup" sha 1/20/1988 #38423 the two counties. Its interior is like a “swirling liquid (or fire embers) 2/4/1988 #38439 dgerow. The mist is making a noise like rushing air. The dog owner gets out 2/9/1988 #38448 low cloud of something that looked like fog was seen straddling a hedgerow 2/9/1988 #38449 t glowed brightly and made a noise like rushing air. A dog ran into it and 2/9/1988 #38449 l rows of lights that make it look like a “cruise ship in the sky.” The obj 2/10/1988 #38452 aw hovering object, intense lights like searchlights in a triangle. Climbed 2/11/1988 #38457 overing object with intense lights like searchlights arranged in a triangle 2/11/1988 #38458 ids. "Floating city / sky" windows like airport/apartment bldg. 2/16/1988 #38468 IDE Taxi driver. Top-shaped object like balloon but maneuvers. No further d 2/24/1988 #38476 r five minutes before it "took off like streak of lightning. It just disap 3/1/1988 #38479 allic-gray, football-shaped object like a blimp is silently rocking back an 3/4/1988 #38487 a silver rod and covered in a box like suit. He was then unable to move. T 5/1/1988 #38551 that twisted down his spinal cord like an electrical shock, and he was abl 5/1/1988 #38551 egan to struggle and a sour smell, like mildew filled Walters nostrils. Fin 5/1/1988 #38551 of the base there is a white light like a fluorescent lamp. 9/25/1988 #38649 to and fro over trees. Blinks out like a light. 10/5/1988 #38663 ed to be surrounded by what looked like a glowing white light. He suddently 10/24/1988 #38687 mond-shaped craft covered in tiles like those used on the Space Shuttle. It 11/12/1988 #38714 k-like object that has a dull glow like copper. The CINDACTA III radar stil 12/1/1988 #38733 ghly polished silver object shaped like an ellipse. It is emitting a hummin 12/4/1988 #38743 views at EG&G again for what seems like a part-time position. 12/5/1988 #38746 . Silent "flying whale". DWG looks like windsock. Bright light. 1/22/1989 #38790 Fork, Indiana sighted a UFO shaped like sperm whale without the tail at 9:3 1/23/1989 #38798 he humanoids wore white, astronaut like suits, and had black hair and large 2/7/1989 #38820 t, allowing one to look through it like a window. According to Lazar, the f 3/1989 #38855 found mutilated. Impossible laser like cuts. No UFO seen. 3/10/1989 #38870 ht of 4 miles. Dobre hears a noise like the rustle of a flight of birds; un Late 3/1989 #38880 a slowly descending object shaped like “two spheres connected by together 4/15/1989 #38907 “two spheres connected by together like a stem.” They are golden with a whi 4/15/1989 #38907 ston, Connecticut an object shaped like a flying wing with red, yellow, and 5/4/1989 #38936 ith the light turned off it looked like a blue boomerang. 5/4/1989 #38936 nkling, rectangular object shaped “like a loaf of bread” hovering above the 6/24/1989 #38994 collarless silver shirts that look like nightgowns. They tell the women the 7/4/1989 #39007 very pale and had identical faces, like identical twins. The had long blond 7/4/1989 #39009 llarless silver shirts that looked like nightgowns. They bluntly told the w 7/4/1989 #39009 the craft. It was silvery colored like their clothing and looked like a hu 7/4/1989 #39009 red like their clothing and looked like a huge barrel with a circular anten 7/4/1989 #39009 it was high in the sky and looked like a small star. 7/4/1989 #39009 age. The object has a central ring like the planet Saturn, except that it i 7/6/1989 #39013 tted a huge metallic disc, shining like polished aluminum, at the 9 o'clock 7/22/1989 #39030 was making huge jumps--not at all like a human being”, he said. Saitov and 8/10/1989 #39051 a slow shape change, from looking like a "coolie hat" to circular. The upp 8/10/1989 #39054 engineer saw maneuvering airship- like object September 24 (section IV). 8 9/14/1989 #39100 engineer saw maneuvering airship- like object September 24 (section IV). ( 9/14/1989 #39100 t, Florida at 8:00 p.m. It looked “like two Hershey’s Kisses attached toget 9/14/1989 #39102 ped objects engaged in what looked like an aerial battle or "dogfight" with 9/16/1989 #39109 eyes, the middle one moving around like “radar.” On its chest is a shield-l 9/27/1989 #39124 eyes, the middle one moving around like"radar." On its chest there was a sh 9/27/1989 #39126 her mother, but her voice sounded like an echo inside a “barrel.” When she 10/11/1989 #39164 ly then shoots away making a noise like a sonic boom. 10/12/1989 #39166 shed about 50 feet away. An object like “two pie plates rim to rim” is moti 10/13/1989 #39169 down. Soon two beings and a robot like entity came out. The two beings car 10/28/1989 #39191 tion. The robot then began walking like a normal human. The robot walked up 10/28/1989 #39191 amily watches the UFO, which looks like an upside-down cup and saucer. The 11/4/1989 #39214 gh the curtains. They hear a noise like an electric generator and feel a vi 11/20/1989 #39241 his window, and hears a soft sound like an electric motor. The object is la 11/29/1989 #39275 the craft that was turning round, like a turbine." At 7:00 p.m. a close en 11/29/1989 #39277 na. It was escorted by what looked like four black, Huey-model helicopters. 12/1/1989 #39294 ge and Gembloux, Belgium. It looks like a series of 3–4 panels of light tra 12/11/1989 #39313 ed at least ten papers on subjects like EMP hardening, EMP simulation and E 1990 #39357 ose, a mouth, and teeth that looks like they were made there. They were dre 1990 #39358 t of Earth, and their blood looked like oil. The bodies were light brown, a 1990 #39358 r road. Beam lights trees and lawn like daylight. 1/11/1990 #39373 because they do not make movements like an airplane or helicopter. Intercep 1/22/1990 #39387 of the oval craft glowed dark red like red-hot charcoal while the object l 2/18/1990 #39422 . It has some structures that look like riveted plates. The object remains 2/21/1990 #39425 clearly captures an object shaped like a bell. 2/28/1990 #39432 n by three groups of objects, some like pineapples (with platelets) but abo 3/12/1990 #39456 but about 18 feet long. Others are like “triangular milk cartons,” and the 3/12/1990 #39456 cartons,” and the third group are like upside-down basins about 40 feet ac 3/12/1990 #39456 holes. Beam going up and down [to] like a signal. Loops and away. 3/13/1990 #39457 reported encountering a tall robot like creature in the outskirts of the ci 3/24/1990 #39485 hway in Russia, many of which look like large “triangular milk cartons.” Th Early 4/1990 #39506 f Breeze, Florida, sees what looks like a jet fighter about to crash. Two m 4/5/1990 #39511 n Florida see an object that looks like a long isosceles triangle with a ce 4/10/1990 #39516 on the bottom of the platform look like “an aircraft carrier turned upside 4/22/1990 #39539 d structures on bottom that looked like "an aircraft carrier turned upside 4/22/1990 #39541 odd sound and sees a landed object like an overturned bowl. He estimates it 7/9/1990 #39640 et tall, and has a nauseating odor like burned chocolate. About 15 entities 7/9/1990 #39640 ants with a prod and hopping about like kangaroos. They are about 4.5 feet 7/9/1990 #39640 r deep-green uniforms and headgear like welding masks. Their fingers resemb 7/9/1990 #39640 n each side. A belt of white light like a large neon tube runs along two si 7/26/1990 #39663 f a larger belt-buckle. Shiny neon like light shone from the buckle, which 7/29/1990 #39667 llowish-orange in color and looked like their were connected to something v 8/5/1990 #39681 An object like a shiny dime shot straight up in th 8/6/1990 #39682 A UFO shaped like an octagonal donut hovered over a c 9/7/1990 #39719 two were seated behind what looked like a control panel. The object later b 9/13/1990 #39732 e object. Strekalov says it “shone like the balls that hang on trees at Chr 9/27/1990 #39748 dy red light. The object is shaped like a pyramid with the apex pointing fo 10/23/1990 #39807 observed a large triangular object like a plane, but changing direction eas 10/26/1990 #39813 ngular object lights entire region like day. 1/9/1991 #39948 t outside to briefly see a missile like object fly over, heading west. Late 3/6/1991 #40000 , a brittle brownish-black plastic like material like Bakelite; and fragmen 3/6/1991 #40002 ownish-black plastic like material like Bakelite; and fragments of I-beams 3/6/1991 #40002 parently upset by a peculiar sound like a phonograph record played at the w 3/31/1991 #40025 the wreckage of a “strange craft” like looking through a fog; they saw thr 4/12/1991 #40038 boys, emitting a strange "chatter" like noise. The boys threw fruit at it a 5/15/1991 #40064 laimed to have seen two "werewolf" like beings float by. The other witness 6/15/1991 #40098 ey were lifting bodies that looked like inverted bathtubs that looked like 7/1991 #40108 like inverted bathtubs that looked like a “pod” or short-range recon probe. 7/1991 #40108 sensors on high altitude aircraft like the X-2, X-15 and U-2, plus cameras 7/1991 #40108 luminum colored domed disc, shaped like a baseball cap without the visor, w 7/24/1991 #40131 Tech SOG and Sea Spray SOG. Terms like Red Flag, Dark East, Dark South, Pa 7/28/1991 #40136 his family noticed that he smelled like "burnt cinnamon." He also found red 11/9/1991 #40224 ft high over houses. Apparent size like moon. 2nd similar but higher. 11/17/1991 #40233 white object floating in his barn, like a jellyfish with things like tentac 1/4/1992 #40277 barn, like a jellyfish with things like tentacles hanging from the bottom. 1/4/1992 #40277 phony plane drifts west going east like a balloon! 2/9/1992 #40326 n / 8 minute(s). Bad video / audio like sonar! 3/3/1992 #40344 during a snowstorm, making a sound like increasing rain on a canvas tent. 3/3/1992 #40350 lights, and he heard what sounded like radio transmissions. The five being 3/5/1992 #40359 rd a low frequency rumbling sound, like that of a train on idle. Then a bri 3/9/1992 #40367 bombers (Northrop Grumman) “would like to have.” Dames claims Psi-Tech “tr 3/9/1992 #40368 o answer. Next, he saw what looked like a huge luminous cloud which created 4/12/1992 #40414 us cloud which created what looked like a curtain across the highway. He dr 4/12/1992 #40414 to a shiny metallic craft, shaped like a flattened arch with rounded ends. 4/12/1992 #40414 ary personnel saw an object shaped like a cigar descend towards the ground 4/20/1992 #40425 USSEX Low silent UFO looks exactly like plane. Maneuvers. 5/1/1992 #40440 s. They thought its outline looked like a DC-9 airplane about to crash, but 5/1/1992 #40443 family members again saw a shadow like figure with claws move out of the h 5/5/1992 #40454 NE, QUEENSLAND Bright light shaped like inverted plate with hump. 5/8/1992 #40459 that he looked into triangular UAP like those seen in Belgium from 1989-199 5/22/1992 #40469 riated for it. Intelligence groups like AFOSI continue to cover, distort, d 5/22/1992 #40469 t] program, we don’t have anything like that…it was definitely not, it was 5/22/1992 #40469 uction phenomenon. UFO researchers like Budd Hopkins, David Jacobs, and Mac 6/13/1992 #40492 hat follow, this gives researchers like Joseph Nyman a foundation stone aut 6/13/1992 #40492 rms a support group to help others like him. The details of his 1992 abduct 7/23/1992 #40530 s next feels weird and dreamlike, “like looking through binoculars, but thr 7/23/1992 #40530 er(s). Fireball lights up campsite like day. Shoots away. 7/25/1992 #40534 hted a 50 foot-long object looking like the fuselage of a Lockheed SR-71. 8/5/1992 #40553 Dull metallic sphere. Fuzzy edges like air disturbed. 8/8/1992 #40558 two orbs on top, looking something like a Mickey Mouse cap, over a parking 8/10/1992 #40564 The touch was very painful, almost like an "electric shock", and then the a 8/13/1992 #40569 at it is a solid object that looks like a manta ray with a dull-black matte 8/19/1992 #40583 cylinder/cylindrical object saucer like can with 2 rings descends going wes 9/2/1992 #40602 ning around the object in sequence like on a Christmas tree. A cloud of fog 9/4/1992 #40610 couple witnessed an object shaped like two triangles connected by cylinder 9/10/1992 #40616 shaped disc with 5 rounded points, like a discoid with 5 bites taken out of 9/10/1992 #40617 body of the craft was disc-shaped, like a plate upside down, with a smaller 9/16/1992 #40623 ea. He described it as having eyes like those of humans but red in color an 9/22/1992 #40635 ular room, which had an exam table like a couch. They jabbe him in the neck 9/30/1992 #40649 o report a brightly lit UFO shaped like a “squashed rugby ball” hovering ab 11/1992 #40699 from the brush. It moved stiffly, like a robot, never turning its head or 11/20/1992 #40721 hat struck upward, then fanned out like a flower, reminiscent of a firework 12/1992 #40736 ed lights on the underside, lit up like a Christmas tree. 12/1/1992 #40739 t] program, we don’t have anything like that,” though it is unknown what co 12/22/1992 #40762 .m. They carried hand-held devices like black flashlights. One spoke in a c 12/29/1992 #40770 aneuver 2-nights running. Area lit like day. 1/12/1993 #40792 one carrying something that looked like a "trumpet". Later Harold had a biz 1/12/1993 #40794 rned over in bed she heard a sound like a train and then a sound like an au 1/27/1993 #40816 ound like a train and then a sound like an automatic door closing. She woke 1/27/1993 #40816 to was taken of a stealth-aircraft like UFO in Gadsden, Alabama. The US Air 1/28/1993 #40817 ). Boxy object with rotating light like flying police van 200M over town. 2/28/1993 #40865 earn new things. After what seemed like five minutes he was returned to an 3/16/1993 #40886 orage shed she noticed what looked like a large fruit silo in a nearby fiel 3/20/1993 #40894 lls that clung tightly to his body like a second skin. He also wore a helme 3/30/1993 #40907 pproximately 1,000 feet.” It looks like two white lights with a faint red g 3/31/1993 #40914 e UFO fire a narrow beam of light (like a laser) at the ground and watches 3/31/1993 #40914 r(s) and maneuver. Light mountains like day. 4/6/1993 #40928 ights and one white light arranged like a triangle above Muskegon Lake. The 4/26/1993 #40951 two red lights move back and forth like a pendulum before heading south. An 4/26/1993 #40951 ntucky, when Graham sees something like a small fire off to his left. Downs 4/28/1993 #40953 ir-to-air combat. It looks nothing like a triangular UFO and cannot match t 4/29/1993 #40956 3,000 feet. The object was shaped like a triangular and had several red li 4/30/1993 #40959 domed disc-shaped object, looking like a Mexican sombrero with light all t 7/9/1993 #41055 away from the area. It now looked like a helicopter with a red pulsating l 7/27/1993 #41091 aliens stooped over her naked body like he was kissing her navel. That nigh 8/8/1993 #41118 LVANGE, FR 2 observer(s). Fireball like white flare / arms length. Hovers / 8/11/1993 #41127 or beams coming from its interior like three pencils of light. 8/14/1993 #41139 DUNSTABLE, BEDFORDS Round UFO like satellite dish. Shoots off / amazin 8/19/1993 #41147 lowed / helicopter. Ovoid vanishes like light dimmer! 9/8/1993 #41188 Mexico City, Mexico, see an object like a balloon, but it is going too fast 9/16/1993 #41199 One pilot describes it as looking like a praying mantis. 9/16/1993 #41199 om, and she described it as shaped like a woman's compact. It had red and g 10/6/1993 #41222 at treetop level, and made a sound like a jet. 10/8/1993 #41227 In what seemed like a dream-like state, late on this ni 11/15/1993 #41278 humming sound. It was shaped more like an arrowhead with lights, and scare 11/21/1993 #41288 An object that looked like a globe on a pedestal followed two 12/31/1993 #41338 utilized for UAP research as well, like Kissner suggests, and if elements o 1994 #41349 At 9:30 p.m. what looked like a B-17 aircraft rumbled by Mennecy, 3/14/1994 #41458 urning swirl of water, that looked like a waterspout below the UFO. 4/26/1994 #41505 ght with a big hole in the middle, like a giant polo mint" or donut. It was 5/15/1994 #41527 ip, Ohio Cincinnati Day. An object like a balloon suddenly appears in the s 6/1994 #41545 harm and there were 14 others just like him, hiding in the nearby woods. It 6/8/1994 #41558 er 500M from mountain peak. Vanish like magic. 7/15/1994? #41620 a low altitude. It looks somewhat like the Moon, but it starts moving from 8/31/1994 #41707 a near a road and hovers. It looks like a domed disc with a white strobe li 8/31/1994 #41707 ht on the bottom flashes 3–4 times like a strobe, then the object it disapp 8/31/1994 #41707 s. Some of them were wearing robes like monks, but the ones without robes w 9/11/1994 #41734 entered another room that smelled like wet concrete or lime. There he reme 9/11/1994 #41734 ed through the area making a noise like a locomotive engine. There was larg 11/30/1994 #41872 king to themselves in a low murmur like chatter. The witness was alarmed to 12/15/1994 #41895 c information string intcomm which like before he inputs into his terminal Early 1995 #41927 k hovers. Going quickly [to] away "like lightning". No further details. 1/2/1995 #41936 bout a minute, and then shot away “like lightning.” 1/2/1995 #41940 e. One of them is hairy and clawed like a sloth, the other is apparently de 1/12/1995 #41971 other is apparently dead and looks like a child. The object is lightweight, 1/12/1995 #41971 e time a transparent craft, shaped like a multi-sided crystal, with two oth 1/17/1995 #41981 The figure was wearing what looked like a flowing tunic, and a conical hat 2/9/1995 #42031 oman's, and it carried that looked like a baton in one hand. The man fled f 2/9/1995 #42031 He described the creature as built like an orangutan, with a reddish-orange 2/10/1995 #42033 9:00 p.m. when they heard a noise like an engine and a saw a strong light 2/23/1995 #42060 t outdoors and spotted what looked like a helicopter land at the nearby "Ga 2/23/1995 #42060 then briefly saw two short, "robot like creatures" standing next to the obj 2/23/1995 #42060 ntensity, and then started to look like a Zeppelin with a tail. It rotated, 3/14/1995 #42095 l has portholes. The object buzzes like a “giant electric beater.” He gets 3/30/1995 #42127 D, CA 2 observer(s). 3 odd objects like green sheets / laser light. Shoot b 4/3/1995 #42135 ge object on a side road. It looks like a cloud but is stationary. Then it 4/10/1995 #42145 stead of a beak it had what looked like the muzzle of a wolf. The creature 4/23/1995 #42173 r. Flying clockface with crossbars like clock hands. Going [to] behind tree 5/6/1995 #42180 aucers over neighbor's house. Look like fireballs. 5/19/1995 #42214 to do with abductions. Data points like lat/long, potentiality for recall, Mid 1995 #42258 s cease. They felt heavy pressure, like a static charge in the air. Plates 7/15/1995 #42304 lies parallel to the 727. It looks like an inverted flying saucer as large 7/31/1995 #42347 me size as the 727, and was shaped like an inverted flying saucer. 7/31/1995 #42348 tling noise. Small saucer descends like / feather. Red and yellow lights. 8/3/1995 #42355 ellow-orange radiators. It sounded like a transformer, flew from north to s 8/5/1995 #42359 onger and located closer together, like fingers. Mr. Brzinski said that the 8/11/1995 #42376 backward with its force. It stung like needles and caused him pain, causin 8/11/1995 #42376 an amazingly smooth stride, almost like it was walking on air. It seemed to 8/15/1995 #42390 bright, dome-shaped object looking like a speckled "bicycle helmet" hovered 9/11/1995 #42456 Flashes colored lights. "Bounces" like a ball in sky! 9/20/1995 #42489 o, Nevada at 3:30 a.m. It "bounced like a ball" in the sky. 9/20/1995 #42492 ject with blue lights "flaps wings like a pterodactyl". 10/2/1995 #42531 disappeared, three figures looking like women were seen standing in the mid 10/27/1995 #42566 ifornia and engaged in what looked like a "dog-fight" with loops; they appe 10/28/1995 #42568 Lothian, Scotland saw what looked like "a new type of ship. It looked like 11/8/1995 #42588 ike "a new type of ship. It looked like a giant Frisbee" between the Forth 11/8/1995 #42588 he Clyde Canal. The occupants were like the Greys, except their eyes were r 11/8/1995 #42588 ted seeing a large creature shaped like a bird that fluttered away while ma 11/28/1995 #42628 hen she smelled something pungent, like sulfur, which irritated her throat. 1/4/1996 #42666 es from Varginha, he hears a sound like an engine rumbling, so he stops by 1/13/1996 #42681 is covered with debris that looks like tinfoil. He picks up a larger piece 1/13/1996 #42681 d right and going down. Trajectory like inverted marine anchor. 1/14/1996 #42683 and it made a soft buzzing sound, like a bee. The creature was reported to 1/20/1996 #42697 ground. It looked to be trembling like a curtain, and was emitting a smoke 1/20/1996 #42697 creature emitted a strange buzzing like sound. Others saw strange cigar-sha 1/20/1996 #42697 ha. The objects formed what seemed like a protective circle around a larger 1/31/1996 #42729 E, QLD 8 observer(s). Campsite lit like day. Silent ovoid / 30M altitude. H 2/1996 #42730 ith elongated eyes and what looked like a fin on their foreheads. The being 4/17/1996 #42872 was a continuous girdle of light "like a rainbow." The colors changed from 7/8/1996 #42950 es made by the humanoids, sounding like "rain in a drain pipe." Both descri 7/8/1996 #42950 a girdle of lights around the edge like a rainbow. After 2 minutes it rises 7/9/1996 #42952 power lines. The craft was shaped like a dome and was a shiny metallic col 7/16/1996 #42959 trees for 4-5 minutes. It appeared like "polished steel". It made not sound 7/17/1996 #42962 ut half a meter tall, and had slit like lights along the edge. Three circul 7/17/1996 #42962 what appeared to be a large form, like a white-silvery blanket approach fr 7/22/1996 #42963 luorescent green light that turned like a gyrosphere. It was at four meters 9/11/1996 #43016 to 3 feet tall, with heads shaped like light bulbs and skinny limbs that m 9/16/1996 #43026 n the outside and had indentations like the crenulations of a brain. The ob 9/23/1996 #43039 , swinging its arms back and forth like a soldier. It had long arms that en 9/24/1996 #43041 craft bobs going up and down [to] like a kite under low cloud cover. 10/3/1996 #43049 e northern sky. One object, shaped like a “topper” and much larger than an 10/15/1996 #43070 heir car for 20 minutes. They feel like “time was stopped.” Dozens of other 10/15/1996 #43070 n a peculiar language that sounded like Spanish, invited the witness to com 12/9/1996 #43133 en that showed strange holographic like images, including dinosaur like ani 12/9/1996 #43133 ic like images, including dinosaur like animals. When he asked them when th 12/9/1996 #43133 p models he has crafted with items like trashcan lids, carpet tacks, and ot 1997 #43155 ments later she heard what sounded like "heavy steps splashing in water." S 1/2/1997 #43164 as awakened at two a.m. by a noise like an explosion and a strident whistli 1/5/1997 #43166 light and then saw a large object, like sunlight reflecting off metal, rise 1/28/1997 #43179 ing in the face, and his skin felt like hard plastic. She struggled some mo 2/24/1997 #43207 en bit the being; she said it felt like biting a cold piece of ham. After a 2/24/1997 #43207 In Burnie, Tasmania a clear jelly like substance with yellow flakes in it 2/27/1997 #43213 deteriorated into a thin, plastic like cover on the lawn. 2/27/1997 #43213 r Whitehorse, Yukon, by an object “like a small satellite dish.” At one poi 3/30/1997 #43244 dred white lights moving in unison like a swarm of bees, each carrying its 4/15/1997 #43261 from view at 8:30 p.m. It looked like two shallow saucers, lip to lip. T 5/5/1997 #43288 o lip. The body of the object was like the tail of a comet in its consiste 5/5/1997 #43288 , NM and delivered to US companies like Hughes Aircraft, Bell Labs and IBM. 6/1997 #43308 o be a lock of hair, tied up tight like a ponytail, that suck up straight f 6/5/1997 #43311 g-shaped object glides above them “like a huge bat” at low altitude. Its un 7/1997 #43344 ferent location, this time looking like two light balls joined together. Th 7/14/1997 #43350 hole in the center. It had a tail like protrusion on its rear and two ante 7/23/1997 #43359 usion on its rear and two antennas like protrusions on top. Two of the witn 7/23/1997 #43359 came up with “false cover stories” like ice crystals and temperature invers 8/3/1997 #43365 n noticed a "pilot" with something like a form-fitting hood over his head, 9/9/1997 #43403 told police that she heard a noise like a helicopter, looked out her window 10/16/1997 #43430 cated by using grunts that sounded like a foreign language. Her conscious m 10/18/1997 #43432 ish Columbia, see an object shaped like an “@” sign. It zooms into view and 12/14/1997 #43460 light out of its center. Something like a small figure was taken up inside 12/14/1997 #43461 her form came down from the light, like floating in a horizontal position. 12/14/1997 #43462 Halifax, Nova Scotia An object like an “airplane wing cross-sectioned” 12/22/1997 #43471 ked triangular in shape. It looked like some triangular UAP sightings in th Late 1990's #43480 t] program, we don’t have anything like that…it was definitely not, it was Late 1990's #43480 ng hybrids that look less and less like the gray aliens. Another series of 1/1998 #43482 o sound propagated through the air like normal sound. This technology in it 2/17/1998 #43522 s could be transmitted to be heard like the spoken word, except that it cou 2/17/1998 #43522 A UFO that looked like an irregular triangle with rounded 4/11/1998 #43547 The witness heard something like a police siren as the teardrop-shap 4/21/1998 #43554 en they heard a noise that sounded like someone trying to open the rear doo 4/27/1998 #43559 g. At her feet stood a tall, human like figure, with black hair, large eyes 6/8/1998 #43584 so saw an ocean that had something like a waterspout in the middle of it. S 7/11/1998 #43601 ing a large head and a small body "like a puppet." He was about four feet t 8/8/1998 #43620 d in a field. It was crouched down like an old woman gathering weeds. When 8/21/1998 #43634 in color with its head was shaped like an inverted pear. It had no nose, a 8/24/1998 #43637 ing creature was wearing something like an "astronaut suit" because from ti 9/14/1998 #43646 Its color was pasty and it looked like a lot of veins covered its head. Th 9/25/1998 #43652 hts were extremely bright “it felt like it was daytime again.” The group w 10/1998 #43656 known language. Some of it sounded like: "arc-ha-an rha-ehn-raxh ehn." 11/25/1998 #43684 known language; some of it sounded like "arc-ha-an rha-ehn-raxh ehn." 11/29/1998 #43689 lights are so bright that it looks like daytime. The guards report the inci 12/1998 #43694 M away low over field. Lights area like day. Speeds up going west. 12/21/1998 #43701 a witnessed a flying object shaped like a stingray approach from the south. 12/23/1998 #43702 , watch a flying object that looks like a black wedge with two bright headl 3/24/1999 #43750 fore emitting a giant ray of light like a huge spotlight. 5/10/1999 #43768 their own scientists at Los Alamos like Claytor. https://www.bibliotecaple 5/17/1999 #43770 ed object, with a surface texture "like a sponge", flew near a mountain in 6/4/1999 #43779 White filamentous threads like "angel hair" fell for five hours fr 6/9/1999 #43783 A craft that at first looked like a mobile home took off vertically f 7/23/1999 #43812 :20 p.m. It was lit up with lights like a Ferris wheel. 8/8/1999 #43818 that had a hollow central section, like a donut. He could not see any instr 8/14/1999 #43822 heir noses were large and "potato" like. Their mouths were large and wide, 8/14/1999 #43822 heads were two large pointy ears, like those of a wolf. Their skin was lig 8/14/1999 #43822 d it as a dull-gray metallic disc, like two quarters on edge. It was first 8/16/1999 #43824 eings were red and fiery, and were like slits. The UFOs did not land, but h 10/17/1999 #43862 e ground. There was a sudden sound like thunder, and the objects abruptly v 10/17/1999 #43862 received the reply, “I just don’t like women.” The being now approached he 10/26/1999 #43866 vince, in a UFO. The entities look like humans but have large hands and are 12/1999 #43890 minous bowl-shaped UFO with a tail like a parabola flew across the sky from 12/19/1999 #43900 anagement and civilian contractors like BDM, SAIC, Boeing, Lockheed and the 2000 #43914 er lights sprinkled on the surface like "starfield camouflage." This was on 1/5/2000 #43922 aw a bright light beam that looked like the spotlight from a police helicop 1/18/2000 #43931 hanged to a straight line, looking like balls of fire, giving off what seem 1/29/2000 #43936 ot." He also heard a hissing sound like air escaping from a punctured tire. 1/30/2000 #43937 shaped object that looked a little like a plane, but was fatter and shorter 3/1/2000 #43960 a low rumbling noise that sounded like: "Anong balita, anong balita." Look 3/12/2000 #43966 what appeared to be a naked, human like creature with white hair and glowin 3/12/2000 #43966 owing rings imbedded in its wrists like shiny cufflinks. It leapt away with 3/12/2000 #43966 lly vertical cliff using reptilian like movements, and seemed to expand as 4/26/2000 #43986 or tugging at something that felt like a rope going through her body from 5/17/2000 #43996 area and was described as looking like "trees were on fire." It hovered, t 6/7/2000 #44001 upward direction. A roaring sound like a jet engine was heard one minute l 6/13/2000 #44003 ed a figure dressed in what looked like a long dark coat sitting on a nearb 7/11/2000 #44014 is gone, the witness sees a flash like an explosion. About 15 minutes late 7/17/2000 #44021 nal balls and something that looks like a helicopter, all traveling west to 8/5/2000 #44028 and the third had eyes that glowed like diamonds. The men did not say anyth 8/11/2000 #44030 sky at 9:30 p.m. with what looked like bicycle spokes coming out of it. An 9/11/2000 #44038 was on the outside of the object, like a "wheel within a wheel". "What ama 9/11/2000 #44038 t 9:30 a.m. a white object, shaped like the number "8", rose vertically ver 9/19/2000 #44042 he witnesses observed two fireball like objects collide. One then went stra 9/20/2000 #44043 et above the ground. Next, a noise like a thunder clap was heard, and a pan 10/19/2000 #44060 worth Street when he heard a sound like a moan and then saw a flash of ligh 10/28/2000 #44063 othaches and smelled a strong odor like body odor with no known source. 10/28/2000 #44063 and he was able to see what looked like lighted windows on the object. Next 11/30/2000 #44094 in an irregular pattern something like an elongated egg shape. 12/11/2000 #44100 ilding. It makes unusual maneuvers like a figure-8 and zigzags, and is join 12/24/2000 #44109 ring and swaying around. They look like they are changing color from metall 1/1/2001 #44114 oflage-green color, and was shaped like a tall slice of pie. It had two 10 1/26/2001 #44133 trical disc-shaped craft, rotating like a wheel, moved slowly and silently 3/1/2001 #44145 ich allegedly involved real people like Dale Graff who ran RV experiments a 3/3/2001 #44147 p.m. An irregularly shaped object like a cluster of red spheres flies agai 3/11/2001 #44149 her up and she heard what sounded like a metallic hatch closing. She notic 5/2/2001 #44174 possessed a flying triangle shaped like a dart that flew with the blunt end 5/9/2001 #44183 n elongated oval, looking somewhat like a missile. The sighting lasted from 5/19/2001 #44186 noid carried something that looked like a cane, and wore a silvery helmet. 7/1/2001 #44202 haped and bald. His color was gray like smoke. No other details were noted 7/23/2001 #44210 of "water" or something that felt like water. She soon found herself in a 8/2/2001 #44220 ut with some alien traits, "almost like hybrids." The aliens told her that 8/2/2001 #44220 two large shining white golf ball like objects were seen moving in and out 8/4/2001 #44224 an extremely bright object, shaped like something between a disc and a cone 8/6/2001 #44227 s over New Delhi, India. It looked like two saucers inverted over each othe 8/15/2001 #44234 rs were white. At first, it looked like the lights were all connected, but 8/30/2001 #44249 ed, but using binoculars it looked like only the front light was attached t 8/30/2001 #44249 oving from the southwest. It looks like an intense red beam with bright fla 9/9/2001 #44253 hind it. In the front is something like an arc of light. The object seems a 9/9/2001 #44253 k, Ireland; one reported it looked like a figure-8 on its side. 9/10/2001 #44256 more oval shaped, but with saucer like edges, and seen at a 45 degree angl 12/10/2001 #44286 Sussex, England an object looking like a rounded triangle was sighted. It 12/18/2001 #44295 and his engine dies. It shoots off like a slingshot and disappears. The car 2/2/2002 #44315 sees an irregularly shaped object like a cloud high in the sky. He takes a 2/20/2002 #44319 lowna, British Columbia. It looked like a hang glider in the night sky, con 4/30/2002 #44334 ransparent rather than solid, more like a ring" and it left a white contrai 5/4/2002 #44337 ft a white contrail-like wake much like a boat in the water would do. 5/4/2002 #44337 ransparent rather than solid, more like a ring." and it left behind a white 5/5/2002 #44339 ft behind a white contrail or wake like "a boat in water." 5/5/2002 #44339 A saucer that glowed like the moon and was the apparent size 5/6/2002 #44340 dumbbell shaped thing, that looked like two halves hooked together with a m 5/12/2002 #44344 Tifton, Georgia. They were shaped like an elongated triangle with a white 6/8/2002 #44349 am of light on the Wisconsin River like a searchlight. The beam does not ch Summer 2002 #44352 van also filled with an acrid odor like burnt wiring. Badly frightened, Ari 7/21/2002 #44362 object. He described it as looking like a "floating city" with a long row o 7/21/2002 #44362 d sped away, illuminating the area like daylight. Recovering from his fear, 7/21/2002 #44362 e towards the three girls. "It was like an orange, yellowy bright light shi 7/28/2002 #44367 she had seen a strange small human like figure in her bedroom. 7/28/2002 #44367 rmation; they had an aura or halo, like a little cloud. Crop circles had be 8/11/2002 #44377 in the southwest. The object looks like an intense red beam with an arc of 9/9/2002 #44392 te and Cabrera notices what looked like molten rock dripping from the mount Late 9/2002 #44405 em are tracked in incident reports like described in October 1998 entry. h 10/2002 #44412 t white headlight, and what looked like normal red and green navigation lig 10/29/2002 #44424 orners. He also heard what sounded like a muted jet aircraft engine sound. 10/29/2002 #44424 ectly straight trailing edge--just like a triangle and was at least as larg 10/29/2002 #44424 round it was sighted. It was round like an upside- down bowl, and was charc 11/13/2002 #44439 five minutes that appeared shaped like an ordinary airplane, but could hov 1/8/2003 #44475 king on two legs, but it ambulated like an ape walks, swaying as it walked 1/22/2003 #44477 ehind the creature suddenly lit up like day. 1/22/2003 #44477 At 10:30 p.m. a large white object like two saucers rim to rim flew slowly 1/31/2003 #44483 a.m. A fast-moving silvery object “like a cruise missile” flies swiftly acr 2/19/2003 #44494 g gray cigar-shaped object, moving like a cruise missile, flew north across 2/19/2003 #44495 , some cigar-shaped, and some were like small boxes with four perpendicular 3/14/2003 #44502 it. The ends of the objects looked like manta-ray fins, and it floated oddl 3/18/2003 #44503 h at Lockheed Martin six questions like that but Haisch never responded. Va 3/22/2003 #44504 1:57 p.m. several tiny UFOs shaped like tubes with rotating spirals around 4/3/2003 #44509 t ran it seemed to be hunched over like it was trying not to be seen. 4/18/2003 #44515 f the field. He heard what sounded like the horses kicking a metal sheet an 5/3/2003 #44523 , on the left side was what looked like a red rectangular window. Inside he 5/3/2003 #44523 drfited slowly, then swooped down like a bird in a thermal air current. It 5/11/2003 #44533 ', Crimea, Ukraine. The UFO looked like a white star, as bright as Sirius. 5/19/2003 #44542 so fast vertically that it seemed like it almost disappeared. 5/27/2003 #44547 he states he wasn’t aware anything like that was operational; he was then d 7/2003 #44560 ject a rendering of something else like a tree or an animal for psychologic 7/2003 #44560 sky. He was dressed in what looked like black overalls, and he was descendi 7/16/2003 #44565 ones. The object, flat and shaped like a Frisbee, flips on its underside, 8/11/2003 #44574 r Lispole, Ireland saw what looked like a light aircraft trailing flames an 8/25/2003 #44582 e skin was red and sore appearing, like burned scar tissue. She was also pr 9/3/2003 #44592 quite recall the phrase but it was like going to a veterinarian instead of 9/3/2003 #44592 et up a steel building that looked like the only thing that could withstand 9/3/2003 #44592 feet above a home, emitting sparks like a Van der Graff generator, then sho 9/7/2003 #44594 s to cross the sky but do not look like airplanes. In Moncton, another witn 1/17/2004 #44651 ecome more elongated, looking more like lines than dots. Burke takes a few 1/22/2004 #44654 a large gray object with something like a round door on the bottom. It sudd 1/25/2004 #44656 that vary wildly, saying, “it was like a fisherman’s tale, growing with ea 3/5/2004 #44672 nd. The feeling of well being felt like it lasted only a brief 30 seconds, 3/12/2004 #44676 was brightly lit with what looked like halogen type lights, and was clear 3/21/2004 #44678 An object like a "dinner plate" with a dome on the 3/26/2004 #44680 flying backwards, with what looked like a head or knob on the front. It did 4/5/2004 #44684 idn't look mechanical, it was more like some kind of animal. It did not hav 4/5/2004 #44684 al. It did not have extended wings like a bird but seemed to have some stub 4/5/2004 #44684 ch may have been part of the body, like some type of bat. They protruded ou 4/5/2004 #44684 t came through the window that was like a glowing ball with a tail in its l 5/8/2004 #44696 sky. The objects in the sky looked like giant orbs of amber light and over 6/9/2004 #44709 -bound Exit 138. It appeared to be like a blue laser, similar to the light 7/27/2004 #44718 on. Green says there was a project like what he’s describing but says it fa 8/7/2004 #44727 bout a dozen times into a center, "like they were playing a game." 8/20/2004 #44735 e it went out of sight. "It looked like a jet with a very short contrail he 9/7/2004 #44749 es a “silent, abstract blob almost like the underside view of a manta ray s 9/12/2004 #44755 , sprinkled with lights but almost like dusted with luminous powder.” 9/12/2004 #44755 ut and sees a large object “shaped like a large submarine” with lights. It 9/17/2004 #44758 balloon-type attachments and looks like a robot walking. The object hovers 9/27/2004 #44762 e sky. Kalia says it does not look like a man-made object. 9/27/2004 #44762 field. The craft appeared crystal like in appearance and had small lights 11/8/2004 #44780 to the south, and rode the clouds like a speedboat. 11/29/2004 #44793 e with three red illuminated areas like tips. The outer points were brighte 12/4/2004 #44795 black at the center. The color was like a piece of red hot metal. 12/4/2004 #44795 m.; they were shiny and reflective like polished aluminum. A small propelle 1/22/2005 #44809 rgentina, a resident hears a noise like a strong wind or turbine and sees t 2/7/2005 #44813 n Dorion, Quebec. Looking somewhat like a blimp, it was not moving at first 4/12/2005 #44824 he next 45 minutes into Bend seems like 3 hours. Days later, he develops a 5/1/2005 #44828 object the size of a house, shaped like a large gray bullet, in the sky abo 5/4/2005 #44830 e, pulsating mass overhead, shaped like a double cross, and brilliantly stu 5/9/2005 #44836 e surprised to see a car headlight like light glowing behind some trees. Th 6/14/2005 #44847 of the voice was soft and metallic like. After awhile the three beings went 6/14/2005 #44847 red to quickly float upwards (just like being sucked up by a vacuum cleaner 6/14/2005 #44847 hape. It was definitely not shaped like a balloon. 8/13/2005 #44862 A red crescent object, like a "half circle", was seen above the 9/9/2005 #44872 rs, and integrate cultural scripts like the abduction story into memory. Cl 10/2005 #44883 this sense, abduction memories are like transcendent religious visions, sca 10/2005 #44883 k at 6:45 p.m. It was described as like a light shaped like a window hoveri 11/21/2005 #44904 s described as like a light shaped like a window hovering in a field, about 11/21/2005 #44904 n the carpet and also what sounded like plastic tubes being slapped against 11/25/2005 #44906 they heard a very eerie howl, not like any coyote they had ever heard, and 1/30/2006 #44920 te they had ever heard, and almost like a siren but not as perfect. It was 1/30/2006 #44920 t of the north, and it had a smell like burning plastic. A security light o 1/30/2006 #44920 bia four witnesses saw what looked like an egg-shaped UFO standing upright. 2/12/2006 #44922 neuvering near the city. One looks like a radaint sphere with three parts. 9/5/2006 #44958 ; Deacon claims this lets “things” like beings, influences and “all kinds o 10/2006 #44970 aft tested in the 1960s that looks like a flying disc. https://www.amazon. 1/5/2007 #44997 lot sees a small, irregular object like a “black rock.” His wingman joins h 1/12/2007 #44999 ghway at midnight, gliding quietly like a submarine. The object had illumin 1/13/2007 #45000 back and forth, almost flittering like a moth. He first thought it was a p 4/17/2007 #45018 oping it one third from the right, like a band around a cigar. Bowyer makes 4/23/2007 #45022 ht, lighting up everything briefly like daytime. A creature descended from 4/25/2007 #45023 eet tall and quite bulky and hairy like a bear. The head was slightly bigge 4/25/2007 #45023 carrying an instrument that looked like a crystal cube with a handle. It ra 4/25/2007 #45023 e intense pressure he was feeling, like a G-force caused by high speed acce 4/25/2007 #45023 A low flying object that looked like the Concorde (supersonic aircraft) 8/9/2007 #45045 nseen opening or portal. It looked like they were going up into a completel 8/29/2007 #45050 describe it as a portal or window like opening, which didn’t emanate any l 8/29/2007 #45050 sh Columbia at 9:30 p.m. an object like a dome with a flat bottom was first 9/7/2007 #45053 to 15 humanoid figures that looked like people, but some were extremely tal 9/16/2007 #45059 homeowner reported that it looked like it was searching for something. 10/23/2007 #45079 the brakes because it didn’t look like the craft was going to stop, but as 10/27/2007 #45080 horizontal level beams of lights, like "headlights," was seen from I-380, 11/23/2007 #45097 n he was amazed to see what looked like "a typical grey alien being in my g 4/12/2008 #45127 , and heard a loud galloping sound like that of a horse; immediately after 4/12/2008 #45128 eached it they spotted what looked like a landed disc-shaped UFO in a paddo 8/3/2008 #45154 at 12:35 a.m. It reportedly moved like a "puck on ice". 9/30/2008 #45172 ct silently heading west. It looks like it s made of glass or jelly and is 11/2008 #45185 nitially made those in AAWSAP feel like they would be building on top of ex 4/26/2009 #45216 hree minute period; which was "not like anything we've ever seen before for 5/15/2009 #45222 eature the one night she is there. Like Jonathan Axelrod, the phenomena fol 8/2009 #45231 ty, Texas at 6:30 p.m. They looked like planes without wings, emitting a hi 10/27/2009 #45249 it approaches. It is moving slowly like a hot-air balloon. He hears a sound 11/25/2009 #45256 hot-air balloon. He hears a sound like a cat purring at a low frequency. T 11/25/2009 #45256 st 32 feet. The object first looks like a luminous spot produced by a searc 10/11/2010 #45301 objects over the water. It looked like a formation of triangles going in t 2/11/2011 #45314 same direction with a hazy, "flag like" outer shell waving like a flag in 2/11/2011 #45314 zy, "flag like" outer shell waving like a flag in the middle of the ocean, 2/11/2011 #45314 a flying object that first looked like a radio tower with a flashing light 2/11/2011 #45315 ghts. As they got closer it looked like a cigar-shaped object. However, whe 2/11/2011 #45315 An object like a "black vampire cape" with a "glow 5/8/2011 #45324 ike lights and there is what looks like a hatch in its center from which a 9/11/2011 #45332 point where a large object shaped like a “screw-thread” is hovering. Two s 5/10/2012 #45342 three horizontal lights to appear like a pyramid). At the same time, the o 1/12/2013 #45360 one to bed. She hears a loud sound like jet engines thrusting and goes outs 3/19/2013 #45362 t as looking "mostly rectangular...like the gondola of a blimp without the 6/1/2013 #45369 and gave the impression of looking like brake lights, but they were huge. T 6/1/2013 #45369 s a silvery metallic object shaped like a rugby ball streak within a few fe 7/19/2013 #45378 hen I looked up, I saw what looked like a car without its lights on, stoppe 8/6/2013 #45381 ot clear and has a rippling effect like “a heat mirage down the road on a h 11/19/2013 #45397 moves further away, a small drone- like object is seen flying alongside on 11/19/2013 #45397 ectrical wires. They feel somewhat like cobwebs but are whiter and thicker. 10/25/2014 #45421 iman snaps a picture of what looks like a 65–98-foot long, black submarine 10/31/2014 #45422 ucture with two thermal spotlights like discharges that do not coincide wit 11/11/2014 #45423 “three” flying saucers that looked like “something from the 1950s.” Brad ga 12/2014 #45425 e.” One pilot describes something “like a sphere encasing a cube.” Another 2/2015? #45430 not reported to centralized bodies like the UAPTF. https://www.reviewjourn 3/5/2016 #45445 gle-shaped object” in two pieces (“like a carpenter’s framing square”) in t 12/10/2016 #45461 object seems to move effortlessly like a boat coasting through the water—“ 12/10/2016 #45461 not reported to centralized bodies like the UAPTF. https://youtu.be/DCH88o 3/22/2017 #45465 paradigm of aircrafts that behave like a human.” Elsewhere on the site, al 3/27/2017 #45466 ng triangle with two bright lights like a star. There are red lights on its 2/23/2018 #45508 hts on its wings, and it is shaped like a B2 stealth bomber. 2/23/2018 #45508 Lenzi, who has been hearing sounds like “marbles bouncing and hitting the f 5/23/2018 #45527 h, BAASS and an aerospace company “like Ratheyon, Northrop Grumman, Lockhee 6/24/2018 #45530 er awhile make the movie seem more like a collage than a film. There is als 12/4/2018 #45550 imes poetic, at times it comes off like comic relief. It’s distracting and 12/4/2018 #45550 deployment of unique capabilities like the “ghostbuster” counter-UAS equip 7/30/2019 #45600 crecy, the AAWSAP contract “sounds like it was a good deal for the contract 2/14/2020 #45633 that stands on two legs and looks like a praying mantis. It has a triangul 7/16/2020 #45652 dy of it in intelligence agencies (like the CIA) is a “private contractor.” 12/4/2020 #45668 reports a long, cylindrical object like a cruise missile pass above his loc 2/21/2021 #45678 r they are playing along by acting like they do not know, which could be th 4/15/2021 #45682 with UAPTF, deeper black programs like Kobitz and former Dir. of Naval Int 9/3/2021 #45707 nd “brought in major corporations” like Lockheed, Boeing, and others and “s 10/2021 #45713 jects or forming plasmas that look like UAP, but theoretically someone else 11/29/2021 #45725 rough harassment and simple things like poison. There’s an espionage battle 5/2022 #45746 self, stating it was “translucent” like a “lava lamp,” “almost like viscous 5/9/2022 #45747 ucent” like a “lava lamp,” “almost like viscous, but in the air, and it mov 5/9/2022 #45747 eloping triangle antigravity craft like the “TR3B.” Eskridge’s colleague Di 6/15/2022 #45758 Club” was a forerunner of a group like MJ-12. He describes it as an “inner 10/14/2022 #45776 to a craft with people that looked like humans; and Enrique Villanueva of M 10/20/2022 #45779 e being” who looked human, kind of like Ross Perot and not the classic gray 2/28/2023 #45796## Word: "like-minded" (Back to Top)
for Prescott, Arizona, home of the like-minded George Hunt Williamson, afte Early 1/1955 #11912## Word: "likeliest" (Back to Top)
teristics of this observation, the likeliest explanation is that they are i 2/24/1893 #308 says the meteor explanation is the likeliest. 1/23/1974 #28694## Word: "likelihood" (Back to Top)
an internal document. It notes the likelihood of intelligent life in the un 11/27/1968 #24725 Navy Research Laboratory about the likelihood that the cowl flap might have 10/21/1978 #33856 table to STAC. For that reason and likelihood that enemy infiltration will 3/11/1998 #43532## Word: "likely" (Back to Top)
re) and concludes that the Moon is likely to be inhabited by living beings, 1638 #40 w facts. He suspects that Venus is likely the “abode of living creatures no 1871 #188 south polar cap of Mars. The most likely explanation is the reflection of 6/7/1894 #315 ightning,” the object appears more likely to have been an exploded balloon 7/2/1907 #697 , it rapidly accelerates upward. A likely hoax. 8/1914 #907 s high-altitude seeds are the most likely explanation. 9/9/1914 #916 re found or seen in America. It is likely that more of them land in unpopul 11/3/1944 #1691 eater replies that Peenemünde is a likely origin, since the site has been r 8/13/1946 #2128 t Oak Ridge, Tennessee. It is most likely a photographic flaw. 6/1947 #2306 e decades that followed despite it likely being relevant to Congressional i 12/16/1947 #3504 been on the scene, said the UFO is likely from Venus, as Martians “would pr 3/25/1948 #3598 eships. it is believed more likely that they represent the effort of 10/12/1948 #3832 this and other Martian flashes are likely caused by solar reflections on pa 1/16/1950 #4495 F. Sterling as military chief and likely operated outside of Project Blue 4/24/1952 #6179 t the time, and these were not the likely cause of the radar blips. Five mi 7/27/1952 #7215 later revealed that the tracks are likely those of a 1942 Chevrolet pickup 9/12/1952 #7905 witnesses on September 12 was most likely a meteor, that the pulsating red 9/12/1952 #7905 r, that the pulsating red light is likely an aircraft navigation/hazard bea 9/12/1952 #7905 lyses indicate that the photos are likely the result of a chemical reaction 5/16/1953 #8879 moving into the wind, which is not likely for a balloon. Henry P. Julliard, 11/12/1954 #11629 er concludes that the material was likely exposed to the earth’s atmosphere Early 9/1957 #13971 ex-CIA Whistleblower Kewper Stein (likely Oscar Wayne Wolff 1935-2015), par Spring 1959 #15656 t to Air Force Intelligence. It is likely the interrogators were AFOSI, giv 1960 #16145 emi- molten scrap embedded in it,” likely coming from Sorel Iron Foundries 6/12/1960 #16312 2 / car. Blinding light / US97. No likely source. Goes out when car stops. 9/10/1961 (approximate) #16824 aerodynamically unstable and would likely be uncontrollable at high speeds 12/1961 #16985 t confirm it. The debris now seems likely to have come from a secret spy ba Summer 1962 #17239 missile site near Moore, Montana [likely the M-01 launch site that is part 10/2/1962 #17451 ton, Texas, argues that it is most likely the Titan II second stage of the 6/4/1965 #18990 he sightings on August 1 are “most likely” due to the planet Jupiter and th 8/2/1965 #19264 ot seen again. The photos are most likely a prank hoax by Heflin using a hu 8/3/1965 #19290 graph / 3 saucers near power pole. Likely fake / BUFORA. 3/28/1966 #20109 copy in NICAP files.) [Note: Very likely a flare- or candle-carrying hot-a 2/16/1967 #21567 as “spacetrack” and are the least likely to detect UFOs). Low tries to fin 3/28/1967 #22005 itude changes, even if AP had been likely at the time. In view of the meteo 5/13/1967 #22339 ye it looks like a fake, more than likely produced by suspending a model fr 6/10/1967 #22487 aylight Time at least one and most likely two separate UFOs dove or crashed 10/4/1967 #23177 s and not self-propelled, and most likely was a military reconnaissance bal 10/18/1968 #24571 ng radiation dose of 300–500 rems. Likely only X-rays, gamma rays, or neutr 7/4/1969 #25251 eat or radiation is listed as most likely cause. 7/12/1969 #25264 position that the ETH is the least likely explanation and rejects McDonald’ 1/21/1970 #25548 analysis of the tape, that it most likely is a recording of the chance rece 6/22/1972 #26726 und. Men / grey suits move inside! Likely hoax. 8/1976 #31208 mation of fast moving lights, most likely from a single, very large craft, 3/18/1977 #31915 ke lights, some flashing. Some are likely aircraft. 10/29/1977 #32632 view Doty, who says there are most likely other documents including a longe 8/8/1980 #35447 n 2019 but fails to come up with a likely explanation. 11/29/1980 #35683 de the back gate of RAF Woodbridge likely had the closest encounter. The UF 12/27/1980 #35748 or the photo, the lights were most likely caused by Pring failing to close 8/12/1981 #36070 and later evidence shows this was likely Brig. Gen. Donald Flickinger, who 1982 #36293 tremely light and tough,” and were likely analyzed by US laboratories very 11/29/1983 #37058 e, New Mexico, the package is most likely sent by individuals in AFOSI at K 12/11/1984 #37522 wer than 100 documented deaths are likely attributable to increased exposur 4/26/1986 #37843 s the MJ-12 documents hoaxes, most likely contrived by Richard C. Doty, who 12/1987 #38341 ed in Sweden. Lear's statement was likely uploaded to the "ParaNet" BBS sys 12/29/1987 #38377 es of articles showing how Walters likely hoaxes some photos using a double 6/10/1990 #39612 p space. He then speculates on the likely advice received by the USAF intel 4/1993 #40919 ower. D’Amato states the money was likely going into UAP-related projects; 1994 #41346 KLFmCvr7k?t=1421 Note: This is likely not the whole story of oil firms’ 1994 #41347 ent with a balloon device and most likely from one of the Mogul balloons th 9/8/1994 #41726 long time; Basque people are most likely to be hybrids; EM is used as prop Early 1995 #41927 r Force that the wreckage was most likely from a Project Mogul balloon trai 7/28/1995 #42335 arly rare, it’s just that the most likely time for them to have developed w 8/21/1998 #43633 f physics. Puthoff states the most likely candidate for exotic propulsion i 2002 #44302 Puthoff claimed No. 3 was the most likely to be fueling the development of 2002 #44302 indicates that the object is most likely a Tethered Aerostat Radar System 2/20/2002 #44319 an government contractors who most likely have involvement and knowledge of 4/25/2002 #44333 ns. The PM next tells Wilson it is likely “not of this Earth, not made by h 10/16/2002 #44418 ion years older than Earth, we are likely to encounter an alien civilizatio 6/10/2003 #44555 “black UFO operation” and that it likely has to do with hardware. Vallee i 8/23/2003 #44581 ARCAP suggests the lights are most likely burn-off flares on offshore oil p 3/5/2004 #44672 Odd lights were seen, most likely on a large, slow moving cigar-sha 10/29/2004 #44774 al ideation, making abductees more likely than average to imagine, be led b 10/2005 #44883 ing unexplainable reports are most likely the result of a supernormal meteo 5/15/2006 #44942 ntelligent life in space is either likely or somewhat likely, while 33.1% b 5/2008 #45132 space is either likely or somewhat likely, while 33.1% believe it is likely 5/2008 #45132 likely, while 33.1% believe it is likely or somewhat likely that intellige 5/2008 #45132 % believe it is likely or somewhat likely that intelligent life has visited 5/2008 #45132 tary navigation. It is unknown but likely HFGW was deemed UAP-affiliated su 10/2008 #45173 space-related findings” that will “likely lead to technology advancements.” 6/24/2009 #45227 swell materials and that they were likely held in Sunnyvale not the Skunk W 9/12/2009 #45246 eird shit in the ocean.” The event likely did not make its way into Navy or 1/2010 #45266 ky around sunset and that the most likely cause is the launch of a DF-21 mi 7/7/2010 #45286 , no provenance. Green took it to likely Diane Edmund Griffin at Johns Hop 2011 #45310 aerodynamically unstable and would likely be uncontrollable at high speeds Late 2012 #45355 l crash in New Mexico in 1947 were likely these humans deemed expendable by 6/2017 #45472 nuation of Project Blue Book would likely exist as a deep, black industrial 2018 #45498 rather than intelligence and most likely fall under the office of the Unde 2018 #45498 sia, and other countries were most likely subjected to “directed, pulsed ra 8/2020 #45657 nt and the FBI. However, it’s more likely that the pilots were seeing a bat 10/14/2020 #45662 SpaceX satellite trains. The most likely time to see a UFO is between 9 an 1/2021 #45671 Special Programs [...].” Mellon is likely suggesting he believes key UAP in 5/5/2021 #45688 claims he was told Elizondo would likely have been read on to waived/carve 6/29/2021 #45698## Word: "likened" (Back to Top)
the 9th century the atmosphere was likened to an ocean in which aerial ship 812 #2 intercept the object. One of them likened the “flying cigarette” to a rock 6/19/1948 #3674 d. The strange being, which Garcia likened to Jesus Christ, approached her 6/10/1968 #24018 into an invisible barrier that he likened to a bar across the stomach. He 2/22/1969 #24939## Word: "likens" (Back to Top)
e can see a tall cylinder (that he likens to a ship’s compass mounting), mo Late 2/1976 #30905## Word: "likes" (Back to Top)
hiatrist, Duncan Stephens, whom he likes and trusts. Swett suggests that Ba 9/7/1963 #17927 decodable by custom software, the likes of which have not been disclosed p 2008 #45108## Word: "liketi" (Back to Top)
LIKETI, LIKUALA, CONGO Luminous sphere s 6/18/1954 #9908## Word: "likewise" (Back to Top)
her car. The other three men were likewise being assisted to their cars. M 9/3/1965 #19518 om behind. A second luminous ball, likewise in the field, was about 200 met 3/24/1973 #27373 ly burst into blue flames and were likewise reduced to ashes. The witness c 5/22/1973 #27520 veral pseudo-human/entity / car do likewise? 7/31/1986 #37961 xperiences, and David Hufford does likewise regarding the “Old Hag” imagery 6/13/1992 #40492## Word: "likuala" (Back to Top)
LIKETI, LIKUALA, CONGO Luminous sphere stops and 6/18/1954 #9908 d flying object over Laketi in the Likuala Mossaka region of the middle Con 6/18/1954 #9909## Word: "lilac" (Back to Top)
ovoid hovers / hilltop. Dome glows lilac. / r156#6. 1/15/1969 #24846 ery. The being had large, slanted, lilac colored eyes, a long nose, a large 9/25/1980 #35535## Word: "lilac-colored" (Back to Top)
ing outside when he sees a strange lilac-colored light. Approaching, he see 5/1967 #22257## Word: "lilburn" (Back to Top)
Lilburn, GA Dog barks as small white lig 6/10/2004 #44710## Word: "lilian" (Back to Top)
to readers, including Charles and Lilian Loughead from Detroit, Michigan, 4/1954 #9658 ak Park, Illinois, and Charles and Lilian Laughead of Detroit, Michigan, se 8/20/1954 #10156## Word: "liliane" (Back to Top)
Varginha, Brazil 3:30 p.m. Sisters Liliane Fátima da Silva, 16, and Valquír 1/20/1996 #42695## Word: "lilies" (Back to Top)
if something had detonated.” Water lilies and other aquatic plants are torn 7/19/1946 #2071## Word: "liljegren" (Back to Top)
d humanoid beings. (Ref. 3; Anders Liljegren, AFU Bibliography.) (NICAP: 07 5/1943 #1496 uptly disappeared. (Ref. 3; Anders Liljegren AFU archives.) (NICAP: 02 - Cl 10/10/1944 #1676 omqvist, Kjell Jonsson, and Anders Liljegren. Its specialized research libr 8/1972 #26863## Word: "lille" (Back to Top)
LILLE, FR 1 observer. 10M triangle / met 4/25/1967 #22215 LILLE, NORD Grocer. Saucer hovers. Shoot 12/30/1973 #28615 LILLE, FR AND MORE/OTHERS Many observer( 6/29/1974 #29228 At one o'clock in the morning in Lille, Nord, France a lenticular-shaped 6/29/1974 #29231 aper delivery between Boulogne and Lille by motorbike when they were follow 8/22/1975 #30297 aper delivery between Boulogne and Lille by motorbike when they were follow 8/22/1975 #30298 NEAR LILLE, FR 3 circular night lights / delt 7/31/1994 #41648 LILLE, NORD 2 / car and more/others. Dar 1/8/1996 #42672## Word: "lilli" (Back to Top)
Lilli Karlsson, a young woman, was takin 12/4/1979 #35052## Word: "lillian" (Back to Top)
igan Charles Laughead and his wife Lillian meet George Hunt Williamson at a 12/1954 #11738 meet Charles Laughead and his wife Lillian in Acámbaro, Guanajuato, Mexico, 7/1956 #12940 Lycoming, New York Witness: Lillian Louis. One vapor-like sphere hov 4/5/1966 #20245 Lycoming, New York 3:00 a.m. Lillian Louis, in Lycoming, New York, se 4/5/1966 #20248 At 3:00 a.m. Lillian Louis sighted a vapor-like spher 4/5/1966 #20251## Word: "lillingstone" (Back to Top)
LILLINGSTONE LOVELL, BUCKS 1 observer. C 3/3/1995 #42075## Word: "lilly" (Back to Top)
n participants, one of which, John Lilly, came to believe he was in psychic 1958 #14788 Urbana, Ohio Witnesses: M.A. Lilly, N. Smith, T. Nastoff. One white b 8/30/1965 #19477 M. A. Lilly, N. Smith, and T. Nastoff of Urban 8/30/1965 #19481## Word: "lim" (Back to Top)
ol. Seungbae Lee and Col. Byungsun Lim, are flying at 15,000 feet while ret 3/1979 #34453## Word: "lima" (Back to Top)
Lima, Ohio Charles Spayde, the operator 1/10/1935 #1222 tor of a telegraph station west of Lima, Ohio, claims that he has been rece 1/10/1935 #1222 Lima, Peru Three "Figures" Near Disc (NI 2/28/1947 #2243 mpany employee, 30, was driving to Lima when he saw a shiny disk at ground 2/1949 #3992 of New Jersey Pan-American Highway Lima, Peru 4:30 p.m. A representative of 2/1949 #3994 can Highway about 6 miles south of Lima, Peru, when he sees a metallic disc 2/1949 #3994 NEAR LIMA, OH Project Bluebook Case #381. Met 6/11/1949 #4234 Lima, Peru Swiss engineer Julian Gardiol 3/16/1950 #4645 SOUTH / LIMA, PERU Saucer 2M over road. 3 mummy 2/28/1952? #5934 NORTH / LIMA, PERU DC3 pilot. 3 60' metallic ovo 8/5/1952 #7455 Huacho (between Lima and), Peru 3 saucer-shaped objects 8/5/1952 #7463 g a DC-3 for PAGA Airlines between Lima and Hueca, Peru, took a photograph 8/5/1952 #7474 LIMA, PERU 50+observer(s). 5 brilliant m 12/30/1954 #11879 Lima, Peru Fifty residents of Lima, Peru 12/30/1954 #11881 Lima, Peru Fifty residents of Lima, Peru, watch a flight of 5 iridesce 12/30/1954 #11881 Lima, Ohio Day. Several witnesses see fo 9/1955 #12423 ver discs flying in formation over Lima, Ohio. 9/1955 #12423 LIMA, PERU Engineer. Loud roar. Wingless 5/1956 #12819 Peru Valley of Pariahuanca east of Lima, Peru Dorothy Martin sets off from 12/2/1956 #13384 the Valley of Pariahuanca east of Lima, Peru, and set up the Outer Retreat 12/2/1956 #13384 LIMA, OH 15 observer(s). 100' glowing di 8/17/1957 #13902 Lima (near), Ohio Truck, bus, and car pa 1/30/1958 #14850 Arequipa Lima Peru Yauca District Pan American Hi 1/30/1958 #14851 y are driving between Arequipa and Lima, Peru, at a point (roughly around t 1/30/1958 #14851 of Arequipa, Peru heading towards Lima. Several seconds later the headligh 1/30/1958 #14852 Lima, Peru Europe Betty Jane Williamson 8/11/1958 #15192 rope Betty Jane Williamson dies in Lima, Peru, when her husband George Hunt 8/11/1958 #15192 LIMA, OH Woman. Disk going south through 7/21/1959 #15865 Beeler Road Shawnee High School Lima, Ohio Breese Road 4:30 p.m. Richard Late 7/1964 #18438 ad south of Shawnee High School in Lima, Ohio, when they see a Saturn-shape Late 7/1964 #18438 NORTH / LIMA, PERU Chemical Engineer and several 7/23/1965 #19161 Lima, Peru An object was observed to lan 7/23/1965 #19163 r-old boy named San Roman Nunez in Lima, Peru watched a saucer-shaped UFO d 8/1/1965 #19247 a Punta, Peru located not far from Lima. However, the two refused to give t 8/2/1965 #19270 ", was driving on the outskirts of Lima, Peru around 10:00 p.m. when his ca 8/9/1965 #19350 LIMA, PERU Small humanoid (or Grey) knoc 8/17/1965 #19412 NEAR LIMA, PERU C46 pilot. Silent blinding wh 3/7/1966 #19945 or seven minutes while flying from Lima, Peru to Mexico City, Mexico. It em 12/30/1966 #21231 Lima, Peru This is the only surviving ph 2/2/1967 #21438 nger liner in flight from Piura to Lima on February 2, 1967, at 06:30 P.M. 2/2/1967 #21438 Lima, Peru Cone paced airliner (E-M) (NI 2/2/1967 #21439 Lima, Peru Airliner buzzed by maneuverin 2/2/1967 #21441 Chiclayo Lima Jorge Chávez International Airport 2/2/1967 #21442 erú DC-4 airliner from Chiclayo to Lima, Peru, when the crew and passengers 2/2/1967 #21442 rliner flying between Chiclayo and Lima, Peru when their plane was paced by 2/2/1967 #21443 PIURA GOING QUICKLY [TO] LIMA, PERU Airliner chased / 120'"dart" 3/22/1967 #21939 120'"dart" shapes. Shoot away near Lima airport. 3/22/1967 #21939 PISCO TO/FROM LIMA, PERU 5 / airline crew. Globe / lig 8/6/1967 #22822 Lima, Peru Pisco, Peru 8:00 p.m. A Peruv 8/6/1967 #22831 lobe of light while flying between Lima, and Pisco, Peru. The light changes 8/6/1967 #22831 EAST / LIMA, PERU Several observer(s). 6 soup-b 6/2/1968 #24000 l Recoleta de Montevideo School in Lima, Peru reported encountering a stran 11/28/1968 #24729 LIMA, PERU Saucer zaps man / balcony. My 12/9/1968 #24754 NOVA LIMA, BRZ 1 observer paralyzed as silent 5/20/1969 #25149 LIMA, PERU Numerous observer(s). Brillia 2/21/1973 #27302 RIMAC RIVER NORTHWEST / LIMA, PERU 2 observer(s). Domed saucer g 10/19/1973 #28178 NNW / LIMA, PERU All / airliner / 3km altitude 12/8/1973 #28539 n Europe. At 1:30 a.m. in Ponte de Lima, Portugal, a 2-meter tall dark figu 12/10/1976 #31593 olivar Soares Nogueira de Hollanda Lima. In late 1977, several photos of th 7/1977 #32220 Lima, OH Evening. CE-1, three witnesses, 10/1977 #32538 e at 4:20 a.m. An orange, glowing, lima bean shaped UFO flew up highway D34 1/28/1980 #35149 Lima, OH Witness knocked back by light b 8/17/1980 #35461 Teledyne-Ohio Steel plant in Lima, Ohio 1:15 a.m. Security guard Phil 8/17/1980 #35462 f the Teledyne-Ohio Steel plant in Lima, Ohio, and sees an unusual bright l 8/17/1980 #35462 Lima, Ohio 7:00 p.m. A witness is drivin 9/21/1980 #35524 driving west on a county road near Lima, Ohio. She looks up and sees a squa 9/21/1980 #35524 A female credit manager in Lima, Ohio briefly observed a vivid oran 9/21/1980 #35526 Lima, Ohio 5:47 p.m. James Garrigus sees 12/13/1980 #35712 the northeast as he is driving in Lima, Ohio. Suddenly it curves back upwa 12/13/1980 #35712 Shawnee Road southwest of Lima, Ohio 1:30 a.m. A witness is drivin 5/20/1981 #35943 south on Shawnee Road southwest of Lima, Ohio, when he notices lights on hi 5/20/1981 #35943 LIMA, OH Black 50-60' rectangular object 2/8/1986 #37782 Lima, Ohio State Route 117 Ottawa River 2/8/1986 #37783 linda Hays, 17, are driving toward Lima, Ohio, from the west on State Route 2/8/1986 #37783 hile driving on State Route 117 in Lima, Ohio at 7:00 p.m. a young couple s 2/8/1986 #37784 northwest edge of Lima, Ohio 12:33 a.m. A woman who lives 2/12/1986 #37786 who lives on the northwest edge of Lima, Ohio, is awakened by a loud sound. 2/12/1986 #37786 12:33 a.m. a 48-year-old woman in Lima, Ohio saw a dark triangular UFO hov 2/12/1986 #37787 st him. Brig. Gen. Octavio Moreira Lima made these events public at a press 5/19/1986 #37874 r, Brig.Gen. Octávio Júlio Moreira Lima, makes the events public at a press 5/19/1986 #37881 nister, Brig. Gen. Octavio Moreira Lima. 5/19/1986 #37882 LIMA, OH 1 observer. 12cm orange ball da 6/10/1986 #37908 uj-Napoca, Romania Varna, Bulgaria Lima, Ohio 2:00 a.m. Meteorologist Ion L 8/1986 #37964 e are sitting in their driveway in Lima, Ohio, when they see a rotating, di 8/1986 #37964 roating, diamond-shaped object in Lima, Ohio. Its dimensions were estimate 8/11/1986 #37980 razil Around 5:00 a.m. Farmer Beto Lima is hunting armadillos on his proper 1/12/1995 #41971 ld. The object is lightweight, and Lima carries it into his house. Brazilia 1/12/1995 #41971 nha Brig. Gen. Sergio Pedro Coelho Lima, commander of the Escola de Sargent 5/8/1996 #42900 WEST / LIMA, PERU UFO offshore. Beams up and do 8/11/1997 #43379 A UFO was sighted offshore of Lima, Peru at 11:15 p.m. It directed lig 8/11/1997 #43380 LIMA, PERU Many observer(s). 5 glowing-d 3/3/1999 #43742 In Criderville, south of Lima, Ohio two witnesses driving on Inte 11/21/1999 #43885## Word: "lima-bean" (Back to Top)
S ANGELES, CA Aircraft inspector. "Lima-bean" flies over Elysian Park. Clea 7/4/1947 #2630 / MONROE, LA 2 / USAF. Stub-winged Lima-bean buzzes T33 2X. Fantastic maneu 5/22/1956 #12863 TRAIGUES, FR 4 observer(s). Silver Lima-bean zigzags and stops. 2 small obj 3/1975 #29857 LERVILLE, NJ 4 observer(s). Silent Lima-bean delta/triangle/box-like craft 1/19/1976 #30799 LA RACINE, FR 1M orange-glow Lima-bean going northwest up D34 / sever 1/28/1980 #35146## Word: "limb" (Back to Top)
, when it passes the Sun’s western limb. 8/9/1762 #81 DARK LIMB OF MOON Light flashes intermittentl 2/11/1824 #118 a/triangle/box-like crafts / upper limb. 2 dark triangles / lower limb 30 m 7/3/1882 #247 per limb. 2 dark triangles / lower limb 30 minute(s) later. / Charles Fort 7/3/1882 #247 takes off abruptly, breaking off a limb from an oak tree on the way up. Summer 1950 #4997 o] tree. Manlike figure in Cape on limb. Glows. Vanishes.. 6/18/1953 #8937 brownish man-shaped figure on the limb of a tree. 11/1/1966 #21063 was a thrashing sound and a large limb snapped off a nearby tree. During t 6/28/1973 #27599 hey had three fingers/toes on each limb, and no sex organs. The object was 5/7/1989 #38939## Word: "limbo" (Back to Top)
t quietly, going into some form of limbo. Then across an open field four wh 7/15/1981 #36008 ery quiet going into some type off limbo state. Then across an open field b 7/16/1981 #36010## Word: "limbs" (Back to Top)
30m saucer and 6 bell-shapes. Cops limbs go dead and clothes hot. / r70p3-4 11/2/1955 #12542 tches on the ground and small tree limbs that are broken. There are four bu 7/30/1957 #13862 r(s). 35' saucer chases boat. Tree limbs burnt. Strong Radio Frequency Inte 6/18/1967 #22514 sparent. During this procedure his limbs felt cold, his head felt like it w 7/17/1968 #24186 ll tree nearby is scorched and has limbs broken. He notices an oily smell. 5/22/1969 #25157 ad unexplained body marks on their limbs. 6/21/1971 #26184 Later searches uncover broken tree limbs, damaged foliage, scorched leaves 6/28/1973 #27598 Tarragona, Spain at 4:00 p.m. The limbs of the trees were thrashed about b 3/31/1974 #28978 harred ground and snapped-off tree limbs were evident. 2/11/1975 #29804 th almond- shaped eyes and languid limbs.” In a later interview by the St. 8/20/1976 #31282 avy weight, because almost all the limbs are snapped off the central branch 5/3/1977 #32050 ult was to break almost all of the limbs, including snapping off the centra 5/3/1977 #32053 ween them, each holding one of its limbs. They are about 4 feet high and li 4/1980 #35244 s. Going quickly [to] fast. Broken LIMBs. 12/30/1982 #36728 rtially obscured by a tree and its limbs, there was no question that she wa 3/23/1987 #38153 Company later reported that three limbs falling over a transmission line w 7/22/1989 #39030 ch, bodies with deformed heads and limbs and small bodies, with abnormal ey 3/16/1991 #40015 shaped like light bulbs and skinny limbs that made unintelligible noises. T 9/16/1996 #43026 eter. It hovered next to some tree limbs, and was partly concealed by them. 5/25/2005 #44845## Word: "lime" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Lime” YieldMax: 20KT 4/1/1966 #20200 hree meters in diameter, with four lime green, solid looking luminous pylon 9/7/1972 #26979 llernie, MN A UFO with an intense, lime green light hovered just six feet a 2/10/1982 #36331 er midnight a UFO with an intense, lime green light hovered just six feet a 2/10/1982 #36335 that smelled like wet concrete or lime. There he remembered seeing several 9/11/1994 #41734## Word: "lime-green" (Back to Top)
s characteristics were the intense lime-green color, low altitude of only 8 12/20/1948 #3935 sh of green light, then they saw a lime-green, domed cupcake-shaped object 12/5/1973 #28524 grabs the doorknob to go inside, a lime-green pencil of light comes from th 9/10/1981 #36108 llow eyes. It was between gray and lime-green in color. Terrified, she pull 1/27/2003 #44481## Word: "limeira" (Back to Top)
LIMEIRA, BRAZIL Night light goes by. Sil 1/1/1997 #43161 LIMEIRA, BRAZIL 12+observer(s). Luminous 2/15/1997 #43193## Word: "limelette" (Back to Top)
Limelette, Belgium Petit-Ry neighborhood 7/2/1994 #41601 rhood 1:30–1:45 p.m. A resident of Limelette, Belgium, is at home in the Pe 7/2/1994 #41601## Word: "limelight" (Back to Top)
ollowers, and generally avoids the limelight. Fall 1952 #8014## Word: "limerick" (Back to Top)
LIMERICK, IREL Amateur astronomer. Lumin 12/24/1909 #823 Shelby, North Carolina Paul Limerick, commander of the Veterans of F 4/8/1950 #4830 Limerick, Saskatchewan, CAN 10:30 p.m. A 2/20/1967 #21605## Word: "limestone" (Back to Top)
Limestone, Maine The ConAC Air Defense C 12/6/1950 #5322 firmed by radar in the vicinity of Limestone, Maine. President Truman had b 12/6/1950 #5322 United States Limestone, Maine White House 10:30–11:04 12/6/1950 #5329 t on a course of 200° northeast of Limestone, Maine. The White House is not 12/6/1950 #5329 Caswell Air Force Station Limestone, Maine US 5:10 a.m. Radar at C 4/17/1952 #6106 Air Force Station [now closed] in Limestone, Maine, tracks five unknown ta 4/17/1952 #6106 Tremonton Presque Isle and Limestone AFB [now Loring International 11/25/1952 #8340 an object seen at Presque Isle and Limestone AFB [now Loring International 11/25/1952 #8340 Loring AFB Loring Commerce Centre Limestone, Maine Day. Two Air Force B-52 Late 10/1962 #17496 w the Loring Commerce Centre] near Limestone, Maine, following an Operation Late 10/1962 #17496 g AFB Loring International Airport Limestone, Maine 7:45 p.m. S/Sgt. Danny 10/27/1975 #30487 Loring International Airport] near Limestone, Maine, when he sees an uniden 10/27/1975 #30487 Loring AFB Limestone, Maine Hancock Field Air Natio 10/27/1975 #30488 International Airport] tower near Limestone, Maine, when the call from the 10/27/1975 #30488 Loring AFB near Limestone, Maine Grand Falls, New Brunsw 10/28/1975 #30503 rcraft approaching Loring AFB near Limestone, Maine, from the north at an a 10/28/1975 #30503 g AFB Loring International Airport Limestone, Maine Around 2:00 a.m. Senior Summer 1977 #32181 Loring International Airport] near Limestone, Maine, when he gets a call fr Summer 1977 #32181 , see a flash of light just before limestone debris falls around them, brea 1/14/1993 #40795 At 4:30 p.m. a witness in Kosse, Limestone County, Texas reported seeing 11/9/2006 #44983 was withdrawn). Inman also managed Limestone Ventures, a start-up technolog 9/26/2022 #45772## Word: "liminality" (Back to Top)
eadily; they embrace the notion of liminality, in which it is possible to e 6/26/2008 #45147## Word: "limit" (Back to Top)
the solar disc) puts them near the limit of resolution for his telescope, b 6/17/1777 #85 ng vertical climbs that exceed the limit of the site’s height-finding equip 9/1/1952 #7817 of the Mansfield Amendments, which limit military funding of research that Late 1956 #13281 e target is sighted near the upper limit of the radar. 8/19/1965 #19427 well in excess of the posted speed limit. As the road was noted for speed t 5/31/1974 #29150 Levi issues a set of guidelines to limit the activities of the FBI. These g 11/6/1975 #30567 itzer Space Telescope sets a tight limit on cometary outgassing of any carb 10/26/2018 #45541## Word: "limitation" (Back to Top)
rones and their operators. One key limitation of these devices is that they 7/24/2019 #45598## Word: "limitations" (Back to Top)
t on July 9 because the statute of limitations has passed. 10/1952 #8075 harted destination. Speed-of-light limitations are irrelevant. But Element 3/1989 #38855 and could enable missions with no limitations experienced by conventional 4/2017 #45467## Word: "limited" (Back to Top)
Department. In Sweden, the ban is limited to any mention of where the rock 8/21/1946 #2146 nery Range. Contractor was adding “Limited additional facilities and modifi 5/18/1955 #12140 Texas, cases, even though he has “limited data.” 12/4/1957 #14669 attempted that same day with only limited success. It was indicated by the 7/9/1959 #15829 euver. Touch ground / times. Fog / limited area. 8/24/1968 #24373 terms of the treaty, each party is limited to two ABM complexes, each of wh 5/26/1972 #26689 complexes, each of which is to be limited to 100 anti-ballistic missiles. 5/26/1972 #26689 DO, NM Sgt. moody abduction. "Slow limited contact..". / r210v24#12+/ r49p5 8/13/1975 #30261 ry much involved with UAP, but not limited to collection; it extends into c 1979 #34261 classified TOP SECRET with access limited to “MJ-12”.) 11/17/1980 #35644 acher states his work with RDB was limited but he heard “certain materials 11/29/1983 #37058 ded our help to get out." From her limited recollection she recalled that t 10/8/1992 #40667 RI is used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere. Other in 1993 #40778 atory facilities including but not limited to Sandia National Laboratories, 1994 #41349 ccess to Government Information, a limited right to access government recor 4/1994 #41469 for secrecy to be returned to its limited but necessary role; that secrets 3/3/1997 #43217 THE THEORY can still proceed with limited social disorder if handled corre 3/11/1998 #43532 concerning UFOs.” Its reply is: “A limited search through available titles 1/25/2001 #44131 e extreme compartmentalization and limited oversight would tend to keep a p 2018 #45498 another for oversight; there are a limited number of contractors who could 6/25/2020 #45650 on a lack of evidence, though in a limited number of incidents, UAP reporte 6/25/2021 #45694 with respect to UAP. The Amendment limited funding of projects with no dire 10/13/2022 #45774## Word: "limiting" (Back to Top)
is far outside Condon’s concept of limiting cases to no more than a year ol 7/6/1967 #22620 I do not know of any fundamentally limiting factors in the potential longev 2018 #45498## Word: "limits" (Back to Top)
nexplained incidents surpass these limits of credulity. It is unlikely that 4/28/1949 #4125 . Technological hurdles and budget limits greatly delay the plan, but Blue 7/28/1952 #7261 e Bellero Shield” episode of Outer Limits airs on ABC-TV. It features an al 2/10/1964 #18127 through a double- door marked “Off Limits” and suddenly came face to face w 1965 #18679 hich upholds Bryan’s restraint but limits it to classified material. The ap 3/1972 #26584 Council Bluffs, Iowa Northern city limits 7:45 p.m. A red, luminous object 12/17/1977 #32792 ng to earth near the northern city limits. At the scene, they find an area 12/17/1977 #32792 56, which eliminates response time limits on FOIA requests. Searches for UF 4/2/1982 #36430 access. The zone was declared off limits by the local military, several fa 9/16/1989 #39109 ith maneuvers “beyond the physical limits of a human crew.” The pilots also 2/2015? #45430## Word: "limmerick" (Back to Top)
In Limmerick, Pennsylvania a slow moving tr 11/29/2003 #44623## Word: "limoges" (Back to Top)
ut 4 m long, which took off toward Limoges. A few minutes later witnesses i 9/10/1954 #10283 . A few minutes later witnesses in Limoges reported a disk-shaped, red obje 9/10/1954 #10283 Mourieras Bugeat Corrèze France Limoges 8:30 p.m. Antoine Mazaud is walk 9/10/1954 #10285 A few minutes later, witnesses in Limoges report a disc-shaped, red object 9/10/1954 #10285 meters long, which took off toward Limoges. A few minutes later witnesses i 9/10/1954 #10287 . A few minutes later witnesses in Limoges reported a disc-shaped, red obje 9/10/1954 #10287 LIMOGES, FR Strange object lands in rail 10/4/1954 #10674 Limoges, France An object was said to ha 10/4/1954 #10691 Montagne, a railroad employee, in Limoges, France. 10/4/1954 #10700 , 68, was driving to her home near Limoges. She had entered a small woods t 12/10/1976 #31594 NEAR LIMOGES, FR 1 / car / malfunctions due t 12/10/1977 #32756 hour of missing time happened near Limoges, France at 6:30 p.m. The percipi 12/10/1977 #32758 LIMOGES, FR Night lights outline pointed 11/5/1990 #39856## Word: "limont-fontaine" (Back to Top)
LIMONT-FONTAINE, FR 2 observer(s). Diese 10/19/1973 #28180## Word: "limousine" (Back to Top)
d the man before another man in a “limousine” showed the police their crede 7/3/1967 #22604 at a few nights later he notices a limousine parked outside of his house wi 9/1970 #25822 n window and sighted a large black limousine. He could see it quite clearly 9/25/1970 #25852 interview, a large black Cadillac limousine pulls in front of him on the f 5/3/1975 #30026 he and his assistant were taken by limousine, blindfolded, and taken to an 1982 #36290## Word: "limousine-like" (Back to Top)
hey drive black Cadillacs or other limousine-like vehicles. 1975 #29670## Word: "limp" (Back to Top)
r. "Flags on the custom house hung limp [so the wind]…would not have propel 1/13/1910 #832 ark. Beam zaps man's arm. Arm goes limp. No source seen. 3/1949 (approximate) #4028 able to walk again, without even a limp. Migueres says that since his accid 8/11/1969 #25317 cap on its head. It walked with a limp and had one hand missing. It was sa 9/20/1973 #27850 ion on its chest. It walked with a limp and was missing one hand. Someone f 9/26/1973 #27873 eized Parker, who immediately went limp. Once inside Hickson was nearly bli 10/11/1973 #28005 their bodies. They also had large, limp protruding bellies. They also had t 7/8/1996 #42950## Word: "limping" (Back to Top)
d by mist and moving with a stiff, limping walk. The boys run across the st 5/20/1977 #32116 ving as if in slow motion and in a limping manner, disappearing down an all 12/16/1978 #34155## Word: "limply" (Back to Top)
th extremely long arms, which hung limply at his sides. He seemed to have n 10/28/1971 #26438## Word: "lin" (Back to Top)
illiam A. Owens, Emmett Paige Jr., Lin Wells, John Ellis, Charles Bill Moor 10/16/2002 #44418## Word: "lina" (Back to Top)
Shtanivka, Ukraine Lina Ivanova Kravets is in her garden in 8/17/1953? #9077 ESTONIA LOCATION UNKNOWN Juri Lina and 2. 3-4 shiny spheres exit / cig 11/2/1969 #25449## Word: "linch" (Back to Top)
nt Pleasant, Iowa Day. Jesse Clark Linch is fishing on a pond near Mount Pl 6/3/1920 #999 s the pond and lands 15 feet away. Linch gets up and walks toward it, but i 6/3/1920 #999## Word: "lincoln" (Back to Top)
Lincoln, Illinois Pulaski Street 8:00 p. 4/12/1897 #447 et 8:00 p.m. During a rainstorm in Lincoln, Illinois, more than 50 people s 4/12/1897 #447 searchlight moving rapidly toward Lincoln. It changes course, the light ch 4/12/1897 #447 oswell Army Air Field Fort Stanton Lincoln, New Mexico Albuquerque Fort Sta 7/5/1947 #2722 en to Fort Stanton [now closed] in Lincoln, New Mexico, whose Marine Hospit 7/5/1947 #2722 Roswell Army Air Field Corona in Lincoln County, New Mexico Roswell impac 7/8/1947 #3012 ensive debris field near Corona in Lincoln County, New Mexico, approximatel 7/8/1947 #3012 niversity of New Mexico astronomer Lincoln LaPaz, his wife Leota, and two d 7/10/1947 #3109 At 4:47 p.m. astronomers Dr. Lincoln La Paz, Director of the Institut 7/10/1947 #3117 Roswell, New Mexico Astronomer Lincoln LaPaz arrives in Roswell, New Me 9/1947 #3378 have been UFO-related. Astronomer Lincoln LaPaz directs the recovery of th 2/18/1948 #3579 igations from the area. Kaplan and Lincoln LaPaz meet with security personn 4/27/1948 #3630 y of New Mexico Capt. Neef informs Lincoln LaPaz, director of meteoritics a 12/9/1948 #3921 amos National Laboratory 9:02 p.m. Lincoln LaPaz and two USAF officers (San 12/12/1948 #3926 xico with military representatives Lincoln LaPaz, Norris E. Bradbury, Marsh 2/16/1949 #4010 New Mexico Lincoln LaPaz submits the fifth of a ser 8/17/1949 #4319 r National Guard Base near Mashpee Lincoln LaPaz, citing the press of acade 2/2/1950 #4526 0.5°/min in azimuth calculated by Lincoln LaPaz. The object moves in a smo 2/24/1950 #4554 New Mexico Lincoln LaPaz A CIA memo sent to FBI hea 8/1950 #5093 installations. It reiterates that Lincoln LaPaz does not think they are me 8/1950 #5093 te area in the American Southwest. Lincoln LaPaz, director of the Universit 11/9/1951 #5773 Peru, Nebraska A man from Lincoln was driving to Indiana when he s 12/1951 #5802 elcoming address to the secret MIT Lincoln Laboratory (Ruppelt calls it the 1/29/1952 #5884 am A. Adams of AFOIN, to brief the Lincoln Lab scientists on UFOs on March 1/29/1952 #5884 r 1948, Project Twinkle astronomer Lincoln LaPaz argued a green fireball he 2/19/1952 #5911 setts Ruppelt again meets with MIT Lincoln Laboratory scientists (the Beaco 4/1952 #6010 t ground points and five aircraft. Lincoln LaPaz pinpoints the fall near Sa 5/28/1952 #6377 Albuquerque, New Mexico Lincoln LaPaz tells newspapermen in Albu 7/19/1952 #6930 NEAR LINCOLN, CA Boy / 12 / ranch. 6M x 12M t 7/27/1952 #7186 of me.” He reports the incident to Lincoln LaPaz, University of New Mexico 8/1/1952 #7411 SOUTH LINCOLN, NE 2 observer(s). 2 30M silver- 8/4/1952 #7445 MIT Lincoln Laboratory MIT Center for Intern 12/2/1952 #8363 hadwell that scientists at the MIT Lincoln Laboratory would like to be a pa 12/2/1952 #8363 s of studying them through Project Lincoln. Lincoln was an already establis 12/2/1952 #8364 ying them through Project Lincoln. Lincoln was an already established air d 12/2/1952 #8364 . The December 1952 memo suggests Lincoln had an interest in flying saucer 12/2/1952 #8364 udy UAP. Unfortunately, no further Lincoln UAP documentation exists, and Li 12/2/1952 #8364 coln UAP documentation exists, and Lincoln summary reports do not mention U 12/2/1952 #8364 Ruppelt later writes that Project Lincoln’s Beacon Hill Group recommended 12/2/1952 #8364 C_0000015345.pdf Note: Project Lincoln may just be one example how the 12/2/1952 #8364 MIT Lincoln Lab Princeton Cal Tech MIT Cente 12/3/1952 #8366 rce would be suspicious of any MIT Lincoln Lab involvement, and that Prince 12/3/1952 #8366 Cal Tech MIT’s Lincoln Labs H. Marshall Chadwell writes 12/10/1952 #8408 y. Somewhere along the line, MIT’s Lincoln Labs and CIS have been eliminate 12/10/1952 #8408 a flash of light at ground level. Lincoln LaPaz investigates, along with J 5/1/1954 #9744 s for 15 minutes. Meteorite expert Lincoln LaPaz says it is not a meteor. I 8/6/1954 #10105 , disturbing TV and radio signals. Lincoln LaPaz remarks that it does not s 9/18/1954 #10349 LINCOLN AIR FORCE BASE, NEBR Large "tear 3/12/1955 #12043 ico, but he can find no fragments. Lincoln LaPaz reports that heavy shortwa 4/5/1955 #12080 LINCOLN, NE Civil observer(s). Silver sa 7/20/1955 #12272 NORTH / LINCOLN AIR FORCE BASE, NE 2 separate RA 2/13/1957 #13494 Lincoln AFB, NE Radar tracked several ta 2/13/1957 #13498 Lincoln AFB Lincoln Airport, Nebraska 2: 2/13/1957 #13502 Lincoln AFB Lincoln Airport, Nebraska 2:30 a.m. The 2/13/1957 #13502 trollers at two radar sites within Lincoln AFB [now Lincoln Airport, Nebras 2/13/1957 #13502 adar sites within Lincoln AFB [now Lincoln Airport, Nebraska], the GCA and 2/13/1957 #13502 LINCOLN, NE 1 large and 9 small objects 4/16/1958 #14991 ere driving south on Highway 77 to Lincoln, Nebraska. When they got two mil 7/19/1959 #15860 SOUTHEAST / LINCOLN, NE Project Bluebook Case #6543. 10/6/1959 #16019 Lincoln, NE Round, white-yellow light ma 10/6/1959 #16020 Lincoln, Nebraska Witnesses: Lt. Col. L 10/6/1959 #16021 white nocturnal light southeast of Lincoln, Nebraska that made several abru 10/6/1959 #16022 pment Command. Harold O. Curtis of Lincoln Laboratory is the director of th 12/1959 #16106 Leefe Mine Lincoln County, Wyoming 10:30 a.m. Four 7/1/1960 #16324 our witnesses at the Leefe Mine in Lincoln County, Wyoming, see a shiny dis 7/1/1960 #16324 Lincoln, New Hampshire Betty and Barney 9/19/1961 #16848 Barney Hill abduction incident in Lincoln, New Hampshire. Three miles sout 9/19/1961 #16848 US3 NORTH / LINCOLN, NH Betty and Barney hill abduct 9/19/1961 #16849 Lincoln (Pease AFB), NH Radar Tracks Obj 9/19/1961 #16851 the Mountain Indian Head (north of Lincoln) 10:30 p.m. Barney and Betty Hil 9/19/1961 #16857 ile south of Indian Head (north of Lincoln), the object rapidly descends to 9/19/1961 #16857 t 35 km from Abilene, going toward Lincoln, when his headlights blinked and 8/4/1965 #19313 1 years old, were driving near the Lincoln Park Golf Course in Grand Forks, 8/8/1965 #19342 NEAR LINCOLN, NE 4 observer(s). Saucer circle 8/12/1965 #19370 Lincoln, NE 7:00-8:00 p.m. CST. A group 4/7/1966 #20266 seen hovering at a low altitude in Lincoln, Nebraska. They sped away. 4/7/1966 #20272 oking about the size of their 1955 Lincoln automobile, and flashing its lig 4/23/1966 #20390 LINCOLN, ME Night lights maneuver near r 10/1966 #20942 on the highway between Ashland and Lincoln. His sighting precipitated a num 12/25/1967 #23609 ront of his car at a crossroads in Lincoln, Nebraska on this night and "tur 3/17/1969 #25021 e sphere across the field north of Lincoln, Missouri at 9:30 p.m. Their dog 11/26/1973 #28468 that same night on a farm between Lincoln and Cole Camp, Missouri a farmer 12/3/1973 #28515 r for 13-14 miles from Chatchee to Lincoln, Alabama. Near Okatchee, The two 2/18/1976 #30880 r for 13-14 miles from Chatchee to Lincoln, Alabama. Near Okatchee, Alabama 2/18/1976 #30881 n followed them until they reached Lincoln, Alabama, where the UFOs approac 2/18/1976 #30881 this point. After passing through Lincoln, the objects stopped pacing the 2/18/1976 #30881 isolated stretch of road near Port Lincoln, South Australia stopped their v 10/24/1981 #36186 Smith Street in Palatine, Illinois Lincoln Avenue Busse Woods (Ned Brown Fo 11/27/1982 #36697 omsel) in two other patrol cars on Lincoln Avenue see a domed, disc- shaped 11/27/1982 #36697 LINCOLN, ME 3 observer(s). 4'-6' glowing 7/14/1986 #37942 OFF PORT LINCOLN, SOUTH AUSTR Tuna boat crews and 1/21/1988 #38424 Groom Lake Road, Nevada Lincoln County Robert Lazar, Tracy Lazar 4/5/1989 #38894 ed by guards and questioned by the Lincoln County sheriff. 4/5/1989 #38894 ng at 2500 feet over Iron Station, Lincoln County, North Carolina, making a 12/10/1991 #40259 rby Area 51. Reputable ranchers in Lincoln County claim to have lost a numb 3/1993 #40867 At 11:33 p.m. in Depoe Bay, Lincoln County, Oregon a ball of red-ora 9/5/1993 #41184 ROADS END NORTH / LINCOLN CITY, OR 2 observer(s). 30' sphe 10/27/1993 (approximate) #41253 stationed at Kirtland AFB and Dr. Lincoln LaPaz told him the surface area 11/2/1993 #41259 LINCOLN CITY, OR Police report "UFO taki 1/12/1995 #41970 Dr. Cesário Lincoln Furtado Chereze wakes up very ti 2/15/1996 #42764 unclear, according to Dr. Cesário Lincoln Furtado, who says it is highly u 2/15/1996 #42764 , Lincolnshire RAF Waddington near Lincoln St. Botolph’s Church in Boston 2 10/5/1996 #43056 er Boston, and RAF Waddington near Lincoln also picks up an unidentified ta 10/5/1996 #43056 terial found at found locations in Lincoln County, New Mexico between 3 and 3/11/1998 #43532 f the perceived true nature of the Lincoln County discoveries to public and 3/11/1998 #43532 a and population of true nature of Lincoln County discoveries — can halt en 3/11/1998 #43532 lar to two of those that “fell” at Lincoln County, NM in 1947. STAC-5 is of 3/11/1998 #43532 ure to media and population of the Lincoln County fabrics, foils, parchment 3/11/1998 #43532 f the “Trojan Horse” aspect of the Lincoln County fallings and indoctrinati 3/11/1998 #43532 red a unique briefing paper on the Lincoln County Trojans in the event that 3/11/1998 #43532 ther UFO reports in Humberside and Lincoln counties that day. 3/24/2000 #43968 Lincoln, New Hampshire Indian Head Resor 9/2000 #44035 place at the Indian Head Resort in Lincoln, New Hampshire, near the site of 9/2000 #44035 SOUTHEAST / LINCOLN, NE Saucer / field. Windows. Obj 11/30/2000 #44091 A farmer on his farm southeast of Lincoln, Nebraska heard his dogs barking 11/30/2000 #44094 a disc-shaped object was seen over Lincoln City, Oregon at 7 p.m. They late 2/9/2004 #44660 who reports the crash site to the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department. One 11/1/2005 #44898 California, Berkeley University of Lincoln Cuba Biologists Alexander L. Stu 1/4/2019 #45555 Montealegre-Z of the University of Lincoln analyze the recording of a sound 1/4/2019 #45555 Phillips, Yuma, Washington, Lincoln, and Morgan counties Perkins Cou 12/2019 #45620 orado (Phillips, Yuma, Washington, Lincoln, and Morgan counties) and southw 12/2019 #45620## Word: "lincolns" (Back to Top)
SOUTH CARLTON, LINCOLNS 2 observer(s). Humming! Large s 11/4/1954 #11561## Word: "lincolnshire" (Back to Top)
ct over the city park in Stamford, Lincolnshire, England. It flashed its se 5/9/1909 #734 l Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England Lincolnshire 4:10 p.m. The crew of a Hul 12/15/1914 #922 s them. It turns and heads for the Lincolnshire coast where it vanishes in 12/15/1914 #922 CAISTOR, LINCOLNSHIRE 1 observer. Silvery sphere/ 8/15/1955 (approximate) #12359 Grimsby, Lincolnshire, England Day. Former RAF Fl 6/29/1958 #15126 00 feet near the docks at Grimsby, Lincolnshire, England. A large black dum 6/29/1958 #15126 feet above the ground in Saxilby, Lincolnshire, England. A second identica 11/13/1971 #26469 LINCOLNSHIRE, IL 2 boys photograph sauce 5/5/1974 #29081 Lincolnshire, IL Six photos taken. Boys 5/5/1974 #29084 Lincolnshire, Illinois Coatesville, Penn 5/5/1974 #29085 roy Warton, both 11, leave home in Lincolnshire, Illinois, to play basketba 5/5/1974 #29085 Lincolnshire, IL No details but recorded 6/11/1974 #29176 LINCOLNSHIRE, IL 2 observer(s). Silent d 6/30/1975 #30133 RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire, England RAF Patrington [no 5/21/1977 #32121 men stationed at RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire, England, observe a triangu 5/21/1977 #32121 Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, UK The witness saw a large 2/1/1978 #32939 some nearby trees in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England. Two figures about 2/1/1978 #32941 Louth, Lincolnshire, England 9:00 p.m. A Mrs. J 7/3/1978 #33325 riend are playing tennis in Louth, Lincolnshire, England, when they spot a 7/3/1978 #33325 Skegness, Lincolnshire, England Senior Coastguard Late 11/1982 #36689 for several minutes over Skegness, Lincolnshire, England. It moves away to Late 11/1982 #36689 Saltfleet, Lincolnshire, England 10:10 p.m. A woman 4/22/1984 #37281 TV at a trailer park in Saltfleet, Lincolnshire, England, when they see a d 4/22/1984 #37281 esses near the shore at Saltfleet, Lincolnshire, England reported seeing a 4/22/1984 #37282 In Mablethorpe, Lincolnshire, England a witness reported 4/16/1993 #40937 In North Somercotes, Lincolnshire, England at 4:30 p.m. many 12/12/1993 #41330 Skegness, Lincolnshire, England Boston Claxby by N 10/5/1996 #43056 England Boston Claxby by Normanby, Lincolnshire RAF Waddington near Lincoln 10/5/1996 #43056 nstable David Leyland in Skegness, Lincolnshire, England, sees some rotatin 10/5/1996 #43056 ntrol radar at Claxby by Normanby, Lincolnshire, picks up a strong target o 10/5/1996 #43056## Word: "lincolnton" (Back to Top)
Lincolnton, North Carolina 9:00 p.m. A y 4/5/1977 #31950 p.m. A young couple and others in Lincolnton, North Carolina, see 5–6 red- 4/5/1977 #31950 LINCOLNTON, NC 1+2 observer(s). Red sauc 4/10/1980 #35262 Lincolnton, NC Red disc-shaped object em 4/10/1980 #35263 Lincolnton, NC Red disc-shaped object em 4/10/1980 #35264 Philadelphia Church Road Lincolnton, North Carolina A businessman 4/10/1980 #35266 the Philadelphia Church Road near Lincolnton, North Carolina, sees a red, 4/10/1980 #35266 aped object searched the ground in Lincolnton, North Carolina with a beam o 4/10/1980 #35267 LINCOLNTON, NC 1 observer. 40' Saturn-sp 11/10/1985 #37701 LINCOLNTON, NC 1 observer. Silent 30m re 8/1989 #39039 LINCOLNTON, NC 2 / Mohicans mill. Orange 5/5/1993 #40965 In Lincolnton, North Carolina at 9:00 p.m. 5/5/1993 #40967 LINCOLNTON, NC SR150 north / town is bus 5/6/1993 #40968 LINCOLNTON, NC Large top-saucer hums. No 3/13/1995 #42089## Word: "lincolntown" (Back to Top)
Lincolntown, NC Roosters crowed as cigar 2/3/1994 #41405## Word: "lincolnville" (Back to Top)
SOUTH / LINCOLNVILLE, IN 30m brown cloud nears c 11/6/1957 #14388## Word: "lincolnwood" (Back to Top)
LINCOLNWOOD, IL Lt. Col. Weig sees flyin 7/11/1952 (approximate) #6754 Hyatt House in Lincolnwood, Illinois The Center for UFO 4/30/1976 #31029 UFO research at the Hyatt House in Lincolnwood, Illinois. The proceedings a 4/30/1976 #31029## Word: "lincs" (Back to Top)
STAMFORD, LINCS 1 observer. Large ovoid / city par 5/9/1909 #731 MABLETHORPE, LINCS Vibrant bright 1' glowing ovoid ou 4/16/1993 #40935 MABLETHORPE, LINCS Silent 30' red-glow "sting-ray" hi 6/21/1993 #41028 OFF MABLETHORPE, LINCS 3 glowing-balls fly in formation o 10/19/1993 #41247 NORTH SOMERCOTES, LINCS Many observer(s). Silent delta/tri 12/12/1993 #41329 MABLETHORPE, LINCS Huge silent delta/triangle/box-lik 1/4/1994 #41358## Word: "lind" (Back to Top)
JENNY LIND, ARK Whole town. Airship northeast 5/4/1897 #587 The whole town of Jenny Lind, Arkansas watched an airship fly ov 5/4/1897 #589## Word: "linda" (Back to Top)
LINDA, CA Several observer(s)? Saucer go 6/29/1947 #2462 anonymous “military source” tells Linda Moulton Howe that a UAP was purpos 1958 #14784 , then take off. The witnesses are Linda Davis, 11, and children of the Har 4/30/1964 #18232 Pleasant, West Virginia—Roger and Linda Scarberry and Steve and Mary Malle 11/15/1966 #21107 SOUTHEAST YORBA LINDA, CA Huge saucer over housing proje 1/4/1967 #21253 SOUTHEAST / YORBA LINDA, CA Teen photographs UFO. Looks fa 1/24/1967 #21369 Yorba Linda, CA 5:25 p.m. PST. A 14-year-old b 1/24/1967 #21374 2001, pp. 286-87, from "The Yorba Linda Photograph" in Flying Saucer Revie 1/24/1967 #21374 Yorba Linda, California 5:25 p.m. A 14-year-ol 1/24/1967 #21375 25 p.m. A 14-year-old boy in Yorba Linda, California, sees an object shaped 1/24/1967 #21375 haped structured object over Yorba Linda, California at 5:25 p.m. The photo 1/24/1967 #21376 ts each, from as far west as Yorba Linda, California and as far east as Asc 2/16/1967 #21576 Linda, CA 4:30 a.m. PST. A woman saw a t 3/15/1967 #21889 Linda, a young woman, was on her way to 1/17/1968 #23668 aced evenly along the top section. Linda walked closer just before the UFO 1/17/1968 #23668 vailable. Later that same day Miss Linda Milne saw a tall, hairy creature e 9/25/1971 #26380 do for 34 years before talking to Linda Moulton Howe in 2007. Around 9:00 5/28/1974 #29142 is examined in the hospital by Dr. Linda Macieira, who finds that he has fo 3/24/1978 #33078 erte Amador 1:20 p.m. Photographer Linda Arosemena is taking photos of Pres 6/17/1978 #33286 though in 1980 he tells journalist Linda Moulton Howe that he thinks aliens 2/16/1979 #34429 r KMGH-TV investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe releases A Strange Ha 5/28/1980 #35343 and match a similar story told to Linda Moulton Howe by AFOSI counterintel 7/1980 #35399 grocery store in Windsor, Vermont, Linda Kingsbury and Lucy Slothower notic 4/15/1981 #35899 as other UFO investigators such as Linda Moulton Howe and John Lear. By 198 1982 #36283 oman AFB Ellsworth landing Roswell Linda Moulton Howe flies to Albuquerque, 4/9/1983 #36830 ge Road Cornville, Maine 9:45 p.m. Linda Braga and her daughter Piper see a 4/27/1984 #37306 had never promised film footage to Linda Moulton Howe. 3/5/1988 #38491 etter, that Doty had given data to Linda Moulton Howe that contradicted dat 6/1989 #38971 New York City, NY Linda Cortile's (pseudonym) abduction fr 11/30/1989 #39281 New York City Linda Cortile's (pseudonym) abduction fr 11/30/1989 #39282 r 3:15 a.m. New York City resident Linda Napolitano (pseudonym “Linda Corti 11/30/1989 #39283 ident Linda Napolitano (pseudonym “Linda Cortile”) is allegedly abducted by 11/30/1989 #39283 and move her into the living room. Linda and three of the five aliens are f 11/30/1989 #39283 ged witness “Stein” told ufologist Linda Moulton Howe that he was intimidat 8/30/1996 #43002 Roswell, NM Art Bell interviews Linda Moulton Howe, Philip J. Corso, and 7/4/2001 #44204 Linda Woodford, an accountant for the De 11/18/2013 #45396 t Engineer “Brian” tells ufologist Linda Moulton Howe he saw a large hole t 1/30/2015 #45429 is claim was shared with ufologist Linda Moulton Howe by alleged US Army co 9/28/2021 #45711## Word: "lindale" (Back to Top)
4 MILES / LINDALE, TX Flash / light. 2 UFO's appea 1/24/1979 #34371 Lindale (near), TX 20-year-old John Scot 1/24/1979 #34374 Driving near Lindale, Texas at around 10:00 p.m. 20-y 1/24/1979 #34378## Word: "lindberg" (Back to Top)
tion of Sweden’s airspace. MP Elof Lindberg accuses him of not being compet 4/30/1934 #1208 Parliament Northern Region MP Elof Lindberg demands in the Swedish Parliame 2/15/1937 #1267 Lindberg’s request for a civilian ghost 5/19/1937 #1269 had just arrived at a bus stop at Lindberg Boulevard and West Road in Olms 8/24/1970 #25802## Word: "lindbergh" (Back to Top)
e base officer’s club with Charles Lindbergh, who he “heard” was on base be 11/2/1993 #41259 tates there was no publicity about Lindbergh’s visit. Zimmerman states late 11/2/1993 #41259 proof.com/Zimmerman.html Note: Lindbergh founded the Lindbergh Foundati 11/2/1993 #41259 ml Note: Lindbergh founded the Lindbergh Foundation, of which John Pete 11/2/1993 #41259 rsen is also a Board member of the Lindbergh Foundation. * http://www.joh 12/10/1994 #41888 also served as the Chairman of the Lindbergh Foundation, a non-profit worki 12/3/1999 #43892 new technologies in aerospace. The Lindbergh Foundation was founded by Neil 12/3/1999 #43892 rojects. See possible example: the Lindbergh Foundation (see 3 December 199 8/2004 #44724## Word: "lindberghfoundation" (Back to Top)
Sweden in the 1940s). * https://lindberghfoundation.org/about/ * https 12/3/1999 #43892## Word: "lindblad" (Back to Top)
ot Before 12:00 midnight. Louie R. Lindblad and five companions from Texark Fall 1936 #1249 Astronomer Bertil Lindblad, after consulting with the Swed 7/6/1946 #2028 Sweden 8:47 p.m. Astronomer Bertil Lindblad sees an exploding fireball in L 8/11/1946 #2116 astronomical consultant is Bertil Lindblad, an astronomer at Stockholm Uni 10/1951 #5693## Word: "lindbäck" (Back to Top)
close to the southwest bank. Knut Lindbäck says it generates a high plume 7/19/1946 #2071## Word: "lindemann" (Back to Top)
off also connects futurist Michael Lindemann with Petersen who would create 1/8/1999 #43712## Word: "linden" (Back to Top)
and, Sweden. Airline pilot Torvald Linden and other witnesses find a shallo 7/10/1946 #2046 NNW / LINDEN, MI 5 observer(s) / (seen thru) b 5/9/1954 #9764 with binoculars north-northwest of Linden, Michigan spotted a glowing ovoid 5/9/1954 #9766 ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Linden” Yield: 11KT 6/18/1958 #15099 LINDEN, MI Police chief and more/others. 3/28/1966 #20103 The chief of police in Linden, Michigan saw red, blue, and whit 3/28/1966 #20119 East Linden neighborhood of Columbus, Ohio Ni Late 9/1968 #24511 rabbit pen at his home in the East Linden neighborhood of Columbus, Ohio. H Late 9/1968 #24511 ennsylvania watched a UFO over the Linden Avenue area of the city, includin 12/2/1973 #28507 LINDEN, NJ Cop and more. Helicopter nois 7/15/1982 #36536 LINDEN, PA 2 separate sightings / delta/ 2/5/1992 #40315 Linden, Michigan 1:30 a.m. A woman looki 1/5/2018 #45500 looking from her bedroom window in Linden, Michigan, sees a large object em 1/5/2018 #45500## Word: "lindesberg" (Back to Top)
Guldsmedshyttan Lindesberg Sweden 2:30 p.m. Erik and Asa 7/9/1946 #2035 e at Guldsmedshyttan, northwest of Lindesberg, Sweden. They are atop a fore 7/9/1946 #2035## Word: "lindheimer" (Back to Top)
Lindheimer Astrophysical Research Center 6/8/1966 #20543 inois McDonald visits Hynek at the Lindheimer Astrophysical Research Center 6/8/1966 #20543 Lindheimer Observatory at Northwestern U 1/5/1967 #21259 are setting up a file area in the Lindheimer Observatory at Northwestern U 1/5/1967 #21259## Word: "lindholmen" (Back to Top)
Markim, Stockholm County, Sweden Lindholmen, Vallentuna Danderyds Hospita 3/23/1974 #28936 up on the doorstep of his villa in Lindholmen, Vallentuna. His wife, distur 3/23/1974 #28936 med Vallentuna was walking home in Lindholmen, Sweden when at a crossroads 3/23/1974 #28938 LINDHOLMEN, SWD 4+1/2 observer(s). Bell- 3/24/1974 #28941## Word: "lindley" (Back to Top)
Onawa, Iowa Witness: Jack Lindley. One bright white, saucer-shaped 3/9/1967 #21839 Onawa, Iowa 9:05 p.m. Jack Lindley sees a bright white saucer-shape 3/9/1967 #21840 LINDLEY, NY Night lights. Small humanoid 7/23/1977 #32303 Lindley, NY 12:45 AM. A 26-year old woma 7/23/1977 #32304 Lindley, New York Morgan Creek 12:45 a.m 7/23/1977 #32305 e look out their bedroom window in Lindley, New York, before retiring and s 7/23/1977 #32305 looked out their bedroom window in Lindley, New York before retiring and sa 7/23/1977 #32306## Word: "lindman" (Back to Top)
Swedish MP Arvid Lindman puts a question to Prime Ministe 1/27/1934 #1197## Word: "lindsay" (Back to Top)
diff, Wales 4:45 p.m. Capt. Lionel Lindsay, chief constable of Glamorganshi 1/17/1913 #870 outhwest by Chief Constable Lionel Lindsay. 4/8/1913 #887 LINDSAY, ON Police report. "James Todd h 12/12/1974 #29638 MT. LINDSAY, CO Observer(s) / Blanca. Large 10/26/1994 #41813 of light was seen in the sky over Lindsay, Ontario, Canada. It paced the w 9/29/2004 #44763## Word: "lindsborg" (Back to Top)
LINDSBORG, KS P. Patchin. Grey-white cla 4/10/1950 #4839 Lindsborg, KS 7:40 p.m. CST (8:40 p.m. E 2/3/1967 #21445## Word: "lindsey" (Back to Top)
co Organ Mountains 9:20 a.m. Trent Lindsey and his wife and son Byron are d 11/7/1957 #14460 Kenneth Lindsey was walking along a road near Mo 12/22/1959 #16128 ck, Mississippi 8:30 p.m. Jennifer Lindsey and her three children are drivi 7/30/1981 #36041 At six o'clock in the morning Lindsey Knott of Crawley, West Sussex, E 1/7/1999 #43711 45 p.m. a man driving on the Mount Lindsey highway in MacLean, Queensland, 12/13/2000 #44102## Word: "lindsley" (Back to Top)
Oakdale, California Kenneth Lindsley and several other witnesses saw 12/22/1959 #16127## Word: "lindstrom" (Back to Top)
tel Maui, Hawaii 2:45 p.m. Michael Lindstrom and his wife are relaxing on t 1/2/1975 #29701 o the southwest after two minutes, Lindstrom takes three photographs (slide 1/2/1975 #29701 ing below the clouds. Mr. and Mrs. Lindstrom reported that the UFO flew off 1/2/1975 #29704 e is similar in appearance to the Lindstrom photographs from Maui, Hawaii 7/7/1989 #39014## Word: "line" (Back to Top)
nlike objects / 4 days. Later they line up. Days later 2 more show. 1/2/1749 (approximate) #69 owly through the sky in a straight line over Biskopsberga, near Skänninge, 5/16/1808 #102 oving west. It moves in a straight line at first, then moves south for a bi 6/8/1868 #172 eads northeasterly in a horizontal line. It appears made of three perfectly 9/30/1880 #240 es strung out more in an irregular line. The ship’s crew observes them agai 2/24/1893 #308 n, a conductor on the Hayes Street line, sees an aerial light at about 300– 11/22/1896 #349 m. A passenger train on the Wabash line, going toward Quincy, was followed 4/15/1897 #481 ri A passenger train on the Wabash line, going toward Quincy, was followed 4/15/1897 #485 m. a passenger train on the Wabash line heading toward Quincy, Illinois had 4/15/1897 #499 LACCA Pacific and Orient Steamship Line steamship orient. 270M shafts / lig 3/14/1907 #693 nt fabrication, including assembly line production instead of individual ha 10/1/1908 #718 . The St. Petersburg-Tampa Airboat Line was a short-lived endeavor — only f 1/1/1914 #895 s. It then peels off in a straight line, headed north. 6/2/1919 #986 r discs are trailing in a straight line behind a much larger one, moving we 8/1926 #1060 ortholes / bottom/underside. Drops line. 4/1927 (approximate) #1071 shes across the south polar cap. A line of tiny white spots seems to extend 5/30/1937 #1270 physicist Ross Gunn is dropped in line with an NDRC policy not to have Arm 6/28/1941 #1367 which were arranged on a straight line or plane and were yellowish like an 12/1942 #1466 es below the bombers in a straight line and at terrific speed, leaving a va 12/11/1943 #1551 like an airship; appeared to be a line of windows along the bottom of the 2/19/1944 #1575 ng from the direction of the front line towards Antwerp. (NICAP: 02 - Close 9/1944 #1659 arc” are seen flying in a straight line over Longwy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Fr Mid 9/1946 #2182 pulsion performance, beyond Kármán line) 11/21/1946 #2207 inutes it disappears in a straight line to the west-northwest. 5/19/1947 #2294 . Glittering silver disk over rail line here. Trails teardrop cloud. 5/25/1947? #2296 Des Moines, IA Line Of Saucers Headed SSE (NICAP: 01 - 6/29/1947 #2464 and arranges itself in a straight line. The nine objects are seen at least 7/4/1947 #2667 veyors. 4 silver saucers with dark line / center. Going quickly northwest / 7/5/1947 #2691 discs flying rapidly in a straight line toward Bangor in a north-northeaste 7/5/1947 #2729 silvery discs that each had a dark line in the center fly toward the northw 7/5/1947 #2730 move at great speed in a straight line flying toward the northwest. At abo 7/6/1947 #2827 ng east, single file in a straight line (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 7/7/1947 #2919 OWN, NJ 1 observer. 4 100' disks / line formation. 3 shiny and 1 dull. Slow 7/9/1947 #3040 irection. It dipped below the tree line and came back up again. 7/9/1947 #3073 ly in a rather diagonal chain-like line as if they were linked together.” ( 7/12/1947 #3157 New Mexico A memo with the subject line, “Recovery ‘Flying Discs,’” purport 7/30/1947 #3261 know.” The study is passed up the line to Gen. George Schulgen and Hoover 7/30/1947 #3262 otes interference on the telephone line when he calls the report in. 3/31/1949 #4063 aped objects in a perfect straight line formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 5/1949 #4135 h rapidly and move in a horizontal line and disappear from sight in 20–40 s 11/3/1949 #4411 es something flashing near a power line. He goes to investigate and encount 4/24/1950 #4888 bject and located above the center line of the fuselage. The ports are a da 7/1950 #5035 hover and circle / high altitude. Line up and going quickly southeast. / C 8/1950 (approximate) #5088 100 feet in diameter, flying in a line about 25 feet apart. The pilots pur 10/15/1950 #5236 t diameter, that flew in a perfect line formation. 10/15/1950 #5238 ks back and forth in a north-south line through an arc of 10–30°, changing 12/27/1950 #5368 ortholes or orifices below the rim line. 8/15/1951 #5610 ain in Australia, on the east/west line, saw a flying object at four o'cloc 8/26/1951 #5632 and tracks / main railroad/railway line lit and examined. Object / nearly l 10/26/1951 #5745 continental train on the east-west line saw an object that illuminated the 10/26/1951 #5746 continental train on the east-west line saw a flying object that illuminate 10/26/1951 #5747 d object reverses and pulls into a line with the other two between them. Th 2/20/1952 #5915 e along a 100-to-150-nautical-mile line approximately 5–10 nautical miles o 3/26/1952 #5980 0 groups, all flying in a straight line except for some changes in directio 4/20/1952 #6140 red three round, white lights in a line that buzzed their aircraft. 5/8/1952 #6277 e time, the crew of a Flying Tiger Line C-46 near Otto, New Mexico, sees a 5/28/1952 #6377 d at great speed and in a straight line. Suddenly, as it reaches a point ov 5/31/1952 #6394 traveled at 300 mph in a straight line while revolving. It stopped over ai 6/6/1952 #6456 and then went down below the tree line. 6/13/1952 #6497 llow and lavender colors flying in line over Owensboro, Kentucky. 6/23/1952 #6609 smaller orbs were "strung out in a line." The explanation provided by the U 6/29/1952 #6668 flying west to east in a straight line at constant speed. He immediately t 7/18/1952 #6897 exico Object traveling in straight line out to sea with buzzing noise (NICA 8/26/1952 #7742 ameter and 10 feet high, flying in line at about 1,500 mph. 8/29/1952 #7789 (GOC) observer(s) = Carlson. Black line tilts. = shimmering silver disk. 9/4/1952 #7842 Os in January. Somewhere along the line, MIT’s Lincoln Labs and CIS have be 12/10/1952 #8408 r passes going quickly west. Black line sticks way going down. Lights groun 4/23/1953 #8842 diameter moving slowly over a tree line about 200 feet away. It soon drops 12/30/1953 #9409 her, then turned to the south in a line. 1/5/1954 #9450 as ordered to report to the flight line as there was a crash in the desert; 4/12/1954 #9685 euver all over/all about oilfield. Line up and going quickly west. 5/1954 #9735 zon to the northeast in a straight line, make a 90° turn, then move away to 5/12/1954 #9779 satellite objects on a horizontal line BOAC Case (AL) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR C 6/29/1954 #9961 small objects are strung out in a line, changing relative positions but al 6/29/1954 #9962 Yoron-Jima Island, Okinawa Line of blue lights underneath a blue ci 8/11/1954 #10122 ler Shipwrecker Co., of Okinawa. A line of blue lights, underneath. a blue 8/11/1954 #10124 recker Company, of Okinawa, sees a line of blue lights underneath a blue ci 8/11/1954 #10127 Co., and Kosei Nakamoto sighted a line of blue lights that flew over their 8/11/1954 #10128 aped objects turned blue. Flew in line formation and increased speed durin 8/27/1954 #10189 BALTIMORE, MD Astronomer. Line / 4 night lights climb and reform a 9/6/1954 #10258 nd reform as plane passes. Back to line. 9/6/1954 #10258 continuous trajectory. On Michele line / Tulle-Langeac / r49. 9/23/1954 #10403 ayonne to Vichy (BAVIC) orthotenic line discovered by Aime Michel and confi 9/24/1954 #10439 four or more points on a straight line. Below are some of the more interes 10/1/1954 #10570 FR Sighting on northeast-southwest line. Back again 10 / 14 / 54 at 1813 ho 10/2/1954 #10588 l-saucer hovers / railroad/railway line. Quickly going up / 10M altitude / 10/11/1954 #10907 above the Evreux-Louviers railroad line. The lower part was ringlike, and t 10/11/1954 #10927 above the Evreux-Louviers railroad line. The lower part was ringlike, and t 10/11/1954 #10943 ortheast going southwest. Official line = comet. 10/15/1954 #11077 l, Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery, p. 182; Jacques Vallee, Pa 10/15/1954 #11120 the full moon flying in a straight line from west to east. It disappears ov 11/17/1954 #11663 collides with a high-tension power line making a shower of sparks, and the 11/23/1954 #11696 collided with a high-tension power line with a shower of sparks, and the gi 11/23/1954 #11698 gray, almost round, with a center line Beneath the line there were 6/23/1955 #12209 h a center line Beneath the line there were several (at least four) 6/23/1955 #12209 formation from elliptical to wavy line to scattered to straight line to tr 8/11/1955 #12352 wavy line to scattered to straight line to trail formation. Speed varied f 8/11/1955 #12352 formation from elliptical to wavy line to scattered to straight line to tr 8/11/1955 #12354 wavy line to scattered to straight line to trail formation. Speeds varied f 8/11/1955 #12354 he sky and disappear beyond a tree line some distance from the house.” 8/21/1955 #12386 about 1–2 miles south of the rail line.” The Air Force report is written b 10/4/1955 #12488 KAWAY, LI, NY 1 observer. Slanting line near airliner = saucer tilting. Air 2/22/1956 #12735 p on radar. It moves in a straight line to a position about 15 miles northw 8/13/1956 #13080 over / naval academy. Silent. Form line. 8/14/1956 #13084 MERIDA, VNZL Line of 4 70M saucers going [to] over ci 9/6/1956 #13190 ff at a 45° angle to avoid a power line, then shoots away. Local residents 7/30/1957 #13862 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape (line / 6 night lights) going south. Smal 9/12/1957 #13990 The object then crosses the flight line, runways, and taxiways heading towa 11/4/1957 #14289 en red lighted objects in straight line formation. [UFOE, II] (NICAP: 01 - 1/9/1958 #14815 e size of a basketball in straight line flight (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, 6/20/1958 #15103 basketball, and flew in a straight line. 7/20/1958 #15151 ght 407 flies directly between his line of sight and the UFO at 2 miles dis 10/7/1958 #15329 DEW Line, DEW Line Radar tracked UFO which d 11/1958 #15413 DEW Line, DEW Line Radar tracked UFO which descended, 11/1958 #15413 ng Vital Intelligence Sightings in line with the JANAP procedures. 2/1/1959 #15575 bright lights flying in a precise line. The initial detection takes place 2/24/1959 #15604 s / circular formation. Regroup to line. Going [to] east-northeast. / r242p 6/11/1959 #15764 ght with 3–4 satellite lights in a line below, behind, and to the left of t 7/11/1959 #15834 nd UFO passed over following trunk line. After UFO left, keys turned back o 8/17/1959 #15922 Westover AFB, MA B-52 On Flight Line Tracks Seven Targets (NICAP: 09 - R 9/1959 #15949 ssy deposit was found on the power line a kilometer away. Mr. Johansson suf 9/29/1959 #16000 AUBAGNE, FR Saucer over line / shoppers. 20 pseudo-human/entity 10/30/1959 (approximate) #16067 x o’clock position. Once nearly in line with the lunar edge, it begins a pr 12/13/1959 #16118 nged like an “X” with one diagonal line (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 3/23/1960 #16203 nged like an "X" with one diagonal line, seen for 3/4 of a minute. Note: l 3/23/1960 #16204 the hyperfine transition emission line of interstellar hydrogen atoms prop 4/8/1960 #16218 ts traveling in a perfectly spaced line of flight. It makes a surprising ri 9/14/1960 #16446 esting that it was near the flight line because it had just arrived or was 1962 #17012 CO Large UFO hovering over a high line tower, chased by Air Force helicopt 8/15/1962 #17334 e seen again at 1800, at the state line. Two witnesses saw one round object 9/15/1962 #17400 es two discs just across the state line near Oradell. At 7:50 p.m., Victor 9/15/1962 #17403 n again at 6:00 p.m., at the state line near Oradell, New Jersey. Two witne 9/15/1962 #17404 haped UFO descends over the flight line and hovers for a few minutes. It st Late 10/1962 #17496 en continues passing in a straight line across the blue Georgia sky, faster 12/1/1962 #17568 ing aircraft north to south. UFO's line of flight intersected aircraft path 1/24/1963 #17638 traveling from north to south. The line of flight of the disc-shaped UFO in 1/24/1963 #17639 out farmhouse and railroad/railway line. / FSRv12#1+v17#3+/ LDLN#66 / r8. 10/21/1963 #17993 e light, which moves in a straight line toward the house, lifts several hun 1/12/1965 #18720 shing light moving across the tree line to the east and making a humming no 1/15/1965 #18739 agent’s office. He uses the phone line only once to “report some high-qual 1/19/1965 #18748 Tokyo, Japan Night. A Flying Tiger Line cargo aircraft (Flight F-169) en ro 2/11/1965 #18809 100–500 feet, flying in a straight line toward the hills two miles away. Th 3/8/1965 #18851 found nearby close to a telephone line. Tilse says that “tops of trees app 5/24/1965 #18962 aped object approach in a straight line from over the lake. She described i 5/30/1965 #18977 o an area of some electrical power line pylons, one mile away. 8/13/1965 #19385 LNAR, CZK 4 saucers / vertical line / sky. Vanish. 12 orbs 6x2 same way 8/14/1965 #19388 nd says the lights are always in a line and at a 60° angle; when the object 9/3/1965 #19511 C Two Orange Discs Fly In Straight Line (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Co 9/22/1965 #19590 nd. They did not keep in a perfect line, but 1-2 dropped out of place from 10/17/1965 #19661 seen / main electric transmission line. Huge power outage / northeast USA 11/9/1965 #19705 t the top and 12 feet at the water line. Then, about 30 feet away, a second 11/13/1965 #19719 anding gear visible, but a lateral line like a seam encircled the UFO. It b 1/5/1966 #19806 mines the photo, he finds a jagged line of discontinuity running across the 4/2/1966 #20208 m altitude, between a high-tension line and a row of trees. 4/5/1966 #20243 lying between a high-tension power line and a row of trees. Cows, dogs, and 4/5/1966 #20250 cone of nine white lights, with a line of 10-12 small blue lights below it 4/10/1966 #20281 ing sound. Chased UFO across state line, other police witnesses en route. O 4/17/1966 #20317 nged to cone shape, then to a thin line, and finally sped away disappearing 8/22/1966 #20784 . 100M blimp with RADAR dish hooks line to RCA Building towers! 10/30/1966 #21049 ing room wall. An apparent ceiling line is visible in the bottom tier. Sudd 11/1/1966 #21061 ed objects that flew in a straight line, then separately zoomed up and away 2/8/1967 #21478 shaped objects moved in a straight line, then separately shot straight up v 2/8/1967 #21484 Rapids, Michigan. Three were in a line formation while the fourth was off 2/12/1967 #21524 ere seen within 50 feet of a power line. The objects sometimes bounced up a 2/17/1967 #21585 t speed in and hover under a power line, then retrace its approach path (re 2/20/1967 #21605 ct at times traveled in a straight line, made turns (maneuvered), disappear 2/27/1967 #21673 ouse. When it passes above a power line, it stops and hovers for 4 minutes. 3/5/1967 #21763 d and hovered over a mountain tree line. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No 3/9/1967 #21831 moon moving silently in a straight line from northwest to northeast. It slo 3/24/1967 #21972 re aligned in a straight, diagonal line in the sky, and each was surrounded 5/6/1967 #22288 odded and said something along the line of, ‘But be careful, don’t get caug 5/10/1967 #22310 e suspended by a string or fishing line— held close to the camera. The symb 6/1/1967 #22448 r, then disappeared below the tree line. (McPhillips report, NICAP files.) 6/27/1967 #22562 ds. Each time they leave a silvery line about 10 times their length behind Mid 8/1967 #22882 to the southwest along a straight line at an altitude of about 2,500 feet. 9/4/1967 #22995 -colored light just above the tree line moving silently and slowly with spa 10/4/1967 #23176 one after the other, in a straight line. It appears to be slowly descending 10/4/1967 #23176 eviate and a brief apparition of a line of six luminous discs. 10/13/1967 #23234 e formation dips and bobs toward a line of high-voltage towers half a mile 10/22/1967 #23290 (s). Night lights and ovoids. Rail line nearby. 10/24/1967 #23297 continued traveling on a straight line towards the east and disappeared, w 11/28/1967 #23520 ects were spotted beyond the fence line of the base and in the distant peri 1968 #23622 later, a State Dept. cable subject line “Moon Dust” (referring to a covert 3/1968 #23799 d object descending below the tree line near the lake. He parks his car and 7/1968 #24108 t moved 55 degrees in a horizontal line due west. Ten minutes later it move 7/9/1968 #24164 y witnesses parrot the NORAD party line that its radars only look in certai 7/29/1968 #24254 row, and one in the middle of the line seems larger and has a white glow a 8/21/1968 #24364 nded layers divided by a thin blue line. There are two flashing white light 2/18/1969 #24928 ller globes trail it in a straight line. The object travels to the right an 8/30/1969 #25340 ll. The cigar and the discs form a line and move into a large, peculiar clo 7/1970 #25723 Four men near a railway line saw a brightly lit disc come down t 11/25/1970 #25920 The light continued in a straight line to the north, then rose vertically 12/5/1970 #25929 range balls of light in a straight line move across the sky. They had "a lo 1/22/1971 #25995 ached, he saw that these were on a line of eight bluish luminescent rectang 3/5/1971 #26044 found on his shirt, below the belt line, several golden yellow rectangles a 3/5/1971 #26044 re/orb/globe over railroad/railway line. Dogs and cows scared. 3 clocks sto 7/20/1971 #26237 three giant figures standing in a line near the opposite hedgerow. His des 10/28/1971 #26438 rmed. Country: USA Name: “Diagonal Line” YieldMax: 20KT 11/24/1971 #26475 beams. It disappears beyond a tree line as they enter town, 1/1972 #26535 about 30 meters away from a fence line, which was 5 meters from the road). 6/1/1972 #26696 to see if the being would pass the line of trees leading back down the road 7/26/1972 #26836 way at about 100 mph in a straight line and is lost to sight. The motorcycl 11/10/1972 #27116 s" man / tractor. Going [to] power line. 12/16/1972 #27178 e. From the left side of the UFO a line or cord extended some 30 yards, and 4/15/1973 #27431 s or shoes, with a heavy, distinct line between the sole and the boot itsel 5/12/1973 #27481 een walls, with at least one black line, or slot, on the back wall. She was 8/4/1973 #27683 REAL, QBC 2 observer(s) photograph line / 12 fast silent night lights going 8/5/1973 #27684 ights then separated into a single line and proceeded north toward Mt. Algo 9/11/1973 #27803 d along the Housatonic, observed a line of lights descending Mt. Algo on it 9/11/1973 #27803 ights then separated into a single line and proceeded north toward Mt. Algo 9/12/1973 #27809 d along the Housatonic, observed a line of lights descending Mt. Algo on it 9/12/1973 #27809 the woman is hanging clothes on a line in her backyard when she notices a 10/6/1973 #27960 o tell anyone, as well as seeing a line of people waiting to go on board. D 10/16/1973 #28088 Route 17 near Savannah Georgia. A line of autos slowed down to observed th 10/18/1973 #28175 r. She drew the curtains and saw a line of lights forming an arc. Each ligh 10/21/1973 #28229 ct, and about 75 feet from a fence line. Walking along the fence line were 10/25/1973 #28286 ence line. Walking along the fence line were two tall figures, from seven t 10/25/1973 #28286 nk fog / road. Figure sweeps white line! / r231'76p6. 11/18/1973 #28438 met, who was standing on the white line in the middle of the road. He appea 11/18/1973 #28444 anquillo, pilot of an Alitalia Air Line DC-9 en route from Turin to Rome, c 11/30/1973 #28490 up slowly and disappeared behind a line of trees. The car's engine came on 1/24/1974 #28702 the south over a geological fault line. A second disc followed the same co 2/13/1974 #28766 hovers just beyond the depot fence line about 300 feet away. The light now 5/1974 #29075 nt, they see 15 robots standing in line together close to a creek for 5 min 6/25/1974 #29224 4 long legs near railroad/railway line. 8/26/1974 #29387 . The objects then form a straight line, hover for a minute or two, then su 9/1/1974 #29417 on his belt upon which was a wavy line. She was extremely upset by this en 9/3/1974 #29418 d four others appear in a straight line, lighting up in succession. Driving 1/1/1975 #29689 object exits 2nd and follows power line. 1/13/1975 #29746 slowly and silently in a straight line from east to west and are now direc 1/31/1975 #29775 ide but continued on in a straight line, emitting beams of light. 5/29/1975 #30068 ds up. 2 silent UFO's follow power line. 6/22/1975 #30116 . The lights descend in a straight line at a 30° angle until they stop over 8/26/1975 #30310 radar and observed over the flight line by Sgt. Steven Eichner, Sgt. R. Jon 10/28/1975 #30503 n individuals penetrate the flight line at Grand Forks AFB north of Emerado 11/3/1975 #30546 the Gulf of Finland. The official line is that a manufacturing defect caus 11/30/1975 #30677 Two UFOs reported near the flight line at Cannon AFB, N.M. Security Police 1/21/1976 #30802 UFOs are reported near the flight line at Cannon AFB, New Mexico. (Actual 1/21/1976 #30808 olice see two UFOs near the flight line at Cannon AFB, southwest of Clovis, 1/21/1976 #30810 owly descend. The humanoids form a line across the entire width of the road 9/3/1976 #31335 feet as it traveled in a straight line, occasionally dipping by 30 feet. R 10/31/1976 #31512 ground in a straight, featureless line, and having no signs of arms or leg 12/10/1976 #31593 MOON Astronomer Trouvelot. Fine line / light crosses crater Eudoxus goin 2/20/1977 #31830 lobe of light moving in a straight line in the sky at 8:30 p.m. Their car's 3/13/1977 #31905 e or trail. It moves in a straight line with an oscillation in the same dir 4/17/1977 #31986 t above the ground near some power line towers and is in the shape of a per 5/16/1977 #32098 ld about 600 feet beyond the fence line of the compound. Many soldiers see 7/1/1977 #32227 n the air and moving in a straight line at a constant speed. It is visible 7/26/1977 #32317 s along a 110-mile, north-to-south line, for as long as 10 minutes. 7/26/1977 #32317 s appears, 7 of them in a straight line, equally spaced. The eighth is slig 9/21/1977 #32503 pe hovers between railroad/railway line and power lines. Going quickly nort 10/22/1977 #32599 Raeke is inspecting the rear fence line, he (allegedly) sees a helmeted fig 11/16/1977 #32677 enkins goes back to the rear fence line, he sees two of these beings. They 11/16/1977 #32677 he woods toward the Fort Dix fence line. A security patrol finds its dead b 1/18/1978 #32894 ey are flying in a ragged straight line, approximately equidistant, at 7,00 1/27/1978 #32918 g when the control console came in line with what Julio assumed was a "comp 2/5/1978 #32957 going up [to] by railroad/railway line. Blazing light / end. Tilts vertica 2/21/1978 #32986 ted by another conversation on the line. Someone is apparently giving a bri 3/27/1978 #33088 ar-shape going quickly east. Black line along side. No props or jets etc. 4/9/1978 #33134 ss silently overhead in a straight line from the southwest. They are lost b 5/30/1978 #33242 air, flying parallel to the fence line. He directs a spotlight at the obje 6/11/1978 #33275 ee a large silver ball on the tree line to the east. After disagreeing on w 7/1978 #33319 sunlight and moving in a straight line northward in the western sky. They 7/3/1978 #33325 hovering over a high tension power line tower by a 40-year-old woman named 9/29/1978 #33780 a, Iran. It appears just above the line of the roof, and its shape is simil 10/8/1978 #33813 to the east hovering above a rail line. It has a bright light on top and r 10/29/1978 #33889 e it flew in a horizontal straight line. It then went back into the clouds. 2/13/1979 #34421 a 3' x 7' disc hovering over power line poles. It made a humming sound that 5/12/1979 #34556 lots and ground RADAR. 5 objects / line. Automatic Direction Finder (ADF) a 5/26/1979 #34583 nge objects flying in a horizontal line. They tilt, spread out, and regroup 5/26/1979 #34590 sighting five orange objects in a line, moving to the left of the airliner 5/29/1979 #34594 roville, California, in a straight line. 9/3/1979 #34828 away and descending below the tree line. He stops his truck to watch it mov 9/5/1979 #34839 n flew along the San Andreas fault line. 9/9/1979 #34857 low a 250 kW electric transmission line. 2/25/1980 #35183 It begins to move down the flight line, and they see it is a gray-black de 5/1980 #35296 m to brim” with a brilliant center line. It stops hovering and ascends vert 8/1980 #35437 that appear one after another then line up in a triangular formation hoveri 9/6/1980 #35501 The UFO disappears behind the roof line of the house. 10/26/1980 #35591 s the field to the east, almost in line with a farmhouse, as the witnesses 12/28/1980 #35749 le further to the east in the same line of sight. Later, three star-like li 12/28/1980 #35749 e down over the highway the yellow line had swiggled from the melting heat. 12/29/1980 #35758 e, and go all the way to the fence line and through it. The couple begins t 1981 #35763 immediately, rising above the tree line and departing to the northeast. The 1/8/1981 #35779 A physicist watched an uneven line of six orange UFOs fly silently by 6/15/1981 #35972 both move northeast in a straight line. The lights are as bright as a “hal 8/12/1981 #36070 a few hundred feet above the tree line and a short distance away from her 4/1/1982 #36428 TAINAN, TAIWAN 1 observer. White line rushes south going quickly north. M 7/26/1982 #36552 illuminated object above the tree line, projecting a beam of light into th 8/10/1982 #36568 an object hovering above the tree line. The craft was wedge shaped and tri 9/1982 #36589 d lights dim as disc follows power line (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 9/6/1982 #36597 utes it sinks down behind the tree line. 9/30/1982 #36622 eir pickup stops with a frozen gas line. After about 20 minutes, they notic 10/27/1982 #36666 ped craft fly slowly in a straight line from the southwest, over the valley 11/25/1982 #36690 O then disappeared behind the tree line of a forest preserve. The police re 11/27/1982 #36691 ward ground, descended behind tree line (section V). (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 11/27/1982 #36693 ward ground, descended behind tree line 11/27/1982 #36695 nd, as it descends behind the tree line, seemingly landing in Busse Woods ( 11/27/1982 #36697 d, as it descended behind the tree line. The entire episode lasted about t 11/27/1982 #36698 ips hovering 350 feet over a power line pole in Lawrence, Kansas. It flew a 5/4/1983 #36852 as, hovering 350 feet over a power line pole. It flies away toward the nort 5/4/1983 #36854 ips hovering 350 feet over a power line pole in Lawrence, Kansas. It flew a 5/4/1983 #36855 over above a nearby electric power line. It ejects a pyramid-shaped array o 5/24/1983 #36868 ver(s). Domed saucer watches power line repairs. Seems to land / woods. No 7/22/1983 #36917 West County Line Road South Ashland Avenue Beecher, 8/1/1983 #36929 at the intersection of West County Line Road and South Ashland Avenue about 8/1/1983 #36929 to land on a ridge behind the tree line. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 1/28/1984 #37161 to land on a ridge behind the tree line. At 6:50 a.m., the husband sees a b 1/28/1984 #37162 gar-shaped object followed a fence line in a pasture at around 9:00 p.m., m 7/30/1984 #37424 from south to north in a straight line. 12/10/1984 #37521 of Lockheed Skunk Works stated the line item was funding for a stealth bomb 1985 #37542 letin board using a voice and data line connected to an IBM personal comput 1/1/1986 #37745 ng outside, she sees above a power line a black object hovering with a pecu 2/4/1986 #37779 does not stop, moving over a power line and illuminating the cables below. 4/22/1986 #37833 off at the rim. Through the center line runs a row of 8–10 portholes with w 1/9/1987 #38096 ashington Post, and ABC-TV’s Night Line. Many ufologists denounce the docum 5/31/1987 #38180 light on right side flew over tree line behind a house. Just before 10:00 p 5/4/1989 #38936 limbs falling over a transmission line when a resident cut down a tree cau 7/22/1989 #39030 ear an electric power transmission line for 30 minutes. About 7–9 lights ar 10/21/1989 #39179 off in lateral directions from the line of flight, “at which time they emit Early 4/1990 #39506 bottom than at the top, and a dark line seemed to rotate inside the windows 5/30/1990 #39600 ntil she lost sight of it behind a line of trees. 7/13/1990 #39644 , FR Huge silent black mass blocks line / trees. Lights / edge. 100kph over 11/5/1990 #39850 er. Slow and low. Railroad/railway line. 11/14/1990 #39886 appeared to shrink to a horizontal line that disappeared. 7/24/1991 #40131 re to help them walk in a straight line. To prove their case, they make a c 9/9/1991 #40182 color. Next, a vibrating vertical line became visible. Next to the stripe 1/24/1992 #40302 At first, 14-year-old Robbie saw a line of bright lights that hung over a s 5/3/1992 #40449 above the ground. Both ends of the line appeared to curve away, giving the 5/3/1992 #40449 n top, was observed above the tree line by a woman driving on Bruce Highway 5/8/1992 #40460 US22 EAST / WVA LINE, PA 3 silent saucers / treetops. Bl 6/23/1992 #40503 f light maneuver around the flight line of the base at high speed and diffe 1/1993 #40782 that had a higher than normal neck line. It had a belt that supported a pai 1/19/1993 #40802 ted six white lights in a straight line. He viewed then through binoculars 2/9/1993 #40847 approaches to a point directly in line with his window, it dives into the 6/3/1993 #41003 hed vegetation were found: a first line of 8m x 40 cm, and a second line of 10/30/1993 #41256 t line of 8m x 40 cm, and a second line of 10m, and a circle on the 2 lines 10/30/1993 #41256 ll-separated targets, sometimes in line, both usually in a triangular array 3/8/1994 #41449 minating the nearby trees. A white line was now visible on the object, and 4/7/1994 #41480 k triangle spun out of a billowing line of smoke in the sky over Gull Lake, 8/10/1994 #41668 neuvered up and down near the tree line in Indianapolis, Indiana. 9/11/1994 #41735 ide. It disappears behind the tree line. 4/18/1995 #42157 e on the ground the three formed a line, grabbing each other's shoulders, n 3/7/1996 #42815 's shoulders, not unlike a "Conga" line dance. Using quick jumping motions 3/7/1996 #42815 times. It now moves in a straight line east away from Ellsworth but stops 12/1996 #43127 ped eyes. Its mouth was but a thin line and its nose was just two small rou 9/5/1997 #43395 obing white lights down the center line to the base. It was the size of a h 11/3/1998 #43675 ing in the sky just above the tree line. 5/10/1999 #43766 3 round silver objects / very long line. 1 vanishes. 2 going quickly southw 6/1/1999 #43777 ical column with three lights in a line moved silently across the sky. It d 10/23/1999 #43864 le formation changed to a straight line, looking like balls of fire, giving 1/29/2000 #43936 herman was engaged in hauling up a line of traps off Farlon Island near San 1/30/2000 #43937 hree objects hovered in a straight line above the city, occasionally changi 3/2/2000 #43962 from the northwest, traveling in a line at a fast speed. The most seen at a 6/3/2000 #44000 imilar to an army unit and forms a line and disappears almost instantly to 1/1/2001 #44114 ey all travelled beneath the cloud line. One went out completely, while the 4/26/2001 #44168 Brown’s gravitators and provides a line drawing of its interior. The diagra 5/9/2001 #44182 seen moving slowly above the tree line in Hagerstown, Maryland for two min 8/1/2001 #44216 gray objects flying in a straight line over Victoria, British Columbia, wh 8/12/2001 #44232 re offset a little from a straight line. That night, at 11:45 p.m., five br 11/19/2001 #44278 g. She also sees a straight, black line advancing trough the sky, then a “p 8/13/2002 #44383 and shiny UFOs flew in a straight line formation from the southeast to the 9/24/2002 #44404 eal of heat. It flew in a straight line and crossed the sky in 8 to 10 seco 5/28/2003 #44548 explicable turn and finally made a line for Cerro El Avila mountain. 8/28/2003 #44585 was moving very fast in a straight line, at an altitude of approximate 150 4/5/2004 #44684 a nor trail. It went on a straight line toward the northwest. Later a helic 4/26/2004 #44693 own the middle of it in a straight line from one end to another. She hears 9/17/2004 #44758 ot was first seen, then a vertical line that turned to the left. Contrails 12/18/2004 #44800 night during that week, the flight line was evacuated, the base was locked 2005 #44804 object fly silently in a straight line and constant speed from south to no 6/19/2005 #44848 o be internally lit. It also had a line of bright blue lights in a marquee 4/18/2006 #44932 that first traveled in a straight line with no flashing lights, and then b 8/6/2008 #45156 oves over the runway in a straight line and at a steady speed about 1,500 f 6/24/2009 #45228 ner at 5:30 p.m. Two hours later a line of orange lights was observed appea 8/5/2009 #45232 ects skimming just under the cloud line. They were not balloons, helicopter 5/16/2010 #45282 e a luminous disc above the flight line behind the “Pacer Fence.” The sourc 12/15/2010 #45307 h arm and are flying in a straight line quite close to each other. 9/19/2012 #45352 d light. A very short bright green line also appears just below and to the 10/6/2013 #45389 e father sees that the short green line is actually a long, flat, bright, r 10/6/2013 #45389 d. It is reasonable to ask if this line of research began even before then. 4/2017 #45467 three globes flying in a straight line. They move closer together and disa 2/23/2018 #45510 BS-TV’s 60 Minutes, US Navy pilots line up to recount their experiences wit 8/29/2021 #45704## Word: "line-of-duty" (Back to Top)
requiring approval because it is a line-of-duty exercise in the Chemical Co 9/15/1953 #9168## Word: "line-of-fire" (Back to Top)
itary observer(s). Silver saucer / line-of-fire / Anti-Aircraft guns/teams 8/13/1954 #10140## Word: "linea" (Back to Top)
LA LINEA, SPAIN Several military observer(s 10/13/1968 #24560 LA LINEA, SP 2 teens. Night light / high al 8/11/1976 #31255 La Linea de Concepción, Spain Strait of Gib 8/11/1976 #31256 14 are standing on the beach in La Linea de Concepción, Spain, facing the S 8/11/1976 #31256 At 11:30 p.m. two teenagers in La Linea Beach, Cadiz, Spain saw a nocturna 8/11/1976 #31257## Word: "lineage" (Back to Top)
ees a large chart illustrating the lineage of every Skunk Works aircraft si Late 1990's #43480 dealt with “extraterrestrial human lineage and time travel information.” H 2008 #45109## Word: "linear" (Back to Top)
gion contains a series of somewhat linear ridges that have a fishbone-like 1824 #117 road/railway engineer. 9 saucers / linear formation flip / sequence. North 6/24/1947 #2382 jects going west and going south / linear formations. Low humming heard. 7/4/1947 #2594 ing quickly southwest. RADAR shows linear blip. Away / 300mph. / r1. 9/16/1952 #7954 astronomer. 4 grey ovoids going / linear echelon toward(s) Ellington Field 1/14/1956 #12658 objects flying by at 10:15 p.m. in linear echelon formation, toward Ellingt 1/14/1956 #12659 d, but reappeared as 4 lights in a linear formation at a 45 degree angle in 10/11/1967 #23220 north going south / low altitude. Linear formation. Separate and tilt. 1/2/1971 #25967 ee silver discs flew silently in a linear formation at a low altitude. They 1/2/1971 #25968 to/from/between west over Stanford linear accelerator. Hums. Quickly going 2/1972 #26559 horage International Airport see a linear flight of four separate unidentif 4/23/1977 #32017 d deaths is uncertain based on the linear no-threshold model, a contested s 4/26/1986 #37843 g delta/triangle/box-like crafts / linear formation going quickly west. Del 10/11/1990 #39777 ms he sees an image of a mile wide linear structure that looked artificial 1994 #41351 flame that approached slowly on a linear trajectory. Duration 12 seconds. 9/7/1997 #43399 d the west, then rearranged into a linear echelon formation. On that same n 6/5/1999 #43780 ral minutes the UFOs formed into a linear formation and flew off rapidly to 1/1/2001 #44115 cts sunlight and appears to have a linear form. It passes down the left- ha 1/15/2019 #45558## Word: "linearly" (Back to Top)
the ground at 7:00 p.m. It moving linearly southward without making a nois 4/25/2001 #44166## Word: "lined" (Back to Top)
ormation “shaped like an X or a Y, lined up across the sky.” Newspaper phot 6/18/1947 #2340 20 inches long and 8 inches high, lined with “thousands of minute cells re 2/28/1958 #14898 ject four small red orbs flew out, lined up behind the larger ball, then fl 5/13/1962 #17173 being then took him down a street lined with beautiful white buildings thr 7/4/1970 #25727 ects with powerful flashing lights lined up in the sky eight kilometers wid 6/1/1999 #43778 ted that three large round objects lined up along Highway 35 in Liverpool, 10/27/2008 #45179## Word: "lineman" (Back to Top)
SUISUN BAY, CA Telegraph lineman. 'Powered balloon' flies into wi 11/15/1896 #337 At 9:00 p.m. a telegraph lineman in Suisun City, California saw a 11/15/1896 #338 edera, Italy Camillo Faieta, 35, a lineman, was on duty when a light dazzle 7/13/1966 #20643 Camillo Faieta, age 35, a lineman for the local utility company, w 7/13/1966 #20645## Word: "linemen" (Back to Top)
HEPPNER, OR 3 linemen. 3 36M domed saucers cross sky / 5/6/1954 #9757 At noon, three linemen working in Heppner, Oregon watch 5/6/1954 #9760 NORTHPORT, LI, NY Linemen. Large plain cylinder/cigar-shap 5/24/1957 #13675 silent helicopter beams going [to] linemen. Red balls exit. 2/28/1959 #15621 t directed a beam of light at some linemen workers in San Salvador de Jujuy 2/28/1959 #15625 to May. '95. Men in Black = phony linemen. Fix stovepipe. See reference. 1/27/1968 #23705 n, Quebec 12:30 p.m. Two telephone linemen are working atop a pole near Leb 2/19/1969 #24930## Word: "linen" (Back to Top)
o, Italy went outside to hang some linen to dry and was looking towards a n 2/11/1980 #35168## Word: "liner" (Back to Top)
der/cigar-shape maneuvers. Follows liner / 20 mile(s). / r22p139. 6/24/1950 #5001 SOUTH / GRAND RAPIDS, MN AA liner. Night light 500-1000mph. Hovers a 5/23/1951 #5519 rline(s)/airliner flight 610 crew. Liner paced / 20 minute(s)-turns back. 11/18/1951 #5777 S, OH 2+60 / United Airlines (UAL) liner. Saucer low over houses. Entire ar 6/26/1954 #9950 Dutch ocean liner 8:15 a.m. The captain, officers, a 7/3/1954 #9991 nd 463 passengers of a Dutch ocean liner watch a “greenish-colored, saucer- 7/3/1954 #9991 d five officers of the Dutch ocean liner Groote Beer see a moon-like object 7/29/1954 #10063 ous/glowing saucer maneuvers under liner. Dives toward(s) sea. / LDLN#334. 5/27/1958 #15052 nnas going west / 700mph 3K' under liner. / r75p163. 5/21/1962 #17183 RSA Pilot. Blue-green disk follows liner. No further details. / Flying Sauc 5/1966 #20435 he Fawcett Airlines DC-4 passenger liner in flight from Piura to Lima on Fe 2/2/1967 #21438 N, RSA 727 crew. Night light paces liner. Shoots going quickly southwest. N 7/1/1972 #26751 ortholes going south. Size = ocean liner. / r231'74. 5/14/1973 #27483 d huge object shaped like an ocean liner with rounded back and flat bottom 9/23/1973 #27858 uminous/glowing top-object follows liner. / Richard Hall. 11/11/1973 #28402 MANAGUA, NICR Helicopter and liner pilots and ground observer(s) and 11/15/1973 #28422 watch it. Lennon mentions it in a liner note to his 1974 Walls and Bridges 8/23/1974 #29379 any observer(s). Night lights pace liner. Circle airport. Resume pacing. 9/10/1977 #32476 ack rectangle still / 23K'. (Below liner) / r150. 6/21/1982 #36512 and delta/triangle/box-like craft. Liner chases / 9 minute(s). 3/18/1991 #40019 ] XIAMEN, CH Saucer near airliner. Liner drops and douses lights to avoid. 5/17/1991 #40065 RAGUAY Intense fireball buzzes Lap liner and 3 / Cessna / 25 minute(s). / r 6/8/1991 #40087 ner crew. 2 white blowballs follow liner to Keflavic airport/apartment. 4/21/1993 #40947 FAA RADAR. Intense fireball paces liner. Jumps 20 mile(s) / seconds. 4/12/1996 #42863## Word: "liners" (Back to Top)
NEAR WAKE ISLAND BOAC and PAA liners and military ship. Bright white r 9/21/1961 #16863 LISBON, PRT 2 separate 707 liners / near collision / blue-glow sauc 9/19/1976 #31403 t going east over clouds. Bigger / liners. No lights. 4/3/1997 #43249 Force Base allegedly called “Flux Liners.” He also claims Lockheed Martin 5/9/2001 #44183## Word: "lines" (Back to Top)
SCOTLAND Big boom. Clothes fly off lines. Some drop. Others fly away! 6/30/1842 #134 ght / Mare Crisium! Also blots and lines. 4/10/1865 #164 ans and Venusians by burning giant lines on the deserts of those planets. 1869 #178 MX Sea Captain. Luminous straight lines appear / sea surface. 4/15/1875 (approximate) #207 rounded by a bright ring, two dark lines crossing the nucleus in vertical d 7/3/1884 #261 nucleus in vertical direction, the lines larger in the middle, straight on 7/3/1884 #261 ronomer Bolton. Anomalous luminous lines cross crater Marius. No explanatio 10/25/1901 #647 to the clouds in the rear of their lines. It darts ahead at an estimated sp 12/17/1916 #953 LIVERPOOL, ENG Clothes on lines float upwards. Drift going north. 5/2/1942 #1412 n 150 silvery objects, in straight lines of 10 or 12. The objects seem to w 8/12/1942 #1434 red fireball sail up to the front lines, hover for 15 minutes, then move a Summer 1944 #1607 Boxy object going [to] over front lines. No obvious support. Goes going so 7/1944 #1614 lsion move steadily over the front lines and out to sea. The UFO at one poi 7/1944 #1615 ps. Metallic ovoid hovers / battle lines / strong wind. Quickly going up. 7/5/1944 (approximate) #1619 Beach. It stops over the American lines and hovers for 14 minutes. It expa 8/1944 #1633 ily at about 90 mph over the front lines near Brest, Brittany, France, and Late 8/1944 #1646 b/globe going southwest over front lines. 9/1944 #1654 soldier, stationed near the front lines close to Antwerp, observed "a glow 9/1944 #1659 nd 40 feet altitude from the front lines toward the city (in the same cours 9/1944 #1663 group of lights that made distinct lines, somewhat like arrows; row of vert 12/26/1944 #1734 Emmet, Idaho Witnesses: United Air Lines Capt. E.J. Smith, First Officer Ra 7/4/1947 #2651 Emmett, Idaho 9:12 p.m. United Air Lines Flight 105 pilots Capt. Emil J. Sm 7/4/1947 #2667 bright shiny disk going [to] slow. Lines radiate outward. Cloudy night. 7/6/1947 #2735 rver(s). 6 silver disks over power lines. Going quickly east. Radio Frequen 7/7/1947 #2880 ack Harvey are piloting United Air Lines Flight 105 and descending above Mo 7/28/1947 #3240 saucer follows car. Hovers / power lines. Blinks out. 8/10/1947? #3309 is day. It hovered over some power lines, then blinked out. 8/10/1947 #3310 “vehicle probably flew on magnetic lines of force.” Segments of the craft, 3/25/1948 #3598 gh and fast, traveling in straight lines with slight zigzagging. They are s 5/7/1948 #3643 hovered, maneuvered to avoid Phone lines and trees, and flew away to the no 8/11/1948 #3778 red, maneuvered to avoid telephone lines and trees, and flew away to the no 8/11/1948 #3779 ff or grey rectangle with vertical lines; the other a translucent "amoeba" 9/23/1948 #3810 ff or gray rectangle with vertical lines, the other a translucent "amoeba" 9/23/1948 #3813 objects flew in generally straight lines. 3/17/1949 #4048 d UFO was seen over some telephone lines by J. Bova at the Davis Monthan Ai 4/9/1949 #4085 ' altitude over high tension power lines lines. 7/30/1949 #4296 tude over high tension power lines lines. 7/30/1949 #4296 , and “further study along present lines would only confirm the findings pr 8/10/1949 #4315 ATT technology used magnetic field lines for travel. https://majesticdocum 8/17/1949 #4320 EAK, CO Saucer over peak. Newpaper lines jammed / calls. Also Hobbs and Alb 3/16/1950 #4653 disk hovers near residential power lines. 8/1950 (approximate) #5091 Witnesses: crew of Northwest Air Lines flight 802. Two white flashes, fol 12/11/1950 #5339 The crew of Northwest Air Lines flight 802 sighted two white flash 12/11/1950 #5340 Arctic. It ends with the haunting lines by Douglas Spencer: “Watch the ski 4/7/1951 #5500 ” The fireballs travel in straight lines and are completely silent. 11/9/1951 #5773 FRONT LINES, KOREA 2 white saucers / successio 4/30/1952 #6220 0th Infantry Regiment at the front lines around Panmunjeom, Korea, see two 4/30/1952 #6224 ver a valley in Korea at the front lines of the Korean War, according to mi 4/30/1952 #6225 mph and disappears toward friendly lines. 6/20/1952 #6562 atically and sometimes in straight lines up to 15 miles long. In at least o 9/2/1952 #7829 titude. Going down [to] near power lines. Going quickly northwest as observ 9/6/1952 #7861 parks and circle UN troops / front lines again. 10/19/1952 #8156 ky. 2 Prof. photographs show curvy lines. 1/15/1953 #8540 Station Exeter/West Greenwich town lines Night. A flight of US Navy F2H Ban 6/24/1953 #8970 ver the Exeter/West Greenwich town lines, and debris is scattered for sever 6/24/1953 #8970 erry and his copilot on United Air Lines Flight 600, flying east at 19,000 3/28/1954 #9646 o an isolated area near some power lines and soon saw a white glowing ball 3/28/1954 #9648 apt. John M. Schidel of United Air Lines Flight 193 is forced to make a sha 4/14/1954 #9690 ). 2 attached spheres hover. Green lines dangle. Going quickly west. 9/6/1954 #10259 attached to each other. With green lines dangling from the attached spheres 9/6/1954 #10260 shape and 2 small saucers. Several lines / sightings meet here. 10/7/1954 #10764 n, then converge into two parallel lines and take up a Z-formation before d Late 10/1954 #11393 red as a spinning disk with curved lines radiating from it. Other objects, 8/22/1955 #12389 red as a spinning disc with curved lines radiating from it. Other objects, 8/22/1955 #12390 oblong, stationary object with two lines around its middle (NICAP: 01 - Dis 4/4/1956 #12785 . One fat, oblong object with two lines around its middle, remained statio 4/4/1956 #12786 pe. The fat, oblong object had two lines around its middle. It remained sta 4/4/1956 #12787 ngel hair” that hangs from utility lines and trees. It vanishes within hour 7/10/1956 #12960 void close / ground. Vertical blue lines. Vanishes? 12/14/1956 #13401 and rocks / 1 minute(s). Twinkling lines hang going down. Object quickly go 3/6/1957 #13521 ound. Beneath it are “streamers or lines” that “twinkle like the fragile st 3/6/1957 #13523 Beneath it there were streamers or lines of twinkling material. 3/6/1957 #13524 ng behind black and greenish smoke lines. 11/6/1957 #14424 nments, which he calls “orthotenic lines,” do not necessarily correspond to 1958 #14781 "huge silver disc" over the power lines and he asked the driver to stop. T 10/28/1958 #15395 disconnect power to all four trunk lines. A technician at a substation 45 m 8/17/1959 #15923 d the main station along the power lines. The chief engineer resets all the 8/17/1959 #15923 goes outside to look at the power lines when he bumps into his son Rolf, w Late 10/1959 #16060 y deposits are found on some power lines in addition to the damaged tree, a Late 10/1959 #16060 acility. 25cm disk just over phone lines. Whistles. Lines tangled. 6/13/1961 #16727 k just over phone lines. Whistles. Lines tangled. 6/13/1961 #16727 isc flew just above some telephone lines at a railroad station in Bethunga, 6/13/1961 #16728 ields, trees, machinery, and power lines. The farm is located near Chadron, 11/18/1961 #16964 ield. Buzz like high tension power lines power lines. No traces. / r30p248. 7/1962 #17260 ike high tension power lines power lines. No traces. / r30p248. 7/1962 #17260 saucer / 100' altitude over power lines. / R. Fowler / r83p3. 6/26/1963 #17805 lights. The UFO follows some power lines across a field and disappears to t 6/26/1963 #17809 im-to-rim hovering over some power lines, approximately 300 feet away from 6/26/1963 #17811 creens, double images, or snow and lines. Still other sets go completely bl 9/19/1963 #17946 r. 10' x5' bullet-object with wavy lines. 6 pipes / rear. Whoosh sound. 8/15/1964 #18485 ft bullet-shaped object with wavy lines on the front part (NICAP: 01 - Dis 8/15/1964 #18487 x5' bullet-shaped object with wavy lines on the rounded front part and six 8/15/1964 #18489 5' bullet-shaped object with wavy lines on the rounded front part and six 8/15/1964 #18491 him, the UFO narrowly misses power lines. It is so huge that when it passes 12/21/1964 #18670 narrowly missed hitting some power lines. There was a bluish glow from the 12/21/1964 #18671 ar. 2 saucers hover / high-tension lines. Seem connected. / r111p248. 1/31/1965 #18787 ering over some high-tension power lines between Kent and Renton, Washingto 1/31/1965 #18788 GRANDE, ARG Large silent ovoid. 3 lines connect / helmet / small humanoid 4/1965 #18883 ATLANTA, GA Police lines jammed. Glow saucer spins and mane 8/9/1965 #19345 appeared a pattern: seven vertical lines with markings between them, which 8/16/1965 #19410 oads saucer. Saucer drops to power lines. Pipe extends to wire! 10/21/1965 #19669 ll / fire where high tension power lines lines cross river. 11/9/1965 #19703 ire where high tension power lines lines cross river. 11/9/1965 #19703 e relay on one of the transmission lines from the Sir Adam Beck Hydroelectr 11/9/1965 #19709 ms light going down / high-tension lines. CB radios electro-magnetic effect 12/14/1965 #19768 ped and hovered over the telephone lines opposite her car. It was ovoid sha 1/5/1966 #19806 1 observer. White ovoid over power lines. Rod touches wire and retracts. / 1/16/1966 #19837 H Family. Egg-shape 45M over power lines. Power brownout. Vibration felt. 3/13/1966 #19955 d object about 150 feet over power lines. TV and house lights dimmed (EM ef 3/13/1966 #19956 ed object 150 feet over some power lines in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The 3/13/1966 #19958 green-red) that hovered over power lines, bobbed around and rocked in a pen 3/20/1966 #20005 blue-green-red) hovered over power lines, bobbed around, and rocked in a pe 3/20/1966 #20010 and right all over/all about power lines. / r41p186. 3/21/1966 #20016 ing back and forth over some power lines at 10:00 p.m. Other police soon ar 3/21/1966 #20023 ucer hovers just over high-V power lines. 5 portholes glow / edge. / r41p31 3/29/1966 #20125 g near electric power transmission lines. Its body was dull silver and "lik 3/29/1966 #20132 te object maneuvering around power lines and a radio tower, making a "swoos 3/30/1966 #20155 Silent 30M disk hovers over power lines. Lands / woods. White beam. 4/5/1966 #20230 / classic saucer over high-tension lines. 5/26/1966 #20510 ving about 10 feet above the power lines on a parallel path. The object was 6/8/1966 #20540 flew about 10 feet above the power lines. It made no noise. 6/8/1966 #20547 ing obiect hovering near telephone lines. An articulated glowing pink to re 6/16/1966 #20567 discharge from high-voltage power lines. 8/22/1966 #20786 ppendage come down over some power lines. It made a whirling sound, and sho 10/10/1966 #20983 VNZL Humming. Ovoid follows high-V lines. Truck malfunctions due to EME (el 10/12/1966 #20994 Saucer near house. Static / phone lines. Dog hides / corner. / Flying Sauc 10/14/1966 #20997 r. Sparkling object glides / power lines. Arms protrude. Hums. 10/23/1966 #21027 . Traveled south along some power lines, then turned southwest. Made a sl 10/23/1966 #21031 p and down. Going [to] under power lines and across field. 11/4/1966 #21073 otograph / domed saucer near power lines. See reference photograph section. 12/5/1966 (approximate) #21183 oad-bank. Back 26 Jul. '67 / power lines. 12/13/1966 #21195 rth. Stops over high tension power lines lines. 1/24/1967 #21371 tops over high tension power lines lines. 1/24/1967 #21371 and photographs saucer near power lines. Authentic / local Air Force inves 1/25/1967 #21379 a welding arc hovering over power lines. It was blindingly bright and brou 2/12/1967 #21521 dge flew over car just above phone lines. Later at treetop level, stopped, 2/12/1967 #21523 the intersection of two orthotenic lines of three UFO reports each, from as 2/16/1967 #21576 server(s). Domed saucer over power lines. Violet glow hovering-red when mov 3/18/1967 #21914 t of a house and in front of power lines. The object disappeared but was th 3/25/1967 #21983 ars. The object hovers above power lines for about 10 minutes then heads to 4/17/1967 #22153 and one was low near transmission lines. The sighting occurred during an a 6/5/1967 #22464 s, one of them low near some power lines during a daytime power outage at S 6/5/1967 #22468 ht white lights and three vertical lines of light toward the rear (body lig 7/4/1967 #22609 , a ship of the Argentine Shipping Lines Company, is 120 miles off the coas 7/30/1967 #22753 ards AFB. Thus the visual sighting lines intersect from opposite directions 7/30/1967 #22754 er descend from above high tension lines with a buzzing sound. The object g 8/6/1967 #22826 nd descended from above some power lines, and landed giving off a red glow. 8/6/1967 #22834 h over new yet-unused high-tension lines. 8/15/1967? #22881 lent 35cm saucer near high-tension lines. Going quickly east when hit with 9/6/1967 #23009 , backwards, in circles, in jagged lines, and in formation. When Gregory’s 10/12/1967 #23228 right orange ball moves near phone lines. 2/16/1968 #23760 tion/depot/facility. Follows power lines going [to] distance. 3/10/1968 #23833 d and flew off following the power lines. 3/10/1968 #23835 s on foliage, buildings, and power lines. The University of Manitoba analyz 9/18/1968 #24478 MATADEPERA, SP 3M gourd ducks 5kv lines. Going quickly southeast. 4 3cm tu 1/29/1969 #24876 der some high tension (5 Kv) power lines. 1/29/1969 #24877 ES, FR Domed saucer turns 6X by hv lines and water tower. Flips going quick 2/9/1969 #24905 . Going up [to] and hovers / power lines / car nears. 4/22/1969 #25081 s and zooms over some nearby power lines, over the trees, and out of sight. 4/22/1969 #25082 el to some high-powered electrical lines. As they drive to right outside th 7/11/1969 #25261 still flying parallel to the power lines. 7/11/1969 #25261 ylinder/cigar-shape hovers / power lines / 20 minute(s). Tree leaves burnt. 12/18/1969 #25502 going down [to] low. Unravels / 2 lines going quickly west. 4/3/1970 #25622 ght orange saucer drops near power lines. Bright beam going down. Going qui 6/27/1970 #25711 down from the sky near some power lines in Galston, Strathclyde, Scotland. 6/27/1970 #25715 saucer soars over Bonneville power lines. / r108p10. 12/7/1970 #25933 red briefly over some nearby power lines, then brightened while making a lo 12/7/1970 #25934 FREDERICKSBURG, VA 6M saucer / hv lines. Grows legs and going down. Man ex 5/16/1971 #26112 addition, several metal telephone lines in the area were found severed alo 9/20/1971 #26354 chicken Coop. Night lights / power lines. / r83p180. 5/13/1972 #26678 ite cloud just above the telephone lines to the east. It was oblong shaped, 8/5/1972 #26877 cer goes to and fro. Jumps over hv lines. 9/18/1972 #27008 , FR Saucer / 4 arms touches power lines. Going southwest. Same observer(s) 6/1973 #27541 p.m. The object silently radiated lines of concentric circles like heat wa 6/23/1973 #27585 ireball follows terrain near 130kv lines. Going east. Traces. / r180p91. 7/4/1973 #27613 t 1:35 p.m. A Canadian Pacific Air Lines DC-8 is flying west at 31,000 feet 7/25/1973 #27650 of yellow lights and intersecting lines on bottom hovered (NICAP: 02 - Clo 10/15/1973 #28054 It drapes over trees and telephone lines. She collects a sample and puts it 10/22/1973 #28239 ile on Highway 65, near some power lines. 11/26/1973 #28468 d was told to look above the power lines ahead. He then observed a figure s 8/1/1974 #29298 inoculars. Ball / light over power lines shoots going quickly east. 9/10/1974 #29450 ch. Human figure hangs / 3kv power lines! Vanishes!! 8/16/1975 #30279 nd night lights zigzag. Over power lines etc. 10/27/1975 #30479 aft hover and maneuver. Near power lines. Reports until 0430. 11/11/1975 #30597 g-disk going [to] under electrical lines slow. 11/28/1975 #30672 i, Italy under some electric power lines, moving slowly. 11/28/1975 #30673 E, FR 2 / car. Huge fireball by HT lines. Vanishes / seconds. / Flying Sauc 12/8/1975 #30692 some high tension electrical power lines. The light vanished after several 12/8/1975 #30696 ring / night lights. Follow power lines. Maneuver and play / low altitude. 12/13/1975 #30710 5' dome with 5 12' legs over power lines. Physical traces and odor. / MJ#20 12/14/1975 #30713 ylinder/cigar-shape hovers / power lines / 10 mn. Brilliant light / top. Ma 3/24/1976 #30954 ds etc. Going quickly west. Police lines flooded. 8/11/1976 #31254 ; then fly off to the west. Police lines were flooded with UFO reports. 8/11/1976 #31258 over barn. 2 night lights / power lines. / MJ#108+/ r41p39. 9/10/1976 #31367 er objects over high-tension power lines a mile to the west, emitting light 9/10/1976 #31371 g blue light beams down onto power lines, and an arc of light was extending 9/10/1976 #31373 as extending upward from the power lines to the objects. When the object sh 9/10/1976 #31373 regular shapes over road and phone lines. 3 similar nearby. 11/4/1976 #31521 cer / treetops. 2nd object / power lines. 11/14/1976 #31545 gid trapezoid formation over power lines. Vanish. 12/9/1976 #31592 NESTI, BC 30' domed saucer / power lines. Beam. 2 / cars moved. 20 minute(s 1/5/1977 #31693 ter domed disc was seen over power lines near the town of Bednesti, 20 mile 1/5/1977 #31701 dge object near high tension power lines lines / 2 minute(s). Zooms off. 2/27/1977 #31852 ject near high tension power lines lines / 2 minute(s). Zooms off. 2/27/1977 #31852 s as elongated with black vertical lines. It slowly fades away in place. 3/22/1977 #31926 lent phony airliner lands by power lines. Going up / 600kph. / MJ#120. 7/30/1977 #32321 h going north / high tension power lines lines. 1 shoots away. Electric ove 9/26/1977 #32520 g north / high tension power lines lines. 1 shoots away. Electric oven kapu 9/26/1977 #32520 haped object flew along some power lines. One of the UFOs shot away very qu 9/26/1977 #32521 haped object flew along some power lines in Griselles, France. One of the U 9/26/1977 #32523 en railroad/railway line and power lines. Going quickly northwest. 10/22/1977 #32599 (s). 15M ball / high tension power lines lines. Splits. Shoots rays. Turns 11/19/1977 #32687 5M ball / high tension power lines lines. Splits. Shoots rays. Turns to tri 11/19/1977 #32687 following some high tension power lines in the town of La Aurora, Uruguay. 11/24/1977 #32698 cal discharge. No electrical power lines are located near the paddock where 12/13/1977 #32769 ST. ARMEL, FR Huge disk over hv lines. Car malfunctions due to EME (elec 3/25/1978 #33080 about road and high tension power lines lines. Lands? / Il Resto. 6/23/1978 #33299 road and high tension power lines lines. Lands? / Il Resto. 6/23/1978 #33299 ilver form moving overhead. It has lines across its surface and is making a 7/22/1978 #33410 lver cylindrical object with black lines across its surface. It moves eastw 7/27/1978 #33428 ing within 500-600 over some power lines. All natural sounds stopped at thi Fall 1978 #33732 angle/box-like craft follows power lines. Breaks / square pieces! Beams. 10/1978 #33785 here/orb/globe hovers low by phone lines. Intense cold felt. Shoots going u 10/24/1978 #33868 was hovering low by some telephone lines in Compigny, Yonne, France. The dr 10/24/1978 #33870 ight hovered low by some telephone lines at 11:45 p.m. The witness in a car 10/26/1978 #33881 antennas / top. Pulses over power lines. 10/30/1978 (approximate) #33893 saucer low over high tension power lines lines. Beams going down. Lands / f 12/22/1978 #34195 low over high tension power lines lines. Beams going down. Lands / field / 12/22/1978 #34195 a semicircle between two straight lines forming a 120° angle. An analysis 8/2/1979 #34702 oup, which hovers above some power lines. The couple continues to pursue an 8/11/1979 #34731 raft hover above some nearby power lines. The craft emitted a soft humming 9/26/1979 #34926 raft hover above some nearby power lines. The craft emitted a soft humming 9/26/1979 #34929 s going down. Orbs follow electric lines. 3/3/1980 #35191 e sky near some high-tension power lines. His vehicle suddenly stopped and 4/23/1980 #35286 bed up, across, and down telephone lines in Bargersville, Indiana then went 5/9/1980 #35321 ght fireball stationary over power lines / 6 minute(s). No outages. 10/1981 (approximate) #36145 d near a small lake and some power lines. It has four colored lights—a row 11/24/1981 #36232 n near a small lake and some power lines, and had four colored lights--a ro 11/24/1981 #36233 , with visible ribs and dark black lines. It climbs slowly and gradually di 12/28/1981 #36279 ORW Glowing metal ovoid over phone lines / mining area. Magnetic anomalies. 1/18/1982 #36302 metallic ovoid flew over telephone lines in a mining area. Magnetic anomali 1/18/1982 #36303 metallic ovoid flew over telephone lines at 7:30 p.m. in a mining area. Mag 1/18/1982 #36304 es. Domed saucer lands 2X by power lines. Street light malfunctions due to 4/3/1982 #36431 ped object land next to some power lines. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (N 4/3/1982 #36432 ped object land next to some power lines. It lifts off and then lands a sec 4/3/1982 #36433 ped object land next to some power lines. It lifted off and then landed a s 4/3/1982 #36434 wn. Lights car. High tension power lines lines spark and noise. 8/10/1982 #36566 ghts car. High tension power lines lines spark and noise. 8/10/1982 #36566 flying to the southwest near power lines. The sighting lasted two and a hal 8/11/1982 #36571 ing-ball. Solid inside. Over power lines. 10/4/1982 (approximate) #36631 s). Huge metal Pentagon over power lines. Follows car. 90° turn going quick 1/27/1983 #36753 wo flanking lights over some power lines as she is returning home 2 miles n 1/27/1983 #36754 nds red pyramidal field over power lines. Vanishes top going down. 5/24/1983 #36867 Island Sakhalin Island Korean Air Lines Flight 007 is shot down by a Sovie 9/1/1983 #36968 car. 40' saucer over high-tension lines. Follows car. Humming sound. 9/19/1983 #36973 at was seen over some high tension lines. The UFO followed their car, makin 9/19/1983 #36974 the bottom. It crossed some power lines and headed to the east toward the 10/13/1983 #37005 ckly west. Hover over high-tension lines. 2/9/1984 #37183 e crafts going east low over power lines. 4' small humanoid (or Grey) nears 10/24/1984 (approximate) #37491 /box-like craft fins follows power lines. Shoots away. 8/18/1985 #37646 e. Maneuvers. Avoids car and power lines. Strobes. Back 22 November. 11/19/1985 #37708 ront of the car avoiding the power lines. Triangular and black, the object 11/19/1985 #37712 MANHASSET AND NASSAU CO, NY Police lines swamped. Silent delta/triangle/box 11/22/1985 #37717 At 8:30 p.m. police phone lines in Manhasset, New York were swampe 11/22/1985 #37723 y Interference (RFI) = thick black lines / screen. 8 gold square objects pa 10/8/1986 #38041 rage Fairbanks 5:10 p.m. Japan Air Lines Flight 1628, a Boeing 747 cargo pl 11/17/1986 #38072 ce in April had passed above power lines. Late 12/1986 #38087 is sitting near the overhead power lines between two stacks of straw. It is 1/9/1987 #38096 and 2. Metallic saucer over power lines. Documented cause / power outage. 9/3/1987 #38276 disc-shaped object over some power lines in Greensburg, Pennsylvania at aro 9/3/1987 #38277 f the Roswell crash and the mere 7 lines of text on the 1950 Texas crash. G 12/1987 #38341 craft / 20' altitude follows power lines going quickly west. 2/10/1988 #38450 d globe = 8cm / arms length. White lines / light / sides. Circles valley. 8/22/1988 #38616 red ball of light (BOL) with white lines and a light on one side circled th 8/22/1988 #38619 cylinder/cigar-shape hums / power lines. Possible abduction. KCl dust / ca 12/4/1988 #38738 nding white lights near some power lines. The object manuevered, hovered, a 12/4/1988 #38745 N / ANZA, CA 30' saucer over power lines. 6 figure(s) emerge and work / UFO 5/10/1989 #38940 hover just above some nearby power lines. She stopped her car and observed 5/10/1989 #38943 h AFB Kirtland AFB Robert Hastings lines up an impressive case against Bill 6/1989 #38971 - shaped object sails past. It has lines of “Christmas lights” spreading ou 9/15/1989 #39103 bserver(s). 20' UFO low near power lines. Grass dies odd. / r123p231. 10/9/1989 #39153 see the lights interact with power lines. One reports that her power goes o 11/20/1989 #39241 00' rectangle near power plant and lines. Seen 2X. Pulses felt. 12/21/1989 #39323 iya, see UFOs hovering above power lines along the Tallinn Highway, Estonia Early 4/1990 #39506 server. Large boomerang near power lines. Vibration felt. 9 lights / front. 5/24/1990 #39586 rily within 150 feet of some power lines. It then accelerated out of sight. 5/24/1990 #39589 owing-ball over high tension power lines lines. Changes color(s). Vanishes 10/29/1990 #39814 ball over high tension power lines lines. Changes color(s). Vanishes / jets 10/29/1990 #39814 ckly [to] under high tension power lines lines. Going quickly northeast. An 11/5/1990 #39828 to] under high tension power lines lines. Going quickly northeast. Animals 11/5/1990 #39828 Huge saucer-fireball. Scouts power lines. Too low / RADAR. 8/8/1991 #40144 like craft / 450m altitude. Grid / lines / underside. 11/14/1991? #40229 r / 2 minute(s). Flies under power lines going quickly [to] fog. 8/15/1992 #40575 ag all over/all about high-tension lines. Change shapes and color(s). 8/31/1992 #40599 light going [to] over high-voltage lines. All silent. Going quickly [to] WS 1/6/1993 #40786 ltitude. Vanishes. Cows run. 7.6kV lines sway. / MJ#311. 1/9/1993 #40787 KE / PARK, ALTA Silent UFO's fly / lines and circles. All animals / jittery 6/28/1993 #41040 hes 5 times. Column / light. Power lines? 7/7/1993 #41052 ) and videos / glowing-disk. Power lines humming. Going quickly [to] Nwl / 9/2/1993 #41175 line of 10m, and a circle on the 2 lines. 10/30/1993 #41256 ect wavers. Going [to] under power lines. Near landing. Going north. 5/8/1994 #41517 was seen wavering under some power lines in Saaderup, Denmark close to grou 5/8/1994 #41518 luminous/glowing orbs circle power lines. Join into 2 saucers. Footprints. 2/18/1996 #42770 e ground next to some nearby power lines. The craft was shaped like a dome 7/16/1996 #42959 ntly connected to the nearby power lines. Dionisio also noticed a curious f 7/16/1996 #42959 ring above a group of nearby power lines in her backyard in West Manchester 8/20/1996 #42986 s they approached the nearby power lines the dogs got very quiet, which was 12/1/1996 #43130 g in unison over some nearby power lines. They then hovered about 50 feet f 2/26/1997 #43210 Big saucer rams high tension power lines tower. Then quickly going up. Powe 5/1/1997 #43284 ark ovoid with square windows. Red lines protrude. Going quickly northwest. 6/19/1997 #43330 rta, see a “black ring” with faint lines hanging down into a motionless “bi 7/3/1997 #43345 rile, but by introducing new blood lines and clones they were hoping to reg 12/14/1997 #43462 r-shaped object followed the power lines; continuing on, it went out to sea 12/18/1997 #43467 all to earth, draping on telephone lines and trees. It is white, cotton-lik 8/10/1998 #43625 llegal to take photos of the power lines. I.P. & L. was contacted and denie 2/15/1999 #43729 ing symmetrical maneuvers, drawing lines and numbers in the sky. The witnes 4/15/1999 #43758 s” covers hedges, trees, and power lines over 10,000 square kilometers in E 6/9/1999 #43782 , rose to the height of some power lines parallel to the road, and then pac 1/2/2001 #44116 horizontally just above the power lines. It left no vapor trail, and moved 5/12/2001 #44184 was round and very still over the lines. Suddenly, it shot away and was go 8/6/2002 #44376 then hovered, staying in straight lines. A low humming sound was heard dur 9/26/2002 #44409 more elongated, looking more like lines than dots. Burke takes a few photo 1/22/2004 #44654 along with a bunch of small white lines on the underneath part, from Lompo 4/25/2005 #44826 eptics are not arguing along those lines, they use a priori logic, which in 5/6/2008 #45134 ntly above some high-voltage power lines. They watch it for 10 minutes unti 11/8/2013 #45394 n the area.” In the day’s log, the lines following what’s clearly referred 4/15/2016 #45450## Word: "linesman" (Back to Top)
military complex 2:00 a.m. Railway linesman Camillo Faieta is on duty at th 7/13/1966 #20644## Word: "lineville" (Back to Top)
Princeton, Missouri Lineville, Iowa Night. Chester N. Crotse Mid 7/1896 #328 distance. After the train reaches Lineville, Iowa (13.7 miles away), it pa Mid 7/1896 #328## Word: "linfield" (Back to Top)
ronomy, and dean of the faculty of Linfield College. One bright, star-like 12/11/1963 #18076## Word: "lingan" (Back to Top)
Sydney, Nova Scotia Lingan Road National Research Council 10 12/3/1979 #35045 Sydney Radar Base [now closed] in Lingan Road, who says he wants to send t 12/3/1979 #35045## Word: "lingayen" (Back to Top)
Lingayen Gulf, Philippines Bright green Late 10/1944 #1683 Leyte Gulf Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, Philippines As the 11/30/1944? #1711 sporting troops from Leyte Gulf to Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, Philippines, Lieut 11/30/1944? #1711## Word: "lingen" (Back to Top)
LINGEN AND MEPPEN, GERMANY British Army 9/26/1946 #2192## Word: "linger" (Back to Top)
objects. The remaining two objects linger another minute or so, then take o 4/25/1952 #6185## Word: "lingered" (Back to Top)
witness but missed. A white light lingered in the area for more than 30 se 3/15/1950 #4644 uit, and the odor of "melted iron" lingered in the air. 9/8/1967 #23021 erated out of sight, and the third lingered, then sped away in a different 9/14/1967 #23056 ere gone. However, a strange smell lingered. 12/14/1997 #43462## Word: "lingering" (Back to Top)
object, but could still smell the lingering odor. Next day, a 15-foot circ 9/11/1952 #7896 e witnesses, who fled in terror. A lingering smell and skid marks were foun 9/12/1952 #7902 e witnesses, who fled in terror. A lingering smell and skid marks were foun 9/12/1952 #7906 er of residents saw a bright light lingering in the sky west of town that l 7/9/1978 #33357## Word: "lingers" (Back to Top)
arest, Wallachia [now Romania]. It lingers for two hours before splitting u 12/6/1737 #62 Landholm. A powerful burning smell lingers for 15 minutes. 7/9/1946 #2040 two F-86s is scrambled. The object lingers, with other lights seen, until a 8/9/1953 #9058 tructor sees a triangular UFO that lingers for a long time over Garston, He 8/1/1963 #17860 double sonic boom. The smoke trail lingers in the atmosphere for several mi 8/10/1972 #26892 curity considerations.” Just Cause lingers on until January 1982 under the 4/1978 #33110## Word: "linglestown" (Back to Top)
NEAR LINGLESTOWN, PA Several observer(s). "15 5/18/1997 #43295## Word: "lingus" (Back to Top)
cer J. P. Murphy are flying an Aer Lingus Vickers Viscount airliner above s 5/21/1962 #17187 An Aer Lingus airliner, flying at 10,000 feet t 11/21/1967 #23492 tfordshire, England between an Aer Lingus BAe-146 airliner and a unidentifi 6/7/1997 #43317 An airline captain of Aer Lingus flight EIN 566, taking off from D 9/10/2002 #44394 coast of Ireland 8:30 p.m. An Aer Lingus Boeing 737 with 135 people on boa 1/4/2004 #44643 At 8:30 p.m. an Aer Lingus Boeing 737-400 with 135 people on 1/4/2004 #44645## Word: "linha" (Back to Top)
LINHA BELA VISTA, BRZ Saucer and 3 pseud 12/9/1954 #11781 Linha Bela Vista, Brazil A farmer, O. da 12/9/1954 #11784 Linha Bela Vista Venâncio Aires, Rio Gra 12/9/1954 #11787 a e Rosa is feeding his animals at Linha Bela Vista, said to be 2.5 miles f 12/9/1954 #11787 a Costa e Rosa, a farmer living in Linha Bela Vista, Rio Grande do Sul, Bra 12/9/1954 #11789 Linha Bela Vista, Brazil Near the site o 12/11/1954 #11800 t 5:00 p.m. farmer Pedro Morais of Linha Bela Vista, Rio Grande do Sul, Bra 12/11/1954 #11802## Word: "linhard" (Back to Top)
.S. Navy Lts. J.B. Howard and L.D. Linhard, flying F9F-2 jet fighters. Ten 12/24/1953 #9393 S Navy Lts. J. B. Howard and L. D. Linhard, flying F9F-2 jet fighters, see 12/24/1953 #9394## Word: "linhares" (Back to Top)
NEAR LINHARES, BRZ Brilliant light. Driver wa 4/20/1981 #35906 os was driving on Highway 101 near Linhares, Brazil in Sao Paulo state at 6 4/20/1981 #35910## Word: "link" (Back to Top)
seen.” Kastl can see no connecting link between them, but they act as thoug 6/24/1947 #2397 n of electrogravitics systems (the link between electromagnetism and gravit 2/25/1956 #12739 uring and prints 25 copies. ONR’s link to Jessup is curious because in thi 4/1956 #12778 (see April 1956). Ufologists later link the alleged experiment back to T. T 4/1956 #12779 itnesses: USAF Maj. J.G. Ford and Link representative A. Chapdelaine, usin 4/17/1960 #16232 terviews/129123907/ (alt newspaper link added by RG) 6/22/1960 #16317 elf between the cylinders as if to link them. Dense smoke arose, drying the 6/27/1966 #20618 xtraterrestrial-007/ (rg - paywall link) https://web.archive.org/web/2014 4/1974 #28984 r engine died. See clippings (main link is page 1) and Page 2. http: 10/20/1974 #29547 ot-tall, barbed wire-topped, chain link fence, disappearing into the darkne 3/17/1978 #33048 way, surrounded by an 8 foot chain link fence topped with barbed wire. He 12/14/1980 #35716 e-red lights with trails, a bright link with a dark center and 14 lights fl 9/14/1994 #41749 ointfieldtheoryofinertia https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94 8/1998 #43618 of space-time by understanding the link between electromagnetism and gravit 2002 #44302 1.html (rg - was a dead archive.ph link, replaced with archive.org) 7/29/2002 #44369 in everyday situations. No direct link between the materials and an extrat 7/22/2005 #44856 wever, cannot establish a definite link, as the radar reflections of cargo 4/23/2007 #45022 with Clarke’s team on the supposed link between the radar traces and ferrie 4/23/2007 #45022 culprits but find nothing they can link to the medical symptoms. The FBI an 10/24/2017 #45486 stant altitude. The radar and data link show no traffic conflictions. The o 1/15/2019 #45558 ial documents have been found that link JASON to UAP. But at least one conf 4/25/2019 #45572## Word: "linkage" (Back to Top)
mperature inversions. Not a single linkage of a reconnaissance flight to a 8/3/1997 #43365 late 2000s, but this had no overt linkage to UAP in the PUBLIC DOMAIN. No 2008 #45108## Word: "linkages" (Back to Top)
Wing with it. TRW also has alleged linkages to UAP crash recoveries (see Ri 1956 #12639 claims), while Aerospace Corp has linkages as well (see Ross Coulthart’s c 1956 #12639 ted research but the many possible linkages in the PUBLIC DOMAIN are intere Late 1956 #13281 22-p223) Note: BDM has several linkages to UAP besides employing Shapir 10/1989 #39139 bstance containing secondary amide linkages similar to protein. It also con 11/11/1999 #43878 rojects, one would want to look at linkages between: (1) all members of tho 8/2004 #44724 ed one would also want to look for linkages between those families and orga 8/2004 #44724## Word: "linke" (Back to Top)
HASELBACH, GERM 0.Linke and 1. 15M saucer. 2 small humanoi 6/17/1950 #4989 ermany West Berlin Stockheim Oskar Linke and his 11-year-old daughter Gabri 6/17/1950 #4991 ooking at something on the ground. Linke approaches to 30 feet away, looks 6/17/1950 #4991 ression in the ground at the spot. Linke resettles in West Berlin in 1951. 6/17/1950 #4991 Oskar Linke and his 11-year-old daughter saw t 6/17/1950 #4992 ound indentations. At the time Mr. Linke lived in communist controlled East 6/17/1950 #4992 Hasselbach, Germany Oscar Linke, former Wehrmacht major, and his d 7/11/1952 #6761 mer Mayor of Gleimershausen, Oscar Linke and his 11 year old daughter, Gabr 8/23/1952 #7684 upant witnesses Oskar and Gabriele Linke, Frank Scully, and U.S. Army Engin 8/23/1952 #7693## Word: "linked" (Back to Top)
t for 2 hours. Some are apparently linked together in groups of three, six, 5/16/1808 #102 al chain-like line as if they were linked together.” (James Easton suggests 7/12/1947 #3157 Artillery Patrol observation post linked to the Killeen plotting center by 5/19/1949 #4196 gus oil detection scheme allegedly linked to alien technology. Jerome Clark 9/1952 #7804 red from a skin condition that she linked to the encounter. 10/16/1954 #11147 lue Book report released to press; linked with statement that Air Force wou 10/25/1955 #12518 cts. The project is soon allegedly linked to the work of Thomas Townsend Br 4/1956 #12778 urther investigation of technology linked to foo fighter/UAP development. * 1958 #14787 ng around within two bright lights linked by a prolongation or tube. When w 10/21/1963 #17997 , about 1 m tall, wearing a helmet linked to the object by three cables. Th 4/1965 #18885 nted ears, a sort of tail, and was linked to the main object by a cable. It 4/23/1965 #18914 docking" operation as a second UFO linked with the first. (NICAP notes.) (N 3/24/1966 #20064 een in the vicinity which could be linked to the spot. 1/9/1967 #21276 ignificant because the location is linked to rumors of housing four reverse 3/1968 #23799 p.org/reports/490524rogue.htm (alt linked added by rg) 3/1968 #23799 l Laboratory. Note: Brookhaven is linked to claims of a UAP crash on 24 No 1/1971 #25962 gures like people, in big hats and linked together by a sort of tube." (NIC 5/1973 #27459 tion. Mystery helicopters are also linked to the mutilations. 12/1973 #28494 who intimidate witnesses and seem linked with UFOs. Sometimes, he writes, 1975 #29670 est, Suffolk, England, have become linked with claims of UFO landings. The 12/26/1980 #35737 from side to side in unison, as if linked together. VHF radio communication 11/17/1986 #38072 d by Vannevar Bush, whose name was linked to a Canadian intelligence report 9/6/1990 #39717 neering. Wackenhut Corp. was later linked to allegations of secret UAP work 8/1/1993 #41101 iltshire, England, appears closely linked to US black missions, according t 9/26/1994 #41775 scientists and military personnel linked to NASA arrive at the University 1/26/1996 #42713 03.htm Note: Haystack Butte is linked to one anonymous source claiming 8/30/1996 #43001 r” (DARC) that would be inherently linked to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory 1998 #43481 en. James Doolittle. (Doolittle is linked to the UAP subject by his investi 12/3/1999 #43892 AP contractor Bob Bigelow are also linked to TAI’s Petersen and Firmage, wi 12/3/1999 #43892 families, (2) all front companies linked to those families and (3) all mee 8/2004 #44724 crashes were a cover for research linked to high-altitude balloon experime 6/2005 #44846 an area the AATIP program studied linked to UAP. In a presentation, Chase 4/28/2006 #44937 is was also years before HFGW were linked to UAP in the PUBLIC DOMAIN by ph 2008 #45108 in UAP-derived technology and was linked to a “technical collaboration” be 12/2015 #45441 evel. The Group has allegedly been linked to UAP elsewhere (see 25 April 20 11/29/2018 #45549 Dr. Luis W. Alvarez, is allegedly linked to a UAP crash recovery. In 1949, 4/25/2019 #45572 . The latter term is intrinsically linked to the concept of extraterrestria 7/24/2020 #45655 s or commercial aerospace programs linked to that agency, its offices, faci 6/25/2021 #45695 ment firm. Wackenhut and SAIC are linked to allegations of secretive UAP w 9/26/2022 #45772 cidents have yet been definitively linked to China, Russia or any other cou 1/12/2023 #45792## Word: "linking" (Back to Top)
fantry are stationed on the bridge linking Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and K 4/13/1917 #955 tal bar crossing the verticals and linking the two arms. In August, another 6/1/1967 #22448 oices break into the UHF-1 channel linking him to Pegaso: “Hello, how are y 11/17/1979 #35005## Word: "linkoping" (Back to Top)
LINKOPING, SWEDEN Numerous observer(s). 7/10/1946 #2045## Word: "linkou" (Back to Top)
LINKOU, CH 3+observer(s). 1M red disk st 10/8/1981 #36163 bject flew slowly over the town of Linkou, Heilongjiang province, China fro 10/8/1981 #36168## Word: "links" (Back to Top)
eships.” Rejecting out of hand any links between UFO sightings and space tr 12/13/1948 #3929 adelphia Experiment in 1979, which links the force fields back to T. Townse 4/1956 #12777 sing the pseudonym Paul Thomas. He links modern UFO sightings with biblical 1962 #17010 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Links” YieldMax: 20KT 7/23/1964 #18433 uate all information about foreign links to racial, antiwar, and other prot 8/1967 #22770 hour, then rushed across the golf links to tell the firs man they had seen 5/15/1973 #27492 , all of the ship’s communications links no longer work. Captain Tarankin t 10/7/1977 #32559 a “donuts on a rope” contrail and links this to distinctive sounds. He des 3/23/1992 #40397 velopment of a Data Warehouse that links 11 separate UFO databases and supp 9/30/2010 #45300 ing physicist Jack Parsons for his links to Aleister Crowley and L. Ron Hub 3/31/2011 #45322 in his testimony; however the only links to UAP and the potential project o 1/30/2015 #45429## Word: "linköping" (Back to Top)
eden Väddö island Älmstä Väddö Bay Linköping University of California, Berk 11/9/1958 #15435 ee pieces. Finally, an engineer in Linköping named Schalin finds the metal 11/9/1958 #15435## Word: "linn" (Back to Top)
LINN GROVE, IA 5+many. Large object goin 4/15/1897 #476 Linn Grove, IA Morning. A large object w 4/15/1897 #478 ove toward it. About 7 km north of Linn Grove, they found the craft on the 4/15/1897 #478 Linn Grove, Iowa A large object was seen 4/15/1897 #483 ove toward it. About 7 km north of Linn Grove, they found the craft on the 4/15/1897 #483 h of their hair. Most residents of Linn Grove saw the craft in flight. 4/15/1897 #483 A large object was seen in Linn Grove, Iowa in the morning hours of 4/15/1897 #496 n. About seven kilometers north of Linn Grove they found the craft on the g 4/15/1897 #496 ceal themselves. Most residents of Linn Grove saw the craft in flight. 4/15/1897 #496 Linn Grove, Iowa Morning. A large object 4/16/1897 #507 A large object passes slowly over Linn Grove, Iowa, heading north. Five me 4/16/1897 #507## Word: "linne" (Back to Top)
MOON Linne crater changes black to white. Sma 5/4/1866 #166## Word: "linnell" (Back to Top)
Night. Hospital administrator Jon Linnell and his wife are driving home fr Mid 8/1979 #34743 rd them and hover above their car. Linnell slows the car down and the objec Mid 8/1979 #34743## Word: "linnevold" (Back to Top)
a 23-year old police officer named Linnevold was fired from his job for cha 2/7/1978 #32959## Word: "linnfield" (Back to Top)
ronomy, and dean of the faculty of Linnfield College watched a bright, star 12/11/1963 #18077## Word: "linos" (Back to Top)
confirmed. Country: France Name: “Linos” Yield: 5KT 12/3/1983 #37065## Word: "lins" (Back to Top)
tion near Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil Lins 1:00 a.m. Daíldo de Oliveira, a nig 7/23/1968 #24213 zigzag pattern towards the city of Lins. 7/23/1968 #24213 LINS, BRZ 2 observer(s). Circular saucer 8/5/1968 #24298 Serafim Ferrreira sanitarium in Lins, São Paulo, Brazil 5:00 a.m. Hospit 8/25/1968 #24376 he Serafim Ferrreira sanitarium in Lins, São Paulo, Brazil, hears a noise l 8/25/1968 #24376 pital receptionist Maria Cintra in Lins, Sao Paulo State, Brazil opened the 8/26/1968 #24381 LINS, SP, BRZ Female pseudo-human/entity 8/27/1968 #24384 Lins, Brazil Early. Maria Josa Cintra, w 8/27/1968 #24387 Lins, Brazil Maria Josa Cintra, who work 8/27/1968 #24388 he Clemente Ferreira Sanatorium in Lins, Brazil was awakened by a noise ear 8/27/1968 #24390 LINS, BRZ 3 small humanoids (or Greys) b 10/2/1968 #24536 Avenida da Saudade in Lins, São Paulo, Brazil 6:20 a.m. While 10/2/1968 #24537 t the end of Avenida da Saudade in Lins, São Paulo, Brazil, Turíbio Pereira 10/2/1968 #24537 In Lins, Sao Paolo State, Brazil at 6:20 a. 10/2/1968 #24538 LINS, BRZ 3 / car and 1 separate observe 10/4/1968 #24542 LINS, BRZ 400+observer(s). Flickering di 10/7/1968 #24547 Lins, Brazil 6:20 a.m. Doribio Pereira, 10/9/1968 #24553 Lins, Brazil Doribio Pereira, 41, munici 10/9/1968 #24554 LINS, BRZ Huge pear-shaped Ob hovers / 3 10/12/1968 #24557 GETULINA AND LINS, BRZ 2 separate cars paced / night 10/12/1968 #24558 LINS, BRZ Several observer(s). 10' lumin 1/27/1969 #24873 NEAR LINS, BRZ Rancher. Red wheel maneuvers a 2/4/1969 (approximate) #24893 LINS, BRAZIL Several / car. 10' glowing- 2/26/1969 #24946 tery. Separate observer(s) also in Lins. 2/26/1969 #24946 LINS, BRZ 1+kids. Silent silver 1.5M ovo 3/12/1969 #25000 LINS, BRZ Several separate observer(s). 3/14/1969 #25007 s land on stadium grounds twice in Lins, Sao Paolo, Brazil. It was seen aga 3/14/1969 #25014 hovering over an athletic club in Lins, Sao Paulo state, Brazil. 3/15/1969 #25015## Word: "linstead" (Back to Top)
Linstead, Maryland Mrs. Rice and Mrs. We 2/23/1967 #21632 eston were talking on the phone in Linstead, Maryland when they were surpri 2/23/1967 #21636## Word: "lint" (Back to Top)
s a “short-staple cotton, possibly lint from waste cotton used in industria 2/21/1955 #12011## Word: "lintao" (Back to Top)
Lintao Air Base, Gansu province, China 1 10/23/1978 #33863 nding an outdoor film screening at Lintao Air Base, Gansu province, China, 10/23/1978 #33863## Word: "linthicum" (Back to Top)
A cigar-shaped object was seen in Linthicum, Maryland near the BWI airport 2/11/2004 #44661## Word: "lintiao" (Back to Top)
LINTIAO AB, GANSU, CH Hundreds / Air For 10/23/1978 #33860## Word: "linton" (Back to Top)
nd silently through the skies over Linton, Indiana. It was half the size o 9/21/1968 #24498 ing lights through binoculars from Linton, Oregon. The lights were hovering 9/3/2004 #44746 ing lights through binoculars from Linton, Oregon. They had previously seen 9/5/2004 #44748## Word: "linus" (Back to Top)
antinuclear activism of biochemist Linus Pauling. 3/28/1957 #13566## Word: "linz" (Back to Top)
OVER LINZ, AUSTRIA Solid crystal ball paces B 4/1945 #1833 Leonstein, Austria Linz, Austria German scientist Viktor Sc 5/1945 #1858 eleased in March 1946 and moves to Linz, Austria, but the Americans do not 5/1945 #1858 LINZ, AUSTRIA Many / ground and air. Gia 3/18/1972 #26610 1:35 p.m. Flying between Krems and Linz, Austria an Austrian DC-9 airliner 3/18/1972 #26616## Word: "linzeux" (Back to Top)
LINZEUX, FR V-bright UFO flies low over 10/27/1954 #11437 Linzeux (near), France Headlights and mo 10/27/1954 #11441 Linzeux, France A shop owner and his emp 10/27/1954 #11442 ned off the lights on their car in Linzeux, France. In Mezieres, France two 10/27/1954 #11451## Word: "lion" (Back to Top)
ible places (“secret places of the lion”) around the globe. Williamson’s bo 1957 #13430 iamson’s book Secret Places of the Lion follows in 1958 and Road in the Sky 1957 #13430 ín Díaz González, president of the Lion’s Club; founder of the Folkloric Ba 9/23/1965 #19591 ple, it resembled “a large bipedal lion of around 600 pounds.” 11/9/1968 #24648 roaring sound resembling that of a lion. Moments later she heard what sound 1/2/1997 #43164## Word: "lionel" (Back to Top)
ire Cardiff, Wales 4:45 p.m. Capt. Lionel Lindsay, chief constable of Glamo 1/17/1913 #870 o the southwest by Chief Constable Lionel Lindsay. 4/8/1913 #887 Cressy, Tasmania 6:10 p.m. Rev. Lionel Browning and his wife are looking 10/4/1960 #16477 Isle of Wight Lionel Beer begins publishing Spacelink, 1/1964 #18104 d Encounters, case 1977-12, citing Lionel Beer, BUFORA). (NICAP: 05 - Medic 3/7/1977 #31869 d Encounters, case 1977-12, citing Lionel Beer, BUFORA). (NICAP: 07 - Entit 3/7/1977 #31870 Jacques Chirac and Prime Minister Lionel Jospin. The report is prefaced by 7/16/1999 #43805## Word: "lionel-max" (Back to Top)
book’s preface is written by Gen. Lionel-Max Chassin, in which he expresse 1958 #14781 s published through 1978. In 1964, Lionel-Max Chassin, now retired from the 1962 #17009## Word: "lions" (Back to Top)
c presentations at the Glendale CA Lions Club area about three Crash Retrie 3/19/1953 #8761 is preparing to give a speech at a Lions Club meeting at Leary, Georgia. On 1/6/1969 #24821 ver 8 square lights on ground. 23 "lions with ant-heads" nearby. 3/5/1971 #26043 sor friend of hers had just left a Lions Club dinner and were driving south 7/13/2000 #44016## Word: "lip" (Back to Top)
e and pallid white skin. The upper lip was pulled back to show teeth, while 12/11/1975 #30705 ack to show teeth, while the lower lip was very thin. He wore a black one-p 12/11/1975 #30705 rge noses extend down to the lower lip of a sizable mouth from which extend 11/24/1978 #33995 t looked like two shallow saucers, lip to lip. The body of the object was 5/5/1997 #43288 d like two shallow saucers, lip to lip. The body of the object was like th 5/5/1997 #43288## Word: "lipless" (Back to Top)
short horns, slanting eyes, and a lipless mouth. The stranger asked the bo 6/9/1967 #22484 had large baldheads, slanted eyes, lipless mouths, and small flat noses. Th 10/3/1973 #27926 rudimentary nose, and a slit-like lipless mouth. He held an object like a 1/7/1974 #28661 colored eyes, a long nose, a large lipless mouth, long arms and hands, and 9/25/1980 #35535 ped heads and yellowish skin, wide lipless mouths, and large dark slit-shap 3/11/1992 #40372 less, had huge black eyes, a small lipless mouth, and little "bumps" where 4/27/1998 #43559## Word: "lipp" (Back to Top)
Aeronautical engineer James E. Lipp writes an 8-page memo to Brig. Gen. 12/13/1948 #3929 commentary in Appendix D by James Lipp of the RAND project. “No definite a 2/11/1949 #4003## Word: "lipped" (Back to Top)
6 webbed fingers and toes and thin lipped mouths. On a TV-like screen were 8/17/1971 #26293## Word: "lips" (Back to Top)
es, especially around the face and lips. They feel no heat, although the li 10/24/1886 #276 dy. Its nose is flat, it has thick lips, and it wears a skullcap on its ove 10/14/1954 #11057 ts nose was flat, and it had thick lips. 10/14/1954 #11065 mall noses, small mouths and think lips, with no facial hair; the skin did 1959 #15516 and slanted, their mouths have no lips and look like little holes. He hear 7/1/1965 #19047 to the witness without moving his lips, presumably by telepathy. He asked 10/10/1967 #23205 howed no pupils, and his mouth had lips so thin as to be barely visible. Th 11/2/1967 #23392 s, and mouths with thin, slit-like lips. They came to within 3-4 meters of 2/6/1969 #24897 , although he never observed their lips move. He did understand their messa 12/5/1971 #26489 re of a nose and motionless yellow lips." Other round markings were on his 5/15/1973 #27492 thout the aid of a microphone, his lips did not move, and his speech was un 5/15/1973 #27492 round heads, big eyes, protruding lips, dark brown skin, small ears, long 5/27/1973 #27533 ribed as having big noses and thin lips. They took a strange looking instru 4/2/1976 #30980 eyes without eyelids and thick red lips. Neither Mr. Chiasson nor his sons 8/6/1976 #31241 of eyebrows and eyelashes, but his lips are a vivid red. The stranger speak 9/11/1976 #31376 ech, but later realized that their lips did not move, so he assumed they co 2/5/1978 #32957 skin had an unusual olive hue. His lips were very thin and his cheeks were 4/25/1978 #33171 re except what appeared to be thin lips. The figure extended its arms at hi 5/2/1978 #33185 Asian features. It had narrow pale lips, a small chin, and snub nose with l 9/28/1978 #33770 inge, with black smooth hair, thin lips, thin noses, pointed ears, and larg 6/18/1979 #34618 , kinky hair, dark eyes, and thick lips. All were between four and five fee 6/18/1979 #34618 large flat noses with large thick lips. Their fingers were large and were 3/3/1980 #35194 ible noses. The beings moved their lips but did not speak. One of them took 4/23/1980 #35286 nking eyes. When they speak, their lips do not move. The first one asks his 10/2/1981 #36154 lling something; she could see her lips moving but heard nothing. Her aunt, 10/11/1989 #39164 y also apparently had no noses, no lips, and slit-like mouths. They took le 8/13/1991 #40151 ped eyes, small nostrils, and thin lips. Its head was bald and prominent. I 2/1/1993 #40831 telepathically, without moving its lips. "I could crush you, but I don't wa 5/30/1993 #40997 for a nose, a small mouth, with no lips, that entered their vehicle, undid 3/6/1996 #42809 tton eyes. His nose was small, his lips were very thin, and his eyes were b 7/12/1998 #43602 perience swelling in the hands and lips, as well as headaches. They both fe 11/6/1998 #43676 hose of a monkey, with large meaty lips. On each side of their heads were t 8/14/1999 #43822 window at her. The creature had no lips and only a small slit for a mouth, 8/28/2009 #45239## Word: "liptauer" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Liptauer” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT 4/3/1980 #35250## Word: "liquefy" (Back to Top)
en removed, causes the interior to liquefy and form a starchy substance. A 8/13/1819 #110## Word: "liquid" (Back to Top)
erman forces use chemical warfare. Liquid sulfur mustard from the bombs spi 12/2/1943 #1549 d a trip, put in a tub filled with liquid, and taken on a trip to a city on 12/4/1949 #4434 ing which he was put into a tub of liquid for the duration. After what seem 12/4/1949 #4435 rocket plane powered by the XLR-11 liquid fuel rocket engine. 8/15/1951 #5607 as well as traces of a thick black liquid. It is later revealed that the tr 9/12/1952 #7905 s its fusion fuel, maintained as a liquid by an expensive and cumbersome cr 11/1/1952 #8228 g down / canal. Up and away. Milky liquid left / water. 10/14/1954 #11014 woman's house, where it dropped a liquid substance "like silver rain." Che 12/13/1954 #11805 local woman's house, and dropped a liquid substance "like silver rain." Che 12/14/1954 #11808 pelted with a dark reddish colored liquid from a pear-shaped object flying 7/22/1955 #12280 slowly at 1,000 feet altitude. The liquid caused his bare skin to feel like 7/22/1955 #12280 here the object dumps two drops of liquid metal that falls in the street. T 9/1957 #13966 what he took to be a disinfectant liquid he was then left alone with a wom 10/16/1957 #14131 anymore and to offer John XXIII a liquid substance in order to save him fr 5/31/1963 #17774 d the propellant runs dry. Without liquid hydrogen to cool it, the engine, 6/25/1965 #19027 iced, and the next day, a purplish liquid, 2"x2" marks and patches of singe 8/19/1965 #19424 discovers a purple, oily-smelling liquid and gives a sample of it to the s 8/19/1965 #19427 iced, and the next day, a purplish liquid, 2"x2" marks and patches of singe 8/19/1965 #19428 derstand. After their departure, a liquid resembling vinegar was found on t 9/20/1965 #19583 derstand. After their departure, a liquid resembling vinegar or oil was fou 9/20/1965 #19584 at that was filled with a soothing liquid, in which she was "prepared" for 1/25/1967 #21389 and the brush charred, and an oily liquid was found on the ground. 6/13/1967 #22504 e Office analyze samples of a foul liquid that is seeping from one of the o 9/4/1967 #22998 made of fiberglass, and the smelly liquid is a fermented mixture of flour a 9/4/1967 #22998 bstance that appear to fall like a liquid as the object moves slowly northw 12/29/1967 #23618 stone cup and drank a bitter green liquid that restored his energy and made 5/4/1969 #25115 ntainer that contained a dark blue liquid, which he was told to drink. The 8/15/1970 #25787 ose. The needle emitted a greenish liquid. A small implant was also apparen 9/7/1970 #25828 edge, and seemed to be dripping a liquid. It approached to within 50 feet 10/6/1970 #25872 re like small shark teeth. A clear liquid with a reddish substance was drip 8/16/1971 #26291 250M altitude / 2 minute(s). Drops liquid. Going northwest out to sea. 6/29/1972 #26740 France. It dropped some kind of a liquid, then flew to the northwest out t 6/29/1972 #26743 ur chair and given a peach-colored liquid to drink. She was later shown a h 10/5/1973 #27954 uttons" and glass tubes containing liquid. She observed four or five humano 10/16/1973 #28093 nidentified object over car. Drops liquid. Thin green figure(s) try / stop 11/13/1973 (approximate) #28417 deep, rose colored paste and thick liquid" in the four, deep landing marks. 5/20/1974 #29120 d offered her an aluminum cup with liquid resembling milk. She declined the 4/4/1977 #31943 ent of reptilian skin. A colorless liquid is present in the bodies; there a 5/1977 #32042 reen light retreated, "just like a liquid being drawn up through a straw." 7/15/1977 #32275 into the 30-foot wide craft like "liquid being sucked up through a straw". 7/15/1977 #32277 et tall, hairless, and had watery, liquid appearing eyes. They took her onb 7/19/1977 #32294 ponge and an apparent disinfectant liquid before sex. The woman was describ 3/2/1978 #33011 ble where he was examined. He felt liquid going down his throat and he pass 3/24/1978 #33079 ys) give man 'talk-box'. Smeared / liquid. Analysis = antiseptic. 8/30/1978 #33594 many years and seeps a transparent liquid. A scar remains six years later w 9/6/1978 #33638 the ground, and then spill a black liquid on it. Moments later a beam of li 12/15/1978 #34138 seat made out of stone and given a liquid to drink that tasted like honey. 1/3/1979 #34292 g, and her eyes were dabbed with a liquid. 7/25/1979 #34680 glass cylinder filled with a blue liquid, inside of which floated a huge h 12/2/1979 #35040 ted / alien base. Body parts / red liquid! 5/5/1980 #35305 river felt a sensation like a cold liquid on his body, and heard a voice in 9/25/1980 #35535 . Its interior is like a “swirling liquid (or fire embers) with constantly 2/4/1988 #38439 itary officials, entities that eat liquid chlorophyll, language similar to 1/1989 #38773 her some tasty bread and a strange liquid. After she finishes the meal, her 7/6/1990 #39637 nderground levels, alien bodies in liquid tanks, and even several humanoid 1991 #39935 fell to the ground oozing a green liquid. The witnesses attempted to retri 5/14/1991 #40060 nd an oily thick and foul smelling liquid was found on the truck's hood. 8/29/1991 #40170 she tore the eyepiece off. A moist liquid fell on the witness arm, describe 4/5/1993 #40927 pull it to the shore when suddenly liquid flows from it and two creatures e 1/12/1995 #41971 plastic looking column filled with liquid, with blue electricity flowing th 4/15/1997 #43261 e into his back. He felt the clear liquid being injected into his body. He 10/15/1997 #43429 sophagus and through it injected a liquid. He was then able to move and was 7/12/2000 #44015 years old, stable, and supporting liquid water on the surface of a habitab 10/31/2002 #44426 takes some home and stores them in liquid nitrogen. He claims that under ul 10/25/2014 #45421 ces discharged some type of gas or liquid with a high thermal track or sign 11/11/2014 #45423## Word: "liquid-filled" (Back to Top)
but inert humans are suspended in liquid-filled cylinders. There are accou 1994 #41345## Word: "liquid-fueled" (Back to Top)
of an “isotope power source for a liquid-fueled rocket engine,” possibly a 8/8/2019 #45604## Word: "liquidation" (Back to Top)
Intelligence who oversees the OSS liquidation. Most of the other personnel 9/20/1945 #1938## Word: "liquiere" (Back to Top)
LA LIQUIERE, FR 1 observer. Moon-size orang 3/6/1996 #42805## Word: "liquor" (Back to Top)
host fliers who could be smuggling liquor into Sweden. However, he is cauti 12/30/1933 #1188## Word: "lira" (Back to Top)
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Lira 1-1” Yield: 15KT 7/10/1983 #36905 onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Lira 1-2” Yield: 15KT 7/10/1983 #36906 onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Lira 1-3” Yield: 15KT 7/10/1983 #36907 Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, João de Lira Pessoa Neto is riding his motorcycl 8/12/1983 #36949 es run off. Party hosts Roberto de Lira Pessoa Neto and his wife Rejane, Re 8/12/1983 #36949 onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Lira 2-1” Yield: 15KT 7/21/1984 #37406 onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Lira 2-2” Yield: 15KT 7/21/1984 #37407 onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Lira 2-3” Yield: 15KT 7/21/1984 #37408 . Later one of the witnesses, Joao Lira, decided to return to the scene and 8/12/1998 #43629## Word: "liria" (Back to Top)
LIRIA, SPAIN 2 / car. Dark-glow 'Micheli 3/14/1976 #30938 A married couple driving between Liria and Olocau, Valencia, Spain saw a 3/14/1976 #30940## Word: "lisa" (Back to Top)
e than an hour. The captain of the Lisa C on the Apalachicola River also wi 5/14/1978 #33210 g in sequence. The Captain of the "Lisa C" on the Apalachicola River also w 5/14/1978 #33211 , Nova Scotia Fall River 9:30 p.m. Lisa Stone is driving with her 16-year-o 3/15/2002 #44324## Word: "lisboa" (Back to Top)
ight sphere seen here. / Diario de Lisboa. 10/27/1958 #15388 nvestigation, headed by Lieutenant Lisboa, failed to reveal any clue. Many 8/20/1962 #17347 nvestigation, headed by Lieutenant Lisboa, failed to reveal any clue. Many 8/20/1962 #17349 ngle seen / 21 nights. / Diario do Lisboa. 7/19/1965 #19126 io Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil - Geni Lisboa was busily baking wedding cakes e 5/27/1973 #27535 en and hovered above the wall. Ms. Lisboa, only a few meters distant, could 5/27/1973 #27535 several traffic jams. / Diario de Lisboa. 9/12/1978 #33665## Word: "lisboa's" (Back to Top)
er neighbor arrived, she found Ms. Lisboa's face swollen and her eyes blood 5/27/1973 #27535## Word: "lisbon" (Back to Top)
LISBON, PORTUGAL Flying red cylinders an 1/3/1551 #28 LISBON, PORTUGAL Ovoid leaves (something 9/7/1954 (approximate) #10261 CIVIL FLIGHT, NY GOING [TO] LISBON Pilot. Extraordinary light at sea 9/27/1954 #10456 LISBON, PORTUGAL 1 observer. Silver ball 12/10/1954 #11791 In Lisbon, Portugal at around 2:45 p.m. loc 12/10/1954 #11797 LISBON, PORT Numerous observer(s). Domed 9/27/1956 #13247 OPORTO AND LISBON, PORTUGAL Unidentified cylinder/c 11/6/1957 #14364 er both cities. East going west in Lisbon. 11/6/1957 #14364 Lisbon, Portugal Caracavelos, Portugal 8 6/25/1958 #15116 ugal 8:05 p.m. Rádio Renascença in Lisbon, Portugal, broadcasts a Portugues 6/25/1958 #15116 Evora, Portugal University of Lisbon 12:00 noon. A substance described 11/2/1959 #16076 nd scientists at the University of Lisbon. The scientists conclude that the 11/2/1959 #16076 LISBON, PORTUGAL 2+observer(s). Luminous 8/15/1960 #16384 In Lisbon, Portugal at 10:00 p.m. a luminou 8/15/1960 #16386 LISBON, PORTUGAL Night lights and strang 7/15/1965 #19103 LISBON, OH Family. Bright 5M dish-saucer 12/5/1966 #21185 Lisbon, Portugal B-727 crew rep v-form o 1/26/1974 #28706 Lisbon, Portugal V-formation of luminous 1/26/1974 #28708 Lisbon, Portugal Norway Britain 2:59 a.m 1/26/1974 #28709 a Boeing 727 airliner flying near Lisbon, Portugal, see a V- formation of 1/26/1974 #28709 Boeing 727 airliner flying east of Lisbon, Portugal encountered a precise V 1/26/1974 #28710 North Atlantic Lisbon, Portugal 9:00 p.m. A British Air 7/30/1976 #31203 h Atlantic about 40 miles south of Lisbon, Portugal, when air traffic contr 7/30/1976 #31203 ers are immediately scrambled from Lisbon. 7/30/1976 #31203 uese Coast, 64 kilometers south of Lisbon, Portugal. The UFOs were seen by 7/30/1976 #31204 LISBON, PRT 2 separate 707 liners / near 9/19/1976 #31403 Lisbon, Portugal A TAP Air Portugal Boei 9/19/1976 #31410 ith a UFO shortly after takeoff at Lisbon, Portugal. The oval object is glo 9/19/1976 #31410 antic Ocean between the Azores and Lisbon, Portugal at 35,000 feet altitude 9/19/1976 #31412 er takeoff from Portela Airport in Lisbon, Portugal when they spotted a blu 9/19/1976 #31413 our smaller satellite objects near Lisbon airport, Portugal. 9/22/1976 #31419 Lisbon, Portugal Fernando António Milhan 1977 #31653 hano Patinha founds OVNIGrupo 7 in Lisbon, Portugal. It publishes a quarter 1977 #31653 LISBON AND OPORTO, PORTUGAL Several obse 10/18/1977 #32588 LISBON, PORTUGAL Bright ball-shaped obje 6/7/1978 #33257 Madison, Wisconsin New Lisbon, Wisconsin Aurora, Illinois 10:48 6/24/1978 #33306 northwest between Madison and New Lisbon, Wisconsin, see a distant bright 6/24/1978 #33306 LISBON, PORTUGAL 30 workers. Silvery sph 7/13/1978 #33377 LISBON, PORTUGAL Several calls / radio s 8/30/1978 #33597 Lisbon, Portugal Late night. Residents o 8/30/1978 #33603 Portugal Late night. Residents of Lisbon, Portugal, see a large round obje 8/30/1978 #33603 overed 400 meters over the city of Lisbon, Portugal at 7:30 p.m., causing s 9/11/1978 #33663 LISBON, PORTGL Ovoid hovers 400M overhea 9/12/1978 #33665 LISBON, PORTUGAL Cylinder/cigar-shape ov 11/21/1978 #33969 LISBON, PORTUGAL Bright green round meta 12/13/1978 #34105 ng a hovering circular object near Lisbon, Portugal from which descended se 5/18/1993 #40984 University of Lisbon physicists Alexandre Martins and 2/1/2007 #45004## Word: "lisburn" (Back to Top)
Lisburn, Northern Ireland 2:00 p.m. A “s 8/19/1955 #12374 ball” zigzags across the sky over Lisburn, Northern Ireland. It is seen by 8/19/1955 #12374## Word: "lisbõa" (Back to Top)
” He tells his story to Lt. Wilson Lisbõa, chief of police at Diamantina, w 8/17/1962 #17336## Word: "lise" (Back to Top)
retically in Stockholm, Sweden, by Lise Meitner and her nephew Otto Robert 1/13/1939 #1304## Word: "lisieux" (Back to Top)
Lisieux Saint-Germain-de-Livet, Calvados 10/12/1954 #10978 ound 2:00 p.m. A math professor at Lisieux named Bon is in Saint-Germain-de 10/12/1954 #10978## Word: "liskeard" (Back to Top)
LISKEARD, CORNWALL 1 / (seen thru) binoc 1/6/1991 #39946## Word: "lisle" (Back to Top)
Chicago Burlington Quincy Railroad Lisle, Illinois Morning. F. L. Bullard, 4/12/1897 #446 70 mph, and by the time it reaches Lisle, Illinois, the object is far ahead 4/12/1897 #446## Word: "lismore" (Back to Top)
Bungawalban, New South Wales Lismore Morning. T. J. Hefferman of Bung 4/17/1969 #25067 , an independent investigator from Lismore, visits the site on April 20 and 4/17/1969 #25067 LISMORE TO/FROM CASINO, NSW 2 / car. Nig 3/16/1996 #42825## Word: "lispole" (Back to Top)
s of Duffy and Myers, driving near Lispole, Ireland saw what looked like a 8/25/2003 #44582 moke, which appeared to crash near Lispole along the R559 route. No wreckag 8/25/2003 #44582## Word: "lissauer" (Back to Top)
45 p.m. Private pilot George Henry Lissauer is driving near Georgetown, Sou 11/22/1964 #18632 the larger objects and disappear. Lissauer goes directly to Myrtle AFB [no 11/22/1964 #18632## Word: "lissy" (Back to Top)
t other officers (including Walter Lissy, Robert Ellis, and Earl Patterson, 7/4/1947 #2658## Word: "list" (Back to Top)
ped object (Project 1947; McDonald list; FOIA; Bloecher 1967) (NICAP: 11 - 6/2/1947 #2308 the sun at high altitude (McDonald list; FOIA; FUFOR Index; Bloecher 1967) 6/12/1947 #2323 heading S at high speed (McDonald list; FOIA; FUFOR Index; Bloecher 1967) 6/28/1947 #2444 tte-shaped (Project 1947; McDonald list; FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 11 - Av 8/4/1947 #3290 m surface obj 4-6 ft wide(McDonald list; FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Di 8/14/1947 #3327 ng S at tremendous speed (McDonald list; Mary Castner/CUFOS) (NICAP: 01 - D 9/17/1947 #3400 ect traveling at 700 mph (McDonald list; FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Di 10/8/1947 #3450 cting brilliant sunlight (McDonald list; FOIA; Mary Castner/CUFOS) (NICAP: 10/20/1947 #3463 Hecla, SD Pfutzenreuter. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 6/30/1948 #3685 Dravesburg, PA Jannicky. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 7/4/1948 #3696 ort, PA Veway and Geltz. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 7/8/1948 #3700 elding Lake, WA Caramia. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 7/9/1948 #3701 A (34.18° N, 118.45° W). (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 7/21/1948 #3721 Altoona, PA Griebel. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 7/24/1948 #3730 North Powder, OR (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 8/4/1948 #3773 San Simeon, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 9/28/1948 #3815 miles SW of), KS Huber. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 10/24/1948 #3849 Phoenix, AZ Peterson. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 10/24/1948 #3850 ay's Harbor, WA Kunsman. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) ADC Directs F-82 to 1 10/30/1948 #3856 AN (53.33° N, 60.41° W). (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 10/31/1948 #3857 Unknown Location, Azores (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 10/31/1948 #3858 j larger than basketball (McDonald list, FUFOR index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 11/3/1948 #3865 n (45°26' N, 141°43' E). (McDonald list) Target Circles Radar Site (NICAP: 11/6/1948 #3869 d Oregon, various Young. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 11/26/1948 #3892 Chanute AFB, IL (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 12/8/1948 #3917 Unknown Location, Sweden (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 12/30/1948 #3939 his plane (Project 1947; McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 1/1/1949 #3953 on, Ohio, transmits Project Sign’s list of UFO incidents to the Air Weather 1/5/1949 #3962 o (35.89° N, 106.31° W). (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 1/6/1949 #3966 aj. Gen. Cabell sets out a revised list of Air Intelligence reporting requi 2/15/1949 #4009 xico, sends to USAF headquarters a list of all green fireball reports it ha 4/19/1949 #4094 ker tops, and flew with a "decided list to the port side" at a speed in exc 5/11/1949 #4179 a At 24° 0' N, 85°20' W. (McDonald list) B-29 Radar Tracks Objects (NICAP: 1/12/1950 #4482 Unkown location, Germany (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 9/8/1950 #5170 tary pilots. This adds UFOs to the list of sighting categories. All UFO rep 9/25/1950 #5195 South Ruislip, UK (McDonald list) Uncorrelated Targets Comparable to 11/10/1950 #5273 FL (24.58° N, 81.80° W). (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 11/14/1950 #5277 N, 86.36° W). Thompson. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 11/23/1950 #5285 1° N, 74.31° W). Folean. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 12/27/1950 #5367 Westover AFB, MA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Three Uncorrelated Ta 1/24/1951 #5415 ite Sands Radar / Visual (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 7/14/1951 #5574 Selfridge AFB, MI (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) CPS-6B Picks Up High 7/30/1951 #5587 Finland AFS, MN (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 8/20/1951 #5612 project’s obstacle, and includes a list of 15 cases reported to ATIC in Jan 1/31/1952 #5888 ting to score a bomb run (McDonald list; BB Rpt 6) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases 2/13/1952 #5902 ckton, TX B-29 and radar (McDonald list; BB Rpt 5) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases 2/27/1952 #5933 ase, NM 4:30 p.m. (MST). (McDonald list; BB Rpt 7) Flattened Oval As Large 3/15/1952 #5959 George AFB, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 5/11/1952 #6302 AFB, CA 1:25 p.m. (PST) (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 5/20/1952 #6342 Two cases from Project Blue Book's list of unexplained reports occurred on 6/17/1952 #6530 Tokyo, Japan (McDonald list) GCI Has Radar Targets At Two Sites 9/2/1952 #7826 n (35°11’ N, 136°45’ E). (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 9/28/1952 #8046 As Five Targets Observed (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 10/15/1952 #8134 umbia (Congaree AFB), SC (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 11/4/1952 #8240 Tierra Amarilla AFS, NM (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) FPS-3 Tracks Maneuver 11/8/1952 #8258 White Sands, NM (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 11/25/1952 #8338 Pope AFB, SC (McDonald list) Four Radars Paint Bright Circular 12/10/1952 #8403 Honshu, Japan (McDonald list) Large Blip on AN/TPS Radar At 1320 12/15/1952 #8420 Camp Carson, CO (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 12/24/1952 #8445 Dallas (near), TX (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 1/6/1953 #8508 Misawa AFB, Japan (McDonald list) F-94 Radar/Visual of Rotating UFO 1/9/1953 #8518 Bergstrom AFB, TX (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Unidentified Return F 1/23/1953 #8561 AFS, MN 6:29 a.m. (CST). (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 2/1953 #8624 Misawa AFB, Japan (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 2/10/1953 #8660 amer, AL Hawk and Stern. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 2/16/1953 #8678 Charleston, WV (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) FPS-3 Sights Unusual 2/25/1953 #8702 Great Falls AFB, MT (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 2/27/1953 #8711 Shaw AFB, SC (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 3/5/1953 #8732 ushu (Ashiya AFB), Japan (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 3/9/1953 #8741 Pasadena, TX (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Object On Radar 25 Se 3/23/1953 #8779 CST): Lake Superior area (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 4/19/1953 #8837 Antung, Manchuria, China (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 5/4/1953 #8859 San Antonio, TX (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 6/16/1953 #8935 known location, Iwo Jima (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 6/18/1953 #8938 to the accident. Its distribution list includes the fledgling National Sec 6/24/1953 #8970 Tipp City, OH (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 7/3/1953 #8988 Omaha (Offutt AFB), NE (McDonald list) Rawin Crew Tracks 3 UFOs On SCR-58 7/20/1953 #9007 Palmdale, CA (McDonald list) F-94C Tracks UFO at 200 Knots (NIC 9/28/1953 #9183 Presque Isle, ME (McDonald list) 25 Targets on GCA Radar (NICAP: 09 10/16/1953 #9233 Omaha (Offutt AFB), NE (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 10/28/1953 #9258 North Truro, MA (McDonald list) B-25 / (Gnd) Radar/Visual of 700 M 12/3/1953 #9336 Holloman AFB, NM (McDonald list) Four Objects Detected on Ground Ra 12/3/1953 #9337 Mediterranean, At Sea (McDonald list) Ground Radar Picks Up Objects (NIC 12/16/1953 #9371 Kelly AFB, TX (McDonald list) One to three blips on PPI Scope wi 1/14/1954 #9484 Pittsburgh, PA (McDonald list) Anti-Aircraft Units Track Objects 3/11/1954 #9613 eres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) List page 20. 7/25/1954 #10048 m Aircraft Radar Tracked (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 7/27/1954 #10055 unknown location, Korea (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 7/29/1954 #10061 Houston, TX (McDonald list; Mary Castner/CUFOS) (NICAP: 09 - R 10/5/1954 #10724 Tinker AFB, OK (McDonald list) FPS-10 Tracks UFO at 3200 MPH (NIC 10/23/1954 #11335 an researchers on the Project 1947 list. 11/8/1954 #11602 Sonoma (and Soledad), CA (McDonald list) Object Rises Almost Vertically, Bl 3/29/1955 #12065 Dahlgren, VA (McDonald list) Theodolite Tracks UFO & Radar Conf 4/28/1955 #12103 Duluth, MN (McDonald list) F-89D Locks Onto Target at 1000 Kn 5/13/1955 #12129 China Lake, CA (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 7/1/1955 #12228 Fordland, MO (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Catch-Me-If-You-Can U 8/25/1955 #12406 le (40 miles NW of ), TN (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) F-86 Unable to Close 10/19/1955 #12509 as Oct. 21, 1955, case?] (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 10/26/1955 #12521 Laguna, CA (McDonald list) Radar Ops Tracked Target For 13 Mi 12/17/1955 #12614 Culpepper and Complaer. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) F-89 Has Radar LockOn 1/11/1956 #12655 elus AFB, Tripoli, Libya (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Object Tracked For 12 1/24/1956 #12680 Biloxi (Keesler AFB), MS (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 2/7/1956 #12699 Spokane, WA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 3/3/1956 #12745 Aliquippa, PA (McDonald list) RV Draws Scramble of F-86 (NICAP: 5/8/1956 #12837 Angeles to San Diego, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Object Tracked At 59, 6/29/1956 #12930 McConnell. (Jan Aldrich; McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Radar / Visual With C 8/10/1956 #13066 eville (SSW \[of\] ), ME (McDonald list) F-89 Tracks Object 500 Knots (NICA 8/17/1956 #13097 North Bend, OR Camillo. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Object Tracked At 54, 8/20/1956 #13104 Bornholm Island, Den (McDonald list; FUFOR Index); Objects Orbiting Loc 8/22/1956 #13115 UK USAF witness Pollock. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) GCA Targets Big As B3 10/6/1956 #13264 elus AFB, Tripoli, Libya (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) F-86's Had Radar Cont 10/17/1956 #13284 Point Arena, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Two Objects Tracked B 11/4/1956 #13304 Las Cruces, NM (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) 54 Targets / Two Grou 2/7/1957 #13485 Marrero, LA Martin (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Nebulous Targets At H 2/13/1957 #13499 Amarilla AFS, NM Meyer. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Two Objects On AN/FPS 2/13/1957 #13500 Castle AFB, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) 6,000 MPH Objects On 2/27/1957 #13516 Point Mugu, CA (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 3/22/1957 #13549 -Los Angeles Airport, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Rectangular Targets T 3/22/1957 #13550 Houma, LA (McDonald list) AN/MPS-7 Tracks Object at 100,000' 5/29/1957 #13685 Detroit, MI (McDonald list) Blip Size of Two Aircraft (NICAP: 5/30/1957 #13686 McChord AFB, WA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) One Vertical Descendi 6/14/1957 #13727 Cambria AFS, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Radar/Visual; F2H Fig 8/22/1957 #13921 Tulsa, OK (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) APS-64 Tracks Object 9/12/1957 #13991 Mildenhall, UK (McDonald list) Targets on Lakenheath Radar (BBU) 10/19/1957 #14135 Wiesbaden, Germany (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) AN/TPS-1D Tracks Obje 10/22/1957 #14144 ch (Airport), CA Zibello (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 11/5/1957 #14325 Eglin AFB, FL (McDonald list) AN/FPS-16 Tracks at High Altitude 11/5/1957 #14326 Kagoshima, Japan (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 11/6/1957 #14397 Laredo AFB, TX (McDonald list) GCA Picks Up More Than Seven Targe 11/6/1957 #14399 teman AFB, Missouri, G , (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 11/6/1957 #14408 Harlingen AFB, TX (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 11/7/1957 #14454 Numerous Targets Tracked (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 11/14/1957 #14549 Houma, LA (McDonald list) Huge Target Picked Up On Three Rad 11/21/1957 #14587 Joliet, IL (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Radar Contact On Visu 11/23/1957 #14599 West Mesa AFS, NM (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 11/26/1957 #14623 Minot, ND (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) FPS-6 Blip Travels 10 11/30/1957 #14642 Lake City AFS, TN (McDonald list) FPS-10 Picks Up Target Large As Th 12/11/1957 #14710 Chitose, Hokkaido, Japan (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Jets Scrambled After 12/12/1957 #14717 El Paso (Biggs AFB), TX (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Uncorrelated Targets 1/9/1958 #14814 nwood, Newfoundland, CAN (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 2/25/1958 #14891 Tracks Zigzagging Object (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 2/25/1958 #14892 Tracked By F3D Aircraft (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 5/3/1958 #15012 Templehof, Germany (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 5/28/1958 #15059 Malmstrom AFB, MT (McDonald list) Delta Craft Observed & Tracked On 8/4/1958 #15179 Gulf of Finland, At Sea (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 8/11/1958 #15189 gas (12 miles NW of), NV (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 8/12/1958 #15197 Killeen (Gray AFB), TX (McDonald list) Uncorrelated Target At 3,300 Knots 8/30/1958 #15231 ied Returns on GCI Scope (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 9/14/1958 #15266 Kindley AFB, Bermuda (McDonald list) Red Object Tracked At Mach 1 (NICA 9/23/1958 #15278 Laredo, TX (McDonald list) Unidentified Target During Radar M 10/11/1958 #15337 and Tonopah Airport), NV (McDonald list) Three Radars Track Slow Object (NI 11/13/1958 #15441 auk AFB, Long Island, NY (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 11/19/1958 #15451 hama Island, West Indies (McDonald list) UFO Maneuvers ON FPS-8, Converges 3/10/1959 #15633 Ellsworth AFB, SD (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 3/14/1959 #15644 Ann Arbor, MI (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 3/22/1959 #15664 N Montana, MT (McDonald list) B-52 & Gnd Radar / Radar Visual / 3/25/1959 #15668 Antigo & Madison, WI (McDonald list) Highly Maneuverable Lights Tracked 4/13/1959 #15701 Pease AFB, NH (McDonald list) Three Radars Have 18 Tracks, 10+ A 5/2/1959 #15721 Omaha (Offutt AFB), NE (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 5/13/1959 #15728 Philadelphia, PA (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 5/14/1959 #15732 Greenbush, KS (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 5/18/1959 #15736 City (8 miles E of), SD (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 5/21/1959 #15744 Genoa, Italy (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 6/3/1959 #15758 Manassas-Roanoke, VA (McDonald list) Two Sites Track At 62,000' (NICAP: 6/9/1959 #15763 Meridian (SE of), MS (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 6/16/1959 #15771 Hawaii and Calif, At Sea (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 6/18/1959 #15775 Taegu (S) of, Korea (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 6/25/1959 #15785 Dunville, VA (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 6/27/1959 #15797 Needles, CA (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 7/3/1959 #15810 nknown location, Bahamas (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 7/9/1959 #15828 New Delhi, India (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 7/14/1959 #15848 Corpus Christi, TX (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 7/28/1959 #15883 Washington, D.C. (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 8/2/1959 #15890 Silver Springs, MD (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 8/3/1959 #15893 Macon and Forsyth, GA (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 8/16/1959 #15920 es E of U.S. \[?\]., Unk (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 8/19/1959 #15930 Charlotte Island, CAN (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 8/28/1959 #15942 Naha, Okinawa (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 9/5/1959 #15955 Camp Kinser, Okinawa (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 9/10/1959 #15964 Seattle, WA (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 10/2/1959 #16009 Washington, GA (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 10/12/1959 #16029 Langley AFB (N of), VA (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 10/19/1959 #16039 Warsaw, NY (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 10/21/1959 #16048 Loring AFB (near), ME (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 10/22/1959 #16050 Toccoa, GA (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 10/26/1959 #16063 Three Radars Track Blip (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 11/5/1959 #16080 S Victoria Island, CAN (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 12/18/1959 #16123 Albuquerque (W of), NM (McDonald list) Three Objects Tracked By MPS-14 At 12/23/1959 #16130 egina, Saskatchewan, CAN (McDonald list) Sightings Backed By FPS-20 & FPS-6 5/7/1960 #16258 Pacific Ocean, At Sea (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 6/4/1960 #16306 Kirksville AFS, MO (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 9/17/1960 #16452 ts Tracked Several Times (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 9/17/1960 #16453 Susanville, CA (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 9/19/1960 #16454 Farmington (SE of), NM (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 9/20/1960 #16456 Midway Isles, At Sea (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 9/25/1960 #16461 Kirksville, MO (McDonald list) Slow Radar Return At 100,000' (NIC 9/28/1960 #16463 . Cuba and Haiti, At Sea (McDonald list) UFO "Alters" Navy Polaris Missile 1/10/1961 #16571 tic N of Bermuda, At Sea (McDonald list) High Speed Object Tracked on APS-9 2/16/1961 #16599 Misawa AFB, Japan (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 2/23/1961 #16601 Tyndall AFB, FL (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 2/26/1961 #16602 Yuma, AZ (McDonald list) Uncorrelated Target With Diffused 2/27/1961 #16605 Herndon, VA (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 2/27/1961 #16607 Waverly AFB, IA (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 2/28/1961 #16613 Ephrata, WA (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 3/3/1961 #16619 RAF Upper Heyford, UK (McDonald list) Slow-Moving Object Tracked on Gnd 3/10/1961 #16624 Cape Canaveral, FL (McDonald list) Object Tracked Prior to Launch of 4/11/1961 #16646 7,000' Tracked on FPS-6A (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 4/20/1961 #16656 / Weather Radar Tracked? (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 5/20/1961 #16690 Tampa, FL (McDonald list) Object Tracked At 34,000' /F-102 S 6/2/1961 #16709 Pacific Ocean, At Sea (McDonald list) Two Blips At 4800 Knots (NICAP: 09 6/25/1961 #16737 Golden, CO (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 7/10/1961 #16756 Pacific Coast, At Sea (McDonald list) Uncorrelated Targets on APS-95 (NI 9/27/1961 #16874 Las Vegas, NV (McDonald list) Object Tracked and Observed For 45 9/30/1961 #16879 Arlington Heights, IL (McDonald list) Sharp Radar Returns at 4000 Knots 11/7/1961 #16957 Winnemucca AFB, NV (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 1/12/1962 #17019 Kirksville, MO (McDonald list) FPS-6A Height Finder Tracks UFO (N 1/22/1962 #17022 Winnemucca AFB, NV (McDonald list) Object Tracked By AN/FPS-9 at 74,0 2/12/1962 #17048 Goose Bay, Labrador, CAN (McDonald list) Ground & Air Radar Tracks Object A 4/2/1962 #17094 Kunia, HI (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 4/12/1962 #17111 itude. Note: most civilian sources list this case as occurring on April 30, 4/29/1962 #17135 d Leesville, Colfax), LA (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 5/18/1962 #17177 acked On Radar For Hours (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 5/24/1962 #17197 lett Station, Antarctica (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 6/7/1962 #17220 Arkansas, Texas, various (McDonald list) Bright Flash & Radar Track in 3 St 3/6/1963 #17693 APO 253, France (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 12/6/1963 #18067 Fallon AFS, NV (McDonald list) Two Stacked Blips on AFS Radar (NI 4/17/1964 #18176 Las Vegas, NV (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 4/26/1964 #18207 Minot AFB, ND (McDonald list) Radar Tracks Object "Orbiting" 5-M 4/28/1964 #18214 Cape Guardeau, MO (McDonald list) Air/Grn Visual & Radar Confirmatio 7/10/1964 #18402 Langley AFB, VA (McDonald list) Brilliant Objects Tracked on GCA R 7/24/1964 #18435 Baker, OR (McDonald list) Object Observed & Tracked on Radar 12/4/1964 #18651 Various Locations, AK (McDonald list) Tear Drop Shaped Object Tracked on 1/28/1965 #18778 Misawa AFB, Japan (McDonald list) Uncorrelated Targets On GCA Radars 4/10/1965 #18904 unknown location, Turkey (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 6/8/1965 #18998 ls of High Speed Objects (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 6/8/1965 #18999 Frankfurt, West Germany (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 6/29/1965 #19032 Arlington, TX (McDonald list) Civilians Report Object / Possible 7/6/1965 #19072 Penna. and Ohio, various (McDonald list) At Least Three Radars Track Object 7/13/1965 #19101 Whiteman AFB, MO (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 8/1/1965 #19239 Plattsburgh, NY (McDonald list) GCA Radar Tracks Flat Disc (NICAP: 8/20/1965 #19435 Tonopah & Winnemucca, NV (McDonald list) Two Ground Radars Track Object at 8/31/1965 #19484 Licking County, OH (McDonald list) High Speed Object Tracked On Radar 9/26/1965 #19607 Swanlake, NY (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 9/29/1965 #19621 Da Nang, Vietnam (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 8/23/1966 #20793 acked By Air & Gnd Radar (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 9/5/1966 #20848 Charleston, SC (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 1/16/1967 #21320 Glasgow AFB, MT (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) MG-13 Radar Confirms 2/23/1967 #21628 hip all tapes and data to them and list the airplane loss as “equipment mal 3/1967 #21700 Houma, LA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Radar Visuals / MPS-1 4/10/1967 #22103 of consulting and narrows the case list to 100. A small team agrees to go o 6/1967 #22437 A small team agrees to go over the list and decide which ones deserve more 6/1967 #22437 Kernville, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 7/30/1967 #22752 Kincheloe AFB, MI (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) 17 Unknowns In 80 Min 9/11/1967 #23038 he meeting ends with a roughed-out list of subject sections and authors. Co 11/13/1967 #23443 Amarillo, TX (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 3/6/1968 #23830 Eielson AFB, AK (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Fairbanks RAPCON Has 7/11/1968 #24168 script, the agency responds with a list of 339 passages that it claims are 3/1972 #26584 windows / side. Too many others to list. 2/24/1973 #27315 son, Arizona, asking for a contact list of APRO investigators for the Cente 2/1974 #28724 round and does not provide him the list. 2/1974 #28724 1. The Earl of Halsbury provides a list of natural causes for UFOs, and Lor 1/18/1979 #34358 y two men, John F. Clark and Lloyd List, from a Cessna 172 over Red Bluff, 8/28/1980 #35481 1:15 p.m. Flight instructor Lloyd List is flying northbound at 138 mph in 9/4/1980 #35494 es through the plane’s turbulence. List descends to 6,000 feet and turns to 9/4/1980 #35494 port MUST be sent to MOD (AFOR). A list of phone numbers and locations is s 1984 #37087 The book remains on the bestseller list for a long time, and Ted Seth Jacob 2/1987 #38108 Archives Division of NARA issues a list of 10 problems with the Cutler-Twin 7/22/1987 #38212 d an MJ12,” which had employed the list of scientists ufologists believed i 10/23/1988 #38682 . No further details [in] in short list / UFOROM. 12/19/1993 #41332 briefs members of Congress with a list of projects and facilities related 8/30/1996 #43001 US. Miller finally states he has a list of civilian government contractors 4/25/2002 #44333 our of the program He sees a bigot list 1990-1993 that has no Executive Bra 10/16/2002 #44418 or Martinez, who runs a discussion list for retired intelligence people who 11/1/2005 #44898## Word: "liste" (Back to Top)
ng [to] overhead / 50M altitude. / Liste Annuelle. 1/3/1995 #41941 otape taken. No further details. / Liste 1995. 8/18/1995 #42397 Beam / front. No further details / Liste Annuelle. 9/23/1996 #43037 oid rotates. No further details. / Liste Annuelle. 10/14/1996 #43066 ntain peaks. No further details. / Liste Annuelle. 10/21/1996 #43086## Word: "listed" (Back to Top)
Sands, NM This alleged incident is listed for-the-record only and has been 7/1/1947 #2515 eport based on the characteristics listed in the September 23 Twining lette 10/28/1947 #3469 t up vertically. Project Blue Book listed this as an "unidentified" case. 4/5/1948 #3613 odes photos and 99 other cases are listed. A comment by chemist Irving Lang 4/23/1948 #3628 ost recent case known to have been listed in the document is the September 9/30/1948? #3817 the northeast sky. The sighting is listed by the Air Force as an “unknown.” 1/4/1949 #3960 ved to change course. This case is listed as a Project Blue Book "unknown" 5/27/1949 #4215 o the western sky and disappeared. Listed as a Project Blue Book "unknown" 2/5/1950 #4531 , North Carolina Witness: Daniel. Listed as "unidentified" in folder index 10/15/1950 #5234 zing noise like bees. This case is listed as a Project Blue Book "unknown." 12/2/1950 #5312 na AFB, Japan moving at 4,800 mph. Listed as a Project Blue Book "unidentif 10/3/1951 #5702 llinois (15 miles NW) and was also listed as "unidentified" for several yea 10/9/1951 #5714 llinois (15 miles NW) and was also listed as "unidentified" for several yea 10/9/1951 #5716 were three witnesses. The case was listed as an unknown by Project Blue Boo 2/19/1952 #5910 plane for about three minutes. Not listed in BB unknowns (NICAP: 01 - Dista 4/28/1952 #6206 y and then came back. This case is listed as a Project Blue Book "unknown." 5/5/1952 #6261 952 three cases occurred that were listed by the Air Force Project Blue Boo 6/5/1952 #6449 flight. Both of these reports were listed by Project Blue Book as "unidenti 6/7/1952 #6462 The “flying cup” photo. Blue Book listed as hoax, which it probably was. ( 1953 #8476 y at high speed. Project Blue Book listed this later case as an official "u 1/28/1953 #8605 ew Mexico at 7:25 p.m. The case is listed as an Air Force Project Blue Book 3/27/1953 #8791 Blue Book documentation and is not listed as an Unidentified ever analyzed 12/18/1953 #9384 gns of mental illness. The case is listed as an "unknown" by the Brazilian 11/2/1954 #11539 ion and was gone in three seconds. Listed as a Project Blue Book “unknown” 11/28/1954 #11725 ght in five seconds. This case was listed as an "unknown" by Project Blue B 5/4/1955 #12119 are doubtful. Overall, of the 69% listed as IFOs, 42% are thought to be so 10/25/1955 #12519 d by Pres. Truman in 1947. Gray is listed as one of twelve members with acc 11/20/1955 #12580 hed when he returned. The case was listed as a Project Blue Book unidentifi 11/6/1957 #14437 off toward the south. This case is listed in the Project Blue Book files as 12/8/1957 #14693 for duty. One month later, he was listed as A.W.O.L. and was not seen agai 2/28/1959 #15624 rted vertically. It made no sound. Listed as a U.S. Air Force Project Blue 3/23/1960 #16205 hout making any sound. The case is listed by Project Blue Book as unexplain 11/29/1960 #16522 . . yellowish or white. . .case is listed as unidentified." (Air Force Proj 5/26/1962 #17206 behind some buildings. The case is listed as a Project Blue "unknown." 2/12/1967 #21524 extremely fast speed. Mr. Recod is listed as a military witness. 2/16/1967 #21577 ra, Iowa at 8:30 p.m. The case was listed as an "unknown" by the Air Force. 3/9/1967 #21844 lized intense heat or radiation is listed as most likely cause. 7/12/1969 #25264 No details on this close encounter listed in EGBA. Witness was "Alterwitz". 6/16/1972 #26716 and around its middle. The case is listed as having EM interference effects 11/14/1973 #28421 Mariemont, OH Close Encounter II listed by CUFOS. No details. (NICAP: 02 1/4/1975 #29714 Mt. Vernon, IN Close Encounter I listed by CUFOS. Two witnesses. No other 1/5/1975 #29720 Cape Girardeau, MO Listed with no details as a CE-1. No det 1/21/1975 #29760 Indianapolis, IN 9:00 p.m. Listed as a CE-2 by CUFOS, upgraded from 1/23/1975 #29762 Huntington, IN C1. Close Encounter listed but no details, one witness. (EGB 4/4/1976 #30985 . The secret air force base is NOT listed in the Air Force Officer’s Guide 12/29/1980 #35752 t changed its flight's trajectory, listed to the right, gained speed and as 6/15/1984 #37365 ect Outgrowth 16 years earlier, is listed as the project manager for Verita 4/1988 #38526 stiny location 2. His clearance is listed as TS/SCI/SBI as of 3 APR 1990. 12/1993 #41313 r. Among the government facilities listed include: Edwards AFB, Haystack Bu 8/30/1996 #43001 of Salt Lake City UT. CSETI also listed private entities believed to be i 8/30/1996 #43001 force 180 days after the 44 states listed in Annex 2 of the treaty have rat 9/10/1996 #43014 ppearance. Locations of recoveries listed include New Mexico, off the coast 7/31/1999 #43815 ogram. Did any of these scientists listed above hold unexpected clearances 5/2002 #44335 ight. Several of those researchers listed above have worked in Huntsville ( 5/2002 #44335 eattle, Washington had two reports listed of a UFO landing with short human 6/9/2002 #44350 art dated 1981. Dr. Jack Vorona is listed as an assistant vice director for 3/26/2004 #44682 angeville, Ontario. Both cases are listed as high quality unknowns. 4/22/2007 #45020 HFGW because the responsible party listed on the SF298 for MITRE’s contract 10/2008 #45173 be/9sBE2pfPdlo Note: Kobitz is listed in the directory of the “Wingship 9/3/2021 #45707## Word: "listen" (Back to Top)
as convinced him that it would not listen to his advice and cannot handle l 10/9/1941 #1373 Emil J. Smith and asks him to come listen to the Maury Island, Washington, 7/30/1947 #3259 AF intelligence officer and told: “Listen, there is no such thing as a flyi 3/15/1950 #4643 tops the car and opens the door to listen for sounds. They go immediately t 12/5/1951 #5805 e. The witness opens his window to listen for noise coming from the object, 5/28/1974 #29142 electronic surveillance personnel listen in on the rescue activities from 8/25/1974 #29386 he car, rolls down the windows and listen for the sounds of an engine, but 10/27/1975 #30486 personnel at RAF Troödos on Cyprus listen to the radio calls of the America 10/19/1982 #36654 themselves inside but continued to listen intently. When they next looked o 1/30/2006 #44920 Researchers from the Breakthrough Listen Project cannot attribute it to an 4/2019 #45570## Word: "listened" (Back to Top)
ence, to which Leonard Stringfield listened and believed him. KA tells Str 4/12/1954 #9685## Word: "listener" (Back to Top)
hich sounded like "Chinese" to the listener. 10/22/1954 #11322 ent Boston 10:45 p.m. On hearing a listener call in a live UFO sighting on 4/23/1966 #20390## Word: "listeners" (Back to Top)
as the program has relatively few listeners. In the days after the adaptat 10/30/1938 #1300 . Some 60 phone calls come in from listeners who think that Russians have l 10/9/1957 #14084## Word: "listening" (Back to Top)
cies, while also acting as “useful listening posts” through which the Counc 1938 #1279 by convincing some members of the listening audience that a Martian invasi 10/30/1938 #1299 allegedly causing panic among its listening audience, though the scale of 10/30/1938 #1300 one. They try but fail to locate a listening device in the room. 7/30/1947 #3259 dow in Long Beach, California, and listening to the radio. He spots two yel 3/26/1952 #5978 of. He later learns that Truman is listening in. There is some evidence tha 7/29/1952 #7321 John begins publishing The Little Listening Post newsletter in Washington, 2/1954 #9520 incinnati, Ohio, has fallen asleep listening to the radio. Suddenly it make 10/23/1954 #11340 imeographed zine called The Little Listening Post, which often covers UFOs. Spring 1956 #12761 n the Baskatong Reservoir, Quebec, listening to a battery-powered radio. Ou 11/6/1957 #14428 in St. Albans, West Virginia, and listening to WCHS- AM radio where someon 7/1958 #15129 s. Wolferd is sitting on the porch listening to the radio when it suddenly 7/9/1965 #19089 arn in Cherry Creek, New York, and listening to radio station WKBW. Just ou 8/19/1965 #19427 vka, Russia Midnight. V. Rogov was listening to the radio inside his home w 11/25/1967 #23510 minibus, and three passengers were listening to the radio under a light rai 5/17/1968 #23970 pm. Mr. A. Rias, a stonemason, was listening to his radio in his small cabi 5/26/1974 #29136 dsburg, NM 11:00 p.m. Three peopIe listening to a CB radio in their parked 1/6/1975 #29728 rdsburg, New Mexico - Three peopIe listening to a CB radio in their parked 1/6/1975 #29729 music broadcast to describe to his listening audience what had just happene 4/6/1975 #29978 Morello were sitting in their car listening to their car's stereo when the 2/23/1978 #32995 n Sesto Fiorentino, Toscana, Italy listening to their car's stereo when the 2/23/1978 #32998 p.m. Graham Niven and friends are listening to the radio in Raeford, North 6/1978 #33246 tcomm in classes that consisted of listening to tones and trying to repeat 1990 #39354 near Deming, New Mexico a man was listening to his CB radio when the radio 4/12/1992 #40414 ity are watching the encounter and listening in to radio transmissions. Jus 1/4/2004 #44644 d aircraft. Walker states despite listening for it, over the next half-hou 2005 #44804 Jervis, New York, is driving home listening to Christmas CDs on the car’s 11/25/2009 #45256 l. According to two sources, after listening to the investigators lay out t 12/3/2019 #45621## Word: "listens" (Back to Top)
re they find a police officer, who listens to the story and agrees to accom Late 11/1961 #16978## Word: "lister" (Back to Top)
urne and Derby, UK A witness named Lister reported seeing a disc-shaped obj 8/31/1980 #35484 A witness named Lister reported seeing a disc-shaped obj 8/31/1980 #35485## Word: "listing" (Back to Top)
current Project Grudge mentality, listing several solid and dramatic cases 4/27/1949 #4117 ed in a Blue Book monthly sighting listing for April 1962. It is interestin 4/18/1962 #17120 credible speed/velocity. / R. hall listing. 9/6/1965 #19526 No further details [in] = catalog listing only. 10/7/1966 #20968 e(s). No further details / catalog listing only. 4/1/1967 #22033 ondon a critical but polite letter listing his concerns about the project’s 10/13/1967 #23233## Word: "listings" (Back to Top)
elsinki, and Copenhagen asking for listings of all ghost rocket reports, as 8/13/1946 #2128## Word: "lists" (Back to Top)
om Russia or elsewhere. The letter lists common descriptions of the objects 9/23/1947 #3417 orandum from Maj. Robert J. Thomas lists the names of nine military personn 9/25/1947 #3427 raft of Collection Memorandum,” it lists things investigators should try to 10/28/1947 #3469 far below the UFOs. The Air Force lists the explanation of the objects as 7/1/1952 #6691 y high altitude. Project Blue Book lists the explanation for the encounter 2/3/1953 #8633 s seven minutes. Project Blue Book lists the explanation as aircraft, but U 3/3/1953 #8728 entified as a familiar object.” It lists the objectives of UFO reporting as 8/12/1954 #10138 section. (Note: Vallee incorrectly lists the date as October 1.) 9/30/1954 #10520 bserving the object. (Note: Vallee lists the date as October 2nd but Figuet 10/1/1954 #10576 e found at the spot. (Note: Vallee lists the date as October 3rd, but Figue 10/2/1954 #10621 urnalist Ansel Talbert in which he lists the names of aerospace firms condu 11/30/1955 #12594 tes an open letter to Ruppelt that lists his past statements on UFOs and ur 6/12/1959 #15766 iously vanished. Project Blue Book lists this case as an "unknown." At 7:30 8/10/1959 #15903 etermine it is a bolide. Blue Book lists it as two sightings: a multiple ra 4/18/1962 #17120 ing on April 30, but the Air Force lists the flight as occurring on this da 4/29/1962 #17135 meters. The Air Force explanation lists this case as caused by a reflectio 5/23/1962 #17195 ext two minutes. Project Blue Book lists this case as an "unknown." 8/10/1964 #18477 und at the site. Project Blue Book lists this case as an "unknown." 3/4/1965 #18842 luded on the Project MINARET watch lists. NSA Director Lew Allen testifies 8/1967 #22770 in Nebraska, Kansas, and Iowa,” it lists possible culprits: witchcraft cult 9/30/1974 #29494 about the Northern Tier cases. He lists names and dates that can be used f 12/13/1977 #32768 fied Flying Vehicles. The document lists UFO crash/retrievals and states th 4/9/1983 #36830 ok Night Siege, Philip J. Imbrogno lists 12 reasons for rejecting the expla 11/1984 #37500 about 200 people were on the bigot lists. An unnamed individual “The Genera 9/10/2003 #44595 been UFO related. The report form lists the shape of the UFO as a disc. 9/21/2007 #45066 the US Space Surveillance Network lists 44,336 objects including 8,558 sat 6/23/2019 #45587## Word: "listvenno" (Back to Top)
LISTVENNO R. NORTHEAST / DALNEGORSK, RUS 9/16/1988 #38641## Word: "lisunov" (Back to Top)
Guangdong Wuhan, China A Lisunov Li-2 airliner on the Guangdong t 10/1963 #17968## Word: "lit" (Back to Top)
false lights are not deliberately lit, they are puzzled about the true cau 12/1865 #165 e landscape beneath the object was lit up as bright as a carbon-arc light, 2/14/1889 #287 “pole” or rudder that is similarly lit. The object is in view for nearly tw 9/2/1891 #296 f Canadian trappers see a brightly lit balloon traveling north near Blackwa 7/3/1896 #327 EN COPPET, SWZ 2 observer(s). Area lit. Bluish circular fireball going [to] 1/27/1903 #658 sound, and had a searchlight that lit up the road below it. 5/13/1909 #742 SOUTH WALES Numerous observer(s). Lit object overhead. 1 observer with tel 5/22/1909 #772 BATH, AVON 'Splendidly lit craft' passes over Warmley Village. 3/6/1912 #858 A "splendidly lit craft" passed over Warmley Village, 3/6/1912 #859 AMBURG, GER Cylinder/cigar-shape / lit windows / field. 4-5 dwarfs reboard. 6/1914 #898 ish! 3M saucer / field by railway. Lit windows / dome. Going up [to] slow. 10/1917 (approximate) #966 City, OK White oval-shaped object lit up ground, moved out of sight over h 1/1924 #1038 sphere/orb/globe stops over house. Lit portholes / bottom/underside. Drops 4/1927 (approximate) #1071 g, had bright light on front which lit up tree-tops, flashing lights on rea 1/1/1931 #1119 night he was standing on a street lit up by a brilliant white light from a 5/4/1932 #1143 in the vicinity of Mars” has been lit up with a deep bluish tint for 40 se Winter 1936 #1254 +4 observer(s). 'Huge brass shield lit / searchlight'. Spheres fly. 2/6/1938 (approximate) #1282 EZZANE, MAROC 3 / car. Desert road lit. Extra moon hovers / N. sky. Shoots 8/1942 #1425 d 300–400 feet long. The object is lit up from underneath. It slowly descen Summer 1944 #1609 0M cylinder/cigar-shape with row / lit portholes going quickly northeast. / 8/1/1946 #2094 / minutes. Drops behind cloud. Sea lit up in great color. 12/30/1946 #2214 REMONT, OH 3 observer(s). Brightly lit orange disk north going quickly sout 7/8/1947 #2956 . 1 mile / red glowing sea! Clouds lit. White beams going up. 1/24/1949 #3975 dawn north of Vaughn, Montana. It lit up the sky from horizon to horizon. 7/3/1949 #4262 going quickly north / 900kph. 6-7 lit portholes / bottom/underside. Blue-g 3/20/1950 #4686 er / low altitude. Erratic flight. Lit windows / edge. Hartford Times. 4/25/1950 #4893 OVANA PARK, OR Domed tank / US101. Lit portholes. Aims beam / bank / clay. 8/10/1950 #5116 ects and three smaller, internally lit objects. Two hovered for 1 minute, 9/20/1950 #5187 ects and three smaller, internally lit objects. The two large objects hover 9/20/1950 #5188 racks / main railroad/railway line lit and examined. Object / nearly lands. 10/26/1951 #5745 came down in some nearby woods. It lit up the area, hovered, maneuvered, th 4/13/1952 #6070 al observer(s). Object 'like glass lit from inside'. Silently crosses sky. 5/16/1952 #6335 ht a luminous object like a "glass lit from the inside" moved silently acro 5/16/1952 #6336 -shaped object with a blunt front, lit sides and a red stern, maneuvered in 6/15/1952 #6508 nia. Both objects are translucent, lit from within, and emit an exhaust fro 7/19/1952 #6936 ound object hovers. Shadows move / lit windows. Object going up [to] as obs 7/27/1952 (approximate) #7194 front. Windows on the object were lit by an intense blue light and a throb 8/24/1952 #7715 d causing the clouds to glow as if lit by a searchlight. Bowley radios the 12/29/1952 #8462 ook Case #2315. Anderson. Saucer / lit windows. Seen / 10 second(s) 15M ove 1/1/1953 #8489 el. It was light gray in color and lit up inside. It resembled a half egg. 1/29/1953 #8612 el. It was light gray in color and lit up inside. It resembled an egg slice 1/29/1953 #8618 ng quickly south. RADAR's. Cockpit lit. Odd effects. 2/11/1953 #8662 cope. Saucer hovers / 3 minute(s). Lit windows / dome. 180° turn going sout 10/6/1953 #9203 pass moons face west going east. 5 lit windows. 5/15/1954 #9801 AUS 30M shiny bronze ovoid with 3 lit portholes / dull dome going northeas 6/11/1954 (approximate) #9891 ar Idaho Falls, Idaho, is suddenly lit up by a blinding glow that explodes 6/26/1954 #9953 ing south toward(s) airport. Drops lit object. 9/10/1954 #10282 OH Navy pilot and 1. Round object lit / sky. Hovers and fast maneuvers. Da 9/22/1954 #10392 ! 3M cylinder/cigar-shape / field. Lit portholes. Dark figure outside. Trac 10/6/1954 #10746 inutes through a telescope. It had lit windows in the dome, and at one poin 10/6/1954 #10760 n crutch-like landing gear. It was lit by a greenish light and had three po 10/14/1954 #11061 ape lands. 2 helmeted figure(s) in lit portholes. 10/15/1954 #11083 . Same back 16+17 October. Bottoms lit up. 10/15/1954 #11089 lty evening when he saw a brightly lit cigar-shaped object resting on the g 10/17/1954 #11180 ted small humanoid (or Grey). Area lit. Going quickly west. / r30+/ r217p21 10/18/1954 #11199 lly resembled "white plastic bags" lit from within. The figures emerged fro 10/25/1954 #11404 of bonfires that the shepherds had lit earlier. They also saw what looked l 11/23/1954 #11697 ERU Disk maneuvers / 6km altitude. Lit dome. Going [to] too high for chasin 1/12/1955 #11930 i-color beams going down. Interior lit. 5/20/1955 #12144 verhead. The windows were brightly lit and inside he could see several huma 7/17/1955 #12267 OH 4 observer(s). 100' saucer with lit dome. Fan noise. Light beams / openi 8/1/1955 #12312 can now see the outline of a dome lit up with tiny lights inside. It hover 8/1/1955 #12317 ness watched an extremely brightly lit UFO over Cincinnati, Ohio for less t 8/6/1955 #12337 10' saucer / terrific speed. "All lit up inside". Seen / 15 second(s). 8/24/1955 #12401 rver(s). Classic domed saucer with lit portholes. Slow and conical. Whines. 10/1/1955 #12478 2 observer(s). Deep humming. Area lit. 5M saucer hovers. Going [to] over h 11/9/1955 #12556 WSON, GA Private pilot. Ovoid with lit portholes and 3 strong beams going d 2/1956 (approximate) #12689 n size, indistinct in outline, and lit in some areas with a red glow. Capt. 2/17/1956 #12723 rthwest. Square portholes strongly lit. 7/12/1956 #12965 square windows going south. Inside lit. / APRO 9'56. 7/13/1956 #12969 CALABOZO, VNZL 4 / truck. Area lit / day. Huge saucer offloads small sa 8/27/1956 #13136 la, when the ground around them is lit up by a bright white light. Looking 8/28/1956 #13146 hovers 5' / golf course. 40' area lit. Vanishes when lit. / r148p67. 9/2/1956 #13170 ourse. 40' area lit. Vanishes when lit. / r148p67. 9/2/1956 #13170 lent 30M disks hover north / US40. Lit rims. Going southwest. Stop and go. 9/6/1956 #13194 ellipse with smoky rim going west. Lit interior. 9/29/1956 #13252 sident / farm. Flat metallic disk. Lit portholes / rim. Away / extremely fa 11/1956 #13299 akes three passes at a brilliantly lit UFO bobbing up and down in the sky. 11/25/1956 #13352 made three passes at a brilliantly lit UFO that was bobbing up and down. On 11/25/1956 #13353 in a “sleep room.” This is a dimly lit dormitory of about 20 beds, which th 2/1957 #13481 alf a meter in diameter, that were lit by a yellow light. She saw shadows m 2/3/1957 #13482 half a meter in diameter that were lit by a yellow light. Shadows could be 2/9/1957 #13488 ted in front of instrument panels, lit by an extraordinary light. He is the 5/1/1957 #13638 awaiian Fisherman see two brightly lit objects off the port beam as they ar 6/18/1957 #13740 ct glides west going east. Islands lit / glow. 9/25/1957 #14031 own. Away when lamp out. Back when lit. Follows beam / light. 10/31/1957 #14171 The thing was as bright as day. It lit up the whole area.” In an interview 11/2/1957 #14194 00-foot-long, egg-shaped, brightly lit object on Route 114 four miles east 11/2/1957 #14219 NORTHEAST / PELL CITY, AL Sky lit. Car malfunctions due to EME (electr 11/6/1957 #14360 NEAR CORDELE, GA Rangers. Ovoid lit from inside. Turns without turning. 11/6/1957 #14386 e glides overhead going northwest. Lit from inside. / r141#2p37. 11/8/1957 #14468 aucer going [to] over garage. Dome lit. Stays / 30 minute(s). Going north. 11/8/1957 #14478 PA Delta/triangle/box-like craft / lit corners seen 3x / one hour. OTHERs t 11/12/1957 #14536 inside. Quickly going up [to] when lit. 11/21/1957 #14586 t the object was so bright that it lit up the sky as if it were daytime. 12/3/1957 #14668 t was seen by many witnesses at it lit up the ground, moved through some wo 12/8/1957 #14694 m. A cigar-shaped object, brightly lit and with square portholes, hovers ju 12/16/1957 #14735 dark gray or black, with brightly lit square windows. The object hovered m 12/16/1957 #14736 aucer going south over car. Ground lit like day. Shoots going up. / r141. 12/18/1957 #14743 A 5M saucer hovers / 10M altitude. Lit dome. 3 observers walk underneath.. 10/1958 #15292 al minutes. Lost in clouds. 1 side lit and 1 dark. 10/31/1958 #15407 g north and 1 going south going. 5 lit portholes. 11/1958 #15412 up [to] vertical when porch light lit! 11/11/1958 #15436 lic disk / 10M altitude 200M away. Lit portholes / dome. Telepathy? 1/1959 #15517 nd saucer going west / 150kph. All lit. Square portholes. Returns and hover 2/7/1959 #15580 VICTORVILLE, CA House lit. Dogs howl. 50M ovoid / 3 wide passe 2/24/1959 #15601 R GRASSY PLAINS, BC 14' ovoid with lit dome on gravel road. Gone fast. / r8 4/29/1959 #15716 iner going southwest / 10 minutes. Lit portholes. 10/7/1959 #16024 usewife. Silver saucer with yellow lit dome. Spins. Light flashes. Going NN 11/24/1959 #16099 witness started to run the object lit up the ground with an intense beam o 6/10/1960 #16311 ow / 60 minutes. Electric humming. Lit portholes. Glows. 7/30/1960 #16349 ILLE, CA 2 cops and more/others. 2 lit up Oblong objects play over town / 1 8/17/1960 #16400 -like craft seen clearly. Interior lit up. Sharp turn and away. / r28. 8/18/1960 #16405 der/cylindrical object object with lit portholes dives into sea and sinks. 9/23/1960 #16457 their position. It glowed red and lit the ground, and moved with a jerky m 12/3/1960 #16523 uary 9, says: “Mysterious objects ‘lit up like a ball of fire and going fas 2/5/1961 #16596 s to sea. Submerges. Water and sky lit up / minutes after. 9/18/1961 #16843 Liberal, KS Colored Lights Lit Up Runways (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cas 8/2/1962 #17315 40' saucer / road. 3+observer(s). Lit portholes around. No figure(s). 11/5/1962 #17537 H AFR 3M saucer hits sand. Several lit portholes. Man with helmet. / FSR'63 3/13/1963 #17704 NORTHWEST / PARYS, RSA Large area lit. 15M saucer dives / car. Hovers 2 mi 12/14/1963 #18079 RDSBURG, NM 3 / car. Entire desert lit. 4M saucer buzzes car. Whines. Going 4/22/1964 #18182 Lavonia, GA Brilliantly lit top-shaped object made head-on passe 6/29/1964 #18382 atchman. Cylinder/cigar-shape with lit windows crosses moon. Speeds up. Glo 8/27/1964 #18514 ness entered through a brilliantly lit antechamber, and was met by a young 1/30/1965 #18785 Australia a disc-shaped, brightly lit object moved slowly about the clouds 3/20/1965 #18869 s). Extremely bright. Inside / car lit up. 3/28/1965 #18876 cone falls / ground. 2 block area lit. Observer(s) shovel dirt on it. Expl 5/29/1965 #18975 minute(s). Barge and environs all lit green. 7/1/1965 #19041 iery red cylinder/cigar-shape with lit windows. Groaning noises. Cows frant 8/6/1965 #19331 a purple light on the left, which lit the ground and bathed the car's inte 9/3/1965 #19517 FON, ABKHAZIA Astronomer. Saucer / lit portholes. Makes nosedive and maneuv 9/24/1965 #19594 een a strong light above them that lit up the ground. Other hunters reporte 10/23/1965 #19679 d the creatures were very brightly lit. The incident lasted 30 minutes. 11/13/1965 #19720 like a "giant plate of light that lit up the whole horizon with a glare." 11/30/1965 #19743 t Bluebook Case #10196. Street all lit / red. Saucer at 300'. Darkens / pla 2/6/1966 #19881 ights, and the air full of smoke. Lit up witness' apartment. Sound of "ye 3/22/1966 #20030 double-decked craft with brightly lit windows on the upper surface. The ob 3/27/1966 #20099 35. 4 men inside. Ozone odor. Area lit. 4/22/1966 #20356 /cigar-shape lands / 20 legs. Area lit / red. Ozone. Cows upset. / FSRv17#1 4/23/1966 #20382 overs low / lake / 15 mn. 3 curved lit windows visible. Missiles near. 6/1966 (approximate) #20513 m., what was thought to be a flare lit up the north sky. The bright UFO app Summer 1966 #20590 Hamburg, NY An intense red light lit the ground near a house (NICAP: 02 - 6/23/1966 #20594 m 100M / observer(s). 2 men move / lit dome. Rises and going quickly northw 6/27/1966 (approximate) #20614 are or hexagonal object with edges lit or reflecting light (NICAP: 01 - Dis 7/31/1966 #20699 are or hexagonal object with edges lit or reflecting light, came tumbling d 7/31/1966 #20702 a square or hexagonal object with lit edges come tumbling down out of the 7/31/1966 #20703 BARINAS, VNZ Hunters. Woods lit up. Very large ovoid / 2M altitude. 8/18/1966 #20760 p. Very large ovoid / 2M altitude. Lit portholes. / r8#787. 8/18/1966 #20760 RANDLETT, UT House lit up red.. inside and out! Humming sau 9/20/1966 #20900 remely bright, blinding light that lit up the terrain (environmental illumi 10/10/1966 #20980 remely bright, blinding light that lit up the surrounding terrain. The UFO 10/10/1966 #20985 ject which, after about 2 minutes, lit up brightly and moved quickly to the 10/11/1966 #20990 middle of the object were brightly lit windows. Mrs. Kathleen could see in 11/5/1966 #21078 turn-shaped UFO with many brightly lit windows from her kitchen window in A 11/11/1966 #21091 V Dogs frantic. Car-sized UFO with lit windows by hen Coop. / APRO'67. 1/10/1967 #21281 T 3 / car. Domed 15M saucer. White lit portholes / bottom. Buzzes. Going qu 1/15/1967 #21304 t hovers over homes. Photographs / lit corners. Electro-magnetic effect (EM 2/10/1967 #21497 ugh the craft's two rooms. One was lit up with bright red lights, the other 2/16/1967 #21574 nated by a beam of light that also lit up the surrounding terrain. Two othe 2/16/1967 #21577 ickly going up. Very low altitude. Lit dome. 2/22/1967 #21617 ossibly disc-shaped UFOs, entirely lit with a plain bright light. The UFOs 2/25/1967 #21652 h slow then extremely fast. Forest lit. / r8#822. 3/4/1967 #21750 OLPE, KS Blue-green cone with lit interior going [to] over house. Circ 3/6/1967 #21772 saucers hover / highway 10C. White lit windows. Rise going west. Fourth joi 3/25/1967 #21976 then emitted a blinding light that lit up the area, and vanished suddenly. 4/5/1967 #22061 rcle of red pulsating lights which lit up the area was observed for two min 5/21/1967 #22385 ards her from the south. The light lit up the ground and appeared to land. 5/31/1967 #22433 ar-shape / ground 400M / roadside. Lit portholes. Flies! / r156#13. 7/10/1967 #22640 ters away from the roadway. It had lit portholes. They watched it for two m 7/10/1967 #22647 left. When it made contact the car lit up "like a giant electric light bulb 7/17/1967 #22686 ehind hill. Figure(s) seen. Forest lit up. / r8#859. 7/24/1967 #22724 a windowless, oblong room that was lit by a blue light from the floor. He w 10/6/1967 #23187 In 1967, a brightly lit object hovered over a field, and the 11/19/1967 #23483 o look up, and she sees a brightly lit circular object “about as big as a c 12/8/1967 #23564 of the object. It also had a green lit, rectangular window in the dome. The 2/21/1968 #23773 y as if on rail. Then a "big boat" lit up on the water's surface, and shot 2/21/1968 #23775 t. It has hundreds of small, dimly lit points of light in 5–6 rows on its b 3/3/1968 #23815 RIMNICU-SARAT, ROMANIA Uniformly lit saucer crosses sky east going west / 4/7/1968 #23896 E (electro-magnetic effects). Area lit. Beam / saucer hits man / faints. / 6/25/1968 #24078 ndstill, while the countryside was lit up with intensive reddish light. Ano 6/25/1968 #24080 ndstill, while the countryside was lit up with intensive reddish light. Ano 6/25/1968 #24081 ucer / cylinder/cigar-shape. Woods lit. Buzz. Figure / ground vanishes. Gro 7/21/1968 #24197 ng. Looking out she saw a brightly lit object that gave off bright flashes 8/12/1968 #24322 and triangle stops / 45 minute(s). Lit corners. 12 small night lights exit. 8/14/1968 #24323 val "bus" / roadside. Only windows lit. / r230v4#3. 8/15/1968 #24326 KALGOORLIE, WEST AUSTRALIA Car lit inside. 2 rays / light in V-shape fo 8/27/1968 #24383 ng against the wind and internally lit. 9/19/1968 #24485 vertically on end. It was brightly lit, and near it he saw a small being. H 9/21/1968 #24495 rate cars paced / night lights and lit / beams. Red 30cm ball hovers / tree 10/12/1968 #24558 e seen to be connected to a palely lit cigar-shaped object. Watts believes 10/15/1968 #24563 the ground, it emitted a beam that lit the ground. Radio gave off static, 11/23/1968 #24694 ur meters high, with a brilliantly lit turret in which he could see at leas 3/19/1969 #25031 ject ahead on the road. The object lit up the road and flew away, but came 4/15/1969 #25064 ject hovering over a playing field lit by floodlights, where some youths we 4/25/1969 #25091 de was a cubical room, brilliantly lit but from no visible source. Here the 5/4/1969 #25115 tor, which went up into a brightly lit circular compartment with a curved c 5/20/1969 #25151 say that the spaceship was softly lit and contained no visible seams or we 8/8/1969 #25312 ter. The flourescent UFOs hadedges lit by bluish-white light, red underpart 9/24/1969 #25378 WAMBEZ, FR Dark 12M ovoid with lit edge loops. Lands. Cows ignore! Goin 10/11/1969 #25406 12 meter long ovoid object with a lit edge did a loop in the sky and then 10/11/1969 #25408 60M altitude. Going [to] fast when lit. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v18#2. 10/31/1969 #25442 MONTIGNE, 16, FR Sky and village lit oddly. Red saucer seen later / low a 1/5/1970 #25535 of Montigne, Charente, France were lit by and odd luminesence. At 9:00 p.m. 1/5/1970 #25536 forest when he sighted a brightly lit, yard-wide sphere in the sky that st 8/5/1970 #25770 ing, and an aerial" on top. It was lit up and became translucent, so that h 8/10/1970 #25777 s position. He saw a very brightly lit, large cartouche-shaped window. Insi 8/15/1970 #25787 Two brightly lit, 25 foot in diameter disc-shaped obj 10/10/1970 #25874 they got near a table lamp, they "lit up in many lights." One of them hand 11/24/1970 #25917 near a railway line saw a brightly lit disc come down through the clouds in 11/25/1970 #25920 VANNES, FR 1 observer. Saucer lit green from inside going quickly nort 3/2/1971 #26037 and placed against a very brightly lit wall panel. A machine directly in fr 3/14/1971 #26047 ht above her neighbor's house that lit up the entire area. She watched it f 6/26/1971 #26197 car. Ovoid maneuvers / countryside lit / lightning storm. Bubble dome. 8/1/1971 #26258 illuminated by an orange glow that lit up the side of the road. Leaving his 8/8/1971 #26274 neously the area around the bridge lit up like midday. There was also a hea 8/16/1971 #26291 retrieve it. The bridge was still lit up and the loud sounds persisted. He 8/16/1971 #26291 d object rotates counterclockwise. Lit 'windows' / rim. Orange light flashe 9/4/1971 #26312 e disc-shaped object with brightly lit portholes and blue beams of light sh 10/16/1971 #26427 and flew off to the NE. A brighly lit object stopped in mid-flight in Bilo 11/14/1971 #26472 around its girth. The windows were lit and the light behind them was revolv 2/11/1972 #26573 wn / field. Vanish when headlights lit. 3/26/1972 #26624 vanished when the car's headlights lit upon it. 3/26/1972 #26625 t is about 130 feet across, partly lit up, and has three legs hanging from 4/1/1972 #26633 around its edge. It is brilliantly lit and its colors are constantly changi 8/1972 #26864 ere the service was being held and lit up everything inside, causing everyo 11/6/1972 #27109 bject flew close to the ground and lit up the surrounding terrain. The head 12/31/1972 #27197 . She felt she was in a round room lit by an unknown source. The figure app 2/22/1973 #27310 as turned on beneath the UFO which lit up the entire landscape. (NICAP: 01 6/2/1973 #27546 . Saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape with lit portholes hovers near church meeting 8/1973 (approximate) #27667 A brightly lit football-shaped object ascended into 8/3/1973 #27676 k 18M saucer / 45° tilt. 2 rings / lit square portholes. Levels off. 8/20/1973 #27716 CARRVILLE, AL 2 observer(s). Large lit object / low altitude. Traces and bu 9/13/1973 #27810 IS, TN 2 patrolmen. "Extraordinary lit object" over road. / quest v5#3p2. 9/23/1973 #27857 rver(s) / 2 days. Night lights and lit objects. Phony helicopter maneuvers 9/26/1973 #27868 me dirty coveralls. When the stall lit up the man then emerged wearing shin 9/26/1973 #27872 WRAY, GA "Fully lit" ovoid going [to] slow over tree. No 10/5/1973 #27946 oor opened to reveal a brilliantly lit interior. Three beings came out and 10/11/1973 #28005 , high-pitched sound; the room was lit up with a bright, orange-red glow, a 10/15/1973 #28047 igh-pitched sound. His bedroom was lit up by a bright, orange-red glow, and 10/15/1973 #28059 CHILLICOTHE, OH Car buzzed / 3 lit objects. Cop sees huge object 15 min 10/16/1973 #28064 EAR TULSA, OK Huge saucer with red lit prongs / rear and white prong / cent 10/17/1973 #28097 coon dogs, "Sam" came upon a dimly lit object sitting in a field on tripod 10/19/1973 #28189 left briefly alone in the brightly lit room, and then strapped to a chair. 10/20/1973 #28220 imultaneously, one of his students lit a large, powerful flashlight floodin 10/20/1973 #28222 n area of her backyard. Something "lit up" and the light became too bright 10/24/1973 #28270 going quickly east. Vanishes when lit. 10/30/1973 #28320 r screen. “It was something solid, lit up, like a plane on my radar.” Comma 11/30/1973 #28490 domed disc on legs with a brightly lit “blister” on top, flashing red and w 12/6/1973 #28533 ar the craft. They wear internally lit cube- shaped helmets with the face v 1/7/1974 #28660 CORAM, MT 2 observer(s). Cabin lit. 5M saucer / woods. 2 pseudo-human/e 2/1974 #28717 ped egg hovers vertical. Underside lit. Back / 25 February. / LDLN#135. 2/24/1974 #28793 E (electro-magnetic effects). Area lit. / r30. 2/27/1974 #28805 finding herself inside a brightly lit room as a ramped door closed behind 3/20/1974 #28916 +2+4 observer(s). Loud noise. Area lit like day. Dogs sleep through all thi 4/21/1974 #29051 d and looks old. The scene is well lit by an illuminated dome on the roof o 5/5/1974 #29085 res well because the area was well lit by an illuminated dome on the roof o 5/7/1974 #29093 ws emanating white light. Brightly lit transparent area on top. Two small, 5/22/1974 #29123 1 lands behind woods. Whole valley lit. 7/25/1974 #29277 DE SILLY, BELGIUM 2+several. Woods lit up. Vibrant bright object lights car 9/5/1974 #29424 arted howling, and the area became lit up, revealing a circular dark mass h 9/7/1974 #29429 ater, and engine. The landscape is lit up by a bright area of light ahead. 9/16/1974 #29459 eet from the road. A large area is lit up by the blinding, green-shimmering 9/21/1974 #29467 TAYENE, TASMANIA Clouds lit. Saucer going down / road. Hovers ne 9/22/1974 #29469 h the radio on when the whole area lit up and a high-pitched whistle came o 9/22/1974 #29470 LON, FR Dog barks. Power out. Area lit. Luminous traces / ground. / r251p10 9/29/1974 #29490 ) move between 4 square portholes. Lit / inside. 11/10/1974 #29590 is overcome by heat. The house is lit up for a few seconds. Sensoli follow Mid 11/1974 #29596 / car. Luminous white cone with 2 lit rectangular-box shaped and triangula 12/23/1974 #29658 card were driving home, a brightly lit globe appeared in the sky in front o 1/8/1975 #29733 urrounding a transparent, brightly lit dome, inside of which 3 dark shadowy 1/8/1975 #29733 a dark, round object with brightly lit windows hovering over the ground abo 1/12/1975 #29744 o work. She spotted a round object lit by white lights making a fast circul 1/20/1975 #29757 ver(s). 12' saucer / road. Whines. Lit door. Possible repair noises. Traces 3/13/1975 #29893 ighway 55 at 200 feet altitude and lit up some pecan trees. (NICAP: 02 - Cl 4/3/1975 #29946 Carolina at 200 feet altitude and lit up some pecan trees. At 3:30 a.m. a 4/3/1975 #29953 ENGL 2 / car. Octagon-saucer with lit cross-member. Going [to] very slow. 5/31/1975 #30070 s. UFO going south. 754' diameter. Lit slits / bottom/underside. Sharp outl 6/13/1975 #30100 shes color(s). Chemical odor. Area lit. Going quickly west. / LDLN#155. 8/3/1975 #30231 ed with tears." The whole area was lit by a yellow-orange glow while the ob 8/3/1975 #30232 see an ovoid object on the ground, lit from within by a yellowish white lig 8/22/1975 #30298 nd. A perfectly ovoid-shaped cloud lit from inside hovered over the airport 9/20/1975 #30374 4 Mx2M domed hat-saucer hovers at lit window as if looking in! Going quick 9/28/1975 (approximate) #30391 raid. He was taken into a brightly lit adjoining room where there were four 10/27/1975 #30489 llow ovoids / fantastic speed. Sky lit. Absolute(ly) silent. 11/3/1975 #30542 desert landscape with white sand, lit by a celestial body resembling the m 12/2/1975 #30681 a mobile home. The whole area was lit up "like a dusk to dawn light that w 2/7/1976 #30850 lver white saucer < 300M altitude. Lit / behind. Whistles? Going quickly we 2/8/1976 #30853 NEMINGHA, AUS Car lit. Driver wipes window. Rag bursts / f 3/22/1976 #30951 police. Cylinder/cigar-shape with lit ends and 4 night lights. Maneuvers a 4/25/1976 #31022 g some electrical malfunctions. It lit the road, then flew off. 6/21/1976 #31122 ounter with an oblong UFO that had lit windows, but no other features. Elec 7/31/1976 #31207 igh.” The area in front of his car lit up like a "yellow lighted picture sc 8/2/1976 #31222 northeast / tunis. Police report 4 lit "helos", not helicopters. No RADAR. 8/6/1976 #31236 ower. He saw that the man’s helmet lit up and his belt first start glowing 8/16/1976 #31273 electricity and spotted a brightly lit, 150 foot domed disc-shaped object w 9/10/1976 #31373 away at high speed to the west, it lit up the foothills, then it rushed bac 9/10/1976 #31373 tangular “screen” or window feebly lit by an orange light, in which the sil 10/24/1976 #31493 of Badajoz, “like a flare,” which lit up a wide area beneath it. After abo 11/12/1976 #31540 rior light and saw that it was not lit. He again looked out his side window 12/6/1976 #31587 e dark wall were visible two dimly lit, small portholes, less than 8 inches 12/10/1976 #31594 ST.-PLANCARD, FR Yard strongly lit. 20M and ovoid going SSW overhead lo 2/1977 #31769 saucer going [to] 9m over cruiser. Lit portholes. Shoots going up. / r210v2 2/9/1977 #31801 utside and sees a huge brilliantly lit object the “size of a boxcar” follow Mid 2/1977 #31817 ce. The whole area was brilliantly lit now. Next Lothar heard a short whist 2/24/1977 #31846 Delta/triangle/box-like craft with lit corners. 60' altitude 120' off. Hove 3/4/1977 #31856 d in the road when "the whole area lit up like a football field light was t 3/5/1977 #31860 att, Missouri when "the whole area lit up like a football field light was t 3/5/1977 #31861 brilliant glow "like a white sun" lit up the area around them. An oval obj 3/7/1977 #31869 brilliant glow "like a white sun" lit up the area around them. An oval obj 3/7/1977 #31870 brilliant glow "like a white sun" lit up the area around them. An oval obj 3/7/1977 #31874 . Shortly afterward the disc rose, lit up, and at an altitude of about 65 f 4/6/1977 #31953 from a silent, delta-shaped object lit the forest in Undersaker on this nig 5/7/1977 #32067 from a silent, delta-shaped object lit the forest in Undersaker, Jamtland, 5/7/1977 #32069 LG Same 2 / car. Dark ovoid with 8 lit portholes and headlight. Going west 8/13/1977 #32399 of seven seconds, they were fully lit by the eight headlights of their lar 8/28/1977 #32437 e abandoned quarry, which appeared lit up as if by a halo. Instead, they sp 8/30/1977 #32441 shing light, plus several brightly lit windows could be seen on its side. T 8/31/1977 #32444 shing light, plus several brightly lit windows could be seen on its side. T 8/31/1977 #32447 HAPPY CAMP, CA 2 women. Disk "was lit all the way around".. No further det 9/6/1977 #32462 rted to run when a blue light beam lit up the area, and he found that he co 9/15/1977 #32485 An elongated object with brightly lit windows passed Continental Airlines 9/22/1977 #32513 -saucer. Jumps all over/all about. Lit inside. Curves going north / sea. 12/1977 #32714 SAN MAURO TORINESE, ITL Area lit. 1M light-disk stops / 25M altitude. 12/21/1977 #32800 pilot. Domed saucer with 18 18x24" lit windows. Going quickly northwest. / 1/1/1978 #32838 horizon in the eastern sky. It is lit by the reflection of the city lights 1/23/1978 #32907 all, revealing a small compartment lit by a strange white light coming from 2/5/1978 #32957 out its use. A heavy smoker, Julio lit a cigarette. The men asked if they m 2/5/1978 #32957 er drones / low altitude. Ringed / lit portholes. Red light rotates / top. 2/19/1978 #32979 NCHEVILLE, FR 2 observer(s). House lit. Domed saucer going down / valley. R 4/1978 (approximate) #33109 ng down [to] twice when flashlight lit. Vanishes / place. 4/5/1978 #33125 hovers and skims hills. Beams red lit toward(s) observers. 6/24/1978 #33302 ont of the helmet was a blue dimly lit area. Their faces inside the helmets 7/11/1978 #33368 or, Michigan, see a long, brightly lit, silver cylinder at about 6,000 feet 7/28/1978 #33434 SORRELL, TASM 5 observer(s). Area lit. Night light maneuvers back and fort 8/5/1978 #33474 s that the cigar-shaped object had lit up the ground before plunging downwa 8/21/1978 #33539 ped object. The craft had brightly lit rectangular windows around its perim 8/22/1978 #33551 hat rectangular (SWR) objects. Car lit. Missing time. Observer(s) wakens 5m 8/30/1978 #33599 s. Cylinder/cigar-shape with row / lit windows! Faint motor sound. 9/29/1978 #33777 cigar-shaped object with a row of lit windows. The object made a faint ele 9/29/1978 #33783 rent diameter. Lost / cloud. Cloud lit up / separate observer(s). 11/13/1978 #33951 or three houses wide. The sky was lit up. I could see the whole farm." The 11/27/1978 #34006 and it made no noise. Suddenly, it lit up the ground for five seconds and s 11/28/1978 #34021 Leme, Brazil A brightly lit globular shaped object was seen flyi 12/3/1978 #34055 A brightly lit globular shaped object was seen flyi 12/3/1978 #34056 er going down / 3M altitude. Row / lit portholes. 3 beams going down / bott 12/14/1978 #34112 ctangular portion on the front end lit up and shone a soft green light thro 12/14/1978 #34127 0 meters altitude. They reportedly lit up the sky like day. Each object was 12/21/1978 #34189 Rioja, Argentina. They reportedly lit up the sky like day. Each object was 12/21/1978 #34194 ACERRA, ITL 4 observer(s). Plaza lit up. Round orange object going southe 1/15/1979 #34343 ere awakened to find their bedroom lit up brightly. One of the witnesses lo 1/29/1979 #34389 und two a.m. to find their bedroom lit up brightly. One of the witnesses lo 1/29/1979 #34391 ery bright strobe-like lights that lit up ground. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 2/8/1979 #34410 ery bright strobe-like lights that lit up ground. The UFO made a V-turn, th 2/8/1979 #34412 n from their car when the brightly lit object passed low overhead. They rep 4/19/1979 #34514 n from their car when the brightly lit object passed low overhead. They rep 4/19/1979 #34516 s on their vehicle. The ground was lit brightly, and figures could be seen 5/5/1979 #34545 om the bottom, and the interior is lit by bright red and green lights. Ferr 6/28/1979 #34639 / 2 minute(s). Turns going north. Lit windows / edge. Low rotation. 9/1/1979 #34817 , Argentina unable to sleep, so he lit a cigarette and walked to the kitche 9/19/1979 #34901 MASARA DEL VALLO, ITL 2+kids. Area lit. 30cm glowing-ball going northeast / 9/20/1979 #34906 Illinois. The surrounding area was lit up like daylight. In addition, the c 9/20/1979 #34908 t runway, and emergency lights are lit by the land crew in case the object 11/11/1979 #34997 space suits and tools / roadside. Lit helmets. R208p140. 12/13/1979 #35077 gineering students. Ground and sky lit. White-red fireball going quickly no 7/21/1980 #35422 Texas, wake up when their tent is lit up with a yellow glow. Outside is a 9/13/1980 #35520 TANGSHAN, CH All lit like day. Cylinder/cigar-shape low a 10/5/1980 #35554 t lights exchange light beams. Sea lit. Batteries dead. 1/8/1981 #35775 erbury, New Zealand saw a brightly lit domed disc-shaped craft with gold, r 7/12/1981 #36003 d. The object had several brightly lit windows and slot like indentations o 7/12/1981 #36003 1+3 kids. Dark saucer going down. Lit portholes. Beams going down. Rises f 8/7/1981 #36061 very blade of grass appeared to be lit by it. Several seconds later a hatch 1982 #36284 the rear of the object looks like “lit up snowflakes.” The rim around the b 2/10/1982 #36334 he rear of the object looked like "lit up snowflakes." The rim around the b 2/10/1982 #36337 y at 2:00 a.m. a top-shaped object lit up a garden with a red beam of light 7/21/1982 #36541 embling leather. He was in a dimly lit room, with a door that opened with a 11/1/1982 #36669 PALATINE, IL Cop car lit / object overhead. Big chase. Domed 11/27/1982 #36692 followed a car for ten minutes and lit up the vehicle's interior. The lumin 12/21/1982 #36722 followed a car for ten minutes and lit up the vehicle’s interior. The lumin 12/21/1982 #36724 off and three bright white lights lit up the ground. He was able to shoot 12/31/1982 #36732 off and three bright white lights lit up the ground. He was able to shoot 12/31/1982 #36734 barrel saucer hovers / 88 minutes. Lit dome top and bottom/underside. Going 1/20/1983 #36751 g colors at different times, as if lit by a rotating prism within the struc 3/24/1983 #36807 Flash and going quickly north when lit. 7/12/1983 #36908 large round windows and a brightly lit interior. Inside they see human-look 8/12/1983 #36949 s shoot toward him at 8:00 p.m. It lit up the area incredibly brightly as i 10/25/1983 #37017 rg, Wisconsin, to watch a brightly lit object silently descend and maneuver 12/7/1983 #37068 NJ 1 observer. Loud humming. Room lit. White 10' saucer over lawn. Figure 2/7/1984 #37178 g up and down [to] low around car. Lit windows. / MJ#194. 3/25/1984 #37243 rything around him became brightly lit. He looked up to see that the light 5/19/1984 #37334 rything around him became brightly lit, and the witness felt a tingling sen 5/19/1984 #37335 ent domed saucer buzzes car. White lit round portholes. Going quickly SSW. 2/18/1985 #37557 ver(s). 25' mushroom-saucer. Small lit undercarriage. News. 8/1985 #37633 atellite bodies that were brightly lit and blue in color. The formation des 11/3/1986 #38059 ows. 1 dark figure / ground. 2nd / lit doorway. / W. Webb. 1/9/1987 #38095 ees a “farmhouse” with the windows lit up, but knowing there is no farmhous 1/9/1987 #38096 reported seeing a large, brightly lit balloon-shaped object passing over C 1/29/1987 #38106 e/box-like craft with many lights. Lit crosses / Exmouth. 8/4/1987 #38227 EAR VEJLE, DK 2 observer(s). House lit. 3 metallic saucers 1M over roof. Wi 8/24/1987 #38254 inaccessible bridge. Vanishes when lit. 9/8/1987 #38279 ver(s). 3 silent cigars with row / lit portholes. Observer(s) paralyzed. 12/12/1987 #38355 ense, pink or reddish-orange light lit up the whole lake in Coon Rapids, Mi 12/25/1987 #38373 s his most famous photo—a brightly lit structured craft hovering above a ro 1/12/1988 #38410 sky going northwest / 5 minute(s). Lit portholes. 2/1988 #38437 r(s). Silent saucer 330' over bay. Lit windows. White beam going down / wat 7/8/1988 #38599 a pencil-thin beam of white light lit the left side of his face. He heard 5/10/1989 #38942 HUBEI PROV, CHINA Land lit red. Huge saucer silent overhead / 2 5/12/1989 #38945 ncircled by windows and panels and lit up by a diffuse pinkish white light. 11/6/1989 #39216 nd stops. Big rectangular openings lit from inside. 11/29/1989 #39260 k mass flanked by two beacons, and lit by a halo, was seen over farm countr 1/29/1990 #39397 RUSSIA 3 observer(s). "Ship" with lit portholes. Beam going up and down [t 3/13/1990 #39457 e ground. The lights on the object lit the ground and area. 5/4/1990 #39557 aboard. Yerygina sits in the dimly lit interior, then suddenly finds hersel 7/6/1990 #39637 JUANA DIAZ, PR Navy base lit up! Metallic saucer offshore. Beams 7/18/1990 #39646 ALLEN, PR Men ordered inside. Base lit / big low saucer. Jets chase. / r125 7/19/1990 #39650 ow, the officer can see a brightly lit, circular, metallic object over the 7/19/1990 #39651 the eldest daughter saw a brightly lit being in the house, who almost blind 8/5/1990 #39681 FR Lt. Col. Silent dark triangle / lit corners. Hovers and sweeps ground / 11/5/1990 #39836 o] overhead / 2 minute(s). Corners lit. 4 beams going down / ground / rear. 11/5/1990 #39840 arge dark sphere/orb/globe hovers. Lit windows all around. Night lights pas 11/5/1990 #39852 Blinking and steady lights. Ground lit. / r124p140. 11/23/1990 #39900 lor. On the side, 15 portholes are lit up in white light. After parking the 1/6/1991 #39947 CARRAIZO, PR Sky lit / miles. Huge saucer over power stat 3/17/1991 #40016 ith the pilot reporting a brightly lit object approaching on a convergent c 6/8/1991 #40092 d his vehicle. The light and cloud lit up the road around him, and the vehi 11/9/1991 #40224 pass over a house. It was not well lit, it flew faster than a jet, and made 11/24/1991 #40238 ins between hills 2km away. Inside lit. Back / late FEB'92. 1/5/1992 (approximate) #40279 nd when they encounter a huge area lit up from above. The engine, headlight 2/1992 #40311 DISLEY, CHESHIRE Brightly lit 60' torus-UFO with windows. Rises an 3/4/1992 #40351 he witness was then led to a dimly lit room, and place in a reclining posit 4/12/1992 #40414 SITIO JOAO, RGN, BRZ Area lit. 2 hide under burro. Oily gunk falls 8/4/1992 #40548 calls the RAF to report a brightly lit UFO shaped like a “squashed rugby ba 11/1992 #40699 i-colored lights on the underside, lit up like a Christmas tree. 12/1/1992 #40739 nd maneuver 2-nights running. Area lit like day. 1/12/1993 #40792 med to emerge through the brightly lit interior wall of the craft. The huma 3/16/1993 #40886 ico at 9:40 p.m. It was silent and lit up the area. 3/19/1993 #40891 sh UFO. The form of the object was lit under a bluish light, and positioned 5/16/1993 #40983 ed upwards. The interior was dimly lit. A three-foot-tall Grey humanoid wit 7/24/1993 #41082 te and green lights on its surface lit part of the sky over Langold, Nottin 10/8/1993 #41226 N-BARROIS, FR 7 observer(s). Field lit. Domed saucer. 3 figure(s). 1 exits 1/4/1994 #41357 ulars. Dogs bark. Black triangle / lit corners. Going up. Slow going quickl 3/5/1994 #41440 a, and a nearby wheat field became lit up by a very bright light. Traian Cr 6/27/1994 #41588 At 8:30 p.m. a huge, green and red lit, delta-shaped object with satellite 9/9/1994 #41733 SE, CA 1 observer and more. Fields lit. Round fuzzy white night light over 10/6/1994 #41787 DEEN, SCOTLAND Black triangle with lit corners going [to] overhead / 600' a 12/31/1994 #41922 (s). Slow silent 10' grey box with lit domes stops over tree. Flame / side. 1/15/1995 (approximate) #41975 er glowing-ball lands / field. All lit up. Silent. No traces. 3/15/1995 #42103 ngular UFO with two other brightly lit round objects is seen over RAF West 6/15/1995 #42257 . Going quickly southwest / 2Kmph. Lit / corners. 8/2/1995 #42353 altitude hovers / one hour. Turns. Lit panels. Small objects exit. Going qu 8/27/1995 #42419 NEY STANTON, LEICS Observer's room lit. Round object sparkles / lights over 10/29/1995 #42569 t that moment the bedroom curtains lit up brightly and there was a whooshin 12/4/1995 #42638 NVALE, QLD 8 observer(s). Campsite lit like day. Silent ovoid / 30M altitud 2/1996 #42730 HUON VALLEY, TASM Room lit. Ovoid / paddock. Thin figure / gard 2/10/1996 #42753 nia, Australia to find her bedroom lit up, and she had an overwhelming feel 2/10/1996 #42754 r. It also had two or three bright lit windows. Inside one of these he was 5/6/1996 #42898 ith two red lights on one side. It lit their campsite with a "spotlight" be 5/21/1996 #42906 ext, there was a bright light that lit up the sky, and it moved over his ho 9/26/1996 #43043 NANTES, FR 1 observer. Garden lit up. Silent red football with orange 1/1/1997 #43160 wer one veered left. They remained lit by the sun while the witnesses were 10/13/1997 #43427 Columbia Night. After two brightly lit objects fly above Surrey, British Co 12/8/1997 #43454 BC 7 separate observer(s). Valley lit. Fireball hovers Mt. Sir Donald. Sho 12/18/1997 #43466 bserver(s). Saucer spins / clouds. Lit portholes. Away / plane lands. Thin 1/8/1998 #43495 A brightly lit triangular UFO was sighted over Mans 3/3/1998 #43529 oing east overhead / low altitude. Lit / corners. Slight rumble. 8/8/1998 #43619 e, heading toward the east. It had lit corners and made a slight rumbling s 8/8/1998 #43621 then rose and entered a cloud that lit up. Finally, his car radio came back 7/15/1999 #43804 isk going north over county dumps. Lit portholes / rim. / NURC. 8/1/1999 #43816 and, Australia at 9:20 p.m. It was lit up with lights like a Ferris wheel. 8/8/1999 #43818 les hover / 30M altitude 40M away. Lit windows. Silent. Going north. 8/18/1999 #43825 y from them. The craft had clearly lit windows, and flew silently. They wen 8/18/1999 #43827 EVITTOWN, NY Throbbing noise. Yard lit blue. Huge disk 40M over water tower 9/1/1999 #43839 wn colored blimp nears truck. 40cm lit windows. Beams. Away extremely fast. 9/7/1999 #43843 Columbia at 9:18 p.m. It suddenly lit up in a white light, and then disapp 5/6/2000 #43989 ound the edge hovered close by. It lit up the area and was described as loo 6/7/2000 #44001 y saw the yellow light again as it lit up the entire road before disappeari 7/13/2000 #44016 A huge lighted disc-shaped object lit up the sky in West Berlin, New Jerse 9/11/2000 #44038 Yukon, Canada to find her bedroom lit up by a series of flashing lights ou 12/13/2000 #44103 rmy Corp of Engineers dam facility lit up the low flying object. Four helic 1/24/2001 #44130 tnesses see it as a dark red cloud lit from inside by squares of light. The 6/30/2001 #44199 all lights for a few seconds, then lit up again and came straight back over 8/16/2001 #44236 s many people witnessed a brightly lit object move across the sky chased by 12/1/2001 #44280 . Maneuver / all directions. Scout lit tower. Slow. 12/21/2001 #44299 .m. The light came from a brightly lit, disc-shaped object that was flying 8/31/2002 #44388 but it did have some 7 to 9 dimly lit nodes. It flew at 20 mph making no n 9/5/2002 #44390 woods behind the creature suddenly lit up like day. 1/22/2003 #44477 r the highway at 12:45 a.m. and it lit up the ground with a beam of light. 7/28/2003 #44569 a UFO in the sky. The UFO was not lit, but rather a dark shadow in the nig 9/3/2003 #44592 appeared to land. It was brightly lit with what looked like halogen type l 3/21/2004 #44678 icent craft also had several dimly lit yellowish windows along its top sect 8/2/2004 #44725 istance from the house, was a half lit lighted object with green slats; the 4/21/2005 #44825 to rise up slowly from each of six lit up areas. One of them next tried to 1/30/2006 #44920 itude, and seemed to be internally lit. It also had a line of bright blue l 4/18/2006 #44932 t see the eyes, for they were back lit by the light coming from behind them 8/6/2006 #44953 Two triangular objects, lit up by three main lights and other li 10/11/2006 #44975 hood. It had one row of 3-4 lights lit up on one side of the craft. 5/3/2007 #45025 d was shocked to see a large, well lit disc-shaped UFO hovering in the sky. 7/31/2007 #45041 nowhere a massive amount of light lit up the trail 20 feet from where he w 9/16/2007 #45059 m. The inside of his tent was also lit up by a dim glow. What was most puzz 5/4/2009 #45217 side. One-fourth of the object was lit up, resembling a cockpit flashing wi 12/31/2010 #45309 ocus, when suddenly the thing just lit up and shot into the sky," Mr. Rober 8/6/2013 #45381 cannot tell what it is, but it is “lit up in various places and was more ho 12/30/2018 #45553## Word: "lit-no" (Back to Top)
e craft glows and searches. Ground lit-no beam seen. Radio and car malfunct 4/14/1994 #41491## Word: "lit-up" (Back to Top)
r truck loaded with coal watched a lit-up "railway car" near some railroad 11/26/1962 #17563 gary, when he sees a “trailer with lit-up windows” landed in a field about Late 12/1986 #38087## Word: "litchfield" (Back to Top)
LITCHFIELD, IL 2 / US66. 3 saucers. Big 9/13/1956 #13217 LITCHFIELD, NH 6 kids abduction / house. 9/1965 #19485 Kent, Litchfield County, Connecticut - At 10:3 9/11/1973 #27803 Kent, Litchfield County, Connecticut - At 10:3 9/12/1973 #27809 LITCHFIELD, IL 2 observer(s). 10' orange 3/15/1995 #42101 I55 SOUTHWEST / LITCHFIELD, IL 8 / car. Formation / 5 ni 1/28/1996 #42720 lying in a triangle formation over Litchfield, South Carolina. 8/6/2009 #45234## Word: "literalist" (Back to Top)
ical control. Bullard examines the literalist and reductionist hypotheses f 1987 #38089## Word: "literally" (Back to Top)
mide describes his friend as being literally cooked, with his flesh detachi 3/5/1946 #1973 diameter, orange in color and was literally "sucked up" into the sky. Brow 10/9/1954 #10850 diameter, orange in color, and was literally "sucked up" into the sky. Brow 10/9/1954 #10868 , he was backing out of the craft, literally dragging his feet backwards on 11/2/1954 #11539 al USAF explanation (airliner) as “literally ridiculous.” Brad Sparks sums 7/17/1957 #13808 e from behind some trees, and then literally just disappeared. "The strange 2/12/1965 #18813 nitor: "Flying saucers are all but literally knocking on the laboratory doo 8/21/1965 #19448 window and became frozen in place, literally unable to move. Furthermore, s 8/22/1969 #25326 ted by racing away from the scene, literally tearing a path right through t 10/20/1973 #28222 sky that they call “Chupa Chupa” (literally “sucker-sucker”). Believing it 7/1977 #32220 re dark and so elongated that they literally wrapped around his temples. La 4/25/1978 #33171 “we have things out there that are literally out of this world…better than 1990 #39356 a glass door when she saw her dog literally fly through the air and slam a 5/30/1993 #40997 ed by an invisible wall: she could literally go no further. She next saw an 5/30/1993 #40997 330 feet. At one point it dims and literally vanishes in mid-air in a matte 8/20/2008 #45161## Word: "literature" (Back to Top)
ona, and immerse themselves in UFO literature. Spring 1952 #5965 e and by mask-making materials and literature concerning spirits found at t 8/20/1966 #20779 servations, and examination of UFO literature. At one point there are 4 ful 1967 #21238 bservations and examination of UAP literature. Four full-time and three par 1967 #21240 ference to an implant in abduction literature, a motif that later becomes m 1/25/1967 #21386 ecialized research library for UFO literature is established in 1974, and i 8/1972 #26863 sessions, as well as any other UFO literature he has sitting around, or he 9/11/1976 #31376 all his tapes, correspondence, and literature at the urging of his family. 9/11/1976 #31376 wo- volume bibliography of all UFO literature known up to this time. 9/1986 #38009 rned grass), he begins reading UFO literature. In April 2000, do Prado is h 7/1988 #38596 ichael D. Swords, who examines the literature relating to extraterrestrial 3/1989 #38854 xamination of 437 reports from the literature. He looks at location and dur 7/2/1999 #43789 review all available peer-reviewed literature. When asked if JASON had a “p 10/2008 #45173 nreported elsewhere in the medical literature, and so far have not been ass 2/2/2022 #45737## Word: "literaturnaya" (Back to Top)
Tretyak speaks with a writer from Literaturnaya Gazeta and confirms that f 11/9/1990 #39882## Word: "liters" (Back to Top)
bduction. Phony scenery. 288KM / 2 liters / gas. Abduction regressed / r167 6/1/1974 #29155## Word: "lites" (Back to Top)
Airliner, R/V, reaction to landing lites (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 1/21/1977 #31736## Word: "lith" (Back to Top)
KOVNO = KUANAS, LITH 'German' balloon going [to] over Ru 3/22/1892 (approximate) #299 DRUSKININGKAI, LITH Long ellipsoid. Hangs vertical. Dri 2/20/1979 #34437 VILNIUS, LITH Farmer. Glowing-ball with beam sear 9/12/1985 #37658 NEMEJIS, LITH 2 cops. Pulsing round object hovers 6/26/1996 #42939## Word: "lithgow" (Back to Top)
s Tripoli Libya British pilot Mike Lithgow attains an official world airspe 9/26/1953 #9180 LITHGOW, AUST 2 / car. Huge circular glo 1/4/1977 #31688## Word: "lithia" (Back to Top)
LITHIA, FL 2 observer(s). 2 lights = lar 9/15/1981? #36116## Word: "lithium" (Back to Top)
detonated by the US and its first lithium deuteride–fueled thermonuclear w 3/1/1954 #9584## Word: "lithium-7" (Back to Top)
een additional reactions involving lithium-7), which leads to the unexpecte 3/1/1954 #9584## Word: "lithuania" (Back to Top)
Warsaw, Poland Kaunas Fortress, Lithuania Modlin Fortress (in Nowy Dwór 3/23/1892 #301 2 or earlier over Kaunas Fortress, Lithuania; and Modlin Fortress (in Nowy 3/23/1892 #301 SASNAVO, LITHUANIA V-bright saucer appears 300' d 11/15/1967 #23455 OVER LITHUANIA British BEA flight 831. Extrem 9/10/1976 #31368 Moscow London Lithuania 6:00–7:00 p.m. British Europea 9/10/1976 #31372 on is cruising at 33,000 feet over Lithuania when a blinding, stationary li 9/10/1976 #31372 KAUNAS, LITHUANIA Long cylinder/cigar-shape hang 2/18/1979 #34433 PALANGA, LITHUANIA 1+many observer(s). 22cm sauce 11/11/1979 #34994 m searched the terrain in Vilnius, Lithuania at 10:10 p.m. The beam was pec 9/11/1985 #37657 GINKUNAI, LITHUANIA Saucer going [to] overhead. Pa 5/12/1997 #43291 object flew overhead in Ginkunai, Lithuania. It passed within 10 meters of 5/12/1997 #43292## Word: "lithuanian" (Back to Top)
diameter. They observe German and Lithuanian snipers on Bonifraterska stre 4/9/1943 #1494## Word: "litigation" (Back to Top)
r released by the CIA despite FOIA litigation. Its existence and contents a 6/1952 #6403## Word: "litlefjellet" (Back to Top)
Aspaskjolen mountain Hersjøen Litlefjellet, Norway Project Hessdalen s 1/21/1984 #37136 d two smaller ones at Hersjøen and Litlefjellet, Norway. This group secures 1/21/1984 #37136## Word: "litten" (Back to Top)
ith her 17-year-old daughter Carol Litten, sees a series of unusual lights 3/22/1957 #13553## Word: "litter" (Back to Top)
Ohio River,” he claims, “I spotted litter on a hillside and a path that had 1948 #3521## Word: "little" (Back to Top)
life. He imagines Venusians to be “little black people, scorched with the S 1686 #50 bright as Venus. A rare event, and little understood until 1913, a meteor p 7/20/1860 #155 mountains when he suddenly saw two little men. He made a gesture to them, b 1896 #323 mountains when he suddenly saw two little men. He made a gesture to them, b 1896 #324 ically about details at this time, little can be deduced from the mass of r 2/1897 #385 an and a woman. The scientist says little other than “as soon as Congress r 4/14/1897 #468 sco, Texas, when he sees a light a little distance from the track on the so 4/15/1897 #487 nd disgorged the mangled body of a little man. 4/17/1897 #517 y seem to bump into it. It grows a little bigger, appearing like a large st 5/1908 #704 from the ground, then jump into a little carriage suspended from the objec 5/18/1909 #758 Little Bedwyn, Wiltshire, England Sunset 4/8/1912 #860 nd Sunset. Charles Tilden Smith at Little Bedwyn, Wiltshire, England, obser 4/8/1912 #860 attached to a cone-shaped craft. A little later, the object appears over Hu 2/25/1913 #884 and go to investigate. They see a little man, dark green in color and 18 i 5/1913 #888 ne on the surface of the lake. Two little men wearing square masks and purp 8/1914 #907 ozen men wearing blue uniforms and little round hats stand gripping a handr 1916? #938 back to the car alone and sees 20 little men walking in single file toward Late Summer 1919 #993 st Harold Jeffreys, who notes very little uniformity in the observations, w 9/1921 #1014 iformity in the observations, with little agreement on size, duration, colo 9/1921 #1014 base on the Ross Ice Shelf, called Little America. This was the first of th 10/1928 #1088 e flight took 19 hours to fly from Little America to the Pole and return. 11/29/1929 #1105 mme. This time they again used the Little America base but also set up on S 1939 #1302 6 feet high. A hatch opens and two little men about 4 feet tall come out, d Early 8/1939 #1312 o longer able to move forward. The little men bow in their direction, waist Early 8/1939 #1312 a bomb might be possible using as little as 1–10 kilograms of pure uranium 3/1940 #1326 ew details about a crash and dead “little people” to his family in a letter Early 10/1941 #1372 ed. As the medical crisis worsens, little information is available about wh 12/2/1943 #1549 gn of the uranium gun-type weapon (Little Boy) continues. 7/4/1944 #1618 has atomic weapons. Stalin feigns little surprise, since he already knows 7/24/1945 #1905 ining 64 kilograms of Uranium-235, Little Boy) is detonated 1,900 feet abov 8/6/1945 #1915 m and knocked him to the ground. A little while later his flesh looked like 3/5/1946 #1974 witnesses find a shallow crater a little more than 3 feet in diameter. A m 7/10/1946 #2046 liver Dickson sees a shiny disc “a little like a blimp” flying north to sou 6/22/1947 #2365 ea 2:30 p.m. (EDT). Fishermen rep "little men" on "sub". (NICAP: 07 - Entit 7/1947 #2499 Loretta Proctor. He shows them “a little sliver” of material that he can n 7/5/1947 #2723 BEVERLY HILLS, CA 1 observer. "Little sun" altitude / bright and dim. S 7/7/1947 #2913 on their neighbor's roof. Several "little people" emerged, but disappeared 7/7/1947 #2946 rkers on the scene that bodies of “little men” have been removed from the c 1948 #3522 State University Camp Ripley near Little Falls, Minnesota 2:50 p.m. Capt. 1/7/1948 #3544 one launched from Camp Ripley near Little Falls, Minnesota, on January 6. 1/7/1948 #3544 r Crash/Recovery at Aztec, N.M. 16 little human-like beings were found dead 2/13/1948 #3577 ace where nuclear tests would have little impact on the American people or Late 1948 #3842 culation of this Memo to: El Paso, Little Rock, Dallas, Oklahoma City) 1/31/1949 #3987 LITTLE ROCK, AR 50' glowing-saucer. Sile 2/25/1949 #4024 disk going quickly northwest into little Tujunga Canyon. Very fast. 6/2/1949 #4222 ect flew toward the northwest into Little Tujunga Canyon near Glendale, Cal 6/2/1949 #4224 in.” The report concludes there is little evidence to prove UFOs are real a 8/10/1949 #4315 Fitzgerald and Gamey see little men in desert. 8/19/1949 #4323 m in Death Valley, California. Two little men jump out and start running. T 8/19/1949 #4328 eet off the ground. It raises up a little before reaching the car and passe Fall 1949 #4367 LITTLE ROCK, ARK Pilot sighting. 6-12 bl 3/17/1950 #4664 bjects were seen from the air over Little Rock, Arkansas at 4:30 p.m. The o 3/17/1950 #4667 uthern Airlines Memphis, Tennessee Little Rock, Arkansas Hazen, Arkansas 9: 3/20/1950 #4690 g west from Memphis, Tennessee, to Little Rock, Arkansas, see a circular di 3/20/1950 #4690 flying saucers and seem to possess little to no curiosity. He goes back to 3/28/1950 #4750 LITTLE ROCK, AR Saucer arcs over airline 3/31/1950 #4776 California reported that she saw a little man jump out of a landed disc-sha 3/31/1950 #4778 d his 11-year-old daughter saw two little men in silver suits in a forest o 6/17/1950 #4992 LITTLE ROCK, ARK 5 observer(s) / power c 8/4/1950 #5101 ligence, explaining his view that “little if any results” have been obtaine 4/23/1951 #5508 eading north to south. They are a “little bigger than a star.” A few minute 8/25/1951 #5624 om the Southwest; the bodies were “little people.” He stated “everything de 1952 #5846 observer. It went down toward the Little Powder River and came up again. T 1/1952 #5852 referred to as P-47S and nicknamed Little Stork) under the supervision of W 3/31/1952 #5998 ance back. Both were moving just a little faster than the two jets. The UFO 7/1/1952 #6691 occupant has survived, he says, a little man 3 feet tall who is later kept 7/22/1952 #7024 ites: “The Air Force has made very little progress in learning what the phe 7/31/1952 #7372 et long and stood six feet high. A little man only 30 inches tall was stand 8/6/1952 #7493 roperty after hitting a chimney. A little man, about 70 cm tall, emerged an 8/27/1952 #7754 landed after hitting a chimney. A little man about 70 cm tall (2.3 feet) e 8/27/1952 #7756 nd Mrs. George Snitowski and their little girl suddenly found their car sta 9/13/1952 #7914 nd Mrs. George Snitowski and their little girl suddenly found their car sta 9/13/1952 #7916 RAF Little Rissington, Gloucester, England R 10/21/1952 #8172 ng a Meteor T.7 trainer out of RAF Little Rissington, Gloucester, England, 10/21/1952 #8172 ition of the scene, including the "little man." Van Allen saw only the land 6/20/1953 #8943 ition of the scene, including the "little man" with the pail of water. The 6/20/1953 #8944 e man" with the pail of water. The little man was dressed in a suit like a 6/20/1953 #8944 onstrous space beings. Bender does little to promote the book and soon move 9/28/1953 #9186 . Clara John begins publishing The Little Listening Post newsletter in Wash 2/1954 #9520 railing him in the same position a little above and behind at close range, 6/23/1954 #9936 rench, or Russian. He takes out a “little mirror” from a pocket and with so 8/20/1954 #10157 both women were starting to feel a little concerned, but the smiling man mo 8/20/1954 #10158 m. when he saw a dark complexioned little man about the size of a five year 9/2/1954 #10233 in Coldwater, Kansas when he saw a little man no bigger than a 5-year-old c 9/14/1954 #10302 nsparent plastic, 3.5 feet high. A little man with large eyes was inside, r 9/26/1954 #10452 ere driving back from Royan, saw a little man cross ing the road in front o 10/1/1954 #10560 n at eight o'clock at night, saw a little man crossing the road in front of 10/1/1954 #10575 m. Mr. Lacambre, a forester, saw a little man or dwarf in a streambed 200 m 10/4/1954 #10703 ground in Taupignac, France. Four little men, one meter tall (3.3 feet) ex 10/4/1954 #10708 morning in Mendionde, France. Two little men, 2.5 feet tall stood beside i 10/7/1954 #10796 landed again on the tracks. Seven little men emerged and spoke in an unkno 10/10/1954 #10887 gain on the railroad tracks. Seven little men about one meter tall emerged 10/10/1954 #10903 an object which soon took off. The little man was wearing silver coveralls. 10/12/1954 #10969 an object which soon took off. The little man was wearing silver coveralls. 10/12/1954 #10979 und, and emitted intense heat. The little pond was found desiccated, and ha 10/15/1954 #11099 round, and emits intense heat. The little pond is found desiccated, and hay 10/15/1954 #11109 und, and emitted intense heat. The little pond was found desiccated, and ha 10/15/1954 #11115 ays. Then an even smaller being, a little more than a meter tall appeared, 10/17/1954 #11180 e to four meters in diameter and a little more than a meter in height. In t 10/24/1954 #11368 s tree. It has two portholes and a little door, through which she can see t 11/1/1954 #11518 which she can see two chairs. Two little men come out from behind the obje 11/1/1954 #11518 unning 100 yards, she saw that the little men were still there. A stonemaso 11/1/1954 #11520 Upon closer examination he noticed little mushroom-shaped symbols scattered 11/2/1954 #11539 ied to move, the witness saw three little men, dressed in white, wearing ti 11/4/1954 #11563 bling. It lands near him and three little men emerge from a window, 3 feet 11/4/1954 #11564 rth to the sphere. They ran making little jumps, and picking up various thi 11/4/1954 #11569 r this town stopped his car as two little men were running into the bushes. 12/10/1954 #11793 la, when he and his father see two little men running near the road and duc 12/10/1954 #11796 zuela stopped his car to watch two little men run into some bushes. Shortly 12/10/1954 #11798 ataclysm has been called off: “The little group, sitting all night long, ha 12/20/1954 #11849 opulated areas. Ritland recalls a “little X-shaped field” just off the east Early 1955 #11901 The “Ranch” initially consists of little more than a few shelters, worksho 5/4/1955 #12117 hich to house its small team. In a little over three months, the base consi 5/4/1955 #12117 Little Miami River Loveland, Ohio Early Late 6/1955 #12211 g a truck across a bridge over the Little Miami River near Loveland, Ohio, Late 6/1955 #12211 eorgia saw a four-foot tall, hairy little gray man without clothes emerge f 7/20/1955 #12274 res, they left and at two a.m. the little “men” returned, with at least one 8/22/1955 #12391 at least one of them putting its “little clawed hands” up on the window sc 8/22/1955 #12391 ed a similar incident involving a "little man" about the same time as the W 8/26/1955 #12412 and a UFO started to approach with little men riding on its rim. One boy cl 8/29/1955 #12416 led an 18-year-old girl, and was a little over a meter in height. Her hair 10/20/1955 #12513 of a mimeographed zine called The Little Listening Post, which often cover Spring 1956 #12761 from Outer Space (1953), but bears little resemblance to the content. Keyho 6/13/1956 #12900 ith a flashlight and discovers two little men, 3.5 and 3 feet tall, standin 12/17/1956 #13409 the UFO, which argues that human “little people” (like the pygmy peoples o 1957 #13429 vering 30 cm above ground and four little men nearby. The police found lava 5/10/1957 #13652 a luminous object land and several little men emerge from the object. When 6/5/1957 #13707 ithin 2 m of the ground. Two dark, little men came out of the craft and wen 10/10/1957 #14091 two meters of the ground. Two dark little men came out of the craft and wen 10/10/1957 #14096 eople; we only want your dog." The little man, who was dressed in a green s 11/6/1957 #14414 ople, we only want your dog. " The little man, who was dressed in a green u 11/6/1957 #14438 ing out of his truck, he saw three little men about 1.30 m tall, in gray cl 11/7/1957 #14457 ing out of his truck, he saw three little men about 1.30 meters tall, weari 11/7/1957 #14464 ct Blue Book recorded the case as "little men in cigar." Project Blue Book 12/16/1957 #14736 LITTLE SHEEP MOUNTAIN, WY 3 doctors. Lar 10/9/1958 #15331 of the craft were surrounded at a little distance by an aura of luminescen 6/26/1959 #15791 n on Milne Bay, New Guinea, only a little further off. Four men were again 6/27/1959 #15799 h a trail under it. Object showed little movement during 3 hours. Attempt 9/13/1959 #15970 h a trail under it. The UFO showed little movement during the three hour si 9/13/1959 #15974 , seen for 3/4 of a minute. Note: little data on the case in the files. 3/23/1960 #16204 that looked like a kite made up of little metallic balls. The object or obj 3/23/1960 #16205 to ours, they would choose to have little if any contact with us.” It also 12/14/1960 #16532 as lowered from the craft, and two little men about 1.30 m tall, came out t 4/10/1962 #17106 d see through the trees a sort of “little house” on the ground, with green, 5/13/1962 #17171 ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Little Feller II” YieldMax: 20KT 7/7/1962 #17263 ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Little Feller I” YieldMax: 20KT 7/17/1962 #17278 On this evening two little men, three feet tall, were seen d 8/17/1962 #17337 olored and ten feet in diameter. A little man or robot was next seen walkin 8/30/1962 #17374 d turret on top. A three foot tall little man emerged from a door in the bo 12/17/1962 #17589 . Templeton took a photograph of a little girl holding a nosegay of flowers 4/26/1964 #18210 2:30 p.m. a 10-year-old girl saw a little man, three feet tall, reclining u 5/15/1964 #18271 Little Hulton Greater Manchester England 9/16/1964 #18557 and 6:55 p.m. Several teenagers at Little Hulton, Greater Manchester, Engla 9/16/1964 #18557 light of the flashbulb, they see a little man standing by the barn. The pho 1/26/1965 #18769 ginia at 7:30 p.m. when they saw a little man about 3 ½ feet tall sitting b 1/26/1965 #18770 got out of the car and pursued the little man. Two more little men joined t 1/26/1965 #18770 d pursued the little man. Two more little men joined the first and ran with 1/26/1965 #18770 they fled they thought they saw a little man standing in front of the buil 1/26/1965 #18770 ns, including policemen, saw three little men with luminous glows emerge fr 2/21/1965 #18824 mouths have no lips and look like little holes. He hears some grunting sou 7/1/1965 #19047 Four of the crew he met with were little men less than three feet tall, wh 7/21/1965 #19156 reports a UFO to the northeast. A little later, simultaneous radar fixes a 7/31/1965 #19220 e,” and the silhouettes of several little figures could be seen inside the 8/8/1965 #19342 did so and "could barely make out" little men with big ears. No UFO was see 8/9/1965 #19350 seven o'clock in the morning. The little men were grey colored "like stone 8/13/1965 #19383 nome and wrinkled. He wore a funny little hat. He was dancing and jumping a 8/13/1965 #19383 frog’s eyes. In his mouth he had a little pipe, and he was blowing on it an 8/13/1965 #19383 Santa Catarina province, Brazil, a little man only 28" tall, introduced him 8/14/1965 #19390 o, Brazil, when he runs across two little men only 3 feet high with whitish 10/22/1965 #19673 he name of Camilho encountered two little men sitting on stump around noon 10/26/1965 #19682 ncies in Kaback’s account and very little credibility. 11/1965 #19695 The UFO had two headlights. Three little men, who wore large headgear and 2/25/1966 #19918 e path of her car, but traveling a little faster than she was. It looked li 5/16/1966 #20490 t Hynek to agree that he is even a little bit timid. 6/8/1966 #20543 island on the Emissario Canal. Two little men were seen briefly on the grou 7/13/1966 #20643 ve a small islet in the canal. Two little men emerge, but the bright light 7/13/1966 #20644 o Canal near Pontedera, Italy. Two little men were seen briefly on the grou 7/13/1966 #20645 igh-pitched, child like voice. The little beings then all ran back to the s 7/21/1966 #20663 entist who was pushed into it, had little interest and apparently no experi 11/1/1966 #21060 st Virginia American Viscose plant Little Kanawha River 6:30 p.m. A driver 11/6/1966 #21080 American Viscose plant across the Little Kanawha River. The object crosses 11/6/1966 #21080 s footprints at the site where the little man had stood. There was no retur 11/17/1966 #21119 about six feet tall with a "funny little face" with "big red eyes that pop 11/26/1966 #21151 s BITBR be canceled in 1969 due to little technological payoff. https://ma 1967 #21240 On this day in 1967 a strange little man entered the county courthouse 1/3/1967 #21252 gray or black material, and were a little too short. He wore dark shoes wit 1/9/1967 #21278 Great Britain Children observed "a little blue man with a tall hat and a be 1/28/1967 #21408 ng strikes nearby, and Alex sees a little blue man about 3 feet tall with a 1/28/1967 #21409 disappears in a puff of smoke. The little man appears in a different spot, 1/28/1967 #21409 roup of school boys encountered a "little blue man" about three feet tall, 1/28/1967 #21410 oise could be heard. Next, a stout little man, 3.5-4.0 feet tall, appeared 2/5/1967 #21463 e three of them came out again the little man was gone and the UFO now appe 2/5/1967 #21463 away. A photo was taken but shows little. (A. Collis, USNR retired, letter 2/8/1967 #21478 res were taken but reportedly show little. There were also reports of both 3/8/1967 #21806 O in flight, and another shot of a little man from the ship. Most of Watts’ 3/31/1967 #22023 A cream colored UFO with a dome, a little larger than a large car, hovered 4/19/1967 #22165 a color photo of what looks like a little man in a spacesuit standing in fr 7/21/1967 #22718 jumped out of bed and grabbed the little man, but the dwarf wriggled free 8/6/1967 #22832 jumped out of bed and grabbed the little man, but he wriggled free and wen 8/7/1967 #22840 Little Rock, AS Orange hovering object c 8/11/1967 #22860 perimeter were seated eight to ten little men about three feet tall, who wo 8/15/1967 #22883 y afternoon when he encountered a "little man" who tried to talk to him. Th 8/16/1967 #22886 sound and footsteps, and finally a little being jumped out from behind some 8/23/1967 #22908 enezuela when he was accosted by a little man about three feet tall who was 8/26/1967 #22935 ho was covered with wiry hair. The little man had a very large head, bulgin 8/26/1967 #22935 sensation throughout his body. The little man then spoke in Spanish, asking 8/26/1967 #22935 sphere, 2 m in diameter, and "four little devils." One of them was bending 8/29/1967 #22953 he looked out his window and saw a little being shove off from the window s 9/8/1967 #23021 onville, Florida 3:00 a.m. Charlie Little, the pilot of a Piper-Twin Comanc 10/27/1967 #23350 ight side of the front seat as the little being attempted to communicate wi 11/2/1967 #23392 irs but was dumbfounded to see two little men, greenish yellow in color, cl 1/3/1968 #23647 lothing. At her appearance the two little creatures rushed out the front do 1/3/1968 #23647 male witnesses, Ms. Lehman and Ms. Little, saw a large round white object, 1/12/1968 #23661 side. He could also see levers and little lights as might appear on a compu 1/24/1968 #23697 She saw a white egg-shaped UFO, a little larger than a station wagon, hove 2/21/1968 #23774 at an angle like a ramp, and 15-20 little men about three feet tall walked 2/21/1968 #23774 and when he looked back again the little man had disappeared. 5/22/1968 #23980 at at 9:30 p.m. they saw two naked little men run through a drainage ditch 7/2/1968 #24136 hey thought they had cornered the "little men" but they disappeared as they 7/2/1968 #24136 re were lots of people and lots of little boys..." She knocked at a nearby 8/4/1968 #24297 e, Spain at around eight p.m. four little girls, ages 4 to 8, saw a round o 8/31/1968 #24409 e a robot. The next day they saw a little man, 4 feet tall, who was surroun 9/14/1968 #24460 y misidentifications, and it makes little sense to reinterview witnesses. B 10/31/1968 #24608 troleum-industry lab but finds out little other than it is sticky and fibro 11/6/1968 #24637 called to her attention a “shining little tent” 500 meters away. She descri 2/6/1969 #24898 nly the boys cried out, “Look, the little tent has disappeared.” She saw th 2/6/1969 #24898 girls went to the window and saw a little man near a gate ten meters away. 3/22/1969 #25037 a friar’s cassock. Amazingly, the little men seem oblivious to his presenc 5/4/1969 #25114 olded him and brought him before a little man with long red hair and a big 5/4/1969 #25115 dragged into a large room, where a little man without a spacesuit confronte 5/4/1969 #25115 avers, one a Negro's. A dozen more little men, all much resembling the lead 5/4/1969 #25115 ment. Luczkowich reported that the little men were dressed in light-brown c 5/11/1969 #25128 not quite touching the ground. Two little three-foot tall beings, with feat 5/19/1969 #25147 object. The children rushed at the little men in an attempt to capture one 7/2/1969 #25245 hrough a window. It looked like "a little bluish colored man with eyes that 7/18/1969 #25280 he window of the craft was seen “a little bluish colored man with eyes that 7/18/1969 #25281 came smoothly out of the craft. A little man, 3 to 4 feet tall, with long 10/16/1969 #25417 ly 10 feet away, a three foot tall little man on the ground standing in the 1/7/1970 #25541 trucks passed and as they did the little men and their "dog" nimbly jumped 6/4/1970 #25690 erious injuries and the death of a little girl. 8/7/1970 #25776 Little Heart’s Ease St. Jones Within New 8/14/1970 #25784 ewfoundland Mouth of the Harbor at Little Heart’s Ease 8:45 p.m. Residents 8/14/1970 #25784 eart’s Ease 8:45 p.m. Residents of Little Heart’s Ease and St. Jones Within 8/14/1970 #25784 er near the mouth of the harbor at Little Heart’s Ease. When the RCMP arriv 8/14/1970 #25784 walls. Various small openings with little handles and knobs were situated a 8/15/1970 #25787 ome bushes near their school. Five little men described as merely three inc 8/19/1970 #25796 ving. They saw in the headlights a little man on the roadway, no more than 8/19/1970 #25797 andberg slammed on the brakes. The little man was still there. They drove o 8/19/1970 #25797 UAP crash on 24 November 1992 with little corroborating information. A MUFO 1/1971 #25962 shows up regularly and looks for “little stones” in the nearby woods. Alwa 1/23/1971 #25999 ring 50 feet away. As it landed, a little entity just under 3-foot tall gli 2/5/1971 #26013 raken, Sweden Ake Westerberg saw a little man standing motionless in the mi 2/16/1971 #26021 out of curiosity, and he heard the little figure growl. Then there suddenly 2/16/1971 #26021 pened them a few seconds later the little figure had disappeared. 2/16/1971 #26021 le him as someone who believes in “little men flying around in the sky.” 3/2/1971 #26038 pointed nose, slanted eyes, and a little puckered mouth" standing near him 7/12/1971 #26224 something up from the ground. The little men went back inside the object, 7/27/1971 #26247 ot and killed the creature and the little ones. Renz was then taken back to 8/16/1971 #26291 uminated by white light. There was little in the way of furnishings inside, 9/22/1971 #26365 ont door, she discovered a strange little vehicle that had landed on her la 11/3/1971 #26452 s loping along quickly . She noted little about his facial features or colo 3/7/1972 #26590 t the object, but the bullets have little effect. At 10:30 a.m., police ser 6/26/1972 #26735 of the small windows of the first little object that came down from the sk 3/29/1973 #27390 acruz, Mexico when he noticed five little figures standing in the road ahea 5/22/1973 #27520 ng. As he got out of his truck the little figures began to scatter to the s 5/22/1973 #27520 ess compared the appearance of the little beings to stories of little peopl 5/22/1973 #27520 of the little beings to stories of little people from Mexican folklore, cal 5/22/1973 #27520 UE, COLOMBIA Several boys and cop. Little men search / river mud. Vanish! / 8/10/1973 #27689 LITTLE HOUGHTON, UK 1 observer. Night li 9/1973 #27736 ut a window and clearly saw three "little men" outside of her house. (NICAP 10/1973 #27897 ing around in the field, are five “little people” about 4 feet tall perform 10/6/1973 #27960 swarm of bees. Object hovered over little town at tree top height. Jiggled 10/11/1973 #27994 SOUTH / LITTLE ROCK, AR 3 / car. 20M silent plai 10/15/1973 (approximate) #28038 she is making supper, she sees a “little blue-green thing” about 2.5 feet 10/16/1973 #28085 at involves some elements that are little known in 1975, among them the ali 10/16/1973 #28088 off the ground. Later, she saw a "little blue green thing" look in an open 10/16/1973 #28091 ver the house and disappeared. The little men were reddish and walked as if 10/23/1973 #28251 i, Bolivia reported encountering a little man no more than 30 centimeters i 11/15/1973 #28426 named Siles. He explained that the little humanoid spoke four languages and 11/15/1973 #28426 without extending their hands. The little men were bald, with pale skin, se 11/18/1973 #28443 loud they had to swerve to avoid a little man wearing dark clothing and a l 11/18/1973 #28444 lish numerous refutations that are little noticed outside the UFO community 1974 #28629 m the house. Two helmeted heads of little men were visible inside the craft 3/19/1974 #28911 car where the road ends and see a “little man on a little black object.” Th Early 4/1974 #28990 ad ends and see a “little man on a little black object.” The lights follow Early 4/1974 #28990 when he saw on the street corner a little manno more than a meter tall, cla 5/1/1974 #29078 thin 30 feet of him, whereupon the little man pointed a flashlight kind of 5/1/1974 #29078 and succeeded in reaching it. The little man wore no helmet, and had muscu 5/1/1974 #29078 .m. Near Solitude, Indiana, just a little over three miles north of us, a M 7/30/1974 #29286 us, a Mt. Vernon couple and their little boy were on their way home from a 7/30/1974 #29286 as shaped like a cigar "and it had little square lights that went on and of 10/31/1974 #29571 terror. The figure seemed to be a little taller than a tall man, and had a 12/2/1974 #29631 ainted windows came into view on a little traveled road further up the slop 11/8/1975 #30584 the ground and putting them into a little bag. The witness thought the man 2/19/1976 #30887 craft will be sent to investigate. Little more than 4 minutes later, two US 8/13/1976 #31261 with their arms over a table with little black knobs. They were busy manip 8/25/1976 #31302 ut a month, the same witness and a little dog were on her porch facing the 9/3/1976 #31337 find her. “It was snowing. And her little tracks went out there and she jus 9/3/1976 #31337 tationary on top. The object makes little or no sound, and is silver or gra 9/10/1976 #31371 Little Britain, Ontario Night. Three mem 9/11/1976 #31377 ng a country road to their home in Little Britain, Ontario. Paul Hood notic 9/11/1976 #31377 7:30 in the evening when he saw “a little black creature about two-foot tal 10/15/1976 #31465 rt humanoid creature then ran with little short paces across the road and u 10/15/1976 #31465 a search for some evidence of the little creature, and they found a set of 10/15/1976 #31465 Hobling, Moselle, France with his little daughter when he saw two lights a 10/24/1976 #31493 wn himself. His story was met with little enthusiasm. There was more to his 1/27/1977 #31761 BURBANK, CA Amateur astronomer. Little dipper gains new star. Maneuvers 4/2/1977 #31939 LITTLE HAVEN, WALES Saucer lands. Figure 4/19/1977 #31995 Little Haven, Pembrokeshire, Wales 2:00 4/19/1977 #31997 Little Haven, Pembrokeshire, Wales 2:00 4/19/1977 #31998 Little Haven, Pembrokeshire, Wales 2:00 4/19/1977 #31999 Little Haven, Pembroke, Wales Early morn 4/19/1977 #32001 prietor of the Haven Fort Hotel in Little Haven, Pembroke, Wales, is distur 4/19/1977 #32001 Little Haven, Pembrokeshire, Wales. At t 4/19/1977 #32002 sion at their Ripperston farm near Little Haven, Dyfed, Wales when they saw 4/23/1977 #32018 a lamp post only 20 feet away. The little man was only three and a half fee 7/12/1977 #32266 me cooking waste when she saw four little men wearing silvery outfits stand 8/31/1977 #32444 me cooking waste when she saw four little men wearing silvery outfits stand 8/31/1977 #32447 house to alert the others, but the little men had already gone when they ca 8/31/1977 #32447 e felt a strange attraction to the little man and could not stop himself fr 9/25/1977 #32519 mes would briefly turn golden. The little man pointed to a nearby hovering 9/25/1977 #32519 ry outfit with a round helmet. The little man simply ignored the trio and k 2/17/1978 #32974 helmets with antennas. They were a little taller than the other humanoids a 5/10/1978 #33199 the target, which is showing very little movement. At 11:20 p.m., his rada 5/14/1978 #33210 een a box-shaped aircraft, like "a little house," fly low over their barn. 5/17/1978 #33223 een a box-shaped aircraft, like "a little house," fly low over their barn. 5/17/1978 #33225 all hairy creature by the river in Little River, Texas. They were working i 7/29/1978 #33451 heir memory of the event becomes a little sketchy, and they experienced a p 9/20/1978 #33718 g dark loose fitting uniforms. The little men moved about in quick graceful 11/29/1978 #34026 ar with a married couple and their little son in Baena, Spain. It hovered o 12/10/1978 #34086 on the sides of the object and two little men emerged and descended. Each w 1/13/1979 #34339 t the seemingly impossible takes a little time to come about.” 1/18/1979 #34358 Beach, Queensland, when he sees a “little white light” sitting on the edge 2/9/1979 #34416 mors at high levels of the CIA of “little grey men whose ships had crashed, 5/1979 #34533 object shaped like a toy top and a little larger than the previous object, 5/16/1979 #34563 t was shaped like a toy top, and a little larger than the previous object. 5/16/1979 #34564 had small black legs that ended in little feet that looked like "boxing glo 7/25/1979 #34681 the papers released so far are of little importance. Pratt gives GSW 60 da 9/19/1979 #34900 itting on 3–4 legs. Nearby are two little men about 4 feet tall who seem to 10/1979 #34937 s land on it with tripod legs. Two little men 2.5 feet tall, dressed in met 11/15/1979 #35000 e beings were described as being a little bit over one meter in height and 2/2/1980 #35154 y form about 270 feet away. It has little holes on the surface, a flashing 8/17/1980 #35462 able to induce illness or death at little or no risk to the operator. Range 12/1980 #35686 LITTLE ROCK, ARK 2 teens. 4' rectangular 6/6/1981 #35953 Little Rock, AK Two teenagers in Little 6/6/1981 #35955 Little Rock, AK Two teenagers in Little Rock saw a small, four-foot long 6/6/1981 #35955 ck in the morning two teenagers in Little Rock, Arkansas saw a small, four- 6/6/1981 #35957 over a backyard garage and shed in Little Rock, Arkansas. They came very cl 6/6/1981 #35957 k wrinkles on their foreheads. The little beings communicated with Meneses 12/15/1981 #36259 ht moved to the north and became a little elongated, then became top shaped 7/22/1982 #36545 and was confronted by two strange little men and a woman, each about three 11/30/1982 #36703 NEAR LITTLE HOUGHTON, ENGL Motorbike malfunct 2/1983 #36758 polis, Indiana. He reported that a little man with a big head had been in h 11/27/1983 #37050 ek, who arrives on January 26, but little light activity is noted. The phen 1/13/1985 #37548 he beings introduce her to a frail little girl, half-human, half-alien, and 4/1987 #38155 60 reports to sheriff's office in Little River County. 9/1987 #38268 bductee Mr. Spencer photographed a little man on the moors south of town. T 12/1/1987 #38346 of the three vehicles making three little, quick, hopping motions; then it 11/12/1988 #38713 a ship behind some trees, and the little girl gets frightened. The beings 7/4/1989 #39007 circular antenna on top of it. The little girl began crying and the women r 7/4/1989 #39009 rted there, adding it weighed very little; he claims it was wedge or boomer 9/28/1989 #39132 e night he had awoke and seen two “little men” standing in his bedroom, a t 10/27/1989 #39188 remembered having had a “dream” of little bald men with big round eyes lead 10/27/1989 #39188 oved, titled at an angle. It had a little dark dome on top, multicolored li 1/12/1990 #39376 issance Office. Nicknamed “Misty,” little is known about it other than it h 3/1/1990 #39437 Little Sabine Island Pensacola Beach, Fl 4/12/1990 #39522 a bright red light hovering above Little Sabine Island off Pensacola Beach 4/12/1990 #39522 LITTLE FALLS, NY Cops and 2 boys. 70' de 10/1990 #39754 village, but they see them again a little higher in the sky to the right of 10/14/1990 #39785 and creatures with “big heads and little bodies.” The caller claims he was 1991 #39940 long by 110 meters wide, with very little surface detail except for two rou 8/28/1991 #40168 ally picked him up from. Feeling a little dizzy, he searched for Pedro and 3/5/1992 #40359 t over to look and there she saw a little dwarfish woman, about two foot ta 2/28/1993 #40866 was struggling with the stone. The little woman suddenly noticed the witnes 2/28/1993 #40866 nd completely indifferent, maybe a little curious." They were small and sli 8/20/1993 #41148 . a huge bright light with lots of little lights, chased by second smaller 5/17/1994 #41528 e his bedroom window. He also saw "little people on the poles." He was told 7/27/1994 #41644 LITTLE CORNARD, NORFOLK Many observer(s) 11/6/1994 #41839 / sale, VCT 15 minute(s) early on little fuel. 2/6/1995 #42023 e younger witnesses remembered the little men had been accompanied by a tal 2/11/1995 #42036 and directed the activities of the little men. Another member of the group 2/11/1995 #42036 Charles Little and his fiancée were driving in J 3/14/1995 #42094 hours later. Later under hypnosis, Little remembered being inside a round o 3/14/1995 #42094 d humanoids. After their abduction Little found a mark on his upper thigh, 3/14/1995 #42094 cée died of esophageal cancer, and Little believes the cancer was somehow r 3/14/1995 #42094 t changed from blue to white. Four little creatures approximately 3-4 feet 8/15/1995 #42387 hter, was on her way home when the little girl pointed out something in the 12/13/1995 #42642 Yunque Mountain. According to the little girl, the object had numerous win 12/13/1995 #42642 14th century, at the same cave, a little girl from a nearby village vanish 9/15/1996 #43020 ll glowing, and they again saw the little beings moving about the trees. Th 9/23/1996 #43039 50 feet from the ground looking a little blurry. The witness continued dri 2/26/1997 #43210 into the object. He also noticed "little monsters" on the ground. They wer 6/5/1997 #43313 s steel exam table with three thin little men in the room. They wore white 6/26/1997 #43342 positive press response, but with little effect on scientists’ continuing 11/28/1997 #43451 eam of light hit him, and several "little men" appeared around him. He lost 12/10/1997 #43457 r, was still outside outside but a little further off, and stayed visible u 1/1/1998 #43484 k eyes, a small lipless mouth, and little "bumps" where the nose should hav 4/27/1998 #43559 l. He moved very slowly with short little steps and was wearing normal huma 7/12/1998 #43602 le reported encountering a strange little creature about 50 centimeters tal 7/16/1998 #43607 At a little before sunset two women were sitt 9/14/1998 #43646 cenario for awhile. Apparently the little men noticed the witness, because 5/10/1999 #43767 s but the scientific community has little interest. Plotkin also claims MIT 5/17/1999 #43770 o so; the psychologist states “the little gray bastards have thought contro 7/31/1999 #43815 outline of a figure, the size of a little boy, but it was gone in an instan 1/17/2000 #43929 m. a V-shaped object that looked a little like a plane, but was fatter and 3/1/2000 #43960 Klondike Highway Little Fox Lakes, Yukon Territory 5:00 a 3/30/2000 #43971 londike Highway at the west end of Little Fox Lakes, Yukon Territory, when 3/30/2000 #43971 and their small boy, driving near Little Fox Lake in the Yukon Territory, 3/30/2000 #43973 studies exotic propulsion methods. Little is publicly available about ADST 2001 #44112 eters away from the witnesses. The little men seemed to be collecting groun 8/1/2001 #44217 el, one at a time. At 7:29 p.m.. a little disc-shaped object zoomed out of 8/15/2001 #44235 and the rear lights where offset a little from a straight line. That night, 11/19/2001 #44278 also described as very shiny with little black jets, and had a small dome 6/7/2002 #44348 ; they had an aura or halo, like a little cloud. Crop circles had been foun 8/11/2002 #44377 nald Avenue. His eyes focused on a little dark figure standing very still. 3/12/2004 #44676 to be around three feet long and a little over two feet wide. It was moving 4/5/2004 #44684 r each wing. The daughter became a little concerned and said they needed to 4/16/2004 #44689 that it remained “stationary with little or no variation in altitude trans 11/14/2004 #44784 than any known aerial vehicle with little or no visible signature.” Analysi 11/14/2004 #44784 of 5000 feet and was in view for a little less than a minute. It appeared t 11/29/2004 #44793 aft 25 minutes later, but there is little they can do except escort the pla 6/28/2005 #44849 de no noise, and had red, blue and little white lights on it. The object ro 10/17/2005 #44890 Mexico. It was a cloudy night with little moon. At around midnight one of t 4/12/2008 #45128 has suddenly started believing in little green men. It would simply recogn 7/29/2008 #45152 then made a turn, and made only a little sound. Another large triangle-sha 9/7/2008 #45167 uest for SAP status was denied and little additional funding was found for 10/29/2008 #45180 n off. Later, at 11:00 p.m. PST a "little army of star-like lights" passed 2/11/2009 #45211 year-old Natali was woke up by her little brother at around 3:00 a.m. becau 8/28/2009 #45239 larger scientific audience—served little and no relevant achievement follo 1/1/2017 #45463 an elevation of about 400 feet. A little over an hour later, flares are sp 7/23/2019 #45597 paceship? And you know, they did a little bit of research and the answer wa 5/18/2021 #45689## Word: "littleborough" (Back to Top)
NORTH / LITTLEBOROUGH, MANCHESTER Rotating objec 2/21/1979 #34439 In Littleborough, Greater Manchester, Engla 2/21/1979 #34441 NORTH / LITTLEBOROUGH, ENGL Cops. Brownouts. 2 s 7/11/1980 #35410 Littleborough Greater Manchester England Early 7/2000 #44008 ng. Ceri Kenyon is walking home in Littleborough, Greater Manchester, Engla Early 7/2000 #44008## Word: "littleboy" (Back to Top)
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “littleboy” Yield: 15KT 8/5/1945 #1912## Word: "littlefield" (Back to Top)
LITTLEFIELD, TX 2 / car. Brilliant ovoid 11/2/1957 #14205## Word: "littlehampton" (Back to Top)
Littlehampton, England British pilot Edw 9/7/1946 #2171 mph in a Gloster Meteor F Mk 4 at Littlehampton, England. 9/7/1946 #2171 LITTLEHAMPTON MARGATE CHICHESTER AND IPS 11/21/1952 #8311 Littlehampton, England British pilot Nev 9/7/1953 #9153 728 mph in a Hawker Hunter Mk.3 at Littlehampton, England. 9/7/1953 #9153 LITTLEHAMPTON WEST SUSSEX 2 dim silent r 8/19/1991 #40161## Word: "littlejohn" (Back to Top)
sed on the work of Alzofon, Tesla, Littlejohn, Sweet, Nielsen, Seike, Hutch 1/1998 #43483## Word: "littleover" (Back to Top)
LITTLEOVER, DERBYSHIRE Ex-RAF man videos 3/1995 #42068## Word: "littleton" (Back to Top)
SOUTH / LITTLETON, CO 3 observer(s). Scary green 4/27/1954 #9728 LITTLETON, MA Teen. Saturn-saucer going 7/5/1954 #9994 WEST / LITTLETON, IL Project Bluebook Case #894 7/20/1964 #18426 Littleton, Illinois Witness: J.J. Winkl 7/20/1964 #18430 Mr. J.J. Winkle in Littleton, Illinois reported to the Air 7/20/1964 #18431 LITTLETON, MA 3+1 observer(s). Domed sil 8/25/1964 #18507 been observed one hour earlier at Littleton, about 50 km west, by four boy 8/25/1964 #18509 ted at close range by four boys in Littleton, Massachusetts at 9:30 p.m. It 8/25/1964 #18510 LITTLETON, MASS 3M fireball / sphere/orb 8/28/1964 #18516 ar being driven by Mr. P. Ellis in Littleton, Massachusetts. 8/28/1964 #18518 Littleton, CO Time not reported. A group 4/7/1966 #20265 LITTLETON, NH Glowing mound / Moore lake 5/20/1968 #23974 bject with six windows passed over Littleton, New Hampshire from Vermont ac 1/23/1997 #43174## Word: "littleyork" (Back to Top)
Littleyork, IN 9:30 p.m. Four people in Summer 1973 #27577## Word: "litton" (Back to Top)
ngalls Shipbuilding, then owned by Litton Industries, creator of advanced s 10/11/1973 #28009 ion of advanced experimental suits Litton was designing at the time. Was th 10/11/1973 #28009 . Note: Northrop Grumman acquired Litton Industries in 2000, but any UAP w 10/11/1973 #28009 UAP work could have spun off from Litton earlier. For example, Litton spli 10/11/1973 #28009 from Litton earlier. For example, Litton split some operations off into We 10/11/1973 #28009 rn Atlas in 1994. It is unknown if Litton did any work for advanced UAP rel 10/11/1973 #28009## Word: "litton_industries" (Back to Top)
on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Litton_Industries https://www.wlox.com 10/11/1973 #28009## Word: "littrell" (Back to Top)
Helen Littrell claims her daughter Marisa comm 2005 #44803## Word: "litus" (Back to Top)
watchman Elmer Hardy and engineer Litus Kinnard, sees a light high in the 4/18/1897 #527## Word: "litvinenko" (Back to Top)
Frankfurt, Germany Alexander Litvinenko Soviet defector Nikolai Khokh 9/1957 #13965 ared to the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko in 2006, although it remains 9/1957 #13965 olonium (not thallium), exactly as Litvinenko is later. Litvinenko’s poison 9/1957 #13965 ), exactly as Litvinenko is later. Litvinenko’s poisoning is also initially 9/1957 #13965## Word: "litwin" (Back to Top)
nd the fleet. Photographer Wallace Litwin takes three color photos that are 9/20/1952 #7987 ps. It was photographed by Wallace Litwin aboard the U.S.S. Franklin Delano 9/20/1952 #7989## Word: "liu" (Back to Top)
nguage that sounded like Chinese, ‘liu, lai, loi.” Their mouths showed stro 11/1/1954 #11520## Word: "liufon" (Back to Top)
aponry. On June 12, 1996, Ford and LIUFON member Joe Mazzachelli are arrest 9/28/1989 #39130 tist “Dr. Nick” at Brookhaven told LIUFON a large object was recovered and 9/28/1989 #39132## Word: "live" (Back to Top)
no. 7 small humanoids (or Greys). "Live 300 years.. can't say much / specia 8/13/1491 #24 inhabitants; thus, the people who live on Mercury are the stupidest, and t 3/1755 #73 or R. T.) and J. L. Tretheway, who live in the apartment below his, and the Mid 4/1897 #493 exists on Venus, the people do not live as we do.” 1/9/1911 #853 en to heaven” soon, but Lúcia will live longer to spread the message. The l 6/13/1917 #959 .m. A young brother and sister who live on a farm near Webster City, Iowa, 7/1919 #990 broadcast performed and broadcast live over the CBS Radio Network. The epi 10/30/1938 #1299 98). It is performed and broadcast live in New York City as a Halloween epi 10/30/1938 #1300 savage behavior. These Deros still live in the cave cities, according to Sh 11/1943 #1541 ate night. Members of a family who live in an isolated area on the outskirt 10/1944 #1673 oon. Sigvat Skaug and his son, who live along Lake Mjøsa in southeastern No 7/18/1946 #2062 egon Kenneth Arnold is interviewed live on KWRC radio in Pendleton, Oregon, 6/26/1947 #2418 s all over again, someday, if they live. Ah! If they live!” 7/3/1947 #2551 someday, if they live. Ah! If they live!” 7/3/1947 #2551 uncement of Einstein’s ABC Special live radio broadcast on “The Immediate N 7/12/1947 #3140 Einstein’s ABC Special live radio broadcast on “The Immediate N 7/24/1947 #3221 space in search of new planets to live on once their own fails. 10/1/1953 #9198 ies claim he actually visited with live aliens and conducted a treaty with 2/20/1954 #9560 Payne Air Force Base. Jets sent / live ammunition. 5/1/1954 #9741 the world, which was tested with a live warhead for the first and only time 2/5/1956 #12697 uilding two blocks from where they live. It glitters like a welder’s arc an 11/5/1957 #14345 Trevor James Constable writes They Live in the Sky, which explains UFOs as 1958 #14782 t with which the United States can live in peace.” 11/30/1961 #16984 l from Wight-Patterson AFB, that 2 live Aliens were held in captivity in an 1965 #18679 m. On hearing a listener call in a live UFO sighting on WMEX radio, Jeanne 4/23/1966 #20390 report that at around 9:00 p.m. in Live Oak, Florida a saucer-shaped object 10/10/1966 #20984 mplex where he remembered seeing a live creature with the face of a wasp th 8/16/1971 #26291 Germantown, IL Three sisters who live on a farm about two miles southwest 5/14/1972 #26683 Boötis, which is a double star. We live on the sixth planet of seven, comin 4/1973 #27396 Other units supposedly transported live aliens from the "crash" site. (HC a 1/23/1974 #28693 . Other units supposedly transport live aliens from the crash site. At 10:0 1/23/1974 #28694 Other units allegedly transported live aliens from the "crash" site. 1/23/1974 #28695 LIVE OAK, FLA Bright pink sphere flies o 7/11/1975 #30172 t Site when, just as an unsecured, live nuclear weapon is being lowered int 1982 #36285 land. Hover / hours. Photographs. Live radio coverage. 3/12/1986 #37798 Washington DC “UFO Cover-Up?: Live!” Broadcast from Washington DC on 1 10/14/1988 #38672 the US. Soviet ufologists appeared live by satellite. AFOSI officer Rick Do 10/14/1988 #38672 -hour special titled UFO Cover-Up? Live! Host Mike Ferrell interviews Betty 10/14/1988 #38674 down by 2 scrambled Mirage jets. 2 live EBE’s and craft debris transported 5/17/1989 #38954 ed alien craft, 65 bodies, and one live alien retrieved between 1947 and 19 5/23/1989 #38960 iven to a small building where the live alien was delivered in a separate v 4/12/1991 #40038 hours, and apparently witnessed a live cattle mutilation in progress being 9/24/1992 #40640 do, and the radar operator gives a live report, recorded by the police, of 3/8/1994 #41449 Larry King broadcasts “Larry King Live at Area 51,” which includes a prere 10/1/1994 #41779 iguring out a plan to disclose ET “live among us,” and claims TAI may have 12/10/1994 #41888 them to prevent the escape of held live extraterrestrial entities. (Alleged 8/30/1996 #43001 4, 2008, appearance on Larry King Live, Mitchell tells the audience he had 4/10/1997 #43260 aliens in their work, while others live on earth and mingle with humans for 1/1998 #43482 nd quality, some of which included live occupants of Nordic, small hairy, a 7/31/1999 #43815 Green told him Eric Walker stated live aliens were retrieved, studied and 7/31/1999 #43815 WEST / LIVE OAK SPRS, CA 2 / car. Plain metalli 11/11/1999 #43877 mmonly known that aliens exist and live among us.” Fitts claims her time at 12/3/1999 #43892 , and Bill Birnes were interviewed live in Roswell, NM, about the infamous 7/4/2001 #44204 eries of analyses done at LANL on “live aliens” from 1950-51. Green didn’t 8/19/2003 #44576 were conducted at night, they used live 2–3 humans with a hydrocephalic con 1/15/2005 #44808 h attached gondolas that contained live test subjects and sometimes dead bo 6/2005 #44846 n County Sheriff’s Department. One live entity (EBE 1) was found hiding beh 11/1/2005 #44898 to Sandia then to Los Alamos. The live entity established communication an 11/1/2005 #44898 of Corona and at Pelona Peak, one live entity was found and several dead w 11/1/2005 #44899 sent to Wright-Patterson AFB. The live entity allegedly helped USG establi 11/1/2005 #44899 from Instagram soon after it goes live. A technical collaboration with the 8/8/2019 #45605 ed in New Mexico. EG&G also had a “live being” who looked human, kind of li 2/28/2023 #45796## Word: "lived" (Back to Top)
nd spelled out a message saying he lived in the Montezuma Mountains with hi 12/7/1896 #376 a New Yorker named Wilson when he lived in Fort Worth in 1876–1877. Baylor 4/20/1897 #546 d, TX Midnight. Frank Nichols, who lived 3 km east of Josserand and was one 4/22/1897 #554 osserand, Texas Frank Nichols, who lived 3 km east of Josserand and was one 4/22/1897 #556 this same night Frank Nichols, who lived two miles east of Josserand, Texas 4/22/1897 #562 ndentations. At the time Mr. Linke lived in communist controlled East Germa 6/17/1950 #4992 Author Whitley Streiber states he lived in San Antonio, TX at this time an 10/1952 #8077 Mr. Cisterne lived on the Farm Lachassagne, near Usse 9/24/1954 #10442 Pennsylvania Frances Stichler, who lived on a farm, was working in her barn 5/1957 #13628 y, New York Mrs. Edward Yeager who lived in a trailer on the Duanesburg-Chu 10/10/1957 #14091 afternoon Mrs. Edward Yeager, who lived in a trailer on the Duanesburg Chu 10/10/1957 #14096 ous races of people, who allegedly lived in dwellings shaped like cupolas a 4/1/1959 #15689 characters in the Bible originally lived on Mars. Trench believes that Adam 1960 #16141 r and asked if Edward Christiansen lived there. He then said he was from "t 1/9/1967 #21278 burned for 15 min. Mr. Martin, who lived nearby, also observed the light. H 4/21/1967 #22188 ground on the same street as Riera lived. 8/7/1967 #22840 vous and seemed surprised that she lived there alone. They finally left dis 1/29/1968 #23708 A man, who lived in a third floor apartment along w 7/1/1968 #24121 5:15 a.m. The rniddle-aged couple lived in a mobile home. The whole area w 2/7/1976 #30850 r. and Mrs. Belloq--the couple who lived there--awoke to a humming noise, l 6/26/1978 #33312 r. and Mrs. Belloq--the couple who lived there--awoke to a humming noise, l 6/26/1978 #33314 nas that he was from earth but had lived with extraterrestrials for a while 1/3/1979 #34292 m the bedroom by the young man who lived there. He next saw three humanoid 12/30/1982 #36729 gnetic effects, and three dogs who lived with him never returned. 7/15/1985 #37621 year-old farmer named Joaquim, who lived near Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, 5/15/1986 #37870 local farm to the hamlet where he lived in Artyemovka, Kharkov region, Ukr 12/31/1989 #39345 . Marcel states when he was 11 and lived in Roswell NM, in July 1947, his f 3/6/1991 #40002 m another higher civilization that lived on the earth 353,000 years ago." T 3/5/1992 #40359 ost civilization that they claimed lived in underground caves and tunnels w 3/5/1992 #40359 the Grey aliens were androids, and lived for only a few days before then we 7/25/1992 #40535 dren of both sexes that apparently lived there. The children were barefoot 8/2/2001 #44220 nted to yell out to her sister who lived next door, but was unable to utter 10/27/2004 #44771 “grey alien” in appearance, having lived in an apocalyptic Earth; the P52s 2008 #45109 d the idea because his friend, who lived there, said"there aren't any birds 2/11/2011 #45314## Word: "liver" (Back to Top)
ingly, he found himself cured of a liver ailment, which until then had been 3/5/1971 #26044 s, while samples from the animal’s liver are sent to two separate private l 3/24/1978 #33077 texture. Samples from the animal’s liver are found to be completely devoid 3/24/1978 #33077## Word: "liverato" (Back to Top)
SAN LIVERATO, ITL Several observer(s). 1/2 m 7/24/1979 #34670## Word: "liveright" (Back to Top)
Boni & Liveright publishes Charles Fort’s first 12/1/1919 #994 Boni & Liveright publishes New Lands by Charles 10/1923 #1035## Word: "livermore" (Back to Top)
LIVERMORE, CA 1 observer. 2 shiny saucer 5/6/1949 #4152 Livermore, CA 2 shiny, disc-like objects 5/6/1949 #4154 Livermore, California Witness: C. G. Gr 5/6/1949 #4157 h other and banked over a field in Livermore, California. One of the object 5/6/1949 #4163 Livermore, California UC Radiation Labor 1952 #5836 os Alamos, New Mexico The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is establi 1952 #5836 ional Laboratory is established in Livermore, California, as an offshoot of 1952 #5836 as its cofounders. Los Alamos and Livermore soon establish a rivalry, figh 1952 #5836 LIVERMORE, CA Ground Observer Corps (GOC 1/27/1953 #8579 Livermore (near), CA Bean (P) (NICAP: 11 1/27/1953 #8582 LIVERMORE FALLS, ME Blue Book. Small rou 12/28/1957 #14764 South Africa Berkeley, California Livermore branch [now the Lawrence Liver 8/27/1958 #15229 Livermore branch [now the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory] of the La 8/27/1958 #15229 los in an unpublished paper of the Livermore branch [now the Lawrence Liver 8/27/1958 #15229 Livermore branch [now the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory] of the La 8/27/1958 #15229 Livermore, CA 4:25 p.m. PDT. Two Sandia 10/21/1966 #21024 and nuclear scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; these ind 1974 #28634 Livermore Nevada Test Site Area 6 Area 5 1982 #36285 ordinating security operations for Livermore in the Area 6 section of the N 1982 #36285 LIVERMORE, CA 1 observer. Diamond over t 9/13/1986 #38026 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Ballistic 11/1986 #38057 physicist Lowell Wood at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Livermore 11/1986 #38057 nce Livermore National Laboratory. Livermore Director John Nuckolls describ 11/1986 #38057 erse engineering UAP at Sandia and Livermore. Fouche claims mercury-based p 1998 #43481 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory physicist 10/2006 #44970 ed roaming back and forth over the Livermore, California hills at 12:00 hou 5/12/2010 #45281 s, Sandia, Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore, assist. NNSA’s Office of Defe 3/22/2017 #45465## Word: "liverpool" (Back to Top)
BRISTOL AND LIVERPOOL, ENG Brilliant lights / sky sw 1/24/1913 #871 Clubmoor neighborhood of Liverpool, England 7:00–8:30 p.m. Severa 1/25/1913 #872 over the Clubmoor neighborhood of Liverpool, England. It is traveling abou 1/25/1913 #872 Greater Manchester, England Eccles Liverpool 9:00 p.m. A resident of Stretf 1/27/1913 #874 turns westward in the direction of Liverpool. 1/27/1913 #874 LIVERPOOL, ENG Clothes on lines float up 5/2/1942 #1412 DINGLE, LIVERPOOL, ENG 2 observer(s). 3+1 very l 6/1/1955 #12174 BIRKDALE, LIVERPOOL Several observer(s). 16' sauce 12/29/1955 #12621 Liverpool, England John Harney begins pu 1965 #18683 ide UFO Research Group Bulletin in Liverpool, England. 1965 #18683 Liverpool, England John Harney and Alan 1/1968 #23639 erseyside UFO Bulletin (MUFOB), in Liverpool, England, as an independent pu 1/1968 #23639 At 8:45 p.m. in Liverpool, England an iridescent object 8/6/1972 #26881 LIVERPOOL, ENGL 2 observer(s). Silvery o 10/22/1973 #28235 Liverpool London, England John Rimmer ha 1974 #28631 England John Rimmer has moved from Liverpool to London, England, in 1973, b 1974 #28631 Liverpool Creek, Qnsld., AU Beehive-shap 2/8/1979 #34409 LIVERPOOL CRK, AUSTRALIA Car malfunction 2/9/1979 #34413 Bruce Highway Liverpool Creek bridge Cowley Beach, Que 2/9/1979 #34416 on the Bruce Highway north of the Liverpool Creek bridge near Cowley Beach 2/9/1979 #34416 :00 p.m. while he was driving near Liverpool Creek, Queensland, Australia. 2/9/1979 #34418 LIVERPOOL, AUSTRALIA Cops and more/other 4/6/1997 #43254 OVER LIVERPOOL, ENGL 1 / 737 / 11km altitude. 12/9/1997 #43455 On this same night at 7:00 p.m. in Liverpool, England a large, stationary p 3/27/2003 #44507 jects lined up along Highway 35 in Liverpool, Brazoria County, Texas; an id 10/27/2008 #45179 re, England John Lennon Airport in Liverpool 5:16 p.m. A young couple are d 11/9/2019 #45616 landing at John Lennon Airport in Liverpool 25 minutes later. No radar tar 11/9/2019 #45616## Word: "liverton" (Back to Top)
Waiheke Island, New Zealand Ross Liverton reports a ring of bare earth, 8 1965 #18688## Word: "lives" (Back to Top)
reature, and a bipedal beaver that lives in huts. The humans are man-bats “ 8/25/1835 #130 ivilization on Mars and her former lives: the “Martian” cycle, “Ultramartia 1900 #639 Jackson wakes up W. E. Wilsie, who lives nearby, and they watch it disappea 8/3/1905 #679 England 1:30 a.m. A Mrs. Wigg, who lives near Belle Vue Park on Yarmouth Ro 5/16/1909 #750 lorado 7:30 p.m. Evelyn Trent, who lives on a farm nine miles from McMinnvi 5/11/1950 #4939 m impressive credentials from past lives. Ruth styles herself the Archangel 2/1954 #9522 introduces himself as Sananda, who lives on the utopian planet Clarion. She 4/1954 #9658 ntifies Allende as Carl Allen, who lives near him in Pennsylvania. In the O 4/1956 #12777 in the backyard, a Mrs. Martin who lives on Hope Road near Great Meadows, N 3/6/1957 #13523 ped away. Soon, two hours of their lives would vanish into oblivion. 9/19/1961 #16848 , a resident of Houston, Texas who lives not far from the NASA Space Flight 5/8/1971 #26103 ash of light.” Her son-in-law, who lives in a trailer 100 feet away, hears 2/6/1974 #28742 an beings tied by physiology, past lives, or both, to extraterrestrials who 1976 #30745 ake Washington 9:30 p.m. A man who lives on a hill overlooking the Boeing f 1976 #30750 ntific Company in Albuquerque, NM, lives next to the Manzano Weapons Storag 1979 #34253 ucted at different points of their lives. Debbie and her mother have identi Early 7/1983 #36900 ported in APRO Bulletin: D.M., who lives just south of White Swan, WA went 4/1984 #37250 Lima, Ohio 12:33 a.m. A woman who lives on the northwest edge of Lima, Ohi 2/12/1986 #37786 rgy and force them to repeat their lives on Earth. Former UK politician Sim 1/1991 #39944 heir homes. One, named Sylvia, who lives on the Rue Alexis Maneyrol, goes b 2/6/1991? #39974 Romania at around midnight. Mancu lives in the area and told Rusu he was g 7/8/1996 #42950 from 1944 to 2002 and follows the lives of three families: the Crawfords, 12/2/2002 #44457 and a way to understand their own lives and circumstances. It also gives t 10/2005 #44883## Word: "livestock" (Back to Top)
cky, goes outside to attend to his livestock. He sees an oblong object, som 4/13/1897 #452 farm. 6 men exit and make repairs. Livestock stampedes. Going quickly east. 4/14/1897 #457 3 yellow saucers circle and scare livestock. Going southwest. Back next ni 7/4/1947 #2631 it along behind. He stores it in a livestock shed about three miles north o 7/5/1947 #2725 ed his gun at the object. Numerous livestock died "mysteriously" in the are 1/29/1953 #8612 ed his gun at the object. Numerous livestock died "mysteriously" in the are 1/29/1953 #8618 rea 4 sends radioactive fallout on livestock across the region, including t 3/24/1953 #8782 at hid in caves and kidnapped both livestock and humans. Martinez never ret 4/10/1954 #9681 spheres zigzag all over/all about. Livestock panics. 8/15/1965 (approximate) #19395 ry, Tayside, Scotland, causing the livestock to panic. There were several w 8/15/1965 #19401 hers. Brilliant night light panics livestock. Generator quits. Object going 6/26/1970 #25708 at a low flying UFO frightened his livestock. 12/3/1973 #28515 BACA COUNTY, CO Big wave / livestock mutilations. See / r98#26 p133 10/1975 #30402 rations felt, uncomfortable sound, livestock reacted. Physical traces 9/30/1980 #35545 kened by a noise and his disturbed livestock. Getting up, he goes outside a 9/30/1980 #35546 risscrossed in the same direction. Livestock in the area panicked. The enti 9/22/1995 #42501 rns. Box / bottom/underside still. Livestock scared. 2/4/1996 #42739## Word: "livigno" (Back to Top)
30 mn. Videos / daylight saucers / Livigno same day. 8/17/1996 #42983## Word: "living" (Back to Top)
Moon is likely to be inhabited by living beings, whom the calls “Selenites 1638 #40 that Venus is likely the “abode of living creatures not unlike the inhabita 1871 #188 d County, Kentucky Sunrise. People living near the small hamlet of Leslie i 8/18/1893 #309 unrise. Augustus Rodgers, a farmer living two miles south of Louisville, Ke 4/13/1897 #452 midnight. Frank Nichols, a farmer living 2 miles east of Josserand, Texas, 4/22/1897 #560 00 p.m. Louis Dumhoff, a physician living at 112 Garfield Place in Cincinna 5/4/1897 #588 upied sky there should be hosts of living things than that the seeming blan 10/1923 #1035 . It may be that some of them were living things that occasionally come fro 2/1931 #1122 es it to the biological fission of living cells. 1/13/1939 #1304 r II. One craft allegedly contains living dwarves or children (human guinea 7/1/1947 #2523 ansas Sunset. Henry Seay, a farmer living 2 miles north of Fayetteville, Ar 7/4/1947 #2665 special military unit to examine a living being reportedly taken from a cra 1949 #3941 ematic close- range examination by living, intelligent observers from anoth 12/24/1949 #4443 ornia Contactee George Van Tassel, living at Giant Rock in the Mojave Deser 1/6/1952 #5861 d Doty’s 1980s disinformation, the living alien retrieved in 1949 (EBE-1) a 6/18/1952 #6542 anley Glickman, an American artist living in Paris, France, joins a group o 10/1952 #8075 entities taken to Blue Lab WP-61; Living entities taken to OPNAC BBS-01; n 1954 #9424 e was debriefed for three days in “living hell” in Building No. 5, and told 4/12/1954 #9685 f Norco, California Noon. A family living in a cottage on the outskirts of Late Spring 1954 #9803 Phillip Molava, age 13, living at an orphanage in Shirley, Surre 11/9/1954 #11611 ning Sr. Da Costa e Rosa, a farmer living in Linha Bela Vista, Rio Grande d 12/9/1954 #11789 otel Pennsylvania, where Tesla was living in the late 1920s. Tesla befriend 1955 #11894 claims that aliens are peacefully living on Earth, and that he has met wit 1955 #11896 in which she conceives of UFOs as living animals that inhabit the ionosphe 9/1955 #12422 ll and had bright white lights. No living human could believe how fast it t 11/2/1957 #14194 George Chowanski, an auto mechanic living in Drakestown, New Jersey was ale 12/30/1957 #14772 appears, but not forever, as he is living in Idaho in 2013, where David Boo 2/20/1959 #15595 and small animals and the bacteria living in and on them are exterminated, 6/1959 #15754 day Mr. Taylor, a 22-year-old man living in Whitefield, Greater Manchester 6/26/1959 #15792 ontana 10:30 p.m. Several children living in Canyon Ferry, Montana, see a l 4/30/1964 #18232 it suddenly stops functioning. The living room lights flicker (although flu 7/9/1965 #19089 ew over their car. Several persons living 20 km away also reported an unide 9/29/1965 #19622 ne of the windows is as big as her living room wall. An apparent ceiling li 11/1/1966 #21061 stove. They followed her into the living room where she handed the leader 1/25/1967 #21389 family members were sitting in the living room in a trance state. However, 1/25/1967 #21389 11:00 p.m. A man and his daughter living in Butler, Pennsylvania, take the 3/20/1967 #21923 e 31st of May in 1967 a farm woman living outside of Beausejour, Manitoba, 5/31/1967 #22433 e negative results. Walking to the living room he could now clearly see a l 11/28/1967 #23517 A woman living alone in an isolated cabin on Kea 1/29/1968 #23708 At dusk a woman living in a cabin near the coast on Keat 2/21/1968 #23775 pre-dawn hours a French physician living in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence de 11/1/1968 #24620 altitude. Three other individuals living in the area reported the same obj 6/26/1971 #26195 t Hyacinthe, Quebec Night. A woman living on a farm outside Saint Hyacinthe 7/29/1971 #26252 they ran inside and hid under the living room couch. When she looked out t 11/3/1971 #26452 Mrs. Vandervoort, who was living outside the village of Tarcienne, 3/20/1973 #27353 Liewragwong and another young girl living in the Klong Toey neighborhood of 9/2/1973 #27747 late on this night, a farm family living near Berea, Tennessee saw lights 10/15/1973 #28061 aws, antennas, and looked into his living room window with "scary eyes." Th 10/19/1973 #28196 , Illinois, is sitting in her dark living room when a light outside causes 11/1973 #28329 Joliette, Quebec 2:00 a.m. A woman living in an isolated area near Joliette 11/22/1973 #28459 hree UFOs from the window of their living room in Grayslake, Illinois when 3/12/1974 #28874 Lodi Lodi Late evening. A witness living southwest of Lodi, Wisconsin, see Summer 1974 #29218 onto the ground. He looks out the living room window and sees a UFO hoveri 6/25/1974 #29224 ncludes that extraterrestrials are living on Earth in humanoid bodies. Swan 2/1975 #29781 40-year-old artist named Malichev, living in Solnechnogorsk, Russia not far 7/21/1975 #30197 riest Butte, MT 4:30 p.m. A couple living on a ranch near Priest Butte, Mon 10/20/1975 #30452 y Tasmania Night. A married couple living near the Tasman Highway in Tasman 2/1976 #30842 High Spring, FL 11:00 p.m. A woman living near Lake City called the sheriff 2/10/1976 #30861 ng the house, they returned to the living room when she suddenly showed up. 3/5/1976 #30928 e witness, a woman in her thirties living on Rue Cleroux, Ste. was in her k 4/6/1977 #31952 e witness, a woman in her thirties living on Rue Cleroux, Ste. Dorothee, Qu 4/6/1977 #31953 where he recounts his experiences living alongside his men. Three months a 7/1977 #32220 pasty white short humanoids in her living room. They were 4.5 feet tall, ha 7/19/1977 #32294 nse sensation that he had killed a living being." Investigation at the site 8/25/1977 #32423 Gould family were sitting in their living room in South Middleton, Massachu 1/9/1978 #32862 0 p.m. A dog staying with a couple living on Michigan Avenue in Dearborn, M Late 4/1978 #33167 hite mist. She was standing in her living room by a balcony overlooking the 12/16/1978 #34155 an designee of an extraterrestrial living in a subterranean facility near W 1979 #34262 gigantic “mothership” outside her living room window in a southwest suburb 8/29/1979 #34801 und to be totally sterile with all living organisms completely absent. 9/2/1979 #34820 intense white light flooded their living room from outside. Looking out, t 11/30/1979 #35034 the witness, a 33-year-old painter living in Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England 1/5/1980 #35124 ding light. Frightened, the couple living in the house locked themselves in 4/6/1980 #35258 ndiana 7:30–11:00 p.m. Many people living in northern Missouri and northeas 11/18/1980 #35654 inois 1:00 a.m. A registered nurse living on West Granville Avenue on the n 3/6/1981 #35861 w, but almost immediately a family living a quarter mile away sees them dri 3/24/1983 #36806 ious beliefs. Roswell and the 1949 living alien are mentioned, as well as P 4/9/1983 #36830 in Victoria, AU Hundreds of people living in the Australian state of Victor 5/20/1983 #36861 ngeles, California A Hispanic male living in the Reseda neighborhood of Los 1984 #37094 e local military, several families living nearby were displaced, and a barb 9/16/1989 #39109 re. The father was standing in the living room with all the lights on, when 10/27/1989 #39188 ehensive, she walked back into the living room and attempted to sleep on th 10/31/1989 #39199 en are sitting in front of a large living room window in Hall Beach, Nunavu 11/4/1989 #39214 paralyze her and move her into the living room. Linda and three of the five 11/30/1989 #39283 aliens are floated out through her living room window, directly through the 11/30/1989 #39283 eur photographer is sitting in his living room at Eupen, Belgium, when he s 12/1/1989 #39293 from the crawlspace underneath the living room floor. She ran upstairs and 3/13/1990 #39458 en she noticed a tall human in the living room dressed entirely in black an 5/14/1991 #40061 farm vehicle, a 65-year-old farmer living in Bekes, Hungary was doing chore 12/4/1991 #40254 table in Salem, Oregon facing the living room with the kitchen to her left 8/13/1992 #40569 Melitta Walter was sitting in her living room in Magdeburg, Germany at 8:3 11/9/1992 #40707 feet in diameter formed from still living vegetation. Plant life outside th 3/30/1993 #40907 pre-dawn hours of this day a woman living in West Palm Beach, Florida awoke 7/24/1993 #41082 d were cowering in a corner of the living room, holding on to each other. T 8/18/1993 #41146 s, but also cloning rooms in which living but inert humans are suspended in 1994 #41345 and the other contained something living. Sources said that the soldiers h 1/20/1996 #42697 B. C., a 57-year-old farmer living in Ille et Vilaine, Chantepie, Fr 1/5/1997 #43166 t to her feet and stagger into her living room. She stayed up until 3:30 a. 9/11/1997 #43405 t to her feet and stagger into her living room. She stayed up until 3:30 a. 9/12/1997 #43407 oen Raepeth are lifted up from the living room sofa and thrown outdoors int 12/1997 #43452 A family of three living near San Francisco, California re 2/6/1998 #43514 mland Regiment Day. Several people living near the shore of Lake Backsjön, 7/27/1999 #43814 around 2:00 a.m. several residents living on the slopes of a hill in Tocopi 4/26/2000 #43986 At 11:45 p.m. a married couple living north of Pine Gap near Alice Spri 5/15/2000 #43995 or open and someone walking in the living room. Soon an alien figure came t 7/12/2000 #44015 Rzeszów, Poland 7:00 p.m. A woman living in the Baranówka neighborhood of 12/24/2000 #44109 lieved could see that the skin was living tissue stretched over a metallic 9/3/2003 #44592 , Denmark 9:00 p.m. A Polish woman living in Aarhus, Denmark, looks up and 11/2008 #45185 lsed and throbbed” as if they were living and breathing. Garratt claimed he 3/31/2011 #45322 early hours of March 19, a couple living in a rural section of Warkworth, 3/19/2013 #45362 e become deeply embedded on Earth, living in their own apartments, mingling 9/2015 #45438 , Louisiana, begin growling in the living room, and cows in the pasture are 4/5/2018 #45524## Word: "livingston" (Back to Top)
a 8:45 p.m. Army Staff Sgt. Ira L. Livingston watches a procession of glowi 7/6/1947 #2813 LIVINGSTON, MT Machinist. 25cm shiny obj 7/11/1947 #3127 LIVINGSTON, MT 3 boys. Saucers going qui 8/23/1947 #3361 in and Kenneth Smith, working near Livingston, Montana saw disc-shaped mach 8/23/1947 #3362 LIVINGSTON, NJ Private pilot and 1. 2 wh 9/3/1956 #13177 Hendricks while walking out of the Livingston Shopping Mall observed a larg 5/9/1977 #32078 Hendricks while walking out of the Livingston Shopping Mall observed a larg 5/9/1977 #32079 M8 NORTH / LIVINGSTON, SCOTLAND 4 / car. Vague roun 1/29/1978 #32923 nt Law. At 5:50 p.m. five women in Livingston watched a circle of lights th 11/8/1979 #34987 00 meters distance in Bellsquarry, Livingston, Lothian, Scotland. It glowed 11/8/1979 #34987 NORTH / LIVINGSTON, SCT Large ovoid fades away! 11/9/1979 #34988 Dechmont Woods Livingston, Scotland 10:30 a.m. Robert T 11/9/1979 #34989 working in the Dechmont Woods near Livingston, Scotland. Taylor and his dog 11/9/1979 #34989## Word: "livingstone" (Back to Top)
LIVINGSTONE, SCOTLAND Silver saucer rise 11/17/1978 #33961## Word: "livio" (Back to Top)
aeli-American astrophysicist Mario Livio speculates that extraterrestrials 8/21/1998 #43633## Word: "livorno" (Back to Top)
LIVORNO, ITALY UFO lands / field. Type u 10/19/1954 #11226 Livorno, Italy Bruno Senesi saw two shin 10/19/1954 #11238 emitting smoke land in a field in Livorno, Tuscany, Italy. Out of the craf 10/19/1954 #11247 LIVORNO, ITL Fishermen spooked. Waves / 11/8/1954 (approximate) #11591 PISA AND LIVORNO, ITL Airliner delays landing 3X. 12/6/1973 #28528 erraio from an outing in Marciano, Livorno, Italy in rainy weather when the 8/28/1977 #32439 LIVORNO, ITL 2 / 5th floor wakened / buz 8/28/1978 #33581 floor of an apartment building in Livorno, Italy were awakened by a buzzin 8/28/1978 #33586 from the harbormaster's office on Livorno. The harbor captain remained in 6/22/1979 #34626## Word: "lizard" (Back to Top)
, England Whitburn Tyne Sunderland Lizard Point The British Board of Trade 12/1865 #165 he Souter Lighthouse is erected on Lizard Point. 12/1865 #165 ed and bumpy skin, “like that of a lizard.” This being would disappear into 8/29/1968 #24401 e skin and a face like a frog or a lizard, 3 or 4 ft tall. It leaped over t 3/3/1972 #26587## Word: "lizard-like" (Back to Top)
be in charge. He described them as lizard-like, very muscular, with almond 9/20/1994 #41765 ported seeing several reptilian or lizard-like humanoids with bright red ey 1/30/1995 #42002## Word: "lizard-types" (Back to Top)
YUMA, AZ Man abduction / bedroom. Lizard-types. Small helmeted figure(s) m 9/20/1994 #41763## Word: "lizards" (Back to Top)
is populated by “huge monsters and lizards such as roamed the earth ages ag 1/9/1911 #853## Word: "lizelia" (Back to Top)
LIZELIA, MS Project Bluebook Case #11869 7/10/1967 #22639 Lizelia, MS 5:50 p.m. CDT. A golf pro, a 7/10/1967 #22644 Lizelia, Mississippi Witness: golf pro 7/10/1967 #22645 In Lizelia, Mississippi at 5:50 p.m. CDT go 7/10/1967 #22646## Word: "liège" (Back to Top)
Lamonriville, Malmédy, Belgium Liège Flawinne Ellezelles 10:10 p.m. Gir 7/4/1972 #26764 several witnesses at a bus stop in Liège view a triangle of bright globes o 7/4/1972 #26764 Square Nicolaï Ans Liège Belgium Weather forecaster Frances 12/1/1989 #39292 king in the Square Nicolaï in Ans, Liège, Belgium, when they see a large, s 12/1/1989 #39292 Stockay, Liège, Belgium 11:15 p.m. A retired arch 5/4/1990 #39556 retired archaeologist in Stockay, Liège, Belgium, is about to return home 5/4/1990 #39556## Word: "ljubljana" (Back to Top)
Ljubljana, Slovenia Sarajevo, Bosnia Bel 10/15/1954 #11112 -shaped objects, especially around Ljubljana, Slovenia; Sarajevo, Bosnia; a 10/15/1954 #11112 LJUBLJANA, YUGO Silent blue object / 150 7/27/1968 #24238 30KM / LJUBLJANA, YUGO Small humanoids (or Grey 10/7/1972 #27054 LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA Height / Arab-Israel 10/10/1973 (approximate) #27978 sraeli war, two police officers in Ljubljana, Yugoslavia watched a big fire 10/10/1973 #27982 SENOZECE, SLOVENIA Southwest / Ljubljana. 2+observer(s). Silent orange- 2/4/1977 #31787## Word: "ljugarn" (Back to Top)
Ljugarn Gotland Sweden 8:47 p.m. Astrono 8/11/1946 #2116 blad sees an exploding fireball in Ljugarn on Gotland, Sweden. 8/11/1946 #2116## Word: "ljungdahl" (Back to Top)
ited by Lt. Col. Rudberg, Capt. C. Ljungdahl, and Capt. R. Westlin, who con 7/10/1946 #2046## Word: "ljunggren" (Back to Top)
Defense department; chemist Gustaf Ljunggren; physicist Martin Fehrm; and O 7/6/1946 #2027 Research Institute Chemist Gustaf Ljunggren of the Swedish National Defens 9/21/1946 #2185## Word: "ljungsbro" (Back to Top)
BERG AND LJUNGSBRO, SWD 1+1 separate observer(s). 9/6/1988 #38633## Word: "lk" (Back to Top)
LK KATTISTJARN, SWD 1 observer. Big roar 7/19/1946 #2067 MARROWBONE LK, TN Project Bluebook Case #682. 2 fis 3/29/1950 #4754 DAMARISCOTTA LK, ME Doctor. Large frying pan going no 8/30/1952 #7795 PISTAKEE LK, IL Architect. Object whistles and fl 4/21/1954 #9698 PATHFINDER LK, WY Whistle. 7 10M disks going [to] a 2/1956 #12688 15 MI SOUTH / HOUGHTON LK, MI Project Bluebook Case #8924. 4+2 7/16/1964 #18413 FALCON LK, MB 2 saucers. 1 going down. 3 pseudo 5/20/1967 #22376 LK POSO, INDONS Many observer(s). Glowin 5/4/1968 (approximate) #23943 NEAR HULUN LK, CHINA Border guards. Boat saucer hov 8/1968 #24281 PEEBLES AND LANGENBURG AND LK LENORE, SSK 30 day rash / crop circle 9/1974 (approximate) #29410 EAST / LK SORELL, TASMANIA 5 observer(s). 50' o 3/14/1975 #29896 WASHOE LK AND CARSON CITY, NV NHP dispatcher. W 1/28/1976 #30826 MUD BEACH / CHAMBERLAIN LK, ME Allagash 4 and more/others. Fireb 8/24/1976 #31296 SOUTH / CHISAGO LK, MN Family. Silent formation / 5 red 3/22/1978 #33062 CHARLESTON LK, ONT 3 observer(s). 3 red moons / tre 9/16/1981 #36117 LK TORROJEN GOING QUICKLY [TO] MT. GRONF 9/28/1988 #38653 LTL FOX LK, YKN 2 / car. 10M saucer / 60M altitu 3/30/2000 #43970## Word: "ll" (Back to Top)
to Chadwell, saying “perhaps that’ll take care of the Forteans for a while 1/20/1953 #8557 htings. Hillenkoetter advises, “we’ll have to do something to speed things Spring 1959 #15660 n, Illinois Witness: R.B. Stiles, ll, using a theodolite. One light, the s 7/1/1963 #17822 having trouble? Come on out and we’ll see what we can do about it.” He says 5/20/1967 #22382 estrial origin. They are told they’ll have the government’s full cooperatio 5/1973 #27461 , “Well, let me figure this out. I’ll let you know.” Then they notice that 3/12/1977 #31901 ou hit it with enough terahertz it’ll float,” he stated. “We’re going to be 7/2018 #45532## Word: "llagonne" (Back to Top)
LLAGONNE, FR 2 observer(s). 5M round "sw 10/4/1985 #37672## Word: "llagosta" (Back to Top)
LA LLAGOSTA, SP Trucker. Bright ovoid uprig 9/21/1968 #24491 e Barcelona-Puigcerda road near La Llagosta, Barcelona, Spain saw a landed 9/21/1968 #24495## Word: "llah" (Back to Top)
and that Sunar had once met Baha’u”llah, the founder of the Baha’i religion 8/23/1976 #31294## Word: "llamas" (Back to Top)
alentina Flores is bringing in her llamas on her farm between Opoco and Uyu 3/10/1968 #23834 ack and helmet etc. Guts sheep and Llamas. Flies. / r249p28. 12/1968 #24738## Word: "llanca" (Back to Top)
Bordeu, Bahia Blanca, Arg Dionisio Llanca humanoid encounter, abduction. (U 10/28/1973 #28308 na 1:15 a.m. Truck driver Dionisio Llanca is changing a tire along Highway 10/28/1973 #28309 ralyzed by the light from the UFO, Llanca lets one of the beings take a blo 10/28/1973 #28309 d major discrepancies and consider Llanca’s story an invention devised to m 10/28/1973 #28309 Dionisio Llanca, age 25, was changing a tire alon 10/28/1973 #28311 nder hypnosis and sodium pentothal Llanca recalled being transported onto a 10/28/1973 #28311 come back and take him with them. Llanca regained consciousness between 2 10/28/1973 #28311 here he remained for several days. Llanca had nightmares and severe anxiety 10/28/1973 #28311## Word: "llandovery" (Back to Top)
bique Channel Union-Castle Mail SS Llandovery Castle 11:00 p.m. Mrs. A. M. 7/1/1947? #2522 e deck of the Union-Castle Mail SS Llandovery Castle as it is steaming thro 7/1/1947? #2522## Word: "llandrillo" (Back to Top)
Llandrillo, Wales 8:30 p.m. The entire v 1/23/1974 #28693 Llandrillo, northern Wales Cadair Bronwe 1/23/1974 #28694 South Wales 8:30 p.m. Witnesses at Llandrillo, northern Wales, see a bright 1/23/1974 #28694 The entire village of Llandrillo, Wales heard a loud explosion 1/23/1974 #28695## Word: "llandrindod" (Back to Top)
Ludlow Museum Llandrindod Wells, Powys, Wales 9:00 p.m 7/22/1966 #20668 isosceles triangle to the east of Llandrindod Wells, Powys, Wales. It hove 7/22/1966 #20668## Word: "llandudno" (Back to Top)
LLANDUDNO, NORTH WALES 2 observer(s). Ma 5/1/1989 #38929## Word: "llanelli" (Back to Top)
LLANELLI, SOUTH WALES 4 observer(s). Sau 7/6/1994 (approximate) #41608 At 11:40 p.m. in Llanelli, Wales, UK a disc changed shape 7/6/1994 #41610## Word: "llanerchymedd" (Back to Top)
LLANERCHYMEDD, WALES 10' bullet going do 9/1/1978 #33619 Llanerchymedd, Anglesey, Wales, UK Sever 9/1/1978 #33621 Llanerchymedd, Anglesey, Wales After 8:0 9/1/1978 #33622 ter 8:00 p.m. Several villagers in Llanerchymedd, Anglesey, Wales, includin 9/1/1978 #33622 Shortly after 8:00 p.m. in Llanerchymedd, Anglesey, Wales several v 9/1/1978 #33623## Word: "llanfair" (Back to Top)
MOLD AND RUTHIN AND LLANFAIR TALHAEARN AND RHYL, WALES Spate 8/23/1986 #38000## Word: "llangernyw" (Back to Top)
LLANGERNYW, WALES 20+observer(s). Fireba 4/14/1984 #37261 Llangernyw, North Wales 12:00 midnight. 4/15/1984 #37263 police officer, venture scouts) at Llangernyw, North Wales, see a pink-oran 4/15/1984 #37263## Word: "llangollen" (Back to Top)
LLANGOLLEN, NORTH WALES Intensely dark o 9/2/1905 #681 An intensely dark object flew over Llangollen, Gwynedd, Wales at an altitud 9/2/1905 #682## Word: "llangothlin" (Back to Top)
LLANGOTHLIN, AUS 2 / car. Large silver c 10/19/1975 #30448## Word: "llangurig" (Back to Top)
LLANGURIG, POWYS, WALES 2 government gua 2/9/1992 #40324## Word: "llangynidr" (Back to Top)
Llangynidr, Powys, Wales Newport 10:40 p 1/27/1997 #43178 on a quiet back road just south of Llangynidr, Powys, Wales, when he sees a 1/27/1997 #43178## Word: "llanidloes" (Back to Top)
Llanidloes, Powys, Wales 10:30 p.m. Paul 6/5/1998 #43580 nd his girlfriend are driving near Llanidloes, Powys, Wales, when they noti 6/5/1998 #43580## Word: "llannefydd" (Back to Top)
Denbigh Moors Llannefydd, North Wales Night. A witness 5/8/2005 #44833 lights over the Denbigh Moors near Llannefydd, North Wales. The lights had 5/8/2005 #44833## Word: "llano" (Back to Top)
LLANO, TX Observer(s) = Smith and Owen. 7/9/1947 #3046 one-meter diameter disc flew over Llano, Texas heading toward the southwes 7/9/1947 #3075 OVER LLANO ESTACADO, TX Air Force pilot and 1 6/10/1954 #9886 exas Gulf of Mexico Brownsville El Llano, Coyame, Chihuahua, Mexico El Paso 8/25/1974 #29386 er a vast desert plain known as El Llano near Coyame, Chihuahua, Mexico, a 8/25/1974 #29386 LLANO, TX 2+2 observer(s). Photographs / 3/20/1984 #37230 LLANO, TX 5 observer(s). Huge dome going 4/19/1984 #37270 Llano, TX 8:05 PM. Five people in Llano, 4/19/1984 #37272 Llano, TX 8:05 PM. Five people in Llano, Texas, witnessed a huge dome-shap 4/19/1984 #37272 Llano, Texas 8:05 p.m. A family in Llano 4/19/1984 #37274 Llano, Texas 8:05 p.m. A family in Llano, Texas, watches a huge dome-shaped 4/19/1984 #37274 At 8:05 p.m. five people in Llano, Texas witnessed a huge dome-shape 4/19/1984 #37275 ll” Tejon Rance, McDonnell Douglas Llano Plant, Lockheed-Martin Helendale P 8/30/1996 #43001 k Team was at Nellis; Tejon Ranch, Llano Plant, Helendale Plant, Phillips L 4/18/2016 #45451## Word: "llanos" (Back to Top)
na Manises airport in Valencia Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete Sagunto Afri 11/11/1979 #34997 f at 2:10 a.m. from the nearby Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete to intercept 11/11/1979 #34997 Madrid, Spain Motril, Grenada Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete, Castilla–La 11/17/1979 #35005 a Mirage F1 is scrambled from Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete, Castilla–La 11/17/1979 #35005 , the pilot is heading back to Los Llanos when he sees three powerful red-y 11/17/1979 #35005 e gap. During his descent into Los Llanos, some childish, laughing voices b 11/17/1979 #35005## Word: "llanquihue" (Back to Top)
LLANQUIHUE LAKE, CHL 2 / boat. Huge obje 10/20/1990 #39798## Word: "llantrisant" (Back to Top)
s-shaped object going [to] over. / Llantrisant Observer 13.9.73. 9/6/1973 #27770## Word: "llasa" (Back to Top)
LLASA AND, TIBET Huge fireball east goin 7/24/1981 #36029## Word: "llc" (Back to Top)
99 to found the company AC Gravity LLC. AC Gravity was awarded a DOD grant 8/1/1997 #43364 Torr later founded PST Associates, LLC in North Carolina which had one cont 3/1/1998 #43527 (MSTS) for site management and SOC LLC for site security for the Nevada Tes 10/1998 #43656 cover up. Triad National Security LLC, which manages Los Alamos, filed a p 5/17/1999 #43770 pany Transdimensional Technologies LLC states it is working on anti-graviti 3/2004 #44671 AP paper, Robert Baker of GravWave LLC, accuses the JASON analysis of makin 10/2008 #45173 agement of Triad National Security LLC; Triad also develops next-generation 3/22/2017 #45465 ontractor, Triad National Security LLC based in Los Alamos, NM, filed a pat 6/25/2021 #45695 ginia. The Triad National Security LLC patent states an air-buoyant structu 6/25/2021 #45695 : In 2018, Triad National Security LLC became the manager and operator of L 6/25/2021 #45695 edge fund Renaissance Technologies LLC and its manager Jim Simons may be si 2/22/2023 #45794## Word: "llewellyn" (Back to Top)
n). Also involved are Maj. Raymond Llewellyn (chief of special projects bra 1/22/1948 #3563 fternoon, Loedding, Deyarmond, and Llewellyn (now apparently director of Pr 7/25/1948 #3738 Georgia Loedding, Deyarmond, and Llewellyn interview Chiles and Whitted i 7/26/1948 #3742 certainly are part of the writing. Llewellyn certainly looks in. All these 9/30/1948? #3817 ft. The school’s headteacher Ralph Llewellyn asks them to draw the UFO and 2/4/1977 #31790## Word: "llewelyn" (Back to Top)
MC. For the higher military ranks (Llewelyn and Sneider), all we know is th 1/1949 #3950## Word: "llobregat" (Back to Top)
PRAT DE LLOBREGAT, SP Plane landing aborted. Nig 6/15/1967? #22507## Word: "lloyd" (Back to Top)
physicist Edward Condon, physicist Lloyd P. Smith, and Henry DeWolf Smyth. 6/28/1941 #1367 d R&D committees and advisers like Lloyd Berkner of the Carnegie Institutio 7/3/1946 #2025 by airport control tower operators Lloyd D. Jensen and Manuel E. Johnson, a 10/1/1948 #3827 t of Albuquerque. Capt. Ernest Van Lloyd and the crew of Pioneer Airlines F 12/5/1948 #3909 that Lawrence R. Hafstad succeeds Lloyd Berkner as executive secretary. 11/3/1949 #4410 st pilot Max Stanley and observers Lloyd Balsam and Sam F. West were asked 4/18/1950 #4867 ants (Julius Stratton, and perhaps Lloyd Berkner and Howard P. Robertson) t 9/24/1952 #8022 , Gen. Robert Miller Montague, and Lloyd Berkner. 11/18/1952 #8295 icate controlled flight. Physicist Lloyd Berkner joins the panel in the aft 1/16/1953 #8543 Goudsmit, Prof. Luis Alvarez, Dr. Lloyd Berkner and Prof. Thornton Page. 1/26/1953 #8568 Carolina 11:30 p.m. A farmer named Lloyd C. Booth just north of Conway, Sou 1/29/1953 #8616 Bedford, Indiana 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Lloyd Wright and Mrs. Lester Parsons of 8/25/1955 #12408 t. Substitute navigator Lt. Jimmie Lloyd says the crew turned in all photos Fall 1956 #13239 . Reynolds and his 15-year-old son Lloyd are camped in their trailer 900 fe 3/16/1961 #16632 official statistics, case # 9864; Lloyd Mallan, Science & Mechanics, Decem 8/30/1965 #19481 Truro, Massachusetts on Cape Cod, Lloyd Costa saw two people near a round 8/28/1975 #30315 Francis Lloyd, age 24, was driving a large truck 8/28/1977 #32437 seen by two men, John F. Clark and Lloyd List, from a Cessna 172 over Red B 8/28/1980 #35481 fornia 1:15 p.m. Flight instructor Lloyd List is flying northbound at 138 m 9/4/1980 #35494 Landrum contact their US Senators, Lloyd Bentsen and John Tower, who sugges 12/29/1980 #35757 ult with the Secretary of Defense (Lloyd Austin under the Biden Administrat 12/27/2020 #45670## Word: "lloydsville" (Back to Top)
in the skies over East Greensburg, Lloydsville, Youngstown and Kiska Valley 4/22/1972 #26659## Word: "llp" (Back to Top)
Buffenbarger, and Holland & Knight LLP Partner Tillie Fowler. https://www. 11/27/2002 #44452## Word: "lluchmayor" (Back to Top)
man was driving along a highway in Lluchmayor Palma de Mallorca, Baleares, 8/25/1977 #32423## Word: "lluminated" (Back to Top)
o Chi Minh City), Vietnam saw five lluminated white ovals that passed behin 4/17/1967 #22154## Word: "lluscuma" (Back to Top)
Pampa Lluscuma, Chile 3:50 AM. Eight soldiers 4/25/1977 #32024 on a military patrol on the Pampa Lluscuma, Chile suddenly saw a bright li 4/25/1977 #32027## Word: "llíria" (Back to Top)
Llíria Valencia province, Spain Vilamarx 2/22/1977 #31839 d as they are driving northwest of Llíria in Valencia province, Spain, and 2/22/1977 #31839## Word: "lm" (Back to Top)
a piece of mylar covering for the LM, that came off when attitude control 6/18/1969 #25222## Word: "lnar" (Back to Top)
LNAR, CZK 4 saucers / vertical line / sk 8/14/1965 #19388## Word: "lng" (Back to Top)
[to] overhead. Size / coin / arms Lng. 1/13/1996 #42679## Word: "lns" (Back to Top)
rail. Jets chase. Police and Media Lns jammed. Vanishes! 4/21/1990 #39537## Word: "lnverlock" (Back to Top)
on in South Dudley, Wonthaggi, and lnverlock. TV sets variously display whi 9/19/1963 #17946## Word: "lo" (Back to Top)
Charles Fort writes in Lo!, published this month, that “Unknown 2/1931 #1122 Bt. St. Lo and Vire, France Cherry-red light; si 8/1944 #1632 San Vito Lo Capo, Sicily, Italy Capo Carbonara, S 4/19/1961 #16655 the ship is 33 miles off San Vito Lo Capo, Sicily, Italy. It is green and 4/19/1961 #16655 LO CASTILLO AIRPORT/APARTMENT, CHILE Sev 7/24/1968 #24216 LO CAOA AND MORE/OTHERS .CHL UFO going d 2/9/1997 #43189 WEST MEMPHIS, AR Silver triangle.Lo altitude. Nose turns up but keeps lev 11/29/1998 #43688## Word: "lo-power" (Back to Top)
nt Harry Lamp and four boys, using lO-power binoculars. One 75' object, 3- 12/6/1950 #5328## Word: "loa" (Back to Top)
LOA, UT Mailman and 2. Slow dark 10M cyl 11/15/1958 (approximate) #15442 ew Mexico Corona Pelona Peak Datil Loa Alamos National Laboratory Roswell A 11/1/2005 #44898 d bodies were later transferred to Loa Alamos National Laboratory. Roswell 11/1/2005 #44898## Word: "load" (Back to Top)
of the day collecting debris. They load the rear of Marcel’s car and then t 7/7/1947 #2928 , VNZ 6 small humanoids (or Greys) load rocks / saucer! Ray-device paralyze 12/19/1954 #11834 l it in, begin readying the scope, load the film, and wait for the okay. Ge 5/2/1957 #13643 ct, which ultimately chased a jeep load of people for approximately 30 minu 12/21/1957 #14753 to Mannum, South Australia, with a load of vegetables and Claypans Postmast 3/13/1959 #15641 om the object when he hears a very load roar increasing in volume and sees 4/24/1964 #18200 3 sec. After the incident a plane load of officials from Washington arrive Summer 1966 #20590 you. But not now, as we have a big load." They directed his attention to an 7/2/1968 #24133 engrocer Allan James is checking a load on his truck prior to descending fr 9/10/1972 #26986 ch alarmed them and caused them to load their rifles. Then they heard a sou 11/12/1976 #31540 At 10:48 p.m. the pilot, co-pilot, load master, and flight engineer onboard 10/23/2003 #44612 , but the camera function wouldn't load. She accelerated down the highway t 6/1/2013 #45369## Word: "loaded" (Back to Top)
ns, telling him that “the craft is loaded with several tons of dynamite and 4/6/1897 #416 nd they tell him that the craft is loaded with several tons of dynamite for 4/15/1897 #487 ns due to vapor leaks when heavily loaded with fuel, as it might have been 12/5/1945 #1950 te-controlled drones that are then loaded with automatic cameras, radiation 7/1/1946 #2024 t is sealed in a courier pouch and loaded on an airplane to be flown on to 7/6/1947 #2812 er’s seat. Only a few packages are loaded onto the plane. One, a triangular 7/8/1947 #3019 release are recovered. Three fully loaded C-54’s carry debris to Los Alamos 7/9/1947 #3054 ed in a large cereal box, which is loaded into Brown’s army vehicle. Brown 7/31/1947 #3264 units have their antiaircraft guns loaded after the first incident. When fi 5/1952 #6229 ctady, NY Air Force Requests Plane Loaded With Passengers To Chase UFO (NIC 4/8/1956 #12801 en driving a tractor-trailer truck loaded with coal watched a lit-up "railw 11/26/1962 #17563 he dog. That night he slept with a loaded gun beside his bed. The next day 11/14/1966 #21101 he dog. That night he slept with a loaded gun beside his bed. The next day 11/15/1966 #21109 its. The beings paralyzed them and loaded them onto a wagon-like sledge. Th 1/1/1971 #25966 nzalez was driving a six-ton truck loaded with asbestos sheeting, cement, a 5/22/1973 #27520 matic shotgun out of the trunk and loaded it with its maximum of five carri 2/5/1978 #32957 pistol at it, while Evelyn Clayton loaded a .22 caliber rifle. The creature 8/21/1978 #33540 ng a 1974 Kenworth tractor-trailer loaded with mustard and ketchup on US Hi 8/29/1979 #34803 ported to a nearby parking lot and loaded onto flatbeds, and taken to Brook 9/28/1989 #39132 bedroom, carried her outside, and loaded her into a waiting, large "milita 7/24/1993 #41082 mm camera with a standard lens and loaded with 400 ASA color film. Dogs do 8/31/1994 #41707 vering over the cabin. One witness loaded his gun and began firing at the c 1/7/1997 #43167 ed his dog loose to go check, then loaded his weapon, and fired two shots i 11/25/1998 #43685 friend pulled into the campground, loaded their backpacks, and set off. The 9/16/2007 #45059 e while a nuclear weapon was being loaded into a B-29 in the 1950s at Kirtl 1/1/2008 #45110## Word: "loading" (Back to Top)
astward. Some dock workers who are loading the SS Arndale also see the obje 5/19/1909 #765 ld jockey, saw six small creatures loading stones into a disk-shaped machin 12/19/1954 #11837 collecting vegetation samples and loading stones into the disc. When he tr 12/19/1954 #11838 In 1973, Mr. Marjapori was loading gravel at French Lake in Annanda 12/1/1973 #28497 etal for his sculptures, remembers loading ball check valves into the rooft 3/27/1974 #28961 te. The informant was charged with loading crates onto helicopters and by t 6/27/1979 #34637 n cordoned off and that trucks are loading odd material. There are rumors t 1/13/1996 #42681 and a “military presence” that is loading “body bags” onto a Sea King heli 3/24/1997 #43239 kåne, Sweden 8:30 p.m. Two men are loading gravel onto a truck in Tomelilla 11/11/1999 #43879## Word: "loadmaster" (Back to Top)
. Sgt. John F. Duffy is serving as loadmaster and radio operator aboard a K Winter 1997 #43468## Word: "loads" (Back to Top)
bris from the range. Brazel either loads it into the back of his truck or d 7/5/1947 #2725 . With the help of his son, Marcel loads it into the car to be taken to Ros 7/8/1947 #3010 car and gets a .25 caliber pistol, loads it, and fires point blank at the o 5/13/1967 #22336 ulls over to the side of the road, loads her camera, and takes five photos, 7/13/1968 #24173 cans” on her porch. She grabs and loads a shotgun, turns on the porch ligh 2/6/1974 #28742## Word: "loaf" (Back to Top)
d object flat on the bottom like a loaf of bread, with a bluish-green tint, 11/3/1957 #14243 was lost to sight beyond the Sugar Loaf in the direction of Niteroi. 8/11/1971 #26280 rectangular object shaped “like a loaf of bread” hovering above the Obolon 6/24/1989 #38994 / YORK, ENGLAND 2 / car. "Cottage loaf" object turns. Veers. Climbs. Vanis 7/8/1994 #41616## Word: "loaiza" (Back to Top)
. On board are photographer Sergio Loaiza, a specialist in aerial photograp 9/4/1971 #26317 o and topographer Francisco Reyes. Loaiza was using a R-M-K 15/23 camera, s 9/4/1971 #26317## Word: "loan" (Back to Top)
received an emergency $250 million loan guarantee passed by the US Congress 10/21/2021 #45717 ote in favor of it). The Emergency Loan Guarantee Board set up by the Nixon 10/21/2021 #45717 ixon Administration to oversee the loan refused to allow the General Accoun 10/21/2021 #45717## Word: "loaned" (Back to Top)
ce. It adds that the disc is being loaned by Maj. Marcel “to higher headqua 7/8/1947 #3020 size of a man’s thumb and has been loaned to him by the Air Force, but he m 7/28/1952 #7266 emisa Province Western Cuba A U-2 (loaned to the Air Force by the CIA becau 10/14/1962 #17471 by the Israeli Air Force and later loaned to the US for testing and intelli 8/16/1966 #20755 na, in 1894 by an S. L. Palmer and loaned to the Chapin Mesa Archeological 5/5/2015 #45437 ed them or who they were delivered/loaned from. https://silvarecord.com/20 2/20/2019 #45563## Word: "loano" (Back to Top)
LOANO, ITL Many observer(s). Saucer hove 7/2/1972 #26753## Word: "loans" (Back to Top)
o is speaking an odd language, but loans him a hammer, some nails, and a ca 4/15/1897 #488 be Garland D. Fronabarger), but he loans it later to someone who never retu Early Spring 1941 #1355## Word: "loar" (Back to Top)
Witness: amateur astronomer Carl Loar. One silvery sphere seen through te 12/7/1951 #5810## Word: "lobby" (Back to Top)
kes 44 trips at his own expense to lobby for the implementation of the peac 1947 #2219 s reporter Paul Lantz in the hotel lobby, who writes the article “Sabotage 8/1/1947 #3281## Word: "lobbying" (Back to Top)
APRO refers to NICAP as merely a “lobbying” effort in APRO Bulletin, while 7/1962 #17261 al Academy of Sciences McDonald is lobbying Frederick Seitz, president of t Late 1/1967 #21384 as a member and donor, a military lobbying organization with membership of 7/1980 #35399## Word: "lobe" (Back to Top)
aped like an ant's with "a rounded lobe flanked by two other lobes swelling 3/5/1971 #26044## Word: "lober" (Back to Top)
and Missouri Highway Patrolman Bob Lober guesses 1,500–1,800 feet in Edinbu 11/18/1980 #35654## Word: "lobero" (Back to Top)
bara Centre for Humanistic Studies Lobero Theater, Santa Barbara, Californi 11/3/1990 #39826 FO Phenomenon in the 1990s” at the Lobero Theater, Santa Barbara, Californi 11/3/1990 #39826## Word: "lobes" (Back to Top)
rounded lobe flanked by two other lobes swelling out like cheeks." He saw 3/5/1971 #26044## Word: "lobet" (Back to Top)
north at low altitude. / Lt. Col. Lobet. No further details. / Flying Sauc 2/16/1975 #29813## Word: "lobole" (Back to Top)
LOBOLE, SWD 2 observer(s). Triangle / 35 4/8/1988 #38537## Word: "lobos" (Back to Top)
ISLA DE LOBOS, URUG UFO parks by lighthouse. Gua 10/28/1972 #27093 Isla de Lobos Punta del Este, Uruguay 10:15 p.m. 10/28/1972 #27095 ioned at the lighthouse on Isla de Lobos, off Punta del Este, Uruguay. Fuen 10/28/1972 #27095 sc at his military base on Isla de Lobos, Rocha province, Uruguay and point 10/28/1972 #27097## Word: "lobster" (Back to Top)
xtremely fast going quickly west. "Lobster like with claws" / 1 observer(s) 7/6/1947 #2798 that he is sunburned “as red as a lobster.” His skin shows this condition 5/13/1978 #33202 t he looked sunburned "as red as a lobster." His skin stayed that way for f 5/13/1978 #33205## Word: "loc" (Back to Top)
(LOC.UNK / WESTERN), KS Stunt pilot. 6 hu 1/1926 #1054 (LOC UNK), EL SALVADOR Circular luminous/ 8/17/1965 #19411 (LOC UNK), CHAD Scientists / Concorde ecl 6/30/1973 #27602 (LOC UNKN), NFLD 2 separate airline(s)/ai 11/21/1978 #33970 (LOC.UNK), BELGIUM Flash. 2M humanoid app 8/24/1995 #42411 (LOC.UNK / APRX), WA 3+11 observer(s). 3M 2/25/1999 #43734## Word: "local" (Back to Top)
ady-in-white appears and vanishes. Local uproar. 7/1836? #131 ne noises flew low over this town. Local people also described it as a gian 7/1868 #173 ne noises flew low over this town. Local people also described it as a gian 7/1868 #174 quickly west. Rises straight up. / local paper. 12/10/1896 (approximate) #377 ask sheriff / water. Inquire about local man.. 4/20/1897 #542 t. The anchor goes on exhibit at a local blacksmith shop. 4/25/1897 #573 e townsfolk chase the creature toa local mine shaft, down which it disappea 9/29/1903 #662 three villages, 40 riflemen from a local garrison, and several police offic 3/13/1913 #886 ht on the lake’s surface. However, local police interview the witness and s Late 11/1933 #1176 der has a weekly 15-minute slot on local radio stations KFOX in Long Beach 1/1936 #1242 nual conference in New York. These local committees serve to influence loca 1938 #1279 ocal committees serve to influence local leaders and shape public opinion t 1938 #1279 lu, Hawaii, just before 8:00 a.m. (local time) on Sunday. The United States 12/7/1941 #1377 ear. Smith reports the incident to local police, who then inform Naval Inte 3/5/1942 #1397 ter, The Round Robin. Working with local medium Mark A. Probert, who channe 2/1945 #1768 uickly west. Back 3 weeks later. / local news. 3/1947 #2245 e in the sky and reports it to the local newspaper. "They looked like ten s 6/23/1947 #2368 , Oregon he was interviewed at the local radio station where the term "flyi 6/24/1947 #2402 r 30m over tomato patch and house. Local wave TX and ark. 7/2/1947 #2543 less than 24 hours. “Their present local headquarters is on the unseen side 7/3/1947 #2551 ional Guard’s 116th Fighter Group. Local sheriff’s deputies also make a gro 7/3/1947 #2584 lue Book Report includes state and local police witnesses 7/4/1947 #2590 aft of some kind. Wilcox calls the local fire department to alert them abou 7/5/1947 #2719 ady. Besides the archaeologists, a local man named Larry Campbell (later ca 7/5/1947 #2721 In Augusta, Maine at 1:15 p.m. local time, two witnesses, including the 7/5/1947 #2729 sed], New Mexico, with the help of local ranchers and the Chavez County She 7/8/1947 #3020 Disintegrate? No further details / local news. 7/9/1947 #3043 !". Tilts. No further details [in] local papers. 7/22/1947 (approximate) #3212 HEL, AK Project Bluebook Case #58. Local pilots. Very large dark fuselage h 8/4/1947 #3288 Maysville, KN Maysville, KN: The local Highway Patrol are notified that a 1/7/1948 #3536 cooperation with CIC personnel and local FBI offices. Even hoaxes are to be 2/4/1948 #3574 ed Alert and the ADC activated the local military units when a UFO crashed 3/25/1948 #3596 the green fireballs, noting that “local commanders [are] perturbed by impl 1/31/1949 #3988 ce in radar technology, called the local FBI agent, Mr. Robey, to report th 3/1/1950 #4572 ay. The stories also appear in the local press. When Hall returns to Brookl 3/15/1950 #4643 ses over a period of several days. Local newspapers reportedly censored. 3/16/1950 #4646 ing northeast overhead and away. / local paper and more / r134#1p35. 3/16/1950 (approximate) #4648 oundland, Canada Witnesses: three local employees, including Kaeel and Ale 8/30/1950 #5149 At 1:30 p.m. three local employees of the Air Force Base at 8/30/1950 #5151 am to FBI headquarters saying that local Army Intelligence has been put “on 12/8/1950 #5334 speed. Heads going quickly south. Local news. 2/24/1951 #5456 les / sky. Flashes silver light. / local papers. 3/17/1952 #5960 At 8:42 a.m. local time a UFO traveled at 300 mph in 6/6/1952 #6456 AF F-94 fighter plane at 1:28 a.m. local time. The light was observed for 1 6/17/1952 #6530 GRANTS PASS, OR Classic saucer / local papers. Glows red. Triangular tail 7/9/1952 #6728 R's / Bolling and Andrews AFBs and local (as a local wave) airports/apartme 7/20/1952 #6942 g and Andrews AFBs and local (as a local wave) airports/apartments. Jets ch 7/20/1952 #6942 At 8:20 p.m. local time a blue green ball of light ap 7/23/1952 #7088 At 8:57 p.m. local time a U.S. Marine Corps ground co 8/9/1952 #7527 cess, the pilot tries to raise the local CCI station on the radio on F chan 8/12/1952 #7559 oming to rest on land belonging to local farmer G. Bailey Fisher. The boys 9/12/1952 #7905 ay, accompanied by the three boys, local children Neil Nunley, 14, and Ronn 9/12/1952 #7905 2 Chevrolet pickup truck driven by local Max Lockard, who had gone to the s 9/12/1952 #7905 climb tree! Several observer(s)" / local papers. 9/14/1952 #7924 ent, general superintendent of the local high school. A plume of white smok 10/17/1952 #8148 ngyang Sector CT 7943 at 1:07 p.m. local time saw a 10 foot diameter silver 11/15/1952 #8282 ISTCHURCH INVERCARGILL AND WAIPAHI Local wave / UFO reports. No further det 12/6/1952 #8383 ses and numerous cows belonging to local farmers, the Stewart brothers, die 3/24/1953 #8782 ions of St. Louis and arranges for local police surveillance “to minimize t 4/1953 #8806 At 10:31 local time an unidentified target appear 4/12/1953 #8820 Mackay, Queensland. He radios the local control tower that a “strange obje 5/10/1953 #8872 llan Alabama Operation Top Hat, a “local field exercise,” takes place at th 9/15/1953 #9168 the event. However, the owner of a local perfume company confessed in late 12/15/1953 #9366 ngle saucer zips around / 2 hours! Local wave. 1/8/1954 #9465 ject turned north and followed the local river upstream. It glowed from the 2/2/1954 #9529 WASHINGTON, DC Local news only. Round object glows. Sha 6/7/1954 #9869 e Maxwell AFB, Alabama. Dispatched local helicopter NBR ARMY267 to investig 8/12/1954 #10131 tholic priest named Fr. Myard, the local chief of police, a Dr. Mariani, a 9/18/1954 #10348 arstow, California Witnesses: two local policemen, four U.S. Marine Corps 9/21/1954 #10381 morning in Barstow, California two local policemen, four U.S. Marine Corps 9/21/1954 #10386 damaged. The French Air Force and local police investigate and learn there 10/4/1954 #10698 Soubran, France Several local people saw a luminous, spherical o 10/9/1954 #10844 Beirut, Lebanon The local representative of a German firm, M 10/9/1954 #10851 In Soubran, France several local people saw a luminous, spherical o 10/9/1954 #10862 Beirut, Lebanon at 10:15 p.m. the local company representative of a German 10/9/1954 #10869 ace area had greatly expanded. The local Carabinieri claimed that Pugina wa 10/18/1954 #11225 and writer Guilio Emery, were in a local park when they saw a disc-shaped o 10/19/1954 #11254 then it vanished. Investigation by local police. 10/29/1954 #11478 vestigation of the incident by the local police. 10/29/1954 #11481 Berck, France Near the local airport, Mr. Davril saw a craft li 11/13/1954 #11636 At 3:30 a.m. near the local airport in Berck, Pas-de-Calais, F 11/13/1954 #11640 ia, Brazil A radio operator at the local air base saw a huge, dark object a 11/22/1954 #11688 sbon, Portugal at around 2:45 p.m. local time a witness reported seeing a f 12/10/1954 #11797 d off, dove low over the roof of a local woman's house, and dropped a liqui 12/14/1954 #11808 alerted by her sister May that the local Zulu people are reporting appearan 12/27/1954 #11864 an was walking along a path near a local church in Sommaprado, Italy at 6:3 12/30/1954 #11882 yet. Carr attracts the funding of local businessman Wilfred C. Gosnell. So 1955 #11894 hn B. Diffenderfer, a chemist at a local Westinghouse laboratory, finds it 2/21/1955 #12011 r Corps (GOC) run. Jets scramble / local papers. 5/24/1955 #12154 ve / northwest sky. Unidentified / local headquarters. 7/11/1955 #12250 is dog out for a walk through some local fields when he suddenly felt that 7/17/1955 #12267 / center. Flashes colored lights. Local flap. 9/14/1955 #12453 uggested a “saucer” could create a local gravitational field and serve as a 2/25/1956 #12739 e name of Stauffer reported to the local newspaper that at around 9:00 a.m. 8/11/1956 #13069 er box going northwest over hills. Local wave. 8/28/1956 #13145 e aerobatics. No further details / local news. 9/6/1956 #13192 low of fuel and returned to base. Local citizens that witnessed these even Late 1956 #13277 n this night in 1957, members of a local Indian tribe saw a luminous object 6/5/1957 #13707 light. Plunges into L.I. sound. / Local news. 6/22/1957 #13747 id a power line, then shoots away. Local residents examine the area and fin 7/30/1957 #13862 saucer. USAF info officer blabs to local papers! 9/22/1957 #14023 ns of the US. Later Schmidt brings local police to view the landing site, w 11/5/1957 #14343 obe over jet test center. Leaked / local cops. 11/6/1957 #14383 SOUTH / ROSCOE, IL Local wave / night lights etc. Huge bril 11/6/1957 #14384 Brilliant horseshoe objects exit. Local wave / Blue Book. 4/15/1958 #14986 member, it creates issues for the local fauna. Many birds are seen in dist 8/1/1958 #15174 ide to take precautions to protect local wildlife during the next test. The 8/1/1958 #15174 SVENDBORG, FYN, DK Local official. Huge dark grey cylinder/ 8/25/1958 #15224 pidly and disappears in seconds. A local radio astronomer, Allen Barrot, cl 3/22/1959 #15665 FB St. Hubert], Quebec, as well as local residents watch a red ball of ligh 4/12/1959 #15699 ong them Fr. W. B. Gill, head of a local mission, saw an orange object that 6/26/1959 #15789 Bay, Papua New Guinea at 3:50 a.m. local time. About twelve hours later tha 8/10/1959 #15903 ormation Services at the Pentagon. Local base commanders can release inform 9/14/1959 #15975 ckly west fast. Lost over hills. / local (as a local wave) news. 10/7/1959 #16025 st. Lost over hills. / local (as a local wave) news. 10/7/1959 #16025 A worker was alone at a local water plant in El Cobre, Algeciras 10/16/1959 #16035 setsk Cosmodrome, but at 8:53 a.m. local time he is hit by an S-75 Dvina (S 5/1/1960 #16248 brother about an elusive UFO that local police in Walkerton, Ontario, have Summer 1960 #16313 d ”unbelievable” aerial feats. The local RADAR operator confirmed the UFO a 8/13/1960 #16373 then it disappears in the east. A local radar operator confirms the UFO at 8/13/1960 #16380 had plummeted to Earth in 1961. A local resident, Zoya Shubenkina, corrobo 1961 #16545 es. It reached a position over the local aerodrome and then vanished in pla 5/23/1961 #16698 At around 9:04 a.m. local time, a weather observer at Indian 9/30/1961 #16881 ok photographs. That night at 9:45 local time in Lafayette, Indiana a 2.5 m 12/21/1961 #17002 BAHIA BLANCA, ARG Local photograph gets 2 shots / saucer w 5/21/1962 #17184 s 2 shots / saucer which vanishes. Local wave / CIA. 5/21/1962 #17184 Columbus, GA From 10:25 p.m. local time, June 22, until 3:00 a.m. loc 6/22/1962 #17242 cal time, June 22, until 3:00 a.m. local time, June 23, multiple witnesses 6/22/1962 #17242 d in Crespo, Argentina (11:00 p.m. local time). 7/18/1962 #17284 hotographs iridescent 75M saucer / local magazine. 8/28/1962 #17367 scorched area 10 meters wide. The local sheriff considered the report a pr 4/1/1963 #17721 r schoolyard. Skin and eye damage. Local wave. 4/28/1963 #17731 outheast rising higher in the sky. Local astronomers and airport officials 6/18/1963 #17792 ee turns, and was published in the local newspaper. 6/26/1963 #17811 were observed for 40 min causing a local panic. One was hovering at ground 10/21/1963 #17996 for the next 40 minutes, causing a local panic in Trancas, Argentina. One U 10/21/1963 #17998 . Unidentified signal picked up by local radio station (NICAP: 03 - EME Cas 11/7/1963 #18028 At 7:22 a.m. local time, Airman Edward Lowe, a radar 4/17/1964 #18178 ife. After the photo receives some local publicity, Templeton gets a call f 5/24/1964 #18297 ent away. It was again seen at the local school half an hour before midnigh 6/12/1964 #18348 in South Carolina, where he meets local FAA officials who check his car fo 6/30/1964 #18386 ice officers conduct a search with local photographer Charles Weaver, but f 1/26/1965 #18769 onfiscated by government agents. A local man, Donald Cash, 6 feet tall, con 1/26/1965 #18769 d reportedly attempted to abduct a local man, but were driven off. 1/31/1965 #18789 he beach near Guarani, Brazil five local residents saw a large flying objec 2/14/1965 #18814 uminous halos emerged, causing the local population to go down on their kne 2/21/1965 #18825 hs were said to have been taken by local police officers. 2/21/1965 #18825 dazed state. They were taken to a local hospital and found to be dehydrate 3/5/1965 #18844 At 9:10 a.m. local time the crew of a US Navy ship he 5/6/1965 #18930 -shaped object being seen over the local GE facility. This was in the same 6/5/1965 #18994 toward the airport to investigate local sightings when they see an egg-sha 8/1/1965 #19246 At 11:00 p.m. local time Eduardo Lujan Yacobi and his 8/20/1965 #19444 uge gap between media coverage and local perceptions. Raymond Fowler finds 9/3/1965 #19511 ons. Raymond Fowler finds that the local advertising plane operated by Sky- 9/3/1965 #19511 At 9:15 p.m. local time a luminous object zigzagged a 9/8/1965 #19539 its circumference. Four people--a local reporter, a bullfighter, and two t 9/10/1965 #19552 signal again, which means it is a local source. Nothing is visible in the 10/22/1965 #19672 e rising from the woods and alerts local radio station WHJB. Another observ 12/9/1965 #19762 . Others from Kecksburg, including local volunteer fire department members 12/9/1965 #19762 th quickly going up [to] and away. Local (as a local wave) wave. 2/26/1966 #19919 oing up [to] and away. Local (as a local wave) wave. 2/26/1966 #19919 e." EM effects were experienced on local electric power systems, house ligh 3/19/1966 #19994 ctor, who was driving to work at a local Air Force Base, observed an object 3/23/1966 #20047 uctor who was driving to work at a local Air Force Base at 5:05 a.m. observ 3/23/1966 #20055 vening, between 4 p.m. and 11 p.m. local time. One occurred in Australia an 3/29/1966 #20141 up the game with the UFO. Through local police dispatch the officers alert 4/17/1966 #20305 ase case. Initially they telephone local news outlets, seeking information. 4/18/1966 #20331 ets, seeking information. However, local newspapers and radio have only vag 4/18/1966 #20331 eira da Foz, Portugal at nine p.m. local time. At 3:30 p.m. CDT--within an 4/22/1966 #20379 the sheriff’s office and then to a local hospital because the right side of 4/24/1966 #20404 Faieta, age 35, a lineman for the local utility company, was on duty at 2: 7/13/1966 #20645 dents, but they’re to be passed to local FBI offices. FBI seems to have had 7/21/1966 #20664 where UAP data was passed between local offices and USAF. One example of t 7/21/1966 #20664 re, and one bottle of water from a local bar. Upon being interviewed, the w 8/20/1966 #20779 On this night in Malvern, Arkansas local residents reported seeing an eight 8/22/1966 #20789 Uintah Basin, UT Local concentration peaking in late 1966 9/1966 #20824 a disc-shaped object landed at the local military airport in Fubara, Italy. 11/10/1966 #21088 ontevideo, Buenos Aires, S.America Local astronomer took twelve slides of t 11/12/1966 #21093 lowly and vanished into the sky. A local councilman found numerous footprin 11/17/1966 #21119 Bavonne, New Jersey Two local businessmen observed a dark, gray, 11/19/1966 #21127 ool teacher, were driving near the local TNT dump site on this night when t 12/6/1966 #21188 At 6:30 a.m. local time a 69-year old woman in Ikuri, 1/15/1967 #21312 e and one-half hours, at 7:30 p.m. local time, attorney Ong Huck Hong and h 1/15/1967 #21314 ucer near power lines. Authentic / local Air Force investigation/investigat 1/25/1967 #21379 other hand. A later check with the local gas company proved negative as far 1/26/1967 #21402 in the Atlantic Ocean at 1:05 a.m. local Time. 2/16/1967 #21573 On this night some prominent local citizens had a close encounter wit 2/19/1967 #21599 At 6:00 p.m. local time a low flying, bullet-shaped o 2/26/1967 #21662 and blue body lights at 7:05 p.m. local time. The sighting lasted three mi 2/27/1967 #21678 in an Air Force uniform approached local police and other citizens who had 3/1/1967 #21713 owers near the horizon. (Report by local resident received 10/25/67, NICAP 3/8/1967 #21804 p.m. EST. An associate editor of a local newspaper saw a glowing cigar that 3/16/1967 #21902 oscillate erratically. Report from local resident, received 10/25/67, NICAP 3/30/1967 #22016 ies of Air Force interceptors. The local radio station is told to keep quie 4/10/1967 #22105 ment of the operation is placed on local government militia and police forc 5/1967 #22253 utenant A.S. Nikitenko and several local residents saw a cascade of lights 5/17/1967 #22365 tenant A. S. Nikitenko and several local residents saw a cascade of lights 5/17/1967 #22370 c power blackout (EM effects). The local newspaper reported damaged generat 6/5/1967 #22464 ut ten minutes later, at 8:00 p.m. local time, two people driving on a high 7/10/1967 #22647 el a bump but can see nothing. The local police do not take the incident se 7/13/1967 #22656 Italy. As I saw the "thing," some local boys were saying "il disco," and p 7/18/1967 #22691 onnie’s teachers, parents, and the local 4-H club, and submits the photo to 7/21/1967 #22718 dian Time or Zulu time) instead of local time. 7/30/1967 #22754 cular burned area was found, but a local farmer said he had burned some bru 8/6/1967 #22834 Within half an hour of the crash, local fishing boats go out to the crash 10/4/1967 #23176 in a zig-zag pattern. (Report from local investigator, NICAP files.) (NICAP 10/22/1967 #23285 ewspaper clippings and letter from local investigator, NICAP files.) (NICAP 10/24/1967 #23299 d to investigate at the request of local police. (Topeka Capital-Journal, K 11/4/1967 #23401 a.m. PST. A weather observer at a local airport saw a spherical object glo 11/15/1967 #23460 nother 16 feet is exposed during a local UFO sighting. The film is apparent 3/2/1968 #23806 s in the ocean. It passed over the local electric power substation in Pawtu 3/10/1968 #23835 in an unknown road. They spoke to local people and found that they were in 5/1968 #23936 e as they reflected light from the local street lamps. The strange trio lac 5/10/1968 #23956 r and several specialists from the local lab of the Environmental Science S Late 5/1968 #23983 or spread fear and panic among the local inhabitants. 6/26/1968 #24085 ranged in an isosceles triangle. 5 local skeptics visited the site at 2315 7/2/1968 #24133 and saucers. Wave / earth tremors. Local panic. APRO NOV'68? 7/5/1968 #24143 vestigated by Capt. Maljean of the local Gendarmerie and Capt. Léopold Legr 7/31/1968 #24271 othing was to be seen. There was a local police investigation. 7/31/1968 #24272 s / light in V-shape follow car. / local news. 8/27/1968 #24383 saw a "Martian" on the roof of the local high school. By 9:30 p.m. a crowd 9/21/1968 #24497 s, (6) inadequate data provided by local Air Force base investigators, (7) 10/7/1968 #24548 At 9:56 a.m. local time Takhli Royal Thai Air Force B 11/28/1968 #24728 On this night students from the local Recoleta de Montevideo School in L 11/28/1968 #24729 t eight o'clock in the morning two local UFO investigators had driven to an 1/12/1969 #24836 . Pallmann took his motorboat to a local sandy beach on Isla del Altar, El 1/15/1969 #24849 delino Roque was on his way to the local Serradinho ranch on his horse when 4/20/1969 #25075 sroots organization with state and local leaders overseeing activities and 5/31/1969 #25174 t Guardsmen, a harbor patrolman, a local newspaper photographer, and an ele 6/20/1969 #25229 l, the Brazilian Air Force informs local officials who are investigating th 7/1969 #25241 eported to have landed next to the local primary school in Johore Baru, Joh 7/2/1969 #25245 tness and her father had gone to a local racetrack in Eau Claire, Wisconsin 7/4/1969 #25254 etallic disc was observed over the local radio transmitter in Goiania, Braz 7/6/1969 #25259 uvers and tilts. Possible landing. Local wave. 7/24/1969 #25295 s or welds. Around the same time a local handicapped boy also reported bein 8/8/1969 #25312 but the news quickly leaks to the local radio and press. 9/4/1969 #25351 n this night a security guard at a local power station in Urubupunga, Brazi 11/21/1969 #25467 from it. After he reports it, the local army commander mobilizes hundreds Early 1970 #25524 At 1:38 p.m. local time in Mar del Plata, Argentina a 4/15/1970 #25634 y. That evening the young son of a local high-ranking police official was r 8/20/1970 #25799 e object moves out of sight behind local terrain. Though he does not report 9/1970 #25822 south. Going quickly north again. Local (as a local wave) wave. 11/21/1970 #25913 g quickly north again. Local (as a local wave) wave. 11/21/1970 #25913 ent dome going north. Path follows local faultline. 12/11/1970 #25935 al capital of Brasília. An unnamed local peasant is quoted as saying that t 1/23/1971 #25999 n drove to the emergency room of a local hospital where he was treated with 5/21/1971 #26121 At ten p.m. local time a domed oval-shaped UFO, illu 8/1/1971 #26262 ongiorni was standing guard at the local thermal baths in Bobbio, Italy at 8/19/1971 #26296 ruck along an isolated road from a local ranch in Estacion Gil, near Bahia 9/20/1971 #26354 on. He was immediately rushed to a local military hospital for treatment. H 9/20/1971 #26354 the passage of the object. Later, local UFO investigators discovered dozen 9/20/1971 #26354 mbos he reported the matter to the local police, but they did not take him 9/22/1971 #26365 nt numb, like she had been given a local anesthetic. Seeing nothing else of 11/2/1971 #26450 rtedly followed the president of a local school board and his wife as they 11/6/1971 #26463 near a military base at 5:30 p.m. local time. The UFO hovered about 200 fe 11/14/1971 #26472 ght circling over Holiday Acres, a local subdivision. The object has been r 12/14/1971 #26498 n. The object has been reported by local residents on several occasions, an 12/14/1971 #26498 e surname of Quiroga, saw near the local Ika-Renault auto plant in Santa Is 9/27/1972 #27036 A, PR Huge glowing ball goes over. Local power failures. 10/18/1972 #27078 rs. "Ion cloud" / 1000kph? Lands / local news. 12/12/1972 #27171 r's home in Kimba, they called the local police and a constable accompanied 2/4/1973 #27270 ight abruptly vanishes in sight. / local (as a local wave) news. 6/20/1973 #27575 y vanishes in sight. / local (as a local wave) news. 6/20/1973 #27575 UFO's going quickly [to] overhead. Local wave. 8/12/1973 #27696 g or revolving lights witnessed by local and state police. (See separate ch 8/31/1973 #27734 ith pointed top going [to] over. / local news. 9/5/1973 #27763 passes / very low altitude. / many local (as a local wave) papers. / r181p1 9/8/1973 #27778 y low altitude. / many local (as a local wave) papers. / r181p15. 9/8/1973 #27778 e of the sighting appeared in many local newspapers. 9/8/1973 #27784 ng woman who was walking through a local park in Actinolite, Ontario, Canad 9/26/1973 #27872 On this night a local DJ and four others saw a tall crea 9/26/1973 #27873 Galion, OH Local network of a Ham radio group talki 10/18/1973 #28164 ky. No further details. / 26.10.73 local paper. 10/26/1973 #28290 nd, Pennsylvania. Stan Gordon, the local UFO investigator, reported that th 11/1/1973 #28339 stry, Pennsylvania reported to the local police the sighting of a large, da 11/3/1973 #28364 r to take him to Greasy Corners, a local intersection. The dwarf's head was 11/11/1973 #28410 kept him in a small cage. Another local woman reported seeing two strange 11/15/1973 #28426 About four hours later (6:20 p.m. local time) in Ouzoues-sur-Loire, France 12/10/1973 #28553 rand Island, Nebraska at 9:45 p.m. local time. On the same night a photogra 12/19/1973 #28589 The witness immediately called the local newspaper to report the sighting. 2/17/1974 #28777 ounds. Can deflect compass needle. Local wave! 3/23/1974 #28926 side of his face, sent him to the local Danderyds Hospital. There hypno-th 3/23/1974 #28939 :45 a.m. A French vacationer and a local female friend are lying on a slopi 3/29/1974 #28968 s in diameter and 12 inches apart. Local and state officials examine the si 4/29/1974 #29070 et K. Roffe, a nurse's aide at the local Veterans Administration Hospital i 5/7/1974 #29093 (Date may not be correct) Evening. Local man (and six others) cllaim he was 5/9/1974 #29096 Meur turns around and heads to the local Gendarmerie station in Telgruc-sur 5/20/1974 #29119 d night lights. Car batteries die. Local wave. 6/29/1974 #29228 1.5 meters in diameter, follow the local river road at 6:40 p.m. It had run 8/6/1974 #29313 no sign of a light. A check at the local garage finds water in the radiator 9/16/1974 #29459 to a house some distance away. The local resident noted their alarmed condi 9/16/1974 #29460 g several strange humanoids at the local "Parc de la Gaudiniere", in Nantes 9/29/1974 #29492 arr described in great detail on a local radio show interview the Aztec cra 10/11/1974 #29514 ert Spencer Carr is the guest on a local radio show to promote the upcoming 10/11/1974 #29521 ere/orb/globe / 15M altitude. Near local airport. / r30p539. 2/12/1975 #29805 Two local investigators were driving around 3/28/1975 #29923 Nine hours later, at 9:00 p.m. local time, a merchant in Japan felt a s 3/31/1975 #29928 his daughter's friend where at the local high school basketball court. A gr 5/6/1975 #30044 ate, Brazil Bt. 6:00 & 7:00 p.m. A local man was struck by a blue beam of l 10/25/1975 #30469 t had a sunburn. Within the hour a local man was struck by a blue beam of l 10/25/1975 #30472 The Wing Commander then increases local security posture and requests assi 10/27/1975 #30488 a helicopter. They make a call to local flight services for possible ident 10/27/1975 #30488 NEAR BUFFALO, WY Local observer(s). Helicopters / pontoon 11/3/1975 (approximate) #30541 s, Montana at 7:45 Z. At 2:53 a.m. local time a visual sighting of at least 11/8/1975 #30582 g south then fixed. No RADAR. Time local. 11/16/1975 #30631 several hours later at 11:30 p.m. local time. 1/28/1976 #30829 (EME). 45M glowing-object passes. Local (as a local wave) wave. / MJ#275. 3/15/1976 #30941 glowing-object passes. Local (as a local wave) wave. / MJ#275. 3/15/1976 #30941 adio Frequency Interference (RFI). Local wave / MJ#104. 4/4/1976 #30984 ver Wilrijk, Belgium at 10:45 p.m. local time. It had small lights around t 5/4/1976 #31036 othwell, Tasmania around 7:30 p.m. local time. 6/22/1976 #31131 dependent witnesses, including the local mayor who saw it from his window. 7/15/1976 #31165 inutes, and then went to get other local residents who, upon returning to t 8/4/1976 #31232 lobe with antennas / low altitude. Local (as a local wave) wave. / r30p628. 8/21/1976 #31288 tennas / low altitude. Local (as a local wave) wave. / r30p628. 8/21/1976 #31288 At 7:00 p.m. local time, about two hours after the mi 9/3/1976 #31341 . He collapsed and was sent to the local hospital. He later claimed that he 9/15/1976 #31385 north of Tehran, Iran at 1:30 a.m. local time. They were vectored in by gro 9/19/1976 #31411 feet in diameter. They learn from local farmers that it had appeared earli 10/1976 #31441 body lights. No further details / local news. 10/15/1976 #31463 r a walled playing field next to a local cemetery in Baracaldo, Spain when 10/29/1976 #31505 A man was walking his dog in a local park in Toronto, Ontario at around 10/29/1976 #31506 ildren, ages 4 and 1 ½ years, at a local daycare center. As he was passing 12/6/1976 #31587 t day, he learned from reading the local newsapaper that two other people r 12/31/1976 #31645 the snow, evidently formed by the local melting of the snow. In relief on 1/6/1977 #31707 ho soon arrive in the company of a local Civil Defense representative. The 1/10/1977 #31715 d at how similar the drawings are. Local UFO enthusiast Randall Jones Pugh 2/4/1977 #31790 allarta, Vizcaya province, Spain a local farmer, Sr. Juan Sillero, was awak 2/20/1977 #31833 Mrs. Joan Le Clair and four other local people saw a UFO hovering over som 3/15/1977 #31907 Mrs. Joan Le Clair and four other local people saw a UFO hovering over som 3/15/1977 #31910 . Mr. Cyril John, age 64, a former local political leader, was up early for 4/7/1977 #31956 Mr. Cyril John, age 64, a former local political leader, was up early for 4/7/1977 #31957 help are recorded and played on a local radio station: “I’ve lost my sight 4/29/1977 #32035 g smell. They make a report to the local UFO group, the Essex Hotline, and 5/3/1977 #32050 report was immediately made to the local UFO investigator [The Essex Hotlin 5/3/1977 #32053 VISEU, BRZ Local panic / weeks. Cylinder/cylindrica 7/1977 #32210 Mt. Vernon, IL 2:10 AM. Our local police dispatcher reported to the 7/12/1977 #32262 e officer, and he was taken to the local police station in Pedro Avila. Whe 9/25/1977 #32519 to visit the pediatric ward of the local hospital, and was looking out the 10/6/1977 #32555 ights. Maneuvers. Going / horizon. Local wave. 10/24/1977 #32603 and and wife were later taken to a local hospital, were they both recovered 10/29/1977 #32633 Arctic region of Norilsk, alarming local military units. Late 1970's #32823 ble to stand up. He was taken to a local hospital where he was found incohe 3/24/1978 #33079 town that lasted several hours. A local radio station was inundated with c 7/9/1978 #33357 ad of residents were parked at the local railroad crossing near Bellville, 7/10/1978 #33363 A 12-year-old son of a prominent local doctor encountered an unusual huma 8/1/1978 #33463 going northwest slow over airport. Local wave. 8/5/1978 #33473 this afternoon six children from a local school in Hamburg, Germany saw a r 8/24/1978 #33565 w altitude in the proximity of the local observatory. Residents discarded t 8/29/1978 #33589 w altitude in the proximity of the local observatory. Residents discarded t 8/29/1978 #33592 r. 2 cone beams. Fades to a cloud. Local wave. 9/14/1978 #33672 raveling by Jeep on their way to a local farm when suddenly an unknown forc 10/30/1978 #33894 raveling by Jeep on their way to a local farm in Carmo Da Cachoeira, Minas 10/30/1978 #33898 ds. Later that night, at 9:30 p.m. local time, a UFO was seen landing remot 11/20/1978 #33968 Mountain, NV Red Rock Canyon, NV A local resident, his family, and other re 11/27/1978 #34006 A security guard at the local hydroelectric plant in Marimbonda 12/6/1978 #34070 In Brewer, Maine a local resident named John felt an overwh 12/14/1978 #34127 At 6:00 a.m. local time a silver wing-shaped UFO hung 12/19/1978 #34176 sat was an oval outline, which the local UFO group was able to photograph b 1/4/1979 #34296 ere was an oval outline, which the local UFO group was able to photograph b 1/5/1979 #34304 The Moreno family called a local newspaper to report the sighting o 1/14/1979 #34341 light above his position. The W-8 local radar detects a transponder signal 2/25/1979 #34447 d. The second occurred around noon local time and was tracked by ground rad 5/29/1979 #34594 Later the farmer was treated at a local hospital for second and third degr 9/25/1979 #34923 a refused to accept it. Allegedly, local residents reported a power outage 12/2/1979 #35040 n at low altitude, visible against local terrain (section IV). (NICAP: 02 - 4/20/1980 #35275 n at low altitude, visible against local terrain 4/20/1980 #35277 g two more schoolgirls went to the local school and saw two minature figure 6/18/1980 #35380 thwest. Beams flash / underside. / local news. 7/27/1980 #35426 nd distance as visual reports that local witnesses alert him to. It passes 11/18/1980 #35654 side" maneuvers faster / any jet. Local wave. 11/25/1980 #35665 es. Bright and dim and fades away. Local wave. 11/25/1980 #35666 ports of cattle wandering around a local council estate in Todmorden, West 11/29/1980 #35682 e light.) Shortly after 4:00 a.m., local police are called to the scene, bu 12/26/1980 #35737 andard in 1981 and coauthored with local researchers the first book on the 12/28/1980 #35750 Northern California Local concentration of sightings 1/9/1981 #35782 out a dozen lights in the sky to a local television station. The lights are 1/15/1981 #35791 ssed in them drives right past the local Pancake House. Suddenly the object 3/1981 #35856 ous object on the ground next to a local bridge near his residence in Genoa 9/20/1981 #36134 Texas Gulf Coast, TX Local concentration of sightings (Volume 10/1981 #36147 Texas Gulf Coast Local concentration of sightings 10/1981 #36148 nezh (near), Russia 10:00 PM+. Two local militia sergeants were driving a " 1982 #36284 r de la Frontera, Cadiz, Spain A a local cattleman walked to what he though 7/20/1982 #36537 In the middle of the afternoon a local cattleman in Vejer de la Frontera, 7/20/1982 #36538 that apparently shows a balloon. A local radio station hires a Lear jet to 4/26/1983 #36845 th her shoulder, chest, and spine. Local police investigate and find her “v 10/13/1983 #37004 including magnetotelluric surveys, local weather modification, and missile 1/10/1985 #37546 r maneuvers. It was covered on the local TV news. 1/5/1986 #37752 11 is different from lead found in local lead deposits. Also, black, glassy 1/29/1986 #37775 nd night lights in and about town. Local wave. 10/8/1986 #38040 October 30 and agree to meet at a local pub a couple hours later. She brin 10/28/1986 #38056 d night lights all over/all about. Local wave starts 7 September. No furthe 10/2/1987 #38298 d down as if following contours of local terrain (section X). (NICAP: 02 - 1/19/1988 #38414 d down as if following contours of local terrain 1/19/1988 #38415 nesses included personnel from the local US Coast Guard station. 3/4/1988 #38488 MJ-12 documents have been getting local publicity and asks if the document 10/25/1988 #38694 Fyffe, AL Local concentration of sightings. 2/1989 #38813 FYFFE, AL Local man photographs banana-delta/trian 3/9/1989 #38867 Brazil, is contacted twice by the local control tower to ask if they can s 5/30/1989 #38967 “scared the daylights” out of the local veterinarian, P. Saitov, as he was 8/10/1989 #39051 her human nor an anthropoid ape. A local hunter discovered footprints and d 8/10/1989 #39051 night a young female employee of a local meat packing plant in Nikolayev, R 9/16/1989 #39108 one was declared off limits by the local military, several families living 9/16/1989 #39109 Several children playing at a local park in Voronezh, Russia first obs 9/27/1989 #39126 atories via William Floyd Parkway; local police were instructed to reroute 9/28/1989 #39132 . A crowd gathered, including some local militia, and the police thought he 10/8/1989 #39150 ay going north and back over barn. Local wave. 10/13/1989 #39167 R 2 women abduction / highway 68 / local news. Separate observer(s) see nig 10/20/1989 #39177 large pink sphere that flew over a local park in Voronezh, Russia. The sphe 10/28/1989 #39191 On this night a local bookkeeper, X. Saidov, spotted a l 10/31/1989 #39200 gly straight up, and disappears. A local employee of the Department of Publ 11/4/1989 #39214 Seminskiy was walking home from a local farm to the hamlet where he lived 12/31/1989 #39345 discs were seen flying on top of a local mountain at 11:00 p.m. A saucer ca 5/9/1990 #39569 ing the encounter. Later, during a local power outage, several witnessed a 5/18/1990 #39576 eyes. Later that night at 11 p.m. local time an orange ovoid object hovere 6/26/1990 #39626 At 8:12 p.m. a local woman named Irina M. was returning 9/13/1990 #39731 An employee at a local forestry preserve was doing some w 10/31/1990 #39822 Later this night Rudolph Bauer, a local artisan residing in Leipzig, Germa 11/5/1990 #39873 s later that evening, at 6:30 p.m. local time, a reddish orange blimp was s 11/14/1990 #39890 In Karaganda, Kazakhstan local resident Maksim Abramtsev was at h 12/31/1990 #39932 wing UFO's prompt spate / calls to local radio station. 4/2/1991 #40027 was spotted on the grounds of the local elementary school in Mini Mini, Pu 5/15/1991 #40064 s / 1000' altitude. 6x size / 747. Local (as a local wave) wave. 5/22/1991 #40072 titude. 6x size / 747. Local (as a local wave) wave. 5/22/1991 #40072 Four men staying at a local guest house near Victoria, Entre R 8/13/1991 #40152 ike craft overhead. Animals freak. Local wave. North going south. 2/5/1992 #40318 so he ran to town and entered the local bar, telling everyone what had jus 3/5/1992 #40359 do has just checked the doors on a local business at Haines City, Florida, 3/20/1992 #40394 y. Can't move. Missing time. News. Local wave. 9/17/1992 #40625 cluding a woman named Paca and two local boys, were walking up a hill when 9/24/1992 #40639 of the witnesses present. The two local children, Cristina and Sergio, who 9/24/1992 #40639 ree days before these encounters a local power failure had occurred and a h 9/24/1992 #40639 ds / moors. Door opens. Big flash. Local wave / 2 wks. 11/7/1992 #40705 roduced no sound, and there was no local precipitation. 12/1992 #40736 Several people at the local Dairy Queen in Iaeger, West Virgin 12/18/1992 #40752 UFO sightings in the area, several local residents of Langeness Fjord, Icel 1/12/1993 #40793 anes and plunging through roofs. A local rock formation, Babia Skała, has b 1/14/1993 #40795 Several students at the local Camp Crame elementary school in Qu 1/22/1993 #40810 the incident but recovered. Other local residents reported low-flying ligh 3/20/1993 #40895 ilitary bases, civil airports, and local police. The police call ahead to a 3/31/1993 #40914 being of light during prayer at a local grotto in Vila Peri. He described 4/23/1993 #40948 ound one o'clock in the morning. A local youth approached the field and saw 5/12/1993 #40975 onventional phenomena) helicopter. Local (as a local wave) wave. 7/13/1993 #41061 phenomena) helicopter. Local (as a local wave) wave. 7/13/1993 #41061 milar object around the same time. Local radar does not show any unusual tr 8/12/1993 #41133 ucer flies erratic path over town. Local wave / Okanagan Valley. 8/22/1993 #41151 r town. Seems to spin on its axis. Local wave. 8/23/1993 #41153 ports / triangular UFO in one day. Local wave. / evening post. 10/1993 #41213 s fly in formation offshore / 15s. Local wave / 93. 10/19/1993 #41247 s car home. Responds / headlights. Local wave. 12/1/1993 #41314 n in Brazil that day. At 1:40 a.m. local time a huge, silent, light bulb sh 12/31/1993 #41338 About one hour later, at 8:20 a.m. local time in Lancaster, New Hampshire a 1/28/1994 #41391 d corroborate this with reports to local police of multi-colored UAP in the 3/8/1994 #41450 , ignoring key evidence. In 2020 a local reporter told a resident he was to 3/8/1994 #41450 roached and circled three times by local air traffic. 6/1994 #41545 sound and causing interference on local TVs. It glided off down a road aft 8/10/1994 #41668 tains, Huerfano County, Colorado a local hunter was at his campsite when a 9/2/1994 #41713 is truck without saying a word." a local hunter was captured by human-like 9/2/1994 #41713 At 9:30 p.m. a local woman was driving down an isolated 9/11/1994 #41737 laser searchlight operated by the local Olimpia Circus. 10/8/1994 #41795 n / several min. Vanish suddenly / local papers. 10/14/1994 #41803 IGION, FR Glowing balls. 3rd day / local wave. 1/1/1995 #41931 dy light east going quickly west / local wave. 1/20/1995 #41985 darts and maneuvers. "No blimp" / local papers. 1/20/1995 #41986 Turns. Flies going quickly north. Local wave. 2/13/1995 #42044 p-saucer hums. No further details. Local wave / G. Fawcett. / r118v9#6. 3/13/1995 #42089 Howard, Fremont County, Colorado a local Vietnam vet claimed to have seen a 8/15/1995 #42389 eting of Tropical Storm Marilyn, a local resident of Pozo, Campo Rico, Puer 9/16/1995 #42477 :00 p.m. Ada Arroyo, director of a local nursing home in Caguas, Puerto Ric 11/9/1995 #42589 A local resident of Toa Baja, Puerto Rico 11/24/1995 #42622 extremely fast. Videos. Genuine / local UFO group. 12/31/1995 #42653 orning several calls came into the local fire department about a "wild anim 1/20/1996 #42697 n Army truck. Around the same time local residents heard three shots and sa 1/20/1996 #42697 to tell others. Soon units of the local fire department arrived and appare 1/20/1996 #42697 walking towards his home during a local power black-out. Suddenly there wa 2/29/1996 #42789 ed student and a woman worker at a local teaching center in Bindura, South 3/6/1996 #42810 o De Trinidad, a nurse's aide at a local boarding home for the elderly in W 3/6/1996 #42811 At 9:30 p.m. local time a high altitude UFO zigzagged 4/8/1996 #42859 Mendes, age 27, a parishioner at a local Catholic Church in Belem, Para Sta 4/17/1996 #42872 otrusions, near the grounds of the local Jardim Zoologico in Varginha, Braz 4/21/1996 #42877 n Vicenza, Italy at 10:30 p.m. two local youngsters reported that they firs 7/22/1996 #42963 ght lights maneuver. Type unknown. Local news / inet. 9/12/1996 #43017 -old Uri Sakhov was walking to the local post office in Nazareth, Israel wh 9/16/1996 #43026 face. The powder was analyzed at a local hospital and it was found to be ab 9/16/1996 #43026 At approximately 8:00 p.m. local time a number of vehicles travelin 10/3/1996 #43051 D, THAILAND Wave / 1' fireballs in local flap. Government investigator no l 10/15/1996 (approximate) #43068 David L., a local cab driver, was taking several pas 11/23/1996 #43118 ny witnesses, including the entire local police force of Alice Springs, Nor 11/25/1996 #43123 t consciousness. He was taken to a local hospital where he was treated. He 12/26/1996 #43150 Local farmer Heliodoro Nunez was tending 2/20/1997 #43199 Mensola, east of Florence, Italy a local merchant watched a tall human-like 5/18/1997 #43298 At 12:15 a.m. local UFO investigator John Tosti and tw 5/19/1997 #43300 ral bright objects hovering over a local power plant. Mr. Tosti decided to 5/19/1997 #43300 arkle. Going west / 1 observer(s). Local wave. 6/26/1997 #43340 out an hour after midnight several local residents, including Tal Igur, a 2 7/22/1997 #43356 the sky and vanished. At sunset a local engineer, Raid A'anam, saw a black 10/10/1997 #43426 s going up [to] over cement plant. Local wave. / r240v3#7. 2/9/1998 #43515 Base. She was given a number of a local UFO investigator. 2/27/1998 #43524 efore this close encounter another local witness had seen a white light hov 6/21/1998 #43591 Several local residents of Valentin Letelier, Ch 7/16/1998 #43607 and was spotted walking around the local plaza for several hours that night 7/16/1998 #43607 lights coming from the larger one. Local researcher Jane Segal receives rep 11/30/1998 #43692 In Ollioules, France at 11:30 p.m. local time, nine delta-shaped objects we 6/5/1999 #43780 Three men were walking home from a local pizza parlor in Virgilio, Sicily, 7/14/1999 #43802 cigar-shape hovers 600M over A465. Local flap from 17 July. 9/3/1999 #43840 d Jair Picerni were jogging in the local park in Cachoeira de Sul, Rio Gran 11/13/1999 #43880 berto Gomes Misson reported to the local police that on this evening he had 12/17/1999 #43899 y walked away from the area. Other local residents also reported seeing the 4/17/2000 #43982 awn hours, in a dream-like state a local woman in Independence, Missouri re 5/17/2000 #43996 -year-old Valentina, daughter of a local schoolteacher, on the school groun 10/19/2000 #44060 car headlights by “turning off.” A local power failure was reported at the 1/2/2001 #44116 g disc in Cochabamba, Bolivia. The local TV stations had close up photos. A 3/26/2001 #44151 ter was seen on the grounds of the local football field in Quedas do Iguacu 7/29/2001 #44213 At 5:30 a.m. well known local merchant was on his way south towa 8/2/2001 #44219 At the local "Hospital del Torax" in La Paz, Bo 8/4/2001 #44225 erment stemming from disputes with local residents. After an exchange of gu 11/5/2001 #44272 that night. He also contacted the local TV station but they had had no oth 9/15/2002 #44399 ncident also occurred at 8:30 p.m. local time in Grapevine, Tarrant County, 9/25/2002 #44408 he sighting happened at 11:50 p.m. local time, and lasted for 90 seconds. 11/1/2002 #44430 At 4:05 p.m. local time a man took a photograph of a 1/2/2003 #44462 was viewed through binoculars by a local resident. It emitted a small white 3/27/2003 #44507 Baltic Fleet and a large number of local residents watched in awe as a flyi 4/18/2003 #44516 e event was captured on video by a local RTR Russian State Television news 4/18/2003 #44516 An employee of a local manufacturing plant in Concord, No 4/21/2003 #44517 ree dogs using its clawed hands. A local teacher reported finding a strange 4/22/2003 #44518 ve repeatedly been made around the local dump. 4/22/2003 #44518 ading him to an open area near the local "Burtons Biscuit Factory." He then 4/28/2003 #44519 r Tiruvanmiyur, India at 9:50 p.m. local time. It then flew silently back o 5/19/2003 #44541 ng nocturnal light was observed by local residents in Simferopol', Crimea, 5/19/2003 #44542 rection in some cases to move over local mountains and drop into valleys. A 7/28/2003 #44568 he company obtains investment from local Huntsville businessmen Remigrius S 3/2004 #44671 l investment from 2C Computing and local venture capital firm R&R Ventures, 3/2004 #44671 e acting strangely and there was a local power outage in the area. 5/17/2004 #44703 At 6:00 p.m. local time a teardrop-shaped UFO and oth 6/9/2004 #44709 f the ice. The men try to call the local sheriff, but their cellphones are 1/31/2005 #44810 nada at 3:06 p.m. According to the local OVNI UFO group, the photo appears 5/6/2005 #44832 ng directly over the property of a local Chinese Communist Party cadre for 11/2006 #44979 in the sky at high speed over the local paper mill in Iroquois Falls, Onta 2/7/2008 #45116 u.be/jxC82l32fog?t=58 Note: Do local FBI field offices or DOE/NNSA coun 6/28/2008 #45148 ne 1949. It stands to reason other local archives may contain more up to da 6/28/2008 #45148 e 8 overpass and just north of the local Applebee's restaurant. It was only 9/14/2009 #45247 TF. https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/local-nevada/you-know-area-51-but- 3/5/2016 #45445 ko, Nevada, according to state and local law enforcement, and up to 10,000 9/20/2019 #45609 Brush, Colorado A meeting of local, state, and federal agencies bring 1/6/2020 #45624 n effect akin to modification of a local gravitational field. Podkletnov us 2/4/2020 #45630 ral Aviation Administration alerts local law enforcement and the FBI. Howev 10/14/2020 #45662## Word: "local-nevada" (Back to Top)
ttps://www.reviewjournal.com/local/local-nevada/you-know-area-51-but-just-w 3/5/2016 #45445## Word: "local-news" (Back to Top)
e/ https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/i-team-the-man-who-sent-shock 5/15/1989 #38953## Word: "locale" (Back to Top)
an Air Force Base northeast of her locale. 3/20/1973 #27353 vices tested and perfected in this locale include the U2 spy plane, the SR- 2013 #45356## Word: "locales" (Back to Top)
s are conducted in 1950 in various locales, one of which is off the coast o 9/1950 #5160 tration of UFO sightings at nearby locales. 1/13/1967 #21300 -duty police officers around these locales, along with various other eyewit 1/5/2000 #43920 0 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. from various locales in King and Pierce Counties, Was 7/4/2000 #44009## Word: "localities" (Back to Top)
ing reports from some 60 different localities were received from this three 11/8/1956 #13314 s and police officers in different localities encountered at close range a 11/2/1957 #14221 t is visible to other witnesses in localities along a 110-mile, north-to-so 7/26/1977 #32317 seen in Porthcawl and other Welsh localities. 1/19/1983 #36750 accompanied by spheres, over many localities in southern Poland. Hundreds 11/5/1990 #39870## Word: "locality" (Back to Top)
l Arizona, but there is no town or locality named "Tonto Hills". 4/16/1996 #42871 ell as vertigo, “a strong sense of locality or directionality,” and an abse 2/2/2022 #45737## Word: "localized" (Back to Top)
away from the swamps. The glow was localized there…. It appears to me that 3/25/1966 #20080 lowly in the sky before entering a localized cloud. At 7:30 p.m. in nearby 4/17/1966 #20320 e a tree in their yard. A strange, localized gray mist appears and when it 3/7/1967 #21787 ear Rising Sun, Indiana Evening. A localized power blackout cuts off electr 5/18/1969 #25143 ted by several groups at the time; localized intense heat or radiation is l 7/12/1969 #25264 ix feet away. Of a bluish color, a localized mist surrounded them. One was 8/17/1971 #26293 usand feet when they experienced a localized “whirlwind,” which alarmed the 11/12/1976 #31540 effects Godfrey describes—an oddly localized whirlwind buffeting debris and 11/29/1980 #35682 Hessdalen, Norway Localized concentration began, continuin 11/1981 #36199 Hessdalen, Norway Localized concentration began, continuin 11/1981 #36200 inds it odd that the lights are so localized in time and space and must be 1/13/1985 #37548## Word: "locally" (Back to Top)
aunton, Virginia, in an area known locally as Brands Flats. He sees two sau 1/19/1965 #18750 n engineer from Osorno, well-known locally, saw an object touch down and a 2/24/1967 #21641 taneously a spate of UFO sightings locally and in nearby San Lorenzo. 7/1/1968 #24119 Kalle Tiihonen, age 39, a locally well known and respected retired 4/15/1970 #25633 because the objects are only seen locally. 2/10/2019 #45561 , has an effect on businesses both locally in Nevada and around the US, whi 9/20/2019 #45609## Word: "locals" (Back to Top)
YONKERS, NY 3 locals. 'Great airship' with partially c 4/30/1897 #583 LOUDON, TN 5 locals. Flat metallic object makes "flap 5/25/1949 #4209 ANKARA, TURKEY Locals. 6 blue-white disks turn / sky. S 3/17/1950 #4658 intersect] south of Suffolk, since locals say the old railroad along the Ja 3/1951 #5469 ANDUJAR, SPAIN Many locals. Silent 'flying dessert dish'. Le 7/30/1952 #7350 od stained leaves. They questioned locals and were told that strange disc s 4/10/1954 #9681 BOIS DE VILLERS, BELGIUM 2 locals hear screams from 2M flying egg l 11/9/1954 #11608 rged and made hand gestures to the locals, who panicked and ran to their ho 11/27/1954 #11714 witnesses imagining the glow. But locals notice the FAA is checking for ab 9/24/1959 #15987 ted" vampire reportedly terrorized locals on the beach along the Amazon Riv 11/8/1967 #23428 Shortly after this close encounter locals reported observing a silvery disc 1/15/1969 #24849 uple days later, Cărăbuş and other locals visit the orchard and find a circ Early 9/1972 #26975 LAKELAND, NY National Enq. 30 locals. Donut shaped object. Rotating mu 10/24/1974 #29552 HAPPY CAMP, CA Group / locals abduction/abducted "transparent g 11/2/1975 #30536 e ground before plunging downward. Locals rush out of bed to put out the fl 8/21/1978 #33539 and explains their project to the locals. 11/1983 #37036 ingers. Around the same time other locals had spotted a large luminous sphe 10/11/1989 #39164 On the same night several locals in Chardzhou, Turkmenistan report 3/24/1990 #39485 O Encounters by JB Michaels states locals believed a UAP crashed in Southav 11/24/1992 #40726 RICKMANSWORTH, HERTFS Locals. Pinkish UFO zigzags about / 3 oc 10/14/1993 #41233 and the letter "U". Superstitious locals attributed these symbols to be "d 2/9/1995 #42031 type of operation on her left arm. Locals reported seeing luminous objects 2/11/1995 #42036 ALICANTE, SP 2 tourists and locals. Bright white disk hovers motionl 7/29/1995 #42339 During this afternoon several locals of Vegas de Diuca, Chile includin 7/23/1997 #43359 figure. Around the same time other locals reported seeing slow moving light 7/23/1997 #43359 came to the center city (known to locals as Soo, Canada). He noticed a ver 3/12/2004 #44676 nwhile, the daughter of one of the locals involved is having nightmares abo 2/7/2005 #44813 to be either asleep or paralyzed. Locals reported that cattle mutilations 9/5/2009 #45242 , receives more than 30 calls from locals reporting drones “zipping around 12/31/2019 #45623## Word: "locate" (Back to Top)
d, but fail to find the farm. They locate a pub called The White Hart and a 1946 #1962 r jet piloted by Kenny Chandler to locate the object, but he cannot find it 7/4/1947 #2670 CA Newspaper article: “Army can’t locate crashed saucers” in Spokane area 7/7/1947 #2834 al business. Easley is directed to locate Brazel and have him escort the MP 7/8/1947 #3011 B Roswell Fort Worth RAAF officers locate Mack Brazel and take him to the b 7/9/1947 #3054 ey are alone. They try but fail to locate a listening device in the room. 7/30/1947 #3259 in Tacoma, Washington. They cannot locate the photos. Arnold calls Brown an 7/31/1947 #3264 s pinned together, but they cannot locate a power plant, except possibly so 1948 #3522 different angles. Will attempt to locate the impact point, if any. (Possib 1/31/1949 #3986 m ground radar and the F-82 cannot locate it. 5/21/1949 #4200 Kirtland AFB for one hour fails to locate the objects, which apparently ret 8/31/1950 #5154 his trips to USAF intelligence to locate reports not forwarded to ATIC. 1952 #5838 are scrambled but at first cannot locate the target. The second pilot sudd 9/1952 #7801 bridgeshire, are scrambled but can locate nothing. Airmen at Bawdsey can se 10/9/1953 #9217 ical Information Walter Blados can locate the founding documents. Roy Kerr, 9/1956 #13166 n Dust (an exploitation program to locate, recover, and deliver descended f 11/13/1961 #16962 Blue Fly, described as projects to locate, retrieve and deliver foreign spa 11/13/1961 #16963 of the UFO. Volunteers attempt to locate and photograph the UFO visually. 1964 #18102 the antenna, but air police cannot locate the men. Pennsylvania State Polic 3/2/1965 #18832 try to find the burned spot. They locate a burned and depressed teardrop-s 9/20/1967 #23101 in Okinawa, Japan, on a sortie to locate the USS Pueblo, which has been ca 1/26/1968 #23703 ned to the site. They were able to locate a fresh trail through the poison 5/11/1969 #25128 erve Base] in Miami–Dade County to locate and identify the object. The UFO 9/14/1972 #26997 50 feet away, although firemen can locate nothing that set it off. 10/21/1973 #28228 , a diver, tried to make a dive to locate the object, but had no success ow 6/18/1974 #29212 CHENGDU, GANSU, CHINA Can't find/locate. 3 separate observer(s). Tall bla 7/29/1974 #29284 ains. Mexican spotter planes first locate the wreckage of the aircraft, eve 8/25/1974 #29386 ffic controllers at Albany Airport locate the object on a radar scanner. Af 8/20/1975 #30291 oward the airport. The controllers locate the object just as it enters the 8/20/1975 #30291 ment and fear, they were unable to locate the exact site of their experienc 8/22/1975 #30298 ists Robert Balch and David Taylor locate the followers of Applewhite and N 10/1975 #30407 anadian airspace, if necessary, to locate UFO. A similar incident was repor 10/29/1975 #30506 o that of shark skin. He could not locate any seams on it or anything that 12/6/1976 #31587 department replies that it cannot locate the specified information. 1/19/1978 #32899 t for UAP documents that it cannot locate any. On 2 February 1978, the requ 1/19/1978 #32900 ared, and a search party failed to locate him. Eighty-one hours later a fis 3/24/1978 #33079 hey came back out he was unable to locate anyone. He saw the being again, l 9/23/1978 #33737 MARZOCCA, ITL Can't find/locate. Car malfunctions due to EME (ele 12/12/1978 #34096 r to the USAF (which can’t seem to locate them). This letter was sent to Ti 3/12/1987 #38136 Diamond". Goal of Project Beta: to locate, inventory and propose ways of de 6/6/1988 #38581 r 11 nights in a row. He could not locate the source of the voice. On this 12/26/1991 #40267 later search of the area failed to locate any physical evidence. 4/19/1993 #40944 esearch and classification team to locate any official records on the Roswe Late 1/1994 #41381 ce, one of them Marco Eli Chereze, locate and capture a fourth creature, fo 1/20/1996 #42696 CASTELLO D'AGOGNA, ITL Can't find/locate. 1 observer. Luminous 2M disk. Ho 11/25/1996 #43121 gnizes the girl in the image. They locate her and she turns out to be 15 ye 12/1999 #43890 ed over to the site, but failed to locate any tracks or ground traces. As t 4/12/2008 #45128 iper pod), the F-15s are unable to locate or identify the vehicle. FAA and 10/25/2017 #45487 d from CFB Bagotville in Quebec to locate the “unknown track,” but find not 11/21/2018 #45548 hree instrumented small rockets to locate the source of strong RF and gamma 6/15/2019 #45585## Word: "located" (Back to Top)
refractor at the naval observatory located in the Hôtel de Cluny in Paris, 6/17/1777 #85 s either dumped into a nearby well located under the damaged windmill or en 4/17/1897 #523 found himself in a city of 16,000 located 150 miles west of Toronto, Ontar 5/4/1932 #1143 the end of the war has never been located. He was interviewed by James E. 10/28/1944 #1685 acing planes. No response has been located to date. 1/2/1945 #1753 o Amoral in the Colônia Goio-Bang, located between Luiziana and Mamboré, Pa 7/23/1947 #3218 hers (Reimer and Walter) have been located in Göttingen, Germany. He says t 12/16/1947 #3503 imar Horten and Walter Horten were located in Gottingen, Germany, and altho 12/16/1947 #3504 that the Horten brothers have been located and interrogated by US officials 3/12/1948 #3588 n. UFO detected by 3 strategically located radars in the southwest, includi 3/25/1948 #3596 teenager named Richardson, who was located 16 km northeast of Santa Fe, New 3/14/1950 #4635 outh. Cinetheodolite station P-10, located 5.7 miles down range to the nort 5/24/1950 #4964 ding to the rear of the object and located above the center line of the fus 7/1950 #5035 reports to the 4706th Defense Wing located at O’Hare Airport. 7/12/1952 #6784 d about 10 to 12 feet long. It was located atop the ship close to the metal 7/27/1952 #7216 er Markhoff or the airplane can be located, despite months of searching. Al 6/1953 #8922 ber was flying at 34,000' altitude located 400 miles south of Minneapolis, 6/1/1954 #9862 14 p.m. An unidentified radar blip located over central Vancouver Island, B 6/21/1954 #9921 ray aviator suit got out of a door located in the Plexiglas section, he app 9/20/1954 #10373 a mountain peak called “Moumboa”, located at about 800 meters, reported se 10/24/1954 #11368 r 36 minutes. The three radars are located at two different sites near Luce 4/4/1957 #13582 eral minutes up to an hour and are located somewhere in the ionosphere. Mic 6/20/1957 #13743 ewing them, and FOIA searches that located more of the lost documents. Part 7/17/1957 #13808 ted top-secret underground bunker, located under a building on a biomedical 1/21/1959 #15560 passes over their house, which is located eight miles from George AFB. The 2/24/1959 #15607 n has fled the state and cannot be located. 5/28/1959 #15749 the Garden of Eden must have been located on Mars. He further claims that 1960 #16141 object struck Clan Lake, which is located some 30 miles north of Yellowkni 6/22/1960 #16316 nery, and power lines. The farm is located near Chadron, Nebraska. "It was 11/18/1961 #16964 anger where he thought the gym was located. Upon entering the hanger he was 4/1962 #17093 Cordoba, and Mendoza. In Mercedes, located in Buenos Aires province, Argent 5/13/1962 #17172 ss than 2 km away. It could not be located again when they reached the othe 6/16/1962 #17230 where the ICBM storage bunkers are located. It silently shoots into the air 10/2/1962 #17452 ng the height finder radar antenna located northeast of Benton Air Force Ba 3/5/1965 #18844 ters away from the radio telescope located there. The disc had rods protrud 7/30/1965 #19212 each in the city of La Punta, Peru located not far from Lima. However, the 8/2/1965 #19270 , but also had “other smaller eyes located along its body.” A few seconds l 8/30/1965 #19480 away. Coming back the next day, he located traces of burns, and called the 12/30/1966 #21228 re is a Titan II ICBM Missile site located near Winfield.] (NICAP: 02 - Clo 2/21/1967 #21613 east in even rows. The lights were located on the surface of a very large c 5/17/1967 #22370 P searched the area. Although they located a man dressed in black, he had w 8/14/1967 #22876 d noises coming from her sheep pen located between the towns of Uyini and O 5/14/1968 #23962 dressed humanoids came from towns located on the Atacama Salt Beds in Anto 6/26/1968 #24085 out onto the balcony of his house, located on a hillside, and he saw two gl 11/1/1968 #24620 ed for his gun, but by the time he located it the creature was gone from th 11/9/1968 #24648 from the porch of their farmhouse, located 15 miles south of Hays, Kansas. 6/23/1969 #25233 country. The secretary’s office is located in Skånninge. It publishes the m 1970 #25521 ty Command and a CIA front company located in Switzerland Permindex. Torbit 1970 #25523 disc in the yard outside his home, located between the towns of Crawford an 1/4/1971 #25975 nsors. An eyewitness to the event, located in Missoula, Montana, sees the o 8/10/1972 #26892 air navigational (TACAN) facility located eight miles east of McChord Air 10/14/1972 #27074 air navigational (TACAN) facility located eight miles east of air base. Up 10/14/1972 #27077 endent witnesses were subsequently located by investigators. Mr. Allen Degn 2/4/1973 #27270 3, the manager of a country estate located 25 kilometers northeast of Gener 10/29/1973 #28319 ience and Technology Laboratory is located. They are instructed not to stop 1/23/1974 #28694 rimental parameters. The bases are located under Monte Perdido, Huesca, Spa 7/9/1974 #29253 object hovering over K-10 which is located 7 miles north of the Harlowton a 2/18/1975 #29823 the entrance to NORAD Headquarters located under Cheyenne Mountain, outside 7/6/1975 #30168 e weather. They sat around a table located opposite the stairs and quietly 7/12/1975 #30175 they went off to the landing site, located among some old mineshafts and sl 8/8/1975 #30244 end on this afternoon. Before they located the tracks they saw two quasi-hu 11/8/1975 #30584 their craft was from a larger ship located outside the Earth's atmosphere. 2/2/1977 #31781 red, green, white, and blue lights located in circles around the rim. 5/3/1977 #32051 ing an unusual fog in a nearby fog located in East Hull, Yorkshire, England 8/9/1977 #32372 hours. When he was returned in was located far from his original location. 8/10/1977 #32378 ove to the location at 10:20 a.m., located 16 miles from the city of Gisbor 11/29/1977 #32708 rge. No electrical power lines are located near the paddock where the groun 12/13/1977 #32769 und the circumference of the dome, located just above the base. The dome ap 1/1/1978 #32841 k at the door. Where his office is located he could ordinarily hear everyon 4/25/1978 #33171 e site and separate witnesses were located. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 6/4/1978 #33255 m. off the coast of Catania, Italy located on the Mediterranean island of S 12/17/1978 #34165 the area. No other witnesses were located. 8/29/1979 #34807 ver suits were seen near a factory located between Lan Xi and the Xim An Ri 12/13/1979 #35080 outside of the town of Cervantes, located more than 15 km away from were h 2/11/1980 #35170 y. Radar technician Franklin West, located at a remote radar station of the 11/18/1980 #35654 e circular landing gear marks were located around the burn. Electromagnetic 1/23/1981 #35796 ess notes that two amaranth plants located near the UFO have desiccated, wi 10/21/1982 #36657 Point and Vermont, Wisconsin (both located in Iowa County) saw a silent noc 1/5/1986 #37752 escribing Project Beta: Alien base located in New Mexico consisting of type 6/6/1988 #38581 rdiology ward of the Kirv hospital located in the Crimea, Russia suddenly f 4/18/1989 #38908 adjacent to Papoose Lake, which is located south of the main Area 51 facili 5/15/1989 #38952 d by mist. A U.S. defense plant is located nearby. 4/17/1990 #39532 se, but the sound source cannot be located. Suddenly one of the dogs shriek 3/31/1991 #40025 iangle, there is a group of lights located symmetrically along the edges. T 5/17/1991 #40066 h pairs of green and orange lights located at four places around the unders 12/25/1992 #40769 Borja examined her and reportedly located an implant deep within her brain 5/18/1993 #40984 drove into an underground chamber located in the side of a large hill, thr 7/24/1993 #41082 , Phenomena Research Australia has located the couple in the other car and 8/8/1993 #41117 ine o’clock in the evening a house located between the Yatzitz and Yaziv co 1/8/1995 #41961 and the other two were longer and located closer together, like fingers. M 8/11/1995 #42376 ature is taken to underground labs located at the university. Another creat 1/23/1996 #42709 a narrow vertical head, with eyes located on either side of it. One of the 9/16/1996 #43026 he largest in South America. It is located 200 kilometers south of Santiago 5/16/1998 #43568 us windows. She saw control panels located at the center of the craft that 1/7/1999 #43711 ot closer to where the lights were located they suddenly turned off, and he 11/30/2000 #44094 New York side. The Waterloo Cafe, located opposite the Blazing Star Burial 7/14/2001 #44208 haped object flying over his home, located 15 miles southeast of Spokane, W 10/29/2002 #44424 n its antigravity research. It was located at 906-E Bob Wallace Ave., Hunts 3/2004 #44671 oundings of ExpoCuba, a fairground located in the Havana, Cuba municipality 5/8/2004 #44696 n. Bright yellow-green lights were located at the center of the bottom of t 8/2/2004 #44725 lars. It had three lights with one located at each apex. The UFO tilted to 8/20/2004 #44736 itary airspace for Camp Atterbury, located 20 miles south. She watched unti 5/3/2006 #44938 ged UAP, facilities he claims were located at El Vado, Gallup and Moriarty. 3/26/2011 #45320 rous searches…in the past, and has located no records.” This contradicts em 11/5/2015 #45439 that all 21 monitoring facilities located in Australia are completed “and 11/19/2018 #45547 he initial Space Fence facility is located at Kwajalein Atoll in the Marsha 3/28/2020 #45642 r of which is where Renaissance is located. https://open.spotify.com/episo 2/22/2023 #45794## Word: "locatelli" (Back to Top)
At 4 a.m. Cesar Locatelli was driving through a brushy i 6/20/1986 #37918## Word: "locater" (Back to Top)
dead, as is their electrical fish locater. After the object disappears, th 1/31/2005 #44810## Word: "locates" (Back to Top)
miles allow for triangulation that locates the objects near Beach Haven, Ne 1/1/1954 #9437 T. Wade is sent to investigate; he locates the object 20 miles west of Laws 8/11/1954 #10126 thentication before firing. Torres locates the large target on his aircraft 5/20/1957? #13667 ut 16 hours later, a state trooper locates the two men walking along State 3/2/1965 #18832 ives into Sherman, Texas, where he locates Chief of Police Peter McCollum. 8/2/1965 #19266 mes. In April 1980, Jacques Vallée locates the exact spot where the bodies 8/20/1966 #20779 watt. Coming back the next day, he locates traces of burns and calls the US 12/30/1966 #21230 on China Lake in the Mojave Desert locates an object visually and/or on rad 7/30/1967 #22754 house. Investigator Shirley Coyne locates 12 people who have seen the ligh 2/22/1984 #37198## Word: "locating" (Back to Top)
sired the assistance of the FBI in locating and questioning the individuals 7/10/1947 #3078 ok, James E. McDonald’s success at locating several crew members and interv 7/17/1957 #13808 Kadena Air Base on Okinawa, Japan, locating and photographing surface-to-ai 5/30/1967 #22425 Guard helos called in to assist in locating UFO. NORAD informed of the inci 10/29/1975 #30506 out on horseback to the mountain, locating the rockslide on May 25. Parall 5/6/1978 #33190 Aliens. NASA CIR film has aided in locating this base and revealing US Mili 6/6/1988 #38581 arby houses. The woman succeeds in locating two other witnesses at nearly t 2/21/1990 #39425## Word: "location" (Back to Top)
JAPAN / LOCATION UNKNOWN Unusually bright saucer 8/3/989 #5 JAPAN / LOCATION UNKNOWN 2 spheres hover. 2 smal 8/23/1015 #6 JAPAN / LOCATION UNKNOWN Night lights and fireba 9/24/1235 #10 JAPAN / LOCATION UNKNOWN Sudden 'extra moon'. Pa 9/12/1271 #13 JAPAN / LOCATION UNKNOWN 5 'stars' appear. Circl 3/17/1458 (approximate) #20 JAPAN / LOCATION UNKNOWN 3 moonlike objects / 4 1/2/1749 (approximate) #69 de at 4.5. Swift, observing from a location near Denver, Colorado, sees wha 7/29/1878 #214 LOCATION UNKNOWN Astronomer Harrison. In 4/13/1879 #217 LOCATION UNKNOWN, NV Pilot buzzed. 30M c 9/25/1926 (approximate) #1063 r Sea, At Sea Large disc; departed location at 3,500 miles per hour (Page 2 2/27/1942 #1396 LOCATION UNKNOWN BAY OF BISCAY Military- 11/1942 #1458 Location Unknown, Unknown Red ball; yell 1/29/1944 #1565 Location unknown, probably, Germany Proj 4/11/1944 #1590 onesia and Ceylon (Sri Lanka) at a location about 100 miles northwest of Pa 8/10/1944 #1639 BELGIUM LOCATION UNKNOWN British Anti-Aircraft g 11/23/1944 #1701 s to be moving directly toward his location, casting a light beam downward. 4/10/1945 #1843 ut usually just "flitting from one location to another." When MacKenzie rep 7/1/1947 #2501 nd the first aircraft in a visible location in the US, perhaps in Washingto 7/1/1947 #2523 ) attempting to break the story of location of disc today...(the recovered 7/8/1947 #2951 hoop and wife saw from a different location 5-8 miles away (NICAP: 01 - Dis 7/8/1947 #3006 oswell by acknowledging the Corona location. Too many civilians are involve 7/8/1947 #3019 cs flying quickly north from their location near North 82nd Street and 11th 7/12/1947 #3160 ngth. Then the UFO goes to another location and does more 360° turns. At on 1/7/1948 #3546 olina The search for a suitable US location for nuclear testing, codenamed Late 1948 #3842 Unknown Location, Azores (McDonald list) (NICAP: 10/31/1948 #3858 Unknown Location, Sweden (McDonald list) (NICAP: 12/30/1948 #3939 France, exact location unknown Alain Berard saw a larg 2/17/1949 #4014 diamond-shaped obj at triangulated location (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 5/7/1949 #4167 e other. When they triangulate its location, they find it is 3 miles south 6/6/1949 #4228 Zealand Carson’s Field (speculated location), New Zealand: A New Zealand in Early 1950's #4457 is to set up a 24-hour watch at a location in New Mexico to be specified b 3/16/1950 #4655 ken. The organization and physical location of units of this District were 5/25/1950 #4966 ace. President Truman approves the location, known as Frenchman Flat. 7/1950 #5034 Unkown location, Germany (McDonald list) (NICAP 9/8/1950 #5170 d seen the light in the 1870s. The location is apparently either Turlington 3/1951 #5469 They go back and forth between his location and Fort Bayard, two miles to t Mid 8/1951 #5608 ts red window facing the witness's location. Spinning resumed, the object r 1/1952 #5852 unknown location, North Korea Bright white objec 5/26/1952 #6365 unknown location, Japan Black coin-shaped object 6/23/1952 #6599 Location unknown, but information came v 6/23/1952 #6606 unknown location, MI (FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - 6/25/1952 #6625 SEA OF JAPAN Location unknown. 3 in USAF C54. Cloud-s 6/30/1952 #6670 LOCATION UNKNOWN / SOUTH SWEDEN 3 RSAF m 7/1/1952 #6685 unknown location, Unknown 2 cigar-shaped objects 7/19/1952 #6920 ght in the southern United States (location undisclosed). The sighting occu 7/19/1952 #6937 fighter jet was vectored into the location and also made radar contact but 7/24/1952 #7120 ht, flashing, colored light in the location of the blip 29 miles west of Po 7/29/1952 #7331 Pennsylvania, exact location unknown Herbert Long saw an obj 8/31/1952 #7799 Location: Confidential, unknown A3-D's A 1953 #8472 Unknown Location in Japan, Japan Japan, A,V (NIC 1/9/1953 #8519 t object to the northwest of their location 8 miles west of Sonoma, Califor 1/10/1953 #8530 unknown location, Okinawa Bright orange object c 2/7/1953 #8645 unknown location, Iwo Jima (McDonald list) (NICA 6/18/1953 #8938 t turns out to be an illusion, the location is still known as O’Neill’s bri 7/30/1953 #9021 two other aliens at a prearranged location in a desert in New Mexico. Beca 1954 #9414 iple-Witness Sightings Triangulate Location (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 1/1/1954 #9435 end the night of February 6 at the location and report that the tracks are 1/18/1954 #9493 unknown Location, West Germany 2 glowing discs d 6/7/1954 #9871 , tracked very fast target at same location. One silver or aluminum round 6/25/1954 #9946 rders an F-94 to vector toward the location. Just as Howard is giving the p 6/29/1954 #9962 unknown location, Korea (McDonald list) (NICAP: 7/29/1954 #10061 unknown location, West Germany (Jan Aldrich) (NI 8/7/1954 #10111 ckly lifts off and flies away. The location is said to be Mamora Forest, wh 10/12/1954 #10977 igation finds a spot of oil at the location. 10/19/1954 #11243 Then the object took off from the location, emitting a slight buzzing nois 10/24/1954 #11366 formation before disappearing. The location of the radar trackings is not r Late 10/1954 #11393 ys). Saucer / tripod. Bad date and location going quickly / r8#331+Flying S 10/28/1954 #11460 m, including the planet Venus, the location where Orthon said the late Mary 1955 #11896 s and speeds away. From a separate location, brothers Miguel and Martín Arr 1/3/1955 #11917 Unknown Location in Iceland, Iceland 12 Objects 8/11/1955 #12351 LOCATION UNKNOWN, KENYA 3+/ Safari. Sile 4/1956 #12773 n. Turuko Kurihara, in a different location, sees a greenish object at 7:59 5/1/1956 #12824 to the scene. On the ground at the location of the sighting, they found 3 c Summer 1956 #12912 st; FUFOR Index); Objects Orbiting Location & Tracked on Radar (NICAP: 09 - 8/22/1956 #13115 objects appear and orbit over the location. About 90 minutes later, the tr 8/22/1956 #13117 was seen at approximately the same location on 1/3/1957. (Reported in the L 1/17/1957 #13463 euvering radar signal coincides in location with a bright UFO. At times the 7/17/1957 #13808 onfirms tracking a UFO at the same location reported by the RB-47 crew but 7/17/1957 #13808 ferent frequencies, confirming its location on the radar plots and making i 9/20/1957 #14020 JULLAND, DK Location approximate. Saucer circles Arm 9/22/1957 #14024 t the same time but at a different location. It is hovering at about 5,000 10/8/1957 #14078 th them as they tried to reach its location. 11/4/1957 #14280 Location unknown, unknown Dewline radar, 1958 #14776 HOKKAIDO ISLAND, JPN 3 / farm. Location unknown. Silent ovoid passes. D 2/2/1958 #14864 the same direction and in the same location for about one second. Superviso 9/25/1958 #15281 the second object moves toward the location of the first at high speed. Sig 11/1958 #15415 hen second object moved toward the location of the first at high speed. Si 11/3/1958 #15421 Soviet Union, exact location not revealed A luminous object, 11/17/1958 #15448 nks it might be Sputnik 3, but the location and direction of the object do 12/6/1958 #15471 unknown location, Bahamas (McDonald list) (NICAP 7/9/1959 #15828 om the object and approached their location, shining beams of light inside 8/20/1959 #15932 TH ATLANTIC Steamship MV Avafors / location unknown. Night light going sout 3/31/1960 #16209 e coast at Paracuru, Brazil at the location marked as (2) on the map, three 5/13/1960 #16269 aboleiro and Nazare, Brazil at the location marked as (3). The UFO had a li 5/13/1960 #16270 tary jet tried to intercept at the location marked as (5) over Fortaleza, B 5/13/1960 #16272 e and his partner went back to the location on two more occasions but could 6/22/1960 #16316 KAZAKH LOCATION UNKNOWN Geology Professor. Brig 8/16/1960 #16388 LOCATION UNKNOWN OFF NORTH LABRADOR SHIP 9/23/1960 #16457 He sees the object again shift its location to directly above the vehicle. 9/19/1961 #16857 hat the light is still in the same location. He flies toward the object to 10/2/1961 #16889 ssible to triangulate the object's location at about 30°16' N, 88° 10' W, a 2/19/1962 #17053 Unknown location in Bermuda, Bermuda 3 dull-whit 8/19/1962 #17345 ds. The falls and mountain provide location points throughout. 12/21/1962 #17601 spot an object 3 miles from their location. They report the sighting to th 9/12/1963 #17932 Japan, exact location unknown A Japanese man reported 12/1963 #18060 meets with 2 Aliens at prearranged location in the desert of New Mexico nea 4/15/1964 #18174 e of a car, take off from the same location. 6/2/1964 #18320 ows nothing on their radar in that location. 8/18/1964 #18497 reature got out and approached his location. They attempted to climb the tr 9/4/1964 #18535 that a UAP was hovering over their location. It would hover, rapidly leave, Late 1964 #18584 unknown location, Turkey (McDonald list) (NICAP: 6/8/1965 #18998 unknown location, Antarctica The Antarctica Sigh 7/3/1965 #19061 this night in the same approximate location as the famous CE-III sightings 7/12/1965 #19097 object rose, then landed in a new location. The girls ran home with the ob 2/25/1966 #19917 a. Two of the aircraft circled the location, then flew on. The whistling so 4/19/1966 #20344 OVER CUBA LOCATION UNKNOWN U2 plane vanishes. Pana 7/29/1966 #20694 ctions, “16:30 be at the specified location. 18:30 ingest capsules, after t 8/20/1966 #20779 sky. A strike team was sent to his location and confirmed the unknown. A se 8/24/1966 #20801 , North Dakota. A team goes to his location and confirms the object and see 8/24/1966 #20802 sky. A strike team was sent to his location and confirmed the presence of t 8/24/1966 #20803 rom an object hovering at the same location as an earlier sighting (see Cas 9/3/1966 #20841 rom an object hovering at the same location as a sighting earlier that mont 9/3/1966 #20844 unknown location, TX Peculiar light phenomenon a 9/5/1966 #20849 next to his home at an undisclosed location in West Virginia. The being was 11/21/1966 #21132 zz airliner. Numerous observer(s). Location unknown. 12/7/1966 #21189 saw the phenomenon from a separate location, 2 km away (LDLN). 1/17/1967 #21331 saw the phenomenon from a separate location, two kilometers away. 1/17/1967 #21335 parameters as source, date, time, location, state and county, country, wit Spring 1967 #21924 LOCATION UNKNOWN, MADAGASCAR 23 / French 5/1967 #22250 hen they drove within 150 m of its location. Minutes later, they saw a lumi 5/24/1967 #22392 drove to within 150 meters of its location. Minutes later, they saw a lumi 5/24/1967 #22393 s. to a sight in a desert (unknown location) UFO crash-sight. Saucer: Metal 7/3/1967 #22593 area of grass some yards from the location that appears to have been swirl 7/5/1967 #22615 eld about a mile from his original location. He had been abducted for about 10/6/1967 #23187 graphs pinpoint the Pueblo’s exact location in the harbor of Changjahwan Ba 1/26/1968 #23703 otentially significant because the location is linked to rumors of housing 3/1968 #23799 g and going from her remote island location. 5/2/1968 #23940 gun fire were heard coming from a location in the vicinity where militia m 6/14/1968 #24029 gun fire were heard coming from a location in the vicinity where militia m 6/14/1968 #24033 copilot Maj. James Partin) to the location of the UFO near Bowbells, North 10/24/1968 #24587 me "strange car" downhill from his location. As he coasted down toward the 11/1/1968 #24618 ided to walk or drive to a certain location where he would meet the man, wh 11/1/1968 #24620 LOCATION UNKNOWN, GREENLAND Fr. pilots. 12/22/1968 #24786 iba River, miles from his original location. Meanwhile, his horse had been 4/20/1969 #25075 ESTONIA LOCATION UNKNOWN Juri Lina and 2. 3-4 sh 11/2/1969 #25449 sightings are recurring in a rural location close to the federal capital of 1/23/1971 #25999 d a nearby hill. They drove to the location on a dirt road and found a lumi 4/14/1971 #26073 and out of clouds. It jumped from location to location, and appeared to be 5/23/1971 #26125 clouds. It jumped from location to location, and appeared to be spinning wh 5/23/1971 #26125 KENT CO, ENGL / LOCATION UNKNOWN BOAC pilot. Reflective 7/13/1971 #26225 wife and their four children to a location outside Westminster to observe 8/1/1971 #26260 TRENT R., ENGL Location unknown. Bright sphere/orb/glob 12/19/1972 #27180 SOUSAS, SP, BRZ Location approximate. 3 / car and more. 6/7/1973 #27555 nd. She could not recall the exact location. 9/22/1973 #27853 half an hour and goes to check the location. She finds a large, circular pa 10/6/1973 #27960 y other close encounters from this location as well. 3/31/1974 #28979 loud noises in the area near their location. 8/16/1974 #29363 and is taken back to the original location, where he rolls down a hill, hu 10/15/1974 #29531 Well Service in Rawlins, with his location and asks for assistance. At 11: 10/15/1974 #29531 BOND CO, IL Location approximate. 100m x15m yellow / 1/1/1975 #29685 sc-shaped object approaching their location. The dome was transparent and i 3/12/1975 #29891 , then they return to the original location, but the girls in the back seat 3/22/1975 #29916 30 a.m. the car was in a different location in the parking lot, both were d 4/6/1975 #29975 m that they had driven back to the location of the UFO, but had no recollec 4/6/1975 #29975 pieces and return to its original location, and the beam goes out. 5/16/1975 #30061 they suspect it has landed. At the location, they find a bare spot, 12 feet 11/2/1975 #30540 control facility that, from their location, they are viewing a brightly gl 11/7/1975 #30576 anies the two students back to the location but sees nothing unusual. Erenb 11/17/1975 #30636 Location unknown, MT 8:30 p.m. UFO photo 2/25/1976 #30904 the object, not very far from his location. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Hu 4/23/1976 #31016 the object, not very far from his location. The humanoids were over two me 4/23/1976 #31019 LOCATION UNKNOWN, XINJIAN PROVINCE, CH W 10/5/1976 (approximate) #31447 , disappear, and reappear in a new location. This repeats 4–5 times before 10/19/1976 #31482 object about one mile south of his location, moving slowly at first but the 12/6/1976 #31587 estimated 10 miles north of their location in Seatoun, a suburb of Welling 3/22/1977 #31926 going quickly west fast. / news / location approximate. 4/17/1977 #31985 issolves on the spot. Reaching the location of ground zero, they find nothi 5/3/1977 #32050 issolved on the spot. Reaching the location of ground zero, as best they co 5/3/1977 #32053 n this night in the United States (location withheld). When the abductee aw 7/19/1977 #32294 ct then moved back to its original location. They agreed that the object ap 7/21/1977 #32299 was located far from his original location. 8/10/1977 #32378 LLEN also spotted the UFO from his location whilst walking through Keswick 8/28/1977 #32431 her light appear again in the same location. 10/6/1977 #32555 ing a UFO landing. He drove to the location at 10:20 a.m., located 16 miles 11/29/1977 #32708 ew" that he had to be at a certain location 15 km further on, and put his f 2/5/1978 #32957 ne and then in person), moved to a location not of his choosing by security 7/29/1978 #33439 tantly, reappearing in a different location in the shop. They did this seve 9/10/1978 #33657 moves directly to the south of her location at a fast rate of speed. As it 11/7/1978 #33924 nd 16 miles away from the original location by a police officer. Later he r 1/3/1979 #34292 30 miles away from his last known location. He also had a strange cut on h 1/30/1979 #34393 his car and follow it to a remote location. Everything became silent, and 5/17/1979 #34566 NORTHEAST TIBET Location unknown. Weathermen. UFO spins. 7/24/1979 #34669 ed a glowing object approach their location in Canoga Park, California from 8/4/1979 #34715 interceptor jets converged on the location. 9/17/1979 #34898 ns away and does not return to the location for two days, whereupon he find 4/1980 #35244 was investigating Mt. Ararat as a location of the Ark (and mention Ararat 7/1980 #35399 r were ordered to go by jeep, to a location outside of Melbourne, Victoria, 8/16/1980 #35459 YUNNAN PROV / LOCATION UNKNOWN, CH Dull silent wingles 11/11/1980 #35627 ims there is a “jump room” at this location that allowed for full teleporta 1981 #35765 ag fashion. It moves closer to his location, so he takes a time exposure ph 3/20/1981 #35868 LOCATION UNKNOWN / UIGHUR REGION, CH Sev 6/6/1981 #35954 LOCATION UNKNOWN, JIANGSU, CH 5+observer 6/17/1981 #35974 gh, then low, back to its original location. A second triangle approaches, 7/1981 #35982 sitting confused in his truck at a location about 55 miles from where he ha 12/15/1981 #36259 officer saw the occupant bodies on location. 2/6/1982 #36322 ey try to move to a better viewing location, the object moves away, almost 6/10/1982 #36498 XINGANLING MOUNTAINS, CHINA Location approximate. Huge luminous red 6/18/1982 #36506 n moving and as it passed by their location, they heard a deep humming soun 7/22/1982 #36544 to land. The property owner at the location also sees a white light on a hi 4/10/1983 #36836 POLISH COAST LOCATION UNKNOWN 2 Air Force pilots. Nea 7/6/1983 #36901 police officer answers a call at a location southeast of Danbury, Connectic 7/12/1983 #36909 ts in the V-formation fly over his location; it had steady red and white li 10/31/1984 #37499 e Michigan, without disclosing his location. She speculated that he may be 3/23/1985 #37573 ff irregularly, appearing in a new location each time as if changing positi 5/19/1986 #37880 seconds, only to reappear in a new location, as if jumping from point to po 5/19/1986 #37882 a UFO abduction occurred near this location six weeks later on September 30 8/13/1986 #37989 wing there is no farmhouse in that location, he stops the truck. The object 1/9/1987 #38096 . The next day he went back to the location with his family and found sever 3/7/1987 #38134 ic” nearby. When he arrives at the location, his onboard radar registers th 6/19/1987 #38194 them to a garage at an undisclosed location in Scottsdale or Sedona, Arizon 4/12/1988 #38541 ree other witnesses in a different location also reported seeing it. 4/20/1989 #38913 r the crash site, but the isolated location seemed impossible to access. Th 9/16/1989 #39109 were transported to an undisclosed location for examination by the Office o 9/28/1989 #39132 ering above approximately the same location. 10/11/1989 #39164 he found himself in a desert-like location standing among the sand dunes. 10/31/1989 #39200 DORDOGNE RIVER, FR Location unknown. Dog frantic. Tractor l 11/20/1989 #39239 s post and transferred to a remote location. 5/25/1990 #39592 the one detected in February in a location several hundred yards away. The 4/26/1991 #40050 taken by a witness in a different location. Maussan enlists the help of th 7/11/1991 #40119 to their car and drove towards the location to investigate. As they neared 3/13/1992 #40377 k in the morning in an undisclosed location in Georgia, a man woke up to se 5/5/1992 #40454 level in Ontario, Canada (precise location not given). There were red and 9/4/1992 #40610 ble technical details. The alleged location was a good one--an off-limits a 10/1992 #40653 idnight. Triangulation suggested a location near Desert Valley in the Nelli 10/20/1992 #40683 le. Another witness in a different location watches a similar object around 8/12/1993 #41133 Texas found herself in an unknown location with three short, gray-skinned 11/15/1993 #41278 sfer from Project Preserve Destiny location 1 to Project Preserve Destiny l 12/1993 #41313 tion 1 to Project Preserve Destiny location 2. His clearance is listed as T 12/1993 #41313 s not provide a description of PPD location 1, only that a Cpt. Stanley was 12/1993 #41313 t. Dan Sherman claims while at PPD location 1 and performing regular USAF E Early 1994 #41352 In an undisclosed location in Switzerland, a man was in hi 5/11/1994 #41523 n the U.S. state of Georgia (exact location not given), when around two a.m 9/11/1994 #41734 Sherman moves to PPD location 2. He does not disclose where t Early 1995 #41927 days later, the second NHI at this location began communicating with him on Early 1995 #41927 LOCATION UNKNOWN / CASS CO, MO 1 observe 3/10/1995 #42082 ure known as “Axlerod” to a secret location in the Alaskan wilderness where 3/31/1995 #42130 f independent witnesses at another location does not observe the object. 7/15/1995 #42303 LOCATION UNKNOWN, GUANGXI, CHINA Dozens 7/25/1995 #42324 d "6 inches", based on the altered location of the building and the truck's 8/15/1995 #42389 aw the same thing from a different location. It made no sound at all. 9/24/1995 #42509 “Zhitkur” with instructions on the location of all sites and drew diagrams 1996 #42654 OVER, NM Location unknown. Airliner / near collis 3/3/1996 #42800 ensional visual image in a desired location; the example given is a false p 5/1996 #42891 aw the huge triangle over the same location, shining down powerful beams of 9/23/1996 #43039 ich they soon returned to the same location and again saw the blue light, s 9/23/1996 #43039 most vertically to the east of his location in Bakersfield. The object was 10/3/1996 #43052 aying in a cabin at an undisclosed location in Florida when they saw strang 1/7/1997 #43167 rive to Snoddy Road at an isolated location to signal to the objects with a 5/19/1997 #43300 . Two of the UFOs descended to his location. When one object approached his 5/19/1997 #43300 -shaped object appears in the same location and flies along a similar path, 6/28/1997 #43343 s out and reappears in a different location, this time looking like two lig 7/14/1997 #43350 Airlines pilot in nearly the same location and height 72 minutes after the 8/9/1997 #43376 reconnaissance satellite. From its location at the White Sands Missile Rang 10/17/1997 #43431 seconds, jump instantly to another location, and hover again before speedin 4/22/1998 #43556 midnight a woman in an unspecified location in Puerto Rico heard a masculin 7/11/1998 #43601 s from the literature. He looks at location and duration, the sequence of t 7/2/1999 #43789 there (Halifax is mentioned as the location of a safehouse in the story). D 7/31/1999 #43815 . PDT a woman in California (exact location not disclosed) suddenly awoke f 10/26/1999 #43866 ge flying object approaching their location. The object hovered about three 11/1/1999 #43869 Waynesville police officer to the location. Upon arrival at the scene the 4/25/2001 #44164 states he knows the name and last location of a senior officer who had fir 4/25/2002 #44333 that he knew the name and current location of a retired senior flag-rank o 4/25/2002 #44333 une 2022) Huntsville, Alabama is a location where ongoing deep black antigr 5/2002 #44335 er officers, who reached the rural location to lend their assistance to the 7/21/2002 #44362 e and his car were not in the same location as when the CE-4 experience beg 9/25/2002 #44408 plane that are widely separated in location both inside and outside the air 10/23/2002 #44422 m San Benedetto, which reached the location where the object plunged into t 6/22/2003 #44557 nd in Area 2. Upon arriving at the location in vehicles, they cannot see an 2004 #44637 rred from the top-secret fund to a location at Palm Beach, FL belonging to 2004 #44638 and took place northwest of their location. Soldiers of Venezuela's Guardi 5/15/2004 #44702 Krepachi in the Brest region. The location was mixed forest, in a clearing 8/25/2004 #44741 objects were often observed in the location. The villagers had been pasturi 8/25/2004 #44741 seen the same lights from the same location on September 3rd, two nights pr 9/5/2004 #44748 t Dick Cheney is taken to a secure location. The airplane is a Cessna 150 p 5/11/2005 #44840 for him but gave up. From his new location he saw two more cocoon-like cra 8/6/2006 #44953 In Northern India (exact location not given), the witness was ret 4/25/2007 #45023 d then hovered over the witnesses' location for two minutes in Kingston, Ne 9/20/2007 #45063 y afternoon, he was in a different location, his clothes were tattered, and 9/21/2007 #45066 to the north. As they approach its location, they see that it is large, tri 12/29/2007 #45104 e are underground railroads at the location. https://www.earthfiles.com/20 12/15/2010 #45307 nutes and reappears in a different location. Starting at 2:28 p.m., Mustaţa 4/13/2012 #45341 parties on a call, as well as the location data, unique identifiers, time 6/5/2013 #45370 O craft.” Williams states it was a location where people could come to Nort 12/2014 #45425 r donut shaped in Ada, Oklahoma, a location about 100 miles west of Fort Si 2/20/2015 #45431 ajor aerospace contractor within a location called “Possum Plant” Area 51 4/5/2016 #45449 levard in El Segundo, CA, the same location Andrew Basiago claimed was the 7/16/2016 #45456 ion Andrew Basiago claimed was the location of advanced technology capable 7/16/2016 #45456 Proving Ground may be a meaningful location for this research, something a 5/30/2018 #45528 termines that two aircraft at that location, but they are not military and 11/9/2019 #45616 ke a cruise missile pass above his location west of Clayton, New Mexico. Th 2/21/2021 #45678 Steven Greer suggests a location “Bradshaw Ranch” near Sedona, A 10/14/2022 #45777 tgowns. Tyler D. tells Cameron the location is where the CIA’s rumored “jum 10/20/2022 #45783 i told him a jump room was at this location and that a friend of Pandolfi t 10/20/2022 #45783## Word: "locations" (Back to Top)
.C., Baltimore, Norfolk, and other locations in the East, proceeding slowly 7/20/1860 #155 ing meteor procession is seen from locations across Canada, the northeaster 2/9/1913 #881 ing. An airship is seen at several locations around Selby, North Yorkshire, 2/21/1913 #883 :00 and 8:00 p.m. in the following locations: Cedar City, Logan, and Diamon 6/26/1947 #2420 entified planform aircraft” in two locations on July 6. 9/19/1947 #3407 arters information about two radar locations and a rocket firing incident o 10/14/1947 #3457 gordo, Roswell, Socorro, and other locations. All sightings appear to be of 1/31/1949 #3986 udy the green fireballs from field locations. 9/1/1949 #4343 ’s request for the use of military locations, personnel, and equipment for 9/13/1950 #5176 ground observers in four different locations in Michigan (Grand Rapids, Coo 11/24/1951 #5790 s, Dougher and Strong, in separate locations at Wiesbaden Air Base in Hesse 7/21/1952 #6984 adar-visual events occurred at two locations, in northeast Georgia and acro 3/5/1953 #8734 W. Morgan / USAF. CE2+RADAR's both locations. No further details. 3/20/1953 #8764 GYOR, HUNGARY Also other locations. 1500 reports. Saucer east-nor 10/15/1954 #11077 the object in flight from separate locations. The countryside was illuminat 10/18/1954 #11209 the object in flight from separate locations. The countryside was illuminat 10/18/1954 #11220 two- week survey mission to scout locations for a new base in an unmarked Early 1955 #11901 TARAKAN, BORNEO 2 separate locations. Cylinder/cigar-shape streaks 11/16/1958 #15443 fferent secret scientific research locations and the body was allegedly tak 9/26/1959 #15994 itnesses observed it from separate locations. It appeared as an oval, lumin 12/9/1960 #16529 itnesses observed it from separate locations. It appeared to be an oval-sha 12/9/1960 #16531 r two hours. Witnesses in separate locations described the maneuvers simila 6/18/1963 #17792 Various Locations, AK (McDonald list) Tear Drop 1/28/1965 #18778 uerto Monte, Chile in two separate locations observed an unidentified flyin 7/30/1965 #19213 .m. EST. Two witnesses in separate locations independently reported watchin 3/28/1966 #20111 ference was noted by teams sent to locations where the object was sometimes 8/24/1966 #20801 ference was noted by teams sent to locations where the object was sometimes 8/24/1966 #20803 ive witnesses from two independent locations saw an odd oblong, metallic-ap 7/4/1967 #22607 orning, California two independent locations about 5 miles west of Corning, 7/4/1967 #22610 ive witnesses from two independent locations about 5 miles west of Corning, 7/4/1967 #22610 nd saw the same UFO from different locations. The object was "swinging from 10/27/1967 #23355 , UT Many observer(s) / 5 separate locations. Silver saucer going quickly s 10/16/1968 #24564 BUCHAREST, ROM AND MANY LOCATIONS Thousands / observer(s). Delta 9/10/1969 #25357 ated at what appeared to be random locations along the corridor. He walked 8/15/1970 #25787 tation, and teleportation to other locations began in 1982. Nichols claims 1/1971 #25963 VILLE, OH Also other Butler county locations. Too many UFO report(s) / poli 10/15/1973 #28037 away. Other witnesses in separate locations also see a UFO. 6/14/1974 #29191 bjects to their respective control locations. Static on radio and other com 10/14/1974 #29527 :30–3:45 a.m. Patrols at different locations in the US Army’s Fort Ritchie 7/30/1976 #31202 altitude of 3,200 feet in multiple locations in Morocco, including Agadir, 9/19/1976 #31409 LOCATIONS UNKNOWN, MN 2 separate RADAR's 2/19/1978 #32977 Many Locations, MN Widespread UFO sightings, 3/1978 #33004 men and five civilians at separate locations sighted an object that looked 8/3/1980 #35440 to view UAP associated underground locations at Mt. Hayes, AK, Mt. Ziel, Au 7/1982 #36525 fficial project claimed these four locations — and possibly others — were i 7/1982 #36525 s the water. The UFO moves to four locations above the reservoir, each time 10/28/1983 #37026 AFOR). A list of phone numbers and locations is shown in the directory at A 1984 #37087 is night and was seen from several locations. At 8:15 p.m. a V-Shaped forma 5/31/1984 #37349 y 4–5 different radars in separate locations on different frequencies. Afte 8/23/1984 #37438 roit. Other witnesses in different locations also see the triangles. Sudden 3/4/1988 #38487 ts Fyffe-UFO. Also other DeKalb Co locations.. 3/1/1989 #38858 police personnel and others at 10 locations, centered on De Kalb County, A 3/1/1989 #38860 he Office of Naval Intelligence at locations such as Area 51. ELF devices, 2/21/1990 #39426 ES AND, BELGIUM 18 cops / separate locations. Night lights / perfect triang 3/30/1990 #39494 hts appear and are seen in various locations around Pensacola by other grou 4/14/1990 #39524 mutilated at the home and in other locations in the area. Strange tracks we 3/6/1996 #42811 ngs principally take place in four locations in the central Yukon: Fox Lake 12/11/1996 #43137 e seen and videotaped from several locations. The Government explanation of 3/13/1997 #43230 biological material found at found locations in Lincoln County, New Mexico 3/11/1998 #43532 . The phenomenon was seen from two locations, and viewed through binoculars 2/9/1999 #43724 nd short “grey aliens” appearance. Locations of recoveries listed include N 7/31/1999 #43815 s on other occasions, in different locations. 1/24/2000 #43933 ght several witnesses at different locations in Acquappesa, Italy reported 7/27/2001 #44212 s (ARVs) at Area 51 and associated locations, and that he knew the name and 4/25/2002 #44333 sistent aircraft activity. In both locations, witnesses see odd lights or o 7/26/2002 #44366 stopped and videotaped it from two locations: on Highway 24 40 miles east o 11/22/2002 #44449 e reported at four widely separate locations on this date. Formations of sl 9/11/2004 #44754 ng and a stable one exists between locations on Earth and Mars. Deacon cor 10/2006 #44970 ndependent witnesses from separate locations saw two humanoids exit the obj 9/4/2008 #45165 reachable only by air, along with locations in Enzo, CA, Lancaster, CA, Ed 11/1/2013 #45393## Word: "locey" (Back to Top)
son, Arizona Witness: S/Sgt. V.A. Locey. Three orange lights were seen for 4/15/1953 #8828## Word: "loch" (Back to Top)
LOCH RAVEN DAM, MD Project Bluebook Case 10/26/1958 #15378 Maryland Route 146 Loch Raven Reservoir, Maryland Towson, M 10/26/1958 #15385 00–900 feet south of the bridge at Loch Raven Reservoir, Maryland. They see 10/26/1958 #15385 scent moon glow as they drove near Loch Raven Dam in Baltimore County, Mary 10/26/1958 #15386 Placer County, California Loch Leven Lakes Cisco Grove 10:00 p.m. 9/5/1964 #18539 lacer County, California, near the Loch Leven Lakes in the vicinity of Cisc 9/5/1964 #18539 Loch Ness Tenby harbor, Pembrokeshire, W 10/8/1966 #20974 or, Pembrokeshire, Wales 7:00 p.m. Loch Ness monster researcher Frederick W 10/8/1966 #20974 ue, Czechoslovakia London, England Loch Ness, Scotland Low, Roach, and Hyne 8/22/1967 #22892 ndon, England, and instead goes to Loch Ness, Scotland, “because neither th 8/22/1967 #22892 ss, Scotland, “because neither the Loch Ness monster nor UFOs exist.” 8/22/1967 #22892 Foyers, Inverness, Scotland Loch Ness Jan-Ove Sundberg sees a landed 8/16/1971 #26288 ve Foyers, Inverness, Scotland, on Loch Ness. Three human-shaped figures in 8/16/1971 #26288 king for a UFO connection with the loch. However, Sundberg eventually confe 8/16/1971 #26288 s in the woods above Foyers Bay on Loch Ness, Scotland at around nine a.m. 8/16/1971 #26289 At nearly the same time as the Loch Ness CE-3 encounter, three adults a 8/16/1971 #26290## Word: "lock" (Back to Top)
On this night a farmer in Lock Mills, Indiana claimed he was visit 4/11/1897 #436 type flying saucer, are kept under lock and key. He is released in March 19 5/1945 #1858 Lock, South Australia Port Augusta, Sout 2/6/1947 #2238 Emma are walking to their house in Lock, South Australia, when they see fiv 2/6/1947 #2238 demands that atomic testing cease. Lock Martin, who is more than 7 feet tal 9/18/1951 #5677 scrambled, the pilot gets a radar lock, and the target speeds away. At Nat 7/26/1952 #7174 nd, white UFO and obtained a radar lock on the target. The UFO reversed dir 12/10/1952 #8410 o Air Force pilots get a momentary lock on a strange object above Goose Bay 12/15/1952 #8422 Panama Canal Zone, Panama Radar Lock Broken By UO (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cas 3/9/1958 #14922 Lock Raven Dam, MD Egg-Shaped Object & E 10/26/1958 #15381 Lock Raven Dam, Maryland Witnesses: Phil 10/27/1958 #15391 mosphere. (The Alien would have to lock his knees in a high-gravity environ 1965 #18679 s them. Da Souza tells his wife to lock herself up in their house. He is ar 8/13/1967 #22873 Dutton, MT ??? a.m. UFO, radar lock, Penroy. Pentagon notified of UFO. 12/18/1975 #30724 The moment the F-4 pilot tried to lock an AIM-9 missile at the UFO he lost 9/19/1976 #31396 s a visual confirmation but cannot lock on with his in-flight radar. The in 11/15/1978 #33957 front setting where they opened a "lock" on a rock and entered through a tu 1/3/1979 #34292 A38 NEAR SHELTON LOCK, DERBYSHIRE Lemon shaped object. Wh 1/4/1988 #38399 ons, they manage to obtain a radar lock for a few seconds, but these are la 3/30/1990 #39499 ed maneuvers, and they never get a lock on any objects apart from the other 3/30/1990 #39499 e sporadic and the final confirmed lock takes place at 12:40 a.m. Following 3/30/1990 #39499 lators in seven countries raid and lock down records of branch offices of t 7/5/1991 #40112 ters room. "Vuuh" sound. Observers lock door and flee? 3/15/1992? #40383 hat they had what appeared to be a lock of hair, tied up tight like a ponyt 6/5/1997 #43311 time the radar officer attempts to lock on the object, the radio, radar, an 10/28/2004 #44773 England. One fighter gets a radar lock on an unidentified target 17 miles 1/12/2007 #44999 les in front of him. He breaks the lock and reacquires it to validate the t 1/12/2007 #44999 eet. The aircraft are also able to lock onto the object with CATM-9Xs, a ca 4/24/2014 #45408## Word: "lock-on" (Back to Top)
of the F-51, with a positive radar lock-on. At 6,000 yards distance the obj 5/15/1952 #6334 ddenly. One F-94 crew gets a radar lock-on from 30,000 feet away of an obje 7/22/1952 #7028 F-94 interceptor obtained a radar lock-on while chasing a blue-green light 7/23/1952 #7087 st. The fighter gets a brief radar lock-on. 11/26/1952 #8344 hey lose visual contact then get a lock-on from their ARC-33 airborne radar 12/10/1952 #8409 t for 30 minutes. They get a radar lock-on 20 miles out above the Sacrament Summer 1961 #16735 Wurtsmith AFB, MI F-89 Has Radar Lock-On (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: 6/22/2000 #44005## Word: "lockard" (Back to Top)
Eugene Lemon Braxton Democrat Max Lockard Baltimore, Catonsville, Frederic 9/12/1952 #7905 t pickup truck driven by local Max Lockard, who had gone to the site to loo 9/12/1952 #7905## Word: "lockbourne" (Back to Top)
Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air Nat 1948 #3521 backer Air National Guard Base] in Lockbourne, Ohio Ohio River David T. Kea 1948 #3521 of the Ohio National Guard out of Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air Nat 1948 #3521 backer Air National Guard Base] in Lockbourne, Ohio. While executing a flip 1948 #3521 ane.” Short on fuel, he returns to Lockbourne. He persuades his major to fl 1948 #3521 veral / (seen thru) binoculars and Lockbourne Air Traffic Controllers. Very 1/7/1948 #3538 Columbus (Lockbourne AFB), OH Object Circles Base 1/7/1948 #3541 Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air Nat 1/7/1948 #3546 backer Air National Guard Base] in Lockbourne, Ohio Commercial Point Lockbo 1/7/1948 #3546 Lockbourne, Ohio Commercial Point Lockbourne AFB runway 7:15 p.m. Air Traf 1/7/1948 #3546 M. Eisele, 103rd AACS Squadron, at Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air Nat 1/7/1948 #3546 backer Air National Guard Base] in Lockbourne, Ohio, spot a bright object t 1/7/1948 #3546 vercast bank 10,000 feet overhead. Lockbourne Control Tower at the same tim 1/7/1948 #3546 rass extension past the end of the Lockbourne AFB runway for 10 seconds the 1/7/1948 #3546 LOCKBOURNE, OH ANG men and many. Night l 7/17/1952 #6850 Lockbourne AFB, OH Amber-colored ellipti 7/17/1952 #6863 Lockbourne, Ohio Witness: Air National 7/17/1952 #6867 Lockbourne AFB Rickenbacker Air National 7/17/1952 #6869 ckenbacker Air National Guard Base Lockbourne, Ohio 10:10 p.m. T/Sgt. Thurm 7/17/1952 #6869 ahone and A/3c Gene A. Jennings at Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air Nat 7/17/1952 #6869 backer Air National Guard Base] in Lockbourne, Ohio, see an amber-colored, 7/17/1952 #6869 elliptical object was sighted from Lockbourne AFB, Ohio with a pinpoint of 7/17/1952 #6871 At the same time as the Lockbourne AFB sighting, a pilot for Uni 7/17/1952 #6872 Lockbourne AFB, OH A light like a big st 7/18/1952 #6887 Lockbourne, Ohio Witnesses: T/Sgt. Maho 7/18/1952 #6892 Jennings saw a UFO at 9:10 p.m. in Lockbourne, Ohio. It was amber colored, 7/18/1952 #6903 Lockbourne AFB, OH Numerous witnesses ob 7/23/1952 #7073 ts hovering in the vicinity of the Lockbourne AFB, Columbus, Ohio. The obje 7/23/1952 #7073 Lockbourne AFB, OH Numerous witnesses ob 7/23/1952 #7074 ts hovering in the vicinity of the Lockbourne AFB, Columbus, Ohio. Two F-84 7/23/1952 #7074 Two F-84 jets were dispatched from Lockbourne AFB, but were unable to ident 7/23/1952 #7074 Lockbourne AFB Rickenbacker Air National 7/23/1952 #7083 ckenbacker Air National Guard Base Lockbourne, Ohio Turner AFB Naval Air St 7/23/1952 #7083 , Ohio 7:15 p.m. Many witnesses at Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air Nat 7/23/1952 #7083 backer Air National Guard Base] in Lockbourne, Ohio, including visiting Cap 7/23/1952 #7083 Hamilton County, Ohio Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air Nat 8/23/1955 #12399 UFOs on radar, they notify SAC at Lockbourne AFB [now Rickenbacker Air Nat 8/23/1955 #12399 NEAR LOCKBOURNE AIR FORCE BASE, OH 3 F86 pilo 12/11/1957 #14708 d erratically through the sky over Lockbourne AFB, Ohio. It was sighted by 12/11/1957 #14714 Air Force security team member at Lockbourne AFB near Columbus, OH states 12/10/1965 #19764 SOUTH / LOCKBOURNE AIR FORCE BASE, OH Classic gl 11/6/1971 #26462 ving on a rural road just south of Lockbourne AIr Force Base. The object fl 11/6/1971 #26463## Word: "locke" (Back to Top)
sually attributed to Richard Adams Locke, a reporter who is working for The 8/25/1835 #130 s working for The Sun at the time. Locke publicly admits to being the autho 8/25/1835 #130 by Civil Defense Director Kenneth Locke. 11/6/1957 #14417 a civil defense director, Kenneth Locke, visits the site. Locke finds high 11/6/1957 #14430 r, Kenneth Locke, visits the site. Locke finds high levels of radioactivity 11/6/1957 #14430 by Civil Defense Director Kenneth Locke. 11/6/1957 #14441## Word: "locked" (Back to Top)
rget. The radar set on the F-82 is locked on and the run begins. The interc 1/21/1951 #5410 bluish white UFO. The F-94's radar locked onto the object, whereupon the UF 5/31/1952 #6395 nvestigate, and its airborne radar locked onto the UFO which appeared as a 7/29/1952 #7307 ll), human-shaped, 10 m away. They locked the car as "it" inspected the veh 9/13/1952 #7914 , doubly secured by a hinged plate locked with a large padlock. 1954 #9420 ed to his car. He snapped the door locked as the two creatures lunged again 4/10/1954 #9681 e saw the object come closer, they locked all doors and spent a sleepless n 10/23/1954 #11336 ne saw the object come closer they locked all the doors and spent a sleeple 10/23/1954 #11347 ously losing baby rabbits from his locked rabbit hutch, so he was keeping w 11/9/1954 #11611 so strong that the radar tracking locked onto the UFO instead of the missi 1/10/1961 #16575 r. He saw it land on the road, and locked himself inside the cabin. The cra 1/5/1967 #21258 er. He saw it land on the road and locked himself inside the cab of his tru 1/5/1967 #21261 t leader reports that his radar is locked and missiles ready. Seconds later 3/1967 #21700 Continuing home, they run across a locked, deserted shack that seems to hav 8/23/1967 #22905 the plant. He enters a previously locked washroom and sees a man sitting o 9/27/1972 #27034 rrival at the site they opened the locked security fence surrounding it and 10/14/1972 #27077 y entrances to the court are still locked up and there are no vehicle track 11/12/1972 #27120 MORE, WILTS A350. Man / van wakes. Locked door open. Small humanoid (or Gre 9/15/1976 (approximate) #31383 he two witnesses became afraid and locked themselves in their house. They n 1/3/1977 #31687 ed, the couple living in the house locked themselves in and came out only t 4/6/1980 #35258 et, saw two flashing white lights, locked radar gunsight on object 3/21/1990 #39474 arby house but it was deserted and locked, so he then ran back to the road. 7/23/1990 #39658 all shapes and sizes rumored to be locked in a vault room inside the Vatica 7/1991 #40108 t line was evacuated, the base was locked down and USAF personnel were advi 2005 #44804## Word: "lockem" (Back to Top)
, South Africa Two policemen, John Lockem and Koos de Klerk, were on a patr 9/15/1965 #19566 Two policemen, John Lockem and Koos de Klerk, were on patrol 9/15/1965 #19567 etoria, S. Africa: Constables John Lockem and Koos de Klerk while on patrol 9/16/1965 #19569 er 12:00 midnight. Constables John Lockem and Koos de Klerk are patrolling 9/16/1965 #19574 r witnesses in an approaching car, Lockem and De Klerk, watched in astonish 9/16/1965 #19575## Word: "lockheed" (Back to Top)
Air Tactical Service Command asks Lockheed to develop a jet fighter 6/1943 #1506 actical Service Command meets with Lockheed Aircraft Corporation in Burbank 6/1943 #1507 Skunk Works begins in Burbank CA. Lockheed Engineer Kelly Johnson deliver 7/1943 #1513 Burbank, California Lockheed Engineer Kelly Johnson and othe 7/1943 #1515 ys later, the go-ahead is given to Lockheed to start development, and the S 7/1943 #1515 ld airspeed record of 624 mph in a Lockheed P-80R Shooting Star at Muroc AF 6/19/1947 #2342 BURBANK, CA Near Lockheed works. Spoked wheel-object goin 3/10/1950 #4602 icer D. W. Merrifield are flying a Lockheed Model 18 Lodestar aircraft out 2/19/1951 #5449 allagher and his copilot, flying a Lockheed Constellation aircraft at 8,000 5/8/1952 #6275 Los Angeles River After 11:00 p.m. Lockheed worker Orfeo Angelucci is drivi 5/23/1952 #6350 rb/globe follows jets. Angel hair. Lockheed investigate / MJ#247 / r70p3-26 11/16/1953 #9302 round site 3 miles WNW of), CA The Lockheed UFO Case (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 12/16/1953 #9372 each, California Pacific 4:58 p.m. Lockheed Skunk Works chief Clarence L. “ 12/16/1953 #9374 ea (near Agoura, California) and a Lockheed crew (Rudy Thoren, Roy Wimmer, 12/16/1953 #9374 Lockheed Martin test pilots Roy Wimmer, 12/18/1953 #9384 ghting was corroborated by another Lockheed Martin employee on the ground. 12/18/1953 #9384 er approves the development of the Lockheed U-2 reconnaissance plane as a C 12/1/1954 #11743 to Martin-Marietta and merged with Lockheed in 1995. Witten states while a 1955 #11898 hile at RIAS, whose legacy program Lockheed eventually acquired. Witten joi 1955 #11898 orked there with “Wheaten” (now at Lockheed, in the submarine division), Te 1955 #11899 for the CIA Project Aquatone (the Lockheed U-2 spy plane). Lockheed test p Early 1955 #11901 tone (the Lockheed U-2 spy plane). Lockheed test pilot Kelly Johnson sends Early 1955 #11901 t Aquatone, the development of the Lockheed U-2 strategic reconnaissance ai 7/1955 #12225 ence Agency. A small group of four Lockheed test pilots, two dozen Lockheed 7/1955 #12225 ur Lockheed test pilots, two dozen Lockheed mechanics and engineers, a hand 7/1955 #12225 with a copilot, flight engineer, a Lockheed test engineer, and a General Mo 7/1955 #12226 Nebada Burbank, California Area 51 Lockheed’s offices in Burbank The Groom 7/24/1955 #12283 ter II cargo plane, accompanied by Lockheed technicians on a Douglas DC-3. 7/24/1955 #12283 hts are set up between Area 51 and Lockheed’s offices in Burbank. To preser 7/24/1955 #12283 evada The first test flight of the Lockheed U-2 takes place at Groom Lake, 8/1/1955 #12316 -speed-taxi test in the first U-2, Lockheed’s chief test pilot, Tony LeVier 8/1/1955 #12316 es an altitude of 65,000 feet in a Lockheed U-2 at Groom Lake, Nevada, a fe 9/8/1955 #12438 Inc., Sperry-Rand, Curtiss-Wright, Lockheed, Boeing and North American are 2/25/1956 #12739 uch lower data transmission rates. Lockheed has signed an Air Force contrac 8/3/1956 #13050 n Edward Lovick Jr. begins work at Lockheed’s secret Advanced Development P 8/1957 #13867 ce-Soonest” (MISS). MISS contracts Lockheed to build a spacecraft for a sin 1958 #14785 nterestingly, USAF still contracts Lockheed to build the MISS craft and the 1958 #14785 er W. Irwin reaches 1,404 mph in a Lockheed YF-104A Starfighter at Edwards 5/16/1958 #15038 Lockheed’s Georgia Nuclear Aircraft Labo 6/1959 #15754 a The radiation effects reactor at Lockheed’s Georgia Nuclear Aircraft Labo 6/1959 #15754 a Burbank, California Employees of Lockheed’s Skunk Works are the first to 9/1959 #15950 engineering designs, selecting the Lockheed A-12 over rival Convair’s Kingf 9/14/1959 #15976 it from radar is also persuasive. Lockheed has also added twin canted fins 9/14/1959 #15976 rk on Project Oxcart. (Wikipedia, “Lockheed A-12”; Jacobsen, Area 51, pp. 1 1/26/1960 #16157 The object slowed down to pace the Lockheed jet trainer, and followed the p 11/29/1960 #16522 icial and unannounced) flight with Lockheed test pilot Louis Schalk at the 4/25/1962 #17129 The CIA and USAF instruct Lockheed to study a high-speed, high-alt 10/1962 #17449 the USAF version of the A-12, the Lockheed YF-12 interceptor, takes place 8/7/1963 #17877 YF- 12, a twin-seat version of the Lockheed A-12 built as an interceptor. H 2/29/1964 #18140 re reach a speed of 2,070 mph in a Lockheed YF- 12A at Edwards AFB, Califor 5/1/1965 #18924 Lockheed test pilot William C. Park flie 12/21/1966 #21212 wo Spanish Air Force pilots flying Lockheed T-33s at 4,000 feet encounter a 6/9/1967 #22482 ar to meetings with USG officials, Lockheed Martin personnel and Clinton ca 5/1973 #27461 white cylinder/cigar-shape. Size = Lockheed 747! 11/1/1974 (approximate) #29576 82 Burbank, California DARPA names Lockheed the winner of a competition to 4/1976 #30971 airspeed record of 2,193 mph in a Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird over Beale AFB 7/28/1976 #31188 when air traffic control radios a Lockheed L-1011 TriStar that is flying n 7/30/1976 #31203 bank, California Area 51 in Nevada Lockheed’s first Have Blue demonstrator 11/16/1976 #31554 s oceangoing ship traffic, an RAAF Lockheed P-3 Orion aircraft, plus eight 10/21/1978 #33856 ge in Nevada. The contract goes to Lockheed’s Skunk Works. 11/1/1978 #33908 chultz is flying TWA Flight 842, a Lockheed L-1011 TriStar commercial airli 7/4/1981 #35987 tics Division, Space Data Corp, or Lockheed (he wouldn’t specify to protect 1984 #37098 in shape. In 1994, former head of Lockheed Skunk Works stated the line ite 1985 #37542 lt Jansen (or Janzen), Don Keuble (Lockheed), Harold E. Puthoff (SRI), Ed S 5/20/1985 #37590 A, INSCOM, McDonnell Douglas, BDM, Lockheed and OUSD(R&E). To this date, DO 5/20/1985 #37591 ional Forest, California Area 51 A Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk stealth attack 7/11/1986 #37939 nergy and Commerce. Conahan states Lockheed Corporation exhibited a poor do 7/24/1986 #37952 hen speeds off to the northeast. A Lockheed C-130 Hercules transport that t 6/9/1987 #38188 se Department official to view the Lockheed Pulsar, nicknamed the Aurora, t 11/12/1988 #38713 Lt. Col. Ron Blackburn of Lockheed Martin Skunk Works and co-found 1990 #39357 1994, Ben Rich, the former head of Lockheed’s Skunk Works division, writes 3/1990 #39434 lar craft was seen escorted by two Lockheed F117-As. https://external-prev 10/1/1990 #39757 esembles the forward fuselage of a Lockheed S-71, without wings but with a 8/5/1992 #40552 ect looking like the fuselage of a Lockheed SR-71. 8/5/1992 #40553 thrup Aerospace, Boeing Aerospace, Lockheed Martin, BDM, E-Systems, EG&G, W 8/30/1996 #43001 Lockheed Martin scientist Boyd Bushman i 4/17/1997 #43264 his death he worked on UAP R&D at Lockheed using debris and craft retrieva 4/17/1997 #43264 from Rockwell, Martin-Boeing, IBM, Lockheed, McDonnell, Ford Aerospace (now 8/19/1997 #43387 laims he interviews former head of Lockheed Martin Skunk Works Jack Gordon. Late 1990's #43480 re mistaken for UAP, contracted by Lockheed, Boeing, Northrup, Teledyne Rya 1998 #43481 thoff (Earthtech), Bernard Haisch (Lockheed Martin) and Alfonso Ruedo (Cali 8/1998 #43618 niversity) publish a paper for the Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Cent 8/1998 #43618 Ret. Lt. Col. Ron Blackburn of Lockheed Martin Skunk Works and co-found 8/22/1998 #43636 On this evening Michael Hawkins, a Lockheed Martin aircraft mechanic, and h 4/20/1999 #43759 ontractors like BDM, SAIC, Boeing, Lockheed and the comptrollers who monito 2000 #43914 mber, as were representatives from Lockheed Martin. https://humansbefree.c 2001 #44112 Ex Lockheed Skunkworks, USAF and CIA contra 4/2001 #44155 CIA contractor Don Phillips claims Lockheed has extraterrestrial technology 4/2001 #44155 lled “Flux Liners.” He also claims Lockheed Martin at one time possessed a 5/9/2001 #44183 tate University, and Paul March of Lockheed Martin Space Operations publish 6/2001 #44189 tate University, Bernard Haisch of Lockheed Martin, Jonathan Campbell of NA 5/2002 #44335 the effort was thought to exist. “Lockheed?” he asks, to which the colleag 5/6/2002 #44341 transfer controls. BAE Systems and Lockheed Martin also contacted Podkletno 7/29/2002 #44370 Board Chairman William Schneider, Lockheed Martin President Robert J Steve 11/27/2002 #44452 k says he’s sent Bernard Haisch at Lockheed Martin six questions like that 3/22/2003 #44504 NASA engineer Larry Lemke tells Lockheed scientist Bernard Haisch, as re 6/11/2003 #44556 Bernard Haisch of Lockheed Martin states Hal Puthoff tried 9/10/2003 #44595 ouch the “real” UAP project(s) are Lockheed Martin, the Aerospace Corporati 3/28/2004 #44683 st IT/accounting systems providers Lockheed Martin Information Systems, Dyn 6/2004 #44706 ut IBM in turn, subcontracted AMS, Lockheed, Dyncorp, SAIC and Accenture to 6/2004 #44706 Laboratory, Chrysler Corporation, Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, Aer 8/2004 #44724 naissance Squadron, which operates Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel drones, 9/1/2005 #44867 The Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor, a single-se 12/15/2005 #44909 A, INSCOM, McDonnell Douglas, BDM, Lockheed and OUSD(R&E) were there. * h 4/28/2006 #44936 tion briefer Steven Greer claims a Lockheed Skunk Works engineer told him h 4/28/2006 #44937 2/mode/1up (p265) Note: Former Lockheed Martin Skunk Works Sr. Tech Fel 4/28/2006 #44937 s and low observable technology at Lockheed and more recently received a DA 4/28/2006 #44937 t he and Eric Davis are pursuing a Lockheed Martin technology for a jet hov 1/5/2007 #44997 Lockheed’s Bernard Haisch tells Jacques 5/27/2007 #45032 Davis tells Jacques Vallée that a Lockheed designer Nathan C Price would b 9/12/2009 #45246 Lockheed Martin scientist Boyd Bushman c 8/2014 #45413 P contractor Bigelow Aerospace and Lockheed Martin. It was seemingly publis 12/2015 #45441 g with Boeing or BAE again, though Lockheed Martin Skunk Works veteran Stev 12/2015 #45441 and, USAF Maj. Gen. Michael Carey, Lockheed Martin Skunk Works EVP Rob Weis 1/24/2016 #45443 his meeting between USG personnel, Lockheed Martin, Clinton campaign staff 1/24/2016 #45443 er in Edwards airspace, which is a Lockheed Martin Skunk Works facility; Lo 4/18/2016 #45451 kheed Martin Skunk Works facility; Lockheed and Northrop have multiple gene 4/18/2016 #45451 n-public reports from Raytheon and Lockheed are cited. Another article fro 3/27/2017 #45466 01) of Cal State and Paul March of Lockheed Martin Space Operations using l 4/2017 #45467 ANCED_PROPULSION.PDF Note: The Lockheed PZT experiments were done at th 4/2017 #45467 and, USAF Maj. Gen. Michael Carey, Lockheed Martin Skunk Works EVP Rob Weis 10/26/2017 #45488 Aerospace Division head and former Lockheed Skunk Works employee Steve Just 10/26/2017 #45488 Former Lockheed Martin astrophysicist Bernard H 2018 #45498 pace companies such as for example Lockheed, TRW, Raytheon, Aerospace Corp. 2018 #45498 “like Ratheyon, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin” to try and figure out s 6/24/2018 #45530 acy companies of interest are TRW, Lockheed, Northrop, BAE, E-Systems and E 4/30/2019 #45575 mber of the Boards of Directors of Lockheed Martin, The Timken Company and 7/5/2019 #45590 s a “technical collaboration” with Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Bigelow Aerospa 8/8/2019 #45605 tioned working with Boeing or BAE. Lockheed Martin Skunk Works veteran Stev 8/8/2019 #45605 7. He states it was transferred to Lockheed Martin in 1977 ahead of expecte 4/29/2020 #45644 eering. Davis states the claims of Lockheed receiving UAP information from 4/29/2020 #45644 ays he was told “for decades” that Lockheed Martin was in possession of UAP 5/1/2021 #45686 rought in major corporations” like Lockheed, Boeing, and others and “swore 10/2021 #45713 Note: Is Elizondo referring to Lockheed as Company A, and McDonnell Dou 10/21/2021 #45717 cDonnell Douglas as Company B? Did Lockheed have an unfair advantage in hav 10/21/2021 #45717 cy when it merged with McDonnell. Lockheed Martin received an emergency $2 10/21/2021 #45717 ls” were collected and sent off to Lockheed and other aerospace companies; 8/3/2022 #45761 he National Science Foundation and Lockheed could get involved with new spe 8/3/2022 #45761 worked, “having one piece of it at Lockheed,” having other pieces elsewhere 8/3/2022 #45761## Word: "lockheed-martin" (Back to Top)
ce, McDonnell Douglas Llano Plant, Lockheed-Martin Helendale Plant, Phillip 8/30/1996 #43001## Word: "lockheed-vega" (Back to Top)
er Naval officer and consultant to Lockheed-Vega and Glenn L. Martin Co. Th 1952 #5843## Word: "locking" (Back to Top)
and another real-estate agent are locking up for the night in Charleswood, 10/22/1967 #23290 Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina, is locking up for the night when she encoun 6/15/1968 #24039 ahead to their house, slamming and locking the door behind them. The ball s Early 1970 #25524 she screamed and ran back inside, locking the door behind her, but she con 7/26/2004 #44717## Word: "lockland" (Back to Top)
LOCKLAND AND GREEN HILLS, OH 1+1 observe 7/3/1947 #2558## Word: "locklear" (Back to Top)
Oldtown, Florida Witnesses: C. Locklear and Helen Hatch. One round, red 11/21/1961 #16967 Oldtown, Florida two witnesses, C. Locklear and Helen Hatch, watched a roun 11/21/1961 #16969## Word: "lockleys" (Back to Top)
vered in the northwestern sky over Lockleys, South Australia for awhile, th 9/2/1968 #24425## Word: "lockney" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Lockney” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT 9/24/1987 #38293## Word: "lockon" (Back to Top)
list; FUFOR Index) F-89 Has Radar LockOn (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 1/11/1956 #12655 a Low level B-52 at the time got a lockon to a UFO that was later confirmed 4/15/1966 #20298## Word: "lockport" (Back to Top)
York Niagara Falls Air Force Base Lockport Air Force Station 8:20–9:00 p.m 8/19/1965 #19427 dar of the 763rd Radar Squadron at Lockport Air Force Station [now closed] 8/19/1965 #19427 Gouger Road County Road 7 Lockport, Illinois Lockport locks and da 2/12/1982 #36340 d County Road 7 Lockport, Illinois Lockport locks and dam 5:45 p.m. Civil e 2/12/1982 #36340 oad just south of County Road 7 in Lockport, Illinois, when he sees a light 2/12/1982 #36340 an aircraft landing light over the Lockport locks and dam. It begins a smoo 2/12/1982 #36340 LOCKPORT, MBA 2 video 6' metallic disk. 6/19/1995 #42263 in the sky over a farming area in Lockport, New York. Once in awhile it se 11/15/1997 #43443## Word: "locks" (Back to Top)
WINDSOR LOCKS, CT Partly translucent "dinner pla 9/26/1950 #5197 get is on its tail. The jet turns, locks onto the object with onboard radar 5/26/1952 #6366 ot sees the UFO near Braintree and locks on to it with his own radar. But t 7/22/1952 #7026 B-29. The B-29 fire control radar locks onto the object and prepares to fi 7/22/1952 #7027 scrambled. The pilots obtain radar locks; again, the objects speed away. US 7/26/1952 #7174 4 jet interceptor is scrambled and locks onto the object with its radar. Th 7/26/1952 #7175 Air Base, Honshu, Japan. The radar locks on at 15,000 feet and contact is b 1/9/1953 #8524 ort Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan Soo Locks Evening. ADC radar detects an unkn 11/23/1953 #9318 et, 160 miles northwest of the Soo Locks, the blips of the F-89 and the UFO 11/23/1953 #9318 d the jet merged into one near Soo Locks and Keeneenaw Point, Michigan then 11/23/1953 #9319 e wooden filing cabinets with Yale locks, doubly secured by a hinged plate 1954 #9420 egon City, Oregon Willamette Falls Locks Crown Zellerbach Paper Mill 4:10 p 11/17/1954 #11663 number six of the Willamette Falls Locks in Oregon City, Oregon. His gloved 11/17/1954 #11663 Duluth, MN (McDonald list) F-89D Locks Onto Target at 1000 Knots (NICAP: 5/13/1955 #12129 d she runs back into the house and locks the door. She has rashes and her e 11/10/1957 #14521 rn but they do not work either. He locks all the doors and winds up the win 11/30/1972 #27154 r. Torpedo going quickly [to] near locks / Brunel Ward. / Huntsv.Forester 2 11/23/1973 #28460 w quickly through the sky near the locks at Brunel Ward, Huntsville, Ontari 11/23/1973 #28462 movement. At 11:20 p.m., his radar locks on to it at treetop level. It seem 5/14/1978 #33210 g to a mere 3 mph. Collins finally locks on this object. Shortly afterward, 5/14/1978 #33210 y that hurts her eyes. Scared, she locks herself inside the car and passes 1/21/1980 #35141 Road 7 Lockport, Illinois Lockport locks and dam 5:45 p.m. Civil engineer R 2/12/1982 #36340 ft landing light over the Lockport locks and dam. It begins a smooth bankin 2/12/1982 #36340 y International Airport in Windsor Locks 9:00 p.m. Multiple cars stop along 1/9/1986 #37762 y International Airport in Windsor Locks. The FAA claims the object is a bl 1/9/1986 #37762 d Varna, Bulgaria. At one point he locks the radar directly on the target a 8/1986 #37964 silos. Orange lights / edges. Car locks and headlights electro-magnetic ef 3/9/1997 #43224## Word: "locksmiths" (Back to Top)
At midnight two locksmiths watched a mysterious light pu 9/23/1978 #33737## Word: "lockspeiser" (Back to Top)
London England In London, Ben Lockspeiser, chief scientist for the UK 1/20/1947 #2232## Word: "locktopar" (Back to Top)
oma, Leektow, Luu, Oblow, Kerrull, Locktopar, Molca, Clatu, Hulda, Lata, Si 1/6/1952 #5861## Word: "locmine" (Back to Top)
LOCMINE, FR 4 observer(s). 6M saucer / 2 10/19/1976 #31480## Word: "loco" (Back to Top)
Loco, Texas Wellington 5:30 a.m. USAF S/ 3/24/1967 #21970 h his wife and three children near Loco, Texas, where they are terrified by 3/24/1967 #21970 Loco, Texas 10:30 p.m. Farmer Carroll Wa 3/31/1967 #22023 hovering just off the ground near Loco, Texas, and emitting a motor-like s 3/31/1967 #22023 led his truck as he was driving in Loco, Texas. Four beings, under five fee 4/11/1967 #22110 -shaped object land on a farm near Loco, Texas. A short being exited the cr 6/11/1967 #22496## Word: "locomotive" (Back to Top)
the engine. As it passes under the locomotive, he feels a shock that jars t Early 7/1880 #235 D Strange object descends. Follows locomotive / engineer. / FSR'66#4. 4/15/1897 #477 e ball, three times as bright as a locomotive headlight, sail over the hill 5/17/1948 #3653 light has also been compared to a locomotive headlight. Some 200 people ha 3/1951 #5469 d and Potraux, who were bringing a locomotive from Nantes to Auray, saw a d 9/28/1954 #10486 or Paroux, age 40, were bringing a locomotive from Nantes to Auray. When th 9/28/1954 #10491 but there was a large light like a locomotive headlight visible. (NICAP rep 5/31/1967 #22428 rror, Alberta bt., CAN 1:50 a.m. A locomotive engineer reported that his fr 10/13/1967 #23232 consisting of 70 empty cars and a locomotive, is paced by a strange object 2/1985 #37552 ch, it suddenly separates from the locomotive and passes around the buildin 2/1985 #37552 and as soon as he walks around the locomotive he feels a strange force pres 2/1985 #37552 trees. Automatic recorders on the locomotive and other official documents 2/1985 #37552 days. 5 saucers / V formation over locomotive plant. 10/5/1994 #41785 ugh the area making a noise like a locomotive engine. There was large scale 11/30/1994 #41872 Kentucky to Shelbiana Kentucky, a locomotive trailing unit and first two c 1/14/2002 #44307## Word: "locomotives" (Back to Top)
entire electrical systems on both locomotives "went haywire." (NICAP: 03 - 1/14/2002 #44307## Word: "locos" (Back to Top)
ch the UFO magazine La Nave de los Locos in Santiago, Chile, which continue 4/2000 #43975## Word: "loctudy" (Back to Top)
LOCTUDY, FR 3M saucer going down. Small 10/5/1954 #10716 Loctudy, France A baker, P. Lucas, was d 10/5/1954 #10726 Loctudy, Finistère, France 4:00 a.m. M. 10/5/1954 #10732 4:00 a.m. M. P. Lucas, a baker in Loctudy, Finistère, France, is getting w 10/5/1954 #10732 Loctudy, France. At 4:00 a.m. a baker, M 10/5/1954 #10737 SOUTHEAST / LOCTUDY, FR Star / horizon / several nig 8/27/1968 #24386## Word: "locuson" (Back to Top)
town, Salem County, New Jersey Mr. Locuson, a building contractor, watched 5/16/1956 #12853## Word: "locust" (Back to Top)
a triangle Astra-TR3B called “the Locust” that exploits curvature in space 4/5/2016 #45449 ar Area 51 had a simulator for the Locust A fictional “Maynard Corporatio 4/5/2016 #45449## Word: "locusts" (Back to Top)
rea, a sound like a large swarm of locusts was heard emanating from the fie 7/29/1968 #24256## Word: "lodelinsart" (Back to Top)
LODELINSART, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Bed 4/20/1974 #29050 LODELINSART, BELGIUM 1 observer. Loud no 8/15/1974 #29350## Word: "lodestar" (Back to Top)
Mt. Kilimanjaro, Kenya, Africa Lodestar Crew Sees Stationary Silver Elo 2/19/1951 #5447 eld are flying a Lockheed Model 18 Lodestar aircraft out of Nairobi, Kenya, 2/19/1951 #5449## Word: "lodeve" (Back to Top)
LODEVE, FR 1 observer. Silent glowing-ov 11/6/1970 #25903## Word: "lodge" (Back to Top)
up of people returning home from a lodge meeting in Bay City, Michigan, not 4/16/1897 #506 Roswell, New Mexico Pine Lodge Road northwest of Roswell 5:00 a.m 7/5/1947 #2719 Department, makes a run along Pine Lodge Road northwest of Roswell. They ar 7/5/1947 #2719 and three others are in a hunting lodge on the Baskatong Reservoir, Quebec 11/6/1957 #14428 saw a similar object near Karumba Lodge. 7/14/1959 #15851 saw a similar object near Karumba Lodge. 7/14/1959 #15853 ts 6:30 p.m. Three girls (Kimberly Lodge, Ellen Kenney, and Janice Shafer), 1/20/1967 #21360 Medicine Lodge, KS On some unspecified date in th 3/1967 #21695 ncy Interference (RFI). Buzzes ski lodge. Responds / flares. / r41. 12/10/1973 #28546 Briar Mountain Lodge Norway, Michigan 3:00 a.m. Eino Ma Mid 1/1977 #31723 e ski slopes at the Briar Mountain Lodge near Norway, Michigan. He notices Mid 1/1977 #31723 it unnerved, Maki goes back to the lodge and positions himself behind it. T Mid 1/1977 #31723 Brian Mountain Lodge Norway, Michigan 10:30 p.m. Anothe Mid 2/1977 #31817 s the ski slopes at Brian Mountain Lodge near Norway, Michigan. After going Mid 2/1977 #31817 and down, about 500 feet from the lodge. Maki estimates the object is abou Mid 2/1977 #31817 ong. Some 10–15 people exiting the lodge begin to see the display as well. Mid 2/1977 #31817 lows / 9+hours over trees near ski lodge. 8/5/1994 #41654## Word: "lodgement" (Back to Top)
Plans Richard Bissell plans for a “lodgement” by 750 men at an undisclosed 1/4/1961 #16562## Word: "lodges" (Back to Top)
2+1 observer(s). Huge UFO buzzes 2 lodges. 2 rows / windows. Night lights e 10/15/1967? #23239## Word: "lodi" (Back to Top)
Lodi, California 6:00 p.m. Col. H. G. Sh 11/25/1896 #361 oner are riding in a carriage near Lodi, California, when their horse stops 11/25/1896 #361 LODI, CA Farmer. 60cm grey saucer 6m ove 7/6/1947 #2737 LODI, OH Glittering silver barrel makes 10/9/1951 #5709 LODI, ORAN, ALG Very large "inverted con 7/28/1952 #7243 LODI, OH 2 separate observer(s). 2 ovoid 9/22/1955 #12468 quickly ESE low and fast toward(s) Lodi. Nothing / RADAR. 7/24/1956 #13014 LODI, CA Teen / (seen thru) binoculars. 11/1958 #15412 southwest of Lodi, Wisconsin State Highway 113 south Summer 1974 #29218 sconsin State Highway 113 south of Lodi Lodi Late evening. A witness living Summer 1974 #29218 in State Highway 113 south of Lodi Lodi Late evening. A witness living sout Summer 1974 #29218 ing. A witness living southwest of Lodi, Wisconsin, sees an intensely brigh Summer 1974 #29218 ving on State Highway 113 south of Lodi observe a triangular object with re Summer 1974 #29218 ct is gone. At 1:00 a.m., a man in Lodi sees what he thinks are headlights Summer 1974 #29218 LODI, OH 2 truckers. 4 night lights / ti 10/7/1978 #33803 US Highway 224 Lodi, Ohio 6:30 p.m. Two truck drivers o 10/7/1978 #33806 uck drivers on US Highway 224 near Lodi, Ohio, see a tight formation of pin 10/7/1978 #33806 WEST / LODI, MO Campers. White night light goin 8/8/1995 #42367 Ordnance ammunition plant outside Lodi, Wisconsin from east to west at 2:2 3/1/1998 #43526 rail called the Ice Age Trail near Lodi, Wisconsin when she became separate 8/22/1999 #43831## Word: "lodz" (Back to Top)
LODZ AIRFIELD, POLAND Airline(s)/airline 8/20/1979 #34761 LODZ, POLAND 3 observer(s) / 3 hours. Cl 3/3/1980 #35191 Lodz, Poland Three bright spheres hovere 4/6/1980 #35256 pheres hovered low over a house in Lodz, Poland spreading a blinding light. 4/6/1980 #35256 pheres hovered low over a house in Lodz, Poland spreading a blinding light. 4/6/1980 #35258 LODZ, POLAND 7 / balcony and more/others 12/31/1995 #42653## Word: "loeb" (Back to Top)
d ʻOumuamua Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb and his postdoctoral assistant Shmu 10/26/2018 #45541 e able to accelerate. In response, Loeb writes an article detailing six ano 10/26/2018 #45541 onal team of scientists led by Avi Loeb of the Department of Astronomy at H 7/26/2021 #45700## Word: "loedding" (Back to Top)
l assessment team (possibly Alfred Loedding or Col. William R. Clingerman J 7/28/1947 #3239 asks for a meeting between Alfred Loedding (aeronautics engineer at T-3), Late 8/1947 #3369 , Ohio In Washington, D.C., Alfred Loedding (as Wright Field T-2’s liaison 9/5/1947 #3386 s office in the Pentagon to Alfred Loedding at AMC. 9/21/1947 #3412 cCoy with the assistance of Alfred Loedding, “AMC Opinion Concerning ‘Flyin 9/23/1947 #3417 es Carroll had mentioned to Alfred Loedding in their meeting of September 5 9/24/1947 #3424 memo titled “Flying Discs.” Alfred Loedding, who is convinced that the flyi 12/30/1947 #3516 all and Wendy Ann Connors, “Alfred Loedding: New Insight on the Man behind 12/30/1947 #3516 R. Sneider (project chief), Alfred Loedding (T-3 engineer), Lawrence Truett 1/22/1948 #3563 ed important enough to send Alfred Loedding and one of Clingerman’s assista 4/5/1948 #3612 “Unidentified.” While at Holloman, Loedding and Beam talk with Lt. Herbert 4/5/1948 #3612 ng report is written up for Alfred Loedding from Miles E. Goll, which menti 5/5/1948 #3639 s-Whitted case. By that afternoon, Loedding, Deyarmond, and Llewellyn (now 7/25/1948 #3738 nry Grady Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia Loedding, Deyarmond, and Llewellyn inter 7/26/1948 #3742 bly the primary author. Deyarmond, Loedding, and Truettner almost certainly 9/30/1948? #3817 es Sneider, and perhaps Deyarmond, Loedding, Truettner, and McCoy. On the P 11/12/1948 #3874 personnel begin to be reassigned. Loedding disappears from project records 1/1949 #3950 intelligence tasks within T-2. For Loedding in particular, his role and pre 1/1949 #3950 former Project Sign liaison Alfred Loedding and his wife Marion see an odd 10/1952 #8076 t a firefly” while changing shape. Loedding says Rep. L. Gary Clemente (D-N 10/1952 #8076 In a newspaper interview, Alfred Loedding alludes to the 1948 Estimate of 10/10/1954 #10894 Situation without calling it that. Loedding shows a study of some 100+ UFO 10/10/1954 #10894 ptics in Project Sign win out, and Loedding’s efforts are ignored. 10/10/1954 #10894## Word: "loellen" (Back to Top)
itory, Australia The landing craft Loellen M. is in the Gulf of Carpentaria 1/23/1964 #18117## Word: "loftin" (Back to Top)
nter. No further details / typical Loftin report. 7/17/1965 #19112## Word: "loftus" (Back to Top)
h Deputy Director for Intelligence Loftus E. Becker, that a CIA/OSI group b 7/28/1952 #7265 yhead, New Jersey Witnesses: C.T. Loftus, H. Wilbert. Four or five lights 7/19/1962 #17288 , New Jersey (9:30 p.m. EDT) C. T. Loftus and H. Wilbert watched four or fi 7/19/1962 #17289 tions the Collins Elite met at the Loftus Boat on 23 May 1997 and that the 3/11/1998 #43532## Word: "lofty" (Back to Top)
s festooned between the masts of a lofty vessel.” They are moving slowly no 2/24/1893 #308 Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia 10:00 p.m. 7/1967 #22590 he window of her home in the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia. She calls 7/1967 #22590## Word: "log" (Back to Top)
Maury Island, Washington Log salvager Harold A. Dahl is patrollin 6/21/1947 #2356 as Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg’s activity log: 1:10 p.m., answers a Toronto Star r 7/7/1947 #2933 ak Ridge, TN Another Radar Report. Log of the 663rd AN and C Squadron, F-82 12/20/1950 #5360 A Canberra times. UFO looks like a log or telegraph pole. 9/9/1953 #9157 t as the UFO appeared!” The ship’s log is provably incomplete since it does 1/16/1958 #14831 next day turns up only a floating log. 10/14/1961 #16910 es for the event are gone from the log; the tape recording of the event is 10/22/1965 #19672 e police station and writes in the log book, “Saw a flying saucer at the ju 12/3/1967 #23545 ighting is deleted from the ship’s log. The six witnesses are debriefed for 10/24/1969 #25422 ts, the color and hue of a burning log, from their patrol car. The lights f 1/4/1974 #28644 p.m. Travis Walton and six fellow log cutters finish a long day of thinnin 11/5/1975 #30562 ver and descend. Wide area / Norad log. 11/7/1975 #30570 r and going quickly south. / NORAD log and more / r41p90. 11/7/1975 #30571 4th NORAD Region Senior Director's Log said: "UFO sighting reported by Mino 11/10/1975 #30593 Ballard, Mar. 4, 1981, from ship's log. ) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 2/19/1976 #30883 ome firewood and had sat down on a log to rest. He was horrified to suddenl 11/24/1978 #33997 fb1966-08-25_03.jpg Note: A NORAD log released through FOIA in 1977 also s 12/20/1978 #34186 includes some memos, messages, and log entries from the Northern Tier cases 2/9/1979 #34415 n the Baleares Islands. The ship's log reports that clouds appeared at 3:00 2/9/1979 #34417 , Hungary, when she sees a “flying log.” The man looks up and sees a cylind 9/14/1987 #38287 FO Journal, May 1990, p. 17; MUFON Log #900416 (R,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME C 3/20/1990 #39470 l humanoid (or Grey) crouched over log. Sees observer(s). Jumps into canal 8/28/1991 (approximate) #40167 inute(s). 1 observer = boy. Police log. 12/30/1992 #40773 dier Charnay begins publishing UFO Log in Grenoble, France. It continues th 9/1997 #43392 A call log from the Fergus County Sherriff’s Of 9/19/2012 #45353 traffic in the area.” In the day’s log, the lines following what’s clearly 4/15/2016 #45450 onding Canadian Air Defence Sector log entry describes “bright shining ligh 11/17/2018 #45546 m is introduced to the USS Russell log: “ghostbusters.” A log entry reflect 7/24/2019 #45598 USS Russell log: “ghostbusters.” A log entry reflects an apparently brief c 7/24/2019 #45598 ts very seriously and continues to log sightings and fully investigate the 7/31/2019 #45602 e BMOW wrote the sighting into his log, he was told by his chief to “rip it 5/9/2022 #45747## Word: "log-like" (Back to Top)
gaze fixed on the lake and a dark log-like object, 6 feet long, gliding th 8/1945 #1911## Word: "log-pile" (Back to Top)
n/entity / roadside. Car lifted to log-pile. Missing time. Watch stops. Tra 7/1977 #32211## Word: "logan" (Back to Top)
was a sudden flash in the sky over Logan, Ohio and then a 40-foot long dark 4/16/1897 #515 NEAR LOGAN, UT Teacher and 2 separate hunters 6/26/1947 #2416 e following locations: Cedar City, Logan, and Diamond Fork Canyon. 6/26/1947 #2420 LOGAN, WVA 1 observer. Round object 'W / 7/10/1947 #3090 vel flight. Glistens / sunlight. / Logan Banner. 7/10/1947 #3090 LOGAN, UT Project Bluebook Case #62. Sev 9/8/1947 #3391 Logan, UT 5 groups of a total of 12 [?] 9/8/1947 #3392 LOGAN AIRPORT, MASS 3 Air Traffic Contro 4/7/1950 #4812 Boston (Logan Airport), MA Deep-blue ellipsoid o 4/7/1950 #4814 Logan Airport Boston Massachusetts A CAA 4/7/1950 #4815 ts A CAA control tower operator at Logan Airport in Boston, Massachusetts, 4/7/1950 #4815 BOSTON HARBOR, MA Logan WxMAN. Dazzling object circles 3x 7/22/1952 #7007 NEAR LOGAN, UT Brilliant red fireball rises / 5/1/1954 #9742 Logan, Utah Utah State Agricultural Coll 5/1/1954 #9744 and seen over an 8-mile area near Logan, Utah. The blast nearly upsets car 5/1/1954 #9744 ter, Theron Blazzard admits to the Logan Herald-Journal that as a geology s 5/1/1954 #9744 t Officers Ian Fraser-Ker and Ivan Logan, is scrambled at 2:40 a.m. but exp 8/13/1956 #13080 some sort of mistake,” while Ivan Logan, the second Venom’s navigator, sta 8/13/1956 #13080 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Logan” Yield: 5KT 10/16/1958 #15347 D DIGHTON AND RUSSEL AND ELLIS AND LOGAN AND FT SCOTT AND WICHITA AND MORE 8/1972 #26853 iving along Route 322 at 9 p.m. in Logan, New Jersey, in Gloucester County, 12/3/1973 #28515 LOGAN CO, CO Cops chase unidentified hel 8/21/1975 #30292 Syracuse, New York Boston’s Logan Airport in Massachusetts 9:05 p.m. 3/12/1977 #31901 York, on a course toward Boston’s Logan Airport in Massachusetts. Suddenly 3/12/1977 #31901 Watertown, Massachusetts Logan Airport 12:00 midnight. A single w 7/15/1986 #37943 tts, is watching airliners land at Logan Airport when he sees a string of t 7/15/1986 #37943 NEAR LOGAN, UT Cow mutilated. Jaw picked clea 8/26/1993 (approximate) #41160 -rotating rings of light flew over Logan Village, Queensland, Australia at 8/8/1999 #43818## Word: "logan-cache" (Back to Top)
volved in a mutilation incident to Logan-Cache Airport. As Simmons tried to 2/24/2001 #44142## Word: "loganlea" (Back to Top)
LOGANLEA, QLD, AUS 1 observer. 20cm glow 4/8/1997 #43258## Word: "logansport" (Back to Top)
LOGANSPORT, IN Farmer. Whining roar. Gre 7/6/1947 #2750 n this day Mr. Miller, a farmer in Logansport, Indiana heard a whining roar 7/6/1947 #2820 LOGANSPORT, LA 2 Air Force airmen / car 11/2/1957 #14198## Word: "logansville" (Back to Top)
LOGANSVILLE, OHIO 'Huge ferris wheel / m 10/31/1953 #9264 At Logansville, Ohio at 7:30 p.m. a huge, F 10/31/1953 #9266## Word: "loge" (Back to Top)
LA LOGE, FR AND SEPARATE OBSERVER(S) / NEAR 1/25/1993 #40813## Word: "logged" (Back to Top)
es multiple radar trackings and is logged at speeds up to 1,500 mph. 3/3/1950 #4576 arily halted, by which time it has logged 18.5 hours of test time in total. 12/5/1959 #16114 like crafts and saucers and cigars logged 24 separate nights to 15 May. '66 3/31/1966 #20172 A Civil Aviation Board report was logged of a crash at Oak Grove, Louisian 7/27/1967 #22743 it disappears. At 1:00 p.m. it is logged by the weather station near Berza 3/30/1968 #23877 string heading south to north was logged by the SKYWATCH patrol. (UFOFC, r 10/5/1974 #29501 , MO 8:30 p.m. Dr. Harley Rutledge logged this report in his book. He and h 1/3/1975 #29709 roximately 10 minutes. This NL was logged as an OBOL (Orange Ball Of Light) 8/30/1984 #37447## Word: "loggers" (Back to Top)
FLAGSTAFF, AZ 2 loggers. Silent low-flying saucer rotate 7/12/1954 #10011## Word: "logging" (Back to Top)
along the Jackson and Whaleyville logging road used to run down that way, 3/1951 #5469 Mougeolle and Gilbert Doridant are logging in a clearing in a forest area n Late 4/1954 #9720 . A biochemist and consultant to a logging company and his wife are traveli 11/22/1966 #21140 Identification commences in April, logging several hundred hours of observa 4/1973 #27397 etop level. The object crossed the logging road near their car, went across 1/22/1984 #37141 car at treetop level. It crosses a logging road near their car, goes across 1/22/1984 #37146 Red Flag logging camp Wuchang, Heilongjiang, Chin Early 6/1994 #41548 named Meng Zhaoguo is at Red Flag logging camp near Wuchang, Heilongjiang, Early 6/1994 #41548## Word: "logic" (Back to Top)
ong those lines, they use a priori logic, which insists that if extraterres 5/6/2008 #45134## Word: "logical" (Back to Top)
. The script states that “the most logical explanation is that the saucers 6/1958 #15070 e from Earth. He suggests that the logical endpoint of the drive to capture 6/3/1958 #15077 that “there still appears to be no logical explanation of the sighting.” At 5/19/1960 #16289 ws witnesses and says there is “no logical explanation,” but Project Blue B 5/19/1960 #16292 est that abductions are the latest logical step in an alien information-gat 12/1977 #32720 APRO board that they are the most logical recipients. In 1989, the board g 4/12/1988 #38541 d enough for investigators to draw logical conclusions about how to proceed 10/1992 #40653 e or Nevada Test Site would be the logical place to keep them." ... "The Ne 10/1992 #40653## Word: "loginov" (Back to Top)
sia, report seeing a UFO. Major V. Loginov sees an object about 1.5 the siz 10/1989 #39138 d, others parallel to the horizon. Loginov watches it for 5 minutes hoverin 10/1989 #39138## Word: "logis" (Back to Top)
and blinking, at the crossroads of Logis d'Amphoux; it seemed to be above t 11/13/1977 #32671## Word: "logistic" (Back to Top)
the Daphné (S641), escorted by the logistic support vessel Rhône, are ancho Late 9/1965 #19604## Word: "logistical" (Back to Top)
or Army Air Forces unit to support logistical functions. 3/9/1942 #1398 hed in the 1950s was so large that logistical problems prevented it from be 12/29/1987 #38379## Word: "logistics" (Back to Top)
eorge AFB [now Southern California Logistics Airport] near Victorville, Cal 5/1/1952 #6244 eorge AFB [now Southern California Logistics Airport] near Victorville, Cal 5/1/1952 #6244 assigned for security work in the Logistics Command; his daughter dated M. 1977 #31658 transported and it was buried; the logistics stories are “legendary” and in 12/29/1987 #38379 eorge AFB [now Southern California Logistics Airport], Victorville, Califor 8/5/1992 #40552 eorge AFB [now Southern California Logistics Airport], Victorville, Califor 8/5/1992 #40552 ms the triangular “TR-3B” provides logistics and transportation support for 1998 #43481 se for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (OUSDAT). Ironically, for such 2018 #45498 se for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (AT&L) Noel Longuemare Jr., st 11/29/2019 #45619## Word: "logny-bogny" (Back to Top)
LOGNY-BOGNY, FR Military observer(s). St 1/31/1992 #40310## Word: "logo" (Back to Top)
hrobbing sound. Large ovoid / oval logo on side. Beams going down [to] and 12/12/1989 #39314 or cockpit. On the front part is a logo consisting of several ellipses cros 12/12/1989 #39315## Word: "logradouro" (Back to Top)
Logradouro, Ceará, Brazil 6:30 p.m. A sw 11/14/2010 #45306 seen maneuvering in the sky above Logradouro, Ceará, Brazil, apparently fo 11/14/2010 #45306## Word: "logro" (Back to Top)
A videotape by Sr. Logro Avila shows a UFO flying at high s 6/1/2000 #43999## Word: "logrono" (Back to Top)
LOGRONO, SP 50cm egg enters room. Beam e 6/22/1972 #26724 EAST / LOGRONO, SPAIN 1 / car. 5M ovoid near ro 12/30/1976 #31640## Word: "logroño" (Back to Top)
Logroño, La Rioja, Spain Spain Brazil Fr 6/22/1972 #26726 room at the Colegio Escolapios in Logroño, La Rioja, Spain, when he notice 6/22/1972 #26726## Word: "logroño-agoncillo" (Back to Top)
Logroño-Agoncillo Airport La Rioja, Spai 7/20/1978 #33404 ate of the military section of the Logroño-Agoncillo Airport in La Rioja, S 7/20/1978 #33404## Word: "logs" (Back to Top)
lligence officers and their flight logs were confiscated by USAF personnel. 6/29/1954 #9958 cConnell says they take the flight logs); when he lands in London, the Air 6/29/1954 #9962 ays the crew turned in all photos, logs, and equipment to an intelligence u Fall 1956 #13239 hydrogen bomb. Grusinksi says deck logs from 1958-59 were redacted. http:/ 10/1958 #15295 her balloon. And NICAP obtains FAA logs showing all the details. The Air Fo 9/24/1959 #15987 to resemble two big dark-coloured logs. They were narrow and up to 100 fee 6/6/1965 #18995 missile silos). A Lieut. Anspaugh logs the reports and incoming telephone 8/1/1965 #19242 er object rises, pushing rocks and logs away from the center of the beach. 11/30/1965 #19742 Track Reporting System (NUTR) that logs air defense unknowns is launched an 1971 #25959 incident. Nothing is found but old logs. 10/1976 #31439 situation. The USS Rafael Peralta logs show that at around 10:00 p.m. it h 7/14/2019 #45592 cident. By 9:20 p.m., the USS Kidd logs simply remark “Multiple UAVs around 7/15/2019 #45593 er, flares are spotted, though the logs do not remark if these are connecte 7/23/2019 #45597 s activated until 3:27 a.m. Ships’ logs show a sustained, but an intermitte 7/30/2019 #45600 al and extensive redactions in the logs of the USS Russell, but we do not k 7/30/2019 #45600 extensive redactions exist in the logs of the USS Russell, where crewmembe 7/30/2019 #45601## Word: "lohvinenko" (Back to Top)
5:54 p.m. Amateur astronomer Todd Lohvinenko in Winnipeg, Manitoba, observ 1/14/1983 #36746## Word: "loi" (Back to Top)
t sounded like Chinese, ‘liu, lai, loi.” Their mouths showed strong, rather 11/1/1954 #11520## Word: "loiaza" (Back to Top)
e they are up in the air, but when Loiaza reviews his images, he discovers 9/4/1971 #26317## Word: "loincloths" (Back to Top)
it came three hairy dwarfs wearing loincloths. They were about three feet t 11/28/1954 #11724## Word: "loire" (Back to Top)
11:00 p.m. in Feurs, St. Etienne, Loire department, France the witness's c 9/15/1954 #10315 at Marcilly-sur-Vienne, Indre-et- Loire, France, see a disc-shaped object 9/30/1954 #10517 AUREC SUR LOIRE, FR Several disks in formation see 10/2/1954 #10583 Fronfrede (Loire), France Car motor and headlights 10/11/1954 #10925 Fonfrède, Loire, France 4:15 a.m. Baptiste Jourdy 10/11/1954 #10937 is delivering milk near Fonfrède, Loire, France, when the truck engine die 10/11/1954 #10937 onfrede, near Chambon Feugerolles, Loire, France. Baptiste Jourdy, who was 10/11/1954 #10944 Wood, south of Gueugnon, Saone-et- Loire department, France at 7:30 p.m. Me 10/14/1954 #11071 ct over a factory in Rive-de-Gier, Loire, France. A figure was seen moving 10/6/1976 #31452 Saint-Symphorien-de-Lay, Loire, France Dominique Delille founds G 11/1976 #31516 e OVNI in Saint-Symphorien-de-Lay, Loire, France. It publishes a quarterly 11/1976 #31516 with orange halo going west along Loire River. 1/1/1997 #43160## Word: "loire-atlantic" (Back to Top)
St-Nazaire, Loire-Atlantic department, France A flam 12/17/1977 #32785 night at 11:30 p.m. in St-Nazaire, Loire-Atlantic department, France a flam 12/17/1977 #32794## Word: "loire-atlantique" (Back to Top)
wed through a telescope in Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, France at 4:10 a.m. It 10/8/1969 #25401 y over the town of Reze, France in Loire-Atlantique department at 8:30 p.m. 9/28/1970 #25858 Parc de la Gaudiniere", in Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, France. He described t 9/29/1974 #29492 30 a.m. in Meilleraye de Bretagne, Loire-Atlantique, France saw a point mor 5/3/1997 #43287## Word: "loiret" (Back to Top)
dly to the northeast over Orleans, Loiret department, France at 8:40 a.m. I 11/22/1952 #8324 e D-50 highway in Cernoy-en-Berry, Loiret, France at noon when Ms. Carof sa 10/30/1976 #31510 vered over a highway in Sermaises, Loiret, France, pivoted in place, and th 10/29/1996 #43101## Word: "lois" (Back to Top)
PM. From a window in her house Ms. Lois Stovall saw a luminous object in th 2/10/1977 #31806 From a window in her house Ms. Lois Stovall of Tucson, Arizona saw a lu 2/10/1977 #31808## Word: "loisin" (Back to Top)
LE HAVRE, FR M. Loisin and 2 / car. Classic domed saucer 10/15/1948 (approximate) #3836## Word: "loiter" (Back to Top)
boomerang shaped craft that could loiter over US cities. Jones states the 6/2013 #45368## Word: "loitering" (Back to Top)
-plus vehicles, antigravity craft, loitering surveillance systems, UAP and 5/30/2018 #45528## Word: "loiza" (Back to Top)
Mediania Alta Loiza, PR Two witnesses suddenly noticed 8/31/1977 #32444 In Mediania Alta Loiza, Puerto Rico at 8 p.m. two witness 8/31/1977 #32447## Word: "loku" (Back to Top)
rom Pluto and another planet named Loku) until his death in 2000. His famil 12/1997 #43452## Word: "lolland" (Back to Top)
RASTED, LOLLAND, DK 2 / car. Silent 5M saucer wi 3/4/1993 #40878## Word: "lolo" (Back to Top)
WEST / LOLO, MT 1 observer. Shimmering circle / 11/16/1964 #18619## Word: "loma" (Back to Top)
San Diego County, California Point Loma, California Palomar Gardens Café 1: 10/14/1949 #4395 al Electronics Laboratory in Point Loma, California (Joseph P. Maxfield and 10/14/1949 #4395 PT LOMA, CA 7 TEARDROPs maneuver near pilot 12/23/1950 (approximate) #5361 In Point Loma, California on this date in 1950 se 12/23/1950 #5362 and bottom/underside. Same / Mira Loma. 7/13/1957 #13792 tower San Diego, California Point Loma 7:00 p.m. The Naval Air Station Nor 10/14/1957 #14110 t toward a bright light over Point Loma. The aircraft, piloted by Lt. Allen 10/14/1957 #14110 ne of the craft on the ground near Loma Brava. 1/8/1962 #17016 d 2+cops. UFO takes off. 1 lands / Loma Brava / CODOVNI'62. 2/8/1962 #17038 MT. LOMA PRIETA, CA 7 observer(s). White bal 2/6/1996 #42741## Word: "lomas" (Back to Top)
TRES LOMAS, ARG Domed saucer 150M away. 8' ta 5/20/1959 #15739 Tres Lomas, Argentina Two hunters saw a disks 5/20/1959 #15740 nded silvery metallic disc in Tres Lomas, La Pampa, Argentina. Grass at the 5/20/1959 #15742 LOMAS DE ZAMORA, ARG 2 observer(s). 3M m 1/1/1969 #24812 ight, at 12:05 a.m. Mrs. Gutierrez Lomas saw a strange light from downtown 8/28/2003 #44585## Word: "lomb" (Back to Top)
CREMONA, LOMB, ITALY Small humanoid (or Grey) / t 11/2/1954 #11531## Word: "lombard" (Back to Top)
the NICAP board comes from Charles Lombard, an aide to Sen. Barry Goldwater 10/1978 #33786 and a former covert CIA employee. Lombard and John Fisher are voted onto t 10/1978 #33786 Lombard, IL 3:45 PM. A brilliant round, 11/6/1982 #36676 nse light was seen in the sky over Lombard, Illinois. There appeared to be 11/6/1982 #36676 nse light was seen in the sky over Lombard, Illinois at 3:45 p.m. There app 11/6/1982 #36677## Word: "lombardia" (Back to Top)
in a field in San Martino d'Spino, Lombardia, Italy. The craft measured one 3/5/1997 #43220 On this afternoon a farmer in Rho, Lombardia, Italy saw a white object in t 3/8/1998 #43531## Word: "lombardy" (Back to Top)
At 6:35 a.m. in San Martino, Lombardy, Italy bus driver Guiseppe Lang 4/3/1948 #3607## Word: "lombero" (Back to Top)
the road to Pasnembi two men, Sr. Lombero and Sr. Garoup, were driving dow 7/30/1962 #17306## Word: "lombez" (Back to Top)
LOMBEZ, FR Separate observer(s). Grey me 2/1954 #9516## Word: "lome" (Back to Top)
LOME, TOGO 2 / beach. Dull cylinder/cyli 3/28/1974 #28965## Word: "lomma" (Back to Top)
LOMMA, SWEDEN 3 teens. 2 photographs met 6/9/1968 #24016## Word: "lommori" (Back to Top)
Gshwandtner and 2nd Lt. Robert P. Lommori, flying in the Columbus area in 6/23/1954 #9936## Word: "lomo" (Back to Top)
oyee was driving on the highway in Lomo de Ballena, Peru at 4:30 p.m. when 2/28/1952 #5935## Word: "lomond" (Back to Top)
BEN LOMOND, SCOTLAND Yellow cylinder/cigar-s 5/26/1957 #13679 directions for 45 minutes over Ben Lomond, Strathclyde, Scotland. It ascend 5/26/1957 #13681 BEN LOMOND, CA Lights flicker. Static electr 6/18/1971 #26178 r witnesses in a rural area of Ben Lomond, California observed the house li 6/18/1971 #26179## Word: "lomonosov" (Back to Top)
LOMONOSOV, LENINGRAD 50M saucer / 5M alt 10/16/1988 #38675 ked out. At about the same time in Lomonosov, a suburb of St. Petersburg, a 3/14/1995 #42095## Word: "lomont" (Back to Top)
PETIT LOMONT, 25, FR Police calls. Saucer hove 11/28/1984 #37512## Word: "lompoc" (Back to Top)
Vandenberg Space Force Base Lompoc, California Francis E. Warren AFB 9/9/1959 #15962 Vandenberg Space Force Base] near Lompoc, California, and Gen. Thomas S. P 9/9/1959 #15962 Vandenberg Space Force Base Lompoc, California Big Sur, California 8 9/15/1964 #18556 Vandenberg Space Force Base] near Lompoc, California. His crew films an SM 9/15/1964 #18556 Vandenberg AFB Lompoc, California Pacific Ocean Norther 10/6/1967 #23185 p.m. Radar at Vandenberg AFB, near Lompoc, California, detects a very large 10/6/1967 #23185 LOMPOC, CA AND STA.MARIA AND VANDENBURG 6/19/1973 #27571 NEAR LOMPOC, CA 50' ovoid "hypnotizes" nurse 1/23/1976 #30811 At 1:30 a.m. in Lompoc, California a nurse driving not f 1/23/1976 #30816 oving slowly to the southeast from Lompoc, California. The sighting reporte 8/25/2003 #44583 lines on the underneath part, from Lompoc, California to the National UFO R 4/25/2005 #44826## Word: "lomé" (Back to Top)
Lomé, Togo 1:45 a.m. A French vacationer 3/29/1974 #28968 are lying on a sloping beach near Lomé, Togo, when they hear a high-pitche 3/29/1974 #28968## Word: "lon" (Back to Top)
s 9:30 p.m. Civil service employee Lon Yarborough is driving along US Highw 11/5/1957 #14347## Word: "loncin" (Back to Top)
LONCIN, BELGIUM Rounded manta with box / 11/27/1991 #40243## Word: "londe" (Back to Top)
LA LONDE, FR 6M domed saucer / railroad/rai 11/13/1960 #16500 La Londe, France Remi Carbonnier, 45, was a 11/13/1960 #16501 In the year 1960 in La Londe, France a domed disc-shaped UFO wa 11/13/1960 #16502## Word: "londinières" (Back to Top)
Londinières Normandy, France Baillolet, 10/15/1954 #11111 ning. Veterinarian Henri Robert of Londinières in Normandy, France, is driv 10/15/1954 #11111## Word: "london" (Back to Top)
LONDON Bright white cloud 'drops fire' / 3/14/1660 #43 LONDON Astronomer Edmond Halley. UFO / 2 3/6/1716 #56 HERTSFORDSHIRE AND LONDON, ENG 20cm fireball falls. Levels 12/11/1741 #64 St. James’s Park Westminster London England 8:40 p.m. Physician Cromw 12/16/1742? #65 h St. James’s Park in Westminster, London, England, when he sees a light as 12/16/1742? #65 LONDON M. Cromwell. Flaming red-glowing 12/16/1743 #66 CHISWICK, LONDON Odd sphere shoots brilliant beams 8/15/1755 #74 LONDON Scientist Staveley. Many night li 8/10/1809 #103 LONDON, ENG T. Forster. Large meteor mov 11/7/1811 #104 LONDON AND AREA Triangular 'meteor' hove 3/22/1813 #107 Highbury East, London, England Hampstead 8:30 p.m. A wo 3/19/1847 #143 er companion are in Highbury East, London, England, when they notice what s 3/19/1847 #143 Royal Observatory, Greenwich, London Hog’s Back, Surrey, England 6:00 11/17/1882 #249 the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, London, by astronomer Edward Walter Maun 11/17/1882 #249 Oxford, England London Margate, Kent 8:00 p.m. Oxford En 8/31/1895 #321 the same time, other observers in London see a similar meteor pass over sl 8/31/1895 #321 Surrey London southern England English author H 1898 #614 Surrey and his younger brother in London as southern England is invaded by 1898 #614 ed the pre-dawn sky as far away as London and had the equivalent energy of 6/30/1908 #712 Southend-on-Sea, Essex, England London 11:20 p.m. Miss H. M. Boville not 5/9/1909 #733 travels swiftly to the west toward London. It shows two powerful searchligh 5/9/1909 #733 military label, letterhead from a London stockbroker, many newspaper clipp 5/18/1909 #758 West Norwood, south London, England Ashstead, Surrey Mid-day 9/9/1914 #916 g telescope in West Norwood, south London, England, at the planet Mercury, 9/9/1914 #916 London, England Attorney and “telepathis 10/27/1926 #1065 vinces the central radio office in London, England, to send out a message, 10/27/1926 #1065 central London, England Night. A mystery aircraf 2/1/1934 #1199 circles for two hours over central London, England. Its engine is noisy, an 2/1/1934 #1199 London, England Night. Two mystery airpl 6/11/1934 #1210 wo mystery airplanes circle around London, England: “The machines were low 6/11/1934 #1210 ohibit RAF planes from flying over London at less than 5,000 feet. 6/11/1934 #1210 London, UK Light (Nicknamed Ghost Flier) 7/20/1937 #1273 ommittee room in Burlington House, London The first meeting of the MAUD Com 4/10/1940 #1331 ommittee room in Burlington House, London. The original members are physici 4/10/1940 #1331 London, England The Combined Intelligenc 9/6/1944 #1665 mmittee holds its first meeting in London, England. Present are Air Commodo 9/6/1944 #1665 London, England Sweden British Air Attac 7/27/1946 #2082 rson informs the Foreign Office in London, England, that cooperation with S 7/27/1946 #2082 Budapest London Stockholm Oslo Helsinki Copenhage 8/13/1946 #2128 s are sent to military attachés in London, Stockholm, Oslo, Helsinki, and C 8/13/1946 #2128 US Stockholm, Sweden Europe London Sweden Two US experts on aerial w 8/19/1946 #2145 of General Dwight D. Eisenhower’s London staff, is studying the market for 8/19/1946 #2145 Stockholm, Sweden London Cmdr. Robert A. Winston, acting n 9/12/1946 #2180 n Stockholm, Sweden, writes to the London naval attaché in a secret air mai 9/12/1946 #2180 ass overhead going quickly west. / London papers. 9/26/1946 #2192 London, England Scandinavia The US Milit 10/1/1946 #2196 dinavia The US Military Attaché in London, England, writes a top-secret mem 10/1/1946 #2196 London England In London, Ben Lockspeise 1/20/1947 #2232 London England In London, Ben Lockspeiser, chief scientist 1/20/1947 #2232 orms the American naval attaché in London, England, Cmdr. Jenkins, that the 1/20/1947 #2232 London, England Peenemünde, Germany Finl 2/17/1947 #2241 . Pearson Jr., US naval attaché in London, England, sends an intelligence r 2/17/1947 #2241 LONDON, ONT Steeplejack Ferguson and fam 7/8/1947 #3000 London Mars Vice-Admiral Louis Mountbatt 3/26/1950 #4728 friend Charles Eade, editor of the London Sunday Dispatch, rejects the idea 3/26/1950 #4728 ops spin. Going [to] over coast. / London daily express. 4/5/1950 #4793 ilding on Northumberland Avenue in London, England A top secret meeting on 8/15/1950 #5127 ilding on Northumberland Avenue in London, England. It is chaired by Hugh Y 8/15/1950 #5127 Heathrow Airport, London Four Pan American Airways employe 11/5/1950 #5265 ast to west over Heathrow Airport, London, at 1,000 mph. 11/5/1950 #5265 HESTON AIRDROME, LONDON Solid RADAR blip. 30 going [to] 1 11/10/1950 #5272 SOUTH LONDON, ENG Blue Book. Silver ball high 12/12/1950 #5341 KINGSTON-UPON-THAMES, LONDON Plain metal parachute-size saucer 6/1951 #5526 London, Ont, CAN Astronomer observed ell 1952 #5834 LONDON Sunday mirror reports luminous ci 2/13/1952 #5901 and green at both ends, flew over London, England on this night. 2/13/1952 #5903 London, Ontario Amateur astronomer W. Go 4/1952? #6008 s of light along its main axis” at London, Ontario. It sails overhead from 4/1952? #6008 LONDON, ONT Hundreds / observer(s). Dark 4/20/1952 #6134 A dark cylinder was sighted over London, England at 10 o'clock in the mor 4/20/1952 #6141 h Yorkshire, England Air Ministry, London: A number of airmen and officers 9/20/1952 #7982 London, UK London, England, G (NICAP: 09 9/1953 #9129 London, UK London, England, G (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 9/1953 #9129 LONDON Military observer(s). Strong RADA 9/14/1953 #9167 LONDON, ONTARIO 2 in car. Dull white irr 9/16/1953 #9170 ENGLISH CHANNEL SOUTHEAST / LONDON Pilots. Huge metallic saucer pass 10/9/1953 #9210 SOUTHEAST LONDON, ENG 200' white metal sphere/orb/ 11/3/1953 #9275 London, UK London, England, G,V Heavy An 11/3/1953 #9278 London, UK London, England, G,V Heavy Anti-Aircraft 11/3/1953 #9278 Lee, southeast London 2:45 p.m. In Lee, southeast Londo 11/3/1953 #9280 London 2:45 p.m. In Lee, southeast London, a solid target is tracked on rad 11/3/1953 #9280 Buckingham Palace London, England Australia Prince Philip, Mid 3/1954 #9622 Darbishire to Buckingham Palace in London, England, to relate his story to Mid 3/1954 #9622 HAMMERSMITH, LONDON Several observer(s). Small saucer 3/31/1954 #9652 Maida Vale, London, England George King is washing d 5/8/1954 #9763 dishes in his flat in Maida Vale, London, England, when he receives a psyc 5/8/1954 #9763 Going quickly northwest toward(s) London. No further details. 6/15/1954 #9905 REGENTS PARK, LONDON Several observer(s). 'Bowler hat' 6/27/1954 #9955 New York City London, England Rhode Island coast Cape 6/29/1954 #9962 ser leaves New York City bound for London, England. 30 minutes later, Capt. 6/29/1954 #9962 the flight logs); when he lands in London, the Air Ministry does the same, 6/29/1954 #9962 UK London UK Air Chief Marshal Hugh Dowding 7/11/1954 #10009 owding states in an article in the London Sunday Telegraph that “I am convi 7/11/1954 #10009 's go northwest going quickly [to] London. 9/2/1954 #10230 London Scotland Mars London publishing h 10/1954 #10536 London Scotland Mars London publishing house Frederick Muller 10/1954 #10536 NEAR LONDON, ONT 2 separate observer(s). Inve 11/1954 #11506 LONDON Several observer(s). 'Flattened t 11/3/1954 #11545 CROYDON, LONDON Boy sees small saucer. 9 November 11/8/1954 #11592 At 1:00 a.m. a man in Croydon, London, England was outside looking aft 11/8/1954 #11601 ABBEY WOOD, LONDON, ENG Mayor sees long flaming tube 11/30/1954 #11733 Caxton Hall, London, England George King gives the fi 1/1955 #11903 the Cosmic Masters in Caxton Hall, London, England. After mounting the plat 1/1955 #11903 speed going quickly west toward(s) London. Smooth and silent. 2/15/1955 #12002 BEXLEY, LONDON 1 observer. Glow disk going south 3/11/1955 #12040 At 1:15 a.m. in Bexley, London, England a glowing disc-shaped ob 3/11/1955 #12042 London, England Flying Saucer Review is Spring 1955 #12053 lying Saucer Review is launched in London, England, as a small-circulation Spring 1955 #12053 LONDON, ENGL Luminous/glowing saucer-cyl 5/25/1955 #12157 Alexandra Park, London, UK Circular, luminous object app 5/25/1955 #12158 LONDON, ONT Several observer(s). 200' sa 7/13/1955 #12257 BEXLEY, LONDON 2 / car. Shadow follows car. Car 7/17/1955 #12262 BECKENHAM, LONDON Observer(s) feels urge to look up 12/12/1955 #12606 there were three UFO reports from London, Hertfordshire, and West Sussex, 12/12/1955 #12609 r in the Beckenham neighborhood of London felt the urge to look up, and the 12/12/1955 #12609 HARINGEY, LONDON Several observer(s). Brilliant sp 5/10/1956 #12845 LONDON, ONT Numerous observer(s). 4 silv 8/1956 #13033 London, England George King forms the Ae 8/1956 #13044 ing forms the Aetherius Society in London, England, as the result of what K 8/1956 #13044 lent. Going quickly SSE going [to] London. 8/14/1956 #13083 London, England An article in the UK Emp 5/26/1957 #13680 officer visits King in his home in London, England, on May 31, and the grou 5/26/1957 #13680 UK Northumberland Avenue, London, England British Isles A report i 6/15/1957 #13730 offices on Northumberland Avenue, London, England. A ministry spokesman is 6/15/1957 #13730 uff Hill Invercargill, New Zealand London New Zealand Mysterious radar echo 6/20/1957 #13743 Gadsden of the Imperial College in London is in New Zealand for the Interna 6/20/1957 #13743 NORTH LONDON, ENGL Many observer(s). Blue-gree 9/17/1957 #14004 London, UK Disc traveling on edge. [UFOE 10/23/1957 #14149 d in a tin cigarette box housed in London’s Science Museum. The specimens w 11/21/1957 #14590 London Airport (now Heathrow) England 7: 2/25/1959 #15615 icials above one of the runways at London Airport [now Heathrow], England. 2/25/1959 #15615 London, UK Air Traffic Controllers, othe 2/26/1959 #15619 London, England Tunbridge Wells Weston-s 4/18/1959 #15707 er-Mare Bournemouth Caxton Hall in London Birmingham University Manchester 4/18/1959 #15707 sity Manchester Adamski arrives in London, England, and appears on the TV s 4/18/1959 #15707 heir visit to a private address in London. Adamski gives further lectures i 4/18/1959 #15707 re, Bournemouth, at Caxton Hall in London (on April 28), Birmingham Univers 4/18/1959 #15707 London The London UFO Research Organisat 12/1959 #16105 London The London UFO Research Organisation is foun 12/1959 #16105 HARLEDEN, LONDON 1 observer. Classic saucer low an 6/19/1962 #17232 BECKENHAM, LONDON "French balloon" seen and chased 8/1/1963 #17857 Hertfordshire, England Bcckenham, London RAF Bentwaters [now Bentwaters Pa 8/1/1963 #17860 . Thousands of other people in the London area, including an air traffic co 8/1/1963 #17860 earcher Timothy Good in Bcckenham, London, also see the object, which has a 8/1/1963 #17860 London UK The London UFO Research Organi 1/25/1964 #18119 London UK The London UFO Research Organisation merges 1/25/1964 #18119 WALTHAMSTOW, LONDON Several observer(s). 9' silver cy 4/13/1964 #18171 Dulwich, London, England 11:10 p.m. R. Shannon an 10/7/1964 #18574 triangle in the sky above Dulwich, London, England. They watch it for 10 mi 10/7/1964 #18574 NEW LONDON, MN Boy / 9. Object going down / 4/26/1965 #18919 New London, Minnesota Gary X., 9, saw an obj 4/26/1965 #18920 t 5:00 p.m. Gary W., age 9, in New London, Minnesota saw an object which ca 4/26/1965 #18921 Worcester Park, southwest London, England 8:45 p.m. C. M. W. Marty 12/15/1965 #19770 artyn of Worcester Park, southwest London, England, watches a “candle-wax w 12/15/1965 #19770 flame / rear. Photographs public / London papers. / r204p93. 12/26/1965 #19789 he object. The photos published in London newspapers. 12/26/1965 #19790 LONDON, ONT 6 observer(s). 35' silent do 3/29/1966 #20130 London, Ontario, CAN 11:15 p.m. EST. A b 3/29/1966 #20137 Wood Green, London, UK 2:00 a.m. LT. A couple saw an 8/15/1966 #20744 . Palmer in Wood Green, outside of London, England had a ten minute close e 8/15/1966 #20750 athrow Airport Air Traffic Control London, England Early morning. A UFO is 9/1966 #20825 row Airport Air Traffic Control in London, England, at a time when no aircr 9/1966 #20825 HEATHROW AIRPORT/APARTMENT, LONDON All tower personnel. Saucer / low 9/15/1966 #20883 flashing orangey-colored object." (London Free Press, Ontario, 2/27/67, cop 2/24/1967 #21639 rom white to green (body lights). (London Free Press (Ontario) 2/27/67, cop 2/26/1967 #21658 London, England Brinsley Le Poer Trench 4/1967 #22031 Poer Trench founds Contact (UK) in London, England, to promote contact betw 4/1967 #22031 Spain San José de Valderas, Madrid London, Germany Austria New Zealand Yugo 5/31/1967 #22431 r postmarks indicate mailings from London, Germany, Austria, New Zealand, Y 5/31/1967 #22431 while engaging in a skywatch near London. In Manchester, five unidentified 6/24/1967 #22546 Prague, Czechoslovakia London, England Loch Ness, Scotland Low, 8/22/1967 #22892 nity to meet with Charles Bowen in London, England, and instead goes to Loc 8/22/1967 #22892 Whitehall, London, England BUFORA researchers Antho 9/27/1967 #23136 Ministry of Defence in Whitehall, London, England. They talk to a Mr. Cass 9/27/1967 #23136 arently paced the witnesses' car. (London Free Press, Ontario, 10/12/67, co 10/1967 #23154 white (color/motion correlation). (London Evening Free Press,Ontario, 10/16 10/10/1967 #23202 cer Review, Nov. -Dec. 1967, p. 4; London Daily Express, 11/7/67, copy in N 11/5/1967 #23405 in Moscow, Russia, is directed by London to look into British-Russian coop 12/12/1967 #23574 UK S4 (Air) UFO desk in Whitehall, London Following the publication of thei 6/20/1968 #24054 UK S4 (Air) UFO desk in Whitehall, London, again and meet with Leslie Akhur 6/20/1968 #24054 EAST HAM, LONDON, ENGL 1 observer. Cylinder/cigar- 11/26/1969 #25472 WALTHAMSTOWE, LONDON 2+observer(s) / (seen thru) teles 12/5/1969 #25485 LONDON 2 girls. Shiny saucer-cylinder/ci 2/12/1970 #25579 tial neighborhood in Canning Town, London, England. Three teenage girls who 2/12/1970 #25580 HACKNEY, LONDON Several separate observer(s). Red 11/21/1970 #25913 visible from Walthamstow, Greater London, England. After one minute it sud 3/14/1972 #26603 HAINAULT, LONDON 2+cops. 3 glowing-clouds humming. 9/16/1972 #27006 WALLINGTON SOUTH / LONDON, ENGL 6 disks arranged / hexagona 10/20/1972 #27082 nse to a question by reporter Joan London about the possibility of the pres 2/19/1973 #27298 EAST LONDON, RSA 1 observer. Huge shiny black 5/14/1973 #27483 e was travelling on the train near London, England from Glasgow, Scotland. 9/22/1973 #27853 LONDON, OH Football-shape going east / v 10/16/1973 #28067 London, OH School bus driver saw a glowi 10/16/1973 #28078 Liverpool London, England John Rimmer has moved fr 1974 #28631 Rimmer has moved from Liverpool to London, England, in 1973, but John Harne 1974 #28631 ew Observatory. MUFOB continues in London, with Rimmer taking over the bulk 1974 #28631 EAST LONDON, RSA Many observer(s). Huge bulle 7/9/1974 #29249 ject hovered over the port of East London, South Africa at 11:50 p.m. It ha 7/9/1974 #29255 tephen Jenkins of Croydon, Greater London, England woke up at 3 a.m. to hea 12/2/1974 #29630 as the light drew closer. (Source: London [Ontario] Free Press, January 10, 1/10/1975 #29738 NEW ELTHAM, LONDON 1 observer. Huge silent glowing-s 1/28/1975 #29768 LONDON, ENGL 2 / car. Octagon-saucer wit 5/31/1975 #30070 wly through the sky city sky above London, England. It then vanished while 5/31/1975 #30071 Moscow London Lithuania 6:00–7:00 p.m. British 9/10/1976 #31372 Airways Flight 831 from Moscow to London is cruising at 33,000 feet over L 9/10/1976 #31372 EAST LONDON 2 boys. Odd sphere/orb/globe goin 1/1977 #31662 was up early for an early start to London when he noticed a light shining i 4/7/1977 #31956 was up early for an early start to London at 5:00 a.m. in Milford Haven, Pe 4/7/1977 #31957 formation. At 2200hrs same seen / London Ontario / pilot and more/others. 4/15/1977 #31982 Hainault, northeast London Hainault Forest Country Park 3:55 5/3/1977 #32050 ells police in Hainault, northeast London, that a strange object is above t 5/3/1977 #32050 of the Hainault Forest, a park in London, England near Cabin Hill. They ha 5/8/1977 #32074 TEDDINGTON, LONDON 1 observer / (seen thru) binocula 8/4/1977 #32357 Teddington, southwest London, England Heathrow Airport 9:10 p. 8/4/1977 #32360 .m. A man in Teddington, southwest London, England, is outside watching the 8/4/1977 #32360 BROMLEY, KENT / LONDON Small orange delta/triangle/box-l 10/20/1977 #32593 ISLE OF DOGS, LONDON 8cm white probe maneuvers / groce 12/5/1977 #32734 WOOLWICH FERRY, LONDON Several observer(s). 2 cylinders 1/25/1978 #32914 nth floor of an office building in London, England on the south bank of the 8/31/1978 #33611 Heathrow Airport in London, England UFOs are reported around 9/1978 #33618 eported around Heathrow Airport in London, England. A spokesman for the Civ 9/1978 #33618 CHINGFORD, LONDON Hexagon object seen over town. Do 9/20/1978 #33711 Rapatee, IL Two teenage girls from London Mills reported a tubular aircraft 12/1978 #34034 London Mills, IL On Highway 116 a tubula 12/14/1978 #34119 before leaving. On Highway 116 in London Mills at 7:00 p.m. a tubular-shap 12/14/1978 #34128 SOUTHEAST LONDON, ENG 40+observer(s). Odd object h 12/15/1980 #35717 London, UK Over 40 people in the southea 12/15/1980 #35718 people in the southeastern part of London, England saw a UFO hover, divide 12/15/1980 #35718 ton Hospital redevelopment site in London, England Seal Chart near Sevenoak 12/15/1980 #35719 ton Hospital redevelopment site in London, England, watch a UFO that altern 12/15/1980 #35719 people in the southeastern part of London, England saw a UFO hover, divide 12/15/1980 #35720 eported the Rendlesham case in the London Evening Standard in 1981 and coau 12/28/1980 #35750 Neil Road southwest of London, Ohio London, Ohio 9:30 p.m. Larr 3/20/1981 #35868 eil Road southwest of London, Ohio London, Ohio 9:30 p.m. Larry Tilman is o 3/20/1981 #35868 ilman is on Neil Road southwest of London, Ohio, hoping to get a UFO photo. 3/20/1981 #35868 London, Ohio Madison Lake State Park 7:0 3/21/1981 #35870 s of orange balls of light east of London, Ohio, near Madison Lake State Pa 3/21/1981 #35870 BROMLEY, LONDON 1 observer. Big square white ligh 5/21/1981 #35944 New London, Connecticut 10:00 p.m. A woman h Spring 1983 #36790 ployee is driving to work near New London, Connecticut, when she sees a lig Spring 1983 #36790 NEW LONDON, CT Nurse / car. Odd peace! Spher 4/1983 (approximate) #36828 High Wycombe London England The British UFO Research 8/27/1983 #36962 onal UFO Congress in High Wycombe, London, England. 8/27/1983 #36962 STANMORE, LONDON, ENGL Many observer(s). Multicolo 4/26/1984 #37299 Belmont Lane, Stanmore, Greater London, England 9:45 p.m. Terri West spo 4/26/1984 #37302 on Belmont Lane, Stanmore, Greater London, England. At 10:15 p.m., she join 4/26/1984 #37302 neuvered in the sky over Stanmore, London, England. 4/26/1984 #37304 London, England In a letter from Ministr 4/19/1985 #37580 London, England Dallas, Texas Irish Sea 2/26/1986 #37789 e Prince of Wales, is returning to London, England, after a tour of Dallas, 2/26/1986 #37789 London New York Washington British ufolo 5/31/1987 #38180 . The first mention appears in the London Observer, and soon it is the subj 5/31/1987 #38180 London Ilkley Moor in West Yorkshire, En 12/1/1987 #38345 and East Morton 7:15 a.m. A former London policeman (pseudonym Philip Spenc 12/1/1987 #38345 UXBRIDGE, LONDON Several observer(s). 2 large fire 10/29/1990 #39815 London, UK Missile crossed path of MD-80 4/21/1991 #40043 Heathrow Airport, London, UK Alitalia Airlines plane on fi 4/21/1991 #40044 y, Kent, England Heathrow Airport, London 8:00 p.m. Captain Achille Zaghett 4/21/1991 #40046 aring to land at Heathrow Airport, London, when they see a round object or 4/21/1991 #40046 Heathrow Airport, London, England 2:38 p.m. A Britannia Ai 6/1/1991 #40080 8,000 feet near Heathrow Airport, London, England, when the pilots see an 6/1/1991 #40080 London (Gatwick Airport) Hamburg, German 6/17/1991 #40101 board Dan Air Flight DA 4700 from London (Gatwick Airport) to Hamburg, Ger 6/17/1991 #40101 t a distance of only 325 feet. The London Air Traffic Control Center picks 7/15/1991 #40123 on of three objects that flew over London, Ontario, Canada at 12:40 a.m. Th 12/28/1991 #40270 ISLINGTON, LONDON Fluorescent disk. 2 separate obse 3/20/1992 #40392 to assistant chief of Air Staff in London re: USG reaction to triangular UA 12/22/1992 #40762 TOTTENHAM, LONDON Bright classic domed saucer. Vide 5/1993 #40962 HAYES, LONDON Very fast saucer hovers over Barn 5/26/1993 #40989 SOUTH LONDON, ENG 2 deltas chase plane. Join a 6/15/1993 #41017 WANDSWORTH, LONDON 1 observer. 2 pulsing UFO's zigza 7/19/1993 #41070 LONDON, ONT 2 observer(s). Boomerang wit 10/18/1993 #41244 BARKING, LONDON Boy / 10. Dome object with red-or 2/17/1994 #41417 A 10-year-old boy in Barking, London, England witnessed a domed object 2/17/1994 #41418 BARKING, LONDON, ENG Many calls. 4 bright white n 2/21/1994 #41423 LONDON Traffic helicopter. "UFO over hou 6/1/1995 #42234 UK Roswell, New Mexico Los Angeles London Fox TV broadcasts for the first t 8/28/1995 #42425 ney, a former photographer for the London tabloid Daily Mirror, says it is 8/28/1995 #42425 Gallows Corner, Romford, East London, England 10:50 p.m. Two groups of 3/9/1996 #42817 s at Gallows Corner, Romford, East London, England, watch a triangular UFO 3/9/1996 #42817 WALTHAMSTOWE, LONDON Kids. Odd sound. Huge orange tria 10/18/1996 #43075 mately 75 feet over a bookstore in London, Ontario, Canada. The object then 10/10/1998 #43662 t, Ireland Malahide, County Dublin London Air Traffic Control Centre Early 6/28/2005 #44849 few minutes. The pilot reports to London Air Traffic Control Centre: “Need 6/28/2005 #44849 dangerous maneuvers to avoid it.” London confirms the presence of unauthor 6/28/2005 #44849 Site Serpo UK Ministry of Defence London Alice Bradley Sheldon An anonymou 11/1/2005 #44898 he had seen it in 1969 or 1970 in London. He claims is was a CIA document 11/1/2005 #44898 bjects were seen near Streatham in London, England and that the object or o 8/18/2007 #45049 sighted in the northeastern sky in London, Ontario, Canada. It moved away a 4/27/2008 #45131 nd zigzagged across the sky in New London, Minnesota at 11:43 p.m. 7/30/2008 #45153 ped objects flew near witnesses in London, Ontario. At 10:00 p.m. a bell-sh 9/6/2008 #45166 London, England 2:00 p.m. A B787 airline 3/30/2019 #45568 A B787 airliner pilot flying over London, England, sees a red object pass 3/30/2019 #45568 White House London, England Cuba China An anonymous 8/2019 #45603 al Security Adviser John Bolton in London, England, is in her hotel room wh 8/2019 #45603## Word: "london's" (Back to Top)
, England Broxa Forest Scarborough London's Science Museum Night. Frank Dic 11/21/1957 #14590## Word: "london-based" (Back to Top)
segment of “The Roswell Incident.” London-based entrepreneur Ray Santilli p 8/28/1995 #42425## Word: "londonderry" (Back to Top)
LONDONDERRY, NH H. Healy. 2 big fast dis 7/6/1947 #2776 large discs flew over the town of Londonderry, making a whistling noise. T 7/6/1947 #2827 t a huge white light appeared over Londonderry, New Hampshire and changed c 10/8/1989 #39151 LONDONDERRY, NH 2 observer(s). Ball / li 5/19/1992 #40466 In 1992 a 28-year-old man in Londonderry, New Hampshire was watching 6/4/1992 #40486## Word: "londonfischer" (Back to Top)
e/lH0RDdHy-BU?t=5586 https://www.londonfischer.com/attorneys/jeffrey-grif 9/15/2021 #45710## Word: "londres" (Back to Top)
At 1:00 a.m. in St. Martin de Londres, Herault department, France a 40 2/9/1969 #24907 LONDRES, ARG 50M round object going east 8/13/1982 #36573## Word: "londrina" (Back to Top)
In Londrina, Parana State, Brazil Joao Marq 1/4/1973 #27221## Word: "lone" (Back to Top)
ham, Norfolk, England 11:30 p.m. A lone motorcyclist observes a glowing lig 5/19/1909 #766 n, Sorsele, Sweden After sunset. A lone observer sees what appears to be an Late 11/1933 #1176 t (William D. Leet) and crew, on a lone wolf mission, were followed by an a 12/1944 #1712 TUCSON, AZ 2 observer(s). Odd lone cloud. 9 white saucers exit and pla 4/29/1947 #2268 NORTH / LONE JACK, MO 2+observer(s). 7-8 disks / 6/24/1947 #2388 north / 1600kph. Lost / odd small lone thin cloud.. 1/26/1950 #4512 t disappeared into an odd looking, lone small thin cloud. 1/26/1950 #4514 e] near Mount Clemens, Michigan, a lone UFO causes multiple radar trackings 3/3/1950 #4576 saucers with portholes going [to] lone cloud. Instantly 800kph. / MJ#280. 8/15/1951 (approximate) #5606 On this day in 1954 a lone witness in Lawton, Oklahoma watched 5/11/1954 #9776 Metallic saucer hovers just below lone cloud over farmhouse. See dwg. 8/1954 (approximate) #10079 CE, 26, FR Military-air observers. Lone UFO very high / broad daylight. Spi 10/4/1954 #10675 Then shoots going quickly south to lone cloud. 11/19/1954 #11668 west of Lovington, New Mexico. The lone survivor, 2nd Lt. William Daniel Bo 10/3/1955 #12486 ilted toward her 50 feet away. Its lone occupant, a helmeted figure with a 5/1957 #13631 eep to assist, but fortunately the lone driver has only a few scratches. 1/1961 #16555 o come out of, and then re-enter a lone cloud in the sky over Audenshaw, Gr 10/2/1963 #17973 s. By August, Saunders becomes the lone staffer selecting cases and he only 6/1967 #22437 LONE BUTTE, BC 3+observer(s). 5 night li 7/11/1967 #22648 Lone Butte, BC, CAN Evening. Witnesses s 7/11/1967 #22649 a group of five hunters driving on Lone Cone Mountain southeast of Naturita 10/28/1967 #23363 LONE BUTTE, BC 1 observer. 28' domed sau 2/3/1968 (approximate) #23728 er(s). 40cm sphere/orb/globe exits lone cloud. Spirals 360° / 15s away. 6/1970 #25682 On this night a lone witness saw a domed object that had 10/28/1973 #28313 LONE ROCK, WI Repeater. Saucer with weld 9/28/1976 #31431 2 miles west of Lone Mountain, Las Vegas, NV A Las Vegas 12/18/1980 #35724 V (near), Denmark A lone witness out for an early morning wa 4/1982 #36423 Mersin, Turkey A lone witness reported seeing a 15-meter 7/1982 #36524 SEAL BEACH, CA 2 observer(s). Odd lone cloud drops black globs. Rises. Div 11/22/1983 #37048 LONE GROVE, TX 5 observer(s). Huge dome 4/19/1984 #37271 rnsley, South Yorkshire, England a lone witness reported encountering a 60 8/22/1986 #37999 tangular object was witnessed by a lone witness for 10 minutes while drivin 10/1/1987 #38297 e tight-fitting white uniforms.The lone male truck driver said that the bei 7/21/1991 #40128 In Wichita, Kansas a lone witness reported encountering sever 6/12/1995 #42253 n the back seat of the front car a lone entity sitting erect. It looked tal 9/25/1998 #43652 At 7:50 p.m. a lone cloud was seen in the sky east of A 7/24/1999 #43813 A lone witness in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Can 8/26/2004 #44743## Word: "loneliness" (Back to Top)
higher fantasy-prone scores, more loneliness as adults, lower levels of ha 1991 #39934## Word: "lonely" (Back to Top)
rim, maneuvered slowly over car on lonely road. [UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 02 - Cl 10/28/1955 #12527 LAKE ISABELLA, CA 1 observer / lonely road. Small bubble expands to/fro 5/10/1957 #13650 er(s). Bright luminous disk buzzes lonely house. Fast reversal and away. 10/25/1958 (approximate) #15374 NA, CHILE 2 saucers follow truck / lonely road / 10 minute(s) and more. Dri 1/28/1963 #17641 ruck driver was travelling along a lonely road at night during a violent st 10/12/1963 #17988 NARAL, CHILE Silent saucer lands / lonely beach. Away extremely fast. / LDL 7/19/1965 #19128 id photos of a hat-shaped UFO on a lonely stretch of road near Santa Ana, C 8/3/1965 #19290 ung woman was changing a tire on a lonely road near Brooksville, Florida on 11/30/1966 #21168 BOVINGDON, HERTFS 1 observer / lonely path. Strange figure digs / dirt 6/24/1967 (approximate) #22539 up of people in three cars along a lonely stretch of road in Barrio Garzas 8/1972 #26864 Virgilio Gomez was driving along a lonely road near the University's experi 9/22/1972 #27026 she did not eat, and released on a lonely stretch of road. 10/20/1973 #28220 els a presence. Despite being on a lonely road, they get out of the car to 1/3/1974 #28641 n was driving her daughter along a lonely stretch of road near Coldstream, 11/29/1977 #32709 NEAR WISBECH, CAMBRIDGES 4 on lonely road buzzed / saucer. Many cops a 12/1988 (approximate) #38731 In 1988 four people on a lonely road in Wisbech, England were buz 12/12/1988 #38753 n a perfect row in the middle of a lonely road. 11/24/1995 #42622## Word: "lonesome" (Back to Top)
vna Yerygina is herding goats on a lonesome road near Zvarykino, Belgorod O 7/6/1990 #39637## Word: "long" (Back to Top)
ear an inch broad, and five or six long, which fell with a degree of veloci 9/21/1741 #63 northward and appears to be 2 feet long by 18 inches wide. After a short ti 9/15/1850 #145 blue light illuminated a 200-foot long cloud-like object in the sky that m 7/13/1860 #154 inst the wind. Behind it trailed a long hook connected to the center of the 3/22/1870 #185 In Oaxaca, Mexico a 130-meter long spiral-shaped "trumpet" and a 60-me 7/6/1874 #205 s are from 2 feet to several yards long, strong in texture, and very white. Late 10/1881 #246 New York, watches an object with a long tail move slowly from east to west. 7/3/1884 #261 . As they remain stationary for as long as 40 minutes, some assume they are 3/23/1892 #301 ge dark cylinder/cigar-shape beams long sharp light going down. 20mph. Goin 11/22/1896 #346 il.” The body is at least 100 feet long and looks as if it is made of darke 11/26/1896 #365 uzzled citizens, and they continue long after the initial excitement subsid 2/1897 #385 ble as a conical object 30–40 feet long with two sets of wings and a large 2/4/1897 #387 h its windows. It appears to be a “long, narrow car, resembling a corset bo 4/4/1897 #414 set box in shape,” some 30–35 feet long and 6–7 feet high. Above the car fl 4/4/1897 #414 to be on a landed airship 200 feet long, whose crew are apparently repairin 4/6/1897 #416 ter midnight. It was 30 to 35 feet long and 6 or 7 feet wide. Over the rect 4/8/1897 #419 can see a hovering object 100 feet long and 20 feet wide. Two immense wings 4/10/1897 #424 hed to can be seen as metallic and long with possible wings. Some witnesses 4/10/1897 #425 see a conical object about 60 feet long with four sets of 15-foot wings. It 4/11/1897 #428 culars it appears to be 18–20 feet long. A square light that changes from w 4/11/1897 #432 ees an oblong object, some 40 feet long by 15 feet tall, flying about 400 f 4/13/1897 #452 n finds 14 footprints, each 2 feet long, 6 inches wide, “arranged seven on 4/13/1897 #454 ay. He went out and saw a 100 foot long object that landed near the railroa 4/13/1897 #455 ourteen giant footprints, two feet long by six inches wide, were found at t 4/13/1897 #456 hey thought was a ship, about 13 m long, with a canopy. (NICAP: 02 - Close 4/14/1897 #459 hey thought was a ship, about 13 m long, with a canopy. A man, about 25 yea 4/14/1897 #461 Iowa 7:30 p.m. An airship 100 feet long and 20 feet high in the center land 4/14/1897 #466 exas, sees an object about 60 feet long and “resembling the top of a passen 4/14/1897 #471 hought was a ship, about 13 meters long, with a canopy. A man, looking to b 4/14/1897 #474 igar-shaped airship about 200 feet long and 50 feet across at its widest po 4/15/1897 #487 body that is apparently 50–75 feet long. It shines with a dull red glow, as 4/16/1897 #506 . The two occupants have extremely long beards and make desperate efforts t 4/16/1897 #507 an with shoulder-length hair and a long beard. After a few minutes, Hopkins 4/16/1897 #508 ichigan and then spotted a 30-foot long cigar-shaped airship with something 4/16/1897 #513 ver Logan, Ohio and then a 40-foot long dark shape flew over the town slowl 4/16/1897 #515 he rear. He claimed it was 75 feet long and 30 feet wide, and he encountere 4/16/1897 #516 ength of the object to be 180 feet long. 4/18/1897 #529 d cigar-shaped object, about 100 m long with a transparent cabin underneath 4/19/1897 #532 ed cigarshaped object, about 100 m long with a transparent cabin underneath 4/19/1897 #533 scerned. It is apparently 180 feet long. 4/19/1897 #537 Ligon says the airship is 130 feet long and 20 feet wide, propelled by four 4/19/1897 #539 ce and sees an airship, 50–60 feet long and bearing a powerful searchlight. 4/21/1897 #550 exas. It was cigar shaped, 50 feet long and 20 feet wide. They talked to th 4/23/1897 #567 was supported by a narrow, 70 foot long cylindrical vessel that looked to b 5/1/1897 #585 ncounters a landed airship 40 feet long. The object spooks his horse, which 5/2/1897 #586 houette of the machine, about 2O m long, could be seen in the clearing. The 5/6/1897 #592 to know who is there. A man with a long, dark beard tells them that he and 5/6/1897 #593 craft. The profile of the 20-meter long machine could be seen in the cleari 5/6/1897 #594 bject looks like a white bird with long black wings. Hopley guesses that it 5/11/1897 #596 igh, 20 miles away, and 60–80 feet long. 5/11/1897 #596 hern Minnesota see a “large, white long light which seemed surrounded by so 12/5/1897 #613 er father estimates it is 100 feet long. It begins moving away from him as 3/17/1903 #660 ughter observed a glowing 100 foot long cigar shaped object with two rows o 3/17/1903 #661 ght from an airship about 100 feet long and propelled by wings that move up 8/3/1905 #679 torpedo-shaped object about 6 feet long and 8 inches in diameter suspended 7/2/1907 #697 t was estimated to be about 6 feet long and 8 inches in diameter. It was da 7/2/1907 #698 Great River, Long Island, New York Late evening. Hele 5/1908 #704 beads in the sky over Great River, Long Island, New York. The first light s 5/1908 #704 blong dark shape, perhaps 100 feet long, with lights in front and behind mo 5/13/1909 #740 ’s Lynn, Norfolk, England, sees a “long, dark object” moving swiftly overhe 5/13/1909 #741 ightly illuminated, 80 to 100 foot long, dark airship, flying over King's L 5/13/1909 #742 he looks out her window and sees a long, dark, bottle-shaped object pass by 5/16/1909 #750 t of Caerphilly Mountain he sees a long, tube-shaped object sitting on the 5/18/1909 #758 few seconds, and Chatten can see a long, cigar-shaped object 300–400 feet a 5/19/1909 #767 nd saw an "airship" about 150-feet long at dawn. It had a light at each end 7/31/1909 #795 York, see a winged airship 60 feet long and 20 feet wide. Moving swiftly ag 8/18/1909 #805 implike object, more than 100 feet long, hovering above a pine tree 200 fee Summer 1910 #839 MANHATTAN, NY Many observer(s). Long black object circles buildings. Eng 8/30/1910 #845 A long black object circled buildings in d 8/30/1910 #846 altitude. Some pieces, 6–8 inches long, fall to earth and leave no trace. Summer 1914 #902 (This was shown to be as a hoax a long time ago.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 8/1914 #905 object “50 feet wide and 100 feet long,” with three lights, “one on each e 2/29/1916 #943 eet altitude, the object carries a long rope trailing behind it with a larg 2/29/1916 #943 , cigar-shaped object 100–150 feet long flying overhead at an altitude of 5 Winter 1918? #979 northwest to southeast. It has a “long, slim, pointed shape” and appears “ 1920 #995 Mrs. Slagle, witnessed a 200 foot long "comet" with illuminated windows on 7/14/1925 #1050 l pilot was repeatedly buzzed by a long, cylindrical object. Each time the 9/1926 #1062 osses bay fast going quickly west. Long and thin. Shortens and lengthens! 2/1927 (approximate) #1070 . He estimates it is about 50 feet long with a diameter of 10 feet. 7/1927 #1074 Oslo, Norway Long delayed echoes—radio echoes that re Late Summer 1927 #1079 PIETERMARITZBURG, RSA Long object rotates / sky. (Cross-sectio 1/1930? #1110 Laguna Beach, California Long Beach Los Angeles George Adamski’s 1/1936 #1242 ot on local radio stations KFOX in Long Beach and KMPC in Los Angeles. He a 1/1936 #1242 estimates it is about 35– 40 feet long and traveling at 150 mph. It moves 1/1/1937 #1259 A 30-meter long fuselage-shaped object flew toward 8/27/1938 #1292 of Bakersfield, California watch a long slender UFO traveling at 50mph, 200 1941 #1350 nd pull off to the side to watch a long, slender object of a blazing red, g 1941 #1352 uman bodies about 4 feet tall with long arms, oversized heads, and large ey Early Spring 1941 #1355 orway at 5:35 p.m. detected a 100m long cigar-shaped object, 15m in diamete 3/14/1942 #1400 Germany Nazi Amerikabomber long range bomber project study complete 4/27/1942 #1410 f a cloudbank. It’s about 150 feet long, 50 feet in diameter, and has a dom Summer 1942 #1419 Osnabruk, Germany A rocket with a long white tail of light (Page 30 Ref.1) 8/17/1942 #1441 Long Branch, NJ A research engineer saw Fall 1942 #1446 ty they see an object 200–300 feet long traveling southeast at a speed of 5 11/28/1942 #1464 ools of flying fish,’ about a foot long and similar to incendiary bombs, co 1/15/1943 #1480 LONG BEACH, CA 2 observer(s). Classic do 4/3/1943 #1490 Long Beach, CA Flight instructor and stu 4/5/1943 #1491 Long Beach, California 9:50 a.m. Flight 4/5/1943 #1492 l disc dive at their aircraft near Long Beach, California. There is no prop 4/5/1943 #1492 military pilot reported that over Long Beach, California at 9:50 a.m. a ro 4/5/1943 #1493 re, apparently an Asian woman with long blonde hair and dressed in a tight- 7/18/1943 #1518 ass of black debris about 3-4 feet long is also observed. 10/14/1943 #1536 a circular light about 50–60 feet long and 20 feet high. It then rises int 2/20/1944 #1576 feet in diameter and 300–400 feet long. The object is lit up from undernea Summer 1944 #1609 150–230 feet in the air, 100 feet long, and has a row of black windows. It Late 7/1944 #1623 t a vast disc-shaped object with a long row of lights on their starboard si 8/11/1944 #1641 y white in color and about 30 feet long and 4 feet wide. Nelson eases the c 9/1944 #1662 nder/cigar-shape. Openings / side. Long antennas. Going quickly [to] 1900kp 9/29/1944 #1669 axony, Germany sighted a 100 meter long cigar-shaped object with openings o 9/29/1944 #1670 ct with openings on the side and a long antennae. The UFO shot off at a spe 9/29/1944 #1670 y a slit for a mouth. The arms are long, with long thin fingers. Three of t 10/1944 #1673 r a mouth. The arms are long, with long thin fingers. Three of them enter t 10/1944 #1673 Singapore, Malaya A long purple-blue parabolic trail. (Page 11/5/1944 #1693 many Red light that disappeared in long red streak. (Page 93-94 Ref.1) (NIC 11/26/1944 #1706 00 feet. It appears to be 200 feet long and has two horizontal rows of blue 12/23/1944 #1731 Dutch Coast, Holland One long black stationary object, similar to 2/4/1945 #1773 them. The object is about 30 feet long and a dull, flat gray in color, and Mid 2/1945 #1785 A shiny, tubular object, 5–6 feet long, is observed over Morganton, North 6/1/1945 #1873 Long Beach, California After 5:00 p.m. F Summer 1945 #1881 s returning from her summer job in Long Beach, California, when she sees ou Summer 1945 #1881 LONG BEACH, CA Ann Druffel. Night lights 7/20/1945? #1902 and a dark log-like object, 6 feet long, gliding through the water with a t 8/1945 #1911 ard. Len Stringfield became a life long UFO investigator as a result of thi 8/28/1945 #1931 might have been for a potentially long search-and-rescue operation. A tank 12/5/1945 #1950 asa province, Finland. It leaves a long trail of smoke in the sky. 2/21/1946 #1969 height would make it 300–400 feet long. After 2 minutes, it disappears ins 4/1946 #1980 hward over Sala, Sweden, leaving a long, fiery trail. An explosion is heard 6/9/1946 #2004 ach, Ipswich, Massachusetts Day. A long, silver-colored cigar appears sudde 7/1946 #2022 color from blue to green and has a long tail. It tumbles into the lake abou 7/9/1946 #2039 aterial has been in the area for a long time. 7/10/1946 #2046 OUTH / GOTEBORG, SWEDEN Sunbather. Long silent silver object flies going qu 7/11/1946 #2048 o rocket-like objects about 7 feet long pass over their heads at a very low 7/18/1946 #2062 Two fast, low-flying eight-foot long cylinders dove into Lake Mjosa, Nor 7/18/1946 #2064 is year, at 11:55 a.m. a two-meter long cone-shaped object fell into Kolmja 7/19/1946 #2075 da, in a C-47 transport and sees a long cylinder twice the size of a B-29 w 8/1/1946 #2100 that he estimates is about 90 feet long, torpedo-shaped, and metallic. It h Early 8/1946 #2102 ance of only 150 feet. Only 5 feet long, it emits a faint green light and t 8/13/1946 #2132 ribed as 1 meter wide by 15 meters long. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 8/14/1946 #2133 ny day.” The object, about 10 feet long, releases four stars that fall sile 8/24/1946 #2156 in San Diego see an object with a long, tube-shaped fuselage, giant wings, 10/9/1946 #2199 iles distance and is about 36 feet long and torpedo shaped. 2/17/1947 #2241 ooks metallic and is about 60 feet long, flying slowly. The object seems to 3/21/1947 #2249 west of Fleure, France a six-meter long, glowing orange cigar-shaped object 6/13/1947 #2327 from him and between 45 to 50feet long 6/24/1947 #2379 LLE, TN College president and 1+1. Long saucer-cylinder/cylindrical object 6/30/1947 #2481 encounters an oval object, 10 feet long and 5 feet high, resting on the roa Early 7/1947 #2547 WEST / LONG BEACH, CA 2 / private plane. 50' sk 7/4/1947 #2618 SIOUX FALLS, SD R. Jordan. Long narrow light-colored object straigh 7/4/1947 #2637 Long Beach, California After 5:00 p.m. P 7/4/1947 #2661 l are flying at 5,000 feet west of Long Beach, California, when they see a 7/4/1947 #2661 sunken eyes, small noses, no ears, long forearms, and only four long slende 7/4/1947 #2672 ears, long forearms, and only four long slender fingers on each hand. 7/4/1947 #2672 aped craft measuring about 25 feet long and 12 feet wide embedded in a clif 7/5/1947 #2721 LONG BEACH, CA Veteran pilot and teacher 7/6/1947 #2751 ld. It is three-quarters of a mile long and 200–300 feet wide. A gouge star 7/7/1947 #2928 g object was twenty to thirty feet long, crescent-shaped, and flying at an 7/7/1947 #2947 triangular package about two feet long, is wrapped in brown paper. The oth 7/8/1947 #3019 north. They estimate it is 20 feet long and “not exactly round.” 7/8/1947 #3024 He estimates its size as 245 feet long and 100 feet thick at the maximum, 7/10/1947 #3109 an estimated 600 mph and leaving a long vapor trail. 7/10/1947 #3113 lloon-like grayish object, 10 feet long, flying northwest at 100 mph at an 7/12/1947 #3159 , New York a 13-year-old boy saw a long, featureless cigar-shaped object ho 7/14/1947 #3180 City, Gansu, China. It is 50 feet long and has an apparent rudder and two 7/19/1947 #3201 Their legs are disproportionately long and they are about 7 feet tall. One 7/23/1947 #3218 han aluminum foil” about 30 inches long and 24 inches wide. There are two s 7/25/1947 #3231 orange cylindrical object, 15 feet long and shaped like a cigarette, flying 8/4/1947 #3292 10 wide, 10 feet high, and 20 feet long. It has “pods” on the side emitting 8/13/1947 #3320 estimated it was about twenty feet long, ten feet wide and ten feet high, w 8/13/1947 #3322 objects are approximately 100 feet long and have a brilliant yellow-white l 8/15/1947? #3337 Mitchel Field Long Island New York A memo from Col. R. 9/3/1947 #3383 d headquarters at Mitchel Field on Long Island, New York, states that the i 9/3/1947 #3383 r the war. The airplane is 33 feet long, shaped like a half-moon, and has n 11/1947 #3474 . She watches “a man equipped with long silver wings fastened over the shou 1/6/1948 #3533 . She watched “a man equipped with long silver wings fastened over the shou 1/6/1948 #3534 lying wing" about 30 ft wide 20 ft long (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BB 4/1/1948 #3602 is about 30 feet wide and 20 feet long. When he attempts to contact the ot 4/1/1948 #3603 ent about 30 feet wide and 20 feet long, with a small dorsal fin. It was fl 4/1/1948 #3604 ley and Delaware, Ohio, observed a long and narrow cylinder-shaped object m 4/8/1948 #3616 chute-shaped 8 ft disc with a 5 ft long cable (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, 4/9/1948 #3618 a dark cloud. It is silent, and a long, bright light shoots out from benea 5/17/1948 #3653 mit smoke. It appears about 3 feet long. It slows down over the Cape Fear R 5/31/1948 #3663 d smoke, appeared about three feet long, veered, slowed down, and then spee 5/31/1948 #3664 they see an object about 100 feet long moving rapidly toward them on their 7/24/1948 #3734 either blade. Estimated size 6-8' long, 1.5-2' wide. The object glided ac 7/29/1948 #3752 from either blade. It is 6–8 feet long and flying silently above the trees 7/29/1948 #3753 m. Its estimated size was 6-8 feet long and 1.5-2 feet wide. The object gli 7/29/1948 #3754 THWEST / MOSCOW, RS 2 observer(s). Long silent metal cylinder/cylindrical o 8/3/1948 #3770 At 8 a.m. a long metallic cylinder with no wings fle 8/3/1948 #3772 FARGO, ND USAF F51 / long complex dogfight / saucer. Separate 10/1/1948 #3824 ullet and apparently 20 to 30 feet long 10/15/1948 #3835 s like a “rifle bullet” 20–30 feet long. The object “seems cognizant of the 10/15/1948 #3841 ila, Philippines Very large 300 ft long 140 ft wingspan snow-white aircraft 11/12/1948 #3873 MC Dayton Mitchel AFB [now closed] Long Island, New York Letter from Howard 11/30/1948 #3894 Command, Mitchel AFB [now closed], Long Island, New York. “It is requested 11/30/1948 #3894 SIA Pilots and ground observer(s). Long fish-shaped objects seen. No furthe 12/1948 #3897 see a cigar-shaped object, 60 feet long and 10 feet wide, cross their path 1/1/1949 #3955 enton, FL A cigar shaped object as long as 2 pullman cars with 7 lighted sq 1/27/1949 #3979 tes while a cigar-shaped object as long as two Pullman cars and having seve 1/27/1949 #3980 seen through binoculars, seems as long as two Pullman cars, with 7 lighted 1/27/1949 #3981 een. Normal meteors rarely move in long, horizontal paths with nearly const 2/16/1949 #4010 with a flaming blue tail twice as long as the body, which is apparently ha 3/13/1949 #4044 e 42; 18:00-18:05 - amber colored, long and narrow obj faded out in distanc 3/27/1949 #4054 SI Case 44; 10:15 - bright orange, long and narrow obj faded in distance (N 3/27/1949 #4056 ound ellipsoid, about 2.5 times as long as wide. 4/24/1949 #4103 altitude. At 5:45 p.m. a 700 foot long metallic cigar-shaped object flew o 4/28/1949 #4131 all-time high. USAF issues another long press release completely debunking 5/6/1949 #4160 ve to eight oval objects, twice as long as wide, and 1/5 as thick. They fl 5/27/1949 #4213 n, sees 5–8 oval objects, twice as long as wide and one-fifth as thick, aro 5/27/1949 #4214 ingle file. They were each 20 feet long and 10 feet wide, and followed the 5/27/1949 #4215 of Delphi, Indiana saw two 40-foot long metallic UFOs circle and maneuver a 7/23/1949 #4277 ed objects, 35-55' in span, 20-30' long, 2-5' thick; light colored except f 7/24/1949 #4282 otto, Italy watched an eight meter long cigar-shaped object as it flew 100 10/28/1949 #4405 object was between 30 and 60 feet long, was flying at 2,000 feet altitude 1/6/1950 #4475 a red fiery trail one hundred feet long, but left no vapor trail. It was go 3/10/1950 #4608 e 300-lb. bombs, estimated 5 feet long. Flew 500 m.p.h. and descended, m 3/29/1950 #4762 LONG BEACH, CA 2 military observer(s). P 4/7/1950 (approximate) #4805 At 4:00 p.m. a 200 foot long cone-shaped device flew over the Va 4/25/1950 #4897 lat object about 20 ft high, 60 ft long (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 4/27/1950 #4905 W of), VA A spindle-shaped 150 ft long metallic object (NICAP: 01 - Distan 5/29/1950 #4971 e moon, revealing an object with a long silhouette (somewhat reminiscent of 5/29/1950 #4972 ARCELONA, SP 4 observer(s). Bright long metallic cylinder south going quick 6/25/1950 #5008 A ten-foot long long glowing cylinder appeared to e 7/30/1950 #5084 A ten-foot long long glowing cylinder appeared to explod 7/30/1950 #5084 the M/V Marcala sighted a ten-foot long cigar or ovoid object at 50-100 fee 8/4/1950 #5106 NORTH PORTLAND, OR Long "sharpened pencil" paces plane / hi 8/20/1950 #5129 e). Metallic bronze discs, 20-30' long, 2-6' thick. Moved independently an 9/3/1950 #5167 AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ENG 4 / PanAm. Long object going [to] overhead / 1000mp 11/5/1950 #5260 rescent had large eyes, pale skin, long hair that seemed to be a wig, with 1951 #5372 Mitchel AFB Long Island, New York Ent AFB Colorado S 1/1/1951 #5383 and at Mitchel AFB [now closed] in Long Island, New York. The HQ is moved t 1/1/1951 #5383 which must have been over 200 feet long.” It has a vertical fin at one end, 2/19/1951 #5449 aro in Tanzania sighted a 200 foot long bullet shaped UFO at 7:20 a.m. At o 2/19/1951 #5451 allic object, estimated to be 120' long and 10-12' thick, hovered, puffed s 2/26/1951 #5461 c object, estimated to be 120 feet long and 10-12 feet thick. The UFO hover 2/26/1951 #5462 . A cylinder with twin tails, 200' long and 90' wide, turned north and flew 3/13/1951 #5480 At 3:15 p.m. a 200 foot long cylinder with twin tails was sighte 3/13/1951 #5481 ct appears, approximately 100 feet long and as big around as a C-47 fuselag 3/15/1951 #5489 Three men saw a one hundred foot long metallic cigar-shaped object over t 3/15/1951 #5490 e 100-200' tubular object, 5 times long as it was wide, with fins at one en 7/24/1951 #5584 A 150-foot long cylinder with many black spots and 7/24/1951 #5585 WEST / LONG BEACH, CA 2+4 F86's can't reach cyl 9/23/1951 #5682 March AFB Long Beach, California At March AFB [now 9/23/1951 #5685 [now March Air Reserve Base] near Long Beach, California, two F-86 jets tr 9/23/1951 #5685 the Pacific Coast 30 miles west of Long Beach Airport, where the jets circl 9/23/1951 #5687 ircled and then headed east toward Long Beach when the object was seen at 7 9/23/1951 #5687 was scrambled to the south toward Long Beach but the UFO had gone. The Air 9/23/1951 #5687 T / TSINGTAO, CH US Navy BD5 crew. Long flaming cone turns white-orange. 10/18/1951 #5732 The big one is about 150–200 feet long, charcoal or gunmetal in color, and 1952 #5841 oject Moonstruck allegedly studies long range use of frequencies for the pu 1952 #5844 uish-white spherical object with a long blue tail that flew beneath a solid 1/20/1952 #5867 in the west. They notice it has a long blue tail. It travels underneath lo 1/20/1952 #5868 Mitchel AFB Long Island, New York 9:50 a.m. A Navy p 1/21/1952 #5871 t over Mitchel AFB [now closed] on Long Island, New York. It accelerates ra 1/21/1952 #5871 Navy TBM plane from Mitchel AFB on Long Island, New York chased a white, ci 1/21/1952 #5872 . One bluish cylinder, three times long as wide, with a tail and rapid puls 2/23/1952 #5922 of Japan, a bright orange, 75-foot long ovoid object passed by a US Army C- 3/4/1952 #5945 . He thinks they are about 45 feet long. 3/10/1952 #5953 Long Beach, CA Two yellowish discs passe 3/26/1952 #5977 Long Beach, California Day. Henry C. Dav 3/26/1952 #5978 through his second-floor window in Long Beach, California, and listening to 3/26/1952 #5978 jg. O'Neil. One inverted bowl, 3' long and 1' high, with vertical slots, f 4/14/1952 #6078 is roughly 60 feet wide by 20 feet long. They watch it for 10 seconds until 4/23/1952 #6163 USAF observer(s). Disc-star makes long series / maneuvers generally going 5/15/1952 #6327 y and two civilians saw at least 5 long silver objects which flew in a neat 6/1/1952 #6410 y and two civilians. At least five long silver objects flew in a neat box f 6/1/1952 #6413 South Dakota watched at least five long silver objects flew in a neat box f 6/1/1952 #6422 rs have been unable to explain. As long as this is true, the Air Force will 6/4/1952 #6438 hind) vapor trail 4' wide and 200' long. 6/12/1952 (approximate) #6478 MIDDLETON, NS Teacher. Long cone / airplane speed. Flies wide-e 6/21/1952 #6568 lly, emitting a red flame 2-5 feet long as it did so, and stopped momentari 6/22/1952 #6589 r shaped object about six times as long as it was wide” heading over Boston 7/1/1952 #6689 -shaped object "about six times as long as it was wide" moving southwest. A 7/1/1952 #6691 e six witnesses spotted a 30 meter long vertical cloud-cigar with regularly 7/18/1952 #6899 Washington DC Washington, D.C.: Long range “overfly” RADAR picked up a f 7/19/1952 #6906 h altitudes and can be followed as long as 3½ minutes.” 7/19/1952 #6930 state, Germany watched two to four long, slender objects for 10-15 minutes. 7/21/1952 #6984 Long Beach, CA Oval Object Zig Zags Over 7/23/1952 #7057 n, PA Silver object, shaped like a long pear with 2-3 squares beneath (NICA 7/23/1952 #7065 large silver object, shaped like a long pear with two or three squares bene 7/23/1952 #7075 large silver object, shaped like a long pear with 2–3 squares beneath it, f 7/23/1952 #7080 LLETTE, NJ 3 observer(s) and many. Long thin cloud going north fast. Turns 7/25/1952 #7131 parently taking up water through a long tube. The object is standing in the 7/25/1952 #7137 Washington DC Washington, DC: Long range “overfly” RADAR picks more bl 7/26/1952 #7140 he Washington, DC. area, all night long. 7/26/1952 #7171 feet wide and about 10 to 12 feet long. It was located atop the ship close 7/27/1952 #7216 off. The object is about 100 feet long. Its surface is shiny “like tinfoil 7/30/1952 #7362 es with a rolling motion along its long axis. It disappears by rapidly risi 8/3/1952 #7437 len sees a UFO 6 feet high, 8 feet long, and lighted inside strike the chim 8/6/1952 #7490 ck yard. The object was eight feet long and stood six feet high. A little m 8/6/1952 #7493 COARI, AMAZONAS, BRZ Bright long mass hovers over town. Minutes late 8/15/1952? #7597 WESTPORT, CT Pilot / ground. Hiss! Long massive silver ovoid over trees. Da 8/17/1952 #7617 ange signals on his ham radio. Not long afterward, Lyman, his wife, and Alf 8/22/1952 #7683 shells glued together, about 25 m long, with a humanoid creature in what a 8/24/1952 #7709 the other slowly. One changed to long grey shape during a turn. Sighting 8/24/1952 #7710 s away. One seems to change into a long, gray object as it is turning to th 8/24/1952 #7713 d together and was about 25 meters long. There appeared to be a humanoid be 8/24/1952 #7715 , the other slowly. One changed to long grey shape during a turn. Sighting 8/24/1952 #7716 ). Huge domed disk / low altitude. Long thin object hovers then going quick 8/25/1952 #7723 rs, face to face, estimated at 75' long, 45' wide, and 15' thick. Through 8/25/1952 #7729 laced together end to end, 75 feet long, 40 feet wide, and 15 feet high in 8/25/1952 #7732 . He estimated its size at 75-feet long, 45-feet wide, and 15-feet thick. T 8/25/1952 #7736 ia, exact location unknown Herbert Long saw an object land 15 m away from t 8/31/1952 #7799 d as Leo GeBauer, a con man with a long arrest record. The tale is a ploy t 9/1952 #7804 ning star, moved up and down for a long period of time. 9/1/1952 #7814 ening star, move up and down for a long period of time. 9/1/1952 #7820 s in straight lines up to 15 miles long. In at least one instance, the targ 9/2/1952 #7829 Two 12 meter long cigar-shaped objects circled the ar 9/5/1952 #7855 thers ran. Lemon vomited all night long. Reporters who went to the site lat 9/11/1952 #7896 L. Carr and his deputy Burnell J. Long search the area separately, but fin 9/12/1952 #7905 lights was seen at the same time a long, thin blip was being tracked on rad 9/16/1952 #7961 nidentified lights and picked up a long thin blip on radar. Investigators c 9/16/1952 #7963 rant bright cylinder/cigar-shape / long trail. Slow and silent. Also night 9/21/1952 #7994 object land, Solem sees a man with long blond hair and dressed in a white u Fall 1952 #8014 3 observer(s). Green ellipse with long tail orbits / 15 minute(s). No furt 9/29/1952 #8055 rn Pines, NC Green ellipse. with a long tail (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 9/29/1952 #8058 o others. One green ellipse with a long tail orbited for 15 minutes. 9/29/1952 #8060 na observed a green ellipse with a long tail orbiting in the sky for 15 min 9/29/1952 #8066 gordo, NM Pale blue oval, with its long axis vertical, fly straight and lev 10/7/1952 #8100 nell. One pale blue oval, with its long axis vertical, flew straight and le 10/7/1952 #8101 cigar-shaped object was 30 meters long, 6 meters in diameter, and had a ro 10/15/1952 #8136 ation exercise at 35,000 feet. Not long after breaking out of a cloud durin 10/21/1952 #8172 l Gabriel Gachignard saw a 15-foot long football or cigar-shaped object, th 10/27/1952 #8202 Hempstead, Long Island, NY Two F-94's Encounter Con 10/29/1952 #8212 HempSTEAD, LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK 5:10 a.m. Two USAF 10/29/1952 #8215 ed for 20 minutes above Hempstead, Long Island, New York. Lt. William F. Ha 10/29/1952 #8215 Orange blimp-shaped object, 80 ft long 20 ft wide (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 10/31/1952 #8219 e orange, blimp-shaped object, 80' long and 20' high, flew at treetop level 10/31/1952 #8220 Lt. James Allen watched an 80 foot long orange, blimp-shaped object. It fle 10/31/1952 #8222 Laredo AFB, TX A long, elliptical, white-grey light fly v 11/3/1952 #8234 operators, including Lemaster. One long, elliptical, white-grey light flew 11/3/1952 #8235 g at 9:30 a.m. It had a five meter long cylinder rotating on the top and bo 11/16/1952 #8290 o film?] is a beautiful being with long blond hair and an extremely high fo 11/20/1952 #8309 BORDEAUX, FR Long brilliant cylinder/cigar-shape move 12/3/1952 #8365 in the city of Bordeaux, France a long, bright cigar-shaped UFO moved slow 12/3/1952 #8367 Vega, Texas. It is about 350 feet long at their 11 o’clock position, paral 12/29/1952 #8462 object is an estimated 25–40 feet long and 6–8 or 18–25 feet thick and loo 1/1/1953 #8494 reature over six-feet tall, with a long scaly body, hissed at residents of 1/2/1953 #8496 .m. an airman witnessed a 60 meter long luminous cigar-shaped or rectangula 1/26/1953 #8575 closed], California Newport Beach Long Beach 9:00 p.m. The control tower a 1/28/1953 #8603 e pursues it from Newport Beach to Long Beach and has it in sight for 3–4 m 1/28/1953 #8603 armer observed an object about 7 m long and 4 m wide at treetop level. It w 1/29/1953 #8612 erved an object about seven meters long and four meters wide at treetop lev 1/29/1953 #8618 d / disk. Falls back and follows / long time. / r242. 2/11/1953 #8661 e can get home quickly. During the long flight, their conversation turns to Mid 2/1953 #8676 0M saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape and long contrail. / Flying Saucer Review (F 3/3/1953 #8724 r or fuselage-shaped object with a long contrail in a clear sky. The length 3/3/1953 #8728 nder builds, narrow shoulders, and long arms. The abductees were paralyzed, 3/22/1953 #8776 ain. They were flying enroute from Long Beach to Stead AFB, NV at an altitu 4/12/1953 #8821 c vibration. Looking up, he sees a long white trail in the wake of an objec 5/16/1953 #8879 t a fried-egg-looking shape with a long tail. Recent analyses indicate that 5/16/1953 #8879 . An opened hatchway was 3 1/2 ft. long and 1 1/2 ft. wide. Inside the craf 5/21/1953 #8892 estimates it to be about 300 feet long and no greater than 150 feet in the 6/17/1953 #8936 Hampton Bays, Long Island, NY "a large aircraft" of ex 6/24/1953 #8963 Hampton Bay, Long Island A civilian woman saw somethi 6/24/1953 #8966 le of climb after the three minute long sighting. Two days later a yellowis 6/24/1953 #8971 y, another F-84 is sent up. Before long, the pilot receives strong radar re 8/5/1953 #9049 cial file is several hundred pages long. 8/5/1953 #9049 e insists on a physical visit. Not long afterward, as she is hanging wash i 9/1953 #9131 entered the elongated object, 5 m long, 1.5 m wide, which spread "wings" t 9/4/1953 #9144 wo UFOs at 9:30 p.m., a five-meter long elongated object and a sphere, both 9/4/1953 #9145 ing Saucers, and Bender breaks his long silence in 1962 with Flying Saucers 9/28/1953 #9186 LONG BEACH, CA Postman and several. 2 12 10/8/1953 #9206 ked like two ship hulls, about 3 m long, 2 m wide glued together. When he t 10/25/1953 #9253 300MI SOUTHWEST / ICELAND RAF B29. Long cylinder/cigar-shape going quickly 11/19/1953 #9309 two “basins” put together; 16 feet long, 8 feet high, and 6 feet wide. Arou 11/28/1953 #9325 ll was a sort of rudder three feet long. Sr. Serrate could see four young h 11/28/1953 #9325 h pinkish faces, and the women had long hair. All of them wore dark blue un 11/28/1953 #9325 Agoura, California Long Beach, California Pacific 4:58 p.m. 12/16/1953 #9374 he WV-2 Warning Star aircraft near Long Beach, California, independently of 12/16/1953 #9374 bject was estimated to be six feet long and a foot and a half in thickness. 12/26/1953 #9398 ck cloud. It is elliptical with a “long shaft about the same length as its 1/1/1954 #9436 through binoculars, the UFO has a long fuselage, elliptical wings, some ki 2/4/1954 #9535 FB, TX: UFO sighted over base. Had long fuselage, elliptical wings, stabili 2/6/1954 #9538 o women, who had light brown skin, long black hair, dark, slanted eyes. All 3/1954 #9578 see a slim silver object 100 feet long and only 8 feet thick. They watch t 3/18/1954 #9629 h four men wearing white pants and long white coats, to which KA tried to p 4/12/1954 #9685 metallic box on the ground 3 feet long and 1 1/2 feet high with numbers pr 4/12/1954 #9685 OVER LONG BEACH, CA United Airlines (UAL) FLT 4/14/1954 #9689 Long Beach, California Night. Capt. John 4/14/1954 #9690 liding with an unknown object over Long Beach, California. One passenger (C 4/14/1954 #9690 ST. MEXANT, 19, FR 2 observer(s). Long cone object with red and green ligh 4/15/1954 #9692 San Nicholas Island, CA 4-6 ft long gray cigar-shaped object with point 4/22/1954 #9702 lifornia, when they see a 4–6-foot long, gray, cigar- shaped object with a 4/22/1954 #9704 om the ground. It is over 600 feet long. Doridant flees, but Mougeolle walk Late 4/1954 #9720 Round object going east slow. Very long rod extends and retracts going east 5/6/1954 #9756 gunmetal delta-shaped object, 22' long and 10' wide, with a fin on the top 5/10/1954 #9771 gth of the F3D-s (which is 22 feet long), had a wing span about equal to it 5/10/1954 #9772 t with a transparent dome, 20 feet long and 10 feet wide, pass slowly overh Late Spring 1954 #9803 ng at the witnesses. Their “rather long faces” are olive-colored, and their Late Spring 1954 #9803 ct (actual event could have been a long time before). 5/20/1954 #9817 arge, dark cylinder, about 30 feet long and 15 feet high with a canopy and 6/5/1954 #9866 riend were terrified by a 10 meter long cylinder that hovered only 20 meter 6/5/1954 #9867 ory gate. It was cylindrical, 10 m long, 5 m high, with a canopy on top. It 6/9/1954 #9881 ate. It was cylindrical, 10 meters long, 5 meters high, with a canopy on to 6/9/1954 #9883 Also in 1954 an eighty-foot long blimp-shaped UFO drifted over Cleve 6/22/1954 #9929 sing. One black cylinder, 12 times long as wide, moved fast along the surfa 7/25/1954 #10051 times remaining motionless for as long as 30 seconds. They are described a 8/4/1954 #10099 er 15 m, with two tracks about 5 m long. 8/10/1954 #10117 with two tracks about five meters long. 8/10/1954 #10119 ushes Edith’s palm with it. He has long hair with a natural wave, a dark co 8/20/1954 #10157 a man with a tanned complexion and long hair who smiled and made friendly h 8/20/1954 #10158 bbed their attention was the man’s long, light brown hair. His eyes were li 8/20/1954 #10158 ful,” said one of the women, “with long well manicured fingers like that of 8/20/1954 #10158 object like an enormous (300 feet long) cigar standing on end, hovering ab 8/23/1954 #10170 r, Iceland Flat cylinder, 2-2.5 ft long, 4-5 ft in diameter (NICAP: 01 - Di 8/24/1954 #10174 nnamed farmer. A cylinder, 2-2.5' long, 4-5' in diameter, made a loud whiz 8/24/1954 #10175 indrical flying object, 2-2.5 feet long and 4-5 feet in diameter that made 8/24/1954 #10176 ltitude! Leaves (something behind) long trail. 8/26/1954 #10179 nville, VA 2 domed ellipses, 20 ft long, 8 ft thick, 10 ft at ends (NICAP: 8/26/1954 #10180 . Shelton. Two domed ellipses, 20' long, 8' thick, 10' at ends; glowing sil 8/26/1954 #10181 central section, which supported a long cone with a spinning globe on top. 8/30/1954 #10209 central section, which supported a long cone with a spinning globe on top. 8/30/1954 #10210 either side by two dark, 50 meter long cigar-shaped objects flying near Go 8/31/1954 #10220 rm boy. Small humanoid (or Grey) / long nose and ears flies to silent cylin 9/2/1954 #10231 a small man about 3 feet tall with long, pointed ears and a pointed nose st 9/2/1954 #10232 He also was carrying two two-foot long cylinders on his back. He ran or gl 9/2/1954 #10233 ed a cigar-shaped object about 4 m long, which took off toward Limoges. A f 9/10/1954 #10283 cigar-shaped object about 13 feet long, which takes off to the northwest. 9/10/1954 #10285 ar-shaped object about four meters long, which took off toward Limoges. A f 9/10/1954 #10287 few meters away from him. He had a long nose and long ears and seemed to "f 9/14/1954 #10297 y from him. He had a long nose and long ears and seemed to "fly" when he mo 9/14/1954 #10297 two cylinders on his back and had long, pointed ears. 9/14/1954 #10297 few meters away from him. He had a long nose and long ears and seemed to fl 9/14/1954 #10302 y from him. He had a long nose and long ears and seemed to fly or glide as 9/14/1954 #10302 two cylinders on his back and had long, pointed ears. 9/14/1954 #10302 esses in a truck saw a seven-meter long ovoid object on the ground near the 9/29/1954 #10500 tarted to approach the three-meter long object when it took off from the gr 9/30/1954 #10520 ter and landing pad imprints 16 cm long. 9/30/1954 #10521 SUR-ERDRE, FR Several observer(s). Long cylinder/cylindrical object / 5M di 10/1/1954 #10539 had seen a luminous disk leaving a long trail. It landed in a field, then t 10/1/1954 #10555 proached a cigar-shaped object 3 m long, 80 cm wide, which took off from th 10/1/1954 #10556 had seen a luminous disc leaving a long trail in the sky. It landed in a fi 10/1/1954 #10571 on the ground. It was three meters long, 80 cm wide, and it took off from t 10/1/1954 #10572 e sees a gray object about 12 feet long and 3 feet high on the ground about Early 10/1954 #10609 merges from it and moves away. The long object switches to horizontal again 10/2/1954 #10611 ect like an artillery shell 9 feet long. A small, dark form is standing in 10/6/1954 #10756 of them approached the four meter long craft, which stood about 80 cm high 10/6/1954 #10761 bject producing it was a one-meter long cigar, red and blue in color. The e 10/7/1954 #10793 , ANKARA, TURKEY "Saucer" hovers / long time. Suddenly away very fast. No f 10/13/1954 #10990 SUR-SAONE, FR Several observer(s). Long slow silent object leaves (somethin 10/14/1954 #11022 , he observed it was an object 5 m long, near which a "short young man" was 10/14/1954 #11043 he observed that it was a 5-meter long object, next to which a "short youn 10/14/1954 #11064 ect with brilliant portholes, 30 m long, 6 m diameter, was seen on the grou 10/15/1954 #11103 ect with brilliant portholes, 30 m long, 6 m diameter, was seen on the grou 10/15/1954 #11119 tumbling with fear. The object had long since flown away at high speed. The 10/16/1954 #11142 the road a brown object about 10 m long, 2.5 m high. Silent, it gave off no 10/16/1954 #11143 tumbling with fear. The object had long since flown away at high speed. The 10/16/1954 #11148 the road a brown object about 10 m long, 2. 5 m high. Silent, it gave off n 10/16/1954 #11149 en he saw a gray object, about 4 m long and 1 m high on the ground and 40 m 10/17/1954 #11173 w a gray object, about four meters long and one meter high on the ground an 10/17/1954 #11179 oached he saw it was about 26 feet long and 7 feet high. From one end came 10/17/1954 #11180 ngated or flattened object 30 feet long. A police investigation was conduct 10/18/1954 #11218 1.2 m tall, descended from it on a long ladder. Their eyes were "sharp" and 10/19/1954 #11240 feet tall, descended from it on a long ladder. Their eyes were dark red an 10/19/1954 #11254 r Reveille saw an oval object, 6 m long, at treetop level, and felt intense 10/20/1954 #11271 e to the ground. It was six meters long and hovered at treetop level. He fe 10/20/1954 #11280 they saw two men with white skin, long hair to their shoulders, and very h 10/21/1954 #11298 they saw two men with white skin, long hair to their shoulders, and very h 10/21/1954 #11307 n oval-shaped object about 20 feet long at treetop level. At the same time 10/22/1954 #11319 He walked with his legs stiff, had long hair and a hairy face. His eyes wer 10/24/1954 #11361 ." He walked stiff-legged, and had long hair and a hairy face. His eyes wer 10/24/1954 #11369 s an elongated object about 7 feet long with a green and a red light at bot 10/25/1954 #11392 tlantic Ocean watched a four meter long cigar-shaped object fly through the 10/25/1954 #11403 ize of a truck (about seven meters long) at 50 meters distance. It was near 10/26/1954 #11419 On this day a five meter long cigar-shaped object came down in so 10/26/1954 #11420 arby church, where he stayed for a long time refusing to come out. 10/26/1954 #11425 ar-old girl approached a one-meter long ovoid object on the road northeast 10/27/1954 #11454 e witnesses watched an eight meter long ovoid object hover just 12 meters o 10/28/1954 #11467 SOUTHEAST / TAIWAN USAF C47 crew. Long narrow blue object sparks front and 10/29/1954 #11475 SE of Taiwan, Taiwan Long narrow bright blue object emitting 10/29/1954 #11476 center bulge and short wings (10' long, 3' in diameter, 3' wings) having c 10/29/1954 #11479 flying over the Philippines saw a long narrow bright blue oblong object em 10/29/1954 #11483 diameter, and had wings three feet long. The wings of the object had concav 10/29/1954 #11484 NEAR LONG, FR 3 observer(s). 4.5M saucer / gr 10/31/1954 #11495 Corrompu, France Near Long, P. Petit and his employee, Mr. Til 10/31/1954 #11499 itted a beam of light three meters long." The other two were holding object 11/5/1954 #11578 itted a beam of light three meters long." The other two were holding object 11/5/1954 #11581 t 450 feet away, seemingly 18 feet long and cone-shaped. It takes off verti 11/8/1954 #11600 A nine meter long, bullet-shaped cigar hovered at 30 11/9/1954 #11614 looked out and observed a 30 meter long, glowing metallic ovoid object hove 11/9/1954 #11615 ch two men, normal in height, with long hair and coverall-like clothes, eme 11/10/1954 #11619 rande do Sul, Brazil. Two men with long hair and one-piece suits emerge and 11/10/1954 #11620 A spherical UFO hovered for a long period over Louisville, Kentucky. U 11/12/1954 #11631 -70 centimeters wide by 1.5 meters long. The edges of the object were flatt 11/23/1954 #11697 ABBEY WOOD, LONDON, ENG Mayor sees long flaming tube / rounded ends. White 11/30/1954 #11733 wn of Montebuono, Italy a 10 meter long cigar-shaped object passed overhead 12/3/1954 #11755 erage height, had broad shoulders, long hair, very white skin, and slanted 12/9/1954 #11784 otorcycle. It was cigarshaped, 5 m long, 2 m wide. They saw it turn off its 12/9/1954 #11785 very pale skin, slanted eyes, and long blond hair. They wore light brown c 12/9/1954 #11789 he little group, sitting all night long, had spread so much light that God 12/20/1954 #11849 pects of the UAP issue, but it was long involved in high-altitude reconnais 12/28/1954 #11870 OVERTON-ON-DEE, WALES 1 observer. Long pink object rushes over silently. L 2/10/1955 #11987 he unknowns to a bare minimum.” As long as there is sufficient information, 2/15/1955 #12004 y clothes. They had froglike face, long slender arms, normal eyes, but no e 3/1955 #12021 ing eight red lights and about 7 m long. 3/2/1955 #12031 jects were each about seven meters long and showed eight red lights. 3/2/1955 #12032 ON Many observer(s). Fireball with long tail circled downtown! 3km altitude 3/12/1955 #12044 the time they arrive the object is long gone. 3/24/1955 #12059 a sort of cap, no visible mouth, a long pointed nose, a chin which came to 7/3/1955 #12231 n which came to a sharp point, and long thin arms with claws. 7/3/1955 #12231 a sort of cap, no visible mouth, a long pointed nose, a chin that came to a 7/3/1955 #12233 in that came to a sharp point, and long thin arms with claws. 7/3/1955 #12233 GLEN AVON, CA AND LONG BEACH 2 separate observer(s). Red r 7/13/1955 #12258 WEST / SANTA MARIA, CA Long silvery object emerges / ocean and 7/22/1955 #12275 Lake Ronkonkoma Long Island, New York 8:30–9:30 p.m. An 7/29/1955 #12302 ty of Saturn at Lake Ronkonkoma on Long Island, New York. The star moves in 7/29/1955 #12302 de-set eyes, no visible necks, and long arms ending in clawed hands. They w 8/21/1955 #12386 and arrive shortly after midnight, long after the object is gone, but anoth 9/2/1955 #12425 age 8 first abducted. Implants and long story.. 9/15/1955? #12454 ey saw the object again, about 5 m long and surrounded with turbulence. It 9/17/1955 #12459 ct again. It was about five meters long and surrounded by turbulence. After 9/17/1955 #12460 e end of their two and a half hour long sighting. It made a deep roaring so 10/11/1955 #12500 MARSHALL, TX 1+observer(s). Long silver rod-cylinder/cigar-shape pas 10/12/1955 #12502 Bas-Rhin, France a huge, 400 meter long UFO was seen flying only six meters 10/15/1955 #12505 SANTA ANA, CA 2 observer(s). Long large "pipe" with ball underneath. 10/29/1955 #12530 An 800 foot long cigar-shaped object was seen during 11/1/1955 #12541 r/cigar-shape going quickly south. Long rows red lights / side. Going quick 12/6/1955 #12598 watched a cigar-shaped object with long rows of brilliant, reddish body lig 12/6/1955 #12599 A TO FL PAA flight engineer. Large long object / yellow exhaust going quick 1/22/1956 #12676 gineer named Mueller sighted a saw long cylindrical object with yellow exha 1/22/1956 #12679 e, Oklahoma a low flying, 120 foot long ovoid object illuminated an area 15 1/30/1956 #12686 In 1956 a 3-meter long metallic blimp with 3 or more windo 3/4/1956 #12748 interested and get permission (as long as it does not involve official nav 4/1956 #12777 33. The object is about 30-40 feet long, elliptical in shape, shorter than 5/22/1956 #12865 ons extending 3-4 feet and 25 feet long on each side. The bottom surface is 5/22/1956 #12865 a UFO near Hicksville, New York on Long Island at just after midnight in 19 6/4/1956 #12883 d two tall, human-looking men with long, fair hair emerge wearing green jum 7/16/1956 #12974 Mastic, Long Island, NY Brief Sighting By AF Pil 7/17/1956 #12979 re two meters (6.6 feet) tall, had long blond hair, and wore tight-fitting 7/19/1956 #12991 LONG BEACH, CA 1 observer. Brilliant lig 7/20/1956 #12992 gs. They were nearly 2 m tall, had long, blond hair, and wore tight, green 7/20/1956 #12993 ey are nearly 6 feet tall and have long, blond hair, and wear tight, green 7/20/1956 #12996 ant light was seen in the sky over Long Beach, California. It appeared to b 7/20/1956 #12997 ly two meters (6.6 feet) tall, had long, blond hair, and wore tight, green 7/20/1956 #12997 ST.-PIERRE-DE-FURSAC, 23, FR Long luminous UFO. 3 passes and drops ne 9/1956 #13162 At 4:30 a.m. a six meter long ovoid UFO hovered 5 feet over a gol 9/2/1956 #13173 m at noon on this day a three-foot long cigar-shaped UFO landed in a nearby 9/7/1956 #13204 gar-shaped object some 60–100 feet long and 15 feet in diameter swiftly des 10/2/1956 #13260 d then circled an arriving 60 foot long cigar-shaped object. There were sev 10/10/1956 #13273 ge, New Jersey, goes public on the Long John Nebel show on WOR-AM in New Yo 10/29/1956 #13297 DESTIN, FL Military pilot / air. Long thin object with series / bright or 11/9/1956 #13317 Destin, FL Pilot saw a long narrow object with a series of brig 11/9/1956 #13318 A long, narrow, fuselage-shaped object wit 11/9/1956 #13319 when she encountered a five-meter long cigar-shaped object close to the gr 2/3/1957 #13482 ed a cigar-shaped objert about 5 m long, showing several portholes, which w 2/9/1957 #13487 nnecticut encountered a five meter long cigar-shaped object close to the gr 2/9/1957 #13488 Btn Mockville and Arrity, NC Long Object With Green Light In Nose (NI 3/8/1957 #13528 Long Beach-Los Angeles Airport, CA (McDo 3/22/1957 #13550 Long Beach-Los Angeles Airport, CA At 11 3/22/1957 #13552 LONG BEACH, CA CAA RADAR and USAF and hu 3/23/1957 #13555 submerge. The objects are 30 feet long and wingless. 4/19/1957 #13607 deep-set eyes, tanned skin, and a long face with a "quizzical" expression. 5/1957 #13628 occupant, a helmeted figure with a long, olive- colored face and a shiny, l 5/1957 #13631 igar-shaped UFO about 75– 100 feet long. 5/1957? #13632 JPN 15+/ railroad/railway station. Long cylinder/cigar-shape with silvery g 6/10/1957 #13716 ghts and one red light plunge into Long Island Sound. 6/22/1957 #13748 Year (IGY). It marked the end of a long period during the Cold War when sci 7/1/1957 #13768 GIGLIO, ITL Numerous observer(s). Long cone hovers / 2 hours. Turrets / to 7/13/1957 #13791 llic stairway. Two normal men with long, fair hair hanging to their shoulde 7/25/1957 #13835 llic stairway. Two normal men with long, fair hair hanging to their shoulde 7/25/1957 #13840 t 100 feet. It is about 1,000 feet long and has a “soft delta” shape with r 8/1957 #13868 Indiana at 9:00 p.m. a three-meter long ovoid rose up 30 meters over a corn 8/18/1957 #13906 Russia makes the first successful long flight of an ICBM, the R-7 Semyorka 8/27/1957 #13936 US51 NORTH / MENDOTA, IL Long gold cylinder/cigar-shape drops. Le 9/24/1957 #14028 of these objects, said to be 150 m long and 20 m high, pearl-colored, glist 9/26/1957 #14035 NEAR CERES, BRZ 150M saucer / long antenna. 7 small humanoids (or Grey 10/10/1957 #14089 0 m deep, with a dome supporting a long "aerial" with a red light on top. T 10/10/1957 #14092 s saw seven childlike beings, with long hair and luminous suits, who looked 10/10/1957 #14092 t appears to be more than 600 feet long. It lights up the entire area, even 10/10/1957 #14095 ers deep, with a dome supporting a long "aerial" with a red light on top. T 10/10/1957 #14097 s saw seven childlike beings, with long hair and luminous suits, who looked 10/10/1957 #14097 Strands of "angel hair" as long as fifty feet fell over a 110 mile- 10/23/1957 #14150 . They were about 1.20 m tall, had long yellow-red hair, small green, slant 10/25/1957 #14154 out 1.20 meters (4 feet) tall, had long reddish-yellow hair, slanted small 10/25/1957 #14157 they spot an object about 200 feet long in the sky. Suddenly the object ris 10/31/1957 #14176 ct was then described as oval, 5 m long, 3 m high, army green in color. It 11/1957 #14181 d and white, two or three times as long as a car and about 3 m high, at gro 11/2/1957 #14212 bed a low-flying object, over 60 m long, equipped with a bright light, and 11/2/1957 #14213 t, red and white, about 40–60 feet long and about 10 feet high, at ground l 11/2/1957 #14214 d and white, two or three times as long as a car, and at ground level. It w 11/2/1957 #14220 uish-green tint, about 75–125 feet long. After a few minutes, the object su 11/3/1957 #14243 Levelland, Texas 1:15 a.m. James Long is 5 miles northwest of Levelland, 11/3/1957 #14247 egg or oval-shaped, about 200 feet long, 200 feet away, sitting in the road 11/3/1957 #14247 0 a.m. Near the same spot as James Long, Hockley County (Texas) Sheriff Wei 11/3/1957 #14248 igar-shaped object, over 60 meters long, equipped with a bright light, and 11/3/1957 #14253 SOUTH / LONG BEACH, CA Air Traffic Controllers a 11/5/1957 #14304 Long Beach (Airport), CA Zibello (McDona 11/5/1957 #14325 ., an amber or orange UFO 200 feet long is seen for 5 minutes at Delavan, W 11/5/1957 #14346 ed object is approximately 60 foot long and causes the lights and engine of 11/5/1957 #14347 MA Numerous separate observer(s). Long silver cylinder/cigar-shape follows 11/6/1957 #14373 oerne, TX Oval object, about 15 ft long, bright orange (NICAP: 01 - Distant 11/6/1957 #14393 reported an oval object, about 5 m long, bright orange, similar to glowing 11/6/1957 #14415 Long Point Road Houston, Texas 4:30 a.m. 11/6/1957 #14420 a.m. William Rush II is driving on Long Point Road in Houston, Texas. A bri 11/6/1957 #14420 hat an oval object, about 5 meters long was seen hovering four meters above 11/6/1957 #14437 limp” about 5 feet high and 2 feet long is blocking the road. He walks towa 11/7/1957 #14459 Riverhead, Long Island, New York New York City area 11/7/1957 #14461 y RCA Communications at Riverhead, Long Island, New York. The signal is a c 11/7/1957 #14461 ed with Sputnik 2. The signal is a long note of low pitch followed after a 11/7/1957 #14461 nside. The object is about 30 feet long and has a shiny bottom and a glass 11/7/1957 #14463 Merrick, Long Island, NY A bar-shaped object, 3.5 11/8/1957 #14479 nd, NY A bar-shaped object, 3.5 ft long, giving off blue flashes (NICAP: 01 11/8/1957 #14479 ew York A cigar-shaped object 70 m long was observed less than 7 m above gr 11/8/1957 #14481 sons saw an elongated object, 12 m long, with several portholes from which 11/8/1957 #14482 a Paul Rutledge saw an object 16 m long flying over his garage. The top par 11/8/1957 #14483 Merrick, Long Island, New York Witness: Mrs. L. 11/8/1957 #14484 inner. One bar-shaped object, 3.5' long, giving off blue flashes, made a sw 11/8/1957 #14484 . a cigar-shaped object, 70 meters long, was observed less than seven meter 11/8/1957 #14492 y, West Virginia. It was 12 meters long and had several portholes from whic 11/8/1957 #14493 l Rutledge saw an object 16 meters long flying over his garage in Waterloo, 11/8/1957 #14494 Lake City, MO Man saw object 50 ft long. Car engine died as he approached ( 11/9/1957 #14502 rk observed a hovering object 16 m long. His car engine died as he neared t 11/9/1957 #14504 h delta-shaped wings, 150–200 feet long and 40–50 feet wide. The wings come 11/9/1957 #14505 served a hovering object 16 meters long. It had an elongated shape, and hov 11/9/1957 #14508 estimates it is about 200–500 feet long. The object lights up the entire la 11/10/1957 #14524 son said in 2003 the newspaper had long ago exposed the object as a hoax ma 11/21/1957 #14590 m. Fighter pilot 1st Lt. Joseph F. Long’s car engine stalls 30 miles west o 11/23/1957 #14603 equipped with three landing gears. Long estimates they are about 10–15 feet 11/23/1957 #14603 the hum increases in intensity and Long’s ears begin to hurt. The objects t 11/23/1957 #14603 Robertson Panel), saying it is too long. Ruppelt, Chiles, and Arnold soon w 12/1957 #14654 trail, estimated to be 100 meters long, was sighted from the Boso Peninsul 12/10/1957 #14704 n Jabuticabal, Brazil a four-meter long "watermelon" landed in a field, onl 12/10/1957 #14705 object is approximately 20–30 feet long and dark gray or black in color, ho 12/16/1957 #14735 uated only a few hundred feet from Long Island Sound. At the beginning and 12/16/1957 #14736 m the hourse. It was 20 to 30 feet long, dark gray or black, with brightly 12/16/1957 #14736 kind of antenna, about six inches long. It oscillated and sparkled. For al 12/16/1957 #14736 reen to red; red tail was twice as long as the body. It stopped, started, b 12/17/1957 #14740 Old Westbury, Long Island, NY Fensterstock. (Hynek UFO 1/3/1958 #14799 en sees a dome-shaped light with a long narrow light underneath coming dire 1/13/1958 #14824 a football-shaped object 20 inches long and 8 inches high, lined with “thou 2/28/1958 #14898 s). Cigar shape maneuvers / river. Long row / portholes. Going west. / r78p 4/2/1958 #14957 Columbus, OH Cigar-shaped UFO with long row of "portholes or windows." [UFO 4/2/1958 #14958 course of the Ohio River. It had a long row of portholes along its side, an 4/2/1958 #14960 lescope. Cylinder/cigar-shape with long row / windows. Quickly going up [to 4/4/1958 #14962 Abaatu, Brazil All night long, three hovering disks were seen by 4/17/1958 #14994 ring discs were observed all night long in Boa del Tigre, Argentina by seve 4/17/1958 #14995 creature with scaly skin and very long arms. The pointed nails of its long 5/2/1958 #15010 ong arms. The pointed nails of its long fingers nearly touched the ground. 5/2/1958 #15010 creature with scaly skin and very long arms. The pointed nails of its long 5/2/1958 #15011 ong arms. The pointed nails of its long fingers nearly touched the ground. 5/2/1958 #15011 ght emanating from it. It had very long arms, a scaly body, and wore a flig 5/27/1958 #15056 ted from the creature. It had very long arms, a scaly body, and wore a flig 5/27/1958 #15057 Norman Evans Colton appear on the Long John Nebel show on WOR-AM in New Yo 6/28/1958 #15122 d it creates an aurora 2,100 miles long along the geomagnetic meridian. 8/1/1958 #15174 and streetlights go out, he sees a long whitish trail like a fan in the sky 8/3/1958 #15177 ng it. The object is about 60 feet long and is stationary for 5-8 minutes. 8/18/1958 #15215 h and vegetation about half a mile long. After the story appears in newspap 9/29/1958 #15286 er(s). 4 12M glowing-OVOIDs follow long train. Maneuver. Going quickly nort 10/3/1958 #15306 ryland. They see a large (100 feet long) egg-shaped object hanging 100–150 10/26/1958 #15385 material, some in strands 5–6 feet long. Two fishermen at sea, George Korka 11/9/1958 #15434 scape. They estimate it is 53 feet long and 20 feet high, with a bright glo 11/9/1958 #15435 Montauk AFB, Long Island, NY (McDonald list) (NICAP: 11/19/1958 #15451 slow circles near the craft, their long arms dangling to the ice. They had 12/11/1958 #15474 dangling to the ice. They had very long faces. His radio quit working. He d 12/11/1958 #15474 ed a missile-shaped UFO 2.5 meters long flying only ten meter above some pi 12/17/1958 #15480 ts last for three days, perhaps as long as six. Between 1959 and 1975, some 1959 #15510 were intact, they had high brows, long blond hair, and eyes that looked As 1959 #15516 At 1:30 p.m. a six-foot long shining cigar-shaped object flew ov 1/3/1959 #15532 n Hobart, Tasmania saw a 2.7-meter long object disappear between buildings. 1/8/1959 #15542 k red, barrel-shaped object, 20 ft long, 6-7 ft high (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 3/26/1959 #15671 ark red, barrel-shaped object, 20' long, 6-7' high, descended below some tr 3/26/1959 #15672 a black ball with a red light to a long red cigar. Radar does not pick it u 4/12/1959 #15699 y Hospital on April 17. He invites Long John Nebel to have a brief glimpse 4/19/1959 #15708 ddle of the road. It was about 5 m long, the top part emitting a bright lig 4/29/1959 #15717 trousers and heavy boots, and had long blond hair. They turned a corner an 6/26/1959 #15792 server(s) / 5 glowing-objects exit long fireball. Going [to] low single fil 7/21/1959 #15867 vers see the object hover and emit long tongues of red, yellow, and green l 9/24/1959 #15987 domed, oval-shaped machine 12 feet long and 8 feet high, and light blue in 9/29/1959 #16000 nsists of “threads from 10ʹ to 50ʹ long connected at ¾ʺ intervals by minute 10/12/1959 #16030 Montauk AFB, Long Island, NY Three Radars Track Blip 11/5/1959 #16080 ect described by most witnesses as long, tubular, and about 70 feet long sh 2/6/1960 #16169 s long, tubular, and about 70 feet long shoots upwards. A few seconds later 2/6/1960 #16169 George Adamski appears on Long John Nebel’s late-night TV show on 4/30/1960 #16245 euvers over the downtown area or a long time. About 60 feet in diameter, it 5/13/1960 #16266 50 p.m. twelve UFOs were seen over Long Beach, California swinging in the s 5/19/1960 #16291 scribed as having broad shoulders, long arms, a dark body, no ears or nose, 6/10/1960 #16311 ow when…but it had been in space a long time before it came to Earth; we ca 6/12/1960 #16312 many other witnesses observed two long red ovoids, followed by a V-shaped 8/16/1960 #16398 Bethpage, Long Island, New York The “dark satellit 8/25/1960 #16414 gineering Corporation at Bethpage, Long Island, New York. It is supposed to 8/25/1960 #16414 uldered and has disproportionately long legs that are narrow and pointed be Late 8/1960 #16417 ighway 1 in Westbrook, Connecticut Long Island, New York Chalker Beach in O 9/2/1960 #16431 it takes off at great speed toward Long Island, New York. They see a simila 9/2/1960 #16431 Long Beach, California Ruppelt dies of a 9/15/1960 #16450 Ruppelt dies of a heart attack in Long Beach, California, at age 37. 9/15/1960 #16450 owning estimates it to be 100 feet long and about 4 miles distant. It moves 10/4/1960 #16477 LONG POINT, IL Minister and several. Gol 10/9/1960 #16482 utes. It looked like a ball with a long antenna rod attached, and a flashin 11/27/1960 #16516 finds a mysterious crater 100 feet long, 50 feet wide, and 10 feet deep on 2/1961 #16593 in slow, level flight. It leaves a long orange trail like a tracer bullet, 3/16/1961 #16631 down and created a trench 50 feet long and 10 feet deep in the lake bed. T 4/27/1961 #16664 UNDAGAI, NSW, AUSTR 5 / plane take long exposure / huge UFO. Saucer with no 5/7/1961 #16677 LONG BEACH, CA Sonic booms. 12 metal obj 5/19/1961 #16686 Long Beach, CA Twelve shiny UFOs maneuve 5/19/1961 #16688 several doctors watched a 30 meter long metallic ovoid object maneuver at l 5/22/1961 #16694 ulging like an enormous ball, with long billows going out.” An object emerg 6/3/1961 #16715 Ridge Summit, PA A cigar-shaped or long elliptical UFO with a cluster of sm 6/4/1961 #16719 t of the sides of the craft, and a long structure descends from the bottom 9/19/1961 #16857 e his genitals, and they both take long showers. Betty notices a pinkish po 9/19/1961 #16857 th a concave base about 20–23 feet long and 10 feet broad. It vanishes “lik Autumn 1961 #16869 At 12:15 p.m. a 200 meter long object descended onto Lake Superior 10/14/1961 #16912 of them expresses surprise at how long the drive took. They are mysterious 11/25/1961 #16980 o women driving from Rosario see a long object flying at moderate altitude 5/13/1962 #17171 itnesses say they are up to 5 feet long. 6/6/1962 #17219 . The men were described as having long blond hair, and wore white coverall 7/18/1962 #17283 bottle with two necks," about 40 m long, 15 m high, which had landed on the 7/30/1962 #17304 he side of the road was a 40 meter long (130 foot) oval-shaped object, "res 7/30/1962 #17306 aped UFO. The object was 25 meters long and 300 meters away, and gave off f 8/5/1962 #17322 Long Beach, California Santa Catalina Ch Late 8/1962 #17360 Druffel and Aileen Cummings are at Long Beach, California, when they see a Late 8/1962 #17360 Highway 2. The object was 30 feet long, 15 feet high, and had "human-like 8/28/1962 #17370 part, a metallic cylinder over 3 m long reached down almost to touch the ro 9/5/1962 #17386 he afternoon. It had a three meter long tube hanging down, and was making a 11/1/1962 #17531 Nantucket Point, Long Island, NY (Hynek UFO Rpt p. 45-46) 1/5/1963 #17630 ay. Two min later the craft, 4.5 m long, 1.5 m high, with a translucent upp 1/11/1963 #17633 he sees a domed disc some 132 feet long land in the village square. Dark fi 1/11/1963 #17634 inutes later the craft, 4.5 meters long and 1.5 meters high, ascended in th 1/11/1963 #17635 light dazzled him. The five-meter long object rose vertically, then moved 5/19/1963 #17751 round around it, each about 4 feet long and a foot wide. A small piece of m 7/16/1963 #17833 man named Gray sighted a 300-foot long flying craft with lighted windows w 7/22/1963 #17848 triangular UFO that lingers for a long time over Garston, Hertfordshire, E 8/1/1963 #17860 ville, CA Round object intercept a long object &attach to it or disappear ( 9/14/1963 #17936 ce. One round object intercepted a long object and either attached itself t 9/14/1963 #17937 d for several minutes. Suddenly, a long cylindrical object with fins along 9/14/1963 #17938 oves very rapidly to intercept the long object, ejecting a yellowish-brown 9/14/1963 #17938 erved a gray-colored object, 3.5 m long, hovering less than 2 m above groun 10/1963 #17966 The object seemed to be 8-12 feet long, glowing orange and red. It then da 10/31/1963 #18014 m Davidson saw an object about 3 m long, bearing orange and red lights, whi 10/31/1963 #18015 n saw an object about three meters long in Daylston, Victoria, Australia wi 10/31/1963 #18018 as flattened bracken, and two-foot long footprints. 11/16/1963 #18046 Bank's Stables. It was about 3.5 m long, 1 m high, and had something like a 12/27/1963 #18097 on the ground. It is about 8 feet long, 3 feet high at the center, and has 12/27/1963 #18098 afternoon. It was about 3.5 meters long, a meter in height, and had somethi 12/27/1963 #18099 bject was estimated to be 200 feet long, silver in color, and made a whinin 3/13/1964 #18149 oky, spiral portion about one mile long. The vapor trail drifts off. After 4/11/1964 #18169 hiny, egg-shaped object, about 8 m long and 6 m wide, in his field. He spok 4/24/1964 #18193 ject, which is egg-shaped, 20 feet long, 16 feet wide, and four feet high. 4/24/1964 #18199 oval-shaped and positioned so its long axis is horizontal. Zamora loses si 4/24/1964 #18200 trapezoidal imprints 12–16 inches long, 6–8 inches wide, and 4–6 inches de 4/24/1964 #18200 -shaped object, about eight meters long and six meters wide, in his pasture 4/24/1964 #18201 y. It looks like a butane tank “as long as a telephone pole” about 14 feet 4/26/1964 #18209 ruck. before him. The creature had long black hair, and gave a powerful and 5/8/1964 #18248 He had white hair, a small goatee, long arms, a reddish-blue complexion, an 5/15/1964 #18271 egon A bright, silvery object, 3 m long, 1.5 m high, with a cone-shaped fro 5/18/1964 #18283 the engine could not be started as long as the sphere remained within 2 or 5/24/1964 #18296 hin, white ellipsoid (3.5 times as long as wide) flew straight and level fo 5/26/1964 #18304 ey left. Their craft was about 3 m long and 1 m wide. 6/15/1964 #18361 range machine land. It was 10 feet long and 3.5 feet wide. Two fair-skinned 6/15/1964 #18363 O w pyramidal sides and a two-foot long pedestal was seen resting on the gr 6/25/1964 #18376 opped, flat-bottomed object with a long acetylene-colored flame shooting do 7/20/1964 #18430 ound top and flat bottom. It had a long acetylene-colored flame shooting do 7/20/1964 #18431 een-turquoise color about 8 inches long. When they poke it with a stick, th 8/9/1964 #18472 nnett, Iowa sighted an eighty-foot long cigar-shaped object that hovered at 8/30/1964 #18523 hed by two tall blond men, who had long hair and were barefoot. They asked 9/4/1964 #18534 was estimated to be over 200 feet long. Inside 12 "large people" could be 9/7/1964 #18544 rched. Oval-shaped tracks 8 inches long and 8 inches apart, in a single fil 1/12/1965 #18720 fornia at 5:30 a.m. saw a 30 meter long football shaped UFO making a whinin 1/14/1965 #18731 d staring eyes. One of them had "a long finger on his left hand." Their clo 1/19/1965 #18746 Long Beach, MS Occupants Observed In Gla 1/20/1965 #18751 ont of the building. Weaver paused long enough to take a photo before joini 1/26/1965 #18770 saucer. Observer(s) taken / ride. Long talk with 8 pseudo-human/entity! / 1/30/1965 #18782 th 4 slanted windows going east in long slow south-shaped path. 4/1/1965 #18886 50 p.m. It headed to the east in a long, slow S-shaped flight path. 4/1/1965 #18887 eather observer, sighted a 40 foot long back, oval-shaped object with four 4/4/1965 #18896 red at her for what seemed to be a long time. The next thing she recalled w 5/30/1965 #18977 hey were narrow and up to 100 feet long. As he steered toward them two or t 6/6/1965 #18995 watched it for 10 minutes. It was long and black and there appeared to be 6/6/1965 #18995 EAST / FRASER ISLAND, QLD, AUST Long thin metal object just underwater. 6/21/1965 #19020 nd, Australia at 11:30 a.m. It was long, thin, and metallic looking and jus 6/21/1965 #19022 pivot with six legs, was about 5 m long, and had a door showing two seats b 7/1/1965 #19045 th six legs, was about five meters long, and had a door showing two seats b 7/1/1965 #19049 a, age 30, witnessed a three-meter long metallic object take off from the g 7/9/1965 #19090 Two five-foot long cylinders connected by cross-bars l 7/25/1965 #19172 he object is approximately 40 feet long and has two brilliant white lights 7/28/1965 #19196 eres, Quebec, Canada two five-foot long cylinders connected by cross-bars l 7/31/1965 #19223 egg-shaped machine about 300 feet long hovering above the ground. They try 8/1/1965 #19246 scended two 7-8 feet tall men with long blond hair. They wore seamless meta 8/7/1965 #19339 LONG ISLAND, NY Astronomer and 4. Saucer 8/9/1965 #19344 Long Island, New York Atlantic Ocean 6:0 8/9/1965 #19348 ee others, are driving eastward on Long Island, New York, when then see a s 8/9/1965 #19348 ly were driving in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York when a silvery dis 8/9/1965 #19349 round. A tall humanoid figure with long dangling arms, and wearing a silver 8/14/1965 #19391 sts something to think about for a long time. . . . They give the clearest 8/16/1965 #19407 football-shaped UFO about 50 feet long and approximately 20 feet thick hov 8/19/1965 #19427 he area “seemed to be bent over in long curved sweeps.” Radar targets are p 8/19/1965 #19427 ween 8:00–8:30 p.m. by an AN/FPS-6 Long Range Height Finder Radar of the 76 8/19/1965 #19427 s. They were taken on a three hour long space journey and telepathic messag 8/21/1965 #19450 from their car a huge object 70 m long, 15 m high, with a bright, violet l 9/3/1965 #19506 e. One triangular object, 150-200' long, 40-50' thick at middle and dark gr 9/3/1965 #19508 ck at middle and dark grey, with a long, bright, pulsing, purple light on t 9/3/1965 #19508 rple light on the right side and a long blue light on the left side. Came 9/3/1965 #19508 ay triangular object, 150–200 feet long and 40–50 feet thick at the middle, 9/3/1965 #19512 0 feet thick at the middle, with a long, bright, pulsing, purple light on t 9/3/1965 #19512 rple light on the right side and a long blue light on the left side. It app 9/3/1965 #19512 3 feet as the UFO departs, blazing long after it is out of sight. Later inv 9/16/1965 #19574 cheverría. The power only fails as long as the UFO is there. 9/23/1965 #19591 th swept-back wings, about 16 feet long, a wingspan of about 12 feet, and i Mid 10/1965 #19659 LONG PRAIRIE, MN Car malfunctions due to 10/23/1965 #19675 Long Prairie (4 miles from), MN Road Blo 10/23/1965 #19676 Long Prairie, Minnesota James Townsend, 10/23/1965 #19677 State Highway 27 Long Prairie, Minnesota Night. KEYL-AM r 10/23/1965 #19678 tate Highway 27 four miles east of Long Prairie, Minnesota, when he slams o 10/23/1965 #19678 on a road about four miles east of Long Prairie, Minnesota. As he was drivi 10/23/1965 #19679 er. He drove at high speed back to Long Prairie to report his close encount 10/23/1965 #19679 That night several hunters in the Long Prairie area claimed to have seen a 10/23/1965 #19679 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Long Shot” Yield: 80KT 10/29/1965 #19686 d box-shaped object, about 10 feet long and 5 feet high, was seen. There wa 11/13/1965 #19719 al object with a cone on top, 4 km long and 2 m in diameter, surrounded wit 11/16/1965 #19726 vel. They observed portholes and a long bar with fingerlike devices emergin 11/29/1965 #19739 ada. They observed portholes and a long bar with fingerlike devices emergin 11/29/1965 #19740 et or acorn-shaped object, 12 feet long and 10 feet in diameter, that came 12/9/1965 #19763 nd made no sound, and was about as long as a Piper Club. It had a single br 1/5/1966 #19806 ng elliptical object about 30 feet long and 20 feet wide that remains stati 1/7/1966 #19813 . He estimates its size as 25 feet long by 8–9 feet deep. The hissing dimin 1/19/1966 #19858 w it. The marking is about 32 feet long by 25 feet wide. The grass on the s 1/19/1966 #19858 a sound like bees humming. After a long period of time, the lights brighten 1/20/1966 #19861 Tadpole-shaped object about 14 ft long 2 ft wide (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, B 2/6/1966 #19882 adpole-shaped object about 14 feet long and 2 feet wide with eight yellow-a 2/6/1966 #19887 -shaped UFO, approximately 60 feet long, and completely smooth and featurel 3/18/1966 #19989 the underside that were 13-14 feet long. 3/19/1966 #19995 ed like an airplane fuselage, 25 m long, with a "bubble" on top resembling 3/23/1966 #20047 ingless C-124 transport plane; 75' long, 8' high and 12' wide; with a bubbl 3/23/1966 #20048 , in the road. It is about 75 feet long, nearly 8 feet high, 12 feet wide, 3/23/1966 #20050 ke an airplane fuselage, 25 meters long, with a "bubble" on top resembling 3/23/1966 #20055 ng fired four shots at the 60-foot long ellipsoid object. He believes that 3/23/1966 #20057 replaced. The object was oval, 7 m long, dark gray, and showed about 30 lig 3/28/1966 #20113 The object is oval-shaped, 23 feet long, dark gray, and has about 30 lights 3/28/1966 #20118 ject was oval shaped, seven meters long, dark gray in color, and showed abo 3/28/1966 #20120 ard it. He sees an “L” shaped box, long side parallel to the ground, sittin 3/29/1966 #20139 alked up and touched the four-foot long antenna on one of the objects his h 3/29/1966 #20144 object estimated to be 85-100 feet long, with lights at top and bottom (bod 3/30/1966 #20156 xas An elongated object about 30 m long and 9 m high was reported to have l 3/30/1966 #20159 A 90-foot long oblong object landed near a highway 3/30/1966 #20166 Kozens, 13, saw two objects, 2.5 m long, 1.2 m high, with flashing lights, 3/31/1966 #20176 :15 p.m. They were each 2.5 meters long, 1.2 meters high, and had flashing 3/31/1966 #20183 ongated object on the ground, 6 ft long, 2 ft high, with 6 openings (NICAP: 4/4/1966 #20222 ue. It was an elongated craft, 2 m long, 70 cm high. When he tried to touch 4/4/1966 #20223 Alto, TN Object 100 ft long oval with a dark top appeared cone- 4/5/1966 #20237 Force showed an oval object, 30 m long, flying at 5 m altitude, between a 4/5/1966 #20243 ennessee, stop to watch a 100-foot long UFO hovering 15 feet above a swamp. 4/5/1966 #20250 -defined cigar shaped object 50 ft long with no wings or tail (NICAP: 01 - 4/11/1966 #20283 ts shape was that of a cigar, 15 m long. It had no wings, tail assembly, or 4/11/1966 #20284 PEABODY, MASS 4 observer(s). Long ovoid hovers briefly and shoots goi 4/18/1966 #20322 Creek, MI Egg-shaped object, 75 ft long, 15 ft high, gray-colored (NICAP: 0 4/18/1966 #20328 ichigan An egg-shaped object, 25 m long, 5 m high, gray-colored, was observ 4/18/1966 #20330 Long Island, Douglastown, NY Time not re 4/22/1966 #20367 it. On one side of the disc was a long window through which four human-loo 4/22/1966 #20377 two witnesses reported a 10-meter long, cigar-shaped object hovering verti 4/22/1966 #20378 At around 2:00 a.m. a 60-foot long cigar-shaped object with multiple l 4/23/1966 #20391 On this afternoon a 75-foot long diamond-shaped object was photograp 5/8/1966 #20466 ht silver, cigar-shaped object, as long as an airliner (NICAP: 01 - Distant 6/8/1966 #20539 ht silver, cigar-shaped object, as long as an airliner, buzzed the witness' 6/8/1966 #20542 ndoval, saw a fast moving 300 foot long tetrahedron shaped UFO with four bl 6/23/1966 #20600 fairgrounds. It was about 100 ft. long and 30 ft. thick with greenish-yell 6/24/1966 #20602 a dirigible-shaped object 100 feet long and 30 feet thick at 3:30 a.m. He w 6/24/1966 #20608 y oval, metallic object, about 5 m long, hovering at low altitude, about 30 7/17/1966 #20648 metallic object, about five meters long, hovering at a low altitude about 3 7/17/1966 #20649 JAFFREY, NH 3 observer(s). Long UFO goes over Bible conf. grounds. 7/20/1966 #20658 on the lawn. It was about six feet long, ovoid shaped, and four feet wide b 8/1/1966 #20720 ed an elongated object, about 10 m long, with revolving lights, hovering 1 9/7/1966 #20860 Wisconsin. It was about 10 meters long with revolving lights and hovered o 9/7/1966 #20862 ver Madagascar. Gordon and Conrad. Long unidentified object tumbles / 1 rep 9/13/1966 #20874 Southhampton, Long Island, NY Object with arms in fron 10/23/1966 #21030 Southhampton, Long Island, New York Witness: Mr Acqui 10/23/1966 #21031 Southhampton, Long Island, NY Same as 10/23 case[Same 10/30/1966 #21050 aw a carrot-shaped object 400 feet long, hovering 50 feet over the roof of 10/30/1966 #21051 ected a dozen "tentacles" over 2 m long, flying at about 40 m altitude and 11/19/1966 #21127 wing spreads and bills 5-6 inches long. They kept them in sight for two ho 11/26/1966 #21151 its wide wings. The creature had a long neck and was turning its head from 12/4/1966 #21182 ith a black visor on it and a very long black coat that seemed to be made o 1/9/1967 #21278 When he sat down they could see a long thick green wire attached to the in 1/9/1967 #21278 A gray 30-foot long ovoid UFO with a blue halo flew onl 1/10/1967 #21284 y from the house. He was wearing a long white cape. When the man reached a 1/15/1967 #21315 ight light seemingly pacing him. A long cigar-shaped object with amber wind 1/16/1967 #21318 ll, Connecticut spotted a 300 foot long dark cigar-shaped object flying low 1/24/1967 #21377 a bright luminous object, 75 feet long by 30 feet wide, approach and land 1/25/1967 #21387 le- shaped object about 50–60 feet long hovering about 150 feet off the gro 1/26/1967 #21399 above a motor vehicle shed. Before long, a crowd of 50–60 people gather aro 1/26/1967 #21399 LANDER, WY Ex Air Force man. Long thin cylinder/cigar-shape going nor 1/30/1967 #21413 ey, an ex-Air Force man, sighted a long, thin cigar-shaped object that flew 1/30/1967 #21420 t is egg- shaped and about 75 feet long and 45 feet high. An “elevator-like 2/5/1967 #21460 nge noise, and then saw an 75-foot long ovoid object descend with tripod le 2/5/1967 #21462 ay from them. It was about 60 feet long and 20 feet high. At each end of th 2/5/1967 #21463 acing her car. It was green with a long row of shiny windows, and had two s 2/6/1967 #21472 the early morning hours a 180 foot long, cigar-shaped UFO landed in a field 2/16/1967 #21574 round the edges, estimated 50 feet long and 9 feet high (narrow oval or cig 3/1/1967 #21710 e object stopped and hovered for a long time, then flew away to the east. A 3/3/1967 #21741 e object stopped and hovered for a long time, then flew away to the east. A 3/3/1967 #21744 The creature appeared to have very long hair and was in sight for several s 3/12/1967 #21877 oman saw a teardrop-shaped object, long axis horizontal, with two lighted p 3/15/1967 #21890 lits for eyes and mouths. All have long blond hair and are wearing somethin 3/20/1967 #21923 families saw an object that had a long row of square windows of different 3/21/1967 #21935 otprints, some of them 9.75 inches long and others 8.5 incheslong. 3/26/1967 #21998 cylindrical object about 100 feet long that was hovering just off the grou 3/31/1967 #22020 cylindrical object about 100 feet long that is hovering just off the groun 3/31/1967 #22023 llington, Texas. He saw a 100 foot long cigar-shaped UFO on the ground. A d 3/31/1967 #22025 ed object, estimated to be 35 feet long and 20 feet high (length to height 4/1/1967 #22039 at the level of the horizon for a long time, that later ascended. 4/6/1967 #22082 standing on legs about 3–3.5 feet long. He switches to his bright lights a 4/21/1967 #22194 which were an estimated 1.1 meters long. A white burst of flame came from t 4/21/1967 #22199 ble sources that the Air Force has long wished to get rid of the burden of 4/22/1967 #22208 longated object (estimated 50 feet long and 20 feet in width; 2.5:1 length 4/23/1967 #22211 h an olive complexion and hair too long for an Air Force officer. He is wea 5/1967 #22254 a silver ellipse or disc, 45 feet long and 15 feet thick (3:1 length to wi 5/12/1967 #22324 Brazil when they noticed a 15 foot long ovoid object with four legs. It was 5/24/1967 #22394 At around 3:00 a.m. a five meter long cigar-shaped object was seen at ver 5/30/1967 #22427 is cigar-shaped and about 36 feet long with four windows along the side; a 6/13/1967 #22503 aped object on the ground, 35 feet long by 15 feet thick, and a hovering di 6/13/1967 #22504 at a 45 degree angle a rod 15 feet long, bearing a large red light at the e 6/13/1967 #22504 ar-shaped object about 75–100 feet long hanging low in the sky above Woonso 7/3/1967 #22601 ery disk-shaped object, about 10 m long, land in the area. 7/5/1967 #22614 ed object, about ten meters meters long, land in the area. 7/5/1967 #22617 ST. PAULIEN, FR 1 / car. Long rectangular cylinder/cigar-shape ve 7/10/1967 (approximate) #22643 a small cylinder (estimated 4 feet long and 1 foot diameter) made of materi 7/15/1967 #22664 lim torso, an egg-shaped head, and long rubbery-looking arms was visible at 7/20/1967 #22708 ead and a featureless face. It had long arms that were raised. She viewed t 7/20/1967 #22713 a cigar-shaped UFO about 110 feet long, glowing blue and white. It paces t 7/30/1967 #22753 served a cigar-shaped object, 16 m long, with green lights under it, land o 7/31/1967 #22760 cigar- shaped object about 50 feet long in a parking lot. It has greenish b 7/31/1967 #22761 n a cigar-shaped object, 16 meters long, with green lights under it, landed 7/31/1967 #22762 ales witnessed a metallic, 10-foot long, beer keg-shaped object flying low 8/5/1967 #22816 w a huge object, estimated 75 feet long, that was hovering about 125 feet o 8/10/1967 #22857 ree-toed footprints about 6 inches long. 8/23/1967 #22905 ere deep, odd footprints, 6 inches long and with three-toe marks. 8/23/1967 #22908 s lie on a straight path 220 miles long that spans 1° of latitude, running 9/4/1967 #22998 lat object that appeared orange at long range and white when closer. The ob 9/14/1967 #23057 ateral triangle with sides 10 feet long, and a fourth depression in the cen 9/20/1967 #23101 was alone in her house in Seaford, Long Island, New York when she heard a l 9/26/1967 #23133 ll dark woman wearing a shimmering long gray gown. The woman asked her some 9/26/1967 #23133 0 yards away. It was about 14 feet long, with half a dozen oval illuminated 10/1/1967 #23160 ," and released him. The woman had long blond hair, high cheekbones and was 10/6/1967 #23187 s tied up and told it would not be long before he was returned. He blacked 10/6/1967 #23187 row of six red lights, 55-60 feet long and at an altitude of 500-600 feet 10/11/1967 #23220 prints in the moist soil, 7 inches long and under 3 inches wide, leading to 10/22/1967 #23290 ange ball (sphere) that changed to long star shape (cross shape) which disa 10/26/1967 #23330 n diameter and 12 feet thick. Four long slender fuselages (estimated 75 fee 10/26/1967 #23334 ender fuselages (estimated 75 feet long and 8 feet wide) extend from the ce 10/26/1967 #23334 e to investigate. He saw a 50 foot long cigar-shaped object flying at a low 10/27/1967 #23355 was about 4 feet high and 16 feet long. It appeared to be a large window i 10/30/1967 #23373 arly seen, but was perhaps 50 feet long. A bright spotlight came on, and he 10/30/1967 #23373 , he saw an egg-shaped object, 3 m long, 15 m away. Moments later, a white 11/5/1967 #23407 to work, when he saw a three-meter long egg-shaped object 15 meters away at 11/5/1967 #23408 scribed them as human looking with long blond hair. Their skin appeared por 11/28/1967 #23517 are humanoids, 4–5 feet tall with long heads, gray-white skin, and cat-lik 12/3/1967 #23545 ecting, tapered spines that are as long as half its diameter. It is higher 12/10/1967 #23567 ary, a small object one half meter long. For the first time, the report is 1/21/1968 #23684 s it is metallic and about 30 feet long. They drive back into town for more 2/18/1968 #23763 s, cigar-shaped object, about 20 m long, showing numerous multi-colored lig 3/3/1968 #23813 E. Bryant thinks it is 1,000 feet long, 250 feet wide, and flying at an al 3/3/1968 #23815 nt of it. The object is 50–60 feet long with blinking yellow lights. The wi 3/4/1968 #23823 the car. The object was 50-60 feet long with blinking lights.The witness tr 3/4/1968 #23825 astillo Trujillo, a janitor, saw a long, very bright UFO at 1:45 a.m. makin 3/4/1968 #23828 Silent 30M saucer paces 2 / car / long valley. Going quickly south. Back g 3/15/1968 #23842 and another being, a "doctor" in a long coat, forced her onto an exam table 5/3/1968 #23942 onto an exam table. He inserted a long needle into her navel. A third bein 5/3/1968 #23942 strands of material about 65 feet long falling on his property. He says it 5/11/1968 #23958 Chile. An unusually bright object, long and spindle-shaped, appears above t 6/6/1968 #24013 figure, over two meters tall, with long blond hair, descended to the ground 6/10/1968 #24018 At 11:30 a.m. a 12 meter long ovoid object was seen taking off fr 6/21/1968 #24068 They expressed curiosity as to his long hair. He explained that he just wan 6/23/1968 #24072 They were of enormous stature with long white hair, and they wore luminous 6/27/1968 #24087 n like, with pale complexions, and long, light colored hair, who appeared t 6/30/1968 #24097 Robot and pseudo-humans/entities. Long conversation (any communication bet 7/1968 #24099 . Its arms were disproportionately long, like an ape's arms. It wore a silv 7/1/1968 #24121 n elliptical, silvery machine, 2 m long, 60 cm high, with three 50 cm legs. 7/2/1968 #24128 n elliptical, silvery machine, 2 m long, 60 cm high, with three 50 cm legs. 7/2/1968 #24130 iptical, silvery machine, 6.5 feet long, 2 feet high, with three legs 19 in 7/2/1968 #24131 The being wore blue overalls, had long hair, and a bright light shone from 7/3/1968 #24140 A 20 foot long vertical metallic cylinder with yel 7/8/1968 #24160 Long Beach, California Santa Catalina Ch 7/9/1968 #24162 ina Channel 9:35 p.m. Witnesses at Long Beach, California, see a huge, glow 7/9/1968 #24162 anoid contact, at 9:35 p.m. PDT in Long Beach, California a diamond-shaped, 7/9/1968 #24164 r stopped to rest in a field after long drive. While driving into the field 7/16/1968 #24181 the field, with headlights on only long enough to avoid obstructions, they 7/16/1968 #24181 ing in some nearby shadows. It had long curving arms and was hunched over; 8/4/1968 #24296 The figure had large shoulders and long arms that hung down. It vanished qu 8/6/1968 #24301 southwest sky and swoops down in a long arc until it stops and assumes a ho 8/7/1968 #24307 and a dress with a high collar and long sleeves. She shows Cintra a vessel 8/25/1968 #24376 red blue, white and red. It left a long trail of smoke, and each time it “l 8/29/1968 #24401 ing dull black outfit and had very long dangling arms. The being's eyes als 8/31/1968 #24410 A 25-meter long oval object emitted a reddish light 9/11/1968 #24452 was probably several hundred feet long and hovering above the Fraser River 10/1968 #24533 ve the ground. It is about 16 feet long and 10 feet wide. There is a platfo 10/2/1968 #24537 gs with large heads and abnormally long arms, and heard a sound like diggin 10/15/1968 #24563 ne could keep such a secret for so long. He refutes the claim that the CIA 10/31/1968 #24608 men was carrying a cylinder 2 feet long and 3 inches thick, with a thinner 11/21/1968 #24676 Os may well have been around for a long time, looks at some compelling repo 11/27/1968 #24725 st area, and what appeared to be a long antenna like protrusion on its back 11/28/1968 #24729 starry night. They suddenly saw a long streak of light coming down from th 12/8/1968 #24751 he side of the object. The man had long hair, stood about 5' 6" tall, and w 12/28/1968 #24794 n isolated area of Mount Misery on Long Island, New York in order to photog 1/12/1969 #24836 ared to have a disfigured face and long wild black hair. He also wore a lon 1/12/1969 #24836 ng wild black hair. He also wore a long black garment. Upon seeing the UFO 1/12/1969 #24836 MALTA D. Fagan. Long silent red cylinder/cigar-shape goi 1/18/1969 #24859 YORKVILLE, IL Long cone going [to] backwards. Car malf 1/25/1969 #24868 t was estimated to be three meters long and had a 2.5 meter diameter, and w 1/29/1969 #24877 ich he found to be only two meters long and a meter wide, hovering 18 inche 1/31/1969 #24882 UNGA, BRZ Farmer attacked / 2 1.5M long bearded monsters. Dog cowers.. 2/12/1969 #24911 s (4.95 feet) tall and had beards, long hair, and asymmetrical eyes. Both h 2/12/1969 #24915 s wore white unbuttoned shirts and long beige colored pants with what appea 2/12/1969 #24915 the ground. The object is 100 feet long and only 15 feet in diameter. The m 2/19/1969 #24930 r lay across the ditch. She wore a long white gown that covered her feet. T 2/22/1969 #24939 On or before this date a 100-foot long noiseless metallic craft was observ 3/3/1969 #24962 theast to north-northwest, leaving long trail, sparks. (NICAP: 01 - Distant 4/3/1969 #25046 theast to north-northwest, leaving long trail, sparks. 4/3/1969 #25047 helmet-shaped object is 20–28 feet long and 22 feet wide. At its closest th 4/20/1969 #25073 is 5 feet off the ground, 20 feet long, and 200 feet away. They can hear a 4/22/1969 #25082 The machine lifts off, and after a long interval it lands. Da Silva is carr 5/4/1969 #25114 s Caucasian, slender, bearded with long fair hair, and dressed in a friar’s 5/4/1969 #25114 ought him before a little man with long red hair and a big nose. They dragg 5/4/1969 #25115 a spacesuit confronted him; he had long reddish hair and a beard that flowe 5/4/1969 #25115 Da Silva of a Christ-like man with long fair hair and beard, dressed like a 5/4/1969 #25115 cott, and the incident lasted much long, about an hour. 8/5/1969 #25311 the motor quit. He sat there for a long while not knowing what to do until, 8/19/1969 #25324 s well proportioned with beautiful long dark chestnut hair. But the woman h 8/22/1969 #25326 er" over one shoulder. It also had long, dark golden hair that fell to its 8/27/1969 #25333 n from the sky and landed on three long stilts. At first, O’Neil only discu 9/4/1969 #25351 At 6:15 a.m. a dark 12 meter long ovoid object with a lit edge did a 10/11/1969 #25408 little man, 3 to 4 feet tall, with long arms and hands with only two digits 10/16/1969 #25417 r than the ship, which is 360 feet long. The five smaller objects are egg- 10/24/1969 #25422 d, bluish, and no more than 8 feet long and 5–6 feet wide. At about 6,000 f 10/24/1969 #25422 e evening at 9:30 p.m. a two-meter long bullet-shaped object flew very slow 10/28/1969 #25430 strange body, two and a half feet long. It had three fingers and a face.” 11/9/1969 #25455 Then the mist again descends, and long red, green, and purple sparks float 1/7/1970 #25540 Then the mist descended again, and long red, green and purple "sparks" floa 1/7/1970 #25541 low flying, slow moving, 10 meter long sausage-shaped object with a row of 1/13/1970 #25546 l, Simon, and Barthelemy all saw a long gray animal, which they called a "d 6/4/1970 #25690 gs. It had two antennas, one 45 cm long and one 1.5 meters long. There were 7/25/1970 #25751 one 45 cm long and one 1.5 meters long. There were physiological effects e 7/25/1970 #25751 tch a blood-red fireball 8–10 feet long with a trail of lighter color for a 8/14/1970 #25784 ere was no opening visible, just a long ramp like a tongue sticking out fro 8/15/1970 #25787 f alfalfa. He then turned and took long strides toward the UFO, which was a 8/16/1970 #25791 dam when he encountereda one meter long rectangular object with elliptical 8/30/1970 #25816 gland a man sighted an eleven-foot long beetle-shaped object that had lande 9/28/1970 #25859 CHARNY, QB 2 / car. Long luminous UFO seen. Heavy car-radio 10/5/1970 #25867 ed rapidly into the sky, leaving a long trail behind it. She wanted to get 10/5/1970 #25870 AIL-Eaton, a defense contractor on Long Island. He claims he begins working 1/1971 #25962 . The melted area is about 20 feet long by 10 feet wide, in the middle of w 1/3/1971 #25972 nutes later in Nivelles, Belgium a long cigar-shaped UFO with two tail fins 3/2/1971 #26040 ext day about an inch deep, with a long axis of about 36 feet. Inside the c 3/5/1971 #26044 without heels", some as big as 16" long. 3/5/1971 #26044 white and trailed behind it a very long cigar-shaped object, flying from th 4/23/1971 #26079 ra Cervka, Slovenia an eight-meter long egg-shaped object landed on three l 5/3/1971 #26099 At 10:30 p.m. a 25 foot long ovoid UFO was seen near a house in 5/12/1971 #26107 figure, who was hunched over, had long arms, and wore shiny, light reflect 5/15/1971 #26110 g" fashion. The humanoid being had long arms and wore shiny, light reflecti 5/15/1971 #26111 ters as they drove in a car up the long driveway to their house. 5/15/1971 #26111 green in color, and was trailing a long sparkly tail of red and green parti 6/9/1971 #26163 A 12 meter long ovoid UFO with portholes around the 7/8/1971 #26217 green lights, thirty to forty feet long, that came and hovered silently for 8/12/1971 #26281 -old woman, watched as a two-meter long cigar-shaped object descended to on 8/14/1971 #26285 in the woods. It was about 30 feet long with a curved standing portion at o 8/16/1971 #26289 much larger than normal and it had long arms. It appeared to be wearing a w 8/16/1971 #26291 t stretched at least a half a foot long and went straight into the chest ar 8/16/1971 #26291 tube. The hands consisted of three long fingers that ended in claws. The fe 8/16/1971 #26291 e shaped spike at least six inches long. The mouth was gaped open and the t 8/16/1971 #26291 l insect creatures at least a foot long. Their heads were triangular in sha 8/16/1971 #26291 he figure as human with rosy skin, long black hair, and a beard and was ver 8/19/1971 #26296 with well-proportioned bodies and long blond hair. They wore tight-fitting 8/25/1971 #26305 lyptus forest. He did not know how long he had been unconscious. Upon arriv 9/20/1971 #26354 , England--Parker and Giles--saw a long cigar-shaped object flashing as it 10/11/1971 #26419 dense "flying smoke" one kilometer long and 1 meter wide moved in an undula 10/13/1971 #26422 ut seven-foot tall, with extremely long arms, which hung limply at his side 10/28/1971 #26438 he then saw a figure dressed in a long robe in the middle of the road. It 12/13/1971 #26496 azil. The UFO was about eight feet long, transparent, ovoid shaped, and was 12/20/1971 #26510 At 4:30 a.m. a 25 meter long cigar-shaped object hovered over a 1/1/1972 #26537 , resembling human beings but with long arms that dangled to the ground. Th 5/2/1972 #26669 ca Daylight, multi witness, (#526) long duration (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) 6/26/1972 #26734 a, at a slow speed. About 100 feet long, it has two brilliant white lights 6/29/1972 #26742 Norway. It is black, about 25 feet long, 6 feet high, and traveling about 6 7/4/1972 #26765 ng a shallow helmet. The man had a long chin and a turned up collar. Then h 8/8/1972 #26885 a rim around it." Described as 50' long and windowless it continued to puls 8/11/1972 #26895 as cigar-shaped and about 100 feet long. Five other white lights emit lumin 8/12/1972 #26911 Norton Sound, AK Multi witness, long duration (#533) landing (NICAP: 06 8/17/1972 #26925 my car. It was about a car length long, but perfectly round with what look 9/11/1972 #26987 The imprints are about 2.5 inches long; one is 1.5 inches deep. A blackene 9/14/1972 #26999 rly eight-feet tall sitting on the long washbasin. The being's complexion w 9/21/1972 #27022 hite. Legs and arms were extremely long, and he did not bend his legs as he 9/28/1972 #27038 loud of bright light, and leaves a long trail behind, but it changes to red 12/1972 #27158 sses road / 15m altitude 60M away! Long yellow tail. 12/2/1972 #27159 blue background. There was also a long instrument panel bearing "a lot of 12/30/1972 #27193 witness named Allen saw a 30 meter long football-shaped object hovering 30 1/14/1973 #27236 tainer Jackie Gleason. Gleason has long been a fan of UFOs. He later become 2/19/1973 #27298 ists and covering the feet. He had long blond hair. He beckoned to Mrs Pudd 2/22/1973 #27310 ervers reported seeing a 1000-foot long cone-cylinder; with a metal grating 3/1/1973 #27324 red a hidden radio message sent as long delayed echoes by an alien space pr 4/1973 #27396 His face and his hands, which had long fingers, were pallid white, his ear 5/16/1973 #27496 rical object blocks stars / sky. 2 long windows. Shoots going quickly south 5/27/1973 #27530 lips, dark brown skin, small ears, long flat noses, small arms, and wearing 5/27/1973 #27533 n Feignies, France. There were two long windows on the craft, which flew of 5/27/1973 #27534 h he saw a metallic craft, 30 feet long and 10 feet high resting on a woode 6/1973 #27543 ams faded away revealing a 15-foot long oval object, brilliantly illuminate 6/28/1973 #27599 and wore tall white boots. It had long white hair and a dark complexion. T 8/16/1973 #27706 t in an odd way. He took extremely long strides and barely seemed to touch 8/19/1973 #27714 nessed the landing of a four meter long vertical cylinder that came down in 9/3/1973 #27753 BAVILLIERS, FR UFO's play over long cigar / sky. Vanish! Soon jets appe 9/4/1973 #27757 er UFOs cavorted over the top of a long cigar-shaped object in the sky. The 9/4/1973 #27761 Two motorists driving in Long Barn, near Sonora, California in th 9/11/1973 #27802 SR108 NEAR LONG BARN, CA 2 observer(s). 75+' silver 9/12/1973 #27805 Long Barn, CA Two motorists in the early 9/12/1973 #27807 be leaning on something, and their long skinny arms were crossing each othe 9/15/1973 #27825 rge red glowing eyes, a gray face, long hair, pointed ears, and a hooked no 9/20/1973 #27850 ces was something about two inches long that came out to a point and resemb 10/11/1973 #28005 actable. Their arms were unusually long, and their hands were like mittens 10/11/1973 #28005 s well as "landing marks" two feet long by 12 feet wide where the UFO had b 10/15/1973 #28061 tunic with a gray colored edging, long gloves that went to the elbows and 10/16/1973 #28089 s that went to the elbows and very long aprons that fell as far as their an 10/16/1973 #28089 ll, with head coverings, no noses, long fish like mouths, orange hands (glo 10/16/1973 #28093 transparent ovoid object, 15 feet long and 6-8 feet high. On top was a bub 10/17/1973 #28114 transparent ovoid object, 15 feet long and 6-8 feet high. On top was a bub 10/17/1973 #28136 metallic looking hull about 60 ft. long, shaped like an airfoil or streamli 10/18/1973 #28144 ATHENS, OH 3 cops. 2 long cone objects hover / different posi 10/18/1973 #28146 m. red flashing light on the rear, long and narrow described as like a squa 10/18/1973 #28167 more human looking, a female with long hair, a skirt, and a band around he 10/19/1973 #28199 dlights. The UFO was about 30 feet long and resembled an airplane's fuselag 10/24/1973 #28270 tall, covered with hair, and with long arms hanging down past the knees. T 10/25/1973 #28286 all, brown, or green creature with long, fuzzy hair that darted across the 10/26/1973 #28297 the nearby presence of a 10 meter long ovoid UFO, which directed a beam of 10/28/1973 #28314 woman was about 5' 3" tall and had long black hair, black clothing, and whi 10/29/1973 #28319 lar footprints four to five inches long, showing four claw marks at the fro 10/29/1973 #28319 of three-toed footprints—11 inches long and 5 inches wide—some 250 yards fr 11/3/1973 #28361 pears football-shaped and 100 feet long. He watches it for 10–15 minutes as 11/6/1973 #28375 B Cop and several. Saucer hovers / long time. Several UFO's maneuver / St. 11/18/1973 #28441 . It possessed a large round head, long arms, and a bright red glow that em 12/2/1973 #28508 a floating box about three inches long and very shiny, it seemed to have h 12/12/1973 #28559 urred between a car and a 15-meter long silver cloud shaped UFO at around e 12/15/1973 #28578 The being carried a device with a long handle and a base that looked simil 12/19/1973 #28587 rt. Exits going quickly southeast. Long white trail. 12/28/1973 #28610 ding in a slumped forward posture, long arms dangling nearly to the ground. 1/4/1974 #28643 in a slumped forward posture, with long arms dangling nearly to the ground. 1/6/1974 #28654 heads shaped like inverted pears, long arms, large eyes, and no noses. One 1/7/1974 #28660 side of the chest. Both beings had long arms. The interior of the helmets a 1/7/1974 #28661 ch the color of the seat. Each has long brown hair that reaches the floor. 1/8/1974 #28666 right colored robes. Each had very long brown hair that reached almost to t 1/8/1974 #28667 A six-meter long UFO rose vertically in response to 1/18/1974 #28685 all, wore white coveralls, and had long, pointed chins, with tall foreheads 2/9/1974 #28755 At ten p.m. a 10 meter long cigar-shaped object appeared over a 2/17/1974 #28778 artment, France two luminous 20 cm long ovoid objects hovered only 1.5 mete 2/28/1974 #28824 NORTH / NIVELLES, BELGIUM 3 / car. Long cylinder/cigar-shape with bent tail 3/2/1974 #28848 their twenties sighted a 30 meter long, brightly illuminated "trolley" in 3/7/1974 #28867 ee small entities with large eyes, long arms, and pointed ears entered the 3/12/1974 #28874 , Spain an ovoid object two meters long by one meter wide. Its edges emitte 3/14/1974 #28886 silhouettes of three persons with long arms, bending forward. They appeare 3/15/1974 #28891 a large metallic UFO, 450–600 feet long, with three smaller ships shaped li 3/20/1974 #28914 uminous, stood of three half-meter long legs, was wider than the road and h 3/21/1974 #28920 ll humanoid (or Grey) by roadside. Long arms. Car restarts! 3/25/1974? #28945 ide of the road, who had unusually long arms. The car engine restarted spon 3/25/1974 #28949 1 / car. Hemisphere follows road. Long half-cylinder/cylindrical object ho 3/26/1974 #28952 -shaped following the road. Next a long, half-cylinder shaped object was se 3/26/1974 #28958 ow his knees, and what looked like long claws instead of fingers. His legs 5/5/1974 #29085 by field. There she saw a 100-foot long, football-shaped UFO on the ground. 5/5/1974 #29086 l less than five feet tall and had long, large bald heads and arms with cla 5/7/1974 #29093 e distance resembling a woman with long white hair, a featureless face, who 5/11/1974 #29100 eatureless face, who was wearing a long black dress . They took out some bi 5/11/1974 #29100 emente, Cuenca, Spain a four meter long ovoid object with four legs was see 5/24/1974 #29131 On this day a 200 foot long cigar-shaped object making a hummin 5/30/1974 #29146 ghts estimated to be about 15 feet long. It also made a whirring noise. 6/12/1974 #29181 l about it…. And we read up on the long history of UFOs.” Summer 1974 #29219 yish-colored skin. Their arms were long, but she could not recall any detai 7/17/1974 #29266 At 2:30 a.m. a four meter long, luminous ovoid object flew fast ov 8/1/1974 #29296 so, and the car continued down the long drive of its own accord. The voice, 8/1/1974 #29298 was estimated to be about 300 feet long and the sighting lasted 40 minutes. 8/15/1974 #29356 Saucer / sphere/orb/globe makes 3 long curves over area. North going south 8/18/1974 #29369 near ground. Domed bell lands / 4 long legs near railroad/railway line. 8/26/1974 #29387 all of opaque light” about 82 feet long and 550 away from them. In front of 9/9/1974 #29439 egg-shaped structure some 33 feet long and around 10 feet high. The car en 9/21/1974 #29467 round is a “cylinder” about 3 feet long and 14 inches in diameter, standing 11/1974 #29574 d. Projecting from the object is a long, narrow, beam of light about 2 inch 11/1974 #29574 ut 2 inches in diameter and 3 feet long. The end of the beam is diffuse, an 11/1974 #29574 He estimates its size as 120 feet long and 30 feet thick. After pacing him 11/28/1974 #29619 raight out from the sides." It had long, narrow ears that stuck straight ou 12/2/1974 #29631 three landing gear legs, 15 meters long with portholes, took off from a lan 1/5/1975 #29719 domed disc-shaped craft 15 meters long with portholes, took off from a lan 1/5/1975 #29726 Island, New York a silent 20-foot long orange oblate object slowly diminis 2/11/1975 #29804 "face" and three silvery two-inch long "fangs" where the mouth should be. 2/23/1975 #29839 ng with wavy blond hair, wearing a long yellow outfit. The figure seemed to 3/6/1975 #29876 e estimates the object is twice as long as a DC-8. He takes the camera to t 3/18/1975 #29910 ne that has interested me for some long time. About ten or twelve years ago 3/28/1975 #29922 rectangular mass about 4.5 meters long and two meters high. It flew half a 3/31/1975 #29927 top of the UFO. They are bald with long prominent ears and long noses. The 5/3/1975 #30027 bald with long prominent ears and long noses. The bottom of the object is 5/3/1975 #30027 e-toed footprints, fourteen inches long and spaced 50" apart. 5/4/1975 #30033 hree UFOs. The second object had a long trail. It came down, split apart li 6/5/1975 #30083 a 19-year-old woman, saw a 40 foot long, hazy blue metallic ovoid with trip 8/10/1975 #30248 front of him. It is about 50 feet long, 20 feet wide, and faintly luminous 8/13/1975 #30264 beams come out from the sides. Dan Long, another controller sees the object 8/14/1975 #30270 t. It was approximately 3-4 meters long, and to its right were two human fo 8/22/1975 #30298 its head and shoulders, and it had long metallic-appearing arms. Its body w 8/26/1975 #30309 its head and shoulders, and it had long metallic-appearing, mechanical arms 8/26/1975 #30312 CHAVANIAC-LAFAYETTE, FR Long glowing-object shoots sparks / rear 8/29/1975 #30317 manoid being about 5 ft tall, with long narrow legs, very short arms, & "a 9/3/1975 #30339 ajestic" air to him. It also had a long tail that narrowed towards the end. 9/17/1975 #30367 x, France at 10:30 p.m. a 22-meter long reddish-orange cigar-shaped object 9/19/1975 #30369 d fuselage-shaped object 15 meters long with several big, lighted portholes 9/23/1975 #30378 t into a working cattle ranch. Not long after moving in, numerous weird eve Fall 1975 #30379 ard, and hair have grown extremely long. When he fully regains consciousnes Fall 1975 #30380 istwatch shows that it had stopped long ago. His weapons and watch are foun Fall 1975 #30380 d fuselage-shaped object 15 meters long with several big, lighted portholes 9/23/1975 #30382 object, three or four car-lengths long, hovering over the Loring ammunitio 10/27/1975 #30477 the larger object, which showed a long window and three bright lights. Fin 10/27/1975 #30489 rey being 4.5 feet tall, wearing a long black robe that seemed to be made o 10/27/1975 #30489 e hands had a thumb and only three long fingers. By telepathy, this entity 10/27/1975 #30489 n W. Blakeslee and Sgt. William J. Long, again spotted the lights of an uni 10/28/1975 #30500 n W. Blakeslee and Sgt. William J. Long, again spots the lights of an unide 10/28/1975 #30503 way. It is about four car- lengths long, solid, reddish-orange, with no doo 10/28/1975 #30503 nd six fellow log cutters finish a long day of thinning undergrowth in the 11/5/1975 #30562 as if made by a heavy biped taking long strides, which ran for some distanc 11/8/1975 #30584 meters away. These beings had very long arms and were taking extraordinaril 11/8/1975 #30584 ms and were taking extraordinarily long strides. They began to ascend a ver 11/8/1975 #30584 Minot AFB, ND A long entry from the 24th NORAD Region Se 11/10/1975 #30593 d their fingers were exceptionally long, especially the middle one, but the 12/4/1975 #30685 ight feet tall and very thin, with long arms and matted reddish, shoulder-l 12/11/1975 #30705 sh, shoulder-length hair. His very long face had a long pointed nose and pa 12/11/1975 #30705 gth hair. His very long face had a long pointed nose and pallid white skin. 12/11/1975 #30705 ther source, UFO investigator Greg Long, reported that at the same time tha 12/11/1975 #30705 l man with a narrow, pale face and long, pointed nose. It is dressed in clo 12/14/1975 #30715 ru is in an elongated, 3,600-year- long elliptical orbit around the Sun. 1976 #30744 xtraterrestrials who came to earth long ago and are preparing them for a so 1976 #30745 Three witnesses watched a 15-meter long football-shaped object hover 800 me 1/1/1976 #30753 Three witnesses watched a 15-meter long football-shaped object hover 800 me 1/1/1976 #30754 , white luminous coveralls and had long blond hair. On the back of each han 1/5/1976 #30761 , a telescopic “pole” about 7 feet long, mounted on their chests. These ent 1/9/1976 #30781 round ten p.m. and saw a 1.5 meter long ovoid object standing on the ground 1/10/1976 #30784 d a close encounter with a 50 foot long ovoid UFO. Her car radio went wild, 1/23/1976 #30816 l blond or albino woman who wore a long gown. She was told by this woman “n 1/23/1976 #30817 y. The object was at least 60 feet long, and had flashing red and white lig 1/29/1976 #30833 UFO landed near ranch house, 300' long. (UFO 57 NIDS) A report of a UFO la 2/5/1976 #30847 6, and for the first time in their long and frustrating investigation, offi 2/5/1976 #30847 ine died. They then saw a 30 meter long cigar-shaped object on the roadside 2/15/1976 #30873 Long Island, NY 6:15 P.M. Mrs. Audrey Ma 2/26/1976 #30909 Iberia airline(s)/airliner paced / long object with bright light. Rumor onl 3/11/1976 #30932 eral partially extended legs and a long, black, hose-like appendage. Sudden 4/22/1976 #31010 utes in the sky between Carson and Long Beach, California. 4/26/1976 #31026 shaped instrument panel 3-4 meters long. A cask-like device with many cable 5/14/1976 #31052 eatures and wore goggles. He had a long sharp nose, a pointed chin, and a s 5/16/1976 #31058 nd and appears to be about 50 feet long. 6/21/1976 #31121 APE TOWN, RSA Several observer(s). Long cylinder/cigar-shape with windows n 6/22/1976 #31125 -SAUSSES, FR 2 parallel ruts / 55M long. 4cm deep. 2nd trace = trapezoid. 6/25/1976 (approximate) #31136 ornia when they saw an eighty-foot long, 40-foot wide ellipsoidal object. I 6/25/1976 #31140 e disc-shaped object hovered for a long time over Bilbao, Spain. It flew ba 7/4/1976 #31149 e disc-shaped object hovered for a long time over Bilbao, Spain. It flew ba 7/4/1976 #31152 LONG SAULT, ON Metallic saucer hovers / 8/1976 (approximate) #31212 nd were holding tubes about a yard long. The beings were stocky with wide s 8/6/1976 #31241 as about seven feet tall and had a long nose. Suddenly, an energy beam shot 8/16/1976 #31273 man were measured to be 20 inches long, 8 inches wide, and five feet apart 8/16/1976 #31273 figures carried flashlights 3 feet long. They came up to Mr. Anderson and o 8/23/1976 #31294 ooks up and sees a large (100 feet long), silver-colored, silent cylinder f 9/1/1976 #31324 bject about 3 feet high and 5 feet long and standing on chrome or steel run 9/3/1976 #31336 ies are seen within the craft with long white hair parted down the middle, 9/3/1976 #31336 orange dome on top. It was 5 feet long and 3.5 feet high. As the witnesses 9/3/1976 #31340 olls” appeared beside it; they had long white hair parted down the middle, 9/3/1976 #31340 , no nose, a slit for a mouth, and long arms. It walked to the edge of the 9/22/1976 #31420 ike a “fat cigar” about 50–60 feet long. It begins to move away but stops c Autumn 1976 #31421 . Bald 150cm man with fly-eyes and long legs near. 10/10/1976 #31458 cigar-shape-shapes with lights and long windows. Hover and join and split. 10/16/1976 #31468 r cigar-shaped UFO about 15 meters long, hovering in the air about 100 mete 10/24/1976 #31493 ard. One of them then pulled out a long thin object from a sack he was wear 10/29/1976 #31505 and pointed it at the wall, and a long thin beam of light came from the de 10/29/1976 #31505 ugh the side of the object. He had long blonde hair, a dark beard, and his 11/14/1976 #31549 an oblong, greenish object 60 feet long that descended toward the ground. I 11/22/1976 #31564 erver(s). 3M sphere/orb/globe with long wings scouts steel silo. Small red 11/27/1976 #31576 ngated object (estimated 45 meters long) with round openings along the fuse 12/5/1976 #31582 ated object (an estimated 148 feet long) with round openings along the fuse 12/5/1976 #31584 r cigar-shaped, more than 250 feet long and more than 30 feet high. There s 12/6/1976 #31587 r, convex side up, about five feet long. She was forcibly placed and twiste 12/10/1976 #31594 MEYLAN, FR Glowing figure / very long arms. Guard paralyzed. Post radio R 12/12/1976 #31595 California State University, Long Beach Anaheim (California) Memorial 1977 #31655 pital California State University, Long Beach, English professor Alvin H. L 1977 #31655 5 feet tall and pot-bellied, with long, thin arms and large, black eyes. W 1977 #31656 a close encounter with a ten-meter long ovoid object that chased their car. 1/1/1977 #31678 e chased in their car by a 33-foot long oval object in Valence, Drôme, Fran 1/1/1977 #31681 a close encounter with a ten-meter long ovoid object in nearby Valence, Fra 1/1/1977 #31682 over six feet tall and thin, with long arms. They are wearing white one-pi 1/6/1977 #31706 r small footprints only 6.5 inches long. 1/6/1977 #31706 over six feet tall and thin, with long arms and they wore white one-piece 1/6/1977 #31707 out 50 feet from the original. Not long afterwards, someone from the attorn 1/10/1977 #31715 off onto a side road. He noticed a long balloon-like thing that stretched a 1/27/1977 #31761 r enclosure, approximately 50 feet long. He sensed, rather than observed, f 1/27/1977 #31761 a point on top. He saw a man with long pointed ears and wearing a silver s 2/4/1977 #31792 At around 7 p.m. a five meter long walnut-shaped UFO followed a studen 2/13/1977 #31814 tes the object is about 60–80 feet long. Some 10–15 people exiting the lodg Mid 2/1977 #31817 a cylindrical object about 40 feet long pass alongside him a few hundred fe 2/16/1977 #31822 white haze, and about 10 times as long as the full moon. 2/16/1977 #31823 at human-looking bodies, but their long arms reached almost below their kne 2/24/1977 #31846 encounter. He was human like with long hair, a beard, and pink eyes. He ap 3/7/1977 #31874 e patch of burning grass (100 feet long by 30 feet wide), with a mysterious 3/8/1977 #31878 LONG GROVE, IL Crackling noise. Strong s 3/9/1977 #31882 Long Grove, Illinois 10:40 p.m. Four adu 3/9/1977 #31888 10:40 p.m. Four adult witnesses in Long Grove, Illinois, are attracted outs 3/9/1977 #31888 in, with delicate bodies, and very long fingers. They wore skintight one-pi 3/20/1977 #31921 down teardrop” object 100–200 feet long and 60 feet wide drift in from the 3/29/1977 #31933 three-foot-tall occupants who had long slit-like eyes, ape like noses, and 4/4/1977 #31942 three-foot-tall occupants who had long slit-like eyes, ape like noses, and 4/4/1977 #31944 human-like figure emerged. It had long brown hair and was wearing a blue t 4/12/1977 #31974 ed like a drum. It had four to six long spider like legs hanging from its b 4/12/1977 #31977 human-like figure emerged. It had long brown hair and was wearing a blue t 4/12/1977 #31977 eads. They have slender torsos and long, thin arms. Their skin is tan or gr 5/1977 #32042 r watch a similar object, 300 feet long, near the Norris Road exit of Inter 5/16/1977 #32098 etallic in color and about 30 feet long, and it had a red band encircling t 5/18/1977 #32111 s, Missouri, sees a “comet” with a long tail moving in the northeast. 5/21/1977 #32120 ind it. The object is 1.5 times as long as the jet. It follows for about 30 5/26/1977 #32135 ry btn., UK On this day a 10 meter long silver cigar shaped object followed 6/21/1977 #32179 On this day a 10 meter long silver cigar shaped object followed 6/21/1977 #32183 IRLAM, ENGL 2 boys. Long cylinder/cylindrical object going S 7/5/1977 #32237 and that he had a short tail, not long enough to reach the ground. In his 7/12/1977 #32266 -mile, north-to-south line, for as long as 10 minutes. 7/26/1977 #32317 lightly shorter man. The woman had long platinum hair that hung to the midd 8/3/1977 #32356 ny tiny points of light, with wide long sleeves that went to her hands. The 8/3/1977 #32356 small mouths and their necks were long and thin. They all had their arms c 8/31/1977 #32447 . The beings had stocky bodies and long, elephant trunk-like arms ending in 9/15/1977 #32485 ems to stretch out, turning into a long, glowing ribbon. As it flies over h 9/20/1977 #32498 ked like an inverted bowl with two long extensions. It was 75-100 feet wide 10/1/1977 #32543 looks rectangular, about 150 feet long, and 10 feet across. It has small, 10/13/1977 #32572 FRONTIGNY, FR 2 observer(s). Long domed saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape h 10/22/1977 #32599 aced marks in the ground, 1.2 feet long and 3–7 inches wide. Each imprint i 11/1/1977 #32651 BRZ Triangle with row / lights on long snout. 5 lights / rear. See dwg. 11/11/1977 #32663 aledon, Hammonton, Hazlet, Howell, Long Branch, Mount Holly, Ocean County, 12/2/1977 #32731 , 4-foot-tall being with fat head, long arms, and a slender body appears in 1/18/1978 #32894 ng was gray/brown with a fat head, long arms and slender body. https://www 1/18/1978 #32895 in the parking lot. She has medium long brown hair and wears a dark suit wi 1/31/1978 #32928 in the parking lot. She had medium long brown hair and wore a dark suit wit 1/31/1978 #32930 uman beings were the exceptionally long arms and hands, large crania and ve 2/5/1978 #32957 ness, headaches, and insomnia. Not long afterward, he is hypnotized by Jame 3/18/1978 #33055 RATBY, LEICS Girl / motorcycle. Long red triangle hovers / 200' altitude 3/27/1978 #33085 girl riding on a motorcycle saw a long red triangular UFO hovering 200 fee 3/27/1978 #33089 tilators sighted a silent, 12 foot long red-glowing cylinder at 5:20 a.m. i 4/10/1978 #33138 he figure wore a kind of "cape" or long tunic that did not reach its feet, 5/2/1978 #33185 , a dull metallic cylinder 12 feet long with a few dents. A telex sent by U 5/6/1978 #33190 It is about 15–16 feet high and as long as a bus. Four black objects on the 5/10/1978 #33196 around 4 p.m. It caused a two mile long traffic backup, and there were over 5/19/1978 #33228 ame time, two other trails 33 feet long approach the vessel. Later, straigh 6/15/1978 #33280 had large egg-like heads and very long fingers. They seemed to be working 6/16/1978 #33282 color. Two tall human-like beings. Long golden hair, wearing white robes. T 7/4/1978 #33329 r six "Nordic" looking beings with long blond hair emerged from the craft, 7/4/1978 #33337 tta-Kurgan, Uzbekistan An 80 meter long ovoid object flew over toward the s 7/8/1978 #33354 An 80 meter long ovoid object flew over Katta-Kurgan 7/8/1978 #33356 ving towards them using incredibly long jumps. Both boys ran towards a near 7/11/1978 #33367 two meters tall, bearded and with long black hair and wearing a long white 7/11/1978 #33367 with long black hair and wearing a long white cape that was flowing in the 7/11/1978 #33367 BENTON HARBOR, MI Rocky gap area. Long silver cylinder/cylindrical object 7/28/1978 #33431 of Benton Harbor, Michigan, see a long, brightly lit, silver cylinder at a 7/28/1978 #33434 e creature. It left footprints 14" long and 9" wide. A Sheriff measured the 7/29/1978 #33451 backing away. But moments later a long needle was painfully inserted into 8/1/1978 #33464 t, Tasmania encountered a 30-meter long, dark brown cigar-shaped object, ha 8/5/1978 #33477 York. It is at least 150–200 feet long with while and blue colors, two lig 8/21/1978 #33537 monia sulfur" remained in the area long after the creature was gone. 8/21/1978 #33540 igar-shaped object about 10 meters long rising from a maize field. An area 9/2/1978 #33625 l. Green hand, blue conical nails, long gloves, cylindrical helmet. (NICAP: 9/6/1978 #33636 w vaguely, object with lights in a long shape, red and pink as if on fire i 9/15/1978 #33683 oon and an object with lights in a long shape, red and pink as if on fire, 9/15/1978 #33686 d. He estimates it is 340–350 feet long. 9/20/1978 #33714 ting sun. Flying silently with its long dimension in the direction of trave 9/28/1978 #33769 South Wales, Australia a six-meter long non-metallic ovoid object flew over 10/2/1978 #33792 , CH Hundreds / Air Force men. 1km long box / 7km over outdoor movie. / LDL 10/23/1978 #33860 mare, Marche, Italy saw a 20 meter long, dark object emerge from the Adriat 10/24/1978 #33869 saw the fireball and two 300 foot long objects. 11/3/1978 #33918 nder/cigar-shape lands / soybeans. Long obvious imprint / ground. Seen / 40 11/8/1978 #33926 rance at 12:15 a.m. when she saw a long light gray object on the ground nea 11/11/1978 #33945 he taller being reaches one of its long hands to take away d’Ambros’s pruni 11/24/1978 #33995 two U-shaped traces about 8 inches long. 11/24/1978 #33995 e smooth and bald elongated heads, long pointed noses and large mouths with 11/24/1978 #33997 ed noses and large mouths with two long pointed fangs. They were clad in da 11/24/1978 #33997 huge hands and feet with extremely long fingers and nails. The shorter of t 11/24/1978 #33997 ted on four legs. He saw a pair of long hands close a small trap door on th 11/24/1978 #33997 clockwise, U-shaped imprints 20 cm long and 3 cm deep, and uprooted bushes. 11/24/1978 #33997 A nine minute long videotape was made of a luminous ob 12/2/1978 #34049 :40 a.m. in order to relax after a long day, as her husband slept in the ne 12/6/1978 #34068 ic blue coveralls and all had very long, smooth black hair. The beings appr 12/6/1978 #34070 ghtly ahead of his car was a huge, long dark rectangular object, about 50 f 12/14/1978 #34117 ghtly ahead of his car was a huge, long dark rectangular object, about 50 f 12/14/1978 #34127 agna, Liguria, Italy A three-meter long, oddly shaped UFO was seen at a low 12/25/1978 #34205 At 4:30 a.m. a three-meter long, oddly shaped UFO was seen at a low 12/25/1978 #34206 Kingdom see a bright light with a long trail behind it streak across the h 12/31/1978 #34248 he west to the east. The UFO had a long body with lots of tiny lights. Befo 12/31/1978 #34251 Committee on Aerial Phenomena has long been riddled with CIA-friendly or c 1/1979 #34268 ening two people sighted a 15-foot long cylinder at a low altitude near a s 1/8/1979 #34321 ll by two feet wide and three feet long, hovering a few inches above the sc 1/13/1979 #34339 scaled coveralls. Their hands are long and end in pointed nails. They invi 1/18/1979 #34359 red, and he experienced a six-hour long memory lapse. His next recollection 1/24/1979 #34374 red, and he experienced a six-hour long memory lapse. His next recollection 1/24/1979 #34378 Vannes, France A 1.5-meter long ovoid hovered over a house in Vanne 1/28/1979 #34387 n this evening in 1979 a 1.5-meter long ovoid hovered over a house in Vanne 1/28/1979 #34388 be seen two human-looking men with long wavy blond hair. (NICAP: 02 - Close 1/29/1979 #34389 be seen two human-looking men with long wavy blond hair. The UFO glided sil 1/29/1979 #34391 KAUNAS, LITHUANIA Long cylinder/cigar-shape hangs vertical 2/18/1979 #34433 DRUSKININGKAI, LITH Long ellipsoid. Hangs vertical. Drifts g 2/20/1979 #34437 Meanwood, near Leeds an eight-foot long ovoid object landed for three minut 2/22/1979 #34443 d at around 4:00 p.m. a eight-foot long ovoid object landed for three minut 2/22/1979 #34445 e watches a larger object (80 feet long and 25 feet wide) that sweeps the a 3/6/1979 #34469 report. At 8:00 p.m. a thirty-foot long cylindrical UFO rose from the surf 3/27/1979 #34492 a solid object more than 100 feet long. It stops and hovers at 300 feet an 4/21/1979 #34519 has a small propeller on top and a long, pointed protrusion on the bottom. 5/16/1979 #34563 her as good looking, tanned, with long light fine hair. The woman and one 5/16/1979 #34563 e of marble. The woman takes out a long wand and points it at the object. O 5/16/1979 #34563 peller like apparatus on top and a long pointy protrusion on the bottom. As 5/16/1979 #34564 her as good looking, tanned, with long light fine hair. The woman and one 5/16/1979 #34564 marble. The woman then took out a long wand like object and pointed it at 5/16/1979 #34564 rg, Florida, sees an object with a long transparent trail. 6/14/1979 #34612 A short humanoid with long arms was seen on the roadside of Hi 8/15/1979 #34744 s headlights. The being raised its long arms and at this point the car's en 8/15/1979 #34744 e up to him. They had bright eyes, long fingers, and skinny arms. The being 10/6/1979 #34947 counter a large UFO about 850 feet long and only a half-mile away with thre 10/27/1979 #34971 eep snarling and barking all night long. The next morning her husband passe 11/14/1979 #34998 seven witnesses observed a 42-foot long ovoid UFO hovering right over the S 11/27/1979 #35021 NSWORTH, ENG 4 cops / 2 cars chase long cylinder/cigar-shape / 500' altitud 11/30/1979 #35029 two separate patrol cars chased a long luminous cigar-shaped object at 500 11/30/1979 #35032 triangle 15 feet wide and 20 feet long with two white lights in front, blu 1/13/1980 #35133 oon-shaped object about 25–30 feet long. It is 100 feet up in the branches 2/7/1980 #35161 , with reddish hues, left behind a long smoke trail. It was seen by over 20 2/11/1980 #35172 it appears to be 1,000–1,200 feet long and cigar-shaped with lights on the 4/13/1980 #35271 even feet tall, with webbed hands, long pointed ears, protruding mouths, an 4/23/1980 #35286 ses Operation Animal Mutilation, a long report that devastatingly debunks p 6/1980 #35349 ay. A dog hid in fear. A six-meter long indentation was discovered on the g 7/6/1980 #35407 ay. A dog hid in fear. A six-meter long indentation was discovered on the g 7/6/1980 #35409 ked very much alike except one had long blond hair and the other had dark h 8/4/1980 #35441 k in the afternoon, and observed a long cylindrical craft hovering close to 8/16/1980 #35459 The object was at least 170 meters long, and broad as well, and it emitted 8/16/1980 #35459 At 1:15 p.m. a three foot long, football-shaped UFO was seen by tw 8/28/1980 #35481 on in Washington, D.C., for a day- long debate on the merits of UFO sightin 9/6/1980 #35500 mp. Metallic grey. Pipe protrudes. Long windows. / APRO 29#3. 9/11/1980 #35511 had a pipe protruding from it, and long windows. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 9/11/1980 #35513 ge, slanted, lilac colored eyes, a long nose, a large lipless mouth, long a 9/25/1980 #35535 long nose, a large lipless mouth, long arms and hands, and very pale skin. 9/25/1980 #35535 isible from the waist up through a long window on one side of the triangle. 10/15/1980 #35568 Diego, California 8:35 a.m. Betty Long and a friend see a formation of thr 10/21/1980 #35578 n 10–15 feet of the object. Before long they are ordered further back. A st 12/28/1980 #35750 "clean, sterile and bright, with a long table in the middle." John began cr 12/31/1980 #35759 ated scratch marks about 12 inches long, are uniform in shape, and go all t 1981 #35763 a cigar-shaped UFO. The five meter long object had portholes, and was hover 1/26/1981 #35802 were thin with sloping shoulders, long hanging arms with 4 long fingers an 2/10/1981 #35823 houlders, long hanging arms with 4 long fingers and had grayish skin. They 2/10/1981 #35823 KUNMING, CH 1+kid. Long silver cylinder/cylindrical object 2/19/1981 #35833 Little Rock saw a small, four-foot long rectangular UFO and a small disc ca 6/6/1981 #35955 k, Arkansas saw a small, four-foot long rectangular UFO and a small disc ca 6/6/1981 #35957 the northwest. The light entered a long, thin cloud, and never exited. At a 6/22/1981 #35979 least one witnessed a thirty-foot long cigar-shaped object that maneuvere 7/15/1981 #36009 rt]. A cube-shaped object 100 feet long with flashing lights approaches the 7/16/1981 #36012 y disc, 6 feet high and 16–20 feet long, is hovering only 3 feet above the 8/8/1981 #36064 white triangle more than 700 feet long. Allegedly, the Ministry of Defence 8/16/1981 #36078 At 9:10 p.m. a 12 meter long, lemon-shaped UFO was seen near the 8/28/1981 #36088 lacked any fingernails. She wore a long sleeveless habit with white boots. 9/11/1981 #36110 lacked any fingernails. She wore a long sleeveless habit with white boots. 9/12/1981 #36112 silvery outfit, its arms were very long, and its feet resembled oval append 10/8/1981 #36165 on AFB in Ohio. He writes: “I have long ago given up acquiring access to th 10/19/1981 #36179 At 10:40 p.m. a 25 foot long glowing ovoid object followed a car 10/25/1981 #36188 ights that hover (sometimes for as long as an hour) and sometimes streak of 11/1981 #36201 ent vertical cylinder/cigar-shape. Long rods / all directions retract. Low 11/6/1981 #36207 At around 3 p.m. a 15 meter long metallic ovoid landed 15 meters awa 11/8/1981 #36211 alls. His arms appeared to be very long, and his feet resembled oval append 11/8/1981 #36211 ids with dark gray skin, extremely long arms and thick wrinkles on their fo 12/15/1981 #36259 the underground complex, inside a long corridor and interrogated by two me 1982 #36292 allic-looking object about 66 feet long, 55 feet high, and 3,000 feet away. 1/3/1982 #36295 ouths. They were hairless, and had long arms and hands with only four-digit 1/22/1982 #36306 OMALIA Separate groups / military. Long object going west. Splits / 3 parts 2/15/1982 #36345 ived in the past 4 years, Viscount Long replies that there were 750 sightin 3/4/1982 #36377 nks the totals must be higher, but Long explains that not all reports reach 3/4/1982 #36377 of those remain unidentified, and Long replies that he does not have those 3/4/1982 #36377 est,” and if so, who decided that. Long says that all reports have been pre 3/4/1982 #36377 ures, described as very thin, with long arms, and elongated egg shaped head 4/1982 #36423 981 are still classified. Viscount Long says none are and there is no reaso 4/7/1982 #36438 large translucent object 500 feet long flying at 41,000 feet altitude over 6/12/1982 #36499 rted seeing a blunt gray, 300-foot long cigar- shaped object with windows f 7/25/1982 #36549 rted seeing a blunt gray, 300-foot long cigar-shaped object with windows fl 7/25/1982 #36551 n, Washington witnessed a 100 foot long ovoid object flying at 150 feet alt 8/11/1982 #36571 At 11:30 p.m. a 150 foot long cigar-shaped object made a deep hum 9/4/1982 #36596 iege" boomerangs, continuing for a long period of time Late 1982 #36642 -inch tall creature, slender, with long thin arms, and with six fingers on 11/1/1982 #36669 man then entered the room. She had long hair, was deeply tanned or dark ski 11/29/1982 #36702 a Y-shaped instrument about a foot long. As she grasped his head and touche 11/29/1982 #36702 irl then entered the room. She had long hair, was tanned or dark, and carri 11/30/1982 #36703 carried an instrument about a foot long. When she grasped his head he lost 11/30/1982 #36703 hich they estimated to be 150 feet long from front to back. The UFO turned 3/10/1983 #36778 the dirt is mounded up. It has six long points 19 feet long and four shorte 3/11/1983 #36781 up. It has six long points 19 feet long and four shorter points 9 feet long 3/11/1983 #36781 ong and four shorter points 9 feet long. In the center is a depression 8 fe 3/11/1983 #36781 l V-shaped object about 1,300 feet long, with 6–7 lights as he is driving s 3/24/1983 #36807 ndrical objects that were 6 meters long and a diameter of 2 meters. (NICAP: 7/6/1983 #36902 eet. He sees a solid hull, 50 feet long and 6 feet across. Just after they 7/7/1983 #36904 s metallic gray, possibly 300 feet long, and elongated but with the front a 7/25/1983 #36925 e estimates the object is 100 feet long at the base and 30 feet at the apex 10/28/1983 #37026 t with an "eye" or window, 14 feet long, was seen maneuvering and tumbling 11/1/1983 #37040 en object like a bus about 33 feet long and 10 feet high in the road ahead. 12/14/1983 #37074 en the being had left a three-foot long by 18" cylinder shot straight up in 1/8/1984 #37111 en the being had left a three-foot long by 18" cylinder shot straight up in 1/8/1984 #37114 laxton, GA 8:00 PM. Three 12-meter long boomerang-shaped objects hovered at 3/21/1984 #37235 Three 12-meter long boomerang-shaped objects hovered at 3/21/1984 #37239 a bright oval object about 16 feet long and 6.5 feet tall from the first-fl 3/24/1984 #37240 mates the object is about 300 feet long and flying at 30 mph. It moves over 3/25/1984 #37245 r visual confirmation. A 1000 foot long cigar-shaped object followed a KC-1 4/24/1984 #37285 irmation. At 7:10 p.m. a 1000 foot long cigar-shaped object followed a KC-1 4/24/1984 #37286 :30 PM. A silver colored, 150 foot long, bulbous-shaped object with a long 4/25/1984 #37290 long, bulbous-shaped object with a long tail hung in the sky, rocking back 4/25/1984 #37290 30 p.m. a silver colored, 150 foot long, bulbous-shaped object with a long 4/25/1984 #37295 long, bulbous-shaped object with a long tail hung in the sky, rocking back 4/25/1984 #37295 them is a dark mass about 300 feet long that blocks out the lights of a pla 6/14/1984 #37361 Poland, remaining stationary for a long time. A flight controller from Rzes 7/13/1984 #37395 Leslie, South Carolina a 18 meter long silver cigar-shaped object followed 7/30/1984 #37424 tallic and shiny, and about 9 feet long. During its appearance, the base no 8/23/1984 #37438 y’s back. Its body is covered with long, dark-brown hair, and it appears to 10/8/1984 #37480 artinsburg, WV 10:00 PM. A 30 foot long X-shaped object paced a car for 20 12/30/1984 #37535 At about 10:00 p.m. a 30 foot long X-shaped object paced a car for 20 12/30/1984 #37536 Tacoma, Washington, when he sees a long, glowing, oval object to his left l 3/7/1985 #37566 DE FREJUS, FR Several observer(s). Long green metallic cylinder/cylindrical 7/27/1985 #37631 right. The object is about 6 feet long, dark brown or black, and is coming 8/15/1985 #37643 a missilelike object, some 20 feet long, going in the opposite direction. T 8/18/1985 #37647 Long Clawson, England Leicester Two poli 9/27/1985 #37667 d Leicester Two police officers in Long Clawson, England, are the latest wi 9/27/1985 #37667 95 NEAR EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA Long silvery rectangle hovers. Radio Fre 1/19/1986 #37766 arge, dark object about 50–60 feet long hovering above some trees on the ri 2/8/1986 #37783 ect was estimated to be 50-60 feet long and made no sound. Their sighting l 2/8/1986 #37784 oint. Both are a few hundred yards long. 3/18/1986 #37800 WORCESTER, MA Several cars / I290. Long cylinder/cigar-shape maneuvers. 90° 5/2/1986 #37852 h objects remaining motionless for long periods of time. By 8:00 p.m., CIND 5/19/1986 #37879 d ears; but they had dark eyes and long thin hands with only three fingers, 5/29/1986 #37898 A 40-foot long, cigar-shaped UFO was seen in a red 6/8/1986 #37907 30 p.m. two men in their thirties, Long and Jandura, were fishing from a bo 8/1/1986 #37968 with a completely silent 300 foot long triangular object that was only 200 8/1/1986 #37968 ed object, 65 feet wide by 40 feet long, flew overhead at 400 feet altitude 8/11/1986 #37979 on of some kind. The entities have long, oval-shaped heads with phosphoresc 8/15/1986 #37992 Controllers encountered a 55-foot long cigar-shaped object with fins on th 9/6/1986 #38017 veral parts, each about 30–80 feet long. The display is followed by an unus 10/10/1986 #38044 appear in the sky. A seventy-foot long ovoid object skimmed over treetops 11/21/1986 #38074 mains on the bestseller list for a long time, and Ted Seth Jacobs’s cover i 2/1987 #38108 area encountered a large 300 foot long hovering oval object. It had lights 2/7/1987 #38117 bductees' arms. They then inserted long needles into their knees and ankle 3/7/1987 #38133 a tight-fitting dark suit, made a long jump into the bushes. Scared, the w 3/7/1987 #38134 :54 a.m. a silent, tapered 12-foot long cylindrical object pursued a car ne 3/13/1987 #38141 avis”) an Indianapolis woman whose long series of abductions include an ins 4/1987 #38155 d homemade looking, about 4–6 feet long with large fins. It appears to be d 6/25/1987 #38200 object, which is more than 50 feet long, 16 feet wide, and 9 feet high, gra Early 8/1987 #38225 t-colored tunics and pants and had long light-colored hair. The figures bri 8/2/1987 #38226 atch. It has a thin, spindly body, long webbed fingers and toes, and tabs o 8/31/1987 #38265 atch. It had a thin, spindly body, long webbed fingers and toes, and tabs o 8/31/1987 #38266 et tall with an oversized head and long, thin arms. The creature makes a ge 12/1/1987 #38345 ingham, England Hull Staffordshire Long Eaton, Derbyshire Night. Oddly movi 12/9/1987 #38351 A triangular object about 250 feet long covered in 150 red and white lights 12/9/1987 #38351 UFOs are seen in Staffordshire and Long Eaton, Derbyshire. 12/9/1987 #38351 A 60-foot long triangular UFO flew to the east low 1/22/1988 #38429 At 8:00 p.m. a 400 meter long fiery cylinder flew at low altitude 9/24/1988 #38646 Detroit airport, they spoke for a “long time” over dinner, at his house, et 10/23/1988 #38682 ray surface and was about 100 feet long, three feet high, and three to four 10/24/1988 #38690 gham, England witnessed a 300-foot long object hovering at low altitude, ma 12/10/1988 #38752 Long Island Center Moriches, New York Th 1/1989 #38771 land Center Moriches, New York The Long Island UFO Network begins publishin 1/1989 #38771 UFO Network begins publishing the Long Island UFO Reporter, which soon cha 1/1989 #38771 which soon changes its name to the Long Island UFO Update, edited at first 1/1989 #38771 orway two people watched a 7 meter long dark object with lights and windows 1/23/1989 #38796 s in the ocean off Shagwong Point, Long Island, New York a fishing boat's r 1/30/1989 #38809 Essex, England spotted a 300-foot long "bus" in the sky at 900 feet altitu 1/30/1989 #38810 lf a pound) can fuel a craft for a long time. On another occasion, Lazar wi 3/1989 #38855 of what appears to be a large and long cylindrical object very close to Ma 3/25/1989 #38881 oughly 1.2 miles wide and 15 miles long. Its surface brightness is the same 3/25/1989 #38881 ake. It was brownish-black and 15' long. 4/12/1989 #38903 way to work when she experienced a long period of missing time. Later she w 5/1/1989 #38933 At 10:46 p.m. a couple driving in Long Beach, Washington observed four glo 6/3/1989 #38975 timated were twenty to thirty feet long and at an altitude of 700 feet abov 6/3/1989 #38975 s humanoid in a dark uniform, with long arms emerged. Three more objects re 6/6/1989 #38982 and tall human-looking beings with long blond hair. There seemed to the bro 6/16/1989 #38989 ly identical faces—extremely pale, long blond hair, large eyes, and collarl 7/4/1989 #39007 ces, like identical twins. The had long blond hair, big eyes, and were wear 7/4/1989 #39009 Russia a large hairy humanoid with long arms and small feet “scared the day 8/10/1989 #39051 going up [to] clouds. Lights seen long time. 8/15/1989? #39063 e, which they insist will not last long. She hesitantly accepts. Inside are 9/13/1989 #39098 Long Island Moriches Bay, Long Island, N 9/28/1989 #39130 Long Island Moriches Bay, Long Island, New York Brookhaven Nationa 9/28/1989 #39130 lk County, Republican Party Night. Long Island UFO Network founder John For 9/28/1989 #39130 own and retrieved at Moriches Bay, Long Island, New York. Although UFOs are 9/28/1989 #39130 observed on the southern coast of Long Island, the crash/retrieval seems t 9/28/1989 #39130 sed to down a UAP in Moriches Bay, Long Island; the craft crashed into the 9/28/1989 #39132 It is shiny and metallic, 30 feet long and 10 feet thick, and has a flatte 10/13/1989 #39169 ct “as wide as a small airplane is long” with colored flashing lights. It c 10/16/1989 #39174 tanding at her door. The woman had long straight white hair down to her sho 10/31/1989 #39199 ed. In was estimated at 20-40 feet long, and disappeared behind some trees. 11/15/1989 #39233 w Hampshire a couple saw a 70 foot long silver, cylindrical object hovering 12/10/1989 #39308 (with platelets) but about 18 feet long. Others are like “triangular milk c 3/12/1990 #39456 black cigar-shaped object 160 feet long with a ruby-red exhaust is seen tra 3/21/1990 #39475 mbling a flattened saucer, and two long blinking devices jutting from the h 3/24/1990 #39485 ngqing, China. It is about 65 feet long with orange and pale green lights, 3/28/1990 #39490 da see an object that looks like a long isosceles triangle with a centered 4/10/1990 #39516 sphere over a tree. Then a 40-foot long "bus" or cigar-shaped object with w 4/17/1990 #39532 -shaped heads, large slanted eyes, long pointed ears, long arms, with three 8/31/1990 #39708 e slanted eyes, long pointed ears, long arms, with three fingers on each ha 8/31/1990 #39708 SSW / 7800kph! Going [to] 10 miles long! No visual observer(s). 9/2/1990 #39715 their vehicle. The figure had two long legs and two huge round phosphoresc 10/6/1990 #39760 ses blip. 2 cigars / 2km and 0.5km long. Move sideways / great speed. 10/8/1990 #39764 tude. Jet finds 2 cigars 2000+400M long! 10/8/1990 #39765 one reported to be two kilometers long and the second one 400 meters long. 10/8/1990 #39767 long and the second one 400 meters long. These huge objects moved horizonta 10/8/1990 #39767 at part of the forest. The man had long hair and wore brand new, large jean 10/31/1990 #39822 NOUREUIL, FR 2 observer(s). Long thin delta/triangle/box-like craft 11/5/1990 #39828 nd turn. It is projecting two very long, divergent beams of solid light tha 11/5/1990 #39868 ject itself is at least 1,000 feet long and 200–250 feet thick with triangu 11/5/1990 #39868 t 5:20 p.m. a brilliant, one meter long cylinder flew east to west over a m 11/14/1990 #39890 mates the UFO to be about 260 feet long and 30–50 feet high, with the forwa 1/6/1991 #39947 ce. In Murowana, Poland a 30-meter long cigar shaped UFO at 10:50 p.m. shoo 1/18/1991 #39961 d object or missile, about 10 feet long, approaching from their left. It is 4/21/1991 #40046 HUEJUTLA, MEXICO 3 long silvery ships seen.. during China-M 5/12/1991 #40055 from the bottom of the craft and a long thin green arm came out and grabbed 5/14/1991 #40060 ointed ears. He was thin with very long arms, and hands with only three dig 5/15/1991 #40064 d” appearance and is about 10 feet long. 6/1/1991 #40080 mpletely white in color, with thin long arms and a huge pear-shaped head th 7/21/1991 #40129 eyes, and it was very skinny with long skinny fingers on its long arms. Th 7/21/1991 #40129 ny with long skinny fingers on its long arms. The girls next ran back into 7/21/1991 #40129 it as dirigible-shaped, 600 meters long by 110 meters wide, with very littl 8/28/1991 #40168 object, and measuring 2230 meters long and 1700 meters wide. Even naturall 8/28/1991 #40168 t flashed intermittently. Later a "long black thing" streaked across the sk 8/30/1991 #40174 The object would be about 6.6 feet long if it was at an altitude of 1,000 f 9/19/1991 #40194 icle had two splotches, 4-5 inches long and wide, on the front driver's sid 11/9/1991 #40224 had large heads and eyes. They had long arms ending in hands with three dig 12/26/1991 #40267 luencing Earth civilizations for a long period of time before present day. 1992 #40276 Inside were two figures. They had long hair, large slanted eyes, and penet 3/9/1992 #40367 NNE / BEZIERS, FR 1 observer. 2 long cigars with intense yellow beams al 3/12/1992 #40374 r vehicle. The being was thin with long thin arms, a large head and large d 3/13/1992 #40377 ow over the surface. It is 15 feet long with a 3-foot-thick center. The obj 3/20/1992 #40394 ip on his forearms. The beings had long bony fingers. They then led him to 4/12/1992 #40414 mated to be 8 feet wide by 20 feet long in size) with square windows. At fi 5/3/1992 #40449 lesse, France sighted a seven-foot long transparent ovoid object over a pas 6/3/1992 #40485 US22 WITH PITTSBURGH, PA 2 long wingless fuselages circle low. Fly 6/23/1992 #40504 ht colored, possibly blue eyes and long blond hair that fell half way down 7/23/1992 #40531 blonde-haired woman. Her face was long, very long. The blonde, who was in 7/23/1992 #40531 red woman. Her face was long, very long. The blonde, who was in a kneeling 7/23/1992 #40531 of tail. The size is about 50 feet long and its speed is supersonic. 8/5/1992 #40552 ct. Beings with featureless heads, long thin arms, and wearing robes were s 8/11/1992 #40566 A 12-foot long metallic object with stubby wings, 9/17/1992 #40626 alking with a large cane. He had a long dark beard, never spoke to anyone a 9/24/1992 #40639 a 36-year-old woman saw a 50 foot long gray rectangular craft, 20 times th 9/30/1992 #40651 and had three rectangular 20 foot long bright pink lights along the side. 10/10/1992 #40673 k helmet, wide shoulders, and very long arms. At eye level there was a rect 11/23/1992 #40724 nsacola Beach, Florida a ten meter long "helicopter" without rotors emitted 2/5/1993 #40841 ith a fat belly, wider than it was long, was sighted flying over Goodrich, 2/19/1993 #40853 sh woman, about two foot tall with long red hair, who was trying to pick up 2/28/1993 #40866 suit's left breast. The being had long arms that ended in four long finger 3/16/1993 #40886 g had long arms that ended in four long fingers. He communicated with the w 3/16/1993 #40886 ng silvery diver's suits. They had long arms, pale complexions, large blue 3/20/1993 #40895 ions, large blue slanted eyes, and long golden-blond hair. Mr. Chagala had 3/20/1993 #40895 he noticed that the humanoids had long pointed ears. He also saw numerous 3/20/1993 #40895 is sketch shows a V-shape with one long side extending below as if forming 4/17/1993 #40941 plexion, a heart shaped mouth, and long brown wavy hair. Her eyes were of a 4/23/1993 #40948 'clock in the morning a four-meter long white glowing ovoid UFO flew over M 5/14/1993 #40980 ical tests on her. They inserted a long thin tube into her nose, which caus 5/18/1993 #40984 Pacific Daylight Time a six-minute long videotape was made of a round UFO w 6/26/1993 #41039 On this day a long crop formation of circles and rings 7/24/1993 #41083 nd out / diamond mothership 1 mile long. 8/1993 #41097 ome a narrow band of light 90 feet long and 3 feet wide. Soon it becomes br 8/13/1993 #41135 me time the Hispanic woman heard a long ringing sound in her ears. Eventual 8/18/1993 #41146 -et-Maa, Landes, France a 30 meter long, silent gray "cloud" rotated in the 8/25/1993 #41159 At 4:45 p.m. 30-foot long football-shaped object flew over a 8/27/1993 #41165 uches-du-Rhone, France a 4.5 meter long ovoid object sitting on the highway 8/30/1993 #41172 ad a head much larger than normal, long thin arms and an out of proportion 10/23/1993 #41249 A close encounter with a 100 foot long craft occurred in the suburbs of Un 10/24/1993 #41251 ich rose and moved. It was 60 feet long, and made a humming sound. 11/22/1993 #41300 Base witnesses reported a 6-7 hour long event that began at around 7 p.m., 11/24/1993 #41301 LONG BRANCH, NJ Very odd structure hover 12/27/1993 (approximate) #41333 NG QUICKLY [TO] ANVIN, FR 1 / car. Long curved objects circle car. No other 1/28/1994 #41387 ajectory the UFO is about 750 feet long. 1/28/1994 #41390 ORCHIES, FR 1 / taxi and 1 other. Long 2-domed object with beam low and sl 2/2/1994 #41402 ntire body including his unusually long feet. The face was elongated with t 2/3/1994 #41406 MENNECY, FR B17 rumbles by. Long silent octagon hides / trees. Beams 3/14/1994 #41456 Hauts-Seine department, France. A long, silent, octagon-shaped craft hid b 3/14/1994 #41458 LE LUOT, FR 6 observer(s) video long diamond. Changes shape. Drifts and 5/14/1994 #41525 escribed as greenish in color with long pointed ears. He also had a third e 6/15/1994 #41568 a tube. Both men had beards--one a long white beard--and both had slanted e 6/27/1994 #41588 k rectangle, approximately 30 feet long with a bright head light and tail l 8/28/1994 #41698 black triangular object, 80 meters long, that had big yellow-white lights i 9/7/1994 #41722 lack eyes, soft wrinkly skin, very long arms, and four-digits on their hand 9/11/1994 #41734 remember seeing huge eyes and 12" long fingers working on him. Next, he wa 9/11/1994 #41734 , grayish brown in color, and with long, stout features. At this point the 9/11/1994 #41734 m. A brilliant ball of fire with a long trail of sparks is seen over a wide 9/14/1994 #41749 t object and stands on top. It has long, straight, black hair tied back wit 9/16/1994 #41754 with a scrawny neck, big eyes and long black hair. He wore a shiny tight b 9/16/1994 #41755 t four o'clock at night a 40-meter long triangular UFO flew over a farmhous 9/22/1994 #41772 A 40-foot long tractor trailer-shaped flying objec 10/30/1994 #41825 observer(s). White plate hovers / long time. No planet / amateur astronome 12/3/1994 #41878 ishable. They had thin bodies with long skinny arms. They all wore dull sil 12/15/1994 #41895 r. The objects were about 20 feet long and emitted strong beams of light. 12/29/1994 #41912 ; NHI has visited Earth for a very long time; Basque people are most likely Early 1995 #41927 th of the impression of their 8 km long tracks in the ground indicated thei 1/3/1995 #41947 w a three-meter tall creature with long legs and no arms outside. 1/8/1995 #41961 even foot tall brownish being with long stringy arms and legs on the side o 1/17/1995 #41981 shoulder. The hand had three very long, white, slender fingers with rather 2/2/1995 #42013 ified man noticed the humanoid had long hair, resembling that of a woman's, 2/9/1995 #42031 eing, with large eyes, a baldhead, long arms, wearing a gray outfit. The ta 2/11/1995 #42036 m her. The being had a round head, long thin arms, large black eyes, and gr 3/30/1995 #42128 rectangular object about 200 feet long by 100 feet wide. It disappears beh 4/18/1995 #42157 cylindrical object, only 14 inches long and 3 inches wide, suspended in the 5/15/1995 #42211 mate the object to be 300–400 feet long. One of the air traffic controllers 5/25/1995 #42227 for several minutes. A five-minute long videotape was made of the UFO by a 6/11/1995 #42252 h abductions. Data points like lat/long, potentiality for recall, residual Mid 1995 #42258 e maintained at high altitudes for long periods of time). About 95% of the 7/1995 #42286 o ears and what appeared to be two long fangs coming out of its mouth. It h 9/7/1995 #42447 do went outside to see a 100 meter long rectangular object move slowly to t 9/22/1995 #42501 Long Island, NY Lufthansa 405 / Boc Flig 11/17/1995 #42602 igator Colman captured a 13 minute long video of a hexagon-shaped UFO with 11/29/1995 #42631 s a cylindrical airship 33–40 feet long and 13–16 feet in diameter flying a 1/13/1996 #42681 all hands with three exceptionally long fingers. It ran away when Hildo cri 1/20/1996 #42697 A 300 foot long blimp-shaped UFO moved slowly throu 1/22/1996 #42707 r tall with large oversized heads, long spindly arms and short bandy legs. 1/31/1996 #42729 o reptilian looking creatures with long faces, scaly leathery skin, black e 2/6/1996 #42743 the source of light to be a bright long elliptical shape about 50cm away in 2/10/1996 #42754 tops and the lights merge into one long green light. Without warning, it ta 3/1/1996 #42795 re of the Indian Ocean a six-meter long luminous glowing tube was seen at 1 3/1/1996 #42796 , WA 2 observer(s). Vibrant bright long object with 2 lights hovers. Sudden 4/26/1996 #42884 ight cylinder that seems to have a long hole. The witness and a friend look 5/29/1996 #42914 short beings with large heads and long arms. They wore helmets and tight f 6/21/1996 #42936 es. They had large hands with five long, well defined fingers and their mou 7/16/1996 #42959 se (Calif.) Mercury News, with one long article and one or two shorter arti 8/18/1996 #42985 k and forth like a soldier. It had long arms that ended in three fingers. I 9/24/1996 #43041 inned humanoids that were carrying long needle-like implements. The creatur 1/7/1997 #43167 LONG KEY, FL 2 / US1. Metallic sphere ap 2/24/1997 #43206 o'clock in the morning a two-meter long vertical cylinder was spotted lande 3/5/1997 #43220 football fields and up to one mile long. Reports vary in terms of the numbe 3/13/1997 #43229 notices him and disappears in the long grass, which is flattened where the 5/18/1997 #43297 UST Separate observer(s) / 2 days. Long brown cylinder/cylindrical object. 6/26/1997 #43340 T / PARRY SOUND, ON 2 observer(s). Long thin cylinder/cigar-shape going [to 7/15/1997 #43351 irty-white in color, and with very long arms. It had three-digit hands that 9/5/1997 #43395 en landed. The UFO was five meters long and ten meters wide. Three human-lo 10/3/1997 #43424 ith three fingers on each hand and long fingernails. The being made a threa 10/10/1997 #43426 daughter Wassana sees a 33–50-foot long UFO outside at treetop level. Cherd 12/1997 #43452 ENGL 1 / 737 / 11km altitude. Huge long black cylinder/cigar-shape going [t 12/9/1997 #43455 inches in diameter and six inches long, appeared and scanned his body. The 12/14/1997 #43462 ass at 8:00 p.m. Next, an 18-meter long ovoid object flew up the river cany 1/24/1998 #43504 s came out of the object. They had long arms and small heads. They looked a 2/14/1998 #43521 shoulders, a very thin waist, and long dangling arms. It was hairless, had 4/27/1998 #43559 standing in the hallway. He wore a long beige jacket and had long arms. His 6/10/1998 #43586 e wore a long beige jacket and had long arms. His face could not be seen be 6/10/1998 #43586 me trees in Sudbury, Ontario for a long time. Eventually the one remaining 7/18/1998 #43610 s. The substance consolidates into long, white strands that slowly fall to 8/10/1998 #43625 t was almost two meters tall, with long dangling arms and legs that looked 8/24/1998 #43637 orming a streak about 12–13 inches long that is broken in several spots. Th 11/27/1998 #43686 r Bae146 charter jet encounters a “long cylindrical object” the size of a b 2/3/1999 #43721 a slightly pointed head with very long arms. Frightened, he went back insi 5/23/1999 #43773 (s). 3 round silver objects / very long line. 1 vanishes. 2 going quickly s 6/1/1999 #43777 light appear from nowhere. It was long and large, and moved level for 15 s 6/12/1999 #43785 the water. The object is 6–10 feet long and descends at high speed, creatin 7/27/1999 #43814 ssAir flight 127 while flying over Long Island, New York at 23,000 feet alt 8/9/1999 #43819 onkeys, because they had extremely long faces and their heads were covered 8/14/1999 #43822 sses watched as two large 30-meter long triangular objects hovered at only 8/18/1999 #43827 ctions. As it turned she noticed a long blue plume of something, waving fro 8/22/1999 #43831 i police reported that a 300 meter long disc hovered over a patrol car. The 8/23/1999 #43834 aped depression was found, 50 feet long with the tips of the top of the "Y" 3/2/2000 #43961 depression with dimensions 45 feet long by 15 feet in width, and a 10-foot- 3/3/2000 #43964 rplane. The body of the object was long with a squared off nose. The strang 5/17/2000 #43996 ra. There were soft "chairs" and a long table in the center of the room. He 7/5/2000 #44010 as about six feet tall, with very long thin arms and legs. The humanoids e 7/5/2000 #44010 gure dressed in what looked like a long dark coat sitting on a nearby fence 7/11/2000 #44014 nother alien race. They inserted a long tube down the witness esophagus and 7/12/2000 #44015 g ears, and covered with extremely long gray hair, particularly around the 7/13/2000 #44016 ss saw a five-foot-tall being with long slender extremities for about one m 8/3/2000 #44027 own staff that was about five feet long, and the creature glided six inches 8/3/2000 #44027 opter, all traveling west to east. Long, silver, cobweb-like substance fall 8/5/2000 #44028 s were sighted over Jones Beach on Long Island in Nassau County, New York. 10/1/2000 #44049 large heads, large black eyes and long dangling arms. Her next memory was 10/15/2000 #44058 ssippi a witness reported seeing a long, triangle-shaped object with lots o 11/25/2000 #44080 ject opened, and a tall being with long skinny arms, a skinny body, and a l 1/29/2001 #44134 estimated to be at least 200 yards long, was sighted over Valentine, Nebras 3/26/2001 #44152 At 7:30 p.m. a long, silver, shiny cylindrical object w 5/12/2001 #44184 lew over the city. An eleven meter long ovoid object was seen emitting a co 6/28/2001 #44198 , with huge glowing red eyes and a long pointed snout. Its overall appearan 8/2/2001 #44219 ped object, approximately 100 feet long, with lights on each end that chang 8/9/2001 #44230 The videotape is about 30 seconds long. 8/16/2001 #44236 imated to be at least 7,000 meters long, and the two behind it were 1,000 m 9/11/2001 #44258 he two behind it were 1,000 meters long. There was also a bright red light 9/11/2001 #44258 /hour; these were about 500 meters long but did not blend in with the sky a 9/11/2001 #44258 A four minute long videotape was shot at 1:20 p.m. in 12/19/2001 #44297 autiful scenes; they disappeared a long time ago." The astounded witness ne 3/26/2002 #44326 ut of nowhere a female figure with long black hair appeared in front of the 5/3/2002 #44336 1950s he met “an older man with a long beard” on a private flight from New 6/29/2002 #44354 ld, coming from a large, 200 meter long, triangular object. He described it 7/21/2002 #44362 king like a "floating city" with a long row of about 100 windows. Sr. Arias 7/21/2002 #44362 Scotia, sees a large meteor with a long tail appear out of Ursa Major and a 8/13/2002 #44383 ose encounter off of Moriches Bay, Long Island, New York by two males in a 9/9/2002 #44393 f something one-quarter of an inch long held at arm's length. Other objects 11/22/2002 #44449 body. It had huge hands with very long fingers. Recovering his senses, Sim 1/4/2003 #44468 craft appeared to be about 50 feet long with a dull blue light on the top. 5/3/2003 #44523 At 2:22 p.m. a 10-meter long, silver sausage-shaped object, flew 8/10/2003 #44573 borhood in Amityville, New York on Long Island. 2/16/2004 #44666 e appeared to be around three feet long and a little over two feet wide. It 4/5/2004 #44684 .5 meters and she was dressed in a long gray loose fitting garment that com 8/2/2004 #44725 size of the Moon. It hovered for a long while, and they watched it for 8 mi 9/7/2004 #44749 aped object, approximately 62 feet long, engaging in high-speed maneuvers a 10/27/2004 #44770 t, which seems to be about 40 feet long and then starts to mirror their mov 11/14/2004 #44784 ite lights. It stays visible for a long time. The witness goes to bed at 1: 5/9/2005 #44836 zig-zag patterns in the sky over a long period of time. 10/2/2005 #44885 where they remained visible for a long time. 1/30/2006 #44920 way. They stood 3-4 feet tall, had long fingers, almond eyes, and big heads 2/28/2006 #44927 3-4 feet wide by 8 feet to 10 feet long, flew just 50 feet above the witnes 4/25/2006 #44933 ocoon"-shaped object about 12 feet long, and there were body lights on this 8/6/2006 #44953 h normal sized heads, but had very long legs and very long arms and large t 8/6/2006 #44953 s, but had very long legs and very long arms and large torsos. He did not s 8/6/2006 #44953 A long, bright, white cigar-shaped object 11/21/2006 #44985 ect as arrow shaped, about 20 feet long, with the pointed and narrow end in 8/29/2007 #45050 object, possibly hundreds of feet long, was viewed for 12 minutes from Coo 9/20/2007 #45063 s, estimated to be about 100 yards long, flew over Wellington, Florida at 1 11/22/2007 #45095 r Chicago, Illinois. It stay still long enough for the witness to make a th 12/23/2007 #45103 the witness to make a three minute long video recording of it. At 6:45 p.m. 12/23/2007 #45103 e colored V-shaped craft flew over Long Beach, California. A large cigar-sh 2/26/2008 #45123 e west. He estimates it is 50 feet long on one side and less than 2 miles a 8/20/2008 #45161 e triangular object about 300 feet long with yellowish lights at each apex 5/8/2009 #45220 For one thing, their arms were too long and their bodies were too thin. The 8/30/2009 #45240 solid, white object, some 20 feet long, that darts into the water and appe 1/2010 #45265 be 15 feet wide and about 10 feet long. As it hovered and flew away it aga 2/11/2011 #45315 feet away. It is about 30–50 feet long and 15–30 feet across and completel 6/6/2011 #45328 was estimated to be about 55 feet long, and 35-40 feet tall. The witness d 6/1/2013 #45369 tion was smaller; it contained two long solid red lights ther were placed s 6/1/2013 #45369 sity as stars and is about 65 feet long. A young couple in Łosice watches a 8/3/2013 #45380 the short green line is actually a long, flat, bright, rectangular strip. B 10/6/2013 #45389 a triangular aircraft giving off a long contrail over Amarillo, Texas. 3/10/2014 #45404 re of what looks like a 65–98-foot long, black submarine in waters just out 10/31/2014 #45422 the objects persist in the air for long periods of time and might “be out t 2/2015? #45430 do Montezuma Museum In a four-hour long presentation in front of nearly 7,0 5/5/2015 #45437 ack surface that is about 300 feet long. When they get out of the car for a 12/10/2016 #45461 narrows at the top, two legs with long tapered feet, and no apparent arms. 8/9/2017 #45478 d to be between 330 and 3,280 feet long, with its width and thickness both 10/19/2017 #45485 t. He estimates it is 20–40 inches long, although it is only in sight for 2 7/5/2018 #45533 s places and was more horizontally long than it was vertically.” The Airpro 12/30/2018 #45553 CIA personnel overseas, which have long been publicly reported. 12/2020 #45667 rlines Airbus A320 pilot reports a long, cylindrical object like a cruise m 2/21/2021 #45678 t able to be replicated otherwise, long duration flight, and an ability to 6/25/2021 #45694 ecutive at an aerospace company in Long Beach, CA to go “deep undercover” t 8/1/2021 #45703 he only major aerospace company in Long Beach, CA that has that type of cam 8/1/2021 #45703 ects the object might be a US Army Long Endurance Multi Intelligence Vehicl 10/9/2021 #45716 by a private company based out of Long Beach, CA. https://youtu.be/r2jtaM 11/30/2021 #45726## Word: "long's" (Back to Top)
WACO, TX James D. Long's car malfunctions due to EME (elec 11/3/1957 #14227 les west of Tonopah, Nevada Joseph Long's car engine died at 6:10 a.m. He t 11/23/1957 #14605## Word: "long-" (Back to Top)
vers over the site for 30 minutes. Long- distance communications cease func 11/21/1978 #33974## Word: "long-anticipated" (Back to Top)
s Act, 2021—containing a number of long-anticipated provisions, including a 12/27/2020 #45670## Word: "long-armed" (Back to Top)
D134 / LUSSAC, FR 1 / car. Long-armed pseudo-human/entity / roadsid 8/15/1979 #34742## Word: "long-dead" (Back to Top)
TASHKENT, UZBEK Saucer. Long-dead small humanoid (or Grey) found 10/19/1972 #27080## Word: "long-delayed" (Back to Top)
jects Agency that explores whether long-delayed radio echoes could be attri 5/1971 #26089## Word: "long-distance" (Back to Top)
er the explosion, high- frequency, long-distance communication is interrupt 8/1/1958 #15174## Word: "long-fuse-big-bang" (Back to Top)
://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/long-fuse-big-bang/202111/the-surprising 11/29/2021 #45725## Word: "long-haired" (Back to Top)
with the “head and shoulders of a long-haired” person. When they return to 3/22/1953 #8775 NEAR PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ 2 long-haired pseudo-human/entity / saucer 11/10/1954 #11616 r. She claims that two diminutive, long-haired beings emerge from a landed 10/25/1957 #14155 ). 10M saucer 2M over Lakeshore. 2 long-haired pseudo-human/entity and smal 1/3/1968 (approximate) #23646## Word: "long-lasting" (Back to Top)
Eastern United States Long-lasting fireball meteor, blue-green 1/26/1990 #39389## Word: "long-range" (Back to Top)
he US Army Air Forces to undertake long-range research with respect to many 2/23/1944 #1577 ted chief designer of Section 3 on long-range missiles. Stalin declares Kor 5/13/1946 #1991 USS Tercel. The conclusion is that long-range aerosol clouds can obtain hun 3/26/1952 #5980 formation of seven objects on his long-range radar. They are southeast of 7/19/1952 #6935 production of Soviet missiles and long-range bombers assess. The Corona pr 8/10/1960 #16367## Word: "long-rooted" (Back to Top)
CA 5 observer(s). Silent silvery "long-rooted sweet-potato" dives. Hovers. 4/13/1950 #4845## Word: "long-running" (Back to Top)
later at a restaurant, beginning a long-running relationship between Moore 9/8/1980 #35504## Word: "long-shot" (Back to Top)
riving, a second object-two meters long-shot up from the ground. 12/31/1958 #15505## Word: "long-standing" (Back to Top)
iming that the US government has a long-standing relationship with an alien 10/8/1988 #38665## Word: "long-suspected" (Back to Top)
Michael Swords, confirms the CIA’s long-suspected role in the CBS program. 5/10/1966 #20474## Word: "long-term" (Back to Top)
me of exposure to these agents but long-term follow-up is not planned as pa 1/1956 #12641 Mrs. Mary M. Starr, a long-term resident of Old Saybrook, Conn 12/16/1957 #14736 s Babbitt duplex housing units for long-term occupancy facilities. Older bu 8/1961 #16776 and media, as well as a reasonable long-term acceptance of THE THEORY can s 3/11/1998 #43532 1947. STAC-5 is of opinion that if long-term manifestation and stability of 3/11/1998 #43532 e is interested in a meeting where long-term interaction with the phenomeno 12/24/2008 #45199## Word: "long-time" (Back to Top)
ng the Road to the Stars where his long-time associate Alice K. Wells sets 1944 #1560 ver, the book does reveal Bender’s long-time obsession with science fiction 9/28/1953 #9186 by Laurance Rockefeller, who has a long-time UFO interest, English physicis 9/29/1997 #43420## Word: "long-wave" (Back to Top)
systems—a CPS-5 radar operating on long-wave frequencies at 40,000 feet, an 3/9/1950 #4598## Word: "longages" (Back to Top)
NOE TO/FROM LONGAGES, FR 3 separate observer(s). 3M 8/29/1975 #30322 LONGAGES, HGR Lady. 2 intense lights nea 8/29/1975 #30323 g on a clear night between Noe and Longages, France saw a three-meter diame 8/29/1975 #30326## Word: "longbottom" (Back to Top)
Chester, England 10:15 p.m. F. W. Longbottom in Queens Park, Chester, Engl 3/30/1908 #703 etor from Scarborough named Philip Longbottom, who claims the 2,000- word i 11/21/1957 #14590## Word: "longchamps" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Longchamps” YieldMax: 20KT 4/19/1972 #26653## Word: "longchaumois" (Back to Top)
Longchaumois, France A businessman and h 10/31/1957 #14173 Longchaumois, Jura, France A businessman 10/31/1957 #14175 ance A businessman and his wife at Longchaumois, Jura, France, see a large 10/31/1957 #14175 At midnight in Longchaumois, France a businessman and h 10/31/1957 #14177 LONGCHAUMOIS, FR 2 observer(s). Luminous 1/5/1992 #40278 g staircase flight trajectory over Longchaumois, Jura department, France at 1/5/1992 #40280 LONGCHAUMOIS, FR Farmer Michel. 18 dogs 3/4/1992 #40352## Word: "longdon" (Back to Top)
Longdon, Somerset, England 4:00 p.m. Fol 4/27/1759 #79 is seen “dancing” in the sky over Longdon, Somerset, England. It is joined 4/27/1759 #79## Word: "longdongbao" (Back to Top)
Guiyang Airport [now Guiyang Longdongbao International Airport] Guizh 2/1995 #42006 et at Guiyang Airport [now Guiyang Longdongbao International Airport], Guiz 2/1995 #42006## Word: "longer" (Back to Top)
heaven” soon, but Lúcia will live longer to spread the message. The lady a 6/13/1917 #959 ike device at them and they are no longer able to move forward. The little Early 8/1939 #1312 ills. It seems to be several times longer than a bomber. 1941 #1352 head, England, issues a report, no longer extant, that suggests that some o 1/27/1947 #2235 City: round, disc-like, ten times longer than thick, high speed, Project G 5/15/1947 #2283 ashington. He writes, “They seemed longer than wide, their thickness was ab 7/12/1947 #3157 s in China prior to this and is no longer in Roswell. 7/25/1947 #3230 this oblique angle the objects no longer appeared circular. They made no n 7/17/1948 #3715 l we know is that they are soon no longer involved, perhaps not even assign 1/1949 #3950 atomic energy, use solar power, no longer have sex, and reproduce by subdiv 2/1949 #3994 ts that World War III will last no longer than 30 days. 3/1949 #4030 in the ‘fireball’ category will no longer be included in HQ Air Materiel Co 9/1/1949 #4343 fter altering course the object no longer appears, but the radar is jammed 1/12/1950 #4484 t. ATIC responds that Grudge is no longer a special project and that UFO re Late 1/1950 #4511 he first two. This incident lasted longer than 15 minutes. 9/14/1951 #5668 luish cylindrical UFO, three times longer than it was wide, with a tail. It 2/23/1952 #5924 hrough 1952, but probably not much longer. 4/1952 #6009 off their left wing. The object is longer than it is wide and is in sight f 6/18/1952 #6541 cers in formation. Fade away! Seen longer by observer(s) with Polaroid glas 9/17/1952 #7967 nel.” Reports by USAF personnel no longer go to Project Blue Book, which is 8/26/1953 #9112 K. Bender states that UFOs are “no longer a mystery. The source is already 10/1953 #9197 ers” and reveals that ATIC will no longer allow reporters seeking UFO infor 1/6/1954 #9456 xplicit about the photos, which no longer exist. (Clark III 42; Leonard G. 2/15/1954 #9549 black cylindrical object, 12 times longer as it was wide, moving fast acros 7/25/1954 #10053 erhead that is slightly larger and longer than their own fuselage. It has t 9/3/1954 #10239 seized with fright he did not stay longer to investigate and sped away as q 10/6/1954 #10758 first light of dawn they could no longer see it. 12/28/1954 #11869 ce grayish garments. One arm seems longer than the other and the upper tors 5/25/1955 #12159 our. When he returns, his watch no longer works. 7/16/1956 #12974 tween red and white (remaining red longer). When white, it was more blindin 5/10/1957 #13652 Guimaraes found that his watch no longer worked. (Humanoids 36; FSR 57, 6 7/25/1957 #13835 Guimaraes found that his watch no longer worked. 7/25/1957 #13840 object darkened until it could no longer be seen. 9/25/1959 #15990 the highway. By daybreak it is no longer visible. 6/5/1961 #16721 annot do this. Therefore, he is no longer interested in holding hearings. H 8/28/1961 #16806 r them. They all know it has taken longer than it should have to return. A Late 11/1961 #16978 one as far as it can and should no longer criticize USAF investigations. 2/1962 #17031 ning the Soviet Union: “You are no longer appealing to reason, but wish to 10/24/1962 #17491 a round flying object intercept a longer object and either attached itself 9/14/1963 #17939 he sound stops and the flame is no longer visible. He then notices a metall 4/24/1964 #18200 mated to be three and a half times longer than it was high flew on a straig 5/26/1964 #18309 wives. The four watch for a while longer, then flash another SOS. The ligh 11/3/1964 #18605 w minutes, decided not to wait any longer, and steamed off. The water at th 11/13/1965 #19719 ilver, wingless object, apparently longer than a Boeing 707 jetliner. Two l 5/28/1967 #22413 , and the motor works. There is no longer radio interference. 7/5/1967 #22616 er, and after shooting he could no longer see him. Then the saucer-shaped c 10/29/1967 #23364 f Defence and RAF UFO files are no longer discarded every five years as of 11/8/1967 #23427 its lights when out. They could no longer see it, though they could see a b 11/9/1967 #23434 they are written up (perhaps he no longer trusts Low to do this). 11/13/1967 #23443 hed a nearby corner the UFO was no longer in view. They had not seen it dep 11/24/1967 #23508 do that, Condon tells him he is no longer useful, and Levine walks out. Con 2/7/1968 #23739 s where I was, and then I could no longer see the other houses, and I could 8/4/1968 #24297 and notices that the visitor is no longer there. The UFO rises into the air 8/25/1968 #24376 he trip had taken almost two hours longer to complete than expected, and he 8/29/1968 #24402 beams toward ground. One beam was longer than the others. Lights pulsated. 9/30/1968 #24525 only 30 meters away. Its arms were longer than normal, it wore a glowing gr 11/14/1968 #24656 next hill. Suddenly, her car is no longer under her control as it floats do 2/18/1969 #24928 with two guards, but there was no longer anything to be found at the site. 2/23/1969 #24940 n shrill frequency until it was no longer heard. The dogs in the neighborho 8/22/1969 #25326 ayton Although the Air Force is no longer involved with UFOs, the Foreign T 5/5/1970 #25655 the government’s UFO policy is no longer permitted and NICAP turns into a 5/29/1970 #25676 scend. He snaps a photo but can no longer see the light. The photo shows a 1/25/1971 #26002 ollar turned up. His chin was much longer than normal. To Dedeu's remarks t 8/28/1972 #26966 witnesses. The large object was no longer visible, but they now saw a dozen 9/11/1973 #27803 witnesses. The large object was no longer visible, but they now saw a dozen 9/12/1973 #27809 other three had stripes that were longer on their sides, just above their 9/3/1974 #29418 erre, noticing that Jacques was no longer following him, had gone back to l 11/30/1974 #29622 hope not to have to wait too much longer. 3/28/1975 #29921 eleon, and in a few moments was no longer visible. The witness suffered fro 7/22/1975 #30201 eading into Oxford, Maine. Gray no longer has control of the steering. Two 10/27/1975 #30486 vid discovered that the car was no longer responding to the steering wheel. 10/27/1975 #30489 with fear in her presence, and no longer would allow her near it. All took 1/6/1976 #30762 ealized it had taken her two hours longer than it should have. Under hypnos 6/11/1976 #31103 etallic, about 20–25 feet in their longer dimension, and hover without maki 10/22/1976 #31486 e. Along the roadside there was no longer anything unusual to be seen, and 1/27/1977 #31761 ff letter, saying that UFOs are no longer being investigated. 2/6/1977 #31793 o the distance where they could no longer be seen. 4/12/1977 #31977 he spot". Because the thing was no longer visible, the officers somewhat re 5/3/1977 #32053 the ship’s communications links no longer work. Captain Tarankin tells his 10/7/1977 #32559 ed its flight direction, it was no longer emitting rays of light. At 7:15 p 11/1/1977 #32653 ment agency. The U.S. Air Force no longer investigates UFOs. (see NASA arre 2/1/1978 #32938 evered, because the new battery no longer charged and the plugs no longer s 2/5/1978 #32957 no longer charged and the plugs no longer sparked properly. Mus started gro 2/5/1978 #32957 by a bright light and he could no longer see his surroundings. Shortly lat 9/21/1978 #33725 n is declassified as soon as it no longer requires protection. 12/1/1978 #34044 ed their vehicle and they could no longer see the figures or the objects. W 1/23/1979 #34368 ay the figures and objects were no longer there. They had "disappeared like 1/23/1979 #34368 ed their vehicle and they could no longer see either the figures or the obj 1/24/1979 #34377 abnormal silence, as they could no longer hear the car engine or the door s 4/19/1979 #34514 e an abnormal silence; they can no longer hear the car engine or the door s 4/19/1979 #34515 abnormal silence, as they could no longer hear the car engine or the door s 4/19/1979 #34516 about 30 feet before he is can no longer move. Behind him he notices two m 5/16/1979 #34563 likely other documents including a longer report that he had written up. Ho 8/8/1980 #35447 hen he looked behind him it was no longer in sight. "I have to see what thi 12/31/1980 #35759 The Center for UFO Studies can no longer afford to keep Allan Hendry on as 2/28/1981 #35849 other police, but the object is no longer visible. Meanwhile, they are conv 3/17/1981 #35866 minator and he cannot see them any longer. James Oberg speculates that the 5/5/1981 #35930 g years, the scientific council no longer meets, despite repeated demands b 9/1/1983 #36967 en each of the four points. It is “longer than a tractor trailer and wide a 2/29/1984 #37210 oking up, he sees the object is no longer there. 3/1985 #37561 eated in a vacuum, the analysis no longer shows these elements; however, mo 1/29/1986 #37775 ly the F-117 during daytime and no longer need to be associated with the LT 11/10/1988 #38710 r questioning. He is told he is no longer employed by EG&G, and if he comes 4/6/1989 #38895 on a dome shape and its tail is no longer visible. 10/16/1989 #39173 brief excursion that will last no longer than three hours, touching her on 7/6/1990 #39637 oud reappears and the object is no longer visible. 10/15/1992 #40677 f Canada announces that it will no longer accept UFO reports for analysis. 1995 #41924 led a thumb and the other two were longer and located closer together, like 8/11/1995 #42376 ack about three meters he could no longer see the object, but when he moved 7/16/1996 #42959 l flap. Government investigator no longer skeptic. 10/15/1996 (approximate) #43068 king at a sky object, but it is no longer there. Later, she hears about che 5/30/1997 #43302 white, more stationary and lasted longer. The second was a white cigar sor 11/11/1998 #43680 a space, then four lights, a much longer space and a single light, which b 7/15/2001 #44209 t five minutes until they could no longer see it; it went lower than the tr 12/10/2001 #44286 unded triangle was sighted. It was longer at one point, with a giant light 12/18/2001 #44295 d, but it seemed to have been much longer. Her mother was now passed out an 7/12/2003 #44563 still active but its website is no longer online and it no longer provides 3/2004 #44671 site is no longer online and it no longer provides updates to the public on 3/2004 #44671 at a low altitude. Its length was longer than any commercial airliner. The 8/20/2004 #44736 w. Most of the objects were now no longer visible, but the humming sound ha 1/30/2006 #44920 related to UFO material that is no longer classified and can be turned over 5/5/2008 #45133 rearview mirrow the entity was no longer visible, and the entire sighting 9/14/2009 #45247 It got so bright that you could no longer see its original shape. Then the 5/16/2010 #45283 away she looked back and could no longer see the object. The digital displ 6/1/2013 #45369 sted over 90 minutes—significantly longer than what commercially available 7/14/2019 #45592 ying and evaluating what should no longer be considered an emerging threat— 4/15/2021 #45682 g these things up in the sky it no longer does that…so now all of the sudde 6/10/2021 #45693## Word: "longest" (Back to Top)
Louisville, Kentucky Longest and Everett avenues 4:15 p.m. Al 6/27/1950 #5018 isville Times, is at the corner of Longest and Everett avenues in Louisvill 6/27/1950 #5018 he Air Force holds its largest and longest press conference since the end o 7/29/1952 #7328 ” and Ruppelt (most unfairly) “the longest and dullest of the current crop 1/22/1956 #12678 fingers, the middle one being the longest. The beings wore silvery, tight 5/29/1986 #37898## Word: "longevity" (Back to Top)
limiting factors in the potential longevity of a program. The extreme comp 2018 #45498## Word: "longey" (Back to Top)
norchy, Tasmania 11:00 p.m. Graham Longey sees a large, brilliant, circular 5/22/1969 #25157 his house it is gone. On the site, Longey finds an elliptical area of burne 5/22/1969 #25157## Word: "longham" (Back to Top)
LONGHAM, DORSET 2 / car. Solid beam cuts 5/21/1977 #32119 s followed by another disc between Longham and Wimborne in the Dorset count 5/21/1977 #32123## Word: "longhand" (Back to Top)
a USAF Col. To write his report in longhand, not to type or reproduce it, a 5/21/1953 #8899## Word: "longhorn" (Back to Top)
mpasas, Texas, nicknamed Operation Longhorn, the Air Force announces that a 4/7/1952 #6043## Word: "longitude" (Back to Top)
. Flying saucer / wonderful speed. Longitude & latitude coords. approximate 1/24/1878 #213 HAWAII TO/FROM GUAM Longitude & latitude coords. and date ap 3/15/1952 (approximate) #5958 CT0909 / WEST CENTER KOREA LONGITUDE & LATITUDE COORDS. = APPROXIMA 6/20/1952 #6556 ENGLISH CHANNEL Longitude & latitude coords. approximate 9/19/1952 #7975 ter. Quickly going up / red flame. Longitude & latitude coords. unknown. 9/30/1954 #10507 ism, gravity, ionospheric physics, longitude and latitude determinations (p 7/1/1957 #13768 PACIFIC LONGITUDE & LATITUDE COORDS. = BIG GUESS 2/15/1960 #16176 ALTO PURUS R., BRZ Longitude & latitude coords. = approxima 9/8/1965 #19533 and southwest going south. GC#022. Longitude & latitude coords. approximate 10/18/1967 #23258 res going southeast / single file. Longitude & latitude coords. = Ostradnoy 10/25/1967 #23313 MAJORCA TO/FROM SPAIN / LONGITUDE & LATITUDE COORDS. UNKNOWN 3 / 2/25/1969 #24942 YUNNAN PROVINCE, CHINA Longitude & latitude coords. = approxima 10/1/1969 #25390 TRONSTADSLETTA, NORWAY Longitude & latitude coords. approximate 5/1970 (approximate) #25649 WACHTSTEIN, AUSTRIA Longitude & latitude coords. approximate 1/9/1975 #29737 COAST / ITALY Longitude & latitude coords. = wild gues 5/1/1975 #30015 west along north coast of Brazil. Longitude & latitude coords. April. 6/15/1977 (approximate) #32164 (EASTERN), WA Longitude & latitude coords. = unknown. 11/15/1978 #33955 NEAR RICHMOND, KY Longitude & latitude coords. approximate 11/29/1979 #35027 BATERIAS, ARG Longitude & latitude coords. approximate 3/24/1980 #35234 BALTIC ISLAND, ESTONIA Longitude & latitude coords. approximate 8/18/1980? #35463 BUTLER CO, PA Longitude & latitude coords. approximate 9/12/1982 #36601 BOYD CO, KY Longitude & latitude coords. approximate 10/16/1982 #36644 RUSANKOVA NEAR KIEV, UKR Longitude & latitude coords. unknown. Gl 12/27/1982 (approximate) #36727 GRANIER, TARENTAISE, FR Longitude & latitude coords. approximate 12/21/1992 #40758## Word: "longlac" (Back to Top)
PR11 30KM WITH LONGLAC, ONT Scientist/science teacher. 12/30/1965 #19791## Word: "longmeadow" (Back to Top)
LONGMEADOW, MA Project Bluebook Case #11 4/17/1952 #6098 Longmeadow, MA Round, deep orange object 4/17/1952 #6099 Longmeadow, Massachusetts Witnesses: S.B 4/17/1952 #6103 inety-degree turns in the sky over Longmeadow, Massachusetts at 8:30 p.m. T 4/17/1952 #6110## Word: "longmont" (Back to Top)
LONGMONT, CO Revolving silver saucer soa 7/4/1948 #3695 Nr. Longmont, CO Revolving silver circular o 7/4/1948 #3697 LONGMONT, CO Observer(s) = silverly. Thi 7/27/1957 (approximate) #13845 Longmont, CO A thick disc, ice blue, wit 7/27/1957 #13846 Longmont, Colorado Or July 29, 1957. Wit 7/27/1957 #13847 LONGMONT, CO Car-lifted going [to] domed 11/19/1980 #35656 Longmont, CO Blue beam engulfed car, swi 11/19/1980 #35657 Longmont, CO Light beamed onto car, ligh 11/19/1980 #35658 Longmont, Colorado Denver 11:45 p.m. A c 11/19/1980 #35659 5 p.m. A couple is driving home to Longmont, Colorado, from Denver when the 11/19/1980 #35659 at night. That night, driving near Longmont, Colorado, an art teacher and h 11/19/1980 #35660 WEST / LONGMONT, CO Several / car. Triangle man 7/18/1998 #43608 maneuvered near an airport west of Longmont, Colorado at 8:07 a.m. It was a 7/18/1998 #43610 on the bottom was seen flying over Longmont, Colorado at 9:00 p.m. 4/26/2004 #44692## Word: "longpoint" (Back to Top)
Longpoint, IL Minister and others saw a 10/9/1960 #16483## Word: "longreach" (Back to Top)
NEAR LONGREACH, QLD 3 / truck. 4M egg chases 2/21/1957 #13512 LONGREACH, QLD, AUS Reverend Alcorn. 10 7/23/1964 #18432## Word: "longstanding" (Back to Top)
agencies. FOIA soon disproves the longstanding denial of interest in UFOs 12/31/1974 #29666## Word: "longuemare" (Back to Top)
SAPOC or the SRG at the time: Noel Longuemare Jr., John P. White, John J. H 10/16/2002 #44418 chnology and Logistics (AT&L) Noel Longuemare Jr., states SAPOC reviewed a 11/29/2019 #45619 ny issues regarding need-to-know.” Longuemare also states he does not remem 11/29/2019 #45619## Word: "longueville" (Back to Top)
LONGUEVILLE, FR 3M luminous sphere/orb/g 1/25/1972 #26554## Word: "longview" (Back to Top)
LONGVIEW, WA Professor and 4. Several ro 7/11/1947 #3135 the air at 250 feet altitude over Longview, Washington in the middle of th 4/7/1948 #3614 Longview, Washington Viola Johnson of Lo 4/9/1948 #3619 gview, Washington Viola Johnson of Longview, Washington, and another witnes 4/9/1948 #3619 LONGVIEW, WA 150 aero-types and pilots. 7/3/1949 #4258 Longview, WA Metallic Discus Object Obse 7/3/1949 #4260 Longview, Washington 10:40 a.m. Aeronaut 7/3/1949 #4261 er Molt Taylor, airport manager at Longview, Washington, is preparing for a 7/3/1949 #4261 fly over an air show being held in Longview, Washington. Another disc-shape 7/3/1949 #4262 SOUTHEAST / LONGVIEW, TX Observer(s) / car. 2 disk-s 8/7/1952 #7502 LONGVIEW, WA 2 civil and 1 military obse 8/17/1956 #13095 Tennant Way Lake Sacajawea Longview, Washington 11:00 p.m. David Ma 2/12/1978 #32967 Way approaching Lake Sacajawea in Longview, Washington, when they see an o 2/12/1978 #32967 Council Bluffs, Iowa Pioneer Trail Longview Drive 11:40 p.m. Seven women ar 1/21/1980 #35141 driving home, but when she gets to Longview Drive, her car stalls, and the 1/21/1980 #35141 he had a flat tire at 10 p.m. near Longview, Texas. A truck driver stopped 4/28/1997 #43283## Word: "longwangmiao" (Back to Top)
Liangshan Cotton Mill south of Longwangmiao, Shandong, China Around 3:0 9/9/1976 #31363 the Liangshan Cotton Mill south of Longwangmiao, Shandong, China, sees a sp 9/9/1976 #31363 Lanxi-Xin’angiang Highway Longwangmiao, Zhejiang, China 4:00 a.m. 12/13/1979 #35079 the Lanxi-Xin’angiang Highway near Longwangmiao, Zhejiang, China, when they 12/13/1979 #35079## Word: "longwy" (Back to Top)
LONGWY, FR Newsman and several. 2 fireba 9/12/1946 #2179 Longwy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France Two l Mid 9/1946 #2182 een flying in a straight line over Longwy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France. Mid 9/1946 #2182 LONGWY, FR Cop and 1. Black metallic tri 8/22/1991 #40163 d in a field very close to them in Longwy, France. Two human looking figure 12/27/1991 #40268## Word: "longwy-bas" (Back to Top)
LONGWY-BAS, FR Anonymous man / 18. Huge 3/9/1980 #35208## Word: "lonjarret" (Back to Top)
Saint-Germain-du-Bois, France Mr. Lonjarret observed a luminous orange obj 10/14/1954 #11048 ne-et-Loire department, France Mr. Lonjarret observed a luminous circular o 10/14/1954 #11070## Word: "lonnie" (Back to Top)
Baker) plus 3 children (Charlton, Lonnie, and Mary Lankford), see several 8/21/1955 #12386 Socorro, NM Lonnie Zamora case (NICAP: 07 - Entity C 4/24/1964 #18191 Socorro, New Mexico Policeman Lonnie Zamora observed the landing of a 4/24/1964 #18194 Mexico Witness: Socorro policeman Lonnie Zamora. Watched object with flam 4/24/1964 #18195 ocorro, New Mexico, police officer Lonnie Zamora, while chasing a speeder, 4/24/1964 #18200 Police officer Lonnie Zamora was parked watching for sp 4/24/1964 #18202 . He says it looks like the object Lonnie Zamora saw. 4/28/1964 #18216 case and affirms his opinion that Lonnie Zamora’s story was “told by a man 11/5/1964 #18607 McNatt, MO 11:00 PM. Lonnie Stites and his wife, Deborah, wer 3/5/1977 #31860 At 11:00 p.m. Lonnie Stites and his wife, Deborah, wer 3/5/1977 #31861## Word: "lonquimay" (Back to Top)
On this day in Lonquimay, La Araucania Province, Chile 11/15/2002 #44443## Word: "lons-le-saunier" (Back to Top)
LONS-LE-SAUNIER, FR 2 observer(s). Orang 11/1969 #25445 LONS-LE-SAUNIER, FR Big slow meteor stop 11/5/1990 #39842## Word: "lontzen" (Back to Top)
LONTZEN, BELGIUM 2 cops. Delta/triangle/ 11/29/1989 #39269## Word: "loo" (Back to Top)
one of whom is named Alpha La Zoo Loo. He seems to take a trip in space to 8/29/1979 #34803## Word: "looe" (Back to Top)
LOOE, CORNWALL 2 / (seen thru) binocular 11/2/1954 #11526## Word: "loogootee" (Back to Top)
LOOGOOTEE, IN Project Bluebook Case #380 10/8/1955 #12493 Loogootee, IN Round, silver or white obj 10/8/1955 #12494 Loogootee, Indiana Witnesses: R.D. Prat 10/8/1955 #12495 hite flying object at 4:38 p.m. in Loogootee, Indiana that zoomed through t 10/8/1955 #12496 LOOGOOTEE, IN Navy civil eng. Tech. Larg 4/6/1960 #16217## Word: "look" (Back to Top)
are so bright they are painful to look at. A possible outgassing event fro 6/18/1845 #141 rrified, he continues and does not look back. Late Summer 1919 #993 ut fishing with some friends. They look like two big silver plates set edge Late 10/1920 #1006 yon Ranch, McDermott, Nevada. They look like lanterns or car headlights in 1922 #1018 en he notices 6 or so objects that look like manhole covers flying off his 1/1926 #1056 n each figure’s back. They turn to look at him and he sees their heads are 11/1926 #1067 ring of small turbine blades that look like paddles in a water mill. It se Early 8/1939 #1312 k City. As they climb a hill, they look up and see a cigar-shaped object “b Summer 1944 #1610 o the top of the hill for a better look, but by then the object has complet Summer 1944 #1610 s blank. Another crewman shouts to look at a vast disc-shaped object with a 8/11/1944 #1641 d by Gen. Henry H. “Hap” Arnold to look into incidents of unusual aerial ph 10/28/1944 #1685 ch-and-rescue aircraft deployed to look for them, a PBM Mariner with a 13-m 12/5/1945 #1950 h, fearing an explosion. When they look up again, the object is nowhere in 3/14/1946 #1977 ral feet into the air. The objects look like V-1 rockets and come in low fr 7/18/1946 #2062 at a great height in the sky. They look like cigars and are luminescent whi 10/10/1946 #2202 hts between July 1 and August 1 to look for radio signals over the Baltic S 6/19/1947 #2343 ut of hand: “Half the people I see look at me as a combination Einstein, Fl 6/27/1947 #2431 uniforms, and in fact didn’t even look human. Seen from a distance, the bo 7/2/1947 #2536 l Spaatz has asked Wright Field to look into such reports. Air Materiel Com 7/3/1947 #2582 who see the metallic objects that look like a disc or hubcap or pie-pan or 7/4/1947 #2658 ly southwest. Stewardess rushes to look. 7/6/1947 #2749 stewardess quickly rushed over to look. That evening over Boise, silver di 7/6/1947 #2817 ent as to what they might be. They look like either two very bright saucer 7/7/1947 #2836 re of what the objects appeared to look like at their closest approach to M 7/12/1947 #3157 d, Washington, case, asking him to look into it. 7/22/1947 #3213 s. He eludes them by pretending to look for his wife and goes into a hidden 7/23/1947 #3218 e went outside to his tool shed to look for them. He noticed them about 300 8/13/1947 #3322 J. Edgar Hoover asks the agency to look into whether Soviet spies are looki 8/15/1947 #3336 .I am trying to close for a better look.” The F-51 exploded in mid-air and 1/7/1948 #3537 s a 270° left turn to get a closer look, the object makes a 90° left turn a 4/1/1948 #3603 jets go up to try to get a better look and get within a few thousand feet. Late 5/1948 #3654 a triangle formation. They all now look like polished aluminum; they rise t 6/30/1948 #3686 gins stop the truck and get out to look, but the object has disappeared beh 7/29/1948 #3753 P. Cabell that the green fireballs look like a serious issue that needs to 2/11/1949 #4002 aneously. Through binoculars, they look like black, open boomerangs. More o 6/29/1949 #4256 aphic patrol that would stay on to look out for the fireballs. 7/13/1949 #4269 ical design and thinks the objects look like domed discs when viewed face f 9/26/1949 #4372 it Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio to look at the actual case files is turned 1/1950 #4470 d finds only an ash heap. But they look up and see three UFOs—one a cigar-s 5/15/1950 #4944 th a manually operated Askania and look for the object. Through the finders 7/1950 #5035 summarizes flying saucer news in a Look magazine article. 7/18/1950 #5070 that a working party be set up to look into significant reports. RAF Fight 8/15/1950 #5127 ow Pope Field] at Fort Bragg. They look like two saucers fitted together an 10/15/1950 #5236 ministration building for a better look. Fowler is able to watch it through 11/26/1950 #5287 d Vinther is asked by the tower to look for the light. While still in a cli 1/20/1951 #5407 ferring to the upcoming article in Look]. I don’t believe anyone who has th 2/13/1951 #5441 opportunity to be informed and to look into this thing believes there is a 2/13/1951 #5441 ek praises the upcoming article in Look identifying UFOs as balloons. 2/19/1951 #5450 ffice of Naval Research, says in a Look magazine article that there is not 2/27/1951 #5463 se that makes an “attacking bomber look like a ball of fire in the sky.” It 4/7/1952 #6043 Albuquerque, New Mexico, when they look up to watch a jet fighter as it sho 4/23/1952 #6163 upcoming publications in Time and Look, Gen. Garland gets angry. Col. Dunn Early 5/1952 #6249 ald Menzel writes in an article in Look magazine about how he creates tempe 6/17/1952 #6527 ation of the direction in which to look for the missing quantities.” 6/25/1952 #6628 hord AFB in Tacoma, Washington, to look into recent sightings there. Capt. 6/27/1952 #6647 Robert Moskin‘s article appears in Look magazine. It features Gen. Hoyt Van 7/1/1952 #6688 por trails from the climbing jets, look around, and see in the west a brigh 7/1/1952 #6689 , Massachusetts, see the two jets, look for what they are intercepting, and 7/1/1952 #6689 s wife come out of their house and look at the object in a 4x rifle scope. 7/9/1952 #6740 round when they finally get a good look at a saucer). The UFOs are seen on 7/26/1952 #7174 se he heard it was a good place to look for seashell fossils. After he park 7/27/1952 #7216 ckard, who had gone to the site to look for the creature some hours prior t 9/12/1952 #7905 spects may have been attempting to look for and assist the damaged objects. 9/12/1952 #7905 maneuvering around each other, and look like “flattened spheres.” They have 9/30/1952 #8070 and the CAA controller is told to look for it but he can’t see it (possibl 12/29/1952 #8462 it (possibly because he is told to look in the wring direction). After 2 mi 12/29/1952 #8462 er goes up to the turret to take a look and sees, glinting in the sun or po Spring 1953 #8766 The man runs outside for a better look and sees that it as a dome and is s 4/23/1953 #8845 which spread "wings" that made it look like a butterfly. It then took a ve 9/4/1953 #9144 n spread some "wings" that made it look like a butterfly. It then shifted t 9/4/1953 #9145 appear in the October 20 issue of Look. His message is that aliens are her 10/1/1953 #9198 tigating the saucer, saucer people look like humans, after the British atom 2/22/1954 #9562 and radios the other jet pilots to look. The object suddenly stops 3,000– 4 3/25/1954 #9643 ltitude going quickly east. 4Kmph. Look dark against clouds. 4/7/1954 #9668 e of the witnesses see shapes that look like human-shaped shadows inside th 5/30/1954 #9846 2 2M pseudo-human/entity exit and look / plants. 6/1954 #9854 he rim. They drive to get a closer look. The object crosses the road in fro 6/21/1954 #9920 ey drove their car to get a closer look. The object crossed the road in fro 6/21/1954 #9923 ect while the 60 passengers take a look. Zanesville Radio says at 5:55 a.m. 6/26/1954 #9954 RSA Saucer seen. Marks on surface look like "I3" or letter "B". No further 7/2/1954 #9978 when they had stopped their car to look at it. After the sighting a watch s 7/20/1954 #10032 anguage. The children run away but look back in time to see the object flyi 10/8/1954 #10817 / field. Pseudo-human/entity says look but don't touch. Door opens. / r217 10/12/1954 #10965 his wife. When he turned around to look back the being had still not moved. 10/19/1954 #11252 lted angle while the two occupants look at the scene “sternly, not in an un 10/21/1954 #11302 to ride into the field and take a look, but he only goes 300 feet along th 10/25/1954 #11392 yelled for his friend to come and look, whereupon the short humanoids ran 10/25/1954 #11401 en about 30 feet away he turned to look back and saw that the craft was now 11/2/1954 #11539 nd the other two hold objects that look like weapons. Physical traces are f 11/5/1954 #11579 uickly east as mail plane dives to look. 11/20/1954 #11675 elescopic gunsight to get a closer look. He sees two spheres of different s 12/15/1954 #11815 a humanoid figure dressed in what look like overalls and a helmet descend 2/23/1955 #12015 e car and walks towards them. They look towards him and there is a 3-minute 5/25/1955 #12159 by the two witnesses and turned to look at them but did not say anything. I 10/20/1955 #12513 , LONDON Observer(s) feels urge to look up. Gold saucer streaks across sky. 12/12/1955 #12606 borhood of London felt the urge to look up, and then watched a golden color 12/12/1955 #12609 Five county lifeguards row out to look for it and retrieve a US Army Signa 2/9/1956 #12703 ing her for some time. He lets her look at the earth below through a viewin 4/7/1956 #12798 They drove closer to get a better look. After 5 minutes the object disappe 4/16/1956 #12811 ooded area. They stop their car to look at it. The light is attached to a l 6/1956 #12880 re it left, however, he got a good look, it was a circular disk shaped with Summer 1956 #12912 s Purcell, and Kelly Johnson. They look into radar-absorbing paint. 8/16/1956 #13094 p the car and get out for a better look. The object is gunmetal gray in col 9/15/1956 #13224 e of them approach to get a better look, but when they are 150 feet away, i 1957 #13436 cle to a nearby home, where others look out and see the occupants 300 feet 5/10/1957 #13653 ent blip right where I told him to look for the object.” According to the V 8/30/1957 #13952 t that his eyes could not stand to look directly at it. It appeared to land 11/6/1957 #14435 onths and what steps were taken to look into them. Under-Secretary of State 6/10/1958 #15089 ; eyes were light blue and did not look different from humans and their han 1959 #15516 ercom for the passengers to take a look. He also puts out a call to nearby 2/24/1959 #15604 e hunters stood up to get a better look. One of the two later died, and the 5/17/1959 #15734 ill in a trance, told the group to look out the window and they would have 7/9/1959 #15829 n under the object and appeared to look inside. All the time the witness wa 10/16/1959 #16035 power failure. He goes outside to look at the power lines when he bumps in Late 10/1959 #16060 r commanding officer tells them to look at it with binoculars and check the 1960 #16143 e speed before they reach it. They look up and see the object is bright blu Early 1960 #16146 o continue across Siberia to get a look at the new Plesetsk Cosmodrome, but 5/1/1960 #16248 ch Council’s Peter Millman takes a look and is convinced that it is ordinar 6/12/1960 #16312 the Iretons drive to the beach to look for it. They see a triangular-shape 9/2/1960 #16431 ir has become unusually warm. They look back and see an aluminum-colored ob 11/3/1960 #16493 he upper part. The engineer gets a look at it through his theodolite, but i 1961 #16551 e in Lakewood, Massachusetts. They look out the bedroom window and see a fi 2/28/1961 #16615 of the craft’s windows, seeming to look at him. In unison, all but one figu 9/19/1961 #16857 one remaining figure continues to look at Barney and communicates a messag 9/19/1961 #16857 ay at high speed, telling Betty to look for the object. She rolls down the 9/19/1961 #16857 side of the road to take a closer look, and saw through binoculars a lenti 9/19/1961 #16858 toward the object to get a better look, and sees that the UFO has no wings 10/2/1961 #16889 ed. I came outside and happened to look up and see this strange ball flying 11/18/1961 #16964 off the cabin lights for a better look, and the UFO switches off its own l 8/1962 #17310 cept the last three, who turned to look at the fishermen. The very last one 8/1/1962 #17313 WARSAW, POL Voice / nowhere says"look". Glowing hail going down [to] outs 5/23/1963 #17763 assachusetts, by a loud roar. They look out the window and see a Saturn-sha 6/26/1963 #17809 SK Saucer drops box / ground. Kids look. Find partly transparent 10' man! / 9/19/1963 #17943 the car and gets out for a closer look. The object is circular, dull metal 6/1964 #18314 nalysts at the University of Turku look at it with a mass spectrometer and 8/1964 #18466 globe are several individuals who look like normal human beings, though sl 7/1965 #19039 ted, their mouths have no lips and look like little holes. He hears some gr 7/1/1965 #19047 sistant Ellis Pike notes that they look just like airliner blips. They brig 8/2/1965 #19265 walks about a half-mile to take a look and briefly sees a “being,” about 3 8/11/1965? #19367 d in their room. They did not dare look to see the craft or the alien depar 8/14/1965 #19391 e clearest case yet for a thorough look at the saucer mystery." 8/16/1965 #19407 y was able to reach her window and look out, she saw a vertical, cigar- sha 8/20/1965 #19441 lighting,” it became too bright to look at. 8/26/1965 #19466 ecides to return and take a closer look, but the men and tube are gone. 10/22/1965 #19673 erhead / 60m altitude. "Got a good look". 11/1965 #19693 Exeter, NH Look Magazine reports UFO sightings near 2/22/1966 #19911 e light that makes it difficult to look at directly. It periodically flashe 3/12/1966 #19954 . They walk over to the area for a look, taking about 30 minutes, and see a 3/20/1966 #20012 tensely bright that they could not look directly at it. As they walked clos 3/23/1966 #20046 tensely bright that they could not look at it directly. As they walked clos 3/23/1966 #20054 which he had stopped for a better look, and fired his pistol at it when it 3/23/1966 #20057 puter." He approached for a closer look, and touched the nearest object, wh 3/29/1966 #20134 puter.” He approaches for a closer look and touches the nearest object, whi 3/29/1966 #20140 lands. Small humanoids (or Greys) look like odd green birds. Re-entry and 5/16/1966 #20483 to the rear. They both get a good look at the object, which has no wings o 5/21/1966 #20505 he object, and when they paused to look back, they were expecting the craft 6/3/1966 #20529 ordon I. R. Lore, Jr., UFOs: A New Look, p. 9; Richard F. Haines, CE-5: Clo 6/24/1966 #20608 ition that will make the Air Force look better to the public and the scient 9/22/1966 #20916 y, appear in a two-part article of Look magazine. 10/3/1966 #20955 ke off on their bicycles and don’t look back. Some days later, investigator 10/4/1966 #20957 e sky, but stationary. The objects look spherical through binoculars with s 10/21/1966 #21026 t way to assess UFO evidence is to look at the aggregated evidence. 11/28/1966 #21156 tion Center, which takes a serious look and suspects a hoax but cannot prov 1/9/1967 #21277 nd. She tells her father, and they look out the window to see a dirigible- 1/26/1967 #21399 en out of context and that he will look at the NICAP case files. 2/1/1967 #21433 ect. As they get close, the beings look at each other, seemingly panic-stri 2/5/1967 #21460 ht so bright it hurt their eyes to look directly at it (brilliant luminosit 2/23/1967 #21630 around and heads back for a closer look. The glow is from a light that is h 3/8/1967 #21815 FAA controllers calls him over to look at 5 unidentified targets that two Mid 3/1967 #21891 rted an object so bright she could look at it only brieflv (brilliant illum 3/17/1967 #21909 iley drove north of their farms to look for lights that looked like they ha 3/26/1967 #21998 plane reversed course possibly to look at the UFO. (Florida NICAP Subcommi 4/21/1967 #22182 n apparent effort to take a closer look at the UFO. 4/21/1967 #22197 t Whaleback, Western Australia, to look for a UFO that has been appearing i 4/29/1967 #22247 ound. Three small men wearing what look like miners’ hats with four amber l 6/13/1967 #22503 stops the vehicle and gets out to look, but the shadow and light are gone. 7/5/1967 #22616 the "impulse" to go downstairs and look outside. Between his house and the 7/18/1967 #22694 d to pick up stones, examine them, look up and seem to communicate with the 8/3/1967 #22786 him pick up stones, examine them, look up, and appear to communicate with 8/3/1967 #22791 by their dog barking outside. They look out the window and see a large, flu 8/12/1967 #22868 it Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio to look at the Project Blue Book files. The 9/1967? #22970 ulating but she did not get a good look because she began screaming and the 9/8/1967 #23021 e has actually gone to the area to look for UFOs. When they find out he is 9/9/1967 #23026 op the arrest record if he takes a look at the dead horse. He finds that La 9/9/1967 #23026 Gulf of Maine off Shag Harbour to look for survivors. No survivors, bodies 10/4/1967 #23176 he next morning, Ritter and Bennet look around for evidence at the landing 10/21/1967 #23282 ople who have stopped their car to look at the lights. Two similar lights a 10/22/1967 #23290 o cover his face with his hands to look at it. The object soon drifts away 10/25/1967 #23322 o brilliant that it was painful to look at. 11/14/1967 #23451 Latvia. Its light is difficult to look at with the naked eye. Later it beg Late 11/1967 #23511 carried searchlights too bright to look at, and made a loud humming sound t 11/28/1967 #23518 out two miles, hoping for a better look. 12/5/1967 #23551 small humanoids (or Greys) in dome look down. Altitude = 100'. Distant = 30 12/8/1967 #23559 ont step in Idaho Falls, Idaho, to look for a friend. A light reflecting on 12/8/1967 #23564 e snow on the ground causes her to look up, and she sees a brightly lit cir 12/8/1967 #23564 , Russia, is directed by London to look into British-Russian cooperation in 12/12/1967 #23574 d lights around the rim, making it look like a flashing theater marquee. 2/11/1968 #23749 o climb to the crest of a hill and look down. Sampson sees a “red, circular Spring 1968 #23852 Colorado The May 14 issue of Look magazine contains an article by Joh 4/27/1968 #23926 o project in Congress based on the Look article and raises doubts about its 4/30/1968 #23931 fe Wilma rush outside for a better look and see three of them flying in a V 5/10/1968 #23955 n at an altitude of 500 feet. They look like they have metallic feathers or 5/10/1968 #23955 US LOOK article, "Flying Saucer Fiasco" by 5/14/1968 #23961 center. (See drawing. UFOs: A New Look, pg. 44) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encount 7/15/1968 #24176 reen entities wearing devices that look like headphones. While he is in a s 7/17/1968 #24185 AD party line that its radars only look in certain directions (when indeed 7/29/1968 #24254 r Lake. (See drawing. UFO's: A New Look, g. 43) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounte 8/16/1968 #24339 ere driving and talking. It didn't look to be very far away (1/4 mile or mo 9/8/1968 #24439 re) and the witness said it didn't look big enough to hold an upright man. 9/8/1968 #24439 entity is gone when they go out to look for it. The next morning a neighbor Late 9/1968 #24511 RNAL, UT 3+3 objects. Silvery ones look like saucers. Flaming red = spheres 11/29/1968 #24731 tes. As the witnesses continued to look for the UFO a small shiny sphere de 1/6/1969 #24822 when suddenly the boys cried out, “Look, the little tent has disappeared.” 2/6/1969 #24898 grabbed his binoculars and went to look at it, approaching to within 30 fee 2/7/1969 #24902 ard that all four have mouths that look like fishes’ mouths. The room is ma 5/4/1969 #25114 Arlington, Virginia, urging a new look at the UFO problem. 6/11/1969 #25210 hile upstairs in their house. They look out the window to see a reddish-ora 7/12/1969 #25264 eir teenage children out of bed to look at the light. Ontario police office 7/13/1969 #25268 ner, John Fox, who comes out for a look. Fox finds three near-perfect circl Mid 7/1969 #25270 Observer(s) climbs fence / better look. Saucer gone! 9/15/1969? #25370 action, but when he turned back to look out the window a short time later h 11/15/1969 #25461 , MBA 2 small humanoids (or Greys) look through window. Man frozen / rod-to 2/1970 (approximate) #25569 ery dark, large eyes, with a human look. Tiihonen believed that the creatur 4/15/1970 #25633 . Before the two men go back, they look at markings in the snow. At the end 2/5/1971 #26014 ut on his front porch for a better look and was terrified to see a wolf-lik 2/27/1971 #26034 nted to get closer to get a better look, but her dog would not let her. Tre 6/9/1971 #26165 The teenager tried to get a closer look but under the brilliant luminance h 11/2/1971 #26450 ria Acuexcomac, Puebla, Mexico, to look for a broom when he sees a bluish l 3/19/1972 #26617 emed to have turned his helmet and look at their vehicle as it drove off. T 6/1/1972 #26696 at him, and he smiled back, then a look of distress came upon its face as i 8/26/1972 #26956 ied by intense heat; when he could look again he saw the object, with white 8/28/1972 #26966 any cars slowed and pulled over to look. the UFO carried a reddish-green li 8/31/1972 #26971 Margarida and servant join him to look at the display. Suddenly, three bli 12/13/1972 #27176 that it "almost hurt your eyes to look at it." It was larger than a car bu 2/18/1973 #27296 , he sees that some of the figures look old and injured. Gleason cannot sle 2/19/1973 #27298 , and Bone pulls over for a closer look. They see lights about 600 feet awa 2/21/1973 #27305 the road and got out for a better look. The object, no more than a hundred 4/15/1973 #27431 tood looking to the right, then to look directly at the witness. After a ha 5/12/1973 #27481 . When he dropped his head down to look at her she could see that he was ta 6/23/1973 #27584 a bright green light that made her look up. One hundred meters above here w 7/9/1973 #27625 igures was red, making the figures look like silhouettes. The unusual thing 7/10/1973 #27627 for the witnesses to get a better look, but the figure quickly faded away, 8/16/1973 #27706 it had pushed the drapes aside to look inside. The creature moved back awk 8/21/1973 #27718 y stopped and got out for a better look. They were joined by another couple 9/11/1973 #27803 y stopped and got out for a better look. They were joined by another couple 9/12/1973 #27809 er end. The object was dazzling to look at and seemed to be vibrating sligh 9/14/1973 #27823 a nearby field. When they went to look the men spotted an oval-shaped, met 9/30/1973 #27892 o do a fly-by of the area to get a look at the object. Three K-9 teams that 10/1973 #27902 like elephant skin that made them look like mummies. No clothes were appar 10/11/1973 #28005 . Parker stood by with a terrified look on his face. Meanwhile, the buzzing 10/11/1973 #28005 a, and circles around for a closer look. As he does so, the light begins mo 10/12/1973 #28017 ned. They invited the older boy to look in the object. When the boy's fathe 10/16/1973 #28090 he saw a "little blue green thing" look in an open door. It was about 2.5 f 10/16/1973 #28091 CAN Dog's barking caused woman to look out window (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reac 1/6/1974 #28653 the nearest pier to catch a better look of the lights and began walking dow 1/15/1974 #28680 IPAUCU, BRZ Row / old cars that look new! Pseudo-human/entity. Observer( 2/1974 (approximate) #28723 Bellingeris get out of the car to look at the motionless object. It has a 4/16/1974 #29040 left the building to get a closer look. Neighborhood dogs were barking and 4/30/1974 #29072 appearance that he wanted them to look like. 5/31/1974 #29150 e. It takes a while, and when they look straight up they see a large, trian Summer 1974 #29218 suddenly move together; when they look out again at 4:20 a.m., the craft a 6/25/1974 #29224 n he left the car, and was told to look above the power lines ahead. He the 8/1/1974 #29298 arning, “Don’t come after me… They look like they are from outer space.” Be 9/1974 #29412 o said that she would "not like to look upon their faces." The humanoids de 9/3/1974 #29418 s / classic saucer / low altitude. Look good so far. 9/28/1974 (approximate) #29488 er following him, had gone back to look for him. He saw a white headlight b 11/30/1974 #29622 of the road ahead. Slowing down to look, his headlights illuminated an obje 12/2/1974 #29631 dged their attention by a friendly look. This time they decided to interrup 7/12/1975 #30175 s to persuade his father to take a look. Returning alone, the boy sees the 7/22/1975 #30200 , pointed chins. They all suddenly look up at him, and van Graan hears a “t 7/31/1975 #30218 ers from the road. They stopped to look, and they could see an ovoid object 8/22/1975 #30298 e driver speeds up to get a closer look. They reach the clearing, and about 11/5/1975 #30562 ton opens his door to get a better look. There is no sound. One of the cutt 11/5/1975 #30562 feels compelled to get a close-up look. He approaches the craft cautiously 11/5/1975 #30562 ng his rifle scope to get a better look, he noted that the strange object s 11/11/1975 #30606 ng his rifle scope to get a better look, he notes that the strange object s 11/11/1975 #30610 in their attempts to get a closer look. (Reference: MYSTERY STALKS THE PRA 2/5/1976 #30847 stops his vehicle and gets out to look at the light. As he does so, the li 4/2/1976 #30979 a radar target. Wood and his crew look up and see a stationary bright ligh 7/30/1976 #31203 ers, which seemed to be turning to look at him. He braked his car but the c 8/2/1976 #31222 t after stopping and going back to look for it again. 8/2/1976 #31222 ry bottom, which has a “porcelain” look about it. Two hook- like cables are 9/10/1976 #31371 marks in the narrow driveway that look like a small tractor tread. They ar 9/11/1976 #31376 who goes outside at 11:15 p.m. to look. With his binoculars, he sees a bri 9/18/1976 #31395 ri to approach the light and get a look. When he is within 4 miles, the rad 9/18/1976 #31395 no feet. It stopped and seemed to look at the boys, then floated on and di 11/12/1976 #31541 er upper body out of the window to look up at it, while he watched it from 12/6/1976 #31587 s out of his truck to get a better look and sees that the lights are now re 12/15/1976 #31604 ding at the Library of Congress to look at the “classified sections of Proj 1977 #31650 ding at the Library of Congress to look at “classified sections of Project 1977 #31659 fore. He goes outside for a closer look. The hole is perfectly round and cu 1/10/1977 #31715 d brings family members over for a look. Then he goes to the barn to pick u 1/10/1977 #31715 gilinnguit] in Greenland pauses to look at the Northern Lights. He retrieve 2/1977 #31771 t Jimmy Carter, suggesting that he look into the roles played by military a 2/6/1977 #31793 ky. They stop the car for a better look. The UFO has lights at either end t 3/9/1977 #31886 ses stopped their car for a better look. The UFO had lights at either end t 3/9/1977 #31889 7, and the flight officer turn and look to their left side and see an “extr 3/12/1977 #31901 denly reappeared. He had a strange look on his face and he emitted a sinist 4/25/1977 #32024 ddenly reappears. He has a strange look on his face and he gives out a sini 4/25/1977 #32026 denly reappeared. He had a strange look on his face and he emitted a sinist 4/25/1977 #32027 uddenly motioned for his mother to look over the pool. Hovering no more tha 5/20/1977 #32115 The boys run across the street and look back in time to see the figures fad 5/20/1977 #32116 nd stops again. When the witnesses look back, it has disappeared. 7/21/1977 #32298 ld woman and her 13-year-old niece look out their bedroom window in Lindley 7/23/1977 #32305 mpted law enforcement officials to look for a crash. None found. (UFOFC, Ri 7/24/1977 #32309 r car in seconds when they stop to look. All the lights go out and come bac 8/28/1977 #32434 above the car. The driver stops to look at them and notices that one light 9/17/1977 #32492 ghts up. They stop the patrol car, look up, and see an object about 100 fee 1/1978 #32837 fects). Observer(s) frozen.. can't look. 1/11/1978 #32873 purplish glow that made it hard to look at. Two figures of normal height em 1/27/1978 #32917 urplish glow that makes it hard to look at. Two entities of normal height e 1/27/1978 #32919 purplish glow that made it hard to look at. Two figures of normal height em 1/27/1978 #32921 he drove away without bothering to look back at the disc. Among the informa 2/5/1978 #32957 ehicle and got out to get a better look. They walked towards the lights, wh 2/17/1978 #32974 sky, he pulls over and gets out to look. The only sound he can hear is a lo 2/22/1978 #32990 briefed on the matter), the aliens look no different from ordinary humans. 3/27/1978 #33087 AUCKLAND, NZ Flashes. 2 figure(s) look going down / wedge-UFO at woman on 4/2/1978 #33116 but when she turned back again to look the entity was gone. 4/19/1978 #33154 al tell the officer that the burns look like they are caused by microwave r 5/13/1978 #33202 r passing the welcome center, they look up and see a large silver ball on t 7/1978 #33319 they stop the truck and get out to look. A door slides open in the bottom o 7/1978 #33319 na. They stop the car for a better look. One of the lights breaks away from 7/4/1978 #33335 direction and stop by a ravine to look at a luminous disc that gives off a 7/4/1978 #33335 A request until he has a chance to look at the 1,000 pages of documents tha 8/10/1978 #33496 much larger than a full moon would look (at night) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 8/21/1978 #33536 much larger than a full moon would look, perhaps as large as a car. The Fri 8/21/1978 #33538 ts on in hopes of getting a better look. They could now see that the lights 8/21/1978 #33540 one directly over the other. They look away momentarily and the lights are 8/24/1978 #33564 rily and the lights are gone; they look again, and the lights are moving ab 8/24/1978 #33564 ar lights at it, to no avail. They look away briefly and do not notice how 8/24/1978 #33564 Mrs. Parry and her young daughter look out from an upstairs bedroom and se 9/1/1978 #33622 slows down to 20 mph for a better look, the light also slows down. When th 9/4/1978 #33633 she went to her bedroom window to look outside. The noise stopped, but the 9/15/1978 #33684 ee, when a funny feeling makes her look outside. She stands at the south wi 9/15/1978 #33686 She goes to the bedroom window to look outside. The noise stops, but then 9/15/1978 #33687 she went to her bedroom window to look outside. The noise stopped, but the 9/15/1978 #33688 ll spiraling antennas. Their faces look like green- skinned skulls through 9/17/1978 #33701 helmets with antennae. Their hands look like pincers. He faints again and w 9/21/1978 #33723 d flew over it, and one stopped to look at the boys. The silver suit covere 10/2/1978 #33791 rth. They both stop to get out and look. All four lights break formation an 10/7/1978 #33806 r and drove closer to get a better look. As they approached they perceived 1/3/1979 #34290 the hill but pause to take another look. The object rests on the ground for 2/22/1979 #34444 op. 2 blond pseudo-humans/entities look going down. No traffic! 3/1979 #34451 gence, writes an article in Second Look on “How the CIA Views the UFO Pheno 5/1979 #34532 FO lands / 90 second(s). Figure(s) look through portholes. / News. 5/5/1979 #34541 is told to cover his eyes and not look as the object leaves. He follows th 5/16/1979 #34563 told to cover his eyes and not to look as the object left. He followed the 5/16/1979 #34564 ghtened, he runs away and does not look back. The next morning, he feels as 5/22/1979 #34574 et from her face. It then comes to look more like a paperclip that flashes 6/1979 #34600 ushing in of information. He could look down and see the ground from his vi 6/6/1979 #34601 nd notice four glowing lights that look like portholes. The object is only 8/12/1979 #34739 th. It is silent and too bright to look at. Mid 8/1979 #34743 away. He goes outside for a closer look, but the lights disappear. Three da 10/20/1979 #34962 d at 100 mph. It hurts her eyes to look at it. Then the light goes out, all 12/5/1979 #35054 rhaps 4.5 feet tall, and wear what look like spacesuits. The second driver 12/13/1979 #35079 witnesses try to drive closer and look at it through inexpensive binocular 12/27/1979 #35100 op the car to get out for a closer look, the lights speed away to the south 1/21/1980 #35141 de. It remains stationary and they look away, but soon they see three small 4/20/1980 #35280 then takes off. He and other guard look for the object and see a light abou 8/17/1980 #35462 000 feet and turns to the south to look for it but cannot find the object. 9/4/1980 #35494 icers Tim Roark and Don Grannon to look at it through binoculars, and they 9/26/1980 #35536 , east of Monroe City, Indiana, to look for UFOs. High in the eastern sky t 10/1/1980? #35552 ir elongated heads. He thinks they look afraid, so he tries to telepathical 10/15/1980 #35568 sa. They stop the car for a better look for another 10 seconds. It banks li 11/2/1980 #35609 and was clad in a robe, making him look something like a Biblical prophet. 11/28/1980 #35680 ng for a bus and feels the urge to look up. She sees a disc-shaped, domed U 12/6/1980 #35704 ved some of the roof’s shingles to look out, seeing an “intense twinkling l 12/14/1980 #35716 vering the entire surface are what look like boxes and pipes. An officer or 12/28/1980 #35750 ery agitated as they wanted him to look at something and he didn't want to. 12/31/1980 #35759 o be there. John could not bear to look at what was being shown to him, and 12/31/1980 #35759 ootprint-like traces outside. They look like elongated scratch marks about 1981 #35763 e middle section, two circles that look like trapdoors, and two feet that e 1/8/1981 #35779 ating via telepathy telling her to look at them. One of the entities was se 3/1981 #35854 ly the objects disappear into what look like puffs of smoke. A minute later 3/1981 #35859 cassette recorder. Yokum and Cade look to the south and see a bright orang 3/17/1981 #35866 fter hearing a strange sound, they look up and see a crystal object shaped 6/12/1981 #35966 boat was sent out at 9:20 p.m. to look for the source, but the lights were 6/28/1981 #35980 . She tells her mother to come and look. As she does, the object flares up 4/1/1982 #36428 ason why anyone could not come and look at the reports in the MoD archives. 4/7/1982 #36438 of a human form. The beings would look at the drawing and then at him, as 11/29/1982 #36702 of a human form. The beings would look at the drawing and then at him, as 11/30/1982 #36703 e thinks he’d like to get a closer look, the object moves in his direction. 12/31/1982 #36733 and many people stop their cars to look at it. Soon the object is joined by 1/14/1983 #36747 Claretto goes outside for a closer look. He sees another person walking tow 6/5/1983 #36876 return to the site together. They look around and see the UFO landing on t 8/12/1983 #36949 and in pairs. Cops etc. won't even look. 2/1/1984 #37173 using many cars to pull over for a look and some to lose power. Commercial 5/26/1985 #37593 He exits the highway for a closer look. The UFO is roughly triangular, dul 11/22/1985 #37721 rm some unidentified targets. They look and see bright red or red-orange li 5/19/1986 #37880 rse. After the course change, they look back and see the object still follo 11/17/1986 #38072 y take a side road to get a better look and stop alongside an open field. T 3/6/1987 #38130 was so bright that she could only look for a short while, turn away, recov 3/23/1987 #38153 ort while, turn away, recover, and look again. The light created shooting p 3/23/1987 #38153 fuel depot. The guards get a close look at the object, which is more than 5 Early 8/1987 #38225 the spot in order to get a better look she saw three floating human like f 8/2/1987 #38226 everal rows of lights that make it look like a “cruise ship in the sky.” Th 2/10/1988 #38452 so they went outside for a better look. The object, described as a white o 3/1/1988 #38479 ecome transparent, allowing one to look through it like a window. According 3/1989 #38855 wegian Air Force sends two jets to look for them, and the Coast Guard is al 6/2/1989 #38973 and collarless silver shirts that look like nightgowns. They tell the wome 7/4/1989 #39007 ld see that the object has an oily look. At the instant he thinks about pop 8/1989 #39040 was called by her granddaughter to look at something unusual outside at 4:2 9/27/1989 #39125 tness, Sergei Makarov, got a close look at the other two aliens, whom he de 10/28/1989 #39191 icle several times to get a better look. On one of these occasions a ball o 11/6/1989 #39216 rance. It has some structures that look like riveted plates. The object rem 2/21/1990 #39425 e side of the road to get a better look. When he looks out of his left wind 3/24/1990 #39484 l Highway in Russia, many of which look like large “triangular milk cartons Early 4/1990 #39506 ad taken trying to get the perfect look. 4/4/1990 #39509 ures on the bottom of the platform look like “an aircraft carrier turned up 4/22/1990 #39539 chase, and managed to get a better look. He described the figures as skinny 8/31/1990 #39708 nd Stephane runs out of the car to look. They see a dark mass, more than 50 10/21/1990 #39803 Rue Alexis Maneyrol, goes back to look for the star and notices now that i 2/6/1991? #39974 d from White Sands and the Cape to look for UAP. He also claims he heard of 7/1991 #40108 ded backwards and with an apparent look of bewilderment vanished. 6/9/1992 #40489 blood or screaming. The two beings look at each other in a puzzled way, the 7/23/1992 #40530 ided to turn back and take another look, but the humanoid figure had alread 11/23/1992 #40724 edge of a field. She went over to look and there she saw a little dwarfish 2/28/1993 #40866 nearby field. As she took a closer look she noticed that the silver silo-li 3/20/1993 #40894 nd that they get out of the car to look at it. An abduction scenario ensues 8/8/1993 #41117 ights. Telepathy? "no videos-OK to look". 9/17/1993 #41200 nued driving home and went back to look for it again ten minutes later, but 10/6/1993 #41222 s, used intelligence satellites to look for UAP and directed analysis of ph 1994 #41348 ered overhead when they stopped to look. Missing time period discovered upo 7/24/1994 #41636 ered overhead when they stopped to look. Missing time period discovered upo 7/24/1994 #41637 s away when observer(s) takes good look. 7/28/1994 #41645 e to see the stars, and got a good look at the side of the craft. Finally, 9/11/1994 #41734 overed field. She stops the car to look and realizes that the lights are at 12/29/1994 #41910 her brakes and when she turned to look again both the object and the human 1/17/1995 #41981 ged intensity, and then started to look like a Zeppelin with a tail. It rot 3/14/1995 #42095 his house. Sr. Ortega had gone to look for a small goat on his property, b 4/23/1995 #42173 . 3 saucers over neighbor's house. Look like fireballs. 5/19/1995 #42214 s they are driving north, and they look up to see a large metallic disc abo 7/15/1995 #42303 ntually able to move and got up to look out the bedroom window. He saw a gl 12/4/1995 #42638 arcílio and some friends return to look for traces and find much of the veg 12/12/1995 #42641 ed out the window to take one last look at the fields. Immediately he notic 3/7/1996 #42815 rby hill. He decided to go out and look at the strange spectacle. At the sa 3/7/1996 #42815 ong hole. The witness and a friend look away for a second, and the object i 5/29/1996 #42914 of discrediting them, making them look foolish and so on and so forth. Now 8/30/1996 #43002 op level. In order to get a better look they drove down a narrow lane and p 9/23/1996 #43039 ad gotten out of their vehicles to look at the object. At some point during 10/3/1996 #43051 he object in order to get a better look. He suddenly ran back in fear yelli 4/28/1997 #43283 ductees report seeing hybrids that look less and less like the gray aliens. 1/1998 #43482 the room together. She was able to look out a window and saw a view of snow 7/11/1998 #43601 ue. He pulled over to get a better look, and watched as it flew silently cl 10/19/1998 #43667 his face. The witness attempted to look closer but suddenly fell asleep. He 10/25/1998 #43670 l appointed by President Truman to look into extraterrestrial contact and w 7/7/1999 #43798 i province, in a UFO. The entities look like humans but have large hands an 12/1999 #43890 ersity on a trip to Qinhuangdao to look for the girl. They arrive in Qinglo 12/1999 #43890 g out late, he received a menacing look from the creature's fiery red eyes. 4/17/2000 #43982 asantly. She decided to get up and look outside, and when she looked out th 7/31/2000 #44024 hovering and swaying around. They look like they are changing color from m 1/1/2001 #44114 ast St. Louis, Illinois got a good look at a silent, arrow-shaped UFO in Fr 1/5/2001 #44118 and was able to move her arms and look around as she did so. She approache 5/2/2001 #44174 es. He then went outside to take a look, and saw something resembling a chi 8/2/2001 #44218 search for the downed object. They look until 7:00 a.m. but find nothing. 4/2003 #44508 e distance. Just as he strained to look over to the horse shed everything b 5/3/2003 #44523 zed with fear. She got a very good look at the craft. It was not as big as 5/13/2003 #44536 step out on the patio for a better look and see a UFO flying behind the tre 8/11/2003 #44574 inutes to cross the sky but do not look like airplanes. In Moncton, another 1/17/2004 #44651 r 30 minutes. He decided to take a look outside, and that was when he witne 2/11/2004 #44661 opped to park along the highway to look at it. 3/21/2004 #44678 ad or knob on the front. It didn't look mechanical, it was more like some k 4/5/2004 #44684 ght in the sky and now went out to look in the sky where she had seen it. W 7/26/2004 #44717 ue UAP projects, one would want to look at linkages between: (1) all member 8/2004 #44724 ms are used one would also want to look for linkages between those families 8/2004 #44724 in the sky. Kalia says it does not look like a man-made object. 9/27/2004 #44762 witness. The figure then turned to look at her, and the stranger's stare wa 10/27/2004 #44771 . It had a cast frame construction look from the underside, and was slightl 3/14/2006 #44930 When the men tried to get a closer look the lights dimmed, and another whoo 8/5/2006 #44952 the car high beams to get a better look, and when he did this the object sp 4/25/2007 #45023 details and say it’s their job to look 20 to 30 years into the future. ht 10/21/2007 #45078 ed on the brakes because it didn’t look like the craft was going to stop, b 10/27/2007 #45080 ls exist, they would not behave or look as UFO witnesses describe. Another 5/6/2008 #45134 of the movies when the wife said, "Look at that, what in the world is that? 6/7/2008 #45146 ses her binoculars to get a closer look. The object consists of three large 6/16/2009 #45226 rs, but when one of them turned to look at her she realized that they were 8/30/2009 #45240 Their skin also had a pale, glossy look, and they had very large heads and 8/30/2009 #45240 if someone had pulled it aside to look in at them from above. 8/30/2009 #45240 ows down to 25 mph to get a better look, but by then he is surprised to see 11/25/2009 #45256 e of the town. Mover told BAASS to look into the event. https://www.pearl- 2/2011 #45312 ilots, and radar experts, who will look into sightings. Since 2015 it has b 5/6/2011 #45323 ngster in the backseat responded, "Look mommy, a flying iPad in the sky!" S 6/1/2013 #45369 quickly. He tells his daughter to look up, and she immediately sees the ob 10/6/2013 #45389 not want to stop and get a better look. The father comments that he has ne 10/6/2013 #45389 or, it is the government’s duty to look for the intention behind that intel 7/31/2014 #45412 ate 10 near Katy, Texas, when they look up through the sunroof and see thre 2/3/2016 #45444 ey get out of the car for a better look, the man grabs his wife’s phone to 12/10/2016 #45461 gnetic waves are to blame and even look into whether insects might be the c 10/24/2017 #45486 so brilliant it hurts his eyes to look at it for 6 seconds. 2/24/2018 #45512 lower-end counter UAS devices that look similar to rifles. These anti-drone 7/24/2019 #45598 ity by the TTSA, it makes sense to look deeper here.” According to Halleaux 10/17/2019 #45612 altitude, in a clear sky they can look lower than they really are. But Gar 1/8/2020 #45625 ’t introduce himself and told him “Look, I had your job (with a particular 7/19/2020 #45653 ht objects or forming plasmas that look like UAP, but theoretically someone 11/29/2021 #45725 BAE Systems deserves a very close look because of “who they’ve taken over. 2/28/2023 #45797## Word: "looka" (Back to Top)
hting up the bush to the north. It looka larger than a house. The headlight 11/1974 #29575## Word: "lookabaugh" (Back to Top)
ebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Lookabaugh. Still photos / UFO. No furth 10/30/1964 #18597## Word: "looke" (Back to Top)
s with large buckles that had what looke like "piano keys" on them. The bei 11/28/1967 #23517## Word: "looked" (Back to Top)
ct arriving from the southeast. It looked like a huge light, flew northwest 3/28/1897 #399 ct arriving from the southeast. It looked like a huge light, flew northwest 3/28/1897 #400 rom the southeast at 10:30 p.m. It looked like a huge light, flew northwest 3/28/1897 #401 ar the railroad track. It had what looked like a large "M" on its side, and 4/13/1897 #455 found an object in a clearing. It looked like a cylinder with pointed ends 4/20/1897 #543 found an object in a clearing. It looked like a cylinder with pointed ends 4/20/1897 #544 found an object in a clearing. It looked like a cylinder with pointed ends 4/20/1897 #547 e, Kentucky heard a buzzing noise, looked up, and saw a cigar-shaped craft 4/24/1897 #570 f a man standing at the stern. "He looked at me, and I waved my hat. Two ot 4/24/1897 #570 foot long cylindrical vessel that looked to be inflated. 5/1/1897 #585 the station manager. She says it “looked compact, like a dirigible balloon 10/25/1910 #848 in color and 18 inches high, who “looked like he was sitting on something. 5/1913 #888 st of Kvalsik, Norway watched what looked like a large plane descend toward 2/11/1937 #1266 d a high-pitched humming sound. He looked and saw a gray, bell-shaped objec 11/13/1939 #1322 ; bright very large red light that looked like a huge irregular mass of neo 3/13/1943 #1485 scription: 50 ft. diam.; metallic; looked like an igloo; topped with a clea 1944 #1557 , Italy Possible jet: dropped what looked like white flares; no radar conta 2/16/1945 #1786 nd. A little while later his flesh looked like it had been cooked, as if it 3/5/1946 #1974 At 2:30 p.m. a UFO that looked like a silvery thermos bottle fle 7/9/1946 #2042 w an occupant inside an object who looked like "a Navy officer." (NICAP: 07 6/19/1947 #2341 s it to the local newspaper. "They looked like ten shiny, disc-shaped thing 6/23/1947 #2368 fire lookout in Fort Ross saw what looked like a burning ship sink slowly i 7/3/1947 #2586 lvin E. Brown (who says the bodies looked Asian), Capt. Oliver “Pappy” W. H 7/8/1947 #3026 pilot sighted at flying disc that looked like it had a hole in its center, 7/8/1947 #3028 n cargo plane saw another UFO that looked like a fuselage without wings whi 8/4/1947 #3292 wedish postal plane saw a UFO that looked like a green parallelogram. They 8/26/1947 #3372 "flying wing"-shaped object, which looked black against the white clouds an 10/14/1947 #3456 hree o'clock in the afternoon, and looked up to see a “birdman” hovering 20 1/6/1948 #3534 Guy Hixarrived at 2:20 pm the UFO looked like “an ice cream cone” through 1/7/1948 #3536 with heavy metallic gauntlets. He looked like a "big puppet" about 1.5 met 4/3/1948 #3607 had apparatus on their sides that looked like they may have been wearing g 4/7/1948 #3614 nd Whitted stated that the object "looked like a wingless aircraft...it see 7/24/1948 #3724 h reflection. The top of the craft looked dark. It flew at 3,000 feet altit 1/4/1949 #3960 came out as he was 20 m away. They looked like mummies, had joined legs and 2/1949 #3992 Arrey, New Mexico at 10:20 a.m. It looked like a featureless, whitish featu 4/24/1949 #4105 a at 2:45 p.m. The rocket had what looked to be fins. 9/25/1949 #4369 highway. Two beings came out, who looked human and were 1.65 meters tall b 12/4/1949 #4435 r Ansonia, Connecticut. The object looked like a half-moon with a squared o 4/24/1950 #4889 urplish glow, “almost a mist, that looked as though it contained crystals.” 9/26/1950 #5199 lision with a luminous object that looked like a flying wing without a fuse 10/5/1950 #5214 ts size and direction of travel it looked like it would collide. The pilot 2/8/1951 #5434 000 feet in a controlled orbit. It looked like a swept wing aircraft that s 9/23/1951 #5687 te. It then burst into pieces that looked like red fireballs, which scatter 11/2/1951 #5764 s with rough, towel-like skin that looked something like "mummies" glided f 2/28/1952 #5935 sky over Sharon, Pennsylvania that looked like "a sideview of someone blowi 4/6/1952 #6040 ils from the F-94 interceptors and looked around the sky to see if they cou 7/1/1952 #6691 eck. A man wearing a diving helmet looked at the witness through a window, 7/24/1952 #7113 shock as a "green ray" hit him. He looked up with difficulty, in time to se 7/24/1952 #7113 eck. A man wearing a diving helmet looked at the witness through a window, 7/25/1952 #7139 shock as a "green ray" hit him. He looked up with difficulty, in time to se 7/25/1952 #7139 t 75 yards away from his truck. It looked like burnished stainless steel. B 7/27/1952 #7216 parked craft. Meanwhile, Bethurum looked around and saw that the short men 7/27/1952 #7216 in addition to radar tracking. It looked like a dark shape with a light, a 8/5/1952 #7473 could not discern what the object looked like. It was described as amber-o 8/23/1952 #7694 ject and stopped to observe it. It looked like two turtle shells glued toge 8/24/1952 #7709 The middle section supported what looked like propellers. The object hover 8/24/1952 #7709 object and stopped to watch it. It looked like two turtle shells glued toge 8/24/1952 #7715 The middle section supported what looked like propellers. The object hover 8/24/1952 #7715 ghted a white luminous object that looked like an elongated egg with a blui 10/6/1952 #8096 have been evaluated. The panel has looked at two films and soil and vegetat 10/10/1952 #8114 co a military witness sighted what looked like a white streamer move in an 10/17/1952 #8152 king directly at the witness. They looked perfectly human, wore rubber cove 11/18/1952 #8294 occupants were visible. The beings looked directly at him. They looked to b 11/18/1952 #8298 eings looked directly at him. They looked to be normal humans in appearance 11/18/1952 #8298 tent, small with large heads that looked “mongoloid” with small noses, mou 1953 #8483 egrees. One of the radar operators looked outside and saw what he thought w 4/12/1953 #8820 diameter, and with a surface that looked like a highly polished brushed me 5/21/1953 #8898 elled. The UFO was disc-shaped and looked like two soup plates joined at th 8/18/1953 #9081 lked toward it, found a craft that looked like two ship hulls, about 3 m lo 10/25/1953 #9253 d toward it and found a craft that looked like two ship hulls glued togethe 10/25/1953 #9255 CENSURED). Top Secret project that looked into how to communicate with alie 1954 #9414 lingham heard a swishing sound and looked up. He saw a flying saucer that t 2/18/1954 #9555 ing saucer that through binoculars looked only slightly different from the 2/18/1954 #9555 50 feet wide and 20 feet high and looked like polished aluminum. A six-foo 2/18/1954 #9555 ng after him. They were short, and looked like a half man, half monkey. The 4/10/1954 #9681 m operating levers while the other looked out at the witness. Ground traces 5/5/1954 #9755 e of the witnesses saw shapes that looked like human-shaped shadows inside 5/30/1954 #9847 dged," bright gold in color, they "looked exactly like polished metal plate 6/11/1954 #9893 or 30 seconds, and they reportedly looked like "Christmas tree ornaments." 7/22/1954 #10037 in view a total of 20 seconds. It looked like it was made of highly polish 8/2/1954 #10095 pt his head, and was carrying what looked like a "machine gun." There was a 8/7/1954 #10113 t. In the moonlight the landed UFO looked "like a soap bubble," and three m 8/7/1954 #10113 se Blanc approached an object that looked like an aluminum trailer in Lugri 8/23/1954 #10172 t. Six brilliant appendages, which looked like necklaces, were hanging from 8/30/1954 #10209 lit. Six brilliant appendages that looked like necklaces hung from the craf 8/30/1954 #10210 ating in mid-air over a field: "It looked like an unfinished haystack, with 9/7/1954 #10266 dair over a field at 7:15 a.m. "It looked like an unfinished haystack, with 9/7/1954 #10270 ters of the craft and said that it looked like the man was repairing it. Tr 9/24/1954 #10437 later he was alarmed when his yard looked to be ablaze. Rushing outside, he 10/1/1954 #10579 alf-egg, and saw two occupants who looked like normal men. 10/7/1954 #10780 hwise), They saw two occupants who looked like normal men. 10/7/1954 #10794 med Milia watched a white UFO that looked like "an oval sail" descend to fi 10/8/1954 #10820 nguage. The children ran away, but looked back in time to see the object fl 10/9/1954 #10848 nguage. The children ran away, but looked back in time to see the object fl 10/9/1954 #10866 object which landed 300 m away. It looked like a fieryorange ball, illumina 10/12/1954 #10975 meters away in Vielmur, France. It looked like a fiery orange ball, illumin 10/12/1954 #10985 It had vanished silently when she looked back. 10/15/1954 #11104 It had vanished silently when she looked back. (Sources: Aime Michel, Flyi 10/15/1954 #11120 ugh glued to the wheel." The craft looked like an inverted cone, the lower 10/20/1954 #11273 heat inside his vehicle. The craft looked like an inverted cone, the lower 10/20/1954 #11282 .3 feet) tall. The entity had what looked like a flashlight, and aimed a be 10/20/1954 #11283 lted angle while the two occupants looked at the scene "sternly, not in an 10/21/1954 #11298 lted angle while the two occupants looked at the scene "sternly, not in an 10/21/1954 #11307 riek and his dog began barking. He looked out and saw a huge silent red dis 10/23/1954 #11343 x men in yellowish coveralls; they looked human and had on facemasks. When 10/23/1954 #11344 e was "dressed in red, his clothes looked like iron. He walked with his leg 10/24/1954 #11361 e was "dressed in red, his clothes looked like iron." He walked stiff-legge 10/24/1954 #11369 ads were reddish helmets with what looked like leather earflaps. They were 11/1/1954 #11520 arm. Lotti ran away, and when she looked back, after running 100 yards, sh 11/1/1954 #11520 ished scrutinizing the map when he looked up and confronted three men. They 11/2/1954 #11539 s (10-15 feet) in diameter, and it looked like "two washbowls joined togeth 11/4/1954 #11568 ther two were holding objects that looked like weapons. Another witness fle 11/5/1954 #11578 ther two were holding objects that looked like weapons. Another witness fle 11/5/1954 #11581 e outside force. Next, the witness looked out and observed a 30 meter long, 11/9/1954 #11615 ad lit earlier. They also saw what looked like a small barrel, 60-70 centim 11/23/1954 #11697 ne nose, and high cheekbones," who looked at her with hypnotic intensity. T 12/27/1954 #11865 he heard a sound like a motor. He looked around but did not see anything, 12/30/1954 #11882 wearing large helmets. The beings looked human with olive colored skin and 12/30/1954 #11882 colored skin and black hair. They looked at the witness and smiled at him. 12/30/1954 #11882 op, between 10 to 30 ft. diameter. Looked like kitchen saucepan. Had cylind 2/23/1955 #12013 back were standing straight up. He looked up and saw a very large, hovering 7/17/1955 #12267 wept him from his feet. The object looked like a machine with an opening wh 9/16/1955 #12456 wept him from his feet. The object looked like a machine with an opening wh 9/16/1955 #12457 A. Ostrom. One round object which looked white in the daylight and turned 10/11/1955 #12499 A. Ostrom sighted a round UFO that looked white in the daylight and turned 10/11/1955 #12500 elt the presence of something" and looked up. He saw a rapidly descending m 3/23/1956 #12765 Martin heard her dogs barking. She looked outside to see a Derby hat-shaped 3/6/1957 #13524 long hair and luminous suits, who looked down at them for about 3 min. The 10/10/1957 #14092 long hair and luminous suits, who looked down at them for about three minu 10/10/1957 #14097 ntity, what time it was, etc. They looked normal wore black leather pants, 11/6/1957 #14411 ntity, what time it was, etc. They looked to be normal human beings, althou 11/6/1957 #14434 with shiny buttons, and wore what looked like a green tam-o-shanter cap wi 11/6/1957 #14438 e Avrocar disc concept and that it looked promising. 11/21/1957 #14588 ay, he clearly saw two figures who looked like human beings, sitting one be 11/22/1957 #14595 could clearly see two figures who looked like human beings, sitting one be 11/22/1957 #14596 oom window, which faces north. She looked out her east window and saw a fus 12/16/1957 #14736 An enormous object that first looked like a puff of smoke, then "like 10/2/1958 #15305 ws, long blond hair, and eyes that looked Asiatic, with small noses, small 1959 #15516 ious sources worldwide. Eisenhower looked them over with substantial intere Spring 1959 #15656 looking clothing, with gloves that looked transparent like glass. He told D 4/26/1959 #15714 sting on the ground 150 m away. It looked like an aluminum craft about 2.5 5/20/1959 #15740 ain. Several figures carrying what looked like bright flashlights emerged f 8/20/1959 #15932 colored like a large red fire and looked like an atomic cloud”, he stated. 9/29/1959 #15997 , and pointed chins. Each had what looked like an earphone on one ear. They 9/29/1959 #16000 Zealand by a luminous object that looked like a large street lamp. The UFO 10/31/1959 #16072 ence in Indianapolis, Indiana that looked like a kite made up of little met 3/23/1960 #16205 urrounding lake proper. The object looked to be about 4-6 feet wide. Mr. Wr 6/22/1960 #16316 ith yellow lights coming from what looked like three triangular windows at 8/23/1960 #16409 yellow lights that came from what looked like triangular windows at the bo 8/23/1960 #16410 ia at 7:30 p.m. for 20 minutes. It looked like a ball with a long antenna r 11/27/1960 #16516 was an airplane but when I really looked, I just didn't know what to think 11/18/1961 #16964 he was wearing and what the object looked like, but they never ask about th Late 11/1961 #16978 round 100 m away from the road. It looked like a railroad car and was illum 5/12/1962 #17162 What looked like a flaming airplane making a 5/25/1962 #17202 d a small head and short arms, and looked like the "Michelin" tire man. His 8/30/1962 #17374 s with helmets, had returned. They looked surprised to see him and not sure 9/1/1962 #17382 they were obviously spacemen they looked like us. One of them replied, spe 9/1/1962 #17382 rey and silver ball, trailing what looked like twine (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 10/23/1962 #17487 rey and silver ball, trailing what looked like twine with two knots in it, 10/23/1962 #17488 lexion, wearing a metallic helmet, looked at the witness. He wore a sky-blu 3/13/1963 #17705 on, wearing a metallic helmet, was looked at him through one of the porthol 3/13/1963 #17706 spotted a yellow-white light that looked to be plunging into the ocean, bu 6/13/1963 #17782 nd the dwarf fired back using what looked like a black tube, burning two of 7/18/1963 #17839 on, and wore greenish clothing. He looked injured and appeared to be bleedi 5/15/1964 #18271 ection in front of his face, which looked human. He appeared to request som 7/16/1964 #18416 It stood on a single pedestal that looked like a pillar, and gave off a bli 9/6/1964 #18542 ry light. At the same time, "trees looked like they were transparent." 11/26/1964 #18640 ed, and three pilots emerged. They looked human, but had a reddish-orange s 1/19/1965 #18746 they saw something in the sky that looked like a bright red infrared lamp. 4/3/1965 #18889 s evenly spaced on the bottom, and looked dark against the clouds. A colleg 4/4/1965 #18896 A silent gray object that looked like a blimp or dirigible hovered 5/22/1965 #18950 ral section with two oval ends and looked somewhat similar to an egg. 7/17/1965 #19116 ral section with two oval ends and looked somewhat similar to an egg. 7/17/1965 #19118 hile was awakened by a loud noise, looked out the window, and saw an intens 7/20/1965 #19152 sky at 9:15 p.m. when he saw what looked like a bright blue star move 90° 7/25/1965 #19173 bout 45° then straightens out. “It looked like Saturn with a flat top and f 8/1/1965 #19244 ir covered with green lights, and "looked like a toad." The boy fled. 8/1/1965 #19247 disappeared when the running girls looked back. 8/13/1965 #19380 run. The girls fled, and when they looked back after running 50 feet the be 8/13/1965 #19383 Three beings inside the craft, who looked human, were illuminated by an int 8/14/1965 #19392 point two of the “men” turned and looked directly at the spot where the wi 8/26/1965 #19466 hovering over the golf course. It looked like an inverted saucer with whit 9/3/1965 #19515 to the witness. The other “human” looked Italian, and was younger. The fou 9/3/1965 #19518 nt of my car, three creatures that looked like individual tin cans on tripo 10/23/1965 #19679 silence. It seemed like ages as we looked at each other. Then they went up 10/23/1965 #19679 ion and his eyes were dark, but he looked entirely normal otherwise. The ob 1/5/1966 #19806 ped obiect with a glowing rim that looked like lighted windows, and a stead 4/19/1966 #20339 -shaped UFO has a glowing rim that looked like they might be lighted window 4/19/1966 #20347 fects), birds were shrieking. They looked out and saw two large spherical o 4/28/1966 #20424 taring at something in the sky. He looked and saw a dark disc-shaped object 5/16/1966 #20487 g a little faster than she was. It looked like "a big bowl of jelly, plasti 5/16/1966 #20490 and gray suits with something that looked like scuba tanks on their backs." 6/3/1966 #20529 dy of the craft, while a red light looked like a dome on top; the white lig 6/8/1966 #20545 :30 a.m. CDT Kathy Palmer, age 14, looked out the window of her home in Spr 8/1/1966 #20720 veral minutes. One got out of bed, looked out, and saw a multicolored disc- 8/6/1966 #20729 n he heard a "whooshing" noise and looked up to see a large rocket-shaped o 8/20/1966 #20781 e following his car. The first one looked like a flaming car and was the si 9/1966 #20823 ht on the bottom. It also had what looked like exhaust pipes (see sketch be 9/15/1966 #20886 object. The parent object had what looked like portholes near its upper edg 11/10/1966 #21087 , West Virginia saw something that looked like "a brown human being" that f 11/12/1966 #21096 up two red circles, or eyes, which looked like bicycle reflectors. There wa 11/14/1966 #21101 up two red circles or eyes, which looked like bicycle reflectors. There wa 11/15/1966 #21109 tate Park, Orange County, New York looked up and saw a silver-brown domed d 12/18/1966 #21210 t to the door and unlatched it and looked outside. It was growing dark and 1/9/1967 #21278 tness saw a bright red object that looked like an upside down saucer (disc) 1/15/1967? #21307 later, a red oval-shaped UFO that looked like an upside-down saucer with a 1/15/1967 #21313 r old neighbor present at the time looked out the window to see a tall huma 1/15/1967 #21315 nd her daughter saw an object that looked like a box kite without paper (pr 1/16/1967 #21319 d had a body scan by a device that looked like a giant eye. She was then pl 1/25/1967 #21389 and other objects. Their clothing looked as if it had been newly purchased 1/28/1967 #21411 Knox City, Missouri what at first looked like the full moon, but as it got 1/29/1967 #21412 of a band saw an object that first looked like a boomerang, then appeared l 2/5/1967 #21454 ight. Three teenaged boys saw what looked like two car lights that came dow 2/8/1967 #21480 man saw a bright white object that looked like a welding arc hovering over 2/12/1967 #21521 with bright red lights, the other looked like a modern office. After he le 2/16/1967 #21574 o o'clock in the morning EST. They looked outside and saw a white glowing e 2/26/1967 #21663 born. He then took Baldwin's gun, looked at it and then handed it back. Ba 3/1/1967 #21715 foot tall humanoid being in what 3 looked like white coveralls was seen, an 3/26/1967 #21994 hree boys. One oval object, which looked like copper or brass with the sun 3/26/1967 #21996 heir farms to look for lights that looked like they had landed on an isolat 3/26/1967 #21998 n away. At 3:30 a.m. Louise Davies looked out the window and saw a man in t 4/1/1967 #22042 2:30 a.m. two lights appeared that looked like flashlights on a hill over t 4/6/1967 #22082 houlders, and carried objects that looked like binoculars or cameras. They 4/13/1967 #22128 cal light beam to the ground. They looked at it through binoculars. A serie 5/7/1967 #22297 off to the west at high speed. It looked solid in appearance, according to 5/7/1967 #22298 verted bowl with a dome on top and looked metallic. The witness became afra 5/11/1967 #22317 verted bowl with a dome on top and looked metallic. He became frightened an 5/11/1967 #22319 wore a white cap on his head that looked nickel-plated. He also wore a wid 5/15/1967 #22348 IN 8:00 a.m. A farmer out hunting looked up when he heard a brief swishing 5/21/1967 #22386 "went up through the ceiling." He looked outside and saw bright blue, red, 6/9/1967 #22484 ard was, and pointed a device that looked like a gun at him. The boy scream 6/9/1967 #22484 ure was short and was wearing what looked like a black, one-piece leather s 6/24/1967 #22551 wondered what was causing it. She looked out her kitchen window, and saw d 6/30/1967 #22580 assigned guard duty. RT states he looked inside the hangar and saw a metal 7/3/1967 #22604 t noticed two luminous points that looked like artificial satellites. (Ref. 7/4/1967 #22608 or 12 minutes (timed by watch). He looked away for a moment, and when he lo 7/7/1967 #22626 ked away for a moment, and when he looked back the object was gone. (Letter 7/7/1967 #22626 was clear at the time. The object looked like a flat disk with shining edg 7/17/1967 #22679 he apparition was well-defined and looked real. It turned into a shapeless 7/18/1967 #22694 he apparition was well-defined and looked real. He stepped out onto his por 7/18/1967 #22695 Dixon heard a loud noise outside, looked out, and saw an object hovering o 7/18/1967 #22695 d to be burnt wood, but the inside looked like fused glass. Chemical analys 7/20/1967 #22712 Rowley, MA 11:15 p.m. EDT. A woman looked out her bedroom window when she h 7/26/1967 #22732 ome out of the water. It was gray, looked metallic, hovered for a few sec a 8/4/1967 #22800 ame out of the water. It was gray, looked metallic, and hovered for a few s 8/4/1967 #22807 out the second floor window. Riera looked out and saw a round, multicolored 8/6/1967 #22832 floor window of his bedroom. Riera looked out and saw a round, multicolored 8/7/1967 #22840 om. When he heard her screaming he looked out his window and saw a little b 9/8/1967 #23021 r on top, with a curved base, that looked metallic and solid. Its minimum d 9/10/1967 #23033 hed. Norman then heard a noise and looked up and saw hovering overhead a re 10/10/1967 #23205 y blue-green clothing. Their faces looked human, but they had very large ea 10/21/1967 #23279 ng above the witnesses. As the men looked up they became mesmerized, and Ri 10/24/1967 #23310 object with six bright lights that looked like a church steeple. The car en 10/28/1967 #23362 ing sound coming from outside. She looked out and saw a huge shadow spread 11/2/1967 #23391 high on his head. His facial skin looked scarred and wrinkled, "like a can 11/2/1967 #23392 blue light over the city. First it looked like a large ball, then it stoppe 11/21/1967 #23490 y heard a high-pitched sound. They looked out a window facing the coastal h 11/24/1967 #23508 e sky attracted her attention. She looked up and saw a cigar-shaped object 1/17/1968 #23668 , two men over six feet tall, "who looked as though they were made of cryst 1/25/1968 #23700 ise outside her bedroom window and looked out her window at the abandoned W 2/21/1968 #23774 an her, with no nose, wearing what looked like a dark "motorcycle jacket" a 5/3/1968 #23942 in their automobile, but when they looked again from a side road the silhou 5/5/1968 #23946 his house to get away, and when he looked back again the little man had dis 5/22/1968 #23980 th eyes "so light in color that he looked as if blind." The man addressed h 6/4/1968 #24006 r eyes from the being briefly, she looked up and both the being and the clo 6/10/1968 #24018 ugh the sky. Through binoculars it looked like a green ball with a reddish 7/5/1968 #24146 heir craft, the interior of which “looked like a laboratory”. There they qu 7/17/1968 #24186 bject came near. The object, which looked like a spinning top, hovered for 7/25/1968 #24228 t 3:15 at night saw an object that looked like an upside down washbasin. It 7/29/1968 #24255 It had dark spots on the side that looked like portholes. 7/31/1968 #24273 obe surrounded by a dark ring that looked like the planet Saturn flew over 8/12/1968 #24319 obe surrounded by a dark ring that looked like the planet Saturn flew over 8/12/1968 #24321 d 40 meters away from it, and then looked at it more closely. The craft had 8/25/1968 #24377 trail of smoke, and each time it “looked as if it were trying to land behi 8/29/1968 #24401 of the entities, using a tool that looked like a soldering iron, was making 9/1/1968 #24422 e evening at ten p.m. Mr. Battease looked out his bedroom window, six miles 9/23/1968 #24505 ng around" and was "very tall" and looked to be a normal Caucasian, the oth 11/1/1968 #24618 stopped 20 yards past the object, looked back, and saw that the man outsid 11/1/1968 #24618 ar their bedroom window. When they looked out the window, they saw a huge f 11/9/1968 #24648 he windshield. The sparks of light looked similar to holding a piece of met 12/8/1968 #24751 43 under Hugh L Dryden, which also looked into German research into jet air 1969 #24806 ander, Spain at 9:15 p.m. when she looked out the kitchen window and saw an 1/6/1969 #24822 35-year-old Antonio. When Antonio looked out the window the craft vanished 1/6/1969 #24822 at ten p.m. in Edina, Missouri. He looked surprised when he saw the witness 1/8/1969 #24828 depot, an object was sighted which looked like a white dish inverted upon a 1/20/1969 #24861 w member stood up in the hatch. He looked at Gusmao while manipulating some 1/31/1969 #24882 p at 1:30 a.m. witness Douglas Fay looked out his window in Glen Rock, New 2/8/1969 #24903 ide that woke her at 2:50 a.m. She looked out the window and saw an unusual 2/17/1969 #24925 noticed interference on his TV. He looked out his window and saw a “vague s 4/10/1969 #25055 likely that had any of the players looked up, they would have seen anything 4/25/1969 #25091 ere wearing spherical helmets that looked as large as basketballs. Circling 5/11/1969 #25128 ver the lakefront at 11:30 p.m. It looked like an upside down saucer with a 6/20/1969 #25230 sh behind him. He swung around and looked up to see a silver oval shaped ob 7/4/1969 #25252 inside the object whose upper body looked normal, but whose lower half--fro 7/4/1969 #25253 feeling she was being watched. She looked to her right and saw a UFO hoveri 7/4/1969 #25254 g at her. At one point she briefly looked away, and when she looked back th 7/4/1969 #25254 briefly looked away, and when she looked back the object had disappeared. 7/4/1969 #25254 de the object through a window. It looked like "a little bluish colored man 7/18/1969 #25280 eedlin “discovered that anyone who looked through the bedroom window would 9/6/1969 #25354 ed in a white spacesuit. The being looked directly at Steven, then put his 10/16/1969 #25417 he two beings inside the dome then looked at themselves, and then turned th 11/15/1969 #25461 k humanoid forms at the spot. They looked like men with wide shoulders and 12/27/1969 #25510 w this could not be. When he again looked up the figure had gone. Foster ru 6/21/1970 #25704 t seemed to be at the controls. He looked inside the control room and saw f 8/15/1970 #25787 ossibly larger inside than what it looked like from the outside. The aliens 8/15/1970 #25787 d had a translucent quality. They "looked like ice." When they got near a t 11/24/1970 #25917 they saw a low flying object that "looked like a bat" coming toward their c 1/22/1971 #25997 f his house early this evening. He looked out and in the dark caught a glim 2/27/1971 #26034 ar fly overhead. The legs had what looked like landing pads at the ends of 4/23/1971 #26079 ield and is unlikely that had they looked up, the players could have seen a 4/24/1971 #26081 tal where he was treated with what looked like pellet wounds. 5/21/1971 #26121 arge head was moving about, and it looked like he might have been collectin 5/30/1971 #26145 d went to the window. She saw what looked like a rectangular window that sh 6/9/1971 #26165 ck heard a loud whirring sound and looked out the window of her house in Ta 6/26/1971 #26197 ned about possible prowlers, so he looked out from his tent window and saw 7/8/1971 #26218 ogether. They were dressed in what looked like diver's suits and helmets. T 8/16/1971 #26289 r heads for a second and when they looked back the being had completely van 8/16/1971 #26290 nd stooped down to get it. When he looked up he was stunned to see a six to 8/16/1971 #26291 he silver gray tube was ribbed and looked like a tracheal tube. The hands c 8/16/1971 #26291 ppear to have any heels. When Renz looked up to the being's face, he was al 8/16/1971 #26291 was no vegetation anywhere and it looked like a rocky desert. He next reme 8/16/1971 #26291 sp eyes, and had slits inside that looked like pupils. It had what looked l 8/16/1971 #26291 at looked like pupils. It had what looked like multi-lens eye coverings, an 8/16/1971 #26291 ut four to five feet in length and looked to have an exoskeleton. Its color 8/16/1971 #26291 saw in the headlights things that looked like "brains" on the road about s 8/17/1971 #26293 curve. As the object got closer it looked more like a reddish, triangular l 9/20/1971 #26354 h near some white metal gates, and looked over to the road leading up to a 10/28/1971 #26438 er the living room couch. When she looked out the window, she saw an "ellip 11/3/1971 #26452 ack inside her house, and when she looked out again the object was airborne 11/3/1971 #26452 ture was illuminated by a UFO that looked like an "elliptical moon." In her 11/4/1971 #26457 wide mouth, and pointed ears," and looked "like the devil looking creature" 1/26/1972 #26556 ed his patrol car when he saw what looked like a dog by the side of the roa 3/3/1972 #26587 ed, walking with difficulty. They "looked like Chinese, but with sharper fe 3/16/1972 #26606 m. As she sat in the back seat she looked out the window to her right and n 6/1/1972 #26696 credible high-speed of object that looked like anti- collision beacon (red) 7/19/1972 #26812 out. A short while later they both looked back towards a barn and caught si 7/26/1972 #26836 hind the side of the barn. Stephen looked through binoculars to see if the 7/26/1972 #26836 vicinity got out of their cars and looked at the object. (SL-59, page 11) ( 8/11/1972 #26895 boom, Natal, South Africa when she looked up and saw what first looked like 8/22/1972 #26949 n she looked up and saw what first looked like a man in a white suit, who a 8/22/1972 #26949 osing transparent cylinders, which looked to be incubators with infants ins 8/26/1972 #26956 ong, but perfectly round with what looked like red fluorescent paint along 9/11/1972 #26987 xit UFO / ground. Take goat away. (Looked paralyzed.) 9/16/1972 (approximate) #27005 proaching from behind, and when he looked out the right window he saw, in p 9/28/1972 #27038 id a right about turn stiffly, and looked straight at him. He did another r 9/28/1972 #27038 ming noise, "like angry bees," and looked up to see an object 70 to 80 feet 12/30/1972 #27193 making a strange static noise. He looked outside and saw a one-foot wide b 1/8/1973 #27227 eared to be wobbling, and had what looked like hieroglyphics on it. She saw 2/22/1973 #27310 figure...wearing on its head what looked like a great gourd. I cannot say 3/29/1973 #27390 ody and its head, which, as I say, looked like a gourd. Nor did I see any a 3/29/1973 #27390 Mantorp, Ostergotland, Sweden. It looked like two saucer plates, separated 5/3/1973 #27465 king of her pet parakeet. When she looked out she saw a luminous flying obj 5/27/1973 #27535 uttered an exclamation he abruptly looked up and out at her and peered dire 6/23/1973 #27584 and abruptly disappeared. She then looked back toward the first object and 6/23/1973 #27584 raft he saw a strange object which looked like a rugby ball cut on lower pa 7/16/1973 #27634 n Jeannette, Pennsylvania. The UFO looked like a bright BB in the dusk sky 7/18/1973 #27640 she said* "It was real bright, it looked like light bulbs. (NICAP: 01 - Di 8/4/1973 #27680 st one from the woods beyond. They looked human and wore beige coveralls th 9/27/1973 #27879 ed around from behind the machine, looked at the witness, and then scramble 10/4/1973 #27936 or a time. When the witnesses next looked, both the objects and the humanoi 10/6/1973 #27961 Jiggled up and down and sideways. Looked like two saucers together with ca 10/11/1973 #27994 aded east. Each oval-shaped object looked like it had around 25 yellow and 10/11/1973 #27995 gled up and down and sideways, and looked like two saucers joined together 10/11/1973 #28004 fear. A man appeared carrying what looked like a scroll. Three more beings, 10/14/1973 #28031 poke or made any other noise. They looked at each other frequently, and nod 10/16/1973 #28089 ased her from the table. Gabriella looked down on the floor to see her clot 10/16/1973 #28089 de, arms down to his sides, and it looked as if he had springs under his fe 10/17/1973 #28142 m. Two men followed an object that looked about the size of a B-52, then lo 10/19/1973 #28191 atching television at 4:30 p.m. he looked out the window of his house and s 10/19/1973 #28196 in, crab-like claws, antennas, and looked into his living room window with 10/19/1973 #28196 arming and noticed an object which looked like it was going to land. No sou 10/22/1973 #28236 urried into her house and when she looked out through a window, the object 10/24/1973 #28270 from his finger with a device that looked like an electric shaver. Afterwar 10/28/1973 #28311 out 400 meters away something that looked like a railway car, but with a do 10/31/1973 #28326 ing two strange humanoids when she looked inside one of the windows of the 11/15/1973 #28426 , of a winged serpent holding what looked like an egg. Inside this object C 11/18/1973 #28443 o viewed it through binoculars. It looked like an acorn, with a green botto 12/2/1973 #28507 12-14 meters tall. The top portion looked like a yellow dome. Four rows of 12/10/1973 #28553 with a long handle and a base that looked similar to a vacuum cleaner. He w 12/19/1973 #28587 t light in his rearview mirror. It looked like the revolving light on a tra 12/31/1973 #28623 g with an occupant of the UFO, who looked to be human, and who somehow knew 2/9/1974 #28754 bottom descended and extended what looked like a wire. 2/25/1974 #28803 g more. The next morning the woman looked out and saw the cow lying dead ne 3/1/1974 #28842 Erbalunga, Corsica, France when he looked up and saw on the roadside bank, 3/15/1974 #28891 In 1974 a witness in Gerena, Spain looked out the window of his home and sa 3/19/1974 #28911 tures. After he passed the site he looked back and saw that one object had 3/21/1974 #28920 ara de Olimar, Argentina. When she looked out the window she saw "an indefi 4/11/1974 #29004 in Altamont, New York a young girl looked out a window of the nursing home 4/30/1974 #29072 ere her mother worked and saw what looked like a car parked on a hillside. 4/30/1974 #29072 side. She told her mother who also looked out. They thought it might have b 4/30/1974 #29072 ded well below his knees, and what looked like long claws instead of finger 5/5/1974 #29085 blue uniform. One of his examiners looked at his eyes through a magnifying 5/26/1974 #29135 wn and played scales, and when she looked up they had vanished. She went ba 7/17/1974 #29266 se outside, the witness got up and looked out and saw a three-foot tall fig 9/8/1974 #29437 n jacket, black trousers, and what looked like a "Roman helmet" on his head 11/8/1974 #29589 bserved several bright lights that looked like they were on the perimeter o 12/1/1974 #29627 r bedroom, the 82-year-old witness looked outside and saw a "boat-shaped," 12/22/1974 #29656 uniform and carried something that looked like a gun. (Sources: CUFOS files 2/23/1975 #29837 uniform and carried something that looked like a gun. His skin was dark bro 2/23/1975 #29839 voices. Her son-in-law woke up and looked out a window to see an intensely 3/31/1975 #29927 ion of weightlessness and saw what looked like multicolored electrical disc 3/31/1975 #29928 e minutes of driving they saw what looked like a seven-foot tall "tree trun 4/6/1975 #29975 ing standing in his front yard. It looked like a man but it was totally bla 4/19/1975 #29997 so became afraid and left. When he looked back, he saw the UFO lifting off 6/1/1975 #30074 orming movements, and their bodies looked comic. Richard remembered witness 7/12/1975 #30175 He was about 1.75 meters tall and looked to be about 19 years old. He was 7/12/1975 #30175 n and black wavy hair. His clothes looked normal, but displayed taste and e 7/12/1975 #30175 and elegance. Everything about him looked strikingly perfect. The man was s 7/12/1975 #30175 en suspended in motion. Everything looked as though nothing had happened. T 7/12/1975 #30175 nside the UFO that there were what looked like non-humanoid, jelly like ent 7/22/1975 #30201 metallic and appeared to have what looked like rivets. It was first seen at 7/28/1975 #30212 some 300 meters to their left. It looked like a plate turned upside down w 8/8/1975 #30244 As the witnesses walked away they looked back, and saw two of the forms in 8/18/1975 #30288 but then heard a humming noise and looked back to see that the "tent" was e 8/28/1975 #30315 und immediately stopped. When they looked again the sphere and the figure w 9/25/1975 #30384 around the circumference, and what looked to be a small platform at the bot 10/7/1975 #30422 temp, bloodshot eyes, and her skin looked like it had a sunburn. (Source: C 10/25/1975 #30468 temp, bloodshot eyes, and her skin looked like it had a sunburn. Within the 10/25/1975 #30472 m close to where they had been. It looked to be about 40 feet in diameter, 10/27/1975 #30491 . Description: Through binoculars, looked like 100 ft. sphere and appeared 10/28/1975 #30492 erved one bright white object that looked like a cup in a bowl due east at 11/15/1975 #30622 rkston, GA Evening. An object that looked like a Ferris wheel on its side w 12/5/1975 #30686 An object that looked like a Ferris wheel on its side w 12/5/1975 #30688 per portion, and three beings that looked like “robots” resembling “aluminu 1/9/1976 #30781 Rosemary Heitmeyer was still awake looked out her hall window and observed 1/27/1976 #30822 ow and observed three objects that looked like upside down soup bowls with 1/27/1976 #30822 to call in the children. When she looked up she saw an object moving slowl 3/5/1976 #30928 r hands over her eyes and when she looked again it had disappeared. She was 6/11/1976 #31103 s a man, with glowing red eyes. It looked like "a big owl with pointed ears 7/3/1976 #31147 und and then a whistle." When they looked in the direction of the noises th 7/5/1976 #31153 und and then a whistle." When they looked in the direction of the noises th 7/5/1976 #31154 n educational conference when they looked out the window of their ninth flo 7/28/1976 #31191 0-year-old woman heard a noise and looked out her bedroom window in Milwauk 8/1/1976 #31218 e about seven feet tall, bald, and looked very ugly to the witnesses becaus 8/6/1976 #31241 oving around like an automaton. He looked out the window and saw a rectangu 8/10/1976 #31252 the figure next turned around and looked at Anderson. Within a few seconds 8/16/1976 #31273 up to go to the bathroom. When he looked out the window he saw a deep oran 8/25/1976 #31302 tic like bench. The humanoids then looked into each of the men’s eyes and m 8/26/1976 #31307 rly morning in Bethel, Alaska, and looked out onto the tundra where a small 9/3/1976 #31337 he heard a noise outside. When she looked out she could see an red oval-sha 9/3/1976 #31338 t sight of the being, and when she looked back she saw the object take off 9/3/1976 #31338 o at the bottom of the object that looked like portholes. The minimum dista 9/19/1976 #31412 object through binoculars, said it looked like "two plates placed together, 10/17/1976 #31475 hey drove in front of a hotel, she looked up and saw a metallic disc-shaped 10/31/1976 #31512 atform. She commented that the men looked very handsome. She gave them the 10/31/1976 #31512 , placed one hand on the roof, and looked inside. His eyes were pink "like 11/14/1976 #31549 so penetrating that when the woman looked away she could still see spots of 11/14/1976 #31549 not reappear, and when they again looked forward the UFO had disappeared. 11/14/1976 #31549 he back window looking up. He then looked at his interior light and saw tha 12/6/1976 #31587 saw that it was not lit. He again looked out his side window and it was st 12/6/1976 #31587 s arm and was horrified because it looked like it was cut off where the lig 12/6/1976 #31587 the light ended inside the car. He looked again at the small figure again a 12/6/1976 #31587 miled "tenderly" at her; the other looked evil and malevolent. She could al 12/10/1976 #31594 it was making a humming sound, and looked like a saucer with a point on top 2/4/1977 #31792 d figure, gray all over gray, that looked puffed up like a balloon. It had 2/10/1977 #31808 s walking away from an object that looked like a water tank, about 10 feet 3/5/1977 #31861 the touch like a human's. The man looked at Mrs. Strickland and then spoke 3/7/1977 #31874 ny human six-foot tall." The being looked "like an old man" with high cheek 3/13/1977 #31906 was wearing a one-piece suit that looked semi-transparent. Taylor took a s 3/13/1977 #31906 r some nearby trees. Mrs. Le Clair looked through binoculars and could see 3/15/1977 #31907 r County, Wisconsin. Mrs. Le Clair looked through binoculars and could see 3/15/1977 #31910 hen she heard a whirring noise and looked up to see a luminous white UFO co 4/4/1977 #31941 hen she heard a whirring noise and looked up to see a luminous white UFO co 4/4/1977 #31943 d that they were covered with what looked like desert dust and burrs. In a 4/4/1977 #31943 apparently floating in midair. He looked to the right and left, then bent 4/6/1977 #31953 heir baby's diaper. As the husband looked for a diaper in the car he glance 4/12/1977 #31978 ugh see tried to discern what they looked like through a pair of binoculars 4/19/1977 #32002 through a pair of binoculars. They looked as though they had hands, but she 4/19/1977 #32002 in Dover, Massachusetts. Its eyes looked like two lighter circles in the c 4/22/1977 #32013 the lefthand lane of the road. It looked like a hairless, beige-colored sm 4/23/1977 #32019 us silver figure, three feet wide, looked in a window for an hour in Milfor 4/26/1977 #32030 they were doing this, one of them looked up and briefly saw a thin, large, 5/3/1977 #32053 encounter with a white object that looked like an inverted plate while flyi 5/5/1977 #32058 encounter with a white object that looked like an inverted plate while flyi 5/5/1977 #32059 eicester, England. At one point it looked like five balls joined together i 5/21/1977 #32122 ld woman and her 13-year-old niece looked out their bedroom window before r 7/23/1977 #32304 ld woman and her 13-year-old niece looked out their bedroom window in Lindl 7/23/1977 #32306 g police. There was something that looked like a "radar mast" on the object 8/11/1977 #32382 g police. There was something that looked like a "radar mast" on the object 8/11/1977 #32387 alking by the side of the road. It looked robot like, had broad shoulders, 8/28/1977 #32439 two antennas on its head. The face looked like paper mache. They notified t 8/28/1977 #32439 bushes were in evidence, and what looked like landing gear imprints were f 8/31/1977 #32446 aw a flying saucer in a field that looked like an enormous hat. Frightened, 9/15/1977 #32485 oria, OH Evening. CE-1 from train. looked like 90' diameter "birthday cake" 10/1977 #32537 a, Canada when they saw a UFO that looked like an inverted bowl with two lo 10/1/1977 #32543 churning.” Woods next states they looked at the object, he felt like he co 11/1977 #32648 e felt like he couldn’t breath and looked at his colleague who had a blank 11/1977 #32648 ing late at night when he suddenly looked up to see a tall blond, blue-eyed 1/2/1978 #32848 observed a very bright object that looked like a "chicken coop" at a place 1/10/1978 #32867 observed a very bright object that looked like a "chicken coop" at a place 1/10/1978 #32870 It had two legs that were visible, looked transparent, and had a bottom tha 1/23/1978 #32908 , Brazil using Extachrome film. It looked like a fried egg or a domed disc. 1/23/1978 #32908 oots and gloves. One of the beings looked different, because he had a large 1/31/1978 #32930 came to a small ladder. The ladder looked like the steps of a swimming pool 2/5/1978 #32957 heard a loud siren like sound. He looked up and saw a bright light coming 3/24/1978 #33079 hat unusually large head. His hair looked like it had been completely shave 4/25/1978 #33171 eople at the station noted that he looked sunburned "as red as a lobster." 5/13/1978 #33205 the briefcase he had been carrying looked old and frayed. The force field w 6/16/1978 #33282 onvent and was 200 meters away. It looked to be 3 1/2 meters high and 2 met 6/16/1978 #33283 d there--awoke to a humming noise, looked out and saw that only a few meter 6/26/1978 #33312 d there--awoke to a humming noise, looked out and saw that only a few meter 6/26/1978 #33314 m the craft, wearing uniforms that looked like diving suits. The four witne 7/4/1978 #33337 male witness up on this night. He looked out from his house and saw a near 8/15/1978 #33517 e animals. Then the group saw what looked like a large hairy bipedal creatu 8/21/1978 #33540 rocking from side to side. It now looked solid and metallic. (NICAP: 01 - 8/22/1978 #33545 about a second. When the witnesses looked back, the lights were gone. 8/24/1978 #33567 awakened by a buzzing noise. They looked out, and saw a domed disc at only 8/28/1978 #33586 ly. A woman and her young daughter looked out and saw three tall men in gra 9/1/1978 #33621 ly. A woman and her young daughter looked out and saw three tall men in gra 9/1/1978 #33623 range sounds outside his house and looked out his bedroom window. He saw tw 9/6/1978 #33641 xion seemed pockmarked, their eyes looked normal and their noses were flat. 9/10/1978 #33657 figures was holding an object that looked like a "hair dryer", and was poin 9/10/1978 #33657 light beam on the road surface. It looked like a tank with treads but witho 9/14/1978 #33680 saw two humanoid beings with what looked like flashlights in the yard. The 9/16/1978 #33695 South Middleton, Massachusetts he looked out the front window of his house 9/18/1978 #33709 that slowed the car down. When he looked out the car window he saw a hover 9/26/1978 #33753 orange glow in the roadway when he looked back. Earlier in the same area ot 10/8/1978 #33822 at there was a bee in his hair. He looked absolutely terrified. A girl name 10/31/1978 #33902 el's bedroom, one of the young men looked at Will and saw an amorphous blac 10/31/1978 #33902 ne resident reported that the UFO "looked like an upside-down plate with a 11/27/1978 #34006 g nervous, she got up from bed and looked again to see the object rise and 12/6/1978 #34068 The window opened and a human face looked out at the witness. The craft's d 12/6/1978 #34070 cagna, Liguria, Italy. It had what looked like iron claws on one end of the 12/25/1978 #34205 cagna, Liguria, Italy. It had what looked like iron claws on one end of the 12/25/1978 #34206 . From the wall there emerged what looked like several arms ending in sucti 1/3/1979 #34292 e's engine suddenly stalled. As he looked under the hood he noticed two fig 1/19/1979 #34362 ay them any attention. But he soon looked back at the two figures more clos 1/19/1979 #34362 up brightly. One of the witnesses looked out the window and was amazed to 1/29/1979 #34389 up brightly. One of the witnesses looked out the window and was amazed to 1/29/1979 #34391 California through binoculars. It looked "like a frisbee that was dropped 2/19/1979 #34436 " The outer portions of the object looked reflective but it was dark in the 2/19/1979 #34436 hovering spinning sphere. She then looked to her side and saw nearby, stand 2/21/1979 #34441 arily distracted her, and when she looked back again the figures were gone. 2/21/1979 #34441 tried to make out what the object looked like, but the light emanating fro 2/26/1979 #34450 electrical system failed. The car looked a different color in the light. 5/6/1979 #34549 g in a wilderness area the witness looked up towards a clear spot in the cl 6/6/1979 #34601 rk room with small lights and what looked like star maps. Ten to twelve hum 6/18/1979 #34618 semi-trailer covered by a tarp, it looked disc like with a dome; pieces of 6/27/1979 #34637 egs that ended in little feet that looked like "boxing gloves." Their faces 7/25/1979 #34681 azil Two men were walking and they looked up and saw a huge object coming t 8/26/1979 #34782 nating the area like daytime. They looked up and saw a huge object coming t 8/26/1979 #34783 ould be seen from the waist up and looked nearly identical to each other. B 8/26/1979 #34783 it from a different angle--said it looked like "two silver deltas connected 9/20/1979 #34909 the next two days, including what looked like National Guard or Army truck 12/10/1979 #35066 aid they were looking at a UFO. We looked on the radar and observed the tar 12/29/1979 #35102 red wider than normal. He had what looked like several black dots on his up 12/30/1979 #35104 tanding at the foot of his bed. It looked to him more like a holographic im 1/5/1980 #35124 and staring at him. The humanoids looked very strong and were dressed in g 2/6/1980 #35160 dressed in gray suits. Their faces looked human except their eyes and skin 2/6/1980 #35160 to fetch one of the sheep. When he looked back towards the beings he saw an 2/6/1980 #35160 clothing. She went back inside and looked at the creature again out a windo 2/11/1980 #35168 upporting his weight. The humanoid looked to be trying to conceal his face 2/11/1980 #35168 they kept caged rabbits. When they looked out they were stunned to see five 3/3/1980 #35194 a chilling breeze at this heet. He looked up and saw a very tall being gest 4/23/1980 #35286 A schoolgirl saw what looked like a big monkey-like creature s 6/18/1980 #35380 e locations sighted an object that looked like a "metallic balloon" with tw 8/3/1980 #35440 ight and wore gray jumpsuits. They looked very much alike except one had lo 8/4/1980 #35441 aveling on an irregular course. It looked like a crescent-shaped portion of 8/23/1980 #35478 d disturbed their pigs. The object looked "like facets of a diamond." It mo 10/26/1980 #35592 ack. When it moved further away it looked like a bright orange light in the 10/26/1980 #35592 The object passed him, but when he looked behind him it was no longer in si 12/31/1980 #35759 y the objects disappear into "what looked like puffs of smoke." A minute la 3/1981 #35856 a man pointing up to the sky. She looked up to see a ball shaped object ab 9/1981 #36096 n her hand three months later that looked like a "pale birth mark." 9/10/1981 #36109 ad and stopped in front of him. It looked like it was wearing a toga like t 10/24/1981 #36186 e mist from the rear of the object looked like "lit up snowflakes." The rim 2/10/1982 #36337 iant light filled her bedroom. She looked out the window and spotted a lumi 2/15/1982 #36346 ft and in close proximity. When he looked he saw a small silvery mushroom-s 2/19/1982 #36357 e a blender running in a box." She looked out at the cloudy, windy and cold 4/3/1982 #36432 e a blender running in a box." She looked out at the cloudy, windy and cold 4/3/1982 #36434 In Easley, South Carolina what looked like a "water tank" in a nearby f 7/14/1982 #36535 und as he approached his house. He looked around, and noticed a strange bla 11/10/1982 #36678 ps Island. She stopped her car and looked in the direction of the light, an 11/19/1982 #36688 d again. They wore clothing, which looked as if it were made of rubber mate 11/29/1982 #36702 through a wall. A naked female who looked human then entered the room. She 11/29/1982 #36702 deeply tanned or dark skinned, and looked to be about 20 years old. She car 11/29/1982 #36702 noticed Joao was missing and what looked like signs of a struggle, so he a 11/30/1982 #36703 his door. They wore clothing that looked it was made from a rubber materia 11/30/1982 #36703 ashire, England sighted a UFO that looked like two semicircles of white lig 12/10/1982 #36713 Albany saw a delta-shaped UFO that looked larger than a Boeing 747. It pace 3/21/1984 #37234 w York saw a delta-shaped UFO that looked larger than a Boeing 747. It pace 3/21/1984 #37238 nd witnessed a glowing sphere that looked like "masses of silver paper crin 4/19/1984 #37273 nd witnessed a glowing sphere that looked like "masses of silver paper crin 4/19/1984 #37276 around him became brightly lit. He looked up to see that the light source w 5/19/1984 #37334 ness felt a tingling sensation. He looked up to see that the light source w 5/19/1984 #37335 me, and a rosy neon glow from what looked like a cylindrical "tailpipe". Th 6/15/1984 #37365 the bottom portion of the UFO. It looked as if it was completely even and 6/15/1984 #37365 easily visible, was something that looked like a pipe. It glowed with an un 6/15/1984 #37365 their house windows. They saw what looked like an eye-like orb peering in t 12/31/1984 #37538 windows at 6:10 p.m. They saw what looked like an eye-like orb peering in t 12/31/1984 #37539 the middle, and were wearing what looked like blue ski suits. The female w 5/9/1985 #37589 neighborhood began barking. As he looked outside he saw an object hovering 5/29/1986 #37898 yes on their foreheads. Their skin looked translucent and was bluish in col 3/7/1987 #38133 w five bright flashes of light. He looked in their direction and saw a brig 3/7/1987 #38134 was so dense that my outside light looked just like a small light bulb, [an 3/23/1987 #38153 that everything down by her house looked very orange. All around the objec 3/23/1987 #38153 y orange. All around the object it looked just like a thick orange fog. The 3/23/1987 #38153 e fog. The lower part of the craft looked blue-silver, especially what seem 3/23/1987 #38153 county, Florida some kids saw what looked like an "extra streetlight" glide 12/10/1987 #38353 ght yellow light in the center and looked like the sketch below. The "egg-c 1/20/1988 #38423 ter yellow cloud of something that looked like fog was seen straddling a he 2/9/1988 #38449 Breeze, Florida at 2:45 a.m. They looked out and saw a flying object only 4/3/1988 #38533 noise outside that was a cat. She looked out through an upstairs window an 9/3/1988 #38631 n the sky. She went downstairs and looked at it from another angle, then aw 9/3/1988 #38631 appeared to be surrounded by what looked like a glowing white light. He su 10/24/1988 #38687 past her second story window. She looked out and saw a silent rectangular 10/24/1988 #38690 nto opening of the disc and inside looked to be 10 times the size of the ou 1/1989 #38772 off; with the light turned off it looked like a blue boomerang. 5/4/1989 #38936 s mushroom shaped on one side, but looked crablike on the other side. 5/27/1989 #38964 three beings on board. The beings looked very pale and had identical faces 7/4/1989 #39009 ring collarless silver shirts that looked like nightgowns. They bluntly tol 7/4/1989 #39009 ry colored like their clothing and looked like a huge barrel with a circula 7/4/1989 #39009 t. Soon it was high in the sky and looked like a small star. 7/4/1989 #39009 antonment, Florida at 8:00 p.m. It looked “like two Hershey’s Kisses attach 9/14/1989 #39102 isc-shaped objects engaged in what looked like an aerial battle or "dogfigh 9/16/1989 #39109 s in diameter. Holes in the ground looked as though someone had taken soil 9/21/1989 #39115 d. The being moved very slowly and looked around, he had a very small head 9/27/1989 #39126 ed in fear. Then one of the beings looked at the boy and pointed a tube at 9/27/1989 #39126 arly said, “Sit down quietly!” She looked up and saw a thin transparent “gr 10/11/1989 #39164 . They all ran to the basement and looked out a window to see. Next, a red 10/27/1989 #39188 ing else seemed in order. She then looked out the window, and noticed to he 10/31/1989 #39199 , Indiana. It was escorted by what looked like four black, Huey-model helic 12/1/1989 #39294 ents not of Earth, and their blood looked like oil. The bodies were light b 1990 #39358 passed low overhead. Driver fled, looked back, saw object hovering over a 3/27/1990 #39488 passed low overhead. Driver fled, looked back, saw object hovering over a 3/27/1990 #39489 the UFO, appearing just the way it looked from the ground, even though the 3/31/1990 #39503 hts, and structures on bottom that looked like "an aircraft carrier turned 4/22/1990 #39541 reatures" were outside. His mother looked out and saw several one-meter tal 5/18/1990 #39576 were yellowish-orange in color and looked like their were connected to some 8/5/1990 #39681 achkala, Dagestan, Russia when she looked at the sky and saw a fast moving 9/13/1990 #39731 she could. Near her front door she looked back and saw the UFO departing, d 9/13/1990 #39731 other two were seated behind what looked like a control panel. The object 9/13/1990 #39732 away from the area. One of the men looked over his shoulder to see a tall, 6/15/1991 #40098 ley; they were lifting bodies that looked like inverted bathtubs that looke 7/1991 #40108 looked like inverted bathtubs that looked like a “pod” or short-range recon 7/1991 #40108 of a USAF Project White Book that looked into historical UAP sightings inc 7/1991 #40108 ent than he had ever seen and they looked strange; they were packed in dry 7/9/1991 #40116 their attention. Frightened, they looked out and saw a huge luminous objec 12/1/1991 #40251 ipe a beautiful woman appeared and looked at the woman. The main witness th 1/24/1992 #40302 reign sounding voices, and when he looked up he saw five strange humanoid b 3/5/1992 #40359 the presence of the two beings who looked human than with the odd looking s 3/11/1992 #40372 t got no answer. Next, he saw what looked like a huge luminous cloud which 4/12/1992 #40414 luminous cloud which created what looked like a curtain across the highway 4/12/1992 #40414 g lights. They thought its outline looked like a DC-9 airplane about to cra 5/1/1992 #40443 them. They sped up, and when they looked behind the object was gone. 5/1/1992 #40443 Byrd. D’Amato tells Vallee that he looked into triangular UAP like those se 5/22/1992 #40469 r K. Mellon stated in 2021 he also looked into USG/USG contractor black aer 5/22/1992 #40469 both entirely naked. The two women looked very human in nearly every detail 7/23/1992 #40531 ell-proportioned adult bodies. One looked Asian, with straight dark shoulde 7/23/1992 #40531 ngth hair and dark eyes. The other looked perhaps Scandinavian, with light 7/23/1992 #40531 down her back. To Khoury, the hair looked very exotic. Their faces were som 7/23/1992 #40531 She seemed shocked or confused and looked at the Asian woman, then back at 7/23/1992 #40531 g from outside her house. When she looked out the window she observed a bri 11/9/1992 #40707 he saw one carrying something that looked like a "trumpet". Later Harold ha 1/12/1993 #40794 nd a storage shed she noticed what looked like a large fruit silo in a near 3/20/1993 #40894 utes the creature turned its head, looked at him, and started flapping its 4/19/1993 #40944 went downstairs to her kitchen and looked out to the garden through a glass 5/30/1993 #40997 a prison in Auckland, New Zealand looked out a window at 10:35 p.m. to see 6/18/1993 #41022 it flew away from the area. It now looked like a helicopter with a red puls 7/27/1993 #41091 then pointed to the backyard. Jill looked out through a sliding glass door 8/18/1993 #41146 e San Luis Valley of Colorado. She looked out into the gloomy night and fel 11/18/1993 #41284 c on their car radio and when they looked behind they saw a fast approachin 11/29/1993 #41309 oached the witness house, and then looked in a window. The frightened witne 12/9/1993 #41327 An object that looked like a globe on a pedestal follow 12/31/1993 #41338 a mile wide linear structure that looked artificial and “shouldn’t be ther 1994 #41351 At 9:30 p.m. what looked like a B-17 aircraft rumbled by M 3/14/1994 #41458 ed a churning swirl of water, that looked like a waterspout below the UFO. 4/26/1994 #41505 d herself unable to move. When she looked around she found herself surround 12/15/1994 #41895 A 40-year-old man looked out of the window of a store at 5 1/16/1995 #41979 he nearby railroad tracks. The man looked around but did not find anything 2/9/1995 #42031 ound." The figure was wearing what looked like a flowing tunic, and a conic 2/9/1995 #42031 of a woman's, and it carried that looked like a baton in one hand. The man 2/9/1995 #42031 house. Veronique went upstairs and looked out a window. She then noticed th 2/21/1995 #42055 all went outdoors and spotted what looked like a helicopter land at the nea 2/23/1995 #42060 th windows appeared in the sky and looked to be slowly surveying a farm in 3/1/1995 #42070 hit the creature with his car, he looked back and saw it still standing in 4/3/1995 #42138 tic: instead of a beak it had what looked like the muzzle of a wolf. The cr 4/23/1995 #42173 f blue, yellow, red, and white. He looked up and saw a small transparent cy 5/15/1995 #42211 t, choppy, garbled speech. When he looked between the rows of hangers he sa 8/11/1995 #42376 ho fled on his motorcycle. When he looked back he saw the humanoids walking 8/26/1995 #42417 od, California and engaged in what looked like a "dog-fight" with loops; th 10/28/1995 #42568 of West Lothian, Scotland saw what looked like "a new type of ship. It look 11/8/1995 #42588 ooked like "a new type of ship. It looked like a giant Frisbee" between the 11/8/1995 #42588 e five meters above the ground. It looked to be trembling like a curtain, a 1/20/1996 #42697 derly in West Dade County, Florida looked out the window at 11:00 p.m. to s 3/6/1996 #42811 color with elongated eyes and what looked like a fin on their foreheads. Th 4/17/1996 #42872 oving in the forest, and when they looked in the direction of the sound the 7/22/1996 #42963 rolina when at 4:15 a.m. he awoke, looked to his right, and saw a white fac 9/16/1996 #43025 bright flash of light outside. He looked out the French windows of his far 1/5/1997 #43166 rom the luminous form. The figures looked to be transparent and passed clos 1/5/1997 #43166 ht they were joking, but all three looked out a window could still see the 2/16/1997 #43194 hought they were joking. All three looked out the window and noticed that t 2/16/1997 #43194 hen he heard the sound of jets and looked up. He also saw three disc-shaped 2/17/1997 #43196 FO group named Circular Forum have looked into the activities of the nearby 3/1997 #43215 a UFO about 100 yards away. There looked to be humanoid figures dressed in 4/28/1997 #43283 as lost from view at 8:30 p.m. It looked like two shallow saucers, lip to 5/5/1997 #43288 ler "woman." Some of her abductors looked human, and some did not. In anoth 6/5/1997 #43311 were courteous to her, and others looked to be rather irritated at her, fo 6/5/1997 #43311 e heard a noise like a helicopter, looked out her window and saw "a whirlpo 10/16/1997 #43430 for a nose. She was terrified. She looked out her window and could see a UF 10/18/1997 #43432 g on the floor of the kitchen. She looked up and saw three humanoids huddle 10/19/1997 #43433 gh speed reconnaissance craft that looked triangular in shape. It looked li Late 1990's #43480 hat looked triangular in shape. It looked like some triangular UAP sighting Late 1990's #43480 r K. Mellon stated in 2021 he also looked into USG/USG contractor black aer Late 1990's #43480 rm of telepathic communication. He looked out his window to see a multicolo 1/1/1998 #43484 hid under the covers and when they looked again a few moments later the fig 1/1/1998 #43484 nking it was a deer he stopped and looked around. Looking through the trees 1/25/1998 #43505 ad long arms and small heads. They looked around briefly and then went back 2/14/1998 #43521 A UFO that looked like an irregular triangle with r 4/11/1998 #43547 tum vacuum. The study specifically looked at one or more resonant frequenci 8/1998 #43618 h long dangling arms and legs that looked deformed. It was very pale in col 8/24/1998 #43637 ouse at 8 p.m., and soon after she looked out her window and noticed a brig 9/21/1998 #43650 ar a lone entity sitting erect. It looked tall with a huge head on a spindl 9/25/1998 #43652 y neck. Its color was pasty and it looked like a lot of veins covered its h 9/25/1998 #43652 of the beings was leaned over and looked to be picking something up from t 10/24/1998 #43669 a light from an unknown source. He looked at the foot of his bed and saw an 10/25/1998 #43670 o see because of the light, but it looked as if its hands were covering up 10/25/1998 #43670 all objects hitting her house. She looked out a window and saw several four 10/30/1998 #43671 ing in his car at midnight when he looked up and saw a short figure with a 2/21/1999 #43733 , so he left. As he walked away he looked back and saw the object climb int 3/15/1999 #43748 he went back inside his house. He looked out again to see the object shoot 5/23/1999 #43773 he claims along with Project Medea looked at damage caused by EMEs near nuc 7/7/1999 #43798 A craft that at first looked like a mobile home took off verti 7/23/1999 #43812 kansas around midnight, when Henry looked up and saw a humanoid standing ou 9/3/1999 #43842 rned his head briefly, and when he looked back the figure was gone. 9/3/1999 #43842 he entity several times. The being looked scared, and it crouched in the co 10/26/1999 #43866 tness saw a bright light beam that looked like the spotlight from a police 1/18/2000 #43931 t 9:00 p.m. a V-shaped object that looked a little like a plane, but was fa 3/1/2000 #43960 e noticed a figure dressed in what looked like a long dark coat sitting on 7/11/2000 #44014 up and look outside, and when she looked out the window she was startled t 7/31/2000 #44024 pped. A man exited the vehicle and looked at him. He described the man as h 8/11/2000 #44030 having glowing green eyes. Then he looked behind him and saw two more men. 8/11/2000 #44030 in the sky at 9:30 p.m. with what looked like bicycle spokes coming out of 9/11/2000 #44038 king loudly at around 7:00 p.m. He looked outside and noticed a very bright 11/30/2000 #44094 round, and he was able to see what looked like lighted windows on the objec 11/30/2000 #44094 but Eric Davis states its members looked at UAP data. Hal Puthoff was also 2001 #44112 ce while driving at 8:00 p.m., and looked up to see a saucer directly above 1/23/2001 #44129 he humanoid carried something that looked like a cane, and wore a silvery h 7/1/2001 #44202 as the "instructors". The children looked human but with some alien traits, 8/2/2001 #44220 minutes over New Delhi, India. It looked like two saucers inverted over ea 8/15/2001 #44234 he others were white. At first, it looked like the lights were all connecte 8/30/2001 #44249 connected, but using binoculars it looked like only the front light was att 8/30/2001 #44249 nty Cork, Ireland; one reported it looked like a figure-8 on its side. 9/10/2001 #44256 and at 10:32 p.m. Slowing down, he looked but could not find a safe place t 10/31/2001 #44269 ngle elevation from the ground. It looked almost transparent with two red a 12/10/2001 #44286 . in Kelowna, British Columbia. It looked like a hang glider in the night s 4/30/2002 #44334 orange dumbbell shaped thing, that looked like two halves hooked together w 5/12/2002 #44344 tall, and had hands and feet that looked metallic. Miss Esici temporarily 6/5/2002 #44347 ne minute and Cabrera notices what looked like molten rock dripping from th Late 9/2002 #44405 was a very dark night, and when he looked up he saw a huge disc-shaped obje 9/25/2002 #44406 a bright white headlight, and what looked like normal red and green navigat 10/29/2002 #44424 window by an unknown intruder. He looked up to see a very tall thin humano 1/4/2003 #44468 t sky with a watery reflection. It looked to be cylindrical in shape. At 4: 1/16/2003 #44476 ched the other side it stopped and looked at the witness, waving its skinny 1/22/2003 #44477 on top. As the witness drove by he looked back to see the creature still st 1/22/2003 #44477 lorida when she suddenly awoke and looked at the doorway and noticed two cr 1/27/2003 #44481 he car were also flashing. When he looked up he saw a huge triangular-shape 2/13/2003 #44490 h everything switched off. When he looked at his watch it was 3:03 a.m. He 2/13/2003 #44490 ght on it. The ends of the objects looked like manta-ray fins, and it float 3/18/2003 #44503 m of it, on the left side was what looked like a red rectangular window. In 5/3/2003 #44523 on, Missouri. Its bottom perimeter looked octagonal, and it had four small 5/8/2003 #44529 New York at 6:43 p.m., the witness looked up to the southeast and saw a sil 5/8/2003 #44530 en he heard a humming sound, so he looked around and he saw two cylinder sh 5/13/2003 #44535 e that caught her attention. "As I looked up, I saw a beautiful display of 5/13/2003 #44536 ey saw a very bright red flash and looked out the truck windows and the obj 5/16/2003 #44538 California at 11:00 a.m. when they looked up into the clear sky and observe 5/16/2003 #44539 feropol', Crimea, Ukraine. The UFO looked like a white star, as bright as S 5/19/2003 #44542 nd were almost back home when they looked up and saw the figure of a man in 7/16/2003 #44565 in the sky. He was dressed in what looked like black overalls, and he was d 7/16/2003 #44565 ing near Lispole, Ireland saw what looked like a light aircraft trailing fl 8/25/2003 #44582 robotic person who has a face that looked as if a human face had been graft 9/3/2003 #44592 y had set up a steel building that looked like the only thing that could wi 9/3/2003 #44592 his vehicle at a cross street and looked all the way to the end of the str 3/12/2004 #44676 ird kind of gunshot sound. When he looked up to the sky he saw a bright lig 3/12/2004 #44676 ly a brief 30 seconds, but when he looked again at his watch it was at leas 3/12/2004 #44676 nd. It was brightly lit with what looked like halogen type lights, and was 3/21/2004 #44678 owhead flying backwards, with what looked like a head or knob on the front. 4/5/2004 #44684 ck figure run past her window. She looked outside and could not see anyone. 5/17/2004 #44703 in the sky. The objects in the sky looked like giant orbs of amber light an 6/9/2004 #44709 g to the north and south, and they looked at his truck as he drove by. They 7/27/2004 #44718 she turned to argue, and when she looked back it was gone. 8/22/2004 #44739 s before it went out of sight. "It looked like a jet with a very short cont 9/7/2004 #44749 ico when he awoke at four a.m. and looked out the window to see a strange o 11/8/2004 #44780 and caught a brief glimpse of what looked to be an alien face. The figure w 11/25/2005 #44906 Bragg Creek, Alberta, Canada. They looked outside and saw 20 or more tiny b 1/30/2006 #44920 to listen intently. When they next looked out the window they could see the 1/30/2006 #44920 h Columbia four witnesses saw what looked like an egg-shaped UFO standing u 2/12/2006 #44922 gg-shaped UFO standing upright. It looked fully illuminated as if it had an 2/12/2006 #44922 ture descended from the object and looked at the witness. Terrified, he tur 4/25/2007 #45023 the being seemed to ignore him. It looked humanoid but was about 7-8 feet t 4/25/2007 #45023 It was carrying an instrument that looked like a crystal cube with a handle 4/25/2007 #45023 , visiting with a customer, we all looked up and saw a cylindrically shaped 5/16/2007 #45031 a.m. He was going to shut him up, looked out window to see what he was bar 7/31/2007 #45041 A low flying object that looked like the Concorde (supersonic air 8/9/2007 #45045 ll beings, about 4 feet tall. They looked to be made out of light, that was 8/29/2007 #45050 to an unseen opening or portal. It looked like they were going up into a co 8/29/2007 #45050 all figures entered the craft they looked back at the witness, and their ey 8/29/2007 #45050 he heard a man’s voice, he when he looked in the direction it was coming fr 9/16/2007 #45059 saw 12 to 15 humanoid figures that looked like people, but some were extrem 9/16/2007 #45059 ds. The homeowner reported that it looked like it was searching for somethi 10/23/2007 #45079 difficult to focus upon because it looked blurry. 12/23/2007 #45102 or, when he was amazed to see what looked like "a typical grey alien being 4/12/2008 #45127 y tracks or ground traces. As they looked around, the same pair of red shin 4/12/2008 #45128 they reached it they spotted what looked like a landed disc-shaped UFO in 8/3/2008 #45154 iego, California, when the witness looked out the window of the train he sa 1/30/2009 #45209 didn't hear any footsteps. He also looked up and saw the top cover of the t 8/30/2009 #45240 ing through the air, and when they looked at it through the telephoto lens 9/5/2009 #45242 go County, Texas at 6:30 p.m. They looked like planes without wings, emitti 10/27/2009 #45249 play basketball in the courts. He looked up and noticed three disc-shaped 5/16/2010 #45282 or more objects over the water. It looked like a formation of triangles goi 2/11/2011 #45314 cky saw a flying object that first looked like a radio tower with a flashin 2/11/2011 #45315 ther lights. As they got closer it looked like a cigar-shaped object. Howev 2/11/2011 #45315 th determining if this ONR program looked at psychological communication be 2012 #45337 my, a flying iPad in the sky!" She looked around and noticed there were no 6/1/2013 #45369 object. About half a mile away she looked back and could no longer see the 6/1/2013 #45369 g a CD as I was driving and when I looked up, I saw what looked like a car 8/6/2013 #45381 g and when I looked up, I saw what looked like a car without its lights on, 8/6/2013 #45381 aid he was visibly shaken. "I just looked at him and I could tell something 8/6/2013 #45381 e were “three” flying saucers that looked like “something from the 1950s.” 12/2014 #45425 when they re-appeared “their faces looked scared,” and he claims he saw sil 1/30/2015 #45429 crash retrieval program when they looked because they never knew of its ex 5/1/2021 #45687 her means. More specifically, they looked at cases involving a combination 2/2/2022 #45737 main onto a craft with people that looked like humans; and Enrique Villanue 10/20/2022 #45779 . EG&G also had a “live being” who looked human, kind of like Ross Perot an 2/28/2023 #45796## Word: "lookede" (Back to Top)
ite complexion, and something that lookede like folds or gills under their 1/29/1976 #30833## Word: "looking" (Back to Top)
C. A. Youngman and Ben Flexner are looking out a drugstore window at 2nd an 7/28/1880 #237 , when their horse stops suddenly. Looking up, they see three slender being 11/25/1896 #361 on his ranch near Peru, Nebraska, looking for strayed cattle. He notices a 4/6/1897 #416 Carlton Jr. watches a flat object looking like a “big piece of yellow canv 4/11/1897 #430 earing, walking around as if he is looking for something. They turn off the 4/13/1897 #454 igure walking around in a clearing looking for something near Lake Elmo, Mi 4/13/1897 #456 City, Indiana 3:00 p.m. An airship looking like an “immense bird” approache 4/14/1897 #464 a flock of geese passing overhead. Looking up, he sees an object with wings 4/14/1897 #467 meters long, with a canopy. A man, looking to be about 25 years old, wearin 4/14/1897 #474 Bicycle Works in Marion, Ohio, is looking at the night sky when he sees th 4/16/1897 #509 , was awakened by a machine noise. Looking outside, he saw a heavy, lighted 4/22/1897 #554 , was awakened by a machine noise. Looking outside, he saw a heavy, lighted 4/22/1897 #556 night by the noise from a machine. Looking outside, he saw a heavy, illumin 4/22/1897 #562 t 7:30 p.m. It landed, and a human looking occupant got out. He spoke Engli 5/4/1897 #589 t sounded like a nearby explosion. Looking eastward along College Street th 7/2/1907 #698 e terrain brightly in King's Lynn. Looking up, he saw the airship-like obje 5/13/1909 #739 frightened the animal. Three human looking figures stood on deck, and one w 8/3/1909 #800 s 20 strange entities taking turns looking at him. Their heads are pointed, Summer 1910 #839 000 feet near Rochford, Essex, and looking for Zeppelins, sees an object ab 1/31/1916 #941 machine. The other two seem to be looking around. Possible Chinese lantern 2/29/1916 #943 suits who drag him into a strange looking “tank.” After a while, an openin 1921 #1010 rtsmouth, England, sees a “strange looking bladder like monster the shape o Late 7/1921 #1012 six able-bodied soldiers that were looking after them said they had been aw 1922 #1017 ilvery gray rubber tubes. They are looking into a window in the back of a h 11/1926 #1067 n Bakersfield, California. A human looking occupant was seen inside a windo 10/18/1927 #1082 brilliant white light from above. Looking up, he saw the light came from a 5/4/1932 #1143 outside coming from the northeast. Looking out the window, he sees the yard Fall 1933 #1175 he witness and suspect that he was looking at Venus. Late 11/1933 #1176 can see the silhouette of someone looking at him. Other figures are taking Summer 1938 #1285 im. Other figures are taking turns looking through portholes. It disappears Summer 1938 #1285 es “six small men milling about or looking for something on the ground.” Th Summer 1940 #1340 sounded. He dives into his foxhole looking to the sky. He hears a roaring s 8/12/1942 #1434 ort stubby wings; football-sized¬; looking like large oranges. (Page 64-65 4/26/1944 #1592 o vessel near Palmyra Atoll. While looking for a lost Navy patrol plane, he 6/1944 #1602 an open door. All three seem to be looking toward the lights of a nearby fa Late 8/1944 #1647 ddish-blue in color, vivid lights, looking like flames, in a tight inverted 12/26/1944 #1735 bling a balloon; shiny silver ball looking like a very bright weather ballo 2/4/1945 #1772 orthern Okinawa, Japan, on a bluff looking toward the South China Sea, Arti 7/1945 #1887 and Remigio Baca, 7, when they are looking for a cow. The crashed saucer ha 8/16/1945 #1924 is in Colorado Springs, Colorado, looking southwest toward Cheyenne Mounta Summer 1946 #2014 when he also sees a “flying bomb” looking like a big star traveling northe 7/12/1946 #2053 An astronomer and meteorologist is looking at some clouds through a telesco Early 8/1946 #2102 of the U.S. army. While they were looking for desert property to buy they 1/1947 #2221 hen he hears the sound of a motor. Looking up, he sees 9 objects approachin 6/25/1947 #2412 the army intelligence service are looking into the flying discs. An INS di 7/3/1947 #2582 Johnson that officials are indeed looking into the discs and that Wright F 7/3/1947 #2582 er of the field and then range out looking for more details or another cras 7/7/1947 #2928 Vandenberg says no AAF planes are looking for discs, but National Guard pl 7/7/1947 #2933 scs, but National Guard planes are looking into the discs on their own. 1:5 7/7/1947 #2933 whooshing sound and saw an unusual looking, gray flying craft in the sky. H 7/7/1947 #2947 o tell him the Army Air Forces are looking into it, but there is “no indica 7/8/1947 #3017 ear a kind of “puff” noise nearby. Looking up, they see a ball of white, sp 7/9/1947 #3068 e noticed them about 300 feet away looking in the sky and he glanced up to 8/13/1947 #3322 about 20 feet above thqwe stream. Looking around, he sees two “boys” on th 8/14/1947 #3330 look into whether Soviet spies are looking into whether the flying discs ar 8/15/1947 #3336 disc-shaped objects, described as looking like "skeet targets", passed ben 8/18/1947 #3347 ous?] objects in horizontal flight looking like electric lights (NICAP: 01 8/19/1947 #3350 nne has spent thousands of dollars looking for and interviewing witnesses a 3/25/1948 #3598 r, and surmounted by a transparent looking dome or “upside-down cup.” It wa 4/3/1948 #3607 object. He wore a stiff, metallic looking one-piece garment with heavy met 4/3/1948 #3607 d B. Hutchinson. The government is looking for a place where nuclear tests Late 1948 #3842 a disc-shaped object described as looking like a "flat aluminum sheet" soa 7/26/1949 #4292 e countryside. It was described as looking like a "4th of July sparkler." 8/1/1949 #4303 ht when it disappeared into an odd looking, lone small thin cloud. 1/26/1950 #4514 within 150 meters of the aluminum looking craft that gave off a blue-green 3/18/1950 #4680 Denver. The 2 federal agents were looking for “parts” and “gadgets” from c 3/31/1950 #4772 that the vapor trail has been cut. Looking more closely, he notices a metal 6/12/1950 #4984 clothing who are stooped over and looking at something on the ground. Link 6/17/1950 #4991 three men, and they appeared to be looking down at her. The domed object ma 2/4/1951 #5432 lored outfits, and carried a weird looking object. They floated toward the 2/4/1951 #5432 “Watch the skies, everywhere! Keep looking. Watch the skies!” 4/7/1951 #5500 A metallic disc-shaped object, looking like aluminum, appeared to stand 6/15/1951 #5543 ss is on his porch in Waco, Texas, looking at the sky when he sees a V-shap Mid 8/1951 #5609 ts convinced of the ETH) were also looking into the Lubbock cases. In March 8/30/1951 #5638 At 3:53 p.m. a milky white object looking like a small Northrop flying win 11/24/1951 #5791 ut 35° or more above the horizon.” Looking upward, he sees three perfectly 2/20/1952 #5915 California Day. Henry C. Davis is looking out at the ocean through his sec 3/26/1952 #5978 ay disc with a hump in the middle, looking something like a fin, was seen a 4/21/1952 #6148 apan at 9:00 p.m. Two more similar looking discs then followed the first, t 4/22/1952 #6156 d heard a strange whooshing noise. Looking up, they saw a black speck, high 5/3/1952 #6254 s standing on one of the craft and looking at the sky. They went back insid Summer 1952 #6575 Owensboro (near), KY 2 obj looking like “giant soap bubbles” reflec 6/23/1952 #6600 d Lt. Col. O. L. Depp. Two objects looking like "giant soap bubbles", refle 6/23/1952 #6605 pp’s grandfather] sees two objects looking like giant soap bubbles reflecti 6/23/1952 #6609 airplane and witnessed two objects looking like "giant soap bubbles", refle 6/23/1952 #6614 s 12–14 UFOs at about 10,000 feet. Looking like “two pie pans, one inverted 7/2/1952 #6694 gray object, slightly yellow, and looking like "a flattened out donut with 7/15/1952 #6831 indicating that the agency will be looking into UFO matters a bit more thor 7/29/1952 #7325 ments of a few frames show a fiery looking, roughly circular object, symmet 7/29/1952 #7330 lexandria, Indiana, sees a strange looking cloud and calls her two teenage 7/30/1952 #7364 and Laura Oliver to see it. While looking at it, they see six flat, alumin 7/30/1952 #7364 a large group of UFOs described as looking like "70 white ping pong balls" 8/1/1952 #7413 e civilian men observed a metallic looking spherical shaped object hanging 8/2/1952 #7421 It was joined by two more similar looking objects, and then all three flew 8/12/1952 #7560 feet near Rockhampton, Queensland. Looking east toward the coast, he sees a 8/15/1952 #7611 hing more elliptical. It was solid looking, and it swung like a pendulum as 9/19/1952 #7981 n County, California. Two couples, looking through a 5x telescope at 10 p.m 9/27/1952 #8045 ct appears. Soon the whole crew is looking up. Beemer says the objects are 9/30/1952 #8070 d it gives off a “weird light like looking at a firefly” while changing sha 10/1952 #8076 hich three occupants were visible, looking directly at the witness. They lo 11/18/1952 #8294 delaide, South Australia a ghastly looking creature over six-feet tall, wit 1/2/1953 #8496 being joined by a second, similar looking object. The second UFO twice fle 2/4/1953 #8638 ears a strange metallic vibration. Looking up, he sees a long white trail i 5/16/1953 #8879 he was joined by two short, human looking men. They were only about four a 8/18/1953 #9081 Serrate could see four young human looking men and two young women sitting 11/28/1953 #9325 and gamma radiation. It recommends looking into as yet undiscovered gravity 3/15/1954 #9621 ickly south / extreme speed. Misty looking in clear sky. 3/31/1954 #9652 high rate of speed. It had a misty looking appearance despite the clear sky 3/31/1954 #9653 ht shines into her bedroom window. Looking outside, she sees a triangle of Summer 1954 #9919 , POLAND Girl, 11 abduction. Human looking men with humps / back. / r11p320 7/15/1954? #10019 f Howth. Initially he thinks he is looking at a meteor because he can only 8/1/1954 #10089 e Elise Blanc approached an object looking like an aluminum trailer with tw 8/23/1954 #10169 er colored object that had a funny looking rim. The edge of the craft gave 9/4/1954 #10247 iving suit. She can see large eyes looking at her through the helmet. The c 9/26/1954 #10451 d seen the light he noticed an odd looking object in a field. It was about 10/6/1954 #10758 th hands on the bar of my balcony, looking with astonishment at this strang 10/8/1954 #10814 th hands on the bar of my balcony, looking with astonishment at this strang 10/8/1954 #10818 aterial. There was a very peculiar looking creature standing beside the cra 10/24/1954 #11366 tanding on the slope opposite him, looking around. At first he thought they 10/24/1954 #11368 sseto, Ermellina Lanzillo, who was looking for her cat, saw from her window 10/27/1954 #11448 in her house near Grosseto, Italy looking for her cat, when she saw from h 10/27/1954 #11455 mps out of the door and runs away. Looking back at the object from 30 feet 11/2/1954 #11537 ydon, London, England was outside looking after his rabbits when a small d 11/8/1954 #11601 s wearing tight-fitting suits were looking at the tracks with a light. When 11/13/1954 #11638 on his legs, from the knees down. Looking up, he sees a bright orange obje 11/17/1954 #11663 udan, Cotes-Nord, France saw a UFO looking like "a glowing boat" land in a 11/18/1954 #11667 e messages seriously, and a friend looking over his shoulder runs out to th 11/22/1954 #11690 s disc there moved about a strange looking figure, which seemed to be a dwa 12/4/1954 #11760 n, Northern Cape, South Africa, is looking for a red balloon he has just re 12/7/1954 #11773 a sewing machine. Another man was looking at a fence, and the head and arm 12/9/1954 #11784 ne meter above the ground. A human looking occupant got out of the craft an 12/31/1954 #11885 ing between them and Mt. Williams. Looking like a "light airplane on fire," 5/29/1955 #12166 lery fire. He sees two in a series looking like meteors coming from the sou 8/21/1955 #12386 is lit up by a bright white light. Looking up, they see a large disc hoveri 8/28/1956 #13146 NEAR CHESTER, CA Hunter. Human looking small humanoid (or Grey). Goes a 9/1956 #13161 ene Epoch [23–5 million years ago] looking for terrestrial bodies to inhabi 1957 #13430 y, looks outside and sees the dogs looking at a white hovering object that 3/6/1957 #13523 feet above the ground. Thin, bony looking humanoids, seven to eight feet t 5/10/1957 #13654 hed down, were larger and stronger looking than their counterparts in untou 7/30/1957 #13860 ces people standing along the road looking at the sky. She stops, and they 8/1957 #13868 ones, while out driving around and looking for some explanation of the many 11/3/1957 #14246 an named Daniel De Giovanni, while looking for the cause of a headlight fai 11/4/1957 #14280 pilot smell smoke and, as they are looking for the source, the light disapp 11/4/1957 #14283 e also stopped and drivers are out looking at the sky (looking behind him t 11/4/1957 #14286 rivers are out looking at the sky (looking behind him to the northeast), in 11/4/1957 #14286 New Castle, Indiana An object looking like "a big meat platter" was se 11/5/1957 #14339 New Castle, Indiana. An object looking like "a big meat platter" was se 11/5/1957 #14350 ome when he suddenly saw an object looking like a bright meteor split into 11/6/1957 #14417 when he suddenly noticed an object looking like a bright meteor split into 11/6/1957 #14441 rough telepathy, indicating he was looking for titanium and was coming from 11/18/1957 #14576 rough telepathy, indicating he was looking for titanium and was coming from 11/18/1957 #14578 'clock in the afternoon a metallic looking object hovered low over the hori 12/6/1957 #14679 the lights went off. Two figures, looking like animals or huge insects wer 1/1958 #14790 At 2:15 p.m. two human looking figures again appeared to Mrs. A 1/7/1958 #14813 0 a.m. the UFO appeared once more, looking silvery in color and hovering at 2/24/1958 #14890 o ask some fishermen what they are looking at. He hears a humming sound and 4/1958 #14955 e UFO appeared as a round metallic looking object (called a “Flying Saucer” 5/1958 #15006 with portholes and figures inside looking out. Grusinki can feel heat comi 9/1958 #15239 watch team in Portland, Oregon, is looking at the Moon when they see object 9/25/1958 #15281 e finds that the couple were never looking in the direction of Barrot’s obs 3/22/1959 #15665 rm of plastic clothing, and gloves looking like they were made of a transpa 4/25/1959 #15713 e a helmet and was clad in plastic looking clothing, with gloves that looke 4/26/1959 #15714 One figure seemed to be standing, looking down at us.” Father Gill and ano 6/26/1959 #15790 ckward, but manages to get inside. Looking out the right-door window, he se 12/1959 #16107 rt Bliss in El Paso, Texas, is out looking at the Moon with binoculars when 12/13/1959 #16118 ds of people saw it— everybody was looking” as the light hovers for at leas 2/5/1960 #16168 when he hears a muffled explosion. Looking up, he watches a disc dropping v 8/11/1960 #16369 backhoe when his tractor stalled. Looking up he saw a disc-shaped object h 8/11/1960 #16370 mbia 9:25 p.m. Five people are out looking for the Echo 1 satellite in New 9/29/1960 #16467 . Lionel Browning and his wife are looking at a rainbow outside their recto 10/4/1960 #16477 FB, FL An elliptical UFO, metallic looking, approached from over the Gulf, 1/22/1961 #16585 im to “stay where you are and keep looking.” Barney has a recollection of o 9/19/1961 #16857 he car is negotiating soggy ground looking for the craft and crew. They ret Late 11/1961 #16978 d five men walked through the base looking for a gym and entered the Specia 1962 #17012 ose to the road. A very tall human looking figure stood next to an open doo 7/18/1962 #17283 an open door in the craft. It was looking around at the terrain. There was 7/18/1962 #17283 in. There was also a second figure looking out from a large porthole. The m 7/18/1962 #17283 A strange looking submarine-like object was seen a 7/28/1962 #17296 are three entities who seem to be looking at them. The women shut off the 8/1962 #17310 as surprised to see that two human looking individuals, about 5.7 feet tall 9/1/1962 #17382 disc shaped UFO flying in the sky, looking like a stingray. It changed colo 5/18/1963 #17750 ect in a field along the roadside. Looking for the source of a whistling so 7/16/1964 #18421 50 p.m. Kenneth Norton Jr., 14, is looking out his bedroom window in Staunt 12/21/1964 #18669 his car to stall. As the metallic looking UFO descended it narrowly missed 12/21/1964 #18671 rs go by. He was wearing a silvery looking one-piece outfit. They got out o 1/26/1965 #18770 A strange looking plane was seen to dive into the 2/12/1965 #18813 s were gloved and he wore metallic looking boots. His eyes were set far apa 3/2/1965 #18833 Pennsylvania when a small metallic looking saucer-shaped object landed near 3/5/1965 #18844 f the craft. From her roof she was looking down on the landed object. In on 5/30/1965 #18977 and with dark round eyes were seen looking out. 6/3/1965 #18989 m. It was long, thin, and metallic looking and just under the surface of th 6/21/1965 #19022 ize of 8-year-old boys, apparently looking at a lavender plant. Masse appro 7/1/1965 #19047 num object 15-20 feet in diameter, looking like “two saucers glued together 8/13/1965 #19384 ight attracted them to the window. Looking outside they saw a large oval-sh 8/14/1965 #19391 heard come from an animal before.” Looking out the window, he sees the anim 8/19/1965 #19427 but Townsend feels as if they are looking at him. He gets out of the car t 10/23/1965 #19678 e over to him and they stand there looking at him. Eventually they turn aro 10/23/1965 #19678 I could see, but I knew they were looking at me. I stopped. I didn't have 10/23/1965 #19679 Townsend said the craft took off, looking "just like a flashlight that is 10/23/1965 #19679 Two odd looking craft were seen floating or hove 11/13/1965 #19719 y garbed and white faced" figures, looking like frogmen, jump into a hedger 1/21/1966 #19865 edly see an unusual flying object. Looking out a window, Maria Ruiz Torres 2/6/1966 #19888 cending. She sees a “gigantic eye” looking at her through a porthole. Anoth 2/6/1966 #19888 arrived, and described the object looking like a glowing egg with a dome, 3/21/1966 #20023 an Voilquin, age 54, saw a strange looking "wheel" roll 15 meters away from 3/26/1966 #20092 the UFO on the ground and a normal looking man in white coveralls walking a 4/6/1966 #20259 o tracking radar systems that were looking for a Low level B-52 at the time 4/15/1966 #20298 dshot eyes after his sighting from looking at the object. At 9:45 p.m. a UF 4/18/1966 #20333 ight outside, bobbing up and down, looking about the size of their 1955 Lin 4/23/1966 #20390 meter: 10 m. He drove away without looking behind. 4/26/1966 #20421 way as quickly as he could without looking back. 4/26/1966 #20422 y his dog barking persistently and looking to the south. The object flies d 6/16/1966 #20568 are getting out of their cars and looking to the sky. A large glowing obje Late 7/1966 #20684 acques Vallée Afternoon. Some boys looking for a lost kite on the Morro do 8/20/1966 #20779 he has a feeling of being watched. Looking out the window, she sees an oval 10/2/1966 #20949 he had a feeling of being watched. Looking out the window, she saw an oval- 10/2/1966 #20950 was only 50 feet away. A muscular looking man and two women were seen insi 11/11/1966 #21091 side his bed. The next day he went looking for his dog with some neighbors. 11/14/1966 #21101 side his bed. The next day he went looking for his dog with a friend. They 11/15/1966 #21109 y two women saw a UFO described as looking like a silver pumpkin. It had an 11/20/1966 #21129 d UFO. She described the object as looking like an inverted mushroom; it ho 1/3/1967 #21251 to her mother, "It's the strangest looking man I've ever seen." Mrs. Christ 1/9/1967 #21278 dome. A man stood inside the dome looking out, and another man was visible 1/13/1967 #21300 th it and saw other people in cars looking at it. (Massachusetts NICAP Subc 2/17/1967 #21583 The heads of people could be seen looking out from inside the windows of t 2/19/1967 #21598 and no neck. When it sees the man looking, it gets back into the object an 2/24/1967 #21643 wake their parents and a sibling. Looking through the kitchen window, they 3/5/1967 #21763 ound in front of them. Two bizarre looking "aliens" emerged from the object 3/10/1967 #21854 illuminated in front of their car. Looking for the source of the light, the 3/12/1967 #21869 nnsylvania, take the car out to go looking for lights his wife had seen in 3/20/1967 #21923 h a ball-shaped object at its top. Looking at the road ahead, Morris sees f 3/28/1967 #22004 ny strong scientific competence is looking into the problem.” 4/6/1967 #22079 s). Going quickly west fast. Solid looking. / r113p47. 5/7/1967 #22291 body bags. RT states he was seen looking into the tent, escorted to the o 7/3/1967 #22604 arning lights on the dash come on. Looking up, he sees a distinct break in 7/5/1967 #22616 trange flying object in the water. Looking up, they saw a lusterless craft 7/18/1967 #22692 ght caused her eyes to strain when looking at the object. After watching fo 9/2/1967 #22984 30 a.m. when she noticed a strange looking being just outside her bedroom w 9/8/1967 #23021 as described as a hairy dwarf, and looking like a chimpanzee or monkey. The 9/22/1967 #23115 humming sound coming from outside. Looking out the window, she saw a hoveri 9/26/1967 #23133 three days they comb the seafloor looking for an object. The final report 10/4/1967 #23176 The object lifts off immediately, looking like a half-moon in shape and si 10/14/1967 #23238 of the craft with a Grey humanoid looking down on him. The other three sol 10/24/1967 #23310 as of standing back on the ground, looking up, but the objects had gone. He 10/24/1967 #23310 ans of propulsion. It was metallic looking yet glowed, and made a whirring 10/27/1967 #23355 attacked described the creature as looking like a blond haired woman with s 11/8/1967 #23428 s run inside the house, terrified. Looking up, he sees a silvery disc-shape 11/22/1967 #23497 ed him. He described them as human looking with long blond hair. Their skin 11/28/1967 #23517 ck separately and do not commit to looking at his reports, although they pr 12/1/1967 #23531 and then noticed a strange figure looking at them from nearby. The humanoi 12/16/1967 #23594 ally the entire Eurasian continent looking for Russian and Chinese missile 1968 #23623 erference on his transistor radio. Looking around, he sees an oval metallic 1/31/1968 #23715 ing sensation throughout her body. Looking out, she sees an object 300 feet 2/19/1968 #23767 s and appeared to be interested in looking down inside the building through 2/21/1968 #23774 unintelligible guttural language. Looking upward, the witness saw only 50 6/4/1968 #24006 noise again and went back outside. Looking towards a nearby empty field he 6/10/1968 #24018 d resting when two very tall human looking figures appeared in his room. Th 6/14/1968 #24035 rca, Argentina. They see an object looking like an overturned soup plate wi 6/18/1968 #24044 nsparent cupola on the top who are looking down at him. To the right of the 7/1968 #24109 rning when he noticed four bizarre looking humanoids standing on a field. T 7/20/1968 #24195 ascot). Seemingly sensing Fontaine looking at them, they turn their backs a 7/31/1968 #24271 g at eight o'clock in the evening. Looking out she saw a brightly lit objec 8/12/1968 #24322 opened the door to find a “foreign looking woman” wearing white light color 8/26/1968 #24381 ing up earth samples, the third is looking at his tractor’s engine, and the 10/2/1968 #24537 here were two "ordinary Caucasian" looking pilots in the craft wearing whit 11/1/1968 #24616 o men; one was outside the object "looking around" and was "very tall" and 11/1/1968 #24618 At 8:05 p.m. a metallic looking lenticular disc "like two round 11/8/1968 #24644 of the figures bend down as though looking at something in the part of the 11/20/1968 #24672 up. The craft was silvery metallic looking, saucer shaped with a smaller do 12/10/1968 #24757 ew" that someone was there and was looking at him. The craft next rose up, 12/10/1968 #24757 nd 10 feet high, and met its human looking occupant, who walked around the 12/28/1968 #24794 after that he encountered a human looking being named Satu Ra, who he had 1/15/1969 #24849 s away. She described it as white, looking like one of the triangular tents 2/6/1969 #24898 oached and attacked by two strange looking aggressive tan skinned beings. T 2/12/1969 #24915 of Quinteros, Chile watched an odd looking object enter the water at around 2/12/1969 #24916 The men sat in a relaxed attitude looking down at the woman. They were abo 2/22/1969 #24939 o 10 mph when it entered the beam. Looking up, she saw a disc-shaped object 3/6/1969 #24977 tities were non-humanoid in shape, looking more like boxes than anything; h 3/12/1969 #25002 Italy on the island of Sicily was looking at the sky with binoculars on a 3/19/1969 #25031 , but he soon realized that he was looking at two humanoid figures about th 5/11/1969 #25128 lightsuits. They stood motionless, looking at him. He quickly stepped back 5/21/1969 #25153 r, Wiltshire, England and were out looking for any mysterious lights that m 5/30/1969 #25169 d in each window a figure was seen looking out. The last object shot up at 6/10/1969 #25209 t personnel at the Port Authority. Looking through his windshield, he saw t 6/20/1969 #25230 building in Olds, Alberta, Canada. Looking out a window, he saw a 20 foot g 7/1/1969 #25244 Alpes-Maritime Department, France. Looking out, two boys saw a small white 7/21/1969 #25289 r hood was reflecting a red glare. Looking up, he saw a large, glowing red 7/21/1969 #25290 Registered nurse Doreen Kendall is looking out a window at the Cowichan Dis 1/1/1970 #25532 ball about four feet in diameter, looking like the mirrored ball in a ball 2/15/1970 #25584 On this night a domed disc UFO looking like the "scoutship" described b 3/2/1970 #25597 ui, New Zealand watched a metallic looking, oval-shaped object hover in the 5/7/1970 #25657 ntified flying object described as looking like a silver bowl inverted upon 7/21/1970 #25743 boys in the same village went out looking for the reported small UFO and s 8/20/1970 #25799 as about a quarter of a mile away, looking like "a garbage can lid with a p 8/30/1970 #25815 ur windows through which two human looking beings could be seen. The object 9/25/1970 #25851 heir electricity goes off briefly. Looking out the window, the Talalas see 1/3/1971 #25972 rick William “Ted” Holiday, who is looking for a UFO connection with the lo 8/16/1971 #26288 of a person is seen in one window looking at them. The UFO is seen for abo 10/5/1971 #26410 he saw, near the men, two peculiar looking creatures covered with fuzzy hai 11/3/1971 #26452 a vehicle had landed on the lawn, looking like a VW Beetle without fenders 11/4/1971 #26457 in the nearby woods "the darndest looking human-like creature one could ev 1/26/1972 #26556 ter of several flesh colored heads looking at me;" he said they "had teeth, 1/26/1972 #26556 ears," and looked "like the devil looking creature" he saw on Blount Islan 1/26/1972 #26556 aw a bright light from his window. Looking out, he saw a blinding white lig 3/25/1972 #26623 and wore a tight fitting metallic looking coverall that had a belt with a 3/25/1972 #26623 s and reappears about 60 feet away looking gunmetal gray in color and somew 6/26/1972 #26735 am of police officers to the site, looking for evidence. They find nine cir 6/26/1972 #26735 meter, with four lime green, solid looking luminous pylons or legs, giving 9/7/1972 #26979 sing everyone to panick. A strange looking being entered the building, took 11/6/1972 #27109 en and Constable Koos Brazelle are looking towards Rosmead with binoculars 11/12/1972 #27120 l wrapped around a signpost and on looking up sees that more is falling fro 11/28/1972 #27149 hen he walked to the backdoor, and looking up at the sky pressed other butt 11/28/1972 #27150 bar reported witnessing a similar looking stranger in the bar at the corne 11/28/1972 #27150 nes 7:15 p.m. Lucie Vandervoort is looking out a window of her house in Tar 3/20/1973 #27352 curiosity, and so did the lights. Looking up through the windshield he cou 5/12/1973 #27481 ched the pavement the figure stood looking to the right, then to look direc 5/12/1973 #27481 distant, could see three identical looking figures of small stature through 5/27/1973 #27535 There were some "strange figures" looking out from these windows. The dome 7/9/1973 #27625 e the same or similar object while looking through his telescope at 200x ma 7/9/1973 #27625 approached and touched by a human looking figure. He then became confused 7/27/1973 #27657 self in another room with a window looking out on an orange sky. There was 8/4/1973 #27683 ple with her; one dressed in gray, looking older with grayish hair. The you 8/4/1973 #27683 a light pole. The being was human looking but very tall and thin. It wore 8/16/1973 #27706 ia had an encounter with a Bigfoot looking creature in their yard. 9/3/1973 #27754 n jet aircraft appeared apparently looking for the UFOs. 9/4/1973 #27761 through a squarish window. He was looking up at something in the craft. As 9/6/1973 #27774 ere inside and they appeared to be looking down. They were described as hav 9/15/1973 #27825 adows in front of his bedroom wall looking at him. They were described as h 10/3/1973 #27926 around 8:30 p.m., Charley Hickson, looking around to bait his hook, saw a d 10/11/1973 #28005 woke to the sound of dogs barking. Looking out, they saw an object that ros 10/11/1973 #28007 he tops and the sides of the head” looking in an open door; it has stumpy a 10/16/1973 #28085 ple was taken with a small plastic looking bottle with tubes and wires atta 10/16/1973 #28089 fore dark. Described as silver and looking like a "fish" (NICAP: 01 - Dista 10/17/1973 #28115 5 1/2 foot tall being in a crinkly looking silvery suit after investigating 10/17/1973 #28142 them. It had a big, gray, metallic looking hull about 60 ft. long, shaped l 10/18/1973 #28144 ve figures standing around her car looking at her. They were about five fee 10/19/1973 #28199 beings was described as more human looking, a female with long hair, a skir 10/19/1973 #28199 manoid with balls of fire for eyes looking into the car. After the creature 10/24/1973 #28267 ennsylvania Night. Police officers looking into reports of a “strange anima 11/2/1973 #28353 m to approach slowly. Soon a human looking alien named Cyril, whom he had m 11/18/1973 #28443 6 p.m. two women watched a strange looking bullet-shaped metallic object mo 1/6/1974 #28655 , he saw the silhouette of a human looking being more than 2 meters tall ne 3/17/1974 #28898 ming sound. The figures were human looking, 6 feet tall, and wore tight fit 3/21/1974 #28920 human being in the secure facility looking through files. A blue light eman 4/1974 #28984 smouth police. It was described as looking like a hockey puck. 4/28/1974 #29069 aipaba, Ceara state, Brazil an odd looking "jeep" was seen being driven wit 5/5/1974 #29087 ght around him and several figures looking down at him. The beings called h 5/9/1974 #29098 te, and were driven away by normal looking men, accompanied by dogs. 6/8/1974 #29173 d off the road, got out, and began looking for it. After searching for seve 8/20/1974 #29373 ts, then to bend her head forward. Looking at the back of her head, one bei 9/3/1974 #29418 e beings as robot-like, with bumpy looking skin, and without faces. They mo 9/29/1974 #29492 / Compass Deviates”; Bob Gribble, “Looking Back,” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 25 10/15/1974 #29531 overs his face, but he seems to be looking for something. The box has a con Mid 11/1974 #29596 winging back and forth, apparently looking for something. The man was descr 11/15/1974 #29597 ring bulky helmets on their heads, looking out and working controls. The cr 3/12/1975 #29891 t. It floated just above the sand, looking towards the witness who heard a 3/31/1975 #29928 right. There was another identical looking craft on his left. A third disc 5/3/1975 #30029 Howrah, Tasmania 4:10 p.m. A solid looking flying object, trailing exhaust, 5/12/1975 #30051 At 4:10 p.m. a solid looking flying object, trailing exhaust, 5/12/1975 #30053 object were three very tall human looking beings, who wore bright white un 6/1/1975 #30074 lights, the other three apparently looking at some device. The entities are 7/31/1975 #30218 -saucer hovers at lit window as if looking in! Going quickly south. 9/28/1975 (approximate) #30391 oss informing him of five "strange looking" lights in the south-west sky. B 10/4/1975 #30416 ights and engine died when a fuzzy looking 100 meter wide disc-shaped objec 10/10/1975 #30428 ointing at the sky. The second was looking up at the sky. 10/26/1975 #30475 their Ford Bronco and drove away. Looking back, they saw a glowing orange 10/26/1975 #30476 rom the car into a round, metallic looking room with a small round window, 10/27/1975 #30489 o their Ford Bronco and drove off. Looking back, they saw a glowing orange, 10/27/1975 #30491 nd of dark complexion, and elderly looking. He wore brown coveralls with no 11/3/1975 #30547 ury, Ontario. Reported he had been looking due east, sky partly cloudy, saw 11/15/1975 #30624 wn vinyl like bodies with metallic looking arms, and mummy-like heads banda 12/2/1975 #30681 her shop in Arizona when two human looking beings entered. One was male and 12/4/1975 #30685 again saw a two-meter tall Nordic looking being wearing silver coveralls, 1/6/1976 #30771 er directly over her. The metallic looking UFO was about 25 feet in diamete 1/23/1976 #30817 He was at the back of the trailer looking south at the object, which was l 2/7/1976 #30850 ng there with his head on his hand looking up at me as if saying, “What are 3/5/1976 #30928 man eyes; he was also bald. He was looking at the man with an expression of 3/5/1976 #30928 and thin lips. They took a strange looking instrument that emitted light an 4/2/1976 #30980 e stacked high in a pyramid. After looking at the potatoes for a few second 4/23/1976 #31019 St. Louis, Missouri saw a strange looking man. He was normally dressed, bu 5/16/1976 #31058 owy, man-like figure could be seen looking out at the witnesses for a brief 5/18/1976 #31060 owy, man-like figure could be seen looking out at the witnesses for a brief 5/18/1976 #31061 The wife notices a massive “face” looking at them. Two 7-foot tall beings 8/6/1976 #31240 d the number in its square window. Looking outside again, he sees that the 8/13/1976 #31261 d simple, not at all sophisticated looking. He also saw what appeared to be 8/26/1976 #31306 ake off when he notices “a strange looking disc-shaped object 5,000 feet fr 10/17/1976 #31474 s of two occupants appeared, as if looking at him. He came to the village o 10/24/1976 #31493 man like figures. Two of them were looking at her, and they were leaning ov 10/31/1976 #31512 a. They were alarmed and ran home. Looking back, they saw a nine foot tall 11/12/1976 #31541 aughter leaning on the back window looking up. He then looked at his interi 12/6/1976 #31587 last memory of the incident was of looking behind his car and seeing a some 12/6/1976 #31587 r, where they had not been before. Looking around, she realized the car was 12/10/1976 #31594 heval d'arcon"). Two figures stood looking at her. Not very tall, they wore 12/10/1976 #31594 eyes. Ken had no idea what he was looking at, so he drove straight home, a 12/31/1976 #31645 eople reported seeing a "spaceman" looking into their car in Chilcomb, near 12/31/1976 #31645 on top of a nearby hill a strange looking bulky figure that was dark and m 1/3/1977 #31687 h tight “bath helmets.” They stand looking at the street, then at the sky, 1/6/1977 #31706 h tight "bath helmets." They stood looking at the street, then at the sky, 1/6/1977 #31707 . Horse farmer William McCarthy is looking out his window at the falling sn 1/10/1977 #31715 ures who are shaped like machines (looking like a giant one- armed tombston 1/27/1977 #31759 ng from nowhere, two strange alie- looking beings directly behind him. The 2/24/1977 #31846 ar as they touch the car’s bumper. Looking in his rear-view mirror, he sees 3/4/1977 #31858 g alongside the road. He was human looking, but dressed in green coveralls 3/5/1977 #31860 g alongside the road. He was human looking, but dressed in green coveralls 3/5/1977 #31861 he watched he heard footsteps, and looking around only a few yards away was 3/13/1977 #31904 lights of farmhouses to his right. Looking closer, he saw that they were ob 3/13/1977 #31906 he watched he heard footsteps, and looking around only a few yards away was 3/13/1977 #31906 ght shining in his bedroom window. Looking out he observed two objects. The 4/7/1977 #31956 ght shining in his bedroom window. Looking out he observed two objects. The 4/7/1977 #31957 rk pants, but it also wore strange looking boots. (Source: Albert S. Rosale 4/12/1977 #31974 rk pants, but it also wore strange looking boots. Behind the thin figure fi 4/12/1977 #31977 d a loud humming noise outside and looking out she was dazzled by a "huge m 4/19/1977 #31997 d a loud humming noise outside and looking out she was dazzled by a "huge m 4/19/1977 #31998 d a loud humming noise outside and looking out she was dazzled by a "huge m 4/19/1977 #31999 he area around him is illuminated. Looking up, he sees a small object givin 4/19/1977 #32000 d a loud humming noise outside and looking out she was dazzled by a "huge m 4/19/1977 #32002 ales, UK Mark Marston, age 11, was looking for bird's nests in a hedge when 4/20/1977 #32004 Mark Marston, age 11, was looking for bird's nests in a hedge in H 4/20/1977 #32005 minous silver figure 7–8 feet tall looking into her window at Milford Haven 4/26/1977 #32029 d as a sphere with Saturn rings or looking like a "straw hat" as big as the 5/8/1977 #32075 Santiago, Chile 6:00 AM. 8A fiery looking torus-shaped object hovered and 5/23/1977 #32125 A fiery looking torus-shaped object hovered and 5/23/1977 #32126 frequency vibration” in his bones. Looking upward, he sees the outline of a 6/17/1977 #32172 rs shoot above the WSA, apparently looking for a radar target. Summer 1977 #32181 anoid figure with a frog-like head looking out from one of the windows. 8/30/1977 #32442 rols, while the one on the left is looking directly at her, making a gestur Late 9/1977 #32518 ard of the local hospital, and was looking out the window at 10 p.m. when s 10/6/1977 #32555 ear Rantoul, Illinois, where he is looking at the moon through his telescop 10/13/1977 #32572 able features. They appeared to be looking for something. A "door" appeared 10/30/1977 #32639 d level 80 meters away. It had odd looking lights on its top. At 8:00 a.m. 12/10/1977 #32757 000 feet to his left, Hallstrom is looking down on it an angle of about 30° 1/1/1978 #32841 to the landed UFO. Both were human looking wearing silvery suits. The UFO t 2/1/1978 #32941 caught sight of two somehat human looking beings coming down the road. The 2/5/1978 #32957 as extracted using a fairly normal looking syringe. The men then communicat 2/5/1978 #32957 hem. An image appeared of an older looking man. The crew members began talk 2/5/1978 #32957 who pores through Air Force files looking for episode ideas. The first sea 2/19/1978 #32982 hem awoke suddenly and saw a being looking at them. Her memory went blank a 3/11/1978 #33034 :15 p.m. William J. Hermann is out looking for UFOs near Charleston, South 3/18/1978 #33055 llie starts running in circles and looking up. Smith looks out his window a 4/2/1978 #33120 obes can be seen from the waist up looking down at her. She stares at it pe 4/2/1978 #33121 ntario 10:10 a.m. A single witness looking out his bedroom window in Toront 4/9/1978 #33135 epped out. The being walked around looking in all directions. Its face appe 4/25/1978 #33169 afraid, and ran away quickly away. Looking back he did not see the figure a 5/2/1978 #33185 wo more beings seated at a strange looking console. The beings walked over 5/10/1978 #33199 vilian UAP groups; they seem to be looking for “exotic alloys.” https://uf 6/8/1978 #33262 d a mountain. Five or six "Nordic" looking beings with long blond hair emer 7/4/1978 #33337 ey, Oxfordshire, England an object looking exactly like helicopter but maki 7/24/1978 #33414 t about 2,800 feet in altitude and looking like two white strobe lights in 8/8/1978 #33490 d was on patrol in downtown Toledo looking at a "large plane" approaching f 8/20/1978 #33531 n patrol in downtown Toledo, Ohio, looking at a “large plane” approaching f 8/20/1978 #33533 ir front porch. Standing outdoors, looking up at the clear sky, they saw th 8/21/1978 #33536 de. She stands at the south window looking out at fields and sees a bright 9/15/1978 #33686 one leg and operated a complicated looking machine that levitated the worke 10/25/1978 #33876 so bright that their eyes hurt in looking at it through binoculars. It van 10/28/1978 #33887 ried bright lanterns and continued looking for game. They crossed the rive 11/24/1978 #33996 rified to suddenly see two strange looking beings looking at him. The being 11/24/1978 #33997 nly see two strange looking beings looking at him. The beings were hovering 11/24/1978 #33997 Meagen Quezet and her son André go looking for their dog that has just run 1/4/1979 #34294 her 12-year old son Andre were out looking for their dog shortly after midn 1/5/1979 #34303 ith a "zee-zee" noise, three weird looking creatures flew past her into the 1/5/1979 #34304 tina when he heard a sudden noise. Looking around, he saw a rectangular sil 1/13/1979 #34339 er the hood he noticed two figures looking at him from behind a nearby elec 1/19/1979 #34362 rightly, and figures could be seen looking out through portholes in the cra 5/5/1979 #34545 a ladder extending from the craft, looking from side to side. The man asks 5/16/1979 #34563 . Dos Santos describes her as good looking, tanned, with long light fine ha 5/16/1979 #34563 a ladder extending from the craft, looking from side to side. The man asked 5/16/1979 #34564 The witness described her as good looking, tanned, with long light fine ha 5/16/1979 #34564 n flight and people on the surface looking up at the craft. He was eventual 5/17/1979 #34566 Stacksteads, Lancashire, England, looking for the UFO that Mike had alread 5/19/1979 #34568 ht stood at his side. He remembers looking back at his body and seemingly w 6/6/1979 #34601 a car near Bergen Park, Colorado, looking at the homes at the base of a sm 8/11/1979 #34732 lf course. Soon they saw a curious looking object descend towards the groun 8/19/1979 #34760 ntal position, land bullet-shaped, looking black on its flat end and silver 8/29/1979 #34799 came upon a large, shiny, metallic looking mushroom-shaped craft on the gro 9/2/1979 #34820 pulls sharply onto another street. Looking through her rear-view mirror, sh 9/9/1979 #34852 katchewan, a CUFOS investigator is looking into a cattle mutilation when hi 10/1979 #34936 puff of pink smoke. Four non-human looking footprints were found at the sit 10/4/1979 #34942 ed their living room from outside. Looking out, they could see some kind of 11/30/1979 #35034 shown the earth from outer space, looking like a marble free-floating in s 12/2/1979 #35040 11:00 PM, and they said they were looking at a UFO. We looked on the radar 12/29/1979 #35102 her-in-law's dog growling outside. Looking out the window, he saw a luminou 12/30/1979 #35104 hen he hears a deep humming sound. Looking ahead, he sees a machine with fl 1/14/1980 #35135 t moving slowly toward the zenith. Looking more closely, he sees it is actu 1/17/1980 #35137 to hang some linen to dry and was looking towards a nearby hill when she s 2/11/1980 #35168 use it is more cost-effective than looking for distant radio signals. 3/1980 #35189 y were stunned to see five strange looking beings inspecting the cages. Two 3/3/1980 #35194 t a mayday message saying they are looking at a “weird object” that makes t 6/28/1980 #35393 tographs. He then observed a human looking figure dressed in a metallic sui 7/16/1980 #35414 tographs. He then observed a human looking figure dressed in a metallic sui 7/16/1980 #35415 ears a sound like a swarm of bees. Looking north, he sees a large metallic 9/11/1980 #35515 fornia. They see a group of people looking at the sky where a Piper Cub see 11/2/1980 #35610 tion of getting out of his car and looking for the object, and hearing a vo 11/28/1980 #35680 lock and remember what he had been looking at. John described a small baby 12/31/1980 #35759 f his animals causing a commotion. Looking out from his hut he saw a "beaut 2/18/1981 #35831 f his animals causing a commotion. Looking out from his hut he saw a "beaut 2/18/1981 #35832 At 8:20 a.m. a silver cylinder looking like a flute flew silently over 2/19/1981 #35836 ntities was seven-foot tall, human looking with totally black eyes. (NICAP: 3/1981 #35854 hland Avenue in Dover, New Jersey, looking for satellites with binoculars. 7/23/1981 #36026 ht a very loud noise awakened him, looking out of the tent he saw a bright 9/1981 #36097 triangular shaped head with normal looking eyes. The humanoid proceeded to 11/8/1981 #36211 t 9:57 p.m. encountered a huge odd looking aerial object. for two hours. T 6/18/1982 #36511 ne stood near a wire fence and was looking at the cattle in the nearby fiel 7/20/1982 #36538 Des Moines (near), IA Looking out the window he was able to se 10/1982 #36624 isible on the bottom and something looking like a grid encircles its middle 11/2/1982 #36674 ted, as if by a phosphorous flare. Looking up he saw a large white UFO with 11/27/1982 #36691 cigar-shaped object with windows, looking very much like the one seen by C 12/10/1982 #36714 everal people are standing outside looking at a circular pattern of lights 7/12/1983 #36909 an-looking beings moving about and looking out the windows. Roberto sees th 8/12/1983 #36949 photos that shows the large object looking like a hat standing on its brim, 9/3/1983 #36969 countryside near Ithaca, New York, looking for signs of deer in order to pl 10/28/1983 #37027 he witness described the object as looking like a football turned up on end 1/9/1984 #37119 out every 60 seconds, at one point looking rectangular. It is seen for 20 m 2/23/1984 #37201 f and on. The woman’s two dogs are looking fearfully at the UFO. At one poi 4/22/1984 #37281 . Suddenly, the area turns red and looking up, the boy sees a bright red ci 5/6/1984 #37324 l followed by the vibrating object looking like an “upturned basin.” The tr 2/1985 #37552 and slams into the road face down. Looking up, he sees the object is no lon 3/1985 #37561 fraid." The beings were both human looking, and of similar appearance. They 5/9/1985 #37589 high- altitude object in the north looking a bit larger than a star, rapidl 11/3/1985 #37699 od barking, growling, and howling. Looking outside, she sees above a power 2/4/1986 #37779 , but each time is diverted toward looking at other unidentified lights and 5/19/1986 #37880 call him to see a “flying saucer.” Looking outside, he sees a metallic, dom 2/25/1987 #38123 there was no question that she was looking at a domed disc parked in her ba 3/23/1987 #38153 le as short, squatty, and homemade looking, about 4–6 feet long with large 6/25/1987 #38200 d near “Wright Field.” Four normal looking males were found at the site, ve 8/30/1987 #38264 inia on Interstate 81 at 7:30 p.m. looking for UFOs that had been sighted i 10/23/1987 #38311 eing with large almond-shaped eyes looking at him. The being wore wome type 12/2/1987 #38348 On this day six odd looking humanoid beings were sighted on 12/12/1987 #38357 hropshire, England 8:00 a.m. A man looking for farm work near Oswestry, Shr 2/9/1988 #38448 ay. The dog is lying on the ground looking ill. Its eyes are red and its co 2/9/1988 #38448 edically examined by several human looking, two-meter tall humanoids. 5/13/1988 #38569 level to as far up as we could see looking out the front windows of the air 10/1988 #38661 also reads about a second project, Looking Glass, concerned with seeing bac 12/6/1988 #38748 t a very large triangular metallic looking UFO with brilliant yellow lights 12/28/1988 #38764 and propulsion project and Project Looking Glass, an alleged technological 5/15/1989 #38953 then recovered when a very strange looking UFO was sighted at around 11:00 5/27/1989 #38964 undergo a slow shape change, from looking like a "coolie hat" to circular. 8/10/1989 #39054 in eastern Winnipeg, Manitoba, is looking out her kitchen window when a de 9/15/1989 #39103 m of light strikes her from above. Looking up, she sees a hovering disc-sha 9/16/1989 #39106 am of light struck her from above. Looking up, she saw a hovering disc-shap 9/16/1989 #39108 enerator and feel a vibration. But looking outside they can see nothing. Ab 11/20/1989 #39241 re. They were dressed in a silvery looking material with elements not of Ea 1990 #39358 chain that he had been tied up to. Looking up, he noticed a powerful beam o 7/23/1990 #39658 r space station. When Strekalov is looking down at Newfoundland through a c 9/27/1990 #39748 ebec, Canada encountered a bizarre looking creature about 1.50 meters to 1. 10/6/1990 #39760 wreckage of a “strange craft” like looking through a fog; they saw three sm 4/12/1991 #40038 ee digits on them. The being stood looking at the boys, emitting a strange 5/15/1991 #40064 men. Edge / saucer? Figure(s) seen looking / 6 windows / edge. Vanishes. 5/18/1991 #40068 ld be seen moving about inside and looking out. The UFO vanished in the sky 5/18/1991 #40070 her on one occasion when they were looking at the stars that he was “lookin 7/9/1991 #40116 looking at the stars that he was “looking for flying saucers…they’re real, 7/9/1991 #40116 people in Mexico City, Mexico, are looking to the sky to see the last total 7/11/1991 #40119 then saw the same humanoid again, looking at them through a window. The hu 7/21/1991 #40129 A strange looking, cube-shaped object was observed 11/9/1991 #40223 imself being helped by an athletic looking young soldier with short cropped 11/9/1991 #40224 He found himself inside the object looking out a window at his courtyard. T 12/26/1991 #40267 them in Longwy, France. Two human looking figures with blue eyes emerged f 12/27/1991 #40268 Luis that they were here on Earth looking for remnants and descendants of 3/5/1992 #40359 who looked human than with the odd looking short creatures, but that there 3/11/1992 #40372 ht glow to it. He stood motionless looking at the witnesses. Behind him a s 3/13/1992 #40377 e early morning hours by a strange looking, elderly humanoid visitor. The b 5/12/1992 #40462 urce for journalist Danny Casolaro looking into Wackenhut weapons testing o 5/13/1992 #40463 s. They had pale white skin, frail looking bodies, large triangular-shaped 6/9/1992 #40489 d to believe at first that she was looking at deer, and not humanoids. This 6/18/1992 #40497 t feels weird and dreamlike, “like looking through binoculars, but through 7/23/1992 #40530 rnia sighted a 50 foot-long object looking like the fuselage of a Lockheed 8/5/1992 #40553 aped object, with two orbs on top, looking something like a Mickey Mouse ca 8/10/1992 #40564 found herself in a "contemporary" looking room with tables adorned with cr 10/8/1992 #40667 BEAVER DAM, WI Young man looking for UFO's hit by beam / white li 2/4/1993 #40835 eloped in that strange blue light. Looking out a window he saw a gold color 3/20/1993 #40895 d the perimeter fence, as if it is looking for something. He hears and feel 3/31/1993 #40914 A domed disc-shaped object, looking like a Mexican sombrero with lig 7/9/1993 #41055 A peculiar looking robot-like humanoid was seen fly 7/17/1993 #41068 tanding and facing a wooden fence. Looking up, he cannot see the figure, wh 8/1993 #41099 BcciAndMisc/ Note: It is worth looking into the possibly illegal use of 8/1/1993 #41101 about 10 children saw two strange looking humanoids with large cucumber-li 8/5/1993 #41107 ents later she was onboard a craft looking out a porthole. Her next memory 8/10/1993 #41123 stered around the foot of her bed, looking at her. She felt the entities, w 8/20/1993 #41148 oor open. As she sat there she was looking down the hall towards a window, 9/1/1993 #41174 oo fast. One pilot describes it as looking like a praying mantis. 9/16/1993 #41199 outside, and a group of Grey alien looking creatures peered in the window a 11/18/1993 #41284 me out. They appeared to be normal looking humans. He heard them talking, a 11/26/1993 #41304 could see two blond haired females looking out. These two women had panicky 6/15/1994 #41568 pers. The camoflage wearing, human looking entities appeared to be conducti 9/2/1994 #41713 nd himself in a room with "Gothic" looking arches and illuminated walls. He 9/11/1994 #41734 de a human-like head could be seen looking out. 11/23/1994 #41863 D30 going quickly northeast. Solid looking. 1/11/1995 #41967 creature was very white and frail looking. Its abdomen was sunken and holl 2/2/1995 #42013 Its abdomen was sunken and hollow looking which made its chest seem to pro 2/2/1995 #42013 ide he was confronted by a bizarre looking, shiny white figure that floated 2/9/1995 #42031 eyes. It seemed to be distracted, looking intently at the passing vehicles 4/3/1995 #42138 ls, Missouri at 11:45 p.m. Bizarre looking humanoid figures were also seen 7/9/1995 #42295 Two strange looking, short humanoids stood at the fo 7/13/1995 #42299 uddenly joined by two more similar looking objects. 7/28/1995 #42336 ed over a city where he saw people looking up at him. He then flew above wh 9/6/1995 #42445 large, bright, dome-shaped object looking like a speckled "bicycle helmet" 9/11/1995 #42456 cts had disappeared, three figures looking like women were seen standing in 10/27/1995 #42566 pointed out something in the sky. Looking up she saw a shiny metallic oval 12/13/1995 #42642 lored figures with huge black eyes looking down from the windows at their c 12/13/1995 #42642 when they spotted another bizarre looking creature. It was only about 80 c 1/20/1996 #42697 e. Besides him stood two reptilian looking creatures with long faces, scaly 2/6/1996 #42743 ad. There was also a small strange looking figure moving around it. He yell 7/8/1996 #42950 d traces at the site. A mysterious looking rock was also found at the site. 7/16/1996 #42959 o within half a meter of the girl, looking down on her with two big red met 7/22/1996 #42963 glowing triangular object as he is looking for the Perseid meteor shower. I 8/12/1996 #42982 his house to hover over the porch. Looking out his bedroom window, he saw a 9/26/1996 #43043 above the hedge outside his house. Looking up, he saw an arrangement of red 9/26/1996 #43043 Spain when his dog began barking. Looking back, he saw three ten-foot-tall 2/20/1997 #43199 ered about 50 feet from the ground looking a little blurry. The witness con 2/26/1997 #43210 n appeared beside him. Several odd looking, medium-sized creatures then eme 3/10/1997 #43225 usands of people (many of whom are looking for Comet Hale-Bopp) in a space 3/13/1997 #43229 call seeing a man inside a plastic looking column filled with liquid, with 4/15/1997 #43261 soon it became apparent they were looking at a UFO that was slowly flying 4/18/1997 #43265 Matias Pakula was looking out his bedroom window in Bethel 5/14/1997 #43293 ked why she fell, she says she was looking at a sky object, but it is no lo 5/30/1997 #43302 light source on the window blinds. Looking outside, she sees a large circle 6/24/1997 #43337 in a different location, this time looking like two light balls joined toge 7/14/1997 #43350 with a bare chest. She remembered looking down on the San Bernardino Mount 7/23/1997 #43358 lowing an encounter with a strange looking humanoid the evening before, the 9/5/1997 #43395 the figure, and that it was human looking with two arms and two legs. It f 10/10/1997 #43426 iddle of the room there was an odd looking operating table with two needle 10/15/1997 #43429 ony at night when an unknown alien looking figure suddenly began pulling on 10/16/1997 #43430 laam, Tanzania a number of cyclops looking humanoids exited from a delta-sh 1/3/1998 #43490 deer he stopped and looked around. Looking through the trees he noticed a l 1/25/1998 #43505 ht blue light invaded the bedroom. Looking towards the door of the bedroom 4/27/1998 #43559 e coveralls. They just stood there looking at her, seemingly waiting for so 6/8/1998 #43584 ran in the opposite direction, not looking back at the humanoids. The night 6/21/1998 #43591 towards the ceiling. A tall human looking figure with black hair (previous 7/11/1998 #43601 e moved back and forth, apparently looking out. The witness described the f 9/21/1998 #43650 ess apparently encountered similar looking creatures the year before. 11/13/1998 #43681 hort figure with a very large head looking inside his car through a rear pa 2/21/1999 #43733 10:45 p.m. and got her binoculars. Looking through the binoculars she could 3/10/1999 #43746 nning back and forth and seemingly looking for something. Rodrigo began to 3/15/1999 #43748 assachusetts 10:58 p.m. A woman is looking through the second-story window 4/7/1999 #43754 ropped onto her bed by a non-human looking entity. Close to her face she sa 1/13/2000 #43928 also heard a loud pulsating sound. Looking toward the window he saw the out 1/17/2000 #43929 mation changed to a straight line, looking like balls of fire, giving off w 1/29/2000 #43936 ike: "Anong balita, anong balita." Looking back they caught a glimpse of wh 3/12/2000 #43966 asta Province, Chile saw a strange looking entity climb rapidly up the side 4/26/2000 #43986 surrounded by blinding lights and looking at something resembling an X-ray 5/3/2000 #43988 t up the area and was described as looking like "trees were on fire." It ho 6/7/2000 #44001 , when she dreamed she saw similar looking beings inserting needles into he 11/28/2000 #44085 lights on the front and a reddish looking light on the bottom center was s 3/26/2001 #44152 accompany her through the orifice. Looking down, she could see the roof of 5/2/2001 #44174 witness. It was an elongated oval, looking somewhat like a missile. The sig 5/19/2001 #44186 turned her head and saw a strange looking humanoid standing in front of th 7/23/2001 #44210 height, strongly build, and robust looking. It emitted a bluish-white light 7/26/2001 #44211 tall man-like figure could be seen looking out. It then flew away. The dog 7/27/2001 #44212 eed, California. While driving and looking out of the car's sunroof Mary C. 8/20/2001 #44240 ds. At 9:20 p.m. two very similar looking black, triangular objects , movi 8/29/2001 #44248 An orange, saucer-shaped, misty looking object was seen in Placentia, Or 12/10/2001 #44286 ey, West Sussex, England an object looking like a rounded triangle was sigh 12/18/2001 #44295 angular object. He described it as looking like a "floating city" with a lo 7/21/2002 #44362 the girls had a good vantage point looking towards the east. They had a pai 7/28/2002 #44367 nia or Baja California, Mexico, is looking down at the ocean at a 78° angle 10/10/2002 #44416 ted white light beams as if it was looking for something, and was as big as 11/13/2002 #44439 rch in North Richland Hills, Texas looking out at the horse pasture behind 5/3/2003 #44523 aft had a multicolored mist or hot looking gas on the bottom of it, on the 5/3/2003 #44523 a.m., saw a low hovering metallic looking UFO that was as big as a house a 5/8/2003 #44529 was seen hovering below a strange looking cloud, over a mountain in Port C 1/5/2004 #44649 nd disappear. A man in Caraquet is looking south and sees two objects, one 1/17/2004 #44651 appears and become more elongated, looking more like lines than dots. Burke 1/22/2004 #44654 ccurred at 1:20 a.m. Ms. E. B. was looking for a flashlight when the power 7/26/2004 #44717 r sure. The figures appeared to be looking to the north and south, and they 7/27/2004 #44718 County, England three very strange looking, bright orange objects were repo 7/31/2004 #44721 in the water up to its waist, and looking at the embankment and houses on 8/2/2004 #44725 white, as though it were spinning. Looking at it through binoculars it was 9/10/2004 #44752 , Florida. It was a gray, metallic looking object that glided smoothly, mov 10/27/2004 #44772 ng “straight back up.” As they are looking for the object that appears on t 11/14/2004 #44784 e afternoon sky in Dorion, Quebec. Looking somewhat like a blimp, it was no 4/12/2005 #44824 scataway, New Jersey at 10:50 p.m. Looking out the window, only 20-30 feet 4/21/2005 #44825 eaves, which came from three human looking beings making repairs on the cra 6/14/2005 #44847 rash when he encountered a bizarre looking, eight foot tall creature. He ca 10/26/2005 #44894 ng all around the house; they were looking at him. He started calling famil 2/15/2006 #44923 nvolved in the UAP issue that he’s looking into. Green says he’s looking at 9/27/2006 #44969 he’s looking into. Green says he’s looking at real players, not small time 9/27/2006 #44969 terested in. Deacon claims Project Looking Glass may have been real and uti 10/2006 #44970 e tent was set up on a small slope looking down on the trail. At around 3:0 9/16/2007 #45059 rris and Galveston Counties, Texas looking for something to do. As they dro 10/27/2007 #45080 to have been naked, and was an odd looking brown color. Afterwards, they dr 10/27/2007 #45080 l information.” He claims Project Looking Glass involved a reverse enginee 2008 #45109 and the P52 Orions, who are human looking and spiritual. Burisch claims th 2008 #45109 azoria County, Texas; an identical looking object followed the witness as h 10/27/2008 #45179 , Missouri a loud noise was heard. Looking out, an oval-shaped object was s 5/4/2009 #45218 A woman in Kansas City, Kansas, is looking toward a public forest area behi 6/16/2009 #45226 deep humming, vibrating sound, and looking up she saw through the transpare 8/28/2009 #45239 iscernable head or facial figures. Looking back in his rearview mirrow the 9/14/2009 #45247 mpus building. "It was a beautiful looking ship but really horrible when th 5/3/2010 #45277 th small human-like figures inside looking out. 9/11/2010 #45297 a “revolutionary” research program looking into sixth sense among humans. O 2012 #45337 e state troopers were still there, looking confused. 1/30/2012 #45338 e the roadway. She described it as looking "mostly rectangular...like the g 6/1/2013 #45369 steady and gave the impression of looking like brake lights, but they were 6/1/2013 #45369 ad any explanation of what she was looking at, but as she drove under it th 6/1/2013 #45369 e jet’s Advanced Targeting Forward Looking Infrared (ATFLIR) system. While 4/23/2014 #45407 Linden, Michigan 1:30 a.m. A woman looking from her bedroom window in Linde 1/5/2018 #45500 it suddenly becomes light outside. Looking up, he sees an orange fireball f 2/24/2018 #45511 “Sky Arrow” claims targets they’re looking at are associated with a code wo 5/30/2018 #45528 . A photo is taken with a forward- looking infrared (FLIR) system that is o 7/17/2019 #45595 tor questions the motives of those looking into the attacks. “This is why w 12/3/2019 #45621 the mystery drones. Officials are looking for a command vehicle (such as a 1/6/2020 #45624 at 575 mph when the first officer, looking across to the left side of the c 3/19/2020 #45639 military is also being tasked with looking into reports of UFO sightings fr 9/15/2020 #45661## Word: "lookout" (Back to Top)
ex, England on this evening on the lookout for Zeppelins. At 8:25 p.m. he s 1/31/1916 #942 OFF FT ROSS, CA Forest lookout. Ship burns and sinks / 30 minut 7/3/1947 #2573 ty, California where a forest fire lookout in Fort Ross saw what looked lik 7/3/1947 #2586 MT. JOSEPHINE, WA Ranger lookout. Clam-shape going down. Tips. Le 8/17/1947 #3341 shington A forest ranger at a fire lookout tower on Mt. Josephine, Skagit C 8/17/1947 #3343 state forestry lookout tower on Round Top Mountain nort 8/12/1950 #5120 d Oliver are at the state forestry lookout tower on Round Top Mountain nort 8/12/1950 #5120 IMPERIAL BEACH, CA 2 / Navy lookout tower. 5cm yellow sphere/orb/glo 11/16/1952 #8287 in Texas directs them to be on the lookout for unusual objects. The crew di 9/3/1954 #10239 LOOKOUT POINT, OAMARU, NZ Orange ovoid w 11/5/1954 #11570 Lookout Point, NZ Orange elliptical obje 11/5/1954 #11576 Point Lookout, MD Round object, white in dayli 10/11/1955 #12498 Pt. Lookout, Maryland Witnesses: B. Hale, A 10/11/1955 #12499 o'clock in the afternoon in Point Lookout, Maryland witnesses B. Hale and 10/11/1955 #12500 USS TAKELMA Blue Book. Lookout. Silent black cylinder/cigar-sha 9/20/1956 #13227 le, California E. A. Grant, a fire lookout with 37 years of experience at f 9/14/1963 #17939 state forestry employee at a fire lookout tower saw an oval blue- white li 7/28/1967 #22746 oy, CA Oval object approached fire lookout tower, hovered, illuminated grou 7/28/1967 #22747 ll Hill is stationed as a forestry lookout at the Raspberry Ridge station n 9/18/1967 #23085 reen light sweeps the walls of the lookout cabin. He sees an object hoverin 9/18/1967 #23085 Alberta Raspberry Ridge Lookout Station 8:00 p.m. Russell Hill i 10/7/1967 #23189 n to dinner at the Raspberry Ridge Lookout Station in Alberta when the cabi 10/7/1967 #23189 N Time not reported. A forest fire lookout saw an oval object with a rim ar 10/10/1967 #23202 A forest fire lookout in Bow River Provincial Forest, 10/10/1967 #23206 sign Will Miller is alerted by the lookout about a possible light from a fi 1969 #24805 TIMBERWOLF MOUNTAIN, WA Fire lookout. Silent 80' cylinder/cigar-shape 7/15/1971 (approximate) #26228 e Italy Evening. Two sentries at a lookout post on the perimeter of Istrana Mid 11/1973 #28424 The fire lookout at Satus Peak in Yakima County, 7/20/1974 #29271 SATUS PEAK, WA Fire lookout / (seen thru) binoculars. Silver 7/21/1974 #29272 EAST / GOLDENDALE, WA Fire lookout. Red-glowing cylinder/cigar-shap 8/9/1974 #29317 Atlantic southwest of Bermuda. The lookout calls his attention to a green l 4/23/1976 #31017 dams Simon Butte 11:00 p.m. A fire lookout at the Satus Peak tower on the Y 9/12/1979 #34867 In 1981 at 10:35 a.m. the fire lookout at the Satus Peak fire tower on 6/22/1981 #35979 OUTHEAST / SATUS PEAK, WA 3 / fire lookout. Night light hovers. Dims out wh 9/9/1982 #36598 A fire lookout at Sopelia Tower in Yakima Count 9/20/1983 #36975 West Tamar Highway Bradys Lookout State Reserve Tasmania 3:30 p.m. 5/22/1996 #42908 the West Tamar Highway near Bradys Lookout State Reserve in Tasmania, notic 5/22/1996 #42908 BLUE BEND, WV Fire lookout videos numerous 15M circular obj 4/6/2000 #43976 e highway, then over cars in Sioux Lookout, Ontario, Canada. There were thr 12/23/2004 #44801## Word: "lookouts" (Back to Top)
ROUND TOP MOUNTAIN, OR Fire lookouts. Bronze stovepipe cylinder/cyli 8/1953 (approximate) #9033 n of 37 years training forest fire lookouts for the U.S. Forest Service. On 9/14/1963 #17937 years of experience at forest fire lookouts for the U.S. Forest Service, si 9/14/1963 #17939 SIMON BUTTE, WA Satus Parkway lookouts. Big glow. Red cylinder/cigar-s 10/26/1976 #31496 SIMON BUTTE, WA 2 lookouts / Satus Peak. 2+1 orange fireba 9/13/1979 #34868 sky in Shazhou County, China. Fire lookouts at the Sopelia Tower station on 7/4/1981 #35988 nesses, three of them fire control lookouts, on the Yakama Indian Reservati 7/15/1981 #36006## Word: "looks" (Back to Top)
a “hollow ship” (Utsuro-bune) that looks like a rice cooking pot or incense 2/22/1803 #100 ” at Morpeth, New South Wales, and looks up to see a dark object traveling 11/1862 #160 ut the size of a large saucer” and looks like a large balloon. It speeds aw 1/22/1878 #212 n gin in Dublin, Texas. The object looks like “a bale of cotton suspended i 6/13/1891 #293 ing northward against the wind and looks like a “great black cigar with a f 11/26/1896 #365 body is at least 100 feet long and looks as if it is made of darkened alumi 11/26/1896 #365 s, and moving to the southeast. It looks “like a cigar box with a spark of Mid 1/1897 #381 watch a 30- foot-long object that looks like a canoe suspended from a ball 4/1/1897 #407 SIOUX CITY, IA Great airship looks like cigar-balloon. 35' X 12' size 4/7/1897 #417 or pronounces it a fake because it looks like it is taken by a Kodak with a 4/11/1897 #429 15 minutes. With the naked eye it looks like a huge ball of fire, but thro 4/11/1897 #431 ey notice a gray-white object that looks like the top of a covered wagon. I 4/13/1897 #454 North Dakota, sees an airship that looks like a car attached to a large, ki Mid 4/1897 #494 moving to the southwest. Its light looks like an incandescent lamp. 4/16/1897 #509 n language, but judging from their looks one would take them to be Japs." ( 4/23/1897 #563 n language, but judging from their looks one would take them to be Japanese 4/23/1897 #564 n language, but judging from their looks one would take them to be Japs." 4/23/1897 #566 est. Through binoculars the object looks like a white bird with long black 5/11/1897 #596 in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. When he looks through the window, he sees a rapi 8/28/1897 #607 t above Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. It looks like an inclined cylinder with rou 11/2/1897 #611 e watchman at the courthouse tower looks at it through binoculars but canno 9/16/1906 #688 sparks. The motion stops and what looks like a very bright star takes off 5/1908 #704 es up to an engine-like sound. She looks out her window and sees a long, da 5/16/1909 #750 s an apparent size of 6 inches and looks to be about 50 feet up. It remains 8/3/1911 #856 ath about 1,000 feet below him. It looks like a gondola, gun-metal gray in 1/1/1937 #1259 Artist Malcolm B. Perry sees what looks like a Navy blimp moving east to w Summer 1938 #1285 object is 20 feet in diameter and looks like two metallic saucers put toge 7/18/1943 #1518 MATTOON, IL Pseudo-human/entity looks through windows. Aims device and p 8/8/1944 #1635 ems to be 3–4 feet in diameter and looks “as though it was cloudy glass wit 9/1944 #1663 h nights, businessman Iomoyo Okado looks up from his air raid shelter and s 5/5/1945 #1864 light in the northeastern sky. It looks like Venus but has a yellow color. Summer 1945 #1881 loor, but when nothing happens she looks outside and sees a big dog, frozen 8/1945 #1911 to the southwest. The boys say it looks like a large, metallic milk canist 7/19/1946 #2069 violent roaring over the water and looks up to see an object bouncing along 7/19/1946 #2073 12 portholes / lower part. 1 head looks out each port. 8/25/1946 (approximate) #2158 rn Sweden by several witnesses. It looks metallic and is about 60 feet long 3/21/1947 #2249 New Mexico, at 3,000 feet, when he looks down and sees a “ball of fire, wit 6/27/1947 #2432 hey can see a metallic object that looks like a cigar with the end cut off. 7/1/1947? #2522 everal airplanes fly overhead. She looks out and sees a “strange goldenish 7/4/1947 #2652 turned to glass and blackened. It looks as if something circular has touch 7/6/1947 #2812 –500 feet toward the other end. It looks as if something has touched down a 7/7/1947 #2928 Island fragments. Arnold thinks it looks like lava. 7/29/1947 #3254 se. Still dark against the sky, it looks to be as large as a C-54. Intrigue 8/4/1947 #3291 n tight-fitting, brownish caps. He looks at them in astonishment for 2–3 mi 8/14/1947 #3330 “sizzling and whizzing” sound and looks up to see a “birdman” hovering 200 1/6/1948 #3533 , Idaho. Through his theodolite it looks fuzzy across its back edge as if “ 2/20/1948 #3583 n, Malheur County, Oregon, when he looks up and sees two “flying persons” t 9/16/1948 #3803 f the writing. Llewellyn certainly looks in. All these people, as well as h 9/30/1948? #3817 ees the object’s silhouette, which looks like a “rifle bullet” 20–30 feet l 10/15/1948 #3841 the air near Nevada, Missouri. He looks up and sees a hovering, disc-like Mid 11/1948 #3876 serve a bronze-colored object that looks like two cigarette ashtrays placed 2/26/1950 #4560 ct through a telescope and says it looks flat, circular, metallic, and roug 4/17/1950 #4859 Linke approaches to 30 feet away, looks over a small fence, and sees a lar 6/17/1950 #4991 ect about 40 feet in diameter that looks like a huge frying pan. It has two 6/17/1950 #4991 with unusual goggles or headpiece” looks out. Surprised, the disc takes off Summer 1950 #4997 nd of a DC-3 airplane overhead. He looks up and sees the plane as well as a 6/27/1950 #5018 n the bright moonlight, the object looks made of bright metal and has an el 6/30/1950 #5027 and, hear a humming noise. Hubbard looks up and sees a flat gray disc, abou 8/14/1950 #5124 ate.” It is lost when the observer looks away to get an angle reading. 8/31/1950 #5154 e time, he noted in his diary, "It looks like World War III is here. I hope 12/6/1950 #5322 ut 8,000 feet and 4 miles away. It looks like a B-29 fuselage with wings bu 1/20/1951 #5407 who sees the light three times. It looks like a car headlight 5 feet off th 3/1951 #5469 ght moving parallel to the car. It looks like a “stubby cigar.” After 15–20 6/1/1951 #5535 ast of Silver City, New Mexico. He looks up and sees two lens-shaped UFOs s Mid 8/1951 #5608 elow.” Biologist James Cecil Cross looks at the Lubbock photos under a micr 8/30/1951 #5638 eling someone is watching her. She looks up and sees a flying saucer hoveri 9/1951 #5647 although one of them says the UFO looks round and silver. 9/23/1951 #5685 utheast of Hastings, Minnesota. It looks like a kite at first, then like a 12/12/1951 #5817 traveling at least at 300 mph. It looks like a parachute canopy and has a 1/21/1952 #5871 silver UFO at a high altitude. It looks like a B-36 without wings. Smith o 4/2/1952 #6017 he others, passes low overhead and looks like a “cylinder tumbling end over 5/1/1952 #6245 r photo of ovoid / broad daylight. Looks black. 5/4/1952 #6255 US soldiers see a bright UFO that looks like a falling star, except that i 5/31/1952 #6392 porthole opens, and a human figure looks out and notices him. Rossi begins 7/25/1952 #7137 eer J. E. Kempf says the formation looks like a “stack of coins.” 7/27/1952 #7214 west of Monterey, Indiana. Moorman looks up and sees 7–8 objects hovering. Mid 8/1952 #7608 of the road 750 feet away. The UFO looks like two bowls placed together end 8/25/1952 #7732 a balloon but as he gets closer it looks more like a “doughnut without a ho 9/1952 #7801 y disappear quickly when the pilot looks away briefly. Two Meteor F.8 fight 10/21/1952 #8172 to follow it. The light, which now looks like a metallic domed disc with wi 1953 #8479 ng and 6–8 or 18–25 feet thick and looks like two soup bowls joined at the 1/1/1953 #8494 draws a picture and Geyer says it looks like one of their flight simulator 1/28/1953 #8602 ng seems motionless and silent. He looks at his gloved hand and he can see 2/11/1953 #8664 as “good, strong targets.” Strand looks at his instruments briefly and whe 3/1953 #8720 is instruments briefly and when he looks up the objects are gone, though gr 3/1953 #8720 n imaginative vision of what Venus looks like, with “warm seas” in which li 3/1953 #8721 ou’ve been wanting to see me.” She looks up and sees “a saucer, big as life 9/1953 #9131 QLD, AUSTRALIA Canberra times. UFO looks like a log or telegraph pole. 9/9/1953 #9157 ights moving slowly in the sky. He looks at them through binoculars and see Late 9/1953 #9179 a to monitor a missile test. As he looks at the stars to calibrate his inst 1/25/1954 #9500 in a clearing. It is gray-blue and looks like two giant pot lids put togeth 8/20/1954 #10157 ille and Contay, Somme, France. It looks like an unfinished haystack “with 9/7/1954 #10268 about 984 feet. Farnier thinks it looks similar to the cigar-shaped object 9/30/1954 #10516 ing from a 4-foot-tall figure that looks like a diver. It wears boots witho 10/9/1954 #10854 light to one side of the road. He looks closer and sees four small figures 10/9/1954 #10858 when he hears a rustling noise. He looks up and sees an oval-shaped object 10/22/1954 #11319 arking in the neighborhood, so she looks outside and sees a large reddish-o 10/23/1954 #11340 th mushroom-shaped marks on it. He looks up and sees three humanoids less t 11/2/1954 #11537 realizes it is white, not red. It looks like a half circle with sunlight g 12/7/1954 #11773 clocks its time as 6–8 minutes. It looks like a disc with two bright, pulsa 2/10/1955 #11992 of fine copper wire mixed in” and looks like it comes from a carpet sweepe 2/21/1955 #12011 ees. Through binoculars the object looks spherical and yellowish. 7/29/1955 #12302 inutes. Jeffrey Moore, 17, says it looks like a steel ball at first, then a 8/19/1955 #12374 lake. It is completely silent and looks to be only 4–5 feet across. 8/20/1955 #12379 hem, he notes that the disturbance looks more like a giant disc. The newspa 8/30/1955 #12418 rt side parallel to his course. It looks like a “large pearl-colored lens w 1956 #12636 s also carries a second alien, who looks much like Akon except he is darker 4/7/1956 #12798 traffic lights as well. The object looks slightly smaller than a blimp. Aft Summer 1956 #12915 ject is gunmetal gray in color and looks like two shallow bowls with a dark 9/15/1956 #13224 re coming from the gap. The object looks as large as the town’s courthouse. 9/15/1956 #13224 ry function. Some of the research looks to have been moved to the Air Forc Late 1956 #13281 osedly 500 years old, although she looks 25. Many contacts follow. 10/29/1956 #13297 Derry, New Hampshire, A. G. Horne looks up and sees a 2-foot tall green dw 12/15/1956 #13404 ad near Great Meadows, New Jersey, looks outside and sees the dogs looking 3/6/1957 #13523 ng at a white hovering object that looks like a “huge derby hat” about 50 f 3/6/1957 #13523 of the bottom is a round area that looks like it might be the outline of an 8/1957 #13868 greater than the lower section. It looks like two superimposed plates separ 10/10/1957 #14095 irl for an hour with a device that looks like a flashlight, communicate tel 10/25/1957 #14155 up to about 45° elevation until it looks like a star or point source. They 11/3/1957 #14251 car engine and headlights fail. He looks up and sees an elongated egg-shape 11/9/1957 #14505 driveway in Tamaroa, Illinois. She looks outside and sees a bright, moon-sh 11/14/1957 #14551 tillery-observer field glasses. It looks to be a Saturn-shaped grayish obje 8/18/1958 #15215 ears a humming sound above him. He looks up and sees a teardrop-shaped obje 9/29/1958 #15286 rce says,” he knows what refueling looks like and the UFOs were “at least t 3/19/1959 #15652 of the model, but Nebel thinks it looks like a jumble of unconnected parts 4/19/1959 #15708 exas, sees a “large red fire” that looks like a mushroom cloud. It is 5° ab 9/29/1959 #15998 ls into the water. He says that it looks like a cover is torn off in one pi Late 12/1959 #16134 e is no connection to a UFO and it looks like foundry slag anyway. Later, t 6/12/1960 #16312 it. When it stabilizes, he sees it looks like two concave discs joined toge 8/11/1960 #16369 m and Capt. Joseph W. Ivins say it looks like a balloon about 70 feet in di 11/15/1960 #16505 apons scientist George W. Rathjens looks through SAC’s atlas of Soviet citi 12/14/1960 #16533 act. The authorities state that it looks like it was placed there gently fr 1961 #16550 rough his theodolite, but it still looks fuzzy. The object reappears throug 1961 #16551 ect. She rolls down the window and looks up. Almost immediately, the Hills 9/19/1961 #16857 it rises quickly and he can see it looks like a disc with a concave base ab Autumn 1961 #16869 above Sunset, Utah. The first pair looks like puffy cotton joined together 10/14/1961 #16911 oices were heard saying, "This one looks like Rivalino," and later that the 8/19/1962 #17346 he top of an avocado tree. When he looks up, he sees a UFO hovering above t 8/28/1963 #17922 are thin and bald, while the other looks like an overweight woman with blon 8/28/1963 #17922 ed, he gets out of the vehicle and looks up at the road, which he finds is 10/12/1963 #17987 t high at the center, and has what looks like a window on one side that is 12/27/1963 #18098 he roaring noise stops, and Zamora looks up to see the UFO flying away to t 4/24/1964 #18200 s creek bed some 900 feet away. It looks like a butane tank “as long as a t 4/26/1964 #18209 ry near El Paso, Texas. He says it looks like the object Lonnie Zamora saw. 4/28/1964 #18216 is white and green, while the rear looks like half-rings of blue. Its speed 9/14/1964 #18552 he father jumps out of the car and looks straight up into the light, shadin 11/26/1964 #18639 a church and when it reappears it looks round, bright, and silvery. 1/14/1965 #18729 mas sparkler.” One witness says it looks like a spinning top spitting spark 1/25/1965 #18767 al position. Through binoculars it looks 25 feet high and 50 feet in diamet 3/15/1965 #18859 she finishes the conversation, she looks out the window toward her neighbor 7/1965 #19039 r (5 feet tall) and with skin that looks tanned. They are lying down in a s 7/1965 #19039 hing making a “bleep-bleep” sound, looks up, and sees the object. Neighbors 7/9/1965 #19089 speeds-slows-maneuvers off-course. Looks like 'fast star'. 7/20/1965 #19143 efined, and through a telescope it looks like an array of three greenish li 7/26/1965 #19180 r, who wishes to remain anonymous, looks at a UFO through his 40x-telescope 8/1/1965 #19244 s about 15–20 feet in diameter and looks like two saucers put together. It 8/11/1965? #19367 adio and ignition go dead. The UFO looks like a top, with a large, gray con 8/18/1965 #19418 railway tracks. Door opens. Figure looks around. / r8#687. 8/23/1965 #19454 electrical system die. The object looks like it is made of stainless steel 10/23/1965 #19678 or using a theodolite hears a hum, looks up, and sees a UFO flying nearly s 1/18/1966 #19850 oise from the tractor’s engine. He looks about for the source of the noise 1/19/1966 #19858 higan, see a star-like object that looks football-shaped through binoculars 4/1/1966? #20202 his garden in Balwyn, Victoria. It looks to be 20–25 feet in diameter and 1 4/2/1966 #20208 akes a fluttering motion. The disc looks metallic, 8 feet in diameter, has 4/8/1966 #20276 ver Idaho Falls, Idaho. The object looks like a weather balloon, but it is 7/9/1966 #20635 r / big dipper suddenly zips away. Looks very distant. 11/2/1966 #21065 gets out to watch it. At first it looks like two lights near the American 11/6/1966 #21080 Albuquerque radar reports that it looks like the target had merged with th 1/13/1967 #21299 northwest. Bright white headlight looks forward. 1/17/1967 #21324 BA LINDA, CA Teen photographs UFO. Looks fake but tests good. / r97#36+/ r1 1/24/1967 #21369 trange noise and a barking dog. He looks up and sees an object approaching 2/5/1967 #21460 rom about 30 feet away, the object looks like a hovering parachute or a gra 2/14/1967 #21551 ad. It is about 30 feet across and looks like “it had lights in back of a p 4/5/1967 #22066 way across the front seat. When he looks up again, the object has “turned t 4/5/1967 #22066 ets is a busy signal, and when she looks outside again, the object is gone. 5/1967 #22256 day and finds an odd substance. It looks like “cotton wool,” but is finer t 5/1967 #22257 green lenses over his glasses and looks inside, where he sees a series of 5/20/1967 #22382 ttom. To even the untrained eye it looks like a fake, more than likely prod 6/10/1967 #22487 olina, sends a color photo of what looks like a little man in a spacesuit s 7/21/1967 #22718 arrison, ND Cattle nervous and dog looks toward round glowing object (NICAP 7/25/1967 #22730 up some stones, examines them, and looks up at the larger object, apparentl 8/3/1967 #22788 tly communicating with someone. He looks toward their car frequently. After 8/3/1967 #22788 leached bones. The cut in the neck looks smooth and surgical. The soil bene 9/9/1967 #23026 t is about 75 feet in diameter and looks like two bowls clamped together. A 10/7/1967 #23189 orming a perfect triangle. Fortney looks at them through binoculars and see 10/22/1967 #23290 David V. Marin sees an object that looks like an upside-down candle from hi 11/21/1967 #23491 rs twice, then another object that looks like a light aircraft with an unus 11/22/1967 #23498 cends again. Through binoculars it looks conical or bullet shaped. Dozens o 12/2/1967 #23533 ay and 6–8 feet above the road. It looks made of shiny, polished aluminum. 12/3/1967 #23545 errified. Her son in the back seat looks immobilized with his eyes “bugged 12/12/1967 #23575 Hills, Alberta, see an object that looks “like a stunted dill pickle,” gree 1/15/1968 #23666 e object to the others, who say it looks like a flying saucer. They contact 1/15/1968 #23666 feet wide. The body of the object looks like dull aluminum. There is a sma 2/19/1968 #23767 ONIA, AZ 7 photographs / saucer. 1 looks great. Possible hoax. See referenc 3/21/1968 #23854 kes a photo of it at 8:00 a.m. and looks at it through a theodolite at 8:15 3/30/1968 #23876 t Callison of Galesburg, Illinois, looks out his kitchen window and sees a 5/10/1968 #23955 en human like, but contained blank looks. 6/14/1968 #24034 o east near Truro, Nova Scotia. It looks like a satellite, but turns reddis 7/18/1968 #24189 certain directions (when indeed it looks for many types of potential attack 7/29/1968 #24254 have been around for a long time, looks at some compelling reports, and as 11/27/1968 #24725 humanoid (or Grey) makes repairs. Looks surprised when he sees observer(s) 1/8/1969 #24824 eel granary of 14ft. diameter.” It looks like two rounded layers divided by 2/18/1969 #24928 s residence in Ottawa, Ontario. He looks up and sees two bright flashing re 3/4/1969 #24969 ps the taxi, and they can see what looks like a metallic craft, approximate 4/25/1969 #25090 is awakened by his dog barking. He looks out the window and sees a brillian 5/11/1969 #25125 I helmet) about 500 feet away. He looks away briefly, and the object is go 5/11/1969 #25125 meteorological balloon because it looks gray and like an upside-down light 6/17/1969 #25221 his headlights and motor fail. He looks under the hood, feels some “static 6/19/1969 #25226 y,” and his hair stands on end. He looks up and sees a bluish, upside-down- 6/19/1969 #25226 ily’s farm near Abee, Alberta. She looks directly at the object, which is o 7/16/1969 #25274 still standing and undisturbed. It looks as if some large object has come d 9/4/1969 #25351 pproaching the ship. The large UFO looks like a big box with semicircles on 10/24/1969 #25422 other behind it. The second being looks directly at Kendall, then touches 1/1/1970 #25532 about a quarter of a mile away and looks like a squared-off conning tower a 8/30/1970 #25814 ght forces him to stop the car. He looks up and sees a globe about 60 feet 10/29/1970 #25893 and disappears over some trees and looks as if it is about to fall into Sca 1/7/1971 #25982 from it, and the water in the hole looks agitated. NICAP investigator Walte 1/7/1971 #25982 e governor” shows up regularly and looks for “little stones” in the nearby 1/23/1971 #25999 cks behind the hut. A bit later he looks out again and they shine the light 9/12/1971? #26330 estimated distance of 98 feet. It looks like an “inverted dish” with a sma 10/5/1971 #26410 over house in tourist photograph. Looks good / Gsw. 11/1971 #26443 ealing it inside a box. When Swann looks at the box, he sees “something sma 8/1972 #26862 The sound bores into his head. He looks up and sees a huge object parked a 10/8/1972 #27058 ng an “electrical arcing” odor. He looks up and sees a white blob about 100 11/10/1972 #27116 r to take photos. At one point she looks through her late husband’s World W 3/20/1973 #27352 a steady, southbound red light. It looks like the port-wing light of an air 10/18/1973 #28172 650 feet above the treetops, Coyne looks up and sees the object covering th 10/18/1973 #28172 white light just snaps out. Coyne looks at the altimeter and realizes they 10/18/1973 #28172 na, when he notices an object that looks like it is going to land. He and h 10/22/1973 #28240 ce a third object in the west that looks more like a dark domed disc, and i 10/28/1973 #28310 JOLIETTE, QB 4' figure looks through window. Head glows. Night 11/22/1973 #28458 dren out of the back seat when she looks up and sees a massive disc-shaped 1974 #28632 about 300 feet away. The light now looks like a domed disc about 60 feet in 5/1974 #29075 ith tower. Moves oddly. Photograph looks OK / Hynek. 5/5/1974 #29081 ared rather short.” He is bald and looks old. The scene is well lit by an i 5/5/1974 #29085 avy has fallen onto the ground. He looks out the living room window and see 6/25/1974 #29224 . Climbing back on the swather, he looks around and sees four more identica 9/1/1974 #29417 away from Gander. Every time Breen looks at the light it seems to turn off, 10/10/1974 #29512 it will last for four days. Higdon looks up the hill and sees a transparent 10/15/1974 #29531 r about 1,600– 3,300 feet away. He looks around to see if there are other w 11/17/1974 #29598 e are other witnesses, but when he looks back the object is gone. The photo 11/17/1974 #29598 if he was still on course. When he looks up, he notices that the magnetic c 11/28/1974 #29619 of four revolutions per minute. He looks to his right side and sees nothing 11/28/1974 #29619 distant and 65 feet in the air. It looks round, is colored a metallic grayi 7/1975 #30142 ,000 feet, where it hovers. Riddle looks behind him and sees another light 8/14/1975 #30270 emembers a 6-foot-tall entity that looks like a mummy, various medical proc 8/26/1975 #30310 apt. Masarus Saito says the object looks like two plates put together. Afte 10/17/1975 #30437 it is a friend of his. The friend looks at him, leans forward and looks up 12/14/1975 #30715 nd looks at him, leans forward and looks up at the light, falls back, wipes 12/14/1975 #30715 ncing across the windshield. As he looks out through the steady rain, two a 1/4/1976 #30758 ght goes behind trees. Observer(s) looks. Finds saucer size = 2-story house 1/8/1976 #30774 s awake tending to a child when he looks outside to his east and sees what Late 2/1976 #30905 rom three or four windows. When he looks through the object’s windows he ca Late 2/1976 #30905 o sleep. In the morning, Francisco looks out the window and finds there is 8/10/1976 #31251 in the sky. Through binoculars, it looks like a silver disc reflecting ligh 8/14/1976 #31263 orthwest of Larimer, Colorado. She looks up and sees a large (100 feet long 9/1/1976 #31324 ka, hears a high-pitched whine and looks out at the tundra where a small (2 9/3/1976 #31334 feels an electrical sensation. He looks up and sees an object 85 feet in d 9/10/1976 #31371 ut 100 feet above the building and looks like a “fat cigar” about 50–60 fee Autumn 1976 #31421 object through binoculars, says it looks like “two plates placed together, 10/17/1976 #31474 the object, walks to the car, and looks in on the witnesses. He then disap 11/14/1976 #31548 mutilated cattle since Nov. '76. "Looks like someone wanted them found". 1/1977 (approximate) #31660 hole, McCarthy sees something that looks like a one-foot-square box. He rac 1/10/1977 #31715 ings, McCarthy walks out on it and looks down through the clear ice where t 1/10/1977 #31715 han an hour. Through binoculars it looks like a 3:1 rectangle with rounded 1/21/1977 #31741 ed by a strange humming noise. She looks out a window and sees an oval-shap 4/19/1977 #32001 and investigate. Then one of them looks up and briefly sees a thin, large, 5/3/1977 #32050 ge / alley and retrieve fourth who looks disabled! 6/12/1977 #32158 underneath it. The hovering object looks as big as the full moon, with two 6/27/1977 #32200 Watching it through binoculars, it looks like a metallic submarine shape wi 8/4/1977 #32360 so see it. There is something that looks like a rotating “radar mast” on th 8/11/1977 #32383 g ribbon. As it flies over him, it looks like a cylinder with one of the en 9/20/1977 #32498 when she hears a humming nose and looks up. A circular object with a dome Late 9/1977 #32518 d, Vermont, hears an odd noise and looks out his window. He and his family 10/11/1977 #32568 wind passing around a building and looks straight up. About 500 feet in the 10/13/1977 #32572 and tries to follow it. The object looks rectangular, about 150 feet long, 10/13/1977 #32572 ated distance of 200 feet. The UFO looks like a globular white light reflec 12/27/1977 #32814 with boots and gloves. One of them looks different, because he has a larger 1/31/1978 #32928 at his dog is acting strangely. He looks up and sees a black cigar-shaped o 2/1978 #32937 e snow. He runs away, and when the looks back the object is flying away to 2/2/1978 #32946 . As he passes Edwards, the figure looks at him and two beams of light shoo 3/17/1978 #33048 a sharp noise like a car horn. He looks up and sees a bright white light a 3/24/1978 #33078 g in circles and looking up. Smith looks out his window and sees a silent, 4/2/1978 #33120 ying for exams in Shiraz, Iran. He looks through his window and sees a glow 5/13/1978 #33203 icle hovering nearby. The interior looks like a completely black room outfi 5/17/1978 #33224 e is examined by an apparatus that looks like an X-ray machine, and the men 5/17/1978 #33224 the field, and the timothy stubble looks like it has been scorched about on 7/21/1978 #33406 Leroy, Michigan, hears a noise and looks out his window to watch a silver c 8/4/1978 #33471 rt road when a lighted object that looks like an eye moves toward them. The 8/12/1978 #33512 rocking from side to side. It now looks solid and metallic. It rises sligh 8/22/1978 #33547 man in Gloucester, Massachusetts, looks out his window to see what is caus 8/30/1978 #33605 ng its landing gear. The underside looks like it has a grid pattern, and it 9/18/1978 #33708 tly at about 200 feet. At first it looks like two saucers joined at the rim 10/8/1978 #33816 ed, he runs behind a bush. When he looks out again, the object is gone. 10/25/1978 #33873 d, they both hear a loud roar. She looks out the window and sees a row of f 11/1/1978 #33909 t is a large, luminous object that looks like a football. It appears to be 8/16/1979 #34747 e Warrior piloted by a friend. She looks out the window and notices that bo 8/17/1979 #34752 ously. It makes no sound and still looks just like a blinding light. Johnso 8/27/1979 #34787 engine” light on the dashboard. He looks out the window and sees the car ha 8/27/1979 #34787 om, with four apparent impacts; it looks as if a cluster of small objects, 8/27/1979 #34787 olice, and Deputy Berna Van Vlerah looks outside the station 2.5 miles west 8/29/1979 #34802 turn toward Kalwa. At one point it looks so close that the driver fears it 9/5/1979 #34838 "Gee, that looks like a flying saucer," thought the 9/9/1979 #34856 s large as a three-story house and looks like a gigantic faceted wedding ca 9/17/1979 #34896 ay. He walks toward it and sees it looks more like a metallic disc with a t 10/1979 #34937 repair work says that the interior looks like a fire has gone through it (t 10/6/1979 #34946 nia, see a milky-white object that looks like a mace head with protuberance 11/15/1979 #35000 Ridge, New York, when he sees what looks like a solid, 3-foot-tall maple tr 11/17/1979 #35004 near Dijon, Côte d’Or, France. It looks like two “reversed saucers pressed 12/9/1979 #35062 l and moves past the object, which looks like a “toast rack” with curved si 1/14/1980 #35135 for bed in Stamford, Connecticut, looks through a window and sees a large 2/21/1980 #35180 finds the carcass of the calf. It looks as though it has been turned insid 4/1980 #35244 ect with flashing white lights. He looks at it with his binoculars with his 4/20/1980 #35279 d triangle is on the underside. It looks like a Stetson hat as it moves awa 5/7/1980 #35314 usual object. The photo reportedly looks like three stars in an inverted T 8/24/1980 #35479 left wingtip only 30 feet away. It looks like a metallic football no larger 9/4/1980 #35494 a county road near Lima, Ohio. She looks up and sees a square opening in th 9/21/1980 #35524 square opening in the clouds that looks like a picture frame. A vivid oran 9/21/1980 #35524 A vivid orange or red object that looks like the bottom of an Army tank wi 9/21/1980 #35524 of Bloomfield, Indiana. The object looks like two full moons spaced about 1 10/26/1980 #35591 away at a great rate of speed. She looks at her watch and sees that 4 minut 12/6/1980 #35704 , which appears on an active road, looks like one made by a car tire. This 1/8/1981 #35779 or of a ball.” He walks past them, looks back, and they have disappeared. O 8/8/1981 #36064 e mist from the rear of the object looks like “lit up snowflakes.” The rim 2/10/1982 #36334 rginia 11:30 p.m. Nanette Morrison looks out her front window and sees a br 4/1/1982 #36428 e a blender running in a box.” She looks outside and sees a bright blue, do 4/3/1982 #36433 does not appear on their radar. It looks like a cloud with the central part 4/22/1982 #36450 stationary, noiseless object that looks like a large army helicopter about 7/6/1982 #36531 lage of Belokorovichi, Ukraine. It looks “just like a flying saucer,” but w 10/4/1982 #36634 the east. It is silver-colored and looks like a geodesic dome. Within the n 10/27/1982 #36666 wer landing with M- 16 in hand and looks straight up at the object. It is c 11/25/1982 #36690 vatory, tracks it and says that it looks like a deformed pyramid with a poi 4/26/1983 #36845 ed-shaped object emerges from what looks like an explosion and moves to the 12/30/1983 #37086 d UFO about 100 feet altitude that looks larger than a Boeing 747. It has r 3/21/1984 #37236 , hears a loud pulsating sound and looks out the window in time to see a la 5/5/1984 #37316 l, Connecticut, for 20 minutes. It looks like a big Ferris Wheel on its sid 6/25/1984 #37380 dow. Sphere/orb/globe with 11 eyes looks in! Turns and flies. Repeats. 12/31/1984 #37537 nearly destabilizes him. Later, he looks for fragments embedded in the wing 7/1985 #37613 d on radar at Bulawayo Airport. It looks orange and round with a short cone 7/22/1985 #37628 , is awakened by a loud sound. She looks out and sees a “strange dark objec 2/12/1986 #37786 maller ones toward their right. It looks like an airplane fuselage without 3/6/1987 #38130 n she sees a “flying log.” The man looks up and sees a cylindrical object f 9/14/1987 #38287 the object. It reaches the UFO and looks in the witness’s direction. He hea Mid 10/1987 #38305 HELLASTON, DERBYSHIRE Large saucer looks "made of glass sewn together / thr 1/4/1988 #38395 CROSS, ENG Man with antenna in car looks up. Triangle going [to] field. 3-4 4/20/1988 #38542 ver(s). Silent "flying whale". DWG looks like windsock. Bright light. 1/22/1989 #38790 hts hovering in Essex, England. He looks at them through binoculars and see Summer 1989 #38992 s. The being moves very slowly and looks around. It has a small head resemb 9/27/1989 #39124 ms in fear. Then one of the beings looks at the boy and points a tube at hi 9/27/1989 #39124 The family watches the UFO, which looks like an upside-down cup and saucer 11/4/1989 #39214 n Ernage and Gembloux, Belgium. It looks like a series of 3–4 panels of lig 12/11/1989 #39313 / 8000M altitude. Gone when pilot looks again. 12/24/1989 #39336 r, a nose, a mouth, and teeth that looks like they were made there. They we 1990 #39358 road to get a better look. When he looks out of his left window he saw "man 3/24/1990 #39484 at Gulf Breeze, Florida, sees what looks like a jet fighter about to crash. 4/5/1990 #39511 idge in Florida see an object that looks like a long isosceles triangle wit 4/10/1990 #39516 woman in Athus, Belgium, wakes up, looks out the window, and sees a light 1 10/23/1990 #39806 n she senses an intense light. She looks out the window, which is covered i 11/22/1990 #39898 high-frequency, whistling tone. He looks outside and sees a large rectangul 3/15/1991 #40014 Belgium, hears an intense hum and looks out her window to see a large tria 5/17/1991 #40066 bjects that reflect light. Maussan looks into balloons, helicopters, and ot 7/11/1991 #40119 exits. 60 minutes / missing time. Looks in window. 7/21/1991 #40127 INGDON, EAST SUSSEX Low silent UFO looks exactly like plane. Maneuvers. 5/1/1992 #40440 see that it is a solid object that looks like a manta ray with a dull-black 8/19/1992 #40583 e of approximately 1,000 feet.” It looks like two white lights with a faint 3/31/1993 #40914 ll flight in air-to-air combat. It looks nothing like a triangular UFO and 4/29/1993 #40956 the Petit-Ry neighborhood when he looks out a window and sees a group of 1 7/2/1994 #41601 he southwest at a low altitude. It looks somewhat like the Moon, but it sta 8/31/1994 #41707 en area near a road and hovers. It looks like a domed disc with a white str 8/31/1994 #41707 , the other is apparently dead and looks like a child. The object is lightw 1/12/1995 #41971 strange object on a side road. It looks like a cloud but is stationary. Th 4/10/1995 #42145 and flies parallel to the 727. It looks like an inverted flying saucer as 7/31/1995 #42347 which is covered with debris that looks like tinfoil. He picks up a larger 1/13/1996 #42681 ontroller. Pale yellow night light looks square in (seen thru) binoculars. 2/3/1996 #42734 a porch to smoke a cigarette. She looks to her left and sees a strange cre 4/21/1996 #42876 loudly. Going over to his dog, he looks up to see a low-flying space-capsu 9/16/1996 #43023 near Rapid City, South Dakota. He looks at the top of a hill and sees a li 12/1996 #43127 o east. About 10 minutes later, he looks up again and sees it moving east t 12/1996 #43127 d the lights are so bright that it looks like daytime. The guards report th 12/1998 #43694 ngland, watch a flying object that looks like a black wedge with two bright 3/24/1999 #43750 37 reports from the literature. He looks at location and duration, the sequ 7/2/1999 #43789 the spacecraft a Chinese girl who looks about 13 years old. She tells him 12/1999 #43890 dditional balls and something that looks like a helicopter, all traveling w 8/5/2000 #44028 sky moving from the southwest. It looks like an intense red beam with brig 9/9/2001 #44253 sky” in the southwest. The object looks like an intense red beam with an a 9/9/2002 #44392 h AFB] in Clark County, Nevada. He looks toward the base and sees an amber/ Late 9/2002 #44405 in downtown Bremerton, Washington, looks up and sees a triangular object wi 2/25/2003 #44496 time he gets to the porch, the UFO looks cigar-shaped and is an estimated 1 8/11/2003 #44574 ith 2 balloon-type attachments and looks like a robot walking. The object h 9/27/2004 #44762 FOs maneuvering near the city. One looks like a radaint sphere with three p 9/5/2006 #44958 overcraft tested in the 1960s that looks like a flying disc. https://www.a 1/5/2007 #44997 h woman living in Aarhus, Denmark, looks up and sees a gigantic luminous ob 11/2008 #45185 s object silently heading west. It looks like it s made of glass or jelly a 11/2008 #45185 ad. He opens the driver’s door and looks up, seeing lights on the bottom of 11/25/2009 #45256 at least 32 feet. The object first looks like a luminous spot produced by a 10/11/2010 #45301 ogen-like lights and there is what looks like a hatch in its center from wh 9/11/2011 #45332 er cat outside, but it panics. She looks up and sees strange lights about a 3/5/2013 #45361 bout a quarter of a mile away. She looks through binoculars and sees that t 3/5/2013 #45361 r Silesian Voivodeship, Poland. It looks to be about 400 feet wide. After a 3/31/2013 #45363 lof Kviman snaps a picture of what looks like a 65–98-foot long, black subm 10/31/2014 #45422 a.m. A man in Breda, Netherlands, looks out his bedroom window and sees an 2/24/2018 #45512 .m. A witness in Lendele, Belgium, looks out the window and sees a large, b 2/25/2018 #45514 eature that stands on two legs and looks like a praying mantis. It has a tr 7/16/2020 #45652## Word: "loom" (Back to Top)
ing with arrays of lights suddenly loom directly in front of them, one abov 11/17/1986 #38072## Word: "loomed" (Back to Top)
hen it re-appeared at 1:45 a.m. it loomed up in front of them, and against 5/5/1968 #23946 In 1993 a huge flying saucer loomed over a water tank in the state fo 3/19/1993 #40891## Word: "looming" (Back to Top)
sex, England, a “large dark object looming out of the sky” and traveling sl 5/9/1909 #733 t shoulder. He sees a large object looming over his cab and hears two thump 8/29/1979 #34803 ous materials designed to show the looming prospect of a world government i 1991 #39933 sees a large and unusual aircraft looming up over the skyline. It is black 9/3/2000 #44036## Word: "loomis" (Back to Top)
g members are physicist Alfred Lee Loomis, biologist Caryl Parker Haskins, 7/3/1946 #2025## Word: "looms" (Back to Top)
the object is in view. The object looms about 300 feet away, passing near 10/9/1977 #32564 Suddenly an enormous black object looms up in front of them, completely si 9/16/1978 #33694## Word: "loop" (Back to Top)
nches in diameter. It travels in a loop and circles back to the woods in a 6/1932 #1144 and she sees the ball make a final loop before it disappears in the woods. 6/1932 #1144 ONT Huge streak / fire. Does neat loop and vanishes / newspapers. 10/24/1949 #4403 alinas, California. The UFO made a loop, then shot off to the south. There 3/11/1950 #4614 A Geologist saw disc-shaped object loop around plane. [VI] (NICAP: 01 - Dis 6/12/1950 #4982 ted 1,000 m.p.h. and made a large loop. Seven minutes. 3/15/1951 #5488 minutes where it makes an apparent loop, coming back over the field. At the 3/15/1951 #5489 over the field. At the top of the loop it is out of sight, but it is seen 3/15/1951 #5489 rom behind the city, make a double loop, pass over the roadstead, and then 6/1/1952 #6417 3. Object hovers and flashes. 270° loop going quickly east. 6/22/1952 #6585 ed at 20 degree angle, performed a loop and returned. Fifty second sighting 10/19/1953 #9242 ll going [to] WNW. Going up. Sharp loop and going quickly ESE and quickly g 11/8/1957 #14477 “stunned” and somewhat “out of the loop” on the otherworldly topic. Decades Spring 1959 #15656 8:40 p.m. a disc-shaped UFO did a loop over Dogura, Papua New Guinea. 7/6/1959 #15819 ew straight and level, made a half loop, then rose up. Sighting lasted l m 7/20/1964 #18430 ew straight and level, made a half loop, then rose up in the sky. The durat 7/20/1964 #18431 aight and level, not in an outside loop to assist in the separation of the 7/30/1966 #20696 position just below the Moon, they loop around it in an upward, back, and o 8/1966 #20711 goes over to the Moon and flies a loop around it, keeping its flat side do 10/14/1967 #23238 ovoid object with a lit edge did a loop in the sky and then landed in a pas 10/11/1969 #25408 ireballs going down / series. 10km loop through 3 towns and going southwest 9/10/1973 #27797 are objects hover and maneuver and loop. Away and back. Going quickly east. 12/19/1973 #28583 ts hovered, maneuvered, and made a loop in the sky over Charmeil Airport, F 12/19/1973 #28588 cts pace cargo plane / 12 mile(s). Loop / film. / International UFO Reporte 12/22/1978 #34196 Bright saucer rises / lake. Makes loop and away. / FSRv35#2. 4/24/1980 #35287 County, North Carolina. It made a loop in the sky and flew away. 4/24/1980 #35288 eam at it, and it made a "sideways loop" before continuing on. 8/4/1991 #40143 , and a baseball cap fitted with a loop of wire to help them walk in a stra 9/9/1991 #40182 nous globes hover / 100M altitude. Loop going northeast. Flash. All silent. 12/31/1992 #40774 orbs in formation going northwest. Loop going quickly southwest. Videos. / 6/18/1994 #41572 server(s). Up to 11 bright objects loop and maneuver. "Shoot at each other" 10/28/1995 #42567 of about 200 mph. The craft did a loop, moved to the east, then headed bac 10/26/1996 #43097 ” which in turns create a “Novikov loop” (a paradox where the origin of the 3/20/2020 #45640## Word: "loop-loop-loop" (Back to Top)
e a nearby house. It makes a low, “loop-loop-loop” thumping sound. Then a l 9/23/1973 #27859 d balloon with lights. He heard a "loop-loop-loop" thumping sound emanating 9/23/1973 #27861## Word: "looped" (Back to Top)
At 7:40 p.m. a "meteor" turned, looped, and curved for 12 seconds over P 2/9/1902 #650 o'clock in the morning. A humanoid looped a hook from one over a man's leg, 9/9/1976 #31365 , FR 2 observer(s). Dark dome with looped legs hovers / field. Lights / edg 10/8/1992 #40665 ed moving fast through the sky. It looped, flashed, and turned fast for 45 1/5/2003 #44470## Word: "looping" (Back to Top)
ut both are “cutting pigeon wings, looping aerial loops, circling and divin 10/29/1910 #852 g very fast from 60° in the north. Looping and swooping, they move apart af 8/9/1977 #32371## Word: "loops" (Back to Top)
stronomer Libert. Meteor turns and loops and curves / 12 second(s). Tail la 2/9/1902 #649 tting pigeon wings, looping aerial loops, circling and diving like birds an 10/29/1910 #852 or golden objects. One made three loops then rose and disappeared rapidly; 4/5/1948 #3611 buzzed / saucer. Brill blue-light. Loops. Going quickly south. Many calls. 3/11/1950 #4612 NM 4 observer(s). Moon-size object loops over special military facility / 4 3/24/1950 #4717 es a metallic disc making vertical loops around the jet. Two other discs co 6/12/1950 #4984 82. Amber night light makes 3 360° loops. Buzzes F82. Quickly going up [to] 2/1/1951 #5425 ervers. Red and silver ovoid makes loops going north. 3km altitude. 300kph. 7/21/1952 #6961 ent and 1. Dark ovoid / 2 separate loops over town. Finally going quickly w 9/3/1952 #7833 void object that made two separate loops over Tucson, Arizona. It finally f 9/3/1952 #7840 r passes then cylinder/cigar-shape loops with puffs / smoke. / Irish news. 9/2/1954 (approximate) #10229 car. Dazzling cylinder/cigar-shape loops. Turns vertical. Going quickly sou 9/3/1954 #10237 A dazzling cigar-shaped UFO did loops over Weston, Staffordshire, Englan 9/3/1954 #10241 ARSEILLE, FR 3 observer(s). Saucer loops and maneuvers. Generally going wes 9/7/1954 #10264 ' saucer / 15K' altitude rolls and loops about. / Blue Book files. 9/24/1954 #10430 ck inside the craft, which flew in loops and vanished. 10/12/1954 #10973 ck inside the craft, which flew in loops and then vanished. 10/12/1954 #10983 er lands / curbside. Flexible tube loops / side to bottom. 10/14/1954 #11040 (s) and photographs. Blazing ovoid loops over city. Darkens. Going east. / 5/15/1955 #12133 t half-egg hovers / 300M altitude. Loops. Speeds back going quickly east. N 4/24/1956 #12813 hs in one case) while playing tape loops of noise or simple repetitive stat 2/1957 #13481 bottom, flew erratically and made loops for 15 seconds. 10/2/1958 #15301 a flat bottom, fly erratically in loops over the Delaware Water Gap near S 10/2/1958 #15304 flew slow, hovered, made fast 1/2 loops for l0 minutes. 7/29/1962 #17299 arine/submerged crews. Huge saucer loops. Light power = 2.3MW. Going west. 9/22/1965 (approximate) #19587 ward the earth, makes two complete loops, then hovers in the midst of a fai Late 9/1965 #19604 on again. It rises, makes two more loops, and flies away to the west, where Late 9/1965 #19604 Tangent, OR Luminous Loops Seen (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 12/8/1965 #19758 and 3. Night light east going west loops and fantastic maneuvers circles an 2/26/1966 #19920 d hovers.. . Beam searches ground. Loops going quickly north. 6/11/1966 #20549 ck", then made numerous high-speed loops and dives at fantastic speeds. It 7/6/1967 #22623 US40+SR88, UT Huge fiery half-dome loops / sky. Going quickly southwest. Ph 10/14/1967 #23235 ere/orb/globe hovers and spins and loops. Away fast. R9p194. 11/6/1967 #23410 ar. Saucer lights ground. Zigzags. Loops. Shoots going up. / r30p301. 8/6/1968 (approximate) #24299 DOUBS Brilliant flashy night light loops going quickly north. Many similar 3/9/1969 #24983 Z, FR Dark 12M ovoid with lit edge loops. Lands. Cows ignore! Going quickly 10/11/1969 #25406 nker. Going quickly [to] overhead? Loops around and going quickly northeast 6/1971 #26150 ). 'Apollo capsule' / several 10km loops generally going east. 800M altitud 3/28/1973 #27383 e (cone-shaped) made several large loops in the sky over Mount Bouquet, Fra 3/28/1973 #27386 llite going going east stops. Does loops! Responds / flashlight. Going quic 9/27/1973 #27875 SP 7M saucer crosses highway near. Loops. Away / very fast. Absolute(ly) si 3/30/1974 #28969 llic round object. Going south and loops going north. 4/1/1974 #28987 noid (or Grey) going down [to] and loops hook / MANs leg. Shakes loose. 9/9/1976 #31359 15 minutes. Finally, the creature loops a cable around da Silva’s ankle an 9/9/1976 #31362 turn west going northwest. Hovers. Loops! Portholes. Beams going down. 12/14/1976 #31600 U-shaped object makes 2 triangular loops. 90° and 135° turns and away. 2/26/1977 #31848 roaching. The humanoid carried two loops in his right hand, and something r 9/25/1977 #32519 ars as the larger object is flying loops, dropping down behind the houses, 2/5/1978 #32955 DENTON, NC 2 observer(s). "Meteor" loops. Instant 90-turns. Going up and do 1/7/1984 #37108 t circles the trailer park in wide loops that take it several miles out to 4/22/1984 #37281 parent dome that made several wide loops over the coast. It shone spotlight 4/22/1984 #37282 doing complex maneuvers including loops, crash dives and fast climbs. She 12/1986 #38079 the object’s maneuvers, including loops, backtracks, crash dives, and fast Mid 12/1986 #38083 ng up and down [to] like a signal. Loops and away. 3/13/1990 #39457 wing boomerangs going northeast. 1 loops. Both going quickly east toward(s) 1/1991 #39942 speed, making two counterclockwise loops and doubling back to the rear of t 4/28/1993 #40953 disc-shaped object was rolling in loops on a trajectory that passed in fro 1/16/1995 #41979 void zigzags west going east. Then loops and away going quickly north. 3/15/1995 #42098 ORT, MBA 2 video 6' metallic disk. Loops and maneuvers 1 mile away. Reflect 6/19/1995 #42263 hat looked like a "dog-fight" with loops; they appeared to "shoot at each o 10/28/1995 #42568 r discs to green fireballs, flying loops around passenger aircraft, pacing 10/15/2000 #44056 ace-time creates more issues; time loops, rips, etc. Deacon claims UAP occu 10/2006 #44970 physics testing has created “time loops upon time loops, it’s all a mess.” 10/2006 #44970 has created “time loops upon time loops, it’s all a mess.” Deacon states 10/2006 #44970## Word: "loos" (Back to Top)
A25 NORTH / LOOS, NORD, FR Luminous sphere larger / 1/8/1996 #42674## Word: "loose" (Back to Top)
ACK, MO 2+observer(s). 7-8 disks / loose formation going quickly northwest. 6/24/1947 #2388 NSAS CITY, MO 9 metallic objects / loose formation going quickly west very 6/25/1947 #2404 . The objects are milling about in loose formation like a “swarm of bees” f 7/3/1947 #2581 roups / saucers in V formation and loose. Circle and dive. Going west. / r1 7/4/1947 #2612 9–10 objects circle overhead in a loose formation. They gain altitude rapi 7/4/1947 #2659 cs or spheres moving at 500 mph in loose formation from west-northwest to e 7/9/1948 #3704 watches six elliptical objects in loose echelon formation over Evansville, 11/27/1950 #5294 ew over Evansville, Wisconsin in a loose echelon formation at a speed of 50 11/27/1950 #5295 usness. Previously, the BSRA was a loose/unofficial association. 1951 #5370 l Street, Brownfield, Texas, see a loose group of glowing lights heading no 8/25/1951 #5624 Three circular, bluish objects in loose "fingertip" formation twice flew p 4/24/1952 #6175 he other,” they are clustered in a loose formation, “milling around.” He ta 7/2/1952 #6694 sees five huge discs circling in a loose formation; they tilt upward and le 7/19/1952 #6935 sappear. He counts 15 of them in a loose formation, moving slowly. One obje 7/27/1952 #7213 xville, TN 6 white lights fly in a loose formation, make a shallow dive (NI 10/21/1952 #8170 ation. Six white lights flew in a loose formation for 1-2 minutes, and mad 10/21/1952 #8171 n saw six white lights flying in a loose formation for one to two minutes. 10/21/1952 #8173 . 10+60' saucers / 25K' altitude / loose formation. 1000knts and more/other 5/4/1955 #12114 at about 25,000 feet. They fly in loose formation for about 4–5 seconds an 5/4/1955 #12118 g so low that it seems to suck the loose snow up under it as it passes. 3/8/1957 #13531 ted toward her. A man dressed in a loose, shiny, gray suit, wearing a tight 5/1957 #13628 maneuver. 2 / dogfight. Regroup / loose V formation. Going quickly west. 5/14/1957? #13660 went crazy with fear, sheep broke loose, and dogs cowered in silence. Mr. 6/11/1961 #16725 y engine failure the plane did not loose altitude. The entire encounter la 4/20/1964 #18181 wife going south on Route 93 saw a loose cluster of 8-9 red, green, and whi 2/17/1967 #21584 r, rough skin, and were dressed in loose "hunterlike" clothes. Witnesses dr 3/20/1967 #21922 r, rough skin, and were dressed in loose "hunterlike" clothes. Witnesses dr 3/20/1967 #21927 r kitchen window, and saw dirt and loose pieces of paper flying in a large 6/30/1967 #22580 its paws. Sixteen head of cattle, loose in the farmyard, bolt when the obj 2/19/1968 #23767 an wore a shiny dark blue or black loose fitting one-piece suit that was tu 12/18/1968 #24779 / diving suit on roadside. Helmet. Loose arms. / r30. 1/26/1976 #30820 and loops hook / MANs leg. Shakes loose. 9/9/1976 #31359 ascending. Da Silva manages to get loose from the cable and falls 20 feet i 9/9/1976 #31362 t meters away from them. It wore a loose fitting silvery outfit that was sh 1/6/1978 #32856 ting around chatting in a field in Loose Valley, near Maidstone, Kent, Engl 10/31/1978 #33902 luminous helmets and wearing dark loose fitting uniforms. The little men m 11/29/1978 #34026 moon / treetops. Headlights fail / loose wire found. 1/16/1979 #34346 eball yanks tin roofs and trinkets loose. Iron twisted. Electro-magnetic ef 7/10/1979 #34651 and human-like, wearing dark blue, loose fitting coveralls. Their eyes were 10/4/1979 #34941 ith an oval-shaped head who wore a loose fitting windbreaker. At the same t 12/2/1979 #35040 xtended up into the air. It wore a loose fitting silvery outfit, its arms w 10/8/1981 #36165 argets moving at about 100 mph in “loose but distinct formation” 30 miles s 4/12/1984 #37258 elta/triangle/box-like craft with "loose yellow spotlights" / center hovers 5/4/1990 #39553 sembling a small TV set. She broke loose from the Greys and yelled for her 5/14/1991 #40061 bit it. A piece of her nipple came loose in his teeth, but the blond woman 7/23/1992 #40531 ad a belt that supported a pair of loose fitting trousers. It was too dark 1/19/1993 #40802 e wrist, apparently causing her to loose consciousness. 9/20/1994 #41766 tment about a "wild animal" on the loose on the north side of the park. Whe 1/20/1996 #42697 r the right time to set their dogs loose. They released them and followed t 12/1/1996 #43130 osely resembling humans. They wore loose fitting gray outfits with several 12/9/1996 #43133 g from nearby. He released his dog loose to go check, then loaded his weapo 11/25/1998 #43685 and Project Jehovah will be pried loose and that the CIA monitors civilian 1/23/1999 #43720 UK Ministry of Defence notes in a “loose minute” that DI55, the space weapo 12/4/2000 #44097 dren were barefoot and wore white, loose fitting outfits. She also saw huma 8/2/2001 #44220 and she was dressed in a long gray loose fitting garment that completely co 8/2/2004 #44725 objects travelling southwards in a loose though fixed formation at 28,000 f 11/10/2004 #44782 when they spot three objects in a loose triangular formation in the sky at 11/6/2018 #45543 is “group” because maybe he was a “loose cannon,” adding “they’ve never tri 5/26/2021 #45691## Word: "loose-fitting" (Back to Top)
n a field. A tall man dressed in a loose-fitting green tunic got out of the 8/11/1966 #20739 hing like baseball caps. They wear loose-fitting clothing. The witnesses dr 3/20/1967 #21923 field. They were wearing silvery, loose-fitting coveralls, and round trans 8/23/1978 #33556 nostril. The humanoid wore a black loose-fitting, cape-like garment. She dr 3/13/1990 #39458 thin air. Dressed in a light-gray, loose-fitting outfit with a hood, she se 7/6/1990 #39637 e eyes. The alien was dressed in a loose-fitting tunic, silver-white in col 9/13/1990 #39731 eyes. These creatures wore brown, loose-fitting outfits. The two short bei 3/11/1992 #40372 ve by. They appeared to be wearing loose-fitting bright silver outfits, sim 7/27/2004 #44718## Word: "looseleaf" (Back to Top)
ons for Boggs. Keyhoe is given two looseleaf notebooks with summaries of “P 1/1950 #4470## Word: "loosely" (Back to Top)
on. Clyde Homan sees two groups of loosely bunched objects, rocking back an 6/27/1947 #2433 cist Carl A. Heiland). The hoax is loosely based on a 1949 science fiction 3/25/1948 #3598 3 episodes each, the show is based loosely on the real-life Project Blue Bo 2/19/1978 #32982## Word: "loosened" (Back to Top)
shoulders and chests. One of them loosened his belt to work on something b 9/29/1959 #16000## Word: "loosing" (Back to Top)
rface and were still visible after loosing sight of the craft. Road damage: 9/16/1965 #19569## Word: "loosley" (Back to Top)
e story’s narrator, William Robert Loosley, is a genuine ancestor of Langfo 1979 #34254## Word: "lop" (Back to Top)
China Lop Nur Nuclear Test Base in Xinjiang Si 11/9/1969 #25454 hed from a B-52. It flies over the Lop Nur Nuclear Test Base in Xinjiang bu 11/9/1969 #25454## Word: "lopes" (Back to Top)
PAULO LOPES, BRZ 4 / car. Saucer lifts car. Se 7/23/1969 #25292 a car with four occupants in Paulo Lopes, Santa Catarina state, Brazil. The 7/23/1969 #25294 o de Oliveira and Luciene da Cunha Lopes are in a townhouse on the Rua Luis 1/2/1998 #43486 p of his cousin Katiuscia da Cunha Lopes for 4.5 minutes. The light disappe 1/2/1998 #43486## Word: "lopez" (Back to Top)
t was reported to have landed. The Lopez brothers found traces in the grass 1/31/1963 #17646 anada de Algosaray, Argentina. The Lopez brothers found traces in the grass 1/31/1963 #17647 nsylvania State Route 487 south of Lopez, Pennsylvania Williamsport, Pennsy 3/2/1965 #18832 ing along State Route 487 south of Lopez, about 10 miles away. They seem da 3/2/1965 #18832 er, his son Urgenio, and Francisco Lopez were approaching Zhulleng, 11 mile 8/26/1965 #19466 Julio Lopez de Ramana and Antonio Chaves Bedoy 9/29/1965 #19624 ht in San Juan, Puerto Rico Willie Lopez, a disc jockey, was working in the 4/6/1975 #29978 hout going through the studio, and Lopez had seen no one come in. Curious, 4/6/1975 #29978 orado International Airport Manuel Lopez, the pilot of a single-engine plan 4/29/1977 #32035 . Circling in the air for 2 hours, Lopez’s calls for help are recorded and 4/29/1977 #32035 -old Cessna 150 pilot trainee, Sr. Lopez Ojeda, had a close encounter with 5/5/1977 #32058 -old Cessna 150 pilot trainee, Sr. Lopez Ojeda, had a close encounter with 5/5/1977 #32059 Ms. Rosa Lopez was on her way home late one night 9/23/2000 #44045## Word: "loping" (Back to Top)
hundred yards ahead of her and was loping along quickly . She noted little 3/7/1972 #26590 a bright, blue-green star silently loping from low in the west toward the n 8/10/1977 #32377## Word: "lopsided" (Back to Top)
n the other and the upper torso is lopsided. One of the figures is holding 5/25/1955 #12159 d forehead folds, slit mouths, and lopsided chests. They were standing by t 5/25/1955 #12160 a strange grayish creature with a lopsided chest, ugly tentacles, and roll 1/30/1959 #15571 igzags / 40 minute(s). 4 November. Lopsided dumbell dances about / sky. 10/28/1968 #24593 Greene County, IN A lopsided triangle shaped UFO was observe 10/26/1980 #35589 flashing red light in back like a lopsided triangle. Their animals were ef 10/26/1980 #35589 flashing red light in back like a lopsided triangle. Each white light is a 10/26/1980 #35591 A "huge" lopsided triangular object was seen by a 10/26/1980 #35592 NGLY, CT 2 / car. 2 bright lights. Lopsided hexagon follows car / turns. / 8/25/1981 #36084 p.m. saw two bright lights, then a lopsided hexagonal shaped object that fo 8/25/1981 #36085## Word: "loqueffret" (Back to Top)
SOUTHWEST / LOQUEFFRET, FR Gendarme. Domed disk / 15 2/1961 #16591## Word: "lorain" (Back to Top)
LORAIN, OH 2+2 observer(s). Silver domed 6/7/1952 #6459 Lorain, Ohio 2:50 a.m. A dispatcher in L 9/14/1960 #16446 in, Ohio 2:50 a.m. A dispatcher in Lorain, Ohio, is taking a coffee break w 9/14/1960 #16446 A couple in Lorain, Ohio was awakened at 5:45 a.m. b 11/9/1968 #24648 LORAIN, OH Dino Haslage. Fast cone-sauce 12/8/1973 #28540 uickly [to] over Riverview Lane. / Lorain Journal 9.12.73. 12/8/1973 #28540 SR113 / LORAIN CO, OH 3 separate cars stall. Sil 9/25/1988 #38648 State Highway 113 Lorain County, Ohio 10:30 p.m. A man is 9/25/1988 #38649 driving along State Highway 113 in Lorain County, Ohio, when his car stalls 9/25/1988 #38649 cars stalled on State Route 113 in Lorain County, Ohio at 10:30 p.m. The oc 9/25/1988 #38650## Word: "loraine" (Back to Top)
Loraine, OH 7:10 p.m. EST. A family saw 3/27/1966 #20099## Word: "loral" (Back to Top)
n 1990, Ford Aerospace was sold to Loral and BDM was spun off to the Carlyl 10/1989 #39139## Word: "loran" (Back to Top)
hovers over sea. Beams going down. LORAN and RADAR electro-magnetic effect 4/10/1979 #34506## Word: "lorczak" (Back to Top)
ng from the bottom (body lights). (Lorczak letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 8/4/1967 #22798## Word: "lord" (Back to Top)
P William Joynson-Hicks asks First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill 10/14/1912 #864 UK William Sidney Lord Cherwell UK Prime Minister Winston 7/28/1952 #7267 and scientific adviser and friend Lord Cherwell, saying, “What does all th 7/28/1952 #7267 ne, a view that he communicates to Lord Cherwell, the government’s chief sc 7/30/1952 #7362 Statement by Air Chief Marshall Lord Dowding, head of the RAF during WWI 8/1954 #10072 rchives Record: Sworn statement by Lord Mountbatten and Frederick Briggs de 2/23/1955 #12013 describing a Saucer that landed on Lord Mountbattens property. It was shape 2/23/1955 #12013 , England, the manor then owned by Lord Mountbatten, Prince Philip’s uncle, 2/23/1955 #12015 seen hovering over a field on the Lord Montbatten estate in Broadlands, ne 2/23/1955 #12016 ks Kilgallen’s source is First Sea Lord Louis Mountbatten. Some suggest tha 5/22/1955 #12148 Stringfield receives a letter from Lord Hugh Dowding that says he doesn’t t 2/18/1956 #12728 lings that had begun April 18 when Lord Aramu-Muru announced that “those we 12/2/1956 #13384 7:07 p.m. Brinsley Le Poer Trench, Lord Clancarty, has put down a motion fo 1/18/1979 #34358 to be interviewed on national TV. Lord Trefgarne rejects the proposal on t 1/18/1979 #34358 ng to say about extraterrestrials. Lord Kimberley agrees that a parliamenta 1/18/1979 #34358 liamentary group should be set up. Lord Oxfuird and Lord Davies agree there 1/18/1979 #34358 should be set up. Lord Oxfuird and Lord Davies agree there should be future 1/18/1979 #34358 t could compete with Christianity. Lord Gladwyn deems the evidence inconclu 1/18/1979 #34358 ems the evidence inconclusive, but Lord Kings Norton favors an investigatio 1/18/1979 #34358 gs Norton favors an investigation. Lord Rankeillour states emphatically tha 1/18/1979 #34358 xist, and they might be dangerous. Lord Gainford relates a personal sightin 1/18/1979 #34358 st of natural causes for UFOs, and Lord Hewlett paraphrases debunking argum 1/18/1979 #34358 hes out at Trefgarne’s skepticism. Lord Strabolgi firmly rejects the reques 1/18/1979 #34358 a letter from Ministry of Defense, Lord Trefgarne states, “There is no orga 4/19/1985 #37580## Word: "lords" (Back to Top)
motion for debate in the House of Lords on the official policy of the UK g 1/18/1979 #34358 of Clancarty, asks in the House of Lords how many UFO reports the Ministry 3/4/1982 #36377 rk and Orrery asks in the House of Lords how many of the 2,250 sightings of 4/7/1982 #36438 UK In the UK House of Lords, Peter Hill-Norton asks the Minist 1/25/2001 #44131 UK UK House of Lords In the UK House of Lords, Peter Hi 5/3/2001 #44175 House of Lords In the UK House of Lords, Peter Hill-Norton asks the Minist 5/3/2001 #44175## Word: "lordsburg" (Back to Top)
EAST / LORDSBURG, NM 3 / car. Entire desert lit 4/22/1964 #18182 Lordsburg, New Mexico 9:00 p.m. Marie Mo 4/22/1964 #18184 ing west about 10–15 miles east of Lordsburg, New Mexico, when a brilliantl 4/22/1964 #18184 en they were 20 kilometers east of Lordsburg, New Mexico the entire area be 4/22/1964 #18185 SOUTH / LORDSBURG, NM 6 / jeep buzzed / UFO. Blu 12/21/1974 #29650 SOUTH / LORDSBURG, NM 3 / car. Fireball shines b 1/6/1975 #29727 Lordsburg, NM 11:00 p.m. Three peopIe li 1/6/1975 #29728 near Lordsburg, New Mexico - Three peopIe lis 1/6/1975 #29729 In Lordsburg, New Mexico two enormous "moth 2/5/2000 #43942## Word: "lordsbury" (Back to Top)
Lordsbury, New Mexico Marie Morrow and t 4/22/1964 #18183 driving west, about 2O km east of Lordsbury when the entire area was illum 4/22/1964 #18183## Word: "lore" (Back to Top)
ces by which the story entered UFO lore suggest a deliberate hoax, perhaps 6/5/1955 #12186 displays remain a part of Cold War lore. 6/26/1958 #15117 am shone into the house. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1969a, p. 46) (NICAP: 02 - Close E 3/19/1966 #19991 tal and healed normally. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1969b, pp. 4-5; Bondarchuk, pp. 45 3/29/1966 #20134 area and flew overhead. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1969a, p. 8; New York NICAP Subcom 3/30/1966 #20155 CAP investigation report; Keyhoe & Lore, 1969a, p. 23; U.F.O. Investigator, 3/31/1966 #20173 g away to the northeast. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1969a, p. 8; report by Walter N. W 4/22/1966 #20366 ed by the undercarriage. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1969a, p. 22.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace 4/23/1966 #20385 he object had been seen. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1969b, pp. 45-47; Walter N. Webb i 4/24/1966 #20400 9, Aug.-Sept. 1966, p. 3; Keyhoe & Lore, 1969a, p. 9.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 6/24/1966 #20605 vited Guests, p. 261; Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., UFOs: A New Look, p. 9; Richa 6/24/1966 #20608 ts) during the sighting. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1969a, p. 45.) (NICAP: 02 - Close 10/14/1966 #20998 Gillmor, 1969, case 13; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, p. 45; U.F.O Investigator, 1/15/1967 #21308 ct and both sped away. (Keyhoe and Lore,1969a, p.43.) (NICAP: 02 - Close En 1/18/1967 #21341 tington Herald 1/20/67; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, sketch p. 46; Flying Saucer 1/19/1967 #21349 ed (animal reactions). (Keyhoe and Lore, 1969b, p. 71.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal 2/3/1967 #21444 Vaughan, 1995, p. 206; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, p. 21, and 1969b, p. 54; Ri 2/10/1967 #21503 Nov.- Dec.. 1967, p. 3; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, p.44). (NICAP: 02 - Close E 2/16/1967 #21569 7, copy in NICAP files; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969b, p. 34.) (NICAP: 02 - Close 2/22/1967 #21620 The Bailey and Lore families had observed UFOs in the a 3/26/1967 #21998 rch 26 at around 7:30 p.m., Robert Lore and Cecil Bailey drove north of the 3/26/1967 #21998 Courier, Ohio, 3/31/67; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, p. 30; Keyhoe and Lore,1969 3/28/1967 #22003 and Lore, 1969a, p. 30; Keyhoe and Lore,1969b, pp.28-29; APRO Bulletin, Mar 3/28/1967 #22003 ns and is replaced by Gordon I. R. Lore. 9/11/1967 #23043 effect noted on radio. (Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, pp. 10-11.) (NICAP: 02 - Cl 10/13/1967 #23232 Reyhoe Archives files; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, p. 6.) (NICAP: 02 - Close E 10/27/1967 #23344 ll, 2001, p. 459, from: Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, pp. 29-30.) (NICAP: 07 - En 12/8/1967 #23561 pass; E-M effects again. Keyhoe & Lore, 1969b, pp. 40-41. (E,R) car (NICAP 11/25/1968 #24702 AP Assistant Director Gordon I. R. Lore Jr. writes board member Joseph B. H 10/27/1969 #25425 AP Assistant Director Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., replacing him with G. Stuart N 12/5/1969 #25488 Newsletter, edited by Gordon I. R. Lore Jr. It runs until September 1980. 4/1971 #26060 tes/UFO%20Research%20Newsletter%20(Lore)/UFO%20Research%20Newsletter%20-%20 8/1978 #33460## Word: "loren" (Back to Top)
Columbus as a project consultant. (Loren E. Gross, UFOs, a History: 1948, T 5/7/1948 #3643 r details. See reference drawing / Loren Gross. 7/1/1948 #3693 ce for about two minutes. (Source: Loren E. Gross, UFOs: A History. 1951, p 6/14/1950 #4986 F B25 / 30 minutes. 90 minute(s) / Loren Gross. 6/18/1952 #6532 e. It is visible for 2–3 minutes. (Loren E. Gross, UFOs, a History: 1952, S 9/10/1952 #7891 quickly south overhead / 200MPH. / Loren Gross. 9/6/1953 #9147 Jerome Clark and Loren Coleman publish The Unidentified, 1975 #29671 include Ted Bloecher, Ann Druffel, Loren Gross, Richard H. Hall, David M. J 4/30/1976 #31029## Word: "lorene" (Back to Top)
COUNTRY NEAR SEATTLE, WA Writer Lorene Gilliland. UFO lands in her field 10/10/1988 #38666## Word: "loreno" (Back to Top)
of Cape Cod, Massachusetts Patrick Loreno and 18 other men aboard Texas Tow 9/12/1963 #17932## Word: "lorent" (Back to Top)
At 3:00 a.m. Robert and Janine Lorent in Sambreville, Belgium sighted a 5/9/1983 #36857## Word: "lorentz" (Back to Top)
rden, Trøndelag, Norway 10:00 p.m. Lorentz Johnsen sees a dark, silent obje Late 12/1959 #16134## Word: "lorenzen" (Back to Top)
BARRON, WI Young Coral Lorenzen. Silent white hemisphere going 8/1934 (approximate) #1216 [to] stars. Seen / Douglas, AZ / C Lorenzen. 6/10/1947 #2317 Douglas, Arizona Coral Lorenzen saw a light rise from the groun 6/10/1947 #2318 ame time in Douglas, Arizona Coral Lorenzen, the co-founder of the Aerial P 6/10/1947 #2320 rgeon Bay, Wisconsin Jim and Coral Lorenzen found the Aerial Phenomena Rese 1/1952 #5853 physical areas of research.” Coral Lorenzen rebuffs these attempts. She dis 1/1952 #5853 STURGEON BAY, WI Coral Lorenzen and many / various angles. 240m 5/21/1952 #6345 son and J. Allen Hynek visit Coral Lorenzen in Wisconsin and try to convinc 6/1953 #8924 Mexico Holloman AFB Jim and Coral Lorenzen move from Wisconsin to Alamogor 1954 #9418 ff to the southwest. Jim and Coral Lorenzen are driving east on US Highway 11/9/1957 #14507 ears to the south. Copilot Richard Lorenzen and Flight Engineer Bob Scott a 7/11/1959 #15834 Arizona Alamogordo, New Mexico Jim Lorenzen is hired as senior technical as 1960 #16140 t lands at the base. Coral and Jim Lorenzen insist they heard the story fro 4/30/1964 #18231 Sankt Lorenzen ob Eibiswald, Styria, Austria 1 5/23/1971 #26124 nd his wife are driving near Sankt Lorenzen ob Eibiswald, Styria, Austria, 5/23/1971 #26124 of a silverly metallic disc in St. Lorenzen, Austria at 12:30 p.m. The disc 5/23/1971 #26125 of in a cooperative fashion. Coral Lorenzen is suspicious of Hynek’s backgr 2/1974 #28724 8 inches tall. (Sources: Coral E. Lorenzen & Jim Lorenzen, Abducted! Confr 8/13/1975 #30262 (Sources: Coral E. Lorenzen & Jim Lorenzen, Abducted! Confrontations with 8/13/1975 #30262 he is put in touch with APRO’s Jim Lorenzen, who calls him on August 21. Mo 8/13/1975 #30264 ounters, case 1977-8, citing Coral Lorenzen, APRO; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, AP 2/10/1977 #31806 Coral Lorenzen, APRO; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, APRO Bulletin). (NICAP: 02 - C 2/10/1977 #31806 man, Kenneth Arnold, Jim and Coral Lorenzen, David M. Jacobs, Frank Salisbu 6/24/1977 #32190 Jim and Coral Lorenzen publish Abducted!, a collection 12/1977 #32720 etin is published by Jim and Coral Lorenzen. 9/1987 #38269 ale, Arizona Sedona, Arizona Coral Lorenzen, founder of APRO, dies in Tucso 4/12/1988 #38541 e who convinces Coral’s son, Larry Lorenzen, that this is a bad move and th 4/12/1988 #38541 n, Lawrence Fawcett, Jim and Coral Lorenzen, and Larry W. Bryant. Moore lea 7/1/1989 #39002## Word: "lorenzens" (Back to Top)
ve supporter and tries to lead the Lorenzens into “metaphysical areas of re 1/1952 #5853 The Lorenzens publish the first issue of the 7/15/1952 #6828 oject visit APRO headquarters; the Lorenzens give them some case leads that 3/1967 #21697 Colorado Boulder Daily Camera The Lorenzens visit the Colorado project and 10/10/1967 #23204 ss, but it is never published. The Lorenzens suspect the project has a CIA 10/10/1967 #23204 ncident eventually return, and the Lorenzens visit him in 1976 at an overse 8/13/1975 #30264 ormational bait to see whether the Lorenzens might prove to be “useful idio 7/1980 #35397## Word: "lorenzini" (Back to Top)
Isola, Italy Amerigo Lorenzini, a farmer, saw a bright, cigar 11/14/1954 #11648 pezia, Italy, Amerigo (or Americo) Lorenzini sees a cigar-shaped UFO land a 11/14/1954 #11653 ng suits emerge. They walk over to Lorenzini’s rabbit cages and stare at th 11/14/1954 #11653## Word: "lorenzo" (Back to Top)
ansandean Highway Venezuela Night. Lorenzo Flores and Jésus Gómez are hunti 12/9/1954 #11788 res Torres, Venezuela two hunters, Lorenzo Flores and Jesus Gomez, saw a lu 12/10/1954 #11798 SAN LORENZO, VNZL 900+observer(s). Strange o 12/15/1954 #11814 SAN LORENZO, ARG Chemical plant malfunctions 6/25/1968 #24078 ightings locally and in nearby San Lorenzo. 7/1/1968 #24119 SAN LORENZO, ARG 5+observer(s). Saucer cross 7/2/1968 #24124 A ten-year old boy, Lorenzo Alvarez Vazquez, in the Bilbao s 8/4/1976 #31232 BORGO SOUTH LORENZO, ITL Odd glowing-man / farm road 10/9/1984 #37483## Word: "loretami" (Back to Top)
Loretami Valley, Argentina Mr. and Mrs. 7/15/1965 #19105## Word: "loretani" (Back to Top)
ight o'clock in the evening in the Loretani Valley, Cordoba province, Argen 7/15/1965 #19108 LORETANI VALLEY, ARG 3 observer(s). Sile 9/15/1965 #19564## Word: "loreto" (Back to Top)
Loreto Castelfidardo Osimo Ancona provin Early 7/1944 #1617 lied operations in the area around Loreto, Castelfidardo, and Osimo, in Anc Early 7/1944 #1617 LORETO, ITL AND MORE/OTHERS Allied and G 7/5/1944 (approximate) #1619 LORETO, ARG Boy / 12. 1.4M box appears / 1/13/1979 (approximate) #34334 tor, was alone in a school room in Loreto, Santiago del Estero province, Ar 1/13/1979 #34339## Word: "loretta" (Back to Top)
f his closest neighbors, Floyd and Loretta Proctor. He shows them “a little 7/5/1947 #2723## Word: "lori" (Back to Top)
nois 9:00 p.m. Janice, Denise, and Lori Achzehner are playing records in Vi 1/15/1968 #23667## Word: "lorien" (Back to Top)
ground radar at the naval base in Lorien, in Morbihan department, France. 12/15/1977 #32777## Word: "lorient" (Back to Top)
LORIENT, FR Several observer(s). Saucer 4/20/1950 #4873 LORIENT, FR Several observer(s). Luminou 4/16/1969 #25065 LORIENT, FR 1 observer. Black sphere bec 1/4/1975 #29713## Word: "lorimer" (Back to Top)
Roger G. Pryor and S/Sgt. Ellis R. Lorimer and airways communications staff 6/21/1950 #4998## Word: "loring" (Back to Top)
resque Isle and Limestone AFB [now Loring International Airport], Maine Flo 11/25/1952 #8340 resque Isle and Limestone AFB [now Loring International Airport], Maine, on 11/25/1952 #8340 12 MI SOUTH / LORING AIR FORCE BASE, ME RADAR-visual ( 10/23/1957 #14147 Loring AFB (near), ME (McDonald list) (N 10/22/1959 #16050 Loring AFB Loring Commerce Centre Limest Late 10/1962 #17496 Loring AFB Loring Commerce Centre Limestone, Maine Late 10/1962 #17496 ofortress bombers are returning to Loring AFB [now the Loring Commerce Cent Late 10/1962 #17496 e returning to Loring AFB [now the Loring Commerce Centre] near Limestone, Late 10/1962 #17496 Loring AFB Ex-CIA Pilot John Lear stated 1975 #29668 Loring AFB The Loring AFB incidents are 10/27/1975 #30477 Loring AFB The Loring AFB incidents are extremely well 10/27/1975 #30477 a strange object hovered over the Loring ammunition dump. Eichner told how 10/27/1975 #30477 ar-lengths long, hovering over the Loring ammunition dump. He said the obje 10/27/1975 #30477 l and radar sightings were made at Loring. Air Force planes were scrambled 10/27/1975 #30477 LORING AIR FORCE BASE, ME 12M saucer cir 10/27/1975 #30481 Loring AFB, ME UFO circles weapons stora 10/27/1975 #30482 Loring AFB, ME October 28, 1975; Objects 10/27/1975 #30484 Loring AFB Loring International Airport 10/27/1975 #30487 Loring AFB Loring International Airport Limestone, 10/27/1975 #30487 is patrolling the weapons dump at Loring AFB [now Loring International Air 10/27/1975 #30487 he weapons dump at Loring AFB [now Loring International Airport] near Limes 10/27/1975 #30487 rget 10–13 miles east-northeast of Loring. Sampley makes numerous attempts 10/27/1975 #30487 Loring AFB Limestone, Maine Hancock Fiel 10/27/1975 #30488 cations Squadron is on duty at the Loring AFB [now Loring International Air 10/27/1975 #30488 is on duty at the Loring AFB [now Loring International Airport] tower near 10/27/1975 #30488 rom all over the base. Through the Loring Command Post, the Wing Commander 10/27/1975 #30488 nity of Grand Falls, 12 miles from Loring. Canadian authorities are not not 10/27/1975 #30488 rning hours, at the same time as a Loring AFB UFO incident. It stayed for 5 10/27/1975 #30490 Loring AFB Confidential CINC/NORAD Repor 10/28/1975 #30492 E 4 cops and others. Night lights. Loring RADAR sees odd blips 15 mile(s) e 10/28/1975 #30494 SOUTH / LORING AIR FORCE BASE, ME Silent saucer 10/28/1975 #30496 Loring AFB, ME 7:45 - 8:20 p.m. While pa 10/28/1975 #30500 unidentified aircraft approaching Loring AFB from the north at an altitude 10/28/1975 #30500 Loring AFB near Limestone, Maine Grand F 10/28/1975 #30503 unidentified aircraft approaching Loring AFB near Limestone, Maine, from t 10/28/1975 #30503 took county, Maine at same time as Loring AFB radar picked up blips 15 mile 10/28/1975 #30504 Loring AFB NMCC Joint Staff Memo: Subjec 10/29/1975 #30506 , had been sighted flying low over Loring AFB, Maine, in proximity to a wea 10/29/1975 #30506 Loring AFB, ME 1:00 a.m. EST. Actual tra 10/29/1975 #30508 s from the weapons storage area at Loring AFB, Maine. The helicopter was at 10/29/1975 #30508 ltitude of 150 feet and penetrated Loring AFB. (SOURCE: 42 BW CP LORING AFB 10/29/1975 #30508 ated Loring AFB. (SOURCE: 42 BW CP LORING AFB 291140Z OCT 75; SAC CP OPS CO 10/29/1975 #30508 Loring AFB, Maine Wurtsmith AFB [now Osc 10/29/1975 #30510 n near the weapons storage area at Loring AFB, Maine. October 29 or 30 — 4: 10/29/1975 #30510 ded in a munitions storage area at Loring Air Force Base, Maine for the sec 10/29/1975 #30511 Loring AFB (4 miles NW of), ME At 11:17 10/31/1975 #30524 as reported 4 nautical miles NW of Loring AFB, Me. The alert helo was launc 10/31/1975 #30524 4 miles northwest of Loring AFB, Maine 11:17 p.m. A visual si 10/31/1975 #30525 t is reported 4 miles northwest of Loring AFB, Maine. The alert helicopter 10/31/1975 #30525 t Center, just like it happened in Loring AFB in 1975. This 31 jan 1976 NMC 1/31/1976 #30835 Loring AFB Loring International Airport Summer 1977 #32181 Loring AFB Loring International Airport Limestone, Summer 1977 #32181 rol at the Weapons Storage Area at Loring AFB [now Loring International Air Summer 1977 #32181 ns Storage Area at Loring AFB [now Loring International Airport] near Limes Summer 1977 #32181 Loring Malmstrom Wurtsmith Northern Tier 12/10/1978 #34085 hell summarizing the UFO events at Loring, Malmstrom, Wurtsmith, and other 12/10/1978 #34085## Word: "loris" (Back to Top)
LORIS, SC 25M ovoid / 21m altitude over 2/14/1953 #8675## Word: "lormaison" (Back to Top)
home on his motor scooter between Lormaison and St-Crepin-Ibouvillers, Fra 10/1/1954 #10576## Word: "lorraine" (Back to Top)
Lorraine, IL 9:00 p.m. A gentleman, whil 10/14/1972 #27075 er hill. No further details. / Rep.Lorraine. 7/17/1976 #31169## Word: "lorris" (Back to Top)
LORRIS AND NESPLOY, FR Separate observer 4/4/1974 #28992## Word: "lorry" (Back to Top)
and his 13-year-old son were in a lorry on Roundhill Street when they saw 8/16/1955 #12363 UK Just before midnight. A diesel lorry (truck) driver experienced engine 11/5/1967 #23405 Fordingbridge, Great Britain Lorry driver Karl Farlow told police tha 11/5/1967 #23407 On this night Len Delman, a lorry driver, saw what he took to be a m 9/27/1971 #26384 then leapt over a hedge. Two other lorry drivers came upon the scene, and t 9/27/1971 #26384## Word: "lorthioir" (Back to Top)
bot, Jean-Gérard Dohmen, and Roger Lorthioir found Groupement pour l’Étude 1965 #18685 UM Vertical glowing rod seen. / R. Lorthioir. No further details. Time unkn 11/26/1973 #28467## Word: "los" (Back to Top)
ight plays / sky. 2 night lights / Los Angeles / 30 November. Southeast goi 11/27/1896 #366 msey, California Davis, California Los Angeles Harry Lytle watches an airsh 12/1/1896 #373 such. On an alleged test flight to Los Angeles on March 2, 1893, the device 12/1/1896 #373 aguna Beach, California Long Beach Los Angeles George Adamski’s Royal Order 1/1936 #1242 ons KFOX in Long Beach and KMPC in Los Angeles. He also publishes Wisdom of 1/1936 #1242 Los Angeles, CA Battle of LA 2/24/1942 #1387 Los Angeles, California Los Angeles Coun 2/24/1942 #1388 Los Angeles, California Los Angeles County Pacific coast Souther 2/24/1942 #1388 Southern California The Battle of Los Angeles takes place, a rumored enemy 2/24/1942 #1388 sequent anti-aircraft barrage over Los Angeles, California. Air raid sirens 2/24/1942 #1388 . Air raid sirens sound throughout Los Angeles County on the night of Febru 2/24/1942 #1388 t they had flown no airplanes over Los Angeles during the war. In 1983, the 2/24/1942 #1388 Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA, searchl 2/25/1942 #1390 Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA, searchlight case (NICAP 2/25/1942 #1390 around 2:30 a.m. on this night in Los Angeles County, California a formati 2/25/1942 #1391 shall stating: UFO's appeared over Los Angeles, CA, yesterday morning. The 2/26/1942 #1392 Roosevelt Los Angeles Army Chief of Staff George C 2/26/1942 #1394 were responsible for the Battle of Los Angeles. 2/26/1942 #1394 Los Alamos, New Mexico Leslie Groves app 10/19/1942 #1457 roject at the Site Y laboratory in Los Alamos, New Mexico. 10/19/1942 #1457 Los Alamos, New Mexico The Los Alamos si 11/25/1942 #1462 Los Alamos, New Mexico The Los Alamos site in New Mexico is acquire 11/25/1942 #1462 Los Alamos, NM Los Alamos Laboratory beg 4/1/1943 #1488 Los Alamos, NM Los Alamos Laboratory begins operations 4/1/1943 #1488 Los Alamos Laboratory New Mexico Los Ala 4/1/1943 #1489 Los Alamos Laboratory New Mexico Los Alamos Laboratory is established in 4/1/1943 #1489 Oak Ridge Los Alamos The Y-12 plant at Oak Ridge h 4/5/1944 #1589 t 200 grams of enriched uranium to Los Alamos. Italian-American physicist E 4/5/1944 #1589 Normandy, France Los Angeles columnist George Todt, in a Summer 1944 #1607 Los Alamos Oppenheimer reveals Segrè’s f 7/4/1944 #1618 Segrè’s final measurements to the Los Alamos staff, and the development of 7/4/1944 #1618 San Pedro, Los Angeles, California Wyoming Montana 11/3/1944 #1691 o balloons floating off San Pedro, Los Angeles, California. National and st 11/3/1944 #1691 Los Alamos, NM Green Fireballs seen in S 1945 #1740 Hanford Los Alamos The first Hanford plutonium a 2/2/1945 #1770 first Hanford plutonium arrives at Los Alamos. 2/2/1945 #1770 Manhattan Project Omega Site Los Alamos Laboratory New Mexico Manhatt 8/21/1945 #1925 nt at the remote Omega Site of the Los Alamos Laboratory in New Mexico when 8/21/1945 #1925 Los Alamos, New Mexico Oxnard Field, New 9/1945 #1935 irector, Jerrold R. Zacharias from Los Alamos, New Mexico, moves to Oxnard 9/1945 #1935 ow Airport], Utah, to be closer to Los Alamos. This marks the beginning of 9/1945 #1935 project plant opened - the Soviet "Los Alamos" (Weapons design and research 1946 #1956 rthwestern University, states in a Los Angeles Examiner article that radar 7/5/1946 #2026 Los Alamos Laboratory Sandia Base, New M 1/29/1947 #2236 ntly staffed by the Army and Navy. Los Alamos Laboratory’s ordnance enginee 1/29/1947 #2236 trict secrecy that has prevails at Los Alamos. 1/29/1947 #2236 LOS ANGELES, CA Aircraft inspector. "Lim 7/4/1947 #2630 EAST LOS ANGELES, CA Newsman J. Harris. Blue- 7/6/1947 #2792 Los Angeles, CA Newspaper article: A P-3 7/7/1947 #2833 LOS ALTOS, CA Lady and 2 boys. 8 disks / 7/8/1947 #2981 ions going quickly south toward(s) Los Gatos. See Redwood City. 7/8/1947 #2981 Los Angeles (near), CA F-51 pilot (M) (N 7/8/1947 #3003 Roswell Daily Record Los Alamos, New Mexico Kirtland AFB Rosw 7/9/1947 #3054 ully loaded C-54’s carry debris to Los Alamos, New Mexico, via Kirtland AFB 7/9/1947 #3054 Los Alamos, NM Photographer Nicholas Van 4/1948 (estimated) #3599 rom Hollywood with Dr. Wang to the Los Alamos complex and boards a bus with 4/1948 (estimated) #3599 l Investigations AEC’s Sandia Base Los Alamos in New Mexico Physicist Josep 4/27/1948 #3630 stigations, AEC’s Sandia Base, and Los Alamos in New Mexico, under orders f 4/27/1948 #3630 az meet with security personnel at Los Alamos. Kaplan reports that “these o 4/27/1948 #3630 Enewetak Atoll Marshall Islands Los Alamos, New Mexico During the Zebra 5/15/1948 #3651 ircraft could collect samples. The Los Alamos, New Mexico, personnel assign 5/15/1948 #3651 LOS ALAMOS, NM Group / airport see tilte 9/23/1948 #3806 Los Alamos, NM Sun-reflecting glint in t 9/23/1948 #3809 Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexi 9/23/1948 #3811 aboratory, New Mexico 9:40 a.m. At Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexi 9/23/1948 #3811 At 9:40 a.m. a group at the Los Alamos, New Mexico airport saw a til 9/23/1948 #3812 n the document is the September 23 Los Alamos National Laboratory sighting 9/30/1948? #3817 Los Alamos, NM Green fireballs prominent 11/1948 #3859 Los Alamos, NM Dec. 5 - 8,11,13,14,20 & 12/1948 #3898 Dec. 5 - 8,11,13,14,20 & 28, 1948; Los Alamos, NM. OSI, pilots, Los Alamos 12/1948 #3898 1948; Los Alamos, NM. OSI, pilots, Los Alamos (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 12/1948 #3898 LOS ALAMOS, NM FBI report. Green firebal 12/5/1948 (approximate) #3905 Bernal, New Mexico Los Alamos National Laboratory 9:02 p.m. 12/12/1948 #3926 es that it is flying directly over Los Alamos National Laboratory, and it m 12/12/1948 #3926 Los Alamos (W of), NM AFOSI Case 14; AES 12/20/1948 #3933 Lt. Col. Doyle Rees Los Alamos In a confidential memo to Lt. 12/20/1948 #3935 creation of an informal group, the Los Alamos Astrophysical Association, wh 12/20/1948 #3935 west of Los Alamos, New Mexico Los Alamos 8:54 p 12/20/1948 #3936 west of Los Alamos, New Mexico Los Alamos 8:54 p.m. Shortly after they 12/20/1948 #3936 ergy Security Service post west of Los Alamos, New Mexico, spot a blue-whit 12/20/1948 #3936 as 7–8 miles, west to east toward Los Alamos. 12/20/1948 #3936 Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 15: 04:31 - wh 12/28/1948 #3937 Los Angeles, California Day. A student p 1949 #3946 flying a two-seat Taylorcraft over Los Angeles, California. Just as he turn 1949 #3946 of autopsies of “midget people” at Los Alamos, experiments at Holloman AFB 1949 #3947 Los Alamos, NM Rocket shaped UFO sighted 1/6/1949 #3963 NM Rocket shaped UFO sighted near Los Alamos, NM 1/6/1949 #3963 Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 17: 03:10 - br 1/6/1949 #3966 centrated over the A.E.C. plant at Los Alamos, N.M. (Circulation of this Me 1/31/1949 #3987 Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory in New 2/16/1949 #4010 nce on Aerial Phenomena is held at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory in New 2/16/1949 #4010 Los Alamos Cabell writes Von Kármán and 2/18/1949 #4017 nd says he has a transcript of the Los Alamos meeting and that Hynek is stu 2/18/1949 #4017 Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 25; 19:05 - Gr 2/27/1949 #4025 Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 26; 00:10 - AE 3/2/1949 #4031 Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 27; 01:59 - br 3/3/1949 #4033 Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 32-34; PFC. Ma 3/7/1949 #4036 LOS ALAMOS, NM Blue Book. Guard stations 3/8/1949 #4037 Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 36; 18:36 - br 3/8/1949 #4038 Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 37; 18:35 - wh 3/8/1949 #4039 ct was sighted in the sky near the Los Alamos Atomic Energy research facili 3/8/1949 #4042 Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 47; 22:00 - gr 4/5/1949 #4075 Los Alamos, New Mexico Fejarito Mountain 4/5/1949 #4076 n slope of Fejarito Mountain, near Los Alamos, New Mexico. It disappears be 4/5/1949 #4076 Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 48; 12:05 - bt 4/6/1949 #4077 Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 49; 01:35 - gr 4/7/1949 #4080 Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 50; 01:00 - gr 4/7/1949 #4081 Sandia Base, New Mexico Los Alamos, Sandia, and White Sands Kill 4/27/1949 #4115 c, and radar observations covering Los Alamos, Sandia, and White Sands. Sci 4/27/1949 #4115 Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Me 4/28/1949 #4127 eef meet with security officers at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Me 4/28/1949 #4127 Los Alamos, NM Saw 13 saucer shaped obje 5/1949 #4135 Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 59; 21:43 - br 5/3/1949 #4139 Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 60; 21:26;21:4 5/3/1949 #4140 Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 61; 21:26-whit 5/3/1949 #4141 Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 63; 01:05 - ro 5/6/1949 #4156 Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 71; 00:40 - gr 6/2/1949 #4223 Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 72; 20:57 - ob 6/11/1949 #4235 Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 73; 20:10 - ro 6/20/1949 #4243 Los Alamos, NM AFOSI Case 74; 20:10 - bl 6/20/1949 #4244 Los Alamos, New Mexico Kaplan responds t 7/13/1949 #4269 inquiring about his April visit to Los Alamos, New Mexico. He explains that 7/13/1949 #4269 He says that Norris Bradbury, the Los Alamos lab director, has urged that 7/13/1949 #4269 WEST LOS ANGELES, CA Silver 7M saucer 600M ov 8/3/1949 #4304 rific rate. Going quickly south to Los Angeles. 9/5/1949 #4345 Los Alamos, New Mexico A radar-tracking Fall 1949 #4366 ace at a key atomic base (probably Los Alamos, New Mexico). The base radar Fall 1949 #4366 Los Alamos, New Mexico Bedford, Massachu 10/14/1949 #4394 achusetts At another conference in Los Alamos, New Mexico, attended by 16 r 10/14/1949 #4394 , Fourth Army, the FBI, AFSWP, and Los Alamos scientists (Edward Teller, Ge 10/14/1949 #4394 rom Hollywood with Dr. Wang to the Los Alamos complex and sees and makes de 11/1949 #4407 Pentagon Los Alamos Joseph Kaplan brings the gree 11/3/1949 #4409 some group was trying to pinpoint Los Alamos with a new sort of weapon.” 11/3/1949 #4409 LOS ALAMOS, NM Kids and Scientist. 2 blu 11/16/1949 #4416 Los Alamos, NM Office MEMO, Director FBI 1/31/1950 #4520 s appeared to be concentrated near Los Alamos, N.M. This UFO was also sight 1/31/1950 #4520 .M. This UFO was also sighted near Los Alamos on Jan. 6, 1949. 1/31/1950 #4520 LOS ALAMOS, NM Project Bluebook Case #64 2/24/1950 #4548 Albuquerque, NM UAO observed over Los Alamos (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 2/24/1950 #4551 m colored, round UFO hovering over Los Alamos, New Mexico. It moved around 2/24/1950 #4555 Los Alamos, NM AEC Investigators Sighted 2/25/1950 #4557 Los Alamos, New Mexico Witnesses: Twelve 2/25/1950 #4558 Los Alamos, New Mexico. Twelve Atomic En 2/25/1950 #4559 ical UFO at 3:55 p.m. while at the Los Alamos nuclear facility. It was silv 2/25/1950 #4559 s / 2 hours. No further details. / Los Angeles Times. / r134#1p37. 3/7/1950 #4585 3 hours. Crosses sky going west. / Los Angeles Times. 3/11/1950 #4611 ller, allegedly landed in Penon de Los Banos, Mexico on this day. The pilot 3/13/1950 #4629 LOS ALAMOS, NM Night lights and fireball 3/17/1950 #4661 LOS ALAMOS, NM 15+scientist/science / (s 4/17/1950 #4856 Los Alamos, New Mexico More than 15 peop 4/17/1950 #4859 000 feet on the eastern horizon at Los Alamos, New Mexico. One scientist wa 4/17/1950 #4859 g objects were sighted east of the Los Alamos AEC nuclear facility in New M 4/17/1950 #4860 Los Alamos, New Mexico Physicist Enrico Summer 1950 #4996 ” during a casual conversation (in Los Alamos, New Mexico?) with fellow phy Summer 1950 #4996 LOS ANGELES, CA 2 good observer(s). 50' 7/6/1950 #5045 NEAR LOS ANGELES, CA 2 observer(s). 100' sauc 7/25/1950 #5077 Los Angeles, California J. Edgar Hoover 10/13/1950 #5224 to the Special Agent in Charge in Los Angeles, California, asking him to d 10/13/1950 #5224 Los Angeles, CA BSRA’s “Gerald Light” as 2/25/1951 #5457 ratory in Massachusetts New Mexico Los Alamos Project Twinkle head and chem 2/25/1951 #5458 allations in New Mexico, including Los Alamos, and argues that they are a t 2/25/1951 #5458 Los Angeles, California Ed J. Sullivan, 12/1951 #5804 rs, scientists, and journalists in Los Angeles, California, who have been f 12/1951 #5804 C Radiation Laboratory at Berkeley Los Alamos, New Mexico The Lawrence Live 1952 #5836 uclear weapon design laboratory at Los Alamos, New Mexico. Edward Teller an 1952 #5836 y, are regarded as its cofounders. Los Alamos and Livermore soon establish 1952 #5836 UAP engine are being conducted at Los Alamos, Oak Ridge and Langley, with 1952 #5845 Pentagon White Sands and Los Alamos, New Mexico Killeen Base, Tex 1/29/1952 #5884 ration of cases at White Sands and Los Alamos, New Mexico; Killeen Base, Te 1/29/1952 #5884 e, which analyzed UAP at the AEC’s Los Alamos National Lab, Sandia Base, Wh 2/19/1952 #5911 0 summary shows UAP were seen near Los Alamos repeatedly by scientists, AFO 2/19/1952 #5911 Lt. Col. Rees started the informal Los Alamos Astrophysical Association to 2/19/1952 #5911 Los Angeles, California Mayfair Hotel On 4/2/1952 #6016 s Civilian Saucer Investigation of Los Angeles. These include aeronautical 4/2/1952 #6016 akes place at the Mayfair Hotel in Los Angeles, California, along with nati 4/2/1952 #6016 LOS ANGELES, CA Aviation designer and 2. 4/20/1952 #6135 tory Boulevard Burbank, California Los Angeles River After 11:00 p.m. Lockh 5/23/1952 #6350 ollow it, and after he crosses the Los Angeles River and turns onto Forest 5/23/1952 #6350 Los Alamos, NM Radiation was detected at 5/25/1952 #6359 amos, NM Radiation was detected at Los Alamos at 2330 hours (NICAP: 10 - Nu 5/25/1952 #6359 Los Angeles, CA Radar Tracks Object Whic 6/1/1952 #6409 San Gabriel Mountains Los Angeles, California Santa Monica Riv 6/1/1952 #6418 the San Gabriel Mountains north of Los Angeles, California. It is moving at 6/1/1952 #6418 to 550 mph, turns, and climbs over Los Angeles at 35,000 feet per minute. T 6/1/1952 #6418 Hughes Aircraft radar facility in Los Angeles, California tracked a UFO th 6/1/1952 #6419 Los Alamos, New Mexico According to Sgt. 6/18/1952 #6542 rieved in 1949 (EBE-1) and kept at Los Alamos, New Mexico, dies of unknown 6/18/1952 #6542 Ohio Northern University Ada, Ohio Los Angeles The administration and facul 7/1952 #6680 m Civilian Saucer Investigation in Los Angeles and other groups, the univer 7/1952 #6680 LOS ANGELES, CA Airline exec to papers. 7/15/1952 (approximate) #6820 American Airlines Denver, Colorado Los Angeles Chicago Early morning. Ameri 7/18/1952 #6895 ado, during a non-stop flight from Los Angeles to Chicago. A maximum of thr 7/18/1952 #6895 t the Northrup Aircraft Factory in Los Angeles, California watched as two f 7/21/1952 #6987 SSW / LOS ALAMOS, NM Project Bluebook Case #15 7/22/1952 #6989 Los Alamos, NM Saw 8 large, round, brigh 7/22/1952 #7012 Los Alamos, New Mexico Witnesses: contro 7/22/1952 #7019 At 10:50 a.m. Mr. D. Weins, the Los Alamos Airport control tower operato 7/22/1952 #7030 control tower operator at the AEC Los Alamos nuclear research facility in 7/22/1952 #7030 Los Angeles, CA In an Air Mail reply fro 7/23/1952 #7035 LOS ALAMOS CANYON, NM 6 separate observe 7/29/1952 #7278 LOS ALAMOS, NM Several separate observer 7/29/1952 #7280 Los Alamos, NM Jets scrambled from Kirtl 7/29/1952 #7301 Los Alamos, NM White object moving E to 7/29/1952 #7304 e, NM Air Force reserve colonel at Los Alamos saw a strange ellipse shaped 7/29/1952 #7310 Los Alamos Scientific Labs, New Mexico K 7/29/1952 #7322 ue 10:00 a.m. Several employees of Los Alamos Scientific Labs, New Mexico ( 7/29/1952 #7322 Los Angeles, California Hollywood produc 8/1952 #7385 “sphere of light” in the sky over Los Angeles, California. Visible for 5 m 8/1952 #7385 LOS ALAMOS, NM Ground and air observer(s 8/2/1952 #7414 Wright-Patterson AFB Los Alamos Oak Ridge CIA operative Frede 8/15/1952 #7610 pons and mentions the sightings at Los Alamos and Oak Ridge at a time when 8/15/1952 #7610 LOS ALTOS, CA 5 observer(s). 2 saucers / 8/17/1952 #7619 LOS GATOS, CA Ground Observer Corps (GOC 8/19/1952 #7639 Los Angeles The CIA/OSI study group prep 8/19/1952 #7648 s Civilian Saucer Investigation of Los Angeles) or add UFO disinformation d 8/19/1952 #7648 BERNALILLO TO/FROM LOS ALAMOS, NM (Up). 3 / plane. Air Forc 8/29/1952 #7775 Los Angeles Civilian Saucer Investigatio 9/1952 #7803 s Civilian Saucer Investigation in Los Angeles publishes the first of only 9/1952 #7803 LOS ANGELES, CA Several reports / papers 9/2/1952 #7825 Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New Me 10/23/1952 #8178 uppelt holds a briefing on UFOs at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New Me 10/23/1952 #8178 LOS ALAMOS, NM Project Bluebook Case #22 11/12/1952 #8261 Los Alamos, NM 4 red-white-green lights 11/12/1952 #8263 Los Alamos, New Mexico Witness: security 11/12/1952 #8264 Los Angeles, California USSR CIA agent H 2/9/1953 #8654 lian Saucer Investigation group in Los Angeles, California. North American 2/9/1953 #8654 f U.S. civilians discussing UAP in Los Angeles, CA. http://www.project1947 2/9/1953 #8657 Los Angeles, California Max B. Miller pu 6/1953 #8925 of Flying Saucers International in Los Angeles, California. It continues un 6/1953 #8925 LOS ALAMOS, NM Security Gd. Green ovoid 8/3/1953 #9041 Hollywood Hotel in Los Angeles, California Giant Rock Inter 8/16/1953 #9074 nference at the Hollywood Hotel in Los Angeles, California, featuring conta 8/16/1953 #9074 South Pole Los Angeles Albert K. Bender confides to 9/28/1953 #9186 promote the book and soon moves to Los Angeles and secures an unlisted tele 9/28/1953 #9186 Los Angeles Ed J. Sullivan‘s Civilian Sa 1/1954 #9428 an‘s Civilian Saucer Investigation Los Angeles disbands. 1/1954 #9428 Los Angeles, California El Cajon, Califo 2/1954 #9522 the Unarius Academy of Science, in Los Angeles, California. Ernest, a spiri 2/1954 #9522 Los Angeles US Jim G. Lucas of Scripps-H 2/13/1954 #9540 of major US airlines will meet in Los Angeles with Military Air Transport 2/13/1954 #9540 Roosevelt Hotel Los Angeles, California Commercial airli 2/17/1954 #9550 officers at the Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles, California, and are told th 2/17/1954 #9550 LOS ANGELES, CA Amateur astronomer. Huge 2/18/1954 #9553 eported in southern California. In Los Angeles an astronomer reported sight 2/18/1954 #9556 James Francis McIntyre, bishop of Los Angeles. After that incredible event 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557 Los Angeles, California Scripps-Howard p 2/23/1954 #9566 upon at the February 17 meeting in Los Angeles, California, so that the Air 2/23/1954 #9566 Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles, California Keyhoe meets wit 4/4/1954 #9664 t the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel in Los Anegels, California, and shares rece 4/4/1954 #9664 Los Alamos Sandia Laboratories Bikini En 4/7/1954 #9673 as well as nuclear scientists from Los Alamos and Sandia Laboratories in Ne 4/7/1954 #9673 LOS ANGELES, CA B25 Test Pilot. Metal pe 7/30/1954 #10064 Los Angeles (15 miles SE of), CA Pencil- 7/30/1954 #10067 Los Angeles, California Witness: Hughes 7/30/1954 #10068 ins. Going quickly north toward(s) Los Teques. 12/20/1954 #11844 Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New Me 1955 #11892 hermal rocket, is initiated at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New Me 1955 #11892 Los Angeles (SW OF), CA M-33 Radar Track 3/1955 #12020 Los Angeles Examiner Journalist Dorothy 5/22/1955 #12148 st Dorothy Kilgallen writes in the Los Angeles Examiner that “British scien 5/22/1955 #12148 OUNTAINS, CO NY going quickly [to] Los Angeles. 25 / airliner. Metal UFO pa 8/20/1955 #12376 anders, California San Luis Obispo Los Angeles At the third Giant Rock Inte 4/28/1956 #12817 on-Ka, a Martian, in which he asks Los Angeles radio stations to shut down 4/28/1956 #12817 NS] of San Luis Obispo and KBIA of Los Angeles) go off the air at that time 4/28/1956 #12817 the air at that time, and KTTV in Los Angeles sends up an airplane to watc 4/28/1956 #12817 cipal character is Chop, played by Los Angeles Examiner journalist Tom Towe 5/3/1956 #12828 Willis Sperry play themselves, and Los Angeles policemen stand in for Ruppe 5/3/1956 #12828 At 3:30 a.m. in Lakewood, Los Angeles County, California several w 5/12/1956 #12847 Los Angeles Hollywood Earth vs. the Flyi 6/13/1956 #12900 by Ray Harryhausen, is released in Los Angeles. The film’s storyline is sug 6/13/1956 #12900 Los Angeles to San Diego, CA (McDonald l 6/29/1956 #12930 . Navy pilots at Naval Air Station Los Alamitos tell news reporters they ha 7/5/1956 #12954 SOUTHWEST LOS ANGELES, CA Hundreds / observer(s) a 7/16/1956 #12973 Panorama City Los Angeles California Three witnesses i 7/20/1956 #12996 the Panorama City neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, independently o 7/20/1956 #12996 Naval Air Station Los Alamitos [now Joint Forces Training Late 7/1956 #13016 os [now Joint Forces Training Base–Los Alamitos], California US Hawaii A gr Late 7/1956 #13016 pilots based at Naval Air Station Los Alamitos [now Joint Forces Training Late 7/1956 #13016 os [now Joint Forces Training Base–Los Alamitos], California, tell news rep Late 7/1956 #13016 LOS ANGELES, CA 1 observer. Silent red n 8/6/1956 #13056 LOS ANGELES, CA 3+several observer(s). F 8/20/1956 #13101 ted object jerked up and down over Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley 8/21/1956 #13110 Los Angeles, CA Real estate investor saw 12/27/1956 #13415 Los Angeles California Alpha Centauri Co 1/1957 #13440 ctee Gabriel Green establishes the Los Angeles Interplanetary Study Groups, 1/1957 #13440 Flying Saucer Clubs of America in Los Angeles, California. It assumes that 1/1957 #13440 hen one were picked up on radar at Los Angeles International Airport. The t 3/22/1957 #13552 Camarillo, California Los Palos Hills North American Rocketdyn 3/22/1957 #13553 ed lights below the horizon of the Los Palos Hills. The green object seems 3/22/1957 #13553 Nevada Test Site Area 51 Los Angeles Canada Mexico Pacific During 7/5/1957 #13779 he Pacific. The blast wave reaches Los Angeles 25 minutes later. Afterwards 7/5/1957 #13779 Dallas Los Angeles El Paso, Texas Salt Flats Fl 7/17/1957 #13809 Flight 655 en route from Dallas to Los Angeles, piloted by Capt. Ed Bachner 7/17/1957 #13809 EAST-NORTHEAST / LOS ANGELES, CA Airline(s)/airliner pass 11/11/1957 #14528 Los Angeles (near), CA Airline passenger 11/11/1957 #14532 Desert east of Los Angeles, California A silvery ellipt 11/11/1957 #14534 Flight 61 over the desert east of Los Angeles, California. Robert D. Hahn, 11/11/1957 #14534 LOS ANGELES, CA Several observer(s). Whi 12/1/1957 #14658 Los Angeles, CA Formation of oval UFOs p 12/1/1957 #14659 Offutt AFB, Omaha, Nebraska Los Angeles AFB in El Segundo, Californi 9/8/1958 #15261 USAF Ballistic Missiles Division, Los Angeles AFB in El Segundo, Californi 9/8/1958 #15261 Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel Shrine Audito 8/9/1960 #16366 iltmore Hotel Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California Contactee Gabrie 8/9/1960 #16366 tates at a press conference at the Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel. He publishes 8/9/1960 #16366 ention in the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California, on August 13–14 8/9/1960 #16366 LOS MOLINOS, CA Wave. Hundreds / observe 8/14/1960 #16382 t in Santa Monica, California West Los Angeles police station Santa Monica 9/15/1960 #16449 fornia, and calls it into the West Los Angeles police station. Desk Officer 9/15/1960 #16449 n Uncativo, Cordoba, Carranza, and Los Molinos Dam observed a very luminous 5/13/1962 #17170 Los Angeles Chaparra Juguani, Cuba Const 9/20/1962 #17422 tion begins on Soviet SAM sites at Los Angeles, Chaparra, and Juguani, Cuba 9/20/1962 #17422 Los Angeles, California Two IBM engineer 11/13/1962 #17545 n Rocket Society annual meeting in Los Angeles, California, noting the alle 11/13/1962 #17545 Stanford Los Angeles, California Mesopotamia Stan 11/15/1962 #17548 n Rocket Society annual meeting in Los Angeles, California, that explores m 11/15/1962 #17548 HAWAII TO/FROM LOS ANGELES Steamship Kungsholm. Odd clo 4/3/1963 #17722 Area 25 of the Nevada Test Site Los Angeles, California 10:58 a.m. The K 1/12/1965 #18718 o 2,600 feet, then drifts out over Los Angeles, California, and out to sea. 1/12/1965 #18718 Pereyra was driving near Monte de los Curas when he saw a parachutelike ob 7/20/1965 #19149 Pereyra was driving near Monte de los Curas, Quilmes, Buenos Aires provinc 7/20/1965 #19153 Los Angeles County Santa Ana, California 8/3/1965 #19290 y Santa Ana, California 12:37 p.m. Los Angeles County Highway Accident Inve 8/3/1965 #19290 in diameter, land in San Pedro de los Altos, Venezuela. A shaft of light c 8/7/1965 #19339 LOS ALTOS, CA Rocket expert. Night light 1/3/1966 #19802 Los Altos, CA Night. Army colonel expert 1/3/1966 #19803 al lights maneuver in the sky over Los Altos, California, then shoot off to 1/3/1966 #19804 LOS ALCAZARES MILITARY CAMP, SP Guard. 6 4/1966 #20185 LOS ANGELES, CA Helicopter pilot and mor 4/3/1966 #20210 he coast of the Pacific Ocean near Los Angeles International Airport, a Coa 4/3/1966 #20212 reports between 1:00 and 1:30 pm. (Los Angeles NICAP Subcommittee report.) 5/16/1966 #20487 who were alerted by the witness. (Los Angeles NICAP Subcommittee report.) 5/24/1966 #20509 raph service and head of Amigos de los Visitantes del Espacio. 11/28/1966 #21157 exico Albuquerque Winslow, Arizona Los Angeles Flagstaff 10:00 p.m. The cre 1/13/1967 #21299 over Winslow, Arizona, after which Los Angeles Center radar picks up both t 1/13/1967 #21299 turns over Winslow, Arizona, when Los Angeles ARTC Center radar picked up 1/13/1967 #21301 pace his car. (NICAP report form, Los Angeles NICAP Subcommittee report, N 2/13/1967 #21535 e silenced by the U.S. Air Force. (Los Angeles NICAP Affiliate report, NICA 3/1967 #21693 LOS ALAMOS, NM 2 separate observer(s). S 3/24/1967 #21957 Los Alamos, NM Disc hovers for 10 minute 3/24/1967 #21961 Los Alamos, NM Disc hovers for 10 minute 3/24/1967 #21966 Los Alamos, New Mexico 8:45 a.m. An airl 3/24/1967 #21971 disc hovering for 10 minutes above Los Alamos, New Mexico. Then it moves ac 3/24/1967 #21971 LOS PADRES FOREST, CA Camper abduction / 4/5/1967 #22055 Los Angeles, CA 10:05 p.m. PST (11:05 p. 4/6/1967 #22075 Sesma, president of the Amigos de los Visitantes del Espacio, speaks to an 5/31/1967 #22431 Los Angeles, CA 2:30 a.m. PDT (5:30 a.m. 6/21/1967 #22527 ng briefly, the objects vanished. (Los Angeles NICAP Subcommittee report in 6/21/1967 #22527 ed up at the newsroom of Cordoba's Los Principios daily newspaper, where he 6/21/1967 #22530 Paso de los Libres, Argentina At 10:00 pm in Pas 6/24/1967 #22544 , Argentina At 10:00 pm in Paso de los Libres, policemen saw 8-10 bright li 6/24/1967 #22544 Paso de los Libres, Corrientes, Argentina Yapeyú 6/24/1967 #22548 o, Argentina 10:00 p.m. At Paso de los Libres, Corrientes, Argentina, polic 6/24/1967 #22548 Los Angeles McDonald addresses the quest 3/26/1968 #23861 veillance Craft?” in a talk at the Los Angeles Chapter of the American Inst 3/26/1968 #23861 In Los Cigarrales, Argentina Jorge Yaru, a 6/10/1968 #24018 QUILICOS AND LOS COIPOS, CHILE 5 observer(s). Luminou 7/10/1968 #24165 LOS RASOS / VALDEMANCO, SP Rectangular o 8/2/1968 #24288 In Los Rasos de Valdemanco, Ciudad Real, Sp 8/2/1968 #24291 Los Monegros, Spain Orange disc approach 11/1/1968 #24615 oached a car with five soldiers in Los Monegros, Zaragoza, Spain at 4:30 a. 11/1/1968 #24619 LOS MONEGROS, SP 5 soldiers. Car and rad 11/2/1968 #24622 r near Nuble, Chile--close to the "Los Francos" thermal springs--a strange 2/2/1969 #24891 San Juan de los Morros, Guárico, Venezuela 6:00 p.m. 7/7/1971 #26211 iend Antonio Arocha at San Juan de los Morros, Guárico, Venezuela. They sud 7/7/1971 #26211 At 6 p.m. in San Juan De Los Morros, Venezuela Dr. G. A. De La Mo 7/7/1971 #26212 Los Lunarejos farm Aznalcóllar, Seville, 9/12/1971? #26330 la Palmareña, is in his hut on the Los Lunarejos farm just over a mile from 9/12/1971? #26330 hen appeared alongside the first. (Los Angeles NICAP Subcommittee report fi 11/5/1971 #26459 VENTA DE LOS SANTOS, SP Ellipse hovers just over 12/11/1971 #26493 mountainous area of San Martin de los Andes, Neuquen Province, Argentina b 12/28/1971 #26521 San Martin de Los Andes, Arg B-727 crew (NICAP: 11 - A 12/29/1971 #26522 LOS ALTOS, CA 4 silver spheres pass. No 8/12/1972 #26905 a.m. on a highway in the state of Los Lagos, Chile a married couple had th 1/1/1973 #27210 Los Angeles Basin, CA At least 16 sighti 4/1/1973 #27398 Los Angeles Basin, CA At least 16 sighti 4/1/1973 #27399 EAST LOS ANGELES, CA 2 cops and 12. Bright bl 11/12/1973 #28413 Mexico Morning. Carlos Antonio de los Santos Montiel was flying en route f 5/2/1974 #29079 LOS ANGELES, CA 1 observer. Flashy 7' sp 5/23/1974 #29126 LOS CANOS, SP 5 campers / (seen thru) bi 8/7/1974 #29314 I5 SOUTH / LOS BANOS, CA 3 / car. Silent 40' stingr 9/1974 #29407 New York City Washington, D.C. Los Angeles, California Alaska New York 2/1975 #29781 scantily dressed female alien in a Los Angeles, California, supermarket. He 2/1975 #29781 ts of the craft were then taken to Los Alamos afterwards. A CIA source told 3/14/1975 #29900 reeway 1:34 p.m. Carlos Antonio de los Santos Montiel is flying a Piper PA- 5/3/1975 #30026 trustworthiness. A week later, de los Santos is invited to discuss the sig 5/3/1975 #30026 LOS GATOS, CA Several observer(s). Orang 8/13/1975 #30259 LOS ANGELES, CA 20 observer(s). Large ov 9/26/1975 #30385 Los Angeles, California The American Ins 9/27/1975 #30390 Origin of UFOs,” sponsored by the Los Angeles, California, section. The pr 9/27/1975 #30390 New Mexico Texico Artesia Carlsbad Los Alamos Scientific Laboratories 6:00– 1/23/1976 #30815 roup, composed of employees of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratories, arri 1/23/1976 #30815 In Harbor City, Los Angeles County, California while dri 4/21/1976 #31005 Canary Islands Ejea de los Caballeros, Zaragoza Spanish journal 6/26/1976 #31142 e, then shoots off towards Ejea de los Caballeros, Zaragoza, covering 12.5 6/26/1976 #31142 On this night in Los Teques, Venezuela a man ran to the g 9/15/1976 #31385 PASO DE LOS TOROS, URUGUAY 10-days / UFO's. Car 10/19/1976 #31477 Paso de Los Toros Durazno Uruguay An object like 10/19/1976 #31481 mercury lamp is seen over Paso de Los Toros, Durazno, Uruguay. The UFO all 10/19/1976 #31481 s going west on Figueroa Avenue in Los Angeles, California. As they drove i 10/31/1976 #31512 Los Angeles, CA 8:50 PM. Two witnesses o 3/21/1977 #31923 NORTHWEST / LOS OLIVOS, CA 2 / plane take 8mm movies 4/11/1977 #31970 Los Angeles, CA R/V involving airline cr 12/8/1977 #32747 Oxnard to Los Angeles, CA G,V, FAA radar (NICAP: 0 12/8/1977 #32748 Los Angeles, CA Four UFOs tracked on rad 12/8/1977 #32749 as examined for over two months at Los Alamos National Laboratory. https:/ 12/13/1977 #32771 Los Angeles, CA Sphere flew below Cessna 1/11/1978 #32875 eld symposium on Space and UFOs in Los Angeles, CA. 1/28/1978 #32922 New Mexico Dulce, New Mexico Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory In one 3/24/1978 #33077 nd muscle samples, are sent to the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory for mic 3/24/1978 #33077 two separate private laboratories. Los Alamos detects the presence of natur 3/24/1978 #33077 ewfoundland Lance Cove Cape Broyle Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New Me 4/2/1978 #33119 ohn Warren and Robert Freyman from Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New Me 4/2/1978 #33119 LOS ANGELES, CA Pilot. Shiny 2-3' silver 6/11/1978 #33268 Los Angeles, CA Cessna pilot observed sm 6/11/1978 #33271 Los Angeles, CA Cessna pilot observed sm 6/11/1978 #33272 Los Angeles, CA 3:15 PM. US private airc 7/4/1978 #33331 LOS RIOS, DOM.REP 5 / home. Power out. 1 11/20/1978 #33965 ngo, Dominican Republic Avenida de los Martires 9:30 p.m. A female medical 11/20/1978 #33967 top next to a road, the Avenida de los Martires, as a car comes along and i 11/20/1978 #33967 a UFO was seen landing remotely in Los Rios, a suburb of Santo Domingo in t 11/20/1978 #33968 laims the Department of Energy and Los Alamos National Laboratory are attem 2/16/1979 #34431 des mountains La Pintada Cuesta de los Terneros San Rafael 4:00 a.m. YPF co 5/1/1979 #34537 mines of La Pintada and Cuesta de los Terneros in San Rafael and now in Vi 5/1/1979 #34537 LOS MOLINOS DAM, ARG Good photographs / 5/5/1979 #34542 0 p.m. three observers in Atwater, Los Angeles County, California watched a 5/12/1979 #34556 Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley, CA 7/1979 #34642 Canoga Park, Los Angeles, California Apartment Buildi 8/4/1979 #34714 ch from the west over Canoga Park, Los Angeles, California. Two humanoid be 8/4/1979 #34714 celona Manises airport in Valencia Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete Sagunto 11/11/1979 #34997 s off at 2:10 a.m. from the nearby Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete to inter 11/11/1979 #34997 e in Madrid, Spain Motril, Grenada Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete, Castill 11/17/1979 #35005 and a Mirage F1 is scrambled from Los Llanos Air Base in Albacete, Castill 11/17/1979 #35005 p.m., the pilot is heading back to Los Llanos when he sees three powerful r 11/17/1979 #35005 e the gap. During his descent into Los Llanos, some childish, laughing voic 11/17/1979 #35005 what had happened. Mrs. Orialis De Los Santos, his aunt, went out into her 4/20/1980 #35281 . Concerned for his safety, Mrs De Los Santos ran to her stricken nephew an 4/20/1980 #35281 he ground and according to Mrs. De Los Santos they stood on small rounded p 4/20/1980 #35281 who told Weitzel the UAP was from Los Alamos National Laboratories and Wei 7/1980 #35398 New Mexico Kirtland Air Force Base Los Alamos After doing a radio show in A 9/8/1980 #35504 ill alive, was found and housed at Los Alamos until its death in the early 9/8/1980 #35504 the San Pedro Channel offshore of Los Angeles, California, giving off a pi 12/10/1980 #35709 rning Dario Mazzaglia, a farmer in Los Acantilados, Buenos Aires province, 1/23/1981 #35796 WEST LOS ANGELES, CA Separate observer(s). Cy 4/19/1981 #35904 Los Alamos, NM Bob Lazar appears on the 6/27/1982 #36517 s on the front Sunday page of the “Los Alamos Monitor” 6/27/1982 #36517 Los Alamos, NM Area-51/S-4 worker Bob La 7/28/1982 #36553 x AZ and is said to be working in “Los Alamos, NM National Laboratory” 8/21/1982 #36578 ay, Alexander, two scientists from Los Alamos National Laboratory and repre 1983 #36738 Lake Tahoe, Nevada Los Alamos National Laboratory Nuclear T 6/22/1983 #36889 ynamics at Lake Tahoe, Nevada, the Los Alamos National Laboratory puts forw 6/22/1983 #36889 Reseda neighborhood of Los Angeles, California A Hispanic male 1984 #37094 ving in the Reseda neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, encounters odd 1984 #37094 hat alleged participants were from Los Alamos National Laboratory, CIA, NSA 5/20/1985 #37591 LOS ANGELES, CA 5 observer(s). 3 1M sauc 10/18/1985 #37685 East Los Angeles, California Valley in front 2/25/1987 #38123 at work in his home office in East Los Angeles, California, when his childr 2/25/1987 #38123 OZA DE LOS RIOS, SP R. C. Miras. Huge triangle 6/23/1987 #38199 Pasadena, California Los Angeles County A family in the vicin 1/1988 #38385 Bermuda grass after 6 months. The Los Angeles County agricultural patholog 1/1988 #38385 nis Cravens, assistant director of Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Center 4/1988 #38527 ral indirect ties to UAP research. Los Alamos colleague Oke Shannon told a 4/1988 #38527 ff. Williams was still employed at Los Alamos at the time; Puthoff became i 4/1988 #38527 pruder Green Beret William English Los Alamos After speaking to John Lear b 10/8/1988 #38665 tten by Bob Lazar while working at Los Alamos. 10/8/1988 #38665 was assigned to the Medical Lab at Los Alamos during WWII and sometime afte 3/16/1991 #40015 she claims bodies were flown into Los Alamos, which was classified as a “G 3/16/1991 #40015 using technology at Brookhaven and Los Alamos. Of note, Mona Rowe, an emplo 11/24/1992 #40726 tina, publishes the first issue of Los Identificados, a journal focusing on 4/1993 #40922 Los Angeles International Airport in Cal 6/3/1993 #41003 nger on a flight 15 minutes out of Los Angeles International Airport in Cal 6/3/1993 #41003 e Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)’s Los Alamos National Laboratory and its Z 1994 #41349 fed by the Army and Navy. AFSP and Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Z Divis 1994 #41349 d to Sandia National Laboratories, Los Alamos, Nevada National Security Sit 1994 #41349 0:50 p.m. a young woman in Duarte, Los Angles County, California reported o 5/12/1995 #42198 US UK Roswell, New Mexico Los Angeles London Fox TV broadcasts for 8/28/1995 #42425 1970s at a private viewing in the Los Angeles house of a Disney executive. 8/28/1995 #42425 is portrayed by a homeless man in Los Angeles. Santilli claims that a few 8/28/1995 #42425 n Petersen, Sen. Harrison Schmidt, Los Alamos physicist Johndale Solem, USA 1/28/1996 #42725 ing through a field around noon in Los Villares, Jaen, Spain. He had just s 7/16/1996 #42959 se (Calif.) San Francisco Bay Area Los Angeles Colombia South Central Los A 8/18/1996 #42985 Los Angeles Colombia South Central Los Angeles Journalist Gary Webb publish 8/18/1996 #42985 e Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles and funneled millions in dru 8/18/1996 #42985 els and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles” and, as a result, “The coca 8/18/1996 #42985 note, especially in South Central Los Angeles where the dealers discussed 8/18/1996 #42985 Pahute Mesa, Area 19, Groom Lake, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Kirtland 8/30/1996 #43001 In Los Angeles, California a woman reported 7/23/1997 #43358 on Route N-3333 on his way back to Los Arenales, Spain when he noticed a br 5/10/1999 #43767 cording to their own scientists at Los Alamos like Claytor. https://www.bi 5/17/1999 #43770 tional Security LLC, which manages Los Alamos, filed a patent in 2021 for a 5/17/1999 #43770 ing in the sky over Highland Park, Los Angeles County, California. It then 9/20/1999 #43850 pea at arm's length. In Covina in Los Angeles County a lighted object move 1/23/2000 #43932 launch the UFO magazine La Nave de los Locos in Santiago, Chile, which cont 4/2000 #43975 urred at 11:45 a.m. in Chatsworth, Los Angeles County, California. It was a 6/7/2002 #44348 zontal lights flew low overhead in Los Angeles, California. 1/2/2003 #44465 session in 1982 and re-analyzed at Los Alamos, to which it was concluded it 5/3/2003 #44524 d. Green claims the image was from Los Alamos National Lab. He says he was 8/19/2003 #44576 OR ON THE “DISK” MUST HAVE SENT TO LOS ALAMOS A*****D; ****URGENT POWERS AR 2004 #44639 That same night many witnesses in Los Angeles, California also saw a trian 9/10/2004 #44752 ht- Patterson AFB Sandia Army Base Los Alamos Alamogordo Nevada Test Site S 11/1/2005 #44898 were first sent to Sandia then to Los Alamos. The live entity established 11/1/2005 #44898 d several dead were transferred to Los Alamos National Laboratory, while th 11/1/2005 #44899 Lazar was a “simple technician” at Los Alamos with no clearance. McGarity a 12/5/2005 #44907 Sigmas as Required. Attendees from Los Alamos National Laboratory, CIA, NSA 4/28/2006 #44936 d object was sighted in San Pedro, Los Angeles County, California at 3:48 p 2/26/2007 #45008 ove the hills between Glendale and Los Angeles, California for 15 minutes. 9/16/2007 #45060 over a lake, Lago Menendez in the Los Alerces National Park, Chubut provin 1/23/2008 #45113 rdson says he was denied access by Los Alamos National Laboratory and DOD w 6/28/2008 #45148 erintelligence offices surrounding Los Alamos and other AEC facilities have 6/28/2008 #45148 ver the I-5 freeway in Silverlake, Los Angeles County, California. At 11:00 8/30/2010 #45295 and four “alien” occupants went to Los Alamos upon delivery of the craft to 11/1/2013 #45392 he story of the alien occupants at Los Alamos was told to him. 11/1/2013 #45392 nal security laboratories, Sandia, Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore, assis 3/22/2017 #45465 houses some UAP related research. Los Alamos publishes planetary defense r 3/22/2017 #45465 o a UAP crash recovery. In 1949, a Los Angeles businesswoman Alma Lawson st 4/25/2019 #45572 rce. Alvarez had already worked at Los Alamos prior to the alleged crash, a 4/25/2019 #45572 Los Angeles International Airport in Cal 8/29/2020 #45659 altitude of 3,000 feet coming into Los Angeles International Airport in Cal 8/29/2020 #45659 Los Angeles International Airport, Calif 10/14/2020 #45662 t roughly seven miles northwest of Los Angeles International Airport, Calif 10/14/2020 #45662 Los Angeles, CA Radio and TV host Larry 1/23/2021 #45674 host Larry King dies at age 87 in Los Angeles, CA 1/23/2021 #45674 iad National Security LLC based in Los Alamos, NM, filed a patent for aeros 6/25/2021 #45695 became the manager and operator of Los Alamos National Laboratory. * http 6/25/2021 #45695 Century City area of Los Angeles, California 4:03 p.m. One ad 9/15/2021 #45709 object in the Century City area of Los Angeles, California. After watching 9/15/2021 #45709 ormer Manager, Special Projects at Los Alamos National Laboratory Oke Shann 9/24/2022 #45770 ormer Manager, Special Projects at Los Alamos National Laboratory Oke Shann 9/26/2022 #45772## Word: "losa" (Back to Top)
LOSA DEL OBISPO, SP Girl / 12. 5cm "eye" 8/1972 #26855## Word: "lose" (Back to Top)
llow, star-like light approach and lose altitude. Radar contact was then lo 4/18/1945 #1848 s chase them over a sand dune, but lose them. 8/19/1949 #4328 els out again at 55,000 feet. They lose the blip somewhere near Riverside. 6/1/1952 #6418 ear), NJ Stationary glowing object lose brightness and diminish in size (NI 8/12/1952 #7556 ight coming from two windows. They lose visual contact then get a lock-on f 12/10/1952 #8409 the government would fall and I’d lose my job.” It is possible that this o 11/3/1953 #9279 ountains about 10 miles away. They lose sight of it as the car moves on. Mc 1/10/1954 #9476 rne radar. Roe maneuvers to try to lose it or collide with it, but the UFO 6/23/1954 #9936 shave for two weeks. He begins to lose hearing in his right ear. When he r 10/2/1956 #13260 entify it. Redmond FAA controllers lose sight of the object. Seattle FAA re 9/24/1959 #15987 him to the ground, causing him to lose consciousness. The wound to his rig 3/14/1965 #18854 ould just replace him and he would lose access to all the files. McDonald s 6/8/1966 #20543 lbuquerque radar controllers would lose contact with the object, then regai 1/13/1967 #21301 m and made him feel dizzy and soon lose consciousness. He awoke on an exam 10/6/1967 #23187 at her she felt faint and began to lose consciousness. He smiled and spoke 6/14/1968 #24032 knocked him down and caused him to lose consciousness. The landing site had 5/27/1971 #26139 respond; instead, she appeared to lose consciousness. She experienced some 2/22/1973 #27310 a on Highway 321, his car began to lose power and his car's radio filled wi 5/22/1973 #27519 ut tree and a jabuticaba tree both lose their leaves prematurely. 5/27/1973 #27533 ed by a human shape that makes him lose consciousness. When he wakes up he 7/27/1973 #27656 adlight. Her car suddenly began to lose power. The headlights flickered, di 10/16/1973 #28089 a black box, which caused them to lose consciousness. Under hypnosis it em 8/22/1974 #29376 or 45 minutes, the radar operators lose contact with it. However, within a 8/20/1975 #30291 bject turned north and appeared to lose altitude. Between 10:15 and 10:25 p 10/30/1975 #30523 arroso in the face, causing him to lose consciousness. He wakes up in a dif 4/3/1976 #30983 trees and continues on until they lose it. They estimate that the light is 1/21/1977 #31743 engines of both vehicles began to lose power. Both vehicles were dragged t 6/6/1977 #32153 passengers, causing the engine to lose power as they drove past. The light 8/24/1978 #33567 here is one red light on top. They lose sight of the object, but suddenly a 4/12/1979 #34508 d a blinding light, causing him to lose control and drive off the highway. 12/3/1979 #35046 The witnesses try to follow it but lose sight of it. 12/4/1979 #35051 ses at an angle into the air. They lose consciousness and wake up as the ca 11/19/1980 #35659 At this point the vehicle seem to lose power and would not accelerate. All 7/15/1981 #36008 At this point the vehicle seem to lose power and would not accelerate. The 7/16/1981 #36010 g forms in front of the boat. They lose the ability to move and soon lose c 7/31/1981 #36048 lose the ability to move and soon lose consciousness. When they wake up, t 7/31/1981 #36048 d Escanaba in the east and quickly lose sight of it. 4/8/1982 #36442 pear near its center. The aircraft lose their communications and navigation 6/18/1982 #36510 to the north. Ellens and Ferguson lose sight of it at about 6:00 a.m. Thei 7/22/1983 #36921 o pull over for a look and some to lose power. Commercial airline pilot Ran 5/26/1985 #37593 IN 2 bikers follow flying pyramid. Lose it. Several pseudo-human/entity / c 7/31/1986 #37961 feet. About 8 minutes later, they lose visual contact. 5/30/1989 #38967 sas, when they encounter a UFO and lose 2 hours of time. They experience an 11/7/1989 #39220 t are much smaller and paler. They lose sight of the lights while driving t 10/14/1990 #39785 joining the two. They drive on and lose sight of the lights. 10/14/1990 #39785 arms in the shape of a cross. They lose sight of it as it travels away from 12/9/1990 #39927 ye. Several cars stall. Many homes lose electricity. 11/11/1991 (approximate) #40226 ey chase after it in their car but lose track of it. 1/19/1993 #40801 void follows planes over lake. All lose 1 day / missing time. 7/21/1994 #41632 iving on a highway noticed her car lose power. At the same time, a short di 1/2/1995 #41939 V Area-51 workers and their widows lose suite against the federal governmen 3/1996 #42790 esses give chase in their car, but lose sight of it. 12/8/1997 #43454 ng noise, causing the witnesses to lose consciousness. When they recovered 11/28/2000 #44085 , he will get early retirement and lose 1-2 stars. Wilson also states he ta 10/16/2002 #44418 s the DIA sponsor could change and lose interest, but that won’t stop the p 10/29/2008 #45180 identify it. After that pass, they lose sight of it and never regain visual 3/26/2014 #45405 s on the planet that have a lot to lose, or a lot to gain.” https://youtu. 10/21/2021 #45717## Word: "loses" (Back to Top)
inutes, but it moves higher and he loses it in the clouds. At the same time 1/31/1916 #941 nce, Sweden. The Swedish Air Force loses two aircraft trying to discover wh 1/9/1934 #1194 nd moving at nearly 440 mph. Rossi loses it after flying into a cloud for 1 10/10/1936 #1252 He orders an evasive maneuver and loses the light. 10/30/1944 #1688 Manhattan Project, which suddenly loses power. The officer in charge at Ha 3/10/1945 #1810 an instant. Suddenly his aircraft loses its electrical power and loses one 4/25/1945 #1854 aft loses its electrical power and loses one of its bombs. He and his bombe 4/25/1945 #1854 iented. Frantic radio. Huge search loses more. 12/5/1945 #1949 t cannot see it visually, until he loses it over the Norfolk coast. 1/16/1947 #2228 keeps flying after it even when he loses sight of it. “About 10 miles south 1948 #3521 (20 miles SW of), MA T-6 Chases / Loses 100' Tubular UFO (NICAP: 11 - Avia 6/10/1949 #4231 heavy damage from the shock wave, loses control, and crashes; the other re 4/21/1951 #5507 c approaches slowly from the east, loses altitude, makes a 90° turn, accele 10/4/1951 #5704 He immediately turns to follow but loses sight of it. 11/24/1951 #5789 way at a tremendous speed. The jet loses the object at a distance of 7,800 5/26/1952 #6366 wo jets heading southeast. Metcalf loses sight of the object on his way to 7/1/1952 #6689 stance “considerably,” but finally loses sight of it at the tower. 7/1/1952 #6689 ses nearly overhead. MacDill radar loses the object at about 12:15 a.m. Civ 7/22/1952 #7027 n an apparent reaction, the object loses some of its brilliance and diminis 8/12/1952 #7559 overtakes it. Eventually, the UFO loses interest and flies away to the sou 8/12/1952 #7559 UFO / going quickly north 530mph. Loses it. / r185. 3/12/1954 #9614 s emerge. He is then paralyzed and loses consciousness. There is no sign of 9/28/1954 #10488 f Louisville tracks the object but loses sight about 12 miles northwest of 11/12/1954 #11629 n which a test pilot bails out and loses his plane because he thinks he’s g 4/5/1955 #12081 t swoops past him and vanishes. He loses his sense of taste and smell, poss 10/2/1956 #13260 ice car approaches it, but the car loses radio contact with the station. Va 12/1/1956 #13380 with the station. Valley City also loses contact with Jamestown, South Dako 12/1/1956 #13380 r site and the RB-47 onboard radar loses the object from their scopes. At l 7/17/1957 #13808 head on a parallel path. The crew loses contact at 8:24 p.m., 15 miles beh 8/3/1957 #13875 head. After 3 minutes the aircraft loses the object visually and on radar. 10/14/1957 #14110 medium earth orbit Explorer 1 loses contact 5/23/1958 #15046 to avoid collision. Another nearly loses control from the UFO’s turbulent w 9/24/1959 #15987 approached by a group of men. She loses consciousness and awakes on board 9/29/1961 #16877 he police, and the press, and soon loses his job. 12/18/1962 #17593 nt of him. Temporarily blinded, he loses control of his truck and ends up i 10/12/1963 #17987 right on a rough gravel road, but loses sight of it while trying to get th 4/24/1964 #18200 ts long axis is horizontal. Zamora loses sight of object as he drives throu 4/24/1964 #18200 rking lot to the south. He briefly loses sight of it as it passes behind cu 5/26/1964 #18306 t of the US. Thus, in 1964 Allende loses once more as the FRAP candidate fo 9/4/1964 #18533 00 feet near Norfolk, Virginia. He loses sight of it behind a church and wh 1/14/1965 #18729 r go out, and the engine quits. He loses control of the car and pulls to th 1/15/1965 #18740 VOSKHOD II LOSES CONTACT / GROUND CONTROL Crew sees 3/19/1965 #18866 yes grow painful, and he gradually loses vision in both eyes. He notices hi 8/13/1965 #19382 y staring at the spectacle that he loses control of his car, which goes off 1/17/1967 #21333 o stay roughly beneath it until he loses track of it near Southwestern Illi 12/19/1967 #23595 emits a whistling sound as Puentes loses consciousness. At dawn, an Army pa 6/14/1968 #24031 wes continues down the highway and loses sight of the objects when he round 8/15/1968 #24331 lies away. Within 2 days, Bermúdez loses all appetite, his skin temperature 7/4/1969 #25251 NORTH / BALTIMORE, MD Abductee Tom loses 60+min / mid-sentence. Dark! Other 4/25/1970 (approximate) #25644 the coast of Alcocebre, Spain and loses itself in the sky. A cylinder that 7/29/1970 #25756 turns to farm (See May 16).Witness loses conciousness while watching it fro 7/8/1971 #26214 er dam. 3 hour display. 1 observer loses baby after. 4/22/1973 #27436 o surgery on June 8. She gradually loses hearing in her right ear, her visi 5/27/1973 #27533 ns are headed towards disaster. He loses consciousness and wakes up in a ra 10/28/1973 #28309 sky ahead lights up. The car then loses power as it travels up an incline, 9/16/1974 #29459 stops / barn. Pregnant cow inside loses calf. No calf / afterbirth! 4/1/1975? #29932 , NC Cop chases object near US701. Loses object going southwest into cloud 4/3/1975 #29940 truments go haywire, and the pilot loses all sense of time. The UFOs are co 5/6/1975 #30041 is a blinding flash and he nearly loses control of his car. After a brief 4/22/1976 #31009 ng blue-white beam at him. Hermann loses consciousness. When he wakes up ag 3/18/1978 #33055 bjected to an examination. Soon he loses consciousness and wakes up three d 3/24/1978 #33078 alifornia, an F-14 Tomcat aircraft loses control and makes touch- and-go la 3/27/1978 #33088 toward the light, but their engine loses power and slows down. The radio an 9/7/1978 #33645 each window. She turns around but loses sight of it. 11/7/1978 #33924 ds as their car engine temporarily loses power. After trying hypnosis with 11/22/1978 #33980 gh wall! Hours / missing time. Ron loses 25 lb and radiation/radioactivity 1/17/1979 #34350 , and the pilot begins a climb and loses sight of the UFOs. 5/26/1979 #34590 light up. After the light hits, he loses consciousness. When he wakes up, h 8/27/1979 #34787 k to the truck and drives away. He loses his sense of direction and hears a 10/1979 #34936 ickening odor. Soon after this, he loses consciousness and remains passed o 11/9/1979 #34989 t, and his mind gets hazier and he loses consciousness. He experiences miss 1/14/1980 #35135 ately speeds up. The control tower loses the object on its radar. The pilot 10/31/1980 #35599 the northeast and accelerates. He loses interest and drives away, but anot 5/20/1981 #35943 alk to Bennewitz. However, he soon loses interest and drops the matter. 7/30/1981 #36040 en recrosses to the other side. He loses sight of it as he enters town. 2/24/1982 #36365 roach them from behind and the car loses power. When they arrive at their d 9/1982 #36590 Ukraine, USSR Russian Base Loses Control of Nuclear Missiles (NICAP 10/4/1982 #36633 disengaging the afterburner. Bond loses control, makes a distress call, an 4/26/1984 #37301 sides. The witness backtracks and loses sight of it, but sees a UFO ascend 10/8/1984 #37480 ns away and Spencer follows it. He loses the creature in the fog but then s 12/1/1987 #38345 hicle when his own Peacekeeper APC loses power. At that moment, the alert t Winter 1987 #38370 some point the witness coughs and loses consciousness, waking up an hour l 7/9/1990 #39640 ction at 10 feet altitude. Delgado loses sight of the object in only second 3/20/1992 #40394 ecords hits on yet another object, loses it again, and detects it three mor 3/8/1995 #42081 moving east in a wavy motion. She loses sight of them when she gets off th 1/13/1997 #43170 the object, but it accelerates and loses them. 11/4/2000 #44071 big eyes approaches them. Everyone loses control and seems to be sucked int 12/13/2000 #44101 h on the left side of his face and loses some hair on that side. His ankles 5/1/2005 #44828 hat side. His ankles swell, and he loses some sight and hearing on the left 5/1/2005 #44828 day, the missile site temporarily loses its ability to communicate with 50 10/23/2010 #45303 . Later that day, the missile site loses communications with 50 Minuteman I 10/23/2010 #45304 way from the right wing, the plane loses power. All of the electrical equip 2/18/2012 #45339## Word: "losing" (Back to Top)
zigzagging like a child’s balloon losing air. 3/17/1903 #660 tially warns Truman that the US is losing the Cold War. Truman does not app 4/7/1950 #4818 cular or spherical silvery object, losing and gaining altitude (NICAP: 01 - 12/15/1952 #8421 ike object” overhead, occasionally losing it behind overlying clouds. Flyin 6/1/1954 #9860 ff a yellowish and a purple light. Losing altitude, the craft came very clo 10/12/1954 #10974 ff a yellowish and a purple light. Losing altitude, the craft came very clo 10/12/1954 #10984 at the time, had been mysteriously losing baby rabbits from his locked rabb 11/9/1954 #11611 plane on fire," it changed course, losing altitude and trailing flames. It 5/29/1955 #12166 west. TV sets in town dim, finally losing both picture and sound during the 11/5/1957 #14345 anyone about the sighting or risk losing his job. Soon afterwards, the Air 3/27/1959 #15674 O.D. Hill admits that we are still losing Air Force planes to UFOs. The fir 5/1961 #16669 felt a prickling sensation before losing consciousness. When they came to, 9/19/1961 #16852 felt a prickling sensation before losing consciousness. When they came to, 9/19/1961 #16858 noticed that his car was gradually losing speed as he approached a bright, 2/9/1962 #17042 ngeal in the cold air). Instead of losing altitude, it maintains “a steady 4/20/1964 #18180 ect low over the sand dunes. After losing power Mr. Field allowed his car t 3/30/1966 #20166 t four days, and was hospitalized, losing over 10 kilograms. The landed cra 5/20/1967 #22384 avels toward the hikers, gradually losing altitude, then at a distance of a 7/3/1967 #22600 . This does not result in McDonald losing ONR funding, but it does draw som 1968 #23627 , Puentes last recollection before losing consciousness. Soviet intelligenc 6/14/1968 #24033 on the grass, and his watch starts losing time. 7/1968 #24109 an object along Highway 701 before losing it into the cloud cover. (NICAP: 4/3/1975 #29947 an object along Highway 701 before losing it into the cloud cover. That nig 4/3/1975 #29953 ghts to his side. He notices he is losing power as he rides up a small hill 6/6/1977 #32151 and run back to school, one child losing his shoe in the rush. The teacher 9/27/1978 #33761 y with lots of tiny lights. Before losing sight of it two strong lights cam 12/31/1978 #34251 Citizens Against UFO Secrecy is losing momentum due to lack of money and 9/1979 #34815 a, finds that his car is gradually losing power and stops. He turns off the 7/6/1982 #36531 They follow it for 5 miles before losing it. 11/29/1989 #39276 jerky movements, before gradually losing their luminosity and disappearing 3/30/1990 #39499 ast going quickly northwest fast / losing altitude. 1/18/1993 #40800 eing struck by a beam of light and losing consciousness for two hours. A th 11/1/1998 #43674 and Eisenhower was concerned about losing control to the military industria 7/21/2003 #44567 and he speeds up to 120 mph before losing them. Vince Iovinella, deputy she 12/31/2019 #45623 e city for nearl 45 minutes before losing it in the clouds around 14,000 fe 2/9/2021 #45676## Word: "loss" (Back to Top)
exposure, including vomiting, hair loss, swelling, black blotches, and sore 10/24/1886 #277 n” to avoid blaming Taylor for the loss of five aircraft and 14 men. One of 12/5/1945 #1950 appears. The report attributes the loss of the PBM aircraft to an explosion 12/5/1945 #1950 and he next experienced a further loss of time. He awoke again four days l 5/25/1948 #3655 resulting in an overall climb and loss to view at an altitude of around 40 1/27/1949 #3981 s cockpit canopy that results in a loss of air pressure. He manages to land 5/6/1949 #4158 ce “to minimize the possibility of loss of equipment.” The Army reports “mu 4/1953 #8806 y experienced headaches and memory loss. Apparently they did not see the ob 10/18/1954 #11221 ns, deep muscle tissue damage, and loss of hearing. His eye damage is perma 3/15/1965 #18859 ss, chills, and significant weight loss. After about 6 months he has fully 10/15/1966 #21006 illness, fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, weakness, and chills. 10/15/1966 #21008 tion slowed, unable to accelerate, loss of steering control (Section VI). ( 1/3/1967 #21247 tion slowed, unable to accelerate, loss of steering control 1/3/1967 #21248 , and the car draws to a stop with loss of steering control and the radio f 1/3/1967 #21250 data to them and list the airplane loss as “equipment malfunction.” The det 3/1967 #21700 saucer nears. Intense heat. Vision loss see reference. 5/1/1967 #22259 so reports headaches and a partial loss of vision. 5/1/1967 #22262 nced severe burns on chest, weight loss, and vomiting 5/20/1967 #22380 light down, engulfed canoe. Memory loss and abduction. (See section XIII bi 8/26/1967 #22931 light down, engulfed canoe. Memory loss and abduction. (See section XIII bi 8/26/1967 #22934 ributes the B-52 radar contact and loss of UHF transmission to “a plasma si 10/24/1968 #24587 away, and experiences a temporary loss of vision. 7/16/1969 #25274 in light beam from object. Memory loss, extensive physiological effects (H 1/7/1970 #25538 in light beam from object. Memory loss, extensive physiological effects 1/7/1970 #25539 hed they had a missing time memory loss, and their next recollection was th 3/14/1971 #26047 sible UFO abduction involving time loss, a probable translocation, and levi 8/1/1971 #26261 ver(s) suffer headaches and vision loss. 4/1972 #26630 tereffects: diarrhea, nausea, hair loss, and severe headaches, all lasting 12/30/1972 #27193 ary records collection include 80% loss to records of US Army personnel dis 7/12/1973 #27631 r 1, 1912, to January 1, 1960; 75% loss to records of US Air Force personne 7/12/1973 #27631 ation/radioactivity burns and hair loss. / r232. 9/19/1973 #27836 Electro-magnetic effect (EME) and loss / control. Going quickly northwest. 10/18/1973 #28157 o motorists from Adelaide reported loss of power from their automobiles aft 4/15/1974 #29028 AR. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Loss / control. Men in Black? / MJ#265. 5/3/1974 #29080 motorists experienced E-M effects, loss of steering control for their vehic 5/31/1974 #29147 xperience electromagnetic effects, loss of steering control for their vehic 5/31/1974 #29149 is car became cold and there was a loss of power resulting in no accelerati 9/24/1974 #29475 erienced a lapse of time or memory loss of an hour and a half. He later was 8/13/1975 #30262 erienced a lapse of time or memory loss of an hour and a half. He later was 8/13/1975 #30265 rn states. The mutilations involve loss of ears, eyes, and genitalia, with 9/11/1975 #30352 communication,” which he was at a loss to answer. Four or five other quest 1/29/1976 #30833 object hovered over bridge, memory loss, apparent abduction. See Section XI 6/11/1976 #31099 RG, KY 75' saucer paces 4 / truck. Loss / control or phony scenery. 18 sepa 7/18/1976 #31171 zzes private pilot. Compass spins. Loss / control. Jets chase. Quickly goin 8/16/1976 #31272 city. Its close approach caused a loss of consciousness for five minutes. 10/30/1976 #31511 invisible force, light beam, time loss (NICAP UFOE II, Section VI). (NICAP 1/21/1977 #31737 invisible force, light beam, time loss 1/21/1977 #31739 ulled back 250' by 60' UFO. Memory loss. Abduction? See reference. 2/10/1977 (approximate) #31804 e noise. Thibault suffers a memory loss and gets headaches when he drives b 2/10/1977 #31807 / car buzzed / night lights. Near loss / control. Car tests magnetic. / r4 8/3/1977 #32347 hair burned off. He has a general loss of motor control and a lack of sens 3/24/1978 #33078 tated, altered environment, memory loss, translocation of vehicle (sections 7/6/1978 #33343 tated, altered environment, memory loss, translocation of vehicle 7/6/1978 #33344 rom the ground and experienced the loss of steering, and the car's engine a 9/23/1978 #33738 r, they had experienced a two hour loss of time and were somewhere else alo 9/23/1978 #33738 truction of the reporting network, loss of members, paying himself a $20,00 10/1978 #33786 ere appears to have been some time loss. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NI 11/11/1978 #33944 ere appears to have been some time loss. One of the witnesses heard what ap 11/11/1978 #33946 him, he also suffered from memory loss, decreased sexual appetite and stra 1/3/1979 #34292 were affected. There was steering loss, loss of power, and the main witnes 1/5/1979 #34306 affected. There was steering loss, loss of power, and the main witness's ca 1/5/1979 #34306 diation/radioactivity sick. Memory loss. Abduction? 1/17/1979 #34350 ing noise sounded. He had a memory loss and the clock in his car was found 1/24/1979 #34378 fed in intense white light, memory loss, dazed, witness admitted to hospita 2/5/1979 #34403 . Driver shocked and dazed, memory loss 2/5/1979 #34404 l hours of missing time and memory loss. He was treated for shock. 2/5/1979 #34406 . Beehive rises / roadside. Memory loss. / r241'79p6. 2/9/1979 #34413 ft. The witness experienced memory loss for some of the events surrounding 2/9/1979 #34418 s missing time. Wounds and hearing loss. No recall / abduction. / r124. 8/24/1979 #34770 iant orange light in field, memory loss, physiological effects. MUFON UFO J 2/11/1980 #35166 erienced a two-hour period of time loss. She later recalled interacting wit 4/2/1980 #35249 they suffer confusion and a 4-hour loss of time. Paul Bennewitz, an Albuque 5/5/1980 #35306 ey encountered craft on road, time loss. Abduction scenario emerged under h 11/28/1980 #35678 ey encountered craft on road, time loss. Abduction scenario emerged under h 11/28/1980 #35679 udev B. Shenoy, attribute her hair loss to the autoimmune disease alopecia 12/29/1980 #35757 ics: the presence of a light beam, loss of control of the vehicle, a physio 1981 #35762 d has a temporary, day-long memory loss. Meanwhile, the camera has captured 8/12/1981 #36070 , witness badly frightened, memory loss. Fired pistol at object circling th 8/30/1981 #36091 , witness badly frightened, memory loss. Fired pistol at object circling th 8/30/1981 #36092 nd discovered that he had a memory loss and could not account for 30 minute 8/30/1981 #36093 ectric shock, increased body heat, loss of speech, paralysis and weight los 10/31/1981 #36198 ss of speech, paralysis and weight loss. 10/31/1981 #36198 out, taken to hospital with memory loss, physiological effects (section VII 2/19/1982 #36353 out, taken to hospital with memory loss, physiological effects 2/19/1982 #36354 gine to stall. She suffers hearing loss in her right ear, has severe headac 10/13/1983 #37004 ts going quickly northeast. Memory loss and missing time. 4/13/1985? #37577 anded, witness had two-hour memory loss, strong physical traces at site. Me 8/15/1986 #37990 anded, witness had two-hour memory loss, strong physical traces at site. Me 8/15/1986 #37991 and mouth. Missing time and memory loss and rash. 2/1990 #39402 esign in May 1990 and found weight loss occurred after one trial at the com 3/1990 #39436 ted that he had experienced a time loss. Later, under hypnosis, he recalled 11/9/1991 #40224 in the bed. He next experienced a loss of memory as to what happened next, 12/16/1992 #40750 e. He experienced a drastic weight loss after the incident but recovered. O 3/20/1993 #40895 n the sky at 8:45 p.m., and a time loss of 30 minutes occurred to a witness 6/18/1993 #41023 nd eyes. She apparently suffered a loss of consciousness and does not know 5/19/1996 #42905 administration has resulted in the loss of nuclear secrets to China. It is 2000 #43909 of light, accompanied by a strange loss of surrounding noises. 9/24/2002 #44403 ty carpool. Jones experiences hair loss and general unwellness within 18 da 5/8/2009 #45220 s, causing burning and later, hair loss and lumps on his legs, groin and ba 5/8/2009 #45221 sclosure as the “most catastrophic loss to British intelligence ever.” 6/14/2013 #45372 describe symptoms such as hearing loss, memory loss, and nausea. Some US e 8/2017 #45477 ptoms such as hearing loss, memory loss, and nausea. Some US embassy indivi 8/2017 #45477## Word: "loss-of-control" (Back to Top)
or in Vaud, Switzerland, suffers a loss-of-control accident that leads to a 1/21/1969 #24863## Word: "loss-of-coolant" (Back to Top)
rs to recognize the situation as a loss-of-coolant accident due to inadequa 3/28/1979 #34493## Word: "losse" (Back to Top)
extended up into the air. He wore losse fitting, silvery coveralls. His ar 11/8/1981 #36211## Word: "losses" (Back to Top)
Center in Overland, Missouri. The losses to federal military records colle 7/12/1973 #27631 iefing to a general about aircraft losses, instruments going haywire, and s 3/27/1978 #33088 in the past, unexplained aeroplane losses have been caused by instinctive m 2/20/1995 #42052## Word: "lossiemouth" (Back to Top)
while walking along the coast near Lossiemouth, Scotland UFO contactee Cedr 2/18/1954 #9555## Word: "lossing" (Back to Top)
ead and light blue in color. After lossing recollection of what happened ne 5/3/2000 #43988## Word: "lost" (Back to Top)
CASSADAGA SWAMP, NY Man lost. Brilliant 12M square / light guide 10/1828 (approximate) #124 rctic to determine the fate of the lost Franklin Northwest Passage expediti 9/15/1850 #145 oise. He was levitated upwards and lost consciousness. His next recollectio 5/8/1880 #233 at an estimated 2,000 feet. It is lost to view after 20 minutes 7/1/1896 #325 Cuba 2:00 a.m. James Southard gets lost on his ranch near Peru, Nebraska, l 4/6/1897 #416 ons. It ascends to 600 feet and is lost to view. 6/1/1898 #622 tunately, the photograph was later lost. 3/7/1901 #644 and the object accelerated and was lost to sight. 1/1910 #828 premieres in the United States. A lost two-reel French short produced by t 4/26/1915 #927 the eastern hills and both getting lost in the clouds. 3/1/1918 #973 globe descends. Follows N736 until lost in the distance. 1/1924 (approximate) #1036 hover / wind. Expand and contract. Lost in mist. 6/1/1933 #1157 s moving around the horizon. It is lost to view in the southeast. 1/22/1935 #1223 ase of “war nerves” triggered by a lost weather balloon and exacerbated by 2/24/1942 #1388 message that a Navy plane has been lost at sea, and they were requested to 6/1944 #1597 the direction where the plane was lost. 6/1944 #1597 Palmyra Atoll. While looking for a lost Navy patrol plane, he observes a br 6/1944 #1602 n a square configuration, they are lost to sight over the lake. 11/29/1944 #1709 speeds off to the northwest and is lost to radar. On another occasion, nava 12/23/1944 #1731 e altitude. Radar contact was then lost. The gunner saw a second light, but 4/18/1945 #1848 ), At Sea C-46 had engine trouble, lost altitude, as three UFOs were observ 8/28/1945 #1929 c radio calls announcing they were lost and calling for assistance. A huge 12/5/1945 #1951 tin Mariner sea rescue plane to be lost. 12/5/1945 #1951 ntil the object floats away and is lost to view. Summer 1946 #2013 stigation indicates that the pilot lost control. 8/12/1946 #2122 t descends below 2,000 feet and is lost from ground radar. Unofficially the 1/17/1947 #2231 type with dummy Organ ramjet test. Lost control after 4s and crashed outsid 5/29/1947 #2300 ng quickly south / terrific speed. Lost in the distance. No further details 7/4/1947 #2621 Going quickly northwest / 800kph. Lost in clouds / 8K'. 7/5/1947 #2691 peed of 800 km per hour. They were lost in the clouds at an estimated altit 7/5/1947 #2730 . 1M saucer seen against mountain. Lost / haze. / r187#702. 7/8/1947 #2960 . Silver ball purrs. Reflects sun. Lost going [to] behind cloud. 7/12/1947 #3143 tude. Flutters. Going up and down. Lost / clear sky. / MJ#121. 7/29/1947 #3246 up to an estimated 500 mph and is lost to view in four minutes. 8/4/1947 #3291 apustin Yar (2nd that day), 260km (Lost fins after launch) 11/2/1947 #3476 id, erratic motions. One object is lost at a low altitude. The other goes u 4/5/1948 #3612 te given by Edward Ruppelt for the lost “Estimate of the Situation,” in whi 8/5/1948 #3775 ickly west / 800 MPH against wind. Lost / fog. 9/11/1948 #3796 ry attempt at intercept. The pilot lost contact with the UFO. 10/1/1948 #3822 00 feet in a gradual descent until lost behind trees. In the second sightin 1/27/1949 #3981 abrupt emergency landing. He then lost consciousness and was confined to h 5/6/1949 #4161 land. Two dwarfs emerged but were lost in the sand dunes when pursued. The 8/19/1949 #4327 land. Two dwarfs emerged but were lost in the sand dunes when pursued. The 8/19/1949 #4330 Saucers Dismantled, Secrets May Be Lost” 11/23/1949 #4423 inds it is April 14, 1950, and has lost nearly four months of earth time. 12/4/1949 #4434 e cylinders going north / 1600kph. Lost / odd small lone thin cloud.. 1/26/1950 #4512 d another military witness. It was lost from sight when it disappeared into 1/26/1950 #4514 ouble truncated cone. Photographs (lost). 9000' altitude. 3/16/1950 #4649 point over a mountain, where it is lost. 3/27/1950 #4740 quickly northwest / 18 second(s). Lost behind trees. 4/5/1950 #4794 fast maneuvers. Quickly going up / lost in stars. 4/5/1950 #4798 eems to “rock or oscillate.” It is lost when the observer looks away to get 8/31/1950 #5154 ds over Bonlee, North Carolina. He lost sight of it but saw it again after 10/23/1950 #5253 Theaters across the nation. It is lost for decades until it resurfaces in 11/17/1950 #5279 three case files (up to 28) remain lost because they were held in personal 1951 #5379 ceeds to the southwest until it is lost to sight. Its speed is estimated at 3/15/1951 #5489 sy detonation, two T-33 drones are lost. One receives heavy damage from the 4/21/1951 #5507 legedly obtained, but subsequently lost. 7/14/1951 #5576 . Circular shadow / ground. Source lost / sun. No balloons up. 8/10/1951 #5599 is scrambled, but radar contact is lost before the plane gets off the groun 8/26/1951 #5631 / extreme speed. Shoot upward and lost in sky. 4/24/1952 #6167 00 feet altitude. At 20:05 the jet lost sight of the UFO. 6/15/1952 #6498 ht lights. Zip going up [to] until lost / sky. 7/5/1952 #6710 er hovers. Slow tilts / maneuvers. Lost in the distance. 7/19/1952 #6912 es rising going quickly southwest. Lost in clouds. / r242p21. 7/22/1952 #6993 stops. Up and down. Going west and lost in the distance. 7/23/1952 #7048 ickly west / 20K' altitude. Tilts. Lost in haze. No further details. 7/27/1952 #7189 e disk. Slow then fast wide sweep. Lost in clouds. 7/29/1952 #7286 throughout his body, had to stop, lost his balance several times as he ret 9/13/1952 #7914 ut his body, had to stop, and then lost his balance several times as he ret 9/13/1952 #7916 and it swung like a pendulum as it lost altitude. Ten British officers had 9/19/1952 #7981 t aircraft two miles back. The UFO lost altitude, and then fluttered like a 9/19/1952 #7981 Lost River Sinks Howe, Idaho Evening. Pa Fall 1952 #8014 ct with a flying saucer around the Lost River Sinks a few miles from his ra Fall 1952 #8014 Arizona desert, but apparently get lost. They return to Streeter’s home, wh 9/28/1952 #8048 the 561st Fighter-Day Squadron, is lost near the end of his mission to succ 11/1/1952 #8228 d from golden bay. Red glow / rim. Lost / hills. 11/3/1952 #8232 t at a new altitude. The object is lost to view because of intervening terr 1/17/1953 #8549 saucers far to east / K14 airbase. Lost in clouds. 1/24/1953 #8562 he east of the airfield. They were lost from view in the clouds. 1/24/1953 #8564 White 1" disk going north slowly. Lost in the distance. 1/26/1953 #8571 te at 12-15 mph. It was eventually lost on radar at the 18 mile range. The 1/26/1953 #8576 first. After 5 minutes, both were lost to sight behind clouds. 2/4/1953 #8636 s away twice and returns. Both are lost to sight behind clouds to the south 2/4/1953 #8637 ter five minutes both objects were lost to sight behind some clouds. A Proj 2/4/1953 #8638 eriously when you consider we have lost many men and planes trying to inter Late 2/1953 #8705 / newspaper editor and photograph. Lost over Cordele. 5/22/1953 #8900 s it another 5 minutes until it is lost to view. 6/24/1953 #8969 s sharply going northeast / 1 min. Lost to sight. 9/1953 #9127 document (never published and now lost) prepared by USAF Col. William C. O 10/1/1953 #9198 on. It is unknown if this case was lost, purposefully ignored or forwarded 12/18/1953 #9384 initiated a wide sweeping turn and lost radar contact with the UFO but came Winter 1953 #9385 ntal flight then shoots going up / lost in clouds. 1/27/1954 #9501 ragon" of the fishing boat was not lost on any of the newspapers reporting 3/1/1954 #9589 llows B36 going east. Both objects lost / large cloud. 3/18/1954 #9626 anopy on top. It flew away and was lost to sight behind some trees. 6/9/1954 #9881 anopy on top. It flew away and was lost to sight behind some trees. 6/9/1954 #9883 tely disappeared. Pilot of ARMY294 lost sight of it, would be glad to be ca 8/12/1954 #10131 n in the east, came to the ground, lost its brightness, remained on the spo 9/19/1954 #10360 ject arcs overhead. Levels off and lost in the distance. / r78p172. 9/20/1954 #10364 t 9:15 p.m. It came to the ground, lost its brightness, and remained in one 9/20/1954 #10371 hen land. It changed color and was lost to sight behind some trees. 9/28/1954 #10484 from the light and moved about. He lost consciousness. When he came to his 9/28/1954 #10485 hen land. It changed color and was lost to sight behind some trees. 9/28/1954 #10489 from the light and moved about. He lost consciousness. When he came to his 9/28/1954 #10490 give off a red flame before being lost to view. 9/30/1954 #10512 iving off a red flame before being lost to view. 9/30/1954 #10523 ct spins fast. Going up [to] until lost. / r217p92+/ r197p75. 10/2/1954 #10586 ht up, emitting sparks, and it was lost to sight almost immediately. 10/8/1954 #10814 ht up, emitting sparks, and it was lost to sight almost immediately. 10/8/1954 #10818 y, with a spinning motion, and was lost to sight. 10/9/1954 #10851 s off vertically, spinning, and is lost to sight. 10/9/1954 #10857 off vertically, spinning, and was lost from sight. 10/9/1954 #10869 ached it, rose in the sky, and was lost to sight. 10/17/1954 #11172 rose quickly into the sky, and was lost to sight. 10/17/1954 #11178 which followed the woman. His wife lost consciousness and fell into her hus 10/19/1954 #11252 server(s) / very odd exchange with lost pseudo-human/entity. Saucer going u 10/20/1954 #11258 iant saucer maneuvers. Rises until lost in clouds. 10/20/1954 #11260 e lights went out, and the witness lost interest and went home. Two hours l 10/27/1954 #11445 e object went out, and the witness lost interest and went home. Two hours l 10/27/1954 #11453 ut. Going west. Turns going north. Lost / cloud. / r107p248. 11/2/1954 #11526 s horizontal position and was soon lost to sight." 11/3/1954 #11547 s horizontal position and was soon lost to sight." 11/3/1954 #11548 ge lights. 2 small saucers follow. Lost / cloud. 11/4/1954 #11561 ng quickly [to] through clouds and lost. 11/7/1954 #11587 going northwest / several Minites. Lost in clouds. No further details / new 12/3/1954 #11747 ear dam. Continues extremely fast. Lost behind hill. 1/3/1955 #11914 tt tried to go near but "must have lost consciousness," because he found hi 3/1955 #12021 his headlights dimmed, and the car lost power and slowed to 12-15 mph. The 3/30/1955 #12071 e object rose over a hedge and was lost to sight behind some woods. 5/31/1955 #12169 ravels nearly overhead and then is lost in the sky at a 45° elevation. It i 6/25/1955 #12210 ular shift again downwards, and is lost in the trees. Through binoculars th 7/29/1955 #12302 suddenly into a passageway and was lost to sight. The witnesses were too am 8/16/1955 #12363 suddenly into a passageway and was lost from view. The witnesses were too a 8/16/1955 #12366 th very large windows going south. Lost / cloud bank. 11/4/1955 #12546 loud. Spin? Maneuver in formation. Lost / "cloud". 11/19/1955 #12574 the ground. It made no sound. He "lost all track of time" and felt the UFO 3/23/1956 #12765 ed saucer with portholes. See dwg. Lost behind trees. 4/1956 (approximate) #12774 aucer hovers. Maneuvers and banks. Lost in clouds. 5/1956 #12818 ern County Airport [now closed] in Lost Hills 11:00 a.m. USAF Maj. Merwin S 7/22/1956 #13007 ern County Airport [now closed] in Lost Hills. An examination shows that mo 7/22/1956 #13007 formation. Odd hopping trajectory. Lost in the distance. 7/31/1956 #13031 few minutes, then resumes, and is lost to radar. The entire sighting up to 8/13/1956 #13080 mell like sulfur and brimstone. He lost the sense of taste and smell and co 10/2/1956 #13258 oximately four seconds until it is lost to sight during the evasive action. 3/9/1957 #13540 searches that located more of the lost documents. Particularly in the Geor 7/17/1957 #13808 try training flight when he became lost and ran low on fuel. The area is st 7/28/1957 #13848 golden disks going west. Dip down. Lost / cloud. #unknown. No further detai 8/5/1957 #13877 e-disk shoots through gaps clouds. Lost / overcast. No further details. 8/26/1957 #13930 ont of my eyes, and the crew above lost it from the scope at the same time. 8/30/1957 #13952 n. TV sets in town dimmed, finally lost both picture and sound during same 11/5/1957 #14334 way for three minutes until it was lost from view over the Organ Mountains. 11/7/1957 #14460 rd the east, turned south, and was lost to sight. 3/14/1958 #14929 rd the east, turned south, and was lost to sight. 3/14/1958 #14934 iral motion, then took off and was lost to sight. 3/19/1958 #14940 iral motion, then took off and was lost from sight. 3/19/1958 #14941 flights to Hawaii are said to have lost contact with air traffic controller 8/11/1958 #15191 / high altitude / several minutes. Lost in clouds. 1 side lit and 1 dark. 10/31/1958 #15407 It flew away horizontally and was lost to sight behind a hill. 6/21/1959 #15779 lands / Ogilbay Park. Photographs lost. Going east smooth and silent. 9/1959 #15948 ided towards him. The witness then lost consciousness. His next memory was 9/13/1959 #15973 pe and visual contact when finally lost. Visual contact is disrupted by int 10/2/1959 #16011 aped mass going quickly west fast. Lost over hills. / local (as a local wav 10/7/1959 #16025 / 45 minutes. Bright glow / edge. Lost in clouds. 12/3/1959 #16112 low around its rim. It was finally lost from sight behind the clouds. 12/3/1959 #16113 ins to suggest that Eisenhower has lost control of the intelligence agencie 5/10/1960 #16261 ld in it" down Collins Avenue, but lost him. 7/21/1960 #16342 ing saucer in Halmstad, Sweden. He lost consciousness; when he came to he f 8/25/1960 #16418 r, it had cleared the hill and was lost to sight in the southwest. The next 11/13/1960 #16501 the air. The object ascends and is lost to view in a few seconds. Pisani st 1/1961 #16555 hick at its center. It is visually lost to ground observers and the primary 1/10/1961 #16574 cled the vehicle, flew off and was lost to sight behind the mountains, wher 7/17/1961 #16764 les the vehicle, flies off, and is lost to sight behind the mountains, wher 7/17/1961 #16765 NEAR TOBOLSK, RS Plane and 7 lost. Found intact / small clearing! 7 m 8/1961 #16775 a heading of 265° at 70 mph and is lost in the sea clutter. The objects can 9/27/1961 #16876 road. He was so frightened that he lost control of his bike and left the ro 9/30/1961 #16880 him. He was so frightened that he lost control of his bike and ran off the 9/30/1961 #16882 r men observed two powerful lights lost sight of thern, but later saw a cra 1/8/1962 #17016 shton Clinton, Beds., UK Car motor lost power, headlights not affected, as 2/9/1962 #17041 t stop, the only results will be a lost civilization… This is even affectin 3/27/1962 #17088 es in a southerly direction and is lost to view behind a peak. Project Blue 6/7/1962 #17221 late from side to side until it is lost in clouds. The falls and mountain p 12/21/1962 #17601 in. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Lost / sky. / r23p26+/ Flying Saucer Rev 8/8/1963 #17878 of Baker on U.S. Highway 91. They lost sight of it a moment, could not see 4/30/1964 #18228 lifornia on U. S. Highway 91. They lost sight of it for a moment, could not 4/30/1964 #18233 lying at very low altitude and are lost from view behind buildings at the s 5/15/1964 #18270 cond-degree burns on his face, and lost part of his hair. 6/2/1964 #18319 ds of yellow light. The object was lost to sight behind trees in the north. 6/8/1964 #18338 nged course at high speed, and was lost to sight in a few seconds. 6/12/1964 #18348 e ground, crossed the sky, and was lost to sight in the south. 8/12/1964 #18482 o went blank, and the car's engine lost power. 8/30/1964 #18523 men, Mr. D. Shrum, age 28, became lost and climbed a tree. It was then, at 9/4/1964 #18535 and made him groggy, but before he lost consciousness he was able to tie hi 9/4/1964 #18535 rove, California A hunter, who had lost his way in the mountains, observed 9/5/1964 #18538 ther hunters, who also have gotten lost and separated from their camp, saw 9/5/1964 #18539 house at the last moment, and was lost to sight in the northeast. 3/8/1965 #18849 r house at the last moment. It was lost from sight in the northeast. The du 3/8/1965 #18852 struck him between the eyes and he lost consciousness for 24 hours. He had 3/15/1965 #18857 consciousness for 24 hours. He had lost vision in the right eye, saw poorly 3/15/1965 #18857 heir vehicle, whereupon the driver lost driving control and the vehicle ski 4/3/1965 #18889 cent. If this were Adamski, he has lost any signs of aging. Adamski’s frien 4/24/1965 #18916 9 miles south of Tinker when it is lost again. 7/31/1965 #19220 is eyes were painful. He gradually lost vision in both eyes, and his entire 8/13/1965 #19379 object glowed red and the witness lost consciousness. When he awoke, the t 12/20/1965 #19780 ir, giving off sparks. The witness lost consciousness. When he awoke, he fo 12/20/1965 #19782 about on its axis and the man was lost from view. Ms. Bricker was so taken 1/5/1966 #19806 through the theodolite until it is lost in front of a lava flow about 2 mil 1/18/1966 #19850 the body lights disappeared. They lost sight of the UFO and didn’t see it 3/20/1966 #19997 he object was bowlshaped, and they lost sight of it when they drove away. T 3/24/1966 #20070 e object was bowl-shaped, and they lost sight of it when they drove away. T 3/24/1966 #20073 ed a flashing red light, rose, was lost in the fog, then came back at treet 4/11/1966 #20284 illa then, as Spaur said, “kind of lost interest.” 4/18/1966 #20331 top, suddenly accelerated, and was lost to sight toward Mt. Watatic. 4/24/1966 #20403 top, suddenly accelerated, and was lost to sight toward Mt. Watatic. 4/24/1966 #20407 Afternoon. Some boys looking for a lost kite on the Morro do Vintém in Nite 8/20/1966 #20779 d, emitting a "heat wave," and was lost in the clouds. 10/5/1966 #20962 d, emitting a "heat wave," and was lost in the clouds. 10/5/1966 #20965 back in front of the car, then was lost to sight behind some trees. 11/2/1966 #21068 in front of her car, and then was lost to sight behind some trees. 11/2/1966 #21072 ng up. Quickly going down [to] and lost. Agena re-entry? / MJ#284. 12/30/1966 #21224 A-12 flown by pilot Walter Ray is lost during a training flight near Leith 1/5/1967 #21260 , blue, and white blinking lights, lost control of his car, and ran off the 1/17/1967 #21332 blue and white blinking lights. He lost control of his car and ran off the 1/17/1967 #21334 ritten reports in a scrapbook (now lost). 1/28/1967 #21409 r. This ball took off and was soon lost from view. The observation lasted f 2/5/1967 #21463 suddenly felt paralyzed, and then lost track of time. She remembers a brig 4/2/1967 #22048 northeast going quickly southwest. Lost going up [to] space! 5/17/1967 #22362 he northeast to southwest, and was lost from view as it ascended up into sp 5/17/1967 #22370 vomited frequently for 4 days, and lost over 10 kg. Diameter of craft, 11 m 5/20/1967 #22379 trange, high-pitched sound and was lost from sight. 6/24/1967 #22551 moved slowly at low altitude until lost behind trees. (Pennsylvania NICAP S 7/15/1967 #22662 gine and headlights failed and she lost consciousness. When she recovered t 7/17/1967 #22686 ed laterally, then descended until lost behind the horizon. (Civil Defense 7/29/1967 #22749 t. After 4 hours it ascends and is lost to sight in seconds. The next day, 9/11/1967 #23045 h a 7th disc, then moved off until lost in clouds. (Letter from witness, NI 9/28/1967 #23143 dio contact with the controller is lost and contact between the two pilots 1968 #23632 le-saucer / 200M over olive grove. Lost / trees. 1/18/1968 #23670 200 meters above the trees. It was lost from sight behind some trees. 1/18/1968 #23672 involved that one nuclear bomb was lost. However, the Danish Institute for 1/21/1968 #23684 a windbreak and moves north until lost to view. 2/19/1968 #23767 -magnetic effect (EME) works! Film lost / mail? / r120p170. 3/4/1968 (approximate) #23817 y were caught in "a dense fog" and lost consciousness for 48 hours. When th 5/1968 #23936 and vomiting. One of the men also lost all the hair from his eyebrows. Da 5/17/1968 #23970 ppines A-12 pilot Jack W. Weeks is lost over the South China Sea near the P 6/4/1968 #24005 ist and he then felt paralyzed and lost consciousness. Neighbors, including 6/19/1968 #24051 s in diameter. Their jeep's engine lost power during the five minute durati 7/16/1968 #24183 noise. Shoots going up [to] until lost / sky. 7/27/1968 #24237 0 mn. Changes color(s) / sequence. Lost / cloud. 8/1968 (approximate) #24279 g gear. The object rose up and was lost from sight in 30 seconds. At 11:44 8/2/1968 #24291 ing from their swim meet. They had lost track of at least an hour of time. 8/7/1968 #24308 ain a steady course until they are lost to view 13 minutes later. 8/21/1968 #24364 ghts die. Object going up [to] and lost in stars. 10/19/1968 #24575 ater shoots back going up [to] and lost / space. 10/30/1968 #24602 west / roadside. Turns going west. Lost / trees. 10/30/1968 #24603 efly. It suddenly took off and was lost to sight at the horizon. (Magonia # 11/22/1968 #24684 efly. It suddenly took off and was lost to sight at the horizon. 11/22/1968 #24685 ield. It suddenly took off and was lost to sight at the horizon. It made a 11/22/1968 #24690 n 100 feet of their car the engine lost power and the radio filled with sta 11/25/1968 #24705 s at the car, and again the engine lost power and the radio wouldn't work. 11/25/1968 #24705 he base. Contact with the UFOs was lost when the objects were 9 NM west of 11/28/1968 #24728 second(s). Rises going up [to] and lost in sky. 12/15/1968 #24768 Hall. One light moves east and is lost to view in one minute, while the ot 3/4/1969 #24969 ylvania, on “UFOs I Have Loved and Lost.” He concludes by saying, “Let me s 4/26/1969 #25094 tness to such a point that Pereira lost consciousness. At 6:00 a.m. he woke 5/20/1969 #25151 he watched a cube descend. He then lost track of what happened during the n 6/2/1969 #25192 a River. Quickly going up [to] and lost / sky. 6/30/1969 #25237 going south slow and high. Stops. Lost / vertical ascent! No noise. 9/24/1969 #25376 g disk / high altitude / one hour. Lost clouds. 10/1969 #25387 s silently to the southwest and is lost to sight. He senses the air has a s 10/3/1969 #25395 a yellow ball, both of which were lost from view as they floated toward th 6/27/1970 #25716 night lights. Going up [to] until lost / sky. 7/1970 (approximate) #25722 saucers flip to sides. Rise until lost in stars. Fade / distance. 12/5/1970 #25928 ray" had been projected at him. He lost control of the car, which spontaneo 3/5/1971 #26044 llumination; lights dimmed, engine lost power. Flying Saucer Review Case Hi 5/25/1971 #26134 car headlights dimmed, the engine lost power, and a transistor radio died. 5/25/1971 #26137 rtheasterly direction until it was lost to sight beyond the Sugar Loaf in t 8/11/1971 #26280 r right edge. It sped away and was lost to view went it passed the morning 8/30/1971 #26306 into a hollow in the field and are lost to view. Juan can now see only five 9/12/1971? #26330 s going up and down / mountaintop. Lost in descent. 9/17/1971 #26339 distance with him, but he shortly lost consciousness. The next thing he wa 9/22/1971 #26365 s extremely nervous. His watch had lost 15 minutes. 9/22/1971 #26365 blocked the road ahead of him. He lost control of his car, and it slowed d 9/25/1971 #26379 learned that several pigs had been lost at a nearby farm. 11/3/1971 #26452 silent. Going north steadily until lost. 2/5/1972 #26564 that his car engine sputtered and lost power when he attempted to leave th 3/10/1972 #26599 Gradually the light and sound are lost in the sky. The next day, Mario goe 3/19/1972 #26617 Rises going up [to] thick fog and lost. No description. 5/31/1972 #26690 sheep and birds. East going west. Lost / trees. 6/11/1972 (approximate) #26713 object beamed light at car, engine lost power (UFOE II, Section VII). (NICA 7/10/1972 #26788 object beamed light at car, engine lost power 7/10/1972 #26789 the car, which was 80 km/h. It was lost from sight to the west. 8/5/1972 #26877 hovers vertical 15° over horizon. Lost / cloud. / r30p396. 8/12/1972 #26907 n/entity stand by. One is [a] 'man lost at sea / May 1959'. 9/22/1972 #27023 100 mph in a straight line and is lost to sight. The motorcycle starts by 11/10/1972 #27116 going [to] over forest. Dull grey. Lost in mist. 11/23/1972 #27135 hip. Changes shape. Goes going up. Lost / stars. P278. 12/24/1972 #27186 d normally after the two witnesses lost sight of the object. 2/20/1973 #27301 found the pair of boots that he'd lost on his earlier encounter. 3/21/1973 #27356 going southeast toward(s) harbor. Lost / fog. / MJ#239. 3/23/1973 #27362 ge porch at about 6:00 a.m. He had lost track of four hours of time. 7/1/1973 #27610 ked about the size of a B-52, then lost sight of it behind a cluster of tre 10/19/1973 #28191 ric shaver. Afterward, the witness lost consciousness and suffered trauma t 10/28/1973 #28311 ed areas. Eventually the object is lost to sight as the women drive into Mo 11/18/1973 #28442 d re-lands. Hops going [to] trees. Lost / fog. 12/22/1973 #28596 ndiana were levitated by a UFO and lost consciousness. When they recovered 2/9/1974 #28754 lifted off road, steering control lost, feeling of vacuum 2/14/1974 #28771 ght light. Going southwest slowly. Lost / sunrise. 2/18/1974 #28779 . just before she feel asleep they lost all sound from the radio. Peter los 5/31/1974 #29150 st all sound from the radio. Peter lost all track of time and he remembered 5/31/1974 #29150 r-shape south going quickly north. Lost behind deer butte. 7/21/1974 #29272 / nearby helicopters. (Photographs lost.) 7/25/1974 #29276 off to the south-southeast and was lost from sight. The other half remained 8/26/1974 #29391 r. Crossing a bridge, the car then lost power and rolled to a stop. The ent 9/16/1974 #29460 going off the other way and then I lost it because of the back of the airpl 10/10/1974 #29512 s a whooshing sound and the UFO is lost to view. 12/2/1974 #29629 en he felt himself drawn upward, & lost consciousness. (Humcat 1975-2. Sour 1/5/1975 #29722 self being levitated upward and he lost consciousness. He recovered conciou 1/5/1975 #29724 / low altitude. Going up [to] and lost / stars. 4/18/1975 #29992 ght while at the same time his car lost all power. The temperature in his c 8/13/1975 #30257 then shot straight up. The driver lost consciousness for two minutes and s 8/29/1975 #30326 ts area. Quickly going up [to] and lost. 9/1975 #30332 raight going SSW / 5 minute(s) and lost in sky. 9/20/1975 #30372 th. The UFO quickly ascends and is lost to sight. When he turns around and 10/7/1975 #30421 s, New Brunswick. Radar contact is lost in the vicinity of Grand Falls, 12 10/27/1975 #30488 easily escaped from view and were lost in some bushes ont he hill. The mai 11/8/1975 #30584 s told by the beings that they had lost the will to resist evil, so they ne 12/4/1975 #30685 inute(s). Glides away and up until lost in stars. 1/9/1976 #30780 ting something that burned him; he lost consciousness until at 0230A he fou 1/29/1976 #30832 rned around to face him and Hegele lost his courage and ran back to his car 2/22/1976 #30895 y beam sapped her strength and she lost consciousness. She was hospitalized 3/30/1976 #30969 NEAR ALAMOGORDO, NM 3 / car "lost". Pseudo-human/entity / cone-saucer 5/21/1976 #31068 Mr. Lusignan, a patent examiner, lost while hiking in the mountains near 6/9/1976 #31095 s, and the object takes off and is lost to sight in a second or two. 7/28/1976 #31189 behind him, suggesting that he has lost the same amount of altitude. The pi 8/13/1976 #31261 ng to get away. At this point they lost all conscious memory of what happen 8/26/1976 #31307 he was distracted for a moment and lost sight of the being, and when she lo 9/3/1976 #31338 and instrumentation were suddenly lost. As the pilot broke off pursuit, al 9/19/1976 #31396 ock an AIM-9 missile at the UFO he lost all weapons panel and communication 9/19/1976 #31396 rom the landed UFO went out and he lost sight of it. The DIA termed this si 9/19/1976 #31396 nd their radio communications were lost. When the pilot of the first aircra 9/19/1976 #31411 his missiles at the UFO, their jet lost control of all its instruments. The 9/19/1976 #31411 s instruments. The second jet just lost weapons control. The disc was chang 9/19/1976 #31411 o follow the object but eventually lost sight of it. 10/31/1976 #31512 few days after the incident Trejo lost his vision, and then fell unconscio 11/12/1976 #31540 al. About two weeks later he again lost his vision for about 15 minutes. He 11/12/1976 #31540 site for over 40 minutes. He also lost his eyesight for almost two days af 12/6/1976 #31587 ocks running from head to toe, and lost consciousness. She awoke to the sou 12/10/1976 #31594 00 meters beyond the place she had lost consciousness. She turned on her he 12/10/1976 #31594 , he was unable to account for the lost time. There was a good deal about t 1/27/1977 #31761 ille wanted to scream, but she had lost her voice. She went in search of an 4/19/1977 #32002 ed on a local radio station: “I’ve lost my sight; I don’t know what to do!” 4/29/1977 #32035 satellite in circular trajectory! Lost in clouds. 6/1977 #32142 car driver tells Henshall that he lost all engine power for 30 seconds and 6/6/1977 #32151 ngland both a car and a motorcycle lost power in the presence of at least t 6/6/1977 #32153 h. It climbs at a 30° angle and is lost in the clouds. 7/3/1977 #32233 ing a tingling sensation before he lost consciousness. At one point he awok 7/10/1977 #32257 this point the rancher apparently lost consciousness, because members of h 7/17/1977 #32288 h a hum “like a hair dryer” and is lost to sight. 7/18/1977 #32292 in SW to 30-degrees in NE and was lost in the trees. (IUR,2,9) (NICAP: 02 7/31/1977 #32327 from southwest to northeast and is lost in the trees. 7/31/1977 #32328 ge-red objects hovered nearby, car lost power (NICAP UFOE II, Section VII). 8/3/1977 #32349 ge-red objects hovered nearby, car lost power 8/3/1977 #32351 g at around 3:30 a.m. when his car lost power from 50 mph to 35 mph despite 8/3/1977 #32354 shoot noiselessly overhead and are lost in the glare of the southern sky. O 9/21/1977 #32503 nd uncoordinated and seems to have lost 20 minutes of time. Fall 1977 #32515 ery slowly rotating beacon, and is lost to sight. The total duration is les 10/26/1977 #32617 opped and its lights went out. She lost consciousness and then woke up with 10/30/1977 #32636 opped and its lights went out. She lost consciousness and then woke up with 10/30/1977 #32637 opped and its lights went out. She lost consciousness and then woke up with 10/30/1977 #32640 This was followed by an episode of lost time; what was recalled was an abdu 12/10/1977 #32758 oached. He then had three hours of lost memory. The only memory he had was 2/5/1978 #32956 on Highway 101 when her car engine lost power, and her car radio went off. 4/23/1978 #33159 a at 7:30 p.m. when her car engine lost power, and her car radio went off. 4/23/1978 #33160 with tripod legs. Drops and stops. Lost / horizon. 5/13/1978 #33201 line from the southwest. They are lost behind trees above the northeast ho 5/30/1978 #33242 peed. He learned later that he had lost track of 45 minutes of time. Under 6/16/1978 #33282 ted about 15 minutes, and it later lost its hair. Three horses were also re 7/12/1978 #33376 s paralyzed, he felt nauseous, and lost consciousness. 8/23/1978 #33557 Silent saucer rises / ground. Man lost / 13 hours found. Can't talk or eat 9/1978 #33614 en thru) telescope. Splits / half. Lost / space. 9/12/1978 #33667 stops abruptly, drops down, and is lost to sight behind some houses. A colu 9/13/1978 #33671 ylight. The surrounding blocks are lost to view. On a hill he sees an oval 9/21/1978 #33723 assenger blinded, steering control lost (section VI). (NICAP: 03 - EME Case 9/22/1978 #33728 assenger blinded, steering control lost 9/22/1978 #33729 r over the road, her FM radio gets lost in static for 10–15 seconds and her 9/26/1978 #33751 ping sounds” before all contact is lost. A sea and air search is undertaken 10/21/1978 #33856 y northwest. 1° apparent diameter. Lost / cloud. Cloud lit up / separate ob 11/13/1978 #33951 The witness chased after them but lost sight of them. He then came upon a 11/24/1978 #33997 htly paralyzed by one of them. She lost track of time as the object hovered 12/12/1978 #34100 as out patrolling told that he had lost control of his vehicle. It sped dow 12/28/1978 #34219 yelled over his radio that he had lost control of his vehicle, because it 12/28/1978 #34220 enly struck by a beam of light and lost consciousness. Later, he found hims 12/31/1978 #34250 miled at the witness and were soon lost from sight in the distance. 1/2/1979 #34281 s of a blue beam of light. He then lost consciousness. When he woke up he w 5/17/1979 #34566 lar "lantern-shaped" object / sky. Lost behind row / trees. 5/31/1979 #34595 clear spot in the clouds and then lost trackof time. He found himself in a 6/6/1979 #34601 kes a 90° turn to the north and is lost in the cloud cover. Ten minutes lat 6/17/1979 #34613 ome with a profound drowsiness and lost consciousness. Their next memory th 7/15/1979 #34656 pped toward a mountainside and was lost from sight. (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 8/11/1979 #34729 pped toward a mountainside and was lost from sight. 8/11/1979 #34735 was racked with static and the car lost power and was unable to exceed 40 m 9/20/1979 #34908 s lights on and off. The witnesses lost interest for a short time and left 11/30/1979 #35034 s night. She saw a white light and lost consciousness. Under hypnosis she r 12/10/1979 #35068 tar zigzags forward. Shoots beams. Lost from sight behind buildings. 1/21/1980 #35140 with portholes overhead. She next lost consciousness and experienced a two 4/2/1980 #35249 moving from overhead to the south, lost the object as it moved behind his h 7/4/1980 #35401 re was a terrible noise, and Scott lost consciousness. He awoke much later 8/16/1980 #35459 counterclockwise. Grows clouds and lost inside them! 10/14/1980 #35567 hypnosis, Godfrey recalled that he lost consciousness after a beam of light 11/28/1980 #35680 a height of 5 miles. The target is lost in the radar’s cone of silence. The 12/4/1980 #35698 ow then fast. Stops / 3 second(s). Lost in clouds. 12/8/1980 #35706 a, and skin burns. Betty Cash also lost most of her hair, and on January 2, 12/29/1980 #35758 ssic radiation injury in which she lost skin and hair, then had diarrhea an 12/29/1980 #35758 apparently went into a trance and lost consciousness. The next thing they 4/1/1981 #35883 f light at their vehicle the truck lost power, and they smelled an odor lik 5/12/1981 #35934 area. The bus continued on and he lost sight of them. The next day there w 10/2/1981 #36155 eling in her car when she suddenly lost control of the steering. She felt h 3/1982 #36373 / minutes. Wind sound but no jets. Lost in the distance. 7/22/1982 #36543 he arrived at her friends they had lost nearly three hours. (NICAP: 02 - Cl 9/1982 #36588 estination, they realize they have lost four hours of time. Rosalind begins 9/1982 #36590 Tenerife in the Canary Islands. He lost consciousness and had an out-of-bod 11/18/1982 #36683 Tenerife in the Canary Islands. He lost consciousness and had an out-of-bod 11/18/1982 #36684 uched his cheek with the device he lost consciousness. He had a mark on his 11/29/1982 #36702 long. When she grasped his head he lost consciousness. An subsequent interv 11/30/1982 #36703 although the other could have been lost during an unrelated search-and-resc 1/14/1983 #36747 ay. They drift to the east and are lost to view, but almost immediately a f 3/24/1983 #36806 ets, but then the sonar contact is lost. Around 4:00 p.m., five Terne rocke 4/27/1983 #36846 rockets, and the sonar contact is lost. At 8:30 p.m., an Orion aircraft ha 4/27/1983 #36846 ear evening when his car gradually lost power and coasted to a stop. He saw 7/6/1983 #36903 moves quickly to the north and is lost behind trees. At 10:55 p.m., Danbur 7/12/1983 #36909 hen levitated him into the air. He lost consciousness at this point and exp 7/17/1983 #36913 UFO moves off to the north and is lost to sight. The UFO is picked up on r 7/22/1983 #36921 ck but find no traces), then it is lost to view until 4:30 a.m. when they a 7/22/1983 #36921 nd sound but no jet noise, and was lost from sight in the distance. 7/22/1983 #36922 ift away to the northwest where he lost sight of it. Shortly after this his 5/19/1984 #37335 observation for 40 minutes and is lost at a height of 62 miles as it disap 8/23/1984 #37438 ut a witness encountered a UFO and lost 30 minutes of conscious memory; fel 8/26/1984 #37442 ris wheel. After 30 seconds, it is lost behind some trees. 10/5/1984 #37477 n on a table, and at this point he lost consciousness. He later awoke stand 1/15/1986 #37765 d broke one of them. He reportedly lost about 80% of the vision in his righ 5/15/1986 #37870 . 800kph. Nonreflective. No wings. Lost / high clouds. 7/16/1986 #37944 QLD, AUS UFO buzzes car. Steering lost. Humming heard. Missing time / abdu 10/20/1986 #38050 e airplane, then drop back and are lost from view both visually and on rada 11/17/1986 #38072 his car, but it moves away and is lost to sight. 11/24/1986 #38075 Kamchatka shoreline, where it was lost from radar screens 150 kilometers o 11/25/1986 #38078 ey followed it for awhile but then lost sight of it. However, they came to 7/31/1987 #38221 sts saw bright light ahead, engine lost power, radio failed. Four square ye 3/23/1988 #38519 sts saw bright light ahead, engine lost power, radio failed. Four square ye 3/23/1988 #38520 and a clock and their wristwatches lost three minutes. There was also a lou 9/28/1988 #38655 l Air Station in Puerto Rico were ‘lost,” not from a midair collision but f 1/1989 #38774 ives when he said no aircraft were lost at the time of the incident. http: 1/1989 #38774 ter several minutes, the object is lost in the distance. 5/30/1989 #38968 r the approaching intersection. He lost sight of it when he drove through t 10/13/1989 #39170 in despair, thinking that she had lost a unique chance in her life to comm 10/31/1989 #39199 nable to move, and apparently next lost consciousness. Waking up later, he 10/31/1989 #39200 und under him become soft. He soon lost consciousness again. Later, he foun 10/31/1989 #39200 eir vehicle had consumed, they had lost track of two hours of their time. L 11/6/1989 #39216 visible to the naked eye, is also lost on the film. At the same time, the 3/31/1990 #39503 front. He watched it until it was lost from view amid the rooflines in the 5/19/1990 #39578 truck both men. At this point they lost all track of what happened next. Ru 7/2/1990 #39634 t glided along laterally until she lost sight of it behind a line of trees. 7/13/1990 #39644 strong headache. At this point she lost consciousness. After an hour or so 9/13/1990 #39730 d when traffic approached, and was lost from view entirely when the tow tru 9/20/1990 #39740 oing northeast. Turns going south. Lost in clouds. 10/16/1990 #39790 er(s). Yellow cylinder/cigar-shape lost in its own glow. Circles show under 11/6/1990 #39877 = disks / (seen thru) binoculars. Lost in fog. 8/4/1991 #40141 rom behind. Thinking it might be a lost tourist, they wave their flashlight 8/4/1991 #40142 ntly a flag rank officer. There he lost consciousness while he was being ex 11/9/1991 #40224 n and women stood around. She then lost consciousness, and later woke up ba 1/24/1992 #40302 r remnants and descendants of that lost civilization that they claimed live 3/5/1992 #40359 ak with the other aliens, and Luis lost consciousness again. When he woke u 3/5/1992 #40359 saucer crosses sky. No maneuvers.. lost in the distance. 5/14/1992 #40464 on, California -- According to the Lost Hills/Malibu sheriff's office, a ba 6/14/1992 #40494 nyon. "Suddenly it was over us, we lost control of the car and it lifted us 6/14/1992 #40494 the driver, who reckons they both lost memory for "maybe a couple of minut 6/14/1992 #40494 ut it immediately ran away and was lost from view. 9/22/1992 #40635 ed to fly to the northeast and was lost from sight behind some trees. 10/1/1992 #40659 oped a blinding headache, and then lost consciousness. 12/29/1992 #40770 rs in Lincoln County claim to have lost a number of animals to this mysteri 3/1993 #40867 n saucer going NNE slow. Negatives lost. 3/26/1993 (approximate) #40900 o ascend. After several minutes it lost its blinding intensity, split into 7/24/1993 #41084 ta banks going quickly [to] right. Lost / moonlight / 15 second(s). 8/2/1993 #41102 litary-base then going up [to] and lost in sky. / r230. 8/21/1993 #41149 Hovers. Shoots going up [to] until lost / sky. 11/26/1993 #41303 oximately 4 miles from them, it is lost to sight in a few seconds. Earlier 3/6/1994 #41443 ensland, Australia at 2:10 a.m. He lost track of time for the next 90 minut 5/27/1994 #41540 d himself on one of the tables. He lost complete recall at this point, and 9/20/1994 #41765 n, then back to a row again before lost from sight. Each light strobed in s 10/11/1994 #41801 p the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agenda 1995 #41923 e other behind it. They apparently lost consciousness and came to two hours 3/14/1995 #42094 small objects exit and return. All lost in overcast. 6/5/1995 #42238 Grows / descent. = very dark mass. Lost / trees. 8/13/1995 #42378 perceived at low altitude, but was lost from view behind some trees. On the 8/13/1995 #42381 usness. Over the next two weeks he lost 20 lbs., and a wild animal he had b 8/15/1995 #42389 g sphere descends west going east. Lost / horizon. 10/14/1995 #42550 around the yard. She panicked and lost sight of the being as it disappeare 3/6/1996 #42811 n 90° turn. Goes straight up until lost. 4/2/1996 #42849 sky for about two minutes. It was lost from view when still about 50 degre 7/5/1996 #42947 table. Midway through the tests he lost consciousness. When he recovered co 9/16/1996 #43026 r-shaped entrance. He screamed and lost consciousness. He only remembers wa 9/26/1996 #43043 T TAJSARA MOUNTAINS, BOLIVIA Hiker lost. Blue tube maneuvers. Luminous figu 9/27/1996 #43045 . Glowing saucer near small plane. Lost in cloudbank. 10/20/1996 #43084 ess intense, since we have already lost five of our aircraft as a result of 12/9/1996 #43133 e haircuts. After they beat him he lost consciousness. He was taken to a lo 12/26/1996 #43150 Going up and down [to] fast. Then lost going going down. 2/7/1997 #43185 ent up-and-down rapidly. They then lost sight of it while it was making a d 2/7/1997 #43187 After 15 minutes, the objects are lost to view as the witnesses turn along 2/22/1997 #43202 eing lifted up. He then apparently lost consciousness. He woke up an hour l 2/26/1997 #43210 d and drove north instead. He then lost control of the car and saw a cylind 3/19/1997 #43235 econds before it moved off and was lost from view at 8:30 p.m. It looked l 5/5/1997 #43288 Their speed increases as they are lost to sight within seconds. 8/12/1997 #43381 ittle men" appeared around him. He lost consciousness. When he awoke he was 12/10/1997 #43457 conds. Quickly going up [to] until lost / sky. 1/3/1998 #43489 nd wrong part / sky. Low altitude. Lost / overcast. 1/4/1998 #43492 rs of a mile at 70 mph, until they lost sight of it among some hills. 2/9/1998 #43516 that pulsated in sequence. It was lost from view at 10:15 p.m. 4/20/1998 #43552 er stomach area. At this point she lost consciousness. 6/8/1998 #43584 urricane grew stronger the witness lost interest in the object and its occu 9/21/1998 #43650 t and its occupant, and eventually lost sight of it. On the same night Gera 9/21/1998 #43650 blanket that became dislodged and lost during a December 9 EVA by astronau 12/11/1998 #43698 ifted toward the east until it was lost from radar. 6/22/2000 #44006 facial features. They seemed to be lost, and asked Gloria for directions. T 9/6/2000 #44037 ane has crashed, because they have lost power and are using a backup genera 1/14/2001 #44124 and ascend into the sky. They are lost to view after 15 minutes. 8/12/2001 #44232 d metallic. Miss Esici temporarily lost her voice immediately after the sig 6/5/2002 #44347 an from his van and in the process lost his mobile phone. At this point an 7/21/2002 #44362 n began to move slowly north. They lost sight of it as it moved behind a tr 7/28/2002 #44367 began filming the object, but soon lost sight of it as it flew behind a nei 9/15/2002 #44397 ast. The fourth went south and was lost from view in the haze. 11/28/2002 #44455 his watch it was 3:03 a.m. He had lost track of 33 minutes of time. He tur 2/13/2003 #44490 s than a second. Eventually it was lost from view because of the cloud cove 4/12/2003 #44513 and dove into the water, as if had lost either power or control." The light 4/18/2003 #44516 en for 30 seconds before they were lost from view behind some clouds. 5/24/2003 #44545 eadily toward the mountains and is lost to sight. 12/8/2003 #44626 ’t pull over, so the light is soon lost to view behind him. 1/21/2004 #44653 w off to the west, where they were lost from view 3/25/2004 #44679 ward, where the witness eventually lost sight of it. It was light brown in 4/5/2004 #44684 haze or fog filled the area and he lost consciousness. He woke up across hi 8/26/2004 #44743 he object rises higher until it is lost to sight. 9/17/2004 #44758 k. His truck engine intermittently lost power over the course of one kilome 11/8/2004 #44779 Pennsylvania airstrip and they are lost. Authorities say the pilots are so 5/11/2005 #44840 ace reflected the sunlight. It was lost from sight when the craft passed in 9/14/2005 #44875 remember what happened during the lost time, why they were in different po 6/7/2008 #45146 as it passes. Within seconds it is lost behind a house. The dog does not no 9/2009 #45241 ediately following the incident he lost all cellphone reception, his vision 8/6/2013 #45381 USG contractor black budget funds, lost money, cost overruns and SDI money; 6/22/2014 #45411 e actively tracked while 1,335 are lost. The rest have re-entered Earth’s t 6/23/2019 #45587 nexplained injuries. Tracking dogs lost her scent near where she was allege 11/16/2021 #45722## Word: "lostorf" (Back to Top)
Lostorf Zürich, Switzerland 7:00 p.m. Fr 10/14/1990 #39785 e and her husband are driving from Lostorf to Zürich, Switzerland, when she 10/14/1990 #39785## Word: "lot" (Back to Top)
a luminous object land in a vacant lot about 200 yards north of the village 8/7/1869 #179 No unusual traces are found on the lot. 8/7/1869 #179 ettled near the center of an empty lot in Adamstown, Pennsylvania in Lancas 8/7/1869 #181 ship lands and settles in a vacant lot about 600 feet away. They hurry forw 4/17/1897 #525 October, and asks them “to pray a lot.” 8/19/1917 #963 chigan South Dragoon Street Vacant Lot A teenage couple, William O’Brien an Summer 1922 #1022 ped object hovering above a vacant lot on South Dragoon Street. Rectangular Summer 1922 #1022 ragments. He shows them a smelting lot where he finds similar pieces of sla 8/3/1947 #3285 ere leg injuries and experienced a lot of bleeding. He fainted, but surpris 5/25/1948 #3655 esses: crew of USAF B-29 bomber. A lot of bright, metallic particles or fla 9/24/1952 #8021 nia at 3:30 p.m. reported seeing a lot of bright, metallic particles or fla 9/24/1952 #8023 e saucer lights house and 1/2 acre Lot. Going quickly [to] WSW toward(s) Wi 8/25/1953 #9109 airline pilots have been seeing a lot of unusual objects while flying at n 2/23/1954 #9566 nalysis procedures are a hell of a lot worse.” 7/20/1954 #10031 ters from his house in St-Perdoux, Lot, France. The being wore a wide leath 10/4/1954 #10703 circular object landed in an empty lot. It is about 90–120 feet in diameter 11/2/1954 #11537 ircular object sitting in an empty lot between two houses. The UFO was 90 t 11/2/1954 #11539 truck rocked from the blast and a lot of heat was felt. Later there were r 11/2/1957 #14221 ontana, are walking in the parking lot when a bright light appears above th 8/10/1963 #17882 viewed from his car in the parking lot to the south. He briefly loses sight 5/26/1964 #18306 l, Brazil. When they pass a vacant lot on Rua David Canaberra between the R 7/26/1965 #19181 haped object landing in the vacant lot and hovering about 3 feet off the gr 7/26/1965 #19181 It was very dark and it was with a lot of trees around and everything. And 12/9/1965 #19762 e walking familiar paths in a wood lot behind their home near Hampton Falls 3/29/1966 #20139 nia were called out to the parking lot to see an unusual object in the sky. 5/16/1966 #20490 te rim on the top that reflected a lot of sunlight. The bottom was crinkled 4/28/1967 #22245 fairly clear shot, does not have a lot of details. Taken on a Saturday nigh 5/11/1967 #22316 as driving through a large parking lot in Churchville, New York when he obs 7/21/1967 #22722 ights under it land on the parking lot pavement. He stopped his truck withi 7/21/1967 #22722 Saturn saucer going down / parking Lot. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) board 7/31/1967 #22757 as driving through a large parking lot when he observed a cigar-shaped obje 7/31/1967 #22760 ct about 50 feet long in a parking lot. It has greenish blinking lights und 7/31/1967 #22761 as driving through a large parking lot in Churchville, New York when his tr 7/31/1967 #22762 Seewaldt, 13, is crossing a vacant lot in Calgary, Alberta. He hears a high 11/17/1967 #23477 ng around, or not thinking a whole lot about it. (Brian Vike, HBCC UFO Rese 1968 #23622 eading southeast. The radio gets a lot of static and the English setter beg 11/25/1968 #24704 cts that came to rest in a parking lot across the street. Shortly afterward 12/27/1969 #25510 beings they drove into the parking lot. The figures then abruptly vanished. 12/27/1969 #25510 erved a lighted object in a cattle lot. When they flashed their light on it 1/22/1971 #25994 e move across the sky. They had "a lot of smoke around them and they disapp 1/22/1971 #25995 ved a lighted object in the cattle lot. When they flashed their light on it 1/22/1971 #25996 ribed the creature as tall, with a lot of hair all over its face and body. 2/27/1971 #26034 ut ten kilometers from Rocamadour, Lot department, France when he heard the 7/8/1971 #26218 loser together, very low in sky. A lot of dogs started barking wildly at th 10/31/1971 #26442 thing is descending into a vacant lot and, thinking it is a hot air balloo 3/19/1972 #26617 ns towards it. When he reaches the lot, he sees the thing is a kind of lumi 3/19/1972 #26617 lighting up the ground in an empty lot next door. The lights flew off to th 8/6/1972 #26880 ll car sitting in a nearby parking lot. She hears footsteps behind her and 8/9/1972 #26889 a long instrument panel bearing "a lot of instruments and clocks." A powerf 12/30/1972 #27193 FIGEAC, LOT 3+observer(s) / (seen thru) telescop 5/14/1973 #27484 e big, black, and round and move a lot. Their suits were a fluorescent 'sil 10/16/1973 #28093 ther bright light over the parking lot. Outside the second light she can se 10/21/1973 #28228 ht hovering above a nearby parking lot. Inside this light she observed a gr 10/21/1973 #28229 (s). Round object low over parking Lot / wash.monument. / Star-News 17.11.7 11/16/1973 #28429 nia, intending to play in a vacant lot or field in the neighborhood. When t 11/16/1973 #28434 MONTCUQ, LOT UFO with portholes aims beams all ov 2/21/1974 #28786 ating noises coming from a parking lot in Montmorency, France. It stood at 3/4/1974 #28854 rance. It stood at the edge of the lot. When the officers approached, the f 3/4/1974 #28854 different location in the parking lot, both were dirty, and a quarter of a 4/6/1975 #29975 w / lights going [to] over parking Lot. Tilts up 45° and rises away. 11/1/1975 #30532 e 10, was walking through a vacant lot overgrown with brush and surrounded 1/5/1976 #30760 e 10, was walking through a vacant lot overgrown with brush and surrounded 1/5/1976 #30761 NEAR FAGE, LOT, FR 1M upright metallic egg follows 8/16/1977 #32403 At 12:30 a.m. in Fage, Lot department, France a one-meter tall, 8/16/1977 #32407 ne a woman standing in the parking lot. She has medium long brown hair and 1/31/1978 #32928 ne a woman standing in the parking lot. She had medium long brown hair and 1/31/1978 #32930 it as it ran towards a large empty lot across the street. As he ran towards 5/2/1978 #33185 .m. A man is driving past a cattle lot 2 miles north of Dexter, Iowa, when 9/23/1978 #33735 house. Going quickly [to] to empty Lot. White beams quickly going down. Qui 1/28/1979 #34386 The UFO zipped over above an empty lot. It beamed white beams of light down 1/28/1979 #34388 shing, round red light in an empty lot in the neighborhood of Lujan de Cuyo 9/19/1979 #34902 -shaped object approached a cattle lot two miles north of Dexter. It was on 9/23/1979 #34915 -shaped object approached a cattle lot two miles north of Dexter, Iowa at 1 9/23/1979 #34919 Minnesota. Standing in the parking lot, they see a star making a bizarre zi 1/13/1980 #35133 s driving his truck in the parking lot of the Teledyne-Ohio Steel plant in 8/17/1980 #35462 d her car in her apartment parking lot when she saw a huge lighted object w 2/10/1981 #35822 d her car in her apartment parking lot in Auburn, Washington at 11:35 p.m. 2/10/1981 #35823 nto the Admiral Benbow Inn parking lot and alerts the night watchman, who s 3/1981 #35859 0 p.m. Walking through the parking lot of the P&C grocery store in Windsor, 4/15/1981 #35899 ven though I will admit there is a lot of it that has been released, it is 10/19/1981 #36179 erver(s). Small disk lands / empty Lot. Similar object lands / cornfield. 12/27/1983 #37083 overs that a metal post on her dog lot has been magnetized. 3/23/1987 #38152 keys to the fence gate at the dog lot, which was close to the sight. The k 3/23/1987 #38153 en they pull into the mall parking lot, the daughter notices a streak of li 1/19/1988 #38416 iana. They pulled into the parking lot of her work and stopped to wait for 1/19/1988 #38417 k and stopped to wait for her. The lot, the street, and the nearby Intersta 1/19/1988 #38417 on I-20 came alive and the parking lot became active." 1/19/1988 #38417 bject descending low over a nearby lot. It appears to be two connected disc 2/8/1989 #38825 izzling sound and land in a vacant lot only 80 feet away from his house. He 2/8/1989 #38826 re transported to a nearby parking lot and loaded onto flatbeds, and taken 9/28/1989 #39132 hman / mall. 225cm giant / parking Lot. Big head. Cat-eyes. 2 others by. 12/7/1989 #39302 all beings standing in the parking lot area. The humanoids were described a 12/8/1989 #39305 o he watched walk across a parking lot. 4/15/1990 #39528 like craft going [to] over parking Lot / treetops. Circular window / bottom 10/1990 #39754 small humanoids (or Greys) talk a lot.. / LDLN#323. 3/5/1992 #40356 er west 2 orbs on top over parking Lot. CB Radio malfunctions due to EME (e 8/10/1992 #40563 a Mickey Mouse cap, over a parking lot. There was also CB radio interferenc 8/10/1992 #40564 eight faceless men in her parking lot at about 7:00 p.m. They carried hand 12/29/1992 #40770 ENCE, FR 20M diamond-object lights Lot. Follows 2 / car. Lights on corners. 3/30/1993 #40904 saw a UFO low over a nearby vacant lot. It was round and had a flattened to 10/6/1993 #41222 orth about 180 feet above a vacant lot. They are all about 15–26 feet high 7/2/1994 #41601 egs / bottom. Seen / rainy parking Lot. / UFO Newsclipping Service #307p8. 12/5/1994 #41882 Xavier, 22, are crossing a vacant lot at Rua Dr. Benevenuto Bráz Viêrira i 1/20/1996 #42695 but when they return to the vacant lot, all they find is two footprints and 1/20/1996 #42695 cattered cedar and junipers, and a lot of rocks and canyons. After driving 6/4/1996 #42921 lor was pasty and it looked like a lot of veins covered its head. These car 9/25/1998 #43652 walking across the company parking lot to their car when they noticed a str 3/12/2000 #43966 oing on, and adds that there is “a lot” going on in Utah, including where s 4/2001 #44155 20 a.m. at the Burger King parking lot in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, patrons n 11/13/2002 #44438 e pulling his car into the parking lot of the Behavioral Health Services Bu 3/14/2003 #44502 h it as he pulled into the parking lot at his place of employment, and kept 12/10/2003 #44627 ercising and dieting) and sleeps a lot. In February 2007 he is diagnosed wi 5/1/2005 #44828 e. Who knows where it came from? A lot of people saw it, and I saw it too. 3/18/2007 #45012 and then more people were seen. A lot of phenomena." 8/18/2007 #45049 southeast over the Walmart parking lot in canyon country, Santa Clarita, Ca 5/9/2008 #45136 A Dir. Robert Gates says he has “a lot of respect” for Chase after the comm 7/8/2012 #45349 them. They stop again at a parking lot and see that the light is coming fro 1/8/2013 #45359 st names on the planet that have a lot to lose, or a lot to gain.” https:/ 10/21/2021 #45717 anet that have a lot to lose, or a lot to gain.” https://youtu.be/wULw64ZL 10/21/2021 #45717 hn Ramirez states he came across a lot of people inside the Agency who were 1/30/2022 #45736 dimension. They state they have a lot of documents, memos, records, etc. a 12/17/2022 #45786## Word: "lot-et-garonne" (Back to Top)
ng the road in Villenueve-sur-Lot, Lot-et-Garonne, France. The driver was t 2/25/1973 #27317 a motorbike to a farm in Laspeyre, Lot-et-Garonne, France. It was emitting 2/13/1977 #31814 In Villenueve-sur-Lot, Lot-et-Garonne department, France a 10-m 8/25/1979 #34776## Word: "lot-garonne" (Back to Top)
ess driving in Villevueve-sur-Lot, Lot-Garonne, France had a close encounte 3/25/1973 #27377 maneuvers over Villeneuve-sur-Lot, Lot-Garonne department, France. It made 8/3/1973 #27676## Word: "lotawana" (Back to Top)
LAKE LOTAWANA, MO Physician sailing. 7 saucer 7/6/1947 #2744## Word: "lothar" (Back to Top)
At 3:00 a.m. Lothar Schaefler saw a cigar-shaped obje 2/24/1977 #31846 ercing tone of constant intensity. Lothar ran along the outside wall of his 2/24/1977 #31846 area was brilliantly lit now. Next Lothar heard a short whistling sound, an 2/24/1977 #31846## Word: "lothian" (Back to Top)
Several in Broxburn, Lothian, Scotland watched as a star-like 8/12/1973 #27697 Lothian, Scotland 9:00 PM In Tranent and 5/17/1977 #32103 ent and seven surrounding towns in Lothian, a domed disc-shaped object and 5/17/1977 #32103 ent and seven surrounding towns in Lothian, Scotland, shortly after nine p. 5/17/1977 #32106 stance in Bellsquarry, Livingston, Lothian, Scotland. It glowed white with 11/8/1979 #34987 esiding in the Clyde Canal area of Lothian county in Scotland was watching 12/23/1994 #41904 r. J. Curran of Polbeth, Bathgate, Lothian, Scotland watched and videotapte 11/8/1995 #42588 t. Later, John S., age 45, of West Lothian, Scotland saw what looked like " 11/8/1995 #42588 hexagon-shaped UFO with a dome in Lothian, Scotland, showing a blast or ot 11/29/1995 #42631## Word: "lots" (Back to Top)
g saucers. Watson says: “I’ve seen lots of flying saucers…and every single 11/16/1950 #5278 ere 2 swivel seats, oval cabin and lots of instrumentation and displays. A 5/21/1953 #8892 rees. Skips off ground. Flies off. Lots / traces. 4/12/1960 #16222 yself on a square where there were lots of people and lots of little boys.. 8/4/1968 #24297 here there were lots of people and lots of little boys..." She knocked at a 8/4/1968 #24297 ory was of a big, bright room with lots of "lights and buttons" and glass t 10/16/1973 #28093 de the object where she saw walls, lots of machinery, and also a very brigh 10/19/1973 #28199 east. The UFO had a long body with lots of tiny lights. Before losing sight 12/31/1978 #34251 . Something shot off from it, then lots of different beams of light started 12/6/1991 #40256 ate observer(s). Ovoid paces cars. Lots / lights. Vanishes. 8/30/1992 #40597 light and moves 1 mile instantly. Lots / aerobatics. 9/20/1993 #41204 9:30 p.m. a huge bright light with lots of little lights, chased by second 5/17/1994 #41528 ground near the woods. There were lots of lights around it and dozens of s 9/23/1996 #43039 ses, Ms. S. Hall, said that it had lots of bright lights around the sides a 3/8/1997 #43223 long, triangle-shaped object with lots of lights moving in the sky at 8:45 11/25/2000 #44080 ia a huge round orange object with lots of red and white lights around it w 11/13/2002 #44439 re a number of parallel timelines, lots of branches; and to the USG knowled 10/2006 #44970 he declines to name, and he’s had “lots of people offer lots of money to ta 6/29/2021 #45696 and he’s had “lots of people offer lots of money to take this to the next s 6/29/2021 #45696## Word: "lott" (Back to Top)
Berkshire, England 10:20 p.m. Alan Lott is walking his dog in Caversham, Be 1/31/1975 #29775## Word: "lotti" (Back to Top)
nina, Arezzo, Italy 6:30 a.m. Rosa Lotti Dainelli sets out for the church a 11/1/1954 #11518 At 6:30 a.m. Rosa Lotti Dainelli, age 40, was walking into 11/1/1954 #11520 rrying it in the crook of its arm. Lotti ran away, and when she looked back 11/1/1954 #11520## Word: "lottman" (Back to Top)
oap Lake, Washington Witness: Ray Lottman. Three glimmering objects flew s 6/1/1952 #6415 three o'clock in the afternoon Ray Lottman sighted three glimmering objects 6/1/1952 #6421## Word: "lotts" (Back to Top)
est and are now directly above the Lotts’ house. The three brightest lights 1/31/1975 #29775## Word: "lotus" (Back to Top)
not. Burisch also claims a Project Lotus is attempting to utilize ET techno 2008 #45109## Word: "lou" (Back to Top)
formation and blasts its policy on Lou Corbin’s radio show. 6/9/1954 #9882 ashed object” program. His contact Lou Corbin thinks the Air Force already 10/14/1954 #11054 ICAP member and WFBR news director Lou Corbin that he has no idea what the 11/13/1957 #14541 Keyhoe’s friend Lou Corbin has received from a military 5/7/1958 #15021 Maryland Lou Corbin has told Keyhoe that Rep. Sam 3/27/1959 #15674 nmark Adamski, along with follower Lou Zinsstag, meets with diplomat Albert 6/13/1959 #15768 ine, administrative assistant Mary Lou Armstrong, University of Arizona ast 10/7/1966 #20970 and Rapids, Michigan Witness: Mr. Lou Atkinson. Four fluorescent, football 2/12/1967 #21522 Norm Levine, Franklin Roach, Mary Lou Armstrong, and visiting journalism g 6/30/1967 #22578 Levine, Saunders, and Mary Lou Armstrong bring Hynek together with 12/12/1967 #23573 0 p.m. the following day when Mary Lou Armstrong shows it to him. He explod 2/5/1968 #23737 logy Department. Condon tells Mary Lou Armstrong that Saunders and Norm Lev 2/8/1968 #23740 Mary Lou Armstrong tells Condon that the staf 2/22/1968 #23777 th Island of New Zealand 6:15 a.m. Lou Blackburn takes three photographs of 10/27/1979 #34970 excising tissue with a laser; and Lou Girodo, chief investigator for the D 5/28/1980 #35343## Word: "louange" (Back to Top)
R. Jokipii, photoanalyst François Louange, geologist H. Jay Melosh, atmosp 9/29/1997 #43420 conducted by an outsider, François Louange, an expert in photoanalysis who 2001 #44111 er an audit, photoanalyst François Louange recommends the reactivation and 11/2002 #44427## Word: "loubet" (Back to Top)
amping in a clearing in Villeneuve Loubet, Alpes Maritimes Department, Fran 8/18/1975 #30288## Word: "loublande" (Back to Top)
Blacksmith André Chaillou Loublande, Deux-Sèvres, France 7:30 p.m. 11/8/1954 #11600 s riding a moped one mile north of Loublande, Deux-Sèvres, France, when he 11/8/1954 #11600## Word: "loubressac" (Back to Top)
SOUTHWEST / LOUBRESSAC, FR Car malfunctions due to E 10/25/1957? #14152## Word: "loud" (Back to Top)
and regiments circle towns in sky. Loud noises later. 5/21/70 #1 ro, Vologda Oblast, Russia, hear a loud noise outside and see a large ball 8/15/1663 #44 listeo, New Mexico, when they hear loud voices and laughter coming from a “ 3/26/1880 #230 on Muckle’s farm when they hear a loud explosion and see a cloud of stones 6/1880? #234 jars the entire train. There is a loud explosion “opposite the ladies’ car Early 7/1880 #235 from Maracaibo, were awakened by a loud humming noise and a vivid, dazzling 10/24/1886 #275 aibo, Venezuela, are awakened by a loud humming noise and a dazzling light 10/24/1886 #276 On this night a loud humming noise awakened a family of 10/24/1886 #277 s to see a “meteor” explode with a loud noise over the Wasson & Miller flou 6/13/1891 #293 eral hundred feet, it rises with a loud whirring sound and moves away to th 4/14/1897 #466 r Homan, Arkansas, when he hears a loud mechanical sound like an air brake. Mid 4/1897 #492 er the airship and take off with a loud hissing sound. Mid 4/1897 #492 ut half a mile distant. It makes a loud whistling noise, scaring his horses 4/19/1897 #536 lington, Vermont, when they hear a loud explosion and see a torpedo-shaped 7/2/1907 #697 hampton, England, when they hear a loud explosion in the air followed by th 5/13/1909 #740 CANTILLANA, SPAIN Loud bangs. Then stones shoot up into sk 5/4/1910 #836 oski River. It is accompanied by a loud noise. One man says the heat of the 8/14/1914 #912 a beam of light and ascends with a loud noise. Summer 1922 #1023 s beam. Quickly going up [to] with loud noise. 8/1922 (approximate) #1024 ry road, young Frank Sever hears a loud noise in the nearby woods. He sees Summer 1940 #1340 r, Pennsylvania, are awakened by a loud noise and flash of light. The fathe 10/1944 #1673 into Lake Kölmjärv, Sweden, with a loud bang close to the southwest bank. K 7/19/1946 #2071 n County, Sweden, when they hear a loud noise. A projectile comes in at a v 7/19/1946 #2072 Engle, New Mexico, when he hears a loud whirring sound and sees a black obj 9/11/1946 #2177 ield, has windows, and is making a loud noise. A yellowish- blue-green flam Fall 1946 #2189 Pendleton, Oregon, when he hears a loud humming sound. Coming over a rise, 6/24/1947 #2396 saucer going quickly [to] 8M away. Loud swish. Observer(s) numb. / r187#304 6/28/1947 #2435 ' saucers going quickly northwest. Loud roar. Very fast. 7/3/1947 #2562 swarm of bees to the northwest. A loud roar was heard. 7/3/1947 #2578 ch of the hospital when he hears a loud roar. A large transport plane passe 7/4/1947 #2666 ing Lake, Alaska, when they hear a loud roar and notice about 20 gray discs 7/9/1948 #3704 ANTA FE, NM Meteor nears airport / loud noise. Air Traffic Controller light 9/18/1951 #5675 LAKE TANWAX, WA Loud humming. 20 dark saucers going east 4/28/1952 #6205 , he and the craft vanished with a loud noise. 8/6/1952 #7493 imilar to aluminum. They emitted a loud whistling sound which could be hear 8/16/1952 #7613 NEW BERN, NC 2 / farm duck down. Loud invisible buzzing object going [to] 9/16/1952 #7957 Pascagoula, MS Heard a loud blast and saw a round, milky-white 10/1/1952 #8081 flew away very fast in an arc. A loud blast was heard at the start of the 10/1/1952 #8083 ords, which were not understood; a loud metallic noise was heard; and the t 11/18/1952 #8294 ords, which were not understood. A loud metallic noise was heard; and the t 11/18/1952 #8298 aucer hovers / sky. Shoots up with loud hiss. Going quickly southeast. Pink 12/6/1953 #9343 BONBEACH, VCT Loud humming. Moon-size gold object circ 1/7/1954 #9461 er disc, with a white trail make a loud roar (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 2/26/1954 #9568 r disc, with a white trail, made a loud roar for 30-60 seconds. 2/26/1954 #9569 s. It had a white trail and made a loud roaring noise for 30-60 seconds. 2/26/1954 #9570 toria, Australia, when she hears a loud drumming noise. A large, dark cylin 6/5/1954 #9866 , and a 13-year-old friend heard a loud noise and saw a large, dark object 6/9/1954 #9881 f East Dandenong, Victoria heard a loud noise at 6:20 p.m. and saw a large, 6/9/1954 #9883 .5' long, 4-5' in diameter, made a loud whizzing sound, flew straight and l 8/24/1954 #10175 d 4-5 feet in diameter that made a loud whizzing sound. It flew straight, l 8/24/1954 #10176 the object. It took off emitting a loud whistling sound, knocking the first 10/25/1954 #11401 k up into the sky, emitting a very loud sound as it quickly disappeared fro 10/29/1954 #11482 MELBOURNE, VCT, AUSTR 1 observer. Loud buzzing. Enormous saucer just over 12/9/1954 #11779 g UFO. The machine shot off with a loud whistle. Jesus Paz had deep scratch 12/16/1954 #11824 ding part larger than the other. A loud explosion like a thunderclap is hea 2/6/1955 #11977 ty, were fishing when they heard a loud splash and a "gurgling sound," saw 9/17/1955 #12459 fishing at night when they heard a loud splash and a "gurgling sound." They 9/17/1955 #12460 ound its rim and is accompanied by loud grinding sounds and black smoke. Th 1956 #12637 d of Brooklyn, New York. It made a loud rumbling noise, and left behind a w 2/23/1956 #12738 LIMA, PERU Engineer. Loud roar. Wingless fuselage going quick 5/1956 #12819 ect / 1500' altitude. Orange glow. Loud hiss. Away straight up. 8/22/1956 #13114 he object then rose rapidly with a loud roar and shot away toward the north 4/22/1957 #13613 HI, HUBEI, CH Several observer(s). Loud humming. Spinning saucer makes big 7/25/1957 #13829 ir Force man inside a tent heard a loud, shrill sound and saw a disk that c 8/20/1957 #13911 ir Force man inside a tent heard a loud, shrill sound and then saw a disc t 8/20/1957 #13915 ing in the mint field. They hear a loud, irritating sound and see a disc ab 9/1957 #13966 e coming from its base. It makes a loud whirring noise as it hovers. When i 10/15/1957 #14120 overhead at about 200 feet with a loud thundering roar, a rush of wind, an 11/2/1957 #14216 Hammond, IN Loud beeping caused radio interference a 11/10/1957 #14518 UFO was accompanied by five or six loud booms and three brilliant flashes. 11/14/1957 #14552 to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Loud whine. Saucers going north. / r141# 11/23/1957 #14597 he priest, Papa Costas, there is a loud noise and the whole house shakes. T 2/1959 #15574 d its outer rim. It also emitted a loud humming sound. The craft flew towar 3/19/1959 #15654 ted off, as circular UFO observed; loud oscillating high frequency noise re 7/14/1959 #15850 ts see a flash of light and hear a loud vibrato noise. 7/14/1959 #15852 ge fuzzy saucer going down / farm. Loud jet sound. Going up [to] and away. 9/13/1959 #15965 h then ascended slowly, emitting a loud buzzing sound and increasing in lum 10/16/1959 #16035 ortly afterward it explodes with a loud roar in nearby mountains, causing s 11/8/1959 #16084 the Caribbean, and the crew hear a loud concussion as it enters the water. 12/13/1959 #16117 itude of 500–600 feet. Then with a loud explosion it emits a brilliant blui 2/6/1960 #16169 the ground about 300 m away with a loud explosion heard by many people, and 4/18/1960 #16233 round about 300 meters away with a loud explosion heard by many people, and 4/18/1960 #16234 ks up some swirling grass, makes a loud sucking sound, then ascends rapidly 5/19/1960 #16289 an odd fluttering motion; then two loud "skyquakes" were heard. [NICAP UFOE 5/19/1961 #16688 d like a flaming airplane making a loud roaring noise plunged into Lake Mer 5/25/1962 #17202 bject land in the reservoir with a loud splash. A moment later, it lifts of 9/15/1962 #17403 EAST WEYMOUTH, MASS 4 hear loud humming. 30' saucer / 100' altitude 6/26/1963 #17805 :00 a.m., witnesses attracted by a loud roar observed a Saturn-shaped UFO. 6/26/1963 #17807 eet, Weymouth, Massachusetts, by a loud roar. They look out the window and 6/26/1963 #17809 felt a cooling effect and heard a loud whining sound on the car radio as t 8/4/1963 #17864 ver(s). Classic silver saucer with loud pulsating sound. / r28p438. 10/23/1963 #18000 servers, making a deep, pulsating, loud, extremely irritating sound, for 6 10/23/1963 #18003 ond time and gets out, hearing 2–3 loud thumping noises like a door shuttin 4/24/1964 #18200 on and then went inside the UFO. A loud roar was heard during a vertical ta 4/24/1964 #18202 side of the road and then hears a loud humming sound like a high- frequenc 1/15/1965 #18740 in Sutton Veny, England. It made a loud noise, and he felt a heavy atmosphe 3/28/1965 #18878 ge object hovers low / farm field. Loud hiss. Series / circular holes found 4/14/1965 #18905 vano and 24 other witnesses hear a loud, inexplicable explosion at his fath 6/25/1965 #19028 bathroom do not), and a neighbor’s loud TV suddenly stops. She hears someth 7/9/1965 #19089 eir radio set has started making a loud noise. They estimate the object is 7/12/1965 #19096 ointed end toward the rear, making loud explosive noises. At 5:30 p.m. in V 7/19/1965 #19135 province, Chile was awakened by a loud noise, looked out the window, and s 7/20/1965 #19152 in a car in Salto, Uruguay heard a loud hum and saw a UFO land directly in 8/14/1965 #19392 p.m. five people in a car heard a loud hum and then saw a UFO land directl 8/15/1965 #19402 T. E. Schumaker was awakened by a loud humming sound and found she could n 8/20/1965 #19437 entina Mr. and Mrs. Yacobi heard a loud humming sound and saw a glowing, ov 8/20/1965 #19440 , North Carolina was awakened by a loud humming sound and found she could n 8/20/1965 #19441 vince, Argentina when they heard a loud humming sound and saw a reddish glo 8/20/1965 #19444 te, disc-shaped craft from which a loud voice resembling a “loud speaker” o 9/4/1965 #19520 m which a loud voice resembling a “loud speaker” originated. It told him no 9/4/1965 #19520 s direction. The humming becomes a loud buzzing, and his engine sputters an 9/14/1965 #19560 ing out of the bottom. There was a loud hum. The rocket went up and disappe 10/23/1965 #19679 en Aldridge and his family heard a loud blast outside their mobile home tra 11/24/1965 #19734 ith a flashing green light, made a loud whirring sound. It appeared to hove 1/7/1966 #19812 p.m. LT. A farm woman heard a very loud sound and saw a cigar-shaped object 2/14/1966 #19903 ct was seen from a house, emitting loud beeps. The witnesses' dogs reacted 3/13/1966 #19958 around its center, and emitting a loud generator-like humming sound. The o 3/24/1966 #20066 ghts around its center, and made a loud noise like a generator humming. It 3/24/1966 #20072 ter, and made a "turbine" noise so loud that the witness had to put his han 4/4/1966 #20223 her vanished. The object emitted a loud humming sound and then took off. 4/6/1966 #20259 ughton, Massachusetts giving off a loud, piercing humming sound. At 8:11 p. 4/19/1966 #20347 xplanation, and Dustman laughs out loud. 4/22/1966 #20373 ow emanating from its underside. A loud roaring sound was heard as it settl 4/23/1966 #20385 d onto the ground. Then they heard loud crackling sounds like gunshots, and 4/23/1966 #20385 ng area, falls onto the car with a loud snap, and vanishes. As the ball lig 4/24/1966 #20404 ral minutes later, at which time a loud noise was heard. The entire sighti 9/1/1966 #20832 ral minutes later, at which time a loud noise was heard. The entire sightin 9/1/1966 #20833 Top-shaped object flies over car. Loud whine. Flaming aura. Observer(s) sc 10/18/1966 #21014 multaneously the TV began making a loud whining noise, winding up to a high 11/14/1966 #21101 same time the set started making a loud whining noise, increasing to a high 11/15/1966 #21109 ree legs on the highway. It made a loud whirring noise. Something like an e 1/25/1967 #21387 d then fly away. The object made a loud whistling sound. (Brown Co. Democra 2/1967 #21427 eetop level at 2:30 a.m. It made a loud roaring noise. At 3:42 a.m. an eigh 2/10/1967 #21507 ding sparks and leaving a trail. A loud sound, flames, falling debris repor 2/15/1967 #21555 they were surprised to hear a very loud noise and saw a low flying object p 2/23/1967 #21636 id / 2M altitude. Ringed / lights. Loud humming. Bobs going up and down. Fa 3/16/1967 #21892 ed the maneuver. The object made a loud humming sound. (Manistee News-Advoc 3/16/1967 #21897 hovered over her home, and made a loud sound (unspecified). Her dog was gr 3/17/1967 #21909 ght light outside her window and a loud humming sound. Her next memory is w 4/2/1967 #22048 WORTHING, SUSSEX Loud humming. Glowing-saucer crosses sky 4/17/1967 #22143 a.m. (9:15 p.m. EST, April 16). A loud humming sound was heard as a glowin 4/17/1967 #22148 hing, West Sussex, England heard a loud humming noise, then saw a glowing o 4/17/1967 #22155 MDT. A motorist on U.S. 91 heard a loud hum, stoooed the car, and saw a 40- 5/6/1967 #22281 Utah at 12:43 a.m. when he heard a loud humming sound and stopped his car t 5/6/1967 #22285 St. George, Utah, when he hears a loud humming sound. After stopping the c 5/13/1967 #22336 nland Farmer Arvi Juntunen heard a loud humming sound and saw a round, shin 6/20/1967 #22522 en in Suomussalmi, Finland heard a loud humming sound at noon and saw a rou 6/20/1967 #22523 oardman, Ohio when he heard a very loud whining sound that rose and fell in 7/18/1967 #22695 , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dixon heard a loud noise outside, looked out, and saw 7/18/1967 #22695 lli of Guernica, Argentina heard a loud noise like a burst of wind from a h 7/20/1967 #22712 er bedroom window when she heard a loud whining, whirring sound and saw a g 7/26/1967 #22732 sc-shaped object that was making a loud roaring noise. The object moved dir 8/1967 #22768 am county, Ontario, Canada heard a loud oscillating noise at 7:30 a.m., and 8/15/1967 #22883 t stall. He felt heat, and heard a loud whistle sound. 8/23/1967 #22909 ommissionaire G. Stefanson hears a loud noise, and LAC J. Hebert and Judy R 8/28/1967 #22943 m., Cpl. K. McArthur hears another loud blast that rattles windows on the b 8/28/1967 #22943 Island, New York when she heard a loud humming sound coming from outside. 9/26/1967 #23133 b,” then a “whoosh,” and finally a loud bang. When next seen by the teens, 10/4/1967 #23176 ht. Their hand-held radios produce loud static during the sighting. 10/24/1967 #23305 nt Pleasant, West Virginia heard a loud squeaking sound coming from outside 11/2/1967 #23391 by two round ports and emitting a loud humming sound. Possible EM effects 11/15/1967 #23457 too bright to look at, and made a loud humming sound that made the patrolm 11/28/1967 #23518 oise like a "jet motor," only very loud. The object continued traveling on 11/28/1967 #23520 the front door. She heard quite a loud scrambling around, as if there may 1/3/1968 #23647 above his truck, making a noise so loud he can’t hear the engine running. S 2/27/1968 #23787 th neighbors. She tells him that a loud buzzing and intense heat had wakene 5/17/1968 #23969 at 3:15 a.m. when he heard a very loud engine noise and stepped out of his 6/10/1968 #24018 craft turned orange and emitted a loud whistling sound, Puentes last recol 6/14/1968 #24033 na when Anastasia suddenly heard a loud whistling sound and felt extreme he 7/15/1968 #24179 ant named Pedro Dema Filho heard a loud humming noise and was blinded by a 7/17/1968 #24186 Neuropsychiatry Hospital, heard a loud penetrating humming noise outside i 7/22/1968 #24202 2837, Mendoza, Argentina, hears a loud, penetrating, humming noise outside 7/22/1968 #24204 Neuropsychiatry Hospital, heard a loud penetrating humming noise outside i 7/22/1968 #24205 rown colored 7M saucers maneuvers. Loud jet noise. Shoots going up [to] unt 7/27/1968 #24237 ame time the object was emitting a loud humming sound. The giant started to 8/8/1968 #24310 ome this night when she heard very loud knocking at the front door at aroun 8/31/1968 #24410 BEAMINSTER, DORSET 7 in 2 cars. Loud throb noises. Cars electro-magnetic 9/8/1968 #24438 light struck him. He then heard a loud bang, and the object evaporated int 11/1/1968 #24620 hio was awakened at 5:45 a.m. by a loud thump on the roof of their trailer. 11/9/1968 #24648 ng of their dog. They also heard a loud buzzing noise like a swarm of wasps 1/14/1969 #24842 uinn and a boarder are awakened by loud howlings and yowlings from the dogs 4/23/1969 #25086 Mahr, two teenage cousins, hear a loud roaring noise at Van Horne, Iowa, w 7/12/1969 #25264 es its highest velocity there is a loud roar, and none was heard. Instead, 8/22/1969 #25326 side the glow is a domed object. A loud humming noise commences and the obj 12/28/1969 #25512 Valladolid province, Spain heard a loud whistling sound accompanied by TV i 8/16/1970 #25791 ettes and relax. They soon heard a loud buzzing sound similar to those emit 9/7/1970 #25828 d being in the car and hearing the loud humming sound. Moments later she fo 9/7/1970 #25828 His hearing was also impaired by a loud noise, and he needed to be hospital 9/9/1970 #25832 gan to itch. Both men then heard a loud noise coming from some nearby bushe 3/25/1971 #26054 m against the vehicle's console. A loud explosion moved the car forward and 5/21/1971 #26121 3:00 a.m. Mrs. D. Hancock heard a loud whirring sound and looked out the w 6/26/1971 #26197 it, a paralyzing sound resembling loud heart beats became evident. Simulta 8/16/1971 #26291 he bridge was still lit up and the loud sounds persisted. He found his pipe 8/16/1971 #26291 t two a.m. Mr. Ron Foreman heard a loud noise outside followed by a "whoosh 9/30/1971 #26388 He described the craft as making a loud sound, "like an old washing machine 11/2/1971 #26450 twigs snap, and were startled by a loud unintelligible cry. They left their 11/13/1971 #26470 erg, Utrecht, The Netherlands by a loud humming sound and saw a bright ligh 3/25/1972 #26623 is bed. His radio begins to emit a loud, continuous sound. He reaches over 6/22/1972 #26726 , QB Hat saucer going east. West / loud whirr. Fireball turns 90° going qui 8/20/1972 #26935 d disc flew toward the east with a loud whirring sound over Montagne-de-Rou 8/20/1972 #26940 Beverly, Massachusetts. It made a loud humming sound when it crossed over 8/31/1972 #26971 It disappears in the water with a loud splash. 11/17/1972 #27127 stor radio failed. He then heard a loud humming noise, "like angry bees," a 12/30/1972 #27193 WITRIVIER, RSA Surgeon. Loud bang. Saucer hovers over house. Goi 3/30/1973 #27392 ow of broad windows, and it made a loud hissing sound. Robert thought he co 5/3/1973 #27465 and his daughter Vanea, 16, hear a loud, persistent, thrashing sound outsid 6/28/1973 #27598 DURHAM, NH 2 / home. Loud thud. 3 green-glow spots / ground. 9/18/1973 #27831 Quebec, Canada--when they heard a loud engine sound coming from a nearby f 9/30/1973 #27892 PIKESVILLE, MD Blast and loud humming. Red transparent 15' ovoid 10/17/1973 #28111 und like an explosion. She heard a loud humming, walked out onto the front 10/17/1973 #28128 und like an explosion. She heard a loud humming sound, walked out onto her 10/17/1973 #28136 l-shaped object descend and emit a loud grinding noise. On each end of the 10/20/1973 #28221 ry close to the ground, emitting a loud sound, and then then shot upwards w 10/20/1973 #28221 of calling the police, she hears a loud, deep, booming sound, and the objec 10/21/1973 #28228 t them on the roadside they made a loud noise and raised their arms as if t 10/22/1973 #28244 uminated the area. It was making a loud whirring sound. It was estimated to 10/25/1973 #28286 he lower portion. They experienced loud static on their short wave radio as 12/10/1973 #28553 ide the house and she next heard a loud humming sound, which stopped for a 12/12/1973 #28559 llage of Llandrillo, Wales heard a loud explosion that was preceded by viol 1/23/1974 #28695 th no apparent doors or windows. A loud voice emanated from a box-like devi 2/28/1974 #28825 , BELGIUM 19 separate observer(s). Loud wailing. Green 11M sphere/orb/globe 4/20/1974 #29049 MELLET, BELGIUM 2+2+4 observer(s). Loud noise. Area lit like day. Dogs slee 4/21/1974 #29051 ted at 100 meters altitude, made a loud noise, then zig-zagged away. There 4/21/1974 #29055 anderclausen. Four minutes later a loud wailing sound was heard in Jumet, B 4/21/1974 #29055 LODELINSART, BELGIUM 1 observer. Loud noises / 15 minute(s) intervals. Or 8/15/1974 #29350 seeing strange figures and hearing loud noises in the area near their locat 8/16/1974 #29363 is basement room at 3:30 a.m. by a loud noise like a sonic boom. A few minu 9/8/1974 #29437 A loud 110 decibel roar was followed by th 11/26/1974 #29611 tographing his dog when he heard a loud drone and saw a black disc-shaped o 1/5/1975 #29722 tographing his dog when he heard a loud droning noise and saw a black disc- 1/5/1975 #29724 then the UFO takes off, emitting a loud whistle. For several days he has bl 2/14/1975 #29812 mesa flying out to sea and made a loud buzzing sound. It stopped in the ai 3/2/1975 #29869 ng towards the witness who heard a loud sound resembling "electronic music. 3/31/1975 #29928 ose bleed. The UFO took off with a loud whine. Five equidistant leg marks w 7/31/1975 #30219 while at the same time he heard a loud hissing sound. Two short humanoids 8/12/1975 #30256 ckie's boyfriend when they heard a loud rumbling, thunder-like noise and sa 8/26/1975 #30309 ckie's boyfriend when they heard a loud rumbling, thunder-like noise around 8/26/1975 #30312 al times. Immediately they heard a loud "wow-wow-wow" sound, and turned aro 10/26/1975 #30476 al times. Immediately they heard a loud "wow-wow-wow" sound, and turned aro 10/27/1975 #30491 AIRE-SUR-L'ADOUR, FR Loud banging / garage door / 2 minute(s) 4/25/1976 #31020 Three Anchor Bay, South Africa. A loud explosion followed it. The object t 5/4/1976 #31035 , FR Several separate observer(s). Loud noise. 2M sphere going NNE. Possibl 6/23/1976 #31132 eings toward the east. She heard a loud voice talking in an unintelligible 8/1/1976 #31218 a, Australia he heard a sound like loud electronic music "turned up too hig 8/2/1976 #31222 California, are drawn outside by a loud noise like “six jets.” They see a l 10/12/1976 #31461 Baracaldo, Spain when they heard a loud crackling sound. Two of the boys ne 10/29/1976 #31505 hen at 1:45 a.m. they heard a very loud, penetrating whistle that continued 11/12/1976 #31540 ject glide over a field emitting a loud humming sound. (Source: Albert S. R 2/17/1977 #31824 ject glide over a field emitting a loud humming sound. Before it left the a 2/17/1977 #31825 sound of his dogs barking and by a loud humming sound. When he went outside 2/20/1977 #31833 linois, are attracted outside by a loud crackling noise. Searching around w 3/9/1977 #31888 skimmed over the pond producing a loud sizzle of boiling water. It then la 4/6/1977 #31953 nt dead. Moments later she heard a loud humming noise outside and looking o 4/19/1977 #31997 nt dead. Moments later she heard a loud humming noise outside and looking o 4/19/1977 #31998 nt dead. Moments later she heard a loud humming noise outside and looking o 4/19/1977 #31999 nt dead. Moments later she heard a loud humming noise outside and looking o 4/19/1977 #32002 in Clearfield, Pennsylvania, by a loud humming sound. They see a green, gl 5/11/1977 #32088 Oscar Tega, stated he heard a very loud whistling noise at the same time ju 8/11/1977 #32385 toward him, making an increasingly loud roaring-engine noise, then drops do 9/4/1977 #32460 losions were heard. At nine p.m. a loud "krim-krim" sound was heard. 9/7/1977 #32471 side a wooded area when he heard a loud siren like sound. He looked up and 3/24/1978 #33079 helmets and visors, and spoke in a loud, incomprehensible language. The boy 3/24/1978 #33079 d triangle hovers / 200' altitude. Loud drone. Harrier? 3/27/1978 #33085 by, England at 9:00 p.m. It made a loud droning noise. 3/27/1978 #33089 Laboratory, New Mexico Morning. A loud explosion on Bell Island, Newfoundl 4/2/1978 #33119 orm when he started hearing a very loud voice "talking nonsensically" all a 6/16/1978 #33283 " all around him. The voice was so loud that he thought it might wake every 6/16/1978 #33283 were playing in a tree and heard a loud noise coming from the nearby woods. 7/11/1978 #33365 re, Ibiza, Spain when they heard a loud noise coming from the nearby woods. 7/11/1978 #33367 alked towards the door and heard a loud "mechanical" sound. When she opened 7/11/1978 #33368 is window to see what is causing a loud sound in 5-second bursts. He sees o 8/30/1978 #33605 ade repair to craft, took off with loud explosive sound (section XII). (NIC 9/18/1978 #33706 ade repair to craft, took off with loud explosive sound 9/18/1978 #33707 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 2 observer(s). Loud rumble. Octagonal saucer with 18 sp 9/25/1978 #33746 low altitude (75m) while making a loud buzzing sound. The object beams two 10/8/1978 #33818 r that it was as if a terrifically loud buzzing was coming up through the t 10/31/1978 #33902 hortly afterward, they both hear a loud roar. She looks out the window and 11/1/1978 #33909 tart the car. He then heard a very loud crackling noise. He turned to his r 12/14/1978 #34127 ome up. Going topside, they hear a loud, low-frequency hum permeating the l Early 1/1979 #34280 red to speak among themselves in a loud "sing-song" unintelligible language 1/5/1979 #34303 s, England. They are startled by a loud whining noise coming from an object 2/22/1979 #34444 sappeared below the surface with a loud rumble in less than three seconds. 6/22/1979 #34626 ed over a nearby bar making a very loud noise. The next morning they discov 8/26/1979 #34783 s and yellow in color. She hears a loud humming sound. The duration is 45 m 8/29/1979 #34801 s could be seen. The object made a loud humming and roaring sound as if lef 8/29/1979 #34807 shower of sparks and smoke with a loud explosion. The shocked bus driver r 8/30/1979 #34810 dio became garbled and she heard a loud electrical noise, then her car head 8/22/1980 #35475 in Anderson, South Carolina, by a loud screech. He goes to the window and 9/11/1980 #35514 p with a yellow glow. Outside is a loud humming sound and above them at no 9/13/1980 #35520 y minutes later, the group hears a loud explosion, and some people see spar 9/13/1980 #35520 the landed object. It is making a loud whistling sound. After 3 minutes, t 9/30/1980 #35546 rado, from Denver when they hear a loud “whish” and a beam of blue light st 11/19/1980 #35659 se heat inside the car and heard a loud roaring sound. They got out of the 12/29/1980 #35758 2:00 AM. A woman was awakened by a loud engine type noise coming from outsi 2/1981 #35810 light and ran out, he then heard a loud "crackling" sound. The figure by no 2/13/1981 #35827 under his blanket. He then heard a loud buzzing sound that appeared to orig 2/18/1981 #35832 . While he slept that night a very loud noise awakened him, looking out of 9/1981 #36097 side of the road. He next heard a loud buzzing sound coming somewhere from 2/19/1982 #36357 Houston, TX A woman heard a loud noise, stepped onto her patio and s 4/18/1982 #36447 e in Vegas De Coria, Spain heard a loud wailing sound as he approached his 11/10/1982 #36678 sewage plant. Still others hear a loud, high-pitched sound so intense that 7/25/1983 #36925 ATCO, NJ 1 observer. Loud humming. Room lit. White 10' saucer 2/7/1984 #37178 s in Atco, New Jersey, awakes to a loud humming sound and finds his room il 2/7/1984 #37180 The witness awoke to a loud humming at four o'clock in the morn 2/7/1984 #37181 m overhead. Red lights turn / rim. Loud humming. Jet chases? 4/19/1984 #37270 ng [to] over house / 60m altitude. Loud humming. Lights / edge. Jet chases. 4/19/1984 #37271 only 200 feet altitude. It made a loud humming noise and had lights on the 4/19/1984 #37272 only 200 feet altitude. It made a loud humming noise and had lights on the 4/19/1984 #37275 PIEDMONT, SC 2 observer(s). Loud pulsing sound. Ovoid 750' altitude. 5/5/1984 #37314 Piedmont, South Carolina, hears a loud pulsating sound and looks out the w 5/5/1984 #37316 At 2:55 a.m. a loud pulsing sound preceded the presence 5/5/1984 #37319 ides behind a tree. It is making a loud noise and hovering 30–50 feet above Summer 1984 #37369 d over area at 2:30 a.m., making a loud noise that woke many from their sle 8/29/1984 #37446 ge of Lima, Ohio, is awakened by a loud sound. She looks out and sees a “st 2/12/1986 #37786 ta Rosa, Argentina when he heard a loud buzzing sound coming from outside. 5/29/1986 #37898 Traffic Controller RADAR confirm. Loud whistle. 7/8/1986 #37932 ' octagon over softball game. Very loud. Beacon / center. Plane? 7/8/1986 #37933 , Sichuan, China, is awakened by a loud, high-pitched hum. They go outside 3/7/1987 #38132 g a young child, was awakened by a loud high-pitched humming coming from ou 3/7/1987 #38133 e woman was again able to hear the loud high-pitched humming sound. One of 3/7/1987 #38133 s on top of each other. He hears a loud hum. He fails to take a photo of th 12/1/1987 #38345 gain hears voices in the night and loud knocking sounds. She wakes to find 1988 #38383 going west. 90° turn going north. Loud roar. 2/18/1988 #38471 st three minutes. There was also a loud humming sound. Both witnesses were 9/28/1988 #38655 SAN GERMAN, PR 2 loud jets chase silent saucer south goin 11/16/1988 #38716 / 200' altitude. House shakes and loud rumble heard. 1/25/1989 #38801 ally ill patient, who then heard a loud clear voice telling her to "get up 4/18/1989 #38908 departed at high speed emitting a loud humming sound and a burst of blue f 5/10/1989 #38943 household chores when she heard a loud bang from outside. She ran out and 6/29/1989 #38996 appeared in plain sight emitting a loud banging sound. Large footprints wer 6/29/1989 #38996 an afternoon nap when she heard a loud cracking sound that woke her. She f 8/10/1989 #39053 silvery clothing. She next heard a loud rumbling noise, resembling somethin 10/8/1989 #39150 bjects took off at high speed with loud booms, stopped, hovered, and flashe 3/4/1990 #39445 bjects took off at high speed with loud booms, stopped, hovered, flashed br 3/4/1990 #39446 d been overturned. Later she heard loud knocking sounds coming from the cra 3/13/1990 #39458 ched off. This was followed with a loud boom. 9/19/1990 #39737 m in Oroshaza, Hungary and heard a loud booming voice repeat three times, " 1/26/1991 #39966 heibly states at dusk they heard a loud explosion nearby; when they went to 4/12/1991 #40038 and orange lights. It was making a loud revving sound. The witness quickly 8/29/1991 #40170 in Bekes, Hungary had heard a very loud voice in his room on the night of D 12/26/1991 #40267 r, at 6:30 p.m., the woman heard a loud female voice and felt compelled to 1/24/1992 #40302 WILLIAMSPORT, PA Very loud delta/triangle/box-like craft going 2/5/1992 #40316 ibes the engine noise as “strange, loud pulsating roar... unique... a deep 3/23/1992 #40397 nd more. Night lights over school. Loud humming. Shape indistinct. Videos t 12/9/1992 #40745 ts was indistinct, but there was a loud hum associated with the sighting. T 12/9/1992 #40746 3:55 a.m. during which she heard a loud buzzing sound, and then a red light 1/14/1993 #40796 Australia reported waking up to a loud humming sound in the house and brig 1/20/1993 #40804 DIVINOLANDIA, SP, BRZ Loud whistle. Huge rock explodes into fr 4/2/1994 #41472 ng at least five witnesses heard a loud hissing sound in Arad, Romania, and 6/27/1994 #41588 CHACON, NM Loud humming. Invisible force drags cow 9/13/1994 #41740 site direction, and Gardea hears a loud humming noise coming from the nearb 9/13/1994 #41743 car. Night light near. Clock gets loud and odd effects. 2 hours / missing 11/5/1994 #41836 t and disappears. Borovkov hears a loud ringing in his right ear. Around 4: 3/14/1995 #42092 and, Oregon at 12:30 a.m. making a loud humming sound. The male witness cou 4/25/1995 #42175 . At the same time he could hear a loud buzzing sound. Moments later Sr. To 5/15/1995 #42211 of about 150 feet. They can hear a loud buzzing noise. It glides to the nor 6/22/1995 #42267 CAMPO RICO, PR Loud humming. Small humanoid (or Grey)-m 9/16/1995 #42475 tness reported being awakened by a loud noise, and saw his bedroom fill wit 10/27/1995 #42566 that fluttered away while making a loud noise with its mouth. 11/28/1995 #42628 going quickly southeast together. Loud noise. 2/9/1996 #42752 thers in the area reported hearing loud noises resembling a helicopter comi 7/22/1996 #42963 h, Israel when he suddenly heard a loud whizzing sound and felt hands grab 9/16/1996 #43026 nicated among themselves by making loud high-pitched noises. They remember 9/23/1996 #43039 nia when, at 2:39 a.m., he heard a loud noise resembling an approaching tra 9/26/1996 #43043 ng an approaching train. It was so loud that the house shook. Next, there w 9/26/1996 #43043 the beers. At 6:30 p.m. he heard a loud sound coming from behind him. When 12/9/1996 #43133 a woman waiting for a bus heard a loud roaring sound resembling that of a 1/2/1997 #43164 edroom wall, and again there was a loud crackling sound. It then disappeare 2/13/1997 #43191 , Quebec, Canada when they heard a loud whirring sound overhead and were en 3/14/1997 #43231 n into accounts of bright flashes, loud booming noises, and “several plumes 3/24/1997 #43239 the alien's body. She screamed out loud, telling him to go away. All the ti 9/11/1997 #43405 the alien's body. She screamed out loud, telling him to go away. All the ti 9/12/1997 #43407 arried couple named Becker heard a loud noise outside their rural home in F 9/22/1997 #43414 g away, when suddenly they heard a loud engine noise and a black sports veh 9/30/1997 #43421 ceeding nights he would hear three loud thumps on the house, but when he ch 12/14/1997 #43462 light came out of the sky after a loud zipping noise and illuminated the J 2/1/1998 #43510 minutes the witnesses heard a very loud noise with no apparent cause, and t 11/13/1998 #43682 ght, crystal blue eyes. He heard a loud thundering voice speaking at him in 11/25/1998 #43684 ky. Two minutes later they heard a loud explosion. Mr. Vinsant walked outsi 12/5/1999 #43893 it hurt his eyes. He also heard a loud pulsating sound. Looking toward the 1/17/2000 #43929 ared to vanish the witness heard a loud humming sound, and there seemed to 8/2/2000 #44026 lowna, British Columbia and made a loud rumbling noise. 10/13/2000 #44055 :30 a.m. A woman was awakened by a loud noise that seemed to be getting lou 10/15/2000 #44058 m at 4:30 a.m. She again heard the loud noise, but this time it seemed to b 10/15/2000 #44058 saw the witnesses there next was a loud, piercing noise, causing the witnes 11/28/2000 #44085 enter his bedroom. He next heard a loud buzzing sound, and then his entire 4/23/2001 #44161 nomer in Mitchell, Manitoba, hears loud booming sounds and runs outside to 8/17/2001 #44237 then dropped straight down. Three loud sonic booms, followed by a roaring 9/19/2001 #44262 de of it. Then the craft emitted a loud whisting sound and disappeared at v 3/26/2002 #44326 It moved very quickly and emitted loud inhuman screams. The creature appar 4/22/2003 #44518 een them before and they are quite loud." 5/9/2003 #44531 and began yelling that there was a loud ringing in her head and she believe 5/12/2004 #44699 om one end to another. She hears a loud thunderclap and the object rises hi 9/17/2004 #44758 2:50 a.m. The UFO made a horribly loud, high pitched humming sound. 4/25/2005 #44826 and. The last sound he heard was a loud clapping noise. After daylight had 11/25/2005 #44906 t as perfect. It was followed by a loud blood curling scream, definitely un 1/30/2006 #44920 ately 60 yards before they heard a loud whooshing sound. Their dogs then tu 8/5/2006 #44952 Again at 11:05 p.m. that night two loud sky explosions rocked both cities. 10/26/2006 #44977 rking. The witness also heard four loud bangs associated with the object. 10/15/2007 #45076 y rejoined the others, and heard a loud galloping sound like that of a hors 4/12/2008 #45128 .m. in South St. Louis, Missouri a loud noise was heard. Looking out, an ov 5/4/2009 #45218 f searching on foot, they hear two loud clicks coming from some dense bushe 7/5/2009 #45230 aland, see a blue flash and hear a loud explosion that causes the building 3/19/2013 #45362 sband has gone to bed. She hears a loud sound like jet engines thrusting an 3/19/2013 #45362 ing over the highway. She said out loud, "What in the world is that?" Her y 6/1/2013 #45369 omatic incidents—the perception of loud noises, including ringing, buzzing, 9/1/2018 #45538## Word: "loudeac" (Back to Top)
a luminous dome in the road in the Loudeac Forest between La Croix-Jartel a 3/11/1969 #24997## Word: "louder" (Back to Top)
produces a whistling sound that is louder than a jet. As the object approac 7/25/1957 #13837 ane in the distance. The noise got louder but he could not see anything in 6/22/1960 #16316 its rear. It then vibrated; made a louder rumbling noise, and a black smoke 3/18/1966 #19989 umb and weak, but the sounds grows louder and he lapses into unconsciousnes 6/1966 #20516 ike an electric motor, which grows louder as it leaves the area. The UFO sh 4/5/1967 #22066 light at the other end. It roared louder than a jet, and cattle and dogs r 4/23/1967 #22211 oments later the humming sound got louder then the disc rose up and shot up 9/26/1967 #23133 t to the east, the humming growing louder. At one point, a projection from 7/30/1968 #24263 ding the witness. The humming grew louder, and the UFO changed color again 12/30/1972 #27193 beach. Hums. Figure(s) / windows? Louder going up [to] and going east. / F 2/25/1976 (approximate) #30900 n the craft. The domed disc made a louder noise as it took off, and flew aw 2/25/1976 #30901 n the craft. The domed disc made a louder noise as it took off, and flew aw 2/25/1976 #30906 m. When the whistling sound became louder the boys ran to get their brother 7/5/1976 #31154 g up, giving out a noise that gets louder and louder. Something grabs him t 8/29/1979 #34803 g out a noise that gets louder and louder. Something grabs him tightly on h 8/29/1979 #34803 is knees collapse. The hum becomes louder as he crawls back to the truck an 10/1979 #34936 . After 3 minutes, the UFO emits a louder noise, gives off a blast of air, 9/30/1980 #35546 a shrill welding torch, only much louder. After ten minutes the object ros 12/29/1980 #35758 spinning slowly. The humming grew louder and all three had a strange float 3/7/1987 #38133 its edge appears. It makes a noise louder than a car engine. After hovering 9/6/1989 #39092 ud noise that seemed to be getting louder and approaching her house from ab 10/15/2000 #44058 and she thinks the sea is roaring louder than usual. The object scares her 7/13/2006 #44950## Word: "loudly" (Back to Top)
d sign. The sign starts to vibrate loudly, then the object hops over the ro 4/14/1957 #13602 ther road sign which then vibrates loudly. Two other witnesses see the obje 4/14/1957 #13602 sc with legs on beach, dogs barked loudly. Object took off with sound of ru 7/19/1965 #19133 the beings shouting at each other loudly in a foreign, unintelligible lang 4/1/1966 #20203 leeping and their dogs are whining loudly. They hear a high-pitched humming 7/30/1968 #24263 ealand wakes up when his dogs bark loudly in their kennels. He goes to the 12/2/1977 #32726 ed, and bullfrogs started croaking loudly in response to silver bullet-shap 10/26/1979 #34966 ed, and bullfrogs started croaking loudly in response to a silver, bullet-s 10/26/1979 #34967 hio, when their dogs start barking loudly. They can hear people talking out 1981 #35763 Ohio, when his dog starts barking loudly. Going over to his dog, he looks 9/16/1996 #43023 n, Nebraska heard his dogs barking loudly at around 7:00 p.m. He looked out 11/30/2000 #44094 icking a metal sheet and squealing loudly. He also heard dogs barking in th 5/3/2003 #44523 night. All dogs in the area whined loudly at around 1:30 a.m. Two strange l 7/14/2003 #44564 , OH Coyotes were reported howling loudly during a sighting of a large stat 9/13/2003 #44597 Seaman, Ohio heard coyotes howling loudly during a sighting of a large stat 9/13/2003 #44600 s in the neighborhood were barking loudly. At 5:45 p.m. CST or about 20 min 2/8/2004 #44659## Word: "loudness" (Back to Top)
, the sound increases in pitch and loudness. The witness’s mother and siste 3/29/1966 #20139## Word: "loudon" (Back to Top)
LOUDON, TN 5 locals. Flat metallic objec 5/25/1949 #4209 metallic object flew ove a farm in Loudon, Tennessee on this day, making a 5/25/1949 #4210 LOUDON, NH 1+2 kids. Car radio malfuncti 9/11/1991 #40184## Word: "loudspeaker" (Back to Top)
hed whine like the feedback from a loudspeaker. They heard a second whine, 7/28/1976 #31190## Word: "loughborough" (Back to Top)
old boys named Akkan and Green in Loughborough, Leicester, England noticed 2/11/1972 #26572## Word: "loughead" (Back to Top)
ders, including Charles and Lilian Loughead from Detroit, Michigan, whom sh 4/1954 #9658 rld catastrophe predicted by Prof. Loughead via Dorothy Martin. 12/22/1954 #11852## Word: "louhans" (Back to Top)
NEAR LOUHANS, FR Domed cylinder/cylindrical o 9/26/1954 #10445 Branges, near Louhans, France Coming home at night, Gi 10/1/1954 #10561 In Branges, near Louhans in Saone-Loire department, Franc 10/1/1954 #10578 Louhans, France In the immediate vicinit 10/2/1954 #10606 g on the day before (October 1) in Louhans, France, Mr. Nicolas saw a domed 10/2/1954 #10615 LOUHANS, FR 1+2 observer(s). Fiery mushr 10/12/1954 #10959 LOUHANS, FR Light green 1.4M 'propane bo 2/20/1975 (approximate) #29831 LOUHANS, FR 6 observer(s). Dark saucer g 2/19/1978 #32978 Six witnesses in Louhans, Saône-et-Loire, France reported 2/19/1978 #32983 LOUHANS, FR 3 observer(s). White triangl 8/25/1992 #40589 NEAR LOUHANS, FR 5+child. Orange-glowing hat 11/4/1994 #41834 isc was sighted over some trees in Louhans, Saone-Loire department, France. 11/4/1994 #41835## Word: "louie" (Back to Top)
Army Depot Before 12:00 midnight. Louie R. Lindblad and five companions fr Fall 1936 #1249 professor named Galloway [possibly Louie A. Galloway III] is driving throug 12/30/1966 #21230## Word: "louis" (Back to Top)
Louis Pasteur’s key germ theory experime 1860 #152 Woodland, California 8:00 p.m. Louis Charmak and one other person in Wo Early 11/1896 #335 St. Louis, MO 7:45 p.m. This is the first re 4/15/1897 #480 to describe 200 mph jaunts to St. Louis, Chicago, and Kansas City." 4/19/1897 #540 Cincinnati, Ohio 9:00 p.m. Louis Dumhoff, a physician living at 112 5/4/1897 #588 mission over central Germany, Sgt. Louis Kiss, a tail gunner on the Phyllis Winter 1943 #1555 Greenfield, Massachusetts Edward Louis DeRose in Greenfield, Massachusett 6/22/1947 #2364 St. Louis Wright Field, Ohio Wright Field Th 7/3/1947 #2582 t Field, Ohio Wright Field The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the Air 7/3/1947 #2582 SHREWSBURY, MO AND ST. LOUIS Many separate observer(s). 3+3 shi 7/6/1947 #2785 with multiple reports include St. Louis, Missouri: Birmingham, Alabama; Tu 7/6/1947 #2815 ST. LOUIS, MO Teacher / former skeptic. Pink 7/8/1947 #2976 ST. LOUIS, MO 50+aero-types / ballgame. 9 sa 8/11/1947 #3311 was spotted on this morning in St. Louis, Missouri and reported to the St. 4/26/1948 #3629 , Missouri and reported to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch newspaper by a Mrs. 4/26/1948 #3629 icans, Truman tells Forrestal that Louis A. Johnson will soon replace him a 1/11/1949 #3970 St. Louis, MO Sun glinting off a flat reddis 5/7/1949 #4166 London Mars Vice-Admiral Louis Mountbatten, in a letter to his fr 3/26/1950 #4728 . Curtis, Robert Scott Creely, and Louis I. Briggs, watch a bright light mo 4/10/1950 #4841 ST. LOUIS, MO Cop and 2. 2 13' silent metal 7/12/1950 #5057 Adviser Henry Tizard, assisted by Louis Mountbatten and Air Chief Marshal 10/1950 #5206 Geophysicist Louis Elterman releases the final report 11/27/1951 #5794 LOUIS GENTIL AND CHICHAOUA, MAROC Severa 7/12/1952 #6768 ail reply from Dr. Einstein to Mr. Louis A. Gardner in LA, he said in regar 7/23/1952 #7035 Terre Haute, Indiana St. Louis, Missouri 9:30 p.m. A T-33 flying 2/1/1953 #8627 ircraft. Searchlights from the St. Louis, Missouri, area seem to be followi 2/1/1953 #8627 St. Louis Post-Dispatch Journalist Peter H. 3/8/1953 #8739 ew with Ruppelt appears in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Ruppelt tells him t 3/8/1953 #8739 St. Louis, Missouri Minneapolis, Minnesota T 4/1953 #8806 opodium) from an aircraft over St. Louis, Missouri. (Minneapolis, Minnesota 4/1953 #8806 rgets black ghetto sections of St. Louis and arranges for local police surv 4/1953 #8806 eventually sent to Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent. 8/10/1953 #9060 BAY ST. LOUIS, MS Fisherman. 3 red-yellow object 5/19/1954 #9813 t 8:30 p.m. a fisherman in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi watched three reddish 5/19/1954 #9816 ST. LOUIS, MO McDonnell propulsion lab. 10 o 7/14/1954 #10015 St. Louis, MO 1.5-foot sheet-like object man 7/14/1954 #10017 At 9:15 p.m. a policeman, Louis Moll, saw a bright light land on t 9/19/1954 #10363 y at 2:30 a.m.. Later Mr. and Mrs. Louis Roche noticed a softly glowing red 9/27/1954 #10474 . Two merchants, Henri Gallois and Louis Vigneron, are traveling to a fair 10/11/1954 #10938 e situated near Saint Quirin, Mrs. Louis and her sons Marc and Yvon observe 10/26/1954 #11415 , Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, Mrs. Louis and her sons Marc and Yvon observe 10/26/1954 #11423 ST. LOUIS, MO Ground observer(s). UFO behind 11/2/1954 #11533 ST. LOUIS, MO 2 observer(s). Saucer is white 12/19/1954 #11832 Physicist Louis Witten states he was recruited by 1955 #11898 in Elmira. But milk plant chemists Louis R. Hermani and Robert L. Mix say t 2/21/1955 #12011 lgallen’s source is First Sea Lord Louis Mountbatten. Some suggest that Kil 5/22/1955 #12148 EAST ST. LOUIS, IL Several observer(s). Silver "w 8/4/1955 #12327 ST. LOUIS, SENEGAL Silent red sphere going n 9/13/1955 #12451 ss the sky to the northeast in St. Louis, Senegal, curving and spiraling. I 9/13/1955 #12452 ST. LOUIS, MO 2 observer(s). 12 saucers / 3x 11/17/1955 #12570 St. Louis, MO Saw 12 round, flat objects, si 11/17/1955 #12571 St. Louis, Missouri Witness: J.A. Mapes. Tw 11/17/1955 #12572 At 6:10 a.m. in St. Louis, Missouri Mr. J. A. Mapes sighted 11/17/1955 #12573 ly, fellow anti-gravity researcher Louis Witten joined the University of Ci Late 1956 #13281 St. Louis (60 miles east of), MO H. S. Yello 11/1/1956 #13302 60 miles east of St. Louis, Missouri, in Illinois Witness: U 11/1/1956 #13303 EAST ST. LOUIS, IL 3 railroad/railway men. 2 silv 11/5/1957 #14303 East St. Louis, IL Three Alton & Southern Railroa 11/5/1957 #14337 overhead at high speed in East St. Louis, Illinois at 11:45 a.m. 11/5/1957 #14352 rts the sighting to County Sheriff Louis Robusky the next morning, and a ci 11/6/1957 #14430 Lambert–St. Louis International Airport Missouri Two 3/24/1960 #16206 are in the vicinity of Lambert–St. Louis International Airport in Missouri, 3/24/1960 #16206 ST. LOUIS, MO Project Bluebook Case #6858. 8 7/19/1960 #16338 St. Louis, MO Round, bright red light fly ov 7/19/1960 #16339 St. Louis, Missouri Witness: T.L. Ochs. One 7/19/1960 #16340 .m. CDT. Witness T. L. Ochs of St. Louis, Missouri reported watching a roun 7/19/1960 #16341 d) flight with Lockheed test pilot Louis Schalk at the controls. Intended a 4/25/1962 #17129 An A-1 piloted by Louis Schalk briefly achieves a speed of 7/20/1963 #17844 coming, New York Witness: Lillian Louis. One vapor-like sphere hovered and 4/5/1966 #20245 coming, New York 3:00 a.m. Lillian Louis, in Lycoming, New York, sees a spi 4/5/1966 #20248 At 3:00 a.m. Lillian Louis sighted a vapor-like sphere hoveri 4/5/1966 #20251 ST. LOUIS, MO Disk. Lights on dome. Hovers s 1/7/1967 #21269 St. Louis, MO 5:45 p.m. CST. A man first saw 1/7/1967 #21270 ghts on the dome appeared over St. Louis, Missouri. It hovered silently, th 1/7/1967 #21272 At 9:45 p.m. M. Louis Monin, age 49, was outside his hou 2/5/1967 #21463 St. Louis, MO Midnight CST (1:00 a.m. EST). 2/6/1967 #21468 s. The object then flew away. (St. Louis Post Dispatch, 2/7/67, copy in NIC 2/6/1967 #21468 g or droning sound was heard. (St. Louis Globe-Democrat, Missouri, 2/11/67, 2/10/1967 #21500 ield beside Interstate 70 near St. Louis, Missouri. Three silver-suited occ 2/16/1967 #21574 inia, MN Time not reported. In St. Louis County, northeast Minnesota, about 3/12/1967 #21867 On this night in St Louis de Kent, New Brunswick, Canada a d 8/12/1967 #22870 Two days after the St. Louis de Kent humanoid encounter in New 8/14/1967 #22876 Rep. Louis C. Wyman (R-N.H.) submits House Re 10/17/1967 #23247 e Resolution 946 sponsored by Rep. Louis C. Wyman, remarking that the UFO “ 11/30/1967 #23525 between Fos-sur-Mer and Port Saint Louis in Arles, France observed a UFO de 3/29/1968 #23873 St. Louis, MO Four Dart-Shaped Objects / Tra 6/5/1969 #25202 St. Louis, Missouri A large area of St. Loui 10/8/1969 #25400 ouis, Missouri A large area of St. Louis, Missouri, is blanketed by a pure- 10/8/1969 #25400 ested by Wayne E. Black of the St. Louis County Health Department, he finds 10/8/1969 #25400 St. Louis, MO 8:30 p.m. Sixteen witnesses. L 7/22/1972 #26824 SS WILHELM KOHLE NORTHWEST / ST. LOUIS, SENEGAL Crewmen. 2 silver disks g 1/1/1973 #27205 / lake near dam. Flies away. / St. Louis globe. 3/21/1973 #27354 ST. LOUIS, MO 3 observer(s). Flat saucer spi 3/1/1974 #28832 unter-clockwise direction, over St Louis, Missouri. 3/1/1974 #28844 t (Vallee assumed McDonnell in St. Louis) that was secretly doing UAP resea 12/10/1974 #29635 woman waiting at a bus stop in St. Louis, Missouri saw a strange looking ma 5/16/1976 #31058 Stouffers Waterfront Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri at 10:30 p.m. and saw a 7/28/1976 #31191 er, Louisiana Moisant Airport [now Louis Armstring New Orleans Internationa 11/23/1976 #31568 y east toward Moisant Airport [now Louis Armstring New Orleans Internationa 11/23/1976 #31568 ST. LOUIS, MO 2 observer(s). Flat distinct d 4/8/1977 #31960 St. Louis, Missouri 8:08 p.m. A teenager and 4/8/1977 #31964 . A teenager and his mother in St. Louis, Missouri, watch a flat disc four 4/8/1977 #31964 St. Louis, Missouri 9:30 p.m. A family in St 5/21/1977 #32120 Missouri 9:30 p.m. A family in St. Louis, Missouri, sees a “comet” with a l 5/21/1977 #32120 ST. LOUIS, MO 2 observer(s). Black saucer wi 4/22/1989 #38920 two witnesses on a balcony in St. Louis, Missouri witnessed an orange BOL 4/22/1989 #38921 Vernon, Indiana headed toward St. Louis, Missouri. The FAA couldn't ID it. 9/21/1989 #39116 ness conference in Colorado to St. Louis, Missouri on this night. At 12:40 11/6/1989 #39216 St. Louis, Missouri 5:40 a.m. A delivery man 8/23/1994 #41687 istrict of a western suburb of St. Louis, Missouri. Strobe lights emerge fr 8/23/1994 #41687 EAST ST. LOUIS, IL Cop / I40. 200' disk 5-10X fas 2/22/1995 #42056 ST. LOUIS, MO 5 observer(s). Silent green-gl 3/15/1995 #42102 At around 7:30 p.m. farmer Louis Boisvert, 19, saw a very large met 2/6/1996 #42743 ch are both eastern suburbs of St. Louis, Missouri. 1/5/2000 #43922 her on his way to work in East St. Louis, Illinois got a good look at a sil 1/5/2001 #44118 seen briefly over Florissant, St. Louis County, Missouri. It appeared to t 1/5/2002 #44304 sed over the town of Kirkwood, St. Louis County, Missouri at about 25 miles 5/6/2002 #44340 At 3:33 a.m. in South St. Louis, Missouri a loud noise was heard. 5/4/2009 #45218## Word: "louisa" (Back to Top)
LOUISA MTS SOUTHEAST / COIMBRA, PORTUGAL 11/28/1957 #14634## Word: "louise" (Back to Top)
of young people, including sisters Louise and Marie Grasset, returning from Summer 1920 #1003 over the matter.” Dahl’s daughter Louise admits in 2007 that the whole sto 8/7/1947 #3306 Bloomington, California 9:00 p.m. Louise McDougall is sitting on the lawn 9/1951 #5647 At 10:45 p.m. Miss Marie Louise Bourriot saw a bright red light o 10/18/1954 #11223 larosa, New Mexico Day. Nurse Ella Louise Fortune is driving north of Tular 10/16/1957 #14129 Chestnut, Louisiana Mary Louise Tobin, a schoolteacher, was drivi 12/11/1957 #14711 and the man ran away. At 3:30 a.m. Louise Davies looked out the window and 4/1/1967 #22042 rd, KY Three women, Mona Stafford, Louise Smith and Elaine Thomas where dri 1/6/1976 #30762 .m. Mona Stafford and two friends, Louise Smith and Elaine Thomas, are driv 1/6/1976 #30770 near Evansville, Indiana 8:45 p.m. Louise Betulius is fishing in a lake nea 7/23/1981 #36025 of recognition. His adult daughter Louise, who has also experienced missing Summer 1985 #37606## Word: "louisiades" (Back to Top)
OFF TAGULA I., LOUISIADES Luminous wheel rotates under 11/1/1969 (approximate) #25446## Word: "louisiana" (Back to Top)
Armory Hall Natchitoches, Louisiana 1:30 a.m. As people are return 4/19/1897 #534 t the Armory Hall in Natchitoches, Louisiana, they see a bright light attac 4/19/1897 #534 t Bend County, Texas Lake Charles, Louisiana Fort Worth, Texas 12:00 noon. 4/19/1897 #536 in the country near Lake Charles, Louisiana, when he sees an airship movin 4/19/1897 #536 New Orleans, Louisiana 12:30 a.m. An employee of the 4/21/1897 #550 Picayune newspaper in New Orleans, Louisiana, steps outside the office and 4/21/1897 #550 he north across Lake Ponchartrain, Louisiana at 5:10 p.m. They entered a cl 7/6/1947 #2822 Shreveport, Louisiana A hoax in Shreveport, Louisian 7/7/1947 #2930 t, Louisiana A hoax in Shreveport, Louisiana. A 16-inch aluminum disc with 7/7/1947 #2930 Toronto Shreveport, Louisiana Ellington Field [now Ellington 7/7/1947 #2933 , calls concerning the Shreveport, Louisiana, incident. 1:55 p.m. Leo and G 7/7/1947 #2933 At 8:15 p.m. in Sorrento, Louisiana a photograph was taken by a Mr 8/18/1947 #3348 Grand Isle, Louisiana 5:30 p.m. A geophysicist emplo 9/19/1947 #3408 ing a weather radar at Grand Isle, Louisiana, when the radar detects an obj 9/19/1947 #3408 le Oil geophysicist in Grand Isle, Louisiana was testing radar to detect ba 9/19/1947 #3409 ameter disc flew over New Orleans, Louisiana going north at 4:15 p.m., agai 5/19/1949 #4197 Oak Grove, Louisiana 7:00 a.m. Katie Sowell watches 1/1/1951 #5382 over her farmhouse near Oak Grove, Louisiana. It has rectangular, opaque wi 1/1/1951 #5382 o Barksdale AFB near Bossier City, Louisiana; Lake Mead Base, adjacent to N 2/22/1952 #5920 port plane flying near Shreveport, Louisiana was buzzed by a disc-shaped UF 4/9/1952 #6051 in and his neighbor in Shreveport, Louisiana saw a bright white object make 4/16/1952 #6094 Lake Charles, Louisiana Witnesses: USAF lst Lt. W.A. 8/2/1952 #7423 Lake Charles, Louisiana Prescott, Arizona Winslow, Ari 8/2/1952 #7424 aight and level over Lake Charles, Louisiana. (Sparks, p. 165) August 2 [or 8/2/1952 #7424 for 3-4 seconds over Lake Charles, Louisiana. 8/2/1952 #7425 Lake Charles, Louisiana Witness: USAF A/3c J.P. Raley. 8/9/1952 #7524 es Air Force Station Lake Charles, Louisiana 1:45 a.m. A/3C Joseph F. Raley 8/9/1952 #7525 tion [now closed] in Lake Charles, Louisiana, when he observes a disc-like 8/9/1952 #7525 Raley at Chennault Air Force Base, Louisiana saw a disc-shaped object that 8/9/1952 #7526 Lake Charles, Louisiana Mathieson chemical plant 10:30 8/14/1952 #7595 on chemical plant in Lake Charles, Louisiana. It is also seen to shoot ahea 8/14/1952 #7595 Lake Charles AFB, Louisiana Witnesses: T/Sgt. J.E. Wilson 9/6/1952 #7866 ted men at the Lake Charles AFB in Louisiana sighted a bright star-like lig 9/6/1952 #7869 Gulf of Mexico (89 miles S of Louisiana), At Sea Tracked on radar 4 hi 12/6/1952 #8386 Gulf of Mexico (89 miles S of Louisiana), At Sea More than six separat 12/6/1952 #8387 Gulf of Mexico Louisiana 5:24 a.m. The 3-man crew of a 12/6/1952 #8389 Gulf of Mexico 100 miles south of Louisiana track five unidentified blips 12/6/1952 #8389 a B-29 flying at 5000 mph off the Louisiana coast, then merged with a huge 12/6/1952 #8390 Shreveport, Louisiana Witness: USAF airman/private 2/27/1953 #8713 At 11:58 a.m. in Shreveport, Louisiana a USAF airman and private pilo 2/27/1953 #8715 Camp Polk, Louisiana Saucer crash lands near Camp P Summer 1953 #8945 Saucer crash lands near Camp Polk, Louisiana. US Army Pvt. H.J. (initials) Summer 1953 #8945 eet in East New Haven, Connecticut Louisiana State University in Baton Roug 8/19/1953 #9084 t B. Emerson, an Army physicist at Louisiana State University in Baton Roug 8/19/1953 #9084 cts bank and fly over New Orleans, Louisiana at 6:10 p.m.On the same date, 11/14/1953 #9300 xas Barksdale AFB in Bossier City, Louisiana Carswell AFB [now Naval Air St 9/3/1954 #10239 to Barksdale AFB in Bossier City, Louisiana. Carswell AFB [now Naval Air S 9/3/1954 #10239 leans over the Gulf of Mexico from Louisiana to Florida. The UFO flew to th 1/22/1956 #12679 In Bastrop, Louisiana at 4:00 p.m. at least five sil 2/11/1956 #12710 Monroe, Louisiana 11:05 p.m. USAF 1st Lt. Earl D 5/22/1956 #12865 feet 58 miles northwest of Monroe, Louisiana, when they see a bright light 5/22/1956 #12865 Ringgold, Louisiana Military witness Robertson. Ca 4/25/1957 #13618 Shreveport (Louisiana) Airport Converse, Louisiana E 6/3/1957 #13698 port (Louisiana) Airport Converse, Louisiana England AFB [now Alexandria In 6/3/1957 #13698 tly after takeoff from Shreveport (Louisiana) Airport, Capt. Lynn Kern and 6/3/1957 #13698 d follow the airliner to Converse, Louisiana, where the pilot queries ADC r 6/3/1957 #13698 Mississippi, through Louisiana and Texas and into Oklahoma, V 7/17/1957 #13807 ional Airport], Kansas Mississippi Louisiana Texas Dallas, Texas Fort Worth 7/17/1957 #13808 training flight over Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas. The RB-47 is carry 7/17/1957 #13808 Provencal, Louisiana Haskell Raper, Jr., was drivin 11/1957 #14181 Lafayette (Louisiana) Airport 9:15 a.m. Eastern Air 11/9/1957 #14506 paring to take off from Lafayette (Louisiana) Airport when he sees a big si 11/9/1957 #14506 New Orleans, Louisiana Witnesses: three U.S. Coast Gu 11/30/1957 #14644 S. Coast Guardsmen in New Orleans, Louisiana saw a round object turn white, 11/30/1957 #14645 Chestnut, Louisiana Mary Louise Tobin, a schooltea 12/11/1957 #14711 . in St. Rose, St. Charles Parish, Louisiana a 0.6 meter in diameter sphere 7/21/1959 #15868 LaCamp, Louisiana Witness: Monroe Arnold. One f 4/12/1960 #16224 LaCamp, Louisiana. At 9:00 p.m. Monroe Arnold, a 4/12/1960 #16225 Lacamp, Louisiana Mr. Arnold saw a round object, 4/18/1960 #16233 gh speed from the south in Lacamp, Louisiana. It touched the ground about 3 4/18/1960 #16234 Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, various (McD 3/6/1963 #17693 Core Lane, Louisiana James Warren was awakened by a 9/15/1964 #18555 gineer in Arabi, near New Orleans, Louisiana was among the witnesses who sa 5/17/1966 #20499 Haynesville, Louisiana A physics professor driving th 12/30/1966 #21228 Haynesville, Louisiana 8:15 p.m. A physics professor 12/30/1966 #21230 gh a wooded area near Haynesville, Louisiana, and sees a bright, pulsating 12/30/1966 #21230 y. Two 12-year-old boys in Bunkie, Louisiana saw two points of light with t 2/27/1967 #21678 Shreveport, Louisiana Night. Centenary College Instr Spring 1967 #21926 o an open field on the Shreveport, Louisiana, campus to observe the sky. Th Spring 1967 #21926 between Alexandria and Leesville, Louisiana that a UFO had approached the 7/27/1967 #22743 as logged of a crash at Oak Grove, Louisiana earlier (2000 hrs). 7/27/1967 #22743 Homer, Louisiana 8:30 p.m. David R. Smith watch 10/1967 #23156 away at treetop level near Homer, Louisiana. It rises and heads south. Aft 10/1967 #23156 Lake Charles, Louisiana Witness: John Herbert. One br 10/18/1967 #23263 ck in the evening in Lake Charles, Louisiana John Herbert witnessed a brigh 10/18/1967 #23266 of sightings in Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Ohio. Fast-m 8/31/1973 #27734 Avery Estates, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana a luminous red UFO passed over 10/10/1973 #27985 A At least 10 reports from central Louisiana. Pulsating luminous object cha 10/17/1973 #28123 California at 2 p.m.; Shreveport, Louisiana on this evening; and Johnson C 10/17/1973 #28134 ravel at French Lake in Annandale, Louisiana at eight o'clock in the mornin 12/1/1973 #28497 s sleeping in his van in Metairie, Louisiana after visiting a friend when h 3/15/1974 #28892 king home at dusk in Plattonville, Louisiana when he saw two bright luminou 11/21/1974 #29601 Kenner, Louisiana Moisant Airport [now Louis Arm 11/23/1976 #31568 heir car from the south in Kenner, Louisiana. It has flashing red, green, a 11/23/1976 #31568 s it hovered over trees in Kenner, Louisiana on a clear night, flashing red 11/23/1976 #31569 Yscloskey, St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana 8:45 p.m. Robert Melerine and 1/21/1977 #31743 of Yscloskey, St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana, one in a boat and the other w 1/21/1977 #31743 six people in a car in Chalmette, Louisiana watched a domed, disc-shaped o 1/22/1977 #31746 Cotile Lake Recreation Area, Louisiana Dusk. Five individuals—Dale Sc 6/17/1977 #32172 m the Cotile Lake Recreation Area, Louisiana. Just before they reach the cl 6/17/1977 #32172 Baton Rouge, Louisiana Before 12:00 midnight. A brigh 7/16/1977 #32282 ght in the west above Baton Rouge, Louisiana, moves 10°–15° from its origin 7/16/1977 #32282 New Orleans, Louisiana 12:30 a.m. An ex-pilot sees a 9/8/1977 #32473 le walking his dog in New Orleans, Louisiana. It rushes silently to the eas 9/8/1977 #32473 Baton Rouge, Louisiana Roswell, New Mexico Albuquerqu 2/28/1978 #33002 j. Jesse A. Marcel in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and interviews him about the 2/28/1978 #33002 aveling on Highway 26 in Deridder, Louisiana at only six feet altitude. The 5/11/1986 #37867 Bossier City, Louisiana Barksdale Air Force Base 9:00 9/22/1987 #38291 s sitting outside in Bossier City, Louisiana, when they see a large, conica 9/22/1987 #38291 Benton, Louisiana 5:00 p.m. A father and daughte 1/19/1988 #38416 the mother up from work in Benton, Louisiana. When they pull into the mall 1/19/1988 #38416 ork at around 5:00 p.m. in Benton, Louisiana. They pulled into the parking 1/19/1988 #38417 An 84-year-old man in Mansura, Louisiana went into his backyard at 10:3 8/13/1989 #39061 Monroe, Louisiana West Monroe 6:09–8:15 p.m. Twe 12/24/1992 #40767 d police south and west of Monroe, Louisiana, watch a silent, boomerang-sha 12/24/1992 #40767 es and police southwest of Monroe, Louisiana watched a silent, boomerang sh 12/24/1992 #40768 a HFGW project with Clive Woods at Louisiana State University. * https:// 8/1/1997 #43364 uzz over her home in Lake Charles, Louisiana. A blue beam came down, illumi 8/22/1999 #43830 shaped object flew over Thibodaux, Louisiana at tree level. Although orange 7/14/2000 #44018 over Opelousas, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana. It flew very fast. It was com 9/17/2000 #44041 r King parking lot in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, patrons noticed a big, black 11/13/2002 #44438 3 a.m. a witness in Plain Dealing, Louisiana reported several multi-colored 1/5/2003 #44469 ast over Napoleonville in southern Louisiana at 7:25 p.m. It made no sound 8/13/2003 #44575 riangle was spotted over Deridder, Louisiana. 1/22/2004 #44655 DeRidder, Louisiana Night. Dogs belonging to a wit 4/5/2018 #45524 elonging to a witness in DeRidder, Louisiana, begin growling in the living 4/5/2018 #45524## Word: "louisville" (Back to Top)
LOUISVILLE, KY AND MADISONVILE Numerous 7/28/1880 #236 2nd and Chestnut streets, Louisville, Kentucky Ohio River bridge M 7/28/1880 #237 dow at 2nd and Chestnut streets in Louisville, Kentucky, when they see some 7/28/1880 #237 two miles south of Louisville, Kentucky Before sunrise. Aug 4/13/1897 #452 a farmer living two miles south of Louisville, Kentucky, goes outside to at 4/13/1897 #452 A man in Louisville, Kentucky heard a buzzing noi 4/24/1897 #570 ere was an unexplained skyquake in Louisville, Kentucky. 1/22/1945 #1762 LOUISVILLE, KY Weatherman and 3 separate 7/1/1947 #2509 Louisville, Kentucky 10:10 p.m. Meteorol 7/1/1947 #2521 fter they leave a movie theater in Louisville, Kentucky. 7/1/1947 #2521 Louisville, Kentucky CAMERA CATCHES TWO 7/7/1947 #2836 LOUISVILLE, KY 2+1 separate observer(s). 7/7/1947 #2905 Preston Street and Bickels Lane in Louisville, Kentucky 10:15 p.m. Louisvil 7/7/1947 #2942 in Louisville, Kentucky 10:15 p.m. Louisville Times photographer Al Hixenba 7/7/1947 #2942 Preston Street and Bickels Lane in Louisville, Kentucky, when he notices th 7/7/1947 #2942 Louisville, Kentucky Godman Army Airfiel 1/7/1948 #3544 thers are flying F-51D fighters to Louisville, Kentucky. After Mantell repo 1/7/1948 #3544 is position to Standiford Field in Louisville, Tech/Sgt. Quinton A. Blackwe 1/7/1948 #3544 LOUISVILLE, KY Newsman shoots 50' / 8mm 6/27/1950 #5012 Louisville, KY Movie film of UFO taken b 6/27/1950 #5015 Louisville, Kentucky Longest and Everett 6/27/1950 #5018 Hixenbaugh, a photographer for the Louisville Times, is at the corner of Lo 6/27/1950 #5018 of Longest and Everett avenues in Louisville, Kentucky, when he hears the 6/27/1950 #5018 Louisville (Ky.) Tucson, Arizona Telenew 11/17/1950 #5279 r Paul Trent, and the film shot by Louisville (Ky.) Times photographer Al H 11/17/1950 #5279 LOUISVILLE, KY Former Navy RADAR-Tech. L 6/15/1952 #6505 Louisville, KY Large, cigar-shaped objec 6/15/1952 #6506 Louisville, Kentucky Witness: Edward Duk 6/15/1952 #6508 Standiford Field [now Louisville International Airport], Louis 6/15/1952 #6511 Louisville International Airport], Louisville, Kentucky 11:50 p.m. Edward D 6/15/1952 #6511 vicinity of Standiford Field [now Louisville International Airport], Louis 6/15/1952 #6511 Louisville International Airport], Louisville, Kentucky. It has a light on 6/15/1952 #6511 LOUISVILLE, KY Thousands / observer(s). 11/11/1954 #11621 Louisville, Kentucky Godman Army Airfiel 11/12/1954 #11629 Dayton, Ohio Standiford Field [now Louisville International Airport] 3:00–6 11/12/1954 #11629 te, motionless object appears over Louisville, Kentucky. A radar unit 30 mi 11/12/1954 #11629 A radar unit 30 miles southwest of Louisville tracks the object but loses s 11/12/1954 #11629 director of Standiford Field [now Louisville International Airport] follow 11/12/1954 #11629 UFO hovered for a long period over Louisville, Kentucky. U.S. Air Force jet 11/12/1954 #11631 Kentucky Standiford Field Louisville, Kentucky Bedford, Indiana 3: 1/31/1956 #12687 stang out of Standiford Field [now Louisville International Airport] in Lou 1/31/1956 #12687 uisville International Airport] in Louisville, Kentucky, on a maintenance t 1/31/1956 #12687 Louisville, KY 1:00 a.m. Commercial pilo 9/30/1968 #24525 nsville 6:50 a.m. A conductor on a Louisville & Nashville Railroad train mo 10/20/1973 #28216 Louisville, KY CE1, no details. (CUFOS) 12/19/1974 #29647 LOUISVILLE, KY 1+2 boys. 100' and domed 1/26/1977 #31751 Louisville, KY Close encounter (CE-II) o 2/2/1977 #31779 se approximately 22 miles north of Louisville, Kentucky. The pilot accompan 1/15/1978 #32884 LOUISVILLE, KY 1 observer. House shakes. 8/12/1986 #37981 LOUISVILLE, KY 3 observer(s) / 12 th flo 10/24/1990 #39809 SOUTHEAST / LOUISVILLE, KY 2 cops. 12"cyl maneuvers 2/26/1993 #40861 Jefferson County Air Unit Louisville, Kentucky 11:50 p.m. Jefferso 4/28/1993 #40953 General Electric Appliance Park in Louisville, Kentucky, when Graham sees s 4/28/1993 #40953 LOUISVILLE, KY 2+1 / car. Donut-shaped o 8/23/1995 #42408 witnesses driving on a highway in Louisville, Kentucky sighted a donut-sha 8/23/1995 #42410 ject appeared over a small lake in Louisville, Kentucky with beams entering 5/5/2005 #44831 Louisville International Airport in Kent 6/24/2009 #45228 cky 1:55 p.m. A package handler at Louisville International Airport in Kent 6/24/2009 #45228## Word: "lounge" (Back to Top)
t with red trim.” He went into her lounge and they talked. The woman captai 7/27/1952 #7216 International Airport] 3:30 a.m. A lounge owner and an employee are frighte 11/23/1976 #31568 A lounge owner and a bartender watched a l 11/23/1976 #31569 d creatures flew past her into her lounge. They were only one meter tall an 1/4/1979 #34296 also suddenly floated towards the lounge. Jean noticed that the aliens wer 1/4/1979 #34296 g creatures flew past her into the lounge. There were only three and a half 1/5/1979 #34304 suddenly also floated towards the lounge. Jean noticed that the aliens wer 1/5/1979 #34304## Word: "lounging" (Back to Top)
ved in other alien encounters, was lounging on the terrace of his house in 10/22/1972 #27085## Word: "loup" (Back to Top)
North Loup, Nebraska Night. A bright fireball 3/13/1897 #390 all appears in the west over North Loup, Nebraska, moving up and down errat 3/13/1897 #390 LOUP CITY GOING [TO] ORD, NE 1 / car. 6M 4/28/1955 #12102 The Loup (near Moneymore), County Derry, Nor 9/7/1956 #13202 land in the middle of a bog at The Loup (near Moneymore), County Derry, Nor 9/7/1956 #13202 NORTHWEST / PIC ST. LOUP, FR 3+observer(s). UFO alarm. Singl 5/14/1968 #23960 les near the airport in Riviere Du Loup, Quebec stopped by the hangar and s 7/26/1968 #24234 PIC ST. LOUP, FR Tourist. Large metallic disk go 9/16/1972 #27004## Word: "loup-des-chaumes" (Back to Top)
ST. LOUP-DES-CHAUMES, FR Numerous observer(s 12/26/1967 #23611## Word: "loupiac-de-la-reole" (Back to Top)
LOUPIAC-DE-LA-REOLE, FR 1 observer. Very 10/5/1994 #41786## Word: "lourdes" (Back to Top)
ba, Argentina 11-year-old Graciela Lourdes Gimenez was playing outside her 8/4/1968 #24297 UFO sightings in the region, Mrs. Lourdes Altamirano watched a huge lumino 9/13/1986 #38027 s, Tula, Mexico including Maria de Lourdes Uribe, age 34, heard bizarre noi 5/12/1993 #40975## Word: "lourenco" (Back to Top)
he airfield. The witness, Vitorino Lourenco Monteiro, said a figure emerged 9/20/1954 #10369 LOURENCO MARQUES, MOZAMBQ Many observer( 5/12/1973 #27478 ated in the sky over the harbor of Lourenco Marques, Mozambique for more th 5/12/1973 #27480## Word: "lourenço" (Back to Top)
Lourenço Jorge Municipal Hospital in Bar 3/6/1966 #19944 ida and other medical staff at the Lourenço Jorge Municipal Hospital in Bar 3/6/1966 #19944## Word: "louroux-hodement" (Back to Top)
LOUROUX-HODEMENT, FR AND CHANAT, PDD Big 11/5/1954 #11574## Word: "lousman" (Back to Top)
Alan Bean, Owen Garriott and Jack Lousman reported that the object was bri 9/20/1973 #27848## Word: "lousy" (Back to Top)
is convinced that USAF has done a lousy job of investigating UFOs and that 7/20/1966 #20660## Word: "louth" (Back to Top)
Louth, Lincolnshire, England 9:00 p.m. A 7/3/1978 #33325 and a friend are playing tennis in Louth, Lincolnshire, England, when they 7/3/1978 #33325## Word: "louvain" (Back to Top)
LOUVAIN AREA, BELGIUM Ground and air RAD 3/31/1990 #39501## Word: "louvers" (Back to Top)
were what appeared to be a row of louvers and an antenna-like projection. 5/24/1966 #20509## Word: "louviere" (Back to Top)
ns, was seen for 30 minutes. In La Louviere, Belgium at 7:50 p.m. a dark re 3/2/1971 #26040 LA LOUVIERE, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Dark re 3/2/1974 #28847 LA LOUVIERE, BELGIUM 1 observer. Dark solid 4/17/1977 #31984 :00 p.m. a 67-year-old woman in La Louviere, Belgium sighted a solid, dark, 4/17/1977 #31989 LA LOUVIERE, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Dull di 12/11/1989 #39309## Word: "louviers" (Back to Top)
LOUVIERS, FR 1 / garden. Fat 20M cylinde 6/28/1960 (approximate) #16318## Word: "louvigne-du-desert" (Back to Top)
urning from his evening studies in Louvigne-Du-Desert, Ille-Et-Vilaine, Fra 10/18/1954 #11219## Word: "louvière" (Back to Top)
La Louvière, Hainaut, Belgium 4:00 p.m. A w 4/17/1977 #31986 t, Belgium 4:00 p.m. A woman in La Louvière, Hainaut, Belgium, watches a fl 4/17/1977 #31986 La Louvière, Hainaut, Belgium 5:30–9:30 p.m 10/25/1993 #41252 multicolored light occur around La Louvière, Hainaut, Belgium. 10/25/1993 #41252## Word: "louvroil" (Back to Top)
LOUVROIL TO/FROM HAUTMONT, FR 2 observer 9/18/1972 #27007 LOUVROIL, NORD 30M saucer / slow wobble. 9/4/1973 #27758 disc-shaped object was observed in Louvroil, Nord department, France moving 9/4/1973 #27762 NEAR LOUVROIL, FR Several / cars. Classic sau 1/2/1977 #31684## Word: "lovage" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Lovage” YieldMax: 20KT 12/17/1969 #25500## Word: "lovasen" (Back to Top)
At 1:25 a.m. in Lovasen, Vilhelmina, Sweden two discs, o 3/5/1967 #21767## Word: "lovato" (Back to Top)
ice Patrolman Gallegos and Dorothy Lovato of Bernalillo. The sighting laste 6/23/1966 #20600## Word: "lovazzano" (Back to Top)
young sisters, Afrodit and Eugenia Lovazzano El-Far, 12 and 9 years of age 11/9/1968 #24649## Word: "love" (Back to Top)
Dallas Love Field, Texas Night. Pioneer Airline 8/13/1952 #7575 routine test flight out of Dallas Love Field, Texas. He tries to intercept 8/13/1952 #7575 LOVE FIELD AND DALLAS, TX Air Traffic Co 1/6/1953 #8503 t. Mugu, California Witness: R.W. Love, owner of Love Diving Co., engaged 1/28/1953 #8597 rnia Witness: R.W. Love, owner of Love Diving Co., engaged in retrieving r 1/28/1953 #8597 Oxnard, California 1:06 p.m. R. W. Love and a Mr. Ferrenti, while engaged i 1/28/1953 #8600 emanated a sensation of energy and love. Ritter was told that "something wo 10/24/1967 #23310 eavily. He also reportedly fell in love with his 17-year-old niece. A month 4/20/1969 #25075 e man claimed he had sensations of love and serenity projected to him by th 1/12/1980 #35132 is and that he had to show it some love. John recalled, "They are saying, I 12/31/1980 #35759 them telling me it's my child, to love it, to feel love for that baby. I n 12/31/1980 #35759 it's my child, to love it, to feel love for that baby. I need to connect; t 12/31/1980 #35759 gure as an overwhelming feeling of love and compassion embraced her, but sh 2/1/1993 #40831 h them and managed to blurt out "I love you, I love you!" The entities disa 4/3/1995 #42137 anaged to blurt out "I love you, I love you!" The entities disappeared and 4/3/1995 #42137## Word: "lovecraft" (Back to Top)
idence, Rhode Island, author H. P. Lovecraft sees what people are claiming 12/24/1909 #825## Word: "loved" (Back to Top)
hia, Pennsylvania, on “UFOs I Have Loved and Lost.” He concludes by saying, 4/26/1969 #25094 ed technology to project images of loved ones to convince souls to reincarn 1/1991 #39944 ay down on the table or someone he loved would get hurt. He did as he was t 10/15/1997 #43429## Word: "lovekin" (Back to Top)
k (Greer’s assistant), and Stephen Lovekin. Greer claims he has extracted a 4/10/1997 #43260 ignaling Agency specialist Stephen Lovekin states he received briefings con 7/21/2003 #44567 term. http://www.roswellproof.com/Lovekin.html 7/21/2003 #44567 d Army Reserves Brig. Gen. Stephen Lovekin, who had worked for the Army Sig 9/20/2005 #44877 lenn Dennis, Richard Doty, Stephen Lovekin, and John Podesta are featured. 5/9/2017 #45469## Word: "lovelace" (Back to Top)
rospace physician William Randolph Lovelace II travels there from Albuquerq 7/5/1947 #2722 exico State Highway 68 Albuquerque Lovelace Clinic in Albuquerque Evening. 2/17/1958 #14878 defense, goes to her doctor at the Lovelace Clinic in Albuquerque, to see a 2/17/1958 #14878## Word: "loveland" (Back to Top)
LOVELAND, CO 3 observer(s). 2 large flat 5/23/1950 #4961 LOVELAND, OH 4 saucers pass low over Gro 5/24/1955 #12154 Loveland, Ohio Columbus Filter Center 7: 5/24/1955 #12155 e Whitecotton and another woman at Loveland, Ohio, watch four UFOs in forma 5/24/1955 #12155 d-Madeira Road Branch Hill area of Loveland, Ohio Hopewell Road intersectio 5/25/1955 #12159 ra Road in the Branch Hill area of Loveland, Ohio. At the Hopewell Road int 5/25/1955 #12159 Little Miami River Loveland, Ohio Early evening. A 19-year- Late 6/1955 #12211 e over the Little Miami River near Loveland, Ohio, when he notices 4 small Late 6/1955 #12211 MT. HEALTHY, OH AND LOVELAND AND FORESTVILLE White orbs and 8/23/1955 #12392 Loveland, TX Multiple landings on roadwa 11/2/1957 #14194 Loveland, TX A single investigator from 11/5/1957 #14291 Blue Book headquarters arrived at Loveland, TX. He interviewed only two pe 11/5/1957 #14291 morning police officer Williams of Loveland, Ohio slowed his patrol car whe 3/3/1972 #26587 On this night in Loveland, Ohio police officer Johnson's 3/17/1972 #26607 Loveland, Colorado Alleged abductee Stan 2000 #43913 o Alleged abductee Stan Romanek of Loveland, Colorado, claims his first UFO 2000 #43913## Word: "loveland-madeira" (Back to Top)
Loveland-Madeira Road Branch Hill area o 5/25/1955 #12159 bert Hunnicut is driving along the Loveland-Madeira Road in the Branch Hill 5/25/1955 #12159## Word: "loveless" (Back to Top)
m. B-29 copilot 1st Lt. Charles C. Loveless sees a V-formation of bluish-wh 1/9/1953 #8525## Word: "lovell" (Back to Top)
APOLLO 8 Borman, Lovell and more. Saucers orbit moon with 12/21/1968 #24783 Peter McSherry, clerk of works for Lovell (Southern) Ltd estimates its heig 12/15/1980 #35719 LILLINGSTONE LOVELL, BUCKS 1 observer. Circular ball 3/3/1995 #42075## Word: "lovelock" (Back to Top)
OREANA NORTHEAST / LOVELOCK, NV Railroad/railway engineer. 1/8/1954 #9464 Lovelock, NV Time not reported. Three mi 7/16/1967 #22668## Word: "lovely" (Back to Top)
e waterfall that was surrounded by lovely colored stones. There the humanoi 3/20/1993 #40895## Word: "lovena" (Back to Top)
Weiser, Idaho 6:15 p.m. Lovena Erickson sees two high-speed, rou 6/12/1947 #2324## Word: "loverval" (Back to Top)
LOVERVAL, BELGIUM 3 observer(s). America 4/21/1974 #29053 ckly to the southeast. At 12:30 in Loverval a domed disc-shaped object emit 4/21/1974 #29055## Word: "lovett" (Back to Top)
Under Secretary of State Robert A. Lovett, where his wife is vacationing. H 3/31/1949 #4061 by Secretary of Defense Robert A. Lovett, making the new agency responsibl 11/4/1952 #8246 and Secretary of Defense Robert A. Lovett are present. 11/18/1952 #8296 h trustees Robert Anderson, Robert Lovett and John Jay McCloy, all senior p 10/2021 #45713## Word: "lovick" (Back to Top)
kunk Works Radar technician Edward Lovick Jr. begins work at Lockheed’s sec 8/1957 #13867 r rival Convair’s Kingfish. Edward Lovick’s suggestion for adding cesium to 9/14/1959 #15976## Word: "loving" (Back to Top)
l not threaten the wise and peace- loving space people. Van Tassel reprints 1/6/1952 #5861## Word: "lovington" (Back to Top)
vis-Monthan AFB in Tucson, Arizona Lovington, New Mexico A B-47 from Davis- 10/3/1955 #12486 son, Arizona, crashes northwest of Lovington, New Mexico. The lone survivor 10/3/1955 #12486 LOVINGTON, NM Brill fireball hovers near 9/30/1976 #31433## Word: "lovsta" (Back to Top)
LOVSTA, SWD Man / car. Luminous/glowing 4/13/1972 #26643## Word: "low" (Back to Top)
hen head south following the lake, low over its surface. The fireball seems 8/15/1663 #44 ud and night lights move together. Low / horizon. / Rev. John Morton. 12/18/1707 #54 a large blue fireball, apparently low on the water, head directly toward t 11/4/1749 #70 bird with scales. Metallic noise. Low altitude. No further details. / r8#0 3/15/1868 #171 ghts and making engine noises flew low over this town. Local people also de 7/1868 #173 ghts and making engine noises flew low over this town. Local people also de 7/1868 #174 bservation of an unknown object at low altitude in the nineteenth century. 7/1868 #174 ENG 'Haystack' going [to] high and low. Wrecks trees and walls. Smoke and f 12/7/1872 #193 se. Sometimes high, sometimes very low it was accompanied by fire and dense 12/7/1872 #194 se. Sometimes high, sometimes very low it was accompanied by fire and dense 12/7/1872 #195 s flying very high, sometimes very low, it was accompanied by fire and dens 12/7/1872 #196 as not understood. The object flew low over Galisteo Junction and rose rapi 3/26/1880 #229 as not understood. The object flew low over Galisteo Junction and rose rapi 3/26/1880 #231 ky in Columbus, Georgia, at a very low altitude. Coming from the south, it 9/30/1880 #240 course to the southeast and is so low to the ground that its light is refl 2/5/1883 #251 Newark, New Jersey, descending as low as 20 feet from the ground. 6/1/1892 #303 s a round, dull-rose-colored light low on the western horizon. It then rise Mid 7/1896 #328 hears a voice saying, “We are too low down here. Send her up higher.” Hund 11/17/1896 #340 r.” Hundreds watch as it passes at low altitude for 30 minutes, avoiding bu 11/17/1896 #340 ght light exits shadow-ovoid. Dips low near buildings. 11/23/1896 #350 void object at 10:10 p.m.; it dips low near buildings in the city. There we 11/23/1896 #353 flew northwestward slowly, came to low altitude. A crowd gathered at a stre 3/28/1897 #399 flew northwestward slowly, came to low altitude. A crowd gathered at a stre 3/28/1897 #400 flew northwestward slowly, came to low altitude. A crowd gathered at a stre 3/28/1897 #401 then to come down again and sweep low over the witnesses. At one point it 4/1/1897 #405 tionary for 5 min at the edge of a low cloud, which it illuminated. All cou 4/1/1897 #405 then to come down again and sweep low over the witnesses. At one point it 4/1/1897 #409 for five minutes at the edge of a low cloud, which it illuminated. All sai 4/1/1897 #409 idents of Quincy, Illinois, flying low above the Mississippi River on the c 4/10/1897 #426 of 15-foot wings. It is flying so low (about 600 feet) that they can hear 4/11/1897 #428 ighted, cigar-shaped object flying low towards the southwest. Through binoc 4/11/1897 #432 et could not have survived to such low altitude, but a stony asteroid might 6/30/1908 #709 le-class Americans. The relatively low price was partly the result of Ford’ 10/1/1908 #718 bottle-shaped object pass by at a low altitude. She thinks she can see a m 5/16/1909 #750 re spooked by an airship that flew low overhead. It had lights in the front 7/30/1909 #790 gar-shaped object flew slowly at a low altitude over Waihi, New Zealand at 8/3/1909 #800 a few minutes later, and it is so low to the ground that the occupants are 9/30/1909 #813 ween 7:00 and 7:30 p.m., flying at low altitude and sporting a searchlight. 12/22/1909 #821 VERNAL, UT Disk hovers very low / desert. Buzz and slow ascent. Then 8/1910 (approximate) #842 T 1 observer. Large dark airship / low altitude. Buzzes. Going quickly sout 2/9/1915 #923 A large dark airship flew at a low altitude near Bigfork, Montana aroun 2/9/1915 #924 2 Ft. intense glowing-ball slow / low altitude. Controlled maneuvers. 1/22/1919 #982 ense glowing ball flew slowly at a low altitude over Shuttlewood, Derbyshir 1/22/1919 #984 25cm orange-red luminous sphere / low altitude. 1 observer moves to let it 8/1919 (approximate) #992 / behind hedge. Moves away / very low altitude. 6/24/1924 #1040 rivets and a dome that was flying low over a road in Bakersfield, Californ 10/18/1927 #1082 turned upside down,” speed by at a low altitude (15–20 feet), emitting 4–5 Early 11/1928 #1090 “distinctly green fireball” in the low eastern sky that moves from south to Spring 1930 #1111 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., when Venus is low over the horizon. 12/24/1933 #1182 ondon, England: “The machines were low enough for their outlines, as well a 6/11/1934 #1210 s sphere north going south twice / low altitude. Straight and level traject 9/1935 #1232 ortholes. It disappears below some low clouds. Summer 1938 #1285 GUADALAJARA, SPN 11M saucer hovers low. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) ride g 7/25/1938 #1286 Thin silver blimp going west very low overhead. Thin figure(s) move / port 9/4/1938 (approximate) #1293 , facing the Goleta Valley. Moving low and soundlessly, it barely skims ove 10/1943 #1531 orthwest. Going quickly southwest. Low altitude. 12/1943 (approximate) #1546 orange moon going [to] overhead / low altitude. Great heat. Turns white. G 8/1944 #1631 ts are flattened spheres that move low behind some buildings then rise up a Mid 8/1944 #1644 oon-shaped object flew overhead at low altitude in Gardouch, Haute-Garronne 8/30/1944 #1651 JOSA, NORW 2+2 observer(s). 2 fast low 8' cylinders dive / lake. Short wing 7/18/1946 #2060 ng pass over their heads at a very low altitude. They fall simultaneously i 7/18/1946 #2062 look like V-1 rockets and come in low from the west at about 150 feet, cau 7/18/1946 #2062 e. A projectile comes in at a very low angle and hits the water at a 30° an 7/19/1946 #2072 sees a clear, yellow flame passing low and slow over the countryside. 8/7/1946 #2110 at some of the rockets are seen at low altitude, maneuver in half circles, 8/8/1946 #2111 figures visible inside, hovered at low altitude. After about 1-1/2 minutes Late 8/1946 #2159 east over town. Also red fireball low and slow over New Orleans. 9/6/1946 #2170 ing quickly north. Faster / plane. Low altitude. / L'Espoir 24 SEPT46. 9/23/1946 (approximate) #2188 object moving over the trees at a low altitude. It is dart-shaped and has 10/21/1946 #2204 . 2' dull aluminum disk going east low over roof. Follows US6. Turns going 6/28/1947 #2437 ~6 disks west going quickly east / low altitude. Maneuver / circles. "Size 6/29/1947 #2459 rver. Green tube with white 'head' low and slow over meadow. Leaves going s 7/3/1947 #2568 a moderate speed over a meadow at low altitude, heading toward the southwe 7/3/1947 #2588 d going south / linear formations. Low humming heard. 7/4/1947 #2594 PAUL, MN 1 / grand Ave. 8cm disk! Low and slow. Glows. Going ESE toward(s) 7/4/1947 #2636 uth in straight-line formations. A low humming sound was heard. North of Cr 7/4/1947 #2676 ). Silent shiny saucer going north low and slow over wheat field. Veers goi 7/6/1947 #2765 At 5:30 p.m. a low flying shiny circular object, floate 7/6/1947 #2824 s going quickly east. 1 high and 1 low. No wind. Photograph / grey ovoid. / 7/7/1947 #2883 th hole / center at 500' altitude. Low speed. 7/8/1947 #2979 al observer(s). Saucers maneuver / low altitude / 30 minute(s). 1 observer 7/9/1947 #3047 s wobble going quickly north fast. Low altitude. Humming. Silver trails. 7/11/1947 #3134 arm. Small disk / irregular course low and slow overhead. Tilts. Going sout 7/14/1947 #3177 aho flying on an irregular course, low and slow. It tilted, then flew away 7/14/1947 #3180 GRANGESBERG, SWD 2 14M cigars / low / 70kph. 2 rows / portholes. Face / 7/15/1947? #3185 EIGHTMILE CREEK, OR Disk sweeps low over wheat field. Near vertical take 8/7/1947 (approximate) #3305 lent glowing 'torpedos' going [to] low over trees and roads. Photographs ta 8/18/1947 #3345 owing brightly and moving silently low over the trees. 8/18/1947 #3348 rvation of vehicle was hampered by low cloud cover. Vehicle disintegrated, 10/23/1947 #3467 Hill (1 mile W of), CA High speed low altitude object trailing red, green 12/30/1947 #3514 at 22,500 feet with oxygen running low, two other F-51Ds quit the chase. Ma 1/7/1948 #3544 ameter, maintains a slow speed and low altitude until it disappears from si 2/1948 #3570 hite Sands Pad 33, 5.5km altitude (Low altitude flight prevented any data r 3/19/1948 #3591 c motions. One object is lost at a low altitude. The other goes up quickly 4/5/1948 #3612 9.7km altitude (Steady flight with low roll rate) 5/27/1948 #3656 9.7km altitude (Steady flight with low roll rate) 5/27/1948 #3657 identified targets were tracked at low altitude (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, C 10/29/1948 #3854 tains its horizontal flight at the low altitude (for a meteor) of 8–10 mile 12/12/1948 #3926 ward the west for 2.2 seconds at a low altitude, then ascended. It was seen 12/12/1948 #3927 ld be typical of meteors flying at low altitudes. Other anomalous character 12/20/1948 #3935 were the intense lime-green color, low altitude of only 8–10 miles yet exhi 12/20/1948 #3935 n he sees a metallic disc hovering low above the desert on his right. He wa 2/1949 #3994 ite fireball in horizaontal flight low in the sky (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 2/27/1949 #4025 t streaking across the western sky low over the horizon. Between 1:15 and 2 3/6/1949 #4035 tal saucer ringed / lights. Hovers low. Sudden takeoff / swish. 2/27/1950 #4561 t ringed with lights hovering at a low altitude, when it suddenly took off 2/27/1950 #4563 fficer. 15M turtle saucer hovers / low altitude. Keeps away as observer(s) 3/5/1950 #4580 rtle shell-shaped disc hovering at low altitude. The 15 meter wide object k 3/5/1950 #4584 glowing east going quickly west / low altitude in nearby mountains. 3/27/1950 #4736 white cylinder/cigar-shape seen / low altitude. Direction unknown. 4/5/1950 #4796 nd observed an object 60 m away at low altitude. It was a gray metal disk, 4/8/1950 #4827 only 60 meters away hovering at a low altitude. It was a gray metallic dis 4/8/1950 #4831 ONA, SP 2 / truck. 1M saucer glows low over trees. Away fast. / Flying Sauc 4/12/1950 #4844 ision / 8M glowing-ovoid. 150kph / low altitude. 4/23/1950 #4880 Y HILL, CT 2 observer(s). Saucer / low altitude. Erratic flight. Lit window 4/25/1950 #4893 Numerous observer(s). 4 saucers / low altitude. Going [to] horizon slowly. 5/3/1950 #4919 the department, France flying at a low altitude slowly toward the the horiz 5/3/1950 #4920 going [to] 100M from observer(s) / low altitude. Swish sound. Suddenly goin 7/17/1950 #5069 er(s). 60cm disk going down / dark low cloud. Back up and down again. Going 8/29/1950 #5143 e vanished. The other hovered at a low altitude only 50 feet away, then lef 10/15/1950 #5237 ucer sweeps going north. Returns / low altitude. 450mph going north. 12/7/1950 #5333 pins counterclockwise going east / low altitude. Rectangular windows / rim. 1/1/1951 #5381 lving counterclockwise and darting low over her farmhouse near Oak Grove, L 1/1/1951 #5382 rhead and by US81. 1 going north / low altitude. Light humming. 1/8/1951 #5385 0:45 p.m. One passed overhead at a low altitude, and made a faint humming s 1/8/1951 #5388 CHORWON, KOREA Domed saucer / low altitude hit / M1 rounds. 1 observer 4/1951 (approximate) #5496 t and continued to fly slowly at a low altitude toward Leningrad, Russia. 6/9/1951 #5539 r wavy course going quickly west / low elevation. / r70p3-6. 8/3/1951 #5593 llowish light moving westward at a low elevation in an undulating path over 8/3/1951 #5595 1M dull-grey orbs going southeast low and slow against wind. Turn going so 8/5/1951 #5596 -swarm sound. 20M metallic ovoid / low altitude overhead! Quickly going up 9/1951 (approximate) #5644 t around 55,000 feet, but they run low on fuel and have to land. Two more F 9/23/1951 #5685 a.m. as the first two were running low on fuel and broke off pursuit. The s 9/23/1951 #5687 ke off intercept because they were low on fuel at about 8:20 a.m., landing 9/23/1951 #5687 out in a horizontal row. They fly low over the test site, hover for 30–60 10/30/1951 #5754 kle. Basically, it admits that the low frequency of occurrence of the fireb 11/27/1951 #5794 NC Man and 2 kids. Saucer hovers / low altitude. Human-shape inside. / r67p 12/1951 #5799 o the earth when the object made a low pass at them. It went away at 2247. Early 1952 #5848 g blue tail. It travels underneath low cloud cover at 4,700 feet at 1,400 m 1/20/1952 #5868 ions as “Restricted,” a relatively low level. 3/31/1952 #5999 behind some trees "we heard a very low hum." It left no vapor trail, and fl 4/21/1952 #6148 hite object that flew straight and low but with a side-to-side oscillation 4/29/1952 #6218 han silver like the others, passes low overhead and looks like a “cylinder 5/1/1952 #6245 of the discs approaches at such a low altitude that it must ascend to pass 5/10/1952 #6298 Carolina from the south at a very low altitude. They flew straight and lev 5/10/1952 #6299 bout 40–50 miles distant over some low mountains east of Ruidosa. The objec 5/12/1952 #6305 ff the port bow at close range and low elevation. McFarlane and the signalm Late 5/1952 #6362 noculars. Orange ball with tail at low angular speed. 6/12/1952 #6483 Orange ball with a tail fly with a low angular velocity (NICAP: 01 - Distan 6/12/1952 #6484 range ball with a tail flew with a low angular velocity. 6/12/1952 #6486 orange ball with a tail fly with a low angular velocity in Fort Smith, Arka 6/12/1952 #6489 s). Very large silver disk flies / low altitude. Seen 1 min. No further det 6/23/1952 #6593 town slowly toward the south, at a low altitude. It flew with a slight tilt 6/26/1952 #6639 rcular lights flash over country / low altitude. Many calls. 7/3/1952 #6697 OFF NORWALK, CT 2 / boat. Intense low star becomes 2 small night lights. Z 7/5/1952 #6710 plant. Rim smokes. Going down [to] low nearby. Quickly going up [to] and go 7/9/1952 #6731 around its rim. It descended to a low, nearby spot, then rose up and shot 7/9/1952 #6743 ate. 3M tail. Red glow. Going [to] low over houses. Extremely fast. 7/11/1952 #6759 ovoid passes straight and level / low altitude. No further details. 7/11/1952 #6760 ers / refinery. Night lights swoop low and circle school. 7/28/1952 #7236 d saucer. Passes going south under low clouds. Seen / 10 seconds. 7/29/1952 #7290 H Brilliant white disc observed at low altitude. Others reported oval objec 8/1/1952 #7401 hes a domed object swoop down to a low altitude, hover, zigzag, then speed 8/7/1952 #7507 p-hat saucers glow bright. Float / low altitude and follow road. No further 8/10/1952 #7536 a radar scan of the Cape May area. Low on fuel, the pilot cannot pursue the 8/12/1952 #7559 IO, TX Big silent saucer rotates / low altitude / 5 minute(s). Sways to and 8/20/1952 #7656 FTON SPRINGS, NY 2 saucers hover / low altitude. Tip on edge and speed away 8/22/1952 #7675 , AZ Strange sphere/orb/globe with low halo like inverted acorn. Dances-wav 8/24/1952 #7699 20+observer(s). Huge domed disk / low altitude. Long thin object hovers th 8/25/1952 #7723 med ovoid paces 2 military / car / low altitude. Flames and going quickly [ 9/15/1952 #7952 row of lights on underside passed low overhead; cattle bolted. [UFOE, XII] 9/16/1952 #7959 wing ovoid with dark patch / side. Low humming. Going quickly [to] overhead 9/29/1952 #8052 . Vanishes and reappears. Hovers / low level. 10/9/1952 #8106 . Red and blue saucer flies over / low altitude. 10/12/1952 #8122 hours later, they are dangerously low on fuel, and before reaching the run 11/1/1952 #8228 from orange to white, was seen at low altitude. It oscillated left and rig 11/21/1952 #8315 ce a luminous sphere was seen at a low altitude. It seemed to be spinning a 11/21/1952 #8318 een ovoid going quickly southeast. Low hissing sound. Blue object joins in. 12/6/1952 #8384 ct with a red glowing bottom, flew low over a river and then climbed fast i 1/1/1953 #8493 om and portholes. The object dives low over the Missouri River to within 15 1/1/1953 #8494 cylinder/cigar-shape exits cloud. Low altitude. Mt. Carmel. 2 saucers seen 1/4/1953 #8501 the chase is broken off because of low fuel. The object is seen by at least 1/29/1953 #8615 moving slowly or hovering, with a low humming sound. He shoots at the obje 1/29/1953 #8616 (s). Metal saucer seen 2X high and low. Rises very fast and going quickly n 2/21/1953 #8690 object was seen twice, at high and low altitudes. It rose up very fast, and 2/21/1953 #8691 ying football going quickly south. Low altitude and high speed. Tinny sound 5/4/1953 #8858 raveling south at high speed and a low altitude, and disappears into low-ha 5/4/1953 #8861 atched a flying football fly by at low altitude and high speed, heading sou 5/4/1953 #8862 60' cylinder/cigar-shape / 15mph / low altitude near reservoir. Silent. No 6/15/1953 #8933 e aircraft" flying very slowly and low. It had a lighted red band around th 6/24/1953 #8966 meters wide flying very slowly and low at 6:30 p.m. It had a lighted red ba 6/24/1953 #8971 reach no closer than 3 miles. Now low on fuel, the F-84 returns, followed 8/5/1953 #9049 Pasquier saw two disks flying very low, quite slowly, along a straight cour 8/16/1953 #9073 Pasquier saw two discs flying very low and quite slowly along a straight co 8/16/1953 #9075 OH Round, silver object circled at low altitude. [UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 01 - D 10/30/1953 #9262 HEND, ESSEX 2 RAF pilots. Saucer / low altitude trails sparks. Seen 1910hrs 11/13/1953? #9295 hind it. It moves high, then drops low. He takes a photo, then it shoots of 1/1954 #9429 ly, although it appears to be at a low altitude. Several students of the Co 1/9/1954 #9473 Several / ground. Fireball drops / low altitude. B47 buzzed / fireball just 1/14/1954 #9483 uit and motor missed as UFO passed low over car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 1/29/1954 #9511 missed as a disc-shaped UFO passed low over their car. 1/29/1954 #9513 A native was riding a horse over a low ridge when a spherial object about 1 2/1954 #9517 . Saturn saucer south / road. Ring low and portholes lower. Fast whirr soun 3/23/1954 #9632 veling at a high rate of speed and low altitude. Once it is clear of the sh 4/7/1954 #9673 ed clam-saucer going south. Hovers low / pier. Going quickly east and way u 5/9/1954 #9765 trange glowing objects maneuvering low over forests. (UFOE) (NICAP: 01 - Di 5/10/1954 #9770 nited Airlines (UAL) liner. Saucer low over houses. Entire area silent! / A 6/26/1954 #9950 cers around large saucer / center. Low altitude. Scope photographs / r55. 7/3/1954 #9986 nder clouds. 1 / 3 moon-size. Ring low / sphere/orb/globe. / r138#7. 7/5/1954 #9994 southwest toward(s) coast. Slow / low altitude. Flames / rear. 7/13/1954 #10013 et. Wade abandons the chase due to low fuel after 2 minutes. At 9:05 p.m., 8/11/1954 #10126 itely NOT a star. Helicopters fuel low, returned to base. In coming helicop 8/12/1954 #10131 ate date. A strange object hovered low over the house of Mr. Lucas and left 8/23/1954 #10168 r/motorbike. Brilliant yellow disk low and silent. Going north over mountai 8/30/1954? #10207 erver(s) and more. Odd shape UFO / low altitude / 15 mn. Dump catches fire. 9/22/1954 #10388 going quickly east in jumps. 2nd / low altitude spins. 1 stop = 15 minute(s 9/23/1954 #10410 or, saw a luminous object fly very low over him. Two other witnesses. 9/24/1954 #10435 he saw a luminous object fly very low over him. There were two other witne 9/24/1954 #10442 lowing 3M saucer / going [to] very low over village. No further details. / 10/2/1954 #10581 bserver(s). Orange ovoid wobbles / low altitude. Right date / LDLN#345. 10/2/1954 #10584 wing cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / low altitude. Going up [to] and going qu 10/2/1954 #10601 out 3 m in diameter had flown very low over the village. 10/2/1954 #10604 observed at the same spot, at very low altitude. 10/2/1954 #10605 meters in diameter had flown very low over their village of Cerisier. 10/2/1954 #10613 served at the same spot, at a very low altitude. 10/2/1954 #10614 FR 7 observer(s). Huge red ball / low altitude. Leaves (something behind) 10/3/1954 #10624 der/cigar-shape north going south. Low altitude. No further details. / LDLN 10/3/1954 #10649 ject going quickly west overhead / low altitude. No further details. 10/3/1954 #10652 of green light and flew away very low over the fields. 10/5/1954 #10727 of green light and flew away, very low over the fields. 10/5/1954 #10739 ance, and sees a dazzling light at low altitude. It blinks out. When he get 10/6/1954 #10756 lyzed, then the UFO leaves, flying low over the fields. 10/7/1954 #10788 ight and "fiery," and it came very low. 10/9/1954 #10842 bright and "fiery," and came very low to the ground. 10/9/1954 #10860 Gasoline truck drivers run. Saucer low over road going quickly east toward( 10/11/1954 #10912 ights failed; two UFOs observed at low altitude ahead of car (NICAP: 03 - E 10/11/1954 #10923 , Algeria A large disk flying very low over a road scared two truck drivers 10/11/1954 #10933 appear in the sky ahead of them at low altitude, and their car stalls and t 10/11/1954 #10941 de, Algeria a large disc flew very low over a road and scared two truck dri 10/11/1954 #10949 cer follows N471 going southwest / low altitude. 2 / car follow saucer! Up 10/12/1954 #10967 mer. Saucer shoots colored flames. Low altitude flight. No further details. 10/13/1954 #10987 FR 1 / car. Luminous globe going / low altitude. Lands / field a few second 10/13/1954 #10995 sh saucer going northwest slowly / low altitude. No further details. / r30p 10/14/1954 #11011 Blinding jellyfish going down [to] low. Changes shape. Going up. / LDLN#103 10/14/1954 #11026 Garnier saw a reddish fireball fly low over their car as their engine and h 10/14/1954 #11049 light as a diskshaped object flew low over his car. 10/14/1954 #11050 passes near his car to the west at low altitude. It is so bright that he st 10/14/1954 #11059 Garnier saw a reddish fireball fly low over their car as their engine and h 10/14/1954 #11071 ucer going south toward(s) coast / low altitude. 2nd saucer follows. / r251 10/15/1954 #11092 d like an inverted plate, fly very low toward the sea. A second disk follow 10/15/1954 #11106 d like an inverted plate, fly very low toward the sea. A second disc follow 10/15/1954 #11122 Seine-Infeneure, France 4 UFOs at low altitude ahead of car. One descended 10/16/1954 #11139 s. Metallic blimp extremely fast / low altitude. Spotlights light ground li 10/17/1954 #11165 HE, ITL 6M saucer / antenna hovers low. Robot(s)/android(s) going down [to] 10/19/1954 #11235 TAFFS 4 observer(s). Saucer hovers low over house. 2 pseudo-human/entity / 10/21/1954 #11287 boards 2M saucer / marsh. Going / low altitude. Traces. / r8#308. 10/24/1954 #11350 t buzzing noise and flying at very low altitude, nearly brushing the tops o 10/24/1954 #11366 LINZEUX, FR V-bright UFO flies low over car. Motor and lights electro-m 10/27/1954 #11437 s a very bright object flying very low stopped the engine and turned off th 10/27/1954 #11442 , cigar-shaped object, flying very low and following the turns of the road 10/27/1954 #11447 s a very bright object flying very low stopped the engine and turned off th 10/27/1954 #11451 for 15 minutes. It was flying very low and following the turns of the road 10/27/1954 #11453 , RGS, BRZ 4 / car. Dome maneuvers low / roadside. Colored lights don't ref 10/30/1954 #11489 O, ITL Green glowing saucer hovers low. Figure(s) move inside. Ignore fishe 11/1/1954 #11514 oter/motorbike. Red ovoid passes / low altitude. Brilliant blinding light l 11/1/1954 #11515 buzzed a man on a motorcycle at a low altitude on a road near Bucine, Tusc 11/1/1954 #11524 Farmer / bike. Red-glow torpedo / low altitude. 90° turns and maneuvers. 11/4/1954 #11558 s big as a large plate. As it flew low over him, he jumped up trying to gra 11/9/1954 #11611 TRAVERSONE, ITL Red beam / low altitude sweeps 2 tractors. Gas engi 11/10/1954 #11618 wly in a vertical V formation at a low altitude at four o'clock in the afte 11/15/1954 #11660 er(s). Sci-Fi saucer hovers / very low altitude in center of town. 11/28/1954 #11718 with double row / portholes hovers low over Lake Erie. Going quickly west. 12/5/1954 #11762 pulsated" as UFO observed hovering low over Lake Erie (NICAP: 03 - EME Case 12/5/1954 #11763 peeled off from the others, diving low over the roof of a woman's house, wh 12/13/1954 #11805 . One of the UFOs peeled off, dove low over the roof of a local woman's hou 12/14/1954 #11808 objects going south. Circle town / low altitude. 12/25/1954 #11859 GTON, CA WW1-helmet saucer going / low altitude. Green beam / top. Green / 1/1955 #11902 right silent washtub saucer hovers low near barn. Shoots going quickly nort 1/5/1955 #11920 HEMET, CA 2 observer(s). Saucer / low altitude glows high-intensity blue. 2/8/1955 #11982 pink object rushes over silently. Low altitude. 2/10/1955 #11987 DINAN, FR Domed saucer / low altitude. 2 small humanoids (or Grey 5/14/1955 #12130 WY 2 slender, vertical rectangles low on the horizon (NICAP: 01 - Distant 5/23/1955 #12149 der, vertical rectangles were seen low on the horizon, and two ovals with t 5/23/1955 #12150 LOVELAND, OH 4 saucers pass low over Ground Observer Corps (GOC) pos 5/24/1955 #12154 watch four UFOs in formation pass low over their enclosure, then zoom to t 5/24/1955 #12155 es in the photos. The UFO was seen low nearby the witness's car. 6/5/1955 #12187 Col. Coleman Case / Chases UFO At Low Altitude (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases 7/1955 #12224 ion to it. He gives chase to it at low altitude over farmland and sees its 7/1955 #12226 es. Bright moon-size object hovers low / 2 hours. Night lights exit going q 8/9/1955 #12343 apparent size of the Moon, hovered low near the horizon near Moon Lake, Neb 8/9/1955 #12344 bright triangle going quickly NNW low / horizon. Silent. No contrail. Seen 8/11/1955 #12350 nois, sees a triangular-shaped UFO low on the horizon above the trees, head 8/11/1955 #12353 ly flew off to the north-northwest low on the horizon. It was silent, and l 8/11/1955 #12355 stars. 12 lights / rim. Going west low and slow. 8/18/1955 #12369 ys. Large saucer / windows / edge. Low altitude. Drone sound. / r139 #2p82. 8/31/1955 #12419 h windows around the rim flew at a low altitude in Ponteland, Northumberlan 8/31/1955 #12420 observer(s). Glowing-saucer / very low altitude. Rises / treetops and hover 9/11/1955 #12447 hop. Silver-grey hemisphere / very low altitude. Silent glide going northwe 11/10/1955 #12560 ular object whistles going north / low altitude. Fast spin. Flashes. / FSRv 1/9/1956 #12652 es east of Holdenville, Oklahoma a low flying, 120 foot long ovoid object i 1/30/1956 #12686 ilver object going [to] overhead / low altitude. Going quickly north. Huge 4/1956 #12773 COFFEYVILLE, KS Saucer stops low over house. Circles 2nd house. Emits 4/2/1956 #12780 , see a large bright object flying low over the rooftops in Tokyo, Japan. T 5/1/1956 #12824 and out of large saucer. Silent / low altitude. Possible abduction. / r8#3 5/9/1956 #12840 w in and out of a larger disc at a low altitude in Jacksonville, Florida sh 5/9/1956 #12842 scs flying in close formation at a low altitude over Ada, Oklahoma at 10:22 5/17/1956 #12857 A TURBIE, FR Football ovoid hovers low / rocky hill. Observer(s) goes to wo 6/1956 #12876 red saucer over house. 2 more join low over river. Upstream and down slow. 6/13/1956 #12898 cers whiz going quickly northwest. Low and fast. 7/21/1956 #12999 ur disc-shaped objects whizzed by, low and fast, flying o the northwest. 7/21/1956 #13001 lying cornucopia going quickly ESE low and fast toward(s) Lodi. Nothing / R 7/24/1956 #13014 en thru) telescope. Domed saucer / low altitude. Meriden, CT Ground Observe 7/28/1956 #13022 t red 45M domed saucer hovers very low / Barton power station/depot/facilit 8/13/1956 #13074 hinson watch an object drop out of low clouds and land in the middle of a b 9/7/1956 #13202 Large metallic yo-yo saucer hovers low. Tilts / edge and away incredibly fa 9/15/1956 #13223 s to take photos. The object has a low dome at the top with three round ope Fall 1956 #13239 -mouse with the UFO until they ran low of fuel and returned to base. Local Late 1956 #13277 ow-like markings on underside flew low, through searchlight beam. (UFOE, XI 11/1956 #13301 th windows / underside. Going [to] low through searchlight beam. / r78p177. 11/5/1956 (approximate) #13307 CKINSON, ND Red night light hovers low by railroad/railway tracks. Shoots q 11/17/1956 #13334 rver(s). Gondola-saucer going [to] low. Stops. Going up / angle into wind. 11/27/1956 #13359 counter with a small UFO flying at low level at noon CST. 11/30/1956 #13373 e glow cylinder/cigar-shape hovers low / horizon. Shoots strong rays. Quick 1/1/1957 #13442 saw a huge luminous cigar hovering low over the horizon, and shooting beams 1/1/1957 #13446 ll metallic disk flies / gardens / low altitude. Sharp fast exit going up / 3/2/1957 #13518 some gardens in Kyoto, Japan at a low altitude. It then made a fast exit a 3/2/1957 #13519 shaped object 50+ ft wide hovering low over a field (NICAP: 04 - Animal Rea 3/6/1957 #13522 ng slightly in the air and makes a low, rumbling sound. Beneath it are “str 3/6/1957 #13523 made a gentle rocking motion and a low rumbling sound. Beneath it there wer 3/6/1957 #13524 MN Pilot / ground. 5.5M saucer So low it swirls up snow. Going quickly [to 3/8/1957 #13526 out 5.5 m in diameter, and flew so low that it appeared to suck up the snow 3/8/1957 #13529 ow-covered ground. It is flying so low that it seems to suck the loose snow 3/8/1957 #13531 .5 meters in diameter, and flew so low that it appeared to suck up the snow 3/8/1957 #13533 lvery objects play tag / sky. Dive low and shoot away. 3/29/1957 #13567 hot away toward the northeast. The low level whirlwind produced by the obje 4/22/1957 #13613 vers / field. Passes water tower / low altitude. Maneuvers away. 5/2/1957 #13641 see is a disc-shaped object with a low dome on top. They contact the base, 5/2/1957 #13643 ter bowl-shaped object was sighted low over the ground in Milford, Pennsylv 5/25/1957 #13678 r with tailfin and antenna zigzags low and close. 6/1957 (approximate) #13693 , VNZL AND WIDE AREA Huge meteor / low altitude crashes. Saucers east to/fr 6/4/1957 #13700 Large shiny cylinder/cigar-shape / low altitude. Stops. Continues. No furth 7/11/1957 #13789 glowing-ovoid going north slow and low. Seen widely / circular path. Shoots 7/24/1957 #13823 ject approaches the witnesses, the low pitch changes to a high pitch. 7/25/1957 #13837 flight when he became lost and ran low on fuel. The area is still evacuated 7/28/1957 #13848 observer(s). Top-saucers maneuver low / salt marshes. Photographs. / r141# 8/5/1957 #13878 ADDISON TWP, IN 3M saucer stops low / cornfield. Clangs! Going southeast 8/18/1957 #13903 Green beams going down. "Large and low". 8/26/1957 #13931 e, Portugal saw an ellipsoidal UFO low over the shore, just five meters fro 8/28/1957 #13940 lls in the street. The UFO goes so low that it hits the corner of a parked 9/1957 #13966 OLIS, MD 4 kids. Blue-glowing disk low and slow. Vanishes / flash and bang! 10/31/1957 #14170 ers. Going [to] through cemetery / low altitude. Follows road. Turns. 11/1/1957 #14185 Youngstown, Ohio at 3:00 a.m. at a low altitude, follows a road, and then t 11/1/1957 #14192 t flashes / 2 second(s) intervals. Low and below horizon. / r141#6p37. 11/4/1957 #14265 r Weapons Storage Area Albuquerque Low Frequency Range Station 10:45 p.m. C 11/4/1957 #14289 ng south, circling the Albuquerque Low Frequency Range Station. It then hea 11/4/1957 #14289 high altitude. USAF jets show (too low.) 11/5/1957 #14307 engine stopped; UFO seen hovering low over field (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 11/5/1957 #14335 llow light in the rear. It makes a low droning sound and moves west to east 11/5/1957 #14346 , IN Brilliant round object hovers low overhead. Rises and going quickly we 11/6/1957 #14389 attempted to approach UFO hovering low over ground (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 11/6/1957 #14404 d wristwatch stopped as UFO passed low over car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: 11/6/1957 #14406 haped object coming toward them at low altitude. It moved slowly, illuminat 11/6/1957 #14409 es because the light appears to be low in the sky. During the chase, their 11/6/1957 #14427 arm. Night light going southeast / low altitude. Quickly going up [to] over 11/7/1957 #14447 d. Dives and circles lake / slow / low altitude. Follows coast. 11/7/1957 #14453 ontinuous, tone-modulated hum at a low pitch of 200 cycles per second. The 11/7/1957 #14461 ik 2. The signal is a long note of low pitch followed after a few seconds b 11/7/1957 #14461 ed saucer going west. Going down / low altitude overhead. Going quickly sou 11/8/1957 #14475 appeared to be coming. It swung at low altitude and dropped to the ground. 11/8/1957 #14482 appeared to be coming. It swung at low altitude and then dropped to the gro 11/8/1957 #14493 r. 250' metallic saucer going [to] low over desert hills. Erratic path. 11/11/1957 #14528 assenger saw elliptical UFO flying low over ground below plane. [UFOE, VII] 11/11/1957 #14532 attempted to approach UFO hovering low above ground (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 11/15/1957 #14559 en he sees a triangular UFO moving low over a field some 300–600 feet away. 11/21/1957 #14589 hite domed-saucer with halo hovers low. Going quickly southwest. / FSRv4#3p 11/27/1957 #14629 -shaped object with a halo hovered low over Herefordshire, England at 9:30 11/27/1957 #14633 iameter luminous ball circled very low over a road two miles north of Glenc 11/29/1957 #14640 rver(s). Air Force plane circles / low altitude as 1M disk hovers above.. v 12/1/1957 (approximate) #14655 a US Air Force plane circled at a low altitude as a 1 meter in diameter di 12/1/1957 #14661 SALVADOR, BRAZIL Metallic body low / horizon. Splits. Half descends goi 12/6/1957 #14675 a metallic looking object hovered low over the horizon in Salvador, Bahia 12/6/1957 #14679 DO PIRAI, BRAZIL 10M luminous disk low over road. Away extremely fast / tru 12/10/1957 #14703 meter wide luminous disc descended low over a roadway. When a truck turned 12/10/1957 #14705 and many. Saucer spins. Fast arc / low altitude. / LDLN#334p35+/ r141. 12/12/1957 #14716 orange oval UFO curving rapidly at low altitude. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 11 - Avi 12/12/1957 #14719 landing by an American jet fighter low on fuel. The men see a bright light 1958 #14783 ter. By this time, the jet that is low on fuel is landing. A second jet is 1958 #14783 ver grey saucer follows roadside / low altitude. Sudden acceleration away. 1/5/1958 (approximate) #14809 Orange Free State, South Africa at low altitude. It then abruptly shot off 1/5/1958 #14810 bserver. 500' disk going down [to] low. Extends funnel going down / pond / 2/1958 #14858 s). Elongated red ovoid going [to] low and slow / 2 minute(s). Turns white 2/1/1958 #14862 silvery in color and hovering at a low altitude. It then shot away, vanishi 2/24/1958 #14890 x-like crafts / sharp silent turns low / sea. Going northeast. / r242p64+/ 4/9/1958 #14968 ck delta/triangle/box-like craft / low altitude. Brilliant horseshoe object 4/15/1958 #14986 Malmstrom AFB, MT Object Flies Low Over Base, Tracked On Radar (NICAP: 5/15/1958 #15033 bject approaching them directly at low altitude from the northeast. It flie 6/1958 #15072 IANGXI, CH Big panic. Round object low and slow. Shoots blue-beams. / r208p 8/1958 (approximate) #15168 going down. 2nd and 3rd join from low altitude. Complex maneuvers. Going q 8/1958 (approximate) #15169 , PA 3 observer(s). 2 40cm disks / low altitude stop / several minutes. Cir 8/1/1958 #15172 t in formation. Silent maneuvers / low altitude. / NICAP v1#5. 8/8/1958 #15182 family. Small ovoid going south / low altitude. Air-rushing sound. 8/12/1958 #15196 amily as it flew to the south at a low altitude at 9:30 p.m. over Alamagord 8/12/1958 #15199 car. 6M ovoid follows road / very low altitude. Glows. Stops. Vanishes. 8/18/1958 #15211 cientists. Silent metallic disk. 2 low passes. Telepathy? 10/11/1958 #15335 rver(s). Blazing fireball floats / low altitude. Quickly going up [to] vert 11/11/1958 #15436 ant blue-glowing disk with 2 domes low / main highway. Jet sound. 11/12/1958 #15439 e glowing disc with two domes flew low over a main highway in Caracas, Vene 11/12/1958 #15440 observer(s). Saucer passes / very low altitude. Power blackout / entire ci 12/6/1958 #15470 A disc-shaped object passed very low over the city of Bari, Apulia, Italy 12/6/1958 #15473 glowing-sausage going southwest / low altitude. Turns going west. Unknown. 1/6/1959 #15536 ls completely. When the disc flies low over the house of the priest, Papa C 2/1959 #15574 car. Beams going down. Descends / low altitude. 3/14/1959 #15643 d a light down, and descended to a low altitude. 3/14/1959 #15645 rs. Intensely blue object hovers / low altitude near mine. No further detai 3/22/1959 #15663 , and a circular UFO appeared at a low altitude, perhaps 100 meters. He fel 4/26/1959 #15714 yor and several. Domed saucer very low near road. Violent maneuvers. Vibran 6/18/1959 #15773 ow and green light / side. Going / low altitude. 6/21/1959 #15778 four luminous figures on top of a low, hovering, disc-shaped UFO. It was c 6/26/1959 #15791 nt metallic domed tub saucer stops low. Lights ground. Quickly going up / j 6/27/1959 #15796 bout 90 minutes of visibility some low clouds obscured the object. 6/27/1959 #15799 . 3 photographs / classic saucer / low altitude. News. 7/8/1959 #15822 ating object seen moving slowly at low altitude in V-formation. (Two WTTV e 7/8/1959 #15826 sday Island see a green UFO flying low, and a strange object is also report 7/8/1959 #15827 oid going south over NJ Turnpike / low altitude. "Pulses". 7/15/1959 (approximate) #15855 unt Laurel, New Jersey witnessed a low level, glowing ovoid UFO fly south o 7/15/1959 #15856 cts exit long fireball. Going [to] low single files going [to] horizon. 7/21/1959 #15867 dome. Going quickly [to] to sea / low altitude. / r97#035. 7/22/1959 #15870 an illuminted dome on the top at a low altitude. It flew out to sea. The wi 7/22/1959 #15871 e day. A domed disc came down to a low altitude. It had a dark, concave bas 7/25/1959 #15878 MEMPHIS, TN Girl. 1M saucer / low altitude. Dome hops going up and dow 8/12/1959 #15905 X UFO crossed road ahead of car at low altitude. Motor and headlights faile 8/13/1959 #15910 xas A bright, flying object passed low over a car, whose engine stalled, an 8/13/1959 #15912 h two satellite lights approach at low altitude. The car motor stalls and t 8/13/1959 #15914 eport, Texas saw a bright UFO pass low in front of their car, causing the c 8/13/1959 #15917 7 and A-11 submissions, emphasizes low radar cross section, extremely high 9/14/1959 #15976 -saucer with rectangular windows / low altitude. Beam searches going down. 9/15/1959? #15978 s, and radio failed as UFO hovered low over road ahead (NICAP: 03 - EME Cas 10/22/1959 #16051 ight light hovers. Going down [to] low. Going up [to] and hovers high as ob 11/28/1959 #16102 ich had a red glow. They flew at a low altitude, and made sharp turns. 4/25/1960 #16243 nkey herd going east. Light / top. Low and silent. Quickly going up. 5/13/1960 #16262 lying about 600 feet in the air at low speed, the silent object maneuvers o 5/13/1960 #16266 O had a light on its top, and flew low and silently. It rose vertically as 5/13/1960 #16270 e chased by a huge round object at low altitude for about 20 minutes. It pu 5/17/1960 #16281 r(s). 30M metallic ovoid maneuvers low. Lands. Physical traces. / r111p185. 5/22/1960 #16296 tallic saucers glide up dry wash / low altitude. Going east. 6/1960 #16304 closer to the shore and visible at low tide, the other one further out and 6/12/1960 #16312 . The photo shows a conical object low above the ground, as well as a horse 7/3/1960 #16329 S, SCT 18+observer(s). Bell-saucer low and slow / 60 minutes. Electric humm 7/30/1960 #16349 . Cylinder/cigar-shape going south low and slow. Blue-green luminous halo. 11/1960 #16491 iery cigar-shaped object moving at low altitude to the northeast. It is bri 2/28/1961 #16615 metallic ovoid object maneuver at low altitude in Ocumare del Tuy, Venezue 5/22/1961 #16694 arby hills and dodging trees and a low speed. Flattened grass was found at 5/22/1961 #16694 narrow, elliptical object hovering low in the sky to the north of Blue Ridg 6/4/1961 #16720 r his farm near Beloit, Ohio, at a low altitude. They are traveling in sing Summer 1961 #16736 d from behind the trees; they flew low over the ground, and then the two li 7/8/1961 #16755 unning lights passes behind trees. Low altitude. 8/17/1961 #16797 ody lights) passed behind trees at low altitude. [NICAP UFOE, II] (NICAP: 0 8/17/1961 #16798 ssed behind some trees flying at a low altitude. 8/17/1961 #16799 rver(s). Metallic disk maneuvers / low altitude. Spins. Lights / edge and p 11/10/1961 #16961 by a source inside the cylinder. A low voice similar to the sound of an ele 4/10/1962 #17106 owing, orange oval which emitted a low, whirring sound.” It takes off a few 4/18/1962 #17120 cer with square windows going [to] low over homes. / r242. 4/24/1962 #17125 a had a close encounter with three low level UFOs that pursued them for at 5/9/1962 #17155 ject took off, crossed the road at low altitude, rose with a flame, and sep 5/12/1962 #17162 ject took off, crossed the road at low altitude, rose with a flame, and sep 5/12/1962 #17166 RG 2 / car. Cylinder/cigar-shape / low altitude. Fog fills woods. "House" l 5/13/1962 #17168 LONDON 1 observer. Classic saucer low and slow north going south / 500' al 6/19/1962 #17232 3 lights going quickly northeast / low altitude. Satellite? 7/9/1962 #17266 ts moved toward the northeast at a low altitude. Other sightings of UFOs oc 7/9/1962 #17268 FO with rotating dome on top swept low over Naval Auxiliary Air Station, sl 7/10/1962 #17270 dirt. The youth saw a white light low in the sky in the direction the crea 7/26/1962 #17290 ia, sees several stationary lights low in the water dead ahead. Through bin 7/28/1962 #17295 N40. Big metallic disk going east low over dunes. Stops. Shoots inland. 9/1962 (approximate) #17376 ne watched a greenish disc descend low over their house. [NICAP UFO Evidenc 9/18/1962 #17413 sees a round, shiny object flying low over Fort Collins, Colorado. The obj 10/29/1962 #17517 ery steeply out of the east from a low cloud, at about a 45° angle. The UFO 2/15/1963 #17669 d a red light flashing, emitting a low buzz, near the house. After one minu 5/7/1963 #17735 shing light, and it was emitting a low buzzing sound. After a minute, it fl 5/7/1963 #17736 . Row of lights / side. 'Sizzles'. Low altitude. Sharp turns going quickly 6/21/1963 #17797 w of yellow lig3hts. Apparently at low altitude, the object made a "sizzlin 6/21/1963 #17799 . 8 metallic disks going southwest low and slow over hills. Estimated 750M 7/7/1963 #17825 t 8:30 p.m. three people watched a low flying bell-shaped object pass into 7/22/1963 #17849 own, with a central turret, flying low over his vehicle. 8/20/1963 #17911 own, with a central turret, flying low over his vehicle. 8/20/1963 #17913 the object hovers, and it makes a low humming noise. It finally rises slow 10/1963 #17969 a football from the side, hovered low over the observers, making a deep, p 10/23/1963 #18003 PORT HURON, MI Cops chase large low object. Big segmented window. Whines 11/12/1963 #18031 m behind trees, crossed highway at low altitude, turned, appeared to follow 1/26/1964 #18120 arches very close. Saucer silent / low clouds. Going quickly northeast and 4/24/1964 (approximate) #18190 ed glowing-sphere/orb/globe hovers low. Going quickly west. Car malfunction 4/28/1964 #18213 w a reddish, round object hover at low level, then take off very rapidly to 4/28/1964 #18215 ed objects that are flying at very low altitude and are lost from view behi 5/15/1964 #18270 hio A fiery object, maneuvering at low altitude, was seen from Wooster and 5/17/1964 #18277 .m. a fiery object, maneuvering at low altitude, was seen from Massillon, O 5/17/1964 #18278 A fiery disc swooped down low over Hobbs, New Mexico at around 4 p 6/2/1964 #18323 s blue blimp-shaped object hovered low over New River, Arizona. It ascended 6/3/1964 #18327 ascending slowly in the sky from a low altitude in Cleveland, Ohio. The bal 6/5/1964 #18333 ct with a lower appendage was seen low over a road in Rio Choromoro, Argent 6/6/1964 #18336 very fast, all the while making a low, rumbling sound. 6/13/1964 #18352 move in fast circles. They made a low, rumbling sound as they flew. 6/13/1964 #18353 3 cigars going southwest outside. Low / horizon. Lights / ends and porthol 6/24/1964 #18371 SENTOUS, FR 3 Mx1.5M saucer hovers low / roadside. Quickly going up. 2 smal 7/8/1964 (approximate) #18399 r tall disc-shaped object hovering low over the roadside of the D-21 highwa 7/8/1964 #18400 t did so, a jet aircraft flying at low altitude circled its position. On Ju 7/28/1964 #18456 t did so, a jet aircraft flying at low altitude circled its position. On Ju 7/28/1964 #18457 observer(s). Slow red domed disk / low altitude curves going [to] WSW overh 8/15/1964 #18484 tographers. Moonlike disk hovers / low. 4X moon-size. No photographs! 9/1964 #18524 e sees a white light zigzagging at low altitude and, thinking it is a helic 9/5/1964 #18539 oval, dull copper object that flew low over her car. It measured about 1.2 9/11/1964 #18549 shape / 15 degree tilt. Descends / low clouds going [to] treetop level. Qui 10/29/1964? #18594 rees upward, descended out of some low heavy clouds in Arlington, Massachus 10/29/1964 #18596 ver(s). Large red glowing saucer / low altitude stampedes 50 cattle. 10/30/1964 #18598 Somerset, UK 50 cows reacted to low object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions 10/30/1964 #18599 ico, Puerto Rico Radar tracking of low altitude low speed object (NICAP: 09 11/18/1964 #18624 ico Radar tracking of low altitude low speed object (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Case 11/18/1964 #18624 Bethel, Vermont at high speed and low altitude in rapid succession. 1/4/1965 #18694 He is buzzed by the UFO, which is low enough that he stops his car, gets o 1/12/1965 #18720 shaped object, red-orange glow, at low level. Sound like vacuum cleaner hea 1/23/1965 #18758 th red-orange lights zigzagging at low level. Object touched down briefly, 1/27/1965 #18773 th red-orange lights zigzagging at low level. Object touched down briefly, 1/27/1965 #18775 om an object that had made several low passes over the village with other f 2/21/1965 #18824 ed lights. It flew above them at a low altitude, and avoided hitting their 3/8/1965 #18852 MCLEOD HILL, NB Huge object hovers low / farm field. Loud hiss. Series / ci 4/14/1965 #18905 he rooftop of their house making a low buzzing or purring sound, and was es 5/20/1965 #18947 MASS Gray blimplike object hovers low over power-plant by USCG station. 5/22/1965 #18949 like a blimp or dirigible hovered low over the New England Power Plant in 5/22/1965 #18950 , ten foot wide disc, hovered at a low altitude 100 yards away from the wit 5/27/1965 #18968 sed in a bright green glow hovered low over a field in Monte Negro, Rio Gra 6/3/1965 #18989 /cigar-shape going [to] sideways / low altitude. Portholes glow / entire si 6/19/1965 #19016 rt(s). 2 white saucers over base / low altitude. Going quickly [to] toward( 7/17/1965 #19113 e observer(s). Large silver saucer low / trees. Round indentations. Going q 7/26/1965 #19175 l AFB, TX RAPCON Fails To Identify Low Flying Manta Ray (NICAP: 09 - RADAR 7/28/1965 #19195 rough the Carswell control zone at low altitude. The sighting is verified b 7/28/1965 #19196 east over mountains from Kentucky. Low and slow. Triangle formation. 8/1965 (approximate) #19228 lic, domed disc-shaped UFO swooped low from behind and dove towards his gra 8/4/1965 #19321 bserver(s). Saucer going down [to] low. 3 pseudo-human/entity beam out. Fan 8/7/1965 #19338 m away, rose from the ground, flew low over the car, landed 20m away on the 8/14/1965 #19389 on its sides. It circled and came low over a farm. In fear, the man fired 8/15/1965 #19399 , and then vanished while still at low altitude. 8/16/1965 #19410 ping sound," then saw an object at low altitude on the farm of William Butc 8/20/1965 #19439 Nastoff of Urbana, Ohio sighted a low flying, small white ball of white at 8/30/1965 #19481 nt of a dark cloud, behind another low cloud. It made a sound like a turboj 8/30/1965 #19481 d. It flew from south to northwest low in the sky, and went in front of a b 8/30/1965 #19481 r a field, sometimes fluttering to low altitude with a falling-leaf motion. 9/3/1965 #19505 glowing red, elliptical object at low level, verified by police, row of br 9/3/1965 #19509 take off with a whining and then a low sound. 9/10/1965 #19550 owd. Giant luminous/glowing disk / low altitude. Going [to] toward(s) hill. 9/15/1965 #19562 haped object emitting a hum passed low over observers in Felixstowe, Suffol 9/20/1965 #19585 glowing, disc- shaped UFO hovering low over the city. Witnesses include the 9/23/1965 #19591 s in the area reported also seeing low flying UFOs. 9/29/1965 #19624 -ovoid going quickly [to] overhead low and extremely fast. 11/18/1965 #19728 ghted object come down through the low clouds. It was shaped like a cigar, 12/11/1965 #19765 ad at an extreme speed. There were low lying clouds at the time and the UFO 12/16/1965 #19776 d on top, flat on bottom) hovering low above a field. A greenish glow was v 1/7/1966 #19811 minous disk going southwest / very low altitude. 2 more going south / high 1/8/1966 #19816 minous, disc-shaped object cruises low from north to southwest among the bu 1/8/1966 #19817 egg-shaped object that hovered at low altitude, flew in circular patterns 1/11/1966 #19826 egg-shaped object that hovered at low altitude over Wanaque Reservoir, New 1/11/1966 #19829 eparate observer(s). Silver disk / low altitude. Jet chases. Object going q 1/17/1966 #19842 6M saucer 100m away. Blip / tight low turns / Dow Air Force Base RADAR. / 2/11/1966 #19895 ogist and more. 2 luminous disks / low altitude. Shoot beams going down. Go 2/28/1966 (approximate) #19927 wamp. Rods extend going down. Very low altitude. / r235p21+/ r41p186. 3/20/1966 #20003 e water. Sounded like a turbine, a low whine or hum. He notified Selfridge 3/21/1966 #20014 y. They saw it again later, flying low on a southnorth trajectory. 3/24/1966 #20070 y. They saw it again later, flying low on a south-north trajectory. 3/24/1966 #20073 saw a saucer-shaped object flying low enough that he could distinguish two 3/24/1966 #20074 d continues. Dogs bark. UFO hovers low. Ping sound. 3/29/1966 #20124 aped or elliptical object was seen low over sand dunes. The object circled 3/30/1966 #20155 encountered a cigar-shaped object low over the sand dunes. After losing po 3/30/1966 #20166 / car buzzed and beamed / saucer. Low humming. Motor malfunctions due to E 3/31/1966 #20169 oser. Mr. Udvardy, age 32, heard a low hum like a swarm of bees, and his ca 3/31/1966 #20181 ed. A blue-green sphere hovered at low altitude, ascended and departed to t 4/4/1966 #20221 s/glowing UFO pulses and circles / low altitude over trailer. / O. Binder. 4/5/1966 #20228 luminous object had flown at very low altitude over her trailer, circled a 4/5/1966 #20240 circled and left. Three witnoises. Low buzzing sound. 4/5/1966 #20240 or-like sphere hovered and spun at low altitude, shooting its exhaust onto 4/5/1966 #20245 a vapor-like sphere hovering at a low altitude in Lycoming, New York. The 4/5/1966 #20251 ming, New York. The object hovered low over the ground and was spinning, sh 4/5/1966 #20251 4-5 bright red lights, hovering at low altitude (estimated to be about 400 4/7/1966 #20266 ted again they saw two blue lights low in the sky, which were joined by a v 4/7/1966 #20271 red lights were seen hovering at a low altitude in Lincoln, Nebraska. They 4/7/1966 #20272 and makes a third pass. It makes a low humming sound when it passes about 1 4/8/1966 #20276 MI Silent orange 9M spiral-shape / low altitude going up [to] slow and goin 4/13/1966 #20292 ar systems that were looking for a Low level B-52 at the time got a lockon 4/15/1966 #20298 familiar territory, they were soon low on gas and had to give up the game w 4/17/1966 #20305 lue light beams as it descended to low level above Lake Quannapowitt. (Fowl 4/17/1966 #20314 etallic object maneuvering at very low altitudes. When Quintanilla asks if 4/18/1966 #20331 bright red lights on each end flew low, hovered, and made a hissing sound w 4/19/1966 #20342 white, red, and green lights, flew low over him, circled, came down with pe 4/19/1966 #20345 IANCE, OH 2 / car. Dark 45' saucer low over golf CRS. Lights / rim rotate. 4/22/1966 #20355 bserver(s). Saucer going down [to] low and lands. 4 small humanoids (or Gre 4/22/1966 #20357 ace above and ahead of heir car. A low humming sound was heard. (NICAP repo 4/22/1966 #20364 eported seeing an object flying at low altitude and apparently landing. Fou 4/22/1966 #20368 to have observed an object fly at low altitude and land outside Bagley. Fo 4/22/1966 #20370 n street of Bagley, Minnesota at a low altitude, jumped over a school bus a 4/22/1966 #20379 multi-colored lights was observed low over a school in Beverly, Massachuse 4/22/1966 #20380 . White disk going [to] by. Hovers low over farm / 30 minute(s). Going quic 5/4/1966 #20442 rm in Cardington, Ohio and hovered low over a farmyard for 30 minutes. It t 5/4/1966 #20449 THEAST / CARPIO, ND Saucer? hovers low / lake / 15 mn. 3 curved lit windows 6/1966 (approximate) #20513 ly rose with a "swish," emitting a low "pulsating hum." Plewman and Grant c 6/1/1966 #20520 es car. Absolute(ly) silent. Flies low going northeast. 6/8/1966 #20538 -shaped, bright metallic, and flew low to the northeast. Minimum distance: 6/8/1966 #20541 ithin 30 meters of his car, flying low to the northeast. The close encounte 6/8/1966 #20546 hed the base alternately moving at low to high speeds. Upon descending towa Summer 1966 #20590 bject, about 5 m long, hovering at low altitude, about 300 m from them. The 7/17/1966 #20648 ut five meters long, hovering at a low altitude about 300 meters away from 7/17/1966 #20649 nvex surface. The object descended low over the car and hovered above it. W 7/22/1966 #20667 vers for 30–40 seconds and emits a low hum. 7/22/1966 #20668 onvex surface. The object descends low over the car and hovers above it. Th 7/22/1966 #20669 ASE, MBA 4 objects near base. 1 So low it seemed about to land / military o 7/23/1966 #20670 airbase in Manitoba. One was at so low an altitude that it seemed about to 7/23/1966 #20672 IA 2 observer(s). Red disk pulses. Low speed and low altitude. Seen / 5 min 7/25/1966 (approximate) #20675 s). Red disk pulses. Low speed and low altitude. Seen / 5 minute(s). No fur 7/25/1966 (approximate) #20675 saucer going quickly south / very low altitude over farm. Small portholes. 8/1966 (approximate) #20707 d seeing an unidentified object at low altitude. 8/1/1966 #20716 d seeing an unidentified object at low altitude. 8/1/1966 #20721 US Robert J. Low, later coordinator of the Colorado U 8/9/1966 #20733 Colorado Graduate School Robert J. Low, assistant dean in the University of 8/9/1966 #20734 er-chrome saucer hovers and flips. Low altitude. Tilts and quickly going up 8/19/1966 (approximate) #20765 morning. A UFO is seen hovering at low altitude by all personnel at Heathro 9/1966 #20825 with lights all around it, made a low humming sound and disappeared into w 9/9/1966 #20868 NDON All tower personnel. Saucer / low altitude. Flies away / 3000mph! 9/15/1966 #20883 d flies around the area. One flies low over Ipswich Bay toward the witnesse 9/17/1966 #20892 ge, luminous, blue sphere hovering low in the sky. It shoots off, so he dro 9/24/1966 #20923 pulsing red night lights maneuver low near roadsides. No further details. 10/3/1966 #20951 niversity of Colorado UFO project. Low is made project coordinator. The pri 10/7/1966 #20970 just under the rim was observed at low level, its glow illuminating the gro 10/14/1966 #20998 ments, so he calls both Condon and Low. Both assure him they were misquoted Mid 10/1966 #21007 llow oval UFO approached slowly at low altitude, then sped away when he sho 10/23/1966 #21029 rsburg West Virginia Interstate 77 Low and Hynek make the Colorado project’ Early 11/1966 #21070 ht questions. They both sense that Low, not Condon, is “clearly the decisio 11/11/1966 #21090 m some nearby trees and maneuvered low over their heads. It was in sight fo 11/12/1966 #21096 Fast silver object flies fast and low toward and behind some trees. No fur 11/17/1966 #21114 al that hovered or moved slowly at low altitude. The driver felt and heard 11/18/1966 #21121 burning. The witness then heasr a low humming sound and sees an object ris 11/22/1966 #21141 screamed and ran home, and it flew low over their heads as they ran. 11/27/1966 #21153 do project members. They meet with Low and show him some strong NICAP repor 11/28/1966 #21156 ke the 1959 Redmond, Oregon, case. Low dismisses it as too old because the 11/28/1966 #21156 Washington, D.C. Low visits NICAP headquarters in Washing 12/1966 #21171 eports are worthless. Keyhoe tells Low that before he wastes any time suppl 12/1966 #21171 Strongsville, Ohio when they saw a low flying "batwing" shaped object cross 12/13/1966 #21200 they observed the saucer pass over low and silently not far from their home 1/9/1967 #21275 nd had wings. The creature swooped low over her house and circled above a n 1/11/1967 #21287 hford do not adequately respond to Low’s question about what USAF wants fro 1/12/1967 #21290 omplex Colorado Boulder Condon and Low visit Cheyenne Mountain, NORAD’s und 1/13/1967 #21297 a round object hovering motionless low over an adjoining field. It was 25 f 1/13/1967 #21300 or three minutes and later swooped low over a home. 1/16/1967 #21323 een thru) binoculars. 18' saucer / low altitude with beams going down. Quic 1/18/1967 #21338 projection at the rear approach at low altitude (estimated 400-500 feet), v 1/18/1967 #21341 a disc-shaped UFO approached at a low altitude, emitted two beams of light 1/18/1967 #21345 also sees 7–8 bright lights flying low. 1/20/1967 #21360 saw a string of red lights moving low to the ground about 500 feet away. A 1/20/1967 #21361 ng dark cigar-shaped object flying low over some highway construction on th 1/24/1967 #21377 s the road silently 100 m away, at low speed. Length, 20 m; height, 3 m. 1/26/1967 #21397 serious investigation. Other than Low and the junior staff, nearly everyon 2/1967 #21429 nd sees an object approaching at a low altitude over a road shoulder. It la 2/5/1967 #21460 minous ovoid object coming at very low altitude over a nearby cemetery. He 2/5/1967 #21463 ights (body lights) that flew very low making a roaring sound. (Hazard Hera 2/6/1967 #21467 eady white light beams. It flew at low altitude, slowly and silently. (West 2/7/1967 #21474 e blue disc was seen hovering very low over the NASA/AEC nuclear facility a 2/10/1967 #21507 later two UFOs were seen circling low over a house in Mahopec, Putnam Coun 2/10/1967 #21508 een. The object hovered, then flew low over trees, remaining visible for 3- 2/14/1967 #21548 pe changed to oval. The object was low near a barn and slowly disappeared o 2/16/1967 #21564 body lights approach their car at low altitude late on a cloudy night. The 2/16/1967 #21569 ne green, approaching their car at low altitude. The lights are attached to 2/16/1967 #21572 lights apparently on an object at low altitude and moving very slowly. A b 2/17/1967 #21584 a variety of body lights, hovered low over the interstate highway for thre 2/17/1967 #21587 s hovered, then accelerated away. "Low roaring sound" heard. (NICAP report 2/18/1967 #21589 irginia Pentagon Condon, Saunders, Low, William Price of AFRSTA(?), and Tho 2/20/1967 #21607 T. A rancher saw a glowing disc at low altitude. The object was viewed for 2/21/1967 #21610 elping when a UFO flew by fast and low. The object's light went out, and th 2/21/1967 #21616 ourse. Then quickly going up. Very low altitude. Lit dome. 2/22/1967 #21617 :30 a.m. a flying disc was seen at low level over a farm in Milton, Ohio by 2/22/1967 #21624 ong sound and saw an object flying low over their area. A third person saw 2/23/1967 #21632 o hear a very loud noise and saw a low flying object pass over their area. 2/23/1967 #21636 ght light. The UFOs flew up from a low altitude at a 30-degree angle, sped 2/25/1967 #21652 At 6:00 p.m. local time a low flying, bullet-shaped object flew ov 2/26/1967 #21662 he object paced her car and dipped low before disappearing after 30 minutes 2/27/1967 #21672 ke lights on the underside, dipped low and then disappeared over a hill aft 2/27/1967 #21678 sped away. It made a sound like a "low roar." (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 2/28/1967 #21680 Washington Low calls Keyhoe and reveals that none o 3/1967 #21696 explanations he considers untrue.” Low later visits NICAP in Washington and 3/1967 #21696 many NICAP cases he has examined. Low says, “Probably four or five.” Low s 3/1967 #21696 Low says, “Probably four or five.” Low says he ultimately hopes to review 8 3/1967 #21696 c with a dome, performing slow and low flights in Owen County, was reported 3/1/1967 #21712 nty. The flight was reported as as low as 40' and two automobiles had their 3/1/1967 #21712 poration Jet Propulsion Laboratory Low writes a position paper that expects Early 3/1967 #21730 ng up and down. Follows car / very low altitude. Going quickly northeast. D 3/3/1967 #21738 e object hovered and maneuvered at low level, as smaller objects emerged fr 3/4/1967 #21751 lam-shaped UFO followed a car at a low level for several minutes. A dog in 3/4/1967 #21754 hwise, hovered and maneuvered at a low level. A smaller object emerged from 3/4/1967 #21754 ion/depot/facility. 5 photographs. Low altitude. / Flying Saucer Review (FS 3/5/1967 #21756 riangle/box-like craft paces car / low altitude. Light humming and away. / 3/5/1967 #21758 made a humming sound as it passed low over the car and it illuminated the 3/5/1967 #21768 k Case #11460. Cop. Domed saucer / low altitude. Rim pulses. Bottom/undersi 3/6/1967 #21771 hed witness and passed overhead at low altitude, making a hieeing sound. 3/6/1967 #21777 witness, then passed overhead at a low altitude. Like the Benton Harbor, Mi 3/6/1967 #21779 house. They decided to follow the low flying UFO in a car. The UFO was obs 3/6/1967 #21780 ). 15 silent saucers slowly circle low over city / several minutes. / APRO 3/8/1967 #21790 LEOMINSTER, MA 13M saucer over low fog. Car malfunctions due to EME (el 3/8/1967 #21791 watch 15 discs circle noiselessly low above town for 15 minutes. 3/8/1967 #21816 me-shaped object that was hovering low to the ground with a rocking, pendul 3/8/1967 #21818 PARAGOULD, ARK Disk hovers / low altitude 50M away / observer(s). Swe 3/12/1967 #21860 +3 observer(s). Green night lights low / road. Possible structure. Car malf 3/12/1967 #21863 from all sides. The object floated low, and hovered. Witnesses felt vibrati 3/12/1967 #21866 blinding, fluorescent-green lights low above the road ahead. As they are dr 3/12/1967 #21872 hey saw four green lights hovering low over the road, but the engine of the 3/12/1967 #21875 bject 18 mm / apparent size hovers low / missile site. Up and back down. Se 3/25/1967 #21979 learly. Up and down over 3 farms / low altitude. Beams down. 3/25/1967 (approximate) #21980 at began to glow red when it moved low overhead (luminosity/motion correlat 3/25/1967 #21982 erver(s). 2 luminous objects hover low. 165cm small humanoid (or Grey) / su 3/26/1967 #21989 observer(s). Fiery object hovers / low altitude. Possible spin. Fades? See 3/26/1967 #21992 orado A second briefing for Robert Low by NORAD analysts effectively divert 3/28/1967 #22005 the least likely to detect UFOs). Low tries to find out if NORAD can help 3/28/1967 #22005 phur and camphorated oil, hovering low over the car, which was pulled and r 4/5/1967 #22064 y-by of a red disc with windows at low altitude. ((NICAP report form.) (NIC 4/6/1967 #22074 t threw out some "boxes." Hovering low over the water, the object lowered a 4/13/1967 #22128 hts arranged in groupings. It flew low and slow from east to west. (NICAP r 4/20/1967 #22168 Colorado Robert J. Low issues a position paper that outline 4/21/1967 #22192 PHILADELPHIA, PA Metallic disk low / road. Paces ahead / car. Quickly g 5/3/1967 #22268 Ohio Alexandria, Virginia Condon, Low, Hartmann, Ratchford, and Charles Re 5/5/1967 #22275 effects). Large metallic saucer / low altitude. Lights / rim. Good photogr 5/6/1967 #22280 ight green glowing discs that flew low above treetops and then went straigh 5/28/1967 #22412 s). 5M cylinder/cigar-shape / very low altitude. 4 legs. Small humanoid (or 5/30/1967 #22423 gar-shaped object was seen at very low altitude over a farm in Ribeirao Pir 5/30/1967 #22427 Colorado August Low says he wants the Colorado project t 6/1967 #22437 hours. Two were high, and one was low near transmission lines. The sightin 6/5/1967 #22464 udents saw three UFOs, one of them low near some power lines during a dayti 6/5/1967 #22468 O responsibility at various bases. Low and Saunders try to get them excited 6/12/1967 #22498 rch. Earlier in June, in a memo to Low, he said he planned to do some UFO i 6/27/1967 #22565 e UFO investigating and lecturing. Low forwards the letter to Philip Klass 6/27/1967 #22565 red, cigar-shaped object that flew low and fast to the southwest. (Pacific 7/1967 #22587 ding them. Roy Craig discovers the Low memorandum while searching for unrel 7/1967 #22589 ect about 75–100 feet long hanging low in the sky above Woonsocket, Rhode I 7/3/1967 #22601 COVENTRY, CT Ball / light hovers low / sky. Grass twisted flat. Big Comm. 7/5/1967 #22612 on refuses to nominate a case, but Low proposes the Red Bluff police report 7/6/1967 #22620 n orange ball (sphere) hovering at low altitude, clearly visible beneath a 7/14/1967 #22658 ights). The object moved slowly at low altitude until lost behind trees. (P 7/15/1967 #22662 WILMINGTON, CA 24M UFO low over lumberyard. Watchman fires 6 sh 7/19/1967 #22698 lights). The object approached at low altitude, passed overhead, made a ti 7/19/1967 #22699 no Beach, FL Dog in car fearful at low flying light (NICAP: 04 - Animal Rea 7/21/1967 #22715 in their car became fearful of the low flying yellow light, which flew just 7/21/1967 #22720 - white light coming toward him at low altitude, a dark band visible around 7/28/1967 #22746 w at tree-top level and hovered at low altitude close to the witnesses. Fin 8/1/1967 #22773 ong, beer keg-shaped object flying low and hugging the rough terrain in a s 8/5/1967 #22816 slowly in a rectangular pattern at low altitude, then accelerated upward an 8/11/1967 #22862 ondon, England Loch Ness, Scotland Low, Roach, and Hynek attend the XIIIth 8/22/1967 #22892 echoslovakia [now Czech Republic]. Low wastes an opportunity to meet with C 8/22/1967 #22892 hese technical reports. Condon and Low apparently disapprove of this immedi 8/27/1967 #22939 bright red glowing dome as it flew low overhead and apparently landed in a 9/2/1967 #22980 Saunders suggests to Low that his academic commitments might 9/5/1967 #23006 ion of project duties, namely that Low, Roach, and himself report directly 9/5/1967 #23006 on, with others reporting to them. Low blows up. Low ultimately agrees but 9/5/1967 #23006 s reporting to them. Low blows up. Low ultimately agrees but replaces Roach 9/5/1967 #23006 erver(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape-UFO low / sky. Car engine and lights fail. R 9/6/1967 #23008 lows Apure River west going east / low altitude. Very circular. 9/10/1967 #23028 hat moved slowly across the sky at low altitude. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcom 9/10/1967 #23030 e Apure River from west to east at low altitude. 9/10/1967 #23032 Saunders, Low, and Condon meet for 3 hours to disc 9/18/1967 #23084 e Colorado project. Saunders tells Low about it. 9/20/1967 #23099 no sound as they went behind some low lying cumulus clouds and did not eme 9/23/1967 #23123 en saw a white light that moved at low altitude over the highway ahead of a 9/25/1967 #23130 Condon's home Saunders, Low, and Condon have another meeting at 9/25/1967 #23131 s NICAP’s contributions. It quotes Low in a similar vein. Condon talks to t 9/27/1967 #23137 ect members hold a meeting without Low and Condon to decide what to do. Lev 9/27/1967 #23137 ong Highway 3 see an object flying low, flashing four lights one after the 10/4/1967 #23176 spect the project has a CIA mole. (Low did work for the CIA in 1949 when it 10/10/1967 #23204 bright disk going [to] overhead / low altitude. 10/21/1967 #23276 n Devon, England. It maneuvered at low altitude over the treetops, and a se 10/24/1967 #23306 Y, NS Blazing disk follows train / low altitude going west. Railroad/railwa 10/25/1967 #23312 wn at 4:30 a.m. He then observed a low hovering, dull-colored object about 10/26/1967 #23335 reas of coloration. The object was low and moving horizontally an estimated 10/27/1967 #23343 areas of coloration. The object is low and moving horizontally an estimated 10/27/1967 #23351 sh Electric Lightning fighters fly low overhead. Ahead of the aircraft is a 10/27/1967 #23353 ng cigar-shaped object flying at a low altitude, estimated to be only 250 f 10/27/1967 #23355 red, cigar- shaped object hovering low in the sky, a bluish-green area visi 10/31/1967 #23377 ed light on one end. It hovered at low altitude, moved back and forth (mane 11/8/1967 #23421 Colorado Colorado project Condon, Low, and editor Harriet Hunter meet to d 11/13/1967 #23443 en up (perhaps he no longer trusts Low to do this). 11/13/1967 #23443 misphere. Extremely bright. Hovers low over grounded. / Flying Saucer Revie 11/14/1967 #23446 t shaped like a hemisphere hovered low over the ground. It moved away quick 11/14/1967 #23448 tes separate letters to Condon and Low, asking if they will agree to examin 11/14/1967 #23450 6:00 a.m., a luminous dome hovered low above the ground, then shot away qui 11/14/1967 #23451 ., and allows him to photocopy the Low memorandum, saying it should be shar 11/22/1967 #23495 nated hemispherical object appears low over the shore of the Baltic Sea nea Late 11/1967 #23511 Condon and Low write Keyhoe back separately and do 12/1/1967 #23531 IDAHO FALLS, ID Low saucer turns and tilts. 2 small huma 12/8/1967 #23559 nek leaves, McDonald brings up the Low memorandum. He has apparently heard 12/12/1967 #23573 o out. Powerful fireball outside / low altitude changes color(s). 12/14/1967 #23583 gle/box-like craft hovers. Nears / low altitude. Sharp turn and away fast. 12/14/1967 #23584 lights). The object approached at low altitude, hovered over a nearby fiel 12/15/1967 #23589 e middle. The object approached at low altitude, and then hovered over a ne 12/15/1967 #23592 d’s UFO activity in Australia from Low, starts a letter-writing campaign di 12/16/1967 #23593 ). Glowing "stunted Dill pickle" / low altitude. 10 minute(s). / r00p61. 1/15/1968 #23664 McDonald calls Low on the phone and expresses his conce 1/19/1968 #23676 car. 10M and orange fireball spins low / field. Chases car. Shoots quickly 1/20/1968 #23679 McDonald sends Low a 7-page, single-spaced letter, citi 1/31/1968 #23714 the lack of communication between Low and Condon and the active investigat 1/31/1968 #23714 ssertions of cover-up. He mentions Low’s memorandum, saying “I am rather pu 1/31/1968 #23714 tter arrives in Boulder, Colorado. Low is out of town and the staff read it 2/5/1968 #23737 town and the staff read it first. Low does not see it until 4:00 p.m. the 2/5/1968 #23737 ved a large cigar-shaped object at low level in rural Cromwell, Connecticut 2/5/1968 #23738 Condon's office Low summons Saunders to Condon’s office, 2/7/1968 #23739 , and Levine walks out. Condon and Low meet with other staff members the re 2/7/1968 #23739 ty of Colorado Colorado Condon and Low meet with Thurston Manning and Stuar 2/8/1968 #23740 ers and Norm Levine will be fired. Low types the letters himself and Condon 2/8/1968 #23740 tograph UFO. Hides in smoke cloud. Low. 2/9/1968 #23741 Boulder Daily Camera Condon and Low meet with Craig, who admits knowing 2/9/1968 #23746 An oval, domed object passed low over a car at the edge of a pond in 2/11/1968 #23749 at MITRE Corporation, tells Robert Low that, contrary to what NORAD had bri 2/14/1968 #23758 tion, F. Robert Naka, tells Robert Low that NORAD radars track UAP “coming 2/14/1968 #23759 hat the staff has no confidence in Low as project coordinator, that Low has 2/22/1968 #23777 n Low as project coordinator, that Low has no interest in UFO sightings or 2/22/1968 #23777 nfidence” among senior staffers in Low’s competence. She also complains tha 2/24/1968 #23782 ompetence. She also complains that Low has been less than honest about the 2/24/1968 #23782 staff views of UFOs and the views Low and Condon are expressing. 2/24/1968 #23782 almost stopped as the object flew low overhead, and the witness was briefl 3/3/1968 #23813 Syracuse, NY Cigar Flies Low Over Car / E-M (NICAP: 03 - EME Case 3/4/1968 #23822 car. Orange glow disks maneuver / low altitude. 'Lengthy report' / No furt 3/12/1968 #23837 EAR ST. VOIR, FR Silent fuselage / low altitude. Shoots truncated rays all 3/27/1968 #23863 n article by John G. Fuller on the Low memorandum and the near-mutiny at th 4/27/1968 #23926 Low tells the press Fuller has quoted hi 4/29/1968 #23930 ted him out of context. Condon and Low spend the morning talking to legal c 4/29/1968 #23930 dent Lyndon Johnson, enclosing the Low memo and other evidence and urging t 4/30/1968 #23932 red light on its underside hovered low over some trees. It dropped behind t 4/30/1968 #23933 arby farm. 1 going quickly south / low altitude. No traces. 5/7/1968 #23949 n the Colorado UFO Project and the Low "trick" memo. 5/14/1968 #23961 Colorado Low is relieved of 90% of his duties wit 5/15/1968 #23963 pervisor. Bright circular object / low altitude. Dogs frantic. Electro-magn 5/29/1968 #23992 y bright circular UFO hovered at a low altitude over Mosinee, Wisconsin at 5/29/1968 #23994 ook, which he did despite the very low outdoor temperatures at the time. He 6/10/1968 #24018 g for some minutes over Poopo at a low altitude, illuminating the village l 6/19/1968 #24051 disc-shaped object flew extremely low, nearly hugging the ground, and trav 6/21/1968 #24067 minous object zigzag above them at low altitude. 7/2/1968 #24133 E, ARG 4 / car. 20M orange ovoid / low altitude. Slow and silent. Odor / we 7/8/1968 #24155 domed disc-shaped object was seen low to the ground in Columbus, Indiana. 7/15/1968 #24178 ngs maneuver all over area. Large. Low altitude. 7/21/1968 #24196 down bowl, glowing underside, flew low over road, landed. Flying Saucer Rev 7/29/1968 #24251 owing on the underside. As it flew low over the road, the headlights and en 7/29/1968 #24255 bed as domed-shaped object hovered low (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 7/30/1968 #24260 ont, NH Dome-shaped object hovered low over ground, grayish light beam cast 7/30/1968 #24261 glowing cigar-shaped object swoop low over the lake in the distance. Three 8/7/1968 #24308 observer(s). Saucer lights area / low altitude. 3 small humanoids (or Grey 8/9/1968 #24311 server(s). Large ovoid going south low over woods. Shoots away as small pla 8/19/1968 #24355 / moon. Going quickly [to] fast / low altitude. Vanishes suddenly. 9/2/1968 #24424 they rise one at a time from some low hills, hover momentarily, and descen 9/4/1968 #24429 es over the area at high speed and low altitude. 9/15/1968 #24467 A disc-shaped object was seen low over a courtyard in Duque de Caxias, 9/20/1968 #24490 es (something behind) gassy trail. Low and slow northwest going southeast. 9/21/1968 #24493 ge red luminous saucer maneuvers / low altitude. Follows car / 3km. Hums. 10/4/1968 #24542 t, but it stops and hovers above a low building about 500 feet away. Sudden 10/5/1968 #24544 e object west going quickly east / low altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. Sudde 11/6/1968 #24636 ontrol Approach (GCA) reported two low flying and slow moving objects appro 11/28/1968 #24728 duct. Going northwest over rails / low altitude. 12/8/1968 (approximate) #24750 IELD, MO 2 cops. 160' disk glows / low altitude. Light plane circles going 1/2/1969 #24813 ght object like an ice- cream cone low in the sky ahead, traveling big end 1/25/1969 #24871 "pot" fly silently over trees at a low altitude, from north to south. The U 1/28/1969 #24875 large stationary disc that hovered low over his goats in a pasture. The bil 2/9/1969 #24907 MOUTH, MASS Truck driver. Fireball low over trees. Flies when observer(s) n 2/10/1969 #24908 ar-shape going quickly southwest / low altitude. 2/13/1969 #24917 n a cigar-shaped object flew by at low altitude flying to the southwest at 2/13/1969 #24919 M cylinder/cigar-shape paces car / low altitude. Blows dust and leaves / ta 2/20/1969 #24932 ed the car for some distance quite low to the ground. It then rose quickly 2/20/1969 #24935 he car closely for 20 minutes at a low altitude. A woman also saw the objec 3/12/1969 #25003 ALE, MI 2 / car. UFO follows car / low altitude. Type unknown. Shoots away 3/13/1969 #25004 eft side of the plane, flying very low and in a rough formation. Each has t 3/17/1969 #25019 TTA, ITL Green turtle with claws / low altitude. Domed 5M saucer lands. 2 f 3/19/1969 #25028 EVILLERS, FR Rectangular object / low altitude. 4-5 portholes / top and bo 3/21/1969 #25034 s (or Greys). No further details / low credibility. 4/1969 #25042 W, AUST 1 observer. 25' hat-saucer low over cane crop. Strong beam sweeps 3 4/20/1969 #25070 going out and being replaced by a “low beam” and “cabin lights.” A UFO is a 4/20/1969 #25073 foot diameter hat-shaped disc flew low over the sugar cane crop. It emitted 4/20/1969 #25074 zens. 3 extremely bright saucers / low altitude spin over Major intersectio 4/21/1969 #25077 they got closer they noticed a UFO low over the roadway. It had a red rotat 4/21/1969 #25079 ing over a major intersection at a low altitude in Guanabara, a city in Rio 4/21/1969 #25080 oom is made of stone. Inside, on a low shelf seemingly fashioned out of sto 5/4/1969 #25114 Brilliant circular object hovers / low altitude. Beams pulse going down. Bu 5/12/1969 #25129 liant circular object hovered at a low altitude near some railroad tracks i 5/12/1969 #25132 ck, with close-set eyes and a very low forehead. When Kaiser made a move to 5/19/1969 #25148 BRZ 2 / truck. Bright 13M saucer / low altitude. Darkens and quickly going 5/31/1969 #25170 M domed saucer follows motorbike / low altitude. Glows orange. Whistles. Go 6/1969 (approximate) #25178 rd. Silver disk with glowing-edge. Low and slow. Brave dog cowers.. 6/15/1969 #25217 one maneuvers all over/all about / low altitude. 60M from porch. Going quic 6/23/1969 #25232 made no sound, and flew about at a low altitude, then flew away to the nort 6/23/1969 #25233 hen separated, one flying off at a low altitude, the other climbing higher 7/20/1969 #25282 large, glowing red object hovering low over his vehicle. Startled, Whitcomb 7/21/1969 #25290 h lights around its periphery flew low over Groomsport, North Down, Norther 8/11/1969 #25316 r department, France. It came down low over the source of Doux River, then 8/11/1969 #25318 ngle lights / underside going [to] low over house. 8/15/1969? #25323 d as it moved very slowly off at a low altitude. 9/22/1969 #25375 aming rocket-like torpedo fast and low / several minutes. 10/8/1969 #25398 hts on the object. It hovered at a low altitude, flattening the high grass 10/28/1969 #25431 rver(s). 3 saucers going northwest low and slow. 2 heads visible / transpar 11/15/1969 #25458 e a rounded triangle. It came very low and close to their car and suddenly 11/30/1969 #25481 ver/all about. Evasive maneuvers / low altitude. Dome going. / r171. 12/7/1969 #25492 lit oddly. Red saucer seen later / low altitude. See Rouillac. 1/5/1970 #25535 d object was seen flying at a very low altitude. The witnesses were 19-year 1/5/1970 #25536 e department, France encountered a low flying, slow moving, 10 meter long s 1/13/1970 #25546 . Maneuvers. Absolute(ly) silent / low altitude. / r222p94. 3/28/1970 #25612 / sphere/orb/globe going down [to] low. Unravels / 2 lines going quickly we 4/3/1970 #25622 e glowing object sails over town / low altitude. Observer(s) chases. 4/31/1970 #25647 cops. Night light SSE going NNW / low altitude. = trapezoid with small bas 6/1970 (approximate) #25680 beach. Cloud cylinder/cigar-shape low overhead. Pulsing glow. Sudden hiss 6/1/1970 #25685 surrounded by an artificial cloud, low overhead at about 1:00 p.m. It had a 6/1/1970 #25686 of a predator at around two a.m. A low flying hovering object, with its top 6/2/1970 #25688 lts. Orange-glowing ovoid hovers / low altitude. Beams light ground. 6/24/1970 #25705 derslav, Den Ellipse approached at low altitude, heat felt. See Section V ( 8/13/1970 #25780 ve seen it, too, because it was so low. He, his wife, and daughter observed 8/30/1970 #25815 uminous orange object descend very low over some houses in Montreal, Quebec 10/5/1970 #25870 es, then brightened while making a low sweep over the area. Two of the witn 12/7/1970 #25934 motorists. Red saucer going down / low altitude over railroad/railway track 12/17/1970 #25943 l motorists saw a red disc descend low over some railroad tracks. 12/17/1970 #25946 rver(s). 2M disk going [to] over / low altitude. So bright / headlights was 12/23/1970 #25950 silver saucers north going south / low altitude. Linear formation. Separate 1/2/1971 #25967 ilently in a linear formation at a low altitude. They then tilted and separ 1/2/1971 #25968 hio from the north when they saw a low flying object that "looked like a ba 1/22/1971 #25997 th lights going [to] past window / low altitude. Observer(s) exits and fire 2/17/1971 #26022 en from inside going quickly north low and fast over town. No other reports 3/2/1971 #26037 inated green from the inside, flew low and fast over the town of Vannes, Fr 3/2/1971 #26039 a silent, delta-shaped object fly low over Route E41 toward the southwest. 3/2/1971 #26040 right object slowly approaching at low altitude, passing over some high-ten 5/15/1971 #26110 bright object slowly approach at a low altitude, passing over some high-ten 5/15/1971 #26111 ES, PDC, FR Domed 4M saucer / very low altitude / quarry. Small humanoid (o 5/30/1971 #26144 r's interior illuminated by a big, low flying, circular UFO. It was green i 6/9/1971 #26163 16-foot wide, white glowing object low over some pastures for ten minutes. 7/9/1971 #26221 uth. Saucer going [to] over road / low altitude. Electro-magnetic effect (E 7/18/1971 #26236 oculars. Bright sphere/orb/globe / low altitude. Blue windows going west. 5 7/27/1971 #26245 MOBILE, AL Silent grey flying-wing low and slow over road. White light / re 8/13/1971 #26282 e direction of a nearby river at a low altitude. 8/19/1971 #26296 ng leaf descent. Glows. Vanishes / low altitude. 9/5/1971 #26320 op, metallic silver in color, flew low over Clee Village, Shropshire, Engla 9/8/1971 #26326 g the same or a similar UFO flying low over the area, including a man who r 9/20/1971 #26354 two disc-shaped objects descended low over Rainbow Lake in Derry, New Hamp 10/3/1971 #26405 sky. Going quickly west. 1 high 1 low. 10/28/1971 (approximate) #26433 e at high altitude, the other at a low altitude. 10/28/1971 #26436 sky that got closer together, very low in sky. A lot of dogs started barkin 10/31/1971 #26442 d are coated with a hydrocarbon of low molecular weight that is difficult t 11/2/1971 #26449 or. Football ovoid going down [to] low. Vanishes! Separate observer(s) repo 11/4/1971 #26454 r hovers and spins. Crosses town / low altitude. 12/4/1971 #26485 reds as it passed over the town at low altitude. 12/4/1971 #26486 follow him. The light swooped very low, almost at ground level, and he then 12/13/1971 #26496 OUTH AFRICA 3 egg-shaped objects / low altitude. / J'burg star 21.7.72. 3/13/1972 #26602 over Lake Leman jumps going north low and slow toward(s) Switzerland. 3/29/1972 #26628 2+1+observer(s). Capsule with legs low / chicken Coop. Night lights / power 5/13/1972 #26678 Luminous ovoid hovers. Going south low and slow. Beams going down. 90° rota 6/2/1972 #26697 moved toward the south slowly at a low altitude. It directed a beam of ligh 6/2/1972 #26698 T 6 observer(s). 25' saucer / very low. 3M robot vanishes. Car burns. Heada 6/4/1972 #26700 25-foot diameter disc hovered very low to the ground. The six witnesses rep 6/4/1972 #26701 all over/all about airfield / very low altitude / 45 minute(s). Observers d 6/22/1972 #26723 objects flying about randomly at a low altitude. A neighbor describes them 7/5/1972 #26774 Man photographs 25' saucer. Spins low over house. / r166p48+/ Flying Sauce 7/7/1972 #26782 IUM 8 white orbs / octagon hover / low altitude / 5 minute(s). Evaporate / 7/11/1972 #26792 Red hat-saucer going quickly NNW / low altitude. Stops / railroad/railway s 7/19/1972 #26810 de. Maneuvers all over/all about / low altitude. 7/27/1972 #26837 the underside. It maneuvered at a low altitude. 7/29/1972 #26846 bin / bottom/underside going down. Low whistle. Flashlights etc. quit. 8/1972 #26854 s disk north going quickly south / low altitude. 60cm / arms length. All ov 8/2/1972 #26867 30 feet in diameter hovering at a low altitude and making a beeping sound. 8/21/1972 #26945 netic effects). Orange 8M saucer / low altitude. Fuses Blown. Engine OK aft 8/22/1972 #26948 Bright ovoid follows 2 / car home. Low and close. Hovers over house. Spins 9/7/1972 #26977 r, Manitoba. It paced the car at a low altitude and flew quite close, and t 9/7/1972 #26980 inous disk with very strong beam / low altitude. Hovers / one hour. / news. 9/26/1972 (approximate) #27031 man at home. 3 disks going south / low altitude. Rims glow red. No further 10/5/1972 #27050 , California three discs flew at a low altitude toward the south. They had 10/5/1972 #27051 , PR 1 observer photographs disk / low altitude. Going down [to] into sea. 10/27/1972 #27091 thwest going southeast 500M away / low altitude. 10/29/1972 #27099 g down / motorcycle. Rider frozen. Low humming. Electro-magnetic effect (EM 11/1972 #27102 solid ovoids / incredible speed / low altitude going quickly [to] Red Rive 12/1972 #27157 ght toward their vessel and flying low over the waves. It stops above the s 12/24/1972 #27187 uge "train" object going quickly / low altitude. Orange smoke and portholes 1/1/1973 #27204 ). 50' domed saucer with antennas. Low altitude. Possible blimp. Going quic 1/2/1973 #27213 d object that appeared to hover as low as two hundred feet from the ground. 1/2/1973 #27215 Domed metallic saucer chases car / low altitude. Headlights dim. / r231-197 1/3/1973 #27217 domed disc chased a car at a very low altitude. The car's headlights dimme 1/3/1973 #27219 ck. Circular object crosses road / low altitude as if landing / field. 1/6/1973 #27222 ssed the road in front of him at a low altitude, as if intending to land in 1/6/1973 #27223 io noisy. 30cm box going [to] very low. Snow melted. Green gunk found. 1/8/1973 #27226 ra County, Ontario, Canada. A very low flying maneuvering light also paced 1/11/1973 #27231 rn. Spotlights all over/all about. Low altitude. Observer(s) flee. 1/14/1973 #27234 over the pastoral countryside at a low altitude. The observers drove away f 1/14/1973 #27235 s, UK Bright yellow sphere hovered low over road, engine restarted by itsel 2/9/1973 #27278 ed a bright yellow sphere hovering low over the road, about 20 or 30 feet a 2/9/1973 #27279 iangle/box-like crafts. 1 hovers / low. 1 lands. UFO with antenna. Delta/tr 2/11/1973 #27281 , South Carolina. One hovered at a low altitude, the other landed. The seco 2/11/1973 #27284 t-dome with rim and 3 small orbs / low altitude. Going west. 2/14/1973 #27287 ). Luminous/glowing 7M disk passes low over homes. Going south very slow. T 2/18/1973 #27294 pring sees a similar object flying low near her farmhouse. 2/21/1973 #27305 erver(s). Ovoid / disk over towns. Low altitude. 2/22/1973 #27306 CKSBURG, SC Cylinder/cigar-shape / low altitude. Many see 2 blinking lights 2/22/1973 #27309 A very low flying disc-shaped object was seen b 2/22/1973 #27311 (s). Cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / low / woods. 9 windows / side. Too many 2/24/1973 #27315 A cigar-shaped object hovered low over some pine woods two miles from 2/24/1973 #27316 disk going north past fire tower. Low and silent. No lights. 3/5/1973 #27331 rate observer(s). Flying oil-rig / low altitude. / Vermilion Standard 14.3. 3/5/1973 #27332 e, OH At 7:30 p.m. a light hovered low over trees making a “throaty sucking 3/13/1973 #27341 PIEDMONT, MO Saucers high and low. Sphere/orb/globe / tripod rises / l 3/14/1973 #27345 craft were seen flying at high and low altitudes.Photographs were taken and 3/14/1973 #27347 LAKE, MO 10 observer(s). Saucer / low altitude going [to] over reservoir. 3/19/1973 #27350 ver(s). Crescent going down / very low altitude near road. Possible landing 3/23/1973 #27367 d double-domes / bat shapes pass / low altitude. See reference figure 2d. 3/29/1973 #27389 e dots circle / bottom. Going [to] low and silent over trees. 4/7/1973 #27412 across sky. Red and green lights. Low and slow. 4/8/1973 #27414 r(s). Blue-green disk drops / very low over sugar plantation. 4/24/1973 #27441 er(s). Glowing-ovoid going south / low altitude. Stops over home. Going qui 4/24/1973 #27442 blue cylindrical shaped UFO made a low silent pass. (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 5/19/1973 #27509 blue cylindrical shaped UFO made a low silent pass over Springfield, Missou 5/19/1973 #27512 flew up and over them, and passed low over the other side and away. 5/23/1973 #27522 ALIA 2 observer(s). Row / lights / low altitude. 15' circular scorched. Sev 6/3/1973 #27547 er(s) report diamond-observer(s) / low altitude. / Reading Eve.Post 7.6.73. 6/6/1973 #27552 amond-shaped UFO was observed at a low altitude over Woodley, England at 10 6/6/1973 #27554 cone) flying rapidly toward him at low altitude (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounte 6/14/1973 #27567 end, Wisconsin when they sighted a low hovering disc-shaped object with sev 6/15/1973 #27568 PEABODY, KS 4+observer(s). 3 very low round objects pace truck. / Newton K 6/19/1973 #27570 EVERGEM, BELGIUM 3 observer(s). Low flying disk going [to] over town. / 6/23/1973 #27582 hat had a ring around it rose from low on the ESE horizon, moved up-down, t 6/23/1973 #27583 hat had a ring around it rose from low on the ESE horizon, moved up-down, t 6/23/1973 #27585 observer. Domed saucer going [to] low over Lake Stanley Draper. Steam rise 7/11/1973 #27628 Emden, MO Dog is afraid of low glowing object (UFO) (NICAP: 04 - An 7/13/1973 #27632 ilver object going [to] overhead / low altitude. Type unknown. No further d 7/29/1973 #27660 Seneca, New York, when they hear a low hum coming from an object above thei 8/1973 #27672 ect” cumulus clouds move into view low above them. A perfectly round sphere 8/1973 #27672 er(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape / very low altitude. Stops / well. Cylinder/cig 8/6/1973 #27686 observer. Tlw disk going quickly / low altitude over town. / BFJ'74 v4#3p28 8/27/1973 #27724 server(s). Ovoid going down / very low altitude. Plants scorched. / r156.#1 9/4/1973 #27759 e an ovoid object was seen at very low altitude in Maubeuge, Nord, France. 9/4/1973 #27762 observer(s). 2 round red objects / low altitude. / Ark.Gzt 10.9.73 and more 9/8/1973 #27777 . 20' lighted object passes / very low altitude. / many local (as a local w 9/8/1973 #27778 3. Carsize glowing-object fast and low over mountain. / NICAP Feb74+/ r43p6 9/8/1973 #27780 UFO passed over Lanett, Alabama at low altitude. News coverage of the sight 9/8/1973 #27784 bject with protruding pipes / very low altitude. Scares cat. / r231. 9/9/1973 #27788 separate observer(s). Domed saucer low / homes. Indent / ground 250° F hour 9/9/1973 #27792 2 observer(s). Large lit object / low altitude. Traces and burnt grass fou 9/13/1973 #27810 arge saucer / bedroom window. Very low and close. Time unknown. 9/14/1973 #27816 r pot (truncated cone) hovering at low altitude (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounte 9/14/1973 #27821 like a truncated cone hovering at low altitude about 200 meters off the ro 9/14/1973 #27823 silent salad-bowl saucer hovers / low altitude. 9/19/1973 #27834 -bowl shaped domed disc hovered at low altitude over Dunkerque, Nord, Franc 9/19/1973 #27840 saucer with square windows going / low altitude. / Can. UFO report v3#1p24. 9/20/1973 #27843 mall plane nearly hits car. Hovers low. Becomes cylinder/cigar-shape! going 9/23/1973 #27854 s above a nearby house. It makes a low, “loop-loop-loop” thumping sound. Th 9/23/1973 #27859 server(s). Brilliant fast object / low altitude. Follows plane going west. 10/1/1973 #27909 / lights makes fantastic passes / low altitude. 10/5/1973 #27942 over the area at high speeds and a low altitude. A third case of this day i 10/5/1973 #27953 ently because they were flying too low. A New Lebanon Township, Ohio police 10/10/1973 #27984 a domed disc-shaped object hovered low and maneuvered between some trees in 10/11/1973 #28004 r/cigar-shape going quickly south. Low altitude. Row / windows / side. / r2 10/12/1973 #28010 bserver(s). Huge orange ovoid very low over cotton fields and railroad/rail 10/15/1973 #28042 H Football-shape going east / very low altitude. Glow lights area. Going up 10/16/1973 #28067 oculars. Huge blue-glowing saucer. Low / field. Strobe-lights / edge. Power 10/16/1973 #28072 s / rear and white prong / center. Low humming. / r98#261p242. 10/17/1973 #28097 observer(s). Copper saucer hovers low. 6' figure tries / grab 2 kids with 10/17/1973 #28099 NG CO, GA 18M gold football hovers low near quarry. Quickly going up [to] t 10/17/1973 #28105 observer(s). Domed saucer going / low altitude. Photographs. / FSRv20#1p32 10/19/1973 #28178 the UFO, which rose slowly with a low humming noise and then took off at h 10/19/1973 #28198 tched a large round object at very low altitude. Both witnesses were scared 10/24/1973 #28273 arge red spherical object hovering low in the sky near Uniontown, Pennsylva 10/25/1973 #28286 IA, ITL 2 observer(s). Saucer very low / large power station/depot/facility 10/26/1973 #28293 s) / window. 3 large saucers hover low and near. 12 robots / ground search 10/28/1973 #28305 s). Night light follows car here / low altitude / 35 mile(s) going quickly 10/30/1973 #28320 ORD, MD 2 observer(s). Saucer very low / apple tree. 2nd saucer joins. Goin 10/31/1973 #28321 MIDLAND, PA AND NJ Disk / light / low altitude. / Beaver Co. Times 6.11.73 11/1/1973 #28332 l observer(s). Ovoid passes / very low altitude. / Carolina Pacemaker 3.11. 11/1/1973 #28334 PORT STANLEY, ON Ovoid / low altitude follows man home. / St. Tho 11/2/1973 #28345 A, PR Silver ovoid with antennas / low and slow. Figure inside waves. White 11/2/1973 #28346 NEAR LEWISVILLE, TX Saucer very low / golf course. Truck shakes. Engine 11/3/1973 #28359 s). Diamond-shaped object passes / low altitude. / contact-USA v1#2p5 / '73 11/3/1973 #28360 Hibbs and 2. Round silver object / low altitude. / Dunn Daily Record 9.11.7 11/6/1973 #28370 Cone with triangular windows spins low over pasture. / Times Herald. 11/6/1973 #28372 4 jets chase. Going quickly east / low altitude. 11/6/1973 #28373 , CA 1 / car chased / domed disk / low altitude. / Indio Daily News 8.11.73 11/8/1973 #28385 hen her family of six observed two low flying, brilliant red lights that fl 11/8/1973 #28394 uth. Going east along Route 1313 / low altitude. / news. 11/10/1973 (approximate) #28399 H., DC 3 observer(s). Round object low over parking Lot / wash.monument. / 11/16/1973 #28429 UD, TX 2 / car chased / triangle / low altitude. / r231'74p82+Dallas Times 11/18/1973 #28440 in diameter emerge from a strange, low white cloud. It flew at only one met 11/19/1973 #28449 1 observer. Circular object / very low altitude lights trees oddly. No furt 11/21/1973 #28452 . points going quickly [to] SR14 / low altitude. Rosebud News 22.11.73. 11/22/1973 #28457 FR 10' saucer going east slow and low. Hums. 90° turn going quickly northw 11/28/1973 (approximate) #28471 irl / 10. 10M hexagon-disk nears / low altitude. Top and bottom flash alter 11/28/1973 #28472 ge-red balls of light that hovered low to the ground in the west for about 11/28/1973 #28473 ashy domed object circles bridge / low altitude. Fin / bottom. / news. 11/29/1973 #28479 HYDRO, OK 2 observer(s). Triangle low and slow 1 mile south / I40. / Clint 11/29/1973 #28480 PA 2 observer(s). Slow triangle / low altitude. / King of Prussia Post 30. 11/29/1973 #28481 (s). Red-orange bowl passes / very low altitude. / W. Star-Journal 11.12.73 12/2/1973 #28504 AY, MI 1 observer. "Mushroom" very low over trees. Vanishes. / Petoskey New 12/3/1973 #28510 Missouri a farmer reported that a low flying UFO frightened his livestock. 12/3/1973 #28515 RTH BEND, OR Multicolored object / low altitude follows observer(s) home! / 12/4/1973 #28517 REA Several observer(s). Saucers / low altitude. Power out. 65 bulls panic 12/5/1973 #28519 ct was seen over some marshes at a low altitude near Nimes, Gard, France. A 12/5/1973 #28523 R. Arroyo in car paced by ovoid / low altitude. No further details. 12/10/1973 #28544 en he was paced by an ovoid UFO at low altitude near Sabana Grande, Puerto 12/10/1973 #28551 in the sky and came back down to a low altitude. It changed color from red 12/20/1973 #28594 A 1 observer. Bright blue sphere / low altitude. / Pt. Townsend Leader 3.1. 12/30/1973 #28614 ous and appeared solid, and passed low over the treetops. At 4:20 p.m. Paci 12/31/1973 #28623 ion split apart over power plant / low altitude. / r71p105. 1/1974 #28635 ut of the car to watch a dark mass low above their heads, with arcs of blue 1/3/1974 #28641 the suburbs of Chicago followed a low flying UFO in Berwyn, Illinois at ar 1/4/1974 #28644 head and heard, simultaneously, a low pitched, modulated sound. The two su 1/7/1974 #28661 ids. Huge football going down [to] low. Night lights exit. Going up / cloud 2/3/1974 (approximate) #28727 POULDERGAT, FR Orange saucer / low altitude comes and goes in jumps. 08 2/4/1974 #28735 ckly going down. Red ovoid paces / low altitude. Beams going down. 90° turn 2/6/1974 #28740 its abandoned house. Follows car / low altitude to 150kph. 2/12/1974 #28759 saw an orange colored light moving low to the ground from right to left. Th 2/14/1974 #28773 /orb/globe and white panel hover / low altitude. Blue cloud / road. Car mal 2/27/1974 #28806 o feet in diameter that moved at a low altitude slowly through the sky. The 3/1/1974 #28842 like craft going quickly southwest low over route E41. Rises. 3/2/1974 #28846 4 observer(s). Fireball maneuvers low / horizon. 3 night lights join. Goin 3/18/1974 #28905 light coming from it. It flew at a low altitude of under 10 meters, and was 3/26/1974 #28958 , 23, FR Luminous white crescent / low altitude immobile behind trees near 3/28/1974 #28963 east Hancock County, Ohio, spot a low light in the northeastern sky. They Early 4/1974 #28990 agnetic effect (EME). Huge ovoid / low altitude. Silent. Beams / light. 4/15/1974 #29026 water near a huge rock, travel at low altitude, then fall into the water a 4/15/1974 #29029 bject moving to the north over the low hills in back of their home in Tijer 4/15/1974 #29031 an near a huge rock, traveled at a low altitude, then dropped into the wate 4/15/1974 #29033 ease Air Force Base at 1:10 a.m. a low flying, orange colored UFO was seen 4/28/1974 #29069 luminous, ring shaped UFO hovering low over his uncle's garden, and on Marc 5/1/1974 #29078 embling a racecar prototype moving low over the field with two beings insid 5/26/1974 #29136 whom they can see the UFO hovering low next to a rocky hill. It is surround 5/28/1974 #29142 ape with white stripe going west / low altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. 6/1/1974 #29156 cone) flying rapidly toward him at low altitude (estimated 100 meters). (In 6/14/1974 #29190 ct flying rapidly towards him at a low altitude. The object paced his car a 6/14/1974 #29193 some nocturnal lights were sighted low behind some trees. Two lights flew a 6/14/1974 #29194 t, bright shiny object flying very low along the shore. It remaining statio 6/18/1974 #29212 oom window and sees a UFO hovering low above a near field. It is a disc wit 6/25/1974 #29224 TOULOUSE, FR Huge black ovoid low over trees. Small green-glowing disk 7/1974 (approximate) #29234 al object with body lights hovered low, moved toward police car; officer tu 7/9/1974 #29250 al object with body lights hovered low, moved toward police car. Officer tu 7/9/1974 #29251 aces 2 / car. High near houses and low in country. Abduction try? / r171. 7/26/1974 #29280 AUDE Red sphere/orb/globe flies / low altitude with trail. Shoots going qu 8/18/1974 #29370 FR 2 observer(s). Luminous mass / low altitude. Dogs bark. Burnt trees For 8/26/1974 #29389 NIERGNIES, FR Saucer with "arms" low over field. Going quickly NNW. Burnt 8/28/1974 #29395 -shaped object with "arms" came in low over a beet field. Burnt beet plants 8/28/1974 #29399 s/glowing ball paces girl / moped. Low drone sound. Going [to] away over to 9/1974 (approximate) #29408 tallic saucers / field. Going up / low altitude. / r98#30p121+/ r14p265+/ A 9/1/1974 #29413 two, then suddenly ascend into the low cloud cover and disappear. Fuhr goes 9/1/1974 #29417 M radar domes on top of a ridge of low coastal mountains. 9/6/1974 #29427 HERGIES, NORD 1+3 saucers / low altitude with strong light / ground. 9/7/1974 #29428 ters in diameter, was sighted at a low level at 9:30 p.m. It emitted yellow 9/8/1974 #29435 . West going quickly east slow and low. See dwg / front edge. 9/10/1974 #29446 garage finds water in the radiator low, otherwise both radio and electrical 9/16/1974 #29459 Polaroid shots / classic saucer / low altitude. Look good so far. 9/28/1974 (approximate) #29488 two bright luminous objects flying low over some nearby houses. He pursued 11/21/1974 #29601 id studies entire length / train / low altitude. Finally going quickly nort 11/27/1974 (approximate) #29613 Wemeth Low Higher Chisworth Derbyshire England 12/1974 #29625 tical object floating above Wemeth Low, a hill near Higher Chisworth, Derby 12/1974 #29625 ng object. The object hovered at a low altitude and moved up and down. On s 12/1/1974 #29627 e groups. Dome-object paces cars / low altitude. Windows. Lands? 1/9/1975 #29736 1 / car. Strange delta-wing plane low and slow and silent. Going [to] east 1/21/1975 #29759 ENT 2 / car. Orange glowing-ball / low altitude lights area. Hovers and man 1/24/1975 #29763 ew over Barham, Kent, England at a low altitude and illuminated the area. I 1/24/1975 #29765 , 14–16 inches in diameter, swoops low over his head. As he gazes up at it, Early 2/1975 #29782 Moonlit object spins going east / low altitude. Curves back going north ov 2/6/1975 #29786 / 16. Luminous ball going north at low altitude. / Lt. Col. Lobet. No furth 2/16/1975 #29813 ight green 1.4M 'propane bottle' / low altitude going [to] to row / trees. 2/20/1975 (approximate) #29831 rge grey silent bus crosses road / low altitude. 3 south-lights / front. 2/22/1975 #29835 tally through the evening sky at a low altitude. (Source: Wendelle C. Steve 3/2/1975 #29865 tally through the evening sky at a low altitude. It came from the Patagonia 3/2/1975 #29869 t to west, while maneuvering, at a low altitude. 3/18/1975 #29911 lve an object hovering silently at low altitude, accelerating instantly, an 4/3/1975 #29952 saucer comes from behind / house / low altitude. Going up [to] and lost / s 4/18/1975 #29992 w-orange ball of light was seen at low altitude over the village of Lezay, 5/1/1975 #30017 DRA, SPAIN 2 observer(s). Saucer / low altitude going [to] in / sea. Lands 6/28/1975 (approximate) #30129 a disc-shaped object came in at a low altitude over the sea and landed on 6/28/1975 #30130 S 2 / car. Dazzling funnel paces / low altitude. Blindingly bright. 7/4/1975 #30153 r tilts and "hides" / city center! Low altitude. 1 observer.. no others fou 8/5/1975 #30237 uds near the center of the city at low altitude. 8/5/1975 #30238 iscs and bright lights are seen at low altitude less than 50 miles north ov 8/20/1975 #30291 rver(s). Luminous saucer maneuvers low over trees. Searches. White beam end 8/22/1975 #30294 , FR Cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / low altitude / 12 minute(s). Pivots end- 8/24/1975 #30303 erver(s). 10' bell-helmet hovers / low altitude. Square indents all over/al 8/27/1975 #30313 IFF, FR Sun-size red-orange ball / low altitude. Maneuvers. Going down [to] 9/1975 #30331 server(s). 6' silver saucer hovers low / field. Hums and spins. Going [to] 9/14/1975 #30356 20 observer(s). Large ovoid hovers low over buildings. Jets chase going qui 9/26/1975 #30385 sh. Odd object going down. Stops / low altitude. Strong red beams. Quickly 10/4/1975 #30415 , OH 3 / car. Cylinder/cigar-shape low near car. Extends rod with 4 small o 10/23/1975 #30462 00 p.m. a cigar-shaped object flew low over a car in Fairfield, Ohio. It ex 10/23/1975 #30463 stricted nuclear storage area at a low altitude of 150 feet. Back at the we 10/27/1975 #30487 er hat shaped object, very bright, low about 500 feet, was observed over th 10/28/1975 #30499 sibly two, had been sighted flying low over Loring AFB, Maine, in proximity 10/29/1975 #30506 o Amarante, Ceara State, Brazil at low altitude for two hours, causing pani 10/29/1975 #30513 jects breach security areas, hover low over weapons storage area 10/30/1975 #30521 t they saw the running lights of a low flying craft they thought was a heli 10/30/1975 #30523 ver the back gate and hovered at a low altitude over the weapons storage ar 10/30/1975 #30523 th halo rotates counterclockwise / low altitude. Passes 35M from observer(s 11/1975 #30530 inder/cigar-shape going south very low overhead. 50mph. Many round porthole 11/3/1975 (approximate) #30543 es K3+L4. RADAR objects maneuver / low altitude. Turn going west slowly. / 11/8/1975 #30580 a visual sighting of at least one low level noctural light was made by the 11/8/1975 #30582 1 / VW car. Silent 4M egg passes / low altitude. Transparent pointed end / 12/3/1975 #30682 ect slide over a cut in a mountain low over the tops of tree stumps in a cl 12/8/1975 #30698 w power lines. Maneuver and play / low altitude. 12/13/1975 #30710 e object is circular with a curved low top, sides that slope inward, silent 1976 #30750 phere/orb/globe-star shoots sparks low / horizon / 90 minute(s). / FSRv12#8 1/4/1976 #30757 TANNAY, SWITZ Saucer / low altitude. Pencil beams shine going d 1/6/1976 #30765 rver(s). Luminous/glowing object / low altitude. Going up [to] slow. Left a 1/15/1976 #30790 passing directly overhead making a low whirring noise. (The Press, Atlantic 1/19/1976 #30801 ONICA, CA 1 observer. Metal saucer low / sky. Flat bottom. Passes steeple. 1/28/1976 #30827 ect ahead and to his left.. It was low to the ground. The light had maintai 2/13/1976 #30868 our o'clock in the morning. It was low to the ground. The light had maintai 2/17/1976 #30877 bout five meters in diameter, flew low over the trees in Theville, France. 3/2/1976 #30916 bout five meters in diameter, flew low over the trees in Theville, France. 3/2/1976 #30917 limp-object going [to] over road / low altitude. Red and green spots / ligh 4/7/1976 #30987 ped UFO cross the road at a fairly low altitude. It had red and white spotl 4/7/1976 #30989 ped UFO cross the road at a fairly low altitude. It had red and white spotl 4/7/1976 #30990 n or gypsy clothing" and talked in low whispers as they set up a camp for t 6/9/1976 #31095 , FR 3 observer(s). Dog howls. UFO low / barley field. 18M crop circle foun 6/11/1976 #31098 HAINCOURT, FR Flashing 2M object / low altitude over road. / r30p623. 6/14/1976 #31109 Formation / diamond-objects fairly low / apartments complex. Police report. 6/17/1976 #31112 KS 2+infant abducted / car. 3+4+1 low 150' saucer. 3 5.5' small humanoids 6/20/1976 #31113 aucer with beams searching woods / low altitude. Air warms. "Whoosh!". 7/12/1976 #31159 ght search through some woods at a low altitude. The air felt warm and they 7/12/1976 #31161 building. The object circled at a low altitude for about 10 minutes, then 7/16/1976 #31166 en his picture, appeared below the low flying disk. Finally it flew off. 8/1/1976 #31219 s sphere/orb/globe with antennas / low altitude. Local (as a local wave) wa 8/21/1976 #31288 en watch a dense white cloud hover low above Rua Cajati in São Paulo, Brazi Early 9/1976 #31326 THEL, AK 7cm silver disk maneuvers low. Dives into ground! No trace found. 9/3/1976 #31330 ELEPHANT PASS, TASM 25M ovoid low / gully. Night light hovers. Observe 9/8/1976 #31353 meter ovoid object hung in the sky low over a gully in Elephant Pass, Tasma 9/8/1976 #31357 ly, and says his energy is running low. He gets up slowly and walks down th 9/11/1976 #31376 had new batteries. The UFO made a low humming sound. Trouble with the perf 9/17/1976 #31390 ngle with three lights) appears at low altitude in front of his plane. Gen. 9/18/1976 #31395 ree days after the sighting of the low level lights, a 21.6 meter (71 foot) 9/25/1976 #31429 [to] overhead toward(s) Po River. Low and slow / 20M altitude. 10/1976 #31437 NSW, AUS 3 / car. Saucer hovers / low. Portholes / front. Radio Frequency 10/5/1976 #31446 shows it to be contaminated with a low level of radioactive tritium. 10/12/1976 #31461 hat humans on our planet were very low on the scale of evolutionary develop 10/28/1976 #31501 s, rounded on the bottom, hovering low near their car. One descends, flying 11/4/1976 #31522 light from the underside hovering low above the treetops. (Bertil Soderqui 11/14/1976 #31547 ice the width of the moon hovering low in the east about 500 feet away. Hum 12/15/1976 #31605 inous object going quickly north / low altitude. Flashes. Power outage. Sam 12/20/1976 #31626 light is seen bobbing up and down low in the southern sky of Charleston, O 1/15/1977 #31722 to fall. The light again flies at low level into the trees and continues o 1/21/1977 #31743 6 / car. Domed saucer with legs / low altitude. Spins. Tilts and plays / t 1/22/1977 #31745 disc-shaped object with legs at a low altitude for 10 minutes. It reported 1/22/1977 #31746 er than a full moon descend from a low angle above the southern horizon int 1/28/1977 #31763 eft and right 90° turns, and fades low in the southern sky. 1/29/1977 #31765 brilliant disk hovers and circles low. Avoids spotlight / away and back. 2/1977 #31768 . 20M and ovoid going SSW overhead low and slow. Then shoots going quickly 2/1977 #31769 dorm. 70cm saucer spins / trees / low altitude. Going quickly south. Retur 2/1/1977 #31774 -shape changes shape and color(s). Low altitude. 2/7/1977 #31794 owing red cabin lights flying very low over the adjacent school grounds. Th 2/10/1977 #31808 o, Uruguay Dog and cows reacted to low hovering disc (NICAP: 04 - Animal Re 2/18/1977 #31826 ng southwest. Going down [to] very low. Changes shape. 2/21/1977 #31834 FO approach the river, flying very low, and it skimmed over the pond produc 4/6/1977 #31953 from a high angle in the east to a low angle in the west. 4/8/1977 #31964 rises / beach. Going [to] to sea / low altitude. Then shoots going up. / MJ 4/18/1977 #31991 on, the object flies silently from low in the east to above their car in 4 4/21/1977 #32008 LE, SOUTH AUSTR Bright night light low / sky passes over car. Lights and ra 4/22/1977 #32011 rom a high angle in the north to a low angle in the northwest, hovering “li 5/26/1977 #32134 They pull out of formation, swoop low, regroup, and climb again in formati 5/26/1977 #32134 urce. It remains stationary in the low southwestern sky for 15 minutes, the 6/10/1977 #32157 COTILE LAKE, LA Low humming. 75' bubble-dome saucer. Flo 6/17/1977 #32169 the male friend begins feeling a “low frequency vibration” in his bones. L 6/17/1977 #32172 AVIANO, ITL 40M disk / low altitude. Hums. Colored lights. Powe 7/1/1977 #32223 a large bright light hovering at a low altitude above a soybean field about 7/1/1977 #32227 ver rectangular object fly under a low cloud cover toward the north. It cli 7/3/1977 #32233 objects appear in the sky, flying low. They emit an intense orange glow an 7/7/1977 #32245 the light was "siphoned" up into a low hovering object that was shaped like 7/15/1977 #32275 aped object flying southbound from low in the western sky for 15 seconds. 8/1/1977 #32344 ue-green star silently loping from low in the west toward the northeast for 8/10/1977 #32377 veral observer(s). Luminous ball / low altitude. Cows panic. Yellow dust / 8/16/1977 #32404 pursued a teenage driver at a very low altitude as he drove along a winding 8/16/1977 #32407 . 20M and plate-saucer hovers very low over street. Glows dark yellow. 8/24/1977 #32418 hape passes / 300mph. Going down / low altitude and follows contours. 8/24/1977 #32419 luminous object north going south. Low and slow. 12 blasts heard / Krim-Kri 9/7/1977 #32465 overs / Spring. 5 small portholes. Low altitude. 10/9/1977 #32562 erver. Distinct saucer maneuvers / low altitude. Going quickly northwest. N 10/24/1977 #32604 llos, New Mexico, approaching at a low angle from the south. It moves acros 10/24/1977 #32606 light with 2 square orange lights low / field. / MJ#176. 11/11/1977 #32664 isk peels away from Cessna plane / low altitude. Quickly going up. Photos. 11/12/1977 #32665 over Belem, Para State, Brazil at low altitudes. 11/22/1977 #32692 FO came from the southeast, passed low over a house in a zigzag motion, and 11/22/1977 #32693 bserver(s) stop and watch saucer / low altitude. Both cars electro-magnetic 12/17/1977 #32783 Y Green glow. 12' ovoid 75' away / low altitude. Rises going up [to] slow a 12/21/1977 (approximate) #32799 12-foot-long ovoid UFO moving at a low altitude, at an estimated distance o 12/21/1977 #32801 12-foot-long ovoid UFO moving at a low altitude, at an estimated distance o 12/21/1977 #32803 object flew over Reaves Park at a low altitude. It was silent and had thre 12/28/1977 #32817 3 cigars connected / short struts. Low altitude. 1/2/1978 #32845 e saw a bright bluish light flying low over the ocean descend at a steep an 1/6/1978 #32855 . saw a bright bluish light flying low over the ocean descend at a steep an 1/6/1978 #32856 all over/all about. Hover and spin low over Estes Lake. / r60#104. 1/19/1978 #32897 aw a delta-shaped object that flew low overhead, making no noise. It had st 1/24/1978 #32911 ct shortly after 7:00 p.m. It flew low overhead, making no noise. It had st 1/24/1978 #32913 Several observer(s). 2 cylinders / low altitude. 1 horizontal and 1 vertica 1/25/1978 #32914 rmhouse and circled the paddock at low altitude. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encount 1/31/1978 #32927 in slow motion and sits down on a low fence and raises her arm very slowly 1/31/1978 #32928 in slow motion. She sat down on a low fence then raised her arm very slowl 1/31/1978 #32930 see a series of four large lights low in the sky approaching them. It swer 2/1/1978 #32940 erver(s). Dark triangle going [to] low and slow over farm house. Steady hum 2/2/1978 #32942 STEILACOOM, WA 50' saucer drones / low altitude. Ringed / lit portholes. Re 2/19/1978 #32979 iangle/box-like craft going east / low altitude. 35mph. Light humming. 2 fl 2/22/1978 #32988 k. The only sound he can hear is a low hum. The object moves southwest alon 2/22/1978 #32990 WEST MALIBU, CA 1 / car. Low rumble. Huge triangle glows / 3K' al 2/25/1978 (approximate) #33000 like craft. Ovoids zigzag. Cones / low altitude. Lights. 3/6/1978 #33017 everal observer(s). Round object / low altitude glows blue and red. Hums. B 3/10/1978 #33024 off beeps and flew in circles at a low altitude (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 3/10/1978 #33026 off beeps and flew in circles at a low altitude. It finally flew off at hig 3/10/1978 #33027 ITL 2 grey-green cigars going [to] low and slow just over riverbank. Turn b 3/18/1978 (approximate) #33049 ion. Blue and white. 10mph / 200'. Low humming. 3/22/1978 #33065 lver cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / low / trees. Manta-saucer joins. Both go 3/30/1978 (approximate) #33098 r covered / lights crosses field / low altitude. Buzzes car. 3/30/1978 #33099 rossed a field and buzzed a car at low altitude in Pompey Center, New York 3/30/1978 #33102 A low flying oval-shaped object with an es 4/8/1978 #33132 oice was very strange, too. It was low and hesitant as if this man had abso 4/25/1978 #33171 d at a high speed. The object came low over a nearby fenced field, and he c 5/10/1978 #33194 d at a high speed. The object came low over a nearby fenced field, and he c 5/10/1978 #33199 p and 1. Large sphere going west / low altitude over river. Lights area. Po 5/16/1978 #33221 rcraft, like "a little house," fly low over their barn. (NICAP: 02 - Close 5/17/1978 #33223 rcraft, like "a little house," fly low over their barn. It then vanished by 5/17/1978 #33225 g-sphere going [to] in / extremely low altitude. Observer(s) flees when sph 6/24/1978 #33301 silvery-gray domed disc came down low over the field and hovered, bobbed, 6/25/1978 #33310 silvery-gray domed disc came down low over the field and hovered, bobbed, 6/25/1978 #33311 Argentina. It moved away at a very low altitude. 7/9/1978 #33361 British. Dark 35M saucer hums very low altitude. Antennas. Rotates. / Flyin 7/22/1978 #33409 bserver. Perfect helicopter / very low altitude. Absolute(ly) silent! No he 7/24/1978 #33413 lights in the rear, and flew at a low altitude. No helicopters were known 7/24/1978 #33414 hing light about a half-mile away, low in the east. They hear a wavering hu 7/27/1978 #33429 ogated Cecil Tenney after seeing a low level UAP “in distress” at Great Fal 8/1978 #33460 ertical cylinder/cigar-shape drops low. Turns horizontal. Blows fog. Window 8/4/1978 #33469 ights around its rim. It flew at a low altitude, and hovered for 10 minutes 8/10/1978 #33494 ights around its rim. It flew at a low altitude, and hovered for 10 minutes 8/10/1978 #33497 sed close by a domed disc hovering low by the ground. The object then shot 8/11/1978 #33508 ABLE, MA 2 / car. Ovoid going [to] low over US6. Figure(s) move behind rect 8/26/1978 #33571 ched an oval-shaped craft hovering low over the US Route 6 road. Within the 8/26/1978 #33572 ched an oval-shaped craft hovering low over the US Route 6 road. Within the 8/26/1978 #33573 llow cylinder approaching him from low in the north. At an altitude of 2,00 8/27/1978 #33579 ct with reddish flashes moved at a low altitude in the proximity of the loc 8/29/1978 #33589 ct with reddish flashes moved at a low altitude in the proximity of the loc 8/29/1978 #33592 T Many observer(s) and Army. UFO / low altitude shoots away when gun aimed. 8/30/1978 #33595 cone-saucer going [to] overhead / low altitude. Truck OK after. / Internat 8/30/1978 #33598 UNION CO, IN Orange ovoid low over SR44+4 somewhat rectangular (SW 8/30/1978 #33599 hite light in the middle. It flies low and silently over the truck, which t 8/30/1978 #33604 object with body lights that flew low overhead. Their truck stalled for on 8/30/1978 #33606 ssor and 1. Vague globe going west low over US53 / 250kph. Makes 90° turn g 9/4/1978 #33631 hape exits small sphere! Objects / low altitude. 9/14/1978 #33675 4. Brilliant cylinder/cigar-shape low and slow. Blocks lunar eclipse. Spli 9/16/1978 #33692 ject with pulsating red lights fly low over some pine trees in Prcirovnik, 9/27/1978 #33764 tom. The object slows down, flying low, and the witnesses pass by it. A pre 9/28/1978 #33768 overed north of Ord, Nebraska at a low altitude (75m) while making a loud b 10/8/1978 #33818 / car. 4M sphere/orb/globe hovers low by phone lines. Intense cold felt. S 10/24/1978 #33868 in diameter orb that was hovering low by some telephone lines in Compigny, 10/24/1978 #33870 r-meter wide ball of light hovered low by some telephone lines at 11:45 p.m 10/26/1978 #33881 dark object going [to] over sea / low altitude. Large waves. / r39p120. 10/27/1978 #33884 ad. The UFO flew over them at very low altitude and then descended to hover 10/30/1978 #33894 ed. The UFO flew over them at very low altitude and then descended to hover 10/30/1978 #33898 s (something behind) bright trail. Low and silent. 11/1978 (approximate) #33904 red 300' objects. Hover and pulse. Low humming. / r157v1#3. 11/3/1978 #33917 s beginning at 7:00 p.m. It made a low humming sound. Three separate cops p 11/3/1978 #33918 tiucci, and Dino Focaracci—see, at low altitude and for a few seconds, a re 11/8/1978 #33928 ject but is forced to turn away by low fuel. 11/15/1978 #33957 ing the witnesses briefly. It made low humming noises. The men became frigh 11/24/1978 #33996 YORKS 1 observer. Neon-blue saucer low and close. Apparent mind control of 11/28/1978 #34012 n-blue disc-shaped object that was low and close for two minutes. 11/28/1978 #34019 car. Dark 1.5M saucer going south low and slow along coastline. Luminous u 12/1/1978 #34038 s. Luminous colored globe hovers / low altitude by abandoned house. / r39#1 12/1/1978 #34041 shaped object was seen flying at a low altitude over Leme. Several moving f 12/3/1978 #34055 shaped object was seen flying at a low altitude over Leme, Brazil on this n 12/3/1978 #34056 Frozen / beam! Brill object hovers low / docks. / r41p351. 12/9/1978 #34080 ge silent silver triangular / very low altitude drives car off road. Going 12/10/1978 #34084 2M sphere going [to] over houses / low altitude. No further details. 12/15/1978 #34133 out two meters in diameter, passed low over houses in a residential area of 12/15/1978 #34139 times the size of a moon came over low above trees and hovered near auto ca 12/16/1978 #34149 mushroom-shaped UFO was seen at a low altitude, with a shaft of light reac 12/17/1978 #34166 observer(s). Luminous domed object low over beach. Shoots rays / dome. Back 12/19/1978 #34171 ENTO, ITL 3 / balcony. Huge sphere low / peninsula. Odd 'radio' noise. Vani 12/20/1978 #34177 of the city watched a huge sphere low in the sky over the shoreline of the 12/20/1978 #34181 rento, Italy watched a huge sphere low in the sky over the shoreline of the 12/20/1978 #34184 CASALNUOVO, ITL Domed 30M saucer low over high tension power lines lines. 12/22/1978 #34195 CICAGNA, ITL Noise. 3M odd shape / low altitude. 2 iron claws / end! Fires 12/25/1978 #34202 ng, oddly shaped UFO was seen at a low altitude over Cicagna, Liguria, Ital 12/25/1978 #34205 ng, oddly shaped UFO was seen at a low altitude over Cicagna, Liguria, Ital 12/25/1978 #34206 FI, ITL 4M metallic sphere flashes low over shore. Black spot / center. No 12/26/1978 #34210 is period of repeated sightings of low level lights and a diamond-shaped ob 1/5/1979 #34306 . 5m cylinder/cylindrical object / low altitude by school. Intense light. S 1/8/1979 #34315 ghted a 15-foot long cylinder at a low altitude near a school. The UFO had 1/8/1979 #34321 d found to have a dead battery and low oil level. The cut-off switch on the 2/5/1979 #34405 Radiator water is also found to be low. 2/5/1979 #34405 about 12 feet in diameter skimming low over treetops in Westminster, South 3/6/1979 #34469 hen the brightly lit object passed low overhead. They reported an abnormal 4/19/1979 #34514 hen the brightly lit object passed low overhead. They reported an abnormal 4/19/1979 #34516 ch an ovoid shaped object hovering low over the containment building and sm 6/12/1979 #34608 to watch an unusual form hovering low over the containment building and sm 6/12/1979 #34610 to watch an unusual form hovering low over the containment building and sm 6/12/1979 #34611 1 / car. Dark pyramid going east / low altitude stops dead. Flashes going d 7/28/1979 #34685 for two minutes, and then stopped low over a field. No traces were found. 8/25/1979 #34776 EAN DU VAR, FR Domed disk hovers / low altitude. Arcs up sideways / top-sid 8/26/1979 #34779 the orange light to her southeast, low above the horizon. Using binoculars, 8/29/1979 #34802 / night lights on dark ovoid? Very low and silent going northwest. Flat gra 8/30/1979 #34808 s going north. Lit windows / edge. Low rotation. 9/1/1979 #34817 Flying oil-drum with stubby wings. Low and silent going quickly northeast o 9/3/1979 #34822 ateshead, UK Following a series of low level sightings in Gateshead by the 9/3/1979 #34827 Following a series of low level sightings in Gateshead, Englan 9/3/1979 #34831 er, hovered with a wobbling motion low over a field in New Richmond, Wiscon 9/4/1979 #34836 ject / varied maneuvers offshore / low altitude. Red and white lights. 9/15/1979 #34886 e stops and gets out as he hears a low humming noise in the nearby bush. Wa 10/1979 #34936 t 3–6 feet in diameter approaching low over some trees. It rolls and bounce 10/6/1979 #34946 with an octagonal UFO that came in low in front of the car. It was several 10/6/1979 #34948 lights / hypnosis? Diamond hovers low. Maneuvers. See reference. 11/20/1979 #35008 d maneuvering in front of him at a low altitude. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encount 11/20/1979 #35009 d maneuvering in front of him at a low altitude. 11/20/1979 #35010 nd down / 15 minute(s) 700M away / low altitude. No further details / news 11/26/1979 #35014 , football-shaped “cloud” hovering low over the trees to the north, turning 12/4/1979 #35051 observer(s). Milky-white saucer / low altitude. Jumps up / slant and back. 12/7/1979 #35057 blue cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / low altitude. Shoots into sky extremely 12/8/1979 #35059 roached a family in their car at a low height. The driver stopped and signa 12/10/1979 #35065 roached a family in their car at a low height. The driver stopped and signa 12/10/1979 #35067 +1 observer(s). Star shoots over / low altitude. = metallic cylinder/cylind 12/11/1979 #35071 . Multi-colored disk passes fast / low altitude. Spins? Leaves (something b 12/12/1979 #35074 eighborhood in Romans, France at a low altitude, spinning as it went. It le 12/12/1979 #35075 eighborhood in Romans, France at a low altitude, spinning as it went. It le 12/12/1979 #35076 r and several. Huge diamond-object low / sky. Lights / corners. Low rumble. 12/20/1979 #35087 bject low / sky. Lights / corners. Low rumble. 12/20/1979 #35087 uge diamond-shaped object was seen low in the sky at 9:45 p.m. by several w 12/20/1979 #35089 d duty. Red-orange object hovers / low altitude / 5 minute(s). Going quickl 1/1980 #35117 3 / car. Phony plane going down / low altitude. Hovers. Cross-shaped and s 1/15/1980 (approximate) #35136 Botafuegos, Spain A man spotted a low flying whitish-orange luminous objec 2/11/1980 #35165 ncluding Rafael Tobajas, spotted a low flying whitish-orange luminous objec 2/11/1980 #35169 g up and down [to] several times / low altitude. Departure unseen. 2/20/1980 #35178 ay N29 going [to] east-northeast / low altitude. 2/20/1980 (approximate) #35179 d sees a large white oval of light low in the west-northwest sky, apparentl 2/21/1980 #35180 observer. Disk drifts going east. Low steady humming. 2.5cm / arms length. 3/6/1980 #35196 O over the town. The object made a low, steady humming sound. A second obje 3/6/1980 #35198 ire at 8:40 p.m. The object made a low, steady humming sound. A second obje 3/6/1980 #35200 silent metallic trapezoid going / low altitude. 2 strong beams. 3/9/1980 #35208 t of it in all directions. It flew low above the ground. That same evening 3/19/1980 #35223 oland Three bright spheres hovered low over a house in Lodz, Poland spreadi 4/6/1980 #35256 Three bright spheres hovered low over a house in Lodz, Poland spreadi 4/6/1980 #35258 high-speed flight in formation at low altitude, visible against local terr 4/20/1980 #35275 Iligh-speed flight in formation at low altitude, visible against local terr 4/20/1980 #35277 s flying very fast in formation at low altitude. The objects are traveling 4/20/1980 #35278 s). Brilliant blue saucer hovers / low altitude / 10 minute(s). Shoots goin 5/12/1980 #35324 A brilliant blue disc hovered at a low altitude for ten minutes over Bulawa 5/12/1980 #35325 A brilliant blue disc hovered at a low altitude for ten minutes over Bulawa 5/12/1980 #35326 / car. Double-bullet / 45° angle / low altitude. 2 truncated beams going do 5/15/1980 #35334 DAR blip going northeast 3km away. Low altitude. Absolute(ly) invisible! 5/26/1980 #35341 arge, orange, domed discs circling low about four blocks west of her home i 6/21/1980 #35385 a.m. Ms. McLeod reported that two low flying, slow orange colored domed di 6/21/1980 #35386 VENCE, FR 2M red fireball hovers low. Zigzags going up / angle and going 7/12/1980 #35411 d many. Silent wrinkled 50cm ovoid low / runways. Faster / wind. Going nort 8/2/1980 #35438 / car. Saturn saucer going west / low altitude. Slight zigzag going up and 8/13/1980 #35456 ove a hill ahead of him. They move low over the area from right to left, 30 8/20/1980 #35469 blazing saucer passes boat / very low altitude. Lights area. Vanishes. 9/1980 #35487 tall / 8' altitude. Pungent odor. Low whistle. Goes over hill. 9/20/1980 #35523 lit like day. Cylinder/cigar-shape low and slow overhead. Nose = cone. Flam 10/5/1980 #35554 with red and white lights / ends. Low curved trajectory southeast going no 11/11/1980 #35628 southeast going quickly northwest low slow and silent. Then crackle and va 11/11/1980 #35632 en they observed a very bright UFO low on the horizon. (NICAP: 01 - Distant 11/29/1980 #35681 p. Telepathy? Large domed saucer / low altitude. Beam on and off. Turns and 12/6/1980 #35702 bjects that Halt reported hovering low to the north and south are thought b 12/28/1980 #35750 Dayton, TX A low flying UFO was escorted by a large n 12/29/1980 #35752 ith a reddish-orange glow hovering low over the ground for more than a minu 1/23/1981 #35796 /cylindrical object like a flute / low altitude over town. Absolute(ly) sil 2/19/1981 #35833 Kunming, Yunan Province, China at low altitude on a clear day. town, silen 2/19/1981 #35836 napee, New Hampshire. It flew very low to the ground, and passed over a car 4/15/1981 #35897 ampshire at 7:35 p.m. It flew very low to the ground, and passed over a car 4/15/1981 #35900 ST AUSTR 2 / car. Red-glowing dome low / roadside. Vanishes / car nears. Gl 5/16/1981 #35938 en they noticed a red glowing dome low on the side of the road. It vanished 5/16/1981 #35939 en they noticed a red glowing dome low on the side of the road. It vanished 5/16/1981 #35941 parate observer(s). Yellow ovoid / low altitude. Drops night light and exte 6/15/1981 #35971 . Then it moves rapidly high, then low, back to its original location. A se 7/1981 #35982 ve home, the object is moving at a low altitude above the house. It is bigg 7/30/1981 #36041 a ball of light moving around at a low level. Clifford Muchena is in charge 8/15/1981 #36075 0 size silent cylinder/cigar-shape low over trees. 10 mph going southeast. 9/6/1981 #36104 cigar-shaped object flew silently low over the trees in Pollock Pines, Cal 9/6/1981 #36105 t over RTE 402 toward(s) Michigan. Low altitude. No further details / news. 9/14/1981 #36115 ' delta/triangle/box-like crafts / low altitude. Going [to] behind hills. B 9/18/1981 #36125 feet in length, and they flew at a low 100-foot altitude. They went behind 9/18/1981 #36130 omed bell-saucer flashes / woods / low altitude. Observer(s) flee. 10/5/1981 #36156 ong rods / all directions retract. Low altitude. / LDLN#212. 11/6/1981 #36207 ow. Huge triangle hovers overhead. Low rumble. 11/8/1981 #36209 , New South Wales, Australia had a low level close encounter with a five-me 1/29/1982 #36315 seat delta/triangle/box-like craft low and slow. Roar. Vibration. No electr 1/31/1982 #36316 ar a river when they encountered a low flying domed disc. (NICAP: 02 - Clos 2/10/1982 #36333 ar a river when they encountered a low flying domed disc. The mist from the 2/10/1982 #36337 PA 1 observer. 10' domed saucer / low altitude beams light / trees. Rises. 2/25/1982 #36367 ows / red night lights going NNE / low altitude. 3/8/1982 #36381 f towards the north-northeast at a low altitude. The UFO caused the house t 3/8/1982 #36385 lliant red sphere/orb/globe / very low altitude. Lights farm. Darts away an 3/14/1982 #36390 ball of light (BOL) flew at a very low altitude and illuminated a farm in W 3/14/1982 #36391 car drew closer the mother heard a low humming sound and felt dizzy and had 3/15/1982 #36394 e in Toledo, Ohio and next came in low over a residential area at 200 feet 3/21/1982 #36403 e in Toledo, Ohio and next came in low over a residential area at 200 feet 3/21/1982 #36405 / all directions. All over farms / low altitude. 3/23/1982 #36409 ight on top and portholes. It flew low at 400-500 feet altitude, and defini 4/29/1982 #36456 ight on top and portholes. It flew low at 400-500 feet altitude, and defini 4/29/1982 #36457 CO 50' flattened bell passes car / low altitude. Buzzes house 4x. Jet noise 5/27/1982 #36487 ed object with body lights hovered low over reservoir, lights reflecting in 6/10/1982 #36496 ed object with body lights hovered low over reservoir, lights reflecting in 6/10/1982 #36497 mming. 150' cylinder/cigar-shape / low altitude. Red light. White beam sear 9/4/1982 #36594 bject made a deep humming sound at low altitude in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. 9/4/1982 #36596 LA AND AREA 4 flashing hat-saucers low and fast. Buzz sound. Radio electro- 10/10/1982 (approximate) #36636 objects with flashing lights flew low and fast over San Carlos Sija, Guam 10/10/1982 #36638 L, PORTGL 3 pilots. Metal saucer / low altitude. Circles plane. Going quick 11/2/1982 #36670 ho he was. The figure replied in a low guttural voice "Don't you know me?" 11/13/1982 #36681 d over the Balaklava District at a low altutude. It has a sharp nose and sp 12/1982 #36704 delta- shaped UFO making a faint, low frequency hum. The colored lights on 12/31/1982 #36732 of the UFO, but the images are of low quality (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 12/31/1982 #36732 a delta-shaped UFO making a faint, low frequency hum at 11:54 p.m. The colo 12/31/1982 #36734 of the UFO, but the images are of low quality. 12/31/1982 #36734 747 hovered over Gorki Airport at low altitude for 40 minutes. No jets wer 3/27/1983 #36817 oad from his house. It is hovering low above an alfalfa field. Its upper po 6/5/1983 #36876 military radio towers. Headlights. Low altitude. 7/22/1983 #36918 , MI 2 observer(s). Domed saucer / low altitude around mobile home and gara 8/10/1983 #36942 ssed a domed disc-shaped object at low altitude around their mobile home an 8/10/1983 #36943 ssed a domed disc-shaped object at low altitude around their mobile home an 8/10/1983 #36944 . 150' ovoid with blunt end hovers low over road. Silent. 35mph. Spotlights 10/11/1983 #37000 d and two large spotlights hovered low over a roadway four miles south of C 10/11/1983 #37001 , bright green in the rear, hovers low over his car and then rises up again 10/26/1983 #37021 ctivities. They see a lighted area low in the sky ahead of them. Through bi 10/28/1983 #37027 s bright enough to reflect off the low clouds. They estimate it is 15–25 fe 10/28/1983 #37027 NH Cop and several. Octagon ovoid low over trees and buildings. Hums and h 10/31/1983 #37031 octagon-shaped ovoid at 8:30 p.m. low over trees and buildings in Rocheste 10/31/1983 #37034 cal object / several sharp turns / low altitude. Going quickly [to] WNW. 11/1/1983 #37038 was seen maneuvering and tumbling low to the ground over a neighborhood in 11/1/1983 #37040 GRANTHAM, NC 1 observer. Low rumble. Green 10' ball near home. Li 11/29/1983 #37054 nge light at each apex. It makes a low droning sound as it passes by. 12/1983 #37059 gan, MI 4:14 AM. An ovoid UFO flew low over Lake Michigan and was sighted b 1/3/1984 #37104 At 4:14 a.m. an ovoid UFO flew low over Lake Michigan and was sighted b 1/3/1984 #37106 ghts which flew at great speed but low altitude across southern Russia and 1/13/1984 #37129 E, MI 1 observer. Huge saucer goes low over car. Hums and hovers / 7 minute 2/23/1984 #37200 rmation / orbs going [to] overhead low. Silent. Turns going southwest. 3/6/1984 #37217 GA 2 / car. 3 12M boomerangs hover low / altitude. 1 going [to] overhead / 3/21/1984 #37233 oomerang-shaped objects hovered at low altitude over a highway in Claxton. 3/21/1984 #37235 oomerang-shaped objects hovered at low altitude over a highway in Claxton, 3/21/1984 #37239 ed fireball going up and down [to] low around car. Lit windows. / MJ#194. 3/25/1984 #37243 ylinder/cigar-shape with windows / low altitude. Turns 360 degrees. Spokes 4/10/1984 #37256 UK Huge rectangle and night lights low / road! Gone 3 days later. Missing t 4/18/1984 #37265 ights all over/all about. 160kph / low altitude. 4/26/1984 #37298 object with lights that flew at a low altitude and at a speed of 160 km/ho 4/26/1984 #37305 brilliant orangish-colored light, low in the northwest. (NICAP: 01 - Dista 5/19/1984 #37334 urce was a brilliant orange light, low in the northwest sky. It was totally 5/19/1984 #37335 large, slow V-shaped craft passed low over a radio tower in Hyde Park, New 6/21/1984 #37372 r-shape maneuvers back and forth / low altitude. Blows steam cover. Going s 7/15/1984 #37397 A low flying cigar-shaped UFO was seen at 7/15/1984 #37400 bject maneuvered back and forth at low altitude, then flew off to the south 7/15/1984 #37400 everal observer(s). Slow boomerang low over road. Faint humming. Going nort 7/19/1984 #37402 t was in the north heading east at low level for approximately 10 minutes. 8/30/1984 #37447 riangle/box-like crafts going east low over power lines. 4' small humanoid 10/24/1984 (approximate) #37491 y and surrounding trees. It made a low droning sound, and seemed to be made 11/26/1984 #37511 . Green-glow saucer crosses road / low altitude. Plasma glows around object 1/18/1985 #37549 a road in Waldeslust, France at a low altitude. There was a plasma glow su 1/18/1985 #37550 ds. Orange sphere with legs / very low altitude. Going southeast. Burnt spo 4/20/1985 #37581 ular object with colored lights at low altitude / 2 minute(s). 11/14/1985 #37703 AKEFIELD, RI Many report(s). UFO / low altitude aims beams / cars / US1+pon 11/25/1985 #37725 ht set apart. The object is flying low and silently. 12/23/1985 #37735 y) saw a silent nocturnal light at low altitude that hovered, turned, and m 1/5/1986 #37752 , blue, and green lights. It moves low through the sky then hovers for 15 s 1/9/1986 #37762 blue and green lights as it moved low through sky, then hovered for 15 sec 1/9/1986 #37763 shiny sphere maneuvers / valley at low altitude. 5/2/1986 #37851 oke off chase as they were running low on fuel. Ground Radar picked up 10–1 5/19/1986 #37874 hen green, then red again. Running low on fuel, he has to return to base. B 5/19/1986 #37881 jumping from point to point. Their low performance airplane could not gain 5/19/1986 #37882 2 beams / light. Rises over trees. Low humming heard. 6/21/1986 #37919 WINCHESTER, MA 1+several. Fireball low over trees / back yard. Flash and bl 7/3/1986 #37928 rge saucer with windows and lights low and slow. Air Traffic Controller RAD 7/8/1986 #37932 1M fireballs circle and maneuver / low altitude. 1 going quickly north. Oth 7/14/1986 #37941 less than 2 minutes. It is flying low, passing behind several trees as it 8/1986 #37964 ights blink. Quiet outside. Saucer low overhead. Going quickly southeast. 8/5/1986 #37971 house lights flickered. Outside a low flying disc-shaped UFO passed overhe 8/5/1986 #37972 eral observer(s). Silent "plane" / low altitude drifts / sky. Night light f 8/7/1986 #37973 by 20 feet. The object flew quite low, and passed behind several trees. 8/11/1986 #37980 -saucer north going quickly south. Low altitude. Evades airliner. Abduction 8/13/1986 #37986 . It flew from north to south at a low altitude. Later, it flew above an ai 8/13/1986 #37989 olor. The formation descended to a low altitude, and appeared to be about f 11/3/1986 #38059 sland during the evening. A UFO at low altitude directed beams of light at 11/25/1986 #38078 JOZSA, HUNG Disk hovers very low. Row / windows. 1 dark figure / grou 1/9/1987 #38095 e all about a quarter mile away at low altitude. As they watch, the top obj 3/6/1987 #38130 over. Big light / large end. Very low altitude. 5/26/1987 #38178 lights going [to] overhead / very low altitude. 6/23/1987 #38199 ree white lights silently floating low above a field less than one mile awa Late 7/1987 #38218 dren gasp. The soundless object is low, and it extends beyond the 72-foot l Early Autumn 1987 #38274 and several. Dumbell with lights / low altitude. Meets 22 night lights / V 10/22/1987 #38308 erver(s). Massive UFO going down / low. Clearly seen but no description! 11/19/1987 #38328 idnight. 33 unknown objects fly at low altitude over the coast of Primorsky 11/28/1987 #38339 triangle/box-like craft going [to] low and slow just over house. Circles / 12/26/1987 #38374 ORK, NORTH YORKS V1-like torpedo / low altitude emits smoke and flame and d 1/4/1988 #38397 centimeter red spheres maneuvered low over a field in Vetterslev, Denmark 1/4/1988 #38404 GULF BREEZE, FL Crown saucer low over road. 5 small humanoids (or Gre 1/12/1988 #38409 S 2 / car. 60' triangle going east low over road just ahead. Lights flash. 1/22/1988 #38428 ng triangular UFO flew to the east low over the road, just ahead of the two 1/22/1988 #38429 WESTRY, SHROPS Dog runs into small low glowing rotating cloud. Dies later. 2/9/1988 #38446 riangle east going west overhead / low altitude. White light / center and 3 2/13/1988 #38461 essna and cross 50- mile stretches low over the ice “in the snap of a finge 3/4/1988 #38487 be" going quickly north steadily / low altitude. 6/29/1988 #38593 ent silver sphere/orb/globe / very low altitude. Blows white mist and flies 9/2/1988 #38628 indrical object going quickly [to] low altitude. White vapor trail. 9/24/1988 #38645 meter long fiery cylinder flew at low altitude over the tundra near Bruder 9/24/1988 #38646 s at home studying when he heard a low hum. He went outside to check on the 10/24/1988 #38689 rate observer(s). Silent "plane" / low altitude and mushroom saucer. TV Rad 11/6/1988 #38704 75-300' boomerangs slow overhead / low altitude. 12/2/1988 #38734 n width, passed slowly overhead at low altitude. They were as big as Boeing 12/2/1988 #38735 observer(s). 300' object hovers / low altitude. Faint humming. No explanat 12/10/1988 #38750 a 300-foot long object hovering at low altitude, making a faint humming noi 12/10/1988 #38752 s observed a strange form hovering low ahead of them, composed of superimpo 12/18/1988 #38756 ver and follow truck to Ohio. Very low altitude. 1/17/1989 #38782 hting. The object moved slowly and low overhead until out of view. There wa 1/23/1989 #38798 that moved from south to north at low altitude at 9:35 p.m. 1/29/1989 #38805 He sees a small object descending low over a nearby lot. It appears to be 2/8/1989 #38825 [to] overhead slow / 12m altitude. Low rumble. 3/1/1989 #38856 , 500 feet in length, and making a low rumbling sound. It terrified them wh 3/1/1989 #38861 RD, NY 1 observer. Triangle hovers low / 30 second(s) 1000' away. Size = 2 3/2/1989 #38862 an. On the same day a UFO appeared low over the Santa Fe de Bogotá airport 4/2/1989 #38888 OLA, FL Woman / car. Huge fireball low overhead. Radio out. (Observer saw f 4/4/1989 #38889 Dumbell UFO and 2 small saucers / low altitude. Busy area strangely empty. 4/15/1989 #38906 a fiery green elongated craft fly low over the rooftops of Kharovsk, Russi 4/24/1989 #38926 ape a red color, and hung silently low in the sky for 20 minutes. It then r 5/12/1989 #38946 es it. Two other objects appear at low altitudes of 980–1,300 feet. The las 7/28/1989 #39035 follows land contours going east / low and slow. 8/1989 (approximate) #39038 MANSURA, LA 2 observer(s). 1m disk low 10m away. Maneuvers. Circles tree. G 8/13/1989 #39059 stimated 70 feet on a side, passed low overhead. At 9:30 p.m. in Navaree Be 8/23/1989 #39071 ylinder/cigar-shape / short wings. Low altitude. Tubes and pipes / undersid 9/11/1989 #39095 a weapon which generates extremely low frequency sound waves which can dest 9/28/1989 #39132 ks with lights / underside going / low altitude 400M away. Going [to] behin 10/7/1989 #39148 A saucer-shaped UFO flew low over Sungai Petani, Malaysia at 8:10 10/8/1989 #39149 , AUSTRALIA 2 observer(s). 20' UFO low near power lines. Grass dies odd. / 10/9/1989 #39153 . Suddenly she heard in her head a low pitched, mechanical, monotone voice 10/11/1989 #39164 drop or football-shaped light pass low and fast over his property in North 11/3/1989 #39213 hiny metal rectangular object very low over Proveshenia prospector. No furt 11/9/1989 #39222 metallic rectangular UFO flew very low over Proveshenia Prospekt, Petrograd 11/9/1989 #39223 boilerplate ovoid going northeast low and slow. No further details. 11/29/1989 #39258 rate observer(s). Large triangle / low altitude going northeast. Many turns 11/29/1989 #39263 3 wings going northwest very slow. Low altitude. 1-2 lights / each wingtip. 11/29/1989 #39264 ilent shapeless object going south low and slow. Shines beams going down. R 11/29/1989 #39266 lta/triangle/box-like craft passes low over roadway. 2 large lights / front 11/30/1989 #39279 p.m. a delta-shaped object passed low over a road south of Plombieres, Bel 11/30/1989 #39284 ed delta/triangle/box-like craft / low altitude. Lights turn all directions 12/1/1989 #39290 , slow-moving craft approaching at low altitude. The object silently makes 12/1/1989 #39292 ilver, cylindrical object hovering low overhead as they crossed a bridge on 12/10/1989 #39308 bject with several lights hovers / low overhead. 12/11/1989 #39309 ved two boomerang-shaped UFOs pass low over the Seneca Nuclear Power Plant 12/23/1989 #39328 here/orb/globe going east slow and low. Rotates. Vanishes in place! 12/24/1989 #39333 astronomer. Very small black ovoid low and slow / sky. SSW going NNE. 12/31/1989 #39344 ck cylinder/cigar-shape going east low over trees. Trees grow no leaves / S 2/14/1990 #39417 art carrying him. Next she heard a low humming sound, which ceased after ab 2/18/1990 #39422 VA 2 kids and more. Saucer / very low altitude. Dome opens. Small humanoid 3/7/1990 #39450 ruby-red exhaust is seen traveling low above the ground. Radars do not regi 3/21/1990 #39475 oval object approached car, passed low overhead. Driver fled, looked back, 3/27/1990 #39488 oval object approached car, passed low overhead. Driver fled, looked back, 3/27/1990 #39489 around 1:30 a.m. They also hear a low engine noise and that it seems to ha 3/30/1990 #39499 linder/cylindrical object hovers / low altitude. Intense blue-red light. 4/18/1990 #39534 saucer glowing-white. Extra fast. Low altitude. Straight and level traject 5/1/1990 #39547 with Fantail going [to] over truck low and slow. 6 big lights / front. / MJ 5/19/1990 #39577 Indiana at a slow steady pace and low altitude. Its multicolored lights we 5/29/1990 #39598 at 11:30 p.m. that appeared to be low over the Gulf of Mexico about ten mi 6/8/1990 #39610 seen thru) binoculars. 5M object / low altitude. Stops / 15 minute(s). Poss 6/12/1990 #39614 lliams Lake, British Columbia at a low altitude. The witness's arm became n 6/23/1990 #39623 er. Small domed saucer maneuvers / low altitude over backyard. Oily trace / 7/18/1990 #39647 Men ordered inside. Base lit / big low saucer. Jets chase. / r125p241. 7/19/1990 #39650 military base was illuminated by a low flying, disc-shaped UFO. 7/19/1990 #39652 eral observer(s). Diamond object / low altitude. White and blue lights and 8/3/1990 #39677 Kite-UFO dives / opening / woods. Low altitude. Seen on / off from bus 5-6 9/21/1990 #39741 leth, Minnesota. The object made a low rumbling sound. 10/6/1990 #39761 She and her father watched it pass low over their house, move off into the 10/16/1990 #39792 east / same time on 2 days / row. Low and slow. Sparks. 10/20/1990 #39796 all directions. Slow and silent / low altitude. 10/21/1990 #39801 ver. Intense white / blue fireball low and slow. Goes over house. / Lumiere 10/21/1990 #39802 that the object is taking off at a low altitude about 1,640 feet away. The 10/23/1990 #39807 SOUTH / DUTTLEHEIN, FR Triangle low and slow over A352. Turns going east 11/5/1990 #39827 thin delta/triangle/box-like craft low and slow. Going quickly [to] under h 11/5/1990 #39828 d-orange sphere/orb/globe hovers / low altitude. Beams angle going up. Vani 11/5/1990 #39830 ig delta/triangle/box-like craft / low altitude. Going quickly northeast. T 11/5/1990 #39838 car. Slow silent 1000M and ovoid / low altitude. Lights trees / beam. East- 11/5/1990 #39853 rong beam going quickly [to] rear. Low and close / road. 11/5/1990 #39854 3 lights going quickly northeast / low altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. 11/5/1990 #39859 ver(s). 250M boomerang and ovoid / low altitude. Photographs. Ovoid circles 11/5/1990 #39860 ge delta-shaped object flying at a low altitude. It shone several beams of 11/5/1990 #39872 on-size white night light hovers / low altitude. Small lights / edge. 11/6/1990 #39875 st over microwave center. Slow and low. Railroad/railway line. 11/14/1990 #39886 It flew silently and slowly, at a low altitude. About three hours later th 11/14/1990 #39890 1 observer. Silent 35' saucer very low altitude going north. White lights / 11/15/1990? #39891 ter disc was encountered at a very low altitude. It had white lights on the 11/15/1990 #39892 sh-shape and cigars and more. Some low over rooftops. 1 going SSW to mounta 12/1/1990 #39916 Force officer. Dark ovoid slow and low. Lights maneuver / surface. Going so 12/2/1990 #39918 ect move through the sky slowly at low altitude in Taillades, Vaucluse, Fra 12/2/1990 #39919 etallic triangle with large lights low overhead. Motorscooter noise. Going 12/3/1990 #39922 ngular raft with large lights flew low over the city of Cuincy, France. At 12/3/1990 #39924 op level. Goes. Helicopter circles low afterwards. 12/5/1990 #39926 ed object. The object was hovering low over the ground, and Maksim felt a s 12/31/1990 #39932 lobe ascended into the air, flying low over the ground, then stopped and ho 12/31/1990 #39932 a/triangle/box-like craft-saucer / low altitude. Rises. Going quickly east. 1/16/1991 #39955 delta-shaped craft passed by at a low altitude. The UFO rose to a higher a 1/16/1991 #39956 w emitting white light. It hovered low (25 feet) over a tree across the str 1/19/1991 #39963 d/railway route going quickly ESE. Low and slow. 2/21/1991 #39979 ectangular-shaped light maneuvered low in the sky over Falslev Mar, Denmark 2/27/1991 #39986 es a large rectangular object at a low altitude with irregular structures o 3/15/1991 #40014 er-shaped object on edge, hovering low over the water. The object had six w 5/18/1991 #40070 ut 1,000 feet high and gives off a low humming noise. 5/22/1991 #40073 e fireball flies parallel / ground low altitude / 15M. Winks out. 6/14/1991 #40096 -fireball. Scouts power lines. Too low / RADAR. 8/8/1991 #40144 arge delta/triangle/box-like craft low / roadside. Partly transparent! 8/30/1991 #40173 ter with a triangular UFO hovering low to the ground along the roadside. It 8/30/1991 #40175 y NNW. 1 large and 2 small follow. Low altitude. Slight rise and away. 11/28/1991 #40246 triangle/box-like craft going [to] low and slow over homes. 7 separate obse 2/5/1992 #40316 NC DC9-Sz UFO / 250' altitude goes low over hill. Returns. Follows 3 / car. 3/3/1992 #40347 ar a lake in Hamar, Norway heard a low frequency rumbling sound, like that 3/9/1992 #40367 silver-grey saucers very fast and low west going quickly east. Silent and 3/16/1992 #40384 craft follows "repeat abductee" / low altitude. No further details. / r148 4/18/1992 #40422 22 NORTH / WILLINGDON, EAST SUSSEX Low silent UFO looks exactly like plane. 5/1/1992 #40440 POLEGATE EAST SUSSEX Low silent "airliner" going down / doesn 5/1/1992 #40441 FR 7' transparent egg going down / low near observer(s). Small humanoid (or 6/3/1992 #40483 ar. Triangle / beams search farm / low altitude. Follows car. Going southea 6/3/1992 #40484 A 2 long wingless fuselages circle low. Fly away silently. 6/23/1992 #40504 tangle with pointed corners near / low altitude. Kite? 7/8/1992 #40517 s. Domed UFO / lights / edges. Too low and large and colorful for aircraft. 8/4/1992 #40550 craft formation going south / very low altitude. Also white triangle and ni 8/20/1992 #40585 t with a dome on top was seen at a low level in Ontario, Canada (precise lo 9/4/1992 #40610 east going quickly east / 150kph / low altitude. Lighting and heavy rain. 9/17/1992 #40624 ral large lighted windows hovering low over a field at 8:30 p.m. They could 9/20/1992 #40634 There were three reports of low level UFOs on this evening from Nort 9/30/1992 #40651 a at 7:00 p.m. when they saw, at a low altitude in the northwestern sky, tw 10/1/1992 #40659 ant yellow rectangle going [to] by low and slow. Surrounded / fog. 10/4/1992 #40660 ver the mountains; it dropped to a low altitude, and a jet roar was heard f 10/10/1992 #40673 / BLAINE, WA Bright 20' rectangle low over Birch bay. Buzzes car / 20' alt 11/13/1992 #40709 d near thicket. Going quickly east low and silent. Shape unknown. 12/22/1992 #40761 off and move away to the east at a low altitude. It made no sound as it fle 12/23/1992 #40764 use, when she sees a ball of light low over the road heading towards her. I 1/1/1993 #40785 id west going quickly east fast at low altitude. 1/26/1993 #40814 Wedge-shapes rise from hills. Fly low. Many lights. Vanish. 2/1/1993 #40825 ghts. Partly transparent. Hovers / low altitude. 2/4/1993 #40837 titude. She first thought it was a low flying plane, but dismissed that ide 3/26/1993 #40902 MISCOU ISLAND, NB Night lights low over unstable ice 1 / 2 miles offsho 4/4/1993 #40925 saw a huge glowing object hovering low over the ground. Five humanoid figur 5/12/1993 #40975 29 July / 2300hrs. Domed saucer / low altitude. 5/14/1993 #40978 r homes in Ashbourne, England at a low altitude, making no sound at 2:15 p. 5/14/1993 #40981 with red body lights maneuvered at low level 7/13/1993 #41064 saw several red lights moving at a low altitude and making a humming sound. 7/13/1993 #41066 obot-like humanoid was seen flying low over the terrain near Rome, Italy. I 7/17/1993 #41068 g very groggy and heard a peculiar low frequency buzzing sound. Two men cam 7/24/1993 #41082 p.m. a man saw a spherical object low in the sky over Dundee, Scotland. It 7/24/1993 #41084 tank or disc-shaped object moving low over the ocean in Pensacola, Florida 8/6/1993 #41110 a huge disc-shaped object hovering low above a field by the roadside. It ha 8/8/1993 #41118 flashing lights are seen flying at low altitude above Henri Coandă Internat 8/14/1993 #41137 ally. Estimates place its speed as low as 50 mph. Possible blimp. 9/2/1993 #41176 /triangle/box-like craft formation low in sky. Several wiry shadows glide / 9/7/1993 #41186 rance a delta-shaped craft hovered low over a field at 8:50 p.m. Directly u 9/7/1993 #41187 he city of Magdeburg, Germany at a low altitude. It had two red round light 9/18/1993 #41203 lights hovers near roadway. Passes low over pickup truck. No further detail 9/26/1993 #41209 hts / corners and orange / center. Low slow and silent. 9/26/1993 #41210 ng home on a clear night saw a UFO low over a nearby vacant lot. It was rou 10/6/1993 #41222 s). Saucer / diamond going south / low altitude. Whoosh sound. Descriptions 11/25/1993 #41302 lights, one in each corner, passed low (400 feet altitude) over the heads o 11/29/1993 #41308 utheast over car and water tower / low altitude. Northridge quake next day. 1/16/1994 #41374 e-green luminous/glowing spheres / low altitude. Away / high speed. No furt 1/19/1994 #41378 her. Long 2-domed object with beam low and slow over freeway. 2/2/1994 #41402 00+' delta/triangle/box-like craft low and slow over US101 freeway. Glides 3/1994 #41431 est bright lights circles hovers / low altitude. Shoots away very fast. 4/10/1994 #41487 r a rectangular object passed at a low altitude. It had a white light at tw 4/12/1994 #41489 as bigger than a house, and made a low rumble. The altitude was estimated t 4/12/1994 #41489 SAADERUP, DK Low whistle. Dark 1M object wavers. Goin 5/8/1994 #41517 A low whistle was heard at around 11:00 a. 5/8/1994 #41518 A 2 bright objects bounce around / low altitude. Seen 75 minute(s). No furt 5/24/1994 #41536 y, but a second helicopter hovered low over the end of his street for sever 5/31/1994 #41543 Silent object with square lights / low altitude. 2nd joins. Spotlight. Fly 6/1/1994 #41546 er(s). Huge red night lights hover low. Noisy. Shoot away. 6/9/1994 #41560 n a large disc-shaped craft flying low over the nearby highway. It was shin 6/15/1994 #41568 pe with portholes / side. Hovers / low altitude. No wings / tail. 6/16/1994 #41569 :15 p.m. The two witnesses saw the low flying craft with lights drop a ball 7/16/1994 #41628 y risers observe a V-shaped object low in the sky above the business distri 8/23/1994 #41687 FL 3 observer(s). Huge boomerang / low altitude. Blows smoke. Goes north go 8/27/1994 #41694 the treetops to the southwest at a low altitude. It looks somewhat like the 8/31/1994 #41707 hts / edge turn. Beams going down. Low altitude. 9/8/1994 #41725 ht lights soar maneuver and turn / low altitude. Follow terrain. / MJ#320. 9/14/1994 #41748 bright silent object circles car / low altitude. Going east rising over tre 10/22/1994 #41808 observer. Big silent black saucer low over field nearby. Flashes. Shoots a 11/17/1994 #41852 er domed disc maneuver, then hover low over a field. On the dome was a port 11/23/1994 #41863 me time talking to themselves in a low murmur like chatter. The witness was 12/15/1994 #41895 triangles with strong beams. Very low and slow. Turn going west. / NURC. 12/29/1994 #41909 ming sound as they flew along very low and slowly, then turned and flew off 12/29/1994 #41912 3 / truck. Odd ovoid type unknown. Low altitude. Engine problems. / Interne 12/30/1994 #41915 ssed an ovoid object hovering at a low altitude in the desert in Alturas, M 12/30/1994 #41917 ere/orb/globe lights house. Hovers low / 10 mn. Wall decorations drop. 1/1/1995 #41932 light trees etc. Bob to and fro / low altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. 1/15/1995 #41973 was sighted from Seattle hovering low over Puget Sound to the west. It mad 1/23/1995 #41993 observer(s). 2 silent cigars pass low and close. Red lights / sides. 2/1/1995 #42007 car drive under 100m wedge shape / low altitude. Lights and doors all over/ 3/7/1995 #42079 / NEWELL, SD 120' fake silo hovers low. Observer(s) calls / car-phone. Obje 4/15/1995 #42152 , and traveled at a slow speed and low altitude. 5/6/1995 #42181 close because it hovered below the low, overcast sky, so he got out of his 6/24/1995 #42271 angle/box-like craft and 4 disks / low altitude. 50 bizarre figure(s) / gro 7/9/1995 #42294 le-shaped object and four discs at low altitude in Gravois Mills, Missouri 7/9/1995 #42295 t a relatively slow 70-75 mph at a low altitude. 7/15/1995 #42305 outhwest going quickly northeast / low altitude. Under overcast sky. Vanish 7/16/1995 #42306 0 delta/triangle/box-like crafts / low altitude. Military report(s). / ques 7/23/1995 (approximate) #42319 Low Bradfield, South Yorkshire, England 7/29/1995 #42342 gland 12:15 a.m. Five witnesses in Low Bradfield, South Yorkshire, England, 7/29/1995 #42342 ner, “ flying flat side forward. A low humming sound is heard. 7/29/1995 #42342 RG Observer(s) films 500M saucer / low altitude. Going down / 3M altitude. 8/11/1995 #42371 a 500 meter in diameter saucer at low altitude. It descended to just 3 met 8/11/1995 #42375 nded. A dark mass was perceived at low altitude, but was lost from view beh 8/13/1995 #42381 foot in diameter red ball of light low over some trees shoot out and back a 9/2/1995 #42437 HILL, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 30M saucer / low altitude. Strong beams / each end li 9/10/1995 #42451 / CHAKARI, ZIMB 10M ball / light. Low altitude. Glow lights trees. Suddenl 10/17/1995 #42555 ects had been flying at high speed low above the ground. It was reported to 10/27/1995 #42566 ted metallic object that flew at a low altitude and then descended into a f 11/1/1995 #42575 parate observer(s). Glowing-disk / low altitude. Lands / creek 750' away. B 11/18/1995 #42607 parate report(s). Saucer flashes / low altitude. No figure(s) visible / lar 11/23/1995 #42620 g a disc-shaped object flashing at low altitude over Lugo, Leon, Spain at 8 11/23/1995 #42621 silent, disc-shaped object appears low above some nearby trees, moves swift 12/12/1995 #42641 jet aircraft fly over the area at low altitude. Reportedly, a total of eig 1/20/1996 #42697 trange cigar-shaped objects flying low over a field. It was rumored that th 1/20/1996 #42697 lent orange fireballs going east / low altitude. Turn going [to] WNW. 2/5/1996 #42740 phere slowly rotated and emitted a low humming sound. Moments later a shaft 3/7/1996 #42815 Brilliant red wheel with spokes / low altitude. Blinks going [to] overhead 3/10/1996 #42818 silent triangle going northeast / low altitude toward(s) strasbourg. 4/27/1996 #42887 le that flew to the northeast at a low altitude toward Strasbourg, France. 4/27/1996 #42888 e follows helicopter going north / low altitude. 5/5/1996 #42894 ect followed a helicopter north at low altitude. 5/5/1996 #42895 ge blue, spherical object hovering low over a field in San Pedro Toxin, Jal 5/16/1996 #42903 d going east straight and level at low altitude. Seen / 45 second(s). 5/30/1996 #42916 ing west on Highway 61 toward Show Low when they saw the object streak by a 6/4/1996 #42921 / opposite directions. Play tag / low altitude. 1 going south. 1 going wes 7/16/1996 #42958 ungent odor in the air and heard a low humming sound. He next noticed an ob 7/16/1996 #42959 same time others in the region saw low flying lights and objects. 7/16/1996 #42959 ver(s). Bright red disk going [to] low over farm. Circle / dried yellow gra 8/10/1996 #42975 bright red disc was sighted moving low over a farm in Avellino, Campania, I 8/10/1996 #42977 / car. Silver cylinder/cigar-shape low / roadside. Make 90° turn into paddo 8/23/1996 #42990 . Classic silver saucer going [to] low and slow over farm. No further detai 9/6/1996 #43006 IA, RGS, BRZ Metal sphere hovers / low altitude / city center. Slow and sil 9/18/1996 #43029 up and down [to] like a kite under low cloud cover. 10/3/1996 #43049 d a solid, unblinking orange light low in the sky moving from the southeast 10/26/1996 #43097 large square 2m windows going east low and slow. Object structure invisible 2/18/1997 #43197 th a large dome at one end hovered low over a field in Lympe, England near 3/8/1997 #43223 not merely lights, and it appears low in the sky, blocking out the stars b 3/13/1997 #43229 ows car / miles. Maneuvers close / low altitude. Going quickly south. 3/30/1997 #43242 server / window. Triangle passes / low altitude. Round white light / each c 4/21/1997 #43269 se-lights out 1-by-1 as UFO passes low. 4/23/1997 #43272 Dr. B. Cornet videos 100' manta / low altitude. 28mph. Strange sound recor 4/24/1997 #43274 ng saucers / acrobatic maneuvers / low altitude. 4/24/1997 #43276 cm" triangle going [to] WNW / very low altitude. 12 lights. Drops going dow 5/18/1997 #43295 t across, follow the ship’s course low over the surface of the Baltic Sea. 6/1997 #43307 an, near Redmond, Washington saw a low level, hovering saucer-shaped object 6/5/1997 #43313 uble delta/triangle/box-like craft low / field. Observers follow / truck. V 6/9/1997 #43320 es above them “like a huge bat” at low altitude. Its underside is covered w 7/1997 #43344 to] overhead. Absolute(ly) silent. Low and slow. Shoots away. 7/11/1997 #43348 reported seeing slow moving lights low over the area. 7/23/1997 #43359 bottom/underside. Going northeast low and slow and silent. 8/24/1997 #43390 silent ovoid blocks stars. Glides low over field. 10/20/1997 #43434 on too large and wrong part / sky. Low altitude. Lost / overcast. 1/4/1998 #43492 OFT, ON V-shaped object going [to] low over house. Car lights and exterior 5/29/1998 #43573 M cylinder/cigar-shape going north low / horizon. 90° turn going quickly ea 6/14/1998 #43587 . Silent triangle going southwest. Low and close / 1 observer(s). / r240v3# 6/24/1998 #43592 ark triangle going east overhead / low altitude. Lit / corners. Slight rumb 8/8/1998 #43619 Finistere department, France at a low altitude, heading toward the east. I 8/8/1998 #43621 RIETI, ITL Cop. 5M disk low / valley. Brushes top of Tevere Rive 10/3/1998 #43659 A five-meter diameter disc flew low over the valley of the Tevere River 10/3/1998 #43660 is forced to return after running low on fuel, and the UFO disappears befo 10/19/1998 #43665 on. The object hits the car with a low thud, but the car’s motion is not af 11/27/1998 #43686 hotos of an unusual dark object in low earth orbit. Conspiracy theorists cl 12/11/1998 #43698 TL 1 observer. 6M saucer 300M away low over field. Lights area like day. Sp 12/21/1998 #43701 n 20 June 1971 he was brought to a low flat hangar that was empty; the floo 1999 #43709 erself onboard a round object with low continuous windows. She saw control 1/7/1999 #43711 M sphere hugs terrain. Glow lights low clouds overhead. 4/8/1999 #43755 lowing lights that illuminated the low clouds overhead, as it flew at a low 4/8/1999 #43756 w clouds overhead, as it flew at a low altitude, hugging the terrain as it 4/8/1999 #43756 ed a bright spherical light flying low over the area. Thinking it was a pla 5/10/1999 #43767 ted air-buoyant structures made of low density aerogel or vapor-expanded ma 5/17/1999 #43770 urprised to see an object hovering low over some nearby bushes. It was abou 5/23/1999 #43773 5 observer(s). Disk going south / low altitude. Hovers. 2nd joins. Both go 7/10/1999 #43800 in silent silver sphere going [to] low / fog. Lights field randomly. Going 11/21/1999 #43884 lain silver sphere flying silently low in a fog. Lights followed it randoml 11/21/1999 #43885 umber of times; It finally hovered low over the water 200 meters away from 11/26/1999 #43889 g at a speed of 200 knots. It flew low, at an estimated altitude of only 50 12/15/1999 #43898 ucca Valley, California. It made a low humming sound and had a tail of brig 1/2/2000 #43916 more/others. 30M domed arrowhead / low altitude. Light humming. Lights / bo 1/5/2000 #43919 away. Others in the area had seen low flying objects over their farms arou 1/17/2000 #43929 menon moving quietly and slowly at low level, which then hovered above a ne 2/5/2000 #43941 Moon-size orange disk 100M away / low altitude. Strong beams. Gone suddenl 2/10/2000 #43944 ed UFO was seen 100 meters away at low altitude in Pontelongo, Veneto, Ital 2/10/2000 #43945 Dakin owns a building that offers low rent to paranormal groups and projec 2/20/2000 #43955 A disc hovered low over a soccer field in Mexico City, 2/22/2000 #43956 nd kept walking. Then they heard a low rumbling noise that sounded like: "A 3/12/2000 #43966 MARIETTA, GA Bright disk low over house. Beams going down. Whirr. 5/2/2000 #43987 ect with red and green lights flew low over the Garden State Parkway in Tuc 5/14/2000 #43994 arge, wing-shaped object flew at a low altitude over Opelousas, St. Landry 9/17/2000 #44041 hallis, ID Mules do not respond to low triangle (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactio 9/27/2000 #44046 behind a church tower at a fairly low altitude. 10/5/2000 #44053 the evening a white object hovered low over a school in Chiu-Chiu, Atacama, 10/19/2000 #44060 delta/triangle/box-like craft very low over 4 / camp. Observer(s) shines li 10/27/2000 #44062 tery triangle-shaped craft hovered low over a farmhouse in Unadilla, New Yo 10/29/2000 #44065 n a witness reported seeing a very low flying, quite large object at 3:46 a 11/29/2000 #44088 aped object was sighted travelling low, and moving at great speed in Zumbro 12/23/2000 #44108 overs / 270M away / 300M altitude. Low humming. Vanishes! 1/6/2001 #44121 Engineers dam facility lit up the low flying object. Four helicopters appe 1/24/2001 #44130 Irricana, Alberta, Canada making a low humming sound. The sighting lasted f 2/27/2001 #44143 In the background she could hear a low steady snoring sound. She began to h 5/2/2001 #44174 began to hear what appeared to be low "voices" that spoke very quickly amo 5/2/2001 #44174 hots show small metallic saucers / low altitude. 6/23/2001 #44195 ime there were numerous reports of low flying glowing orange disc-shaped UF 7/1/2001 #44200 M box going down / plaza. Hovers / low altitude. Splits / 3 saucers and goi 8/3/2001 #44222 inverted over each other. It flew low and slowly across the sky, over a re 8/15/2001 #44234 black, triangular objects , moving low to the ground, were seen in Marietta 8/29/2001 #44248 ormation of lights was seen moving low over Toronto, Ontario during a rainy 9/13/2001 #44260 ns and Fiona, saw a combination of low flying, bright white lights. The two 9/25/2001 #44264 nly 200 feet altitude, flying very low and very slow over a major, busy, me 11/13/2001 #44276 rs. At 7:20 p.m. an amber colored, low flying triangle moved through the sk 12/15/2001 #44291 A low flying, slow moving Saturn-shaped UF 12/17/2001 #44292 Luminous rectangular object hovers low. Going [to] behind trees and backlig 2/19/2002 #44317 de silver, hubcap-shaped disc flew low and stopped over a field at only fiv 3/27/2002 #44328 observed an egg-shaped UFO move at low speed and altitude in a clear blue s 5/4/2002 #44337 A disc-shaped object hovered at a low altitude near the town of Bingham, N 5/5/2002 #44338 oid UFO moving at a slow speed and low altitude in the clear blue sky. It f 5/5/2002 #44339 a when they sighted unusual lights low in the overcast sky above the trees 6/8/2002 #44349 12:30 a.m. and became obscured by low clouds. Two searchlight beams descen 7/17/2002 #44361 in airborne for 50 minutes, fly at low altitude using afterburners over res 7/26/2002 #44366 white lights was sighted hovering low in a field off Route 1 South in Dove 8/30/2002 #44387 each tip were solid white, but of low intensity. He had the distinct impre 9/15/2002 #44397 through it". They all watched the low flying object for 10 minutes as it f 9/15/2002 #44398 ered, staying in straight lines. A low humming sound was heard during the e 9/26/2002 #44409 e saucer scouts old copper mines / low altitude. Maneuvers. Going north. 10/22/2002 #44420 lly flew off toward the north at a low altitude. 10/22/2002 #44421 hanging shape. It was too fast and low for a blimp, according to the witnes 11/13/2002 #44441 large, black, flying wing was seen low over a field near a highway south of 11/28/2002 #44454 ngly bright horizontal lights flew low overhead in Los Angeles, California. 1/2/2003 #44465 aucers rim to rim flew slowly at a low level over a farm field and farmhous 1/31/2003 #44483 Naples, Florida at 6:22 a.m. saw a low flying triangle with white lights at 3/1/2003 #44498 ls of lights on the underside flew low over the river in Terrace, British C 4/3/2003 #44510 porters on the scene. "It was very low, not more than 1500 meters above the 4/18/2003 #44516 d at which the craft and it's very low altitude there was no sonic boom hea 4/18/2003 #44516 off his porch he started to hear a low whirring sound. He next saw a light 5/3/2003 #44523 ome from work at 12:45 a.m., saw a low hovering metallic looking UFO that w 5/8/2003 #44529 Diego County, California noticed a low flying, silent triangular craft one 5/9/2003 #44531 A cigar-shaped UFO hovered low near a mountain near Phoenix, Arizon 5/27/2003 #44547 big lights that was hovering at a low altitude over Watertown Square in Wa 5/29/2003 #44549 rop-shaped object moving slowly at low altitude over rooftops, making an un 7/7/2003 #44562 cliffe, British Columbia a silent, low flying, slow moving spherical object 7/28/2003 #44569 large fuselage-shaped object flies low along a road, under some guy wires, 8/10/2003 #44572 silver sausage-shaped object, flew low over the roadside in Canyon Creek, n 8/10/2003 #44573 ack boomerang-shaped object passed low and fast over Napoleonville in south 8/13/2003 #44575 unswick, watch two flashing lights low in the west. They descend rapidly th 1/17/2004 #44651 riangular craft was sighted flying low and slowly over traffic on I-35 in O 1/22/2004 #44655 his basement when he heard a very low frequency humming noise for 30 minut 2/11/2004 #44661 ct hovering just above the ground, low outside the window. The object was 4/15/2004 #44688 triangle hovering at a relatively low altitude. It had blinking red and gr 4/16/2004 #44689 ow in Kelowna, British Columbia so low that it was illuminated by streetlig 4/25/2004 #44691 A very fast, low flying cigar-shaped object with four 4/26/2004 #44692 a helicopter was seen flying at a low level. 4/26/2004 #44693 ght in the center. It flew in very low, and started following her car. "I w 5/9/2004 #44698 own, Pennsylvania. It then hovered low over a field for 10 minutes, before 5/9/2004 #44698 ject with lights was seen hovering low, close to the ground, in Trail, Brit 5/19/2004 #44705 the craft approached Ayu-Dug at a low altitude and seemed to dissolve into 8/2/2004 #44725 20 years and his chemist wife at a low altitude. Its length was longer than 8/20/2004 #44736 In Omemee, Ontario, Canada a low, dark, cloud-like object was spotted 8/29/2004 #44745 cends to 19,000 feet because it is low on fuel and spots the object one las 10/28/2004 #44773 spots the object one last time at low altitude. The pilot returns to the 8 10/28/2004 #44773 aped or triangle-shaped craft flew low overhead; it made no sound and had b 12/5/2004 #44798 . It crosses the frozen water at a low altitude, then hovers for some secon 1/31/2005 #44810 ading northeast at a slow pace and low altitude. 5/9/2005 #44837 10:15 p.m. It was flying east at a low altitude, close enough to see it cle 7/15/2005 #44854 in the sky at 11:30 p.m., making a low humming sound. 7/19/2005 #44855 dle, was seen standing stock still low in the sky over the Santa Barbara fr 12/15/2005 #44910 n, Washington State. It was flying low to the ground and was quiet bright f 12/17/2005 #44912 the morning two friends awoke to a low humming sound, and a clattering nois 1/30/2006 #44920 ade erratic flight movements, flew low over the area for a minute, then sud 4/27/2006 #44934 otic propulsion, metamaterials and low observable technology at Lockheed an 4/28/2006 #44937 , Nevada. Although not flying at a low altitude, it was close enough to det 9/17/2006 #44963 A large triangular craft flew low over two witnesses traveling in a ca 9/23/2006 #44965 s. It made no sound, but flew at a low altitude. It flew from south to nort 10/26/2006 #44977 shaped objects were seen flying at low altitude over Montreal, Quebec, trav 11/28/2006 #44987 A circular object hovered low over the witnesses' barn for 60 minu 3/6/2007 #45011 hough it seemed to be flying quite low. 5/16/2007 #45031 A low flying object that looked like the C 8/9/2007 #45045 He immediately ducked down and lay low in his tent, very scared. He then pe 9/16/2007 #45059 . there were two reports of a huge low flying triangular craft that was see 11/13/2007 #45094 -shaped, blue and white light flew low and fast over Bowie, Maryland. 12/23/2007 #45103 12:30 a.m. a V-shaped object flew low over the city of Chilliwack, Fraser 5/17/2008 #45140 ehicle. The object was flying very low and very slow, and was in view for a 9/19/2008 #45169 A low flying disc with multicolored flashi 5/7/2009 #45219 ording to the witness, it was at a low altitude,"just about 12 feet above t 8/14/2009 #45235 rs a sound like a cat purring at a low frequency. The UFO passes overhead a 11/25/2009 #45256 naveral Air Force Station, Florida Low Earth Orbit The first X-37B, an uncr 4/22/2010 #45276 ida. The spacecraft is placed into low Earth orbit for testing. While the A 4/22/2010 #45276 2007, a large group of them saw a low flying large UAP that hovered before 2/2011 #45312 with other satellite orbs was seen low on the horizon in Fredericton, York 3/14/2011 #45319 p.m. An unknown object flying at a low altitude passes directly above the R 4/25/2013 #45365 is generating a kind of night fog low above the ground. The witnesses try 2/3/2016 #45444 iangular formation in the sky at a low altitude. The copilot continues to f 11/6/2018 #45543 frasonic waves. These waves have a low frequency and cannot be heard by hum 11/19/2018 #45547 (FLIR) system that is of extremely low resolution. Three blurry dots are di 7/17/2019 #45595 d “air-buoyant structures” made of low density aerogel or vapor-expanded ma 6/25/2021 #45695## Word: "low-" (Back to Top)
o the back of his head and hears a low- pitched sound. The two humanoids qu 1/7/1974 #28660 st, Lt. Col. Oleg Karyakin hears a low- frequency booming noise and sees a 6/14/1980 #35367 o and Kingsburg, California, see a low- flying object with three red lights 10/26/1988 #38698 the vibrations from an unpleasant low- frequency humming sound coming from 3/31/1993 #40914## Word: "low-altitude" (Back to Top)
K 2+3 observer(s). Pie-pans pass / low-altitude. 1 stops and darts off. Glo 3/27/1950 #4734 aucer / crab-legs! All over town / low-altitude / 2.5hrs. 6/25/1954 #9944 Schalk makes another unofficial low-altitude, 40-minute test flight with 4/26/1962 #17131 KAI TAK AIRPORT, HONG KONG Low-altitude UFO's mimic planes landing. 2/1964 #18122 ly solid. It glided slowly along a low-altitude, horizontal path. (NICAP re 8/14/1967 #22875 olice Lt. Glen G. Brunsell, sees a low-altitude, bright round light like a 10/27/1967 #23351 urn without banking. Circle town / low-altitude. Going SSE. / r114p118. 1/21/1971 #25993 H, WEST YORKS 60' circle / lights. Low-altitude. Lights ground / 5 second(s 2/15/1994 #41411## Word: "low-angle" (Back to Top)
eral LC3, Reaches 16.1km attitude (Low-angle atmospheric flight over 320 km 7/24/1950 #5076 eral LC3, Reaches 16.1km attitude (Low-angle atmospheric flight over 320 km 7/29/1950 #5080## Word: "low-arc" (Back to Top)
going [to] horizon / 45 second(s). Low-arc / 800mph. 11/11/1947 (approximate) #3483## Word: "low-aspect" (Back to Top)
on the Horten brothers’ VIII-type, low-aspect, disc- shaped design by 1952. 6/9/1947 #2315## Word: "low-band" (Back to Top)
cannot reach his station by either low-band FM or portable radio. 8/1/1979 #34696## Word: "low-contrast" (Back to Top)
rs. Subsequent frames seem to show low-contrast images of four human-like b 2/17/1967 #21586## Word: "low-density" (Back to Top)
. The speed varies from a hover in low-density air to nearly 1,500 mph, wel 3/9/1950 #4598## Word: "low-earth" (Back to Top)
g above the northern hemisphere in low-Earth orbit. McKinnon also stated he 11/2002 #44428## Word: "low-flying" (Back to Top)
g toward Quincy, was followed by a low-flying object for 15 min between Per 4/15/1897 #481 g toward Quincy, was followed by a low-flying object for 15 min between Per 4/15/1897 #485 sed Perry Springs, Missouri when a low-flying object started following it. 4/15/1897 #499 ns, including the mayor, observe a low-flying airship heading slowly southw 4/22/1897 #557 Unknown City, Sweden Low-flying aeroplane (Page 7 Ref. 1) (NI 12/30/1933 #1187 PINCOTA, ROMANIA Low-flying German plane stops midair. Ho 5/28/1944 (approximate) #1595 Two fast, low-flying eight-foot long cylinders dov 7/18/1946 #2064 INDIANAPOLIS, IN Motorist chases low-flying coppery disk. Gets ticket. / 7/7/1947 #2839 n, VA Series of 7 yellowish-orange low-flying objects climb away (NICAP: 01 8/11/1952 #7544 5 p.m. in Greenwich, Connecticut a low-flying luminous disc-shaped object t 2/2/1954 #9529 FLAGSTAFF, AZ 2 loggers. Silent low-flying saucer rotates and flashes li 7/12/1954 #10011 es in the former Yugoslavia report low-flying UFOs and high-flying cigar-sh 10/15/1954 #11112 rom the Levelland area described a low-flying object, over 60 m long, equip 11/2/1957 #14213 ly morning hours. They described a low-flying ovoid or cigar-shaped object, 11/3/1957 #14253 spotlight dimmed as police pursued low-flying UFO (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 11/4/1957 #14272 ger, Denmark, sees a large, black, low-flying, triangular object. As it fli 4/15/1958 #14988 near), NV 2 in/car saw in mirror a low-flying object that overtook their ca 7/17/1961 #16763 observed in the rear-view mirror a low-flying object that overtook their ca 7/17/1961 #16764 ada, see in the rear-view mirror a low-flying object that overtakes their c 7/17/1961 #16765 Huron, MI Deputy Sheriffs chased a low-flying UFO which first appeared as a 11/12/1963 #18034 g bicycles, she and a friend saw a low-flying object that terrified them. A 7/14/1964 #18408 g bicycles, she and a friend saw a low-flying object that terrified them. A 7/14/1964 #18410 was driving toward the base, saw a low-flying object, 10 m in diameter, whi 1/12/1965 #18715 Lynden, Washington, when he sees a low-flying object, 30 feet in diameter, 1/12/1965 #18717 it reached the sea, for a strange low-flying plane was reportedly seen ove 2/12/1965 #18813 :45 p.m. EST. Witnesses reported a low-flying oval object with dome on top 4/12/1966 #20288 rchester, Massachusetts reported a low-flying oval object with a dome on to 4/12/1966 #20291 WATERTOWN, MASS 4 observer(s). Low-flying ovoid with rotating colored l 5/1/1966 #20438 A low-flying oval-shaped object with brigh 5/1/1966 #20440 Virginia, on Interstate 77 when a low-flying dark object about 35 feet wid Early 11/1966 #21070 ents from witnesses who describe a low-flying disc-shaped object with the s 6/1/1967 #22448 Redlands, CA 200 witnesses see low-flying disc - 50-60 ft circular obj 2/4/1968 #23731 s, California, see or hear a huge, low-flying, disc-shaped object as it pas 2/4/1968 #23734 ra, Venezuela, is disrupted when a low-flying disc flies above the grandsta 9/16/1968 #24470 MURPHYSBORO, IL 1 observer. Low-flying disk going [to] over power tr 3/22/1973 #27360 PEKIN, IL Several observer(s). Low-flying domed object seen. No further 5/18/1973 #27502 Spain a man and a woman watched a low-flying disc-shaped object, only 1.5 8/6/1974 #29313 rom several jurisdictions observed low-flying saucer-like objects with red, 8/11/1974 #29322 rage area. Radar was also tracking low-flying objects intruding into the ba 10/30/1975 #30523 y, is called to help investigate a low-flying UFO over the neighboring Fort 1/18/1978 #32894 a, Michigan, when they encounter a low-flying domed disc. The mist from the 2/10/1982 #36334 Montagne, and Nicky LeClair) see a low-flying bright light approaching. Pol 9/30/1982 #36622 York Night. Hundreds of people see low-flying lights over the Taconic State 3/25/1984 #37245 Connecticut, receive reports of a low-flying, slow-moving object “as large 7/19/1984 #37404 and Southbury, Connecticut, see a low-flying, silent, circular formation o 5/26/1985 #37593 field, Connecticut, when he sees a low-flying aerial object that passes ove Mid 10/1987 #38305 At 10:00 p.m. a silent, mysterious low-flying "airplane" and a mushroom-sha 11/6/1988 #38705 -Balkaria 9:00–10:00 p.m. A large, low-flying, cylindrical UFO is reported 2/13/1989 #38839 ed. Other local residents reported low-flying lights over the area about sa 3/20/1993 #40895 all County, OH Multiple reports of low-flying object (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 12/1994 #41874 theast of Damiansville, Illinois a low-flying triangular UFO approached an 7/17/1996 #42962 r to his dog, he looks up to see a low-flying space-capsule-shaped UFO hove 9/16/1996 #43023 in from the public that there is a low-flying aircraft over Howden Moors, Y 3/24/1997 #43239 A low-flying upright symmetrical disc-shap 3/1/2001 #44145 walls of his home rattling from a low-flying aircraft and goes out to see 7/26/2002 #44366 At 9:20 a.m. a fast, low-flying gray cigar-shaped object, mov 2/19/2003 #44495 rth. In Puerto Ordaz residents saw low-flying, black helicopters cross the 5/15/2004 #44702 ult Ste. Marie, Ontario reported a low-flying object, flat, circular, and w 9/9/2005 #44873 He goes to bed, but is awakened by low-flying helicopters at 2:00 a.m. Arou 5/8/2009 #45220 first interview “Jones,” he hears low-flying helicopters near his property 5/8/2009 #45221 each when they notice above them a low-flying triangular object with lights 8/16/2010 #45292## Word: "low-frequency" (Back to Top)
observer(s). Cone hovers / hours. Low-frequency Radio Frequency Interferen 3/28/1968 #23864 . Going topside, they hear a loud, low-frequency hum permeating the launch Early 1/1979 #34280 cer hovers over busy intersection. Low-frequency Radio Frequency Interferen 11/27/1979 #35018 NT, NY Cop and 1. Boomerang hums / low-frequency. Lights grounds up. Going 12/31/1982 #36731 4 night lights / wavy trajectory. Low-frequency detector gives strong sign 12/19/1992 #40753## Word: "low-gain" (Back to Top)
ons. Drake is ready with a second, low-gain antenna. The pulses are there a 4/8/1960 #16218## Word: "low-grade" (Back to Top)
ght.” Because the “mass receipt of low-grade reports [tends] to overload ch 1/17/1953 #8548## Word: "low-hanging" (Back to Top)
low altitude, and disappears into low-hanging stratus clouds. She hears a 5/4/1953 #8861## Word: "low-high" (Back to Top)
rum analyzers, Questar telescopes, low-high frequency audio detectors, an e 4/1973 #27397## Word: "low-hovering" (Back to Top)
aring in the woods. There he saw a low-hovering disc with a row of lights. Summer 1910 #838 Colusa, CA Low-hovering disc with dome, rotating ri 9/10/1976 #31369 Colusa, CA Low-hovering disc with dome, rotating ri 9/10/1976 #31370## Word: "low-intensity" (Back to Top)
er downtown Lancaster, California. Low-intensity lights, similar to stars, 11/18/1989 #39237## Word: "low-interest" (Back to Top)
atterson AFB in Ohio, a glimpse of low-interest UFO cases, and a few conser Early 2/1949 #3996## Word: "low-level" (Back to Top)
t it flew away. This was his third low-level sighting of a dark cigar-shape 2/5/1968 #23738 orange light, and it made several low-level passes over the beach before b 9/9/1968 #24448 During a flurry of low-level UFO sightings in the area of N 10/3/1973 #27926 m. Two 15-year-old teenagers saw a low-level, 20-meter diameter disc for te 2/10/1975 #29799 rk two 15-year-old teenagers saw a low-level, 20-meter diameter disc for te 2/10/1975 #29803 model that is used in estimates of low-level radon and air pollution exposu 4/26/1986 #37843 rs and received a briefing; it was low-level maintenance work at a private 5/9/2000 #43993## Word: "low-pitch" (Back to Top)
veral passes over town. 180 turns. Low-pitch humming. Very fast. 7/2/1956 #12944## Word: "low-pitched" (Back to Top)
nd-Palatinate, Germany. It emits a low-pitched hum and white exhaust. 9/29/1952 #8062 flying. A short high-pitched, then low-pitched, sound is heard as the objec 3/29/1966 #20139 It made a 90 degree turn making a low-pitched whining sound, and sped off 5/8/1966 #20466 and took off very fast. It made a low-pitched whine during the 5 minute si 9/13/1966 #20878 hen land within 900 feet, making a low-pitched whine. It takes off so fast 9/13/1966 #20879 within 300 yards of him. It made a low-pitched whine during the five-minute 9/13/1966 #20880 feet above the ground, emitting a "low-pitched, constant droning sound." Do 6/25/1967 #22553 enty feet off the ground, making a low-pitched, droning noise, three miles 6/25/1967 #22555 re it rose vertically with a deep, low-pitched hum, but no smoke, flame, or 10/9/1967 #23200 bar. The object, which is making a low-pitched hum, is about 8 feet tall an 10/9/1967 #23201 ps out of the car. They can hear a low-pitched humming from the object only 9/19/1971 #26347 a blinding light and a penetrating low-pitched hum. They have a feeling tha 10/16/1973 #28087 if searching for something. A very low-pitched hum was heard, but no barkin 10/28/1973 #28312 light underneath. It made a deep, low-pitched sound like a hydroelectric p 2/19/1981 #35837 As it passes overhead, they hear a low-pitched hum. A blinking, red-orange 9/18/1981 #36128 and green lights. It was making a low-pitched, humming sound, and was hove 8/18/2009 #45236## Word: "low-powered" (Back to Top)
er, who had previously worked with low-powered lasers, identifies the green 10/6/2013 #45389## Word: "low-q" (Back to Top)
cy. Lights grounds up. Going east. Low-Q movie film taken. 12/31/1982 #36731## Word: "low-resolution" (Back to Top)
object resembles an “out-of-focus low-resolution backlit plane” filmed at 11/14/2004 #44784## Word: "low-short" (Back to Top)
NANTES, FR Amateur astronomer. Low-short humming. 3 green-glowing-sauce 3/26/1968 #23860## Word: "low-temperature" (Back to Top)
ey suspect the glowing object is a low-temperature fuel fire. 2/10/1975 #29800## Word: "low-toned" (Back to Top)
ought, was about 150'. There was a low-toned hum as it moved at about 25-30 7/1977 #32219## Word: "lowball" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Lowball” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT 7/12/1978 #33374## Word: "lowe" (Back to Top)
.12,Sec. M.): Lt. Comdr. Marcus L. Lowe while on a flight observed a yellow 4/30/1948 #3631 :22 a.m. local time, Airman Edward Lowe, a radar operator at the Fallon Air 4/17/1964 #18178 ven by witnesses Keiran, Tobin and Lowe for two minutes. It had red lights 4/27/1967 #22236 es in six groups (including Thelma Lowe, Harold Wilson, Sara Green, Mrs. Ev 3/8/1977 #31878## Word: "lowell" (Back to Top)
n, by American astronomer Percival Lowell in Flagstaff, Arizona, and a few 5/1894 #314 s” capture the public imagination. Lowell publishes his views in three book 5/1894 #314 Lowell Observatory Flagstaff, Arizona Ma 6/7/1894 #315 Arizona Mars Astronomers Percival Lowell and William H. Pickering at Lowel 6/7/1894 #315 Lowell and William H. Pickering at Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona 6/7/1894 #315 Lowell Observatory Flagstaff, Arizona Ma 12/1900 #642 y Flagstaff, Arizona Mars Percival Lowell at Lowell Observatory in Flagstaf 12/1900 #642 f, Arizona Mars Percival Lowell at Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona 12/1900 #642 Geneva Observatory, Switzerland Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona P 10/1913 #892 on Mars for 17 consecutive nights. Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona 10/1913 #892 LOWELL OBSERVER(S), AZ Astronomer S. Hes 5/20/1950 #4952 sc-like object from the grounds of Lowell Observatory. [I] (NICAP: 01 - Dis 5/20/1950 #4954 Lowell Observatory Flagstaff, Arizona 12 5/20/1950 #4955 . Hess is strolling the grounds of Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona 5/20/1950 #4955 e of UFOs under Lt. Commander Fred Lowell Thomas of the Office of Naval Res 4/1952 #6009 nta Ana, California. Pilot 1st Lt. Lowell D. Brandt turns to avoid them. 1/9/1953 #8525 LOWELL, MA Mystery plane circles / 10 ho 12/15/1954 #11809 LOWELL OBSERVER(S), AZ Astronomers. Ruby 10/29/1963 #18011 eamed and ran inside her house. In Lowell, Ohio during the afternoon Marvin 11/26/1966 #21151 LOWELL, IN 2 observer(s). Yellow ovoid o 8/3/1978 #33466 Lowell, Massachusetts 10:50 p.m. During 8/3/1978 #33468 ng a mini-flap of UFO sightings in Lowell, Massachusetts, a couple watch an 8/3/1978 #33468 SOUTHEAST / LOWELL, IN 2 observer(s). Double-sphere/ 10/24/1982 #36661 Lowell, IN Pilot & student enc dbl globu 10/24/1982 #36662 Lowell, Indiana 10 miles southeast of Lo 10/24/1982 #36663 ell, Indiana 10 miles southeast of Lowell, Indiana 9:20 a.m. Pilot Michael 10/24/1982 #36663 ee 140 about 10 miles southeast of Lowell, Indiana. Just after reaching the 10/24/1982 #36663 d a flight instructor southeast of Lowell, Indiana. The two men reported th 10/24/1982 #36664 arheads, is conceived by physicist Lowell Wood at Lawrence Livermore Nation 11/1986 #38057## Word: "lower" (Back to Top)
drops from the upper cloud to the lower one, followed by two others. Soon 3/19/1847 #143 s / upper limb. 2 dark triangles / lower limb 30 minute(s) later. / Charles 7/3/1882 #247 . After 10 minutes it returns at a lower altitude, now visible as a conical 2/4/1897 #387 East Frisia, Lower Saxony, Germany Night. Frederick G 1909 #719 lage one mile away in East Frisia, Lower Saxony, Germany. A minute later th 1909 #719 s, New South Wales, Australia. Its lower portion was lighted while the uppe 8/13/1909 #804 d hovers. Shoots quickly going up. Lower part round and black. 8/1944 (approximate) #1629 in flight over Rechlin Goggenthin, Lower Saxony, Germany sighted a 100 mete 9/29/1944 #1670 single file. One group of six were lower than we were and coming towards us 7/4/1945 #1891 cer / 60M altitude. 12 portholes / lower part. 1 head looks out each port. 8/25/1946 (approximate) #2158 about 75 feet in diameter. On the lower right side are 12–14 square window Late 8/1946 #2160 Friedland Refugee Camp, Lower Saxony, Germany 4:00 a.m. Waltraut 10/10/1946 #2202 perator in Friedland Refugee Camp, Lower Saxony, Germany, sees small, elong 10/10/1946 #2202 ut 30–50 feet in diameter slightly lower than their plane. It paces them fo 7/6/1947 #2808 white disks going quickly south. "Lower than stars". One would hope so. 7/7/1947 #2903 tive on the project are two of the lower ranks: Lieut. Howard W. Smith and 1/1949 #3950 enetrates ours. The etherians must lower their “vibrational” rate in order 1950 #4462 s below it, possibly obscuring the lower portion of a sphere. The UFO is da 1/24/1950 #4509 like a hemisphere with a flattened lower part, and estimated to be 70-80 me 1/24/1950 #4510 disc with 9-12 portholes along the lower side emitting a soft purple light, 3/20/1950 #4689 e tall, rectangular windows in its lower half, in which can be seen against 9/1951 #5647 ilver orbs follow B36 going east / lower altitude. Take sudden turn going q 6/18/1952 #6534 g 54 completed questionnaires, far lower than the 200 they would like for a 7/1952 #6680 s). 2 yellow disks pace airliner / lower altitude. 1 turns grey and turns a 7/8/1952 #6725 ts to the north of it, smaller and lower in elevation. He sights another ob 7/22/1952 #7027 ames with noticeable motion to the lower left. Although Blue Book Capt. Edw 8/1/1952 #7408 object 45° to their left and at a lower altitude, with the waters of the D 8/12/1952 #7559 pie-pans. They rose rapidly from a lower altitude and passed the plane. 8/12/1952 #7561 sees a large, circular light at a lower elevation. It is the color of an o 8/15/1952 #7611 metallic, white light with a vague lower surface (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 8/24/1952 #7707 metallic, white light with a vague lower surface, flew slowly, then fast Wi 8/24/1952 #7711 metallic, white light with a vague lower surface, flew slowly, then fast Wi 8/24/1952 #7717 to the southwest to the right and lower than the moon, and another object 8/28/1952 #7773 tude. Going southwest slow. Jump / lower altitude. Light plane by. / r136#1 9/26/1952 #8030 e object lowered itself toward the lower plate. The sound gained intensity, 11/18/1952 #8294 e object lowered itself toward the lower plate. The sound gained intensity, 11/18/1952 #8298 ius than that of the C-47 and at a lower altitude. They are observed for ap 4/12/1953 #8819 us than that of the C-47, and at a lower altitude. The object were observed 4/12/1953 #8821 ter, through a staircase under the lower disk. The witness ran away when in 8/18/1953 #9080 uth / road. Ring low and portholes lower. Fast whirr sound. 3/23/1954 #9632 object with a gold ring around the lower third, about 2 times size of his j 3/25/1954 #9643 sequence. A fifth disc drops much lower than the earlier ones and remains 8/23/1954 #10170 position. It emits vapor from its lower end. Next, a metallic disc- shaped 9/14/1954 #10299 osition. It emitted vapor from its lower end. Next, a metallic disc-shaped 9/14/1954 #10301 t, two small discs emerge from its lower part. 10/7/1954 #10791 meters over a field in Rinckerode, Lower Saxony, Germany. The witness was a 10/10/1954 #10898 Evreux-Louviers railroad line. The lower part was ringlike, and the object 10/11/1954 #10927 Evreux-Louviers railroad line. The lower part was ringlike, and the object 10/11/1954 #10943 than a meter tall appeared, whose lower legs appeared transparent. The wit 10/17/1954 #11180 rised of metallic scales while the lower part was contained by a large “pip 10/18/1954 #11225 ous suit standing near a tree. The lower part of its body is like a cone. I 10/19/1954 #11243 looked like an inverted cone, the lower part phosphorescent, the middle du 10/20/1954 #11273 looked like an inverted cone, the lower part phosphorescent, the middle du 10/20/1954 #11282 mall seats were visible inside the lower cone. From behind the object appar 11/1/1954 #11516 mall seats were visible inside the lower cone. From behind the object appea 11/1/1954 #11520 ound 12:00 noon, they descend to a lower altitude, and witnesses see they a 12/14/1954 #11807 exhaust were seen flowing from the lower part of the object while it was ac 12/18/1954 #11831 nce, the percentage of unknowns is lower: 23 unknowns from 306 reports, or 6/30/1955 #12221 ilots saw round object with/silver lower part climb when approached (NICAP: 7/20/1955 #12273 00 feet north and about 35-40 feet lower elevation. Glennie Lankford and 6 8/21/1955 #12386 at eleven o’clock at night. In the lower part of the dome she could see fig 12/21/1955 #12619 Yvelines, at 4,500 feet (800 feet lower than the UFO). Orly radios the pil 2/17/1956 #12723 Luminous sphere/orb/globe hovers. Lower half dims. Speeds away. / hall r25 7/19/1956 #12984 ire that drops into the top of the lower one. Within seconds they vanish wi 7/26/1956 #13020 n infrared subsystem requires much lower data transmission rates. Lockheed 8/3/1956 #13050 f about 460 mph, he sees at a much lower altitude a “bright light which was 8/27/1956 #13140 m with feet and legs hidden by the lower part of the object. Inside the ope 5/1957 #13631 upper part rotates slowly over the lower part. Both objects have a kind of 8/5/1957 #13881 e Navy uniforms in a window on the lower section. 10/1957 #14051 the upper section greater than the lower section. It looks like two superim 10/10/1957 #14095 e and rim are fiery red, while the lower hemisphere is silvery white. The t 12/21/1957 #14755 eir kneecaps and the back of their lower legs, even though they have not le 2/17/1958 #14878 both women have swellings in their lower legs, and both gain serious weight 2/17/1958 #14878 g, NC Silver, circular object, its lower portion seen through green haze (N 6/20/1958 #15101 . One silver, circular object, its lower portion seen through a green haze, 6/20/1958 #15104 ved a silver, circular object, its lower portion seen through a green haze, 6/20/1958 #15106 ks” appears to “cavort” around the lower end of the object for about one mi 9/8/1958 #15261 aft had lighted windows around its lower portion and blinking red, yellow, 3/19/1959 #15654 its red and yellow flames from the lower side, and ascends rapidly, disappe 9/24/1959 #15987 ohansson gets prickly pains in his lower body. Late 10/1959 #16060 ve the waves for a brief time. Its lower part was similar to an upside down 6/3/1961 #16717 ht white light on each tip and the lower one was blinking. It also had squa 11/22/1961 #16973 circular UFO with dome move across lower half of moon. [NICAP UFO Evidence, 10/3/1962 #17453 ter, and about 9–10 feet high. The lower portion, about 3 feet high, is rot 2/15/1963 #17669 h orange rectangular object with a lower appendage was seen low over a road 6/6/1964 #18336 Mrs. Russell Mickinan's house. The lower part was bright red, with three li 7/7/1964 #18397 smoke through two openings in its lower section, shook a school building a 8/25/1965 #19463 smoke through two openings in its lower section, shook a school building a 8/25/1965 #19465 angle; when the object moves, the lower lights are always forward of the o 9/3/1965 #19511 oval-shaped door opened under the lower part of the object, and a man came 9/4/1965 #19520 her, while a third UFO hovers at a lower altitude. 3/17/1966 #19983 aped appendage protruding from the lower portion of the UFO. 3/20/1966 #19998 een lights were visible around the lower perimeter (body lights). After hov 6/1/1966 #20518 reen lights are visible around the lower perimeter. After hovering briefly, 6/1/1966 #20519 dome, blue-green lights around the lower perimeter. After hovering briefly, 6/1/1966 #20520 iameter disc with portholes on its lower convex surface. The object descend 7/22/1966 #20667 iameter disc with portholes on its lower convex surface. The object descend 7/22/1966 #20669 r. One of the women who was on the lower level handed him a small object "l 11/5/1966 #21078 row of orange portholes along the lower portion. The object, illuminated b 11/12/1966 #21094 om Groom Dry Lake. Ray glides to a lower altitude to perform a controlled b 1/5/1967 #21260 ctions of fluorescent light on the lower portion, and pulsating colored lig 1/6/1967 #21266 Studham Common Studham Lower School, Bedfordshire, England 1:45 1/28/1967 #21409 ey are making their way to Studham Lower School, Bedfordshire, England. Sud 1/28/1967 #21409 ct approaches from far away and is lower than the telephone wires, bathing 3/5/1967 #21766 ights approach their aircraft at a lower altitude, passing below and out of 3/11/1967 #21857 e on top. It had a hazv indefinite lower part at least as large as the uppe 4/1/1967 #22038 haped object w/blue underside come lower with oscillating motions (NICAP: 0 4/27/1967 #22231 binoculars observed an object come lower with oscillating motions, illumina 4/27/1967 #22232 Wisconsin observed an object come lower with oscillating motions, illumina 4/27/1967 #22237 roximate 1:3 brightness ratio. The lower objects rise and fall near the hor 5/16/1967 #22355 d black sides. It was black on its lower surface, and made no noise. The ob 6/30/1967 #22580 side. It has portholes around its lower edge. After 20 minutes, it moves o 7/1967 #22590 ed around its circumference on the lower part. It changed direction to appr 8/4/1967 #22806 , with a dome on top, silvery, the lower half dark gray, about 10 m in diam 8/24/1967 #22914 op. It was silvery on top but the lower half was dark gray, and it was abo 8/24/1967 #22918 lms goes along with the military’s lower number for the combat strength of 9/1967 #22974 shaped object, haze or mist around lower portion, approached airliner from 9/10/1967 #23031 d on-and-off, revolving across the lower portion. 10/2/1967 #23167 d showing a whitish dome under its lower surface, hovered between the two v 11/5/1967 #23407 d showing a whitish dome under its lower surface, hovered between the two v 11/5/1967 #23408 uds that sometimes obscure it, but lower than high-altitude, fast-moving wh 12/10/1967 #23567 ring-shaped marks appeared on her lower abdomen. Her menstrual cycle stopp 5/3/1968 #23942 veral porthole-like windows on its lower part. Through the portholes shadow 5/17/1968 #23970 entities and from their visors and lower abdomens. Both beings vanished sud 6/24/1968 #24076 colored object. The UFO had on its lower part a kind of helix, where lights 6/27/1968 #24087 ing on both the father's and son's lower abdomens, were later recorded. 11/2/1968 #24626 d portholes around the rim and the lower portion was spinning. 11/8/1968 #24644 thin-lipped mouths, and one eye is lower than the other. Each has a kind of 2/7/1969 #24901 pper body looked normal, but whose lower half--from the waist down--resembl 7/4/1969 #25253 ge disc-shaped outline that glided lower towards his position. He saw a ver 8/15/1970 #25787 was contacted by Lawrence Smith of Lower Shag Harbour. (This Close Encounte 11/25/1970 #25919 appearing horizontally through the lower pane, which was 4.5 feet from the 4/2/1971 #26065 two bright points of light on its lower right edge. It sped away and was l 8/30/1971 #26306 orthwestern sky. It descended to a lower altitude, rose again, then shot aw 9/25/1971 #26381 several feet above the ground. Its lower part is glowing like a neon light, 12/13/1972 #27176 ade." It contained two levels. The lower, which "had plenty of headroom", w 5/15/1973 #27492 ch looked like a rugby ball cut on lower part. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 7/16/1973 #27634 MT. HOLLY SPRS AND LOWER ALLEN AND EAST PENNSBORO, PA Many 9/15/1973 #27824 ll object seen. Possible landing / Lower Richland. / news. 10/12/1973 #28013 ature came out from the top of the lower UFO, holding onto a handrail. It h 10/17/1973 #28140 otated counterclockwise around the lower portion. They experienced loud sta 12/10/1973 #28553 16 1/2 ft. dia. Upper half orange, lower half dark red. Transparent cupola 12/19/1973 #28584 n his CB radio, he sees the object lower a box, seemingly to take samples. Early 4/1974 #28990 ge almond shaped eyes, and a small lower jaw. They were also apparently ver 5/9/1974 #29098 ide. Green and white lights around lower part rotating 3 to 4 square window 5/22/1974 #29123 large metallic object, dark on the lower half, with red lights around the r 6/14/1974 #29192 h a red domed area and an orangish lower area punctuated by oval windows fr 6/25/1974 #29224 ng headlight on a sports car.” The lower part of the object rotates, but th 8/12/1974 #29337 d equally convex on both upper and lower surfaces. There is an outer rim ar 8/25/1974 #29386 row of lights is visible along the lower edge. He estimates that it is flyi 1/2/1975 #29701 objects leave, Montiel is able to lower his landing gear manually and land 5/3/1975 #30026 ount for. Moody gets a pain in his lower back in the afternoon. Soon he is 8/13/1975 #30264 . Moody now has a heat rash on his lower body. His memories about the incid 8/13/1975 #30264 lled back to show teeth, while the lower lip was very thin. He wore a black 12/11/1975 #30705 the upper portion larger than the lower one, and was about 40 to 45 feet i 1/9/1976 #30781 ch a small cylinder protrudes, its lower portion rotating. 8/1976 #31217 jet on the right side is slightly lower, closer, and ahead of the jet on t 8/13/1976 #31261 e south. The object had a rotating lower half and a bright light on top whi 9/3/1976 #31341 per part is bright silver, and the lower part is dark gray. It moves in the 9/9/1976 #31363 r. It had two lights sunk into the lower portion, and also two darker 8" sq 12/10/1976 #31594 from 45° in the east to 80°, drops lower, executes left and right 90° turns 1/29/1977 #31765 w triangular fins on its upper and lower margins was sighted at Blackpool, 3/4/1977 #31859 c, and I could see windows in this lower part. There appeared to be a figur 3/15/1977 #31907 c, and I could see windows in this lower part. There appeared to be a figur 3/15/1977 #31910 on top without windows. Around its lower periphery revolved yellow, green, 4/6/1977 #31953 d it had a red band encircling the lower section. The girls believed the ob 5/18/1977 #32111 led by cloud, is black, and on the lower section there are four or five pan 6/17/1977 #32171 irst object at about 400 feet. The lower object rises up to join the other 8/11/1977 #32384 tes later it reappears, slower and lower, moving to the northeast. 9/7/1977 #32469 slight variance around the larger, lower end of the object, which seems to 11/10/1977 #32662 lashes. Stops / trees. Goes away / lower altitude. 12/1977 (approximate) #32713 he images that some details of its lower surface are visible. The total obs 4/19/1978 #33153 LOWER SACKVILLE, NS Kids playing. 30M da 8/1978 #33457 a total of 15–20) fly out from the lower protrusion, accompanied by a blind 8/8/1978 #33489 st a background of trees up ahead, lower than the treetops. 8/24/1978 #33563 vel, it seems to be 10,000 feet or lower. 9/28/1978 #33769 covered his forehead, so only his lower face was clear, but they could see 10/2/1978 #33791 eir large noses extend down to the lower lip of a sizable mouth from which 11/24/1978 #33995 as the tips of its ears touch the lower branches of nearby trees. Incompre 11/24/1978 #33995 orted UFO sightings in Norristown, Lower Merion, and Lower Gwynedd, Pennsyl 1/9/1979 #34324 s in Norristown, Lower Merion, and Lower Gwynedd, Pennsylvania. 1/9/1979 #34324 . A 47-year-old housewife sees the lower corner of a gigantic “mothership” 8/29/1979 #34801 m under a rim that runs around the lower part of the object. He can now see 1/14/1980 #35135 ht on the object, which drops to a lower elevation. He turns the light off 4/22/1980 #35285 ng steadily eastward at a slightly lower speed than his aircraft. (NICAP: 1 6/20/1980 #35381 ard over Kuwait City at a slightly lower speed than his aircraft. “When I t 6/20/1980 #35382 fades out from top to bottom. The lower one turns on its side and shines a 6/21/1980 #35385 tion high in the southern sky. The lower two are like bright stars, while t 7/12/1980 #35412 scovered a rectangular mark on her lower abdomen immediately after the expe 11/19/1980 #35660 eter land about 150 feet away at a lower elevation. It has a thick band aro 1/8/1981 #35779 e shows chlorophyll levels 30%–50% lower than expected. The police report s 1/8/1981 #35779 l arguments, the judges uphold the lower court’s decision without comment. 10/28/1981 #36192 haped object with portholes in the lower section. The object emitted a blue 5/20/1982 #36476 d object with portholes around the lower part. It emitted blue beam of ligh 5/20/1982 #36477 ject is 7 feet in diameter and its lower hemisphere is reddish. A circular 11/2/1982 #36674 Kent Cliffs, NY In the lower Hudson River Valley a police offic 12/31/1982 #36732 In Kent Cliffs, New York in the lower Hudson River Valley a police offic 12/31/1982 #36734 dish-shaped object with a rotating lower part. It was silent when first not 5/9/1983 #36857 There was a red light also on the lower part, and small white lights below 5/9/1983 #36857 ther have identical scars on their lower legs from apparent childhood abduc Early 7/1983 #36900 is giving off a red light and the lower part a blue light, and it hovers a 5/5/1984 #37318 with a grayish metallic shine. The lower portion of the craft had a precise 6/15/1984 #37365 ore than twenty meters. Around the lower portion of it they also observed " 6/15/1984 #37365 tions. At the circumference of the lower disc Globa saw numerous shining, b 6/15/1984 #37365 moved in the same direction as the lower disc, but at a much slower pace. S 6/15/1984 #37365 the object, but the light dropped lower again, and was now dead center abo 7/15/1984 #37399 the object, but the light dropped lower again, and was now dead center abo 7/15/1984 #37401 s with a red and blue light on the lower left. The object eventually disapp 2/8/1986 #37783 shape, has white lights in the two lower corners and a red light in the top 2/12/1986 #37786 ht on top, and white lights in the lower two corners. 2/12/1986 #37787 ulticolored flashing lights in the lower part. At 7:00 p.m., flight control 5/19/1986 #37878 y disappears and relocates 3 miles lower down. After a short while it reloc 8/1986 #37964 ba, Hungary. The flashes do not go lower than some 700 feet from the ground 10/10/1986 #38044 . They see a grid structure on its lower surface. Two minutes later the UFO 10/14/1986 #38048 and lights up the entire yard. The lower part of the object is blue-silver 3/23/1987 #38152 just like a thick orange fog. The lower part of the craft looked blue-silv 3/23/1987 #38153 een. Saucer with windows / top and lower domes! Swerves to miss buildings. 9/24/1987 #38292 f shield over its eyes, chest, and lower body and was holding a lighted rod 12/2/1987 #38348 levels, and he is cleared for the lower two. Lazar crawls underneath the c 3/1989 #38855 peared in front of the sphere. The lower part of their bodies were black an 4/30/1989 #38927 pper surface was bright, while the lower surface was shadowed. The object h 8/10/1989 #39054 om her 12th-story apartment on the lower east side of Manhattan. Five alien 11/30/1989 #39283 light in the middle and positioned lower than the belly of the object. 12/1/1989 #39292 and silently into the sky. On the lower part of the object is a circle of 10/21/1990 #39803 o the northeast, displaying on its lower part three bright white lights in 10/23/1990 #39807 scores, more loneliness as adults, lower levels of happiness, more problems 1991 #39934 a rectangle and a red light on the lower rear end. The bottom part is bulge 1/6/1991 #39947 Alma-Alta airspace at the slightly lower altitude of 4500 meters. Radar dis 8/28/1991 #40168 ntly in response to a flash in the lower left portion of the picture. NASA 9/15/1991 #40187 peared on her upper belly, and the lower parts of her breasts. 1/24/1992 #40302 ame from a circular opening in the lower half of the object. Beings with fe 8/11/1992 #40566 , so he could clearly see both the lower disc portion and the dome. 5/3/1995 #42178 suffering from intense pain in the lower back and fever. 2/12/1996 #42759 as the aircraft but about 500 feet lower. The pilot banks gently in its dir 7/1996 #42943 ng" that appeared to be an eye but lower than normal, where a nose should h 9/24/1996 #43041 bright spotlight shining from the lower front of the object. She heard no 9/9/1997 #43403 s moving away much faster than the lower one. The witnesses got out their c 10/13/1997 #43427 ject veered to the right while the lower one veered left. They remained lit 10/13/1997 #43427 own in such a manner that his left lower back was exposed to the two needle 10/15/1997 #43429 t morning feeling some pain in his lower back with a triangular shaped impr 10/15/1997 #43429 s in the sky. The sphere descended lower in the sky and hovered above a nei 9/21/1998 #43650 rkers working in the forest on the lower slopes of Mount St. Helens in Skam 2/25/1999 #43736 t appeared almost "invisible". The lower part consisted of a green platform 8/14/1999 #43822 disc and a cone, with a pod on its lower part. Ground control has nothing o 8/6/2001 #44227 ey could no longer see it; it went lower than the trees and the neighboring 12/10/2001 #44286 d flying toward the east-southeast lower than the normal landing pattern. S 11/25/2002 #44450 witness felt a severe pain in his lower abdomen. His dog growled for 20 mi 1/26/2003 #44480 a rood only 100-130 feet away. The lower part of the object was revolving, 3/18/2003 #44503 a glowing ball with a tail in its lower section. I showed it to my mother 5/8/2004 #44696 random directions. The planes fly lower to investigate the object, which s 11/14/2004 #44784 Biała, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Poland Chojn 3/31/2013 #45363 overing above a forest near Biała, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Poland. It l 3/31/2013 #45363 space debris, and other objects in lower orbits), or Deep Space (DS) tracki 6/23/2019 #45587 tude, in a clear sky they can look lower than they really are. But Garrison 1/8/2020 #45625## Word: "lower-end" (Back to Top)
a term sometimes used to refer to lower-end counter UAS devices that look 7/24/2019 #45598## Word: "lowered" (Back to Top)
e standing in a door that has been lowered down. It makes strange guttural 7/1919 #990 latform with two moving figures is lowered from underneath. A blue beam fro 7/25/1938 #1288 rd; and the top part of the object lowered itself toward the lower plate. T 11/18/1952 #8294 rd; and the top part of the object lowered itself toward the lower plate. T 11/18/1952 #8298 arking continued, then the antenna lowered and the object began to move to 12/16/1957 #14736 he ground. A metallic cylinder was lowered from the craft, and two little m 4/10/1962 #17106 ing low over the water, the object lowered a box on an arm-thick cable, and 4/13/1967 #22128 something similar to a light bulb lowered itself to ground level. This, to 8/3/1967 #22786 ft and something like a light bulb lowered itself to the ground. This, too, 8/3/1967 #22791 ng the witness feel dizzy, he then lowered it and the witness felt better, 6/14/1968 #24035 ace, apparently as it is raised or lowered. After a few minutes, a cloud fo 11/5/1970 #25902 g car came into view he was gently lowered back down to the ground, and the 9/25/1971 #26379 / beam / fireball and odd tornado. Lowered gently. Gets sick. 1/27/1979 #34383 fore being returned to the car and lowered to the ground, they said they we 8/22/1980 #35475 ured, live nuclear weapon is being lowered into an 800-foot-deep shaft prio 1982 #36285 age because his clearance had been lowered at that point. https://www.ufoh 1984 #37098 red-hot charcoal while the object lowered itself silently to the ground. I 2/18/1990 #39422 t, whereupon the UFO descended and lowered a ramp. Three humanoids exited t 3/6/1996 #42812 dder or escalator of some sort was lowered to the ground. Next a two-meter 12/9/1996 #43133## Word: "lowering" (Back to Top)
w, and blue. There was a perceived lowering of the temperature, and angel h 8/13/1917 #961 tely silent, moving by raising and lowering one side. The object has a sing 10/20/1978 #33847 p.m. The object was increasing and lowering its altitude, and seemed to be 4/18/2006 #44932## Word: "lowers" (Back to Top)
object hovering nearby. A gondola lowers from the object and a bunch of “N 7/1952 #6679 CASCIANO, IT Contactee? 10M saucer lowers cylinder/cylindrical object. 2 sm 4/10/1962 #17105 .” It flies over the car as Demler lowers his window and he notices a smell 4/5/1967 #22066 CAS, VNZ 2 observer(s). 10M saucer lowers small humanoid (or Grey) / globe. 8/3/1967 #22782 MD 2 observer(s). Disk lands. Ramp lowers. 2 4' figure(s) nearby. / Argosy 5/2/1972 #26667 briefly at about 6 feet altitude, lowers its “pole,” and appears to suck u 1/21/1977 #31742 nd 1,600 feet away. He slows down, lowers his window, and hears a soft soun 11/29/1989 #39275## Word: "lowery" (Back to Top)
Germany Witness: USAF Capt. J.M. Lowery, from an unspecified aircraft. On 3/26/1962 #17085## Word: "lowest" (Back to Top)
s. As he stands there stunned, the lowest end of the craft begins to rise a 3/1945 #1805 a “red ray.” It then retracts the lowest objects into the top object. Albu 1/13/1967 #21299 wo triangular lighted objects. The lowest passes over their car at 50– 100 9/18/1981 #36129## Word: "lowestoft" (Back to Top)
OFF LOWESTOFT, ENGL Girl and several observe 9/2/1902 #652 North Sea Lowestoft, Suffolk, England Netherlands 10/1908 #717 g in the North Sea 35 miles out of Lowestoft, Suffolk, England, when he see 10/1908 #717 LOWESTOFT, SUFFOLK Several observer(s). 5/2/1909 #730 LOWESTOFT, ENGL 1 observer. Motor sound. 5/15/1909 #746 0 p.m. an observer on the shore in Lowestoft, Norfolk, England heard a moto 5/15/1909 #747 g wind going quickly NNE toward(s) Lowestoft. 5/16/1909 #749 Belle Vue Park Yarmouth Road Lowestoft Suffolk England 1:30 a.m. A Mr 5/16/1909 #750 r Belle Vue Park on Yarmouth Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk, England, wakes up to 5/16/1909 #750 teering the craft. Other people in Lowestoft hear engine sounds and flashes 5/16/1909 #750 wind to the north-northeast toward Lowestoft. 5/16/1909 #751 Lowestoft, Suffolk, England The Borderli 2/1971 #26009 Investigation Group is founded in Lowestoft, Suffolk, England, by Ivan A. 2/1971 #26009 LOWESTOFT, ENGL 2 observer(s). Saucer ho 5/14/1978 #33206 Also in 1978, in Lowestoft, Norfolk county, England at 8: 5/14/1978 #33212 LOWESTOFT, SUFFOLK 3 RADAR's. Fast 737-s 12/26/1980 #35734## Word: "lowflying" (Back to Top)
oached them. It turned out to be a lowflying object that landed. It was rou 5/1962 #17145## Word: "lowrey" (Back to Top)
n McLain, Mississippi Mr. and Mrs. Lowrey had the FM radio of their car qui 12/3/1980 #35688 in, Mississippi, Robert and Janice Lowrey [or Lawrey?] see a luminous, blue 12/3/1980 #35690 n McLain, Mississippi Mr. and Mrs. Lowrey had the FM radio of their car qui 12/3/1980 #35691## Word: "lowry" (Back to Top)
, either arguing or singing. R. L. Lowry sees four men pushing the vessel b 11/17/1896 #340 Lowry, South Dakota Early evening. Claud 3/12/1916 #945 ome from a trip to a ranch outside Lowry, South Dakota, when he sees a stra 3/12/1916 #945 NEAR PUEBLO, CO Lowry and 1. 2 ovoids buzz car / sequenc 6/25/1947 #2405 LOWRY AIR FORCE BASE, CO Several Army Ai 7/7/1947 #2852 LOWRY AIR FORCE BASE, CO 1+1 observer(s) 7/3/1949 (approximate) #4259 Lowry AFB Wings Over the Rockies Air and 12/1953 #9329 ) claims to have been stationed at Lowry AFB [now Wings Over the Rockies Ai 12/1953 #9329 Lowry AFB, CO 6-7 objects appeared to be 7/9/1954 #10004 opters.[This is in the area of the Lowry AFB Titan I ICBM Complex]. (NICAP: 8/15/1962 #17334## Word: "lowton" (Back to Top)
A580 near Lowton, England 11:30 p.m. A Mr. and Mrs 10/8/1978 #33817 or are driving along the A580 near Lowton, England, when their headlight be 10/8/1978 #33817 ing with his sleeping wife through Lowton, Greater Manchester, England when 10/8/1978 #33822 LOWTON, ENGLAND 1 observer. 2 5' figure( 5/9/1985 #37588 orcycle by the side of the road in Lowton, England to have a smoke. He beca 5/9/1985 #37589## Word: "loxley" (Back to Top)
LOXLEY, SOUTH YORKS White 'ghost' crosse 1/31/1920 #997 NEAR LOXLEY, AL Truck sucked into huge cylind 10/17/1973 #28113 Loxley, AL Clarence Patterson and his pi 10/17/1973 #28126 ped object with a green light near Loxley, Alabama. He was pulled out of th 10/17/1973 #28143 LOXLEY, AL 3 separate observer(s). Short 3/13/1988 #38502## Word: "loxton" (Back to Top)
LOXTON, RSA Saucer / ground. 4 small hum 7/31/1975 #30215 Loxton, South Africa Oval object, occupa 7/31/1975 #30216 Loxton, South Africa Oval object, occupa 7/31/1975 #30217 Loxton, Northern Cape, South Africa 7:30 7/31/1975 #30218 to inspect his sheep enclosure at Loxton, Northern Cape, South Africa, and 7/31/1975 #30218 At 7:30 a.m. in Loxton, Northern Cape, South Aftrica Mr. 7/31/1975 #30219## Word: "loyal" (Back to Top)
incoherent, repeating, “You are a loyal fellow.” 3/28/1949 #4058## Word: "loyalhanna" (Back to Top)
LOYALHANNA, PA 1 observer. Glowing red 2 3/16/1987 #38142## Word: "loyalty" (Back to Top)
aland to Guam was sailing past the Loyalty Islands at 11:33 a.m. when crewm 12/21/1967 #23596## Word: "lozaya" (Back to Top)
azar Flores, Franciso Perez, Ruben Lozaya, and Elpidio Salas are camping ne 8/9/1964 #18472## Word: "lozenge" (Back to Top)
erling, UT A flattened football or lozenge shaped black object (NICAP: 01 - 10/16/1948 #3844 ehicle when they observed a yellow lozenge shaped UFO in the sky. Stopping 3/25/1982 #36413 ngland. It was given the name "the Lozenge". 7/24/1993 #41083 made out of glass. She also saw a lozenge shaped table, black in color in 6/5/1997 #43311## Word: "lozenge-shaped" (Back to Top)
hour period. They often would form lozenge-shaped formations of four object 11/6/1954 #11586 , ND Bright white sharply outlined lozenge-shaped object (NICAP: 01 - Dista 1/30/1967 #21416 a bright-white, sharply outlined, lozenge-shaped object to the west. It mo 1/30/1967 #21418 w a bright white, sharply outlined lozenge-shaped object in the western sky 1/30/1967 #21422 wo of the witnesses describe it as lozenge-shaped, while the other two say 7/20/1978 #33404 at Eupen, Belgium, when he sees a lozenge-shaped UFO with two white lights 12/1/1989 #39293 sex, England, sees a small, black, lozenge-shaped object about 1.5 feet in 7/15/1991 #40123## Word: "lozere" (Back to Top)
uins / 2-3 minute(s). / Journal de Lozere. 9/25/1817 #109 landed in Saint Privat, Vallongue, Lozere department, France. It took off v 10/15/1954 #11123 On this day in Le Mas, France (Lozere department) at 12:45 p.m., a youn 10/13/1967 #23234 COL. DE PERJURET, LOZERE D996. Green saucer or sphere goes 8/31/1975 #30330## Word: "lozio" (Back to Top)
SOMMAPRADA, LOZIO, ITL Fat cylinder/cigar-shape goin 12/30/1954 #11878## Word: "lozovaya" (Back to Top)
LOZOVAYA, KHARKOV, UKRAINE Night. Woman 8/23/1990 #39699 LOZOVAYA, UKR Oblong UFO. 2 bulges / top 10/12/1990 #39782## Word: "lpx" (Back to Top)
MERVILLE, FR Voice = "Lpx Lpx..". 1.5M ovoid stands / ground. 1/10/1976 #30782 MERVILLE, FR Voice = "Lpx Lpx..". 1.5M ovoid stands / ground. Blac 1/10/1976 #30782 Masseron heard a voice repeating "LPX LPX..." at around ten p.m. and saw a 1/10/1976 #30784 seron heard a voice repeating "LPX LPX..." at around ten p.m. and saw a 1.5 1/10/1976 #30784## Word: "lrd" (Back to Top)
LYON, FR 1 observer. Odd LRD silent metallic cylinder/cylindrical 9/2/1992 #40602## Word: "lrnco" (Back to Top)
LRNCO.MARQUES, MOZAMBQ 2 observer(s). Hu 12/13/1968 #24767## Word: "lrr" (Back to Top)
970's; Kingsley, OR; Keno Mountain LRR case, G (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Co 1970 #25517## Word: "lsd" (Back to Top)
hypnosis, morphine addiction, and LSD to produce amnesia and other vulnera 8/20/1951 #5613 gs. Gottlieb surreptitiously slips LSD into Glickman’s drink and it derails 10/1952 #8075 he learns about Gottlieb and CIA’s LSD experiments on unwitting involuntary 10/1952 #8075 roject MKUltra’s “Subproject 8” on LSD. Experiments include administering L 6/9/1953 #8930 Experiments include administering LSD to mental patients, prisoners, drug 6/9/1953 #8930 ent, and uncommunicative after his LSD dose nine days earlier. His CIA cont 11/28/1953 #9324 especially in the aftermath of his LSD experience, he has become a security 11/28/1953 #9324 entists under Operation Paperclip, LSD mind-control research, and the use o 11/28/1953 #9324 pine, scopolamine, 2-PAM chloride, LSD, PCP, cannabinoids, riot control age 1/1956 #12641 nates from the CIA. In addition to LSD, Cameron experiments with various pa 2/1957 #13481 el Castro’s television studio with LSD and saturating his shoes with thalli 3/17/1960 #16200 on sensational stories related to LSD, mind-control, and brainwashing, and 7/1963 #17819 ad trips when the subjects were on LSD because there was a belief that trau 8/4/2008 #45155 at drugged unknowing citizens with LSD to study the effects. https://www.a 8/4/2008 #45155## Word: "lspxbriwb8c" (Back to Top)
EiKK0l0I?t=2109 https://youtu.be/LsPXbrIwb8c https://archive.org/detail 3/16/2022 #45740## Word: "lst" (Back to Top)
c Air Base, California Witnesses: lst Lt. Joseph McHenry, T/Sgt Ruvolo, S/ 7/8/1947 #3009 an AFB, California Witnesses: USAF lst Lt. B.J. Hastie, Mrs. Rafferty. A cy 3/13/1951 #5480 Fulda, West Germany Witness: lst Lt. John Hendry, photo-navigator on 6/2/1952 #6427 nd AFB, New Mexico Witness: Airman lst Class J.M. Donaldson. Eight to ten o 7/26/1952 #7172 uquerque, New Mexico Witness: USAF lst Lt. George Funk. One orange light re 7/30/1952 #7360 harles, Louisiana Witnesses: USAF lst Lt. W.A. Theil, one enlisted man. O 8/2/1952 #7423 USAF F-94 jet interceptor pilots lst Lt. W.R. Holder and lst Lt. A.M. Jon 8/5/1952 #7467 tor pilots lst Lt. W.R. Holder and lst Lt. A.M. Jones, and Haneda control t 8/5/1952 #7467 arolina Witnesses: U.S. Army Res. lst Lt. C.H. Stevens and two others. One 9/29/1952 #8060 AFB, South Carolina Witness: USAF lst Lt. T.J. Pointek, pilot of RF-8O rec 10/1/1952 #8082 Ladd AFB, Alaska Witnesses: pilot lst Lt. D. Dickman and radar operator ls 12/8/1952 #8396 Lt. D. Dickman and radar operator lst Lt. T. Davies in USAF F-94 jet inter 12/8/1952 #8396 nsin Witnesses: Capt. Bridges and lst Lt. Johneon in USAF T-33 jet trainer 12/9/1952 #8399 Fukuoka, Japan Witness: lst Lt. D.J. Pichon, pilot of USAF F-94B 4/8/1953 #8812 esses: Lt. Col. William Moore and lst Lt. J.H. McInnis, flying a USAF C-47 9/2/1953 #9136 seur, French Morocco Witness: USAF lst Lt. Robert Johnson, flying an F-86 j 3/12/1954 #9616 e Christian, Greenland Witnesses: lst Officer H.G. Gardner, engineer J.V.D 8/29/1954 #10202 Witnesses: Lt. Col. E.J. Stealy, lst Lt. J.W. Burt. About 10 round, white 5/4/1955 #12116 Guam Witness: USAF lst Lt. Ted Brunson, flying an F-86D jet 12/31/1956 #13422 der Capt. H.J. Savoy and navigator lst Lt. M.W. Rand, on USAF RC-l2lD patro 4/24/1961 #16660 Miyako Jima, Japan Witnesses: lst Lt. R.N. Monahan and Hazeltine Elect 6/2/1961 #16711 der Capt. B.C. Jones and navigator lst Lt. H.J. Cavender, in parked USAF C- 8/10/1964 #18475 Maj. D.W. Thompson and First Pilot lst Lt. J.F. Jonke, on a USAF C-124 tran 8/18/1964 #18495## Word: "lsu" (Back to Top)
BATON ROUGE, LA LSU scientist/science students and more/ 10/10/1971 #26416 ver(s)! Domed disk going [to] over LSU football game. / BUFORA-J v4#3p13. 10/21/1973 #28223## Word: "lt" (Back to Top)
BANGALORE, INDIA Lt. Hershel. Luminous disks stream past 10/17/1849 #144 hwest of San Francisco, commanding Lt. Frank Herman Schofield observes thre 2/28/1904 #670 hoaxing the report. Later, airman Lt. Zwickau claims that he was firing ro 3/13/1913 #886 itish Naval Intelligence officers, Lt. Col. William Price Drury and Lt. C. 9/4/1915 #936 , Lt. Col. William Price Drury and Lt. C. Brownlow, on Dartmoor, Devon, Eng 9/4/1915 #936 Royal Flying Corps pilot Lt. Morgan was flying at 5000 feet over 1/31/1916 #942 Eastern Greenland Danish pilots Lt. Col. Peter Grunnet and Lt. Tage Ande 1932 #1136 pilots Lt. Col. Peter Grunnet and Lt. Tage Andersen are flying an H.M.II ( 1932 #1136 separate. Capt. Nigel Tompkins and Lt. Bruce H. Thomas make emergency landi 7/5/1933 #1167 Italian Lt. Col. Mario Pezzi reaches a record al 10/22/1938 #1298 Director Lyman James Briggs, Army Lt. Col. Keith F. Adamson, and Navy Cmdr 10/21/1939 #1318 Georgia countryside Army Lt. Walter Hanson and his wife are stran Early 12/1941 #1376 derzee in Holland Midnight. Flight Lt. Roman (Ray) Sabiński of the 301 Poli 6/25/1942 #1422 River Somme, France 8:00 p.m. RAAF Lt. Bruce Clyde Lumsden is flying a Hawk 12/1942 #1470 of four Army officers including a Lt. Col., watched a pulsating red fireba Summer 1944 #1607 ld (AAF Director of Intelligence), Lt. Col. Lewis F. Powell Jr., Col. Howar 9/6/1944 #1665 Leyte Gulf, Philippines 11:55 p.m. Lt. J. L. Besmond, officer of the day on 11/16/1944 #1697 tion Pasco, Washington Night. Navy Lt. George Arents III and copilot Lt. El 12/23/1944 #1731 Lt. George Arents III and copilot Lt. Elon Forster are flying a military D 12/23/1944 #1731 hing is seen. In another incident, Lt. JG Clarence R. Clem accompanies Lt. 12/23/1944 #1731 t. JG Clarence R. Clem accompanies Lt. Commander Richard Brown and Ensign C 12/23/1944 #1731 Lt. Col. Leavitt Corning Jr. of the XII 1/16/1945 #1757 Lt. Col. Jo Chamberlin’s article on foo 12/1945 #1948 ators concludes that flight leader Lt. Charles C. Taylor mistook small isla 12/5/1945 #1950 same day, the beach is visited by Lt. Col. Rudberg, Capt. C. Ljungdahl, an 7/10/1946 #2046 Sweden Swedish Lt. Lennart Neckman of the Defense Staff 8/7/1946 #2110 e Central Intelligence Group (CIG) Lt. Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg writes a top se 8/22/1946 #2150 an RAF Mosquito piloted by Flight Lt. William Kent is scrambled to 18,000 1/17/1947 #2231 s after launch. Commanding Officer Lt. Col. Harold R. Turner blames “peculi 5/15/1947 #2284 BOISE, ID Lt. Governor and 3. "Daytime comet" hove 6/24/1947 #2391 Kayko, Capt. John H. Cantrell, 1st Lt. Theodore Dewey, and Capt. Redman) at 6/28/1947 #2448 izona Grand Canyon 9:10 a.m. Naval Lt. William G. McGinty is flying a P-80 6/30/1947 #2486 project officer at Wright Field is Lt. Col. Edward G. Nabell Jr. 6/30/1947 #2488 ch reports. Air Materiel Command’s Lt. Gen. Nathan F. Twining tells Idaho E 7/3/1947 #2582 r Base, California Witnesses: lst Lt. Joseph McHenry, T/Sgt Ruvolo, S/Sgt 7/8/1947 #3009 terest in UFOs.” At 9:30 a.m., 1st Lt. Joseph C. McHenry and three others s 7/8/1947 #3014 very to Public Information Officer Lt. Walter Haut, who delivers the releas 7/8/1947 #3015 Gen. Roger M. Ramey. The pilot is Lt. Col. Payne Jennings Jr. with Lt. Col 7/8/1947 #3019 s Lt. Col. Payne Jennings Jr. with Lt. Col. Robert Barrowclough riding in t 7/8/1947 #3019 ibly; a nurse friend (possibly 1st Lt. Adeline “Eileen” M. Fanton) warns hi 7/8/1947 #3026 1st Lt. Walter Haut states in an allegedly s 7/8/1947 #3029 e Roswell Morning Dispatch, claims Lt. Walter Haut delivered a press releas 7/8/1947 #3030 A signed affidavit from 1st Lt. Robert Shirkey also claims the fligh 7/8/1947 #3032 Lt. Gen. James Doolittle 10:35 a.m. Assi 7/9/1947 #3059 or Air Stuart Symington meets with Lt. Gen. James Doolittle and Gen. Hoyt V 7/9/1947 #3059 Pentagon Vandenberg 10:30 a.m. Lt. Gen. Curtis LeMay, deputy chief of A 7/10/1947 #3105 berg, Maj. Gen. Leslie Groves, and Lt. Gen. Robert Miller Montague. 7/10/1947 #3105 e Hotel Owyhee in Boise, Idaho, by Lt. Frank M. Brown and Capt. William L. 7/12/1947 #3157 agents from the Fourth Air Force, Lt. Frank M. Brown and Capt. William L. 7/25/1947 #3229 Boise Stateman Capt. Davidson and Lt. Brown interview Richard Rankin. The 7/27/1947 #3235 ts selected by Collections Officer Lt. Col. George D. Garrett—says that the 7/30/1947 #3262 ato, California Tacoma, Washington Lt. Col. Donald L. Springer, assistant c 8/8/1947 #3307 s SAC Reynolds’s conversation with Lt. Col. George Garrett, who strongly su 8/19/1947 #3351 USAF Lt. Col. George Garrett tells FBI SAC S. 8/19/1947 #3353 igence, summarizes the findings of Lt. Col. Garrett’s investigations of UFO 8/22/1947 #3360 ing (aeronautics engineer at T-3), Lt. Col. George Garrett (Collections), a Late 8/1947 #3369 ral George Schulgen, AC/AS-2, from Lt. Gen. Nathan F. Twining (MJ-4), Comma 9/23/1947 #3415 USAF Lt. Gen. Nathan F. Twining writes that f 9/23/1947 #3419 Germany Lt. Col. Walker sends a memo to his fiel 11/10/1947 #3482 Berlin Göttingen, Germany Army Lt. Col. Harry H. Pretty in Berlin write 12/16/1947 #3503 Army Lt. Col. Harry H. Pretty writes to the D 12/16/1947 #3504 F. Duesler Jr., Base Air Inspector Lt. Col. E. Garrison Wood, and other USA 1/7/1948 #3543 chief of special projects branch), Lt. Howard W. Smith, George W. Towles, a 1/22/1948 #3563 Howard McCoy at Wright Field, asks Lt. Col. George Garrett of Air Force Int 1/23/1948 #3564 lly operational as Project HT-304. Lt. Col. James C. Beam becomes its first 1/26/1948 #3565 on, Philippines 9:55 a.m. USAF 1st Lt. Robert W. Meyers is leading a flight 4/1/1948 #3603 e a number of ninety-degree turns. Lt. Meyers of the U.S. Air Force was lea 4/1/1948 #3604 nd one of Clingerman’s assistants, Lt. Col. James C. Beam (the head of Proj 4/5/1948 #3612 loman, Loedding and Beam talk with Lt. Herbert G. Markley, who has worked w 4/5/1948 #3612 oject Sign’s Col. Howard McCoy and Lt. Col. James C. Beam, summarizes UFO r 4/23/1948 #3628 Report (100–203–79, p.12,Sec. M.): Lt. Comdr. Marcus L. Lowe while on a fli 4/30/1948 #3631 ight aluminum with silvery trails. Lt. Col. James C. Beam of Project Sign g 5/7/1948 #3643 ichigan 3:00 p.m. USAF Reserve 1st Lt. Alexander Kokolonis is flying a C-47 5/28/1948 #3660 es a co-chief of Project Sign with Lt. Howard W. Smith. 9/1948 #3793 Fargo, North Dakota Lt. G. Gorman air duels with UFO for 25 10/1/1948 #3821 Report (100–203–79,p.12,Sec.S) 2nd Lt. George F. Gorman (North Dakota Air N 10/1/1948 #3822 an 11:05 p.m. On night patrol, 1st Lt. Oliver “Bud” Hemphill Jr. of the 68t 10/15/1948 #3841 Book files: at approx. 2200 hours, Lt. Henry G. Combs (AFRes) spotted an ov 11/18/1948 #3880 Camp Springs, MD The Lt. Combs / T-6 Encounter (NICAP: 11 - A 11/18/1948 #3882 land 10:00 p.m. USAF Reserve pilot Lt. Henry G. Combs is flying a T-6 Texas 11/18/1948 #3883 lying in a F-80 fighter, and a 1st Lt. from the 23rd Fighter Squadron on th 11/23/1948 #3890 Kirtland AFB, New Mexico Lt. Col. Doyle Rees, commander of the Se 12/6/1948 #3912 (Sandia Base Intelligence Officer Lt. Allan B. Clark and Sandia’s AF-Civil 12/12/1948 #3926 Lt. Col. Doyle Rees Los Alamos In a conf 12/20/1948 #3935 s Alamos In a confidential memo to Lt. Col. Doyle Rees, LaPaz argues that t 12/20/1948 #3935 y sends Capt. Roger Groseclose and Lt. Howard Smith to Kirtland AFB’s Offic 2/23/1949 #4021 adquarters Albuquerque, New Mexico Lt. Col. Doyle Rees wires AFOSI headquar 4/25/1949 #4109 r 50 minutes. The main witness was Lt. Mardell E. Ward. 5/6/1949 #4164 ckly north each date. 20 May. USAF Lt. Col. 5 saucers! 5/18/1949 #4191 en plotting center by radio. AFOSI Lt. Col. Doyle Rees has meanwhile set up 5/19/1949 #4196 r “The Grudge Report,” authored by Lt. Howard W. Smith and George W. Towles 8/10/1949 #4315 pment orders the new AMC commander Lt. Gen. Benjamin Chidlaw to have the Ca 9/14/1949 #4356 NY Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Lt. Col. Silver cylinder/cylindrical obj 9/20/1949 #4361 Kirtland AFB Deputy Base Commander Lt. Col. Charles E. Lancaster Jr. is dri 11/27/1949 #4428 aska U.S. Navy patrol plane pilot, Lt. Smith, was on routine security fligh 1/22/1950 #4499 Army Courier Service passenger 1st Lt. John H. Van Santen is alerted by Feh 1/24/1950 #4509 ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK Lt. Col. and 1. 3 orange cylinders going 1/26/1950 #4512 rdson] Anchorage, Alaska 4:00 p.m. Lt. Col. Lester F. Mathison, commanding 1/26/1950 #4513 R. Odom, owner of the airport, and Lt. Philip Foushee Jr. of Otis AFB [now 2/2/1950 #4526 rmer U.S. Navy fighter pilot, USAF Lt. Philip Foushee, pilot from Otis AFB, 2/5/1950 #4530 lfridge AFB, Michigan Witness: 1st Lt Frank Mattson. One intense, dull yell 3/3/1950 #4575 6th Fighter-Interceptor Group. 1st Lt. Francis E. Parker, 1st Lt. Frank K. 3/9/1950 #4598 up. 1st Lt. Francis E. Parker, 1st Lt. Frank K. Mattson, Sgt. McCarthy, and 3/9/1950 #4598 ringfield, Massachusetts 4:45 p.m. Lt. John J. Sevila, a pilot with the 131 4/6/1950 #4802 ARLINGTON VA Man / window. 60 cm Lt. grey disk going north / 150M altitud 5/10/1950 #4935 ial Investigations New Mexico area Lt. Col. Doyle Rees of the USAF Office o 5/25/1950 #4966 A memo by Lt. Col. F. D. McGarrachy, USAF chief of 7/6/1950 #5046 USAF Lt. Col. F. D. McGarrachy states he want 7/6/1950 #5047 anford, WA CONFIDENTIAL MEMO: From Lt. Colonel Mildren (G-3) to Maj. U.G. C 8/4/1950 #5099 mpshire, England 11:27 a.m. Flight Lt. Stan J. Hubbard and two other office 8/14/1950 #5124 nesses: USAF MATS liaison officer Lt. William Ghormley, Col. W. V. Brown, 8/20/1950 #5131 illiam Ghormley, Col. W. V. Brown, Lt. col. L.w. Brauer. One small, round, 8/20/1950 #5131 lying object. MATS liaison officer Lt. William Ghormley, Colonel W. V. Brow 8/20/1950 #5133 Ghormley, Colonel W. V. Brown, and Lt. Colonel L.W. Brauer reported that th 8/20/1950 #5133 ampshire, England 4:09 p.m. Flight Lt. Stan J. Hubbard is standing on the w 9/5/1950 #5169 Oak Ridge, Tennessee Engineer Lt. Col. John R. Hood disperses radiatio 12/5/1950 #5319 g, Georgia Witness: U.S. Army 2nd Lt. A.C. Hale. One light with a fan-shap 1/12/1951 #5392 ot off to the south. U.S. Army 2nd Lt. A. C. Hale saw a light with a fan-sh 1/12/1951 #5393 New England USAF Lt. Col. Milton D. Willis replies to Rob 1/29/1951 #5421 cean 9:55 p.m. The crew (including Lt. Fred W. Kingdon Jr. and US Naval Res 2/9/1951 #5436 . Kingdon Jr. and US Naval Reserve Lt. Graham E. Bethune) and passengers of 2/9/1951 #5436 emo to Air Transport Squadron One: Lt. Graham E. Bethune, U.S. Naval Reserv 2/10/1951 #5437 FB, California Witnesses: USAF lst Lt. B.J. Hastie, Mrs. Rafferty. A cylind 3/13/1951 #5480 staff to investigate UFO reports, Lt. Jerry W. Cummings, who reorganizes t 6/1951 #5529 ry, Tennessee, in December 1950 by Lt. Col. John R. Hood hits paydirt when 7/1951 #5556 Columbus, GA Pilot Lt. Kinmon sees and reports an UFO. 7/9/1951 #5563 irfield Dearing, Georgia Day. USAF Lt. George H. Kinmon II, stationed at La 7/9/1951 #5569 Robins AFB, Macon: UFO sighted by Lt. George H. Kinmon Jr. on July 9, 1951 7/10/1951 #5571 Air Intel REPORT: Maj. Ballard and Lt. Rogers while flying at 20,000 ft. in 9/10/1951 #5656 ter, a T-33 jet trainer piloted by Lt. Wilbert S. Rogers, with Maj. Edward 9/10/1951 #5660 U.S. Air Force pilots Lt. Wilbert Rogers and Major Ezra Ballar 9/10/1951 #5661 nd out what’s going on. Dunn sends Lt. Jerry Cummings (head of Project Grud 9/12/1951 #5663 mings (head of Project Grudge) and Lt. Col. Nathan R. Rosengarten (chief of 9/12/1951 #5663 US Lt. Jerry Cummings, and a Lt. Col. from 9/15/1951 #5669 US Lt. Jerry Cummings, and a Lt. Col. from ATIC, were called to Washi 9/15/1951 #5669 Korea Navy pilot Lt. Cmdr. Marvin C. Davies is flying a p Fall 1951 #5686 italized Project Grudge, relieving Lt. Jerry W. Cummings and 2d Lt. Henry M 10/22/1951 #5743 eving Lt. Jerry W. Cummings and 2d Lt. Henry Metscher. He learns from some 10/22/1951 #5743 from head of Air Materiel Command Lt. Gen. Nathan Twining to USAAF Brig. G 1952 #5843 nford H. Kirkland Jr. of ATIC, and Lt. Col. William A. Adams of AFOIN, to b 1/29/1952 #5884 uestioned.” The document from USAF Lt. Col. Doyle Rees states Land-Air Inc. 2/19/1952 #5911 ed its light on and off. LaPaz and Lt. Col. Rees started the informal Los A 2/19/1952 #5911 te conclusion. Ginna also talks to Lt. Col. Doyle Rees of OSI. (Jan L. Aldr 2/25/1952 #5931 d Project Blue Book, apparently by Lt. Col. Charles Cooke, which he thinks 3/25/1952 #5973 1:20 a.m. Near Misawa, Japan, USAF Lt. David Conant Brigham is flying a T-6 3/29/1952 #5992 dependent Navy probe of UFOs under Lt. Commander Fred Lowell Thomas of the 4/1952 #6009 At 11:30 p.m. Lt. W. R. Holder and Lt. A.M. Jones, the 4/5/1952 #6035 At 11:30 p.m. Lt. W. R. Holder and Lt. A.M. Jones, the flight crew of a USA 4/5/1952 #6035 essee Witnesses: U.S. Navy pilots Lt. jg. Blacky, Lt. jg. O'Neil. One inve 4/14/1952 #6078 U.S. Navy pilots Lt. jg. Blacky, Lt. jg. O'Neil. One inverted bowl, 3' lo 4/14/1952 #6078 an T. Possony as acting chief, and Lt. Col. F. Sterling as military chief a 4/24/1952 #6179 , Kansas Witness: B-29 bombardier Lt. R.H. Bauer. One white fan-shaped lig 4/29/1952 #6214 andum written to justify a trip by Lt. Col. E. Sterling and Stefan Possony 4/29/1952 #6216 in the afternoon, B-29 bombardier Lt. R. H. Bauer sighted a white fan-shap 4/29/1952 #6217 ee men on the arms range, plus one Lt. Colonel 4 miles away. Five flat-whit 5/1/1952 #6240 US Capt. Ruppelt and a Lt. Col. from ATIC briefed Air Force Sec 5/8/1952 #6272 briefing on UFOs from Ruppelt and Lt. Col. R. J. Taylor that covers USAF i 5/8/1952 #6276 querque, New Mexico 3:00 p.m. USAF Lt. Col. Maurice G. Bechtel and his wife 5/10/1952 #6296 rmanent Blue Book staff (including Lt. Anderson G. Flues, Robert M. Olsson, 6/1952 #6402 Fulda, West Germany Witness: lst Lt. John Hendry, photo-navigator on an R 6/2/1952 #6427 Fulda, West Germany. On this night Lt. John Hendry, the photo-navigator on 6/2/1952 #6430 FB, Omaha, Nebraska Witnesses: 2nd Lt. W.R. Soper, a Strategic Air Command 6/5/1952 #6447 as Witnesses: U.S. Army Major and Lt. Colonel, using binoculars. One oran 6/12/1952 #6486 7:30 p.m. A U.S. Army Major and a Lt. Colonel, using binoculars, watched a 6/12/1952 #6489 USAF Capt. Erie P. Ashton and 2nd Lt. Clifton Ashley, while flying a B-25 6/18/1952 #6541 Bay, Labrador, Canada Witness: 2nd Lt. A'Gostino and unidentified radar ope 6/19/1952 #6549 radar men pick up a UFO track. 2nd Lt. A’Gostino and others outside see a s 6/19/1952 #6551 hord AFB, Washington Witness: 2nd Lt. K. Thompson. One very large light fl 6/23/1952 #6602 , Kentucky Witness: National Guard Lt. Col. O. L. Depp. Two objects looking 6/23/1952 #6605 1:30 a.m. USAF ADC radar operators Lt. A. N. Robinson Jr. and Airman Ray H. 6/23/1952 #6607 Kentucky 10:00 a.m. National Guard Lt. Col. Oren Laramore Depp [Johnny Depp 6/23/1952 #6609 rd Tacoma, Washington 9:00 p.m. 2d Lt. K. Thompson sees a very large light 6/23/1952 #6611 tucky at 10:00 a.m. National Guard Lt. Col. O. L. Depp and another man hear 6/23/1952 #6614 AFB, Washington. At around 9 p.m. Lt. K. Thompson watched a very large lig 6/23/1952 #6616 Haute, Indiana Witness: USAF 2nd Lt. C. W. Povelites. Undescribed object 6/26/1952 #6637 Kansas Witnesses: USAF pilot 2nd Lt. K. P. Kelly and wife. One pulsating 6/27/1952 #6646 LINCOLNWOOD, IL Lt. Col. Weig sees flying saucer / Chica 7/11/1952 (approximate) #6754 cope for 30 seconds before fading. Lt. Hyatt, Operations Officer during thi 7/20/1952 #6940 USAF pilot Capt. E.E. Dougher, WAF Lt. J.J. Stong, situated miles apart. F 7/21/1952 #6977 ot Capt. Edward E. Dougher and WAF Lt. Josephine J. Stong, separated by one 7/21/1952 #6983 Sink, Nevada Witnesses: two USAF Lt. Colonels McGinn and Barton in a B-25 7/24/1952 #7114 Nevada 3:40 p.m. Two USAF pilots, Lt. Col. John L. McGinn and Lt. Col. Joh 7/24/1952 #7115 ilots, Lt. Col. John L. McGinn and Lt. Col. John R. Barton, are flying a B- 7/24/1952 #7115 his, but USAF Deputy Press Officer Lt. Col. Moncel A. Monts states that “je 7/28/1952 #7263 Mexico 9:15 p.m. Air Force Reserve Lt. Col. Robert G. LeCompte sees a fligh 7/29/1952 #7329 rque, New Mexico Witness: USAF lst Lt. George Funk. One orange light remain 7/30/1952 #7360 piloted by Maj. James B. Smith and Lt. Donald J. Hemmer. They make visual c 8/1/1952 #7408 pt. Edward J. Ruppelt’s assistants Lt. Anderson G. Flues and Lt. Robert Ols 8/1/1952 #7408 sistants Lt. Anderson G. Flues and Lt. Robert Olsson initially declare the 8/1/1952 #7408 es, Louisiana Witnesses: USAF lst Lt. W.A. Theil, one enlisted man. One r 8/2/1952 #7423 inslow, Arizona 3:00 a.m. USAF 1st Lt. W. A. Theil and enlisted man Edwards 8/2/1952 #7424 00 a.m. on this morning USAF First Lt. W.A. Theil and an enlisted man named 8/2/1952 #7425 ley, Capt. Wayne T. Perske, and 2d Lt. Duane A. Swimley. They dive at each 8/3/1952 #7436 FARALLON ISLANDS, CA Military Lt. Definite physical silver saucers. 3 8/4/1952 #7443 AF F-94 jet interceptor pilots lst Lt. W.R. Holder and lst Lt. A.M. Jones, 8/5/1952 #7467 pilots lst Lt. W.R. Holder and lst Lt. A.M. Jones, and Haneda control tower 8/5/1952 #7467 AOULEF OASIS, ALGERIA Lt. grey ovoid east going quickly west i 8/7/1952 #7496 NORTH / URBANA, IL Air Force Lt. Col. and 4 / drive-in movie. Round o 8/15/1952 #7606 Queensland East Coast RAAF Flight Lt. William H. Scott, chief test pilot o 8/15/1952 #7611 Akron, Ohio Witnesses: USAF 2nd Lt. H.K. Funseth, a ground radar observe 8/23/1952 #7692 At 4:10 a.m. USAF Lt. H. K. Funseth, a ground radar observ 8/23/1952 #7694 STONINGTON, CT ANG Lt. Col. 2 round objects going quickly e 8/24/1952 #7697 an intelligence officer (probably Lt. Glen Parrish) at the base, who is ab 9/1952 #7801 d by Capt. William W. Maitland and Lt. Beverly L. Dunhill, lift off and are 9/2/1952 #7829 sland, Denmark, in the Baltic Sea. Lt.Cmdr. G. Schmidt-Jensen and several m 9/14/1952 #7940 or jet (possibly piloted by Flight Lt. John W. Kilburn and Flight Lt. Maria 9/19/1952 #7980 ght Lt. John W. Kilburn and Flight Lt. Marian Cybulski) about to land. It h 9/19/1952 #7980 ght Engineer Thomas Deweys, Flight Lt. R. Paris, and Leading Aircraftman Ge 9/19/1952 #7980 ina Witnesses: U.S. Army Res. lst Lt. C.H. Stevens and two others. One gre 9/29/1952 #8060 , South Carolina Witness: USAF lst Lt. T.J. Pointek, pilot of RF-8O reconna 10/1/1952 #8082 -4952N Steamship Caronia. Ret Navy Lt. commercial aircraft. Brilliant sauce 10/5/1952 #8091 magordo, New Mexico Witness: USAF Lt. Bagnell. One pale blue oval, with it 10/7/1952 #8101 ere, West Sussex Afternoon. Flight Lt. Michael Swiney and a student pilot, 10/21/1952 #8172 ey and a student pilot, Royal Navy Lt. David Crofts, are flying a Meteor T. 10/21/1952 #8172 Elberton, Alabama Witnesses: USAF Lt. Rau, Capt. Marcinko, flying a Beech 10/24/1952 #8180 feet in a Beech T-11 trainer, USAF Lt. Rau and Capt. Marcinko sighted a dee 10/24/1952 #8182 Hempstead, Long Island, New York. Lt. William F. Hamilton and Lt. Norman W 10/29/1952 #8215 York. Lt. William F. Hamilton and Lt. Norman W. Booth write: “Based on my 10/29/1952 #8215 Bluebook Case #2200. Unidentified. Lt. Col. / car. "Blimp". Radio goes sile 10/31/1952 #8218 yetteville, Georgia Witness: USAF Lt. James Allen. One orange, blimp-shape 10/31/1952 #8220 eville, Georgia on highway 85 USAF Lt. James Allen watched an 80 foot long 10/31/1952 #8222 l and crossed over Allen's car. As Lt. Allen's car passed underneath it his 10/31/1952 #8222 Center Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt and Lt. Robert M. Olsson visit Col. John R. 11/4/1952 #8245 Airport Texas 8:46 p.m. USAF pilot Lt. Robert O. Arnold, 3640th Pilot Train 12/4/1952 #8377 At 8:48 p.m. an F-51 pilot, Lt. Robert O. Arnold, flying out of the 12/4/1952 #8378 The 3-man crew of a USAF B-29 (1st Lt. Norman Karas and 1st Lt. William W. 12/6/1952 #8389 B-29 (1st Lt. Norman Karas and 1st Lt. William W. Naumann) over the Gulf of 12/6/1952 #8389 dditional crewmen involved are 1st Lt. William W. Naumann, Jr., Staff Sgt B 12/6/1952 #8389 taff Sgt. William J. De Rause, 2nd Lt. Robert J. Eckert, and Staff Sgt. Har 12/6/1952 #8389 AFB, Alaska Witnesses: pilot lst Lt. D. Dickman and radar operator lst Lt 12/8/1952 #8396 D. Dickman and radar operator lst Lt. T. Davies in USAF F-94 jet intercept 12/8/1952 #8396 Witnesses: Capt. Bridges and lst Lt. Johneon in USAF T-33 jet trainer. Fo 12/9/1952 #8399 . E. T. Johnson and Radar Observer Lt. H. S. Norris) see a bright red and w 12/15/1952 #8422 ifornia 7:27 p.m. B-29 copilot 1st Lt. Charles C. Loveless sees a V-formati 1/9/1953 #8525 r Santa Ana, California. Pilot 1st Lt. Lowell D. Brandt turns to avoid them 1/9/1953 #8525 CIA members Philip Grandin Strong, Lt. Col. Frederick C. E. Oder, David B. 1/14/1953 #8539 watch the Montana and Utah films. Lt. Robert S. Neasham and Harry Woo of t 1/14/1953 #8539 hows a film of seagulls in flight. Lt. Col. Oder gives a 40-minute presenta 1/15/1953 #8541 Houlton and Chatham, Maine, by 2nd Lt. Fred T. Goetting Jr., pilot of an F- 1/29/1953 #8615 the object to his radar observer, Lt. Howard C. Kelley. The object appears 1/29/1953 #8615 denton, North Carolina, Marine 1st Lt. Edward Balocco is on intercept stand 2/11/1953 #8664 Marine 1st Lt. Edward Balocco is scrambled in an F9 2/19/1953 #8686 enver, Colorado. He is replaced by Lt. Robert M. Olsson, who has one staff 2/28/1953 #8717 . Student pilots flying two F-84s, Lt. Jack E. Brasher and Lt. Thomas W. Ha 3/3/1953 #8727 two F-84s, Lt. Jack E. Brasher and Lt. Thomas W. Hale, also see the object 3/3/1953 #8727 en, including Ruppelt’s assistants Lt. Anderson G. Flues and Max Futch. 3/8/1953 #8739 of Nishinoshima, Japan 11:43 p.m. Lt. Robert J. Wooten is flying a Navy P2 3/14/1953 #8753 Plain After 12:00 noon. RAF Flight Lt. Cyril George Townsend-Withers is ask Spring 1953 #8766 Fukuoka, Japan Witness: lst Lt. D.J. Pichon, pilot of USAF F-94B jet 4/8/1953 #8812 At 7:55 p.m. Lt. D. J. Pichon, pilot of a USAF F-94B 4/8/1953 #8813 est of Reno, USAF Major Padelford, Lt. White and Lt. Cripe, the pilot, co-p 4/12/1953 #8821 SAF Major Padelford, Lt. White and Lt. Cripe, the pilot, co-pilot, and navi 4/12/1953 #8821 issance observers (including pilot Lt. Julius T. Morgan, Lt. James O. Rymus 4/19/1953 #8838 luding pilot Lt. Julius T. Morgan, Lt. James O. Rymus, and Lt. Jack E. Myer 4/19/1953 #8838 T. Morgan, Lt. James O. Rymus, and Lt. Jack E. Myers) in two aircraft see a 4/19/1953 #8838 Labrador 3:20 a.m. USAF F-94 pilot Lt. D. C. Rogers and radar operator Lt. 5/12/1953 #8877 t. D. C. Rogers and radar operator Lt. J. A. Lane track a radar target abou 5/12/1953 #8877 by Capt. Suggs and radar operator Lt. Robert Markhoff, the jet takes off i 6/1953 #8922 Wisconsin Lt. Robert M. Olsson and J. Allen Hynek 6/1953 #8924 ections. The pilot of one Banshee, Lt. Jg. Jack Oliver Snipes, is killed. A 6/24/1953 #8970 Sea of Japan Cal Tech Lt. Robert M. Olsson of Project Blue Boo 7/1953 #8979 Salton Sea, California Lt. Col. William F. Barns attains an off 7/16/1953 #8999 Antarctica Lt. Robert Olsson leaves Project Blue Bo 7/31/1953 #9027 Test pilot Lt. Col. Marion Eugene Carl reaches an u 8/21/1953 #9095 ne AFB, French Morocco Witnesses: Lt. Col. William Moore and lst Lt. J.H. 9/2/1953 #9136 s: Lt. Col. William Moore and lst Lt. J.H. McInnis, flying a USAF C-47 tra 9/2/1953 #9136 at Sidi Slimane AFB, Morocco pilot Lt. Col. William Moore and co-pilot Lt. 9/2/1953 #9137 t. Col. William Moore and co-pilot Lt. J. H. McInnis, flying in a C-47 tran 9/2/1953 #9137 An RAF NF.10 Vampire pilot (Flight Lt. Terry S. Johnson) and navigator (Fly 11/3/1953 #9279 C Scorpion interceptor, piloted by Lt. Felix Moncla Jr., with radar observe 11/23/1953 #9318 ix Moncla Jr., with radar observer Lt. Robert L. Wilson in the rear cockpit 11/23/1953 #9318 d Salisbury Plain, England: Flight Lt. C.G. Townsend- Withers was flying an Winter 1953 #9385 Dayton, OH Air Force Lt. Colonel saw two maneuvering UFOs. [U 1954 #9417 y 10:35 p.m.–12:05 a.m. Navy pilot Lt. JG George G. Morgan of Naval Air Sta 1/1/1954 #9437 C-97 pilots Capt. G. E. Brown, 1st Lt. L. B. Gordon, and 1st Lt. J. P. Glov 3/5/1954 #9598 own, 1st Lt. L. B. Gordon, and 1st Lt. J. P. Glover, 301st Air Refueling Sq 3/5/1954 #9598 ., pilots Capt. Robert R. Zadnick, Lt. Paul R. Fisher, and Lt. George A. Ke 3/5/1954 #9598 . Zadnick, Lt. Paul R. Fisher, and Lt. George A. Kerr flying another KC-97 3/5/1954 #9598 lot Capt. William M. Pond, copilot Lt. I. W. Gilchrist, and navigator Capt. 3/5/1954 #9598 , French Morocco Witness: USAF lst Lt. Robert Johnson, flying an F-86 jet f 3/12/1954 #9616 blanca, Morocco 9:35 a.m. USAF 1st Lt. Robert Johnson, flying an F-86 over 3/12/1954 #9617 near), OH F-51 Trailed By Object / Lt. Roe Sighting (NICAP: 11 - Aviation C 6/23/1954 #9934 Maj. Frank J. Gshwandtner and 2nd Lt. Robert P. Lommori, flying in the Col 6/23/1954 #9936 unidentified aircraft. When Pilot Lt. William E. Atkins cannot find the ai 7/2/1954 #9984 LAMBERT FIELD, MO Navy Lt. 3M diameter black object going [to] 8/27/1954 #10185 te smoke behind. Around 5:45 p.m., Lt. Bruno Giustiniani and other personne 9/17/1954 #10333 a private talk for 26 minutes with Lt. Col. John O’Mara, USAF Deputy Comman 9/21/1954 #10384 cows, whose hides show burn marks. Lt. Tewrik takes a photo of a rotating U 10/5/1954 #10731 ld Airfield, Essex, England Flight Lt. Jimmy Salandin took off in his Meteo 10/14/1954 #11005 d, Essex, England 4:15 p.m. Flight Lt. James R. Salandin of the 604th Fight 10/14/1954 #11058 chief military witness, jet pilot Lt. H. Ferraz de Almeida, sees a dull si 10/24/1954 #11365 ase, Japan Witnesses: USAF pilots Lt. Col. O.C. Cook and Lt. J.W. Brown, o 10/28/1954 #11463 USAF pilots Lt. Col. O.C. Cook and Lt. J.W. Brown, on ground using 7x50 bin 10/28/1954 #11463 ana. Kentucky National Guard pilot Lt. Col. Lee J. Merkel notifies Wright-P 11/12/1954 #11629 Keflavik, Iceland Witnesses: Lt. Col. E.J. Stealy, lst Lt. J.W. Burt. 5/4/1955 #12116 nesses: Lt. Col. E.J. Stealy, lst Lt. J.W. Burt. About 10 round, white obj 5/4/1955 #12116 lavík Airfield, Iceland Afternoon. Lt. Col. Edward J. Stealy, commander of 5/4/1955 #12118 n Iceland, two USAF officers, USAF Lt. Col. E. J. Stealy and 1st Lt. J. W. 5/4/1955 #12119 USAF Lt. Col. E. J. Stealy and 1st Lt. J. W. Burt, spotted 10 white oval-sh 5/4/1955 #12119 Newfoundland 3:00 a.m. USAF pilot Lt. Homer H. Speer Jr and copilot Lt. Pa 7/5/1955 #12238 Lt. Homer H. Speer Jr and copilot Lt. Paul Daily, call sign Archie 29, and 7/5/1955 #12238 ly, call sign Archie 29, and pilot Lt. Robert W. Schneck and copilot Lt. Da 7/5/1955 #12238 Lt. Robert W. Schneck and copilot Lt. David Cueldner, call sign Archie 91, 7/5/1955 #12238 Iceland Witness: 2nd Lt. E.J. Marlow. Twelve grey objects, fr 8/11/1955 #12352 Iceland. At 11:45 a.m. Lt. E. J. Marlow sighted twelve gray obj 8/11/1955 #12354 New Mexico. The lone survivor, 2nd Lt. William Daniel Borggen, says the pla 10/3/1955 #12486 p.m. Kentucky National Guard pilot Lt. Col. Lee J. Merkel is flying an F-51 1/31/1956 #12687 ne, WA 4:40 PM PST, (04/0040Z) 1st Lt. Donald A. Stoner flying an F-86D at 3/3/1956 #12746 roe, Louisiana 11:05 p.m. USAF 1st Lt. Earl D. Holwadel and 1st Lt. Curtis 5/22/1956 #12865 F 1st Lt. Earl D. Holwadel and 1st Lt. Curtis Carley are piloting a T-33 je 5/22/1956 #12865 Neatishead radar controller Flight Lt. Freddie H. C. Wimbledon. Perkins and 8/13/1956 #13080 d City, South Dakota, captained by Lt. C. Lenny Marquis, is flying in north Fall 1956 #13239 t the object. Substitute navigator Lt. Jimmie Lloyd says the crew turned in Fall 1956 #13239 Guam Witness: USAF lst Lt. Ted Brunson, flying an F-86D jet int 12/31/1956 #13422 object make rapid maneuvers. Pilot Lt. Col. Howard T. Wright notes that his 1/16/1957 #13461 lls a military friend and then 1st Lt. Leonard E. Ott at nearby Oxnard AFB 3/22/1957 #13553 es. Ott inquires about radar and a Lt. Martin tells him that radar is detec 3/22/1957 #13553 t Anglia Near 12:00 midnight. USAF Lt. Milton Torres is flying F-86D Sabre 5/20/1957? #13667 rble Canyon, Arizona 1:56 p.m. 1st Lt. Clifford E. Pocock, scope operator A 7/16/1957 #13801 rancisco, California 7:45 p.m. 1st Lt. Robert J. Springer Jr., T/Sgt. Herma 8/3/1957 #13875 nia, with 36 persons aboard. Pilot Lt. Cmdr. W. F. Norris reports the incid 10/10/1957 #14094 int Loma. The aircraft, piloted by Lt. Allen L. Ries, tracks the UFO on air 10/14/1957 #14110 Lt. Gen. John A. Samford succeeds Maj. G 11/1957 #14182 seconds by Ensign Wayne Schotley, Lt. Donald E. Shaffer, 1stClass Quarterm 11/5/1957 #14342 Nevada 6:10 p.m. Fighter pilot 1st Lt. Joseph F. Long’s car engine stalls 3 11/23/1957 #14603 ve document was found, a memo from Lt. Col. A.R. Sullivan Jr., which stated 1958 #14787 Theater airs on CBS. USAF Reserve Lt. Col. Spencer Whedon from ATIC says a 1/22/1958 #14838 for UFO investigation in Denmark, Lt. Col. Hans-Christian Petersen, tells 4/25/1958 #15000 1:35 a.m. A Mrs. Kinney, who is a Lt. Col. in the Civil Air Patrol in Tope 11/11/1958 #15438 adquarters at Newport Beach, where Lt. Mike Henry, Guard Jack Bell, and Lt. 1/1/1959 #15527 . Mike Henry, Guard Jack Bell, and Lt. Jim Richards also see the UFO. The p 1/1/1959 #15527 tsville, Alabama Detroit, Michigan Lt. Col. Lee B. James, chief of the Liai 2/25/1959 #15614 Ohio. The panel consists of Hynek, Lt. Col. Richard M. Graham (chaplain), L 5/5/1959 #15723 Col. Richard M. Graham (chaplain), Lt. Col. Theodore J. Hieatt (PR), Maj. L 5/5/1959 #15723 therlands Air Force Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Haye Schaper says, “The man’s a 5/18/1959 #15737 the story to him and his assistant Lt. Robert S. Neasham. They urge Larsen 7/5/1959 #15817 the city not given). According to Lt. Colonel Robert Friend, the officer i 7/9/1959 #15829 oyal Canadian Air Force pilot Flt. Lt. M.S. Mowat, on ground. One large sta 8/10/1959 #15902 ts from USAF pilot and UFO witness Lt. Col. Richard T. Headrick, Sgt. James 10/1959 #16003 Phillipine Islands Witnesses: USN Lt. C.H. Pogson, CPO K.J. Moore. One lar 10/4/1959 #16016 Lincoln, Nebraska Witnesses: Lt. Col. L. Liggett (Selective Service) 10/6/1959 #16021 At 8:15 p.m. U.S. Army Lt. Colonel L. Liggett and two members o 10/6/1959 #16022 Maj. Gen. James H. Walsh writes to Lt. Gen. Bernard A. Schriever, commander 12/7/1959 #16115 ugh its spokesman in the Pentagon, Lt. Col. Lawrence J. Tacker, the Air For 1960 #16138 Lt. Col. Lawrence J. Tacker writes to St 7/26/1960 #16348 h of Kyushu, Japan Witnesses: USAF Lt. Col. R.L. Blwlin (sp?) and Maj. F.B. 11/29/1960 #16520 Pentagon Pentagon UFO spokesman Lt. Col. Lawrence J. Tacker publishes Fl 12/5/1960 #16525 Keyhoe debates Lt. Col. Lawrence J. Tacker on the Today 12/5/1960 #16526 Capt. H.J. Savoy and navigator lst Lt. M.W. Rand, on USAF RC-l2lD patrol pl 4/24/1961 #16660 Miyako Jima, Japan Witnesses: lst Lt. R.N. Monahan and Hazeltine Electric 6/2/1961 #16711 n Miyako Jima, Japan at 10:17 p.m. Lt. R. N. Monahan and Hazeltine Electric 6/2/1961 #16712 nto Valley Capt. Robert Filler and Lt. Phil Lee, based with the 82d Fighter Summer 1961 #16735 letter (Betz Memo) is prepared by Lt. Col. Norman M. Rosner for Col. Ward 11/13/1961 #16962 FCIN-1E-0 Draft Policy” written by Lt. Col. Norman M. Rosner to Col. Betz w 11/13/1961 #16963 Project Blue Book chief,” possibly Lt. Col. Robert J. Friend, tells him gun 1962 #17011 y 8, the Air Force sends Hynek and Lt. Col. Robert Friend to Utah with Doug 4/18/1962 #17120 According to Lt. Colonel Herbert Rolph, on this eveni 4/18/1962 #17121 y planes, led by flight instructor Lt. Rodolfo César Galdos, near Comandant 5/22/1962 #17191 scientists.” Around the same time, Lt. Col. Spencer Whedon from ATIC inform 5/25/1962 #17201 Indianapolis, Indiana Witnesses: Lt. Col. H. King and tail gunner M/Sgt. 6/21/1962 #17236 At 4:00 a.m. Lt. Col. H. King and his tail gunner M/S 6/21/1962 #17240 big broom.” He tells his story to Lt. Wilson Lisbõa, chief of police at Di 8/17/1962 #17336 Lt. Col. Robert J. Friend leaves Project 9/1963 #17926 tly interfering with police radio. lt went down toward the northwest, seemi 5/17/1964 #18277 Capt. B.C. Jones and navigator lst Lt. H.J. Cavender, in parked USAF C-124 8/10/1964 #18475 craft commander and his navigator (Lt. Cavender and Capt. Jones) were sitti 8/10/1964 #18477 D.W. Thompson and First Pilot lst Lt. J.F. Jonke, on a USAF C-124 transpor 8/18/1964 #18495 D. W. Thompson and First Pilot 1st Lt. J. F. Jonke are flying a C-124 trans 8/18/1964 #18497 ajor D.W. Thompson and First Pilot Lt. J. F. Jonke were flying a U.S. Air F 8/18/1964 #18498 film. The event is corroborated by Lt. Robert M. Jacobs, who was in charge 9/1964 #18525 Big Sur, California 8:27 a.m. USAF Lt. Robert Jacobs is officer-in-charge o 9/15/1964 #18556 USAF Lt. Col. Philip E. Moore states that whi Late 1964 #18584 , Puerto Rico, which then contacts Lt. Cmdr. K. H. Woodsbury, pilot of an F 11/19/1964 #18629 ether with Chilean Air Force pilot Lt. Benavidez, a meteorologist, and seve 6/18/1965 #19012 cademy of Sciences Hynek writes to Lt. Col. John Spaulding in the Office of 8/30/1965 #19478 alysis, report was never released. Lt. Col. J.B. Brits, District Commandant 9/16/1965 #19569 ned area about 6 feet in diameter. Lt. Col. J. B. Brits, district commandan 9/16/1965 #19574 Winslow, UK 4:10 a.m. LT. Hearing a high-pitched whine, a poli 1/7/1966 #19811 g extraordinary. Also attending is Lt. Col. Harold A. Steiner, assistant se 2/3/1966 #19879 Madrid, Spain 8:00 p.m. LT. Several civilians and soldiers saw a 2/6/1966 #19883 Witbank, S. Africa 7:40 p.m. LT. A farm woman heard a very loud sound 2/14/1966 #19903 Quipapa, Brazil 10:15 p.m. LT. Two young female factory workers whi 2/25/1966 #19917 urkes Flat, Victoria, AU 8:00 p.m. LT. As a strange light phenomenon (inclu 4/4/1966 #20220 rsity University of North Carolina Lt. Col. Robert R. Hippler of the USAF D 4/22/1966 #20374 ef of Community Relations Division Lt. Col. John Spalding, who promises to Late 4/1966 #20416 wtry, Cambridgeshire, UK 5:00 a.m. LT. Two men suddenly awoke in their van, 4/28/1966 #20424 ay, Ascuncion, Argentina 3:55 p.m. LT. The pilot of a Beechcraft Bonanza en 4/29/1966 #20426 Lake Ontario, CAN 10:30 p.m. LT. A former RCAF pilot and a friend wer 6/1/1966 #20518 , British Columbia, CAN 11:00 p.m. LT. Three persons reported that their ca 6/8/1966 #20540 Abington, Berkshire, UK 8:50 p.m. LT. Two nuclear scientists reported seei 6/17/1966 #20572 elongated object with ablunt end. lt had a series of four body lights vary 6/23/1966 #20595 Cistella, Spain 4:00 a.m. LT. A farm woman and farm hands saw a la 6/27/1966 #20615 Vancouver, B.C., CAN 10:30 p.m. LT. A man saw a disc-shaped object behin 8/2/1966 #20722 an article on UFOs by retired USAF Lt. Col. Charles Cooke saying that he ha 8/7/1966 #20731 Wood Green, London, UK 2:00 a.m. LT. A couple saw an intensely bright glo 8/15/1966 #20744 Makklya, Finland 8:20 p.m. LT. A woman was called by her two daught 8/31/1966 #20818 sman from Gwinner and an Air Force Lt. Col. went to the site and discovered 9/13/1966 #20877 sman from Gwinner and an Air Force Lt. Colonel went to the site and discove 9/13/1966 #20880 rince Edward Island, CAN 6:30 a.m. LT. Eight RCAF pilots and crew members o 9/21/1966 #20906 Colorado Quintanilla, Lt. William Marley, and Col. Robert Hipp 11/14/1966 #21100 project should place its emphasis. Lt. Col. Hippler, along with Col. Raymon 1/12/1967 #21290 fter receiving that call, Joplin’s Lt. Charles Hickman drives to Stone’s Co 1/13/1967 #21298 Heidelberg, Germany 8:30 p.m. LT. Witnesses first heard a -pulsating s 1/26/1967 #21396 University of Colorado Lt. Col. Robert Hippler says that Secret 2/23/1967 #21635 Dayton, OH Lt. Gen. Hewitt T. Wheless, USAF, sends 3/1/1967 #21703 Lt. Gen. Hewitt T. Wheless, USAF assista 3/1/1967 #21713 USAF Lt. Gen. Hewitt T. Wheless writes a memo 3/1/1967 #21719 Sidney, AU 10:10 a.m. LT. Two women saw a grayish disc come ou 3/8/1967 #21802 naki (off coast of), NZ 10:20 p.m. LT. A pilot, copilot, and hostess of an 3/11/1967 #21857 ted by helicopter. As Salas briefs Lt. Fred Meiwald, an alarm rings through 3/24/1967 #21973 meck, Bas-Rhein, Germany 7:00 p.m. LT. Seven lenticular (disc-shaped) black 5/6/1967 #22282 Ust'kamenogorsk, Russia 2:30 a.m. LT. An engineer named T.N. Kanshov saw a 5/17/1967 #22364 Kamyshin, Russia 10:00 p.m. LT. Major Y.B. Popov, of Novosibirsk, to 5/17/1967 #22365 Bakhrushev, Russia 10:05 p.m. LT. By a warm, quiet evening several wit 5/17/1967 #22366 Khoper River, Russia 11:00 p.m. LT. While walking along the banks of the Early 6/1967 #22452 Wurzburg, Germany 9:00 p.m. LT. A glowing, round, pale yellow object Summer 1967 #22529 Tehran, Iran 8:00 p.m. LT. Reportedly 10,000 people saw a brigh 6/28/1967 #22567 Palmerston North, NZ 1:30 a.m. LT. A youth saw a "ring of lights" (also 7/14/1967 #22657 Caracus, Venezuela 11:30 p.m. LT. A 3-foot-tall being (humanoid) emerg 8/3/1967 #22783 rove, Staffordshire, UK 11:00 p.m. LT (7:00 p.m. EDT). Four witnesses saw a 8/4/1967 #22797 adino, Venezuela Approx. 2:00 a.m. LT. Two sleeping witnesses were awakened 8/6/1967 #22825 Mexico City, Mexico 8:17 p.m. LT. Airport control tower personnel and 8/6/1967 #22827 Lyme, Staffordshire, UK 11:00 p.m. LT (7:00 p.m. EDT). A bright yellow-whit 8/23/1967 #22899 Catia La Mar, Venezuela 5:00 p.m. LT. A man on the beach saw precipitous m 8/25/1967 #22922 Crewe, Cheshire, UK 8:30 am .LT (4:30 a.m. EDT). Two witnesses saw an 8/29/1967 #22949 Staffordshire, UK 10:00-10:30 p.m. LT (6:00-6:30 p.m. EDT). Multiple indepe 8/30/1967 #22959 Trent, Staffordshire, UK 9:30 p.m. LT (5:30 p.m. EDT). Two young women repo 8/31/1967 #22961 Trent, Staffordshire, UK 9:15 p.m. LT (5:15 p.m. EDT). Several witnesses wa 9/2/1967 #22980 Nantwich, Cheshire, UK 8:55 p.m. LT (4:55 p.m. EDT). Two witnesses saw a 9/5/1967 #23004 Trent, Staffordshire, UK 9:50 p.m. LT. Several witnesses saw a vertically o 9/6/1967 #23010 nnock, Staffordshire, UK 9:00 p.m. LT (5:00 p.m. EDT). A family had several 9/18/1967 #23081 rent, Staffordshire, UK 8: 30 p.m. LT. At twilight, with a clear sky and br 9/20/1967 #23097 Leek, Staffordshire, UK 7:00 p.m. LT (3:00 p.m. EDT). Three witnesses usin 10/10/1967 #23203 lmeschapel, Cheshire, UK 6:00 p.m. LT (2:00 p.m.EDT). A truck driver on the 10/17/1967 #23242 Maritimes, Nice, France 3:38 p.m. LT. Two witnesses saw a metallic-appeari 10/22/1967 #23285 Lancashire, UK 4:00 a.m. LT (12:00 midnight EDT). Interference on 10/22/1967 #23289 Bristol, Avon, UK 4:50 a.m. LT. A woman saw a cigar-shaped object, s 10/23/1967 #23292 Hatherleigh, Devon, UK 4:00 a.m. LT. Two policemen saw a bright cross-sha 10/24/1967 #23299 Wales, UK 7:00 a.m. LT. Two men saw two cross-shaped objects 10/26/1967 #23329 Middlesex, UK 7:10 a.m. LT. Two copoles saw a soft glowing orang 10/26/1967 #23330 Hampshire, UK 2:20 p.m. LT (10:20 a.m. EDT) A man saw a black, m 10/27/1967 #23345 Trent, Staffordshire, UK 7:15 p.m. LT (3:15 p.m. EDT). A witness saw an obj 10/27/1967 #23346 chassis. A second witness, police Lt. Glen G. Brunsell, sees a low-altitud 10/27/1967 #23351 Finucane, AU 9:20 p.m. LT. A man was driving when he saw a tube 10/31/1967 #23375 nemouth, Southampton, UK 8:50 p.m. LT. A man and his family saw two dull re 10/31/1967 #23376 n-Trent, Werrington, UK 10:35 p.m. LT. A witness saw through a window a glo 10/31/1967 #23377 Treysa, Germany 3:30-5:45 a.m. LT. Five UFOs were reported hovering ove 11/6/1967 #23412 Springfield, OH 4:00 a.m. LT. Described as a 30' diameter orange o 11/13/1967 #23442 Florence, Italy 2:30 p.m. LT. The pilot and crew of a British Euro 11/15/1967 #23459 Kingston, Jamaica 8:00 p.m. LT. Four people saw two red lights (body 11/18/1967 #23478 Sofia, Bulgaria 5:10 p.m. LT. An unknown number of witnesses saw a 11/21/1967 #23490 coastline 4:25 p.m. US Coast Guard Lt. Cmdr. John Rich Butler and copilot L 11/22/1967 #23498 Cmdr. John Rich Butler and copilot Lt. John H. Gould are flying 10 miles of 11/22/1967 #23498 wn. The objects glowed a pale red. Lt. Germonde took the call. Minutes late 6/14/1968 #24034 own. But soon it got much weirder. Lt. Germonde received a call from a bar- 6/14/1968 #24034 of the 862nd Combat Support Group, Lt. Col. Arthur J. Werlich, is designate 10/24/1968 #24587 1. On November 13, Blue Book chief Lt. Col. Hector Quintanilla completes hi 10/24/1968 #24587 2d Lt. Carmon L. Morano replaces Lt. Col. H 2/1969 #24887 2d Lt. Carmon L. Morano replaces Lt. Col. Hector Quintanilla as head of t 2/1969 #24887 stopped work briefly to watch it. Lt. Pedro Edvaldo De Souza took statemen 7/18/1969 #25280 stopped work briefly to watch it. Lt. Pedro Edvaldo De Souza took statemen 7/18/1969 #25281 chard Helms, Adm. Noel Gaynor, and Lt. Gen. Donald W. Bennett), Nixon hears 7/23/1970 #25745 omanian Air Force pilot and writer Lt. Col. Doru Davidovici is at an unname 12/1972 #27158 NORTHEAST / FARMINGTON, MO 2 / Lt. plane chase night light. 180-turn. F 4/12/1973 #27424 of Sunol, Nebraska Late night. 1st Lt. Walter F. Billings is a deputy crew Autumn 1973 #27860 wrence J. Coyne (with his crew 1st Lt. Arrigo Jezzi, Sgt. John Healey, and 10/18/1973 #28172 mouth, Western Australia 7:15 p.m. Lt. Commander Moyer is traveling south f 10/25/1973 #28284 Japan Night. Maj. Shiro Kubota and Lt. Col. Toshio Nakamura are flying an F 6/9/1974 #29175 tes a fake radio transmission from Lt. Charles Taylor of the missing TBM Av 9/1974 #29412 esses included a Spanish Air Force Lt. Colonel and his daughter driving in 11/24/1974 #29606 all going north at low altitude. / Lt. Col. Lobet. No further details. / Fl 2/16/1975 #29813 Lt. Col “X” of Carswell AFB states under 3/14/1975 #29900 Base, Seville province 10:30 p.m. Lt. Rafael Muñoz Pastor is returning to 9/1975? #30333 fern receives a phone call from a “Lt. Colin Hunter” from the White House a 10/7/1975 #30421 a military officer claiming to be Lt. Col. Waters. A month later, he and h 10/7/1975 #30421 uthwest of Bermuda 2:40 a.m. A 1st Lt. is on communications duty aboard a U 4/23/1976 #31017 sts it only has one memo from USAF Lt. Col. Olin R. Mooy, who sat in on one 9/18/1976 #31395 ulcan B.2 bomber piloted by Flight Lt. David Edwards is flying at 28,000 fe 5/26/1977 #32133 North Sea. Duty controller Flight Lt. A. M. Wood and others on the base ca 7/30/1977 #32323 Lt. Gen. Akira Hirano, chief of Japan’s 9/1977 #32453 00 feet in a T-38 jet trainer, 1st Lt Seth Bryant (instructor pilot) and 1s 10/26/1977 #32617 Bryant (instructor pilot) and 1st Lt Choate (student pilot) overhear trans 10/26/1977 #32617 . Maj. Francesco Zoppi and copilot Lt. Riccardelli manage to approach to wi 10/27/1977 #32623 ting officer was S. W. (initials), Lt. 1st Class. Sgt. J.M. (initials), Sec 1/18/1978 #32890 was a meteor. A “General Kelley” [Lt. Gen. Robert E. Kelley at Eglin AFB? 3/27/1978 #33088 en. Robert E. Kelley at Eglin AFB? Lt. Gen. John R. Kelly Jr. at the Pentag 3/27/1978 #33088 10 MI NNW / PROVINCETOWN, MA 2 / Lt. plane. 18' silver saucer / near hit. 8/27/1978 #33575 e F-4D Phantom II jets, piloted by Lt. Col. Seungbae Lee and Col. Byungsun 3/1979 #34453 Yateley, Hampshire, England, with Lt. James Plastow from Sandhurst Militar 8/27/1979 #34788 , assumed to be a Chilean balloon. Lt. Oscar Santa María Huertas commands t 4/11/1980 #35269 gases. Some 250 miles to the west, Lt. Col. Oleg Karyakin hears a low- freq 6/14/1980 #35367 Moscow Army Lt. Col. John B. Alexander discusses in 12/1980 #35686 odbridge USAF UFO report signed by Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt, Deputy Base Co 12/27/1980 #35738 RAF Woodbridge Lt. Col. C. I. Halt, sees a UFO that sep 12/29/1980 #35751 Bentwaters AFB Air Force Memo from Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt, Deputy Base Co 1/13/1981 #35784 ovichi 4:00–8:00 p.m. Russian Army Lt. Col. Vladimir Plantonev witnesses an 10/4/1982 #36634 listic missile launch from the US. Lt. Col. Stanislav Petrov, who is on dut 9/26/1983 #36986 d Hats at Groom Lake, Nevada, USAF Lt. Gen. Robert M. Bond requests to fly 4/26/1984 #37301 obert M. Wood (McDonnell Douglas), Lt. Col. Ronald F. Blackburn (Air Force) 5/20/1985 #37590 ight changing from white to green. Lt. Kleber Caldas Marinho chased another 5/19/1986 #37874 t to sea. Another F-5E, piloted by Lt. Kleber Caldas Marinho, chases a very 5/19/1986 #37881 contact was made about 10:550 p.m. Lt. Kleber Caldas Marinho, age 25, an F- 5/19/1986 #37882 hio Beavercreek, Ohio Area 51 USAF Lt. Col. Ernie Kellerstrass (Hawk), who Fall 1986 #38034 . Kellerstrass claims to know USAF Lt. Col. Robert R. Hippler (allegedly an Fall 1986 #38034 land, Washington 8:00 p.m. Ex-Navy Lt. Dan McIndoe and his family are at th 1/21/1988 #38427 Book officials J. Allen Hynek and Lt. Col. Robert Friend had an awareness 1/1989 #38773 ternational Operations, shows that Lt. Col. Oliver North and other members 4/13/1989 #38905 VORONEZH, RUSSIA Lt. Malayev. 45' spheroid going quickly 9/27/1989 #39123 Ernage Gembloux Belgium 6:45 p.m. Lt. Col. André Amond of the Belgian Army 12/11/1989 #39313 Lt. Col. Ron Blackburn of Lockheed Marti 1990 #39357 alessky, Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia. Lt. Col. A. A. Semenchenko is sent up in 3/21/1990 #39475 LA VALBONNE, FR Lt. Col. Silent dark triangle / lit corn 11/5/1990 #39836 night. The first to see the UFO is Lt. Damasceno of the Independent Company 4/11/1991 #40034 intelligence section, commanded by Lt. Col. Ángel Bastida. 1/15/1992 #40288 at is issued to all units in June. Lt. Col. Ángel Bastida admits it is insp 3/31/1992 #40404 field at Buzău. One of the pilots, Lt. Col. Doru Drăgoi, is called into the 11/1992 #40700 Lt. Col. Ángel Bastida, head of the Inte 11/16/1992 #40714 northwestern part of Nellis Range. lt struck upward from the clouds into an 12/1992 #40736 ert, by Col. Richard L. Weaver and Lt. James McAndrew, blaming the Roswell 7/1995 #42286 evant UAP data and materials: USAF Lt. Col. Peter McDuff, Hal Puthoff, Sand 1/28/1996 #42725 A research paper by Lt. Col. Jack A Jackson Jr., Lt. Col Bri 5/1996 #42891 er by Lt. Col. Jack A Jackson Jr., Lt. Col Brian L Jones and Maj. Lee J Leh 5/1996 #42891 Rachel, NV ex-US Army Lt. Col Corso appears on Art Bell’s “Dre 1997 #43153 . Corso was a special assistant to Lt. Gen. Arthur Trudeau, who headed Army 6/1997 #43304 950s he was a special assistant to Lt. Gen. Arthur Trudeau, head of Army Re 6/1997 #43308 Rachel, NV ex-US Army Lt. Col Corso appeared on Coast to Coast 7/23/1997 #43357 Ret. Lt. Col. Ron Blackburn of Lockheed Marti 8/22/1998 #43636 Madrid, Spain Lt. Col. Enrique Rocamora, in charge of 9/14/1998 #43645 se where an unnamed USN pilot told Lt. Ryan Graves he witnessed a “sphere e 5/17/1999 #43770 1Lt. Ilker Dinçer and his student Lt. Arda Gunyel are surprised by an extr 8/6/2001 #44227 als. Days later, Eric Davis says a Lt. Col. Dr. Robert Parvin Williams is a 3/5/2002 #44323 Ret. Army Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden writes that he k 5/2002 #44335 São Paulo Recife, Brazil 2:00 p.m. Lt. Ribeiro of the Brazilian Air Force i 2/20/2004 #44668 outhwest Region Patrick McDonough, Lt. Col. Dwynne C. Arneson and Capt. Bru 9/27/2010 #45299 Ret. Army Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden claims to have s 12/24/2013 #45399 capable of light speed or better. Lt. Col. John Williams also states while 12/2014 #45425 le UAP case where a USN pilot told Lt. Ryan Graves he witnessed a “sphere e 6/25/2021 #45695## Word: "ltaipu" (Back to Top)
Sao Vicente, Brazil Ltaipu Fort electrical system failed, se 11/3/1957 #14240## Word: "ltc" (Back to Top)
Army Dir. of Counterintelligence LTC Lance R. Cornine writes in a FOIA re 5/16/1984 #37330## Word: "ltd" (Back to Top)
of Aviation Studies International, Ltd. delivers an examination of electrog 2/25/1956 #12739 Brekke drives Johnson’s 1977 Ford LTD patrol car back to the garage. The i 8/27/1979 #34787 erk of works for Lovell (Southern) Ltd estimates its height at 50,000 feet. 12/15/1980 #35719## Word: "ltddir" (Back to Top)
w-off-power-cubed.php https://al.ltddir.com/companies/transdimensional-te 3/2004 #44671## Word: "ltjg" (Back to Top)
aanaaq, Greenland 10:50 a.m. Pilot LtJG William A. O’Flaherty and navigator 8/29/1952 #7788 illiam A. O’Flaherty and navigator LtJG R. S. Moore are flying a P4Y-2 patr 8/29/1952 #7788## Word: "ltl" (Back to Top)
LTL FOX LK, YKN 2 / car. 10M saucer / 60 3/30/2000 #43970## Word: "lts" (Back to Top)
xas, spot a hovering orange light. Lts. Virgil Williams and Marvin L. Jones 6/6/1949 #4228 arvin L. Jones are at one site and Lts. Bernard G. Raferty and Alfred H. Jo 6/6/1949 #4228 El Cajon, CA Navy Lts. Encounter 10 Oval Objects (NICAP: 1 12/24/1953 #9391 , California Witnesses: U.S. Navy Lts. J.B. Howard and L.D. Linhard, flyin 12/24/1953 #9393 ajon, California 8:04 a.m. US Navy Lts. J. B. Howard and L. D. Linhard, fly 12/24/1953 #9394 Interceptor Squadron crewed by 1st Lts. Charles Metz and Andrew Rowe is sen 8/13/1956 #13080## Word: "lttimmcmillan" (Back to Top)
77 are false. https://twitter.com/LtTimMcMillan/status/1255453604451962890 4/29/2020 #45644## Word: "ltv" (Back to Top)
ger need to be associated with the LTV A-7 Corsair II for training, flying 11/10/1988 #38710## Word: "luanda" (Back to Top)
NNW / LUANDA, ANGOLA Luminous points / clear s 12/7/1966 #21189 Luanda, Angola A TAP Air Portugal airlin 12/7/1966 #21190 paced by two luminous objects near Luanda, Angola. 12/7/1966 #21190## Word: "lubbock" (Back to Top)
LUBBOCK, TX Several observer(s). Many sm 9/14/1949 #4355 Lubbock, Texas 9:30–10:00 p.m. Two resid 9/14/1949 #4357 s 9:30–10:00 p.m. Two residents of Lubbock, Texas, see 9 clusters of object 9/14/1949 #4357 ts, that were not birds, flew over Lubbock, Texas in groups of 3 to 50. 9/14/1949 #4358 NEAR LUBBOCK, TX 4 college PROFs and many. 2 8/25/1951 #5618 Lubbock, TX Lubbock, TX; (Hart photos) ( 8/25/1951 #5622 Lubbock, TX Lubbock, TX; (Hart photos) (NICAP: 08 - 8/25/1951 #5622 Brownfield, Texas Lubbock Evening. Joseph Bryant and his w 8/25/1951 #5624 s plovers. When he hears about the Lubbock lights, he is sure the professor 8/25/1951 #5624 Texas Technical College Lubbock, Texas Texas Tech 9:10 p.m. Thre 8/25/1951 #5625 Jr.) are sitting in a backyard at Lubbock, Texas, when they see a fast-mov 8/25/1951 #5625 ing migrating plovers attracted to Lubbock’s new vapor street lights, altho 8/25/1951 #5625 cker, and George--in a backyard in Lubbock, Texas saw the "Lubbock Lights", 8/25/1951 #5627 ackyard in Lubbock, Texas saw the "Lubbock Lights", a string of perhaps 50 8/25/1951 #5627 NEAR LUBBOCK, TX 2 separate Air Defense Comma 8/26/1951 #5629 Texas Tech Lubbock, Texas Lubbock Morning Avalanche 8/30/1951 #5638 Texas Tech Lubbock, Texas Lubbock Morning Avalanche Life Lubbock L 8/30/1951 #5638 xas Lubbock Morning Avalanche Life Lubbock Lights Dr. Ducker's house Texas 8/30/1951 #5638 ame formation of 18–20 lights over Lubbock, Texas, and takes five photos. H 8/30/1951 #5638 d the next day and takes it to the Lubbock Morning Avalanche, which puts th 8/30/1951 #5638 ist James Cecil Cross looks at the Lubbock photos under a microscope and ru 8/30/1951 #5638 . 7, 1952. While investigating the Lubbock Lights, Ruppelt also learns that 8/30/1951 #5638 that several people in and around Lubbock claim to have seen a “flying win 8/30/1951 #5638 he ETH) were also looking into the Lubbock cases. In March 1955, Ducker sen 8/30/1951 #5638 LUBBOCK, TX Good photograph. 18+bright s 9/1/1951 #5648 Reese AFB Reese Technology Center Lubbock, Texas Ruppelt flies to Reese AF 11/6/1951 #5768 B [now Reese Technology Center] in Lubbock, Texas, to begin his investigati 11/6/1951 #5768 to begin his investigation of the Lubbock lights, accompanied by OSI agent 11/6/1951 #5768 Dodge City, Kansas Lubbock, Texas Big Springs, Texas Kirtla 11/20/1951 #5782 orted from Dodge City, Kansas, and Lubbock and Big Springs, Texas. Two Air 11/20/1951 #5782 LUBBOCK, TX USAF Captain and 2. 12 "tear 5/25/1952 #6355 Lubbock, TX 8 yellow circular objects (N 6/5/1952 #6442 Lubbock, Texas Witnesses: Dan Benson, M 6/5/1952 #6445 like objects were seen flying over Lubbock, Texas. The first two lights fle 6/5/1952 #6449 Lubbock, TX Five civilian men observed a 8/2/1952 #7421 Lubbock, Texas 8:15–8:30 p.m. Air Force 10/25/1953 #9254 .m. Air Force weather observers at Lubbock, Texas, notice a V formation of 10/25/1953 #9254 Lubbock (Bet. Ft. Worth and), TX Object 1/16/1957 #13460 Sweetwater, Texas Lubbock, Texas 8:00 p.m. The crews of tw 1/16/1957 #13461 the aircraft gets within range of Lubbock, Texas, the object flies off on 1/16/1957 #13461 nd, Texas Reese Technology Center, Lubbock Allan Haney and some friends “on Summer 1957 #13746 B [now Reese Technology Center] in Lubbock, 26 miles to the east. Summer 1957 #13746 ect that rose up from the ground. (Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, Texas, 8/10/6 2/6/1967 #21466 LUBBOCK, TX Dog edgy. Crickets go quiet. 6/24/1977 #32188 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Lubbock” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT 10/18/1991 #40212 Lubbock, Texas 6:00 p.m. Witnesses in Lu 10/15/1992 #40677 bock, Texas 6:00 p.m. Witnesses in Lubbock, Texas, see a gray cigar-shaped 10/15/1992 #40677 At a sleepover in Lubbock, Texas, two girls reported that 12/12/1997 #43458## Word: "lubeck" (Back to Top)
OVER LUBECK, WV Pilot. Bright-yellow 50cm fus 9/25/1949 #4368## Word: "lubertowicz" (Back to Top)
t air traffic controller Kasimierz Lubertowicz scrambles an Iskra jet train 7/13/1984 #37395 rfield, Poland 8:00 p.m. Kazimierz Lubertowicz, chief of air traffic contro Late Summer 1984 #37434## Word: "lublin" (Back to Top)
n occurred in a forest in Emilcin, Lublin, Poland sometime after 7:00 a.m. 5/10/1978 #33198 Lublin, Poland wooded area about 37 mile 5/17/1978 #33224 wooded area about 37 miles outside Lublin, Poland 8:00 a.m. A 71-year-old f 5/17/1978 #33224 wooded area about 37 miles outside Lublin, Poland. By the roadside he sees 5/17/1978 #33224 LUBLIN, POLAND 1 observer. Radio malfunc 7/31/1991 #40138 Lublin, Poland Night. An amateur astrono 8/14/2013 #45382 nd Night. An amateur astronomer in Lublin, Poland, is tracking an object in 8/14/2013 #45382## Word: "lubliniec" (Back to Top)
Lubliniec Łosice Dobrzykowice 10:30–11:0 8/3/2013 #45380 ied triangular objects. A woman in Lubliniec walking her dog sees a giant b 8/3/2013 #45380## Word: "lubmin" (Back to Top)
Peenemünde (on Usedom) Lubmin Greifswald 8:35 p.m. Many witness 8/24/1990 #39701 oviet-built nuclear power plant at Lubmin [shut down soon afterward]. Five 8/24/1990 #39701## Word: "lubricating" (Back to Top)
and gives Barclay $10 to purchase lubricating oil, two chisels, and bluest 4/22/1897 #559## Word: "lubumbashi" (Back to Top)
lgian Congo Elisabethville [modern Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the C 3/29/1952 #5993 Congo near Elisabethville [modern Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the C 3/29/1952 #5993 Élisabethville [now Lubumbashi] Democratic Republic of the C 1/17/1961 #16578 ing squad near Élisabethville [now Lubumbashi], Democratic Republic of the 1/17/1961 #16578## Word: "luc" (Back to Top)
10:00 p.m. two youngsters, Marc & Luc Lafreniere, were in their home in Vi 8/14/1965 #19391 phenomena were Normand Daigle and Luc Cadorette. 8/29/1968 #24401 LE LUC, FR Numerous observer(s). Dark sauce 7/9/1974 #29248 disc blocked out the stars over Le Luc, France. It had very bright beams of 7/9/1974 #29255## Word: "luc-en-diois" (Back to Top)
LUC-EN-DIOIS, 26, FR Saucer changes red 10/1/1954 #10543## Word: "luc-en-provence" (Back to Top)
LE LUC-EN-PROVENCE, FR Army helicopter in n 7/8/1992 #40518## Word: "luca" (Back to Top)
ernotico, Italy, farmer Antonio de Luca is awakened by restless animals and 1/11/1963 #17634 At 11:00 p.m. Antonio De Luca, a 43-year-old farmer in San Pietro 1/11/1963 #17635 At 10:30 p.m. Robert Luca was driving from Durham, Connecticu 6/25/1967 #22557 ree hours. Under hypnosis in 1977, Luca remembered being nude in a room wit 6/25/1967 #22557 xploration of the Betty Andreasson Luca abduction case in The Watchers, whi 6/1990 #39604 n The Watchers, which reveals that Luca is often having an out-of-body expe 6/1990 #39604 y “in charge” of the other aliens. Luca feels that the human race is being 6/1990 #39604 , British Columbia 6:00 p.m. Diana Luca and her mother are chatting at the 8/11/2003 #44574 bia. Out of the corner of her eye, Luca spots a black object behind the tre 8/11/2003 #44574## Word: "lucala" (Back to Top)
Cacuso Lucala, Angola 11:00 p.m. Two students a 4/1/1972 #26633 nts are driving between Cacuso and Lucala, Angola, when suddenly their vehi 4/1/1972 #26633## Word: "lucan" (Back to Top)
Lucan, Ontario, CAN 10:00 p.m. EST. Two 2/24/1967 #21639## Word: "lucano" (Back to Top)
MURO LUCANO, ITL 2 UFO's. Rhomboid and cylind 10/30/1954 #11488 Muro Lucano, Italy Two objects were seen by h 10/30/1954 #11490 UFOs were seen by hunters in Muro Lucano, Italy. One touched the ground 50 10/30/1954 #11493 OLIVETO LUCANO, ITL 2 / car. 2M luminous ball sp 12/19/1981 #36263 8:10 p.m. two witnesses in Oliveto Lucano, Italy saw a two-meter wide spinn 12/19/1981 #36268## Word: "lucar" (Back to Top)
In 1969 at 10 p.m., a guard in San Lucar de Barrame, Spain watched a "pot" 1/28/1969 #24875## Word: "lucarelli" (Back to Top)
At 10:30 p.m. Romeo Lucarelli was driving home from Hestroff 10/24/1976 #31493## Word: "lucas" (Back to Top)
University, England 9:50 p.m. John Lucas Sr., an observer at Radcliffe Obse 6/8/1868 #172 Los Angeles US Jim G. Lucas of Scripps-Howard papers reports t 2/13/1954 #9540 hovered low over the house of Mr. Lucas and left straight up. 8/23/1954 #10168 Loctudy, France A baker, P. Lucas, was draining water from a well wh 10/5/1954 #10726 Finistère, France 4:00 a.m. M. P. Lucas, a baker in Loctudy, Finistère, Fr 10/5/1954 #10732 d large eyes. The creature touches Lucas’s shoulder and speaks to him in an 10/5/1954 #10732 ance. At 4:00 a.m. a baker, Mr. P. Lucas, was draining water from a well wh 10/5/1954 #10737 n the starboard side. Capt. Julián Lucas Ardanza comes to the deck and sees 7/30/1967 #22753 Five witnesses, including a Mrs. Lucas, age 25, saw a domed oval-shaped U 8/15/1976 #31271 rs,” after the 1977 film by George Lucas. By the early 1990s, with the Cold 3/23/1983 #36792## Word: "lucca" (Back to Top)
Serchio river San Pietro a Vico, Lucca, Italy 3:00 a.m. Carlo Rossi is on 7/25/1952 #7137 chio river near San Pietro a Vico, Lucca, Italy. He notices an odd light ab 7/25/1952 #7137## Word: "lucci" (Back to Top)
Beaver, PA Lucci Photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Ca 8/8/1965 #19340 in Beaver, Pennsylvania, by James Lucci, 17. According to estimations by w 8/8/1965 #19341 eter of the UFO is around 42 feet. Lucci is photographing the full moon wit 8/8/1965 #19341## Word: "luce" (Back to Top)
Rome, Italy Mrs. Clare Booth Luce, American Ambassador, others sighte 10/28/1954 #11461 eolo and US Ambassador Clare Booth Luce. Some witnesses report “fine cotton 10/28/1954 #11465 Mrs. Clare Booth Luce, American Ambassador to Italy, and 10/28/1954 #11468 OD West Freugh Stranraer, Scotland Luce Bay, Wigtownshire, Scotland Five un 4/4/1957 #13582 ocated at two different sites near Luce Bay, Wigtownshire, Scotland. The ob 4/4/1957 #13582 ion Island, Indian Ocean 9:00 a.m. Luce Fontaine, 31, a farmer, was in a cl 7/31/1968 #24269 aine-des-Cafres, La Reunion Island Luce Fontaine, 31, a farmer, was in a cl 7/31/1968 #24270 Soucoupe Volante 9:00 a.m. Farmer Luce Fontaine is collecting grass for hi 7/31/1968 #24271 Mr. Luce Fontaine, age 31, a farmer on Reuni 7/31/1968 #24272## Word: "lucens" (Back to Top)
Vaud, Switzerland Lucens reactor The Lucens reactor in Vau 1/21/1969 #24863 ud, Switzerland Lucens reactor The Lucens reactor in Vaud, Switzerland, suf 1/21/1969 #24863## Word: "lucern" (Back to Top)
on the corner of Dixie Highway and Lucern Road on this evening. The humanoi 7/12/1998 #43602## Word: "lucerne" (Back to Top)
In the desert of Lucerne Valley, California three men wer 11/13/1971 #26470## Word: "lucette" (Back to Top)
0 p.m. At Chabeuil, Drôme, France, Lucette Leboeuf is walking her dog when 9/26/1954 #10451 king and howling at 2:30 p.m., Ms. Lucette Leboeuf of Chabeuil, Drome, Fran 9/26/1954 #10452## Word: "luchtverschijnselen" (Back to Top)
ounds the Studiegroep voor Vreemde Luchtverschijnselen in Antwerp, Belgium, 1979 #34255## Word: "lucia" (Back to Top)
ST. LUCIA, AUSTRALIA 2 / house. Car-size sau 6/1996 #42919## Word: "luciano" (Back to Top)
les away from Vicenza, Italy Pilot Luciano Ascione is flying northbound at 3/9/1978 #33021## Word: "lucid" (Back to Top)
und the same time she began having lucid dreams where she found herself tra 5/5/1996 #42896 rapidly and had an extremely vivid lucid dream. In the dream, her son and s 9/3/2003 #44592## Word: "lucie" (Back to Top)
ienne, Belgium Florennes 7:15 p.m. Lucie Vandervoort is looking out a windo 3/20/1973 #27352 SOUTH LUCIE / TALLANO, CORS 5 / (seen thru) bi 8/11/1978 #33500 of Corsica three witnesses in San Lucie, Tallano, France had a close encou 8/11/1978 #33507## Word: "lucien" (Back to Top)
Issenheim, France Lucien Fisch saw an object land near Rou 10/20/1954 #11269 Lucien Fisch saw an object land near Rou 10/20/1954 #11277 teauneuf-du-Pape, Vaucluse, France Lucien Jeune, mayor of Châteauneuf-du-Pa 10/25/1954 #11391 tablished in Brussels, Belgium, by Lucien Clarebaut. It publishes the journ 5/1971 #26090 theast of Brussels, Belgium Night. Lucien Clerebaut (secretary general of t 3/31/1990 #39503## Word: "luciene" (Back to Top)
. Fernando Mariano de Oliveira and Luciene da Cunha Lopes are in a townhous 1/2/1998 #43486## Word: "lucile" (Back to Top)
gton, D.C. Greenwich, Ohio Sisters Lucile and Allene Holt, daughters of Rev 1939? #1303## Word: "lucille" (Back to Top)
nois Bartlett, Illinois 12:30 a.m. Lucille Drzonek and her daughters, ages 3/7/1967 #21787## Word: "lucio" (Back to Top)
Hildo Lucio Galindo of Jardim Andere, Varginha 1/20/1996 #42697## Word: "lucius" (Back to Top)
14 pages. Interviews by Bloecher, Lucius Farish, and Mildred Higgins.) (NI Late 8/1946 #2159 ena. The service is largely run by Lucius Farish as co-editor in Plumervill 5/1969 #25104## Word: "lucjan" (Back to Top)
ns and the TV set reception fails. Lucjan Szomborg on the Hel-127 notices t 8/23/1979 #34768## Word: "luck" (Back to Top)
hunt for seashells, but he had no luck finding any, and after searching fo 7/27/1952 #7216 imulate the black spot, but has no luck. Where each leg of the machine rest 4/21/1967 #22194 rnal light followed a car with the Luck family of three through the rural c 5/7/1967 #22298 rant bright orange-yellow ball. No luck. 10/4/1971 #26406 s a definite risk of collision and luck played a part in missing it. 12/30/2018 #45553## Word: "luckey" (Back to Top)
ROCKFORD, IL Farmer Luckey. Shiny disk "electric clock" 500m 7/7/1947 #2896## Word: "luckless" (Back to Top)
r Force planes were scrambled in a luckless attempt to track down the objec 10/27/1975 #30477## Word: "lucksky" (Back to Top)
Michael, and retired policeman Jim Lucksky are boating on Candlewood Lake n 7/12/1983 #36909## Word: "lucky" (Back to Top)
e crew of the Daigo Fukuryu Maru ("Lucky Dragon No. 5"), a Japanese fishing 3/1/1954 #9589 with Japan. The irony of the name "Lucky Dragon" of the fishing boat was no 3/1/1954 #9589 Hopkinsville, Kentucky Elmer “Lucky” Sutton farmhouse Kelly Fort Campb 8/21/1955 #12386 es into the backyard of the Elmer “Lucky” Sutton farmhouse 7 miles north of 8/21/1955 #12386 Lucky Point Monroe City, Indiana A group 10/1/1980? #35552 y, Indiana A group of people go to Lucky Point, east of Monroe City, Indian 10/1/1980? #35552 LUCKY POINT, IN Cop. 30m black delta/tri 11/1/1980 #35603 eputy sheriff on routine patrol in Lucky Point, Indiana had stopped to rest 11/1/1980 #35608 LUCKY POINT, IN Black triangle stops 75m 5/20/1984 #37337 io static. Black triangle hovers / lucky point. Tingly sens. / r147. 1/1/1994 #41353 follow tornado and avoid planes / lucky point / 7 May. '95. 6/8/1995 #42243 three minutes a single witness in Lucky Point, Knox County, Indiana saw a 2/15/1999 #43729## Word: "lucon" (Back to Top)
LUCON, FR 2 teens. 20M saucer-cylinder/c 9/1963 #17925## Word: "lucy" (Back to Top)
George Adamski and two associates, Lucy McGinnis and Alice Wells, drive out 11/20/1952 #8306 n of Parker, Arizona. Adamski asks Lucy McGinnis, accompanied by Alfred Bai 11/20/1952 #8307 dsor, Vermont, Linda Kingsbury and Lucy Slothower notice two bright lights 4/15/1981 #35899 in England, two friends of author Lucy Pringle became ill with nausea, fat 7/9/1996 #42953## Word: "luczkowich" (Back to Top)
At 1:45 a.m. Mike Luczkowich, age 20, a student at Manakin 5/11/1969 #25128 s by climbing over the embankment. Luczkowich reported that the little men 5/11/1969 #25128 encounter until Sunday. On Monday Luczkowich and three other men returned 5/11/1969 #25128 es down in the field. According to Luczkowich, the crushed barley at one fl 5/11/1969 #25128## Word: "luda" (Back to Top)
LUDA = DALIEN, CH Big military alert. Ov 1/1968 (approximate) #23637## Word: "ludicrous" (Back to Top)
FO researcher Cynthia Hind notices ludicrous errors in the documents, not l 5/7/1989 #38938## Word: "ludington" (Back to Top)
Ludington, MI Fast-moving "comet with a 4/20/1949 #4095 NORTH / LUDINGTON, MI 3 / beach. Roar and hiss. 8/13/1952 #7564 LUDINGTON, MI 2 / truck. Silver disk rot 9/4/1952 #7843 OFF LUDINGTON USCG STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY, M 7/28/1978 #33432 Ludington, Michigan Lake Michigan Big Sa 7/28/1978 #33435 o Rivers, Wisconsin 11:45 p.m. The Ludington, Michigan, Coast Guard station 7/28/1978 #33435 inder/cigar-shape at 25° position. Ludington CG RADAR also has it. 7/29/1978 #33441 Ludington, Michigan Two Rivers, Wisconsi 7/29/1978 #33445 ight is seen by Coast Guard at the Ludington, Michigan, station. It has red 7/29/1978 #33445## Word: "ludlam" (Back to Top)
ceston, Tasmania. Capt. Douglas G. Ludlam and Capt. Joseph W. Ivins say it 11/15/1960 #16505## Word: "ludlow" (Back to Top)
LUDLOW, MASS Silver saucer over Minnecha 4/16/1950 #4854 Ludlow Museum Llandrindod Wells, Powys, 7/22/1966 #20668 p.m. W. J. Norton, curator of the Ludlow Museum, and his family see a UFO 7/22/1966 #20668 LUDLOW, ENGL A. Ibbotsen and more/others 11/10/1972 #27114 LUDLOW, VT 1 observer. Whistle. Domed de 10/1978 #33785## Word: "ludmilla" (Back to Top)
eople, including nuclear physicist Ludmilla Ivanova, videotape the event fr 8/24/1990 #39701## Word: "ludwig" (Back to Top)
d nothing. The following night, Ed Ludwig (of Stockton, CA) while on watch 6/1944 #1597 Palmyra Atoll Edward W. Ludwig is commanding a small, Coast Guar 6/1944 #1602 y. Also in attendance are Heinrich Ludwig, Nikolai Zhirov, Igor Bestuzhev-L 5/17/1967 #22369 During the afternoon of this day Ludwig Pallmann felt a burning sensation 1/15/1969 #24849 ad 201 Sundown, Manitoba 6:00 a.m. Ludwig Siegal is driving on Provincial R 3/4/1977 #31858## Word: "ludwiger" (Back to Top)
any Future ufologist Illobrand von Ludwiger sees an object like a black pla Summer 1945 #1882 al topics. Edited by Illobrand von Ludwiger in Feldkirchen-Westerham, Bavar 1975 #29678 th title is published in 2009. Von Ludwiger publishes two further monograph 1975 #29678 positions. Ufologist Illobrand von Ludwiger’s group MUFON-Central European 8/24/1990 #39701 es, German ufologist Illobrand von Ludwiger, CUFOS director Mark Rodeghier, 9/29/1997 #43420## Word: "lue" (Back to Top)
Note: In 2021, former AATIP head Lue Elizondo was asked about Zodiac, to 7/31/1999 #43815 Lue Elizondo is asked at a Scientific Co 3/15/2019 #45567 hile he is at To The Stars Academy Lue Elizondo states on a public radio pr 7/19/2020 #45653 firming the existence of AATIP and Lue Elizondo’s leadership role within th 4/26/2021 #45684 eer states Daniel Sheehan told him Lue Elizondo informed Sheehan he was in 5/19/2021 #45690 Former AATIP director Lue Elizondo states some “elements'' of 5/26/2021 #45691 Former AATIP director Lue Elizondo states the following when a 6/10/2021 #45693 rt states a source of his told him Lue Elizondo was a liaison of the SAPOC, 6/29/2021 #45698 Lue Eilzondo states he did not come acro 9/2/2021 #45706 Attorney for AATIP head Lue Elizondo, Daniel Sheehan, makes publ 10/2021 #45713 Former AATIP head Lue Elizondo states in an interview that 10/21/2021 #45717 attempt to bait and capture a UAP. Lue Elizondo also states UAP baiting occ 3/18/2022 #45741 Lue Elizondo states he is employed at U. 8/23/2022 #45764 Lue Elizondo states a USO encounter occu 9/2022 #45768 Lue Elizondo suggests to Thiel Capital m 10/13/2022 #45774## Word: "lue-dolan-transcript" (Back to Top)
o silence. https://www.ufojoe.net/lue-dolan-transcript/ Note: Elizondo 5/26/2021 #45691## Word: "luebben" (Back to Top)
Lulu Luebben reported that the horses on her 6/2/1970 #25688## Word: "lueelizondo" (Back to Top)
-elizondo/ * https://twitter.com/LueElizondo/status/1524886105203564570?s 6/2008 #45144## Word: "luehman" (Back to Top)
rector of Information Gen. Arno H. Luehman naively inquires of the McClella 2/28/1958 #14896 nformation Services Maj. Gen. Arno Luehman writes he had informal discussio 2/28/1958 #14899 Gen. Joe W. Kelly responds to Luehman, falsely stating that the Air Fo 3/3/1958 #14916 cker, Hynek, and Maj. Gen. Arno H. Luehman. CIA officers Richard Payne and 7/15/1960 #16337## Word: "luffenham" (Back to Top)
RAF North Luffenham RAF Gaydon North Warwickshire, 10/21/1957 #14139 a training exercise from RAF North Luffenham [now St. George’s Barracks] wh 10/21/1957 #14139## Word: "lufkin" (Back to Top)
WEST / LUFKIN, TX 3M saucer follows car. 50° tu 4/20/1950 #4874 Lufkin, Texas Jack Robertson was driviug 4/20/1950 #4876 on was driving about 13 km west of Lufkin, Texas when he saw a round object 4/20/1950 #4877 east Texas Tyler Lufkin Midnight. A green fireball shoots 2/13/1955 #11999 c arc,” passing from Tyler towards Lufkin. 2/13/1955 #11999## Word: "luforo" (Back to Top)
ins publishing a monthly magazine, LUFORO Bulletin. 12/1959 #16105## Word: "luforu" (Back to Top)
ing the RDB as a cover. * http://luforu.org/smith-department-of-transport 1/31/1948 #3568## Word: "luftansa" (Back to Top)
s flight path from north to south. Luftansa Flight 401, 120 miles south of 3/17/1975 #29905## Word: "lufthansa" (Back to Top)
In air space, Iran A Lufthansa airliner flying over the north 7/16/1978 #33387 A Lufthansa airliner flying over the north 7/16/1978 #33391 Lufthansa and TWA airliner crews flying 11/21/1978 #33975 DACHSTEIN ALPS, AUSTRIA KLM and Lufthansa and more/others. Grey sphere/o 5/7/1980 #35309 t of sight. At 5:50 p.m., a German Lufthansa airliner comes in close contac 5/7/1980 #35315 Long Island, NY Lufthansa 405 / Boc Flight 226 (NICAP: 1 11/17/1995 #42602## Word: "luftolde" (Back to Top)
a province, Argentina truck driver Luftolde Rodriguez was making a delivery 9/28/1972 #27038## Word: "luggage" (Back to Top)
ball check valves into the rooftop luggage rack of his Volkswagen van and d 3/27/1974 #28961 A few of the balls rolled off the luggage rack and were not retrieved. Ske 3/27/1974 #28961 lifts car / 90 min. Tires popped. Luggage gone. Ash. / r41p232. 1/20/1988 #38418 d scratches on the roof, and their luggage that had been strapped to the ro 1/20/1988 #38423## Word: "lugo" (Back to Top)
ezuela Evangelic Pastor Estanislao Lugo Contreras was at the shore when he 8/8/1967 #22846 uela Evangelical pastor Estanislao Lugo Contreras is on the shore at Catia 8/8/1967 #22847 Evangelical Pastor Estanislao Lugo Contreras was at the shore in Salin 8/8/1967 #22849 Hombreiro, Lugo, Spain Blinding yellow-green object 3/30/1974 #28971 Hombreiro, Lugo, Spain Blinding light from hovering 3/30/1974 #28972 Ombreiro, Lugo, Spain 9:30 p.m. Motorists are blin 3/30/1974 #28973 ground along a road near Ombreiro, Lugo, Spain. Car engines fail, headlight 3/30/1974 #28973 LUGO, SPN Several separate report(s). Sa 11/23/1995 #42620 ject flashing at low altitude over Lugo, Leon, Spain at 8:30 p.m. No figure 11/23/1995 #42621 euver over the military arsenal in Lugo, Leon, Spain beginning at 8:30 p.m. 11/28/1995 #42627 en in some woods east of Villalba, Lugo, Spain. Then a 25 foot in diameter 1/29/1996 #42727 LUGO, SPAIN Car levitated. Set down acro 2/27/1996 #42783 was levitated by a UFO or UFOs in Lugo, Spain and put down on the opposite 2/27/1996 #42786 anuel Castro Gonzalo in Ferreiras, Lugo, Spain was getting ready to retire 3/7/1996 #42815 ight then moved toward the Ruperto Lugo sector of the city, where it made a 8/28/2003 #44585## Word: "lugrin" (Back to Top)
LUGRIN, FR 2 small humanoids (or Greys) 8/23/1954 #10166 Lugrin, near Thonon, France Elise Blanc 8/23/1954 #10169 looked like an aluminum trailer in Lugrin, France. Standing close to it wer 8/23/1954 #10172## Word: "luigi" (Back to Top)
:00 a.m. Italian artist and author Luigi Rapuzzi (who uses the pseudonym L. 8/14/1947 #3330## Word: "luino" (Back to Top)
LUINO, ITL Saucer passes over / range of 10/15/1954 #11079 Luino, Italy An ovoid object made a pass 10/15/1954 #11101 In Luino, Italy an ovoid object made a pass 10/15/1954 #11117## Word: "luipaardsvlei" (Back to Top)
Luipaardsvlei mine near Krugersdorp, Gau 11/1/1957 #14189 5 a.m. More than 50 workers at the Luipaardsvlei mine near Krugersdorp, Gau 11/1/1957 #14189## Word: "luis" (Back to Top)
st Caryl Parker Haskins, physicist Luis Walter Alvarez, physicist William S 7/3/1946 #2025 orologist Florence Van Straten and Luis Walter Alvarez, the inventor of Gro Spring 1948 #3593 . Domed saucer going [to] over San Luis valley to mountain peak. Silent. 11/20/1952 #8303 P. Robertson, Samuel A. Goudsmit, Luis Walter Alvarez, and Thornton Leigh 1/14/1953 #8539 T, L. ALVAREZ, Sam Goudsmit, Prof. Luis Alvarez, Dr. Lloyd Berkner and Prof 1/26/1953 #8568 , Spain Morning. Victoriano Maeso, Luis Brugeda, and Francisco Huertos are 12/3/1954 #11754 San Carlos, Venezuela Jésus Paz, Luis Mejia, and another young man are dr 12/16/1954 #11823 Landers, California San Luis Obispo Los Angeles At the third Gia 4/28/1956 #12817 o stations (KATY [now KYNS] of San Luis Obispo and KBIA of Los Angeles) go 4/28/1956 #12817 SAN LUIS, AZ Saucer follows Air Force bomber 8/1956 #13037 Maracaibo, Venezuela Agriculturist Luis Petriera, along with several others 3/23/1957 #13557 Caracas, Venezuela Luis E. Corrales of Caracas, Venezuela, 12/18/1957 #14747 Luis Da Silva saw a "red hot" colored di 4/25/1959 #15713 Luis Da Silva had seen a red colored dis 4/26/1959 #15714 At 3:00 a.m. Luis G. Ferre Casas, age 33, and two oth 1/6/1961 #16564 n different directions. Navy Capt. Luis Sanchez Moreno, chief of intelligen 5/12/1962 #17165 Camba Punat Airport, Argentina Luis Harvey, airport manager, and his st 8/2/1962 #17316 orrientes province, Argentina. Sr. Luis Harvey, airport manager, and his st 8/2/1962 #17318 Austrian ufologist Luis Schoenherr offers a paranormal expl 3/1963 #17689 , Argentina 10:55 p.m. Astronomers Luis Ferro and Renato Matteassi at the S 9/14/1964 #18552 ndez; and future Mexican President Luis Echeverría. The power only fails as 9/23/1965 #19591 rby ammunition dump. Motorist José Luis Jordán Peña gets a close, extended 2/6/1966 #19888 é de Valderas The UFO seen by José Luis Jordán Peña in Aluche, Madrid, Spai 6/1/1967 #22448 Angel Fojo Ceballos and Capt. José Luis Espejo are flying an Aeronaves de M 8/6/1967 #22830 San Luis Valley, Colorado Great Sand Dunes N 9/9/1967 #23026 of the Harry King Ranch in the San Luis Valley, Colorado, just south of Gre 9/9/1967 #23026 le mutilations to occur in the San Luis Valley. 9/15/1967 #23070 SOUTH LUIS DEL PALMAR, ARG UFO going quickly. 6/29/1968 #24094 On this evening in San Luis de Palmar, Corrientes, Argentina on 6/29/1968 #24095 LUIS A.SAUCE, ARG 2 / road. 2 cones play 8/24/1968 #24373 assununga, Sao Paolo state, Brazil Luis Flozinho De Oliveira, a farm worker 2/12/1969 #24915 und their necks. At first stunned, Luis fought back effectively, knocking t 2/12/1969 #24915 a strange language. They then told Luis in perfect Portuguese that they wer 2/12/1969 #24915 Luis Renato Matos, a schoolteacher, was 8/19/1969 #25324 Pelotas, Rio Grande de Sul, Brazil Luis do Rosário Real founds the Sociedad 1972 #26532 Luis Bracamonte, a truck driver, saw a s 3/16/1972 #26606 tired US Army official at Camp San Luis Obispo that information of a crashe 1974 #28633 ronics plant in Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo County, California; it made 5/15/1974 #29107 time in another part of the city, Luis Barroso Fernandes is preparing to t 4/3/1976 #30983 ozal, Puerto Rico 3:30 p.m. Farmer Luis Sandoval, 74, is resting in a hammo 9/4/1977 #32460 NEAR SAN LUIS, ARG 4 observer(s). Silent 20M sauc 2/4/1978 #32948 air. Capt. Antony Wood of the San Luis Obispo Sheriff’s Department also se 3/16/1978 #33043 Scrub forest Serme Hospital in São Luis Just after 12:00 noon. Luis Carlos 3/24/1978 #33078 in São Luis Just after 12:00 noon. Luis Carlos Serra, 16, is picking guava 3/24/1978 #33078 erred to the Serme Hospital in São Luis, where 6 doctors examine him, inclu 3/24/1978 #33078 SAN LUIS PROV, ARG Squad / 40 saucers circle 5/4/1978 #33186 accident near Villa Mercedes, San Luis province, Argentina about 100 city 5/4/1978 #33187 San Luis province, Argentina A squadron of 4 5/7/1978 #33192 ens of times in formation over San Luis province, Argentina, in the midst o 5/7/1978 #33192 NEAR SAN LUIS, ARG Small humanoids (or Greys) giv 8/30/1978 #33594 San Juan and San Luis (btn), Argentina Two men, Srs. De C 8/31/1978 #33607 at night between San Juan and San Luis on Highway 147 in Argentina when th 8/31/1978 #33609 Uruguay. At 12:40 a.m. 19-year-old Luis Vital Carneiro was returning home a 4/20/1980 #35281 urred in both Malaysia and the San Luis Valley of Colorado. At dusk in Moff 6/5/1980 #35355 San Luis Reservoir, Merced County, CA The co 4/4/1981 #35885 SAN LUIS RESERVOIR, CA Plane invisible / RAD 4/8/1981 #35886 San Luis Reservoir, California 3:00 a.m. A p 4/8/1981 #35887 r PA-28-181 Archer II near the San Luis Reservoir, California, when a bulle 4/8/1981 #35887 instructor, while flying over San Luis Reservoir, Merced County, Californi 4/8/1981 #35888 SOUTH LUIS DEL PALMAR, ARG Flash. Trucker wake 12/10/1981 #36254 San Luis Del Palmar, Arg A 42-year old Ruben 12/15/1981 #36256 In San Luis del Palmar, Corrientes Province, Ar 12/15/1981 #36259 a large tree in Ciudad Valles, San Luis Potosi State, Mexico. Several gigan 9/13/1986 #38027 At 2:00 a.m. Luis Javier Mango was on his way to his 8/31/1990 #39707 dório 6:30 p.m. Military Policeman Luis Ribeiro and a colleague are hunting 3/5/1992 #40358 A military policeman, Luis Ribeiro de Oliveira and his friend 3/5/1992 #40359 d behind some nearby bushes, while Luis ran towards town with the light cha 3/5/1992 #40359 he light chasing close behind him. Luis could see that the light now resemb 3/5/1992 #40359 Pedro watched in terror as he saw Luis being taken up into the light. Pedr 3/5/1992 #40359 taken up into the light. Pedro saw Luis enter the round light and then it s 3/5/1992 #40359 area. However, was unable to find Luis anywhere in the area, so he ran to 3/5/1992 #40359 ad just happened. Five hours later Luis appeared in town and told Pedro wha 3/5/1992 #40359 all pyramid shaped object and told Luis that it was a model of their "templ 3/5/1992 #40359 of their "temple." The aliens told Luis that they were here on Earth lookin 3/5/1992 #40359 round caves and tunnels worldwide. Luis was then placed inside a gas-filled 3/5/1992 #40359 o speak with the other aliens, and Luis lost consciousness again. When he w 3/5/1992 #40359 gun, and then walked back to town. Luis described the humanoids as short wi 3/5/1992 #40359 e their leader spoke to the others Luis felt a sharp pain in his head. All 3/5/1992 #40359 City, Florida 3:51 a.m. Patrolman Luis Delgado has just checked the doors 3/20/1992 #40394 San Luis Valley, CO Numerous sightings in Sa 11/1992 #40698 n Baca Grande, Colorado in the San Luis Valley, at 10:30 p.m. The last memo 11/25/1992 #40730 Colorado on Highway 17 in the San Luis Valley. It headed off toward the so 2/24/1993 #40858 ish communications technician José Luis Jordán Peña confesses for the first 4/1993 #40920 dow in the town of Baca in the San Luis Valley of Colorado. A beam of red l 8/5/1993 #41108 halets, Saguache County in the San Luis Valley, Colorado had been watching 8/20/1993 #41148 a start in Baca Chalets in the San Luis Valley of Colorado. She looked out 11/18/1993 #41284 Mexico-Colorado border in the San Luis Valley of Colorado when a craft sud 10/28/1994 #41816 ed in the western sky over the San Luis Valley. Healing arts students comin 2/10/1996 #42756 trous red light" flew over the San Luis Valley at a high altitude. 5/4/1996 #42893 ylinder/cigar-shape going [to] San Luis valley. No wings. Absolute(ly) sile 10/10/1996 #43062 ca Rach and Highway 66T in the San Luis Valley, Colorado the author Christo 10/26/1996 #43097 the Villa de Reyes highway in San Luis Potosi, Mexico when he began to see 8/5/1997 #43369 over the northeast end of the San Luis Valley, and was viewed from Baca Gr 9/11/1997 #43406 guache County, Colorado in the San Luis Valley a witness reported seeing a 12/14/1997 #43461 Rua Luis Augusto Ferreira Capão Redondo neig 1/2/1998 #43486 opes are in a townhouse on the Rua Luis Augusto Ferreira in the Capão Redon 1/2/1998 #43486 le valley." According to ufologist Luis Sanchez Perry, "They call the UFOs 5/16/1998 #43568 Luis Cuesta Trinidad and a woman friend 8/24/1998 #43637 icing the flashlight being held by Luis. It took off running in a strange f 8/24/1998 #43637 wo taxi drivers, Walter Ortega and Luis Rodolfo Aguero were working the lat 7/11/2000 #44014 arela, Argentina. Around 3:30 a.m. Luis was sleeping when Walter went outsi 7/11/2000 #44014 on the Trinchera Ranch in the San Luis Valley. A humanoid was seen outside 12/17/2000 #44104 ortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, including Luis Carlos Prima, reported seeing a lar 8/1/2001 #44217 Pentagon Luis Elizondo, an employee of the Office 2008 #45106 ater disclosed by AAWSAP personnel Luis Elizondo and James Lacatski that AA 6/2008 #45144 S. near Nipomo, California in San Luis Obispo County at 10:10 p.m. 4/17/2010 #45274 arnaude, admitted Ummo hoaxer José Luis Jordán Peña elaborates on the reaso 11/5/2010 #45305 ad of the Pentagon’s AATIP Program Luis Elizondo. TTSA never mentions the 12/2015 #45441 as investigating UFOs. It employs Luis Elizondo as a key investigator. Its 9/2017 #45480 Pentagon Luis Elizondo resigns from his Pentagon 10/4/2017 #45483 er OUSD(I) employee and AATIP head Luis Elizondo, among others unnamed, to 10/26/2017 #45488 advisors Christopher K. Mellon and Luis Elizondo left the company in 2020. 10/26/2017 #45488 Luis Elizondo states on CNN that he beli 12/19/2017 #45495 at least one confirmed member, Dr. Luis W. Alvarez, is allegedly linked to 4/25/2019 #45572 ustification for dropping advisors Luis Elizondo, Stephen Justice, and Chri 2/17/2021 #45677 ETCs. The project, which includes Luis Elizondo, Christopher Mellon, Nick 7/26/2021 #45700## Word: "luis's" (Back to Top)
th fled into the thick underbrush. Luis's dog “rolled up into a ball on the 2/12/1969 #24915## Word: "luisa" (Back to Top)
USS SOUTH LUISA, PUNA ISLAND, ECUADOR Observer(s) 8/3/1952 #7428 Santa Luisa Rio Guayas Isla Puná Ecuador 3:00 8/3/1952 #7435 master sergeant on the ship Santa Luisa observes three round, flat, metall 8/3/1952 #7435 the description by Professor Maria Luisa de Amaya, it had the form of two d 12/28/1954 #11869 a high degree of purity.” Chemist Luisa Maria A. Barbosa, who conducts a s Early 9/1957 #13971 Maria, and his 25-year-old sister, Luisa, observed a silvery disk, the appa 6/26/1962 #17248 a flying disc earlier that night, Luisa Peregozzo awoke to an intense cold 6/26/1962 #17249## Word: "luisi" (Back to Top)
Pvts. Martin Fensterman and Frank Luisi, on security patrol near Killeen B 3/6/1949 #4035## Word: "luiz" (Back to Top)
rmando Braulino, pilot Cmdr. Pedro Luiz Teixeira, steward, radio operator, 11/21/1954 #11683 cu, Para State, Brazil 26-year-old Luiz Gomes Freitas de Vale had a close e 11/28/1978 #34018 ongas, Paraná, Brazil Pilot Manoel Luiz Christóvão, flying a small plane ab 5/2/1989 #38935## Word: "luiziana" (Back to Top)
ampina do Amoral Colônia Goio-Bang Luiziana Mamboré Paraná Brazil José C. H 7/23/1947 #3218 Colônia Goio-Bang, located between Luiziana and Mamboré, Paraná, Brazil. On 7/23/1947 #3218## Word: "lujan" (Back to Top)
NEAR LUJAN, ARG 3+cops. Large luminous saucer 5/24/1965 #18957 cles and landing on a hilltop. The Lujan police sent a patrol, under Comm. 5/24/1965 #18960 cles and landing on a hilltop. The Lujan police sent a patrol, under Comm. 5/24/1965 #18965 At 11:00 p.m. local time Eduardo Lujan Yacobi and his wife, Teresa Ernest 8/20/1965 #19444 untered two people on the beach in Lujan, Mendoza, Argentina that he first 6/30/1968 #24097 LUJAN, ARG Glowing-ball sways 4M overhea 8/31/1968 #24405 WEST / LUJAN, ARG Trucker / N7. Mist and saucer 3/16/1972 #26605 ose Maria Trejo and Juan Carrizosa Lujan were on sentry duty at Talavera La 11/12/1976 #31540 "landed" back on the highway near Lujan de Cuyo, about 9 kilometers (5.5 m 7/6/1978 #33346 n empty lot in the neighborhood of Lujan de Cuyo, the city of Santa Ines, M 9/19/1979 #34902## Word: "lujua" (Back to Top)
LUJUA, SPAIN 2 observer(s). 3 2M luminou 10/18/1976 #31476## Word: "lukachukai" (Back to Top)
10 MI NORTHWEST / LUKACHUKAI, AZ 3+3 observer(s). Night li 8/10/1982 #36564## Word: "lukasek" (Back to Top)
rk, Illinois Two policemen, Joseph Lukasek and Clifford Schau, and a third 11/4/1957 #14280 e policemen (Clifford Shaw, Joseph Lukasek, and Dan Diglovanni) see a brigh 11/4/1957 #14285## Word: "luke" (Back to Top)
same angle above the horizon. Cpl. Luke Sims is able to run 10 paces to a f 3/8/1949 #4041 hovers. Going quickly [to] 700mph. Luke Air Force Base / 0400h. Very fast s 8/4/1952 #7439 Luke AFB (130 miles W of), AZ Three F-84 3/3/1953 #8725 Glendale, AZ March 3, 1953; Luke AFB, Glendale, AR. Contrail (NICAP: 3/3/1953 #8726 Luke AFB near Glendale, Arizona Blythe, 3/3/1953 #8727 00th Fighter Training Group out of Luke AFB near Glendale, Arizona, is an i 3/3/1953 #8727 SAF F-84 fighter jet flying out of Luke AFB near Quartzite, Arizona filmed 3/3/1953 #8728 Kansas Colorado Las Vegas, Nevada Luke AFB near Phoenix, Arizona Nephi, Ut 4/18/1962 #17120 evada. Fighters are scrambled from Luke AFB near Phoenix, Arizona, and the 4/18/1962 #17120 Police officers Creel and Luke had a close encounter with a UFO in 2/11/1977 #31811 NEAR LUKE AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 1 / truck. Flami 10/8/1995 #42540 A witness in a truck near Luke Air Force Base outside of Phoenix, 10/8/1995 #42541 performing flight operations from Luke A.F.B. dropping flares, and this ma 3/13/1997 #43230 Arizona Luke AFB near Glendale, Arizona Arizona 6/19/1997 #43331 information from the commander of Luke AFB near Glendale, Arizona, the gen 6/19/1997 #43331## Word: "lukens" (Back to Top)
nnsylvania. Several workers at the Lukens Steel Company plant saw a disc-sh 6/10/1992 #40491## Word: "lukin" (Back to Top)
n, including some young boys named Lukin, Levchenko, and Borise watched a l 9/21/1989 #39115## Word: "lulea" (Back to Top)
NORTHWEST / LULEA, SWD 3 / truck. 1M man by road / o 8/19/1970 #25794 SOUTHEAST / LULEA, SWEDEN Glowing-sphere/orb/globe c 9/5/1980 #35497## Word: "luleå" (Back to Top)
Luleå, Sweden Day. Mauritz Löugren and a 11/5/1965? #19701 back and forth for 20 minutes over Luleå, Sweden. It disappears silently to 11/5/1965? #19701 al Palacec in Stockholm Kiruna and Luleå airports west of Stockholm A milit 1/17/2022 #45734 ockholm, as well as the Kiruna and Luleå airports. A police helicopter is s 1/17/2022 #45734## Word: "luling" (Back to Top)
ad San Marcos, Texas Interstate 35 Luling San Antonio Redwood Road 4:15 a.m 9/18/1968 #24479 lows it along Interstate 35 toward Luling and San Antonio, and at Redwood R 9/18/1968 #24479## Word: "lull" (Back to Top)
olence from the aliens is a con to lull us into complacency and hide their 1/1998 #43482## Word: "lulled" (Back to Top)
P air safety issue for decades and lulled Congress, the American public and 12/21/1958 #15495## Word: "lulls" (Back to Top)
the “Navy report is erroneous. It lulls people into a false sense of secur 2/25/1951 #5458## Word: "lulu" (Back to Top)
Lulu Luebben reported that the horses on 6/2/1970 #25688## Word: "lumbar" (Back to Top)
ed headaches, and back pain in his lumbar region for eight days. The witnes 9/21/1972 #27022 d from lack of appetite, weakness, lumbar back pain, and leg pain. There wa 2/11/1980 #35170## Word: "lumber" (Back to Top)
E. Draughon, a night watchman at a lumber plant in Beaumont, Texas, sees a 4/17/1897 #522## Word: "lumbering" (Back to Top)
ching his shoulder. It moved “in a lumbering and slow moving” manner. 8/1/1955 #12318## Word: "lumberjack" (Back to Top)
ter the US Army launches Operation Lumberjack to cross the Rhine River, the 3/12/1945 #1811 rvi, Finland 4:45 p.m. Two skiers, lumberjack Aarno Heinonen and farmer Esk 1/7/1970 #25540## Word: "lumberman" (Back to Top)
SILVER LAKE, WA Lumberman. Silver ball purrs. Reflects s 7/12/1947 #3143## Word: "lumbermen" (Back to Top)
CORTES BAY, BC Lumbermen. Big roar. 20 disks twist and 8/21/1947 #3356 MT. RAINIER, WA Lumbermen. 2 silver soup-bowl saucers. 1 7/10/1957 #13784## Word: "lumberton" (Back to Top)
LUMBERTON, NC Blue Book. Saucer hits chi 8/6/1952 #7475 West Lumberton, North Carolina 9:00 p.m. Jame 8/6/1952 #7490 ke the chimney of his home in West Lumberton, North Carolina. It crashes in 8/6/1952 #7490 uck the chimney of a house in West Lumberton, North Carolina, breaking it, 8/6/1952 #7493 LUMBERTON, NC 5 separate observer(s). 30 8/27/1952 #7746 At 12:30 a.m. in Lumberton, North Carolina a 30-foot wide 8/27/1952 #7756 LUMBERTON, NC 4 observer(s). 60m firebal 10/31/1957 #14169 Lumberton, NC Car motor failed as UFO ob 10/31/1957 #14172 Lumberton, North Carolina 8:00 p.m. Barb 10/31/1957 #14176 and another couple are driving in Lumberton, North Carolina, when they spo 10/31/1957 #14176 That evening in Lumberton, North Carolina a car engine f 10/31/1957 #14178 e that a family of four called the Lumberton County Sheriff's dispatcher to 12/29/1974 #29661 elmet" in the Forest Acres area of Lumberton, North Carolina. The figure wo 12/29/1974 #29661 LUMBERTON, NC 3 cops / 2 separate cars. 4/3/1975 #29936 Lumberton, NC 1:45 a.m. . The first sigh 4/3/1975 #29944 Lumberton, NC 2:05 a.m. Two sheriff depu 4/3/1975 #29945 Lumberton, NC 11:47 p.m. A Sheriff's dep 4/3/1975 #29950 Lumberton, NC Concentration of sightings 4/3/1975 #29951 Lumberton, North Carolina Some 57 separa 4/3/1975 #29952 aped UFOs occur in the area around Lumberton, North Carolina. Many cases in 4/3/1975 #29952 d again in the evening centered on Lumberton, North Carolina. The first sig 4/3/1975 #29953 na. The first sighting occurred in Lumberton at 1:45 a.m. on Highway 301 wh 4/3/1975 #29953 US74 8 MILE(S) WEST / LUMBERTON, NC Minister. Luminous/glowing 4/4/1975 #29958 SOUTH / LUMBERTON, NC Also 4, 6, 8, 9 April. Kni 4/4/1975 #29960 SOUTH / LUMBERTON, NC Delta/triangle/box-like cr 4/8/1975 #29981 Lumberton, NC 2:30 a.m. A delta-shaped U 4/9/1975 #29982 over a house three miles south of Lumberton, and all the lights in the hou 4/9/1975 #29982 dated May 4, 1975; Jennie Zeidman, Lumberton Report: UFO Activity in southe 4/9/1975 #29982 over a house three miles south of Lumberton, North Carolina at 2:30 a.m., 4/9/1975 #29983 Lumberton, OH Alleged skirmish between U Spring 1977 #31919## Word: "lumberyard" (Back to Top)
WILMINGTON, CA 24M UFO low over lumberyard. Watchman fires 6 shots. Dark 7/19/1967 #22698 car. 18' sombrero saucer hovers / lumberyard. 'Band' lights up. Going quic 10/18/1996 #43080## Word: "lumbin" (Back to Top)
LUMBIN, ISERE Cone lands / yard. 2M high 9/24/1975 #30383## Word: "lumieres" (Back to Top)
disks seen. No further details. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) # 6/6/1744 #67 Dark cloud rises and splits / 2. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) # 12/11/1950 #5337 les / 17km altitude. Jets chase. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) # 9/23/1951 #5681 s nose / F94. Seen 15 second(s). / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) # 6/17/1952 #6519 rver(s). Disk goes over village. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) L 7/25/1954 #10048 0M altitude. Lands behind trees. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) # 10/5/1954 #10720 emp paralyzed and gasps for air. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris.) 10/7/1954 #10774 nd on radar. No further details. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) p 11/3/1954 #11545 server(s) flees. Gone on return. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) A 7/1956 #12938 , *U* Database, case #7772, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue #204) (NICA 1966 #19793 ust. (Weinstein, 1999, p. 34, from Lumieres Dan La Nuit, No. 125) (NICAP: 0 4/29/1966 #20426 . Going quickly north. / r24v4#2+/ Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) # 8/5/1967 #22811 zigzags and emits orange sparks. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) p 7/23/1968 #24211 BELFORT MOUNTAINS, FR Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) t 3/23/1974 #28930 ground as bright as day. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, March 1976). (NIC 6/27/1975 #30125 nce. It had two antennae. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, March 1976). (NIC 6/27/1975 #30126 ssault-sur-Loire, France. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, February 1977). ( 11/4/1975 #30552 zed after the encounter. (Sources: Lumieres dans la Nuit, September 1976; M 11/15/1975 #30625 way toward the southeast. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, May 1976). (NICAP 12/18/1975 #30723 m. when a car approached. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, May 1976). (NICAP 12/24/1975 #30736 aight up in the sky fast. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, January 1979). (N 1/1/1976 #30753 case 1976-02, citing Michel Levy, Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 159). (NI 1/5/1976 #30760 aux, September 1976, p. 12, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 163). (NICA 3/2/1976 #30916 off toward the southwest. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, October 1976). (N 3/27/1976 #30959 ped) followed and confronted him. (Lumieres dans La Nuit No. 169, November 10/24/1976 #31492 of persistent headaches. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 317). (NICA 1/18/1977 #31727 s at the end of the beam. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, January 1978). (N 5/23/1977 #32125 m of light to the ground. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, May 1978). (NICAP 7/18/1977 #32291 on the roof of the house. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, November 1979). ( 7/22/1977 #32301 ray uniforms and helmets. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, November 1980, is 7/24/1977 #32308 and shot away very fast. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, February 1979). ( 1/5/1979 #34299 gone in a split second. (Sources: Lumieres dans la Nuit, February 1979) (N 1/8/1979 #34318 rience lasted 50 minutes. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 317). (NICA 3/26/1983 #36814 article in the French UFO magazine Lumieres dans la Nuit, at 12:10 a.m. all 7/19/1990 #39652 ss sky fast. No further details. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) p 8/19/1990 #39692 l low and slow. Goes over house. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) p 10/21/1990 #39802 second(s). Steadily going east. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) p 7/14/1993 #41067## Word: "luminance" (Back to Top)
loser look but under the brilliant luminance he was not able to make out an 11/2/1971 #26450## Word: "luminescence" (Back to Top)
id, prolate spheroids with a green luminescence. Their brightness changes c 7/31/1933 #1169 inous, with firefly-like sparks of luminescence everywhere. The fireball bu 11/29/1957 #14638 at a little distance by an aura of luminescence. "If wearing clothes, they 6/26/1959 #15791 gine to stall. Its brilliant white luminescence changed colors from red to 8/14/1965 #19392 n shot upwards while increasing in luminescence. 10/20/1973 #28221 ing gear. It had patches of orange luminescence on top with a white light u 1/7/1974 #28661 e object gave off a brilliant blue luminescence and the witness felt a sens 2/19/1975 #29828 ina saw three UFOs with pale green luminescence and a metallic appearance a 6/1/1978 #33248 . The light beam leaves a trail of luminescence for several hundred yards. 1/1980 #35120 le yellow and surrounded by a hazy luminescence. The object movres t the no 8/2/1989 #39042## Word: "luminescent" (Back to Top)
Normandy, France Luminescent discus-shaped object. (Page 6/1944 #1598 sky. They look like cigars and are luminescent white in front and bluish-wh 10/10/1946 #2202 Easton, PA Physicist watched 3 luminescent greenish discs cross sky. [U Summer 1948 #3677 sicist Carl A. Mitchell sees three luminescent greenish discs, one second a Summer 1948 #3680 Ambridge, PA Formation of 8 white luminescent rotating spherical objects ( 12/17/1948 #3932 orts are a dark smoky gray but not luminescent. The object hovers in an alm 7/1950 #5035 craft had been and found a sort of luminescent stream that was falling to t 10/14/1954 #11041 on goes out, but the water remains luminescent for a while before fading ou 1958 #14783 craft. He wore a blue coverall and luminescent heelless boots, and had a ba 11/23/1958 #15456 e UFOnaut wore a blue coverall and luminescent heelless boots, and had a ba 11/23/1958 #15457 car's engine. Its brilliant white luminescent glow changed to red, then to 8/15/1965 #19402 ge and the other blue giving off a luminescent light. He then heard an Engl 11/9/1965 #19708 ineer named Scott sighted a round, luminescent object the size of a dime at 2/27/1967 #21678 d light at the front and it left a luminescent trail. They watched it for f 5/2/1967 #22266 n western Russia when he notices a luminescent, milky-white disc descending 9/1967 #22972 ese were on a line of eight bluish luminescent rectangles on the ground in 3/5/1971 #26044 ion from the clothing, a one-piece luminescent bluish-green tight fitting c 9/27/1972 #27035 d in a tight one-piece coverall of luminescent blue-green color, identical 9/28/1972 #27038 ort of a triangle—or delta-shaped, luminescent greenish light following us. 10/10/1974 #29512 i, India, when it encounters three luminescent discs that fly past, circle 1/11/1977 #31717 traight ahead of the ship, a white luminescent sphere rises up from the wat 6/15/1978 #33280 appears behind the forest, but the luminescent cloud remains in the sky for 2/19/1982 #36356 ell as its gun-metal color and the luminescent mist surrounding it. A red l 4/1/1982 #36427 d, domed object, blue in color and luminescent. They see it land, then thei 8/15/1986 #37992 off the shore of Riccione, Italy a luminescent object of ovoid shape. Durin 6/16/1987 #38191 yellow light, had a series of red luminescent portholes, and a white base. 1/12/1989 #38779 t up into a cloud the cloud became luminescent. 6/5/1991 #40084## Word: "luminesence" (Back to Top)
arente, France were lit by and odd luminesence. At 9:00 p.m. a red disc-sha 1/5/1970 #25536## Word: "luminosities" (Back to Top)
t. The object had segmented orange luminosities glowing from compartments o 10/22/1978 #33858## Word: "luminosity" (Back to Top)
ud buzzing sound and increasing in luminosity. Ground traces were found at 10/16/1959 #16035 eady to land in a wooded area. Its luminosity was variable. 8/7/1963 #17876 sh camera. The object increased in luminosity as it took off. 2/21/1965 #18824 hich then took off with a blinding luminosity. Photographs were said to hav 2/21/1965 #18825 everses direction, and changes its luminosity. At times it goes behind some 7/3/1965 #19064 and the object suddenly sped away (luminosity/speed correlation). (Flying S 1/20/1966 #19861 e California Desert. The brilliant luminosity concealed the exact shape of 3/11/1966 #19950 htened and made a rapid departure (luminosity/speed correlation). (Hitt, 19 3/29/1966 #20131 a pick-up was made, then dimming (luminosity/motion correlation). The pare 5/17/1966 #20496 it appeared to be a powered craft (luminosity/motion correlation). The witn 6/23/1966 #20595 s away to the east, increasing its luminosity by 50%, but reappears 5 minut 2/2/1967 #21442 to look directly at it (brilliant luminosity). The object hovered, acceler 2/23/1967 #21630 ow red when it moved low overhead (luminosity/motion correlation). It made 3/25/1967 #21982 brighter as it neared the ground (luminosity/motion correlation). (Rapid C 6/30/1967 #22577 n air, his body emitting a strange luminosity." This being suddenly spun ar 7/2/1968 #24134 which gave off a brilliant violet luminosity. From the craft three beings 1/14/1969 #24842 d of diving suit with a soft green luminosity, and a helmet through which s 3/22/1969 #25037 diameter, of an incandescent white luminosity, and applied it to the nape o 8/11/1969 #25317 of the power station the object's luminosity diminished and it flew away, 9/14/1973 #27823 ters. It was pulsating with a weak luminosity. It finally moved out of sigh 10/27/1973 #28302 hot back upwards. This being had a luminosity around its head and shoulders 8/26/1975 #30309 briefly removed. This being had a luminosity around its head and shoulders 8/26/1975 #30312 d light up the sky with an intense luminosity in Malaga, Spain. A few minut 12/20/1976 #31627 t with a dazzling, pulsating white luminosity, about 35 feet in diameter. A 4/6/1977 #31952 t with a dazzling, pulsating white luminosity, about 35 feet in diameter. I 4/6/1977 #31953 ntified lights seem to increase in luminosity in response to signals made w 8/3/1977 #32353 the feet and gave off a very faint luminosity. Their uniforms had no zipper 2/5/1978 #32957 s Aires province, Argentina. Their luminosity increased and decreased. Afte 8/31/1978 #33612 r-shaped. Both gave off an intense luminosity. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 10/3/1978 #33795 r-shaped. Both gave off an intense luminosity. Traffic halted throughout th 10/3/1978 #33796 ar object surrounded by light blue luminosity, with reddish hues, left behi 2/11/1980 #35172 nts, before gradually losing their luminosity and disappearing in four sepa 3/30/1990 #39499## Word: "luminous" (Back to Top)
RAGUSA, ITALY Several friars. Luminous bodies fly single file / 1 hour 1/8/1388 #17 FR St. Boniface Manuscript v2p397. Luminous globe appears / sky / several h 1/5/1433 #19 Thomas Short witnesses a blood-red luminous display in the sky around Sheff 12/5/1737 #60 Sheffield, England saw a dark red, luminous cloud that emitted intense beam 12/5/1737 #61 full 30 seconds. The front part is luminous with a frame-like structure beh 12/16/1742? #65 AUGERMANLAND, SWD Luminous spheres exit bright cylinder/cy 6/1/1752? #72 . Splits going [to] 2 saucers with luminous rays. Vanishes / 5 minute(s). 9/10/1798 #95 oons, back to back, having a short luminous stream between the two backs” o 9/10/1798 #96 EAST / MANOSQUE, FR 7 observer(s). Luminous globe going [to] over road. 4 f 4/1812 (approximate) #105 a series of incidents involving a luminous aerial object and the fall of m 11/13/1833 #128 ork, a woman milking her cow saw a luminous object descend "with a sposh" s 11/13/1833 #128 way, New Jersey. In Poland, Ohio a luminous object in the northeastern sky, 11/13/1833 #128 at a short time after 2:00 a.m., a luminous object was also seen in the sky 11/13/1833 #128 Steamship Victoria. Wind stops. 3 luminous silver saucers rise / sea. Hove 6/18/1845 #140 uric stench. At this moment three “luminous bodies” emerge from the sea abo 6/18/1845 #141 DARK PART / MOON Luminous dots appear / 2 days. 11+12 Dec 3/18/1847 #142 BANGALORE, INDIA Lt. Hershel. Luminous disks stream past sun. 1 pauses 10/17/1849 #144 he ground, where it becomes highly luminous. It moves toward a large barn a 6/19/1857 #150 EAST / MADRID, SP Luminous object / horizon. Halo / top. H 8/12/1863 #161 on. Four or five witnesses watch a luminous object land in a vacant lot abo 8/7/1869 #179 Around midday a luminous square body settled near the ce 8/7/1869 #181 Berlin, Germany Eiswerder island A luminous object with a tail is seen in t 9/26/1870 #187 ulf of Mexico 11:00 p.m. A large, “luminous electric cloud” flies over the 8/13/1874 #206 GMX NEAR VERACRUZ, MX Sea Captain. Luminous straight lines appear / sea sur 4/15/1875 (approximate) #207 SS VULTUR / PERSIAN GULF 2 40M luminous/glowing wheels spin and descend 5/15/1879 #218 Venezuela A 14-year-old boy saw a luminous ball descending from the sky an 1880 #223 Venezuela A 14-year-old boy saw a luminous ball descending from the sky an 1880 #225 a.m. A large number of brilliantly luminous bodies are seen to rise from th 3/22/1880 #226 wept / 16 spokes / light from 300M luminous wheels / sea. / r28 p71. 5/1880 #232 d extends behind them. The tail is luminous except at the far end, where it 9/30/1880 #240 MOON 2 luminous/glowing delta/triangle/box-like 7/3/1882 #247 Scutari, Turkey Dawn. A luminous object circled the harbor. Alti 11/2/1885 #269 Scutari, Turkey A luminous object circled the harbor. Alti 11/2/1885 #270 part of Ottoman Turkey). At dawn a luminous object circled the harbor at an 11/2/1885 #271 One ball is black and the other is luminous and oblong. The luminous object 3/19/1887 #279 other is luminous and oblong. The luminous object descends with a roar and 3/19/1887 #279 psco River 6:00 p.m. A cylindrical luminous object passes over Oella, Maryl 2/7/1889 #286 nsville, Maryland near Baltimore a luminous cylindrical object passed overh 2/14/1889 #287 alifornia, Mexico, when they see a luminous object with smooth edges about 1/1892? #297 . Smith and Benjamin W. Blue see a luminous ball in the northeastern sky ab Late 11/1894 #317 g in space, which she describes as luminous and peopled with phantoms. Subs 1895 #318 OXFORD, ENGL Luminous disk bigger / Venus. Rises from 8/31/1895 #320 James Murray watches a “brilliant luminous body” move slowly over the Oxfo 8/31/1895 #321 RIVERS INLET, BC 2 observer(s). Luminous 'pear' rises slow. Strong light 7/10/1897 #598 ROSSLAND, BC Several observer(s). Luminous fireball hovers / red mountain 8/11/1897 #602 ssland, British Columbia, Canada a luminous red fireball hovered for 15 min 8/11/1897 #603 MOON Astronomer Bolton. Anomalous luminous lines cross crater Marius. No e 10/25/1901 #647 CARDIFF, WALES Large red luminous cylinder/cylindrical object or 3/29/1905 #676 A large luminous cylindrical object hung in the 3/29/1905 #677 when it was surrounded by a thick, luminous cloud which "magnetized" everyt 1908 #700 when it was surrounded by a thick, luminous cloud which "magnetized" everyt 1908 #701 VITTEL, FR Moon-size luminous disk with glowing corona. Grows 5/1/1908 #705 NT, NZ 6 boys / beach. House-sized luminous/glowing airship glides and mane 7/24/1909 #782 on the beach sighted a house-sized luminous dirigible-shaped airship at aro 7/24/1909 #784 LIMERICK, IREL Amateur astronomer. Luminous saucer goes south slowly. Turns 12/24/1909 #823 les or balloons, but they resemble luminous pumpkins. One is far ahead of t 10/29/1910 #852 ance, when he sees a round, green, luminous object hovering just above a hi 3/1914 #897 en sees a cigar-shaped object with luminous portholes in a field next to hi 6/1914 #901 istant from the Sun, when a round, luminous object the apparent size of the 9/9/1914 #916 BALLINASLOE, IRELAND Large luminous body going northwest. Stops 45 7/31/1915 #930 HUNTINGTON, WV Unidentified luminous blimp going [to] over town. Van 7/19/1916 #948 A luminous blimp-shaped flying object flew 7/19/1916 #951 A luminous globe was seen spinning through 8/13/1917 #961 the Cova da Iria, Portugal, see a “luminous globe” sail across the sky. A w 9/13/1917 #965 CODIGORO, ITALY 25cm orange-red luminous sphere / low altitude. 1 observ 8/1919 (approximate) #992 gs in the air above a wooded area. Luminous balls surround the figures, who Summer 1920 #1003 ider” during a thunderstorm. It is luminous and remains stationary for seve Late 7/1921 #1012 blished this month, that “Unknown, luminous things, or beings, have often b 2/1931 #1122 BONDY, FR 2 observer(s). Luminous/glowing white observer(s) 12cm 1/21/1933 #1153 At 10:50 p.m. a luminous white object, with the apparent 1/21/1933 #1154 PETRIOSKIY GATE / MOSCOW Slow luminous sphere north going south twice 9/1935 #1232 NTON-CHASSENON, FR 4 / car. Silent luminous green ball studies each observe 6/1937 #1271 and short beards. They have large, luminous yellow eyes and wear tight, one 1942 #1385 nty, California a formation of 6-9 luminous white balls of light flying in 2/25/1942 #1391 Essen, Germany, was followed by a luminous orange disc or sphere. As it ca 3/25/1942 #1405 r Army Air Force crewman sighted a luminous orange object closely following 3/25/1942 #1406 EMERET NORTH / AMBON, 56, FR Teen. Luminous/glowing yellow ball takes off. 11/1943 #1538 ANY Fr. prisoners of war. 3 silent luminous silver objects follow allied bo 3/1944 #1582 are five other figures dressed in luminous brown metallic suits. Their hea 10/1944 #1673 his evening a beam of light from a luminous flying sphere struck the small 10/10/1944 #1677 own City, Italy Round amber light, luminous orange-yellow, blinding light; 11/24/1944 #1704 e end of the war with Japan. Three luminous lights began to follow his C-46 8/28/1945 #1931 ail and making a distant rumble. A luminous afterglow lasts 10 minutes. 6/9/1946 #2005 iantly glowing projectile trailing luminous smoke crashes into a beach near 7/10/1946 #2046 nder twice the size of a B-29 with luminous portholes. After 3 minutes, it 8/1/1946 #2100 sighted a cylinder-shaped UFO with luminous portholes that flew in front of 8/1/1946 #2101 e in Stockholm, Sweden, and sees a luminous object that he estimates is abo Early 8/1946 #2102 dskrona, Skåne, Sweden 6:26 p.m. A luminous object is seen by a motorist ne 8/5/1946 #2105 h ball / light seen / 5 minute(s). Luminous rockets / Oporto / 16th. 9/14/1946 #2181 wy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France Two luminous globes that shine “like an elec Mid 9/1946 #2182 PUTNAM, CT 1 observer. Luminous disk crosses sky / 4 second(s) 3/1947 #2245 lar object surrounded by a ring of luminous green lights swoops in quickly 5/1947 #2272 course. Leaves (something behind) luminous trail. / r187p27. 6/23/1947 #2372 nd his wife watch a round, orange, luminous object going about 100 mph afte 7/1/1947 #2521 CA Mrs. Devaughn. String / pearly luminous disk-orbs going quickly east fa 7/3/1947 #2570 X CITY, IA Jacob Kriv and 2 teens. Luminous/glowing disk going quickly east 7/3/1947 #2571 reen saucer here. Translucent 30cm luminous plates over Sarnia same day. 7/4/1947 #2592 T TRENTON, NJ Ms. Marshall. Bright luminous silent disk high and fast going 7/4/1947 #2642 he also sees a dark sphere with a luminous halo around it moving below the 7/4/1947 #2666 DALLAS, TX 3+observer(s). Luminous disk very fast / 3K' altitude n 7/6/1947 #2788 EAST PROVIDENCE, RI 1 observer. Luminous disk "W / Maltese cross" high a 7/6/1947 #2793 LAWN, MD 2 separate observer(s). 4 luminous saucers drift going west / clou 7/6/1947 #2795 OMAHA, NE 1 observer. "Rolling" luminous disk south of town going quickl 7/6/1947 #2802 Four luminous discs drifted to the west at th 7/6/1947 #2830 A "rolling" luminous disc was seen flying south of O 7/6/1947 #2831 MBIA, MO University student. 50-60 luminous/glowing disks / V-formation. Wh 7/7/1947 #2846 MARION, AL 2 observer(s). 5-7 luminous white disks going quickly south 7/7/1947 #2903 JACKSON, MS 1 observer. 2-3 luminous/glowing plate-saucers going [to 7/7/1947 #2906 al separate observer(s). Cluster / luminous saucers over Lake Cobbosseecont 7/7/1947 #2911 , Maine, when he sees a cluster of luminous objects to the west, just above 7/7/1947 #2941 KS 1+3 separate observer(s). Green luminous disk very high and fast. Straig 7/8/1947 #2995 de Road and Hetch Hetchy Aqueduct. Luminous disk south going northwest. 7/9/1947 #3048 , NM Astronomer LaPaz and 3 / car. Luminous/glowing 300' saucer / clouds. G 7/10/1947 #3091 lined, white ellipsoidal seemingly luminous 200 ft object (NICAP: 01 - Dist 7/10/1947 #3099 aily Record, takes a photo of four luminous objects as he is flying his Pip 7/10/1947 #3104 and other family members watched a luminous 300-foot wide saucer ascend at 7/10/1947 #3117 ITL Numerous observer(s). Several luminous disks north going quickly south 7/11/1947 #3130 s disks north going quickly south. Luminous object drops / ground. 7/11/1947 #3130 TUCUMCARI, NM 4 observer(s). Luminous saucer wobbles going SSE on edg 7/15/1947 #3183 and have a brilliant yellow-white luminous glow. 8/15/1947? #3337 Twin Falls, ID 55 [?] [luminous?] objects in horizontal flight 8/19/1947 #3350 OSLO, NORWAY Luminous objects and 'falling stars' sub 12/13/1947 #3501 ed of more than 500 mph, leaving a luminous, amber- colored trail or exhaus 1/7/1948 #3546 BAGNEUX, FR M. Compard. Large luminous/glowing-orange round object hov 2/1948 #3569 way stationmaster Sr. Bavota saw a luminous orange domed disc hovering abou 4/3/1948 #3607 SOUTHEAST / BERGERAC, FR 2 / yard. Luminous/glowing disk spins and going up 6/1948 #3666 164. Several observer(s). 3 silent luminous saucers southwest going quickly 6/29/1948 #3681 W. Uniontown, PA An oval luminous object "rolling" vertically on 6/29/1948 #3682 Osborn, OH Luminous yellowish-white object travelin 7/9/1948 #3703 in Chamblee, Georgia briefly saw a luminous football-shaped UFO that glowed 7/26/1948 #3744 ARTIGUES, FR Numerous observer(s). Luminous cylinder/cigar-shape. Lights fl 8/1948 (approximate) #3765 47 pilot and two others saw a huge luminous green fireball at 9:27 p.m., wh 12/5/1948 #3910 AFOSI Case 23: 10:00 - oval orange luminous object moving south in vertical 2/17/1949 #4012 MEDFORD, OR 3 / USAF. 5 luminous 35' saucers / V formation going 8/8/1949 #4311 On this afternoon five luminous disc-shaped objects flew in V-f 8/8/1949 #4314 a series of reports on “anomalous luminous phenomena.” He notes that “Many 8/17/1949 #4319 erver(s) = Nemechek. Ovoid made of luminous/glowing translucent rings going 9/29/1949 #4377 An ovoid object composed of luminous, translucent rings flew quickly 9/29/1949 #4378 NM Saw and photographed a circular luminous object (NICAP: 08 - Photographi 2/24/1950 #4552 focal length lens) of a circular, luminous white object that changes to re 2/24/1950 #4554 w away at an estimated 1000 mph. A luminous, metallic appearing disc was si 3/18/1950 #4679 OAKLAND, CA 5 observer(s). Luminous/glowing white ball leaves (some 3/28/1950 #4745 FF BLACKPOOL, ENGL Several / pier. Luminous silver disk maneuvers. Halo. Be 4/1950 #4780 SALAMANCA, SP Several observer(s). Luminous metallic ovoid without fuselage 4/7/1950 #4811 RIO GRANDE, ARG Sheep run. Splash! Luminous/glowing ovoid rises / sea. 90° 6/1950 #4977 ONSET, MA 6 observer(s). 2 small luminous silver disks circle several X / 6/2/1950 #4979 WITZ 12+observer(s). Saucers leave luminous wake. Gyrates with 'organ-music 8/10/1950 #5113 anton, Switzerland, leaving behind luminous wakes. They gyrated in the sky 8/12/1950 #5121 rliner had a near collision with a luminous object that looked like a flyin 10/5/1950 #5214 On this night a huge green luminous ball dove three kilometers towa 11/28/1950 #5297 y west. Very sharp turn / horizon. Luminous trail. 3/21/1951 #5491 Niagara Falls, New York - A luminous disc with arc-shaped wings rose 5/31/1951 #5525 LDONADO, PERU Several observer(s). Luminous saucer south going quickly nort 7/19/1951 #5577 Several people witnessed a luminous disc buzz the city of Puerto Ma 7/19/1951 #5579 V-shaped formation of 10–20 round, luminous objects silently pass over from Mid 8/1951 #5609 f the village of Tessalit, Mali. A luminous dark-yellow disc approaches slo 10/4/1951 #5704 0 miles SW of), South Korea Orange luminous rotating and pulsating 3 ft sph 1/29/1952 #5881 LONDON Sunday mirror reports luminous cigar. Blue / bottom. Both ends 2/13/1952 #5901 A luminous cigar-shaped object, blue on th 2/13/1952 #5903 ame within 3,000 feet it emitted a luminous beam of light. 2/24/1952 #5929 E BASE, OKINAWA Flight crew. Small luminous object zigzags all over/all abo 4/5/1952 #6028 F-94 jet interceptor, saw a small luminous object approach Kadena AFB, Jap 4/5/1952 #6035 n Sacramento, California saw eight luminous objects moving in a undulating 4/20/1952 #6143 ado Springs, CO Dark (object) with luminous glow, swept wing, no fuselage. 4/24/1952 #6173 of a circular shape and emitted a luminous light. It appeared to waver bac 5/10/1952 #6285 Paphos, SW, Cyprus Luminous circular object rise from sea l 5/10/1952 #6293 nd others at Paphos, Cyprus, see a luminous circular object rise from the s 5/10/1952 #6297 m different directions. They are a luminous yellow-gold color and move at a 5/10/1952 #6298 al reddish-yellow or reddish-brown luminous objects (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 5/13/1952 #6313 l, reddish-yellow or reddish-brown luminous objects nearly overhead. They d 5/13/1952 #6317 On this night a luminous object like a "glass lit from t 5/16/1952 #6336 ST. NAZAIRE, FR Very luminous/glowing disk hovers here. Going 5/29/1952 #6380 CELINA, OH Minister and wife. Luminous/glowing dark disk going south s 6/26/1952 #6631 BONE = ANNABA, ALGERIA Luminous sphere seen. Observer(s) and ti 7/6/1952 #6718 ORADO SPRINGS, CO Air Force pilot. Luminous white airfoil without trailing 7/9/1952 #6730 an airfoil less its trailing edge, luminous white, move slowly and erratica 7/9/1952 #6734 an airfoil less its trailing edge, luminous white, moved slowly and erratic 7/9/1952 #6737 Springs, Colorado, when he sees a luminous white object shaped like an air 7/9/1952 #6740 At 12:45 p.m. a luminous white airfoil without a trailin 7/9/1952 #6742 ican Airways when they sighted six luminous reddish-orange disc-shaped obje 7/14/1952 #6818 pan A formation of twelve circular luminous objects moving in the same dire 7/17/1952 #6865 CHICAGO, IL 1 observer and more. 6 luminous saucers in independent. Horizon 7/19/1952 #6914 ois Elgin, Illinois 10:00 p.m. Six luminous round objects are seen by a Chi 7/19/1952 #6933 pproximate date. R. Petijean saw a luminous object, 20 m diameter, on the g 7/20/1952 #6951 Petijean observed a 20-meter wide luminous object on the ground. It gave o 7/20/1952 #6953 ECKHUHL, ORAN, ALG 3 women. Luminous/glowing silent flattened ovoid 7/26/1952 #7158 geria, notice a large, orange-red, luminous patch in the sky. It travels fr 7/26/1952 #7176 NDA, ORAN, ALG 2 cops. Saucer with luminous/glowing edges and dark center. 7/29/1952 #7282 ompte sees a flight of at least 10 luminous objects pass over Albuquerque, 7/29/1952 #7329 ORAN, ALG 3 cops and Cadi. Strange luminous/glowing flying object. No furth 7/30/1952 #7353 LHAM, MOROCCO "5 trustworthy men". Luminous saucer southeast going northwes 8/2/1952 #7418 orocco Brilliant white disc-shaped luminous object with red blinking light 8/6/1952 #7485 r(s). Saucer going south / 600kph. Luminous red. Size / washtub / closest a 8/7/1952 #7503 ssic saucer at high speed leaves 2 luminous trails in sky. 8/10/1952 #7533 ONSTANTINE, ALGERIA 2 observer(s). Luminous/glowing saucer west going quick 8/14/1952 #7588 e in Constantine, Algeria, watch a luminous object flying at high speed. It 8/14/1952 #7594 FR 7+observer(s) with theodolite. Luminous/glowing bar going northwest in 8/29/1952 #7780 rough theodolite; once appeared as luminous white bar edged with black. [UF 8/29/1952 #7783 ervers with a theodolite sighted a luminous bar in the sky over the city o 8/29/1952 #7791 ORCA, SPAIN 4 seminary professors. Luminous disc east going quickly west. N 9/3/1952 #7835 ar-shaped head or helmet, with two luminous eyes from which beams of bluish 9/11/1952 #7896 glided toward them, then toward a luminous, 20-foot wide pear-shaped about 9/11/1952 #7896 ng like a pendulum, and to leave a luminous trail. 9/13/1952 #7914 d Jaurez, Mexico 6 groups of 12-15 luminous spheres or discs (NICAP: 01 - D 9/14/1952 #7932 three others. Six groups of 12-15 luminous spheres or discs, which flew in 9/14/1952 #7936 others sighted six groups of 12-15 luminous spheres or discs. The UFOs flew 9/14/1952 #7942 in Charleston, West Virginia saw a luminous white disc-shaped object land a 9/14/1952 #7947 here are widespread UFO reports. A luminous object with a comet-like tail i 9/27/1952 #8044 e Maritime en Allemagne, watches a luminous, egg-shaped object with a black 9/29/1952 #8062 ified. RF80 pilot / 22K' altitude. Luminous white dot paces. Sudden turns. 10/1/1952 #8078 GUIGNAN, FR Air France DC4+others. Luminous/glowing white ovoid SL flight e 10/6/1952 #8094 ignan, Var, France sighted a white luminous object that looked like an elon 10/6/1952 #8096 MARSEILLE, BDR, FR Luminous ovoid flies east going quickly 10/27/1952 #8195 m. Two USAF F-94 crews see a white luminous object maneuvering at high spee 10/29/1952 #8215 At two a.m. a white luminous object was seen by the pilots o 10/29/1952 #8216 SOUTH / ASTARA, AZERBAIJAN Luminous saucer at Soviet border / 30 mi 11/8/1952 #8254 LA FORCE, FR Luminous red disk quickly going down. Wh 11/20/1952 #8302 ance At a place alled "La Butte" a luminous sphere, which seemed to spin, i 11/21/1952 #8315 "La Butte" on Belle-Ile, France a luminous sphere was seen at a low altitu 11/21/1952 #8318 BELLE ILE, FR Luminous ball spins and wobbles. Changes 11/23/1952 #8325 DE-MARSAN, FR Several observer(s). Luminous/glowing disk splits / 2. Reunit 11/27/1952 #8346 GARE REYNAL / TOULOUSE, FR Luminous disk east going quickly west fa 12/4/1952 #8372 PLIMMERTON, NI, NZ Glowing green luminous ball has band / bright spots. H 12/6/1952 #8382 GISBORNE, NI, NZ Fast luminous blue object / erratic maneuvers 12/16/1952 #8425 ” residue fell from a fast moving, luminous blue object that made erratic m 12/16/1952 #8427 AUCKLAND, NZ Luminous/glowing cylinder/cigar-shape an 1/6/1953 #8506 nas Gerais, Brazil, when he sees a luminous, metallic disc smaller than a V 1/12/1953 #8535 BASTIA, CORSICA, FR Luminous cylinder/cigar-shape leaves 'fl 1/20/1953 #8554 GORE, NZ Baker. Luminous object going quickly ESE. Sudde 1/20/1953 #8555 SAMPSON AIR FORCE BASE, NY 60x4m luminous/glowing cylinder/cigar-shape ea 1/26/1953 #8570 York, visually observed one large luminous rectangular shaped unidentified 1/26/1953 #8573 n airman witnessed a 60 meter long luminous cigar-shaped or rectangular obj 1/26/1953 #8575 losed], California, spots a large, luminous, red object and asks Maj. Harve 1/28/1953 #8603 , North Carolina at 10:30 a.m. The luminous object with a red glow climbed 2/9/1953 #8655 y of April 5, 1953, indicates that luminous objects traveling at supersonic 3/20/1953 #8765 ff at a great speed. The object, a luminous sphere, stops and hovers, allow 5/16/1953 #8879 estan Province 6:55 p.m. A bright, luminous object is seen over Abadan, Ira 5/18/1953 #8884 CALVINIA, RSA Green luminous object / clouds. 3 light-beams. 5/26/1953 #8909 NEAR TIMISOARA, ROMANIA Luminous sphere/orb/globe rises / woods. 8/1953 (approximate) #9031 A 60-meter diameter luminous disc-shaped object accompanied 8/9/1953 #9059 CLEVELAND, OH Very large luminous UFO flits. Hovers. Throws stick 9/3/1953 #9138 On this day a very large, luminous UFO hovered close to ground in 9/3/1953 #9141 TAZA, MOROCCO 5 / car. Luminous top saucer going north straight 10/1953 (approximate) #9194 OU, DAHOMEY(FWA) Many observer(s). Luminous ovoid / 1500M altitude. Going q 10/11/1953 #9219 wark, NJ A tiny reddish-brown oval luminous object flying steady (NICAP: 01 12/3/1953 #9338 SURGERES, 17, FR Oblong luminous object seen going quickly south 12/9/1953 #9350 nce 3:45 p.m. Charles Huaut sees a luminous, golden, round object poised mo 12/9/1953 #9352 LAGNY, S&M, FR 4 luminous spheres west going east / high 12/10/1953 #9353 e 9:00 p.m. Shortly after, a round luminous machine, coming from the South, 1/4/1954 #9443 Mr. Chesneau, fireman, saw a round luminous object slowly coming down and c 1/4/1954 #9444 le Shortly after 9:00 p.m. A round luminous machine, coming from the south, 1/4/1954 #9445 ane Airport in France, saw a round luminous object slowly coming down and c 1/4/1954 #9446 . Chesneau, a fireman, saw a round luminous object slowly descend toward th 1/5/1954 #9452 7 a.m. A fiery disk, followed by a luminous trail, was sighted in Arras, Pa 1/7/1954 #9462 7 a.m. A fiery disk, followed by a luminous trail, is seen in Arras, Pas-de 1/7/1954 #9463 owly than a jet plane and leaves a luminous yellow trail. It flies noiseles 1/9/1954 #9473 AWLED DJELLAL, ALGERIA Large luminous rectangle-object goes straight 1/18/1954 #9491 e. Finally, at 4:45 p.m., a large, luminous, rectangular- shaped object is 1/18/1954 #9494 a woman close by. She was wearing luminous clothing, a sort of hood, and t 2/1954 #9518 hand and a box in the other, wears luminous clothing and a hood over part o 2/1954 #9521 reenwich, Connecticut a low-flying luminous disc-shaped object turned north 2/2/1954 #9529 HOLLYWOOD, CA Newsman. 3 luminous saucers hover / tilted attitude 3/6/1954 #9600 ght in Hollywood, California three luminous discs hovered at a tilted angle 3/6/1954 #9601 cinnati, OH Pulsating bluish-white luminous halo surrounding a dark ellipso 3/9/1954 #9607 WEST / BIKINI ATOLL Luminous yellow-orange object going [to] 4/7/1954 #9669 kini. An unidentified oval- shaped luminous object, yellowish-orange in col 4/7/1954 #9673 spotlight, were light green with a luminous tint. The saucer was stored in 4/12/1954 #9683 PEARCY, ARK 6 men. White 3M luminous ball spins wildly over house. D 4/23/1954 #9708 NEAR COR.BRANDSEN, ARG Classic luminous saucer going down / 1M altitude 5/24/1954 #9829 A classic disc-shaped, luminous UFO hovered only a meter above 5/24/1954 #9834 R BARQUISIMETO, VNZ 4 observer(s). Luminous saucer going up [to] going down 6/15/1954 #9906 LIKETI, LIKUALA, CONGO Luminous sphere stops and checks out mis 6/18/1954 #9908 Mission in the Mossaka District. A luminous globe arrives from the north an 6/18/1954 #9910 observer(s). 'Bowler hat' extends luminous rays. Disks appear / ends. 6/27/1954 #9955 GALFINGUE, FR Luminous/glowing sphere / cut wheatfield 8/1954 #10073 rb/globe leaves (something behind) luminous trail. TV and aircraft radio el 8/6/1954 #10101 er Santa Fe, New Mexico, leaving a luminous trail that persists for 15 minu 8/6/1954 #10105 illiant white ball of light left a luminous trail as it flew over. There wa 8/6/1954 #10106 out riding a horse when they saw a luminous, nine foot wide sphere land 150 8/7/1954 #10113 allic aspect enveloped in electric luminous gas. According to Jean-Luc Brun 8/16/1954 #10148 . In Orly, France at 7:30 p.m. two luminous orange objects at high altitude 8/31/1954 #10222 , Aisne Department when they saw a luminous, red-orange "disk" flying above 9/7/1954 #10265 on, Aisne, France, when they see a luminous red-orange disc flying above th 9/7/1954 #10267 mily saw an orange-red disc with a luminous plume coming from the opposite 9/7/1954 #10269 of Marseille, France sighted a red luminous spherical object that hovered f 9/7/1954 #10271 walked toward it, he was hit by a luminous beam of light and paralyzed. Th 9/11/1954 #10289 "popped inside." The craft became luminous and went out of sight. Strange 9/14/1954 #10297 "popped inside." The craft became luminous and shot out of sight. Unusual 9/14/1954 #10302 2 observer(s). Brill red disk with luminous/glowing green halo. Quickly goi 9/15/1954 #10303 , FR Observer(s) / separate towns. Luminous white saucer going quickly nort 9/15/1954 #10304 GELLES, FR Fast silent luminous cylinder/cigar-shape going quic 9/17/1954 #10329 raight and level. Also 24 Sep. '54 luminous cylinder/cigar-shape going quic 9/17/1954 #10329 15 p.m. A widow named Mellé sees a luminous, orange-yellow, cigar-shaped ob 9/17/1954 #10334 150-180 miles per hour. It left a luminous vapor trail and was tracked on 9/17/1954 #10335 -Dome, France. It was black with a luminous tail, and the trail was excepti 9/17/1954 #10336 l, and the trail was exceptionally luminous. 9/17/1954 #10336 home on his tractor when he sees a luminous object coming toward him. He ju 9/20/1954 #10370 Srs. Atencio and Garcia, watched a luminous object in the sky for about an 9/20/1954 #10374 en into a ditch. Later, they saw a luminous craft, which resembled a full m 9/20/1954 #10374 PONTHIERRY, FR Large luminous cloud offloads smaller UFO's. Z 9/22/1954 #10391 stops and gets out and sees a huge luminous ball hanging motionless. It is 9/22/1954 #10395 It is reddish and surrounded by a luminous, moving smoke. Suddenly, anothe 9/22/1954 #10395 At 8:00 p.m. red luminous cloud-cigar was seen by three p 9/22/1954 #10397 ce. The object was surrounded by a luminous vapor. The cigar-shaped UFO fle 9/22/1954 #10397 ST. LAURENT-MEDOC, GIRONDE, FR Luminous cylinder moves / jerks. Shoots 9/23/1954 #10402 ouacq, France Mrs. Vignolles saw a luminous object come down rapidly, witho 9/23/1954 #10417 gnolles of Lencouacq, France saw a luminous object come down from the sky v 9/23/1954 #10424 COUACQ, FR 1 observer. Fast silent luminous object lands / seconds / field 9/24/1954 #10431 oming back with his tractor, saw a luminous object fly very low over him. T 9/24/1954 #10435 At dusk a fast, silent, luminous object landed for a few seconds 9/24/1954 #10440 .m. with his tractor when he saw a luminous object fly very low over him. T 9/24/1954 #10442 s) east / Toulouse. Teacher and 2. Luminous/glowing red saucer crosses sky 9/27/1954 #10463 FR Several observer(s). 1 then 10 luminous saucers zigzag / sky. Going qui 9/27/1954 #10467 A luminous disc-shaped object was observed 9/27/1954 #10477 bers." He was amazed when he saw a luminous mass fall from the sky about 50 9/28/1954 #10485 t-Rhin, France, watch an elongated luminous object through binoculars. Ten 9/28/1954 #10487 gh binoculars. Ten or more smaller luminous points are circling it in all d 9/28/1954 #10487 ate and catch the thief. He sees a luminous object descend and three figure 9/28/1954 #10488 0 p.m. he was amazed when he saw a luminous mass descend from the sky about 9/28/1954 #10490 lowing cylinder/cigar-shape leaves luminous trail. / LDLN#326 p20. 9/29/1954 #10494 NETHL 2 observer(s). Big circular luminous/glowing object going quickly we 9/30/1954 (approximate) #10502 FROM GAREOULT, VAR 2 / car / D554. Luminous/glowing cylinder/cigar-shape la 9/30/1954 (approximate) #10508 to the scene. There he observed a luminous sphere 12 m in diameter hoverin 9/30/1954 #10514 humanoid report from Michigan, one luminous daylight disc from Holland, and 9/30/1954 #10518 to the scene. There he observed a luminous sphere 12 meters in diameter, h 9/30/1954 #10525 DHUBRI, INDIA Woman. "Luminous plate" lands in field. Flies of 10/1/1954 #10538 BRY, FR Man and dog paralyzed / luminous white object dives at them. OK 10/1/1954 #10542 NEAR JUSSEY, FR 2 observer(s). Luminous white saucer going down. 2 tall 10/1/1954 #10547 reported to police she had seen a luminous disk leaving a long trail. It l 10/1/1954 #10555 and his dog were "paralyzed" as a luminous white object dived toward them 10/1/1954 #10557 Jussey, France Two young men saw a luminous white disk moving in the sky. I 10/1/1954 #10559 istling sound. It flew off, became luminous again, and took off at fantasti 10/1/1954 #10562 man and his dog are paralyzed as a luminous white object dives toward them 10/1/1954 #10566 with a whistling sound. It becomes luminous and flies off. A neighbor also 10/1/1954 #10569 rted to police that she had seen a luminous disc leaving a long trail in th 10/1/1954 #10571 alyzed" and frozen in place when a luminous white object dove toward them, 10/1/1954 #10573 ute-Saone department, France saw a luminous white disc moving in the sky at 10/1/1954 #10574 istling sound. It flew off, became luminous again, and then shot off at a f 10/1/1954 #10579 LEVROUX, FR 2 separate women. Luminous/glowing 3M saucer / going [to] 10/2/1954 #10581 RIANS, 18, FR Several observer(s). Luminous/glowing ball going down [to] sl 10/2/1954 #10595 TREGON, FR Several observer(s). Luminous/glowing cylinder/cigar-shape ho 10/2/1954 #10601 endently reported to police that a luminous disk about 3 m in diameter had 10/2/1954 #10604 the ground, and two hours later a luminous red object was observed at the 10/2/1954 #10605 endently reported to police that a luminous disc about three meters in diam 10/2/1954 #10613 Jonches, France. Two hours later a luminous red object was observed at the 10/2/1954 #10614 y-de-Dome department, France saw a luminous, metallic object oscillating in 10/2/1954 #10616 30 p.m., bus passengers observed a luminous object rapidly traverse the sky 10/2/1954 #10617 rsons observed a huge cigar-shaped luminous object that flew silently to th 10/2/1954 #10618 rac, Dordogne department, France a luminous mushroom-shaped object was seen 10/2/1954 #10620 ose into the sky, leaving behind a luminous trail. There were three imprint 10/2/1954 #10620 NIVELLES, FR Luminous disk / roadside. 2 1M small hum 10/3/1954 #10627 AMIENS, 80, FR Luminous/glowing mushroom cap hovers. Ca 10/3/1954 #10636 FR Several cars / D43 stop. Orange luminous domed cylinder/cigar-shape / sa 10/3/1954 #10639 AU-CHINON, FR 5 observer(s). CIRF. luminous blot splits and rejoins 5 X. Ma 10/3/1954 #10641 S / FONTAINE, FR Many observer(s). Luminous/glowing red object going quickl 10/3/1954 #10652 , France The crowd at a fair saw a luminous object arrive very fast in the 10/3/1954 #10659 e gliding on the ground. It showed luminous spots and became completely ill 10/3/1954 #10661 estival meal when they see a fast, luminous object in the sky suddenly stop 10/3/1954 #10665 gliding on or near the ground, has luminous spots, and lights up as it take 10/3/1954 #10666 at a fair in Chereng, France saw a luminous object arrive very fast in the 10/3/1954 #10670 gliding over the ground. It showed luminous spots and became completely ill 10/3/1954 #10671 LAGRASSE, FR Truckers / D3. Luminous UFO lands. Burst / light / take 10/4/1954 #10673 AMBES, FR Truck-size mass. Luminous/glowing and partly transparent. 10/4/1954 #10678 MILLENCOURT-EN-PONTHIEU, FR Huge luminous/glowing mass / ground. Observer 10/4/1954 #10681 ROS-GUIREC, 22, FR 10 observer(s). Luminous/glowing disk going quickly west 10/4/1954 #10688 sse and Villemagne when they saw a luminous object coming slowly to the gro 10/4/1954 #10692 ourt of Sanvignes, saw a circular, luminous object rise from the vicinity o 10/4/1954 #10695 s Bouiller confirmed he had seen a luminous object in flight. Extensive inv 10/4/1954 #10697 ette (or Thérèse) Fourneret sees a luminous orange object about 10 feet wid 10/4/1954 #10698 f Lezignan, France when they saw a luminous object coming slowly to the gro 10/4/1954 #10701 ourt of Sanvignes, saw a circular, luminous object rise vertically from the 10/4/1954 #10705 shadows moving about inside a flat luminous, metallic, three-meters wide ob 10/4/1954 #10709 s Bouiller confirmed he had seen a luminous object in flight. Extensive inv 10/4/1954 #10710 work when they saw near the road a luminous object on the ground and felt " 10/5/1954 #10727 Marfaron, Douti, and Marplat see a luminous ball moving west to east 1,500 10/5/1954 #10734 o work when they saw by the road a luminous object on the ground and felt a 10/5/1954 #10739 in La Fère, Aisne, France, watch a luminous craft in the shape of an artill 10/6/1954 #10757 France two soldiers saw a strange luminous torpedo-shaped object on the gr 10/6/1954 #10761 CHERBOURG, FR 3 luminous/glowing disks. Also luminous sp 10/7/1954 #10763 FR 3 luminous/glowing disks. Also luminous sphere 8 Oct. '54 / r138#9p21. 10/7/1954 #10763 ND AGEN, FR Cop and 7 observer(s). Luminous/glowing cylinder/cigar-shape / 10/7/1954 #10765 N23 EAST / LE MANS, FR Luminous object / ground. Partial paraly 10/7/1954 #10771 LAVENAY, SARTHE, FR Luminous ovoid passes overhead going qui 10/7/1954 #10772 JONZAC, FR Several observer(s). Luminous/glowing sphere lands in pasture 10/7/1954 #10778 hildren witnessed the landing of a luminous, red object shaped like a half- 10/7/1954 #10780 rew of several fishing boats saw a luminous, orange-colored object over the 10/7/1954 #10781 ance A farmer, Mr. Thebault, saw a luminous object, 2 or 3 m in diameter, e 10/7/1954 #10782 Route N16 and 1 m above ground. A luminous rectangle, like a door, was see 10/7/1954 #10783 e greenish light is emitted from a luminous object hovering above the Route 10/7/1954 #10788 at Corbigny, Nièvre, France, see a luminous cylinder that appears orange wh 10/7/1954 #10791 ge 31, awoke at 4:15 a.m. to see a luminous object, two or three meters in 10/7/1954 #10792 and 9, witnessed the landing of a luminous, red object. It was shaped like 10/7/1954 #10794 several fishing boats at sea saw a luminous, orange-colored object over the 10/7/1954 #10795 and one meter above the ground. A luminous rectangle, like a door, was see 10/7/1954 #10797 IA Thousands / reports / police. 4 luminous objects over town. / L. Stringf 10/8/1954 #10805 U-VAR, AM, FR Mayor sees disc with luminous trail of light. 10/8/1954 #10810 ST. CLAUDE, FR 1 / car. Huge luminous/glowing ovoid going down / hedg 10/8/1954 #10811 d floor of his house when he saw a luminous, white flying object stop in mi 10/8/1954 #10814 , Moselle, France, when they see a luminous object near the cemetery. It is 10/8/1954 #10817 s house at 2:30 a.m. when he saw a luminous, white flying object stop in mi 10/8/1954 #10818 n standing motionless near where a luminous ovoid shaped UFO had landed. St 10/8/1954 #10822 12KM NORTH / DREUX, FR Hunters. Luminous sphere rises from ground. Going 10/9/1954 #10834 affic Controllers and more/others. Luminous/glowing ovoid changes colors. / 10/9/1954 #10836 x, France People out hunting saw a luminous sphere take off and fly toward 10/9/1954 #10843 France Several local people saw a luminous, spherical object land in a pas 10/9/1954 #10844 ere roller-skating when they saw a luminous object near the cemetery. It wa 10/9/1954 #10848 out hunting in Dreux, France saw a luminous sphere take off and fly toward 10/9/1954 #10861 France several local people saw a luminous, spherical object land in a pas 10/9/1954 #10862 ating at 6:30 p.m. when they saw a luminous object near the cemetery. It wa 10/9/1954 #10866 ound object / high altitude leaves luminous/glowing trail going quickly nor 10/10/1954 #10870 in field. Short squat figure with luminous/glowing eyes outside. / LDLN#31 10/10/1954 (approximate) #10871 M EPOISES, FR 2 / motorcycle. 3.5M luminous/glowing goes going up and down 10/10/1954 #10872 ST.-POURCAIN-SUR-SIOULE, FR Luminous 2-3M saucer going quickly south 10/10/1954 #10879 UX-SUR-SEINE, FR M. Marais. Silent luminous/glowing saucer with portholes q 10/10/1954 #10883 served the landing of a "marvelous luminous object," hemispherical in shape 10/10/1954 #10885 ancois Bolatre, topographers saw a luminous sphere 3.5 m diameter on the gr 10/10/1954 #10886 mers in Mahallat, Iran witnessed a luminous hemispherical object land. It e 10/10/1954 #10895 s Bolatre, two topographers, saw a luminous sphere 3.5 meters in diameter o 10/10/1954 #10896 RSDORF, FR 2+2 observer(s). Silent luminous/glowing disk / field turns red 10/11/1954 #10914 NEAR BIRAC, FR 3 / car. 2 luminous/glowing orbs / large and small 10/11/1954 #10919 ROCHE-SUR-YON, FR Mme Drouillard. Luminous/glowing mushroom. Fast silent m 10/11/1954 #10921 when he was followed by a sort of luminous globe surrounded with a reddish 10/11/1954 #10929 elyne, and two other persons saw a luminous object on the ground. It became 10/11/1954 #10931 ion Le Tanneur, of Jarnac, saw two luminous spheres flying in the same dire 10/11/1954 #10935 ur-Charente, Charente, France. Two luminous globes, one smaller than the ot 10/11/1954 #10941 when he was followed by a sort of luminous globe surrounded with a reddish 10/11/1954 #10945 imersdorf, Haut-Rhin, France saw a luminous object on the ground. It became 10/11/1954 #10947 ion Le Tanneur, of Jarnac--saw two luminous spheres flying in the same dire 10/11/1954 #10952 At 11:00 p.m. a luminous, mushroom-shaped saucer made fa 10/11/1954 #10954 emen and more/others. Large silent luminous/glowing disk going west fairly 10/12/1954 #10964 nic, was in his shop when he saw a luminous disk about 6.5 m diameter and 2 10/12/1954 #10972 in Leguevin, France when he saw a luminous disc land. It was about 6.5 met 10/12/1954 #10982 NEAR NEULISE, FR 1 / car. Luminous globe going / low altitude. Lan 10/13/1954 #10995 several separate observer(s). Fast luminous object maneuvers. Type unknown. 10/14/1954 #11023 .-GERMAIN-DU-BOIS, FR 1 / bicycle. Luminous orange dome on field. / r49p175 10/14/1954 #11027 ST. ASSISCLE, FR Luminous ovoid going down. Man / diving 10/14/1954 #11031 man coming out of his house saw a luminous object resembling a bright star 10/14/1954 #11043 s, France Mr. Lonjarret observed a luminous orange object on the ground nea 10/14/1954 #11048 In the same area an engineer saw a luminous object coming down rapidly. 10/14/1954 #11051 man coming out of his house saw a luminous object resembling a bright star 10/14/1954 #11064 with some farmers, watched a fast luminous disc-shaped UFO maneuver and ch 10/14/1954 #11068 t, France Mr. Lonjarret observed a luminous circular orange object on the g 10/14/1954 #11070 e same area an engineer also saw a luminous object coming down rapidly. 10/14/1954 #11072 ance when he witnessed an enormous luminous object that descended toward th 10/14/1954 #11074 MONTARGIS, FR Luminous yellow ovoid passes over. No fu 10/15/1954 #11088 king with his dogs when a reddish, luminous sphere landed 30 m away and an 10/15/1954 #11098 s, France A steelworker observed a luminous sphere land in the countryside; 10/15/1954 #11105 nty Early in the morning. A large, luminous, red object streaks across the 10/15/1954 #11108 s walking with his dogs when a red luminous sphere landed 30 meters away. A 10/15/1954 #11114 er in Isbergues, France observed a luminous sphere land in the countryside 10/15/1954 #11121 quickly NNW. Several observer(s). Luminous trail / sky. 10/16/1954 #11131 NAPOLI, ITL Several observer(s). Luminous/glowing globe going down. Stops 10/17/1954 #11164 GRAY, JURA, FR Luminous object changes color(s). Each c 10/17/1954 #11167 rtment, France reported watching a luminous object maneuver in the sky, cha 10/17/1954 #11181 At 7:20 p.m. a luminous orb descended over Naples, Ital 10/17/1954 #11183 NORTH / ISSENHEIM, FR Luminous UFO lands near N83. 0530hrs 5 s 10/18/1954 #11191 ND TEL-AVIV, ISR Many observer(s). Luminous egg or "house" going [to] WNW. 10/18/1954 #11200 AMIENS, FR 1 girl. Luminous cylinder/cigar-shape crosses sk 10/18/1954 #11201 LEPINTE, FR 1+several observer(s). Luminous orange disk lands / farm / 20 m 10/18/1954 #11205 and the other red, with a sort of luminous "bridge" between them. They lan 10/18/1954 #11210 while the rod connecting them is a luminous green. The object pauses above 10/18/1954 #11214 and the other red, with a sort of luminous "bridge" between them. They lan 10/18/1954 #11222 as on a motorbike and saw that the luminous object was over the road. Next 10/18/1954 #11223 upper body was covered in slightly luminous overalls comprised of metallic 10/18/1954 #11225 d. Near the end of this pipe was a luminous disc “as large as a bicycle whe 10/18/1954 #11225 FAULQUEMONT, FR 1 / car. Luminous/glowing object takes off from f 10/19/1954 #11231 t 4 feet 3 inches tall in a scaly, luminous suit standing near a tree. The 10/19/1954 #11243 N-MERMOZ, ALG Several observer(s). Luminous/glowing domed object going down 10/20/1954 #11259 . Driver paralyzed and feels heat. Luminous UFO flies and symptoms gone. 10/20/1954 #11265 object land near Route N83. It was luminous. 10/20/1954 #11269 orescent, the middle dull, the top luminous with a yellow or orange point. 10/20/1954 #11273 range being covered with a "scaly" luminous suit, about 1.3 m tall, standin 10/20/1954 #11274 senheim, Haut-Rhin, France. It was luminous. 10/20/1954 #11277 cent, the middle dull, and the top luminous with a yellow or orange point. 10/20/1954 #11282 a strange being wearing a "scaly" luminous suit. It stood near a tree and 10/20/1954 #11283 TEL, FR Naval Engineer and 1. Very luminous lens disk hovers / 8km altitude 10/21/1954 #11293 motor and headlights failed; then luminous UFO became visible ahead of car 10/21/1954 #11295 ps, and the headlights go out as a luminous red body with a tail flashes br 10/21/1954 #11303 workers. Disk maneuvers over town. Luminous rays alternate colors. 10/23/1954 #11325 ut of her farmhouse when she saw a luminous disk in the sky and alled her f 10/23/1954 #11336 ges, Vendee, France when she saw a luminous disc hovering in the sky and ca 10/23/1954 #11347 PANCOLE, ITL Doctor / car. Luminous/glowing globe stops / 20M altit 10/24/1954 #11358 r in Pancole, Tuscany, Italy saw a luminous globe stop at 20 meters altitud 10/24/1954 #11372 AND Cop and railwayman. 5+3 silent luminous disks going south in neat forma 10/25/1954 #11379 er rises going up / road vertical. Luminous/glowing trail. / France Soir. 10/25/1954 #11380 a friend were almost blinded by a luminous disk, which landed in a pasture 10/25/1954 #11387 ertically from the road, leaving a luminous trail. 10/25/1954 #11389 ere nearly blinded by a brilliant, luminous disc that landed in a pasture i 10/25/1954 #11394 At 6:30 a.m. a luminous disc-shaped object with a glowi 10/25/1954 #11399 vertically from the road leaving a luminous trail. 10/25/1954 #11400 disc-shaped object that emitted a luminous streak from its rear landed nea 10/25/1954 #11402 ANCONA, ITL Silent luminous/glowing green cone going. Lumin 10/26/1954 #11406 luminous/glowing green cone going. Luminous globes in and out / sea since S 10/26/1954 #11406 railroad/railway men run toward(s) luminous ball over tracks. Going [to] ou 10/26/1954 #11412 Eure-et-Loir, France ran toward a luminous ball of light over the railroad 10/26/1954 #11421 approximately the same time as the luminous UFO. The witness, terrified, ra 10/26/1954 #11425 PRATO, ITALY 2+hundreds. 2 luminous cigars spew white vapor. Going 10/27/1954 #11429 EST, PDC, FR Numerous observer(s). Luminous sphere/orb/globe flies west goi 10/27/1954 #11433 OFF RHODES ISLAND, GREECE Luminous disk hovers over floating VOA t 10/27/1954 #11438 han 10,000 soccer fans witness two luminous discs during a game at Florence 10/27/1954 #11449 merican Ambassador, others sighted luminous, round UFO. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 0 10/28/1954 #11461 Rome, Italy Three luminous UFOs soar over Rome, Italy, see 10/28/1954 #11465 dor to Italy, and others sighted a luminous, round UFO. Angel hair residue 10/28/1954 #11468 ield in Palagonia, Italy sighted a luminous translucent disc-shaped object 10/29/1954 #11482 he object, which he described as a luminous “rocket,” rise up into the air. 11/1/1954 #11520 Paulo state, Brazil when he saw a luminous object come "wobbling" down fro 11/4/1954 #11568 ing from his launch, when he saw a luminous sphere hovering six feet above 11/4/1954 #11569 X-HODEMENT, FR AND CHANAT, PDD Big luminous sphere south going quickly nort 11/5/1954 #11574 BALTIMORE, MD Professor and 1. Luminous vertical cylinder/cigar-shape t 11/7/1954 #11587 VOUSSAC, FR Luminous sphere lands by Vacheresse wood 11/8/1954 #11594 come closer, gathered to observe a luminous craft landed in a stadium. The 11/8/1954 #11596 reliable persons reported seeing a luminous sphere land at the edge of the 11/8/1954 #11597 , in the Vacheresse Forest watch a luminous sphere land and then dim, fadin 11/8/1954 #11599 jumped barriers to get closer to a luminous craft that had landed in the st 11/8/1954 #11602 Voussac, France reported seeing a luminous sphere land at the edge of the 11/8/1954 #11603 BUCHY, FR Car slows. Luminous/glowing object lands and takes 11/13/1954 #11634 d N319, Mr. R. L., of Rouen, saw a luminous craft take off while he feIt pr 11/13/1954 #11637 Seine-Maritime, France, and sees a luminous object take off as he feels a m 11/13/1954 #11639 e, France Mr. R. L. of Rouen saw a luminous craft take off while he feIt pr 11/13/1954 #11641 ree short beings in tight fitting, luminous coveralls examining the railroa 11/13/1954 #11642 ecting the ground with the help of luminous objects near railroad tracks ne 11/14/1954 #11651 Forli, Italy, watch a bright-red, luminous UFO approach them in a farm fie 11/14/1954 #11652 TREZELLES, FR Mme. Edelin. Big luminous disk seen. No further details. 11/15/1954 #11657 rman and Air Traffic Controller. 2 luminous objects hover over airport / 2 11/25/1954 #11701 or at airport watched two hovering luminous objects (official report from A 11/25/1954 #11702 air traffic controller watched two luminous objects hover over the Cordoba, 11/25/1954 #11705 e Professor and several. ~20 round luminous/glowing objects north going qui 11/26/1954 #11708 ers, found their road blocked by a luminous sphere over 3 m diameter, hover 11/28/1954 #11720 ree hairy dwarfs. They first saw a luminous sphere on the ground with a hat 11/28/1954 #11724 T. MARTIN-DL-PLACE, FR 1 observer. Luminous/glowing object going down / whe 11/29/1954 #11727 seven p.m. a single witness saw a luminous object that had landed in a whe 11/29/1954 #11730 rquisimeto College was chased by a luminous disk as he was driving near Gua 12/1954 #11734 CORO, VNZ Catholic bishop. Luminous/glowing disk(?) passes. No furt 12/1/1954 #11739 CHAUMONT, FR 2 observer(s). Silent luminous red fish-saucer going quickly n 12/1/1954 #11741 ege direction and lawyer and cops. Luminous saucer hovers. Cop fires shots. 12/3/1954? #11746 ars a prolonged whistle and sees a luminous, transparent object landed abou 12/5/1954 #11764 ISLA / FRANCES, URUG 4 / boat. 10M luminous/glowing ovoid lands / river. Wa 12/7/1954 #11768 ZUERSA, SPAIN 1 observer. 70' luminous saucer lands. Antenna and props 12/8/1954 #11776 g and his wife saw an intense red, luminous object descending toward them a 12/9/1954 #11785 d see two mysterious entities with luminous eyes in a field. They quickly v 12/9/1954 #11786 nto the bushes. Soon thereafter, a luminous disk rose from the side of the 12/10/1954 #11793 shes. Shortly afterward they saw a luminous, disc-shaped object take off fr 12/10/1954 #11798 enzo Flores and Jesus Gomez, saw a luminous object "like two washbowls put 12/10/1954 #11798 PREDALE, CASINA, ITL Luminous/glowing barrel hovers vertical 12/11/1954 #11799 oung girl, Miss Frassinetti, saw a luminous barrel hovering vertically over 12/11/1954 #11801 COL.PRINGLES, ARG Luminous saucer circles down / 1M altitu 12/14/1954 #11806 ture got out. They had with them a luminous basket and a metal tube with a 12/15/1954 #11817 L Several observer(s). Night. Huge luminous/glowing silent circle going [to 12/16/1954 #11818 RAZIL Palace guards and thousands. Luminous ovoid going northeast. Stops an 12/18/1954 #11830 her employee saw the craft. It was luminous and took off soon afterward. 12/20/1954 #11848 ee of the Barbula Sanatorium saw a luminous UFO on the ground but decided n 12/20/1954 #11850 CASTELLUCCIO DI NORCIA, ITL Luminous/glowing triangle going down / m 12/22/1954 #11853 ONERAHI, NI, NZ 5+observer(s). 3 luminous objects spin over harbor / 45 m 12/26/1954 #11860 o, Argentina at 3:30 a.m. It was a luminous object about 100-200 meters awa 12/28/1954 #11869 ger driving over mountain road saw luminous object fly overhead, truck engi 1955 #11890 SYDNEY, AUSTR 1 then 2 luminous clouds. 1 splits into 4 ovoids. 1/1/1955 #11906 enroute to Maracaibo approached by luminous UFO. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 11 - Avi 1/2/1955 #11911 A, MDG Many observer(s). Moon-size luminous blue disk going quickly southwe 1/10/1955 (approximate) #11927 Riverside, California 5:30 p.m. A luminous UFO drops from the sky near Idy 1/14/1955 #11933 NEW CALEDONIA ISLAND Gypsum mine. Luminous "fish net" hovers / 20 minute(s 1/31/1955 #11952 LONDON, ENGL Luminous/glowing saucer-cylinder/cigar-s 5/25/1955 #12157 exandra Park, London, UK Circular, luminous object approached B-47, quickly 5/25/1955 #12158 about 1.10 m in diameter, was very luminous, white, but not blinding. Many 5/31/1955 #12169 e a 1.1 meter (5 feet) in diameter luminous white disc hovered vertically o 5/31/1955 #12170 A huge luminous sphere hovered at ten meters ov 6/2/1955 #12176 nder 1000 feet at 9:47 p.m. It was luminous with a white and blue glow, and 6/15/1955 #12199 AR, MEXICO Many observer(s). Large luminous body hovers / 1 hour! Clouds pa 8/11/1955 #12349 BIRMINGHAM, ENGL Navy man. 15 luminous object / stately in formation l 8/25/1955 #12404 nts in a car saw a creature with a luminous body, standing near a fireplug. 8/25/1955 #12407 nhills, Ohio saw a creature with a luminous body, standing near a fireplug. 8/25/1955 #12409 E 2 / truck faint. Engine stops as luminous/glowing object going [to] over. 9/6/1955 (approximate) #12429 4 / airline(s)/airliner crew. Huge luminous ball changes color(s). Away ext 10/28/1955 #12526 toward the tail) object, which was luminous green-blue and jellylike, appea 11/25/1955 #12592 tapered toward the tail, which was luminous green-blue and jellylike. It fi 11/25/1955 #12593 d been turned off." At 7:30 p.m. a luminous green, bullet-shaped UFO was se 12/9/1955 #12601 AFB, CA Late 1956; Castle AFB, CA, luminous elliptical object and two F-86' 1956 #12628 ar), CA Late 1956; Castle AFB, CA. Luminous ellipt. object and two F-86's ( 1956 #12629 INT, NJ AND MORE/OTHERS 2+several. Luminous saucer hovers and darts to and 2/3/1956 #12696 While a large luminous disc hovered over Keansburg, Ne 2/15/1956 #12719 he middle of the afternoon, a blue luminous disc-shaped object was watched 2/23/1956 #12738 Y, KS 3 cops and 4 others. Several luminous/glowing objects with appendages 6/19/1956 #12907 STE, ITL Many observer(s) / coast. Luminous object hovers / 10 second(s). S 6/27/1956 #12921 Trieste, IT Luminous object hovered, sped away. (UFO 6/27/1956 #12925 il, when he observes a hat-shaped, luminous object leave the sea between Sã 7/16/1956 #12974 PHOENIX, AZ Luminous sphere/orb/globe hovers. Lower 7/19/1956 #12984 Phoenix, AZ Luminous round object hovered, sped away 7/19/1956 #12987 INTLA, GUATEMALA Cops and several. Luminous cigarette zigzags. 4 saucers wh 7/21/1956 #12999 in Escuintla, Guatemala sighted a luminous, cigarette-shaped object that z 7/21/1956 #13001 (GOC) and cops and many. Very fast luminous/glowing 4M object / 150M altitu 7/30/1956 #13030 on, and Lakenheath personnel see a luminous object stop, then zoom off to t 8/13/1956 #13080 east toward(s) observer(s) leaving luminous trails. 8/26/1956 (approximate) #13129 CAMBUQUIRA, BRAZIL 6 observer(s). Luminous disk stops over town / 5 minute 8/28/1956 #13144 ST.-PIERRE-DE-FURSAC, 23, FR Long luminous UFO. 3 passes and drops near / 9/1956 #13162 urners on they closed rapidly on a luminous elliptical UFO that moved above Late 1956 #13277 tle AFB, nr. Modesto, CA Cat.9/11. Luminous elliptical object and two F-86' Late 1956 #13279 Mobile, AL Luminous object descended, hovered in fr 11/14/1956 #13328 At 9:45 p.m. a luminous ovoid object maneuvered in the 12/2/1956 #13385 wo people in Rissington saw a huge luminous cigar hovering low over the hor 1/1/1957 #13446 ench Air Force carrier plane crew. Luminous/glowing disk / green tail. No f 1/3/1957 #13449 t 11:45 a.m. in Honolulu, Hawaii a luminous disc-shaped object entered some 2/11/1957 #13493 ct flying against the wind. It was luminous, about 5.5 m in diameter, and f 3/8/1957 #13529 ind in Baudette, Minnesota. It was luminous, about 5.5 meters in diameter, 3/8/1957 #13533 -DE-LAVAL, DOUBS 2 observer(s). 1M luminous globe with 2M Saturn ring going 4/1957 (approximate) #13572 MODESTO, CA 1 observer. 5 luminous hubcap saucers going quickly no 4/28/1957 #13620 NA, BRAZIL 2 politicos / car. Many luminous/glowing objects. Fast stops and 5/1957 #13627 pot and their wives. The craft was luminous, pulsating between red and whit 5/10/1957 #13652 ST. ANDRE-TREIZE-VOIES, FR Luminous white disk / ground. Takes off 5/27/1957 #13682 URIMAN, VNZL Luminous/glowing object going down. Smal 6/5/1957 #13701 OFF PUERTO CABELLO, VNZ 3 / plane. Luminous red disk cruises / 9K' altitude 6/5/1957 #13702 bers of a local Indian tribe saw a luminous object land and several little 6/5/1957 #13707 VALENCIA TO/FROM PTO CABELLO, VNZ Luminous saucer buzzes DC3. Extremely fa 6/9/1957 #13714 ine(s)/airliner pilot and copilot. Luminous cylinder/cigar-shape makes 90° 7/14/1957 #13794 in the Pacific Ocean open fire on luminous, fast-moving UFOs. No hits are 7/24/1957 #13826 he shore when he saw a hat-shaped, luminous craft approach from the sea and 7/25/1957 #13835 :10 p.m. when he saw a hat-shaped, luminous craft approach from the sea and 7/25/1957 #13840 30 other witnesses see a number of luminous, disc-shaped objects passing ab 8/4/1957 #13876 GOREVILLE, IL Sheriff and 1. 6 luminous/glowing silver 2M eggs circle o 8/15/1957 (approximate) #13899 OR, PANAMA 1 military observer(s). Luminous white fuselage-cylinder/cigar-s 9/21/1957 #14022 EVILLERS, FR Cops / car. Huge luminous/glowing ball going southeast. A 9/22/1957 #14025 Shortly after 11:00 p.m. a white luminous sphere landed in a field 700 ya 9/25/1957 #14033 ildlike beings, with long hair and luminous suits, who looked down at them 10/10/1957 #14092 y human people come out dressed in luminous suits. Then the crew reenters t 10/10/1957 #14095 ildlike beings, with long hair and luminous suits, who looked down at them 10/10/1957 #14097 llo 9:15 p.m. Many witnesses see a luminous oval object pass over Ciudad Bo 10/12/1957 #14104 VIMIOSO, PORTUGAL Luminous disk going quickly south over t 10/16/1957 #14125 tar which took the appearance of a luminous, egg-shaped object and stopped 10/16/1957 #14127 h soon took on the appearance of a luminous, egg-shaped object that stopped 10/16/1957 #14131 NOVY-CHEVRIERES, FR 4 cops. Silent luminous saucer going quickly south / 20 10/30/1957 #14164 AMPBELLSVILLE, KY Boy-scouts exec. Luminous/glowing ovoid sweeps over and a 11/1/1957 #14187 ities encountered at close range a luminous egg-shaped object estimated at 11/2/1957 #14221 ere reports of apparently the same luminous object on the ground and taking 11/2/1957 #14221 n orange, "apparently controlled," luminous object on the ground near the s 11/3/1957 #14242 n orange, "apparently controlled," luminous object on the ground near the s 11/3/1957 #14254 FT. HOOD, TX 20M luminous object lands. Army tanks electr 11/4/1957 (approximate) #14255 Grenada, Spain, when he observes a luminous object changing color from an i 11/4/1957 #14281 ow heading out to sea. It leaves a luminous trail as it shoots away across 11/4/1957 #14284 FUNCHAL, MADEIRA ISLANDS Luminous ovoid flies over city. Fast. Re 11/5/1957 #14292 NORTH / WABASH, IN White luminous object 500' / farm. Going quick 11/5/1957 #14309 ANTIOCH, IL 2 / car. Luminous/glowing saucer follows car. Bob 11/5/1957 #14316 KOREA Military observer(s). White luminous object hovers. Vanishes like a 11/6/1957 #14367 Soeul, S. Korea Luminous bluish-white barrel-shaped obje 11/6/1957 #14407 el-shaped object, bluish-white and luminous, was seen close to the ground, 11/6/1957 #14410 el-shaped object, bluish-white and luminous, was seen close to the ground i 11/6/1957 #14431 MX Many observer(s). 50x20M white luminous/glowing rectangle passes over t 11/7/1957 #14442 . CORCOVADO, BRZ Many observer(s). Luminous/glowing delta/triangle/box-like 11/7/1957 #14450 KATOOMBA, AUSTR Huge luminous/glowing cylinder/cigar-shape ra 11/10/1957 #14511 A shop owner saw a pyramidshaped, luminous, transparent object fly fast ac 11/22/1957 #14595 ten, Denmark saw a pyramid-shaped, luminous, transparent object fly fast ac 11/22/1957 #14596 f the small boat, the vessel grows luminous, with firefly-like sparks of lu 11/29/1957 #14638 10 p.m. a small, 18 cm in diameter luminous ball circled very low over a ro 11/29/1957 #14640 OLONE, OR 2 separate observer(s). Luminous saucer hovers / 6km altitude / 12/8/1957 #14684 two people claimed to have seen a luminous disc hovering over some hills a 12/8/1957 #14695 BARRA DO PIRAI, BRAZIL 10M luminous disk low over road. Away extrem 12/10/1957 #14703 957, a pilot reported seeing three luminous objects cross the sky at 20,000 12/10/1957 #14705 Brazil at 10 p.m., a 10-meter wide luminous disc descended low over a roadw 12/10/1957 #14705 e aircraft lights and sees a large luminous object darting from left to rig 12/11/1957 #14713 f Caracas, Venezuela, finds an odd luminous streak on a photographic plate 12/18/1957 #14747 the passage of Sputnik 2. It is a luminous trail running parallel to the s 12/18/1957 #14747 the area, the object left an odd, luminous haze floating in the air where 12/21/1957 #14753 orm saw a large shape with a tall, luminous pole on the side of the road. H 1/1958 #14790 WIMBERLEY, TX 6+observer(s). 2 luminous/glowing objects Skip about and 1/22/1958 (approximate) #14837 Two luminous objects skipped about and play 1/22/1958 #14839 A huge luminous disc hovered for more than 30 m 2/1/1958 #14863 to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Luminous/glowing silent object going dow 2/24/1958 #14885 was then that they notice a large luminous Saturn-shaped object silently a 2/24/1958 #14889 seen thru) binoculars and 4. Round luminous/glowing cylinder/cylindrical ob 3/17/1958 #14936 RG University Professor and 1. 30M luminous object going down / ground leve 4/12/1958 #14978 ntina when they watched a 30 meter luminous object descend to ground level. 4/12/1958 #14979 ns, about 14 km from Abra Pampa, a luminous object 30 m in diameter came to 4/15/1958 #14987 t 14 kilometers from Abra Pampa, a luminous object 30 meters in diameter ca 4/15/1958 #14989 over the station itself, leaving a luminous trail and considerable heat. 4/17/1958 #14994 over the station itself, leaving a luminous trail and considerable heat. 4/17/1958 #14995 OFF BAHIA, BRZ Varig pilot. Luminous/glowing saucer maneuvers under 5/27/1958 #15052 Airlines pilot watched a brightly luminous circular object maneuver under 5/27/1958 #15055 s)/airliner pilot / early morning. Luminous round object seen. No further d 6/28/1958 #15120 Rome, Italy Luminous UFO observed passing overhead a 8/3/1958 #15176 toward the southeast. It leaves a luminous trail that lights up roads, mou 8/3/1958 #15177 N, ALTA Many separate observer(s). Luminous circular object hovers under ov 8/27/1958 #15227 lames issue from its rear, and its luminous green skin illuminates the terr 9/29/1958 #15286 WACO, TX 5 observer(s). 4 luminous ovoids pass over entire 1 / 2 m 10/3/1958 #15308 ROSWELL, NM 2 observer(s). Bright luminous disk buzzes lonely house. Fast 10/25/1958 (approximate) #15374 ion, exact location not revealed A luminous object, with an apparent diamet 11/17/1958 #15448 a 10:03 p.m. Somewhere in Russia a luminous object hovers and lands. It is 11/17/1958 #15449 At 1:30 a.m. five people saw a luminous globe make sharp maneuvers in t 1/4/1959 #15535 of 900 feet. It is surrounded by a luminous ring 6 feet wide. It is visible 1/18/1959? #15555 A luminous object was seen falling into th 1/21/1959 #15560 of their homes, many people see a luminous disc circling the village for a 2/1959 #15574 around. He goes outside and sees a luminous object like an “elongated egg,” 2/24/1959 #15605 elated with the observation of the luminous object. Irwin deserted, and his 2/28/1959 #15622 A few hours later, a multi-colored luminous UFO was seen close to the Marks 3/12/1959 #15637 sses encountered a seven foot tall luminous humanoid in a swampy area of Ch 3/28/1959 #15677 to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Luminous tube hovers vertical. Moves 200 4/4/1959 #15692 Paces bicycle / 5km / 6M altitude. Luminous and glassy. / FSR'59#3. 4/15/1959 #15703 above him for 5 m. The object was luminous and seemed made of glass. 4/15/1959 #15704 him for five minutes. The UFO was luminous and seemed to be made of a glas 4/15/1959 #15705 At 12:10 a.m. a luminous disc flew over a pasture in Bra 4/23/1959 #15711 liner crew and ground observer(s). Luminous ball hovers. Vanishes. Reappear 5/7/1959 #15724 SALTA, ARG Luminous sphere/orb/globe north going so 6/22/1959 #15781 Salta, Arg Luminous sphere observed passing in sky, 6/22/1959 #15783 alta, Argentina 8:00 p.m. A large, luminous UFO passes over Salta, Argentin 6/22/1959 #15784 er Gill and 37 others watched four luminous figures on top of a low, hoveri 6/26/1959 #15791 OFF ILHEUS, BRZ Luminous sphere/orb/globe scouts destroy 6/27/1959 #15794 izonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil Luminous object followed FAB (Brazilian 7/14/1959 #15849 OAK, NEBR 4 / 2 cars. Round small luminous object follows car going west. 7/20/1959 #15862 , PAPUA-NG Native. Classic saucer. Luminous dome. Going quickly [to] to sea 7/22/1959 #15870 LADAPEYRE, FR 2 observer(s). Huge luminous disk hovers / 30+min. Lenticula 7/26/1959 #15880 LL AIR FORCE BASE, LI, NY Vertical luminous red UFO flies straight going qu 8/19/1959 #15926 14, was out riding a horse when a luminous object dived toward her, and sh 10/2/1959 #16010 in the air. He then saw a hovering luminous object about 200 meters away th 10/16/1959 #16035 COLOMBIAN NAVY SHIP Small luminous/glowing circular object / S. sk 10/19/1959 #16036 40 / outdoor party. Strange buzz. Luminous saucer goes overhead going quic 10/23/1959 #16054 nge buzzing sound was heard when a luminous saucer-shaped object flew over 10/23/1959 #16056 ippo, of Port-Arthur) saw an oval, luminous object follow their car about 1 10/25/1959 #16059 ippo, of Port Arthur) saw an oval, luminous object follow their car about 1 10/25/1959 #16061 ton and Matamata, New Zealand by a luminous object that looked like a large 10/31/1959 #16072 Kandahar, Afghanistan A large, luminous object is seen moving at great 11/8/1959 #16084 PRAIA, CAPE VERDE ISLANDS Luminous object surrounded by halo with 11/24/1959 #16100 INTERVALE, NH Ex-USCG man. 3 luminous objects in-line. 2 more join. G 2/3/1960 #16163 s able to take a photograph of the luminous UFO, but he also received burns 3/2/1960 #16192 . Four three-foot tall entities in luminous green costumes emerged. Their u 4/27/1960 #16244 e fisherman were frightened when a luminous disc hovered 300 feet over thei 5/13/1960 #16269 ACARAU, BRZ Luminous green sphere going south. Stops 5/17/1960 #16280 out of sight. Ten minutes later a luminous green ball of light was spotted 5/17/1960 #16281 NEAR PUERTO RICO Luminous UFO paces Venezuelan.airliner / 7/2/1960 #16325 , reported plane was followed by a luminous UFO. [NICAP UFOE, X] (NICAP: 11 7/2/1960 #16326 ject, four meters wide, with a red luminous bottom that illuminated the roa 8/2/1960 #16364 LISBON, PORTUGAL 2+observer(s). Luminous yellow cylinder/cigar-shape fli 8/15/1960 #16384 n Lisbon, Portugal at 10:00 p.m. a luminous yellow, cigar-shaped object fle 8/15/1960 #16386 1m north / Koktal, CH. Geologists. Luminous object 1.5 / moon north going q 8/16/1960 #16393 aped UFO at 11:00 p.m. The strange luminous body suddenly appeared over the 8/16/1960 #16397 engineering observed accelerating luminous object. [NICAP UFOE, X] (NICAP: 9/15/1960 #16448 ops in 10 seconds. The objects are luminous, round- cornered triangles. 9/29/1960 #16467 LA VAURE, FR Luminous rectangular / 4M altitude 10M a 10/20/1960 (approximate) #16485 ing south low and slow. Blue-green luminous halo. Males turn over mountain. 11/1960 #16491 locations. It appeared as an oval, luminous craft, 4 m in diameter, inside 12/9/1960 #16529 Bordeaux), Gironde, France, sees a luminous oval object twice the size of a 12/9/1960 #16530 MUNCQ-NIEURLET, FR Farmer. Silent luminous top hovers / woods. Red turns g 1/1/1961 #16557 ST / FLORIANOPOLIS, BRAZIL Airmen. Luminous disk circles / sea level. Going 5/28/1961 (approximate) #16701 A luminous disc was seen by airmen circlin 5/28/1961 #16702 ong the road and people watching a luminous disc-shaped object maneuvering 6/5/1961 #16721 cicadas become silent. Suddenly, a luminous disc about 15 feet in diameter 6/11/1961 #16724 s head when he next saw a spinning luminous object approach rapidly from th 6/11/1961 #16725 ts of Warsaw, Poland, see a large, luminous, roughly spherical, slowly movi 6/30/1961 #16739 Ilha Grande, Brazil An intensely luminous UFO maneuvered sharply around a 7/24/1961 #16772 mate date. Five persons observed a luminous, yellow sphere, 8 m in diameter 8/25/1961 #16803 people at Toulouse, France, see a luminous, yellow object, 24 feet in diam 8/25/1961? #16804 r near Toulouse, France observed a luminous, yellow sphere, 8 meters in dia 8/25/1961 #16805 DERRY, PA Engineer. 4 blue luminous/glowing saucers. Windows / edge 10/30/1961 #16935 igonier, PA Engineer observed four luminous blue discs with bands of lights 10/30/1961 #16936 land on the road. It was intensely luminous. 4/11/1962 #17108 e man and family / car. Silent 20M luminous mass spins / field. 3M tall. 5/13/1962 #17169 nd Los Molinos Dam observed a very luminous, elongated object with a bright 5/13/1962 #17170 n a field they saw a 20-meter wide luminous mass spinning near the ground. 5/13/1962 #17172 ovincia, takes several photos of a luminous object above Bahia Blanca, Arge 5/21/1962 #17186 ESPORA NAS, ARG Luminous saucer paces plane. Lights cock 5/22/1962 #17188 ent pilot Roberto Wilkinson sees a luminous object trailing his plane. It l 5/22/1962 #17191 Several luminous discs were seen four times in 3 5/22/1962 #17193 respo at 1:15 a.m. when they saw a luminous truncated cone, 3-4 meters high 6/3/1962 #17216 aft), appeared to be changing some luminous signals. This lasted 10 min and 7/30/1962 #17304 t was about to land, as they saw a luminous object circling at high speed. 8/2/1962 #17316 nd around midnight when they saw a luminous object circling overhead at hig 8/2/1962 #17318 to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Luminous/glowing 25M glowing-cylinder/ci 8/6/1962 #17323 his night several people watched a luminous blue disc-shaped object hover o 8/28/1962 #17369 elin" tire man. His upper body was luminous. After the being had walked to 8/30/1962 #17374 on. Leaves (something behind) blue luminous/glowing trail / air. 3M burnt t 9/3/1962 #17385 eld and Norris Hill when she saw a luminous, gray object, larger than a car 9/13/1962 #17394 l at 11:20 p.m. when she spotted a luminous, gray object, larger than a car 9/13/1962 #17395 Oradell, NJ Bright luminous object surrounded with a glow ( 9/15/1962 #17399 Another witness called police. The luminous object took off a few minutes l 9/15/1962 #17400 her witness called the police. The luminous object took off a few minutes l 9/15/1962 #17404 ST. MAXIMIN, FR Luminous ball rises fast. Stops. Going e 9/23/1962 #17432 bject with windows surrounded by a luminous rim landed near the road on thr 10/28/1962 #17514 r and saw them going back toward a luminous, blue object hovering in a fiel 11/1962 #17524 sees the entities heading toward a luminous, dark-blue object hanging in th 11/1962 #17525 ust over 3 feet tall and wearing a luminous overall emerges. The man motion 12/18/1962 #17593 his wife, and children, had seen a luminous oval-shaped object that landed 1/1963 #17624 dua, Italy saw a very large, round luminous UFO. Nearby stood a man wearing 2/6/1963 #17657 A luminous bluish-silver colored ovoid UFO 2/24/1963 #17685 RUA', ARG 2 observer(s) photograph luminous object rising / forest reserve 3/12/1963 #17700 Subcommittee observed a pulsating luminous white sphere about 7:50 p.m. Th 3/12/1963 #17701 rtinez observed and photographed a luminous object that rose from a forest 3/12/1963 #17702 book Case #8388. Steamship Thetis. Luminous disk 1.5x satellite speed / 3m. 6/15/1963 #17784 Venezuela (200 miles N of), At Sea Luminous disc travel at 1.5 times the an 6/15/1963 #17785 .C. Chamberlin, of S/S Thetis. One luminous disc travelled at 1.5 times the 6/15/1963 #17786 SS Thetis sees in the northwest a luminous disc travel at 1.5 times the an 6/15/1963 #17787 CENTRALIA, ILL Luminous UFO flies slow over railroad/ra 8/7/1963 #17874 , Illinois Five persons observed a luminous source flying slowly over the r 8/7/1963 #17876 Mount Vernon, Illinois An oval, luminous object coming from the north di 8/8/1963 #17879 ). Night lights exit and return to luminous pear shaped object. 8/12/1963 #17888 al lights exited and returned to a luminous pear-shaped UFO hovering over t 8/12/1963 #17890 . and R. Eustagio, 11 and 9, saw a luminous sphere at treetop level. Throug 8/28/1963 #17920 er-cylinder/cigar-shape hovers. 4M luminous dome / top. Winks out or going 9/1963 #17925 FROM WUHAN, CH Airliner chased / 3 luminous saucers / 15 min. Big coverup. 10/1963 (approximate) #17961 hina, air route is chased by three luminous UFOs for 115 minutes. The pilot 10/1963 #17968 MERCURY 8 Wally Shirra. Large luminous masses over Indian ocean. Light 10/3/1963 #17974 ch three giants, 3 m tall, wearing luminous clothes and strange helmets, em 10/12/1963 #17986 ree meters tall emerged. They wore luminous clothes and strange helmets. Do 10/12/1963 #17988 iti, and two other witnesses saw a luminous object, resembling a huge, alum 10/31/1963 #18016 , another adult, and a child saw a luminous object resembling a huge alumin 10/31/1963 #18019 his radio and carbide lamp died. A luminous entity entered the coach, tore 12/17/1963 #18087 SALADILLO, ARG 1 / car. 2 highly luminous objects hover / one hour. 1 lan 2/25/1964 #18136 rg, New Mexico, when a brilliantly luminous object sweeps about 10 feet abo 4/22/1964 #18184 Mexico when a 25-30 foot wide UFO, luminous light green in color, came down 4/28/1964 #18218 south of Las Cruces, New Mexico a luminous UFO flew over a car being drive 4/28/1964 #18219 r near Comstock, Minnesota, sees a luminous UFO like a child’s top from abo 5/5/1964 #18244 to this humanoid encounter a large luminous object had been spotted at the 5/8/1964 #18248 anded in a field. It was round and luminous. 5/13/1964 #18261 anded in a field. It was round and luminous. Also, there were other reports 5/13/1964 #18263 d in bright green clothes, and had luminous hands. They seemed to be search 6/2/1964 #18322 10 separate observers. At 10:00 a luminous blue blimp-shaped object hovere 6/3/1964 #18327 NORTH / WILTON, ND Luminous round object paces private pilo 6/10/1964 #18341 NGL Engineer. Aluminum sphere with luminous/glowing ring hovers / 4-5 minut 7/27/1964 #18439 Aluminum sphere with a flourescent luminous ring (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 7/27/1964 #18444 visor. One aluminum sphere with a luminous ring, remained stationary for 4 7/27/1964 #18447 h, NY Aluminum-colored sphere with luminous ring hovered for four to five m 7/27/1964 #18449 an aluminum colored sphere with a luminous glowing ring that hovered for 4 7/27/1964 #18450 200M EAST / DOVER, DE 4 fishermen. Luminous object going quickly [to] under 8/18/1964 #18493 and (seen thru) telescope. Silent luminous cylinder/cigar-shape circles to 9/24/1964 #18562 eginning shortly after midnight. A luminous, disc-shaped object landed on a 11/25/1964 #18638 bject behind the tree that emits a luminous ray toward them that bends at t 1965 #18689 , lights and engine died while the luminous object hovered nearby; the elec 1/15/1965 #18741 tina Several persons observed five luminous objects in flight. A transparen 2/4/1965 #18799 province, Argentina observed five luminous objects in flight at night. A t 2/4/1965 #18802 licemen, saw three little men with luminous glows emerge from an object tha 2/21/1965 #18824 and three tall beings enveloped in luminous halos emerged, causing the loca 2/21/1965 #18825 asses Himeji, Hyogo, an elliptical luminous object appears and follows the 3/18/1965 #18864 , who says he is being chased by a luminous object over Matsuyama. The obje 3/18/1965 #18864 s a single, bright light, then two luminous sources were visible through a 4/8/1965 #18899 On this evening a luminous UFO zigzagged over Brisbane, Qu 5/17/1965 #18944 NEAR LUJAN, ARG 3+cops. Large luminous saucer becomes opaque when it l 5/24/1965 #18957 embling an upside-down plate, very luminous, with a red light on top, flyin 5/24/1965 #18960 embling an upside-down plate, very luminous, with a red light on top, flyin 5/24/1965 #18965 On this night a large luminous object encased in a bright gree 6/3/1965 #18989 r the Porto Airport. She notices a luminous red object shaped like a cardin 7/12/1965 #19096 squets and their family observed a luminous object, its color changing from 7/15/1965 #19105 squets and their family observed a luminous object, its color changing from 7/15/1965 #19108 CARACAS, VNZ Luminous red saucer zigzags through sky. 7/17/1965 #19114 HINGHAM, MASS Circular luminous/glowing object with 4 arms hove 7/19/1965 #19123 at evening five people witnessed a luminous circular object with four arm-l 7/19/1965 #19136 V, CHL Observer(s) / hotel window. Luminous egg lands / 5 minute(s). Going 7/26/1965 #19178 high, with five occupants, wearing luminous helmets, speaking among theselv 7/26/1965 #19179 contained five occupants who wore luminous helmets and spoke among themsel 7/26/1965 #19183 GOONUMBLA, AUSTR Luminous disk 8km / radio-(seen thru) te 7/30/1965 #19208 cted by the barking of a dog saw a luminous object resting on a tripod land 7/30/1965 #19211 ted by the barking of a dog, saw a luminous disc-shaped object resting on t 7/30/1965 #19212 d two other witnesses saw a yellow luminous disc-shaped object, 50 feet in 8/7/1965 #19339 imes Colorado project 11:30 p.m. A luminous UFO is allegedly photographed i 8/8/1965 #19341 orth Dakota when they saw a yellow luminous, disc-shaped flying object that 8/8/1965 #19342 . No UFO was seen, but there was a luminous screen nearby, on which was dis 8/9/1965 #19350 ARKES, AUSTR 2 farmers. Dogs bark. Luminous saucer hovers near radio-telesc 8/10/1965 #19354 do Rio as a UFOnaut. He had large luminous eyes, and spoke perfect Portugu 8/14/1965 #19390 (LOC UNK), EL SALVADOR Circular luminous/glowing object going [to] overh 8/17/1965 #19411 ks / door. Woman screams. He runs. Luminous sphere/orb/globe going quickly 8/17/1965 #19412 MOUNT AIRY, NC Luminous vertical cylinder/cigar-shape m 8/20/1965 #19429 , she saw a vertical, cigarshaped, luminous object. It moved right and left 8/20/1965 #19437 siting. Two creatures described as luminous dwarfs, who seemed to have "ver 8/20/1965 #19438 she saw a vertical, cigar- shaped, luminous object. It moved right and left 8/20/1965 #19441 of the Sacsahuaman Inca site. Two luminous dwarfish beings, “of strange sh 8/20/1965 #19443 ter landing, the Yacobis could see luminous red or violet figures moving ab 8/20/1965 #19444 N QUENTIN VALLEY, MX 4 hunters. 12 luminous disks appear. 1 responds / flas 8/22/1965 #19452 a railroad crossing when he saw a luminous object above him that circled, 8/23/1965 #19455 Apostoles, Argentina when he saw a luminous object above him that circled, 8/23/1965 #19456 CALLAO, PERU 20+college. Luminous/glowing disk going down / schoo 8/24/1965 #19458 kened by a humming sound and saw a luminous, oval object rising from the ro 9/3/1965 #19504 g sound, and saw a two-meter wide, luminous, oval object that had landed on 9/3/1965 #19513 BEJA, PORTUGAL Cop. Luminous object zigzags away in sky. No 9/8/1965 #19534 hild reported the observation of a luminous object from which seven creatur 9/8/1965 #19537 At 9:15 p.m. local time a luminous object zigzagged away from the 9/8/1965 #19539 Children reported seeing a luminous object from which seven or eigh 9/8/1965 #19541 heard a rushing noise and saw two luminous discs five feet wide and two fe 9/10/1965 #19551 INAS, VNZ Sheriff and crowd. Giant luminous/glowing disk / low altitude. Go 9/15/1965 #19562 ight plane / near collision / huge luminous object / 3km altitude. Several 9/19/1965 #19581 A luminous UFO flew over the city of Cuern 9/23/1965 #19593 e-France, Martinique, when a large luminous object the color of a fluoresce Late 9/1965 #19604 ld in Puno, Peru reported seeing a luminous object at ten o'clock in the ev 10/8/1965 #19653 ] and going quickly [to] overhead. Luminous disk / factory. / r8#713. 10/30/1965 #19688 REZAY, FR Silent luminous orange 60cm sphere / 15M altitu 11/1965 #19691 He steps to the window and sees 2 luminous UFOs hovering nearby, one orang 11/10/1965 #19711 ght lights follow satellites. Self luminous. Maneuvers. Fantastic speed/vel 12/1/1965 #19746 unknown. Observer(s) = Blatchford. Luminous hoops maneuver in sky. No press 12/8/1965 #19756 Tangent, OR Luminous Loops Seen (NICAP: 01 - Distant 12/8/1965 #19758 coach where he was reading, and a luminous being whose legs were clad in s 12/16/1965 #19773 itness amazed. Other people saw "a luminous man" walking along the tracks. 12/16/1965 #19773 ere taken by two single women of a luminous disc with a flame coming from t 12/26/1965 #19790 ose encounter on this night with a luminous green object surrounded by haze 1/4/1966 #19805 VALENCIA, VNZL Many observer(s). Luminous disk going southwest / very low 1/8/1966 #19816 Valencia, Venezuela Night. A luminous, disc-shaped object cruises low 1/8/1966 #19817 and others together in a car saw a luminous disc, like one saucer inverted 1/11/1966 #19827 ear Myerstown, Pennsylvania, see a luminous disc, like one saucer inverted 1/11/1966 #19828 BOLAZEC, FR 4M luminous box going up / roadside going [ 1/16/1966 #19836 n en Bolazec, France when he saw a luminous, box-shaped UFO rise from the r 1/16/1966 #19841 ACARIGUA, VNZ 2 luminous/glowing-objects. 1 going south. 1/19/1966 #19855 Acarigua, Venezuela 7:55 p.m. Two luminous objects pass over Acarigua, Ven 1/19/1966 #19859 and another man observed a bright luminous orange disc-shaped object, abou 2/6/1966 #19891 METHOW, WA 3 / home. 1M luminous disk peeks / windows! Hides fro 2/13/1966 #19900 ME Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Luminous object lands / woods. Flashes. 2/16/1966 #19904 Brunswick NAS, ME Luminous object flashing red, blue, and 2/16/1966 #19905 unswick Naval Air Station, Maine A luminous object was said to have landed 2/16/1966 #19906 A luminous object was said to have landed 2/16/1966 #19908 ne-piece coverall suits that had a luminous band across the chest, were see 2/25/1966 #19918 ANPAUL, USSR Geologist and more. 2 luminous disks / low altitude. Shoot bea 2/28/1966 (approximate) #19927 EST. Police and others saw a round luminous yellow-white object with projec 3/19/1966 #19992 Porte, Indiana saw a 40-foot-long luminous football shaped object surround 3/19/1966 #19995 Mannor and his son, Ronald, saw a luminous object hovering over a swamp. I 3/20/1966 #20008 vestigated a vertically descending luminous object in Exeter, New Hampshire 3/21/1966 #20023 riff and a teacher saw a pulsating luminous white object moving back and fo 3/29/1966 #20133 15 p.m. EST. A teenage boy saw two luminous oval objects about 8 feet in di 3/29/1966 #20134 in Hamilton, Ontario. He sees two luminous oval objects about 8 feet in di 3/29/1966 #20140 Vicksburg, MI Luminous object hovered, blocked roadway 3/31/1966 #20177 on Del Uruguay, Argentina Night. A luminous green object surrounded by haze 4/1/1966 #20196 other of Liberty, Missouri saw two luminous objects land on a hill nearby t 4/1/1966 #20203 AUST Headlights bend toward(s) 25' luminous cone saucer / ground. / FSRv32# 4/4/1966 #20217 HAMVILLE, NY 3 observer(s). Flash. Luminous/glowing UFO pulses and circles 4/5/1966 #20228 day she was told that a pulsating, luminous object had flown at very low al 4/5/1966 #20240 ee witnesses tell her a pulsating, luminous object had flown directly above 4/5/1966 #20247 That same evening several luminous objects with bright red lights 4/7/1966 #20272 en and a friend when she noticed a luminous object as big as the moon darti 4/22/1966 #20377 ered close to the car. The UFO was luminous and lens-shaped, more than twic 4/22/1966 #20377 Massillon, OH Day. A moving luminous cigar-shaped object stopped, th 6/2/1966 #20521 A luminous cigar-shaped object stopped in 6/2/1966 #20524 ALL / GRAFTON, AUSTR Luminous ring circles town / 2 hours. Co 6/6/1966 #20531 R 2+observer(s). 6 fireballs enter luminous vertical cylinder/cigar-shape / 6/15/1966 #20559 streets. Leaves (something behind) luminous/glowing trail! 7/5/1966 #20631 ng a very small creature leaving a luminous trail, quietly walking along th 7/5/1966 #20633 00 ft wide, 20 ft high) bright red luminous object (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 7/11/1966 #20637 ania Two civilian women saw a red, luminous object 30 m away in a field. It 7/11/1966 #20638 ouri before going to bed and saw a luminous object bearing red and blue lig 8/1/1966 #20720 A woman called police to report a luminous object rising and descending on 8/20/1966 #20778 oman called the police to report a luminous object rising and descending on 8/20/1966 #20782 COLUMBUS, OH 2 observer(s). Luminous circular white object splits / 8/23/1966 #20791 Columbus, OH Circular, luminous white object split into 5 objec 8/23/1966 #20794 Broomall and Gilpin. One circular, luminous white object split into five ob 8/23/1966 #20796 ilpin, reported seeing a circular, luminous white object split into five ob 8/23/1966 #20797 ald MacGilvary saw a golden-white, luminous object resting on the beach, wi 9/17/1966 #20891 Massachusetts saw a golden-white, luminous cigar-shaped object resting on 9/17/1966 #20893 , Illinois, when they see a large, luminous, blue sphere hovering low in th 9/24/1966 #20923 -magnetic effect (EME) completely. Luminous 15M saucer wobbles. Going quick 10/1966 #20941 TENBY, WALES 12+observer(s). Blue luminous/glowing cloud-cylinder/cigar-sh 10/8/1966 #20972 fishermen notice a small, bluish, luminous cloud moving in a circle about 10/8/1966 #20974 7:00 p.m. in Tenby, England a blue luminous cloud cigar circled, hovered, a 10/8/1966 #20975 . Several persons saw two brightly luminous objects in daylight, one sped b 10/11/1966 #20989 ce (RFI) and blackout. Large round luminous/glowing object going up and dow 11/4/1966 #21073 CHESHIRE, OH Dog barks. Luminous saucer hovers. Colored sections 11/17/1966 #21113 nd in Collegeville, Pennsylvania a luminous object that seemed to be made o 11/17/1966 #21118 hese were near it something like a luminous balloon sprang up from it and h 11/17/1966 #21118 rgia near the town of Sparks saw a luminous object land on the road; his ca 11/28/1966 #21159 NNW / LUANDA, ANGOLA Luminous points / clear sky pace and buz 12/7/1966 #21189 apt. Henrique Maia is paced by two luminous objects near Luanda, Angola. 12/7/1966 #21190 uvian Coast (near), At Sea Pair Of Luminous Objects Hover Near DC-8 (NICAP: 12/30/1966 #21227 Peru Two luminous objects paced Canadian Pacific 12/30/1966 #21229 At 3:03 a.m. two luminous objects paced a Canadian Pacifi 12/30/1966 #21231 Six luminous spheres were seen flying over A 1/6/1967 #21268 ance at eleven o'clock at night. A luminous shaft of light descended toward 1/6/1967 #21268 igure was seen standing inside the luminous shaft. The being communicated v 1/6/1967 #21268 graphed several 90-centimeter tall luminous humanoid forms in his garage. T 1/9/1967 #21279 side. The photos only show a vague luminous area. The witness apparently ha 1/9/1967 #21279 Agadir, Morocco Rabat 7:30 p.m. A luminous object crosses the sky off Agad 1/12/1967 #21291 ern New Mexico sees a flashing red luminous object in their 10 o’clock posi 1/13/1967 #21299 feet and 300 knots saw a red oval luminous object in the 10 o'clock positi 1/13/1967 #21301 ck under the hood and saw a bright luminous object, 75 feet long by 30 feet 1/25/1967 #21387 t hovered nearby two smaller white luminous spheres approached and entered 1/29/1967 #21412 d their radio went out. The bright luminous UFO first came toward them, the 2/2/1967 #21443 ce when he saw an intensely yellow luminous ovoid object coming at very low 2/5/1967 #21463 round, rotating, 25-foot diameter luminous object which changed color from 2/10/1967 #21500 round, rotating, 25-foot diameter luminous object that changes color from 2/10/1967 #21506 haped objects, a dull, almost grey luminous color; flew northeast in a very 2/12/1967 #21522 n developing one image, he finds a luminous, oval-shaped object with a slig 2/13/1967 #21536 , GA 11:00 p.m. EST. A very bright luminous orange obiect rose out of the w 2/16/1967 #21568 ort(s) / night lights and saucers. Luminous orange object follows car / Bon 2/23/1967 #21626 m. CST). A milk truck driver saw a luminous orange object that paced his tr 2/23/1967 #21629 At 8:00 p.m. MST a luminous orange object paced a car in Bo 2/23/1967 #21637 nurse while driving encountered a luminous orange dome-shaped object (ball 2/27/1967 #21672 At 7:30 p.m. MST in Vernal, Utah a luminous orange dome-shaped object, blue 2/27/1967 #21678 DRY CREEK BASIN, CO Luminous bowl saucer going [to] slow. Ac 3/1967 #21687 Dry Creek Basin, CO Luminous inverted bowl-shaped object app 3/1967 #21690 iguel County Colorado 11:00 p.m. A luminous hemispherical object is seen ov 3/1967 #21702 osport, four people in a car saw a luminous red disc with a dome. It follow 3/1/1967 #21711 on, Massachusetts, leaving a white luminous trail. 3/1/1967 #21717 blong object with 4-6 large square luminous windows in a row along the side 3/3/1967 #21743 Leominster, MA Luminous oval hovering, rocking; witness 3/8/1967 #21800 Leominster, MA Luminous oval, hovering, rocking, witnes 3/8/1967 #21812 MOLINE, IL Cop. 25' / 8mm film / luminous ovoid. No balloon. 6-day wave. 3/9/1967 #21823 2, filmed 8mm motion pictures of a luminous oval or disc shaped daylight UF 3/9/1967 #21841 IGUALA, GUERRERO, MEXICO Intensely luminous object / ground level. Seen / c 3/25/1967 #21977 Iguala, Mexico An intensely luminous object woke up several resident 3/25/1967 #21984 An intensely luminous object woke up several resident 3/25/1967 #21987 MINATARE, NE 2 observer(s). 2 luminous objects hover low. 165cm small 3/26/1967 #21989 US91 NORTHWEST / VAUGH, MT Luminous round object paces 2 / car. Man 3/26/1967 #21991 The object itself was dark, with a luminous band around it, was motionless 3/26/1967 #21995 The object itself was dark with a luminous band around it, was motionless, 3/26/1967 #21999 . They ascend into the object on a luminous beam and speed away. 4/4/1967 #22054 ocation. Minutes later, they saw a luminous spherical object fly away for s 5/24/1967 #22392 ocation. Minutes later, they saw a luminous spherical object fly away for s 5/24/1967 #22393 Albuquerque, NM Luminous object chased car, hovered abov 5/26/1967 #22402 SERMERIEU, FR 2 luminous trails over ground. 4 dead cows 5/27/1967 #22408 Two luminous trails were found over the grou 5/27/1967 #22410 11:30 p.m. CDT. A woman reported a luminous red, saucer-shaped object with 5/31/1967 #22429 iena, Italy, when he sees a round, luminous object from his window. Later h 6/1967 #22439 er M. Gavrilyuk and his wife saw a luminous object shaped like a half moon. Early 6/1967 #22452 of an engineering instructor saw a luminous disc for 1 minute as it darted 6/29/1967 #22570 light. On the film is a red, round luminous object, flattened slightly on t 7/3/1967 #22603 ped object. They first noticed two luminous points that looked like artific 7/4/1967 #22608 chemist and other witnesses saw a luminous orange sphere (see above report 7/15/1967 #22665 goes out on impulse. Silhouette / luminous suit vanishes. 7/18/1967 #22688 one, he saw a silhouette wearing a luminous suit. He thought someone was pl 7/18/1967 #22694 a five foot tall figure wearing a luminous tight-fitting "spacesuit." Ther 7/18/1967 #22695 PYLE, WALES 2 observer(s). Luminous sparkle-cloud = metallic saucer 7/20/1967 #22707 humanoid) emerged from a hovering, luminous disc and took gravel samples. ( 8/3/1967 #22783 racas, Venezuela Two persons saw a luminous, whitish object, 10 m in diamet 8/3/1967 #22786 ch stepped a small man in silvery, luminous clothes, his head surrounded wi 8/3/1967 #22786 DeSoto in Caracas, Venezuela saw a luminous, disc-shaped whitish object, 10 8/3/1967 #22791 hree feet tall, dressed in silvery luminous clothes. His head was surrounde 8/3/1967 #22791 out and saw a round, multicolored, luminous object so brilliant that he had 8/6/1967 #22832 out and saw a round, multicolored luminous object so brilliant that he had 8/7/1967 #22840 where they found a round, brightly luminous object hovering about 13 feet i 8/23/1967 #22908 VNZ Several separate observer(s). Luminous/glowing metallic disk lands / b 8/29/1967 #22947 BRUZUAL, VNZL Several observer(s). Luminous white saucer follows Apure Rive 9/10/1967 #23028 , Apure, Venezuela, watch a white, luminous disc following the course of th 9/10/1967 #23032 NOVOOSKIL'SK, BELGOROD, USSR Luminous half-moon going up and down [to 9/19/1967 #23092 unications technicians, observed a luminous half-moon rising high in the sk 9/19/1967 #23095 ard the east. Ten minutes later, a luminous crescent-shaped object was seen 9/19/1967 #23096 entified observer(s) photographs 3 luminous cloud-ovoids. Photograph in ref 9/21/1967 #23102 LA ROCA-DEL-VALLES, SP Luminous saucer / ground. Small humanoid 9/21/1967 #23103 m. a priest named O'Sullivan saw a luminous ball of light in the sky while 9/22/1967 #23116 ORT, VNZ Air Traffic Controller. 3 luminous saucers going south. 1 dives / 9/28/1967 #23138 ACAS, VNZ Thousands / observer(s). Luminous disk seems to land / Avila Moun 9/28/1967 #23140 Airport], Venezuela, watches three luminous disc pass across the sky from n 9/28/1967 #23144 ple in Caracas, Venezuela, watch a luminous metallic disc cross the sky wit 9/28/1967 #23145 DENVER, CO Judge and 2+1. 3 20M luminous circles / triangle. Light hummi 10/5/1967 #23178 WHITEROCKS, UT Luminous/glowing figure in home! metal s 10/12/1967 #23222 brief apparition of a line of six luminous discs. 10/13/1967 #23234 A brightly luminous object bobbed up-and-down, and 10/27/1967 #23356 Kulikup, AU Luminous, pulsating ellipse, forward mot 10/30/1967 #23366 . EST. A woman and her son saw two luminous globe-shaped objects with red, 10/30/1967 #23368 , RUSSIA Airline(s)/airliner crew. Luminous round object hovers. Not on gro 10/31/1967 #23374 mur, Russia an airliner crew saw a luminous round object hovering at 11:25 10/31/1967 #23379 AN JERONIMO, ARG 2 observers. Blue luminous saucer lands / pasture. Quickly 11/3/1967 #23393 Carlos Spini and another man saw a luminous, blue, circular object land nea 11/3/1967 #23397 n in San Jeronimo, Argentina saw a luminous, blue, circular object land nea 11/3/1967 #23398 EQUIPA, PERU Numerous observer(s). Luminous white disk hovers / 3 minute(s) 11/4/1967 #23399 Fordingbridge, UK Luminous green ellipse hovered just abov 11/5/1967 #23406 Kazan, Russia Night. A luminous red Saturn-shaped object hovere 11/6/1967 #23413 at 11:40 p.m. when they noticed a luminous object in the sky, which they f 11/9/1967 #23434 Liepaya, Russia A large, luminous object shaped like a hemisphere 11/14/1967 #23448 In 1967, at 6:00 a.m., a luminous dome hovered low above the grou 11/14/1967 #23451 WEST / LAMBALLE, FR Many / train. Luminous ball follows train. Lights insi 12/1967 #23527 s)/airliner crews and more/others. Luminous rocket test going quickly east 12/3/1967 #23538 ar Cape Kamennyy, Russia watched a luminous sphere in the sky drop a red fi 12/3/1967 #23546 our foot six inches tall and had a luminous, oblong-shaped head. Furthermor 12/16/1967 #23594 AGREB, CROATIA Many observer(s). 3 luminous/glowing objects. 1 maneuvers, 2 12/24/1967 #23603 ow Dalian], Liaoning, China, see a luminous, gold, oval-shaped object that Early 1968 #23635 WATTAMOLLA BEACH, NSW Luminous disk nears campers. Darkens and 1/13/1968 #23662 COPAHUE, ARG Many observer(s). Luminous object lands / 4h. Rises going 1/23/1968 #23686 At 12:45 a.m. a luminous object landed in Copahue, Neuqu 1/23/1968 #23688 es showed a slightly off-centered, luminous domed disc-shaped object. Anoth 1/23/1968 #23689 ed object. Another photograph of a luminous UFO was taken by a married coup 1/23/1968 #23689 ate, Brazil when a silver colored, luminous object emerged from the ocean o 1/25/1968 #23700 thru) binoculars. Dark object with luminous/glowing halo seen 3X. Maneuvers 1/26/1968 #23701 TORRES, RGS, BRZ Luminous object rises / sea and going do 1/30/1968 (approximate) #23710 orres, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil a luminous object rose from the sea and de 1/30/1968 #23712 Huge saucer / 300M altitude. Large luminous/glowing ball / 45° elevation / 2/1968 #23716 Missoula, MT Luminous elliptical object followed car 2/13/1968 #23754 Missoula, MT Luminous elliptical object followed car 2/13/1968 #23755 et, Norfolk County, England a tall luminous shape or figure glided from an 2/29/1968 #23793 NEAR GRAVATAI, BRZ Luminous/glowing red object follows and 3/1968 #23795 while driving to work, observed a luminous, cigar-shaped object, about 20 3/3/1968 #23813 WV Several workmen. Series / large luminous globes circle and sway over Ohi 3/4/1968 #23819 ia. At 2:00 a.m. a series of large luminous globes circled and swayed over 3/4/1968 #23825 at Mine in Oraviţa, Romania, see a luminous globe in the sky. At 6:10 a.m., 3/30/1968 #23876 BRUNY ISLAND, TASM Fr. Navy ship. Luminous rectangle hovers over waves. RA 4/1968 #23881 RBAN, RSA French naval crew. Large luminous "ship" hovers still over city / 4/3/1968 #23884 MARSEILLE, FR 1 observer / window. Luminous blue cylinder/cigar-shape hover 4/4/1968 #23890 e entire battalion notices a huge, luminous, red-orange disc with a flashin Mid 4/1968 #23906 a 19-year-old woman, had watched a luminous cigar-shaped object in the sky 5/3/1968 #23942 DE CHILOE, CHILE All / ferryboat. Luminous/glowing object slows and stops 5/17/1968 #23966 four men then noticed an intensely luminous circular object hovering overhe 5/17/1968 #23970 n Canal de Chacao, Chile watched a luminous object slow, stop, and make cur 5/17/1968 #23971 Three photographs of luminous UFOs were taken by Dr. Gabriel 5/17/1968 #23972 ently began observing a "series of luminous phenomena" months before. The o 5/17/1968 #23972 round 3:00 a.m. when he observed a luminous sphere coming down rapidly from 5/22/1968 #23980 e than 39" tall, with big ears and luminous green in color. He had his arms 5/22/1968 #23980 One was taller than the other and luminous white beams of light emanated f 6/24/1968 #24076 ith long white hair, and they wore luminous close fitting garments. Holding 6/27/1968 #24087 ject without any door opening. The luminous helix began to rotate at greate 6/27/1968 #24087 GUAJARA, BRZ Luminous/glowing globe seen / days. Irre 6/28/1968 #24091 EL PADUL, SP Several / car. Luminous 2-domed ovoid east going west. 7/1968? #24101 / riverbank. Straight up then off. Luminous tail. 7/1968 #24104 ight and were amazed to observed a luminous object zigzag above them at low 7/2/1968 #24133 SAO MIGUEL AND MORE/OTHERS, BRZ Luminous/glowing globes and saucers. Wav 7/5/1968 #24143 t around 3:00 a.m. when they saw a luminous object pass over and land near 7/8/1968 #24159 D LOS COIPOS, CHILE 5 observer(s). Luminous/glowing body curves east going 7/10/1968 #24165 MARCH DEL PLATA, ARG 2 luminous saucers maneuver. 1 dives / sea 7/11/1968 #24166 CARCOUET, FR Luminous ball stops / intersection. Pace 7/11/1968 #24167 d physical examination. They put a luminous wire device into his mouth that 7/17/1968 #24186 atched the craft fly off leaving a luminous trail. He felt no subsequent il 7/17/1968 #24186 N SPRINGS, FL Fireballs ovoids and luminous/glowing rings maneuver all over 7/21/1968 #24196 ly 20 meters away. It was brightly luminous and sitting in the middle of th 7/22/1968 #24202 in the middle of the courtyard. A luminous red beam came from the object a 7/22/1968 #24202 ed object only 65 feet away. It is luminous and sitting in the middle of th 7/22/1968 #24204 of a garrison commander witness a luminous, egg- shaped object at the same 7/22/1968 #24204 ly 20 meters away. It was brightly luminous and sitting in the middle of th 7/22/1968 #24205 in the middle of the courtyard. A luminous red beam came from the object a 7/22/1968 #24205 ARTMENT, CHILE Several UFO's shoot luminous/glowing rays near Mt. Manquehue 7/24/1968 #24216 DIS, CHILE 2 observer(s). Enormous luminous/glowing object going quickly we 7/24/1968 #24217 ted up their hands to show a small luminous ball, whereupon all the witness 7/25/1968 #24226 , 100 meters away from the road, a luminous spot that gradually increased i 7/25/1968 #24227 A454 NEAR SHIPLEY, ENGL Luminous cylinder/cigar-shape changes sh 7/26/1968 #24229 VENAGO D'ADDA, ITL 3 workmen. Blue luminous disk lands by Addo River. No fu 7/26/1968 #24232 eter, it is dark on the bottom but luminous on top. The cows in the field a 7/28/1968 #24244 object was dark on the bottom and luminous on top. He then saw cows in the 7/28/1968 #24246 Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan, watch a luminous object, about 25 feet in diamet 8/4/1968 #24295 ing sound and saw a four foot tall luminous figure jump out of a hedge near 8/6/1968 #24301 Romero pointed his gun at them, a luminous ray immobilized him. He was lat 8/9/1968 #24313 mbled a small bus with windows and luminous portholes. 8/15/1968 #24332 e walked towards it. It was a very luminous hemispherical object. On the fa 8/16/1968 #24343 , when they see a round, metallic, luminous object moving slowly through th 8/18/1968 #24352 students. 4 black domed disks with luminous edges. Join and going quickly n 8/19/1968 #24356 Kalgoorlie, Australia Luminous white UFO emitted six smaller " 8/22/1968 #24368 tern Australia when they spotted a luminous white UFO. It emitted six small 8/22/1968 #24370 . A bright ovoid object with three luminous bands was encountered on the ro 8/26/1968 #24380 n the woman went out and entered a luminous, pear-shaped UFO craft, shaped 8/26/1968 #24381 VALVERDE DE LEGANES, SP Luminous saucer follows cyclist overhead 9/1968 #24412 feet tall, who was surrounded by a luminous glow. He disappeared, and in hi 9/14/1968 #24460 UQUE DE CAXIAS, BRZ 4 observer(s). Luminous saucer-sphere beams strong ligh 9/15/1968 #24464 RG Several observer(s) 7M saucer / luminous/glowing trail by power station. 9/18/1968 #24476 EAST / CORABIA, ROM 2 observer(s). Luminous/glowing 50cm object zigzags goi 9/27/1968 #24517 object surrounded by four smaller luminous objects that have emerged from 9/29/1968 #24521 rds away, a disc-shaped red-orange luminous UFO, about 50 feet in diameter 9/30/1968 #24527 round the edge. Beside it, several luminous entities of small stature were 9/30/1968 #24527 side the fog they could make out a luminous, sort of translucent oval light 10/1968 #24533 ing with the weapon fires it and a luminous ball hits Pereira in the stomac 10/2/1968 #24537 1 separate observer(s). Large red luminous saucer maneuvers / low altitude 10/4/1968 #24542 oval shaped lights that were self luminous and the apparent size of ten ce 10/28/1968 #24598 ying 14- month-old son. He saw two luminous objects outside his house, and 11/2/1968 #24623 rying 14-month-old son. He saw two luminous objects outside his house, and 11/2/1968 #24624 ying 14-month-old son. He sees two luminous objects outside his house. They 11/2/1968 #24625 rying 14-month-old son. He saw two luminous objects outside his house, and 11/2/1968 #24626 QUEQUEN, ARG 2 / boat and 4. Large luminous saucer lights 40M of sea with r 11/7/1968 #24639 d to be a small “woman” inside the luminous sphere. The strange entity had 11/9/1968 #24649 Bismarck, ND Pilots saw two luminous objects join up, hover about 10 11/26/1968 #24716 A luminous round object with body lights h 11/27/1968 #24726 EPISY, FR 1 / car / D148+2 / home. Luminous/glowing car-size fireball / gro 12/18/1968 #24777 any observer(s). Huge yellow star. Luminous cloud scares cats. / r230v3#2. 12/21/1968 #24785 WEST / LE PUY, FR Luminous ovoid with legs / 50M altitude. 12/29/1968 #24795 LO HORIZONTE, BRZ 2 observer(s). 2 luminous ovoids. Maneuver fast. Brief st 1/1969 #24807 2 observer(s). Orange ovoid with 2 luminous/glowing wings curving going dow 1/4/1969 #24815 erver(s). 5 pseudo-human/entity in luminous square object. Object becomes s 1/6/1969 #24820 hree meters from the ground, was a luminous square 4-5 meters wide. It was 1/6/1969 #24822 nse orange-white color. Inside the luminous square they saw the silhouette 1/6/1969 #24822 LAS PAJANOSAS, SP Luminous/glowing rectangle / ground. 3 f 1/16/1969 #24852 LINS, BRZ Several observer(s). 10' luminous/glowing ovoid on ground behind 1/27/1969 #24873 hand on his belt again, causing a luminous halo to surround his body. Afte 1/31/1969 #24882 afterward the boys pointed out a “luminous ball the size of the sun” stati 2/6/1969 #24898 DALEN AND TELEMARK, NORWAY Huge luminous globe nearly hits smokestacks. 2/13/1969 #24917 A huge luminous globe nearly hit the smokestack 2/13/1969 #24919 NORSEMAN, WEST AUSTR Luminous 10M cylinder/cigar-shape paces 2/20/1969 #24932 Undisclosed city in Australia, AU Luminous cigar followed car; object rose 2/20/1969 #24934 Near Norseman, Western Australia a luminous cigar-shaped object was seen fo 2/20/1969 #24935 eaf." The light he first saw was a luminous haze that had no visible source 2/22/1969 #24939 a greenish tint. Their chests were luminous, and from the waists down they 2/23/1969 #24940 R 4 / 2 helicopters landing. Green luminous object west going quickly east 2/25/1969 #24943 icopters, visually tracked a green luminous UFO that flew rapidly from west 2/25/1969 #24944 AJADAS, SP Earthquake hits. 5 tall luminous pseudo-human/entity seen by lan 2/28/1969 #24949 noid beings, described as tall and luminous. Seized with an irrational fear 2/28/1969 #24951 Atlanta, MO Luminous red object paced ahead of car, 3/4/1969 #24966 ORTH / BOCAIUVA, BRZ Many / bus. 3 luminous/glowing objects / roadside. 1 f 3/7/1969 #24980 Three luminous UFOs were seen sitting in the e 3/7/1969 #24982 ST. JULIEN, FR Man drives through luminous dome. Temp paralyzed. / r30p292 3/11/1969 #24992 a man named Allot drove through a luminous dome in the road in the Loudeac 3/11/1969 #24997 O/FROM OLLAGUE, CHL 3 observer(s). Luminous/glowing football lands 3M from 3/18/1969 (approximate) #25022 In 1969 a luminous, football-shaped flying object 3/18/1969 #25026 rate observer(s). Night lights and luminous/glowing ovoids maneuver / mount 3/19/1969 #25029 BELO HORIZONTE, BRZ 3 girls. Luminous blur / sky / 20 hours. Small hu 3/22/1969 #25036 l at around 8 p.m. when they saw a luminous object with a blue light hoveri 3/22/1969 #25037 NORTHEAST / NEUVILLE, QBC 1 / car. Luminous 75cm keg-spool flies behind hou 4/10/1969 #25054 LORIENT, FR Several observer(s). Luminous moon-size ball slows over city. 4/16/1969 #25065 pped when he drove his car under a luminous red, cone-shaped UFO on a highw 4/26/1969 #25097 NEAR ASTORGA, SP Luminous car-sized red sphere has horn-l 5/11/1969 #25123 talina de Somoza, Leon, Spain. The luminous red spherical UFO had a horn-li 5/11/1969 #25126 had reported seeing an oval-shaped luminous object over her house when she 5/11/1969 #25128 en they saw an elongated yellowish luminous object descend behind them, not 5/19/1969 #25147 ITAJUBA, BRZ All / town. Luminous object going [to] overhead. Pow 5/29/1969 #25168 ter one of the witnesses noticed a luminous, cloud-like humanoid figure sta 5/30/1969 #25169 ARAD, ROMANIA Artist. Luminous 5' golf-tee going SSW over tree 6/1/1969 (approximate) #25184 change in elevation. They saw two luminous figures hide from view. A beam 6/3/1969 #25194 vanished within seconds, leaving a luminous short trail of light behind. 6/10/1969 #25209 urtain formed by hundreds of small luminous white cylinders hovering in a v 6/11/1969 #25211 s that the air is electrified. His luminous wristwatch glows intensely and 6/19/1969 #25226 ASES, BRAZIL Mechanic and several. Luminous 'car' flies 30M over Pomba Rive 6/30/1969 #25237 --from the waist down--resembled a luminous letter "A". The object then "bl 7/4/1969 #25253 ALCALA DEL RIO, SP Luminous red saucer over road. Shoots up 8/1969 #25304 NORTH / ESPALION, FR 2 / car. 3 luminous triangles going east / V-format 8/12/1969 #25319 50 p.m. two people witnessed three luminous triangular craft flying toward 8/12/1969 #25320 NEAR NYKOPING, SWD Man / car. Luminous/glowing object shoots orange be 9/10/1969 #25358 VIANA DE CEGA, SP 10M luminous noisy saucer takes off when obs 9/12/1969 #25365 SAINTES TO/FROM ROYAN, FR Luminous ball paces car in front. Sways 10/11/1969 #25404 At 4:30 a.m. a luminous ball of light paced a car drivi 10/11/1969 #25407 een 30 to 50 feet in diameter with luminous white panels around the circumf 10/28/1969 #25431 OFF TAGULA I., LOUISIADES Luminous wheel rotates under coral sea / 11/1/1969 (approximate) #25446 RIOM, FR 1 observer. Luminous row rectangular windows appear 11/1/1969 #25447 Luminous rectangular windows appear in t 11/1/1969 #25448 al de Bustos, Argentina observed a luminous object approach their car at gr 11/15/1969 #25460 te groups / observer(s). Huge very luminous/glowing disk going northeast ov 2/26/1970 #25590 time in Mar del Plata, Argentina a luminous disc-shaped object glowed as br 4/15/1970 #25634 BRINDISI, ITL 5 / car stop. Domed luminous/glowing object descends / treet 7/16/1970 #25737 ndisi, Italy stopped when a domed, luminous UFO descended below some nearby 7/16/1970 #25739 could only see what appeared to be luminous spheres floating around her. Su 9/7/1970 #25828 IN SALAH, ALGERIA 3 observer(s). Luminous disk going quickly west. Fast a 9/11/1970 #25835 hape going south / 1500M altitude. Luminous disk going south / 2050h. / and 9/21/1970 #25846 MOLAIN, FR 2 / car. Huge luminous tube-cylinder/cigar-shape hover 9/27/1970 #25854 CHARNY, QB 2 / car. Long luminous UFO seen. Heavy car-radio stati 10/5/1970 #25867 a.m. a 59-year-old woman in saw a luminous orange object descend very low 10/5/1970 #25870 She described the object as a very luminous orange circle surrounded by a s 10/5/1970 #25870 bec two witnesses saw a elongated, luminous flying object. Their car radio 10/5/1970 #25870 souri had a close encounter with a luminous crescent-shaped object that des 10/6/1970 #25872 endent sets of photographs showing luminous balls of light in motion were t 12/24/1970 #25952 ordo, New Mexico took a photo of a luminous point in motion, making an abru 12/24/1970 #25952 ocation on a dirt road and found a luminous object hovering just above the 4/14/1971 #26073 About 9:00 p.m. A woman spotted a luminous object over a farmer's field wh 4/25/1971 #26082 Pottstown, Pennsylvania spotted a luminous object over a farmer's field wh 4/25/1971 #26084 Ibstock, Leicestershire, UK Luminous white disc passed over car, bri 5/25/1971 #26134 CHAUCHINA, SP 2 observer(s). Great luminous red-yellow light hover 2M over 6/26/1971 #26196 a man and a woman watched a large luminous reddish-yellow light hover for 6/26/1971 #26199 photographs of the object (bright luminous, shape undefined) as it slowly 8/16/1971 #26287 YAN'AN, SHAANXI, CH 1 observer. Luminous saucer rises and descends slowl 9/13/1971 #26332 , INNER MONG, CH Many observer(s). Luminous object slowly rotates and drops 9/13/1971 #26335 ng west. Leaves (something behind) luminous/glowing trail. 9/13/1971 #26335 NAN, CH 10+observer(s). Big silent luminous ring spins slow and moves fast. 9/18/1971 #26342 nd his car being followed by a red luminous disc while driving to his home 9/22/1971 #26365 k object on the road that turned a luminous red and then blinding white in 9/22/1971 #26365 Caleta, Buena, Chile Luminous oval with dome approached car. 9/24/1971 #26371 nd its two-way radio failed when a luminous domed oval-shaped object approa 9/24/1971 #26372 F TOCOPILLA, CHL Fishing crew. Red luminous sphere hovers over schooner. Go 9/25/1971 #26374 ZINZHENG CO, HENAN, CH Luminous sphere/orb/globe rotates back a 9/25/1971 #26376 d forth. Leaves (something behind) luminous spiral trail / sky. 9/25/1971 #26376 ss China on this day. In Xuchang a luminous object spiralled in a countercl 9/25/1971 #26381 e Janeiro, Brazil, when they see a luminous, yellow, silent object above a 10/2/1971 #26400 st the settings. The UFO has three luminous appendages (white, yellow, and 10/2/1971 #26400 age resulted. At 8:30 p.m. another luminous UFO, this one disc-shaped, desc 10/28/1971 #26437 Hundreds / observer(s). Extremely luminous saucer hovers and spins. Crosse 12/4/1971 #26485 At 10:30 p.m. an extremely bright, luminous disc hovered and spun over the 12/4/1971 #26486 APERUNA, BRZ Numerous observer(s). Luminous/glowing 1M disk crosses river t 12/9/1971 #26492 attern in the distance. Suddenly a luminous triangular object appears right 1/1972 #26535 LONGUEVILLE, FR 3M luminous sphere/orb/globe lights up and 1/25/1972 #26554 BOUSSOIS, FR 4 observer(s). 2M luminous ball spins near factory. Going 3/1/1972 #26585 A two-meter wide spinning, luminous ball of light hung over a facto 3/1/1972 #26586 ot, he sees the thing is a kind of luminous sphere giving off a blue light 3/19/1972 #26617 NEAR MT. FARON, FR 1 observer. Luminous ball east going west toward(s) 3/27/1972 #26626 LOVSTA, SWD Man / car. Luminous/glowing ball / 10M altitude pac 4/13/1972 #26643 at around 11 p.m. when they saw a luminous disc settle to the ground 100 y 5/2/1972 #26669 EPLUQUES, FR 1.5M square luminous object hovers near ground. 1M s 5/13/1972 #26680 SCHAUX, FR 4 separate observer(s). Luminous ovoid hovers. Going south low a 6/2/1972 #26697 A luminous ovoid object hovered over La De 6/2/1972 #26698 t-long, football-shaped, metallic, luminous object enters his room and appr 6/22/1972 #26726 ELLEZELLES, BELGIUM 1 observer. Luminous/glowing cloud hovers. 3 beams / 7/4/1972 #26763 beams of light shining down from a luminous cloud. 7/4/1972 #26764 Alcaracejos, Cordoba, Spain Luminous object beamed light at car, eng 7/10/1972 #26788 Alcaracejos, Cordoba, Spain Luminous object beamed light at car, eng 7/10/1972 #26789 server(s) wakened / car noise. Red luminous ball in staircase maneuvers slo 7/15/1972 #26801 Marco took two photographs of a of luminous object in the night sky. They a 7/23/1972 #26827 E TO/FROM SUDBURY, ON Sphere leads luminous/glowing cloud east going west. 7/27/1972 #26839 SHANDONG, CH Many / outdoor movie. Luminous silver spindle going up and dow 8/1972 #26857 MAUBEUGE, FR 1 observer. Red luminous disk north going quickly south 8/2/1972 #26867 long. Five other white lights emit luminous beams that extend progressively 8/12/1972 #26911 are-shaped head, "like a machine", luminous buttons, and fiery eyes. "The s 8/16/1972 #26922 Colby, KS Luminous, bowl-shaped object hovered nea 8/19/1972 #26931 Colby, KS Luminous, bowl-shaped object hovered nea 8/19/1972 #26932 ecen, Hungary, workers see about 7 luminous, orange-colored ellipses floati 9/1972 #26973 . Green night light. Saucer with 4 luminous "legs" hovers / air. Back 11+13 9/7/1972 #26978 ith four lime green, solid looking luminous pylons or legs, giving the obje 9/7/1972 #26979 RIO GALLEGOS, ARG Luminous/glowing object near Navy base r 9/9/1972 #26982 OKINAWA, JP 40+observer(s). Silent luminous object hovers and maneuvers. 4 9/22/1972 #27025 LANZAROTE ISLAND, CANARIES Luminous disk with very strong beam / lo 9/26/1972 (approximate) #27031 Santa Isabel, Cordoba, Argentina a luminous object which picked up a tall h 9/27/1972 #27036 ght and into the UFO. Others saw a luminous object rising up into the sky f 9/27/1972 #27036 HANOI, NORTH VIET Luminous orange sphere hovers very high 9/29/1972 #27039 SAM missiles were fired upon a luminous orange sphere that was at a ver 9/30/1972 #27041 n the porch and sees a huge, round luminous object descending to a hill app 12/13/1972 #27176 and with these he can see that the luminous shape is hovering a several fee 12/13/1972 #27176 ISL., COL. Numerous observer(s). 3 luminous cones / beach. Bottom part spin 2/9/1973 #27275 Newsman / (seen thru) binoculars. Luminous/glowing domed saucer going east 2/17/1973 #27293 BRUNSWICK, GA 4 observer(s). Luminous/glowing 7M disk passes low over 2/18/1973 #27294 ers away from the road, they saw a luminous ball whose light diminished in 3/24/1973 #27373 nsity. For a few seconds 4-6 white luminous rectangles appeared beside it. 3/24/1973 #27373 d observe it from behind. A second luminous ball, likewise in the field, wa 3/24/1973 #27373 binoculars Mr. Cosme could see two luminous silhouettes of humanoid beings, 3/24/1973 #27373 / MAIQUETIA, VNZ Many observer(s). Luminous/glowing saucer rises / sea. Sto 3/25/1973 #27374 ines, Oise, France. They spotted a luminous ball in a field near Songeons o 3/25/1973 #27376 y, and for a few seconds 4-6 white luminous rectangles appeared next to it. 3/25/1973 #27376 the light from the rear. A second luminous ball was then seen in another f 3/25/1973 #27376 binoculars Mr. Cosme could see two luminous silhouettes of humanoid beings, 3/25/1973 #27376 ngular beam went out, and next the luminous ball turned off. On their way h 3/25/1973 #27376 Sao Paulo, Brazil 2:00 a.m. saw a luminous flying object approaching her p 5/27/1973 #27532 . The object is white-metallic and luminous on the bottom, about 6.5–13 fee 5/27/1973 #27533 eet. When she looked out she saw a luminous flying object approaching her p 5/27/1973 #27535 0 a.m., a group of motorists saw a luminous yellow egg-shaped object approa 9/13/1973 #27814 0 a.m., a group of motorists saw a luminous yellow egg-shaped object approa 9/13/1973 #27815 ding a bend in the road they saw a luminous bright orange object shaped lik 9/14/1973 #27821 the road they saw a bright orange luminous object shaped like a truncated 9/14/1973 #27823 hts electro-magnetic effect (EME). Luminous/glowing objects land / field. O 9/19/1973 (approximate) #27835 MARESFIELD, ENGL 2 luminous/glowing objects going down / tr 9/19/1973 #27836 The humanoid was carrying a large luminous sphere in its hands. The girls 9/27/1973 #27880 As he approached, he saw it was a luminous ovoid object, with smoke undern 10/1973 #27896 ROGERS, ARK 1 observer. Vertical luminous red cylinder/cigar-shape flies 10/1/1973 #27904 or mist. A motorcycle stalled as a luminous ovoid object approached and hov 10/5/1973 #27952 1+2 observer(s). "Turreted wall" / luminous orbs / beach. / Canadian UFO re 10/6/1973 #27958 to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Luminous/glowing red object goes straigh 10/10/1973 #27972 s, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana a luminous red UFO passed overhead, causin 10/10/1973 #27985 HATTIESBURG, MS Luminous 12cm sphere/orb/globe lands / c 10/16/1973 #28066 cothe, OH Motorist buzzed by three luminous objects; one with blinding gree 10/16/1973 #28079 SOUTH / CROWLEY, LA 2 observer(s). Luminous/glowing ovoid over Chevron oil 10/17/1973 #28095 LA AND MORE 10 separate report(s). Luminous objects hover and maneuver and 10/17/1973 #28096 from central Louisiana. Pulsating luminous object changing colors seen nea 10/17/1973 #28123 telescope. Winds going east. 150' luminous yellow hexagonal cylinder/cylin 10/19/1973 #28184 vel. They wore square helmets with luminous, rectangular eye slots. One of 10/19/1973 #28197 ST BERLIN, PA Several observer(s). Luminous blimp hovers over barn / farm. 10/20/1973 #28208 COVEDALE, OH Ape-like figure / luminous/glowing 7' belljar. Fire alarm 10/21/1973 #28224 PEORIA, IL 4 / car. Luminous 50'"giant green hotdog" / treet 10/22/1973 #28234 the far side of the pond rested a luminous rectangular object approximatel 10/29/1973 #28319 ESPORA NAS, ARG 5 / air tower. Luminous ovoid hovers / strong wind / 15 11/2/1973 #28348 PASCAGOULA, MS Many and USCG. 12' luminous submarine/submerged object mane 11/6/1973 #28369 , UMBRIA, ITL Several observer(s). Luminous object passes. Electric power f 11/9/1973 #28395 SAN JUAN, PR E. L. Lebron sees 2 luminous disks near Villa Nevares distri 11/9/1973 #28397 VIA Airliner and Air Force pilots. Luminous/glowing top-object follows line 11/11/1973 #28402 ral observer(s). Photographs / odd luminous object. / r232v3#1p10'74. Also 11/13/1973 #28415 MOBILE BAY, AL Guard. Luminous 5'x5'OVOID 6" over bay. Jerks a 11/17/1973 (approximate) #28436 SSW / TRACY, QB Luminous ball paces car. Pink fog / road 11/18/1973 #28438 Tracy, Quebec toward Montreal by a luminous white flying ball of light. It 11/18/1973 #28444 face was shiny and metallic with a luminous fan-shaped beam directed from t 11/19/1973 #28449 NT, ITL Pilots and many and RADAR. Luminous/glowing sphere/orb/globe maneuv 11/30/1973 #28485 0 feet above the runway. He sees a luminous, multicolored ball of light cha 11/30/1973 #28490 BOONDAEL, BELGIUM Crackling noise. Luminous/glowing hollow beam sweeps grou 12/2/1973 #28500 A luminous disc-shaped object maneuvered o 12/2/1973 #28505 lus two headlights. At 6:30 p.m. a luminous white disc-shaped object hovere 12/11/1973 #28556 about 1.1 meters tall dressed in a luminous green space suit and helmet. Th 12/19/1973 #28587 MARTIGUES-LAVERA, FR Luminous yellow ball and going east over 12/28/1973 #28610 ic Standard Time a photograph of a luminous UFO was taken in Spokane, Washi 12/31/1973 #28623 Y TO/FROM AGINCOURT, FR 4 / car. 2 luminous/glowing blue masses land / fiel 1/1/1974 #28638 CCIO, CORSICA Several observer(s). Luminous white sphere going quickly west 1/3/1974 #28640 AJACCIO, CORSICA Businessman. Luminous banana going east. Hums. Going 1/5/1974 #28647 NEAR GOULT, FR 2 / car. Luminous red object flashes. Going [to] 1/6/1974 #28652 boots. He wore a black belt with a luminous disc in front and a diagonal "S 1/7/1974 #28661 see a bright object followed by a luminous tail and (according to one witn 1/23/1974 #28694 te. At 10:00 p.m., a man watches a luminous sphere descend into the sea nea 1/23/1974 #28694 Lisbon, Portugal V-formation of luminous orange discs observed by airlin 1/26/1974 #28708 tugal, see a V- formation of 10–15 luminous orange discs. Berglund rules ou 1/26/1974 #28709 server(s). 7 balls exit and circle luminous ovoid 100M away. Going quickly 2/1974 #28720 AVION, FR 2 luminous orbs come and go. Also 3 more / 2/3/1974 #28726 ST. NIC, FR 2 cops. Luminous saucer hovers still as clouds p 2/3/1974 #28728 CIZE, FR Engineer and more/others. Luminous cylinder/cigar-shape turns and 2/9/1974 #28751 REIMS, FR Numerous observer(s). Luminous red ball hovers glassworks / ho 2/24/1974 #28792 s / triangular night light and 20' luminous/glowing disk. Responds / headli 2/25/1974 #28800 NEAR ST.-MARTIAL, FR Large luminous sphere shoots jets / light. Dom 2/28/1974 #28818 MELLIONEC, FR 2 luminous 20cm ovoids 1.5M over ground. R 2/28/1974 #28819 Cotes-Nord department, France two luminous 20 cm long ovoid objects hovere 2/28/1974 #28824 nge disk leaves (something behind) luminous/glowing trail south going quick 3/1974 #28828 ST.-JEAN-DU-FALGA, FR 1 observer. Luminous/glowing cylinder/cigar-shape sh 3/1/1974 #28835 itness, Mr. Blandiniere, watched a luminous cigar-shaped object with tapere 3/1/1974 #28841 n Vesta Community, Virginia. A red luminous object was then seen ascending 3/1/1974 #28843 ST.-CESAIRE, GARD Luminous UFO has slanting tube beneath w 3/5/1974 #28857 tube beneath with ball / each end. Luminous trail. 3/5/1974 #28857 AND NEARBY TOWNS Many observer(s). Luminous green "fountain pen" in sky / 3 3/7/1974 #28864 Milan, Italy Luminous saucer-shaped object with color 3/9/1974 #28871 ation pilot Alfonso Isaia chases a luminous, saucer-shaped object with colo 3/9/1974 #28872 his attention to a pyramid-shaped luminous object which was just taking of 3/15/1974 #28891 MEUZAC, FR Farmer sees luminous ball. Yellow light-beams rotate 3/19/1974 #28908 ide metallic UFO, now only faintly luminous, stood of three half-meter long 3/21/1974 #28920 no visible openings. A second non luminous object hovered some 16 meters a 3/21/1974 #28920 raph / milking-stool saucer with 4 luminous/glowing legs. / r41p293. 3/23/1974 #28933 Barrameda, Spain, when he sees a “luminous, metal-like” object moving upwa 3/23/1974 #28935 D'AUBEZIES, FR 4 / car. Silent red luminous ball northeast going southwest 3/25/1974 #28944 :00 a.m. when he spotted a strange luminous object like a plate placed abov 3/26/1974 #28957 leuville, Charente, France. It was luminous and had two rays of light comin 3/26/1974 #28958 SARDENT, 23, FR Luminous white crescent / low altitude i 3/28/1974 #28963 E, FR 2 observer(s). 3 photographs luminous/glowing point / sky show flat m 4/1/1974 #28987 airline crews. Bright object with luminous beam hovers. / LDLN#172. 4/2/1974 #28989 MONZA, ITALY Man photographs luminous hemisphere going east. News and 4/3/1974 #28991 ST. MALO, FR 2 / taxi. Large luminous cylinder/cigar-shape going sout 4/9/1974 #29000 driving in a taxi watched a large luminous cigar as it flew southeast towa 4/9/1974 #29001 cántara, Cáceres, Spain, observe a luminous rhomboid object with a pink-yel 4/13/1974 #29012 wife had just arrived home when a luminous disc-shaped object came out of 4/16/1974 #29042 In February 1973 Faria had seen a luminous, ring shaped UFO hovering low o 5/1/1974 #29078 LA ROCHE-EN-ARDENNE, BELGIUM Luminous "Rugby-ball" beams ray on 220kv 5/14/1974 #29103 LANDEVENNEC, FR 4 / car. String / luminous balls blocks D60. Observer(s) f 5/20/1974 #29115 HAISNES-LEZ-LA BASSEE, FR 42M luminous ovoid / wobbly landing. Big bla 5/20/1974 #29116 me down. At 11:00 p.m. an enormous luminous ball of light approached Haisne 5/20/1974 #29121 Several / farm. Glowing-banana or luminous bowl bottom going north slow. B 5/25/1974 #29133 a glass tube at the witness and a luminous beam of light struck him, paral 5/26/1974 #29136 A red luminous sphere was seen over Lake Georg 6/7/1974 #29171 derly farmer, noticed an elongated luminous object in the sky at around 11 6/8/1974 #29173 p in the sky. It appeared as a red luminous sphere. Later that night this s 6/8/1974 #29173 VILLEFRANCHE-DE-CONFLENT, FR Luminous hemisphere with small lights on 6/18/1974 #29207 CAMPO, BRZ Hundreds and 15 police. Luminous cylinder/cigar-shape comes and 6/20/1974 #29215 itnesses including 15 police saw a luminous cigar-shaped object fly back an 6/20/1974 #29217 HELLEMES, FR 2 observer(s). Luminous tube-cylinder/cylindrical objec 6/29/1974 #29229 wer. At 2:25 a.m. a reddish orange luminous cylinder was seen over Hellemes 6/29/1974 #29231 CHATEAUNEUF-DU-PAPE, FR Luminous saucer follows 2 / car. Hides a 7/8/1974 #29242 At 12:50 a.m. a luminous disc-shaped object began follow 7/8/1974 #29246 MERATE, ITL 2 observer(s). Passing luminous sphere quickly going down. Stop 7/17/1974 #29263 CANET-PLAGE, FR 4M luminous ovoid going [to] over beach fas 8/1/1974 #29295 At 2:30 a.m. a four meter long, luminous ovoid object flew fast over the 8/1/1974 #29296 aine and Michael Alden watch three luminous UFOs in a triangle formation be 8/11/1974 #29323 Police Department witnessed three luminous objects in a triangle formation 8/11/1974 #29325 CHORANCHE, ISERE Man sees yellow luminous ball going north going south ov 8/12/1974 #29332 -TEN-NOODE, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Luminous ball going quickly SSE. Instant 8/15/1974 #29348 NGE, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Silent luminous white saucer / treetop altitude 8/15/1974 #29349 LA CROIX-MADAME, FR 2 observer(s). Luminous mass / low altitude. Dogs bark. 8/26/1974 #29389 ack orb, outlined by a faint white luminous corona, split in two. The spher 8/26/1974 #29391 KARUP J., DK Yellow luminous/glowing ball paces girl / moped 9/1974 (approximate) #29408 aw an odd red orange light, then a luminous sphere that rose from behind a 9/8/1974 #29434 aw an odd red-orange light, then a luminous sphere that rose from behind a 9/8/1974 #29436 ers in the area later saw a large, luminous orange-red disc-shaped object m 9/8/1974 #29436 or beams were visible between the luminous object and the illuminated grou 9/8/1974 #29436 SOUTH BAR, NS Luminous/glowing object hovers / radio t 9/9/1974 #29438 At 9:30 p.m. a luminous UFO hovered over a radio tower 9/9/1974 #29440 FR Dog barks. Power out. Area lit. Luminous traces / ground. / r251p105+/ M 9/29/1974 #29490 ear Chilca, Peru the witness saw a luminous, disc-shaped object land this n 10/7/1974 #29504 R 15M oval-halo holds 3 concentric luminous circles. Going quickly northeas 10/8/1974 #29505 Beginning at 10:45 p.m. a luminous triangular or delta-shaped obje 10/10/1974 #29513 SLAND, SCOTLAND 2 / trawler crews. Luminous orange dome / horizon going qui 10/16/1974 #29534 AENI, ROMANIA 6 kids. Large silent luminous globe going [to] overhead. Stop 10/16/1974 #29535 CORDOBA, ARG Several observer(s). Luminous/glowing bodies fly over city. 3 10/16/1974 #29537 or several minutes. He notices his luminous watch dial has become brighter 11/1974 #29575 , Louisiana when he saw two bright luminous objects flying low over some ne 11/21/1974 #29601 olis, Minnesota saw a large orange luminous ball crossing the sky in the ev 11/26/1974 #29610 nd them was a translucent, faintly luminous "box like structure." In a mome 12/2/1974 #29630 JARIOLLES, FR 2 / car. Luminous white cone with 2 lit rectangul 12/23/1974 #29658 BREST, FR 1 observer. Luminous/glowing, sphere/orb/globe ball 1/1975 #29682 soldiers at a military base saw a luminous yellow-white cone- shaped objec 1/1/1975 #29687 soldiers at a military base saw a luminous yellow-white cone-shaped object 1/1/1975 #29691 room about 8 feet in diameter with luminous walls. Three beings, about 5' 9 1/5/1975 #29723 ntire event from first observing a luminous phenomenon in the area to the d 1/5/1975 #29726 GUARAPARI, BRZ 2+4 observer(s). Luminous ball stops / beach. "Photograph 1/8/1975 #29731 GNO, ITL 1 / home. Silver-metallic luminous sphere quickly going down [to] 2/10/1975 #29793 PONT-CROIX, FR 2 luminous saucers close together / high a 2/10/1975 #29795 POULDERGAT, FR Big red luminous rectangular-box shaped hovers / 2/10/1975 #29796 rance Messr. J. Raphalan saw a red luminous rectangular object hovering ove 2/10/1975 #29802 -EN-OUCHE, FR 2 observer(s). Large luminous/glowing sphere/orb/globe / 15M 2/12/1975 #29805 ST. BENOIT, REUNION Girl / 16. Luminous ball going north at low altitud 2/16/1975 #29813 p.m. A night time photograph of a luminous UFO was taken in Norman, Oklaho 2/18/1975 #29824 named Kono and Yamahata watched a luminous orange UFO approach Kofu, Japan 2/23/1975 #29837 named Kono and Yamahata watched a luminous orange UFO approach Kofu, Japan 2/23/1975 #29839 MONSIREIGNE, FR 2 observer(s). 2 luminous 35M balls over hedge. 4 photogr 3/3/1975 #29871 Four photographs were taken of two luminous balls, approximately 0.35 meter 3/3/1975 #29872 dd beings on a train in 1959 and a luminous sphere in 1962. 3/6/1975 #29876 AIRE-SUR-L'ADOUR, FR Luminous green bundle rises / ground and 3/9/1975 #29881 ORANI, ITL 2 women. Red luminous moon-size sphere hovers 15M ove 3/13/1975 #29892 (S) WEST / LUMBERTON, NC Minister. Luminous/glowing silent night light seem 4/4/1975 #29958 went back to the window and saw a luminous oval object 40 feet wide, no mo 4/6/1975 #29978 DRAGUIGNAN, VAR Silent luminous ball floats by rotating counter 4/7/1975 #29980 A luminous disc came out from behind a hou 4/18/1975 #29994 rthwest. Leaves (something behind) luminous/glowing trail of mist. 5/1975 #30013 MEYMANS, FR White luminous ovoid near farm. Burglar alarm 6/6/1975 #30086 Y-SUR-ORNAIN, FR Cop photographs 2 luminous ovoids over trees. South-curve 6/6/1975 #30088 rking. One half hour later a white luminous ovoid-shaped object was spotted 6/6/1975 #30089 policeman took photographs of two luminous ovoid-shaped objects flying ove 6/6/1975 #30090 ST.-TUDEL, FNS, FR Luminous yellow 60cm sphere/orb/globe la 6/9/1975 #30093 Genova, Italy A luminous globe, described also like a la 6/20/1975 #30110 A luminous globe, described also like a la 6/20/1975 #30112 R 2 observer(s). Silent red-orange luminous/glowing ovoid with halo going n 6/29/1975 #30131 ANAC, FR Several observer(s). 3.5M luminous heart flies. 70cm "wedge" lands 7/4/1975 (approximate) #30154 disk hovers / 5M altitude. 2 1.5M luminous/glowing small humanoids (or Gre 8/8/1975 #30243 , France, both 17, were watching a luminous object circle in the sky, when 8/8/1975 #30244 D30 / LA BROSSE, FR 4 / car. Luminous/glowing red ball follows car go 8/11/1975 #30249 At 10:30 p.m. a luminous red ball followed four witnesse 8/11/1975 #30251 , France. An oval door opened, and luminous orange beams of light shot out 8/12/1975 #30256 et long, 20 feet wide, and faintly luminous. It stops descending at 20 feet 8/13/1975 #30264 suddenly felt uneasy, and saw four luminous "forms". He called Patrick, who 8/18/1975 #30288 . EVARZEC, FR Several observer(s). Luminous saucer maneuvers low over trees 8/22/1975 #30294 gs. It began to rise and fall, and luminous portholes were now visible on t 8/28/1975 #30315 LE CHEYLARD, FR Green luminous seashell leaves (something behi 8/29/1975 #30318 RG Student photographs 6 identical luminous metallic disks going west. = UF 9/4/1975 #30341 peared in front of the car. It had luminous oblong shaped eyes and what app 9/17/1975 #30367 om hovers / 900M altitude. Becomes luminous disk. Away very fast. 9/22/1975 #30376 RUK, ALGERIA 2+2 observer(s). 13cm luminous/glowing ovoid going down. Beam 9/30/1975 #30397 helmets. The front of helmets were luminous or light reflecting. The one ne 10/26/1975 #30475 irline(s)/airliner crew and RADAR. Luminous/glowing object follows DC9. Ins 10/28/1975 #30493 PEPACTON RESERVOIR, NY 2 campers. Luminous sled with hoops / top going dow 11/8/1975 #30578 rvoir in Ulster County first saw a luminous "sled" with hoops on top descen 11/8/1975 #30583 PACIFIC, MO Luminous UFO near car. Radio static. Whi 11/15/1975 #30621 At 3:30 a.m. an orange-red luminous disc-shaped object was encounte 11/28/1975 #30673 hortly afterwards saw an elongated luminous object behind his truck, which 12/11/1975 #30705 ay from him, about 15 feet high, a luminous white color, and resting on fiv 1/5/1976 #30760 ay from him, about 15 feet high, a luminous white color, and resting on fiv 1/5/1976 #30761 all, emerged. He wore tight, white luminous coveralls and had long blond ha 1/5/1976 #30761 lights stretch below these, and a luminous blue dome is on top of the obje 1/6/1976 #30770 s, Isere department, France when a luminous object appeared in the sky and 1/9/1976 #30781 inches from the body, with a less luminous silvery outer glow that extende 1/11/1976 #30785 DOMENE, FR 2 observer(s). Luminous/glowing object / low altitude. 1/15/1976 #30790 itness. They were clad in dark but luminous tight fitting clothing resembli 1/29/1976 #30832 s a road. They wore purple-colored luminous one-piece suits and their waist 2/10/1976 #30862 s a road. They wore purple-colored luminous one-piece suits and their waist 2/10/1976 #30863 Near crash with 2M green fireball. Luminous/glowing trail. / LDLN#331+/ r15 3/3/1976 #30918 on of the 12-year-old in Brazil, a luminous green sphere with a luminous ta 3/3/1976 #30923 il, a luminous green sphere with a luminous tail nearly collided with a Fre 3/3/1976 #30923 9:45 p.m. Depite being dark it was luminous and shaped like the "Michelin m 3/14/1976 #30940 FIELD, CT 2+2 cops and hundreds. 6 luminous spheres part. Regroup. Stop dea 3/24/1976 #30953 A.MARGHERITA, SARDINIA NATO man. 3 luminous bars / sudden changes in format 5/1976 (approximate) #31030 bducted. Inside the craft he saw a luminous horseshoe-shaped instrument pan 5/14/1976 #31052 Alamogordo, NM A luminous UFO shaped like coolie hat pace 5/21/1976 #31069 A luminous UFO shaped like coolie hat pace 5/21/1976 #31070 bject, transparent, huge, brightly luminous, no sound. Two human-like being 6/22/1976 #31127 f the ship Osaka Bay also sees the luminous phenomena in the shape of a sph 6/22/1976 #31129 wearing a dark outfit that emitted luminous flashes from the chest area. 7/15/1976 #31165 REVIN, FR 30+observer(s). Luminous disk hovers over TV tower / 20 7/17/1976 #31170 HATEAUNEV VAL / BARGIS, FR 1 / D2. Luminous green globe suddenly shoots goi 7/19/1976 #31174 he UFO had been there was a slight luminous vapor. For about ten hours afte 8/6/1976 #31241 ufeira, Portugal, and sees a vivid luminous rectangle on the window curtain 8/10/1976 #31251 hot night) there was a very vivid luminous rectangle, “like a TV screen.” 8/10/1976 #31252 to, Ecuador witnessed more than 20 luminous cones illuminate the roads, etc 8/11/1976 #31258 he road. They wore purple-colored, luminous, one-piece suits and their wais 8/16/1976 #31274 MORTARA, ITL Luminous lens saucer descends to 20M alt 8/21/1976 #31285 AR DOSSENHEIM, FR 5 cops and 6. 4M luminous sphere/orb/globe with antennas 8/21/1976 #31288 t–4:00 a.m. Eleven witnesses see a luminous orb, 9–21 feet in diameter, wit 8/22/1976 #31291 ut the window he saw a deep orange luminous globe blinking on and off and s 8/25/1976 #31302 of the object is flattened, and a luminous light on top varies according t 9/3/1976 #31335 CASABLANCA, MOROCCO Silent silver luminous/glowing saucers going quickly n 9/19/1976 #31401 knes Fez 1:00–2:00 a.m. A silvery, luminous circular object is seen flying 9/19/1976 #31409 he UFO was described as a brightly luminous domed disc the size of a Boeing 9/19/1976 #31411 DIGNE, FR 4M luminous/glowing 'cabin' hovers / 7 minu 9/20/1976 #31415 ce at 10:00 p.m. when he noticed a luminous "cabin" shaped object that was 9/20/1976 #31416 7 reported a near collision with a luminous UFO being escorted by four smal 9/22/1976 #31419 TONSBERG, NORWAY Luminous object rises only 20M in front 10/3/1976 #31443 On this night a luminous object rose up from the road on 10/3/1976 #31445 DELGADA, AZORES Many observer(s). Luminous globe with legs hovers. Vanishe 10/10/1976 #31459 LUJUA, SPAIN 2 observer(s). 3 2M luminous spheres going down. Dog hides. 10/18/1976 #31476 o Uruguay An object like a silver, luminous mercury lamp is seen over Paso 10/19/1976 #31481 .-OMER, FR 2 separate observer(s). Luminous yellow sphere going [to] slow / 10/24/1976 #31490 d his 12-year-old son Richie saw a luminous domed disc-shaped object flying 10/28/1976 #31503 GJIAKOU, HEBEI, CH 80+observer(s). Luminous/glowing ovoid hovers and maneuv 11/2/1976 (approximate) #31517 miles away near Voreppe. He sees a luminous disc brighter than the full moo 11/5/1976 #31528 and when he turned around he saw a luminous humanoid figure at least ten fe 11/12/1976 #31540 all, only 50 feet away. The thick, luminous figure seemed to consist entire 11/12/1976 #31540 a sliding door opening. Two white luminous rectangular shapes about a mete 12/10/1976 #31594 ld security guard, saw a 5.5' tall luminous green human form appear about 2 12/12/1976 #31596 ACARIGUA, VNZL Many observer(s). Luminous object going quickly north / lo 12/20/1976 #31626 metallic appearing object radiate luminous rays of light and light up the 12/20/1976 #31627 CHOMERAC, AIR DEFENSE COMMAND, FR Luminous R / with Y sphere/orb/globe ove 12/31/1976 #31644 ST.-DONAT, 26, FR 2 observer(s). Luminous/glowing yellow-orange ovoid hov 1/1/1977 #31669 one Department, France 10:00 PM. A luminous hemisphere-shaped object, about 1/1/1977 #31680 he Mezayon Valley. At seven p.m. a luminous yellow-orange ovoid hovered in 1/1/1977 #31682 e an electric motor. At ten p.m. a luminous hemisphere-shaped object, about 1/1/1977 #31682 S, FR Observer(s) thrown / bush. 3 luminous globes overhead. 75 minute(s) / 1/18/1977 #31726 utomobile club patrolman sighted a luminous orange object at some distance 2/4/1977 #31788 utomobile club patrolman sighted a luminous orange object at some distance 2/4/1977 #31791 WEST / WANTAGE, ENGL Ex-cop. Luminous/glowing disk follows car closel 2/7/1977 #31795 n her house Ms. Lois Stovall saw a luminous object in the sky approach her 2/10/1977 #31806 s Stovall of Tucson, Arizona saw a luminous object in the sky approach her 2/10/1977 #31808 GOTA, COL. Airline pilot and many. Luminous/glowing white object turns red. 2/19/1977 #31828 oval object was observed that was luminous and making a humming sound. A m 3/7/1977 #31869 oval object was observed that was luminous and making a humming sound. (So 3/7/1977 #31870 oval object was observed that was luminous and making a humming sound. A m 3/7/1977 #31874 LE-PLAGE, FR Separate observer(s). Luminous green disk / 90° turn to sea. H 3/11/1977 #31894 end's house when he saw an orange, luminous, pear-shaped UFO in the sky. Th 3/13/1977 #31903 end's house when he saw an orange, luminous, pear-shaped UFO in the sky. Ar 3/13/1977 #31904 hire, Wales when he saw an orange, luminous, pear-shaped UFO in the sky. He 3/13/1977 #31906 coast of Western Sahara observes a luminous cloud to the west. A South Afri 3/24/1977 #31929 nt ship Kinpurnie Castle witness a luminous semicircle on the horizon, with 3/24/1977 #31929 mpletely dispersed, after a second luminous spot appears above it. The sigh 3/24/1977 #31929 rring noise and looked up to see a luminous white UFO coming down for a lan 4/4/1977 #31941 rring noise and looked up to see a luminous white UFO coming down for a lan 4/4/1977 #31943 . The top of the object was a soft luminous pink, and something like a hori 4/4/1977 #31943 feet tall. It bore a pulsating red luminous domed cupola on top without win 4/6/1977 #31953 Newsman photographs orange-violet luminous disk. Soars and turns going qui 4/9/1977 #31967 A, AJACCIO, CORSICA Several / car. Luminous greenish disk east going quickl 4/17/1977 #31985 s three feet wide, surrounded by a luminous glow. Its box shaped helmet fra 4/23/1977 #32018 ut three feet--and surrounded by a luminous glow. It was wearing a box-shap 4/24/1977 #32021 s Pauline Coombes reports seeing a luminous silver figure 7–8 feet tall loo 4/26/1977 #32029 bes, reported that a 7-8-foot tall luminous silver figure, three feet wide, 4/26/1977 #32030 the helmet were two large, round, luminous eyes. They lifted the prone col 6/12/1977 #32161 ght Lieutenant A. M. Wood sees two luminous, round objects, 4–5 times the s 7/1977 #32222 Aviano, Italy Luminous round object with dome hovered 7/1/1977 #32225 Aviano, Italy Luminous round object with dome hovered 7/1/1977 #32226 GINOWAN, OKINAWA, JPN 1+2 kids. Luminous saucer turns 5X slow over house 7/8/1977 #32249 ounted by a short extension with a luminous point on top. On the being's ba 7/12/1977 #32266 site. A neighbor woman had seen a luminous object descend into the woods t 7/12/1977 #32266 belts. One of the witnesses sees a luminous red rectangular object that app 7/23/1977 #32305 suits with glowing green belts. A luminous red rectangular object was seen 7/23/1977 #32306 EAST / CRUIS, FR 2 / car. Luminous white 7M hemisphere / ground. 2 7/24/1977 #32307 . Gaizand, reported seeing a white luminous form shaped like a hemisphere s 7/24/1977 #32308 . Gaizand, reported seeing a white luminous form shaped like a hemisphere s 7/24/1977 #32310 ANG AND SHUANGLIU COS, SICHUAN, CH Luminous spirals and concentric rings ov 7/26/1977 #32313 quickly [to] over outdoor theater. Luminous trail. / r208p94-102. 7/26/1977 #32314 :00 p.m. a three-meter in diameter luminous disc-shaped object maneuvered o 7/31/1977 #32329 ORTONA, ITL Hot wind. Silent luminous/glowing metallic disk hovers. S 8/1977 #32331 NEAR ST.-BEAULIZE, FR 3M luminous sphere going down / 3M altitude 8/1/1977 #32343 A, ITL Several observer(s). Flash! Luminous 5M ovoid hovers / 2M altitude / 8/13/1977 #32393 HWEST / ANNABA, ALGERIA 2 / car. 6 luminous balls. 1 pulses brightly and go 8/13/1977 #32398 AULNIERES, FR Several observer(s). Luminous ball / low altitude. Cows panic 8/16/1977 #32404 figure to leave, leaving a faintly luminous handprint on the curtains. Soon 8/26/1977 #32426 N'DJAMENA, CHAD Cloudy luminous object north going south. Low a 9/7/1977 #32465 at eight o'clock in the evening a luminous cloudy object flew over from th 9/7/1977 #32471 -L'ESCAUT, FR Several observer(s). Luminous sphere going quickly [to] by. L 10/2/1977 #32544 WEST / GERENA, SP 3 kids. Luminous/glowing silent green 5M rectang 10/9/1977 #32562 AN, RUSSIA 3 test pilots. Blinding luminous pulsing object paces jets. VHF 10/11/1977 #32567 ZUGLIANO, ITL 4 / car. Big luminous disk going down / field / sever 10/15/1977 #32577 in Zugliano, Veneto, Italy a huge luminous disc-shaped object descended in 10/15/1977 #32580 REA, SHAANXI, CH Many observer(s). Luminous/glowing plate rotates. Northwes 10/21/1977? #32597 on. The object is white, intensely luminous, and shaped like a hemisphere. 11/24/1977 #32697 thern city limits 7:45 p.m. A red, luminous object is seen by Kenny and Car 12/17/1977 #32792 RONCOBILACCIO, ITL Red luminous 25cm ball follows car / tollway 1/1978 #32832 SOUTH / GUEBLING, FR 3 big luminous balls / field. 1 follows man / 1/7/1978 #32857 le to see out the window and saw a luminous dome-shaped object hovering ver 2/15/1978 #32971 er companions were drawn onboard a luminous domed disc-shaped craft by a be 3/11/1978 #33034 ST. PAUL, FR 2 / car and more. Luminous dumbbell hovers. Rises to cloud 3/14/1978 #33038 A luminous dumb bell-shaped UFO hovered ov 3/14/1978 #33039 I SAPRI, IT Power out and back on. Luminous half-moon over railroad/railway 3/27/1978 #33086 NORTH / CANTILLANA, SP 4 / car. 3M luminous bell-shape / roadside. Pulsates 4/1/1978 #33112 CODROIPO, ITL Numerous motorists. Luminous ball follows highway / 4M altit 4/24/1978 #33163 ri, Italy when she noticed a large luminous sphere; clear in color descend 4/25/1978 #33169 in the area and simultaneously the luminous sphere shrank in size and disso 4/25/1978 #33169 , including police, observed 25-30 luminous UFOs make a turn over the city 5/6/1978 #33191 ince, Argentina, in the midst of a luminous bluish-green light. 5/7/1978 #33192 observed a hovering multi-colored luminous cube shaped object that was mak 5/15/1978 #33216 observes a hovering, multicolored, luminous, cube-shaped object that is mak 5/15/1978 #33217 observed a hovering multi-colored, luminous cube-shaped object that was mak 5/15/1978 #33220 ITL Cop and separate observer(s). Luminous moon-size ovoid. Hovers. Maneuv 6/20/1978 #33292 and stop by a ravine to look at a luminous disc that gives off a yellow li 7/4/1978 #33335 her mother, who saw two zigzagging luminous points of reddish-orange and gr 7/8/1978 #33355 age hovering in the sky, glowing a luminous green color. It reportedly had 8/15/1978 #33517 e used by miners; the helmets were luminous. 8/23/1978 #33555 On this night a luminous craft descended in La Serena, C 8/24/1978 #33568 Cordoba, Argentina A luminous UFO, giving off red and blue sp 9/6/1978 #33637 same night in Cordoba, Argentina a luminous UFO, giving off red and blue sp 9/6/1978 #33642 ssello, Savona, Italy, see a large luminous object hovering above La Carta 9/7/1978 #33645 res; it was 10 meters in length. A luminous beam came from the object, and 9/8/1978 #33648 BRUEJOUIS, FR 2 / car. Luminous yellow-white saucer. 2 cone bea 9/14/1978 #33672 , from Sicily to Florence, watch a luminous projectile moving northward. It 9/14/1978 #33676 d at high speed by a bright yellow luminous light, blinding the witnesses. 9/23/1978 #33738 and his family were followed by a luminous yellow-orange object about 2 fe 10/15/1978 #33839 LI, ITL Observatory director. Very luminous spindle east going quickly west 10/22/1978 #33857 TOGLIATTI, RUSSIA Luminous crooked band / multicolor light 10/30/1978 #33892 CINA, ITL Several observer(s). Red luminous/glowing disk going down [to] sl 10/31/1978 #33900 DAYU CO, JIANXI, CH 4+observer(s). Luminous/glowing round gong with halo le 11/1978 (approximate) #33904 OFF PORTO D'ASCOLI, ITL 3 / boat. Luminous/glowing red-yellow sphere rises 11/8/1978 #33925 ROZZANO, ITL Fast green luminous sphere/orb/globe speeds to avoi 11/19/1978 #33963 3.3 feet) in height, wearing round luminous helmets and wearing dark loose 11/29/1978 #34026 to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Luminous cylinder/cigar-shape going down 12/1978 #34032 outh low and slow along coastline. Luminous underside. 12/1/1978 #34038 ics electro-magnetic effect (EME). Luminous orange and green saucer overhea 12/1/1978 #34040 COLOGNA, ITL 2 kids. Luminous colored globe hovers / low alti 12/1/1978 #34041 va, Italy A small dark disc with a luminous underbody, estimated to be abou 12/1/1978 #34042 ical system of a car failed when a luminous, orange and green saucer-shaped 12/1/1978 #34042 :40 a.m., a small dark disc with a luminous underbody, estimated to be abou 12/1/1978 #34045 ical system of a car failed when a luminous, orange and green saucer-shaped 12/1/1978 #34045 inute long videotape was made of a luminous object over Roanne, France on t 12/2/1978 #34049 oanne, France on this evening. The luminous round object appeared over the 12/2/1978 #34049 t out to investigate and noticed a luminous circular object approach from a 12/6/1978 #34070 CATANZARO, ITL 3 cops / car. Luminous dome tilts. Shoots away when hi 12/8/1978 #34073 nzaro, Italy three policemen saw a luminous domed object tilt over the road 12/8/1978 #34078 ROUSILLON, FR Several observer(s). Luminous/glowing 5M object follows man / 12/10/1978 #34083 In 1978 at 6:00 a.m., a round, luminous UFO approached a car with a mar 12/10/1978 #34086 the same time, in Peage, France, a luminous UFO, about five meters in diame 12/10/1978 #34086 R NAVELLI, ITL Taxi hits brakes. 2 luminous/glowing globes ahead. Electro-m 12/11/1978 #34088 velli was forced to brake when two luminous globes were blocking the road a 12/11/1978 #34090 orced to brake at 10 p.m. when two luminous globes were blocking the road a 12/11/1978 #34093 lectro-magnetic effects) entirely. Luminous object aims beam / car. OK afte 12/12/1978 #34096 Marzocca, Italy Luminous UFO emitted light beam, shone o 12/12/1978 #34097 yer stopped working. He then saw a luminous flying object that emitted a be 12/12/1978 #34101 hose of astronauts. The suits were luminous, and both figures wore huge ova 12/12/1978 #34102 AGIRA, ITL Luminous sphere going down. Ignores farm 12/13/1978 #34107 Shortly after two people saw a luminous mass descend close to the groun 12/13/1978 #34109 MACOMER, SARDINIA, ITL Luminous/glowing-orange 2M sphere going 12/15/1978 #34133 At 5:45 p.m. a luminous orange sphere, about two meters 12/15/1978 #34139 hted and tried to intercept a huge luminous rectangular flying object. (NIC 12/16/1978 #34150 hted and tried to intercept a huge luminous rectangular flying object. 12/16/1978 #34156 ITL Several separate observer(s). Luminous disk lands and takes off again. 12/17/1978 #34162 EME (electro-magnetic effects). 3M luminous ovoid crosses road / 3M altitud 12/17/1978 #34163 al independent witnesses watched a luminous disc land and take off again. 12/17/1978 #34165 SOMMA VESUVIANA, ITL 2 men. Luminous ovoid with big antennas metres 12/18/1978 #34167 CARIATI, ITL 5+observer(s). Luminous domed object low over beach. Sh 12/19/1978 #34171 Several luminous UFOs zigzagged over Caracas, Ve 12/20/1978 #34185 ALBINIA, ITL Numerous motorists. Luminous 12M saucer over road. Going [to 12/23/1978 #34198 y of Naples in Naples, Italy saw a luminous object travel from the east to 12/23/1978 #34199 d. At ten o’clock in the evening a luminous 12-meter diameter disc was sigh 12/23/1978 #34199 again. Shortly afterward, a large luminous UFO is seen hovering above the 12/24/1978 #34201 going down. 10 tall green men with luminous/glowing nets / mouths. / LDLN#2 12/27/1978 #34212 L'Aquila, Italy A luminous object surrounded by a red halo 12/28/1978 #34218 A luminous object surrounded by a red halo 12/28/1978 #34221 ZERMATT, SWZ 2 observer(s). Round luminous object lights glaciers. Big pow 12/31/1978 #34237 and near the town of Kaikoura. The luminous UFO was seen by everyone on boa 12/31/1978 #34238 Switzerland Two people witnessed a luminous round object over the alpine gl 12/31/1978 #34245 and near the town of Kaikoura. The luminous UFO was seen by everyone on boa 12/31/1978 #34249 Switzerland two people witnessed a luminous round object over the alpine gl 12/31/1978 #34252 RIOLO TERME, ITL Nurse. Luminous ovoid follows car / 12km. Going 1/1/1979 #34273 check under the hood when a large luminous object emitting a humming sound 1/3/1979 #34287 check under the hood when a large luminous object emitting a humming sound 1/3/1979 #34292 / peak and going down [to] valley. Luminous ball follows.. 1/6/1979 #34307 DIGNE, FR Luminous ball stops. Silent. Going down 1/11/1979 #34329 cm tall, wearing a helmet with two luminous antennae, approached a witness 1/11/1979 #34331 ewspaper reporters watched a large luminous disc-shaped object descend and 1/12/1979 #34333 of other witnesses watched several luminous discs maneuver over the nearby 1/12/1979 #34333 TL Several observer(s) / rain. 15M luminous dome going up / Metauro River. 2/15/1979 #34423 Fano, Italy A 15 meter in diameter luminous domed disc was seen over the Me 2/15/1979 #34424 10:00 p.m. a 15 meter in diameter luminous domed disc was seen over the Me 2/15/1979 #34426 anxi, China, when he sees a bright luminous object shoot across the sky fro Late 2/1979 #34448 ached the object, he saw a strange luminous figure emerge from the rear of 2/26/1979 #34449 ached the object, he saw a strange luminous figure emerge from the rear of 2/26/1979 #34450 light is seen to ascend, leaving a luminous jet that appears to expand, dev 3/5/1979 #34465 sh Air Force and conclude that the luminous cloud was 320 miles in diameter 3/5/1979 #34465 p.m. Ben Chastain watches a round, luminous object about 12 feet in diamete 3/6/1979 #34469 st seven o'clock in the evening, a luminous dome or domed disc descended an 3/6/1979 #34470 SIRACUSA, ITL 2 / beach. 5 luminous/glowing cylinders / water. Beam 3/12/1979 #34473 JURAVKA, UKRAINE Luminous cylinder/cigar-shape at a tilt. 3/20/1979 #34481 GUIZHOU PROVINCE, CH 1 observer. Luminous/glowing white saucer rotates cl 7/8/1979 #34650 ey begin running into the trees. A luminous rectangular object floats up fr 8/1979 #34692 ead of him on the left is a large, luminous object that looks like a footba 8/16/1979 #34747 OLAND Airline(s)/airliner pilot. 4 luminous objects fly / triangular format 8/20/1979 #34761 AVIA, NY 2 / SR33. Sharply defined luminous yellow ovoid hovers and drifts. 8/26/1979 #34778 visible through the hull, which is luminous and yellow in color. She hears 8/29/1979 #34801 treetop level. Through the craft's luminous yellow hull, apparently transpa 8/29/1979 #34807 NIMES, GARD, FR 4 / car. Classic luminous saucer hovers / seconds. Away v 9/1979 #34811 peared to be spinning and emitting luminous flashes from its edges. Two sho 9/2/1979 #34820 LI CO, HUBEI, CH Many observer(s). Luminous/glowing ellipse / 1500M altitud 9/9/1979 #34849 eaving two masses of hemispherical luminous clouds about 328 feet across. 9/12/1979 #34866 CROTONE, ITL Workmen. Luminous sphere makes various maneuvers. 9/14/1979 #34872 ISCOLA, ITL Boat crew. Sphere with luminous rays hovers / 10 minute(s). The 9/14/1979 #34876 GROSSETO, ITL Luminous triangle stops / sky. Going qui 9/14/1979 #34877 degna, Italy watched a sphere with luminous rays as it hovered for ten minu 9/14/1979 #34883 VIEILLE-EGLISE, FR Luminous white disk hovers over trees. S 9/17/1979 #34893 At 7:30 a.m. a luminous white disc-shaped object was se 9/17/1979 #34898 O, HEBEI, CH Separate observer(s). Luminous wash-basin lights rooms. Shoots 9/28/1979 #34931 ear Amery, Wisconsin, see two red, luminous globes, each as large as the fu 10/6/1979 #34945 n they encountered several strange luminous flashes and lights around them. 10/7/1979 #34951 hey soon saw what appeared to be a luminous "mass" behind some nearby bushe 10/7/1979 #34951 see a flat-bottomed object. Bright luminous white in the middle, its outer 10/25/1979 #34965 THENAY, 41, FRANCE 2 observer(s). Luminous saucer shoots strong ray going 11/25/1979 #35013 , claiming to remember only that a luminous fog had descended on his car an 11/26/1979 #35015 separate patrol cars chased a long luminous cigar-shaped object at 500 feet 11/30/1979 #35032 g out, they could see some kind of luminous flat platform approaching the s 11/30/1979 #35034 he source of the white light was a luminous white sphere directly on top of 11/30/1979 #35034 e to move. Nearby, she could see a luminous object hovering close to the gr 12/4/1979 #35050 e to move. Nearby, she could see a luminous object hovering close to the gr 12/4/1979 #35052 . Spins? Leaves (something behind) luminous trail. / news. 12/12/1979 #35074 nning as it went. It left behind a luminous trail. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 12/12/1979 #35075 nning as it went. It left behind a luminous trail. 12/12/1979 #35076 . Looking out the window, he saw a luminous white mass approaching, and wit 12/30/1979 #35104 igure wearing a very tight-fitting luminous white coverall that accentuated 12/30/1979 #35104 OFF AGAY, FR 6 observer(s). Silent luminous saucer going east. Drops 90° to 1/6/1980 #35126 of light and formed a dome shaped luminous form on the ground, not far fro 1/12/1980 #35131 of light and formed a dome shaped luminous form on the ground, not far fro 1/12/1980 #35132 of Santiago, Chile, when he sees a luminous point of light at 20° elevation 1/17/1980 #35137 AURILLAC, FR Luminous orange sphere passes. Shines be 1/28/1980 #35148 er, at Aurillac around 9:10 p.m. a luminous orange sphere flew by closely w 1/28/1980 #35149 used a small object that emitted a luminous beam. 2/2/1980 #35154 potted a low flying whitish-orange luminous object lifting off from some ne 2/11/1980 #35165 object divided into three separate luminous sections, then re-united again 2/11/1980 #35165 ons, then re-united again into one luminous spot. Near the ground two huge 2/11/1980 #35165 potted a low flying whitish-orange luminous object lifting off from some ne 2/11/1980 #35169 object divided into three separate luminous sections, then re-united again 2/11/1980 #35169 ons, then re-united again into one luminous spot. Using a pair of binocular 2/11/1980 #35169 motion and stayed in front of the luminous orbs of lights. According to To 2/11/1980 #35169 ving two big "L" structures with a luminous rectangular form inside. The ed 2/11/1980 #35170 ular form inside. The edges of the luminous "L's" seemed to be covered in a 2/11/1980 #35170 and suddenly from the area of the luminous rectangular area a beam of ligh 2/11/1980 #35170 he approaching driver had seen the luminous object still hovering above the 2/11/1980 #35170 BRIX, FR 1 observer. Luminous blue church-bell object going u 2/20/1980 #35178 ate. Many observer(s)-1 goes nuts. Luminous domed object back again. No fur 3/24/1980 #35234 hair. They both wore shiny, almost luminous black diver suits. Their faces 4/23/1980 #35286 HOLTON, IN 2 observer(s). Luminous triangle hovers / seconds. Then 4/26/1980 #35291 nesses in Holton, Indiana, watch a luminous flashing form in the northwest 4/26/1980 #35293 ghbor in Holton, Indiana watched a luminous, golden-colored triangle, that 4/26/1980 #35294 r construction saw a red and green luminous ball hovering overhead. It emit 5/5/1980 #35307 in Abasto, Argentina saw a strange luminous object in the pre-dawn sky at a 6/4/1980 #35354 n Port Klang, Malaysia a spinning, luminous bluish-red ball hovered just 30 6/5/1980 #35355 ped object accompanied by swirling luminous gases. Some 250 miles to the we 6/14/1980 #35367 s” and are described variously as “luminous oval-spherical,” “spinning top, 6/14/1980 #35368 nd a sphere that emits “an intense luminous ray that illuminated the surfac 6/14/1980 #35368 There were over 30 reports of luminous ring-shaped UFOs from Argentina 6/14/1980 #35369 object was dark in the center with luminous white points around the rim. It 6/14/1980 #35369 LEZAY, FR Huge luminous mushroom flashes as car nears. 8/19/1980 (approximate) #35465 COURLAY, FR Luminous ovoid going down / road. Rises 9/10/1980 #35509 ruck. All three of them then saw a luminous object on the ground about a mi 9/25/1980 #35535 County, California at 2:26 p.m. a luminous Saturn-shaped UFO passed direct 9/26/1980 #35538 S-MINES, FR Several observer(s). 2 luminous/glowing balls hover / 4 hours. 10/31/1980 #35597 CHATEAUREDON, FR 2 luminous/glowing points southeast going 11/11/1980 #35632 l seeing a hovering domed craft, a luminous entryway, and a humanoid with a 11/19/1980 #35659 ic disc had the rowof windows, was luminous, and had additional lights on t 11/28/1980 #35680 im, and the car heater quit when a luminous, blue-white ball of light came 12/3/1980 #35688 d Janice Lowrey [or Lawrey?] see a luminous, blue-white ball of light to th 12/3/1980 #35690 im, and the car heater quit when a luminous, blue-white ball of light came 12/3/1980 #35691 PINTERVILLE, FR 2 / home. Luminous yellow ball going up [to] over 12/17/1980 #35721 KUNMING, CH Luminous/glowing white object hangs by m 12/21/1980 #35730 –7-foot tall creature with fur and luminous red eyes. 1/15/1981 #35792 ROSS, TASMANIA 2 / car. Luminous ovoid maneuvers / 30M altitude. 2/3/1981 #35812 Ross, Tasmania A luminous ovoid object maneuvered at 30 m 2/3/1981 #35813 At 9:40 p.m. a luminous ovoid object maneuvered at 30 m 2/3/1981 #35814 SAN JOSE, CA 2 observer(s). Luminous sharp-edged boomerang circles / 2/20/1981 #35839 e part is white, and the bottom is luminous green. It moves out of sight at 4/25/1981 #35915 XI'AN UNIVERSITY, SHAANXI, CH Luminous object splits / 2, 3, 4 parts. 6/5/1981 #35951 n University, Shanxi, China, see a luminous flying object that splits into 6/5/1981 #35952 AND BEIJING, CH Many observer(s). Luminous saucer hovers / 35° elevation. 6/17/1981 #35973 ineer was abducted at 10:35 p.m. A luminous object illuminated the interior 8/30/1981 #36093 nated the interior of his car. The luminous object then circled his car, an 8/30/1981 #36093 onymous observer(s). Tall figure / luminous suit by bridge. Big dark eyes. 9/20/1981 #36131 ght a man reported seeing a bright luminous object on the ground next to a 9/20/1981 #36134 all figure who was wearing a shiny luminous outfit. The being had very larg 9/20/1981 #36134 ect 400M over deputy mayors house. Luminous/glowing top and dark bottom/und 10/28/1981 (approximate) #36191 the planes approach. At 6:45 p.m., luminous objects appear over Edessa, Gre 11/12/1981 #36220 ller and pilot and several. Silent luminous ovoid follows car etc. Vanishes 11/22/1981 #36228 FEIGNIES, FR 1 / car. Luminous multicolor sphere going east. F 11/25/1981 #36234 OLIVETO LUCANO, ITL 2 / car. 2M luminous ball spins and going down / 20M 12/19/1981 #36263 taly saw a two-meter wide spinning luminous ball of light fly over a church 12/19/1981 #36268 Hessdalen, Norway 7:30 PM. A luminous metallic ovoid flew over teleph 1/18/1982 #36303 n the Hessdalen Valley of Norway a luminous metallic ovoid flew over teleph 1/18/1982 #36304 Martins & Edson Maragon watched a luminous triangular shaped craft land on 2/14/1982 #36344 ooked out the window and spotted a luminous disc-shaped craft hovering near 2/15/1982 #36346 ect but is smaller. The other is a luminous sphere moving in a spiral. As i 2/19/1982 #36356 third group flew fast. At 21:30 a luminous blue domed disc appeared over s 3/13/1982 #36389 GONNOSFANADIGA, ITL Chemist. Luminous object going [to] overhead. Car 3/15/1982 #36393 , CHINA Location approximate. Huge luminous red turnip over mountains. Goes 6/18/1982 #36506 LEBANON, CT 2 luminous/glowing triangles vanish. Silho 7/3/1982 #36528 Palatine, IL Luminous object brightly illuminated pol 11/27/1982 #36693 Palatine, IL Luminous object brightly illuminated pol 11/27/1982 #36695 Brown Forest Preserve) 5:00 a.m. A luminous object with brilliant lights br 11/27/1982 #36697 toward the ground. It began when a luminous object with brilliant illuminat 11/27/1982 #36698 lit up the vehicle's interior. The luminous ball was estimated to be only 1 12/21/1982 #36722 lit up the vehicle’s interior. The luminous ball was estimated to be only 1 12/21/1982 #36724 Ross, OH Luminous object descended, power failure 4/10/1983 #36832 Ross, OH Luminous object landed, E-M effects, ani 4/10/1983 #36835 NAY, FR 1 / car. Luminous/glowing rectangle hovers. Circl 4/29/1983 #36849 PIETRALUNGA, ITL 3 / car. Luminous ovoid? hovers 20M over cows. Go 7/13/1983 #36910 e. At ten o'clock in the evening a luminous globe paralyzed a 45-year-old m 7/17/1983 #36913 BELARUS Hundreds / observer(s). 7 luminous/glowing globes circle city / V- 12/2/1983 #37064 Guildford, Surrey, England A luminous triangle preceded by a flashing 1/1984 #37102 SSIA Numerous observer(s). Several luminous/glowing globes fly over in V-fo 1/12/1984 #37128 ific Ocean. The cloud was slightly luminous, about 200 miles in diameter, a 4/9/1984 #37254 Staunton, VA A very luminous object shone a bright light int 6/4/1984 #37351 In 1984 a very luminous object shone a bright light int 6/4/1984 #37352 (s). 3 50M metallic orbs pass 747. Luminous/glowing trails. / r150. 7/26/1984 #37418 PACIFIC Northwest orient 747 crew. Luminous hemisphere at 45k-90k' altitude 7/27/1984 #37419 , ITL Odd glowing-man / farm road. Luminous sphere. Cops find traces. 10/9/1984 #37483 ughout central Chile see distinct, luminous spots in the sky, sometimes mot 8/17/1985 #37645 POCATELLO, ID 1 observer. Luminous bar of light cruises mountain p 11/9/1985 #37700 WINDSOR CASTLE, BERKS Tabloids. Luminous red saucer hovers / broad dayli 3/9/1986 #37797 to Debrecen, Hungary, see a huge, luminous, orange sphere flying silently 4/22/1986 #37833 vate pilot followed 460mi by small luminous objects. Type unknown. 5/16/1986 #37871 ollowed 460 miles by several small luminous objects, type unknown. 5/16/1986 #37872 ampos, São Paulo, Brazil, sees two luminous objects about 6,500 feet above 5/19/1986 #37878 y. During the night, a total of 21 luminous objects, apparently spherical a 5/19/1986 #37881 NACIONAL, GOAIAS, BRZ 1 observer. Luminous "Ping-pong ball" follows plane 5/20/1986 #37883 PR Huge platform over lake. Small luminous objects exit and go different d 6/1986 (approximate) #37902 Gerais state, Brazil. He noticed a luminous yellow, oval-shaped object appr 6/3/1986 #37904 re, Bellino, Italy a witness saw a luminous blue, domed disc-shaped UFO lan 8/15/1986 #37993 their shape as rectangular with a luminous trail. The engine comes back on 8/31/1986 #38005 Lourdes Altamirano watched a huge luminous object descend and hover above 9/13/1986 #38027 ntroller / ground. Red ball with 7 luminous/glowing spots. / LDLN#283. 8/21/1987 #38250 tholes across the midsection and a luminous ring on the bottom. He rushes i 11/11/1987 #38322 eparate airline(s)/airliner crews. Luminous/glowing 1' ball going east. Spi 3/18/1988 #38511 SEVAN, ARMENIA Large luminous UFO lands / park. Takes off. Bl 10/24/1988 #38684 A large luminous UFO landed in a park in Sevan, 10/24/1988 #38688 them, composed of superimposed red luminous rectangles. The object was 7-8 12/18/1988 #38756 Canyon, California when she saw a luminous 30-foot wide mushroom-shaped cr 5/10/1989 #38943 evo, Vologda Oblast, Russia, see a luminous dot in the sky. It gets larger, 6/6/1989 #38981 videotape recording of a brightly luminous object that passes nearly overh 7/6/1989 #39013 Butler Township, PA Luminous mushroom-shaped object hovered 8/31/1989 #39079 Butler Township, PA Luminous mushroom-shaped object hovered 8/31/1989 #39080 n saw down in a field of alfalfa a luminous square 10 x 10 meters; a statio 9/4/1989 #39091 etween the shoulders. It has three luminous eyes, the middle one moving aro 9/27/1989 #39124 rikes the ground, creating several luminous triangles that later fade away. 9/27/1989 #39124 he boy and points a tube at him. A luminous beam comes from the tube and hi 9/27/1989 #39124 etween its shoulders. It had three luminous eyes, the middle one moving aro 9/27/1989 #39126 truck the ground, creating several luminous triangles that later faded away 9/27/1989 #39126 e boy and pointed a tube at him. A luminous beam came from the tube and hit 9/27/1989 #39126 moped she momentarily grasped the luminous grid and received a mild electr 10/11/1989 #39164 e other locals had spotted a large luminous sphere hovering above approxima 10/11/1989 #39164 aw two UFOs and two nine-foot-tall luminous green beings, near a disc-shape 10/13/1989 #39170 ep on the couch. Suddenly, a large luminous yellow circle slowly entered th 10/31/1989 #39199 Immediately they vanished, and the luminous yellow circle floated slowly ou 10/31/1989 #39199 rned from her neighbors that a red luminous object had been seen hovering o 10/31/1989 #39199 TEFIELD, MANCHESTER 2 observer(s). Luminous golden cylinder/cigar-shape. Sl 11/3/1989 #39211 , England two witnesses observed a luminous, golden cigar-shaped UFO with a 11/3/1989 #39212 bles going quickly north / 400kph. Luminous tentacles extend and retract. 12/6/1989 #39300 ft. The distance between the white luminous points is estimated at approxim 12/11/1989 #39313 er is majestic and slow. Next, the luminous points disappear. Only the red 12/11/1989 #39313 d silent leaves (something behind) luminous/glowing trail. North going quic 12/24/1989 #39330 NIMY, BELGIUM Woman videos luminous globe. Tape shows black ring on 12/24/1989 #39334 another videotape, this time of a luminous globe in the sky over Nimy, Bel 12/24/1989 #39339 SINEU, MALLORCA 2 / truck. Luminous/glowing rectangle hovers. Delta 2/14/1990 #39418 NALCHIK, RUSSIA 3M luminous/glowing silver sphere on RADAR' 3/24/1990 #39481 Wavre, Belgium Gendarmes reported luminous, high speed objects. Jet interc 3/30/1990 #39498 In El Carmen, Argentina a luminous sphere hovered over a soccer fi 5/4/1990 #39557 ons. When the film is developed, a luminous cigar-shaped object can be seen Summer 1990 #39620 GUAVATE, PR 180' luminous sphere/orb/globe going [to] ove 6/22/1990 #39621 and Usedom, Germany, see groups of luminous spheres that accelerate rapidly Early 8/1990 #39676 n Germany see a formation of seven luminous objects over the Baltic Sea. Th 8/24/1990 #39701 . They conclude that two groups of luminous spheres hovered nearly motionle 8/24/1990 #39701 At 9:30 p.m. a huge, luminous rounded rectangle flew over Cal 9/11/1990 #39725 CALAIS, FR 1 observer. Huge luminous/glowing rounded rectangle going 9/12/1990 #39727 region, Kazakhstan when she saw a luminous sphere through the balcony door 9/13/1990 #39730 ce, Russia reported seeing a small luminous, white triangular-shaped craft 9/13/1990 #39732 ellow ball over sea. Silent. Leave luminous/glowing trails west going quick 11/5/1990 #39831 LE HOUSSAY, FR 5 luminous/glowing balls / oval formation. 11/5/1990 #39863 At 5:25 p.m. a triangular UFO with luminous jet streams coming out of one e 11/5/1990 #39871 OURGUEYRAUD, FR 1 observer. Flash. Luminous/glowing house-sized green objec 11/22/1990 #39896 UIRE, FR 3+1 separate observer(s). Luminous/glowing balls split and maneuve 12/1/1990 #39917 elle-Vue, Belgium, when they see a luminous triangle off to the right at an 12/9/1990 #39927 helicopters chase silent 747-size luminous sphere/orb/globe going quickly 12/19/1990 #39929 BRASILIA, BRZ 26 cops. Luminous ovoid hovers vertical 35M over 4/11/1991 #40033 At 5:00 p.m. a luminous ovoid object hovered over a pri 4/11/1991 #40035 he can see it, and he can see the luminous object. After the Cessna lands, 6/8/1991 #40092 ess over the field. At one point a luminous, yellow ray briefly shoots from 6/8/1991 #40092 BEAUGENCY, FR 1 observer. 2 luminous "neon" rays going down [to] fro 7/30/1991 #40137 ey take on the shape of discs with luminous portholes. 8/4/1991 #40142 es, France reported sighting three luminous points traveling through the sk 9/5/1991 #40179 ight in Szecsenyfelfalu, Hungary a luminous sphere followed a truck home. I 10/5/1991 #40206 VALLET, FR Luminous/glowing white 20M cylinder/ciga 11/28/1991 #40245 PONS, FR 3 very luminous silent saucers SSE going quickl 11/28/1991 #40246 ed, they looked out and saw a huge luminous object resting nearby on the gr 12/1/1991 #40251 LONGCHAUMOIS, FR 2 observer(s). Luminous glowing ball going quickly east 1/5/1992 #40278 A luminous glowing ball of light flew east 1/5/1992 #40280 ddenly curves going quickly south. Luminous trail. Night lights / 18 April. 1/16/1992 #40289 see that the light now resembled a luminous, wheel-shaped object the size o 3/5/1992 #40359 SCARBOROUGH, RSA Huge luminous squat silver domed triangle hov 3/6/1992 #40360 the Western Cape Province a huge, luminous silver, domed triangular craft 3/6/1992 #40361 ed the area they noticed a grayish luminous light hovering over the hill, a 3/13/1992 #40377 xt, he saw what looked like a huge luminous cloud which created what looked 4/12/1992 #40414 AUXONNE, FR 2 observer(s). Luminous/glowing football-disk. Circles 5/30/1992 #40475 triangular-shaped heads, and huge luminous black eyes. The figures stood m 6/9/1992 #40489 Tarasovka, Ukraine when they saw a luminous sphere land. A 1.6 meter (5.5 f 7/25/1992 #40536 ove from the spot. Moments later a luminous figure appeared, hovering about 9/24/1992 #40639 aversed the area, leaving behind a luminous wake. 9/24/1992 #40639 s water? Leaves (something behind) luminous/glowing message? 11/25/1992 #40729 Night light going down [to] then 2 luminous globes hover / 100M altitude. L 12/31/1992 #40774 LIEN-AUX-BOIS, FR 3 observer(s). 3 luminous/glowing balls hover / trees. Re 2/1/1993 #40827 D150 / VENOURS, FR 1 / car. Very luminous/glowing dome / ground behind ro 2/28/1993 #40864 INA Group / Air Force pilots chase luminous "balloon" / 900kph. Changes col 3/2/1993 #40872 southwest going quickly northeast. Luminous/glowing sparks spiral going dow 3/31/1993 #40908 PETIT PALAIS, 33, FR 2 / car. Luminous white 6M saucer turns clockwise 4/25/1993 #40949 . a boomerang-shaped object with a luminous tail (or "anchor") flew silentl 9/18/1993 #41203 NIORT, FR Several observer(s). Luminous balls spin in sky. Vanish. Come 10/7/1993 #41223 ALON-SUR-SAONE, FR 2 / car paced / luminous/glowing saucer. 2nd hovers over 10/17/1993 #41236 PARIS, FR 2 observer(s). Several luminous/glowing spots / oval formation 12/5/1993 #41323 DINIA Motorist. Several blue-green luminous/glowing spheres / low altitude. 1/19/1994 #41378 Kazakhstan Republic Luminous UFO maneuvered erratically near 1/27/1994 #41384 SP, BRZ 2 observer(s). Huge silent luminous object just over canal. Flies o 4/22/1994 #41499 AVEZZANO, ITL 2 / car. Luminous diamond drops over road. Turns. 7/13/1994 #41617 A luminous, diamond-shaped UFO dropped dow 7/13/1994 #41618 ERANON, FR 30 campers overflown by luminous balls according to reliable sou 7/25/1994? #41640 erver(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Luminous disk on-edge with 2 lights rota 8/7/1994 #41661 OFF ANTIBES, FR Guard. 3 luminous balls stop over Juan Gulf. 1cm 8/10/1994 #41665 observed for a few seconds a small luminous sphere that moved very quickly 8/10/1994 #41667 -Maritime Department, France three luminous balls stopped over the ocean, t 8/10/1994 #41667 AS 1 observer. Big yellowish-white luminous sphere/orb/globe northeast goin 8/30/1994 #41702 One and a half hours later a large luminous UFO, described to be as big as 9/7/1994 #41724 US Highway 36. It emitted smaller luminous objects that darted around inde 9/9/1994 #41733 hours later she noticed a strange luminous being standing about 90 feet aw 9/16/1994 #41756 itness came forward who had seen a luminous dome-shaped craft land in the f 9/16/1994 #41756 ing halo, and was accompanied by a luminous orange sphere. 9/21/1994 #41770 C-DE-LA-REOLE, FR 1 observer. Very luminous/glowing disk going quickly nort 10/5/1994 #41786 Rhin department, France observed a luminous disc-shaped object with revolvi 10/30/1994 #41824 OM POISSY, FR 3 observer(s). Large luminous white sphere/orb/globe with gre 10/31/1994 #41826 2 EAST / PUISSERGUIER, FR Teacher. Luminous Isoscoles delta/triangle/box-li 11/24/1994 #41864 Sao Paolo State, Brazil watched a luminous greenish sphere land nearby the 12/11/1994 #41890 to approach but were stopped by a luminous barrier 1.5 meters above the gr 12/29/1994 #41911 PORTBAIL, FR Luminous ball(S) seen here also. No furt 12/31/1994 #41920 CHERBOURG, FR Small luminous/glowing sphere/orb/globe going 1/2/1995 #41937 MOLENBEEK, BELGIUM Very luminous orange triangle with yellow cen 1/3/1995 #41941 theast. Turns going quickly south. Luminous/glowing tube projects / rear. / 1/3/1995 #41945 abant, Belgium at 3:50 a.m. a very luminous orange triangular UFO with a ye 1/3/1995 #41946 N1 WITH DUNKERQUE, FR 2 / car. Luminous white ball changes shape. 2mm / 1/19/1995 #41983 BRZ 2 and more/others observer(s). Luminous/glowing delta/triangle/box-like 1/22/1995 #41987 al short, hairless beings who wore luminous white suits and had apparently 2/11/1995 #42036 r left arm. Locals reported seeing luminous objects in the sky around the s 2/11/1995 #42036 LE PLAN-DE-DIEU NEAR VIOLES, FR 4M luminous/glowing orange sphere hovers / 2/13/1995 #42045 MX 300+mayor / fiesta. 4 circular luminous/glowing saucers hover / 12 minu 3/22/1995 (approximate) #42113 ALENCON TO/FROM BERNAY, FR Huge luminous/glowing hemisphere covers roadw 3/25/1995 #42116 A huge luminous hemisphere or dome shaped obser 3/25/1995 #42118 ARPAJON, FR 2 luminous/glowing silver-grey boomerangs. 7/23/1995 #42322 At 9:35 a.m. two luminous objects maneuvered up-and-down 7/25/1995 #42327 ROMA, ITALY Numerous observer(s). Luminous pear-shape rotates. Maneuvers. 7/28/1995 #42334 LYNNWOOD, WA 1 observer. 5 very luminous/glowing crescent-shapes pass ov 8/4/1995 #42356 Rohner, a MUFON-CES member, saw a luminous triangle-shaped craft while on 8/5/1995 #42359 85+187 NEAR JUNCOS, PRICO 1 / car. Luminous/glowing ovoid hovers / minutes. 8/15/1995? #42384 LES-BEZIERS, FR 1 observer. 2 very luminous cigars going quickly southwest 8/16/1995 #42392 On this night a luminous 40-foot in diameter disc-shaped 8/18/1995 #42401 humanoids walking towards a landed luminous round object. 8/26/1995 #42417 A large green luminous sphere hovered over Neath, Wale 8/31/1995 #42434 sphere offloads similar objects. 6 luminous/glowing white saucers / video / 9/3/1995 #42438 URST, ENG 3 / car and several. Big luminous triangle going [to] over car. L 9/20/1995 #42491 CRETEIL, FR Huge luminous/glowing yellow-gold mass hovers 11/6/1995 #42583 r. They had large heads and bright luminous eyes that appeared to be blinki 12/9/1995 #42639 Many observer(s) and photographs. Luminous/glowing donut saucer over park. 12/30/1995 #42651 AND 7 / balcony and more/others. 2 luminous/glowing spheres going down [to] 12/31/1995 #42653 A25 NORTH / LOOS, NORD, FR Luminous sphere larger / full moon hover 1/8/1996 #42674 ST. MENGES, FR 1 observer. Luminous yellow object zigzags over hous 1/21/1996 #42698 BELVAL, FR Young boy. Blinking luminous/glowing triangle going [to] ove 1/21/1996 #42701 MARNAY, FR 2 observer(s). Several luminous orange balls rise and maneuver. 1/21/1996 #42702 ral observer(s). Black object with luminous/glowing halo inside "bubble". G 2/15/1996 #42762 PROAZA, SPAIN 2 observer(s). Luminous/glowing cylinder/cigar-shape ho 2/15/1996 #42763 esses reported that at 8:10 p.m. a luminous cigar-shaped object hovered clo 2/15/1996 #42765 ENTRIMO, ORENSE, SP Kids. 3 luminous/glowing orbs circle power lines 2/18/1996 #42770 ied him into the woods. They saw a luminous craft fly over the trees in the 2/23/1996 #42776 BASSINS, REUNION 3 observer(s). 6M luminous/glowing glowing-tube / 100M alt 3/1/1996 #42791 the Indian Ocean a six-meter long luminous glowing tube was seen at 100 m 3/1/1996 #42796 IS, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Luminous/glowing orange disk 1 / 3 moon- 3/6/1996 #42804 MERICANA, BRZ Several observer(s). Luminous/glowing sphere going quickly so 3/27/1996 #42843 the woods. From within the cloud a luminous, disc-shaped object emerged. It 5/6/1996 #42898 M glowing-ball lights cornfield. 7 luminous small humanoids (or Greys) floa 5/16/1996 #42902 es about 80 cm tall, who emitted a luminous green glow, were seen moving ve 5/16/1996 #42903 BARTHELEME-D'ANJOU, FR 1 observer. Luminous white ovoid going east straight 5/30/1996 #42916 EZAND AND SCHIPOL AIRPORT, HOLLAND Luminous white disk hovers / 30 minute(s 9/9/1996 #43010 a witness in a car noticed a shiny luminous point of unusual size in Corme 9/16/1996 #43024 A Hiker lost. Blue tube maneuvers. Luminous figure predicts rescue.. 9/27/1996 #43045 N23 WITH CHARTRES, FR 3 / car. Luminous/glowing delta/triangle/box-like 10/3/1996 #43049 BELLEVILLE-SUR-SAONE, FR Brilliant luminous diamond shape east going west. 10/13/1996 #43065 E-CHATEAU, FR Observer(s) unknown. Luminous ovoid rotates. No further detai 10/14/1996 #43066 NEAR CENTER, CO 3 / truck. Red luminous/glowing ball going west. Follow 10/20/1996 #43085 ITL Can't find/locate. 1 observer. Luminous 2M disk. Hovers 12M overhead. 2 11/25/1996 #43121 o Paulo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil a luminous flying object paced an Orion ai 11/28/1996 #43125 w two small beings emerge from the luminous form. The figures looked to be 1/5/1997 #43166 nd time and disappeared inside the luminous form. The light shot up into th 1/5/1997 #43166 LIMEIRA, BRAZIL 12+observer(s). Luminous object over church wedding. Goo 2/15/1997 #43193 OFF BURNIE, TASM Ship. Luminous vertical cloud with streamers. 2/23/1997 #43204 Aviano Air Base, Italy 7:30 p.m. A luminous blue sphere appears over Aviano 2/27/1997 #43212 LDONADO, URUGUAY Group / hikers. 4 luminous ovoids move about fast / S. sky 4/5/1997 #43252 tlantique, France saw a point more luminous than stars. It approached at hi 5/3/1997 #43287 front of a corridor, the floor was luminous, and apparently made out of gla 6/5/1997 #43311 ltai Krai, Russia, when they see a luminous flying object moving at a speed 6/6/1997 #43315 d of Reunion in the Indian Ocean a luminous tortoise-shaped object with two 8/15/1997 #43383 CULLERA, SPN 2 observer(s). Luminous/glowing rectangle / 2 sections. 8/16/1997 #43384 At 5:20 a.m. a luminous rectangular craft was seen by t 8/16/1997 #43386 ulo, Brazil, when they see a small luminous sphere about 8 inches in diamet 1/2/1998 #43486 OFF SANTOS, BRZ Many / beach. Luminous/glowing disk hovers / sea. Smal 3/28/1998 #43536 8:30 p.m. While it was hovering a luminous glow spread slowly across the s 3/30/1998 #43539 -shaped body armor equipped with a luminous backpack. 8/8/1998 #43620 ce witnessed the slow passage of a luminous sphere at around 10 p.m. There 8/9/1998 #43623 e observed the fast passage of six luminous points of light in tight format 8/26/1998 #43638 ople in Torriglia, Italy watched a luminous blue oval-shaped light on or ne 9/18/1998 #43648 ople observed a semicircular form, luminous and translucent, that some comp 5/5/1999 #43763 oted a presence to the left of the luminous form (some spoke of a triangula 5/5/1999 #43763 y at an incredible speed leaving a luminous trail behind. 5/10/1999 #43767 HUNTINGDON VALLEY, PA Silent luminous Derby-hat saucer going east. Br 7/23/1999 #43810 rom insomnia observed a very shiny luminous point in the sky that had two r 8/11/1999 #43820 CUBATAO, BRZ 4 observer(s). Very luminous delta/triangle/box-like craft h 8/21/1999 #43828 Copenhagen, Denmark a large, red, luminous bowl-shaped UFO with a tail lik 12/19/1999 #43900 A-1 in Rome, Italy saw a circular luminous object followed by a cylinder o 1/12/2000 #43925 ed to the government that he saw a luminous phenomenon moving quietly and s 2/5/2000 #43941 stol, Vermont at 6:15 p.m. a large luminous triangular cloud flew to the no 2/9/2000 #43943 Two luminous disc-shaped objects were seen i 2/12/2000 #43947 ANDRE DE CUBZAC, FR Vineyard man. Luminous plate saucer passes. Absolute(l 2/13/2000 #43949 sleepover reported seeing a large luminous triangular-shaped object descen 2/19/2000 #43954 ico City, Mexico a pilot sighted a luminous UFO at the same time as the cre 3/2/2000 #43963 p.m. in Red Rock Canyon, Nevada a luminous oval or disc-shaped object shon 7/7/2000 #44013 bizarre, unexpected, and prolonged luminous and/or solid phenomena cavortin 10/15/2000 #44056 he figures appeared to be slightly luminous. The terrified witness could no 10/15/2000 #44059 econd exposure he catches a bright luminous object that contrasts with the 12/19/2000 #44106 s white cigar-shaped object with a luminous trail, hopped forward in flight 1/5/2001 #44119 take off, claiming they can see a luminous object. An incoming Yakovlev Ya 1/22/2001 #44127 On this evening a luminous object hovered over Canyon Lake 1/24/2001 #44130 TUSELLA, ITL Separate observer(s). Luminous/glowing domed saucer going east 4/23/2001 #44160 iedmont, Italy two residents saw a luminous domed disc fly over the city of 4/23/2001 #44162 At 9:50 p.m. two witnesses saw a luminous figure walking on the side of t 7/26/2001 #44211 e of a triangle delimited by three luminous points in the sky. It was quiet 8/20/2001 #44239 REVELLO, ITL Several observer(s). Luminous rectangular object hovers low. 2/19/2002 #44317 A luminous white saucer-shaped object zigz 6/24/2002 #44353 ight phenomenon “able to produce a luminous power of up to 100 kW.” However 8/5/2002 #44374 At one a.m. two silvery luminous objects flew silently over a RV 8/13/2002 #44384 magnetic effect (EME) and whistle. Luminous 3M disk hovers / streetlight. B 9/28/2002 #44410 On this night a luminous UFO hovered over the holy city 3/27/2003 #44506 op airliner has a near-miss with a luminous sphere near the São Paulo–Congo 2004 #44635 , Mexico. It is accompanied by six luminous spheres at an altitude of about 8/28/2004 #44744 lights but almost like dusted with luminous powder.” 9/12/2004 #44755 Puerto Rico, it turned out to be a luminous triangular object, making a buz 5/15/2005 #44842 tower operator notices an unknown, luminous object moving slowly and parall Late 7/2005 #44857 nicharters Boeing 737 encounters a luminous disc in the air corridor over O Early 10/2005 #44884 r more bright saucer-shaped bright luminous objects, flew over San Fernando 2/26/2008 #45123 mark, looks up and sees a gigantic luminous object silently heading west. I 11/2008 #45185 at 10:38 p.m. They were extremely luminous, "beyond anything manmade," and 11/21/2008 #45189 A luminous rectangular UFO, with no body l 5/5/2010 #45279 :40 p.m. A man named Qiao sees two luminous objects, one small one and the 10/11/2010 #45301 rcling in a regular pattern. Other luminous objects are reported above the 10/11/2010 #45301 are flooded with phone calls. Two luminous objects circling in the air are 10/11/2010 #45301 on, they see a large, milky-white, luminous spot circling above the clouds 10/11/2010 #45301 eet. The object first looks like a luminous spot produced by a searchlight 10/11/2010 #45301 yees in Ogden, Utah claim to see a luminous disc above the flight line behi 12/15/2010 #45307## Word: "luminous-ufo" (Back to Top)
BOURG-DE-PEAGE, 26, FR Luminous-UFO rotates like inverted top. 8/12/1974 #29336## Word: "luminous-yellow" (Back to Top)
TOULOUSE, FR 5 / car. 8M luminous-yellow sphere / windows. Quickl 8/25/1961 (approximate) #16802## Word: "lumières" (Back to Top)
Veillith launches the UFO journal Lumières dans la Nuit in Le Chambon-sur- 2/1958 #14860## Word: "lummi" (Back to Top)
Lummi Island, WA At 3:45 a.m. a spark-ta 7/27/1984 #37421 splashed down 1000 yards south of Lummi Island in Washington State. The im 7/27/1984 #37421 splashed down 1000 yards south of Lummi Island in Washington State. The im 7/27/1984 #37422## Word: "lump" (Back to Top)
y before the object disappeared. A lump of strange material was later found 4/13/1967 #22128 ound on the ground, plus a silvery lump of unknown material that was later 7/27/1971 #26247 coveralls. They have wide hips, a lump at the base of their necks, and cur 8/10/1979 #34725 s, and they both feel a pea-shaped lump under their skin. They return home. 12/5/1980 #35701 round, and noticed a strange black lump on the ground nearby. He walked tow 11/10/1982 #36678 ven medical exams by the beings. A lump was allegedly discovered and the cy 5/21/1988 #38574## Word: "lumping" (Back to Top)
1.8%. The “refinement” comes from lumping “probable” and “possible” identi 10/1958 #15294## Word: "lumps" (Back to Top)
heat from the object even as solid lumps of ice fall on the deck and the ri 3/19/1887 #279 ly smooth, and around the edge are lumps of grass and soil but no trace of 2/1961 #16593 arks were found in the grass, with lumps of a black clayish material also f 4/23/1974 #29058 e wounds on her buttocks and small lumps in mid chest. (NICAP: 02 - Close E 8/30/1978 #33600 They return home. The next day the lumps are gone but they have headaches. 12/5/1980 #35701 tell her, both regain the painful lumps in their temples. 12/5/1980 #35701 normous feet, and three protruding lumps on its head. The being was uncloth 1/20/1996 #42697 he incident. In October he develop lumps on his legs, groin, and back; they 5/8/2009 #45220 inful in February 2010. One of the lumps is diagnosed as non-malignant lymp 5/8/2009 #45220 g burning and later, hair loss and lumps on his legs, groin and back diagno 5/8/2009 #45221 and they had very large heads and lumps covering the tops of their scalps. 8/30/2009 #45240## Word: "lumpur" (Back to Top)
KUALA LUMPUR, MLYS 2 observer(s). Dark silent 5/27/1968 #23984 at 6:00 a.m. in the city of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, heard his son shouting 5/27/1968 #23988 o attend an evening class in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He experienced missing 8/5/1970 #25771## Word: "lumpy" (Back to Top)
WAIKERIE, SAU 2 observer(s). Lumpy dog-head figure floats / trees. 4M 12/14/1971 #26497 w a six-foot tall humanoid with a "lumpy" body and surrounded by an aura of 12/14/1971 #26502 eral observer(s) and photographs / lumpy banana. Black disks in formation. 1/23/1976 #30813 e was short and the other tall and lumpy, and the second being somehow had 4/20/1982 #36448## Word: "lumsden" (Back to Top)
nce 8:00 p.m. RAAF Lt. Bruce Clyde Lumsden is flying a Hawker Hurricane hea 12/1942 #1470 rn, but the objects stay with him. Lumsden dives to 4,000 feet, but the lig 12/1942 #1470 exas Killeen Base, Texas Col. Reid Lumsden, commander of the AFOSI district 4/14/1949 #4090 San Antonio, Texas Col. Lumsden of the San Antonio, Texas, AFOSI 5/6/1949 #4159 SOUTHEAST / LUMSDEN, SSK 4 teens / car and cops late 10/24/1967 #23295 een by four teenagers southeast of Lumsden, Saskatchewan, Canada at 9:10 p. 10/24/1967 #23308## Word: "lumumba" (Back to Top)
place it on Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba’s toothbrush. The plot is abando 9/1960 #16429 Katanga DRC Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba is executed by firing squad near 1/17/1961 #16578 elped direct the search to capture Lumumba for his transfer to his enemies 1/17/1961 #16578 tanga, he is involved in arranging Lumumba’s transfer there, and he is in d 1/17/1961 #16578 t touch with the killers the night Lumumba is killed. The Congolese leaders 1/17/1961 #16578 ed. The Congolese leaders who kill Lumumba, including Mobutu Sese Seko and 1/17/1961 #16578 in 2017 reveal that the US role in Lumumba’s murder was only under consider 1/17/1961 #16578## Word: "lumut" (Back to Top)
On this night in Lumut, Malaysia a group of vocational st 8/11/1979 #34733 w inches tall outside her house in Lumut, Perak State, Malaysia at 7:00 a.m 6/18/1980 #35380## Word: "luna" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Luna” Yield: .0015KT 9/21/1958 #15275 LUNA AND RESERVE, NM 3+3+2 separate obse 12/8/1981 #36249 executed a ninety-degree turn near Luna Mountain. The five witnesses said t 12/8/1981 #36250 Mexico State 12 and US Highway 180 Luna Mountain 7:30 p.m. Alma Hobbs is dr 12/8/1981 #36252 ct, which executes a 90° turn near Luna Mountain as a jet aircraft chases t 12/8/1981 #36252 executed a ninety-degree turn near Luna Mountain. The five witnesses said t 12/8/1981 #36253 Luna Canyon Mora County, New Mexico 5:30 9/13/1994 #41743 ry Gardea is hunting for bear near Luna Canyon in Mora County, New Mexico, 9/13/1994 #41743 Taxi driver Ramon Velazquez Luna had just dropped off a fare at 12:4 8/5/1997 #43369 The figures seemed to be signaling Luna to stop his vehicle. When he arrive 8/5/1997 #43369 ects Pounce (material collection), Luna (underground base), Gabriel (recove 2005 #44803## Word: "lunan" (Back to Top)
is Arcturus Scottish author Duncan Lunan claims he has identified and decip 4/1973 #27396 accompanying editorial disclaimer, Lunan maintains that the putative messag 4/1973 #27396## Word: "lunar" (Back to Top)
am Herschel has been observing the lunar surface since the mid-1770s in Bat 1783 #88 neuver / military precision during lunar eclipse. 90° turns etc. 9/7/1820 (approximate) #112 r with military precision during a lunar eclipse, making 90 degree turns an 9/7/1820 #113 scovery of Many Distinct Traces of Lunar Inhabitants, Especially of One of 1824 #117 animals, and winged people on the lunar surface. Using a huge and powerful 8/25/1835 #130 in a projectile with the goal of a lunar landing. 1865 #163 y notice a bright object below the lunar disc and just outside the solar co 8/7/1869 #180 observation, vegetation growing in lunar craters that contain water and a s 10/9/1921 #1016 and RADAR. 2+2 domed saucers after lunar eclipse. / r242p14. 8/5/1952 #7458 feature on the western edge of the lunar Mare Crisium that he interprets as 7/30/1953 #9021 MOON Astronomer Firsoff. Flashes / lunar south pole resemble lightning / di 5/24/1955 #12152 ks more about missile launches and lunar photography than UFO sightings. 11/6/1957 #14423 when they see objects crossing the lunar disc. Occasionally they recognize 9/25/1958 #15281 y Study for the Establishment of a Lunar Military Outpost by 1965. 3/20/1959 #15655 ions, but they reply that no other lunar observers have seen the phenomenon 10/8/1959 #16028 tion. Once nearly in line with the lunar edge, it begins a precision journe 12/13/1959 #16118 the case might involve a test of a Lunar Surveyor module from White Sands. 4/24/1964 #18200 t trail a short distance above the lunar crescent. 2/13/1967 #21536 Chronological Catalog of Reported Lunar Events, by Barbara M. Middlehurst, 7/1/1968 #24117 Moore invents the term “transient lunar phenomena” to describe short-lived 7/1/1968 #24117 moon The Apollo 11 Lunar Module lands the first astronauts 7/21/1969 #25288 LUNAR ORBITER Harry Schmidt. Several fla 12/11/1972 (approximate) #27169 MOON Several points / light / lunar surface. Seen / Embourg, Belgium. 9/10/1973 #27798 e reddish sphere stops overhead. 5 lunar diameters! Going quickly northeast 4/18/1974 #29044 ions, drawings, and NASA photos of lunar pipes, conduits, gears, gas nozzle 8/1976 #31214 and electromagnetic towers on the lunar surface—all of it indicating alien 8/1976 #31214 Black cogwheel shadow maneuvers / lunar crescent / 80 second(s). Turns cou 6/11/1978 #33269 r/cigar-shape low and slow. Blocks lunar eclipse. Splits. 9/16/1978 #33692 many lights going northeast during lunar eclipse. 9/11/1992 #40619 N Project Lunascan videos object / lunar orbit. 2 miles wide? T = 0026 UTC. 9/21/1996 #43034 0 and 10:30 p.m. on the night of a lunar eclipse. The sightings lasted seve 10/27/2004 #44772## Word: "lunarejos" (Back to Top)
Los Lunarejos farm Aznalcóllar, Seville, Spa 9/12/1971? #26330 almareña, is in his hut on the Los Lunarejos farm just over a mile from Azn 9/12/1971? #26330## Word: "lunascan" (Back to Top)
MT. VERNON, IN Project Lunascan videos object / lunar orbit. 2 9/21/1996 #43034## Word: "lunch" (Back to Top)
ou Springs, Colorado, are taking a lunch break when they watch a silver obj 5/19/1947 #2294 Emil Konopinski. While walking to lunch, the men discuss recent UFO report Summer 1950 #4996 s on to other topics, until during lunch Fermi allegedly says suddenly, “Bu Summer 1950 #4996 ics engineer Cliff Booth is having lunch in his office at a private contrac 7/1950 #5035 st few months of UFO activity at a lunch at the officer’s club. One of the Late 9/1952 #8027 o, California, is sitting down for lunch when they hear a metallic droning Late Spring 1954 #9803 ackson and Robert E. Hohmann, have lunch in Washington, D.C., with Donald K 10/4/1961 #16896 tation is to be made public. After lunch, the group meets in the Pentagon w 2/20/1967 #21607 ntify the objects inside. During a lunch break one of the CIA agents walks 8/1972 #26862 Nancy T., and Ross K. were having lunch together at a coffee bar in Dunedi 7/12/1975 #30175 ops by the side of the road to eat lunch. His radio has some static. He the 4/19/1978 #33153 ncountering active Navy SEALs at a lunch counter in town during this same t 12/10/1979 #35066 try in his diary. He states he ate lunch with five top space scientists and 6/11/1985 #37600 ntist Jacques Vallée states he ate lunch with John Petersen at the Garden C 3/31/1995 #42130 While on her lunch break at 1:30 p.m. at West Point L 5/7/1996 #42899 d data” on UAP. Fish states he had lunch with a few members in a highly cla 3/6/2015 #45433 nization in El Segundo, CA, he had lunch with a senior USAF NCO who worked 3/6/2015 #45434## Word: "luncheon" (Back to Top)
ami (Florida) Aviation Association luncheon at the Seven Seas Restaurant an 3/23/1954 #9634## Word: "lunches" (Back to Top)
e the stairs and quietly ate their lunches. All of a sudden time seemed to 7/12/1975 #30175## Word: "lund" (Back to Top)
os of Michelle DellaFave and Susan Lund, members of the singing and dancing 1997 #43155## Word: "lundahl" (Back to Top)
hic Intelligence Office, Arthur C. Lundahl, and tells the story to him and 7/5/1959 #15817 tells Neasham to go to the window. Lundahl sees nothing unusual, but Neasha 7/5/1959 #15817 to meet with its founder Arthur C. Lundahl and acquaint themselves with the 2/20/1967 #21607 ared by NPIC staff and approved by Lundahl on March 24. 5/1/1967 #22261 A study from Frank Rand, Arthur Lundahl, Gen. James Stewart, Brockway Mc 1968 #23634 overing up. Vallee writes that Art Lundahl of NPIC, Kit Green, Adm. William 9/17/1989 #39112 nt Cameron states NPIC head Arthur Lundahl was rumored to have been the CIA 1994 #41348## Word: "lundar" (Back to Top)
Lundar, Manitoba Night. A farmer is walk Early 2/1975 #29782 er is walking to his barn north of Lundar, Manitoba, when a red ball of lig Early 2/1975 #29782## Word: "lundstrom" (Back to Top)
y large center rotor/impeller with Lundstrom compressor turbines, with the 3/1956 #12742## Word: "lundy" (Back to Top)
Virginia 8:18 p.m. Capt. James E. Lundy and First Officer Leon Blanks are 7/10/1952 #6751## Word: "lunel" (Back to Top)
LUNEL, FR Saucer lands. Sweeps 3 observe 10/1958 #15291 LUNEL AND MONTPELIER AND CEYRAS, FR Smal 12/28/1973 #28611 LUNEL, FR 2 observer(s) / 1 frozen. 1M w 12/19/1979 #35082 Lunel, France A white, egg-shaped UFO¬on 12/19/1979 #35084 n upright orientation in a yard in Lunel, France. It was then seen moving d 12/19/1979 #35086## Word: "lunenburg" (Back to Top)
radar. They file a report with the Lunenburg CMP office. Between 11:00 and 10/4/1967 #23176## Word: "lunense" (Back to Top)
VALERIANO LUNENSE, ITL 4 cops and more/others. Sph 8/1973 (approximate) #27668## Word: "luneville" (Back to Top)
Luneville, France Two sets of three red 12/27/1944 #1736 Luneville, France 6:00 a.m. Three reside 1/9/1954 #9472 LUNEVILLE, FR Oval landing traces / carr 10/22/1954 #11313## Word: "lung" (Back to Top)
doctor after being diagnosed with lung disease. As he walked along he sigh 3/29/1959 #15678 e electrical sensation in his left lung soon afterwards. Upon viewing the v 4/15/1999 #43758## Word: "lunged" (Back to Top)
e door locked as the two creatures lunged against the car, pounding their h 4/10/1954 #9681## Word: "lunging" (Back to Top)
eet in San Jose, California. It is lunging sharply from side to side and ha 11/26/1896 #364## Word: "lungs" (Back to Top)
e dead horse. He finds that Lady’s lungs, heart, and thyroid are completely 9/9/1967 #23026## Word: "lunigiana" (Back to Top)
VILLAFRANCA / LUNIGIANA, ITL Small glowing-triangle fo 6/22/1978 (approximate) #33297## Word: "lunn" (Back to Top)
Strongsville, Ohio Lunn Road 12:05 a.m. A 19-year-old groce 9/26/1978 #33751 r-old grocery worker is driving on Lunn Road in Strongsville, Ohio, when sh 9/26/1978 #33751 le grocery worker driving near the Lunn River in Strongsville, Ohio. The si 9/26/1978 #33752 ac Falls, New York 9:00 p.m. Irene Lunn and her daughter are driving near D 8/20/1984 #37436## Word: "lunyanov" (Back to Top)
een moving through the sky by I.S. Lunyanov. It was flying toward Zlatoust. 11/9/1967 #23431## Word: "lunéville" (Back to Top)
Lunéville, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France Co 1/9/1954 #9473 rthe-et-Moselle, France College de Lunéville Three residents of Lunéville, 1/9/1954 #9473 ge de Lunéville Three residents of Lunéville, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, s 1/9/1954 #9473 Several students of the College de Lunéville also see the object. 1/9/1954 #9473## Word: "luoshan" (Back to Top)
LUOSHAN, HENAN, CH 2 observer(s). Bright 9/15/1971 (approximate) #26336## Word: "luot" (Back to Top)
LE LUOT, FR 6 observer(s) video long diamon 5/14/1994 #41525## Word: "lupancic" (Back to Top)
es, and the main witness was named Lupancic. 9/20/1971 #26355## Word: "lupton" (Back to Top)
nden, Virginia Witness: Mr. Roman Lupton, test facility mechanic. Several 1/17/1969 #24858## Word: "lurate" (Back to Top)
LURATE CACCIVIC, ITL Orange object spins 7/18/1978 #33398 Lurate Caccivio, Italy A red-orange obje 7/18/1978 #33399 y A red-orange object hovered over Lurate Caccivio, Italy. It resumed revol 7/18/1978 #33399 A red-orange object hovered over Lurate Caccivio, Italy. It resumed revol 7/18/1978 #33400## Word: "lurched" (Back to Top)
o protect them. This humanoid then lurched towards the Patterson's car. The 8/21/1978 #33540 cola, Florida. The object suddenly lurched forward, leaping several hundred 8/6/1993 #41110## Word: "lurches" (Back to Top)
to slowly move south. Suddenly it lurches, accelerates rapidly, zooms upwa 12/27/1950 #5368 light quickly leaves and the boat lurches forward with great force, causin 1/21/1977 #31743 e headlights come back on, the car lurches forward, and she hears her siste 1/1/1993 #40785## Word: "lurching" (Back to Top)
orida, Ed Walters videotaped a UFO lurching up into a cloud. In Matthews, N 11/15/1993 #41277## Word: "lure" (Back to Top)
One of the men fires a shotgun to lure it back; when this fails, they purs 10/1/1977 #32542## Word: "lures" (Back to Top)
Photographs. Watch stops. Fishing lures gone. 7/16/1979 #34657## Word: "lurgan" (Back to Top)
LURGAN, NORTH IREL 3 / isolated park. No 5/1961 #16670 LURGAN, NORTH IRE Circle / white lights. 3/22/1983 #36791## Word: "lurking" (Back to Top)
as building contractors seem to be lurking around her home as well as the h 1/1952 #5853 -foot tall, hairy, heavyset figure lurking in some nearby shadows. It had l 8/4/1968 #24296## Word: "lusaka" (Back to Top)
LUSAKA, NORTH RHODESIA Many observer(s). 5/28/1955 #12164 LUSAKA, ZAMBIA Bright MTCL object wavers 6/15/1966 #20560## Word: "lusar" (Back to Top)
a book written by Nazi Maj. Rudolf Lusar, commanding officer of German Army 1958 #14787 erman Army technical unit in WWII. Lusar claims Nazi scientists were workin 1958 #14787 imaging a decade before the West. Lusar also claims German scientists were 1958 #14787 apons, and also “flying saucers.” Lusar claims Germany began developing sa 1958 #14787 talian engineer Bellonzo/Belluzzo. Lusar claims German saucer technology we 1958 #14787 Nick Cook evaluated the claims in Lusar’s book and finds mixed corroborati 1958 #14787 ve changed the course of the war. Lusar claimed Miethe was taken to Wright 1958 #14787 ogy was developed differently than Lusar claims. Vesco states a craft calle 1958 #14787## Word: "luscomb" (Back to Top)
e 12 and US Highway 180, where Dan Luscomb and Rosie Tafoya also see the ob 12/8/1981 #36252## Word: "luscombe" (Back to Top)
illiam C. Powell is flying a light Luscombe aircraft over Willow Grove, Pen 5/21/1966 #20505## Word: "lusens" (Back to Top)
LUSENS GLACIER, AUS Cop / (seen thru) bi 10/3/1954 #10630## Word: "lush" (Back to Top)
n the midst of otherwise green and lush growth on a remote section of his f 9/4/1969 #25351 ek at the foot of a mountain, with lush vegetation along the way. While wal 8/3/1977 #32356 eir backyard in the midst of their lush, well-cared for St. Augustine grass 1/1988 #38385## Word: "lusiana" (Back to Top)
LUSIANA, ITL Car malfunctions due to EME 1/18/1979 #34355 Lusiana, Italy A witness's car engine di 1/18/1979 #34357 Lusiana, Vicenza, Italy 11:30 p.m. A car 1/18/1979 #34359 r-old woodcutter stops abruptly in Lusiana, Vicenza, Italy. Its lights go o 1/18/1979 #34359 At 11:30 later that same night in Lusiana, Italy a witness's car engine di 1/18/1979 #34361## Word: "lusignan" (Back to Top)
LUSIGNAN, FR 2 observer(s). Ovoid going 10/3/1954 #10655 Mr. Lusignan, a patent examiner, lost while 6/9/1976 #31095## Word: "lusigny" (Back to Top)
LUSIGNY FOREST, FR 6M ovoid / treetops. 10/20/1954 #11266 Lusigny Forest, France Roger Reveille sa 10/20/1954 #11271 torm on this late afternoon in the Lusigny Forest in Aube department, Franc 10/20/1954 #11280 Fôret de Lusigny, Aube, France Afternoon. Roger R 10/22/1954 #11319 eveillé is walking in the Fôret de Lusigny, Aube, France, when he hears a r 10/22/1954 #11319## Word: "lusk" (Back to Top)
include streetcar workers Charles Lusk and Granville C. Snider, who watch 11/17/1896 #340## Word: "lussac" (Back to Top)
D134 / LUSSAC, FR 1 / car. Long-armed pseudo-hu 8/15/1979 #34742 A man driving near the village of Lussac in Charente-Maritime department, 8/15/1979 #34744## Word: "lussault-sur-loire" (Back to Top)
LUSSAULT-SUR-LOIRE, FR J. Chaput. Red di 11/4/1975 #30550 Lussault-sur-Loire (near), France At 6:5 11/4/1975 #30552 cended slowly into some woods near Lussault-sur-Loire, France. (Source: Lum 11/4/1975 #30552 cended slowly into some woods near Lussault-sur-Loire, France. 11/4/1975 #30553## Word: "luster" (Back to Top)
y a silver disc bathed in a pearly luster. Around this time Elizabeth begin 10/1917 #968 raw-colored iridescent radiance or luster. It also has fins one-third of th 7/1950 #5035 ttom part; silver with no metallic luster, flew overhead for 5 minutes. 6/14/1958 #15095 in color but gave off no metallic luster. It flew overhead for five minute 6/14/1958 #15098 hite spherical UFO with a metallic luster was seen during the day flying ov 3/3/1961 #16620 or and varying to a white and blue luster. 8/1/1965 #19243 dark green color, with a metallic luster. The only facial feature he could 6/12/1977 #32161## Word: "lusterless" (Back to Top)
the water. Looking up, they saw a lusterless craft in the sky. It seemed t 7/18/1967 #22692## Word: "lustosa" (Back to Top)
il Near Paripueira, jeweler Wilson Lustosa and numerous fishermen saw an ob 4/1958 #14953 aripueira, Alagoas, Brazil, Wilson Lustosa stops to ask some fishermen what 4/1958 #14955## Word: "lustrous" (Back to Top)
t clothing. The eyes are large and lustrous, and they each seem to be carry 11/25/1896 #361## Word: "lutbunn" (Back to Top)
ship commanders. This one is from “Lutbunn, senior in command of first wave 1/6/1952 #5861## Word: "lute" (Back to Top)
11, DHS Deputy Secretary Jane Holl Lute, Under Secretary for Intelligence a 6/2011 #45327## Word: "lutesville" (Back to Top)
LUTESVILLE, MO Dogs bark. Huge ovoid lan 2/1969 #24885## Word: "luther" (Back to Top)
Carlisle, Pennsylvania 3:00 a.m. Luther Myers hears dogs barking outside 8/28/1897 #607 unicipal Airport Weather Observers Luther McDonald, Harrison Manson. One wh 2/24/1950 #4553 nicipal Airport Weather Observers, Luther McDonald and Harrison Manson, wat 2/24/1950 #4555 gar Hoover singles out Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. as a major target for CO 8/28/1963 #17921 . Connecticut State Representative Luther B. Martin sees a delta-shaped, si 10/4/1963 #17980 The FBI sends Martin Luther King Jr. a “suicide package” note 11/21/1964 #18631 LACK HATE, which focuses on Martin Luther King Jr. and the Southern Christi 8/1967 #22770## Word: "luton" (Back to Top)
LUTON, BEDFORDS Many / schoolyard. Large 6/1957 (approximate) #13693 nton, Great Britain Mr. Wildam, of Luton, noticed that his car was graduall 2/9/1962 #17042 LUTON, ENGL 5 observer(s). Night light f 4/23/1974 #29056 Hill was sighted by 64 students in Luton, Essex County, England on this nig 4/23/1974 #29058 LUTON, BEDFORDS Kite-UFO dives / opening 9/21/1990 #39741 e into a clearing in some woods in Luton, Bedfordshire, England. It was see 9/21/1990 #39743 In Luton, Bedfordshire, England a metallic 9/7/2003 #44594## Word: "luttrell" (Back to Top)
in an article by reporter John H. Luttrell in the Boston Traveler newspape 10/25/1965 #19680## Word: "lutz" (Back to Top)
at 11:00 a.m., Mrs. J. E. Harp of Lutz, Florida her seven-year-old daughte 3/30/1947 #2251 LUTZ, FL 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) bin 6/24/1956 #12917 rdehl-Eveking, Germany Near Hagen, Lutz Holtmann went toward a bright objec 8/25/1959 #15937 , North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Lutz Holtman walks towards a bright obje 8/25/1959 #15938 ar Hagen, Werdehl-Eveking, Germany Lutz Holtmann began walking toward a bri 8/25/1959 #15939 his father and investigator George Lutz to the ground. The man ran into the 10/25/1973 #28286## Word: "luu" (Back to Top)
Totalmon, Latamarx, Noma, Leektow, Luu, Oblow, Kerrull, Locktopar, Molca, C 1/6/1952 #5861## Word: "luu2" (Back to Top)
identifies this group as magnesium LUU2 flares dropped by A-10 Warthog airc 3/13/1997 #43229## Word: "luverne" (Back to Top)
HWY17 NEAR LUVERNE, MN Car radio dies. Engine cough 11/16/1965 #19723## Word: "lux" (Back to Top)
LUX, 21, FR Metal sphere circles. Divide 9/23/1954 #10405## Word: "luxemborg" (Back to Top)
at night in post-war Wesserbillig, Luxemborg 45-year-old Mr. Klotzbach suff 5/25/1948 #3655 He awoke again four days later in Luxemborg, legs fully healed. 5/25/1948 #3655## Word: "luxembourg" (Back to Top)
rts of their village of Forrieres, Luxembourg Province, Belgium on their wa 8/16/1975 #30281 Luxembourg, Germany 2:00 AM. Three witne 4/14/1977 #31979 Athus, Belgium Luxembourg 5:30 a.m. A young woman in At 10/23/1990 #39806 hen veers left in the direction of Luxembourg and disappears in the distanc 10/23/1990 #39806## Word: "luxeuil-les-bains" (Back to Top)
LUXEUIL-LES-BAINS, FR Green ray northeas 10/17/1993 #41240## Word: "luz" (Back to Top)
US70 NEAR LA LUZ, NM 2 observer(s). Silver disks with 3/2/1967 #21721## Word: "luzern" (Back to Top)
Luzern, Switzerland Waldibrücke Eschenba 8/1955 #12311 Waldibrücke Eschenbach Police from Luzern, Switzerland, investigate a sight 8/1955 #12311 Luzern, Switzerland A military radar ins 3/8/1995 #42081 A military radar installation near Luzern, Switzerland, detects a series of 3/8/1995 #42081 pped the track. A minute later the Luzern radar records hits on yet another 3/8/1995 #42081## Word: "luzerne" (Back to Top)
oon at 3:30 p.m. in Wyoming Flats, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania six men rep 8/6/1967 #22834## Word: "luzia" (Back to Top)
ey run home and call their mother, Luzia Helena da Silva, but when they ret 1/20/1996 #42695 Varginha, Brazil Luzia Helena da Silva is visited in Varg 4/29/1996 #42890## Word: "luzon" (Back to Top)
Leyte Gulf Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, Philippines As the USS Gilliam is 11/30/1944? #1711 from Leyte Gulf to Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, Philippines, Lieut. JG Kendall Br 11/30/1944? #1711 SOUTHEAST LUZON, PI 3 F47S and more/others. 10M si 4/1/1948 #3601 Luzon Island, Philippines Pilot saw a ha 4/1/1948 #3602 Sorsogon City, Luzon, Philippines 9:55 a.m. USAF 1st Lt 4/1/1948 #3603 miles southeast of Sorsogon City, Luzon, Philippines. At 1,500 feet, he no 4/1/1948 #3603 CLARK AIR FORCE BASE, LUZON, PHL Wingless cylinder/cigar-shape 8/1/1948 (approximate) #3766 TEUGUEGARAO, LUZON, PHL Flying saucer visible for ove 3/24/1950 (approximate) #4715 BAGUIO, LUZON, PI Hundreds / observer(s). Night 2/13/1995 #42041## Word: "luzy" (Back to Top)
LUZY, FR 2+kids. Metallic blimp extremel 10/17/1954 #11165## Word: "luís" (Back to Top)
rt. They call the airport manager, Luís Harvey, who arrives from home in a 8/2/1962 #17317## Word: "lv" (Back to Top)
V Las Vegas Sun: UFO, Or Whatever. LV Sees the Light by C.J. SCHIFFLER: A n 7/9/1978 #33357## Word: "lvov" (Back to Top)
Lvov, Ukraine Ternopil, Ukraine Evening. 2/1/1913 #876 archlight is seen maneuvering over Lvov, Ukraine. Another mystery plane, ma 2/1/1913 #876## Word: "lvtp5" (Back to Top)
nd an amphibian tractor called the LVTP5. Despite the AEC’s assurance that 7/5/1957 #13779## Word: "lwoff" (Back to Top)
PAFB; he was a former colleague of Lwoff, Monod and Jacob, Nobel Prize winn 1959 #15516## Word: "lx" (Back to Top)
ATHUS, LX, BELGIUM 1+2 observer(s). 70M black t 1/21/1992 #40295## Word: "ly" (Back to Top)
NCESTER, ENGL 1 observer. Absolute(ly) black spindle crosses sun. Halo fluc 10/10/1914 #919 within 40M / schoolgirl. Absolute(ly) black! Rumbles and away. 1/1936 (approximate) #1241 aneuver / all directions. Absolute(ly) silent. High altitude. Also others / 6/4/1943 #1509 ens-disk going up. Spins. Absolute(ly) silent. 9/1946 #2163 oing south / plane speed. Absolute(ly) silent. 6km altitude. 9/12/1946 #2179 southeast / insane speed. Absolute(ly) silent. 10K' altitude. 7/4/1947 #2623 ng quickly / plane speed. Absolute(ly) silent. 7/5/1947 #2689 Size and speed of plane. Absolute(ly) silent. Flashes / sunlight. 7/10/1947 #3094 rs 300m over boat / lake. Absolute(ly) silent. 7/8/1949 #4264 eaks going quickly north. Absolute(ly) silent. 3/1/1950 #4569 MPERLEY, MANCHESTER Dark 'absolute(ly) solid smoke-ring' speeds through clo 5/17/1950 #4947 ronze top and silver bot. Absolute(ly) silent. Trails blue vapor. 6/1950 #4976 ORTHEAST / SEVENOAKS, ENG Absolute(ly)-silent object / 3500' altitude. 140M 12/10/1950 #5335 M saucer / 300M altitude. Absolute(ly) silent straight & level flight going 6/9/1951 #5538 oss 30° / sky in seconds. Absolute(ly) silent. 4/19/1952 #6130 g quickly west / 1800mph. Absolute(ly) silent. 5/25/1952 #6355 nd returns. Exact repeat. Absolute(ly) silent. / MJ#290. 6/1952 #6400 lantern going southeast. Absolute(ly) silent. / r28p286+/ APROv1#2. 7/19/1952 #6918 t. Sharp climb and turns. Absolute(ly) silent. 7/22/1952 #6996 strange cloud and merge. Absolute(ly) silent. 7/30/1952 #7344 Impossible accelerations. Absolute(ly) silent. Going quickly east. 8/10/1952 #7532 rs fly flat-side forward. Absolute(ly) silent. 8/16/1952 #7614 cond(s). Bobs and floats. Absolute(ly) silent. Photograph in source. 8/23/1952 #7687 seen clearly. Portholes. Absolute(ly) silent. 11/22/1952 #8321 nutes straight and level. Absolute(ly) silent. Glows. 4/7/1953 #8808 / edge. 300mph overhead. Absolute(ly) silent. Going quickly northeast. 5/7/1953 #8868 = saucers with portholes. Absolute(ly) still. Then crazy maneuvers. 7/31/1953 #9023 d level at high altitude. Absolute(ly) plain and silent. No further details 10/1953 (approximate) #9194 to horizon. Green & blue. Absolute(ly) silent. 12/10/1953 #9353 y east. Turns over house. Absolute(ly) silent. 5/16/1954 #9805 cal. Going quickly south. Absolute(ly) silent. 9/3/1954 #10237 s / field by beet scales. Absolute(ly) silent. Light glow. / LDLN#324. 10/25/1954 (approximate) #11376 ude. Going quickly south. Absolute(ly) silent. Big news. / r120p141. 10/30/1954 #11486 r stops. Makes 90° turns. Absolute(ly) silent. Blue flames and away. 12/12/1954 #11803 orth / one hour. Spirals. Absolute(ly) silent. 5/1/1955 #12112 g quickly west / seconds. Absolute(ly) silent. 8/17/1955 #12368 ts rotates. 45M altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. Going quickly north. 10/1955 #12474 ucer going [to] over car. Absolute(ly) silent. / r8#381. 4/6/1956 #12792 and turn / high altitude. Absolute(ly) mystery. 6/1957 #13692 going quickly northeast. Absolute(ly) silent. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) 6/10/1957 #13716 north in west-formation. Absolute(ly) silent. / r141#9p88. 11/26/1957 #14622 disk going west overhead. Absolute(ly) silent / 25 minute(s). Then shoots g 7/1/1958 #15132 outh against strong wind. Absolute(ly) silent. No fins. 8/1958 #15164 nds. Going quickly south. Absolute(ly) silent. 8/1958 #15170 ro-magnetic effect (EME). Absolute(ly) silent. Quickly going up [to] extrem 10/28/1958 #15394 . Red lights flash / top. Absolute(ly) silent. 1/8/1959 #15540 [to] away extremely fast. Absolute(ly) silent. 1/24/1959 #15563 1 turns 180° going east. Absolute(ly) silent. 1/26/1959 #15566 s and drops behind trees. Absolute(ly) silent. 3/26/1959 #15670 at crocodile hunters. All absolute(ly) silent! / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) 6/1959 #15752 ng down [to] near ground. Absolute(ly) quiet. 2nd object joins. / r11p272. 8/18/1960 #16403 (s). Huge starfish shape. Absolute(ly) black. Edges glow. Eclipses stars! 8/23/1961 #16801 lic saucer hovers / tilt. Absolute(ly) still / light winds. Shoots going qu 4/20/1962 #17123 s). Large cone going NNW. Absolute(ly) silent. Vibrant bright. 7/20/1964 #18427 to] and away / 45° angle. Absolute(ly) silent. 8/1965 (approximate) #19226 r/cigar-shape buzzes car. Absolute(ly) silent. Flies low going northeast. 6/8/1966 #20538 es car. Beams going down. Absolute(ly) silent. Type unknown. / r113p46. 4/28/1967 #22239 r. Fast 90-turns. Hovers. Absolute(ly) silent. 4/4/1968 #23892 ossing. Quickly going up. Absolute(ly) silent. 6/9/1968 #24016 n landing. Observers are "absolute(ly) reliable". 10/1968 #24531 ckly east / low altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. Sudden sharp maneuvers. 11/6/1968 #24636 zags going [to] WNW slow. Absolute(ly) silent. Photographs and more. 1/4/1969 #24814 ] WNW toward(s) Odorheiu. Absolute(ly) silent. 6/2/1969 #25189 lashes beams. Going down. Absolute(ly) silent. Electro-magnetic effect (EME 9/27/1969 #25382 ng saucer / ground level. Absolute(ly) silent. No odor or heat. 1/24/1970 #25551 ckly northwest over town. Absolute(ly) silent. Estimated 1km altitude or le 2/26/1970 #25591 Stops. Hovers. Maneuvers. Absolute(ly) silent / low altitude. / r222p94. 3/28/1970 #25612 with small base in front. Absolute(ly) silent. 6/1970 (approximate) #25680 erver. White bowl-saucer. Absolute(ly) silent. Hovers. Goes to and fro / sm 1/8/1971 #25984 ts / edge. Slow rotation. Absolute(ly) silent. / r30p368. 9/13/1971 #26333 Red disk with hazy edges. Absolute(ly) silent. Going north steadily until l 2/5/1972 #26564 s show 3X / 15 minute(s). Absolute(ly) silent. Going quickly southeast. / n 2/13/1972 #26578 ditch and trees and away. Absolute(ly) silent. / r50p37. 6/9/1972 #26708 northeast / 2 minute(s). Absolute(ly) silent. Lights clouds. / LDLN#260. 7/4/1972 #26760 45 minute(s). Shoots off. Absolute(ly) silent. 8/1/1972 #26865 eam lights / one-another. Absolute(ly) silent. 8/12/1972 #26901 orthwest / high altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. 1/1/1973 #27205 oon / crescent over town. Absolute(ly) silent. No further details. 2/1/1973 #27259 ape with bent tail-wings. Absolute(ly) silent and still. 4 lights flash. 3/2/1974 #28848 Loops. Away / very fast. Absolute(ly) silent. / r50p46. 3/30/1974 #28969 oing west / low altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. 6/1/1974 #29156 d going [to] over melons. Absolute(ly) silent. / r30p558. 6/14/1975 #30103 [to] and covers highway. Absolute(ly) silence. Reacts / voices? Vanishes. 8/1/1975 (approximate) #30228 -ovoid going up / ground. Absolute(ly) silent. Observer(s) cannot speak. Tr 8/16/1975 #30277 theast toward(s) airport. Absolute(ly) silent. 2 beams light area. Shoots g 9/9/1975 #30348 fantastic speed. Sky lit. Absolute(ly) silent. 11/3/1975 #30542 ws and descends overhead. Absolute(ly) silent. Going southeast. 5/15/1976 #31054 ect 15M over light poles. Absolute(ly) silent. Quickly going up [to] fast. 10/1976 (approximate) #31434 ude. Very close. Slow and absolute(ly) silent. 4/30/1977 (approximate) #32038 Rugby-ball shape hovers. Absolute(ly) silent. Moves away and gone. 5/21/1977 #32117 going quickly southeast. Absolute(ly) silent. Silver color. 1 glows yellow 5/26/1977 #32129 le. Mimics all maneuvers. Absolute(ly) silent. Going [to] behind house. 6/21/1977 #32178 glows blue. Follows road. Absolute(ly) silent. No electro-magnetic effect ( 9/7/1977 #32466 mos storm. Compass turns. Absolute(ly) silence! 4/17/1978 #33150 uickly northwest fast and absolute(ly) silent. 5/5/1978 #33188 pter / very low altitude. Absolute(ly) silent! No helicopters up. 7/24/1978 #33413 t 3km away. Low altitude. Absolute(ly) invisible! 5/26/1980 #35341 FIELD, HAMPS Humming then absolute(ly) quiet. UFO's hovers. Probe and figur 7/18/1980 #35416 orth going quickly south. Absolute(ly) silent. Slower / planes. Bright and 11/18/1980 #35647 quickly east stopping 3X. Absolute(ly) silent. 12/21/1980 #35730 hovers overhead / 2 min. Absolute(ly) silent. Many lights / surface. 1/1981 #35766 / low altitude over town. Absolute(ly) silent. / clr. sky. 2/19/1981 #35833 r lands twice. Portholes. Absolute(ly) silent. / r210v30#7. 2/10/1982 #36330 ights all over/all about. Absolute(ly) silent. Portholes. 8/5/1983 #36934 omerang. I84 traffic jam. Absolute(ly) silent. Going south. 1/9/1986 #37758 nd down Naugatuck Valley. Absolute(ly) silent. Bad photographs. 1/9/1986 #37761 ghtens and dims 4x / min. Absolute(ly) still. Then shoots going southeast / 3/22/1986 #37805 away / observer(s). Slow. Absolute(ly) silent! 12/17/1987 #38366 s all over/all about rim. Absolute(ly) silence.. no traffic.. 1/19/1988 #38413 / complex path / 40 min. Absolute(ly) silent. Vanishes! 4/10/1988 #38540 and white and red lights. Absolute(ly) still and silent. / r122p28. 4/24/1988 #38544 Hovers / 1000' altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. No further details. 4/24/1989 #38923 l object / 600' altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. Beams red light. 50mph. 5/1/1989 #38929 spots quickly going down. Absolute(ly) silent. Vanishes. 10/26/1989 #39186 . 2 large lights / front. Absolute(ly) silent. 11/30/1989 #39279 X, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). Absolute(ly) silent object with panels makes tigh 12/11/1989 #39310 euvers. Brilliant lights. Absolute(ly) silent. No further details. 1/4/1990 #39362 s and maneuvers all over. Absolute(ly) silent. Other objects orbit. 3/24/1990 #39482 econd(s) going northwest. Absolute(ly) silent. No trail. 5/1/1990 #39546 orth going quickly south. Absolute(ly) silent. White lights / edge. 5/28/1990 #39594 and rises / 20 minute(s). Absolute(ly) silent. Balloon? 6/30/1990 #39630 going quickly southeast. Absolute(ly) silent. Crosses sky / 15 second(s). 9/12/1990 #39727 northeast / low altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. 11/5/1990 #39859 ds / field. 1 buzzes car. Absolute(ly) silent. 11/6/1990 #39878 KECSKEMET, HUNGARY Absolute(ly) silent UFO / 600' altitude. 240' fla 1/19/1991 (approximate) #39962 east. Fourth going north. Absolute(ly) silent. No wind. 8/1/1991 #40139 Car Rdo(off)crackles. 80' absolute(ly) silent clam-saucer right over 3 / ca 3/10/1992 #40370 est 4x faster / the wind. Absolute(ly) silent. 4/11/1992 #40412 ite lights / sides. Slow. Absolute(ly) silent. 11/3/1992 #40702 s blue going down / road. Absolute(ly) silent. No odor. Going quickly north 8/7/1993 #41112 urn. Follows main street. Absolute(ly) silent. 9/12/1993 #41195 both ends. Shape unknown. Absolute(ly) silent. Cops etc. uninterested. 10/18/1993 #41245 eld when hit / spotlight. Absolute(ly) silent. Sharp turn going quickly nor 11/22/1993 #41295 ckly [to] east-northeast. Absolute(ly) silent. 12/3/1993 #41322 ). 50' triangle overhead. Absolute(ly) silent. 5 bright lights. Back / 01 F 1/21/1994 #41380 going quickly southeast. Absolute(ly) silent. 3/5/1994 #41440 s going [to] single file. Absolute(ly) silence. No birds / bells.. nothing! 7/7/1994 #41612 going quickly northeast. Absolute(ly) silent. 2km altitude at 400kph est. 10/5/1994 #41786 overhead / 150' altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. Bright beams. / LDLN#330. 10/24/1994 #41810 r mountain / 5 minute(s). Absolute(ly) silent. Flies away. 10/26/1994 #41813 Bottom greyish. Fast and absolute(ly) silent. 12/13/1994 #41894 ods. Surrounded / lights. Absolute(ly) silent. 12/31/1994 #41918 o and fro / low altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. 1/15/1995 #41973 Sound. Turns. Zips away. Absolute(ly) silent. No further details. 2/10/1995 #42032 hape with row lights. All absolute(ly) silent. 5/30/1995 #42232 / 100' altitude. Silent. Absolute(ly) no reflection. 6/5/1995 #42239 Blinks each 5 second(s). Absolute(ly) silent. Going [to] slow. 8/30/1995 #42428 all hovers / 5 minute(s). Absolute(ly) silent. Offloads small night lights 1/8/1996 #42671 kph going [to] mountains. Absolute(ly) silent. 3/1/1996 #42791 an Luis valley. No wings. Absolute(ly) silent. 10/10/1996 #43062 ight/strait(s) and level. Absolute(ly) silent. 2/5/1997 #43184 ngle going [to] overhead. Absolute(ly) silent. Low and slow. Shoots away. 7/11/1997 #43348 ds. Fast dive going down. Absolute(ly) silence dogs and all. 8/9/1997 #43374 and saucer outside. Both absolute(ly) silent with lights / edges. Saucer b 9/6/1997 #43397 nous plate saucer passes. Absolute(ly) silent. / Police report. 2/13/2000 #43949 t flat edge first. 15Kph. Absolute(ly) silent. 8/13/2002 #44380## Word: "lya" (Back to Top)
essor Hernandez met a woman named "Lya" who claimed to be an extraterrestri 4/22/1975 #30000 ft about three meters in diameter. Lya took out a small, handheld device, a 4/22/1975 #30000 zone layer, deserts, forests, etc. Lya told him that the aliens insisted th 4/22/1975 #30000## Word: "lyall" (Back to Top)
ew York Times staff reporter Sarah Lyall, based in the UK, selectively focu 5/26/2008 #45143## Word: "lyautey" (Back to Top)
Port Lyautey, Fr. Morocco Brilliant white dis 8/6/1952 #7485 oven, the crew of the tanker "Port Lyautey" observed an object touch the su 9/30/1954 #10512 cean, the crew of the tanker "Port Lyautey" observed a UFO touch the surfac 9/30/1954 #10523 saucer and flies. On road to Port Lyautey. 10/12/1954 #10961 A French engineer driving to Port Lyautey saw a dwarf about 1.2 m in heigh 10/12/1954 #10969 A French engineer driving to Port Lyautey in the afternoon saw a dwarf abo 10/12/1954 #10979## Word: "lyauttey" (Back to Top)
B17 / PORT LYAUTTEY GOING QUICKLY [TO] DAKAR, SINGL 5/7/1945 #1865 ning flight on a B-17 between Port Lyauttey, Mauritania and Dakar, Senegal 5/7/1945 #1866## Word: "lycett" (Back to Top)
Two men, Lycett and Hazelgrove, were driving down 5/1/1992 #40443## Word: "lycomede" (Back to Top)
confirmed. Country: France Name: “Lycomede” Yield: 150KT 5/20/1987 #38176## Word: "lycoming" (Back to Top)
LYCOMING, NY Project Bluebook Case #1038 4/5/1966 #20229 Lycoming, NY Spinning vapor-like sphere, 4/5/1966 #20235 Lycoming, New York A civilian woman, 42, 4/5/1966 #20241 Lycoming, New York Witness: Lillian Lou 4/5/1966 #20245 Lycoming, New York 3:00 a.m. Lillian Lou 4/5/1966 #20248 w York 3:00 a.m. Lillian Louis, in Lycoming, New York, sees a spinning obje 4/5/1966 #20248 here hovering at a low altitude in Lycoming, New York. The object hovered l 4/5/1966 #20251## Word: "lycopodium" (Back to Top)
cadmium sulfide) and plant spores (Lycopodium) from an aircraft over St. Lo 4/1953 #8806## Word: "lycos" (Back to Top)
confirmed. Country: France Name: “Lycos” Yield: 150KT 11/27/1989 #39252## Word: "lycurgue" (Back to Top)
confirmed. Country: France Name: “Lycurgue” Yield: 150KT 7/15/1991 #40122## Word: "lydia" (Back to Top)
rth. Friedman has also interviewed Lydia Sleppy, who worked at Albuquerque 2/28/1978 #33002 onal Television building 8:15 p.m. Lydia B. Lövendal-Papae and her husband 9/11/1987 #38281## Word: "lyell" (Back to Top)
Lyell Highway Lawitta, Tasmania Hobart R 2/5/1979 #34405 9:50 p.m. A man is driving on the Lyell Highway near Lawitta, Tasmania, wh 2/5/1979 #34405## Word: "lying" (Back to Top)
of a thin membrane, without hair, lying snugly upon their backs.” The arti 8/25/1835 #130 bove the river as the riverboat is lying at Sistersville, West Virginia. It 4/18/1897 #527 f from an electric shock. As he is lying there, one of them grabs his pick 8/14/1947 #3330 es are mostly deluded, hysterical, lying, or crazy, and “further study alon 8/10/1949 #4315 him that, although they know he is lying, they want him to continue spreadi 3/1950 #4566 .” He states he saw the humanoids lying on a fabric to prevent freeze burn 1953 #8482 reature entered a machine that was lying in a ditch, and then the machine r 10/18/1954 #11219 tand the blast. Some 100 soldiers, lying in trenches, are stationed to gaug 7/5/1957 #13779 d soon it became a great big globe lying on the surface of the water. "Just 6/12/1958 #15092 r(s) sees small humanoid (or Grey) lying / ground inside. 8/18/1958 #15213 scribes the policy as a “lesson in lying, intrigue, and the ‘Big Brother’ a 12/1958 #15465 io Darnaude y Rojas Marcos, 28, is lying in a hammock in the front of his h 6/11/1961 #16724 e at one point and grabs his rifle lying nearby, but he is still paralyzed. 8/26/1962 #17362 . From the air they appeared to be lying just below the surface and when “s 6/6/1965 #18995 h skin that looks tanned. They are lying down in a somewhat haphazard arran 7/1965 #19039 wever, that the witnesses were not lying. 8/5/1965 #19328 t an extreme speed. There were low lying clouds at the time and the UFO pas 12/16/1965 #19776 When she woke up she found herself lying in the field where the UFO had lan 8/11/1966 #20739 sition themselves around something lying on the ground. In the morning, Mor 3/28/1967 #22004 , an Assembly of God minister, was lying in bed in Boardman, Ohio when he h 7/18/1967 #22695 me home from work with a headache. Lying down on bed, she soon became aware 9/3/1967 #22990 sound as they went behind some low lying cumulus clouds and did not emerge. 9/23/1967 #23123 the objects. He then found himself lying on the floor of the craft with a G 10/24/1967 #23310 ppears, a dog is seen cowering and lying in the snow, trying to cover its e 2/19/1968 #23767 r came into her room and found her lying on top of her bedsheets with her r 5/3/1968 #23942 except for one that appeared to be lying prone on the ground. These human l 7/20/1968 #24195 uth of France on October 29. He is lying in bed when he is awakened by his 11/2/1968 #24625 bered being inside a circular room lying on a white Formica table. He was s 4/5/1969 #25051 mber anything after that. He awoke lying on top of a rock next to the Paran 4/20/1969 #25075 sees the bodies of four human men lying stretched out side by side. Naked, 5/4/1969 #25114 wn in his friend's bedroom. He was lying down relaxing when he saw a vortex 7/4/1970 #25727 ss blacked out and was found later lying in the bushes. He regained conscio 8/20/1970 #25799 ng sensation on her hands. She was lying on top of a "bed" and she could no 9/7/1970 #25828 n's headlights picked up an animal lying on the road. As he opened his car 3/17/1972 #26607 two young men drive by and see him lying on the ground in gushing rainwater 5/22/1973 #27518 n she came to later, found herself lying in a different position. Under hyp 6/23/1973 #27584 dow to window, he notices his dogs lying very still near the corner of the 6/28/1973 #27598 he next thing he remembered he was lying on the porch of his cottage porch 7/1/1973 #27610 ross the chest area. She remembers lying on a table and being forced to rem 10/19/1973 #28199 a glimmering, polychromatic "egg" lying on the ground. While entranced by 10/20/1973 #28222 to be slowed by an odd pink cloud lying across the highway. They also see 11/18/1973 #28442 e woman looked out and saw the cow lying dead next to a pond. Two weeks lat 3/1/1974 #28842 oner and a local female friend are lying on a sloping beach near Lomé, Togo 3/29/1974 #28968 black clayish material also found lying around. 4/23/1974 #29058 and when he awoke he found himself lying beside a road outside Buenos Aires 1/5/1975 #29723 of June 24, Coutinho is discovered lying on the steps of the garden door in 6/23/1976 #31134 ustria A young radio technician is lying in bed during a power blackout in 5/1977 #32043 him, but he noticed a fourth being lying directly in front of him on the gr 6/12/1977 #32161 Mrs. Fern Frey (name changed) was lying in bed with her 11-year-old daught 7/15/1977 #32275 bers of his family later found him lying where he had hid and carried him i 7/17/1977 #32288 g color. The first showed Antonio, lying naked, on an unseen table, while h 9/15/1977 #32485 , towards the room where they were lying in bed. Curious, they approached a 10/29/1977 #32633 The witness was lying in his bed in Wrose, England on th 1/4/1978 #32852 e 2:30 a.m. A 31-year-old woman is lying in bed awake for 30 minutes at her 9/15/1978 #33686 arrive at 1:00 a.m., they find him lying in a nearby lawn in a confused sta 12/6/1978 #34065 ght in the sky. He was later found lying incoherent next to his car. (NICAP 12/28/1978 #34219 l undergoing a physical exam while lying on her back. A probe was inserted 7/25/1979 #34680 ng in some kind of operating room, lying naked on top of the examination ta 12/11/1979 #35073 Several teenagers are still awake, lying in hammocks and talking, when they 1/1980 #35120 ridge, when he notices six of them lying flat as though paralyzed with fear 7/22/1981 #36023 , at around 11:15 p.m. He recalled lying naked on an exam table made out of 11/1/1982 #36669 a struggle. His family found Joao lying outside, nude and unconscious, alo 11/29/1982 #36702 e household. His family found Joao lying outside, nude and unconscious, and 11/30/1982 #36703 On this night Sr. Flores was lying in his bedroom at home near the ci 5/29/1986 #37898 if it is melting away. The dog is lying on the ground looking ill. Its eye 2/9/1988 #38448 e heavy doorframe knocked down and lying on the grass. See next saw a three 3/13/1990 #39458 n in New Hartford, Connecticut was lying awake in bed at 2:00 a.m. when she 7/18/1990 #39649 elgium 5:28 a.m. Mme. Bouffioux is lying awake in bed at her home in Fleuru 11/22/1990 #39898 ring a blue Air Force blue uniform lying prone on a projecting part of thei 5/14/1991 #40061 ng in Cicero, Illinois a woman was lying in bed next to her husband when sh 4/3/1992 #40408 ers seeing the second investigator lying on the floor, as if frozen, and ap 3/16/1993 #40886 . The next thing he recalls he was lying on a table in a dark room. The wal 5/11/1994 #41523 A man was lying in bed in his home in the U.S. sta 9/11/1994 #41734 imself the "leader." He remembered lying down on a cot-like structure that 9/11/1994 #41734 County, New Mexico, he sees a cow lying dead some 30 feet away. In the pla 9/13/1994 #41743 hite being in her bedroom. She was lying on her right side and its face was 2/2/1995 #42013 A witness was lying in bed in his bedroom in Grand Hav 8/15/1995 #42387 de a room with smooth walls and of lying on top of a table. There he rememb 9/24/1995 #42508 e several heifers were found dead, lying in a perfect row in the middle of 11/24/1995 #42622 re of any kind. He realized he was lying prone and unable to move, in some 2/29/1996 #42789 n. When he opened his eyes, he was lying on the ground right outside the ca 9/15/1996 #43020 a grayish tint that was apparently lying on the ground staring at him. It h 9/16/1996 #43025 red consciousness he found himself lying flat on his back in the middle of 9/16/1996 #43026 A man was lying in his bed in Cowen, Webster Count 9/26/1996 #43043 cause she was falling asleep while lying down watching television. At ten o 9/11/1997 #43405 cause she was falling asleep while lying down watching television. At ten o 9/12/1997 #43407 d. After a few moments she came to lying on the floor of the kitchen. She l 10/19/1997 #43433 inside a round, whitish-blue room, lying down on some kind of table. A figu 4/13/1998 #43550 ylight window. She next remembered lying down on a table and a figure was a 5/17/2000 #43996 ecalled seeing a black skinned man lying about 4 cots away. In the backgrou 5/2/2001 #44174 ld not speak. At one point she was lying on her stomach and something was b 1/27/2003 #44481 acefully” by. The witness remained lying still and as quiet as he could, as 9/16/2007 #45059 th hiding information from her and lying to her about what their inquiry ha 12/3/2019 #45621## Word: "lyle" (Back to Top)
onald H. Menzel and science writer Lyle G. Boyd publish The World of Flying 1963 #17621 LYLE, MN Multicolor object going down [t 6/4/1963 #17775 Lyle, Minnesota A multicolored object, t 6/4/1963 #17776 to have landed in the vicinity of Lyle. Police searched an area over 3 km 6/4/1963 #17776 to have landed in the vicinity of Lyle, Minnesota at 3:10 a.m. The multico 6/4/1963 #17777 Peabody, KS Pre-dawn. Stewart and Lyle Leppke, doing their early morning f 1/22/1971 #25994 Two boys, Stewart and Lyle Leppke of Peabody, Kansas were doin 1/22/1971 #25996 ewan Carson's farmhouse 11:30 p.m. Lyle Carson is in his farmhouse 2.5 mile 5/12/1975 #30052## Word: "lyman" (Back to Top)
y disappearing into a cloud. Capt. Lyman Jackman at first thinks it is a ba 8/9/1909 #802 committee consists of NBS Director Lyman James Briggs, Army Lt. Col. Keith 10/21/1939 #1318 or Navy personnel in the sections. Lyman James Briggs remains the chairman, 6/28/1941 #1367 is appointed as its chairman, and Lyman James Briggs, Karl Taylor Compton, 6/19/1942 #1417 ng. Yale University astrophysicist Lyman Spitzer is speaking on WTIC radio 6/22/1947 #2366 ilroad, a ham radio operator named Lyman Streeter, and asks for his help in 8/2/1952 #7424 Winslow, Arizona Prescott Evening. Lyman Streeter sees unusual lights near 8/22/1952 #7683 his ham radio. Not long afterward, Lyman, his wife, and Alfred C. Bailey he 8/22/1952 #7683 Winslow, Arizona Lyman Streeter and five other witnesses 12/21/1952 #8438 dbury, Ontario, CAN 6:30 a.m. EST. Lyman Paquette, his wife, plus his broth 11/15/1975 #30622 EGION. From Falconbridge. At 1130, Lyman Paqutte, married student, residenc 11/15/1975 #30624## Word: "lyme" (Back to Top)
LYME REGIS, DORSET 2 observer(s). Fireba 6/24/1954 #9937 LYME BAY, DORSET 4 observer(s). Triangul 10/24/1973 #28261## Word: "lympe" (Back to Top)
ne end hovered low over a field in Lympe, England near the town of Hythe at 3/8/1997 #43223## Word: "lymphatic" (Back to Top)
ot have keratin granules and their lymphatic system had taken the place of 1959 #15516## Word: "lymphoma" (Back to Top)
umps is diagnosed as non-malignant lymphoma, but a BAASS-contracted physici 5/8/2009 #45220 nd back diagnosed as non-malignant lymphoma. The same day the DHS personnel 5/8/2009 #45221## Word: "lympne" (Back to Top)
Burmarsh, Kent, England Dymchurch Lympne 3:00 a.m. Folkestone Herald journ 3/8/1997 #43222 e Home Secretary Michael Howard in Lympne is one epicenter. 3/8/1997 #43222## Word: "lympstone" (Back to Top)
Exmouth, Devon, England Lympstone Budleigh Salterton Plymouth, D 8/4/1987 #38228 pears on the horizon. Observers in Lympstone and Budleigh Salterton also se 8/4/1987 #38228## Word: "lyn" (Back to Top)
id Morehouse, Col. John Alexander, Lyn Buchanan, Paul H. Smith, Mel Riley, 3/9/1992 #40368 h Charlene Shufelt, Paul H. Smith, Lyn Buchanan, Bill Ray, Atwater and McNe 6/30/1995 #42284 Lyn and Jean, two women from Kennoway, F 9/23/1996 #43039## Word: "lyncee" (Back to Top)
confirmed. Country: France Name: “Lyncee” Yield: 20KT 7/8/1981 #35989## Word: "lynch" (Back to Top)
2629 Lynch Street, Corpus Christi, Texas 2:10 7/28/1959 #15884 ky above his parents’ home at 2629 Lynch Street, Corpus Christi, Texas. A f 7/28/1959 #15884 several witnesses in a vehicle in Lynch Mountain, Kentucky watched a tall 6/9/1998 #43585## Word: "lynchberg" (Back to Top)
Lynchberg, VA Grey Black Rectangle Encou 4/14/1958 #14984## Word: "lynchburg" (Back to Top)
LYNCHBURG, VA 1M saucer hovers / college 7/6/1951 #5560 A UFO zigzagged over Lynchburg, Virginia at 8:25 a.m. 7/6/1951 #5561 LYNCHBURG, VA C47 pilot. Large dark-grey 4/14/1958 #14981 Lynchburg, Virginia Witness: USAF Maj. 4/14/1958 #14985 LYNCHBURG, VA 1 observer. Glowing-cylind 8/26/1958 #15225 LYNCHBURG, VA 2 dark silent saucers goin 1/23/1964 #18114 Lynchburg, VA Light Stops & Starts (NICA 1/5/1965 #18697 LYNCHBURG, OH Saucer stops over car. Ele 11/12/1973 #28412 LYNCHBURG, OH Night light pulses color(s 9/26/1974 #29480 At ten p.m. on a farm in Lynchburg, Ohio two men watched a hoveri 9/26/1974 #29484## Word: "lynches" (Back to Top)
LYON, FRANCE Mob Lynches 3 figures from 'cloudship'. They 1/840? #3## Word: "lynchford" (Back to Top)
LYNCHFORD SIDING, TASM Whirr! 20M / flat 5/25/1971 #26132 Lynchford, Tasmania 2:00 a.m. Mr. C. Arc 5/25/1971 #26136 Archer is woken up in his home at Lynchford, Tasmania, by his dogs barking 5/25/1971 #26136## Word: "lynching" (Back to Top)
bard intervenes and prevents their lynching, persuading the crowd that the 812 #2## Word: "lynde" (Back to Top)
O and jointly commanded by Admiral Lynde D. McCormick and Gen. Matthew B. R 9/14/1952 #7939## Word: "lynden" (Back to Top)
Lynden, WA Border Patrol officer saw bri 1/12/1965 #18716 Lynden, Washington Blaine Air Force Stat 1/12/1965 #18717 co, and Firearms?] is driving near Lynden, Washington, when he sees a low-f 1/12/1965 #18717 by a bright round flying object in Lynden, Washington not far from the Cana 1/12/1965 #18721## Word: "lyndhurst" (Back to Top)
Mount Lyndhurst Station, South Australia Mid-a Summer 1914 #902 oon. For about 60 minutes at Mount Lyndhurst Station, South Australia, an u Summer 1914 #902 At 8:22 a.m. in Lyndhurst, Ohio a silvery metallic, wing 2/11/2004 #44662## Word: "lyndia" (Back to Top)
emetery Beaudoin's house 2:45 a.m. Lyndia Morel, a masseuse in Manchester, 11/2/1973 #28352## Word: "lyndoch-gawler" (Back to Top)
Lyndoch-Gawler Road near Sandy Creek, So 6/28/1963 #17814 30 p.m. A man is driving along the Lyndoch-Gawler Road near Sandy Creek, So 6/28/1963 #17814## Word: "lyndon" (Back to Top)
Rep. Lyndon B. Johnson (D-Tex.) requests info 7/8/1947 #3017 s of Secrecy on UFOs” report, Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson (D-Tex.) states that h 7/6/1960 #16332 President Lyndon B. Johnson in office 11/22/1963 #18056 Nevada California President Lyndon B. Johnson holds a press conferen 2/29/1964 #18140 t, is signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson. 7/4/1966 #20630 the White House to give President Lyndon Johnson the answers to the questi 5/10/1967 #22310 an and Kelly Johnson for President Lyndon B Johnson states there is no doub 1968 #23634 rd of Directors write to President Lyndon Johnson, enclosing the Low memo a 4/30/1968 #23932## Word: "lyne" (Back to Top)
LYNE SANDS, ENGL 1 / beach. Domed saucer 7/25/1977 (approximate) #32312## Word: "lynn" (Back to Top)
King's Lynn, UK 9:45 PM. A cigar-shaped object 5/13/1909 #739 ted the terrain brightly in King's Lynn. Looking up, he saw the airship-lik 5/13/1909 #739 King's Lynn, Norfolk, England 9:45 p.m. Fred Ha 5/13/1909 #741 9:45 p.m. Fred Harrison of King’s Lynn, Norfolk, England, sees a “long, da 5/13/1909 #741 , dark airship, flying over King's Lynn, Norfolk, England at 9:45 p.m. Two 5/13/1909 #742 ing southwest. 2 cigars / 500mph / Lynn, Ma. / r242p84. 7/1/1952 #6681 Boston, Massachusetts Lynn, Massachusetts Hanscom Field, Bedfo 7/1/1952 #6689 d. Erwin W. Nelson and his wife at Lynn, Massachusetts, notice two vapor tr 7/1/1952 #6689 Lynn, Massachusetts - At about 7:25 in t 7/1/1952 #6691 At 7:30 a.m. a man and his wife in Lynn noticed the two vapor trails from t 7/1/1952 #6691 LYNN, MASS 1 observer. 11 saucers spin r 8/26/1956 (approximate) #13129 eveport (Louisiana) Airport, Capt. Lynn Kern and Flight Officer Abbey Zimme 6/3/1957 #13698 mmie, his mother, and his daughter Lynn are driving along the northern shor 6/1964 #18314 LYNN, MA Roar! Domed saucer 4M over cour 6/15/1964 #18360 a 20-year-old man name Angelos in Lynn, Massachusetts. It gave off a vapor 6/15/1964 #18364 LYNN, MA Whine! 20' domed saucer below t 8/25/1964 #18508 Lynn, Massachusetts Richard Pratt, 17, h 8/25/1964 #18509 An hour later in Lynn, Massachusetts another witness, 17- 8/25/1964 #18511 LYNN AND NAHANT, MASS Several reports / 6/5/1965 (approximate) #18992 Lynn/Nahant, MA UFOs over GE facility (N 6/5/1965 #18993 A year later in Lynn, Massachusetts there were several r 6/5/1965 #18994 LYNN, MASS 2 observer(s). Slow white glo 8/13/1965 #19376 e noiselessly over their bakery in Lynn, Massachusetts. The UFO then descen 8/13/1965 #19385 toughton, Wisconsin Witness: Miss Lynn Marsh. One light with faded edges s 2/16/1967 #21571 0 p.m. Robert Ballard and his wife Lynn are visiting his parents near Vermi 1/20/1968 #23683 n and go inside, but as Robert and Lynn are leaving, the object gives off a 1/20/1968 #23683 s sighted hovering in the sky over Lynn, Massachusetts at 7:45 a.m. It was 7/21/1970 #25743 At about 7:20 p.m., William Gordon Lynn, an Australian civilian and US Navy 10/25/1973 #28284 protrusion on the top. Deputy Herb Lynn stops his pickup truck a few miles 2/17/1975 #29820 CLIMAX SPRS AND LYNN, MO Several separate observer(s). 3 12/12/1987 #38355 KINGS LYNN, NORFOLK Car Rdo(off)crackles. 80' 3/10/1992 #40370 KINGS LYNN, NORFOLK Many observer(s). Night li 8/12/1993 #41132 KINGS LYNN, NORFOLK UFO's back again. R-G-west 10/18/1993 #41243 eputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn III that AATIP has made “much progr 6/24/2009 #45227 eputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn III, Under Secretary of Defense for 11/2009 #45252 n Cheeks Kilpatrick, Merrill Cook, Lynn Woolsey, Darlene Hooley, Roscoe Bar 4/29/2013 #45366## Word: "lynnwood" (Back to Top)
LYNNWOOD, WA 1 observer. 5 very luminous 8/4/1995 #42356## Word: "lynsey" (Back to Top)
d 4:00 p.m. Two 14-year-old girls, Lynsey Tebbs and Susan Pearson, are tobo 2/22/1979 #34444## Word: "lynview" (Back to Top)
EAST / LYNVIEW, KY 2 cops / helicopter and 1 / 3/4/1993 #40877## Word: "lyon" (Back to Top)
Lyon, France Magonia Mahón, the port of 812 #2 , Spain Agobard, the archbishop of Lyon, France, writes De Grandine et Toni 812 #2 LYON, FRANCE Mob Lynches 3 figures from 1/840? #3 cret Memo, to Mr. Morgan, from Mr. Lyon stating: 800 UFO reports have been 9/4/1946 #2169 rg, and petroleum engineer William Lyon Ducker Jr.) are sitting in a backya 8/25/1951 #5625 ST. FOY LES LYON, FR 70M saucer. Dome. Pipe and rope 6/12/1952 #6480 LYON, FR Doctor and 15. Fleet / large di 9/29/1954 (approximate) #10493 LYON, RHONE, FR Red saucer surrounded / 10/8/1954 #10806 it zipped away in the direction of Lyon. After the incident the witness had 10/18/1954 #11224 AREA / LYON, FR Several separate observer(s). F 12/1/1990 #39916 LYON, FR 1 observer. Odd LRD silent meta 9/2/1992 #40602 SATOLAS AIRPORT/APARTMENT, EAST / LYON, FR Air Traffic Controllers and mor 3/31/1993 #40910## Word: "lyons" (Back to Top)
Lyons, Nebraska Bancroft 9:30 p.m. An ob 4/18/1897 #528 on both ends is seen southeast of Lyons, Nebraska, traveling to the northw 4/18/1897 #528 llinois Witness: USAF Capt. W..M. Lyons, Intelligence Division Chief (Aeri 11/1/1956 #13303 Pocock, scope operator A2C Walter Lyons, and control technician A1C Armand 7/16/1957 #13801## Word: "lyra" (Back to Top)
tail is seen in the constellation Lyra by Reginald Brabazon, 12th Earl of 9/26/1870 #187 n passing across the constellation Lyra. The central portion is white and g 9/14/1964 #18552 e planet Erra in the constellation Lyra (although they have since emigrated 1/28/1975 #29772## Word: "lyrid" (Back to Top)
Lyrid meteor shower (mean date). 4/21/1966 #20351 Lyrid meteor shower (mean date). 4/21/1967 #22189 Lyrid meteor shower (mean date). 4/21/1980 #35284 Lyrid meteor shower (mean date). 4/21/1981 #35912 Lyrid meteor shower (mean date). 4/21/1989 #38918 Lyrid meteor shower (mean date). 4/21/1991 #40045## Word: "lysias" (Back to Top)
Palmas–Brigadeiro Lysias Rodrigues Airport Palmas Brasilia 6/5/2003 #44554 7 takes off from Palmas–Brigadeiro Lysias Rodrigues Airport in Palmas, Braz 6/5/2003 #44554## Word: "lytchett" (Back to Top)
LYTCHETT MINSTER, DORSET Many observer(s 10/1967 #23152## Word: "lytham" (Back to Top)
ackpool, England. At 10:00 p.m. in Lytham St James, a 9-year-old girl watch 3/4/1977 #31859## Word: "lythan-st" (Back to Top)
LYTHAN-ST. ANNES, LANCS Girl / 9. Delta/ 3/4/1977 #31856## Word: "lythrodhonda" (Back to Top)
LYTHRODHONDA, CYPRUS Villagers. 2 wine c 11/10/1957 #14513## Word: "lytkiny" (Back to Top)
elye Krinitsy, Russia 3:00 p.m.Mr. Lytkiny and his wife were on vacation re 8/9/1967 #22851## Word: "lytle" (Back to Top)
avis, California Los Angeles Harry Lytle watches an airship as it flies tow 12/1/1896 #373 oswell Weapons engineer Chester W. Lytle Sr., deputy director of operations Mid 2/1953 #8676 ad indeed been recovered. He tells Lytle that four dead humanoid beings had Mid 2/1953 #8676 Chester Lytle, a contractor who assisted with th 1/1/2008 #45110 B-29 in the 1950s at Kirtland AFB. Lytle also states he was good friends wi 1/1/2008 #45110## Word: "lyuhec4rakm" (Back to Top)
vity has a say.” https://youtu.be/LYUHEC4RAkM?t=2297 6/10/2021 #45693## Word: "lyustiberg" (Back to Top)
Novosti Science Commentator Villen Lyustiberg writes “Flying Saucers? They’ 2/16/1968 #23761## Word: "lz" (Back to Top)
is caused by the intrusion of the LZ 13 Hansa Zeppelin over British airspa 10/14/1912 #864## Word: "längelmävesi" (Back to Top)
lake Längelmävesi, Finland 5:00 a.m. Ilona Jo 8/1945 #1911 nen, staying in a sauna along lake Längelmävesi, Finland, wakes up and sees 8/1945 #1911## Word: "länsjön" (Back to Top)
Stigsjö, Sweden Lake Länsjön Eight people see a UFO over Stig 1/18/1959? #15555 es slowly from the south over Lake Länsjön at a height of 900 feet. It is s 1/18/1959? #15555## Word: "lågen" (Back to Top)
river Lågen Gudbrandsdalslågen Norway Shortly 10/2/1952? #8085 th a violent splash into the river Lågen [Gudbrandsdalslågen?] in Norway. W 10/2/1952? #8085## Word: "léon" (Back to Top)
man Rocha and Police Maj. Niceforo Léon observe a round object with a vivid 6/15/1968 #24040## Word: "léopold" (Back to Top)
of the local Gendarmerie and Capt. Léopold Legros of the Civil Protection S 7/31/1968 #24271## Word: "líneas" (Back to Top)
on between the control tower and a Líneas Aéreas Paraguayas airliner, with 6/8/1991 #40092## Word: "lópez" (Back to Top)
tonio, Ricardo, and Victor Domingo López discover a burned area of grass in 1/1963 #17624 ate, Emilio Riva Palacio; Valentín López González, the mayor of Cuernavaca; 9/23/1965 #19591## Word: "löfven" (Back to Top)
ters Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven announces that there is “clear ev 11/14/2014 #45424## Word: "löugren" (Back to Top)
Luleå, Sweden Day. Mauritz Löugren and a friend see a triangular-sh 11/5/1965? #19701## Word: "lövendal-papae" (Back to Top)
vision building 8:15 p.m. Lydia B. Lövendal-Papae and her husband are walki 9/11/1987 #38281## Word: "lövåsen" (Back to Top)
Lövåsen, Vilhelmina, Sweden 1:25 a.m. Le 3/5/1967 #21763 re returning home to their farm in Lövåsen, Vilhelmina, Sweden, when they n 3/5/1967 #21763## Word: "lúcia" (Back to Top)
e Cova da Iria in Fátima, Portugal—Lúcia dos Santos and her cousins Francis 5/13/1917 #958 ill be “taken to heaven” soon, but Lúcia will live longer to spread the mes 6/13/1917 #959 ehind the cloud, the crowd can see Lúcia talking to the invisible lady. 9/13/1917 #965## Word: "lúcio" (Back to Top)
s Varginha, Brazil 8:00 p.m. Hildo Lúcio Gardino, 20, is traveling from Trè 5/17/1996 #42904## Word: "lübeck" (Back to Top)
Baltic Sea Lübeck, Germany Riga, Latvia Murmansk ar 10/1985 #37670 35 is in the Baltic Sea bound from Lübeck, Germany, to Riga, Latvia, when t 10/1985 #37670## Word: "lüda" (Back to Top)
Lüda (now Dalian), Liaoning, China Four Early 1968 #23635 stationed at the naval garrison at Lüda [now Dalian], Liaoning, China, see Early 1968 #23635## Word: "lüdenscheid" (Back to Top)
Lüdenscheid, North Rhine–Westphalia, Ger 1/1980 #35119 ue of Journal für UFO-Forschung in Lüdenscheid, North Rhine–Westphalia, Ger 1/1980 #35119